F 75_PDP 7user Hbk_Jun65 75 PDP Hbk Jun65
F-75_PDP-7userHbk_Jun65 F-75_PDP-7userHbk_Jun65
User Manual: F-75_PDP-7userHbk_Jun65
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F-75 USER'S HAND'BOOK DIGITAL. E'QUfPMENT CO,RPORATfoN • MAYN°ARDj MASSACHUSE'tTS F-75 PROGRAMMED DATA PROCESSOR-7 USERS- HANDBOOK DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION • MAYNARD, MASSACHUSE!TS Copyright 1965 by Digital Equipment Corporation PREFACE This handbook concerns programming and operating the Programmed Data Processor-7, a high speed, stored program, digital computer manufactured by the Digital Equ.ipment Corporation. Section 1 presents a summary of the standard computer system and the available options, as well as information on the notation used throughout the handbook. Section 2 presents a brief block-diagram discussion of the standard computer system and its maior logic elements. Sections 3 and 4 are devoted to explaining the structure and organization of the instructions, and providing information on the basic use of the equipment by features. Sections 5 throughout 12 describe the standard peripheral equipment and the optional equipment in functional groups. Section 13 serves as a resu~e of the basic software provided with the hard·, ware system. Section 14 summarizes the operating procedures used with the software and in manual operation of the computer. Appendixes at the end of this handbook provide tables of reference data and detailed information which may be helpful in specific programming assignments. Altho~gh program examples are given in this document I no attempt has been made to teach programming techniques. The meaning and use of special characters employed in the programmin'g examples are explained in the description of the PDP-7 Symbolic.Assembler program, available from the Digital Program library •. iii CONTENTS Section SYSTEM INTRODUCTION • . . ... . ..... .. . .. . . . ... .. . .... .. .. ... ................................... ..................... . 4 Core Memory , ••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 In"terface ••.••••.•••••••.•••..•••.•••.•.•••.•.•.••.•• 5 ..................................... 6 ................................. 6 Core Memory Options •..•.••..••..••.............••..• 7 Input/Output Options ,•••...•....•....•.............•.• 8 Computer Organization Processor •••••••• Input/Output Processor Options 12 Programming System 'FORTRAN Compi ler 12 Sym bo lie Assem bier 13 Digital Debugging Tape (DDT) 13 Symbolic Tape Editor, •..•••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• 13 Bus-Pak II •......................•................ 13 14 Symbols •••••••• 2 4 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION .................................. 15 15 Processor •••••••••••• Accumulator (AC) 15 Link (L) •..•...•...... 16 Memory Address Register (MA) ••....•........••........• 16 Program Counter (PC) •••.••..•....•....•.....•...••.•• 16 Memory Buffer Register (MB) ••..•...•••••.•..•...•....• 16 Instruction Register (lR) •..•••..•••.••••• 16 Maior State Generator ••.••••••••••••••• 17 Detailed Processor Block Diagram Discussion 18 ............................................. ........................ . Interface ••••••••••.••••.•••• Core M'emory v 20 21 CON TEN T S (continued) Section Device Selector (OS) ........................................ 23 Information Distributor (I D) • • • . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . • . . .. • 25 Information Collector (lC) •..•........ ,•••...••..•,. . . . • .. 25 Input/~Output .. • • .. • • .. • .. • • • .. • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . • • .. 26 .............................................. 27 Memory Reference Instructions .................... -. • • • • • • • . • • • • . .. • • 27 Augmented Instructions .... '. .. • • .. .. .. .. .. • • • .. .. .. .. • . • .. . .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. • . • • 31 Input/Output Transfer Instructions ............................... 31 Operate Instructions ................................................ 32 BASIC MACHINE LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING ................... . 39 Memory Addressing .......................................... 39 Indirect Addressing ...... ,. ....•....•..•.....• .-. . . • . . . . • • 39 Auto-Indexing ................................ ,. • • . . . • • 40 Arithmetic Operations •....•.., . . . . . . • • . • . • . . . .. • • • • • . • . . • • . .. 42 Complement Arithmetic .................. '. • . • •• . . ... .... ••• 42 Addition ••..••.•.••..•....••••••..•.••..•..•.••.•.•• 43 Subtraction ......................................................... 44 Multiplication and Division .................................... ~... 44 Input/Output Fundamentals ••.••• ;............................... 44 Program Flags ..............' •• ~............................ 44 Input/Output Status ••.•••..•. . . . • • . . . • • • • . . • • . . . . . . . .. • 45 Input/Output Skip Facil ity (I/OS) • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. • 45 Input/Output Trap. . . . . . . • . . . . . . .• • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • •• 46 Program Interrupt Control (PI<;:) .......................... 47 Real Time Clock ......... . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . • • . . • • . • • . • . . . • • • 49 Data Break Channel............................................... 50 2 (continued) 3 4 I NSTRUCTI ONS vi CON TEN T S (continued) Section 5 PROCESSOR OPTIONS •...••••..••........•.••.•. Extended Arithmetic Element Type 177 •.•••• EAE Microprogramming •..••• 0 0 ... 0 .0 EAE Programm i ng Exampl es • ~ ...••..• Automatic Priority Interrupt Type 172 0 • • • • 0 0 •••••••••••• ••••••• 0 ••••••• ••••• 0 0 •• 0 ••••• 0. • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 61 64 The Single Instruction Subroutine Iv\ode 66 0 •••• 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 ••• 0 • 67 68 o. 71 Memory Extension Control Type 148 ••.••.•....•. ~ ....••.... '. 71 Core Memory Iv\odules Type 147 and 149 •...••....... 73 CORE MEMORY OPTIONS •....•.....•.•. 0 ••••••• STANDARD INPUT/OUTPUT EQUIPMENT •....•.... Teletype Model 33 KSR and Control Type 649 ...• Keyboard ••••••••..• 0 ••••••• 0 0 •••• 0 0 0 0 •••••••• 0 0.0.00 0 •••••• Teleprinter •••..•••....••••........•• • •• 0 ... • • • • • • •' •••••• 0 0 0 •• 0 • •' •••••••• 0 • • 75 75 75 76 0 • ••••• 0 • 0 0 0 o. • 0 ••••••• 0 • 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 it • • • • • 80 Card Reader and Control Type CR01 B .••..••••.•.....•••..••• 80 Perforated Tape Reader and Control Type 444B Perforated Tape Punch Type 75 D ••. 8 58 65 Data Interrupt Mu Itiplexer Control Type 173 •.......•.•..••. 7 52 The Multi-Instruction Subroutine Mode Priori ty Interrupt Instructi ons •.••••.••••. 6 0 52 0 ••• 0 ••• 0 0 •••• 0 • • • CARD EQUIPMENT AND LINE PRINTER OPTIONS ••••••.•• Card Reader Operation . 0 0 •••• , Card Reader and Control Type 421 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••.....•••....• • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • 76 78 80 82 Card Reader Operation .••.•••..••..••••.•.•.•.••..•••• 82 Prog ramm i n9 .......................................... 85 Card Punch Cont'rol Type 40 .••.•••••••..••••.•.•.••.•.••.•• 87 - Automatic Line Printer Type 647 ••.•.•••••••••.••.•••••.•••• vii 88 CON TEN T S (continued) Section 8 (continued) 9 10 11 Interface .................................•......•... 88 Printing ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Vertical Format Control .........•...••................. 88 Operating Controls and Indicators •.••.•...•...•........ 89 Programm i ng •............•.......•.......•••...•..... 90 MAGNETIC TAPE AND DRUM OPTIONS .........•....•......... 92 DECtape 550/555 System ...•............•....•••.......... 92 DECtape Dual Transport Type 555 ..•.....••...••.......• 92 DE Ctape Contro I Type 550 ••.......•......•..•.•.•... . • 94 DECtape Programming ................ ~ . • • • • . • • . . . . • . . . • 94 Automatic Magnetic Tape Control Type 57 A • . . • • • . • • • • . . • . • . • 97 Magnetic Tape Transport Type 570 101 Magnetic Tape Transport Type 545 ....•.•••..•..•.•.. ••. . • . . • 101 Specifications .•..••...••..•.•....••.••..•...•..•.•••• 102 Magnetic Tape Transport Type 50 •••••••••.•.•..••••.••.••.• 102 Serial Drum Type 24 ..•..•••...•••.•••..••.•.••••.....•.•. 102 PLOTTER AND DISPLAY OPTiONS............................. 106 Incremental Plotter ,and Control Type 350 .••.•••.••••...•.... 106 Oscilloscope Display Type 34A .••••.•••••••.•.••••..•.. ..•• 107 Precision CRT Display Type 30D ...•••••••....•••.••.......• 107 Symbol Generator Type 33 •...••..•.•.••..•••..•••.. . • . . . . • 109 Precisio!1 Incremental Display Type 340 ..••.........•.......• 110 Incremental Display Options ••......................... 112 Photomultiplier Light pen Type 370 ......................•.• 113 ANALOG/DI GIT AL CONVERSION OPTIONS ..•....•..........• 114 , General Purpose Analog-to-Digital Converter Type 138E ••....• 114 vii i CON TEN T S (continued) Section 11 (continued) Converter Specifications ....•...••.•..•....•....•.•.. ~. 115 High Speed Analog-to-Digital Converter Type 142 •...•..••...• 115 Mu Itiplexer Control Type 139E ............................... 117 117 Multiplexer Specifications 12 119 DATA AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT OPTIONS Data Control Type 174 .•••••.•••.••.••••.••••.••.••.•.•• ". 119 Data Communication System Type 630 ••.••••.••.••••.•.••. ~ . 121 Eight-Channel DCS •..••.•••...•..•••..•.•......••.. <. • 122 Relay Buffer Type 140 •.••.•••..•••••••..•••.••...••.•.•• '. . 123 Inter Processor Bu ffer Type 195 •••••••.•••••••.••••.•••.••... 123 Programming ••.••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••• 13 $ ••••• '• • 125 PROGRAMMI NG SYSTEM ................................... '. • 127 Symbolic Asse-mbler ••....••••.••••........•........••.••.• 127 Source Lang.uage ••..•....•....•••..•. ~ . . . . . . • • . . . • . . .. 128 14 Source Language Tapes ••••.......•...•.........••..•.• 131 Digital Debugging Tape (DDT) •••...•••.•.•..•....... . . . . . • . 131 Symbolic Tape Editor. • . . . • . . . . • • . • • . . . • . .. . . . . . . • • . . . . . . • • 133 Operating Modes ...••.....•....•...................•• 133 FORTRAN II 135 BUS-PAK II 136 141 OPERATING PROCEDURES Controls and Indicators •.......••..•••....••....•.......•..• 141 Manual Data Storage and Modification 147 ......•.........•.. c. • Storing the RIM Loader • • . . • • . • . . • . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 147 Loading Data Under Program Control •.......••.•.•..•• ". 149 Checking and Modifying ix a Stored Program ..•••..•..... ". 149 CON TEN T S (continued) Section Page 14 (continued) FORTRAN Operating Procedures ......•••.•.•...•....•....... 149 Procedure for Using FORTRAN With a PDP-7 Paper Tape System .........••••.••..•••••..•...•..•.... 150 Diagnostics ." 153 0." 0 •• 0 " ••• 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • FORTRAN Assembler Error Messages ...••..••••..• ;....... 156 Dat':! Organization .•..•••..•..•••.••••.•••••••..••••..•• 158 The FORTRAN Assembly System .....•.•.•..••••..•.•.••.. 158 Operating the PDP-7 Assembl er (Basic or Extended) .....•..•...• 159 Operating Instructions ...•....•.•••..••.••.•.,. • • • . • . . . . . 159 Loading a Symbol Punch •....•..••...•••.••.••.••.••••.. 160 Ha Its Duri ng Assembl y •..•••.•..••..••••••••••.•••••••... 162 Error Messages .........•.•...•••••..••.•••.•••.•.••••• 163 Summary of Symbol ic Tape Editor Operations ••••...••.•.••.•.. 165 Special Key Functions. . . • . . • • . • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 166 Digital Debugging Tape (DDT) .•......•....•...•.•.••.•.•.••. 167 PDP-7 PROGRAM LIBRARY .......•••.•••••••. ,.. •. . • •• ••• . . • • • • . • 171 2 COD E5 .................•.........••.•.•.•. '. . • . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . 173 3 SCALES OF N OTATI ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • . • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • . . . . . • . 179 4 INSTRUCTION SUMMARY. . . . . . . . . . • • • . • • . . • • • • • • . • • • • . • . • . . . ... 188 Appendix illUSTRATIONS Figure 1 A Bas_ic PDP-7 ......................................... .; . . . . . . . xiv 2 Basic PDP-7 Component locations ..•..••.•.••••••..•..•.•.•••••.• 2 3 Basic PDP-7 Installation Dimensions ...•.••.•.••••.••.•••••.•.•.•• 3 4 Computer System Block Diagram. . . . . . • • . . • • • • • • • . • • • • . • . • • • • . . • . • 4 5 Ma ior Register Block Diagram of the Processor. . . • • • . • . . . • • • • • • • . • . . 15 6 Detailed Block Diagram of the Processor. . • • • . . • • • • • • • • • . . • • . • • • • . • . 18 x ILL US T RAT ION S (continued) Page £igure . 7 Core Memory Block Diagram •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 21 8 Interface Block Diagram ••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••• 22 9 Input/Output Transfer Timing Diagram ••••••••••••••••••.••••••••• 22 10 Device Selector Logic Diagram •••.••••-••••••••••••••••••••.••••• 24 11 Input/Output Information Flow •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 26 12 Memory Reference Instruction Bit Assi gnments •••••••••••.••••••••• 27 13 I/OT Instruction Bit Assignments .••••.••••••••••••.••••••••••.•.• 32 14 Group 1 Operate Instruction Bit Assignments •••••••••••••.••.•••••. 33 15 Group 2 (LAW) Operate Instruction Bit Assignments ••••••••••••••••• 37 16 I/ORS Instruction Status Bit Assignments ••.•••••••••••.••••••••••. 45 17 Information Stored in Address 000000 During a Program Interrupt ••-•••• 48 18 EAE Instruction Bit -Assignment ••••••••••• '.' •••••••••••••••••••••• 52 19 EAE Setup Instruction Bit Assignments •.•••••••••••••.••••.•.•••••. 56 20 EAE Multiply Instruction Bit Assignments ••••••••••••••••.••••••••. 56 21 EAE Divide Instruction Bit Assignments ••••••••••••••••••••••••..•• 57 22 EAE Normal ize Instruction Bit Assignments •••••••••••••••••••••••. 57 23 EAE Shift Instruction Bit Assignments ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 57 24 EAE Exampl e 1, Probl em ............................... ~ •••••••• 61 25 EAE Example 1, Approach 61 26 EAE Example 2, Approach 62 27 EAE Example 3, Approach Algorithm 28 Data Interrupt Multiplexer Type 173 70 29 Tape Format and Reader Buffer Register Bit Assignments in Alphanumeric Mode ••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 77 Tape Format and Reader Buffer Register Bit Assignments in Binary Mode .................................................. 77 31 Type 421 Card Reader Console. . • • . • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... • • • • • • • 83 32 Card Reader Control Panel ••...•••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 83 33 DECtape Format •. '............................................. 93 34 Serial Drum Block Diagram and Interface Connections. • . • • • . • • • • • • • • 103 30 xi ............................. 63 ILL U S T RAT ION S (continued) Figure 35 Type 142 A-to- D Converter, Block Diagram ....••••.•.•••••.••• 36 Operator Consol e ••••••••.•• 37 Indicator Panel .•••••.••••••••••••••••• 38 Assembler Flow Diagram •..•••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••• 0 • 0 0 • 0 ••• 0 0 0 •••••• 0 • 0 ••••• 0 • 0 • • • • • 116 141 000"0.00............... 0 •••••••• 0 ••• 0. • • • 145 161 TABLES Table 1 Memory Reference Instructions ..•••••••••••••••.•••• 2 Operate Instructions •.•••.•.• 3 Auto-Index Registers in each Memory Field ••.••...•...•..•.•••.•• 40 4 EAE Bit Assi gnments and Operations ••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• 53 5 EAE Instruction List ••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 Priority Interrupt Instructions ••..•.••••••• 7 Tape Reader Instructions ••.•••••..••.•• 8 Tape Punch" Instructions .•••••••• 9 Card Reader CR01 B Controls and Indicators •••••••• 0 ••••••• 0 • 0 o. 0 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 0 ••••••••••••• 0 .00 0 • •••••••••••• • • • • ••••••••••• o ••••••••••••• 0 0 • • • 0 • 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 28 33 59 67 78 79 80 10 Card Reader CR01 B Instructions.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 81 11 Card Reader' 421 Controls and Indicators •• 84 12 Card Reader 421 Instructions • 13 Card Punc h Instruc t ions .•. 14 Line Printer Control s and Indicators • 15 Automat,ic Line Printer Instructions 16 DECtape Instructions •• 17 Transports and Interfaces used with Tape Control 57A ••••••••.••• 0 •• •••• 0 0 ••• 0 0 0 ••••• 0 • 0 • '0 •••••••••••• 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 •• 0 0 0 • • •••••••••••• 0 •••••• ••• 0 0 0 0 •• 0 0 0 •••• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.00 •• 0 ••••• 0.0 • 0 0 • 0 •••• • 0 • • 0 •• • 0 0000 •••• 000 86 87 89 9'1 0 95 o. 97 18 Automatic Magnetic Tape Control Basic Instructions .•••.••••••••••• 99 19 Automatic Magnetic Tape Control Flag Instructions •••••••.•••••••• 100 20 Serial Drum Instructions ••.• 21 Incremental Plotter and Control Instructions .•• 0 0 • 0 ••••• 0 0 ••••• xii 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 •••••••• 0 • 0 ••• 0' 0 •• 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 ••••• 0 0 •••••••••• 0 0 • 0 0 00. • • • • • 0 • • • • • 0 0 104 106 TAB L E S (continued) Table --- Page 22 Osc ill oscope and Prec ision Display Instruct ions ••.•.•..•••.•.•...•• 108 23 Symbol Generator Instruct ions .................. 109 24 Precision Incremental Display Instructions • ~ • • • • • . • • • . • • • • . • . • •• • . • 111 25 General Purpose A-to-D Converter Characteristics ••••••.•.•••.•••• 114 26 Data Control instructions .•••...•.••••••.•.••••.•••••.•.••.•.••• 120 27 Inter Processor Buffer Instructions ••.•••.•••.••••••..•.•..•....•.• 124 28 Operator Console Controls and Indicators....................... .• 142 29 Indicator Panel Functions....................................... 146 30 R1M Loader (8K) •.••••••.•••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••.•. , 148 31 FOR TRA N Di a g nost ic Error Pri ntou ts • • . • • • • • • . . • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • . • • 153 32 Definition of a Physical Record for I/O Devices •••••••••..•.••••.• 158 33 Accumulator Switch Settings.................................... 165 34 Editor Command Summary ...........•. 166 35 Summary of DDT Commands 0 10 • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••• • • • eo. • 0 • • • • • • • • • • 167 xiii Figure 1 A Basic PDP-7 xiv SECTION 1 SYSTEM INTRODUCTION The Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) Programmed Datp Processor-7 (PDP-7) is a general purpose, solid-state, digital computer designed for high speed data handling in the scientific laboratory, the computing center, or the real time process control system. PDP-7 is a single address, fixed 18-bit wor~ length, binary computer using lis complement arithmetic and 2 1 s complement notation to facilitate multiprecision operations. Cycle time of the 4096-word random-access magnetic-core memory is 1 .75 microseconds, providing a computation rate of 285,000 additions per second. The 'basic PDP-7 includes the processor (with operator console); 4096-word core memory; input/output control with device selector (up to 64 I/O connections), information coli ector (seven 18-bit channels), information distributor (six l8-bit channels), program interrupt, data interrupt, I/O trap, I/O skip facility, I/O status check, and real time clock. A high speed paper tape reader (300 cps), high speed paper tape punch (63.3 cps), and KSR 33 teleprinter (10 cps) are standard input/ou'tput equipment with the basic PDP-7. Interface to the PDP-7 allows fast parallel information transfer between the computer and a variety of peripheral equipment. In addition to the teleprinter, keyboard, and high--speed perforated tape reader and punch suppl ied with the basic computer, the PDP-7 optional peripheral equipment includes magnetic tape equipment, card equipment and line printers, serial magnetic drum storage, cathode-ray tube displays, a data communication system, and analogto-digital converters. Special purpose I/O equipment is easily connected using an interface of standard DEC modules. The PDP-7 is completely self-contained, requiring no special power sources, air conditioning, or fl,oor bracing. From a single source of 115-volt, 60-cycle, single-phase power, the PDP-7 produces all required circuit operating dc voltages. Total power consumption is 2200 watts. Built-in provisions for marginal checking allow the +10 and -15 volt logic power supplied to logic circuits to be varied, thereby providing a powerful maintenance tool for forestalling failure of the sy':stem or for rapid troubleshooting. The computer is constructed with standard DEC FLIP CHlp™ modules and power supplies. These solid-state components and built-in marginal checking facilities insure reliable machine operation. ' The basic PDP-7 is housed in three metal DEC computer cabinets bolted together to form an integrated console. Double doors at the front allow access to the wiring side of all modulemounting pa~els. Double rear doors pj'ovide access to a plenum door on which the power supplies are mounted. Opening the plenum,door yields access to the modules. Logical component locations are shown on Figure 2and dimensions are indicated on Figure 3. For additional physical data refer to the PDP-7 Installation Manual F-780r the PDP-7 Maintenance Manual F-77. 1M FLIP CH IP is a trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation BAY 2 BAY 3 BAY I BAY 2 BAY 3 INDICATOR PANEL BLANK BLANK INDICATOR PANEL BAY I POWER SUPPLY 738 BLANK A r POWER SUPPLY TRIPLE FAN MOUNTING PANEL (REMOVED FOR 161( OR MORE OF CORE MEMORY) BLANK SYSTEMS NOOULES MOUNTING PANEL BLANK POWER SUPPLY 728 POWER SUPPLY 779 I I MEMORY LOGIC - ~ MEMORY ARRAY - H - MEMORY LOGIC - SYSTEMS MOOI.lL.ES MOl.WTWG PANEL AND TELETYPE DRIVER BLANK OR 50 CYCLE STEPOOWN TRANSFORMER C D BLANK TRIPLE FAN MOUNTING PANEL (REMOVED FOR 16K OR MORE OF CORE MEMORY) TRIPLE FAN MOUNTING PANEL POWER SUPPLY 728 MARGINAL CHECK PANEL AIR BAFFLE PANEL B 778 -- I- J i 1/ \J - i\ 11 PERFORATED Rl::iR ~-----I-----~ C -D - - E - -J - K - V\. ~ r -- BLANK OPERATOR CONSOLE I~------~~~----~~I - F PROCESSOR TABLE rH----~L~O~~C~~--~~~----~~~-----.~~-- BLANK - BLANK POWER CONTROL 832 POWER SUPPLY 728 r MEMORY POWER SUPPLY L 739 l- BLANK N BLANK , - ~B M IA PERFORATED TAPE fREADER/PUNCH B CONTROL LOGIC DEVICE SELECTOR f- AND MANUAL CONTROL C BLANK U U - FRONT VIEW Basic PDP-7 Component locations 828 POWER RECEPTACLE u u REAR VIEW Figure 2 FUNCTIONS LOGIC fD 33-h.·~ ~--_y-~--~~~--+--------+----------6It·-------T----~ /...- - - - - 27 tk· ---/ SWINGING DOORS (tol LOAD POINT REMOVEABLE END PANEL + + SCREEN (TYPICAL FOR 3 CABlNETSI + + + + 69-r ! ic=7C= 27fs . ~ \'"'.1 SIDE VIEW ~------------------------ 68~'-------------------FLOOR PLAN Figure 3 Basic PDP-7 Installation Dimensions COMPUTER ORGANIZATION The PDP-7 system is organized into a processor, core memory, interface, and input/output and 'facil ities as shown in Figure 4. All arithmetic, logic, and system control operations of the standard PD P-7 are performed by the processor. Permanent (longer than one instructicn time) local information storage and retrieval operations are performed by the core memory. The memory is continuousl y cye! ing, automatically performing a read and write operation during each computer cycle. Input and output address and data buffering for the core memory is per~ formed by registers of the processor, and operation of the memory is under control of timing signals produced by the processor. e~uipment Figure 4 Computer System Block Diagram Interface circuits allow connections to a variety of peripheral equipment, are responsible for detecting all I/O select codes, and for providing any necessary input or output gating. Individually programmed data transfers between the processor' and peripheral equipment take place through the processor accumulator. Single or multiple data transfers can be initiated by peripheral equipment rather than by the program, by means of the .data break facil ities. Standard features of the PDP-7 also allow peripheral equipment to perform certain control functions such . as instruction skipping, and transfer of program control initiated by a program interrupt. Processor The processor performs logical and arithmetic functions, provides access to and from memory and controls the flow of data to. and from the computer. It consists of the processor control, and six active major registers. Accumu Iator(AC) Th is l8-bit register performs arithmetic and logical operations on the data and acts as a transfer register through which data passes to and from the I/O buffer registers. 4 Link (L) This l-bit register extends the arithmetic facility of the accumulator and greatly simplifies programming of arithmetic operations. Memory Address Register (MA) This l3-bit register holds the address of the core memory location currently being used. Memory Buffer Register (MB) This l8-bit register serves as a buffer for all information sent to or received from core memory. Instruction Register (lR) This 4-bit register holds the operation code of the program instruction currently being performed. Program Counter (PC) This l3-bit regi~ter holds the address of the next memory location from which an instruction is to be taken. Core Memory The high-speed random-access core memory is a 4096-word coincident-current core module with a cycle time of 1 .75 microseconds. In one cycle the memory control retrieves an la-bit word stored in the memory location specified by the memory address register, writes the word by a parallel transfer into the memory buffer register, and rewrites the word into the same memory address. Interface The interface control Iinks the processor to 64 input and output stations, cal Is the stations, and collects and distributes the input/output data. It also controls the interleaving of data during a data break (cycle stealing), senses the status of I/O devices and skips instructions based on this status, traps lOT ·(input/output transfer) instructions initiating a program interrupt break, and generates real time signal pulses for use by external peripheral equipment. No additional interface equipment is required to connect standard DEC peripheral equipment to the standard PDP-7. Word buffers are included within each standard I/O optional equipment so that the basic PDP-7 can simultaneously operate many I/O devices at their maximum rates. Special-purpose I/O equipment is easily connected to the PDP-7 by assembling an interface using the standard line of FLIP CHIP modules manufactured by DEC. 5 Input/ Output Standard input/output equipment provided with each PDP-7 consists of a Teleprinter and Control Type 649, Perforated Tape Reader and Control Type 444B, and a Perforated Tape Punch and Control Type 75D. Teleprinter and Control Type 649 A Teletype Model 33 Keyboard Send Receive (KSR) set and an appropriate DEC control constitute this equipment. The Teletype unit is a standard machine operating from serial ll-unitcode characters at a rate of ten characters per second. The Teletype provides a means of supplying data to the computer by means of a keyboard and suppl ies data as an output from the computer in the form of typed copy. The Teletype control serves as a serial-to-parallel converter for Teletype inputs to the computer and serves as a parallel-to-serial converter for computer output signals to the Teletype unit It Perforated Tape Reader and Control Type 444B This equipment senses eight-channel, fan-fold perforated Mylar or paper tape photoelectrically at 300 characters per second. The reader is a Digitronics 2500 and the control is a DEC data register, flag, and associated logic circuits. Perforated Tape Punch and Control Type 75D This equipment consists of a control unit and a Teletype BRPE punch that perforates eight-channel, fan-fold paper tape at 63.3 lines per second. Processor Options Extended Arithmetic Element Type 177 The Extended Arithmetic Element (EAE) is a standard option for the PDP-7 which facilitates high-speed multiplication, division, shifting, normalizing, and register manipulation. Installation of the EAE adds an la-bit multipl ier quotient register (MQ) to the computer as well as a 6-bit step counter register (SC). The content of the MQ is continuously displayed on the operator console. The Type 177 option and the basic computer cycle operate asynchronously, permitting computations to be performed in the minimum possible time. Further, the EAE instructions are microcoded so that several operations can be performed by one instruction to simplify arithmetic programming. Average multiplication time is 6.1 IJsec, average division time is 9 IJsec. 6 Automatic Priority Interrupt Type 172 The Automatic Priority Interrupt increases the capacity of the PDP-7 to hand Ie transfers of information to and from input/output devices by identifying an interrupting device directly, without the need for flag searching. Multilevel program interrupts are permissible where a device of higher priority supersedes an interrupt already in process. These functions increase the speed of the input/output system and simplify the programming. More and faster devices can therefore be serviced efficiently. ° The Type 172 contains 16 automatic interrupt channels arranged in a priority sequence so that channel has the highest priority and channel 178 has the lowest priority. The pri()rity chain guarantees that if two or more I/O devices request an interrupt concurrently, the system grants the interrupt to the device with the highest priority. The other interrupts will be serviced afterwards in priority order. Data Interrupt Multiplexer Type 173 The single PDP-7 data break interrupt channel is expanded to handle information transfers with three high-speed I/O devices by addition of the Type 173 option. This option provides multiplex control for simultaneous operation of three high-speed devices such as magnetic tape or drum devices. Maximum combined transfer rate is 570,000 l8-bit words per second. Memory Jncrement Type 197 This option allows an external condition or signal from an I/O device to increment the content of any core memory location. The peripheral device initiates a break cycle so that the content of a core memory address specified by the device is read into the memory buffer register, incremented by one, and written back into the some address in one computer cycle. ~oundary Register and Control Type KA70A This option establishes core memory address boundaries that can be assigned to speciific users when the system is used for real time computing with simul taneous multiuser program execution. Core Memory Options ~emory Extension Control Type 148 Memory expansion beyond a total capacity of 8K words requires addition of the Type 148 option to extend the program counter, memory address register, and mode control. Any memory size from 4096 to 32,768 words can be obtained by addition of Type 147 and 1498 modures. 7 Core Memory Module Type 147 Th is option extends the capac ity of the standard 4096-word memory to 8192 words. Core Memory Modul e Type 1498 This option extends the capacity of the PDP-7 core memory by one field of 8192 words. The 1498 option can be added only to memories of 8K, 16K, or 24K capacity (not to 4K, 12K, etc. without also adding a Type 147 module). Memory Parity Type 176 This option assures rei iabil ity of all core memory data storage and retrieval operations by generating, storing, and checking parity on every transfer. An odd parity bit is generated and written in the same core location as the word being written. Upon reading, a word drawn from core memory is checked for parity and if odd parity is detected a program interrupt is initiated or the program is halted. Input/Output Options Card Reader and Control Type CR018 Standard 12-row, 80-column punched cards are read by this device in either alphanumeric or binary mode. Reading is accomplished by mechanical sensors at a maximum rate of 100 cards per minute. Card Reader and Control Type 421 Standard punched cards are read optically at up to 200 cards per minute on the Type 421 A, or up to' 800 cards per minute on the Type 4218. Information punched on the cards is read col umn by column in binary or alphanumeric modes. Card Punch Control Type 40 This device controls on-line buffered operation of a standard card punch machine. Cards are punched one row at a time at 40 mill isecond intervals, providing a punching rate of 100 cards per minute. Any or all positions can be punched in any format'. 8 Automatic Line Printer and Control Type 647 This machine prints a selection of 64 characters on a I ine of 120 characters at a rate of 300, 600, or 1000 I ines per minute. Printing is performed by solenoid-actuated print hammers. Load ing, printing, and format are under program control. Format is program sel ected from a punched format tape in the printer .. DECtape Dual Transport Type 555 and Control Type 550 The DECtape system provides a unique fixed address magnetic-tape facil ity for high··speed loading, readout, and program updating. Each DECtape transport contains two independent tape drives. Up to four transports (eight drives) can be used with one control. Read, write, and search speed is 80 inches a second. Density is 375 bits an inch. The two logically independent transports have a storage capacity of 3 mill ion bits each.. Phase recording, rather than ampl itude recording; redundant, nonadjacent data tracks; and a prerecorded timing and mark track are features of this system. The control searches in either direction for specified block numbers, the~ reads or writes data. Units as small as a single word may be addressed. Automatic Magnetic Tape Control Type 57A Up to eight IBM or IBM-compatible tape transports can be operated automatically by the Type 57A to transfer information through the PDP-7 data break interrupt fac iI ity. Magnetic tape transports are controlled to read or write at densities of 200, 556, or 800 characters per inch at speeds of 75 or 112.5 inches per second. . Magnet i c Tape Transport Type 570 The Type 570 is a highly sophisticated tape transport that reads and writes at 75 or 112.5 inches per second at program-selected densities of 200, 556, or 800 characters per inch. Tape motion is controlled by pneumatic capstans and brakes, el iminating conventional pinch rollers, clamps, and mechanical arms. Tape width is one-half inch, with six data tracks and one parity track. Format is IBM compatible.. Dual heads permit read-checking while writing. The TYlPe 570 contains a multiplex interface which permits time-shared use of the transport by two Type 57A tape control on the same or different computers~ Magnetic Tape Transport Type 545 The Type 545 tape unit operates at a speed of 45 ips and has three selectable densities, 200, 556,800 bpi. The 545 is controlled by the Type 57Awith a Type 521 Interface. St,ondard 7-channel, IBM-compatible tape format is used. The transport mechanism uses a pinch roller drive with vacuum column tension. 9 Magnet ic Tape Transport Type 50 The Type 50 can be used with the Type_oS7 A to read or write IBM-compatible magnetic tapes at transfer rates of 15,000 or 41,700 characters per second. Tape speed is 75 inches per second at densities of 200 or 556 characters per inch. Block Transfer Serial Drum System Type 24 Drum transfers operate through the computer data interrupt facil ity permitting interlaced program and drum transfer operation. Stvrage capacities of 32,768 words, 65,536 words, or 131,072 words are availabl e. Incremental Plotter Control Type 350 One California Computer Products Digital Incremental Recorder can be operated from a DEC Increment Plotter Control Type 350 to provide high-speed plotting of points, continuous curves, points connected by curves, curve identification symbols, letters, and numerals under program control. The recorder can be selected from four models, that differ in speed (12,000 or 18,000 steps per minute), step size (0.01 or 0.005 inches per step), and paper width (12 or 51 inches). Oscilloscope Display Type 34A Computer data can be plotted point-by-point on a 5-inch oscilloscope, such as the Tektronix Model RM503, by the option. The horizontal axis of each point is determined by 10 binary bits, and the vertical axis is determined by another 10 binary bits. This option can be obtained with or without the oscilloscope. Precision CRT Display Type 300 The Type 300 is a random-position point-plotting display with a sel f-contained, 16-inch CRT using magnetic deflection and focusing. Data is plotted point by point in a raster .9-3/8 inches square having 1024 points on a side according to separately variable 10-bit X and Y coordinates. The display includes program intensity control. Plotting rate is 35 microseconds per point. Symbol Generators Type 33 and Type 342 The Type 33 is an option used with the Type 300 display that simplifies the programming required to present character and symbols on the face of the display.tube. The Type 342 serves a si.milar purpose for plotting characters on the Type 340 display. Two 64-character sets are available for the Type 342. 10 Precision Incremental CRT Display Type 340 Plots points, I ines, vectors, and characters on a raster identical to the 30. Plott,ing rate is 1-1/2 microseconds per point in vector, increment, and character modes. Random point plotting is 35 microseconds. Photomultiplier Light Pen Type 370 A fiber optic I ight pipe and photomultipl ier in the I ight pen all ow high-speed detection of information displayed on the Type 34A, 30D, or 340 displays. Detection of information by rne Type 370 can be sampled by the computer to alter the program. General Purpose Analog-to-Digital Converter Type 138E The Type 138E is a high-speed successive approximation converter with analog input signal range from 0 to 10 volts. The analog voltage is converted to a binary number, selectable from 6 to 12 bits. Conversion time varies, depending on the number of bits and the accuracy required. Combinations of switching point accuracy and number of bits can be selected on a front panel switch. High Speed Ana Iog-to- Dig ita I Converter Type 142 Transforms an analog voltage to a single, 10-bit binary number in 6 microseconds. Conversion accuracy is ±0.15 % ±1/2 least significant bit. General Purpose Multiplexer and Control Type 139E Up to 64 analog input channels can be selected for application to the input of the Type 142 or Type 138E by the Type 139E. Channels can be program selected in sequence or by individual address. The number of channels that can be selected is determined by the number of optional Multiplexer Switches Type Al00 series used in the Type 139E. Each Type A100 can select two channels. Analog-Digital-Analog Converter System Type ADA-1 Performs fast, real-time conversion between digital and analog computers. MaximlJm sample rate for 0/A conversion is 200 kc; for A/D and interlaced conversions, 100 kc. Digital word length is 10 bits. Actual conversion times are 5 microseconds for A/D and 2 microseconds for 0/A. Semiautomatic features enable the convert~r system to perform many of the functions that a computer normal I y performs for other converter interfaces. 11 Data Control Type 174 The Data Control Type 174 controls and buffers the transfer of data blocks between the PDP-7 and up to three external devices. Block transfers are made from consecutive memory locations to one device at a time. The data control counts the number of data words transferred, buffers either incoming or outgoing information until the transfer is complete and signals the completion of a transfer . Maximum data transfer rate is 1.75 microseconds per lS-bit word, or 570,000 lS-bit words per second. Data Communication Systems Type 630 This system is a real-time interface between Teletype stations and the PDP-7 and is ideal for multi-user computer time-sharing message switching systems, and data collection-processing systems. A variety of Type 630 systems are available for half-duplex and full-duplex operation with up to 64 stations. Relay Output Buffer Type 140 A data buffer register loaded from the computer accumulator actuates lS relays, each having mercury-wetted single-pole double throw contacts. These contacts can be used for direct digital control or signal generation for external equipment. Int'er Processor Buffer Type 195 This device serves as an interface between a PDP-7 and another computer to permit bidirectional data communication with an asynchronous processor. PROGRAMMING SYSTEM The PDP-7 Programming System includes an advanced FORTRAN compiler, a symbolic assembler, symbol ic tape editor, Digital debugging system (DDT), maintenance routi~es and a I ibrary of arithmetic, util ity and programming aids developed on the program-compatible PDP-4. Both the symbol ic tape editor and DDT are designed to a II ow symbol ic debugging and computeraided editing to replace the tedious manual equivalent. New and, updated programs are beIng developed continuously in the appl ied programming department. FORTRAN Compil er The FORTRAN used with the PDP-7 is based on the field-proven FORTRAN II.used with PDP-4 and is designed for programming flexibil ity and operating efficiency. An SK memory is now required for FORTRAN with the PDP-7 to provide a program and data storage capacity commensurate with the power of the PDP-7 processor. FORTRAN permits the PDP-7 user with little 12 knowledge of computer organization and machine language to write effective programs. Programs are written in a language of famil iar Engl ish words and mathematical symbols. Compilation of the original FORTRAN source program is performed separately from the compilation o'F associated subroutines. Thus, when errors in FORTRAN coding are detected by the compiler diagnostic, only the erroneous program need be recompil ed. Symbolic Assembler The symbolic assembler allows the programmer to code instructions in a symbolic language. The assembler USbJ on the PDP-7 allows mnemonic symbols to be used for instruction codes and addresses. Constant and variable storage registers can be automatically assigned. This assembler produces a binary object tape and I ists a symbol table with memory allocations and useful diagnostic messages. Digital Debugging Tape (DDT) DDT speeds program debugging by communicating with the user in the address symbols of the source language program. Program debugging time is further shortened when using DDT because program execution and modification are controlled from the teleprinter keyboard. For exampl e, to branch to a new location in the program it is only necessary to type the symbol ic location name on the keyboard, followed by the single quote (I) character. The same symbol followed by the slash V) character, causes the content of that location to be typed. By using DDT to insert break points in a program, the programmer can make corrections or insert patches and try them out immediately. Working corrections can be punched on tape immediately in the fc)rm of loadable patch tapes, el iminating the necessity of creating new symbol ic tapes and reassembl ing each time an error is found. Symbol ic Tape Editor The editor program permits the editing of source language programs by adding or deleting lines of text. All modification, reading, punching, etc., is controlled by symbols typed at the keyboard. The editor reads parts or all of a symbol ic tape into memory where it is available for immediate examination, correction, and rei isting. Bus-Pak II Designed for data processing operations, Bus-Pak is a program assembly system for use by the data processing programmer. Programs written using Bus-Pak enable the PDP-7 to function as business-oriented computer equipped with a logical instruction set very similar to the instructions used by data processing computers. Bus-Pak operates in a character mode, has a built-in high-speed I/O control, is capable of single and double indexing, multilevel indirE~ct addressing, and makes available 15 accumulators. 13 SYMBOLS The following special symbols are used throughout this handbook to explain the function of equipment and instructions: Symbol A = Explanation >B - The content of register A is transferred into register B O=>A Register A is cleared to contain all binary zeros Ai Any giver" bit in A A5 The content of bit 5 of register A A5(l) Bit 5 of register A contains a 1 A6 - 11 The content of bits 6 through 11 of register A A6 - 11 = > BO - 5 The content of bits 6 through 11 of register A is transferred into bits 0 through 5 of register B Y The content of any core memory location V Inclusive OR ~- Exclusive OR /\ AND A +l=>A One's complement of the content of A The content of A is incremented by 1 14 SECTION 2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The standard PDP-7, as mentioned in Section 1, can be analyzed into a process.or, a core memory, interface elements, and input/output equipment. PROCESSOR Te> perform logical, arithmetic, data processing, and control functions the processor employs seven active registers. Intel I igence flow among these registers and between them and other major elements of the computer system is shown on Figure 5. ,-----------, I I ADDRESS oo~~n~roIN~vOO~~---------~-~-------~----~ EQUIPMENT USING THE DATA BREAK _DA_TA_ _ _ _ _ _---,r-+I_ _ _ _---, .....- 1-- ;'~ggi I i I ____ ~ I I . I I .... DATA .. CONNECTION TO STANDARD ... ".. AND OPTIONAL INPUT I OUTPUT EQUIPMENT USING PROGRAMMED CONTROL DATA TRANSFERS 4 .. · I I 1 I I ~~E --.J Figure 5 ~~3~;:~" UN', ACCUMULATOR:'-- I I MEMORY ~ t~81~~~SR iii I+----L--_,--'~ I MEMORY BUFFER 1 - - - - - - - - ' REGISTER 18 I I lB I I ~ G'~~~~O. '~ 'i ~ i~ON _ 4 ADDRESS ~O~R_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1--1 I II 4 i I --.J DATA I I I 1 i : ----JII1 I I Major Register Block Diagram of the Processor Accumu lator (AC) Arithmetic operations are performed in this la-bit register. The AC can be cleared and complemented. Its content can be rotated right or left with the I ink. The content of the memory buffer register can be added to the content of the AC with the result left in the AC. The content of both registers can be combined by the logical operations AND and exclusive OR, the result remaining in the AC. The Inclusive OR can be formed between the AC and the ACCUMULATOR switches on the operator console and the result left in the AC. Except in data interrupt transfers, information is transferred between core memory and an external device through the accumulator. 15 I Link (L) This one-bit register is used to extend the arithmetic capabil ity of the accumulator. In l's complement arithmetic, the link is an overflow indicator; in 2 1 s complement it logically extends the AC to 19 bits and functions as a carry register. Overflow into the I ink from the accumulator can be checked by the program to greatly simplify and speed up single and multiple precision arithmetic routines. The link can be cleared and complemented and its state sensed independent of the AC. It is included with the AC in rotate operations. Memory Address Register (MA) The address of the core memory cell currently being accessed is contained in the 13-bit MA. Information enters the MA from the memory buffer register program counter, or from external device operating in a data interrupt. Addition of the Memory Extension Control Type 148 option expands the MA to 15 bits. Program Counter (PC) The program sequence, that is the order in which instructions are performed, is determined by the PC. This 13-bit register contains the address of the memory cell from which the next instruction is to be taken. Information enters the PC from the MA, MB, or the ADDRESS switches of the operator console. Addition of the Memory Extension Control Type 148 option expends the PC to 15 bits. Memory Buffer Register (MB) All information transferred into or out of core memory passes through the MB. Information is read from a memory cell into the MB and rewritten into the cell in one cycle time (1.75 /Jsec). Instructions and data are brought from core memory into the MB for processing. The MB serves also as a buffer for information transferred between core memory and an external device in a data interrupt. The content of the MB may be incremented by one. Instruction Register (lR) This 4-bit register contains the operation code of the instruction currently being performed by the computer. The four most significant bits of the current instruction are loaded into the IR directly from core memory during the Fetch cycle. The content of the IR is decoded to determine the functions performed and the major states entered in execution of the instruction. 16 Ma jor State Generator The computer operates in one of four major control states during each machine timing cycle. One or more states are entered to execute an instruction. The states are Fetch, Execute, Defer, and Break and are determined by the major state generator. Only one state exists at a "time and all states, except Break, are determined by the programmed instruction being executed. Fetch (F) A new instruction is obtained when this state is entered. The content of the memory cell specified by the PC is placed in the MB, and the operation code (bits 0-3) of this instruction word are placed in the IR. The content of the PC is then incremented by one. If CJ singlecycle instruction is fetch,ed, the operations specified are performed during the last part of the fetch cycle, then the nexf:state is fetch for the next instruction. If a two-cycle instruction is fetched, the succeeding control state is either defer or execute. Defer (D) When bit 4 of a memory reference instruction is a 1, the defer state is entered to perform the indirect addressing. The memory location addressed by the instruction contains the address of the operand, and access to the operand is deferred to the next memory cycle. Execute (E) This state is established only when a memory reference instruction is being executed. The content of the memory cell addressed is brought into the MB, and the operation spE~cified by the content of the IR is performed. ~'eak (B) When this state is establ ished, the sequence of instructions is broken for a data interrupt or a program interrupt. In both cases, the break occurs only at the completion of the CUlrrent instruction. The data break interrupt allows information to be tn~v~ferred between core memory and an external device. When this transfer has been completed, the program se1quence is resumed from the point of the break. The program interrupt causes the sequences to be altered. The content of the PC and the content of the Link are stored in core memory location 0000, and the program continues from location 0001 • 17 Detail ed Processor Block Diagram Discussion All logic circuit elements of the processor are shown on Fi gure 6. These el ements consist of controls for the major registers, the essential timing generator for the computer system, the manual controls, and the special program feature controls (program interrupt, data break interrupt, I/O skip, I/O trap, etc.). ADDRESS FROM INPUT/ouTPUT EQUI PMENT USING DATA BREAK TRANSFERS MA CONTROL MEMORY ADDRESS REGISTER FROM INPUT/OUTPUT EQUIPMENT uSING PROGRAMMED STATUS CHECKS TO DEVICE SELECTOR OF INTERFACE AuDRESS TO CORE ..... MEMORY '15 PROGRAM COUNTER FROM INPUT/OUTPuT EQUIPMENT VIA THE INFORMATION COLLECTOR OF THE INTERFACE 15 TO INPUT/OUTPUT EQUIPMENT VIA THE INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR OF THE INTERFACE MEMORY BUFFER REGISTER ~______- ,_____________________D_A_T_A__~~g:~~~~O~y FOR INPUT/OUTPUT EQUIPMENT USING DATA BREAK TRANSFERS INCREMENT MB • 18 MB CONTROL CLEAR AC DIRECT CONNECTION AVAILABLE FOR ANY INPUT /OUTPUT EQUIPMENT OR FOR DEVICE SELECTOR OF INTERFACE MINOR STATES (INSTRUCTION STATES) MAJOR STATES (F,O,E,B) ADDRESS ACCEPTED DATA ACCEPTED 1 PROGRAM INTERRUPT SYNC, BREAK REQUEST PROGRAM INTERRUPT REQUEST r DIRECT CONNECTION AVAILABLE FOR ANY INPUT/OUTPUT EQUIPMENT POWER CLEAR PULSE SPECIAL PULSES {SPO, 1,2,3,4) TIMING PULSES (TI THROUGH T7) REQUEST SLOW CYCLE Figure 6 Detailed Block Diagram of the Processor 18 Timing Generators The power clear pulse generator produces pulses to clear processor and I/O device register when the computer is energized or de-energized. Spec ia I pu Ises produced to enact computer function initiated by manual controls are also available for use by peripheral equipment. The timing signal generator produces the basic timing pulses that control all processor operations. The timing of these pulses can be in a normal fast cycle or in a slow cycle requested by a signal from an I/O device. The slow cycle is used to exes:;ute input/output transfer instructions that communicate with equipment that is not fast enough to act upon rapid successive command pulses. Manual Controls Control keys and switches allow the normal start/stop/continue control, control special singlecycle and single-instruction operation for maintenance of the machine, control the use of the special program features, and provide a means of loading data directly into the computer. The switch register is used to store an la-bit word in the AC and the ADDRESS switch register is used to load a 15-bit core memory address into the PC. Use of the manual controls provides rapid entry of program information on perforated tapes and a broad means of modifying programs or data in core memory. ' Input/Output Skip This facility allows the program to skip or not skip the next instruction according to the condition of an external device flag. Skipping is accompl ished by incrementing the content of the PC so that execution of an instruction is by-passed. This facility simplifies program branching or decision-making based upon the condition of device status lines. Input/Output Trap Basic hardware that allows the PDP-7 to serve in time-sharing applications is provided as the I/O trap facility. These circuits monitor instructions being performed and initiate a program interrupt if an instruction is encountered that will interfere with the execution of other programs. The interrupt program can then determine the cause of the trap and take appropriate action. The I/O trap feature can be enabled or disabled by a switch ori theoperator console or by programmed instruct ion. Program Interrupt Control and Synchronization Peripheral equipment can initiate an interrupt of the program that, effectively, transfers program control to a subroutine that services the initiating device. The interrupt is requested by a signal from the device. The synchronization element grants the interrupt only upon completion of the current instruction. The interrupt is accompl ished by entering the Break state to store 19 the content of the I ink, the condition of the memory extend mode control, the condition of the I/O trap, the content of the extend PC, and the content of the PC in core memory location O. Memory location 1 is then placed in the PC to transfer program control to the subroutine. Upon conclusion of the subroutine, the initial program is returned to its previous state by using the information stored in location O. Data Break Interrupt Peripheral equipment can cause temporary suspension of the main program to "steal" a cycle of computer time for the transfer of information with core memory. A data break request received by the program interrupt synchronization element is honored at the end of execution of the current instructior.. The Break state is then entered and control I ed by the peripheral device. The device specifies a core memory address at which the transfer is to occur, and designates the direction of the transfer as into or out of core memory. The address is suppl ied to the MA and the data transfer is enacted between the device and the MB. At compl etion of the Break cycle the interrupted program is continued, unl ess the device has requested another data break. One I/O device can be connected to cause data breaks, or up to four devices can be connected through the Data Interrupt Multiplexer Control Type 173. Real Time Clock A clock within the standard computer causes a clock data break interrupt (in the same manner as described previously for an external device data break) every 1/60 second, so that program events can be related to real time. When this interrupt occurs the content of core memory location 7 is incremented by 1 during the Break cycl e and serves as a counter. Any number can be stored in address 7 so that it overflows (counts up to zero) at a time multiple of 1/60 second and this stored number. When overflow, occurs the clock flag is set and initiates a program interrupt. CORE MEMORY The core memory provides storage for instructions to be performed and information to be processed or distributed. This random-address ferrite-core memory holds 4096 18-bit words in the standard PDP-7. Optional equipment extends the storage capacity in blocks of 4096 or fields of 8192 words, or expands the word I ength to 19 bits to provide parity check ing. ~Aem ory location 08 is used to store the content of the PC following a program interrupt, and location 18 is used to store the first instruction to be executed following a program interrupt;. (When a program interrupt occurs, the content of the PC is stored in location 08' and program control is transferred to location 1 automatically.) Location 78 is used with the real time clock and locations 108 through 178 are used for auto-indexing. Location 20 is used to store information during a call subroutine (CAL) instruction and location 20 is used as the starting address of the CAL handl ing subroutine. All other locations can be used to store instructions or data. Core memory contains numerous circuits such as read-write address selection switches, address decoders, inhibit drivers, and sense ampl ifiers as shown in Figure 7. These circuits perform 20 the electrical conversions necessary to transfer information into or out of the core array and perform no arithmetic or logic operations upon the data. Since their operation is not discernible by the programmer or operator of the PDP-7, these circuits are not described her~ in detail. FROM MEMORY ADDRESS REGISTER OF PROCESSOR ADDRESS (MA 0-'5) SELECT READ FROM MEMORY BUFFER REGISTER OF PROCESSOR ~~~MT:"~:::U~~~AR MEMORY SELECTOR DATA (M8 0-'8) MEMORY TIMING PULSES CONTROl. GENERATORS OF PROCESSOR TO MEMORY BUFFER ~~~:~~~IO~N~EGISTER +=D;:.AT:.::A....!(~SA;:..:0:...-.:.:'8.:...)------------1 A~~~F~~RS ~------------' OF PROCESSOR MASTER SI.ICE CONTROL Figure 7 Core Memory Block Diagram INTERFACE Information is transferred to peripheral equipment from the processor by means of an information distributor. Information is transferred to the processor from I/O devices by the information collector. Addressing of a device to receive programmed command signals is accomplished by means of the device selector. These three logic circuit elements constitute the major PDP-7 data interface and are shown in Figure 8. Control interface is effected by elements of the processor, as described previously in this section. Timing of the processor as related to interface and input/output operations is shown on Figure 9. I/OP 1,2,4 FROM lOP PULSE GENERATOR OF PROCESSOR TO SELECTED INPUTIOUTPUT EQUIPMENT I/OT PULSES TO ALL INPUT10UTPUT EQUIPMENT AC DATA AC DATA OUT FROM ACCUMULATOR OF PROCESSOR FROM ALl. INPUT/OUTPUT EQUIPMENT AC DATA AC DATA IN TO ACCUMULATOR OF PROCESSOR Figure 8 Interface Block Diagram 21 ! : - ANY I10T(I~~~T~=C~SC:·j) CYCLE _ _ _ _ _ : 150"": ! NSEC ! :"'240 ..l : NSEC : l t T6 I COMPUTER TIMt IN NANOSECONDS TIMING PULSE GENERATOR COMPOSIT OUTPUT (40 NSEC PULSES) MEMORY BUFFER REGISTER OUTPUT T7 I ~ f---N~----': N~fc:' ~ _ 270.... : :..- 90 i ! ... i i i NSEC TI T2 I I NSEC T3 I i T4 I :1:"~iE~-,: ~ r-~C :"'210~ lSO-l INSEC: NSEC: T5 I T6 I T7 I ~ :-N~~-1 _ 670 _ : ~ :! _i ! NSEC TI T2 I I T3 I : T4 I l-N~C ---: _: I I I I :.... 120 I : NSEC: ~I T~I GROLfID -3 \tOLlS - T6 T7 TI T2 T4 T5 T3 T6 T7 TI T2 AVAlI..ABI..E _ L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T3 r-* NOTAVA~----------------, NOr REAIY( - : / T6 TtOO NSEC ______________________________________ ~_ ACCUMULATOR DATA FOR OUTPUT TRANSFER ~~~rm~~~~DFOR T4 T5 T6 ~ r~ ~~T4T20NSEC NOT~-------------------;;4--,L-------------------~ ~ - IF MB 14 CONTAINS A I IIOP PULSE GENERATOR COMPOSIT OUTPUT (70 NSEC PULSES) ~~~\ r~~~1~pu~~IT _= r-TI T4 T 100 NSEC OF NEXT CYCLE T 20 NSEC /LJ"l.r T5T20 NSEC......I I I1C»>IT7.20 NSEC lIOP2 I/OP4 Gf/()(JM) -3\tOLTS - , ri -_----------------T-5+-4-0-NSE-C-::u' T7-t40NSEC"'"'LJ I/OT XXOI lIOT XX02 U rf TI OF NEXT CYCLE T40 NSEC lIOT XX04 (a) NORMAL CYCLE 150 I NSEC--': I ;'-~-l 16 COMPUTER TIME IN NANOSECONDS TIMING PULSE GENERATOR COMPOStT OUTPUT (40 NSEC PULSES) MEMORY BUFFER REGISTER OUTPUT I n I r--. -: 90 r-NSEC 120 . • NSECi : !--~C----+~C--l T3 T4 TI T2 i I I I T3 T4 GROUND -3 \tOLlS - 16 n TI 12 NOT AVA/LASLO: AVAILABLE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , _ T6 T7 Tl12 T4 T5 T6 .------~IJ -y L __ T6+tOONSEC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F=i"4+20NSEC OUTPUT ACCUMULATOR TRANSFER DATA FOR NOTREADY REAIY(- ACCUMULATOR CLEARED FOR NOT REAIY( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _-, Pt1\:~~~:f.:'1RI T5 L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..J ~. T4 + 100 N S E C ; : : : I ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' R£A(J'( - ----------------------::::u-, 110 PULSE GENERATOR COMPOSET OUTPUT (70 NSEC PULSES) GROUND -3 VOLTS - DEVICE SELECTOR COMPOSITE OUTPUT (400 NSEC PULSES) -3 VOLTS - T5 +20 NSEC T7 + 20 NSEC::::tJ TI OF NEXT CYCLE + 20 NSEC::;ur-------,{f lIOP2 llOP 4 I/OP I GROUND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , T5+40 NSEC--iL-::-:-:c:::-:-::c:-::-..J lIOT XXOI T7+40 NSEC:;J....--I-:-IO:"::T-X-X-0-2.... (bl SLOW CYCLE Figure 9 Input/Output Transfer Timing Diagram ;;J 11 OF NEXT CYCLE+40NSEC llOT XX04 r Device Selector (OS) The device selector selects an input/output device or subdevice according to the address code of the device in memory buffer bits 4-13 of the input/output transfer (I/OT) instructIon. rt then generates an I/OP pulse at event time 1 if memory buffer bit 17 is a 1, at event time 2 if memory buffer bit 16 is a 1, and at event time 3 if memory buffer bit 15 is a 1. The I/O event times differ from those of the microprogrammed operate group event times. A complete I ist of the I/OP pulses and corresponding times is given below and shown in Figure 9. Event Time Computer C~'cle Time 1 2 T5 T7 T1 (next cyc Ie) 3 Instruct io n (Bit (in MB) 17 16 15 I/OP Number 1 2 4 Upon execution of an I/or instruction, the device selector determines which device has been selected, and then generates I/OT pulses according to the content of bits 15 through 17 of the instruction. These I/OT pu Ises are sent to the appropriate device as command signals. Generally the I/OT commands perform one or all of the following functions: a. I/OP 1 is used to sense the state of the flag or flags assoc iated with a device. b. I/OP 2 is used to clear the flag or flags associated with a device and to read the content of the device buffer into the information collector. c. I/OP 4 is used to transfer data from the accumulator through the information distributor into the buffer of an output device or to initiate operations within a peripheral device (ex. a line of perforated tape is read into the tape buffer or a card is moved to a reading or punching station). The specific function or functions an I/OP performs are selectable and depend on the device and its timing requirements. A device may use any number of combinations of the three pulses. Devices requiring more than three pulses may use multiple device codes or subdevice selection bits 4, 5, 12, and 13. For extremely expanded mode selection, a device may sense the state of the accumulator bits loaded prior to the I/OT instruction. One channel of the device selector (decoding of one select code) is shown in Figure 10. The six-bit device selection numbers, memory buffer bits 6-11, are decoded by a Diode Gate module Type B171. The select code, therefore, produces an enabling level for the selected device. This level can be used to request a slow cycle and enables three gates of a Diode Gate module Type Rl11. The device selector pulse amplifiers transmit pulses to the selected device according to bits 15, 16, and 17 of the I/OT instruction. These pulses can be of various types, depending on the type of the pulse amplifier used. Two different pulse amplifiers are available and produce the following range of (ground reference) pulses: 23 a. 2.5 volts, positive or negative pulses of 70-nanosecond duration b. 2.5 volts, positive or negative pulses of 400-nanosecond duration The standard device selector contains selector modules for the standard devices and has provisions for up to six additional select codes. When additional peripheral I/O devices are added to the PDP-7, a device code is easily established in the device selector by clipping out the diode of the unasserted level in the B171 module. Figure 10 shows the B171 with the cI ipping point marked with a 0 symbol. Either the 1 or 0 diode must be clipped from each of the six bit inputs of the modu I e to estab I ish the se I ect code. IIOT XXI IIOT XX 2 IIOT XX 4 PULSE PULSE PULSE - --- I I BUS CONNECTIONS ~~~~E I~~~ERATOR ! ~J l N I VO", i I D 2--I..;.;.K+------~......cXJ _I1_0_P OF PROCESSOR I10P 4 I R ----~+------~----------~~QU I' LE____ L_ _ _ _ : " _ _ _ ~71- - - - DIODE GATE -- I I I -1I --l I MB 6(0) I lOT DEVICE XX SELECT CODE ENA8LE (CAN 8E USED FOR SLOW CYCLE REQUEST) IH I 1.186(1 ) I J MB7(0) I K I MB 7( 1) IL MBB(O) 1M 1.188(1 ) IN 1.189(0) Ip 1.189(1 ) IR Q9 I BUS CONNECTIONS FROM MEMORY BUFFER REGISTER 8US DRIVER OUTPUT OF PROCESSOR I 1.1810(0) Is I 1.1810(1) Ir 1.1811 (0) Iu I Iv MBIHI) I I L ______ Figure 10 I - - - __..J Device Selector Logic Diagram 24 DESIGNATES LUGS ON MODULE Information Distributor (I D) The information distributor is an output bus system through which information is transferred from the accumulator to external devices. Eighteen I ine drivers buffer and drive the accumulator output through the external device connection cables. Other drivers and cable connectors are used to transfer memory buffer and device control bits. The Bus Driver Type R650 modul es are used in the 10. Nine l8-bit connection points to the bussed output are standard on the PDP-7. The paper tape punch and teleprinter use two of six channels. A third channel is used for expanded 10 connection. If all of the standard channels are used, the 10 can be expanded to any number of output channels by adding circuit blocks similar to the standard 10 clOd suitable buffering. Other external devices are easily connected to the information distributor. Each device receijves pulses from the device selector to gate bus information into the receiving buffer register. The signal polarities presented to the output device by the 10 are: - 3 volts = AC bit contains a' 0 o volts = AC bit contains a 1 Information Collector (lC) The information collector is a seven-channel gated input mixer wh ich controls the transfer of lB-bit words from external devices into the accumulator. Pulses (I/OT) from the OS control the IC gates according to the device specified by the I/OT instruction. Because the accumulator may be cleared before a word is transferred through the IC to the AC, the I/OT instructions are usually microcoded to clear the accumulator (bit 14 is a 1) at the same time the E:!xternal device is activated. In ,the basic PDP-7, seven channels of IC are provided. The paper tape reader and I/O status bits each occupy one 18-bit IC channel. The teleprinter occupies eight bits of a third channel. ThE~ remaining four and one-half channels are available for connection to any peripheral and optional input equipment. Each PDP-7 input option connects directly into one or more channels of 'the IC (e.g. Extended Arithmetic Element Type 177; A-D Converter Type 138, DECtape Control Type 550). For operation of more than seven input devices, the IC is easily expandable in blocks of seven channels to accommodate any number of channels. The modules used in the Ie are the seven-channel two-input Diode Gates Type R141. The R14l accepts standard levels of 0 and - 3 volts or standard 70-nanosecond or wider pulses. The input load is 1.0 milliampere per grounded input (using a Type 175 option). Bits transferred to the AC correspond to the incoming polarities: o volts = binary 0 transmitted to AC - 3 volts = binary 1 transmitted to AC 25 INPUT/OUTPUT Peripheral equipment may either be asynchronous with no timed transfer rates or synchronous with a timed transfer rate. Devices such as the CRT displays, teleprinter-keyboard, and the Iine printer can be operated at any speed up to a maximum without loss of efficiency. These asynchronous devices are kept on and ready to accept dataj they do not turn themselves off between transfers. Devices such as magnetic tape, DECtape, the serial drum, and card equipment are timed-transfer devices and must operate at or very near their maximum speeds to be efficient. Some of the timed-transfer devices can operate independently of the central processor after they have been set in operation by transferring a continuous block of data words through the PDP-7 data interrupt fac il ity. Once the program has supplied information about the location and size"of the block of data to be transferred, the device itself takes over the work of actually performing the transfer. Separate parallel buffers are prOVided on each input/output device attached to the basic PDP-7. The high speed perforated Tape Reader Control Type 444B contains an 18-bit buffer and binary word assembler. The high speed perforated Tape Punch Type 75D, and the teleprinter and the keyboard of the Teletype and Control Type 649 each contain separate 8-bit buffers. These devices are described briefly in Section 1 and are discussed in detail in Section 7 of this handbook. Separate parallel buffers are also incorporated as part of DEC standard I/O peripheral equipment options. Information is transferred between the accumu lator and a device buffer during the execution time of a single-cycle I/OT instruction. Because the maximum time the accumulator is associated with anyone external buffer is 1 .75 microseconds, many standard I/O devices can operate simultaneously under control of the PDP-7. Figure 11 shows the data path between device buffers and the AC through the information collector or information distributor. DATA TRANSFERS VIA DATA BREAK INFORMATION COLLECTOR •• •• 18 BIT 1.75:- ... INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR ••• •• • Figure 11 * INCLUDED WITH OPTION Input/Output Information Flow 26 SECTION 3 INSTRUCTIONS Instruction words are of two types: memory reference and augmented. Memory reference instructions store or retrieve data from core memory, while augmented instructions do not. All instructions util ize bits 0 through 3 to specify the operation code. Operation codes of OOa, through 60a specify memory reference instructions, and codes of 70a and 74a specify augmented instructions. Memory reference instruction execution times are multiples of the 1.75-microsecond memory cycle. Indirect addressing increases the execution time of a memory reference instruction by 1.75 microseconds. The augmented instructions, input/output transfer and operate, are performed in 1.75 microseconds. MEMORY REFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS Memory reference instructions require a Fetch cycle to interpret the operation and determine the memory address, and most (all except the jump) require an Execute cycle to carry out the operation. When indirect addressing is specified, an extra (Defer) cycle is entered to determine the effective address. Information is transferred from the AC into core memory through the MB. When an operand is to be retrieved from core memory it is transferred into the MB; and the specified operation is then performed (usually between the AC and the MB). 'Mlen information in the accumu lator is to be stored in core memory, it passes through the MB to the instruction-specified address. The jump instruction contains an address but does not requ ire an operand. An Execute cycle is not needed, and the instruction is completed in one (Fetch) cycle. The bit assignments of the memory reference instruction are shown in Figure 12 and I isted in Table 1. Bits 0-3 determ ine the operation to be performed. Bit 4 is used to specify direct or indirect addressing. Bits 5-17 specify the memory address of the operand. OPERATION CODE ADDRESS , i 0 I 1 12 I j4 3 i5 I 1 6 I7 I I 8 9 110 III 112 113114115116117 '-.--' INDIRECT ADDRESSING IF BIT IS A I Figure 12 Memory Reference Instruction Bit Assignments 27 i TABLE 1 Mnemonic Symbol MEMORY REFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS Octal Code Machine Cycles CAL 00 2 Call subroutine. The address portion of th is instruction is ignored. The action i~ identical to JMS 20. The instruction CAL I is equivalent to JMS I 20. L, PC = > 20 21 = > PC c. DAC Y 04 2 Deposit AC. The content of the AC is deposited in the memory cell at location Y. The previous content of Y is lost; the content of the AC is unchanged. AC = >Y JMS Y 10 2 Jump to subroutine. The content of the PC and the content of the L is depos ited in memory cell Y. The next instruction .is taken from cell Y + 1 • Operation Executed L = > YO 0= > Yl-4 PC = > Y5-17 Y+ 1 =>PC DZMY 14 2 Deposit zero in memory ~ Zero is deposited in memory cell Y. The original content of Y is lost. The AC is unaffected by th is operation. O=>Y LACY 20 2 Load AC. The content of Y is loaded into the AC. The previous content of the AC is lost; the content of Y is unchanged. Y= >AC 28 TABLE 1 MEMORY REFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Machine Cycles XORY 24 2 Operation Executed Exclusive OR. The logical operation exclusive OR is performed between the content of Y and the content of the AC. The result is left in the AC and the original content of the AC is lost. The content of Y is changed. Corresponding bits are compared independent I y. Y i ¥ AC i = > AC j Example AC i original o o Yj ACj final 1 o 1 o 0 1 1 1 1 0 ADDY 30 2 Add (lis complement). The content of Y is added to the content of the AC in lis complement arithmetic. The result is left in 'he AC and the original content of the AC is lost. The content of Y is unchanged. The I ink is set to 1 on overflow. Y+ AC = >AC TADY 34 2 Twols complement add. The content of Y is added to the content of the AC in 2 1s complement arithmetic. The result is left in the AC and the original content of the AC is lost. The content of Y is unchanged. A carry out of bit 0 complements the I ink. Y + AC = >AC XCT Y 40 1+* Execute. The instruction in memory cell Y is executed. The computer acts as if the instruction located in Y were in the place of the XCT I so that the PC sequence is unaltered. *This instruction requires one cycle plus the number of cycles required for execution of the 'instruction at the specified address. 29 TABLE 1 MEMORY REFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Octal Code Machine Cycles Operation Executed ISZ Y 44 2 Increment and skip if zero. The content of Y is incremented by one in 2 1s complement arithmetic. If the result is zero, the next instruction is skipped; if not, the computer proceeds to the next instruction. The content of the AC is unaffected. Y+l=>Y If result=O, PC+ 1 =>PC ANDY 50 2 AND. The logical operation AND is performed between the content of Yond the content of the AC. The resu It is Ieft in the AC, and the original content of the AC is lost. The content of Y is unchanged. Corresponding bits are compared independently. Yi /\ ACi = > ACj , Mnemonic Symbol Example ACj original o o 1 1 SAD Y 54 JMPY 60 2 Yl o ACj final 1 o o o o 1 1 Skip if AC is different from Y. The con- . tent of Y is compared with the content of the AC. If the numbers are the same, the computer proceeds to the next i nstruction. If the numbers are different, the next instruction is sk ipped. The content of the AC and the content of Y are unchanged. If AC I Y then PC + 1 = > PC Jump to Y. The next instruction to be executed is taken from memory ce II Y. Y = > PC 30 AUGMENTED INSTRUCTIONS Augmented instructions do not require a memory reference. Since no address is required, the least significant bits are decoded to initiate various operations to extend, or augmen't, the operation code. Because no calion core memory is required for execution of instructions in this class, no Execute cycle is needed and the instructions are performed in one 1.75-microsecond Fetch cycle. Microprogramming of bits 4 through 17 can be used to specify an opercltion in each three sequential event times with in the cyc Ie. The augmented instructions are divided into two classes: a. Instructions having an operation code of 70S are Input/Output Transfer (I/OT) commands and are used to control, test, or transfer information with input/output devices. b. Instructions having an operation code of 74a are Operate (OPR) commands and are used for basic processor data manipulation such as skipping, shifting, rotating, etc. A large group of operate instructions having an operation code of 768 is added to the computer with addition of the Type 177 Extended Arithmetic EIE~ment. This group of instructions is described in Section 5 of th is handbook. Input/Output Transfer Instructions Input/Output Transfer (I/OT) instructions are used to control peripheral devices, to :sense their status, and to transfer information between them and the processor. Three instructions initiate generation of time-sequenced I/OP pulses and a device-select code, both of which are appl ied to the device selector interface circuits. Upon receipt of these signals, the device selector generates I/OT pulses that effect the operations specified by the I/OT instruction. The three event times of the I/OT instructions are identified with an I/OP pulse, and generation of the I/OP pulses is determined by the content of bits 15, 16, and 17 of the I/OT instruction. I/OPl is used to check the status of a device. I/OP2 and I/OP4 are initiated by the device selector to cause a transfer of information to and from the information collector and the information distributor. The relationship between pulses, event times, and instruction bits is as follows: Instruction Bit 17 16 15 I/OT Pulse " I/OT 1 I/OT 2 I/OT 4 I/OP Pulse Processor Time Event Time I/OP 1 I/OP 2 I/OP4 T5 T7 T1 of next cycle 1 2 3 During a normal computer cycle the I/OT pulses are standard DEC 70-nanosecond pulses and I/OT 2 occurs approximately 450 nanoseconds after I/OT 1, and I/OT 4 occurs approximately 150 nanoseconds after I/OT 2. During a slow cycle the I/OT pulses are standard DEC 400-nanosecond pulses occuring at a minimum of 1 microsecond apart. Slow-cycle timing is adiusted to accommodate the slowest device connected to the computer. Th is timing is indicated in Figure 9. 31 The I/OT instruction format is shown in Figure 13. Bits 0-3 carry the I/OT instruction code (70); bits 6-11 determine the external device selected; bits 4-5 and 12-13 are used to select a mode of operation or subdevice, and bits 15-17 initiate transmission electrical pulses to the device for direct control of the information transfer or device operation or to the information collector. Descriptions of I/OT instructions are given along with the I/O equipment descriptions in su'cceeding sections of th is handbook. CLEAR AC AT EVENT TIME 1 IF' BIT IS A 1 DEVICE SELECTION , OPERATION CODE 70 , i .I 4 5 \ I6 I7 I8 I9 , \ 10 • SUB-DEVICE SELECTION SUB-DEVICE SELECTION Figure 13 ~,.......o.-.... I It I 12 I 13 I 141 \ ' GENERATE AN I/OP 2 PULSE AT EVENT TIME 2 IF' BIT IS A 1 ' 15 1 '6 \ 171 '---r---' GENERATE AN I/OP 4 PULSE AT EVENT TIME 4 IF BIT IS A1 '--v---' GENERATE AN IIOP 1 PULSE AT EVENT TIME 1 IF BIT IS AI I/OT Instruction Bit Assignments Operate Instructions Operate (OPR) instructions 'are divided into two groups, designated by the condition of bit 4. Group 1 (OPR 1) instructions are identified by bit 4 containing a 0, and are used to complement, shift, rotate, skip, etc. Group 2 (OPR 2) instructions are identified by bit 4 containing a 1, and are used to load a program-specified number into the accumulator (literal or immediate data) without storing the number in core memory. . Group 1 Operate Instructions The group of augmented instructions with operation code 748 and containing a 0 in bit 4, is used to manipulate and sense information in the Iink and accumulator. These instructions can be combined to cause several operations to occur, by microprogramming bits associated with functions that occur in each of the three event times. The three event times are numbered according to the sequence in which they occur, and all three occur within the single 1 .75 microsecond Fetch cycle required for execution of the instruction. An operation which takes place at event time 1 is completed before event time 2 begins, and events specified for enactment during event time 2 are completed before event time 3 begins. No two operations can be specified in one event time of the same instruction if they logically conflict. Illegal example: Legal example: 740014· RAL OAS 740003 CML CMA Format of the Group 1 Operate instructions is shown in Figure 14 and the instructions are listed in Table 2. 32 IF 81T 8 IS A 1 ROTATE 1 CODE 74 o II i 2 ~~il;~O~ ~ ClA IF 81T IS A I ~ OPERATION I 3 14 I ~ I 2 POSITIONS IF A I ~ 6 IF' 81T 7 IS A 1 S~A (SZL SPA' HLT I RTR ' RTl • IF' 81T IF' BIT IF 81T IF' BIT IF BIT IF BIT IS A I IS A 1 IS A I IS A I IS A I IS A I ,...-J--.r--A-...-"-,~~ TT 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 It 1 12 C~S A 0 TO ~ IF BIT REVERSE SKIP J:~3~i ISAI ~~N~II~~ 9,10,11 IF BIT 8 IS A I SNL IF' BIT ,IS AO 1 13 1141 CMl IF BIT IS A I ,.-'----., I~ 1 16 1 17\ '-;;;;"-;;~.I~ IF BIT IF BIT IF BIT ~ IF BIT ,ISAt,ISAI/ISAI ISAI IF BIT 7 IS A 0 SZA SMA IF' 81T IF BIT IS AO IS AO, • IF 81T 8 IS A 0 Figure 14 Group 1 TABLE 2 Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code OPR or NOP 740000 CMA 740001 3 CML 740002 3 Op~rate Instruction Bit Assignments OPERATE INSTRUCTIONS Event Time Operation Executed Operate or No Operation. Indicates the operate class. When used alone, performs no operation; the computer proceeds to the next instruction after one memory cycle. Complement Accumulator. Each bit of the AC is complemented. ACj = >ACi Complement Link .. I=>L OAS 740004 3 Inclusive OR ACCUMULATOR Switches. The word ·set into the ACCUMULATOR switches is OR combined with the content of the AC, the result remains in the AC, the original content of the AC is lost I and the switches are unaffected. AC V ACCUMULATOR Switches = > AC RAL 740010 3 . Rotate Accummulator (and Iink) Left. The content of the AC and L are rotated c)ne position to the left. ACi = > ACi-1 ACO = > L L = > AC 17 33 TABLE 2 Mnemonic Symbol OPERATE INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Octal Code Event Time RLR 740020 2 HLT 740040 Hal t. The program is stopped at the conclusion of the cycle, so that HLT can be combined with other operations to be performed in any event time. o = > RU N fl ip-flop SMA 740100 Skip on minus accumulator. If the content of the AC is a negative (2 1s complement) number, the content of the PC is incremented to skip the next successive instruction. If ACO = 1, then PC + 1 = > PC SZA 740200 Skip on zero accumu lator. If the content of the AC equals zero (2 1s complement), the next instruction is sk ipped. If ACO- 17 = 0, then PC + 1 = > PC SNL 740400 Skip on non-zero link. If the L contains a 1, the next instruction is skipped. If L = 1, then PC + 1 = > PC SKP 741000 Skip. The next instruction is unconditionally skipped. PC+1=>PC SPA 741100 Skip on positive accumu lator •.' If the content of the AC is zero (2 15 complement) or a positive number, the next instruction is skipped. SPA = SMA If ACO = 0, then PC + 1 = > PC SNA 741200 Sk ip on non-zero accumu lator • If the content of the AC is not zero (2 15 comp Iement), the next instruction is skipped. SNA = SZA If ACO- 17 "f 0, then PC + 1 = > PC Operation Executed Rotate accumu lator (and I ink) Right. The content of the AC and L are rotated one position to the right. AC j' = > AC i + 1 L = > ACO AC17=>L 34 TABLE 2 Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code OPERATE INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Event Time Operation Executed SZL 741400 RTL 742010 2,3 Rotate two left. The content of the AC and the L are rotated two positions to the left. RTL is equivalent to two successive RAL instructions. ACj = >ACj-2 ACl = > L ACO = > AC17 L = > AC16 RTR 742020 2,3 Rotate two right. The content of the AC and L are rotated two positions to the right. RTR is equivalent to two successive RAR instructions. ACj = > ACj + 2 L = > AC1 AC17 = > ACO AC16=>L ClL 744000 2 Clear link. The L is cleared to contain a binary O. O=>L STL 744002 2,3 Set link .. The l is set to contain a binary 1. o = > L, th en I = > l, ••• 1 = > l RCL 744010 2,3 Clear link I then rotate Left. _The L is c Ieared, then the. land AC are rotated one position left. RCl = Cll RAL RCR 744020 2,3 Clear link, then rotate Right. The l is cleared,. then the Land AC are rotated one position right. RCR = CLl RAR CLA 750000 2 Clear accumulator. Each bit of the AC is cleared to contain a binary O. 0= > ACO-17 Skip on zero link. If the L contains a 0, the next instruction is skipped. SZL = SNL' If L = 0, then PC + 1 = > PC 35 TABLE 2 Mnemonic Symbol OPERATE INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Octal Code Event Time CLC 750001 2,3 Clear and complement accumulator. Each bit of the AC is set to contain a binary 1 • CLC = CLA CMA LAS 750004 2,3 Load accumulator from switches. Th~ word set into the ACCUMULATOR switches is loaded into the AC. LAS = CLA OAS GLK 750010 2,3 Get link. The content of L is set into AC17. GLK = CLA RAL Operation Executed When skip operat'ions are combined in a single instruction, the inclusive OR of the conditions to be met determines whether or not the skip takes place. For example, if both SZA and SNL are spec ified (operation code 740600), the next instruction is sk ipped if either the content of the AC = 0, the content of the L =0, or both. When the sense of the skip is inverted (bit 8 = 1) in a combined skip, the skip takes place only if both of the conditions are met. For example, both SNA and SZL are specified (operation code 741600), the next instruction is not skipped if either the AC = 0, the L = 1,·or both. The skip occurs only if both AC I- 0 and L = o. The nature of the rotate operations is such that no other operations may take place during the same event time. The following restrictions must therefore be observed: RAR and RAL may not be combined with OAS, CML, or CMA. RTR and RTL may not be combined with CLA, CLL, OAS, CMA, or CML. Group 2 Operate Instructions (LAW) The group of augmented instructions with an operation code of 748 and containing 01 in bit 4, is used to load the entire instruction word into the accumulator. Since th is group performs the same operation regardless of the content of bits 5 through 17, it can be considered as one instruction. Format of this instruction is shown in Figure 15. 36 OPERATION CODE 74 ADDRESS SIZE NUMBER 1 , 1 1 r 8 \ 9 \ to \ It \12 \13 \14115\16 \ 17\ "-t-' CONTAINS AI TO SPECIFY GROUP 2 ) y NUMBER l.OADED INTO THE AC Figure 15 Group 2 (lAW) Operate Instruction Bit Assignments This instruction can b~ defined as follows: Mnemonic Symbol lAW Octal Code Machine Cycles 76XXXX Operation Executed Load Accumu lator With. The AC is load«~d with the entire instruction word contained in the MB. MB => AC Use of this instruction can be appl ied to load an address-size number into the accumu lator without using an extra core memory tocation. The lAW instruction is used to: a. load memory addresses for use in indirect addressing b. load characters into the AC for use with I/O equipment c. initialize word count in I/O devices, such as magnetic tape equipment d. preset the real time c lock counter k used in these examples, only bits 5-17 of the LAW instruction are regarded as the addresses, characters, and counts, although the entire word is contained in the AC. This instruction should be used with care on machines having extended core memory capacity when operating in the extend mode, since bits 3 and 4 are used to select addresses above 8K. Example: ~ lAW 1234, /OCTAl NUMBER 761234 IS ENTERED /INTO THE AC DAC 15 /THE CONTENT OF THE AC IS STORED /IN MEMORY lOCATION 15 'ro initialize a core memory location with a negative number, where the complete word (bits 0-17) is to be regarded, it is necessary to take the las complement of the number and then subtract the octal code 760000. For example, if the desired count is 755, memory location Y is loaded with -755 as follows. The l's complement of 000755 is 777022, which can be represented as the sum of 760000 and 17023. Since 760000 is the operation code for LAW, the resulting program sequence is used: 37 LAW 17023 DAC Y In actual practice this operation is seldom used, since the PDP-7 Symbolic Assembler has defined the special character LAM to load negative numbers for counting or masking purposes. The character LAM is a special case of the LAW instruction, equal to LAW 17777. 38 SECTION 4 BASIC MACHINE LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING MEMORY ADDRESSING Vv'hen planning the location of instructions and data in core memory, remember that the following locations are reserved for special purposes: Address Purpose Stores the content of the program counter, extended program counter, TRAP fl ip-flop I EXTEND flip-flop, and link following a program interrupt. Stores the first instruction to be executed following a program interrupt. 78 Stores real time clock count. 108 through 178 Auto-indexing registers. 20 Stores the content of the program counter, extended program counter, TRAP fl ip-flop, EXTE ND fl ip-flop, and link during execution of a CAL instruction. 8 Stores the first instruction of the subroutine entered through the CAL instruction. Usually addresses 08 through 778 are used to store special control words, address, or word counts and data and routines are stored from address 100 through the rest of core memory. Ind irect Addressing In a memory reference instruction, if bit 4 is a 1, indirect addressing occurs when the instruction is executed. Bits 5-17 of such an instruction are interpreted as the address of the memory location containing not the operand but the address of the operand. Thus, access to the operand is deferred to another location. The indirect instruction appears as: ADD I 100 where, the content of location 100 = 001357 where I signifies indirect addressing. The processor interprets the content of register 100 as the address of the instruction operand and in the next memory cycle adds the content of location 1357 to the content of the AC. Access to an operand can be deferred in this manner onl yonce during the execution of an instruction. 39 Auto-Indexing Each 8192-word core memory field of a PD P-7 computer system contains eight auto-indexing memory registers in addresses specified in Table 3. When one of these locations is used as an indirect address/ the content of that location is automatically incremented by one/ and the resul t is taken as the effective address of the instruction. The incrementing is done with no added instruction time. Note that incrementing of an auto-index location occurs onlyon an indirect reference; for direct addressing the auto-index locations are identical to other memory locations. TABLE 3 Memory Vvord Capacity AUTO-INDEX REGISTERS IN EACH MEMORY FIELD Memory Fields Relative Address Addresses of Auto-Indexing Registers 4K 0 10-17 10 -17 8 8 8K 0 10-17 10 -17 8 8 16K 0/ 1 10-17 108-178/20010-200178 24K 0/ 1/2 10-17 108-178/20010-200178 40010-40017 8 32K 0/1/2/3 10-17 108 -178 /20010-20017 8 .40010-40017 8 /60010-60017 8 Example: Assume four memory locations initially have the following content: Location - 10 40 100 101 Content 100 50 40 41 The following four instructions to load the accumulator ill ustrate / by comparison / the use of auto-indexing. LAC LAC LAC LAC 100 100 10 10 Places the number 40 into the AC Places the number 50 into the AC Places the number 100 into the AC By auto-indexing / the content of location 10 becomes 101 i then the number 41 is placed into the AC. 40 Auto-indexing is also used to operate on each member of a block of numbers without the need for address arithmetic. The following three examples demonstrate how this is done: Example 1: Add a column of numbers Location Content 10/ FIRST -1 /LOCATION OF FIRST WORD-1 COUNT -N + 1 /TWO'S COMPLEMENT OF NUMBER OF /ADDITIONS ENTRY, CLA LOOP, N Y = LXi i =1 Remarks /CLEAR AC 10 ADD /ADD INTO PARTIAL SUM ISZ COUNT /TEST FOR COMPLETION JMP LOOP /MORE IN TABLE, GO BACK CONTINUE /SUM IN AC Ci = Ai + Bi for i = 1 , 2, ••• N Example 2: Note that three auto-indexing locations are used to simpl ify the addressing. In the basic machine, eight locations are available for use as auto-indexing registers. LOOP, Content 10/ L(A) -1 /THE LOCATION OF THE A ARRAY-1 11/ L(B) -1 /THE LOCATION OF THE B ARRAY -1 12/ L(C) -1 /THE LOCATION OF THE C ARRAY-1 LAC 10 /GET ADDEND ADD 11 /FORM SUM 12 /STORE SUM DAC I ISZ COUNT /TEST FOR COMPLETION JMP LOOP /MORE IN TABLE, GO BACK /DONE, CONTINUE CONTINUE Example 3: Remarks Location Ci = Ci +K i = 1, 2, ••• N 41 Modify a list of numbers by adding a constant to each of them. Note that the auto-indexing memory register contains an instruction rather than just an address. This is perfectly acceptable since, when not in the extend mode, onl y the address bits are used in generating the effective address. Tag Location 10/ , COUNT/ CONST/ LOOP, Content Remarks DAC FIRST-1 /DEPOSIT INTO FIRST LOCATION IN /TABLE -1 -N +1 /TWO'S COMPLEMENT OF NUMBER OF /VvORDS IN TABLE K /THE CONSTANT LAC 10 /PICK UP INITIAL VALUE FROM TABLE ADD CONST /ADD THE CONSTANT XCT 10 /REPLACE IN TABLE ISZ COUNT /TEST FOR COMPLETION JMP LOOP /MORE IN TABLE, GO BACK jCONTINUE WITH PROGRAM CONTINUE ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS Two arithmetic instructions are included.in the PDP-7 order code, the one's complement add: ADD Y, and the two's complement add: TAD Y. Using these instructions, routines can easily be written to perform addition, subtraction, mul tipl ication, and division in either one's complement or two's complement arithmetic. Complement Arithmetic In complement arithmetic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of binary numbers is performed in accordance with the common rules of binary arithmetic. In PDP-7 as in other machines utilizing complementation techniques, negative numbers are represented as the complement of positive numbers, and subtraction is achieved by complement addition. Representation of negative values in one's complement arithmetic is slightly different from that in two's complement arithmetic. The one's complement of a number is the complement of the absolute positive value; that is, all ones are replaced by zeros and all zeros are replaced by ones. The two's complement of a number is equal to the one's complement of the positive value plus one. 42 In one's complement arithmetic a carry from the sign bit (most significant bit) is added to the least significant bit in an end-around carry. In two's complement arithmetic a carry from the sign bit complements the link (a carry would set the link to 1 if it were properly .cle(lfed before the operation), and there is no end-around carry. A one's complement representation of a negative number is always one less than the two's complement representation of the same number. Differences between one's and two's complement representations are indicated in the following list. Number +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 +0 -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 lis Complement 2's Complement 000000000101 000000000100 000000000011 000000000010 000000000001 000000000000 111111111111 111111111110 111111111101 111111 11 11 00 111111111011 111111111010 000000000101 000000000100 000000000011 000000000010 000000000001 000000000000 Nonexistent 111111111111 111111111110 1111111111 01 111111111100 111111111011 Note that in two's complement there is only one representation for the number which has the value zero, while in one's complement there are two representations. Note also that complementation does not interfere with sign notation in either one's complement or two's complement arithmetic; bit 0 remains.a 0 for positive numbers and a 1 for negative numbers. To form the two's complement of any number, the one's complement is formed, and the result is incremented by one. This is accomplished by the instruction CMA .followed by an ISZ instruction for a number in a known core memory location as follows: LAC Y CMA DAC Y ISZ Y NOP Addition The addition of a number contained in a core memory location and the number cont'ained in the accumulator is performed directly by using the ADD Y or the TAD Y instruction, assuming that the binary point is in the same position and that both numbers are properly represented in the appropriate complement arithmetic. Addition can be performed without regard for the sign of either the augend or the addend. Overflow is possible, in which case the resul t will have an incorrect sign, although the 17 least significant bits will be correct. Following the addition a test for overflow can be made by using the SZL command. 43 Subtraction Subtraction is performed by complementing the subtrahend and adding the minuend. As in addition, if both numbers are represen ted by their one IS or two IS com pi ement, subtraction can be performed without regard for the sign of either number. Assuming that both numbers are stored in core memory, a routine to find the val ue of A-B follows: l's Complement LAC B CMA ADD A 2's Complement /LOAD SUBTRAHEND /FORM 1'5 COMPLEMENT /-B PLUS A = RESULT IN AC ONE, 0001 LACB CMA TAD ONE TAD A /CONSTANT /LOAD SUBTRAHEND /FORM liS COMPLEMENT /FORM 2'S COMPLEMENT /-B PLUS A = RESULT /IN AC Mul tipl ication and Division The nature of the algorithms for multiplication and division make their explanation here impractical. An understanding of these operations is best gained by studying the program descriptions and Iistings in the Digital Program Library. INPUT/OUTPUT FUNDAMENTALS Program Flags The status of each I/O device is indicated ,to the pror:essor by flag signals. A program reads the flag status of a device and initiates appropriate action. In this way, input/output transfers and program operations are easily coordinated. Flags are connected to the program interrupt control, status bits, and the input/output skip facil ity. A flag is an electrical level which indicates the status of part or all of an I/O device. A flag may indicate one of several things depending upon the location of its connection. 1. Connected to the program interrupt, a flag ind icates that: a. An output transfer has' been completed and the device buffer is available for refi II ing. b. An input buffer contains information for transfer into the computer. c. A device operating asynchronously has information for input or requires information for output. 2. Connected to the input/output skip facil ity, a flag can indicate: a. Skip the next instruction if the device buffer is full. b. Skip the next instruction if an output operation has been completed. 44 3. Connected to the status register, a flag can indicate the: a. Occurrence of an error b.. Direction of data transfer c .. Direction device is operating, forward, reverse d. Mode of operation in a device e. Subdevice connected to a central device f. Busy or idle condition of a device Input/Output Status The status of each I/O device, as indicated by its flags, can be read into assigned bits of the AC. Figure 16 shows the standard assignment for the commonly used devices. An asterisk ind ~cates that the flag is connected to the program interrupt control. The presence of a flag is reflected by a 1 in the correspond ing AC bit. The status of 18 flags can be read into the AC at one time using the I/ORS I/OT instruction. Input/Output Read Status. The content of given flags replace the content of the assigned AC bits. 700314 I/ORS PROGRAM INTERRUPT TAPE PUNCH FLAG TELETYPE PRINTER FLAG * ON* ~ * ~ ,..-A-.. I2 I 3 REAL TIME CLOCK OVERFLOW FLAG MAGNETIC TAPE INTERRUPT FLAG * * ~ ,..-A-.. 14 I 5 1 6 I 7 I8 '-r-' '-v-' '--.,-' TAPE READER FLAG '-v-' TELETYPE KEYBOARD FLAG DISPLAY FLAG CLOCK E-NABl..E * * * f 9 I to \ It 'I 12 \ 13 . \14 f 15 1'6 \ 17J ASSIGNAAI..E TO ANY DEVICE FLAG * CONNECTED TO CAUSE A PROGRAM INTERRUPT Figure 16 I/ORS Instruction Status Bit Assignments Input/Output Skip Facility (I/OS) The input/output skip facil ity enables the program to branch accord ing to the status of an external device. The I/OS has fourteen flag inputs and is expandable to any number I seven of wh ich are used by the basic computer equipment. 'Nhen an input/output skip instruction is executed, the DS sends I/OT pulses to the selected device input. If the flag connected to that input is set to 0, the next instruction in the program sequence is executed. If the flag status is a 1, the next instruction is skipped.. An I/O pulse for a skip must occur at event time 1 • 45 The I/O skip facility is expandable through the addition of Type R141 modules, each of which contains seven additional skip inputs. A -3 volt signal indicates the presence of a flag. Commonly used skip instructions are: CLSF 700001 Skip if real time clock has overflowed. RSF 700101 Skip if perforated tape reader buffer holds a character. PSF 700201 Skip if perforated tape punch is ready. KSF 700301 Skip if teleprinter keyboard buffer holds a character. TSF 700401 Skip if teleprinter is ready to receive a character. DSF 700501 Skip on display flag (light pen). CPSF 706401 Sk ip if card punch is ready. LPSF 706501 Skip if I ine printer is ready. LSSF 706601 Skip if line printer spacing flag is a 1. CRSF 706701 Sk ip if card reader buffer holds a character. Input/Output Trap The PDP-7 I/O trap is designed to simpl ify programming of sophisticated input/output routines and to provide the basic hardware necessary for a time-shared or multi-user system. The effect of the trap is to insert a program interrupt break in place of the I/OT instruction. Two other conditions are also trapped, an XCT instruction whose subject instruction is also XCT and the HL T portion of an operate class instruction. The trap ,provides the PDP-7 with- the basic hardware necessary to use the PDP-7 in a timeshared mode. With the use of the extend and trap modes, multi-user installations with full memory bank protection are possible. A program operating on o~e or more independent 8K (or smaller) memory banks can be protected from accidental disturbance by a program operating in other memory banks. All I/O operations can be mon itored to check for use of restricted I/O devices or restricted memory locations. In this way, the PDP-7 can be used for real-time process control and simultaneously be available to share time with other programs in other memory banks without the threat of program interference. The trap mode is enabled by the ITON instruction (700062) with the operator console TRAP switch on. The trap mode is disabled by any program interrupt break. The ITON (700062) also turns on the program interrupt through a microcoding of the ION instruction (700042). Since the I/O trap may not be disabled by a program without causing a program interrupt break, control over input/output rests entirelywith the I/O interrupt routines. Other uses of the program interrupt and extend mode are controlled by the trap, for the extend status may not be changed and the interrupt mode may not be disabled by a program runn ing in the trap mode. 46 The trap in itiates a sequence of events depending on the trapped instruction. I/OT An I/OT instruction is trapped. XCT An XCT of an XCT instruction is trapped. HLT A microprogrammed HL T of an operate class (740040) instruction is trapped. A program interrupt break in place of the trapped instruction increments the program counter and stores its content in location 0, bits 3 to 17, stores the link in bit 0, stores the extend status in bit 1 , and stores the status of the trap mode in bit 2 (in this case 1). Control then transfers to location 2. The extend mode is enabled and the program interrupt is turned off. The next instructions are taken from the appropriate I/O service routine, which begins in location 2. Program Interrupt Control (PIC) The program interrupt control increases the efficiency of input/output operations by freeing a program from the necessity of constantly monitoring program flags. When the PIC is enabled and a peripheral device becomes available, the PIC automatically interrupts the program sequence and causes a program interrupt break to occur. A subprogram beginn ing at the break location may then sense the program flags to determine wh ich of the devi ces caused the interrupt. The device is then serviced and control returns to the main program. Fourteen device flags connect to the basic PIC, and more flag connections can be easily added. The PIC may 'be enabled or disabled by the program. When it is disabled, program interrupts do not occur, al though device flags may be set. Interrupts for these devices occur when the PIC is re-enabled. Vvhen the computer is operating with interrupt-producing devices, the PIC is normally enabled. The following I/OT instructions control the PIC: Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed IOF 700002 Interrupt off. Disable the PIC ION 700042 Interrupt on. Enable the PIC Each of the input/output devices has associated with it a program flag which is set whenever the device has completed a transfer and is ready for another. When the interrupt is enabled and the device is ready, the setting of the device flag (connected to the PIC) causes a program interrupt. The main instruction sequence is halted, the program counter, link, extend mode, and trap mode status are stored in location 0 and control transfers to location 1. Thus, a JMS () has been effectively executed. The interrupt is then disabled and the extend mode is turned off. The format of the word stored in loco'rion 0 is ind icated in Figure 17. 47 LINK TRAP FLIP-FLOP ..---A--.. r-A--.. PROGRAM COU~TER ~ 1 I I 2 13 14 1~ I 6 I 7 I e I 9 I 10 I It I 12 I 13 I 141 15 116 1171 '-v---' . EXTEND FLIP·FLOP* * • ' ExTENOED PROGRAM COUNTER* IN MEMORY EXTENSION CONTROL TYPE 148. Figure 17 Information Stored in Address 000000 During a Program Interrupt Example: When the program interrupt is used to free the processor between data transfers on a slow I/O device, the PDP-7 can do arithmetic or other I/O transfers while the slow device is in operation. The following sequence gives the I imiting usable rate at whi·ch the PDP-7 could acknowIedge repetitive program interrupts from the same dev;c~.. Each data transfer is 18 bits. Cycles Location Mnemonic Tag 0 2 SERVICE, Remarks /CONTENTS OF PC AND LINK JMP SERVICE DAC TEMP lOT /SAVE AC /TRANSFER DATA FROM DEVICE /BUFFER TO AC 3 DAC I 10 2 ISZ COUNT JMP .+2 JMP END 2 LAC TEMP 1 ION 2 JMPI /STORE DATA IN MEMORY LIST /RELOAD AC /TURN ON INTERRUPT 0 /RETURN TO PROGRAM 16 The routine takes 16 machine cycles, or 28.0 microseconds per loop. When operating with a slow I/O device, the PDP-7 can perform other computations or other input/output operations in between program interrupts. If the perforated tape reader (300 cps), perforated tape punch (63 cps) and teleprinter (10 cps) were all operating at full speed sjmul~aneously through the PIC, the percent of computer time taken for I/O servicing is roughly: 48 0/0 I/O time = sum of dev;.;e rates (cps) x service time (fJs/interrupt) x 100 106 In th is case, % I/O ti me = (300+63+10) / x (28) x 100 106 or the time required to service the perforated tape reader, punch, and teleprinter operating simultaneously is roughly less than 1.5% of the computer time. The routine beginning in location 1 is responsible for finding and servicing the devicE~ th.,t caused the interrupt. When a program interrupt occurs, the PIC is automatically disabled since only single-level interrupting is provided. The interrupt routine can re-enable the interrupt mode at any time. The status of the PIC is displayed on the operator console by the PIE (program interrupt enabled) indicator. Real Time Clock The clock produces a pulse every 1/60 second (6.7 mill iseconds). When the clock is enabled, every clock pulse causes a clock break. The clock break interrupt is similar to a data break in that the content of the active registers are not changed. This interrupt has priority over a program interrupt but is of lower priority than a data break. During the interrupt the content memory' location 7 are incremented by 1. If the content of location 7 overflows, the clock flag is set to 1. The clock flag is connected to the program interrupt system and causes a program interrupt. Three I/OT instructions are associated with the clock: Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed CLSF 700001 Skip the next instruction if the clock flag is set to 1 • CLOF , 700004 Clear the clock flag and disable the clock. CLON 700044 Clear the clock flag and enable the clock. Clock frequencies other than 60 cps can be (optionally) selected for use with'the clock interrupt. Pressing the START key on the operator console clears the clock flag and disables the clock. Memory location 7 is not incremented unless the program is running, thus a halt prevents a clock interrupt but does not disable the flag. Since the c lock register is in core memory loacation 7, it can be loaded or deposited by a program. A standard technique for using the clock is to preset the content of location 7 with 49 the complement of the desired count and then to enable the program interrupt and the clock. An interrupt wi II occur at the end of the desired time. To cause an interrupt at the end of 1 second, the following routine can be used: 0/ 1/ JMP END-OF-TIME CLOCK LAM* -60 /LOAD -60 INTO ACCUMULATOR (SAME / AS LAW 17720). DAC 7 /PRESET CLOCK TO -60. CLON /TURN ON CLOCK. ION /TURN ON INTERRUPT. /CONTINUE WITH 1 SECOND WORTH OF /PROGRAM. Data Break Channel This facility allows one high-speed input/output device, such as a magnetic tape or drum unit, to operate independently of the computer program (after a short initia Iizing sequence) and transfer data with core memory at device-determined times on a cycle-stealing basis. When the device needs to transfer data into or out of core memory it provides a request to the computer. Since the data break has priority over all other breaks or interrupts, this request is granted at the completion of the current instruction {within three machine cycles, maximum}. When the break occurs, the program is suspended for one cycle while the data is transferred between "the device and the MB, then the program is resumed. The break does not affect the AC, PC, or IR so program conditions are not stored, as in program interrupts, but are held static for a onecycle delay. The core memory address of each break and the direction of the transfer {into or out of core memory} is specified by signals from the device. A transfer rate of 570,000 18-bit words/second (l, 710,000 6-bit characters/second) is possible. The externa I device requesting the break must supply 15 address lines, 18 input/output data lines, a break request line, and a transfer direction signal. All signals are -3 volts for assertion, ground for O. To accomodate slow I/O devices, the external device may request the computer to slow its cyc Ie for the duration of the transfer. *LAM is a pseudo-instruction to the assembler which generates the equivalent negative number in machine language using a LAW instruction. 50 The optional Type 173 Data Interrupt Multiplexer increases the data break. facility to four channels arranged in a priority sequence. Thus, several high-speed devices such as CI Type 57A tape control, a Type 24 Serial Drum, etc., can operate simultaneously at a maximum combined transfer rate of 570 KC words/second. The optional Type 174 Data Control controls and buffers high speed transfer between the computer and external devices which do not have the necessary control facilities. The Type 57A Automatic Magnetic Tape Control and Type 24 Serial Drum do not require this data control. Maximum transfer rate is 570 KC words/second. 51 SECTION 5 PROCESSOR OPTIONS EXTENDED ARITHMETIC ELEMENT TYPE 177 The Extended Arithmetic Element (EAE) Type 177 is a standard option for the PDP-7 to facil itate high-speed mulfipl ication, division, shifting, and register manipulation. The EAE contains an la-bit multiplier quotient register (MQ), a 6-bit step counter register (SC), two sign registers and the EAE control logic. The two panels of EAE logic are installed just below the operator console in bay 2 of the PDP-7 computer. The content of the MQ register is continually displayed on the operator console just below the ACCUMULATOR indicators. The Extended Arithmetic Element hardware operates asyncronously to the basic computer cycle, permitting computations to be performed in the minimum possible time. Further, since the EAE instructions are microprogrammed, it is usually possible to simplify programming and shorten computation time by microcoding exactl y the arithmetic operation desired. The EAE instructions are broken up into two parts: The first part permits register manipulation as microprogrammed in the instruction while data is being fetched; the second part is the specified operation itself. Signed and unsigned multiplication would, for example, differ in the microprogrammed first part where the sign manipulation is done •. The bit configuration for the EAE instructions is shown in Figure 18 and defined in Table 4. The set-up phase of the instruction is broken up into three event times. Microprogramming for all but the set-up commands uses only the first two event times. The bits corresponding to the third event time then specify the step count of commands such as multiply, divide, and the shifts. The unassigned operation code (010) should not be used as it is reserved for future EAE expansion. EAE OPERATION CODE (64) ,.- I IF BITol I \,. 10 l' I 2 II 3 4 5 I I I I I J I ...I ~ 0 I I ~ 0 2 IJ.I 0 0 u I I I I I I ~---+-I I L ___ 000 001 010 01 I 100 10 I I 10 1t I IJ.I n "" 9 1'0 1'1 12 113 1'4 1'5 DIVIDE NORMALIZE LONG RIGHT LONG LEFT toC LEFT I - -T- Figure 18 EVENT TIME t I I I i fl i > u u ""~ SHIFT COUNT (IF EAE COMMAND" 000) EVENT TIME 2 0 "" I --- I (IF EAE COMMANDoOOO) I I I l ___ L ___ J ____ L ___ I I I I I IF BIT -I I I I I u I I I [ I 17 I I SETUP MULTIPLY ""fi I 16 I EAE COMMAND (,.) I { I IF BITSol0 I I t----T-- I 8 ~ "" ""1'1 II I 7 6 I (,.) « « Ii « :- (,.) :I (II n EAE Instruction Bit Assignment 52 u i fi u 0 ~ « > u EVENT TIME 3 TABLE 4 EAE BIT ASSIGNMENTS AND OPERATIONS Bit Pos itions Bits 0, 1,2,3 1101 Function ==== EAE operation code. 4 Place the AC sign in the I ink. Used for signed operations. 5 Clear the MQ. 6 Read the AC sign into the EAE AC sign register prior to carrying out a stepped operation. Used for the signed operations mul tipl y and divide. 6, 7 10 Take the absol ute val ue of the AC • Takes place after the AC sign is read into the EAE AC sign. 7 Incl usive OR the AC with the MQ and read into MQ. (If bit 5 is a 1, th is reads the AC into the MQ) • 8 Clear the AC. • 9,10,11 000 Setup. Specifies no stepped EAE operation, and enables the use of bits 15, 16, and 17. It is used as a prel iminory to multiplying, dividing, and shifting signed numbers. Execution time is one cycle. 9,10,11 001 Multiply. Causes the number in the MQ to be multipl ied by the number in the memory location following th is instruction. If the EAE AC sign register is 1, the MQ will be complemented prior to mul tipl ication. The exclusive OR of the EAE AC sign and the I ink will be placed in the EAE sign register (the sign of product and quotient) • The product is left in the AC and MQ I with the lowest order bit in MQ bit 17. The program continues at the location of th is instruction plus two. At the completion of this instruction the link is cleared and if the EAE sign was 1, the AC and MQ are 53 TABLE 4 Bit Positions EAE BIT ASSIGNMENTS AND OPERATIONS (continued) Bits Function 9,10,11 001 (continued) complemented. The step count of th is instruction should be 22 (octal) for a 36-bit multipl ication, but can be varied to speed up the operation. The execution time is 4.2 to 8.7 !-,sec, depending on number of 1 bits in the MQ. 9,10,11 010 This is an unused operation code reserved for possible future expansion. 9,10,11 011 Divide. Causes the 36-bit number in the AC and MQ to be divided by the 18-bit number in the register following the instruction. If the EAE AC sign is 1, the MQ is complemented prior to starting the division. The magn itude of the AC is taken by microprogramming the instruction. The exclusive OR of the AC sign and the I ink are placed in the EAE sign. The part of the dividend in the AC must be Iess than the divisor or overflow occurs. In that case the I ink is set at the end of the divide; otherwise, the link is cleared. At the completion of this instruction, if the EAE sign was a 1, the MQ is complemented; and if the EAE AC sign was 1, the AC is complemented. Thus the remainder has the same sign as the dividend. The step count of th is instruction is normall y 23 (octal) but can be decreased for certain operations. The execution time is 3.5 !-,sec in the case of divide overflow or from 9.0-12.6 !-,sec otherwise. 9,10,11 101 Long right sh ift. Causes the AC and MQ to be shifted right together as a 36-bit register the number of times specified in the step count of the instruction. On each step the I ink fills AC bit-O, AC bit-17 fills MQ bit-O, and MQ bit-17 is lost. The I ink remains unchanged. The tim e is O. 1 n + 1 .6 !-,sec, where n is the step count. 54 TABLE 4 Bit Positions EAEBIT ASSIGNMENT AND OPERATIONS (continued) Bits Function 9,10,11 110 Long Ieft sh ift. Causes the AC and MQ to be shifted left together the number of times specified in the step count of the instruction. On each step, MQ bit 17 is filled by the I ink; the I ink remains unchanged. MQ bit 0 fills AC bit 17 and AC bit 0 is lost. The time is 0.1 n + 1.6 ~sec, where n is the shift count. 9,10,11 100 Normal ize. Causes the AC and MQ to be shifted left together until either the step count is exceeded or AC bit 0 I- AC bit 1 • .MQ bit 17 is filled by the link, but the link is not changed. The step count of this instruction would normally be 44 (octat). When the step counter is read into the AC, it contains the number of sh ifts minus the initial shift count as a 2 1s complement 6-bit number. The time is O. 1 n + 1 .6 ~sec, where n is the number of steps in the sh ift c:ounter or the number required to effect normal ization, wh ichever is less. 9,10,11 111 Accumulator left shift. Causes the AC to be sh if ted left the number of times specified in the shift count. AC bit 17 is filled by the Iink, but the I ink is unchanged. The time is O. 1 n + 1 .6 ~secr where n is the step count. 12-17 Specify the step count except in the case of the setup command, wh ich does not change the step counter. 15 On the setup command only, causes the MQ to be complemented. 16 1 On the setup command onl y, causes the MQ to be inclusive ORed with the AC and the result placed in AC. (If the AC has been cleared, th is will place the MQ into the AC) • 17 1 On the setup command onl y, causes the AC to be inclusive ORed with the SC and the results placed in AC bits 12-17. (If the AC has been cleared, th is will place the SC into the AC) • 55 Bit assignments for EAE setup, multipl y, divide, normal ize and sh ift instructions are shown in Figures 19 through 23. OPERATION CODE 64 SPECIFYING EAE o CLEARS MO AT EVENT TIME' 'FBIT IS A 1 CLEARS AC AT EVENT TIME 2 IF BIT r-'--.. r-"--,. UNUSED IN SET UP 'S A I ~ 19 I 10 2 LOADS THEAC WITH THE OR OF THE AC ANDTHEMO AT EVENT TIME 3 IF BIT IS A , It 12 ~ LOADS COMPLEMENTS THE I.C THE MQ WITH THE AT EVENT OR OF THE TIME 3 CONTENT OF IF BIT THE AC AND IS THE SC AT EVENT TIME 3 IF BIT IS '--y--J EAE COMMAND Os FOR SETUP SHIFTS ACO INTO L AT EvENT TIME' IF BIT IS A 1 LOADS THE MQ WITH THE OR OF THE CONTENT OF THE AC AND THE MQ AT EVENT TIME 2 IF BIT I SA' I A' A' WHEN BIT 6 IS A , AND BIT 7 IS A 0 THE NUMBER IN THE AC IS CHANGED TO ITS ABSOLUTE VALUE. SHIFTS ACO INTO EAE AC ' - - - - - SIGN FLIP -FLOP AT EVENT TIME 1 IF BIT IS A' EAE Setup Instruction Bit Assignments Figure 19 SHIFTS ACO INTO EAE AC SIGN FLI P-FLOP AT EVENT I OPERATION CODE 64 SPECIFYING EAE BIT 6 SHOULD BE A 0 LOADS THE MO WITH THE OR OF THE CONTENT OF THE AC AND THE MQ AT EVENT TIME 2 IF BIT IS A' AND BIT 7 SHOULD BE A 1 FOR MULTIPLY EAE COMMAND 's FOR ~ULTIPLY ~,-'--. 9 , BIT41SA o AND BIT 5 IS A 1 SO THAT LINK IS NOT 01 STURBED AND MQ IS CLEARED AT EVENT TIME , Figure 20 ) TIME' IF BIT IS A , '-v-' CLEARS AC AT EVENT TIME 2 IF BIT IS A' 10 It 12 I 13 1 141 15 1 t61 171 , STEP COUNTER PRE-SETTING lUSUALLY 22s FOR MULTIPLY) EAE Multiply Instruction Bit Assignments 56 USED WITH USED WITH INTEGER INTEGER DIVIDE TO DIVIDE TO LOAD THE CLEAR THE MQ WITH THE MQ AT EVENT CONTENT OF' TIME t IF' BIT THE AC AT IS A t EVENT TIME 2 OPERATION CODE 64 SPECIFYING EAE . o ~ EAE COMMAND 3 8 FOR DIVIDE ,---A---.., 2 10 '---v--" '-,-J '---v--' USED WITH SIGNED DIVISION TO SET THE SIGN OF THE DIVIDEND (ACOIINTO THE EAE SIGN F'LlP-FLOP USED WITH INTEGER DIVIDE TO CLEAR THE AC AT EVENT TIME 2 UNUSED IN DIVIDE SO THAT LINK IS NOT DISTURBED EXCEPT F'OR OVERFLOW Figure 21 OPERATION CODE 154 SPECIFYING EAE I \ 2 3 14 17 STEP COUNTER PRE-SETTING (USALLY 44 FOR NORMALIZE I 1 5 7 6 . 8 9 10 II . '--.-' Figure 22 16 STEP COUNTER PRE-SETTING (USUALLY 23 FOR DIVI DE I . 12 13 114115 16 17 EAE COMMAND 48 FOR NORMALIZE SHIFTS ACO INTO L AT EVENT TIME t FOR SIGNED OPERATIONS IF' BIT IS At 0 . UNUSED WITH NORMALIZE COMMANDS 3 14 2 12 113114115 EAE Divide Instruction Bit Assignments OPERATION CODE 64 SPECIF'Y1NG EAE o II EAE Normal ize Instruction Bit Assignments . 1 MAY BE USED IN MICROPROGRAMMING SAME FUNCTIONS AS FOR SET UP INSTRUCTIONS I 5 '--v-' SHIFTS ACO INTO L AT EVENT TIME t FOR SIGNED OPERATIONS IF BIT IS At Figure 23 STEP COUNT!R PRE-SETTING (SET TO THE NUMBER OF BINARY POSITIONS TO BE SHIFTED I . 6 7 8 . 9 . i 10 II 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 16 17 EAE COMMAND ::1 8 ' LONG RIGHT SHIFT 6 e 'LONG LEFT $}lIFT 7 B • SHORT L EFT SHIFT EAE Shift Instruction Bit Assignments Instruction times for operations performed by the EAE depend on the operation, the step count, and the data itself. Each command has a basic operation time to which is added function times depending on the operation. Time Operation Shift/Normal ize 1 .6 tJsec plus 0.1 tJsec/step. 57 Time Operation Multiply 2.4 ~sec pi us o. 1 ~sec/step pi us 0.25 ~sec per one-bit in the multipi ier. Divide 2.4 ~sec pi us 0 .35 ~sec/step pi us 0.2 ~sec per one-bit in the quotient. Since the EAE expects to find the multipl ier or the divisor in the location following the multiply or divide instruction, a short subroutine is usual Iy used to setup the mul tip Iy or divide in the general case. These subroutint;~ in both open and closed form are shown on the following pages. For multipl ication or division by a constant, a subroutine is not required and the maximum speed becomes the true multiplication or division time. Single length numbers (18 bits) are assumed to be of the form: high-order bit is the sign followed by 17 bits in lis complement notation .. Double length numbers (36 bits) use two registers, and are of the form: two high-order bits as signs, followed by 34 bits in lis complement notation. Both sign bits must be the same. Unsigned numbers may be either 18 or 36 bits in length. EAE Microprogramming Arithmetic operations in the EAE assume that the numbers are unsigned 18 or 36-bit words. To properly manipulate sign numbers, the EAE instructions are microprogrammed to take complements and arrange the signs. In mul tipl ication, the 18-bit number in the MQ register is mul ti:pi ied by the number in the memory location following the instruction. The mul tipl ier in the MQ register at the beginning of the operation can be either positive or negative. If it is negative, its sign must also appear in the EAC AC sign register. If this register contains a 1, the MQ is complemented prior to the multipl ication. Microprogramming makes it possible to set up the EAE AC sign register and to move the AC to the MQ wh ile the data is being fetched. When the multipl icand is taken from the memory location following the instruction, it must be a positive number with the original sign in the link. The exclusive OR of the link and the EAE AC sign register (the two registers containing the original signs of the numbers) form the sign of the product. If the sign of the product is a one (negative) the AC and MQ are complemented at the end of the operation. For the signed multipl ication, the two most significant bits of the AC contain the sign of the product. To produce a full 36-bit product or quotient, the step count of the multiply instruction should be 18 and for the divide instruction 1910 • However, for calculation not requiring 36-bit accuracy before rounding" the step count may be set lower to reduce the time required for the arithmetic operation. For unsigned operations the I ink must contain a O. A list of microprogrammed EAE register manipulation instructions is given in Table 5. Microprograms other than those common enough to warrant mnemonics are possible. An example is an instruction to place the contents of the AC into the MQ. The operation code for this 58 instruction would be formed by using the EAE Setup op-code, code bit 5, to clear the MQ at event time 1 and bit 7 to OR the AC into the MQ at event time 2. An instruction of th is type, however, is usual Iy not necessary since the contents of the AC are automaticall y transferred to the MQ prior to mul tipl ication by the microprogrammed MUL or MULS instruction. TABLE 5 Mnemonic Symbol EAE INSTRUCTION LIST Octal Code Operation Executed EAE 640000 Basic EAE command. LRS 640500 Long right shift. LRSS 660500 Long right shift, signed (AC sign = I ink). LLS 640600 Long Ieft sh ift • LLSS 660600 Long left sh ift, signed (AC sign ALS 640700 Accumulator left shift. ALSS 660700 Accumulator left shift, signed (AC sign = L). NORM 640444 Normal ize unsigned. Maximum shift is 448 , NORMS 660444 Normal ize, signed (AC sign MUL 653122 Mul tipl y the number in the AC by the number in the core memory addressed by the PC as 18-bit unsigned numbers, leave result in AC and MQ. The Iink must be O. MULS 657122 Multiply signed, the number in the AC by the number in the core memory address currentl y des ignated by the PC. The mul tipl ier must be positive and its original sign must be in the link. The signed result appears in AC and MQ right adjusted. DIV 640323 Divide the content of both the AC and MQ as a 36-bit unsigned number by the number in the core memory Iocat ion currentl y spec ified by the PC. Leave quotient in MQ and remainder in AC. The Iink must be O. DIVS 644323 Divide the content of both the AC and MQ as a lis compl ement signed number by the 59 No operation. = L) ,. = L). TABLE 5 Mnemonic Symbol EAE INSTRUCTION LIST (continued) Operation Executed Octal Code number in the core memory location currentl y specified by the PC. The divisor must be positive and its original sign must be in I ink. The signed quotient is in the MQ and the remainder, having the same sign as the dividend, will be in the AC. DIVS (continued) IDIV 653323 Integer divide. Divide the number in the AC as an l8-bit unsigned integer by the number in the core memory location currently specified by the PC. The MQ is ignored. The quotient will be in the MQ and the remainder in tl-e AC. Link must be o. IDIVS 657323 Integer divide, signed. Same as IDIV but the content of the AC is a 17-bit signed and the usual convention on the divisor and I ink apply. FRDIV 650323 Fraction divide. Divide the 18-bit fraction in the AC by the 18-bit fraction in the number in the core memory location currently specified by the PC. The I ink must be 0; the MQ is ignored. The quotient replaces the MQ and the remainder replaces the AC. FRDIVS 654323 Fraction divide, signed. Same as FRDIV, but the content of the AC l7-bit signed and the usual conventions of the divisor and link apply. LACQ 641002 Replace the content of the AC with the content of the MQ. - LACS 641001 Replace the content of the AC with the content of the SC • CLQ 650000 Clear MQ. ABS 644000 Place absolute value of AC in th-e AC. GSM 664000 Get sign and magnitude, thus setting up divisor or mul tipl i cand. PI aces AC sign 60 Mnemonic Symbol TABLE 5 EAE INSTRUCTION LIST {continued} Octal Operation Code Executed in the I ink and takes the absolute value of AC. GSM (continued) OSC 640001 Inclusive OR the SC into the AC. OMQ 640002 Inclusive OR AC with MQ and place resul ts in AC. CMQ 640004 Comp Ieme nt the MQ. LMQ 652000 Load MQ from AC, leave AC unchanged. EAE Programming Examples Example 1: Exchange right and left halves of the accumulator as shown in Figure 24. BEFORE I II 12131 1S16171 s 191 4 0 :x II M) I" 11211311411S 116 117 1 : AFTER 10 1 13141S16\71 B 19110 I" 11211311411~ liS 1171 2 Figure 24 EAE Example 1, Problem Approach: Since the EAE may be represented as shown in Figure 25 1 the right half of the accumulator may be shifted into the left half of the MQ. Figure 25 EAE Example 1, Approach 61 Cll ClQ V lRS 11 /ClEAR LINK /ClEAR MQ /RIGHT SHIFT 9 DECIMAL lOR MQ INTO AC OMQ Timing = 1.75 + 1.6 + (0.1) (9) + 1.75 = 6.0 microseconds Example 2: Given two 18-bit words in memory locations A and 0, pack the five high-order bits of each word into the right hand ten bits of the accumulator. Approach: As shown in Figure 26. A I 0 II B 10 \1 1213141S16 1718191~ III 11211311411S 116 117 1 121314 1S16171 s 19110 III 11211311411S 116 117 1 II ~c 10 II 12131'41S16171819110 I" IIzl1311411S 116 117 1 OESIRED RESULT Figure 26 EAE Example 2, Approach Cll lAC B lRS 27 lAC A AND (760000 OMQ lRS 10 /ClEAR LINK TO INITIALIZE SHIFTING /lOAD AC WITH SECOND WORD /SHIFT CHARACTER INTO MQ, Fill /VACATED BITS WITH ZEROS /lOAD AC WITH FIRST WORD /MASK OFF UNUSED BITS lOR MQ INTO AC /lONG RIGHT SH 1FT TO JUSTIFY /CHARACTER, FilLING VACATED BITS /WITH ZEROS Timing == 20.3 microseconds 62 Example 3: Multipl ication of a constant by a 3-bit number. Result in AC. Since the multiplier, in this case considered a constant, is fetched from memory; it will appear in the memory buffer register during the multiplication. The multiplicand, in this case a 3-bit number, is placed in the MQ and the AC is cleared. The multiply algorithm may be represented as shown in Figure 27. DONE Figure 27 EAE Example 3, Approqch Algorithm MUL -17 Xy " LLS +3 /3 BIT NUMBER IN AC /3 STEPS 228 - 178 = 3 /CONSTANT /LEFT SHIFT 3 PLACES TO PUT /RESULT IN AC If the constant is 000071 and the AC contains 000005, the result at point XY is 000043 in t AC and 500000 in the MQ. After the shift the AC contains 000435. Example 4: Signed Divide Closed Subroutine /SIGNED DIVIDE SUBROUTINE /CALLING SEQUENCE / DIVIDEND IN AC + MQ / JMS DIVIDE / PICKUP OTHER FACTOR DIVIDE, 0 DAC TEM XCT I DIVIDE GSM DAC DIVL LAC TEM DIVS DIVL, 0 ISZ DIVIDE JMP I DIVIDE 37-42 I-lsec ENTRY TO SUBROUTINE /LOCATION OF DIVISOR 63 Example 5: Signed Multiply Closed Subroutine /SIGNED MULTIPLY SUBROUTINE /CALLING SEQUENCE: / ONE FACTOR IN AC / JMS MPY / PICKUP OTHER FACTOR MPY, 0 GSM DAC .+3 LAC I MPY MULS 25-31 tJsec /LAC XXX OR LAC I XXX /ENTRY TO SUBROUTINE /FIX MULTIPLICAND MAGNITUDE o /LOCATION OF MULTIPLICAND /INDEX RETURN ISZ MPY JMP I MPY AUTOMATIC PRIORITY INTERRUPT TYPE 172 The Automatic Priority Interrupt Type 172 increases the capabil ity of the PDP-7 to hand Ie transfers of information to and from input/output devices. The 172 option identifies an interruptill9 device directly without the need for flag searching. Multilevel interrupts are permissiblE:.' where a device at higher priority supersedes an interrupt already in process. These functions increase the speed of the input/output system and simpl ify the programming. In this way more and higher-speed devices can be serviced efficientl y. The Type 172 contains 16 automatic interrupt channels arranged in a priority chain so that channel 0 has the highest priority and channel 178 has the lowest priority. Each channel is assigned a unique, fixed, memory locati'on in the range of 408 through 578 starting with channel 0. When establ ishing priority, each I/O device is assigned a unique interrupt channel. The priority chain guarantees that if two or more I/O devices request an interrupt concurrently, the system grants the interrupt to the device with the highest priority. The other interrupt requests will be serviced afterward in priority order. A priority just below that of the data break channel is assigned to the Type 172. This is the priority normally held by the real time clock in PDP-7 systems not having the automatic priority interrupt option. The clock flag and clock overflow flag are usua Ily assi gned to channe Is 178 and 168 of the Type 172 option. The priority interrupt system operates in either the multi-instruction subroutine mode or the singleinstruction subroutine mode. The mode is determined by the instruction in the memory location assigned to the channe I. 64 The Multi-Instruction Subroutine Mode Th is mode is general Iy used to service an I/O device that requires control information from the PDP-7. Such devices are alarms, slow electromechanical devices, teleprinters, punches, etc. Each device requires a servicing subroutine that includes instructions to manipulate data and give further instructions, such as continue, halt, etc., to the interrupting device. An interrupt request from a device is granted if the following conditions are met: a. The 172 is in the enabled condition (by program control). b. There is no data interrupt request present. c. The requesting channel is in the enabled condition (by program control). d. There is no interrupt in progress on a channel of higher priority. e. There is no interrupt in progress on the requesting channel. When an interrupt is granted, the content of the channel memory location is transferred to the MB and executed. If the instruction executed is JMS Y, the system operates in the multiinstruction subroutine mode. The content of the program counter and the condition of the Iink are stored in location Y, and the device-servicing subroutine starts in Y + 1. (Note that it is often useful to store the content of the AC before servicing the device and to restore the AC prior to exiting from the servicing routine.) The interrupt flag is normally lowered by the 172, but can be cleared by an I/OT instruction if desired. Program control now rests with the servicing routine. A return to the main program is accompl ished by a restore the AC and I ink, a de break I/OT and a jump indirect to location Y, where the content of the PC prior to interrupt are stored. The debreaking I/OT requires no channel designator, since the interrupt priority chain- automatically releases the correct channel and returns it to the receptive state. This I/OT normally inhibits all other interrupts for one memory cycle to insure that the jump indirect Y is executed immediatel y" The following program example illustrates the action that takes place during the multi-instruction subroutine mode. Assume an interrupt on channel 3. 65 Memory Location Instruction Function 1000 ADD 2650 Instruction being executed when interrupt request occurs. 0043 JMS 3000 Instruction executed as a result of interrupt on channe I ·3. The JMS determines multiinstruct ion mode. 3000 3001 The Iink, condition of the extend mode, and the PC are stored in location 3000. DAC 3050 First instruction of servic!ng routines stores AC. 3002 3003 3004 Instructions servicing the interrupting inout device. 3005 3006 3007 LAC 3050 Restores AC for main program. 3010 DBR Debreaking I/OT re~eases channel. 3011 JMP I 3000 Return to main program sequence. 1001 Next instruction executed from here unless another priority interrupt is waiting: 66 If the ISZ instruction is used, the 172 acknowledges only the indexing operation and neglects the skip to avoid changing the contents of the program counter. If an overflow results from the indexing a flag is sete This flag can be entered in another channel of the interrupt system to cause a further program interrupt. The following program coding illustrates operation in the single instruction subroutine mode. Assume an interrupt on channel 6. Memory Locat ion Instruction 1200 DAC 1600 Operation being executed when interrupt occurs. 0046 ISZ 3200 Instruction executed as a result of break on channel 6. If overflow, flag is set, PC not changed. 1201 LAC 1620 Next instruction in sequencE; of main program. Operation Priority Interrupt Instructions The instructions Iisted in Table 6 are added to the PDP-7 with the insta Ilation of the Type 172 option. Some instructions for example CAC and ASC, require that a channel number be contained in the AC for execution. Mnemonic Symbol TABLE 6 PRIORITY INTERRUPT INSTRUCTIONS Octal Operation Code Executed CAC 705501 Clear all channels. Turn off all channels. ASC 705502 Enable selected channel(s). AC bits 2-17 are used to select the channel (s) • DSC 705604 Disable selected channel (s). AC, bits 2-17 are used to select the channel (s) • EPI 700044 Enable automatic priority interrupt system. Same as real time clock CLON. DPt 700004 Disable automatic priority interrupt system. Same as real time clock CLOF. ISC 705504 Initiate break on selected channel (for maintenance purposes). AC bits 2-17 are used to se Iect the channe I . 67 TABLE 6 PRIORITY INTERRUPT INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed DBR 705601 Debreak. Returns highest priority channel to receptive state. Used to exit from multiinstruction subroutine mode. AC bits 0 and 1 are available for expansion of the basic automatic priority interrupt system to 4 groups of 16 channels. DATA INTERRUPT MULTIPLEXER CONTROL TYPE 173 The Data Interrupt Multiplexer Type 173 permits four high-speed input/output devices to operate with the standard PDP-7 data interrupt channel. The 173 operates at a combined transfer rate of 570,000 la-bit words per second and is designed for use with high-speed equipment such as magnetic tape systems, drum systems, and multiple high-speed analog-to-digital converters. The 173 multiplexer operates through the standard data interrupt facil ities of the PDP-7 computer. A signal to the data interrupt control causes the operating program to halt or pause for one cycle while the information is either deposited or removed from core memory. During this pause, there is no change in the status of the arithmetic registers. The operating program automaticall y resumes after the multiplexer access. When an external device is addressed or addresses core memory through the Type 173 multiplexer and the data break. interrupt facil ity, the following events occur: . 1. The multiplexer switches to the device. 2. The 1 .75-microsecond data break cycle begins. a. At time 1, the computer samples the 15 address lines. b. At time 3, data is transferred in or out of core memory through the multiplexer. The following control signal lines pass from the 173 to each external device and ~re gated to only the transferring device: . Signal Time Characteristics a. Address Accepted T1 Standard 70-nsec negative pulse 68 b. Signal Time Data Accept T3 Standard 70-nsec negative pulse use doni y when transfer direction is into PDP-7. T3 Standard 70-nsec negative pulse used onl y when transfer direction is out of PDP-7. c • Data Ready d. MPXB Select When device is se Iected • Characteristics Standard negative level (- 3 volts) when selected, ground when not selected. The following control signal Iines pass from each device to the 173 (these signals are delayed approximately 25 nsec before being applied to the computer): Signal a. Data Break Request b. Transfer Direction Time Characteristics Must be received by processor before T 5 Standard negative level (- 3 vol ts) for request, ground for no request. Must be rece i ved by processor before T 5 Standard negative level (- 3 volts) for into PDP-7, ground for out of PDP-7. The la-bit data signals (- 3 volts for assertion) and 15-bi.t address signals (- 3 volts for assertion) should be set up at the time the device makes the request. The maior elements of the Type 173 Data Interrupt Multiplexer and the interface signol flow between it and both the processor and the devices are shown in Figure 28. 69 c. I!I- BIT ADDRESS 0 ..-. I!I- BIT ADDRESS DATA ADDRESS MULTIPLEXER I!I- BIT ADDRESS I I!I-BIT ADDRESS a I!I-BIT ADDRESS • --.- 18-BIT DATA WORD DATA INFORMATION MULTIPLEXER ..-. 18-BIT DATA 18~BIT ...... DATA WORD ...... 18-BIT DATA WORD I , z 18-BIT DATA WORD s ~ ADDR ACC 0 ADDR ACC I ADDR ACC ~ 2 ADDR ACC s PDP-7 PROCESSOR DATA ACC ADDRESS ACCEPTED 0 DATA MULTIPLEXER BUFFERS DATA ACCEPTED DATA READY DATA ACC I DATA ACC z DATA ACC J DATA READY 0 DATA READY I DATA READY a DATA READY f MPXB 0-3 ~ 3 (4 LINES) DATA BREAK REQUEST ~ - T REQ SLOW CYCLf DATA BREAK REQUEST I DATA BREAK REQ DATA BREAK REQUEST z TRANSFER DIRECTION DATA BREAK REQUEST DATA MULTIPLEXER CONTROL T!I 3 TRANSFER DIRECTION 0 T6 ~ 1- TRANSFER DIRECTION ..... TRANSFER DIRECTION I .~ - 2 TRANSFER DIRECTION 3 DATA INTERRUPT MULTlPLfXER TYPE 17.3 Figure 28 Data Interrupt Multiplexer Type 173 70 I/O DEVICES SECTION 6 CORE MEMORY OPTIONS MEMORY EXTENSION CONTROL TYPE 148 The Type 148 Memory Extension Control allows expansion of the PDP-7 core memory from 8, 192 to 32,768 words in increments of either 4,096 or 8, 192 words, using the Type 149 Memory Modules. The Type 148 includes a 2-bit extended program counter, a 2-bit exte'1ded memory address register, and an extend mode control. Locations outside the current 8, 192-word field are accessed by indirect addressing while in the extend mode. In this mode, bits 3-17 in the effective address of an indirectly addressed instruction contain the memory Held number (bits 3 and 4) and the memory address (bits 5-17). If not in the extend mode, bits 3 and 4 of the effective address are ignored and the field number is taken from the extended program counter. Thus, when not in the extend mode, the instruction and data must be in the same 8,192-word field. In the following example, the program starts at location 66666 (memory field 3): 66666/ LAC 12345 62345/ 54321 The effective address, 54321, is interpreted as follows: Binary X X X Octal EMA 0 5 4 3 2 4 3 2 2 1 Y" 0 0 1 0 0 000 1 y -----~ Address Field If not in the extend mode, bits 3 and 4 are ignored and the memory address is interpreted at 14321 in the current memory field 3. The physical address is 74321 • The current memory field, from which instructions are executed, is stored in the extended program counter (EPC). The EPC is changed by jumping (JMP I or JMS I) while in the extend mode. The program counter (PC) will not increment across memory field boundaries, it counts from 000008 to 177778 and back to 000008 of the current memory field. A load accumulator instruction, or other memory reference instructions with indirect addressing (LAC I), can access data from any memory field, however, it does not change the EPC. In the extend mode, CAL addresses location 00020 of field o. When not in the extend mode, it addresses location 20 in i·he current field. Program interrupts always reference field 0, location o. Extend mode is 71 automatically cleared and the condition is stored in the bit position one (1) of location O. The extend mode condition may be re-establ ished at the end of an interrupt routine by the instruction EMIR. Figure 17 illustrates the configuration of bits which are stored in location a on a program interrupt. Each memory field which is added contains eight auto-index registers as does the basic memory. The locations for auto-index registers with 32K of memory are: 00010 through 00017 20010 through 20017 40010 through 40017 60010 through 60017 Four instructions are added with the Type 148 Memory Extension Control: Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed SEM 707701 Skip if in Extend Mode EEM 707702 Enter Extend Mode LEM 707704 Leave Extend Mode EMIR 707742 Extend Mode Interrupt Restore. The EMIR turns on the extend mode and sets a flip-flop which restores a prior condition of that mode duri ng the next J MP I i nstruction. The following sequence wi II re-establ ish the condition of the extend mode upon completion of an interrupt servicing routine: EMIR /EXTEND MODE INTERRUPT RESTORE ION /TURN PROGRAM INTERRUPT ON JMPIO /RETURN The acutal effect on the EMIR instruction is to turn the extend mode on then off again if the effective address of the JMP I 0 instruction has bit 1 equal to 0 (extend mode was off when the interrupt routine was entered). The EMIR instruction can be given at any time prior to leaving the: interrupt routine and indirect addressing may be used without effect on the extend mode. On Iy JMP I wi II restore the extend mode condition. Existing programs lacking extend mode and real time clock instructions can operate within any memory field providing they do not use program interrupt. If interrupt is used, the following routine must be in field O. 72 Tag Instruct ion Remarks 0/ 1/ JMP SIM SIM, DAC AC /SAVE AC LAC 0 /PIC K UP RETURN AND MASK /SElECT FIELD BITS DAC ADDR /SET UP NEW LOCATION LAC 0 /PICK UP RETURN EMIR /EXTEND MODE INTERRUPT RESTORE DAC I ADDR /STORE IN NEW LOCATION ISZ ADDR /SET UP JUMP LAC AC /RESTORE AC JMPI ADDR /RETURN ADDR, MASK, 260000 AC, Data interrupts must supply a 15-bit address. The condition of the extend mode is not changed. CORE MEMORY MODULES TYPE 147 AND 149 The 4096-word memory in the standard PDP-7 is a Type 149A Core Memory Module. The 149A is a 8192-word memory implemented to 4096 words. Addition of a Type 147 Core M.emory Module option is required to fully implement the Type 149A in the standard machine. One Type 147 option is required for any memory size above 4K words. The Type 149B Core Memory Module is a fully implemented 8192-word core memory that can be added only to a memory of 8K, 16K, or 24K capacity. The options required to obtain various storage capacities are as fc)llows: Word Capac ity 4096 8192 12288 16384 20480 24576 28672 32768 Options Required None one 147 one 147 and one 149A one 147 and one 149B one 147, one 1498, and one 149A one 147 and two 149B one 147, two 149B, and one 149A one 147 and three 149B 73 Any core memory size above 8192 words requires addition of a Type 148 Memory Extension Control option. Addressing a core memory up to 8192 words is accompl ished as explained in Section 4 of this handbook. Addressing above 8K is accompl ished as described for the memory extension control in the previous portion of this section. 74 SECTION 7 STANDARD INPUT/OUTPUT EQUIPMENT Standard input/output equipment supplied with each PDP-7 system consists of the Teletype and Control Type 649 , Perforated Tape Reader and Control Type 444B I and a Perforated Tape Punch and Contro I Type 75D. TELETYPE MODEL 33 KSR AND CONTROL TYPE 649 The Teletype Model 33 Keyboard Send Receive (KSR) set can be used to type in or print out information at a rate of up to ten characters per second. Signals transferred between the 33 KSR and the keyboard printer control logic are standard serial, ll-unit code Teletype signals. The signals consist of marks and spaces which correspond to idle and bias current in the Te letype and zeros and ones in the contro I and computer. The start mark and subsec1uent ei ght character bits are one unit of time duration and are followed by a two unit stop mark. Each of the (64 type) characters and 32 control characters are represented by an 8-bit standard ASCII code. The Teletype eight-level character code is listed in the Appendix 2. The teleprinter input and output functions are logically separate, and the programmer can consider the printer and keyboard as individual devices. Keyboard The keyboard control contains an 8-bit buffer line unit in (LUI) which assembles and holds the code for the last character struck on the keyboard. The keyboard flag becomes a 1 t signify i-hat a character has been assembled and is ready for transfer to the accumulator. This flag is connected to the computer program interrupt and input/output skip facility and may be cleared by command. Instructions for use in control I ing the keyboard are: Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed KSF 700301 Skip if the keyboard flag is set to 1. If the flag is a 0, the next instruction is executed. If it is 1 ~ the next instruction is skipped. The flag is set only when a character has been completely assembled by the buffer. KRB 700312 Read the keyboard buffer. The content of the buffer is placed in bits 10-17 of the AC and the keyboard flag is cleared. 75 Tel eprinter The teleprinter control contains an 8-bit buffer line unit out (LUO) which receives a character to be printed from AC bits 10 through 17. The LUO receives the 8-bit code from the AC in parallel and transmits it to the teleprinter serially. When the last bit has been transmitted, the teleprinter flag is set to 1. This flag is. connected to the computer program interrupt and input/output skip facil ity. It is cleared by programmed command. The instructions for printing are: Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code TSF 700401 Skip if the telepringer flag is set. TeF 700402 Clear. the te lepri nter flag. TLS 700406 Load pri nter buffer and se lect . The content of AC bits 10 through 17 are placed in the buffer and printed. The flag is cleared before transmission takes place and is set when the character has been printed. Operation Execut~d PERFORATED TAPE READER AND CONTROL TYPE 444B The tape reader is a timed-transfer device which senses the holes punched in 5, 7, or 8-channel paper (or Mylar-base) tape. The standard input medium is 8-channel tape. The maximum reading rate is 300 characters (I ines) per second. A power switch is provided on the reader. This switch is usually left on, however, as the reader power is removed when the computer is turned off. Operation of the tape reader is controlled entirely by the program. When the reader is selected, the brake is released and the clutch engages the drive capstan to move the tape past the photocells which sense the holes punched in the tape. For each hole present in a given line of tape, a corresponding bit of the reader buffer is set to 1 . Information can be read from tape and assembled in the reader buffer in either alphanumeric or binary modes. In alphanumeric ,mode each select instruction causes one line of tape, consisting of eight bits, to be read and placed in the buffer. Blank tape lines are ignored. The absence of a feed hole causes the character punched in that I ine to be ignored. Alphanumeric tape format and character bit transfer assignments when loaded into the AC are shown in Figure 29. In the binary mode, the select instruction causes three lines of tape to be read. The first six bits of each line are assembled in the buffer, thus three tape characters·form a single la-bit computer word. The seventh bit is ignored. However, a character is not read unless the eighth bit is punched. Binary tape format and character bit assignments when loaded into the AC a~e shown in Figure 30. Tape reader instructions are listed in Table 7. 76 o 2 7 . 8 9 CHANNEL. 8 CHANNEL. 6 CHANNEL. 4 CHANNEL. 2 ~ r-'"--. ~ ,-....-, ! 10 ! II 112 113 114! lei 16 117] '-v--' '---,.--' "--v-' '-...--' CHANNEL. 7 CHANNEL. CHANNEL :5 CHANNEL. 1 I UNUSED !5 TAPE CHANNEL. S DIRECTION OF TAPE MovEMENT 4 FEED 3 1 T MOST SIGNIFICANT OCTAL. BIT Figure 29 Tape Format and Reader Buffer Register Bit Assignments in Alphanumeric Mode . FIRST L.INE READ SECOND L.INE READ I It I CHANNEL 6 ~ I 0 I L.EAST SIGNIFICANT OCTAL. BIT SECOND SIGNIFICANT OCTAL. BIT CHANN£L 4 ,.-'--, CHANNEL 2 ,--'--, THIRD LINE READ CHANNEL. 4 CHANNEL ~ ~ ~ CHANNEL !I 1 '---,.-I CHANNEL :5 ~ CHANNEL. 1 CHANNEL !5 CHANNEL 6 ~ 2 12 I 3 14 I e 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 10 '-v-' '-v-' "-r-' I H CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL :5 II CHANNEL CHANNEL 4 2 ~ ~ 112 13 1141,el 16 '7 '-t--' "-r-' 1 1 I I....-..,.--J 1 '---,--I CHANNEL. CHANNEL 1 !5 CHANNEL :5 CHANNEL. 1 TAPE CHANNEL 7 DIRECTION OF TAPE MOVEMENT Figure 30 1 .. 00000 00000 00000 00000 FEED 0 0 0 :5 000 000 000 } FIRST LINE READ } } SECOND L.INE READ BY ONE INSTRUCTION } THIRD liNE READ FIRST LINE READ } BY NEXT INSTRUCTION Tape Format and Reader Buffer Register Bit Assignments In Binary Mode 77 TABLE 7 TAPE READER INSTRUCTIONS Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code RSF 700101 Skip if reader flog is a 1 . RCF 700102 Clear reader flag then inclusively OR content of reader buffer into the AC. RBj V ACj => ACj RRB 700112 Clear reader flag. Clear AC and then transfer contents of reader buffer to AC. RB => AC RSA 700104 Select reader in alphanumeric mode. One a-bit character is read and placed in the reader buffer. The reader flag is cleared before the character is read. When transm ission is complete, the flag is set to 1 . RSB 700144 Select reader in binary mode. Three 6-bit characters are read and assembled in the reader buffer. The flag is immediately cleared and later set when character assembly is completed. Operation Executed PERFORATED TAPE PUNCH TYPE 75D The tape punch is a timed-transfer device capable of punching 5, 7, or a-channel tape at a maximum rate of 63.3 characters per second. The standard input medium is a-channel tape. Operation of the tape punch is controlled either by the program or by the computer operator. The operator can punch blank tape (feed hole only punched) by pressing the punch FEED pushbutton on the console, or he can force the punch pow,er on by setting the console PUNCH feed switch • Normally, the punch is left completely under program control. An instruction to pu'nch when the punch is turned off causes the punch to be turned on and the actual punching takes place approximately one second later when the punch motor is up to speed. Note that the processor is never de layed by this instruction nor any other I/O instruction. Subsequent punching follows at norma I punch speed. The motor remains energized for five seconds after the last punch command is given. When the punch is selected, the content of AC bits 10 through 17 are loaded into the punch buffer and then subsequently placed on tape. If a bit in the AC is a 1, the corresponding bit in the buffer is set. Since the punch buffer is automatically cleared after punching a character, it is always loaded by direct data transfer and can not be loaded by a logical OR transfer. 78 Information is handled by the punch logic in either alphanumeric or binary modes. In the alphanumeric mode each select instruction causes one line of tape, consisting of eight bits istobe punched. Each hole punched in a tape channel corresponds to a binary 1 in the appropriate bit of the punch buffer. A feed hole is punched for each punch command, even if the punch buffer contains all zeros. The correlation between tape channels and accumulator bits shown in Figure 28 applies to the tape punch in alphanumeric mode. In the binary mode each select instruction causes one line of tape, consisting of eight bits to be punched. Holes are punched in channels 6 through 1 as a function of binary ones in bits 12 through 17 of the accumulator, respectively. Channel lOis always punched and channel 11 is never punched, thereby confc)rm,jng to standard binary tape information format. The instructions for the tape punch are listed in Table 8. TABLE 8 TAPE PUNCH INSTRUCTIONS Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed PSF 700201 Skip the following instruction if the punch flag is set to 1 • PCF 700202 Clear the punch flag. PSA 700204 Punch a line of tape in alphanumeric mode. The punch flag is immediately cleared and then set when punching is complete. PSB 700244 Punch a I ine of tape in binary mode. The punch flag is immediately cleared and then set when punching is complete. The following instruction causes a I ine of blank tape (except for feed hole) to be punched and clears the accumulator: PSA +10 700214 Clear AC and punch. The following instruction as used on the PDP-4 is also available on the PDP-7, but is generally replaced with the more direct PSA command: PLS 700206 Same as PSA. 79 SECTION a CARD EQUIPMENT AND LINE PRINTER OPTIONS CARD READER AND CONTROL TYPE CR01 B This device reads standard 12-row, aO-column punched cards at a maximum rate of 100 cards per minute. The cards are read by columns, beginning with column 1. One select instruction starts the card moving past the read station. Once a card is in motion, all ao columns are read. A punched hole is interpreted as a one and no hole as a zero. Column information is read in either alphanumeric or binary modes. In the alphanumeric mode holes (bits) in a column are interpreted as a Hollerith character code (see Appendix 2). These bits are translated into a 6-bit card reader code for the character which is read by the read data instruction. In the binary mode the 12 bits of each column are accepted directly as a 12-digit binary number and are transferred into AC bits 6 through 17. Card Reader Operat ion Holes in a card column are sensed by mechanical star wheels in the reader. When a column of data is ready to be transferred into the computer, a data ready flag is set. Data shou Id be strobed into the computer with the CRRB instruction within 1 .5 mill iseconds after the ready flag is raised. A reader not ready flag ind~cates that the reader is energized but no 'card is in the read station. The function of controls and indicators on this card reader is described in Table 9 and the instructions are listed in Table 10. TABLE 9 CARD READER CR01 B CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Control or Indicator Function ON/OFF switch This switch controls the application of primary power to the reader. When the power is appl ied, the reader is .ready to respond to operation of the other k~ys or computer command signals. AUTO-MAN switch In th,;~ manual position this switch mechanically disable;:. the card feed mechanism. In the auto position card eading under program control is enabled. REG switch The register key on a reader is used to feed the first card to the read station manually. 80 TABLE 9 CARD READER CR01 B CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (continued) Control or Indicator Function SKIP switch This key is not connected on the CR01 B and has no effect on equipment operation. CARD RELEASE pushbutton When pressed, this pushbutton adjacent to the read station, releases a card already in the read station. READY indicator This indicator I ights when the reader is energized and cards are present in the card hopper. The plastic card cover should always be used on top of a deck of cards to assure that the ready switch and indicator is activated. TABLE 10 CARD READER CR01 B INSTRUCTIONS Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code CRSF 706701 Skip on card reader frag. When the card reader flag is set, indicating that a card column is present and ready to be read, the next instruction is skipped. This flag is connected to the program interrupt facility. CRSA 706704 Select alphanumeric. This instruction enables the reader logic to code punched data in BCD form, so that it can be presented to bits 12-17 of the AC during a CRRB command. CRSB 706744 Select binary. This instruction enables the reader logic to present the bits read from tlie card in binary form so that it can be transferred into AC bits 6-17 during a CRRB command. Each colurpn is read as a 12-bit binary number. CRRB 706712 Read data. This instruction clears the AC, strobes data from the card reader into the AC in a format specified by the previous select instruction, and clears the data ready flag. Operation Executed 81 The logical program sequence for reading cards is: Select the mode of reading; the select instruction also moves a new card into position at the read station. 2. Respond to the setting of the card reader flag. This may be done by permitting the flag to interrupt the computer program or by program looping on the status of the flag. 3. Read the data called for by the select instruction. The data ready flag is cleared as the data is read. When reading the card columns, the program responds to the ready flag which is set as each new column is in place. The instruction CRRB must be given within 1 .5 mi II iseconds following the setting of the ready flag. I. CARD READER AND CONTROL TYPE 421 The card reader reads standard 12-row, aO-column punched cards at a maximum rate of 200 (for Type 421A) or aoo (for Type 421 B) cards per minute. Cards are read by columns beginning with dolumn 1. One select instruction starts the card moving past the read station. Once a card is in motion, aU ao columns are read. The information obtained from each column is placed in a 12-bit card reader buffer (CRB) from which it is transferred to the AC by the read buffer I/OT instruction. The card reader buffer is a 12-bit register into which the information obtained from reading a card column is placed. Cards may be read in either alphanumeric or binary mode. In the alphanumeric mode the holes (binary ones) in a column are interpreted as a Hollerith character code (see Appendix 2). This character is translated into a 6-bit card reader code for that character, which is then placed in bits 6-11 of the CRB. Bits 0-5 of the CRB are cleared. In the binary mode the 12 bits of each column are accepted literally as a 12-digit binary number and placed directly into the CRB - A punch is interpreted as a 1; no punch, as a O. Card Keader Operation The card reader is shown in Figure 31. The feed hopper is at the right and the run-out stacker is at the left. Cards to be read are placed face down in the hopper, with the tops of the cards (12 edge) facing the operator. The plastic "hat" is placed on top of the desk to insure that enough weight is provided to prevent jamming as the last few cards are read. The card reader console shown in Figure 32 contains indicating switches which control the operation of the device and indicate its availability. From the standpoint of the program, the card reader has two states, READY and NOT READY. In the READY condition, the card reader accepts a select instruction and moves a card through the read station. The NOT READY condition -is caused by one of the following: power off, cover (of the console) not in place, empty hopper, full stacker, malfunction (read check, feed check, validity check), or endof-fi Ie condition. In each of these cases, the NOT READY indicator on the console is lit. The NOT READY condition exists until the START button is pressed, at which time the NOT READY indicator is extinguished. If a ma Ifunction exists, the RESET control must be pressed first. The function of the console controls and indicators is presented in Table 11 . 82 Figure 31 Type 421 Card Reader Cpnsole L NOT READY . '" , . . . PQWER - '. OFF:. _. _ _____ H~ .:;;; " ;1;.' ~"I':'i :;'1'>" ~ ~ • FILE ,'" , 'READ:';'~' r.:: ... ..... - . - ,. ; ~ ~ , --.-_ --.. - Figure 32 .., ~ . . -: ,:,,~~_ 7~. ~ -.: CJ.lECK ~ .:' - :c.~, , END OF Card Reader Control Panel 83 TABLE 11 CARD READER 421 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Control or Indicator Function POWER ON and POWER OFF pushbuttons These devices control the application of primary power to the reader. When the POWER ON pushbutton is pressed, its green indicator lights; the motors are started, and the drive rollers which move a card through the reader are set in motion. START pushbutton This pushbutton must be pressed to clear the NOT READY condition. Only then does the card reader accept a select instruction. S TOP pushbutton If the reader is in operation when this pushbutton is pressed, the reading of the currently selected card is completed, the readers stops, and the NOT READY indicator lights. The START pushbutton must be pressed to make the reader avai lable again. RESET pushbutton After a malfunction (see below) has occurred, the RESET pushbutton must be pressed to turn off the check indicator and clear the reuder logic of the condition which caused the error. It does not turn off the NOT READY indicator. END OF FILE pushbutton To si gna I the program that no more cards are expec ted, press the END OF FILE pushbutton when the hopper is empty. The white indicator lights when this happens. If the hopper is not empty, pressing this pushbutton has no effect. The end-of-file condition is removed and the indicator is extinguished when cards are placed in the hopper. VALIDITY ON pushbutton If this pushbutton is pressed, validity errOl s (see below) that occur when reading in the alphanumeric mode cause the not ready condi tion to occur. The· card readi n9 is comp leted, and the reader stops. This control, which lights yellow when pressed, has no effect when reading in binary mode. NOT READY indicator When one of the conditions described above exists, this white indicator lights. As long as it is lit, the reader is not available to the program. The NOT READY indicator is turned off only by pressing the START pushbutton. 84 TABLE 11 CARD READER 421 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (continued) Control or Indicator READ CHECK, FEED CHECK, VALIDITY CHECK indicators Function Each of these red malfunction indicators light whenever the corresponding error condition exists. In each case, the NOT READY indicator lights at the same time, the current card is passed out of the reader, and readi ng stops • To make another attempt to read the card causing the error, take it from the top of the stacker and place it on the bottom of the deck in the hopper. Pressing RESET clears the malfunction and turns off the corresponding indicator, after which, pressing START clears the NOT REA.DY indicator and makes the reader avai lable. The card reader check indicators function as follows: Read Check When a read check error occurs, it indicates that something is wrong in the' reading circuits. If the condition is temporary, a second attempt to read the card should be successful. More likely, however, a read check indicates a fai lure of some part of the circuit, such as a defective read lamp or photocell. In this case, the reader probably requires techni cal attention. Feed Check This error occurs when a card fails to move properly through the feed ways from the hopper into the stacker. If the card is bent, it may jam in the feed ways. If the trailing edge has been damaged by frequent handling, the pickup knife on the bottom of the hopper may not move the card to the drive ro Ilers. When the card fai Is to appear at th~ read station in the prescribed time, a feed check occurs. In any case, the card in error should not be put back into the deck for a second read attempt, but a duplicate should be made and put in its place. Validity Check When reading in alphanumeric mode, every column is checked to see if the punches correspond to a valid Hollerith character. If they do not, a validity check occurs and the CRB is cleared to O. If the VALIDITY ON pushbutton has been pressed, the NOT READY indicator lights and the reader stops. The card in error should be checke,d for improper punches before a second attempt is made to read it. Appendix 2 gives a table of Hollerith character codes. Any punch combination which does nc)t appear in this table is invalid. Programmi ng There are four flags associated with the card reader. Each of the flags is associated with a bit in the AC. When an liaRS instruction is executed, the status of the flags is read into these bits (see Figure 16). These flags function as follows: "85 Card Column This flag signals the presence of information in the CRB. It is sensed by a skip instruction and is connected to the program interrupt. Card Done As soon as the trai ling edge of the card has begun to pass the reading station, this flag is set. It is cleared as soon as the next select instruction is given. Not Ready Whenever the reader is not avai lab Ie, thi s flag is set. It corresponds exactly to the NOT READY indicator on the reader console and is set or cleared by the same operations. End of File This flag corresponds to the END OF FILE indicator and pushbutton on the reader console. It is set when the EOF pushbutton is pres;.::d and the hopper is empty; it is cleared when more cards are placed in the hopper. The card reader instructions are listed in Table 12. TABLE 12 CARD READER 421 INSTRUCTIONS Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code CRSF 706701 Skip if the card column flag is set. CRSA 706704 Select and read a card in alphanumeric mode. A card is started through the reader and 80 columns are read, interpreted, and translated into 6-bit character codes. If the VALIDITY ON indicator is lit, a validity check causes the reader to stop. CRRB 706712 Read the card reader buffer. The content of the CRB is placed in bits 6-17 of the AC. The card column flag is cleared. CRSB 706744 Select and read a card in binary mode. A card is started through the reader and 80 co Iumns are read as 12-bit numbers. The VALIDITY ON . pushbutton has no effect since validity checking is not performed during this mode. Function Executed Because a validity error causes the CRB to be cleared, the program can easily detect such errors and take the appropriate action. For example, the number of the colu.mn or columns in error can be typed on the pri"nter to help the operator in checking the card. Vv'hen a card is selected, the card done flag is cleared. A minimum time of 83 microseconds elapses before the first column is present in the CRB, at which time the card column flag is 86 set. The program then has 2.3 milliseconds to read the content of the CRB into the AC. At the end of that time, the information from the next column is present. A column is ready every 2.3 milliseconds until the 80th column is encountered. The card done flag is set 600 to 1200 microseconds after the last column is read. If a select instruction is given within the next 20 microseconds, the reader continues at its maximum reading rate. CARD PUNCH CONTROL TYPE 40 The card punch control is designed to allow the operation of a device such as the IBM Model 523 Summary Punch. This type of punch requires one select instruction for each card. Once the card is in motion, the 12 rows are punched at fixed intervals. If a s'9lect instruction has not been given within a maximum time after the punching of the previous card is completed, the punch is automatically shut down. The card punch control conta·ins an 80-bit punch buffer (CPB) into which information is placed for punching. When a row has been punched and the CPB is ready to accept new information, the card row flag is set. This flag is sensed by an I/OT skip instruction and is connected to the PIC. The card punch instructions are listed in Table 13. TABLE 13 CARD PUNCH INSTRUCTIONS Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Function Executed CPSF 706401 Skip if card flag is set. This flag is set when the CPB is ready to accept a new row. CPLR 706406 Load the punch buffer, c lear punch flag. CPCF 706442 Clear the card row flag. CPSE -706444 Select the· card punch. This starts a card moving from the hopper to the punch station.· Load the card punch buffer. This command transmits the content of the AC into the CPB. Five CPSE commands are required to fi II the CPB. . The 80-bit CPB is load~d from the 18-bit AC. Five CPLB instructions are required to assemble a complete row. The first four fill up the first 72 bits of the CPB (corresponding to the first 72 columns of the card). The fifth CPLB places the content of bits 10-17 of the AC in the last .eight bits of the CPB and clears the card row flag. 87 AUTOMATIC LINE PRINTER TYPE 647 The Type 647 Automatic Line Printer prints text in lines of up to 120 characters at a maximum rate of 300 lines per minute for the 647A, 600 lines per minute for the 647B, or 1000 lines per minute for the 647C. Printing is performed by solenoid-actuated hammers. The typeface is engraved on the surface of the continuously rotating drum. A 64-character set is provided. Interface Information is transferred from computer to printer through a printer interface, which contains a core buffer in which a line to be printed is assembled character by character. Each character is represented by a 6-bit binary code. When a print cycle is initiated, the core buffer is scanned each time a row on the drum comes up to the print station. As the characters are printed, the corresponding core buffer positions are cleared so thatat the. completion of the print cycle the buffer is clear and ready for the next line. Printing A print cycle is initiated by a command from the program. Depending on the distribution and number of different characters in the line to be printed, a print cycle may take from about 48 to 180 milliseconds, not including vertical spacing of the paper. Vertical Format Control Vertical movement of the paper is under control of a punched format tape. Eight programselectable channels determine the amount of vertical spacing by sensing the punches in the tape. Spacing is performed at the completion of a print cycle, at which time the contents of bits 15-17 of the AC cause one of the eight channels to be selected. The paper and tape then move until a hole in the tape is sensed. The table below shows the increments punched on the standard format tape. The user maya Iso create his own formats for wh i ch a special punch is available. AC Bits 15-17 Tape Channel o 2 3 1 2 3 5 4 6 5 6 7 7 8 1 Spacing Increment Every line Every 2nd line Every 3rd line Every 6th Ii ne Every 11 th line (1/6 page) Every 22nd line (1/3 page) Every 33rd line (1/2 page) Top of next form 4 88 Note that spacing is referenced from the top of the form. A space of one line requires 18 mill iseconds. longer skips vary in time; a full-page skip to the top of the next form takes about 610 mi lliseconds. Operating Controls and Indicators With the exception of the main power switch and certain test pushbuttons, all of the operating controls are located on two panels. The main panel is at the left on the front of the printer; the auxiliary panel is at the rear on the same side of the machine. The function of line printer controls and indicators is specified in Table 14. TABLE 14 LINE PRINTER CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Contr:ol or Indicator TRACTOR INDEX Function Used for aligning the forms with the format tape when new paper is loaded. This pushbutton works only when . the printer is off line. PAPER LOW ALERT This red indicator lights when the end of the paper is about to pass through the drag devices below the printer yoke. An alarm signal is sent to the computer at the same time. NO PAPER When the end of the paper has passed out of the forms tractors, this indicator lights red, and an alarm signal is sent to the computer. YOKE OPEN When the printer yoke is open, this red indicator lights. An interlock prevents all but the TOP OF FORM and TRACTOR INDEX controls from operating. ALAR,'" STATUS Whenever an alarm signal is generated, this red indicator lights. ON, OFF These pushbuttons control application of primary power to the functioning parts of the printer. The main power switch must be turned on for these switches to function. The rest of the controls operate only after ON has been pressed. START Places the printer on-line; it is then ready to receive information and print it. 89 TABLE 14 LINE PRINTER CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (continued) Contro I or Indicator Function STOP Takes the printer off-line as soon as the buffer is clear. If there is information in the buffer, the printer remains on line until after the next clear buffer instruction or the completion of the next print cycle. When the printer goes off line, an alarm signal is sent to the computer. TEST PRINT This pushbutton is used for maintenance at the printer and is not used in normal operation. TOP OF FORM Moves the paper to the top of the next page. This pushbutton works on Iy when the printer is off line. In addition to the above paper low alert, no paper, and yoke open alarms, an alarm can be generated by a fai lure in any part of the printer; such a failure automatically takes the pri nter off Ii ne • Programming A line to be printed is assembled in the printer buffer character by character from left to right. When the line is complete, a program command initiates the print cycle. When the cycle is finished, the paper mayor may not be spaced vertically. Suppressing vertical movement makes underscoring and overbarring possible. When spacing is performed, the printer buffer becomes avai lable 6 to 8 milliseconds before the paper comes to a stop. The program may begin assembling the next line during this time. Three loadi ng instructions allow the program to transfer one, two, or three characters at a time from the AC to the printer buffer. If more than one character is transferred, the characters in the most significant bits of the AC are transferred before characters in less sign ifi cant bi ts • The buffer loading instructions perform the inc lusive OR transfer of the content of the AC and the current posi ti ons of the pri nter buffer. Thus, the buffer must be c lear before a new line is loaded. Clearing is done automatically during the print cycle, and an instruction is provided for initializing the interface and clearing the buffer before starting to print. The capacity of the printer buffer is 120 characters. The program must keep track of the number of characters transferred; if more than 120 are sent, the extra codes are ignored. Two flags are associated with the Type 647. The buffer flag is set when the buffer is cleared; this occurs at the end of the print cycle or as the result of a clear instruction. The error 90 flag is set when an alarm signal occurs and can be reset only when the alarm condition is removed. Both flags are connected to the program interrupt control. The instructions listed in Table 15 are added with the Type 647 Automatic Line Printer. TABLE 15 AUTOMATIC LINE PRINTER INSTRUCTIONS Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code LPSF 706501 Skip if the printing done flag is a 1. LPCF 706502 Clear the printing done flag. LPLI 706562 Load the printing buffer with one character. The printing done flag is cleared, the content of AC bits 12-17 is transferred into the printing buffer, then the printing done flag is set. LPL2 706522 Load the printing buffer with two characters. The printing done,flag is cleared, the two character codes represented by bits 6-11 and 12-17 of the AC are transferred into the printing buffer in that order, then the printing done flag is set. LPLD 706542 Load the printing buffer with three characters. The printing done flag is cleared; the three charucter codes represented by bits 0-5, 6-11, and 12-17 of the AC are transferred into the printing buffer in that order; then the printing done flag is set. LPSE 706506 Select the printer and print. The printing done flag is cleared, the characters contained in the printing buffer are printed, then the printing done flag is cleared. LSSF 706601 Skip if spacing flag is a 1. The spacing flag is set when spacing- is completed. LSLS 706606 Load the spacing buffer. The spacing flag is cleared, the space channel number contained in bits '15-17 of the AC is transferred into the spacing buffer, the spacing performed, then the spacing flag is cleared. Operation Executed The status of the buffer and error flag is read into AC bits 15 and 16, respectively, by the IjORS instruction. 91 SECTION 9 MAGNETIC TAPE AND DRUM OPTIONS DECT APE 550/555 SYSTEM DECtape (DEC·s microtape system) is a bidirectional magnetic tape system which uses a ten-track recording head to read and write five duplexed channels. The DECtape system incorporates one or more Type 555 DECtape Dual Transport and the Type 550 DECtape Control. DECtape Dual Transport Type 555 The Type 555 DECtape Dual Transport consists of two logically independent bidirectional tape drives capable of handling 260 foot reels of 3/4 inch, 1.0 mil Mylar tape. The bits are recorded at a density of 375 (±60) bits per track inch. Since the tape moves at a speed of 80 inches per second, the effective information transfer rate is 90,000 bits per second, or one 18-bit word every 200 microseconds. Traverse time for a reel of tape is approximately 40 seconds. The 3-1/2 inch reels are loaded simply by pressing onto the hub, bringing the loose end of the tape across the tape head, attaching it to the take up reel, and spinning a few times. Individual controls on the transport enable ihe user to manipulate the tape in either direction manually. The units selection addresses are dialed from a front panel wheel. There are no capstans or pinch-rollers on the transport, and movement of the tape is accompl ished by increasing the voltage (and thereby the torque) on one motor, while decreasing it on the other. Braking is accompl ished by a torque pulse appl ied to the trail ing motor. Start and stop times average 0.15-0.2 seconds and turn around takes approximately 0.3 seconds. Recording Technique The DECtape system uses the Manchester type polarity sensed (or phase modulated) recording technique. This differs from other standard types of tape recording where, for example, a flux reversal might be placed on the tape every time a binary 1 is desired. In the poladty sensed system a flux reversal of a particular direction indicates a binary 0 while a flux reversal in the opposite direction indicates a binary 1. A timing track, recorded separately in quadrature phase, is used to control strobing of the data tracks. Thus, the polarity of the signal at strobe time indicates the presence of a 0 or a 1. Using the timing track on the tape as the strobe also negates the problems caused by variations in the speed of the tape. With this type of recording only the polarity, not the amplitude of the signal, need be considered, thus removing some of the signal to noise problems and allowing the use of read ampl ifiers with high uncontrolll'd gain. This recording also allows the changing of individual bits on the tape without changing the adjacent bits. 92 TIMING TRACK I o o MARK TRACK I o INFORMATION TRACK 1 o INFORMATION TRACK 2 INFORMATION TRACK 3 l'" INFORMATION TRACK lA (SarT\easiTI) INFORMATION TRACK 2A o (SameasIT2) REOUNDANl INFORMATION TRACK 3A (SamlasIT3) 1 o o 0 MARK TRACK lA o (SamaaaMT 1) TRACKS o o 1 0 TIMING TRACK lA (Sam.asTTl) Track Allocation Showing Redundantly Paired Tracks Line line Lint Lir'lt Lint LIne I 2 3 4 5 6 TIMING TRACK I I I I 1 MARK TRACK CODE 1 MARK TRACK INFORMATION TRACKS I ' { 2 3! .j • 1 I 91 12 g~~~R~ 13 WORD 21 3 I 6! I 01 51 I 81 ", I I 1 o I 15 1 I 141 o o REDUNDANT TRACKS NOT SHOWN 16 17 1 6 Lines Basic Six Line Tape Unit r----~S~E BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK -ONE COMPLETE REEL - 250 FT, 600 BLOCKS BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK ------------e-t_1 BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK r~--------------~A----------------------------~\ ~----------ONE BLOCK 264 10 18·BIT WORD LOCATIONS r,,, ~S~E " --------1.,.. '\ TIMING TRACK ' MARK TRACK DATA I 0 0 i i IX DATA 2 w Z 0 DATA 3 0 IX 0 0 ; ~ i ** CONTROL WORDS w Z 0 ~ 0 ·1· 0 0 0 0 ~ * ~ Z 0 0 0 ~ 133: ~ 3: W 0 0 ~ § ~ ~ * 0 256,r,DATA WORDS ~ ~ _14 'REDUNDANT TRACKS ~ ~ ... ~ 0 0 0 II: ~ ~ NOT SHOWN Z 0 0 CONTROL WORDS Control and Data Word Assignments Forward direction of tape motion --I- - - - - - - - - - - O N E BLOCK 264 ,0 WORD LOCf.', ;',:~S--------~I t------ 2561O I .'VERSE! .EVER" ~~: 1~).~: GUARD ·M BLOCK NUMBEff IDENTIFIES M .--1+ -G .EVE.sl LOCK ! DATA WORD LOCATIONS n,vERSE REVERS': C~~~K A~r~:EE:r~!l -c ·F .p GUARD o DOD' + J~ D,! o,t, 0, ot. PROVIDES WRITE PROTECTION IN REV;. OIR. ANO SYMMETRY LOADS MMIOB WITH -0. OURING WRITING. FOR REV. CHECK SUM . U -l P of.. G : ~l:;;;: ~Z;: ·M O~'l ~ L M REv'RSE GUARrJ -G .=. ~"W"" ~,~ ~"::~~;~ AND END OF BLOCK OETECTION IF READING IDENTIFIES FINAL DATA WORD, AND REQUEST~ CHECK SUM WITH AUTOMATIC CHtCK SU,.. CONTROL PROliiOES 3fMM£'(RICAt. ERAOR DETECTION IN 80TH DIRECTIONS REQUESTS LOADING OF CHECK SUM ANO INDICATES BLOCK END. IF WRITING WITH PROGRAMMED CONTROL rlRST DATA W O R O - - - - - - -.... ~--I. SECOND DATA W O R O - - - - - - - - - ' __ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ADDITIONAL DATA WORDS SUCCESSIVE DATA WOROS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' - - - ' - - - ' ~oTE: END MARKS, WHICH IDENTIFY THE PHYSICAL ENDS OF fHE TAPE. ARE THE ONLY MARKS NOT SHOWN. DECtape Mark Track Format (Assumes 256 Figure 33 10 Data Words Per Block) DECtape Format 93 Reliability is further increased by redundantly recording all five of the information tracks on the tape. This is accompl ished by wiring the two head windi ngs for each information track in series. On reading, the analog sum of voltage induced in the two heads is used to detect the correct value of the bit. Therefore, a bit cannot be misread until the noise on the tape is sufficient to change the polarity of the sum of the signals being read. Noise which reduces the ampl itude has no effect. Track, data block, and mark track information format is shown in Figure 33. DECtape Control Type 550 The DECtape Control Type 550 operates up to four Type 555 Dual Tape Transports (8 drives) transferring binary data between tape and computer. By using the automatic mark track decoding of the control and the program interrupt fac i Iity of the computer to signa I the occurrence of data words, errors, or block ends, computation in the main program can continue during tape operations. Information can be transferred with programmed checking by using the subroutines which are provided with the equipment. Format control tracks, tailored to individual use by establishing any desired block lengths, can also be written with the subroutines provided. The control allows reading and writing of any number of words at one mode command irrespective of the block length. Assembly of I ines on the tape into 18-bit computer words in either direction is performed automatically by the control. Status bits available to the program specify the current condition of the contr'ol and error indications. DECtape Programming Three main groups of programs are provided with the DECtape systems: a basic set of subroutines for searching, reading, and writing; a set of maintenance and diagnostic routines (DECTOG); . and a program for easy storage and retrieva I of information via the computer operator console (DECTR IEVE). The basic PDP-7 subroutines for reading, writing, or searching allow the user to specify the total number of words to be transferred irrespective of the block format on the tape. Searching can occur in either direction, and the search routine can be used independently to position the tape or is used automatically by the read and write subroutines. Transfer of data in this program, however, will occur only with the tape moving in the forward direction. If the number of words specified is not a multiple of the aggregate block lengths, the final block is filled with zeroes which are ignored upon reading. The subroutines use the program interrupt during searching but will pre-empt the computer during the acutal transfer of data. One autoindex register is used and must be defined by the main program, and II DISMIS" must be defined as a jump to the routine which dismisses the interrupt. When the transfer is completed, a programmed status register is set and a return is made to the main program with the tape stopped. Errors are detected, coded numerically, saved in status bits and indicated by a predesignated error return. The programmer can decode the error and proceed in any manner desired. Approximately 4008 words of storage are used. A sample sequence of instructions for transferring core locations 1000 through 1777 beginning with block 100 on tape unH 1 would appear as follows: 94 JMS LAW JMP 10000 LAW LAW MMWRS 100 ERR 1000 1777 lOR MMRDS FOR READING lOR LAC (100) BLOCK NUMBER /ERR OR RETURN /UNIT SELECTION lOR 1000, CORE STARTING ADDRESS lOR 1777, CORE FINAL ADDRESS DECTOG for the PDP-7 is a collection of short programs which allow the user to perform various DECtape functions using the ACCUMULATOR switches on the operator console. Programs available include those which create the mark track and block format, read or write designated portions of the tape, write specified ~atterns on designated blocks in either direction, sum check designated blocks in either direction, "rock" the tape in various modes for specified times or distances, and an exerciser which writes and sum checks designated areas of the tape in bo,th directions with changing patterns. Errors are completely analyzed and typed out together with the number of the block causing the error and the status of the DECtape system at the time of the error. Detailed descriptions of the various sub-programs are available. For a more complete description of DECTOG refer to Digital Program Library document Digital 7-20-1/0. DECTRIEVE for the PDP-7 allows the user to save or retrieve data using the ACCUMULATOR switches on the operator console. To store data the user specifies the unit, block number, starting and ending core memory locations to be used. The data is saved together with appropriate control information and is sum checked. To retrieve the data only the unit and starting block need be specified. The control information is used to insure the correct starting block, the starting core location, and the amount of data to be read. Messages typed after reading or ,writing indicate the operation, tape blocks used, and the total checksum for verification purposes. All errors are fully analyzed as in DECTOG. Tapes are available for 4K or 8K memories and for the first or second DECtape controls. For a more complete description of DECTRIEVE refer to Digital Program Library document Digital 7-21-1/0. Table 16 lists the DECtape system instructions. TABLE 16 Mnemonic Symbol DECTAPE INSTRUCTIONS Octal Code Operation Executed MMRD 707512 Read. Clears the AC and transfers one word the data buffer in the control to bits 0-17 of the AC. ** MMWR 707504 Write. Transfers one word from bits 0-17 of the AC 'to the data buffer in the control. ** **MMSE and MMLC clear the error flag and error status bits (EOT, TIMING MTE, UNAB) and MMSE, MMLC, MMRD, and MMWR clear the data and block end flags. 95 TABLE 16 DECTAPE INSTRUCTIONS {continued} Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed MMSE ·707644 Select. Connects the unit designated in bits 2-5 of AC to the DECtape control. ** MMLC 707604 Load contro I. Sets the DECtape control to the proper mode and direction from bits 12-17 of the AC, as fo"ows:** Bit 12 = Go (Go = Stop) Bit 13 = Reverse Bit 14= In-motion Read Bits 15-17 = Mode: 0= Move 1 = Search 2 = Read 3 = Write 4 = Spare 5 = Read through block ends 6 = Write through block ends 7 = Write timing and mark track i • e. 42 = Read forward 62 = Read reverse 43 = Write forward 41 = Search forward 61 = Searc h reverse MMRS 707612 Read status. C Iear the AC and transfers the DECtape status conditions into bits 0-8 of the AC as follows: Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 0 = Data flag 1 = Block end flag 2 = Error flag 3 = End of tape 4 = Timing error 5 = Reverse 6 = Go 7 = Mark track error 8 = Tape unable **MMSE and MMLC clear the error flag and error status bits (EOT, TIMING MTE, UNAB) and MMSE, MMLC, MMRD, and MMWR clear the data and block end flags. 96 TABLE 16 DECTAPE INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code MMDF 707501 Skip on DECtape data flag. In search mode: block mark number should be unloaded via MMRD instruction. In read mode: data or reverse checksum should be unloaded via MMRD instruction. In write mode: data should be loaded via MMWR instruction. MMBF 707601 Skip on DECtape block end flag. In read mode: unload forward checksum via MMRD instruction. In write mode: load calculated forward checksum via MMWR instruction. MMEF 707541 Skip on DECtape error flag. Timing error, mark track error, end tape, or tape unable condition has occurred. Use MMRS instruction to detect spec ifi c error. Operation Executed AUTOMATIC MAGNETIC TAPE CONTROL TYPE 57A The Type 57 A tape control buffers, compi les, synchronizes, and controls data transfers between up to eight magnetic tape transports and the PDP-7, using the program interrupt control and the data break channel. Each transport type requires a small interface circuit for connection to the control. The interface required and the characteristics of the six types of transports that can be connected to the Type 57A Tape Control are listed in Table 17. TABLE 17 TRANSPORTS AND INTERFACES USED WITH TAPE CONTROL TYPE 57A Transport Maker Designation Tape Speed (ips) Densities (bpi) Interface I DEC Type 50 75 2UO/556 Type 520 DEC Type 545 45 200/556/800 ~ype 521 DEC Type 570 75/112.5 200/556/800 Type 522 IBM Model 72911, IV 75 200/556 Type 552 IBM Model 7330 36 200/556 Type 552 IBM Model 729V, VI 112.5 200/556/800 Type 552 97 Format of all of these tape mechanisms is IBM-compatible in odd or even parity. The following transport functions are controlled by the Type 57 A, as a function of I/OT commands: Rewind Rewind unload Gather write Sc atter read Wfite continuous Read conti nuous Read compare/read Read/read com pare Write Wri te end of file Write blank tape Read Read compare Space forward Space backward Tape transport motion is governed by one of two control modes: "Normal, II in which tape motion starts upon command and stops automatically at the end of the record; and IIContinuous, II in which tape motion starts on command and continues unti I stopped by the program when synchronizing flags or status conditions appear. The tape control contains the following registers: Data Accumulator (DA) Characters read from tape are assembled in the 18-bit DA and are taken, one 6-bit character at a time, from the DA to be written on tape. Data Buffer (DB) This 18-bit secondary buffer transfers data between the DA and the MB in the PDP-7, under data break control. Command Register (CR) Contains the 3-bit tape operation to be performed, as specified by the content of bits 9 through 11 of the AC. Unit Register (UR) Contains the' 3-bit select number (0-7) of the tape unit addressed for the current operation, as specified by the content of bits 15 through 17 of the AC. Current Address Register (CA) Contains the 13-bit address of the memory cell involved in the next data transfer. The initial content of the CA is specified ·by bits 5 through 17 of the AC. Word Count Register (WC) Contains the 13-bit 2 15 complement of the number of words involved in the transfer. The content of the WC is incremented by one after each word transfer. The initial content of the WC is specified by the content of bits 15 through 17 o.f the AC. Tape operations, modes, and unit numbers are specified by the content of bits 7 through 17 of the AC. Tape control I/OT instructions transfer this information to the proper registers in the control. A set of mnemonics has been defined to place any desired combination of specifications in the AC by means of the LAW instruction. Data transfers are executed through the data break channel, effectively permitting simultaneous computation and data transfer. The I/OT ins'tructions used to perform these operations are briefly described in Table 18. For detai led instructions on using the Type 57 A control, along with programming examples, refer to DE C's pu bl i cation F-13(57 A) . 98 TABLE 18 AUTOMATIC MAGNETIC TAPE CONTROL BASIC INSTRUCTIONS Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed MSCR 707001 Skip if the tape control is ready. This command senses the tape control flag, which is set when an operation has been completed and the control is ready to perform another task. This flag is connected to the program interrupt. MSUR 707101 Skip if the tape unit is ready. This command senses the tape unit flag, which is set when the specified unit is ready for another operation. This flag is connected to the PIC. *MCC 707401 Clear CA and WC. MCA 707405 Clear CA and WC, and transfer the content of AC 5-17 into the CA. Loads the CA. MWC 707402 Load WC. Transfers the content of AC 5-1 7 into the WC. MRCA 707414 Transfer the content of the CA into AC 5-17. MCD 707042 Disable TCR and clear CR. Clear WCO and EaR flags (see Table 16.) MTS 707006 Clear control register (CR) and clear job done, WCO, and EaR flags. Transmit unit, parity, and density to tape control. MTC 707106 Transmit tape command and start. This command initiates the transfer. MNC 707152 End continuous mode. Clears the AC; the operation terminates at the end of the current record. MRD 707204 Switch mode from read to read/compare. Allows mode switching during the operation" MRCR 707244 Switch from read/compare to read. *This basic instruction is described here as an aid to understanding the programming of the Type 57 A, however it is not recognized by the PDP-7 Symbolic Assembler and is usually combined with other commands. 99 The commands listed in Table 19 deal with the two ,tape flags that determine when a transfer is complete. The word count overflow flag (WeO) is set when the we becomes 0 after incrementing. The end of record (EOR) flag is set when the end of record (EOR) mark is sensed. Both fl ags are connected to the PI e. TABLE 19 Mnemonic Symbol AUTOMATIC MAGNETIC TAPE CONTROL FLAG INSTRUCTIONS Octal Code Operation Executed MSEF 707301 Skip if EOR flag is set. *MDEF 707302 Disable EOR flag. This command disconnects the EOR flag from the program interrupt. *MCEF 707322 Clear EOR flag. *MEEF 707342 Enable EOR flag. This command connects the EOR flag to the PIC. MIEF 707362 Initialize EOR flag. Clears and enables the flag. MSWF 707201 Skip if weo flag is set. *MDWF 707202 Disable WCO flag. *MCWF 707222 Clear WCO flag. 707242 Enable weo flag. 707262 Initialize WCO flag. MIWF *These basic instructions are not recognized by the PDP-7 Symbolic Assembler and are always used in combination with other commands. 100 There are 11 status indicators associated with the Type 57A tape control. The state~j of all indicators can be observed by placing their content into the AC. This is done by an instruction similar to I/ORS, but applying only to the tape control. The instruction serves as follows: MTRS 707314 Read tape status AC bit o Indication when bit =1 Data request late Tape parity error 2 Read/compare error 3 End-of-file flag is set 4 Write lock ring is out 5 Tape is at load point 6 Tape is at end point 7 (Type 520) Tape is near end point (Type 521 and 522) Last operation was writing 8 (Type 520) Tape is near load point (Type 521) B Control in use with multiplexed transport (Type 522) Write echo chec~ OK 9 Transport is rewinding 10 Missed a character MAGNETIC TAPE TRANSPORT TYPE 570 The Type 570 Tape Transport can be connected to the PDP-7 using the Type 57A Automatic Magnetic Tape Control and the Type 521 Interface. It operates at speeds of 75 or 112.5 inches per second, and densities of either 200, 556, or 800 characters (bits) per inch. The Type 570 includes a multiplexing interface thcit permits time-shared use of the transport by two tape controls connected to the same or different computers. This facilitates the pooling of tape units and allows two computers to exchange information via magnetic tape. Programming is described in the section on the Type 57A Automatic Magnetic Tape Control: MAGNETIC TAPE TRANSPORT TYPE 545 The Type 545 is a digital magnetic tape transport designed for use with the Type 57A Automatic Magnetic Tape Control or Type 581 Tape System. 101 Spec i fi cat ions Format NRZI Six data bits plus one parity bit. End and load point sensing compatible with IBM 729 I-VI. Tape Width, 0.5 inch; length 2400 feet (1.5 mil); reels, 10-1/2 inch; IBM compatible with file protect ring. Heads Write-read gap, 0.300 inch. Dynamic and static skew <20 microseconds. Recording 45 ips. Rewind less than 3 minutes maximum. Start time <5 milliseconds. Start distance 0.080 inch + 0.035, -0.025 inch. Stop time <5 milliseconds. Stop distance 0.045 inch ±0.015 inch. Density 200, 556, and 800 bpi. Maximum transfer rate is 36 kc. Transport Mechanism Controls Pinch roller drive, vacuum column tension. ON/OFF, REMOTE/LOCAL, FORWARD, REVERSE, REWIND. MAGNETIC TAPE TRANSPORT TYPE 50 The Type 50 tape unit may be connected to the Type 57A control using the Type 520 interface. It operates ot a speed of 75 inches per second and records information in low density (200 characters per inch). Standard 7-channel, IBM-compatible tape format is used. SERIAL DRUM TYPE 24 The serial drum system provides auxiliary data storage for the PDP-7 in any of three capacities: 32,768 words, 65,536 words, 131,072 words. Each word consists of 18 information bits and a parity bit (generated by the drum system control; the parity bit is not transferred to the computer). Information is transferred between core memory and the drum in 256-word blocks. Each block is stored on one sector of the drum; two sectors are interleaved on one drum track. Depending on the drum capacity, there are 64, 128, or 256 tracks'. From the programming point of view, the track may be ignored; the logical storage unit is the sector. Transfers are effected through the data break control with the drum system providing the data channel. Two I/OT instructions are required to initiate the transfer of a block of data. The first I/OT spec ifies the core memory location of the first word of the block and determines the direction of the transfer; that is, drum-to-core or core-to-dru~. The second I/OT instruction specifies the drum sector address and initiates the transfer, which then proceeds under data interrupt control. The drum transfer flag is set to 1 when a b lock transfer is successfu Ily completed. The flag is connected to the program interrupt. 102 DRUM FINAL BUFFER (DFB) DRUM SERIAL BUFFER (DSe) Se,lol Data CIOf:k Track Track 0 X AND Y SELECT DRUM MEMORY 64,128, or 256 Heads Track 255 PDP-7 -E-Compute~ ~(:----------- Type 24 Serial Drum - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _~) Figure 34 Serial Drum Block Diagram and Interface Connections The logic elements that compose the serial drum and their interface with the computer "are shown in Figure 34. The four major registers function as follows: Drum Core location Counter (DCl) The 16-bit DCl contains the core memory location of the next cell into or out of which a word is to be transferred. When a word transfer is compi ete, the content of the DCl is incremented by 1 • Drum Track Address Register (OTR) The 9-bit OTR contains the address of the sector currently involved in a block transfer. At the completion of a successful transfer, the content of the OTR is incremented by 1 • Drum Final Buffer (DFB) This la-bit register is a secondary buffer between the memory buffer and the drum serial buffer. In writing, a word taken from the MB is placed in the OFB to 103 • await storage on the drum. In reading, the word assembled in the serial buffer is placed in the DFBi the next data break interrupt transfers it to the MB and stores it in core memory. Drum Serial Buffer {DSB} On reading, a word is read serially and assembled in the l8-bit DSB. On writing, a word in the DSB is written serially around the drum track. In addition to the drum transfer flag, an error flag is used with the drum system. It may be sensed by a skip instruction and should be checked at the completion of each block transfer. The error flag indicates one of two conditions: a. A parity error has been detected after reading from drum-to-core. b. The data interrupt request signal from the drum was not answered within the word-transfer period. Because the content of both the DCl and DTR are automatically incremented (the DCl after each word transfer and the DTR after each successfu I b lock tranSfer), data from contiguous blocks of core memory can be written on successive sectors of the drum, and conversely. The content of one core load {4096 words} can be transferred in either direction and would occupy eight successive tracks {16 successive sectors} on the drum. The I/OT instructions added with the drum system are listed in Table 20. TABLE 20 Mnemoni'c Symbol SERIAL DRUM INSTRUCTIONS Octal Code Operation Executed DRlR 706006 load counter and read. Places the content of bits 2-17 of the AC in the DCl and prepares the drum system for reading a block into core memory. DRlW 706046 load counter and write. loads the DCl as above and prepares the drum system for writing a block to be received from core memory. DRSF 706101 Skip if drum transfer flag is set. This flag is set when a block transfer is completed. DRCF 706102 Clear both drum flags. DRSS 706106 load sector and select. Places the content of bits 9-17 of the AC in the DTR, clears both drum flags, and initiates the block transfer {read or write, as specified by the load counter instruction}. 104 TABLE 20 SERIAL DRUM INSTRUCTIONS {continued} Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code DRSN 706201 Skip if drum error flag is not set. DRCS 706204 Continue select. Clears the flags and initiates a transfer as specified by the content of the DCl and DTR. Operation Executed 105 SECTION 10 PLOTTER AND DISPLAY OPTIONS INCREMENTAL PLOTTER AND CONTROL TYPE 350 Four models of Cal ifornia Computer Products Digita I Incremental Recorder can be operated from a DEC Type 350 Increment Plotter Control. Characteristics of the four recorders are: CCP Model Step Size (inches) Speed (steps/mi nu te) Paper Width (inches) 563 564 565 566 0.01 0.005 0.01 0.005 12,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 31 31 12 12 The principles of operation are the same for each of the four models of Digital Incremental Recorders. Bidirectional rotary step motors are employed for both the X and Y axes. Recording is produced by movement of a pen relative to the surface of the graph paper, with each instruction causing an incremental step. X-axis deflection is produced by motion of the drum; Y-axis deflection, by motion of the pen carriage. Instructions are used to raise and lower the pen from the surface of the paper. Each incremental step can be in anyone of eight directions through appropriate combinations of the X and Y axis instructions. All recording (discrete points, continuous curves, or symbols) is accompl ished by the incrementa I stepping action of the paper drum and pen carriage. Front panel controls permit sing Ie-step or continuous-step manual operation of the drum and carriage, and manual control of the pen solenoid. The recorder and control are connected to the computer program interrupt and I/O skip facility. The instructions for this equipment are I isted in Table 21 . TABLE 21 Mnemonic Symbol PLSF PLCF PLPU PLPR PLDU INCREMENTAL PLOTTER AND CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS Octal Code 702401 702402 702404 702501 702502 Operation Executed Skip if plotter flag is a 1 . Clear plotter flag. Plotter pen up. Raise pen off of paper. Plotter pen right. Plotter drum (paper) upward. 106 TABLE 21 INCREMENTAL PLOTTER AND CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol PLDD PLPL PLUD PLPD Oper~tion Octal Code 702504 702601 7.02602 702604 Executed P lotter Plotter Plotter Plotter drum (po per) downward. pen Ieft. drum (paper) upward. (Same as 702502) pen down. Lower pen on to paper. Program sequence must assume that the pen location is known at the start of a routine since there is no means of specifying an absolute pen location in an incremental plotter. Pen location can be preset by the manual controls on the recorder. During a subroutine, the computer can track the location of the pen on the paper by counting the instructions that increment position of the pen and the drum. OSCILLOSCOPE DISPLAY TYPE 34A Type 34A is a two-axis digital-to-analog converter and an intensifying circuit, which provides the Deflection and Intensify signals needed to plot data on an oscilloscope. Coordinate data is loaded into an X buffer (XB) or a Y buffer (VB) from bits 8 through 17 of the accumulator. The binary data in these buffers is convert~d to a -10 to 0 volt Analog Deflection signal. The 30-volt, 10-microsecond Intensify signal is connected to the grid of the oscilloscope CRT. Points can be plotted at approximately a 30-kilocycle rate. The instructions for thus display are identical to those of the Precision CRT Display Type 30D described under the following heading, except that the 34A does not have a brightness register so the DLB command is not appl icable. PRECISION CRT DISPLAY TYPE 30D The Type 30D displays points on the face. of a cathode ray tube. Each point is located by its X- and Y-coordinates in a square array whose origin is in the lower left corner of the CRT "screen. The array contains 1024 points on a side and measures 9-1/4 by 9-1/4 inches square. The X- and Y-coordinates each have a 10-bit buffer which is loaded from bits 8-17 of the AC. In addition, there is a 3-bit brightness register (BR) which is loaded from bits 15-17 of the AC. The content of this buffer specifies the brightness of the point being displayed as designated on the following scale. The five brightest intensities are easily visible in a normall y lighted room; the dimmest can be seen in a darkened room. 107 BR Content Intensity 3 brightest 2 1 o average 7 6 5 4 dimmest The X- and V-coordinate buffers (XB and VB) are loaded separately. Either may be loaded without intensifying the CRT. The usual procedure is to load one buffer, then load the second buffer and select in one instruction. TheType30Drequires 50 microseconds to display a point. No flag is associated with this operation. The IjOT instructions for the Type 300 display are listed in Table 22. TABLE 22 OSCILLOSCOPE AND PRECISION DISPLAY INSTRUCTIONS Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed DXL 700506 Load the X-coordi nate buffer from AC8-17. AC8-17 =) XB DXS 700546 Load the X-coordinate buffer and display the point specified by the XB and VB. DYL 700606 Load the V-coordinate buffer from AC8-17. AC8-17 =) YB DYS 700646 Load the Y -coordinate buffer and display the point specified by the XB and VB. DXC. 700502 Clear the X-coordinate buffer. DYC 700602 Clear the V-coordinate buffer. DLB 700706 Load the brightness register from bits 15-17 of the AC. Note: This instruction clears the display flag associated with the light pen. DSF 700701 Skip if display (I ight pen) flag is a 1 . DCF 700702 Clear display (light pen) flag. 108 SYMBOL GENERATOR TYPE 33 The symbol generator is an option available for use with the Type 300 display. It allows the programmer to plot text on the face of a Type 300 display without having to specify every point of each character. This capabil ity increases the speed of text display by a factor of about ten and reduces fl icker proportionally. Table 23 I ists the instructions for the symbol generator. TABLE 23 SYMBOL GENERATOR INSTRUCTIONS Mnemonic Symbol O~tal GSF 701001 Skip on display done flag. The next instruction is skipped if display done flag in the generator 'is a 1, indicating that a word has been processed or a point has been plotted. GPL 701002 Generator plot left. The content of the AC is transferred into the generator shift register and plotting of the first 17 points is initiated. Bit 17 of this word controls the subscript fl ip-flop. GPR 701042 Generator plot right. The content of the AC is transferred into the generator shift register and plotting of the last 18 points is initiated. Bit 12 of the instruction controls the clear flag to prevent loosing the count contained in the horizontal and verticle counter that determines point position. GLF 701004 Load format. The content of bits 15-17 of the AC is transferred into the character size register. A completion pulse is not generated by the display when this instruction is performed. Bits 15 specifies automatic spacing between symbols when it is a 1. Bits 16 and 17 specify the symbol size. Matrix size, and hence character size, is determined by the number of increments separating the dots on the matrix, when an increment is defined as 1/1024th of the width or height of the display area. The relationship between character size and incremental separation of dots is as follows: Operation Executed ClJde 109 TABLE 23 Mnemonic Symbol SYMBOL GENERATOR INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Octal Code GlF (continued) Operation Executed Characte~ Size Bit 16 Bit 17 Number of Increments 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 GSP 701084 Plot a space. The content of the X-buffer counter is incremented to position the point one character position to the right. Since the content of the AC is transferred into the generator shift register during this instruction the AC must be cl eared when th is command is given. Gel 700641 Clear done flag. (This operation is also accomplished by the GPl and GPR commands.) Each symbol is plotted on a matrix of 35 dots (5 dots wide and 7 dots high) in one of four character sizes. The information is suppl ied in the form of two 18-bit data words. When the coordinates of the starting point of the matrix are given, two I/OT instructions suffice to ploi' the whole symbol. When the plot is complete, the content of the X-coordinate buffer is incremented automatically to provide a space between characters. To plot a Iine of text, the coordinates of the starting point are given, using the two I/OT instructions, DXL and DYl. This point is the lower left dot of the matrix for the first symbol. Second, the format must be spec ified. Bits 15-17 of the AC spec ify the character size and whether automatic spacing is to be employed. Finally, the two plot instructions are given to display the symbol. Detailed descriptions of the Type 33 operation and word format are given in the publication Digital Symbol Generator Type 33, F-13{33B). PRECISION INCREMENTAL DISPLAY TYPE 340 The Type 340 Precision Incremef')tal Display i~ designed to permit rapid plotting of adjacent points, as in vectors and geometric figures. Adjacent points are plotted at a rate of 1 .5 microseconds per point. Point locations are specified on a 9-3/8 inch square raster by any of the 1024 Xand 1024Y coordinate addresses. The origin is at the lower left corner of the raster. 110 Plotting information is taken from sequential locations of core memory. Five word formats are used to display data in one of four modes. The location of the first word of the data is spec ified by the contents of bits 5-17 of the AC. The five word formats are os follows: Parameter Word Specifies the mode of display of the next word in sequence, the scale and intensity of the display, and status of the I ight pen. Point Mode Word Specifies an X- or Y-coordinate, light pen status, and the mode of the following word. Used for displaying random (non-sequential) points. Random points are displayed at the slower rate of 35 microseconds per point. Vector Mode Word Specifies the magnitude and direction of the X- and Y-components of a vector. An escape bit determines whether or not the following word will be a parameter word. Vector Continue Mode Word As in the vector mode, this format specifies magnitude and direction of components, but the vector is continued until the edge of the grid is encountered. Increment Mode Word From a current Iy displayed point, this word spec ifies the direction in which the next adjacent point is to be displayed. Four increments are specified by a single word. Detailed description of the Type 340 operation and the structure of the word formats are given in DEC's publication "Precision Incremental CRT Display Type 340" F-13(340). Instructions added to the computer with the Type 340 are designated in Table 24. TABLE 24· PRECISION INCREMENTAL DISPLAY INSTRUCTIONS Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed IDLA 700606 Load address and select. The content of bits 5-17 of the AC are placed in the display address counter (DAC) and the display is started. lOVE 700501 Skip on verticle edge violation. If the right or left edge of the grid is encountered (except in vector conti nue mode), the display stops and an interrupt occurs if the PIC is enabled. 111 TABLE 24 PRECISION INCREMENTAL DISPLAY INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed IDHE 701001 Skip on horizontal edge violation. If the top or bottom edge of the grid is encountered (except in vector continue mode), the display stops and an interrupt occurs if the PIC is enabled. IDSI 700601 Skip on stop interrupt. This flag is connected to the program interrupt. IDSP 700701 Skip if light pen flag is set. When the photomultiplier light pen senses a displayed point, the pen flag is set. This flag is connected to the program interrupt. IDRS 700504 Continue display. After a Iight pen interrupt, this command causes the display to resume at the point indicated by the content of the DAC. IDRD 700614 Restart display. After a stop code interrupt, this command causes the display to resume at the point indicated by the content of the DAC. lORA 700512 Read display address. Transfers the address in the DAC to AC bits 5-17. IDRC 700712 Read X and Y coordinates. The content of bits 0-8 of the XB is transferred into ACO-8 and the content of bits 0-8 of the YB is transferred into AC9-17. IDCF 700704 Clear display control. All flags and interrupts are c Ieared. Incremental Display Options Additional equipment is available for use with the Precision Incremental Display Type 340. Type 341 Direct Data Channel Interface This equipment is a complete computer-display interf to the PDP-7 providing automatic, high-speed address control, data communication, data feedback, program interrupt, and skip capabi I ity. The interface provides sequential access to a single block of data in the computer core memory. 112 Type 342 Character Generator This device plots standard ASCII code characters on a 35-dot matrix in one of four sizes on the Type 340 display. Average plotting time is 35 !-,sec per character. Two 64-character sets are available. Type 343 Monitor Display the Type 340 display. This display is used for remote observation of data displayed on Type 347 Subroutine Option This logic element permits data display from arbitrarily located and non-consecutive display tables within the PDP-7 core memory. PHOTOMULTIPLIER LIGHT PEN TYPE 370 The high-speed light pen is a photosensitive device which senses displayed points on the face of the CRT. The Type 370 uses a fiber optic light pipe and photomultiplier system, which gives the pen a response time approximately five times faster than that of a photodiode. If the pen is held in front of a point displayed on the face of the CRT I it transmits a signal which sets the display flag to 1. The Type 370 is equipped with a mechanical shutter which prevents the sensing of unwanted information while positioning the pen. Variable fields of view are obtained by means of a series of interchangeable tips with fixed apertures. The liOT instructions for the light pen are listed with the display option instruction lists. 113 SECTION 11 ANALOG/DIGITAL CONVERSION OPTIONS GENERAL PURPOSE ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER TYPE 138E The Type 138E is a successive approximation converter that measures a 0 to 10 vol t analog input signal and provides a binary output indication of the ampl itude of the input signal. Output indication accuracy is a function of the conversion time, and is determined by a switch on the front panel. Each of the seven rotary switch positions establ ishes an output word length, conversion accuracy, and conversion time for operation of the converter. Overall conversion error equals switching point error plus a quantization error of ±1/2 the digital value of the least significant bit (LSB). Converter characteristics selected for each switch position are specified in Table 25. TABLE 25 Vvord Length (In Bits) GENERAL FURPOSE A-TO-D CONVERTER CHARACTERISTICS Conversion Time (In jJsec) Maximum Switching Point Error* Conversion Rate (In kc) 'c::::: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ± 1 .6°k 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 17.0 25.0 35.0 ±0.8°k ±0.4°k ±0.2% ±O.l% ±0.05% ±0.025°k 110.0 95.0 83.0 74.0 58.5 40.0 28.5 *± 1/2 LS B for quantizing error. The converter circuits are constructed entirel y of FL IP CH IP modules. Both the Type 138E converter and the Type 139E Multiplex Control (implemented to 24 input channels) circuits can be contained in one standard 64-connector module mounting panel. The instructions for the Type 138E converter are: Mnemonic Symbol ADSF Octal Code 701301 Operation Executed Skip if converter flag is set. This flag is connected to the program interrupt. 114 Octal Code Mnemonic Symbol Operation Executed ADSC 701304 Select and convert. The convertrer flag is cleared and a conversion of an incoming voltage is in itiated. Vv'hen the conversion is compl ete, the converter flag is set. ADRB 701312 Read converter buffer. Places the content of the buffer in the AC, left adjusted. The remaining AC bits are cleared. The converter flag ss cleared. Converter Specifications Monotonicity Guaranteed for all settings Aperture Time Same as conversion time Converter Recovery Ti me None Analog Input 0 to -10 volts is standard. Bipolar or specific amplitude range input can be accommodated on special request. If a different voltage range is desired, it is recommended that an amplifier be used at the source, since this wi.ll also provide a low driving impedance and reduce the possibilities of noise pickup between the source and the converter. Input Loading ±1 microampere and 125 picofarads for the standard 0 to -10 volt input. Digital Output A signed 6- to 12-bit binary number in 2's complement notation. A a volt input yields a digital output number of 40008; a -5 vol t input produces 00008; and a -10 vol t input gives an output of 37778. Unsigned and l's complement outputs are availabl.e on special order. Binary ones are represented by DEC standard negative logic level signals (-3, volts) and binary zeros are represented by DEC standard ground logic level signals. Controls Binary readout indicators and a seven position rotary switch for selecting word length and converter accuracy are provided on the front panel. HIGH SPEED ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER TYPE 142 The Type 142 analog-to-d igital converter transforms an analog vol tage to a signed, 10-digit binary number in 2's complement representation for negative numbers. Extremely high rates of conversion are possible with this unit; five microseconds are needed for one conversion .. The sampling technique, a series of simultaneous comparisons, is responsible for the speed with which conversions take place; other methods used in similar conversion appl ications require 20 microseconds or more for a 10-bit conversion. The new method simultaneously compares the 115 amplitude of an analog signal with 16 digital values. Conversion accuracy is ±O.15% ±1/2 the digital value of the LSB. Instructions for the Type 142areusually identical to those listed previously for the Type 138E converter. If a system contains both types of converter, different mnemonic symbols and octal codes are assigned for the commands used for the Type 142. Electrical and logical elements of the Type 142 are shown in block-diagram form in Figure 35. In this illustration the voltage scales for each step are produced by the circuits shown at the left. Two digital-to-analog converters define maximum and minimum voltage levels; 14 prec ision resistors generate a vol tage scal e between these parameters. These resistances, pi us the D to A converters, define 16 equal voltage levels. The 15 mode points are applied to 15 comparators and are compared to the analog input. Registers A, B, and C are loaded with a Graycoded word afh~r each comparison during the conversion. The putput register holds the lO-bit binary word at the end of conversion. The Type 142 Analog-to-Digital Converter uses DEC System Modules entirely and is constructed in two 25-position DEC module mounting panels. o TO : #"1-"", A L J'J'J'..... __ - - -- {VMIN : Figure 35 ' ....... ' Type 142 A-to-D Converter, Block Diagram Converter Specifications Indicators Indicators for the system are included on a standard 5-1/4 inch mounting panel. The content of the output register and Gray code registers is shown by the indicators. Input The analog signal can vary between 0 and -9 volts. The input presents 3 units of pulse load. Maximum current is 25 microamperes. 116 The Convert pulse is the only digital input required. It should be a negative-going signal with a swing Of 2.5 to 4 volts, a fall time less than 0.5 iJsec, and a width greater than 60 nanoseconds. Output Ten binary bits in 2 1s complement notation. Vv'hen read intothe PDP-7 this output is transferred as the ten most significant bits of a computer word. When used with other equipment the output bit signals are -3 volt levels binary ones and ground levels of binary zeros. The converter output is available from 2 microseconds after the end of the conversion until 3 microseconds after the start of the next conversion. MULTIPLEXER CONTROL TYPE 139E The Type 139E is intednded for use with the Type 138E or 142 analog-to-digital conversion systems in appl ications where the PDP-7 must process sampled analog data from mul ti'ple sources of high speeds. Under program control the multiplexer can select from 2 to 64 analog input signal channels for connection to the input of an analog-to-d igital converter. Channel selection is provided by Type A 100, A 101, A 102, or A 103 Multiplex Switch FLIP CHIP modules. These module types each have slightly different timing, impedance, and power characteristics so that multiplexers can be built for wide differences in application by selecting the appropriate module type. Each module contains two indepenent, floating, transistor switches letting the user select any multiple of two channels to a maximum of 64. In the individual address mode, the Type 139E routes the analog data from any program-selected channel to the converter input. In the sequential address mode, the multiplexer advances the channel address by one each time it receives an incrementing command, returning to channel zero after scanning the last channel. Sequenced operations can be short-cycled when the number of channels in u'se is less than the maximum available. A 6-bit mult.iplexer address register (MAR) specifies a channel number from 0-778_ A channel address may be chosen in one of two ways. It can be specified by the content of bits 12-17 of the AC by incrementing the content of the MAR. The following I/OT instructions are used: Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed ADSM 701103 Select MX channel. The content of AC12-17 are placed in the MAR. ADIM 701201 Increment channel address. The content of the MAR is incremented by 1. Channel 0 follows channel 778. Multiplexer Specifications Indicators channel. Six binary indicators on the front panel give visual indication of the selected 117 Multiplexer Switching Time The time required to switch from one channel to any programspecified channel, or to select the next adjacent channel when the content of the MAR is incremented is 2.5 microseconds. This time is measured from when either a select or increment comnand is received. Multiplex Channel Input Six signal lines accept DEC standard logic levels of 0 and -3 volts, with 0 volts for assertion. A pulse or level change clears and strobes the channel data lines to load the MAR. The input accepts DEC standard 70-nanosecond or 400-nonosecond positive pulses (referenced to -3 volts). Readin occurs at the positive transition ot the pulse and should not occur until 400 nanoseconds after the channel address Iines have settled. Increment Channel Input The increment MAR input accepts standard DEC 70-nanosecond or 400-nanosecond positive pulses (referenced to -3 volts) • 118 SECTION 12 DATA AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT OPTIONS DATA CONTROL TYPE 174 The Data Control Type 174 controls and buffers the transfer of data blocks between the PDP-7 and up to three high-speed external devices. Interface between the data control and the processor can be by direct connection or through the Data Interrupt Multiplexer Type 173. Block transfers are made from consecutive core memory locations to one device at a time. The data control counts the number of data words transferred, buffers either incoming or outgoing information until the transfer is complete, and signals the completion of a transfer. Maximum data transfer rate is 1.75 microseconds per 18-bit word, or 570,000 18-bit words per second. Data is transferred between the two 18-bit buffers of the data control and the PDP-7 memory buffer register. The data control includes four hardware registers: two data buffer registers, one word count register 0/VC), and one initial address register (AR). The word counter contains the 2 1s complement of the number of words to be transferred in a block and is incremented on each transfer. The location register contains the address of the next data word to be transferred and is incremented on each transfer. A block transfer is set up by an initial izing sequence of I/OT instructions. Microprogrammed commands of this sequence perform the following operations: a. Load the starting address into the AR from the AC. b. Load the block length into the c. Load the transfer direction. we from the AC. d. . Initiate the transfer. The data control operates in either a burst mode or an interlace mode. In the burst mode a data break is entered and maintained, so that consecutive Break cycles are used to transfer words until the entire data block is completed. This mode is used only with devices that can synchronize with the computer timing cycle"'and can transfer a word every 1 .75 microseconds. In the interleave mode a data break is entered, one word is transferred, and the Break cycle is released to allow continuation of the main program. This mode is used where device timing determines the transfer rate and each transfer is interleaved with- execution of instructions in the main program. A done flag in the data control signals the processor when a transfer with the selected device is complete. Completion of a block transfer can be indicated through the program interrupt channel or through the automatic priority interrupt channel. The data control may be operated directly through the data interrupt channel on the PDP-7 or indirectl y through the Data Interrupt Multiplexer Type 173. Up to four Type 174 Data Controls can draw information through the data interrupt multiplexer. 119 The instructions for the data control are Iisted in Table 26. All data control instructions use bits 12 and 13 to select one of the four (1 through 3) associated devices. TABLE 26 DATA CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code STC 704001 Skip on transfer complete. The next instruction is skipped if the done flag in the data control is set to 1 • LWC 704006 Load word count. The WC register is cleared then loaded from the content of bits 3 through 17 of the AC. When th is command is given the 2 1s complement of the number of words to be transferred in the next block should be contained in the AC. SEC 704101 Skip on error condition. If an error signal (such as end of tape) has been rece ived by the data control from the selected device, the next instruction is sk ipped. The data control error fl ag is connected to the program interrupt facil ity. LAR 704106 Load address register. The AR is cleared then loaded by OR transfer from the content of bits 3-17 of the AC. The core memory address of the first word in the next data block should be in the AC when this command is given. CDC 704201 CI ear data control. All flags and registers of the data control are cleared, and the busy status is set. LCW 704205 Load control word. The control word contained in the AC is transferred into the data control status register. Bit configuration of the control word is determined by the requirements of the devices connected to the data control. One bit determines transfer direction, two select a channel, and the remaining bits are assigned according to programmable control states or other requirements of the device. RWC 704212 Read word count. The AC is cleared, then the content of the WC is transferred into bits 3-17 of the AC; Operation Executed 120 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM TYPE 630 The Type 630 Data Communication System (DCS) is a real time interface between Teletype stations and the PDP-7. It is used for multi-user time sharing systems, message-switching systems, and data collection processing systems. Its basic function is to receive and transmit characters. When receiving, characters of different data rates and un it codes arrive from the Teletype stations in serial form. The DCS converts the signals to digital voltage levels; converts the characters from serial to parallel form, and forwards them to the computer. When transmitting, characters in parallel form are presented to the DCS by the computer. The characters are converted to serial Teletype form of the correct data rate and unit code; they are converted from digital voltage levels to Teletype station signal levels, and they are transmitted to the Teletype stations. Modularity and plugabil ity of the Type 630 DCS simpl ify expansion of the system from one station to 64 stations. Various combinations of data rates, unit codes, station types, and station signal levels can be accommodated in one DCS. The Type 630 system consists of the Type 631 Data Line Interfaces, Type 632 Send/Receive Groups, and a Type 633 Flag Scanner. It has a maximum capacity of 8 groups (8 stations per group) or 64 stations (128 pairs of wires for full duplex operation). The Type 631 Data Line Interface converts Teletype station signal levels to digital voltage levels and converts digital voltage levels to Teletype station signal levels. The extent of modularity of the Type 631 is dependent upon the type of station signals to be converted. The Type 631 is plug connected to the Type 632 Send/Receive Group. The Type 632 Send/Rece ive Group converts parallel characters to serial Teletype characters or converts serial Teletype characters to parallel characters. It mixes the rece ived characters of eight Teletype stations onto a bus for presentation to the Type 633 Flag Scanner and notifies the scanner when service is required. When a character has been received or transmitted, a flag (indicator) is activated. The flag in turn notifies the Type 633 Flag Scanner that service is required for that particular station. The manual OFF/ON switch on the handle of the receiver and transmitter modules can be turned off to inhibit the flag from requesting service. The Type 632 can accommodate a maximum of eight receiver modules and eight transmitter modules. The quantity required is dependent upon the number of Teletype stations. (If four half duplex stations are to be interfaced, only four receiver and four transmitter modules are required.) The type of each module required depends upon the data rate, unit code, and the number of data bits processed. Teletype stations requiring different data rates, unit codes, and data bits' can be intermixed in the Type 632. The receiver module disregards hits (noise) less than one-half of a unit in length on an idle line. The Type 632 Send/Receive Group is completely pluggable. The,Type 633 Flag Scanner decodes and interprets computer instructions, forwards received characters to the computer upon request from the computer, sends characters to the transmitter 121 modules when instructed by the computer, scans each Type 632 in search of activated flags, notHies the computer when an activated flag has been found, and forwards the station number requiring service to the computer upon request from the computer. The Type 633 contains a precision crystal-controlled clock that generates highly accurate timing pulses. The transmitter and receiver modules use the pulses to sample the serial Teletype signals. An additional crystal clock can be added to accommodate multiple Teletype speeds. A crystal clock is also used to generate timing pulses that control the search logic of the scanner. The scanning mechanism of the Type 633 is modular. Each expansion permits eight additional stations (1 group) to be scanned. A rotating priority scanner notifies the computer when an active flag has been found. The computer program requests the station number and then handles the character. Programmed priority of the stations is permitted. The flag scanner operates at the following speeds: the maximum total time required to exam ine 64 inactive stations is 32 microseconds; the maximum total time to search, notify the computer, and continue to search for 64 simultaneously active stations is 544 microseconds (exclusive of computer interrupt and programming cycles); the minimum time required to find the next active station upon being released by the computer is 6 microseconds; and the maximum time required to find the next active station (station being serviced minus one) upon being released by the computer is 92 microseconds. Eight-Channel DCS For smaller, lower-cost Data Communication Systems, programmed flag scanning can be used in place of the hardware Type 633 Flag Scanner. Up to eight remote Teletype stations can be interfaced to the PDP-7 using the Type 634 Control. The Type 634 Control: a. Decodes and interprets computer instructions. b. Forwards rece ive characters to the computer upon request from the computer. c. Sends characters to the transmitter modules when instructed by the computer. ct,l. Requests computer service when notified by the Type 632 Send/Receive Group that service is required. The Type 634 contains a precision crystal-controlled clock which generates highly accurate timing pulses. The transmitter and receiver modules use these pulses to sample the serial Teletype signals. An additional crystal clock can be added to accommodate intermixed Teletype speeds. 122 A computer program tests each flag to determine the station requesting service. A system of eight stations tends to be the practical I im it for this method of station service request detection. For more than eight stations, a high-speed built-in flag scanner is recommended. When the system is used in-house, the function of the Type 631 Data Line Interface can be included in the Type 634 Control. The Type 634 is a totally pluggable unit. For a complete description of the DCS interface characteristics, operation, and instruction sets, refer to the DEC publication F-03 (630A). RELAY BUFFER TYPE 140 The Type 140 i's a computer output device that allows data in the computer to contre)1 external electrical equipment through relays., The relay buffer consists of an lS-bit fl ip-flop register, an lS-bit relay register, filters to reduce noise due to contact bounce, and a patchboard. Under program control the' fl ip-flop register can be set to correspond to the content of the accumulator and can be cleared. Each bit of the fl ip-flop register in the binary 1 condition energizes an associated relay in the relay register. Each relay has single-pole double-throw mercurywetted contacts rated at 2 amperes at 500 volts. External connection to the relay contacts is accompl ished by two 50-pin connectors at the back of the relay mounting panel. Connections to system ground or any relay contact at the cable connectors can be modified by means of four banana jacks per bit on the front panel. An indicator on this panel for each bit, I ights to, denote the energized state of the associated relay. The commands for the Relay Buffer Type 140 are as follows: Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed ORC 702101 Clear output relay buffer fl ip-flop register. ORS 702104 Set output relay buffer fl ip-fl op register to, correspond with the contents of the accumulator. I NTER PROCESSOR BUFFER TYPE 195 The inter processor buffer (I PB) controls the flow of information between two asynchronous processors (one or both are assumed to be PDP-7s), interconnecting the processors through their program controlled (I/OT) information channels. The buffer contains an information flag and a buffer available flag, for each processor. These flags interrupt -their respective processor when the buffer has been loaded by the other processor or when the buffer has been emptied by . the other p'rocessor and is ready for another word. The I/OT commands I isted in Table 27 are used to control the buffer. They are identical for both processors since the control is completel y symmetrical. 123 TABLE 27 Mnemonic Symbol INTER PROCESSOR BUFFER INSTRUCTIONS Octal Code Operation Executed IPSI 702201 Skip on I PB information flag. The next instruction in the program seq~ence is sk ipped if the other processor has loaded the buffer for information transfer. IPRB 702212 Read I PB buffer. The content of the I PB is read into the accumulator, replacing the previous content. The information flag, which indicated that the data is available to be read, is cleared. The buffer becomes available to one of the processors. IPLB 702204 Load I PD buffer. The content of the accumulator is loaded into the I PB. The information flag of the other processor is set, indicating to it that data for it is in the buffer. The available flag, which indicates that the buffer can be loaded, is cleared. IPSA 702301 Skip on IPB available. The next instruction in the program sequence is skipped if the buffer is ready to accept data from the accumulator. The EIA instruction must have been given sometime prior to this instruction. When the LIB instruction is given this flag is cleared. IPDA 702302 Disable IPB available. The available flag of the processor issuing the command is unconditionally cleared. It will neither interrupt nor cause a skip on the S IA instruction. The EIA instruction must be given before the available flag may be turned on. I PEA 702304 Enable IPB available {request use of buffer}. * The available flag is connected (it may still be off) to the program interrupt and I/O skip facility. The flag is set when the buffer is available for loading by the processor (and if enabled an int~r rupt w ill occur). *When the buffer becomes available to a processor, the processor must either use the buffer (LI B) or dismiss it (DIA). Until either occurs, the buffer cannot become available to the other processor. 124 Programming When the buffer is requested for transmitting (E1A) it becomes available immediately unless: a. It is available to the other processor. b. It still contains information the other processor has loaded into it (this processor must read the data). c. It still contains information th is processor has loaded into it (the other processor must read the data). Thus, in unidirectional applications, the transmitting processor tests its available flag and the receiving processor tests its information flag. In bidirectional appl ications, the buffer becomes available to the processor requesting it at that time. That is, if processor A has given the DIA instruction, and processor B is executing the EIA instruction, the buffer will become available to processor B whenever data is read out of it. If both processors select the buffer, it will become available to each al ternatel y. To transfer a group of words, a processor gives the EIA and DIA instructions once for the whole group. Example 1: Single direction, interrupt off, single-word transfer, word in AC. /TRANSMITTING ROUTINE IPEA /REQUEST BUFFER IPSA /TEST FOR AVAILABILITY JMP .-1 /WAIT FOR AVAILABILITY IPLB /LOADBUFFER FROM AC WITH WORD TO BE TRANS/MITTED IPDA /DISMISS BUFFER /RECEIVING ROUTINE** . IPSI /TEST FOR INFORMATION READY JMP .-1 /WAIT IPRB /READ IN INFORMATION **Since this routine monopolizes the receiving processor, the program interrupt is used to signal the information ready status .• 125 Example 2: Bidirectional, interrupt on, multi-word transfer with both processors having identical routines. /RECEIVE INITIALIZE ROUTINE LAM -XX /SET UP WORD COUNT DAC CNTRR LAW TABLR-1 /SETUPDATATABLE DAC 10 /TRANSMIT INITIALIZE ROUTINE LAM -XX /SET UP WORD COUNT DAC CNTRT LAW TABLT -1 /SET UP DATA TABLE DAC 11 IPEA /REQUEST BUFFER /RECEIVE ROUTINE /SII INSTRUCTION USED IN INTERRUPT TEST TO ENTER THIS ROUTINE /ASSUME AC SAVED EXTERNALLY TO THIS ROUTINE ENTRY R o IPRB DAC ISZ JMPI JMP I 10 CNTRR ENTRYR X /READ IN INFORMATION /STORE IN DATA TABLE /INDEX WORD COUNT, TEST /RETURN FOR END /GO TO ROUTINE TO DE-INITIALIZE /INPUTTING AND DISMISS INTERRUPT /TRANSMIT ROUTINE ISlA INSTRUCTION USED IN TEST TO ENTER THIS ROUTINE! /ASSUME AC SAVED EXTERNALLY TO THIS ROUTINE ENTRY T o LAC IPLB ISZ SKP IPDA JMP I 11 CNTRT /GET INFORMATION FROM· DATA TABLE /LOAD INTO BUFFER /INCREMENT WORD COUNT, TEST FOR END I ENTRY T /DONE, DISABLED, BUFFER /RETURN 126 SECTION 13 PROG'RAMMING SYSTEM The following programming aids are provided with each PDP-7 system. Each of these programs is described completely in a separate programming manual and are described here in condensed form onl y as a reference data. Manual Program Symbol ic Assembler Digital Debugging Tape (DDT) Symbol ic Tape Editor FORTRAN II Bus Pak II Digital-7-3-S Dig ita 1-7-4- S Dig ita 1-7- 1- S Digital-7-2-S Dig i ta 1-7-5- S SYMBOLIC ASSEMBLER The PDP-7 Assembler is a one-pass system which translates a symbol ic source program into a form suitable for execution. The source program permits the user to express the operations he wishes the computer to perform in a form more Iegibl e to the programmer than the binary code in wh ich the PDP-7 must rece ive instructions. Instructions for the processor and standard input/output options are inc! uded in the assembl er. By using this assembler I the programmer may employ mnemonic codes for the instructions and ass ign symbol i c addresses in the program. For exampl e, if the programmer uses the characters "LAC," the assembler will transform this to the value 200000 as stored in memory. The assem8 bly process consists of substituting the value of each symbol for the symbol itself and punching it out on the binary output tape. During assembly, the assembler keeps a current address indicator which indicates the address of the register into which the next instruction or data word will be stored. For each word assembled, this address is increased by one. The initial address may be preset to allow assembl y at any location. Normal assembly starts at location 22. The assembler performs its action in one pass (i.e., the source language tape is processed on Iy once to produce the binary object language tape). Certain functions which cannot be handled a't assembly time must be handled by the loader when the program is loaded into memory. A summary of the more important parts of the source language is listed below. For a complete list, refer to the PDP-7 Symbolic Assembler Programming Manual. 127 • Source Language Character Set All characters of the alphabet are used along with numerals and certain punctuation characters. These punctuation characters and their meaning to the assembler are: Meaning Symbol space add syllables plus add syllables minus subtract syllables & logical AND combine syllables . logical OR combine syllables carriage ret. & I ine feed terminate words tabulation terminate words c;omma terminate words + I , = / equals define a parameter slash comment, or address assi gnment ( I eft parenthesi s initiate constant ) right parenthesis terminate constant (optional) period current address indicator Syllables a. Number - any sequence of digits del imited by punctuation characters. eg. 1 12 4374 b. Symbols - any sequence of characters del imited by punctuation characters with the initial character alphabetic (A-Z). eg. A A121 B LARRYS c. Current Address Indicator - the character address. 128 11.11 (period) has the value of the current d. Constant - a number or syllabi e consisting of one of the following forms: (alpha) (alpha). (alpha-..f Contants may consist of several syllables connected by syllabic operations no more than one syllable or symbol is undefined. CJS long as Expressions The val ue of an expression is computed by combin ing the component parts in the manner ind icated by the connecting punctuation. A eg. A+3 LAC A-5 SZA~ SNL Note: The instructions SZL, SNA, and SPA may be combined to form an expression; the instructions SN L, SZA, and SMA may also be combined. However, instructions from one set may not be combined with instructions from the other, due to the use of bit 8 • • Storage Words Storage words are expressions del imited by tabs or carriage returns. They occupy one register in the program. eg. LAC A JMP .+5 LAC (4) ADD 520 LAC (JMP 8-6 Symbol Definitions a. Parameter - may be assigned with the use of the equals sign (=). eg. A=6 EX'IT=JMP I 20 129 b. Address Assignment The use of a / (slash) if immediatley preceded by an expression sets the current address equal to the value of that expression. ego 300/ LAC (56 BEGIN -240+A/ LAC (56 The expression must be defined at the time of assignment. c. Comma If the expressiun to the left of a comma consists of a single, undefined symbol and that symbol is not from the permanent symbol list, the assembler will set the val ue of the symbol to the current address, thus defining that symbol. ego BEGIN, LAC LOAD JMP BEGIN Variables Any storage register which is reserved for data which may change during the program is referred to as a variable. To indicate a multi-register variable, it is necessary to include the character $ anywhere within the first six characters of the variable name the first time it is specified. A single-register variable is indicated by # • Pseudo Instructions Pseudo instructions command the assembler to take certain action during processing of the source language tape. They are transparent to the part of the assembler which processes syllables for output and are disregarded after performing their control function. The more important ones are described below. a. Radix Control The programmer can indicate the radix which the assembler should use when interpreting d igi ts. Decimal - All numbers are interpreted as decimal numbers until the next occurrence of the pseudo instruction OCTAL. Octal - All numbers are interpreted as octo I numbers until the next occurrence of the pseudo instruction DEC IMAL. When the assembler is initially read into core, the mode is octal. 130 b. Start This pseudo instruction indicates the end of the symbolic source tape. It must be folI,owed by a carriage return. After the binary tape is read, the AC indicators denote the last address used by the program. If START is followed by a space and symbolic expression (inserted before the carriage return), the loader wi II jump to the address equival ent of the symbol ic expression when the program has been read (LOAD AND GO). c. Pause Performs the same function as START except that the program hal ts on read in. If PAUSE is accompanied by a symbol ic expression, the program may be started at the addres's indicated by that expression by pressing the CO NTINUE key. d. Variables All variables which have appeared in the program up to this point but have not had locations assigned to them will be stored sequentially starting at the address indicated by the current address counter. Then processing of the program continues. Source Language Tapes A source language tape can be produced off Iine using any 8-bit ASCII code equipment. On-I ine source tapes can be prepared under program control with a greater flexibil ity for error correction and mod ifi cation using the Symbol i c Tape Ed itor program. DIGITAL DEBUGGING TAPE (DDT) DDT is a debugging program for the PDP-7 computer.. In computers with 4K or 8K core memory capacity, DDT occupies the highest 2000 registers of memory. Program modification and exe· 8 cution is from the Teletype keyboard and output is on the teleprinter or punched tape, as selected by the programmer. For example, to branch to a new location in the program it is only necessary to type the symbol ic location name on the keyboard followed by the character single quote (I). The same symbol followed by the character slash (j) causes the content of ,that location to be typed. Working corrections can be punched out on the spot in ,the form of loadable patch tapes, el iminating the necessity of creating new symbol ic tapes and reassembl ing each time an error is found. One of the most useful features of DDT is the breakpoint. A simpl ified way of understanding a breakpoint is to think of halts being inserted in a program at critical points. The breakpoint control characters are: II (double quote) DDT inserts a breakpoint at the address specified before the II. DDT removes the instruction at the break location and saves it for future restoration. The instruction at the break location is on I y executed after the proceed is given. To proceed, execute (~). 131 ~ I (exclamation) After a break occurs, this character causes DDT to proceed with the user's program. This proceed causes the instruction at the break location to be executed and controls return to the user's program. It is possible to test a loop and break before the last ti me around (ex. Nth ti me), by supplying a number before the (~). The break will then occur during the Nth cycle. (single quote) Go to the location spec ified before the I . Th is character starts the program runn ing, and wi II run until the register wh ich was spec ifi ed as a breakpoint is encountered. As an exampl e of breakpoint use, consider the program section BEGIN, LAC A ADD B DAC C Suppose th is program is giving a wrong answer and you want to find where the error is in the program. Break at BEGIN + 1; start the program running at BEGIN. Suppose A contains 15 and B conta ins 20: You type: BEGIN + 111 You type: BEGIN DDT types: BEGIN + 1} I 15 DDT types out the break location followed by a right parenthesis, some spaces, and the current content of the AC. At this point, the programmer is free to change registers or just examine them, change the content of the AC, or use any other DDT features. 132 SYMBOLIC TAPE EDITOR The Editor program reads sections of the symbolic source tape into memory where it is available for examination and correction. Corrections are entered directly from the teleprinter keyboard. The corrected text can then be punched on a new tape. Text may also be entered and punched for original tape preparation. Tape input and output may be either FlO-DEC or ASCII codes, dnd the Editor will convert from one code to the other. The information to be edited is stored in a text buffer, which occupies all of memory not taken up by the Editor itself, and has a capacity for about 4,000 characters in a PDP-7 with 4096 words of memory, or about 16,000 characters in a machine with 8192 words. Operat i n9 Modes In order to distinguish between commands to itself and text to be entered into the buffer, the Editor operates in one of two modes. In command mode, typed input is interpreted (]s direct.ions to the Editor to perfo~m some operation. In text mode, all typed input is taken as text to be inserted in or appended to the content of the text buffer. To help the user keep track of the mode, a visual indication is provided by the LIN K lamp on the PDP-7 operator console. In command mode, this lamp is off; in test mode, it is I it. Five of the special functions which are part of the Editor are: Carriage Return () ) In both command and text modes, this is the signal for the Editor to process the information just typed. In command mode, the operation specified is to be performed. In text mode, it means that the preceding Hne of text is to be placed in the text buffer. Continuation (? ~ ) In text mode this facilitates adding comments to successive lines or for end-of-line corrections. If a line of text is terminated by this pair instead of by a single carriage return,the line will be entered as usual; then the I ine immediately following it will be printed up to but not including its carriage return. Thus, the new Iine is left open for additions or corrections. Line Feed (.) This character has two meanings, depending on when it is used. If it is struck after some information has been typed, it causes that information to be deleted. Used thus in either mode, it has the effect of erasing mistakes. When it has processed the Iine feed, the Editor responds with a carriage return. If, in command mode, line feed is the first character typed on a line, the next line of text (LI NE . + 1) wi II be printed. 133 Rub Out (RO) This key has three distinct functions. Typing RO in command mode wi II cause the next Iine of text to be printed. The use of RO for this purpose is preferred to that of LIN E FEED, since it provides a neater pr i ntout . Pressing RO in text mode will cause the last character of an incomplete line of text to be deleted from the input buffer. Continued striking of this key will cause successive characters to be deleted one by one, working from the end of the Iine bac!~ to the beginn ing. In this way, a m istake can be corrected without having to retype the whole line. Ex.ample: Instead of DAC PTEM, the following Iine was typed: DAC CTE To correct the line, RO is struck three times erasing the last three letters in succession, E, T, and C. The correct text is then typed, and the resulting line appears on the Teleprinter as: DAC CTEPTEM It is stored in the text buffer, however, in correct form, as: DAC PTEM In text mode, the RUB OUT key has another function. Typed immediately after a carriage return, it signals the Editor to return to command mode. If the programmer deletes all the characters in an incomplete line and then strikes,RO one more time, the Editor wi II also return to command mode. No keyboard response is provided by the Editor; but when it enters the command mode, the LIN K indicator which has been lit whi Ie in text'mode, goes out. Colon (:) When this symbol is typed in command mode, the Editor prints the decimal value of the argument that precedes it followed by a carriage return. It is frequently used for determining the number of Iines of text in the buffer. 134 Example: /: 57 or in determining the number of the current line: .: 32 FORTRAN II Based on the field proven FORTRAN used with the PDP-4, the PDP-7 FORTRAN is written for two different hardware configurations. One is for perforated tape systems and the ether is for a configuration which includes at least two logical DECtape units. Both FORTRAN systems require an 8K memory. Approximately 4000 (decimal) registers are available for stored program and data. The principal subsections of the FORTRAN system are: Compiler Fortran Assembler Object Time System Library The compiler accepts input in the FORTRAN language and produces an output in an intermediate language acceptable to the assembler. The assembler accepts the compiler output and produces a binary relocatable version of the program and a binary version of the linking loader. When ready to execute a program, the user loads the main program and any subprogram, followed by any built-in functions called from the library. With the total program in core memory, the object time system is then loaded and the program is executed. The object time system contains an interpreter for floating point arithmetic, an interpreter for format statements, routines such as fixed floating number conversions, and the I/O routines. The object time system must be in memory when a FORTRAN program is executed. Assembly language coding may be introduced within FORTRAN programs or subprograms simply by prefixing each line of code with a special character. Thus, a complete set of machine language instructions, not normally provided, are made available. ' The FORTRAN compiler has the following characteristics: Fixed Point Constants 1-6 decimal digits absolute value; 131,071. Floating Poin't Constants 10 decimal digits precision. Exponent range from plus 217 - 1 to minus 217 - 1. Subscripts Any arithmetic expression representing an integer quantity: variables in a subscript may themselves be subscripted to any depth. N dimensional arrays are perm itted • Statements Mixed expressions containing both fixed and floating point variables are permitted. A maximum of 300 characters are allowed (statement numbers not counted). 135 Statement Numbers 1 through 99999. Funct ions and Subroutines Subroutines not contained in the FORTRAN library may be compiled by the use of Function and Subroutine statements. Functions and subroutines may have fixed or floating point values as defined by the programmer. Users are required to insure consistent references. Input and Output DECtape (Digital's microtape system), magnetic tape, paper tape, Teletype. Format may be specified by use of a FORMAT statement. Statements Available Arithmetic statements, I/O statements with FORMAT, DO, Dimension, Common, IF, GOTO, Assign, Continue, Call, Subroutine, Function, Return. Type Declarations Variables may be declared as real, integer, and FORTRAN. Variable names are 1-6 alphanumeric characters'. Mixed Codes Symbolic instructions can be intermixed with FORTRAN statements. Variable Precision Arithmetic Variable precision floating point arithmetic is used with a choice of mantissa (25 or 36 bits) and exponent (8 or up to 99 bits). Arrays Arrays of up to four dimensions, either fixed or float i ng may be defined • . BUS-PAK II Bus-Pak II is a program assembly system designed for data processing operations. By operating on a character-by-character basis, Bus-Pak II instructions are powerfu I, yet easy to learn and understand. Bus-Pak II offers programming features such as editing, two modes of indexing, and complete input/output control. The Bus-Pak II programming system was developed so that many of the manual record keeping and updating operations could easily be converted to make use of a PDP-4 or PDP-7 computing system. Bus-Pak II users do not have to understand the computer operation. Through the use of the pseudo-language, the PDP-7 is operated as a business-oriented computer, performing all functions including the handling of peripheral input/output equ ipment. 136 Modes of Operation Bus-Pak II has two modes of operation. A "run" mode which is used for normal execution of the user's program and a "single instruction" mode for use in debugging Bus-Pak II programs. Control of the mode of operation is accomplished by AC switch zero on the operator console. When AC switch zero is in the down position, Bus-Pak II operates in the IIrun" mode. When AC switch zero is in the up position, Bus-Pak II operates in the IIsingle instruction ll mode. In the single instruction mode of operation, Bus-Pak II halts after the execution of each BusPak II instruction, and the address of the next Bus-Pak II instruction to be executed is denoted hy the ACCUMULATOR indicators the-operator console. When a GOTO instruction is executed, Bus-Pak II will not stop until the instruction at the location indicated by the GOTO instruction is executed. Addressing Both instructions and data essential for processing are contained in core memory. Each core storage location is completely addressable. Bus-Pak II instructions are variable-length type instructions, in that not all the instructions take up the same number of core storage locations. Data fields being processed are also of variable the N {number of characters} field in a specific right, for the number of characters specified by tions and data may be intermixed as long as the of the prog!ram. length. A data field length is determined-by instruction. All data is processed from left to the instruction being executed. Both instrucdata does not interfere with the normal flow Input/Output Storage AssignmenTs No specific input/output areas have been assigned to any input/output device in the Bus-Pak II system. The assignment of these areas has been Ieft entirely to the programmer. In th is way, more efficient and less core-memory consuming programs may be written. Care must be taken that an area defined for a specific input/output device is large enough for that particular device. Editing In the printing of reports, it is sometimes necessary to punctuate numeric data by dollar signs, commas, and decimal points. This punctuation would take many instructions of testnng and shifting the data and inserting the correct punctuation characters. The editing feature provides this punctuation of data automatically, based on a control word specified by the user. Floating dollar sign and asterisk protection is also available for check writing. Multiple sequential data fields may be edited in one editing operation. 137 Indexing Indexing is a means of address modification without disturbing the original data address in an instruction. Bus-Pak II makes available two modes of indexing, single indexing and double indexing. An effective address is calculated for every TO, FROM, and BY address field specified by an instruction. In single indexing, the contents of the index register specified by an address field are added to the data address, and this new effective address is used in the execution of the instruction. In double indexing, the content of the index register specified by the double index register is also added to the data address and this new address is used in the execution of the instruction. Indirect Addressing When indirect addressing is specified, the address is interpreted as the address of the register which contains the address of the data to be processed. Multiple levels of indirect addressing _ are available, and each level of a TO or FROM address field may use single and/or double indexing. Double Precision Accumulators All arithmetj c operations on numeric data must be done by the use of one of the 15 doub Ie precision accumulators available in Bus-Pak II. Each accumulator is capable of containing a magnitude not exceeding ± 343 5 9 7 3 8 3 6 7 (± 235 _1). An overflow indicator is associated with each of the 15 available accumulators. The signs of the accumulators are computed algebraically depending on the signs of the data being calculated. Arithmetic (add, subtract, multiply, divide) operations can be performed as drawn directly from memory. See ADDMEM instruction example. Program Counters Fifteen program counters are available for controlling multiple execution of a particular sequence of instructions. Sense Switches Fifteen sense switches are available through the use of the AC switches on the operator console for manual control of program execution. Program Switches Fifteen program switches are available for internal control of program execution. 138 Bus-Pak Example 1, Move Characters The MOVE instruction is typical of the generalized data manipulating instructions contained in Bus-Pak II. The N consecutive characters with starting address FROM are moved from left to right to the N consecutive character positions at starting address TO. The original N consecutive characters with the starting address TO are replaced by the N consecutive characters with the starting address FROM. The N consecutive characters with the starting address FROM are left undisturbed. This instruction can be illustrated as follows: Operation Code 17411 Mnemonic Variable Operands N MV FROM TO MV 3 47~ Core Storage before A B C D E F Content after A B C A B C Core Storage 4 4 4 Addresses 7 7 7 ~ 1 3 473 Bus- Pak Exampl e 2, Add to Memory The content of accumulator AC is algebraically added to the N consecutive characters with the starting address TO. The results are placed into the N consecutive character positions with the starting address TO. The content of accumulator AC is undisturbed. The .sign over the units position of the N consecutive characters with the starting address TO is taken into consideration. The original N consecutive characters with the starting address TO are lost. If the result of the addition produces a value whose magnitude exceedes the capacity of the accumulator, the associated overflow indicator will be set. The result itself is worthless. The sign of the resul t is placed over the un its position of the N consecutive characters with the starting address TO. This instruction can be HI ustrated as follows: Operation Code 17523 Variable Operands Mnemonic AC ADDMEM 139 N TO ADDMEM 3 Core Storage before fD 7 5 3 9 Content after 1 1 fD 3 9 Core Storage 5 5 Addresses fD fD 1 5 Content of before +35 after +35 Specified Accumulator 140 SECTION 14 OPERATING PROCEDURES CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Manual control of the PDP-7 is exercised by means of keys and switches on the operator console. Visual indications of the mach ine status and the content of major registers and control fl ip-flops is also given on both the operator console and on the indicator panel at the top of bay 1. Indicator lamps light to denote the presence of a binary 1 in specific register bits and in control flip-flops. Lighted control indicators denote activation of the associated control functions. The function of controls and indicators on the operator console is listed in Table 28, and their I,ocation is shown in Figure 36. The functions of all lamps on the indicator panel are described in Table 29 and shown in Figure 37. , FETCH ........ ' ...... '., DEFER .!!Jt£CI.IT£ '\.: .... " ,.;- aREAK r=2CCCD~Ca, Figure 36 Operator Console 141 INsniticl'ION;,' . I:,*'a' TABLE 28 OPERATOR CONSOLE CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Control or Indicator Function START key Starts the processor. The first instruct ion is taken from the memory ce II spec ifi ed by the setti ng of the ADDRESS switches. The START operation clears the AC and I ink, and turns off the program interrupt. STOP key Stops the processor at the completion of the memory cycle in progress at the time of key operation. CONTINUE key Causes the computer to resume operation from the point at which it was stopped. Besides the normal off and momentary - on positions, this key has a latched on position obtained by raising the key instead of depressing. EXAMINE key Places the content of the memory cell specified by the ADDRESS switches into the AC and MB. This operation is accomplished by automatically performing a LAC instruction when the EXAMINE key is pressed At the completion of the operation, the content of the ADDRESS switches appears in the MA, and the PC contains the address of the next cell. 4 EXAMINE NEXT key Places the content of the cell specified by the PC into the AC and MB. The content of the PC is incremented by 1, and the MA contains the address of the register examined. DEPOSIT key Deposits the content of the ACCUMULATOR switches into the memory cell specified by the ADDRESS switches. This operation is accompl ished by automatically performing tasks similar to the combination of the CLA, OAS, and DAC instructions when the DEPOSIT key is pressed. The content of the ACCUMULATOR sw,itches remains in th~ AC and MB. The content of the ADDRESS switches appears in the MA. The PC contains the address of the next cell. DEPOSIT NEXT key Deposits the content of the ADDRESS switches into the memory cell specified by the PC. The content of the PC is then incremented by 1. At the completion of the operation, the content of the AC and MA are the same as for DEPOSIT key operation. 142 TABLE 28 OPERATOR CONSOLE CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (continued) Control or Indicator Function READ-IN key Punched paper tape is read in binary mode and stored in a core memory block when this key is pressed and re leased. The first address of the memory block is taken from the ADDRESS switches. After read ing the tape, program control transfers to the processor which executes the last instruction word stored in the block. To indicate that this last computer word on tape is the instruction to be executed next, a hole must be punched in channe I 7 of the first Iine of the three binary Iines that constitute the last word. SPEED switch and control These two controls vary the repetition rate of manual operations from approximately 40 microseconds to 8 seconds. The switch (left) is a 5-position coarse control, the control (right) is a continuously variable fine control. Slowest speed is obtained with both controls in the fully counterclockwise position. Console Lock This key-operated, 2-position lock switch can be used to prevent inadvertent key operation from disturbing a program in progress. When the key is turned counterc lockwisei the console is unlocked and all controls operate normally. When the key is turned clockwise, the console is locked; operation of any of the console keys, the SPEED controls, or the POWER, SINGLE STEP, SINGLE INST or REPEAT switches has no effect on the running of the computer. The status of the ACCUMULATOR switches can be monitored by the program even with the keys disabled by the lock. TRAP switch and indicator Permits the trap mode to be entered by the program. EXTEND switch and indicator In the raised position, the switch enables operation of any of the console keys except STOP and CONTINUE to turn on the extend mode" The indicator lights to denote enabling of the extend mode control. This switch and indicator are operable only on systems containing a Type 148 Memory Extension Control. 143 TABLE 28 OPERATOR CONSOLE CONTROLS AND INDICATORS {continued} Control or Indicator Function PUNCH toggle switch and FEED pushbutton The toggle switch controls appl ication of primary power to the perforated tape punch. When the switch is down, punch power is under program control; when up, punch power is on. The pushbutton causes the perforated tape punch to punch tape leader. Punch power remains on for an additional 5 seconds as it does under program control. SINGLE STEP switch and indicator The switch causes the computer to stop at the completion of each memory cycle. Repeated operation o'f the CONTINUE key while this switch is on steps the program one memory cycle at a time. The indicator lights to denote operation in the single-step mode. SINGLE INST switch and indicator The switch causes the computer to stop at the compl etion of each instruction. Repeated operation of CONTINUE key while this switch is on steps the program one instruction at a time. When both switches are on, SINGLE STEP takes precedence over SINGLE INST. The indicator lights to denote operation in the single-instruction mode. REPEAT switch and indicator The switch causes the operations initiated by pressing CONTINUE, EXAMINE NEXT, or DEPOSIT NEXT keys to be repeated as long as the key is held on. The rate of repetition is controlled by the SPEED controls. The indicator 1ights to denote activation of the repeat controls. POWER switch and indicator The switch controls the application of primary power to the computer and to all external devices attached to it. The energized state of the equipment is indicated by Iighting of the lamp. ACCUMULATOR switches Used to establish the l8-bit word to be placed in core memory by the DEPOSIT and DEPOSIT NEXT keys, or the word to be placed in the AC by a program. These switches are also used for program sense contro I • 144 TABLE 28 OPERATOR CONSOLE CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (continued) Control or Indicator Function ADDRESS switches Used to establish the 15-bit core memory address loaded into the PC by operation of the START, EXAMINE, or DEPOSIT keys. MULTIPLIER QUOTIENT indicators* Denote the content of the MQ ACCUMULATOR indicators Denote the content of the AC MEMORY BUFFER indicators Denote the content of the MB MEMORY ADDRESS indicators Denote the content of the MA PROGRAM COUNTER indicators Denote the content of the PC LIN K indicator Denotes the content of the I ink PIE indicator Lights when the program interrupt is enabled RUN indicator Lights when the computer is executing instructions FETCH, DEFER, EXECUTE, BREAK indicators Light to denote the major control state of the next memory cycle *These indicators function only when the computer is equipped with a Type 177 Extended Arithmetic Element option. Figure 37 Indicator Panel 145 TABLE 29 INDICATOR PANEL FUNCTIONS Indicator Function READ 1, 2 Designate the status of timing control flip-flops in the memory control and indicate that the core memory is in a read cycle. INH Designates the status of the INH {inhibit} flip-flop in the memory control and indicates the memory is in a write cycle. WRITE 1, 2 Designate the status of timing control flip-flops in the memory control and indicate that the core memory is in a write cycle. CHANNEL ON Lighted indicators denote enabled priority interrupt channels of the Type 172 Automatic Priority Interrupt. BREAK STARTED Lighted indicators denote program interrupt channels that are active (requesting or using a break cycle). RUN Denotes the status of the RUN fl ip-flop in the Type 444B Perforated Tape Reader and Control, and indicates operation of this device. BINARY {bottom row} Lights to desi gnate that the perforated tape reader is in the binary mode. If this lamp is not lit the reader is in the alphanumeric mode. FLAG (bottom row) Denotes the status of the perforated tape reader flag. PTR BUFFER Indicates the content of the data buffer register of the perforated tape reader {last character or binary word read}. ACT Denotes the active, or operating, status of the Type 75D Perforated Tape Punch and Control. BINARY {center row} Lights to designate that the perforated tape punch is in the binary mode. FLAG {center row} Denotes the status of the perforated tape punc h flag. PTP BUFFER' Indicates the content of the data buffer register of the perforated tape punch (last character punched). 146 TABLE 29 INDICATOR PANEL FUNCTIONS (continued) Indicator Function FLAG (top row) Denotes the status of the Type 649 Teleprinter and Control line unit in (LUI) flag. (The in direction is referenced to the computer, not to the Tel etype equ ipment. ) TT BUFFER Indicates the content of the Teletype control Iine unit in. (LU I) du ia reg ister (code of the last keyboard character struck). = A POWER ON switch is provided on the perforated tape reader and is used to disable this device for maintenance regardless of the condition of computer primary power. Normally this switch remains in the ON position so that the reader is energized as a function of the POWER switch on the operator console. MANUAL DATA STORAGE AND MODIFICATION Programs and data can be stored or modified manually by means of the facilities on the operator console. Chief use of the manual data storage facilities is made to load the readin mode (RIM) loader program and all other programs in readin mode format. Storing the RIM Loader The RIM loader is a program used to automatically load any program that is in RIM format into the computer core memory. The initial operation of the computer should always be to load the RIM loader. If a prepared RIM loader tape is available it can be stored as follows: 1. Turn the lock switch counterclockwise and set the POWER switch to the up position. 2. Load the tape into the perforated tape reader by placing the title end of the tape beneath the read head mechanism so that the tape feed holes are on the inside and the tape is positioned to move from right to left as it is read i 11. The lever at the center of the tape reader is turned clockwise to disengage the tape feed mechanism and allow entrance of the program tape. This lever must be turned counterclockwise to engage the tape or the READ-IN key will be disabled. 3. Set the ADDRESS switches to correspond with the starting address to be used for the program as it is stored in core memory. In a computer having a 4K word core memory this address is 7763, in computers having a larger core storage facility the starting address is 17763. 147 4. Press and release the READ-IN key. When the key is pressed three lines on tape are read, then when the key is released the tape is completely read into the machine. To manually load data or a program into the core memory, or if a prepared tape containing the RIM loader is not available this program can be loaded manually as follows: 1. Turn the lock switch counterclockwise and set the POWER switch to the up position. 2. Set the ADDRESS switches to correspond with the core location of the fi rst word to be stored. 3. Set the ACCUMULATOR switches to correspond with the bits of the instruction word or data to be stored at the address determ ined by the ADDRESS switches. Lift the DEPOSI T key and observe that the MEMORY BUFFER indicators, and hence the core memory, hold the word contained in the ACCUMULATOR switches and that the PROGRAM COUNTER indicators correspond to the setting of the ADDRESS switches. 4. Set the ACCUMULATOR switches to correspond with the next data word or instruc'tion to be stored, then press the DEPOSIT NEXT key and observe that the content of the ACCUMULATOR switches is stored (as indicated by the MEMORY BUFFER indicators) and observe that the content of the program counter has been incremented by one. 5. Repeat step 4 until the entire program or data b lock has been loaded into the sequent ia I memory locat ions. Ti.e RIM loader program is listed in Table 30. Note that the RIM and FF loader programs are described in the DEC Program Library and are available to all PDP-7 users. ' TABLE 30 RIM LOADER (8K) Location 17762/ 17763/ 17764/ 17765/ 17766/ 17767/ >•• ~~17770/ 17771/ 17772/ 17773/ 17774/ 17775/ 17776/ Octal Code o 700101 617763 700112 700144 637762 700144 117762 057775 417775 117762 a 617771 Tag R,. GO, G, OUT, Mnemonic o Remarks /READ ONE BINARY WORD RSF JMP .-1 RRB RSB JMPIR RSB . JMSR DAC OUT XCT OUT JMSR a JMP G 148 /WAIT FOR WORD TO COME IN /READ BU FFER /READ ANOTHER WORD /EXIT SUBROUTINE /ENTER HERE, START READER GOING /GET NEXT BINARY WORD /EXECUTE CONTROL WORD /GET DATA WORD /STORE DATA WORD /CONTINUE Load i ng Data Under Program Control Information can be stored or modified in the computer automatically only by enacting programs previously stored in core memory. For example, having the RIM loade.; programs stored in core memory allows RIM format tapes (including the FF loader program tape) to be loaded as follows: 1. Turn the lock switch counterclockwise and lift the POWER switch. 2. Assure that the perforated tape reader is energized by observin'g that the lamp wh ich ilium ines the photo diodes is Iit. If this lamp is not Iit, set the POWER ON toggle switch on the reader to the up position. 3. Load the tape in the reader as spec ified in step 2 of the procedure for storing the RIM loader. 4. To load data set the starting address into the ADDRESS switches and press and release the READ-IN key. To load a program set the RIM loader starting address into the ADDRESS switches and press the START key. . Tapes being loaded into core memory by means of the FF loader can be made self-starting by having a hole punched in channel 7 of any of the last three lines of the tape that constitute the last instruction of the program. Usua Ily this instruction is a JMP to the starting address of the program contained on the tape. Under these conditions when the last block on tape is read it is interpreted as the current instruction to be executed and the program is started. If the tape is not self-starting the last instruction is a HLT command. 10 initiate programs that are not self-starting, set the starting address into the ADDRESS switches and press the START key. Checking and Modifying a Stored Program To check the content of an address in core memory, set the address into the ADDRESS switches, lift the EXAMINE key, and observe the data displayed in the MEMORY BUFFER indicators. Note also that the address establ ished by the switches is contained in the MEMORY ADDRESS indicators.. Examination of sequential core memory locations can then be performed by repeated pressing of the EXAMINE NEXT key •. A data or instruction word can be stored at any core memory location by ~pecifying the location in the ADDRESS switches, setting the word i,n the ACCUN\ULATOR switches, and lifting the DEPOSIT key. Blocks of words can be stored at sequential addresses by repeatedly pressing the DEPOS IT NEXT key, without spec ifying each address in the ADDRESS switches. FORTRAN OPERATING PROCEDURES The PDP-7 FORTRAN compiler is written for a machine having a minimum of 8K of memory but significantly different hardware configurations; one an exclusively paper-tape configuration and the other a configuration which includes a dual DECtape transport. In an 8K system about 460° locations are available for the user's program and data. 10 149 The principal subsections of the FORTRAN system for paper tape are: Compiler Assembler Operat i ng System Library The compiler accepts input in the FORTRAN language and produces an object program output in computer source language acceptable to the assembler. The assembler accepts the compiler output and produces a binary relocatable version of the program and a binary version of the !inking loader. To run the program, load the main program and any subprograms followed by uny funct ions ca II ed from the Iibrary tape. When the program and I ibrary rout i nes are stored in memory, load the operating system and execute the program. The operating system contains an interpreter for floating-point arithmetic, an interpreter for FORMAT statements, bookkeeping routines such as fix a floating number etc., and the I/O routines. The operating system must be in memory when a FORTRAN program is executed. Procedure for Using FORTRAN With a PDP-7 Paper Tape System The RIM loader is used with starting address 17770a (for aK machines). Pressing the START key with 17770a in the ADDRESS switches is referred to as RIM start. 1. Prepare the programs to be compiled in Qccordance with the conventions described in the preceding paragraphs. Each program or subprogram on paper tape must be followed by the three-character sequence: . carriage return, line feed carr iage return, line feed form feed 2. Place the paper tape labeled FORTRAN Compiler in the reader and RIM start. 3. Set ACCUMULATOR switch 9 up to allow ASCII code input or set this switch down for FIODEC code input. Set ACCUMULATOR switch 10 up for ASC II code output or down for F 10DEC code output. 4. Place the program to be compiled in the reader and press the CONTINUE key. FORTRAN wi II punch out the intermediate object program tape. 5. If other programs are to be compiled, repeat step 3. If an accidental error should occur (e.g. the punch running out of paper tape before compilation is completed), the compilation procedure may be restarted by repositioning the source tape in the reader, placing 22a in the ADDRESS switches, and pressing the START key. 150 6. If an error occurs in the source language, the compiler will type a threeletter plus two-digit code on the teleprinter followed by the current (last encountered) statement number. The compi! er then prints the offending line to the point where the error is encountered. A Iine feed is given and the rest of the statement is then printed. See the description of diagnostics for the associated error conditions. As a rule, a source language error will prevent proper execution of the compi Ied program. The error must be corrected and the program compiled again. However, compilation should be completed to uncover all errors in the same program. 7. When a II npr:essary compi lat ions have been successfu lIy compl eted, remove the outpu~ tape(s) from the punch. 8. Load the tape labeled FORTRAN assembler through RIM start. NOTE: The normal usage of the FORTRAN assembler and I inking loader is described in steps 9 through 18. 9. Set ACCUMULATOR switch 10 up for ASCII code input; down for FIODEC code input. Place the first program to be assembled in the reader. If several programs were compiled together they will be separated from each other by a short length of blank tape. Press the CONTINUE key. The assembler will punch a partial binary output, displaying all ACCUMULATOR indicators Iit when finished. Should an error occur during the assembly procedure, the assembler will print a message on the teleprinter. For a summary see FORTRAN Assembler Error Messages. An error printed by the assembler is either the result of an original program error which was not detected by FORTRAN or by a punching error. 10. Press the CONTINUE key to finish punching the binary output. Undefined symbols used in the source program (symbols which never appear on the left-hand side of an arithmetic statement or in an input statement or as the argument of a subroutine call) will be printed with a relative location automatically assigned by the as~embler. Any statement number which is referred to but never used as a statement label a Iso wi II be printed. When finished, all ACCUMULATOR indicators will again be lit. The aforementioned errors prevent program execution. 11. If a printout of the relative locations of program symbols is desired, set the least significant switch of the ACCUMULATOR switches (bit 17) to the up position and press the CONTINUE key. If the printout is not desired, leave the switch in the down position and press the CONTINUE key to restore the assembler for the next assembly. No ACCUMULATOR indicators wi II be Iit at this time. This step applies to the main program. If a subroutine was assembled, pressing the CONTINUE key will readin and assemble the next program. 151 12. When starting a new assembly be sure to start at the beginning. If more programs are to be assembled, place the next tape in the reader and return to step 9. If severa I programs were compi led together, be sure that the blank tape area separating them is under the reader head before continuing. Since the assembler uses a buffered loader, the end of one program and the beginning of the next program are read into the same buffer. It is usually necessary to withdraw a portion of tape which has already been read in order to start reading at the beginning of the second and succeeding programs on the same paper tape. 13. Remove the assembled programs from the punch. Each program will have the title punched in readable format at the beginning. Since the FORTRAN assembler is a one-pass assembler, the title will be the last item punched on the tape. (The last program to be assembled will be the first program on the binary tape. For this reason, user subroutines ·should be assemb Ied before t he rna in program.) NOTE: The following steps describe the loading process. After each tape is loaded into core memory the ACCUMULATOR indicators will display the last memory address used. 14. Load the main program through RIM start. It is important that the main program be loaded first since the Iink ing loader is punched on the main program tape only. The loader is a lengthy strip of tape immediately following the title with the eighth hole punched in every Iine of the paper tape. 15. Place any subprograms in the reader (readable title is always in the leader), and load through RIM start. The linking loader which is punched at the beginning of the main program binary tape will handle the problem of link i ng between programs. 16. To obtain a printout of the absolute locations in core memory of subprogram symbols and/or to determine if library subroutines are required, place 58 in the ADDRESS switches and press the START key. If a subroutine or library function has been called but is not yet loaded, its symbol will be preceded on the Iine by a minus sign followed by the address of the first reference to this symbol. If further user subprograms are requested by the main program, they should be loaded as in step 15. 17. Load the I/O I ibrary tape. Place the Iibrary tape in the reader, put 68 in the ADDRESS switches and press the START key. When all the called functions have been loaded, the loader will halt. If the tape is entirely read, it is possible that certain requested (arithmetic) routines were not encountered. To determine this, return to step 16. The loaded routines will not be preceded by the minus sign. Load either the six-decimal digit (6DD) or the ninedecimal digit (9DD) library tape. 152 18. Load the tape labeled FORTRAN Operating System through the RIM loader. 19. Place 228 in the ADDRESS switches and press the START key to execute the program. 20. If paper tape input to the FORTRAN program is requested, the tape must be positioned in the reader which is conditioned for immediate operat ion upon program command. NOTE: The linking loader will not detect when the user has loaded a program over common storage {assigned backward from the last address in memory}. To guarantee an overlay has not occurred, the last program address used as indicated in the AC indicators after loading, should always be smaller than the lowest address in common storage necessary to store the arrays and common variables used in the program. Diagnostics The following diagnostics may be printed during compilations followed by the offending statement with a line feed after the last character processed. Each diagnostic is identified by a three-letter name, and a two-digit number. For all errors except those which indicate storage capacity exceeded, processing will continue. The diagnostic error prints listed in Table 31 will be followed by the current statement number. As previously noted the occurrence of an error will necessitate correction of the error and recompilation. TABLE 31 Error Name FORTRAN DIAGNOSTIC ERROR PRINTOUTS Error Number CON 1 2 COM 1 2 Reason for Error CONTROL STATEMENT Illegal control statement. Upper case character in control statement. COMMON STATEMENT Illegal entry in list. Symbol appears twice in COMMON. 1-53 TABLE 31 Error Name FORTRAN DIAGNOSTIC ERROR PRINTOUTS (continued) Error Number ASG 1 2 3 4 SUB 1 2 3 DIM 1 2 3 DO 1 2 3 4 ILF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 17 20 22 24 26 ICH 1 2 4 Reason for Error ASSIGN N not a fixed-point number. Number not followed by two. No fixed-point variable. I II ega I format - vari ab Ie. SUBROUTINE AND FUNCTION Name not a variable. Dummy symbol not a variable. Dummy symbol used twice. DIMENSION Array name not a variab Ie. Array dimensioned twice. Dimension not a fixed-point number. DO STATEMENT First two letters not do. No statement number. No end test value specified. Too many characters. ILLEGAL FORMAT Nonstatement number at left mar'gin. Missing left parenthesis. Missing right parenthesis. Missing Ieft parenthesis. Missing right parenthesis. Comma missing in goto. Variable missing in arithmetic statements. Illegal device number in input or output statement. Illegal format in accept statement. Extra right parenthesis. Extra characters in statement. Comma missing in repetitive element in I/O list. Illegal format in I/O I ist element. III ega I format statement number in an I/O statement. ILLEGAL CHARACTER III ega I character. I" ega I upper-case character. No more characters after an illegal one. 154 TABLE 31 Error Name FORTRAN DIAGNOSTIC ERROR PRINTOUTS {continued} Error Number DIT* 1 2 3 10 11 12 UFX 2 3 FOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reason for Error MISCELLANEOUS ERRORS. Cannot proceed. Log i c error. Wrong place in table. Dispatch number too big. Too many cal's. III ega I cal. Too many exits. UNSEEN FIXED POINT Fixed-point number expected; punctuation character or no character appeared. Floating point quantity appeared where fixed-point number expected. Fixed-point number expected; decimal number appeared. FORMAT STATEMENT Character missing. III ega I format. Characters missing. Illegal control character. Illegal punctuation. Specification letter other than I, F, E, X, H. N too large in H format IFU ILLEGAL FUNCTION USAGE Function name on left side outside function definition. SCE STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED Processing may not proceed. Polish stack exhausted. Table exceeded. Table exceeded. Symbol generator exhausted. Table exceeded. Statement too long. Push down stack exceeded {too many nested do's}. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 *If any of the errors labeled DIT occurs, correct all other errors and recompile; if DIT errors still occur, note any pertinent data and send to DEC Programming Group. 155 FORTRAN Assembler Error Messages NOTE: The following error messages refer to the object program code generated by the compiler. Familiarity with this code is necessary for an understanding of this appendix. See the Assembler Program Description (Digital 7-3-S) for details. With the exception of SCE (storage capacity exceeded) and ILP (illegal parity), assembly continues after the error message has been printed unless assembling a library tape. An error message may occur in one of three formats. Format A ERROR PRIiVIOUS VALUE SYMBOL NEW VALUE Format A is used to indicate errors in the redefinition of symbols. ERROR represents a threeletter code for the particular error. Whether the symbol was redefined depends upon the particular error. Error Meaning MDT The symbol was redefined with a comma. RSP A permanent symbol was redefined. RDA An attempt to redefine a symbol was made. The symbo I was not redefi ned. Format B ERROR OCTAL ADDRESS The general error message is printed in Format B. symbolic address at which the error occurred. Error SYMBOLIC ADDRESS It includes both the octal address and the Meaning IFP Illegal format in parameter assignment. IFC Illegal format in a symbolic address tag. IFQ III ega I format in library list. IFY Illegal format in internal declaration. IFZ More than one symbol in internal declaration. LIQ Illegal term punctuation in library list. MDT The location counter and address disagree in an address assignment. 156 Error Mean i ng TUA Too many undefined symbols in a symbol ic address tag. ILF Illegal format in a pseudo-instruction. LIT Illegal terminator in a PUNDEF or EXTERNAL list. I FL Illegal format in a PUNDEF or EXTERNAL list. IFS I II ega I format in a START. IFI Illegal format in an input pseudo-instruction. SCE Storage capac ity exceeded. INS A nonsymbol appeared in a PUNDEF list. IFX External symbol pr.eceeded external declaration. Format C ERROR OCTAL ADDRESS SYMBOLIC ADDRESS CAUSE Format C is an expanded version of Format B. CAUSE is additional information to help the programmer ascertain the cause of the error. For example, in the case of an error caused by an undefined symbol, the symbol wi" be printed. Error Cause ILP character I" egal parity (place correct character in ACS and press the CONTINUE key). May a Iso be caused by read i ng tape in backward order. UST symbol Undefined symbol in a START or PAUSE. UAA symbol Undefined symbol in an absolute address assignment. UPA symbol Undefined symbol in a parameter assignment. ICH character I" ega I character. sys symbol Previously defined symbol.in internal dec laration. UPN symbol Undefined symbol in a punch pseudo-instruction. Meaning At the end of assembly, before the loader is punched, the undefined symbols and their definitions will be printed. Each undefined symbol wh ich was used in a storage word will be defined as the address of a register at the end of the program, and the definition printed. If the symbol was not used in a storage word, then just the symbol will be printed and the symbol will not be defined. An example of the latter is a symbol which appears to the right in (I parameter assignment only. 157 Data Organ ization Records On every I/O device, data is organized into physical groups called records. Because of the dissimilarity of the devices, the definition of a recorcJ varies. Table 32 lists the I/O devices and the defin·ition of a record for each. TABLE 32 DEFINITION OF A. PHYSICAL RECORD FOR I/O DEVICES Device Physical Record Keyboard The information typed on a single line (maximum 72 characters) . Teleprinter The information typed on a single line (maximum 72 characters) . Perforated Tape Reader, Punch The information punched between two carriage returns (practical maximum 72 characters, for compatibility with other devices). Magnetic Tape The information contained between two record gaps (delimiters) (maximum record length is 576 characters or 256 binary words). DECtape (microtape) The information contained in one fixed-length record (256 18-b it words). One FORMAT statement corresponds to one record. Consequent Iy, the programmer must be careful that the total number of characters in the format specifications, including repetitions, does not exceed the maximum for one re~ord on the respective device . The FORTRAN Assembly System The FORTRAN assembler is a modified version' of the PDP-7 assembler. The FORTRAN assembler produces a relocatable object program unless absolute address assignments are used. Relocatable programs are loaded by the linking loader consecutively starting at location 228. The loader also joins programs by supplying definitions for symbols which are referenced in One program and defined in another. The differences present in the FORTRAN assembler are: 158 1. The addition of pseudo-instructions to define symbols used by the loader to Iink relocatable programs to each other. These pseudo-instructions are EXTERNAL, INTERNAL, and LlBFRM. 2. Error printouts associated with these three pseudo-instructions have been included. 3. The object programs produced by the FORTRAN assembler are relocatable; the programs are loaded into an area of memory determined by the position of other programs at load time (usually starting at address 228 for the first program) . 4. DDT cannot be used with relocatable programs since symbol definitions are not established until loading, unless changes mentioned in the FORTRAN manual or the RELOCATABLE write-up (Digital-7-1 O-RE-l) are followed. 5. Execution of a program assembled and loaded by the FORTRAN system is accompl ished by plac ing the starting address (228) in the ADS and pressing the START key. NOTE: To avoid improper loading, all absolute parameter assignments should precede any references to them in the program. OPERATING THE PDP-7 ASSEMBLER (BASIC OR EXTENDED) Operating Instructions 1. Make sure that the RIM loader is in core. 2. Load the assembler by placing the binary tape of the assembler in the reader and starting the RIM (readin mode) loader in location 17770. 3. Place the symbol ic source language tape in the reader, and set the ADDRESS switches to 20. Set ACCUMULATOR switch 10 up when using ASCII symbolic tapes or down when using FIODEC code. 4. The operator may choose, at this point, to begin a normal assembly or command the assembler to execute special functions as indicated by the AC switches. .. 4 a. Normal assembly (restores symbol table to permanent symbols): press the CONTINUE key. 159 b. Special functions: set ACS (as described in the succeeding summary of AC switch control) and press the START key. When the pseudo-instruction START or PAUSE in the source tape is encountered, the assembler stops with all ones in the AC. NOTE 1: To assemble more than one symbolic tape into one binary output tape (a main program and subroutines, for example), the sequence of steps in assembly is altered. After step 4, the next symbolic tape is put in the reader. With 20 in the ADDRESS switches, press the START key. Repeat these steps for remaining symbol ic tapes. The title of the first tape and the START from the last tape are incorporated into the binary output tape unless otherwise specified by ACS3. When all desired symbolic tapes have been assembled, continue with step 5. 5. To complete the assembly, press the CONTINUE key. The assembler punches the variables, the undefined symbols (listing these on the on-line Teletype), the starting block, and the loader and punches the title in readable form .. Then the assembler stops with all ones in the AC. The assembly of a .Ioadable object tape is complete at this point. NOTE 2: To restore the assembler's symbol table to permanent symbols before beginning another assembly, put up AC switch 15. After completing step 6, return to step 3. If no symbol printouts are desired, press the CONTINUE key and return to step 3. 6. To obtain a printout of the symbol definitions, set AC switches 16 and/ or 17 (see below) and press the CONTINUE key. When the printouts are compl eted, the computer halts displaying a" zeros in the AC. Figure 38 indicates the logical flow of the assembler program. Loading a Symbol Punch A symbol punch in assembler format can be loaded into the assembler at any time, but the suggested time is prior to assembling the first tape (before step 3). To load a symbol punch, place the tape in the tape reader, set ADDRESS switches to 4, and press the START key. The symbol definitions are added to the assembler's permanent symbol table; restoring the assembler's symbol table has no effect on them. To start an assembly, return to step 3 above. 160 PLACE NEXT TAPE IN READER SYMBOLS, SET ACS 16 ANDIOR 17 ASSEMBLY SET ACS t!l SYMBOLS AND ANOTHER ASSEMBLY Figure 38 Assembler Flow Diagram AC Switch Control Throughout the assembly of a program, ACS 10 indicates the symbolic tape code: up for ASCII or down for FIODEC. This switch may be reset if necessary for each program or subprogram assembled. In step 4, the ACCUMULATOR switches perform the following functions: 161 Meaning AC Switches Up o and 1 Suppress punching. o and 2 Suppress punching of symbols for DDT -7. Save space on tape un Iess needed for DDT work. o and 3 Take the title on this tape. The title from the current tape replaces the first tape's title on a single binary output tape (see Note 1). o and 4 Restore the assemb Ier when restarting an unfinished assembly. In step 6, the switches have the following meaning: AC Switch Up Meaning 15 Restore symbol table to permanent symbols (after symbol printouts if requested). Starting the next assembly with CONTINUE has the same effect. 16 Symbol printout, numerical order. 17 Symbol printout, alphabetical order. The following switches have meaning throughout an assembly. Meaning AC Switch Up 10 ASCII symbol ic tape input 11 Causes all printing to be done on the high speed line pr inter. Ha Its During Assembly The following are all possible abnormal halts during assembly, the cause, and the action which can be taken. Cause Illegal parity,lLP, using FIODEC code AC Content Action 1. Place correct character in ACS. Character with i II ega I parity 2. Press CONTINUE. 162 - Cause Action AC Content 1. Set AC S 10 up . IIlega I parity, ILP, using ASCII code 2. Restart assembly Segment program and reassemble. Storage capac ity exceeded, printout SeE Error Messages The error message appears in one of the following three formats. With the exception of SCE (storage capacity exceeded) and ILP (illegal parity), assembly continues automatically after the error message has been printed. Format A The appearance of a diagnostic printed in format A: ERROR PREVIOUS VALUE SYMBOL NEW VALUE Whether the new value was actually incorporated into the symbol table depends upon the particular error. Error Mean i ng MDT A previously defined symbol was redefined with a comma. RDA An attempt was made to redefine a permanent symbol with a comma. The symbol was not redefined. RPS A permanent symbol was redefined. Format B· The appearance of a format B diagnostic is: ERROR OCTAL ADDRESS SYMBOLIC ADDRESS The genera I error message is printed in format B. Error IFC Meaning Illegal format in symbolic address tag. The tag is ignored. 163 Error Meaning I FI An expression using CHAR or FLEX was formed improperly. IFL Illegal format in a PUNDEF list. IFP Illegal format in a parameter assignment. The assignment is ignored. IFS START or PAUSE used incorrectly. Assembly continues as if START or PAUSE had been used with no expression following. ILF Illegal format in a pseudo-instruction such as BAR. The pseudo-instruction is ignored. INS An illegal format in a PUNDEF list-two commas appeared in a row or a digit appeared. LIT An illegal character was found in a PUNDEF list. The character is taken as a term inator . MDT The value of the complex symbolic address assignment (tag) and ihe location counter disagree. The symbol ic address tag is redefined if possible. SCE . Storage capacity of the symbol table was exceeded. No recovery is possible. TUA Too many undefined symbols appeared in a symbolic address assignment (tag). Location counter remains unchanged. UBR An undefined symbol appeared in a BAR pseudoinstruction. The setting of BAR remains unchanged. Format C The appearance of a format C diagnostic is: ERROR OCTAL ADDRESS SYMBOLIC ADDRESS CAUSE Format C is an expanded version of format B. CAUSE is additional information to help the programmer ascertain the cause by an undefined symbol which will be printed. ASCII codes are printed when the cause is a character .. 164 Error Cause Meaning ICH character A character not part of the assembler's source language was used. The character is ignored. ILP character A character read from tape did not have an odd number of holes across the line. Place the correct character (if possible) in bits 12 through 17 of the ACS and press the CONTINUE key. UAA symbol An undefined symbol appeared in an absolute address assignment (/). The current address indicator remains unchanged. UPA symbol An undefined symbol appeared in a parameter assignment. The assignment is ignored. UPN symbol An undefined symbol appeared in a PUNCH pseudo-instruction. The symbol is ignored. UST symbol An u ndefi n ed symbo I appeared ina START or PAUSE instruction. The symbol is ignored and the START or PAUSE taken alone. SUMMARY OF SYMBOLIC TAPE EDITOR OPERATIONS TABLE 33 ACCUMULATOR SWITCH SETTINGS Switch Position o Down Normal operation. Up Stop printing or punching Down Tel etype wit hout automoti c tab. Up Teletype with auromatic tabulation. Down ASCII tape feeds punched as 000. Up ASCII tape feeds punched as 200. Down ASCII output: transmit tab characters. Up Convert tabs into proper number of spaces. 13 14 Function 165 TABLE 33 ACCUMULATOR SWITCH SETTINGS (continued) Switch Position Function 15 Down Punch output in FIODEC code. Up Punch output in ASC II code. Down Input tape is in FIODEC code. Up Input tape is in ASCII code. Down Check parity on FIODEC input tape when reading. Up Ignore parity errors. 16 17 Special Key Functions rub out key (text mode) Leave text mode (if first character typed); otherwise, erase last character. rub out key (y command) Stop output. rub out key (command mode) Print next line. I ine feed Print next line (if first character typed); otherwise delete all typed input. carriage return Complete specified action. TABLE 34 Command EDITOR COMMAND SUMMARY Arguments A B nC n,mC nD n,mD nF nG nl o o K o 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 Function Append. Back up and print. Change line n. , Change Ii nes-n through m. Delete line n:Delete lines-n through m. Feed n lines of tape. Get next location tag after line n. Insert text before line n. Kill the text buffer. - 166 TABLE 34 Command nL n,mL N EDITOR COMMAND SUMMARY (continued) Arguments 1 2 Function Pri nt line n. Print I ines-n through m. Punch and Next page-:- Equivalent to o P, 5, K, R. mN o P nP n,mP Q nQ n,mQ R nR o o 1 2 o 1 2 o 1 5 o nT 1 W o nW n,mX 1 nY Z nZ 2 • 1 o 1 Punch, dupl icate, and read. Equ iva lent to P, 5, m-1 (T), R. Punch and kill. Equivalent to P, 5, K. Punch the contents of the buffer. Punch line n. Punch I ines-n through m. Print uncommented-entire buffer. Pr i nt line n uncommented. Print I ines-n through m uncommented. Read one page of text. Read n I ines of tape. Punch-form feed (F10DEC: stop code). Duplicate n pages of tape. Equivalent to K, n{R, P,-5, K). Write the entire buffer. Write n pages. Equivalent to K, n{R, W, K). External insert. Insert n lines of 'text from tape after line m. Individual character correction on line n. Skip one page of text. Sk ip ~ pages of text. DIGITAL DEBUGGING TAPE (DDT) TABLE 35 SUMMARY OF DDT COMMANDS Action Character space Separation character meaning arithmetic plus. Separation character meaning arithmetic minus. / Register examination character: when following the address of a register, it causes the register to be opened and its contents printed. Immediately following a register printout, slash wi II cause the register addressed therein to be opened. 167 TABLE 35 SUMMARY OF DDT COMMANDS (continued) Action Character carr iage return Make modifications, if any, and close register. Iine feed Make modifications, if-any, close register, and open next sequential register. & (ampersand) Make modifications, if any, and open addressed register. (Establ ishes a new sequence.) : (colon) Type last quantity as an octal integer • • (period) Current location. Execute the expression ~ as an instruction. Q$ Last quantity typed out by DDT. k, Define the symbol k as the tag of the currently open register. - ) Make modification and open addressed register. (The sequence is not changed.) ( ... ) Define the enclosed symbol as the value preceding the {. SYMBO$ Sets the mode in which DDT types out words to symbol ic. CONST$ Sets the mode in which DDT types out words to octal constants. ABSOL$ Sets the mode in which DDT types out words to absolute. That is, the instruction code is typed as symbolic while the address is typed in octa I • RELAT$ Sets the mode in which DDT types out locations to relative (symbol ic). OCTAL$ Sets the mode in which DDT types out locations to octal. N WORDS Search for all occurrences masked with M$ of the expression N. N NOT$ Search for all words not equal to the expression N after masking with M$. 168 TABLE 35 SUMMARY OF DDT COMMANDS (continued) Action Character N ADDRE$ Search for all words masked with M$ with the same effective address as N. KILL$ Resets the symbol table to the initial list. Modified definitions are retained only if altered on line. Definitions added from a user's symbol table tape are restored to their original values. ZEROS Clears memory available to the user. kll (double quote) Insert a breakpoint at the location specified by k. address is specified, remove any breakpoint. - ! (exc lamation) Proceed from a breakpoint. k' (single quote) Transfer control to the location specified by k, or to the address in the start block on tape if no address is spec ified. LOAD$ Load a FF format tape (storage words only). TABLE$ Load only the symbols from a FF format tape. DEBUG$ Load both storage words and symbols. N PUNCH$ Punch the contents of N. N; M PUNCH$ Punch N to M, inclusive. INPUT$ Punch the input block. START$ Punch a start block. TRAP$ Place a trap location at 21 for CAL. If no The following symbols are the address tags of certain registers in DDT whose contents are available to the user. A$ Accumu lator storage (at breakpoints). L$ Link storage (at breakpoints). M$ Mask used in search; M$+ 1 and M$+2 contain first and last address of the area to be searched. 169 TABLE 35 SUMMARY OF DDT COMMANDS {continued} Character Action F$ Contains the lower Iim it of DDT as the address part of an XOR instruction. B$ Contains the current breakpoint location. - 170 APPENDIX 1 PDP-7 PROGRAM LIBRARY Programs in the following Iist are available to users and purchasers of the PDP-7. Forward your requests to the Digital Program Library. BASIC SOFTWA~E PACKAGE Number Name Symbolic Tape Editor Digital-7-1-S FORTRAN II System - 8K Digital-7 -2-5 Assembler - Basic & Extended Digitol-7-3-S DDT - Basic & Extended Digital-7 -4-5 Teletype Output Package Digital-7-10-0 Tic-Toc Digital-7-11-10 FF Loader Dig ita 1-7 - 12-1 Readi n Mode Loader Digital-7-13-1 Octal Pri nt Subroutine Digital-7-14-0 Decimal Integer Print Digital-7 -15-0 Floating Point Package Digital-7 -30-A Multiply Subroutine Digi tal-7 -31-A Divide Subroutine Digital-7 -32-A Double Precision Integer Package Digital-7 -33-A Unsigned Multiply Digital-7 -34-A Unsigned Divide Digital-7 -35-A Master Tape Dup Ii cator Digital-7 -40-U Tape Reproducer Digital-7-41-U RIM Puncher Digital-7-42-U CAL Handler Type II Digital-7-43-U CAL Handler Type III Digitol-7 -44-U 171 BASIC SOFTWARE FOR SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Number Name Machines with DEC tape DECtog Digital-7-20-IO DECtrieve Digital-7-21-IO DECtape Subroutines Digital-7 -22-10 Machines with Card Reader, Card Punch, Line Printer Buffered Input - Output Package Digital-7-23-IO Machines with 30G or 30D Display Pen Follow Subroutine Dig i ta 1-7 - 24-10 Character Display Subroutine Digital-7-25~IO Machines with Magnetic Tape Type 57A Compiler Digital-7-45-U BASIC MAINTENANCE ROUTINES Name Number Teleprinter Input-Output Test Digital-7-S0-M Clock Interrupt Test Digital-7-S1-M Contest II Digital-7-S2-M Reader & Punch Test Digital-7 -53-M MAINDEC 401 (Instruction Test) Digital-7 -54-M MAINDEC 402 (Memory) Digital-7 -S5-M MALNDEC 403 (Address Test) Digital-7-56-M MAINDEC 410 (RPB Test) Digital-7 -57-M 172 APPENDIX 2 CODES MODEL 33 ASR/KSR TELETYPE CODE (ASCII) IN OCTAL FORM Character A a-Bit Code (in Octal) Z 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 330 331 332 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 270 271 B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y Character II # $ % & ( ) * + , / i < = > ? @ [ / ] 't ... Leader/Tra i Ier Line-Feed Carriage-Return Space Rub-out Blank a-Bit Code (in Octal) 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 272 273 274 275 276 277 300 333 334 335 336 337 200* 212* 215 240 377* 000* * Ignored by ~he operating system 173 MODEL 33 ASR/KSR TELETYPE CODE (ASCII) IN BINARY FORM 1 = HOLE PUNCHED = MARK NO HOLE PUNCHED = SPACE MOST SIGNIFICANT BIT a= -@ - 8 7 6 5 4 S 3 2 1 SPACE a a a 0 a 0 a a a 0 a 0 a 0 a a 1 a 1 START OF MESSAGE B " END OF ADDRESS C # END OF MESSAGE 0 $ END OF TRANSMISSION E % WHO ARE YOU & ARE YOU ~ ~ f--~ ~ F ~ G , a a a a a 1 a 1 a a 1 1 1 a 0 1 a 1 1 1 a 0 NULL/IDLE ! A ~ (LEAST SIGNIFICANT BIT BELL ~ 1 1 1 * LINE FEED 0 1 + VERTICAL TAB 0 1 I--- a a 0 a a 1 a 1 a a 1 1 L , FORM FEED 0 1 1 0 0 - CARRIAGE RETURN 0 1 1 0 1 SHIFT OUT 0 1 1 1 0 H ( FORMAT EFFECTOR I--- I ) . HORIZONTAL TAB. t--- J ~ K I--- M t--- N I--- 0 / SHIFT IN 0 1 1 1 1 P 0 DCO 1 0 0 0 0 1 READER ON 1 0 0 0 1 I--~ Q I--- R -S -T 2 TAPE (AUX ON) 1 0 3 READER OFF 1 4 (AUX OFF) 5 1 1 0 1 0 0 ERROR 1 0 1 0 1 6 SYNCHRONOUS IDLE 1 0 1 1 0 7 LOGICAL END OF MEDIA 1 0 1 1 1 8 SO 1 1 0 0 9 S1 1 1 : S2 1 1 ; S3 a a a a I--- V a 1 I--- U 0 1 0 a I--- W I--- X I--- Y -Z i--- l 1 1 I--- ....... I--- < - S4 a 1 1 1 1 1 0 a 1 a 1 = S5 > S6 1 1 1 1 a +- ? S7 1 1 1 1 j~ ,~ ] i I--- J~ 1 1 1 I--- RUB OUT 0 1 ---r-- '---..,..-) \. 4~ . ~/ v ...... -.... a a SAME 1 0 1 SAME 1 0 SAME , 1 1 1 SAME ~ ~ - -II" 174 1 1 1 j \ The character codes of various machines are compared in the following table to simpBfy preperation of perforated program tapes off line. TELETYPE CODE COMPARISON Character Name Flexowriter FlO DEC Code 28 KSR Baudot Code 33 KSR ASCII Code 0-9 0-9 0-9 a-z A-Z A-Z $A-$Z A-Z A-Z period , minus sign / center dot, period center dot, comma multiply / i ( ) ( ) i ( ) + & + x * [ # $" $' $: $( ] $) ] < > rv $$& $? $, < > t II = ::J V 1\ vertical stroke underbar center overbar / -- II = [ ~ % ~~ & $; @ $~ .. $. Stop Code n.e. Tat bell ~t 175 t ' '\ $ n.e. # Form Feed 1+ Tab CARD READER/PUNCH CODE (HOLLERITH) IN OCTAL FORM Character A B C D E F G H I J K L Octal Code Character Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 45 46 47 50 51 22 23 24 2'5 26 27 0 P Q R S T U V W X Octal Code Character 44 M N 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 41 42 43 Octal Code 30 31 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 10 11 8 9 Character + / = , $ , ( CARD READER/PUNCH CODE (HOLLERITH) IN BINARY FORM High order bits 00 01 11 10 Low order bits + [&J blank 0000 0001 1 / J A 0010 2 S K B 0011 3 T L C 0100 4 U M D 0101 5 V N E 0110 6 W 0 F 0111 7 X P G 1000 8 Y Q H 1001 9 Z R 1010 0 1011 = [#J , [@J 1100 $ ( [%J 176 * ) [OJ * ) blank Octal Code 60 40 21 13 33 53 73 14 34 54 74 00 HOLLERITH CARD CODE Zone digit no zone no punch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 8·3 8·4 = I 12 l + [&J blank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T [#J [@J 11 - I 0 0 A 8 C J K / L T 0 E F G H I M N ) 0 P Q R $ [OJ * S U V W X y Z , ( [%J LINE PRINTER ASCII CODE IN OCTAL FORM Character A B C 0 E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6·Bit Trimmed Code (in octal) Character 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 60 61 62 63 " # $ % & , ( ) • + / ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] •.... Space 64 65 66 67 70 71 177 6·Bit Trimmed Code (in octal) 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 00 33 34 35 36 37 40 LINE PRINTER FIODEC CODE IN OCTAL FORM Octal Code Line Printer Character Octal Code 00 space 25 V 53 01 1 26 W 54 . 02 2 27 X 55 ) 03 3 30 Y 56 - 04 4 31 Z 57 ( 05 5 32 60 - 06 6 33 " , 61 A 07 7 34 > 62 B 10 8 35 C 11 9 36 ... 63 64 0 37 ? 65 E 0 66 F 12 , Line Octal Printer Character Code ... Line Printer Character = 13 .- 40 14 ..... 41 J 67 G 15 42 K 70 H 43 L 71 I 17 .... .... < 44 M 72 X 20 0 45 N 73 21 I 46 0 74 + 22 5 47 P 75 ] 23 T 50 Q 76 I 24 U 51 R 77 [ 16 178 APPENDIX 3 SCALES OF NOTATION 2X IN DECIMAL 2· X 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 1.00069 1.00138 1.00208 1.00277 1.00347 1.00416 1.00486 1.00556 1.00625 2· X 33874 72557 16050 64359 17485 75432 38204 05803 78234 62581 11335 79633 01078 09503 38973 23785 98468 97782 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 1.00695 1.01395 1.02101 1.02811 1.03526 1.04246 1.04971 1.05701 1.06437 2" X 55500 94797 21257 38266 49238 57608 66836 80405 01824 56719 90029 07193 56067 41377 41121 23067 61380 53360 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.07177 1.14869 1.23114 1.31950 1.41421 1.51571 1.62450 1.74110 1.86606 34625 83549 44133 79107 35623 65665 47927 11265 59830 36293 97035 44916 72894 73095 10398 12471 92248 73615 10±n IN OCTAL 10" 3 46 575 7 346 10-" n 1 12 144 1 750 23 420 303 641 113 360 545 240 100 200 400 000 10" 0 1 2 3 4 1.000 0.063 0.005 0.000 0.000 000 146 075 406 032 000 314 341 111 155 000 631 217 564 613 000 463 270 570 530 000 146 243 651 704 00 31 66 77 15 5 6 7 8 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 002 000 000 000 000 476 206 015 001 000 132 157 327 257 104 610 364 745 143 560 706 055 152 561 276 64 37 75 06 41 10-" n 1 16 221 2 657 112 351 432 411 142 402 035 451 634 036 762 564 210 520 440 000 000 000 000 000 10 11 12 13 14 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 006 000 000 000 000 676 537 043 003 000 337 657 136 411 264 66 77 32 35 11 34 327 434 157 5 432 127 67 405 553 724 115 413 164 461 760 542 731 500 200 400 000 000 000 000 000 15 16 17 18 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 022 001 000 000 01 63 14 01 n 109102, n 10 9 2 lOIN DECIMAL n Joglo 2 n 0.30102 0.60205 0.90308 1.20411 1.50514 1 2 3 4 5 n JOg2 10 99957 99913 99870 99827 99783 3.32192 6.64385 9.96578 13.28771 16.60964 n 80949 61898 42847 23795 04744 n JOg2 10 n Joglo 2 1.80617 2.10720 2.40823 2.70926 3.01029 6 7 8 9 10 99740 99696 99653 99610 99566 19.93156 23.25349 26.57542 29.89735 33.21928 85693 66642 47591 28540 09489 ADDITION AND MULTIPLICATION TABLES Addition Multiplication Binary Scale oxo=o OXl=IXO=O 1 x 1 = 1 = 01 0+1=10tO 0= 1 1 = 10 Octal Scale 0 2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 1 02 03 04 05 06 02 03 04 05 06 07 10 2 04 06 10 12 14 07 16 03 04 05 06 07 10 11 3 06 11 14 17 22 25 3 04 05 06 07 10 11 12 4 10 14 ?O 24 30 34 4 05 06 07 10 11 12 13 5 12 17 24 31 36 43 6 14 22 30 36 44 52 7 116 25 34 43 52 61 5 06 07 10 11 12 13 14 6 07 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 MATHEMATICAL CONSTANTS IN OCTAL SCALE 'IT = 3.11037 = 0.24276 YTr = 1.61337 'IT-I In 552421, e= 2.55760 521305. 'Y= =- 0.44742 147707. 301556, e-I = 0.27426 530661. 611067 8 ye= 1.51411 230704, = 0.33626 754251. y2= 1.32404 746320. In 2 = 0.54271 027760. 2.23273 067355, 'IT = 1.11206 404435, 10g%'IT = 1.51544 163223. logze = 1.34252 166245, y1O= 3.12305 407267. logz 10 = 3.24464 741136. loglo e 179 In'Y 0.43127 233602 8 log2 'Y = - .0.62573 030645. In 10 = POWERS OF TWO 2 1 2 4 9 18 36 73 147 295 590 1 180 2 361 4 722 1 2 4 9 18 36 72 144 288 576 152 :m5 611 223 446 893 786 573 147 295 591 183 366 1 2 4 8 17 34 68 137 274 549 1 099 2 199 4 398 8 796 17 592 35 184 70 368 140 737 281 474 562 949 125 899 251 799 503 599 007 199 014 398 028 797 057 594 115 188 230 376 460 752 921 504 843 009 686 018 372 036 744 073 488 147 976'294 952 589 905 179 810 358 620 717 241 434 482 869 1 2 4 8 16 33 67 134 268 536 073 147 294 589 179 359 719 438 877 755 511 023 046 093 186 372 744 488 976 953 906 813 627 254 509 018 0~7 075 151 303 606 213 427 854 7Q9 419 838 676 352 705 411 822 645 n -n n 2 1 2 4 8 0 1 2 3 1.0 0.5 0.25 16 32 64 128 256 512 1 024 2 048 4 096 8 192 16 384 32 768 65 536 131 072 262 144 524 288 048 576 097 152 194 304 388 608 777 216 554 432 108 864 217 728 435 456 870 912 741 824 483 648 967 296 934 592 869 184 738 368 476 736 953 472 906 944 813 888 627 776 255 552 511 104 022 208 044 416 088 832 177 664 355 328 710 656 421 312 842 624 685 248 370 496 740 992 481 984 963 '968 927 936 855 872 711 744 423 488 846 976 693 952 387 904 775 808 551 616 103 232 206464 412 928 825 856 651 712 303 424 606 848 213 696 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 0.125 0.062 5 0.031 25 0.015 625 0.007 812 5 0.003 906 25 0.001 953 125 0.000 976 562 0.000 488 281 0.000 244 140 0.000 122 070 0.000 061 035 0.000 030 517 0.000 015 258 0.000 007 629 0.000 003 814 0.000 001 907 0.000 000 953 0.000 000 476 0.000 000 238 0.000 000 119 0.000 000 059 0.000 000 029 0.000 000 014 0.000 000 007 0.000 000 003 0.000 000 001 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 '0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000000000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 0.000 000 000 5 25 625 312 156 578 789 394 697 348 674 837 418 209 604 802 901 450 725 862 931 465 232 116 058 029 014 007 003 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 adO 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 5 25 125 062 531 265 632 316 158 579 289 644 322 161 580 290 645 322 661 830 415 207 103 551 275 637 818 909 454 227 113 056 028 014 007 003 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 5 25 625 812 406 203 101 550 775 387 193 596 298 149 574 287 643 321 660 830 915 957 978 989 494 747 373 686 843 421 210 105 552 776 888 444 222 111 055 027 013 006 003 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 5 25 125 562 781 390 695 847 923 461 230 615 307 653 826 913 456 228 614 807 403 701 350 675 837 418 709 854 427 713 356 178 089 044 022 511 755 877 938 469 734 867 433 216 108 054 027 013 006 003 001 000 000 000 180 5 25 625 312 656 828 914 957 478 739 869 934 467 733 366 183 091 545 772 886 443 721 860 430 715 357 678 839 419 209 604 302 151 575 787 893 446 723 361 680 840 420 210 105 552 776 388 694 847 423 211 5 25 125 062 031 515 257 628 814 407 703 851 425 712 856 928 464 232 616 808 404 202 601 800 400 700 850 925 462 231 615 807 903 951 475 737 868 434 217 108 054 527 263 131 065 032 516 758 5 25 625 812 906 453 226 613 806 903 951 475 237 118 059 029 014 007 003 001 500 250 125 062 031 515 257 628 814 907 953 976 988 994 497 248 624 312 156 578 789 894 947 473 236 5 25 125 562 5 281 25 640 625 320 312 660 156 830 078 915 039 957 519 478 759 739 379 869 689 434 844 717 422 858 711 929 355 464 677 232 338 616 169 308 084 654 042 827 021 913 510 456 755 228377 614 188 807 094 403 547 201 773 100 886 550 443 275 221 137 610 068 805 034 402 017 201 508 600 254 300 627 150 813 575 5 25 125 062 5 531 25 765 625 882 812 941 406 970 703 485 351 242 675 621 337 810 668 905 334 452 667 726 333 363 166 181 583 590 791 295 395 647697 823 848 411 924 205 962 602 981 801 490 400 745 700 372 850 186 425 093 712 546 356 273 678 136 339 068 169 534 084 767 5 25 125 562 781 890 945 472 236 618 809 404 702 851 925 962 481 240 120 560 280 640 320 160 580 290 645 322 161 080 5 25 625 312 656 328 164 082 541 270 135 567 783 391 695 347 173 086 043 021 010 005 002 001 500 250 625 5 25 125 062 031 015 5u7 253 626 813 906 953 976 988 994 497 748 874 437 718 359 679 339 169 5 25 625 812 906 953 476 738 369 684 342 171 085 542 271 135 567 283 641 820 910 5 25 125 562 281 140 570 285 142 571 785 392 696 848 924 962 981 490 5 25 625 312 156 578 289 644 822 411 205 102 051 025 512 5 25 125 062 531 265 132 566 783 391 695 847 5 25 625 812 406 203 601 800 900 5 25 125 562 5 781 25 390 625 OCTAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION TABLE 0000 0000 to to 0777 fOctal) 0511 (Oecimal) Octal Decimal 10000- 4096 20000 - 8192 30000 - 12288 40000 - 16384 50000 - 20480 60000 • 24576 70000 • 28672 lC)()() to I 0512 to 1777 1023 (Octal) fOecimol) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0000 0010 0020 0030 0040 0050 0060 0070 0000 0008 0016 0024 0032 0040 0048 0056 0001 0009 0017 0025 0033 0041 0049 0057 0002 0010 0018 0026 0034 0042 0050 0058 000, 0011 0019 0027 0035 0043 0051 0059 0004 0012 0020 0028 0036 0044 0052 0060 0005 0013 0021 0029 0037 0045 0053 0061 0006 0014 0022 0030 0038 0046 0054 0062 0007 0015 0023 0031 0039 0047 0055 0063 0400 0410 0420 0430 0440 0450 0460 0470 0100 0110 0120 0130 0140 0150 0160 0170 0064 0072 0080 0088 0096 0104 0112 0120 0065 0073 0081 0089 0097 0105 0113 0121 0066 0074 0082 0090 0096 0106 0114 0122 0067 0075 0083 0091 0099 0107 0115 0123 0068 0076 0084 0092 0100 0108 0116 0124 0069 0077 0085 0093 0101 0109 0117 0125 0070 0078 0086 0094 0102 0110 0116 0126 0200 0210 0220 0230 0240 0250 0260 0270 0128 0136 0144 0152 0160 0166 0176 0184 0129 0137 0145 0153 0161 0169 0177 0165 0130 0136 0146 0154 0162 0170 0178 0186 0131 0139 0147 0155 0163 0171 0179 0167 0132 0140 0148 0156 0164 0172 0180 0188 0133 0141 0149 0157 0165 0173 0181 0189 0300 0310 032d 0330 0340 0350 0360 0370 0192 0200 0206 0216 0224 0232 0240 0246 0193 0201 0209 0217 0225 0233 0241 0249 0194 0202 0210 0218 0226 0234 0242 0250 0195 0203 0211 0219 0227 0235 0243 0251 0196 0204 0212 0220 0228 0236 0244 0252 01~7 0 1 2 3 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 0512 0520 0528 0536 0544 0552 0560 0568 0513 0521 0529 0537 0545 0553 0561 0569 0514 0522 0530 0538 0546 0554 0562 0570 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 1160 1170 0576 0584 0592 0600 0608 0616 0624 0632 0577 0565 0593 0601 0609 0617 0625 0633 1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1260 1270 0640 0648 0656 0664 0672 0680 0688 0696 1300 1''10 1320 1330 1340 1350 1360 1370 0704 0712 0720 0728 0736 0744 0752 0760 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0256 0264 0272 0280 0268 0296 0304 0312 0257 0265 0273 0281 0289 0297 0305 0313 0258 0266 0274 0282 0290 0296 0306 0314 0259 0267 0275 0283 0291 0299 0307 0315 0260 0268 0276 0284 0292 0300 0308 0316 0261 0269 0277 0285 0293 0301 0309 0317 0262 0270 0278 0286 0294 0302 0310 0318 0283 0271 0279 0287 0295 0303 0311 0319 0071 0079 0087 0095 0103 0111 0119 0127 0500 0320 0321 0510 0328 0329 05~0 0336 0337 0530 0344 0345 0543 0352 0353 0550 0360 0361 0560 0368 0369 0570 0376 0377 0322 0330 0338 0346 0354 0362 0370 0378 0323 0331 0339 0347 0355 0363 0371 0379 0324 0332 0340 0348 0356 0364 0372 0380 0325 0333 0341 0349 0357 0365 0373 0381 0326 0334 0342 0350 0358 0366 0374 0362 0327 0335 0343 0351 0359 0367 0375 0383 0134 0142 0150 0156 0166 0174 0182 0190 0135 0143 0151 0167 0175 0183 0191 0600 0610 0620 0630 0640 0650 0660 0670 0384 0392 0400 0406 0416 0424 0432 0440 0385 0393 0401 0409 0417 0425 0433 0441 0386 0394 0402 0410 0418 0426 0434 0442 0387 0395 0403 0411 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(Decimal) Octal Decimol 10000· .4096 20000· 8192 30000· 12288 40000 ·16384 50000 • 20480 60000 • 24576 70000 • 28672 1471 1991 1999 2007 2015 2023 2031 2039 2046 2047 ~ooo 1536 to to 3777 20"7 (Octal) (Decimal) OCTAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION TABLE (continued) 4000 20018 to 10 4777 2559 (Octall tDecimall Octal Decimal 10000· 4096 20000· 8192 30000· 12288 4000() • 16384 50000 • 20480 60000·24576 70000·28672 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2305 2313 2321 2329 2337 2345 2353 2361 2306 2314 2322 2330 2338 2346 2354 2362 2307 2315 2323 2331 2339 2347 2355 2363 2308 2316 2324 2332 2340 2348 2356 2364 2309 2317 2325 2333 2341 2349 2357 2365 2310 2318 2326 2334 2342 2350 2358 2366 2311 2319 2327 2335 23'43 2351 2359 2367 2119 2127 2135 2143 2151 2159 2167 2175 4500 2368 2369 2370 4510 2376 2377 2378 4520 2384 2385 2386 4~30 2392 2393 2394 4540 2400 2401 2402 4550 2408 2409 2410 4560 2416 2417 2418 4570 2424 2425 2426 2371 2379 2387 2395 2403 2411 2419 2427 2372 2380 2388 2396 2404 2412 2420 2428 2373 2381 2389 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6630 6640 6650 6660 6670 3456 3464 3472 3480 3488 3496 3504 3512 3457 3465 3473 3481 3489 3497 3505 3513 3458 3466 3474 3482 3490 3498 3506 3514 3459 3467 3475 3483 3491 3499 3507 3515 3460 3468 3476 3484 3492 3500 3508 3516 3461 3469 3477 3485 3493 3501 3509 3517 3462 3470 3478 3486 3494 3502 3510 3518 3463 3471 3479 3487 3495 3503 3511 3519 6700 6710 6720 6730 6740 6750 6760 6770 3520 3528 3526 3544 3552 3560 3568 3576 3521 3529 3537 3545 3553 3561 3569 3577 3522 3530 3538 3546 3554 3562 3570 3578 3523 3531 3539 3547 3555 3563 3571 3579 3524 3532 3540 3548 3556 3564 3572 3580 3525 3533 3541 3549 3557 3565 3573 3581 3528 3534 3542 3550 3558 3566 3574 3582 3527 3535 3543 3551 3559 3567 3575 3583 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7400 7410 7420 7430 7440 7450 7460 7470 3840 3848 3856 3864 3872 3880 3888 3896 3841 3849 3857 3865 3873 3881 3889 3897 3842 3850 3858 3866 3874 3882 3890 3898 3843 3851 3859 3867 3875 3883 3891 3899 3844 3852 3860 3868 3876 3884 3892 3900 3845 3853 3861 3869 3877 3885 3893 3901 3846 3854 3862 3870 3878 3886 3894 3902 3847 3855 3863 3871 3879 3887 3895 3903 3655 3663 3671 3679 3687 3695 3703 3711 7500 7510 7520 7530 7540 7550 7560 7570 3904 3912 3920 3928 3936 3944 3952 3960 3905 3913 3921 3929 3937 3945 3953 3961 3906 3914 3922 3930 3938 3946 3954 3962 3907 3915 3923 3931 3939 3947 3955 3963 3908 3916 3924 3932 3940 3948 3956 3964 3909 3917 3925 3933 3941 3949 3957 3965 3910 3918 3926 3934 3942 3950 3958 3966 3911 3919 3927 3935 3943 3951 3959 3967 3'718 3726 3734 3742 3~49 3750 3757 3758 3765 3766 3773 3774 3719 3727 3735 3743 3751 3759 3767 3775 7600 7610 7620 7630 7640 7650 7660 7670 3968 3976 3984 3992 4000 4008 4016 4024 3969 3977 3985 3993 4001 4009 4017 4025 3970 3978 3986 3994 4002 4010 4018 4026 3971 3979 3987 3995 4003 4011 4019 4027 3972 3980 3988 3996 4004 4012 4020 4028 3973 3981 3989 3997 4005 4013 4021 4029 3974 3982 3990 3998 4008 4014 \022 4030 3975 3983 3991 3999 4007 4015 4023 4031 3782 3790 3798 3806 3814 3822 3830 3838 3783 3791 3799 3807 3815 3823 3831 3839 7700 "7710 7720 7730 7740 7750 7760 7770 4032 4040 4048 4056 4064 4072 4080 4088 4033 4041 4049 4057 4065 4073 4081 4089 4034 4042 4050 4058 4066 4074 4082 4090 4035 4043 4051 4059 4007 4075 4083 4091 4036 4044 4052 4060 4068 4076 4084 4092 4037 4045 4053 4061 4069 4077 4038 4046 4054 4062 4070 4078 4085 4086 4093 4094 4039 4047 4055 4063 4071 4079 4087 4095 0 I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8000 8010 S020 S030 8040 e050 6060 6070 3072 3080 3088 3096 3104 3112 31.20 3128 3073 3081 3089 3097 3105 3113 3121 3129 3074 3082 3090 3098 3106 3114 3122 3130 3075 3083 3091 3099 3107 3115 3123 3131 3076 3084 3092 3100 3108 3116 3124 3132 3077 3085 3093 3101 3109 3117 3125 3133 3078 3086 3094 3102 3110 3118 3126 3134 3079 3087 3095 3103 3111 3119 3127 3135 6400 6410 6420 6430 6440 6450 6460 6470 3328 3336 3344 3352 3360 3368 3376 3384 6100 6110 6120 6130 6140 6150 6160 6170 3136 3144 3152 3160 3168 3176 3184 3192 3137 3145 3153 3161 3169 3177 3185 3193 3138 3146 3154 3162 3170 3178 3186 3194 3139 3147 3155 3163 3171 3179 3187 3195 3140 3148 3156 3164 3172 3180 3188 3196 3141 3149 3157 3165 3173 3181 3189 3197 3142 3150 3158 3166 3174 3182 3190 3198 ~143 3151 3159 3167 3175 3183 3191 3199 6500 6510 6520 6530 6540 6550 6560 6570 6200 '6210 6220 6230 6240 6250 e260 6210 3200 3208 3216 3224 3232 3240 3248 3258 3201 3209 3217 3225 3233 3241 3249 3257 3202 3210 3218 3226 3234 3242 3250 3258 3203 3211 3219 3227 3235 3243 3251 3259 3204 3212 3220 3228 3236 3244 3252 3260 3205 3213 3221 3229 3237 3245 3253 3261 3206 3214 3222 3230 3238 3246 3254 3262 3207 3215 3223 3231 3239 3247 3255 3263 6300 6310 6320 6330 1340 8350 6360 6370 3264 3272 3280 3288 3296 3304 3312 3320 3265 3273 3281 3289 3297 3305 3313 3321 3266 3267 3268 3269 3274 3275 3276 3277 3282 3283 3284 3285 3290 3291 3292 3293 3298 3299 3300 3301 3306 3307 3308 3309 3314 3315 3316 3317 3322 3323 3324 3325 3270 3278 3286 3294 3302 3310 3318 3326 3271 3279 3287 3295 3303 3311 3319 3327 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7000 7010 7020 7030 7040 7050 7060 7070 3584 3592 3600 3608 3616 3624 3632 3640 3585 3593 3601 3609 3617 3625 3633 3641 3586 3594 3602 3610 3618 3626 3634 3642 3587 3595 3603 3611 3e19 3627 3635 3643 3588 3596 3604 3612 3620 3628 3636 3644 3589 3597 3605 3613 3621 3629 3637 3645 3590 35'98 3606 3614 3622 3630 3638 3646 3591 3599 3607 3615 3623 3631 3639 3647 1100 7110 7120 7130 7140 7150 7160 7170 3648 3656 3664 3672 3680 3688 3696 3704 3649 3657 3665 3673 3681 3689 3691 3705 3650 3658 3666 3674 3882 3690 3698 3'Z06 3651 3659 3667 3675 3683 3691 3699 3707 3652 3660 3668 3676 3684 3692 3700 3708 3653 3661 3669 3677 3685 3693 3701 3709 3654 3662 3670 3678 3686 3694 3702 3710 1200 3712 3713 1210 3720 3721 1220 3728 3Il29 7230 3736 3737 7240 3744 3745 7250 3752 3753 7260 3760 3761 '1270 3V68 3769 3714 3722 3730 3738 3746 3754 3762 3770 3715 3723 3731 3139 3741 3755 3763 3771 3716 3724 3732 3740 3748 3756 3764 3'172 3717 3725 3733 3741 1300 :S776 3777 3778 3779 1310 3784 3785 3786 3787 7320 3792 3793 3794 3795 7330 ~8oo 3801 3802 3803 ~3-40 3808 3809 3810 3811 7350 l8U 3817 3818 3819 '1360 3824 3825 3826 3827 '7370 3832 3833 3834 3835 3780 3788 3796 3804 3812 3820 3828 3838 3781 3789 3797 3805 3813 3821 3829 3837 184 6000 3072 to 10 6177 3583 (Oclal) (Decimal) Octal Decimal 10000· 4096 20000· 8192 30000· 12288 40000 • 16384 50000 - 20480 60000·24576 70000 • 28672 7000 358<1 10 to 7777 04095 (Octol) (Oecimal) OCTAL-DECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION TABLE OCTAL DEC. OCTAL OLe. OCTAL DI::C. OCTAL OEC. .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .010 .011 .012 .013 .014 .015 .016 .017 .020 .021 .022 .023 .024 .025 .026 .027 .030 .031 .032 .033 .034 .035 .036 .037 .040 .041 .042 .043 .044 .045 .046 .047 .050 .051 .052 .053 .054 .055 .056 .057 .060 .061 .062 .063 .064 .065 .066 .067 .070 .071. .072 .073 .074 .075 .076 .077 .000000 .001953 • <5'03906 .005859 .007812 .009765 .011718 .013671 .015625 .017578 .019531 .021484 .023437 .025390 .027343 .029296 .031250 .033203 .035156 .037109 .039062 .041015 .042968 .044921 .046875 .048828 .050781 .052734 .054687 .056640 .058593 .060546 .062500 .064453 .066406 .068359 .070312 .072265 .074218 .076171 .078125 .080078 .082031 .083984 .085937 .087890 .089843 .091796 .093750 .095703 .097656 .099609 .101562 .103515 .105468 .107421 .109375 .111328 .113281 .115234 .117187 .119140 . 121093 .123046 .100 .101 .102 .103 .104 .105 .106 .107 .110 .111 .112 .113 .114 .115 .116 .117 .120 .121 .122 .123 .124 .125 .126 .127 .130 .131 .132 .133 .134 .135 .136 .137 .140 .125000 .126953 .128906 .130859 .132812 .134765 .136718 .138671 .140625 .142578 .144531 .146484 .1484:;7 .150390 .152343 .154296 .156250 .158203 .160156 .162109 .164062 .166015 .167968 .169921 .171875 .173828 .175781 .1'J7734 .179687 .181640 .183593 .185546 .187500 .189453 .191406 .193359 .195312 .197265 .199218 .201171 .203125 .205078 .207031 .208984 .210937 .212890 .214843 .216796 .218750 .220703 .222656 .224609 .226562 .228515 .230468 .232421 .234375 .236328 .238281 .240234 .242187 .244140 .246093 .248046 .200 .201 .202 .203 .204 .205 .206 .207 .210 .211 .212 .213 .214 .215 .216 .217 .220 .221 .222 .223 .224 .225 .226 .227 .230 .231 .232 .233 .234 .235 .236 .237 .240 .241 .242 .243 .244 .245 .246 .247 .250 .251 .252 .253 .254 .255 .256 .257 .260 .261 .262 .. 263 .264 .265 .266 .267 .270 .271 .272 .273 .274 .275 .276 .277 .250000 .251953 .253906 .255859 .257812 .259765 .261718 .263671 .265625 .267578 .269531 .271484 .273437 .275390 .277343 .279296 .281250 .283203 .285156 .287109 .289062 .291015 .292968 .294921 .296875 .298828 .300781 .302734 .304687 .306640 .308593 .310546 .312500 .314453 .316406 .318359 .320312 .322265 .324218 .326171 .328125 .330078 .332031 .333984 .335937 .337890 .339843 .341796 .343750 .345703 .347656 .349609 .351562 .353515 .355468 .357421 .359375 .361328 .363281 .365234 .367187 .369140 .371093 .373046 .300 .301 .302 .303 .304 .305 .306 .307 .310 .311 .312 .313 .314 .315 .316 .317 .320 .321 .322 .323 .324 .325 .326 .327 .330 .331 .332 .333 .334 .335 .336 .337 .340 .341 .342 .343 .344 .345 .346 .347 .350 .351 .352 .353 .354 .355 .356 .357 .360 .361 .362 .363 .364 .365 .366 .361 .370 .371 .372 .373 .374 .375 .376 .371 .375000 . 37G953 .378906 .380859 .382812 .384765 .386718 .388671 .390625 .392578 .394531 .396484 .398437 .400390 .402343 .404296 .406250 .408203 .410156 .412109 .414062 .416015 .417968 .419921 .421875 .423828 .425781. .427734 .429681 .431640 .433593 .435546 .437500 .439453 .441406 .443359 .445312 .447265 .449218 .451171 .453125 .455078 • 45703:L .458984 .460937 .462890 .464843 .466"796 .468750 .470703 .472656 .474609 .476562 .478515 .460468 .482421 .484375 .486328 .4882U .490234 .49%187 .494140 .496093 .498046 • I'll .142 .143 .144 .145 .146 .147 .150 .151 .152 .153 .154 .155 .156 .157 .160 .161 .162 .163 .164 .165 .166 .167 .170 .171 .172 .173 .174 .175 .176 .177 185 OCTAL-DECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION TABLE (continued) OCTAL .000000 .000001 .000002 .000003 .000004 .000005 .000006 .000007 .000010 .000011 .000012 .000013 .000014 .000015 .000016 .000017 .000020 .000021 .000022 .000023 .000024 .000025 .000026 .000027 .000030 .000031 .000032 .000033 .000034 .000035 .000036 .000037 .000040 .000041 • 000042 .000043 .000044 .000045 .000046 .('000"7 .000050 .000051 .000052 .000053 .000054 .000055 • 000056 .000057 .000060 .000061 .000062 .000063 .000064 .000065 .000066 .000067 .000070 .000071 .000072 ,000073 .000074 .000075 .000016 .000017 DEC. .000000 .000003 .000007 .000011 .000015 .000019 .000022 .000026 .000030 .000034 ,000038 .000041 .000045 .000049 .000053 .000057 .000061 .000064 .000068 .000072 .000076 .000080 .000083 .000087 .000091 .000095 .000099 .000102 .000106 .000110 ,000114 .000118 .000122 .000125 .000129 .000133 .000137 .0001-41 .00014" .000148 .000152 .000158 • 000160 • 000164 .000167 • 000171 .000175 • 000179 • 000183 .000186 ' .000190 -'.000194 .000198 .000202 ,OO020S .000209 .000213 .000217 .000221 .000225 .000228 .000232 .000236 .0002"0 OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC • .000100 .000101 .000102 .000103 .000104 .000105 .000106 .000107 ,000110 .000111 .000112 .000113 .000114 .000115 .000116 .000117 .000120 .000121 .000122 .000123 .000124 .000125 .000126 .000127 .000130 .000131 .000132 .000133 .000134 .000135 .000136 .000137 .0001"0 .0001-41 .000142 .0001"3 .0001-44 .000145 .0001"8 .000147 .000150 .000151 .000152 ,000153 • 000154 .000155 .000156 .000157 .000160 .000161 .000162 .000163 .0001&4 .000165 .000166 .000167 .000170 .000171 .000172 .000173 .000174 ,000175 .000176 .000171 .000244 .000247 .000251 .000255 .000259 .000263 .000267 .000270 .000274 .000278 .000282 .000286 .000289 .000293 .000297 .000301 .000305 .000308 .000312 .000316 .000320 .000324 .000328 .000331 .000335 .000339 .000343 .000347 .000350 .000354 .000358 .000362 .000366 .000370 .000373 .00037T .000381 .000385 .000389 .000392 .000396 .000"00 .000404 .000"08 .000411 .000"15 .000419 .000423 .000427 .000431 .000434 .000"38 .000442 .000"46 .000"50 .000453 .000457 .000461 .000"65 .000469 .000473 .000"16 .000480 .000484 • 000200 .000201 .000202 .000203 :000204 .000205 .000206 .000207 .000210 .000211 .000212 .000213 .000214 .000215 .000216 .000217 .000220 .000221 .000222 .000223 .000224 .000225 .000226 .000227 .000230 .000231 .000232 .000233 .000234 .000235 .000236 .000237 • 0002"0 • 000241 .0002-42 .000243 .000244 .0002"5 • 000248 .0002"7 .000250 .000251 .000252 .000253 • 000254 ,000255 .000256 , 000257 .000260 .000261 .000262 .000263 .000264 .000265 .000266 .000267 .000270 .000271 .000272 .000273 .000274 .000275 .000216 .000277 .000488 .000492 .000495 .000499 .000503 .000507 .000511 .000514 .000518 .000522 .000526 .000530 .OIJ0534 .000537 .000541 .000545 .000549 .000553 .000556 .000560 .000564 .000568 .000572 .000576 .000579 .000583 .000587 .000591 .000595 .000598 .000602 .000606 .000610 .000614 .000617 .000621 .000625 .000629 .000633 .000637 .000640 .0006'" .000648 .000652 .000656 .000659 ,000663 .000667 ,000671 • 000675 ,000679 .000682 .000686 .000690 .000694 .000698 .000701 .000705 .000709 .000713 .000717 .000720 .000724 .000728 .000300 .000301 .000302 .000303 .000304 .000305 .000306 .000307 .000310 .000311 .000312 .000313 .000314 .000315 .000316 .000317 .000320 .000321 .000322 .000323 .000324 .000325 .000326 .000327 .000330 .000331 .000332 .000333 .000334 .000335 .000336 .000337 .000340 ,000341 .000342 .000343 .0003" .000345 .000341i .0003"7 .000350 .000351 .000352 .000353 .000354 .000355 .000356 .0003 .... .000360 .000361 .000362 .000363 .000364 .000365 .000366 .000367 .000370 .000371 .000372 .000373 .000374 ,000375 .000376 .000377 .000732 .000736 .000740 .000743 .000747 .000751 .000755 .000759 .000762 .000766 .000770 .000774 .000778 .000782 .000785 .000789 .00079'3 .000797 .000801 .000805 .000808 .000812 .000816 .000820 .000823 .000827 .000831 .000835 .000839 .000843 .000846 ,000850 .000854 .000858 .000862 .000865 .000869 .000813 .000871 .000881 .000885 .000888 .000892 .000896 .000900 .000904 .000907 • 000911 .000915 .000919 .000923 .000926 .000930 .000934 .000938 .000942 .000946 .000949 .000953 .000957 .000961 .000965 .000968 .000972 186 OCTAL-DECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION TABLE (continued) OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL .000400 .000401 .000402 .000403 .000404 .000405 .000406 .000407 .000410 .000411 .000412 .000413 .000414 .000415 .000416 .000417 .000420 .000421 .000422 .000423 .000424 .000425 .000426 .000427 .000430 .000431 .000432 .000433 .000434 .000435 .000436 .000437 .000«0 .000441 .000442 • 000443 .000444 • 000446 • 000446 ,000447 .000450 .000451 .000452 .000453 .000454 .000455 .000456 .000457 .000460 .000461 .000462 .000463 .000464 .000465 .000466 .000467 .000470 .000471 .000472 .000473 .000474 .000475 .000476 .000477 .000976 .000980 .000984 .000988 .000991 .000995 .000999 .001003 .001007 .001010 .001014 .001018 .001022 .001026 .001029 .001033 .001037 .001041 .001045 .001049 .001052 .001056 .001060 .001064 .001068 .001071 .001075 .001079 .001083 .001087 .001091 .001094 .001098 • 001102 • 001106 • 001110 • 001113 • 001117 • 001121 .001125 .001129 .001132 .001136 .001140 .001144 .001148 .001152 ,001155 .001159 .001163 .001167 .001111 ,001174 .001178 .001182 .001186 .001190 ,001194 .001197 .0012 ,. .001205 .001209 .001213 .001216 .000500 .000501 .000502 .000503 .000504 .000505 .000506 .000507 .000510 .000511 .000512 .000513 .000514 .000515 .000516 .000517 .000520 .000521 .000522 .000523 .000524 .000525 .000526 .000527 .000530 .000531 .000532 .000533 .000534 .000535 .000536 .000537 .000540 • 000541 .000542 ,000543 .000544 .000545 .000546 .000547 ,000550 ,000551 .000552 .000553 .000554 .000555 .000556 .000557 .000560 .000561 .000562 .000563 .000564 .000565 .000566 .000567 .000570 .000511 .000572 .000573 .000574 .000575 .000576 .000577 .001220 .001224 .001228 .001232 .001235 .001239 .001243 .001247 .001251 .001255 .001258 ;001262 .001266 .001270 .001274 .001277 .001281 .001285 .001289 .001293 .001296 .001300 .001304 .001308 .001312 .001316 .001319 .001323 .001327 .001331 .001335 .001338 .001342 .001346 • 001350 .0'01354 .001358 .001361 .00l365 .001369 .001373 .001377 .001380 .001384 .001388 .001392 .001396 .001399 .001403 .001407 .001411 ,001415 .001419 .001422 .001426 .001430 .001434 .001438 .001441 .001445 '.001449 .001453 ,001457 .001461 .000600 .000601 .000602 .000603 .000604 .000605 .000606 .000607 .000610 .000611 .000612 .000613 .000614 .000615 .000616 .000617 .000620 .000621 .000622 .000623 .000624 .000625 .000626 .000627 .000630 .000631 .000632 .000633 .000634 .000635 .000636 .000637 .000640 • 000641 · 000642 • 000643 , 000644 ,000645 .000646 ,000647 .000650 .000651 .000652 • Q00653 .000654 .000655 .000656 .000657 .000660 .000661 .000662 .000653 000664 ,000665 .000666 000667 .:/00670 .000671 .000672 .000673 .000674 ,000675 .000676 .000677 187 DEC. .001464 .001468 .001472 .001476 .001480 .001483 .001487 .001491 .001495 .001499 .001502 .001506 .001510 .001514 .001518 .001522 .001525 .001529 .001533 .001537 .001541 .001544 .001548 .001552 .001556 .001560 .001564 .001567 .001571 .001575 .001579 .001583 • 001586 .001590 , 001594 • 001598 .001602 • 001605 ,001609 .001613 .001617 .001621 .001625 .001628 .001632 .001636 .001640 .001644 ,001647 .001651 ' .0'01655 ,001659 .001663 .001667 .001670 .001674 .001678 .001682 .001686 .001689 .001693 .001697 .0017.Dl .001705 OCTAL DEC. .000700 .000701 .000702 .000703 .000704 .000705 .000706 .000707 .000710 .000711 .000712 .000713 .000714 .000715 .000716 .000717 .000720 .000721 .000722 .000723 .000724 .000725 .000726 .000727 .000730 .000731 .000732 .000733 .000734 .000735 .000736 .000737 • 000740 .000741 .000742 .000743 .000744 , 000745 .000746 ,000747 .000750 .000751 .000752 .000753 .000754 ,000155 .000756 .000757 .000760 .000761 .000762 .000763 .000764 .000785 .000766 .000767 .000770 .000771 .000772 ,000773 ,000774 .000775 .000776 .000771 .001708 .001712 .001716 .001720 .001724 .001728 .001731 .001735 .001739 .001743 .001747 .001750 .001754 .001758 .001762 .001766 .001770 .001773 .001777 .001781 .001785 .00l7t19 .001792 .001796 .001800 .001804 .001808 .001811 .001815 .001819 .001823 .001827 .001831 , 001834 .001838 .001842 • 001846 • 001850 .001853 .001857 .001861 .001865 ,001869 .0018'73 .00187$ .001880 .001884 .001888 .001892 .001895 .001899 .001903 ,001907 .001911 .0019J...4 .001918 .001922 .001926 .001930 .001934 .001937 .001941 .001945 .001949 APPENDIX 4 INSTRUCTION SUMMARY MEMORY REFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Machine Cycles CAL 00 2 Call subroutine. The address portion of this instruction is ignored. The action is identical to JMS 20. DAC Y 04 2 Deposit AC. The content of the AC is deposited in the memory cell at location Y. JMS Y 10 2 Jump to subroutine. The content of the PC and the content of the L is deposited in memory cell Y. The next instruction is taken from cell Y + 1 • • Operation Executed DZMY 14 2 Deposit zero in memory. Zero is deposited in m~mory cell Y. LAC Y 20 2 Load AC. The content of Y is loaded into the AC. XORY 24 2 Exc lusive OR. The exc lusive OR is performed between the content of Y and the content of the ACt with the resu It left in the AC. ADD Y 30 2 Add (lis complement). The content of Y', is added to the content of the AC in lis complement arithmetic and the result is left in the AC. TAD Y 34 2 Two's complement add. The content of Y is added to the content of the AC in 2'5 complement arithmetic and the result is left in the AC. 188 MEMORY REFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Machine Cycles Operation Executed XCT Y 40 1+ Execute. The instruction in memory cell Y is executed. ISZ Y 44 2 I ncrement and sk i p if zero. The content of Y is incremented by one in 2 1s complement arithmetic. If the result is zero, the next instruction is skipped. AND Y 50 2 AND. The logical operation AND is performed between the content of Y and the content of the AC with the result left in the AC. SAD Y 54 2 Skip if AC is different from Y. The content of Y is compared with the contE~nt of the AC. If the numbers are di fferent, the next instruction is skipped. JMP Y 60 Jump to Y. The next instruction to be executed is taken from memory cell Y. EAE INSTRUCTION LIST Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed EAE 640000 Basic EAE command. LRS 640500 Long right shi ft. LRSS 660500 Long right sh i ft, signed (AC sign LLS 640600 Long left shift. LLSS 660600 Long left shift, signed (AC sign ALS 640700 Accumulator left shift. ALSS 660700 Accumu lator left shi ft, signed (AC sign 189 No operati on • = link). = L). = L). EAE I NSTRUCTION LIST (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed NORM 640444 Normalize, unsigned. Maximum shift is 448 • NORMS 660444 Normal ize, signed (AC sign.= L). MUL 653122 Multiply, unsigned. The number in the AC is multiplied by the number in the next core memory address. MULS 657122 Multiply, signed. The number in the AC is multiplied by the number in the next core memory address. DIV 640323 Divide, unsigned. The 36-bit content of both the AC and MQ is divided by the number in the next core memory location. DIVS 644323 Divide, signed. The content of both the AC and MQ as a lis complement signed number is divided by the number in the next core memory location. IDIV 653323 Integer divide, unsigned. Divide the number in the AC as an 18-bit unsigned integer by the number in the next core memory location. IDIVS 657323 Integer divide, signed. Same as IDIV but the content of the AC is a 17-bit signed number. FRDIV 650323 Frac"tion divide, unsigned. Divide the 18-bit fraction in the AC by the 18-bit fraction in the number in the next core memory location. FRDIVS 654323 Fraction divide, signed. Same as FRDIV, but the content of the AC is a 17-bit signed number. LACQ 641002 Replace the content of the AC with the content of the MQ. LACS 641001 Replace the content of the AC with the conten,t of the SC. CLQ 650000 Clear MQ. 190 EAE I NSTRUCTI ON LIST {continued} Mnemonic Symbol Operation Executed Octal Code ASS 644000 Place absolute value of AC in the AC. GSM 664000 Get sign and magnitude. Places AC sign in the link and takes the absolute value of AC. OSC 640001 Inclusive OR the SC into the AC. OMQ 640002 Inclusive OR AC with MQ and place resu Its in AC. CMQ 640004 Complement the MQ. LMQ 652000 Load MQ INPUT/OUTPUT TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code- Operation Executed Program Interrupt IOF 700002 Interrupt off. Di sable the PIC. ION 700042 Interrupt on. Enable the PIC. ITON 700062 Interrupt and trap on. Enable PI C and trap mode. Rea I Time Clock CLSF 700001 Skip the next instruction if the' clock flag is set to 1 . CLOF 700004 Clear the clock flag and disable the clock. CLON 700044 Clear the clock flag and enable the clock. Perforated Tape Reader RSF 700101 Skip if reader flag is a 1 • 191 1NPUT/OUTPUT TRANSFER I NSTRUCTI ONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed Perforated Tape Reader (continued) RCF 700102 Clear reader flag, then inclusively OR the content of reader buffer into the AC. RRB 700112 Read reader buffer. Clear reader flag and AC, and then transfer content of reader buffer into AC. RSA 700104 Select reader in alphanumeric mode. One 8-bi t character is read into the reader bu ffer • RSB 700144 Select reader in binary mode. Three 6-bit characters are read into the reader bu ffer • Perforated Tape Punch PSF 700201 Skip if the punch Hag is set to 1 . PCF 700202 Clear the punch flag. PSA or PLS 700204 700206 Punch a line of tape in alphanumeric mode. PSB 700244 Punch a I ine of tape in binary mode. I/O Equipment l/ORS 700314 Input/output read status. The content of given flags replace the content of the assigned AC bits. TTS 703301 Test Teletype and skip if KSR 33 is connected to computer. CAF 703302 Clear all flags. SKP7 703341 Skip if processor is a PDP-7. 192 I NPUT/OUTPUT TRANSFER I NSTRUCTI ONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed Teletype Keyboard KSF 700301 Skip if the keyboard flag is set to 1 • KRB 700312 Read the keyboard buffer. The content of the buffer is placed in AC10-17 and the keyboard flag is cleared. Teletype Teleprinter TSF 700401 Skip if the teleprinter flag is set. TCF 700402 Clear the teleprinter flag. TLS 700406 Load teleprinter buffer. The content of AC10-17 is placed in the buffer and printed. The flag is cleared before transmission takes place and is set when the character has been printed. Osci lloscope and Precision CRT Displays DXC 700502 Clear the X-coordinate buffer. DYC 700602 Clear the V-coordinate buffer. DXL 700506 Load the X-coordinate buffer from AC8-17. DYL 700606 Load the V-coordinate buffer from AC8-17. DXS 700546 Load the X-coordinate buffer and display the point specified by the XB and VB. DYS 700646 Load the V-coordinate buffer and display the point specified by the XB and VB. DSF 700701 Skip if display flag DCF 700702 Clear display flag. DLB 700706 Load the brightness register from AC 15-17. 193 = 1. INPUT/OUTPUT TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed Precision Incremental Display IDVE 700501 Skip on vertical edge violation. IDSI 700601 Skip on stop interrupt. IDSP 700701 Skip if light pen flag is set. IDHE 701001 Skip on horizontal edge violation. IDRS 700504 Continue display. After a Iight pen interrupt, th is command causes the display to resume at the point indicated by the content of the DAC. lORA 700512 Read display address. Transfers the address in the DAC to AC5-17. IDlA 700606 load address and select. The content of AC5-17 are placed in the DAC and the display is started. lORD 700614 Restart display. After a stop code interrupt, this command causes the display to resume at the point indicated by the content of the DAC. IDCF 700704 Clear display control. All flags and interrupts are cleared. IDRC 700712 Read X and Y coordinates. The content of bits XBO-8 is transferred into ACO-8 and the content of YBO-8 is transferred into AC9-17. Symbol Generator. GCl 700641 Clear done flag (also done by GPl or GPR). GSF 701001 Skip on done. GPl 701002 Generator plot I eft. GLF 701004 Load format (bit 15 for space I bits 16 and 17 for size). 194 I NPUT/OUTPUT TRANSFER I NSTRUCTI ONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Operation Executed Octal Code Symbol Generator {continued} GPR 701042 Generator plot right. GSP 701084 Plot a spor.e. General Purpose Multiplexer Control ADSM 701103 Select MX channel. The content of AC12-17 is placed in the MAR. ADIM 701201 Increment channel address. The content of the MAR is incremented by 1. Channel 0 follows channel 778 . Analog-to-Digital Converters ADSF 701301 Sk i P if converter fl ag is set. ADSC 701304 Select and convert. The converter flag is cleared and a conversion is in itiated. ADRB 701312 Read converter buffer. Places the content of the buffer in the AC. Relay Bu ffer ORC 702101 Clear output relay buffer fl ip-flop register. ORS 702104 Set output relay buffer fl ip-flop register to correspond with the contents of the accumulator. Inter Processor Buffer IPSI 702201 Skip on IPB information flag. IPRB 702212 Read IPB buffer. The content of the IPB is read into the AC and the information flag is cleared. The buffer becomes available to one of the processors. 195 I NPUT/OUTPUT TRANSFER INSTRUCTI ONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed Inter Processor Buffer {continued} IPLB 702024 Load IPB buffer. The content of the AC is loaded into the IPS and the information flag of the other processor is set. IPSA 702301 Skip on IPB available. The next instruction is skipped if the buffer is ready to accept data from the AC. IPDA 702302 Disable IPB available. The available flag of the processor issuing the command is unconditionally cleared. IPEA 702304 Enable IPB available. Incremental Plotter and Control PLSF 702401 Skip if plotter flag is a 1 • PLCF 702402 Clear plotter flag. PLPU 702404 Plotter pen up. Raise pen off of paper. PLPR 702501 Plotter pen right. PLDU 702502 Plotter drum (paper) upward. PLOD 702504 Plotter drum (paper) downward. PLPL 702601 Plotter pen left. PLUD PLPD Plotter drum (paper) upward" 702604 Plotter pen down. Lower pen on to paper. 196 I NPUT/OUTPUT TRANSFER I NSTRUCTI ONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed Data Contro I STC 704001 Skip on transfer complete. The next instruction "is skipped if the done flag in the data control is set to 1 . LWC 704006 Load word count. The WC register is cleared then loaded from the content of AC3-17. SEC 704101 Skip on error condition. If an error signal has been received by the data control from the selected device, the next instruction is skipped. LAR 704106 Load address register. The AR is cleared then loaded by OR transfer from the content of AC3-17 • CDC 704201 C le 9r data con.trol. All flags and registers of the data control are cleared, and the busy status is set. LCW 704205 Load control word. The control word contained in the AC is transferred into the data control status register. RWC 704212 Read word count. The AC is cleared, then the content of the WC is transferred into AC3-17. Automatic Priority Interrupt CAe 705501 Clear all channels·. Turn off all channels. ASC 705502 Enable selected channel(s). AC2-17 are used to select the channel(s). DSC 705604 Disable selected channel(s). AC2-17 are used to select the channel(s). EPI 700044 Enable automatic priority interrupt system. DPI 700004 Disable automatic priority interrupt system. 197 I NPUT/OUTPUT TRANSFER I NSTRUCTI ONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed Automatic Priority Interrupt (continued) ISC 705504 Initiate break on selected channel (for maintenance purposes). AC2-17 are used to select the channel. DBR 705601 Debreak. Returns highest priority channel to receptive state. Serial Drum DRlR 706006 load counter and read. Places the content of AC2-17 in the DCl and prepares the drum system for reading a block into core memory. DRlW 706046 load counter and write. loads the DCl from AC2-17 and prepares the drum system for writing a block to be received from core memory. DRSF 706101 Skip if drum transfer flag is set. DRCF 706102 Clear drum transfer and error flags. DRSS 706106 load sector and select. Places the content of AC9-17 in the DTR, clears both drum flags, and initiates the block transfer. DRSN 706201 Skip if drum error flag is not set. DRCS 706204 Continue select. Clears the flags and iniates a transfer as specified by the content of the DCl and DTR. Card Punch CPSF 706401 Skip if card reader flag is set. CPlR 706406 load the punch buffer, clear punch flag. CPCF 706442 Clear the card row flag. CPSE 706444 Select the card punch. A card starts moving from the hopper to the punch station and load the card punch buffer from the AC. 198 INPUT/OUTPUT TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed Automatic Line Printer LPSF 706501 Skip if printing done flag == 1 • LPCF 706502 Clear printing done flag. LPL 1 7C6562 Load one character into printing buffer. LPL2 706522 Load two characters into printing buffer. LPLD 706542 Load printing buffer (three characters). LPSE 706506 Sel ect printer and print. LSSF 706601 Skip if spacing flag = 1 • LSCF 706602 Clear spacing flag. LSlS 706604 Load spacing buffer and space. Card Readers CRSF 706701 Skip if the card reader flag is set. CRSA 706704 Select and read a card in alphanumeric mode. A card is started through the reader and 80 columns are read, interpreted, and translated into 6-bit character codes. CRRB 706712 Read the card reader buffer. The content of the CRB is placed in AC6-17. CRSB 706744 Select and read a card in binary mode. A card is started through the reader and 80 columns are read as 12-bit numbers. Automatic Magnetic Tape Control MSCR 707001 Skip if the tape control is ready (TCR=l). MSUR 707101 Skip if the tape unit is ready (TTR). 199 I NPUT/OUTPUT TRANSFER I NSTRUCTI ONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed Automatic Magnetic Tape Control (continued) we. *MCC 707401 Clear CA and MCA 707405 Clear CA and WC, and transfer the content of AC5-17 into the CA. MWC 707402 Load WC. Transfers the content of AC5-17 into the WC. MRCA 707414 Transfer the content of the CA into AC5-17. MCD 707042 Disable TCR and clear CR. Clear WCO and EOR flags. MTS 707006 Clear control register (CR) and clear job done, WCO, and EOR flags. Transmit unit, parity, and density to tape control. MTC 707106 Transmit tape command and start. This command initiates the transfer. MNC 707152 End continuous mode. Clears the AC; the operation terminates at the end of the current record. MRD 707204 Switch mode from read to read/compare. MRCR 707244 Switch from read/compare to read. MSEF 707301 Skip if EOR flag is set. *MDEF 707302 Disable EOR flag. *MCEF 707322 Clear EOR flag. *MEEF' 707342 Enable EOR flag. MIEF 707362 Initialize EOR flag. Clears and enables the flag. *These instructions must be combined with other commands to be recognized by the PDP-7 Symbol ic Assembler. 200 INPUT/OUTPUT TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Operation Executed ~:========================================================= Automatic Magnetic Tape Control (continued) MSWF 707201 Skip if WCO flag is set. *MDWF 707202 Disable WCO flag. *MCWF 707222 Clear WCO flag. *MEWF 707242 Enable WCO flag. MIWF 707262 Initialize WCO flag. MTRS 707314 Read tape status. DECtape System MMRD 707512 Read. Clears the AC and transfers one word from the data buffer in the control into ACO-17. MMWR 707504 Write. Transfers one word from ACO-17 to the data buffer in the control. Miv1SE 707644 Select. Connects the unit designated in AC2-5 to the DECtape control. lv\MLC 707604 Load control. Sets the DECtape control to the proper mode and direction from AC12-17. MMRS 707612 Read status. Clear the AC and transfer the DECtape status condi tions into ACO-8. MMDF 707501 Skip on DECtape data flag. MMBF 707601 Skip on DECtape block end flag. MMEF 707541 Skip on DECtape error flag. *These instructions must be combined with other commands to be recognized by the PDP-7 Symbol ic Assembler. 201 INPUT/OUTPUT TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Event Time Operation Executed Memory Extension Control SEM 707701 Skip if in extend mode. EEM 707702 Enter extend mode. LEM 707704 Leave extend mode. EMIR 707742 Extend mode interrupt restore. OPERATE INSTRUCTIONS Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Event Time Operation Executed OPR or NOP 740000 CMA 740001 3 Complement accumulator. Each bit of the AC is complemented. CML 740002 3 Complement Iink. OAS 740004 3 Inclusive OR ACCUMULATOR switches. The word set into the ACCUMULATOR switches is OR combined with the contentof the ACt the result remains in the AC. RAL 740010 3 Rotate accumu lator left. The content of the AC and L are rotated one position to the left. RLR 740020 2 Rotate accumu lator right. The content of the AC and L are rotated one position to the right. HLT 740040 Halt. The program is stopped at the cone lusion of the eye Ie. SMA 740100 Skip on minus accumulator. If the content of the AC is negative (2 1s complement) number the next instruction is skipped. Operate group or no operation. Causes a 1cycle program delay. 202 OPERATE INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Mnemonic Symbol Octal Code Event Time Operation Executed SZA 740200 Skip on zero accumu lator. If the content of the AC equals zero (2 1s complement), the next instruction is skipped. SNL 740400 Skip on non-zero link. If the l contains a 1, the next instruction is skipped. SKP 741000 Skip. The next instruction is unconditionally skipped. SPA 741100 Skip on positive accumulator. If the content of the AC is zero (2 1s complement) or a positive number, the next instruction is skipped. SNA 741200 Skip on non-zero accumulator. If the content of the AC is not zero (2 1s complement), the next instruction is skipped. SZL 741400 Skip on zero link. If the l contains a 0, the next instruction is skipped. RTL 742010 2,3 Rotate two left. The content of the AC and the l are rotated two positions to the left. RTR 742020 2,3 Rotate two right. The content of the AC and the l are rotated two positions to the right. Cll 744000 2 Clear link. The L is cleared. STl 744002 2,3 Set link. The l is set to 1 • RCl 744010 2,3 Clear Iink, then rotate left. The L is cleared; then the land AC are rotated one position left. RCR 744020 2,3 Clear link, then rotate right. The l is cleared, then the Land AC are rotated one position right. CLA 750000 2 Clear accumulator. Each bit of the AC is cleared. 203 OPERATE INSTRUCTIONS {continued} Mnemonic Symbol Operation Executes Octal Code Event Time CLC 750001 2,3 Clear and complement accumulator. Each bit of the AC is set to contain a 1 • LAS 750004 2,3 Load accumu lator from swi tches. The word set into the ACCUMULATOR switches is loaded into the AC. GLK 750010 2,3 Get link. The content of L is set into AC17. LAW N 76XXXX Load the AC with LAW N. 204 · mOmDDma P 274 PRINTED IN U.S.A. 20 -6/65
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