FA1500C User Manual
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5140XM USER’S MANUAL [ADEMCOJ NW20 8/92 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. SYSTEM OVERVIEW ............................. ................ ... ... .,,,.,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,.,..,..,.,,,,,,,.,.... : FIRE & SURGLARY PROTECTION..,, . .. ..... ..... ........ ......... .. 4 BURGLARY SYSTEM ENTRY/EXIT DEI.,4YS...... ...... ................ . ....... .......... ... 4 USER SECURITY CODES,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,.,,,......,..,.,,,,,,..,.,,,.,.,,...,,,,,,.,.....,.,.,.,,,,,,....,,...,,, 5 CONSOLE SOUNDS.,,,,,,.,,,,,, ...................................................................................... 5 SELF-HELP FEATURE .................................................................................................5 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM OPERATION ................................................................................ 6 CONSOLE FIRE Functions .................................................................................... 6 NORMAL STANDBY OPERATION .... . ..... . .... ........ . ......... .. 7 IN CASE OF FIRE ,,,,...,,,,,,,.,.,,,..,,,,,,,...,..,,..,,.,.,,,,,.,.,,,,,.,.,.,,..,,...,,.,...,,...,,...,,.,,........... 7 SILENCING/RESE~lNG FIRE ARMS,,.,,, ................................ . . 7 SUPERVISORY CONDITIONS ,,,.,,,...,,,..,,.,,.,.,,..,....,,.,,,...,..,,..,,,.,,.,...,.,,..,,....,,.,,,.,,,,,,,S BYPASSING FIRE ZONES .......................................................................................... 8 ACTIVATING FIRE DRILL TEST ....... . . . .. ..... ..... . . .... .. ... .... ....... ... .. .... 9 SURGLARY ALARM SYSTEM OPERATION ................................................................. 10 CONSOLE SURGURY FUNCTlON,,,..,,,,,,,,,.,..,.,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,.,.,,......,,,.,.,...,.......,..,...... 10 CHECKING FOR OPEN SURGURYZONES ........................................................... 12 Displaying All Zone Des.tiptom ,..,,,.,,.,, ............................................................... 12 BYPASSING BURGLARY PROTECTION ZONES ...... ... ............ ............. ... .. .. 13 @ick SyWss Feature .......................................................................................... 13 Displaying Bypmsd Zonw ................................................................................. 13 ARMING PERIMETER ONLY (STAY/lNSTANT) .,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,..,,,,..,.,.,,..,,,,,,,, 14 ARMING ALL PROTECTION (AWAY/WXIMUM) ..................................................... 15 DISARMING THE SYSTEM AND SILENCING AURMS ........................................... 16 DURESS CODE ,.,,,,,,,,,,..,...,.,,,,...,,...,,.,,,,.,,...,.......,..,,,,,.......,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16 CHIME MODE .,,,,,,,,,,,, .............................................................................................. ,7 TESTING THE BURGLARY SYSTEM........................................................................ 17 FIRE & SURGLARY COMMON FEATURES .. .............................................................. 18 VIEWING CENTRAL STATION MESSAGES,,,..,,.,,,..,,,...,,.....,,,........,,,,,.,.,..,.,,.,,,,,,,. 16 PANIC KEYS,,,,,.,.,..,..,,,., ........................................................................................... ,8 ADDING, CHANGING & DELETING TEMPORARY USER CODES,,,,,..,., ................ 19 TROUSLE CONDITIONS ,,,,..,,,,................................................................................. 20 BYPASSING SYSTEM ZONES & SYSTEM OUTPUTS . . . ... ......... . ................ 21 QUICK GUIDE TO SYSTEM FUNCmONS,, .................................................................... 22 5140XM EVENT L~GING PRNEDURES ................................................................... 23 SUMMARY OF AUDISLE NOTIFICATIONS ................................................................... Z4 GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................... .... ..... 25 PROTECnON POINT DESCRIPTfONS .......................................................................... 25 Abut This Manual Ttis manual is a step-by-step guide that will acquaint YOUwith the systemnsfeatures and benefik, It defines the components and their functions, describes their operation, and acquaink you with normal and emergency procedures. Refer to the GLOSSARY at the back of this manual for tifinitions of terms usd throughout. -2- INTRODUCTION Congratulations on your ownership o! a 5140XM Alarm System, YouVe made a wise ;~;y in chmsing it, for it repr%ents tie latest in fhe and swurify protection technology Depending on your installation, your system may offer you up to thr- forms of protection: fire warning, burglaw and emergency. To reafize the system’s full potential, it is important that you feel comfotiable in operating it. Your system consisis of at least one console wtich orovides full control of svstem ooeration and various fire warning ;ensors such as smoke and heat datecto= which provida eafly fire warning protection, Your system may also include vafious secutity sensow suchs tiortindow contacb and Nwive infrarti titectom which provide perimater a“d intetior burgla~ protection. \ The system uses microcomputer Iechnolqy to monitor all protection zones and syste,m sla!us and provides apprOprlate Information for dsplay 0“ the Consola(s) used with the system, and initiates appropriate alarms Whan programmd to do so, tie system Mn also transmit aDDrOOriate alarm or status messag% o;ar &e phone flnaa to a antial alarm monitoring sbtiin. / = THE ALPHA DISPLAY CONSOLE features a multifunction, backtit f2.key dgilal keypad, and uses a Z-tine, 32-character holly programmable alphanumeric tiquid Cryskl ~spfay (LCD) which displays the natire and Io-rion of all owurrenas in Iriendly English. Conwle display backlighting is programmable to afways shy on or to tight only when a key is pms%d, then N1Ooff a few minutes later. A salf-help fealura is also incorporated; wtich, when activated, will @splay abbreviat~ insuuctions for ma key rhat h% Men pres%d. The console also has a built.in sounder. -3- SYSTEM OVERVIEW FIRE& BURGLARY PROTECTfOf4 One or more sensing devkes will have ken The burgla~ ~nion of your alarm system assigned by the installer of your alarm (if used) must b armed before it will Se”$e system to each of the various fire and burgla~ slam conditions, Whw an alarm burgla~ protection zones in your system WCUB, both the con801e andtheexiernal (although not ovmy zone may have been burglary alarm sounder will produce a used), For example, stockroom smoke mntinuous sound. A message will appear detwtors may have b~n %signti to zone in the console dispfay window that 01, hallway fire pull sbtions to zone 02, the identitie the zone(s) causing the burglaq sensing device on your Entry/Exit door to afarmand aburgfary alarm repon will be zone 03, sensing devims on store Iront sent to the central monitoring station (if windows to zone 04 and so on. These your system is so connected). Oisarming numbem will appear on the console display the system will stop alarm sounding. Your window along with an alpha descriptor for system provides four modes of burglary that zme (if programmed), when the protection: STAY, AWAY, lNSTANT and respmtive zone is faufted, MAXIMUM and aven lets YOUBYPASS selected zones of protection” wtile leaving The fire potiion of your alarm system is the rest of the burgla~ system armed. The akays on, When a fire alarm condition is system also provides a CHIME mode, for detected, the console will produce an alefling usem to the opning and closing of interrupted sound and the external fire doors and windows while the system is warning sounders will produ~ either a disarmad, Refer to the burglary alarm continuous or intewpted sound depending section of this ma””al fOra& scriptiOn of on which was selected by your inshller, A promd”res for using those features. mwsage will appear in the console display winhw that identifies the zone(s) causing tie tire slam, In atitf on, if your system is connectti to a Wntral monitoring station, a fire alarm report will be sent to that monitoring smtion. Refer to the fire alarm system sections of this manual for a d%cription of procedures for silencing fire alarms, bypassing fire zones and activating a tire drill test. SUMMARY OF ARMING MODES Mode Features For Each Arming Mode I Exit Oelay Eotw Oelay Perimeter Armad I interior Armed AWAY Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 .!. STAY Yes Yes Yes INSTANT Yes No Y= No I v.. MAXIMUM Yes No Yes --! I BURGLARY SYSTEM ENTRY/EXIT DELAYS If used, the burglary portion of your systam is programmti by tie installer with a preset time delay, during which the systam must be disarmed upon entering or a“ alarm will owr. This featuraalfows you to leave and reenter through the ent~ *lay &or without setting off the alarm, The ant~ dalay faature can also be turned off for greater secutily when sleeping or while away for extended petiods of time (fNSTANT R MAXIMUM modes). %a your inskller for your delay times, -4- R=ord your delay times berm Ent~ Oelay i: — Ent~ Oelay 2: Exit Oelay 1: Exit Oetay 2: Oelays may be no more than 60 seconds for Exit tilay or 45 s%onb for Ent~ @lay for a UL Listed Commercial burglary application. SYSTEM OVERVIEW USER SECURITY CODES The 5140xM allows up to 99 4-digh user security codes to be programmed, These cdes are enterd at the consoless keypad and are used to operate the system. When pr~rammed, each cob is assign~ an authority level which determines the system tinctions that code can perform, For example, some codes can be given authority to arm/disarm the burgla~ system and to bypass fire and burglaW zones. Other codes may be restricted to arm/disarming the burglaW system only, There are six authority levels: master, manager, operator ASOWratOr B, o~rator C & duress. Generally speaking, the master cde is Intendd to be known and used only by the building owner, The manager rnk is intenhd to b known and used only by the building euperintentint, the building security officer or the fike, These males allow full convol over system operation, The operator’s codes are intended 10 be used by individuals who nmd fimited and{or temWra~ control over system operation, The duress coh allows a silent panic report to be transmitted to the central station when the user is for@ to arm or disarm under threat. Refer to tie .ADDING, CHANGING AND DELETING USER CODES. section for detailed descriptions of the functions that these cties can petiorm, CONSOLE SOUNDS The console has a built4n sounder which will produce an interrupted sound for fire alarms and a continuous sound for burglary alarms. This sounder will also “beep. during certain system functions, such as when depressing keys to operate the system (to acknowledge the key press], during ent~lexit delay times and during chime rook, &me of thwe so””k mn be optionally suppressed, Ask your installer if this h= ban hne, All codes can be used interchangeably when petiorming system operations within the Umik of each cotis authotity level, For example, the burgla~ system may be armed with an operator’s codo and then disarmed with a master or manager-s cdes. Note that an operator C ade @n only disarm tie burglary system if it was usd to arm the system, Your installer will have programmed at least one master code and possibly several other types of cod% at installation time. Make sure you have a rewrd of the males that were prWrammed, The m~tw and managerENTER CODE & PRESS TEST TO START BURGLARY TEST ENTER CODE& PREsS CHIME TO TURN ON/OFF CHIME MODE DURESS CODE (WHEN FORCED TO DISAflM/ARM UNDER THREA~ Enter tiepre.assignd duress rode, The system will dlsam (w m), but w silmtiy notiv the wntial stition of your sitiation, if hat sewiw has ken providti. -16- ~ . ~scodis useful onfywhe”mn”%ted to a anval s!ation. BURGLARY ALARM SYSTEM OPERATION (IF INSTALLED) CHIME MODE (THIS FEATURE IS FUNCTIONAL DISARMED) ONLY WHEN THE BURGLARY SYSTEM IS YOUr system can be set to aleti yo” to the opening of a door or window while it is disarmed by using CHIME mode, When activated, three tones will sound at the Console whenever a door or window is open8d, andthe Not Ready message wilt be displayed, Pressing tie RmDY [*] key will display the opn protmtion poinb. To turn Chime Mode on, enter the secutity code and press the CHIME [9] key. The CHIME MODE ON message will appear fOr about MO seconds the” dsappar. To display this mmsage again (to determine whether time mok Is on or off), simply press and hold down the CHIME key for 5 s~nds, Noto that Chime mode can deactivated only when thesystemismsarmd, To turn Chime Mode off, entar the WWflV CO* and pr%s the CHIME[9] key again, The CHIME MOOE OFF messaae w~ll appear for about WO seands th~n dsappear. TESTING THE BURGLARY SYSTEM (To SE CONDUCTED WEEKLY) Thla feature -n h U4 by your Inalaller or by the master or menagat UIW. Use this teat to chaok that sensors on all burgla!y and non.fire emergency zones aro opwatlng proprly. Not% If you fault a tire zone, you WINoau- a ffre alarml 1 Di%rm tie system. Enter a master or manager code and prms tie TEST [5} key, 3, The external burgla~ sounders will sound for 3 semnk to indicate that the te8t has started, The console will diSPlaY ”SURGLARY WALK TEST IN PROGRES andwillbeepeveW 15 s%onds wtila he test remains actbe, 4, Open and close each protected door and window in turn. Each action should produce three beeps from the Console, and the identifimtion of eati protection point should appear on fhe dsplay. 2 Walk In front of any interior motion datactors (if usad). Listen for three beeps as tha detaclor senses movement, The idontifimtion of the detector should appear when it is aotivated, Whan all protection points have been a checked, there should be no zone idontilication numbers displayed, II a problem is experienced with anv protection point (no confirming beep;, no display), CALL FOR SERVICE IMMEDIATELY. 7. Turn OffBurglaV Walk Test mode by entaring any security code and pressing the OFF[l] key. 5 -17- FIRE & BURGLARY COMMON FEATURES VIEWING CENTRAL STATION MESSAGES Usem of the system may periodically mwlve messagm w their dispay ffimens from thelrmonimring agency orinsbllor, Wkn a mmsage Is wailing to be viewed, tie mesmge shown blow will W~ar, Press and seconds kansmitted bke up to lnfomaUon hold down the [0] key for 5 to display the message to you, The message could four sorwns to display all the available, m PANIC KEYS (FoR MANUALLV ACTIVATING SILENT AND/OR AUDIBLE ALARMS) RESULT There are three poseible comblnationsof If programmed for silent emergeny by your pdred keys that are installer programmable insteller, and the system is connected to a emergency tinctions. %eyourlnsbller for mntralalmm monitoring sktion, theplim the functions that have bean programmed emergency key press will send a silent for these emergen~ key paiti, Typical alwmslgnal totiemntal station, but there functions that might be programmed are will be no audble alarms or visual dsplays, Si19nt Poli@, Audibl~ Pohce, pernonaI If programmed for audible emergency by Emergency, and Fire, your Installer, a loud, steady alarm will To u8e @Panic tincllon, simply pr~s wund al your console and at a“y external both keys of theasalgn~ pair allhe wunders hat may be wnnected [ALARM seine Ilme end hold down forat leaat plus a Wwription would also k displayti, WO @tinde. A pemonal emergency alarm key press will PANIC KEV FUNCTtONS: notify ’tie wntral station ~1conneoted) and (Fill.in box for pmic tinotion) will sound at Consoles, but notatextemal blls or alrens. D KEV[*] + [#](zono99) A fire slam key press will send a fire aIMm a KEV[*] + [1] (zone 95) message to the central station and will uniquely sound external bells and sirens FIRE plus a description would also be n KEV[#J + [3] (20”.96) displayed), -ls - FIRE & BURGLARY COMMON FEATURES ADDING, CHANGING AND DELETING USER CODES Thesyslem allows upto994digil user admtobeprWrammed. When programmed, each rndeis~signd anauthon~level wtich&teminm he system tinctions that cod can petiorm. Theream six authori~ levels as kstedin the table below, Mde hom your installer whoprograms cods atinskllation time, Ihesystem allows master and manager level usem to prWram cties on an “as nwd~ bmis, for use by those who nmd Iimit@ andlor temporaV contiol over system o~ration, Lavolmhle AtWOl=rm Sllem(:9 1A Ctlvate Test [ I AddIchang. Is ypss au~law Alams, Supv Z..Swutiy Mdos Symem & TrouNa cdt.hs!er yes yes yes,levels2-6 ye$, bu,g yOS,burg, onk zones(andfire walh10S1, fl,e zones il drill I I I enabld) I I I I yes .Mnager 1 yes I yes, levels 3.6 I yes, burg y99,burg. I only [ zones.nYy walktest I I 3.OW,alorA y~~ I yes yes,b.,glaV no no ..!,., only , 1 ----t -4.op,.tor B yes yes .0 [ no [ ,10 5.OmratOrC yes,mn dl~rm yes no no no ,,,,, onb if usti to arF 1 1 , ves,wnds silentt yes 6.Duress no no no janic repr11 . . . .. . . . ,. Genernl Rules on Authorlly Leve18 ano cnangea . -. . a master or manager user may only . I ho only way to assign a user,s add, delete or change users to/horn a authority level is by using the .Add A lower aulhoriV Iovel o.e. a master ~n Uwr. prmdure descdbti later. assign a lower level user code, but . hfore 33signing a ctie, b3 sure it ties annot 33sign another master MA). not conflict witi tie DURESS m~. . Each user is assigned a 2-digil user . You may view your authority level by number (single digit user numbers must entering your usm m~ + [*]+ [*]. be prwdti by a “W, Ex. 03,04, etc.), a 4-digit user cde and an authotiV level, IMPORTANTI: During user edit mode, all consoles exmpt the one being used will dsplay .User Edt Mob - Please Smnd Sy”, and key depressions (except Panio) at those mnsoles will be ignor~. Panic key depressions will muse an alarm and terminate user enW. To exit User Edll Mode, press either [*] or [#], or tin’t press any key for 10 Mm, To Add a Usen 5. The system will recognize that the User f. Enter Mater or Manager ctie, numkr is already in use and will prompt 2. Depress CODE [8] key. whether or not it should be deleted, 3. Enter a new 2.dgil User Number, Press O (NO) or 1 (YES). II yes, the 4. Enter 4-digit de for that User Num&r, system will delete the authori~ level and 5. The Console will prompt for the authotity all other information about that uwr, level for this user Enter a number (1.6 To Change a U-r’s Ctie: from mble). 1. Enter hster or ~nager cod, 6. The console will display the user 2. Depr-s CODE [8] key. number and corresponding authotity 3. Enter the user number to have ib cde level. hinged. 4. Enter the nm 4dgit W6 for that umr. To Mlete a Us5, The system will rocqnize that the user 1, Enter Minter or Manager ctie. is already in use and will prompt 2. Depress CODE [6] key. whether or not tiIs is a new u~r, Prem 3. Enter User Number to k etiminatd. O (NO), ~e system will anfim that the 4. Enter Master or Manager code lirst change is allowed based on entered. authorization level, and if so, puts the new ctia into effect. 12 I 1 -19- FIRE & BURGLARY COMMON FEATURES TROUBLE CONDITIONS Your systam monibm each of ymr fire and burglmy protection zones and various system ~ndilians forpmblemss~ aszonewlre breaks, Iossof AC power, faulted telephone Iims, etc. which an mmpmmise proper slam signal~ng oparation, When your system detacba problem, ilwlllpmvi~ anaudibfeandvisuat .&ouble. indmtionasdescrib@ belw, When one of the= indications appeam, CALL YOUR INSTALLER FOfl SERVICE IMMEDIATELY. ~ atible Indmtim m be stim~ ~ desotibd b@low, 1. The wnsole sounder will produ~ a 2. Press anykeyto sllencethoconsofe sounhr. rapid beeping. The extmnal fire (and burgl~) soundem will not be on. The 3. To clear the mnsole Imuble display, Wnsole display wintiw will tisplay one firm, have your installer locate and of the following m=sgOs: mmect the cause of tie problem, Then enter any u~r cob and press the OFF . “AC LOSS. when ACpower has been interrupted. The green console [11key, POWER indmlm will also& off, NOTE: The dsplay will not clear while tie kouble condition remains. . .SYSTEM LO BA7whenyoursysiems back-up bafle~ is low. . .COMM FAILURF when attampkto send a message to the central monitoring abtion have failad. . “CHECWaHmpanied byaprot~Uon zone number (144) or a symem zone number (70-,99) and an associated alpha desor{ptor when them Is a protection or.system. zone problem. See the section “BYPASSING SYSTEM ZONES AND OUTPUTS for a list of zone numbers resewed for displaying system problems. -20- FIRE & BURGLARY COMMON FEATURES BYPASSING SYSTEM ZONES AND SYSTEM OUTPUTS NOTE: Ask your lnstallerif your oyslem wassel uptoallow system zones and system outputs to be bypasd. Your system mayallow youtobypass amin “system zones. wfdch monitor various aspects of system status and mnaln system outputs which annunciate system status, These zonos and outpuk are fistd blow. This feature is used to disable the monitoring of one or more system zones or to disable the o~ration of one or more system oufpuk when, forexample, thesystem istobesewiced obtested, llenabled, this feature ~nonlvk uwd by a mxter user. zone #70: monitors the zone #75: monitors the supewision sktusof the bell 1 outpulfif supwision status of the hck.up dialer enabled at installation lime), Bypassing output Of installed and enabled al this zone disables the ope,ation a“d installation time). Bypessing this zone supwisioq of the bell 1 output, disables the operation md s“pewisio” of the ba~-up dialer output. zone #71: monitors the supewision shtus of the bell 2 output Of zone &7e: this zone is enabled at installation time), Bypassing assigned to tha auxifimy relay output. this zone disables the operation a“d Actually, this zone does not monitor su~wision of the bell 2 oumut, anything sinw tie auxih~ relay output Isnotsupewised, However, bypassing zone #72: monitors the pane~s this Z0n9 allows the operation of the field witing to determine it a shoe to eati auxiflary relay output to be disabled. ground exists. Bypassing this zone disables eati ground fault mo”itoti”g, zone #77: this zone is assigned to the ALARMNET radio zone 873: monitom devius that wigger outpub. Actually, thiszo”ehas your ins~ller has connedti to input 1 on not monitor anything since the the main PCBJ2co””ector (s”ch as a ALARMNET Mggdm wa not supwised, backup AMRMNET radio transmitter), However, bypassing this zone aIIOWStia Bypassing tiiszone muses the system oWration of the tiggem to be d~bld, to ignore the status of ~viws connsted 10input 1. zone #74: monitors the supewision status of the main dialer ou~ut (if enabled at installation time). Bypassing this zone disables the operation and supewision of the main dialer output, To Bypaas a System Zone or Sy81em Oulpul: 1. Enter the master rode, Then press 3, Zonas wtich have been bypas%d wn BYPASS [6] and entar the number(s) & displayed by entering any user de ,. of and then prewing tha SYPASS [6] key. zone to b bypassd, Bypmsd zones will tien be dispfayed 2. All bypSsed zonmwill basquentially sequentially. displayed when you are Iinished entering the number of zones to be 4, All system zone byp=s% are removed bypassed, The consofe will than when an oFF sequenw (rnde + OFF) display a bypass message as a is performed, reminder that one or more zones is byp=sd. -21- Qu TUNCT10f4 hmk Faultd zones ~splav AN * Sy81em(It insmlled) Dmrm B“,glw Svslem antior Silenw Ala,ms ~y~ss zones (tire, burg h system zones) Ouich Sypass dlsplsys, Enler user&e, PWZZSYPAS s [6] Enterzonenumbrs to M bypasq (use2.tigil entries), Toremovebypasses,enterctie + OFF[l], inter user tie, Press BYPASS [6} Press [a] ro remove bvpames, en!e, tie + OFF[1], :nter my user rode, Prew CHIME Bypass@zonesare unpro!wld and will “o! muse en slam II fa”ltd. Burglav zones mn h bypassti bv an opremr “A. or higherleveluse, only,If enabled,the andsystem zonesmn onlyk bvpzssd by a master u8er, SYPSS3RS all faultd zones automatimlly, Console will w.nd If dmrs or wlndws arevlol?td while burgla~ 91. ~ewal 10mfn Chime Mtie off, I $yslemdlswmW. :nlef master or manager de, P,e.. 1. .!;,,.,.. . . ...na. ~ou”~er~ ,., ~ rESTi5], :nler mde + OFF [1] to end le8t. :nter master We, ,. . . . . . . . r. .rt. resr, enter PreM #] +69, --mae + ut~, @{essane hold [0] key Ior al least 5 smnds, En!er any “sefs de, Press [*] + *]. rite, master 0, mana~o, &e, P,ess CODE [8], Euler “W 2-ti@b USe, n“mkr, En!er 4.dlOit cWe for !hat user. At prompl, en!et autiori~ level, Enler maste, or manager de. Press CODE [8], Enter users Z.dlglt n.mb,, E“ler “W 4.digit c~o for fiat user, Enter O (no) al prompt, Enter master or mana~er de, P,ess SOOE [8], Reenter master or nanaoerS$tie, En!erl fyes)at ]rompt, bless and hold any function key for al ens! 5 sw”ds -22- “.-, ,.. -,. .,,, non.nresensorstobz t;stoh, 1A’chvates external fire sounders, Wssage from mntfal 8!ation will ,ppew, Displays authorry levels assignti [o tie us? ctie entered, Master and manager level use,s w“ add users 10me Svs!em, each with !ta Wn tie and a.thotiw level. ~ster and man~ger level users m“ change their own or other users &es, hstor a“d manager level u8e,8 wn dele!e users, A uwr -n only b deletd by a “s., wlti Mhigher .“lho,lv !~”el, Wll displav abbreviatti inst,”ctions for me hey pressd 5140XM EVENT LOGGING PROCEDURES The system h- the abitity to rword various evene in a histo~ log wherein each event is recordti in one of five Mtwori= (listed below), with the time and &te of lb owmen=. evenk, witi the old=t evenl ting teplawd by the f~ging The Event Log holkup10224 of any nw event after the fog is fill. Using an alpha wnsate, the Event Log an be viewd one atego~ at a time, or ~n dsplay all events, regardless of catego~ (ALL EVENT LOG), The system also allows selection of displaying the COMPLETE log, or only those evenk wurring sin~ the last insmller sewi~ (RECENT). Note that events are displayd in chronologiti order, Wom m~l r-nt to oldest. TO DISPLAY THE EVENT Lm: 1 Etttw any user CODE+ [~ + [6] + [0] 2 %l~t the display rode. RECENT: Displays only those evtmk offiuting sin= Imt installer sewice. COMPLETE: Displays complete event IW (up to 224 evenk). 3 U8ethe [3] &[l] keys (for nexl and previous -tegories respectively) to display the ~t~ari~ of evants, Press [8] Io. sel-l acakgory and display the first event, Press [8] again for each subsequent event, 12:02AM1 TvDiMl Event IP1 01/01 C03J L;g Disp/ay ~BURGLARY Shows burgla~ alarm wurrti in zone 3 (C03), at 12:02AM on JanuaW 1. Altar the Iaet event has been dsplayed, the END OF EVENT LOG message appea~ Iora few seconds, then the system automatically dsplays the RECENT/COMPLETE mode select samn again (see step 2). 4 To EXIT tha EVMI Log: Press [*] at any time. ALARMEVENTL~ Usplays timo and date for zones that hwe eitior mud an d~m or have&n res!or~. CHECKEVENTLOO Displaystime and dale for zones tint have Musti a Voubleor fife $UWWIWW mdtion, BVPASSEVE~ L~ Displaystime and dale for zones hat have &n bypa-d. OPENEVENT1~ Displaystime, date and usernumberfor eati armingwd dkacmingof Ihesyslem SVSTEMEVEW L~ Usplays !ime and date for systemproblems, suchas AC LOSS,IW bamw, etc., ALL EVENTL~ Msplays all categories of events in &ronolqlml order. -23- — SUMMARY OF AUDIBLE NOTIFICATION SOUND OD, I R El COnsde & extemaP LOUD, CONTINUOUS Console & external ONE SHORT B EP (not repealed) (ALPHA DISPLA CAUSE CONSOLE) DISPLAY FIRE ALARM FIRE is disolavod bswi~to, of ~o”a in alarm is displayed, AURM is dsplayed; &stiptor of zO”c in alarm is atso &splayed. a. DISARMED/READV TO ARM is displayd. b, The numkr and &smiptor of the own prot%tion zone is dsplayd, Y b, SYSTEM ARMING ATTEMPT WITH AN OPEN ZONE, c. BYPASS VERIFY Console only rr I Co”soleo”,y THREE SHORT BEEPS Console only RAPID BE Console only r SOWEPN console Only ~ ‘“ -24- SURGLARY/AUDIBLE EMERGENCY ALAR\ a. SYSTEM DISARM ING SYSTEM 1SIN BURGLARY TEST MoDE ARM AWAY OR MAXIMUM c. Numkm and &sctiptoffi of the bypassd protection zones are dsplayw (One bmp is heard for’each zone dsplayed). Subsequently, the following is displayed DISARMED BVPASS Ready to Arm Faulted Zone identifications will appear. ARMED AWAV or ARMED MAXIMUM is displayed, Red ARMED indimfor is tit. a, ARM STAY OR INSTANT b. ZONE OPENED WHILE SYSTEM IS IN CHIME MoDE, c. ENTRY WARNING+” a. FIRE SUPERVISORY b. TROUBLE c, AC POWER LoSS kLERT a. ENTRY DEM Y WARNING.* b, EXIT DELAY WARNING :if pr~rammd) Fire alarms ma >e programmed by external sounds; ut always produce in EnlW warning may consist of three sh( as programmed by your installer. a. ARMED STAV ZONE BVPASSEDor ARMED INSTANT ZONE BYPASSED is &splayed. Red ARMED ind~tor is tit, b. CHIME dsplayed, dosctiptor of own protection zone will k display@ if the [$1 key is prosed. c. DISARM SVSTEM OR ALARM WILL OCCUR is displayed. a. SUPV displayed. Descriptor of faulted ,“.. -r-,--- i, d..t...d b, CHECK dispfay~. Descriptor of troubled protection zone is dsplayti. c. AC LOSS disDlaYed(may alternate with other displays “that‘may k present), a. DISARM SYSTEM OR ALARM WILL MCUR is displayad. Ex@W”g tha delay time without disarming muses alarm, b. ARMED AWAY or ARMED MAXIMUM is dsplayti along with Vou May ExII NOW >ur installer to produce continuous rruptd mnsofe sounds. beeps or slow continuous beeping, GLOSSARY ARM/DISARM:“Arrow simply meansthat the b.rgla~ por!ion 01your sys!em is Iurnti ON and is in a state 01rea4ness. “P,WmW means bat the burolaw system Is lulnti OFF, and must W rearmed to home operational. Hmaver, even in a ‘dlsalmeC slate, ‘emergency. and .Iire” pftions of your system are still operational. KEVPAD: Ttis is tho area on YOUIConsole wntaining numbered pushbuttons similaf to !hoseon telephones or calculators. These keys control tie arming or tisarming of the system, and peflocm other functions which were previously de%flhd in lMs manual DELAV ZONE An area of prolmtion containing doors most frequently used to enter or exit (WPiCOllY,a front dwt! bath dwr, or dw, hom the garage Into the buildlng). The delay zone allws s. ffitient time Ior authodzed entw or exil without causing . . alarm. Consull your Installer lo? the entw and exit delay times that have bmn WI for your system during installation. DAVINIGHT ZONE An area of pro!miion whose violation muses a trouble indication during me dsarmd (DAY) mode md an d.rm duting *. amd (NIGHT) retie. FIRE SUPERVISORY ZONE: A zone wfdch monilols a fire spdnkler system to detemine *at main water valve is open or lhaf there is adquate waler pfessure. BVPASS: To disable a spcific area of firo or burglaw protection while leaving other areas operational. Also, IO ti=ble the operation of a specific system output cifcuit such as a bll OutOut. ALPHA DESCRIPTOR: A zone description (UP to 3 words) such as .WEST WING SMOKF which is displayti along wi!h me zone number on Ihe console dsplay window when a zone is fa”ll&. ZONE: A spwific area of protection. -~ 10 ... .... . .. . . . . ..= . . . . system problems (CALL FOR SERVICE immediately) Wmice Company: Telephone: -25- “FEDERALC 0MMUNICATION3C OMMISSION (FCC) STATEMENT” his ~uipment has bwn tested to FcC requirements and has b-n w, The FCC requires the following smtement foryourinfomafio”: found ameptibl his equipment generates and uses radio k~uency energy and if not inshlled and I ,operly, that is, in strict amordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may CI ltetierence to radio and television rewption, 11has been ty~ tested and found to co! ihthelimib for a Class Bcomputing devimin a@ordance with Mes~c1fwation8in 5 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against s torferonm inare$idential installation, However, there isnoguaranlee tiat interfere illno!mcur inapaticular installation. Ilthisquipmem dwscause inteflerenmtor television rewption, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on ;er is encouraged to t~ to comect the intetierence by one or more of the Iolfot easures: . lfu6ing anin&oranfenna, haveaquabV outtiora"tenna . Rmrientt iereceivinga ntennau ntilinteflerencei . . kvetheremiver kvetheantenna . Plug tiewnbol/communiator on diflerent banch drcuits, installd, srdumdore[minated, awayhom theconnollmmmunimtor. leads away from anywire runs totiewn!rol/communicator, into ad fferent outlet sothatit andtiere~ivel necessa~, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radoltelavi ~nician for additional suggmtions, le user or Installer may find the following b.ooklot prepared by the Fed ommunimtions Commission helpbl: .lntederonm HandkoY lis booklet is available kom the U.S. Govemmem Printing OffiW, Wasting!on, DC 201 :mk No. 004.000-004w-7, ?eu8er shall not make any changm or moditimtions to the equipment unless author , tie Insulation InsWotions or User,s Manual, Unauthorized changes or mtificat !uldvoidtheuser+s authority tooWrate the equipment, IN THE NENT OF TELEPHONE OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS In the event of telephone operational problems, disoonn%t the control by removiW t~ plug from the RJ31x wall jack. We recommend that your wrfified installer demonstrate disconnecting the phones on installation of the system, Do not disconnect thepho”e connection insihtho controffmmmuniwtor. Doing sowillresult intheloss ol your phone tines. If the regular phone works correctly after the control/mmmbniwtor has been diswnnectd kom the phonw Rnes, he wnboVmmmunimtor h= a problem and should & returned for repair. If upon dismnnection of the convollcommunicator, there is still a problem on the line, “oti~ *S telephone company that tiey have a problem and request prompt repair sewim. The umr may not undr any circumstances fin or out of warranty) attempt any sewice or repairs to tie system. [! must be re!uro~ to the factory or an aufhoriz~ sewim agency for all repairs, -26- bypassan al~r~ sensoror dsco;?wt an alarmwarnin~>evim. Intrusionde!ec!ors(e.g. p%slve Infrard detectors),smokedelwto:s, and manyother Sensin( devices will not wofk without wwer. 8atww opra!~ devices will not work without banefies, will dead banetie8, or il the batteries we not put in propady. hvice$ pweced solely by AC will no work if their AC wwer supply is cut off for any reamn, however briefly. SiOnals sent by wireless !Iensminers may b blwkti or rell%tti by metal before tiey reati Ih alarm ,eceivef. Even if the signal path h= ken :mendy timkd during a wmkly test, blwkag$ can recur if a me!al obj%t is movd into the path. A uwr may not b able to ream a Wnic or emergenq bullon quic~y enough. While smoke delmlora have playd a key role in rduclng residential tire deaths In tie Unitw Slates, they may not activate or provide early warnin~ for a varie~ of re8sons in as many as 35% 01all fires, a=ordlng to data pubtishti by Iho Fadofal Emergenq Mnagement Agenw. time o the reasons smoke det%tors .s4 In Conjuncllon with this System may not wok ale as 1011w8 Smoke detectors may have ben impropdy Inslalled and positioned. Smoke deteclofa may no sense fires that start where smoke cannot (each the delw!ors, such aa In &lmneys, In walls, o rmfs, or on the other side of clowd doors. Smoke de!mlors elm may ..1 %nw a fire on anolhe level of a residence or builting. A mmnd Ilmr de!%!or, for example, may no! sense a tirsl Ilmr o basement fife. Mfeover, 8m0ke detectors have sensinn limitati0n8. No smoke detector an Sensl evev kfldoffire eveVtime. l"oenerd, detW10r8m;y nolabays wa,nahu! ticesmusedb) Carelessness and aale~ hma,d$ Ike smoking In kd, violent exploslon$, es~lng Qw, Imp,op slorage of flammable ma1eria18,ovedoaded OleclriWl circulls, cfdldren playing with matches, o arm.. Dnwndno umn tho nature 01 the fire andlor the Iocatio”s of me smoke det~tors, !ht de!ec!o<, even iiit”opera!es 88 .nticlpatA, may ..! p,ovide s.lficien!wafning to QIIOWal mwpa”ls to escew i“ lime !0 prevent lnj”~ or dealh, Passive Inb.,ed Motion Do!eclo,s an only detect I.l,usion whhin the desloned renoes .$ tiagrammed in their i.s!allatio” manual. Passive lnherd btec!o,s do not p,ovide vol”metdc are: protection. They do create multiple kams of pro!% tion, and ino”sion m. only be deleclti ir unobalrucredareas covered by tho8e bam8. They cannot detmt motion or intf.sion that take! place behind wall$, .eitinQs, moors, closed doo,s, gla8s pa,titlons, glass doors, ., windows hchaniml tampering, masking, Wintino or splaying of any matetial on the mirrors, windows o any part of the optical syslem Wn fduce their detection atihy. Pas3ive lnbaf~ Detwtofs sensf changes in temperalur% however, as fhe ambient temperature of protw!d area approaties lhf temmratufe range of 90° to 150°F, tho del%lion Wrformance mn decrease. Alarm warning devices such as sirens, bells or horns may not alert Wople of wake up sleepers i they are Imaled on !he other side of CIOSA oc partly open dmrs. If warning devices sound on e dlleren! level .Itheresiden.ehom the bdrooms, thnn they ace Iesshkelyto waken oral.f Pople inside Ihe bd{ooms. Even prsons who are awake may not hear Ihe warning if the alarm is muffled from a stereo, ratio, ai, mndbloner or other appliance, or by pa$8ing traMo, Wnally, alarm warni.o devims, however loud, may nol warn heafing-lmpairti pple or waken deep sleewrs Telephono lines nwdod to !Iansmit alarm signals from a premi%s 10a central monitoring s!alior may be o“t 01 semi.. or temporarily .“1 01 sewiw. Telephone knes ar. .180 8.Me.l tc compromise by sophislialti in!fbders. Even if lhesy$tem responds to!ho emergency as intended, h~ever, wcupanls may have ins. ffiden! time !oorolect !hemselvesf,om theemeroencv si!”ati.n, In !he-seofam.ni!orm alarm system, auih;rities mayno!rnswnd appropdate~y. . Thlsq.ipment, fikeothe, elmtdcaldevims, i8subject tocomponent lallure. Even rno.ohthi$ Wuipment is designed lo Iasl as long as 10 years, the ofoctfonic mmwnents muld fail al any time The most common cause 01 an alarm system not functioning when an in!
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