Handbook 2006 3029
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U.S. CATHOLIC MISSION HANDBOOK 2006 Mission Inventory 2004 – 2005 Tables, Charts and Graphs Resources Published by the U.S. CATHOLIC MISSION ASSOCIATION 3029 Fourth St., NE Washington, DC 20017-1102 Phone: 202 – 884 – 9764 Fax: 202 – 884 – 9776 E-Mail: uscma@uscatholicmission.org Web sites: www.uscatholicmission.org and www.mission-education.org U.S. CATHOLIC MISSION HANDBOOK 2006 Mission Inventory 2004 – 2005 Tables, Charts and Graphs Resources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Published by the U.S. CATHOLIC MISSION ASSOCIATION 3029 Fourth St., NE Washington, DC 20017-1102 Phone: 202 – 884 – 9764 Fax: 202 – 884 – 9776 E-Mail: uscma@uscatholicmission.org Web sites: www.uscatholicmission.org and www.mission-education.org Additional copies may be ordered from USCMA. USCMA 3029 Fourth Street., NE Washington, DC 20017-1102 Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Web Sites: 202-884-9764 202-884-9776 uscma@uscatholicmission.org www.uscatholicmission.org and www.mission-education.org COST: $4.00 per copy domestic $6.00 per copy overseas All payments should be prepaid in U.S. dollars. Copyright © 2006 by the United States Catholic Mission Association, 3029 Fourth St, NE, Washington, DC 20017-1102. 202-884-9764. uscma@uscatholicmission.org All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written permission of the copyright holder. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: THE UNITED STATES CATHOLIC MISSION ASSOCIATION (USCMA)Purpose, Goals, Activities .................................................................................iv Board of Directors, USCMA Staff ................................................................................................... v Past Presidents, Past Executive Directors, History ..........................................................................vi Part II: The U.S. Catholic Mission Inventory: 2004-2005 Section A: ......................................................................................................................................Introduction Preface...............................................................................................................................................1 Guidelines to the Presentation ..........................................................................................................1 Cross-Cultural Guidelines ................................................................................................................2 Section B: U.S. Catholic Missioners by Church Role...................................................................................3 (Arch)Bishops ......................................................................................................3 Deacons ...............................................................................................................3 Diocesan Priests ...................................................................................................4 Lay Persons .........................................................................................................5 Religious Brothers ...............................................................................................8 Religious Priests ................................................................................................10 Religious Sisters ................................................................................................14 Seminarians .......................................................................................................21 U.S. Catholic Missioners by Church Role: 1960 – 2005 Table ..............................................22 Section C: U.S. Catholic Missioners by Country, Gender, Sending Organization ....................................24 . Section D: U.S. Catholic Missioners by Region, Country, Gender ...........................................................39 U.S. Missioners by Region and Gender: 2004 – 2005 .............................................................42 Section E: U.S. Catholic Missioners by State, Gender, Sending Organization .........................................43 U.S. Catholic Missioners by State, Gender and Sending Organization – details .....................50 Section F: U.S. Catholic Missioners – U.S. only – Region, State, Gender ...............................................66 Part III: U.S. Catholic Missioner Statistical Charts ...........................................................................68 U.S. Catholic Missioner Age Distribution by Church Role Table .....................68 Age Distribution (Charts) ........................................................................68 Primary Ministry: All Missioners (World and Cross-Cultural Tables) .............69 World and Cross-Cultural Pie Charts .......................................................70 Primary Ministry: U.S. Missioners by Regions (Table and Chart).....................71 Primary Ministry: U.S. Missioners Within US/Outside US Borders Table........72 Comparative Within/Outside Chart .........................................................73 Primary Work-Within U.S. Pie Chart ......................................................73 Primary Work-Outside U.S. Pie Chart .....................................................74 Comparison of All Missioners & All Activities: 2000-2005 Chart ...................74 Comparison of All Missioners Table: 2000-2005..............................................75 Part IV: Useful Information Handy References ..............................................................................................76 United States Catholic Conference of Bishops: Committee on Home Missions; Committee on World Missions ...............................................................81 iii UNITED STATES CATHOLIC MISSION ASSOCIATION (USCMA) STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: T he United States Catholic Mission Association unites and supports people committed to the cross-cultural global mission of Jesus Christ in service to the Church and the world. Globalization challenges the Church to be more missionary than ever before in its history. At this time of dramatic changes, U.S. Catholics face special responsibilities and opportunities for Christian leadership. As Catholics, we are called to live in solidarity and justice with the people of the world, particularly the poor and marginalized. Missioners serve in a unique way to move humanity toward global community. USCMA is an association of lay and religious members who are involved in missionary service. Our varied experiences with God and life challenge us to welcome all who seek to respond to their call to mission at home and abroad. We are in a new moment, seeing new possibilities for mission. USCMA continues to engage in the universal (catholic) Christian call to mission. USCMA seeks to foster and support existing and new forms of cross-cultural and inter-religious partnerships. At the heart of mission is a spirituality that recognizes solidarity among God’s people, reaches out to the poor, always attempts to build mutual relationships. In this way, USCMA assists the local and universal church in building the reign of God. FOCUS AREAS: Over the next three years, USCMA, will concentrate it efforts on the integration of the key elements of mission: Proclamation, witness, dialogue, spirituality and prayer, and reconciliation and social transformation. The call of the Gospel focuses our passion to share with others seeking God through proclamation, dialogue, and prayer. Responding to this call, USCMA will continue to focus on the missionary nature of the Church in the light of the ethnic and cultural diversity that characterizes our time. Aware of the challenges and opportunities presented by inculturation, USCMA seeks to strengthen its involvement in cross-cultural and inter-religious collaboration. USCMA works for social transformation through an integral vision of mission and justice. We strive for reconciliation and healing among all God’s people and with all creation. USCMA will address a deeper integration of a spirituality of solidarity and reconciliation in this era of globalization. USCMA will initiate conversations emphasizing developing areas of mission, such as, evolving theologies of mission, short-term and partnering mission experiences. AREAS OF ACTIVITIES: The board and membership of USCMA are committed to supporting and participating with the staff as they: • • • • Maintain publications, research, conferences, and mission statistics. Continue efforts at collaboration and networking with mission offices (congregation and diocesan), campus ministry offices, and mission oriented groups. Implement directions emerging from Mission Congress 2005. Explore and utilize appropriate technology for communication, mission animation, and education. iv USCMA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Committee: Sr. Mary McGlone, CSJ.........................................................President Rev. John Barth, MM.............................................................Vice President Ms. Megeen White-Testa.......................................................Secretary-Treasurer Mr. Sam Stanton ....................................................................Member-at-Large Rev. Wilfred Steinbacher, GHM ...........................................Member-at-Large Members: Sr. Mary Paul Aseogwu, DDL Sr. Shalini D’Souza, SCN Rev. Mr. Mickey Friesen Ms. Teresita Gonzalez Bro. Thomas Johnson, FSC Rev. Michael Linden, SJ Rev. Bill Morell, OMI Ms. Rachel Thomas-Morgan Sr. Suzanne Moore, MM Mr. Andrew Thompson, Ph.D. USCMA STAFF MEMBERS Rev. Michael Montoya, MJ ...................................................Executive Director Ms. Charlotte Cook................................................................Associate Director Sr. Anne Louise Von Hoene, MMS.......................................Accountant Sr. Michael Theresa Brauer, SNDdeN...................................Administrative Assistant MEMBERSHIP USCMA is a membership-based organization. Its members are involved in establishing the direction of the association; they support its life through participation in its research and activities; they provide the financial base that keeps the association viable. USCMA is open to mission-sending congregations and societies, diocesan mission offices, individual missioners, and others interested in cross-cultural mission and global solidarity. v USCMA PAST PRESIDENTS Most Rev. William G. Connare, 1970-1971; 1977-1981 Most Rev. Glennon P. Flavian, 1971-1974 His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Manning, 1974-1977 Sr. Mary Ann Dillon, RSM, 1981-1984 Sr. Mary Louise Lynch, MMS, 1984-1986 Rev. John Fischer, 1986-1990 Dr. Donald Mueller, 1990-1996 Rev. William J. Morton, SSC, 1996-1998 Sr. Christine Beckett, GHMS, 1999-2002 Rev. Joseph Nangle, OFM 2002-2005 USCMA PAST EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Rev. Joseph M. Connors, SVD, 1970-1973 Rev. Thomas More Page, CFX, 1973-1974 Rev. Anthony Bellagamba, IMC, 1974-1985 Rev. Joseph Lang, MM, 1985-1991 Sr. Margaret Loftus, SNDdeN, 1991-1995 Mr. Lou McNeil, Ph.D., 1995-1996 Sr. Rosanne Rustemeyer, SSND, 1996-2005 HISTORY The U.S. Catholic Mission Association was approved in its present mode at the Annual Assembly of the Board of Directors in September, 1981. It is linked historically both to the Mission Secretariat, which served the mission-sending organizations for over twenty years, as well as to the U.S. Catholic Mission Council, which functioned for some twelve years, before September 1981. vi PART II: THE U.S. CATHOLIC MISSION INVENTORY: 2004-2005 PREFACE We are happy to share with you the compilation of the missionary survey results received by the U.S. Catholic Mission Association in response to a questionnaire and a request to update the 2002-2003 statistics. The survey was originally mailed to 786 mission-sending organizations in January, 2005. A follow-up mailing was sent in May, 2005. Acknowledging that our mission outreach is to the global community, the tabulation is inclusive of U.S. citizens, Catholic missioners – laity, religious and clergy – serving in mission both within and outside the United States borders. Included in this edition of the USCMA Handbook 2006 is a section with charts and tables of the new data received in relation to previous data. GUIDELINES TO THE PRESENTATION The following 2005 – 2006 tabulation of United States catholic missioners serving both within the U.S. and abroad has been compiled by the U.S. Catholic Mission Association from data gathered from many sources. USCMA has compiled the lists of missioners from data received from mission-sending organizations and home dioceses (with additional reference to the official catholic directory). The data, therefore, is as reliable as the most diligent effort can make it and as the constant changes in personnel will allow. Some comments on several items in this handbook follow. The lists of data include only U.S. missioners, meaning those who are or have been United States citizens by birth or naturalization. Those who have taken out citizenship in their country of mission service are still listed here as missioners from the United States. On the other hand, citizens of other countries serving as members of mission-sending organizations headquartered in the U.S. are not listed. As an example, there are numerous Maryknoll sisters serving abroad, often in countries other than their homeland, who are not U.S. citizens and therefore are not listed here among the Maryknoll sisters serving abroad as U.S. Catholic missioners. This policy helps to prevent overlapping when the various national mission councils publish their tabulations. It must be remembered, however, that mission-sending organizations which appear to have only very few members in a given mission field may have many more who are not U.S. citizens. The lists bear the heading U.S. Catholic missioners. This includes all those Catholics who are sponsored by catholic mission-sending organizations, even if they work for projects not sponsored by the Catholic Church. The term missioner is used in its generally accepted sense. It includes not only those engaged in the primary and subsequent stages of evangelization but also those ministering in closely related areas of community service and development. The term serving stands for service over a period of time. While some organizations provide opportunities for short-term service, only those individuals are included in these statistics who serve for a minimum of one year. The term abroad means “outside” of the 50 contiguous united states. Those working in Alaska and Hawaii are included in the data as missioners serving within the U.S. as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are U.S. territories and not U.S. states, their data lies in the category of “abroad” for the statistical purposes of this inventory. As with the 2002 - 2003 tabulation, the many missioners ministering in cross-cultural situations in the United States are included. The continuing political and socio-economic changes, trends and circumstances – both in the U.S. and abroad – have enabled a renewed understanding of mission universally. 1 GUIDELINES FOR SURVEY OF U.S. CATHOLIC (CROSS-CULTURAL) MISSIONERS SERVING IN THE U.S. [Note: The following guidelines were included with the request to mission-sending organizations that they name constituencies involved in cross-cultural mission in the U.S.] The following guidelines are intended to be descriptive, not theological or sociological definitions. We offer them as guidelines for pastoral/mission judgment and not as definitive statements or categories. A cross-cultural missioner may fall into one or many of these descriptions. We at the U.S. Catholic Mission Association realize that these “guidelines” are not exhaustive, but they will help you in “self-defining” those missionary activities in which your organization is engaged. 1. The ministry is with people who have either never heard the Word or have never had it effectively proclaimed to them or their community i.e., generally not reachable by the common methods or means of ministry in the U.S. 2. The missioner is working in an area where the local church is easily understood as institutionally underdeveloped i.e., it lacks indigenous ecclesial leadership, personnel, and financial resources for effective ministry beyond the pastoral nurture of its own membership. 3. The ministry is genuinely with those on the margins i.e., among people linguistically, culturally, and/or economically outside the stream of the dominant culture. 4. The people with whom this ministry is exercised would see themselves as significantly distinct from the mainline culture i.e., their distinct identity is clearly perceived by themselves when in the larger cultural context of the United States. 5. It is a ministry of dialogue by which the Christian churches or community are engaged with a community of values different from its own in some core religious or moral manner. 2 U.S. CATHOLIC MISSIONERS BY CHURCH ROLE, SENDING ORGANIZATION, AND COUNTRY (Arch)Bishops AUGUSTINIANS (MIDWEST) Peru 1; ...TOTAL 1 Madagascar 1; ...TOTAL 1 MARYKNOLL FATHERS & BROTHERS American Samoa 1; ...TOTAL 1 BENEDICTINE - AM CASSINESE CONG (KS) Brazil 1; ...TOTAL 1 OBLATES OF ST. FRANCIS DE SALES (USA) South Africa 1; ...TOTAL 1 BLESSED SACRAMENT, CONG. OF (OH) United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (ASSUMPTION PROV) Kazakhstan 1; ...TOTAL 1 CARMELITE FRIARS (IL) Peru 1; ...TOTAL 1 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (HOLY NAME PROV) Brazil 2; ...TOTAL 2 COMBONI MISSIONARIES Sudan 1; ...TOTAL 1 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (IMM CONC PROV) Honduras 2; ...TOTAL 2 CONSOLATA MISSIONARY FATHERS Kenya 1; ...TOTAL 1 REDEMPTORISTS (CO) Brazil 1; ...TOTAL 1 DIVINE WORD, SOCIETY (IL) Austria 1; Papua New Guinea 1; ...TOTAL 2 REDEMPTORISTS (MD) Trinidad 1; ...TOTAL 1 DOMINICAN FRIARS (NY) Solomon Isl. 1; ...TOTAL 1 SACRED HEART, PRIESTS OF THE (WI) South Africa 1; ...TOTAL 1 FRANCISCAN OFM CAP (MI) Nicaragua 1; ...TOTAL 1 ST. LOUIS ARCHDIOCESE Bolivia 1; ...TOTAL 1 FRANCISCAN OFM CONV (NY) Brazil 1; ...TOTAL 1 XAVERIAN MISSIONARIES (USA) Sierra Leone 1; ...TOTAL 1 LASALETTE FATHERS (NO. AMERICAN PROV.) Total (Arch)bishops 24 Deacons FARGO DIOCESE Bolivia 1; ...TOTAL 1 United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 LALMBA ASSOCIATION United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 FORT WORTH DIOCESE Total Deacons 3 3 Diocesan Priests ANCHORAGE DIOCESE Russia 2; ...TOTAL 2 ARLINGTON DIOCESE Dominican Republic 1; ...TOTAL 1 BRIDGEPORT DIOCESE Brazil 2; Peru 1; ...TOTAL 3 CAMDEN DIOCESE Brazil 1; Canada 1; ...TOTAL 2 CLEVELAND DIOCESE El Salvador 5; ...TOTAL 5 DETROIT ARCHDIOCESE Brazil 1; Cayman Islands 1; ...TOTAL 2 EDUCATIONAL PARTNERS IN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 EL PASO DIOCESE Canada 1; ...TOTAL 1 Bolivia 2; Peru 2; ...TOTAL 4 LINCOLN DIOCESE Venezuela 1; ...TOTAL 1 LOUISVILLE DIOCESE Peru 1; ...TOTAL 1 MARYKNOLL MISSION ASSOC OF THE FAITHFUL Cambodia 1; Kenya 1; ...TOTAL 2 METUCHEN DIOCESE Ecuador 1; Italy 1; Spain 1; ...TOTAL 3 MISSIONARIES OF PASTORAL CHARITY SOCIETY (EL SAVADOR) El Salvador 1; ...TOTAL 1 NEW ORLEANS ARCHDIOCESE Costa Rica 1; Philippines 1; ...TOTAL 2 NEW ULM DIOCESE Guatemala 2; ...TOTAL 2 FORT WORTH DIOCESE Bolivia 1; ...TOTAL 1 NEW YORK ARCHDIOCESE Belgium 1; China 1; Dominican Republic 1; Korea 1; Lithuania 1; Singapore 1; ...TOTAL 6 GALVESTON-HOUSTON ARCHDIOCESE Guatemala 1; ...TOTAL 1 OUR LITTLE BROTHERS AND SISTERS Mexico 2; ...TOTAL 2 GARY DIOCESE El Salvador 1; ...TOTAL 1 OWENSBORO DIOCESE United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 GLENMARY HOME MISSIONERS United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 PHILADELPHIA ARCHDIOCESE Jamaica 1; ...TOTAL 1 GREAT FALLS-BILLINGS DIOCESE United States 3; ...TOTAL 3 PITTSBURGH DIOCESE Peru 1; ...TOTAL 1 GREEN BAY DIOCESE Dominican Republic 1; Mexico 1; ...TOTAL 2 PROVIDENCE DIOCESE Canada 1; ...TOTAL 1 HANDS TOGETHER, INC. United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 RICHMOND DIOCESE South Africa 1; ...TOTAL 1 HELENA DIOCESE Guatemala 1; ...TOTAL 1 SAGINAW DIOCESE Brazil 1; Germany 1; Mexico 1; ...TOTAL 3 KANSAS CITY (KS) ARCHDIOCESE Brazil 1; ...TOTAL 1 SAN ANTONIO ARCHDIOCESE Ireland 1; ...TOTAL 1 KANSAS CITY-ST JOSEPH (MO) DIOCESE Bolivia 1; Guatemala 1; ...TOTAL 2 SAN DIEGO DIOCESE Honduras 1; Nicaragua 1; Venezuela 1; ...TOTAL 3 LACROSSE DIOCESE 4 SAN FRANCISCO ARCHDIOCESE Mexico 1; ...TOTAL 1 ST. JOSEPH, CONGREGATION OF Mexico 1; ...TOTAL 1 SAVANNAH DIOCESE Germany 1; ...TOTAL 1 ST. LOUIS ARCHDIOCESE Belize 2; Bolivia 4; ...TOTAL 6 SIOUX CITY DIOCESE Germany 1; ...TOTAL 1 ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS ARCHDIOCESE Venezuela 2; ...TOTAL 2 SOCIETY OF ST. SULPICE (MD) Zambia 3; ...TOTAL 3 TOLEDO DIOCESE Zimbabwe 1; ...TOTAL 1 SPOKANE DIOCESE Guatemala 1; ...TOTAL 1 WASHINGTON ARCHDIOCESE Honduras 1; Vietnam 1; ...TOTAL 2 SPRINGFIELD (IL) DIOCESE Peru 1; ...TOTAL 1 WILMINGTON DIOCESE England 1; ...TOTAL 1 ST JAMES SOCIETY Bolivia 4; Ecuador 4; Peru 11; ...TOTAL 19 WORCESTER DIOCESE Bolivia 1; Peru 1; ...TOTAL 2 Total Diocesan Priests 109 Lay Persons ANDRE HOUSE OF ARIZONA United States 4; ...TOTAL 4 ANNUNCIATION HOUSE United States 15; ...TOTAL 15 ASSOCIATE MISSIONARIES France 4; Ireland 3; Spain 3; United States 2; ...TOTAL 12 United States 6; ...TOTAL 6 CABRINI MISSION CORPS (STELLA MARIS) South Africa 2; United States 4; ...TOTAL 6 CAPUCHIN FRANCISCAN VOL CORPS - YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTRY United States 3; ...TOTAL 3 ASSOCIATE MISSIONARIES OF THE ASSUMPTION (N AM PROV) Bolivia 3; France 1; Ireland 1; …TOTAL 5 CAPUCHIN FRANCISCAN VOLUNTEER CORPS - EAST Nicaragua 3; Papua New Guinea 2; United States 10; ...TOTAL 15 AUGUSTINIAN VOLUNTEER PROGRAM United States 4; ...TOTAL 4 CAPUCHIN FRANCISCAN VOLUNTEER CORPS – MIDWEST Nicaragua 2; ...TOTAL 2 AUGUSTINIAN VOLUNTEERS Peru 2; United States 21; ...TOTAL 23 CASA JUAN DIEGO United States 5; ...TOTAL 5 AUSTIN DIOCESE Honduras 2; ...TOTAL 2 CATHOLIC CHARITIES - PROJECT SERVE United States 6; ...TOTAL 6 BENEDICTINE - SWISS AM FED (IL) Ecuador 1; ...TOTAL 1 CATHOLIC MEDICAL MISSION BOARD Belize 3; Bolivia 2; China 3; Democratic Rep. of Congo 1; Dominican Republic 4; Ecuador 6; Guatemala 5; Haiti 3; Honduras 4; Kenya 14; St. Lucia 1; Sudan 1; Swaziland 2; Tanzania 1; Zambia 1; ...TOTAL 51 BENEDICTINE SISTERS VOLUNTEER PROGRAM United States 2; ...TOTAL 2 BISMARCK DIOCESE Kenya 1; ...TOTAL 1 BRS. OF THE SACRED HEART VOL. SERV. COMM. CATHOLIC VOLUNTEERS IN FLORIDA United States 11; ...TOTAL 11 5 CHANGE A HEART- MILLVALE FRANCISCAN VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Puerto Rico 1; United States 3; ...TOTAL 4 CHRISTIAN APPALACHIAN PROJECT United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 FRANCIS CORPS (IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PROVINCE) United States 7; ...TOTAL 7 FRANCISCAN COVENANT PROGRAM (ST. BARBARA) United States 15; ...TOTAL 15 CHRISTIAN BROTHERS, CONG. (NY) Peru 8; ...TOTAL 8 FRANCISCAN MISSION SERVICE Bolivia 5; El Salvador 2; Guatemala 4; Thailand 1; Vietnam 1; Zambia 1; ...TOTAL 14 CLARETIAN VOL & LAY MISSIONARIES United States 9; ...TOTAL 9 FRANCISCAN VOLUNTEER MINISTRY (HOLY NAME PROVINCE) United States 7; … TOTAL 7 COLORADO VINCENTIAN VOLUNTEERS Kenya 1; United States 12; ...TOTAL 13 FRANCISCAN VOLUNTEER PROGRAM United States 17; ...TOTAL 17 COLUMBAN FATHERS Chile 2; Taiwan 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 4 GLENMARY HOME MISSIONERS United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 COLUMBAN LAY MISSION PROGRAM Chile 2; Taiwan 1; ...TOTAL 3 GOD'S CHILD PROJECT Guatemala 1; ...TOTAL 1 COLUMBUS DIOCESE Brazil 1; ...TOTAL 1 GOOD SHEPHERD VOLUNTEERS United States 17; ...TOTAL 17 COMBONI LAY MISSIONARY PROGRAM Kenya 1; ...TOTAL 1 GREAT FALLS-BILLINGS DIOCESE United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 COMFORT HOUSE SERVICES, INC. United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 HAITI QUEST Haiti 1; ...TOTAL 1 CSJ VOLUNTEERS IN MISSION United States 2; ...TOTAL 2 HANDS TOGETHER, INC. Haiti 1; United States 2; ...TOTAL 3 DENVER ARCHDIOCESE Kenya 1; Mexico 1; Nicaragua 1; ...TOTAL 3 HOLY CROSS ASSOCIATES Chile 8; United States 36; ...TOTAL 44 DIOCESAN SERVICE CORPS - BUFFALO United States 4; ...TOTAL 4 HOLY FAMILY SERVICES - BIRTH CENTER United States 6; ...TOTAL 6 DOMINICAN VOLUNTEERS USA United States 15; ...TOTAL 15 IHM LAY VOLUNTEERS Brazil 1; ...TOTAL 1 EDUCATIONAL PARTNERS IN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS United States 42; ...TOTAL 42 INNER-CITY TEACHING CORPS United States 24; ...TOTAL 24 ELIZABETH HOUSE United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 ERIE DIOCESE Mexico 2; ...TOTAL 2 FAMILY UNITY INTERNATIONAL, INC. Ecuador 2; United States 1; ...TOTAL 3 FARGO DIOCESE Bolivia 1; ...TOTAL 1 FARM OF THE CHILD Honduras 2; ...TOTAL 2 INTERCOMMUNITY MINISTRY VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Guatemala 1; …TOTAL 1 JESUIT VOLUNTEER CORPS - EAST United States 74; ...TOTAL 74 JESUIT VOLUNTEER CORPS - MIDWEST United States 43; ...TOTAL 43 JESUIT VOLUNTEER CORPS - NORTHWEST United States 108; ...TOTAL 108 JESUIT VOLUNTEER CORPS - SOUTH United States 48; ...TOTAL 48 6 JESUIT VOLUNTEER CORPS - SOUTHWEST United States 91; ...TOTAL 91 JESUIT VOLUNTEERS: INTERNATIONAL Belize 17; Bolivia 2; Chile 2; Marshall Islands 7; Micronesia 11; Nepal 7; Nicaragua 11; Peru 10; South Africa 4; Tanzania 7; TOTAL 78 KANSAS CITY (KS) ARCHDIOCESE Brazil 1; ...TOTAL 1 KNOXVILLE DIOCESE United States 3; ...TOTAL 3 LACROSSE DIOCESE Peru 1; ...TOTAL 1 LAFAYETTE (LA) DIOCESE Malaysia 1; Mexico 6; Virgin Islands 4; ...TOTAL 11 LALMBA ASSOCIATION Eritrea 2; Ethiopia 4; Kenya 4; United States 3; ...TOTAL 13 LAMP MINISTRIES United States 16; ...TOTAL 16 LASALLIAN VOLUNTEERS United States 29; ...TOTAL 29 LAY MISSION OBLATES OF MARY IMM United States 4; ...TOTAL 4 LAY MISSION-HELPERS ASSOCIATION American Samoa 1; Cameroon 1; Taiwan 1; ...TOTAL 3 LORETTO VOLUNTEER PROGRAM United States 4; ...TOTAL 4 LOS ANGELES ARCHDIOCESE American Samoa 2; Cameroon 3; Guatemala 1; Kenya 2; Marshall Islands 2; ...TOTAL 10 MANCHESTER DIOCESE Colombia 1; ...TOTAL 1 MARIST VOLUNTEER PROGRAM United States 4; ...TOTAL 4 MARYKNOLL MISSION ASSOC OF THE FAITHFUL Bolivia 5; Brazil 10; Cambodia 5; Chile 6; East Timor 6; El Salvador 2; Kenya 6; Mexico 7; Tanzania 6; Thailand 7; United States 20; Venezuela 5; Vietnam 2; Zimbabwe 2; ...TOTAL 89 MERCY VOLUNTEER CORPS Guyana 2; United States 31; ...TOTAL 33 MILWAUKEE ARCHDIOCESE Uganda 1; ...TOTAL 1 MISSION DOCTORS ASSOCIATION Uganda 2; Zimbabwe 4; ...TOTAL 6 MISSIONARY CENACLE VOLUNTEERS Costa Rica 1; Mexico 1; United States 12; ...TOTAL 14 MISSIONARY SISTERS OF O.L. OF AFRICA United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 MISSIONERS OF THE INCARNATE WORD Guatemala 2; Mexico 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 4 NAZARETH HOMES AND NAZARETH FRIENDS United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 NEW ORLEANS ARCHDIOCESE Mexico 2; ...TOTAL 2 NEWARK BENEDICTINE VOLUNTEER PROGRAM United States 2; ...TOTAL 2 O.L. MOST HOLY TRINITY, SOCIETY Belize 5; Haiti 2; Italy 1; United States 44; ...TOTAL 52 OPERATION TEACH United States 4; ...TOTAL 4 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (OL GUADALUPE PROV) Mexico 1; ...TOTAL 1 ORLANDO DIOCESE Dominican Republic 1; ...TOTAL 1 OUR LITTLE BROTHERS AND SISTERS Mexico 2; ...TOTAL 2 PORTLAND (ME) DIOCESE Colombia 1; ...TOTAL 1 PROVIDENCE VOLUNTEER MINISTRIES United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 RED CLOUD VOLUNTEER PROGRAM United States 7; ...TOTAL 7 RESPONSE-ABILITY PROGRAM Dominican Republic 7; ...TOTAL 7 ROSTRO DE CRISTO MISSION VOL PROGRAM Ecuador 8; ...TOTAL 8 SACRED HEART LAY MISSIONERS (WI) United States 4; ...TOTAL 4 SAINT MICHAEL INDIAN SCHOOL United States 21; ...TOTAL 21 SALESIAN LAY MISSIONERS (NY) Bolivia 9; China 2; Dominican Republic 1; Mexico 2; Papua New Guinea 2; Peru 1; Sierra Leone 2; Thailand 1; United States 5; ...TOTAL 25 7 SAN ANTONIO ARCHDIOCESE El Salvador 2; ...TOTAL 2 TEXAS CATHOLIC CONFERENCE United States 13; ...TOTAL 13 SAVANNAH DIOCESE United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 TOLEDO DIOCESE Zimbabwe 1; ...TOTAL 1 SCHOOL SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS OF BETHLEHEM, PA Kenya 1; ...TOTAL 1 URBAN CATHOLIC TEACHER CORPS OF BOSTON United States 23; ...TOTAL 23 SIDE BY SIDE LAY VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Italy 1; ...TOTAL 1 VINCENTIAN SERVICE CORPS (CENTRAL) United States 4; ...TOTAL 4 SISTERS OF CHARITY, BVM (IA) Ecuador 10; ...TOTAL 10 VINCENTIAN SERVICE CORPS (EAST) United States 18; ...TOTAL 18 SMA LAY MISSIONARIES Ghana 3; Kenya 1; Tanzania 2; United States 2; ...TOTAL 8 VOLUNTEER MISSIONARY MOVEMENT El Salvador 5; Guatemala 6; Sudan 1; Uganda 2; United States 3; Zambia 1; ...TOTAL 18 ST BONAVENTURE INDIAN SCHOOL United States 11; ...TOTAL 11 WICHITA DIOCESE Yugoslavia 1; ...TOTAL 1 ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS ARCHDIOCESE Ecuador 1; ...TOTAL 1 Total Lay Persons 1402 Religious Brothers ALEXIAN BROTHERS (IL) Hungary 1; Philippines 2; ...TOTAL 3 CHRISTIAN BROTHERS, CONG. (BROTHER RICE PROVINCE) Peru 4; Zambia 1; ...TOTAL 5 ANDRE HOUSE OF ARIZONA United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 CHRISTIAN BROTHERS, DE LA SALLE (CA) England 1; Ethiopia 1; Philippines 1; ...TOTAL 3 BENEDICTINE - AM CASSINESE CONG (MN) Japan 2; ...TOTAL 2 CHRISTIAN BROTHERS, DE LA SALLE (MD) Israel 1; Italy 1; Kenya 2; Philippines 1; ...TOTAL 5 BENEDICTINE - AM CASSINESE CONG (PA) Taiwan 1; ...TOTAL 1 CHRISTIAN BROTHERS, DE LA SALLE (MIDWEST) Israel 3; Kenya 3; Pakistan 1; United States 15; ...TOTAL 22 BENEDICTINE - SWISS AM FED (AR) Belize 1; ...TOTAL 1 BENEDICTINE - SWISS AM FED (LA) Guatemala 1; ...TOTAL 1 BLESSED SACRAMENT, CONG. OF (OH) Uganda 1; ...TOTAL 1 CARMELITES, DISCALCED (WI) Kenya 1; ...TOTAL 1 CHARITY, BROTHERS OF (PA) South Africa 1; ...TOTAL 1 CHRISTIAN BROTHERS, CONG. (NY) Peru 10; United States 11; ...TOTAL 21 CHRISTIAN BROTHERS, DE LA SALLE (NY) Ethiopia 2; Israel 1; Kenya 2; Poland 1; South Africa 1; United States 41; ...TOTAL 48 CHRISTIAN BROTHERS, DE LA SALLE (RI) Ethiopia 2; Kenya 2; ...TOTAL 4 CHRISTIAN INSTRUCTION, BROTHERS (ME) Canada 1; Uganda 1; ...TOTAL 2 COMBONI MISSIONARIES United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 CROSIER FATHERS & BROTHERS United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 8 DIVINE WORD, SOCIETY (IL) Australia 1; Indonesia 1; Kenya 1; Papua New Guinea 1; Paraguay 1; Philippines 1; Thailand 1; United States 2; ...TOTAL 9 LASALETTE FATHERS (NO. AMERICAN PROV.) Philippines 1; ...TOTAL 1 DOMINICAN FRIARS (IL) Nigeria 1; ...TOTAL 1 MARIANISTS (U.S. PROVINCE) Czech Rep 1; India 5; Ireland 2; Italy 1; Kenya 5; Korea 1; Malawi 1; Mexico 5; Puerto Rico 2; United States 13; Zambia 4; ...TOTAL 40 DOMINICAN FRIARS (LA) United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 MARIST BROTHERS (NY) Japan 3; Philippines 1; ...TOTAL 4 FELICIAN VIM (NJ) United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 MARIST FATHERS & BROTHERS (GA) United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 FRANCISCAN FRIARS OF ATONEMENT (GRAYMOOR) Canada 2; England 1; ...TOTAL 3 MARYKNOLL FATHERS & BROTHERS Bolivia 4; Chile 1; China 1; Guatemala 1; Hong Kong 2; Kenya 2; Mozambique 2; Philippines 2; Taiwan 1; Tanzania 2; Thailand 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 20 FRANCISCAN OFM (DC) Israel 5; Italy 6; Syria 1; United States 2; ...TOTAL 14 FRANCISCAN OFM CAP (MID-AMERICA PROV) Papua New Guinea 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 2 FRANCISCAN OFM CAP (ST AUGUSTINE PROV) Papua New Guinea 1; ...TOTAL 1 FRANCISCAN OFM CAP (ST MARY PROV) Guam 1; Okinawa 1; ...TOTAL 2 MISSIONARIES OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD (OH) United States 2; ...TOTAL 2 MISSIONARY SERVANTS/MOST HOLY TRINITY United States 2; ...TOTAL 2 MISSIONHURST Brazil 1; Congo 1; ...TOTAL 2 FRANCISCAN OFM CONV (IL) Mexico 1; Zambia 1; ...TOTAL 2 OBLATES OF MARY IMMACULATE (UNITED STATES) Brazil 1; Colombia 1; Mexico 1; Sweden 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 5 FRANCISCAN OFM CONV (IN) Zambia 2; ...TOTAL 2 OBLATES OF ST. FRANCIS DE SALES (USA) Virgin Islands 1; ...TOTAL 1 GLENMARY HOME MISSIONERS United States 8; ...TOTAL 8 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (ASSUMPTION PROV) Philippines 1; Russia 1; South Africa 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 4 HOLY CROSS BROTHERS (IN) Bangladesh 2; Chile 1; Ghana 3; Peru 1; Uganda 1; ...TOTAL 8 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (HOLY NAME PROV) Peru 1; ...TOTAL 1 HOLY CROSS BROTHERS (TX) Bangladesh 1; Brazil 10; United States 1; ...TOTAL 12 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (OL GUADALUPE PROV) United States 10; ...TOTAL 10 HOLY CROSS BROTHERS (NY) Uganda 6; ...TOTAL 6 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (SACRED HEART PROV) Brazil 1; China 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 3 JESUITS (CA) Japan 1; Mexico 1; ...TOTAL 2 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (ST BARBARA PROV) Israel 1; Mexico 2; Peru 1; United States 2; ...TOTAL 6 JESUITS (MO) Belize 2; ...TOTAL 2 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (ST JOHN BAPT PROV) Jamaica 3; Philippines 2; ...TOTAL 5 JESUITS (NEW ORLEANS) Brazil 1; ...TOTAL 1 PASSIONIST VOLUNTEERS INTERNATIONAL (NJ) Jamaica 1; Philippines 1; ...TOTAL 2 JESUITS (NY) Micronesia 1; ...TOTAL 1 REDEMPTORISTS (CO) Brazil 1; ...TOTAL 1 JESUITS (WI) United States 4; ...TOTAL 4 REDEMPTORISTS (PR) 9 Dominican Republic 1; Puerto Rico 2; ...TOTAL 3 SOCIETY OF ST. EDMUND United States 2; ...TOTAL 2 SACRED HEART MISSIONARIES (IL) Papua New Guinea 3; ...TOTAL 3 SOCIETY OF THE DIVINE SAVIOR Tanzania 1; United States 2; ...TOTAL 3 SACRED HEART, BROTHERS (NE) Lesotho 1; Uganda 1; Zambia 2; ...TOTAL 4 SONS OF MARY, HEALTH OF THE SICK (BOSTON) Philippines 3; ...TOTAL 3 SACRED HEART, BROTHERS (NEW ORLEANS) United States 5; ...TOTAL 5 SPIRITANS (PA) Tanzania 1; ...TOTAL 1 SACRED HEART, BROTHERS (NY) Kenya 2; ...TOTAL 2 ST BONAVENTURE INDIAN SCHOOL United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 SACRED HEART, PRIESTS OF THE (WI) India 1; ...TOTAL 1 VIATORIANS (IL) Belize 1; ...TOTAL 1 SALESIANS (NY) Canada 1; Sierra Leone 3; ...TOTAL 4 VINCENTIANS (MO) Kenya 2; ...TOTAL 2 SOCIETY OF MISSIONARIES OF AFRICA (NORTH AMERICAN) Ghana 1; Malawi 1; United States 3; ...TOTAL 5 Total Religious Brothers XAVERIAN BROTHERS VOLUNTEER MINISTRIES Bolivia 2; Haiti 1; Kenya 6; Sudan 1; ...TOTAL 10 366 Religious Priests ADORNO FATHERS Congo 1; India 1; Philippines 1; ...TOTAL 3 BENEDICTINE - AM CASSINESE CONG (MN) Bahamas 3; Japan 3; Taiwan 1; ...TOTAL 7 AFRICAN MISSIONS, SOCIETY OF Kenya 1; Liberia 1; United States 2; ...TOTAL 4 BENEDICTINE - SWISS AM FED (AR) Belize 2; ...TOTAL 2 ANDRE HOUSE OF ARIZONA United States 2; ...TOTAL 2 BENEDICTINE - SWISS AM FED (IL) Guatemala 2; ...TOTAL 2 BENEDICTINE - SWISS AM FED (SD) Guatemala 3; ...TOTAL 3 AUGUSTINIANS (MIDWEST) Japan 1; Mexico 1; Peru 5; United States 1; ...TOTAL 8 AUGUSTINIANS (PA) Japan 5; Peru 3; South Africa 1; ...TOTAL 9 AUGUSTINIANS OF THE ASSUMPTION (NORTH AMERICA) Canada 1; Greece 1; Israel 1; Kenya 1; Korea 1; Mexico 3; Tanzania 2; ...TOTAL 10 BASILIAN FATHERS (TORONTO) Colombia 2; Mexico 4; ...TOTAL 6 BENEDICTINE - AM CASSINESE CONG (IL) Taiwan 1; ...TOTAL 1 BENEDICTINE - AM CASSINESE CONG (KS) Brazil 2; ...TOTAL 2 BLESSED SACRAMENT, CONG. OF (OH) Italy 1; Philippines 3; United States 1; ...TOTAL 5 CARMELITE FRIARS (IL) El Salvador 1; Mexico 6; Peru 8; ...TOTAL 15 CARMELITE FRIARS (NY) Colombia 1; Vietnam 2; ...TOTAL 3 CARMELITES, DISCALCED (WI) Kenya 3; Philippines 4; ...TOTAL 7 CLARETIAN MISSIONARIES (US EASTERN) Jamaica 4; United States 9; ...TOTAL 13 COLUMBAN FATHERS 10 Chile 3; England 1; Fiji 2; Hong Kong 1; Ireland 3; Japan 4;Korea 1; Philippines 6; Taiwan 1; United States 10; ...TOTAL 32 FRANCISCAN OFM CAP (ST MARY PROV) Guam 3; Honduras 2; Japan 2; Okinawa 4; Turkey 1; United States 4; ...TOTAL 16 COMBONI MISSIONARIES Brazil 1; Mexico 2; South Africa 1; Sudan 2; Uganda 3; United States 6; ...TOTAL 15 FRANCISCAN OFM CONV (IL) Mexico 2; ...TOTAL 2 CONG. OF THE SACRED HEARTS (CA) Philippines 1; ...TOTAL 1 CONG. OF THE SACRED HEARTS (MA) Bahamas 3; India 2; Japan 3; Philippines 2; United States 4; ...TOTAL 14 CONSOLATA MISSIONARY FATHERS Canada 1; Kenya 2; ...TOTAL 3 CROSIER FATHERS & BROTHERS Indonesia 1; Zaire 1; ...TOTAL 2 DIVINE WORD, SOCIETY (IL) Argentina 2; Australia 4; East Timor 1; Ecuador 1; England 1; Ghana 6; Hong Kong 1; Indonesia 5; Italy 6; Jamaica 1; Japan 8; Korea 2; Mexico 4; Mozambique 1; Papua New Guinea 6; Philippines 8; Taiwan 5; United States 24; Vietnam 2; West Indies 2; …TOTAL 90 DOMINICAN FRIARS (CA) Guatemala 1; Lithuania 1; Mexico 2; United States 1; ...TOTAL 5 DOMINICAN FRIARS (IL) Bolivia 3; Kenya 1; Nigeria 5; ...TOTAL 9 DOMINICAN FRIARS (LA) Peru 1; Puerto Rico 1; United States 18; ...TOTAL 20 DOMINICAN FRIARS (NY) Kenya 4; Pakistan 2; Peru 2; Philippines 1; ...TOTAL 9 DUBUQUE ARCHDIOCESE Philippines 1; ...TOTAL 1 FARGO DIOCESE Peru 1; ...TOTAL 1 FRANCISCAN FRIARS OF ATONEMENT (GRAYMOOR) Canada 2; Japan 4; ...TOTAL 6 FRANCISCAN OFM (DC) Egypt 1; Israel 8; Zambia 1; ...TOTAL 10 FRANCISCAN OFM CAP (MI) Australia 2; Costa Rica 1; Nicaragua 8; Panama 4; United States 4; ...TOTAL 19 FRANCISCAN OFM CAP (MID-AMERICA PROV) Papua New Guinea 3; Puerto Rico 1; ...TOTAL 4 FRANCISCAN OFM CAP (ST AUGUSTINE PROV) Papua New Guinea 10; Puerto Rico 1; ...TOTAL 11 FRANCISCAN OFM CONV (IN) Russia 1; United States 1; Zambia 3; ...TOTAL 5 FRANCISCAN OFM CONV (MD) Brazil 1; Ghana 1; Japan 1; Kenya 1; ...TOTAL 4 FRANCISCAN OFM CONV (NY) Brazil 1; Costa Rica 1; ...TOTAL 2 FRANCISCAN THIRD ORDER REGULAR (IMMACULATE CONCEPTION) United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 GLENMARY HOME MISSIONERS United States 36; ...TOTAL 36 GREAT FALLS-BILLINGS DIOCESE United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 HOLY CROSS FATHERS (EASTERN) Bangladesh 1; Peru 5; ...TOTAL 6 HOLY CROSS, CONGREGATION OF (IN) Bangladesh 7; Chile 9; Mexico 1; Peru 1; Uganda 6; United States 9; ...TOTAL 33 HOLY FAMILY, MISSIONARIES OF Canada 1; United States 4; ...TOTAL 5 JESUITS (CA) Brazil 1; Ecuador 1; Guatemala 1; Honduras 3; Japan 3; Nigeria 1; Peru 1; Philippines 2; Taiwan 9; Thailand 1; Zambia 1; ...TOTAL 24 JESUITS (CHICAGO) India 8; Japan 1; Kenya 1; Nepal 3; Peru 12; United States 4; Zimbabwe 1; ...TOTAL 30 JESUITS (MD) Argentina 1; Bolivia 1; Chile 3; India 7; Japan 4; Kenya 2; Mexico 1; Nicaragua 1; Nigeria 4; Philippines 1; Russia 1; Taiwan 1; Tanzania 1; Thailand 1; United States 4; ...TOTAL 33 JESUITS (MI) India 6; Japan 1; Kenya 1; Nepal 1; Nicaragua 1; Peru 1; Sudan 1; Tanzania 2; Uganda 1; ...TOTAL 15 JESUITS (MO) Belize 8; Honduras 5; Mexico 1; Panama 1; Zimbabwe 1; ...TOTAL 16 JESUITS (NEW ENGLAND) Belize 1; Brazil 2; Egypt 1; Ethiopia 1; Honduras 1; 11 Indonesia 1; Israel 2; Jamaica 9; Japan 1; Jordan 3; Lebanon 2; Mozambique 1; Nepal 1; Tanzania 1; United States 4; ...TOTAL 31 JESUITS (NEW ORLEANS) Brazil 5; Micronesia 1; Paraguay 2; Russia 1; Sri Lanka 2; Zambia 3; Zimbabwe 2; ...TOTAL 16 JESUITS (NY) Canada 1; Chad 1; Colombia 1; Ecuador 1; El Salvador 1; Ghana 2; Guam 3; Guatemala 1; Japan 1; Kenya 1; Marshall Islands 3; Micronesia 7; Myanmar 1; Nigeria 5; No. Marianas Islands 1; Palau 1; Philippines 29; Puerto Rico 3; Zambia 1; ...TOTAL 64 JESUITS (OR) Ghana 1; Tanzania 1; Uganda 1; United States 22; Zambia 6; ...TOTAL 31 JESUITS (WI) Argentina 1; Honduras 1; Kenya 1; Philippines 1; Tanzania 1; Uganda 2; United States 22; ...TOTAL 29 LASALETTE FATHERS (NO. AMERICAN PROV.) Argentina 4; Bolivia 1; Madagascar 2; Philippines 1; United States 5; ...TOTAL 13 LEGIONARIES OF CHRIST Austria 1; Brazil 1; Canada 1; France 1; Germany 5; Ireland 2; Italy 4; Mexico 6; Netherlands 1; Spain 1; United States 2; ...TOTAL 25 MARIAN FATHERS (MA) United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 MARIANISTS (U.S. PROVINCE) Bangladesh 1; India 1; Ireland 1; Kenya 2; Malawi 1; Mexico 3; Puerto Rico 3; United States 3; Zambia 1; ...TOTAL 16 MARIANNHILL MISSIONARIES South Africa 1; Zimbabwe 2; ...TOTAL 3 MARIST FATHERS & BROTHERS (GA) Brazil 1; Philippines 1; United States 2; Western Samoa 1; ...TOTAL 5 MARIST FATHERS & BROTHERS (MA) New Caledonia 1; Solomon Isl. 2; Vanuatu 1; ...TOTAL 4 MARYKNOLL FATHERS & BROTHERS Bangladesh 3; Bolivia 10; Brazil 4; Cambodia 1; Chile 8; China 10; East Timor 1; Egypt 1; El Salvador 4; Ethiopia 1; Guatemala 7; Honduras 5; Hong Kong 26; Indonesia 1; Japan 21; Kenya 10; Korea 15; Mexico 6; Mozambique 2; Namibia 3; Nepal 2; Nicaragua 3; Peru 11; Philippines 15; Puerto Rico 1; Russia 2; Taiwan 27; Tanzania 15; Thailand 2; United States 12; Vietnam 2; ...TOTAL 231 MILL HILL MISSIONARIES England 1; Kenya 1; Pakistan 1; United States 2; ...TOTAL 5 MILWAUKEE ARCHDIOCESE Dominican Republic 2; ...TOTAL 2 MISSIONARIES OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD (MO) Tanzania 1; Vietnam 2; ...TOTAL 3 MISSIONARIES OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD (OH) Chile 4; Guatemala 1; Mexico 1; Peru 5; United States 3; ...TOTAL 14 MISSIONARY SERVANTS/MOST HOLY TRINITY Costa Rica 3; Mexico 2; Puerto Rico 4; United States 12; ...TOTAL 21 MISSIONHURST Brazil 1; Dominican Republic 1; Haiti 1; Philippines 1; United States 5; ...TOTAL 9 MONTFORT MISSIONARIES (US) Dominican Republic 1; Nicaragua 3; ...TOTAL 4 NORBERTINES (PA) Peru 1; ...TOTAL 1 NORBERTINES (WI) Peru 4; ...TOTAL 4 O.L. MOST HOLY TRINITY, SOCIETY Belize 2; England 1; Mexico 1; ...TOTAL 4 OBLATES OF MARY IMMACULATE (UNITED STATES) Bolivia 2; Brazil 18; Canada 1; Colombia 3; Denmark 5; French Guiana 2; Greenland 1; Guatemala 5; Haiti 11; Indonesia 1; Japan 10; Mexico 15; Paraguay 1; Philippines 6; South Africa 2; Sweden 1; United States 45; Zambia 5; ...TOTAL 134 OBLATES OF ST. FRANCIS DE SALES (USA) Brazil 5; Haiti 1; India 3; Mexico 4; Namibia 3; South Africa 10; Ukraine 1; United States 1; Uruguay 1; ...TOTAL 29 OBLATES OF THE VIRGIN MARY Brazil 1; Philippines 2; ...TOTAL 3 ORDER OF FRIAR SERVANTS OF MARY (USA) South Africa 1; ...TOTAL 1 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (ASSUMPTION PROV) Mexico 1; Morocco 1; United States 4; ...TOTAL 6 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (HOLY NAME PROV) Bolivia 3; Brazil 8; Japan 6; Kenya 1; Malawi 1; Peru 4; Puerto Rico 2; Tanzania 1; United States 7; ...TOTAL 33 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (IMM CONC PROV) El Salvador 2; Guatemala 3; United States 1; ...TOTAL 6 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (OL GUADALUPE PROV) Guatemala 1; Mexico 1; Peru 2; Puerto Rico 1; United States 38; ...TOTAL 43 12 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (SACRED HEART PROV) Brazil 11; Italy 2; Morocco 1; Russia 1; Tanzania 1; United States 2; Vietnam 1; Zaire 1; ...TOTAL 20 SCALABRINI FATHERS (IL) Mexico 1; ...TOTAL 1 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (ST BARBARA PROV) Guatemala 1; Mexico 1; Peru 1; United States 7; ...TOTAL 10 SOCIETY OF MISSIONARIES OF AFRICA (N AMER.) Canada 1; England 1; France 1; Ghana 2; Israel 1; Mexico 1; Spain 1; Uganda 1; United States 19; Zambia 1; ...TOTAL 29 ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR (ST JOHN BAPT PROV) Jamaica 2; Japan 1; Kenya 1; Philippines 6; ...TOTAL 10 SOCIETY OF ST. EDMUND France 1; United States 5; Venezuela 1; ...TOTAL 7 OUR LITTLE BROTHERS AND SISTERS Haiti 1; ...TOTAL 1 SOCIETY OF ST. SULPICE (MD) Mexico 1; Zambia 4; ...TOTAL 5 PASSIONIST VOLUNTEERS INTERNATIONAL (NJ) Bahamas 1; Haiti 1; Jamaica 3; Kenya 1; Philippines 2; United States 3; ...TOTAL 11 SOCIETY OF THE DIVINE SAVIOR Mexico 1; Tanzania 2; United States 1; ...TOTAL 4 SONS OF MARY, HEALTH OF THE SICK (BOSTON) Honduras 1; ...TOTAL 1 PASSIONISTS (IL) India 2; Japan 5; ...TOTAL 7 SPIRITANS (PA) Dominican Republic 1; Ethiopia 1; Puerto Rico 3; South Africa 2; Tanzania 4; ...TOTAL 11 PONTIFICAL INSTITUTE FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS Brazil 2; India 1; Italy 3; Philippines 2; United States 2; ...TOTAL 10 SPIRITANS (TX) Mexico 2; Philippines 1; ...TOTAL 3 REDEMPTORISTS (BRAZIL) Brazil 2; ...TOTAL 2 ST. FRANCIS DE SALES, OBLATES (OH) Brazil 1; Mexico 1; Namibia 1; Philippines 1; ...TOTAL 4 REDEMPTORISTS (CO) Brazil 10; Nigeria 4; Thailand 8; ...TOTAL 22 ST. JOSEPH, CONGREGATION OF Mexico 1; ...TOTAL 1 REDEMPTORISTS (MD) Dominica 3; Paraguay 2; St. Lucia 6; Virgin Islands 3; West Indies 2; ...TOTAL 16 STIGMATINE FATHERS MISSION OFFICE Brazil 1; Italy 1; Thailand 2; ...TOTAL 4 REDEMPTORISTS (PR) Dominican Republic 9; Italy 1; Mexico 1; Puerto Rico 23; United States 5; ...TOTAL 39 VIATORIANS (IL) Belize 2; Colombia 2; ...TOTAL 4 RESURRECTION CONGREGATION United States 3; ...TOTAL 3 VINCENTIANS (CA) United States 2; ...TOTAL 2 SACRED HEART MISSIONARIES (IL) Colombia 2; Papua New Guinea 6; United States 1; ...TOTAL 9 VINCENTIANS (MO) Kenya 5; ...TOTAL 5 VINCENTIANS (PA) Panama 7; Taiwan 1; United States 2; ...TOTAL 10 SACRED HEART, PRIESTS OF THE (WI) Indonesia 1; South Africa 1; Zaire 1; ...TOTAL 3 XAVERIAN MISSIONARIES (USA) Brazil 4; Cameroon 1; Indonesia 1; Italy 1; Mexico 1; Philippines 1; Sierra Leone 2; United States 9; ...TOTAL 20 SALESIANS (NY) Canada 3; Chile 1; China 1; Italy 1; Japan 1; Korea 2; Liberia 2; Sierra Leone 2; Tanzania 1; ...TOTAL 14 Total Religious Priests 1663 13 Religious Sisters ADORERS OF THE BLOOD OF CHRIST Bolivia 4; Guatemala 2; Korea 1; ...TOTAL 7 CHRISTIAN CHARITY, SISTERS (IL) Argentina 1; United States 2; ...TOTAL 3 APOSTLES OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS (UNITED STATES) Taiwan 4; United States 15; ...TOTAL 19 CLEVELAND DIOCESE El Salvador 1; ...TOTAL 1 BENEDICTINE SISTERS United States 7; ...TOTAL 7 BENEDICTINE SISTERS (FERDINAND, IN) Guatemala 1; Peru 2; ...TOTAL 3 BENEDICTINE SISTERS (MT. ANGEL, OR) United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 BENEDICTINE SISTERS (ST. JOSEPH, MN) United States 6; ...TOTAL 6 BENEDICTINE SISTERS (WATERTOWN, SD) United States 7; ...TOTAL 7 BERNARDINE FRANCISCAN SISTERS Liberia 1; Puerto Rico 2; United States 5; ...TOTAL 8 BLESSED SACRAMENT SISTERS Guatemala 1; Haiti 1; United States 99; ...TOTAL 101 BRIDGEPORT DIOCESE Bolivia 1; ...TOTAL 1 CARMELITE SISTERS (CORPUS CHRISTI) St. Vincent 1; Trinidad 1; United States 4; West Indies 2; ...TOTAL 8 COLUMBAN SISTERS Chile 2; Korea 1; Pakistan 1; Peru 3; United States 2; ...TOTAL 9 COMBONI MISSIONARY SISTERS Eritrea 1; Ethiopia 1; Jordan 1; Kenya 1; Zambia 1; ...TOTAL 5 CONSOLATA MISSIONARY SISTERS (USA) Kenya 6; United States 4; ...TOTAL 10 DAUGHTERS OF CHARITY (CA) New Zealand 2; United States 2; ...TOTAL 4 DAUGHTERS OF CHARITY (IN) France 1; Israel 1; Japan 1; Lebanon 1; New Zealand 1; Taiwan 1; United States 2; ...TOTAL 8 DAUGHTERS OF CHARITY (MD) Bolivia 1; Kenya 1; Taiwan 1; United States 2; ...TOTAL 5 DAUGHTERS OF CHARITY (MO) Japan 4; Romania 1; Taiwan 5; Zaire 2; ...TOTAL 12 DAUGHTERS OF CHARITY (NY) Haiti 1; United States 3; ...TOTAL 4 DAUGHTERS OF CHARITY/SAC. HRT. OF JESUS (AMERICAN) United States 2; …TOTAL 2 CARMELITE SRS, DIVINE HEART OF JESUS (CENTRAL) Iceland 1; ...TOTAL 1 DAUGHTERS OF MARY AND JOSEPH (CA) Cameroon 1; Mexico 1; United States 4; ...TOTAL 6 CHARITY OF LEAVENWORTH, SISTERS Peru 6; ...TOTAL 6 DAUGHTERS OF MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS Kenya 3; Rwanda 1; Tanzania 1; ...TOTAL 5 CHARITY OF NAZARETH, SISTERS (KY) Belize 3; Botswana 2; India 2; Nicaragua 1; ...TOTAL 8 DAUGHTERS OF MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS (SALESIAN SISTERS WEST) Tanzania 1; ...TOTAL 1 CHARITY OF SETON HILL, SISTERS (USA) Israel 1; Korea 2; South Korea 2; ...TOTAL 5 CHARITY OF ST. JOAN ANTIDA, SISTERS (N AMER) United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 CHARITY OF SVP, SISTERS (HALIFAX) Bermuda 2; Peru 3; ...TOTAL 5 CHARITY, SISTERS (NY) Bahamas 1; Guatemala 5; ...TOTAL 6 CHRISTIAN CHARITY, SISTERS (EASTERN) Uruguay 1; ...TOTAL 1 DAUGHTERS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Burkina Faso 1; France 1; Nigeria 1; Peru 2; United States 10; ...TOTAL 15 DAUGHTERS OF WISDOM United States 1; …TOTAL 1 DENVER ARCHDIOCESE Mexico 1; ...TOTAL 1 DIVINE PROVIDENCE, CONGREGATION (KY) Ecuador 2; Ghana 1; United States 4; ...TOTAL 7 14 DIVINE PROVIDENCE, CONGREGATION (TX) United States 13; ...TOTAL 13 Nigeria 1; Papua New Guinea 1; United States 4; ...TOTAL 6 DIVINE PROVIDENCE, SISTERS (MO) United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 DOMINICAN SISTERS (KENOSHA, WI) Ecuador 1; ...TOTAL 1 DIVINE PROVIDENCE, SISTERS (PA) Dominican Republic 2; Italy 1; Puerto Rico 3; United States 1; ...TOTAL 7 DOMINICAN SRS OF THE ROMAN CONG (LEWISTON, ME) United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 DIVINE SAVIOR, SISTERS (WI) Italy 2; Taiwan 2; United States 7; ...TOTAL 11 DOMINICAN NUNS (SUMMIT, NJ) Philippines 2; ...TOTAL 2 DOMINICAN SISTERS (ADRIAN, MI) China 1; Dominican Republic 3; Haiti 1; Mexico 1; Puerto Rico 2; South Africa 5; United States 5; ...TOTAL 18 DOMINICAN SISTERS (AKRON, OH) Guatemala 1; ...TOTAL 1 DOMINICAN SISTERS (AMITYVILLE, NY) Colombia 2; Dominican Republic 2; United States 1; ...TOTAL 5 DOMINICAN SISTERS (CALDWELL, NJ) Dominican Republic 1; ...TOTAL 1 DOMINICAN SISTERS (COLUMBUS, OH) Honduras 1; Peru 3; United States 10; ...TOTAL 14 DOMINICAN SISTERS (GRAND RAPIDS, MI) Honduras 1; Peru 2; United States 1; ...TOTAL 4 FELICIAN FRANCISCAN SISTERS (ASSUMPTION PROV) Mexico 4; ...TOTAL 4 FELICIAN SISTER (IL) Brazil 1; ...TOTAL 1 FELICIAN SISTERS (MI) Brazil 1; ...TOTAL 1 FELICIAN SISTERS (NJ) Kenya 1; ...TOTAL 1 FELICIAN SISTERS (NY) United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 FELICIAN SISTERS (PA) Kenya 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 2 FRANCISCAN MISSION SRS FOR AFRICA Kenya 2; South Africa 2; Uganda 1; United States 2; ...TOTAL 7 FRANCISCAN MISSION SRS O.L. SORROWS Canada 2; Hong Kong 3; Taiwan 3; ...TOTAL 8 DOMINICAN SISTERS (HOUSTON, TX) Guatemala 2; ...TOTAL 2 FRANCISCAN MISSIONARIES OF MARY Canada 1; Ethiopia 1; Ghana 1; Indonesia 1; Japan 2; Kenya 2; Korea 2; Liberia 2; Pakistan 1; Scotland 1; Sri Lanka 1; United States 103; Vietnam 1; ...TOTAL 119 DOMINICAN SISTERS (MISSION SAN JOSE, CA) Mexico 3; ...TOTAL 3 FRANCISCAN MISSIONARIES OF O. L. (NORTH AMER PROV) Haiti 2; ...TOTAL 2 DOMINICAN SISTERS (RACINE, WI) United States 20; ...TOTAL 20 FRANCISCAN SISTERS (BUFFALO, NY) Kenya 2; United States 3; ...TOTAL 5 DOMINICAN SISTERS (SAN RAFAEL, CA) Mexico 1; ...TOTAL 1 FRANCISCAN SISTERS (ROCHESTER, MN) Colombia 4; Peru 1; ...TOTAL 5 DOMINICAN SISTERS (SINSINAWA, WI) Bolivia 1; Guatemala 2; United States 3; ...TOTAL 6 FRANCISCAN SISTERS (WHEATON) Brazil 3; Italy 1; ...TOTAL 4 DOMINICAN SISTERS (SPARKILL, NY) Pakistan 3; Peru 1; United States 16; ...TOTAL 20 FRANCISCAN SISTERS (OLDENBURG) Papua New Guinea 2; United States 20; ...TOTAL 22 DOMINICAN SISTERS (SPRINGFIELD, IL) Peru 3; United States 6; ...TOTAL 9 FRANCISCAN SISTERS (SYRACUSE) Peru 3; United States 1; ...TOTAL 4 DOMINICAN SISTERS (ST. CATHARINE, KY) United States 4; ...TOTAL 4 FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF ATONEMENT Brazil 1; Canada 5; Italy 1; United States 16; ...TOTAL 23 DOMINICAN SISTERS (GREAT BEND, KS) 15 FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF CHRISTIAN CHARITY United States 24; ...TOTAL 24 FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF HOLY FAMILY (IA) El Salvador 1; Mexico 2; United States 42; ...TOTAL 45 FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF JOLIET, IL Brazil 5; ...TOTAL 5 FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF LITTLE FALLS Ecuador 3; Tanzania 1; United States 18; ...TOTAL 22 FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF MARY Brazil 2; United States 1; ...TOTAL 3 FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF MILLVALE, PA Puerto Rico 1; United States 4; ...TOTAL 5 FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF PEACE United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF PROVIDENCE OF GOD Brazil 2; Lithuania 2; ...TOTAL 4 FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF SACRED HEART Brazil 1; ...TOTAL 1 FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF ST. GEORGE Brazil 2; ...TOTAL 2 FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF SYLVANIA, OH Haiti 1; ...TOTAL 1 FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF THE POOR Brazil 1; ...TOTAL 1 FRANCISCAN SRS PERPETUAL ADORATION Canada 1; El Salvador 1; Mexico 1; Zimbabwe 1; ...TOTAL 4 FRANCISCAN SRS, O L OF PERPETUAL HELP United States 6; ...TOTAL 6 HOLY CROSS, CONG. OF SISTERS (IN) Bangladesh 4; Brazil 12; Ghana 2; India 2; Mexico 4; Peru 5; Uganda 8; ...TOTAL 37 HOLY CROSS, SISTERS (NH) Haiti 3; Mali 2; Peru 5; ...TOTAL 10 HOLY FAMILY OF NAZARETH, SRS (IL) Australia 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 2 HOLY FAMILY OF NAZARETH, SRS (PGH, PA) Italy 2; Philippines 2; ...TOTAL 4 HOLY FAMILY OF NAZARETH, SRS (PHIL, PA) Australia 1; England 1; Philippines 1; ...TOTAL 3 HOLY FAMILY SERVICES - BIRTH CENTER United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 HOLY FAMILY, SISTERS (LA) Belize 4; ...TOTAL 4 HOLY NAMES, SISTERS (CA) Nicaragua 2; United States 16; ...TOTAL 18 HOLY SPIRIT/MARY IMM, SRS (TX) Mexico 7; United States 22; Zambia 7; ...TOTAL 36 HOLY UNION SISTERS (US) Benin 1; Haiti 1; Italy 2; United States 4; ...TOTAL 8 HOSPITAL SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS (AM PROV) Haiti 2; Japan 1; Tanzania 1; ...TOTAL 4 HUMILITY OF MARY, CONG (IA) Mexico 3; ...TOTAL 3 IHM SISTERS OF MONROE Brazil 1; Honduras 2; Mexico 1; Puerto Rico 7; South Africa 5; Uganda 1; ...TOTAL 17 GLENMARY HOME MISSION SISTERS United States 8; ...TOTAL 8 IHM SISTERS OF SCRANTON Guatemala 1; Peru 3; United States 4; ...TOTAL 8 IMM HEART OF MARY, SERVS (ME) Brazil 2; ...TOTAL 2 GLENMARY HOME MISSIONERS United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 JESUS AND MARY, REL (MD) Haiti 3; Italy 1; Mexico 2; Pakistan 1; ...TOTAL 7 GOOD SHEPHERD SISTERS (MID NORTH AMERICA) China 1; France 1; Guatemala 1; Hong Kong 1; Kenya 1; United States 8; Vietnam 1; Virgin Islands 1; ...TOTAL 15 KANSAS CITY (KS) ARCHDIOCESE Peru 2; ...TOTAL 2 HANDMAIDS OF SACRED HEART OF JESUS Philippines 1; United States 11; ...TOTAL 12 HELENA DIOCESE Guatemala 2; ...TOTAL 2 HOLY CHILD JESUS, SOCIETY (PA) Chile 3; Dominican Republic 2; Nigeria 1; United States 7; ...TOTAL 13 KNOXVILLE DIOCESE United States 4; ...TOTAL 4 LAMP MINISTRIES United States 5; ...TOTAL 5 LITTLE SISTERS OF JESUS Australia 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 2 16 LITTLE SISTERS OF THE ASSUMPTION Egypt 1; ...TOTAL 1 MERCY, SISTERS (CINCINNATI) Jamaica 6; United States 2; ...TOTAL 8 LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR (NY) Algeria 1; Canada 2; Colombia 1; Hong Kong 2; India 4; Korea 1; Philippines 1; United States 7; ...TOTAL 19 MERCY, SISTERS (IA) Peru 1; ...TOTAL 1 LORETTO VOLUNTEER PROGRAM United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 LORETTO, SISTERS (CO) Ghana 2; Haiti 1; ...TOTAL 3 MANTELLATE SR. SERVANTS OF MARY Italy 4; Uganda 2; ...TOTAL 6 MARIANITES OF HOLY CROSS, CONG. Haiti 1; ...TOTAL 1 MARIST MISSIONARY SISTERS (MA) Austria 1; Colombia 2; Fiji 3; Germany 2; Italy 2; Jamaica 14; New Zealand 1; Papua New Guinea 4; Peru 6; Solomon Isl. 1; Uganda 1; United States 41; ...TOTAL 78 MERCY, SISTERS (MD) Guyana 2; ...TOTAL 2 MERCY, SISTERS (OMAHA, NE) Mexico 1; United States 6; ...TOTAL 7 MERCY, SISTERS (PGH, PA) Honduras 2; Jamaica 1; Peru 1; ...TOTAL 4 MERCY, SISTERS (RI) Belize 2; Honduras 2; United States 3; ...TOTAL 7 MERCY, SISTERS (ROCHESTER, NY) Chile 5; ...TOTAL 5 MERCY, SISTERS (DALLAS, PA) Guyana 3; ...TOTAL 3 MARY OF THE PRESENTATION, SRS (ND) United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 MERCY, SISTERS (MERION, PA) Bolivia 1; Peru 5; United States 5; ...TOTAL 11 MARYKNOLL SISTERS American Samoa 1; Bangladesh 3; Bolivia 14; Brazil 2; Cambodia 4; Chile 7; China 15; East Timor 6; El Salvador 6; Guatemala 14; Hong Kong 5; Japan 11; Kenya 5; Korea 3; Mexico 5; Micronesia 7; Namibia 4; Nepal 2; Nicaragua 4; Panama 7; Peru 9; Philippines 9; Sudan 5; Taiwan 6; Tanzania 16; Thailand 3; United States 68; Zimbabwe 3; ...TOTAL 244 MERCY, SISTERS (NC) Micronesia 2; United States 1; ...TOTAL 3 MEDICAL MISSION SISTERS Ethiopia 2; Ghana 2; Kenya 2; Pakistan 4; Peru 2; Uganda 4; United States 34; Venezuela 1; ...TOTAL 51 MEDICAL MISSIONARIES OF MARY Brazil 1; Ethiopia 2; Kenya 1; Tanzania 2; Uganda 1; United States 21; ...TOTAL 28 MERCEDARIAN MISSIONARIES OF BERRIZ Guam 2; Mexico 2; Micronesia 5; Saipan 1; ...TOTAL 10 MERCY, SISTERS Bahamas 1; United States 3; ...TOTAL 4 MERCY, SISTERS (BROOKLYN, NY) Panama 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 2 MERCY, SISTERS (BUFFALO, NY) Guyana 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 2 MERCY, SISTERS OF (CT) Belize 1; Guatemala 2; Haiti 1; ...TOTAL 4 MISSION DE N D DES ANGES, SRS (QUEBEC) Canada 3; ...TOTAL 3 MISSION FRANCISCAN SRS/IMM CONCEPT (IMMACULATE CONCEPTION) Bolivia 2; Peru 6; ...TOTAL 8 MISSION HELPERS OF THE SACRED HEART United States 2; Venezuela 1; ...TOTAL 3 MISSION SRS IMM CONCEPT (NJ) Brazil 1; United States 4; ...TOTAL 5 MISSION SRS IMM HEART OF MARY Congo 1; Dominican Republic 1; Guatemala 1; Italy 1; United States 13; ...TOTAL 17 MISSIONARIES OF CHARITY Albania 1; Canada 1; England 1; Haiti 1; India 5; Ireland 3; Italy 2; Jamaica 1; Kenya 1; Mexico 3; Nicaragua 1; Sweden 1; United States 55; ...TOTAL 76 MERCY, SISTERS (CA) Peru 1; Romania 1; ...TOTAL 2 MISSIONARY BENEDICTINE SISTERS China 3; Italy 1; Tanzania 3; United States 12; ...TOTAL 19 MERCY, SISTERS (CHICAGO, IL) Honduras 2; Mexico 1; ...TOTAL 3 17 MISSIONARY SERVANTS/MOST BLESSED TRINITY Mexico 5; Puerto Rico 11; United States 8; ...TOTAL 24 ORDER OF ST. CLARE (TN) Guatemala 2; ...TOTAL 2 MISSIONARY SISTERS OF O.L. OF AFRICA Canada 2; Italy 2; Kenya 1; Uganda 1; United States 12; ...TOTAL OUR LADY CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE, SISTERS United States 4; ...TOTAL 4 MISSIONARY SISTERS OF THE SACRED HEART (PA) Dominican Republic 2; Mexico 2; Namibia 1; ...TOTAL 5 MISSIONARY SISTERS OF THE SACRED HEART (STELLA MARIS) Australia 2; Ethiopia 1; Honduras 1; Philippines 2; Swaziland 1; Italy 1; Korea 1; Dominican Republic 1; …TOTAL 10 MISSIONARY SR SERVS OF HOLY SPIRIT Antigua 4; Australia 1; Ghana 3; Papua New Guinea 1; United States 4; ...TOTAL 13 MISSIONARY SRS IMM CONCEPT (QUEBEC) Canada 7; ...TOTAL 7 OUR LADY OF VICTORY MISSIONARY SISTERS Bolivia 4; United States 17; ...TOTAL 21 PALLOTTINE SISTERS (MO) Belize 1; ...TOTAL 1 PARISH VISITORS OF MARY IMM Nigeria 2; ...TOTAL 2 PASSIONIST NUNS (PA) Japan 1; ...TOTAL 1 POOR CLARE MISSIONARY SISTERS Mexico 2; ...TOTAL 2 MISSIONARY SRS OF PRECIOUS BLOOD South Africa 1; ...TOTAL 1 POOR HANDMAIDS OF JESUS CHRIST Brazil 1; Kenya 2; Mexico 7; United States 1; ...TOTAL 11 MISSIONARY SRS OF ST. CHARLES BORROMEO (OUR LADY OF FATIMA PROVINCE) Canada 2; Mexico 1; Philippines 2; ...TOTAL 5 PRECIOUS BLOOD, SISTERS (OH) Chile 4; Guatemala 3; United States 1; ...TOTAL 8 MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD, SISTERS (MO) Bolivia 5; Estonia 1; Finland 3; Peru 1; United States 9; ...TOTAL 19 NOTRE DAME DE NAMUR, SRS (CA) Kenya 3; Nicaragua 1; ...TOTAL 4 NOTRE DAME DE NAMUR, SRS (CHESAPEAKE) Brazil 2; Congo 3; Kenya 2; Mexico 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 9 NOTRE DAME DE NAMUR, SRS (CT) Brazil 3; Italy 1; Peru 1; ...TOTAL 5 NOTRE DAME DE NAMUR, SRS (MA) Brazil 1; Japan 1; Kenya 4; Peru 2; South Africa 1; United States 25; ...TOTAL 34 NOTRE DAME DE NAMUR, SRS (OH) Brazil 4; Italy 2; Kenya 1; Nicaragua 2; Nigeria 2; Peru 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 13 PRESENTATION OF MARY, SRS (MA) Cameroon 2; ...TOTAL 2 PRESENTATION OF MARY, SRS (NH) England 1; United States 6; ...TOTAL 7 PRESENTATION SISTERS (FARGO, ND) Peru 1; United States 5; ...TOTAL 6 PRESENTATION, SISTERS (ABERDEEN, SD) Bolivia 1; Guatemala 1; United States 8; ...TOTAL 10 PRESENTATION, SISTERS (CA) Guatemala 3; Peru 1; United States 15; ...TOTAL 19 PRESENTATION, SISTERS (IA) Bolivia 3; United States 3; ...TOTAL 6 PRESENTATION, SISTERS (NY) Bolivia 1; ...TOTAL 1 NOTRE DAME, CONG OF SRS (CT) Cameroon 1; El Salvador 2; Paraguay 1; ...TOTAL 4 PROVIDENCE SISTERS, ST. MARY OF THE WOODS, (IN) China 1; Taiwan 4; United States 36; ...TOTAL 41 OBLATE SISTERS OF PROVIDENCE Costa Rica 2; United States 6; ...TOTAL 8 PROVIDENCE, SISTERS (MOTHER JOSEPH PROV.) El Salvador 1; Haiti 1; Philippines 1; United States 2; ...TOTAL 5 ORDER OF ST. CLARE (MA) Japan 1; ...TOTAL 1 REL HOSPITALIERES DE ST JOSEPH Dominican Republic 2; United States 1; ...TOTAL 3 ORDER OF ST. CLARE (MN) Korea 2; ...TOTAL 2 18 RELIGIOUS OF THE ASSUMPTION, SRS (N AM PROV) Togo 1; ...TOTAL 1 SCHOOL SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS OF BETHLEHEM, (PA) Chile 1; ...TOTAL 1 RELIGIOUS TEACHERS FILIPPINI (ST. LUCY) Eritrea 2; Ethiopia 1; India 1; ...TOTAL 4 SCHOOL SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS OF PGH, PA Kyrgyzstan 1; South Africa 2; United States 2; ...TOTAL 5 RESURRECTION, SISTERS (CHICAGO) Argentina 1; ...TOTAL 1 SERVANTS OF MARY (NE) Jamaica 1; ...TOTAL 1 SACRED HEART OF JESUS & POOR, SERV (FATHER YERMO, USA)Kenya 4; ...TOTAL 4 SERVANTS OF MARY, SRS (U.S. PROVINCE) Cameroon 1; Philippines 2; United States 32; ...TOTAL 35 SACRED HEART OF JESUS, SISTERS (TX) France 1; Mexico 2; Papua New Guinea 2; Peru 2; United States 14; ...TOTAL 21 SISTERS OF CHARITY OF CINCINNATI (OH) Guatemala 1; United States 18; ...TOTAL 19 SACRED HEART OF MARY, REL (EASTERN USA) Zambia 2; Zimbabwe 7; ...TOTAL 9 SACRED HEART, SOCIETY (UNITED STATES) Canada 1; Haiti 2; India 1; Indonesia 1; Italy 2; Japan 1; Kenya 3; Korea 1; Mexico 2; Spain 1; Sweden 1; Uganda 1;United States 47; ...TOTAL 64 SACRED HEART, SOCIETY DEVOTED (CA) Hungary 4; Taiwan 5; ...TOTAL 9 SAINT MICHAEL INDIAN SCHOOL United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 SCHOENSTATT SISTERS OF MARY Dominican Republic 1; ...TOTAL 1 SCHOOL SISTERS OF NOTRE DAME (BA) Bolivia 1; Ghana 1; Honduras 1; Kenya 1; Nigeria 3; United States 3; ...TOTAL 10 SCHOOL SISTERS OF NOTRE DAME (CT) Chile 4; Ghana 2; Peru 1; United States 6; ...TOTAL 13 SCHOOL SISTERS OF NOTRE DAME (IL) Nepal 1; Nigeria 1; United States 14; ...TOTAL 16 SCHOOL SISTERS OF NOTRE DAME (MN) Ghana 3; Guatemala 4; Kenya 5; Nigeria 1; United States 30; ...TOTAL 43 SCHOOL SISTERS OF NOTRE DAME (MO) Gambia 1; Ghana 2; Honduras 3; Japan 1; Kenya 2; Nepal 1; Nigeria 1; United States 44; ...TOTAL 55 SCHOOL SISTERS OF NOTRE DAME (TX) Ghana 4; Guatemala 1; Honduras 1; Pakistan 1; United States 3; ...TOTAL 10 SCHOOL SISTERS OF NOTRE DAME (WI) Germany 1; Italy 2; Kenya 2; Nigeria 1; United States 10; …TOTAL 16 SCHOOL SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS Guatemala 4; Honduras 1; Peru 1; United States 65; ...TOTAL 71 SISTERS OF CHARITY OF ST ELIZABETH El Salvador 2; Haiti 3; Mexico 1; United States 1; Virgin Islands 2; ...TOTAL 9 SISTERS OF CHARITY OF THE INCARNATE WORD El Salvador 1; Guatemala 1; Kenya 12; ...TOTAL 14 SISTERS OF CHARITY, BVM (IA) Ecuador 4; Ghana 2; Philippines 1; United States 36; ...TOTAL 43 SISTERS OF NOTRE DAME (CHARDON, OH) India 3; Tanzania 1; ...TOTAL 4 SISTERS OF NOTRE DAME (TOLEDO, OH) Papua New Guinea 7; United States 3; ...TOTAL 10 SISTERS OF ST CHRETIENNE (USA) Canada 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 2 SISTERS OF ST FRANCIS OF PHILADELPHIA Ireland 11; Kenya 2; Puerto Rico 2; United States 3; Zambia 1; ...TOTAL 19 SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI Taiwan 1; ...TOTAL 1 SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS OF PENANCE AND CHRISTIAN CHARITY (SACRED HEART) Mexico 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 2 SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS, CLINTON, IA Peru 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 2 SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS, TIFFIN OH Mexico 1; United States 7; ...TOTAL 8 SISTERS OF THE HUMILITY OF MARY Haiti 2; United States 7; ...TOTAL 9 SISTERS OF THE LIVING WORD United States 5; ...TOTAL 5 SISTERS OF THE MOST HOLY SACRAMENT United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 19 SISTERS OF THE SACRED HEARTS (HI) India 3; Indonesia 1; ...TOTAL 4 ST. JOSEPH OF ORANGE, SISTERS El Salvador 1; Hungary 1; Mexico 2; Peru 1; ...TOTAL 5 SOCIAL SERVICE, SISTERS (CA) Mexico 1; Philippines 1; Taiwan 1; ...TOTAL 3 ST. JOSEPH OF PEACE, SISTERS Canada 2; El Salvador 1; United States 3; ...TOTAL 6 SORROWFUL MOTHER, SISTERS (US/CARIB PROV) Dominican Republic 3; ...TOTAL 3 ST. JOSEPH, CONG OF SRS (CONCORDIA) Brazil 2; ...TOTAL 2 SPOKANE DIOCESE Guatemala 1; ...TOTAL 1 ST. JOSEPH, CONG OF SRS (PITTSBURGH) United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 SRS. OF ST. FRANCIS OF PENANCE AND CHRISTIAN CHARITY (HOLY NAME) Indonesia 1; Tanzania 1; ...TOTAL 2 ST. JOSEPH, CONG OF SRS (ROCKVILLE CTR) Brazil 1; Dominican Republic 2; Puerto Rico 6; United States 8; ...TOTAL 17 ST BONAVENTURE INDIAN SCHOOL United States 3; ...TOTAL 3 ST. JOSEPH, CONG OF SRS (WICHITA) Japan 2; ...TOTAL 2 ST ELIZABETH MISSION SOCIETY Brazil 2; Jamaica 2; United States 23; ...TOTAL 27 ST. JOSEPH, SISTERS (NAZARETH) Peru 1; ...TOTAL 1 ST FRANCIS MISSION COMMUNITY (TX) Mexico 1; ...TOTAL 1 ST. JOSEPH, SISTERS (PHILADELPHIA) Peru 2; Puerto Rico 1; United States 9; ...TOTAL 12 ST JOSEPH, SISTERS, TOSF Brazil 1; Peru 4; Puerto Rico 1; ...TOTAL 6 ST. JOSEPH, SISTERS (ROCHESTER) Brazil 8; United States 13; ...TOTAL 21 ST. AGNES, CONG. OF SISTERS (WI) Nicaragua 3; United States 51; ...TOTAL 54 ST. JOSEPH, SISTERS (SPRINGFIELD) United States 6; ...TOTAL 6 ST. ANNE, SISTERS (MA) Chile 2; ...TOTAL 2 ST. MARY OF NAMUR, SISTERS (NY) Brazil 2; Canada 1; Congo 1; Dominican Republic 1; United States 13; ...TOTAL 18 ST. CASIMIR, SISTERS (IL) Argentina 2; ...TOTAL 2 ST. JOSEPH CARONDELET, SRS (CA) Chile 1; Japan 1; Nicaragua 1; Peru 2; ...TOTAL 5 ST. JOSEPH CARONDELET, SRS (MN) United States 7; ...TOTAL 7 ST. JOSEPH CARONDELET, SRS (NY) Peru 2; United States 1; ...TOTAL 3 ST. JOSEPH CARONDELET, SRS. (HI) Chile 1; Japan 1; ...TOTAL 2 ST. JOSEPH CARONDELET, SRS. (MO) Chile 5; Japan 1; Nicaragua 1; Peru 7; United States 3; ...TOTAL 17 ST. JOSEPH OF CHAMBERY, SRS (UNITED STATES) United States 5; ...TOTAL 5 ST. TERESA OF JESUS, SOC (ST. FRANCIS DE SALES) Mexico 1; Philippines 1; United States 1; ...TOTAL 3 URSULINE NUNS OF THE CONG. OF PARIS Bolivia 1; El Salvador 2; United States 2; ...TOTAL 5 URSULINE NUNS OF THE ROMAN UNION (MA) Thailand 1; West Indies 1; ...TOTAL 2 URSULINE SISTERS (MO) Brazil 1; Cameroon 1; Canada 1; Mexico 2; United States 1; ...TOTAL 6 URSULINE SISTERS OF LOUISVILLE KY (KY) Peru 2; United States 3; ...TOTAL 5 URSULINE SISTERS OF MT. ST. JOSEPH (KY) Chile 2; United States 10; ...TOTAL 12 ST. JOSEPH OF LYONS, SRS Burkina Faso 1; ...TOTAL 1 URSULINES OF THE ROMAN UNION (EASTERN PROVINCE) Mexico 1; South Africa 1; Thailand 3; United States 3; ...TOTAL 8 ST. JOSEPH OF MEDAILLE, SISTERS Nicaragua 1; ...TOTAL 1 20 URSULINES OF TOLEDO Peru 1; ...TOTAL 1 VINCENTIAN SISTERS OF CHARITY (PA) Peru 1; United States 3; ...TOTAL 4 URSULINES ROMAN UNION (US-WEST) Thailand 1; United States 6; ...TOTAL 7 TOTAL Religious Sisters XAVERIAN MISSION SOC OF MARY (MA) Mexico 2; ...TOTAL 2 2819 Seminarians DOMINICAN FRIARS (LA) United States 1; ...TOTAL 1 JESUITS (WI) United States 2; ...TOTAL 2 JESUITS (NEW ENGLAND) Brazil 1; Jamaica 3; ...TOTAL 4 MARYKNOLL FATHERS & BROTHERS Cambodia 1; Honduras 1; ...TOTAL 2 TOTAL Seminarians 9 GRAND TOTAL OF ALL MISSIONERS: 6395 Diocesan Religious Religious Religious Priests Priests Brothers Sisters Seminarians 1960 1970 1980 1990 1991 1992 1994 1996 1998 2001 2003 2005 3 4 5 6 14 373 188 200 187 181 177 173 5 167 180 147 5 136 3018 3117 2750 2257 2200 2183 2007 1770 5 1903 1784 1840 1663 578 666 592 477 468 449 408 347 370 349 361 366 2827 3824 2592 2347 2264 2222 1887 1513 2693 2589 2812 2819 170 90 50 42 30 26 22 18 11 15 8 9 Lay Persons 178 303 221 421 446 406 374 343 739 1191 1368 1402 TOTALS 3 4 6 6 Totals estimated due to inconclusive survey results Alaska and Hawaii are no longer in the category of overseas missioners This includes Bishops and deacons This includes missioners serving within and outside U.S. Borders in Cross-Cultural Mission * Graph for the last three survey years is on p. 23 21 6785 8373 6393 5744 5595 5467 4875 4164 5883 6108 6536 6395 U.S. Missioners by Church Role: 1960-2005 Years 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 ¹1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1994 1996 1998 200001 200203 200405 5 5 Diocesan Priests Religious Priests 14 31 80 215 282 373 246 237 220 197 193 182 166 187 188 187 178 174 187 171 204 200 200 209 200 187 181 177 173 167 3018 3172 3438 3731 3727 3117 3182 3913 3048 3023 2961 2882 2830 2800 2750 2702 2668 2668 2603 2500 2473 2394 2420 2364 2257 2200 2183 2007 1770 1903 180 147 136 2 5 Religious Brothers Totals 170 1152 157 201 208 90 97 639 669 691 630 610 592 592 584 578 569 549 558 532 570 504 494 477 468 449 408 347 370 2827 2764 3137 3706 4150 3824 3121 3012 2916 2850 2840 2781 2673 2568 2592 2574 2560 2550 2492 2505 2481 2505 2495 2473 2347 2264 2222 1887 1513 2693 101 65 68 42 43 50 50 43 44 48 40 30 30 53 50 51 42 30 26 22 18 11 178 307 532 549 419 303 376 529 458 344 257 243 279 258 221 234 217 247 263 292 317 351 394 410 421 446 406 374 343 739 1784 349 2589 15 1191 1840 361 2812 8 1368 6536 2819 9 1402 6395 1663 578 720 782 901 869 666 634 Religious SeminarLay Sisters ians Persons 366 22 3 4 6 6 6785 8146 8126 9303 9655 8373 7656 7691 7382 7148 7010 6760 6601 6455 6393 6324 6245 6256 6134 6056 6037 6073 6063 6001 5744 5595 5467 4875 4164 5883 6108 U.S. Missioners by Church Role: 2004-2005 4000 3500 3000 2500 Numbers 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 1991 1992 1994 1996 1998 2001 2003 2005 Years Diocesan Priests Religious Priests Religious Brothers 23 Religious Sisters Seminarians Lay Persons U.S. CATHOLIC MISSIONERS BY COUNTRY, GENDER, AND SENDING ORGANIZATION ALBANIA WOMEN: Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 1...TOTAL 1 ALGERIA WOMEN: Little Sisters of the Poor (NY) 1...TOTAL 1 AMERICAN SAMOA MEN: Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 1...TOTAL 1 WOMEN: Claretian Missionaries 1; Maryknoll Sisters 1...TOTAL 2 ARGENTINA MEN: Jesuits (MD) 1; Jesuits (WI) 1; LaSalette Fathers (No. American Province) 6...TOTAL 8 WOMEN: Cabrini Mission Corps 2; Christian Charity, Sisters (IL) 1; Grey Nuns (MA) 2; Resurrection, Sisters (Chicago) 1; St. Casimir, Sisters (IL) 2...TOTAL 8 ARMENIA WOMEN: Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) 1...TOTAL 1 AUSTRALIA MEN: Divine Word, Society (IL) 7; Franciscan OFM Cap (MI) 2...TOTAL 9 WOMEN: Cabrini Mission Corps 1; Holy Family of Nazareth, Sisters (IL) 2; Holy Family of Nazareth, Sisters (Phil, PA) 1; Little Sisters of Jesus 1; Missionary Sister Servants of Holy Spirit 2...TOTAL 7 AUSTRIA MEN: Divine Word, Society (IL) 1; Legionaries of Christ 1...TOTAL 2 WOMEN: Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) 1...TOTAL 1 BAHAMAS MEN: Benedictine - Am Cassinese Cong (MN) 3; Cong. of the Sacred Hearts (MA) 5; Jesuits (New England) 1; Passionists (NJ) 2...TOTAL 11 WOMEN: Charity, Sisters (NY) 2; Mercy, Sisters 2...TOTAL 4 BANGLADESH MEN: Franciscan Third Order Regular (Immaculate Conception) 1; Holy Cross Brothers (IN) 3; Holy Cross Brothers (TX) 1; Holy Cross Fathers (CT) 1; Holy Cross Fathers (IN) 7; Marianists (MO) 1; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 3; Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions 1...TOTAL 18 WOMEN: Holy Cross, Cong. of Sisters (IN) 4; Maryknoll Sisters 3...TOTAL 7 BELGIUM MEN: New York Archdiocese 1...TOTAL 1 BELIZE MEN: Benedictine - Swiss Am Fed (AR) 3; Jesuit Volunteers: International 6; Jesuits (MO) 10; Jesuits (New Orleans) 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 4; St. Louis Archdiocese 2; Viatorians (IL) 2...TOTAL 28 WOMEN: Charity of Nazareth, Sisters (KY) 3; Franciscan Sisters of Sacred Heart 1; Holy Family, Sisters (LA) 4; Jesuit Volunteers: International 4; Mercy, Sisters (CT) 1; Mercy, Sisters (MD) 1; Mercy, Sisters (RI) 3; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 2; Pallottine Sisters (MO) 3...TOTAL 22 BENIN WOMEN: Holy Union Sisters (MA) 1...TOTAL 1 24 BERMUDA WOMEN: Charity of SVP, Sisters (Halifax) 3...TOTAL 3 BOLIVIA MEN: Bridgeport Diocese 1; Dominican Friars (IL) 4; Fort Worth Diocese 1; Franciscan Mission Service 1; Jesuits (MD) 1; Kansas City-St Joseph (MO) Diocese 1; LaCrosse Diocese 1; LaSalette Fathers (No. American Prov.) 2; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 8; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 6; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 2; Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Prov) 3; Salesian Lay Missioners (NY) 6; St James Society 8; St. Louis Archdiocese 6; Worcester Diocese 1; Xaverian Brothers 2...TOTAL 54 WOMEN: Adorers of the Blood of Christ 3; Bridgeport Diocese 1; Daughters of Charity (MD) 1; Daughters of Charity (NY) 1; Dominican Sisters (Sinsinawa, WI) 4; Franciscan Mission Service 3; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 4; Maryknoll Sisters 18; Mercy, Sisters 1; Most Precious Blood, Sisters (MO) 6; Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters 3; Presentation, Sisters (Aberdeen, SD) 1; Presentation, Sisters (Dubuque, IA) 3; Presentation, Sisters (NY) 1; Salesian Lay Missioners (NY) 9; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MD) 1; Ursuline Nuns of the Cong. of Paris 1...TOTAL 61 BOTSWANA WOMEN: Charity of Nazareth, Sisters (KY) 2; Ursulines (NY) 1...TOTAL 3 BRAZIL MEN: Benedictine - Am Cassinese Cong (KS) 2; Bridgeport Diocese 2; Camden Diocese 2; Columbans 1; Comboni Lay Missionary Program (North America) 1; Detroit Archdiocese 1; Franciscan Mission Service 1; Franciscan OFM Conv (NY) 1; Holy Cross Brothers (TX) 10; Jesuits (CA) 1; Jesuits (New England) 2; Jesuits (New Orleans) 7; Kansas City (KS) Archdiocese 1; Legionaries of Christ 1; Marist Fathers & Brothers (GA) 1; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 5; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 4; Missionhurst 2; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 7; Oblates of St. Francis De Sales (USA) 4; Oblates of the Virgin Mary 1; Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Prov) 10; Order of Friars Minor (S Heart Prov) 17; Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions 2; Redemptorists (Brazil) 2; Redemptorists (CO) 14; Saginaw Diocese Mission Office 1; St. Francis de Sales, Oblates (OH) 1; Stigmatine Fathers Mission Office 1; Xaverian Missionaries (USA) 3...TOTAL 108 WOMEN: Benedictine Sisters (Atchison, KS) 1; Columbus Diocese 1; Comboni Lay Missionary Program (North America) 3; Felician Sisters (MI) 1; Franciscan Sisters (Wheaton) 3; Franciscan Sisters of Atonement 1; Franciscan Sisters of Joliet, IL 5; Franciscan Sisters of Mary 3; Franciscan Sisters of Providence of God 2; Franciscan Sisters of Sacred Heart 1; Franciscan Sisters of St. George 2; Franciscan Sisters of the Poor 2; Holy Cross, Cong. of Sisters (IN) 12; IHM Sisters 1; IHM Sisters of Monroe 1; Imm Heart of Mary, Servs (ME) 2; Kansas City (KS) Archdiocese 1; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 7; Maryknoll Sisters 1; Mission Srs Imm Concept (NJ) 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (CT) 3; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (MA) 2; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (MD) 3; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (OH) 3; Order of St. Clare (OH) 2; Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ 1; St Elizabeth Mission Society 2; St Joseph, Sisters, TOSF 1; St. Joseph, Cong of Srs (Concordia) 2; St. Joseph, Cong of Srs (Rockville Ctr) 1; St. Joseph, Sisters (Rochester) 9; St. Mary of Namur, Sisters (NY) 2; St. Mary of Namur, Sisters (TX) 1; Ursuline Sisters (MO) 1...TOTAL 84 BURKINA FASO WOMEN: Daughters of the Holy Spirit 1...TOTAL 1 CAMBODIA MEN: Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 1; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 2...TOTAL 3 WOMEN: Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 3; Maryknoll Sisters 3...TOTAL 6 CAMEROON MEN: Claretian Missionaries 1; Franciscan Srs Perpetual Adoration 1; Marist Fathers & Brothers (MA) 1; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 1; Shared Horizons 1; Xaverian Missionaries (USA) 1...TOTAL 6 WOMEN: Claretian Missionaries 4; Daughters of Mary and Joseph (CA) 1; Holy Union Sisters (MA) 1; Notre Dame, Cong of Srs (CT) 3; Presentation of Mary, Srs (MA) 1; Servants of Mary, Srs 1; Shared Horizons 1; Ursuline Sisters (MO) 1...TOTAL 13 CANADA MEN: Augustinians of the Assumption 1; Buffalo Diocese 1; Camden Diocese 1; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (NY) 1; Christian Instruction, Brothers (ME) 1; El Paso Diocese 1; Fort Wayne-South Bend Diocese 1; Franciscan Friars of Atonement 5; Holy Family, Missionaries of 1; LaSalette Fathers (No. American Prov.) 1; Legionaries of Christ 1; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 2; Providence Diocese 1; Salesians (NY) 4; San Bernardino Diocese 1...TOTAL 23 25 WOMEN: Franciscan Mission Srs O.L. Sorrows 2; Franciscan Sisters of Atonement 6; Franciscan Srs Perpetual Adoration 1; Little Sisters of the Poor (NY) 4; Mission de N D des Anges, Srs (Quebec) 3; Mission Srs Imm Concept (Quebec) 9; Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa 1; Presentation of Mary, Srs (NH) 1; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 1; Scalabrini Sisters 2; Sisters of St Chretienne 1; St. Joseph of Peace, Sisters 2; St. Mary of Namur, Sisters (NY) 1...TOTAL 34 CAYMAN ISLANDS MEN: Detroit Archdiocese 1...TOTAL 1 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC WOMEN: Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 1...TOTAL 1 CHILE MEN: Columbans 4; Holy Cross Associates 4; Holy Cross Brothers (IN) 1; Holy Cross Brothers (NY) 1; Holy Cross Fathers (IN) 14; Jesuit Volunteers: International 1; Jesuits (MD) 4; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 10; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 4; Precious Blood, Society (OH) 4; Salesians (NY) 1...TOTAL 48 WOMEN: Columban Lay Mission Program 1; Dominican Sisters (Edmonds, WA) 1; Holy Child Jesus, Society (PA) 4; Holy Cross Associates 4; Jesuit Volunteers: International 2; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 4; Maryknoll Sisters 8; Mercy, Sisters (Rochester) 5; Precious Blood, Sisters (OH) 5; School Sisters of Notre Dame (CT) 5; School Sisters of St. Francis of Bethlehem, PA 1; School Sisters of St. Francis of Pgh, PA 1; St. Anne, Sisters (MA) 3; St. Columban, Sisters 4; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs (CA) 1; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs (NY) 1; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs. 4; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs. (HI) 1; Ursuline Sisters (KY) 1...TOTAL 56 CHINA MEN: Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 8; New York Archdiocese 1; Order of Friars Minor (S Heart Prov) 2; Salesians (NY) 1...TOTAL 12 WOMEN: Columban Lay Mission Program 1; Good Shepherd Sisters (Mid North America) 1; Maryknoll Sisters 19; Missionary Benedictine Sisters 2; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 1; St. Columban, Sisters 1...TOTAL 25 COLOMBIA MEN: Basilian Fathers (Toronto) 2; Franciscan Mission Service 1; Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity 1; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1; Sacred Heart Missionaries (IL) 2; Scalabrini Fathers (IL) 1; Viatorians (IL) 2...TOTAL 10 WOMEN: Dominican Sisters (NY) 2; Franciscan Sisters (Rochester, MN) 4; Little Sisters of the Poor (NY) 1; Manchester Diocese 1; Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) 2; Portland (ME) Diocese 1...TOTAL 11 REPUBLIC OF CONGO ( formerly CONGO) MEN: Adorno Fathers 1...TOTAL 1 WOMEN: Daughters of Charity (MD) 1; Mission Srs Imm Heart of Mary 1; Sisters of St Chretienne 1...TOTAL 3 COOK ISLANDS MEN: Cong. of the Sacred Hearts (CA) 1...TOTAL 1 COSTA RICA MEN: Franciscan OFM Cap (MI) 1; Franciscan OFM Conv (NY) 1; Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity 4; New Orleans Archdiocese 1...TOTAL 7 WOMEN: Missionary Cenacle Volunteers 1...TOTAL 1 COTE D'IVOIRE WOMEN: St. Joseph of Lyons, Srs 1...TOTAL 1 CYPRUS MEN: Franciscan OFM (DC) 1...TOTAL 1 DENMARK MEN: Oblates of Mary Immaculate 4...TOTAL 4 DOMINICA MEN: Redemptorists (MD) 4...TOTAL 4 26 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC MEN: Arlington Diocese 1; Green Bay Diocese 2; Milwaukee Archdiocese 4; Missionhurst 3; Montfort Missionaries (US) 1; New York Archdiocese 1; Orlando Diocese 2; Redemptorists (PR) 7...TOTAL 21 WOMEN: Divine Providence, Sisters (PA) 1; Dominican Sisters (Adrian, MI) 6; Dominican Sisters (Caldwell, NJ) 1; Franciscan Sisters of Millvale, PA 1; Franciscan Sisters of Philadelphia 1; Holy Child Jesus, Society (PA) 2; Milwaukee Archdiocese 1; Missionary Srs, Most Sacred Heart (PA) 1; Oblate Sisters of Providence 2; Orlando Diocese 1; Rel Hospitalieres de St Joseph 2; Response-Ability Program 4; Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary (WI) 1; St. Joseph, Cong of Srs (Rockville Ctr) 2; St. Mary of Namur, Sisters (NY) 1...TOTAL 27 EAST TIMOR MEN: Divine Word, Society (IL) 1...TOTAL 1 WOMEN: Maryknoll Sisters 2...TOTAL 2 ECUADOR MEN: Comboni Missionaries 1; Family Unity International, Inc. 1; Indianapolis Archdiocese 1; Jesuits (CA) 1; Jesuits (NY) 1; Metuchen Diocese 1; Milwaukee Archdiocese 2; Portland (OR) Archdiocese 1; Rostro de Cristo Mission Vol Program 5; St James Society 6...TOTAL 20 WOMEN: Divine Providence, Congregation (KY) 1; Dominican Sisters (Kenosha, WI) 1; Family Unity International, Inc. 2; Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls 3; Handmaids of Sacred Heart of Jesus 1; Maryknoll Sisters 1; Rostro de Cristo Mission Vol Program 2; Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) 1; Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) 4...TOTAL 16 EGYPT MEN: Franciscan OFM (DC) 1; Jesuits (New England) 1; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 1...TOTAL 3 WOMEN: Little Sisters of the Assumption 1...TOTAL 1 EL SALVADOR MEN: Carmelite Friars (IL) 1; Cleveland Diocese 3; Franciscan OFM Cap (St Mary Prov) 1; Gary Diocese 1; Jesuits (New Orleans) 1; Jesuits (NY) 1; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 4; Missionaries of Pastoral Charity Society (El Savador) 2; Order of Friars Minor (Imm Conc Prov) 2; San Antonio Archdiocese 1; Volunteer Missionary Movement 1...TOTAL 18 WOMEN: Cleveland Diocese 2; Dominican Sisters (Sinsinawa, WI) 1; Franciscan Mission Service 2; Franciscan Sisters of Holy Family (IA) 2; Franciscan Srs Perpetual Adoration 1; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 5; Maryknoll Sisters 4; Notre Dame, Cong of Srs (CT) 3; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 1; San Antonio Archdiocese 1; Sisters of Charity of St Elizabeth 1; Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word 1; St. Joseph of Peace, Sisters 2; St. Joseph, Cong of Srs (Orange) 1; Ursuline Nuns of the Cong. of Paris 1; Volunteer Missionary Movement 3...TOTAL 31 ENGLAND MEN: Christian Brothers, De La Salle (CA) 1; Columbans 1; Divine Word, Society (IL) 1; Franciscan Friars of Atonement 2; Jesuits (MO) 2; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 1; Missionaries of Africa 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 1; Sacred Heart, Brothers (New England Province) 1; Wilmington Diocese 1...TOTAL 12 WOMEN: Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 1; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 2; Presentation of Mary, Srs (NH) 1...TOTAL 4 ERITREA WOMEN: Religious Teachers Filippini 1...TOTAL 1 ESTONIA WOMEN: Most Precious Blood, Sisters (MO) 1...TOTAL 1 ETHIOPIA MEN: Christian Brothers, De La Salle (CA) 1; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (NY) 2; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (RI) 2; Jesuits (New England) 1; Lalmba Association 1; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 1; Spiritans (PA) 1; Vincentians (PA) 2...TOTAL 11 WOMEN: Comboni Missionary Sisters 2; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 1; Good Shepherd Sisters (Mid North America) 2; …Total 5 27 FIJI MEN: Columbans 2; Jesuits (CA) 1...TOTAL 3 WOMEN: Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) 2...TOTAL 2 FINLAND WOMEN: Most Precious Blood, Sisters (MO) 3...TOTAL 3 FRANCE MEN: Associate Missionaries 1; Missionaries of Africa 1; Society of St. Edmund 1...TOTAL 3 WOMEN: Associate Missionaries 3; Associate Missionaries of the Assumption 1; Daughters of the Holy Spirit 2; Jesus and Mary, Rel (MD) 1...TOTAL 7 GAMBIA WOMEN: Presentation of Mary, Srs (MA) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) 1...TOTAL 2 GERMANY MEN: Legionaries of Christ 2; Order of Friar Servants of Mary (USA) 2; Saginaw Diocese Mission Office 1; Savannah Diocese 1; Sioux City Diocese 1; Sioux Falls Diocese 1...TOTAL 8 WOMEN: Dominican Sisters (Mission San Jose) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (WI) 1...TOTAL 2 GHANA MEN: African Missions, Society of 2; Comboni Lay Missionary Program (North America) 2; Divine Word, Society (IL) 4; Franciscan OFM Conv (MD) 2; Holy Cross Brothers (IN) 3; Jesuits (NY) 2; Mission Doctors Association 2; Missionaries of Africa 3...TOTAL 20 WOMEN: African Missions, Society of 1; Claretian Missionaries 1; Comboni Lay Missionary Program (North America) 4; Daughters of Mary and Joseph (CA) 1; Divine Providence, Congregation (TX) 1; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 1; Holy Cross, Cong. of Sisters (IN) 2; Loretto, Sisters (CO) 2; Medical Mission Sisters 3; Mission Doctors Association 1; Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa 1; Missionary Sr Servs of Holy Spirit 4; Presentation, Sisters (NY) 1; San Bernardino Diocese 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (CT) 2; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MN) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) 3; School Sisters of Notre Dame (TX) 4; Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) 1; SMA Lay Missionaries 1...TOTAL 36 GUAM MEN: Franciscan OFM Cap (St Mary Prov) 6; Great Falls-Billings Diocese 1; Jesuit Volunteers: International 1; Jesuits (NY) 5...TOTAL 13 WOMEN: Franciscan Sisters of Joliet, IL 1; Mercedarian Missionaries of Berriz 2...TOTAL 3 GUATEMALA MEN: Benedictine - Swiss Am Fed (IL) 2; Benedictine - Swiss Am Fed (LA) 1; Benedictine - Swiss Am Fed (SD) 3; Claretian Vol & Lay Missionaries 2; Dominican Friars (CA) 2; Franciscan Mission Service 1; Galveston-Houston Diocese 1; God's Child Project 1; Greensburg Diocese 1; Helena Diocese 1; Jesuits (CA) 1; Jesuits (NY) 1; Kansas City-St Joseph Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 10; Missioners of the Incarnate Word 1; Missionhurst 1; New Ulm (MO) Diocese 1; Diocese 3; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 2; Order of Friars Minor (Imm Conc Prov) 3; Order of Friars Minor (OL Guadalupe Prov) 1; Precious Blood, Society (OH) 1; Spokane Diocese 1; Volunteer Missionary Movement 3...TOTAL 44 WOMEN: Adorers of the Blood of Christ 1; Adorers of the Blood of Christ (PA) 1; Benedictine Sisters (Ferdinand, IN) 1; Blessed Sacrament Sisters 1; Charity, Sisters (NY) 5; Claretian Vol & Lay Missionaries 1; Dominican Sisters (Akron, OH) 1; Dominican Sisters (Houston, TX) 2; Dominican Sisters (Sinsinawa, WI) 2; Franciscan Sisters of Philadelphia 1; Good Shepherd Sisters (Mid North America) 1; Helena Diocese 2; IHM Sisters of Scranton 1; Maryknoll Sisters 22; Mercy, Sisters (CT) 2; Mission Srs Imm Heart of Mary 1; Order of St. Clare (TN) 2; Precious Blood, Sisters (OH) 3; Presentation, Sisters (Aberdeen, SD) 1; Presentation, Sisters (CA) 3; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MN) 4; School Sisters of Notre Dame (TX) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (WI) 1; School Sisters of St. Francis (Milwaukee, WI) 4; Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) 1; Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word 2; Spokane Diocese 1; St. Joseph, Sisters (Philadelphia) 1; Volunteer Missionary Movement 3...TOTAL 72 GUYANA MEN: Catholic Medical Mission Board 1...TOTAL 1 WOMEN: Mercy Volunteer Corps 2; Mercy, Sisters 3; Mercy, Sisters (MD) 1; Mercy, Sisters (NE) 1; Mercy, Sisters (NY) 1; Ursuline Nuns of the Roman Union (MA) 1...TOTAL 9 28 HAITI MEN: Hands Together, Inc. 1; Missionhurst 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 1; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 14; Oblates of St. Francis De Sales (USA) 1; Our Little Brothers and Sisters 1; Passionists (NJ) 1; Xaverian Brothers 3...TOTAL 23 WOMEN: Blessed Sacrament Sisters 1; Charity of Leavenworth, Sisters 1; Daughters of Charity (IN) 1; Daughters of Charity (NY) 1; Dominican Sisters (Edmonds, WA) 1; Franciscan Missionaries of O. L. (N Am Prov) 2; Franciscan Sisters of Sylvania, OH 1; Holy Cross, Sisters (NH) 3; Holy Union Sisters (MA) 1; Hospital Sisters of St. Francis (Am Prov) 2; Humility of Mary, Sisters 1; Jesus and Mary, Rel (MD) 3; Marianites of Holy Cross, Cong. 1; Mercy, Sisters (CT) 1; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 1; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 1; Quest 2; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 1; Sisters of St Joseph (IN) 1; St. Anne, Sisters (MA) 1; St. Joseph, Sisters HONDURAS MEN: Franciscan OFM Cap (MI) 1; Franciscan OFM Cap (St Mary Prov) 2; Jesuits (CA) 3; Jesuits (MO) 8; Jesuits (New England) 1; Jesuits (WI) 2; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 6; Order of Friars Minor (Imm Conc Prov) 2; Washington Archdiocese 1...TOTAL 26 WOMEN: Cabrini Sisters (Western) 1; Dominican Sisters (Columbus, OH) 1; Dominican Sisters (Grand Rapids, MI) 2; IHM Sisters of Monroe 2; Mercy, Sisters (Chicago) 4; Mercy, Sisters (Pgh, PA) 2; Mercy, Sisters (RI) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MD) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) 3; School Sisters of Notre Dame (TX) 1; School Sisters of St. Francis (Milwaukee, WI) 1; St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) 2...TOTAL 21 HONG KONG MEN: Columbans 1; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 30...TOTAL 31 WOMEN: Franciscan Mission Srs O.L. Sorrows 3; Good Shepherd Sisters (Mid North America) 1; Little Sisters of the Poor (NY) 1...TOTAL 5 HUNGARY WOMEN: Sacred Heart, Society Devoted (CA) 4; St. Joseph, Cong of Srs (Orange) 1...TOTAL 5 INDIA MEN: Adorno Fathers 1; Cong. of the Sacred Hearts (MA) 2; Jesuits (Chicago) 10; Jesuits (MD) 9; Jesuits (MI) 6; Marianists (MO) 4; Oblates of St. Francis De Sales (USA) 2; Passionists (IL) 1; Philadelphia Archdiocese 1; Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions 1; Sacred Heart, Priests of the (WI) 2...TOTAL 39 WOMEN: Charity of Nazareth, Sisters (KY) 2; Holy Cross, Cong. of Sisters (IN) 2; Little Sisters of the Poor (NY) 4; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 7; Religious Teachers Filippini 1; Sisters of Notre Dame (Chardon, OH) 3; Sisters of the Sacred Hearts (HI) 4...TOTAL 23 INDONESIA MEN: Crosier Fathers & Brothers 4; Divine Word, Society (IL) 6; Jesuits (New England) 1; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 2; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1; Sacred Heart, Priests of the (WI) 1; Xaverian Missionaries (USA) 1...TOTAL 16 WOMEN: Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 2; Srs. Of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity (Holy Name) 1: Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 1: Srs of the Cong of the Sacred Hearts 1: …TOTAL 5 IRELAND MEN: Associate Missionaries 1; Columbans 2; Marianists (OH) 4; San Antonio Archdiocese 1...TOTAL 8 WOMEN: Associate Missionaries 2; Franciscan Sisters of Philadelphia 11; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 1...TOTAL 14 ISRAEL MEN: Augustinians of the Assumption 1; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (CA) 1; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (MD) 1; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (Midwest) 3; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (NY) 2; Franciscan OFM (DC) 11; Jesuits (New England) 1; Missionaries of Africa 1; Order of Friars Minor (St John Bapt Prov) 1...TOTAL 22 WOMEN: Daughters of Charity (IN) 1; Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill 1; Ursulines (NY) 1...TOTAL 3 ITALY MEN: Christian Brothers, De La Salle (MD) 1; Divine Word, Society (IL) 5; Franciscan Friars of Atonement 1; Jesuits (MO) 5; Jesuits (NY) 1; Legionaries of Christ 2; Marianists (OH) 1; Metuchen Diocese 1; Order of Friars Minor (S Heart 29 Prov) 2; Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions 1; Redemptorists (PR) 1; Salesians (NY) 1; San Diego Diocese 1; Sioux Falls Diocese 1; Stigmatine Fathers Mission Office 1; Xaverian Missionaries (USA) 2...TOTAL 27 WOMEN: Cabrini Sisters (Western) 1; Christian Charity, Sisters (IL) 1; Daughters of St Mary of Providence 1; Daughters of Wisdom (US) 1; Divine Savior, Sisters (WI) 2; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 2; Franciscan Sisters of Atonement 1; Holy Family of Nazareth, Srs (Pgh, PA) 2; Holy Union Sisters (MA) 2; Jesus and Mary, Rel (MD) 1; Mantellate Sr. Servants of Mary 2; Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) 2; Mission Srs Imm Heart of Mary 1; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 1; Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (CT) 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (MD) 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 1; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (WI) 3; Side by Side Lay Volunteer Program 1; St. Joseph, Sisters (Springfield) 1...TOTAL 30 JAMAICA MEN: Jesuits (New England) 15; Order of Friars Minor (St John Bapt Prov) 5; Passionists (NJ) 3...TOTAL 23 WOMEN: Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) 3; Mercy, Sisters (OH) 5; Mission Srs Imm Heart of Mary 1; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 1; Servants of Mary (NE) 1; St Elizabeth Mission Society 2; St. Joseph, Cong of Srs (Pittsburgh) 3...TOTAL 16 JAPAN MEN: Augustinians (IL) 1; Augustinians (PA) 6; Benedictine - Am Cassinese Cong (MN) 6; Columbans 4; Cong. of the Sacred Hearts (MA) 5; Divine Word, Society (IL) 7; Franciscan Friars of Atonement 3; Franciscan OFM Cap (MI) 1; Franciscan OFM Cap (St Mary Prov) 2; Jesuits (CA) 4; Jesuits (Chicago) 1; Jesuits (MD) 4; Jesuits (MI) 2; Jesuits (New England) 1; Jesuits (NY) 3; Marianists (OH) 1; Marist Brothers (NY) 3; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 24; Missionhurst 1; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 9; Order of Friars Minor (Assumption Prov) 1; Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Prov) 6; Order of Friars Minor (St John Bapt Prov) 1; Passionists (IL) 6; Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions 1; Salesians (NY) 1; Xaverian Missionaries (USA) 1...TOTAL 105 WOMEN: Daughters of Charity (IN) 1; Daughters of Charity (MO) 4; Dominican Srs of the Roman Cong 1; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 2; Holy Cross, Cong. of Sisters (IN) 1; Hospital Sisters of St. Francis (Am Prov) 1; Maryknoll Sisters 12; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (MA) 1; Passionist Nuns (PA) 2; Presentation of Mary, Srs (MA) 1; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (IL) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) 3; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs (CA) 1; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs. 3; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs. (HI) 1; St. Joseph, Cong of Srs (Wichita) 2...TOTAL 38 JORDAN MEN: Franciscan OFM (DC) 1; Jesuits (New England) 1; New York Archdiocese 1...TOTAL 3 WOMEN: Comboni Missionary Sisters 1...TOTAL 1 KAZAKHSTAN MEN: Order of Friars Minor (Assumption Prov) 1...TOTAL 1 KENYA MEN: African Missions, Society of 3; Augustinians of the Assumption 2; Bismarck Diocese 1; Carmelites, Discalced (WI) 5; Catholic Medical Mission Board 2; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (MD) 4; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (Midwest) 5; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (NY) 1; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (RI) 3; Claretian Missionaries 1; Consolata Society for Foreign Missions 3; Divine Word, Society (IL) 1; Dominican Friars (NY) 4; Dominican Friars (IL) 1; Franciscan Mission Service 1; Franciscan OFM Conv (MD) 2; Holy Cross Fathers (IN) 5; Jesuits (Chicago) 1; Jesuits (MD) 2; Jesuits (MI) 1; Jesuits (New Orleans) 1; Jesuits (OR) 1; Jesuits (WI) 3; Lalmba Association 2; Marianists (MD) 1; Marianists (OH) 6; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 11; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 5; Mill Hill Missionaries 1; Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Prov) 1; Order of Friars Minor (St John Bapt Prov) 1; Passionists (NJ) 1; Sacred Heart, Brothers (NY) 2; Vincentians (MO) 7; Volunteer Missionary Movement 1; Xaverian Brothers 4...TOTAL 96 WOMEN: African Missions, Society of 2; Bismarck Diocese 1; Catholic Medical Mission Board 2; Claretian Missionaries 1; Comboni Lay Missionary Program (North America) 3; Comboni Missionary Sisters 2; Consolata Missionary Sisters 7; Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters West) 1; Felician Sisters (NJ) 1; Felician Sisters (Our Lady of the Sacred Heart) 1; Franciscan Mission Srs for Africa 2; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 3; Franciscan Sisters (Buffalo, NY) 2; Franciscan Sisters of Philadelphia 3; Incarnate Word Bl. Sacrament, Srs. 1; Lalmba Association 2; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 5; Maryknoll Sisters 9; Medical Mission Sisters 3; Medical Missionaries of Mary 1; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 1; Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (CA) 3; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (MA) 4; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (MD) 2; Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ 1; Sacred Heart of Jesus & Poor, Serv (Father Yermo, USA) 3; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 3; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MN) 6; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) 1; Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word 9; SMA Lay Missionaries 1; St. Joseph, Sisters (Springfield) 1...TOTAL 88 30 KOREA MEN: Augustinians of the Assumption 1; Columbans 3; Divine Word, Society (IL) 2; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 13; New York Archdiocese 1; Salesians (NY) 2...TOTAL 22 WOMEN: Adorers of the Blood of Christ 1; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 2; Good Shepherd Sisters (Mid North America) 1; Little Sisters of the Poor (NY) 1; Maryknoll Sisters 8; Mission Sisters, Sacred Heart (PA) 1; Missionary Benedictine Sisters 1; Order of St. Clare (MN) 2; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 1; Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill 2; St. Columban, Sisters 2...TOTAL 22 LATVIA MEN: Marianists (OH) 1...TOTAL 1 LEBANON MEN: Jesuits (New England) 3...TOTAL 3 WOMEN: Daughters of Charity (IN) 1...TOTAL 1 LESOTHO MEN: Sacred Heart, Brothers (New England Province) 1...TOTAL 1 LIBERIA MEN: African Missions, Society of 3; Marist Brothers (NY) 1; Salesians (NY) 2; SMA Lay Missionaries 1...TOTAL 7 WOMEN: African Missions, Society of 2; Bernardine Franciscan Sisters 1; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 2...TOTAL 5 LITHUANIA MEN: Dominican Friars 1; Glenmary Home Missioners 1...TOTAL 2 WOMEN: Franciscan Sisters of Providence of God 2...TOTAL 2 MADAGASCAR MEN: LaSalette Fathers (No. American Prov.) 3...TOTAL 3 WOMEN: Daughters of Charity (NY) 1; Daughters of Charity/Sac. Hrt. of Jesus 1...TOTAL 2 MALAWI MEN: Comboni Missionaries 1; Marianists (OH) 3; Missionaries of Africa 2; Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Prov) 7 1...TOTAL MALI WOMEN: Holy Cross, Sisters (NH) 3...TOTAL 3 MALTA WOMEN: Little Sisters of the Poor (NY) 1...TOTAL 1 MARSHALL ISLANDS MEN: Jesuits (NY) 3...TOTAL 3 WOMEN: Claretian Missionaries 3; Jesuit Volunteers: International 6...TOTAL 9 MEXICO MEN: Augustinians (IL) 1; Augustinians of the Assumption 2; Basilian Fathers (Toronto) 6; Carmelite Friars (IL) 7; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (NY) 1; Comboni Lay Missionary Program (North America) 1; Comboni Missionaries 2; Divine Word, Society (IL) 5; Dominican Friars (CA) 3; Erie Diocese 1; Franciscan OFM Cap (MI) 1; Franciscan OFM Conv (CA) 1; Franciscan OFM Conv (IL) 3; Green Bay Diocese 1; Holy Cross Fathers (IN) 1; Jesuits (CA) 1; Jesuits (MD) 1; Jesuits (MO) 1; Legionaries of Christ 7; Marianists (MO) 7; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 7; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 3; Missionaries of Africa 1; Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity 2; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 14; Oblates of St. Francis De Sales (USA) 3; Order of Friars Minor (Assumption Prov) 1; Order of Friars Minor (OL Guadalupe Prov) 2; Order of Friars Minor (St Barbara Prov) 5; Our Little Brothers and Sisters 2; Precious Blood, Society (OH) 1; Redemptorists (PR) 1; Saginaw Diocese Mission Office 1; San Francisco Archdiocese 1; Scalabrini Fathers (IL) 2; Sin Fronteras Mission 1; Sons of Mary, Health of the Sick (Boston) 1; Spiritans (TX) 2; St. Francis de Sales, Oblates (OH) 1; St. Joseph, Congregation of 2; St. Paul-Minneapolis Archdiocese 1; Xaverian Missionaries (USA) 1...TOTAL 108 31 WOMEN: Comboni Lay Missionary Program (North America) 1; Daughters of Mary and Joseph (CA) 1; Daughters of St Mary of Providence 1; Divine Providence, Congregation (TX) 2; Dominican Sisters (Mission San Jose) 4; Dominican Sisters (San Rafael, CA) 1; Erie Diocese 4; Felician Franciscan Sisters (Assumpt Prov) 4; Franciscan Sisters of Tiffin, OH 2; Franciscan Srs Perpetual Adoration 3; Holy Cross, Cong. of Sisters (IN) 3; Holy Spirit/Mary Imm, Srs (TX) 7; Humility of Mary, Cong (IA) 3; IHM Sisters of Monroe 1; Jesus and Mary, Rel (MD) 2; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 4; Maryknoll Sisters 9; Mercedarian Missionaries of Berriz 2; Mercy, Sisters (Chicago) 2; Mercy, Sisters (NE) 1; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 1; Missionary Cenacle Volunteers 1; Missionary Servants/Most Blessed Trinity 4; Missionary Srs, Most Sacred Heart (PA) 2; Missioners of the Incarnate Word 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (MD) 1; Our Little Brothers and Sisters 2; Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions 1; Poor Clare Missionary Sisters 2; Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ 7; Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sisters (TX) 3; Sacred Heart of Mary, Rel (Eastern USA) 1; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 1; Salesian Lay Missioners (NY) 1; Scalabrini Sisters 2; Sin Fronteras Mission 3; Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity (Sacred Heart) 1; Social Service, Sisters (CA) 2; St Francis Mission Community (TX) 1; St. Joseph of Lyons, Srs 1; St. Joseph, Cong of Srs (Orange) 2; Ursuline Sisters (MO) 3; Ursulines (NY) 1; Xaverian Mission Soc of Mary (MA) 3...TOTAL 104 MICRONESIA MEN: Claretian Missionaries 1; Jesuit Volunteers: International 5; Jesuits (New Orleans) 1; Jesuits (NY) 10...TOTAL 17 WOMEN: Jesuit Volunteers: International 4; Maryknoll Sisters 10; Mercedarian Missionaries of Berriz 5; Mercy, Sisters (NC) 1...TOTAL 20 MOROCCO MEN: Order of Friars Minor (Assumption Prov) 1; Order of Friars Minor (S Heart Prov) 1...TOTAL 2 MOZAMBIQUE MEN: Divine Word, Society (IL) 1; Jesuits (New England) 1; Jesuits (OR) 1; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 3...TOTAL 6 NAMIBIA MEN: Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 1; Oblates of St. Francis De Sales (USA) 2; St. Francis de Sales, Oblates (OH) 1...TOTAL 4 NEPAL MEN: Jesuit Volunteers: International 1; Jesuits (Chicago) 4; Jesuits (MI) 1; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 1...TOTAL 7 WOMEN: Jesuit Volunteers: International 6; Maryknoll Sisters 2...TOTAL 8 NETHERLANDS MEN: Legionaries of Christ 1; Philadelphia Archdiocese 1...TOTAL 2 NEW CALEDONIA MEN: Marist Fathers & Brothers (MA) 1...TOTAL 1 NEW ZEALAND WOMEN: Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) 1...TOTAL 1 NICARAGUA MEN: Franciscan OFM Cap (MI) 10; Franciscan OFM Cap (St Mary Prov) 1; Jesuit Volunteers: International 7; Jesuits (MD) 1; Jesuits (MI) 1; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 2; Montfort Missionaries (US) 2; San Diego Diocese 1...TOTAL 25 WOMEN: Capuchin Franciscan Volunteer Corps 3; Charity of Nazareth, Sisters (KY) 1; Franciscan Sisters of Philadelphia 1; Franciscan Sisters of the Holy Cross 1; Holy Names, Sisters (CA) 1; Intercommunity Ministry Volunteer Program 1; Jesuit Volunteers: International 2; Maryknoll Sisters 6; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (CA) 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (OH) 1; St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) 6; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs (CA) 1; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs. 1; St. Joseph of Medaille, Sisters 1...TOTAL 28 NIGERIA MEN: Christian Brothers, De La Salle (Midwest) 1; Dominican Friars (IL) 8; Jesuits (CA) 2; Jesuits (MD) 5; Jesuits (MO) 1; Jesuits (NY) 7; Redemptorists (CO) 6...TOTAL 30 WOMEN: Daughters of the Holy Spirit 1; Dominican Sisters (Great Bend, KS) 1; Franciscan Sisters (Wheaton) 1; Franciscan Sisters of Millvale, PA 1; Holy Child Jesus, Society (PA) 2; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (CA) 2; Notre Dame 32 de Namur, Srs (OH) 1; Parish Visitors of Mary Imm 3; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MD) 4; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MN) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) 2; School Sisters of Notre Dame (WI) 2...TOTAL 21 OKINAWA MEN: Franciscan OFM Cap (St Mary Prov) 6...TOTAL 6 PAKISTAN MEN: Christian Brothers, De La Salle (Midwest) 1; Dominican Friars 5; Mill Hill Missionaries 1...TOTAL 7 WOMEN: Dominican Sisters (Sparkill, NY) 3; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 1; Jesus and Mary, Rel (MD) 1; Medical Mission Sisters 3; School Sisters of Notre Dame (TX) 2; St. Columban, Sisters 1...TOTAL 11 PALAU MEN: Jesuits (MD) 1; Jesuits (NY) 2...TOTAL 3 PANAMA MEN: Franciscan OFM Cap (MI) 3; Jesuits (MO) 1; Vincentians (PA) 12...TOTAL 16 WOMEN: Maryknoll Sisters 8; Mercy, Sisters (Brookyln) 1...TOTAL 9 PAPUA NEW GUINEA MEN: Capuchin Franciscan Volunteer Corps 2; Divine Word, Society (IL) 12; Franciscan OFM Cap (Mid-America Prov) 5; Franciscan OFM Cap (St Augustine Prov) 13; Marist Fathers & Brothers (GA) 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 1; Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions 1; Sacred Heart Missionaries (IL) 11; Salesian Lay Missioners (NY) 1...TOTAL 47 WOMEN: Charity Sisters of Ottawa (St Joseph Prov) 1; Dominican Sisters (Great Bend, KS) 1; Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) 3; Missionary Sr Servs of Holy Spirit 1; Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sisters (TX) 3; Salesian Lay Missioners (NY) 1; Sisters of Notre Dame (Toledo, OH) 8...TOTAL 18 PARAGUAY MEN: Brooklyn Diocese 1; Divine Word, Society (IL) 1; Franciscan Third Order Regular (Immaculate Conception) 1; Jesuits (New Orleans) 2; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1; Redemptorists (MD) 2...TOTAL 8 WOMEN: School Sisters of Notre Dame (IL) 1...TOTAL 1 PERU MEN: Augustinians (IL) 6; Augustinians (PA) 3; Bridgeport Diocese 1; Carmelite Friars (IL) 7; Christian Brothers, Cong. (NY) 9; Christian Brothers, Cong. (Brother Rice Province) 2; Comboni Missionaries 1; Dominican Friars 1; Dominican Friars (LA) 1; Fargo Diocese 1; Holy Cross Brothers (IN) 1; Holy Cross Fathers (CT) 6; Holy Cross Fathers (IN) 1; Jackson Diocese 1; Jefferson City Diocese 4; Jesuit Volunteers: International 2; Jesuits (CA) 1; Jesuits (Chicago) 14; Jesuits (MI) 1; LaCrosse Diocese 1; Louisville Diocese 1; Marist Fathers & Brothers (MA) 1; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 11; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 2; Norbertines (PA) 1; Norbertines (WI) 6; Ogdensburg Diocese 2; Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Prov) 5; Order of Friars Minor (OL Guadalupe Prov) 1; Order of Friars Minor (St Barbara Prov) 1; Philadelphia Archdiocese 1; Pittsburgh Diocese 1; Precious Blood, Society (OH) 6; Springfield (IL) Diocese 1; St James Society 11...TOTAL 115 WOMEN: Benedictine Sisters (Ferdinand, IN) 2; Charity of Leavenworth, Sisters 5; Charity of SVP, Sisters (Halifax) 3; Daughters of the Holy Spirit 2; Dominican Sisters (Columbus, OH) 2; Dominican Sisters (Grand Rapids, MI) 2; Dominican Sisters (Sparkill, NY) 1; Dominican Sisters (Springfield, IL) 3; Franciscan Sisters (Rochester, MN) 1; Franciscan Sisters (Syracuse) 3; Holy Cross, Cong. of Sisters (IN) 4; Holy Cross, Sisters (NH) 4; IHM Sisters of Scranton 3; Jesuit Volunteers: International 3; Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) 7; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 5; Maryknoll Sisters 10; Medical Mission Sisters 2; Mercy, Sisters 6; Mercy, Sisters (CA) 1; Mercy, Sisters (IA) 1; Mercy, Sisters (Pgh, PA) 2; Most Precious Blood, Sisters (MO) 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (CA) 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (CT) 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (MA) 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (MD) 1; Presentation of Mary, Srs (MA) 1; Presentation Sisters 1; Presentation, Sisters (CA) 1; Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sisters (TX) 2; School Sisters of Notre Dame (CT) 1; School Sisters of St. Francis (Milwaukee, WI) 1; Sisters of St. Francis, Clinton, IA 1; St Joseph, Sisters, TOSF 4; St. Columban, Sisters 3; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs (CA) 2; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs (MN) 3; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs (NY) 3; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs. 10; St. Joseph, Cong of Srs (Orange) 1; St. Joseph, Sisters (Nazareth) 2; St. Joseph, Sisters (Philadelphia) 1; Ursuline Sisters of Louisville KY 3; Ursulines of Toledo 1; Vincentian Sisters of Charity (PA) 1...TOTAL 119 PHILIPPINES MEN: Adorno Fathers 1; Alexian Brothers (IL) 2; Blessed Sacrament, Cong. of (OH) 3; Carmelites, Discalced (WI) 4; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (CA) 1; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (MD) 3; Christian Brothers, De La Salle 33 (Midwest) 1; Columbans 10; Cong. of the Sacred Hearts (MA) 1; Divine Word, Society (IL) 11; Dominican Friars 1; Franciscan OFM Conv (MD) 1; Jesuits (CA) 2; Jesuits (MD) 1; Jesuits (MI) 1; Jesuits (NY) 39; Jesuits (WI) 1; LaSalette Fathers (No. American Prov.) 2; Marist Brothers (NY) 1; Marist Fathers & Brothers (GA) 1; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 16; Missionhurst 1; New Orleans Archdiocese 1; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 5; Oblates of St. Francis De Sales (USA) 1; Oblates of the Virgin Mary 2; Order of Friars Minor (Assumption Prov) 1; Order of Friars Minor (St Barbara Prov) 1; Order of Friars Minor (St John Bapt Prov) 9; Passionists (NJ) 4; Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions 3; Sons of Mary, Health of the Sick (Boston) 2; Spiritans (TX) 1; St. Francis de Sales, Oblates (OH) 1; Xaverian Missionaries (USA) 2...TOTAL 137 WOMEN: Cabrini Mission Corps 1; Christian Charity, Sisters (Eastern) 1; Daughters of St Mary of Providence 1; Dominican Nuns (Summit, NJ) 1; Handmaids of Sacred Heart of Jesus 1; Holy Family of Nazareth, Srs (Pgh, PA) 2; Holy Family of Nazareth, Srs (Phil, PA) 1; Maryknoll Sisters 10; Mercy, Sisters (NY) 2; Missionary Sr Servs of Holy Spirit 1; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 1; Scalabrini Sisters 2; Servants of Mary, Srs 2; Social Service, Sisters (CA) 1; St. Columban, Sisters 2...TOTAL 29 POLAND MEN: Christian Brothers, De La Salle (NY) 1; Comboni Lay Missionary Program (North America) 1...TOTAL 2 WOMEN: Bernardine Franciscan Sisters 1; Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa 1; Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) 1: Comboni Lay Missionary 1 …TOTAL 4 PORTUGAL MEN: San Francisco Archdiocese 1...TOTAL 1 PUERTO RICO MEN: Dominican Friars (LA) 1; Franciscan OFM (DC) 1; Franciscan OFM Cap (St Augustine Prov) 1; Franciscan OFM Cap (St Mary Prov) 1; Jesuits (NY) 5; Marianists (MD) 7; Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity 5; Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Prov) 2; Order of Friars Minor (OL Guadalupe Prov) 1; Philadelphia Archdiocese 1; Redemptorists (PR) 37; Spiritans (PA) 3...TOTAL 65 WOMEN: Bernardine Franciscan Sisters 3; Change A Heart- Millvale Franciscan Volunteer Program 2; Divine Providence, Sisters (PA) 3; Dominican Sisters (Adrian, MI) 2; Franciscan Sisters of Millvale, PA 1; Franciscan Sisters of Philadelphia 2; IHM Sisters of Monroe 7; Missionary Servants/Most Blessed Trinity 10; Social Service, Sisters (NY) 1; St Joseph, Sisters, Cong of 7; St. Joseph Srs of Philadelphia 2; St. Joseph Srs, TOSF 2; Providence Volunteer Ministries 1; …TOTAL 43 ROMANIA WOMEN: Daughters of Charity (MO) 1; Divine Providence, Sisters (MO) 1; Mercy, Sisters (CA) 1...TOTAL 3 RUSSIA MEN: Anchorage Diocese 2; Corpus Christi Diocese 1; Dominican Friars 1; Jesuits (MD) 1; Jesuits (New Orleans) 1; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 4; Order of Friars Minor (Assumption Prov) 1; Order of Friars Minor (S Heart Prov) 1...TOTAL 12 RWANDA MEN: Jesuits (MO) 2...TOTAL 2 SAIPAN MEN: Jesuits (NY) 1...TOTAL 1 WOMEN: Mercedarian Missionaries of Berriz 1...TOTAL 1 SIERRA LEONE MEN: Salesians (NY) 5; Xaverian Missionaries (USA) 3...TOTAL 8 WOMEN: Salesian Lay Missioners (NY) 2; Xaverian Mission Soc of Mary (MA) 1...TOTAL 3 SINGAPORE MEN: New York Archdiocese 1...TOTAL 1 WOMEN: Little Sisters of the Poor (NY) 2...TOTAL 2 SLOVENIA MEN: Blessed Sacrament, Cong. of (OH) 1...TOTAL 1 34 SOLOMON ISL. MEN: Dominican Friars 1; Marist Fathers & Brothers (MA) 2...TOTAL 3 WOMEN: Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) 1...TOTAL 1 SOUTH AFRICA MEN: Charity, Brothers of (PA) 1; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (MD) 1; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (NY) 3; Comboni Missionaries 2; Jesuits (MD) 1; Marianhill Missionaries 1; Oblates of St. Francis De Sales (USA) 9; Order of Friar Servants of Mary (USA) 6; Order of Friars Minor (Assumption Prov) 2; Richmond Diocese 1; Sacred Heart, Priests of the (WI) 2; Spiritans (PA) 2...TOTAL 31 WOMEN: Comboni Lay Missionary Program (North America) 1; Franciscan Mission Srs for Africa 1; Franciscan Sisters of Atonement 1; IHM Sisters of Monroe 5; Jesuit Volunteers: International 5; Missionary Srs of Precious Blood 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (Ipswich) 2; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (MA) 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (MD) 1; School Sisters of St. Francis of Pgh, PA 2; St Joseph, Sisters, TOSF 1; Ursulines (NY) 1...TOTAL 22 SOUTH KOREA WOMEN: Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill 2...TOTAL 2 SPAIN MEN: Jesuits (MO) 2; Legionaries of Christ 2; Metuchen Diocese 2; Missionaries of Africa 1...TOTAL 7 WOMEN: Associate Missionaries 3; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 1...TOTAL 4 SRI LANKA MEN: Jesuits (New Orleans) 3...TOTAL 3 WOMEN: Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 1...TOTAL 1 ST. LUCIA MEN: Redemptorists (MD) 5...TOTAL 5 SUDAN MEN: Comboni Missionaries 3; Jesuits (MI) 1; Mill Hill Missionaries 1...TOTAL 5 WOMEN: Maryknoll Sisters 3...TOTAL 3 SWEDEN MEN: Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1...TOTAL 1 WOMEN: Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 1; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 1...TOTAL 2 SWITZERLAND WOMEN: Cabrini Mission Corps 2...TOTAL 2 SYRIA MEN: Order of Friars Minor (S Heart Prov) 1...TOTAL 1 TAHITI MEN: Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1...TOTAL 1 TAIWAN MEN: Benedictine - Am Cassinese Cong (IL) 1; Benedictine - Am Cassinese Cong (MN) 1; Benedictine - Am Cassinese Cong (PA) 1; Columbans 2; Divine Word, Society (IL) 4; Jesuits (CA) 10; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 28; Vincentians (PA) 9...TOTAL 56 WOMEN: Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (United States) 3; Columban Lay Mission Program 5; Daughters of Charity (IN) 1; Daughters of Charity (MD) 2; Daughters of Charity (MO) 5; Daughters of Charity (NY) 1; Divine Savior, Sisters (WI) 2; Franciscan Mission Srs O.L. Sorrows 3; Hospital Sisters of St. Francis (Am Prov) 2; Maryknoll Sisters 9; Missionary Sr Servs of Holy Spirit 1; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 3; Sacred Heart, Society Devoted (CA) 5; Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi 1; Social Service, Sisters (CA) 1...TOTAL 44 35 TANZANIA MEN: Dominican Friars 2; Holy Cross Fathers (IN) 1; Jesuit Volunteers: International 5; Jesuits (MI) 2; Jesuits (OR) 1; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 21; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 2; Missionaries of Africa 1; Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Prov) 1; Order of Friars Minor (S Heart Prov) 1; Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions 1; Precious Blood, Society (MO) 1; Salesians (NY) 1; Society of the Divine Savior 4; Spiritans (PA) 9...TOTAL 53 WOMEN: Franciscan Sisters of Holy Family (IA) 1; Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls 2; Holy Union Sisters (MA) 1; Hospital Sisters of St. Francis (Am Prov) 1; Jesuit Volunteers: International 2; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 5; Maryknoll Sisters 21; Medical Missionaries of Mary 2; Missionary Benedictine Sisters 3; Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MN) 1; Srs. Of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity (Holy Name) 1...TOTAL 41 THAILAND MEN: Divine Word, Society (IL) 1; Jesuits (CA) 1; Jesuits (MD) 1; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 7; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 4; Milwaukee Archdiocese 1; Redemptorists (CO) 11; Stigmatine Fathers Mission Office 2...TOTAL 28 WOMEN: Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 6; Maryknoll Sisters 3; Ursuline Nuns of the Roman Union (MA) 1; Ursulines (NY) 4; Ursulines Roman Union (US-West) 2...TOTAL 16 TRINIDAD MEN: Carmelite Friars (NY) 2...TOTAL 2 TURKEY MEN: Jesuits (MI) 1...TOTAL 1 UGANDA MEN: Blessed Sacrament, Cong. of (OH) 1; Comboni Missionaries 3; Holy Cross Brothers (IN) 1; Holy Cross Brothers (NY) 8; Holy Cross Fathers (CT) 1; Holy Cross Fathers (IN) 9; Jesuits (MI) 1; Jesuits (WI) 2; Missionaries of Africa 1; Sacred Heart, Brothers (New England Province) 1; Volunteer Missionary Movement 3...TOTAL 31 WOMEN: Franciscan Mission Srs for Africa 1; Holy Cross, Cong. of Sisters (IN) 8; IHM Sisters of Monroe 2; Mantellate Sr. Servants of Mary 1; Medical Mission Sisters 4; Medical Missionaries of Mary 1; Milwaukee Archdiocese 1; Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa 1; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 1; Sisters of Notre Dame (Chardon, OH) 1; Volunteer Missionary Movement 1...TOTAL 21 UKRAINE MEN: Oblates of St. Francis De Sales (USA) 1...TOTAL 1 UNITED STATES MEN: African Missions, Society of 1; Annunciation House 7; Blessed Sacrament, Cong. of (OH) 2; Cabrini Mission Corps 1; Capuchin Franciscan Volunteer Corps 5; Casa Juan Diego 1; Catholic Volunteers in Florida 3; Christian Brothers, Cong. (NY) 10; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (Midwest) 13; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (NY) 31; Christian Instruction, Brothers (ME) 1; Claretian Vol & Lay Missionaries 2; Columban Lay Mission Program 1; Columbans 6; Comboni Missionaries 9; Cong. of the Sacred Hearts (MA) 5; Consolata Society for Foreign Missions 1; Divine Word, Society (IL) 31; Dominican Friars (LA) 20; Franciscan OFM (DC) 2; Franciscan OFM Cap (MI) 4; Franciscan OFM Cap (Mid-America Prov) 1; Franciscan OFM Cap (St Mary Prov) 4; Franciscan OFM Conv (IN) 2; Franciscan Third Order Regular (Immaculate Conception) 1; Franciscan Volunteer Ministry (Holy Name Province) 5; Franciscan Volunteer Program 3; Franciscans for the Poor 1; Glenmary Home Missioners 65; Great Falls-Billings Diocese 3; Hands Together, Inc. 2; Holy Cross Associates 10; Holy Cross Brothers (TX) 1; Holy Cross Fathers (IN) 17; Holy Family, Missionaries of 4; Inner-City Teaching Corps 9; Intercommunity Ministry Volunteer Program 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 21; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest 15; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Northwest 41; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - South 11; Jesuit Volunteer England) 4; Jesuits (OR) 30; Jesuits (WI) 36; Corps - Southwest 26; Jesuits (Chicago) 2; Jesuits (MD) 3; Jesuits (New Knoxville Diocese 1; Lalmba Association 2; LAMP Ministries 5; LaSalette Fathers (No. American Prov.) 5; Lasallian Volunteers 8; Lay Mission Oblates of Mary Imm 1; Legionaries of Christ 1; Lexington Diocese 1; Marianists (OH) 6; Marist Fathers & Brothers (GA) 3; Marist Volunteer Program 2; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 7; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 13; Mercy Volunteer Corps 4; Mill Hill Missionaries 2; Missionaries of Africa 2; Missionary Cenacle Volunteers 4; Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity 12; Missionhurst 5; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 23; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 58; Oblates of St. Francis De Sales (USA) 1; Order of Friars Minor (Assumption Prov) 2; Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Prov) 7; Order of Friars Minor (Imm Conc Prov) 1; Order of Friars Minor (OL Guadalupe Prov) 48; Order of Friars Minor (S Heart Prov) 4; Owensboro Diocese 1; Passionists (NJ) 6; Precious Blood, Society (OH) 5; Redemptorists (PR) 5; Sacred Heart Lay Missioners (WI) 2; Sacred Heart Missionaries (IL) 1; Sacred Heart, Brothers (LA) 4; Salesian Lay Missioners (NY) 2; Savannah Diocese 3; Society of St. Edmund 11; Society of the Divine Savior 4; Springfield (IL) Diocese 1; Urban Catholic Teacher Corps of Boston 1; Vincentian Service Corps (Central) 15; Vincentian Service Corps (East) 4; Vincentians (CA) 2; 36 Vincentians (PA) 6; Volunteer Missionary Movement 1; Volunteer Service Community Brothers of the Sacred Heart 4; Volunteers for Educ & Social Services 1; Xaverian Missionaries (USA) 2...TOTAL 783 WOMEN: Annunciation House 2; Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (United States) 15; Associate Missionaries 2; Benedictine Sisters 5; Benedictine Sisters (Mt. Angel, OR) 2; Benedictine Sisters (St. Joseph, MN) 6; Benedictine Sisters (Watertown, SD) 3; Bernardine Franciscan Sisters 11; Blessed Sacrament Sisters 113; Cabrini Mission Corps 1; Capuchin Franciscan Volunteer Corps 5; Casa Juan Diego 2; Catholic Volunteers in Florida 10; Change A Heart- Millvale Franciscan Volunteer Program 1; Christian Charity, Sisters (IL) 5; Claretian Vol & Lay Missionaries 5; Columban Lay Mission Program 2; Consolata Missionary Sisters 5; Daughters of Charity (CA) 2; Daughters of Charity (IN) 3; Daughters of Charity (MD) 1; Daughters of Charity (NY) 1; Daughters of Charity/Sac. Hrt. of Jesus 2; Daughters of Mary and Joseph (CA) 6; Daughters of St Mary of Providence 1; Daughters of the Holy Spirit 7; Divine Providence, Congregation (KY) 4; Divine Providence, Congregation (TX) 4; Divine Providence, Sisters (MO) 1; Divine Providence, Sisters (PA) 1; Divine Savior, Sisters (WI) 7; Dominican College 5; Dominican Sisters (Columbus, OH) 7; Dominican Sisters (Edmonds, WA) 3; Dominican Sisters (Racine, WI) 7; Dominican Sisters (Sinsinawa, WI) 2; Dominican Sisters (Sparkill, NY) 20; Dominican Sisters (Springfield, IL) 14; Dominican Sisters (St. Catharine, KY) 2; Dominican Srs of the Roman Cong 1; Family Unity International, Inc. 1; Felician Sisters (NY) 1; Felician Sisters (Our Lady of the Sacred Heart) 1; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 86; Franciscan Sisters (Buffalo, NY) 3; Franciscan Sisters (Syracuse) 1; Franciscan Sisters of Atonement 18; Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity 20; Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls 20; Franciscan Sisters of Mary 2; Franciscan Sisters of Millvale, PA 5; Franciscan Sisters of Peace 2; Franciscan Sisters of Philadelphia 4; Franciscan Sisters of Sylvania, OH 1; Franciscan Srs Perpetual Adoration 1; Franciscan Srs, O L of Perpetual Help 5; Franciscan Volunteer Ministry (Holy Name Province) 1; Franciscan Volunteer Program 3; Glenmary Home Mission Sisters 11; Glenmary Home Missioners 5; Good Shepherd Sisters (Mid North America) 6; Great Falls-Billings Diocese 2; Handmaids of Sacred Heart of Jesus 7; Hands Together, Inc. 1; Holy Child Jesus, Society (PA) 4; Holy Cross Associates 26; Holy Family, Sisters (LA) 8; Holy Names, Sisters (CA) 11; Holy Spirit/Mary Imm, Srs (TX) 27; Holy Union Sisters (MA) 2; Humility of Mary, Sisters 1; IHM Sisters of Scranton 2; Inner-City Teaching Corps 14; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 53; Jesuit Volunteer Corps Midwest 28; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Northwest 81; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - South 37; Jesuit Volunteer Corps Southwest 66; Jesus and Mary, Rel (MD) 1; Knoxville Diocese 5; Lalmba Association 2; LAMP Ministries 9; Lasallian Volunteers 21; Lay Mission Oblates of Mary Imm 3; Little Sisters of Jesus 1; Little Sisters of the Poor (NY) 6; Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) 29; Marist Volunteer Program 2; Mary of the Presentation, Srs (ND) 1; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 19; Maryknoll Sisters 70; Medical Mission Sisters 39; Medical Missionaries of Mary 20; Mercy Volunteer Corps 27; Mercy, Sisters 8; Mercy, Sisters (Brooklyn) 1; Mercy, Sisters (Chicago) 2; Mercy, Sisters (NE) 9; Mercy, Sisters (NY) 1; Mercy, Sisters (OH) 5; Mercy, Sisters (Omaha, NE) 2; Mercy, Sisters (RI) 2; Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart 1; Mission Srs Imm Concept (NJ) 4; Mission Srs Imm Heart of Mary 17; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 55; Missionary Benedictine Sisters 6; Missionary Cenacle Volunteers 8; Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa 10; Missionary Sr Servs of Holy Spirit 3; Missionary Srs, Most Sacred Heart (PA) 1; Missioners of the Incarnate Word 1; Most Precious Blood, Sisters (MO) 6; Nazareth Homes and Nazareth Friends 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (MA) 25; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (OH) 2; Notre Dame, Cong of Srs (CT) 2; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 23; Oblate Sisters of Providence 7; Our Lady Christian Doctrine, Sisters 3; Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters 3; Precious Blood, Sisters (OH) 2; Presentation Sisters 8; Presentation, Sisters (Aberdeen, SD) 8; Presentation, Sisters (CA) 10; Providence Volunteer Ministry 4; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 27; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 2; Sacred Heart Lay Missioners (WI) 2; Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sisters (TX) 19; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 47; School Sisters of Notre Dame (CT) 4; School Sisters of Notre Dame (IL) 17; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MD) 5; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MN) 24; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) 30; School Sisters of Notre Dame (TX) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (WI) 12; School Sisters of St. Francis (Milwaukee, WI) 7; School Sisters of St. Francis of Pgh, PA 3; Shared Horizons 3; Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) 16; Sisters of Charity of St Elizabeth 1; Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) 47; Sisters of Notre Dame (Toledo, OH) 3; Sisters of St Chretienne 2; Sisters of St. Francis, Clinton, IA 1; Sisters of the Living Word 4; Sisters of the Most Holy Sacrament 1; Sisters of the Sacred Hearts (HI) 1; St Bonaventure Indian School 11; St Joseph, Sisters, TOSF 1; St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) 41; St. Anne, Sisters (MA) 2; St. Columban, Sisters 2; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs (MN) 11; St. Joseph of Chambery, Srs 7; St. Joseph, Cong of Srs (Rockville Ctr) 6; St. Joseph, Sisters (Philadelphia) 10; St. Joseph, Sisters (Rochester) 18; St. Mary of Namur, Sisters (NY) 6; Urban Catholic Teacher Corps of Boston 22; Ursuline Nuns of the Cong. of Paris 2; Ursuline Sisters (KY) 8; Ursuline Sisters (MO) 2; Ursuline Sisters of Louisville KY 1; Ursulines (NY) 9; Ursulines Roman Union (US-West) 6; Vincentian Service Corps (Central) 24; Vincentian Service Corps (East) 7; Volunteer Missionary Movement 2; Volunteers for Educ & Social Services 12...TOTAL 1847 URUGUAY WOMEN: Christian Charity, Sisters (Eastern) 1...TOTAL 1 VANUATU MEN: Marist Fathers & Brothers (MA) 1...TOTAL 1 VENEZUELA MEN: Lincoln Diocese 1; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 5; Philadelphia Archdiocese 1; Society of St. Edmund 1; St. Paul-Minneapolis Archdiocese 3; Wichita Diocese 1...TOTAL 12 37 WOMEN: Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 6; Medical Mission Sisters 2; Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart 2...TOTAL VIETNAM MEN: Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 2; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 1; Washington Archdiocese 1...TOTAL 4 WOMEN: Good Shepherd Sisters (Mid North America) 1; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 1...TOTAL 2 VIRGIN ISLANDS MEN: Oblates of St. Francis De Sales (USA) 1; Redemptorists (MD) 5...TOTAL 6 WOMEN: Good Shepherd Sisters (Mid North America) 2; Sisters of Charity of St Elizabeth 2...TOTAL 4 WEST INDIES MEN: Divine Word, Society (IL) 3...TOTAL 3 WOMEN: Carmelite Sisters (Corpus Christi) 2; Dominican Sisters (Sinsinawa, WI) 1; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 1...TOTAL 4 WESTERN SAMOA MEN: Marist Fathers & Brothers (GA) 1; Monterey Diocese 1...TOTAL 2 DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO (formerly Zaire) MEN: Crosier Fathers & Brothers 2; Jesuits (OR) 1; Missionhurst 1; Order of Friars Minor (S Heart Prov) 1; Sacred Heart, Priests of the (WI) 1...TOTAL 6 WOMEN: Daughters of Charity (MO) 2; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (MD) 3; St. Mary of Namur, Sisters (NY) 1; St. Mary of Namur, Sisters (TX) 2...TOTAL 8 ZAMBIA MEN: Franciscan OFM Conv (IL) 1; Franciscan OFM Conv (IN) 5; Jesuits (CA) 1; Jesuits (New Orleans) 3; Jesuits (NY) 1; Jesuits (OR) 6; Marianists (MD) 5; Marianists (OH) 1; Missionaries of Africa 1; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 5; Sacred Heart, Brothers (New England Province) 1; Society of St. Sulpice (MD) 7...TOTAL 37 WOMEN: Comboni Missionary Sisters 2; Franciscan Mission Service 2; Franciscan Sisters of Philadelphia 2; Holy Spirit/Mary Imm, Srs (TX) 7...TOTAL 13 ZIMBABWE MEN: Jesuits (New Orleans) 3; Jesuits (WI) 1; Marianhill Missionaries 2; Mission Doctors Association 1; Toledo Diocese 1...TOTAL 8 WOMEN: Franciscan Mission Srs for Africa 1; Franciscan Srs Perpetual Adoration 2; Maryknoll Sisters 4; Mission Doctors Association 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (CA) 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (Ipswich) 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (OH) 1; Sacred Heart of Mary, Rel (Eastern USA) 7; Toledo Diocese 1...TOTAL 19 Gender Totals F 3778 M 2617 Grand Total 6395 38 U.S. CATHOLIC MISSIONERS BY REGION, COUNTRY, AND GENDER AFRICA MEN WOMEN TOTAL Algeria Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Cameroon Chad Congo Democratic Rep. of Congo Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Ghana Kenya Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Mali Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nigeria Rwanda Sierra Leone South Africa Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Togo Uganda Zaire Zambia Zimbabwe AFRICA TOTALS 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 3 0 10 0 17 85 1 4 3 4 0 2 6 7 20 0 10 26 5 2 43 0 26 3 40 10 333 ASIA MEN WOMEN TOTAL Bangladesh Cambodia China East Timor Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan Korea Malaysia Myanmar Nepal Pakistan Philippines Singapore South Korea Sri Lanka Taiwan Thailand Vietnam ASIA TOTALS 15 4 17 5 30 37 12 92 23 0 1 9 4 116 1 0 2 48 19 12 447 39 1 1 2 2 9 0 5 0 1 5 10 1 27 93 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 5 14 1 0 22 7 1 37 1 23 2 13 15 303 7 8 23 9 11 21 4 29 13 1 0 9 11 26 0 2 1 36 14 3 228 1 1 2 2 11 1 7 1 4 5 20 1 44 178 1 7 3 4 2 2 6 12 34 1 10 48 12 3 80 1 49 5 53 25 636 22 12 40 14 41 58 16 121 36 1 1 18 15 142 1 2 3 84 33 15 675 CARIBBEAN MEN WOMEN TOTAL Antigua Bahamas Belize Bermuda Cayman Islands Dominica Dominican Republic French Guiana Guyana Haiti Jamaica Puerto Rico St. Lucia St. Vincent Trinidad Virgin Islands West Indies CARIBBEAN TOTALS 0 7 33 0 1 3 18 2 0 20 27 47 6 0 1 5 4 174 EURASIA MEN WOMEN TOTAL Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Russia Ukraine EURASIA TOTALS 1 0 9 1 11 EUROPE 4 2 24 2 0 0 35 0 8 30 25 37 1 1 1 6 3 179 0 1 0 0 1 4 9 57 2 1 3 53 2 8 50 52 84 7 1 2 11 7 353 1 1 9 1 12 MEN WOMEN TOTAL Albania Austria Belgium Czech Rep Denmark England Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Lithuania Netherlands Poland Romania Scotland Spain Sweden Yugoslavia EUROPE TOTALS 0 2 1 1 5 8 0 0 4 8 1 1 0 10 29 2 1 1 0 0 3 2 0 79 LATIN AMERICA 1 1 0 0 0 3 1 3 8 3 0 5 1 17 31 2 0 0 2 1 4 2 1 86 1 3 1 1 5 11 1 3 12 11 1 6 1 27 60 4 1 1 2 1 7 4 1 165 MEN WOMEN TOTAL Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Honduras 8 55 114 40 12 6 17 20 42 26 40 4 53 76 47 11 3 29 25 68 22 12 108 190 87 23 9 46 45 110 48 Mexico Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela LATIN AMERICA TOTALS 103 22 12 6 118 1 7 609 MIDDLE EAST MEN WOMEN TOTAL Israel Jordan Lebanon Syria Turkey MIDDLE EAST TOTALS 23 3 2 1 1 30 94 30 8 1 119 1 5 596 2 1 1 0 0 4 197 52 20 7 237 2 12 1205 25 4 3 1 1 34 NORTH AMERICA MEN WOMEN TOTAL Canada Greenland United States NORTH AMERICA TOTALS 19 1 829 849 OCEANIA MEN WOMEN TOTAL American Samoa Australia Fiji Guam Marshall Islands Micronesia New Caledonia New Zealand No. Marianas Islands Okinawa Palau Papua New Guinea Saipan Solomon Isl. Vanuatu Western Samoa OCEANIA TOTALS GRAND TOTAL OF ALL MISSIONERS: 41 32 0 2284 2316 51 1 3113 3165 2 7 2 7 6 14 1 0 1 5 1 34 0 3 1 1 85 3 6 3 2 6 20 0 4 0 0 0 19 1 1 0 0 65 5 13 5 9 12 34 1 4 1 5 1 53 1 4 1 1 150 2617 3778 6395 U.S. Catholic Missioners by Region and Gender 2004-2005 Men Women Total Africa 333 303 636 Asia 447 228 675 Caribbean 174 179 353 Eurasia 11 1 12 Europe 79 86 165 Latin America 609 596 1205 S. Amer 378 346 724 C. Amer 231 250 481 Middle East 30 4 34 N. America 849 2316 3165 Oceania 85 65 150 Totals 2617 3778 6395 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Men fri ca A Ca sia rib be a Eu n ra sia E La u tin ro Am pe er S. ica Am C. e r A M m e id dl r e N . A Eas m t er i O ca ce an ia Women A Number of Missioners Missioners by Region and Gender 2004-2005 Region 42 U.S. CATHOLIC MISSIONERS – U.S. Only BY STATE, GENDER, AND SENDING ORGANIZATION ALABAMA MEN: Dominican Friars (LA) 1; Glenmary Home Missioners 4; Jesuits (OR) 1; Society of St. Edmund 6; Vincentians (PA) 1...TOTAL 13 WOMEN: Benedictine Sisters (St. Joseph, MN) 2; Blessed Sacrament Sisters 3; Consolata Missionary Sisters 5; Daughters of the Holy Spirit 2; Divine Savior, Sisters (WI) 2; Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls 2; Jesuit Volunteer Corps South 9; Missionary Cenacle Volunteers 2; Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) 4; St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) 5; St. Joseph of Chambery, Srs 2; St. Joseph, Sisters (Rochester) 5...TOTAL 43 ALASKA MEN: Holy Cross Fathers (IN) 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Northwest 11; Jesuits (Chicago) 2; Jesuits (New England) 2; Jesuits (OR) 16; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 2; Order of Friars Minor (S Heart Prov) 4...TOTAL 38 WOMEN: Dominican Sisters (Sinsinawa, WI) 2; Franciscan Sisters of Philadelphia 2; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Northwest 15; Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) 1; Most Precious Blood, Sisters (MO) 2; Sisters of Charity of St Elizabeth 1; St. Joseph, Sisters (Philadelphia) 2; Ursulines Roman Union (US-West) 4...TOTAL 29 ARIZONA MEN: Franciscans for the Poor 1; Holy Cross Fathers (IN) 5; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Southwest 3; Missionary Cenacle Volunteers 1; Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity 2; Order of Friars Minor (OL Guadalupe Prov) 11; Sacred Heart, Brothers (LA) 4; Society of the Divine Savior 2; Vincentians (CA) 2...TOTAL 31 WOMEN: Blessed Sacrament Sisters 23; Daughters of Charity (CA) 1; Daughters of Charity (IN) 2; Daughters of Charity (MD) 1; Divine Savior, Sisters (WI) 3; Dominican Srs of the Roman Cong 1; Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity 13; Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls 2; Franciscan Sisters of Peace 1; Good Shepherd Sisters (Mid North America) 1; Holy Cross Associates 4; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Southwest 11; Maryknoll Sisters 1; Medical Mission Sisters 2; Mercy Volunteer Corps 8; Mercy, Sisters 3; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (OH) 2; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) 2; School Sisters of Notre Dame (TX) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (WI) 1; School Sisters of St. Francis of Pgh, PA 1; St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) 11; St. Joseph, Cong of Srs (Rockville Ctr) 1...TOTAL 96 ARKANSAS MEN: Glenmary Home Missioners 3; Vincentian Service Corps (Central) 1...TOTAL 4 WOMEN: Vincentian Service Corps (Central) 1...TOTAL 1 CALIFORNIA MEN: Columban Lay Mission Program 1; Columbans 1; Comboni Missionaries 5; Holy Cross Associates 2; Holy Cross Fathers (IN) 4; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Southwest 23; Jesuits (MD) 1; Lasallian Volunteers 1; Lay Mission Oblates of Mary Imm 1; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 2; Mercy Volunteer Corps 2; Missionaries of Africa 1; Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity 5; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 10; Redemptorists (PR) 1; Sacred Heart Missionaries (IL) 1; Vincentian Service Corps (Central) 1...TOTAL 62 WOMEN: Bernardine Franciscan Sisters 3; Blessed Sacrament Sisters 2; Daughters of Mary and Joseph (CA) 6; Daughters of the Holy Spirit 4; Divine Providence, Congregation (TX) 1; Dominican Sisters (Edmonds, WA) 1; Franciscan Sisters of Atonement 8; Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls 2; Holy Cross Associates 3; Holy Family, Sisters (LA) 8; Holy Names, Sisters (CA) 9; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Southwest 55; Lasallian Volunteers 5; Lay Mission Oblates of Mary Imm 3; Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) 1; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 3; Maryknoll Sisters 3; Medical Mission Sisters 1; Medical Missionaries of Mary 8; Mercy Volunteer Corps 4; Mercy, Sisters (NE) 2; Mission Srs Imm Concept (NJ) 1; Mission Srs Imm Heart of Mary 4; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 7; Missionary Cenacle Volunteers 1; Presentation, Sisters (CA) 10; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 3; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 9; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MN) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) 8; Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) 7; Vincentian Service Corps (Central) 2; Volunteer Missionary Movement 1; …TOTAL 222 COLORADO MEN: Cabrini Mission Corps 1; Holy Cross Associates 2; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest 2; Lalmba Association 2; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 1; Order of Friars Minor (OL Guadalupe Prov) 1...TOTAL 9 WOMEN: Holy Cross Associates 5; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest 2; Lalmba Association 2; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 1; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 1; Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) 3...TOTAL 14 CONNECTICUT MEN: Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 1; Order of Friars Minor (Imm Conc Prov) 1...TOTAL 2 WOMEN: Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (United States) 5; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 6; Marist Missionary Srs. 43 1; Maryknoll Sisters 3; Medical Mission Sisters 2; School Sisters of Notre Dame (CT) 5; School Sisters of Notre Dame (IL) 1 St. Elizabeth Mission Society 1...TOTAL 28 DELAWARE MEN: Franciscan Volunteer Ministry (Holy Name Province) 1; Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Prov) 1...TOTAL 4 WOMEN: Franciscan Volunteer Ministry 2; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MD) 1; Ursulines of the Roman Union 1...TOTAL 2 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MEN: Capuchin Franciscan Volunteer Corps 2; Glenmary Home Missioners 3; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 3; Jesuits (MD) 1; Missionaries of Africa 1; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1; Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Prov) 1; Redemptorists (PR) 1; Vincentian Service Corps (East) 3...TOTAL 16 WOMEN: Capuchin Franciscan Volunteer Corps 3; Good Shepherd Sisters (Mid North America) 1; Holy Child Jesus, Society (PA) 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 3; Little Sisters of Jesus 1; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 1; Medical Mission Sisters 1; Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart 1; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 9; Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa 4; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 1; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 3; Ursuline Sisters (KY) 1; Vincentian Service Corps (East) 2...TOTAL 32 FLORIDA MEN: Catholic Volunteers in Florida 3; Christian Brothers, Cong. (NY) 5; Dominican Friars (LA) 2; LaSalette Fathers (No. American Prov.) 1; Missionary Cenacle Volunteers 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 3; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 10...TOTAL 25 WOMEN: Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (United States) 1; Blessed Sacrament Sisters 3; Catholic Volunteers in Florida 10; Christian Charity, Sisters (IL) 1; Dominican Sisters (Columbus, OH) 2; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 4; Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) 2; Maryknoll Sisters 1; Medical Mission Sisters 4; Medical Missionaries of Mary 1; Mercy, Sisters 1; Nazareth Homes and Nazareth Friends 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 2; Oblate Sisters of Providence 4; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 1; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 7; School Sisters of Notre Dame (IL) 1; School Sisters of Notre dame (MO) 2; Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) 1; Sisters of Charity BVM (IA) 1…TOTAL 50 GEORGIA MEN: Glenmary Home Missioners 7; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - South 2; Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 2; Savannah Diocese 3...TOTAL 15 WOMEN: Blessed Sacrament Sisters 4; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 3; Franciscan Sisters of Millvale, PA 2; Glenmary Home Mission Sisters 2; Good Shepherd Sisters (Mid North America) 3; Handmaids of Sacred Heart of Jesus 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - South 4; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Savannah Diocese 1;Society 2; Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) 1; St. Joseph, Sisters (Philadelphia) 2; St. Mary of Namur, Sisters (NY) 1...TOTAL 26 HAWAII MEN: Franciscan OFM Cap (St Mary Prov) 4; LaSalette Fathers (No. American Prov.) 4; Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers 7...TOTAL 15 WOMEN: Maryknoll Sisters 17; Mercy, Sisters (RI) 1; Sisters of the Sacred Hearts (HI) 1; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs (MN) 3…TOTAL 22 IDAHO MEN: Jesuits (OR) 2...TOTAL 2 WOMEN: Mercy, Sisters (NE) 2; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 1...TOTAL 3 ILLINOIS MEN: Christian Brothers, De La Salle (Midwest) 5; Claretian Vol & Lay Missionaries 1; Columbans 2; Comboni Missionaries 3; Divine Word, Society (IL) 8; Franciscan Volunteer Program 3; Inner-City Teaching Corps 9; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1; Order of Friars Minor (Assumption Prov) 1; Vincentian Service Corps (Central) 3; Xaverian Missionaries (USA) 1...TOTAL 37 WOMEN: Blessed Sacrament Sisters 5; Claretian Vol & Lay Missionaries 4; Columban Lay Mission Program 2; Daughters of St Mary of Providence 1; Dominican College 2; Dominican Sisters (Springfield, IL) 14; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 3; Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity 2; Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls 3; Franciscan Srs, O L of Perpetual Help 1; Franciscan Volunteer Program 3; Inner-City Teaching Corps 14; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest 6; Lasallian Volunteers 2; Maryknoll Sisters 2; Medical Missionaries of Mary 1; Mercy Volunteer Corps 3; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 5; Missionary Sr Servs of Holy Spirit 3; Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters 3; Presentation, Sisters (Aberdeen, SD) 1; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 4; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 3; School Sisters of Notre Dame 44 (IL) 15; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) 3; School Sisters of Notre Dame (WI) 1; Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) 11; St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) 3; Vincentian Service Corps (Central) 2...TOTAL 122 INDIANA MEN: Divine Word, Society (IL) 4; Franciscan OFM Conv (IN) 2; Holy Cross Associates 3; Holy Cross Fathers (IN) 4; Precious Blood, Society (OH) 2; Vincentian Service Corps (Central) 1...TOTAL 16 WOMEN: Blessed Sacrament Sisters 1; Holy Cross Associates 2; Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa 1; Providence Volunteer Ministry 4; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 15; Vincentian Service Corps (Central) 3...TOTAL 26 IOWA WOMEN: Presentation, Sisters (Aberdeen, SD) 1; Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) 6; Sisters of St. Francis, Clinton, IA 1...TOTAL 8 KANSAS MEN: Franciscan OFM Cap (Mid-America Prov) 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 1...TOTAL 2 WOMEN: O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 1...TOTAL 1 KENTUCKY MEN: Glenmary Home Missioners 10; Lexington Diocese 1; Owensboro Diocese 1...TOTAL 12 WOMEN: Bernardine Franciscan Sisters 1; Divine Providence, Congregation (KY) 1; Glenmary Home Mission Sisters 9; Glenmary Home Missioners 1; Holy Union Sisters (MA) 2; Maryknoll Sisters 1; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 2; Precious Blood, Sisters (OH) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MD) 2; Sisters of St Chretienne 2; St. Joseph of Chambery, Srs 5; St. Joseph, Cong of Srs (Rockville Ctr) 1; St. Joseph, Sisters (Philadelphia) 2; Ursuline Nuns of the Cong. of Paris 2; Ursuline Sisters (KY) 7 …TOTAL 39 LOUISIANA MEN: Dominican Friars (LA) 4; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - South 2; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1; Society of St. Edmund 4...TOTAL 11 WOMEN: Blessed Sacrament Sisters 26; Daughters of Charity/Sac. Hrt. of Jesus 2; Holy Spirit/Mary Imm, Srs (TX) 2; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - South 6; Medical Mission Sisters 1; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 1; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 1; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 3; School Sisters of Notre Dame (WI) 1...TOTAL 43 MAINE MEN: Christian Instruction, Brothers (ME) 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 1...TOTAL 2 WOMEN: Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 1; Mercy, Sisters 2...TOTAL 3 MARYLAND MEN: Capuchin Franciscan Volunteer Corps 3; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 1; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 1; Mercy Volunteer Corps 1; Redemptorists (PR) 1...TOTAL 7 WOMEN: Capuchin Franciscan Volunteer Corps 2; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 2; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 1; Maryknoll Sisters 2; Medical Mission Sisters 4; Mercy Volunteer Corps 3; Mercy, Sisters (Brookyln) 1; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 2; Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa 1; Oblate Sisters of Providence 1; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MN) 1; Ursulines (NY) 1...TOTAL 22 MASSACHUSETTS MEN: Divine Word, Society (IL) 1; Hands Together, Inc. 2; Holy Cross Associates 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 1; Missionary Cenacle Volunteers 1; Missionhurst 1; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1; Urban Catholic Teacher Corps of Boston 1...TOTAL 9 WOMEN: Associate Missionaries 2; Blessed Sacrament Sisters 3; Dominican Sisters (St. Catharine, KY) 1; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 5; Franciscan Sisters of Atonement 3; Hands Together, Inc. 1; Holy Cross Associates 4; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 8; Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) 16; Marist Volunteer Program 1; Maryknoll Sisters 1; Medical Mission Sisters 4; Medical Missionaries of Mary 5; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 1; Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa 2; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (MA) 23; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 1; Urban Catholic Teacher Corps of Boston 22…TOTAL 103 MICHIGAN MEN: Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest 2; Society of St. Edmund 1...TOTAL 3 WOMEN: Bernardine Franciscan Sisters 1; Divine Providence, Congregation (KY) 1; Dominican Sisters (Racine, WI) 3; Franciscan Sisters of Atonement 2; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest 5; Maryknoll Sisters 1; Medical Missionaries of Mary 1; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 1; Missioners of the Incarnate Word 1; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 1...TOTAL 17 45 MINNESOTA MEN: Christian Brothers, De La Salle (Midwest) 2; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest 2; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1; Order of Friars Minor (OL Guadalupe Prov) 1...TOTAL 6 WOMEN: Benedictine Sisters 1; Benedictine Sisters (St. Joseph, MN) 4; Divine Providence, Congregation (KY) 1; Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls 8; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest 2; Maryknoll Sisters 2; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MN) 17; Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) 4...TOTAL 39 MISSISSIPPI MEN: Christian Brothers, Cong. (NY) 4; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (Midwest) 1; Franciscan OFM (DC) 2; Glenmary Home Missioners 6; Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity 2; Springfield (IL) Diocese 1...TOTAL 16 WOMEN: Divine Savior, Sisters (WI) 1; Dominican Sisters (Racine, WI) 1; Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity 5; Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls 2; Glenmary Home Missioners 4; Holy Names, Sisters (CA) 1; Holy Spirit/Mary Imm, Srs (TX) 5; IHM Sisters of Scranton 1; Mercy, Sisters 1; Missionary Srs, Most Sacred Heart (PA) 1; Presentation Sisters 2; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 1; Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) 3; Sisters of the Living Word 3; St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) 5; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs (MN) 1; St. Joseph, Sisters (Philadelphia) 2...TOTAL 39 MISSOURI MEN: Christian Brothers, De La Salle (Midwest) 4; Divine Word, Society (IL) 5; Dominican Friars (LA) 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest 5; Jesuits (OR) 1; Lasallian Volunteers 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 6; Vincentian Service Corps (Central) 5...TOTAL 28 WOMEN: Divine Providence, Congregation (TX) 1; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 3; Franciscan Sisters of Sylvania, OH 1; Franciscan Srs, O L of Perpetual Help 2; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest 7; Lasallian Volunteers 7; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 2; Most Precious Blood, Sisters (MO) 1; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (MA) 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 5; Presentation Sisters 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) 10; School Sisters of Notre Dame (WI) 1; Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) 6; Vincentian Service Corps (Central) 5...TOTAL 53 MONTANA MEN: Christian Brothers, De La Salle (Midwest) 1; Franciscan OFM Cap (MI) 4; Great Falls-Billings Diocese 3; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Northwest 8; Jesuits (OR) 4...TOTAL 20 WOMEN: Dominican Sisters (Sparkill, NY) 12; Great Falls-Billings Diocese 2; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Northwest 15; Lasallian Volunteers 1; Mercy, Sisters (NE) 1; Mercy, Sisters (Omaha, NE) 1; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 1; Ursulines Roman Union (US-West) 2...TOTAL 35 NEBRASKA MEN: Columbans 1; Jesuits (WI) 3...TOTAL 4 WOMEN: Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 1; Missionary Benedictine Sisters 6; Presentation, Sisters (Aberdeen, SD) 3; School Sisters of St. Francis (Milwaukee, WI) 1...TOTAL 11 NEVADA WOMEN: Franciscan Srs Perpetual Adoration 1; Shared Horizons 1...TOTAL 2 NEW HAMPSHIRE MEN: Oblates of Mary Immaculate 2; Redemptorists (PR) 1...TOTAL 3 WOMEN: Maryknoll Sisters 2...TOTAL 2 NEW JERSEY MEN: African Missions, Society of 1; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (NY) 6; Claretian Vol & Lay Missionaries 1; Consolata Society for Foreign Missions 1; Divine Word, Society (IL) 6; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 5; Lasallian Volunteers 1; Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity 1; Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Prov) 1; Salesian Lay Missioners (NY) 1; Volunteer Service Community Brothers of The Sacred Heart 1...TOTAL 25 WOMEN: Claretian Vol & Lay Missionaries 1; Holy Names, Sisters (CA) 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 9; Lasallian Volunteers 1; Maryknoll Sisters 1; Mission Srs Imm Concept (NJ) 1; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 3; Missionary Cenacle Volunteers 3; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MD) 1...TOTAL 21 NEW MEXICO MEN: Blessed Sacrament, Cong. of (OH) 2; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 3; Order of Friars Minor (OL Guadalupe Prov) 35...TOTAL 40 WOMEN: Blessed Sacrament Sisters 11; Christian Charity, Sisters (IL) 3; Daughters of Charity (CA) 1; Daughters of Charity (NY) 1; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 4; Franciscan Sisters (Syracuse) 1; Franciscan Sisters of Millvale, PA 1; Franciscan Srs, O L of Perpetual Help 1; Good Shepherd Sisters (Mid North America) 1; Little Sisters of the Poor (NY) 6; Maryknoll Sisters 4; Medical Mission Sisters 1; Mercy, Sisters (NE) 4; Mercy, Sisters (Omaha, NE) 1; Mission Srs Imm 46 Concept (NJ) 2; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 1; Missionary Cenacle Volunteers 1; Most Precious Blood, Sisters (MO) 2; Notre Dame de Namur, Srs (MA) 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 2; Precious Blood, Sisters (OH) 1; Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sisters (TX) 3; Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) 2; Sisters of the Most Holy Sacrament 1; St Bonaventure Indian School 11; St. Agnes, Cong of Sisters (WI) 2…TOTAL 69 NEW YORK MEN: Christian Brothers, Cong. (NY) 1; Christian Brothers, De La Salle (NY) 25; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 5; LAMP Ministries 5; Lasallian Volunteers 2; Marist Volunteer Program 2; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 6; Mill Hill Missionaries 2; Missionhurst 1; Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Prov) 2; Passionists (NJ) 2; Redemptorists (PR) 1; Salesian Lay Missioners (NY) 1; Vincentian Service Corps (East) 1; Vincentians (PA) 1; Volunteer Service Community Brothers of The Sacred Heart 3...TOTAL 60 WOMEN: Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (United States) 10; Blessed Sacrament Sisters 4; Cabrini Mission Corps 1; Divine Providence, Congregation (KY) 1; Dominican College 1; Dominican Sisters (Sparkill, NY) 6; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 35; Franciscan Sisters of Atonement 3; Holy Child Jesus, Society (PA) 2; Jesuit Volunteer Corps East 12; LAMP Ministries 9; Lasallian Volunteers 2; Marist Volunteer Program 1; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 10; Maryknoll Sisters 16; Medical Mission Sisters 1; Medical Missionaries of Mary 2; Mercy Volunteer Corps 4; Mission Srs Imm Heart of Mary 9; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 18; Notre Dame, Cong of Srs (CT) 2; Our Lady Christian Doctrine, Sisters 3; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 16; St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) 6; St. Joseph, Sisters (Rochester) 13; St. Mary of Namur, Sisters (NY) 1; Ursulines (NY) 8; Vincentian Service Corps (East) 4...TOTAL 200 NORTH CAROLINA MEN: Glenmary Home Missioners 4; Mercy Volunteer Corps 1; Passionists (NJ) 1; Vincentians (PA) 2...TOTAL 8 WOMEN: Divine Providence, Congregation (TX) 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 5; Maryknoll Sisters 2; Mercy Volunteer Corps 3; Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) 1; St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) 1; St. Columban, Sisters 2; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs (MN) 1; St. Joseph, Sisters (Philadelphia) 2...TOTAL 18 NORTH DAKOTA WOMEN: Mary of the Presentation, Srs (ND) 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 1; Presentation Sisters 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MN) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) 2...TOTAL 6 OHIO MEN: Comboni Missionaries 1; Glenmary Home Missioners 11; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest 1; Marianists (OH) 6; Missionary Cenacle Volunteers 1; Precious Blood, Society (OH) 3...TOTAL 23 WOMEN: Dominican College 1; Dominican Sisters (Columbus, OH) 4; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest 4; Maryknoll Sisters 1; Missionary Cenacle Volunteers 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 1; Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 1; Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) 3; Sisters of Notre Dame (Toledo, OH) 3...TOTAL 19 OKLAHOMA MEN: Glenmary Home Missioners 6...TOTAL 6 OREGON MEN: Holy Cross Associates 1; Holy Cross Fathers (IN) 3; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Northwest 8; Jesuits (OR) 1; Lasallian Volunteers 2...TOTAL 15 WOMEN: Benedictine Sisters (Mt. Angel, OR) 2; Holy Cross Associates 4; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Northwest 22; Maryknoll Sisters 2; Mercy Volunteer Corps 2; Vincentian Service Corps (Central) 2...TOTAL 34 PENNSYLVANIA MEN: Franciscan Volunteer Ministry (Holy Name Province) 2; Holy Cross Associates 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 2; Lasallian Volunteers 1; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 1; Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity 1; Oblates of St. Francis De Sales (USA) 1; Vincentians (PA) 2...TOTAL 11 WOMEN: Bernardine Franciscan Sisters 3; Blessed Sacrament Sisters 28; Change A Heart- Millvale Franciscan Volunteer Program 1; Dominican Sisters (Sparkill, NY) 1; Handmaids of Sacred Heart of Jesus 4; Holy Child Jesus, Society (PA) 1; Holy Cross Associates 4; IHM Sisters of Scranton 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 4; Lasallian Volunteers 1; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 1; Maryknoll Sisters 1; Medical Mission Sisters 16; Medical Missionaries of Mary 1; Missionaries of Charity (NE Region) 2; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MD) 1; St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) 1; Ursuline Sisters of Louisville KY 1; Vincentian Service Corps (East) 1...TOTAL 73 RHODE ISLAND WOMEN: Divine Providence, Sisters (PA) 1; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 29; Lasallian Volunteers 2; Maryknoll Sisters 1...TOTAL 33 SOUTH CAROLINA MEN: Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Prov) 2...TOTAL 2 47 WOMEN: Dominican Sisters (Sparkill, NY) 1; Felician Sisters (NY) 1; Felician Sisters (Our Lady of the Sacred Heart) 1;Franciscan Sisters (Buffalo, NY) 3; Franciscan Sisters of Peace 1; Franciscan Volunteer Ministry (Holy Name Province) 1; Mercy, Sisters (Chicago) 2; Oblate Sisters of Providence 1; St. Mary of Namur, Sisters (NY) 4...TOTAL 15 SOUTH DAKOTA MEN: Jesuits (New England) 2; Jesuits (WI) 24; Sacred Heart Lay Missioners (WI) 2...TOTAL 28 WOMEN: Benedictine Sisters (Watertown, SD) 2; Christian Charity, Sisters (IL) 1; Franciscan Sisters of Millvale, PA 1; Presentation Sisters 1; Presentation, Sisters (Aberdeen, SD) 3; Sacred Heart Lay Missioners (WI) 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) 1...TOTAL 10 TENNESSEE MEN: Dominican Friars (LA) 1; Glenmary Home Missioners 6; Holy Cross Brothers (TX) 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - South 3; Knoxville Diocese 1...TOTAL 12 WOMEN: Dominican Sisters (Racine, WI) 1; Dominican Sisters (St. Catharine, KY) 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - South 3; Knoxville Diocese 5; Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) 6; Mercy, Sisters (OH) 1; Presentation Sisters 3; St Joseph, Sisters, TOSF 1…TOTAL 21 TEXAS MEN: Annunciation House 7; Casa Juan Diego 1; Columbans 2; Cong. of the Sacred Hearts (MA) 5; Dominican Friars (LA) 11; Franciscan Third Order Regular (Immaculate Conception) 1; Glenmary Home Missioners 2; Holy Family, Missionaries of 4; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - South 4; Jesuits (MD) 1; Legionaries of Christ 1; Marist Fathers & Brothers (GA) 1; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 2; Missionhurst 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 8; Oblates of Mary Immaculate 29; Vincentian Service Corps (Central) 4; Volunteers for Educ & Social Services 1...TOTAL 85 WOMEN: Annunciation House 2; Benedictine Sisters 4; Bernardine Franciscan Sisters 2; Casa Juan Diego 2; Daughters of Charity (IN) 1; Divine Providence, Congregation (TX) 1; Divine Providence, Sisters (MO) 1; Dominican College 1; Dominican Sisters (Racine, WI) 2; Franciscan Sisters of Mary 2; Franciscan Sisters of Millvale, PA 1; Franciscan Sisters of Philadelphia 2; Handmaids of Sacred Heart of Jesus 2; Holy Spirit/Mary Imm, Srs (TX) 20; Humility of Mary, Sisters 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - South 15; Jesus and Mary, Rel (MD) 1; Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) 3; Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful 2; Maryknoll Sisters 4; Mercy, Sisters 1; Mission Srs Imm Heart of Mary 4; Most Precious Blood, Sisters (MO) 1; O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society 9; Sacred Heart Lay Missioners (WI) 1; Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sisters (TX) 16; Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 3; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) 2; School Sisters of St. Francis (Milwaukee, WI) 2; School Sisters of St. Francis of Pgh, PA 2; Shared Horizons 1; Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) 5; Sisters of the Living Word 1; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs (MN) 4; Ursuline Sisters (MO) 2; Vincentian Service Corps (Central) 9; Volunteers for Educ & Social Services 12...TOTAL 144 UTAH WOMEN: Franciscan Sisters of Atonement 2...TOTAL 2 VERMONT WOMEN: Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa 2...TOTAL 2 VIRGINIA MEN: Glenmary Home Missioners 2; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 2; Missionhurst 2...TOTAL 6 WOMEN: Bernardine Franciscan Sisters 1; Daughters of the Holy Spirit 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East 3; Medical Mission Sisters 1; Medical Missionaries of Mary 1; Mercy, Sisters (NY) 1; Mercy, Sisters (OH) 4; Mercy, Sisters (RI) 1; Oblate Sisters of Providence 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (MN) 4; St. Joseph, Cong of Srs (Rockville Ctr) 2...TOTAL 20 WASHINGTON MEN: Intercommunity Ministry Volunteer Program 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Northwest 14; Jesuits (OR) 5...TOTAL 20 WOMEN: Benedictine Sisters (Watertown, SD) 1; Dominican Sisters (Edmonds, WA) 2; Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest 29; Shared Horizons 1; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs (MN) 1...TOTAL 34 WEST VIRGINIA MEN: Divine Word, Society (IL) 7; Glenmary Home Missioners 1; Marist Fathers & Brothers (GA) 2; Passionists (NJ) 3; Volunteer Missionary Movement 1...TOTAL 14 WOMEN: Dominican Sisters (Columbus, OH) 1; Franciscan Srs, O L of Perpetual Help 1; Medical Mission Sisters 1; St. Anne, Sisters (MA) 2; St. Joseph, Cong of Srs (Rockville Ctr) 2; Volunteer Missionary Movement 1...TOTAL 8 WISCONSIN MEN: Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest 3; Jesuits (WI) 5; Order of Friars Minor (Assumption Prov) 1; Society of the 48 Divine Savior 2; Xaverian Missionaries (USA) 1...TOTAL 12 WOMEN: Divine Savior, Sisters (WI) 1; Family Unity International, Inc. 1; Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls 1; Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest 2; Maryknoll Sisters 1; School Sisters of Notre Dame (WI) 8; School Sisters of St. Francis (Milwaukee, WI) 4; Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) 5; St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) 7; St. Joseph Carondelet, Srs (MN) 1...TOTAL 31 WYOMING MEN: Jesuits (WI) 4...TOTAL 4 Gender Totals F 2284 M 829 Grand Total 3113 49 U.S. CATHOLIC MISSIONERS - U.S. ONLY BY STATE, GENDER, AND SENDING ORGANIZATION ALABAMA SENDING ORGANIZATION Blessed Sacrament Sisters Consolata Missionary Sisters (USA) Daughters of the Holy Spirit Divine Savior, Sisters (WI) Dominican Friars (LA) Fort Worth Diocese Franciscan Sisters of Holy Family (IA) Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls Glenmary Home Missioners Jesuit Volunteer Corps - South Jesuits (OR) Missionary Cenacle Volunteers Missionary Servants/Most Blessed Trinity Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity Resurrection Congregation Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) Society of St. Edmund St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) St. Joseph of Chambery, Sisters (United States) St. Joseph, Sisters (Rochester) St. Mary of Namur, Sisters (NY) MEN WOMEN 0 4 0 4 0 3 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 9 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 1 4 0 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 1 ALABAMA TOTALS 13 ALASKA SENDING ORGANIZATION Dominican Friars (CA) Dominican Sisters (Amityville, NY) Dominican Sisters (Sinsinawa, WI) Holy Cross, Congregation of (IN) Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Northwest Jesuits (Chicago) Jesuits (New England) Jesuits (OR) Marian Fathers (MA) Mercy, Sisters (RI) Most Precious Blood, Sisters (MO) Oblates of Mary Immaculate (United States) Order of Friars Minor (Sacred Heart Province) School Sisters of Notre Dame (WI) Sisters of Charity of St Elizabeth Sisters of St Francis of Philadelphia St. Joseph, Sisters (Philadelphia) Ursulines Roman Union (US-West) 38 MEN WOMEN 1 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 11 19 1 0 2 0 9 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 4 ALASKA TOTALS 31 ARIZONA SENDING ORGANIZATION Andre House of Arizona Blessed Sacrament Sisters Daughters of Charity (CA) Daughters of Charity (IN) Daughters of Charity (MD) Divine Savior, Sisters (WI) Dominican Sisters (Racine, WI) Dominican Sisters of the Roman Cong (Lewiston, ME) Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Franciscan Sisters of Holy Family (IA) Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls Franciscan Sisters of Peace 36 MEN WOMEN 4 3 0 12 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 13 0 2 0 2 0 1 50 Total 4 4 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 9 1 2 1 1 3 1 4 4 1 3 1 51 Total 1 1 3 1 30 1 2 9 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 4 67 Total 7 12 1 2 1 3 1 1 13 2 2 1 Good Shepherd Sisters (Mid North America) Holy Cross Associates Holy Cross, Congregation of (IN) Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Southwest Maryknoll Sisters Medical Mission Sisters Mercy Volunteer Corps Mercy, Sisters (Merion, PA) Missionary Cenacle Volunteers Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity Notre Dame de Namur, Sisters (OH) Order of Friars Minor (OL Guadalupe Province) Order of Friars Minor (St Barbara Province) Sacred Heart, Brothers (New Orleans) Saint Michael Indian School School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) School Sisters of Notre Dame (TX) School Sisters of St. Francis School Sisters of St. Francis of Pittsburgh, PA Society of the Divine Savior St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) Vincentians (CA) ARIZONA TOTALS ARKANSAS SENDING ORGANIZATION Franciscan Sisters (Oldenburg) Glenmary Home Missioners Missionaries of Charity School Sisters of Notre Dame (TX) 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 11 7 5 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 4 0 11 1 2 8 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 14 2 1 1 2 0 13 0 2 4 3 14 1 2 8 3 1 2 1 11 7 5 22 2 1 1 2 1 13 2 47 107 154 MEN WOMEN 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 2 ARKANSAS TOTALS 2 CALIFORNIA SENDING ORGANIZATION Augustinian Volunteers Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Blessed Sacrament Sisters Columban Fathers Comboni Missionaries Daughters of Mary and Joseph (CA) Daughters of the Holy Spirit Divine Providence, Congregation (TX) Dominican Sisters (Adrian, MI) Dominican Volunteers USA Elizabeth House Franciscan Covenant Program (St. Barbara) Franciscan Sisters (Oldenburg) Franciscan Sisters of Atonement Franciscan Sisters of Holy Family (IA) Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls Good Shepherd Volunteers Holy Child Jesus, Society (PA) Holy Cross Associates Holy Cross, Congregation of (IN) Holy Names, Sisters (CA) Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Southwest Lasallian Volunteers Lay Mission Oblates of Mary Imm Marianists (U.S. Province) Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful Maryknoll Sisters Medical Missionaries of Mary Mercy Volunteer Corps Mercy, Sisters (Omaha, NE) Mill Hill Missionaries Mission Sisters, Immaculate Conception (NJ) 5 MEN WOMEN 2 4 0 1 0 2 3 0 4 0 0 4 0 6 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 7 8 0 1 0 6 0 2 0 2 0 4 0 1 2 3 2 0 0 13 22 55 1 5 1 3 1 0 0 3 1 1 0 8 0 5 2 4 0 3 1 0 0 1 51 Total 1 2 2 2 7 Total 6 1 2 3 4 4 6 1 1 1 1 15 1 6 2 2 4 1 5 2 13 77 6 4 1 3 2 8 5 6 3 1 1 Mission Sisters Immaculate Heart of Mary Missionaries of Charity Missionary Cenacle Volunteers Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity Oblates of Mary Immaculate (United States) Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters Presentation, Sisters (CA) Providence Sisters, St. Mary of the Woods, IN Redemptorists (PR) Sacred Heart Missionaries (IL) Sacred Heart, Society (United States) Salesian Lay Missioners (NY) School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) School Sisters of St. Francis Servants of Mary, Sisters (U.S. Province) Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) Society of Missionaries of Africa (North American) Volunteer Missionary Movement CALIFORNIA TOTALS COLORADO SENDING ORGANIZATION Blessed Sacrament Sisters Colorado Vincentian Volunteers Dominican Sisters (Great Bend, KS) Holy Cross Associates Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest Lalmba Association Loretto Volunteer Program Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful Missionaries of Charity Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters School Sisters of St. Francis Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity (Sacred Heart) COLORADO TOTALS 0 0 0 4 10 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 8 1 0 0 8 15 3 0 0 10 0 6 1 14 5 0 1 1 8 1 4 10 8 15 3 1 1 10 1 6 1 14 5 1 1 67 222 289 MEN WOMEN 0 1 4 8 0 1 2 5 1 3 2 2 0 3 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 10 CONNECTICUT SENDING ORGANIZATION Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (United States) CSJ Volunteers in Mission Dominican Sisters (Columbus, OH) Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) Maryknoll Sisters Medical Mission Sisters Order of Friars Minor (Immaculate Conception Province) School Sisters of Notre Dame (CT) St Elizabeth Mission Society 31 MEN WOMEN 0 5 0 1 0 3 1 6 0 1 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 6 0 1 CONNECTICUT TOTALS 2 DELAWARE SENDING ORGANIZATION Franciscan Volunteer Ministry (Holy Name Province) Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Province) School Sisters of Notre Dame (BA) Ursulines of the Roman Union (Eastern Province) 28 MEN WOMEN 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 DELAWARE TOTALS 2 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SENDING ORGANIZATION Blessed Sacrament Sisters Capuchin Franciscan Volunteer Corps - East Franciscan OFM (DC) Glenmary Home Missioners Good Shepherd Sisters (Mid North America) Good Shepherd Volunteers 4 MEN WOMEN 0 1 2 3 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 52 Total 1 12 1 7 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 41 Total 5 1 3 7 1 3 2 1 6 1 30 Total 3 1 1 1 6 Total 1 5 2 1 1 2 Holy Child Jesus, Society (PA) Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East Little Sisters of Jesus Maryknoll Sisters Medical Mission Sisters Missionaries of Charity Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Province) Providence Sisters, St. Mary of the Woods, IN Redemptorists (PR) Sacred Heart, Society (United States) Salesian Lay Missioners (NY) Society of Missionaries of Africa (North American) Ursuline Sisters of Mt. St. Joseph (KY) Vincentian Service Corps (East) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA TOTALS FLORIDA SENDING ORGANIZATION African Missions, Society of Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (United States) Blessed Sacrament Sisters Catholic Volunteers in Florida Christian Brothers, Cong. (NY) Dominican Friars (LA) Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Franciscan Sisters of Holy Family (IA) Handmaids of Sacred Heart of Jesus LaSalette Fathers (No. American Province.) Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) Maryknoll Sisters Medical Mission Sisters Medical Missionaries of Mary Mercy, Sisters Missionary Cenacle Volunteers Nazareth Homes and Nazareth Friends Notre Dame de Namur, Sisters (Chesapeake) Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, Society Oblate Sisters of Providence Oblates of Mary Immaculate (United States) Presentation, Sisters (IA) Providence Sisters, St. Mary of the Woods, IN Sacred Heart, Society (United States) School Sisters of Notre Dame (IL) School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) Sisters of the Humility of Mary Society of Missionaries of Africa (North American) St Elizabeth Mission Society Vincentian Sisters of Charity (PA) 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 7 0 3 1 3 1 1 1 6 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 5 1 6 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 2 1 7 1 8 20 30 50 MEN WOMEN 1 0 0 1 0 2 5 6 4 0 2 0 0 5 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 3 0 3 7 0 0 1 0 2 0 7 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 3 10 0 0 9 0 3 FLORIDA TOTALS 33 GEORGIA SENDING ORGANIZATION Blessed Sacrament Sisters Claretian Missionaries (US Eastern) Claretian Volunteers & Lay Missionaries Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Glenmary Home Mission Sisters Glenmary Home Missioners Good Shepherd Sisters (Mid North America) Handmaids of Sacred Heart of Jesus Jesuit Volunteer Corps - South Missionaries of Charity Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, Society Savannah Diocese 64 MEN WOMEN 0 2 1 0 2 2 0 2 0 1 5 0 0 4 0 7 1 5 0 1 2 0 2 2 0 1 53 Total 1 1 2 11 4 2 5 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 5 3 7 1 2 7 1 2 1 1 3 10 9 3 97 Total 2 1 4 2 1 5 4 7 6 1 2 4 1 Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) St. Joseph, Sisters (Philadelphia) St. Mary of Namur, Sisters (NY) GEORGIA TOTALS HAWAII SENDING ORGANIZATION Franciscan OFM Cap (St. Mary Province) LaSalette Fathers (No. American Province) Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers Maryknoll Sisters Mercy, Sisters (RI) St. Joseph Carondelet, Sisters (MN) 0 0 0 1 3 3 1 3 3 13 34 47 MEN WOMEN 4 0 4 0 9 0 0 15 0 1 0 1 HAWAII TOTALS 17 IDAHO SENDING ORGANIZATION Jesuits (OR) Mercy, Sisters (Omaha, NE) Mercy, Sisters (Merion, PA) Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) 17 MEN WOMEN 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 IDAHO TOTALS 1 ILLINOIS SENDING ORGANIZATION Augustinian Volunteer Program Augustinian Volunteers Blessed Sacrament Sisters Carmelite Sisters (Corpus Christi) Christian Brothers, De La Salle (Midwest) Claretian Missionaries (US Eastern) Claretian Volunteers & Lay Missionaries Columban Fathers Comboni Missionaries Divine Word, Society (IL) Dominican Sisters (Springfield, IL) Dominican Volunteers USA Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Franciscan Sisters of Holy Family (IA) Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls Franciscan Volunteer Program Inner-City Teaching Corps Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest Jesuits (WI) Lasallian Volunteers Marianists (U.S. Province) Marist Volunteer Program Maryknoll Sisters Medical Missionaries of Mary Mercy Volunteer Corps Missionaries of Charity Missionary Sisters Servants of Holy Spirit Oblates of Mary Immaculate (United States) Order of Friars Minor (Assumption Province) Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ Providence Sisters, St. Mary of the Woods, IN Sacred Heart, Society (United States) School Sisters of Notre Dame (IL) School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) School Sisters of St. Francis Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) Xaverian Missionaries (USA) 3 MEN WOMEN 4 0 2 3 0 4 0 1 6 0 8 0 3 2 3 1 2 0 4 0 0 6 2 5 0 4 0 2 0 6 0 2 4 5 6 18 0 6 1 0 0 2 5 0 1 1 0 4 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 3 2 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 8 0 3 0 13 0 4 0 15 0 10 0 5 1 0 ILLINOIS TOTALS 55 54 145 Total 4 4 9 15 1 1 34 Total 1 1 1 1 4 Total 4 5 4 1 6 8 5 4 2 4 6 7 4 2 6 2 9 24 6 1 2 5 2 4 2 3 3 3 2 1 3 1 8 3 13 4 15 10 5 1 200 INDIANA SENDING ORGANIZATION Blessed Sacrament Sisters Divine Word, Society (IL) Franciscan OFM Conv (IN) Franciscan Sisters (Oldenburg) Holy Cross Associates Holy Cross, Congregation of (IN) Maryknoll Sisters Missionaries of Charity Missionaries of the Precious Blood (OH) Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters Providence Sisters, St. Mary of the Woods, IN St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) MEN WOMEN 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 2 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 19 0 3 INDIANA TOTALS 10 IOWA SENDING ORGANIZATION Franciscan Sisters of Holy Family (IA) Presentation, Sisters (IA) Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) 31 MEN WOMEN 0 16 0 2 0 5 IOWA TOTALS 0 KANSAS SENDING ORGANIZATION Dominican Sisters (Great Bend, KS) (Great Bend, KS) Franciscan OFM Cap (Mid-America Province) Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, Society Servants of Mary, Sisters (U.S. Province) 23 MEN WOMEN 0 3 1 0 1 1 0 9 KANSAS TOTALS 2 KENTUCKY SENDING ORGANIZATION Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Christian Appalachian Project CSJ Volunteers in Mission Divine Providence, Congregation (KY) Dominican Sisters (Adrian, MI) Franciscan Sisters (Oldenburg) Glenmary Home Mission Sisters Glenmary Home Missioners Holy Union Sisters (US) Maryknoll Sisters Owensboro Diocese Providence Sisters, St. Mary of the Woods, IN School Sisters of Notre Dame (BA) School Sisters of St. Francis Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) Sisters of St Chretienne (USA) Sisters of St. Francis, Tiffin OH St. Joseph of Chambery, Sisters (United States) St. Joseph, Cong of Sisters (Rockville Centre) St. Joseph, Sisters (Philadelphia) Ursuline Nuns of the Cong. of Paris Ursuline Sisters of Mt. St. Joseph (KY) 13 MEN WOMEN 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 5 0 7 10 1 0 4 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 4 0 4 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 8 KENTUCKY TOTALS 11 LOUISIANA SENDING ORGANIZATION Blessed Sacrament Sisters Daughters of Charity/Sac. Heart. of Jesus (American) Divine Providence, Congregation (TX) Dominican Friars (LA) Franciscan Sisters, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Holy Spirit/Mary Immaculate, Sisters (TX) Jesuit Volunteer Corps - South 53 MEN WOMEN 0 20 0 2 0 3 4 0 0 1 0 1 2 6 55 Total 1 4 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 3 41 Total 16 2 5 23 Total 3 1 2 9 15 Total 1 1 1 1 1 5 7 11 4 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 4 4 1 2 1 8 64 Total 20 2 3 4 1 1 8 Jesuits (WI) Missionaries of Charity Providence Sisters, St. Mary of the Woods, IN Sacred Heart, Society (United States) Servants of Mary, Sisters (U.S. Province) Society of Missionaries of Africa (North American) Society of St. Edmund St. Joseph, Sisters (Springfield) LOUISIANA TOTALS MAINE SENDING ORGANIZATION Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East Mercy, Sisters 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 2 1 3 3 0 0 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 11 44 55 MEN WOMEN 1 1 0 2 MAINE TOTALS 1 MARYLAND SENDING ORGANIZATION African Missions, Society of Capuchin Franciscan Volunteer Corps - East Catholic Charities - Project Serve Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East Jesuits (MD) Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful Maryknoll Sisters Medical Mission Sisters Mercy Volunteer Corps Mercy, Sisters (Brooklyn, NY) Missionaries of Charity Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa Oblate Sisters of Providence Operation TEACH Redemptorists (PR) Sacred Heart, Society (United States) School Sisters of Notre Dame (MN) Sisters of the Humility of Mary SMA Lay Missionaries St. Joseph, Sisters (Philadelphia) Vincentian Service Corps (East) 3 MEN WOMEN 0 2 3 2 1 5 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 1 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 4 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 MARYLAND TOTALS 9 MASSACHUSETTS SENDING ORGANIZATION Associate Missionaries Augustinian Volunteers Blessed Sacrament Sisters Carmelite Sisters (Corpus Christi) Divine Word, Society (IL) Dominican Sisters (St. Catharine, KY) Franciscan Mission Sisters for Africa Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Franciscan Sisters of Atonement Hands Together, Inc. Holy Cross Associates Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East Jesuits (New England) Marianists (U.S. Province) Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) Marist Volunteer Program Medical Mission Sisters Medical Missionaries of Mary Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart Missionaries of Charity Missionary Cenacle Volunteers Missionary Servants/Most Blessed Trinity Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa Missionhurst 34 MEN WOMEN 0 2 1 2 0 4 0 1 1 0 0 4 0 2 0 3 0 2 2 1 1 4 1 8 1 0 1 0 0 25 0 1 0 2 0 6 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 6 1 0 56 Total 2 2 4 Total 2 5 6 3 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 43 Total 2 3 4 1 1 4 2 3 2 3 5 9 1 1 25 1 2 6 1 2 1 1 6 1 Notre Dame de Namur, Sisters (MA) Oblates of Mary Immaculate (United States) Sacred Heart, Society (United States) St. Joseph, Sisters (Springfield) Urban Catholic Teacher Corps of Boston Xaverian Missionaries (USA) MASSACHUSETTS TOTALS MICHIGAN SENDING ORGANIZATION Dominican Sisters (Adrian, MI) Dominican Sisters (Racine, WI) Franciscan Sisters of Atonement Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest Maryknoll Sisters Medical Missionaries of Mary Missioners of the Incarnate Word Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions Sacred Heart, Society (United States) 0 1 0 0 1 3 23 0 1 3 22 0 23 1 1 3 23 3 15 126 141 MEN WOMEN 0 1 0 4 0 2 2 5 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 MICHIGAN TOTALS 3 MINNESOTA SENDING ORGANIZATION Benedictine Sisters Benedictine Sisters (St. Joseph, MN) Christian Brothers, De La Salle (Midwest) Crosier Fathers & Brothers Divine Providence, Congregation (KY) Franciscan Sisters of Holy Family (IA) Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest Maryknoll Sisters Oblates of Mary Immaculate (United States) Order of Friars Minor (OL Guadalupe Province) School Sisters of Notre Dame (MN) Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) 16 MEN WOMEN 0 1 0 6 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 6 2 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 23 0 4 MINNESOTA TOTALS 7 MISSISSIPPI SENDING ORGANIZATION Christian Brothers, Cong. (NY) Christian Brothers, De La Salle (Midwest) Divine Providence, Congregation (KY) Divine Savior, Sisters (WI) Dominican Sisters (Racine, WI) Franciscan Sisters (Oldenburg) Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Franciscan Sisters of Holy Family (IA) Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls Glenmary Home Missioners Holy Names, Sisters (CA) Holy Spirit/Mary Immaculate, Sisters (TX) IHM Sisters of Scranton Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity Order of Friars Minor (Assumption Province) Presentation Sisters (Fargo, ND) School Sisters of St. Francis Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) Sisters of St. Francis, Clinton, IA Sisters of the Living Word St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) St. Joseph Carondelet, Sisters (MN) St. Joseph, Sisters (Philadelphia) 46 MEN WOMEN 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 9 0 8 0 2 5 0 0 2 0 4 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 6 0 2 0 1 0 4 0 5 0 1 0 2 MISSISSIPPI TOTALS 13 57 53 Total 1 4 2 7 1 1 1 1 1 19 Total 1 6 1 1 1 1 7 4 2 1 1 23 4 53 Total 3 1 1 1 2 1 9 8 2 5 2 4 1 2 2 1 6 2 1 4 5 1 2 66 MISSOURI SENDING ORGANIZATION Augustinians (Midwest) Christian Brothers, De La Salle (Midwest) Divine Word, Society (IL) Dominican Friars (LA) Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Franciscan Sisters (Oldenburg) Franciscan Sisters, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Franciscan Volunteer Program Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest Jesuits (OR) Lasallian Volunteers Missionaries of Charity Most Precious Blood, Sisters (MO) Notre Dame de Namur, Sisters (MA) O.L. Most Holy Trinity, Society Presentation Sisters (Fargo, ND) School Sisters of Notre Dame (MN) School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) MEN WOMEN 1 0 3 0 3 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 3 2 3 4 8 1 0 1 7 0 2 0 5 0 1 5 6 0 2 0 1 0 24 0 5 MISSOURI TOTALS 21 MONTANA SENDING ORGANIZATION Christian Brothers, De La Salle (Midwest) Dominican Sisters (Adrian, MI) Dominican Sisters (Sparkill, NY) Franciscan OFM Cap (MI) Franciscan Sisters (Oldenburg) Great Falls-Billings Diocese Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Northwest Jesuits (OR) Lasallian Volunteers Mercy, Sisters (Omaha, NE) Providence, Sisters (Mother Joseph Province) Ursulines Roman Union (US-West) 71 MEN WOMEN 3 0 0 1 0 11 4 0 0 2 4 1 4 17 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 MONTANA TOTALS 19 NEBRASKA SENDING ORGANIZATION Franciscan Sisters of Holy Family (IA) Jesuits (WI) Missionary Benedictine Sisters Presentation, Sisters (Aberdeen, SD) School Sisters of St. Francis 37 MEN WOMEN 0 1 3 0 0 12 0 1 0 2 NEBRASKA TOTALS 3 NEVADA SENDING ORGANIZATION Dominican Sisters (Racine, WI) 16 MEN WOMEN 0 2 NEVADA TOTALS 0 NEW HAMPSHIRE SENDING ORGANIZATION Maryknoll Sisters Medical Missionaries of Mary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (United States) Presentation of Mary, Sisters (NH) Redemptorists (PR) 2 MEN WOMEN 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 NEW HAMPSHIRE TOTALS 2 NEW JERSEY SENDING ORGANIZATION African Missions, Society of Christian Brothers, De La Salle (NY) Divine Word, Society (IL) 3 MEN WOMEN 1 0 7 0 5 0 58 Total 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 5 12 1 8 2 5 1 11 2 1 24 5 92 Total 3 1 11 4 2 5 21 4 1 1 1 2 56 Total 1 3 12 1 2 19 Total 2 2 Total 1 1 1 1 1 5 Total 1 7 5 Dominican Volunteers USA Educational Partners in Catholic Schools Felician VIM (NJ) Good Shepherd Volunteers Holy Names, Sisters (CA) Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East Lasallian Volunteers Marist Volunteer Program Mission Sisters Immaculate Conception (NJ) Missionaries of Charity Missionary Cenacle Volunteers Missionary Servants/Most Blessed Trinity Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity Newark Benedictine Volunteer Program Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Province) Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions Salesian Lay Missioners (NY) St Elizabeth Mission Society Vincentian Service Corps (East) Xaverian Missionaries (USA) NEW JERSEY TOTALS NEW MEXICO SENDING ORGANIZATION Blessed Sacrament Sisters Blessed Sacrament, Cong. of (OH) Charity of St. Joan Antida, Sisters (North America) Christian Charity, Sisters (IL) Daughters of Charity (CA) Daughters of Charity (MD) Daughters of Charity (NY) Dominican Sisters (Grand Rapids, MI) Dominican Sisters (Racine, WI) Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Franciscan Sisters (Oldenburg) Franciscan Sisters (Syracuse) Franciscan Sisters of Millvale, PA Franciscan Sisters, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Good Shepherd Sisters (Mid North America) Jesuits (MD) Little Sisters of the Poor (NY) Maryknoll Sisters Medical Mission Sisters Mercy, Sisters (Omaha, NE) Mercy, Sisters (Merion, PA) Mission Sisters Immaculate Conception (NJ) Missionary Cenacle Volunteers Missionary Servants/Most Blessed Trinity Most Precious Blood, Sisters (MO) Notre Dame de Namur, Sisters (MA) Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, Society Order of Friars Minor (OL Guadalupe Province) Order of Friars Minor (St Barbara Province) Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters Precious Blood, Sisters (OH) Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sisters (TX) Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) Sisters of the Most Holy Sacrament St Bonaventure Indian School St Elizabeth Mission Society St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) 1 12 1 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 31 0 3 1 9 1 0 1 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 0 1 43 1 3 1 14 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 41 58 99 MEN WOMEN 0 15 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 7 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 2 3 34 0 2 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 14 0 1 0 3 NEW MEXICO TOTALS 42 NEW YORK SENDING ORGANIZATION Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (United States) Augustinian Volunteers Blessed Sacrament Sisters 77 MEN WOMEN 0 9 0 4 0 3 59 Total 15 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 7 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 5 34 2 3 1 1 1 1 15 1 3 119 Total 9 4 3 Brothers of the Sacred Heart Brothers of the Sacred Heart Volunteer Service Community Cabrini Mission Corps (Stella Maris) Capuchin Franciscan Volunteer Corps - Youth & Family Ministry Christian Brothers, Cong. (NY) Christian Brothers, de la Salle (NY) Daughters of Charity (NY) Daughters of Wisdom Diocesan Service Corps - Buffalo Divine Providence, Congregation (KY) Dominican Sisters (Sparkill, NY) Dominican Volunteers USA Francis Corps (Immaculate Conception Province) Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Franciscan Sisters of Atonement Good Shepherd Volunteers Holy Child Jesus, Society (PA) Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East Jesuits (MD) LAMP Ministries Lasallian Volunteers Loretto Volunteer Program Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful Maryknoll Sisters Medical Mission Sisters Medical Missionaries of Mary Mercy Volunteer Corps Mill Hill Missionaries Mission Sisters Immaculate Heart of Mary Missionaries of Charity Missionary Servants/Most Blessed Trinity Missionhurst Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Province) Our Lady Christian Doctrine, Sisters Passionist Volunteers International (NJ) Redemptorists (PR) Sacred Heart, Society (United States) Salesian Lay Missioners (NY) Servants of Mary, Sisters (U.S. Province) Society of Missionaries of Africa (North American) St Elizabeth Mission Society St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) St. Joseph Carondelet, Sisters (NY) St. Joseph, Cong of Sisters (Rockville Centre) St. Joseph, Sisters (Rochester) Ursulines of the Roman Union (Eastern Province) Vincentian Service Corps (East) NEW YORK TOTALS NORTH CAROLINA SENDING ORGANIZATION Columban Sisters Glenmary Home Missioners Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East Maryknoll Sisters Mercy Volunteer Corps Mercy, Sisters (NC) Sisters of St. Francis, Tiffin OH St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) St. Joseph Carondelet, Sisters (MN) Vincentians (PA) 4 2 1 0 1 34 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 5 1 9 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 38 2 8 2 12 0 12 2 1 7 9 1 3 4 0 10 20 1 0 0 4 0 0 16 0 6 0 7 5 1 3 10 2 8 4 2 4 3 1 34 2 1 4 1 4 1 7 38 2 8 2 17 1 21 4 1 11 9 1 3 4 1 10 20 1 1 2 4 2 1 16 1 6 2 7 5 1 3 10 2 8 76 233 309 MEN WOMEN 0 2 1 0 0 5 0 4 1 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 NORTH CAROLINA TOTALS 4 NORTH DAKOTA SENDING ORGANIZATION Mary of the Presentation, Sisters (ND) 18 MEN WOMEN 0 1 60 Total 2 1 5 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 22 Total 1 Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, Society School Sisters of Notre Dame (MN) School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) Society of the Divine Savior NORTH DAKOTA TOTALS OHIO SENDING ORGANIZATION Columban Fathers Comboni Missionaries Dominican Sisters (Columbus, OH) Dominican Volunteers USA Franciscan Sisters (Oldenburg) Franciscan Sisters of Millvale, PA Glenmary Home Missioners Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest Marianists (U.S. Province) Maryknoll Sisters Missionaries of the Precious Blood (OH) Missionary Cenacle Volunteers Providence Sisters, St. Mary of the Woods, IN Salesian Lay Missioners (NY) Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) Sisters of Notre Dame (Toledo, OH) Sisters of the Humility of Mary 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 1 1 5 6 MEN WOMEN 1 0 1 0 0 7 0 1 0 4 0 2 10 0 1 4 9 0 0 1 4 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 5 0 3 0 2 OHIO TOTALS 28 OKLAHOMA SENDING ORGANIZATION Divine Providence, Congregation (TX) Glenmary Home Missioners 31 MEN WOMEN 0 1 2 0 OKLAHOMA TOTALS 2 OREGON SENDING ORGANIZATION Benedictine Sisters (Mt. Angel, OR) Benedictine Sisters Volunteer Program Holy Cross Associates Holy Cross, Congregation of (IN) Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Northwest Jesuits (OR) Lasallian Volunteers Maryknoll Sisters Mercy Volunteer Corps 1 MEN WOMEN 0 1 1 1 1 4 2 0 4 19 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 OREGON TOTALS 11 PENNSYLVANIA SENDING ORGANIZATION Augustinian Volunteers Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Blessed Sacrament Sisters Carmelite Sisters (Corpus Christi) Change A Heart- Millvale Franciscan Volunteer Program Franciscan Volunteer Ministry (Holy Name Province) Handmaids of Sacred Heart of Jesus Holy Child Jesus, Society (PA) Holy Cross Associates IHM Sisters of Scranton Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East Lasallian Volunteers Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful Maryknoll Sisters Medical Mission Sisters Medical Missionaries of Mary Missionaries of Charity Missionary Servants/Most Blessed Trinity Missionary Servants/Most Holy Trinity 29 MEN WOMEN 1 2 0 1 0 27 0 2 0 3 4 0 0 3 0 3 1 4 0 3 2 4 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 16 0 1 0 1 0 3 2 0 61 Total 1 1 7 1 4 2 10 5 9 1 4 2 1 1 5 3 2 59 Total 1 2 3 Total 1 2 5 2 23 1 2 2 2 40 Total 3 1 27 2 3 4 3 3 5 3 6 2 2 1 16 1 1 3 2 Oblates of St. Francis De Sales (USA) Providence Volunteer Ministries School Sisters of St. Francis Society of Missionaries of Africa (North American) St Elizabeth Mission Society Ursuline Sisters of Louisville KY (KY) PENNSYLVANIA TOTALS RHODE ISLAND SENDING ORGANIZATION Divine Providence, Sisters (PA) Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Lasallian Volunteers Maryknoll Sisters Presentation of Mary, Sisters (NH) St. Joseph, Sisters (Springfield) 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 80 94 MEN WOMEN 0 1 0 45 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 RHODE ISLAND TOTALS 0 SOUTH CAROLINA SENDING ORGANIZATION Dominican Sisters (Sparkill, NY) Felician Sisters (NY) Felician Sisters (PA) Franciscan Sisters (Buffalo, NY) Franciscan Sisters of Holy Family (IA) Order of Friars Minor (Holy Name Province) St. Mary of Namur, Sisters (NY) 51 MEN WOMEN 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 1 2 0 0 9 SOUTH CAROLINA TOTALS 2 SOUTH DAKOTA SENDING ORGANIZATION Benedictine Sisters (Watertown, SD) Christian Charity, Sisters (IL) Dominican Sisters (Adrian, MI) Jesuits (Chicago) Jesuits (New England) Jesuits (WI) Presentation Sisters (Fargo, ND) Presentation, Sisters (Aberdeen, SD) Red Cloud Volunteer Program Sacred Heart Lay Missioners (WI) School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) Sisters of the Living Word 16 MEN WOMEN 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 15 0 0 1 0 7 3 4 2 1 0 2 0 1 SOUTH DAKOTA TOTALS 22 TENNESSEE SENDING ORGANIZATION Blessed Sacrament Sisters Divine Word, Society (IL) Dominican Friars (LA) Glenmary Home Missioners Holy Cross Brothers (TX) Jesuit Volunteer Corps - South Knoxville Diocese Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) Missionary Sistesr Servants of Holy Spirit Presentation Sisters (Fargo, ND) School Sisters of St. Francis Ursuline Sisters of Mt. St. Joseph (KY) 20 MEN WOMEN 0 1 3 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 3 3 1 6 0 7 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 1 TENNESSEE TOTALS 12 TEXAS SENDING ORGANIZATION Annunciation House Benedictine Sisters Benedictine Sisters (Watertown, SD) 23 MEN WOMEN 3 12 0 6 0 4 62 Total 1 45 2 1 1 1 51 Total 1 1 1 3 1 2 9 18 Total 2 1 1 1 1 15 1 7 7 3 2 1 42 Total 1 3 1 3 1 6 7 7 1 1 3 1 35 Total 15 6 4 Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Casa Juan Diego Christian Brothers, Cong. (NY) Columban Fathers Comfort House Services, Inc. Cong. of the Sacred Hearts (MA) Divine Providence, Congregation (TX) Divine Providence, Sisters (MO) Dominican Friars (LA) Dominican Volunteers USA Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Franciscan Sisters of Holy Family (IA) Franciscan Sisters of Mary Franciscan Sisters of Millvale, PA Franciscan Sisters, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Franciscan Third Order Regular (Immaculate Conception) Glenmary Home Missioners Holy Family Services - Birth Center Holy Family, Missionaries of Holy Spirit/Mary Immaculate, Sisters (TX) Jesuit Volunteer Corps - South Jesuits (MD) Jesuits (WI) Legionaries of Christ Loretto Volunteer Program Marist Fathers & Brothers (GA) Marist Missionary Sisters (MA) Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers Maryknoll Mission Assoc of the Faithful Maryknoll Sisters Mission Sisters, Immaculate Heart of Mary Missionaries of Charity Missionhurst Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, Society Oblates of Mary Immaculate (United States) Order of Friars Minor (Assumption Province) Order of Friars Minor (OL Guadalupe Province) Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters Presentation of Mary, Sisters (NH) Sacred Heart Lay Missioners (WI) Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sisters (TX) Sacred Heart, Society (United States) School Sisters of Notre Dame (MO) School Sisters of Notre Dame (WI) School Sisters of St. Francis Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati (OH) Sisters of St Francis of Philadelphia Sisters of the Humility of Mary St. Joseph Carondelet, Sisters (MN) St. Joseph Carondelet, Sisters (MO) St. Teresa of Jesus, Soc (St. Francis de Sales) Texas Catholic Conference Ursuline Nuns of the Cong. of Paris Ursuline Sisters (MO) Vincentian Service Corps (Central) TEXAS TOTALS UTAH SENDING ORGANIZATION Franciscan Sisters of Atonement 0 2 3 3 1 4 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 0 3 1 1 2 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 8 22 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 8 1 0 1 1 3 1 1 1 0 0 7 0 17 16 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 6 2 2 0 8 0 0 0 1 4 1 13 3 2 1 7 5 1 1 3 3 1 12 1 1 4 1 5 3 3 1 4 8 1 11 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 7 4 17 19 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 6 2 2 1 16 22 1 2 1 4 1 13 3 2 1 7 5 1 1 3 3 1 13 1 1 4 80 169 249 MEN WOMEN 0 4 UTAH TOTALS 0 VERMONT SENDING ORGANIZATION Missionary Sisters of O.L. of Africa Religious Hospitalieres de St Joseph 4 MEN WOMEN 0 5 0 1 VERMONT TOTALS 0 63 6 Total 4 4 Total 5 1 6 VIRGINIA SENDING ORGANIZATION Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Daughters of the Holy Spirit Glenmary Home Missioners Jesuit Volunteer Corps - East Medical Mission Sisters Medical Missionaries of Mary Mercy, Sisters (Buffalo, NY) Mercy, Sisters (Cincinnati) Mercy, Sisters (RI) Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart Missionhurst School Sisters of Notre Dame (MN) MEN WOMEN 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 3 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 4 VIRGINIA TOTALS 6 WASHINGTON SENDING ORGANIZATION 17 MEN WOMEN 0 2 0 1 0 1 13 21 5 0 0 3 Dominican Volunteers USA Holy Family of Nazareth, Sisters (IL) Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Northwest Jesuits (OR) St. Joseph of Peace, Sisters WASHINGTON TOTALS 18 WEST VIRGINIA SENDING ORGANIZATION Divine Word, Society (IL) Franciscan Sisters (Oldenburg) Glenmary Home Missioners Marist Fathers & Brothers (GA) Medical Mission Sisters Passionist Volunteers International (NJ) School Sisters of St. Francis Sisters of St. Francis, Tiffin OH St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) St. Joseph, Cong of Sisters (Rockville Centre) Ursuline Sisters of Louisville KY (KY) Volunteer Missionary Movement 28 MEN WOMEN 6 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 4 0 2 1 1 WEST VIRGINIA TOTALS 12 WISCONSIN SENDING ORGANIZATION Benedictine Sisters (Watertown, SD) Christian Brothers, de la Salle (Midwest) Divine Savior, Sisters (WI) Dominican Sisters (Racine, WI) Dominican Volunteers USA Family Unity International, Inc. Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls Franciscan Volunteer Program Jesuit Volunteer Corps - Midwest Jesuits (WI) Maryknoll Sisters Order of Friars Minor (Assumption Province) School Sisters of Notre Dame (WI) School Sisters of St. Francis Sisters of Charity, BVM (IA) Society of the Divine Savior St. Agnes, Cong. of Sisters (WI) St. Joseph Carondelet, Sisters (MN) Xaverian Missionaries (USA) 14 MEN WOMEN 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 10 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 3 3 2 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 7 0 24 0 3 1 0 0 11 0 1 3 0 WISCONSIN TOTALS 13 64 68 Total 1 1 2 5 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 23 Total 2 1 1 34 5 3 46 Total 6 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 4 2 2 26 Total 1 1 1 10 2 1 1 3 5 4 1 1 7 24 3 1 11 1 3 81 WYOMING SENDING ORGANIZATION Jesuits (Chicago) Jesuits (WI) St. Joseph, Cong of Sisters (Pittsburgh) MEN WOMEN 2 0 3 0 0 1 WYOMING TOTALS GRAND TOTAL OF ALL MISSIONERS: 65 Total 2 3 1 5 1 6 829 2284 3113 U.S. CATHOLIC MISSIONERS - U.S. ONLY BY REGION, STATE, AND GENDER NORTH CENTRAL MEN WOMEN ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSOURI NEBRASKA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO SOUTH DAKOTA WISCONSIN NORTH CENTRAL TOTAL 55 10 0 2 11 3 7 21 3 1 28 22 13 176 NORTH EAST MEN WOMEN CONNECTICUT DELAWARE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW YORK PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND VERMONT VIRGINIA WEST VIRGINIA NORTH EAST TOTAL 2 2 20 1 9 15 2 41 76 14 0 0 6 12 200 SOUTH MEN WOMEN ALABAMA ARKANSAS FLORIDA GEORGIA LOUISIANA MISSISSIPPI NORTH CAROLINA OKLAHOMA SOUTH CAROLINA TENNESSEE TEXAS SOUTH TOTAL 13 2 33 13 11 13 4 2 2 12 80 185 WEST MEN WOMEN ALASKA ARIZONA 31 47 66 145 31 23 13 53 16 46 71 16 5 31 20 68 538 28 4 30 3 34 126 3 58 233 80 51 6 17 14 687 38 5 64 33 44 53 18 1 16 23 169 464 36 107 Total 200 41 23 15 64 19 53 92 19 6 59 42 81 714 Total 30 6 50 4 43 141 5 99 309 94 51 6 23 26 887 Total 51 7 97 46 55 66 22 3 18 35 249 649 Total 67 154 CALIFORNIA COLORADO HAWAII IDAHO MONTANA NEVADA NEW MEXICO OREGON UTAH WASHINGTON WYOMING WEST TOTAL GRAND TOTAL OF ALL MISSIONERS: 67 MEN WOMEN 67 222 10 31 17 17 1 3 19 37 0 2 42 77 11 29 0 4 18 28 5 1 268 594 Total 289 41 34 4 56 2 119 40 4 46 6 862 829 3113 2284 Part III: U.S. Catholic Missioner Statistical Charts U.S. CATHOLIC MISSIONARIES AGE DISTRIBUTION BY CHURCH ROLE (Arch) bishop 0 0 0 1 0 6 14 1 Diocesan Priest 0 0 5 9 11 11 9 3 Lay Person 2 885 135 78 75 93 28 3 Religious Brother 0 3 5 24 73 120 101 30 Religious Priest 0 0 25 87 250 424 553 212 Religious Sister 0 3 33 113 328 986 944 327 Seminarian 0 0 7 1 1 0 0 0 Total 2 891 210 313 738 1643 1649 576 Total Response 22 48 1299 356 1551 2734 9 6022 No Answer 2 61 103 10 112 85 0 373 Grand Total 24 109 1402 366 1663 2819 9 6395 70.8 58.0 34.4 65.3 68.2 69.1 37.7 61.0 Age Group <21 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ Average Age U.S. Catholic Missioners Age Distribution by Church Role 2004-2005 1800 1600 (Arch) Bishop 1400 Diocesan Priest 1200 Lay Person Religious Brother 1000 # of Missioners Religious Priest 800 Religious Sister Seminarian 600 Total 400 200 0 <21 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 Ages 68 70-79 80+ No Answer U.S. Catholic Missioners World Ministry Activity 2004-2005 Ministry Description Administration Catechetics Chaplaincy Contemplative Counselor Day Care/Child Care Development Education Elderly Care Formation Priestly/Religious Health Care Immigrations/Refugees Legal Maintenance Mass Communication Orphanage Other Parish Pastoral Prison Relief Services Religious Education Retreat Social Justice Social Transformation Social Work Translation (Official) Volunteer Youth Ministry Totals Number in Ministry 495 129 34 52 6 8 74 1395 9 Percentage 7.74% 2.02% 0.53% 0.81% 0.09% 0.13% 1.16% 21.81% 0.14% 236 455 148 4 18 18 34 709 156 1518 5 69 28 27 159 183 373 6 1 46 6395 3.69% 7.11% 2.31% 0.06% 0.28% 0.28% 0.53% 11.09% 2.44% 23.74% 0.08% 1.08% 0.44% 0.42% 2.49% 2.86% 5.83% 0.09% 0.02% 0.72% 100% U.S. Catholic Missioners Cross-Cultural 2004-2005 Primary Work Activity Administration Catechetics Chaplaincy Contemplative Counselor Day Care/Child Care Development Education Elderly Care Formation Priestly/Religious Health Care Immigrations/Refugees Legal Maintenance Mass Communication Orphanage Other Parish Pastoral Prison Relief Services Religious Education Retreat Social Justice Social Transformation Social Work Translation (Official) Volunteer Youth Ministry Totals 69 Number of Responses 249 53 27 24 3 6 23 727 7 Percentage 8.00 1.70 0.87 0.77 0.10 0.19 0.74 23.35 0.22 32 191 138 4 18 3 4 238 105 517 4 58 15 13 156 127 331 3 0 37 3113 1.03 6.14 4.43 0.13 0.58 0.10 0.13 7.65 3.37 16.61 0.13 1.86 0.48 0.42 5.01 4.08 10.63 0.10 0 1.19 100.01 Ministry - All Missioners 2004-2005 Social Transformation 2.86% Social Justice 2.49% Translation (Official) 0.09% Volunteer 0.02% Youth Ministry 0.72% Administration 7.74% Social Work 5.83% Catechetics 2.02% Chaplaincy 0.53% Contemplative 0.81% Retreat 0.42% Counselor 0.09% Religious Education 0.44% Day Care/Child Care 0.13% Relief Services 1.08% Development 1.16% Prison 0.08% Education 21.81% Pastoral 23.74% Elderly Care 0.14% Formation - Priestly/Religious 3.69% Parish 2.44% Health Care 7.11% Other 11.09% Orphanage 0.53% Mass Communication 0.28% Maintenance 0.28% Legal 0.06% Immigrations/Refugees 2.31% U.S. Catholic Missioners Cross-Cultural 2004-2005 Translation (Official) 0.10% Social Work 10.63% Social Transformation 4.08% Social Justice 5.01% Administration 8.00% Youth Ministry 1.19% Catechetics Chaplaincy 1.70% 0.87% Contemplative 0.77% Counselor 0.10% Day Care/Child Care 0.19% Retreat 0.42% Development 0.74% Religious Education 0.48% Education 23.35% Relief Services 1.86% Prison 0.13% Elderly Care 0.22% Pastoral 16.61% Parish 3.37% Other 7.65% Mass Communication 0.10% Orphanage 0.13% 70 Maintenance 0.58% Legal 0.13% Formation Priestly/Religious 1.03% Health Care 6.14% Immigrations/Refugees 4.43% U.S. Missioners by Regions Africa 1960 781 1964 1025 1970 1141 1975 1065 1980 909 1985 986 1990 945 1991 933 1992 949 1996 799 1998 714 20012 704 20032 693 20052 636 Near East 111 122 39 71 65 78 64 65 59 Far East 1959 2332 2137 1814 1576 1366 1253 1198 1163 965 909 35 740 46 734 13 675 North Central South Oceania Europe America Caribbean America America Totals 986 203 337 991 433 981 6782 846 69 220 1056 660 1796 8126 900 38 233 1067 738 2080 8373 808 37 252 698 734 1669 7148 711 35 294 548 699 1556 6393 650 31 312 500 692 1441 6056 560 264 449 796 1413 5744 546 265 453 789 1350 5599 512 105 431 810 1286 5315 213 172 82 360 1573 4164 202 158 2109 368 1423 5883 175 181 2682 342 506 741 6100 160 180 3122 348 1241 39 6536 150 165 3165 353 527 678 6395 U.S. Missioners by Region:1960-2005 3500 Africa Number of Missioners 3000 Near East 2500 Far East Oceania 2000 Europe 1500 North America 1000 Caribbean Central America 500 South America 0 1960 1964 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 Years 71 1996 1998 2001 2003 2005 U.S. Catholic Missioners Primary Work Activity Within U.S. Borders / Outside U.S. Borders Primary Work Activity Within US Outside US Total Administration 249 246 495 Catechetics 53 76 129 Chaplaincy 27 7 34 Contemplative 24 28 52 Counselor 3 3 6 Day Care/Child Care 6 2 8 Development 23 51 74 Education 727 668 1395 Elderly Care 7 2 9 Formation - Priestly/Religious 32 204 236 Health Care 191 264 455 Immigration/Refugees 138 10 148 Legal 4 0 4 Maintenance 18 0 18 Mass Communication 3 15 18 Orphanage 4 30 34 Parish 105 51 156 Pastoral 517 1001 1518 Prison 4 1 5 Relief Services 58 11 69 Religious Education 15 13 28 Retreat 13 14 27 Social Justice 156 3 159 Social Transformation 127 56 183 Social Work 331 42 373 Translation (Official) 3 3 6 Volunteer 0 1 1 Youth Ministry 37 9 46 Other 238 471 709 TOTALS: 3113 3282 6395 72 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Ad mi ni C a st r a t te c io n C h h et i c C o a p la s n te in c mp y Da y C C o l at i v ar e u n s e elo /C r D e h ild ve Ca lo p r e Fo rm E d m en a ti on E l u c at t d e io -P rly n r ie st l Ca y re / Re Im H elig mi a ltio u gr at i hC on ar /R efu e ge M Les M as s C a i n e g al o m te n m u anc e n O ricati ph on an ag Pa e r P a i sh st o r al R R e e lie P r is o lig f S n io u e rv s E ice du s ca R tio n So cia S o ci e tr e at al lT r an J u s sf o t i c e r Tr a n S o c m at i ia o s la tio l W n n( o O f rk fic V Y o o luia l) u th n te M er in i st r Ot y he r N u m b e r s o f M issio n e r s Primary Ministry within/Outside U.S. Borders 2004-2005 Missionary Activity Within US Outside US Total Primary Work - Within US 2004-2005 Translation (Official) 0.10% Social Work 10.63% Volunteer Youth Ministry 0.00% 1.19% AdministrationCatechetics 8.00% 1.70% Chaplaincy 0.87% Contemplative 0.77% Counselor 0.10% Social Transformation 4.08% Social Justice 5.01% Day Care/Child Care 0.19% Retreat 0.42% Development 0.74% Religious Education 0.48% Education 23.35% Relief Services 1.86% Prison 0.13% Elderly Care 0.22% Formation Priestly/Religious 1.03% Health Care 6.14% Pastoral 16.61% Parish 3.37% Other 7.65% Mass Communication 0.10% Orphanage Maintenance 0.58% 0.13% 73 Legal 0.13% Immigration/Refugees 4.43% Primary Ministry Outside US 2004-2005 Translation (Official) Volunteer 0.03% Social Work 0.09% 1.28% Social Transformation Social Justice 1.71% 0.09% Retreat 0.43% Relief Services 0.34% Religious Education 0.40% Youth MinistryAdministration 0.27% 7.50% Catechetics 2.32% Chaplaincy 0.21% Contemplative 0.85% Prison 0.03% Counselor 0.09% Day Care/Child Care 0.06% Development 1.55% Education 20.35% Elderly Care 0.06% Formation Priestly/Religious 6.22% Pastoral 30.50% Parish 1.55% Health Care 8.04% Immigration/Refugees 0.30% Other 14.35% Orphanage 0.91% Mass Communication 0.46% Legal 0.00% Maintenance 0.00% 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 A dm in is t C rati at ec on C he C hap tics on l te ain m cy D pl ay C C ativ ar o e/ un e C se h l D ild or Fo C ev a rm el op re at m io en n E du -P t rieEld ca st er tio ly ly n /R C Im el ar m ig e io ig H us ra ea tio lt ns h C /R a ef re ug ee M s as M sC a L om int eg a e m na l un nc ic e at io O rp n ha na ge O th e Pa r r Pa ish st or a R Re el lie Pr l ig f is io S on us er Ed vic uc es at io So n ci S R al oc et i r Tr a e l a an J t sf ust or ic Tr an S ma e t sl oc at ia ion io l n W (O o ff rk ic ia Y V l) ou ol th un M tee in r is try Percentages Comparison - All Missioners 2000-2005 Ministries 2000-01 2002-03 74 2004-05 Comparison 2000-01, 2002-03, 2004-05 Missionary Activities - All Missioners Percentages 2000- 2002- 2004Category 01 03 05 7.83 7.71 Administration 7.74 3.75 3.58 Catechetics 2.02 Chaplaincy 0.53 Contemplative 0.81 Counselor 0.09 Day Care/Child Care Development Education 0.59 1.29 20.55 0.46 1.27 21.1 Elderly Care Formation - Priestly/Religious Health Care Immigrations/Refugees 0.13 1.16 21.81 0.14 3.9 6.45 1.98 3.69 6.93 2.14 3.69 7.11 2.31 Legal 0.06 Maintenance 0.28 Mass Communication 0.28 Orphanage 0.53 Other 13.18 12.13 28.31 28.27 Parish Pastoral 2.44 Prison Relief Services 11.09 23.74 0.08 1.2 1.21 1.08 Religious Education 0.44 Retreat 0.42 Social Justice 2.49 Social Transformation 10.13 10.74 2.86 Social Work 5.83 Translation (Official) 0.09 Volunteer 0.02 Youth Ministry 0.72 75 Part IV: Useful Information AFRICA FAITH AND JUSTICE NETWORK 3035 Fourth Street, NE Washington, DC 20017 Ph: 202-884-9780 Fax: 202-884-9774 Email: afjn@afjn.org Web site: www.afjn.org CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION 1011 First Ave, Suite 1552 New York, NY 10022-4195 Ph: 212-826-1480 Fax: 212-826-8979 Email: cnewa@cnewa.org Web site: www.cnewa.org AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MISSIOLOGY 204 N. Lexington Avenue Wilmore, KY 40390 Ph: 859-858-2216 Fax: 859-858-2375 Web site: www.asmweb.org CATHOLIC NETWORK OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE 6930 Carroll Avenue, #506 Takoma Park, MD 20912 Ph: 301-270-0900 Web site: www.cnvs.org AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL USA 5 Penn Plaza New York, NY 10001 Ph: 212-807-8400 Fax: 212-627-1451 Web site: www.amnestyusa.org ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSORS OF MISSION University of Dubuque Theological Seminary 2000 University Avenue Dubuque, IA 52001 Ph: 319-589-3648 Fax: 319-589-3110 Email: bslewis@dbq.edu Web site: www.asmweb.org BREAD FOR THE WORLD INSTITUTE 50 F Street, NE Suite 500 Washington, DC 20001 Ph: 202-639-9400 Fax: 202-639-9401 Email: infor@bread.org Web site: www.bread.org Catholic Relief Services 209 W. Fayette Street Baltimore, MD 21201 Toll free: 800-736-3467 Ph: 410-625-2220 Web site: www.catholicrelief.org CB TRAVEL SERVICES, INC. 1205 Windham Parkway Romeoville, IL 60446-1679 Toll free: Ph: 630-378-2506 Email: gary_broyles@cbtravel.com Web site: www.cbtravel.com CENTER OF CONCERN 1225 Otis Street, NE Washington, DC 20017 Ph: 202-635-2757 Fax: 202-832-9494 Email: coc@coc.org Web site: www.coc.org BUREAU OF CATHOLIC INDIAN MISSIONS 2021 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20006-4207 Ph: 202-331-8542 CHICAGO CENTER FOR GLOBAL MINISTRIES 5401 S. Cornell Avenue Chicago, IL 60615 Ph: 773-753-2564 Fax: 773-324-4360 Email: ccgm@ctu.edu Web site: www.ccgministries.org CATHOLIC MEDICAL MISSION BOARD 10 W 17th Street New York, NY 10011 Toll free: 800-678-5659 Ph: 212-242-7757 Email: info@cmmb.org Web site: www.cmmb.org COLUMBAN FATHERS Office of Justice & Peace P.O. Box 29151 Washington, DC 20017-0151 Ph: 202-529-5115 Fax: 202-832-5195 Email: amywe@columban.org Web site: www.columban.org/jpic/index.html 76 COLUMBAN MISSION AWARENESS P. O. Box 10 St. Columbans, NE 68056 Ph: 402-291-1920 Fax: 402-291-8693 Email: missioned@columban.org Web site: www.st.columban.org/missioned FRANCISCANS INTERNATIONAL 211 E. 43rd Street New York, NY 10017-4717 Ph: 212-490-4624 Fax: 212-857-4977 Email: newyork@fiop.org Web site: www.franciscansinternational.org COMBONI MISSIONARIES 1318 Nagel Road Cincinnati, OH 45255-3120 Ph: 513-474-4997 Fax: 513-474-0382 Email: info@combonimissionaries.org Web site: www.combonimissionries.org From Mission to Mission 303 Atwood Street Longmont, CO 80501 Ph: 720-494-7211 Fax: 720-494-7211 Email: missiontomission@qwest.net Web site: www.missiontomision.org CONFERENCE OF MAJOR SUPERIORS OF MEN 8808 Cameron Street Silver Spring, MD 20910 Ph: 301-588-4030 Fax: 301-587-4575 Web site: www.cmsm.org GLENMARY HOME MISSIONERS P.O. Box 465618 Cincinnati, OH 45246-5618 Ph: 513-874-8900 Fax: 513-874-1690 Email: info@glenmary.org Web site: www.glenmary.org CONGREGATION FOR EVANGELIZATION OF PEOPLES Piazza di Spagna, 48 00187 Roma, Italy Ph: +39-679-6941 Email: cepsegretaria@evangel.va Web site: www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cevang/inde x.htm CUERNAVACA CENTER FOR INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE ON DEVELOPMENT (CCIDD) 413 Interamericana Blvd. WH1 PMB 21-63 Laredo, TX 78045 Ph in Mexico: (011-52-777) 312-6564 Email: info@ccidd.org Web site: www.ccidd.org FEDERATION OF ASIAN BISHOPS’ CONFERENCE 16 Caine Road Hong Kong, China Web site: www.fabc.org FRANCISCANS MISSIONARIES OF MARY Communications Office 399 Fruit Hill Avenue N Providence, RI 02911 Ph: 401-353-5800 Fax: 401-353-8775 E-Mail: fmm@aol.com Web site: www.fmmusa.org INTERNATIONAL FIDES SERVICE Publications Department Via di Propaganda 1 C 00187 Roma, Italy Ph: 39-669-88-0105 Fax: 39-669-88-0107 E-mail: fides@fides.va Web site: www.fides.org JESUIT CONFERENCE Office of Social & Intern’l. Misinstries 1616 P Street, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20036-1420 Ph: 202-462-0400 Fax: 202-328-9212 Web site: www.jesuit.org LATIN AMERICAN WORKING GROUP 424 C Street, NE Washington DC 20002 Ph: 202-546-7010 Fax: 202-543-7647 Email: lawg@lawg.org Web site: www.lawg.org LEADERSHIP CONF OF WOMEN RELIGIOUS 8808 Cameron Street Silver Spring, MD 20910 Ph: 301-588-4955 Fax: 301-587-4575 Web site: www.lcwr.org 77 MARYKNOLL OFFICE FOR GLOBAL CONCERNS P.O. Box 29132 Washington, DC 20017 Ph: 202-832-1780 Fax: 202-832-5195 Email: ogc@maryknoll.org Web site: www.maryknoll.org OVERSEAS MINISTRIES STUDY CENTER 490 Prospect Street New Haven, CT 06511-2196 Ph: 203-624-6672 Fax: 203-865-2857 Email: info@omsc.org Web site: www.omsc.org MEXICAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER 2115 W. Ashby Place San Antonio, TX 78228 Ph: 210-732-2156 Fax: 210-732-9072 Email: macc@maccsa.org Web site: www.maccsa.org PONTIFICAL MISSION SOCIETIES IN U.S. 366 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10001 Ph: 212-563-8700 Fax: 212-563-8725 Email: pmsusa@propfaith.org Web site: www.propfaith.org MISSION PROJECT SERVICE P.O. Box 288 Cape Vincent, NY 13618 Ph: 315-654-2447 Fax: 315-654-4721 Email: misprojser@aol.com Web site: www.missionprojectservice.org PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR THE PROMOTION OF CHRISTIAN UNITY Via dell' Erba, 1 00193 Roma ITALY Ph: + Fax: Web site: www.vatican.va/roman_curia /pomntifical_councils/chrstuni/ MTS TRAVEL 650 Bloomfield Avenue Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Toll free: 800-526-6278 Fax: 973-680-1377 Email: bloomfield@mtstravel.com Web site: www.mtstravel.com NETWORK SOCIAL JUSTICE LOBBY 25 E Street, NW Suite 200 Washington, DC 20001 Ph: 202-347-9797 Fax: 202-347-9864 Email: network@networklobby.org Web site: networklobby.org OIKOCREDIT USA P.O. Box 11000 Washington, DC 20008 Ph: 202-265-0607 Fax: 202-265-7029 Email: usa-sa@oikocredit.org Web site: www.oikocredit.org ORBIS BOOKS PO Box 308 Maryknoll, NY 10545-0308 Ph: 914-941-7636 X2576 Email: orbisbooks@maryknoll.org Web site: www.orbisbooks.com RELIGIOUS FORMATION CONFERENCE 8820 Cameron Street Silver Spring, MD 20910-4152 Ph: 301-588-4938 Fax: 301-585-7649 Email: jmock@relforcon.org Web site: www.relforcon.org ROOM FOR THE SPIRIT 5366 Magnolia Trail Pinelles Park, FL 33782-2729 Ph: 727-460-0591 Fax: 727-544-2757 E-mail: morconnors@aol.com SALVATORIAN MISSION WAREHOUSE Salvatorian Center c/o Bro. Regis Fust, SDS 1303 Milwaukee Drive New Holstein, WI 53061 Ph: 902-898-5898 Fax: 902-898-4736 Email: missionwh@salvatoriancenter.com Web site: www.salvatorians.com/missionwh/default.htm 78 SEDOS Via dei Verbiti, 1 00154 Roma Italy Ph: +39-6-57-41-350 Fax: +39-6-57-55-787 Email: sedos@pcn.net Web site: www.sedos.org Fax: 202-541-3390 E-Mail: worldmission@usccb.org Web site: www.usccb.org/wm ST VINCENT PALLOTTI CENTER 415 Michigan Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20017 Ph: 202-529-3330, 800 VOL-LINK Fax: 202-529-0911 E-mail: pallotti@pallotticenter.org Web site: www.pallotticenter.org Secretariat for Evangelization Ph: 202-541-3012 Fax: 202-541-3242 E-mail: evangelization@usccb.org Web site: www.usccb.org/evangelization THE CATHOLIC THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA John Carroll University 20700 North Park Blvd. University Heights, OH 44118 Ph: 216-397-1886, 216-397-4284 E-mail: dlchristie@aol.com Web site: www.jcu.edu/ctsa US CATHOLIC CHINA BUREAU Seton Hall University South Orange, NJ 07079-2689 Ph: 973-763-1131 Fax: 973-763-1543 E-Mail: chinabur@shu.edu Web site: www.usccb.net US CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS RELIGIOUS TASK FORCE ON CENTRAL AMERICA & MEXICO 3052 FOURTH STREET, NE WASHINGTON, DC 20017 Ph: 202-529-0441 Fax: 202-832-3687 E-mail: general@rtfcam.org Web site: www.rtfcam.org www.rtfcam.org RELATED USCCB DEPARTMENTS: Aid to Eastern Europe Ph: 202-541-3400 Fax: 202-541-3406 E-mail: aee@usccb.org Web site: www.usccb.org/aee Committee on Home Missions Ph: 202-541-3450 Fax: 202-541-3322 E-Mail: homemission@usccb.org Web site: www.usccb.org/hm Committee on World Mission Ph: 202-541-3017 Migration & Refugee Services Ph: 202-541-3352 Fax: 202-541-3351 E-mail: mrs@usccb. Web site: www.usccb.org/mrs/pcmr Secretariat for Latin America Ph: 202-541-3050 Fax: 202-541-3460 E-mail: latinamericagrants@usccb.org Web site: www.usccb.org/latinamerica Social Development and World Peace Ph: 202-541-3198 Fax: 202-541-3339 E-mail: sdwp@usccb.org Web site: www.usccb.org/sdwp Secretariat for Ecumenical Affairs Ph: 202-541-3020 Fax: 202-541-3183 E-mail: seamail@usccb.org Web site: www.usccb.org/seamail UNITED NATIONS Department of Public Information Non-Governmental Groups Room L-1B-31 New York, NY 10017 Ph: 212-963-7872 Fax: 212-963-2819 Web site: www.ngodpiexecom.org VOLUNTEER MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 5980 W. Loomis Road Greendale, WI 53129 Ph: 414-423-8660 Fax: 414-423-8964 E-mail: info@vmmusa.org Web site: www.vmmusa.org WASHINGTON OFFICE ON AFRICA 212 East Capitol Street Washington, DC 20003 Ph: 202-547-7503 Fax: 202-547-1545 E-mail: woa@igc.org Web site: www.woaafrica.org 79 WASHINGTON OFFICE ON LATIN AMERICA 1630 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Ste 200 Washington DC 20009 Ph: 202-797-2171 Fax: 202-797-2172 E-mail: wola@wola.org Web site: www.wola.org WORLD VISION INTERNATIONAL Missions Advanced Res & Comm (MARC) 800 W Chestnut Ave Monrovia CA 91016-3198 Ph: 818-301-7714 Fax: 818-301-7786 E-mail: newsvision@wvi.org Web site: www.wvi.org 80 UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS Committee on Home Missions Chairman: Most Rev. J. Peter Sartain Bishop of Little Rock Members: Most Rev. Joseph N. Latino Most Rev. Jerome E. Listecki Most Rev. David L. Ricken Most Rev. Thomas J. Rodi Most Rev. Richard S. Seminack Most Rev. Daniel F. Walsh Consultant: Most Rev. Carlos A. Sevilla, SJ Staff: Dr. David Byers Dr. David Suley Ms. Tricia Zackrisson Mrs. Carliss Parker-Smith Bishop of Jackson Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago Bishop of Cheyenne Bishop of Biloxi Bishop of the Eparchy of St. Nicholas in Chicago Bishop of Santa Rosa Bishop of Yakima Executive Director Coordinator for Resource Development Mission Support Specialist Staff Assistant Committee on World Missions Chairman: Most Rev. Daniel F. Walsh Bishop of Santa Rosa Members: His Eminence Theodore Cardinal McCarrick Most Rev. John C. Dunne Most Rev. Victor B. Galleone Most Rev. Richard E. Pates Most Rev. Timothy A. McDonnell Most Rev. Oscar A. Solis Former Archbishop of Washington Auxiliary Bishop of Rockville Centre Bishop of St. Augustine Auxiliary Bishop of St. Paul-Minnesota Bishop of Springfield Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles Consultants: Most Rev. Gregory M. Aymond Most Rev. Richard J. Garcia Sr. Maria Catherine Iannotti, PVIM Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Fuhrma Sr. Judy Gomila, MSC Rev. John E. Kozar Mr. James Lindsay Rev. Kevin Hanlon, M.M. Rev. Michael Montoya, MJ Bishop of Austin Auxiliary Bishop of Sacramento Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate Director, Pontifical Mission Societies, Newark, NJ Associate Director Mission Ofc New Orleans, LA National Director, Pontifical Mission Societies/U.S. Executive Director, Cath. Network for Vol. Srvc Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers Executive Director, U.S. Cath Mission Association Staff: Sr. Marie De La Trinité Siopongco, SSVM Assistant Secretary, Committee on World Missions Committee on Home Missions Committee on World Mission USCCB 3211 Fourth Street, NE Washington, DC 20017-1194 Phone: 202 – 541 – 3450 Fax: 202 – 722 – 8752 or 202 – 541 – 3322 E-Mail: homemission@usccb.org Web site: www.homemission.usccb.org 81 USCCB 3211 Fourth Street, NE Washington, DC 20017-1194 Phone: 202 – 541 – 3017 Fax: 202 – 541 – 3322 E-mail: worldmission@usccb.org Web site: www.usccb.org/wm
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