PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges Fluke PG7601 Gauge Datra Sheet Brochure

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User Manual: Fluke-PG7601-Piston-Gauge-Datra-sheet-Brochure

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Technical Data
PG7000 Series
Piston Gauges
Reference level pressure standards
The piston gauge’s fundamental operating
principle and excellent long term stability have
made it an indispensable tool in high accuracy
pressure metrology. As accuracy levels increase,
quality assurance requirements intensify and
automation spreads through the workplace,
the piston gauge must evolve to continue to fill
its essential role in the measurement system.
PG7000, the first truly new, high end piston
gauge introduced since the late 1970s, responds
to this challenge.
PG7000 development was undertaken with
four main inter-related design objectives:
Deliver real improvements in fundamental
metrological performance to assure that
todays—and tomorrow’s—ever increasing
accuracy requirements can be supported.
Integrate automated monitoring of environ-
mental and instrument operating conditions
with extensive on-board intelligence to
provide a modern stand alone instrument
that outputs fully validated reference pres-
sures, real time, through an intuitive operator
Reduceand when possible eliminatethe
influence of the operator on measurements to
assure more consistent performance.
Improve piston gauge ergonomics for
greater operator satisfaction and increased
The PG7000 design objectives were pursued
with the refinement of existing techniques,
innovative new design, process improvements
and the thorough application of today's digital
and information processing technologies. The
result is a coherent line of piston gauges that
sets a new standard for both performance and
usability, redefining the state of the art in high
end pressure metrology.
2 Fluke Calibration PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges
General features
Integrated piston-cylinder metrological
Each PG7000 piston-cylinder is an integrated
metrological assembly that includes the criti-
cal piston-cylinder mounting components. To
change piston-cylinders, the complete module
is installed and removed from the piston gauge
mounting post. All of the mechanical parts that
affect piston-cylinder metrology
are associated with
the individual
rather than
being common
parts of the
piston gauge
platform. This
unique design
provides many
practical and metro-
logical benefits.
Change ranges (piston-cylinders) in seconds, without
using tools.
Handle and interchange piston-cylinders without expos-
ing critical surfaces to contamination.
Protect the piston-cylinder from damage due to accidental
shock or impact when handling.
Improve measurement reproducibil-
ity by avoiding frequent assembly/
disassembly of mounting com-
ponents and assuring that each
piston-cylinder is always used with
the same mounting hardware, even
when used in a different platform.
Improve piston-cylinder mounting
design by allowing each mounting
system to be optimized for a piston-
cylinder size and range rather than
accepting the compromises of a
single, interchangeable mounting
Piston head
Mass loading bell
Piston cap
Mass concentricity
Mass loading concentricity
Piston gauge performance is greatly affected
by piston-cylinder verticality and mass loading
concentricity. For optimum performance, the
piston-cylinder axis must be aligned as well
as possible with the acceleration due to gravity
and the mass load must be concentric with the
piston-cylinder axis.
Assuring piston-cylinder verticality and
mass loading quality were key PG7000 design
objectives. Piston-cylinder module alignment
is established by the large diameter mating
surface between the mounting post and the
piston-cylinder module. The number of indepen-
dent parts between the piston and mass load
has been reduced to two (the piston cap and the
mass loading bell). The piston head is effectively
made part of the piston by machining it after
installation concentrical to the piston within
± 20 microns. PG7000 piston-cylinders have
excellent mechanical characteristics but real-
izing their exceptional sensitivity and rotation
times would not be possible without the special
attention paid to alignment and mass loading
Installing a piston-cylinder
3 Fluke Calibration PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges
Integrated electronics, software and
remote interfacing
PG7000 is a modern, digital instrument taking
full advantage of todays sensor and data pro-
cessing technologies supported by embedded
software, an integrated local user interface and
standard remote interfaces. Full feature opera-
tion is provided directly by the instrument itself
without retrofits, add-on modules or external
computers and software.
The electronics necessary for monitoring all
ambient and instrument conditions and functions
are integrated into the PG7000 platform. The dis-
play and keypad for the local operator are located
on a compact terminal with the look and feel of
other DHI products. The system power supplies
are also contained in the terminal to remove their
heat source from the PG platform.
Embedded software supports extensive on-
board functions: displaying individual ambient
condition variables and PG operating param-
etersstoring and recalling piston-cylinder and
mass set metrological data—calculating fully
compensated pressure to mass and mass to
pressure values including all influences and head
corrections—providing an objective, performance
based go/no go indication of conditions for valid
PG platform
Rear connections
PG terminal
ElectronicsCover panel Local operator interaction with the PG7000, as with
other modern test instruments, is through an integrated
keypad and alphanumeric display not requiring an
external computer or software. The keypad is function
driven allowing rapid, intuitive operation. In addition,
both RS-232 and IEEE 488 interfaces with extensive,
fully documented, ASCII string commands are included for
remote communication.
4 Fluke Calibration PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges
On-board measurement of operating
PG7000 includes integrated on-board measure-
ment of all the ambient and operating conditions
needed to calculate pressure within tolerance.
These include:
Relative humidity: capacitance sensor on
PG platform rear panel.
Barometric pressure: internal piezoresistive
sensor or by remote interfacing with any
RS-232 barometer.
Ambient temperature: platinum resistance
thermometer mounted on PG platform rear
Piston-cylinder temperature: platinum
resistance thermometer embedded in piston-
cylinder mounting post.
Reference vacuum (PG7601 only): piranni
gauge integrated directly under bell jar
vacuum plate.
The individual measurements can be
observed real time, both locally through the
PG Terminal and remotely over the RS-232 or
IEEE 488 interface.
Provision for verification and recalibration of
the on-board sensors is included and supported
by PG7000’s embedded software.
Monitoring piston behavior
Precise information on piston behavior is
indispensable to achieving best performance
with a high accuracy piston gauge. Piston posi-
tion and fall rate are important to assure the
piston is at the proper point in its stroke and
falling at its natural rate. Piston rotation rate
monitoring, though frequently ignored, is also
very important to assure consistent operating
conditions and detect possible piston-cylinder
PG7000 measures and provides real time
indication of:
Piston position
Piston drop rate
Piston rotation rate
Piston rotation deceleration
Piston position is measured on the LVDT prin-
ciple with a ring on the inside of the mass
loading bell acting as the armature. Rotation
rate is measured optically using a sensor in the
mounting post which detects the movement of a
notched ring on the inside of the mass loading
bell. Both measurement systems are completely
non-interfering. They have no influence on the
free movement of the piston in any axis.
PG terminal display of ambient conditions
PG terminal display of piston behavior
1. Barometric pressure
2. Ambient temperature
3. Ambient relative humidity
4. Local gravity
1. Rotationr rate
2. Rotation deceleration
3. Position
4. Drop rate
5 Fluke Calibration PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges
Ready/not ready indication
PG7000 simplifies operation with a “ready/not
ready” indication to provide the operator with
a clear “go/no go” indication of when an in-
tolerance measurement can be made.
The ready/not ready indication is based on
testing for a variety of operating conditions
including piston position, piston fall rate, piston
rotation rate, piston rotation deceleration, piston
temperature rate of change and vacuum refer-
ence (when applicable). A “ready” condition is
indicated when all conditions fall within specific
limits. If any condition is outside of limits, not
ready is indicated with the responsible condi-
tion identified. The limits for the various “ready/
not ready” criteria can be customized by the
user if desired.
The “ready/not ready” feature assures that
measurements are made under consistent condi-
tions without requiring the operator to monitor
multiple variables independently and/or make
subjective judgements and decisions.
Piston near-float detection
Traditionally, one of the most tedious aspects of
operating a piston gauge is adjusting pressure
to float the piston. The procedure is delicate
because the piston will lift, suddenly and
without warning, only at the exact pressure
corresponding to the mass loaded on the piston.
Finding that point without overshooting requires
slow and very cautious pressure control.
PG7000 makes it easier to float the piston
(whether controlling pressure manually or auto-
matically) with a piston preloading system that
provides advance warning that the pressure
is near the point where the piston will leave
end of stroke. The preload is applied by spring
loaded end of stroke stops. The spring force is
equivalent to about a 2 kg (4.4 lb) load on the
piston. The preload causes the piston to begin
moving away from end of stroke before the
pressure under the piston is equivalent to the
mass loaded on the piston. The early movement
of the piston is detected by PG7000 and visual
and audible warnings that the piston is about to
leave end of stroke are provided. The preload-
ing system only affects the piston when it is at
end of stroke, it does not interfere with the free
movement of the piston when it is floating.
The piston preload system provides advance
warning of piston float making it easier to
operate a PG7000. The spring loaded stops also
provide cushioning to dampen the impact when
the piston reaches end of stroke to reduce wear
and tear on the instrument.
PG terminal main run screen
1 2 3
1. Piston too low (not ready)
2. Rotation rate too low (not ready)
3. Current defined pressure
4. Absolute mode
5. Piston position
6. Current mass loaded
Mobile end
of stroke stop
Spring loading system detail
6 Fluke Calibration PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges
Intelligent piston rotation
In high performance piston-cylinders, the piston
must be rotated to operate properly.
The rotation sets up centering forces that
keep the piston aligned in the cylinder assur-
ing a uniform annular gap and the piston’s
freedom and mobility. For the most repeatable
pressure measurements, it is important that the
rotation rate be consistent. In addition, when
measurements are made, no drive system can be
engaged as it would contribute parasitic forces
and unquantifiable errors.
Rotation mechanism not engaged Rotation mechanism engaged
An important, but often overlooked, aspect
of a high performance piston gauge package
is its storage and shipping. Certain elements
may only be used occasionally and recerti-
fication, particularly of the piston-cylinders
and masses, is likely to require regular
shipping off-site. In many cases, in-house
shipping facilities are not aware of the need
for special treatment of metrological items and
are not properly equipped to package them
For PG7000 piston gauges the storing
and shipping aspect has been carefully
considered and addressed. The packaging
provided for the piston gauge platform and
mass set are heavy duty, weather proof,
molded transit cases with custom inserts.
These cases provide optimum protection and
can be reused many times. PG7000 piston-
cylinders modules are delivered in compact
PVC bullet cases that are virtually indestruc-
tible. They provide a convenient short term
storage vehicle ensuring the module is always
protected when not mounted in the piston
gauge. The bullet cases also provide excellent
shipping protection.
Storage and shipping containers
Complete PG7000 system in shipping cases
PG7000 is the first commercially available
piston gauge to provide monitoring of rotation
rate and decay in rotation rate. These measure-
ments, coupled with PG7000s internal logic,
are used to assure that pressure readings are
always made within rotation rate and decay in
rotation rate limits. This relieves the operator
of rotation rate monitoring responsibility and
replaces subjective operator judgement with
objective measurement.
In PG7000 platforms, the rotation stimulus
may be provided either manually or by an
optional motor drive. In most cases, manual
rotation is adequate as PG7000 piston-cylinders
require only occasional rotational accelera-
tion and the rate of rotation monitoring system
assures that measurements will be made within
proper limits.
Motor driven rotation, when needed, is
provided by a patented system that engages and
disengages intelligently, depending on current
rate of rotation, to maintain the rotation rate
within limits. Unlike conventional piston drive
systems, drive contact never occurs randomly
or without warning. The rotation system can
engage with the piston in any position and
does not significantly affect its position or the
set pressure. A warning is provided when
the rotation system is about to engage and
while it is running. An override is available so
that engagement will occur only on operator
7 Fluke Calibration PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges
Advanced pressure generation and
control components
In day to day operation, the operators main
interaction with a piston gauge based pressure
calibration system is with the pressure genera-
tion and control components. These are used
constantly, both for the large pressure changes
between increments and to perform the fine
adjustments needed to float and refloat the
piston. Over the years, the ease of use and reli-
ability of these components will weigh heavily
in the system’s value as a calibration tool.
The central role of pressure generation and
control components in meeting PG7000s objec-
tives was recognized at the start of the PG7000
development process and stayed at the forefront.
All PG7000 pressure accessories were designed
specifically for their application, searching out
ways to increase the efficiency and ergonomics
of piston gauge operation.
PG7000 introduced fully automated gas pres-
sure control in a bench top piston gauge system
which, coupled with PG7000’s other intelligent
features, leaves only loading and unloading
masses in response to system prompts to the
A manual gas pressure controller is also
available. It is compact in size to facilitate
system setup and features custom, soft grip
valve knobs—not just a detail if you are the one
using them day in and day out.
OPG1, the hydraulic pressure generator/
controller for PG7302, breaks new ground in oil
piston gauge operation. With a perfect balance
between the benefits of automation and the
practicality of direct operator control, it sets
pressures effortlessly, precisely and very
quickly, eliminating the pumping and
screw press cranking for which oil
piston gauges were once notorious.
MPC1 Manual Pressure ControllerOPG1 Hydraulic Pressure Generator/Controller
COMPASS® for pressure main run screen
COMPASS® for Pressure calibration
assistance software
COMPASS for Pressure calibration assistance
software takes PG7000 to the next step in auto-
mating calibrations.
Since PG7000 on-board electronics and
software handle all the basic metrological and
system monitoring aspects of PG7000 operation,
COMPASS is not required to operate the system
and make accurate measurements. COMPASS
concentrates on optimizing the broader appli-
cation of PG7000 in a calibration laboratory.
COMPASS sets up device under test (DUT)
records, defines and associates test procedures
with DUTs, runs tests, acquires reference and
test data, produces standard and custom cali-
bration reports. All instrument, DUT and test
data is collected and stored in standard delim-
ited files that can be easily downloaded to other
A unified solution from vacuum to
500 MPa
From its inception, the PG7000 line of piston
gauges was designed to cover the complete
range of pressure from very low absolute and
differential in gas, up to 500 MPa (75 000 psi)
in oil. While several piston gauge platforms
and specialized accessories, may be needed to
cover different ranges and media, a consistent
user interface and operational principles are
maintained throughout the line. In most cases,
complete gas and oil calibration capability can
be achieved with just two PG platforms, four
piston-cylinder modules and one mass set. This
provides consistency from system to system
which facilitates operation and training. Opera-
tors do not need to learn and operate several
completely different systems to cover the full
pressure range. Maintenance costs are reduced
by minimizing the number of metrological ele-
ments to be supported.
8 Fluke Calibration PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges
Oil pressures from 100 kPa to 500 MPa (14.5 to 75 000 psi)
PG7302 Platform
PG7302 is recommended for covering gauge and
absolute pressure with oil as the pressurized
medium. Absolute mode is supported by auto-
mated measurement and addition of atmospheric
pressure using PG7302’s internal barometer
or any external barometer supporting RS232
communications. To cover gas pressures under
11 MPa (1 600 psi), see PG7102 and PG7601. For
information on covering gas pressures greater
than 11 MPa (1 600 psi), please contact DHI.
Putting together a PG7302 system
A typical PG7302 calibration systems consists
PG7302 Platform
Piston-Cylinder Modules: see information on
PG7302 piston-cylinders and the ranges that
they provide when combined with PG7302
mass set choices
Mass Set: 35, 40, 45, 55, 80 and 100 kg mass
sets are available
Pressure Generation/Control Component
Choices available for PG7302 include:
- OPG1-30000 Hydraulic Pressure Generator/
Controller: power assisted pressure genera-
tion and control to 200 MPa (30 000 psi)
(see OPG1 brochure)
- 5:1 Intensifier Option: extends OPG1-30000
pressure generation range to 500 MPa
(75 000 psi). Also specify intensifier inter-
connect kit.
Other optional accessories available
RPM4-A0015 Reference Pressure Monitor
Interfaces directly with PG7302 to provide
higher accuracy barometric pressure readings
than the PG7302 on-board barometer (see
RPM4 brochure). Recommended for operation
in “absolute by addition of atmosphere” mode.
COMPASS® for Pressure: Applications software
for IBM compatible PC that interfaces with
PG7302 to support DUT records, running tests,
acquiring data, and maintaining calibration
records and generating reports, as well as
providing enhanced operational monitoring
Includes all PG7000 standard features and the following:
Special provisions for oil operation including a spent oil run
off tray and a purging system to remove air under the piston
during piston-cylinder module installation
Motorized piston rotation is optional (rotation rate monitoring
and “ready/not ready” indication are always includ ed)
9 Fluke Calibration PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges
Gas pressures from 2 kPa to 11 MPa (0.2 to 1 600 psi)
PG7102 Platform
PG7102 is recommended for covering gauge
and absolute pressures above atmosphere with
gas as the pressurized medium. Absolute mode
is supported by automated measurement and
addition of atmospheric pressure using PG7102’s
internal barometer or any external barometer
supporting RS-232 communications. PG7102
does not cover absolute or gauge pressures
below atmospheric pressure. To cover absolute
and gauge pressures near and under atmo-
sphere and/or for best accuracy on absolute
pressures under about 1 500 kPa (200 psi), use
PG7601. For information on covering gas pres-
sures greater than 11 MPa (1 600 psi), please
refer to the PG7202.
Putting together a PG7102 system
A typical PG7102 calibration systems consists of:
PG7102 Platform
Piston-Cylinder Modules: see information on
PG7102 piston-cylinders and the ranges that
they provide when combined with PG7102
mass set choices
Mass Set: 35, 40, 45 and 55 kg mass sets are
Pressure Generation/Control Component
Choices available for PG7102 include:
- 3990-801: manual pressure control up to
7 MPa (1 000 psi) (see 3990 brochure)
- 3990-803: manual pressure control up to
20 MPa (3 000 psi) (see 3990 brochure)
- PPC4: automated pressure control up to
11 MPa (1 600 psi) (see PPC4 brochure)
Interconnections Kit: to connect the PG7102
to the pressure generation/control component
and provide a quick-connector test con-
nection. P/N 400985, PK-7000-PPC/MPC,
Interconnections kit.
Other optional accessories available:
RPM4-A0015 Reference Pressure Monitor:
interfaces directly with PG7102 to provide
higher accuracy barometric pressure readings
than the PG7102 on-board barometer (see
RPM4 brochure). Recommended for operation
in “absolute by addition of atmosphere” mode.
COMPASS® for Pressure: applications software
for IBM compatible PC that interfaces with
PG7102 to support DUT records, running
tests, acquiring data, maintaining calibration
records and generating reports as well as
providing enhanced operational monitoring
Includes all PG7000 standard features and the following:
Lower cost, simplied gas operated platform does not include
vacuum reference capability.
Motorized piston rotation is optional (rotation rate monitoring
and ready/not ready indication are always included).
10 Fluke Calibration PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges
Gas pressures with vacuum reference
from 5 kPa to 7 MPa (0.7 to 1 000 psi)
PG7601 Platform
PG7601 is recommended for covering absolute
and gauge pressures with gas including pres-
sures near and under atmospheric pressure.
PG7601 measurements can be referenced to
vacuum by evacuating the bell jar that covers
the mass load. If absolute and gauge pressures
nearand under atmosphere are not required and/
or pressure greater than 7 MPa (1 000 psi)is re-
quired, PG7102, which does not include vacuum
reference capability, should be considered.
Putting together a PG7601 System
A typical PG7601 calibration systems consists of:
PG7601 Platform
Piston-Cylinder Modules: See information on
PG7601 piston-cylinders and the ranges they
provide when combined with the PG7601
mass set.
35 kg Mass Set
Pressure Generation/Control Component
Choices available for PG7601 include:
- 3990-801: manual pressure control up to
7 MPa (1 000 psi) (see 3990 brochure)
- PPC4: automated pressure control up
to 7 MPa (1 000 psi) (see PPC4 brochure)
Interconnections Kit
Choices available for PG7601 include:
- To connect PG7601 to the pressure
generation/control component and provide
a quick-connector test connection
P/N 400985, PK-7000-PPC/MPC, intercon-
nections kit
- To connect PG7601 to the pressure genera-
tion/control component and provide test
connections and valving for differential
mode operation, P/N 401581, PK-7600-PPC/
Vacuum pumps and accessories
Vacuum pump and accessories to establish
vacuum under the PG7601 bell jar,
P/N 401209, VA-7601-REF (110V) or
P/N 401453 (220 V).
Vacuum pump and accesories to set pressure
under atmosphere using PPC4 or 3990-801,
VA-PPC/MPC-REF, P/N 400922 (110 V) or
P/N 401160 (220 V).
Other optional accessories available
RPM4-A0015 Reference Pressure Monitor:
interfaces directly with PG7601 to provide
higher accuracy barometric pressure readings
than the PG7601 on-board barometer (see
RPM4 brochure). Required fordifferential
mode” operation.
COMPASS® for Pressure: applications software
for IBM compatible PC that interfaces with
PG7601 to support DUT records, running tests,
acquiring data, maintaining and generat-
ing calibration records as well as providing
enhanced operational monitoring displays.
Includes all PG7000 standard features and the following:
Supports establishing and measuring a vacuum reference for
defining absolute pressures relative to an evaucated bell jar.
Includes bell jar and integrated vacuum gauge.
Supports “differential mode” operation to cover positive and
negative differential pressures near zero and at different static
pressures (see Technical Note 9940TN02).
PG7601 PPC3
11 Fluke Calibration PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges
PG7000 Piston-Cylinder Modules
The piston-cylinder defines effective area and
is the piston gauges principal metrological
element. The piston-cylinder’s intrinsic char-
acteristics and how it is mounted and exploited
are the keys to piston gauge performance.
PG7000 piston-cylinders are manufactured
by Fluke Calibration using proprietary produc-
tion techniques developed specifically for the
PG7000 series. These result in pistons and cyl-
inders whose typical shape is within less than
0.2 micron from ideal geometry. Gas operated
piston-cylinders use large diameters and very
small annular gaps to minimize gas species and
operating mode effects and to maximize piston
float times. For example, the typical annular gap
of a 35 mm gas operated piston-cylinder is less
than 1 micron. Oil operated piston-cylinders use
small diameters to reduce the quantity of mass
needed to cover the typical high pressure range.
All Type 7000 pistons and cylinders are
made of tungsten carbide except the standard
35 mm gas operated piston which is made of
high purity ceramic to reduce its mass and thus
its minimum starting pressure. Each PG7000
piston-cylinder is a complete, integrated met-
rological assembly that includes the critical
piston-cylinder mounting components. This
approach improves metrological performance as
well as offering many practical advantages.
All Type 7000 piston-cylinders use free
deformation mounting systems in which the
cylinder is allowed to deform under the influ-
ence of applied pressure without O-rings or
seals along the cylinder length. For the higher
pressure gas assemblies, a new mounting
system designated negative free deformation
has been developed. Negative free deformation
applies the measured pressure uniformally along
the full length of the cylinder. This reduces
deformation under pressure so that piston drop
rates remain low, even at high operating pres-
sures while avoiding the unpredictable strain
points of conventional reentrant designs.
Piston cylinder and module
Piston-cylinder modulePiston-cylinder
Piston cylinder and module
Simple free
deformation, gas
Negative free
deformation, gas
Simple free
deformation, oil
12 Fluke Calibration PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges
PG7000 Mass Sets
Masses are loaded on the piston and accelerated
by gravity to apply a known force on the piston
against which the defined pressure is balanced.
A complete PG7000 mass set includes main
masses of 10 kg (22 lb) or 5 kg (11 lb) each,
fractionary masses in 5-2-2-1 progression from
0.5 kg (18 oz) to 0.1 kg (4 oz) and a trim mass
set with masses from 50 g (1.8 oz) to 0.01 g
(.0004 oz). The mass set composition is such that
any desired mass value within the mass
set range can be loaded within 0.01 g
(.0004 oz). Different size mass sets and piston-
cylinder choices provide flexibility in putting
together a PG7000 system whose ranges best
fit your needs.
All main masses are machined from solid,
non-magnetic stainless steel and adjusted to
their nominal values in the mass without cavi-
ties or trimming hardware which can reduce
mass stability over time.
Since loading and unloading masses is one
of the most common operator interactions with
a PG7000 system, the individual masses and
the mass set have been designed to maximize
handling convenience. Ample angled lifting
surfaces are provided on the edge of each mass
and special mass trays are included to assist in
orderly mass loading and unloading.
Standard PG7000 pistons are adjusted to a
mass of 0.2 kg (7 oz). The first mass loaded on
the piston is the mass loading bell onto which
all the other masses are loaded. The mass load-
ing bell is delivered with the PG platform. There
are two different mass loading bells. The 7001
bell is a short bell that fits under the PG7601s
bell jar. The 7002 bell is a longer bell used on
all the other PG7000 models. The 7001 bell has
a mass of 0.3 kg (10.6 oz); the 7002 bell has a
mass of 0.8 kg (1.8 lb). Both bells are made of
titanium to minimize their mass.
Mass concentricity
Mass set on mass tray
7001 Short Mass Bell
7002 Long Mass Bell
200 mm
(7.9 in)
125 mm
(5 in)
Mass transit cases
13 Fluke Calibration PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges
General specications
Embedded features
Local control with 2 x 20
electroluminescent and 4 x 4
function driven keypad.
Real time (1 second update
rate) display and measurement
of ambient (pressure, tempera-
ture, humidity) and instrument
(piston-cylinder temperature,
piston position, piston drop
rate, piston rotation rate, piston
rotation decay rate) conditions.
Real time (1 second update
rate) mass to pressure and
pressure to mass calculations
taking into consideration all
environmental and operational
Gas and liquid head
Adjustable mass loading
resolution (0.1 kg to 0.01 g).
Audible prompts of instrument
status with override capability.
Interfacing and automatic
exploitation of any external
barometer (RS-232).
Storage and one step activation
of metrological data on up to
18 piston-cylinder modules
and 3 mass sets.
Continuous pressure ready/
not ready indication based on
measured conditions for valid
Intelligent piston drive system
based on measured rotation
rate with operator alert and
manual override (optional on
PG7102, PG7302).
Built-in drivers for automated
pressure control components
with override capability.
Full RS-232 and IEEE-488.2
communications with multi-
level commands to set and read
all instrument functions.
Power requirements 85 V to 264 V ac, 47 to 440 Hz, 22 VA max consumption
Operating temperature range 15 °C to 35 °C (59 °F to 95 °F)
Weight (Instrument platform
with no mass loaded)
PG7102 13 kg (28 lb)
PG7302 13 kg (28 lb)
PG7601 17 kg (37 lb)
PG terminal 1.4 kg (3 lb)
Dimensions (H x W x D) Instrument platform 36 cm x 40 cm x 35 cm (14.5 in x 15.8 in x 13.8 in)
(Height: Top of mounting post with piston-cylinder
module installed for PG7102/PG7302; top of bell jar
for PG7601)
PG terminal 12 cm x 15 cm x 20 cm (4.7 in x 5.9 in x 7.9 in)
Microprocessors Instrument platform Motorola 68302
PG terminal Hitachi 64180
Communications ports RS-232 COM1: Host computer
COM2: External barometer
COM3: Automated pressure controller
IEEE-488.2 Host computer
Maximum pressure ranges Actual range depends on piston-cylinder and mass set selection.
PG7102 Gauge: 10 kPa to 11 MPa (1.5 psi to 1 600 psi)
Absolute: 110 kPa to 11 MPa (16 psi to 1 600 psi)
PG7302 Gauge: 100 kPa to 500 MPa (15 psi to 75 000 psi)
Absolute: 200 kPa to 500 MPa (30 psi to 75 000 psi)
PG7601 Gauge: 5 kPa to 7 MPa (0.7 psi to 1 000 psi)
Absolute: 5 kPa to 7 MPa (0.7 psi to 1 000 psi)
Differential: -90 to 350 kPa (16 psi to 1 600 psi) at line
pressure of 15 to 200 kPa absolute (2.2 psi to 30 psi)
Operating media PG7102 Gas: air, helium, nitrogen
PG7302 Oil: Di2-Ethyl Hexyl Sebacate (oil)
PG7601 Gas: air, helium, nitrogen
Maximum mass load PG7102 55 kg (121 lb)
PG7302 100 kg (220 lb)
PG7601 35 kg (77 lb)
Pressure connections Test port PG7102: DH200
PG7302: DH500
PG7601: DH200
Note: DH200 and DH500 are gland and collar type
fittings for 6 mm (.25 in) coned and left hand threaded
tube. DH200 is equivalent to AE SF250C, HIP LF4, etc.
DH500 is equivalent to AE F250C, HIP HF4, etc.
PG7601 Only Bell jar vent port: DH200
Vacuum pump down port: KF25
CE conformance Available, must be specified
Ambient and instrument condition measurement
Temperature (ambient) Range: 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F)
Resolution: 0.1
Accuracy: ± 1
Temperature (piston-cylinder
Range: 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F)
Resolution: 0.01
Accuracy: ± 0.1
Barometric pressure with
internal sensor
Range: 70 to 110 kPa
Resolution: 10 Pa
Accuracy: ± 140 Pa
Barometric pressure can also be read automatically from any RS-232 device
such as DHI RPM4.
Relative humidity Range: 5 to 95 %RH
Resolution: 1 %RH
Accuracy: ± 10 %RH
Piston position Range: ± 4.5 mm
Resolution: 0.1 mm
Accuracy: ± 0.2
Piston rotation (rate and
Range: 2 to 150 rpm
Resolution: 1 rpm
Vacuum (PG7601 only) Range: 0 to 20 Pa
Resolution: 0.01 Pa
Accuracy: ± 0.1 Pa or 10% of reading, whichever is greater
14 Fluke Calibration PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges
Piston-cylinder module specications
Pressure measurement: PG7102/7601
and -10, TC
PC-7100/7600-20 PC-7100/7600-50 PC-7100/7600-100 PC-7100/7600-200
Sensitivity10.02 Pa + 0.5 ppm 0.04 Pa + 0.5 ppm 0.1 Pa + 0.5 ppm 0.2 Pa + 0.5 ppm 0.4 Pa + 0.5 ppm
Reproducability2± 2 ppm ± 2 ppm ± 2 ppm ± 3 ppm ± 3 ppm
Uncertainty3± (0.2 Pa + 12 ppm) ± (0.2 Pa + 14 ppm) ± (0.5 Pa + 14 ppm) ± (1 Pa + 20 ppm) ± (2 Pa + 20 ppm)
Typical drop rate40.3 mm/min
@ 700 kPa
0.5 mm/min
@ 1750 kPa
0.7 mm/min
@ 3500 kPa
1.0 mm/min
@ 7000 kPa
Typical Drop Rate -10, TC40.2 mm/min
@ 350 kPa
Typical drop rate 10-L4 0.15 mm/min
@ 350 kPa
Pressure measurement: PG72025
PC-7202-100 PC-7202-200 PC-7202-500 PC-7202-1 PC-7202-2
Sensitivity12 Pa + 1 ppm 4 Pa + 1 ppm 10 Pa + 1 ppm 20 Pa + 1 ppm 40 Pa + 1 ppm
Reproducability2± 2 ppm ± 3 ppm ± 3 ppm ± 3 ppm ± 4 ppm
Uncertainty3± (2 Pa + 20 ppm) ± (3 Pa + 20 ppm) ± [7 Pa + (18 ppm
+0.15 ppm/MPa)]
± [15 Pa + (20 ppm
+0.15 ppm/MPa)]
± [30 Pa + (30 ppm
+0.15 ppm/MPa)]
Typical drop rate40.10 mm/min
@ 5 MPa
0.15 mm/min
@10 MPa
0.20 mm/min
@25 MPa
0.25 mm/min
@50 MPa
0.50 mm/min
@100 MPa
Pressure measurement: PG7302
PC-7300-100 PC-7300-200 PC-7300-500 PC-7300-1 PC-7300-2 PC-7300-5
Sensitivity12 Pa + 1 ppm 4 Pa + 1 ppm 10 Pa + 1 ppm 20 Pa + 1 ppm 40 Pa + 1 ppm 100 Pa + 1 ppm
Reproducability2± 2 ppm ± 3 ppm ± 3 ppm ± 3 ppm ± 4 ppm ± 6 ppm
Uncertainty3± (16 Pa + 18 ppm) ± (16 Pa + 20 ppm) ± (20 Pa + 20 ppm) ± (25 Pa + 25 ppm) ± [40 Pa + (25 ppm
+0.04 ppm/MPa)]
± [100 Pa + (35 ppm
+ 0.04 ppm/MPa)]
Typical drop rate40.02 mm/min
@ 5 MPa
0.04 mm/min
@ 10 MPa
0.10 mm/min
@ 25 MPa
0.2 mm/min
@ 50 MPa
0.40 mm/min
@ 100 MPa
1.0 mm/min
@ 250 MPa
1 Sensitivity: the smallest variation in input detectable in output. Sensitivity is given as a full uncertainty (2a) at k=2. k=1 value is obtained by dividing each part by the square root of 12.
2 Reproducibility: combined long term stability of piston-cylinder effective area and masses.
3 Typical pressure Measurement Uncertainty: All relevant sources of uncertainty under typical operating conditions are identified, quantied and combined following the “Guide to the
Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM)”. DHI Technical Note 7920TN01 (latest revision) documents the detailed uncertainty analysis for each platform, piston-cylinder and
operating mode, and can be used to derive uncertainty in pressure in a user’s specific conditions. Uncertainties are for manual mass loading. The use of AMH improves uncertainty for
some ranges.
4 Typical drop rate: typical drop rate at the pressure given.
5 PG7202 is a PG7000 platform designed for high pressure gas measurement to 100 MPa. See PG7202 brochure.
All piston-cylinders are integrated modules including mounting hardware delivered in
individual shipping and storage bullet cases.
Cylinder material Tungsten carbide
Piston material Tungsten carbide
Mounting system PC-7200-x Negative free deformation
PC-7100/7600-50, -100, -200 Negative free deformation
All Others Simple free deformation
15 Fluke Calibration PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges
Ranges and technical characteristics
Ranges for gas operated piston-cylinders for PG7102 and PG7601
Designator Pressure to
mass (/kg)
Minimum pressure Maximum pressure
(piston only)
(piston and bell)
(piston and bell)
35 kg (77 lb) 40 kg (88 lb) 45 kg (99 lb) 55 kg (121 lb)
(kPa) (psi) (kPa) (psi) (kPa) (psi) (kPa) (psi) (kPa) (psi) (kPa) (psi) (kPa) (psi)
PC-7100/7600-10-L 10 kPa 4 0.6 12 1.7 7 1 350 50 400 60 450 65 550 80
PC-7100/7600-10, TC 10 kPa 5 0.7 13 2.0 8 1.2 350 50 400 60 450 65 550 80
PC-7100/7600-20 20 kPa 8 1.2 24 3.5 14 2.0 700 100 800 120 900 130 1 100 160
PC-7100/7600-50 50 kPa 10 1.5 50 7.5 25 3.7 1 750 250 2 000 300 2 250 325 2 750 400
PC-7100/7600-100 100 kPa 20 2.9 100 14.5 50 7.25 3 500 500 4 000 600 4 500 650 5 550 800
PC-7100/7600-200 200 kPa 40 5.8 200 29.0 100 14.5 7 000 1 000 8 000 1 200 9 000 1 300 11 000 1 600
Optimal performance starts with the piston and mass bell loaded. PG7601 only accepts a maximum 35 kg mass set (MS-7001-35), or 38 kg if using the Automated
Mass Handler, AMH-38 (MS-AMH-38).
Technical characteristics for gas operated piston-cylinders for PG7102 and PG7601
Designator Nominal diameter Nominal area Piston assembly mass Piston material Cylinder material Mounting system
PC-7100/7600-10-L 35 mm (1.3 in) 980 mm2 (1.5 in2) 400 g (14 oz) Tungsten carbide Tungsten carbide Simple free deformation
PC-7100/7600-10, TC 35 mm (1.3 in) 980 mm2 (1.5 in2) 500 g (18 oz) Tungsten carbide Tungsten carbide Simple free deformation
PC-7100/7600-20 25 mm (1 in) 500 mm2 (.8 in2) 400 g (14 oz) Tungsten carbide Tungsten carbide Simple free deformation
PC-7100/7600-50 16 mm (.6 in) 196 mm2 (.3 in2) 200 g (7 oz) Tungsten carbide Tungsten carbide Negative free deformation
PC-7100/7600-100 11 mm (.4 in) 100 mm2 (.2 in2) 200 g (7 oz) Tungsten carbide Tungsten carbide Negative free deformation
PC-7100/7600-200 8 mm (.3 in) 50 mm2 (.08 in2) 200 g (7 oz) Tungsten carbide Tungsten carbide Negative free deformation
Ranges for oil operated piston-cylinders for PG7302
Designator Pressure to
mass (/kg)
Minimum pressure Maximum pressure (depending on mass set)
Piston only Piston and bell 35 kg (77 lb) 40 kg (88 lb) 45 kg (99 lb) 55 kg (121 lb) 80 kg (176 lb) 100 kg (220 lb)
(kPa) (psi) (kPa) (psi) (MPa) (psi) (MPa) (psi) (MPa) (psi) (MPa) (psi) (MPa) (psi) (MPa) (psi)
PC-7300-100 100 kPa 20 3 100 15 3.5 500 4 600 4.5 650 5 725 8 1 150 10 1 450
PC-7300-200 200 kPa 40 5 200 29 7 1 000 8 1 200 9 1 300 11 1 600 16 2 300 20 2 900
PC-7300-500 500 kPa 100 15 500 73 17.5 2 500 20 3 000 22.5 3 250 27.5 4 000 40 5 800 50 7 250
PC-7300-1 1 MPa 200 30 1 000 145 35 5 000 40 6 000 45 6 500 55 8 000 80 11 500 100 14 500
PC-7300-2 2 MPa 400 60 2 000 290 70 10 000 80 12 000 90 13 000 110 16 000 160 23 000 200 29 000
PC-7300-5 5 MPa 1 000 145 5 000 725 175 25 000 200 30 000 225 32 500 275 40 000 400 58 000 500 72 500
Optimal performance starts with the piston and mass bell loaded.
Technical characteristics for oil operated piston-cylinders for PG7302
Designator Nominal diameter Nominal area Piston assembly mass Piston material Cylinder material Mounting system
PC-7300-100 11.2 mm (.4 in) 98.5 mm2 (.15 in2) 200 g (7 oz) Tungsten carbide Tungsten carbide Simple free deformation
PC-7300-200 7.9 mm (.3 in) 49 mm2 (.08 in2) 200 g (7 oz) Tungsten carbide Tungsten carbide Simple free deformation
PC-7300-500 5 mm (.2 in) 19.6 mm2 (.03 in2) 200 g (7 oz) Tungsten carbide Tungsten carbide Simple free deformation
PC-7300-1 3.5 mm (.14 in) 9.8 mm2 (.02 in2) 200 g (7 oz) Tungsten carbide Tungsten carbide Negative free deformation
PC-7300-2 2.5 mm (.1 in) 4.9 mm2 (.008 in2) 200 g (7 oz) Tungsten carbide Tungsten carbide Negative free deformation
PC-7300-5 1.6 mm (.06 in) 1.9 mm2 (.003 in2) 200 g (7 oz) Tungsten carbide Tungsten carbide Negative free deformation
16 Fluke Calibration PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges
Mass set specications
General specifications
Masses (All masses are delivered in molded, reusable transit cases with custom inserts)
Masses > 50 g
(1.8 oz)
Material 304L non-magnetic stainless steel
Finish Eletropolished
Adjusment tolerance ± 20 ppm of nominal value
Accuracy of measured values ± 5 ppm or 1 mg, whichever is greater
Traceability of measured values National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Masses < 50 g
(1.8 oz)
Conform to NIST S1
PG7000 mass set definitions
Designator Nominal total
Mass set composition
10 kg
(22 lb)
5 kg
(11 lb)
2 kg
(4.4 lb)
1 kg
(2.2 lb)
0.5 kg
(1 lb)
0.2 kg
(.44 lb)
0.1 kg
(.22 lb)
Trim set
50 g to
0.1 g
(1.8 oz to
.003 oz)
Make up
MS-7001-35 35 kg (77 lb) 5 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 [4.5 kg
(10 lb)]
0.22 (7 oz) 0.3 kg
(10.6 oz)
MS-7002-35 35 kg (77 lb) 5 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
[4 kg (9 lb)]
0.2 (7 oz) 0.8 kg
(28 oz)
MS-7002-40 40 kg (88 lb) 6 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
[4 kg (9 lb)]
0.2 (7 oz) 0.8 kg
(28 oz)
MS-7002-45 45 kg (99 lb) 7 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
[4 kg (9 lb)]
0.2 (7 oz) 0.8 kg
(28 oz)
MS-7002-55 55 kg (121 lb) 9 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
[4 kg (9 lb)]
0.2 (7 oz) 0.8 kg
(28 oz)
MS-7002-80 80 kg (176 lb) 6 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
[4 kg (9 lb)]
0.2 (7 oz) 0.8 kg
(28 oz)
MS-7002-100 100 kg (220 lb) 8 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
[4 kg (9 lb)]
0.2 (7 oz) 0.8 kg
(28 oz)
Note: The piston and the mass loading bell are not included in the mass set. Piston-cylinders are ordered separately and the mass loading bell is delivered with the PG7000 platform.
1 The make up mass is the first main mass loaded on the piston and bell to reach an even increment of 5 kg (11 lb) or 10 kg (22 lb).
2 PC-7100/7600-10, TC with a tungsten carbide piston has a piston mass of 0.5 kg (11 lb).
Mass set compatibility
Designator Nominal total
PG7102 PG7302 PG7601
MS-7001-35 35 kg (77 lb)
MS-7002-35 35 kg (77 lb) • •
MS-7002-40 40 kg (88 lb) • •
MS-7002-45 45 kg (99 lb) • •
MS-7002-55 55 kg (121 lb) • •
MS-7002-80 80 kg (176 lb)
MS-7002-100 100 kg (220 lb)
10 kg (22 lb) 5 kg (11 lb) 2 kg (4.4 lb) 1 kg (2.2 lb)
Individual masses
17 Fluke Calibration PG7000™ Series Piston Gauges
PG7302 Oil operated piston gauge
PG7302 Oil operated piston gauge with motorized piston
PG7302-CE Oil operated piston gauge, CE compliant
PG7302-CE Oil operated piston gauge, with motorized
piston rotation, CE compliant
PG7102 Gas operated piston gauge
PG7102 Gas operated piston gauge, with motorized piston
PG7102-CE Gas operated piston gauge, CE compliant
PG7102-CE Gas operated piston gauge with motorized
piston rotation, CE compliant
PG7601 Gas operated piston gauge, with motorized piston
PG7601-CE Gas operated piston gauge, with motorized
piston rotation, CE compliant
Standard accessories
Mass loading bell
Reusable molded transit case with custom inserts
Power cord
Instrument dust cover
Technical data report
Adaptor for test connection (depends on model)
Dust cover
Wear subjected parts kit
Bell jar (PG7601 only)
KF 25 plug, O-ring assembly and clamp for reference
vacuum connection (PG7601 only)
Calibration report*
Mass set
MS-7001-35 35 kg mass set, w/4.5kg make up
MS-7002-35 35 kg mass set, w/4 kg make up
MS-7002-40 40 kg mass set, w/4 kg make up
MS-7002-45 45 kg mass set, w/4 kg make up
MS-7002-55 55 kg mass set, w/4 kg make up
MS-7002-80 80 kg mass set, w/9 kg make up
MS-7002-100 100 kg mass set, w/9 kg make up
Shipping and storage cases (molded, reusable),
Mass trays, Dust cover, Calibration report*
Standard accessories
Reusable molded transit case with custom inserts,
Mass presentation tray, Dust cover, Calibration
Ordering information
Piston-cylinder module
PC-7100/7600-10-L Gas P-C module
PC-7100/7600-10, TC Gas P-C module
PC-7100/7600-50 Gas P-C module
PC-7100/7600-200 Gas P-C module
PC-7300-100 Oil P-C module
PC-7300-200 Oil P-C module
PC-7300-500 Oil P-C module
PC-7300-2 Oil P-C module
PC-7300-5 Oil P-C module
PVC “Bullet” case
Calibration report (consult DHI about converting existing Type 5000
piston-cylinders for use in a Type 7000 piston gauge.)
Standard accessories
Bullet case
Calibration report*
* Reporting complete technical characteristics and true mass
values traceable to the United States National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST).
Fluke Calibration
PO Box 9090, Everett, WA 98206 U.S.A.
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PO Box 1186, 5602 BD
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
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Fax (425) 446-5716
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Fax +31 (0) 40 2675 222
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Fluke Calibration.
Precision, performance, confidence.

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