Freefall Free Fall Manual

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For The Apple II Or II+ Compute r
Wirh 48K And One Apple Disk Dnve
Free Fall
To Start:
Boot the Free Fall disk in drive #1 as normal. Press the SPACE BAA to interrupt
the demo mode and then choose a controller from the selection menu. Next, pick
a difficulty, 1 - 3, and prepare to drift off into the strange world of Free Fall.
The Objective:
You must maneuver your man from the top of the screen to the safety holes at the
bottom of the screen. Each man can grab onto moving Girders in order to help
guide the fall . As you descend, you must avoid the various Needles, exploding
bombs and other hazards.
Game Controllers:
1. APPLE-COMPATIBLE PADDLES : Use paddle 0. Press the controller button
to release your grip on the ceiling or girders. Twist the controller knob to move to
the left or right .
manual for correct Joyport switch settings. Press the joystick button to release
your grip on the ceiling or girders . TIii the stick to move left or right.
3. KEYBOARD : Press the SPACE BAR to release your grip on the ceiling or
girders . Use the LEFT and RIGHT ARROW keys to move to the left or right.
Convenience Control s:
ESC .. Pressing ESC pauses the game until pressed again.
CTR L-S : CTR L-S toggles the sound on and off .
CTRL-R = Press CTR L-R to restart the game at the selection menu.
CTRL-K = Switch to Keyboard contro l durin g game .
CTRL-P = Switch to paddle control during game .
CTRL-@ = Switch lo Joypor t"!l' control during game.
Levels Of Difficulty / Men :
There are three levels of difficulty in each game of Free Falt, each with three
playing screens . You are automatically advanced to the next level after success-
fully completing all three screens. You begin each game with three men . Lives are
lost by coming into contact with exploding debris or a needle, by drifting off the left
edge of the screen or by missing a hole and crashing through the floor . The game
ends when you run out of men .
General Screen Display:
The current score, the initials of the high scorer (since the game was last booted)
and the number of Men remaining are shown at the top of the screen. An eleva tor
is on the right edge of the screen and the current play level is displayed at the
bottom of the elevator.
You receive points for each man that drops through a hole. You also gain points
while hanging from Girders in screens one (Girders) and three (Gunners) . At the
end of these screens , bonus points are awarded based on the number ol prizes
Ploying Screens:
The three playing screens, Girders, Bip-Bops and Gunners , have certain charac •
teristics in common . Game play begins as your first Man is transported to the top
of the screen by elevator . You must then move him into the Free Fall area and let
go of the ceiling . As you drill toward the floor , you will automatically grab onto the
moving Girders any lime BOTH of your hands !all directly over ona . You capture
Prizes by allowing your feet to touch one on a Girder below you. Each time you
drop through a hole, it fills in and you are zipped back up to the top of the screen in
the transport elevator for another Free Fall. Your goal is to fill in all lour holes . In all
three screens, you are ·sale " lrom everything while hanging from the ceiling.
Contact with a needle in ANY screen is fatal .
Screen 1 - Girders:
In addition to the deadly Needles, there are Bombs on several ol the Girders in
screen one . If a Bouncing Ball hits close to a Bomb , the Bomb Will explode . Any
contact with the resulting debris will be deadly. If you ride a Girder off the lelt edge
of the screen , you lose that Man . If you ride a Girder off the right edge of the play
area, you are dropped into the transport elevator and returned safely to the top of
the screen. Al limes , one of the safety holes in this screen will tum orange . Each
time you fall through an orange hole, you receive an extra Man. Alter filling in all
four holes, another Man is awarded and you will receive bonus points based on
the number of Prizes captured. Then, it's on to the Sip-Bops! (Since there is no
time penalty in Free Fall, you may want to use the elevator in order to gal more
Prizes before dropping into the last hole.)
Screen 2 - Bip-Bops:
There are no Bombs or Prizes in screen two , but there are Sip-Bops, and of
course Needles. Sip-Bops are harmless in themselves , but the Bouncing Ball in
screen two is highly explosive. It blows up upon contact with anything except
Girders! The resulting deb ris can harm you only while falling . The Girders in
screen two bounce off the right and lelt sides of the play area. You don't have to
worry about going off the edge , but neither can you gain points while hanging onto
the Girders.
Screen 3 - Gunners:
Screen three is identical to screen one except that now there are Gunners tool
When the Guns cross over each othe r, one will fire a bullet . You are Safe from the
bullets when riding a Girder.
Thlldlfl<., 1•.wlMnboolld wlUdoaquiclctw 1oflts.ilandyour~.Ti..-lha1theloaclofttlega,Miaffact.
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Slrlue~~l'olley: S1.1111wHINl)laceanydetecitvedls1<....,, ,.,.._1oru .oo .n..t.e-
theQOS! of lhe .,.. dlsk. handling, andf«umpoet.1gewllhln11>eUnit..:1St.1i..anc1c...-. For 1hou....- 1he
U.S.A..s,leuamclucla.....ugt,-"""'8to__,. ,at ...-npostage . Theorlglnaldlsk""'Sll>e.-.t...-nedtor
It's FREE FALL, the game that'll have you rising to
new heights of enjoyment! You'll float down through a
deadly shower of needles , guns , and bombs on your
way to safety holes on the ground. Clever ones will
learn to maneuver by grabbing the floating girders as
they plummet. Others will find their free fall rudely
Interrupted by a fatal collision . Keep practicing -
you 'll find Free Fall ls a great way to " GET DOWN"
and have a really good time .
CrHted By Mark Turm•II
Wrltt•n In Asaembly Language
RaqulrH An Appia II or II+ Computer Wllh 48K
And Ona Appia Disk Drive .
Boot s Olrectly With Ellhar 13 or 16 Sector Controller
Playable With Keyboard , Apple.compatlbla Paddle
Or Wlth An Atar ~type Joystick Connected To A Sirius Joyport
Free Fall Package , Program And Audio Viau• •
© 1982 Sirius Softw•re , Inc .,
And Joyport Are Tred1m1rk1 01 Sirius Software , Inc.
Apple 11 A Trademark Of Apple Computer Inc .
Aler! 11 A Tredemark Of Atari Inc.
,. Not Afflllated With Atari Inc.
Sirius Softw are, Inc.,
C•lllornla 95827

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