GB64 00A_admin Cmds_Sec_3 10_Nov86 00A Admin Cmds Sec 3 10 Nov86
GB64-00A_adminCmds_Sec_3-10_Nov86 GB64-00A_adminCmds_Sec_3-10_Nov86
User Manual: GB64-00A_adminCmds_Sec_3-10_Nov86
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SECTION 3 ACCOUNTING COMMANDS This section contains descriptions of the Multics commands used by accounting administrators. These commands are defined within an exec_com ( and are designed with special error checking facilities. Most of them prompt the accounting administrator for input. They are intended to be used from within the restricted environment of an accounting administrator and they assume that the accounting administrator's working directory is: >udd>SysAdmin>admin Each description contains the name of the command (including the abbreviated form, if any), discusses the purpose of the command, and shows the correct usage. Notes and examples are included when deemed necessary for clarity. A system administrator can also use the accounting administrator commands. To use these commands as an accounting administrator, the system administrator must change his working direcrory to >udd>SysAdmin>admin and precede each command with the string "ec master" as: ec master command argumentl 000 argumentn For convenience, the system administrator may wish to set up an abbreviation to provide the "ec master" string (e.g., n.ab x ec master"). Many of the accounting administrator commands in the segment execute more than one command program (in addition to checking arguments). For example, the accounting administrator command edit_proj executes three commands: edit_proj, daily_summary, and install (to install the changed SAT). However, if the system administrator types "edit_proj"' rather than "ec master edit_proj,n only the edit_proj command is executed. If the administator then types "install smf.cur.sat" rather than "ec master install smf .cur.sat," the SAT is installed but the daily _summary command is not executed. This omission means that any changes to a project's cutoff limits, that were just made, are ignored. These two examples illustrate the different results when a command is invoked by a system administrator as opposed to an accounting administrator. A system administrator who intends to perform accounting administrator functions from his own process should be aware of the diff erences between these commands. He should consistently use only the system administrator version or only the accounting administrator version of each command to minimize the possibilities of error. 3-1 GB64-00 Error messages produced by command programs called from within are prefixed by the name of the command. If an error is detected by the exec_com portion of the environment. the error message is produced by a call to (also in the >udd>SysAdmin>lib directory) and has this general form: --> ERROR User Jones is not registered The error-handling exec_com then signals the program_interrupt condition to return control to the user. Since the system administrator normally does not have a handler for the program_interrupt condition. the signalling of this condition by the exec_com results in a new command level being established (ready messages indicate level 2 or higher). The correct response to this error sequence is to issue the release command before proceeding with further commands. A lock is kept in the sys_admin_data segment (in >udd>SysAdmin> lib) to prevent more than one system administrator from editing the data bases at the same time. If the segment is locked. the error handling exec_com prints an error message and signals a program interrupt. This lock mechanism is another reason why the should be used whenever possible by system administrators (it is always used by the restricted environment of accounting administrators.) 3-2 GB64-00 Name: add_anon SYNT AX AS A COMMAND add_anon Project_id initproc homedir {password} FUNCTION' adds an anonymous user to an un delegated project; the accounting administrator assigns this user a home directory and an initial procedure and can also assign a password if he wishes. ARGUMENTS Project_id is the name of the project under which the anonymous user is to be registered. initproc is the name of the process overseer. homedir is the pathname of the anonymous user's home directory. password is the password assigned to the anonymous user. EXAMPLES To add an anonymous user (who does not have a password) to the Proj5 project, type: add_anon Proj5 process_overseer_ >udd>Proj5 Warning: anonymous user has no password r 15:57 1.372 102 From Initializer.SysDaemon.z (install) installed Proj5.pdt for SA1.SysAdmin 1602.0: To add an anonymous user, with the 3-character password cjt, to the Proj8 project, type: add_anon Proj8 process_overseer_ >udd>Proj8 cjt r 15:57 1.372 102 From Initial izer.SysDaemon.z (install) install Proj8.pdt for SA1.SysAdmin 3-3 1557.0: GB64-00 bill bill Name: bill SYNTAX AS A COMMAND bill function {args} FUNCTION calls the segment (in the directory >udd>SysAdmin>lib) to perform billing opera tions. ARGUMENTS function is one of the following: prepare prepares the billing data bases for billing. run runs the billing programs accept prints the bills, cleans up the old billing data bases, and creates new one. delete deletes the current months bills from the storage system. CONTROL ARGUMENTS are argumen ts accepted by the particular billing function. EXAMPLES To prepare for billing, type: bil 1 prepare To run the bills, type: bill run MM DD YY or bil 1 run MM DD YY arg where MM DD YY is the date on which the billing is being run and arg is an argument accepted by a command to output billing in a site-dependent format. 3-4 GB64-00 chaddr bill To accept a bill, type: bill accept arg where arg is a month, a Julian date, or any name the uniquely identifies the billing run. To clean up after the bills are printed, type: bill delete Name: chaddr SYNT AX AS A COMMAND chaddr Person_id {address} FUNCTION changes the address of one user. ARGUMENTS Person_id is the Person_id of the user whose address is to be changed. address is the new address of the user. It must be enclosed in quotes if blanks or other special characters. If this argument is omitted, command prints the user's old address and then waits for the administrator to either enter the new address (which should not be quotes in this case) or enter a null line (to retain the old address). it contains the chaddr accounting enlosed in EXAMPLES To change the address for user Jones to MS 486, type: chaddr Jones "MS 486" r 1557 1.372 1.258 102 To make the same change, but first check on the old address, type: chaddr Jones MS 203 MS 486 r 1557 1.372 1.258 102 3-5 GB64-00 chalias change Name: chalias SYNTAX AS A COMMAND cha1 ias Person_id {al ias} FUNCTION gives a user a login alias or changes his existing alias. The alias can be a maximum of eight characters; the first character must be a lowercase letter. Only one alias per user ,is allowed. An alias is particularly useful for a user with a long or complex name. ARGUMENTS Person_id is the Person_id of the user whose login alias is to be changed. alias is the new login alias of the user. If this argument is omitted, the chaliaS command prints the user's old alias and waits for the accounting administrator to either enter the new one or enter a null line (to retain the old alias). EXAMPLES To change user Jones' alias to "waj", type: cha1ias Jones waj r 15:57 1.372 102 Name: change SYNTAX AS A COMMAND change {Person_ i d} {i tern} } {new_va 1ue} FUNCTION review and possibly modify user registration data in the URF and PNT. Each item is typed out. The administrator can leave the item unchanged by typing a carriage return, or he can replace the item by typing new data. ARGUMENTS Person_id is the Person_id of a user whose registration data is to be changed. omitted, the change command asks for it. 3-6 If it is GB64-00 change change item is the item to be changed. If it is omitted, every item is displayed and a new value is requested. Item can only be given if Person_id is given. Item may be anyone of the following keywords: addr User's mailing address cpass card input password name full name (Last First I.: title) notes any miscellaneous information proj default project pass login password progn programmer n urn ber new_value is the new value for item. If it is omitted. the old value is displayed and a new value is requested. NOTES The chaddr, chalias, chcpass, chdf _proj, chname, chpass, and chprog commands can be used to change some of the individual items in the PNT and avoid the need to type the item name or to be prompted for new values of all items. The user's last name can be a maximum of 32 characters. The field for the user's first name and middle initial can be a maximum of 24 characters. The user's name should be given last name first, then a comma, the first name, a space, and then middle initial followed by a period. Names of the form "Smith, J. Alfred" are also allowed. If the user has a title (e.g., Prof., Capt., Dr.), the title (maximum of 8 characters) should follow the name and be separated from the name by a colon, for example: Smith,John J.:Prof. The address field can be a maximum of 32 characters; slashes can be used to separate lines of an address. The programmer number and default project ID can be a maximum of 32 and 9 characters, respectively. 3-7 GB64-00 change change Notes can be a maximum of 32 characters. This field can hold miscellaneous information such as phone number, additional address information, position within the organization, etc. The password and card input password can be from one through eight ASCII printing characters, including backspace, but excluding space and semicolon. "HELP", "help", "quit", and "?" are interpreted uniquely by the password processor and are therefore unacceptable as password specifications for an interactive login. A response of either a blank line or an asterisk ("*") will leave the password unchanged. The accouqting administrator can type "stop" at any time to abort all the changes he has made for a particular user and start over. EXAMPLES In the following example, address and default project are to be changed for user Smith. An exclamation point precedes entries typed by the administrator; an exclamation point followed by nothing indicates a carriage return. change Smith Full name: Full name Address: Address Prog. number: Prog. number Notes: Tel. Notes Project 10: Project 10 Password: Card Input Password: r ~':Sm i th, John ! MS 149 MS 204 1234 ! 324-9261 ! Quark Physics ! 10.07 1.486 34 The following example shows how the administrator would change a single item, in this case, the telephone number maintained in the notes item for user Smith. If "notes" were omitted. each item would be displayed, and a new value requested. as above. change Smith notes Notes: Notes r Tel. Tel. 324-9261 324-9200 10:07 1.486 34 3-8 GB64-00 charge chcpass Name: charge SYNTAX AS A COMMAND charge FUNCTION enters miscellaneous charges into the miscfile. For each transaction, the Project_id, amount, and an explanation are required. All three input items for a transaction be put on the same line or they can be supplied one at a time. To exit from command, type "x" instead of a Project_id. The miscfile segment is printed using pmisc command. Credits and deletions are made to the miscfile using the credit dmisc commands, respectively. the can this the and EXAMPLES To charge the Alpha project for some manuals, type: charge proj ect Alpha amt 10.55 explanation manuals ordered 6/23 Jones proj ect x r 15571.3721.258 102 Name: chcpass SYNTAX AS A COMMAND chcpass Person_id FUNCTION changes the user's card input password in the PNT found in >scl. Thus, even if the user has changed his password with the -cpw control argument on the ++PASSWORD card, the chcpass command overrides the user's change. A card input password may consist of from one through eight ASCII characters, including backspace; but excluding space and semicolon. printing where Person_id is the Person_id of the user whose card input password is to be changed. 3-9 GB64-00 chcpass EXAMPLES To change the card input password for user Jones, type: chcpass Jones Password cardpass (printer is turned off) Password again: cardpass (printer is turned off) r 15:45 64:979 5097 Name: chdf_proj SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION changes the default project for a single user. It changes the user's default project in the PNT found in >scl. Thus, even if the user has changed his default project with the -change_default_project control argument to the login command, the chdf_proj command overrides the user's change. ARGUMENTS Person_id is the Person_id of the user whose default project is to be changed. Project_id is the new default project for the user. EXAMPLES To give user Smith a default project of Proj3, type: chdf proj Smith Proj3 r 1557 1.372 1.258 102 3-10 GB64-00 Name: check_log SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION scans the log segment for initializer messages. Sometimes a user is unable to log in; if so, the initializer places a message in the log. ARGUMENTS Person_id is the Person_id of the user whose log en try is to be checked. LIST OF MESSAGES The following is a list of the messages and explanations for refusing login. bad_pass bad password. badpers person not in PNT, either not added or mistyped. no_name no name given. pwlocked password locked by administrator. bad_proj Project_id typed by user does not exist in SAT. no_pdt project'pdt/s pdt ipdt/s not in >pdt/sc1>pdt; mepdt/spdt/sage with pdt/starpdt/s alpdt/so typed online. not_pdt user not in PDT for project: the user is not registered on the project. anon_pw bad anonymous-user password. already user already logged in and does not have the "multip" attribute in the PMF (absentee does not count). absdate user absolute cutoff date (set by project administrator) exceeded. 3-11 GB64-00 limitu user dollar limit (set by project administrator) exceeded. mnthlim user per-month dollar limit (set by project administrator) exceeded shiftlim user per-shift dollar limit (set by project administrator) exceeded. abslimit user absolute cutoff dollar limit (set by project administrator) exceeded. hd_make user home directory does not exist and cannot be created. sys_full system full according to load uni ts. saturate system full according to maximum number of users. cant_bum system full, user cannot find anyone to bump. groupmax load control group at absolute maximum. no~oup load control group in SAT udd>SysAdmin>admin directory). not in master~oup_table segment (in the nf_nosec system not full, group full, no secondary. sysgrpfl system full, group full, cannot bump. projothr project cut off for some other reason. prog_err programming error in answering service (Ig_ctl->. EXAMPLES To see why user Jones cannot log in, type: check_log Jones LOGIN Denied Jones.Multics * a.h013 int (bad_pass) This message says that the user could not log in because he gave the wrong password. 3-12 GB64-00 chname chname Name: chname SYNTAX AS A COMMAND chname Person_id {mail ing_name} FUNCTION changes the mailing name for one user. The full name must be enclosed in quotes if it is given on the command line. If the new name is not given, the old name is displayed and a change is accepted. ARGUMENTS Person_id is the Person_id of the user whose mailing name is to be changed. mailing_name is the new mailing name of the user. It must argument is omitted, the chname command prints waits for the accounting administrator to enter (which should not be enclosed in quotes in this retain the old value). be enclosed in quotes. If this the old mailing name and then the user's new mailing name case) or enter a null line (to EXAMPLES To change the mailing name for user Jones, type: chname Jones "Jones,W. Alfred" r 1557 1.372 1.258 102 To make the same change, but first check the old mailing name, type: chname Jones Jones, Alfred Jones,W. Alfred r 1558 1.261 1. 114 97 3-13 GB64-00 chpass cbpass Name: chpass SYNT AX AS A COMMAND chpass Person_id FUNCTION changes the password for a single user. It changes the user's password in the PNT found in >scl. Thus, even if the user has changed his password with the -change_password control argument to the login command, the chpass commanp overrides the user's change. ARGUMENTS Person_id is the Person_id of the user whose password is to be changed. NOTES A password may consist of from one through eight ASCII printing characters including backspace, but excluding space and semicolon. "HELP", "help", "quit", and "?" are interpreted uniquely by the password processor and are therefore unacceptable as password specifications for an interactive login. Entering "quit" terminates the login attempt, while "HELP", "help", or "?" results in an explanatory message and repeat of the password prompt. EXAMPLES To change the password for user Jones, type: chpass Jones Password come in (pr inter is turned off) Password again: comein (printer is turned off) r 15:45 64.979 5097 3-14 GB64-Q( chprog chprog Name: chprog SYNT AX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION changes the programmer number for one user. The programmer number must be all numeric. It can be up to sixteen characters long. (Some installations use the employee number assigned by the company in this field.) If the new programmer number is not supplied, the old value is displayed and a change is accepted. ARGUMENTS Person_id is the Person_id of the user whose programmer number is to be changed. prog_no is the new programmer number. If this argument is omitted, the chprog command prints the old programmer number and then waits for the accounting administrator to either enter the new programmer number of a null line (to retain the old number). EXAMPLES To change the programmer number for user Smith. type: chprog Smith 7399 r 1557 1.3721.258 102 To make the same change, but first print the old programmer number, type: chprog Smith 7299 7399 r 1558 1.261 1.114 97 3-15 GB64-00 credit cu Name: credit SYNTAX AS A COMMAND credit FUNCTION enters miscellaneous credits into the mise file. For each transaction, the Project_id, amount, and an explanation are required. All three input items for a transaction be put on the same line or they can be supplied one at a time. To exit from command, type "x" instead of a Project_id. The miscfile segment is printed using pmisc command. Charges and deletions are made to the miscfile using the charge dmisc commands, respectively. the can this the and EXAMPLES To credit the Alpha project for a crash, type: credit project Alpha amt 23.00 explanation system crash 6/23 Smith proj ect x r 1557 1.372 1.258 102 Name: Cll SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION creates a user's home directory. Home directories are created automatically when a PDT containing a new user is installed. In rare cases, it may be necessary to execute this function separately. ARGUMENTS Person_id is the Person_id of the user whose home directory is to be created. 3-16 GB64-00 day cu Project_id is the Project_id of the project under which the user's home directory is created. EXAMPLES To create the home directory >udd>Gamma>Jones, type: cu Jones Gamma r 1557 1.372 1.258 102 Name: day SYNTAX AS A COMMAND day FUNCTION prints the output from the crank on the terminal and asks whether or not to delete the output. (Every night, a self -rescheduling absentee job called the "crank" is run. It records the daily charges of users and checks for users who should be cut off.) Unless there was an error, the absentee output segment should be deleted. EXAMPLES The output from the crank has this general appearance: day Absentee user Accountant.SysAdmin logged in r 0330 1.372 1.258 102 Begin charging for 7/31/84 2355.0 to 8/9/84 2345.1 cut 3, warned 7, total charge $45678.90 r 15571.3721.258 102 Absentee user Accountant.SysAdmin logged out ••. Delete? yes 3-17 GB64-00 delegate delegate Name: delegate SYNTAX AS A COMMAND delegate Project_id path User id FUNCTION gives a project administrator control over a project's PMF. Once this is done, the project administrator can add and delete users and set resource-usage limits on users in the project. There may be up to four project administrators for the project. The delegate command edits the SAT to show that a project administrator can install PDTs for a particular project. It also sets access on the proj_admin_seg segment (in the >sc1 directory) and the >sc1>update directory so the project administrator can install his PDT. A delegated project is under control of the project administrator only. The accounting administrator receives an error message if he attempts to execute the add_anon, dpmf, upmf. or pmf commands on a delegated project. The accounting administrator can use the undelegate command if he wishes to take a project back from a project administrator, in order to have the project under his control, or to delegate it to some new project administrator. ARGUMENTS Project_id is the Project_id of the project to be assigned a project administrator. path is the pathname of the directory in which the PMF is placed. This pathname is usually the pathname of the project directory. User_id is the User_id, specified as Person_id.Project_id, of the project administrator. EXAMPLES To give Jones.Gamma control of the Beta project (placing the PMF in >udd>Beta), type: delegate Beta >udd>Beta Jones.Gamma archive: Beta appended to delegated_pmf.archive r 15:57 1.372 102 From Initial izer.SysDaemon.z (install) installed sat for SA1.SysAdmin 3-18 1430.0: GB64-00 Name: disk_report, drp, disk_auto SYNT AX AS A COMMAND drp FUNCTION calculates disk usage and creates a disk usage report. The administrator can invoke the disk_report command to cause a manual disk usage calculation. Normally, though, disk usage is calculated automatically every night by the absentee job, dodrp.absin, that executes the disk_auto command. NOTES The sweep program is used to get quota for all directories into the disk_stat data segment (in >udd>SysAdmin>admin). The charge_disk program then charges these usage figures to projects in their "projfile" entries. A printable segment, called diskreport, is produced but not automatically printed. To print copies of this segment, type "rqm diskreport". See the rqm command. This command examines a large fraction of all the directories in the hierarchy, placing a heavy load on the system. Its use during peak load hours should be avoided if possible. EXAMPLES To run a disk report, type: disk_report $ Creating disk usage report. S Following figure is total quota/current use 75500/64432 dir: 5500/4432 seg: 70000/60000 Charged 906 directories out of 910 to 108 projects r 15571.3721.258102 3-19 GB64-00 dmisc dpmf Name: dmisc SYNTAX AS A COMMAND dmisc FUNCTION deletes charges from the miscfile. For each transaction, the Project_id and the number of the miscfile entry are required. The number of the miscfile entry is printed using the pmisc command. Both input items for a transaction can be put on the same line or they can be supplied one at a time. To exit from this command, type "x" instead of a Project_id. Charges and credits are made to the miscfile using the charge and credit commands, respectively. EXAMPLES dmisc proj ect Alpha number 23 proj ect x r 1557 1.372 1.258 102 Name: dpmf SYNT AX AS A COMMAND dpmf Project_id Person id FUNCTION deletes a user from a PMF for an undelegated project that is managed by an accounting administrator and then installs the new PDT. ARGUMENTS Project_id is the Project_id of the project from which a user is to be deleted. Person_id is the Person_id of the user to be deleted from the project. 3-20 GB64-0a :ipmf dproj EXAMPLES To delete user Black from the Gamma project, type: dpmf Gamma Black r 1557 1.372 1.258 102 Name: dproj SYNTAX AS A COMMAND dproj Project_id FUNCTION deletes a project. It edits the SAT to remove the project entry, sets the date off for the project, and deletes the project directory and all of its contents. ARGUMENTS Project_id is the Project_id of the project to be deleted. EXAMPLES To delete the Delta project, type: dproj De 1ta quota 1000 250 used 5 2 directory name >udd>Delta >udd>Delta>Person idl 1250 7 Total delete dir: do you want to delete the directory >udd>Delta?? yes r 15:57 1.372 102 From Initia1izer.SysDaemon.z (install) install sat for SA1.SysAdmin 1558.0: If the accounting administrator answers "yes" to the question about deleting the directory, the project directory and all segments and directories inferior to the project directory are deleted. The project is charged for disk usage until the project directory is deleted. 3-21 GB64-00 dproj If the accounting administrator answers "no" to this question, the project's directory and segments are not deleted, and the project continues to accumulate storage charges. The accounting administrator should not answer "no" unless there is some exceptional reason for doing so; if he does, the project directory has to be deleted later by a system administrator. Name: edit_proj SYNTAX AS A COMMAND edit _proj or edit _proj or edit _proj or edit _proj or edit _proj Proj ect proj ect keyword proj ect keyword old - value proj ect keyword new value proj ect keyword old - value new_value FUNCTION changes project registration information. The command can be invoked in several ways as described below. 1. The command can be invoked in the format "edit_proj project," in which case you are queried for changes to each keyword. 2. The command can be invoked in the format "edit_proj project keyword." in which case you are queried for a change only to the specified keyword. 3. The command can be old_value." In this case, "old_value" must be one "group." This invocation value associated with the 4. the command can be invoked in the format "edit_proj project new_value," in which case the keyword value is changed to new_value. 5. The command can be invoked in the format "edi t_proj project keyword old_ value new_value," in which case old_value is changed to new _value. In this case, keyword must be either "administrator" or "group." invoked in the format "edit_proj project keyword "keyword" must be either "administrator" or "group" and of the multiple values associated with "administrator" or permits you to be queried for a change to the specified "administrator" or "group" keyword. 3-22 keyword GB64-00 ARGUMENTS project is the project_id of the project whose registration data items are to be edited. If this is the only argument specified, edit_proj prints each data item one at a time and waits for a response from the accounting administrator before proceeding. The accounting administrator may respond with anyone of the following: carriage return to leave the item unchanged. a new value to replace the printed value. stop to exit immediately from the edit_proj command without making any changes. keyword is the particular data item to be changed. The valid keywords are: title investigator investigator_address supervisor supervisor_address supervisor_phone account requisition requisition_amount cutoff date billing_name billing_address group attributes grace administrator quota d i r _quota al i as groups max_ring max_foreground max_background abs_foreground_cpu_1 imit pdir_quota rate structure accounting_category authorization audit t inv inv_addr sup sup_addr sup_phone acct req amt cutoff bill to bill at grp attr gr admin q dq aka grps min max maxfg maxbg absfgcpul im pdq rs acct cat authorization audit 3-23 GB64-00 install old_value is one of the current values of the administrator keyword or the group keyword. * new_value is the new value of the data item identified by the specified keyword. NOTES If the accounting administator requests a change to either the requisition or account number of the projeCt, he is asked a question to which he must respond with one of the f ollowtng: drop to cause the charges to the old account and requisition to be eliminated. transfer to cause the charges to be transferred from the old account and requisition to the new account and requisition. bill to cause the charges to be billed to the old account and requisition, and the new account and requisition to start off with a clean slate. reset to cause the changes to the old account to be reset. For example: edit_proj States req P05566-J What is the disposition of charges of $1233.79 to account 70906, req P03344-J? bi r 11 19:39 2.661 197 Name: install SYNTAX AS A COMMAND install path FUNCTION installs a system table. Many of the other commands described in this manual that modify system tables also automatically install them. Therefore, this command should only be used after a command whose documentation indicates that a system table is modified but not installed or when an operation that usually installs a system table is interrupted by a system failure before it can do so. 3-24 GB64-00 ison install ARGUMENTS path is the pathname of the system table to be installed or is one of the following keywords, sat or smf.cur.sat. These keywords invoke the daily_summary command bef ore the SAT is installed. If any other pathname is given, the specified system table is installed as described in the privileged Multics install command found in Section 2 of this manual. EXAMPLES To install the current SAT. type: install smf .cur .sat r 15:57 1.372 102 From Initial izer.SysDaemon.z (install) installed sat for SA1.SysAdmin 1605.0: Name: ison SYNTAX AS A COMMAND ison name FUNCTION prints "true" or "false" depending on whether or not a person is registered in the PNT. It then lists all users in the URF who have a last name that matches the name argument. ARGUMENTS name is the last name of the person who may be registered on the system. 3-25 GB64-00 ison new_proj EXAMPLES To check whether user Jones is registered, type: ison Jones true Personid for "Jones, Herbert R." is IHJones" Personid for "Jones, Peter" is "Jones" Personid for "Jones, W. Alfred" is "AJones" Number of users with last name "Jones" is 3 r 1557 1.372 1.258 102 Name: new_proj SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION * requests all project registration data, including the initial list of users, and installs the new PDT and SAT. The new_proj command exits immediately and stops whatever it is doing when the accounting administrator types "stop" in response to any question. At the end of input, the accounting administrator is asked if he wants to review the data; if he replies "yes", all of the project registration data are printed out. ARGUMENTS Project_id is the Project_id of the project to be registered. The Project_id must be from one to nine characters long, must begin with a capital letter or a digit, and must be unique at the site. NOTES If the system crashes during the new _proj command, the project may have been incompletely added to the system. If this happens, the accounting administrator MUST NOT try to add the project again from the beginning. The help of a system administrator is necessary to complete the adding of the project. All terminal output should be saved and no other project registrations attempted until a system administrator has checked and corrected the files. EXAMPLES To add a new project named Gamma, type: new_proj Gamma 3-26 GB64-00 new_proj new_proj First, the system asks for the project title. This field should be a short description of the purpose of the project. It can be up to 52 characters long. Ti tIe: Gamma Ray Research Next, the system asks for the name and address of the principal investigator. This is the individual in the management structure who is responsible for the project. Both name and address can be up to 32 characters long. Investigator: Albert W. Jones Address: MS 310 The system next asks for the name, address, and telephone number of the project supervisor. This is the individual in direct contact with the project's day-to-day activities. The detailed user usage report, produced by monthly billing, is sent to this person. He can be the same person as the principal investigator. (Typing "=" in response to the request for the supervisor's name causes the principal investigator's name and address to be used.) Often, the supervisor is registered as a user or project administrator for the project. The name and address can each be up to 32 characters long. The telephone number can be up to 16 characters long. Supervisor: Mr. Melvin Fooch Address: MS 350 Phone: x1234 At this point, the system asks for the external account number and the requisition number. Each of these "numbers·' can be a maximum of 12 characters. Accoun t: 11792x Requisition: AB123456 The system next asks for the cutoff limits for the project. The funds limit is a dollar amount (enter "open" or "0" to show an open amount). The date cutoff limit is a date, expressed as mm/dd/yy. If the project exceeds either of these limits, all users on the project are prevented from logging in. but the project continues to incur disk and registration charges until the project is deleted. (The funds limit is stored internally as a floating-point value.) Amount: open Cutoff date: 7/30/85 3-27 GB64-00 new_proj new_proj Next, the system asks for the name and address to which bills for the project's usage should be sent. The name and address can each be up to 32 characters long. Typing "=" in response to the request for the billing name causes the principal investigator's name and address to be used. Bill ing name: Fiscal Office, L. Address: Spottswood MS 501 The administrator is next asked to supply an alternate name (usually a short name) for the project. For example, the alternate name of the Accounting project could be specified as accnt. Ali as: accnt The accounting administrator is now asked if the project is to be delegated and, if so, to supply the name(s) of the project administrator (s). Is this project delegated? yes Enter administrator IDs (Person_id.Project_id). Administrator 10: Benway.Gamma Administrator 10: Type II II to exit. Next, the system asks for the absentee foreground cpu limit. This value is a decimal integer specifying (in seconds) a CPU time limit for foreground absentee jobs. A value of zero means no limit. Absentee foreground cpu 1 imit: a The system then asks for a range of AIM authorizations. The range of authorizations must be in the form low_auth : high_auth and indicates the range of authorizations at which us~rs on the project can log in. The default value is "system_low." Authorization: system_low:L6,Cl,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6 Next, the system asks for the audit flags for the project. The list of audit flags is supplied below. The default value is that no access auditing takes place. 3-28 GB64-00 new_proj priv_op controls auditing of privileged operations performed by the process. A privileged operation is one performed through use of a privileged gate or under previously set AIM privileges. It is recommended that sites interested in auditing turn this flag on for all processes except perhaps the system daemons. admin_op controls auditing of administrative operations performed by the process. This includes such operations as registration of new users or projects. It is recommended that sites interested in auditing should turn this flag on for all processes. fault controls auditing of illegal procedure and access violation faults that can indicate an attempt to access protected data. small_cc controls auditing of covert channel activity that takes place over channels with a potential bandwidth of 1-10 bps. moderate_cc controls auditing of covert channel activity that takes place over channels with a potential bandwidth of 10-100 bps.= / controls the auditing of specified operations on specified system objects. values of can be one of the following: The fsobj specifies that operations to file system objects are to be audited. fsattr specifies that operations to file system attributes are to be audited. rcp specifies that operations to objects controlled by the Resource Control Package are to be audited. admin specifies that operations to administrative objects (e.g., the PNT) are to be audited. special specifies that operations to special objects are to be audited. only special objects are processes.) other specifies that operations to objects (e.g., mailboxes) security related subsystems are to be audited. (Currently, the controlled by ring 1 The values that can be assigned to and are listed below. 3-29 GB64-00 new_proj N specifies that no auditing is to take place. MA specifies that"modify access" operations are to be audited. Operations are audited that attempt to change the access attributes of the object. M specifies that "modify" operations are to be audited. Operations are audited that attempt to change the object or the attributes of the object. This level of auditing includes the "modify access" operations. R specifies that "read" operations are to be audited. Operations are audited that return information about the contents of the object or its attributes/properties. This level of auditing includes the "modify" and "modify access" operations. The / values are a matched pair. The value specifies auditing of successful operations. The value specifies auditing of unsuccessful operations. For example, the audit flag "fsobj=N/M" specifies that there is to be no monitoring of successful operations on file system objects; however, all unsuccessful modify operations on file system objects will be audited. Please note that modify access operations cannot be associated with file system objects (fsobj). Instead, modify access operations can be specified for file system attributes ([sattr). Additional information on auditing, including a more detailed description of the operations that are audited on each object type, can be found in the Mu/tics System Administration Procedures manual, Order No. AK50. Audit: priv_op, small cc Next, the system request a segment quota value. The segment quota value is a decimal number specifying the number of records of segment quota to be allocated to this project: Segment quota: 100 The system next requests a directory quota value. The directory quota value is a decimal number representing the number of records of directory quota which should be allocated to the project directory. The default value is 10% of the segment quota. Directory quota: 10 3-30 GB64-00 new_proj The system next asks for the name of the rate structure to be used for the project. A rate structure is a table created by the system administrator that defines the prices to be charged for resource usage. The rate structure name must be supplied by the system administrator. Rate structure: Structurel Next, the system asks for the name of the default load control group. A load control group is a group of projects that share certain attributes. Default group: GroupA The system then asks for the name(s) of all eligible load control groups. Authorized Groups: GroupA GroupS The system next asks for the list of attributes to be applied to this project. The list of valid attributes is supplied below: guaranteed_login users can use the -force argument to the login command to bypass load control anonymous The project can have anonymous users preem pting or bum ping permits users to log in by preempting others in the same load control group brief suppresses messages associate with a successful login nostartup users is not executed nostartup no_warning suppresses urgent system warning and emergency messages from the operator save_on_disconnect, save saves users' processes if the process is disconnected because of a communications line hangup or FNP crash nUll, none can be used as the only value to turn off all default values nobump users are not subject to preemption by anyone 3-31 GB64-00 new_proj nopreempt users are not subject to preemption by others in the same load control group nolist users are not to be listed in whotab (others may nevertheless be able to deduce that a user having the nolist attribute is logged in) dialok or dial users may accept dial requests multip or ,multilogin users can log in more than one process vinitproc or v_process_overseer users may specify a process overseer or outer module on the login command line; users may alsQ replace the process overseer, outer module, or other procedures by placing a copy in the home directory. vhomedir, v_home_dir user may specify home directory at login no_secondary, no_sec user may not have secondary status no_primary. no_prime user may not have primary status op_login. daemon user may be logged in by operator, via message coordinator . no_warning, _nowarn user is permanently in no_warning mode (as if -no_warning had been given in login comma.nd) and never receives system warning messages igroup user is in an individual load control group save_pelir save process directory after fatal process error; used for debugging purposes at development sites disconnect_ok users may have saved disconnected processes, i.e., user may use the -save argument to the login command. Attributes: bumping, brief, vinitproc, nostart 3-32 GB64-00 new_proj new_proj The system next requests the administrator to specify the grace period. The grace period is the number of minutes after login for which users will be protected from preemption by other users. Grace: 60 The system next asks that the administrator specify the minimum ring number (most privileged ring) in which the users can log in. Minimum login ring: 4 The system next asks for the maximum ring number (least privileged ring) in which users can log in. Maximum login ring: 5 Next, the system asks for the maximum number of records to be used for process directory storage for uers on this project. A value of zero indicates that the system default project directory quota value is used. Maximum pdir quota: o The system next asks for the maximum number of foreground processes that can be executed on behalf of this project. A foreground process is a process created in response to a user login request or a request in the foreground absentee queue. Maximum foreground processes: o The system next asks for the maximum number of background processses that can be executed on behalf of this project. A background process is an absentee process created in response to a request in one of the background absentee queues (queues 1 through 4). Maximum background processes: o If the project has been delegated to a project administrator, the system next asks for the name of the diretory to which the project master file is to be moved. PMF directory name: >udd>Gamma The system next requests the name of a logical volume on which segments subordinate to the project directory will reside. The default value is that segments will reside on the same volume as those under >udd. 3-33 GB64-00 new_proj new_proj Project directory logical volume: [carriage return for default] If a non-null response was given for the previous prompt, the system then asks for the identity (Person_id.Project_id) of the owner of the master directory and the identity (Person_id.Project_id) of the quota account on the specified logical volume. The default value for the owner of the master directory is the Person_id.Project_id of the current user of the new_proj command. If the quota account is not specified, the system uses an account accessible to the master directory owner. (Type carriage return for default.) Master directory owner: Smith.Pubs Master directory account: [carriage return for default] The system next requests the AIM access class of the project directory. The default value is the access class applied to the >udd directory (normally system,-low). Project directory access class: [carriage return for default] * Finally, the accounting administrator is asked to enter the initial list of users. Notice when Benway is added to the project's user list a warning is returned stating that Benway is not registered in the PNT. Benway remains on the project's user list but is unable to log in until the accounting administrator registers him in the PNT using the register command. * Enter initial list of users. Type Person: Benway WARNING: Benway is not registered. Person: Smith Person: Jones Person: II " to exit. Input for "Gamma" complete Do you wish to review? no r 19:37 6.732 669 From Initial izer.SysOaemon.z (install) installed sat for SA1.SysAdmin 1937.0: From I nit i ali z e r • Sy s 0 a emo n . z ( ins tall) instal led Gamma.pdt for SA1.SysAdmin 1937 . 0 : 3-34 CJB64-00 pmf pmf Name: pmf SYNT AX AS A COMMAND pmf path FUNCTION edits a PMF (for an undelegated project) with the qedx editor, converts the edited PMF to a PDT, and installs the PDT. It first puts the administrator into the qedx edi tor after reading in the segment and allows him to make any changes he wants. After the administrator exits from qedx. the command converts the PMF to a PDT and signals the initializer to install the PDT. The command takes care of updating the pmf.archive segment (in the >udd>SysAdmin>admin directory) as well. See the qedx Text Editor User's Guide manual. Order No. CG40) for details on use of the qedx command. ARGUMENTS path is the pathname of the PMF to be edited. EXAMPLES To edit the segment named Operator.pmf, type: pmf Operator Edit. (editing commands) w q r 15:57 1.372 102 From Initial izer.SysDaemon.z (install) 1558.0: installed Operator.pdt for SA1.SysAdmin 3-35 GB64-00 pmisc pmisc Name: pmisc SYNTAX AS A COMMAND pmisc FUNCTION prints the contents of the miscfile. It is useful as a check to be sure that all entries in the miscfile are correct before the bills are run. The accounting administrator can print the miscellaneous charges and credits for an individual project or he can print the entire miscfile. He can also print the charges and credits for specific dates. The dates must be in the form mm/dd/yy or mm/dd. If more than one date appears on the same line, they must be separated by spaces. Type "x" instead of a Project_id to exit from the command. NOTES The pmisc command first asks the accounting administrator to enter the name of the project whose miscfile entries he wants to review. If the accounting administrator types "all" in response to this request, the entries for all projects in the miscfile are printed. The pmisc command then asks the accounting administrator to enter the dates on which the charges to be reviewed were incurred. If the accounting administrator types "all" in response to this request. all the entries in the miscfile are printed. 3-36 GB64-00 pmisc pmisc EXAMPLES To print the entries for the Alpha project incurred on July 9 and July 12, type: pmisc proj ect Alpha dates 7/9/84 7/12/84 07/09/84 23 Alpha 07/12/84 32 Alpha 4.50 7.60 manual manual proj ect x r 1557 1.234 1.001 115 To print all the entries in the miscfile, type: pmi sc proj ect a1I dates all 07/01/84 Gamma 23.56 07/29/84 207 Beta .50 r 1557 1.234 1.001 115 manuals news bulletin To print all the entries for the Time project, type: pmi sc proj ect Time dates all 07/02/84 8 Time 07/15/84 59 Time 9.00 5.00 text book fine proj ect x r 1557 1.234 1.001.115 3-37 GB64-00 Name: proLmtd SYNT AX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION types a month-To-date report for any project's usage. The report lists all users on the project and their dollar totals, as well as disk and miscellaneous charges. This command does not accept additional arguments as the project administrator's proj_usage_report command does. It prints a more complete summary of the project's usage charges because the accounting administrator has access to more accounting data than the project administrator does. ARGUMENTS Project_id is the Project_id of the project whose usage report is to be printed. EXAMPLES To get a report of the usage for the SAIL project, type: proj_mtd SAIL Month to date for proj SAIL Name logins charge White Brown 11 0 $ 133.41 0.00 $ 2 users 11 $ 133.41 registration misc disk $ 20.00 0.00 $ $ 176.08 Total $ 329.49 r 1557 1.3721.258 102 3-38 GB64-00 recoy register Name: recov SYNT AX AS A COMMAND reeov Projeet_id FUNCTION generates a new PMF from the system's binary PDT; it is used if a project's PMF is destroyed. It is also used to recover a project's PMF when the project is undelegated. ARGUMENTS Project_id is the Project_id of the project whose PMF is to be recovered. EXAMPLES Suppose the Proj2 project loses its PMF. To get a new one, type: reeov Proj 2 1557 1.372 1.258 102 r N arne: register SYNTAX AS A COMMAND register FUNCTION registers a new user. It enters his Person_id in both the URF and PNT segments. If a person is already a user of Multics, or if he was once registered and was not removed, this command should not be used since the user is still in the URF and PNT segments. The accounting administrator can type "stop" at any time to abort the processing of the current user; for instance, he may want to abort if he misspells the user's last name or if the user is already registered. 3-39 GB64-00 register register EXAMPLES Refer to the change command in this document for the list of rules about a user's name, password, alias, and programmer number to be followed when registering a new user. To register a user, type: register Enter full name (Last, First I.) Full name ! Smith, Robert M. Enter mai 1 ing address Address CISL Enter programmer number Prog number ! 2424 Enter notes Notes temporarily assigned to project Enter default project Project 10 ! Maint Password letmein (pr inter is turned off) Password again: letmein (pr inter is turned off) Card Input Pasword: cardpass (printer is turned off) Password again: cardpass (pr inter is turned off) Programmer number, notes, default project, and card input password are optional and may be ommitted by typing a carriage return in response to the prompt. At this point, the system attempts to generate a unique Person_id for the person being registered by trying first his last name alone and then his last name prefixed by his initials. If either of these attempts can be used, the system makes a tentative assignment and asks if the Person_id is acceptable. If neither of· these attempts can be used (because they are already Person_ids>, or if the administrator rejects the system's tentative assignment, the register command asks for a Person_id and then checks to make sure that the identifier entered by the accounting administrator is unique. The administrator may use the ison command before registration to see all Person_ids for the persons last name. 3-40 GB64-00 register rename_proj Person_id "Smith" is already used by "Smith~ Frank X.II Trying "RSmithll for Person_id. Person_id assigned is IIRSmith'l Is this ok? no Please sugges t a Per son_ i d for "Sm i th, Rober t M. II RMSm i th Person_id assigned is IIRMSmith l1 Is this ok? yes The accounting administrator can add more users at this time, or he can exit from the register command. More users to add? no r 15:57 1.372 102 At this point, the user has been added to both the URF and PNT segments. Name: rename_proj SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION is used to rename a project. It changes the project's name in the SAT and installs it; it renames the system copy of the project's PDT and changes the project name stored in that PDT; and it renames the project directory. If the project is not delegated, it renames and edits the PMF and replaces it in the pmf.archive segment, deleting the copy with the old name from the archive. NOTE: The system administrator must set access on the segments contained in the renamed project directory so that users on the renamed project have access to them. ARGUMENTS Project_idl is the Project_id of the project whose name is to be changed. Project_id2 is the new Project_id of the project. new_project_alias is the new project alias, if it is to be changed. If this argument is omitted, the old project alias, if any" is unchanged. 3-41 GB64-00 rqm NOTES To change the default project for users now on project AAA, the system administrator can use the chdf_proj command (once for each user). If the accounting administrator does not change the users' default projects, users with users' default projects AAA can change the default project to BBB when they log in (by using the -change_default_project control argument to the login command). EXAMPLES To rename project AAA to BBB, type: rename_proj AAA BBB r 15:57 1.372 102 F rom In it i ali zer. SysDaemon. z (i ns ta 1 1) instal led sat for SA1.SysAdmin 1557 .0: Name: rqm SYNTAX AS A COMMAND rqrn path FUNCTION sends printed reports to all administrators. ARGUMENTS path is the pathname of the segment to be dprinted. EXAMPLES To send a copy of the disk usage report to all administrators, type: rqm diskreport r 1557 1.372 1.258 102 3-42 GB64-00 setcrank setdisk Name: setcrank SYNT AX AS A COMMAND setcrank FUNCTION schedules the absentee job that performs the accounting segment update. Unless the absentee job crashes or the absentee job queues are lost. there is no need to execute this command. To check whether a job is scheduled, invoke the list_absentee_request command (described in the Multics Commands and Active Functions Manual, Order No. AG92). EXAMPLES If the accounting update absentee job is not scheduled, type: setcrank 3 already requested r 15571.3721.258 102 Name: setdisk SYNT AX AS A COMMAND setdisk FUNCTION schedules crashes or To check (described AG92). the absentee job that performs disk reporting. Unless the absentee job the absentee job queues are lost, there is no need to execute this command. whether a job is scheduled, invoke the list_absentee_request command in the Multics Commands and Active Functions manual, Order No. EXAMPLES If the disk reporting absentee job is not scheduled, type: setdisk 4 already requested r 15571.372 1.258 102 3-43 GB64-00 undelegate undelegate Name: undelegate SYNT AX AS A COMMAND undelegate Project_id FUNCTION allows the accounting administrator to regain control of a project that was delegated. He can then either control the project himself or delegate it to some other user. ARGUMENTS Project_id is the Project_id of the project to be undelegated. EXAMPLES To have the Alpha project controlled by Jones.Alpha instead of Smith. Alpha, type: undelegate Alpha archive: Alpha appended to pmf.archive r 15:57 1.372 102 From In it i ali zer. SysDaemon. z (i ns ta 1 1) 1557.0: instal led sat for SA1.SysAdmin delegate Alpha >udd>Alpha Jones.Alpha archive: Alpha appended to delegated pmf.archive r 16:02 1.896 64 From Initializer.SysDaemon.z (install) instal led sat for SA1.SysAdmin 3-44 1602.0: GB64-00 upmf upmf Name: upmf SYNT AX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION adds a user to a project. It is used only on projects that are not delegated. The command extracts the project's PMF from the pmf.archive segment (in the >udd>SysAdmin>admin directory), edits the PMF to add the new entry. converts the PMF to a PDT, signals the initializer to install the PDT, and replaces the edited PMF in pmf.archive. The user is added with no individual attributes, just those of the project. To give individual attributes to the user, use the pmf command. ARGUMENTS Project_id is the Project_id of the project on which a user is to be added. Person_id is the Person_id of the user to be added to the project. EXAMPLES To add user Jones to the Gamma project, type: upmf Gamma Jones r 15:57 1.372 102 From Initializer.SysDaemon.z (install) installed Gamma.pdt for SA1.SysAdmin 3-45 1557.0: GB64-00 Name: who_dclg SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION used to determine if a project has been delegated. All project administrators are listed for a delegated project. ARGUMENTS Project_id is the Project_id of the project in question. If this argument is omitted, a list of all delegated projects is printed. EXAMPLES To determine the project administrator(s) for project Proj8, type: who_delg Proj8 List of Delegated Projects as of 05/19/84 2223.7 Proj ect Administrator Proj8 Jones.Proj8 r 2103 1.005 1.356 112 3-46 GB64-00 SECTION 4 INITIALIZER COMMANDS The commands in this section can be used only when communicating with the initializer p'rocess. The usual method of communicating with the initializer process is through an initializer terminal. The bootload console is used as the first initializer terminal. When Multics is first booted and the initializer process is active in ring 1, the initializer process uses the bootload console for input/output. Once the initializer process moves to ring 4, the administrator can select another terminal as the initializer terminal. (The administrator can also select multiple terminals to be used as initializer terminals.) If the administrator does not explicitly select an initializer terminal. the bootload console is used as the initializer terminal. Some of the initializer commands can be used only when the initializer is operating in ring 1; other initializer commands can be used only when the initializer is operating in ring 4; a third group of initializer commands can be used at any time. An indication of when each command can be used is provided in the description of the individual command. (See Section 1 for a description of how to use initializer commands when not at an initializer terminal; see also Section 1 for a description of how to submit a non-initializer command to the initializer process.) 4-1 GB64-00 abs abs Name: abs SYNTAX AS A COMMAND abs keyword {args} FUNCTION controls the absentee facility. The absentee facility is designed to operate automatically, without any user intervention. Every use of the abs command overrides some parameter or control algorithm that would otherwise have been used automatically. Thus the abs command should only be used in unusual circumstances, or at the direction of the system administrator. This command can be used only in ring 4. ARGUMENTS keyword must be chosen from the keywords listed under "Keyword Summary" below. args may be either job selection arguments. described under "Job Selection" below, or other arguments specific to each keyword, or both. Exact usage is described under individual keywords. KEYWORD SUMMARY The keywords accepted by the abs command are listed below in two groups: those pertaining to the absentee facility as a whole, and those pertaining to individual jobs. Detailed descriptions of the keywords and their arguments are given under "Keyword Descriptions" below. Keywords pertaining to entire absentee facility: cpu_limit do not run jobs with time limits higher than the specified values maxq run only jobs from queues 1 through the specified queue maxu run no more than the specified number of jobs at once qres reserve the specified number of absentee slots for each queue start start absentee facility stop stop absentee f acili ty 4-2 GB64-00 abs abs Keywords pertaining to individual jobs: bump log out running job(s); leave in queue (if restartable) cancel delete job from queue; log out if running defer de not log job(s) in until they are released list list specified job(s) move move job(s) to another queue next log job in next release allow deferred job(s) to run run log job in immediately suspend cause running job(s) to stop running until released terminate same as "bump", but job will appear to have taken a fatal process error JOB SELECTION Some of the keywords described below specify operations that can be performed on a single job only (indicated as JOB); others specify operations that can be performed on one or more jobs (indicated as JOBS). You can specify the job(s) by using the job selection arguments. Each argument can appear only once in the command. If the request operates on a single job. give enough job selection arguments so that only one job is found. If the request operates on multiple jobs, all jobs that match the specified job selection arguments are acted upon. To be considered a match, a job must fit all the job selection arguments specified. That is, the selection arguments make selection more specific. For example, "-queue 1" selects all jobs in absentee queue 1; "-queue 1 -user Smith" selects all Smith's jobs in absentee queue 1, but does not select any other user's jobs, nor does it select any of Smith's jobs that are in other queues. Job selection arguments are not treated as "match at least one" but rather "match all. " 4-3 GB64-OO abs abs You can choose the job selection arguments from the following list. selection only once. Specify each absN where N is a decimal number or ".". It selects the running job in absentee slot N, or all running jobs if you give ".". Slot numbers are printed by the who initializer command or the as_who Multics command. -entry STR, -et STR where STR is the entryname of the absin segment. It can be a starname. -foreground, -fg is equivalent to "-queue fg." -id ID, ID where ID can be a long job ID or a substring of a job ID long enough to uniquely identify one job. A long job ID is a 19-digit number of the form yymmddHHMMSS.UUUUUU which is the time (GMT) at which the job was entered. You can give any substring of the ID that contains either the decimal point or the digit to its left. If you give no decimal point, it is assumed to be to the right of the last digit given. Any other job selection arguments you give must identify the same job, no matter what keyword you give it with. If the other job selection arguments do not match the uniquely specified job, the command is rejected. You can give both -user NAME and -id ID without their identifying control argulnents if either one, or both, is the first arguments after the keyword. path is the absolute pathname of the absentee input (absin) segment. The pathname can end in a starname. -queue STR, -q STR where STR is the absentee queue to be searched for the job, and can be 1 through 4 or "foreground" (fg). If you omit -q, all queues are searched. -sender STR where STR is the name of the RJE station from which the job was entered. It can be a starname. -user NAME where NAME can be specified in one of the following forms: • 11/86 Person Person. Proj ect • Proj ect 4-4 GB64-00A abs abs The star convention is allowed except when a single job is selected. Both -user NAME and -id ID may be given without their identifying control arguments if either one, or both, are the first arguments after the keyword. KEYWORD DESCRIPTIONS bump JOBS bumps the specified running job or jobs. If they are restartable jobs, they remain in the queue and are restarted at some later time. cancel JOB deletes a single job from the absentee queues, and bumps it if it is running. Note that some form of the user name must always be given with the cancel keyword as protection against accidental cancellation of the wrong user's job. cpu_limit, cpu_limit auto, cpu_limit sl,s2,s3,s4 either prints the CPU time limits, restores them to their automatic values (which are per-shift values set by the system administrator), or sets them to the specified values. Values, in seconds, must be given for queues 1 through 4, separated by commas. Omitted values (indicated by adjacent commas) leave the limits for the respective shifts unchanged. (Trailing commas are optional.) The limits remain at the specified values until the next Multics bootload, unless reset to their automatic values by specifying cpu_limit auto. Jobs with estimated times greater than the automatic or user-specified CPU time limits are not run until the limits are raised (either by the operator or by the arrival of a shift having higher limits). If no argument is given, the current CPU time limits are printed. defer JOBS places the specified jobs in the deferred state. Jobs in this state are deferred indefinitely, even across Multics bootloads -- that is, they are not run until released (by the abs command with the release keyword). Users can place their own jobs in the deferred state. This is useful if a job is not to be run until the occurrence of some event, such as the delivery of a reel of tape to the computer room. The list keyword (with suitable arguments) can be used to list all jobs that are deferred indefinitely. list JOBS {-control_argsJ lists the specified jobs. All of the control arguments accepted by the list_abs_requests command (described in the Multics Commands and Active Functions manual. Order No AG92) are accepted with the list keyword. These control arguments are summarized below: -absol ute_pa thname, -a bsp prints absolute pathname of selected jobs. (The default is that entry name is printed.) -all, -a prints totals for all nonempty queues. (The default is that nothing is printed for queues from which no jobs are selected.) 4-5 GB64-00 abs abs -def erred_indef ini tely, -dfi selects only jobs that are deferred indefinitely. -immediate, -im selects only jobs that are neither deferred indefinitely nor deferred until a specified time. -long, -lg prints all information for each selected job. This argument produces many output lines for each job, and should not be used when a large number of jobs are being listed. -long_id, -lgid prints all 19 digits of IDs of selected jobs. -position, -psn prints the position in the queue of each selected job. -resource {STR} , -rsc {STR} selects only jobs with resource requirements, where STR is the name of a resource. If STR is given, selects only jobs requiring the specified resource (e.g., -rsc tape_drive). -total, -tt prints only the total number of jobs selected from each queue. (The default is that one line is printed for each selected job). maxq, maxq auto, maxq N either prints the highest numbered (lowest priority) queue being searched, restores it to its automatic value (which is a per-shift value set by the system administrator), or sets it to the specified value N. The maximum queue remains at the specified value until the next Multics bootload, unless reset to its automatic value by specifying maxq auto. Jobs from higher numbered queues are not logged in until the maximum queue is raised (either by the operator or by the arrival of a shift with a higher automatic maxq value). If no argument is given, the current maxq figure is printed. maxu, maxu auto, maxu N either prints the number of absentee slots (i.e.. the maximum number of simultaneously running background absentee jobs) restores it to its automatic value (a per-shift value set by the system administrator that can optionally adjust itself automatically depending on the interactive load), or sets it to the specified value N. The number of slots remains at the specified value until the next Multics bootload, unless reset to its -automatic value by specifying maxu auto. If no argument is given, the current abs maxu value is printed. 4-6 GB64-00 abs abs move JOBS -to_queue N, move JOBS -to_q N moves the specified job or jobs to the end of the specified queue (N). Any jobs already running are not moved. The abs move command operates the same as the move_abs_request command. described in the Multics Commands and Active Functions manual, Order No. AG92. and accepts the same arguments. See that manual for more information. next JOB places the specified job ahead of all other queued jobs. so that it is the next job to log in. The job is a~tually moved to queue zero, which has higher priority than queue 1. The job is charged queue 1 rates when it runs. A series of abs next commands cause the specified jobs to accumulate in queue zero; they are run in the order in which they are specified. qres, qres auto, qres Rl {R2 {R3 {R4}}} either prints the per-queue reserved slot values, restores them to their automatic per-shift values (specified by the system administrator), or changes them to the specified values. Values for up to 4 queues may be given; zero is the default for any values not given. To set all 4 values to zero, type "abs qres 0". If no arguments are given. the current values are printed. Values set by this command remain in effect until the next Multics bootload, unless restored to their automatic values by specifying qres auto. The slot reservation feature prevents jobs from lower pnonty queues from logging in if they would occupy slots reserved for higher priority queues. However. jobs from higher priority queues are permitted to log in and occupy slots reserved for lower priority queues. release JOBS releases the specified job(s) from the deferred or suspended states, allowing them to log in, or to resume running. as the case may be. run JOB forces the specified job to be logged in immediately, bypassing all absentee load control processing. A new temporary absentee slot is created. if necessary. Under certain circumstances, the user is warned that logging in the job might create problems. and is asked if the job should be logged in despite the potential problems. Note that some form of the user name must be given with the run keyword. 4-7 GB64-00 abs abs start {M {Q}}, start queue Q the first form is used to start the absentee facility. (It is normally started at answering service startup time, making use of this command unnecessary.) The optional arguments are the maximum numbers of users (M) and queues (Q). (These are the same parameters that can be set by the maxu and maxq keywords.) If they are not specified, the automatic values set by the system administrator are used. The second form restarts a queue that wakes up the absentee facility, causing log in could now do so due to changed form. the current error status of each queues are restarted. was dropped due to errors, and it also it to check whether any jobs waiting to conditions. If Q is omitted in the second queue is printed. If Q is "all" then all stop {now}. stop queue Q the first form is used to stop the absentee facility 30 minutes after the command line is issued. If "now" is specified, the absentee facility is immediately stopped without the 30 minute grace. (See "Notes" below.) The abs stop command can also be given before the answering service is started to prevent the absentee facility from being started automatically. The second form causes the specified queue to be dropped, as if it had gotten too many errors. The absentee facility continues to run. taking requests from the other queues. If Q is "all" then all queues are dropped. The queue(s) can be restarted using the abs start queue command. suspend JOBS causes the specified running job(s) to enter the suspended state. in which they remain logged in but use no cpu or memory resources. The jobs remain in this state until released. A suspended job places no load on the system (although it does occupy an absentee slot and uses up some units from its load control group, possibly preventing other interactive or absentee users from logging in). Jobs can be suspended to reduce the load on the system. allowing the timely completion of some critical work in another process. Suspended jobs should be released as soon as the critical work is completed, since they are NOT preserved across shutdowns and crashes. terminate JOBS causes the specified running job(s) to be bumped in a way that makes them appear to have failed because of a fatal process error. Certain debugging facilities treat such failures differently from normal bumps. This keyword should only be used at the request of the user. NOTES Some of the abs command keywords place the absentee facility, or one or more jobs, in an unusual state, where they will remain indefinitely. You must always remember to restore the absentee facility or the affected jobs to normal operation after the unusual circumstances have passed. 4-8 GB64-00 abs abs The "abs stop" command line should be issued about 20 minutes before a stop command is invoked. If a down command has been issued. "abs stop" is automatically issued 20 minutes before the scheduled shutdown time. After an "abs stop" command line is issued, the absentee facility does not let any more absentee users log in and waits for all current ones to log out. If all absentee users have 'not logged out in 30 minutes, the absentee facility automatically bumps the remaining absentee users. The difference between the 30-minute time limit on absentee jobs and the 20 minutes between a scheduled shutdown and the automatic "abs stop" is intended to give absentee processes an additional 10 minutes to finish after all interactive users are bumped. If all absentee users log out before 30 minutes, the message: admin: All absentee processes have run to completion. is printed. If not, then the message: admin: bumping all remaining absentee processes. is printed. If it is necessary to stop the absentee facility immediately with an nabs command line, all absentee users are bumped as if the 30-minute time expired. Since this command line forcibly terminates user programs that difficulty restarting, the now argument should be used only when authorized. stop now" limit had may have specifically If a down command has scheduled an automatic shutdown, issuing an "abs start" automatically schedules an "abs stop" 20 minutes before the scheduled shutdown time. The nabs bump" command line causes an absentee user to be bumped. If the absentee job has been declared restartable, the job is left in the queue and reexecuted later. This command can be used when shutting down the absentee facility quickly because of some system malfunction, usually at the request of a system programmer. If a user calls and asks to have his absentee job bumped, you should make certain that the nabs cancel" command is not intended instead. The nabs cancel" command line can also cause an absentee user to be bumped. It differs from "abs bump" in that restartable absentee requests are removed from the queue, and not restarted, and jobs not yet started can be removed from the queue. This command line is used to cancel an absentee job that is in trouble (for instance, one that seems to be reissuing itself in a loop, or one that calls for a tape that does not exist) or that a user has requested be cancelled. 4-9 GB64-00 accept accept N arne: accept SYNTAX AS A COMMAND accept channel_id {restrict} {target} {bclist} FUNCTION accepts a terminal device channel and connects it to the message coordinator's device complement. This command cannot be used on multiplexer channels. This command can be ~ only in ring 4. ARGUMENTS channel_id is the name of a communications channel that must be listed with "service: mc;" in the eMF, or be dialed up by a user who has issued the dial system or slave commands. (See the Multics System Maintenance Procedures manual, Order No. AM81, for information on channel names.) restrict may be any of the following: full the device is able to issue all initializer commands. This is the default. none no commands allowed. reply only reply is allowed. query only who and hmu are allowed. daemon only reply, intercom, and exec allowed. target if specified, is a source name that is the only source name permitted for reply commands issued from channel_id. This parameter is used for terminals dedicated to the control of a single I/O daemon. The default name is *. 4-10 GB64-00 accept bclist if you specify it, it is a "broadcast list." This list gives the channels that will have copies of input from channel_id, in the form (input on channel_id) r cdl hello bclist can be: none all a.hlll,a.hl02 for no broadcasting to broadcast to all others to broadcast to the given 1 ist Output is never broadcast back to the inputting channel. If you specify no bclist, any broadcast list previously specified remains unchanged. NOTES Response: channel_id attached by system control. Name: add_Iv, alv SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION accepts a logical volume for paging. You can use it in ring 1 or 4. ARGUMENTS lv_name is the name of a registered logical volume. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -all mounts all incomplete logical volumes. NOTES If all physical volumes f or the logical volume are already accepted, known, or assumed, alv ensures that all labels have been read and checked, and then accepts the logical volume for paging. 11/86 4-11 GB64-00A If one or more volumes are mIssIng, alv assigns drives for the missing volumes and prints mount messages for each missing volume in the form mount pv k202 on dska_07 and sets the assigned drives into the assumed state. You can mount the physical volumes where requested or use your own judgment As each physical volume is mounted, issue an add_vol command to the system; the last add_vol command causes the logical volume to be accepted with a message of the form lv cp22 mounted private lv cp22 mounted When you issue alv, all assumed drives should have the correct packs mounted; otherwise an error message is typed. The list_disks command lists all outstanding alv commands and the del_Iv command cancels an outstanding alv. User processes can initiate alv commands for private logical volumes through the attach_Iv Multics command. The system proceeds as though an alv command had been issued by the operator. Unless the nodt and/or nolv keyword is included with the BCE boot command, the system attempts to mount during initialization all logical volumes that were mounted at the last shutdown. For each physical volume required, the system attempts to use the drive on which the volume was mounted at the last shutdown. SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION adds a logical volume to the set of volumes available for process directory segments. You can use it only in ring 4. ARGUMENTS lv_name is the name of the mounted public logical volume. 4-12 GB64-o0 add_vol add_pdir_volume NOTES Process directory segments are temporary segments associated with each interactive, absentee, and daemon process. For system efficiency, make available as many volumes as possible for process directory segments. You can't dismount a volume, however, while it is a pdir_volume, or while process directory segments reside on it. See the del_pdir_volume, set_pdir_volumes, and vacate_pdir_volume commands. Name: adddev, addd SYNTAX AS A COMMAND addd DEVNAME FUNCTION adds a tape or disk drive to the Multics configuration, and tells the system that it can use the specified drive. You can use this command only in ring 1. ARGUMENTS DEVNAME is the device name of the drive to be added. EXAMPLES addd tape_06 addd dska_15 Name: add_vol, av SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION tells the system that a physical volume is on a disk drive. The system then reads and checks the volume label. You can use this command in ring 1 or 4. 11/86 4-13 GB64-00A admin ARGUMENTS pv_name is the name of a physical volume. drive_name has the form _ system_control_l. NOTES To do such a hierarchy reload, bring up a special session and log in a daemon process to be used for reloading (e.g., Dumper.SysDaemon). The message coordinator should not be used during such a reload, since its programs and databases are likely to be replaced by the reload, too. (See the no_start command.) You can use cripple only in ring 4. After the reloader is logged in, execute cripple to shut off the answering service so that no unexpected faults occur if one of the answering service databases or programs is deleted by the reloader. When the reload is done, do not attempt to shut down, as this is likely to cause a fault. Instead, reenter BeE with the bce command or from the processor panel. (A reset command resets the effect of cripple, but is not recomnlended.) Name: debug SYNTAX AS A COMMAND debug FUNCTION preserves the prior stack history, should a fault occur, for later use for debugging. It is the opposite of the release command. You can use it in ring 1 only. 11/86 4-18 0B64-00A define Name: define SYNTAX AS A COMMAND define vcons type dest FUNCTION defines a virtual console or adds a destination for it to the destination list of a previously defined virtual console. You can use it in ring 4 only. ARGUMENTS vcons is the name of the virtual console to which output is to be routed. type is the type of destination. It has the following effects on the dest argument: If type is tty, dest must be a channel_id that has been accepted previously. If type is log, dest is the name of the log file in >sc1 to which messages are added as they are sent to the virtual console. If type is sink, dest can be any name; output sent to a sink vanishes. dest is the destination for the virtual console. A virtual console can have-up to eight destinations. Name: del_Iv, dlv SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION forces the demounting of a logical volume. You can use it in ring 1 or 4. ARGUMENTS lv_name specifies the name of a logical volume. NOTES If the logical volume is being mounted, dlv cancels the request 11/86 4-19 GB64-OOA If the logical volume is already mounted, dlv makes the segments on the volume unavailable to all users, and shuts down and unloads all physical volumes in the logical volume with a message of the form demounted dska_02 for each physical volume. Name: del_pdir_volume SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION removes a logical volume from the set of logical volumes available for process directory segments. You can use it only in ring 4. ARGUMENTS lv_name is the name of a logical volume currently available for process directory segments. NOTES To demount a process directory volume, you must delete it from the set of process directory volumes and wait for existing process directories whose segmemts are on it to be deleted when the processes are destroyed (by bump, logout, or new_proc). Name: del_vol, dv SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION tells the system that a physical volume is no longer on a drive.. You can use it in ring 1 or 4. 11/86 4-20 GB64-OOA deroute ARGUMENTS drive_name has the form _ sc1> You can use it in ring 4 only. ARGUMENTS exec_command is one of the commands listed below: attended, attend auth auto cat complete_volume, vcomp consolidated_volume, vcons copy_dump delete_dump, dd deny echoplex end_dump inc incremental_volume, vinc io i 01 meter print_queues, pq punch, puna punch_end, end_punch punch_restart read_cards, cards, rc repair. reprint, rep reset_phcs_access, rpa reset_tabs, tabs, rt scav set_fdump_number, set_fdump, sfdn set_phcs_access, spa unattended, unattend wakeup_dump arguments are any arguments for the chosen exec_command. 11/86 4-27 GB64-OOA exec exec NOTES The version of distributed with the system implements the above exec commands, which are generally useful. They are described in Section 5. You site may wish to modify these commands, or to implement new operator commands, to meet its needs. You can do this by making changes or additions to >scl> Document these changes and additions, however, by adding or replacing pages in Section 5 in the copies of this manual used by operations personnel. The effect of exec is as if you had typed the command exec_com admin exec_command arguments in admin mode. 11/86 4-28 GB64-OOA go Name: force_reset SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCT ION forces the answering service to reset itself. It is similar to the reset command but does additional resetting. If administrators are unable to install system tables, this function can sometimes clear the jam. This command can be used in ring 4 only. Name: go SYNT AX AS A COMMAND go FUNCTION initializes all channels attached to the answering service so that they answer the phone. It is the second half of startup. Typing multics and then go is similar to startup except that the login word is set to a random number, so only users who know the special word can log in. The go command ini tializes all lines in the channel definition table (CDT). Parts two and three of the are executed in response to a go command. Part two (the logging in of the daemons) is done before user lines are conditioned for answering; part three (commands executed after the phone lines are conditioned for answering) is done afterward. This command can be used in ring 4 only. NOTES A check is made to see if a down command has previously been issued. If one is found, and more than 30 minutes remain before it takes effect. the down command is reissued automatically. 4-29 GB64-00 help hmu Name: help SYNTAX AS A COMMAND help {command_name} FUNCTION in ring 1, prints a list on the bootload console of all ring 1 initializer commands. The argument command name cannot be used in ring 1. In ring 4, prints a description of the specified command. ARGUMENTS command_name identifies the command for which information is desired. assumed. The suffix "info" is Name: hmu SYNT AX AS A COMMAND hmu FUNCTION prints how many users are logged in. Since it also prints the system ID, it can be used to check the success of a sysid command. This command can be used in ring 4 only. EXAMPLES Type hmu to get a message in the following form: Multics SYSID; INSTALLATION Load = XX.X out of YY.Y units: users = ZZ Absentee users = W; Maximum absentee users 4-30 =K GB64-00 init_ vol SYNT AX AS A COMMAND init_vol volume_name drive name {-control_arg} FUNCTION writes the label of a new physical volume and sets up its VTOe and volume map. This operation destroys any previous contents of the physical volume. This command can be used in ring 1 or ring 4. It is also automatically entered when a cold boot is done to ini tialize the RPV. ARGUMENTS volume_name is the name of a physical volume. drive_name has the form _ , e.g., dska_02. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -special enters dialogue with the user. The -special control argument is recommended for all RLV volumes. -copy initializes a copy of an already accepted physical volume (-copy also enters dialogue with the user). -rlv specifies that the physical volume is to be registered as part of the root logical volume. this control argument can be used only during a cold boot of the root physical volume at ring-l initializer command level. SPECIAL MODE Special mode is entered when -special is given on an init_vol command line, when the rebuild_disk command is used, or when a cold boot of the RPV is done. In special mode. the user may specify various parameters of the volume being initialized as other than their default values. Special mode uses a request loop subsystem to allow entry of these parameters. This includes the ability to specify the locations and extents of parti tions. Defaults for volume initialized by init_vol or rebuild_disk command: • • no partitions VTOe size constrained by average segment length of 5.0 4-31 GB64-00 Defaults for RPV initialized by cold boot sequence: • parti tions laid out on pack as follows: partition name partition size (in records) HC CONF FILE BCE LOG DUMP BOS ALT • low/high end of pack low 2500 low 4 high 255 high 2200 high 256 high 2000 high 270 high as needed VTOC size constrained by average segment length of 2.0 For non-RPV packs belonging to the RL V, it is recommended that special mode be used to set an average segment length of 4.0 since directories. which reside on the RL V, are usually smaller than other segments. A smaller average segment length increases the number of VTOC entries (VTOCES) on the pack. Since it is easier to make the VTOC bigger than to make it smaller, the recommended procedure is to start with 4.0 as an average segment length. If more VTOCES are needed later, the rebuild_disk command can be used to define them. When using volume backup to recover the contents of a disk pack. make sure there are at least as many available records and total VTOC entries as there were on the physical volume before it was damaged. REQUEST LOOP OF IN IT VOL The following request lines may be typed when in it_vol is invoked with the -special control argument, when the rebuild_disk command is being used, or within the cold boot sequence: asl FFF .FF, avg FFF .FF specifies the average segment length. which is used to determine the VTOC size. As partitions are defined, the VTOC size is adjusted to maintain a VTOC entry to free page ratio producing this average segment length. When operating in this mode (the default, with average segment length = 5.0), the parameters are said to be constrained by average segment length. default causes all parameters to be reset to their cold boot defaults, including the list of partitions. This request is only valid within the cold boot sequence. 4-32 GB64-00 init_vol end causes the command init_ vol or rebuild_disk to proceed using the parameters as they stand at this point. help lists all requests available within the init_ vol request loop. lace N specifies physical address assignment interlace: i.e., specifies that the system should try to place the pages of a segment N disk records apart on the target disk. The default value for N is 2. This request is only valid in the rebuild_disk command. list causes the current parameters to be listed, including partttton data, VTOe size, number of VTOe entries and effective average segment length. Issuing other requests causes these parameters to change. When the request loop is entered, a list request is performed automatically. bt;L(~ nvtoce N specifies the VTOe size by the number of VTOe entries to be created. As five VTOe entries occupy each page, this number is rounded up to the next five before use. This constrains parameters by VTOe size. part name hilow size C.\ It L- ~t. I L( ( where name is a 4-character or fewer partition name, hilow is either "high" or "low", and size is the partition size in records, defines a partition to be allocated on the pack. The hilow argument specifies which end of the pack, with respect to device address, the partition shall be allocated. Successive requests for "high" partitions receive successively lower addresses, and successive requests for "low" partitions receive successively higher addresses. Partitions may not be redefined without issuing the "startover" request. 0 , quit causes the command init_vol or rebuild_disk to be aborted, without initializing or rebuilding any disks. This request is not valid within the cold boot sequence. startover causes all parameters to be reset to their defaults _ . drive_name2 is the target pack's drive to be used for the copy, in the form _ . CONTROL ARGUMENTS -console sends output to the bootload console instead of to the printer. -copy copies all information from the source pack's drive onto the target pack's drive. (Required) -debug is intended for system programmer use. -dump dumps damaged objects. 11/86 4-47 GB64-00A reconf igure NOTES The disk being copied must be in a logical volume that is in service (has been added to the system with the add_Iv command). This command prints out the current extent and location of partitions on the source pack, VTOC size, number of VTOC entries, and average segment length. The request loop of the init_vol command is then entered to specify the partition extents and locations of the target pack and VTOC size. You can change some of the parameters of a volume, such as VTOC size, paging region size, and partitions, using rebuild_disk. Please note: r~om 1. You can increase the VTOC size, as long as there is to do so. 2. You can decrease the VTOC size, provided that there are no active VTOCEs in the truncated portion of the old . VTOC. The command validates this condition and terminates with an error message if there are active VTOCEs in the portion of the old VTOC that is to be truncated. You can use the sweep-pv command with -move and -from to vacate a portion of the VTOC prior to running rebuild_disk. The disk rebuild operation takes about seven minutes per thousand VTOC entries in use and one minute per thousand VTOC entries not in use. A progress message is reported to the bootload console as every thousand VTOC entries are processed. The init_vol request IQop assumes the same starting parameters whether it is being used for a volume initialization or a disk rebuild; you must not assume that the starting parameters of the target pack are in any way derived from the source pack. This command queries you before destroying the label of any pack that appears to be a validly labeled pack. A message. giving the pack's physical volume name and time of last use is displayed. Name: reconfigure, rcf SYNTAX AS A COMMAND rcf function type name {-control_args} FUNCTION manipulates selected reconfigurable entities in the current configuration. You can use it only in ring 4. 4-48 0B64-00 reconfigure reconfigure ARGUMENTS function specifies the function to be performed. Can be one of the following values: add adds selected reconfigurable entities to the current configuration, making them available for use. delete deletes selected reconfigurable entities from the current configuration, making them unavailable for use. type is one of the reconfigurable entities listed below under "List of Reconfigurable Entities. " name is the name of the item being reconfigured. Examples of names are given under "List of Reconfigurable Entities." CONTROL ARGUMENTS -add_all_attachmen ts causes all reconfigurable entItles which are newly accessible to be added. control argument can be used with the add function only. This -brief, -bf does not print out a list of every item which is manipulated. This is the default. -delete_all_attachmen ts causes all reconfigurable entItles which will become inaccessible to be deleted. This control argument can be used with the delete function only. -long, -lg prints out a list of every item which is manipulated. LIST OF RECONFIGURABLE ENTITIES channel, chan, chnl a logical channel. A channel's name is the name by which 101 knows it (e.g., a9, b23). cpu A Central Processing Unit. A processor's name is its tag as it appears on a cpu card in the config deck (e.g., a, b). device, dv prph a peripheral device. A device's name is the name by which RCP knows it (e.g.• tapa_03, dskb_13, fnpc opca). 4-49 GB64-00 reconfigure reconfigure iom an Input/Ouput Multiplexer. An 10M's name is its tag as it appears on an iom card in the config deck (e.g.. a. b). link_adapter, la a link adapter or physical channel. This is a shorthand way of specifying a collection of logical channels. A link adapter's name is the name of its lowest channel (e.g.. b28). mpe a Microprogrammed Peripheral Controller. This is a shorthand way of specifying a collection of link adapters (and thus, a collection of logical channels). An MPC's name is its name as it appears on an mpc card in the config deck (e.g.. mspa, mtpb). page a page of memory. A page's name is its number. Pages are numbered starting at O. Numbers may be given in any form acceptable to the cv_interger_string_ function. A range of pages may be specified with an expression of the form : . Pages to be removed must reside within a single system controller. When you delete all of an seu's pages, the seu itself is not deleted. seu, mem a System Control Unit. An seu's name is its tag as it appears on a mem card in the config deck (e.g.. a, b). When you delete all of an seu's pages, the seu itself is not deleted. NOTES For more details on dynamic reconfiguration, see the Multics System Maintenance AM8L and the Operator's Guide to Multics, Order No. GB6l. Procedures manual, Order No. 4-50 GB64-00 reconfigure EXAMPLES The examples below assume the following config deck fragment: iom b 1 nsa on mpe mspd 607. b 28. 4 prph dskd b 28. 4 0 16. 501. 16. mem b 2048. on mem a 1024. on cpu c 5 on dps8 70. 32. ref delete cpu c deletes CPU c from the configuration. rcf delete mem a -delete all attachments deletes SCU a and pages 2048 through 3071 from the configuration. rcf delete iom b -delete all attachments deletes 10M b from the configuration. MPC mspd is also deleted, and if any of dskd_17 through dskd_32 were previously added, they are deleted as well. rcf add cpu c adds CPU c to the configuration. rcf add mem a -add_all_attaehments adds SCU a and pages 2048 through 3071 to the configuration. rcf add iom b -add_all_attaehments adds 10M b to the configuration. MPC mspd is also added, and if any of dskd_17 through dskd_32 were previously deleted, they are added as well. Name: recover_volume_log SYNTAX AS A COMMAND recover_volume_log pvnames {-eontrol_args} 4-51 GB64-00 recover _volume_log recover_volume_log FUNCTION recovers volume logs from dump volumes. It should be invoked only if volume logs for physical volumes to be reloaded cannot be found. Its input is a list of the latest dump volumes for the physical volumes in question as specified by the caller. This command can be used in ring 1 or ring 4. ARGUMENTS pvnames are the names of the physical volumes whose volume logs are to be recovered. All pvnames supplied must be valid physical volume names (i.e., the physical volumes must be valid members of a registered logical volume). CONTROL ARGUMENTS -input_volume_desc STR where STR is the attach description used to replace the default attach description "tape_mult_ "a -system". The dump volume name is inserted in the attach description at the first occurrence of the string ""a" in the attach description. -working_dir, -wd specifies that the volume backup databases are to be recovered relative to the working directory. The default is to recover them relative to the >ddd>volume_backup directory. This control argument can be used to recover the volume logs for physical volumes that are not part of the currently mounted storage system. This control argument is optional. NOTES No announcement of the recovery of any volume logs is provided until all volume logs have been recovered or the query for the dump volume name is answered with a period (fl. tI). After a recover _ volume_log operation is executed, it may be necessary to run a merge_ volume_log operation. 4-52 GB64-00 release redefine Name: redefine SYNT AX AS A COMMAND redefine vcons old dest new_type new dest FUNCTION removes one destination from a virtual console and adds another. Do not confuse this command with the subs tty or reroute commands. This command can be used in ring 4 only. ARGUMENTS vcons is the name of the virtual console for which a destination is to be changed. old_dest is the destination that is to be changed. i.e., removed. If old_dest is a device channel that currently has output queued for it. no more output is queued but all the queued output is printed. new_type is the new type of destination that is to be added. Refer to the define command. new_dest is the destination that is to be added. ~ame: release SYNTAX AS A COMMAND release FUNCTION releases a preserved stack frame history of a fault. This command is the opposite of the debug command. This command can be used in ring 1 only. 4-53 GB64-00 reload reload Name: reload SYNTAX AS A COMMAND reload {-control_args} FUNCTION is used for recovery. when the intent is to make the storage system hierarchy look indentical to that which was dumped onto the tape being reloaded. It deletes segments and directories from the hierarchy that are not present on the tape, and replaces existing segments and directories with their counterparts f.rom the tape. However. to avoid destroying useful information. it does not delete directories. and it does not replace segments and directories in the hierarchy that were modified after the time at which they were put on the tape. To ensure that ring 1 segments (such as mailboxes) are recovered correctly, the process performing the reload must be logged in at ring 1. To ensure that AIM restrictions are enforced correctly. the process performing the reload must have segment and directory privileges turned on. The reload command calls the backup_load command to do the actual reloading. This command can be used in ring 4 only. The reload command creates the directory >reload_dir (to which the process must have sma access), and places its maps there. It doesn't automatically dprint them. The reload command causes the entire RL V to be accepted, if it isn't already accepted. If issued in ring 1, this command causes all logical volumes that were mounted at the time of the last shutdown to be automatically mounted. Quota on the reloaded directories is force-set to that specified on the tape. The reload command is one of the commands used f or hierarchy reloading and retrieving of storage system segments and directories. The other commands are: backup load reload-(Multics command) reload_system_release retrieve Do not confuse this reload command, which is an initializer command. with the reload Multics command. You should note that argument processing for all of the hierarchy backup commands is performed by a common argument processing procedure. The values of all arguments are remembered in static storage and remain in effect for the life of the process, unless changed by arguments given in subsequent invocations of backup commands. It should also be noted that the dumping commands and the reloading/ retrieving commands are all part of the same hierarchy backup system, and argument values set by the dumping commands remain in effect for the reloading/retrieving commands and vice versa, unless overridden. However, dumping and reloading cannot be done in the same process; use the new_proc command between dumping and reloading. See "Notes on Default Arguments" below. 4-54 GB64-00 reload reload CONTROL ARGUMENTS -all causes segments to be retrieved from the tape regardless of their date/time dumped. This control argument overrides a previously given DATE argument. This is the default. -brief _map, -bfmap creates a map file that lists the processed entries. -debug disables those hphcs_ calls that set quotas and transparency switches. -destination STR. -ds STR specifies a destination for prmtmg maps and error "incremental" for maps and "error file" for error files. file. The default is * -error_of writes error messages into a file rather than pnntmg them. The name of the error file is printed when the first error is encountered. This is the default. -error_on writes error messages on the user's terminal. -first prevents searching a tape for additional copies of a requested segment or subtree after the first copy has been retrieved. -header STR, -he STR specifies a heading for printing maps and error files. -last indicates that the last copy of a given segment or subtree on a tape or set of tapes is to be retrieved. This is the default. -map writes a list of the segments and directories processed into a file. default. This is the -nodebug enables hphcs_ caIls to set quotas and the transparency switches. default. This is the * * -nomap inhibits listing of the names of processed segments and directories. -noprimary, -npri uses each pathname as given. The default is -primary. 4-55 GB64-00 reload reload -noqcheck causes the hierarchy reload to be done with quota checking suspended. Access to hphcs_ is required. This is the default. -noquota inhibits resetting of quotas. See -quota. This is the default. -noreload inhibits actual hierarchy reloading of segments into the hierarchy. This control argument can be used with -map to create a table of contents of the tape. The -noreload control argument also causes the names that would have been reloaded to be put into the map. -nosetlvid inhibits the setting of the logical volume identifiers for each directory to be reloaded. -notrim inhibits deletion of entries in a directory. Entries can only be added or modified. -opera tor STR indicates that STR is the user's name or initials (up to 16 characters in length). -primary. -pri replaces all directory names in each path name with the primary names. This is the default. -pvname STR indicates that segments and directories may only be reloaded onto the physical volume specified by STR. * -qcheck causes quota restrictions to be enf arced during the reload. -quota causes the quotas on directories being reloaded to be set to the values they had when the directories were dumped. Access to hphcs_ is required. -reload enables actual reloading of segments into the hierarchy. This is the default. -request_type STR, -rqt STR specifies an output request type for prIntmg maps and error files. Available request types can be listed by using the print_request_types command (described in the Mu/tics Commands and Active Functions manual, Order No. AG92 ). The default is "printer". -setlvid enables setting of the logical volume identifier for reloaded entries inferior to each directory reloaded. This is the default. 4-56 GB64-00 reload reload -trim enables deletion of all entries in a directory not found in the copy of that directory being reloaded. This causes entries deleted from an earlier version of the directory to be deleted when a later version is reloaded. It has effect only in the case of a directory that is both on the tape and in the hierarchy. This is the default. DATE an argument beginning with a character other than "-", or ">" is assumed to be a date in a format acceptable to the convert_date_to_binary_ subroutine. If it can be converted successfully, then the hierarchy retriever only retrieves segments and directories dumped at or after the given date/ time. NOTES ON DEFAULT ARGUMENTS The values of arguments given to any of the hierarchy backup commands are remembered in static storage and remain in effect for the life of the process, unless explicitly changed during the invocation of a subsequent backup command. The following defaults are in effect for the reloader and retriever before any backup commands are given; they are not, however, reset to these values at the start of each backup command, except as noted below. -a 11 -error of -map -nodebug -nohold -noquota -primary -reload -setlvid -trim The following defaults are set automatically at the time the respective commands are executed: reload (initial izer command), reload (Multics command), reload_system_release: -quota -trim retrieve: -a 11 -noquota -notrim All of the above commands: -map 4-57 GB64-00 reload _system_ reI ease reload_system_release Name: reload_system_release SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION loads new release tapes into the hierarchy. It should not be used for recovery. It deletes segments and directories from the hierarchy that are not present on the tape. and replaces existing segments and directories with their counterparts from the tape. This command overrides the checks employed by the reload Multics command. In other words. it allows directories to be deleted, and it allows segments and directories to be replaced in the hierarchy even if they were modified after the time at which they were put on the tape. Since it turns off the checks employed by the reload Multics command and this is remembered for the life of the process, and since there are no control arguments to turn the checks back on, use of any other backup commands in the same process as the reload_system_release command is not recommended. The reload_system_release command calls the backup_load command to do the actual reloading. These command can be used in ring 4 only. The reload_system_release command places its map in the directory >reload_dir (to which the process must have sma access), and automatically dprints it. The reload_system_release command causes the entire RLV to be accepted. if it isn't already accepted. Quota on the reloaded directories is force-set to that specified on the tape. The reload_system_release command is one of the commands used f or hierarchy reloading and retrieving of storage system segments and directories. The other commands are: backup load reload-(initial izer command) reload (Multics. command) retrieve You should note that argument processing for all of the hierarchy backup commands is performed by a common argument processing procedure. The values of all arguments are remembered in static storage and remain in effect for the life of the process, unless changed by arguments given in subsequent invocations of backup commands. It should also be noted that the dumping commands and the reloading/retrieving commands are all part of the same hierarchy backup system, and argument values set by the dumping commands remain in effect for the reloading/retrieving commands and vice versa, unless overridden. However. dumping and reloading cannot be done in the same process: uSe the new _proc command between dumping and reloading. See "Notes on Default Arguments" below. 4-58 GB64-00 reload_system_release CONTROL ARGUMENTS -all causes segments to be retrieved from the tape regardless of their date/time dumped. This control argument overrides a previously given DATE argument. This is the default. -brief _map. -bfmap creates a map file that lists the processed entries. -debug disables those hphcs_ calls that set quotas and transparency switches. -destination STR. -ds STR specifies a destination for pnntmg maps and error "incremental" for maps and "error file" for error files. file. The default is * -error_of writes error messages into a file rather than pnntmg them. The name of the error file is printed when the first error is encountered. This is the default. -error_on wri tes error messages on the user's terminal. -first prevents searching a tape for additional copies of a requested segment or subtree after the first copy has been retrieved. -header STR, -he STR specifies a heading for printing maps and error files. -last indicates that the last copy of a given segment or subtree on a tape or set of tapes is to be retrieved. This is the default. * -map writes a list of the segments and directories processed into a file. default. This is the -nodebug enables hphcs_ calls to set quotas and the transparency switches. default. This is the * -nomap inhibits listing of the names of processed segments and directories. 4-59 GB64-00 reload_system_release reload_system_release -noprimary. -npri uses each pathname as given. The default is -primary. -noqcheck causes the hierarchy reload to be done with quota checking suspended. Access to hphcs_ is required. This is the default. -noquota inhibits resetting of quotas. See -quota. This is the default. -noreload inhibits actual hierarchy reloading of segments into the hierarchy. This control argument can be used with -map to create a table of contents of the tape. The -noreload control argument also causes the names that would have been reloaded to be put into the map. -nosetlvid inhibits the setting of the logical volume identifiers for each directory to be reloaded. -notrim inhibits deletion of entries in a directory. Entries can only be added or modified. -operator STR indicates that STR is the user's name or initials (up to 16 characters in length). -primary, -pri replaces all directory names in each pathname with the primary names. the default. This is. -pvname STR indicates that segments and directories may only be reloaded onto the physical volume specified by STR. * -qcheck causes quota restrictions to be enforced during the reload. -quota causes the quotas on directories being reloaded to be set to the values they had when the directories were dumped. Access to hphcs_ is required. This is the default for the reload command. -reload enables actual reloading of segments into the hierarchy. This is the default. 4-60 GB64-00 -request_type STR, -rqt STR specifies an output request type for printing maps and error files. Available request types can be listed by using the print_request_types command (described in the Multics Commands and Active Functions manual, Order No. AG92). The default is "printer". -setlvid enables setting of the logical volume identifier for reloaded entries inferior to each directory reloaded. This is the default. -trim enables deletion of all entries in a directory not found directory being reloaded. This causes entries deleted from the directory to be deleted when a later version is reloaded. the case of a directory that is both on the tape and in the default. in the copy of that an earlier version of I t has effect only in hierarchy. This is the DATE an argument beginning with a character other than ,,_n, or ">" is assumed to be a date in a format acceptable to the convert_date_to_binary_ subroutine. If it can be converted successfully, then the hierarchy retriever only retrieves segments and directories dumped at or after the given date/time. NOTES ON DEFAULT ARGUMENTS The values of arguments given to any of the hierarchy backup commands are remembered in static storage and remain in effect for the life of the process, unless explicitly changed during the invocation of a subsequent backup command. The following defaults are in effect for the reloader and retriever before any backup commands are given; they are not, however, reset to these values at the start of each backup command, except as noted below. -a 11 -error_of -map -nodebug -nohold -noquota -primary -reload -set1vid -trim 4-61 GB64-o0 reload_volume The following defaults are set automatical1y at the time the respective commands are executed: reload (initia1izer command), reload (Mu1tics command), re1oad_system_re1ease: -quota -trim retrieve: -a 11 -noquota -notrim All the above commands: -map Name: reload_volume SYNTAX AS A COMMAND reload_volume -control_args FUNCTION reconstructs the contents of physical volumes using the dump volumes produced by the volume dumper facility. You can use it in ring 1 only. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -disk_model STR where STR is the type of disk being reloaded. following: STR must be one of the 3380 3381 d400 d402 d451 d500 d501 If not specified, the registration inf ormation f or the physical volume to be reloaded is used. This control argument is not allowed when more than one physical volume is being. reloaded. 11/86 4-62 GB64-00A reload_volume reload_volume -error_on specifies that error messages are written to the error_output switch as well as the segment. (Default: off) -input_volume_desc STR where STR is an attach description for the dump volumes the reloader reads. The dump volume name is inserted in the specified attach description at the first occurrence of the string ""a" within the attach description. The default attach description is -manual specifies that the dump volumes are requested by the reloader, rather than being automatically determined. If there are no more dump volumes to' read, type a period. -no_detach specifies that, at the completion of the reload, neither the dump volume nor the physical volume are detached. This control argument is not allowed when more than one physical volume is being reloaded. (Default: off) -no_object specifies that segments and directories are not read from the dump volumes and thus not written to the physical volume. In this case only· the VTOC is reloaded. (Default: segments and directories are read) -operator STR specifies the name of the user doing the reload. (Required) -output_volume_desc STR where STR is an attach description for the physical volume the reloader writes. The physical volume name is inserted at the first occurrence of the string ""a" in the attach description, and the type at the second occurrence. The default attach description is rdisk_ Aa Aa -write -system -pvname STR1 STR2...STRs specifies the name(s) of the physical volume(s) to be reloaded. You can give it more than once. (Required) 11/86 4-63 GB64-OOA reload_volume reload_volume -pvname_device STRPl STRDl. ..STRPs STRDs -pvdv STRPl STRDl. .. STRPs STRDs specifies the name(s) of the physical volume(s) to be reloaded and what device(s) the volume(s) will be on. STRPs and STRDs make up an ordered pair list of pvname (STRPs) followed by the device name (STRDs) that will contain the physical volume (e.g., -pvdv pubOl dska_OOa pub02 dska_OOb). This control argument is useful when reloading devices that have fixed media, and is the only way to reload a physical volume to a subvolume of a device. You can do this only with the default output attach description. You must set the device usage for "ip" by using the set_drive_usage command. If you use -pvdv, there is no need to use the Multics assign_resource command. -restart specifies that the reloader is restarted using control information contained in the control segment in the working directory; the suffix "control" is assumed if not specified. Use -restart only if a system failure occurs during a reload sequence. (Default: off) • -workinlLdir, -wd specifies that the volume backup databases are to be searched relative to the working directory. You can use -wd to cause reloading of physical volumes that do not belong to the currently mounted storage system. All specified physical volumes must "belong" to the same RPV. (Default: to search relative to the >ddd>volume_backup directory) NOTES When you are doing a volume reload of a single physical volume that resides on an MSU 500/501 disk drive, you must use the assign_resource command to assign the disk_drive resource on which you want the physical volume to reside after the reload. For this assignment to succeed, the operator must have set both this disk_drive resource and its partner on the shared spindle to "ion with the set_drive_usage command. Since assign_resource is only available in ring 4, this restriction does not apply to ring 1 reloads. The volume reloader can use a preinitialized disk pack (initialized by the init_vol command) as an output medium. 11/86 4-64 GB64-OOA reply remove Name: remove SYNT AX AS A COMMAND remove channel_idl {channel id2 channe 1 i dN} FUNCTION controls communications channels for login. slave, autocall, or ftp service. Specifically, it directs the answering service to stop using specified channels or making them available. Any user logged in on one of these channels is logged out immediately with no message. This command can be used in ring 4 only. ARGUMENTS channel_idi are the names of the channels to be removed. (See the Multics System AM81. for information on channel names.) The channel_id arguments may be either terminal channel names or network channel names. Mai ntenance Procedures manual, Order No. NOTES The remove command sometimes succeeds where bump and detach fail, because it uses different mechanisms for destroying the user's process. This command should not be used unless the user complains of channel trouble and cannot be bumped. Once a channel is removed, the telephone associated with the channel will not answer and the channel cannot be used for logins again until an attach command reattaches it to the answering service. Name: reply, r SYNT AX AS A COMMAND r source rest of 1 ine FUNCTION sends an input line to a specified source and sends a wakeup to that source. command can be used in ring 4 only. 4-65 This GB64-00 reply reregister ARGUMENTS source is the source to which the input. line is to be sent. rest_of _line is the input line to be sent. Name: reregister SYNT AX AS A COMMAND reregister volume_name drive name FUNCTION regenerates volume registration information. This command can be used in ring 1 only. ARGUMENTS volume_name is the name of a physical volume. drive_name has the form _ , e.g., dska_02. NOTES This command reads the label of the volume on the specified drive name. If it is a valid label for the volume whose name is given, the registration data is refabricated from the label and the drive is left in the known state. This command should only be used to re-create logical volume registration information if it has been lost because of a system crash or other mishap. The reregister command can registration, master directory segment. If the registration informed so that he can run volume registration. re-create the logical volume registration, physical volume control segment. and the link to the access control data was damaged, the system administrator should be the register_mdir command or correct any errors in the Volumes that are accepted by bootload (the volumes listed on the root config card) are registered automatically and cannot be registered manually. 4-66 GB64-00 reroute reroute Name: reroute SYNT AX AS A COMMAND reroute source stream old vcons new_vcons FUNCTION reroutes output from a source· to a new virtual console. Do not confuse this command with the redefine and subs tty commands. This command can be used in ring 4 only. ARGUMENTS source is the name of the source of output. stream is the name of the stream on which output is being carried. old_vcons is the name of the virtual console that was receiving output. new_vcons is the name of the virtual console to which output is now to be routed. NOTES This command changes the routing table so that the output from "source" on stream "stream" is sent to the virtual console "new_vcons" instead of "old_vcons." The reroute command is equivalent to typing the sequence: deroute source stream old vcons route source stream new_vcons This command can not be used to reroute Rep messages and other syserr traffic from the bootload console to an initializer terminal. 4-67 GB64-00 route reset Name: reset SYNT AX AS A COMMAND reset FUNCTION resets the answering service. If an unexpected fault happens, it is possible that the initializer will not react correctly. The reset command is therefore issued to reset the initializer process and restart all message coordinator terminals. This command can be used in ring 4 only. Name: route SYNT AX AS A COMMAND route source stream vcons FUNCTION sends the output from a specific source to a designated virtual console. This command can be used in ring 4 only. ARGUMENTS source is the name of the source of output. stream is the name of the stream on which output is being carried. vcons is the name of the virtual console to which output is to be routed. NOTES If no entry for source or for stream under source exists in the message routing table (MRT), one is created. There may be up to 16 sources. Each source may have up to eight streams, and each stream may have up to eight virtual consoles. Vcons must have been previously defined. It is added to the virtual console list for stream. 4-68 GB64-00 Name: salvage_dirs, salv SYNTAX AS A COMMAND salv FUNCTION salvages the directory hierarchy. The salvaging is performed in the initializer process. This command can be issued in ring 1 only. All physical volumes of the RLV must be accepted before this command can operate. If invoked, it attempts to mount all RLV volumes. This command should be used only during critical storage system recovery operation. Salvaging is normally performed automatically by the system when needed. If optional salvaging is desired (e.g., for directory compaction) the x repair exec command should be used. Name: salvage_vol SYNTAX AS A COMMAND salvage_vol volume_name drive_name {-control_args} or salvage_vol -all {-control_args} FUNCTION volume salvages a physical volume. This command can be used in ring 1 or ring 4 and should only be used at the direction of the Site Administrator for storage system recovery. (See the Multics System Maintenance Procedures manual, Order No. AM81, for more information.) ARGUMENTS volume_name is the name of a physical volume. drive_name has the form _ . 4-69 GB64-OO CONTROL ARGUMENTS -all all known and assumed physical volumes are salvaged. -console outputs to the syserr console instead of to the printer. -copy drive salvages an inactive copy of an active volume on a drive. -debug for system programmer use only. -dump dumps damaged objects. -noconsole overrides the salv configuration card. This card can supply some default options. -nodebug overrides the salv configuration card. -nodump SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION converts a disk drive from storage system use to user input/output use, or vice versa, while the system is running. You can use it in ring 1 or 4. ARGUMENTS drive_name is the name of the drive whose use is to be changed. _ , e.g., dska_OS. 11/86 4-70 It has the form GB64-o0A usage_type can be one of the following: io converts the specified drive to user input/ output use. This drive must be a storage system drive. The drive cannot have a known or accepted physical volume on it; if one is present, use the del_Iv and del_vol commands to remove it before issuing io. Once converted, this drive remains a user input/ output drive until you issue sdu again. storage_system, ss converts the specified drive to storage system use. This drive must be a user input/ output drive. The drive cannot be assigned to any process; you can use the rcp command to find out You can use the "x deny" command to forcibly remove the drive from any user process to which it may be attached. Once converted, this drive remains a storage system drive until you issue sdu again. NOTES Drives in use by the storage system appear as "storage system" to rcp, which means that they are unavailable for users. Drives assigned to user input/output use appear as "Cio drive)" to the list_disks command. SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION defines the set of logical volumes available for process directory segments. You can use it in ring 4 only. ARGUMENTS Iv_nameN is the name of one or more mounted public logical volumes to be used for process directory segments. I NOTES Process directories are assigned to logical volumes in proportion to the number of physical volumes in each logical volume. Volumes specified by this command must have adequate space available to hold that proportion of process directory segments. 11/86 4-71 GB64-o0A shift Any existing set of process directory volumes is replaced by this command. Only mounted public logical volumes can be made available for process directory segments. If none of the specified volumes is suitable, the existing set of process directory volumes is not replaced. Invoke this command at each bootload operation; it is, however, automatically invoked at each bootload if your site is running the system-supplied See the add_pdir_volume, del_pdir_volume, and vacate_pdir_volume commands. Name: shift SYNTAX AS A COMMAND shift or shift {shift_number} {time} or . shift auto FUNCTION sets and prints the shift and the time of the next scheduled shift change, thus overriding the values in the shift table. See the system administrator before using it. You can use it in ring 4 only. ARGUMENTS shift_num ber is the number of the shift to change to. This argument must be from 0 to 7, and must also be one of the shifts normally used at your site, for which billing rates are defined in installation_parms. time is the time of the next shift change. It is a clock reading, acceptable to convert_date_to_binary_. Enclose it in quotes if it contains spaces. This argument cannot be more than one week in the future. auto is a literal string that causes the system to use the value of the shift and the shift change time specified in the shift table. 11/86 4-72 GB64-OOA shift shift NOTES When the system is started up. a shift command from a previous bootload remains in effect until the specified time. To change the shift without changing the· time. type: shift shift_number To change the shift and the shift change time to the regularly scheduled values (specified in the shift table), type: shift auto To cause the shift and the next shift change time to be displayed, type: shift The message: shift shift_number until time is printed in response to all three forms of the shift command. If the shift or the time have been changed, their new values are displayed. The best time to execute the shift command is shortly (about one minute) before a regularly scheduled shift change. If the shift command must be executed in the middle of a shift, then notice should be given by executing it at the beginning of that shift, using the regular shift number and the time of the anticipated unscheduled shift change. 4-73 GB64-00 shift shutdown EXAMPLES If shift 1 runs from 0800 to 1800 every day, and you want to run shift 3 from 1800 Sunday to 0800 Tuesday because of a Monday holiday, then at 1759 Sunday, type: sh i f t 3 "Tuesday 0800. all However. if the change to shift 3 is to occur at 1500 Sunday, then at 0759 Sunday. type: sh i f t 1 1500. a and then at 1459 Sunday, type: shift 3 IITuesday 0800.0 11 The reason for the above procedures is that some users' programs k~ep track of the shift and the time it is to change, and update their shift information at each change (that they know about). Using the shift command a minute before a scheduled change causes these programs to operate with incorrect information for less than a minute. while using it just after a scheduled change leaves these programs with incorrect information for the remainder of the shift. Name: shutdown~ shut SYNTAX AS A COMMAND shut FUNCTION is used after all users are logged out to make a normal exit from Multics. If any users are still logged in, the system asks if you really want to shut down. Usually. you should not. Answering "yes" causes the system to shut down. Answering "no" returns the system to initializer command level so that the logged in users can be bumped. This command can be used in ring 1 or ring 4. NOTES The shutdown command should be issued only after a stop command, unless this is the end of a special session in which a startup or a multics command was never iSSUed. 4-74 GB64-00 Name: sign_off SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION used by operators to sign off as operator on a message coordinator terminal. Further commands on this terminal are not accepted until the terminal is signed on again with the sign_on command. Use it at the terminal from which you previously entered a sign_on command. You can use it only in ring 4. SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION used by operators to sign on as an operator on a message coordinator terminal. It provides an identification and authentication function for persons logging in as operators. You can use it only in ring 4. ARGUMENTS Person_id is the user's registered personal identifier. argument if you don't give it The command prompts for this NOTES The command prompts for a password. You should respond with your assigned password. Typing a password of "quit" terminates the sign_on attempt Only those users with the "operator" attribute enabled in the PNT may sign on as operators. 11/86 4-75 GB64-o0A standard Name: standard, stan SYNTAX AS A COMMAND stan FUNCTION causes the initializer to cross to the user ring from ring 1 so that additional commands may then be issued. This command causes the entire RLV to be mounted, if not already accepted. This command can be used in ring 1 only. Name: start_mpx SYNTAX AS A COMMAND start_mpx name FUNCTION causes a multiplexer that is already initialized (loaded) to be made active, and all channels configured on it to be listened to. This command can be used after a load_mpx command that was issued with the -no_start argument, or after a stop_mpx command, to reverse the effect of the latter command. For a multiplexer that is not initialized, the load_mpx command must be issued before the start_mpx command. This command can be used in ring 4 only. ARGUMENTS name designates the multiplexer that is to be activated. All the channels in the CDr that match the starname name... will be listened to. 4-76 GB64-00 stop startup Name: startup, star SYNT AX AS A COMMAND star FUNCTION causes all logical volumes that were mounted at the time of the last shutdown to be automatically mounted. It also initializes the answering service. This command is usually the first thing you type when you are bringing up Multics for a normal user session. This command can be used in ring 1 or ring 4. All parts of the are executed in response to the startup command. Part 1 (those commands executed before the answering service is started) is executed before answering service initialization. Part 2 (those commands executed after the answering service is ready but before logins are accepted) is then executed: then all terminal channels are instructed to answer. After the terminal channels have been started, part 3 (those commands executed after the telephone lines are answered) is executed. Name: stop SYNTAX AS A COMMAND stop FUNCTION begins the shutdown process. The stop command also executes a "word shutdown" command, so that no more users may log in. The system automatically executes a "bump * * 3" to bump all users, giving them a three minute warning. Users with the nobump privilege are not bumped. This command can be used in ring 4 only. EXAMPLES Typing the stop command causes all users to get a message of the form: From Operator: Multics will shut down in 3 minutes The next step in the shutdown procedure is to let the absentee users finish up and log out, and then log the daemons out. Then, type the shutdown command. 4-77 GB64-00 stop Issuing the stop command again will not cause the bump to be signalled again or the message to be resent. If all users are logged out, the stop command responds: admin: all users are out. You may shut down. If you type stop and then change your mind. type the following: unbump ,'~ ,', "shutdown cancelled" word login When you set a down time. an automatic abs stop is scheduled for 20 minutes before that time. Absentee jobs are given an additional 10 minutes to complete after all interactive users have been bumped. In explaining initializer messages elsewhere, it is usually stated that the time for an automatic abs stop is 30 minutes before the system is to shut down. Name: stop_mpx SYNT AX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION causes the specified multiplexer to be made inactive. This makes the multiplexer stop listening for further calls on its dialup channels if it is up and running; it inhibits listening to the channels after a bootload, if one is in progress; it prevents automatic reloading of the multiplexer if it crashes (or is crashed by the dump_mpx command); and if issued before startup, it prevents the loading of the multiplexer during startup. Users currently logged in over the multiplexer channels are not affected. This command can be used in ring 4 only. ARGUMENTS name specifies the multiplexer that is to be made inactive. 4-78 GB64-00 substty NOTES To bump all users logged in over channels of this multiplexer (see the bump command for more information), type: stop_mpx name bump mpx name {mm} {message} This sequence of the two commands stop_mpx and bump· mpx is the recommended method of taking a multiplexer out of service while Multics remains up. Hardwired channels normally appear to be dialed up at all times; such channels are not affected by the stop_mpx command. The effect of the stop_mpx command can be reversed by issuing the start_mpx command, provided that the multiplexer remains running during the time it is out of service. If it does not remain running, the load_mpx command must be used to return it to service. Name: substty SYNTAX AS A COMMAND substty channel_idl channel id2 FUNCTION substitutes one message coordinator terminal channel for another. Do not confuse this command with the redefine or reroute commands. This command can be used in ring 4 only. ARGUMENTS channel_idl is the name of the communication channel to be dropped. channel_id2 is the name of the channel to be attached (see the Multics System Maintenance Procedures manual, Order No. AM8l, for information on channel names). All ouput queued for channel_idl is placed in the queue f orchannel_id2. This command cannot be used on multiplexer channels. 4-79 GB64-OD substty sysid EXAMPLES being used is connected to channel_id a.h100, and its printing mechanism jams, you can take the following steps. To switch all output to another device, e.g., a.h102, dial the terminal connected to channel_id a.h102 to the initializer (if it is controlled by the answering service) and then type: If the terminal substty a.hlOO a.hl02 If the bootload console is being used as one of the message coordinator terminals and it breaks, you ca..., switch its output to another terminal, as in the above example, using "otw_" for channel_id1: substty otw_ a.hl02 Switch the bootload console's output to another terminal only if there is no alternate bootload console. Name: sysid SYNTAX AS A COMMAND sysid name FUNCTION changes the system ID typed out by the who command and when users dial up. You can use it in ring 4 only. ARGUMENTS name is the new system ID. 11/86 4-80 GB64-00A terminate terminate N arne: terminate, term SYNTAX AS A COMMAND term target {message} FUNCTION causes the initializer to destroy a user's process and create a new one. It has the effect of a new_proc command given in the user's process. If the user's process is not currently connected to a terminal, it is logged out. This command can be used in ring 4 only. ARGUMENTS target must be one of the following: Person_id.Project_id, Person_id Project_id terminates the user with the specified name and project. The star convention may be used for either or both names. channel_id terminates the user on the channel whose name is channel_id. These names can be either terminal channel names or network channel names. (See the Multics System Maintenance Procedures manual, Order No. AM81, for informati ". Users who have been bumped but still have some of their warning time left before automatic logout are flagged with "X". Disconnected or suspended processes (interactive or absentee) are indicated by "OS". "S" indicates that the user has secondary status. The absence of a flag indicates a user with primary status. Absentee users are listed after interactive users. Each absentee is flagged with "A", the user_id is followed by the name of the absin file in parentheses, and the queue and slot number are indicated instead of terminal and channel names. Daemon users are listed last; each daemon is flagged with "0" and its source identifier shown. 11/86 4-87 GB64-o0A who word EXAMPLES The following is a sample of the output produced when you invoke who without arguments: Login at 10/20/81 1206.8 10/21/81 0957.3 1007·9 1020.6 1021 .2 1132 • 7 1133.6 2030·3 Group TTY Load Chan none H19 none none none Q 3 cord bk 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 0.5 1 .0 0·5 1.5 c.h118 System a. 1002 SysProg c.h003 Fourth a.h022 SysAdm a.hI00 Third absl cord . Dummy System bk PNDS > OS S -+-N A D D User 10 Opr.Operator SHawkins.Multics CBrinkley.MNA AuIin.SysAdmin 1cStudent43. C1ass Blackbird.STY 10.SysOaemon Backup.SysOaemon Name: word SYNTAX AS A COMMAND word {login_word} {message} FUNCTION changes the login word, or the dialup buffer typed out when a user dials up, or both. You can use it only in ring 4. ARGUMENTS * . login_word is a new login word that is set. If you set the login word· to shutdown, no users are allowed to log in; if a user dials up, he is told that the system is shutting down and his terminal is hung up immediately. If you give no login_word, the current one is displayed along with the message if you gave one. message is a message string to which the dialup buffer is set If you give it, and if login_word is "login," the message buffer is reset; if login_word is "shutdown," the message buffer is set to "Multics is shutting down"; if login_word is anything else, the message buffer is set to "Special session in progress. tt 11/86 4-88 GB64-OOA word word EXAMPLES To leave the login word as normal, but to type a message to all users at login, type: word login Only one CPU until 1300 To set up a special session, type: word secret Test session until 0945 To see the current values of the word and the message, type: word 11/86 4-89 GB64-00A SECTION 5 INITIALIZER EXEC COMMANDS The commands in this section can be used only when communicating with the initializer process. They are defined within an exec_com ( and require that you type "exec" or "x" prior to typing the command. The usual method of communicating with the initializer process is through an initializer terminal. The bootload console is used as the first initializer terminal. When Multics is first booted and the initializer process is active in ring 1, the initializer process uses the bootload console for input/output. Once the initializer process moves to ring 4, the administrator can select another terminal as the inititalizer terminal. (The administrator can also select multiple terminals to be used as initializer terminals.) If the administrator does not explicitly select an initializer terminal, the bootload console is used as the initializer terminal. It is important to note that the commands in this section can only be used when the initializer is operating in ring 4. (See Section 1 for a description of how to use the initializer exec commands when not at an initializer terminal; see also Section 1 for a description of how to submit a non-initializer command to the initializer process.) 5-1 GB64-00 attended auth Name: attended, attend SYNTAX AS A COMMAND x attend FUNCTION reverses the effect of the unattended command. It adds the tape drives, turns off the unattended flag in the BeE flagbox, and clears the "Unattended service" greeting message. Name: auth SYNT AX AS A COMMAND x auth device authentication_characters FUNCTION authenticates a tape or disk volume, i.e., verifies that the correct volume has been mounted. The system asks you to authenticate the volume whenever the volume name in the volume label does not match the volume name that was requested. ARGUMENTS device is the name of the device on which the volume is mounted. authentication_characters is an encoded form of the volume name. conslstmg of three alphabetic characters for tape drives, or the characters described in "Notes" below for disks. NOTES Use of the volume authentication feature requires that labels displaying the volume name and corresponding authentication characters be pasted on each tape volume in use at the site. See the make_volume_labels command. The effect of typing the correct authentication characters is to indicate to the system that you have mounted a volume whose name matches the requested name, and that it is safe to ignore the volume name on the label. 5-2 GB64-00 auth auth The authentication characters for disk volumes correspond to the label type specified in the authentication request message. The allowable characters are: "ss", "io", "urd", and "urg" corresponding to label types of Storage System. 10, UnReaDable, or UnReGistered respectively. If you wish to deny authentication you may use the authentication characters "no". If authentication is requested for a tape volume that does not have authentication characters displayed on it, an authentication character string consisting of three asterisks (***) may be given, to force authentication to be bypassed for that volume. Routine use of this feature should be discouraged because it lessens the security of the system. If none of the tape volumes at the site have authentication characters displayed on them, the authentication feature can be disabled by the system administrator until the tape volumes have been properly labeled. EXAMPLES RCP: RCP: Mount reel inc-9 with ring on tape_02 for Backup.SysDaemon. Authenticate tape_02. It has Multics label inc_9. x auth tape_02 CVQ In this example, Backup.SysDaemon has called for a tape named inc-9. The previous user of that tape spelled its name (incorrectly) with an underscore (inc_9) rather than a hyphen. and that name was written in the volume label. The "real" name of the tape is inc-9 (with a hyphen) and the authentication characters, CVQ, correspond to that name. By supplying the authentication characters using the x auth command. the operator has verified that the tape that was mounted is really inc-9 (with a hyphen) even though the volume label claims it is inc_9 (with an underscore). RCP: RCP: Mount Pack k202 without protect on dska_02 for Joe.Multics.a. Authenticate dska 02 for Joe.Mu1tics.a. I t has UnReaDab 1e -1 abe 1 . (User reques ted vo 1ume k202) . x auth dska_02 urd In this example Joe.Multics.a asked for disk pack k202 to be mounted on dksa_02. The pack that was mounted had an unreadable label so Rep asked for authentication. By supplying the authentication "urd" the operator has verified that the mounted disk pack is really k202 and may be used as an io disk by Joe. Multics.a. 5-3 GB64-00 auth auto Operator authentication is necessary for all I/O disk mounts. message will specify the label type of the disk pack as either: The authentication Storage System copy of Storage System 10 UnReaDable UnReGistered You must use the authentication code which corresponds to the capitalized letters in the label type, although you may type them in lower case. Thus, the authentication codes are: ss io urd urg You may deny authentication if an incorrect pack was mounted (or for any other valid reason) by using the authentication code "no". Rep: Authenticate dska_Ol for Johnson.SysAdmin.a It has UnReGistered label k202. x auth dska_Ol urg Name: auto SYNT AX AS A COMMAND x auto mode FUNCTION turns the automatic reboot mode on or off. When auto reboot mode is on, the system automatically takes a dump and (if possible) reboots itself after a crash. When auto reboot mode is off, the system pauses in BeE awaiting operator action after a crash. 5-4 GB64-00 cat auto ARGUMENTS mode can be either "on" or "off". EXAMPLES x auto on turns on automatic reboot mode. Name: cat SYNTAX AS A COMMAND x cat initials tape {date time} FUNCTION causes the hierarchy dumper to perform a catchup dump. If the incremental hierarchy dumper is running, it must be ended {r bk end_dump} before the catchup dump can begin. When the catchup dump is completed, the incremental dump cycle is automatically started. The hierarchy subtrees dumped are the same ones that are dumped by the incremental dumper; the same dump control file is used for both. ARGUMENTS initials are the user's name or initials (up to 16 characters). tape is the name of the first tape to be used. date time is the optional date and time from which the catchup dump is to be made. The default is to dump all objects modified since midnight of the day preceding the current day (i.e., between 24 and 48 hours ago). EXAMPLES x cat ebw cat-1a 12/14/77 1930.0 performs a catchup dump of all segments (in the specified subtrees) modified since 12/14/77 at 19:30. The first tape to be written will be cat-lao The user's initials are ebw. 5-5 GB64-00 complete_ volume consolidated_ volume Name: complete_volume. veomp SYNT AX AS A COMMAND x vcomp initials FUNCTION causes the volume dumper to perform a complete volume dump. A new Volume_Dumper.Daemon process is logged in to perform the dump: thus, it can be run concurrently with other volume dumper operations. ARGUMENTS initials are the user's name or initials. NOTES The tapes to be used for the dump are selected automatically by the volume dumper. The oldest available tapes, in a pool reserved for the use of the volume dumper, are selected. If no tapes in the pool are available, you are asked for a new tape and it is added to the pool. EXAMPLES x vcomp ebw where the user's initials are ebw. Name: eonsolidated_ volume, veons SYNT AX AS A COMMAND x vcons initials FUNCTION causes the volume dumper to perform a consolidated volume dump. A new Volume_Dumper. Daemon process is logged in to perform the dump; thus it can be run concurrently with other volume dumper operations. See the note under the complete_volume command describing the volume dumper tape pool. ARGUMENTS initials are the user's name or initials. 5-6 GB64-00 consolidated_ volume EXAMPLES x vcons ebw where the user's initials are ebw. Name: copy_dump SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION copies all dumps from the DUMP partItIOn into the hierarchy (into the directory >dumps). Use of this command is usually unnecessary. since a dump, if present in the DUMP partition, is copied into >dumps automatically at startup time. However, there are some circumstances (e.g., a crash just before a scheduled shutdown, or a crash during startup) where use of this command may be advisable. This command operates properly before startup, provided that the standard command has been iSSUed. The DUMP partition has limited space for dumps. Therefore, dumps should be copied out as soon as they are produced to make room for new dumps. Name: delete_dump, dd SYNT AX AS A COMMAND x dd number FUNCTION deletes a dump from >dumps. It should be used as directed by the system administrator and system programmers, to delete dumps that have been printed or analyzed by online dump analysis tools. ARGUMENTS number is the number of the dump to be deleted. 5-7 GB64-00 echoplex EXAMPLES x dd 55 deletes dump number 55 from >dumps. Name: deny SYNTAX AS A COMMAND x deny device FUNCTION forcibly unassigns an I/O device from a user process. It should be used when the device is not operating properly or when it is not possible to mount the requested volume on the device. This causes the process to be signaled, allowing the program using the device to take some appropriate action rather then waiting indefinitely for the device to respond. ARGUMENTS device is the name of the device to be unassigned. EXAMPLES Name: echoplex SYNT AX AS A COMMAND x echop 1ex {} FUNCTION puts an initializer terminal in or out of echoplex (full duplex) mode. used on the bootload console. It cannot be ARGUMENTS " " causes an initializer terminal to be taken out of echoplex mode. 5-8 GB64-00 echoplex inc EXAMPLES x echoplex x echoplex put an initializer terminal into, and out of, echoplex mode. respectively. Name: end_dump SYNT AX AS A COMMAND x end_dump source id FUNCTION terminates the specified volume or hierarchy incremental dumper daemon. detaching the tape and cleaning up. ARGUMENTS source_id is the source_id of the Backup.SysDaemon Volume_Dumper.Daemon (usually vinc). (usually nbkn) or the Name: inc SYNT AX AS A COMMAND x inc initials tape FUNCTION causes the hierarchy dumper to perform an incremental dump and then set a timer that causes incremental dumps to be performed every 60 minutes. The subtrees to be dumped are those listed in the segment sys_dirs.dump in Backup.SysDaemon's working directory. ARGUMENTS initials are the user's name or initials. tape is the name of the first tape to be used. 5-9 GB64-00 incremental_ volume inc EXAMPLES x inc ebw ine-9 causes the incremental dumper to start. The first tape used will be inc-9. The user's ini tials are ebw. Name: ineremental_volume, vine SYNTAX AS A COMMAND x vine initials FUNCTION causes the volume dumper to perform an incremental volume dump and then set a timer that causes incremental volume dumps to be performed every 60 minutes. See the note under the complete_ volume command describing the volume dumper tape pool. ARGUMENTS initials are the user's name or initials. NOTES The command fIr vine end_ volume_dump" must be given to terminate an incremental volume dump properly, before the dumper process is logged out. Failure to do this causes unpredictable errors to occur when the dumper process is logged out. EXAMPLES x vine ebw where the user's initials are ebw. 5-10 GB64-00 meter io l\ame: io SYNTAX AS A COMMAND x io FUNCTION causes the printer daemons to start operating. by initializing the I/O coordinator process and a driver process for prta. Name: iol SYNTAX AS A COMMAND x i 01 FUNCTION causes the printer and punch daemons to start operating. by initializing the I/O coordinator and driver processes for prta and puna. * Name: meter SYNTAX AS A COMMAND x meter FUNCTION sets up the system in preparation for a performance metering run. It should only be * used at the direction of the system administrator or system programmers. 5-11 GB64-00 print_queues Name: print_queues, pq SYNT AX AS A COMMAND x pq {l dr _args} FUNCTION causes the number of requests in each of the dprint queues to be displayed. ARGUMENTS Idr_args are any of the arguments acceptable to the list_daemon_requests command, described in the Multics Commands and Active Functions manual, Order No. AG92. Name: punch, puna SYNT AX AS A COMMAND x puna FUNCTION causes the punch daemon to start operating, by initializing a driver process for puna. It is assumed that the I/O coordinator has already been started. See the io and io1 exec commands. Name: punch_end, end_punch SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION halts the puna driver and detaches the card punch device. 5-12 GB64-00 repair Name: punch_restart SYNT AX AS A COMMAND x punch_restart FUNCTION attaches the card punch device and starts the puna driver (i.e.. it reverses the effect of the end_punch command). Name: read_cards, cards, rc SYNT AX AS A COMMAND x rc FUNCTION logs in Card_InpuLDaemon and causes that daemon to attach the card reader and start reading cards. Name: repair SYNT AX AS A COMMAND x repair key dir nprocs {salvager_arguments} FUNCTION starts (or stops) a multiprocess hierarchy repair. The repair can consist of an online directory salvage. a quota_used correction. or both. The repair may be performed over the entire hierarchy or any subtree. Up to 36 Salvager.SysDaemon processes may participate in the repair. so that it is completed as rapidly as possible. This command should only be used at the direction of the system administrator or the system programmers. ARGUMENTS key can be one of the following: salv performs a directory salvage 5-13 GB64-00 repair reprint quota perf orms a quota_used correction salvquota performs both stop stops a repair that is in progress dir is the directory at the top of the subtree to be repaired. nprocs is the number of processes to be used (1 to 36). salvager _argumen ts are arguments acceptable to the salvag_dir command. argument, -compact. The default is the single NOTES Any of these operations automatically collates and sorts all output, and dprints the result to "SALV -OUTPUT" and "SALV -ONLINE", being salvager output and online error messages and quota_corrections, respectively. The outputs are kept in the directory >udd>SysDaemon>Salvager, and automatically deleted when they become two weeks old. Name: reprint, rep SYNTAX AS A COMMAND x rep segment user FUNCTION reenters a dprint request. It can be used to reprint a user's request if the original copy was damaged in some way during printing and the damage was not noticed in time to have the I/O daemon restart the request. ARGUMENTS segment is the full pathname of the segment to be printed. user is the user's name and project; the first 12 letters are printed in large letters on the head sheet. 5-14 GB64-00 reprint EXAMPLES x rep >udd>Operator>ebw>system_usage Winslow.Operator causes a copy of the specified segment to be reprinted for Winslow. Operator. Name: reset_phcs_access, rpa SYNTAX AS A -COMMAND FUNCTION removes a user from the ACL of phcs_. It should be used at the direction of the system administrator. when a user who has been given access to phcs_ temporarily no longer needs it. See the description of the set_phcs_access exec command. ARGUMENTS Person_ide Project_id is the User_id of the user to be removed from the ACL of phcs_. EXAMPLES x rpa Greenberg.Multics removes Greenberg.Multics from the ACL of phcs_. Name: reset_tabs, tabs, rt SYNTAX AS A COMMAND x rt FUNCTION sets the terminal type of an initializer terminal to TN300 and sets the tabs. It should only be used, of course, if the terminal being used as an initializer terminal is a TermiNet 300. Typing on a TermiNet initializer terminal without waiting for the OPER: message sometimes causes the tabs to be cleared, requiring use of this command to reset them. 5-15 GB64-00 scav I"ame: scay SYNT AX AS A COMMAND x scav {scavenger_arguments} FUNCTION starts a physical volume scavenge. ARGUMENTS scavenger_argumen ts are arguments acceptable to the scavenge_vol command. EXAMPLES To log in a daemon to scavenge the root physical volume (rpv) during a period of heavy load: x scav rpv -nopt To log in a daemon to scavenge all physical volumes of the mounted logical volume Public during a period of heavy load: x scav -lv Public -nopt To log in a daemon to scavenge all mounted volumes with volume inconsistencies during a period of light load: x scav -all -auto SYNT AX AS A COMMAND x sfdn number FUNCTION sets the next available dump number. ARGUMENTS number is the number to be assigned to the next dump. 5-16 GB64-0( unattended EXAMPLES x sfdn 56 sets the next dump number to 56. Name: set_phcs_access, spa SYNT AX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION gives a user re access to the phcs_ gate. This command should only be used at the direction of the system administrator. ARGUMENTS Person_id.Projec t_id is the User_id of the user to be given phcs_ access. EXAMPLES x spa Greenberg.Multics gives Greenberg.Multics re access to phcs_. Name: unattended, unattend SYNT AX AS A COMMAND x unattend FUNCTION sets up the system for unattended service. It deletes all the tape drives, turns on the unattended and auto-reboot flags in the BeE flagbox, and sets the greeting message to "Unattended service". 5-17 GB64-00 Name: wakeup_dump SYNTAX AS A COMMAND x wakeup_dump source id FUNCTION invokes the specified volume or hierarchy incremental dumper daemon. ARGUMENTS source_id of the Backup.SysDaemon is the source_id Volume_Dumper.Daemon (usually vinc). 5-18 (usually "bkU) or the GB64-Q( SECTION 6 I/O DAEMON COMMANDS The commands in this section can be used only when communicating with the I/O daemon (i.e., the I/O daemon coordinator and drivers). The I/O daemon is logged in either automatically at system startup time (via the or by the operator using the daemon user_id and the coordinator or driver source_id. At most sites, the I/O daemon is logged in by means of the initializer terminal. Since the initializer terminal can control multiple processes (via the message coordinator), this method avoids the need for a terminal to be dedicated to the I/O daemon. Alternatively, you can log in the I/O daemon from any remote terminal. However, in this case, that terminal is dedicated to communication with the I/O daemon process and cannot be used for other purposes. The I/O daemon is composed of a "coordinator" and one or more "drivers." The Operator's Guide to Multics, Order No. GB61 describes the most common procedures for communicating with the coordinator and the driver(s). This section contains a description of both coordinator commands and driver commands. There are only eight coordinator commands, as follows: logout 1 i st print_devices wait status term restart status help start The coordinator commands are identified as such in the individual command descriptions. All other commands are driver commands. You should note that in the case of logout and help there is a coordinator command and a driver command of the same name. (See Section 1 for a description of how to submit an I/O daemon command when in the initializer command environment.) 6-1 GB64-00 Name: auto_queue SYNT AX AS A COMMAND auto_queue FUNCTION controls whether output files received by this driver are (1) automatically printed or punched locally or (2) scanned for Multics control records and placed in system pool storage f or online perusal. ARGUMENTS switch_value must be chosen from: yes automatically queue the files for printing/punching; do not scan for control records, or no scan the output files for Multics control records and store them in system pool storage for online perusal: do not automatically queue files for prin ting/ punching. SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION displays or sets the length of time the driver will wait to issue the start command automatically after receiving a quit signal. An automatic start is cancelled if command input is received. ARGUMENTS N is the desired delay time in seconds. N must be at least 30 seconds. The default delay time is 60 seconds. When no argument is given, the current delay time is displayed. 6-2 GB64-00 banner _type banner _bars Name: banner_bars SYNT AX AS A COMMAND banner_bars {minor_device} {arg} FUNCTION used by printer drivers to establish how the separator bars at the bottom of the head sheet are to be printed. Printers that can overstrike should use "double" (this is the default). Other printers should use single. ARGUMENTS minor _device is a minor device name (as shown by the status command) and is required if there is more than one printer minor device: arg can be one of the following separator types: double overstrikes each separator line. single single strikes each separator line. none suppresses separator lines. -print if arg is not given. or if a single arg "-print", is given, the current value is printed. Name: banner_type SYNTAX AS A COMMAND banner_type {minor_device} {key} FUNCTION used by printer drivers to change the information printed on the front and back of each copy of a request. 6-3 GB64-00 banner_type cancel ARGUMENTS minor_device is a minor device name (as shown by the status command) and is required if there is more than one printer minor device; key must be one of the following: standard prints the normal head and tail sheets none prints nothing except banner_bars command) the separator bars, if required (according to the brief prin ts a short version of the head and tail sheets -print if arg is not given, or if a single arg "-print", is given, the current value is printed. Name: cancel SYNTAX AS A COMMAND cancel FUNCTION terminates the request that the driver is currently processing. The request is not placed in the coordinator's saved list and thus cannot be restarted later. This command is only valid after a quit signal, or at request command level. NOTES After completing the command, the driver looks for another request to process. (In step mode, it returns to command level.) 6-4 GB64-00 copy ~ame: clean_pool SYNT AX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION applies to drivers that can read user card decks. It allows the operator to delete all segments in the system card pool that have been there more than a specified number of days. This command is available for the master terminal only. ARGUMENTS N is the maximum length of time in days for segments to be retained in the system card pool. All segments that have been in the card pool more than that number of days are deleted. N muSt be a decimal number greater than zero. Name: copy SYNTAX AS A COMMAND copy N FUNCTION allows the operator to set the copy number of the next copy of the current request to the value specified. This command is used only at request command level. ARGUMENTS N is a decimal integer between 1 and the number of copies requested by the user. 6-5 GB64-00 ctl_term Name: ctl_term SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION applies only to a control terminal (if attached). It allows the operator to specify the format of printed output. One of the primary functions of the control terminal is to print information about each request processed, to aid in separating the output, and to ensure proper accountability of output generated by the driver. It is possible for the site to use preprinted forms for this purpose. (for information on preprinted forms, see the Multics System Maintenance Procedures manual, Order No. AM81.) In this case, alignment of the data on the form is very important. Generally a terminal that supports vertical tab and form feed control characters is used to ensure alignment. However, this command allows the operator to request that the software simulate the action of form feed control characters if the terminal does not provide this hardware support. ARGUMENTS where arg falls into one of two classes: general control or simulation control (some arguments require an additional value to define the requested action): general control f orm_ type STR specifies the format program to be used to format the data printed on the control terminal. If STR is "default", the form_type is set to the default format. detach discontinues the use of the control terminal. This argument is restricted to the master terminal and is not reversible unless the reinit command is given. simulation control simulate sets the driver to simulate form feeds by software. reversible even by the reinit command.) page_length N sets the number of lines per logical page to N. spacing needed to go to the top of the form. (This argument is not This controls the forward aligned indicates that the forms are aligned for the purpose of form feed control. (A sample form can be printed by the sample_form command.) 6-6 GB64-00 defer defer_time Name: defer SYNT AX AS A COMMAND defer FUNCTION sends the current request back to its queue marked as deferred. It is only issued from qui t command level or request command level. NOTES Requests are automatically deferred when the requested line length of the device exceeds the physical line length. or when the estimated processing time of a request exceeds the operator-defined limit (see the defer_time command below). A def erred request will be reprocessed when the driver is given command or when the coordinator is next initialized. the restart_q Name: defer_time SYNT AX AS A COMMAND defer time {minor_device} {N} FUNCTION sets or displays the current time limit for automatically deferring requests. ARGUMENTS minor _device is the name of the minor device for which the time should be set or displayed. It is optional for drivers that have only one minor device (e.g., the central site printer). If specified, this argument must be the first argument. N sets a new defer time in minutes, with a precision of tenths (e.g., 1.5 is one minute, 30 seconds). A time of zero indicates that infinite time is allowed. If N is not given, the current defer time and driver output rate are displayed. 6-7 GB64-00 go halt Name: go SYNT AX AS A COMMAND go {N} FUNCTION specifies that the driver is to search for requests currently available, the driver asks the coordinator device. Th~ requests are processed as soon as they (This command may not be used at request command quit signal.) to process. If no requests are for a request for each "ready" are provided by the coordinator. level or immediately following a ARGUMENTS N is the number of requests processed before the driver returns to command level. If N is not specified, the driver will continue to process requests and will not return to command level until requested by the operator. Name: halt SYNTAX AS A COMMAND halt devl devn {control_arg} FUNCTION provides the reverse function of the ready command. I t places the device or each of the specified minor devices in the inactive state. The driver does not ask the coordinator for any further requests for a halted device. However, the coordinator may have already supplied a "pending request" for the halted device. In this case, any pending request is processed immediately after the device has been halted (except when the command has been issued following a quit signal). ARGUMENTS devi is the name of a device, or minor device in the case of a multifunction device, that is to be placed in the inactive state. The device names that can be used are those printed out by the status command. 6-8 GB64-00 hasp_host_operators_console halt CONTROL ARGUMENTS -all, -a specifies that all devices are to be halted. If the -all control argument is used, no device names need be specified. If there is only one device neither the device name nor -all need be specified. Name: hasp_host_operators_console, hhoc SYNTAX AS A COMMAND hhoc tty_channel {control_arguments} {attach_arguments} FUNCTION is used to simulate the operation of the operator's console of a HASP workstation. The operator's console is used to identify a workstation to a remote system. to issue commands governing the operation of the workstation, and to receive status information from the remote system. ARGUMENTS tty_channel is the name of the terminal channel to be attached as the operator's console. This channel must be configured as the console sub-channel of a HASP multiplexer channel (eg: a.h014.op). See the Multics Communications Administrator's Manual, Order No. CC75. for a further description of the HASP multiplexer. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -signon STR specifies that the remote host requires a SIGNON record to be transmitted before data transmission may occur. STR is the text of the control record; it may be up to 80 characters in length. Before transmission it is translated to uppercase and the remote system's character is set. -no_sign on specifies that the remote host does not require a SIGNON record. (Default) attach_arguments are options acceptable to the hasp_host_ I/O module. This command supplies the -comm, -tty. and -device options automatically; these options need not be given on the command line. (See the Multics Subroutines and I/O Modules manual, Order No. AG93 for a description of the hasp_host_ I/O module.) 6-9 GB64-00 hasp_host_operators_console hasp_host_operators_console NOTES If the remote system requires a SIGNON, the -signon option should be supplied on the command line specifying the exact SIGNON record to be transmitted. EXAMPLES For example, the command line: hhoc a.h014.opr -signon "/~'~SIGNON REMOTE7" may be used to attach the channel a.h014.opr as the operator's console of a remote IBM system expecting a connection from the workstation named REMOTE7. After attaching the channel specified on the command line. hasp_host_operators_console prompts the user for terminal input with the string "Input". Input from the terminal is transmitted directly to the remote system unless the line begins with the request character, an exclamation mark ( ); lines beginning with the request character are interpreted by this command. The valid requests are described below. Any text received from the remote system is displayed directly on the terminal without any interpretation by hasp_host_operators_console. HASP HOST OPERATORS CONSOLE REQUESTS - The following requests are recognized by hasp_host_operators_console when given at the beginning of a line of terminal input: .. the rest of the line is passed to the Multics command processor for execution as ordinary commands. prints a message of the form: hasp_host_operators_console N.N; connected to channel NAME. where N.N is the current version of this program and NAME identifies the channel connected as a console to the remote system. quit causes the command to hangup the operator's console channel and return to Multics command level. 6-10 GB64-00 h~d hclp Name: help (coordinator command) SYNT AX AS A COMMAND help FUNCTION lists commands acceptable to the I/O daemon coordinator. Name: help SYNT AX AS A COMMAND help FUNCTION prints the name of each command that may be executed by the driver. A short description of the arguments is provided with each command name. At request command level, the list of commands is limited to those unique to that command level. Name: hold SYNT AX AS A COMMAND hold FUNCTION is used to hold the driver at command level. NOTES When the hold command is issued unable to issue any command that until the master terminal has issued quit signa!). This command should automatic start is to be canceled. from the master terminal, would cause the driver to a go command (or a start always be used following 6-11 the slave terminal is leave command level command following a a quit signal if the GB64-00 inactive_limit kill Name: inactive_limit SYNTAX AS A COMMAND inactive_1 irnit {N} FUNCTION allows the I/O Daemon to log out automatically after a specified period of inactivity. ARGUMENTS N is the number of minutes of inactivity allowed. N may be from zero to 200 minutes. Zero indicates no automatic logout; this is the default. The current inactivity limit is displayed if N is not given. NOTES The inactivity time counter is reset when a request or command is received or a quit is signalled. as well as when the driver processes a new request. A driver at command level is considered active. An inactivity logout will reinitialize a remote driver so that another station can log in and use the line. Name: kill SYNTAX AS A COMMAND kill FUNCTION terminates the request that the driver is currently processing. The request is passed back to the coordinator and placed in the saved list where it may be restarted if desired (within the limits of the coordinator save time). After completing the command, the driver looks for another request to process. step mode, it returns to command level.) 6-12 On GB64-00 list logout Name: list (coordinator command) SYNT AX AS A COMMAND 1 i st FUNCTION causes the coordinator to print a list of active devices, i.e.. devices currently assigned to drivers. The request type and current request number are printed for each active device. Name: listen SYNTAX AS A COMMAND 1 is ten FUNCTION waits for a remote station to dial the line. Name: logout (coordinator command) SYNTAX AS A COMMAND logout FUNCTION logs out the coordinator. Normally, all driver processes should be logged out before the coordinator. If driver processes are not logged out, however, they automatically detect the fact that the coordinator has been logged out. The drivers reinitialize and wait for a new coordinator to be logged in. 6-13 GB64-00 new_device logout Name: logout SYNTAX AS A COMMAND logout FUNCTION terminates the driver process (like the standard Multics logout command). NOTES When the logout command is given from a remote station, reinitializes and gets ready to accept a new station. the remote driver Name: master SYNTAX AS A COMMAND master mesage FUNCTION is the reverse of the slave command. It allows the operator of the slave terminal to communicate with the operator of the master terminal by sending a message. ARGUMENTS message is any arbitrary one-line message containing no more than 120 characters. Name: new _device SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION terminates the current device. The driver then asks the operator to enter a new "command or device/request_type" as described under "Driver Initialization with a Control Terminal" above. 6-14 GB64-00 new_device next The coordinator is notified of the termination of the current device and the device is d~tached by the process. If a control terminal has been attached, it also is detached. The new_device command may only be issued from the master terminal. Name: next SYNT AX AS A COMMAND next -control_args FUNCTION specifies which request is to be taken from the queues next. This allows the operator to specify priority requests and the order in which they are to be run. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -user Person_id.Project_id specifies the submitter of the request by user_id. The full person and project names must be given. This control argument is required. At least one other argument must be chosen from the request identifiers -entry, -path, and -id. -en try STR, -et STR specifies the entryname of the request. Starnames are not allowed. argument may not be used with the -path control argument. This control -id ID specifies the match id of the request. -path path. -pn path specifies the full pathname of the request. Relative pathnames and starnames are not allowed. This control argument may not be used with the -entry control argument. -device STR, -dev STR specifies which of the driver's minor devices the command is being given for. This control argument is optional for drivers with a single minor device, but is required for drivers with multiple minor devices. It serves to identify which request type the coordinator will search to find the request. -queue N, -q N specifies that only queue N of the request type should be searched to find a matching request. This argument is optional; if not given, all queues will be searched. 6-15 GB64-00 next NOTES All requests to be run by the next command will be charged as though they came from queue 1. Requests chosen to run next will be run after any restarted requests (see the restart command in this section). This command may be given several times before a go command, to specify the exact order that requests in the queues are processed. Name: paper_info SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION defines the physical characteristics of the paper as used by the printer software. ARGUMENTS minor _device is a minor device name (as shown by the status command) and is required if there is more than one printer minor device CONTROL ARGUMENTS -print print the current values. If this is given, it must be the only control argo -11 N sets the line length to N. where N is a decimal integer from 10 to 200. -pI N sets the page length to N, where N is a decimal integer from 10 to 127. -lpi N sets the number of lines per inch to N. where N is either 6 or 8. If no control arguments are given. the current values are printed. NOTES If the printer uses a firmware VFe image. a new image is loaded (which causes the printer to go into an unsynchronized state). Otherwise. the operator is told to mount a new VFU tape. 6-16 GB64-00 print_devices pause_time Name: pause_time SYNTAX AS A COMMAND pause_time {N} FUNCTION allows a remote device driver to accept commands between requests by pausing a few seconds to allow the line to turn around. ARGUMENTS N is the number of seconds that the driver must pause between requests. N must be between 0 and 30 seconds. If N is not given. a value of 10 is assumed. Name: print_devices ddd>idd is assumed. -request_type STR, -rqt STR lists only devices for the request type specified by SIR (e.g., printer, punch). SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION prints a list of logical line_ids and their associated communications channel from data in the iod_working_tables segment. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -brief, -bf suppresses printing of a heading line. -dir path specifies the absolute pathname of the directory contalnmg the iod_working_tables segment. If not given, the directory >ddd>idd is assumed. 6-18 GB64-00 Name: prt_control SYNTAX AS A COMMAND prt_control {minor_device} {args} FUNCTION sets the driver request processing modes. Each key may be preceded by the circumflex character (") to set the value to off. ARGUMENTS minor_device is a minor device name (as shown by the status command) This argument is optional if there is only one printer minor device, but it required otherwise. -print if arg is not given. or if a single arg "-print" is given, the current modes are printed. auto_print, I\auto_print This mode causes the driver to start printing each request as soon as it is received from the coordinator (after a go command has been given). This is the normal mode of operation. When I\auto_print is turned off, the driver goes to request command level immediately after printing the log message. This allows the operator to align the paper, change the paper, print sample pages, and issue all other commands allowed at request command level (including the kill command). force_esc, "force_esc This mode turns on the esc mode of the printer DIM during the processing of each request. This mode must be on if the slew-to-channel functions are to operate. Normally, the force_esc mode is set by data in the request type info (rqti) segment force_nep, I\force_nep This mode sets the noendpage (nep) mode of the printer DIM during the processing of each request, whether the user has requested that mode or not. It is normally set from data in the rqti segment This mode is used for request types that require preprinted or preformatted paper (e.g., gummed labels, invoice forms). f orce_ctl_char This sets the ctl_char mode of the printer DIM during the processing of each request, which allows an I/O daemon to send control sequences directly to a remote printer instead of discarding the characters or printing their octal equivalents. Setting this mode enables users who prepare print files through Compose to activate special printer features such as superscripting or multiple fonts. This mode is honored only by the remote printer driver module, remote_drivef_. 6-19 GB64-OO NOTES If no arguments are given, the current modes are printed. Name: punch SYNTAX AS A COMMAND punch FUNCTION is used by remote punch drivers at request command level to proceed with the punching of the requested segment. Name: pun_control SYNTAX AS A COMMAND pun_control {minor_device} {control_mode} {-control_arg} FUNCTION is used by remote drivers at normal command level to set the punch control modes. It does not apply to the central site punch driver. ARGUMENTS minor_device is the name of the punch minor device that the command is addressing. (Required if there are two or more punch minor devices) control_mode specifies the modes to be set. You can precede the mode name by "A" to reset the mode. If you don't give it, the current modes for the specified minor device are printed. This mode is currently defined: autopunch allows the driver to process punch requests continuously without operator intervention. When this mode is not set (i.e., Aautopunch) , the driver comes to request command level after printing the log message and waits for the operator to give the "punch" command before continuing. 11/86 6-20 GB64-00A ready CONTROL ARGUMENTS -print if you give it alone, or if you give no control_mode, the modes are printed. NOTES The "autopunch mode is normally used by a remote operator to allow the output to be directed to a particular device based on information in the log message. Once the proper device has been assigned, the operator must type "punch" for the driver to continue with the user's request Name: read_cards SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION applies to device drivers that can read user card decks. It allows the operator to input card decks from a remote station or local device. NOTES The card codes accepted by various card readers may vary from one card reader to another. The operator should be familiar with the card codes used with the card reader at the remote station. Name: ready SYNTAX AS A COMMAND ready devl ••• devN {-control_arg} FUNCTION places the device and the specified minor devices in the active, or "ready," state. The driver requests service only from the coordinator for a ready device. This command performs the reverse function of the halt command. 11/86 6-21 GB64-00A reinit ready ARGUMENTS devN is the name of a device, or minor device in the case of a multifunction device, to be placed in the ready state. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -all, -a makes all devices ready. If you use it, no device names need be given. If there is only one device, -a is not required; in this case, ready is executed automatically during driver initialization. If there are multiple minor devices, the operator must specify either the ones to be made ready or -a. Name: receive SYNTAX AS A COMMAND receive FUNCTION causes the driver to wait for output files to be transmitted from the remote system. A message is issued at the start and end of each file receiVed. If automatic queueing of output files is enabled for this simulated device, output files are locally printed or punched after they have been successfully received; otherwise, the output files are placed into the system pool storage as specified by the ++IDENT control records, which must be present in the files. Name: reinit SYNTAX AS A COMMAND reinit FUNCTION reinitializes the driver. The same device(s) and request type(s) are used without requesting operator input Remote stations, however, have to reissue the station command and any new default request types. If a control terminal is attached to the driver, its attachment, form simulation mode, and form type are retained over the reinitialization. Each device and request type is again requested from the coordinator. This command is equivalent to the Multics new_proc command. 11/86 6-22 GB64-o0A release release Name: release SYNTAX AS A COMMAND release FUNCTION returns the driver to normal command level. It is primarily used following a quit signal. If a request was in progress, it is restarted. 11/86 6-22.1 GB64-00A -A This page intentionally left blank. 11/86 GB64-o0A l'iame: req_status SYNT AX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION gives the operator information about the current request. This command may only be used at request command level. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -long, -lg for printers only. Gives the operator the following information: number of mu1tisegment fi le components number of characters in file current page number current copy number current 1 ine count current mu1tisegment file component char offset in current component char offset from start of file printer DIM modes printer DIM position If the control argument is omitted, only the first four items in the above list are printed. In this case, the information looks like: Request 10001: >print fi 1es>invoices>Station A.invoices file components: 2, - char count: 4732865page no: 1006 current copy no: 2 There is no control_arg defined for punches. printed: The following three items are current copy number current request number current pathname In this case, the information looks like: Request 20001 >punch_files>invoices>Station_A. invoices current copy no: 2 6-23 GB64-00 restart Name: request_type, rqt SYNT AX AS A COMMAND rqt FUNCTION is used to specify the request type to be used for the automatic queuing of output files received by this device. ARGUMENTS rqt_name is the name of the request type to be used for automatic queuing. The generic type of this request type must agree with the type of device being simulated ("printer" for simulated line printers, etc). This parameter is optional; the default value is the request type specified in the iod_tables definition of this driver. Name: restart SYNTAX AS A COMMAND restart {arg} FUNCTION used either to restart processing of the current request after a device malfunction or to reprocess requests in the coordinator's saved list. ARGUMENTS N is the number of the request to be restarted. The coordinator searches its saved list for a matching request. If found, the request will be re-processed ahead of any other requests, including those from the "next" command. If the request had been saved in the middle of a copy (suspended), the request will be restarted beginning at the top of the following page~ a punch request will start at the beginning of that copy. -from N specifies that all requests in the series beginning with request N are to be restarted. This is an implicit save of all requests in the series. 6-24 GB64-00 restart NOTES When the restart command is issued directly after a quit signal, with no arguments, the driver's current request is restarted. For print requests, the current page number, minus 5, and copy number are displayed and the driver goes to request command level. For punch requests, the number of copies completed (if more than one) is displayed and the operator is asked to note how many were good. The user is charged for the requested number of copies only, regardless of how many copies were produced by this command. If the request number series of a restarted request is still active, the driver will be switched to another series. Each restarted request is assigned a new request number, and any subsequent restart must be based on the new request number. Name: restart_q SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION signals the coordinator to start taking requests from the beginning of the queue again. This allows any deferred requests to be run if the operator has changed the deferring criteria (see the defer_time command in this section). ARGUMENTS minor_device is the name of one of the minor devices being run by the driver. It identifies the request type queues to be restarted. It is optional for drivers with a single minor device. NOTES When several drivers are running from a single device class, and several requests in the queues are still in progress, it is possible that some requests will be repeated. 6-25 GB64-00 restart_status Name: runout_spacing restart_statuS' (coordinator command) SYNT AX AS A COMMAND restart status FUNCTION causes the coordinator to print the number of restartable requests for each different request series and to dientify those request series for which a restart cycle is in progress. Name: runout_spacing SYNTAX AS A COMMAND runout_spacing N FUNCTION sets the number of lines to advance the paper after requesting a command from a remote multifunction slave terminal. ARGUMENTS N is the number of lines the driver advances the paper after requesting a command from the slave. N may be from zero to 60. NOTES The runout spacing is normally set in the attach description from the iod_tables. This command allows the operator to change the spacing so that driver command requests may be seen clearly above the platen. 6-26 GB64-00 .ample Kame: sample SYNT AX AS A COMMAND sample {N} FUNCTION used by printer drivers at request command level to print a sample page of the file for paper alignment or to verify the starting position in the file. The current position of a new request is always page 1. The same page may be printed as often as needed. ARGUMENTS N is the page number that the driver prints. If N is omitted, the driver prints the curren t page in the file. NOTES If N is preceded by a "+" or "-", the number is relative to the current page of the file. For example, "sample +3" skips forward three pages and prints the page; "sample -8" skips backward eight pages and prints the page. Similarly, "sample 500" skips to page n urn ber 500 and prin ts it. If the page number specified is beyond the end of the file, an error message is printed similar to: End-of-File record encountered. EOF at page 2000, line 10. Unable to skip to starting page. Enter command (reques t) : and a new command is requested. The sample command prints a page with separator bars as an aid to the operator in indicating the sample pages so they can be discarded. Name: sample_form SYNT AX AS A COMMAND 6-27 GB64-00 save FUNCTION prints a sample of the data used to record request processing on the control terminal. The primary function of this command is to verify the alignment of the forms on the control terminal. The data is formatted by the program that is called for each copy of each request. (See the ctl_term command.) NOTES If form feed simulation is being used, the command checks to see if alignment has been set. If not, it is set before the sample form is printed. The sample_form command applies to all drivers that use a control terminal. Name: sample_hs SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION prints a sample head sheet to align the paper before starting to print or after loading more paper. This command should not be used in the middle of a request (e.g., after a quit) unless the request is restarted using the restart command. Otherwise, the page restart feature of the printer driver is placed out of synchronization. ARGUMENTS minor _device is a minor device name (as shown by the status command) and is required if there is more than one printer minor device. Name: save SYNT AX AS A COMMAND save {arg} FUNCTION tells the coordinator that one or a series of requests are to be retained beyond the normal holding time. The action is limited to requests in the specified request number series. The save command allows requests to be saved for possible restarting until the coordinator is logged out. 6-28 GB64-00 ave ARGUMENTS N specifies the request number in the coordinator's saved list. The coordinator searches its list of finished requests and marks the matching request number as saved for later restarting. The request remains in the saved list until the request is restarted by the restart command or until the coordinator is next initialized. -from N specifies that all requests, in the series beginning with request N are retained in the saved list. If no argument is given, the current request will be returned to the coordinator and saved for later restarting. For printers, the request will be processed to the bottom of the next even page and a normal tail sheet will be printed, showing a charge of zero. When the request is later restarted, printing will begin at the top of the next odd page. NOTES Once a saved request is restarted, it is not saved any longer than the normal retention time. The coordinator never deletes the user's segment while the request is being saved. Name: sep_cards SYNTAX AS A COMMAND sep_cards {minor_device} {arg} FUNCTION is used by a remote punch driver at normal command level to control the punching of separator cards between each output deck. If separator cards are not punched, the operator should run the driver in step mode (see the step mode command) and remove the cards from the punch as each request is completed. ARGUMENTS minor_device is the name of the punch minor device which is being addressed. This argument is optional if there is only one punch minor device, but is required otherwise. CONTROL ARGUMENTS standard the standard separator cards are to be punched (default). 6-29 GB64-00 slave none no separator cards are to be punched. -print NOTES if arg is not given, or if a single arg "-print", is given. the current value is printed. Name: single SYNT AX AS A COMMAND single FUNCTION sets the single mode of the printer DIM so that form feed and vertical tab characters are treated as newline characters for the current request. It also cancels any additional requested copies that have not been processed by the driver. The single command is used after a quit to stop runaway paper feeding caused, for example. by the printing of a non-ASCII segment. The command applies only to drivers that operate a printer. Name: slave SYNTAX AS A COMMAND slave message FUNCTION allows the master terminal operator to communicate with the operator of the slave terminal by sending a message. The slave command is the reverse of the master command. ARGUMENTS message is any arbitrary one-line message containing no more than 120 characters. 6-30 GB64-00 Name: slave_term SYNTAX AS A COMMAND slave term key FUNCTION controls the ability of the slave terminal to enter commands, issue quit signals, and receive log or error messages. The slave terminal must be active for the command to be effective. The commands, no_commands. quits, and no_quits keys are restricted to the master terminal. ARGUMENTS where key may be selected from the following: commands commands can be sent from the slave terminal to the driver. master terminal.) (Restricted to echo echoes each command line typed from the slave. (Input from the exec_com used by the "x" command will not be echoed.) errors error messages are routed to the slave terminal. log log messages are routed to the slave terminal. modes STRs sets the slave terminal modes to those specified by STRs. no_commands no commands can be sent from the slave terminal to the driver. master terminal.) (Restricted to no_echo suppresses echoing of the slave commands (default). no_errors no error messages are routed to the slave terminal. no_log no log messages are routed to the slave terminal. no_quits no quit signals can be sent from the slave terminal to the driver. (Restricted to master terminal.) 6-31 GB64-00 start quits quit signals can be sent from the slave terminal to the driver. master terminal.) Name: (Restricted to start ddd>idd>NAME function {args} where function and args are as above; NAME is either for standard drivers or for remote drivers. If NAME is not found, the driver will look for the default of Added names can be used to group exec_corns in to categories. An I/O daemon admin exec_com is written by a site administrator to provide site-defined driver x command functions. The use of admin exec_corns is optional, but when missing, the driver x command will not work. See the Multics System Mai ntenance Procedures manual, Order No. AM81, for the application of the admin exec_com to the creation of a driver-to-driver message facility. Each I/O daemon admin exec_com is located in the >ddd>idd directory and follows standard exec_com rules. There are two types of admin exec_corns: general and device specific. These differ only in segment name, to allow the site to separate x command functions by device name (station_id for remote stations). The segment is the general exec_com and will be used by any driver that cannot find a device-specific exec_com. A segment is a device-specific exec_com for the given major device; for example, is specific to device prta. Added names can be used to group several devices under a single device-specific exec_com. 6-36 GB64-00 x x The Multics command iod_command may be used within an. admin exec_com to execute arbitrary I/O daemon commands. For example: iod command defer_time 30 may be used in an admin exec_com to change the auto defer time limit for the current driver to 30 minutes. The iod_command command is described in Section 2. When writing an I/O daemon admin exec_com, the administrator must remember that the process that executes it will. most likely, have full SysDaemon access and privileges to the system. Therefore, care must be given in choosing what functions should be placed at the hands of a remote station operator or an inexperienced device operator. What follows is a sample section of an admin exec_com. It includes examples of how some iod_val active function keys can be used to protect against operator errors. This sample is for illustration only; see the segment supplied in the release for working purposes. 6-37 GB64-00 x x & ---------------------------------------------------------& & iod (to be found in >ddd>idd) & & Th i sis the exec_com for the 10 Daemon dr i ver: IIX" command. & The first argument to theollx ll command is &1 in this exec_com. & The standard action is to transfer control to a label & which wi 11 implement the function of &1. & & Any arguments associated with an & with &2 in this exec_com. "XII command function begin &command 1 ine off &goto &l.command &labe1 help.command & & For II x he I p II Pr i n t a l i s t 0 f x c omm and fun c t ion s • & &print cdr -user Pers.Proj &print car -user Pers.Proj &print pq {ldr_args} &quit &label cdr.command & & For II X cdr -user Pers.Proj " S to cancel a dprint request for this driver & &if [not [exists argument &2JJ &then &goto missing_arg.error cdr -rqt [iod_val request_typeJ &f2 &quit &label car.command & & For "x car -user Pers.Proj " & to cancel an RJE job sent by this station & &if [not [exists argument &2JJ &then go to missing_arg.error car -sender [iod_val stationJ &f2 &quit &label pq.command & & For "x pq {ldr_args}" & to 1 ist all requests that can be processed by this driver & &if [exists argument &2J &then ldr -a &f2 6-38 GB64-00 x x &else ldr -a -admin -rqt ([iod_val rqt_string]) -tt &quit &labe1 &l.command & & This is a catchall for any undefined command functions. & &print Undefined driver x command function. & ioa "received command: "("a "')" &f1 & &quit &label missin9_arg.error & &print Expected argument missing. Try again or type "X help". & &quit The Multics command iod_command may be used within an admin exec_com to execute arbitrary I/O daemon commands. For example: iod command defer_time 30 may be used in an admin exec_com to change the auto defer time limit for the current driver to 30 minutes. 6-39 GB64-00 SECTION 7 VOLUME BACKUP DAEMON LIMITED SERVICE SUBSYSTEM COMMANDS The commands in this section are used when communicating with the following and daemons: Volume_Dumper.Daemon, Volume_Reloader.Daemon, Volume_Retriever. Daemon. The daemons operate within a limited service subsystem. A limited service subsystem is a closed environment in which only preselected commands can be executed. When the daemons are logged in, the causes the daemons to be placed within the limited service subsystem, where the command repertoire is restricted to the set defined in this section. The necessary command tables (volume_dumper.ct. volume_retriever.ct. and volume_reloader.ct) and the necessary project are supplied by Honeywell with the operating system software. The administrator must copy the from the tools directory and use it as the for the Daemon project. The command for this procedure is illustrated below. You can then set access on the segment, as appropriate. The commands available to each of the above-mentioned daemons are listed below: Commands available to Volume_Dumper.Daemon: complete_volume_dump consol idated_volume_dump del ete_vol ume_log display_pvolog display_volume_log dmpr_unlock_pv end_volume_dump incremental_volume_dump merge_volume_log preattach_dump_volume purge_vol ume_l og rebuild_pvolog recover_volume_log set_vol ume_l og set_volume_wakeup_interval 7-1 GB64-00 verify_dump_volume volume_cross_check volume_dump_trace_off volume_dump_trace_on wakeup volume dump exec com (see-note, below) help-(see note, below) home d i r (see note, be low) logo~t (see note, below) user (see note, be low) system (see note, below) Commands availabe to Volume Reloader.Daemon display_volume_log merge_volume_log recover_volume_log reload volume verify dump volume exec com (see note, below) help-(see note, below) home dir (see note, below) logo~t (see note, below) user( see note, below) system (see note, below) Commands avai lable to Volume Retriever.Daemon I ist_retrieval_requests retrieve from volume exec com-(see-note, below) help-(see note, below) home dir (see note, below) logo~t (see note, below) user (see note, below) system (see note, below) NOTE: The following are general user commands that are made available in the limited service subsystem for convienience: exec_com. help, home_dir, logout, user, and system. These commands are described in the Multics Commands and Active F u nct ions manual, Order No. AG92. 7-2 GB64-00 complete_ volume_dump complete_ volume_dump l\amc: conlpletc_ volume_dump SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION starts a complete volume dump. For each physical volume specified. all segments and directories are dumped. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -accoun ting is specifies that accounting data >scl >volume_backup_accoun ts for la ter control argument is optional. to be collected in the directory processing. The default is off. This -auto specifies that dump volumes are to be selected from the default dump volume pool, which is also known as the tape pool or the volume pool segment, and is located at >ddd>volume_backup> Volume_Dumper. volumes. For more information, see the description of the manage_volume_pool command in the Mu/tics Commands and Active Functions manual, Order No. AG92. This control argument is optional. -control entry where entry is the entryname of the control segment. The suffix "dump" is assumed if not specified. This control argument is required. -error_on specifies that all error messages are to be written to the error_output switch as well as to the segment. The default is that error messages are written only to the segment. This con trol argument is optional. -incr_skip_count N specifies that the volume log of each physical volume dumped is to be purged and that N consolidated or complete volume dump volumes must be encountered before incremental dump volumes are purged. This control argument is optional. -manual_free specifies that if purging is done, volumes must be freed from the volume pool manually. This means that dump volumes are purged from the respective volume logs but are not reused until they are marked as free in the volume pool. The default is to automatically free volumes in the volume pool. This control argument should be used only with the -auto control argument. 7-3 GB64-00 complete_ volume_dump complete_ volume_dump -mod_after DT where DT is a time acceptable to the convert_date_to_binary_ subroutine. Only those segments and directories whose date-time-modified exceeds DT are dumped. This control argument is optional. -names specifies; that the entire name space of each directory dumped is recorded online. This online data base significantly improves the performance of the volume retriever, but requires a large amount of disk storage. This control argument is optional. -no_object specifies that segments and directories are not to be dumped. Only the header information that describes them is dumped. The default is to dump the segments and directories. This control argument is optional. -no_trace specifies that the dumping process is not be be traced. This is the default. -no_update specifies that the VTOCE of segments and directories dumped is not to be updated. This speeds up dumping at the cost of invalidating the dtd and volume ID fields of the VTOCE. The default is to update the VTOCE. This control argumen t is optional. -operator STR where STR specifies the name or initials of the user. required. This control argument is -output_volume_desc STR where STR specifies a value to be used instead of the default attach description. The dump volume name is inserted in the attach description at the first occurrence of the string ""a" in the attach description. The default attach description is: If STR contains blanks, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. argument is optional. This control -preattach N specifies that N volumes are to be preattached before wntlng on the first volume. This allows a site to operate the volume dumper without user intervention, by premounting the requested or supplied volumes. The default is to not preattach. This control argument is optional. -restart STR specifies that the dump should restart from physical volume STR, which is implicitly or explicitly defined in the control file. The default is to start at the last volume dumped. This control argument is optional. 7-4 GB64-00 consolidated_ volume_dump complete_ volume_dump -trace specifies that the dumping process is to be traced. As each segment is dumped to the output tape volume. its unique id and pathname is written to the user_output I/O switch. -working_dir. -wd specifies that the volume backup databases are to be searched for relative to the working directory. The default is to search relative to the >ddd>volume_backup directory. This control argument is optional. NOTES If a dump terminates abnormally, reinvoke the complete_volume_dump command. The dump will be restarted and reload groups will be kept consistent. If the dump terminates again, use the new_proc command to clean up the dumper process. Then reinvoke the complete_ volume_dump command with the -restart argument. The -restart argument must be used after a new_proc to keep reload groups consistent. Name: consolidated_volume_dump SYNTAX AS A COMMAND consol i dated_vol ume_dump -control_args FUNCTION starts a consolidated volume dump. For each physical volume specified, those segments and directories that have been incrementally dumped since the last consolidated volume dump are dumped. This command frees for use the incremental tapes that it makes obsolete, consistent with the -incr_skip_count control argument. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -accoun ting is specifies that accounting data >scl>volume_backup_accounts for later control argument is optional. the directory to be collected in processing. The default is off. This -auto specifies that dump volumes are to be selected from the default dump volume pool, which is also known as the tape pool or the volume pool segment, and is located at >ddd >volume_backup>Volume_Dumper. volumes. For more information, see the description of the manage_volume_pool command in the Multics Commands and Active Functions manual, Order No. AG92. This control argumen t is optional. 7-5 GB64-00 consolidated_volume_dump consolidated_volume_dump -control entry where entry is the entryname of the control segment. The suffix "dump" is assumed if not specified. This control argument is required. -cumulative specifies that segments and directories dumped are not to be removed from the list of objects to be dumped next time. This provides cumulative dumping if desired. The default is off. This control argument is optional. -error_on specifies that all error messages are to be written to the error_output switch as well as to the segment. The default is that error messages are written only to the segment. This control argument is optional. -incr_skip_count N specifies that the volume log of each physical volume dumped is to be purged and that N consolidated or complete volume dump volumes must be encountered before incremental dump volumes are purged. Purging only takes place for consolidated volume dumps if N is nonzero. This control argument is optional. -manual_free specifies that if purging is done, volumes must be freed from the volume pool manually. This means that dump volumes are purged from the respective volume logs but are not reused until they are marked as free in the volume pool. The default is to automatically free volumes in the volume pool: This control argument should be used only with the -auto control argument. -names specifies that the entire name space of each directory dumped will be recorded online. This online data base significantly improves the performance of the volume retriever, but requires a large amount of disk storage. This control argument is optional. -no_object specifies that segments and directories are not to be dumped. Only the header information that describes them is dumped. The default is to dump the segments and directories. This control argument is optional. -no_trace specifies that the dumping process is not be be traced. This is the default. -no_update specifies updated. id fields argument that the VTOCE of segments and directories dumped is not to be This speeds up dumping at the cost of invalidating the dtd and volume of the VTOCE. The default is to update the VTOCE. This control is optional. -operator STR where STR specifies the name or initials of the user. required. 7-6 This control argument is GB64-00 consolidated_ volume_dump consolidated_ volume_dump -output_ volume_desc STR where STR specifies a value to be used instead of the default attach description. The dump volume name is inserted in the attach description at the first occurrence of the string ""a" in the attach description. The default attach description is: If STR contains blanks, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. argument is optional. This control -preattach N specifies that N volumes are to be preattached before wntmg on the first volume. This allows a site to operate the volume dumper without user intervention, by premounting the requested or supplied volumes. The default is to not preattach. This control argument is optional. -restart STR specifies that the dump should restart from physical volume STR, which is implicitly or explicitly defined in the control file. The default is to start at the last volume dumped. This control argument is optional. -trace specifies that the dumping process is to be traced. As each segment is dumped to the output tape volume, its unique id and pathname is written to the user_outpl!t I/O switch. -working_dir, -wd specifies that the volume backup databases are to be searched for relative to the working directory. The default is to search relative to the >ddd>volume_backup directory. This control argument is optional. NOTES If a dump terminates abnormally, reinvoke the consolidated_volume_dump command. The dump will be restarted ~nd reload groups will be kept consistent. If the dump terminates again, use the new _proc command to clean up the dumper process. Then reinvoke the consolidated_ volume_dump command with the -restart argument. The -restart argument must be used after a new_proc to keep reload groups consistent. 7-7 GB64-00 display _pvolog Name: delete_volume_log SYNT AX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION deletes the volume log segment used by the volume backup subsystem in a way that keeps the other segments used by the volume backup subsystem consistent. ARGUMENTS vlname is the name of the volume log. The volog suffix is assumed if not specified. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -manual_free specifies that if deleting is done. volumes are not freed from the volume pool automatically; manual freeing is required. This means that dump volumes are deleted from the respective volume logs but are not reused until they are marked as free in the volume pool. The default is to automatically free volumes in the volume pool. NOTES This command should only be used to delete volume log segments of physical volumes f or which nei ther retrieval nor reloading is in tended in the future. Name: display _pvolog SYNTAX AS A COMMAND display_pvolog dvname {-control_argsl FUNCTION displays the data content of a physical volume log. ARGUMENTS dvname is the dump volume name. 7-8 GB64-o0 display _pvolog CONTROL ARGUMENTS -no_header. -nhe specifies no header. The default is to have one. -pvnamc STR, -pv STR displays only data associated with the disk volume specified by STR. -working_dir, -wd searches for the physical volume log in the directory [wd] >pvolog. rather than in the default system directory. Name: display_volume_log SYNTAX AS A COMMAND display_volume_log vlname {-control_args} FUNCTION displays a summary of the dump volumes that contain information dumped from a specified physical volume. ARGUMENTS vlname is the name of the volume log. The volog suffix is assumed if not specified. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -complete. -comp specifies that information about only complete mode dump volumes is to be displayed. -consolidated, -cons specifies that information about only consolidated mode dump volumes is to be displayed. -incremen tal, -incr specifies that information about only incremental mode dump volumes is to be displayed. -no_header, -nhe specifies that the output header is not to be printed. The default is to print the output header. 7-9 GB64-00 display _volume_log -volname STR specifies that only the information pertinent to the dump volume named STR is to be printed. NOTES If no modes (-incr, -cons, or -comp) are specified, information about all modes is displayed. Name: dmpr _unlock_pv SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION unlocks a physical volume for volume dumping should the dumper process terminate abnormally with the lock set. A control argument must be used to specify the dump mode that is locked. ARGUMENTS pvname is the name of the physical volume that was locked. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -complete, -comp unlocks the complete dump mode. -consolidated, -cons unlocks the consolidated dump mode. -incremental, -incr unlocks the incremental dump mode. ACCESS REQUIRED This command requires hc_backup_ access. 7-10 GB64-0 incremental_ volume_dump 1\ame: end_volume_dump SYNT AX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION closes open volume logs and detaches attached switches. volume dump cycles. It is used at the end of Name: incremental_volume_dump SYNT AX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION starts an incremental volume dump. For each physical volume specified, those segments and directories that are stored on the volume are dumped if they have been modified since the last incremental volume dump. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -accoun ting specifies that accounting data is >sc1>volume_backup_accounts for la ter control argument is optional. to be the directory co lIec ted in processing. The default is off. This -auto specifies that dump volumes are to be selected from the default dump volume pool, which is also known as the tape pool or the volume pool segment, and is located at >ddd>volume_backup> Volume_Dumper.volumes. For more information, see the description of the manage_volume_pool command in the Multics Commands and Active Functions manual, Order No. AG92. This control argument is optional. -control entry where entry is the entryname of the control segment. The suffix "dump" is assumed if not specified. This control argument is required. -cumulative specifies that segments and directories dumped are not to be removed from the list of objects to be dumped next time. This provides cumulative dumping if desired. The default is off. This control argument is optional. 7-11 GB64-00 incremental_ volume_dump incremental_volume_dump -detach specifies that dump volumes be detached after each pass of the Dumper. default is -no_detach. This control argument is optional. The -error_on specifies that all error messages are to be written to the error_output switch as well as to the segment. The default is that error messages are written only to the segment. This control argument is optional. -names specifies that the entire name space of each directory dumped will be recorded online. This online data base significantly improves the performance of the volume retrieve, but requires a large amount of disk storage. This control argument is optional. -no_detach specifies that dump volumes not be detached after each pass of the Dumper, but only when they become full. when they have an error, or at the end of the dump. This is the default. -no_object specifies that segments and directories are not to be dumped. Only the header information that describes them is dumped. The default is to dump the segments and directories. This control argument is optional. -no_trace specifies that the dumping process is not be be traced. This is the default. -no_update specifies that the VTOCE of segments and directories dumped is not to be updated. This speeds up dumping at the cost of invalidating the dtd and volume ID fields of the VTOCE. The default is to update the VTOCE. This control argument is optional. -opera tor STR where STR specifies the name or initials of the user. required. This control argument is -output_volume_desc STR where STR specifies a value to be used instead of the default attach description. The dump volume name is inserted in the attach description at the first occurrence of the string ""a" in the attach description. The default attach description is: tape_mult_ ~a -write -system If STR contains blanks, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. argument is optional. 7-12 This control GB64-00 incremental_volume_dump incremental_volume_dump -preattach N specifies that N volumes are to be preattached before writing on the first volume. This allows a site to operate the volume dumper without user intervention, by premounting the requested or supplied volumes. The default is to not preattach. This control argument is optional. -restart STR specifies that the dump should restart from physical volume STR, which is implicitly or explicitly defined in the control file. This only occurs in the first pass. This control argument is optional. -trace specifies that the dumping process is to be traced. As each segment is dumped to the output tape volume, its unique id and pathname is written to the user_output I/O switch. -wakeup N where N is a wakeup interval in minutes for the incremental volume dumper. The interval must be between 1 and 1440 minutes. The default is 60 minutes. This control argument is optional. -workinLdir, -wd specifies that the volume backup databases are to be searched for relative to the working directory. The default is to search relative to the >ddd>volume_backup directory. This control argument is optional. NOTES After a dump cycle has completed, you should invoke the end_volume_command to close any open volume logs and detach any attached switches. The end_volume_dump command can also be used to clean up a dumper process prior to the reinvocation of dumping after a problem has occurred. Should the alarm clock timer fail, the incremental volume dumper can be restarted by using the wakeup_volume_dump command. 11/86 7-13 GB64-o0A list_retrieval_requests Name: list_retrieval_requests, Irr SYNTAX AS A COMMAND lrr {path} {-control_args} FUNCTION lists retrieval requests in the retrieval daemon queues. entryname of each request are printed. The request identifier and ARGUMENTS path is the pathname of a request to be listed. The star convention is allowed. Only requests matching this pathname are selected. If you give no path, all pathnames are selected. This argument is incompatible with -entry. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -absolute_pathname, -absp prints the full pathname of each selected request, rather than the just entryname. -admin {User_id}, -am {User_id} selects the requests of all users, or of the user specified by User_ida If you don't choose -admin, only your own requests are selected. This control argument is incompatible with -user. (See "Access Required" below.) -all, -a searches all queues and prints the totals for each nonempty queue whether or not any requests are selected from it. This control argument is incompatible with -queue. -brief, -bf does not print the state and comment of each request This control argument is incompatible with -long and -total. -entry STR, -et STR selects only requests whose entrynames match STR. The star convention is allowed. Directory portions of request pathnames are ignored when selecting requests. -id ID selects only requests whose identifiers match the specified ID. -long, -lg prints· all the information pertaining to a retrieval request If you omit -long, only the full pathname of the object or subtree to be retrieved is printed. -lon8-id, -lgid prints the long the request identifier. 7-14 GB64-OO -posi tion. -psn prints the pOSlllOn within its queue of each selected request. When used with -totaL it prints a list of all the positions of the selected requests. (See "Access Required. tf) -queue N. -q N searches only queue N. If you don't select -queue. all queues are searched but nothing is printed for queues from which no requests are selected. -total, -tt prints only the total number of selected requests and the total number of requests in the queue plus a list of positions if you choose -position. If the queue is empty, it is not listed. -user User_id selects only requests entered by the specified user. (See "Access Required.") ACCESS REQUIRED You must have 0 access to the queue(s). You must have r extended access to the queue(s) to use -admin. -position, or -user, since it is necessary to read all requests in the queue(s) to select those entered by a specified user. NOTES The default condition is to list only pathnames for the default queue. The User_id arguments specified after -admin or -user can have any of the following forms: Person_id.Project_id Per son_ i d. ~': Person id '1:. Proj ect_ i d .Project_id matches matches same as matches same as same as that user only that person on any project Person_id.* any user on that project *.Project_id -admin with no User_id following it. If you select no arguments. only your own requests are selected for listing. (See en ter _retrieval_requests.> 7-15 C1B64-00 preattach_dump_ volumes Name: merge_volume_log SYNTAX AS A COMMAND merge_volume_log vlnamel vlname2 {vlname3} FUNCTION { merges the contents of two volume logs that describe the same physical volume. It should only be used to merge the segment produced by a recover_ volume_log operation with the volume log already in existence. ARGUMENTS vlnamel is the pathname of the old volume log. After vlnamel and vlname2 are combined, the merged copy is given the name of the old volume log (vlnamel), unless the optional argument vlname3 is specified. vlname2 is the pathname of the new volume log. vlname3 is the pathname of the resultant merged volume log. NOTES The suffix volog is assumed for all vlnames, if not specified. Name: preattach_dump_volumes SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION allows output dump volumes to be attached to a process which is actively performing an incremental volume dump. This command performs the same functions as the -preattach control argument when it is used with the incremental_volume_dump command. ARGUMENTS N is the number of tape volumes to be preattached. N must be less than or equal to 50. 7-16 GB64-00 preattach_dump_ volumes NOTES This command may be invoked repeatedly during the life of the incremental volume dump process, but at no time may more than 50 tape volumes be preattached. Name: purge_ volume_log SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION removes, in a consistent manner, those entries in a volume log that represent out-of -date information. Each entry in a volume log is part of a reload group. A reload group consists of a set of dump volumes that would be used during a reload of the physical volume. ARGUMENTS vI name is the name of the volume log. The volog suffix is assumed if not specified. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -auto if specified, the volumes purged are freed in the default dump volume pool. which is also known as the tape pool or the volume pool segment. and is located at >ddd>volume_backup>Volume_Dumper.volumes. For more information, see the description of the manage_volume_pool command in the Multics Commands and Active Functions manual, Order No. AG92. The default is off. -force if specified, causes purging even when some required databases cannot be located. -incr_skip_count N specifies that N consolidated or complete dumps must be encountered in a reload group before incremental dump volumes are purged. This allows a site to retain the more recent incremental dump volumes in a log volume even though they have been superseded by later consolidated dump volumes. This control argument is optional. If not specified they are purged. -test runs in test mode and reports what would have been done. affected. 7-17 No databases are GB64-00 rebuild_pvolog -working_dir -wd specifies that the volume logs are in the working directory, and the physical volume logs searched for in the [wd] >pvolog directory. The default is to search relative to the >ddd>volume_backup directory. NOTES After purging, two reload groups are left in a volume log unless the default number of reload groups has been reset (see the set_ volume_log command). A reload group consists of the following: all incremental volume dumps not superseded by consolidated volume dumps; all incremental' and consolidated volume dumps not superseded by a complete volume dump; a complete volume dump. The incr_skip_count control argument allows a site to keep incremental dump volumes that contain the "only" copy of some segment for a period of time. An example of such a segment is one that is created. incrementally dumped, then deleted before the consolidated dump is run. Name: rebuild_pvolog SYNT AX AS A COMMAND rebui ld_pvolog dvname {-control_args} FUNCTION rebuilds a physical volume log by scanning all the volume logs for instances of the dump volume specified. ARGUMENTS dvname is the name of a dump volume. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -brief, -bf specifies brief output. -long, -lg specifies long output. -workin~dir -wd searches for the volume logs in the working directory; the resulting rebuilt physical volume log is placed in the directory [wd] >pvolog rather than the system default directories. 7-18 GB64-00 recover_volume_log Name: recover_volume_log SYNTAX AS A COMMAND recover_volume_log pvnames {-control_args} FUNCTION recovers volume logs from dump volumes. It should be invoked only if volume logs for physical volumes to be reloaded cannot be found. Its input is a list of the latest dump volumes for the physical volumes in question as specified by the caller. ARGUMENTS pvnames are the names of the physical volumes whose volume logs are to be recovered. All pvnames supplied must be valid physical volume names (i.e. the physical volumes must be valid members of a registered logical volume). t CONTROL ARGUMENTS -input_volume_desc STR where STR is the attach description used to replace the default attach description "tape_mult_ Aa -system". The dump volume name is inserted in· the attach description at the first occurrence of the string "Aa" in the attach description. -workin8-dir t -wd specifies that the volume backup databases are to be recovered relative to the working directory. The default is to recover them relative to the >ddd>volume_backup directory. This control argument can be used to recover the volume logs for physical volumes that. are not part of the currently mounted storage system. This control argument is optional. NOTES No announcement of the recovery of any volume logs is provided until all volume logs have been recovered or the query for the dump volume name is answered with a period (tl. "). After a recover_volume_log operation is executed, it may be necessary to run a merge_volume_log operation. 7-19 GB64-00 reload.....volume reload_volume Name: reload_volume SYNTAX AS A COMMAND reload_volume -control_args FUNCTION reconstructs the contents of physical volumes using the dump volumes produced by the volume dumper facility. You can use it in ring 1 or 4. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -disk_model STR where STR is the type of disk being reloaded. following: STR must be one of the 3380 3381 d400 d402 d451 d500 d501 If not specified, the registration information for the physical volume to be reloaded is used. This control argument is not allowed when more than one physical volume is being reloaded. -error_on specifies that error messages are written to the error_output switch as well as the segment. (Default: off) -input_volume_desc STR where STR is an attach description for the dump volumes the reloader reads. The dump volume name is inserted in the specified attach description at the first occurrence of the string "Aa" within the attach description. The default attach description is -manual specifies that the dump volumes are requested by the reloader, rather than being automatically determined. If there are no more dump volumes to read, type a period. 11/86 7-20 GB64-OOA reload_volume reload_volume -no_detach specifies that, at the completion of the reload, neither the dump volume nor the physical volume are detached. This control argument is not allowed when more than one physical volume is being reloaded. (Default: off) -no_object specifies that segments and directories are not read from the dump volumes and thus not written to the physical volume. In this case only the VTOC is reloaded. (Default: segments and directories are read) -operator STR specifies the name of the user doing the reload. (Required) -output_volume_desc STR where STR is an attach description for the physical volume the reloader writes. The physical volume name is inserted at the first occurrence of the string ""a" in the attach description, and the type at the second occurrence. The default attach description is rdisk_ Aa Aa -write -system -pvname STR1 STR2...STRs specifies the name(s) of the physical volume(s) to be reloaded. You can give it more than once. (Required) -pvname_device STRP1 STRD1... STRPs STRDs -pvdv STRPI STRDl. ..STRPs STRDs specifies the name(s) of the physical volume(s). to be reloaded and what device(s) the volume(s) will be on. STRPs and STRDs make up an ordered pair list of pvname (STRPs) followed by the device name ddd>volume_backup directory) 11/86 7-21 GB64-o0A reload_volume NOTES When volume-reloading on an MSU SOO/501 disk drive, the procedures differ slightly depending on the ring of execution. When performing the operation in ring 1, the ordering of the pvnames (because of the implementation of RCP) should be the same as that specified for the init_vol, set_drive_usage, and reload_volume commands. Ensure that the only "io" devices configured are those to be reloaded. When performing the operation in ring 4, you must use the assign_resource to assign the disk_drive resource on which you want the physical volume after the reload. For this assignment to succeed, the operator must have set disk_drive resource and its partner on the shared spindle to "io" set_drive_usage command. command to reside both this with the * Name: retrieve_from_volume SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION processes queued retrieval requests. This command can be operated in an automatic or step mode. It must be run from a process that has access to the retrieval queues located in >daemon_dir_dir>volume_retriever, the volume logs and contents segments produced by the volume dumper, and the ring 0 gates hc_backup_ and system_privilege_o 11/86 7-22 retrieve_from_ volume CONTROL ARGUMENTS -accounting specifies that accounting data is >scl>volume_backup_accounts for later control argument is optional. the directory in to be co 11 ec ted processing. The default is off. This -all. -a specifies that all queues are to be processed. This is the default. -error_on specifies that all error messages are to be written to the switch error_output as well as the file The default is off. -input_ volume_desc i_att_desc where i_att_desc is used to replace the default attach description "tape_mult_ "a -system. The dump volume name is inserted in the attach description at the first occurrence of the string ""a" in the attach description. -list lists all requests in the private queue and the options for each request. -long logs all requests in the error file. -manual specifies that the dump volumes are requested by the volume retriever, rather than being automatically determined. If there are no more dump volumes to read, the operator should type a period (.). -queue N, -q N specifies the queue that requests are to be taken from. queues are searched. If not specified, all -step specifies that each request in the queue is to be printed on the terminal before processing so that the operator can decide if he wishes to proceed. If not specified, each request is processed until the queue is exhausted. See "Notes" below for more information. -working_dir, -wd specifies that the volume backup databases are to be searched for relative to the working directory. The default is to search relative to the >ddd>volume_backup directory. This control argument is optional. 7-23 GB64-QO retrieve_from_ volume NOTES If the -step control argument is specified, each retrieval request is printed and the retriever waits for the user to type one of the following commands: proceed, p do the ,retrieval request and delete the request from the queue. skip, s skip the retrieval request but leave the request in the queue. cancel. c do not process the retrieval request and delete it from the queue. quit. q stop processing and return to command level. help, h print out the acceptable arguments to the -control control argument. A list operation only lists the retrieval requests remaining. It does not process them. SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION alters certain parameters that describe the contents of a volume log. ARGUMENTS vlname is the name of the volume log. The volog suffix is assumed if not specified. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -reload~oups N sets the number of reload groups to N, where N> 1. The default value, to be set at volume log creation, is 2. 7-24 GB64-0{ verify_dump_volume SYNT AX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION sets a new wakeup interval for a running incremental volume dump process. ARGUMENTS interval is the new wakeup interval in minutes. The interval must be between 1 and 1440 minutes. I NOTES The new interval becomes effective immediately. If it is less than the current one, the wakeup time may be in the past; in that case, the timer is effective immediately and the dumper is awakened. SYNTAX AS A COMMAND verify_dump_volume dvname {-control_args} FUNCTION checks the validity and readability of a dump volume produced by the volume dumper subsystem. Optionally it also produces a pathname list of the segments and directories, if known, on the dump volume. ARGUMENTS dvname is the name of the dump volume. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -brief, -bf produces a short-form list of objects on the dump volume consisting only of pathnames. 11/86 7-2S GB64-OOA verify_dump_volume -input_volume_desc STR uses the attach description STR, where the default STR is "tape_mult_ I\a -system". The volname is inserted at the first occurrence of I\a in the attach description. -long, -lg produces a long-form list of objects on the dump volume consisting of pathname, object type, and other information where applicable. -stop_vtocx N stops the verification process when a VTOCE with octal index N is encountered, calls the debug command, and prints a pointer to the VTOCE. NOTES If you give no control argument, the entire dump volume is read and an error count message is printed at the end of the volume. If read errors occur, the same resynchronization mechanism used by the volume reloader and volume retriever is used. If the path name cannot be determined, the string "UNKNOWN" is used. SYNTAX AS A COMMAND volume_cross_check dvname {-control_args} FUNCTION checks the validity of the various volume backup databases. Where it detects inconsistent information, it corrects and rebuilds the databases. The cross-checking is performed using the volume pool, ·and the various volume logs. ARGUMENTS dvname is the name of the dump volume. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -brief, -bf specifies brief output. -long, -Ig specifies long output -workinLdir, -wd 11/86 7-26 GB64-o0A searches the working directory for volume logs and the Volume_Dumper. volumes volume pool; searches the directory [wd] >contents for the contents segment and the contents names segment; searches the directory [wd] >pvolog for the physical volume log. If you give no -wd, the default system directories are searched. NOTES To cross-check all the volumes in use by the volume backup system, issue the following command sequence: manage_volume_pool u >ddd>volume_backup>Volume_Dumper volume_cross_check ([manage_volume_pool l5-name]) SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION turns off dump process tracing in a currently running incremental volume dump process. SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION turns on dump process tracing. As each segment is dumped to the output tape volume, the command causes the segment's unique ID and pathname to be written to the user_output I/O switch. This command is useful only for incremental volume dumps. You can use it to start tracing of a currently running incremental volume dump process. 11/86 7-27 GB64-00A Name: wakeup_volume_dump SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION restarts the incremental volume dumper. It is used when the alarm clock timer failst and when an additional pass of the dump is needed (e.g. t before a shutdown). 11/86 7-28 GB64-00A SECTION 8 HIER~A.RCHY BACKUP DAEMON LIMITED SERVICE SUBSYSTEM COMMANDS The commands in this section are used when communicating with the Backup.SysDaemon and the Dumper.SysDaemon. The Backup.SysDaemon is used to produce incremental and consolidated dumps. The Dumper.SysDaemon is used to produce complete dumps. The Backup.SysDaemon and the Dumper.SysDaemon operate within a limited service subsystem. A limited service subsystem is a closed environment in which only preselected commands can be executed. When the Backup.SysDaemon and the Dumper.SysDaemon are logged in, the causes the daemons to be placed within the limited service subsystem, where the command repertoire is restricted to the set defined in this section. The necessary command table (hierarchy_dumper.ct) and the necessary project are supplied by Honeywell with the operating system software. The administrator must copy the from the tools directory and use it as the for the SysDaemon project. The commands used for this procedure are illustrated below. copy >t> >udd>sd> sa >udd>sd> r* -replace Please note that a limited service subsystem is not defined for the Retriever.SysDaemon or the Reloader.SysDaemon. Thus, access to these daemons must be limited to trusted individuals. 8-1 GB64-00 The commands available in the limited service subsystem are listed below. catchup_dump complete_dump end_dump start_dump wakeup dump exec com (see note, below) help-(see note, below) home d i r (see note, be low) logo~t (see note, below) system (see note, below) user (see note, below) Note: The following are general user commands that are made available in the limited service subsystem for convenience: exec_com, help, home_dir, logout, system, and user. These commands are described in the Multics Commands and Active Functions manual, Order No. AG92. 8-2 GB64-00 catchup_dump I\ame: catchup_dU111P SYNTAX AS A COMMAND catchup_dump {ctl_file {operator {ntapes {int}}}} {-control_args} FUNCTION begins a catchup hierarchy dump. It dumps an storage system segments and directories which have been modified since a specified date and time (the default is midnight two days prior). The catchup_dump command calls the backup_dump command to do the actual dumping. The catchup_dump command requires a dump control file, containing the fun pathnames of the objects to be dumped. It calls backup_dump once for each line in the control file. See "Notes on Format of a Dump Control File" below. When the control file is exhausted, i.e., when the catchup dump pass is finished, the catchup_dump command starts up the incremental hierarchy dumper in the same manner as the start_dump command. (Incremental and catchup hierarchy dumps are normally performed by the same process.) You can prevent this by using the -nocontin control argument. A map of all objects dumped is created in the working directory, with the name If you don't specify the -debug control argument, catchup_dump increases the scheduling priority of the dumping process by calling hphcs_$set_timax with a value of 7000000. The catchup_dump command is one of the commands used to control hierarchy dumping of storage system segments and directories to magnetic tape. The other commands are: backup_dump complete_dump end_dump start_dump wakeup_dump You should note that argument processing for all of the hierarchy backup commands is performed by a common argument processing procedure. The values of all arguments are remembered in static storage and remain in effect for the life of the process, unless changed by arguments given in subsequent invocations of backup commands. It should also be noted that the dumping commands and the reloading/retrieving commands are all part of the same hierarchy backup system, and argument values set by the dumping commands remain in effect for the reloading/retrieving commands and vice versa, unless overridden. However, dumping and reloading cannot be done in the same process; use the new_proc command between dumping and reloading. See "Notes on Default Arguments" below. 8-3 GB64-00 catchup_dump You may define certain frequently used arguments to the catchup_dump command in two different ways. The first way is to precede the ~rgument with an identifying control argument. The second way is to place the argument in a certain position on the command line. In the first case, the combination of control argument and argument may appear anywhere on the command line after any positional information. In the second case, the argument must appear at the beginning of the command line, before any control argument-argument combinations or any control arguments which stand alone. For the catchup_dump command, the frequently used arguments are the control file, the operator's name, the number of tape copies, and the wakeup interval. When defined to the command positionally, i.e., without identifying control arguments, these arguments must appear in the following positions: catchup_dump {ctl_fi le {operator {ntapes {int}}}} {-control_args} The control file and the operator's name must be specified, in one way or the other. ARGUMENTS ctl_file is the pathname of the dump control file (see the -control control argument). operator is the operator's name or initials (see the -operator control argument). ntapes is the number of copies to be made of each hierarchy dump tape (see the -tapes control argument). int is the wakeup interval (see the -wakeup control argument). CONTROL ARGUMENTS -all causes all directory entries (in the specified subtree) to be dumped, regardless of their dates modified or dates dumped. This argument overrides a previously given -dtd control argument or DATE argument. This is the default. -brief_map, -bfmap creates a map file that lists the processed entries. -con tin causes catchup_dump to start the incremental hierarchy dumper after the catchup pass is finished. This is the def aul t. 8-4 GB64-00 catchup_dump -control path indicates that path is the pathname of a dump control file. The suffix "dump" is assumed. For example. "-control sys_dirs" specifies a control file named sys_dirs.dump. in the working directory. See "Notes on Format of a Dump Control File" below. -debug disables those phcs_ and hphcs_ calls that deactivate dumped segments and set quotas. -destination, STR, -ds STR specifies a destination for pnntmg maps and error "incremental" for maps and "error file" for error files. files. The default is * -dtd tests and dumps each segment only if the segment or its branch has been modified since the last time it was dumped. -error_off writes error messages into a file rather than online. The name of the error file is printed when the first error is encountered. This is the default. -error_on writes error messages on the user's terminal. -header STR, -he STR specifies a heading for dprinting maps and error files. -hold leaves the current hierarchy dump tape or tapes mounted and inhibits rewinding after the current hierarchy dump cycle is completed. * -map writes a list of the segments and directories processed into a file. default. This is the -nocontin prevents catchup_dump from starting the incremental hierarchy dumper after the catchup pass is finished. -nodebug enables hphcs_ calls to set quotas and the transparency switches. default. This is the * -nohold rewinds and unloads the hierarchy dump tape or tapes at the end of the current dump pass. This is the default. -nomap inhibits listing of the names of processed segments and directories and turns the tape switch on (see -tape below). 8-5 GB64-o0 catchup_dump -nooutput inhibits wrItmg hierarchy dump information even if the tape switch is on. This is used for a test run or debugging. -noprimary, -npri uses each pathname as giYen. The default is -primary. -notape inhibits wrItmg of a hierarchy tape. This argument also causes a map to be created even if it was previously inhibited. (See -map above.) -only indicates that only the requested segment or directory and its branch are to be dumped. This is the opposite of -sweep. -opera tor STR indicates that SIR is the user's name or initials (up to 16 characters in length). -output writes hierarchy dump information onto the tape if the tape switch is on. Ihis is the default. -primary, -pr replaces all directory names in each pathname with the primary names. the default. This is -pvname SIR indicates that segments and directories may only be dumped if they reside on the physical volume specified by SIR. -request_type STR, -rqt SIR specifies an output request type for printing maps and error files. Available request types can 'be listed by using the print_request_types command (described in the Multics Commands and Active Functions manual, Order No. AG92). Ihe default is "printer." -restart path indicates that path is the pathname of a segment or directory where hierarchy dumping is to be restarted. Use of this feature assumes that there is a dump control file. It is normally used to restart a hierarchy dump that was interrupted by a system failure. -sweep indicates that the whole subtree beginning with the given directory is to be dumped, subject to the criteria of the -dtd control argument or the DATE argument if either has been invoked. This is the default. -tape allows writing of a tape. Ihis is the default. 8-6 GB64-00 ca tch up _ dum p -tapes N indicates that N is the number of output tape copies to be made where N can be either 1 or 2. The default is 1. -ltape sets the number of tape copies to 1 as an alternative to the -tapes argument. -2 tapes sets the number of tape copies to 2 as an alternative to the -tapes argument. -wakeup N indicates that N is the wakeup interval between incremental passes, in minutes. The default is 60 minutes. hierarchy dump DATE an argument beginning with a character other than "-" or ">" is assumed to be a date, in a format acceptable to the convert_date_to_binary_ subroutine. If the argument can be converted to a date, then only segments and directories modified after that date are dumped. NOTES ON DEFAULT ARGUMENTS The values of arguments given to any of the hierarchy backup commands are remembered in static storage and remain in effect for the life of the process, unless explicitly changed during t~e invocation of a subsequent backup command. The following defaults are in effect for the dumper before any backup commands are given; they are not, however, reset to these values at the start of each backup command, except as noted. -a 11 -contin -error_of -map -nodebug -noho 1d -output -primary -sweep -tape 8-7 GB64-00 complete_dump The following defaults are set automatically at the time the respective commands are executed: catchup_dump -tape (default date yesterday at midnight) complete_dump -all -tape start_dump -dtd -hold -tape -wakeup 60 NOTES ON FORMAT OF A DUMP CONTROL FILE The control file specified by "-control path" is an ASCII segment con tamIng absolute pathnames of entries (segments, MSFs, and directory subtrees) to be dumped, each on a separate line. Name: complete_dump SYNTAX AS A COMMAND complete_dump {ctl_file {operator {ntapes}}} {-control_args} FUNCTION begins a complete hierarchy dump. It dumps all storage system segments and directories, regardless of their modification dates. The complete_dump command calls the backup_dump command to do the actual dumping. The complete_dump command requires pathnames of the objects to be dumped. the control file. See "Notes on Format all objects dumped is created in a dump control file, containing the full It calls backup_dump once for each line in of a Dump Control File" below. A map of the working directory, with the name The complete_dump command is one of the commands used to control hierarchy dumping of storage system segments and directories to magnetic tape. The other commands are: 8-8 GB64-QO complete_dump complete_dump backup_dump catchup_dump end_dump start_dump wakeup_dump You should note that argument processing for all of the hierarchy backup commands is performed by a common argument processing procedure. The values of all arguments are remembered in static storage and remain in effect for the life of the process, unless changed by arguments given in subsequent invocations of backup commands. ~t should also be noted that the dumping commands and the reloading/retrieving commands are all part of the same hierarchy backup system, and argument values set by the dumping commands remain in effect for the reloading/retrieving commands and vice versa, unless overridden. However, dumping and reloading cannot be done in the same process; use the new _proc command between dumping and reloading. See "Notes on Default Arguments" below. You may define certain frequently used arguments to the complete_dump command in two different ways. The first way is to precede the argument with an identifying con trol argument. The second way is to place the argument in a certain position on the command line. In the first case, the combination of control argument and argument may appear anywhere on the command line after any positional information. In the second case, the argument must appear at the beginning of the command line, before any control argument-argument combinations or any control arguments which stand alone. For the complete_dump command, the frequently used arguments are the control file, the operator's name, and the number of tape copies. When defined to the command positionally. i.e., without identifying control arguments, these arguments must appear in the following positions: complete_dump {ctl_file {operator {ntapes}}} {-control_args} The control file and the operator's name must be specified, in one way or the other. ARGUMENTS ctl_file is the pathname of the dump control file (see the -control control argument). operator is the operator's name or initials (see the -operator control argument). ntapes is the number of copies to be made of each hierarchy dump tape (see the -tapes control argument). 8-9 GB64-00 complete_dump complete_dump CONTROL ARGUMENTS -all causes all directory entries (in the specified subtree) to be dumped, regardless of their dates modified or dates dumped. This argument overrides a previously given -dtd control argument or DATE argument. This is the default. -brief_map, -bfmap creates a map file that lists the processed entries. -control path indicates that path is the pathname of a dump control file. The suffix "dump" is assumed. For example, "-control sys_dirs" specifies a control file named sys_dirs.dump. in the working directory. See "Notes on Format of a Dump Control File" below. -debug disables those phcs_ and hphcs_ calls that deactivate dumped segments and set quotas. * -destination STR, -ds STR specifies a destination for pnntmg maps and error "incremental" for maps and "error file" for error files. files. The default is -dtd tests and dumps each segment only if the segment or its branch has been modified since the last time it was dumped. -error_of writes error messages into a file rather than online. The name of the error file is printed when the first error is encountered. This is the default. -error_on writes error messages on the user's terminal. -header STR, -he STR specifies a heading for dprinting maps and error files. -hold leaves the current hierarchy dump tape or tapes mounted and inhibits rewinding after the current hierarchy dump cycle is completed. * -map writes a list of the segments and directories processed into a file. default. This is the -nodebug enables hphcs_ calls to set quotas and the transparency switches. default. This is the 8-10 GB64-00 complete_dump complete_dump -nodprint. -no_dprint, -ndp causes the start_dump command not to dprint maps and error files. The default is -dprint. This control argument cannot be used with the backup_dump command. -nohold rewinds and unloads the hierarchy dump tape or tapes at the end of the current dump pass. This is the default. -nomap inhibits listing of the names of processed segments and directories and turns the tape switch on (see -tape below). -nooutput inhibits wntmg hierarchy dump information even if the tape switch is on. This is used for a test run or debugging. -n oprimary , -n pri uses each pathname as given. The default is -primary. -notape inhibits writing of a hierarchy tape. This argument also causes a map to be created even if it was previously inhibited. (See -map above.) -only indicates that only the requested segment or directory and its branch are to be dumped. This is the opposite of -sweep. -opera tor STR indicates that STR is the user's name or initials (up to 16 characters in length). -output writes hierarchv dump information onto the tape if the tape switch is on. This is the default. -primary, -pr replaces all directory names in each pathname with the primary names. the default. This is -pvname STR indicates that segments and directories may only be dumped if they reside on the physical volume specified by STR. -queue N, -q N specifies a queue number for any maps and error files that are dprinted. default is queue 1. 8-11 The GB64-00 complete_dump complete_dump -request_type STR, -rqt STR specifies an output request type for printing maps and error files. Available request types can be listed by using the print_request_types command (described in the Mu/tics Commands and Active Functions manuaL Order No. A092). The default is "printer." -restart path indicates that path is the pathname of a segment or directory wher.e hierarchy dumping is to be restarted. Use of this feature assumes that there is a dump control file. It is normally used to restart a hierarchy dump that was interrupted by a system failure. -sweep indicates that the whole subtree beginning with the given directory is to be dumped, subject to the criteria of the -dtd control argument or the DATE argument if either has been invoked. This is the default. -tape allows writing of a tape. This is the default. -tapes N indicates that N is the number of output tape copies to be made where N can be either 1 or 2. The default is 1. -1 tape sets the number of tape copies to 1 as an alternative to the -tapes argument. -2 tapes sets the number of tape copies to 2 as an alternative to the -tapes argument. -wakeup N indicates that N is the wakeup interval between incremental hierarchy dump passes, in minutes. The default is 60 minutes. DATE an argument beginning with a character other than "-" or ">" is assumed to be a date, in a format acceptable to the convert_date_to_binary_ subroutine. If the argument can be converted to a date, then only segments and directories modified af ter tha t date are dumped. NOTES ON DEFAULT ARGUMENTS The values of arguments given to any of the hierarchy backup commands are remembered in static storage and remain in effect for the life of the process, unless explicitly changed during the invocation of a subsequent backup command. The following defaults are in effect for the dumper before any backup commands are given; they are not, however, reset to these values at the start of each backup command, except as noted. 8-12 0B64-00 complete_dump -a 11 -contin -error of -map -nodebug -nohold -output -primary -sweep -tape The following defaults are set automatically at the time the respective commands are executed: catchup_dump -tape (default date yesterday at midnight) complete_dump -all -tape start_dump -dtd -hold -tape -wakeup 60 NOTES ON FORMAT OF A DUMP CONTROL FILE The control file specified by "-control path" is an ASCII segment containing absolute pathnames of entries (segments, MSFs, and directory subtrees) to be dumped, each on a separate line. SYNTAX AS A COMMAND 8-13 GB64-00 start_dump FUNCTION ends an incremental hierarchy dump. It rewinds and detaches the tape, and dprints the dump map and the error file (if one exists). It also disables the automatic wakeup initiated by the start_dump command. You should use end_dump when you don't want any more incremental dumps: for example, before you shut the system' down. and before you run a catchup hierarchy dump (but only if the incremental dumper is running). The end_dump command is one of the commands used to control hierarchy dumping of storage system segments and' directories to magnetic tape. The other commands are: backup_dump catchup_dump complete_dump start_dump wakeup_dump Name: start_dump SYNTAX AS A COMMAND start_dump {ctl_fi le {operator {ntapes {int}}}} {-control_args} FUNCTION begins incremental hierarchy dumping. It dumps all storage system segments and directories which have been modified since the last time they were dumped. After setting a timer to periodically wakeup and begin an incremental dump pass, the start_dump command calls the backup_dump command to do the actual dumping. (The default wakeup interval is one hour.) The start_dump command requires a dump control file, containing the full pathnames of the objects to be dumped. It calls backup_dump once for each line in the control file. See "Notes on Format of a Dump Control File" below. When the control file is exhausted. the incremental dumper "goes to sleep" until it is awakened by the timer to begin another pass. A map of all objects dumped is created in the working directory, with the name 8-14 GB64-00 The start_dump command is one of the commands used to control hierarchy dumping of storage system segments and directories to magnetic tape. The other commands are: backup_dump catchup_dump complete_dump end_dump wakeup_dump You should note that argument processing for all of the hierarchy backup commands is performed by a common argument processing procedure. The values of all arguments are remembered in static storage and remain in effect for the life of the process, unless changed by arguments given in subsequent invocations of backup commands. It should also be noted that the dumping commands and the reloading/retrieving commands are all part of the same hierarchy backup system, and argument values set by the dumping commands remain in effect for the reloading/retrieving commands and vice versa, unless overridden. However, dumping and reloading cannot be done in the same process; use the new _proc command between dumping and reloading. See "Notes on Default Arguments" below. You may define certain frequently used pieces of information to the start_dump command in two different ways. The first way is to precede the peice of information with an identifying control argument. The second way is to place the piece of information in a certain. position on the command line. In the first case, the combination of control argument and information may appear anywhere on the command line after any positional information. In the second case, the information must appear at the beginning of the command line, before any control argument-information combinations or any control arguments which stand alone. For the start_dump command, the frequently used pieces of information are the control file, the operator's name, the number of tape copies, and the wakeup interval. When defined to the command positionally, i.e., without identifying control arguments, these peices of information must appear in the following positions: start_dump {ctl_fi le {operator {ntapes {int}}}} {-control_args} The control file and the operator's name must be specified, in one way or the other. ARGUMENTS ctl_file is the pathname of the dump control file (see the -control control argument). operator is the operator's name or initials (see the -operator control argument). ntapes is the number of copies to be made of each hierarchy dump tape (see the -tapes control argument). 8-15 GB64-00 int is the wakeup interval (se.e the -wakeup control argument). CONTROL ARGUMENTS -all causes a11 directory entries (in the specified subtree) to be dumped, regardless of their dates modified or dates dumped. This argument overrides a previously given -dtd control argument or DATE argument. -brief_map, -bfmap creates a map file that lists the processed entries. -control path indicates that path is the pathname of a dump control file. The suffix "dump" is assumed. For example. "-control sys_dirs" specifies a control file named sys_dirs.dump, in the working directory. See "Notes on Format of a Dump Control File" below. -debug disables those phcs_ and hphcs_ calls that deactivate dumped segments and set quotas. -destina tion STR, -ds STR specifies a destination for printing maps and error "incremental" for maps and "error file" for error files. files. The -d prin t, -d P causes the start_dump command to dprint maps and error files. default. default is This is the -dtd tests and dumps each segment only if the segment or its branch has been modified since the last time it was dumped. This is the default. -error_of writes error messages into a file rather than online. The name of the error file is printed when the first error is encountered. This is the default. -error_on writes error messages on the user's terminal. -header STR, -he STR specifies a heading for dprinting maps and error files. -hold leaves the current hierarchy dump tape or tapes mounted and inhibits rewinding after the current hierarchy dump cycle is completed. This is the default. 8-16 GB64-00 -map writes a list of the segments and directories processed into a file. default. This is the -nodebug enables hphcs_ calls to set quotas and the transparency switches. default. This is the * -nodprint, -no_dprint, -ndp causes the start_dump command not to dprint maps and error files. The default is -dprint. -nohold rewinds and unloads the hierarchy dump tape or tapes at the end of the current dump pass. This is the default for all hierarchy dump modes except incremental. -nomap inhibits listing of the names of processed segments and directories and turns the tape switch on (see -tape below). -nooutput inhibits writing hierarchy dump information even if the tape switch is on. This is used for a test run or debugging. -noprimary, -npri uses each path name as given. The default is -primary. -no tape inhibits wntmg of a hierarchy tape. This argument also causes a map to be created even if it was previously inhibited. (See -map above.) -only indicates that only the requested segment or directory and its branch are to be dumped. This is the opposite of -sweep. -operator STR indicates that STR is the user's name or initials (up to 16 characters in length). -output writes hierarchy dump information onto the tape if the tape switch is on. This is the default. -primary, -pr replaces all directory names in each pathname with the primary names. the def aul t. -pvname STR indicates that STR is the name of a physical volume to be dumped. 8-17 This is * GB64-00 * -request_type STR, -rqt STR specifies an output request type for printing maps and error files. Available request types can be listed by using the print_request_types command (described in the Multics Commands and Active Functions manual, Order No. AG92). The default is "printer." -sweep indicates that the whole subtree beginning with the given directory is to be dumped, subject to the criteria of the -dtd control argument or the DATE argument if either has been invoked. This is the default. -tape allows writing of a tape. This is the default. -tapes N indicates that N is the number of output tape copies to be made where N can be either 1 or 2. The default is 1. -1 tape sets the number of tape copies to 1 as an alternative to the -tapes argument. -2 tapes sets the number of tape copies to 2 as an alternative to the -tapes argument. -wakeup N indicates that N is the wakeup interval between passes, in minutes. The default is 60 minutes. incremental hIerarchy dump DATE an argument beginning with a character other than "-" or ">" is assumed to be a date, in a format acceptable to the convert_date_to_binary _ subroutine. If the argument can be converted to a date, then only segments and directories modified after that date are dumped. NOTES ON DEFAULT ARGUMENTS The values of arguments given to any of the hierarchy backup commands are remembered in static storage and remain in effect for the life of the process, unless explicitly changed during the invocation of a subsequent backup command. The following defaults are in effect for the dumper before any backup commands are given; they are not, however, reset to these values at the start of each backup command, except as noted. 8-18 GB64-00 -a 11 -contin -error_of -map -nodebug -noho1d -output -primary -sweep -tape The following defaults are set automatically at the time the respective commands are executed: catchup_dump -tape (default date yesterday at midnight) complete_dump -a 11 -tape start_dump -dtd -hold -tape -wakeup 60 NOTES ON FORMAT OF A DUMP CONTROL FILE The control file specified by "-control path" is an ASCII segment containing absolute pathnames of entries--segments. multisegment files (MSFs). and directory subtrees--to be dumped. each on a separate line. Cross-dumping is specified by "-new_path" following a pathname. with no intervening spaces. where new_path is the pathname of the new parent directory if the string contains >·s; otherwise. it is a new entryname to replace the entryname portion of the pathname dumped. The entry is placed on the tape as if its pathname were the resulting new pathname. NOTES ON MANAGING TAPES AND STOPPING A DUMP The hierarchy dumper manages tape reels by querying you for a tape label: Type tape label: or if two tapes are being written: Type primary tape label: and Type secondary tape label: 11/86 8-19 GB64-o0A This input is used to request a tape mount and label verification from the system resource control. If the label cannot be verified (because of a mismatch or tape damage) or validated from the console, or if you deny the tape mount, the dumper requests another label. Name: wakeup_dump SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION is called automatically by the start_dump command at a specified time interval, to begin an incremental hierarchy dump pass. You can also execute it manually, just before the end_dump command, to make one last pass of the incremental dumper bef ore you shut the system down. This command is one of the commands used to control hierarchy dumping of storage system segments and directories to magnetic tape. The other commands are: backup_dump catchup_dump complete_dump end_dump start_dump 11/86 8-20 GB64-o0A SECTION 9 BCE COMMANDS The commands in this section can be used only when the system is in the bootload command environment (BeE). The only method of communicating with the system in the bootload command environment is through the bootload console. 9-1 GB64-00 alert Name: alert SYNT AX AS A COMMAND alert message FUNCTION writes a message on the bootload console with an audible alarm. This is useful in auto exec_corns to inform the operator that the system has crashed. This command is valid at all BeE command levels. ARGUMENTS message is the message you want to write on the console. EXAMPLES alert The system has crashed!!! Name: bee SYNTAX AS A COMMAND bee FUNCTION causes BeE to finish booting. BeE passes from the "early" command level to the "boot" command level, where it is fully initialized. Name: bee_state, bees SYNTAX AS A COMMAND bees SYNTAX AS AN ACTIVE FUNCTION [bees] 9-2 GB64-00 boot FUNCTION prints or returns the name of the BeE state which is currently running (early. boot, bee_crash or crash). NOTES This command is useful in exec_corns to diagnose cases where the exec_com is only to run during some states and not others. Name: boot SYNTAX AS A COMMAND boot {command} {keywords} {-control_arg} FUNCTION boots Multics. This command is valid at the "boot" and "bce_crash" command levels. ARGUMENTS command can be one of the following ring 1 command abbreviations: mult salv stan star multics salvage_dirs standard startup keywords can be one or more of the following: nodt recreates the disk table; renames and ignores the existing one. nolv recreates the logical volume registration directory (>lv); renames and ignores the existing one. nosc boots the system to the ring 4 emergency listener. See "Notes," below. rlvs performs a volume salvage of the RPV (root physical volume), a directory salvage of all directories used in initialization, and a volume salvage of all other member volumes of the RLV (root logical volume). 9-3 GB64-00 boot boot rpvs performs a volume salvage of directories used in initialization. the RPV and a directory salvage of all CONTROL ARGUMENTS -cold specifies that the root directory is to be recreated, thus destroying the old file system hierarchy. This option should only be used when a cold boot of BeE was also performed. You will be asked whether BeE should continue. -time specifies that the system is to halt before setting the system clock and query the user as to the desired clock setting. NOTES The following BeE command line will boot the system to the ring 4 emergency listener: boot stan nose The emergency listener should be used only in the following circumstances: 1. The system cannot be booted to standard level from ring 1, or it refuses to enter admin mode once it has been booted there. 2. The system libraries are thought to be intact. If 2 is not the case, then the system will either fail to reach the listener level, or you will be unable to execute many commands. The system will establish the emergency listener even if the RL V is incomplete. If the RL V is incomplete, some or all commands may be unavailable. The emergency listener level is a full Multics cpmmand level. It is impossible to start the answering service from the emergency listener. After repairing the problem (or deciding that you cannot repair it) you must shut down Multics with hphes_$shutdown which will return you to BeE. The emergency listener level is primarily useful for two circumstances: 1. If the logical volume registration for the root logical volume is damaged such that the system claims that the root is incomplete when it is in fact complete, you can use the emergency listener level registration commands. to repair 9-4 the registration with the volume GB64-00 boot confis-edit 2. If the log >scl>as_logs>admin_log is damaged such that Multics cannot automatically recover it, the emergency listener level is entered automatically to allow you to resolve the problem. • Name: config...edit, config SYNTAX AS A COMMAND config {file_name} FUNCTION enters the config deck editor. This editor is identical to qedx, except that buffer 0 contains a copy (in ASCII source form) of the config deck. This command is not valid at the "crash" command level. ARGUMENTS file_name is the name of a file to be read into the config deck. NOTES If you supply file_name, the specified file is read into the config deck without entering the config deck editor. If you supply rio file_name, the current config deck (that found in the CONF partition on the RPV) is read into buffer O~ It is converted to a labeled ASCII form, which is an· expanded form of that used in the configuration card description section. You can do arbitrary text-editing operations on this buffer as well as on any other. Performing a write request on buffer 0 writes the edited buffer back into the config deck. When used with a file name, you can use the read request to insert a file into the copy of the config deck, or the write request to make a copy of the config deck in a file. With a file name, these two requests do not change the default file name of the confiLedit's copy of the config deck; without a file name, they always refer to the config_edit's copy of the config deck. You can use the qedx request line l,Sdr to restore the original config deck if you have issued no write request; conversely, this request line discards only those changes made since the most recent write. 11/86 9-5 GB64-00A continue In the labeled format, you can optionally precede each field on a config card by a label, except for the card name. Labeled fields can appear in any order. The interpretation of a card in labeled form is that all labeled fields are placed into their proper places; any unlabeled fields, then, fill in the missing spaces. Thus, iom -state on -port 1 a imu becomes i om a 1 imu on in its standard format. The various labeled formats are desCribed in the Multics System Maintenance Procedures Manual, Order No. AM81. If a card's format has been locally changed, or if its format or type is otherwise unknown, you can place a "." in front of its name to avoid errors during card parsing. That card cannot have any labeled fields. See "Config Deck and Device Accessibility" in the Multics System Mai ntenance Procedures Manual, Order No. AM81, for implications on the use of this command. See the qedx command in the Multics Commands and Active Functions manual, Order No. AG92, for information on its requests and their options. Name: continue, go SYNTAX AS A COMMAND go FUNCTION restores a saved machine image and continues running an interrupted activity (usually Multics). The machine image is saved when Multics is interrupted after a manual return to BeE or after encountering a BCE probe breakpoint. This command is valid at the "bee_crash" and "crash" command levels. 11/86 9-6 GB64-00A copy_disk copy_disk Name: copy_disk SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION copies a disk. ARGUMENTS source_disk represents the source disk, in the form "dska_02". target_disk represents the target disk, in the form "dska_02". disk_range_specifier is any specification of a range of a disk to copy, in a form acceptable to copY_disk. You can specify this range using the control arguments listed below. The default is the entire disk, except for the ALT partition. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -first_record N, -free N specifies the first record to be read and/or written. You can use the keywords "first" and "last" instead of a reeord number; they specify the first or last record of the device (or partition if you gave one). (Default the first record number for the device type unless you give a partition, in which case the default is the first record of the partition) -force, -fc suppresses the query "Do you wish to write on target_disk?" -last_record N, -lrec N specifies the last record to be read and/or written. You "first" and "last" instead of a record number; they specify of the device (or partition if you gave one). (Default the the device type unless you give a partition, in which case record of the partition) can use the keywords the first or last record last record number for the default is the last -n_records N, -nree specifies the number of rectOrds to be read and/or written. If you give both -free and -nrec, copy_disk reads and/or writes up to N records, where the first reeord the command operates on is given by -frec. Correspondingly, if you give both -lrec and -nrec, copy_disk reads and/or writes up to N records, where the last record the command operates on is given by -lree. (See "Notes. ") 11/86 9-7 GB64-OOA delete -partition part_name, -part part_name specifies a partition, where part_name is the name of the desired partition. If you supply a partition, the defaults for the first and last page become the first and last page of the partition. (Optional) -record N, -rec N specifies a single page to be read and/or written. You can use the keywords "first" and "last" instead of a record number; they specify the first or last record of the device (or partition if you give one). (Optional) NOTES You can invoke copy_disk at all bee command levels, except for the "early" level since only the RPV is known at that time. The command does not affect the state of an existing Mul tics image. The source and target disks must be of the same type. You can supply control arguments anywhere within the disk range specification. If you want to operate on more than one record, use two of the following: -free, -lree, and -nrec. Name: delete, dl SYNTAX AS A COMMAND dl file_name { ••• file_names} FUNCTION deletes files within the BCE file system (not the Multics storage system). It is valid at all BeE command levels. ARGUMENTS file_name is the name of a BCE file to be deleted. You can use the star convention 11/86 9-8 GB64-00A die Name: die SYNTAX AS A COMMAND die {-control_arg} FUNCTION aborts all BCE activities. It wipes out the BCE toehold, preventing any returns to BCE, manual or otherwise. It should be used only when you want to absolutely destroy any remnants of BCE. It is valid at all BCE command levels. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -force, -fc destroys BCE without querying you first. If you don't use it, the command asks you if BCE should really be destroyed before it destroys it. Name: display_disk_label, ddl SYNTAX AS A COMMAND ddl device FUNCTION displays information recorded in the physical volume label for a storage system disk volume. ARGUMENTS device specifies the disk subsystem, drive, and, if the device is a 3380 or 338t subvolume on which the physical volume is located (e.g., dska_07 or dskc_OOb). 11/86 9-9 GB64-00A EXAMPLES The command line produces Label for Multics Storage System Volume rpv on dska_16 d451 PVID Serial Logical Volume LVID 244634617431 rpv root 244634617572 Registered Dismounted Map Updated Salvaged Bootload Reloaded Dumped Incremental Conso 1 ida ted Complete 11/18/83 11/05/86 11/05/86 1025.7 mst Fri 1415.9 mst Wed 1419.3 mst Wed 08/03/85 1547.7 mst Sat 11/05/86 1417.8 mst Wed 11/18/83 1134.8 mst Fri 11/06/86 11/05/86 11/01/86 1403.7 mst Thu 1825.0 mst Wed 0002.6 mst Sat Inconsistencies o Minimum AIM Maximum AIM 0:000000 7:777777 Volume contains root (» at vtocx 0 disk_table_ at vtocx 14006 (uid 075235676151) Volume Map from Label First Record 26000 75040 1123450 1117270 1113270 1024530 756240 1020540 11/86 Size 47040 40 2150 4160 4000 66540 42300 3770 hc conf alt bos log dump bce f i 1e 9-10 Part t Part t Part t Part t Part t Part t Partit Partit on on on on on on on on GB64-o0A dump The command line produces Label for Multics Storage System Volume fpdirOl on dskk_OOa 3380 PVID Serial Logical Volume LVID 535341556672 fpd i rO 1 fpd i r_1 535341556533 Subvolume a 1 of 2 Registered OS/24/86 Dismounted 11/05/86 Map Updated 11/05/86 Salvaged Bootload . Reloaded Dumped Incremental Consolidated Complete 2031.3 mst Sat 1410.8 mst Wed 1419.8 mst Wed 11/05/86 Inconsistencies o Minimum AIM Maximum AIM 0:000000 7:777777 1417.8 mst Wed Name: dump SYNTAX AS A COMMAND dump {macro_keyword} {-process_group segment_option { ••• segment_options}} {-contro1_args} FUNCTION produces a diagnostic dump of system memory and tables after a hardware or software failure, for later analysis. The dump is produced by copying binary images of segments and directories into the DUMP partition of the disk described by the part dump config card. Arguments to this command specify which processes are to be examined and which segments from those processes are to be dumped. (See "Notes" for a general-purpose command line.) This command is valid at all BCE command levels. 11/86 9-11 GB64-OOA dump dump ARGUMENTS macro_keyword specifies one of the following default group of processes and segments to dump: -brief, -bf is equivalent to -run hc pp moddir. -long. -lg is equivalent to -all wrt. -standard, -std is equivalent to -run hc pp moddir -elig hc stk -inzr hc stk. process~oup specifies a group of processes to be considered for dumping. The segments that get dumped for processes in this group are specified by segment options that follow the process group keyword. Allowed groups are: -all all processes -eligible, -elig all running and eligible processes (processes being considered for running) -ini tializer, -inzr - the initializer process (first apte entry) -running, -run processes running on a processor (apte.state = running or stopped) segment_option specifies a class of segments to be dumped for the group of processes specified by the process group keyword. Segment classes are: directories, dir directory segments (aste.dirsw = "l"b) hardcore, hc the pds, kst, dseg and ring 0 stack for the process(es). running, this also dumps the prds for the processor. If a process is modifyinLdirs, moddir directory segments (aste.dirsw = "l"b) that were being modified at the time of the crash (dir.modify "OUb) ,,= per_process, pp the segments contained (aste.per_process = "l"b) 11/86 within the process directory of 9-12 the process(es) GB64-00A dump dump stacks, stk all stack segments in the process(es) not already dumped by the hc or pp keywords writeable, wrt all segments to which the process(es) have write access. produces a large dump. This keyword ° Writable ring segments (system databases) other than directories are dumped regardless of what keywords are specified. Prefixing a segment option with a "1\" reverts an earlier occurrence of the given segment option. Thus, you can turn on a macro_keyword and turn off a specific segment option within it. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -bce dumps BeE itself (the dumper). -crash specifies that BCE is to dump the saved Multics image. -drive, -dv drive_name places the dump into the dump partition of the volume specified instead of into the drive listed on the PART DUMP card, e.g., dska-07 or dskc_01b (for drives with subvolumes). -dump # changes the dump number to a desired value. By default, dumps are assigned numbers sequentially. -force, -fc places the dump into the DUMP partition without querying you first~ even if this means that an existing dump that hasn't been copied will be overwritten. If you give no -fc, the command asks you if the existing dump should really be overwritten before it overwrites it. -no_sstnt disables sst_names_ generation. If sst_names_ generation is enabled for the system (by the astk parm in the config deck), -no_sstnt has no effect. -sstnt causes the segment sst_names_ (the sst name table) to be filled in and included in the dump. The segment sst_names_ provides a name for each ASTE in the system. This information is of use to dump analysis programs. If sst_names_ generation is enabled for the system (by the astk parm in the config deck), -sstnt has no effect. (Default) 11/86 9-13 GB64-00A dump dump NOTES For general-purpose dump analysis, the command line dump -std which is equivalent to dump -run hc pp moddir -elig hc stk -inzr hc stk should give you all the useful processes and segments (to produce a smaller dump, remove the "moddir" keyword). For simplicity, and to remove the possibility of operator error, put this command line into a BeE exec_com, either by itself or in a site-supplied crash exec_com. This command examines the active process table entries (apte) within the specified image. For each entry, the criteria specified through the keywords are used to decide if any segments from this process are to be dumped. If any segments are to be dumped, the segment options are applied to each segment active within that process to decide whether or not they should be dumped. As each process is dumped, the command produces an output line showing the apte number and the dbr value for the process. After scanning all apte entries, if the process in control when Multics crashed was not one of the processes dumped, it is dumped with a status line showing an apte number of zero. This process is dumped with the running and initializer segment options. A counter and a valid flag are kept within the DUMP partition. When a dump is placed into the partition, the valid flag is set. It is reset when the dump is copied out during Multics service (by the copy_dump exec command). If the dump in the partition has not been copied, the command asks you if it should be overwritten. You can avoid this query by specifying -fc. This command provides a severity indicator, indicating the success of its operation. You can get this indicator with th~ severity command/active function. The interpretation of the severity status is: 3 - the dump 2 - the dump 1 - the dump an older o - the dump 11/86 request was never called. request was entered, but never completed. was aborted because the DUMP partition contains dump. was successfully generated. 9-14 GB64-OOA emergency_shutdown Name: emergency_shutdown, esd SYNTAX AS A COMMAND esd FUNCTION starts an emergency shutdown of Multics. It destroys the saved crash image; therefore use it only after a dump is taken. Use it to prevent storage system damage whenever the system crashes. It is only valid at the "crash" command level. Name: exec_com, ec SYNTAX AS A COMMAND ec path {optional_args} SYNTAX AS AN ACTIVE FUNCTION [ec path {optional_args}] FUNCTION invokes a BCE exec_com. An exec_com is an ASCII file consisting of a series of commands to invoke. BCE uses exec_com version 1, described in the Multics Commands and Active Functions manual (AG92). This command is valid at all BeE command levels. ARGUMENTS path is the pathname of a segment containing commands to be executed and control statements to be interpreted. The entryname of the segment must have the ec suffix, although you can omit the suffix in the command invocation. If you specify only an entryname, i.e., one containing no < or >, the exec_com search list is used to locate the segment. optional_args are character strings to be substituted for special strings in the exec_com segment NOTES When the boot, bee, continue~ or reinitialize command is executed by a runnning BCE exec_com, the exec_com is aborted. 11/86 9-14.1 GB64-OOA fwload fwload Name: fwload, fw SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION loads firmware into the specified MPCs. It scans the config deck to determine the location of the MPC and the type of peripherals involved to determine the firmware and overlays needed. It is not valid at the BCE "early" command level. ARGUMENTS mpc_name is the name of an MPC into which firmware is to be loaded. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -channel name, -chn name is the channel through which the MPC is to be loaded. If you give no -chn, a system-selected channel is used. NOTES Use fw only on fully crossbarred disk MPCs. Load noncrossbarred disk MPCs as part of BCE initialization or by using the reinitialize BeE command. 11/86 9-14.2 GB64-OOA N aille: get_flagbox. gfb SYNT AX AS A COMMAND gfb flagbox_variable SYNTAX AS AN ACTIVE FUNCTION [gfb flagbox_variable] FUNCTION determines the values of various variables maintained in the BCE flagbox. These variables are also accessible from Multics and therefore allow a small method of communication between BeE and Multics. This command is valid at all BeE command levels. ARGUMENTS flag box_variable is one of the valid flagbox variables listed below: N where N is from 1 to 36. The returned value is the Nth flagbox flag. These flags have true or false values. Some of them are named and can be ref erred to by their names, as listed below. auto_reboot (also flag 1). Used by the auto BeE exec_com. Refer to the Multics System Maintenance Procedures manual, Order No. AM81, for more details. booting (also flag 2). Used by the auto BeE exec_com. rebooted (also flag 4). Used by the auto BeE exec_com. unattended (also flag 5). Used by the auto BeE exec_com. bce_command a command that is invoked by BeE whenever it reaches a command level. The result is a character string, quoted. This command may be set so that BeE can be set to automatically boot Multics upon a crash, etc. Refer to the Multics System Maintenance Procedures manual, Order No. AM81, for more details. ssenb a flag set by Multics indicating whether or not the storage system was enabled at the time of a crash. A value of true indicates that an emergency shutdown needs to be performed (or did not succeed). 9-15 GB64-00 call_bce indicates that BCE was called through a program calling caB_bce. This may be the result of the user having entering the bce command. shut indicates that Multics successfuBy shut down. If neither shut nor call_bee is set;! Multics either encountered a breakpoint, crashed or was manually brought to BCE. manual_crash indicates that BCE was invoked manually, either by the user manually forcing a return to BCE (XED 24000) or by the user hitting the EXECUTE FAULT button. Name: init_files SYNT AX AS A COMMAND init fi les {-control_arg} FUNCTION wipes out all files in the BCE file system. It is to be used only if a problem is encountered with the BCE file system. This command is valid at all BCE command levels. CONTROL ARGUMENTS -force, -fc clears the BCE file system without querying you first. If this control argument is not used, the init_files command asks you if the BCE file system should really be cleared before it clears it. NOTES Refer to the Multics System Maintenance Procedures manual, Order No. AM81, for information on reloading the BCE file system after it has been initialized. 9-16 GB64-00 list Name: list, Is SYNTAX AS A COMMAND ls {star_names} SYNTAX AS AN ACTIVE FUNCTION [ls {star_names}] FUNCTION lists the names of BeE files matching a set of star names. If you specify no star names, list lists the names of all BCE files. As an active function, it returns the set of star names. It is valid at all BCE command levels. ARGUMENTS star_names are the names against which the names of BCE files are to be matched. Name: list_requests, lr SYNTAX AS A COMMAND 1r FUNCTION lists all commands valid at the current command level. SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION locks (disables) input to all maintenance channel adapters (MCAs) from the console. 11/86 9-17 GB64-OOA probe print Name: print, pr . SYNTAX AS A COMMAND pr file name FUNCTION prints the contents of a file in the BCE file system. This command is valid at all BCE command levels. ARGUMENTS file_name is the ·name of the· BCE file whose contents are to be printed. Name: probe, pb. SYNTAX AS A COMMAND pb {-control_arguments} FUNCTION examines, patches generally debugs the Multics hardcore and BCE itself, and provides a general memory and disk patch/dump facility. Its requests resemble those of the Multics probe command. It can be used at all BeE command levels. l CONTROL ARGUMENTS -bee examines bee itself. -break examines the active breakpoint -crash examines the saved crash image. When you invoke probe at the "boot" command level, the default is to examine BCE. When it is invoked automatically upon encountering a breakpoint, the default is to examine the breakpoint Otherwise, the default is to examine the crash image. 11/86 9-18 GB64-OOA probe ~robe NOTES This command reads request lines from the bootload console. Multiple requests can appear on one line separated by semicolons. The syntax of these requests varies from request to request. The recognized requests are listed below. Various other aspects of BCE probe are described in the following sections. ENTERING NUMERICAL VALUES You can enter all numerical values in the form Nn, where n is the base numbering system designator, e.g., 12d (decimal), 1300 (octaI), 116 (binary), 12x (hexadecimaI). If you specify no base numbering system, a default value is assumed as indicated in the text. LI ST OF ADDRESS FORMS Several requests in probe take an address describing what should be displayed, modified, etc. The address can take many forms, depending on what is desired. Valid address forms are N specifies absolute memory location N. N can describe any location in the memory. N is assumed to be octal if you give no base designator. MIN specifies the virtual location N in segment M. The interpretation of this virtual address depends on the address space being examined; see the dbr and proc requests. Both Nand M are assumed to be octal if you give no base designator. namelN specifies the virtual location N in the hardcore segment with the specified name. This interpretation depends on the address space being examined. N is assumed to be octal if you give no base designator. M$entry specifies the virtual location whose address is that of the specified entry in segment M. This interpretation depends on the address space being examined. M is assumed to be octal if you give no base designator. M$entry+ I-N specifies the virtual location offset N (plus or minus) from the address of the specified entry in segment M. This interpretation depends on the address space being examined. Both M and N are assumed· to be octal if you give no base designator. name$entry specifies the virtual location whose address is that of the specified entry in the hardcore segment with the specified name. This interpretation depends on the address space being examined. 9-19 GB64-o0 probe probe name$entry+ I-N specifies the virtual location offset N (plus or minus) from the address of the specified entry in the hardcore segment with the specified name. This interpretation is subject to the address space being examined. N is assumed to be octal if you give no base designator. . {+ I-N} specifies the last location referenced (of any address type) optionally offset by the value N. N is assumed to be octal if you give no base designator. reg{name) .specifies the named register in the crash image. This address is not valid when examining the live BeE. Valid registers are prN (N = 0 to 7) xN (N = 0 to 7) a, q, e t, ralr fault, ext_fault, mode, cache dbr, bar disk(drive_name,record_num,offset) refers to a specific page of a disk drive. The drive is in the standard form dsk _ nly the first 32K of the first four configured FNP~. * Name: EDIT SYNTAX AS A COMMAND EDIT {fi le_narne} FUNCTION provides a primitive text editing function in BOS for BCD files. The EDIT command accepts input only from the bootload console. It operates in two modes, input mode and edit mode. In input mode, lines typed at the bootload console are placed directly into the BCD file being edited. In edit mode, lines typed at the bootload console are interpreted as editing commands. The EDIT command will go from input mode to edit mode whenever a blank line is typed. A pointer to the current line being edited is maintained. Editing commands may cause this pointer to be moved. The EDIT command can be used either to edit an existing BCD file or to create a new one. 10-9 OB64-00 EDIT EDIT ARGUMENTS file_name is the name of the file to be edited. The EDIT command issued without file_name enters input mode to accept input for a new BCD file. A file name must be specified when the W command is issued. LIST OF REQUESTS The following is a description of the requests accepted by the EDIT command while in edit mode and their effects: N {nJ The current line pointer is advanced n lines. If n is not specified, it is advanced one line. - {nJ The current line pointer is backed up n lines. If n is not specified, it is backed up one line. P {nJ n lines are printed on the bootload console starting with the line pointed to by the current line pointer. If n is not specified, only one line is printed. The current line pointer will point to the last line printed. Input mode is entered. Lines input to the bootload console will be inserted before the line pointed to by the current line pointer. An empty line causes exit from input mode. T The current line pointer is set to the first line of the file. B The current line pointer is moved to the bottom of the file. Input mode is entered. Lines input from the bootload console is appended to the end of the file. An empty line causes exit from input .mode. D {nJ n lines are deleted, starting with the line pointed to by the current line pointer. If n is not specified, only one line is deleted. The current line pointer is left poin ting to the first line not deleted. Q The edit command returns to the BOS command processor without saving the edited file. 10-10 GB64-00 EDIT FMT W {name} The edited file is written out onto disk and entered in the BOS directory as BCD file name. If name is not specified, the name used in the original EDIT command is used. The EDIT command processor then returns to the BOS command processor. * Name: FD355 SYNT AX AS A COMMAND FD355 FUNCTION dumps the contents of all configured appropriate area of the DUMP partition. FNP memories and places them in an NOTES The FD355 command dumps only the first 32K of the first eight configured FNPs. This command is of limited utility because the state of an FNP at the time Multics crashes offers limited diagnostic information. The online FNP dumps produced by the answering service in the >dumps directory are much more useful. For this reason, it * is recommended that the FD355 command not be part of the standard crash runcoms. * Name: FMT SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FMT volume_designator extent {keywords} FUNCTION formats a 451 disk pack or a portion of a 451 disk pack for its use by Multics. This command cannot be used to format fixed media disk devices (MSU0500 and MSU0501 disks.) In general, new disk packs should be formatted during Multics operation by using the online T&D tooL MTR, under TOLTS and MOLTS. Procedures for formatting both MSU0451 and MSU0500/MSU0501 disk packs with MTR are described in the Multics Online Test and Diagnostics Reference Manual, Order No. AU77. 10-11 GB64-00 FMT FMT ARGU/v7ENTS volume_designator indicates a particular volume or part of a volume. the following ways: It may be specified in one of subsystem N where N is a drive number. If N ends in a decimal point. it is considered a decimal number~ otherwise it is considered an octal number. p ART partition_name ROOT extent is a range of addresses on a single volume. following forms: It may be specified in one of the device_position TO number device_position FROM number device_position ONLY ENTIRE where: device_position specifies a starting or ending device address; it may have one of these forms: RECORD record_number SECTOR sector number record number number is either a record number or a sector number, depending on the units of the device_position argument. keywords may be chosen from: CHECK The track headers are read to look for defective tracks. Good tracks are not reformatted unless record 0 of the track contains incorrect data. CLEAR All tracks are formatted as good tracks. DEFECT All tracks within the volume-designator and extent are formatted as defective. 10-12 GB64-00 FWLOAD FMT The addresses of defective tracks are printed unless the DEFECT keyword is used. If no keywords are present. the track headers are read first to look for defective tracks. All tracks are then formatted as good or defective. EXAMPLES FMT DSKA 3 ENTIRE FMT DSKA 4 0 TO 5 CHECK NOTES If the track headers cannol be read or the pack has never been formatted before, the CLEAR keyword must be used. !\ame: FWLOAD SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FWLOAD ctlr iom chan or FWLOAD ur ctlr iom chan nchan devl ..• devn FUNCTION causes MPC firmware to be loaded. This command has two uses: it loads tape or disk controller firmware and it loads unit record controller firmware (plus the necessary firmware overlays). 10-13 GB64-00 FWLOAD FWLOAD ARGUMENTS ctlr is an MPC designation for a tape or disk controller. The following values of ctlrs are recognized: * ctlr MPC_type T500 T501 T502 T600 T601 T602 T610 T611 0400 0450 0451 0500 0601 0603 0607 0609 0611 0612 MTC501 or MTC502 MTC501 MTC502 MTP0600 MTP0601 MTC0602 MTP0610 MTP0611 MSP0400 MSP0451 or OSC0451 MSP0451 Msp0601 Msp0601 MSP0603 MSp0607 MSp0609 Msp0611 Msp0612 The MSP0609 and MSP0612 models require loading for each half of the controller individually. iom is the tag of the 10M to which the MPC is connected. chan is the number of the 10M channel to which the MPC is connected. ur_ctlr is an MPC designation for a unit record controller. ur_ctlrs are recognized: The following values of ur_ctlr U002 u600 * * URC002 URP0600 nchan is the number of device ports in the unit record MPC. 10-14 GB64-00 ~WLOAD IF devl. .. devn is a list of devices indicating what peripheral is connected to each of the unit record MPC device ports. The following devices specified by devi are recognized. devi peripheral CRP CRZ CPZ card reader/punch card reader card punch PRT401/402, PRU1000/1200/l6oo no peripheral connected to this port PR4 NONE * NOTES When the FWLOAD command is invoked automatically during the loading of BOS, it accepts requests from the bootload console to load MPC firmware. The syntax of the requests is identical to that given above, except that the command name FWLOAD is not given. Name: GO SYNTAX AS A COMMAND GO FUNCTION is identical to the CONTIN command. Name: IF SYNT AX AS A COMMAND IF {NOT} var {test value} command argl .•. argn FUNCTION tests the value of several variables in the Multics and BOS environments. The IF command is particularly useful within BOS run com files. Another BOS command is executed conditionally on the results of the test. 10-15 GB64-00 IF IF ARGUMENTS NOT if presen t reverses the sense of the test. var performs various tests which may be chosen from the following list: SHUT causes the Multics system shutdown state to be tested. Possible values are as follows: Code (Dc ta 1) o 1 2 3 4 Other Meaning Normal Multics operation (no ESD) ESD part 1 started ESD part 1 completed Shutdown or ESD completed with lock errors Shutdown or ESD completed with no errors Shutdown completed with errors, or not completed for one or more disk drives SWITCH mask reads the processor data switches and masks them with the specified octal mask before comparison. * RTB argument tests the reason for a return from Multics to BOS. If argument specifies the actual reason for a return to BOS, its value will be nonzero. Possible arguments are as follows: argument SHUT * CALL reason Normal Multics shutdown. Operator call to BaS. * test is either EQ to test for equality or NEQ to test for inequality. value value is specified as an octal number. It will be used in a test for equality or inequality depending on whether EQ or NEQ was specified. If {test value} is omitted, the default test of NEQ 0 is performed. * command argl ... argn is the name of any BOS command and its valid arguments. The name of an appropriate runcom may also be used. If the condition specified by {test value} is met, command is invoked with the arguments argl. .. argn. 10-16 GB64-00 MPCD LIST 1\ame: LIST SYNTAX AS A COMMAND LIST FUNCTION prints a list of all the current disk resident BOS modules and BCD files and their device addresses. Name: LOADDM SYNT AX AS A COMMAND LOADDM {n} {namel ••• namen} FUNCTION reads modules and ASCII files from the BOS system tape and places them in the BOS directory. ARGUMENTS n is the decimal number of the tape drive on which the BOS system tape is read. If n is not specified, drive number 1 is used. namei are names of modules or BCD files to be read from the BaS system tape. Only the last copy of a module or BCD file is remembered. When no namei is specified. all segments on the BOS system tape are loaded. Name: MPCD SYNTAX AS A COMMAND MPCD {devname} {TRACE} {DUMP} FUNCTION dumps MPC memory and the trace table kept by the MPC. 10-17 GB64-00 MPCD NLABEL ARGUMENTS devname is the name of a device connected to the MPC. The device must be described in the configuration deck by a prph card and devname must be in the form used on that card for a peripheral device name. TRACE if present, dumps the MPC trace table. DUMP if present, dumps the MPC read/write memory. NOTES When dumping the MPC trace table, switch 4 on the appropriate MPC should be placed in the UP position in order to inhibit further tracing. * * Name: NLABEL SYNT AX AS A COMMAND NLABEL model channel drive frec nrec FUNCTION is used for the first bootload of BOS on an empty BOS residence volume. ra-ther than the COLD command, since the pack has no label. (It is one of the BOS loader control commands.) This command supplies the first record and number of records for the BOS partition. It is used only when a new Multics site is first installed and the Multics file system has not been loaded. ARGUMENTS model is the model number, with decimal point, of the disk drive, e.g., "400.". channel is the number of the channel connected to the disk subsystem. drive is the number of the drive on which the disk is mounted. This number must be decimal. 10-18 GB64-00 PROMPT NLABEL frec is the first record of the BOS partition. nrec is the number of records in the BOS partition. NOTES The NLABEL control command should be used only when a cold boot of Multics is to follow the loading of BOS., An NLABEL command will initialize the label of the BOS residence volume. The NLABEL command should be used only when booting Multics for the first time, since it can destroy the contents of the storage system if packs have been moved. The partition defined by the free and nrec arguments should represent the last nrec records of the disk pack. EXAMPLES NLABEL 400. 30 1. 19000. 270. NLABEL 451. 30 1. 37988. 270. NLABEL 500. 30 1. 37988. 270. In the first example, the 270-record BOS partItIon occupies records 19000-19269 of the MSU0400 pack on drive 1, channel 30 (octal) of the bootload 10M. For the other two models, records occupied are 37988-38257. Name: PROMPT SYNTAX AS A COMMAND PROMPT state FUNCTION controls input prompting on the bootload console. ARGUMENTS state is either ON, to print a prompt string when BOS is ready to accept input, or OFF, for no prompt. 10-19 GB64-00 QUIET RDLABL Name: QUIET SYNT AX AS A COMMAND QUIET state FUNCTION controls printing of RUNCOM and card reader input lines on the bootload console. ARGUMENTS state is either ON, to print input as it is processed, or OFF, for no printing. Name: RDLABL SYNT AX AS A COMMAND RDLABL subsystem N FUNCTION reads a disk volume label, then displays it on the bootload console. ARGUMENTS subsystem is the name of the disk subsystem. N is the disk drive number. EXAMPLES To read the volume label of disk drive 5 in subsystem dska, type: RDLABEL DSKA 5 If dska 5 is a storage system volume, Multics will print a message like this: DSKA 5 IS MULTICS STORAGE SYSTEM VOLUME LDD2. LABEL LAST WRITTEN AT 7/31 20:33 If dska 5 is not a storage system volume, Multics will print this message: NOT A MULTICS STORAGE SYSTEM VOLUME. 10-20 OB64-00 READY RENAME 1\ame: READY SYNT AX AS A COMMAND READY state FUNCTION controls printing of the BaS ready message on the bootload console. ARGUMENTS state is either ON, to print a ready message of the form: BOS AT after each command executes, or OFF, for no prompt. Name: RENAME SYNTAX AS A COMMAND RENAME namel name2 FUNCTION renames an entry in the BaS directory to another name. ARGUMENTS name1 is the name of an entry in the BaS directory that is renamed to the name specified by name2. 10-21 GB64-00 RESTOR RESTOR Name: RESTOR SYNTAX AS A COMMAND RESTOR {name {nl n2 ... n8}} FUNCTION reloads the contents of disks from a set of tapes or disks written by the BOS SAVE command. ARGUMENTS name may be either of the strings "TAPE" or "DISK subsystem". default is "TAPE". If not given, the ni is the drive number on which the tape or disk to be reloaded is mounted: up to eight tape drives or disk drives may be specified. These drives are used in the order specified. If no drive numbers are specified, drives 1 and 2 are used. Drive numbers are always assumed to be decimal numbers. NOTES RESTOR reads lines from the BOS input source until an END or QUIT request is read. Each request specifies one block of a physical volume to be reloaded. in the form: volume_designator extent vol_name where: volume_designator indicates a particular volume or part of a volume. It may be specified in one of the following way: subsystem N where N is a drive number. If N ends in a decimal point. it is considered a decimal number; otherwise, it is considered an octal number. PART partition_name ROOT 10-22 OB64-00 RESTOR RESTOR extent is a range of addresses on a single volume. f ollowing forms: It may be specified in one of the device_position TO number device_position FROM number device_position ONLY ENTIRE where: device_posi tion specifies a starting or ending device address; it may have one of these forms: RECORD record_number SECTOR sector_number record_number number is either a record number or a sector number, depending on the units of the device_posi tion argument. vol_name is the name of the physical volume. The vol_name specified at SAVE time is checked at RESTOR time, so that physical volumes need not be remounted on the same device addresses. When an END request is encountered, the input requests are compared with the tape or disk header of the input. If they do not match, the following occurs: 1. The record address ranges of the SAVE sequence are prin ted. 2. The record address ranges of RESTOR input requests are printed. 3. You are is asked if this is the correct tape or disk. con trol is returned to BOS. 4. If you answer YES, you are is asked if the entire SAVE sequence should be loaded. 5. If you answer YES, RESTOR input requests are changed to equal the input requests of the SAVE sequence, resul ting in all of the SAVE sequence being read. Otherwise. the RESTOR is executed as originally indicated on the input lines. If you answer NO, See the SAVE command description before using the RESTOR command. 10-23 GB64-00 RESTOR RUN COM EXA/I//PLES The following are examples of request lines to the RESTOR command. These lines are not related to each other. DSKA DSKA DSKA DSKA ROOT PART 3 0 FOR 6 ROOT2 3 12 TO 17 RPV 1 0 ONLY ROOT3 3 ENTIRE ROOT2 ENTIRE RPV LOG ENTIRE RPV The following is a complete example of use of the RESTOR command: RESTOR TAPE 1 2 3 DSKA 2 ENTIRE RPV DSKA 18. ENTIRE ROOT2 END Name: RUNCOM SYNTAX AS A COMMAND RUN COM {-control_arg} FUNCTION creates, executes, and otherwise manipulates BOS runcom files. See the discussion of BOS runcom files in the Multics System Maintenance Procedures manual, Order No. AM81. CONTROL ARGUMENTS LOAD name creates a BOS runcom file by loading input lines until a RUNCOM END card image is found. The name is added to the BOS command directory, and the file is written on the disk. PRINT name prints the runcom file specified by name on the bootload console. 10-24 GB64-00 SAVE RUNCOM SKIP name {arg s} prints successive lines of the runcom file and unlocks the bootload console keyboard after each. If the line just printed is not to be executed. press EOM and the next line is printcd. If thc line is to be executed, type "X". If the line is to be replaced by another line. type "X" followed by the replacement line. If the line is to be executed followed by all subsequent lines in the runcom file, type ltC"~. RUN name {arg s1 executes a runcom file. The file may also be executed by simply typing its name as a command to BOS. followed by arguments to the runcom, if any. This forces the execution of "RUNCOM RUN name". PUNCH name punches the BCD file name on cards. (A prph card for puna must be present in the configuration deck.) Name: SAVE SYNT AX AS A COMMAND SAVE {name nl n2 ••• n8} {ALL} {BRIEF} {density} or SAVE COpy subsys {nl ••• n8} {ALL} {SRI EF} FUNCTION writes the contents of disks onto tape or disk. It can also be used to create an exact duplicate of a disk pack (see "Notes on Save Copy" below). ARGUMENTS name can be either "TAPE" or "DISK subsystem". If not given, the default is "TAPE". ni is the decimal drive number of the output medium for the SAVE. Up to eight tape drives or disk drives may be specified; they are used in the order specified in either the SAVE TAPE or SAVE DISK usage line specified above. If no drive numbers are specified. drives 1 and 2 are used. ALL saves all of the Multics storage system records of the pack(s). Save" below.) (See "Notes on BRIEF causes suppression of all recoverable disk error messages. 10-25 GB64-00 SAVE SAVE density may be D=800, D=1600, or D=6250 to specify the density (bpi) at which to record the tape. Only one density may be specified. The default is D=1600. This argument can only be used with "TAPE." subsys is the name of the disk subsystem to which the drive being used for the SAVE COpy belongs. NOTES ON SAVE Normally, SAVE writes on tape or disk only those Multics storage system records that currently contain useful data. Partitions are not normally saved. This is done by using the system-maintained table of assigned records for each volume, called the volume map. A volume map contains valid information only after a successful system shutdown, volume salvage, or demount of the volume. If for some reason a salvage cannot be performed, you can include the ALL argument to have SAVE ignore the volume map contents. If the ALL argument is not present, a successful shutdown, demount. or salvage must have preceded the SAVE. The SAVE command reads request lines from the BaS input source until a QUIT or END request is read. Each request specifies one block of a physical volume to be dumped, in the form: volume_designator extent vol name where: volume_designator indicates a particular volume or part of a volume. It may be specified in one of the following ways: subsystem N where N is a drive number. If N ends in a decimal point, it is considered a decimal number; otherwise it is considered an octal number. PART parti lion_name ROOT extent is a range of addresses on a single volume. It may be specified in one of the following forms: device_position TO number device_position FROM number device_position ONLY ENTIRE 10-26 GB64-00 SAVE SAVE where: device_position specifies a starting or ending device address: it may have one of these forms: RECORD record_number SECTOR sector_number record_number number is either a record number or a sector number, depending on the units of the device_position argument. vol_name is the name of the physical volume. When saving to tape. an additional request line of the form: DEN {density} (where density may be 800, 1600, or 6250) may be used. then 1600 bpi is the default. If no density is specified Unless ALL is specified, saving a pack by specifying the keyword ENTIRE saves only those records in the volume that are actually used, plus the label information, the volume map, and the VTOC. For example, to save the volumes on units DSKA 1 and 2 onto disk packs on DSKA 3 and 4, type: SAVE DISK DSKA 3 4 DSKA 1 ENTIRE RPV DSKA 18. ENTIRE ROOT2 END (This example assumes that the physical volume name of the pack on unit 1 is RPV and the name of the pack on unit 2 is ROOT2.) The indented lines are request lines read by the SAVE command; each input request is acknowledged by a message of the form: DSKA 1 (M400 A 30) O. TO 19269. but the SAVE does not actually start until all input has been typed and the END request given. When SAVE or RESTOR begins a new volume of the SAVE medium, it types out a message describing what volume address from the Multics data is on the SAVE medium, in the form: RPV (DSKA 1) 12349. ON TAPE 3 As each volume of the SAVE medium (tape reel or disk pack) is finished, SAVE or RESTOR types out the error count. No more than one request per volume may be given. 10-27 GB64-00 SAVE SAVE SA VE and RESTOR do some checking of the volume labels of disk packs. If an attempt is made to RESTOR the contents of one volume onto a volume with a valid label but a different volume name. RESTOR prints: PHYSICAL VOLUME NAME DOES NOT MATCH REQUEST REQUEST IS FOR PUBLIC, BUT VOLUME NAME IS RPV and refuses to proceed. Similarly, if an attempt is made to use a storage system volume as a SAVE pack, the message: DSKA 4 IS MULTICS STORAGE SYSTEM VOLUME ROOT3 is printed and no SAVE or RESTOR is done. Instead of typing END, you should type the QUIT request to return to BOS command level and then check the assignment of packs to disk units very carefully. In very rare cases, a pack may have an incorrect label left over from a previous use, which causes one of the above messages and prevents SAVE and RESTOR from operating. The TEST command should be used to clear the label in. this case. To save the dump partition on tape, type: SAVE ALL PART DUMP ENTIRE RPV END The SAVE to disk feature of the SAVE and RESTOR commands uses disk instead of tape for performing the same functions. As each disk pack becomes full, it is stopped to allow you to mount another pack, and the next drive in the list is used to continue the SAVE operation. NOTES ON SAVE COpy * The SAVE COpy feature can be used to copy packs in order to provide a backup copy of the disk contents at a particular moment. It can also be used to copy as much as possible from a defective disk pack onto another pack. Each Multics record copied is placed in exactly the same position on the target pack. Ther~ is no copy feature in the RESTOR command. The restoration function is effected by mounting the copy in place of the original pack or by reissuing the SAVE COpy command with the specifications of the original pack and the copy interchanged. The ALL argument must be given if the volumes to be copied have not been salvaged or shut down. 10-28 GB64-00 SAVE TEST To use the SAVE COpy feature, type: SAVE COpy DSKA 8 ALL DSKB 3 ENTIRE ROOT2 END to copy the contents of DSKB 3 to a pack mounted on DSKA 8. The ALL argument causes partitions to be saved. The optional BRIEF argument may be used to suppress all recoverable disk error messages. This is extremely useful when attempting to save or copy a volume containing many bad records. * Name: TAPED SYNTAX AS A COMMAND TAPED n FUNCTION dumps, in octal, the contents of the tape mounted on a specified drive. ARGUMENTS n is the decimal number of the drive on which the tape to be dumped is mounted. NOTES The tape must have been written in binary mode. TAPED prints EOF and ERROR whenever they occur. TAPED may be stopped by pressing the REQUEST button. Name: TEST SYNT AX AS A COMMAND TEST {volume_designator extent} {keywords} FUNCTION tests disks for errors. The portion of the disks to be tested can be specified as with SA VE and RESTOR. TEST may be stopped at any time by pressing the REQUEST button on the bootload console. 10-29 GB64;...00 TEST TEST ARGUMENTS volume_designator indicates a particular volume or part of a volume. It may be specified in one of the following ways: subsystem N where N is a drive number. If N ends in a decimal point, it is considered a decimal number; otherwise it is considered an octal number. PART partition_name ROOT extent is a range of addresses on a single volume. following forms: It may be specified in one of the device_position TO number device_position FROM number device_position ONLY ENTIRE where: device_position specifies a starting or ending device address; it may have one of these forms: RECORD record_number SECTOR sector_number record_number number is either a record number or a sector number, depending on the units of the device_posi tion argument. keywords may be chosen from: CHECK the records are read and the data is also verified. (See PATERN, below.) WRITE the records are written. If no word pattern is specified, zeros are written. REWRIT The records are read. If any errors are detected, those records are rewritten, possibly correcting the errors. 10-30 GB64-00 TEST TEST PATERN nl {n2} {n3} {n4} The data that is to be checked or written is changed from all zeros. Depending upon the number of 12-digit octal numbers given. one of the following sequences is used to fill each record: n 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 ••• n 1 n2 n 1 n2 ... nl n2 n3 nl nl n2 n3 nl •.. nl n2 n3 n4 n1 n2 n3 n4 •.. MARK This keyword, if chosen, must be the last argument on the command line. The first data word of each record to be checked or written contains the device number and device address. The remaining words of the record are zero. BRIEF Error messages for recoverable disk errors are suppressed. NOTES If neither CHECK, WRITE, nor REWRIT is included in the command, then the records are read only. Any errors reported by the device are printed. For more information on formatting packs with an alternate partition, see the Multics AM81. System Maintenance Procedures manual, Order No. EXAMPLES The following example shows how to correct the check character on a 451 disk pack. A check character error is indicative of data damage and can be corrected by writing over the data that is bad. test dska 16. entire brief reads all records on the pack error at d451 3423 error msg: this record is bad test dska 16. 3423 only reads only the bad record error test dska 16. 3423 only rewrite reads record and writes it out 10-31 GB64-00 TIME TIME I\ame: TIME SYNTAX AS A COMMAND TIME FUNCTION reads the calendar clock of the bootload SCU and does the time conversion necessary to set the correct time in an seu. A null input line causes the TIME command to return to the BOS command processor. Lf 5T OF REQUESTS After the BOS TIME command has been issued the following input requests are accepted: mm dd yy hh mm ss are the month, day. year. hour. minute, and second. may be omi tted. Hour, minute. and second S sets the clock in the low-order memory. (Clocks in Series 60 (Level 66)/6000 SCs must be loaded manually. See the Multics System Maintenance Procedures manual, Order No. AM81, for details.) R reads the calendar clock in the low-order memory. Following the input of data, the time is printed in all three forms as shown: NNNNN,NNNNNN NNNNNN TTTTTT TTTTTT MM/DD/YY 2 HH:MM:SS.S 3 1. A 52-bit octal integer as read from the clock. 2. 36-bit integer formed by shifting the 52 bits right 16 places. This is the number to place in the switches to set the clock manually. 3. The date and time as month/day/year hour:minute:second. To exit from the TIME command, you must press the EOM button. 10-32 GB64-00 TST3BT TIME NOTES Although the time typed to and printed by the TIME command is local time. the time is set inside the calendar clock in Greenwich mean time (G11T). The TI~1E command uses the difference between GMT and local time as supplied on the clok configuration card when converting between calendar clock setting and date and time. (See the clok card description in the Multics System Maintenance Procedures Manual, Order No. AM81.) For this reason, a configuration deck with a clok card must have been loaded before the command is issued. An incorrect clock setting can result in a system crash and possible loss of data. EXAMPLES TIME 11 11 77 12 04 00 104740,526512 460000 423602 532452 11/11/77 12:4:0 S (the time is set when EOM is pressed after S is typed) R 104740,526523 570660 423602 532516 11/11/77 12:4:2 EOM (must push thi~ button to exit from the TIME command) Name: TST3BT SYNTAX AS A COMMAND FUNCTION tests FNPs with the CSD supplied FNP test programs. ARGUMENTS FNP_tag is the tag of the FNP to be tested. If no tag is given, the default is "a". drive_no is the number of the drive on which the CSD test program tape is mounted. If no number is given, the default is "3". I NOTES This command functions identically to the CSD offline test program by the same name. For information on this test program, refer to the CSD document Series 6000 Test and Diagnostics Manual, Order No. 58008382. 10-33 GB64-00 TSTCHN TSTCHN Name: TSTCH!\ SYNTAX AS A COMMAND TSTCHN channo device {type} {waittime} FUNCTION tests an 10M channel by reading lines, conslstmg of a sequence of requests, from the current input source. This command is intended for use by the programming staff. ARGUMENTS channo specifies the number of the 10M channel to use. device is the number that selects a unit for tape or disk controllers. type is either PSIA (Peripheral Subsystem Interface Adapter) or CPCHAN (Common Peripheral Channel): PSIA is the default. waittime specifies how long to wait for status; the default is about three seconds. LI ST OF REQUESTS All of the requests on an input line are used to form a DCW list that is then connected to. Status is reported online. Requests may be selected from the following list. Q returns to function. command level. Pressing the REQUEST key performs N op rep issues a nondata transfer command op with repetition count of rep. zero implies 64. the same A count of W op tal issues a unit record data transfer command operation op with data DeW tally of tal, from a 2048-word buffer. R op tal same as W, except that the first four words of the buffer are typed after the operation. M turns on the marker bit in the previous instruction DCW. 10-34 GB64-0C WARM TSTCHN c turns on the character tally bit in the previous data DCW. D word sets word of the buffer to word. Has no effect on the DCW list. P i prints word of the buffer. Name: ITY SYNTAX AS A COMMAND TTY FUNCTION causes input to be accepted by the bootload console. NOTES Reading of input reverts to the previous source when a blank line is typed. For more information on BOS input sources, see the Multics System Maintenance Procedures manual, Order No. AM81. Name: WARM SYNTAX AS A COMMAND WARM model channel drive FUNCTION is used whenever BOS has been previously loaded onto the specified disk, and that copy of BOS is desired. (It is one of the BOS loader control commands.) The firmware loader and the BOS loader are read from the BOS tape into main memory for immediate use. The BOS loader then reads the other parts of BOS from the disk. None of the contents of the BOS tape are loaded onto the disk. The LOADDM command can be issued later to load the command programs from the tape. (See the LOADDM command.) 10-35 GB64-00 WARM WARM ARGUMENTS model is the model number. with decimal point. of the disk drive, e.g.. "400. ft. channel is the number of the 10M channel connected to the disk subsystem. This number must be less than 40 (octal) or 32 (decimal). drive is the number of the drive on which the disk is mounted. This number must be decimal. NOTES Refer to the description of the prph config card in the Multics System Maintenance AM81, for model numbers. Procedures manual, Order No. When a WARM control command is used to load BaS. a message of the following form is prin ted: BOS PARTITION AT free FOR nree where frec is the first record of the BaS partItIon and nrec is the number of records. If the volume label cannot be interpreted following a WARM command, one of the following messages will appear: CANNOT READ VOLUME LABEL VOLUME DOES NOT HAVE A MULTICS LABEL BOS PARTITION NOT DEFINED IN VOLUME LABEL 10-36 GB64-00 WRITE WRITE l'ame: \YRITE SYNT AX AS A COMMAND WRITE text or WRITE ALERT FUNCTION sends a message to the bootload console or turns on an audible alarm at the bootload console to alert the operator. It is useful in a BOS runCOffi. I ARGUMENTS text is the message to be sent. Everything on the command line following the WRITE command is typed out on the bootload console. 10-37 GB64-00 APPENDIX A CONFIGURATION DECK DESCRIPTION This appendix output represents the from which specified this configuration are contains output from the print_configuration_deck command. The contents of the configuration deck used to create the system metering samples were taken. (The metering samples that reflect so noted in the text for the individual metering commands.) A-I GB64-00 elok iom iom prph ehnl prph ehnl prph ehnl prph ehnl prph ehnl prph ehnl prph ehnl prph prph prph prph prph prph prph prph prph prph prph dbmj parm part part part root sehd sst tbls ted prph prph prph prph prph prph mpe mpe mpe mpe mpe mpe mpe mpe mpe mpe mpe a b 7 mst 0 nsa 1 nsa on on 20. 2 45l. 16. 26. 2 b 24. 2 b 22. 2 20. 2 0 16. 451 . 16. 26. 2 a 24. 2 a 22. 2 28. 2 50 l. 16. 30. 2 28. 2 0 16. 50l. 16. 30. 2 32. 2 45l. 8. 34. 2 36. 2 50) . 16. 38. 2 36. 2 0 16. SOL 16. 38. 2 16. 1 630. 2 610. 6 630. 2 14. 6601. 80. on 8. 1600. 600. 160. 9. 1200. 600. 136. 10. 1600. 600. 136. 1l. 500. 12. 300. 8. 1201 . 600. 136. 9. 1600. 600. 160. 10. 300. ll. 500. 64. 700. 400. 150. 60. 25· ehwm hept ttyb 55296. bas dska 16. dump dska 16. log dska 16. dska 16. dskb 25· dskb 23. dskb 24. dska 400000 4 10 100 2 20. 3500. 1500. 750. 365. seav 138. str 64. 200. 506. fnpa b 18. on fnpb a 18. on fnpe a 13. on fnpd a 17 . on fnpe b 19. on fnpf b 15. on mspa 451. a 20. 4 a 24. 4 mspb 451. b 20. 4 b 24. 4 mspe 607. a 28. 4 mspd 607. b 28. 4 mspe 451. b 32. 4 mspf 607. a 36. 4 mspg 607. b 36. 4 mtpa 610. a 16. 1 b 16. urpa 600. a 8. 5 urpb 8004. b 8. 2 urpe 8002. b 10. 2 dska dska dskb dskb dske dske dskd dskd dske dske dskf dskf dskg dskg tapa opea prtd prta prtb rdra puna prte prte punb rdrb a a b b a b b a b b a b b a a a a a a a a b b b b A-2 7 dska 1 1. GB64-00 intk mem mem mem mem cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu warm b 3 2048. 1024. 4096. 2048. 3 on 4 on c d e 6 on 7 on b a c d a 5 on star on on on on 168 168 168 80. 2. 80. 2. 80. 2. dps8 70. 8. dps8 70. 8. A-3 GB64-00 INDEX access class A AIM abs command reclassify_dir 2-396 reclassify_seg 2-397 reclassify_sys_seg 2-398 reset_soos 2-423 ranges register_resource 2-408 system_low 2-109 4-2 absentee job crashing setcrank 3-43 setdisk 3-43 day 3-17 disk reporting setdisk 3-43 queues setcrank 3-43 setdisk 3-43 manipulating abs 4-2 scheduling setdisk 3-43 usage abs 4-2 display_aut 2-141 schedul i ng setcrank 3-43 setdisk 3-43 user table display_aut 2-141 access control resources register_resource 2-408 rings hpset_dir_ring_brackets 2-280 hpset_ring_brackets 2-281 to phcs_ reset_phcs_access 5-15 set_phcs_access 5-17 access control list (ACL) hp_delete 2-274 hp_delete_acl 2-275 hp_set_acl 2-279 reset_phcs_access 5-15 restore_pdt_access 2-431 access control segment (ACS) add_volume_registration 2-4 change_volume_registration 2-71 register_resource 2-408 absentee user table (AUT) display_aut 2-141 accept command 4-10 i -1 GB64-00A access control segment(ACS) update_mail_table_entry 2-547 access controls set_system_priv 2-463 access isolation mechanism (A I M) add_volume_registration 2-4 change_volume_registration 2-71 new_proj 3-26 reclassify_dir 2-396 reclassify_seg 2-397 reclassify_sys_seg 2-398 reload 2-416, 4-54 reset_soes 2-423 set_system_audit_flags 2-460 set_system_priv 2-463 access privileges setting set_system_priv 2-463 access to phcs_ giving set_phcs_access 5-17 accounting add_anon 3-3 b i 11 3-4 chalias 3-6 change 3-6 charge 3-9 chcpass 3-9 chdf_proj 3-10 check_log 3-11 chname 3-13 chpass 3-14 chprog 3-15 compute_bill 2-98 credit 3-16 cu 3-16 daily_summary 2-119 day 3-17 delegate 3-18 accounting (cont) disk meters reset_disk_meters 2-422 disk usage print_disk 2-370 disk usage figures charge_disk 2-80 sweep 2-480 disk_report 3-19 disk_stat_print 2-132 disk_usage_stat 2-134 dmisc 3-20 dpmf 3-20 dproj 3-21 edit_proj 3-22 entry sorting sort_projfile 2-471 sort_reqfile 2-472 install 3-24 ison 3-25 new_proj 3-26 pdt_copy 2-359 pmf 3-35 pmisc 3-36 project display_account_status 2-135 edit_proj 2-208.1 edit_proj$change_all 2-208.5 proj_mtd 3-38 proj_usage_report 2-394 recov 3-39 register 3-39 rename_proj 3-41 reset_cdt_meters 2-422 reset_use_tota1s 2-425 rqrn 3-42 setcrank 3-43 setdisk 3-43 set_specia1_password 2-459 TPP set_tpp 2-467 undelegate 3-44 upmf 3-45 user registration new_user 2-352 who_delg 3-46 write_acct_bill 2-561 i-2 GB64-00A accounting (cont) write_bill ing_summary 2-561 ACL see access control list address changing chaddr 3-5 address conversion disk 1/0 record_to_sector 2-405 record_to_vtocx 2-406 acm see alarm_clock_meters ACS see access. contro 1 segment add_anon command 3-3 add_lv (alv) command active breakpoint examining probe 9-18 add_mail_table_entry command 2-2 active devices 1 is t i ng list 6-13 add_vol (av) command active process table (APT) check_tc_data_size 2-87 traffic_control_meters 2-530 4-13 add_volume_registration (avr) command 2-4 admin command 4-15 2-535 traffic_control_queue active process table entry (APTE) print_apt_entry 2-365 process_id 2-392 active segment table (AST) check_sst_size 2-86 file_system_meters 2-243 admin exec_corns iod_command 2-289 iod_val 2-291 admin mode entering admin 4-15 exec_com x 6-37 sc_command 2-444 send_admin_command 2-447 set_mc_message_limits 2-455 to initializer admin_mode_exit 2-7 active segment table entry (ASTE) display_aste 2-139 file_system_meters 2-243 meter_fnp_idle 2-325 administration tools dm_send_request 2-165 activity interruption continue 9-6 adddev (addd) command 4-11 admin_mode_exit (ame) command 2-7 4-13, 4-14 i-3 admin_uti 1 command 2-7 adopt_seg command 2-11 GB64-00A AIM see access isolation mechanism alarm clock alarm_clock_meters 2-12 traffic_control_meters 2-530 alarm clock timer fai lure wakeup_vo1ume_dump 7-28 alarm_c10ck_meters (acm) command 2-12 alert command 9-2 algorithm encryption print_pnt 2-373 a1v see add_1v arne see admin_mode_exit answering service channe 1 in i t i ali zing go 4-29 controlling attach 4-15 detach 4-23 remove 4-65 forcing reset force_reset 4-29 i nit i ali zing mu1tics 4-43 startup 4-77 logs console_report 2-100 metering system_total 2-496 multiplexer ioading 10ad_mpx 4-36 requests list_as_requests 2-295 resetting reset 4-68 shutting off cripple 4-19 APT see active process table analysis tools disk usage sweep 2-480 APTE see active process table entry ana1yze_multics (azm) command 2-14 absolute_address, absadr 2-16 add_request_table, arqt 2-16 apply, ap 2-17 apte 2-18 associative_memory, am 2-19 aste 2-20 configuration_deck, cd 2-21 display, d 2-22 why 2-43 answer table statistics display_anst assembler map355 2-311 AST see active segment table ASTE see active segment table entry as_who command 2-45 attach command 4-15 attend see attended 2-138 i-4 GB64-00A attended (attend) command 5-2 B AU see history registers auditing display_process_audit_flags 2-154.1 display_system_audit_flags 2-157 edit_process_audit_flags 2-208 set_process_audit_flags 2-458 set_system_audit_flags 2-460 backup system daemon catchup_dump 8-3 complete_dump 8-8 end_dump 8-13 start_dump 8-14 wakeup_dump 8-20 backup_dump command 2-49 backup_load command 2-53 banner_bars command 6-3 banner_type command 6-3 AUT see absentee user table auth command BCE see bootload command env ironment 5-2 authentication/identification sign_on 4-75 auto command 5-4 automatic bump down 4-25.1 automatic shutdown down 4-25.1 auto_queue command 6-2 6-2 bce command 4-16, 9-2 BCE/Multics bootload tape copy_mst 2-106 excerpt_mst 2-240 generate_mst 2-262 list_mst 2-297 read_ear 1y_dump_tape 2-396 communication area get_f1 agbox 2-270 set_f1 agbox 2-453 flags get_flagbox 2-270 set_f1 agbox 2-453 bces see bee_state avr see add_volume_registration bce_state (bces) command azm see analyze_multics 9-2 before.Journal_meters (bjmt) command 2-59 bill command i-5 3-4 GB64-00A bi 11 ing bill 3-4 compute_bill 2-98 daily_summary 2-119 day 3-17 disk usage reset_disk_meters 2-422 entry sorting sort_projfile 2-471 sort_reqfile 2-472 pmisc 3-36 proj_mtd 3-38 proj_usage_report 2-394 reset_cdt_meters 2-422 reset_use_totals 2-425 resource usage system_daily_report 2-487 system_monthly_report 2-491 shift 4-72 up_ctr 2-547 usage_and_revenue 2-549 write_acct_bill 2-561 write_billing_summary 2-561 bindfile segment bind_fnp 2-58 binding object segment bind_fnp 2-58 bind_fnp command bjmt see 2-58 before~ournal_meters boot command 9-3 booting ending bce 9-2 bootload command environment (BeE) aborting die 9-9 alert 9-2 analyze_multics 2-14 bootload command environment (BeE) (cont) attended 5-2 auto 5-4 bce 4-16, 9-2 bce_state 9-2 boot 9-3 bootload_fs 2-63 config_edit 9-5 continue 9-6 copy_disk 9-7 copy_dump 2-106 copy_mst 2-106 cripple 4-19 delete 9-9 destroying die 9-9 die 9-9 display_disk_label 9-10 dump 9-12 emergency_shutdown 9-15.1 exec_com 9-15.1 file system delete 9-9 init_files 9-17 list 9-17 print 6-17, 9-18 qedx 9-24 rename 9-26 fwload 9-15.2 get_flagbox 9-16 init_files 9-17 list 9-17 list_mst 2-297 list_requests 9-17 lock_mca 2-307, 4-37, 9-17 print 6-17, 9-18 probe 9-18 qedx 9-24 read_ear 1y_dump_tape 2-396 reinitialize 9-25 rename 9-26 restore 9-27 save 9-30 set_flagbox 9-33 severity 9-34 shutdown_state 9-35 test_disk 9-36 i-6 GB64-00A boot load command environment (BeE) (cont) toehold destroying die 9-9 unattended 5-17 unlock_mca 2-546, 4-84, 9-37 bootload console abs 4-2 accept 4-10 adddev 4-13, 4-14 add_lv 4-11 add_pdir_vo1ume 4-12 add_vol 4-13 admin 4-15 alert 9-2 attach 4-15 attended 5-2 auth 5-2 auto 5-4 bce 4-16, 9-2 bce_state 9-2 boot 9-3 bump 4-17 cat 5-5 complete_volume 5-6 configuration set_system_conso1e 2-462 config_edit 9-5 continue 9-6 copy_disk 9-7 copy_dump 5-7 cripple 4-19 debug 4-19 define 4-20 delete 9-9 delete_dump 5-7 de1_1v 4-20, 4-21 del_vol 4-21 deny 5-8 deroute 4-22 detach 4-23 die 9-9 disconnect 4-24 display_disk_label 9-10 display_volume_log 4-25 down 4-25.1 drop 4-26 boot10ad console (cont) dump 9-12 dump_mpx 4-27 echoplex 5-8 emergency_shutdown 9-15.1 end_dump 5-9 exec 4-27 exec_com 9-15.1 force_reset 4-29 fw10ad 9-15.2 get_f1agbox 9-16 go 4-29 help 4-30 hmu 4-30 nc 5-9 ncrementa1_volume 5-10 nit_files 9-17 nit_vol 4-31 ntercom 4-34 o 5-11 01 5-11 list 9-17 list_disks 4-34 list_requests 9-17 load_mpx 4-36 10ck_mca 4-37, 9-17 log 4-37 login 4-38 logout 4-40 maxunits 4-41 mc_l i st 4-41 message 4-42 meter 5-11, 5-12 multics 4-43 no_start 4-44 preload 4-44 print 6~17, 9-18 probe 9-18 punch 5-12 punch_end 5-12 punch_restart 5-13 qedx 9-24 quit 4-45 rcp 4-45 read_cards 5-13 rebuild_disk 4-47 reconfigure 4-48 recover_volume_log 4-51 redefine 4-52 i-7 GB64-00A . bootload console (cont) reinitialize 9-25 release 4-53 reload 4-54 reload_system_release 4-58 reload_volume 4-62, 7-20 remove 4-65 rename 9-26 repair 5-13 reply 4-65 reprint 5-14 reregister 4-66 reroute 4-67 reset 4-68 reset_phcs_access 5-15 reset_tabs 5-15 restore 9-27 route 4-68 salvage_dirs 4-69 salvage_vol 4-69 save 9-30 scav 5-16 set_drive_usage 4-70 set_fdump_number 5-16 set_flagbox 9-33 set_pdir_volumes 4-71 set_phcs_access 5-17 severity 9-34 shift 4-72 shutdown 4-74 shutdown_state 9-35 sign_off 4-75 sign_on 4-75 standard 4-76 startup 4-77 start_mpx 4-76 stop 4-77 stop_mpx 4-78 substty 4-79 sysid 4-80 terminate 4-81 test_disk 9-36 unattended 5-17 unbump 4-82 undefine 4-82 unload 4-83 unlock_mca 2-546, 4-84. 9-37 vacate_pdir_volume boot load console (cont) wakeup_dump 5-18 warn 4-85 who 4-86 word 4-88 bootload tape BCE/Multics excerpt_mst 2-240 bootloading delete_old_pdds 2-123 bootload_fs command 2-63 branch information display_branch 2-143 BREAK key simulating quit 4-45 bump automatic down 4-25.1 cance 1 i ng unbump 4-82 bump command 4-17 C cache memory error data monitor_cache 2-335 cache_meters command cancel command 6-4 card daemon logging in read_cards 5-13 2-67 4-84 i-8 GB64-00A card decks deleting segments clean_pool 6-5 card image segments deleting clean_card_pool change_kst_attributes command 2-69 change_tuning_parameters (ctp) command 2-70 2-88 card input password chaging chcpass 3-9' remote read_cards 6-21 channel i nit i ali zing go 4-29 card punch attaching punch_restart 5-13 detaching punch_end 5-12 card reader attaching read_cards 5-13 card-reading process clean_card_pool 2-88 cards see read_cards cat command change_volume_registration (cvr) command 2-71 channel configuration changes load_mpx 4-36 channel definition table (COT) cv_cmf 2-111 display_cdt 2-144 dump_mpx 4-27 go 4-29 load_mpx 4-36 reset_cdt_meters 2-422 start_mpx 4-76 tty_lines 2-541 channel master file (eMF) accept 4-10 converting cv_cmf 2-111 display_cdt 2-144 5-5 catchup_dump command 8-3 channel_comm_meters command 2-75 cdq charge command COT see channel definition table charges deletion dmisc 3-20 central processor faults fim_meters 2-252 chaddr command chalias command change command 3-9 2-80 charge_disk command chcpass command 3-5 3-6 chdf_proj command 3-9 3-10 3-6 i-9 GB64-00A check_dir command 2-82 check_log command 3-11 command (cont) mapping enter_lss 2-240 make_commands 2-307 2-82 check_mdcs command command_usage_count (cuc) command 2-91 2-83 check_mst command check sst_size command 2-86 check_tc_data_size command 2-87 chname command 3-13 chpass command 3-14 chprog command 3-15 cleanup physical volume hp_delete_vtoce clean_pool command 2-277 6-5 2-89 clear_partition command clear_projfile command clear_reqfile command clear_resource command 2-90 2-90 2-91 eMF communication between BeE and Multics get_flagbox 9-16 set_flagbox 9-33 communications channel active display_anst 2-138 controlling attach 4-15 detach 4-23 disconnect 4-24 remove 4-65 displaying print_line_ids 2-371 dropping drop 4-26 substty 4-79 listing print_l ine_ids 6-18 table display_cdt 2-144 tty_dump 2-539 tty_l ines 2-541 communications management ring 0 system_comm_meters 2-485 see channel master file code sequences timing instr_speed compact_mail_table (salvage_mail_table) command 2-95 2-285 compare_configuration_deck command/active function cold booting RPV initializing init_vol 4-31 2-95 compare_mst command command 1 is t i ng 1 ist_requests 2-98 9-17 i-l0 GB64-00A compilers source language iod_tables_compiler 2-290 8-8 complete_dump command complete_volume (vcomp) command 5-6 configuration source file converting cv_dmcf 2-112 configuration table cv_dmcf 2-112 config_edit (config) command 9-5 complete_volume_dump command 7-3 compute_bill command 2-98 condition handlers meter_signal 2-333 config see config_edit connection accessing sign_on 4-75 terminating sign_off 4-75 console recovery 2-463 fai lure set_system_console 2-462 2-100 config deck changes reinitialize 9-25 editor config_edit 9-5 scanning fwload 9-15.2 console_report command configuration adding disk drive adddev 4-13, 4-14 adding tape drive adddev 4-13, 4-14 manipulating reconfigure 4-48 reconfigurable entities reconfigure 2-399 continue (go) command 9-6 control blocks database display_ioi_data 2-150 consolidated_volume (vcons) command 5-6 consolidated_volume_dump command 7-5 control flags auditing display_system_audit_flags 2-157 configuration deck compare_configuration_deck edit_process_audit_flags 2-208 2-95 set_process_audit_flags convert_configuration_deck 2-458 2-104 set_system_audit_flags 2-460 using check_sst_size 2-86 check_tc_data_size 2-87 display_process_audit_flags 2-154.1 control segment enter_lss 2-240 i-It GB64-00A control segment (cont) make_commands 2-307 control terminal ctl_term 6-6 form alignment sample_form 6-28 convert_configuration_deck command 2-104 coordinator help 6-11 list 6-13 logout 6-13, 6-14 print_devices 6-17, 6-18 restart_status 6-27 return to normal start 6-33 start 6-33 term 6-36 wait_status 6-36 x 6-37 copy command CPU and SCU interface write_notify_test 2-562 default set set_proc_required 2-456 errors display_cpu_error 2-145 hardware problem checking test_cpu 2-497 testing test_cpu 2-497 metering total_time_meters 2-526 speed check_cpu_speed 2-81 statistics display_cpu_error 2-145 time response_meters 2-426 usage define_work_classes 2-122.11 6-5 copy_as_meters command copy_deadproc command 2-104 2-105 copy_disk command 9-7 copy_dump command 2-106, 5-7 copy_mst (cpm) command copy_registry command core image loading mcs_version 2-325 core image segment bind_fnp 2-58 ed_mgt 2-191 enter_lss 2-240 list_proc_required 2-298 make_commands 2-307 set_work_class 2-469 total time meters 2-526 tune_work_class 2-545 work_class_meters 2-557 2-106 2-106 crash analysis analyze_multics 2-14 crash image examining probe 9-18 create_daemon_queues (cdq) command 2-108 create_mail_table command 2-109 cpm see copy_mst create_pnt command i-12 2-109 GB64-00A create_urf command create_urf 2-110 credit miscellaneous charge 3-16 credit command 3-16 cripple command 4-19 ctl term command 6-6 ctp see change_tuning_parameters CU see history registers cu command 3-16 cuc see command_usage_count current request information req_status 6-24 cvr see change_volume_registration cv_cmf command 2-111 cv_dmcf command daemon (cont) data management (OM) cV_dmcf 2-112 dm_send_request 2-165 I/O command execution iod_command 2-289 cv_prt_rqti 2-117 language translators iod_tables_compiler 2-290 source language print iod tables 2-370 logging in send_daemon_command 2-449 logging out send_daemon_command 2-449 printer io 5-11 i 01 5-11 punch iol 5-11 usage display_dut 2-148.1 daemon process controlling send_daemon_command logging in cripple 4-19 login 4-38 logging out logout 4-40 2-449 2-112 daemon queue retrieval requests list_retrieval_requests 7-14 cv_rtmf command daemon usage user table display_dut 2-118 2-148.1 o daemon user table (OUT) display_dut 2-148.1 daemon communicating with send_daemon_command daily_summary command 2-119 2-449 i-13 GB64-00A das see display_account_status DAU data control word (DeW) test_dcw 2-504 day command see device adapter unit 3-17 db_fnp see debug_fnp data management (OM) before images Dew dm_set~ournal_stamps see data control word 2-166 before journals dd before~ournal_meters see delete_dump 2-59 dm_set~ournal_stamps 2-166 daemon dm_send_request data protection ddl see display_disk_label 2-165 2-120 deactivate_seg command dm_set~ournal_stamps 2-166 dm_set_system_dir 2-167 dm_system_shutdown 2-168 journals dm_set~ourna l_stamps. dead processes copying copy_deadproc debug command 2-105 4-19 2-166 locking dm_lock_meters dm_lock_status debugging 2-161 2-163 FNP data management system (OMS) cv_dmcf 2-112 dm_send_request 2-165 data protection dm_set~ournal_stamps databases active_hardcore_data system_link_meters 2-166 debug_fnp command 2-121 default project changing chdf _proj 3-10 defer command 6-7 2-488 defer_time command APT check_tc_data_size debug_fnp 2-121 stack frame debug 4-19 6-7 2-87 ITT check_tc_data_size 2-87 ring 0 display_ioi_data 2-150 tC_data system_link_meters 2-488 define command 4-20 define_work_classes (dwc) command 2-122.11 delay time displaying auto_start_delay i-14 6-2 GB64-00A 6-2 detach command 4-22 deldev (deld) command delegate command 3-18 delete (dl) command 9-9 5-7 delete_dump (dd) command delete_mail_table_entry command 2-122.12 delete_proj command 2-124 delete_registry command 2-124 delete_volume_log command delete_volume_registration (dvr) command 2-125 7-8 4-23 device activating ready 6-22 editing statistics dump_mpc 2-172 inactivating halt 6-8 1 is t i ng 1 ist 6-13 print_devices 2-369 listing class wait_status 6-36 malfunction restart 6-25 record copying copy_disk 9-=7 terminating new_device 6-14 usage meter_rcp 2-331 device adapter unit (DAU) dump_firmware 2-171 patch_firmware 2-358 deleting ACL hp_delete_acl 2-275 directory hp_delete 2-274 segment hp_delete 2-274 del_lv (dlv) command 4-20 del_vol (dv) command 4-21 diagnostic aids display_syserr_log_part 2-156 dialup buffer changing word 4-88 die command deny command 4-22 deroute command delay time (cont) setting auto_start_delay 5-8 9-9 directory access control hpset_dir_ring_brackets 2-280 deregister_resource (drr) command 2-126 AIM deregistration volume hp_delete 2-274 reclassify_dir 2-396 reset_soos 2-423 attributes change_kst_attributes 2-69 i-15 GB64-00A directory (cont) attributes display_kst_entry 2-152 hpset_dir_ring_brackets 2-280 binary images dump 9-12 deactivating deactivate_seg 2-120 dead processes copying copy_deadproc 2-105 deleting clean_card_pool 2-88 hp_delete 2-274 dumping backup_dump 2-49 catchup_dump 8-3 complete_dump 8-8 complete_volume_dump 7-3 consolidated_volume_dump 7-5 end_dump 8-13 incremental_volume_dump 7-11 directory (cont) quota setting set_dir_quota 2-452 rebuilding salvage_dir 2-441 reloading backup_load 2-53 reload 2-416, 4-54 retrieving retrieve 2-432 scanning check_dir 2-82 TPP set_tpp 2-467 verifying salvage_dir 2-441 disconnect command 4-24 disk copying copy_disk 9-7 rebuild_disk 4-47 devices add_volume_registration 2-4 preattach_dump_volumes 7-16 error testing test_disk 9-36 models reload_volume 4-62, 7-20 packs formatting format_disk_pack 2-258 partition displaying dump_partition 2-174 dumping dump_partition 2-174 patch/dump probe 9-18 reporting absentee job setdisk 3-43 resetting meters reset_disk_meters 2-422 storage disk low 2-134 start_dump 8-14 wakeup_dump 8-20 hierarchy salvaging salvage_dirs 4-69 information check_dir 2-82 display_branch 2-143 master check_mdcs 2-82 pathname listing verify_dump_volume 7-25 per-system dm_system_shutdown 2-168 per-system setting dm_set_system_dir 2-167 quota fix_quota_used 2-254 priv_move_quota 2-391 set_quota 2-458.1 quota moving move_dir_quota 2-347 i-16 GB64-00A disk (cont) subsystem statistics disk_meters 2-126 usage analysis tools sweep 2-480 calculating disk_report 3-19 report creation disk_report 3-19 statistics print disk 2-370 volume authentication auth 5-2 .d i sk address conversion vtocx_to_record disk usage bill i ng reset_disk_meters disk low command 2-422 2-134 disk_auto see disk_report disk_meters command 2-126 2-131 disk_queue (dq) command disk_report (disk_auto, drp) command 3-19 2-134 disk_usage_stat command 2-556 disk ·drive exercising exercise_disk 2-241 physical volume add_vol 4-13 storage system to user I/O set_drive_usage 4-70 tuning tune_disk 2-543 usage 1 ist_disks 4-34 user I/O to storage system set_drive_usage 4-70 display_account_status (das) command 2-135 display_anst command 2-138 display_aste command 2-139 display_aut command display_branch command 2-143 display_cache_threshold command 2-143 display_cdt command disk I/O address conversion record_to_sector 2-405 record_to_vtocx 2-406 sector_to_record 2-447 vtocx_to_record 2-556 information display_pvte 2-155 partition list_partitions 2-297 overwriting clear_partition 2-89 VTOC entries vtoc_pathname 2-555 2-141 2-144 display_cpu_error command 2-145 display_disk_label (ddl) command 2-147 display_disk_label command 9-10 display_dut command 2-148.1 display_fnp_idle command 2-148.3 i-17 GB64-00A DMS display_ioi_data command 2-150 see data management system display_kst_entry command dm_lock_meters command 2-161 dm_lock_status command 2-163 2-152 display_log_segment command 2-153 2-165 dm_send_request command display_mstb command 2~154 dm_set-lournal_stamps command 2-166 display_process_audit_flags command 2-154.1 dm_set_system_dir command 2-167 display_prt_rqti command 2-154.2 dm_system_shutdown command display_psp command 2-168 2-154.2 down command 4-25.1 dpmf command 3-20 7-8 display_pvolog command display_pvte command 2-155 display_rtdt command 2-156 display_syserr_log_part command 2-156 display_system_audit_flags command 2-157 dprint reentering request reprint 5-14 dprint queues displaying meter 5-12 dproj command 3-21 display_volume_log command 4-25, 7-9 dq see disk_queue display_vtoce command 2-158 driver access name print_devices dl see delete 2-369, 6-17, 6-18 dlv see del lv authorization print_devices 2-369, 6-17, 6-18 DM auto_queue 6-2 auto_start_delay banner_bars 6-3 banner_type 6-3 cancel 6-4 clean_pool 6-5 see data management dmisc command 3-20 i-18 6-2 GB64-00A dr i ver (cont) command level hold 6-11 copy 6-5 ctl_term 6-6 defer 6-7 defer_time 6-7 exec_com executing x 6-37 go 6-8 halt 6-8 hasp_host_operators_console 6-9 hold 6-11 inactive_limit 6-12 information status 6-34 initializing process punch 5-12 kill 6-12 listen 6-13 master 6-14 new_device 6-14 next 6-15 paper_info 6-16 parameters iod_val 2-291 pause_time 6-17 print_l ine_ids 6-18 prt_control 6-19 punch 6-20, 6-21 ready 6-22 read_cards 6-21 receive 6-22 reinit 6-23 reinitializing reinit 6-23 release 6-23.1 request setting modes prt_control 6-19 request_type 6-25 req_status 6-24 restart 6-25 restart_q 6-26 return to normal start 6-33 runout_spacing 6-27 sample 6-28 dr i ver (cont) sample_form 6-28 sample_hs 6-29 save 6-29 sep_cards 6-30 single 6-31 slave 6-31 slave_term 6-32 start 6-33 station 6-33 status 6-34 step 6-35 termination term 6-36 to command level release 6-23.1 drop command 4-26 drp see disk_report drr see deregister_resource DU see history registers dump copying image copy_dump 2-106 deleting delete_dump 5-7 editing dump_mpc 2-172 partition copying copy_dump 5-7 copy_dump 2-106 process tracing vol ume_dump_tr ace_of f 7-27 volume_dump_trace_on 7-27 setting number set_fdump_number 5-16 dump analysis analyze_multics i-19 2-14 GB64-00A dv dump analysis (cont) FNP debug_fnp 2-121 tools delete_dump 5-7 dvr see delete_volume_registration 2-125 dump command 9-12 dump volume reload group purge_volume_log 7-17 searching rebuild_pvolog 7-18 recover_volume_log 7-19 summary display_volume_log 4-25. 7-9 dwc see define_work_classes E ec . validity/readability verify_dump_volume dumper process termination dmpr_unlock_pv 5-8 echoplex command 7-25 7-10 EOAC error set_mos_polling_time 2-456 syserr log , po II_mos _memor y 2- 36 1 editing project data edit_proj 2-208.1 edit_proj$change_all dumper system daemon catchup_dump 8-3 complete_dump 8-8 end_dump 8-13 start_dump 8-14 wakeup_dump 8-20 2-208.5 dumping disk partition dump_partition 2-174 '"'PC firmware dump_firmware 2-171 edit_process_audit_flags command 2-208 edit_proj command 2-208.1. 3-22 edit_proj$change_al1 command dump_firmware command dump_mpc command 2-172 dump_mpx command 4-27 2-171 2-208.5 ed_instaI1ation_parms command 2-175 ed_mgt command dump_partition command/active function 2-174 OUT see daemon user table 2-191 effective access register_resource 2-408 EIS see extended instruction set i-20 GB64-00A eis_tester (et) command 2-210 emergency shutdown (ESD) dm_set~ournal_stamps hp_delete 2-166 2-274 emergency_shutdown (esd) command 9-15.1 event call handlers po ll_fnp 2-3~0 poll_mpc 2-362 event channel wakeup send_wakeup 2-451 excerpt_mst command end of tape mark (EOT) test_tape. 2-524 end_dump command 5-9, 8-13 end_punch see punch_end exec (x) command 2-459 attended 5-2 auth 5-2 auto 5-4 cat 5-5 complete_volume 5-6 copy_dump 5-7 delete_dump 5-7 deny 5-8 echoplex 5-8 end_dump 5-9 exec 4-27 inc 5-9 incremental_volume 5-10 io 5-11 2-240 EOT see end of tape mark ERF see error report form error data cache memory monitor_cache 4-27 exec_com set_special_password entering Multics startup 4-77 enter_Iss command 2-240 i 01 2-335 5-11 meter 5-11, 5-12 punch 5-12 punch_end 5-12 punch_restart 5-13 read_cards 5-13 repair 5-13 reprint 5-14 reset_phcs_access 5-15 reset_tabs 5-15 scav 5-16 sc_command 2-444 set_fdump_number 5-16 set_phcs_access 5-17 unattended 5-17 wakeup_dump 5-18 auto alert 9-2 error report form (ERF) tty_dump 2-539 error statistics FNP memory po ll_fnp 2-360 ESD see emergency shutdown see emergency_shutdown et see eis_tester i-21 GB64-00A exec_com (cont) bi bill 3-4 reset_cdt_meters 2-422 reset_usage 2-424 reset_use_totals 2-425 system_monthly_report exec~com (cont) register 3-39 rename_proj 3-41 rqm 3-42 setcrank 3-43 setdisk 3-43 system_daily_report 2-487 system_total 2-496 sys_full_report 2-484 undelegate 3-44 upmf 3-45 usage_and_revenue 2-549 usage_total 2-551 who_delg 3-46 catchup_dump 8-3 complete_dump 8-8 complete_volume_dump 7-3 consolidated_volume_dump 2-491 sys_full_report 2-484 up_ctr 2-547 usage_and_revenue 2-549write_acct_bill 2-561 write_bill ing_summary 2-561 write_user_usage_report 2-564 hasp_host_operators_console 6-9 add_anon 3-3 bill 3-4 chaddr 3-5 chal ias 3-6 change 3-6 charge 3-9 chcpass 3-9 chdf_proj 3-10 check_log 3-11 chname 3-13 chpass 3-14 chprog 3-15 credit 3-16 cu 3-16 day 3-17 delegate 3-18 disk_report 3-19 dmisc 3-20 dpmf 3-20 dproj 3-21 edit_proj 3-22 ins ta 1 1 3- 24 ison 3-25 new_user· 2-352 pdt_copy 2-359 pmf 3-35 pmisc 3-36 print_disk 2-370 proj_mtd 3-38 recov 3-39 7-5 delete_volume_log 7-8 display_pvolog 7-8 display_vo1ume_log 7-9 dmpr_unlock_pv 7-10 end_dump 8-13 end_volume_dump 7-11 incremental_volume_dump 7-11, 7-14 merge_volume_log 7-16 preattach_dump_volumes 7-16 purge_vo1ume_log 7-17 rebuild_pvolog 7-18 recover_volume_log 7-19 reload_volume 7-20 retrieve_from_volume 7-22 set_volume_log 7-24 set_volume_wakeup_interval 7-25 start_dump 8-14 verify_dump_volume 7-25 volume_cross_check 7-26 vOlume_dump_trace_off 7-27 volume_dump_trace_on 7-27 wakeup_dump 8-20 wakeup_volume_dump 7-28 i-22 GB64-00A exec_com (cont) exec_com (cont) set_mc_message_limits auto_queue 6-2 auto_start_delay 6-2 2-455 set_pdir_volumes 4-71 banner_bars 6-3 set_sons_volume 2-459 banner_type 6-3 single 6-31 cancel 6-4 clean_pool 6-5 slave 6-31 slave_term 6-32 copy 6-5 ctl_term 6-6 start 6-33 startup 4-77 defer 6-7 defer_time 6-7 station 6-33 status 6-34 go 4-29, 6-8 step 6-35 halt 6-8 help 6-11 term 6-36 wait_status 6-36 hold 6-11 inactive_limit 6-12 x 6-37 kill 6-12 exec_com (ec) command 9-15.1 list 6-13 listen 6-13 exec_com command 2-12 logout 6-13, 6-14 master 6-14 exercise_disk command 2-241 mC_l i st 4-41 new_device 6-14 exiting Multics next 6-15 no_start 4-44 shutdown 4-74 paper_info 6-16 stop 4-77 pause_time 6-17 print_devices 6-17, 6-18 _ extended instruction set (EIS) eis tester 2-210 print_line_ids 6-18 prt_control 6-19 mc_trace 2-313 punch 6-20, 6-21 ready 6-22 F read_cards 6-21 receive 6-22 reinit 6-23 fault processing release 6-23.1 request_type 6-25 monitor_cache 2-335 req_status 6-24 restart 6-25 FCC see field change order restart_q 6-26 restart_status 6-27 runout_spacing 6-27 fdp see format_disk_pack sample 6-28 sample_form 6-28 field change order (FCC) sample_hs 6-29 eis_tester 2-210 save 6-29 sc_command 2-444 test_cpu 2-497 sep_cards 6-30 i-23 GB64-00A fi Ie map dispIay_aste format_disk_pack (fdp) command 2-258 2-139 fiIe_system_meters (fsm) command 2-243 fim_meters command 2-252 firmware loading fwload 9-15·2 modules patch_firmware . 2-358 fix_quota_used command 2-254 flag usage set_flagbox 2-453 flush command 2-255 2-12, FNP see Front-End Network Processor Front-End Network Processor (FNP) bump 4-17 detach 4-23 disconnect 4-24 display_fnp_idle 2-148.3 dump_mpx 4-27 fnp_data_summary 2-255 fnp_throughput 2-257 load_mpx 4-36 mcs_version 2-325 meter_fnp_idle 2-325 new_proj 3-26 po ll_fnp 2-360 terminate 4-81 test programs test_fnp 2-519 testing test_fnp 2-519 test_fnp 2-519 unbump 4-82 fsm see file_system_meters FNP assembler language map355 2-311 fw see fwload FNP idle time graph (histogram) display_fnp_idIe information display_fnp_idle summary display_fnp_idle 2-148.3 G 2-148.3 fnp_throughput command formatting disk packs format_disk_pack 9-15.2 2-148.3 fnp_data_summary command 2-255 force_reset command fwload (fw) command gate segment meter_gate 2-257 2-326 Geos environment simulator map355 2-311 4-29 generate_mst (gm) command 2-262 2-258 get_flagbox (gfb) command 9-16 i-24 GB64-00A get_flagbox command/active function 2-270 get_uid_with_lastname command 2-272 gfb see get_flagbox head sheet paper alignment sample_hs 6-29 header size SST check sst_size 2-86 gm 4-30, 6-11 see generate_mst help command see continue hhoc see . hasp_host_operators_console go go command 4-29, 6-8 H halt command 6-8 hardcore gate metering information meter_gate 2-326 hardware fai lure dump 9-12 faults mc_trace 2-313 interrupts mc_trace 2-313 hash table URF is_he_user 2-292 hash table size AST check_sst_size 2-86 HASP workstation hasp_host_operators_console 6-9 hasp_host_operators_console (hhoc) command 6-9 hierarchy backup retrieving backup_load 2-53 reload 2-416, 4-54 retrieve 2-432 backup daemon catchup_dump 8-3 complete_dump 8-8 end_dump 8-13 start_dump 8-14 wakeup_dump 8-20 dump catchup catchup_dump 8-3 complete complete_dump 8-8 incremental end_dump 8-13 start_dump 8-14 wakeup_dump 8-20 dump tape reload 2-416, 4-54 dumper catchup dump cat 5-5 incremental dump inc 5-9 dumping backup_dump 2-49 idump 2-282 reloading cripple 4-19 i-25 GB64-00A hierarchy (cont) subtree statistics disk_stat_print disk_usage_stat hp_delete (hpdl) command 2-274 2-132 2-134 history registers appending unit (AU) 2-313 control unit (CU) 2-313 decimal unit (DU) 2-313 1 isti ng mc trace 2-313 operitions unit (OU) 2-313 processor save_hi story_regi sters 2-443 hmu command 4-30 hold command 6-11 home directory creating cu 3-16 how many users logged in hmu 4-30 hpda see hp_del ete_ac 1 hpdl see hp_delete hpdsrb see hpset_dir_ring_brackets hpsa see hp_set_acl hpset_dir_ring_brackets (hpdsrb) command 2-280 hpset_ring_brackets (hpsrb) command 2-281 hpsrb see hpset_ring_brackets hp_delete_acl (hpda) command 2-275 hp_delete_vtoce command 2-277 hp_set_acl (hpsa) command 2-279 I/O bootload console abs 4-2 accept 4-10 adddev 4-13, 4-14 add_lv 4-11 add_pdir_volume 4-12 add vol 4-13 admin 4-15 alert 9-2 attach 4-15 attended 5-2 auth 5-2 auto 5-4 bce 4-16, 9-2 bce_state 9-2 boot ··9-3 bump 4-17 cat 5-5 complete_volume 5-6 config_edit 9-5 continue 9-6 copy_disk 9-7 copy_dump 5-7 cripple 4-19 debug 4-19 def i n·e 4-20 delete 9-9 delete_dump 5-7 del_lv 4-20, 4-21 del_vol 4-21 deny 5-8 deroute 4-22 detach 4-23 i-26 GB64-00A I/O (cont) bootload console die 9-9 disconnect 4-24 display_disk_label display_volume_log down 4-25.1 drop 4-26 dump 9-12 dump_mpx 4-27 echoplex 5-8 emergency_shutdown· end_dump 5-9 exec 4-27 exec_com 9-15.1 force_reset 4-29 fwload 9-15.2 get_flagbox 9-16 go 4-29 help 4-30 hmu 4-30 nc 5-9 ncremental_volume nit_files 9-17 nit_vol 4-31 ntercom 4-34 o 5-11 01 9-10 4-25 9-15.1 I/O (cont) boot load console qedx 9-24 quit 4-45 rcp 4-45 read_cards 5-13 rebuild_disk 4-47 reconfigure 4-48 recover_volume_log 4-51 redefine 4-52 reinitial ize 9-25 release 4-53 reload 4-54 reload_system_release 4-58 reload_volume 4-62, 7-20 remove 4-65 rename 9-26 repair 5-13 reply 4-65 reprint 5-14 reregister 4-66 reroute 4-67 reset 4-68 reset_phcs_access 5-15 reset_tabs 5-15 restore 9-27 route 4-68 salvage_dirs 4-69 salvage_vol 4-69 save 9-30 scav 5-16 set_drive_usage 4-70 set_fdump_number 5-16 set_flagbox 9-33 set_pdir_volumes 4-71 set_phcs_access 5-17 severity 9-34 shift 4-72 shutdown 4-74 shutdown_state 9-35 sign_off 4-75 sign_on 4-75 standard 4-76 startup 4-77 start_mpx 4-76 stop 4-77 stop_mpx 4-78 substty 4-79 5-10 5-11 list 9-17 list_disks 4-34 list_requests 9-17 load_mpx 2-307, 4-36, 4-37 lock_mca 9-17 log 4-37 login 4-38 logout 4-40 maxunits 4-41 mc _1 i s t 4- 41 message 4-42 meter 5-11, 5-12 multics 4-43 no_start 4-44 preload 4-44 print 6-17, 9-18 probe 9-18 punch 5-12 punch_end 5-12 punch_restart 5-13 i-27 GB64-00A I/O (cont) bootload console sysid 4-80 terminate 4-81 test_disk 9-36 unattended 5-17 unbump 4-82 undefine 4-82 unload 4-83 unlock_mca 2-546, 4-84, 9-37 vacate_pdir_volume 4-84 wakeup_dump 5-18 warn 4-85 who 4-86 word 4-88 coordinator punch 5-12 coordinator process io 5-11 iol 5-11 device unassigning deny 5-8 disk drive format_disk_pack 2-258 dr ives exercise_disk 2-241 errors reporting io_error_summary 2-288 interfacer test_dcw 2-504 requests queuing disk_queue 2-131 swi tch user_output volume_dump_trace_on I/O daemon (cont) command execution iOd_command 2-289 copy 6-5 ctl_term 6-6 defer 6-7 defer_time 6-7 device listing print_devices 6-17, 6-18 go 6-8 halt 6-8 hasp_host_operators_console 6-9 help 6-11 hold 6-11 inactive_limit 6-12 kill 6-12 language translators iod_tables_compiler 2-290 list 6-13 listen 6-13 logging out inactive_limit 6-12 logout 6-13, 6-14 master 6-14 new_device 6-14 next 6-15 paper_info 6-16 pause_time 6-17 peripheral display_prt_rqti 2-154.2 print_devices 2-369, 6-17, 6-18 print_line_ids 6-18 prt_control 6-19 punch 6-20, 6-21 ready 6-22 read_cards 6-21 receive 6-22 reinit 6-23 release 6-23.1 request restarting reprint 5-14 request_type 6-25 req_status 6-24 restart 6-25 restart_q 6-26 restart_status 6-27 runout_spacing 6-27 7-27 switches summarize_sys_log I/O daemon auto_queue 6-2 auto_start_delay banner_bars 6-3 banner_type 6-3 cancel 6-4 clean_pool 6-5 2-472 6-2 ;-28 GB64-00A I/O daemon (cont) sample 6-28 sample_form 6-28 sample_hs 6-29· save 6-29 sep_cards 6-30 single 6-31 slave 6-31 slave_term 6-32 source language print_iod_tables 2-370 start 6-33 station 6-33 status 6-34 step 6-35 term 6-36 testing test_io_daemon 2-520 wait_status 6-36 x 6-37 incremental dumper (cont) invoking wakeup_dump 5-18 incremental volume dump preattach_dump_volumes 7-16 set_volume_wakeup_interval 7-25 incremental volume dumper restarting wakeup_volume_dump 7-28 incremental_volume (vine) command 5-10 incremental_volume_dump command 7-11 inhibit_pv command identification/authentication sign_on 4-75 2-283 in it i a I i zat i on DMS cv_dmcf 2-112 idle time FNP display_fnp_idle 2-148.3 meter_fnp_idle 2-325 idump command 2-282 inactive_l imit command inc command 5-9 incremental dump dump pass wakeup_dump 8-20 ending end_dump 8-13 starting start_dump 8-14 incremental dumper daemon termination end_dump 5-9 hierarchy subtree cat 5-5 6-12 initial izer abs 4-2 accept 4-10 adddev 4-13, 4-14 add_lv 4-11 add_pdir_volume 4-12 add_vol 4-13 admin 4-15 attach 4-15 bce 4-16 bump 4-17 commands preload 4-44 cripple 4-19 debug 4-19 define 4-20 de'_'v 4-20, 4-21 del_vol 4-21 deroute 4-22 detach 4-23 directory reloading cripple 4-19 disconnect 4-24 i-29 GB64-00A in i t i a 1.i zer (cont) display_volume_log 4-25 down 4-25.1 drop 4-26 dump_mpx 4-27 exec 4-27 force_reset 4-29 go 4-29 help 4-30 hmu 4-30 init_vol 4-31 intercom 4-34 1 ist_disks 4-34 load_mpx 4-36 lock_mca 4-37 log 4-37 login 4-38 logout 4:-40 maxunits 4-41 mc_l i st 4-41 message 4-42 check_log 3~11 multics 4-43 no_start 4-44 preload 4-44 process resetting reset 4-68 quit 4-45 rcp 4-45 rebuild_disk 4-47 reconfigure 4-48 recover_volume_log 4-51 redefine 4-52 release 4-53 reload 4-54 reload_system_release 4-58 reload_volume 4-62, 7-20 remove 4-65 reply 4-65 reregister 4-66 reroute 4-67 reset 4-68 route 4-68 salvage_dirs 4-69 salvage_vol 4-69 set_drive_usage 4-70 set_pdir_volumes 4-71 shift 4-72 in it i ali zer (cont) shutdown 4-74 sign_off 4-75 sign_on 4-75 standard 4-76 startup 4-77 start_mpx 4-76 stop 4-77 stop_mpx 4-78 substty 4-79 sysid 4-80 terminal abs 4-2 accept 4-10 adddev 4-13, 4-14 add_lv 4-11 add_pdir_volume 4-12 add..:.vol 4-13 full duplex echoplex 5-8 TN300 setting reset_tabs .5-15 terminate 4-81 unbump 4-82 undefine 4-:-82 unload 4-83 unlock_mca 2-546, 4-84 vacate_pdir_volume 4-84 warn 4-85 who 4-86 word 4-88 initializer exec attended 5-2 auth 5-2 auto 5-4 cat 5-5 complete_volume 5-6 copy_dump 5-7 delete_dump 5-7 deny 5-8 echoplex 5-8 end_dump 5-9 inc 5-9 incremental_volume 5-10 io 5-11 iol 5-11 meter 5-11, 5-12 punch 5-12 i-30 GB64-00A initializer exec (cont) punch_end 5-12 punch_restart 5-13 read_cards 5-13 repair 5-13 reprint 5-14 reset_phcs_access 5-15 reset_tabs 5-15 scav 5-16 set_fdump_number 5-16 set_phcs_access 5-17 unattended 5-17 wakeup_dump 5-18 9-17 init_files command init_vol command 4-31 inner-ring logs monitor_sys_log 2-336 intercom command 4-34 interprocess communication (I PC) print_apt_entry 2-365 traffic_control_queue 2-535 i nterprocess signa 1 (I PS) dm_send_request 2-165 dm_system_shutdown 2-168 send_ips 2-451 interprocess transmission tab 1e (ITT) check_tc_data_size 2-87 interrupt_meters (intm) command 2-285 intm see interrupt_meters 5-11 input 1 i ne sending reply 4-65 io command input/output multiplexer (10M) interrupt_meters 2-285 iod_command command iol command 5-11 2-289 iOd_tables_compiler command install command -2-283, 3-24 installation parameters editing ed_instal1ation_parms 2-290 10M 2-175 instructions testing eis_tester 2-291 iod_val active function see input/output multiplexer io_error_summary command 2-288 2-210 instr_speed command 2-285 interactive response time response_meters 2-426 interactive users service disruption bce 4-16 IPC see interprocess communication IPC event channel names print_apt_entry 2-365 IPS see interprocess signal i-31 GB64-00A IPS wakeup dm_send_request ison command limited-service subsystem (LSS) (cont) consolidated_volume_dump 2-451 7-5 3-25 delete_volume_log 7-8 display_pvolog 7-8 display_volume_log 7-9 dmpr_unI ock_pv 7-10 end_dump 8-13 end_volume_dump 7-11 enter_lss 2-240 incremental_volume_dump 7-11, 7-14 make_commands 2-307 merge_volume_log 7-16 preattach_dump_volumes 7-16 purge_volume_log 7-17 rebuild_pvolog 7-18 recover_volume_log 7-19 reload_volume 7-20 retrieve_from_volume 7-22 set_volume_log 7-24 set_volume_wakeup_interval is_he_user active function 2-292 is_Iegal_proj active function 2-292 ITT see interprocess transmission table K kill command 7-25 6-12 start_dump 8-14 verify_dump_volume 7-25 volume_cross_check 7-26 volume_dump_trace_off 7-27 volume_dump_trace_on 7-27 wakeup_dump 8-20 wakeup_volume_dump 7-28 known segment table (KST) change_kst_attributes 2-69 display_kst_entry 2-152 KST see known segment table line identification displaying print_line_ids 2-371 L labels volume make_volume labels 2-309 Id see list_disks limited-service subsystem (LSS) catchup_dump 8-3 complete_dump 8-8 complete_volume_dump 7-3 line_ids list i ng print_line_ids 6-18 link metering system_link_meters 2-488 linkage usage system_link_meters 2-488 i-32 GB64-00A load control groups editing ed_mgt 2-191 links deleting clean_card_pool 2-88 information link_meters 2-293 2-293 1 ink_meters command list (1 s) command list command 4-41 9-17 6-13 listen command load units changing maxunits 6-13 list_as_requests command 2-306 load_mpx command 4-36 locking data management dm_lock_meters status dm_lock_status 2-295 list_delegated_projects command 2-295 list_disks (ld) command load_mpc command 4-34 lock_mca command 2-161 2-163 2-307, 4-37, 9-17 list_extra_personids command 2-296 list_mst command log analysis display_log_segment 2-153 2-297 log command list_partitions command 4-37 2-297 list_volume_registration (lvr) command 2-304 log segment analysis display_log_segment 2-153 header set_log_history_dir 2-454 information display_log_segment 2-153 moving move_log_segments 2-348 pathname changing set_log_history_dir 2-454 scanning check_log 3-11 updating move_log_segment·s 2- 348 load control group load_ctl_status 2-305 logged-in users who 4-86 list_proc_required command 2-298 1 ist_requests (lr) command 9-17 list_retrieval_requests (lrr) command 7-14 list_vols command/active function 2-299 i-33 GB64-00A logging in as operator sign_on 4-75 daemon process cripple 4-19 login privilege maxunits 4-41 logical volume (cont) paging add_Iv 4-11 pathname check_mdcs 2-82 per-process segment vacate_pdir_volume 4-84 registration add_vo1ume_registration logging out user bump 4-17 detach 4-23 disconnect 4-24 dump_mpx 4-27 2-4 list_volume_registration 2-304 removing de1_lv 4-21 removing per-process segment vacate_pdir_volume 4-84 setting set_pdir_vo1umes 4-71 set_sons_volume 2-459 10gi see login logical channel table entry (L TE) tty_dump 2-539 logical volume identification (LV I D) logical 1 ine_ids 1 i st i ng print_line_ids list_partitions 6-18 logical volume accounting charge_disk 2-80 adding add_lv 4-11 add_pdir_volume 4-12 changing change_volume_registration 2-71 compression sweep_pv 2-482 contro 1 f i 1e restore 9-27 save 9-30 deleting delete_vo1ume_registration 2-125 demounting del Iv 4-20 1 is-t_vols 2-299 mounting startup 4-77 2-297 login a I i as changing cha 1 i as 3-6 giving cha 1 i as 3-6 pr ivi lege maxunits 4-41 word changing word 4-88 login (logi) command 4-38 loging word mUltics 4-43 logo see logout logout (logo) command logout command i-34 4-40 6-13, 6-14 GB64-00A logs checking monitor_sys_log 2-336 mail table entries deleting delete_mail_table_entry 2-122.12 1r see list_requests lrr see list_retrieval_requests mailing name changing chname 3-13 main memory page-activity flush 2-255 1s see list LSS see limited-service subsystem Mainframe Online Test Subsystem (MOLTS) format_disk_pack 2-258 LTE see logical channel table "entry maintenance channel adapter (MCA) disabling input to lock_mca 2-307, 9-17 enabling input to unlock_mca 2-546, 4-84 lock_mca 2-307, 4-37, 9-17 unlock_mca 2-546, 4-84, 9-37 LVID see logical volume identification lvr see list_volume_registration maintenance register poll_mos_memory 2-361 M make_commands command machine conditions listing mc_trace 2-313 machine image restoring continue 9-6 ma i 1 tab 1e creating create_mail table 2-109 salvaging compact_mail_table 2-95 updating update_mail_table_entry 2-547 2-307 make_volume_labels command 2-309 manipulating ACL hp_set_acl 2-279 map355 command 2-311 master command 6-14 master directory control segment check_mdcs 2-82 pathname check_mdcs 2-82 i-35 GB64-00A master directory (cont) registration register_mdir 2-407 MDCS master directory control segment (MDCS) check_mdcs 2-82 register_mdir 2-407 memory patch/dump probe 9-18 see master directory control segment merge_volume_log command master group table (MGT) define_work_classes 2-122.11 editing ed_mgt 2-191 ed_mgt 2-191 load_ctl_status 2-305 response_meters 2-426 set_work_class 2-469 tune_work_class 2-545 work_class_meters 2-557 master terminal communicating with master 6-14 messages slave 6-31 terminating device new_device 6-14 2-455 message (motd) command 4-41 maxunits (maxu) command MeA input to d i sab 1 i ng lock_mca 4-37 see maintenance channel adapter 2-325 mct see mc_trace mC_list command message audible alarm alert 9-2 editing message 4-42 in system log log 4-37 in it i ali zer warn 4-85 printing controlling set_mc_message_limits routing table creation mc_list 4-41 sending intercom 4-34 maxu see maxunits mcs_version command 7-16 message coordinator intercom 4-34 set_mc_message_limits substituting terminal substty 4-79 table listing mc_l i st 4-41 terminal sign_off 4-75 sign_on 4-75 terminal restarting reset 4-68 4-42 2-455 message of the day see message 4-41 mc_trace (mct) command 2-313 message routing table (MRT) route 4-68 i-36 GB64-00A meter command 5-11 mg see meter_gate metering before~ournal_meters 2-59 COT reset_cdt_meters 2-422 channel_comm_meters 2-75 command_usage_count 2-91 copying copy_as_meters 2-104 displaying console_report 2-100 dm_lock_meters 2-161 hc_pf_meters 2-272 information interrupt_meters 2-285 meter_fnp_idle 2-325 meter_gate 2-326 system_comm_meters 2-485 instr_speed 2-285 1 inks link_meters 2-293 list_vols 2-299 post_purge_meters 2-363 print_tuning_parameters 2-389 resetting fnp_throughput 2-257 run performace meter 5-11 statistics hc_pf_meters 2-272 storage system file_system_meters 2-243 traffic control traffic_control_meters 2-530 MGT see master group table microprogrammed controller (MPC) dumping dump_mpc 2-172 dump_firmware 2-171 dump_mpc 2-172 firmware dumping dump_firmware 2-171 firmware loading load_mpc 2-306 fwload 9-15.2 load_mpc 2-306 mpc_data_summary 2-350 patch_firmware 2-358 poll_mpc 2-362 statistics dump_mpc 2-172 mpc_data_summary 2-350 miscellaneous credit charge 3-16 miscellaneous file segment charge 3-9, 3-16 dmisc 3-20 pmisc 3-36 modified control intervals dm_set~ournal_stamps MOLTS see Mainframe Online Test Subsystem traffic_control_queue 2-535 monitor_cache command meter_gate (mg) command meter_rcp command 2-326 2-333 2-335 monitor_sys_log (msl) command 2-336 2-331 meter_signal command 2-166 MOS EOAC activity mos_edac_summary i-37 2-346 GB64-00A MOS (cont) polling memory set_mos_poll ing_time 2-456 mos_edac_summary command 2-346 motd see message move_log_segments command 2-348 MPC see microprogrammed controller mpc_data_summary command Multics booting boot 9-3 communication system tty_dump 2-539 hardcore debugging probe 9-18 image destroying reinitialize 9-25 priced separate products display_psp 2-154.2 shutdown completion state shutdown_state 9-35 emergency_shutdown 9-15. 1 site i nit i a liz i ng create_pnt 2-109 create_urf 2-110 2-350 multics (mult) command MRT see message routing table mscr see ms_create MSF see multisegment file ms I see monitor_sys_log MST see Mu1tics system tape MSTB see multisegment table ms_create (mscr) command 2-351 mu1t see multics 4-43 Multics system tape (MST) checking check_mst 2-83 compare_mst 2-98 copy_mst 2-106 generate_mst 2-262 list_mst 2-297 manipulating excerpt_mst 2-240 scanning check_mst 2-83 multiple terminals abs 4-2 accept 4-10 adddev 4-13, 4-14 add_Iv 4-11 add_pdir_volume 4-12 add_vol 4-13 admin 4-15 attach 4-15 attended 5-2 auth 5-2 auto 5-4 bce 4-16 i-38 GB64-00A mUltiple terminals (cont) bump 4-17 cat 5-5 complete_volume 5-6 copy_dump 5-7 cripple 4-19 debug 4-19 define 4-20 delete_dump 5-7 del_lv 4-20, 4-21 del_vol 4-21 deny 5-8 deroute 4-22 detach 4-23 disconnect 4-24 display_volume_log 4-25 down 4-25.1 drop 4-26 dump_mpx 4-27 echoplex 5-8 end_dump 5-9 exec 4-27 force_reset 4-29 go 4-29 help 4-30 hmu 4-30 inc 5-9 incremental_volume 5-10 init_vol 4-31 intercom 4-34 io 5-11 iol 5-11 list_disks 4-34 load_mpx 4-36 lock_mca 2-307, 4-37 log 4-37 login 4-38 logout 4-40 maxunits 4-41 mc_l ist 4-41 message 4-42 meter 5-11, 5-12 multics 4-43 no_start 4-44 preload 4-44 punch 5-12 punch_end 5-12 punch_restart 5-13 quit 4-45 multiple terminals (cont) rcp 4-45 read_cards 5-13 rebuild_disk 4-47 reconfigure 4-48 recover_volume_log 4-51 redefine 4-52 release 4-53 reload 4-54 rel oad_system_rel ease 4-58 reload_volume 4-62, 7-20 remove 4-65 repair 5-13 reply 4-65 reprint 5-14 reregister 4-66 reroute 4-67 reset 4-68 reset_phcs_access 5-15 reset_tabs 5-15 route 4-68 salvage_dirs 4-69 salvage_vol 4-69 scav 5-16 set_drive_usage 4-70 set_fdump_number 5-16 set_pdir_volumes 4-71 set_phcs_access 5-17 shift 4-72 shutdown 4-74 sign_off 4-75 sign_on 4-75 standard 4-76 startup 4-77 start_mpx 4-76 stop 4-77 stop_mpx 4-78 substty 4-79 sysid 4-80 terminate 4-81 unattended 5-17 unbump 4-82 undefine 4-82 unload 4-83 unlock_mca 2-546, 4-84 vacate_pdir_volume 4-84 wakeup_dump 5-18 warn 4-85 who 4-86 i-39 GB64-00A multiple terminals (cont) word 4-88 multiplexer activiting start_mpx 4-76 crashing dump_mpx 4-27 deactiviting stop_mpx 4-78 dumping dump_mpx 4-27 new_proj command 3-26 new_user command 2-352 next command 6-15 NIT see network information table no_start (ns) command 4-44 ns multiplexer channel attach 4-15 detach 4-23 disconnect 4-24 packet size set_x25_packet_threshold 2-470 multiprocess hierarchy repair starting/stoping repair 5-13 multisegment file (MSF) hp_delete_acl 2-275 hp_set_acl 2-279 multi segment table (MSTB) display_log_segment 2-153, 2-154 information display_log_segment 2-154 salvage_mstb 2-443 status display_log_segment 2-154 o object segment binding bind_fnp 2-58 octal record number conversion sector_to_record 2-447 operator attribute enabled sign_on 4-75 operator IS console hasp_host_operators_console 6-9 ou see history registers output interruption/damage warn 4-85 N network information table (N IT) add_mail_table_entry 2-2 update_mail_table_entry 2-547 new_device command see no_start output files queueing request_type 6-25 queueing for printing/punching auto_queue 6-2 6-14 i-40 GB64-00A output files (cont) receiving receive 6-22 scanning for on1 ine perusal auto_queue 6-2 transmitting receive 6-22 output volume dump attaching preattach_dump_vo1umes 7-16 password chaging card input chcpass 3-9 changing chpass 3-14 prompt sign_on 4-75 requ ired admin 4-15 patch_firmware command 2-358 pathname logical volume check_mdcs 2-82 p pae see print_apt_entry pause_time command 6-17 pb see probe page activity flush 2-255 pdir volume set logical volume vacate_pdir_volume page control flush 2-255 page faults hc_pf_meters 4-84 PDS 2-272 paper ali gnment checking step 6-35 defining characteristics paper_info 6-16 stop feeding single 6-31 see process data segment PDT see project definition table pdt_copy command performace metering run meter 5-11 person name table paper_info command 2-359 2-123 6-16 partition changing rebuild_disk 4-47 listing list_partitions 2-297 record copying copy_disk 9-7 person name table (PNT) add_mail_table_entry 2-2 change 3-6 chcpass 3-9 chdf _proj 3-10 check_log 3-11 chpass 3-14 compact_mail_table 2-95 create_mail_table 2-109 i-41 GB64-00A person name tab 1e (PNT) (cont) delete_mail_table_entry 2-122.12 physical volume (cont) label displaying display_disk_labe1 label writing init_vol 4-31 1 i sting list_disks 4-34 list_vols 2-299 log display_pvolog 7-8 log merging merge_volume_log 7-16 operations format_disk_pack 2-258 reconstructing reload_volume 4-62, 7-20 registration add_volume_registration 2-547 physical volume changing change_volume_registration 2-71 2-4 list_volume_registration cleanup hp_delete_vtoce 2-277 contents destruction init_vol 4-31 control file restore 9-27 save 9-30 deleting delete_volume_registration 2-304 reloading purge_volume_log 7-17 restoring restore 9-27 salvaging salvage_vol 4-69 saving save 9-30 scavenging scav 5-16 scavenge_vol 2-445 summary disp1ay_volume_log 7-9 unlocking dmpr_unlock_pv 7-10 utility functions sweep_pv 2-482 VTOC entries display_vtoce 2-158 record_to_vtocx 2-406 vtocx to record 2-556 vtoc_pathname 2-555 2-125 del_vol 4-21 disk display_pvte 2-155 dump_partition 2-174 list_partitions 2-297 disk drive add_vol 4-13 disk partition clear_partition 2-89 dump volumes searching recover_vo1ume_10g 7-19 dumping information disp1ay_vo1ume_log 4-25 evacuation inhibit_pv 2-283 sweep_pv 2-482 2-147, 9-10 ison 3-25 1 ist_extra_personids 2-296 new_proj 3- 26 new_user 2-352 print_pnt 2-373 register 3-39 remove_user 2-421 salvage_mstb 2-443 sign_on 4-75 station 6-33 update_mail_table_entry physical volume identification (PV I D) display_disk_label 2-147 list_partitions 2-297 i-42 GB64-00A physical volume taple (PVT) display_branch 2-143 disp1ay_vtoce 2-158 pq see print_queues pr physical volume table entry (PVTE) disp1ay_disk_1abe1 2-147 disp1ay_pvte 2-155, 2-555 hp_delete_vtoce 2-277 see print preattach_dump_vo1umes command 7-16 preload command 4-44 PMF see project master file pmf command 3-35 per~on name table po 11 i ng MOS memory set_mos_po11ing_time 2-456 pol1_fnp command 2-360 2-361 po1l_mos_memory command po11_mpc command 6-17, 9-18 printed output format control ct1_term 6-6 3-36 pmisc command PNT see print (pr) command 2-362 printer driver banner_bars 6-3 banner_type 6-3 sample page sample 6-28 paper alignment checking step 6-35 paper characteristics paper_info 6-16 request type info segment d i spol ay _pr t_rqt i 2-154.2 pool cleaning clean_card_poo1 2-88 resource manipulating clear_~esource 2-91 size check_sst_size 2-86 post purging work class post_purge_meters setting single mode single 6-31 print_apt_entry (pae) command/active function 2-365 print_devices command 6-17, 6-18 2-363 print_disk command post_purge_meters (ppm) command 2-363 2-369, 2-370 print_iod_tables command 2-370 ppm see post_purge_meters print_line_ids command 2-371, 6-18 i-43 GB64-00A 2-371 print meters command print_pdt command 2-372 print_pnt command 2-373 process (cont) directory segments set_pdir_volumes 4-71 vacate_pdir_volume 4-84 display_process_audit_f1ags 2-154.1 2-374 print_projfile command identification process_id 2-392 information print_apt_entry 2-365 interactive set_timax 2-466 list i ng list_proc_required 2-298 restriction set_proc_required 2-456 security display_system_audit_flags print_queues (pq) command 5-12 print_reqfile command print_sat command 2-375 2-375 print_spooling_tape command 2-377 2-157 print_sys_log (psl) command 2-381 edit_process_audit_flags 2-208 print_tuning_parameters (ptp) command 2-389 print_urf command 2-458 signals send_ips 2-451 send_wakeup 2-451 2-391 priority request specifying next 6-15 process data segment (PDS fi1e_system_meters 2-243 priv_move_quota command probe (pb) command set_process_audit_flags 2-391 9-18 processor history registers save_hi story_regi sters 2-443 process audit flags display_system_audit_flags 2-157 edit_process_audit_flags speed instr_speed 2-285 process_id command/active function 2-392 2-208 set_process_audit_flags production 2-458 dead copy_deadproc 2-105 deletion delete_old_pdds 2-123 directory segments add_pdir_volume 4-12 del 1v 4-21 FNP fnp_throughput 2-257 programmer number changing chprog 3-15 i-44 GB64-00A proj ect accounting display_account_status 2-135 edit_proj 2-208.1 edit_proj$change_all 2-208.5 data editing edit_proj 2-208.1 edit_proj$change_all 2-208.5 delegated. who_delg 3-46 delegating delegate 3-18 undelegate 3-44 deleting dproj 3-21 deletion delete_proj 2-124 disk usage print_disk 2-370 editing edit_proj 3-22 new user upmf 3-45 registration edit_proj 3-22 registration data new_proj 3-26 renaming rename_proj 3-41 statistics display_account_status 2-135 undelegated upmf 3-45 usage proj_mtd 3-38 project definition table (PDT) compute_bill 2-98 cu 3-16 cv_pmf 2-115 delegate 3-18 dpmf 3-20 ed_mgt 2-191 install 2-283 project definition table (PDT) (cont) list_extra_personids 2-296 new_proj 3-26 pdt_copy 2-359 'pmf 3-35 print_pdt 2-372 proj_usage_report 2-394 recov 3-39 rename_proj 3-41 reset_usage 2-424 restore_pdt_access 2-431 upmf 3-45 usage_total 2-551 project difinition table (PDT) display_account_status 2-135 proj ect f i 1e deleting entries clear_projfile 2-90 segment sort_projfile 2-471 write_user_usage_report 2-564 project master file (PMF) converting cv_pmf 2-115 rename_proj 3-41 delegate 3-18 dpmf 3-20 editing pmf 3-35 generating recov 3-39 upmf 3-45 project registration file displaying print_projfile 2-374 proj_mtd command 3-38 proj_usage_report (pur) command 2-394 i-45 GB64-00A protection ring brackets hpset_dir_ring_brackets PVID see physical volume identification 2-280 2-281 hpset_ring_brackets prt control command PVT see physical volume table 6-19 PVTE see physical volume table entry psl see print_sys_log ptp see print_tuning_parameters Q 2-389 qedx (qx) command puna see punch puna driver starting punch_restart stopping 5-12 9-24 queue I/O daemon create_daemon_queues 5-13 2-108 message segment ms_create 2-351 punch daemon starting punch 5-12 driver separator cards sep_cards 6-30 queuing disk_meters 2-126 I/O requests disk_queue 2-131 traffic_control_meters 2-530 traffic_control_queue punch (puna) command quit command punch command 2-535 5-12 4-45 6-21 punch end (end_punch) command 5-12 5-13 punch_restart command pun_control command QUIT key simulating quit 4-45 quit signal release 6-23.1 6-20 pur see proj_usage_report 7-17 quota moving move_dir_quota 2-347 priv_move_quota 2-391 setting set_dir_quota 2-452 i-46 GB64-00A qx reclassify_seg command 2-397 see qedx reclassify_sys_seg command 2-398 R reconfigurable entities reconfigure 2-399 r see reply reconfigure (rcf) command rate structure editing ed_installation_parms 2-175 4-48 reconfigure command 2-399 reconstruct_registry command 2-404 record number indexing vtocx_to_record rc see read_cards 2-556 record_to_sector command rcf see reconfigure 2-405 Rep see resource control package recov command rcp command 3-39 4-45 recover_volume_log command ready command 6-22 4-51, 7-19 read_cards (cards rc) command redefine command 4-52 5-13 read_cards command redt see read_early_dump_tape 6-21 read_early_dump_tape (redt) command 2-396 3-39 registers signalers stack frame save_hi story_registers reboot mode on/off auto 5-4 2-443 rebuild_disk command rebuild_pvolog command receive command register command 4-47 7-18 register_mdir command 2-407 register_resource (rgr) command 2-408 6-22 reclassify_dir command 2-396 i-47 GB64-00A registry deletion delete_registry 2-124 loss reconstruct_registry remove command 4-65 remove_user command 2-421 rename (rn) command 9-26 rename_proj command 3-41 2-404 reinit see reinitialize reinit command 6-23 2-421 remove_registry command rep see reprint reinitialize (reinit) command 9-25 repair command reinitializing driver reinit 6-23 release command reload command 5-13 reply (r) command 4~53, 6-23.1 2-416, 4-54 reload group definition 7-24 dump volumes purge_volume_log 7-17 reload_system_release command 4-58 reload_volume command 4-62, 7-20 remote driver commands between requests pause_time 6-17 punch control modes punch 6-20 remote punch driver punch 6-21 remote station identify/validate station 6-33 1 i ne d i ali ng 1 i sten 6-13 4-65 reports sending rqm 3-42 reprint (rep) command 5-14 request deferring defer 6-7 information req_status 6-24 1 is t i ng list_requests 9-17 queueing next 6-15 reprocessing restart 6-25 rerunning restart_q 6-26 restart processing restart 6-25 restartable printing restart_status 6-27 retaining save 6-29 searching go 6-8 sending dm_send_request 2-165 setting copy number copy 6-5 i-48 GB64-00A reques t (cont) specifying priority next 6-15 terminating cancel 6-4 kill 6-12 type printer display_prt_rqti reset_soos command 2-423 reset_tabs (tabs rt) command 5-15 reset_usage command 2-424 reset_use_totals command 2-425 2-154.2 wait list wait_status 6-36 request copy front and back matter banner_type 6-3 resource 1 is t i ng rcp 4-1+5 management delete_registry 2-124 reconstruct_registry 2-404 remove_registry 2-421 manipulating clear_resource 2-91 registration register_resource 2-408 reservation canceling rcp 4-45 request_type (rqt) command 6-25 requisition file displaying print_reqfile 2-375 entries deleting clear_projfile 2-90 segment sort_reqfile 2-472 write_user_usage_report 2-564 updating up_ctr 2-51+7 req_status command 6-21+ reregister command 4-66 reroute command reset command resource control package (RCP) auth 5-2 copy_registry 2-t06 delete_registry 2-121+ meter_rcp 2-331 rcp 4-1+5 reconstruct_registry 2-~01+ register_resource 2-408 reload_volume 7-20 remove_registry 2-421 reroute 4-67 1+-67 4-68 resource management RCP 2-331 reset_cdt_meters command copy_registry 2-106 2-422 reset_disk_meters command 2-422 reset_phcs_access (rpa) command 5-15 resource type description tab 1e (RTOT) clear_projfile 2-90 clear_resource 2-91 cv_rtmf 2-118 deregister_resource 2-126 i-49 GB64-00A ring 0 (cont) gates retrieve_from_volume 7-22 segment ring_zero_dump 2-437 resource type description tab 1e (RTOT) (cont) display_rtdt 2-156 remove_registry 2-421 resource type master file ring 1 add_1v 4-11 add_vol 4-13 bce 4-16 del_lv .4-20 del_vol 4-21 help 4-30 init_vol 4-31 list_disks 4-34 multics 4-43 (RTMF) clear_projfile 2-90 converting cv_rtmf 2-118 register_resource 2-408 resource usage reset_usage 2-424 response time interactive response_meters rec~ver_volume_log response_meters command restart_q command restart_status restore command 2-426 6-25 restart command 6-26 ring 1 only adddev 4-13, 4-14 debug 4-19 display_volume_log 4-25 rebuild_disk 4-47 release 4-53 reload volume 4-62 reregister 4-66 salvage_dirs 4-69 standard 4-76 6-27 9-27 restore_pdt_access command 2-431 retrieval requests queued retrieve_from_volume retrieve command 4-51 reload_volume 7-20 salvage_vol 4-69 set_drive_usage 4-70 shutdown 4-74 startup 4-77 2-426 7-22 2-432 retrieve_from_volume command 7-22 rgr see register_resource ring 0 communications management system_comm_meters 2-485 databases tty_dump 2-539 ring 1 to ring 4 crossing standard 4-76 ring 4 add_lv 4-11 add_vol 4-13, bce 4-16 del_lv 4-20 del_vol 4-21 help 4-30 init_vol 4-31 list_disks 4-34 multics 4-43 recover_volume_log i-50 4-51 GB64-00A ring 4 (cont) reload_volume 7-20 salvage_vol 4-69 set_drive_usage 4-70 shutdown 4-74 startup 4-77 ring 4 only abs 4-2 accept 4-10 add_pdir_volume 4-12 admin 4-15 attach 4-15 attended 5-2 auth 5-2 auto 5-4 bump 4-17 cat 5-5 complete_volume 5-6 copy_dump 5~7 cripple 4-19 define 4-20 delete_dump 5-7 del lv 4-21 deny 5-8 deroute 4-22 detach 4-23 disconnect 4-24 down 4-25.1 drop 4-26 dump_mpx 4-27 echoplex 5-8 end_dump 5-9 exec 4-27 force_reset 4-29 go 4-29 hmu 4-30 inc 5-9 incremental volume 5-10 intercom 4-34 io 5-11 i01 5-11 load_mpx 4-36 lock_mca 4-37 log 4-37 login 4-38 logout 4-40 maxunits 4-41 mc _1 i s t 4 - 41 ring 4 only (cont) message 4-42 meter 5-11, 5-12 no_start 4-44 preload 4-44 punch 5-12 punch_end 5-12 punch restart 5-13 quit 4-45 rcp 4-45 read_cards 5-13 reconfigure 4-48 redefine 4-52 reload 4-54 reload_system_release 4-58 remove 4-65 repair 5-13 reply 4-65 reprint 5-14 reroute 4-67 reset 4-68· reset_phcs_access 5-15 reset_tabs 5-15 route 4-68 salvage_dir 2-441 scav 5-16 set_fdump_number 5-16 set_pdir_volumes 4-71 set_phcs_access 5-17 shift 4-72 sign_off 4-75 sign_on 4-75 start_mpx 4-76 stop 4-77 stop_mpx 4-78 substty 4-79 sysid 4-80 terminate 4-81 unattended 5-17 unbump 4-82 undefine 4-82 unload 4-83 unlock_mca 2-546, 4-84 vacate_pdir_volume 4-84 wakeup_dump 5-18 warn 4-85 who 4-86 word 4-88 i-51 GB64-00A ring brackets hpset_dir_ring_brackets rqt see request_type 2-280 see reset_tabs ring_zero_dump (rzd) command/active function RTDT 2-437 see resource type description table RLV see root logical volume RTMF see resource type master f i Ie rn see rename 6-27 runout_spacing command root directory quota set_quota 2-458.1 rzd see ring_zero_dump root directory only set_quota 2-458.1 root logical volume (RLV) boot 9-3 multics 4-43 reload 2-416, 4-54 reI oad_system_rel ease 4-58 salvage_dirs 4-69 standard 4-76 s sac see send_admin_command salv see salvage_dirs salvage_dir command root physical volume (RPV) boot 9-3 config_edit 9-5 copy_disk 9-7 init_vol 4-31 reload_volume 4-62, 7-20 save 9-30 scav 5-16 shutdown_state 9-35 2-441 salvage_dirs (salv) command 4-69 salvage_mail_table see compact_mail_table salvage_mstb command salvage_vol command route command 4-68 sample command rpa see reset_phcs_access RPV see root physical volume 2-443 4-69 6-28 sample page paper alignment sample_form 6-28 sample_form command rqm command 2-95 3-42 i-52 6-28 GB64-00A sample_hs command 6-29 sector_to_record command 2-447 SAT see system administrator table save command security-out-of-service switches reset_soos 2-423 6-29, 9-30 save_history_registers command 2-443 segment access control hpset_ring_brackets 2-281 AIM scav command 5-16 reclassify_seg 2-397 ASTE 2-445 scavenge_vol command display_aste 2-139 attributes change_kst_attributes 2-69 scratch pack mounting exercise_disk display_kst_entry 2-152 hpset_ring_brackets 2-281 binary images dump 9-12 contents sys_full_report 2-484 creating copy_dump 2-106 create_pnt 2-109 create_urf 2-110 inhibit_pv 2-283 deactivating deactivate_seg 2-120 deleting clean_card_pool 2-88 hp_delete 2-274 dumping backup_dump 2-49 catchup_dump 8-3 complete_dump 8-8 complete_volume_dump 7-3 consolidated_volume_dump 2-241 SCU and CPU j·nterface write_notify_test sc_cormnand command 2-562 2-444 SOL see segment descri~tian list sds see shutdown_state sdu see set_ctriv~_usage search rules default settJng set_system_search_rules 7-5 end_dump 8-13 incremental_volume_dump 2-465 7-11 search rules segment bind_fnp 2-58 preattach_dump_volumes sector offset indexing vtocx_to_record start_dump 8-14 vOlume_dump_trace_on wakeup_dump 8-20 7-16 2-556 i-53 7-27 GB64-00A segment (cont) fi le map display_aste . 2-139 hardcore hc_pf_meters 2-272 information display_branch 2-143 installation parameters editing ed_installation_parms segment (cont) requisition file up_ctr 2-547 write_user_usage_report 2-564 retrieving retrieve 2-432 ring 0 ring_zero_dump 2-437 selecting excerpt_mst 2-240 statistics disk_stat_print 2-132 disk_usage_stat 2-134 display_aste 2-139 VTOCE displaying display_vtoce 2-158 2-175 locating vtoc_pathname 2-555 is_he_user 2-292 is_legal_proj 2-292 list_delegated_projects 2-295 miscellaneous file charge 3-9, 3-16 dmisc 3-20 pmi sc 3-36 octal dumping r i n'g_zero_dump 2-437 page unwiring unwi re_pag'es 2"'S46 .. 1 page wiring wire_pages 2-556 patching patch_firmware 2-358 pathname vtoc_pathname 2-555 pathname listing verify_dump_volume 7-25 project fi le sort_pro.jf i1 e 2-471 write_user_usage~report 2-564 . queue message ms_create 2-351 rate structure editing ed_installation_parms 2-175 reloading backup_load 2-53 reload 2-416, 4-54 requisition file sort_reqfile 2-472 segment description list (SDL) generate_mst 2-262 send_admin_command (sac) command 2-447 send_daemon_command command 2-449 send_ips command 2-451 2-451 send_wakeup command separator bars setting banner_bars 6-3 separator cards punching control sep_cards 6-30 6-30 sep_cards command service disruption interactive users bce 4-16 setcrank command setdisk command i-54 3-43 3-43 GB64-00A set_drive_usage (sdu) command 4-70 set_system_search_rules command 2-465 set_fdump see set_fdump_number set_timax (stm) command set_tpp (stpp) command 2-466 2-467 set_fdump_number (set_fdump sfdn) command 5-16 set_flagbox (sfb) command 9-33 set_volume_wakeup_interval command 7-25 set_flagbox command set_work_class (swc) command 2-469 2-453 set_log_history_dir command 2-454 set_x25_packet_threshold command 2-470 set_mc_message_limits command 2-455 severity command set_mos_polling_time command 2-456 sfb see set_flagbox set_pdir_volumes command sfdn 4-71 set_phcs_access (spa) command 5-17 set_process_audit_flags command 2-458 shift change setting/printing shift 4-72 shift command set_proc_required (sprq) command 2-456 set_quota (sq) command 2-458.1 9-34 4-72 shift table value overriding shift 4-72 shut see shutdown set_special_password command 2-459 set_system_audit_flags command 2-460 set_system_console command 2-462 shutdown automatic down 4-25.1 scheduling dm_system_shutdown 2-168 shutdown (shut) command 4-74 i-55 GB64-00A shutdown process stop 4-77 2-471 sort_proJfile command 2-472 sort_reqfile command shutdown warning stop 4-77 shutdown_state (sds) command 9-35 signalers stack frame registers save_history_registers source input-line sending reply 4-65 output routing reroute 4-67 route 4-68 wakeup sending reply 4-65 2-443 signaling mechanism meter_signal 2-333 4-75 sign_off command sign_on command single command slave command 4-75 6-31 6-31 slave terminal communicating with slave 6-31 controlling slave_term 6-32 messages master 6-14 remote runout_spacing 6-27 stopping hold 6-11 slave_term command 6-32 source language displaying print_iod_tables 2-370 translators iod_tables_compiler 2-290 source segment converting cv_prt_rqti creating cv_prt_rqti 2-117 2-117 spa see set_phcs_access spacing paper runout_spacing 6~27 spg see system_performance_graph spool driver print_spooling_tape 2-377 tape description 2-380 software fai lure dump 9-12 identification display_psp 2-154.2 sprq see set_proc_required software technical identifier ssl see summarize_sys_log (STI) display_psp sq 2-154.2 i-56 GB64-00A SST see system segment table stack faults debug 4-19 release 4-53 frame debugging debug 4-19 meter_signal 2-333 releasing release 4-53 history fault releasing release 4-53 preserving debug 4-19 statistics (cont) disk usage disk_usage_stat 2-134 print_disk 2-370 FNP display_fnp_idle 2-148.3 fnp_data_summary 2-255 fnp_throughput 2-257 meter_fnp_idle 2-325 hierarchy subtree disk_stat_print 2-132 disk_usage_stat 2-134 project display_account_status 2-135 step command stack frame faults save_history_registers 2-443 stan see standard 6-35 step mode setting in/out step 6-35 STI 4-76 see software technical identifier standard (stan) command 4-76 stickers volume make_volume_labels star see startup start command 6-34 status command 6-33 stm see set_timax startup (star) command 4-77 stop command start_dump command 8-14 2-466 4-77 stop_mpx command start_mpx command station command 4-76 6-33 statistics answer table display_anst 2-138 disk subsystem disk_meters 2-126 disk uscge disk_stat_print 2-132 storage disk disk low 4-78 2-134 storage quota repairing fix_quota_used i-57 2-309 2-254 GB64-00A storage system directory dumping idump 2-282 disk drives usage 1 ist_disks 4-34 disk volume display_disk_label 2-147, subsystem (cont) 1 i mi ted-serv ice display_volume_log 7-9 dmpr_unlock_pv 7-10 end_dump 8-13 end_volume_dump 7-11 enter_lss 2-240 incremental_volume_dump 9-10 7-11, 7-14 display_pvte 2-155 hierarchy display_branch 2-143 hierarchy dumping backup_dump 2-49 master directory check_mdcs 2-82 metering file_system_meters 2-243 quota disk low 2-134 fix_quota_used 2-254 priv_move_quota 2-391 recovery salvage_dirs 4-69 salvage_vol 4-69 reloading reload 2-416, 4-54 segment dumping idump 2-282 volumes format_disk_pack 2-258 stpp see set_tpp substty command 7-16 purge_vol ume_l og 7-17 rebuild_pvolog 7-18 recover_volume_log 7-19 reload_volume 7-20 retrieve_from_volume 7-22 set_volume_log 7-24 set_vo1ume_wakeup_interval 7-25 start_dump 8-14 verify_dump_volume 7-25 volume_cross_check 7-26 volume_dump_trace_off 7-27 vo1ume_dump_trace_on 7-27 wakeup_dump 8-20 wakeup_volume_dump 7-28 summarize_sys_log (ssl) command 2-472 swc see set_work_class 4-79 subsystem channel activity disk_queue 2-131 1 i mi ted-serv ice catchup_dump 8-3 complete_dump 8-8 complete_volume_dump 7-3 consolidated_volume_dump 7-5 make_commands 2-307 merge_volume_log 7-16 preattach_dump_volumes del ete_vol ume_log 7-8 display_pvolog 7-8 sweep command ~weep~pv 2-480 command 2-482 switches detaching end_volume_dump 7-11 security-out-of-service reset_soos 2-423 sync-held pages see modified control intervals 2-166 i-58 GB64-00A syserr log checking monitor_sys_log 2-336 counters fnp_data_summary 2-255 EDAC error poll_mos_memory 2-361 error handling poll_mpc 2-362 history registers display_cpu_error 2-145 logging partition display_syserr_log_part sys tem (cont) control process install 2-283 control table install 2-283 crash copy_dump 5-7 emergency_shutdown tty_dump 2-539 crash alarm alert 9-2 crashing auto 5-4 2-156 dm_set~ournal_stamps machine conditions display_cpu_error MOS EDAC activity mos_edac_summary MPC statistics mpc_data_summary parity errors fnp_data_summary scanning io_error_summary mos_edac_summary mpc_data_summary statistics fnp_data_summary po ll_mpc 2-362 sysid command 9-15.1 2-166 set_system_console 2-462 warn 4-85 directory reloading cripple 4-19 distributed software display_psp 2-154.2 exec_coms charge_disk 2-80 compute_bill 2-98 copy_as_meters 2-104 create_pnt 2-109 create_urf 2-110 delete_old_pdds 2-123 delete_proj 2-124 reset_disk_meters 2-422 fai lure bce 4-16 copy_registry 2-106 i nsta 11 3-24 reconstruct_registry 2-145 2-346 2-350 2-255 2-288 2-346 2-350 2-255 4-80 system access set_system_priv 2-463 sys_full_report 2-484 audit flags set_system_audit_flags 2-404 remove_registry 2-421 restore_pdt_access 2-431 salvage_dir 2-441 information print_apt_entry 2-365 ioi_data display_ioi_data 2-150 load control group 10ad_ctl_status 2-305 load units maxunits 4-41 log monitor_sys_log 2-336 2-460 bootloading bce 4-16 card pool clean_pool 6-5 changing 10 sysid 4-80 clock setting reinitialize 9-25 consoles set_system_console 2-462 i-59 GB64-00A sys tem (cont) log print_sys_log 2-381 summarize_sys_log 2-472 memory diagnostic dump dump 9-12 messages word 4-88 metering fim_meters 2-252 print meters 2-371 system_performance_graph sys tem (cont) statistics hc_pf_meters 2-272 system_link_meters 2-488 system_performance_graph 2-492 system_total 2-496 table diagnostic dump dump 9-12 install 3-24 tables consistency checking list_extra_personids 2-492 2-296 operation system_performance_graph tape check_mst 2-83 compare_mst 2-98 copy_mst 2-106 excerpt_mst 2-240 generate_mst 2-262 list_mst 2-297 test_tape 2-524 timing flush 2-255 unattended service unattended 5-17 usage system_da i 1y_re.port 2-487 system_monthly_report 2-492 performance print_meters 2-371 system_performance_graph 2-492 system_total 2-496 pool storage auto_queue 6-2 receive 6-22 pr ivi 1eges set_system_priv 2-463 revenue usage_and_revenue 2-549 scheduler deadline mode tune_work_class 2-545 percent mode tune_work_class 2-545 search rules set_system_search_rules 2-491 usage_and_revenue 2-549 usage_total 2-551 system administrator table (SAT) ch9ck_log 3-11 compute_bill 2-98 daily_summary 2-119 delegate 3-18 delete_proj 2-124 dproj 3-21 ed_mgt 2-191 install 3-24 is_legal_proj 2-292 list_delegated_projects 2-465 security edit_process_audit_flags 2-208 set_system_audit_flags 2-460 shutdown copy_dump 5-7 wakeup_volume_dump warn 4-85 word 4-88 special session mUltics 4-43 7-28 2-295 new_proj pdt_copy i-60 3-26 2-359 GB64-00A system administrator table (SAT) (cont) print_sat 2-375 rename_proj 3-41 reset_usage 2-424 usage_total 2-551 write_user_usage_report 2-564 system control unit (SCU) write_notify_test 2-562 tape detaching end_dump 5-9 displaying contents print_spooling_tape tape drive testing test_tape 2-524 system segment table (SST check_sst_size 2-86 tape I/O dumping backup_dump 2-49 idump 2-282 systems programmer messages to log 4-37 tape reel testing test_tape system_comm_meters command tape volume authentication auth 5-2 loading preload 4-44 unloading unload 4-83 2-485 system_daily_report command 2-487 system_link_meters command 2-488 system_monthly_report command 2-491 system_performance_graph (spg) command 2-492 2-377 2-524 tcrn see traffic_control_meters tcq see traffic_control _queue td system_total command 2-496 see test_disk TDT see transaction definition table T term see terminate table statistics display_anst tabs see reset_tabs term command 6-36 terminal control ctl_term 6-6 2-138 i-61 GB64-00A term ina 1 (cont) hasp_host_operators_console 6-9 in i t i ali zer abs 4-2 accept 4-10 adddev 4-13, 4-14 add_Iv 4-11 add_pdir_volume 4-12 add_vol 4-13 admin 4-15 attach '4-15 attended 5-2 auth 5-2 auto 5-4 auto_queue 6-2 auto_start_delay 6-2 banner_bars 6-3 banner_type 6-3 bce 4-16 bump 4-17 cancel 6-4 cat 5-5 clean_pool 6-5 complete_volume 5-6 copy 6-5 copy_dump 5-7 cripple 4-19 ctl_term 6-6 debug 4-19 defer 6-7 defer_time 6-7 define 4-20 delete_dump 5-7 del_Iv 4-20, 4-21 del_vol 4-21 deny 5-8 deroute 4-22 detach 4-23 disconnect 4-24 display_volume_log 4-25 down 4-25.1 drop 4-26 dump_mpx 4-27 echoplex 5-8 end_dump 5-9 exec 4-27 force_reset 4-29 go 4-29, 6-8 term ina 1 (cont) initializer halt 6-8 help 4-30, 6-11 hmu 4-30 hold 6-11 nactive_limit 6-12 nc 5-9 ncremental_volume 5-10 nit_vol 4-31 ntercom 4-34 o 5-11 iol 5-11 kill 6-12 list 6-13 listen 6-13 list_disks 4-34 load_mpx 4-36 lock_mca 2-307, 4-37 log 4-37 login 4-38 logout 4-40, 6-13, 6-14 master 6-14 maxunits 4-41 mc _1 i s t 4- 4 1 message 4-42 meter 5-11, 5-12 multics 4-43 new_device 6-14 next 6-15 no_start 4-44 paper_info 6-16 pause_time 6-17 pre load 4-4/+ print_devices 6-17, 6-18 print_line_ids 6-18 prt_control 6-19 punch 5-12, 6-20, 6-21 punch_end 5-12 punch_restart 5-13 quit 4-45 rcp 4-45 ready 6-22 read cards 5-13, 6-21 rebuild_disk 4-47 receive 6-22 reconfigure 4-48 recover_volume_log 4-51 redefine 4-52 i-62 GB64-00A term ina 1 (cont) in it i ali zer reinit 6-23 release 4-53, 6-23.1 reload 4-54 rel oad_system_rel ease 4-58 reload_volume 4-62. 7-20 remove 4-65 repair 5-13 reply 4-65 reprint 5-.14 request type 6-25 req_s'tatus 6"'24 reregister ~-66 reroute 4-67 reset '4-68 reset_phcs_acces~ 5-15 reset_tabs 5-15 . restart 6-25 restart_q 6-26 restarto1..s·tatus 6-27 route 4-68 runo)Jt_spacing 6-27 salvage_di~s term ina 1 (cont) initial izer step 6-35 stop 4-77 stop_mpx 4-78 substty 4-79 sysid 4-80 term 6-36 terminate 4-81 unattended 5-17 unbump 4-82 undefine 4-82 unload 4-83 unlock_mca 2-546, 4-84 vacate_pdir_volume 4-84 wait_status 6-36 wakeup_dump 5-18 warn 4-85 wht> 4-86 word 4-88 x 6-37 multiple abs 4-2 accept 4-10 8:dddev 4-13, 4-14 add_lv 4-11 add_pdir_volume' 4-12 add vol 4-13 admTn 4-15 attach 4-15 attended 5-2 auth 5-2 auto 5-4 bee 4-16 bump 4-17 cat 5"'5 complete_volume 5~6 copy_dump" 5-7 cripp.1e 4-19 debug 4-~j9 define 4-20 delete_dump 5-7 del_lv 4-20, 4-21 del_vol 4~"'21 deny 5-8 deroute 4-22 detach 4-23 disconnect 4-24 display_volume_log 4-25 4-69 salvage_vol 4-69 sample 6-28 samp 1e_fpr.m h-·28 sample_hs 6-2~ save 6-29 s¢av 5-16 sep_cards 6-:30 set_drive_usage 4-'70 set_fdump_number 5-16 set_~dir~volumes .t.t-71 set_phcs_acr,est 5-17 sh1 ft '4-72 shutclown 4-14 s i gn..;o,ff 4-'15 s i gn.;.,or'l 4:.-75 sing 1e ·6 -.31 slave 6-31 slave_term 6-32 4-76 6-33 ~tartup 4-71 start_mpx 4-76 station 6-33 status 6-34 st~ndard start i-63 GB64-00A term ina 1 (cont) multiple down 4-25.1 drop 4-26 dump_mpx 4-27 echoplex 5-8 end_dump 5-9 exec 4-27 force_reset 4-29 go 4-29 help 4-30 hmu 4-30 inc 5-9 incremental_volume 5-10 init_vol 4-31 Intercom 4-34 io 5-11 iol 5-11 list_disks 4-34 load_mpx 4-36 lock_mca 2-307-; 4-37' log 4-37 1og,j n4-38 logout 4-40 maxur:ri ts J.-41 mc_list4-41 message 4"'42 meter 5-11, 5-12 mUltics 4-43 no_start 4-44 preload 4-44 punch 5~12 punch_end 'S-lt puneh..)"estart 5-13 qu it ,4-45 rep 4--45 read;.,.,ca'rds 5-13 rebuild_disk 4~4~ reconfiyure h-48 recover ~vo 1ume_l og 4-.51 redefi ne 4-52 're l,ease 4-53 re 1o-ad 4-54 reload_sY$temJelease 4-58 re 1oad_vo 1ume 4-62" ]-2-0 remove 4-65 repair 5-13 reply 4-65 I term i na 1 (cont) mUltiple reprint 5-14 reregister 4-66 reroute 4-67 reset 4-68 reset_phcs_access 5-15 reset_tabs 5-15 route 4-68 salvage_dirs 4-69 salvage_vol 4-69 scav 5-16 set_drive_usage 4-70 set_fdump_number 5-16 set_pdir_volumes 4-71 set_phcs_access 5-17 shift 4-72 shutdown 4-74 4-75 sign_on 4-75 standard 4-76 s'tartup 4-77 s'tart_mpx 4-76 stop 4-77 stopJ",pmpx 4-78 sub'stty 4-79 sys,f,d 4-80 terminate 4-81 una tt,erlded 5-17 UlllbUMp 4-82 undefine 4-82 unload 4-83 unlo,c-k_mca 2-546, vacate_~ir_volume wakeup~du~p ;-18 warn 4-85 who 4"'86 wot~d 4-88 slave stopping hold 6-11 usage meteriC'lg console_report term i na 1 tYP,e TN300 reset_tabs i-64 2-100 5-15 GB64-00A terminate (term) command testing instructions eis_tester 2-497 test_dcw command 2-504 (~d) timer setting inc 5-9 incremental_volume 5-10 2-210 test_cpu command test_disk 4-81 command test_fnp command timers po ll_fnp po ll_mpc 9-36 2-360 2-362 TN300 terminal type reset_tabs 5-15 2-519 TOlTS see Total Online Test System test_tape command 2-524 text editors message 4-42 qedx 9-24 total_time_meters (ttm) command 2-526 thrashing post_purge_meters threshold values comparing monitor_cache 2-363 TPP see time page product 2-335 throughput FNP fnp_throughput time setting set_timax Total Online Test System (TOl TS) format_disk_pack 2-258 load_mpc 2-306 2-257 2-466 time interval setting set_mos_polling_time 2-456 time 1 imi t request deferring defer_time 6-7 trace table editing dump_mpc 2-172 traffic control metering traffic_control_meters 2-530 traffic_control_queue 2-535 traffic controller traffic_control_queue 2-535 traffic_control_meters (tcm) command 2-530 traffic_control_queue (tcq) command 2-535 time page product (TPP) reset_disk_meters 2-422 set_tpp 2-467 i-65 GB64-00A transaction definition table undelegate command 3-44 (TOT) dm_send_request 2-165 translators source language iOd_tables_compiler unique identifier (UIO) check_mdcs 2-82 display_branch 2-143 2-290 ttm see total_time_meters 2-539 tty_dump command tty_l ines command 2-541 command 2-543 t~ne_disk 4-83 unload command unlock_mca command 2-546, 4-84, 9-37 unwire_pages command 2-546.1 update_mail_table_entry command 2-547 upmf command 3-45 tune work_class (twc) command 2-545 up_ctr command tuning parameter changing change_tuning_parameters 2-70 2-547 URF see user registration file usage_and_revenue command 2-549 displaying print_tuning_parameters 2-389 2-543 usage_total command 2-551 tune_disk twc see tune_work_class U UIO see unique identifier unattend see unattended unattended (unattend) command 5-17 unbump command undefine command 4-82 4-82 user adding upmf 3-45 bumping load_mpx 4-36 maxunits 4-41 stop 4-77 card decks clean_pool 6-5 read_cards 6-21 entry encryption algorithm print_pnt 2-373 identification process_id 2-392 i nformat ion . print_apt_entry 2-365 log-in count hmu 4-30 logged-in who 4-86 i-66 GB64-00A user (cont) logging in mUltics 4-43 logging out bump 4-17 detach 4-23 disconnect 4-24 dump_mpx 4-27 load_mpx 4-36 remove 4-65 log in pr i v i 1ege maxunits 4-41 process I/O device deny 5-8 process creation terminate 4-81 process destruction terminate 4-81 registration anonymous add_anon 3-3 get_uid_with_lastname user registration file (URF) (cont) salvage_mstb 2-443 v vacate_pdir_volume command 4-84 variable values changing set_f1 agbox determining get_f1 agbox 9-16 vcomp see complete_volume vcons see consolidated_volume 2-272 verify_dump_volume command modifying data change 3-6 new_user 2-352 register 3-39 upmf 3-45 table absentee usage display_aut 2-141 daemon usage display_dut 2-148.1 user registration file access to 2-374 user registration file (URF) 2-374 change 3-6 get_uid_with_lastname ison 3-25 is_he_user 2-292 new_user 2-352 print_pnt 2-373 print urf 2-391 register 3-39 remove_user 2-421 9-33 2-272 7-25 vinc see incremental_volume virtual console adding destination define 4-20 redefine 4-52 defining define 4-20 output routing reroute 4-67 route 4-68 removing deroute 4-22 removing destination redefine 4-52 undefine 4-82 volume deregistration hp_delete 2-274 labels make_volume_labels i-67 2-309 GB64-00A vo 1ume (cont) registration information reregister 4-66 restoration restore 9-27 retrieval requests 1 ist_retrieval_requests volume daemon invoking wakeup_dump volume dump conso 1 ida ted consolidated_volume_dump 7-14 saving save 9-30 sticke-rs make_volume_labels 5-18 7-5 incremental incremental_volume_dump 7-11 2-309 preattach_dump_volumes 7-16 set_volume_wakeup_interval 7-25 volume backup daemon complete_volume_dump 7-3 consol idated_volume_dump volume_dump_trace_off 7-27 7-5 delete_volume_log 7-8 display_pvolog 7-8 display_volume_log 7-9 dmpr_unlock_pv 7-10 end_volume_dump 7-11 incremental_volume_dump 7-11, 7-14 merge_volume_log 7-16 preattach_dump_volumes 7-16 purge_volume_log 7-17 rebuild_pvolog 7-18 recover_vol ume_l og 7-19 reload_volume 7-20 retrieve_from_volume 7-22 set_volume_log 7-24 set_volume_wakeup_interval 7-27 volume_dump_trace_on starting complete_volume_dump 7-3 volume dumper consolidated volume dump consolidated_volume 5-6 contents segment retrieve_from_volume 7-22 incremental dump incremental_volume 5-10 verify_dump_volume 7-25 volume dump complete_volume 5-6 volume dumper daemon complete_volume_dump 7-3 consolidated_volume_dump 7-25 7-5 verify_dump_volume 7-25 volume_cross_check 7-26 vOlume_dump_trace_off 7-27 volume_dump_trace_on 7-27 wakeup_volume_dump 7-28 delete_volume_log 7-8 display_pvolog 7-8 display_volume_log 7-9 dmpr_unlock_pv 7-10 end_volume_dump 7-11 incremental_volume_dump 7-11 volume backup databases rebu i 1ding volume_cross_check 7-26 validity volume_cross_check 7-26 merge_vol ume_l og 7-16 preattach_dump_volumes 7-16 purge_volume_log 7-17 rebuild_pvolog 7-18 recover_volume_log 7-19 set_volume_log 7-24 i-68 GB64-00A volume dumper daemon (cont) set_volume_wakeup_interval 7-25 verify_dump_volume 7-25 vOlume_cross_check 7-26 volume_dump_trace_off 7-27 vOlume_dump_trace_on 7-27 wakeup_volume_dump 7-28 volume dumper facility reload_voJume 4-62, 7-20 volume dumping dmpr_unlock_pv volume retriever retrieve_from_volume 7-14 retrieve_from_volume 7-22 volume table of contents (VTOC) volume log closing end_volume_dump 7-11 contents set_volume_'og 7-24 cross-checking volume_cross_check 7-26 deleting segment delete_volume_'og 7-8 merging _ merge_volume_log 7-16 recovering recover_volume_log 7-19 restoring rebuild_pvolog 7-18 retrieve_from_volume 7-22 scanning rebuild_pvolog 7-18 setting set_volume_,og 7-24 updating purge_vo'ume_'og 7-17 complete_vplume_dump 7-3 display_branch 2-143 file_system_meters 2-243 hp_delete_vtoce 2-277 i nit _ vo 1 4- 3 1 . list_partitions 2~297 list_vols 2-299 rebuild_disk 4-47 record to vtocx 2-406 reload_volume 4-62, 7-20 restore 9-27 salvage_dir 2-441 save 9-30 sweep_pv 2-482 vtocx_to_record 2-556 vtoc_buffer_meters 2-552 vtoc_pathname 2-555 yolume table of contents entry (VTOCE) complete_volume_dump 7-3 consolidated_volume_dump 7-5 display_vtoce 2-158 file_system_meters 2-243 hp_delete_vtoce 2-277 incremental_volume_dump 1+-31 volume pool cross-checking volume_cross_check 7-22 volume retriever daemon incremental_volume_dump 7-10 volume label checking add_vol 4-13 volume map setting init_vol volume r.eloader daemon display_volume_log 7-9 merge_vol ume_l og 7-16 recover_volume_log 7-19 reload_volume 7-20 verify_dump_volume 7-25 7-11 init_vol 1+-31 list_partitions 2-297 list_vols 2-299 rebuild_disk 4-47 7-26 i-69 GB64-00A volume table of contents entry (VTOCE) (cont) record to vtocx 2-406 scavenge_vol 2-445 sweep_pv 2-482 verify_dump_volvme 7-25 vtoc_buffer_meters 2-552 vtoc_pathname 2-555 wakeup interval setting set_volume_wakeup_interval 7-25 wakeup_dump command 5-18, 8-20 wakeup_volume_dump command 7-28 volume_cross_check command 7-26 warn (w) command 4-85 volume_dump_trace_off command 7-27 volume_dump_trace_on command warning shutdown stop 4-77 7-27 VTOC see volume table of contents warnings in i t i ali zer warn 4-85 VTOC buffers vtoc_buffer_meters wcm see work_class_meters 2-552 VTOCE see volume table of contents entry vtocx_to_record command 2-556 vtoc_buffer_meters command who command 4-86 who_delg command wire_pages command word command 3-46 2-556 4-88 2-552 vtoc_pathname command 2-555 work class defining define_work classes 2-122.11 w editing ed_mgt 2-191 information work_class_meters 2-557 post_purge_meters 2-363 realtime mode tune_work_class 2-545 setting set_work_class 2-469 set_work_class 2-469 tuning tune_work_class 2-545 work_class_meters 2-557 w see warn 4-85 wait list requests wait_status 6-36 wait_status command 6-36 i-70 GB64-00A work_class_meters (wcm) command 2-557 write_acct_bill command 2-561 write_ahead_log (WAL) protocol dm_set~ournal_stamps 2-166 write_billing_summary command 2-561 write_notify_test command 2-562 write_user_usage_report command 2-564 x x see exec x command 6-37 z zero-divide fault meter_signal 2-333 i-71 GB64-00A HONEYWELL INFORMATION SYSTEMS Technical Publications Remarks Form TITLE MULTICS ADMINISTRATION, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATIONS COMMANDS ADDENDUM A ORDER NO. DATED GB64-00A J I NOVEMBER 1986 I ERRORS IN PUBLICATION SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT TO PUBLICATION Your comments will be investigated by appropriate technical personnel and action will be taken as required. Receipt of all forms will be acknowledged; however, if you require a detailed reply, check here. 0 PLEASE FILL IN COMPLETE ADDRESS BELOW. FROM: NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ TITLE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ COMPANY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ DATE _ _ _ _ _ __ u 2 C 2 C
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