GC20 0001 1_370biblio_Jun75 1 370biblio Jun75
GC20-0001-1_370biblio_Jun75 GC20-0001-1_370biblio_Jun75
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GC20-0001·1 File No. 8370-00 Systems IBM System/370 Bibliography For use by all who plan for, install, program, or operate an IBM System/370, this bibliography describes technical publications in support of the following: System/370 machine components System Control Programming (SCP) DB/DC - and other system licensed programs Type I programming support for System/370 only Other supplementary information (forms, PTF listings, ... ) Features, and types, of'information included, are: Titles and abstracts, with page counts Current status of all publications listed Editions and TNLs applying to each SCP release listed Description of TNL system Clustering of manuals by subject; fine-sorting by title Explanation of me' numbers and subject-code system Subject-code indexes (both numeric and alphabetic) Graphic charts for machines, each SCP, and DOS version 4 Convenient list of all publications in order-number sequence, with subject codes Specific page lookup of titles by program acronyms Order numbers; and details on order-numbering system Publication proftles used for distributing items under SLSS Explanation of SLSS proftles This bibliography is regularly updated to provide the latest information pertaining to the System/370 library. For System/370 publications on industry subsystems and licensed application programming, refer to GC20·0370. Second Edition (June 1975) This is a major revision of, and supersedes, GC20-0001-0 and Technical Newsletters GN20-0004 and GN20-0009. The title is changed, reflecting the addition of machine component, licensed program, and other publication categories (and features) forming the system bibliography. DB/DC has been removed from the applications area and consolidated under individual listings in the systems area; this and all other material extracted from the IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography (GA22-6822-21) has been updated and new information added, forming in effect a new bibliography applying to the System/370 only. Requests for IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this bibliography. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation, Documentation Services, Dept. 83H, 1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, New York 10604. Comments and suggestions become the property of IBM. Preface For each major IBM data processing system, publications useful in planning for, programming, installing and operating that system are assembled in a system bibliography. . Organization This system bibliography has three parts. Part 1 lists publications by subject; it also provides graphic library charts that help to show the associations among publications. Its organization is shown in the table of contents, with manuals under the headings being clustered by subject code and sorted by title. Part 2 mainly contains abstracts describing the items listed in Part 1. Part 3 is a second list, in order-number sequence, of all items listed by subject sequence in Part 1. Note: Order numbers are sequenced by second character. The first character (G, S, or L) is the use key. (See "Identification of Availability.") Subject Identification and Filing Where a file number (e.g., S370-36) appears on a publication listed in this bibliography, it identifies the system in the prefix (S370) and the subject classification in the suffix (36, i.e., control program). Pref"tx of FOe Number Publications associated with two or three system libraries identify them in the prefix (such as S360/S370 or S360/S370/S3). When manuals apply to more than three libraries, the system number isn't used. These few and more general publications have component numbers, or GENL, in the prefix: component number(s) if the manual concerns one or two components; or GENL if the manual concerns more than two (or no specific) components. Subject Code The suffix of the file number identifies the subject classification or code, such as 22 for APL or 15 for physical planning manuals and templates. (Part 1 of each bibliography starts with a standard index of subject codes and their definitions.) File numbers with subject codes in the range of 00 through 40 are printed on publications, as an aid in filing manuals in any library which is organized by system and subject. Codes 00 through 40, moreover, are used in subscribing to SLSS (System , Library Subscription Service). Subject codes above 40 do not appear on publications and are not used for SLSS, but are assigned to further categorize all other items within system bibliographies. Part 1 In Part 1, the subject code listing, one code is assigned to a publication. Items within the cluster for each code are in sequence. Sequencing for manuals is alphameric, by the most apparent keywords in the titles. Sequencing for microfiche is by order or program number. In Part 1, the basic eight-position order number of each publication is given. Because it's usually necessary to distinguish between publications that support different releases of an SCP, order-number suffixes (which identify specific editions of that SCP publication), and the order numbers of TNLs to that publication, are included. When one publication applies to more than one SCP, it is repeated in each applicable listing. The library charts in Part 1 provide a graphic aid for quickly identifying the manuals for specific configurations and programming systems. Showing associations among certain publications or different paths for different requirements, they can reduce the time required to plan (or check out) a basic, individual library. Part 2 Before ordering copies of publications, check the abstract in Part 2 to be sure that your installation will require the information. Abstracts are listed in order-number sequence. (See note.) Part 2 also gives you, beneath the abstract, the number of pages and the publication profile used for distributing key items under SLSS. The profile is shown in the format of six fields separated by slashes: Major sys./TP/SC/Prog. support/Machine components/Prog. No. The "TP" field is used to restrict the distribution of remote-communications items, but only when this would not be redundant or a hindrance to proper distribution: that is, not when the publication matches a specified licensed program number, or when the machine components indicated are for operation only in the telecommunications mode. In cases where there's no other profile indication that a manual is purely of remote-communications interest, the TP field is used to so indicate. "Sc" means subject code. "Prog. support" is used only for acronyms of Type I programming systems such as OS, DOS, OMS, TSS, or OS-ASP. A publication describing the IBM 1219 and 1419 Magnetic Character Readers, operating for example on the System/360 Model 22 or higher or any model of the System/370, would have the profile of: 360, 370//04//1219,1419/. (If the manual had applied to only certain models of the 360/370, the specific CPU numbers would have been given in place of system number(s).) Preface Many programming manuals show a profile such as / / / / /5740-XX2 or //30// /5752,meaning that only the program number - or an SCP program number plus subject code - is needed to match the publication's profile to that of the SLSS subscriber's expressed interests. Part 3 Part 3, the current editions by order number, shows all recent supplements (Technical Newsletters, or TNLS) as well as the current editions. This part of the bibliography enables you to easily find any order number and check for its current edition(s) and any TNLs issued since the latest edition. Part 3 also gives you the assigned subject code of each publication. Order Number The publication order number identifies various facts about a publication, including: Identification of Availability The first character of the order number is the use key, which governs the availability of the document. Use key G means that the item is available to customers, through the IBM representative, without charge for quantities that meet normal requirements. Use key S means that the item is for sale through IBM branch offices. Use key L means that the item is available only to licensees for the IBM Program Product or other licensed program. supports an earlier release of an SCPo E.g., GTOO-0112-0 or ST26-1234-0. Extra Symbols (Flags) Maximum case: **GC19-0001-5#* or: **GC28-6421-3#+ A double asterisk preceding the order number indicates either a change in the publication (such as a new edition) or a new item. When more than one edition of a publication is current, the order-number suffix is followed by a number sign (#). A single asterisk following the order number indicates an item for IBM World Trade use only. A plus sign following the order number indicates that the item is for U.S.A. use only. Updating To eliminate unnecessary delays in keeping publications current, changes and additions to them are distributed most quickly in the form of Technical Newsletters. When the pages released in a TNL are inserted in the manual to which it applies, the base publication is brought up to date. The next reprint of the base publication incorporates the TNLs, and is assigned the next higher suffix number, but need not be ordered as it is the same as any prior edition indicated as also current. TNL Masthead Identification of Logic Manuals Publications that explain program logic include "Logic" in the title and have a "Y" as the second character of the order number: e.g., SY28-1234-S. Such manua]s are intended for use by persons involved in program support or alteration of the program design; they are not required for normal use or operation of the program, and are available under SLSS by order-number subscription only (as are microfiche and other supplementary information). Bill of Forms An order number in the form of GBOF-1234 is a Bill Of Forms - a single order number for a package of several separately-order-numbered documents. Identification of Microfiche An alphabetic character in the third position of an order number identifies a document on microfiche: e.g., S2CO-0301-4 or LYBO-S432-1. The only exception is a bill of forms, in which the third character is also alphabetic (not zero). Identification of Back-Release Support A "T" or "Q" in the second position denotes a temporary order number for a back edition that ii IBM System/370 Bibliography The masthead of the TNL cover page includes the order number of the base publication to which the TNL applies. All previously-issued TNLs are listed in the masthead so that you may verify receipt of all changes. Each TNL is separately orderable. Bibliography Revisions and TNLs Between revisions, TNLs are issued to update the bibliography. Each TNL includes pages to be added or replaced wherever necessary to reflect the addition, change, or deletion of publications. At regular intervals, the bibliography is revised to incorporate and merge all new information with that in the previous bibliography edition. References Specialized bibliographies and other supplemental items are listed in Part 1 under appropriate subject codes. Check the following items: Bibliography of Data Processing Techniques (GF20-8172), subject code 00. IBM Data Processing Glossary (GC20-1699) and IBM Marketing Publications KWIC Indexes, subject code 85 in the table of contents heading, "Other Supplementary Information." Contents Part 1. Subject Code Listings ............................................... iv Subject Code Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. iv Machines ............................................................... 1 Machine Charts. . ....................................................... 9 OS/VSl Manuals .......................................... , .................. 15 Charts .............................................................. 27 Microfiche. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 OS/VS2 Manuals ............................................................. 49 Charts ............................................................... 60 Microfiche ............................................................ 73 DOS/VS Manuals .............................................................. 83 Charts ............................................................... 89 Microfiche. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 VM/370 Manuals, Microfiche, Chart ........................................ 99 DOS Version 4 Chart ................................................... .102 Type I Programming Support for System/370 Only ............................ 103 ASP and DSP .......................................................... 105 Programming - General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 DB/DC CICS I CICS/VS ..................................................... 105 DL/I, VANDL-l ...................................................... 107 DMS II ............................................................ 108 GIS/2, GIS/VS 108 IMS/2,IMS/VS ..................................................... 110 VIDEO/370......................................................... 112 Other DB/DC ....................................................... 113 Other Licensed Programs (subject codes 20 - 40) ............................. 113 ITF (Interactive Terminal Facility) ........................................ 124 Other Supplementary Information Data Processing- Introductory Manuals and Texts ......................... 125 Education - Course Catalogs ........................................... 126 Installation Forms and Supplies ......................................... 126 EWS (Early Warning System) ........................................... 126 PTF (Program Temporary Fix) Listings ................................... 127 Type I Program Listings (microfiche) ...................................... 127 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Part 2. Abstracts.·...................................................... 129 Part 3. Current Editions by Order Number .................................... 297 An Index for Some Common Program Acronyms Page ASP BDAM CICS CMS CRJE DITTO DL/I DMS DSP DSS GIS GPS, GSP HASP II 4 IMS 105 16,50 105 99 25 121 107 108 105 23, 57 108 17. 50 56 110 Page IQF ISAM ITF JCL JES LIOCS MSSC MTCS NCP OLTEP QTAM RES RSCS RTAM 112 17.51 124 22, 56, 123 56 84, 103 17, 51 113 19, 53, 85 23, 57, 87 84, 104 25 99 18 Page 21,55 SMF 24,58 SMP 125 STAT/BASIC 24,57 SYS1.LOGREC TCAM 18, 51 120 TCS 25, 58, 81 TOLTEP 58, 113 TSO VANDL-1 108 112 VIDEO/370 51 VIO 15,49 VSAM VS BASIC 114 18, 52, 84 VTAM Contents iii Part 1. Subject Code Listings SUBJECT CODE DEFINITIONS - NUMERICAL INDEX 00 General System Information (basic System Summary, Bibliographies, all Configurators) 01 Machine System (CPU, Models, Channels, Console) 02 Card Readers and/or Punches, Control Units 03 Printers, Control Units 04 OCR, MCR (Optical/Magnetic Character Readers), Control Units 05 Magnetic Tape Units, Control Units 06 Display Equipment 07 DASD (Direct Access Storage Devices), Control Units 08 Other Devices, Control Units 09 Communications Systems or Equipment 10 Auxiliary Equipment (devices normally off-line) 13 Special Features Information 14 Custom Features and Supporting Programs 15 Physical Planning Information 20 Programming Systems - General Information 21 Assembler 22 APL 23 BASIC 24 COBOL 25 FORTRAN 26 ALGOL 28 RPG, RPG II 29 PL/I 30 Access Methods, Data Management, Storage/ Communications Control Programs 31 Support Programs (e.g., Link Edit, Loader) 32 Utilities 33 Sort/Merge 34 System Planning, Generation, Installation, SMF; Storage or Performance Estimates, Release Guides 35 Emulation, Simulation (catalogued by host system) 36 Control Program (e.g., Supervisor, JCL, IPL, Job Management, Data Areas, Checkpoint/Restart) 37 RAS (Reliability, Availability, Serviceability): Testing, Service Aids, Problem Determination 38 Remote Job Entry (RJE, CRJE, RAX, CRBE, ... ) 39 Time Sharing, Interactive Facilities (e.g., as with TSO) 40 System Operation (e.g., messages & codes) 50 DB/DC 60 Industries - General (industry bibliographies, etc . ) - Airlines (see Transportation) 62 Consultants 63 Distribution (e.g., apparel, food, agribusiness, hotels) 64 Education, Libraries 65 Engineering 67 Finance, Securities, Real Estate 69 Government, Federal 70 Government, State and Local 71 Insurance 72 Manufacturing 73 Media 74 Health 75 Process (e.g., forest products, petroleum, paint, textiles) 76 Public Utilities - Securities (see Finance) 78 Transportation 79 Cross-Industry (see also 81-83 for selections) - Information Management (see code 50) 81 Cross-Industry - Management, Planning, Project Control 82 Cross-Industry - Mathematics and Science 83 Cross-Industry - Simulation 85 Data Processing - Introductory Manuals and Texts 87 Education - Course Catalogs 89 Installation Forms and Supplies 95 EWS (Early Warning System) 97 PTF (Program Temporary Fix) Listings 99 SCP and Type I Program Listings iv IBM System/370 Bibliography ALPHABETICAL CODE INDEX ALPHABETICAL CODE INDEX Access Methods Airlines 78 ALGOL 26 APL 22 Assembler 21 Link Edit 31 Loader 31 BASIC 23 Bibliographies 30 00, 60 Card Equipment 02 Channels 01 Checkpoint/Restart 36 COBOL 24 40 Codes, system Communications 09,30 Configurators 00 Consoles 01 Construction 72 Consultants 62 Control Program 36, 30 Course Catalogs 87 CPU 01 Cross-Industry 79-83 Custom Features 14 DASD 07 Data Areas 36 Data Management 30 DB/DC 50 (see Contents) Display 06, 30 Distribution Industries 63 64, 87 Education Emulation 35 Engineering 65 EWS 95 Finance Industry Forms 89 FORTRAN 25 67 General Information 00, 20, 60 Government 69,70 Graphics 06, 30 Health 74 Hotels, Motels Information Information Insurance I/O Control IPL 36 63 Management 30, 50 Retrieval 79 71 Programs 30 JCL 36 Job Management Legal 62 Libraries 64 36 Magnetic Tape 05, 30 Management Information Manufacturing 72 Mathematics 82, 22 MCR 04,30 Media 73 Medical 74 Messages, system 40 OCR 04,30 Operation, system 81 40 Performance Estimates 34 15 Physical Planning Planping 34, 30, 00, 81 PL/I 29 Printers 03 Problem Determination 37 75 Process Industries Project Control 81 PRPQ 20-83 PSHRPQ 14 PTF 97 Public Utilities 76 RAS 37 Real Estate 67 34 Release Guides Remote Job Entry 38 RPG 28 RPQ 14 Science 82 SCP Listings 99 Securities 67 37 Service Aids Simulation 35,83 SMF 34 Sort/Merge 33 Special Features 13 Statistics 79, 82, 65 Storage OJ, 30, 34 Supervisor 36 Support Programs 31 System Generation 34 System Installation 34 System Management Facility 34 System Messages & Codes 40 System Operation 40 System Planning 34 Teleprocessing 09, 30 Testing 37 Text Processing 73, 79 Time Sharing 39 Transportation 78 Type I Listings 99 Utilities 32, 76 **GA22-7001 **GA33-1511 **GA 33-1507 **GA 33- 30 14 **GA22-6957 **GA 22-7013 **GA22-6956 **GA22-7014 **GA22-6944 **~A 22-7002 **GA24-3090 **GA 24- 3 045 **GA21-900 1 **Gll27-3021 **GA33-1513 **GAll-150B **GA22-6822 **GF 20- 8172 **GA22-7000 **G X 20- J 850 **G X 26-1.5 87 **GX 26 - 1 588 **GX20-1787 **GA27-2772 **GA27-2771 **GA27-2770 **GA33-1510 **GA33-1S14 **G A'31-15l6 **GA 33-1506 **GA33-1509 **GA33-1512 **GAl3-3005 **GAD-30 10 **GC 20-173 8 **GC38-0005 **GA24-3'S57 **GA24-3573 **GC 20-1'734 **GC 38- 0·0 15 **GA22-6942 **GA 22- 6962 **GA22-6966 **GC 20-172 9 **GA22-7011 **GA22-7012 * * GC20 - 1 754 **GC38-0025 **GA22-6935 **GA 22- 6969 * * GC 20 - 1 730 **GX22-6984 **GA22~T010 **GC20-1755 **GC3S-0030 **GA 22- 6943 **GA 22- 6954 **GA22-6877 **GA 24-3552 **GA24-3550 IBM SYSTEM/370 SYSTEK SUMMARY IB~ SYSTEM/370 MODEL 115 CONFIGURATOR IBM SYSTEM/370 MJDEL 125 :ONFIGURATOR IBM SYST8K/310 MODEL 135 CONFIGURATOR IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 155 CONFIGURATOR SYSTEH/310 MODEL 158 CONFIGURATOR IBM SYSTEM/370 HJDEL 165 CONFIGURATOR SYSTEM/370 MODEL 168 CONFIGURATOR IBM SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 MODEL 195 CONFIGURATOR SYSTEK/370 INPUT/OUTPUT CONFIGURATOR IBM TELEPROCESSING SYSTEMS SUMMARY IBM 1030 CONPIGURATOR IBM 1060 CONFIGURATOR IBM 2790 CONFIGURATOR IBM 3115 PRJCESSING UNIT INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS ADAPrER CONFIGURATOR IBM 3125 PROCESSING UNIT INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS ADAPTER: CONFIGURATOR MANUAL IBM SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DATA PROCESSING TECHNIQUES IBM SYSTEM/370 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION SYSTEM/370 REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD DECIMAL/HEXADECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION CHART DECIMAL/HEXADECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION CHART DEBUGGI NG AI D DIRECT EVALUATION JF FLOATIN3 POINT NUMBERS IN HEXADECIMAL A UPS INSTALLATION PLANNING GOlDE A GUIDE TJ 50 HERTZ UPS SELECTION A :';UIDE TO 60 HERTZ UPS SELECTION IBM SYSTEH/370 MJDEL 115 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OPERATOR'S LIBRARY SYSTEM/370 MODEL 115 PROCEDURES IBM SYSTEM/310 MJOEL 115 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS IBM SYSTEM/370MODEL 125 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 125 PRoteDURES IBM SYSTEM/370 HJDEL 125 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 135 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 135 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTI~S A GOlDE TO THE IBM SYSTEM/310 MODEL 135 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 135 PROCEDURES IBM SYSTEM/310 KODEL 145 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS IBM SISTEM/370 MODEL 145 CQANNEL :HARACTERISTICS A GUIDE T3 THE IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL '45 IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 145 OPERATING PROCEDURF.S IBM SYSTEM/370 MJDEL 155 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 155 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS IBM SYSTE~/370 MJDEL 155 OPERATING PROCEDURES A GUIDE TO THE IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 155 IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 158 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 158 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS A GUIDE TO THE IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 158 IBM SYSTEM/370 ~ODEL 158 OPERATING PROCEDURES IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 165 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS IBM S YSTE M/310 MODEL 165 OPER I\TING PRO CEDUR ES A GUIDE T3 THE IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 165 IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 165 OPERATORS REPERENCE CARD SYSTEM/370 MODEL 168 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS "ANUAL A GUIDE TO THE IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 168 SYSTEM/370 MODEL 168 OPERATING PROCEDURES IBM SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 MODEL 195 FUNCTIQNAL CHARACTER ISTICS IBM SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 MODEL 195 OPERATING PRJCEDURES IBM SYSTE~/360 CJMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS AND OPERATING PROCEDURES IBM 1052 PRINrER-KEYBOARD MODEL 7 WITH IBM 2 1 50 CON SO LE IBM 3210 CONSOLF PRINTER-KEYBOARDS COMPONENT DESCRIPTIJN IBM 3215 CONSOLE PRINTER-KEYBOARD COMPONENT DESCRTP~TON **GA21-9025 **GA21-9026 **GA21-9027 **GA 21-9033 **GA 26-5893 **GA21-9144 **GA21-9124 **GA21-9167 *~GA24-3073 **GA24-3120 **GA 24-3312 **GA 33-1515 **GA 24- 3 543 **GA26-1633 **GC 20-1775 **GC 20-1750 **GA 24-1499 **GA24-3542 **GA24-35QO **GA19-0036 **GA19-0034 IBM 1442-N1 AND N2 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES - SRL MANUAL IBM 2501 MODELS B1 AND B2 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES IBM 2520-B1, B2, AND B3, COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES - SRL MANUAL IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES, IBM 2540 CARD READ PUNCH - SRL MANUAL IBM SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES: IBM 2560 MOLTI-FUNCTION CARD MACHINE IBM 2596 CARD READ PUNCH PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL AND OPERATOR'S GaIDE - SYSTEMS REFERENCE LIBRARY rBM 3504 CARD READER/IBM 3505 CARD READER AND IB~ 3525 CARD PUNCH SUBSYSTEM IBM .SYSTEH/370: 5425 MULTI-FUNCTION CARD UNIT PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL AND OPERATOR'S GUIDE IBM 1403 PRINTER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 1443 PRINTER MODELS 1 rHROUGH 4 AND N1, AND 1445 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND N1: COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IB~ 2821 CONTROL UNIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 3203 PRINTER COMPONENT DES:RIPTION AND OPERATOR'S GlIDE IBM 3211 PRINTER 3216 INTERCHANGEABLE TRAIN CARTRIDGE AND 3811 PRINTER CO~TROL UNIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATOR'S GUIDE PORMS DESIGN REFERENCE GUIDE POR THE IBM 3800 PRINrING SUBSYSTEM. CONCEPTS JF THE IBM 3800 PRINTIN~ SUBSYSTE~ IBM 3881 OPTICAL MARK READER - FORMS KIT IBM 1219 READER SORTER IBM 1419 MAGNETIC CHARACTER READER IBK 1255 MAGNETIC CHARACTER READER MODELS 1, 2, AND 3 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 1259 MAGNETIC CHARACTER READER COMPON~NT DESCRipTIJ~ PAPER AND PRINT QUALITY REQUIREMENTS POR IBM 1270 AND 1275 OPTICAL READER SORTERS IBM 1275 OPTICAL READER SORTER POR SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/31C '" *GA 21- 9064 **GA 21-91 39 ** GA21-9 J 50 **GX 20 -1 74 1 **GX20-1759 **GA 19-0049 **GA21-9081 **GX 21-9.106 **GC 20 -1686 -1·73 3 **GC 20-173 9 **GC~O **GA21-9143 **GC20-1751 **GA21-9147 **GA21-9148 **GA21-9154 **GC20-1760 **GA 24-3612 **GA 24- 36 1 9 **GX20-1972 ISM SYSTEM/360 CJMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES IBM 1287 OPTICAL READER IBM 1287 OPTICAL READER MODEL 5: GENERAL INFORMATIJN IBM SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES: IBM .1287 OPTICAL READER, MODEL 5 IBM 1287 OPTICAL READER DOCUMENT TRACING GUIDE IBM 1287 OPTICAL READER DESIGN FORMATS IBM SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES: IBM 1288 OPTICAL PAGE READER, MODEL IBM SYSTEM/360 COt1PONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 1288 OPTICAL PAGE READER HODEL 1 IBM 1288 DOCUMENT GAUGE FOR MACHIN E S El'UP OCR INPUT PREPARATION GUIDE FOR THE IBM 1287/1288 oprICAL CHARACTER READERS IBM 1287/1288 OCR ERROR RECOVERY GUIDE HANDPRINTING CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE IBM 1287/1288 OPTICAL CHARACTER READERS IBM 3881 OPTICAL MARK READER MODELS 1 AND 2 REFERENCE ~ANU1L AND OPERATOR'S GUIDE IBM 3881 OPTICAL MARK READER SYSTEMS DESIGN GUIDE IBM 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER MODEL I REFERENCE ~ANUAL IBM 3886 OPTICAL :HARACTER READER INPUT DOCUMENT DESIGN GUIDE AND SPECIFICATIONS IBK 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER KODEL 2 COMPONENT REFERENCE MANUAL IBM 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER FORKS KIT IBK 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR MACHINE AND PROGRAMMING DESCRIPTION 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR OPERATOR'S GUIDE IBM 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR REFERENCE SUMMARY 2 ,Q2 Magnetic Tape Units, Control **GA 32-0006 **GA22-6866 **GX 22- 6 831 **GX35-5001 **GA 32-,0001 **GA21-2126 **GA32-0015 **GA 32-00 22 **GAl2-0020 **GA 32-0021 ~ TAPE SPECIFICATIONS FOR IBM ONE-HALF INCH TAPE DRIVES lr: 556 AND 800 BPI AND 3200 FCI SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS: 2400-SERIES MAGNETIC TAPE UNITS, 2803/2804 TAPE CONTROLS, AND 2816 SWITCHING UNIT MODEL ~ 2401 - 2404 AND 2415 MAGNETIC TAPE UNITS IBM SYSTEK/360/370 REFERENCE DATA 2401-2404, 2415, 2420. AND 3420 MAGNETIC TAPE UNITS ' COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 2420 MODEL 5 MAGNETIC TIPE UNIT IBM SJSTEK/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 2495 TAPE CARTRIDGE READER IBM 3410/3411 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM COMPONENT SUMMARY MANUAL IBM 3410/3411 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSY~TEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION fUNUAL ' 3803/3420 MAGNETIC' TAPE SUB SYSTE MS IBM 3803-2/3420 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEMS SUBSYS~EK DESCRIPTION ~ ~12Ela~ ~g~iE!~ni Note: Other display equipment, used primarily in a comaunications environ.ent. is listed under subject code 09. **GA21-210 1 **GA21- 2102 **GA 21-2,121 **GA21-2100 **GA21-2731 IUGA27-2730 **GA 26-3'633 **GA26-5756 **GA 26-1620 **GA 22- 6 895 **GX20-1705 **GA 26-3599 **GX20-1710 **GA26-1606 *.GA26-1589 **GA26-5988 **GA26 -1615 **GA 26-163 0 **GX20-1920 * *G A 26 -1619 **GA 26-1625 ·*GA26-1592 **GA26-1617 **GA 32- 0028 **GA21-9182 **GA26-4187 **GA 24-3388 **GA 33- 4500 IBM SYSTEM/360 CO~PONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 2250 DISPLAY UNIT MODEL 1 IBM SYS';!'EM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 2250 DISPLAY UNIT MODEL 2 IBM 2840 DISPLAY CONTROL MODEL 1 IBM SYSTE M/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPr ION IBM 2250 DISPLI Y lHf'tT MODEL 3 IBM 2840 DISPLAY CO~TROL MOPEL 2 IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: ' IBM 2260 DISPLAY STATION . IBM 2848 DISPLAY CONTROL IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRI~TION IB~ 2265 DISPLAY STATION IBM 2845 DISPLAY CONTROL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 2285 DISPLAY COPIER DATA CELL HANDLING GUIDE IBM DISK PACK AND CARTRIDGE HANDLING PROCEDURES REFERENCE MANUAL FOR IBM INTEGRATED STORAGE CONTROL IBM' SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPtIONS - 2820 STORAGE CONTROL AND 2301 DRUM STORAGE ~311 MOriEL 1 DISK STORAGE DRIVE CAPACITY AND TRANSMISSIJN TIME: REFERENCE SUMMARY IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS - 2314 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE 'FACILITY AND 2844 AUXILIARY STORAGE CONTROL IBM 2314 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE FACILITY CAPACITY AND TRANSMISSION TIME REFERENCE CARD IBM 2319 Dr SK. STORAGE - A-S ERIES, COMPONENT DESCRIPTIl8 COMPONENT SUMMARY-2835 STORAGE ,CONTROL 2305 FIXED HEAD STORAGE IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTlONS--2841 AND ASSOCIATED'DASD INTRODUCTION IBM 3330 A-SERIES DISK STORAGE - SYSTEM LIBRARY IBM 3330 SERIES DISK STORAGE MODEL 1 TO MODEL 11 (ELEVEN) tUSTOMER CONVERSION GUIDE IBM 3330 SERIES DISK STORAGE (3333 MODELS 1 AND 11. 3330 MODELS 1, 2 AND 11): REFERENCE SUMMARY IBM 3340 COMPONENT SUMMARY IBM 3348 DATA MODULE HANDLING PROCEDURES REFERENCE MANUAL FOR ~BM 3830 STORAGE CONTROL AND IBM 3330 DISK STORAGE REFERENCE MANUAL FOR IBM 3830 STORAGE CONTROL KODEL 2 INTRODUCTION TO THE IBM 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) THE IBM DISKETTE FOR STANDARD DATA INTERCHANGE DISKETTE HANDLING PROCEDURES IBM 2671 PAPER TAPE READER, rBM 2822 PAPER TAPE READER CONTROL - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS - 2826 PAPER TAPE CONTROL UNIT 1017 PAPER TAPE READER 1018 PAPER TAPE PUNCH 3 **GA21-9197 **GC21-5072 **GA21-9152 **GA21-9131 ** GA21- 9 18 3 **GA21-9 1'94 * *G A2 i - 9 196 **GX21-9204 * *G X21- 9 1 72 '" * GA2 , -9 1 3 6 **GA 21- 9184 "'*GA21-9170 **GX21-9171 IBM 3540 DISKETTE INPUT/OUTPUT UNIT OPERATOR'S GUIDE A~D PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL DOS/VS SYSTEM INF3RMATION FOR IBM 3540 DISKETTE INPUT/OUrpUT UNIT IBM 3740 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM - SYSTE~ SUMMARY AND INSTALLATION PHYSICAL PLANNING 3741 DATA STATION OPERATOR'S GUIDE IBM 3741 DATA STATION REFERENCE MANUAL IBM 3741 MODELS 3 AND 4 PROGRAM~ABLE WORK STATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE MANUAL IBM 3741 MODELS 3 AND 4 PROGRAMMABLE WORK STATI3N GENERAL INFORMATION IBM 3741 PROGRAMMABLE WORK STATION MODELS )-4 REFER EN CE CARD IBM 3141/3742 RE¥ERENCE CARD 3742 DU(L DATA STATION OPERATOR'S GUIDE IBM 3742 DUAL DATA STATION REFERENCE MANUAL IBM 3747 DATA CONVERTER REFERENCE MANUAL & OPERATOR'S GUIDE IBM 3747 DATA CONVERTER REFERENCE CARD ~~ £2mm~ai£21!2n§ ~Y§1~!2 2I ~gYiE!~D1 Note: Some of the equipment below may be used for either remote or local communications. **GA27-3099 **GA27-3004 **GA27-3093 **GA21-9028 **GA 24-1029 **GA24-3018 **GA21-9041 **GA24-3020 **GA 24- 3125 **GA24-3471 **GA24-3474 **GA 24-3034 >t<*GA24-3266 **GA 22- 6864 **GA22-6846 **GA27-2703 **GA27-2704 **GA 24- 3426 **GA21-3029 **GA27-3039 **GA 24-340 3 **GA24-3415 **GA27-~001 **GA 27-30 11 **GA 27-3.013 "''''GA27-l03a **GA 27-3 005 **GA27-30 15 "'*GA 27 -3016 **GA 27-3035 **GA 27-2739 **GA 27-2742 **GA27-2749 **GA27-2750 **G"X 20-187 a **GA27-3086 ~*GA27-3091 **GC 30-3004 **GC 30- 3 020 **GC 30- 3021 **GA 27- 3051 "'*GA27-30a7 **GA 27~3092 **GR29-0296 **GA 27- 3043 **GA27-3061 SYSTEM NETWORK ARCHITECTURE - SYSTEM SUMMARY GENERAL INFORMATION - BINARY SYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS SYNCHRONOUS DATA LINK CONTROL GENERAL INFORMATION IBM 357/1030/2790 BADGE SPECIFICATIONS IBM 1001 DATA TRANSMISSION SYSTEM IB~ 1030 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM IBM 1035 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES IBM 1050 REFERENCE DIGEST IBM 1050 OPERATOR'S GUIDE IB~ 1050 SYSTEM SUMMARY IBM 1050 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTE~ PRINCIPLES OF OPERAfION IBM 1060 DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSfEM IBM 1092 AND 1093 PROGRAMMED KEYBOARDS IBM 2701 DATA ADAPTER UNIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM' 2702 TRANSMISSION CONTROL IBM 2703 TRANSMISSION CONTROL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 2711 LINE ADAPTER UNIT IBM 2712 REMOTE MULTIPLEXOR 2721 PORTABLE AUDIO TERMINAL IBM 2721 PORT ABLE AU 010 TERMIN AL OPER ATOR' S HANDBOOK IBM 2140 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS MODEL 1 AND 2 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 2741 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL IBM 2740/2741 COMMUNICATIONS TERMINAL - OPERATOR'S GUIDE IBM 2760 OPTICAL IMAGE UNIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION SYSTEM COMPONENTS: IBM 2770 DATA COMM~NICATION SYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE: IBM 2770 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM IBM 2780 DATA TRANSMISSION TERMINAL - COMPONENT DESCRIPrION IBM 2790 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTIJN IBM 2790 SYSTEM SUMMARY IBM 2790 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSrEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE AN INTRODUCTION TJ THE IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSfEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEMS IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 3270 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM REFERENCE SUMMARY GUIDE TO USING THE IBM 3704 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER CONT ROL PANEL IBM 3704 OPERATOR REFERENCE SUMMARY IBM 3104 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION TELEPROCESSING PREINSTALLATION GUIDE F.lR IB~ 3704 AND 3705 CO~~UNICATIONS CONTROLLERS TELEPROCESSING INSTALLATION RECORD FOR IBM 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS INTRODUCTION TO THE 3704 & 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS GUIDE TO USING THE IBM 3705 CONTROL PANEL IBM 3705 OPERATOR REFERENCE SUMMAR! IBM 3705 EMULATION - REFERENCE CARD IBM 3735 PROGRAMMABLE BUFFERED TERMINAL CONCEPT AN o APPL ICAT ION IBM 3135 PROGRA"MABLE BUFFERED TER"INAL OPERATlR'S GUIDE 4 .*GA27 -2,712 IBM 3767 ~OM~UNICATION TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GOlDE IBM 3767 MODELS 1 & 2 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3767 COMMUNIC'TION TERMINAL CUSTOMER SITE PREPARATION GUIDE UPERATOR'S INTRODUCTION TO THE 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL IBM 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL SETUP INSTRUCTIONS IBM 3770 DATA COKMGNICATION SYSTEM-- SYSTEM CdMPONENTS 3770 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM CUSTOMER SITE PREPARATION GUIDE OPERATING PRJCEDURE,S GUIDE: IBM 3774 AND 3775 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS REFERENCE CARD~ IBM 3774 AND 3775 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS COftPONENT INFORMATION FOR THE IBM 3780 DATA COMMUNICATIJN TERM INAL IBM J 812 MODE" USER'S GU IDE IBM 3872 MODEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION CARD IBM 3874 MODEM USER'S GUIDE IBM 3875 MODE" USER'S GUIDE IBM 4872 MODEM MODEL 1 IBM 4872 MODEM MODELS 2 AND 3 IBM 52'75 DIRECT NUMER ICA L CONTROL STATION I NTRODUCr ION AND COMPONENT DESCnIPTION COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: IBM 7770 AUDIO RESPONSE UNIT MODEL 3 **GA 22-6951 **GA27-2725 **GA 21-9078 IBK 50 MAGNETIC DATA INSCRIBER OPERATOR'S GUIDE IBM 50 MAGNETIC DATA INSCRIBER COMPONENT DESCRtPTIJN IBM 5486 CARD SORTER OPERATOR'S GUIDE **GA 2,2- 6983 **GA 33-300 7 SYSTEM/370 SPECIAL FEATURE: CHANNEL-TO-CHANNEL ADAPTER IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 135-TERMINAL ADAPTER TYPE I MJDEL II (FOR ICA)! SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION SYSTEM LIBRARY MANUAL IBM S YSTE 1'1/370 MODEL 135 TERM IN At ADAPT ER TYP E III POR ICA: SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 135-SYNCHRONOUS DATA ADAPTER TYPE II (FOR ICA): SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 135 - TELEGRAPH ADAPTER TYPE II (FOR ICA): SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION MANUAL IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 155 II DYNAMIC ADDRESS TRANSLATION FACILITY IBM SYSTEM/370 SPECtAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION: 709/7090/7094/7094 II COMPATI BI LITY PEATURE FOR IBM SYSrEM/370 MODEL 165 IBM SYSTEM/370 SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION~ 7070/7074 COMPATIBILITY FEATURE FOR IBM SYSTEM/370 MODELS 165, 16511. & 168 IBM SYSTEM/370 SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION 7080 COMPATIBII,ITY FEATURE FOR IBM SYSTElV370 MODELS 165, 16511, & 168 IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 165 II DYNAMIC ADDRESS TRANSLATION FACILITY BATCH NUMBERING FEATURE FOR IBM 1241 AND 1419 MAGNETIC INK CHARACTER RECOGNITION READERS A GUIDE TO USING THE TEST REQUEST FEATURE ON IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEMS IBM 3340 DISK/STORAGE": FIXED HEAD FEATURE USERS GUIDE OPTICAL MARK READ/CARD PRINT APPLICATION SOLUTIONS IBH 3504 and 3505 CARO READERS IBM 3525 CARD PONCH .*GA 18-2000 **GA 27-3 096 **GA27-3104 **GA27-3106 **GC30-3026 **GA 27-3 097 ,**GA~7~310 3 **GA 27-]0 94 "''''GA27-J095 "'*GA 27-3 063 **GA 27- 3058 **GA27-3062 **GA 33-.0002 **GA 33-0001 **GA36-000 1 **GA 36-Q004 **GA 34-0,016 **GA 33-3008 **GA 33-,3009 **GA 33- 3011 **GA 22-..7017 **GA 22- 695~, **GA22-6,958 **GA22-6963 **GA22-7016 **GA 24-3342 **GA 27';"2774 **GA 26-1632 **GC20-1767 **GA34-150 7 **GA09-1600 **GX 09- 1 00 0 **GX 09-1 001 **GA 27-3066 **GA24-3590 IBM SYSTEM/7-360/370 CHANNEL ATTACHMENT: GENERAL INPORMATION MANUAL, RPQ 008112 IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION: 12~-3270 ATTACHMENT (RPQ 8T0093) IBM 129-3270 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY IBM 129-3270 ~PQ 810105) OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY SUPPLEMENTARY OPERATOR'S AND PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE INFORMATION CARD IBM 3735 WITH IBM 129 CARD DATA RECORDFR (RPQtEB1935) IBM 1972 MODEL 3 PRODUCTION TERMINAL 1972 MODEL 4 INSTRUCTION CONSOLE OPERATOR'S GUIDE 5 **GL21-9071 **GA26-1599 **GX26-161B **GA27-2737 **GL22-6937 **GL22-7025 **GL24-3570 **GCBB-~796 **GCBB-6797 **GCBB-619B **GCBB-6799 **GC2B-6pB7 **GL22-6979 **GY28-6688 .* *G L 24- 3 6 1 8 **GA27-2758 **GA 27-277 5 **GH19-7024 **GA27-2752 **GA27-2753 **GA 27- 2)7 3 **sy 30-3006 **sy 30-3014 **GA 27- 306 9 **GA 27-30 73 **GA21-9224 **GA 33-3016 **GA21-92,21 **GA 36-0002 ** GA36-000 3 **G134-1511 **GA 34-1531 **GA 33-3015 **GA27-2740 **GL 22-7015 IBft 2501 CARD READER, MODELS A AND B RPQ FEATURES IBM 2730 MODEL 1 TRANSACTION VALIDATION TERMINAL, IBM 2968 MODEL 9 AND ~ODEL 12 RECEIVER-TERMINAL CONTROL UNIT IBM 2730 TRANSACTION VALIDATION TERMINAL - REFERENCE CARD IBM 2909-3 ASYNCHRONOUS DATA CHANNELRPQ F13299 CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPT ION SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEft/370 CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION: 2914 SWITCHING UNIT MODEL 1 -.RPQ 880882 2914 STORAGE CONTROL INTERFACE SWITCH MODEL 2 (RPQ 8P0290) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM 2946 TERMINAL CONTROL SUBSYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING GUIDE IBM 2947-4 CHECK COLLECTION CONTROLLER (RPQ t88826~) SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD (CSAM) MAIN MODULE-DOS MICROFICHE LISTING, PRO~. NO. 5799-WAF IBH 2947-4 CHECK COLLECTION CONTROLLER (RPQ 1888264) SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD (CS A!.'!) ERR MODULE-DOS MICROFICHE LISTING - PROGRAM NU"BER 5799-WAF IBM 2947-4 CHECK COLLECTION CONTROLLER (RPQ '888264) SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD (CSA!.'!) MAIN MODULE-OS MICROFICHE LISTING - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-WAG IBM 2947-4 CHECK COLLECTION CONTROLLER (RPQ '888264) SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD (CSAM) ERR MODULE-OS MICROFICHE LISTING - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-WAG USER'S·GUIDE FOR THE IBM 2947-4 CHECK COLLECTION CONTROLLER SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD PROGRAM SUPPORTING RPQ 888264 PRO~RAM NUMBERS 5799-WAF, 5799-WAG IBM 2947 MODEL 4 CHECK COLLECTION CONTROLLER (RPQ 888264. FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS - REFERENCE MANUAL INTERNAL LOGIC MANUAL FOR THE IBM 2947-4 CHECK COLLECTION CONTROLLER SEQUENTIAL ACCESS "EfHOD - PROGRA'" SUPPJRT RPQ 888264 - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5799-WAF 5799-VAG 2956 MODEL 8 CARD READER RPQ 810582 CUSTOM UNIT DESCRIPTION AND PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSrEM CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION, DUAL CASE CHARACTER SET RPQ 8X0366 IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION SIGNATURE DIS PLAY (RPQS 7U0010, B(0438) IBM 3277 DISPLAY STATION CUSTOM FEATURE DESC. 1980-C24 PRINTER ATTACHMENT gPQ U5B950 IBM 3284/3286 PRINTER CUSTOM FEArURE DESCRIPTION MARGIN STOP VARIABLE BPO tEB3995 IBM 32B4/3286 PRINTER CUSTOM FEATURR DESCRIPTION VERTICAL FORMS INDEX CONTROL (RPQ EB4324) IBM 3284/3286 PRINTER CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION: FORMS TRACTOR (RPQ VD 4031) IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAM SUPPORT FOR HARDWARE RPQ M26099 SABRE LINE ClNTROL IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANU~L FOR RPO 858663, PLOTTER ADAPTER - PSHRPQ P85008 PROG. NO. 5199-WFA SUPPLEMENTARY OPERATOR'S AND PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE INFORMATION IBM 3735 WITH I BM KEYPAD UNIT AN D FIL E 5 EARCH (RPQ t 8531 02) IBH 3735 WITH AUTO FDP EXECUTION RPQ IMB7057 OPERATOR'S CARD IBM 3740 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM ASCII RPQ REFERENCE MANUAL SUPPORTING RPQS 540064, S40075, and 540081 IBM 3740 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM SPECIAL SELF-CHECK NUMBER DEVICE CUSTOM UNIT DESCRIPTION RPQS USA WE040S, Z07465; WT 110260 IBM 3742 DUAL DATA STATION FUNCTION CONTROL FEATURE REFERENCE MANUAL SUPPORTING RPQ 843866 IBM 4481 FILM READER/~ECORDER 4481 FILM READER/RECORDER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SYSTEM/370 IBM 509S-N05 SENSOR BASED CONTROL UNIT GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL IBM 5275 MACHINE TOOL CONTROL UNIT (MCU) ACCESSORY RPQ D08286: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL REFERENCE MANUAL FOR IBM 5985 COLOR DISPLAY CONTROL UNIT MODEL 802 AND IBM 5941 DISPLAY CONSOLE, MODEL H02 (SEE ABSTRACT FOR RPQ S) IBM 7412 MODEL 11 CONSOLE, CUSTOM SYSTEMS RPQ AA2846, CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION IBM 7441-1/1980-9 CUSTOM TERMINAL FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OPERATING PROCEDURES AND PHYSICAL PLANNING 6 **GC22-7004~ **GC19-0004 **GX22-6985 **GX22-6857 **GA24-3435 ** GA27 -300 6 **GX 27- 2900 **GX22- 685 9 **GX22-6858 **GX22-6925 **GX22-6860 **G X22- 6855 **GX22-6834 **GX22-7i)21 **GX22-7008 **GX22-7005 **GX 22-7006 **GX22-7023 **GX22-7007 **GX22-7022 **GX22- 6 981 **GA24-30 21 **GX21-9030 **GA24-3022 **GX24-3381 **GA 21-9.01 0 **GA 24- 3 561 **GA 24-3566 **GX22-7037 **GX22- 7 938 **GX 22-703 9 **GX22-70~41 **GA 26-160 0 **GA27-J019 **GX27-2909 **GA 27-3017 **GX22-7042 **GX22-7043 **G X22-7 044 **GA 27- 2727 **GA 24-3562 **GL22-6936 TAM SYSTEM/370 INSTALLATION MANUAL -- PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM SYSTEM/370 INSTALLATION MANUAL -- PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTE~/360 AND SYSTE~/370 CHANNELS: 2860, 2870, AND 2880 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT PLANNING AND INSTALLATION OF A DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM USING IBM LINE ADAPTERS IBM REMOTE MULTIPLEXERS AND COMMUNICATIONS TERMINALS INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: COMMUNICATIONS TERMINALS IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEf1/360 AND SYSTEPl/370 CONSOLES AND TERMINALS IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 DATA STORAGE DEVICES IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 FIELD ENGINEERING FURNITURE AND TEST EQUIPMENT IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 MAGNETIC AND OPTICAL CHARACTER READERS IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTE8/370 MAGNETIC TAPE UNITS AND CONTROLS PUNCHED CARD AND TAPE 1/0 AND PRINTERS, FOR SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 125 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 135 IBM PH YSIeAL PLANNING TEMPL ATE: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 145 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE SYSTEM/310 MODEL 155 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 158 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 165 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNiNG TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 168 AND MODEL 168 MULTIPROCESSING IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE SYSTEM/360 MODEL 195 IBM 1030 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE, 1030 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM IBM 1050 DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL, PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE, 1050 DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM IBM 1060 DATA COfHlU NICATIONS SYST EM INST ALLAT ION PIA NUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM 1925 MODEL 18 INTERFACE SWITCH UNIT RPQ 811301 INSTALLATION MANOAL--PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM 1972 MODEL 3 PRODUCTION TERM IN AL IBM 1912 MODEL 4 INSTRUCTION CONSOLE INSTALLATION MANOAL PHYSICAL PLANNING COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 2401 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT MODELS 1 TO 6 AND 8, FOR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2415 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT AND CONTROL MODELS 1 TO 6, FJR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2420 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT MODELS 5 AND 7, FOR SYSTEM/310: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2495 TAPE CARTRIDGE READER MODEL 1, FOR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2130 MODEL 1, 2968 MODEL 9, AND 2968 MODEL 12: INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM 2770 DATA COfHIUNICATION SYSrEM INSTALLATION MANUAL--PHYSICAL PLANNING PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM 2770 DATA COM.tUNICA.TIO.N SYSTEM IBM 2790 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING 2803 TAPE CONTROL MODELS 1 TO 3, FOR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2804 TAPE CONTROL MODELS 1 TO 3, FOR SYSTEM/310: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2816 SWITCHING UNIT MODEL 1, FOR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM SYSTEM/360 CUSTOM SYSTEMS UNIT 2909 MODEL 3 ASYNCHRONOUS DATA CHANNEL RPQ F13299 RPQ 882045 INSTALLATION BU LLETIN-PHYSICAL PLANN ING IBM 2911 MODEL 14 INTERFACE SWITCH UNIT RPQ 811503 INSTALLATION MANU AL--PHYS ICAL PLANNING IBM 2914 SWITCHING UNIT MODEL 1, RPQ 880882, CUSTOM FEATURE: INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING 7 **GL 24-3571 **GL22-6982 ** GA27 -3044 **GA 26 -1621 **GX 22-7018 **GX22-7047 **GX 22-7 029 **GX22-7035 **GX 22-7045 **GX22-7032 **GX22-7051 **GX21-9155 **GX 27-2917 **GX22-7046 **GX22-7053 **GX22-7052 **GX 22-7 031 **GA 27-2741 **G L 21- 92 2 5 IBM 2946 TERMIbi AL CONTROL S UBSYST EM INSTALLATION fUNU AL PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM 2947 CHECK COLLECTION CONTROLLER MODEL 4 (RPQ 888264) INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM 2976 MOBILE TERMINAL SYSTEM CUSTOM SYSTEM DESCRIPTION OPERATOR'S GUIDE - PHYSICAL PLANNING INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM 2984 MODEL 1 CASH ISSUING TERMINAL RPQ 834660 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: 3330 DISK STORAGE MODELS 1,2~ AND 11; 3333 DISK STORAGE & CONTROL MODELS 1 AND 11 3340 DISK STORAGE MODELS A2, B1, AND B2, FOR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3410 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT MODELS 1 TO 3 AND 3411 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT AND CONTROL MODELS 1 TO 3 FOR SYSTEH/310: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3540 DISKETTE INPUT/OUTPUT UNIT MOOELS B1 AND B2 FOR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3704 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER FOR SYSTEM/310: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER FOR SYSTEM/310: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM 3140 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3110 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3830 STORAGE CONTROL MODELS 1" 2 AND 3 FOR SYSTEH/370 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TBMPLArE 3851 MASS STORAGE FACILITY FOR S/370 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE FOR 3881 OPTICAL MARK READER MODELS 1 TO 3 & 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER MODELS 1&2 IBM PH YSICAL PLANNING TEf'lPLATE 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR I NSTALLATION BULLETIN PHYSICAL PLANNING FOR IBK 7412 CONSOLE MODEL 1 CUSTOM SYSTEMS RPQ AA2846 IBM 7460-4 STUB CARD READER RPQ EE7595 INSTALLATION MANUAL-- PHYSICAL PLANNING 8 Machine Library Charts (Six Charts) The following six library charts are arranged by the numbers of the system models and (next page) the attachable devices. The order number given below under "I/O Configurator" identifies the publication that shows the models of System/370 to which a storage or communications device can be attached. System Summary System Reference System Physical Planning Reference GA22-7001 GA22-7000 GC22-7004 GA22-7002 Model Operating Procedures Model Physical Planning Template SYSTEM PUBLICATIONS System/370 MODEL PUBLICATIONS I/O Configurator Other Features System/370 Model Reference Model Configurator Model 115 GA33-1510 GA33·1511 Model 125 GA33-1506 GA33-1507 GA33-1509 GX22-7021 Model 135 GA33-3005 GA33-3010 GA33-3014 GC38-0005 GX22-7008 Model 145 GA24-3557 GA24-3573 GC38-0015 GX22-7005 Model 155 GA22-6942 GA22-6962 GA22-6957 GA22-6966 GX22-7006 Model 158 GA22-7011 GA22-7012 GA22-7013 GC38-0025 GX22-7023 Model 165 GA22-6935 GA22-6956 GA22-6969 GX22-7007 GA22-6955 GA22-6958 GA22-6963 Model 168 GA22-7010 GA22-7014 GC38-0030 GX22-7022 GA22-6955 GA22-6958 GA22-6963 Model 195 GA22-6943 GA22-6944 GA22-6954 GX22-6981 9 GX22-7028 GA33-3007 GA33-3008 GA33-3009 GA33-3011 ·GA22-7017 Storage and Communications Equipment Publication Order Number Device or Control Unit Reference Manual 1259 Magnetic Character Reader Models 1, 2 GA24-3500 Device or Control Unit Reference Manual System/3 Computing System GC20-8080 T57314* K57449* System17 Computing System GA34-0002 T57503* K57507* System/32 Computing System 50 Magnetic Data Inscriber Modell Publication Order Number Physical Planning Template 1259 Magnetic Character Reader Models 31-34 GC21-7582 (GC21-7591) Physical Planning Template GX22-6860t T57 411 * K57405* T57 411 * K57405* 1270 Optical Reader Sorter Models 1-4 GA 19-0035* T57492* K57493* 1275 Optical Reader Sorter Models 2, 4 GA19-0034* T57411* K57405* 1287 Optical Reader Models 1-5 GA21-9064 GX22-6860t T57238* K57155* 1288 Optical Page Reader Modell GA21-9081 GX22-6860t T57249* K57 166* GA24-3073 (GA24-3312) GX22-6834t T57215* K57352* T57216* K57 161 * GA27-2725 1001 Data Transmission Terminal Model 3 GA24-1029 (GA21-9138) 1013 Card Transmission Terminal Model 1 (GC2Q-1668) GX27-2900t 1017 Paper Tape Reader Models 1, 2 GA33-4500 GX22-6834t T57413* K57407* 1018 Paper Tape Punch Modell GA33-4500 GX22-6834t T57413* K57407* 1030 Data Collection System (1031, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1035) GA24-3018 GX21-9030t T57 317* K57416* 1419 Magnetic Character Reader Modell GA24-1499 GX22-6860t T57248* K57165* 1050 Data Communication System (1051,1052,1053,1054,1055, 1056, 1057/1058) GA24-3020 GX24-3381t T57 318* K57417* 1419 Magnetic Character Reader Models 31, 32 GA 19-0023* T57248* K57 165* GA24-3471 (GA22-6877) GX22-6859t T57318* K57417* 1442 Card Punch Models N1, N2 1053 Printer Models 1,4 GA24-3471 GA24-3474 GX22-6859t T57318* K57417* 1060 Data Communication System (1061,1062) GA24-3034 T57 321 * K57418* 1070 Process Communication System (1071, 1072) GA26-5989 GX26-5962t 1092 Programmed Keyboard Models 1, 2 GA24-3266 GX24-3238t 1093 Programmed Keyboard Models 1,2 GA24-3266 GX24-3238t 1130 Computing System (1131, 1132, 1133, 1134, 1055) GA26-1575 GX26-5997t T57313* K57420* 1255 Magnetic Character Reader Models 1-3 GA24-3542 GX22-6860t 1255 Magnetic Character Reader Models 21-23 GA 19-0047* 1052 Printer Keyboard Model 7 * t 1403 Printer Models 2, 3,7, or N1 GA21-9025 (GA21-9042) GX22-6834t T57219* K57167* 1443 Printer Model N1 GA24-3120 GX22-6834t T57250* K57170* 2150 Console Model 1 GA22-6877 GX22-6859t T57252* K57172* 2250 Display Unit Models 1, 3 GA27-2701 GA27-2702 GA27-2721 GX22-6859t T57253* K57173* 2260 Display Station Models 1,2 GA27-2700 GX22-6859t T57092* K57097* 2265 Display Station Modell GA27-2731 GX22-6859t T57308* K57363* 2285 Display Copier Modell GA27-2730 GX22-6859t T57253* K57173* 2301 Dru m Storage Modell GA22-6895 GX22-6858t T57255* K57175* following the order number shows the item is for World Trade use only. following the order number shows the item is for U.S.A. use only. Publications shown in parenthesis are related references but not primary references. Storage and Communications Equipment (Chart 1 of 5) 10 Publication Order Number Device or Control Unit Reference Manual 2302 Disk Storage Models 3, 4 GA26-5988 2303 Drum Storage Model 1 Physical Planning Template Publication Order Number Physical Planning Template Device or Control Unit Reference Manual GX22-6858t T57242* K57 159* 2415 Magnetic Tape Unit and Control, Models 1-6 GA22-6866 GX22-7038t T57410* K57409* GA26-5988 GX22-6858t T57346* K57349* 2420 Magnetic Tape Unit Model 5 GA32-0007 GX22-7039t T57099* K57093* 2305 Fixed Head Storage Models 1,2 GA26-1589 GX22-6858t T57502* K57506* 2420 Magnetic Tape Unit Model 7 GA22-6866 GX22-7039t T57425* K57447* 2311 Disk Storage Drive Model 1 GA26-5988 GX22-6858t T57256* K57 176* 2495 Tape Cartridge Reader Model 1 GA27-2726 GX22-7041t T57309* K57 421 * 2312 Disk Storage Model A1 GA26-3599 GX22-6858t T57400* K57 401 * 2501 Card Reader Models B 1, B2 GA21-9026 GX22-6834t T57090* K57095* 2313 Disk Storage Model A1 GA26-3599 GX22-6858t T57400* K57 401 * 2520 Card Read Punch Model B1 GA21-9027 GX22-6834t T57 091 * K57096* 2314 Direct Access Storage Facility, Model 1 GA26-3599 GX22-6858t T5743O* K57434* 2520 Card Punch Models B2, B3 GA21-9027 GX22-6834t T57213* K57207* 2314 Storage Control Models A 1, B1 GA26-3599 GX22-6858t T57400* K57 401 * T57510* T57 511 * 2540 Card Read Punch Model 1 GA24-3312 (GA21-9033) GX22-6834t T57244* K57160* 2560 Multi-Function Card Machine, Models A 1, A2 GA26-5893 GX22-6834t T57214* K57208* 2596 Card Read Punch Model 1 GA21-9144 GX22-6834t T57522* K57523* 2671 Paper Tape Reader Model 1 GA24-3388 GX22-6834t T57272* K57 192* 2701 Data Adapter Unit Model 1 GA22-6846 (GA22-6864) GX22-6857t T57263* K57 183* 2702 Transmission Control Model 1 GA22-6846 GX22-6857t T57264* K57184* 2703 Transmission Control Model 1 GA27-2703 GX22-6857t T57437* K57436* 2711 Line Adapter Unit Model 1 GA27-2704 GX22-6857t T57444* K57443* 2715 Transmission Control Unit Models 1, 2 GA27-2704 GX22-6857t T57329* K57397* 2318 Disk Storage Model A1 GA26-3599 GX22-7008t 2319 Disk Storage Models A1-A3, B1, B2 GA26-1606 GX22-7008t GX22-6858t GX22-7005t T57 301 * K57395* T57510* K57 511 * 2321 Data Cell Drive Model 1 GA26-5988 (GA26-3633) GX22-6858t T57257* K57177* 2401 Magnetic Tape Unit Models 1e 6, 8 GA22-6866 GX22-7037t T57259* K57 179* 2402 Magnetic Tape Unit Models 1-6 GA22-6866 GX22-6855t T57260* K57 180* 2403 Magnetic Tape Unit and Control, Models 1-6 GA22-6866 GX22-6855t T57 261 * K57 181 * 2404 Magnetic Tape Unit and Controls, Models 1-3 GA22-6866 GX22-6855t T57 261 * K57181* following the order number shows the item is for World Trade use only. following the order number shows the item is for U.S.A. use only. Publications shown in parenthesis are related references but not primary references. t Storage and Communications Equipment (Chart 2 of 5) 11 Publication Order Number Publication Order Number Device or Control Unit Physical Planning Template Reference Manual Device or Control Unit Reference Manual Physical Planning Template 2740 Communication Terminal Models 1,2 GA24-3403 (GA27-3001 ) GX21-9155t T57440* K57442* 2845 Display Control Modell GA27-2731 GX27-2900t, T57308* K57363* 2741 Communication Terminal Modell GA24-3415 GX21-9155t T57440* K57442* 2848 Display Control Models 1, 2, 3, 21, 22 GA27-2700 GX22-6859t T57092* K57097* 2772 Multi-Purpose Control Unit Modell GX27-2909t T57316* K57414* 3203 Printer Models 1,2 GA22-7001 GA27-3013 (GA27-3014) GX22-7021t GX22-7028t T57486* K57487* 2780 Data Transmission TerminAl Models 1-4 GA27-3005 GX27-2900t T57310* K57422* 3210 Console Printer-Keyboard Models 1, 2 GA24-3552 GX22-6859t GA27-3015 3211 Printer Modell GA24-3543 2790 Data Communication System (2791,2792,2793,2795,2796, 2797,2798) GX22-6834t T57336* K57370* GA22-6866 GX22-6858t T57266* K57186* 3213 Console Printer Model 1 GA22-7001 2803 Tape Control Models 1-3 GX22-6859t T57458* K57459* G~22-6859t GA22-6866 GX22-7043t T57266* K57186* 3215 Console Printer-Keyboard Modell GA24-3550 2804 Tape Control Models 1-3 3270 Information 0 is play System (3271, 3272, 3275, 3277, 3284, 3286,3288) GA27-2749 (GA27 -27 39) GX22-7018t T57517* K57519* 3330 Disk Storage Models 1, 2, 11 GA26-1592 (GA26-1615) GX22-7D47t T57337* K57 371 * 3333 Disk Storage and Control Models 1,11 GA26-1592 (GA26-1615) GX22-7D47t T57454* K57455* GA26-1619 GX22-7029t T57524* K57525* 3410 Magnetic Tape Unit Models 1-3 GA32·0022 (GA32-0015) GX22-6860t T57452* K57453* 3411 Magnetic Tape Unit and Control, Models 1-3 GA32-0022 (GA32-0015) GX22-7035t T57452* K57453* 3420 Magnetic Tape Unit Models 3-8 GA32-0021 (GA32-0020) (GA32-0023) GX22-703Ot T57 501 * K57505* 3504 Card Reader Models A 1, A2 GA21-9124 GX22-6834t T57514* K57515* 3505 Card Reader Models 81, 82 GA21-9124 GX22-6834t T57514* K57515* 3525 Card Punch Models P1-P3 GA21-9124 GX22-6834t T57514* K57515* 2816 Switching Unit Modell 2820 Storage Control Modell GA22-6866 GA22-6895 2821 Control Unit Models 1-6 GA24-3312 2822 Paper Tape Reader Control Modell GA24-3388 2826 Paper Tape Control Modell 2835 Storage Control Models 1, 2 2840 Display Control Model 2 2841 Storage Control Modell 2844 Auxiliary Storage Control Modell GA33-4500 GA26-1589 GA27-2721 GA26-5988 GA26-3599 GX22··7044t T57268* K57188* GX22·6858t T57269* K57 189* GX22-6834t T57270* K57190* GX22·6834t T57272* K57 192* GX22-6834t T57413* K57407* GX22-6858t T57502* K57506* GX22-6859t T57273* K57 193* GX22-6858t T57274* K57 194* GX22-6858t T57445* K57446* 3340 Direct Access Storage Facility, Models A2, 81, 82 * following the order number shows the item is for World Trade use only. t following the order number shows the item is for U.S.A. use only. Publications shown in parenthesis are related references but not primary references. Storage and Communications Equipment (Chart 3 of 5) 12 Publication Order Number Physical Planning Template Device or Con trol Unit Reference Manual 3540 Diskette Input/Output Unit Models B 1, B2 GC21-5072 GX22-7045t T57482* K57483* 3600 Finance Communication System (3601,3604,3610, 3612,3614,3618) GA27-2764 (GC27-0001) GX27-2955t GX10-0037* T57526* K57527* 3650 Retail Store System (3651,3653,3275, 3284, 3657, 3659) GA27-3075 (GA27-3074) 3660 Supermarket System (3651,3663,3666,3669) GA27-3076 (GA27-3074) 3670 Brokerage Communication System (3671,3672,3673,3674) GA27-3050 (GA27-3049) 3704 Communications Controller Models A 1-A4 GA27-3051 GX22-7032t K57470* T57 471 * 3705 Communications Controller Models Al, A2, B1-B4, C1-C4 GA27-3051 (GA27-3087) GX22-7051 t T57520* K57 521 * 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal, Model 1 GA27·3043 GX27-2913t 3740 Data Entry System (3741,3742,3713) GA2l-9152 GX21-9155t T57472* K57473* 3747 Data Converter Model 1 GA21·9183 GX21·9155t 3767 Communication Terminal Models 1,2 GA27·3096 (GA 18·2000) K57536* K57537* 3770 Communication System (3771,3773,3774,3775,3776) GA27-3097 (GA27·3094) GX27-2917t T57532* K57533* 3780 Data Communications Terminal, Modell GA27-3063 3781 Card Punch Model 1 3790 Communication System (3791, 3792,3793) 3803 Tape Control Models 1,2 3811 Printer Control Unit Model 1 * t Publication Order Number Device or Control Unit Reference Manual Physical Planning Template GA26-1592 (GA26-1617) GX22-7046t T57337* K57 371 * T57538* K57539* 3850 Mass Storage System (3851,3830,3333,3330) GA32-0028 GX27-2914t T57494* K57495* GX22-7053t T57530* K57 531 * 3872 Modem Model 1 GA27-3058 ~~27-2915t 3874 Modem GA33-0002 3875 Modem Model 1 GA27-3058 3881 Optical Mark Reader Models 1,2,3 GA21-9143 GX22-7052t T57460* K57 461 * 3886 Optical Character Reader Model 1 GA21-9147 GX22-6860t T57480* K57 481 * 3890 Docu ment Processor Models A 1·A6 GA24·3612 GX22-7031t T57496* K57497* 3944 Dial Terminal Model 10 GA 19-0010* 3945 Telegraph Line Terminaton Models 11, 12 GA 19-0013* 3974 Modulator Models 1,2 GA19-0016* 3975 Demodulator Models 1,2 GA19-0016* 3976 Modem Models 1, 2 GA19-0020* (GA19-0021*) GX27·2900t T57466* K57467* 3976 Modem Model 3 GA 19-0041 * (GA 19-0042*) GA27-3063 T57466* K57467* 3977 Modem Models 1,2 GA19·0014* (GA 19-0032*) GA27-2767 T57534* K57535* 4872 Modem Modell GA36-0001t 4872 Modem Models 2,3 GA36-0004t 5203 Printer Models 1-3 GA33-1504 GX22-7028t T57488* K57489* 5213 Printer Model 1 (GA22-7001) (GA33-1507) GX22-6859t T57468* K57469* GA32·0021 (G A 32-0020) GA24-3543 T57540* K57 541 * GX22·7030t T57 501 * K57505* GX22-6834t T57336* K57370* 3830 Storage Control Models 1,2 following the order number shows the item is for World Trade use only. following the order number shows the item is for U.S.A. use only. Publications shown in parenthesis are related references but not primary references. Storage and Communications Equipment (Chart 4 of 5) 13 Publication Order Number Device or Control Unit Reference Manual 5275 Direct Numerical Control Station, Modell GA34-0016 (GA34-1531) 5425 Multi-function Card Unit Models A 1, A2 GA21-9167 5486 Card Sorter GA21-9078 7770 Audio Response Unit Model 3 GA27-2712 Physical Planning Template GX22-7021t GX22-7028t T57468* K57469* T57490* K57 491 * GX22-6857t T57278* K57198* * following the order number shows the item is for World Trade use only. t following the order number shows the item is for U.S.A. use only. Publications shown in parenthesis are related references but not primary references. Storage and Communications Equipment (Chart 5 of 5) 14 ~OS/VS1 (OS/VIRTUAL STORAGE 1) (20-40) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ** ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * ••••••• • The presence of an N, E, or C shows that the related item applies to the release(s) specified. • * N: New for this release. * * E: Existing book, initially issued for other than this release: also applies * to this release. • * * C: Issued for a component release that can be added to this release. * ** •* INDEP = Release-Independent. ** - Change or addition. # - Reprint including TNLs (no change). ** •* GT, GQ, ST, SQ order numbers (appearing in parentheses) are temporary order numbers for back* level release publications. Be sure to use the temporary numbers when ordering. • **.**.* •••• ** ••••••••••••••••••••••• * •••••••• ** ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• *•• VS1 RELEASE ORDER NO./TNL'S 1& b.Q. l.& hl hl TITLE ~ 20 General Information GC20-1752-0 N Gc28-0602-0 N OS/VS1 Features (Supplement to System/370 Guide Series) E N Gc24-5104-0 •• GN24-5503 GY28-0603-0 OS/VS Master Index E N E E N OS/VS1 Master Index E OS/VS Master Index of Logic E N GY24-5164-0 OS/VS1 Master Index E 0 f lDgic 21 Assembler GC33-4010-1 (GT33-4010-1> GN33-8166 GN33-8168 GC 33-4010-4# N E GC33-4021-1 (GT33-4021-1 ) GC33-4021-2 ·*GN33-8186 N SY33-8041-0 (ST63-8041-0) SN33-8152 SN33-8158 SY33-8041-1 N E E N E N E N OS/VS, DOS/VS, and VM/370 Assembler Language E E N N E N N OS/VS and VM/370 Assembler Programmer's Guide E N E N E E OS/VS and VM/370 Assembler Logic E N E E ~RPG GC24-3337-6 N E OS RPG Language SpeCifications E 30 Access Methods, Data Management, Storage/Communications Control programs Gc35-0009-0 (GT35-0009-0) C OS/VS Access Method Services E GC26-3836-1 N E E E N E **oc26-3840-0 C SY35-0008-0 **(ST75-0008-0) SN35-0012 **SY35-0008-1 GC26-3799-0 (GT26-3799-0) E OS/vS Access Method Services N OS/VS1 Access Method Services DS/VS Access Method Services Logic N OS/VSl Access Method Services Logic OS/VS VSAM Planning Guide C 15 VS1 RELEASE ORDER NO./TNL'S 1.0 b.Q GC26-3799-2 GC26-3835-1# C b.& .b.Q hl E E E as/vs VSAM System Information C GC 2 6-3 81 9- 0 (GT26-3819-0) GC26-3819-1 **(GQ26-3819-1) **GC26-3819-2 C GC26-3818-0 (GT26-3818-0) C OS/VS VSAM Options for Advanced Applica tions N E N OS/VS VSAM Programmer's Guide N GC26-3 83 8-0 **(GT26-3838-0) **GC26-3838=1 OS/VS VSAM Logic C N SY26-3841-0 ** (ST66-3841-0) as/VS1 VSAM Logic E N **SY26-3841-1 N E E N E as/Vs BDAM Logic SY26-3836-0 **SN26-0788 N SY35-0003-1 (SQ75-0003-1 SY35-0003-2 **(STOO-0181-0) SN35-0011 **SY35-0003-3 N SY26-3787-0 (ST66-3787-0) SN26-8023 SY26-3787-1 (SQ66-3787-1 ) N OS/VS1 BDAM Logic E N OS/VS catalog Management Logie N E E E N E OS/VSl Catalog Management Logic N as/vs DADSM Logic N N E N SY26-3837-0 **(ST66-3837-0) **SY26-3837-1 GC28-0631-2 (GT28-0631-2) OS/VS VSAM Programmer's Guide E N SY26-3817-0 (ST66-3817-0) SY26-3789-1 (ST66-3789-1) SN26-8029 TITLE !.:Jl OS/VS1 DADSM Logic E N N E OS/VS Data Management for System Programmers E N GC26-3837-0 (GT26-3837-0) GC26-3837-1 **GN26-0783 OS/VS1 Data Management for System Programmers N GC26-3793-2 (GTOO-0132-0l GC 26-3793-3 ** (GTOO-0178-0) **GC 26-3793-4 N GC26-3783-2 (GT26-3783-2) GN26-0763 GC26-3783-3 ** (GTOO-0177-0) **GC26-3783-4 N E E N OS/VS Data Management Macro Instructions E N E N E E N E OS/VS Data Management Services Guide N E N GC 24-51 09-0 GN24-5494 INDEP OS/VS Diskette COpy Pro gr amming Support Reference Manual SY24-5168-0 INDEP as/Vs Diskette Copy Programming Support PLM SY27-7240-0 SN27-1389 N E N E E E E E E E as/vs Graphics Access Method Logic E E 16 VSl RELEASE ORDER NO./TNL'S GC27-6971-0 GN27-1391 GN27-1437 N N GC27-6972-0 GN27-1392 OS/VS Graphic Programfidng Services (GPS) for IBM 2250 Display Unit E E E E E E E E E E N E E E E N N E E E E E E E E E E OS/VS Graphic Programming Services (GPS) for IBM 2260 Display Station (Local Attachment) GC27-6973-0 GN27-1393 N N E E E E E E E E E E OS/VS Graphic Subroutine package (GSP) for FORTRAN IV, COBOL, and PL/I SY27-7242-0 SN27-1390 N N E E E E E E E E E E OS/VS Graphic Subroutine Package (GSP) for FORTRAN IV, COBOL, and PL/ I Lo gic GC27-6974-0 GN27-1394 GN27-1438 N N N E E E E E OS/VS Problem Determination Aids and Messages and Codes for GPS and GSP E E E E E E E E SY27-7241-0 N E E E E E SY24-5156-0 (ST64-5156-0) SY24-5156-1 (SQ64-5156-1 ) SN24-5464 SY24-5156-2 (STOO-0152-0) SY24-5156-3 **SN24-5500 N SY26-3786-2 (ST66-3786-2) N E E OS/VS Graphics Problem - Oriented Routines Logic OS/VS I/O Supervisor Logic N E N E N N E N E OS/VS ISAM Logic E SY26-3838-0 N E **GC35-0011-0 E OS/VSl ISAM Logic OS/VS MSS Planning Guide N ·*GC35-0012-0 N OS/VS Mass Storage System (MSS) Services for Space Mgmt **GC35-0013-0 N OS/VS Mass Storage System control Table Create **SY35-0012-0 N OS/vS1 Mass Storage System Communicator (MSSC) Logic **SY35-0014-0 N OS/VS Mass Storage System Control Trace Report Logic **SY35-0015-0 N OS/VS Mass Storage System Service Logic **SY35-0016-0 N OS/VS Mass Storage System Control Table Create Logic SY26-3785-1 (SQ66-3785-1) SY26-3785-2 (STOO-0138-0) OS/VS Open/Close/EOV Logic N N E SY26-3839-0 (ST66-3B39-0) SY26-3839-1 ** (SQ66-3 839-1) **SY26-3839-2 SY26-3788-2 (ST66-3788-2) OS/VSl Open/Close/EOV Logic N N N N E OS/VS SAM logic E SY26-3840-0 N *. (ST66-3840-0) **SY26-3B40-1 GC26,-3795-1 (GT26-3795-l) GC26-3795-2 GC27-6980-0 (GT27-6980) GC27-6980-2# **(GQ27-6980-2) GC27-6890-3 SY27-7246-0 (ST67-7246) OS/vS1 SAM Logi c E N N E OS/VS Tape Labels E N OS/VS BTAM N N E E E E E N N E E E OS/VS BTAM Logic 17 VSl RELEASE ORDER NO./TlIlL'S SN27-1398 SN27-1401 SY21-7246-1 N E E N E N GC38-1010-0 (GT38-1010-0) GN24-5462 GC38"';'1010-1 (GQ38-1010-1 ) GC38-1010-2 **GN24-5498 N E N E SY28-6849-0 (ST68-6849-0) SN28-S468 SY28-6849-1 **(SQ66-6849-1) SN24-5495 **SY28-6849-2 N E N E GC30-2022-2 E E OS/VS Message Library: VSl RES RTAM and Account Messages N E N N OS/VSl RES RTAM and Workstation Support Logic N E N E N C E E Os TCAM Concepts and Facilities, E Prog. No. 360S-CQ-548 GC30-2025-0 (GT30-2025-0) GC30-2025-2 GN30-2581 GC30-2034-1 (GQ30-2034-1) GC30-2034-2 GN30-5554 E E E N E N OS TCAM User's Guide E N Level 5 E N OS/VS TCAM programmer's Guide, Prog. No. 5744-AWl C C C GC30-2044-0 GN30-5558 E E C C OS/VS TCAM Level 5 Programmer's Guide -- Level 6 E E **GC30-2042-0 N OS/VS TCAM LEVEL 8 Concepts and Facilities **GC30-2045-0 N OS/VS E OS/vSl TCAM Level B programmer's Guide GC30-2054-0 GC38-0305-0 N C E C N GC30-2047-0 GC30-2035-0 E OS/VS TeAM (Level 5) Operator's Library: OS/vSl TCAM (Level 8) OS/VSl TCAM Level 2 component Release Guide C C GC30-2038-0 GN30-3020 SY30;::-2039-1 (ST70-2039-1) SY30-2039-3 Operator's Library: E N GC30-2036-1# Level 8 User's Guide Operator's Library: OS/VS TCAM E GC30-2037-0 GN30-3019 TC~ OS/VS TCAM Level 4 Component Release Guide E C C OS/VS TCAM Level 5 Component Release Guide E E OS/VS TCAM Level 4 Logic C C E SY30-2049-0 SN30-3018 C SY30-2059-0 N **SY30-2069-0 GC30-3009-1 N OS/VS TCAM Level 5 Logic E N OS/VS T~AM Leve 1 6 Logi c OS/VSl TCAM Level B Logic NCP/TCAM ~etwork User's Guide N **GC 26-3842-0 INDEP Planning for Enhanced VTAM Under OS/VS **GC27-6987-3 INDEP Introduction to VTAM **GC27-6998-1 GC 27-6994-0 **GN27-1469 **GN27-1481 N N N VTAM Concepts and Facilities N E N N VTAM Macro Language Guide IB VSl RELEASE ORDER NO. /TNL ' S **GC27-6995-2 N N VTAM Macro Language Reference GC27-6996-0 **GN27-1476 N E OS/VS1 VTAM System Programmer's Guide **GC27-6997-2 *·GN27-1484 N N N Operator's Library: **SY27-7256-1 N E Introduction to VTAM Logic SY27-7257-0 **SN27-1468 N E OS/VS1 VTAM lDgic N VTAM Network Operating Procedures N **SY27-7266-0 OS/VS1 VTAM Logic N SY27-7263-0 SN27-1453 **SN27-1475 N VTAM Data Area N N **GC30-3022-2 S/370 Subsystem Support Services User's Guide N *. **SY30-3017-1 (STOO-3017-l> **SY30-3017-2) S/370 Subsystem Support Services Logic N N GC21-5004-3 N E E GY21-0013-1 (GQ61-0013-1) GN21-S169 GN21-7659 GY21-0013-2 N E E N N E E E E E OS. Data Management Services and Macro Instructions for IBM 1285/1287/1288 E os Data Management Macro Logic for IBM 1285/1287/1288 E N E E GY21-0012-2 N E E E E E OS BSAM Logic for IBM 1419/1275 GC21-5006-4 N E E E E E OS Data Management Services and Macro Instructions for 1419/1275 GC27-6999-0 INDEP GC21-5097-0 **(GT21-5097-0) **GC21-5097-1 **GN28-2591 GC24-5106-0 **(GT24-5l06-0) **SY24-5166-0 Introduction to Programming the IBM 3270 N E E OS and OS/VS Programming Support for the IBM 3505 Card Reader and IBM 3525 card Punch E N N INDEP Planning Guide for OS/VS1 Support of IBM 3540 N OS/VS1 3540 Diskette Input/OUtput Unit Logic **GC24-5110.,;.0 N OS/VS1 3540 Programmer's Reference *·GC27-0009-1 N 3600 programming Installation Guide *.SY30-3024-0 N 3650, SUQsys. Prog. Prep. SUpp.i Transformation Def. Language Translator Logic 3704/3705 Communications Controllers Assembler Language GC 30-3003-1 INDEP GC30-3002-5# INDEP 3704/3705 Emulation, Generation i Utilities Guide and Reference GC30-3005-4# INDEP 3704/3705 Emulation Program storage and Performance Reference SY30-3008-0 INDEP 3704/3705 Network Control Data Areas GC30-3008-1 INDEP 3704/3705 NCP/VS Generation i Utilities (v.3): Guide & Reference for OS/VS i DOS/VS VTAM Users SY30-3007-0 INDEP 3704/3705 Network Control Program/VS Logic SY30-3013-0 INDEP 3704/3705 Network control Program/VTAM Logic 19 ~ Emulation Programs: VSl RELEASE ORDER NO ./TNL· S !.d b..Q. b2. .hQ 1.:.1 ~ IT!'J& SN30-2584 **SN30-2583 GY30-3012-1 GN30-3021 **GN30-2581 INDEP 3104/3105 Program Reference Handbook GC30-3001-4 INDEP IBM 3135 Programmer's Guide (OS, OOS, and VS Systems) GY30-3000-0 GY30-3500 GY30-3501 GY30-3504 N N N GC21-5011-1 INDEP GC24-5101-0 N E E E N E E E E E E E E }:; E 3135 Form Description Macro Instructions/Utility PLM (OS, DOS and VS System) E Eo 3140 BTAWTCAM Programming Guide N N SY24-5162-0 N E E as/Vs IBM 3886 Optical Character Reader Model 1 Reference N E E OS/VS IBM 3886 Model 1 Logic N N as/Vs IBM 3890 Document Processor Logic SY24-5163-0 **SN24-5502 31 Support Programs GC26-3813-1 (GT26-3813-0) Gc26-3813-2 GN26-0114 GN26-0119 N SY26-3815-0 SN26-8020 SN26-8033 SN26-0110 N N SY26-3814-0 SN26-8022 SN26-8032 SN26-0111 N N E as/vs Linkage Editor and Loader E N N N E E E N E E E N E E E E E E E E Eo E E E OS/VS Linkage Editor Logic E .Ii E E N E E E E E E E E E E N GC38-1001-2 (GT38-1001-2 ) GC38-1001-3 ** (GTOO-0116-0) **GC38-1001-4 **GC21-0005-1 E E as/vs Loader Logic E E E OS/VS Message Library: Linkage Editor and Loader Messages E N E N N 3600 Finance Communication System Host services Prog. Ref. 32 Utilities GC35-0005-1 (GT35-0005-1 ) GC35-0005-3 ** (GTOO-0184-0) **GC35-0005-4 N SY35-0005-0 (ST15-0005-0) SN35-0008 SY35-0005-2# **SN26-0184 N GC38-1005-1 (GQ38-1005-l) GC 38-1005-2 (GTOO-0130-0) GC 38-1005-3 **(GTOO-0114-0) * *GC 38-1005- 4 N 34 S~stem E E as/vs utilities N E N E E N E as/vs Utilities Logic N E E N E N OS/VS Message Library: Utilities Messages E N E N Planning! Generation! Installation! SMF GC24-5082-1 N E E E E OOS to OS/MFT, OS/MVT, OS/vSl Management Planning Guide E 20 VSl RELEASE aRDER Na./TNL'S !.:.Q GC24-5095-0 (GT24-5095-0) GC24-5095-1 (GQ24-5095-l) GC24-5095-2 N GC24-5090-0 (GT24-5090-0) GN24-5454 GC24-5090-1 (GQ24-5090-1) GC24-5090-2 (GTOO-0147-0) GN24-5477 GC24-5090-3 **(GTOO-0156-0) **GC24-5090-4 N GC24-5092-0 N b.Q M .hQ 1..:.1 TITLE hQ Das and DOS/VS to as/VS1 Implementation Guide N E N E as/VSl Planning and Use Guide N N E N N N N as/VSl Release 1 Guide as/VSl Release 2 Guide N N GC24-5097-0 GN24-5460 as/VS1 Release 2.6 Guide N GC24-5102-0 as/VSl Release 3 Guide N GC24-5098-0 as/VSl Release 3.1 Guide N **GC24-5112-1 as/VSl Release 4.0 Guide N **GC24-5113-0 GC24-5094-0 (GT24-5094-0) GC24-5094-1 (GQ24-5094-1) GN24-5463 GN24-5469 GN24-5475 GC24-5094-2 (GTOO-0154-0) GC24-5094-3 ** (GTOO-0158-0) **GC24-5094-4 N GC26-3790-1 **(GT26-3790-1) N GC26-3791-0 (GT26-3791-0) GC26-3791-1 (GQ26-3791-1) GN26-0762 GN26-0764 GC26-3791-2 (GTOO-0131-0) GC26-3791-3 (GTOO-0153-0) GC26-3791-4 ** (GTOO-0182-0) **GC26-3791-5 **GN24-5508 N GC35-0004-2 (GTOO-0118-0) GC35-0004-4 (GTOO-0134-0) GC35-0004-5 **(GTOO-0170-0) **GN28-2568 **GC35-0004-6 N as/Vsl Storage Estimates N N N N N N N E as/Vs System Generation Introduction E as/VSl System Generation Reference N N N N N N N N as/vs System Management Facilities (SMF) E N N E N E N 21 VS1 RELEASE 35 Emulatipn, Simulation **GC33-2017-0 INDEP Emulating DOS on IBM System/370 Under OS/VS **SY33-7015-0 INDEP DOS to OS/VS Emulator Logic **GC33-2018-0 INDEP 1401/1440/1460 OS/VS Emulator: Reference **SY33-7016-0 INDEP 1401/1440/1460 OS/VS Emulator: Prog. No. 5744-AHl Logic, **GC33-2019-0 INDEP 1410/7010 OS/VS Emulator: Reference **Sy33-7017-0 INDEP 1410/7010 OS/VS Emulator: Prog. No. 5744-AG1 Logic GC27-6948-2 **GN27-1460 INDEP 7074 OS Emulator on System/370 Reference (MFT/MVT/VS1/vS2) GY27-7238-0 GN27-1409 INDEP 7074 OS Emulator on Models 155/158 Logic GY27-7228-1 INDEP 7074 GC27-6952-2 INDEP 7080 OS Emulator on Models 165/168 Reference GY27-7229-1 INDEP 7080 OS Emulator on Models 165/168 Logic GC27-6983-0 INDEP 7094 os Emulator on Models 165/168 Reference GY27-7259-0 INDEP 7094 os Emulator on Models 165/168 Logic os Emulator on Models 165/168 Logic 36 Control Program GC26-3784-2 (GT26-3784-2 ) GC26-3784-4 ** (GQ26-3784-4) **GC26-3784-5 OS/VS Checkpoint/Restart N N N SY24-5159-0 (ST64-5159-0) SN26-8027 SY24-5159-1 (SQ64-5159-1 ) SY24-5159-2 ** (STOO-0185-0) **SY24-5159-3 N SY28-0605-0 (ST68-0605-0) SY28-0605-1 (SQ68-0605-1) SY28-0605-2 ** (STOO-0162-0) SN24-5482 **SY28-0605-3 N SY24-5160-0 (ST64-5160-0) SY24-5160-1 (SQ64-5160-1) SY24-5160-2 **(STOO-0164-0 SN24-5481 **SY24-5160-3 N GC28-0618-2: . ' .. : . . ' S/3700pera~Qr's . . . . R~ference Gut,:'" ·.~iQr(jr¥LVSl .' . ·~Y~ttl.M~, " ~.§y$t~fll9od~ >~S~·1~1;'·(40)~;. ··'·: :G~~~~()93.'c4.t)} '.' ,; 4ib~rY: ··.R(;}\.i~inQ·" . ~~~';~; Control Program Assembler 3 OSIVS1 JCL Services GC24-5100 (36) OSIVS 1 Programmer's Reference Digest OSIVS1 System Data Areas GC24-5091 (36) SY28-0605 (36) OSIVS 1 Supervisor Services and Macro Instructions GC24-5103 (36) OSIVS Checkpoint/ Restart GC26-3784 (36) A Programmer's I ntroduction to IBM System/360 Assembler Language SC20-1646 (85) OSIVS1 IPL and NIP Logic ! OS/vS, DOS/vS, and VM/370 Assembler Language SY24-5160 (36) GC33-4010 (21) OSIVS1 JCL Reference GC24-5099 (36) OSIVS 1 Supervisor Logic SY24-5155 (36) OSIVS 1 Checkpoint/Restart Logic ! Linkage EditorLoade OS/VS and VM/370 Assembler Programmer's Guide SY24-5159 (36) Utilities GC33-4021 (21) l OSIVS Linkage Editor and Loader OSIVS Utilities OS/VS and VM/370 Assembler Logic GC26-3813 (31) OSIVS1 Job Management Logic SY24-5161 (36) GC35-0005 (32) OS/VS Message library: linkage Editor and Loader Messages GC38-1007 (31) OSIVS Message Library.. Utilities Messages GC38-1005 (32) OSIVS Utilities Logic SY35-0005 (32) OSIVS Linkage Editor Logic OSIVS Loader Logic SY26-3815 (31) SY26-3814 (31) SY33-8041 (21) Access Methods, Data Management, I/O Control Program CP OSIVS Data Management Services Guide GC26-3783 (30) ~ ~ OSIVS1 Data Management for System Programmers GC26-3837 (30) -w o I OSIVS Tape Labels Planning for Enhanced VSAM under OSIVS OSIVS 1 Catalog Management Logic OSIVS 1 DADSM Logic GC26-3795 (30) GC26-3842 (30) SY35-0003 (30) SY26-3837 (30) OSIVS18DAM Logic OS/VS Data Management Macro I nstructions GC26-3793 (30) SY26-3836 (30) OSIVS 1 Access Method Services SY24-5156 (30) GC26-3840 (30) I , OSIVS 1 Access Method Services Logic 58 SY35-0008 (30) Graphics SY26-3839 (30) OSIVS1 ISAM Logic OSIVS1 SAM Logic SY26-3838 (30) SY26-3840 (30) - OSIVS1 I/O Supervisor Logic OCR/MICR I OSIVS 1 0 pen! Close/EOV Logic OSIVS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM Programmer's Guide GC26-3838 (30) Teleprocessing OSNS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Options for Advanced Applications GC26-3819 (30) OSIVS1 Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Logic SY26-3841 (30) \9 Mass Storage System , OCRiMICR Y , t l IBM 3890 Document Processor Machine and Programming Description OSIVS 3886 Optical Character Reader, Model 1 Reference OS Data Management Services and Macro I nstructions for IBM 1285/1287/1288 OS Data Management Services and Macro Instructions for IBM 1419/1275 GA24-3612 (04) GC24-5101 (30) GC21-5004 (30) GC21-5006 (30) l l OS/VS Logic for IBM 3890 Document Processor OS/VS 3886 Optical Character Reader, Model 1 Logic OS Data Management Macro Logic for IBM 1285/1287/1288 OS BSAM Logic for 1419/1275 SY24-5163 (30) SY24-5162 (30). GY21-0013 (30) GY21-0012 (3D) l l Graphics • •f: J:"'.".' OSIVS Graphic Programming Services (GPS) for IBM 2250 Display Unit OS/VS Graphic Programming Services (GPS) for IBM 2260 Display Station (Local Attachment) OSIVS Graphic Subroutine Package (GSP) for FORTRAN IV, COBOL, and PL/I OS/VS Graphics Access Method Logic OS/VS Graphics Problem - Oriented Routines Logic I ntroduction to Programming the IBM 3270 GC27-6971 (30) GC27 -6972 (30) GC27-6973 (30) SY27-7240 (30) SY27-7241 (30) GC27 -6999 (30) OS/VS Graphic Subroutine Package (GSP) for FORTRAN IV, COBOL, and PL/I Logic SY27-7242 (3D) Teleprocessing t t ~t OSIVS BTAM I ntroduction to VTAM IBM 3740 BTAM/TCAM Programmer's Guide OSIVS TCAM Concepts and Facilities GC27-6980 (30) GC27-6987 (30) GC21-5071 (30) GC30-2042 (30) + + , I t t IBM System/370 Subsystem Support Services User's Guide Systems Network Architecture General Information GC30-3022 (30) GA27-3102 , OSIVS BTAM Logic VT AM Concepts and Planning OSIVS TCAM User's Guide Operator's Library: OSIVSl TCAM IBM System/370 Subsystem Support Services Logic SY27-7246 (30) GC27-6998 (30) GC30-2045 (30) GC30-2047 (30) SY30-3017 (30) t J t I VTAM Macro Language Guide VTAM Macro Language Reference Operator's Library: VT AM Network Operating Procedures OSIVSl TCAM Programmer's Guide GC27-6994 (30) GC27-6995 (30) GC27-6997 (30) GC30-2054 (30) l W N t ~ OSIVSl VTAM System Programmer's Guide OSIVSl TCAM Logic GC27-6996 (30) SY30-2069 (30) l Introduction to VTAM Logic SY27-7256 (30) i OSIVSl VTAM Logic SY27-7257 (30) ~ OSIVSl VTAM Data Areas SY27-7266 (30) I OS/VS Message Library: ..... Stibsystem Support Services Messages GC38-1011 (40) o !!! < tI'l OS!VS Dynamic 1 J. r---------, ., OS!VS1 Debug--' Support System OS!VS1 OL TEP OSNS1 SYS1. -GC28-G640 (37) T-OLTEP for VTAM. DOSNSand LOGREC Error Recording gingGuide GC24-5093 (37) OS/VS -OSIVS 1 Recovery Management Support Logic SY27 -7239 (37) GC28- 0666 {37} GC28-0668 (37) GC28-0063 f37-) OSNS10LTEP Logic OSIVS1 SYS 1. LOGREe Error Rec1)rding Logic TOLlE? forVTAM Logic, DOS/vS and OSNS SY28-0662 (37) SY28-0669 {37} SY28-0064 (37) 1 OSNS Dynamic ~ Support-System Command Langu~ Reference Summary GX28-0690 (37) OS/vS1 Dynamic SUPP01t System Logic Remote Entry 1 OS/VS 1 Service ::~8-0665 1371 I SY28-0672 (37) RES GC30-2012 (38) GX23-0001 Operator's Library: OS/VSl CRJE OSIVSl RES Workstation User's Guide Modification --l'rogram (SMP) ~ OS/MFT,OS/MVT. and OS/VS1: CRJE Concepts and Facilities CRJE -, {)s/vs System OSIVS1 SarNice Aids Reference Summary 7 GC38-0335 (38) GC28-687~ GC28-0673 (37) (37) .oS SMP Reference Summary , GX28-0684 (37) I OSIVS Message Library: VSl RES RT AM and Account Messages OSr'MFT,OS/MVT, and OS/VS1: CRJE Terminal User's Guide GC30-2014 (38) GC38-1010 {30) GC28-6878 (38) --oS/VS System Modification Program (SMP) Logic GC38-100a (37) t----------I OSIVSl RES System Programmer's Gui SJD2-2015-02 (STOO-500S-02) SJD2-2015-03 (STOO- 5107-00) SJD2-2015-04 (STOO-5206-00) ** SSCO-69Q2 SJD2-2015-05:u SSCO-6049*" N SJD2-2016-00 (S'1D2-2016-00) SJD2-2016-01 (SQD2-2016-0l> SJD2-2016-02 (S'!00-5009-02) SJD2-2016-03 (S'100-5108-00) SJD2-2016-04 (S'!00-S207-00) . . SJI:2-2016-0S** SSCO-6051** N SJD2-2017-00 (STD2-2017-00) SJD2-2017-01 (SQD2- 2011-01 SJD2-2017-02 (STOO-S010-02) SJD2-2017-03 (STOO- 5109-00) SJD2-2017-04 (STOO- 5208-00)" SJD2-20l.7-05 •• SSCO-'052** N SJD2-2018-00 (STD2-2018-00) SJD2-2018-01 (SQD2-2018-01) SJD2-2018-02 (STOO-501l-02) SJD2-20l8-03 (s1'OO-S110-00) SJD2-2018-04 (STOO-5209-00) ** SSCO-7002 SJD2-2018-0S** SSCO-6053** N SJD2-2019-00 (S'rD2-2019-00) SJD2-2019-01 (SQD2-2019-0l> SJD2-2019-02 (STOO-5012-02) SJD2-2019-03 (STOO-5111-00) SJD2-2019-04 (STOO-S210-00)*" SJD2-2019-05 u N ~:;:Q--~:;:§ l.:.Q 1IT!~ P~C~l'!~~ NU!olEER JECS 57Lt1-SC1-t!O I/P S,!'REAM CTL ~7lJl"5Cl·S1 O/P S'!REAM CTI 57lJl-Sci"'E2 SYSTEM RES'!AR'! S141-SC1 .... B3 ALLOCATION 5141-SCI-B4 SWlmS MANAGER 5741-SC1-BS 2.:.1 !.:.Q N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1:-1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 36 CRDER NUMBER h.Q SJD2-2020-00 (STD2-2020-00) SJD2-2020-01 (SQD2-2020-01) SJD2-2020-02 (S'100-5013-02) SJD2-2020-03 (STOO-5112-00) SJD2-2020-04 (STOO-5211-00) ** SJD2-2020-05** N SJD2-2021-00 (STD2-2021-00) SJD2-2021-01 (SQD2-2021-01) SJD2-2021-02 (S'100-5014-02) SJD2-2021-03 (S'100-5113-00) SJD2-2021-04 (S'100-5212-00)** SSCO-7062 SJD2-2021-05** N SJD2-2022-00 (S'1D2-2022-00) SJD2-2022-01 (SQD2-2022-01) SJD2-2022-02 (STOO-5015-02) SJD2-2022-03 (STOO-5114-00) SJD2-2022-04 (STOO-5213-00)** SJD2-2022-05** SSCO-6054** N SJD2-2023-00 (STD2-2023-00) SJD2-2023-01 (SQD2-2023-01) SJD2-2023-02 (STOO-5016-02) SJD2-2023-03 (STOO-5115-00) SJD2-2023-04 (STOO-5214-00)** SJD2-2023-05 N SJD2-2024-00 (S'1D2-2024-00) SJD2-2024-01 (SQD2-2024-01) SJD2-2024-02 (STOO-5017-02) SJD2-2024-03 (STOO-5116-00) SJD2-2 024- 04 (STOO-5215-00)** SJD2-2024-05** N SJD2-2025-00 (STD2-2025-00) SJD2-2025-01 (SQD2-2025-01) SJD2-2025-02 (STOO-5018-0n SJD2-2025-03 (STOO-5117-00) SJD2-2025-04 SSCO-6047** N SJD2-2026-00 (STD2-2026-00) SJD2-2026-01 (S'100-5019-01) SJD2-2026-02 (S'100-5118-00) N RELEASE 2.0 2.6 .hQ 1.:.1 TITLE l?RCGRAM NUMEER INITIATCR 5741-SC1-B6 TERIHKATICN 5741-SC1-B7 CO~~lHms 5741-SC1-E8 INTERPRETER 5741-SC1-B9 RESTART RDR/DSDR PROCESSING 5741-SC1-BD SYSTEM LeG 5741-SC1-EE ~TP 5741-SC1-EF i:..Q N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ** N N N N N N N N N N E E N N N 37 CROER NUMBER h!l RELE1I5E 2.0 '2:6 hl 6J02-2026-03 (5'100-5216-00)*. 6J02-2026-04u 5JD2-2027-00 (6T02-2027-00) 5JD2-2027-01 (SQ02-2027-01) 5JD2-2027-02 (STOO-5020-02 ) 6.1D2-2027-03 (STOO-5217-00) 6J02-2027-04** ~b.! IITL~ FRCGRlIM NUMEER MSI 5741-SC1-BG IMCJOEQI:: 5741-5Cl-17 DIDCC5 5741-SC1-C4 G1I~ 5741-SC1-GC GSP 5741-5C1-07 RMS S741-SC1-CE i& N N N N ~ .* N E N 5J02-2028-00 (STD2- 2028-00) 5J02-2028-01 (sQD2- 2028-01) 6J02-2028-02 (STOO-5021-02) 5J02-2028-03 N 6.102-2030-00 (6'1D2-2030-00) 5J02 -2 03 0- 01 (5QD 2- 2030-01) 5J02 -2 03 0- 02 (6'100- 5022-02) 5J02-2030-03 (6'1'00-5119-00) SJ02-2030-04 55CO-6004** SSCO-6041·· N 5JD2-2031-00 (5'102-2031-00) 5J02-2031-01 (5QD2-2031-01) SJ02-2031-02 (5'100-5023-02) SJD2-2031-03 (STOO-S1iO-00) SJD2-2031-04 N 8J02-2032-00 N N N N E N N N N E N N N N N N (ST02~2032-00) N 5J02-2032-01 (6Q02"'2032-01) 6JD2-2032-02 (6TOO-5024-02) SI102-2032-03 (S'1-00- 5121-(0) 5J02-2032-04 N N N 5J02-2033-00 (ST02- 2033-00) 5J02-2033-01 (5QD2- 2033-01) 5J02-2033-02 (5TO 0-5025-02) 5JI::2-2033-03 (5TOO-5122-00) 55CO-6741 5J02-2033-04 5SCO-6003·· N SJ02-2034-00 (6'1D2-2034-00) 6.102-2034-01 (5Q02-2034-01) 6JD2-2034-02 (5'100- 5026-02) 5302-2034-03 (5'100-5123-00) 5J02-2034-04 56CO-6086*. N 5J02-2038-00 (STD2- 2038-00) N N N N N N E N SYSTE~ 1ISSEMBIER S741-5C1-03 N N N N E N ORB/EREP/RDE 38 5741-5C1-CO ORDER NUMBER RELEASE h.Q SJD2-2038-01) (SQD2-2038-01) SJD2-2038-02 (STOO-5027-02) SJD2-2038-03 (STOO-5124-00) SJD2-2038-04 SSCO-6722 SSCO-6002** SSCO-6036** b.Q ~ .hQ .h! .!:.Q. TI:!.hl PRCGRAM_~U~BER GTF 57Lt1-SC1-11 HMASPZAP 5141-SCl-12 HMI:PRI:MP S741-SCl-13 HMOSADMP 5741-SCl-15 HMAPTFLE S741-SCl-16 CI.TEP 5741-SC1-06 EXTE1\I:ER SVC ROUTER 5741-SC1-CF N 1\ N N N E E N N SJD2-2041-00 (S'1'D2-2041-00) SJD2-2041-01 (SQD2-2041-01) SJD2-2041-02 (S'!00-5028-02) SJD2-2041-03 (S'!00-5125-00) SJD2-2041-04 SSCO-6007** SSCO-6042** N SJD2-2042-00 (STD2-2042-00) SJD2-2042-01 (SQD2-2042-01) SJD2-2042-02 (STOO-5029-02) SJD2-2042-03 (STOO-5126-00) SJD2-2042-04 (STOO-5218-00)** SJD2-2042-05** SSCO-6038** N SJD2-2043-00 (S'!D2-2043-00) SJD2-2043-01 (SQD2-2043-01) SJD2-2043-02 (S'!00-5030-02) SJD2-2043-03 (S'!00-5127-00) SJD2-2043-04 SSCO-6008** N SJD2-2044-00 (S'!D2-2044-00) SJD2-2044-01 (SQ02-2044-01) SJ02-2044-02 (S'!00-5031-02) SJD2-2044-03 N SJ02-2045-00 (S'!D2-2045-00) SJD2-2045-01 (SQ02-2045-01) SJD2-2045-02 (S'!00-5032-02) SJD2-2045-03 SSCO-6005** N SJD2-2046-00 (S'!D2-2046-00) SJ02-2046-01 (SQD2-2046-01) SJ02-2046-02 (S'!00-5033-02) SJD2-2046-03 (S'!00-5128-00) SJD2-2046-04 SSCO-6761 SSCO-6037** N SJ02-2047-00 (S'!02-2047-00) SJD2-2047-01 N N N N N E N N N N N N N N N N N N E N N N N E N N N E E N N N N N E N E N N 39 ORDER NUMBER ~ RELEASE ~ b.Q SY26-3185- 2 (STOO-0138-0) OS/VS Open/Close/EOV Logic N E E SY26-3821-0 **(ST66-3821-0) **SY26-3821-1 SY26-3188-2 (ST66-3188-2) N N OS/VS SAM Logic E SY26-3832-0 ** (ST66-3832-0) **SY26-3832-1 as/VS2 SAM Logic N N GC26-3195-1 (GT26-3195-1 ) GC26-3195-2 OS/VS Tape Labels N N GC21-6980-0 (GT21-6980-0) GN21-1391 GC21-6980-2# ** (GQ27-6980-2) **GC21-6980-3 N SY21-1246-0 (S T61-12 46 -0 ) SN21-1398 SN21-1401 SY27-1246-1 N E N C E GC30-2022-2 as/VS2 Open/Close/EOV Logic N OS/VS BTAM N E C E N OS/VS BTAM Logic E N N E as TCAM concepts and Facilities E 51 VS2 RELEASE ORDER NO./TNL'S ~ 1.6&1.7 N **GC30-2042-0 Gc30-2025-0 (GT30-2025-0) GC30-2025-2 GN30-2581 ~ OS TeAM User's Guide N E Level 5 E N OS/VS TCAM Programmer's Guide N C GC30-2044-0 GN30-5558 E C C C C Operator's Library: OS/VS TCAM, (Level 5) -- Level 6 E C N E Operator's Library: N **GC30-2046-0 SY30-2039-1 (ST70-2039-l) SY30-2039-2) SN30-5555 Guide Operator's Library: OS/VS TCAM N CS/VS2 TCAM Level 8 OS/VS TeAM Level 4 Component Release Guide C OS/VS TeAM Level 5 Component Release Guide N N GC30-2038-0 GN30-3020 Prcgrarrme~'s OS/VS2 TeAM Level 8 Programmer's Guide N GC30-2037-0 GN30-3017 GN30-3019 GC30-2036-1# OS/VS TCAM Level 5 E E **GC30-2041-0 GC38-0305-0 OS/VS TeAM Level 8 User's Guide N **GC3 0-2 04 5-0 GC30-2034-1 (GQ30-2034-l) GC30-2034-2 GN30-5554 OS/VS TeAM Level 8 Concepts and Facilities E OS/VS TeAM Level 4 Logic N C SY30-2049-0 OS/VS TCAM Level 5 Logic C SY30-2059-0 CS/vS TeAM Level 6 Logic N **SY30-2040-0 OS/VS2 TCAM Level 8 Logic N GC30-3009-1 NCP/TCAM Network User's Guide N **GC26-3842-0 INDEP Planning fcr Enhanced **GC27-6987-3 INDEP Introducticn to VTAM VTA~ under OS/vS **SY27-7267-0 N CS/vS2 VTAM Data Areas **GC2 8-06 88-0 N OS/VS2 system Programroing Library: VTAM **GC27-6998-1 N N V~AM Conce~ts GC27-6994-0 **GN27-1469 **GN27-1481 N E N N V~AM **GC27-6995-2 N Operator's Library: V~AM Macro Language Reference **GC27-6997-0 ·*GN27-1484 N N Operator's Library: Procedures V~A~ Network Operating **SY27-7256-1 N Introducticn to VTAM Logic **SY28-0621-0 N OS/VS2 VTAM Logic **GC30-3022-2 N S/370 Subsystem Support Services User's Guide **SY30-3017-1 ** (ST70-3017-l) N and Facilities Macro Language Guide S/370 Subsystem Support Services Logic 52 VS2 RELEASE ORDER NO./TNL'S ~ 1.6&1.7 ~Q N **SY30-3017-2 GC21-5004-3 E E GY21-0013-1 (GQ61-0013-1) GN21-5169 GN21-7659 GY21-0013 -2 E E E E E E E as Cata Management Services and Macro Instructions for 1285/1287/1288 E as Data Management Macro Logic for IBM 1285/1287/1288 E E GY21-0012-2 E E E E as BSAM Logic for IBM 1419/1275 GC21-5006-4 E E E E CS Data Management Services and Macro Instructions for IBM 1419/1275 GC21-5097-0 N E E as and OS/VS Programming Support for the IEM 3505 Card Reader and 3525 Card Punch ** (GT21-5097-0) N N **GC21-5097-1 **GN28-2591 **GC24-5107-0 **(GT24-5107-0) **GN24-5478 Planning Guide for OS/VS2 INDEP Sup~ort of IBM 3540 **SY24-5167-0 N OS/VS2 logic for 3540 Diskette Input/Output Unit **GC24-5111-0 N CS/VS2 IEM 3540 Programmer's Reference **GC 27- 0009-1 N 3600 Programming Installation Guide **SY30-3024-0 N 3650 subsystem Program Preparation Support; Transformation Definition Language Translator Logic GC30-3003-1 INDEP GC30-3002-5# INDEP GC30-3005-4# INDEP 3704/3705 Emulation Program Storage & Performance Reference SY30-3008-0 SN30-3016 INDEP 3704/3705 Network Control & Emulation Programs: Data Areas GC30-3008-0 INDEP 3704/3705 NCP/VS Generation & Utilities (v.3); Guide and Reference for OS/VS & DOS/VS VTAM Users SY30-3007-0 INDEP 3704/3705 Network Control Program/VS Logic **SY30-3013-0 **SN30-2584 **SN30-2583 INDEP 3704/3705 Network Control Program/VTAM Logic GY30-3012-1 GN30-3027 **GN30-2587 INDEP 3704/3705 Program Reference Handtook GC30-3001-4 INDEP GY30-3000-0 GY30-3500 GY30-3501 GY30-3504 E E E N N E E E IEM 3735 Programmer's Guide (aS, DOS, and VS Systems) 3735 Form Description Macro Instructions/Utility PLM (CS, COS, and VS Systems) 3704/3705 Communications controllers Assembler Language 3704/3705 Errulation, Generation and Utilities Guide and Reference GC21-5071-1 E E E E E E N 3740 ETAM/TCAM Programmer's Guide OS/VS IEM 3886 Optical Character Reader Modell Reference as/vs IBM 3886 Model 1 Logic GC24 -51 01-0 N E SY24-5162-0 N E SY24-5163-0 **SN24-5502 E E OS/VS IBM 3890 Document Processor Logic N N 53 VS2 RELEASE ORDER NO./TNL'S ~ 1.6&1.7 ~ ~ 31 Support Programs GC26-3813-1 (GT26-3813-l> GC26-3813-2 GN26-077q GN26-0779 OS/VS Linkage Editor and Loader N N N N SY26-3815-0 SN26-8020 SN26-8033 SN26-0770 N N E E :E~ E E E E N SY26-381q-0 SN26-8022 SN26-8032 SN26-0771 N N E E E E E GC3 8-1 007-2 (GT38-1007-2) GC38-1007-3 **(GTOO-0176-0) **GC38-1007-q **GC27-0005-1 N E :1': N E E E E E E E OS/VS Linkage Editor Iogic E E E E OS/VS Loader Logic OS/VS Message Library: Messages E Linkage Editor & Ioader E N N 3600 Finance Communication Systere Host Service Program Reference 32 Utili ties GC35-0005-1 (GT35-0005-l> **GC35-0005-3 ** (GTOO-018q-0) **GC35-0005-q N SY35-0005-0 (ST75-0005-0) SN35-0008 **SY35-0005-2# **SN26- 078'1 N E N N GC38-1005-1 (GQ38-1005-1) GC 3 8-1005- 2 SY26-3820-2 **(STOO-0183-0) **SY26-3820-3 N OS/VS2 Auxiliary Storage Management Logic PLM E CS/VS Checkpoint/Restart E N OS/vS2 Checkpoint/Restart Logic E N N N 55 VS2 RELEASE ORDER NO./TNL'S !.:..Q. 1. 6&1. 7 GC27-6992-0 N HASP I I Version 4 System Programmer's Guide GC27-6993-0 N HASP I I Version 4 Operator's Guide GY27-7255-0 N HASP I I Version 4 Logic SY28-0623-0 **SN28-2580 b.Q N 1.:.Q 1T!!!~ OS/VS2 System Initialization Logic E N SY27-7243-1# N E OS/VS2 IPL and NIP Logic GC28-0618-2 (GT28-0618-2) N E OS/VS JCL Reference GC28-0617-1 (GQ2 8-0617 -1) GC28-0617-2 (GTOO-0141-0) N E OS/VS JCL Services E GC28-0692-0 N GN28-2576 **GC28-0692-1 N ** (GT28-0692-0) GX28-0619-1 (GTOO-0140-0) N N **SY28-0622-1 **SN25-0116 OS/VS JCL Syntax Reference Surr.mary E N GC28-0682-0 E OS/VS2 JES 2 (Job Entry Subsystem) Logic E N OS/VS2 Job Management, supervisor, and 'ISO N ** (GT2 8-0682-0) N **GC28-0627-0 SY28-0620-0 OS/VS2 JCL N OS/VS2 Job Management OS/VS2 Job Management Logic E GC28-0686-0 N E E OS/VS Power Warning Feature Support - ICR Guide SY2 8-0687-0 N E E E OS/VS Power Warning Feature Support Logic - ICR GUIDE OS/VS programmer's Reference Digest N OS/VS Supervisor Services and Macro Instructions GC24-5091-2 (GT24-5091- 2) N GC27-6979-2 (GT27-6979-2) GC28-0683-0 **GN28-2589 N OS/VS2 Supervisor Services and Macro Instructions E N -----..:;, **GC28-0628-0 SY27-7244-1# OS/VS2 Supervisor N N CS/VS2 Supervisor Logic E SY28-0624-0 **SN28-2583 N SY28-0625-0 **SN28-2584 N E N OS/VS2 Scheduler and Supervisor Logic Vol. 2 of 3 SY28-0626-0 **SN28-2585 N E N OS/VS2 Scheduler and Supervisor Logic Vol. SY28-0606-0 (ST6 8-0606 -0) OS/VS2 Scheduler and Supervisor Logic Vol. 1 of 3 E N N E OS/VS2 System Data Areas NO'IE: OS/VS2 System Data Areas for Release 2 available in microfiche only {SYB8-0606-l> • N E CS/VS2 tebugging Guide 37 RAS GC28-0632-0 (GT2 8-0632 -0) GN28-2560 GC28-0632-1 ** (GQ28-0632-1) **GN2 8-258 2 3 of 3 N N N 56 VS2 RELEASE ORDER NO./TNL'S ~ 1.6&1.7 ~ **GC28-0632-2 N Gc28-0640-0 (GT28-0640-0) GN28-2563 GC28-0640-1 **GN28-2573 C ~28-0690-0 C C C GC28-0636 (GQ2 8-0636 -1) N E E E E E N N E N N E OS/VS OLTEP E N OS/VS2 System Programming Library: CLTEP CS/VS CLTEP Logic E SY28-0676-0 **SN28-0108 N OS/VS2 CLTEP Logic E N OS/VS Recovery Managerrent Support Logic N N N N **SY27-7250-1 N N E N E GC28-0674-0 **GN25-0105 N N OS/VS2 Recovery Management Support Logic E OS/VS Service Aids OS/vS2 Service Aids E N OS/VS Service Aids Reference Summary E N **GX23-0002-0 OS/VS2 Service Aids Ref. Surrmary N SY28-0643-0 (ST68-0643-0) SY28-0643-1 ** (SQ6 8-0643-1) **SY28-0643- 2 N GC28-0638-0 (GT28-0638-0) GC28-0638-1 (GQ28-0638-1) N OS/VS2 Service Aids Logic E N N E OS/VS SYS.1 LOGREe Error Recording E GC28-0677-0 ** (GT28-0677-0) **GC28-0677-1 SY28-0639-0 SN27-1407 OS/VS LSS Corrmand Language Reference Summary E SY2 8 - 06 79 -0 SY28-0637-1 (SQ68-0637-1) E N E (GTOO-0137-0) GX28-0690-1 SY28-0641-0 (ST68-0641-0) OS/VS Lynarric Support System E OS/vS2 System Programming Library: SYS.1 LOGREC Error Reccrding N N OS/VS SYS.1 LCGREC Error Recording Logic N E E 57 VS2 RELEASE ORDER NO./TNL'S ~ 1.6&1.7 ~~ (SQ68-0639-1) SY28-0678-0 OS/VS2 SYS.1 LOGREC Error Recording Logic N ** (ST68-0678-0) **SY28-0678-1 N **GC28-0673-1 E OS/VS System Modification Program (SMP) GX28-0684-0 N E E E OS and OS/VS SMP Reference Summary **GY28-0685-1 N E E E OS/VS SMP Log ic N E N E DOS/VS and OS/VS TOLTEP GC28-0663-0 **GN28-2561 **GN28-2588 **SY28-0664-0 E N N E DOS/VS and CS/VS TOLTEP Logic N E OS/VS2 Remcte Terminals 38 Remote Job Entry GC38-0225-0 39 Time Sharing GC28-0644-0 N E CS/VS2 TSO Guide GC28-0646-0 (GT28-06 46-0) GN28-2537 GC28-0646-1 ** (GQ2 8-0646-1) GN28-2572 **GC28-0646-2 N E OS/VS2 TSO Command Language Reference C E GX28-0647-0 (GTOO-0136-0) GX28-06Ll7-1 ** GC38-0120-2 (G'I38-0120-2) GC38-0120-3 N E N GC38-0210-0 (GT3 8-0210 -0) GC38-0210-1 ** (GQ3 8-0210-1) GN28-2575 **GC38-0210-2 N operator's Library: CS/vS2 Display Consoles operator's Library: CS/vS2 Reference (JES2) operator's Library: Reference Summary CS/VS2 (JES2) Command Language E E E N E E N N N GX38-0227-0 N GC3 8-1 004-1 (GQ38-1004-1) GC38-1004-2 (GTOO-0133-0) **GC38-1004-4 . . (GTOO-0161-0) **GC38-1004-5 **GC38-1011-0 N GC38-1008-0 (GT3 8-1008 -0) GN28-2558 GC3 8-1 008-1 ** (GQ38-1008-1) GN28-2577 **GC38-1008-2 N GC38-1002-1 (GT3 8-1002-1) GC38-1002-2 ** (GQ38-1002-2) GN28-2574 * *GC3 8-1 002-3 OS/VS Conscle Configurations E N Gc38-0260-0 (GT3 8-0260 -0) GN27-1431 GC38-0260-1 Operator's Library: E E OS/VS Message Library: Routing and Descriptcr codes OS/VS Message Library: Services Messages OS/VS Message Library: Subsystem Support E N N E VS2 System Codes N N N N OS/VS Message Library: VS2 System Messages N N N N 59 ( NEW USER ).-------~~-~--. __________ ---, -------, VS Terminology I I I I I I IBM Data Processing Glossary I I GC20-1699 Data Processing Concepts Virtual Storage Conce ts I Introduction to Data Processing 1 Operating System Concepts IBM System/360 Operating System Introduction GC28-6534 I 0'1 o I I Introduction to Virtual Storage in System/370 GR20-4260 L_ I I ____ J • THEN SEE· Data Management Concepts Teleprocessing Concepts I ntroduction to Data Management Introduction to Data Communications Systems SC20-8096 L___ _ OS USER I I I GC20-1684 I I I I I I I I I ". SR2~461 PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTING A VS2 SYSTEM OPERATING A VS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING IN A VS2 SYSTEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION AIDS IN VS2 -----~ USING THE IBM 3600 FINANCE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM WITH YOUR VS2 SYSTEM MAINTAINING OR MODIFYING AVS2SYSTEM ----, I 0 tJ'.l "< tJ'.l tv ~ ning Information CP ~ ~ ~ w 9 ~ tv 0 ...., ~ ~ 0'1 ..... I I I I OS/VS2 Planning Guide for Release 2 GC28-0667 Evaluating a New VS2 Release Estimating VS2 Storage Requirements Generating a VS2 System OS/VS2 Release 3 Guide GC28-0700 OS/VS2 System Programming Library: Storage Estimates GC28-0604 OS/VS2 System Programming Library: System Generation Reference GC26-3792 • I I I L I I I I L • I I I I Introduction to OS/VS2 Release 2 GC28-0661 Modifying/l mplementing VS2 Facilities t I I I I I I Initializing and Tuning a VS2 System t OS/VS2 System Programming Library: Initialization and Tuning Guide GC2.8-0681 -- ~ - - ------, I , Overall VS2 Operating Information I If you have VTAM + Operator's Library: VTAM Network Operating Procedures GC27-6997 Console Configurations Operator's Library: OS/VS2 Reference (JES2) GC38-0210 I If you have a Display Console Operator's Library: OS/VS Console Configurations GC38-0120 Operator's Library: OS/VS2 Display Consoles GC38-0260 , , --. I I Operator's Library: OS/VS2 (JES2) Command Language Reference Summary GX38-0227 I If you have TCAM + Operator's Library: OS/VS2TCAM GC30-2046 If you have Remote Terminals or Workstations + Operator's Library: OS/VS2 Remote Terminals GC38-0225 '-------~- I I JI ----------, • Modifying/Implementing VS2 Facilities I Catalog Management System/Subsystem Data Management OS/VS2 Using OS Catalog Management with the Master Catalog: CVOL Processor OS/VS2 System Programming Library: Job Management GC28-0627 OSNS2 System Programming Library: Data Management GC26-3830 GC35-OO10 OS/VS2 System Programming Library: Supervisor OS/VS Tape Labels GC26-3795 GC28-0628 OS/VS TCAM Concepts and Facilities GC30-2042 OSNS VSAM Options for Advanced Applications SMF OS/VS System Management Facilities (SMF) GC26-3819 GC35-0004 DSS Introduction to VTAM GC27-6987 OS/VS Dynamic Support System GC28-0640 VTAM Concepts and Facilities GC27-6998 OS/VS Checkpoint/Restart GC26-3784 ... OSNS DSS Command Language Reference Summary GX28-0690 Checkpoint/Restart OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Planning Guide GC26-3799 L ____________ _ OS/VS Mass Storage System (MSS) Planning Guide GC35-0011 _..J •I ---, I I I I I I I I Control Program Services Job Management Services I Supervisor Services Data Management Services Support Programs OS/VS2 Supervisor Services.and ~.acc'ir InstructIons (A,(j GC28-0683 Z) Assembler Language GC334010 OS/VS -VM/370 Assembler Programmer's Guide GC33-4021 Linkage Editor and Loader OS/VS Linkage Editor and L~dy GC26-3813{,,*,~ Utilities ~ OS/VS Utilities GC35-0005(IU OS/VS2 Access Method Services GC26-3841 t I I I, I I OCR/MICR APPLICATIONS GRAPHICS APPLICATIONS TSO APPLICATIONS TP APPLICATIONS L ___________ _ I I I I ~ ------l Data Management Services Management and Services I VSAM Mass Storage System OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Programmer's Guide GC26-3838 OS/VS Mass Storage System (MSS) Services for Space Management GC35-0012 ~ OS/VS Data Management Services Guide GC26-3783 t OS/VS Data Management Macro Instructions GC26-3793 .~. OS/VS Mass Storage Control Table Create GC35-OO13 Miscellaneous Devices + OS/VS2 IBM 3540 Programmer's Reference GC24-5111 OS Programming Support for IBM 3505 Card Reader and IBM 3525 Card Punch GC21-5097 IBM 3705 Communication Controller Network Control Generation and Utilities Guide and Reference Manual GC30-3000 I ntroduction to the IBM 3270 Information Display System GA27-2739 I L --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Introduction to Programming the 3270, GC27-6999 ----~ --, 0 CIl I <: CIl N :::0 I I I ~ (ll ~ (ll w 9 $l) :l 0\ 0 ...., ..... ~ I I I I 1419/1275 1285/1287/1288 OS Data Management Services and Macro f nstructions for IBM 1419/1275 GC21-5006 OS Data Management Services and Macro Instructions for IBM 1285/1287/1288 GC21-5004 L I I I I I I 3890 ~ IBM 3890 Document Processor, Machine and Programming Description GA24-3612 OS/VS IBM 3886 Optical Character Reader Model 1 Reference GC24-5101 ----, -------------, 2250 OS/VS Graphics Programming Services (GPS) for IBM 2250 Display Unit GC27-6971 2260 ! OS/VS Graphic Programming Services (GPS) for IBM 2260 Display Station (Local Attachment) GC27-6972 r OS/VS Graphic Subroutine Package (GSP) for FORTRAN IV, COBOL, and PUI GC27-6973 I II II II II I I J I L __ - - - - - - - - - JI I: I I I Using the TSO Command Language ! OS/VS2 System Programming Library: TSO GC28-0629 I ~ OS/VS2 TSO Command Language Reference GC28-0646 ~ OS/VS2 TSO Command Language Reference Summary GX28-0647 L __ _ UsingTSO Terminals OS/VS2 TSO Terminal User's Guide GC28-0645 OS/MVT and OS/VS2 TSO Terminals GC28-6762 Writing a TMP or CP OS/VS2 TSO Guide To Writing a Terminal Monitor Program or a Command Processor GC28-0648 I I I I I I I I I J -- -- ---- -- - - - - - , Subsystem Support TCAM BTAM ! I OS/VSTCAM User's Guide GC30-2045 I SSSUser's Gu ide, GC 30-3022 I IBM 3735 Programmer's Guide (OS, DOS, and VS Systems) GC3O-3001 IBM 3704/3705 Communications Controllers NCP/VS Generation and Utilities Guide and Reference Manual, (TCAM Users), GC3O-3007 ! OS/VS2 System . Programming Library: VTAM GC28-0688 DOSI VSand OS/VS· OS/VS2TCAM Programmer's Guide GC3O-2041 OS/VS BTAM GC27-6980 VTAM Se rvt·ces I VTAM Macro Language Reference GC27-6995 I I VTAM Macro Language Guide GC27-6994 IBM 3704/3705 Communications Controllers NCP/VS Generation and Utilities Guide and Reference Manual (VTAM Users) GC30-3008 L ______________________ ~ Messages and Codes , I I I System Messages System Codes _t OS/VS Message Library: VS2 System Messages GC38-1002 OS/VS Message Library: VS2 System Codes GC38-1008 I I I I I I I I I Subsystem Support Services Service Aids and OlTEP Messages Utilities Messages Linkage Editor and loader Messages Graphics Routing and Descriptor Codes OS/VS Message Library: Utilities Messages GC38-1005 OS/VS Message library: Linkage Editor and loader Messages GC38-1007 Messages t OS/VS Message Library: Subsystem Support Services Messages GC38-1011 OS/VS Problem Determination A ids and Messages and Codes for GPS and GSP GC27-6974 ,~ OS/VS Message library: Service Aids and OlTEP Messages GC38-1006 I Mass Storage System Messages OS/VS Message Library: Mass Sto rage System Messages GC38-1 000 , OS/VS Message Library: Routing and Descriptor Codes GC38-1004 T RAS Tools I I I Using Service Aids Using TOlTEP Debugging Techniques and Reading Dumps OSNS2 System Programming Library: Service Aids GC28-0674 DOS/VS and OS/VS TOlTEP for VT AM GC28-0663 OS/VS2 System Programming Library: Debugging Handbook GC28-0632 L=_.__ OS/VS Service Aids Reference Summary + I I USing OlTEP Using SYS1.l0GREC ~ OS/VS2 System Programming LIbrary: OlTEP GC28-0675 OS/VS2 System Programming Library: SYS1.l0GREC Error Recording GC28-0677 I UsingSMP OS/VS System Modification Program (SMP) GC28-0673 OS SMP Reference Summary GX28-0684 ------------.------~ IBM 3600 Planning for fd Installing Operating Management Planning Guide GA27-2765 The Programming Installation Guide for the 3600 Finance Communication System GC27-0009 Host Service Programs l Introducing the IBM 3600 Finance Communication System GA27-2764 System Summary GC27-OOO1 Programming Programmer's Guide and Component Descriptions GC27-0004 Operating Guide for the IBM 3600 Finance Communication System GA27-2776 + Programmer's Reference 0 igest GX27-0007 1 Host Service Programs Reference GC27-OOO5 I nstructions and Macro Reference GC27-0003 3614 Programmer's Guide, GC27-OO10 Installation Manual Physical Planning GA27-2766 IBM 3600 Finance Communication System Configurator GA27-2762 L __ _ -~ ------, Syste m Data Areas r OS/VS2 Data Areas SYB8-060() I Subsystem I Access Methods II I I I I System Initialization 1 1 OS/VS2 J ES2 Logic SY28-0622 OS/VS2 System Initialization Logic SY28-0623 I/O Supervisor Open/Close/EOV OS/VS2 I/O Supervisor Logic SY26-3823 OS/VS2 Open/ Close/EOV Logic SY26-3827 Scheduler /Su pervisor SY26-3832 t ~~ OS/VS2 BDAM Logic SY26-3831 Miscellaneous Devices 1 OS/VS2 Logic for the IBM 3540 Diskette Input/Output Unit SY24-5167 I-----I I I I L ___ _ OS/VS2 VSAM Logic SY26-3825 OS/VS2 VSAM Cross Reference, SYB6-3842 + OS/VS2 Checkpoint/ Restart Logic SY26-3820 , DADSM Catalog Management OS/VS2 DADSM Logic SY26-3828 OS/VS2 Catalog Management Logic SY26-3826 Mass Storage System OS/VS2 ISAM Logic SY26-3833 t OS/VS2 Mass Storage System Communicator Logic SY35-0013 OS/VS Mass Storage System (MSS) Services Logic SY35-0015 OS/VS Mass Storage Control Table Create Logic SY35-001fj OS/VS Mass Storage Control Trace Reports Logic SY35-OO14 i Checkpoint/Restart OS/VS2 Scheduler and Supervisor Logic SY28-0624, 25, 26 1 OS/VS2 SAM Logic I OS/VS2CVOL Processor Logic SY35-OO11 OS/VS2 Catalog Management Cross Reference, SYB6-3843 VIO Auxiliary Storage Management I • I I ---1 OS/VS2 Auxiliary Storage Management Logic, SY35-0009 OCR/MICR J OS/VS2 VIO Logic SY26-3834 I OS BSAM Logic for IBM 141911275 GY21-OO12 OS Data Management Macro Logic for IBM 1285/1287/1288 GY21-OO13 OS/VS IBM 3886 Optical Character Reader Model 1 Logic SY24-5162 OS/VS Logic for the IBM 3890 Doc. Processor SY24-5163 I I I I I I I I I I ------~ ~-- I I I I I I I I BTAM TCAM OS/VS BTAM Logic SY27-7246 OS/VS2 TCAM Logic SY30-2040 DOS/VS and OS/VS SSS Logie, SY3O-30 17 I L __ ! + I OSIVS2 VTAM Data Areas SY27-7250 I VTAM IBM 3704/3705 I ntroduction to VTAM Logic SY27-7256 IBM 3704/3705 Communications Controllers NCP/VS Program Logic Manual, GC30-3013 ~ I + IBM 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal Reference GY30-3000 -- I I I Subsystem Support Services I I -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- --- -- ~ OS/VS2 VTAM Logic SY28-0621 I I I I I I ~ I TOLTEP I I I t I DSS RMS + DOS/VS and OS/VS TOLTEP Logic SY28-0664 1 I Service Aids Manage men t Support Logic SY27-7250 Support System Logic SY28-0679 I I SMP , OS/VS2 Service L_ 1 I I I GAM 1, I GPOR GSP OS/VS Graphics Problem Oriented Routines LogiC SY27-7241 OS/VS Graphic Sub- ~ I I L_ OS/VS2 GraphiCS Access Method Logic SY27-7260 routine Package (GSP) for FORTRAN IV, COBOL, and PL/1 Logic ~-7~ __ - I _ _ _ -.J I I II I :.1 I T I I I I L Terminal Messages ~ OS/VS2 TSO Terminal OS/VS2 TSO Terminal Messages Directory SY28-0654 Command Processors TMP and Service Routines i Monitor Program and Service Routines Logic SY28-0650 I I SYS1.LOGREC Error Recording Logic SY28-0678 ---------l I I + OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OLTEP Logic SY28-0676 Aids Logic SY28-0643 I I SYS1.LOGREC Error Recording OLTEP OS IVS System M odification Program (S MP) Logic SY 28-0685 OS/VS2 Re covery OS/VS2 Dynamic -------, t I t OS/VS2 TSO Command Processor OS/VS2 TSO Command Processor Logic Volume I - ACCOUNT SY28-0651 Logic Volume II - EDIT SY33-8548 OS/VS2 TSO Command Processor OS/VS2 TSO Command Processor Logic Volume' II - TEST SY35-0004 Logic Volume IV I I I I _~ ____ S_Y_28:-06::5:2_________::::_~::::_~ -------------------l I I I I I I I I I I I I I Assembler Linkage Edit~r and Loader Utilities IBM 3600 Finance Communication System I OS/VS - VM/370 Assembler Logic OS/VS Linkage Editor Logic SY26-3815 J Host Service Programs Logic. SY27-7261 I OS/VS Utilities Logic SY35-0005 OS/VS Loader Logic SY26-3814 OSIVS2 Access Method Services Logic SY 35-00 10 SY3~041 L_ I I I ----.--------------~ ~OS/VS2 MICROFICHE ORDER NUMBER RELEASE h.Q 5JD2-0001-0 ~ ~!KLE £:..Q PROGRAM NUMBER bQ N REF. LIST 5JD2-4200- 0 SNCl-4200** 5NC1- 4202** N 5JfJ2 -4~ 01- 0 5NC2- 4201** N E N SYSTEMS CROSS REFERENCE 51D2-4230-0 N E JES 2 5752-SC1-BH SYSOUT 5742-SC1-B2 EXTERNAL WRITER 5752-SC1-B2 SYSRESTART 5742-SC1-B3 SCHED RESTART 5752-SC1-B3 ALLOCATION 5742-SC1-B4 ALLOC/UNALLOCATE 5752-SC1-B4 Q MANAGER 5742-SC1-B5 SWA MANAGER 5752-SC1-B5 INITIATOR 5742-SC1-B6 E TOOLS LIST N N 5JD2-0790-0 S5CO-5792 5J02-4240-0 5L'ICl-4240** N E N 5JD2-0330- 0 55CO-5332 5J D2-4250- 0 5NCl-4250 5NCl-4251** SNCl-4252** N SJD2-0350-0 55CO-5352 SSCO-53J3 SJ02-4260-0 SNCl-4260 SNCl-4261** SNCl-4262** N SJ D2-03 60- 0 5sCO-5360 s5CO-5362 5JlJ2-4270-0 SNCl-4270 N 5JD2-0370-0 SSCO-5372 SSCO-5373 SJD2-4280-0 SNCl-4280** N 5JD2-0380-0 SSCO-5382 N E N TERMINATION 5742-SC1-B7 SJD2-0390-0 SSCO-5392 SJD2 -43 00-0 SNCl-4300 SNCl-43 01 ** SNCl-4302** N E N COMMANDS 5742-SC1-B8 MSTR SCHLDR CMOS 5752-SC1-B8 SJD2-0400-0 SSCO-5402 SSCO-5403 5JD2-4310-0 SNC1- 4310 SL'ICl-4311** N READ/INTERPRET 5742-SC1-B9 CONVT/INTERPRETER 5752-SC1-B9 5JD2-0710- 0 SSCO-5712 5JD2-432 0- 0 SNCl-4320** SNCl-4321** N DASD ERP 5742-SC1-CA SJ D2-0720- 0 5SCO-5722 SJ02-4330-0 SNCl-4330 SNC1- 4331** N 5J 02-0040-0 SSCO-5041 N N E N E N N N E 1:. N N E N N N N E 1:. N N E N N N N E E E N N N 5752-SC1-B6 E N N N E E N N E N N N N E E N E N N 5752-SC1-CA E N N UNIT RECORD ERP E N N E N E 5742-SC1-CB 5752-SC1-CB N .t; TAPE ERP/VES N 73 5742-5Cl-CC Q!3J~ER RELEASE NUMBER b.Q. 1::2. b.Q SJ02-4340-0 SNCl-4340** PROGRAM NUMBER TITLE N l.:.Q. 5752-SC1-CC E N SJD2 -042 0-0 SSCO-5422 SJ02-4350-0 SNCl-4350 SNCl-4351** N SJ02-0270-0 SSCO-5272 SSCO-5 27 3 SJ02-4360-0 SNCl-4360 SNCl-4361** SNCl-4362** N SJD2-0530-0 SJD2-4370-0 SNCl-4370** N E N N N E E N E N N N N E E N N N E E OBRISDR/EREP 5742-SC1-CD OBR! EREP IRDE 5752-SC1-CD RMS 5742-SC1-CE 5752-SC1-CE EXTEND SVC ROOTER 5742-SCl-CF 5752-SC1-CF SVC 109 5752-SC1-CG VIRT STORAGE MAN 5752-SC1-CH CONTENTS SUPERVSR 5752-SC1-CJ N SJD2-4380-0 SNCl-4380** N SJD2-4390-0 SNCl-4390" N SJD2-4400-0 SNCl-4400 SNCl-4401** SNCl-4402** N N SJ02-4410-0 Sl'iCl-441 0** SNCl-4411** N E N N COMMUNICAT TASK 5752-SC1-CK SJD2-4420-0 SNCl-4420 SNCl-4421** SNCl-4422** N N E TASK MAN 5752-SC1-CL SJ02-4430-0 Sl~Cl-443 0** SNC1- 4431** N RECOVERY TERMIN 5752-SC1-CM EXT PREC 5742-SC1-CP 5752-SC1-CP SJ02-0140-:0 SJD2-4440-0 E N E N E h N N E N N E N N N E FLOAT PT S1M N E SJD2-4450-0 SNCl-4450 SNCl-4451** N N E E N MF/1 5752-SC1-CQ SJD2-4460-0 SNCl-4460 SNCl-4461** SNCl-4462** N N E E N N REAL STORAGE MAN 5752-SC1-CR SJD2-4470-0 SNCl-4470** N E N REG CONTROL TASK 5752-SC1-CU SJD2-4480-0 SNCl-4480 SNCl-4481** SNCl-4482** N N E TIMER SUPERVISION 5752-SC1-CV SJD2-4490-0 SNC1.j4490 SL~Cl-44 91 ** SNCl-4492** N N AUX STORAGE MAN 5752-SCl-CW SJD2-4500-0 N SYS RESRC MGR 5752-SC1-CX E N l~ E E N N E 74 ORDER NUr-JBER RELEASE h.Q ~ hQ SNCl-4500** y'rLE PROGRAM NUMBER 1& N SJD2-4510-0 N E RADIX PART TREE S 5752-SC1-CY SJD2-4520-0 SNCl-4520** SNCl-4521** N E N N MP RECONFIG 5752-SC1-CZ E N IPL 5742-SCl-Cl OVERLAY SUPER 5742-SC1-C2 SJD2-0250-0 SNCl-4520** N E SJD2-0640-0 SSCO-5642 SJD2 -4540-0 SNCl-4540** N E SJD2-0700- 0 SSCO-5702 SJD2-4550- 0 SNCl-4550 SNCl-4551** SNCl-4552 ** N SJD2-0300-0 SSCO-5302 SSCO-5303 SJ D2-4560-0 SNCl-4560 SNCl-4561** N SJ02-0260-0 SSCO-5262 SSCO-5263 SJD2-4570- 0 SNC1-'4570 SNCl-4571** SNCl-4572** N N N 5752-SC1-C2 E N E N lOS N N 5752-SC1-C3 E E N N DIDOCS E N N N N 5742-SC1-C3 5742-SC1-C4 5752-SC1-C4 E E N E N N SUPERVISOR 5742-SC1-C5 N N E E N N SUPERVIROS CONTROL 5752-SC1-C5 N E N EXCP 5752-SC1-C6 FETCH N E N 5742-SC1-C7 5752-SC1-C7 SJD2-4600-0 SNCl-4600** N E N NIP 5752-SCl-C8 SJD2 -4 61 0-0 SNCl-4610** N E N IPL 5752-SC1-C9 SJD2-4620-0 SNCl-4620** SNCl-4621** N E N N BLOCK PROCESSOR 5752-SC1-DA SJD2 -463 0-0 SNCl-4630 SNCl-4631** N N E SAM SUB SYS INTER 5752-SCl-DB PASSWORD PROTECT 5742-SC1-DC 5752-SC1-DC 3505/3525 3505/3525 RDR/PCH 5742-SC1-DD 5752-SC1-DD VSAM/VSAM CATALOG 5752-SC1-DE SJD2-4580-0 SNCl-4580** SJD2-0650-0 SJD2-4590- 0 SNCl-4590** N E N SJD2-0110-0 SJ02-4640-0 SNCl-4640 SNCl-4641** SNCl-4642 ** N SJD2-0590-0 SJD2-4650-0 SNCl-4650** N SJD2-4660-0 SNCl-4660 SNCl-4661** SNCl-4 66 2 ** E E N N E E N N E N E N N N E E N N 75 RELEASE ORDER NUMBER PROGRAM NUMBER 3890 DOC Process 5152-SC1-DF hQ ~ SJ 02-4610- 0 SNCl-4670 SNCl-4611** N N E SJD2 -4680-0 SNCl-4680** N E N IIBP 5152-SC1-DG SJD2-4690-0 SNCl-4690** SNC1- 4691** N E N N DATA CONTROLLER 3 5152-SC1-DH SJ02 -4100-0 N E WINDOW INl'ERCEPT 5152-SC1-DJ SJ02 -411 0-0 3NCl-4710** SNCl-4 711 ** N E N N ACCESS METHOD SER 5152-SC1-DK SJD2-4720-0 SNCl-4720 SNCl-4721** N N E 3886 OCR 5152-SC1-DL SAM 5142-SC1-DO ~ ~ TI!:LE E N E N SJD2-0660- 0 SsCO-5662 SJD2-4130-0 SNCl-4730** SNCl-4731** N SJ02-0830-0 SSCO-5832 SJ02-4 74 0-0 SNCl-4740 SNCl-4741** SNCl-4742*· N SJ02-0610- 0 SSCO-5672 SJD2-4750-0 SNCl-4 75 0** N SJD:O::-0080- 0 SSCO-5082 N E N CATALOG 5142-SC1-D3 SJD2-0840-0 SSCO-5842 SJD2 -4710-0 SNCl-4170 SNCl-4771·* SN C1- 4172 * * N E N O~DSM 5142-SC1-D4 SJ 02 -0600-0 SSCO-5602 SJD2 -4780-0 SNCl-4180** N SJO:O:-0680- 0 SSCO-5682 SJD2-4190-0 SNCl-4790** SNC1- 4191** N SJ02 -0690-0 SSCO-5692 SSCO-5693 SJD2 -4800- 0 SNCl-4800*· SNCl-4801*· N SJD2-0810- 0 SSCO-5812 SJ02-4810- 0 SNCl-4810*· SNCl-4811** N E N N 5152-SC1-DO E N N E OPEN/CLOSE 5142-SC1-Dl OPEN/CLOSE/EOII 5152-SC1-D1 PAM 5142-SC1-D2 N N N E E N N E N 5152-SC1-D2 N N N N 5152-SC1-D4 E E N N OCR E 5142-SC1-D5 N N 5152-SC1-D5 E N MICR E 5142-SC1-D6 N N 5152-SC1-D6 E N N DAM E 5142-SC1-D1 N N N 5152-SC1-D7 E N N ISAM E N N 5142-SC1-D8 5152-SC1-D8 E N N 76 ORDER NUMBER RELEASE hQ. h§. SJD2-0290-0 SSCO-5292 SJD2 -4820- 0 SNC1-4820 SNC1-4821** SNC1-4822** N E N SJD2 -0750-0 SSCO-5752 SJiJ2-4830-0 SNC1- 4830** N SJ OL-0760- 0 SSCO-5722 SJD2-4840- 0 SNCl-4 84 0** SNC1-4841** N SJ02 -0800-0 SSCO-5802 SJD2 -4 850-0 N SJD2-0240-0 SSCO-5242 SJD2 -4 860-0 SNCl-4860 5NC1-4861** SNC1- 4862** N SJD2-0130-0 S5CO-5132 SJD2 -4 870 SNCl-4870 SNC1-4871** SNC1-4 872 ** N SJD2-0120- 0 SSCO-5122 SJD2-4880- 0 SNC1-4880** SNCl-4881** N SJ02-0740-0 SSCO-5742 SJD2 -4 890-0 SNC1-4890** SNC1-4891** N SJD2 -041 0-0 SSCO-5412 SscO-5413 SJD2-4900- 0 SNC1-4900 SNC1-4901** SNC1-4 902 ** N SJD2-0850-0 SJ02-4910-0 SNC1-49:t.0** SNC1-4911** N SJD2-0320-0 SSCO-5321 SSCO-5323 N 5JD2-0730-0 SSCO-5732 SJD2-4920- 0 SNC1-4 920** SNC1-4921** N SJD2-0100- 0 N SJD2 -0200-0 N TITLE PROGRAM NUMBER GA.M 5742-SC1-GO b& .h.Q. N N 5752-SC1-GO E E; N N IBCDMPRS E N N 5742-SCl-IO 5752-SC1-IO E N IBCDASDI E 57 42-SC1- 11 N N 57 52-SC1- 11 E N N ICAPRTBL E N N 5752-SC1-I2 E E N TSO EDIT N N TSO TEST N N 5742-SC1-TO 5752-SC1-TO E E N N E N 5742-SC1-I2 5742-SC1-T1 5752-SC1-T1 E N N TSO UTILITIES E N N N 57 52-SC1-T 2 E N N E N E 5742-SC1-T2 TSO MANAG 5742-SC1-T3 TSO TIOC 5752-SC1-T3 TSO SCHEDULER 5742-SC1-T4 N N E N N N N 5752-SC1-T4 E l:; N N LINK LOADGO PROMP 5742-SC1-T5 5752-SC1-T5 E N N TSO SUPERVISOR 5742-SC1-T7 i. TSO SUB TCAM 5742-SC1-T8 TSO TeAM SUBRTN 5752-SC1-T8 E TSO TRACE 5742-SC1-T9 E IEBPTPCH 5742-SC1-UA E N .E; N N N N E N N 77 RELEASE ORDER NUMBER b..Q PROGRAM NUMBER hQ hQ N SSCO-5202 S.1D2-493 0- 0 N SJD2-0160- 0 SSCO-5162 S.102-4940-0 SNCl-4940 SNCl-4941** SNCl-4942** N S.1D2 -002 0-0 SJ02-4950-0 SNCl-4950** N S.102-0030-0 SJ02-4960- 0 N SJD2-0780-0 S.1l..I2-4970-0 SNCl-4970** 8NCl-4971** N 8J 02-0580- 0 S.1D2-4980-0 N 8')D2-0220-0 SSCO-5322 S.1D2-4990-0 N SJD2-0230-0 SSCO-5232 8J02-5000-0 N 8Ju2-0210-0 S8CO-5212 8JD2 -5010-0 SNCl-5010** N SJD2-50~0- ~ TI!LE 5752-SC1-UA E IEHMOVE E N N N 5752-SC1-UC E; E N N E N E N N E N E N N N E E E E E N N IEHINITT 5742-SC1-UO 5752-SC1-UD IEHSTATR 5742 -SC1-UE 5752-SC1-UF IEHATLAS 5742-SC1-UF 5752-SC1-UF IEBTCRIN 5742-SC1-UG 5752-SC1-UG IEBISAM 5742-SCl-UH 5752-SC1-UH E; E N IEBDG N 5742-SC1-UC 5752-SC1-UJ E IEBCOMPR E 5742-SC1-UJ 5742-SC1-UK N N 5752-SC1-UK E; N 0 N S102-0770-0 SSCO-5772 SJD2-5030- 0 SNCl-5030 SNC1- 5031** SNCl-5032** N S.1D~-0060-0 N E N N N SSCO-5062 S.102-5040-0 8NCl-5040** E IEHUCAT 5752-SC1-UO IEHDASDR 5742-SC1-UO 5752-SC1-UO E E N N IEHLIST E N N 5742-SC1-U2 5752-SC1-U2 E; N SJD2 -0070-0 SSCO-5072 S.1D2 -5050-0 SNCl-5050** SNCl-5051** N S.1D2-0170-0 SSCO-5172 S.102-5060 SNCl-5060 SNCl-5061** N SJD2- 0180- 0 SSCO-5182 SJD2-5070- 0 N SJu2-0190-0 SSCO-5192 N IEHPROGM E N N 5742-SC1-U3 5752-SC1-U3 E N N IEBCOPY E N N N 5752-SC1-U6 E N IEBGENER E N N E 5742-SC1-U6 5742-SC1-U7 5752-SC1-U7 l. IEBUPDTE N 78 5742-SC1-U8 OROER NUMBER RELEASE b..Q. h.§. SJ02-5080-0 SNCl-5080 SNCl-5081** SJ02-0050-0 SJD2-5090-0 SNCl-5090 SNC1- 5091 ** hQ hQ N N E PROGRAM NUMBER 5752-SC1-U8 I; N N E N N SJD2-5110-0 SNCl-5110 SNCl-5111** SJiJ~-0090- TITLE N N 0 SSCO-5092 SJD2-5120-0 SNCl-5120 SNCl-5121** N SJD2-0540-0 SSCO-5542 SJ02-5130-0 SNCl-5130** N SJD2-0010-0 SJD2-514 0- 0 SNCl-5140** N SJD2 -0890-0 SSCO-5892 SJD2-5150-0 SNCl-5150** N SJD:i-0860-0 SSCO-5862 SSCO-5863 SJD2-5160-0 SNCl-5160** SNCl-5161** N SJD2 -0870-0 SSCO-5872 SJD2-5170-0 SNCl-5170** N SJD2-0550- 0 SSCO-5552 SSCO-5553 SJD2-5180-0 SNCl-5180 SNCl-5181** N SJD2-0280-0 SSCO-5282 SJD2-5190-0 N SJD2 -0820- 0 SSCO-5822 SJD2 -52 00- 0 SNCl-5200** SNCl-5201** N SJD2-0310-0 SSCO-5312 N 5742-SC1-U9 5752-SC1-U9 POWER WARN FEATURE 5752-SC1-OE SMF SCHEDULER 5742-SC1-00 E N E E N E N N N IEBEDIT E 5752-SC1-00 E E N MAPPING MACROS E N N E N N l!. E 5742-SC1-01 5752-SC1-01 SMF 5742-SC1-02 5752-SC1-02 ASSEMBLER XF 5742-SC1-03 N E N N 5752-SC1-03 E N LINKAGE EDITOR E N N N 5752-SC1-04 E N N LOADER E N N OLTEP N N 5742-SC1-05 5752-SC1-05 N N E N N 5742-SC1-04 5742-SC1-06 5752-SC1-06 E E N GSP E N N caK PT/RESTART N E N 5752-SC1-07 N E N 5742-SC1-07 5742-SC1-09 5752-SC1-09 E N N DSS 79 5742-SC1-10 TIr LE RELEASE ORDER NUMBER .h.Q ~ hQ hQ N N E N SSCO-5313 SJ02-5210-0 SNCl-5210 SNCl-5211** 5752-SC1-10 E N SJ02-0430-0 SSCO-5432 SSCO-5433 SJ02-5220-0 SNCl-5220 SNCl-5221** SNCl-5222 ** N SJD2-0440-0 SSCO-5442 SSCO-5443 SJ02-5230-0 SNCl-5230** N SJ02-0450-0 SSCO-5452 SSCO-5453 SJ02-5240-0 SNCl-5240 SNCl-5241** N SJD2-0880-0 SSCO-5882-0 SJ02-5250-0 SNCl-5250** N SJ02-0460-0 SSCO- 5460 SJ02-5260-0 SNCl-5260 SNCl-5261** N SJiJ2 -04 70-0 SSCO-5472 SJD2 -52 70-0 N SJD2-0480-0 SSCO-5480 SSCO-5482 SJ02-5280-0 N GTF E N N N N 5742-SC1-ll 5752-SC1-ll E E N N AMASPZAP E N N N AMOPROMP N N 5742-SCl-12 5752-SCl-12 E N E N N 5742-SCl-13 5752-SCl-13 E E N AMBLIST E N N 5742-SCl-14 5752-SCl-14 E N M1DSAOMP E N N N 5752-SCl-15 A.Io1APTFLE AMOPROMP/EOIT E N N SNCl-52 81 ** SJD2 -0560-0 SSCo- 5562 SSCO-5563 SJ02-5290 SNCl-5290 SNCl-5291** SNCl-5292** N SJ02 -0570-0 SSCO-5572 SSCO-5573 S.102-53 00-0 SNCl-5300 SNCl-5301** SNCl-5302** N SJD2 -04 90-0 N BrAM 5742-SCl-20 5752-SCl-20 E E N N TCAM E N N N E N E N N E N 5742-SCl-18 5752-SCl-18 N E N E N N N N 5742-SCl-16 5752-SC1-16 N N N 5742-SCl-15 N N E N SNCl-5~80 S.1D2-5320-0 SNCl-5320** PROGRAM NUMBER E N 5742-SCl-21 5752-SCl-21 3735 UTILITY 5742-SCl-22 VTAM 5752-SCl-23 80 ORDER NUMBER RELEASE !..:..Q. !.:.§. h.Q. SNCl-5321** TITLE PROGRAM NUMBER SMP 5752-SCl-30 DATA AREAS 5752 l.:.Q N SJ02-5330-0 SNCl-5330 SNCl-5331** SNCl-5332** N N SYB8-0606-1 (STB8-0606-1) ** SYB8-0606-2 ** N B E N N N SJB6-6000** N ENHANCED VSAM ICR 5752 SJ02-5360-0** N ERIC 2 5752-SC1-DN S,]02-5370-0** SNCl-5370** N N SUBSYS COMMUNICAT 5752-SC1-DP SJD2-5380-0** SNCl-5380** N N VVIC 5752-SC1-DR SJD2-5390-0** SNCl-5390** N N S[JBSYS DATA ANAL 5752-SC1-DS SJ D2- 54 00- 0** N SS/l TRACE REPORT 5752-SC1-DT SJD2 -541 0-0** SNCl-5410** N N SS/l UTILITIES 5752-SC1-DU SJD2 -542 0-0** SNC1- 5420** N N TOLTEP 5752-SCl-OC SJD2 -5430-0** SNCl-5430** N N 3600 HOST SUPPORT 57 52-SCl-2 4 SJD2 -544 0-0** SNCl-5440** N N DS MTC 5752-SC1-DQ SJD2-5450-0** SNCl-5450** N N HOST SUPPORT SSS 5752-SC1-SS SJD2-5460-0** SNCl-5460** N N DSM ERP 5752-SC1-CI 81 ~DOS/VS (20-40) *********************************************************************.*************.**********.****** * The presence of an N, E, or C shows that the related item applies to the release(s) specified. * * N: New for this release. * * E: Existing book, initially issued for other than this release; * • also applies to this release. • • C: Issued for a component release that can be added to this release. • •• INDEP - Release-Independent. .* - Change or addition. # - Reprint including TNLs ( no change). •* •* GT, GQ, ST, SQ order numbers (appearing in parentheses) are temporary order numbers for back* level release publications. Be sure to use the temporary number when ordering. ** * * * **.**** ••• ***.*****************.********************** ••••• *.******* •• *.*** •• ************************ DOS/VS RELEASE ORDER NO./TNL'S 08 DISKETTE PUBLICATION GC21-5072-2 N E E E DOS/VS System Information for IBM 3540 Diskette Input/Output Unit 20 GENERAL INFORMATION GC33-5370-1 (GT33-5370-1 ) GC33-5370-2 ** (GQ33-53 70-2) GN33-8769 GN33-8777 **GC33-5370-3 Introduction to DOS/VS N N E N E N N GC20-1756-0 INDEP DOS/VS Features SY33- 8571-0 (ST73-8571-0) SY33-8571-1 (SQ7 3- 8571-1) SY33-8571-2 **SN33-8797 N DOS/VS Handbook N **SY33-8572-0 N N E E N E DOS/VS Handbook For POWER/VS and VTAM 21 ASSEMBLER GC33-4010-1 (GT33-4010-1) GN33-8166 GC33-4010-4# OS/VS, DOS/vS and VM/370 Assembler Language N N N GC33-4024-0 (GT33-4024-0) GC33-4024-2# N SY33-8567-0 SN33-8165 SN33-8169 SN33-8178 N N E E Guide to the DOS/vS Assembler N E E E E E E E E E E E N N DOS/VS Assembler PLM 30 ACCESS METHODS, DATA MANAGEMENT, STORAGE/COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL PROGRAMS N **GC33-5405-0 GC33-5372-1 (GT3 3- 53 72 -1 ) GC33-5372-2 ** (GTOO-0169-0) GN33-9160 GN33-9170 GN33-9175 **GC33-5372-3 N GC33-5375-0 (GT33-5375-0) GC33-5375-1 *·GN33-8781 N DOS/VS VSAM Planning Guide DOS/VS Data Management Guide N E N N N N DOS/VS DASD Labels N E E N 83 DOS/VS RELEASE ORDER NO. /TNL ' S 28 29 30 31 !ITLE GC33-5314-0 **GN33-8114 N E E E N DOS/VS Tape Labels SY33-8559-0 (ST13- 8559-0) SY33-8559-1 SN33-8116 **SN33-8198 N SY33-8560-0 (ST13- 8560-0) SY33-8560-1 (SQ13-8560-1) SY33-8560-2 **SN33-8188 N SY33-8561-0 (ST13-8561-0) SN33-8156 SY33-8561-1 **SN33-8189 N SY33-8562-0 (ST13-8562-0) SY33-8562-1 ** (SQ13-8562-1) SN26-0112 SN33-9163 **SY33-8562-2 N GC33-5313-1 (GT3 3- 5313 -1 ) GC33-5313-2 **(GQ33-5313-2) GN33-9155 GN33-9159 GN33-9111 **GC33-5313-3 **GN33-9118 N DOS/VS LIOCS Vol. 1, General Information & Imperative Macros Logic N E N E E N DOS/VS LIOCS Vol. 2, SAM Logic N N E N DOS/VS LIOCS Vol. 3, DAM and ISAM Logic N N N E N DOS/VS LIOCS Vol. 4, VSAM Logic N E N E N N DOS/VS Supervisor and I/O Macros N E N E N N N N GC21-6989-2# N E E E DOS/VS BTAM SY21-1251-0 **GN21-1462 N E E N E E DOS/VS BTAM Logic GC21-6986-0 N E E E DOS/VS QTAM Message COntrol Program GC21-6985-0 N E E E DOS/VS QTAM Message Processin g Programming Services SY21-1249-0 N E E E DOS/VS QTAM Logic **GC21-6998-1 **SY21-1265-0 N N N Introduction to VTAM (Virtual Telecommunications Access Method) VTAM Concepts and Facilities DOS/VS VTAM Data Areas SY21-1263-0 SN27-1453 **SN21-1415 N N N E VTAM Data Areas GC21-6994-0 **GN27-1469 **GN21-1481 N E **GC21-6995-2 N N VTAM Macro Language Reference GC21-6991-1 **GN21-1484 N E N VTAM Network Operating Procedures **GC21-6951-1 N E DOS/VS VTAM System Programmer's Guide SY21-1262-0 **SN21-1410 N N E E DOS/VS VTAM Logic **SY21-1256-1 N N Introduction to VTAM Logic **GC21-6981-3 INDEP E E VTAM Macro Language Guide N N 84 DOS/VS RELEASE ORDER NO./TNL'S 28 GC33-5382-0 (GT33-5382-0) GN33-0010 GC33-5382-2# ** (GQ33-5382-2) GN26-0778 **GC33-5382-3 N SY33-8564-1 ** (ST7 3-8564-1) **SY33-8564-2 N DOS/VS utilities Access Method Services N N E N E N E DOS/VS Utilities Access Method Services Logic E N INDEP Introduction to Programming the 3270 GC30-3002-5 GN30-3023 INDEP 3704/3705 Emulation, Generation , Utilities Guide and Reference GC30-3003-1 INDEP 3704/3705 Communications Controllers Assembler Language **GC30-3008-1 INDEP 3704/3705 NCP/vS Generation & Utilities (v.3) Guide & Reference for OS/VS & DOS/VS VTAM Users GC30-3006-2 INDEP 3704/3705 NCP Storage and Performance Estimates for OS/TCAM, OS/VS TCAM, and OS/VS, DOS/VS VTAM Users **SY30-3013-0 **SN30-2583 **SN30-2584 INDEP 3704/3705 Network Control Program/vTAM Logic GY30- 30 12-1 GN30-3027 **GN30-2587 INDEP 3704/3705 Program Reference Handbook GC30-3001-4 INDEP 3735 Programmer's Guide (OS, DOS and VS Systems) GY30-3000-0 GY30-3500 GY30-3501 GY30-3504 INDEP 3735 Form Description Macro Instructions/Utility PLM (OS, DOS and VS Systems) GC27-6999-0 GC21-5071-1 N E 3740 BTAM/TCAM Programmer's Guide 31 SUPPORT PROGRAMS SY33-8556-0 (ST73-8556-0) SY33-8556-1 (SQ73- 8556 -1) SY33-8556-2 **SN33-8785 N SY33-8557-0 (ST73-8557-0) SY33-8557-1 (SQ73-8557-l> SY33-8557-2 **SN33-8786 N DOS/VS Linkage Editor Logic N N E N DOS/VS Librarian Logic N N E N 32 UTILITIES GC33-5381-0 ( GT 33- 5381- 0) GC33-5381-1 **GN33-8783 N SY33-8558-0 SN33-8765 SN33-8775 N DOS/VS System Utilities N E E N E N E E N E E E DOS/VS System Utilities Logic 34 SYSTEM PLANNING, GENERATION, INSTALLATION, SMF GC33-5377-0 (GT33-5377-0) N DOS/vS System Generation 85 DOS/VS REI.EASE ORDER NO./TNL'S 28 GN33-8763 GN33-8764 GC33-5377-1 (GQ33-5377-1) GN33-8766 GC33-5377-2 ** (GTOO-0187-0) **GC33-5377-3 N N GC33-5371-1 (GT33-5371-l> GC33-5371-2 (GQ33-5371-2) GC33-5371-3 **(GTOO-0171-0) **GC33-5371-4 N 29 30 31 TITLE N N N N DOS/VS System Management Guide N N N 35 EMUIATION OR SIMULATION GC33-5388-0 (GT33- 538 8-0) GC33-5388-2 GN33-7068 GN33-7071 **GN33-7063 N SY33-7010-1 SN33-7053 SN33-7064 SN33-7069 E GC33-5384-0 GN33-7049 GN33-7065 GN33-7066 **GN33-7062 Model 20 DOS/VS Emulator on System/370: Reference N E N N E N SY33-8573-0 SN33-7070 E N N E E E E N E E E N E E E E E N N E E E N N E E N E SY33-7008-0 SN33-7042 SN33-7054 E GC33-5385-0 GN33-7050 GN33-7067 N SY33-7009-0 SN33-7020 SN33-7023 SN33-7031 SN33-7055 E E E E E N E N Model 20 Emulator on System/370 using DOS and DOS/VS Logic, Prog. No. 370N-IC-002, 5745-SC-E20 1401/1440/1460 DOS/VS Emulator on System/370: Reference E E E N 1401/1440/1460 DOS/VS Emulator on System/370: Logic 1401/1440/1460 DOS Emulator on System/370: Logic Prog. Nos. 370N-EU-490, 5745-SC-EML E N N E N E E N E E 1410/7010 DOS Emulator on System/370: Logic E SY33-8574-0 1410/7010 DOS/vS Emulator on System/370: Reference E 1410/7010 DOS/VS Emulator on System/370: Logic N 36 CONTROL PROGRAM SY33-8555-0 (ST73-8555-0) SY33-8555-1 ** (SQ73-8555-1) SN33-8774 SN33-8792 **SY33-8555-2 N SY33-8553-0 (ST73-8553-0) SY33-8553-1 SN33-8772 SN33-8791 "SN33-8795 N GC33-5403-0 (GT33-5403-0) GC33-5403-1 DOS/VS IPL 6 Job Control Logic N E N N N DOS/VS Logical Transients Logic N E E N N E E N DOS/VS Planning Guide to POWER/VS N N DOS/VS POWER/VS Installation and Operations 86 DOS/VS RELEASE ORDER NO./TNL'S 28 29 30 31 TITLE ** (GQ33-5403-1) **SY33-8570-0 ** (ST73-8570-0) **SY33-8570-1 SY33-8565-0 (ST73-8565-0) SY33-8565-1 SN33-9164 DOS/VS POWER/VS Logic N N N GX33-9004-0 **(GTOO-0168-0) **GX33-9004-1 DOS/VS POWER Program Logic N E N N E DOS/VS POWER and POWER/RJE Reference Summary N SY33-8551-0 (ST73- 8551-0) SY33-8551-1 ** (SQ73-8551-1> SN33-8769 SN33-8770 SN33-8790 **SY33-8551-2 N GC33-5376-0 (GT33-5376-0) GN33-8762 GC33-5376-1 ** (GQ33-5376-1> GN33-8767 GN33-8779 **GC33-5376-2 N DOS/vS Supervisor Logic N E N E N N N DOS/VS System Control Statements N N E N E N N 37. RAS SY33-8552-0 (ST73- 8552 -0) SY33-8552-1 SN33-8771 SN33-8784 **SN33-8794 N GC33-5383-0· GN28-2566 **GN25-0115 **GN25-0117 N SY33-8568-0 SN28-2567 **SN25-0115 N SC33-5380-0 (GT33-5380-0) GC33-5380-1 **(GQ33-5380-1) GN33-8780 **GN33-8793 **GC33-5380-2 N SY33-8554-0 (ST73- 8554 -0) SY33-8554-1 SN33-8773 **SN33-8796 N DOS/vS Error Recovery and Recording Transients Logic N E N N E E E N E N E E N E E E N DOS/VS OLTEP E E E E E N DDS/VS OLTEP Logic N DOS/VS Serviceability Aids Debugging Procedures N E N N N DOS/VS System Serviceability Aids Logic N E N E E N **GC28-0663-0 **GN28-2561 **GN28-2588 C N N E E E DOS/VS and OS/VS TOLTEP for \1TAM **SY28-0664-0 N E DOS/VS and OS/VS TOLTEP 38 REMOTE JOB ENTRY SY33-8566-0 (ST73-8566-0) N DOS/VS POWER RJE Program Logic 87 DOS/VS RELEASE ORDER NO. /TNL • S 28 SY33-8566-1 SN33-9165 29 30 31 N E N E E !ITLE 40 SYSTEM OPERATION GC33-5379-1 (GT33-5379-1 GC33-5379-2 ** (GQ33-5379-2) GN33-9156 GN33-9162 GN33-9173 **GC33-5379-3 **GN33-9176 N GC33-5378-0 (GT33-5378-0) GC33-5378-1 ** (GQ33-5378-l> GN33-9157 GN33-9158 GN33-9161 GN33-9172 **GC33-5378-2 N D::>S/VS Messages N E N E N N N N DOS/VS Operating Procedures N E N N E E N N N 88 8 Je -< 0 0 Start CIl (I) S'G ---< DOS/VS LIBRARY CHART DIRECTORY CIl Part 2 of 5 C ~ ~ tv \0 (=) ~ ~ "< General & Planning Information =:r' (") ~ ~ =-- ~ f""t- 0....., C"'-I VI '-' Par t 3 of 5 Operation & Messages Assembler i ~ Utilities RAS 1 Support Programs Part 5 of 5 It Emulation ~. ~ g ~ ..., ~ "'- Part 4 of 5 Control Program 5i Data Management Teleprocessing This chart (one of five) shows the general organization of the folloWing four charts. It also shows the relationship among topics. The next four are detail charts suggesting an information path or reading sequence through the DOS/VS library . Shading on the detail charts is used in two ways: 1. Shading around boxes groups publications according to topic, such as for DOS/VS data management. 2. Shaded boxes identify books that are not an immediate part of the DOS/VS support documentation, but which provide further introductory, procedural, and reference information. GENERAL AND PLANNING INFORMATION DOS/VS Introduction Features to DOS/VS GC20-1756 GC33-5370 DOS/VS System Management Guide GC33-5371 DOS/vS System Generation GC33-5377 DOS/VS POWER/VS DOS/VS Planning Guidp. Handbook GC33-5403 SY33-8571 PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING 1.0 N PROGRAMMING ~DOS/VS MICROFICHE RhLEASE ORDER NO. 28 29 ;!Q. SYC7-1120-0 SJDl-1840-1 E E E E E E SYC7-1932-0 (STC7-1932-0) SNC7-1925 SYC7-1932-1 SNC7-1966 SNC7-2011** N SYC7-1933-0 (STC7-1933-0) SYC7-1933-1 (STOO-5275-0)** SNC7-1985 SYC7-1933-2** N N SYC7-1934-0 (STC7-1934-0) SNC7-1926 SYC7-1934-1 SNC7-1963 SNC7-1987** SNC7-2012.· N SYC7-1935-0 SNC7-1927 SNC7-1946 SNC7-1964 SNC7-1992*· N N SYC7-1936-0 SNC7-1947 SNC7-1967 SNC7-1998·· N SYC7-1937-0 (STC7-1937-0) SNC7-1928 SYC7-1937-1 SNC7-1968 SNC7-1999** N SYC1-1938-0 (STC7-1938-0) SYC7-1938-1 (SQC1-1938-l) SYC7-1938-2 (STOO-5276-0)·* SYC7-1939-3·* N SYC1-1939-0 (STC7-1939-0) SYC1-1939-0 SYC7-1949-2 (STOO-5279-0)** SYC7-1949-3** N SYC7-1950-0 (STC7-1950-0) SNC7-1939 SYC7-1950-1 (SQC7-1950-0) SYC7-1950-2 (STOO-5280-0)** SYC7-1950-3** N SYC7-1951-0 SNC7-1940 SNC7-1953 SNC7-1974 SNC7-2006** N N E N E E N N N N E E N N E E N E E E N E E E E N N N E N E E N E E E E N E N E E E E N N N N N N N N N N N N E E N E E E E N E E E N 95 RELEASE ORDER NO. 28 29 30 31 llTI& COMPONENT NO. SYC7-1952-0 SNC7-1954 SNC7-1975 SNC7-1996** N E N E E N E DOS/VS optical Character Reader IOCS 5745-SC-OCR E SYC7-1953-0 SNC7-1955 SNC7-1976 SNC7-1994 ** N DOS/VS OLTEP 5745-SC-OLT SYC7-1954-0 (STC7-1954-0) SNC7-1941 SYC7-1954-1 (SQC7-1954-1 ) SYC7-1954-2 (STOO-5281-0)** SYC7-1954-3** N DOS/VS PDAIDS 5745-SC-PDA SYC7-1955-0 SNC7-1956 SNC7-1977 SNC7-2007** N SYC7-1956-0 (STC7-1956-0) SNC7-1942 SYC7-1956-1 (SQC7-1956-l) SNC7-1962 SNC7-1984 SYC7-1956-2 N SYC7-1957-0 SNC7-1957 SNC7-1965 SNC7-1991** N SYC7-1958-0 (STC7-1958-0) SNC7-1943 SYc7-1958-1 (SQC7-1958-1) SYc7-1958-2 (STOO-5282-0)** SYC7-1958-3** N SYC7-1959-0 SNC7-1944 SNC7-1958 SNC7-1978 SNC7-2008** E N E E N E N E E E N N N N E N E N E E N E DOS/VS PAPER TAPE E E N DOS/VS Power 5745-SC-PWR DOS/VS QTAM 5745-SC-OTM DOS/VS RMSR 5745-SC-RMS DOS/VS Supervisor 574S-SC-SUP DOS/VS Magnetic Tape IOCS 5745-SC-TAP DOS/VS Storage Tape ERP 5745-SC-TPE DOS/VS System Utility Prog. S745-SC-UTL DOS/VS \lSAM 5745-SC-VSM N N N N N E N E E N E E E E N N N N N N N SYC7-1960-0 SNC7-1959 SNC7-1979 SNC7-2009** N SYC7-1961-0 SNC7-1960 SNC7-1980 SNC7-2010** N SYC7-1962-0 (STC7-1962-0) SNC7-1945 SYC7-1962-1 (SQC7-1962-l) SYC7-1962-2 (STOO-5283-0)** SYC7-1962-3** N SYC7-1963-0 (STC7-1963-0) N E E N E N E E E N E E E E N E E E N E F N E N E E N E B E N N N N N 96 RELEASE ORDER NO. 28 SYC1-1963-1 (SQC1-1963-1) SYC1-1963;-2 (STOO-5284-0)** SYC1-1963** SNC1-2013** N SYC1-1964-0 (STC7-1964-0) SYC1--1964-1 (SQC1-1964-1 SYC7-1964-2 (STOO-5285-0)** SYC1-1964-3** N SYC7-1965-0 (STc7-1965-0) SYC1-1965-1 {S;lC7-1965-l> SYC7-1965-2 {STOO-5286-0** SYC1-1965-3** N 29 30 llI!& COMPONENT NO. DOS/VS DOS Distribution Prog. 5145-SC-DIS N N N N N DOS/VS Microfiche Index N N N DOS/VS VTAM N SYC1-1968-0 (STOO-5281-0)** SNC1-1989** SYC1-1968-1** SNC1-2014** 5745-SC-VTM N N N SYC7-1911-0 STOO-5290-0** SNC1-1990** SYC1-1911-1** N SYC1-1969-0** (STOO-5288-0)** SYC1-1969-1** N SYC7-1910-1** (STOO-5289-0) ** SYC1-1970-2** N SYC1-1912-0** N SYC1-1916-0** (STOO-5291-0** SYC7-1916-1** N S2CO-OO2l-0** S2CO-5218** S2CO-5219** S2CO-5280** 31 DOS/VS 3600 HST SPT 574S-SC-124 TOLrEP 5145-SC-TLT System Support Services 5145-SC-SSs DOS/VS VTAM and 3600 System Index 5745-SC-VTM 5745-SC-SSS 5745-Sc-124 POWER/VS ICR 5745-SC-PWR N N N N E N N N E E E E N N E DOS/VS E E E Early Warning 5745 97 ~VM/370 (VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370) (20-40) ORDER NO./TNL'S 20 General Information GC20-1757-0 VW370 Features GC20-1800-4 **GN20-2657 VM/370: GC20-1813-1 VW370 Glossary , Master Index GX20-1926-2 VM/370: Quick Guide for Users Reference summary GX20-1961-0 Summary of VM/370 CP and CMS Commands Introduction 21 Assembler GC20-1802-0 GN20-2601 VW370 Assembler Programmer's Guide GC33-4010-4# OS/VS, DOS/vS, and VM/370 Assembler Language SC33-4021-2 GN33-8186 OS/VS and VM/370 Assembler Programmer's Guide SY33-8041-1 OS/VS and VW370 Assembler Logic 23 BASIC GC20-1803-1 VW370: BASIC Language Reference Manual GX20-1924-1 VM/370: BASIC Language Reference Summary GY20-()530-1 CALL-OS BASIC, System Manual, Program No. 360A-CX-44X 30 Access Methods, Data Management, Storage/communications Control Program GC20-1816-0 VM/370: Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) User's Guide SY20-0883-0 VM/370: Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Program Logic 34 System Planning, Generation, Installation, SMF GC20-1801-4 **GN20-2658 VW370 Planning and system Generation Guide GC20-1811-0 GN20-2625 GN20-2630 VW370: Release 1 Guide GC20-1814-0 VM/370: Release 2 Planning Guide GC20-1815-0 GN20-2648 GN20-2652 **GN20-2666 VM/370: Release 2 Guide GC20-1804-3 **GN20-2659 VW370: Command Language Guide for General Users SY20-0880-4 **SN20-26'o7 VW370: Control Program (CP) Program Logic SY20-0881-1 VM/370: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Program Logic G~20-260~ 36 control Program S~20-1650 99 ORDER NO./TNL'S SN20-2653 ··SN20-2668 GC20-1805-3 ··GN20-2660 VMl370: EDIT Guide Ge20-la12-0 GN20-2635 GN20-2637 GN20-2651 VM/370: EXEC User's Guide GC20-1807-3 ••GN20-2662 VMl370: System Programmers' Guide GC20-1809-2 GN20-2645 GNiO-2655 •• GN20-2664 VMl370: OLTSEP and Error Recording Guide SY20-0882-1 SN20-2647 SN20-2654 •• SN20-2669 VM/370: Service Routines Program Logic 11...N2 40 System Operation GC20-1806-4# GN20-2656 •• GN20-2661 VMl370 Operator's Guide GC20-1808-4# •• GN20-2663 ··GN20-2671 VMl370 System Messages GC20-1810-3 .·GN20-2665 VMl370 Terminal User's Guide SCP 3 57 34-LM 3 FORTRAN I V (H EXTENDED) COM PILER AN 0 FO RTRAN LIBRARY (MOD II) FOR OS & VM/370 (CMS): INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROG. NOS. 5134-F03, 5134-LM3 IBM OS FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER AND LIBRARY (MOD III MESSAGES, PROG. NOS. 5734-F03,LM3 IBM SYSTE~/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER, PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-F:>3 IBM SYSTEM/360/310 FORTRAN IV H EXTENDED COMPILER LISTINGS, PROG. PROD. 5734-F03 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV L1BRARY MOD II PROGRAM LOGIC MANU AL, PROGR AM NUI'IB ER 5734-L!'13 IBM SYSTEM/360/370 FORTRAN IV LIBRARY MOD II - LISTINGS PR03. PROD. 5734-LM3 IBM SYST~M/360 OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED PLUS COMPILER & LIBRARY USER SUPPLEMENT - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AAW IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED PLUS) COMPILER AND LIBRARY PROGRAM LOGIC SUPPLEMENT (PROGRAMMING REQUEST FOR PRICE QUOTATION) PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AAW SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN H EXTENDED PLUS MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AAW FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR OS(TSO) AND VM/370(CMS) PROGRAM PRODUCT DESIGN OBJECTIVES, PROG. NO. 5134-F05 FORTRAN INTERACTIVE pEBUG FOR OS (TSO) & VM/370 (CMSt: TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5734-F05 FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR OS (TSO) & VM/370 (CMS): INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROG. NO. 5734-F05 FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR OS (TS~ & VM/370 (CMS): PROG. PROD. 5734-F05 SPECIFICATIONS IBM FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR OS (TSO) AND VM/370 (CMS) REFERENCE CARD - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-F05 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV LIBRARY MOD 1 DESIGN OBJECTIVES - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LM1 FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MOD I) FOR OS & VI1/370 (CMS): INSTALLATION REPERENCE MATERIAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LM1 FORTRAN IV MATHEMATICAL AND SERVICE SUBPROGRAMS: SUPPLEMENT FOR MOD I & MOD II LIBRARIES, PROG. NOS. 5134-LM1, 5734-LM3 FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MOD I) FOR OS & VM/370 (CMS), PROG. PROD. 5134-LM1 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OS 360/370 FORTRAN IV LIBR. MOD I LISTING, P. P. NO. 5134-L1'11 FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MOD Il FOR OS & VM/310 (CMS): PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LM1 SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV LIBRARY, OPTION 1 - PROGRAM PRO DUCT DES IGN OBJECTIVE PROGRAM NUMBER 5746-LM3 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV LIBRARY OPTION 1 - PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5146-LM3 DOS FORTRAN IV LIBRARY OPTION/PROGRAMMERS'S GUIDE SUPPLE ME NT - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5 746-LM 3 DOS FORTRAN IV LIBRARY OPT 1, LISTINGS - PROG. NO. 5746-LM3 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERA TING SYSTEM (TI ME SHA RI NG OPTION) . CODE AND GO FORTRAN PROCESSOR-TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-F01, 5134-LM1 OS (TSO) TERMINAL USER'S SUPPLEMENT FOR FORTRAN IV (G1) PROCESSOR AND TSO FORTRAN PROMPTER, 5734-F02,- CP3, -LM1 FORTRAN IV (G1) PROCESSOR AND TSO FORTRAN PROMPTER FOR OS AND VM/370 (CMS): INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PRJG~ NOS. 5734-F02, 5734-CP3 IBM VM/310 (CMS) TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE FOR FORTRAN IV PROGRAM PRODUCTS 5734-F01, -P02, -F03, -LM1, & -LM3 '-§. R!!Q.L l!fQ II •• GB21-1566 ·*SB21-1567 S/370 RPG II ANALYSIS AND DOCUMENTATION AID - 5798-CDL, NOTICE S/370 RPG I I ANALYSIS AND DOCUMENTATION AID - PDP 5798-CDL, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 117 **LB21-1568 **GB21-1386 **SB21-1387 **LB21-1388 **GC21-5028 **GC21-5021 **SC21-5005 **LY2 1-0 0 1 4 **LY 81-0450 **GC21-5052 **SC21-5056 **SC28-6486 **L YC7 -1 3 1 7 **GC .33- 0041 **GC33-0048 **GC33-0030 * *GC 33- 0 003 **SC33-0007 **SC33-00 31 **SC33-0032 **SC33-0034 **SC33-0047 **SC33-0033 **LY33-6013 **LY 33-6014 **LYC7-2500 **sx 33-600 2 **sx 33-6005 **GC33-0009 **GC33-000 1 **GC33-0022 **SC 33-0 006 **SC33-0025 **SC33-0027 ,*SC 33-00 26 S/370,RPG II ANALYSIS AND DOCUMENTATION AID - FDP 5798-CDL, SYSTEMS GUIDE DBOMP INTERFACE FOR RPG II - SYSTEM/370 DOS/VS - FDP 5798-BDZ, NOTICE DBOMP INTERFACE FOR RPG II - SYSTEM/370 DOS/VS (5798-BDZ) FOP 5798-BDZ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DBOMP INTERFACE FOR RPG II - SYSTEM/370 DOS/VS (5798-BDZ) FOP SYSTEMS GUIDE IBM DISK OPERATING SYSTEM RPG II PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-RG1 IBM DOS RPG II GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-RG1 IBM DOS RPG II LANGUAGE, PROG. NO. 5736-RG1 IBM DOS RPG II LANGUAGE PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 57J6-RG1 S/360 DOS BPG II COMPILER, LISTINGS, PROG. PROD. 5736-RG1 IBM DISK OPERATING SYSTEM RPG II AUTO REPORT FEATURE GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-RG1 IBM DOS RPG II AUTO REPORT FEATURE - REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-RG1 IBM DOS RPG II COMPILER & AUTO REPORT FEATURE INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-RG1 IBM DISK OPERATING SYSTEM REPORT PROGRAM GENERATOR II AUTO REPORT FEATURE - PROGRAM LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5136-RG1 OS/ PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER, VERSION 1 RELEASE 2: PROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-PL2 DESIGN OBJECTIVES OS PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER, VERSION 1 RELEASE 2 MODIFICATION 1: PROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-PL2 DESIGN OBJECfIVES OS PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER - PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIDNS PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL2 OS PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER: GENERAL INFORMATION PROG. NOS. 5134-PL2, 5734-LM5 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-PL2, 5734-LK5 OS PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER: INSTALLATION - PROGRAM PRODUCTS 5734-PL2 AND 5734-LM5 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER EXECUTION LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-PL2 5734-LM5 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER: MESSAGES MANUAL - PROGRA~ NUMBERS 5734-PL2, 5734-L"5 OS PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER: CMS USER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBERS: 5734-PL2,5734-LM5 OS PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER: TSO USER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL2, 5134-LM5 OS PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER: PROGRAM LOGIC VOLUME 1 OF 2, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL2 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER PROGRAM LOGIC, VOLUME 2 OF 2 - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL2 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER PROGRAM LISTING - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL2 OS PL/I CHECKOUT !ND OPTIMIZING COMPILERS: KEYWORDS REFERENCE SUMMARY, PROG. NOS. 5134-PL1, -PL2, -PL3 OS PL/I CHECKOUT AND OPTIMIZING COMPILERS: TERMINAL COMMANDS AND COMPILER OPTIONS REFERENCE SUMMARY-PROG. NOS. 5734-PL1, PL2, PL3 OS PL/I CHECKOUT AND OPTIMIZING COMPILERS: LANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUAL, PROG. NOS. 5734-PL1-2, LM4-5 (ALL - 5734-PL3) OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL1 SYSTEM/360 OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL1 OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER - PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-PL1, 5134-LM4, 5734-LM5 as PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: EXECUTION LOGIC PROGRAM NOS. 5134-PL1, 5734-LM4 AND 5734-LM5 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES PROG. NOS. 5734-PL 1, 5734-LM5 OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: INSTALLATION - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-PL1, 5734-LM4, AND 5734-LM5 NOTE: THESE PRODUCTS ARE ALSO DISTRIBUTED AS COMPLETE PACKAGE 5734-PL3 118 **SC 33-0037 **SC33-0029 **LYC7-2506 **LY33-6007 **GC33-0023 **LYC7 - 2 50 4 **LY33-6008 **GC 33-00 24 **LYC7-2505 **LY33-6009 **GC33-0036 **GC 33-00~6 **GC33-0004 **GC33-0010 * * GC 33-0 0 1 6 **GC33-0005 **SC33-000 8 **SC33-0019 **SC33-0020 **SC33-0021 **SX33-6001 **LYC7-2503 **LY33-6010 **GC33-0017 **LYC7-2501 **LY 33-60:t 1 **GC33-00 18 **SC 33-0035 .. *L Y c1- 2 50 2 **LY.33-6012 **GH20-4283 **GB21-1002 **SB21-1003 **LB21-100 4 **GB21-1456 **SB21-1457 **LB21-1458 OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: CMS USERS GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL1 OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: TSO USER'S GUIDE PROG. NOS. 5734-PL1, -LM4, -LM5 (ALL = 5734-PL3) SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER MICROFICHE LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL1 OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL1 OS PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY - PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-L1'14 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5134-LM4 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING; SYSTEM PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY: PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 5134-L/'14 OS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY - PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LM5 OS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY - MICROFICHE, PROG. NO. 5134-LM5 OS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY: PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LM5 PL/I UNDER CMS - PROGRAM PRODUCT DESIGN OBJECTIVES: PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER, PROG. NO. 5134-PL1 PLII RESIDENT LIBRARY, PROG. NO. 5734-LM4 PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY, PROG. NO. 5134-LM5 DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER, RESIDENT LIBRARY & TRANSIENT LIBRARY: FROG. PRODS. 5136-PL1, LM4, LM5, DESIGN OBJECTIVES DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL PROG. PROD. 5736-PL1 DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER PROGRAM PRODUCT DESIGN OBJECTIVES - PROGRAM NOMBER 5136-PL1 DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PROG RAM NUMBER 5736-PL1 DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: LANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NOS. 5736-PL1, AND 5136-PL3 DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM PRODUCTS 5736-PL1, 5136-LM4 AND 5136-LM5 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/360 PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: EXECUTION LOGIC PROGRAM NUMBERS 5736-PL1, 5736-L"4, 5136-LM 5 DOS PL/I OPTI MI ZING COM PILE R: INST ALL AT ION PROGRAM NOS. 5136-PL1,LM4,LM5 DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES MANUAL, PROG. PROD. 5736-PL1, 5736-L115 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/360 REFERENCE CARD PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER KEYWORDS DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/360 PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER ASSEMBLY LISTING MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER S736-PL1 DOS PL/1 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PROGRAM LOGIC PROGRAM PRODUCT 5736-PL1 DOS PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM PRODUCT 5736-LM4 (5736-PL3) DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/360 PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY - ASSEMBLY LISTING MICROFICHE PROGRAM NUMBER 5136-L114 DOS PL/1 RESIDENT LIBRARY: PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-LM4 DOS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY: PROG. PROD. 5736-LM5 (S736-PL3. SPECIFICATIONS DOS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY MESSAGES, PROG. PROD. 5136-L115 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/360 FL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY ASSEMBLY LISTING MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5136-L115 DOS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY - PROG~AM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NOMBER 5736-LM5 DATA BASE DESIGN AID (DBDA) PPDO - PROG. NO. 5748-XX4 DOS/VS DASD DEVICE INDEPENDENCE OPEN (01 OPEN) AVAILABILITY NOTICE - FDP # 5798-AWH DOS/VS DASD DEVICE INDEPENDENCE OPEN (DI OPEN) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL - FDP NUMBER S79B-AWH DOS/VS DASD DEVICE INDEPENDENCE OPEN (Dr OPEN) SYSTEMS GUIDE FOP NUMBER 5798-AWH EXTENDING SEQUENTIAL DISK FILES FOR DOS/VS - FDP 579B-CBN, NOTICE EXTENDING SEQUENTIAL DISK FILES FOR DOS/VS - FDP 5798-CRN DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS EXTENDING SEQUENTIAL DISK FILES FOR DOS/VS - FDP 579B-CBN, SYSTEMS GUIDE 119 **GB21-0411 **SB21-0412 **LB21-0413 **GH20-1207 * * S H20 -1208 **s H 20 -1 2 0 9 **GH 20-4324 **LY 20- 0842 **LY20-2080 **GB21-1546 **SB21-1547 * *G B 21- 0 6 86 **SB 21- 0687 **L B21- 0688 **SC 28- 66 89 **GR21-0761 **SB21-0762 **LB 21-0763 **GB21-0740 **SB21-0741 **LB21-0742 **GB21-12q 1 **SB21-1292 **GH20 ~4376 **GB21-:1134 **SB21-1135 **LB21-1136 **LJD2-410 6 ** LY 30-300 4 **LY30-3005 **LJD2-4107 **LY 30 -3023 **GJD2-U112 * *L Y 30 - 30 10 **LY 30-3 009 GRAPHPAK - INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS PACKAGE FOR APL/360 PROG. NO. 579B-AGK - FOP AVAILABILITY NOTICE GRAPHPAK - INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS PACKAGE FOR APL/360 FIELD DEVELOPED PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5798-AGK GRAPHPAK - INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS PACKAGE POR APL/360 FIELD DEVELOPED PROGRAM-SYSTEMS GUIDE PROGRAM NU MBER 5798 -AGK TELECOMM.UNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM (TCS) CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES MANUAL - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-F31 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM (TCS) PROG RAMMER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE MANU AL - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-F31 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM (TCS) OPERATIONS GUIDE, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-F31 IBM TELECOMMUNICArIONS CONTROL SYSTEM (TCS) SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-F31 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM (TCS) LOGIC MANUAL FEATURE NUMBER 8112 - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-F31 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM (TCS) PROGRAMMING RPQEF0378, - PRlG. NO. 5799-AKL, LOGIC 1400 COMPATABILITY ACCESS ROUTINE - FOP 579B-CDB, NOTICE 1400 COMPATABILITY ACCESS ROUTINE - FDP 5798-CDB, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOS 2311/14/19 - 3330 DASD DEVICE INDEPENDENCE ROUTINES AVAILABILITY NOTICE - FDP NUMBER 579B-ALK DOS 2311/14/19-3330 DASD DEVICE INDEPENDENCE ROUTINES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 11.11 NUAL - FDPNU MBER 5798 -ALK DOS 2311/14/"19-3330 DASD DEVICE INDEPENDENCE ROUTINES SYSTEMS GUIDE - FDP NUMBER 5798-ALK USER'S GUIDE FOR THE IBM 2947 MODEL 4 CHECK COLLECTIJN CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY FACILITIES, PROGRAMMING - PRPQ PB8003 PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AAH STREAM - A 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM PROGRAMMING AID FOR SYSTEM/360, 370: FDP 5798-ANE, NOTICE STREAM - A3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM P~OGRAMMING AID FOR SYSTEM/360, 310 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL FOP NUMBER 5798-ANE STREAM - A3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM PROGRAMMING AID FOR SYSTEM/360,370 SYSTEMS GUIDE - FDP NUMBER 579B-ANE DOS 3330 DATA SET CONVERSION AID AVAILABILITY NOTICE - FOP NUMBER 5798-AMN DOS 3330 DATA SET CONVERSION AID PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL - FOP NUMBER 5798-AI1N DOS 3330 DATA SET CONVERSION AID SYSTEMS GUIDE - FOP NUMBER 5798-AMN 3330 DEVICE SUPPORT EXTENDED-S/370 OS/MFT/MVT FDP 5798-BCE NOTICE 3330 DEVICE SUPPORT EXTENDED S/370 OS/MFT/MVT FOP 5798-BCF DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3333/3330 DISK STORAGE SERIES MODEL 11 SUPPORT FOR DOS/VS PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-WH~ PRPQ EF4346 AUTOMATIC LINE SPEED SELECTION FOR IBM 3704/3705 FDP 5798-A1R, NOTICE AUTOMATIC LINE SPEED SELECTION FOR 3704/3705 FDP 5798-AYB DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS AUTOMATIC LINE SPEED SELECTION FOR IBM 3704/3705 FDP 5798-AYR SYSTEMS GUIDE 3704/5 EMULATOR PRPQ PB5004 SIX BIT TRANSCODE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AGA GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85007 SPECIAL START-STOP LINE CONTROL FOR IBM 3704 & 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM, PROG. NO. 5799-AGK GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRA"MING FPQ P85004, SIX BIT T~ANSCODE FOR IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM PROGRAM NO& 5799-AGA 3705/4 EP PRPQ PBS007 SPECIAL START-STOP - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AGK IBM 3704 AND 3705 EMULATION PR03RAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85010, TELEGRAPH FULL - DUPLEX LINE CONTROL - PROG. NO. S799-AGN 3705 USASCII TRNASPARENCY (PRPQ P85003) MICROFICHE, PROG. NO. 5799-AFZ 3704 & 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENEFATION & LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85003 USASCII TRANSPARENCY BSC LINE CONTROL PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AFZ IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P8S005, SPECIAL SYNCHRONOUS LINE CONTROL PROGRAM NO. 5799-AFY 120 **LY 30-3016 **GB21-1342 **SB21-1343 IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P8S0 15, VIRTUAL 50 LINE SUPPORT - PR:JG.1NO. 5799-AKQ 3890 DOS/VS APPLICATION/INSTALLATION SUPPORT (579B-BDC) FOP AVAILABILITY NOTICE 3890 DOS/VS APPLICATION/INSTALLATION SUPPORT - FOP 579B-BDC, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 31 SUPPORT PROGRAMS **SH20-1568 AUDIT SOURCE CODE COMPARE OS/VS - IUP 5796-PDH, PDOM 1~ !!.t!!!t.!~2. **GC 28- 6758 **GC 28-6759 **SC28-6760 **LYC7- 2301 **LY 28-6 761 **SH 20-1558 **G3 20- 8107 **GB21-0857 **SB 21- 085 8 * *LB 21- 0 859 **GB21-0875 **SB 21- 0876 **LB 21- 0877 **GB21- 0890 **SB21-0891 **LB21-0892 **SC28-6765 **SC28-6767 **GC28-6768 **LYC7-2300 **LY28-6766 **GB21-1195 **SB21-1196 **LB21-11,97 **SC21-5014 **GC21-5068 **LY21-0022 **SC 21-5013 **GC21-5067 **L Y2 1- 0 02 1 * *G 3 20- 81 0 6 **SH20-1564 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM DATA SET UTILITIES SUPPORT FOR ASC II (PPDO) PROG. NO. 5734-UT2 OS/MFT, OS/MVT, AND OS/VS DATA SET UTILITIES SUPPORT FOR ASCII - PPS - PROG. NO. 5734-UT2 OS/MFT, OS/MVT, AND OS/VS DATA SET UTILITIES SUPPORT FOR ASCII: USER'S GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5734-UT2 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING· SYSTEM ASCII UTILI TIES ASS EMBLY LIST ING MICROFICHE- PROGRAM PRODUCT - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-UT2 OS/MFT, OS/MVT, AND OS/VS DATA SET UTILITIES SUPPORT FOR ASCII: LOGIC MANUAL, PROG. NO. 5734-UT2 DOS DBDUM P UTILITY PROGRA MFOR VA NDL/I AND DL/I - PROG. NO. 5796-AFY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOS DBDUMP UTILIty PROGRAM PRODUCTIVITY AID FOR DOS DATA BASE APPLICATION PROGRAM TESTING (VANDL/I OR DL/I) INSTALLED AT SAGNER INC., FREDERICK, MD. OS/DITTO AVAILABILITY NOTICE - FOP NUMBER 579B-ARD OS/DITTO PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL - FOP NUMBER 5798-ARD OS/DITTO SYSTEMS GUIDE -FDP NUMBER 5798-ARD DOS/DITTO FOR SYSTEM/360. 370 AVAILABILITY NOTICE - FDP NUMBER 5798-ARN DOS/DITTO FOR SYSTEM/360, 370 PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONjOPERATIONS MANUAL - FOP NUMBER 5798-ARN DOS/DITTO FOR SYSrEM/360, 370 SYSTEMS GUIDE - FDP NUMBER 5798-ARN DOS FILE GENERATION UTILITY AVAILABILITY NOTICE - PDP NUMBER 5798-ARX DOS FILE GENERATION UTILITY PDOM - FDP NUMBER 5798-ARX DOS FILE GENERATION UTILITY SYSTEMS GUIDE - FDP NUMBER 5798-ARX OS/MVT AND OS/VS2 TSO DATA UTILITIES: COPY, FORMAT, LIST & MERGE: USER'S GUIDE AN6 REFERENCE r PROG. NO. 5734-UT1 OS/MVT AND OS/VS2 TSO DATA UTILITIES: COPY r FORMAT, LIST, MERGE SYSTEM INFORMATION PROGRAM PRODUCT - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-UT1 OS/MVT AND OS/VS2 TSO DATA UTILITIES: COPY, FORMAT, LIST, & MERGE - PPS - PROG. NO. 5734-UT1 ASSEMBLY LISTING MICROFICHE FOR TSO DATA UTILITIES - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-UT1 OS/MVT AND OS/VS2 DATA UTILITIES: COPY. FORMAT, LIST, MERGE: LOGIC MANUAL, PROG. NO. 5734-UT1 UTILITY DATA REDUCTION SUBROUTINES FOR S/360-370 FDP 5798-AZW, NOTICE UTILITY DATA REDUCTION SUBROUTINES FOR S/360-370 FOP 5798-AZW DESCRIPTIONS/OPERATIONS UTILITY DATA REDOCTION SUBROUTINES FOR S/360-370 FDP 5798-AZW, SYSTEMS GUIDE OS IBM 1288 BASIC UNFORMATTED READ SYSTEM: A DATA CAPTURE UTILITY PROGRAM, PROG. NO. 5734-UT3 PROGRAM PRODUCT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FOR IBM 1288 BASIC UNFORMATTED READ SYSTEM (MFT/MVT/VS1/VS2) PROG. NO. 5734-UT3 IBM 1288 BASIC UNFORMATTED READ SYSTEM (MFT/MVT/VS1/VS2): LOGIC MANUAL, PROG. NO. 5734-UT3 DOS IBM 1288 BASIC ~NFORMATTED READ SYSTEM: A DATA CAPTURE UTILITY PROGRAM, PROG. NO. ·5736-UT1 PROGRAM PRODUCT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FOR IBM DOS 1288 BASIC UNFORMATTED READ SYSTEM - PROGRAM PRODUCT NUMBER 5736-UT1 IBM SYSTEM/360 IBM 1288 BASIC UNFORMATTED RF.AD SYSTEM PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-UT1 2927 DUAL PRINTER UTILITY PROGRAM - IUP 5796-AFK, RELEASE NOTICE 3525 GENERAL PURPOSE UTILITIES -IUP 5796-AGE, PDOM 121 il ~Q!:!Ltl~I9~ **GC 3 3-40 31 **GC 33-4032 **GC 33- 40 3 3 **SC 33-4034 **SC 33-4035 **SX 33- 8001 **LY C1-0904 **LY 33-804 2 **GC 33-40 17 **SC33-40 18 **GC 33-4019 **GC33-4020 **SC33-4023 **LYC1-090 1 **LY 33- 8039 **GC 33-4025 **SC33-40 26 **GC33-4021 **SC33-4028 **GC 33-403 0 **LY C1-090 3 **LY 33-8038 **GB21-1361 **SB21-1362 * *L B 2 1- 1 3 6 3 **GB21-1316 **SB21-1311 **LB21-1378 **GB21-1513 **s B 2 1 -1 51 4 **LB21-1?15 **SH 20 -1618 **G320-8121 **GB21-9893 **GB21-1404 **GA 24-3595 **GA 24-3604 **GH20-1153 **GJD1-460 2 **LY 24-360 6 **GA 24-3 59 4 **GA24-3605 * * GH20 -115 2 **GJD1-4603 OS/VS SORT/MERGE PROGRAM PRODUCT 5740-SM1 DESIGN OBJECTIVES OS/VS SORT/MERGB: PROG. PROD. 5140-SM1 SPECIFICATIONS OS/VS S~RT/MERGE GENERAL INFORMATION - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5140-SM1 OS/VS SORT/MERGE INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL - PROG. PROD. 5740-SM1 OS/VS SORT/MERGE PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE PROGRAM PRODUCT 5140-SM1 OS/VS SORT/MERGE REFERENCE SUMMARY PROG. PR~D. 5140-5"1 OS/VS SORT/MERGE, LISTING - PROG. PROD. 5140-SM1 OS/VS SORT/MERGE LOGIC - PROG. PROD. 5140-SM1 IBM SYSTEM/360 DOS SORT MERGE DESIGN OBJECTIVES PROG. NO. 5143-SM1 DOS SORT/MERGE PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5743-5M1 DOS SORT/MERGE SPECIFICATIONS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5743-5"1 IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING 5YSTE~ SORT/MERGE GENERAL INFORMATION, PROGRAM NUMBER 5143-SM1 DOS SORT/MERGE INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5743-SM1 DOS"01-0 SORT/MERGE LISTINGS - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5143-SM1 DOS SORT/MERGE PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5743-SM1 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE SPECIFICATIONS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5146-SM1 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL PROG. PROD. 5746-SM1 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE DESIGN OBJECTIVES - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5146-SM1 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5746-S111 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE GENERAL INFORMATION - PROGRAM NUMBER 5146-SM1 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE 1.0 LISTING - PROGRAM PRODUCT 57~6-SM1 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBER 5746-SM1 DOS/VS SORT FOR 1~00 FILES FOP 5798-BDH, NOTICE DOS/VS SORT FOR 1400 FILES FOP 5798-BDH, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOS/VS SORT FOR 1400 FILES FOP 5198-BDH SYSTEMS GUIDE CMS SORT FOR VM/370 FOP 5798-BDW, NOTICE CMS SORT FOR VM/370 FOP 5198-BDW DE SCRI PTION/OPERATIONS CMS SORT FOR VM/370 FOP 5798-BDW SYSTEMS GUIDE POWER/VS AND PERFORMANCE ANALYZER FOP 519B-CDG, NOTICE POWER/VS COST AND PERFORMANCE ANALYZER - FOP 519B-CDG, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS POWER/VS COST AND PERFORMANCE ANALYZER FOP 579B-COG, SYSTEMS GUIDE PEOPLES GAS LIGHT AND CO KE CO MPA NY SMF GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS I UP 5796- IFP, OESCRIPT ION/OPER AT IONS SMF - GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS PROGRAM FOR SYSTEM/310 - IUP 5196-AFP, NOTICE VM/SGP STATISTICS GENERATING PACKAGE, REPORT BROCHURE, IUP 5796~;PDD VS/1 UTILI~ATION MONITOR - FOP 5798-CA~, NOTICE IBM EMULATOR FOR HONEYWELL SERIES 200 ON SYSTEM/370 USING DOS AND DOS/VS (PRPQ): PLANNING GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5199~ADT F.MULATOR FOR HONEYWELL SERIES 200 ON SYSTEM/310 USING DOS AND DOS/VS (PRPQ), PROG. NO. 5199-ADT HONEYWELL SERIES 200 EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/310 USING DOS AND DOS/VS ~RPQ) - TRANSITION GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5199-ADT S/310 USING DOS/VS IBM EMULATOR FOR HW S200, LISTINGS PROG. NO. 5199-ADT IBM EMULATOR FOR HONEYWELL SERIES 200 ON SYSTEM/370 USING DOS & DOS/VS: LOGIC, PROG. NO. 5199-AOT IBM EMULATOR FOR RCA 301 ON SYSTEM/310 USING DOS AND DOS/VS PLANNING GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5199-ADR IBM EMULATOR MANUAL FOR RCA 301 ON SYSTEM/310 USING DOS & DOS/VS. PROG. NO. 5799-ADR RCA 301 EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 USING DOS AND DOS/VS (PRPO) TRANSITION GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5199-ADR 5/310 USING DO S/VS IB M EMULATOR F OR RCA 301, LISTINGS PROG. NO. 5199-ADR 122 **LY 24-36 07 EMULATOR FOR RCA 301 ON SYSTEM/370 USING DOS & DOS/VS: LOGIC, PROG. NO. 5799-ADR **GB21-1413 DOS/VS FILE/OPERATIONS CONTROL LANGUAGE - FDP 5798-CAG, NOTICE 5798-CAG, NOTICE DOS/VS FILE/OPERATIONS CONTROL LANGUAGE - FDP 5798-CAG, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE EDITOR - IUP 5796-PDC, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE EDITOR: IUP 5796-PDC SYSTEMS GUIDE JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE EDITOR - IUP 5796-PDC, NOTICE **SB21-1414 **SH 20-1552 **LY20-2064 * * G3 20 - 15 4 2 ~1. !!!~ **GH 20 -163 9 **GH 20-42 81 **SH20 -1361 **LY20-0932 * *G 3 20- 1 53 0 **GH 20 -157 4 **SH 20-1 589 **SH 20-1590 **SH 20-1592 **GH 20-4374 **GB21-1249 **SB21-1250 **LB21-1251 **S H 20 -11 0 3 **S H 20 -110 4 * *LY 20 -0 757 * *G 3 20 -1 2 3 8 **G3 20-1408 **GB21-1122 **SB2!-1123 **LB21-1124 "**GB21-1273 **SB21-1274 **LB21-1275 **SH18-0007 **LY18-1101 **GH 20 -163 8 **GH 20- 4279 DB/DC DRIVER SYSTEM GENERAL/INFORMATION MANUAL, PROG. PROD. S740-XXA THE DATA BASE/DATA COMMUNICATION DRIVER SYSTEM PROG. PROD. 5740-XXA, DESIGN OBJECTIVES TEST DATA GENERATOR: IUP 5796-PBP DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TEST DATA GENERATOR SYSTEMS GUIDE PROGRAM NO. 5796-PBP FEATURE NUMBER 8064 TEST DATA GENERATOR FOR SYSTEM/370 - IUP 5796-PBP - NOTICE DOS/VS REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM (PROGRAMMING RPQ WF0358) GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL PROG. NO. 5799-WHX DOS/VS REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM - PROGRAMMING RPQ WF0358 OPER ATION & INST ALLAT ION GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5799-WHX DOS/VS REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM (PROGRAMMING RPQWF035~ REFERENCE - PROG~ NO. 5799-WHX DOS/VS REriOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM, LOGIC, PROG RAMMIN G RPQ WFO 358 PROG. NO. 5,799-WHX DOS/VS REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM (PROGRAriMING RPQ WF0358) - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-WHX, SPECIFICATIONS DOS/VS POWER WORKSTATION SUPPORT FOR THE IBM 2922 FDP 5798~BBY - NOTICE DOS/VS POWER WORKSTATION SUPPORT FOR THE IBM 2922 PDP 5798-BBY - DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOS/VS POWER WORKSTATION SUPPORT FOR THE IBM 2922 FOP 5798-BBY 5/370 MCGILL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FOR INTERACTIVE COMPUTING MUSIC RELEASE II PROGR~ri DESCRIPTION OPERATIONS MANUAL - IUP NUMBER 5796-AAT S/370 MCGILL UNIVERSI¥y SYSTEM FOR INTERACTIVE COMPUTING MUSIC RELEASE II USER'S GUIDE - lUP NUMBER 5796-AAT S/370 MCGILL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FOR INTERACTIVE COMPUTING MUSIC RELEASE II SYSTEM GUIDE - IUP NUMBER 5796-AAT S/360 - S/370 ReGILL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FO.R INTERACTIVE COMPUTING GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 5796-AAT S/370 MCGILL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FOR INTERACTIVE COMPUTING (MUSIC) RBLEASE 2: IUP 5796-AAT NOTICE TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR - FDP 5798-AYF NOTICE TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR - FDP 5798-AYF DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR - FDP 5798-AYF SYSTEMS GUIDE TSO/VS2 PROGRAMMING CONTROL FACILITY - FDP 5798-BBJ - NlTICE TSO/VS2 PROGRAMMING CONTROL FACILITY - FOP 5798-BBJ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TSO/VS2 PRQGRAMMING CONTROL FACILITY - FDP 5798-BBJ SYSTEMS GUIDE TSO 3270 PRINTER SUPPORT PROGRAMMING RPQ U946866 DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-ALB TSO 3270 PRINTER SUPPORT PROGRAMMING RPQ U94866 SYSTEMS AND LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-ALA FEATURE NUPlBER 8'831 TSO - 3270 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY (SP~, GENERAL INFORMATION - PROGRAM NO. 5740-XT2 TSO-3270 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY - PROG. NO. 5740-XT2, DESIGN OBJECTIVES 123 **GB21-1294 **SB21-1295 **LB21-12<)6 **SH20-1606 **LY20-2094 OS/VS2 RELEASE 1 STORAGE UTILIZATION DISPLAY PROGRAM FOP 5798-BCL, NOTICE OS/VS2 RELEASE 1 STORAGE UTILIZATION DISPLAY PROGRAM FDP 57g8 .... BCL DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS OS/V52 RELEASE 1 STORAGE UTILIZATION DISPLAY PROGRAM FOP 5798-BCL - SYSTEMS GUIDE VM/370 SYSTEM FOR ONLINE TAPE AND DISK LIBRARIES - IUP 5796-AGN, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VM/370 SYSTEM FOR ONLINE TAPE AND DISK LIBRARIES - IUP 5796-AGN SYSTEM GUIDE **LY28-6840 INDEX: FOR THE OS/DOS 5736-RC1 AND 2 **S C2A-t.i 83 5 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF: BASIC TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBERS 5736-RC2, 5734-RC3 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF: BASIC, REFERENCE CARD, PROG. NOS. 5734-RC3 AND 5736-RC2 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF PROGRAM LOGIC LANGUAGR COMPONENT: BASIC ROUTINES PROGRAM NUMBERS 5736-RC2, 5734-RC3 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM INTER~CTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY 8ASIC MODULES - MICROFICHE LISTINGS - PROGRAM ~UMBER 5734-PC3 DOS ITF RELEASE II - BASIC ASSEMBLY LISTINGS - MICROFICHE PROG. PROD. 5736'-RC2 **sx 28-6814 **LY28-6836 **LYC7-5018 **LYC7-5015 ITF PLM, PROG. NOS. 5734-RC1 AND 3, **I.YC7-S016 **LYC7-5013 IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY 1=IL/I AND BASIC (PROGRAM PRODUCT DES IGN OBJECTIVES) PROGRAM NUMBE~S 5736-RC1, 5736-RC2 OS INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: PL/I AND BASIC - PROG. NOS. 5734-RC1, 5734-RC3, - FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: PL/I AND BASIC - prs PROGRA!I\ NUMBERS: 5736-RC1 5736-RC2 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF: PL/I INTRODUCTION PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC1, 5736-RC1 IBM SYSTEM/160 OS/OOS AND OS (TSO) ITF: PL/1 AND BASIC GENERAL INFORMATION, PROG. NOS. 5734-RC1/2/3/4, 5736-RC1/2 IEM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF: PL/I TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC1, 5736-RC1 IBM SYSTEM/J60 05/005 ITF: PLI REFERENCE CARD PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC1, 5736-RC1 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF PL/I PROGRAM LOGIC LANGUAGE COMPONENT: FL/I ROUTINES PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC1, 5736-RC1 IBM 05/360 ITF PL/I LISTINGS, PROG. PROD. 5734-RC1 113M D8S/360 ITF PL/I, LISTINGS - PROG. PROD. 5736-RC1 ** SC 28- 683 6 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL **LY28-6832 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF PROGRAM LOGIC INTRODUCTION AND METHOD OF OPERATION PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC1, 5734-RC3 g 5736-RC1, 5736-RC2 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF PROGRAM LOGIC INITIALIZATION SYSTEM CONTROL, AND SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC1, 5734-RC3, 5736-RC1, 5736-RC2 IBM S~STEM/360 OS/DOS ITF PROGRAM LOGIC LANGUAGE COMPONENT CONTROLLER PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC1, 5734-RC1, 5736-RC1, 5736-RC2 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF PROGRAM LOGIC LANGUAGE COMPONENT: COMMON ROUTINES AND REFERENCE DATA PROGRII.r>J NUMBERS 5734-FC1, RC3, 5736-RC1, RC2 124 **GC 28-6821 **GC 28- 68 97 **GC 28-6830 **SC 28-6833 **GC28-6825 **SC28-6834 **SX28-6813 **LY28-6835 **LY28-6833 **LY 28-6834 * * L Y 28 -6 83 7 PROGRAM NIl,,\RERS 5734-RC1, 3; 5736-RC1, 2 **LY C7-50 14 **LYc7-5017 . **SC28-6838 **GC28-6895 **SC 28-683 9 **SC 28- 6 840 **SC28-6841 **LY28-6845 **LY28-6842 **LY C7-50 3 3 **LYC7-5034 **LYC7-5035 **GH20-1027 **SH 20-1 069 * * S H 20 - 1 0 70 **GH20-4139 **LY20-0728 **GH 20- 1 1 75 **SH20-1262 **S H 20 -1 2 64 **GH 20-4,.326 **LY20-0840 **GH 20 - 11 2 8 **SH20-1157 **SH20-1158 **GH 20-4308 **LY 20-0804 DOS ITF RELEASE II ~ SHARED ASSEMBLY LISTINGS - ~ICROFICHE IBM OS/360 ITF SHARED - PROG. PROD. 5734-RC1/RC3 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTIO~ INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: PL/1 INTRODUCTION PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-RC2 OS (TSO) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: PL/I AND BASrC~ FU NCTION AL DESCRIPTION- PROG NOS. 1)734-RC2; 5734 -RC4 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPER.TING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTION) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: PL/1 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-RC2 IBM SYSTE M/360 OPERATING SYST EM (TIME S HARING OPTION) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: BASIC TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-RC4 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTIONI INTERACTIVE TERMINAL PACILITY INSTAiLATION REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC2, 5734-RC4 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTIO~ INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY PROGRAM LOGIC INDEX PROGRAM NUMBERS 5~34-RC2, 5734-RC4 IBM SYSTEM/::l60 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTION) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY PROGRAM LOGIC INITIALIZATION~ SYSTEM CONTROL, AND SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC2~ 5734-RC4 TSO ITF (PL/I) LISTINGS, PROG. NOS. 5734-RC2~ RC4 SYSTEM/360 OPERATINt SYSTEM TIME SHARING OPTION INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY (BASIC ONLY) PROGRAM PRODUCT LISTING MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-RC4 TSO I TF (SH ARED) LISTINGS , PROG. NOS. 5734-RC2, RC4 STAT/BASIC FOR SYSTEM/3 MODEL 6, ITF, AND VM/370-CMS: GENERAL INFORMATION, PROG. NOS. 5703-XA1, 5134-XA3 STAT/BASIC FOR SYST~M/3 MODEL 6, ITF, AND VM/370-CMS: PROGRAM REFERENCE - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5703-XII1, 5734-XA3 STAT/BASIC FOR ITF AND VM/l70-CMS: OPERATIONS GUIDE, PROG RAM NUM BER 5734- XA3 STAT/BASIC, PROG. PROD. 5134-XA3 SPECIFICATIONS STAT/BASIC FOR ~TF AND 'M/370 - eMS: LOGIC MANUAL, FEATURE NUMBER 8100 - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XA3 BUSINESS ANALYSIS/BASIC GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL, PRlG. NOS. 5703-H13 (SYSTEM/3 MODEL 6) AND 5734-IMB (ITF-OS/DOS/ TSO AND VM/370-CMS) BUSINESS ANALYSIS/DASIC FOR ITF AND VM/310-CMS OPERATIONS GUIDE, PROG. NO. 1)734-X11B BUSINESS ANALYSIS/BASIC PROGRAM REFERENCE MANUAL, PROG. NOS. 5703-XM4 (S/3 MOD 6), 5134- XMB (ITF-OS/DOS/TSO & VM/370-CMS) BUSINESS ANALYSIS/BASIC FOR SYSTEM/3 MODEL 6, ITF (OS, DOS, TSO), AND VM/l70-eMS: SPECIFICATIONS, PROG. NOS. 5103-XM3 AN D 57 3 4- XMB BUSINESS ANALYSIS/BASIC LOGIC MANUAL, PROG. NOS. 5703-X[i\3 (SYSTEM/3 MODEl, 6) AND 5734-Xl'IB (ITF-OS/DOS/TSO, VM/370-CMS) MATH/RASIC FOR SYSTEM/3 MODEL 6, ITF~ AND VM/370-CMS GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL, PROG. NOS. 5703-XM2 (SYSTEM/3) AND 5734-X118 (ITF AND VM/370-CMS) MATH/BASIC FOR ITF AND Vl'I/370-CMS: OPERATIONS GUIDE, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XMB MATH/DASIC FOR SYSTEM/3 MODEL 6. ITF AND VM/370-CMS PROGRAM .REFERENCE MANUAL,· PROG. NOS. 5703-XM2 (S/3) AND 5734-XMA (ITF-OS/DOS/TSO AND VM/310-CMS) MATH/BASIC FOR SYST~M/3 MODEL 6, ITF (OS, DOS, TSO)~ AND VM/370-CMS: SPECIFICATIONS, PROG. NOS. 5703~Xl'I2 AND 5734-XM8 MATH/BASIC FOR SYSTEM/3 MODEL 6, ITF, AND VM/370-CMS: LOGIC MANUAL~ PROG. NOS. 5703-IM2 (SYSTEM/3) AND 5734-IM8 (ITF AND VM/370-CMS) ; FEATURE NOS. 8017, 8153 §Q~~~M~~~BX !~~Q~!!Q~ J~~=221 125 **GR20 -4260 **GA32-0023 eMS FOR PROGRAMMERS -- A PRII1ER:(VI1/370) TERM IN AL-ORIENTE..n. SELF-STUDY TEXT DATA COMMUNICATIONS PRIMER: STUDENT TEXT INTRODUCTION TO DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS STUDENT TEXT INTRODUCTION TO DATA MANAGEMENT STUDENT TEXT INTRODUCTION TO IBM DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS: STUDENT TEXT DATA PROCESSING GLOSSARY INTRODUCTION TO IBM DIRECT-ACCESS STORAGE DEVICES AND ORGANIZATION "ETHODS: STUDENT TEXT IBM CUSTOMER INFORMATION FDP/IUP REFERENCE SUMMARY IBM MARKETING PUBLICATIONS KWIC INDEX I BM WORLD TR ADE MARKE'r ING PU BLICAT IONS KW IC INDEX NUMBER SYSTEMS - STUDENT TEXT OS (& OS/VS) DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT LIBRARIES: INSTALLATIJN MANAGEMENT'TEXT A GUIDE TO PLII FOR COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMERS (STUDENT TEXT) A GUIDE TO PL/I FOR FORTRAN USERS: STUDENT TEXT A PL/T PRIMER: STUDENT TEXT PREFACE TO PL/I PROGRAMMING IN SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING GUIDE TO PL/S II A GUIDE TO TESTING IN A COMPLEX SYSTE" ENVIRONMENT TSO COMMAND LANGUAGE FOR APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS - A PRIMER TERMINAL-ORIENTED SELF-STUDY TEXT TSO COMMAND LANGUAGE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE APPLICATIONS A PRI MER: TER.H NAL-ORIENT ED SELF-STU DY TEXT INTRODUCTION TO VIRTUAL STORAGE IN SYSTEM/370 STUDENT TEXT IBM 3803/3420 CUSTOMER CONVERSION GUIDE * *G 3 20 - , 21+ 4 **G520-2467 CUSTOMER EDUCATION COURSE CATALOG COURSE SELECTION GUIDE - DP EDUCATION FOR **GX28-6509 **GX'28-6506 **G X 28- 650 7 **GX28-1464 ** GX 20 -80 20 **GX28-7327 **GX 20-170 1 IBM SYSTEM/360 ASSEMBLER CODING FORM IB~ SYSTEM/360 BASIC ASSEMBLER SHORT CODING FORM IB~ SYSTEM/360 BASIC ASSEMBLER LONG CODING FORM COBOL CODING FORM FLOWCHARTING TEMPLATE FORTRAN CODING FORM GENERAL PURPOSE SYSTE~S SIMULATOR CODING FORM PROG. NOS. 5734-XS1~ XS2, ~736-XS1, XS3, 360A-CS-17X, 191 MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING INPUT FORM SYSTEM/360 - 1130 PROPORTIONAL RECORD LAYOUT FORM IBM SYSTEM/360 RECORD LAYOOT WORKSHEET RPG CALCTTLATION SPECIFICAT IONS S BEET RPG CONTROL CARD AND FILE DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS FORM RPG DEBUGGING TEMPLATE RPG EXTENSIONS AND LINE COUNTER SPECIFICATIONS SHEET RPG INPUT SPECIFICATIONS FORM RPG OUTPUT-FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS (FOR~) IBM 1030 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM, IBM 1031 PROGRAM CHART IBM 1050 DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM TRANSMISSION - LIMITED MAXIMUM-MESSAGE-RATE GRAPH PLANNING CHART, IBM 1050 DATA COMMUNICATIO~ SYSTEM IBM 1050 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. OPERATOR INSTRUCTION SHEET. IBM 1062 PROGFAM TAPE LAYOUT SHEET IBM 1062 TERMINAL RECORD TAPE, DOCOMENT FEED,. PRINTER PLANNING CHART 2250 DISPLAY LAYOUT SHEET IBM 2260 DISPLAY FORMAT IMAGE PLANNING CHART - 2760 OPTICAL IMAGE UNIT, REGISTRATIO~PUNCHING 'ACME IMAGE PLANNING CHART - 2760 OPTICAL IMAGE UNIT REGISTRATION PUNCHING OXBERRY 2160 LAYOOT GUIDE (REGISTRATION PUNCHING-ACM~ 2760 LAYOUT GUIDE (OXBERRY) IBM 2760 OPTICAL IMAGE LIMIT AUXILIARY SCREBN OVERLAY GUIDE IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM LAYOUT SnEET IBM 3740 JOB INSTRUCTIONS FORM IBM 3740 SYSTEM PRINT CHART IBM 3747 DATA CONVERTER RUN SHEE~ **SR 20-4438 **GC20 -166 8 **SR20-4461 **GC20-8096 **GC 20-1 684 **GC20-169 .24-3021 ~~~stg!~ g~~Ni~~LECTION SYSTEM INSTALLArION ~ ~ This publication contains pertinent, detailed information concerning installation of the IBM 1030 Data Collection System. Included are phYSical characteristics and electrical environmental requirements for each unit of the system. Typical system configurations "'ith inter-unit and mainline cabling requirements are presented. Particular attention is devoted to those aspects of installation performed by the customer. The following IBM publications are recommended for use iliith the Manual: IBM 1030 CONFIGURATOR, Form A24-3045 PL7>.NNING AND INSTALLATION OF A DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM, Form A24-3435 Systems Reference Library Manual, 24 pages //15//1030,1031,1032/ G7>.24-3022 IBM 1050 DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM ~LLATIONMANUAL, P~YSICAL PLANNING This publication presents detailed information concerning the physical characteristics of the IBM 1050 Data Communications System. Included are environmental and electrical requirements and installation information for each unit of the system. Particular attention is devoted to those aspects of installation performed by the customer. rypical system configurations for the individual terminals and for private communication net",orks are presented. This information is necessary for preparing the customer's premises for the actual installation of the equipment. Systems Reference Library Manual, 38 pages //15//1050,1051,1052,1053,1054,1055,1056,1058/ GA24-3034 IBM 1060 DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Detailed information about the IBM 1061 Control Unit and the IBM 1061 Teller Terminal is contained in this publication. Features, functions, operator procedures, data flow, and programming; plus document design, special features, and communication-company equipment are discussed. Systems Reference Library Manual, 54 pages //09//1060,1061,1062/ GA24-3045 IBM 1030 CONFIGURATOR Shee~ovides list of units that can be configured in a 1030 system. Sheets used for planning customer system configura tion. Configura tor Sheets, 8 1/2 x 11, 8 pages //00//1030,1031,1032/ GA24-3073 IBM 1403 PRINTER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This-reIerence ~ublication for system planners, programmers, and operators describes the functions ani operations of the IBM 1403 Printer. Special features available are described; timing information is presented; and print-quality requirements are set forth. The reader should be faniliar, within his field of responsibility, with the system to which this printer is attached. For system and programming information, refer to publications listed in the bibliography for the system. Manual, 8-1/2 x 11 inches, 56 pages 1131,2020,3,360,370//03//1403/ 37>.24-3090 IBM TELEPROCESSING SYSTEMS SUMMARY This manual contains brief introductory iescriptions of IBM teleprocessing units and systems. It provides an overview of these products primarily for executive and supervisory personnel involved in the decision making and planning of data processing systems. Publications providing detailed information on these devices are listed at the end of each de~ice description. They are also listed in the systems Reference Library manualS, IBM Teleprocessing Bibliography, GA24-3089, and the IBM System/360 Bibliography, GA22-6822. Information on IBM Line Adapters and common-carrier supplied communications facilities is contained in Appendix A. Appendix B is a summary of IBM System/360 programming support available for teleprocessing systems. It is assumed that the reader of this manual has a basic familiarity with data processing srstems and data communications concepts. Systems Reference Library /TP/OO/// 37>.24-3120 IBM 1443 ~ MODELS 1 THROUGH .!!. AND ~h. AND 1445 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND N1: COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This reference-publication describes the operation of the IBM 1443 and 1445 Printers with the IBM 1240, 1401, 1440, 1450, 1460, 1800, and the IBM System/360 Data Processing 135 System Models 25 through 85. The manual discusses timing information for the printer and the tapecontrollei carriage, as well as their functioaal and operating characteristics. The speed of the printer using the various character sets is described. A130, included is command, status, and sense information for these printers used with the IBM System/360 Data Processing System. Manual, 36 pages 360,370,1800//03//1443,1445/ GA24-3125 IBM 1050 OPERATOR'S GUIDE fhls-publication is designed specifically for operating personnel using the IBM 1050 Data Communication System. It consits of five individual sections, with each section prepared as a complete stand-alone unit. The sections of this manual are: Section 1. Introduction--Description of all system c~mponents including standard and special features. Section 2. System and Component Controls--Detailed description of all controls and indicators for each component of the system. Section 3. Operator procedures--Step-by-step instructions covering all setup and operating procedures for the system. Section 4. Basic Applications--Step-by-step in structions covering the various input/output operations p~ssible with the 1050 System for both home-loop and lineloop operations. Section 5. Tips and Techniques--Methods for improving operating efficiency for specific situations. Manual, 144 pages //09//1050,1051,1052,1053,1054,1055,1056,1058/ GA24-3266 IBM 1092 AND 1093 PROGRAMMED KEYBOARDS This-reference-publicatlon describes, in detail, the operation of the IBM 1092 and 1093 Programmed Keyboards when attached directly to either an IBM 1050 Data C~mmunications System or a common-carrier data set. A detailed description of the data keys, control outtons, keymats, ani special features is also included. Systems Reference Library Manual, 24 pages //09//1092,1093/ GA24-3312 IBM 2821 CONTROL UNIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This reference-pubIiCation presents a description of input/output operations controlled through the IBM 2821 Control Unit. The IBM 2540 Card Read-Punch and the IBM 1403 and 1404 Printers controlled by the IBM 2821 Control Unit are briefly described. Cornmanis, status, and sense information pertaining to the attached input/output is presented. programming timin3 considerations for control unit, card reader, card ~unch, and printers are also presented. Systems Reference Library Manual, 76 pages 360,370//03//2821/ GA24- 33 42 B7>.TCH NUMBERING FEATURE FOR IBM 1241 AND 1419 ~~GNErIC INK CiiARACTER RECOGNiT'IONREADE~ - - - - ---- -This publication describes the functions and features of the Batch Numbering special feature when used with the IB~ 1241 Magnetic Ink Cnaracter Recognition Reader and the IBi1 1419 Magnetic Character Reader. The operation of the keys, lights, and switches, as well as the programming information needed to operate the feature, is covered in detail. Systems Reference Library Manual, 16 pages 360,370,2020//13//1241,1419/ GA24- 33 88 .!1W. 2671 ~ ~ READER, IBM ll!.ll. ~ ~ READER ~ COMPONENT DESCRIPTION_ This publication gives sufficient information to understaa3 the IBM 2671 Paper Tape Reader and IBM 2822 Paper Tape Reader Control an1 the associated special features. rhe main purpose of the publication, however, is to assist programmers and operators to operate the machine when it is used as an I/O unit to the IBM System/360 Model 25, 30, 40, 44, 50, or 67, or to System/370. The relevance of the controls and indicators for such a configuration are given, together with points of specific interest to the following: o programmers: Operational characteristics, including stop conditions, addressing, recovery procedures, and System/360 commands. o Operators: Tape loading, unloading, rewinding, and repair procedures. o system Analysts: Tape specifications. The sections for programmers presuppose a knowledge of System/360 and System/370 operation and of paper tape readers, but no such knowledge is required in understanding the sections for operators. = ASSOCIATED PUBLICATIONS Physical Characteristics of the 2671 paper Tape Reader and 2822 paper Tape Reader Control and of System/360 operation are given in the following publications: 1. IBM SYSTEM/360 INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNIN3, GA24 GA24 Order No. GC22-6820. 2. IBM SYSTEM/360 INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING, IBM WORLD TRADE 50-HERTZ REQUIREMENTS, Order No. GC19-0001. Manual, 64 pages 360,370//08//2671,2822/ GA24-3403 IBM 2740 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS MODEL 1 AND 2 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION -- - - GA211-3500 IBM 1259 MAGNETIC CHARACTER READER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This-reference publication contains information about all the features and functions of the IBM 1259 Magnetic Character Reader. On-line and off-line data flow and operating theory are discussed, with detailed programming information and operating instructions for each reader function. Systems Reference Library Manual, 38 pages 360 r 370//04//1259/ - ThIs-publication describes the application areas, principles of operation, line-control signals, and special features of the IBM 2740 Communication Terminal Models 1 and 2. The communication facilities and data sets that. can be used with this Tele-processing terminal are also discussed. Included is a glossary of communication terms used in this publication, an1 the timing formulas necessary to calculate the data-handling capability of the terminal. systems Reference Library Manual, 60 pages //09//2740,2741/ GA24-3415 IBM 2741 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL This:manual is ~ritten for those interested in the concepts and applications of conversational terminals. A general knowledge of computer principles and programming concepts is a prerequisite for complete understanding of the information presented. The publication describes application areas, principles of operation, line-control signals, and special features of the IBM 2741 Communication Terminal. The communications facilities that can be used with this teleprocessing terminal are discussed. Also included are programming considerations, code charts, and keyboard arrangements. Systems Reference Library Manual //09//2741/ GA24-35112 ~ ~ h h AND 1 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This publication contains information describing the purpose, fUnction, and operation of the reader/sorter for bank management, IBM sales representatives, systems engineers, and customer engineers. For machine operators it contains operating, recovery, and jam removal procedures. Component Description, 64 pages 3,360,370//04//1255/ !IDi 1255 MAGNETIC CHARACTER GA211-35113 IBM 3211 PRINTER 3216 INTERCHANGEABLE TRAIN CARTRIDGE AND 3811-p[IN~TR-or-UNIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND QpERAT(5R'T'SGu~ o o USINGIBMLINE ADAPTERS - - System planners who require information about character sets, subsystem performance, forms and ribbons. System programmers who use printer commands, status and sense information, and error-recovery procedures. Operators who perform basic setup, operating, and error.-recovery procedures. A basic knowle1ge of System/360/370 is assumed. is organized into three sections: o o :;A24-31135 PLANNING AND INSTALLATION OF A DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM o -- ThIs-reference publication contains information, for systems engineers and installation planning engineers, on the planning and installation of data communications systems that use IBM Line Adapters (modems). A brief introduction to data communication and to the general purposes and functions of line adapters is presented. Included is technical information applicable to an in-plant userinstalled data communications system, an1 to the local facilities of common carriers. Specifications and requirements are provided for each IBM Line Adapter type, including those intended for limited-distance use only, and for those designed to operate over unlimited-distance common-carrier lines. A Glossary is included as an appendix. Prior knowledge of data communications systems is helpful, but not essential. For a description of the switched network, automatic answering, and automatic call origination features of the IBM 1200 Bit-per-5econd Line Adapter, this manual refers to SYSTEMS manual, IBM 3872 Modem User's Gui1e, GA27-3058. General Information, 711 pages //15//2701,2735/ GA24-3471 IBM 1050 SYSTEM SUMMARY This-publication provides an introduction to the IBM 1050 Data Communication System and its associated components. A general description of each of the system components is provided here, along with a summary of all pertinent featUres for each. The communication facilities and data sets available for the 1050 System are also provided as a general guide. For a detailed description of the system components and their operation, consult IBM 1050 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION, Form A211-3474. System Reference Library Manual, 20 pages /1091/1050,1051,1052,1053,1054,1055,1056,1058/ GA24-34711 IBM 1050 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION This-reIerence publication provides a completel[escription of the operating principles of this IBM rele-processing system. The functional characteristics of the system and of each component is discussed in detail. Additional information, pertaining to the overall system and World Trade considerations, are provided in the appendix. Systems Reference Library manual, 90 pages /109//1050,1051,1052,1053,10511,1055,1056,1058/ 136 -- featl~es, o :';A24-3426 IBM 2712 REMOTE MULTIPLEXOR ThIs-re£erence publication describes the IBM 2712 Remote Multiplexor and its operation. The 2712 is used with IBM 1050, 1060, 27110, and 27111 terminals <1311.49 baud) and with telegraph terminals (74.2 baud) connected to IBM System/360 through the IBM 2702 and 2703 rransmission Control Units. Communication facilities that can be used with the 2712 are specified. systems Reference Library Manual, 12 pages 360,370//09//2712/ -- The 3211 Printer, 3216 Interchangeable Train Cartridge and 3811 Printer Control Unit consitute a high-speed printer subsystem for attachment to System/360 and System/370 data processing systems via the System/360/370 Standard I/O Interface. This reference publication is intended for: The manual Subsystem Components describes the subsystem features, available character sets, and performance characteristics. Programming Information describes valid subsystem commands and available status and sense bytes, and provides buffer loading and suggested error recovery procedures. Operating Information describes the subsystem keys, indicators, and controls, and provides procedures for initial setup, running, and error recovery. Appendixes contain reference information, such as an EBCDIC chart, for all users. The following publications are referenced for additional forms requirements and ribbon recommendation information: Form DeSign Reference Guide for Printers, GA24-3488 System/360 an1 System/370 Component Description and Operating Procedures: IBM 1287 Optical Reader, GA21-9064 System/360 an1 system/370 Component Description and Operating Procedures: IBM 1288 Optical Page Reader, Modell, GA21-9081 Paper and Print Quality Requirements for IBM 1270 and 1275 Optical Reader Sorters, GA19-0036 IBM System/360 Component Description: IBM 1270 Optical Reader Sorter, GA19-0035 IBM System/360 Component Description: IBM 1275 Optical Reader SOrter, GA19-0034 The following publications are referenced for additional FCB and UCS buffer loading information: System/360 Operating System: Data Management for System Programmers, GC28-6550 DOS System Control and Service, GC24-5036 Manual, 70 pages 360,370//03//3211,3216,3811/ GA24-3550 IBM 3215 CONSOLE PRINTER-KEYBOARD COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This-reference publication describes the functions and operation of the IBM 3215 Console Printer-Keyboard. rhis information is intended for those planning for and operating an IBM System/370 Models 135, 1115, and 155. Presented are the printing method, control keys and lights, functional timing, forms controls and specifications, and make-ready pr ocedures • For system operation (including programming and operating procedures), refer to the IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography (GA22-6822), for the Functional Characteristics and Operating Procedures manuals for the particular system and model. Manual, 8-1/2 x 11 inches, 18 pages 3155,3145,3135//01//3215/ GA24 GA24 GA24-3552 IBM 3210 CONSOLE PRINTER-KEYBOARDS COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ThisJmanual is intended as an introduction-to the IBM 3210 (Models 1 and 2) Console Printer-Keyboards. The 3210's are described according to the way in ~hich they operate with IBM Systeml370's. A description of the physical and functional characteristics of the IBM 3210's is contained in this manual. The purpose of all control keys and indicator lights, supplementing the keyboard, is included. Because the 3210 Model 2 is a standal~ne I/O unit, the assigned functions of the control keys and indicator lights described here may vary according to the particular requirements of another system. A section describing "Operator's Procedures" contains the following: 1. Forms insertion procedure 2. Platen removal and replacement For additional information on forms specifications refer to "Form Design Reference Guide for Printers·, GA24-3488. For additional information on 3210 operating procedures, refer to the IBM Systeml370 Model 145 Operating Procedures, GC38-0015. Manual, 10 pages 3155,3145,3135//01//3210/ GA24-3557 IBM SYSTEM/370 ~ODEL 145 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS This publication-deScribes the relationship of the Model 145 to other Systeml370 models and to Systeml360. Included is information concerning the system features and capabilities, console file, input/output channels, integrated file adapter, OS/DOS compatibility, IBM 1401, 1440, 1460, 1410, and 7010 emulation features, console printer-keyboard, additional instructions, and instruction timings. The follo~ing IBM manuals offer information to assist the reader: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 145 OPERATING PROCEDURES, GA24-3554. SYSTEM/370 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION, GA22-7000. SYSTEM/370 SYSTEM SUMMARY, GA22-7001. SYSTEM/370 INPUT/OUTPUT CONFIGURATOR, GA22-7002. SYSTEM/360/370 BIBLIOGRAPHY, GA22-6822. SYSTEM/360 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION, GA22-6821. SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS, IBM 2314 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE FACILIrYAND IBM 2844 AUXILIARY STORAGE CONTROL, GA26-3599. SYSTEM/360 DIRECT CONTROL AND EXTERNAL INTERRUPT FEATURE, ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS' INFORMATION, GA22-6845. SYSTEM/360 OS PROGRAM PLANNING GUIDE FOR THE DOS EMULATOR ON THE SYSTEM/370,GC24-5076. 3210 CONSOLE PRINTER-KEYBOARD MODEL 2 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, GA24-3552. 3215 CONSOLE PRINTER-KEYBOARD MODEL 1 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, GA24-3550. FORMS DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS--SYSTEM PRINrERS, GA24-3488. Manual, 84 pages, 8-1/2 x 11 3145//01/// GA24-3561 MODEL !1 INTERFACE ~ illY! ~ 811301 INSTALLATION MANUAL--PHYSICAL PLANNING This publication provides physical planning information for the IBM 1925 Model 18 Interface Switch Unit used with the IBM Systeml360 and the IBM Systeml370.. Included are physical specifications and cable, electrical, and environmental requirements. For a list of related publications and abstracts, see the IBM SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 BIBLIOGRAPHY, GA22-6822. Installation Planning Guide, 8-1/2 x 11 inches, 8 pages //15//1925/ !.~!:! !.2.~~ GA24-3562 IBM 2911 MODEL l i INTERFACE §.!!ll:£!! UNIT ~EQ. 811503 INSTALLATION MANUAL--PHYSICAL PLANNING This publication provides physical planning information for the IBM 1925 Model 14 Interface Switch Unit used with the IBM Systeml360 and the IBM Systeml370.. Included are physical specifications and cable, electrical, and environmental requirements. For a list of related publications and abstracts, see the IBM SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 BIBLIOGRAPHY, GA22-6822. Installation Planning Guide, 8-1/2 x 11 inches, 8 pages //15//2911/ GA24-3566 IBM 1972 MODEL 3 PRODUCTION TERMINAL IBM 1972 MODEL f INSTRUCTION~ INSrALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This manuar-contains physical planning information and component descriptions for the IBM 1972 Model 3 Production Terminal and the IBM 1972 Model 4 Instruction Console. The specific topics covered include: o o o o o Power Requirements Environmental Considerations Interface Considerations Floor Area and Loading Considerations Servicing and Access Requirements o o o Safety Considerations Transportation Requirements PhySical Characteristics The manual is intended to assist users in their station production planning and in preparation of installation areas prior to delivery of the units. Physical Planning, Component Description Manual //15//1972/ ~ork GA24-3573 IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 145 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS This publication-deScribes:methOds used to calculate Systeml370 Model 145 data-handling capabilities that are dependent upon I/O-channel configurations and operations. Considerations of methods are also presented for priority attachment of 1/0 devices for maximum throughput. Information related to specific 1/0 devices is in separate Systems Reference Library publications. rhese publications are lis'ted by order number and briefly described in IBM SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 BIBLIOGRAPHY (GA22-6822) • This manual is intended for users at the system programmer level; it assumes a thorough background in I/O programming techniques. Manual, 72 pages 3145//01/// GA24-3590 IBM 1972 MODEL 3 PRODUCTiON TERMINAL 1972 MODEL ~ INSTRUCTION CONSOLE OPER TOR'S GUIDE This manual contains information for operating the IBM 1972 Model 3 Production Terminal and the IBM 1972 Model 4 Instruction Console. The specific operating information includes: o Functional description of operating controls o Information on preparing, programming, punching, and splicing perforated tapes o Instructions for loading perforated tape in production terminal and for operating the production terminal. This information is presented to aid the user in the operation of the production terminal and the instruction console and in the preparation of perforated tapes for use on the production terminal. Operator's Guide 8-1/2 x 11 inches, 34 pages 360,370//14//1972/ GA24-3594 IBM EMULATOR FOR RCA 301 ON sYSTEMl370 USING DOS AND DOS/v3 ruNNING GUIDE"=' PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-ADR-- --This publication describe~I~tor for RCA 301, an integrated emulator program, for the IBM Systeml370 Models 135 and 145. Also provided are introductory and planning information for ~nagement and planning personnel. The emulator is a problem program that operates in either a batched-job foreground or the background partition under control of the IBM Disk Operating system (DOS) or the IBM Disk Operating SystemlVirtual Storage (DOS/VS). The emulator uses the System/370 standard instruction set, the RCA 301 Compatibility feature, and the data management facilities of DOS and DOS/VS to emulate the RCA 301 processor unit, input/output, and console operations. Publications useful as reference material are: IBM Systeml360 Principles of Operation, Order No. GA22-6821. IBM Systeml370 Principles of Operation, Order No. GA22-7000. For information about the Disk Operating System, refer to: Systeml360 and System/370 Bibliography, Order No. GA22-6822. Manual, 28 pages /////5799-ADR GA24-3595 IBM EMULATOR FOR HONEYWELL ~ ~ ill':! SYSTEMl370 USING DOS AND QQ§LY§. (PRPQ): ~~ GUIDE, fEQ~ NO. ~ This publication jescribes the IBM Emulator for Honey~ell Series 200, an integrated emulator progam, for the IBM Systeml370 Models 135 and 145. This publication also provides introductory and planning information for management and planning personnel. The emulator is a problem program that operates in either a batched-job foreground or the background partition under control of the IBM Disk Operating System (DOS), or the IBM Disk Operating SystemlVirtual Storage (DOS/VS). The emulator uses the System/370 standard instruction set, a Honeywell Series 200 Compatibility feature, and the data management facilities of DOS or DOS/VS to emulate the Honeywell Series 200 processor unit, input/output, and console operations. Publications useful as reference material are: IBM System/360 Principles of operation, Order No. GA22-6821. IBM Systeml370 Principles of Operation, Order No. GA22-7000. For information about the Disk Operating System, refer to: Systeml360 and Systern/370 Bibliography, Order No. GA22-6822. Manual, 28 pages // // /5799-ADT 137 GA24 GA24-3604 EMULATOR FOR HONEYWELL SERIES ANI5-ooS/VS (PRPQ)« PROG. NO. GA26 GA26-1592 REFERENCE MANUAL FOR IBM 3830 STORAGE 200 ON SYSrEMl310 USING DOS 5799-ADT DI'S'ifS'TORA~ -- - This publication describes the IBM Emulator for Honeywell Series 200, an integrated emulator program, for IBM Systernl370 Models 135 and 145. It provides planning, implementation, and operating information for managers, programmers, and operators. The emulator is a problem program that operates in either a batched-job foreground or the background partition under control of the IBM Disk Operating System (DOS). The emulator uses the Systernl370 standard instruction set, the Honeywell Series 200 Compatibility Feature, and the data management facilities of DOS to emulate the Honeywell Series 200 processor unit, inputloutput, and console operations. Manual, 50 pages 1111/5799-ADT GA24-3605 IBM EMULATOR MANUAL FOR RCA 301 ON SYSTEM/370 USIN3-DOS ! DOSIVS, PROG. NO. 5199-ADR -This manual describes the IBM Emulator for RCA 301, an integrated emulator program, for the IBM System/370 Models 135 and 145. Also provided are planning, implementation, and operating information for management and planning personnel. The emulator is a problem program that operates in either a batched-job foreground or the background partition under control of the IBM System/370 Disk Operating System (DOS) or the IBM Disk Operating SystemlVirtual Storage (OOS/VS). In this manual the term ·DOS· is used unless it is necessary to distinguish between DOS and DOS/VS. The emulator uses the Systeml310 standard instruction set, the RCA 301 Compatability Feature, and the data management facilities of the Disk operating System to emulate the RCA 301 processor unit, inputloutput, and console operations. Manual, 108 pages -- - -- ~ AND IBM 3330 ~experienced programmers, this manual provides readily accessible reference material related to channel command words, sense bytes, tract format, track capacities, and error recovery. Less experienced programmers will find sufficient information to create channel programs to best utilize the standard and special features of the 3830/3330 facility. A complete description of the switches and indicators, and procedures for loading and unloading disk packs is provided for systems installation operators. Programmers should be familiar with the information contained in IBM Systeml360 Principles of Operation, order No. GA22-0621, an~ IBM Systeml370 Principles of Operation, Order No. GA22-7000. Operators should be familiar with the material presented in the system summary for the parent system. Order numbers for system summary and other related publicationS can be found in IBM Systeml360 and System/370 Bibliography, Order No. GA22-6822. Manual, 100 pages 310/107113830,33301 GA26-1599 IBM ~ ~ ! TRANSACTION VALIDATION TERMINAL, IBM 2968 MODEL 9 AND MODEL 12 RECEIVER-TERMINAL CONTROL UNIT ~BM 2730 Model-r Transaction Validation Terminal, IBM 2968 Model 9 an~ IBM 2968 Model 12 Receiver-Terminal Control Unit are part. of an on-line credit authorization system. This manual describes the function of these devices in the system configuration, and provides typical operating procedures for the 2730 Modell and its acoustic coupler. 'l'he Appendix contains specifications for magnetic stripe credit cards. A basic knowledge of data processing, including teleprocessing, is required to understand the material presented in this manual. Manual, 16 pages 1111/5799-ADR 360,3101114112968,27301 GA24-3612 IBM 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR MACHINE AND PROGRAMMING i5EScRffir-oN----- Provides a comphrehensive description of the IBM 3890 Document Processor for those persons doing systems analYSis and planning, programmers, systems engineers, and customer engineers. The reader is assumed to have an understanding of bank data processing. This publication provides in-depth descriptions of operating principles and procedures, basic and special features, programming support including detailed explanations of both data management and SCI macros with examples, sorting techniques with examples, diagnostic aids, the IBM Diskette drive, and all operating controls. Manual, 12 pages 31011041138901 GA24-3619 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR OPERATOR'S GUIDE This ~e manual contains information necessary to operate the IBM 3890 Document Processor including the following optional features: Item Numbering/Endorsing and Microfilming. The specific operating information includes= a brief description of the standard machine and available optional features, operating controls (key, lights, and switches), machine operation (document loading and unloading, film loading and Unloading), error conditions and recovery procedures, and operator maintenance. This publication is intended for machine operators and those persons required to operate and control the IBM 3890. No prior operating experience is necessary, bat is helpful. Operating information for related programming is not included. For more detailed information, refer to IBM 3890 Document Processor Machine and Programming Description, GA24-3612. Manual GA26-1600 2730 ~ L. 2968 ~ .2..L M!~ 2968 MODEL 12: INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING This publication provides physical planning information for the IBM 2730-1 Transaction Validation Terminal, IBM 2968-9 Receiver-Terminal Control Unit (RPQ 831624), and IBM 2968-12 Receiver-Terminal Control Unit (RPQ 834654). InclUded are physical specifications and cable, electrical, and environmental requirements. Manual, 8-112 x 11 inches, 12 pages 11151/2730,29681 GA26-1606 IBM ~ DISK STORAGE A-SERIES, COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This manual contains basic information about the IBM 2319 Disk Storage Mo~els A1 and A2. Model A1 is designed for attachment to IBM Systeml370 via the Integrated File Adapter (I FA) feature. The IBM 2319 Models B1 and B2 are described in the publication IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS--2314 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE FACILITY AND 2844 AUXILIARY STORAGE CONTROL, Order No. GA26-3599, with which the reader shoul~ be familiar. Systems Reference Library Manual, 30 pages = 3145,3135//071/23191 GA26-1615 INTRODUCTION IBM 3330 A-SERIES DISK STORA3E - SYSTEM LIBRARY This manual is-Intended for readers having prior knowledge-of direct access storage devices and concepts. Major topics are: standard and special features, IIO operations, and o[lerators panel. Manual, 14 [lages 3701101113330,33331 37011041138901 GA26-1617 REFERENCE MANUAL FOR IBM 3830 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 2 This manual is intend~fOrreaders having prior knowledge of direct access storage devices and concepts. Major topics are: standard and special features, IIO operations, and the operator panel. Manual, 12 pages GA26-1589 COMPONENT SUMMARY-2835 STORAGE CONTROL 2305 FIXED HEAD STORAGE--- - - ~2835 Storage-contrOl and 2305 Fixed Head storage Module form a large capacity, high speed direct access storage facility for general purpose data storage and system residence. It attaches to the central processing unit through a block multiplexor channel, and operates under direct program control of the CPU. For experienced programmers, this man~al provides readily-accessible reference material related to channel command words, sense bytes, track format, track capaCities, and error recovery. Less experienced programmers will find sufficient information to create channel programs to best utilize the standard and special features of the facility. A complete description of the switches and indicators is provided for systems installation operators. Programmers should be familiar with the information contained in IBM Systeml360 Principles of Operation, Order Number GA22-6821 and IBM Systeml310 Principles of Operation Order Number GA22-1000. Operators should be familiar with the material presented in thE! system summary for the parent system. Component Summary, 20 pages 31011071138301 GA26-1619 IBM 3340 COMPONENT SUMMARY Tfils-manual is intended to familiarize experienced data processing personnel with the characteristics of the IBM 3340 Disk Storage. (The reader should have prior knowledge of direct-access storage devices and concepts.) It lists functional characteristics and discusses record format, capacity, and timing characteristics. It also lists all commands executed by the 3340 and suggested operating instructions. Manual, 14 pages 37011071133401 2085,310//07112835,23051 138 GA26 GA26-1620 REFERENCE MANUAL FOR IBM INTEGRATED STORAGE CONTROL This manual is intendea-primarily for programmers--and operators. It provides reference material on channel command words, sense bytes, error recovery procedures, special features, operator controls, and the usage meter. Manual, 90 pages 3145,3158,3168//07//3345,3333,3330,3340/ GA26-1621 INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM 2984 MODEL 1 CASH !§SUINGTERMINAL ~ 834660 - - - - -- --- - -This manual contains technical information, recommendations, and suggestions to be used in installing the IBM 3984-1 Cash Issuing Terminal. Included are physical specifications, cable, electrical, and environmental requirements. The customer should arrange for professional assistance in planning his installation, if necessary, to ensure that local and national codes are met. It is assumed that the customer has both a system (CPU) and a transmission control unit (2701, 2703, or equivalent) either installed or to be installed. The following publications provide necessary additional information: o IBM System/360 Installation Man~al Physical Planning, GC22-6820 o IBM System/370 Installation Manual Physical Planning, GA22-7004 Manual, 8 pages 1115//2984/ GA26-1625 IBM 3348 DATA MODULE HANDLING PROCEDURES ThisJrnanual is a guide for handling the IBM 3348 Data Module. It is intended for personnel who operate the 3340 Disk Storage. l';xcept for being familiar ifith the 3340 Disk storage, operating personnel need no other prerequisites. The following topics are covered: Introduction, General Handling Procedure, Storage, Receiving and Shipping, Labeling, and Operating Ins'tructions. Manual, 16 pages 370/107//3348,3340/ GA26-1630 IBM 3330 SERIES DISK STORAGE MODEL 1 TO MODEL 11 (ELEVEN) CUSTOMER C'ONVERsI'ONGUIDE -- - --- This manual is intended to guide the IBM customer in planning a field conversion of the 3330 Series Disk Storage Modell to a 3330 Series Disk Storage Model II. This manual is organized into two distinct categoriea: hardware and programming considerations. The hardifare considerations cover topics concerning bills of material; power and cabling requirements; configuration requisites; and conversion times. The program considerations define programming support and lists available programs. Also inclu~ed are procedures for making programming updates to provide for the 3330 Model 11 (ELEVEN). Manual, 20 pages 370//07//3330,3333,3830,3340,3345/ GA26-1632 IBM 3340 DISK/STORAGE - FIXED HEAD FEATURE USERS GUIDE ThisJrnanual describes the IBM 3340 Disk Storage-Fixed Head Feature. It is intended to provide system and application information to guide systems analysts an~ experienced programmers in installing and using the fiKed-head feature. The material presented in this manual requires that users be familiar with Data Management concepts as they apply in OS and DOS Virtual Storage programmming systems and to have a working knowledge of Job Control Language coding. Manual, 16 pages 370//13//3340/ GA26-1633 FORMS DESIGN REFERENCE GUIDE FOR THE IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM. --- -- -- - - - This publication contains instructions for preparation of forms overlays for the IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem. Included are paper considerations, printer capability, preprinted forms, paper storage requirements, and photo negative specifications. Print charts an~ overlay master illustrations are included together ~ith tables showing the print character capacities of all common use and ISO paper sizes. A companion publication with additional information useful for the forms designer i s : Introducing the IBM printing Subsystem and its programming, Order No. GC26-3829. Manual, 50 pages 370//03//3800/ GA27 described in IBM System/360 Principles of Operation, order Number GA22-6821. Systems Reference Library Manual, 76 pages 360,370//07//2314,2844/ GA26-3633 DATA CELL HANDLING GUIDE This manual provides suggested operating and handling procedures for the IBM 3021 Data Cell used with the IBM 2321 Data Cell Drive. Systems Reference Library Manual, 20 pages 360,370//07//2321,3021/ GA26-4187 DISKETTE HANDLING PROCEDURES This publication is a guIde for handling, loading, and unloading the IBM Diskette, a flexible magnetic disk cartridge used in the IBM 33FD Disk Storage Unit. Also included are storage and shipping r~commendations. It is primarily intended for inexperienced operators of the IBM 33FD Disk Storage Unit. Manual, 10 pages 370//08//3348/ GA26-5756 IBM DISK PACK AND CARTRIDGE HANDLING PROCEDURES ThIsmanual isa-gUide for handling IBM Disk Packs and cartridges. Included are procedures for shipping and receiving, installation and removal, labeling of disks and cartridges and general operating procedures. The information contained in this manual applies to IBM 1316, 2316, and 3336 Disk Packs, and 2315 Disk cartridges. Manual, 16 pages //07//2315,2316,1316,3336/ GA26-5893 IBM SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES: IBM 2560 MULTI-FUNCTION CARD MACHINE This publication describes~ operating principles~ea tures of the IBM 2560 Multi-Function Card Machine (MFCM). Descriptions of the programmed operations, indicators, ana operator's console are included. Since this device is natively attached, you should have a thorough understanding of the using system before using this manual. The oook is intended for system engineers, programmers, and operators. The 2560 is compared with conventional card equipment in file-updating operations. In addition to descriptions ana flowcharts of these operations, tables are provide1 for a ready comparison of the operational steps, card volumes, and running times of the two systems. Restart procedures for a particular type of program (RPG, IOCS, etc.) are covered in the operating procedures manual associated with the particular program and using system. Manual 2020,2025,3115,5415,3125//02//2560/ GA26-5988 IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS--2841 AND ASSOCIATED DASD This pUblicatIOn contains reference information for the operation and programming of storage devices which attach to the IBM 2841 Storage Control. These storage devices include the IBM 2311 Disk Storage Drive, Model 1; the IBM 2302 Disk Storage, Models 3 and 4; and IBM 2321 Data cell Drive; and the IBM 2303 Drum storage. Manual, 64 pages 360,370,1800//07//2841,2302,2303,2311,2321/ GA27-2700 IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: IBM 2260 DISPLAY STATION IBM 2848 DISPLAY CONTROL ThIs-maDuar-deSCribes the functional and operating characteristics of the IBM 2260 Display Station and the IBM 2848 Display Control Unit. The reader needs a general understanding of computers and their applicaions; however, knowledge of teleprocessing principles and programs is required by those who install communications terminals. systems Reference Library, 84 pages 360,370//06//2260,2848/ GA27-2701 IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 2250 DISPLAY UNIT MODEL 1 This publication contains detailed information on programming, operation, and special features of the IBM 2250 Display Unit Model 1. The material is presented with the assumption that the reader has read the IBM SYSTEM/360 Principles of Operation Manual, Order Number GA22-6821. Systems Reference Library Manual, 44 pages 360,370//06//2250/ GA26-3599 IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS - 2314 DIRECT AcCESS STORAGE FACILITY AND 2844 AUXILIARY STORAGECONTROL - - This publication describes the IBM 2314 DIrectAcCess Storage Facility and the IBM 2844 Auxiliary Storage Control, GA27-2702 and presents functional and operating characteristics for IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM these devices. capacities, timing consi~erations, commands, 2250 DISPLAY UNIT MODEL 2 IBM 2840 DISPLAY CONTROL MODEL 1 operating procedures, and sense and stat;}s information are This document presents detailed informatIOn about IBM 2250 described. The user of this publication should be Display unit Model 2/IBM 2840 Display Control Modell thoroughly familiar with the I/O programming considerations 139 GA27 GA27 programming, operation, and special features. The material is presented with the assumption that the reader has read the IBM System/360 Principles of Operation Manual, Order Number GA22-6821. Systems Reference Library Manual, 52 pages 360,370//06//2250,2840/ :;~27-2703 IBM 2703 TRANSMISSION CONTROL COMPONENT DESCRH'TION This-pUblication provides a detailed description of the capabilities, features, and communication facilities required for the IBM 2703 Transmission Control Unit. The capabilities of the unit are grouped by: start-stop capabilities: and binary-synchronous capabilities. All items of a general nature are discussed in the section, "Detailed Description of operations". The operator's controls and a detailed description of the communication facilities to which the 2703 can be attached are contained in the Appendix. System Reference Library Manual, 78 pagea 360,370//09//2703/ GA27-2730 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 2285 DISPLAY COPIER This publication presents afunctional description of, and operator procedures for, the IBM 2285 Display Copier. Each 2285 attaches directly to an IBM 2250 Display Unit MOdel 1, 3, or 4 that is equipped with an attachment feature. The 2285 provides an 8-1/2-by-ll-inch paper copy output of the associated 2250 display upon initiation by the 2250 operator. The 2285 obtains analog signals and power from the 2250 to which it is attached and requires no programming. The following publications may be of interest to the reader: IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: IBM 2250 DISPLAY unit Model 1, Order Number GA27-2701 IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: IBM 2250 DISPLAY UNIT MODEL 3, IBM 2840 DISPLAY CONTROL MODEL 2, Order Number GA27-2721 IBM 1130 SYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: IBM 2250 DISPLAY Unit Model 4, Order Number GA27-2723. Systems Reference Library Manual, 8 pages 1131,360,370//06//2285/ GA27-2731 IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 2265 DISPLAY STATION IBM 2845 DISPLAY CONTROL TilIsIDaiiual describes the functional and operating characteristics of the IBM 2265 Display Station and the IBM 2845 Display Control. The two units combine to form a display system that provides visual access to data stored in an IBM System/360. Systems Reference Library Manual, 64 pages 360,370//06//2265,2845/ :;~27-2704 IBM SYSTEMl360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 2711 I,INE ~DAPTER UNIT This manuar-describes the operation of the IBM 2711 Line Adapter Unit. Included is a general description of the 2711, the line adapters that can be contained in a 2711, the communication facilities that can be used with the 2711, and the operator tests that can be ~erformed to isolate equipment malfunctions. Systems Reference Library Manual, 12 pages 360,370//09//2711/ GA27-2712 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: IBM 7770 AUDIO RESPONSE UNIT MODEL 3 This-publication describes ~functional~operational characteristics of the IBM 7770 Audio Reaponse Unit (Models 3). Topics discussed include vocabalar1 selection, communications requirements, system attachment considerations, and programming considerations. Systems Reference Library Manual, 48 pages 360,370//09//7770/ GA27-2721 IBM SYSTEMl360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 2250 DISPLAY UNIT MODEL 3 IBM 284·0 DISPLAY CONTROL MODEL2 - - - - - - - This dociiiiient presents detailed information about IBM 2250 Dis~lay Unit Moael 3/IBM 2840 Display Control Model 2 programming, operation, and special features. The material is presented with the assumption that the reader has read the IBM System/360 Principles of operation Manual, Order Number GA22-6821. Systems Reference Library Manual, 70 pages 360,370//06//2250,2840/ :;~27-2725 IBM 50 MAGNETIC DATA INSCRIBER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Thislmanual describes the functional and operating characteristics of the IBM 50 Magnetic Data Inscriber. The IBM 50 Magnetic Data Inscriber is a key-operated device that records data on cartridge-contained magnet:ic tape. Each IBM 50 generated tape can be used as a data storage medium or as a vehicle for entering data into em IBM System/360, via the IBM 2495 Tape Cartridge Reader. In addition to its data recording capabilitr, the IBM 50 can also be used to verify data stored on ta~es generated on the same or other IBM 50's. Systems Reference Library Manual, 28 pages 1110110050/ GA27-2726 IBM SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 2495 TAPE CARTRIDGE-READER This-manual describes the functional and operating characteristics of the IBM 2495 Tape Cartridge Reader (TCR). The IBM 2495 TCR is used to transfer data stored on cartridge-contained 16mm magnetic tape to an IBM System/360. The TCR accepts cartridge ta~es containing data generated on either the IBM 50 Magnetic Data Inscriber or the IBM Magnetic ape Selectric Typewriter System. Systems Reference Library Manual, 12 pages 360,370,//05//2495/ GA27-2737 IBM 2909-3 ASYNCHRONOUS DATA ~ ~ F13299 CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION This manual describes the functional and operational characteristics of the 2909-3 Asynchronous Data Channel. Main Topics described include: instruction and command execution, programmin~ operation, and subchannel attachment. This publication is a reference manual for the programmer or systems engineer. Knowledge of IBM System/360 operations, particularly storage addressing, data formats, and machine instruction formats as explained in IBM SYSTEM/360 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION SRL, Form GA22-6821, is a prerequisite to using this publication. Also needed are experience with programming concepts and techniques or completion of basic courses of instruction in these areas. System Reference Library Manual, 38 pages 360,370//14//2909/ GA27-2739 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM Tilis publicationlProvides-customer executives, installation managers and planners, and IBM marketing representatives with planning information about the IBM 3270 Information Display System, which includes local and remote display stations and printers. The publication: o Describes the 3270 hardware (units, features, functional capabilities) and its programming support. o Outlines applications for alphameric displays and guidelines for conversion. o Gives data on human factors, installation planning, reliability, and performance. This publication is primarily a planning aid and will be supplemented with reference documentation. The current major revision incorporates descriptions of the following special features: Dial, IBM 600/1200 bps Line Adapter, IBM 600/1200 bps Line Adapter with auto answer, Switched Network Back capability, and 4800/7200 bps Transmission Speed. Manual, 76 pages //09//3270,3271,3272,3275,3277,3284,3286,3288/ GA27-2740 IBM 7412 MODEL 1. CONSOLE, CUSTOM SYSTEMS ~ AA2846, CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION This reference manual describes the functional characteristics and features of the IBM 7412-1 Console with the IBM 3215-1 Console Printer-Keyboard. This publication is intended for System Analysts, Programmers, and operators. Assumed is a background knowledge of the IBM System/360 and System/370, and of the I/O Interface. Manual, 26 pages 360,370//14//7412,3215/ GA27-2727 IBM SYSTEMl360 CUSTOM SYSTEMS UNIT 2909 MODEL 3 ASYNCHRONOUS DATA CHANNEL ~ F13299 RRQ.-882045 INST~LL~TION BULLETIN-PHYSICAL PLANNING This bulletin contains all the necessary phySical planning data required for the installation of the unit described. If the unit is to be installed in conjunction with a computer system, the specifications of the most critical unit must be met. This bulletin utilizes the same format and standardized symbols contained in the IBM SYSTEM/360 Installation Manual - Physical Planning, Order Number :;C22-6820 Systems Reference Library Manual, 6 pages //15//2909/ GA27-2741 INSTALLATION BULLETIN PHYSICAL PLANNING FOR IBM 7412 CONSOLE MODEL 1. CUSTOM SYSTEMS BR2 AA2846 -This publication provides physical planning information for the IBM 7412-1 Console with the IBM 3215-1 Consoel Keyboard. Included are physical specifications and cable, electrical, and environmental requirements. Manual, 2 pages //15//7412,3215/ 140 GA27 GA27 GA27-2742 OPBRATOR'S GUIDE FOR IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEMS Operator controIs;-fndicatora, and keys for all 3270 display station and printer models discussed in ~etail, along with typical operating and error-recovery procedures. Use of the operator identification card reader is al30 discussed. The manual's organization and layout are intended to aid the reader in learning to operate the display station and printer, and also to improve the retrievability of information for an operator using the gui~e as a reference source. Readers of this manual need no previous knowledge of computers, display stations, or data processing. Manual, 116 pages //09//3270,3271,3272,3275,3277,3284,3286,3288/ GA27-2771 A GUIDE TO 50 HERTZ UPS SELECTION The-POWer-warning-Feature provides for an automatic interruption and permits implementation of orderly shutdown and recovery procedures following power-line disturbances on System/370 Models 158 and 168 supported by an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). This manual provides information to guide the customer in the selection of a 50Hertz UPS. It (1) discusses input and output power characteristics, operating environmental conditions, and other performance requirements and it (2) describes the UP3 required. Manual, 15 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA27-2749 IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This-manual includes a description of the following special features: Dial, Line Adapter, Line Adapter with Auto Ariswer, Switched Network Backup, and 4800/7200 bps Transmission speed. In addition, a discussion of command execution timing considerations has been added, an~ additional descriptions are provided for the following topics: attribute characters, locked keyboard recovery using the RESET key, Numeric Lock special feature operation and Operator Identification Card Reader character code formats. The new information is useful to programmers, analyst and in a more general way to management personnel. Manual, 110 pages //09//3270,3271,3272,3275,3277,3284,3286,3288/ GA27-2772 A UPS INSTALLATION PLANNING GUIDE Th~document is intended to assist the IBM System/370 user in determining UPS requirements for his EDP operations and to guide him in planning and implementing the installation of a UPS that will satisfy the requirements. This document is basically a check list that is amplified by descriptive narrative to identify the significant UPS installation planning factors. It is chronologically arranged to cover the period ranging from the earliest planning stage to the final testing and acceptance of the UPS installation at his EDP location. Manual, 20 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA27-2773 IBM 3284/3286 PRINTER CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION: FORMS TRACTOR ~ ~ 4031) - - - - - - This reference manual provides information about IBM 3284 and 3286 Printers which have the Forms Tractor (RPQ WD 4031) attached. It is intended for use by customers, operators, and service personnel. Information contained herein supplements the printer information found in the 3270 System Component Description, order No. GA27-2749 and the 3270 System Operator's Guide, Order No. GA27-2742. This manual also supports forms tractor printers which have the Vertical Forms Index Control (RPQ EB 4324) installed. System Library Manual, 12 pages 360,370,3//14//3284,3286/ GA27-2750 IBM 3270 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE This guide is intended for operatOrS using the IBM 3270 Information Display system. On the basis of yes-or-no ans~ers to logical questions, the operator is enabled to determine whether outside assistance is required to resolve an apparent problem. In these cases, the problem area is identified. In other cases, when apparent problems are the result of procedural errors, this is quickly recognized, and the operator is advised to restart the operation. Manual, approximately 36 pages //09//3270,3271,3272,3275,3277,3284,3286,3288/ GA27-2752 IBM 3284/3286 PRINTER CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION MARGIN STOP ~M!~~~ ~ #EB3995 --- -------This document contains information relating to the Margin Stop Variable feature (RPQ EB3995). When implemented in the 3284'3286 Printers (all models), this feature allows for printer platens of varying lengths to be interchanged by the operator. The data presented herein is directed solely to a printer operator. It is intended to serve as an instructional guide in the basic rudiments of those platen removal and installation procedures that may be performed by an operator once the custom feature has been installed in the 3284/3286 Printers. Manual, 6 pages 360,370,5410,5415,7//14//3284,3286/ GA27-2753 IBM 3284/3286 PRINTER CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION VERTICAL f~~~-IND~ CONTROL ~ EB4324) ---- This document contains information relating to the Vertical Forms Index Control feature (RPQ EB4342). The data contained herein is directed to a customer, his programmer and computer operator, and is intended to assist them in the application of this feature when used in 3284/3286 Printers. Manual, 12 pages 360,370,5410,5415//14//3284,3286/ GA27-2758 IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION, ~ CASECrlARACTERSET !!R2 8K0366 This manual contains a description of the Dual Case Character Set (RPQ 8K0366) intended for customers, planners, marketing representatives, and programmers. Manual, 22 pages //14//3270,3271,3272,3275,3277,3284,3286,3288/ GA27-2770 A GUIDE TO 60 HERTZ UPS SELECTION The-pQWer-Warning FeatUre provides for an automatic interruption and permits implementation of orderly shutdown and recovery procedures following power-line disturbances on Syste~370 Models 158 and 168 supported by an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). Thi3 manual provides information to guide the customer in the selection of a 60Hertz UPS. It (1) discusses input and output power characteristics, operating environmental conditions, and other performance requirements and it (2) describes the UPS required. Manual, 16 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA27-2774 ~ GUIDE 1:9. !!.§!!'!§ THE ~ REQUEST FEATURE ~ IBM 3270 DISPLAY SYSTEMS This guide is intended for operators using the IBM 3270 Information Display System. It provides simplified instructions for using the Test Request Feature, commonly known as RFTs (Request for Test procedures). Although the information has appeared in several other publications. its presentation in this self-contained booklet makes i t readily accessible and more likely to be used when desirable. System Library, 32 pages //13'/3270,3271,3272,3275,3277,3284.3286,3288/ !!;!FORMATIO~ GA27-2775 IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION ~~ DISPLAY (RPQS 7U0010, 8K0438) This document describes the Signature Display Feature, an option for the IBM 3277 Display Station Models 1 and 2. (The 3277 is a unit of the IBM 3270 Information Display System. ) In addition to presenting a general description of the feature, the document briefly discusses Signature Display's basic functions, data-handling characteristics, and alphameric display capabilities. System Library Manual, 12 pages //14//3270,3271,3272,3275,3277,3284,3286,3288.0129/ GA27-3001 IBM 2740/2741 COMMUNICATIONS TERMINAL - OPERATOR'S GUIDE ThIs publication describes the setup and operating procedures for the IBM 2740 and IBM 2741 Communications Terminals when operating in local and communicate mode. The line-control signals and transmission controls are fully described for each terminal. Removal and replacement procedures for the typewriter are also fully described along with recommended typing procedures to ensure the most efficient operation of the terminals. Systems Reference Library Manual. 62 pages //09//2740,2741/ GA27-3004 GENERAL INFORMATION - BINARY SYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS This publication describes the Binary synchronous----Communications (BSC) procedures in general terms. rhe major topics covered are: BSC concepts (including transmission codes and data-link operation), message f3rmats, additional data-link capabilities, and planning considerations. Systems Reference Library Manual, 36 pages /'09/'/ GA27-3005 IBM 2780 DATA TRANSMISSION TERMINAL - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This Component Description manuar-describes the principles of operation of the IBM 2780 Data TransmiSSion Terminal. 141 GA27 The data-link control characters, code structures, timeouts, and throughput rates associated with the Binary Synchronous method of transmission are described. The communications facilities, data sets, and special features available for this Tele-processing terminal are also discussed. Systems Reference Library Manual, 78 pages //09//2780/ GA27-3006 IBM REMOTE MULTIPLEXERS AND COMMUNICATIONS TERMINALS INST~~LATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING This publication contains physical planning information for IBM Remote Multiplexers and Communications Terminals. Included are physical specifications, electrical and environmental requirements, cabling requirements, and available communications facili'ties. Systems Reference Library Manual, 64 pages /TP/15/// GA27-3011 IBM 2760 OPTICAL IMAGE UNIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ThIs-component Descriptron-Manual describes the-Principles of operation of the IBM 2760 Optical Image Unit when attached to an IBM 2740 Communications rerminal, Modell. Line-control signals, message formats, s~ecial features, communication facilities, and data sets that can be used with this Tele-~rocessing terminal are also discussed. A major section concerning the pre~aration of artwork and the photographic procedures involved in creating a filmstrip for use in this unit will be found towarj the end of the manual. Systems Reference Library Manual, 52 pages 360,370//09//2760/ GA27-3013 SYSTEM COMPONENTS: IBM 2770 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM This System Components manualdescribes the principles of operation of the component units of the IBM 2770 Data Communication system. The data link control characters, code structures, and timeouts associated with the Binary Synchronous method of transmission used by the 2770 are described. Also described are the operating characteristics of the various input/output devices and the specifications of the input/output media. Special features and specify features for all system units are included. This manual comprises descriptions of individual units within the 2770 Data Communication System. systems Reference Library Manual //09//2770,2772/ "A27-3015 IBM 2790 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION The rBM-2~Data communication System is-a-two-way, inplant communication and production reporting system. This publication describes the units of the 2790 system, along with its capabilities, features, and applications. This publication presumes a telecommunications background and rBM system/360 experience. The purpose of this publication is to assist programmers and systems analysts in designing and operating the 2790 system. This publication describes the 2790 system using the 2715 Transmission Control Unit as the system controller. IBM 2793 Area Station IBM 2795 Data Entry Unit rBM 2796 Data Entry Unit rBM 2797 Data Entry Unit IBM 2798 Guidance Display Unit IBM 1035 Badge Reader IBM 1053 Printer Systems Reference Library Manual, 78 pages //09//2790,2791,2793/ GA27-3016 IBM 2790 SYSTEM SUMMARY The ~2790 Data-communication System is a two-way, in~lant data communication and production reporting system. This 2790 System Summary is written for those who want an introduction to the IBM 2790 system, its associated components, and its applications. A general description of each of the system components is given, ~ith a summary of all pertinent features of each. System Reference Library Manual, 36 pages //09//2790,2791,2793/ GA27 Representatives, and Customer Engineers. System Reference Library Manual, 66 pages //15//2790,2791,2793/ GA27-3019 IBM 2770 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM INSTALLAT~MANUAL--PHYSICAr-PLANNING This publication presents detailed information concerning the physical characteristics of the IBM 2770 Data Commuunication System. DimenSions, weights, service clearances, phyical information for each unit, and environmental and electrical requirements are included. Particular attention is devoted to information necessary for the customer t.O prepare his premises for actual installation of equipment. Planning assistance is available from IBM sales and installation planning representatives. Systems Reference Library Manual, 42 pages //15//2770,2772/ G1\27-3021 IBM 2790 CONFIGUR1\TOR The ~2790 Configura tor is written for IBM Salesmen, IBM Systems Engineers, and customer system evaluation management. This manual illustrates configurations for IBM 2790 Data Communications Systems attached to System/7, System/360, System/370, or to an IBM 1800 Data Acquisition and Control System. Diagrams show the relationship of all units in the system. Domestic and World Trade systems are shown in table and chart form to provide standard, special, and specify feature information. System Reference Library Manual, 22 pages //00//2790,2791,2793/ GA27-3029 2721 PORTABLE AUDIO TERMINAL ThIS manual is designed to acquaint the reader with the basic concepts anj use of the IBM 2721 Portable Audio Terminal. The publication should be used as a general guideline for useful application of the terminal. Functional and operational characteristics are discussed in detail, and no previous reading is required for an understanding of how the terminal operates as a remote input/output device. The operation of the 2721 terminal in a systems environment depends largely on how the user's program is written; therefore, the operating procedures outlined in this manual are of a general nature. The ultimate operation of the terminal depends upon the programmer's ingenuity and the applications involved. systems Reference Library Manual, 28 pages 360,370//09//2721/ GA27-3035 IBM 2790 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE The ~2~Data CommunicatiOn System is a two-way; inplant communication and production reporting system. Thiti publication is designed as a guide for operating the unitti of the 2790 system. Operational information about the following units and features is included: IBM 2715 Transmission Control Unit IBM 2791 Area Stations IBM 2792 Remote Communications Controllers IBM 2793 Area Station IBM 2795 Data Entry Unit Systems Reference Library Manual, 80 pages //09//2790,2791,2793,2795,2796,2715/ GA27-3038 OPERATOR'S GUIDE: IBM 2770 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM '!his Operat~uide is designed specifically for personnel operating or implementing the IBM 2770 Data Communication System. Step-by-step operating procedures and flowcharttype error recovery procedures are included for the control unit and for each of the input/output devices. The procedures for initia'ting, answering and terminating a switchej-network communications link with another terminal or processor are discussed. Error message formatting and transmission procedures are also described in detail. Operator's Guide, 150 pages //09//2770,2772/ GA27-30 39 IBM 2721 PORTABLE AUDIO TERMINAL OPERATOR'S HANDBOOK This liiaiiual provides instructions-for installing and operating the IBM 2721 Portable Audio Terminal. A section on problem determination is provided to assist the operator in deciding if the terminal requires maintenance. For more detailed information on the functions and operation of the terminal, refer to the Systems Reference Library Manual, Component Description: IBM 2721 Portable Audio Terminal, G1\27-3029. Manual, 15 pages 360,370//09//2721/ GA27-3017 IBM 2790 DATA COMMUNICATION ~ INSTALLATION ~ PHYSICAL PLANNING This-manual provides technical information necessary for planning the phySical installation of the IBM 2790 Data Communications System. Included are physical specifications and electrical requirements for each unit of the system. Typical system configurations with interunit cabling requirements are presented. The intended customer audience inclujes facilities GA27-3043 planners such as architects and consultants, contractors, IBM 3735 PROGRAMMABLE BUFFERED TERMINAL CONCEPT AND APPLICATION ---- ---operating management of the system, building superintendents, and communications technical The purpose of this manual is two-fold: first, i t introduces representatives. the IBM 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal; and, second The intended IBM audience includes Sales it provides planning information for those who may be Representatives, systems Engineers, Installation Planning involved in installing a 3735. Because of this dual 142 GA27 purpose, not all sections of the manual may be of interest to each reader. Those interested in an ~verview and in the highlights of the 3735 will find the Introduction of most value; those who need more detailed information on the terminal's operation and functional capabilities will find the sections on Operating Characteristics and Implementation Considerations of most interest; systems and application programmers will find information on Programming Considerations for the 3735 in Appendix B. ;enerally, the prerequisites for thi3 manual are an understanding of the concept and application of the IBM Systeml360 and the IBM System/370 in a teleprocessing environment. The section on Programming Considerations requires more extensive knowledge of the applicable operating system (OS or DOS). Although not intended as a terminal operator's guide ~r as a programmer's guide, the maIl1lal presents general information concerning these subjects. System Reference Library, 50 pages 360,370//09//3735/ GA27-3044 IBM 2976 MOBILE TERMINAL SYSTEM CUSTOM SYSTEM DESCRIPTION OPER7>t.TOR' S GUIDE - PHYSICAL PLANNING --This manual is the primary source of information on the IBM 2976 Mobile Terminal System. The Mobilererminal System provides high-speed, two-way data communications between a central IBM Systeml360 or System/370 and mobile terminals. It is comprised of an IBM 2976 Model 3 Transmission Control Unit, an IBM 2976 Model 5 Signal Converter, and a number of IBM 2976 Model 4 Mobile Terminals. The manual contains both introductory and in-depth information about the system components, a discussion of programming requirements for the system, the operator information needed to use the components of the system, diagnostic procedures for rapid problem determination, and the physical planning and installation information required for planning and installing the Mobile rerminal System. Organization of the manual into separate parts allOWS the expected users to go directly to the information they require. These users include: management, programming. system analyst, and central site operating personnel; mobile terminal operators; and site planning and i,nstallation personnel. Users who require the detailed information provided in this publication should have a basic understanding of telecommunications and radio operations and should have IBM System/360 or Systeml370 programming and operating experience. Manual, 50 pages /TP/15//2976/ GA27-3051 INTRODUCTION ~ THE 3704 ! 3705 CONMUNIC7>t.rIONS CONTROLLERS The IBM 3705 Communications Controller i3 a compatible transmission control unit designed to assume many teleprocessing control functions formerly assigned to a teleprocessing access method. The 3705 is controlled by a program resident in the controller. This publication contains introductory information on the hardware components of the controller and on the programs provided to support it. Any U3er or potential user of a 3705, including management, programmers, operators, and maintenance personnel, should be familiar with the contents of this manual. The only prerequisite f~r this manual is an understanding of basic teleprocessing operations. System Library Manual, 56 pages /109113704,3705/ GA27-3058 IBM 3872 MODEM USER'S GUIDE The ~3872 Modem can~sfer data at rates of 2400 or 1200 bits per second. It operates on dedicated (leased or privately owned), voice-grade communications facilities. In the USA and Canada, the 3872 also operates on the public switched network. In this publication, the 3872 is described as an item of equipment in the medium-speed modem field. The manual is in four main parts: Part 1 describes (in general terms) the IBM 3872 Modem, planning considerations, and equipment and facility considerations; Part 2 presents 3872 operating procedures and offline problem determination procedures; Part 3 describes (in detail) the IBM 3872 Modem: interface specifications, installation specifications, channel specifications, and special features. Considerations in using the 3872 in World Trade countries are included in appr~priate places in the manual and are summarized in Part 4, which also contains the glossary. This publication is intended for system planners, systems engineers, installation planners, operators, and supervisory personnel. A knowledge of teleprocessing systems is a prerequisite for Part 3 onlf. Operator information (Part 3) is separated from general and specific descriptive information, for easier accessibility. System Library User's Guide, 70 pages //09//38721 GA27-3061 f~~ 111~ PROGRAMMABLE BUFFERED TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE The IBM 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal consists of two cable-connected units: a keyboard/printer and a control unit. In its typical application, the 3735 is used to prepare source documents (preprinted form3 on which the 143 GA27 terminal operator adds variable information). Program3, stored within the 3735 control unit, guide the operator during preparation of the fonns, and cause selected input data to be stored for later batch transmission to a centrdl data processing system. This operator's guide introduces the 3735 and describes its operating procedures. Both normal operating procedures and error recovery techniques are described. The manual assumes that the user has been previously trained in the operation of an office typewriter such as the IBM Selectric. Manual, 100 pages 5415,360,370,5410//09//3735/ GA27-3062 IBM 3872 MODEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION CARD ThIs:fOIdout cara-document normally accompanies a 387L Mode~ to help the customer determine who to call when a communications channel using the 3872 becomes trouolesome. 8-1/2 x 11 inches, 8 cards //09//3872/ GA27-3063 COMPONENT INFORMATION EQR THE l~ 3780 DATA COMMUNICArION TERMINAL This manual introduces the IBM 3780 Communication Terminal, designed to transmit and receive data accurately, quickly, and economically in a teleprocessing environment. The terminal's applications, capabilities, and design highlights are discussed, as well as use of the binary synchronous communication, a description of the associated data-link control characters, code structures, and timeouts. The manual also discusses communication facilities, IBl"l moderns, and special features available for this teleprocessing terminal. In-depth information for those who implement customer applications is also included. Readers concerned ~ith the 3780's capabilities and design highlights will find the Introduction, card Reader, and Printer sections uStful, while those needing more detailed information on the terminal's operation and its binary synchronous method of communication should read the Operating Characteristics and Programming Considerations sections. prerequisites for this manual include an understanding of the IBM Systeml360 and the IBM System/370 in a teleprocessing environment, together with knowledge of the binary synchronous method of data-link control as outlined in the IBM Systems Reference Library publication, General Inforation--Binary Synchronous communications, GA27-3004. Manual, 70 pages 360,370//09//3780,3781/ GA27-3066 SUPPLEMENTARY OPERATOR'S AND PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE INFORMATIJN C7>t.RD IBM 3735 m..TI! ~ 129 CARD QATA RECORDER (RPQ#EB1935)_ This card contains information on setup and operation, switches, the card deck, column indicator, errors, and recovery. This guide supplements information contained in the following manuals: operator's Guide for IBM 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal (GA27-3061) IBM 3735 Programmer's Guide (os and DOS Systems) (GC30- 3001) IBM 129 Card Data Recorder/Machine Description (GA22-6980) Guide Card, 2 pages 5415,360,370,5410//14//3735/ G7>t.27-3069 SUPPLEMENTARY OPERATOR'S AND PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE INFORMATIJN IBM l1..ll WITH ~ ~ UNIT AND FILE SEARCH JB.f.Q !.!llliQ.~t This guide supplements information in the follOWing manuals: Operator's Guide for IBM 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal (GA27-3061) IBM 3735 Programmer's Guide (OS and DOS Systems) (GC30-300l) The operation of the Keypad standalone unit is the same as the Keypad on tne 3735 Selectric keyboard, except that the standalone Keypad provides a 48 character Duffer. Form 360,370,5410,5415//14//3735/ GA27-3073 l!!~ 3735 WITH AUTO FDP ~Q!! ~ #MB7057 OPERA1'OR'S ~gQ This guide supplements information contained in the Operator's Guide for IBM 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal (GA27-3061) • It is intended for personnel who have been previously trained on an office typewriter such as the IBM SelecLric. card, 2 pages 360,370,5410,5415//14//3735/ GA27-3086 GUIDE TO USING THE IBM 3704 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLL~R CONTROLP~ -Th1s publication is a 3704 control panel guide for the systems programmers, the systems engineers, the customer engineers, and the programming service representative with a knowledge of the internal operation of the 3704 and a neej ~ use the control panel for normal operation, testing, or GA27 GA27 diagnostics. It primarily describes the functions and uses of the 3704 control panel. For the operator, an IBM 3704 Operator Reference Summary is provided ~ith this manual to be used as an easy reference for preparing the 3704 for operation and for handling basic error conditions. This manual is divided into five sections and five appendixes. Section 1 describes the general capabilities of the 3704 control panel and how to use the panel. Section 2 describes the basic and advanced program independent control panel procedures for the 3704. Section 3 describes the 3704 control panel procedures used with the Emulation Program. Section 4 describes the 3704 control panel procedures used with the Network control program. Section 5 is an alphabetical list of the 3704 panel controls that summarizes their functions and provides a cross-reference to the applicable proced~res. The appendixed provide supplementary information needed to execute and interpret certain of the control panel procedures. A special feature of the manual is a foldout diagram of the 3704 control panel (Appendix D). The diagram is divided into areas, each of which has a number.fhroughout the book, references to a specific panel control are keyed to the section of the diagram where that control is located. For ease of reference, the diagram can be folded out to be seen with any other page of the manual. The information in this manual was previously in the IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers Operator's Guide (JA27-3055). The 3705 information, previously a part of the Operator's Guide, is now in the Guide to Using the IBM 3705 Communications Controller Control Panel. Manual, 138 pages //09//3704/ G!\.27-3087 GUIDE TO USING THE IBM 3705 CONTROL PANEL This-publication-rs-a-3~control panel guide for the systems programmer, the systems engineer, the customer engineer, and the programming service represent:ative with a knowledge of the internal operation of the 3705 and a need to use the control panel for normal operation, testing, or diagnostics. It primarily describes the functions and uses of the 3705 control panel. For the operator, an IBM 3705 Operator Reference Summary is provided with this manual to be used as an easy reference for preparing the 3705 for operation and for handling basic error conditions. !\. special feature of the manual is a foldout diagram of the 3705 control panel. The diagram is divided into areas, each of ~hich has a number. Throughout the book, references to, a specific panel control are keyed to the section of the diagram where that control is located. For ease of reference, the diagram can be folded out to be seen with any other page of the manual. The information in this manual was previously in the IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers Operat:or's Guide GA27-3055. The 3705 information previously a part of the Operator's Guide is now in the Guide to u3ing the IBM 3705 Control Panel. Manual, 76 pages //09//3705/ GA27-3091 IBM 3704 OPERATOR REFERENCE SUMMARY IBM 3704 Operator Reference Summary This reference card accompanies the Guide to Using the IBM 3704 Control Panel (or may be ordered separately) and provijes the operator with an easy reference for basic 3704 operating procedures. It lists the procedures to be foll~ed in preparing the 3704 for operating (up to IPL) and the basic error recovery procedures. Reference Summary, 6 panels See GA27-3086 GA27-3092 IBM 3705 OPERATOR REFERENCE SUMMARY This-reference-card accompanies the Guide to Using the IBM 3705 Control Panel (or may be ordered separately) and provides the operator with an easy reference for basic 3705 operating procedures. It lists the procedures to be followe~ in preparing the 3705 for operation (up to IPL) and the ba3ic error recovery procedures. Reference Summary, 6 panels See 3A27-3087 GA27-3093 SYNCHRONOUS DATA LINK CONTROL GENERAL INFORMATION 'fhis manual describes the procedures that comprise Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC). It includes a brief background and a basic description to familiarize the reader wi th the terminology and concepts of SDLC. This is followed by a catalog of the components of SDIC and some representative examples of their uses. Readers who have no prior knowledge of data communications line control should refer to: IBM Introduction to Teleprocessing, GC20-8095-02 before attempting to understand the material presented in this publication. The IBM Data processing Glossary, GC21-1699, is a useful 144 reference for the definitions of terms used in this manual. A reader who is familiar with other systems of line control should not assume that familiar terms have the same definitions in SDLC procedures. This manual does not provide instructions for the implementation of SDLe, nor does it describe any specific information about an IBM SDLC implementation, refer to the appropriate IBM publication for that machine or system. Manual, 60 pages 370//09/// GA27-3094 ~::~~ PROCEDURES GUIDE: IBM ill! AND 3775 COMMUNICArION This Operating Procedures Guide is designed specifically for personnel writing detailed operator procedures for IBM 3774 or IBM 3775 Communication Terminal job applications, and for operators of the terminals. Included are: o Operating procedures for the basic configuration (the console printer, the keyboard, the operator's console, and the controller). o Operating procedures for the input and output devices. o Job definition and job start procedures for the terminal. o Error recovery and problem identification procedures for the terminal. This guide describes the purpose and use of the terminal's controls as they apply to all jobs. You can use this manual in preparing a detailed operator procedure for a specific job in your application. Manual, 200 pages 370//09//3774.3775/ GA27- 3095 REFERENCE CARD: IBM 3774 AND 3775 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS Th1S Reference-ca~summarrzes-rnformation that is already included in the Operating Procedures Guide: IBM 3774 and 3775 communication Terminals (GA27-3094), and gives a quick reference to the information needed for the routine operation of the IBM 3774 or IBM 3775 CommUnication Terminals. Reference Surunary, 4 pages 370//09//3774.3775/ GA27-3096 IBM 3767 MODELS 1 , 2 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL COMPONENT DEScR'IPTION-- - - This manual describes the IBM 3767 Communication Terminal, a mUltipurpose terminal that communicates with an IBM System/ 370. The information it contains is directed to customer executives, systems analysts, and systems engineers alreajy aware of the operating procedures for the applications in which they plan to use the terminal. The first chapter gives an overview of the 3767. It describes the applications and features of the 3767 and the communication facilities required. The chapter on operating controls follows the chapters on operating characteristics and special features so that the reader can better appreciate the functions of these controls. Information on installation and physical planning is given in IBM Remote Multiplexers and Communications Terminals Installa'tion Manual -- Physical Planning, GA27-3006. Manual, 80 pages 370//09//3767/ GA27-3097 IBM 3770 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM-- SYSTEM COMPONENTS ThisPiib'licationpreaeiitS"Tntroductory and reference information about the IBM 3770 Data Communication System. It describes the capabilities and functions provided by this system for those concerned with planning for a teleprocessing network or for integrating the terminals into an existing network. It is also a reference source for system and application programmers, and for personnel planning job setups for the 3770. Application personnel planning job setups for the 3770 will also require a copy of the publication IBM 3770 Operating Procedures Guide, GA273094. It is assumed that the reader of this manual understands the concept and application of the IBM Systeml370 in a teleprocessing environment, and is familiar with data link control procedures-- Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) or Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC), whichever is used. Manual, 100 pages 370//09//3770,3771,3773,3774,3775,3776/ GA27-3099 SYSTEM NETWORK ARCHITECTURE - SYSTEM SUMMARY This manual provides summary-information about IBM 5 ystem Network Architecture elements, a selection of equipment and programs comprising compatible components as a basis for a data communications network. It briefly describes the concepts of the System Network Architecture and the interrelationships of its components. Short descriptions of equipment components are also included. Manual, 28 pages 370//09/// GA27 GA33 GA27-3103 3770 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ~ ~ITE PREPARATION :;UIDE This reference manual will be given to the customer by the IBM Marketing Representative at the time the customer orders a 3770 Data Communication System. The manual provides the customer with the information necessary to prepare his site for the installation of the 3770 which he will perform. Handbook, 50 pages 3701/091/3770,3771,3773,3774,37751 GA27-3104 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL CUSTOMER SITE PREPARATION ------3UIDE This manual will be given to the customer by the IBM Marketing Representative at the time the customer orders a 3767 communication Terminal. The manual provides the customer ~ith the information necessary to prepare his site for the installation of the 3767 ~hich he ~ill perform. Reference Summary, 15 pages 3701109113761/ 311.27-3106 Q£~~TOR'§ INTRODUCTION TO THE 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL This brochure is intended to serve as the preferred means of first exposure to the equipment (i.e., before delivery) by presenting to the prospective user or operator some of the characteristics and features of the 3767 CommUnication Terminal. Locations and functions of keys and controls are presented in a facts-folder format. Reference Summary, 18 pages 3701109/137671 GA32-0006 TAPE SPECIFICATIONS FOR IBM ONE-HALF INCH TAPE DRIVES AT: 556 AND 800 BPI AND 3200FcI------- - - - - - - - - ThislmanuaI provides~ specifications and requirements for magnetic tape to be used on IBM Tape Drives. The specifications are presented in two parts: General information and Tape Properties Essential for IBM Tape Drive Use. The latter section covers minimum properties required for tape use on all IBM Tape Drives. Manual, 11 pages 2020,1802,360,3701/051/2401,2402,2403,2404,2415,2420, 3410,3411,34201 GA32-0007 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 2420 MODEL 5 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT ThIS-bulletin describes-the characterIstics, functionS;-and features of the IBM 2420 Model 5 Magnetic Tape Unit. Systems Reference Library Manual, 12 pages 360,37011051124201 GA32-0015 IBM 3410/3411 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM COMPONENT SUMMARY MANUAL"--- - - - - - - - - - - - ----- ThIS-manual will give potential customers a general introduction to the 3410/3411 Magnetic rape Subsystem. The manual describes the IBM 3410 Models 1,2, and 3 Magnetic Tape Units and the IBM 3411 Magnetic Tape Unit and control. Manual, 8 pages 360,370,5410,54151/051/3410,34111 GA32-0020 3803/3420 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEMS This manual describes the IBM 3803 Model 1 Tape Control and the IBM 342G Models 3, 5, and 7 Magnetic Tape Units. The 3803 Model 1 tape control provides communication between the tape units and the system input/outp~t interface. The 3420 Models 3, 5, and 7 tape units read and write onehalf inch magnetic tape at 75, 125, and 200 inches per second respectively. All three basic tape units read and write nine-track, 1,600 bytes per inch (bpi), phase-encoded format. Nine-track, 800 bpi NRZI recording mode is available as a feature on all models. Seven-track, 556/800 bpi NRZI recording mode is an optional feature on all models. Readers should be familiar ~ith the contents of IBM SYSTEM/360 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION, Form GA22-6821 (sections on inputloutput operations). Systern/370 users should also refer to IBM SYSTEMl370 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION, Form GA227000. Systems Reference Library Manual, 32 pages 360,3701105113803,34201 NRZI recording mode and seven-track 800/556/200 bpi NRZI recording mode are available as features on the 3420 ModeLs 3, 5, and 7 and on the 3803 Model 2. A reader should be familiar with IBM Systeml360 Principles of Operation, GA22-6821 (section on 1/0 operations) and IBM System/370 PrinCiples of Operation, GA22-7000 (section on 1/0 Operations). Manual, 60 pages 360,3701105113803,34201 GA32-00 22 IBM 3410/3411 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPrION MANuAL - - - - --- ------- Th1S manual describes the IBM 3410/3411 Magnetic Tape Subsystem, Models 1, 2, and 3. In most instances, operational descriptions are limited to the channel and comrnllBnd level. Operations common to all 1/0 devices are described in IBM Systeml360 principles of Operation, Form GA22-6821, ani IBM System/370 Principles of Operation, Form GA22-7000. Subjects covered include keys and lights, tape handling procedures, status and sense information, and error recovery procedures. Systems Programmers who are writing programs for magnetic tape systems engineers who are planning installation using magnetic tape sales personnel Manual, 44 pages 360,370,5410,54151/051/3410,34111 GA32-0023 IBM 3803/3420 CUSTOMER ~ION GUIDE This document guides the IBM marketing representative and the IBM customer in planning a field conversion of 3803-1 and 3420-3, 5, 7 tape subsystems to 3803-2 and 3420-4, 6, (6250 bpi) tape subsystems. Notify the IBM Field Engineering representative early in the planning stages of the conversion. An early conference with him should be helpful to both of you. Manual, 16 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA32-0028 INTRODUCTION TO THE IBM 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) This publicationis designed toconvey iliformation about the IBM 3850 Mass Storage System. It is intended for data processing executives, operations managers, systems programmers and other professional data processing personnel. It assumes familiarity with data processing concepts and terminology. Manual, 84 pages 3155,3165,3145,3158,31681/071/3850,38511 GA33-0001 IBM 3875 MODEM USER'S GUIDE rn-this publication the 3875 Modem is described, and interface details, installation planning, and operating and operator maintenance procedures are given. Differences between operation in the USA and other countries are described in the appropriate parts of the publication, and a summary is given in an appendix. The content is intended for: o Systems Engineers o Installation Planning Engineers o Operators The information for systems engineers presupposes a knowledge of teleprocessing, but the information for installation planning engineers and operators requires no such understanding. Systems Library Manual, 56 pages 11091138751 GA33-0002 IBM 3874 MODEM USER'S GUIDE This publication-rs-written for operators, system engineers, and installation planning engineers who are using or intenj To use the IBM 3874 modem in a teleprocessing system. The manual is divided into four parts: o Part 1. General Information o Part 2. Operator's Information o Part 3 Technical Description o Part 4. Appendixes. No previous teleprocessing experience is required to understand the information given in Parts 1 and 2. Manual, 84 pages 11091138741 GA32-0021 IBM 3803-2/3420 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEMS SUBSYSTEM DESCRI~-GA33-1506 This manual describes the IBM 3803 Model 2 Tape Control and IBM SYSTEM/370MODEL 125 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS the IBM 3420 Models 3 through 8 Magnetic rape Units. The ThIs manual contains-rnformation on the operations that can 3803 Model 2 Tape Control provides communication between the be performed on the System/370 Model 125, including channeL tape units and the system inputloutput interface. and I/O operations. ·rhe 3420 Models 3/4, 5/6, and 7/8 rea:i and write oneThe Model 125 is a general purpose data processing half inch magnetic tape at 75, 125, and 200 inches per system, controlled from a central processing unit, with second respectively. The 3420 ModelS 4, 6, and 8 read and a direct attachment for disk drives as a standard write 9-track 6,250 bytes per inch (bpi) group coded feature. It can be equipped with a multiplexer channel recording (GCR) format. and with integrated attachments and adapters for magnetic rhe basic 3Q20 Models 3, 5, and 7 rea:i and ~rite nine tape units, car~ I/O :ievices, a printer, and teleprocessiag track, 1,600 bpi, phase-encoded format. Nine track, 800 bpi devices. 145 GA33 GA33 The manual describes the basic architecture and features of the central processing unit, and the channel characteristics. The intended readership consists mainly of systems analysts eValuating the capabilities of the Model 125 in terms of its manual and program operations, and of system programmers writing channel progr~ns or operating systems for the Model 125. The manual is only of limited use to application programmers because it contains little information related to programming languages. The first main section of the publications, "System Control," describes the architectural features such as the program status word control registers, and fiKed areas in main storage, and gives details of mode selection and other manual operations. The second main section describes the channel characteristics, and specifies the commands, status and sense information of the nati~ely-attached I/O devices. A separate chapter describes the teleprocessing attachment. Instruction timings are listed in an appendix. Prerequisite Publications: IBM System/370 System summary, GA22-7001 IBM System/360 PrinCiples of Operation, GA22-6821 IBM System/370 PrinCiples of Operation, GA22-7000 ~anual, 370 pages 3125//01/// 3~33-1507 IBM S~STEM/370 ~ODEL 125 CONFIGURATOR rhis-configurator is a-table showing the models, features, and attachments for the System/360 Model 125 central processing unit. It is intended to be used by IBM Marketing representatives, IBM System engineers, or customer systems evaluation mana~ement. Associated publications are: [BM System/370 Input/Output Configurator - GA22-7002 rB~ 3125 Processing Jnit Integrated :ommunications Adapter: ~onfi~urator - GA33-1508 Systems Library Manual, 8 pages 3125/100/// :a33-1508 IBM 3125 PRO:ES5IN3 uNIT INTEGRATED ::oNli'f:;[jR~rOR-MAN[jAL COM~JSICATrO~S ADAPTE~: ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IBM-Syatem/370/L2S-Integrated Communications Adapter ~onfi~urator consists of a nunber of text pages and overlays to be used when selecting a System/370 ~odel 125 tele9rocessing confi~uration. The systen/370 Model 125 [nte~rated ~ommunications Adapter is a teleprocessing attachment that can serve up to six binary synchronous lines and up to sixteen start/stop (asynchrono13) lines. The publication is intended to be used by IB~ marketing representatives, or experienced customer personnel, when detailed information is required aboat line speeds, interface types, line control types load factors and the line adapters and their interrelationshi? Feature and specified codes are also given for orderin~ purposes. Textbook, 54 pa~es, 40 acetate overlays 3125/TP/00/// 3A33-1509 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 125 PROCEDURES This manual is intended for operating:personnel using the System/370 Model 125. The manual is divided into four section: The Introduction, The Operation Console, operation Actions and the Appendix. The section on the operator console describes the hardware and the facilities available for the manual control of the system. The section on the operator actions describes how the facilities are used, ho~ to handle unexpected situations, and how to recover from a fault. The appendix provides reference information for the handling of I/O devices that can be directly attached (no control unit or channel is needed) to the Model 125. Restart procedures for the 2560 multifunction Card Machine, attached directly to the Model 125, are also given. Manual, 120 pages 3125//01/// GA33-1510 IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 115 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS This-publication describes the characteristics of the IBM System/370 Model 115, including the central processing unit, multiplexer channel, direct disk attachment. and the integrated attachments and adapters for other input/output devices. Its main purpose is to give systems analysts an understanding of the structure, features, and operations of the system. The manual also provides system programmers ~ith information which is essential when writing and maintaining channel programs and operating systems for the System/370 Model 115. In the six chapters of the manual. the characteristics of the Model 115 are described in terms of: 1. The basic system structure 2. Main storage addreSSing 3. The operations which can be performed and the means of manual and program conl:rol. 4. Compatibility features 5. The commands, status and sense information for input/output devices attached other than through the multiplexer channel. 6. The characteristics of the integrated communications adapter. 146 Appendixes A, B, and C provide (respectively) code tables f3r the integrated communications adapter, instruction timings, an1 an example procedure for conversion from 2311 Model 1s to a 3340 disk subsystem. Appendix D gives some information on magnetic tape unit compatibility A~pendix E gives definitions of the abbreviations and special terms used in this manual. The reader is assumed to be conversant with the IBM System/370 installation sets. data formats, channel operations, and basic programming concepts such as status switching and interruption. Prere~uisite Rea1ing IBM System/370 System Summary, GA22-7001 IBM System/370 Principles of Operation, GA22-7000 Manual, Systems Library, 286 pages 3115//01/// GA33-1511 IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 115 CONFIGURATOR This configurator is intended-for-sales personnel, systems engineers and customer systems evaluation management. This configura tor provides a concise graphic description of the Model 115 with standard and optical features, as .,ell as all possible configurations of I/O devices which can be directly attached to the Model 115. Manual 3115//00/// GA33-1512 IBM S~STEM/370 MODEL 125 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS T~rs manual descrrbes~w the effects of imposing loads on the channels of the IBM System/370 Model 125 can be checked. The book is intended for phySical planning engineers an1 systems analysts ~30 ilisn to check that a proposed configuration of input/output devices ~ill work satisfactorily in the System/370 Model 125. The manual is divided into four sections. Section on~ describes the channels in terms of type, theoretical iata rates, and the effects of loa1ing. Section tiiO describes h~w to test for d~ta overrun, and how to assign priorities t) devices on the ~yt~ multiplexer channel. Section three describes how the interference of the activities of the channels ~ith the I~U can be assessed. Section f3ur describes the concept of channel utilization. Before using this manual the reader should understand i3put/output operations for t~e M01el 125 as described in: IBM System/370 Model 125 Functional Characteristics, GA33-1506 IBM System/370 Principles of Operation, GA22-6B21 IBM System/370 ~rinciples of Operation, 3A22-7000 Manual, 36 pages 3125//01/// GA33-1513 IBM 3115 PROCESSING UNIT INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS ADAPTER CONFIGffiiATOR -- ------ Consists of a number of text pages and overlays to be use1 when selecting a System/370 Model 115 teleprocessing configuration. The Systeml370 Model 115 Integrated Communications Adapter is a teleprocessing attachment that can serve up to five binary synchronous lines and up to eight start/stop (asynchronous) lines. The publication is intended to be used by IBM marketing representatives, or experienced customer personnel, When detailed information is required about line speeds, interface types, line control types load factors and the line adapters and their interrelationship. Feature and specified codes are also given for ordering purposes. Manual 3115//00/// GA33-1514 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY SYSTEM/370 MODEL 115 PROCEDURES This manual provides operating and reference information for operators of the IBM System/370 Model 115. The reader is assumed to have a working knowledge of Introduction to IB~ Data ProceSSing Systems, GC20-1684, and some previous operating experience on either a similar system or on related data processing equipment. This manual describes how to operate the system hardware of the IBM 3115 Processing Unit. The manual is divided into: 1. Preliminary information, including action to be taken in an emergency. 2. "Introduction", which briefly describes the system. 3. "Facilities," which describes the operator console. keyboard and video display screen. 4. "Actions," which describes the preparation of the system for operation, and the handling of unexpected situations whicn may occur during preparation and operation. 5. "Appendix," which provides: a. Reference information on the: o Direct disk attachment o Magnetic tape adapter o Integrated communications adapter o Integrated console printer attachment o Integrated printer attachment o Integrated card I/O attachment. b. Restart Procedures for the IBM 2560 Multi-Function Card Machine (MFCM) and the IBM 5425 Multi- GA33 FUnction Card Unit (MFCU). c. A description of the choices on the "Line Modes for ICA" displays. d. Conversion tables. 6. A glossary, bibliography, and index. systems library manual, 130 pages 31151101111 3A33-1515 ~~M ~£Ql PRINTER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATOR'S GUIDE This publication provides reference information for th-e~ users of the IBM 3203 Printer. It is written mainly for the benefit of system planners, programmers and operators, but is also of interest to system supervisors and engineers. rh~publication provides a general intoduction to the 3203, its components, method of operation, and requirements~ describes the channel commands, status responses and error recovery procedures~ and explains the various operating procedures. A section on printer throughput is included for system analysts who wish to calculate the performance of the machine. A separate chapter covers the requirements and p~ocedures for producing printed output that can be processed by optical character readers. The publication contains three appendixes: Appendix A: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code Appendix B: 3203 Sense Byte Summary Appendix C: Abbreviations The reader should be familiar with the aystem to which the printer is attached. For system and programming information refer to publications listed in the bibliography for the system. Prerequisite Publications: For programmers: IBM System/370 Principles of Operation, Order No. GA22-7000. Manual, 74 pages 3115,31251/031/32031 GA33-1516 IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 115 CaANNEL CHARAcrERISTICS This manual describeshow the effects of 1mposing loads on the channels of the IBM system/370 Model 115 can be checked. The book is intended for physical planning engineers and systems analysts who wish to check that a proposed configuration of inputloutput (I/O) devices will work satisfactorily in the Systeml370 Model 115. The first section of the book describes the types of channels to which 1/0 devices can be connected, the theoretical data rates of the channels, and the possible effects of imposing heavy IIO loads on those channels. The effects considered are: data overrun, loss of device performance, channel interference with the machine instruction processor (MIP), program overrun, and excessive channel utilization. The second section gives the procedures for testing data overrun on the byte-multiplexer channel. This section also includes a description of how to assign priorities to devices on the byte-multiplexer channel. The third section deals with interference with the MIP that is caused by activities on the channels, and describes how the interference can be assessed. The same section also shows how to check for the possibility of program overrun. The fourth section describes the concept of channel utilization. Before using this manual, the reader should have a thorough understanding of inputloutput operations for the Model 115 as described in: IBM Systeml370 Model 115 Functional Characteristics, GA33-1510. IBM System/370 principles of Operation, GA22-7000. ~hen calculating for data overrun on the byte multiplexer channel, a special worksheet is required: IBM systeml370 Model 115 Byte-Multiplexer Channel: Load Sum ~orksheet GX33-6007, available in pads of 50. System library manual, 44 pages 3115//011/1 GA33 Principles of Operation (GA22-7000). The Terminal Adapter Type I Model II subfeature covered by this manual allOWS the Model 135 to communicate with remote startlstop terminals such as the IBM 1050 Data Communications Terminals, and IBM Systeml7. The first section of the manual outlines the relationship of the ICA to the CPU main storage and to the external communication link. Subsequent sections give details of transmission codes, methods of error detection, special characters, status and sense information, and communication procedures. Appendixes give information about the particular requirements of the remote devices. Manual, 56 pages 31351113111 GA33-3008 IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 135 TERMINAL ADAPTER TYPE III FOR ICA: SPECIAL FEATUREi5EScRIPTI-ON--- - - - - - - - -This manual provides information for writing channel programs for the Terminal Adapter Type III sub feature in the integrated communications adapter (ICA) base feature of the IBM System/370 Model 135. The manual is intended for applications programmers who use assembler language and who are familiar with inputloutput programming as described in IBM System/360 Principles of Operation (GA22-6821) and IBM Systeml370 Principles of Operation (GA22-7000). The Terminal Adapter Type III subfeature allows the Model 135 to communicate with remotely sited IBM 2260 or 2265 Display Stations, via IBM 2848 or 2845 Display Controls, respectively. The first section of the manual outlines the relationship of the ICA to the CPU main storage and to the external communication link. Subsequent sections give details of transmission codes, methods of error detection, special characters, commands, status and sense information, and communication procedures. System Library Manual, 36 pages 31351113111 GA33-3009 IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 135-SYNCHRONOUS DATA ADAPTER TYPE II '(FOR ICA): SPECIALFEATURE DESCRIPTIO-N- - - - - -ThIS manual provi~es:rererence information for programmers writing channel programs for the Synchronous Data Adapter Type II subfeature in the Integrated Communication Adapter (ICA) feature of the IBM Systeml370 Model 135. The Synchronous Data Adapter Type II subfeature allows the Model 135 to communicate with other processing systems and terminals that operate under binary synchronous c3mmunications procedures. The manual is intended for applications programmers wno use assembler language and who are familiar with inputloutput programming as described in IBM System/3bO Principles of Operation (GA22-6821) and IBM Systeml370 Principles of Operation (GA22-7000). The reader should also be familiar with the basic principles of binary synchronous communications, such as is given in General Information Binary Synchronous Communications (GA27-3004). The first section of the manual outlines the relationship of the ICA to the CPU main storage and to the external communication link; the second section summarizes the principles of binary synChronous communications. Subsequent sections give details of the transmission codes used in the Synchronous Data Adapter Type II, the error detection methods used, control characters, commands, status and sense information, and operations of the adapter. Manual, 64 pages 31351/13/// GA33-30 10 IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 135 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS ThIs manual provides information needed for checking that a proposed configuration of 1/0 devices on the channels of IBM Systeml370 will work satisfactorily. The book is intendej f3r use in systems assurance work at the planning stage. Procedures with examples are given for testing the GA33-3005 effects of imposing heavy loads on the Model 135 channels. IBM SYSTEMl370 ~ 135 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS The effects covered are: data overrun, loss of device This publication describes the capabilities, inputloutput performance, channel interference with the CPU, program channels, integrated adapters (printer, file, and overrun, and excessive channel utilization. communications), features (including the 231413340 Additional but related topics covered in the book are: Compatibility feature), and operations of the IBM Systeml370 (1) priority sequence of devices on the byte-multiplexer Model 135. This information includes the relationship of channel (with examples that include the 1419 Magnetic the IBM Systeml370 Model 135 to the IBM Systeml360. This Character Reader with expanded capability)~ (2) the effects publication is intended for users and potential users such of clock-multiplexing on channel busy time and percentage as system analysts and programmers) of the System/370 Model channel utilization~ and (3) channel programming 135. The reader is assumed to have a working knowledge of conventions, upon which the validity of test procedures in IBM Systeml370 Principles of Operation (311.22-7000) and IBM the book is based. System/370 System Summary (GA22-7001). Prerequisite Publications Manual, 99 pages The reader must be familiar with System/370 inputloutput 31351/01/// operations as presented in: IBM Systeml360 Principles of Operation GA22-6821 IBM System/370 Principles of Operation GA22-7000 3A33-3007 IBM Systeml370 Model 135 Functional Characteristics IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 135-TERMINAL ADAPTER TYPE I MODEL II GA33-3005 I~Qg-!£~! SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTIONISYSTEM LIBRARY MANuAL IBM Systeml360 and System/370 Interface Channel Unit This manual provides information for writing channel Original Equipment Manufacturers Information GA22-6974. programs for the Terminal Adapter Type I Model II subfeature For testing data overrun on the byte-multiplexer channel, in the Integrated Communications Adapter (ICA) base feature the following special worksheet in required: IBM Systeml370 of the IBM System/370 Model 135. Model 135 Byte-Multiplexer Channel: Load Sum Worksheet GX33The manual is intended for applications programmers who 6004. use the assembler language and who are familiar with Manual, 120 pa~es inputloutput programming as described in IBM Systeml360 31351101111 Principles of Operation (GA22-6821) and IBM Systeml370 147 GA33 GA36 31\.33-3011 IBM SYSTEM/310 MODEL 135 - TELEGRAPH ADAPrER TYPE II (FOR -ICiS:--sPECrnFEATURE DESCRIPTIONMitwiL-- This manual is primarily for comm~nicatIOn-programmers who wish to write their own channel programs for the Telegraph I\.dapter Type II feature. The ma~al will also be of interest to programmers who intend to use programs that are available from IBM. The Telegraph Adapter Type II feature (available in USA only) is one of the optional subfeatures in the integrated communications adapter (ICA) feature of the IBM 3135 Processing Unit. The subfeat~re allows the IBM Systeml310 Model 135 to communicate with remote teletypewriter-exchange-service (TWX) terminals, Models 33 35. The first section of the manual o~tlines the relationship of the ICA to the main storage of the 3135 Processing Unit and to the external communication link1 the section also gives inputloutput programming information. The remaining sections of the manual apply solely to the Telegraph Adapter Type II feature and give the programmer details of: Transmission codes, Methods of error detection, Control characters, commands, status and sense information, communication procedures and line monitoring. I\.n appendix give the TWX code struct~re for the remote devices. Manual, 30 pages 313511131/1' G1\.33-3014 IBM SYSTEM/310 MODEL 135 CONFIGURATOR This publication lists-the standard, optional, and selective features of the IBM Systeml310 Model 135, and describes how these features attach to the Systeml310 Model 135. Details of feature numbers, prereq~isite feature3, programming support, and control storage requirements are also given. This configurator is intended for IBM marketing personnel, and for customer systems planners 1 that is, it is intended for readers who are involved iIIith planning Model 135 sy3tem configurators and who need to know how the features and combinations of features can be attached to the Model 135. To make the best use of this configurator, the reader should be familiar with the information in IBM Systeml310 Model 135 Functional Characteristics. This configurator lists the Model 135 features under the follOwing general headings: o standard, optional, and selective features o instruction sets o channels o integrated adapters Manual, 44 pages 31351/001/1 G1\.33-3015 ~~~~~~~~~ =~~MF~~4iB~I~:~Y~O~~~P~~~E~O:~O~s~~IT ~§I~~£~-~~ ~!.-- ---- --- - For other countries: RPQ XI0260 (3141/3142). Systems Library manual, 28 pages 11141/3741,31421 GA33-4500 IBM SYSTEMl360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS - 2826 PAPER TAPE CONTROL UNIT 1017 PAPER TAPE READER 1018 PAPER~E-pijNcH This publication :1escribestheabOVenamed papertap-e-input/output components for the reading and punching of paper or Mylar. tape. Attachment is to the multiplexer channel of the IBM Systeml360 Models 25,30, 40, and 50. The channel commands necessary to control the operation of the above units, and the status and sense bytes provide1 by the control unit, are fully described. Controls, tape specifications, tape-splicing procedures, tape-loading procedures, and special features are also described. Systems Reference Library Manual, 42 pages 360,370/108//2826,1011,10181 GA34-0016 IBM 5275 DIRECT NUMERICAL CONTROL STATION INTRODUCTION AND COMPONENTI5'ESc'RIPTION --- --- Provides a description of the 5215 and its function in a numerical control environment. It is intended for customer executives, installation managers, application programmers, and those involved with the physical installation and maintenance of the terndnal. This publication provides: a comparison of conventional numerical control systems to the i~proved system using the 5275i a brief functional description of the terminal and its major components1 human factor considerations; a detailed description of the functional capabilities1 highlights of the programming support 1 and information concerning installation planning, reliability, availability, and performance considerations. Only a general knowledge of data processing, numerical control systems, and the steps involved in making a part (part programming) is required to use this manual. Manual, 100 pages 3101/091/52751 G1\.34-1507 IBM SYSTEM/1-360/310 ~ ~~ ~~ INFORMATION MI\.NUAL, BE.2 QQ!!.!.!£ This manual describes the RPQ 008112 (Systeml1 360/310 channel attachment, and RPQD08113 two channel switch). It contains a general explanation of Systeml1 360/310 attachment to 360/310 channel data transfer sequences. For correct operation, the machine language instructions, status and sense bytes are explained in detail. Manual, 36 pages 111115799-wCB -- U.S.A. Canada: RPQs Y94116 and 1H0014. Other countries: RPQs 1H0020 and 7H0023. Provide3 reference information for operating and programming the color display subsysten, which attaches to IBM Systeml310. The 3~bsystem displays text and graphic data on color television monitors that are provided by the user. rhe manual has two sections. The fir3t section describes the operation of the keys, pushbuttons and lights of the 5941-H02 Display Console, and gives corrective actions to betaken in unexpected situations. It is intended for OPerators who have a working knowledge of Introduction to IBM DTA Processing Systens, GL20-1684. The second section, which is for programmers, describes how to generate a character set, manipulate the information on the screen, control some of the lights on the display console for operator guidance and simulate messages from the display console to check its operation. The commands and the status and sense information are described for both local (channel-attached) and remote (BSC) control units. For a local control unit, the programmers is assumed to be familiar with channel programming for System/310. For a remote control unit, the programmer is assumed to be familiar with General Information Binary Synchronous Communications, GA21-3004. rransmission codes for a remote control ~nit are described briefly. I\.ppendix A contains physical planning information, Dimensions, service ares, and user supplied cables are specified for the display console and control unit. Appendix B lists the RPQ numbers that must. be quoted in an order for the color display subsystem and i.ts optional feat~res1 and shows possible configurations of the subsystem components. SYSTEM LIBRARY MANUAL, 50 PAGES, 3115 GA34-1511 SYSTEM/310 IBM 5098-N05 SENSOR BASED CONTROL UNIT GENERAL I['qFORMATION"""'MAN~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This manual describes the configuration of the .SBCU with System/310 and Systeml1. It describes the functional operation of the SBCU along with an explanation of the 310 channel comma.nds issued to it. This publication also describes the order and responses sent between the SBCA and SBCU. Manual 7,3701/14//50981 GA34-1531 !ill1 5215 MACHINE !llil!! ~ .\llill: (MCU) ACCESSORY :@.Q 008286: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL This publication is intended~ instructional and will introduce the reader to the Machine Tool Control Accessory Unit (008286) and how it relates to the IBM 5215 and the Machine Tool Control Unit. This publication was written for service personnel and individuals concerned with machine tool control. It is assumed that the reader of this publication is familiar with the IBM 5215 and how it interfaces with the Machine Tool Control Unit. This publication covers the following topics: o General iescription of accessory and associated hardware o Functions of accessory 008286 o Signal considerations o Interface specifications o MCU Identification o Maintenance requirements o Installation-physical planning information Manual, 40 pages 37011141152751 1114115941,59851 31'.33-3016 IBM 3740 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM SPECIAL SELF-CHECK NUMBER DEVICE £:USTOM UNIT Q~CRIPTION ~ USA WE0408, Z01465j ~ XI0260 This publication describes the Self-Check Numl~r Device Special I\.rithmetic feature which is available on the IBM 3741 Data Station, Models 1 and 2, and the IBM 3142 Dual Data Station. The feature implements many special algorithms by utilizing the modulus 11 program field definition characters, but the standard nodulus 10 algorithm is unaffected. For U. S. A.: RPQS WE0408 (3142) and Z01465 (3141). 148 G1\.36-0001 IBM 4812 MODEM MODEL 1 ThIslPUb1ication introduces the IBM 4812 Modem Modell and describes its role in a point-to-point network. Details concerning installation planning, operation, and special features are also included. Systems Reference Library Manual, 22 pages 1/131148721 GA36 GA36-0002 IBM 4481 FILM READER/RECORDER This-~ublication provides basic information about the IBM 4481 Film Reader/Recorder, with the objective of helping reader to achieve a general understanding of the machine's ~peration, its interface with the S/360 or S/370 through the IBM 1827 Data Control Unit, and its functional characteristics. Programming considerations, timing information, operator controls, and installation planning are discussed in detail. Systems Reference Library Manual, 36 pages 360,370//14//4481/ GA36-0003 4481 FILM READER/RECORDER PROGRAMMER'S §qIDE This publication provides information that ~ill enable the user to write programs for the IBM 4481 Film Reader/Recorder. programming considerations are discussed prior to acquainting the user with' the 30ftware support de3igned for his use. The user-oriented support programs comprise a set of macro-instructions which control data Flow between the Systeml360 and Systeml370 CPU's and the Film Reader/Recorder, and a selection of FORTRAN callable subroutines and image handling programs which perform transmission of data to and from the Film Reader/Recorder. Systems Reference Library programmer's Glide, 38 pages 360,370//14//4481/ GA36-0004 IBM 4872 MODEM MODELS 2 AND 3 This-publication introduces the IBM 4872 Modem Models 2 and 3 and describes their role in a multipoint network. Details concerning installation planning, operation, and special features are also included. Systems Reference Library Manual, 18 pages 1109/14872/ SBOF SBOF-6382 prF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-455 CONSECUTIVE DISK IOCS FOR 370 DOS prF Listings-rQr Program-Numberlisted in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6383 PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-456 CONSECUTIVE TAPE IOCS FOR 370 DOS prF Listings-rQr Program-Numberlisted in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6384 PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-457 ISF"MSF0'R370 OOS PTF'Listings-for-Program Number listed in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6385 prF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-458 CONSECUTIVE PT IOCS FOR 370 DOS PTF Listings:ror-program~mber listed in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6386 PTF PROGRAM ~ 370N-IO-476 L £Q~ILER 1/0 MODULE;; FOR 370 DOS PTF Listings for Program Number listed in title above. PTF Listing Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-2250 PTF FOR OS/VS2 PTF Listings for program number 5742. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6387 PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-477 12597f4I2/I419 MICR IOCS FOR 370 DOS PTF Listings for-Program Number-lIsted in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6375 PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-AS 465 ASSEMBLER BASIC-MODijLE~370 DOS --PTF-Listings-for-Program-Number listed in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6388 PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-478 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER FOR 370 DOS PTF Listings for Program Number-listed in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6376 PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CL-453 SYS.-CONT~-AN-o-BASIC IOCS FOR 370 DOS PTFListingSf'or programNumberlisted in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6389 SBOF-6377 SBOF-6390 PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-UT-491 SYSTEMUTILrTY PROGRAM FOR 370 DOS PTF Listings for progam"Number' listed in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~!E ~~Q~~~ NUMBER 370N-CQ-469 BTAM FOR 370 DOS PTF-Listings for Program Number listed in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~f ~ NUMBER 370N-CQ-493 3735 TERMINAL SUPPORT FOR 370 DOS PTF'Listings for Program-Numberlisted in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY PTF Listings for Program Number listed in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6391 PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-UT-492 EREP FOR 370--OOS~Listings fOr Program Number listed in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6379 PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-DN-481 ON-LINE-TEST~ PROG. FOR 370 DOS PTF Listings for Program 'Niiiiiberlisted in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6392 PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-SV-495 2311/2314/333O:SUPERVISOR FOR 370 DOS prF Listings for Program Niiiiiberlisted in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6380 PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-EU-490 EMULATOR FOR31OD0S PTF Listings for Program Number listed in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6393 M20 EMULATOR (VERSION 4) PTF'S - PROG. NO. 370N-IC-002 This BOF contains PTF listings for program iiii:iiiber listed in ti tle above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6381 PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-454 DIRECT ACCESs-METHOD FOR 370 DOS PTF-Lrs~for Program Number-listed in title above. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6400 PTF LISTINGS FOR OS/VSl ThIs PTF is a-rix generated by the group having maintenance control of the program component mentioned in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6378 ~!E ~~Q~~~ NUMBER ~!~.EQ~ 370 DOS 370N-CQ-470 149 SB21 SBOF SBOF-6401 DOS PTF - PROGRAM NUMBER 5744-AS1 PTF listing for program number listed in title above. Micr;)fiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6402 1& 158/1074 EMUL PTF ~ NUMBER ill4-AJ1 PTF listing for program number listed in the title above. PTF listing microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOi!'-6403 !.~?L !.68/7080 EMULATOR :. PTF PROGRAM NUM~~ 574 14-AL1 This PTF is a fix generated by the group having maintenance control of the program component mentioned in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6404 ~ EMULATOR :. PTF PROGRAM NUMB~ ~ This PTF is a fix generated by the group having maintenance control of the program component mentioned in the title. Micr;)fiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY !:.§.h SBOF-6405 !:.§.h 168/10711 EMULATOg PTF LISTINGS FOR PROGRAM NO. 5744-AK1 This Bill of Forms contaiilSthe items li3ted in the Current Price List, Bill of Forms section, under this BOF Number. Micr;)fiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This workspace contains functions which, on an APL/360 terminal (2741 or 1050): plots of curves, draws histograms, deriving the plotted values from the raw data. It contains options to: plot several curves together. Abscissae need to be the same for the various curves. Employ linear or logarithmic scale on each axis. Use the special plotting type element (PIN 1167114) for finer resolution. Adjust the scale to compensate for the different unit lengths in the two directions at the terminal (100 chars/inch and 6 lines/inch) • This Availability Notice contains complete ordering instrucitons for the Field oeveloped Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and ;)thers who require information concerning it. Notice, 4 pages //1115798-AGL SB21-0415 GRAPHS AND HISTOGRAMS IN APL PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS M~NUAL =-Fop NUMBER 5798-AGL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This 30-page document describes the capabilities of the FDP and the programs of the Graph and Histograms in APL for the Systern/360/370. This workspace contains fUnctions which, on an APL/360 terminal (2741 or 1050): plots of curves, draws histograms, deriving the plotted values from the raw data. It contains options to: plot several curves together. Abscissae need to be the same for the various curves. Employ linear or logarithmic scale on each axis. Jse the special plotting type element (P/N 1167114) for finer resolution. Adjust the scale 'to compensate for the different unit lengths in the ,two directions at the terminal (100 charslinch and 6 lines/inch). This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install anj succeSSfully use the program. Manual, 30 pages //1/15798-AGL SBOF-6407 EMULATOR PTF PROGRAM 5744-AH1 riiis-i3illof Forms conta1ns the items listed in the Current Price List, Bill of Forms section, under this BOF Number. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6440 PTF'S FOR DOS/VS ASSEMBLER COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-ASM PITListings for iIlcomponents of theooS7VsSystem Control Program. Micr;)fiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-8210 OS/VS2 SCHEDULER AND SUPERVISOR LOGIC rhis-Bill-of-FOrms-enables you to order all volumes of the os/VS2 Scheduler and Supervisor Logic (s~bject code 36) with one ;)rder number. Price List, Bill of Forms section, under this BOF Number. Bill of Forms (3 Manuals) SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-0411 - INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS PACKAGE FOR API~360 PR03. NO. -5798-AGK - FDPAVAILAB:r:LITYNoriCE--r~avaIlability notice-is a marketing-oiiented document that describes the purpose and capabilities of the program, advantages of deaign, and problems solved by the program referenced in the title. Notice, 4 pages ////15798-AGK 3R~PHP~K 5B21-0412 GRAPHPAK - INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS PACKAGE FOR API,/360 FIELD-DEVELOPED PROGRAM~TiON7OPER~rroNs MANUAL PR53RAM-NUMB~5798-AGK ---This-manual describes the capabilities of the system and the programs. Discussion of deSign assumpti;)ns and potential modification areas are included. Record and file layouts are described, and primary processing procedures specified. This manual is both a system description and an installation and ;)perations reference document. Manual, 56 pages ////15798-AGK LB21-0413 GRAPHPAK - INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS PACKAGE FOR APl,/360 --- - - FIELD DEVELOPED PROGRAM:sYSTEMS GUIDE PRO;RAM NUMBER 5798-AGK W T~nuser's Manual is for the systems Analyst, Programmer and Operator during the Systems Test and Daily Operations of the pr;)grams. It also contains programmer notes to assist in making minor alterations. :.1anual, 54 pagea SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-0414 GRAPHS AND HISTOGRAMS IN APL AVAILABILITY NOTICE - FDP ~UMBER 5798-AGJ. - - ---- - Thia 4 page document describes the purpose and highlights of the 3raphs and Histograms in APL for the System/360/370. 150 LB21-0416 GRApHS AND HISTOGRAMS ;ru APL §!.2!§!§ §QIDE :. fill: ~UMBER 5798-AGL This 27 page document describes the steps necessary to modify the Graphs and Histograms in APL for the System/360/370. This workspace contains functions which, on an APL/360 terminal (2741 or 1050): plots of curves, draws histograms, ieriving the plotted values from the raw data. It contains options to: plot several curves together. Abscissae need to be the same for the various curves. Employ linear or logarithmic scale on each axis. Use the special plotting type element (P/N 1167114) for finer resolution. Adjust the scale to compensate for the different unit lengths in the two directions at the terminal (100 charslinch and 6 lines/inch). This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable ~im to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Guide, 27 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-0683 MINIMUM TELE-(~MMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR S/370 AVAILABILITY NOTICE - FDP NUMBER 5798 ALN- - - -----Thrs-6 page-document iescribes the purpose and highlights of Minimum Tele-Communication System for S/370. Written in Assembler, it is a System/370 offering providing smaller DOS and DOS/VS users with a Single-thread, transaction-driven teleprocessing capability. The programming system supports the IBM 3270 and 2740 terminals via DOS BTAM and supports inquiry, file updates, order entry and data collection applications via DOS ISAM. BOMP and DBOMP files may also oe accessed via MTCS/370. Transaction programs may be ~ritten in Assembler, COBOL or PL/I. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering instructions for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Notice, 6 pages /////5798-ALN SB21-0684 MINIMUM TELE-COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR S/370 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUA"L--::-PDPNUMBER - 5 798- ALN This 148 page document describes~he capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the Minimum Tele-Communication System for S/370. Written in Assembler, it is a Systernl370 ;)ffering provi:Ung smaller DOS and DOS/VS users with a single-thread, transaction-driven teleprocessing capabilitr. The programming system supports the IBM 3270 and 2740 terminals via DOS BTAM and supports inquiry, file updates, order entry and data collection applications via DOS ISAM. BOMP and DBOMP files may also be accessed via MTCS/370. Transaction programs may be written in Assembler, COBOL or PL/I. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 148 pages 1/ / / /5798-ALN LB21 LB21 produce DOS Assembler programs which can be compiled and executed to perform the actual conversion of each data set. The 3330 Data Set Conversion Aid provides support for users converting from 2311, 14, 19 to the 3330 DASF. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient'information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 23 pages 11//15798-AMN LB21-0685 MINIMU~ TELE-COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR S/3IQ ~ gUIDE FDP-NUMBER 5798-ALN ThIs~ag~nt describes the ste~s necessary to modify the Minimum Tele-Communication System for S/370. written in Assembler, it is a Systeml370 offering providing smaller DOS and DOS/VS users with a single-thread, transaction-driven teleprocessing capability. The programming system supports the IBM 3270 and 2740 terminals via DOS BTAM and supports inquiry, file ~~dates, order entry and data collection applications via DOS ISAM. BOMP and DBOMP files may also be accessed via MTCS/370. Transaction programs may be written in Assembler, COBOL or PL/I. This systems guide provides the systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. 3uide, 12 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-0686 DOS 2311/14/19 - 3330 DASD DEVICE INDEPENDENCE ROUTINES ii"VAILi\'BrLITYNOrlCE=" FOPNUMBER 5798-ALK-This 2 page document-descr~he purpo3e and highlights of the DOS 2311/14/19-3330 OASD Device Inde~endence Routines pro~ramfor the Systeml360/370 (DOS). written in Assembler Language, this program provides the DOS user device independence between 2311/14/19 and 3330 disk files. These routines dynamically modify (at OPEN time) any program written in any language that uses Index Sequential, sequential, Direct Access, or PIOCS in a standard manner. This Availability Notice contains com~lete ordering instructions for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management ani data processing ~ersonnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. ' Notice, 2 pages 111115798-ALK SB21-0687 DOS 2311/14/19-3330 DASD DEVICE INDEPENDENCE ROUTINES PR03RAM DESCRIPTION/OPERA~M~FDPNUMBER 5798-ALK ThiS:24 page document describes~apabrrities of the FDP and the programs of the DOS 2311/14/19-3330 DASD Device Independence Routines system. Written in Assembler Language for the System 360/370 (DOS), this system provides the DOS user device independence between 2311/14/19 and 3330 disk files. These routines dynamically modify (at OPEN time) any program written in any language that uses Index sequential, Sequential, Direct Access, or PIOCS in a 5tandard manner. This Progra~ Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 24 pages 111115798-ALK LB21-0688 DOS 2311/14/19-3330 DASD DEVICE INDEPENDENCE ROUTINES SYSTEMS GUIDE - FDP NUMBER 5798-ALK This-98 page-document describes the steps necessary to modify the DOS 2311/14/19-3330 DASD Device Independence Routines FDP written in Assembler Language for the system 3601370 (DOS). This program provides the DOS user device independence between 2311/14/19 and 3330 disk files. These routines dynamically modify (at OPEN time) any program written in any language that uses Index Sequential, se~uential, Direct Access, or PIOCS in a standard manner. This systems guide provides ths Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Guide, 98 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-0740 DOS llli ~ llliI CONVERS!~ AID AVAILABUITY NOTICE =- ~ NUMBER 5798-AMN This 2 page document describes the purpose and highlights of DOS 3330 Data Set Conversion Aid FDP. This FDP, written in ALC, provides the S/360/370 DOS user with a facility to copy data sets from one DASD to a 3330. Based upon parameters submitted by the user, the program will ~roduce DOS Assembler programs which can be compiled and executed to ~erform the actual conversion of each data set. The 3330 Data Set Conversion Aid provides support for users converting from 2311, 14, 19 to the 3330 DASF. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering instructions for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing ~ersonnel ~ho are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Manual, 2 pages /1///5798-AMN LB21-0742 DOS 3330 DATA SET CONVERSION AID SYSTEMS GUIDE - FDP NUMBhR 5798=AMN - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - --- ------ This 13 page document describes the steps necessary to modify the DOS 3330 Data Set Conversion Aid FDP. This FOP, written in ALC, provides the 5/360/370 DOS user with a facility to copy data sets from one DASD to a 3330. Based upon parameters submitted by the user, the program will !?roduce DOS Assembler programs which can be compiled and executed to perform the actual conversion of each data set. The 3330 Data Set Conversion Aid !?rovides support for users converting from 2311, 14, 19 to the 3330 DASF. This systems ~uide provides the Systems Analyst ~ith the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modification, diagnose progr~m errors and !?erform program maintenance. Guide, 13 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-0761 STREAM - A 3270 INFOR~ATION DISPLAY SYSTEM PROGRAMMING AID FOifSYSTEM/36O; 370: FOP 579!!=-~h NOTICE - - - - - This 4 page document describes the pur!?ose and highlights of STREAM - A3270 Information Display System Programming Aid for the System/360, 370. Written in BAL, this program, which is comprised of a macro and a su!?port module, is deSigned to facilitate the use of the wide variety of advance facilities available on the 3270 IDS. This DSP will assist the programmer in the detailed structuring and analysis of data and control characters. The FDP consisto of two basic parts. The first is a support module that is assembled once and catalogued by the user. The second is the !?rogrammer interface. When the user wishes to activate the STREAM system, he will issue a series of STREAM macros (BAL) of high-level language STREAM calls. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering i~struction for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data !?rocessing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Flyer, 4 pages /11//579~-ANE SB21-0762 STREAM - A3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM PR03RAMMING AID EQE SYSTEM/lih TIQ. PRbGR~ ~~CRIPTIO~Q~~~!!!~9Bi[ MANij~ FDP NUMBER 5798-ANE ThIs 49 page document describes the capabilities of the FDP and the programs of the STREAM - A3270 Information Display System Programming Aid. Written in OS/OOS, for the System/360, 370, this system, which is comprised of a macro and a support module, is designed to facilitate the use of the wide variety of advance facilities available on the 3270 IDS. This FDP will assist the programmer in the detailed structuring and analysis of data and control characters. The FOP consists of two baSic parts. The first is a support module that is assembled once and catalogued by the user. The second is the programmer interface. when the user wishes to activate is the STREAM system, he will issue a series of STREAM macros (BAL) or high-level language STRE&~ calls. This Program Description/o!?erations Manual !?rovides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 49 pages /11//5798-ANE SB21-0741 DOS 3330 DATA SET CONVERSION AID PROGRAM DESCRIPTI0N/5PERATIONS MANUAL-=-FDP'N'iiMBER 5798-AMN This 23 page document describes the capabilities and the programs of the DOS 3330 Data Set Conversion Aid. This FDP, written in ALC, provides the S/360/370 DOS user with a facility to copy data sets from one DASD to a 3330. Based upon parameters submitted by the user, the program will 151 LB21-0763 STREAM - A3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM PR03RAMMING AID FOR SYSTEM73"6li,370 ~ GUI!2§:: K!2E NuMBER 579!!.-ANJ:.This 19 page document describes the steps necessary to modify the STREAM - A3270 Information Display System Programming Aid written in BAL for the System/360, 370. This program, which is comprised of macro and a su!?port module, is designed to facilitate the use of the wide variety of advance facilities availabe on the 3270 IDS. This FDP will assist the programmer in the detailed structuring and analysis of data and control characters. The FDP consists of two basic !?arts. The first is a support module that is assembled once and catalogued by the user. The second is the programmer interface. when the user wishes to activate the STREAM system, he will issue a series of STREAM macros (BAL) or high-level language STREAM calls. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Guide, 19 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21 SB21 GB21-0836 BURR~UGHS 2500 SERIES COBOL !Q IBM ANS £QBOL CONVERSION ~ KvKILKBILI~OrICE - FOP NUMBER 5798-APH This 6 page document-describes the p~rpo3e and highlights of the FOP. This FOP written in ALe is a series of programs, subroutines, anj procedures designed to address many of the problems encountered when converting from Burrough 2500 series COBOL to IBM ANS COBOL. The translation system was designed to operate under either DOS or ~S, and produce COBOL code to ba compiled under OS, DOS, or S/3. A data conversion utility program is provided to convert Burroughs tape files to standard IBM files. It is designed to convert 7 track BCL or BCD, 9 track EBCDIC or ASCII or, via a user exit, a user-specified code. The data conversion utility offers the user great flexibility of data handling and formatting during the conversion process. The FOP will operate under OS on a 5/360/370 with a 44K byte or larger region, and under DOS on a S/360/370 with a minimum of 48K bytes of storage. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering instructions for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Notice, 6 pages ////I'5798-APH SB21-0837 BURR~UGHS 2500 SERIES COBOL TO IBM ANS COBOL CONVERSION AID PR03RKM:DESCRIPrroN7QPERATIONS MANU~-~~NUMBER 5798-APH This 46 page document descrioes the capabffities of the FOP and the programs of the Burroughs 2500 series COBOL to IBM ANS ~OBOL Conversion Aid. This FOP ~ritten in ALC is a series of programs, subroutines, and procedures designed to address many of the problems encountered when converting from Burrough 2500 Series COBOL to IBM ANS COBOL. The translation system was designed to operate under either DOS or OS, and produce COBOL code to be compiled under OS, DOS, or S'3. A data conversion utility program is provided to convert Burroughs tape files to standard IBM files. It is designed to convert 7 track BCL or BCD, 9 track EBCDIC or ASCII or, via a user exit, a user-specified code. The data conversion utility offers the user great flexibility of data handling and formatting during the conversion process. rhe FDP will operate under OS on a S/360/370 ~ith a 44K byte or larger region, and under DOS on a 5/360/370 with a minimum of 48K bytes of storage. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to ~nderstand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 46 pages / / / /I' 5798-APH LB21-0838 BURROUGHS 2500 SERIES COBOL TO IBM ANS COBOL CONVERSION !!Q SYSTEMS GUIDE--;FDPlNUMBER 5798-APH--- ----This-146 page docume~crI5eSlthe steps necessary to modify the Burroughs 2500 Series COBOL to IBM ANS COBOL Conversion Aid written in ALC for the S/360/370. This FDP written in ALC is a series of programs, subroutines, and procedures designed to address many of the problems encountered when converting from Burrough 2500 Series COBOL to IBM ANS COBOL. rhe translation systen was designed to operate under either DOS or OS, and produce COBOL code to be compiled under OS, DOS, or S/3. A data conversion utility program is provided to convert Burroughs tape files to standard IBM files. It is designed to convert 7 track BCL or BCD, 9 track EBCDIC or ASCII or, ~ia a user exit, a userspecified code. The data conversion utility offers the user great flexibility of data handling and formatting during the conversion process. The FOP will operate under OS on a 5/360/370 with a 44K byte or larger region, and under DOS on a S/360/370 with a minimum of 48K bytes of storage. rhis systems guide provides the Systems Analyst OIith the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modification, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. 3uide, 146 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY others who require information concerning it. Flyer, 4 pages /////5798-APG SB21-0840 i l l ANS ~ CONVERSION gQ lQB !i£B ~ ~!:! r2B SYSTEMl360/370 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL - FOP NUMBER 5798-APG--- - - - -This 63 page document describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the IBM ANS COBOL Conversion Aid for ~CR Century COBOL for System/360/310. This Field Developed Program is a series of programs, subroutines, and procedures designed to address many of the problems encountered when converting from NCR Century Series COBOL to IBM ANS COBOL. The translation system was designed to operate under either DOS or OS, and produce COBOL code to be compiled under OS, ~S, or Systeml3. A data conversion utility program is provided to copy tape files, translate data and expand files when packed numeric data had been specified. It will handle variable, or fixed records and will produce variable, fixed or spanned records. The FOP will operate under OS on a Systeml360/310 in a 50K region, and under DOS on a System/360/310 with a partition of 44K bytes of storage. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 63 pages /1// /5198-APG LB21-0841 ~ ~ CONVERSION MQ l2B !i£B ~ £Qlli& r2B SYSTEMl360/310 SYSTEMS GUIDE - FOP NUMBER 5198-APG This 210 page document describes~he steps-necessary to modify the IBM ANS COBOL Conversion Aid for NCR Century COBOL for System/360/310. This Field Developed Program is a series of programs, subroutines, and procedures designed to address many of the problems encountered when converting from NCR Century Series COBOL to IBM ANS COBOL. The translation system was designed to operate under either DJS or OS, and produce COBOL code to be compiled under OS, DOS, or Systeml3. A data conversion utility program is provided to copy tape files, translate data and expand files when packed numeric data had been specified. It will handle variable, or fixed records and will produce variable, fixed or spanned records. The FOP will operate under OS on a Systeml360/370 in a 50K region, and under DOS on a System/360/310 with a partition of 44K bytes of storage. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Guide, 270 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY IID1 GB21-0857 OS/DITTO AVAILABILITY NOTICE - FOP NUMBER 5198-ARD Tiiis 4 page document jescribes the purpose and highlights of OS/DITTO. Written in Assembler, this program is a generalized utility program that provides most of the normal card, tape, and disk utility functions, thus eliminating the necessity of using several different OS utility programs. The functions provided are the equivalent of the functions p~ovided by the DOS/DITTO FOP (5198-ARN). DOS/DITTO, written in ALC, is a general purpose utility program containing thirty-seven utility functions for Unit Record, Tape and Disk Input/Output units. Functional utilities are: Tape and Disk Record Scan, Disk and Tape Record Alteration, Disk 10 Volume Number Charge, Deblocking and Tape Records when printing, and User Tape Error Correction. DOS/DITTO is an enhanced version of the rype III program DITTD-360D.00.l.018. It requires a S/360, 310 with a minimum partition size of 16K and supports 3330 devices. This FOP was approved and announced in October 1972. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering instructions for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Notice, 4 pages // // /5198-ARD GB21-0839 NCR ~ENTURY COBOL TO IBM ANS COBOL: CONVERSION AID FOR SYSTE~/360/370, FDP5798-APG NOTICE - - - - - --- --This 4 page document describes the purpose and highlights of IBM ANS COBOL Conversion Aid for NCR Century COBOL for System/360/370. This Field Developed program is a series of programs, subroutines, and procedures designed to address many of the prOblems encountered when converting from NCR SB21-0858 ~entury Series COBOL to IBM ANS COBOL. rhe translation ~~~:~~ ~ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ~ ~ FDP NUMB~B system was designed to operate under either DOS or OS, and produce COBOL code to be compiled under OS, DOS, or This 33 page document describes the capabilities of the FDP Systeml3. and the programs of the OS/DITTO. Written in Assembler, A data conversion utility program is provided to copy this program is a generalized utility program that provides tape files, translate data and expand files OIhen packed most of the normal card, tape, and disk utility functions, numeric data had been specified. It will handle variable, thus eliminating the necessity of using several different 03 or fixed records and will produce variable, fixed or spanned utility programs. The functions provided are the equivalent records. of the functions provided by the DOS/DITTO FOP (5198-ARN). The FOP will operate under OS on a Sfstem/360/370 in a DOS/DITTO, written in ALC, is a general purpose utility 50K region, and under DOS on a Systeml360/370 with a program containing thirty-seven utility functions for Unit partition of 44K bytes of storage. Record, Tape and Disk Input/Output units. Functional This Availability Notice contains complete ordering utilities are: Tape and Disk Record Scan, Disk and Tape instructions for the Field Developed Program and all its Record Alteration, Disk 10 Volume Number Charge, Deblocking related documentation, for management and data processing and Tape Records when printing, and User Tape Error personnel who are prospective users of the pr'ogram and Correction. DOS/DITTO is an enhanced version of the rype 152 LB21 SB21 III program DITrO-360D.00.l.018. It req~ires a S/360, 370 ~ith a minimum partition size of 16K and supports 3330 devices. This FDP ~as approved and announced in October 1972. :rhis Program Description/Operations ~anual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 33 pages ////I'5798"':ARD LB21-0859 OS/DITTO SYSTEMS GUIDE - FDP NUMBER 5798-ARD This 13 page docu~describes the steps necessary to modify the OS/DITTO. written in Assembler, this program is a generalized utility program that provijes most of the normal card, tape, and disk utility functions, thus eliminating the necessity of using several different os utility programs. rhe functions provided are the equivalent of the functions provided by the DOS/DITro FDP (5798-ARN). DOS/DITTO, ~ritten in ALe, is a general purpose utility program containing thirty-seven utility functions for Unit Record, Tape anj Disk Input/Output units. Functional utilities are: Tape and Disk Record Scan, Disk and Tape Record Alteration, Disk ID Volume Number Charge, Deblocking and rape Records ~hen printing, and User rape Error Correction. DOS/DIT'ro is an enhanced version of the Type III program DITTO-360D.00.l.018. It requires a S/360, 370 ~ith a minimum partition size of 16K and supports 3330 devices. This FDP was approved and anno~nced in October 1972. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Manual, 13 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-0875 DOS/DITTO rQ£ SYSTEM/360, 370 AVAlLABILIrx. NOTICE :. FDP NUMBER 5798-ARN Thls-2: Page document describes the purpose and highlights of DOS/DITTO for the Systeml360, 370. Written in ALC, this program is a general purpose utility program containing thirty-seven (37) utility functions for Jnit Record, Tape and Disk Input/Output units. Functional utilities are: Tape and Disk Record Scan, Disk and Tape Record Alteration, Disk 10 Volume Number Charge, Deblocking and rape Records when printing, and User Tape Error Correction. DOS/DITTO is an enhanced version of the rype III program DITTO360D.00.1.018. DOS/DITTO requires a Systeml360, 370 with a minimum partition size of 16K. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering instructions for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Notice, 2 pages /////5798-ARN SB21-0876 ~OS/D~TTO FOR SYSTEM/360, 370 PROGRAM DES~RIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL - FDP NUMBER 5798-ARN This 28-page document describes the capabilities of the FDP and the programs of DOS/DITTO. Written in ALC for the System/360, 370, this program is a general utility program containing thirty-seven (37) utility functions for Unit Record, Tape and Disk Input/Output units. Functional utilities are: rape and Disk Record Scan, Disk and Tape Record Alteration, Disk ID Volume Number Charge, Deblocking and rape Records when printing, and User rape Error Correction. DOS/DITTO is an enhanced version of the Type III program DITTO-360D.00.1.018. DOS/Dlrro requires a Systeml360, 370 with a minimum partition size of 16K. rhis Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user ~ith sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 28 pages ////I'5798-ARN LB21-0877 ~~~~g~~Q. FOR SYSTEMI360, 370 SYSTEMS GUI~ :. FDP ~ This 13 page document describes the capabilities of the FDP and the programs of the DOS/DITTO. Written in ALC for the System/360, 370, this system is a general purpose utility program containing thirty-seven (37) utility functions for unit Record, Tape and Disk Input/Output units. Functional utilities are: rape and Disk Record Scan, Disk and Tape Record Alteration, Disk ID Volume Number Charge, Deblocking and Tape Records when printing, and User rape Error Correction. DOS/DITTO-360D.00.1.018. DOS/DITTO requires a System/360, 370 with a minimum partition size of 16K. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. 3uide, 13 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 153 GB21-0890 DOS FILE GENERATION UTILITY AVAILABILITY NOTICE :. ~ NUMBER 5798=iRX The availability notice is a marketing oriented document that describes the purpose and capabilities of the program, advantages of design, and problems solved by the program referenced in the title. Notice, 4 pages /////5798-ARX SB21-0891 DOS FILE GENERATION ~ EW~ :. FDP ~R 579~ This manual describes the capabilities of the system and the programs. Discussion of design assumptions and potential modification areas are included. Record and file layouts are described and primary processing procedures specified. This manual is both a system description and an installation and operations reference document. Manual, 46 pages /////5798-ARX LB21-0892 m8~ GENERATION UTILITY SYSTEM§ ill!ru ::. FDP ~ This 14 page document describes the steps necessary to modify the DOS File Generation Utility Systems Guide. Testing, a basic function of program development, can make up 20-50% of total project costs. Proper test data and procedures are key to successful systems integration, conversion, and installation. This FDP, written in ALC, reduces the time required to design, code and de-bug test programs since the user need only specify the content of each logical record, format of records to be written, nature of output files (block, size, etc.), and any optional functions. The Generator builds the test files. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information to the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. SrCDE(25.0) Guide, 13 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-0914 IBM ANS COBOL FROM GE-415 COBOL CONVERSION AID r!2E. 5798=AsY"; NOTICr-- - This 2 page document describes the purpose and highlights of the IBM ANS COBOL from GE-415 COBOL Conversion Ai1 FDP. This FDP, written in ALC, is a series of programs and procedures designed to assist in the conversion of GE-415 COBOL programs to IBM ANS COBOL as well as translation of GE-415 tape files to EBCDIC. The system operates under D:>S, but has capability of producing ouptut for either DOS or Os environments. The conversion programs will operate under DOS on any System 360/370, Model 22 or larger with a partition size of 14K. The use of the tape file conversion program will require two tape drives, one of which may be 7track drive. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 2 pages // // /5798-ASY SB21-0915 IBM ANS COBOL FROM GE-415 COBOL CONVERSION AID FoP 5798=ASY - - - - - - - - - - - - - DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This 29 page document aescribes the capabilities of the FUP and the programs of the IBM ANS COBOL from GE-415 COBOL Conversion Aid. This FDP, written in ALC, is a series of programs and procedures designed to assist in the conversion of GE-415 COBOL programs to IBM ANS COBOL as well as translation of GE-415 tape files to EBCDIC. The system operates under DOS, but has capability of producing ouptut for either DOS or OS environments. The conversion programs will operate unjer DOS on any System 360/370, ~odel 22 or larger with a partition size of 14K. The use of the tape file conversion program will require two tape drives, one of which may be 7-track drive. This Program DescriptiOn/operations Manual pro~ides the user with sufficient information to understand, install ani successfully use the program. Manual, 29 pages /////5798-ASY LB21-0916 IBM ANS COBOL FROM GE-415 COBOL CONVERSION AID FDP 5798-ASY SYSTEMS GUIDE-ThIs 17 page 10cument describes the steps necessary to modify the IBM ANS COBOL from GE-415 COBOL Conversion Aid FDP. This FDP, written in ALC, is a series of programs anj procedures designed to assist in the conversion of GE-415 COBOL programs to IBM ANS COBOL as well as translation of GE-415 tape files to EBCDIC. The system operates under D:>S, but has capability of producing ouptut for either DOS or :>S environments. The conversion programs will operate under DOS on any System 360/370, Model 22 or larger with a partition size of 14K. The use of the tape file conversion program will require two tape drives, one of which may be 7- LB21 track drive. rhis systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modification3, diagnose progran errors and perform program maintenance. Manual, 17 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-0999 DOS SOURC~ STATEMENT LIBRARY MAINTENANCE FOR ANS COBOL ~ SYSTEM/370 AVAILABILITY NOTICE - FOP NUMBER 5798-AWD This 2 page document describes thepurp03eand highlights of DOS Source Statement Library Maintenance for ANS COBOL on System/370. This program is written in Assembler. DOS ANS COBOL users have been reluctant in the past to use the extended source program library facility. In order to update the library, the programmer must prepare a new set of control cards for the DOS MAINT program. He must also convert the COBOL statement numbers (the first six positions) to MAINT statement numbers (tne last four positions). This program allows updating the library with tne same control cards used in compiling the program. The time required to make new control cards and correct errors can be eliminated. The convenience of maintaining complete COBOL program libraries on disk may be realized. Programs may be compiled directly from the source statement library with changes submitted on cards. When a program has been fully tested, the change cards may be used to update the library, providing a final version for later use. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering instructions for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Flyer, 2 pages 111115798-MID SB21-1000 DOS SOURCE STATEMENr LIBRARY MAINTENANCE FOR ANS COBOL ON SYSTEMl370 PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS MANUAL - FOP NUMBER 5798~ ------ - --This 26 page document describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the DOS Source Statenent Library Maintenance for ANS COBOL on Systeml370. This program is written in Assembler. DOS ANS COBOL users have been reluctant in the past to use the extende1 source program library facility. In order to update the library, the pro~rammer must prepare a new set of control cards for the DOS MAINT program. He must a150 con~ert the COBOL statenent numbers (the first six positions) to MAINr sta·tement numbers (the last four positions). This program allows updating the library ~ith the sa~e control cards used in compiling the pro~ram. The time required to make new control cards and correct errors can be eliminated. The convenience of maintaining complete COBOL program libraries on disk may be realized. programs may be compiled directly from ·the source statement library lIith changes submitted on cards. When a program has been fully tested, the change cards may be used to update the library, providing a final version for later use. rhis Program Description/Operations ~anual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 26 pages 111115798-AWD LB21-1001 ~~~T~~~~~ ~~:i~:~N~ui~~R~R~D~~g~~~!N~~9~~~~~ COBOL ~ This 11 page-document describes the steps-necessary to modify the DOS Source Statement Library Maintenance for ANS COBOL on Systeml370. This program is written in Assembler. DOS ANS COBOL users have been reluctant in the past to use the extended source program library facility. In order to update.the library, the programmer must prepare a new set of control cards for the DOS MAINT program. He must also convert the COBOL statement numbers (the first six positions) to MAINT statement numbers (the last four positions). This program allows updating the library with the same control cards used in compiling the program. The time required to make new control cards and correct errors can be eliminated. The convenience of maintaining complete COBOL program libraries on disk may be realized. Programs may be compiled directly from the source statement library with changes submitted on cards. When a program has been fully tested, the change cards may be used to update the library, providing a final version for later use. rhis systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the deSign, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modification3, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. :;uide, 11 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-1002 DOS/VS DASD DEVICE INDEPENDENCE OPEN (01 OPEN) AVAILABILITYNOrICE - FOP # 5798-AWH -This 2 page document-descrIbes the purp03e and highlights of DOS/VS DASD Device Independence Open (01 OPEN) for S/370, written in ALC. This FDP provides DOS-VS users a measure of DASD Device 154 LB21 Independence. User programs are modified at execution time to match the direct access device to which they are assignel (2311, 2314, 2319, 3330 or 3340), thereby eliminiating the need to change a pro~ram to match the device actually online. This program is a minor enhancement of DOS 2311/14/19-3330 DASD Device Independence Routines (5798ALK). The Availability Notice contains complete ordering instructions for the Field Developed program"and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Notice, 2 pages 1111/5798-AWH 5B21-1003 DOS/VS DASD DEVICE INDEPENDENCE OPEN (01 OPEN) PROGRAM DESCiUPTION/OPERATIONS ~ ::. FOP NgMBER 5798-AW!! This 31 page document describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the DOS/VS DASD Device Independence open (01 OPEN), written in ALC for the System/370. This FDP provides DOS-VS users a measure of DASD Device Independence. User programs are modified at execution time to match the direct access device to which they are assigned (2311, 23l~. 2319, 3330, or 3340), thereby eliminating the neel to change a program to match the device actually on-line. rhis program is a minor enhancement of DOS 2311/14/19-3330 DASD Device Independence Routines (5798-ALK). This Program Description/operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install anj successfully use the program. Manual, 31 pages 111115798-AWH LB21-1004 DOS/VS DASD DEVICE INDEPENDENCE OPEN (01 OPEN) SYSTEMS GUIDE FDP NUM~5798-AWH - - - --- - - - - - - - - This 111 page document describes the steps necessary to modify the DOS/VS DASD Device Independence Open (01 OPEN) This FDP provides FOP written in ALe for the Systeml370. DOS-VS users a measure of DASD Device Independence. User programs are modified at execution time to match the direct access device to which they are aSsigned (2311, 2314, 2319, 3330, or 3340), thereby eliminating the need to change a program to match the device actually on-line. This program is a minor enhancement of DOS 2311/14/19-3330 DASD Device Independence Routines (5798-ALK). This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable ~im to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Guide, 111 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-1008 DOS/VS ASSEMBLER TESTING AID .- FOP NUMBER 5798-AWJ NOrICE TiiIS4 page document lescribes the purpose and highlights of DOS/VS Assembler Testing Aid. rhis program is written in Assembler. This program can merge coding into the user's assembler source deck. When an UPSI card is placed in JCL at execution time, the labels in the name fields of executed instructions print on SYSLST. When testing is complete, the program may be used to remove the added code. (Without UPSI card, code is transparent to user.) This Availability Notice contains complete ordering instructions for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. N:>tice, 4 pages 111115798-AWJ SB21-1009 DOS/VS ASSEMBLER TESTING AID - FDP NUMBER 5798-AWJ DESCiUPTIONIOPERATIONS - - - - ----This 46 page document describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the DOS/VS ~ssembler Testing Aid. This program is written in Assembler. This program can merge coding into the user's assembler source deck. When an UPSI card is placed in JCL at execution time, the labels in the name fields of executed instructions print on SYSLST. When testing is complete, the program may be used to remove the added code. (Without UPSI card, code is transparent to user.) This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 46 pages 111115798-AWJ LB21-1010 DOS/VS ASSEMBLER TESTING AID - FOP NUMBER 5798-AWJ SYSTEMS GuIDE - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ---- --- Tiirs-document describes the steps necessary to modify the DOS/VS Assembler Testing Aid. This program is written in Assembler. This program can merge coding into the user's assembler source deck. When an UPSI card is placed in JCL at execution time, the labels in the name fields of executed instructions print on SYSLST. When testing is complete, the program may be used to remove the added code. (Without UPSI LB21 SB21 card, code is transparent to user.) This systems guide provides the Syst~ns Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Manual, 25 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 3821-1035 CICS/3270 SIMUL~TOR (5798-AXC), CICS ~~M!£ MAP (5798-AXR), AND CICS PERrORMANCE ANALYZER (5798-AZN): 3 FOP'S N~TICE Th:[s~age document descrIbes the purpos~-and high ights of the CICS Dynamic Map. This FOP is written in Assembler. Operating as a task in a variety of modes ~ithin a CICS/STANDARD partition, this program can selectively display a myriad of system tuning statistics. These include parameters describing the partition composition, fragmentation and its effects, st~rage utilization for task and system, dynamic task activity, and the effects of program residence on storage and system performance. Other features optionally available are time-initiation, logging, core dumping, and an output writer facility. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require informa'tion concerning it. Availability Notice, 5 pages /////5798-AXC,5798-AXR,5798-AZN SB21-1036 CICS/3270 SIMUL~TOR - FOP 5798-AXC DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS--This 97 page document describes the capabilities of the FDP and the pro~rams of the CICs/3270 Sinulator. This FOP is written in Assembler. Provides a simulated terminal facility for 3270 terminals in CICS. The input stream can be mapped using CICS basic mapping support and the output can be printed exactly as i t would appear on the 3270 screen. A documentation transaction is included which when used with the output print program will document any 3270 ·map· showing the screen layout and all fields ~hich can potentially receive data. This ·Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 97 pages /////5798-AXC SB21-1075 CICS DYNAMIC MAP - FOP 5798-AXR DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This 45 page document describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the CICS Dynamic MAP. This FOP is written in Assembler. operating as a task in a variety of nodes within a CICS/STANDARD partition, this program can selectively display a myriad of system tuning statistics. These incl~de parameters describing the partiti~n composition, fragmentation and its effects, storage utilization for task and system, dynamic task activity, and the effects of program residence on storage and system performance. Other features optionally avaialable are time-initiation, logging, core dumping, and an output writer facility. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manaul, 45 pages /////5798-AXR /////5798-AYN GB21-1104 COBIMS - FOP 5798-AYK - AVAILABILITY NOTICE Thrs-B page-document describes the purpose and highlights of COBIMS. This FDP is written in COBOL. PLIMS/COBOL, macro language extension of COBOL, is a programming aid designed to reduce programming and testin~ time in producin~ IMS batch and/or TP application programs. PLIMS/COBOL statements are expanded by a precompile step into a complete COBOL Source Program ready for compilation. Those PLIMS/COBOL Statements which involve data base activity are expanded into COBOL source code which is customized to the user's data structure as defined by the IMS PSB and by segment Definitions. COBOL Statements can be intermixed with PLIMS/COBOL statements, thus combining the ease and Simplicity of PLIMS with the power of COBOL. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 8 pages /////5798-AYK SB21-1105 COBIMS - FOP 5798-AYK - DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This 75-page document describes the capabiITtIes of the FOP and the pro~rams of COBIMS. This rDP is written in COBOL. PLIMS/COBOL, macro language extension of COBOL, is a programming aid designed to reduce programming and testing time in producin~ IMS batch and/or TP application programs. PLIMS/COBOL statements are expanded by a precompile step into a complete COBOL Source Program ready for compilation. Those PLIMS/COBOL Statements which involve data base activity are expanded into COBOL source code which is customized to the user's data structure as defined by the IMS PSB and by Segment Definitions. COBOL Statements can be intermixed with PLIMS/COBOL statements, thus combining the ease and Simplicity of PLIMS with the power of COBOL. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use t~e pro~ram. Manual, 75 pages /////5798-AYK LB21-1106 COBIMS ::. FOP ll2.§.::.AYK ::. SYSTEMS GUID!i; This 45 page document describes the steps necessary to modify the COBIMS FOP written in COBOL. PLIMS/COBOL, macro language extension of COBOL, is a programming aid designed to reduce programming and testin~ time in producing IMS batch and/or TP application programs. PLIMS/COBOL statements are expanded by a precompile step into a complete COBOL Source Program ready for compilation. Those PLIMS/COBOL Statements which involve data base activity are expanded into COBOL source code which is customized to the user's data structure as defined by the IMS PSB and by Segment Definitions. COBOL Statements can be intermixed with PLIMS/COBOL statements, thus combining the ease and simplicity of PLIMS with the power of COBOL. This systems guide provides the systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Systems Guide, 45 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-1092 ~M2 LOW-LEVEL CODING ! CONTINUITY CHECKIN§ SUBPROGRAM: rDP 5798-AYN NOTICE This 2 page document describes the purpose and highlights of the Low Level Coding and Continuity Checking FOP, written in COBOL. With the present emphasis on COPICS and ~aterials ReqUirements Planning, users who desire ~r require the flexible design capabilities of the Information Management System (IMS) have been faced with a problem: ho~ to accomplish Low Coding and Continuity Checking of Bills of Materials, and still maintain the data base design flexibility of IMS? The IMS Low Level coding and Continuity Checking Subprogram provides an answer to this question: o Provides for the addition of Bills of Material to an IMS Data Base. o Creates and maintains low level codes. o Provides standard error-checking of previous packages (BOMP-CFMS) • o Includes a transaction and error listing of product structure additions. o ~ay be used as the basis for an expanded Bills of Material maintenance program. o Single level explosion program as part of the sample program. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and ~thers who require information concerning it. Flyer, 2 pages GB21-1122 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR - FOP 5798-AYF NOTICE This 4 page document jescribes-the-Purpose-and highlights of the TSO Command Processor FOP, written in Assembler. Provides the print command for a TSO terminal user to list a data set on a 3284 or 3286 printer. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering instructions for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Notice, 4 pages /////5798-AYF SB21-1123 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR - FOP 5798-AYF DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ThIs 53 page document describes the capabilities o:fthe-FDP and the programs of the TSO command Processor FOP, written in Assembler. Provides the print command for a TSO terminal user to list a data set on a 3284 or 3286 printer. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 53 pages // ///5798-AYF 155 LB21 LB21 LB21-1124 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR - FOP 5798-AYF SYSTEMS GUIDE Thi::; 51 page document describes the step3nece.'3Sary to modify the TSO command Processor FOP, written in Assembler. Provides the print command for a TSO terminal user to list a data set on a 3284 or 3286 printer. This systems guide provides the Syste~s Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Guide, 51 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 3B21-1134 AUTO~ATIC LINE SPEED SELECTION FOR IBM 3704/3705 F~~~NOTICE -- -- ----- This 4 page document describes the purp03e and highlights of Automatic Line Speed Selection for IBM 3704/3705. Written in ~ssembler OS this Automatic Line Speed selection on 370413705 FOP allows the 3704/3705 equip~ed with a Communication Scanner Type 1 or 2 running in Emulation Mode C3601i-TX-033)to detect line speed and device type of various dial up terminals. A maximum of four different line speeds (110,134,5,150 and 300 baud) and three different start-stop line codes (9/7,10/8,11/8) can be accommodated. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 4 pages 111/I'5798-AYR SB21-1135 AUTOMATIC LINE SPEED SELECTION FOR 3704/3705 FDP 5798-~YR DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS-------This-rq-page document describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the Automatic Line 8peed selection on 3704/3705 which allows the 3704/3705 equipped with a communication Scanner Type 1 or 2 running in Emulation Mode (3601i-TX-033) to detect line speed and device type of various dial up terminals. A maximum of four different line speeds (110,134,5,150 and 300 baud) and three different start-stop line codes (9/7,10/8, 11/8) can be accommodated. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 14 pages 1111/5798-~YR LB21-1136 ~UTOM~TIC LINE SPEED SELECTION FOR IBM 3704/3705 F~I\.YRSYSTEMS GUIDE - - ---- Thia 16 page document~ribes the step3 necessary to modify the Automatic Line Speed selection on 3704/3705 FOP. written in Assembler OS this FOP allows the 3704/3705 equipped with a Communication Scanner Type 1 or 2 running in Emulation Mode (3601i-TX-033) to detect line speed and device type of various dial up terminals. A maximum of four different line speeds (110,134.5,150 and 300 baud) and three different start-stop line codes (9/7,10/8,11/8) can be accommodated. This systems guide provides the Systems Analrst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make mofidications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Manual, 16 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SB21-1181 CICS PERFORMANCE ANALYZER - FOP 5798-AZN j)ESCRIPTION/OPERA~- - - ---- This 62 page document describe3 the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the CICS Performance Analyzer. The FDP is written in Assembler. The program gathers statistics about user transactions run under control of CICS. The type of information gathered ia CPU execution time, total transaction time, largest amount of core used, the total entries to a file control access method, and so on. The information is very useful for performance evaluation and system tuning. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to under3tand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 62 pages 1111/5798-AZN :;B21-1195 UTILITY DATA REDUCTION SUBROUTINES FOR 8/360-370 FOP 5798=iZW, -NOTICE - ------ personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. ~vailability Notice, 2 pages 111115798-AZW SB21-1196 UTILITY DATA REDUCTION SUBROUTINES FOR S/360-370 FOP 5798-AZW DESCRIPTIONS/OPER~TIONS-ThIs 12 page document describes the capabilities of the FDP and the programs of the Utility Data Reduction Subroutines. These are general purpose utilities designed to reduce the size of records stored in auxiliary storage devices. One subroutine condenses the record by deleting from it unnecessary or null characters, and a second subroutine reconstructs the original record. The deleted characters may vary from three or four in a field to thousands of types per record. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 12 pages 111115798-AZW LB21-1197 UTILITY DATA REDUCTION SUBROUTINES FOR S/360-370 FfiP'5f9a=AzW, ~ ~ -- - - - - This 7 page document describes the steps necessary to modify the Utility Data Reduction Subroutines FDP written in DOS or OS for S/360-370. These are general purpose utilities designed to reduce the size of records stored in auxiliary storage devices. One subroutine condenses the record by deleting from it unnecessary or null characters, and a second subroutine reconstructs the original record. The deleted characters may vary from three or four in a field to thousands of types per record. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Systems Guide, 7 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-1210 ON-LINE PREPARATION OF VIDEO/370 FORMATS FoP'5f98=BAc: NOTICE- - - - - - - - This 4 page documentation describes and highlights the purpose of the On-Line Preparation of VIDEO/370 Formats FD~. Written in RPG II, this FOP consists of three formats for VIDEO/370 and a set of Assembler language macros that expand into VIDEO/370 format definition statements. The FOP eliminates the use of coding sheets for preparation of f~rmats by allowing creation of formats from a picture of a proposed screen layout. The FOP provides a fill-in-theblanks approach so that no keywords have to be coded. Three basic screen formats are used during the definition of a new document. The first describes the document name and exit routines. The second is used for entering information about the fields. The third type is used to descJ~ibe how the fields should be extracted. The input that is keyed on the 3270 is, in most cases, a single character as opposed to a keyword if a coding sheet is used. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering i~formation for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 4 pages 111115798-BAC 8B21-1211 ON-LINE PREPARATION OF VIDEO/370 FORMATS FOP 5798-BAC, OESCRIPTION7OPERATlOOS-This 46 page document describes the capabilities of the FDP and the programs of On-Line Preparation of VIDEO/370 Formats FOP. Written in RPG II, this FOP consists of three formats' for VIDEO/370 and a set of Assembler language macros that expand into VIDEO/370 format definition statements. rhe FDP eliminates the use of coding sheets for preparation of formats by allowing creation of formats from a picture of a proposed screen layout. The FOP provides a fill-in-theblanks approach so that no keywords have to be coded. Three basic screen formats are used during the definition of a new document. The first describes the document name and exit routines. The second is used for entering information about the fields. The third type is used to describe how the fields should be extracted. The input that is keyed on the 3270 is, in most cases, a single character as opposed to a keyword if a coding sheet is used. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 46 pages 111115798-BAC This 2 page document describes the purp03e and highlights of the Utility Data Reduction Subroutines FOP written in DOS or OS for S/360-370. These are general purpose utilities designed to reduce the size of records stored in auxiliary storage devices. One subroutine condenses the record by LB21-1212 deleting from it unnecessary or null characters, and a ON-LINE PREPAR~TION OF VIDEO/370 FORMATS FOP 5798-BAC - SYSTEMs GUIDE --- - - second subroutine reconstructs the original record. The deleted characters may vary from three or four in a field to This 12 page documenr-describes the steps necessary to thousands of types per record. modify the On-Line Preparation of VIDEO/370 Formats FDP. This ~vailability Notice contains complete ordering Written in RPG II, this FOP consists of three formats for information for the Field Developed Program and all its VIDEO/370 and a set of Assembler language macros that expand related documentation, for management and data processing into VIDEO/370 format definition statements. The FOP 156 LB21 eliminates the use of coding sheets for preparation of formats by allowing creation of formats from a picture of a proposed screen layout. The FDP provides a fill-in-theblanks approach so that no keywords have to be coded. Three basic screen formats are used during the definition of a new document. The first describes the document name and exit routines. The second is used for entering information about the fields. rhe third type is used to describe how the fields should be eKtracted. The input that is keyed on the 3270 is, in most cases, a single character as opposed to a keyword if a coding sheet is used. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Systems 3uide, 12 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-1249 DOS/VS POWER WORKSTATION SUPPORT FOR THE IBM 2922 FOP 5798=BBY - NOTICE --- -This 4 page doc~describes the purpo~e and highlights of the DOS/VS POWER Workstation Support for the IBM 2922 FDP. Written in Model 20 Assembler this FDP provides a workstation pro~ram for the IBM 2922 Progxammable Terminal communicating with DOS/VS Power RJE. The program in effect simulates the responses of the IBM 2780 thereby eliminating the need to modify DOS/VS Power RJE. The FDP supports the card reader, printer, card punch and console. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective USers of the program and others who require information concerning it. Flyer, 4 pages 1/1115798-BBY S821-1250 DOS/VS POWER WORKSTATION SUPPORT FOR THE IBM 2922 FDP-S798=BBY - DESCRIPTIOiii7OPERATIONS- -This-4ij-page document describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the DOS/VS POWER Workstation Support for the IBM 2922 FDP. Written in Model 20 A~~embler this FDP provides a workstation program for the IBM 2922 Programmable Terminal communicating with DOS/VS Power RJE. The program in effect simulates the responses of the IBM 2780 thereby eliminating the need to modify DOS/VS Power RJE. The FDP supports the card reader, printer, card punch and console. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 40 pages 11111579B-BBY LB21-1251 DOS/VS POWER WORKSTATION SUPPORT FOR THE IBM 2922 FOP 5798=BBY - - - - - - - - - - -This 2B page document describes the steps necessary to modify the DOS/VS POWER Workstation Support for the IBM 2922 FOP. Written in Model 20 Assembler thi3 FDP provides a workstation program for the IBM 2922 Programmable Terminal communicating with DOS/VS Power RJE. The program in effect simulates the responses of the IBM 2780 thereby eliminating the need to modify DOS/VS Power RJE. The FDP supports the card reader, printer, card punch and con30le. This systems guide provides the Systens Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Manual, 28 pages . SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY :;B21-1255 IMS DICTIONARY SYSTEM - FOP 579B-BBA - NOrICE Thls a-page-dOcument describes the purpo3e and highlights of IMS Dictionary System. Written in OS for S/360/370 this FDP i3 an IMS application program designed to help control the installation and growth of a data base, either DB/DC or DB and supported under 1MB 2.3 and IMS/VS 1.0, and will soon be tested under 2.4. Input is from DBD or PSB libraries (permanent or temporary) in addition to direct user input from cards (batch/BMP) or 3270 terminal (MPP). This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. ~vailability Notice, B pages 111/1579B-BBA GB21 user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 147 pages /1///5798-BBA LB21-1257 IMS DICTIONARY SYSTEM - FOP 5798-BBA - SYSTEMS GUIDE This 357 page document-describes the steps necessary to modify the 1MB Dictionary System FOP. Written in OS for S/360/370 the FDP is an IMS application program designed to help control the installation and growth of a data base, either DB/DC or DB and supported under 1MB 2.3 and IMSIVS 1.0, and will soon be tested under 2.4. Input is from DBD or PSB libraries (permanent or temporary) in addition to direct user input from cards (batch/BMP) or 3270 terminal (MPP). This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the deSign, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Systems Guide, 357 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-1273 TSO/VS2 PROGRAMMING CONTROL FACILITY - FOP 579B-BBJ - NOTICE This 5 page document describes-the-Purpose and highlights-of TSO/VS2 Programming Control Facility, and is written in VS/Assembler. The purpose of the TSO/VS Programming Control Facility is to provide significant enhancements to OS/VS2 TSO in the following areas: a) File Access control and security b) TSO command subsetting and program execution control by user c) SMF accounting data optionally recorded for each command and subcommand d) ability to issue any command from subcommand mode and enter multiple commands on a line This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. ~vailability Notice, 5 pages /1//15798-BBJ SB21-1274 TSO/VS2 PROGRAMMING CONTROL FACILITY - FOP 579B-BBJ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIoNs- - - - - ---This 39 page document describes the purpose and highlights of TSO/VS2 Programming Control Facility, and is written in VS/Assembler. The purpose of the TSO/VS Programming Control Facility is to provide significant enhancements to OS/VS2 TSO in the following areas: a) File Access control and security b) TSO command subsetting and program execution control by user c) SMF accounting data optionally recorded for each command and subcommand d) ability to issue any command from subcommand mode and enter multiple commands on a line This Program Description/operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install anj successfully use the program. Manual, 39 pages /1/1/5798-BBJ LB21-1275 TSO/VS2 PROGRAMMING CONTROL FACILITY - FDP 579B-BBJ SYSTEMS GUIDE --- --- - ---This 23 page document describes the purpose and highlights of TSO/VS2 Programming Control Facility, and is written in VS/Assembler. The purpose of the TSO/VS Programming Control Facility is to provide significant enhancements to OS/VS2 rso in the following areas: a) File Access control and security b) TSO command subsetting and program eKecution control by user c) SMF accounting data optionally recorded for each command and subcommand d) ability to issue any command from subcommand mode and enter multiple commands on a line This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable ~im to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Manual, 23 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SB21-1256 IMS DICTIONARY SYSTEM - FDP 5798-BBA DES:RIPTION/OPERATIONS GB21-1279 This-147-page-document-describes the capabilities of the FDP GIS/DDT TRANSLATION FROM IMS/D!!Q ::. f~ 579B-BBN, NOTICE and the programs of IMS Dictionary Systen. Written in OS This document, written in Basic Assembler, describes the for S/360/370 this FDP is an IMS application program purpose and highlights of GIS/DDT Translation from IMS/DBD. designed to help control the installation and growth of a The simple query and report functions provided by GIS data base, either DB/DC or DB and supported under IMS 2.3 can considerably reduce both programming effort and elapsed and IMS/VS 1.0, and will soon be tested under 2.4. Input is time required to answer low-volume requests for I~S data from DBD or PSB libraries (permanent or temporary) in base information. This program further automates the addition to direct user input from cards (batch/BMP) or 3270 procedures required for GIS access, by converting existin~ terminal (MPP). IMS DBDs to GIS data description tables (DDTs). This Program Description/Operations ~anual provides the IMSDDT (an intermediate step in this program) ~ould be 157 GB21 SB21 used initially as a quick nethod of creating error-free DOTs for existing IMS data bases. The oatput thus generated can then be immediately input to the GIS monitor to create the necessary entries required for GIS processing of the data base. As this nethod uses previously validated descriptions of the IMS data bases, validity and compatibility errors that night be introduced through the keying of a separate description of the data base may be avoided. rhis Availability Notice contains con~lete ordering information for the Field Developed Progran and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 2 pages ////1'5198-BBN SB21-1280 GISI'DDT TRANS~ FROM ~ ::. !Qf. 1198-B~ DESCRIPTIONI'OPERATIONS This document, written in Basic Assembler, describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the GIS/DDT Translation from IMS/DBD. The simple query and report functions provided by GIS can considerably reduce both programming effort and elapsed time required to answer low-volume requests for IMS data base information. This program further automates the procedures required for GIS access, by converting existing IMS DBDs to GIS data description tables (DOTs). IMSDDT (an intermediate step in this program) would be used initially as a quick method of creating error-free DOTs for existing IMS data bases. The output thus generated can then be immediately input to the GIS monitor "to create the necessary entries required for GIS processing of the data base. As this nethod uses previously validated descriptions of the IMS data bases, validity and compatibility errors that might be introduced through the keying o:f a separate description of the data base nay be avoided. This Progran Description/operations Manual provB.es the user with sufficient information to unde"rstand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 35 pages ////1'5198-BBN' LB21-1281 m ~ TRANSLATION FROM ~ :. 5H8-BBN, ~ :;UIOE ThIs-document, written in Basic Assembler, describes the steps necessary to modify the GIS/DDT Translation from IMS/DBD. The simple query and report functions provided by GIS can considerably reduce both programming effort and elapsed tine required to answer low-volume requests for IMS data base information. This program further a~tomates the procedures required for GIS access, by converting existing IMS DBDs to GIS data description tables (DOTs). IMSDDT (an intermediate step in this ~rogram) would be used initially as a quick method of creating error-free DOTs for existing IMS data bases. The output thus generated can then be immediately input to the GIS monitor to create the necessary entries required for GIS processing of the data base. As this nethod uses previously validated descriptions of the IMS data bases, validity and compatibility errors that might be introduced through the keying of a separate description of the data base may be avoided. This systems guide provides the Systens Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Systems Guide, 23 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-1291 3330 DEVICE SUPPORT EXTENDED-S/310 OS/MFT/MVT ~5798-BCE NOrICE ----- This 3 page document describes the p~rpo3e and highlights of the 3330 Device Support Extended-S/310 OS/MFT/MVT FDP written in S/310 Assembler. Provides OS Release 21 users with modifications and procedures required to extend current 3330 sup~ort to include the 3333/3330 Model II. The modifications allow the user to take advantage of the new 200-megabyte capacity. Programs which use standard OS access methods in a device independent manner can be extended to function properly while using the full capacity of the 3333/3330 Model II. Due to the technique used, some user restrictions are necessary. These are described in the Availability Notice and in the documentation. Planned availability is March 15, 1914. This Availability Notice contains com~lete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related dOCUmentation; for management and data processing ~ersonnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Flyer, 3 pages ///1'I'5198-BCE independent manner can be extended to function properly while using the full capacity of the 3333/3330 Model II. Due to the technique used, some user restrictions are necessary. These are described in the Availability Notice and in the documentation. Planned availability is March 15, 1914. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 25 pages /////5198-BCE GB21-1294 OS/VS2 RELEASE 1 STORAGE UTILIZATION DISPLAY PROGRAM F5P579~NOrICE ------ - - - - - This 4 page document describes the purpose and highlights of OS/VS2 Release 1 Storage Utilization Display Program. Written in PL/l and Assembler this FOP is designed to produce real-time, dynamic display of real storage utilization an~ pa~ln~ rate of an OS/VS2 Release 1 system. The display may be produced on an IBM 3210 locally attached, an IBM 2260 locally attached, or any device supported by BSAM. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Flyer, 4 pages // ///5198-BCL SB21-1295 OS/VS2 RELEASE 1 STORAGE UTILIZATION DISPLAY PROGRAM FOP 5798-BCL DESCRffiION/OPER~TIONS --- --- ThIs 24 page document describes the capabilities of the FOP the programs of the OS/VS2 Release 1 Storage Utilization Display Program. Written in PL/l and Assembler this FOP is designed to produce real-time, dynamic display of real storage utilization and paging rate of an OS/VS2 Release 1 system. The display may be produced on an IBM 3210 locally attached, an IBM 2260 locally attached, or any device supported by BSAM. This Program DescriptiOn/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 24 pages /////5198-BCL LB21-1296 OS/VS2 RELEASE 1 STORAGE UTILIZATION DISPLAY PROGRAM FDP5798-BCL - SYSTEMSGUIDE --- --ThIs 18 page document describes the steps necessary to modify the OS/VS2 Release 1 Storage Utilization Display Program. Written in PL/1 and Assembler this FOP is designed to produce real-time, dynamiC display of real storage utilization and paging rate of an OS/VS2 Release 1 system. The display may be produced on an IBM 3210 locally attached, an IBM 2260 locally attached, or any device supported by BSAM. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Manual, 18 pages SLSS - ORDER N'O. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-1336 ~ DC ~ FDP 5198-BDF, NOTICE This 8 page document describes the purpose and highlights of the IMS DC Monitor. It is written in Assembler. rhe 1M3 DC Monitor is a facility for collecting data on the internal activities of IMS 2.3/2.4 systems. The monitor analyzes and records these internal activities, including the processing of teleprocessin~ input-output, data language 1, application scheduling, application termination, message format services, and checkpoint restart. The monitor is loaded with the 1M3 control region and, upon operator command, traps information to an independent log file. A report program, also supplied can be processed off-line to produce a set of reports that summarize and categorize the collected activities at various levels of detail. This tool could be valuable in validating performance and investigating s~ecific application design, data base deSign, and implementation choices during the testing, implementation, and operating phases of IMS DB/DC systems. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning users of the ~rogram and others who require information concerning it. Availability notice, 8 pages // ///5198-BDF SB21-1292 SB21-1331 3330 DEVICE SUPPORT EXTENDED s/310 OS/MFT//04VT ~ DC MONITOR - FOP 5198-BDF DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS FOP 5198-BCEI5EsCiffPTIONl'OPERATIoNS----ThIs-gl-pagei[ocum-eDt descri~s the capabilities of the FOP Provides OS Release 21 users with modifications and and the programs of tne IMS DC Monitor. It is written in procedures required to extend current 3330 support to Assembler. include the 3333/3330 Model II. The modifications allow the The IMS DC Monitor is a facility for collecting data on user to take advantage of the new 200-megabyte capacity. the internal activities of IMS 2.3/2.4 DB/DC systems. rhe Programs which use standard Os access methods in a device monitor analyzes and records these internal activities, 158 SB21 including the application scheduling, application termination, message format services, ani checkpoint restart. The monitor is loaded with the IMS control region and upon operator command, traps information to an independent log file. A report program, also supp1ie~, can be processed offline to produce a set of reports that summarize and categorize the collected activities at various levels of detail. -This tool could be valuable in valUating performance and investigating specific application design, data base design, and implementation choices during the testing, implementation, and operating phases of 1MB DB/DC systems. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Description/operations, 91 pages ////1' 5798-BDF LB21-1338 IMS DC MONITOR-FOP 5798-BDF SYSTEMS GUIDE ThIs-S6-Page document descri~ steps necessary to modify the IMS DC Monitor. It is written in Assembler. The IMS DC Monitor is a facility for collecting data on the internal activities of IMS 2.3/2.4 DB/DC systems. The monitor analyzes and records these internal activities, inc1~ding the processing of teleprocessing input-output, data language 1, application scheduling, application termination, message format services, and checkpoint restart. The monitor is loaded with the IMS control region and, upon operator command, traps information to an independent log file. A report program, also supplied, can be processed off-line to produce a set of reports that summarize and categorize the collected activities at vari~us levels of detail. This tool could be va1~able in validating performance and investigating specific application design, data base design, and implementation choices during the testing, implementation, and operating phases of IMS DB/DC systems. This systems guide provides the systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Systems guide, 56 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-1342 3890 DOS/VS APPLICATION/INSTALLATION SUPPORT (5798-BDC) FOP-AVAILABILITY NOTICE This 4 page document, written in Assembler, describes the purpose and highlights of 3890 DOS/VS Ap?lication/ Installation Support. This FOP utilizes the standard user interfaces available to the DOS/VS user and provides him with the following capabilities: o Sort control instructions with an editor facility o A 3270 Jam Display Routine o A storage print facility These application functions will enable the user to increase his personnel productivity and facilitate 3890 program testing and analysis. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 4 pages //I//5798-BDC SB21-1343 3890 QQ2LY2 APPLICATION/INSTALLATION SUPPORT ~ ~ 5798-BDC. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This 68 page document, written in Assembler, describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the 3890 DOS/VS ~pplication/lnstallation Support. This FOP utilizes the standard user interfaces available to the DOS/VS user and provides him with the following capabilities: o Sort control instructions with an editor facility o A 3270 Jam Display Routine o ~ storage print facility These application functions will enable the user to increase his personnel productivity and facilitate 3890 program testing and analysis. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to ~nderstand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 68 pages /////5798-BDC SB21 p~ssible. The supported file formats include CS or spanned tape, emulator format disk (2319, 3330, 3340) or sequential 370 disk and tape. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 4 pages /////5798-BDH SB21-1362 DOS/VS SORT !:QB !!!Q.Q. n!&§ ~ 5798-BDHl. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This 25 page document, written in Assembler, describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the DOS/VS Sort for 1400 Files. This Field Developed Program operates with the DOS/VS Sort programs (5746-SM1) intended to reduce sort (5743-SMl) times within most 1400 emulator installations currently using Sort 5 or 6 under 1400 emulation. This program provides most of the functions contained in the 1400 Sort programs through an assembler macro which will generate a program interface to the DOS Sort programs. The user may continue to use his 1400/1311 sort control cards and his 1400 files. The input and output file format is independently specified to that conversion from one format to another is also possible. The supported file formats include CS or spanned tape, emulator format disk (2319, 330, 3340,) or sequential 370 disk and tape. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install anj successfully use the program. Manual, 25 pages /////5798-BDH LB21-1363 DOS/VS SORT FOR 1400 n!&§ £:QE 2,798-BDH ~EMS §1llQ~ This 25 page document, written in Assembler, describes the steps necessary to modify the DOS/VS Sort for 1400 Files. This Field Developed Program operates with the DOS/VS Sort programs (5746-SMl) intended to reduce sort (5743-SM1) times within most 1400 emulator installations currently using Sort 5 or 6 under 1400 emulation. This program provides most of the functions contained in the 1400 30rt programs through an assembler macro which will generate a p~ogram interface to the DOS Sort programs. The user may continue to use his 1400/1311 sort control cards and his 1400 files. The input and output file format is independently specified so that conversion from one format to another is also possible. The supported file formats include CS or spanned tape, emulator format disk (2319, 3330, 3340) or sequential 370 disk and tape. This systems guide provides the Systems ~na1yst with the necessary information on the deSign, logic and coding of the system to enable him to amke modifications, diagnose program errors aGd perform program maintenance. Systems guide, 25 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-1373 CICS SOURCE ~ MAINTENANC~ ~-LINE [Q~ 5798-BDT, NOTICE This 4 page document, written in ALC, describes the purpose and highlights of CICS Source Program Maintenance On-Line. DeSigned to provide the capability of storing source programs on disk, retrieving them and modifying them in c~nversational mode at a terminal and creating job streams from the terminal to be used to compile and test the programs. Extends the power of a CICS on-line system to programmers and systems programmers via a 3270. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Flyer, 4 pages // ///5798-BDT = SB21-1374 GB21-1361 FOR illQ ~ FOP 5798-BDH, ~ This 4 page document, written in Assembler, describes the purpose and highlights of DOS/VS Sort for 1400 Files. This Field Developed Program operates with the noS/VS Sort programs (5746-SM1) intended to reduce sort (5743-SMl) times within most 1400 emulator installations currently usin Sort 5 or 6 under 1400 emulation. This program provides most of the functions contained in the 1400 Sort programs through an assembler macro which will generate a program interface to the DOS Sort programs. The user may continue to use his 1400/1311 sOrt control cards and his 1400 files. The input and output files format is independently specified so that conversion from one format to another is also 159 ~ ~ g~~~R~/~o~INTENANC~ ~ FOP 5798-BDT This 112 page document, written in ALe, describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the CICS Source Program Maintenance On-Line. Designed to provide capability of storing source programs on disk, retrieving them and modifying them in conversational mode at a terminal and creating job streams from the terminal to be used to compile and test the programs. Extends the power of a CIC5 on-line system to programs and systems programmers via a 3270. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 112 pages // ///579B-BDT LB21 GB21 :;B21-1376 CMS SORT FOR VMl370 FOP 5798-BDW, NOTICE This 4 page document describes the purpose and highlights of CMS Sort for VMl370. rhis FOP provides several sort programs and subroutines ioIhich run under the CMS component of VMl370. 'rhey may be invoked from a COBOL, PLlI, FORTRAN, or BAL program, or as a CMS command. compared with the SORT component of CMS, these pro~rams offer a compatible replacement for the CMS sort command with improved function and performance. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 4 pages ///115798-BDW SB21-1377 ~M£ SORT FOR VMl370 FOP 5798-BDW DESCRIPrION/OPERATIONS This 28 page document describes the capabilities of the FOP and the program of the CMS Sort for VMl370. It is written in Assembler. 'rhis FOP provides several sort programs and subroutines which run under the CMS component of VMl370. They may be invoked from a COBOL, PLlI, FORTRAN, or BAL program, or as a CMS command. Compared with the SORT component of CMS, these programs offer a compatible replacement for the CMS sort command with improved function and performance. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the program. Manual, 28 pages /11115798-BDI'I LB21-1378 eMS SORT FOR VMl370 FOP 5798-BDI'I SYSTEMS GUIDE This2()page documen~written in Assembler, describes the steps necessary to modify the CMS Sort for VMl370. o Changes to VMl370 publications. 0 Modules added, deleted, or modified for the . current release and program level change. o Ordering and distribution procedures for the current release and program level change. A List of VMl370 Restrictions. Systems Guide, 20 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 3B21-1386 DBOMP INTERFACE FOR RPG II - SYSTEMl370 DOS/VS - FOP 5798-~ NOTICE- - - - describes the steps necessary to modify the DBOMP Interface for RPG II - Systeml370 DOS/vS. The DBOMP Interface for RPG II is designed to permit retrieval and maintenance of DBOM? databases using DOS RP:; II. The use of the interface programs does not require expertise in assembler language programming; the FOP programs handle the sophisticated file manipulations that are required, allowing the programmer to concentrate his ~PG II expertise on his application program. The deSign of the FOP, when combined with the full capabilities of RPG II, should assist users in reducing the time and effort involved with implementing new applications. DL/I (5746-XX1) and DL/I ENTRY (5746-XX7) should be considered as alternatives to this Field Developed Program. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. systems Guide, 27 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-1401 IMS LOG TAPE ANALYSIS ~ 5798-CAQ, NOTICE This document, written in Assembler, describes the purpose and highlights of IMS Log Tape Analysis. This FOP is designed to read an IMS DB/DC System log tape and summarize the response times experienced and the number of transactions submitted by source terminals during a user specified time period. The program reads a completed log tape and collects response time data for user specified transaction codes. A report line is printed to summarize accumulated percentages of response times, spread from 1 to 23 seconds, for each user specified time increment. A summary report of the number of the user specified input transactions submitted by each physical terminal is produced at the end of the analysis. This FOP can be used to determine 1M3 system performance and work load in relation t:> the terminal user environment. Response time can be analyzed when tuning an IMS DB/DC System or relative to changes in system configuration, an application program, or system volumes. This FOP can be used in conjunction with the IMS DC Monitor FOP (5798-BDF) to analyze response time and transaction volumes during the time interval being monitored. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 6 pages = ////15798-CAQ --- - - This 4 page document written in RPG II/Assembler, describes the purpose and highlights of DBOMP Interface for RPG II Systeml370 DOS/VS. The DBOMP Interface for RPG II is deSigned to permit retrieval and maintenance of DBOMP databases using DOS RPG II. The use of the interface programs does not require expertise in assembler language programming; the FOP programs handle the sophisticated file manipulations that are required, allowing the programmer to concentrate his RPG II expertise on his application program. rhe design of the FOP, when combined ioIiththe full capabilities of RPG II, should assist users in reducing the time and effort involved with implementing new applications. DL/I (5746-XX1) and DL/I ENTRY (5746-XX7) should be considered as alternatives to this Field Developed Program. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 4 pages 111115798-BDZ SB21-1387 DBOMP INTERFACE FOR RPG II - SYSTEMl370 DOS/VS (5798-BDZ) iDP'5798-BDZ DESCRIPrIONI-oPERATIONS This 130 page document, written in RPG II/Assembler, describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the DBOMP Interface for RPG II - Systeml370 DOS/VS. The DBOMP Interface for RPG II is designed to permit retrieval and maintenance of DBOMP databases using DOS RPG II. The use of the interface programs does not require expertise in assembler language programming; the FOP programs handle the sophisticated file manipulations that are required, allowing the programmer to concentrate his RPG I I expertise on his application program. The deSign of the FOP, when combined with the full capabilities of RPG II, should assist users in reducing the time and effort involved with implementing new applications. DL/I (5746-XX1) and DL/I ENTRY (5746-XX7) should be considered as alternatives to this Field Developed Pro~ram. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 130 pages 111115798-BDZ LB21-1388 QBOMP INTERFA~ FOR RPG !! ~ SYSTEMl370 QOS/VS (5798-BDZ) ~DP SYSTEMS GUIDE This 27 page document, written in RPG III Assembler, 160 SB21-1402 IMS LOG ~ ANALYSIS ~ [QE 5798-CAQ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This document, written in Assembler, describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the IMS Log Tape Analysis. This FOP is designed to read an IMS DB/DC System log tape and summarize the response times experienced and the number of transactions submitted by source terminals during a user specified time period. The program reads a completed log tape and collects response time data for user specified transaction codes. A report line is printed to summarize accumulated percentages of response times, spread from 1 to 23 seconds, for each user specified time increment. A summary repor't of the number of the user specified input transactions submitted by each phYSical terminal is produced at the end of the analysis. This FOP can be used to determine IMS system performance and work load in relation t:> the terminal user environment. Response time can be analyzed when tuning an IMS DB/DC System or relative to changes in system configuration, an application program, or system volumes. This FOP can be used in conjunction with the IMS DC Monitor FOP (5798-BDF) to analyze response time and transaction volumes during the time interval being monitored. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and succeSSfully use the program. Manual, 29 pages 1/1//5798-CAQ LB21-1403 ~2 LOG Th~ ANALYSIS =. FOP 579B-CAQ, SYSTEMS GUIDE This document, written in Assembler, describes the steps necessary to modify the IMS Log Tape Analysis. This FOP is designed to read an IMS DB/DC System log tape and summarize the response times experienced and the number of transactions submitted by source terminals during a user specified time period. The program reads a completel log tape and collects response time data for user specified transaction codes. A report line is printed to summarize accumulated percentages of response times, spread from 1 to 23 seconds, for each user specified time increment. A summary report of the number of the user specified input transactions submitted by each physical terminal is produced at the end of the analysis. rhis FOP can be used to determine IMS system performance and work load in relation t:> the terminal user environment. Response time can be analyzed wh~n tuning an IMS DB/DC System or relative to changes in system configuration, an application program, or system volumes. This FOP can be used in conjunction with the IMS DC Monitor FOP (5798-BDF) to analyze response time and transaction volumes during the time interval being LB21 SB21 monitored. This systems guide provides the systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design. logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications. diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Manual. 30 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 3821-1404 VSl'l UTILIZATION MONITOR =. FOP 5798-CAK. ~ This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. VSl'l utilization Monitor is a software system monitor that provides users with the ability to measure. evaluate. and document application program characteristics while executing in a virtual (VS/1) environment. The VS/1 Utilization Monitor reports provide a br~ad range of information at both a summary and/or detail level with minimal degradation. easy access. and fle~ibility in use. This package consists of two programs: (1) VS/1 Utilization Monitor Trace Program ~hich captures system and job related data an:'i records the information to a log tape on a time:'i basis (normally every two seconds); (2) VS/1 Utilization Monitor Analysis/report Program processes the log tape and generates the requested reports. VS/1 Utilization Monitor captures an:'i reports the three basic dimensions of a computing system: CPU utilization. I/O activity. and storage usage - both real and virtual. Inf~rmation on these dimensions and their sub-parts are available at various user-selected levels. from detailed lines for each observation to a summary sheet for an entire run. At the detail level. the dynamics of the virtual system graphically display the impact of the application program. Thirteen different reports have been :'iesigned to provide insights from many different perspectives to programs operating in the virtual VS/1 system. Charting an:'i graphing techniques have been used to visually display the dynamics of the virtual system. Users of the Monitor will vary. but ~~uld normally be the systems programmers and application programmers. A single individual would not normally require the use of all VS/l Utilization Monitor reports for a single assignment. Manual. 12 pages ////I'5798-CAK 3821-1413 DOSI'VS FILEI'OPERATIONS CONTROL LANGUAGE =. FOP 5798-CAG, NOTICE This 4 page document written in Assembler. describes the purpose and highlights of DOS/VS File/Operations Control Language. This FOP eases the operational aspects of external file management through the use of a control language. A systems programmer can now structure jobstreams for efficient operation. while improving backup capabilities. increasing control. and reducing operator error. Included in this FOP is the ability to (1) modify VTOC information to expire or delete files by an event. (2) create and maintain a directory of data sets with generation relationships and status information and (3) generate user-defined reports to guide operators through file backupl'recovery operations. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel ~ho are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice. 4 pages /I'//I'5798-CAG SB21-1414 QOSI'VS FILE/OPERATIONS ~ LANGUAGE =. FOP 5798-CAG, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This 88 page document. ~ritten in Assembler describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the DOS/VS File/Operations Control Language. This FDP eases the operational aspects of external file management through the use of a control language. A systems programmer can now structure jobstreams for efficient operation. while improving backup capabilities. increasing control. and re:'iucing operator error. Included in this FOP is the ability to (1) modify VTOC information to expire or delete files by an event. (2) create and maintain a directory of data sets with generation relationships and status information. and (3) generate user-defined reports to guide operators through file backupl'recovery operations. This Program Descriptionl'Operations ~anual provides the user with sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the program. Manual. 88 pages /////5798-CAG 3821-1425 ~ 2260-3270 CONVERSION AID =. FOP ill8-CBB, ~ This 4 page document. written in Assembler. descr~bes the purpose and highlights of IMS/VS 2260-3270 Conversion Aid. The IBM 3270 Information Display System. with its advanced features. is an excellent replacement for IBM 2260 and 2265 Display Stations. The IMS/360 Conversion Aid FDP 5198-ASG allowed IMS users to convert smoothly from 2260s to 161 3270s. in an IMS/Version 2.3 and OS environment. This FDP 5798-ASG so that it will operate with IMS Version 2.3 under both OS/360 and OS/VS. and also with IMS/vS under OS/VS. Thus. 2260s can now be replaced by 3210s in an or:'ierly manner during any stage of an installation'S migration from IMS/Version 2.3 and OS/360 to IMS/VS and OS/VS. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice. 4 pages // ///5798-CBB 5B21-1426 2260-3270 CONVERSION ~l~ =. FDP 5798-CB~L DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This' 17 page document. written in Assembler, describes the capabilities of the FDP and the programs of the IMS/VS 22603210 Conversion Ai:'i. The IBM 3270 Information Display System, with its advanced features. is an excellent replacement for IBM 2260 and 2265 Display Stations. The IMS/360 Conversion Ai:'i FDP 5798-ASG allowed IMS users to convert smoothly from 2260s to 3210s, in an IMS/Version 2.3 and OS environment. This FDP expands 5798-ASG so that it will operate wih IMS/Version 2.3 under both OS/360 and OS/VS. and also with IMS/VS under OS/VS. Thus. 2260's can now be replaced by 3270s in an orderly manner during any stage of an installations migration from I~S/Version 2.3 and OS/360 to IMS/VS and OS/VS. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 11 pages /////5798-CBB ~ LB21-1427 ~~i~~S 2260-3270 CONVERSION ~ =. FOP 5798-CBB, 2~ This 11 page document, written in Assembler, describes the steps necessary to modify the IMS/VS 2260-3210 Conversion Aid. The IBM 3270 Information Display System, with its advanced features, is an excellent replacement for IBM 2260 and 2265 Display stations. The IMS/360 Conversion Aid FDP 5798~ASG allo~ed IMS users to convert smoothly from 2260s to 3270s. is an IMS/Version 2.3 and OS environment. This FDP expands 5798-ASG so that it will operate with IMS/Version 2.3 under both OS/360 and OS/VS, and also with IMS/VS under OS/VS. Thus 2260s can now be replaced by 3270s in an ~cderly manner :'iuring any stage of an installation's migration from IMS/Version 2.3 and OS/360 to IMS/V5 and OS/VS. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design. logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Manual, 17 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-1441 ~~~~~.T.C.S. 3270 SCREEN ~ UTILITY =. FDP 5798-CBH, This document, written in Assembler, describes the purpose and highlights of CICS/M.T.C.S. 3270 Screen Format Utility. This FOP consists of programs and procedures which greatly simplify the creation of input and output maps for the 3270 under MTCS. CICS or cICS/VS. The TP control system may be running under DOS. DOSI'VS. OS/MFT. OS/MVT. OS/VS1 or OS/VS2 on a System/370. The main program allows the user to specify his screen layout directly on an 80-column form an:'i have the necessary control blocks generated directly from the screen layout. This makes coding new screens and changing existing screens extremely simple while reducing the chance for error. The existing Basic Mapping Support Facilities of CICS are used to provide the execution time map retrieval. interpretation services. Optional features allow the user to explicitly name fields. to repeat fields (VS), insert EDIT words in a DSEcr (VS) and to preview an output screen on a 3210 prior to cojing the application program. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 6 pages /////5198-CBH SB21-1442 CICS/M.T.C.S. 3270 SCREEN ~ ~ =. ~ 579B-CBH, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This document, written in Assembler. describes the capabilities of the FDP and the programs of the CICS/M.T.C.S. 3270 Screen Format utility. This FDP consists of programs and procedures ~hich greatly simplify the creation of input and output maps for the 3210 under MTCS. CICS or CICS/VS. The TP control system may be running under DOS, DOS/VS. OS/MFT, OS/MVT. OS/VS1 or OS/VS2 on a System/310. The main program allows the user to specify his screen layout directly on an 80-column form and have the necessary control blocks generated directly from SB21 the screen layout. This makes coding neil screens and changing existing screens extremely sim~le while reducing the chance for error. The existing Basic Mapping Support Facilities of CICS are used to provide the execution time map retrieval, interpretation services. optional featUres allow the user to explicitly name fields, to repeat fields (VS>, insert EDlr words in a DSECT (VS> and to preview an output screen on a 3270 prior to coding the application program. 'rhis Program Description/Operations :o.tanual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 275 pages //I/15798-CBH GB21 through a CALL instruction. The .FDP supports 2314, 3330, and 3340 DASD devices, and does not require special pref~rmatting of extents. Blocked or unblocked fixed length records may be added to sequential files and subsequently access through the standard DOS/VS sequential access methods via logical IOCS. Multiple files may be accessed in a user's program though only one copy of the FOP is includei in the user's program. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related dOCUmentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Flyer, 2 pages // // /5798-CBN LB21-1443 £ICS/M.T.~ 3no §CREE~ FORMAT UTILITY::. FOP ?798-CBH, SYSTEMS GUIDE Thisl[,;cument, ilritten in Assembler, describes the steps necessary to modify the CICS/M.T.C.S. 3270 Screen Format Utility. This FOP consists of programs and procedures ilhich greatly simplify the creation of in~ut and output maps for the 3270 under MTCS, CICS or CICS/VS. l'he TP control system may be running under DOS, DOS/VS, OS/MFr, OS/MV'r, OS/VS1 or OS/VS2 on a System/370. The main pro gran allows the user to s~ecify his screen layout directly on an BO-column form and have the necessary control blocks generated directly from the screen layout. This makes coding neii screens and changing existing screens extremely Simple iihile reducing the chance for error. rhe existing Basic Mapping Support Facilities of CICS are used to provide the execution time map retrieval, interpretation services. Optional features alloil the user to explicitly name fields, to repeat fields (VS>, insert EDlr iiords in a DSECT (VS) and to preview an output screen on a 3270 prior to coding the application program. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Manual, 30 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY "B21-1447 CONVERSION AID: IBM DOS/VS ANS COBOL FROM BURROUGHS !!2.2.Q.Q £Q!!Q!:! ::. FDP579~ NOTICE -This 4 page document, written in Assembler, describes the purpose and highlights of Conversion Aid: IBM DOS/VS ANS COBOL from Burroughs B5500 COBOL. The m03t important functions provided by this program are: 1. Conversion of free form Burroughs code to ANS COBOL format. 2. Character translation (Burroughs to EBCIDIC) 3. Expansion of common Burrough's abbreviations to ANS COBOL forms. 4. Implementation of the Burrough's ca~ability to 'copy' previous Data-name levels into adjusted level numbers. 5. Initialization of data in working st~rage. 6. Conversion of Burrough's relational ~~erator's to ANS COBOL format. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data proceSSing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 4 pages ////15798-CBP SB21-1448 CONVERSION AID: IBM DOS/VS ANS COBOL FROM BURROUGHS B5500 5798 -CaP, DESCRIPTION/OPERffiON-S- - - - This 40 page document, written in As3embler, describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the Conversion Aid: IBM DOS/VS ANS COBOL from Burroughs B5500 COBOL. The most important functions provided by this program are: 1. Conversion of free form Burroughs code to ANS COBOL format. 2. Character translation (Burroughs to EBCIDIC) 3. hxpansion of common Burrough's abbreviations to ANS COBOL forms. 4. Implementation of the Burrough's ca~ability to 'copy' previous Data-name levels into adjusted level numbers. 5. Initialization of data in working st~rage. 6. Conversion of Burrough's relational ~~erator's to ANS COBOL format. This program Description/Operations ~anual provides the user with sufficient information to under3tand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 40 pages ////15798-CBP COBOL-~-FDP GB21-1456 EXTENDING SEQUENTIAL DISK ~ FOR DOS/~~ ::. ~ 5798-CBN, NOTICE This 2 page Availability Notice, written in Assembler, describes the purpose and highlights of Extending Sequential Disk Files for DOS/VS. This FOP can help improve performance and reduce disk storage requirements for applications that add records to the end of a seguential disk file, thus, eliminating the need to re-copy the files. The subrouti~es in this FOP will be included in the user's assembler or COBOL programs 162 SB21-1457 EXTENDING SEQUENTIM! DISK FILE~ ~Qg DOS/VS ::. FOP 5798-CBN DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This 22 page document, written in Assembler, describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the Extending Sequential Disk Files for DOS/VS. This FOP can help improve performance and reduce iisk storage requirements for applications that add records to the end of a sequential disk file, thus, eliminating the need to re-copy the files. The subroutines in this FOP will be included in the user's assembler or COBOL programs through a CALL instruction. The FOP supports 2314, 3330, and 3340 DADS devices, and does not require special pref~rmatting of extents. Blocked or unblocked fixed length records may be added to sequential files and subsequently access through the standard DOS/VS sequential access methods via logical IOCS. Multiple files may be accessed in a user's program though only one copy of the FOP is includei in the user's pro~ram. This Program DescriptiOn/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 22 pages // ///5798-CBN LB21-1458 EKTENDING SEOUENTIAL DISK FILES FOR DOS/VS ::. FOP 5798-CB~L SYSTEMS GUIDE This 12 page document, written in Assembler, describes the steps necessary to modify the Extending Sequential Disk Files for DOS/VS. This FOP can help improve performance and reduce disk storage reqUirements for applications that add records to the end of a sequential disk file, thus, eliminating the need to re-copy the files. The subroutines in this FOP will be included in th user's assembler or COBOL programs through a CALL instruction. The FOP supports 2314 , 3330, and 3340 DASD devices, and does not require special pre-formatting of extents. Blocked or unblocked fixed length records may be added to sequential files and subsequently access through the standard DOS/VS sequential access methods via logical IOCS. Multiple files may be accessed in a user's program though only one copy of the FOP is included in the user's program. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Manual, 12 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-1492 CICS/ENTRY SYSTEM STATISTICS ::. £:QE. 579B-CBh ~OTI9f This 4 page document, written in Assembler, describes the purpose and highlights of CICS/Entry System Statistics. This FOP operates as a standard task under CICS 003 Entry 5736XX6. It will operate under either DOS or D03/v~, with CICS Entry running either virtual or real. The function of this CICS task is to display on a 3270 Model 2 terminal all the critical statistics, sizes and counters in a CICS Entry system. It can be used as a task to validate the initial generation of a CICS system. It can be used to monitor the effect of changes to a generated CICS system. It eliminates difficult searching through memory dumps or lenghty calculations to determine the size of the various components of CICS. Once a system is successfully installed, this task can be used to dynamically monitor system activity and parameters. For example, it is possible from a terminal to determine the current settings of things such ~s max tasks or the storage CUShion. Any significant parameters that are not at normal value such as max tasks or the storage cushion. Any significant ~arameters that are not at normal value such as "dump count" not are displayed in high intensity mode on the 3270. An existing FOP, 5798AXR CICS Dynamic Map, does not support DOS/CICS Entry. This proposed FOP would compliment the existing CICS FDP/IUP programs. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing ~ersonnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Flyer, 4 pages /////5798-CBZ SB21 SB21 SB21-1493 ~i~~~~~~~~N~T~~~ISTICS FDP 5798-CBZ This 12 page document, written in Assembler, describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the CICS/Entry System statistics. This FOP operates as a standard task under CICS DOS Entry 5736XX6. It will operate under either DOS or DOS/VS, ~ith CICS Entry running either virtual or real. The function of this CICS task is to display on a 3270 ,Model 2 terminal all the critical statistics, sizes, and counters in a CICS Entry system. It can be used as a task to validate the initial generation of a CICS system. It can be used to monitor the effect of changes to a generated CICS system. It eliminates difficult searching through memory dumps or lenthty calculations to determine the size of the various components of CICS. Once a system is successfully installed, this task can be used to dynamically monitor system activity and parameters. For example, i t is possible from a terminal to determine the current settings of things such as max tasks or the storage cushion. Any significant parameters that are not at normal value such as "dump'count n not 0 are displayed in high intensity mo~e on the 3270. An existing FOP, 5798-AXR CICS Dynamic Map, ~oes not support DOS/CICS Entry. This proposed FDP would compliment the existing CICS FDP/IUP programs. rhis program Description/Operations ~anual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 12 pages /////5798-CBZ GB21-1498 CICS/VOLUME TEST ~ FOP 5798-CDJ ... ~ This document, written in Assembler, describes the purpose and highlights of CICS/Volume Test Facility. CICS Volume Test Facility provides the user with the capability to stress his total teleprocessing system in a production-like environment. The need for volume testing when undertaking changes in terminals, in network configuration, in central hardware systems, in control programs, or in applications is answered by this FDP. when the Volume Test Facility is installed, the user will be able to use his own terminals and communications network and/or simulated facilities without the need for manning the physical terminals. He ~ill be able to collect test data during normal production. He ~ill use his own application and control programs during the test. He will be able to control the transaction rate, receive feedback on test progress during the test, and change testing parameters dynamically. Statistics in printed form are provided at the concluSion of the test. Each test can be controlled by a single analyst and can be repeated. This Availability Notice contains com~lete ordering information for the Program and all its related documentation, for management and'data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it., Availability Notice, 4 pages /////5798-CDJ = SB21-1499 CICS/VOLUME TEST FACILITY - FOP 5798-CDJ DESCRIPTION/ OPERiITIoNS - - - - - - - - --- - This document, written in Assembler, describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the CICS/Volume Test Facility. CICS Volume Test Facility provides the user with the capability to stress his total teleprocessing system in a production-like environment. The need for volume testing when undertaking changes in terminals, in net~ork configuration, in central hardware systems, in control programs, or in applications is answered by this FOP. when the Volume Test Facility is installed, the user will be able to use his own terminals an~ communications network and/or simulated facilities without the need for manning the physical terminals. He ~ill be able to collect test data during normal production. He will use his application and control programs during the test. He will be able to control the transaction rate receive feedback on test progress during the test, and change testing parameters ~ynamically. Statistics in printed form are provided at the conclusion of the test. Each test can be controlled by a single analyst and can be repeated. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 156 pages /////5798-CDJ 3B21-1504 £.ICS NETWORK ACTIVITY SIMULATOR FOP 579!!.-CCH, ~ This document, ~ritten in Assembler, describes the purpose and highlights of CICS Network Activity Simulator. This Field Developed Program provides a means of using se~uential input support of CICS while introducing delays between messages that would simulate the input messages through a terminal or line. Multiple streams could simulate a multi-line configuration allowing for a controlled rate of messages being processed. Thus by bending the system's resources, the user is able to measure impact on response time, paging, utilization, etc., by comparative analysis. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its related documen163 = tation, for management and data processing personnel ~ho are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 4 pages // // /5798-CCH SB21-1505 CICS ~ ~ SIMULATQg :: FOP 5798-CC!!L DESCR!!'.,£!~~~ OPERATIONS This document, written in Assembler, describes the capabi~ ities of the FOP and the programs of the CICS Network Activity Simula tor. This Field Developed Program provides a means of using sequential input support of CICS while introducing delays between messages that would simulate the input messages through a terminal or line. Multiple streams could simulate a multi-line configuration allowing for a controlled rate of messages being processed. Thus by bending the system's resources, the user is able to measure impact on response time, paging, utilization, etc., by comparative analysis. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 126 pages /////5798-CCH GB21-1507 CICS PLOT-FOP 5798-CCG, NOTIC.!!; This document, written in Assembler, describes the purpos~ and highlights of CICS PLOT. This Field Developed Program allows the CICS/VS user to manage the static storage requirements of CICS/VS and to o?timize the real storage demands of the CICS system. rhe product displays both the virtual composition of the CICS/v3 partition and the real storage residency of the virtual pages. It will also provide a working set summary which displays the total storage requirements for the resident operating system and the CICS/VS partition. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 4 pages /////5798-CCG SB21-1508 CICS PLOT FOP 5798-CCG, Q§2£RIPT!Q!!L0PER~!!Q~§' This document written in Assembler, describes the capabilities of the FDP and the programs of the CICS PLOT. This Field Developed Program allows the CICS/VS user to manage the static storage requirements of CICS/VS and to optimize the real storage demands of the CICS system. The product displays both the virtual composition of th~ CICS/VS partition and the real storage residency of the virtual pages. It will also provide a working set summary which displays the total storage requirements for the resident operating system and the CICS/VS partition. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 58 pages // ///5798-CCG = GB21-I510 V!l.NDL-1 DL-I ~§ UT!!dr! !1!R 5798-CDH, NOTICE This 2 page document, written in Assembler, describes the purpose and highlights of VANDL-1 DL/I Database Utility. This Field Developed Program provides VANDL-1 and DL/I users with a quick, efficient technique for generating data base back-up tapes and for restoring to disk from tape. Up to eight VANDL-1 or fifteen DL/I data bases may be copied in a single execution. In addition, the programs have been developed to assist users in converting from VANDL-I to DL/I since a tape copied from a VANDL-1 data base may be used to restore to a DL/1 database. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 2 pages // ///5798-CDH = = SB21-1511 VANDL-l DLII DATABAS§ !!!!ill! FDP 5798-CDH, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This 16 page document, written in Assembler, describes the capabilities of the FDP and the programs of the V~NDL-l DL/I Database Utility. This Fiel~ Developed Program provides VANDL-I and DL/~ users with a quick, efficient technique for generating data base back-up tapes and for restoring to disk from tape. Up to eight VANDL-1 or fifteen DL/I data bases may be copied in a single execution. In addition, the programs have been developed to assist users in converting from VANDL-l to DL/I since a tape copie~ from a VANDL-1 data base may be used to restore to a DL/I database. This Program Description/operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 16 pages = = SB21 SB21 /////5798-CDH LB21-1512 ITANDL-1 DL/I DATA ~UIDE ~5798-CDH ~ UTILITY, FOP ll.2.§.:.£Q!! ~ This 13 page document, written in Assembler, describes the steps necessary to modify the VANDL-1 - DL/I Database Utili ty. This Field oeveloped Program provides ITAN[IL-1 and DL/I users with a quick, efficient technique for gE~nerating data base back-up tapes and for restoring to jisk from tape. Up to eight VANDL-1 or fifteen DL/I data bases may be copied in a single execution. In addition, the programs have been developed to assist users in converting from VANDL-1 to DL/I since a tape copied from a VANDL-1 database may be used to restore to a DL/I database. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst ~ith the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. systems Guide, 13 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-1513 ~Q~§~!:Y§ ~Q PERFORMANCE ANALYZER FOP 5798-CDG..L. NOTICE rhis 8 page document, written in COBOL/Assembler, describes the purpose and highlights of POWER/VS Cost and Performance Analyzer. POWER/VS provides accounting records ",hich contain important information concerning system utilization. The FDP reads these records and generates summary reports which should prove to be of significant benefit to data processing management. Reports include Execution (CPU), 1/0 Device Acitvity, RJE, and a Cost Analysis report" based on userspecified cost figures. The FOP provides the facility to accumulate daily information for monthly repOl:ts. A user modification and/or addition may be developed to use these summary records for monthly billing. The POWER/VS Cost and Performance Analyzer will provide valuable operating information to Data processing and Operation Managers. System tuning will be possible by using the Performance Report to change placements of high activity files and indicate where excessive time and resources are used. From the Monthly Cost Analysis (",hich may be run at any desired frequency>, a.more enlightened view of computer costs may be obtained. Billing is facilitated because the data needed is available in a tape or disk record and need only be processed against the users customer data as bills are printed. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel iIoIho are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 8 pages /////5798-CDG SB21-1514 POwER/VS COST AND ~MANC§ ANALYZER - FOP 5798-CDG, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This 71 page document, written in COBOL/A3sembler, describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the POWER/ITS Cost and Performance Analyzer. POWER/VS,provides accounting records ",hich contain important information concerning system utilization. The FDP reads these records and generates s~mmary reports ~hich should prove to be of significant benefit to data processing management. Reports include Execution (CPU), 1/0 Device Activity, RJE, and a Cost Analysis report based on userspecified cost figures. The FOP provides the facility to accumulate daily information for monthly reports. A user modification and/or addition may be developed to use these summary records for monthly billing. The POWER/VS Cost aand Performance Analyzer will provide valuable operating information to Data Processing and Operation Managers. System tuning will be possible by using the Performance Report to change placements of high activity file3 and indicate where excessive time and resources are used. From the Monthly Cost Analysis (ilhicp may be run at any desired frequency), a more enlightened view of computer cost3 may be obtained. Billing is facilitated because the data needed is available in a tape or disk record and need only be processed against the users customer data as bills are printed. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 71 pages /////5798-CDG LB21-1515 ~~~~~/ITS ~OST ~ PERFORMANCE ANALYZER, FDP 579B-CDG SYSTEMS This-21 page document, written in COBOL/Assembler, describes the 3teps necessary to modify the POWER/ITS Cost and Performance Analyzer. POWER/VS provides accounting records which contain important information concerning system utilization. The FDP reads these records and generates summary reports which should prove to be of Significant benefit to data processing management. Reports include Execution (CPU), 1/0 Device Activity, RJE, and a Cost Analysis report based on user164 specified cost figures. The FDP provides the facility to accumulate daily information for monthly reports. A user modification and/or addition may be developed to use these summary records for monthly billing. The POWER/VS Cost and Performance Analyzer will provide valuable operatin~ information to Data ProceSSing and 0geration Mana~ers. System tuning will be possible by using the Performance Report to change placements of high activity files and indicate where excessive time and resources are used. From the Monthly Cost Analysis (which may be run at any desired frequency), a more enlightened view of computer c~sts may be obtained. Billing is facilitated because the data needed is available in a tape or disk record and need only be processed against the users customer data as bills are printed. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst ~ith the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable ~im to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Manual, 21 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB21-1546 1400 COMPATABILITY ~ ROUTI~ :: !Qf llll::£m!L ~ This 4 page document, written in Assembler, describes the purpose and highlights of 1400 Compatability Access Routine. Through the use of this Field Developed Program a Systernl370 COBOL or Assembler Language program can access disk data files which are in the 1400 Emulator format. The FOP does not require the use of the 1400 Emulator, therefore, orderly conversion of 1400 emulated applications to Systernl370 native mode operations under DOS/VS is possible. The FOP supports 1311, 1301 and 1405 type files emulated on a 3330 or 3340 Direct Access Storage Device. Data files can be in the track or sector format and in either move or load mode. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 4 pages /11115798-CDB SB21-1547 ~ COMPATABILITY ~ ROUTINE :: !Qf 5798-CDB. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This 20 page document, written in Assembler, describes the capabilities of the FDP and the programs of the 1400 c~mpatability Access Routine. Through the use of this Field Developed Program a System/370 COBOL or Assembler Language program can access disk data files which are in the 1400 Emulator format. The FOP does not require the use of the 1400 Emulator, therefore, orderly conversion of 1400 emulated applications to System/370 native mode operations under DOS/VS is possible. The FOP supports 1311, 1301 and 1405 type files emulated on a 3330 or 3340 Direct Access Storage Device. Data files can be in the track or sector format and in either move or load mode. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 20 pages /1/115798-CDB GB21-1566 S/370 RPG I I ANALYSIS AND QQ£Q11ID.ITATION AID :: 579B-CDL, NOTICE This 4 page document, written in RPG II, describes the purpose and highlights of S/370 RPG II Analysis and Documentation Aid. This FOP consists of two groups of programs and sorts which produce six different documentation/trouble shooting aids. The first group produces field and indicator crossreferences on an individual RPG II program. The second group uses as its input data all of the customer's RPG II s~urce decks from which it produces cross-reference analyses and documentation concerning programs, files and field usage in the users system. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 4 pages //1115798-CDL SB21-1567 s/370 RPG IT ANAgSIS AND DOCUMENTATION AID :: FOP ~Qh_ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS fhrs-4S-pageliocument, written in RPG II, describes the capabilities of tne FOP and the programs of the S/370 RPG II Analysis and Documentation Aid. This FOP consists of two groups of programs and sorts which produce six different documentation/trouble shooting aids. The first group produces field and indicator crossreferences on an individual RPG II program. The second group uses as its input data all of the customer's RPG II s~urce decks from which it produces cross-reference analyses and documentation concerning programs, files, and field usage in the users system. This Program DescriptiOn/Operations Manual provides the SB21 GCB8 user ~ith sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 45 pages /////5798-CDL SB21-1587 ~~i~iig:~~E~S~ENTS =- [QR ?798-CEEL LB21-1568 S/370 RPG !! ~ AND DOCUMENTATION ~!Q =- FDP 5798-CDL, SYSTEMS GUIDE This 10 page-document, ~ritten in RPG II, describes the ste~s necessary to modify the S/370 RPG II Analysis and Documentation Aid. This FDP consists of t~o groups of ~rograms and sorts ~hich produce six different documentation/trouble shooting aids. The first group produces field and indicator crossreferences on an individual RPG II program. The second grou~ uses as its input data all of the customer's REG II source decks from ~hich it produces cross-reference analyses and documentation concerning programs, files and field usage in the users system. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst ~ith the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Manual, 10 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 3B21-1581 IMS MONITOR SUMMARY AND SYSTEMS ANALYSIS PROGRAMS - FDP 5798=CDT, NOTICE --- - - - - - - This document, ~ritten in ALC, describes the purpose and highlights of IMS Monitor Summary and Systems Analysis Programs. The IMS Monitor Symmary and System Analysis program (IMSASAP) is a set of programs designed to process DFSTRAPC out~ut data from either IMS DC Monitor (Field Developed Program Number 5798-BDF) or IMS/VS Monitor (IMS/VS 1.0.1). It uses a subset of data collected by DFSTRAPC to produce several selectable, additional monitor tfpe reports designed to fill the need of management, system analysts and programmers. The IMSASAP System output enables the user to analyze and adjust the parameters of a IMS On-Line System for optimum operations and performance. This Availability Notice contains com~lete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel ~ho are prospective users of the program and others ~ho require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 6 pages /////5798-CDT SB21-1582 IMS MONITOR SUMMARY AND SYSTEMS ANALYSIS PROGRAMS - FDP ~1~g=£Q~~-oESCRIPTIoN70pERATIONS------ - - - - - - - --This document, written in ALe, describes the capabilities of the FDP and the programs of the IMS Monitor Summary and Systems Analysis Programs. The IMS Monitor Summary and System Analysis Program (1MSASAP) is a set of programs designed to process DFSTRAPC output data fron either IMS DC Monitor (Field Developed Program Number 579B-BDF) or IMS/VS Monitor (1MS/VS 1.0.1). It uses a subset of data collected by DFSTRAPC to produce several selectable, additional monitor ty~e reports designed to fill the need of management, system analysts and programmers. The IMSASAP System output enables the user to analyze and adjust the parameters of a IMS On-Line System for optimum operations and performance. This Program Description/O~erations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 78 pages /////5798-CDT GB21-1586 IMS DICTIONARY SYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS =- FDP ~798-CEE, ~ This document, ~ritten in Assembler, describes the purpose and highlights of IMS Dictionary System Enhancements. The follo~ing are enhancements to be included in this product. o Improved messages for structures out o Indented COBOL Structures o Global status, language, occurrence number o On-line audit trail o Improved on-line support o Assembly language components o Syntax flush control Other enhancements will be announced when available. o COBOL-IN o Character String-Scan o Copy function o Delete from command o SEG-REPORT to show SEG-DBS intersection data. This Availability Notice contains com~lete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel ~ho are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 4 pages /////5798-CEE This document, written in Assembler, describes the capabilities of the FDP and the programs of the IMS Dictionary System Enhancements. The follo~ing are enhancements to be included in this product. o Improved messages for structures out o Indented COBOL Structures o Global status, language, occurrence number o On-line audit trail o Improved on-line supports o Assembly language components o Syntax flush control Other enhancements will be announced when available. o COBOL-IN o Character String-Scan o Copy function o Delete from command o SEG-REPORT to show SEG-DBS intersection data. This Program Description/operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual, 59 pages /////5798-CEE GB21-9893 VM/SGP STATISTICS GENERATING PACKAGE, REPORT BROCHURE - IUP 5796-PDD Thrs-manual provides some sample reports produced using VM/SGP. These reports will serve to indicate the types of detail which may be presented in report form by using this IUP. The use of the VM/SGP "language" is also sho~n for each report illustrated. Manual // // /5796-PDD GB21-9949 IBM CUSTOMER INFORMATION FDP/IUP REFERENCE SUMMARY ThIs informative booklet is intended for customer-use and reflects the most recent inventory of available FDP's and IUP's. It contains program numbers, prices, and order numbers of customer-available docuemnts supporting those programs. Booklet, 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches, 26 pages 360,370//20/// GCB4-5104 OS/vS1 MASTER INDEX Master index for OS/VS1. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LCB6-3772 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS ASSEMBLER H - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-AS1 The IBM system/360 Operating-system Assembler H 5734-A31 is an assembler language processor that extends the basic assembler language and the macro and conditional-assembly language. It is designed to perform high-speed assemblie3 on IBM System/360, Models 40 and larger, that have at least 256K bytes of main storage. Microfiche, 84 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GCB8-6796 IBM 2947-4 CHECK COLLECTION CONTROLLER (RPQ #88B2ffi SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD (CSAMt MAIN MODULE-DOS !1!CROFICHE LISTING L PROG. NO. 5799-WAF Assembly Program Listing for the Main Module of Program 5799-WAF. Data Management and I/O Routines for the 2947-4. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GCB8-6797 IBM 2947-4 CHECK COLLEcTION £QNTRO!4:!!;S (RPQ !!;!8B26Q SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD (CSAMl ERR !1QDULE-OOS MICROFICHE LISTING - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-WAF Assembly Program Listing for the Error Recovery Routine/Procedures Module of Program 5799-WAF. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GCB8-6798 IBM 2947-4 CHECK COLLECTION gQ~,!,.!~OLL!;R (RPQ !§.88264) SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD i£~l MAIN MODULE-OS MICROFICHE LISTING - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-WAG Assembly Program Listing for the Main-MOdUle of Program 5799-WAG. Data Management and I/O Routines for the 2947-4. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GCB 8-67 99 lBE2 !~~ 2947-4 CHECK £OLLECTION CONTROLLER #888264) §!;QUENTI~ ACCE~ METHOD (CSAM) ERR MODULE-O~ MICROFICHE LISTING - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-WAG ASsembly Program Listing for the Error Recovery 165 GC20 GCB8 Routine/Procedures Module of Program 5799-WAG. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY sc09-0007 VANDL-1 fBRQ DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION ~~ (VANCOUVER DATA LANGUAGE O~E) - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AEY Tl1is manual provides agenera1 introductiOnto VANDL-1 which consists of processing modules designed to facilitate the implementation of small to medium data bases under DOS. DP Manual, 228 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ::ic19-0004 IBM SYSTEM/370 INSTALLATION MANUAL -- PHYSICAL PLANNING Contains-inlOrmation necessary for Planning the-physical installation of the IBM Systeml370 in World Trade countries. It includes floor planning information, as well as electrical environmental, and structural requirements. Detailed cable charts are provided. Manual, 400 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBS~RIPTION ONLY GC20-1618 NUMBER SYSTEMS - STUDENT TEXT This IBM student text on number systems presents a brief review of the principles of positional notation, as applied to the binary and hexadecimal systems of notation. The publication covers the operations of binar~ and hexadecimal arithmetic, decimal-binary - hexadecimal base conversion, and the principles of base and base-minus-one comp1emen ta tion. Student Text, 32 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY S:::20-1637 ~ ~~ ,!:Q PL/I FOR ~ USERS: 2I!!Q!jitu: TEX~~ This manual is an introductory g~ide to PL/I written especially for those who have a working knowledge of FORTRAN II or IV. No particular machine implementation of FORTRAN or PL/I has been assumed. Part 1 gives a broad Imrvey of PL/I. A sample program illustrating some of the principle features of the language is explained step by step. Part 2 gives sufficient detail for the user to be able to write a straightforward program for himself. It is not a rigorous .exposition. Examples have been used to clarify the text. The terminology used is intended to be that which is familiar to a FORTRAN user Part 3 describes concepts not familiar to FORTRAN users, although some of them are familiar to those who know COBOL or ALGOL. Where references to COBOL or ALGOL will help readers who know these languages, the reference is made, but the explanation is also given in full for those who do not. This guide does not attempt to cover all the features of tl1e language. Many facilities have not been mentioned at all, and some of the statements and features have not been explained in full detail. Student Text, 38 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY :;:::20-1649 ~~,!:~~QQ~!ION !Q ~ DIRECT-ACCESS ~ ~ ~ OR::iANIZATION METHODS: STUDENT TEXT This text discusses-the-physicar-characteristics and capacities of the following Direct Access Storage Devices available for Systeml360 Models 25, 30, 44, 50, 65, 67, 75, and 85: 2301 Drum Storage 2302 Disk Storage 2303 Drum Storage 2311 Disk Storage Drive 2314 Direct Access Storage Facility 2321 Data Cell Drive The file organization methods and access methods provided for these devices by the IBM Systeml360 Operating System, the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System and the IBM System/360 Basic Operating System are also discussed. The uses of direct access storage, basic terminology, and the establishment of controls for a direct access system are other topics addressed by this text. Most of the chapters end with student exercises, answers to which may be found at tl1e end of the manual. No attempt at completeness is made. Refer to the publications listed in the Bibliograph~ for additional details. student Text, 120 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY used in the full spectrum of commercial applications. Student Text, 70 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC20-1663 OS ( i OS/VS) DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT LIBRARIES: ~NAGEMENTTEXT INSTALLATION The purpose-or-this document is to illustrate how job control statements, cataloged procedures, and OS utilities can be used to create, use, and maintain a machine-readable program development support library system on direct access storage. The examples in tl1e Text are based on OS/Mvr Release 21.6 and OS/VS2 Release 1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC20-1668 DATA COMMUNICATIONS PRIMER: 2TUDE~ Im ThIS manual is intended for the user of data processing equipment who has a need for data communications services. It introduces the reader to the world of data communications and enables him to approach the common carriers for competent, ietai1ed, up-to-date information on facilities, specifications and tariffs to satisfy his needs. Student Text SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC20-1684 INTRODUCTION TO IBM DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS: STUQENT I§~t This manual presents-concepts ~prrncipa1s essential to a basic knowledge of computers. It is designed for use in training programs that serve as prerequisites for a detailed study of an IBM system. Covered in general terms are topics such as Data Representation, Storage Devices, CPW Functions, I/O Devices, Stored Program PrinCiples, Programming Systems, Operating Systems, COnversion, and Procedural Controls. Reference to specific systems is made to illustrate general principles. Manual, 112 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC20-1686 OCR INPUT PREPARATION GUIDE FOR THE IBM 1287/1288 OPTICAL ffiRACTER READERS - - -- - - This manuar-rs-a-guide to achieving acceptable input quality for IBM's 1287 and 1288. The topics stressed include sample document designs from several application areas, human factors considerations, document design specifications and procedures, a discussion of important considerations for each type of OCR input device, and a description of some OCR support services available to IBM customers. DP Techniques Manual, 86 pages 360,370//04//1287,1288/ GC20-1699 D~TA PROCESSING GLOSSARY This glossary contains over 2,000 definitions of terms in the data processing field. It contains definitions from: 1. The American National Standard Vocabulary for Information Processing, published by the American National Standaris Institute, Inc. (ANSI). 2. The proposed American National Standard Vocabulary. 3. The IBM Data Communications Glossary (GC20-1666). 4. The IBM Glossary of Information Processing. Manual, 136 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC20-1729 A GUIDE TO THE IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 155 This gui!e presents hardware, programming systems, and otl1er pertinent information about the IBM Systeml370 Model 155 that describes its significant new features and advantages. Features of a Model 155 II are indicated also. The contents are intended to acquaint the reader with the Model 155 ani to be of benefit in planning for its installation. Manual, 192 pages 3155//01/// GC20-1730 A GUIDE TO THE IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 165 This gui~ presents hardware, programming systems, and other pertinent information about the IBM System/370 Model 165 that describes its Significant new features and advantages. Features of a Model 165 II are indicated also. The contents are intended to acquaint the reader with the Model 165 anj to be of benefit in planning for its installation. Manual, 160 pages 3165//01/// SC20-1651 A ::iUIDE TOPLII FOR COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMERS (STUDENT TEXT) PL/I is a-mu1tipurpose, high-level programming language that enables the programming not only of commer'cia1 and GC20-1733 scientific applications but also of real-time and systems IBM 1287/1288 OCR ERROR RECOVERY GUIDE applications. It also permits a programmer to use the full Discusses too1s,teCilnfques, and methods of importance poio1er of his computer in an efficient manner an.d to program for error recovery when planning, programming, and applications in a relatively machine-independent fashion. installing the IBM 1287 and IBM 1288 Optical Character This publication presents those features of PL/I that Readers. apply to commercial data processing. It does not restrict Data Processing Technique Manual, 28 pages itself to a particular aspect of commercial dat.a processing 360,370//04//1287,1288/ but attempts to discuss all feat~res of PLII that may be 166 GC20 3:20-1734 A GUIDE TO THE IBM SYSTEM/370 ~ 14~ ThIs-guide presents hardware, programm1ng systems, and other pertinent information about the IBM System/370 Model 145 that describes its significant new feat~res and advantages. The contents are intended to acquaint the reader with the Model 145 and to be of benefit in planning for its installation. Associated with this guide are four optional supplements that describe operating systems for the ~odel 145 that support a virtual storage evironment. Each supplement has its own form number and must be ordered individually, if req~ired. Optional supplenents are the following: o DOS/Virtual Storage Features Supplement (GC20-1756) o OS/virtual torage 1 Features Su~plement (GC20-1752) o OS/Virtual Storage 2 Features Supplement (GC20-1753 ) o Virtual Machine Storage 2 Features Supplement (GC20-1757) Manual, 264 pages 3145//01/// GC20-1738 1! 3UIDE !Q THE !.!ill SYSTEM/370 ~ 135 'This guide presents hardware, programming systems, and other pertinent information about the IBM System/370 Model 135 that describes its significant new features and advantages. The contents are indented to acquaint the reader with the Model 135 and to be of benefit in planning for its installation. Associated with this guide are three optional supplements that describe operating systems for the Model 135 that supports a virtual storage environment. Each supplement has its own form number and must be ordered individually, if required. Optional supplements are the following: o DOS/Virtual Storage Features S~pplement (GC20-l756) o OS/Virtual Storage 1 Features Supplement (GC20-1752) o Virtual Machine Facility/370 Features supplement (GC20-1757) Manual, 316 pages 3135/101/// GC20-1739 HANDPRINTING CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE IBM !~ OPTICAL CHARACTER READERS This publication was written to help determine why handprinted characters reject or substitute, and to help define input problems related to character shape and size. Included is general information ab~t handprinting requirements and why characters reject or substitute. Varying character shapes and sizes are also included for reference purposes. Data Processing Techniques Manual, 40 pages 360,370//04//1287,1288/ G:20-1750 IBM 3881 OPTICAL MARK READER - FORMS KIT TFiIs-iiianual containS41 forll\S-deslgnearor the IBM 3881 Optical Mark Reader. Along with each document is a brief description of the application and the ~3e of the form with the IBM 3881. The forms are illustrated in two colors to aid with applications spanning several industries. All forms should be reviewed, as the data entry characteristics in one application are similiar to those of other applications in other industries. Manual, 88 pages 370,5410,5415//03//3881/ GC20-1751 IBM 3881 OPTICAL MARK READER SlSTEMS DESIG~ GUIDE Thisliiaiiuar-isa guI'detot'iie design Ofada~try system using OMR. The material includes forms design, operations, and programming techniques. It is intended to be used both as an instruction guide and as a resource during systems installation design. Manual 370,5410,5415//04//3881/ GC20 documents as the DS/VS1, information presented applies to Systeml370 Models 135, 145, 158 and 168 unless otherwise indicated in the text. The contents of this supplement are designed to acquaint the OS MFT knowledgeable reader with the new facilities and advantages of OS/VS1. Manual, 90 pages /120///5741 GC20-1753 OS/VIRTUAL STORAGE 2 RELEASE 1 - FEATURES SUP?LEMENT ThIs supplement discussesos/VirtualStorage2 (OS/VS2) Release 1 features and organization. Only concepts and functions of OS/VS2 Release 1 that are new to and significantly different from those of as MVT are presented in detail. Transition from OS MVT to OS/VS2 Release 1 is discussed also. This supplement is an optional section that is designed to be inserted in its entirety in anyone of the following base publications, each of which contains the conceptual and System/370 hardware information requirej to understand the OS/VS2 discussion presented: o A guide to the IBM Systeml370 Model 145 (Gc20-1734) o A guide to the IBM system/370 Model 158 (Gc20-1754) o A guide to the IBM Systeml370 Model 168 (GC20-1755) Readers who process more than one of the above base publications need add this supplement to only one of the documents as the ~S/VS2 information presented applies to System/370 Models 145, 158, and 168 unless other indicated in the text. The contents of this supplement are designed to acquaint the OS MVT knowledgeable reader with the new facilities and the advantages of OS/VS2 Release 1. features and organization. Only concepts and functions of OS/VS2 that are new to and significantly different from those of OS/MVT are presented in detail. Transition from MVT to OS/VS2 is discussed alsO. This supplement is an optional section that is designe1 to be inserted in its entirety in anyone of the following base publications, each of which contains the conceptual an1 Systeml370 hardware information required to understand the OS/VS2 discussion presented: o A guide to the IBM System/370 Model 145 GC20-1734 o A guide to the IBM Systeml370 Model 158 GC20-1754 o A guide to the IBM system/370 Model 168 GC20-1755 Readers who possess more than one of the above base publications need add this module to only one of the document as the OS/VS2 information presented applies to System/370 Model 145, 158, and 168 unless otherwise inidicated in the text. The contents of this supplement are designed to acquaint the as MVT knowledgeable reader with the new facilities and the advantages of OS/vS2. Manual, 90 pages /120///5742 GC20-1754 A GUIDE TO THE IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 158 This gUide presents hardware, programming systems, and other pertinent information about the IBM System/370 Model 158 that describes its significant new features and advantagea. Knowledge of the IBM System/370 Model 155 is assumed. Features common to Models 155 and 158 are indicated but not discussed in detail. The contents of the guide are intended to acquaint the reader with the Model 158 and to be of benefit in planning for its installation. Associated with this guide are four optional supplements that describe operating systems for the Model 158 that support a virtual storage environment. Each supplement has its own form number and must be ordered individually, if required. Optional supplements are the following: o DOS/Virtual Storage Features Supplement (GC20-1756) o as/Virtual Storage 1 Features Supplement (GC20-1752) o as/Virtual Storage 2 Features upplement (GC20-1 753) o Virtual Machine Facility/370 Features supplement (GC20-1757) Manual, 120 pages 3158//01/// GC20-1755 A GUIDE TO THE IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 168 ThIs gUide presents hardware, programming systems, and other pertinent information about the IBM System/370 Model 168 that describes its significant new features and advantages. Knowledge of the IBM System/370 Model 165 is assumed. GC20-1752 Features common to Models 165 and 168 are indicated but not ~ ~ SUPPLEMENT (OPTIONAL ~~ [QB GC20-1734, discussed in detail. The contents of the guide are intended 3C20-1738, GC20-1754, QB GC20-1755) to acguaint the reader with the Model 168 and to be of This supplement discusses as/Virtual Storage 1 (~S/VS1) benefit in planning for its installation. features and organization. Only concepts and functions of Associated with this guide are three optional DS/VS1 that are new to and Significantly different from supplements that describe operating systems for the Model those of as MFT are presented in detail. Transition from as 168 that support a virtual storage environment. Each MFT to OS/VS1 is discussed also. supplement has its own form number and must be ordered This supplement is an optional section that is designed individually, if required. Optional supplements are the to be inserted in tis entirety in anyone of the following following: base publications, each of which contains the conceptual and o OS/Virtual Storage 1 Features Supplement, systeml370 hard~are information required to understand the GC20-1752 OS/VS1 discussion presented: o as/Virtual Storage 2 Features Supplement, o A guide to the IBM System/370 Model 135 GC20-1738 GC20-1753 o A guide to the IBM Systeml370 Model 145 GC20-1734 o Virtual Machine Facility/370 Features supplement o A guide to the IBM Systeml370 Model 158 GC20-1754 (GC20-1757) o A guide to the IBM System/370 Model 168 (GC20-1755) • Availability to be announced Readers who possess more than one of the above base Manual, 118 pages publications need add this module to only one of the 167 Gc20 GC20 31681/011/1 GC20-1756 DOS/VIRTU~L STORAGE FEATURES SUPPLEMENT This supplement discusses DOS/Virtual Storage (DOS/VS) features and origanization as of Release 29. Only concepts and functions of DOSIVS that are new to and significantly different from those of DOS Version 4 are presented in detail. Transition from DOS/VS is disc~ssed also. 'This supplement is an optional section that is designed to be inserted in its entirety in anyone of the following base publications. each of which contains the conceptual add Systeml370 hard~are information required to understand the DOS/VS discussion presented: o A Guide to the IBM Systeml370 Model 135 (GC20-1738) o ~ Guide to the IBM Systeml37 0 Model 1115 (GC2 0-17 34) o ~ Guide to the IBM System/370 Model 158 (GC20-1754) Readers who possess more than one of the above base publications need add this supplement to only one of the documents as the DOS/VS information presented applies to other Systeml370 Models 135. 145. and 158 unless otherwise indicated in the text. The contents of the supplement are designed to acquaint the DOS Version 4 knowledgeable reader with the new facilities and the advanta;es of DOS/VS. Manual. 118 pages 112011157115 GC20-1757 MACHINE FACILITY/370 FEATURES SUPPLEM~~T supplement discusses Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370) features and organization. It assumes knowledge of System/370 hardware and an understanding of virtual storage concepts and terminology. virtual machine concepts. and dynamic address translation hardware. as discussed in each of the base publications for which this supplement can be ordered. The operating system concepts in general and any specific operating syste~ that is to be executed under control of VM/370 except for the Conversational Monitor System of VM/370. which is discussed in this supplement. Knowledge of Control Program 67/cambridge Monitor System (CP-67/CMS) is not assumed. This supplement is an optional section that is designed to be inserted in its entirety in anyone of the following base publications: o A Guide to the IBM System/370 Model 135 (GC20-1738) o A Guide to the IBM System/370 Model 145 (GC20-1734) ~ Guide to the IBM Systeml370 Model 1.58 (GC2o-1754) o o A Guide to the IBM System/370 Model 168 (GC20-1755) Readers who possess more than one of the above base publications need add this supplement to only one of the documents since the VMl370 information presented applies to System/370 Models 135. 145. 158. and 168 unless otherwise indicated in the text. The contents of this supplement are designed to acquaint the reader with the facilities and operation of VM/370. Types of installations that can benefit from t:he use of VM/370 and performance considerations are indicated also. Manual. 2114 pages VIRTU~L ~s 11201115749 37011031138001 GC20-1800 VIRTUAL MACHINE F~CILITY/370: INTRODUCTION This publication introduces VMl370. and defines the minimum equipment configuration necessary to execute it. It is intended for anyone who is interested in VM/370. However. the reader should have a basic understanding of IBM data processing. VMl370 (Virtual Machine Facility/370) is an operating system that minages the resources of a single Systeml370 computer so that multiple computing systems (virtual machines) appear to exist. VM/370 consists of a Control Program (CP). which manages the real computer. a Conversational Monitor System (CMS). which is a general purpose conversational time-sharing system that executes in a virtual machine and a Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS). which spools files to and from geographically remote locations. The first section of the publication is an introducti:ln it describes what VM/370 can do. The second. third. and fourth sections describe the Control Program. Conversational Monitor System. and Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem respectively. The appendixes include information about Recovery Management Support. system requirements. supported language processors and emulators, compatibility of VMl370 with CP-67/CMS. and VM/370-related publications for CMS users. This publication is a prerequisite for the VM/370 system library. Manual, 112 pages 11201115749 GC20-1801 IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 PLANNING AND SYSTEM GENERATiONG~ - ---- - --- Th~s pUblIcatIon is intended for those responsible for the planning and installation of a VMl370 system. It includes information on virtual machine concepts. operating systems in a virtual machine. and planning and system generation considerations for a VM/370 installation. The IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370 Introduction. Order No. GC20-1800. is a prerequisite for understanding this publicat~on. Manual. 2119 pages 11341157119 GC20-1802 IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 ASSEMBLER PROGRAMMER'S GUID-E----- -----This pUblication provides information on the use of ~ssembler language under the Conversational Monitor System (CMS). CMS. the time sharing component of the IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370). includes user macros which provide linkages to CMS fUnctions. CMS also Simulates certain Operating Sysatem macros. The publication also contains a section on programming considerations for programs and operating systems eKecuting in the virtual machine environment of VM/370. Manual. 1011 pages 11211115749 :;'::20-1760 IBM 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER FORMS KIT ThIs-manual includes 30 forms designed for-the 3886 and text describing the application. Forms are printed in two colors to illustrate design and use of forms in various industries. Manual 37011041138861 GC20-1767 ~PTICAL MARK RE~D/CARD PRINT APPLICATION SOLUTIONS IBM 350ii-and-E05 CARD READERSIBM 3525 CARD PUNCH This -manuar-contains brief-aescriptions of application solutions using the 35011/3525 Card Subsy3tem with Systeml310 Model 125 and the 3505/3525 Card Subsystem with all models of Systeml370. The application solutions highlights the Optical Mark Read feature on the card reader. and the Card Print feature on card punch. The two-color card form samples accompanying the majority of application descriptions illustrate the variety of ways of usin; the card subsystem to solve data processing problems in many industries. Data printed in black within the sample cards simulates 3525 card printing. It is assumed that punched hole data will be contained in many of the application cards discussed. but the punched holes have not been represented in these illustrations. ~ll card documents illustrated in this publication are reduced in physical size from the standard specifications for an 80-column card. Manual. 75 pages 3701113113504.3505.35251 GC20-1775 '::ONCEPTS OF THE IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM This manual iSintended asarrrBt reader for those users of printers who wish to take a quick look at the non-impact IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem. at its basic concepts. and at how these concepts lead to new functions that may offer different options in planning and operations. A check list is given as an aid in estimating differences in operating costs. System Manual 168 GC20-1803 IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 BASIC LANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUrur---- ------ ---- ------- -------- This publication describes the BASIC language facility of Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VMl370). It includes a precise description of the language as well as a guide to creating and runnin; BASIC programs under the conversational Monitor System (CMS) of VM/370. Manual. 89 pages 112311157119 GC20-18011 a~:i~~ ~~~~NE mCILITYl370: COMMAND ~ GUIDE FOR ~ Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370) is a system that manages the resources of a single System/370 computer S:l that multiple computing systems appear to exist within it. Each such computing system is said to run in a virtual machine. VM/370 consists of: o A Control Program (CP). which controls the real computer and allows multiple computing systems to run under its control. o A Conversational Monitor System (CMS). which runs in a virtual machine under control of the Control Program and allows the user to operate his virtual machine from a remote terminal. CMS is a time-sharing system that provides a general-purpose conversational facility suitable for program development and problem solving. This publication gives you the basic information you need to use the CP and CMS command languages. The information is organized in two parts: usage information and reference information. In Part 1. the rules for using the command languages are discussed as well as information on virtual disks and CMS files. Part 2 contains descriptions of each of the commands available for general users. Manual. 452 pages 113611157119 sc20 GC20 GC20-1805 IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 EDIT GUIDE This-pUblication-eiplains, for users-of the Conversational Monitor System (CMS), how to use the CMS editor to create, peruse, or modify files. It contains descritpions of: o The EDIT command o The EDIT subcommands o The EDIT macros Examples are also included. IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370: Command Language User's Guide, Order No. GC20-1804, is a prerequisite for a thorough understanding and for the effective use of this public~tion. For titles and abstracts of associated publications, see the IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography Order No. GA22-6822. Manual, 59 pages //36///5749 GC20-1806 IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 OPERATOR'S GUIDE This publication is intended for ~3Ponsible for the operation and administration of a VM/370 System. It includes operating information on system startup and shutdown, operator spooling commands, device attachment and detachment, and emergency recovery procedures. Also incl~ded are instructions for using speci~l VM/370 system utilities, such as device formatting and allocation, and building directories. Manual, 142 pages //40///5749 current release. Manual //34///5749 GC20-1812 IBM VIRTUAL M~CHINE FACILITY/370: EXEC USER'S GUIDE This public~tion is intended for thOSe VM/370 who want to use the Conversational Monitor System (CMS) EXEC facilities. It includes information on writing an EXEC procedure, using the CMS EXEC facilities and EXEC control statements, and building EXEC procedures. The reader should have an understanding of elementary programming techniques such as branches, loops, and loop control, as well as an understanding of CMS operating procedures, commands, and the CMS Editor. Manual //36///5749 users GC20-1813 VIRTUAL MACHINE F~CILITY/370: GLOSSARY AND MASTER INDEX This publication consolidates the indexes-of publications in the IBM Systems Library for the IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370. It also provides a reading plan for these publications. The master index lists topics alphabetically, and refers to publications where these topics are discussed. The indexes of these publications list the same topics and refer to specific pages. Manual //20// /5749 G:::20-1807 VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE This-pUblication is intended for VM/3;o-Bystem programmers. ~ debugging section describes the proced~res, commands, and utilities useful in debugging and provides guidance in dump reading. A Control Program (CP) section describes how CP works and tells how to modify or better utilize CPo A Conversational Monitor System (CMS) section describes how CMS works, and describes in detail some special features of CMS. The last two sections describe teleprocessing support for v~/370: one section describes the IB~ 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers and the other describes the IBM 2780 Spool Remote program. Refer to the latest System/360 and System/370 Bibliography, GA22-6822, for the titles and abstracts of related publications. Manual, 400 pages //36///5749 GC20-1808 VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: SYSTEM MESS~GES Thii-pabI1cat10n lIsts all the messages-t~~y be encountered when using VM/370. Conditions that generate these messages are explained; the resulting system action is described, and appropriate responses for operators or terminal users are suggested. Messages produced by associated lang~age processors are contained in the appropriate Systems Reference Library publica tions. Manual, 345 pages //40///5749 :;:::20-1809 IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 GUIDE----- ~ ~~ ERROR ~§ This-publication is intended for the IBM Customer Engineer (CE). The information in this book 6ill aid the CE in performing hardware I/O maintenance from a virtual machine. It includes VM/370 concepts and data on error handling and recording, and describes how to run the Online Test Sections (OLTS) under OLTSEP. Man~al, 170 pages //31///5749 :;:::20-1810 IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 TERMIN~L USER'S GUIDE This-pUb-rication provides information requrrea-to-access VM/370 via terminal devices. Topics disc~ssed include: o Terminal initialization o Contacting VM/370 via common carrier facilities o Gaining access to VM/370 Login Procedure o o Typing conventions o Command environments Manual, 91 pages //40///5749 GC20-1814 IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: RELEASE 2 PLANNING GUIDE P'ROO~ 5749-020 --- - ---- - This publication describes the new devices and fUnctions that will be supported in VM/370 Release 2. It is intended to enable VM/370 installation managers, system programmers, and system operators to plan for Release 2. It may also oe of interest to general users of VM/370. The information in this publication is for planning purposes only. The publication IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370: Introduction, Order No. GC20-1800, is a prerequisite for understanding this publication. Manual, 64 pages //34///5749 GC20-1815 IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: RELEASE 2 GUIDE This publica~scribes what is:ne;-or changed for the current release of IBM Virtual Machine Facilty/370. It provides planning and implementation information for installation ma~agers, system programmers, and IBM ~ield personnel. This publication describes: o New and changed System features and requirement o Changes to VM/370 publications for the c~rrent release o Modules added, deleted, or modified for the current release o Ordering and distribution procedures for the current relea se o VM/370 restrictions Manual //34///5749 GC20-1816 !!lli ~ ~ F~CILITY/370: REMOTE ~~ COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM (RSCS) USER'S GUIDE - PROG. NO. 5749-010 --- --- -- - - - This publication provides the users of the VMl370 Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) with the information necessary to operate the RSCS virtual machine and supported remote terminals and stations. Topics covered include: o Devices supported by RSCS o Line connection procedures o Data transmission and reception o RSCS operator commands o Remote operator commands o VM/370 user commands o Error recovery procedures Manual, 116 pages /TP/ 30///5749 SC20-1845 APL/CMS INSTALL~TION MANUAL, PROGRAMMING E~ MF26~~ ~ fBQ~~ NO. 5799-ALK This publication describes the procedures for the installaG::!20-1811 tion and support of APL/CMS. It discusses the generation of IBM VIRTUAL filA-CHINE FACILITY/370: ~ !. GUIDE ::. ~ the APL command modules and the shared APL system, and the NUMBER 57119-010 use of, the optional APL Assist feature. Also included are This 'publication contains information abo~t the scope and descriptions of the APL/CMS library structure and the content of the current release of the IBM Virtual Machine utility programs for converting APL/360 works paces into Facility/370. It provides planning and implementation APL/CMS workspaces. information for installation managers, system programmers, The programming RPQ described in this manual, and all and IBM field personnel. This publication describes: licensed materials available for it, are provided by IBM on o New and changed system features and requirements. a special quotation basiS only, under the terms of the Lio System maintenance activity, including APAR cense Agreement for IBM Program Products. Your local IBM descriptions, a program symptom index, and a list of program temporary fixes (PTFs) corrected. branch office can advise you regarding the special quotation and ordering procedures. o Modules added, deleted, or modified for the current Manual, 32 pages release. /////5799-ALK o Ordering and distribution procedures for the 169 GC21 SC20 /////5736-UT1 S:20-18116 USER' S MANUAL, PROGRAMMING !!E.2 t1E2608 ::. PROG. NO. 5799-!\.LK This publication describes APLlCMS. It also describes the APL/CMS auxiliary processors, which allow the APL program to perform input and output operations to aisks, magnetic tapes, line printers, and other devices. The programming RPQ described in this manual, and all licensed materials available for it, are ~rovided by IBM on a special quotation basis only, under the terms of the License Agreement for IBM Program Products. Your local IBM branch office can advise you regarding the special quotation and ordering procedures. Manual, 76 pages ////1 5799-ALK APL/C~S G:20-8096 INTRODUCTION TO DATA M!\'N!\.GEMENT STUDENT rEXT This publicat1On-rs-an introduction to tfie-concepts of data management and information processing. It is intended to address both programmer and non-programmer. Topics ~resented are Data Management and Information, Fields and Records, Data Storage Devices, Data Organization, Functions of Data Management, and Concepts of a Data Base System. Manual, 8-1/2 x 11, 60 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 3C21-50011 OS D!\'TA MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND MACRO INsrRUCTIONS FOR IBM 1285/1287/1288 ---- - -- This-publication defines and describes the data management macro instructions and services for the IBM Opti.cal Readers. The macro instructions are used in the IBM System/360 Operating System Assembler language. The macro instruction descriptions and definitions apply to OS/MFT, OS/MVT, DS/VS1, and OS/VS2. For OS/MFT and OS/MVT, the corequisite publi.cation is IBM System/360 Operating system: Assembler Language, GC28-65111; for OS/VSl and OS/VS2, the corequisit:e publication is OS/VS and DOS/VS Assembler Language, GC33-1I010. Manual, 118 pages 360,370//30111285,1287,12881 SC21-50111 OS IBM 1288 BASIC UNFORMATTED READ SYSTEM: A DATA CAPTURE UTILITY PROGRAM, PROG. NO. 573i::.UT3--- - - - - - - This publication is a reference manual designed to assist you in implementing data entry applications using the IBM 1288 Optical Page Reader. The data must be printed or ty~ed in either USASCSOCR size A or ISO OCR size 1 font in the unformatted mode. This manual describes the control and functions of the 1288 Basic Unformatte3 Read System, which include: o Input and output o Error handling routines o Job control language The program operates under the IBM Operating System with: o MFT - multi-programming with a fixed number of tasks. o MVT - multi-programming with a variable number of tasks. o VSl - virtual storage, 1. o VS2 - virtual storage, 2. Manual, 30 pages /////57311-UT3 GC21-5021 IBM OOS RPG II GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-RGl This publication describes the basic RPG II fUnctions and provides information on performance and compatibility. The DOS RPG II compiler and generated program can be used for Systeml360 Models 25, 30, 40, 50, 65, and 75. Manual, 32 pages /11115736-RGl GC21-5028 IBM DISK OPERATING SYSTEM RPG II PROGRAM PRODUCT SPEffiffiTIONSPROGRAM NUMBER"5736-RG1 The Program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specification sheet, 2 pages 360,370//28/008/1 SC21-5005 IBM DOS RPG II LANGUAGE, PROG. NO. 5736-RIll THIS PUBLICATION IS !\. PLANNING AID ONLY. It is i.ntended for use prior to the availability of the DOS RPG II Compiler. The publication will be updated to become reference documentation when the RPG II language is available. This publication contains the fundamentals of the RPG II language along with the RPG II language specifications for the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System. The OOS RP3 II compiler and generated program can be used for System/360 Models 25, 30, 110, 50, 65, an3 75. Job setup information for compiling and executing an RP3 II program is also included in the p~blication. Manual, 508 pages ////15736-RGl GC21-5052 IBM DISK OPERATING SYSTEM RPG II AUTO REPORT FEATURE GENERAL INFORMATION"MAiWAr.-=-PROGRAM"NUMBER 5736-RG1 This manual introduces the function of the-DOS RPG II Aut~ Report Feature for potential customer management, customer analysts, ana for IBM personnel involved in marketing this feature. Auto Report is a DOS RPG II program product feature. This feature extends the capabilities of the PRG II language and aids the RPG II user by reducing the programming effort required to code and debug his application programs. This publication provides general descriptions of the f~ur functions of the Auto Report Feature; discusses the compatibility and performance of Auto Reporti and has an example showing an Auto Report job, from the coding needei t~ produce a report, to the specifications generated by Auto Report for tha't job, and finally to the report produced as output. Prerequisite publications are: o Concepts and Facilities for DOS and TOS (GC211-5030) o Introauction to RPG II (GC21-75111) General Information Manual, 15 pages /////5736-RGl G:21-5006 OS D!\'TA MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND MACRO INSrRUCTIONS FOR IBM 14191I275 ---- -- --- This publication tells how to plan, write, and execute programs for the IBM 1419 Magnetic Ink Character Reader and the IBM 1275 Optical Character Reader under the MFT, MVT, VS1, and VS2 options of the operating system (OS). It is intended for system analysts, assembler language pr03rammers, or other personnel who need information on how to use the 11119 or the 1275 under OS. The IBM 11119 and the IBM 1275 read, under control of a pr~cessing program, information transcribed on checks and other doc\~ents. They also sort these documents under program control. This publication describes device characteristics (such as document processing times) that the user must consider and the routines he must write to use the 11119 and the 1215 un3er os. This description includes data management macro instructions needed, storage requirements for IBM-supplied 1419/1275 support routines, JCL requirements, timing considerations for various OS options, and sample user-written routines. Manual, 50 pages 360,370//30//11119,1275/ S:21-5013 DOS IBM 1288 BASIC UNFORMATTED READ SYSTEM: A DATA CAPrURE UTILITY PROGRAM, PROG. NO. 5736=un - - - - - - - - - This publication is a reference manual aesigned to assist you in implementing data entry applications using the IBM 1288 Optical Page Reader. The data must be printed or typed in either USASCSOCR Size A or ISOOCR-A size 1 font in the unformatted mode. This manual describes the control an3 functions of 1288 Basic Unformatted Read System, which incl~de: o Input and output o Error handling routines o Job control language The program operates under the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System with either BATCH or Multiple Programming Support (MPS) • Manual, 36 pages SC21-5056 IBM OOS RPG II AUTO REPORT FEATURE - REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-~ - - - This manual contains three types of information about the RPG II Auto Report Feature: 1. Introductory and tutorial information on Auto Report for beginning users. 2. Reference information on Auto Report specifications for more experienced users. 3. Information on the internal operation of the Auto Report Feature for personnel with maintenance responsibility (replaces the program logic manual). The Auto Report Feature is a program that operates prior to the RPG II compiler and that calls the compiler when it, has finished processing. Auto Report generates complete RPG II source specifications for simple reports from simplified RPG II output specifications, standard RPG II specifications, and a apecial statement that copies previously cataloged specifications from a source library. Auto Report also provides for selection and sorting of input records prior to processing by the RPG II object program. Readers of this manual must have some knowledge of RPG II. Manual, 100 pages 11///5136-RGl GC21-5061 PROGRAM PRODUCT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FOR IBM DOS 1288 BiSIC'UNFORMATTED READ SYSTEM - PROGRAMPRODUCT- - NUMBER 5736-UTl -- --- - --- --This flyer describes the IBM 1288 Basic Unformatted Read System for use with the Disk Operating System. Flyer, 1 page 360, 3101/32/00S/12881 170 GC24 GC21 (OS/MFT, OS/MVT, or OS/VB1). It is designed to assist management in preparing a total plan for the transition project. This guide includes suggestions for management consideration that cover creation of a planning committee, planning for short and long-term objectives, staff education, organizational and operational considerations, standards, system planning, and program and file revision considerations. For implementation information on the transition from DOS see Dos to OS Implementation Guide, GC24-6000 or DOS to OS/VS1 Implementation Guide, GC24-5095. Manual, 28 pages 310//34/ooS// GC21-5068 PROGRAM PRODUCT FUNCTION~L DESCRIPTION FOR IBM 1288 BASIC UNFORMATTED RE~ SYSTEM (MFT/MVT/VS1/VS2f-PROG.~ 5134-UT3 Descrrbes~he-rBM~Basic Unformatted Read System~ use with the Operating System. Flyer, 1 page 360,310//32/0S,OTSO,0~SP,C~LL/1288/ G::21-5011 IBM 3140 BTAM/TCAM PROGR~MMER'S GUIDE This-publication describes the access method facilities and mac~o instructions required to write an application program that defines, activates, and controls a 3141 Model 2 and Model 4 Data Station or a 3141 Data Con~erter. It contains 10 verification and error recovery proceiures, line control sequences, sample programs for BTAM and rcAM, and teleprocessing reference material. This publication is intended for programmers who have a knowledge of teleprocessing, basic assembler, and data management techniques. Manual, 12 pages //30//3141,3141/ :;::21-5012 DOS/VS SYSTEM INFORMATION FOR IBM 3540 DISKETTE INPUT/OUTPUT UNIT --- - - -- ---- ~pplication Programmers it discusses the DOS/VS GC24-50 86 DOS OLTEP ThIs reference publication describes the Disk Operating System (DOS) On-Line Test Executive Program (OLTEP) that controls online testing of I/O units under the DOS supervisor. It explains the functions of the program and gives procedures for running the test programs that are obtained from the IBM Customer Engineer. For titles and abstracts of associated publications, see the IBM SYSTEM/360 2and system/310 BIBLIOGRAPHY (GA22- 6822) • Manual, 48 pages 310/ /37 /DOS/ / prog~amming support provided for the IBM 3540 Diskette Input/Output Unit with special emphasis on converting cardinput programs to diskette-input. ~ working knowledge of DOS/VS system concepts is a prerequisite to using this publications. In addition, a basic knowledge of the 3540 and the IBM iiskette are assumed. The following publications sho~ld be used in conjunction with this manual: IBM 3540 Diskette Input/Output Unit operator's Guide and Programmer's Reference, GA21-9197 The IBM Diskette for Standard Data Interchange, GA21-9182. Manual, 32 pages 310//08//3540/ GC21-5091 ~~~~ ~ty~B~R~~~~i;~ ~g~~~RT FOR THE IBM 3505 ~ This-reference manuar-describes the OS ani OS/VS support for the 3505 Card Reader and 3525 Card Punch and the optional features for both devices. rhe manual is divided into three sections: 3505 Card Reader, 3525 Card Punch, and Appendixes. Descriptions of related publications can be found in the IBM System/360 and System/310 Bibliograph~, GA22-6822. Manual, 60 pages 310//30//3505,3525/ :;::21-7514 INTRODUCTION TO RPG II The-purpose-or-thiS manual is to teach the RPG II programming lan~uage. The manual is written not only for the person who has some previous kno~ledge of computer programming, but also for the person who knows little or nothing about data processing. The first chapter is solely for the beginner. It contains basic information about compute~s and data processing. The remainder of the book explains the RPG II specifications and the RPG II specifications sheets. Many job-related examples are used to show how the RPG II specifications apply to a real situation. The manual concludes with a sample job, which summarizes the duties of an RPG II programmer. After completing this manual, the reader should be able to use the various systems reference manuals to write basic RP3 II programs. Tutorial, 150 pages 3,32,360,310//28/// G::22-7004 IBM SYSTEM/310 INSTALLATION MANUAL -- PHYSICAL PLANNING Contains-information necessary for Planning the phys cal installation of the IBM Systeml310 in the United States. It includes floor planning information, as well as electrical, environmental, and structural requirements. Detailed cable charts are provided. Manual, 400 pages 310//15/// GC24-3331 Q2 RPG LANGUAGE SPECIFICATIONS, PROG. ~ 360S-RG-038 This reference publication contains fundamentals of RPG programming and language specifica'tions for the IBM System/360 Operating system RPG. Also included is the job setup information for executing RPG. Manual, 8-1/2 xlI, 348 pages 360,310//28/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL// GC24-5090 OS/VS1 PLANNING AND USE GUIDE vsiRELEASE 3.1 --This pUblicatIOn contains planning information about OS/VS1, to assist installation personnel who are responsible for the selection and evaluation of an operating system. The use part of the Guide contains information on implementing, modifying, or extending capabilities of VS1 control program. The information in the Planning part is presented in two major cate~ories: concepts and Considerations. rhe Concepts section describes the facilities, features supported, and principles of operation of VS1. The Considerations section contains suggestions on how to make the most effective use of the system. The test is supplemented by illustrations showing a representative JOD input stream, the scheduling sequence of the system, and examples of possible partition configurations for ~arious sized systems. The information in the use part of the Guide is p~esented in self-contained sections, each dealing ~ith a separate capability or function of the control program. The publication is intended for people who are familiar with the concepts and operation of the IBM System/360 Operating system. prerequisite reading should include the IBM System/310 ~dvanced Operating System, System Summary, GA22-1001, and its associated Technical Newsletters. The Use part of the publication is intended for system programmers responsible for maintaining and updating the VS1 system. Manual, 400 pages //34///5141 GC24-5091 OS/VS1 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE DIGEST This publication contains quick-reference information about the VS1 operating system. It is intended for experienced programmers and field support personnel. For the most part, definitions, restrictions, and limitations have been omitted. Information about program debugging and control blocks is not includej in this publication. This publication is devided into nine sections containing: General Information System Information supervisor Information Data Management Information JCL Operator Commands, SMF, RES, CRJE Information Linkage Editor anj Loader Information BTAM/TCAM/VTAM Information utilities and Service Aids Information Bibliographic Information Manual, 6-3/4 x 3-3/4 inches, 366 pages //36///5141 GC24-5092 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 GUIDE This manual summarizes Operating System, Virtual Storage Option 1 (OS/VS1) release 1 system Control Programming (ScP) components. It is in three parts: GC24-5082 DOS :!:Q OS/MFT, OS/MVT, OR OS/VS1 MANAGEME!IT ~ ~ This publication is a planning guide onli' It is intended for use by installations planning to make the transition from the Disk Operating System (DOS) to the Operating System 171 Part 1 is a features of parameters, publication functional summary of new and changed OS/VS1, including new and changed system system generation information, and support. Part 2 contains a module directory, and list of modules in the system and their status. part 3 provides: ordering and distribution procedures for release 1, hardware engineering change le~els, program material shipped with the system, and optional material available. Gc211 Ge211 The publication provides installation managers, system pro3rammers, an5 IBM field engineering personnel with information useful for planning and implementing release 1. Manual //311///57111 GC211-5093 OS/VSl DEBUGGIN~ GUIDE NUMBER 57111-010 This publication is written for those in~~l~ed in debugging application and system programs. It contains material on how to start debugging, a section on functional information (system concepts) to help the reader see the system as a whole and to give some particulary useful concepts, and a section on output formats and uses in the debugging situation. A series of appendixes provide additional reference information for convenience. Manual, 168 pages /131//157111 GC211-50911 OS/VSl STORAGE ESTIMATES - SYSTEM LIBRARY rills-publication is intended for two types of users: System pro3rammers, anj problem programmers. It contains instructions, formulas, and charts that can be used to estimate the real, virtual, and auxiliary storage requirements for VS1. Real storage is system (hardware) storage and corresponds to main storage in other IBM operating systems. Virtual storage is an addressing storage concept that provides the installation with as many as 16,777,216 bytes of storage accessible to programs. Auxiliary stora3e is comprised of the inplt/output devices required to contain virtual storage, system residence libraries, job queues, spooled data sets, and work space required by control and processing prograns. Each type of user can use this publication differently. o System programmers can use this publication to determine the amount of real, virtual and auxiliary storage that must be allocated during system generation or Initial Program Load. o Problem programmers can use thi~ publication to determine the sizes of partitions in virtual storage. Manual, 168 Pages //311//157111 G:::211-5095 DOS AND DOS/VS TO OS/VSl IMPLEMENTATION 30IDE provides-reference information on altering-DOS and DDS/VS pro3rams and files to be compatible with the OS/VSl system control program. It describes the similarities and differences between DOS and OS/VS1, thus helping programmers to: o Modify existing DOS and DOS/VS programs and files only where needed, and o Take advantage of OS/vSl facilities not provided in DOS and DOS/VS This manual includes many examples of eqli~alent DOS and DOS/VS and OS/VSl coding. It also describes the use of the DOS emulator to effect a gradual transition from DOS to OS/VS1. The major topics in the manual are: o system Generation o Resource Allocation o Performance Considerations o Job Entry subsystem (JES) o Linkage Editor o System Assembler o Job Control Language o Data Sets (Files) o Data Management Macros o Utilities o Service Aids o Telecommunications o Emulation The intended audience is system and application programmers in a DOS or DOS/VS installation making the tra.nsi tion to the OS/VSl system control program. Readers should be familiar with DOS or DOS/VS its system facilities, and the DOS or DOS/VS versions of the compilers or assenblers used in the programs to be changed. Prerequisite publications: o DOS and DOS/VS to OS/MFT, JS/MVT, OS/VSl Management Planning Guide, 3C211-5082 o OS/VS1 Planning and Use Guide, GC211-5090 Manual, 300 pages 370/l311/DOS// 3:::24-5097 OS/VSl RELEASE 2 GUIDE - PROG. NO. 5741-020 Tills-manual summarizes Operating-Bystem, ~Irtual Storage option 1 (OS/VS1) Release 2 System Contr~l Programming (SCP) components. It is in four parts: o Part 1 is a functional summary of new and changed features of OS/VS1, including ne" and changed system parameters and commands, system generation information, new hardware support, and publication support. o Part 2 contains a module directory, ~ith a list of system modules and their status. o Part 3 contains ordering and distribution procedures and requirements for Release 2, hardware 172 engineering change levels, program material shipped with the system, and optional programs available. o Part II contains APAR lists, Program sympton IndeK for corrected problems, and program temporary fix (PTF) information. Manual, 220 pages 1131111/57111 GC211- 5098 OS/vSl RELEASE 3 GUIDE PROGRAM. NUMBER 5741-030 ThlsPublication :re5Cribes the ordering and distribution procedures, special considerations, and maintenance activity of Release 3 of the OS/vSl SCPo It provides installation managers, system programmers, and IBM Field Engineering personnel with information useful in planning for and implementing this release. The three chapters of this publication are: 1. A functional summary of features available and devices supported in this release and special considerations generating ani running this release. 2. Ordering and distribution procedures for this release including program material shipped with the system anj available optional material. 3. A summary of maintenance activity to the operating syste inclu5ing APAR lists, PTFs resolved, hardware Manual, 52 pages 1131111 /57111 GC211-5099 OS/vSl JCL REFERENCE PROGRAM NUMBER 57111-030 ThISPublication 5efines the facilities provided with the job control language and contains the information necessary to code job control language statements. It is intended for use by programmers who understand the concepts of job management and data management. Prerequisite publication: OS/VSl JCL Services, GC211-5100 Manual, 21111 pages 1136//157111 GC211-5100 OS/vS1 JCL SERVICES This publication describes the operating system services that can be requested by coding JCL (job control language) parameters. It is written for applications programmers with a basic knowledge of computer operating systems and some familiarity with JCL. Part 1 contains a brief overview of the nine JCL statements and an introduction to the organization of the services in the book. Part 2, which describes the use of JCL serVices, is divided into five sections: running your jobl defining and describing data setsl special data setsl obtaining outputl cataloged and instream proce1ures. Not every service provided by JCL is described in the book. Included is a list of JCL services, showing the publication in which each is described, and the parameter, subparameter, or statement used to request it. JCL parameters are discussed only in the context of requesting services. Complete parameter descriptions and syntax rules are in the Companion book. OS/VSl JCL Reference, GC211-5099. Manual, 130 pages 113611/57111 GC211-5101 OS/VS IBM 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER MODEL 1 REFERENCE This publication is to be used-as-a reference boOk by system managers, application programmers, and system programmers. Included are descriptions of the Operating System/Virtual Storage 1 (OS/VS1) and the Operating System/Virtual Storage 2 (OS/VS2) support for the IBM 3886 under the Basic Sequential Access Method (BSAM). Manual, 56 pages //30//3886/57111,57112 GC211-5102 OS/VSl RELEASE 2.6 GUIDE This publicationprovides a summary of changes to release 2 of the OS/VSl SCP (Operating System/Virtual Storage Option 1 System Control Program). It provides installation managers, system programmers, and IBM field engineering personnel with information useful in planning for and implementing release 2.6. The publication is in four parts: Part 1 contains a functional summary of new and cbanged features of OS/VSl for release 2. This includes new hardware support, new and changed software support, system generation information, and publications support. Part 2 contains a functional summary of new and changed features of OS/VS1 for release 2.6. This includes V5~M, DSS, programming notes and documentation notes. Part 3 contains ordering and distribution procedures ani requirements for release 2.6. This includes program material shipped with the system and optional material available. Part II contains APAR lists, PTFs (Program Temporary Fixes) resolved, hardware engineering change levels, ani publications support, all pertaining to release 2.6. Manual, 68 pages 1131111/57111 SC26 GC24 GC24-5103 QS/VS1 SUPERVISOR SERVICES AND ~ INSr~ This book describes how to use the services of the OS/VS1 supervisor, the macro instructions used to request these services, and the linkage conventions used by the control program to provide these services. It is primarily intended for programmers making use of assembler language. Use of the book requires a basic knowledge of the operating system and of OS/VS assembler language. Manual, 240 pages //36///5741 GC26-3734 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM TIME SHARING OPTION: TSO ASSEMBLER PROMPTER DESIGNIOBJECTI~OG~34-CP2 This Program Product DeSIgii(5bjectives (PPOO) describes the design objectives and provides the estimated availability date of the subject Program Product. Design Objectives, 2 pages 360, 310//21/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL// GC24-5104 OS/VS1 MASTER INDEX ~ster Index is a consolidation of the indexes of the system library publications of QS/VS1. Items are listed alphabetically and refer to the manual that contains the original index entry. By going to the referenced manual's index the page number of the item can be foun:i. Index, 400 pages //20///5741 :;::::24-5109 OS/VS DISKETTE COPY PROGRAMMING SUPPORT REFERENCE MANUAL This publicationprovides programming anI operator--information necessary for the installation and use of the OS/VS Diskette Copy Programming Support. Manual, 20 pages ////15744-BJ1,5744-BL1 G::::24-5110 OS/VS1 IBM 3540 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE This manual-contains Information concerning the OS/VS1 support of the IBM 3540. Reader procedures, writer proce:iures, and the Diskette Maintenance utility are documented. It is primarily written for application programmers and system programmers, but contains information of interest to operators and installation management. Manual, 35 pages GC26-3735 ill! ASSEMBLER !!r.. ~ E8.Q!h. 5734-AS1 ~ OBJECTIVES Assembler H is a high-performance assembler language processor for the IBM Systerol360 Operating System. This document contains the design objectives for Assembler H support of Systeml370. DeSign Objectives Sheet, 1 page 360, 370//21/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL// SC26-3740 2§. TSO ASSEMBLER PROMPTER USER'S GUIDE, PROG. NO. ~£ The assembler prompter is a program product that makes it easy to call Assembler F from a terminal. The prompter, which is a command processor, operates only under the Time Sharing Option (TSO) of the IBM Systerol360 Operating system. This book is for the assembler-language programmer who wants to use TSO to write, assemble, and execute programs from a terminal using the assembler prompter. Section 1, which supplements the manual IBM SYSTE~/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: TIME SHARING OPTION TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (3C28-6763), explains how to use the ASM command by itself to assemble source code and obtain object code for existing source code. It also explains how to use ASM as an operand of the RUN command and of the RUN subcommand of the EDIT c~mmand to assemble, load, and execute assembler-language source code. Section 2, which supplements the book IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: TIME SHARING OPTION COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE (GC28-6732), describes the format of the ASM c~mmand and lists the operands, with a brief description of each, in alphabetic order. System Reference Library, 30 pages /////5734-CP2 /130//3540/5741 GC24-5111 OS/VS2 IBM 3540 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE This-manual-contains information concerning the OS/VS2 support of the IBM 3540. Reader procedures, writer procedures, rea:ier/writer utilities, and the Diskette Maintenance Utility are documented. It is primarily written for application programmers and system programmers, but contains information of interest to operators and installation management. Manual, 35 pages //30113540/5752 GC24-5112 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 GUIDE This-pu6rication-describes the ordering and distribution procedures, special considerations, and change activity of Release 3.1 of the OS/VS1 SCPo It provides installation managers, system programmers, and IBM Field Engineering personnel with information useful in planning for, and implementing this release. The three chapters of this publication contain: 1. ~ functional summary of features available and devices supported in this release and special considerations for generating and running this release. 2. ordering and distribution procedures for this release, including program material shipped with the system and optional material available. 3. A summary of change activity to the ~perating system, including APAR lists, PTFs resolved, hardware engineering change levels, and publications. Manual, 36 pages //34///5741 :;C24-5113 OS/VS1 RELEASE ~ GUIDE Describes the ordering and distribution procedures, special considerations, and change activity of Release 4 of the OS/VS1 SCP (Operating SystemlVirtual Storage Option 1 System control Program). It provides installation managers, system programmers, and IBM Field Engineering personnel with information useful in planning for, and implementing, this release. The three chapters of this publication contain: 1. ~ functional summary of features available and devices supported in this release and special considerations for generating and running this release. 2. ordering and distribution proce:iures for this release, including program mate~ial shipped with the system and optional material available. 3. A summary of change activity to the system, including APARs, PTFs resolved, engineering change levels, and publications. Manual, 46 pages //34///5741 173 GC26-3743 ill! ASSEMBLER liL ~ ~ iI34-AS1 SPECIFICATIONS This program Product Specifications (PPS) describes the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specifications Sheet, 2 page 360, 370//21/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL// GC26-3758 ~ ASSEMBLER ~ ~ INFORM~TION MANUAL, PROG. ~5734-~~ Assembler H is a new assembler language processor that extends the basic assembler language and the macro and c~ntitional-assembly language. It is designed to perform high-speed assemblies on IBM Systeml360 Models 40 and larger that have at least 256K bytes of main storage. This publication describes the language extensions. It also provides information on system requirements and performance estimates. This manual is designed to aid both planning and programming personnel. The reaier is assumed to be familiar with the assembler language and with macro an:i coniitional-assembly language processing. Manual, 42 pages // ///5734-AS1 SC26-3759 ill! ASSEMBLER ~ PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE, PROG. ~~ 5734-AS1 This book tells how to use Assembler H. It describes assembler options, cataloged Job Control Language procedures, assembler listing and output, sample programs, and programming techniques and considerations. Assembler H is an assembler-language processor for the IBM Systeml360 Operating System. It performs highspeed assemblies on an IBM System/360 Model 40 or higher with at least 256K bytes of main storage. This book is intended for all Assembler H programmers. It should be used in conjunction with the OPERATING SYSrEM ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE Manual, Orier Number GC28-6514; the ASSEMBLER H LANGUAGE SPECIFICATIONS, Order Number GC263771; and the ASSEMBLER H MESSAGES, Order Number SC26-3710. Systems Reference Library Manual, 52 pages /////5734-AS1 SC26-3768 ill! ASSEMBLER ~ ~ ~!Q!'!:L PROG. NO. 5734-AS1 IBM System/360 Operating System ~ssembler H System Information Program Number 5734-AS1 was deSigned t~ improve many features of Assembler F, and has expanded capabilities as a macro assembler for both system and user defined macro languages. This publication describes installation considerations and system-generation procedures for Assembler H, and is intended primarily for programmers responsible for installing the assembler. This manual is divided into three independent chapters: o Performance Estimates, o Storage Estimates, and o System Generation. Program Product Manual, 44 pages /////5734-AS1 Gc26 SC26 S:!26-3770 Q§ ASSEMBLER ~ MESSAGES, PROG. ~ 5734-~~ Thia book describes the assembly error iiagnostic messages and the abnormal assembly termination messages issued by ~ssembler H. Assembler H is an assembler-language processor for the IBM System/360 Operating system. It performs highspeed assemblies on an IBM System/360 Moiel 40 cor higher with at least 256K bytes of main storage. This book is intended for all Ass embler H Programme.>:s. It should be used in conjunction with the OPERATING SYS'TEM ASSBMBLER LANGUAGE MANUAL, Order Number ;C28-65147 the ~SSEMBLBR H LANGUAGE SPECIFICATIONS, Order Number GC2637717 and the ASSEMBLER H PROGRAMMER'S 30IDE, Order Number SC26-3759. For each error message, thia book de3cribes the nunber and text of the message, the explanation of the error, the assembler's handling of the error, ani the programmer's reaponse to correct the error. The introduction to this book describes the format, content, and placement of the error messages. systems Reference Library Manual, 70 pages /11115734-AS1 3:!26-3771 ~ ASSEMBLER ~ LANGUAGE, PROG. NO. 5734-~~ This manual provides language specifications for the IBM Systeml360 Operating System Assembler H. Primarily intended as a reference manual for assembler-lang~age programmers, it is designed to be used in conjunction ~ith IBM SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE, Order Number GC286514. sections 2 - 5 of this manual describe a3sembler language extensions. Sections 6-10 of this manual describe eKtensions to the macro language. Program Product Manual, 54 pages 1/1115734-AS1 3:!26-3782 IBM SYSTEMl360 OPERArING SYSTEM TIME SHARING OPTION &:SSBMBLER PROMPrER PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PR03RAM NUMBER 5734-CP2 The program Product Specifications (PPS) iescribe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specifications, 8-1/2 x 11, 2 pages 360,370/121/0TSO// 3:!26-3783 OS/VS DATA MANAGEMENT SERVICES GUIDE This publIcation describes how to write assembler-language programs that will create and process data sets. To use this book, you must have a basic knowledge of: o OS/VS1 or OS/VS2, respectively described in OS/VS1 Planning and Use Guide, GC24-5090, and OS/VS2 Planning and Use Guide for Release 2, GC28-0667 o Assembler Language, aa deacribei in OS/VS and DOS/VS Assembler Language, GC33-4010. o Job control language (JCL), as eKplained in OS/VS1 JCL Svcs, GC24-5100, OS/VS1 JCL Reference, GC24-5099, and in OS/VS2 JCL, 3:!28-0692. Manual, 154 pages //30//15741,5752 GC26-3784 OS/VS CHECKPOINT RESTART fhIs-piibIication descnbes checkpoint/restart, a facility for recording information about a job at programmer-designated checkpoints so that, if necessary, the job can be restarted at the beginning of a step or at a checkpOint within a step. CheckpOint/restart is intended for use by programmers and system analysts. A general understanding of job control language and data management is prerequisite knowledge for understanding the information in this book. See OS/VS1 JCL services, GC24-5099, OS/VS2 JCL, GC28-0692 and OSIVS Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3783, for background information on these subjects. Manual, 64 pages //36//15741,5752 o Examples of a complete, nucleus, and I/O device generation o The types of system generation messages produced In using this publication, a knowledge of the information contained in the following publications is required: OSIVS1 Planning and Use Guide, GC24-5090 IBM Systeml360 System Summary, GA22-7001 OS/VS System Generation Introduction, GC26-3790 Manual, 242 pages //34///5741 GC26-3792 OS/VS2 SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE Thrs-publication is intended for system programmers who are to plan for and install an OS/VS2 system control program and a JES2 job entry subsystem. This publication contains the information necessary t~: o Plan for an OS/VS2 system control program and a JES2 job entry subsystem o Prepa:re for system generation and JES2 generation o Perform a system generation and a JES2 generation o Restart system generation if errors occur o Test the newly installed OS/VS2 system control program o o o o o In addition, this publication contains: Guidelines for performing a system generation using a starter system The information needed to generate JES2 multi-leaving remote terminal processor programs for job entry from remote terminals Examples of parameter speCifications for a complete system generation, on I/O device generation, and a JES2 generation The types of system generation and JES2 generation messages produced during processing In using this publication, a knowledge of the information contained in the following publications is re~uired: Introduction to OSIVS2 Release 2, GC28-0661 OSIVS2 Planning Guide for Release 2, GC28-0667 OSIVS2 Release 2 Guide, GC28-0671 Manual, 250 pages /134///5752 GC26-3793 OS/VS DATA MANAGEMENT MACRO INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL Tiirs-publication is intended for application programmers ~ho write programs in assembler language. It contains a brief description of ea~h macro instruction and a description of each operand that can be specified in each macro instruction for the following data management access methods: o Basic direct access method (BDAM) o Basic indexed sequential access method (BISAH) o Basic partitioned access method (BPAM) o Basic sequential access method (BSAM) o Queued indexed sequential access method (QISAM) o Queue:i sequential access method (QSAM) This publication does not describe macro instructions for specialized application programs such as teleprocessing, graphics, magnetic character readers, optical character reader-sorters, optical character readers, Time Sharing option (TSO), or VSAM. .These macro instructions are discussed in separate publications that are listed in IBM System/360 an::! Systeml370 Bibliography, GA22-6822. Before using this publication to code macro instructions, you should be familiar with the information in OS/VS and DOS/VS Assembler Language, GC33-4010, OS/VS Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3783, and OS/VS1 Supervisor Services and Macro Instructions, GC24-5103, or OS/VS2 Supervisor Services and Macro nstructions, GC28-0683. Manual, 256 pages //30// /5741,5152 GC26-3795 OS/VS TAPE LABELS This publication describes how VS processes magnetic tape volumes with IBM standard labels. American National Standard labels, nonstandard labels, or no labels. Included for the guidance of programmers and operations analysts are discussions of: o Label formats and contents o Tape volume layouts o Label processing for input, output, multiple data set, and multiple volume conditions o Tape characteristics o Nonstandard label processing routines and volume label editor routines o Component considerations o USing tape volumes created by other systems o External labels Manual, 140 p21ges //30// /5741,5752 GC26-3791 OS/VS1 SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE ThIs-publication provides the information for generating an OS/VS1 System Control Program adapted to both the machine configuration and data proceSSing re~uirements of an installation. It is intended for people ~ho plan and select components for an OS/VS1 System control Program and install it. This publication contains the information necessary to: o Plan the OS/VS1 System Control Program o Prepare for the generation of an OS/VS1 System Control Program GC26-3799 o Execute system generation OSIVS VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (VSAM) PLANNING GUIDE This publicatiOrlTSTntended to enable prospective o Test the system that has been generated o Restart system generation of VSAM (virtual storage access method), an access method of OS/VS (operating system/virtual storage), to prepare In addition, this publication contains: o Guidelines for performing a system generation using f~r using VSAM. a starter system The intended audience is data-processing managers 174 -users- GC26 decisions ~ill influence the use of VSAM, system and application programmers ~ho ~ill make detailed preparations, and others seeking an introd~ction to ~hose VS~M. The reader is expected to be familiar ~ith basic concepts such as access method, direct-access storage, and the distinction between data-set organization and data-set processing. The sections dealing ~ith these concepts in as/vs Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3783, are suitable for preparatory reading. Manual, 80 pages //30///5741,5742 GC26-3813 as/vs LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER ThIs-publication provides the information necessary to use the linkage editor or loader program to prepare the output of a language translator for execution. rhe intended audience is a customer applications programmer coding in a higher-level language or a system programmer responsible for installing and maintaining the system. ~n introductory kno~ledge of the concepts and facilities of OS/VS is required to use this reference guide effectively. The linkage editor combines and edits modules to produce a single module that can be brought into real storage by program fetch for execution. It operates as a processing program rather than as part of the control program. The linkage editor provides several processing facilities that are either performed automatically or in~oked in response to control statements prepared by the programmer. The loader combines the basic editing and loading functions of the linkage editor and program fetch in one job step. It is designed for high-performance loading of modules that do not require the special processing facilities of the linkage editor and fetch, such as overlay. The loader does not produce load modules for program libraries. Manual, 195 pages //31///5741,5752 G:!26-3819 Q2!.!l.2 !l.!RTUAL ~ ACCESS ~ (VS~ML OPTIONS rQB ~ APPLIC~TIONS COMPONENT NOS. 5741-SC1-DE. 5742-SC1-DE This publication is intended for system ?rogrammers who develop utility programs and system control programs using OS/VS VS~M. VSAM is an access method for use with direct-access storage devices. It provides macros for gaining access to data. Its companion service program, Access Method Services, provides commands for working ~ith data sets and catalogs. This publication explains options of OS/VS VSAM for advanced applications in system programming. It tells how to gain access to the contents of a control interval instead of to individual data records; h~ to process the records of a. VSAM index; and how to build the parameter lists of the 3ENCB, MODCB, SHOWCB, and TESTCB macros. Prerequisite publication: Os/VS Virt~a1 Storage Access Method (VSAM) Programmer's Guide, GC26-3838. Manual, 30 pages //30///5741,5752 = GC26-3830 OS/VS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: DATA M~NAGEMENT rfiIs-book;provides information on how-to modify and extend the data management capabilities of the JS/VS2 systen control program; the intended audience is system programmers. Some topics included are: GC26 data management macros as described in OS/VS Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3783, and OS/VS Data Management Macro Instructions, GC26-3793. o Protect data sets as described under "IEHPROGM" in OS/vS Utilities, GC3S-0005. Manual, 116 pages //30///5752 GC26-3835 OS/vS VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (VSAM) SYSTEM INFORM'ATi"ON= PROGRAM NiiMi3ERsT7iiI=020 AND 5742-016 This publication provides informatiOrlonthe release of OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) as an independent component of OS/VS1, Release 2, and OS/VS2, Release 1.6. This publication describes the OS/VS VSAM distribution tape, provides detailed information on the installation of OS/VS VSAM, and proviies information that temporarily supplements other OS/VS publications. This publication is directed to system programmers who are responsible for installing and maintaining OS/VS VSAM and to application programmers who are using OS/VS VSAM. The following publications are required for use with this publication: o OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSA~) Programmer's Guide, GC26-3818, which provides a complete description of the macro instructions used to code a program to process a VSAM data set. o OS/VS Access Method Services, GC35-0009, which provides a complete description of commands used to define, delete, load, and alter a VSAM data set. Manual, 120 pages //30///5741,5742 GC26-3836 ~ ~ ~ gRVICES, COMPONENT NOS. 5741-AND 5752-SC1-DK This publication is intended for system and application programmers who want to establish and maintain VSAM data sets using Access Method Services. Access Method Services is a multifunction service program that allows you to define data sets and catalogs, to list catalogs, to alter or delete catalog entries, to copy and print data sets, to make a data set or catalog portable between systems, and to convert OS catalog entries into entries in an existin1 VSAM catalog in a VS2 system. This publication introduces programmers to Access Method Services, guides them in using it, and serves as a reference. It also provides the background information about VSAM that is required to make effective use of Access Method Services. It tells how to optimize VSAM's performance and how to use VSAM's security and integrity features through the values specified in Access Method Services commands. prerequisite publications: o OS/vS Virtual Storage ~ccess Method (VSAM) Programmer's Guide, GC26-3838 OS/VS Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3783 OS/VSl JCL Reference, GC24-5099 OS/VS2 JCL, GC28-0692 OS/VS2 System Pogramming Library: System Generation Reference, GC26-3792 o operator's Library: OS/vS2 Reference (JES2), GC38-0210 Manual, 208 pages //30///5741,5752 o o o o GC26-3837 OS/VSl DATA MANAGEMENT FOR SYSTEM PROGRAMMERS provides-rnformat10n on~w to modify and extend the data management capabilities of the OS/VS1 system control program, the intended audience is system programmers. So~e o Using catalog management macro instructions topics included are: o Maintaining the volume table of contents o Maintaining the system catalog o Executing your own channel programs o Maintaining the Volume Table of Contents o Using XD~P to read from and write to direct-access o Executing Your Own Channel Programs devices o Using XD~P to Read from and Write to Direct-Access o Pass~ord protecting your data sets Devices o Password Protecting Your Data Sets The OS/VS2 system control program provides simpler ways (for The OS/VSl system control program provides simpler ways (for example, access-method serVices, job control language, example, job control language, utility programs, access utility programs, access-method routines) to do each of the method routines) to do each of the preceding. The preceding. The information presented in this book information presented in this book (consisting of macro (consisting of macro specifications and how to information) speCifications and ho~-to information) is intended to is intended to allow a flexible use of the data management provide greater flexibility of implementation methods. capabilities of OS/VS2. Other topics presented are: o Using system macro instructions to refer to, Other topics presented are: validate, and modify system control blocks o Adding a UCS image or FCB image to the system o Using system macro instructions to refer to, validate, image library and modify system control blocks This book makes reference to the DEB validity checking o ~dding to the image library and retrieving FCB images (OEBCHK) macro instruction and the authorized program. Readers are expected to understand how to: Readers are expected to understand how tos o Code programs in assembler language as described in OS/VS and DOS/vS Assembler Language, GC33-4010 o Code programs in assembler language as described in 0Use the standard linkage conventions as describej OS/VS and DOS/VS Assembler Language, GC33-4010 in OS/VS1 Supervisor Services and Macro o Use the standard linkage conventions as described in Instructions, GC24-5103. OS/VS2 Supervisor Services and Macro Instructions, o Maintain the catalog and VTOC as described in GC28-0683. OS/VSl JCL Services, GC24-4100, OS/VS Utilities, GC35-0005 and OS/VS Data Management Services Guije, o Maintain the Catalog and VTOC as described in OS/VS ~ccess Method Services, GC26-3836, OS/VS Utilities, GC26-3783. o GC35-0005, and OS/VS Data Management Services Use the access method to do input/output using the 3uide, GC26-3783. data management macros as described in OS/VS Data Use the access method to do input/output using the Management Services Guide, GC26-3783 and OS/VS o 175 Gc27 GC26 the 3600 Finance Communication System. The programs described are: the post-list processor, format program, finance image processor, dump formatting program, and peogram validation services. Manual, 18 pages //31//3600,3601,3604,3610,3611,3612,3614,3618/5741,5145,5752 Data Management Macro Instructions, GC26-3193. Protect data sets as described under -IEHPROGM" in o OS/VS utilities, GC35-0005. Manual, 124 pages //30///5141 GC26-3838 OS/VS VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (VSA~) ~A~GUI~ ----- ----- ----This pllblication is intended for system and application pro~rammers ~ho use OS/VS VSAM with assembler language. It is also intended for higher level langllage programmers who want to convert indexed-sequential data sets to VSAM's format and to use ISAM interface. VSAM is an access method for use with direct-access storage devices. It provides macros for gaining access to ~ata. Its companion service program, Access Method services, proviies commands for working ifith data sets and catalogs. This publication introduces programmers to OS/VS VSAM, guides them in using it, and serves as a reference. It tells how to code programs to gain access to data stored in VS~~ format. Prerequisite publications: ~S/VS Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3183 ~S/VS1 JCL Reference, GC24-5099 ~S/VS2 JCL, GC28-0692 Manual, 125 pages //30///5141,5152 GC26-3841 os/VS2 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES (RELEASE 3) This-publication applies to re~anI is intendei for system and application programmers who want to establish and maintain VSAM data sets using Access Method Services. Access Method Services is a multifunction service program that allows you to define data sets and catalogs, to list catalogs, to alter or delete catalog entries, to copy and print data sets, to unload and reloai catalogs for backup, to make a data set or catalog portable between systems, to convert OS catalog entries into entries in an existing VSAM catalog in a VS2 system, and to list tape volumes that were mounted at the time of a checkpoint. This publication introduces programmees to Access Method Seevices, guides them in using it, and serves as a reference. It also provides the background informat.ion about VS~~ that is required to make effective use of Access Method Services. It tells how to code Access Method Services commands to establish and maintain data sets. It also provides general information about how to optimize VSAM's performance and how to use VSAM's security and integrity features through the values specified in Access Method Services comman~s. Prerequisite publications: OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Programmer's 3uide, GC26-3838 ~S/VS Data l1anagement Services Guide, GC26-·3183 ~S/VS2 JCL, GC28-0692 ~S/VS2 System programming Library: System Generation Reference, :;C26-3792 Operator's Library: OS/VS2 Reference (JES2), GC38-0210 Manual, 290 pages //30///5752 :;:::26-3842 PLANNING FOR ENHANCED VSAM UNDER OS/VS v5AM-TvirtUal Storage Access Method) is an access method of OS/VS (Operating System/Virtual storage). This boo~ enables prospective users to prepare for VSAM ani describes for current users the enhanced functions and capabilities that improve VSAM's performance and make it a more versatile access metho~ for a wider range of applications. The intended audience is data processing managers whose decisions will influence the use of VSAM, system and application programmers who will use VSAM in new and existing programs, an~ others seeking an introduction to VSAM. The reader is expected to be familiae with basic concepts such as access method, direct access storage, and the distinctions between data set organization and data set processing. Appropriate sections of OS/VS Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3783, are suitable for preparatory rea~ing. Manual, 100 pages //30///5741,5742,5752 3C26-3847 ~ll ~ (PROGRAMMING ~ ~ ~ MF2608) REFERENCE ~RO:;. NO. 5799-ALK, ~799-AJF This publication describes the APL lang~age as it is currently implemented under Programming RPQ WE1191 and Programming RPQ MF2608. APL is an interactive, generalpurpose programming language that can be ~sed in a wide area of applications. The purpose of the publication is to provide a reference for users of APL. Manual, 148 pages ////15799-ALK, 5799-AJF GC21-0011 IBM 3190 COMMUNICAITON SYSTEM: HOST SERVICES GUIDE This!ilaiiual provi:ies i~ononvalidatingancItesting 3790 programs with the 3190 Program Validation Services (PVS) and on t.ransmi ttin" 3190 programs to a 3191 controller with the Subsystem Support Service (SSS). This manual is for application programmers who write and test 3790 programs at a host system and transmit them to a 3791 controller. Manual, 104 pages //30//3190,3191,3192,3193/5741,5145,5152 GC21-6948 1Q1i OS ~ ON SYSTEM/310 REFERENCE, ~ ~ 360C-EU-139, 741 (OS>: 5744-AJ1, AKl (VS1, VS2) This publication contains planning information about the IBM 1014 Emulator Program for the System/310 Model 165. The emulator program runs as a problem program under the MFT or MVT version of the System/360 Operating System. The Model 165 must be equipped with the IBM Compatibility Feature #1111. The emulator program and the compatibility feature enable programs written for the IBM 1074 Data peocessing System to be executed on the Model 165. The information in this publication is for installation personnel responsible for evaluating, selecting, and implementing system configurations. Manual, 95 pages 3155,3158,3165,3168//35//7010,1072,1074/ GC21-6952 7080 os EMULATOR ON MODELS 165/168: REFERENCE, PROG. NOS. 360C-E'U-737"i'MFT/MvT>, 5744-AL!-WS1/VS2) ---- - - This publication describes the IBM 1080 Emulator Program, an Rintegrated emulator program: for IBM System/370 Models 165 and 168. The program executes under the MFT, MVT, VS1, or VS2 configuration of the operating system. The publication contains the information needed to plan f~r and use the emulator program. The system planner can find information on planning the hardware configuration and generating the emulator. ~n applications programmer can find information on how the emulator program executes 7080 programs and handles 7080 data. The console operator can find information on emulator commands and messages for c~mmunicating with the emulator program. Systems Library, 104 pages 3165,3168//35//1080/ SC27-6955 VIDEO/310 USERS ~ ~ ~ 5134-RC5, 5136-RC3 This manual provides the information that an operator requires to use VIDEO/370 for data entry and verification at the IBM 3215 Display Station. VIDEO/310 is an IBM program product that allows data entry from local or remote display stations to provide data for application programs. Formats, commands, and checking features specified by the installation allow dynamic error correction by the operator. This publication describes the operator's role in the VIDEO/310 system and special VIDEO/310 aspects of the display station: t~e basic commands are features available to all operators: procedures for data verification; optional VlDEO/310 commanis tnat provide more extensive editing capabilities; error recovery procedures, including explanations of iia"nostic messages sent to the operator: and a sample VIDEO/370 data entry session. A glossary defines terms used in the publication as they relate to VIDEO/310. Prerequisite Publication: operator's 3uide for the IB~ 3210 Information Display System, GC21-2739. Manual, 96 pages /////5134-RC5,5736-RC3 = GC21-6951 DOS/VS VTAM SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE This publication is a reference manual for the system programmer who must install and maintain the IBM Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) under DOS/V3. This book ioes not explain how to define specific IBM subsystems or IBM iatabase/data-communication programs that operate with VTAM, such as the IBM 3600 Finance C~mmunication System. To get information on how to define those sub-systems, refer to manuals for the particular subsystem. The book assumes that the reader is familiar ~ith the overall concepts of VTAM, has planned his network configuration, and has chosen the major VTAM op,tions he wants to use. A good way to achieve this familiarity and obtain the background needed. to select VTAM options is to read VTAM Concepts and Planning, GC21-6998. Prerequisite Publications: Operator's Library GC27-6997, Guide' Reference Manual, and IBM 3104 and 3105 Communications Controllers (GC30-3008). Manual, 96 pages /TP/30///5145 :;:::27-0005 IBM 3600 £:!NANCE COMMUNICATION ~ HOSI: ~ PRO:;RAMS REFERENCE This is a reference manual for system peogrammers. It ~escribes the job control language, input, output, commands, and error messa~es for each of the host service programs for 176 GC27 SC27 S:::27-6960 VIDEO/370 SYSTEM INFORMATION ~ ~ &BQ~ NOS,. 5736-RC3 ~~4-RC5 This manuar-describes the inatallation ani daily operation of VIDEO/370, a program product for entering data from display stations. The manual describes ho~ to specify editing options, define a teleprocessing configuration, initialize files, design screen formats, extract entered data for application use, and obtain proiuction reports. The manual is intended primarily for the system programmer -- the person who understands his shop's requirements and will install and tailor VIDEO/370 accordingly. Parts of the manual are also intenied for the system console operator, who will run the VIDEO/370 programs and respond to any messages. Supervisory personnel may find useful the material about VIDEO/370's re~orts program, which produces statistics on ent.ry operator entry operator efficiency. Manual, 216 pages //1/15734-RC5,5736-RC3 GC27-6967 ~ ~ SPECIFICATIONS VIDEO/370 Q2. ~ PROGRAM ~ 5734-RC5 The Program Product Specifications (PPS) iescribe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specifications, 4 pages GC27-6974 ~ PROBLEM DETERMINATION AlQ.[ AND ~GES AND ~ EQ.~ GPS AND GSP This manuaf contains aids for determining and solving problems that involve display programs that use either the Graphic Programming services (DPS) for the IBM 2250 Display Unit and IBM 2260 Display Station or the Graphic Subroutines Package (GSP) for the IBM 2250 Display Unit. The aids are directed to the display operator, application programmer, system operator, system programmer, and system maintenance personnel. The manual is divided into an introduction and six sections of problem determination aids: o Display operator aids o Application programmer aids o Messages o Codes o Generalized Trace Facility o Problem-related data The reader should be familiar with information in: OSIVS Grpahic Programming Services (GPS) for IBM 2250 Display Unit, GC27-6971 OS/VS Graphic Programming Services (GPS) for IBM 2260 Display Station (Local Attachment), GC27-6972 OS/VS Graphic Subroutine Package (GSP) for FORTRAN IV, COBOL, and PLlI, GC27-6973. Manual, 104 pages 1/30//2250,2260/5741,5742,5752 3701130/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL/3275,32771 GC27-6978 DOS VERSION 4 - B1I.SIC GC27-6969 PR03R~M PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS VIDEO/370 DOS - PROGnAM NUMBER 5736-RC3 - - --- The Program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specifications, 4 pages 3701130/DOS/3275,3277/ G:::27-6971 OSIVS GRAPHIC PROGRAMMING SERVICES (GPS) FOR IBM 2250 DiSPLAY-UNIT- MANUAL -- -Describes-macro instructions and routinea provided under OS/VS to aid in writing assembler-language programs that use the IBM 2250 Display Unit, Model 1 or 3. These programming services are useful in: o Displaying data in alphameric or graphic form o Controlling input/output o Communicating with the 2250 operator This manual is intended primarily for ap~lication programmers coding in assembler language. It also provides installation managers, system engineers, and system programmers with general information about programming the 2250 display unit. The reader should be familiar with the information in: IBM Systeml360 Component Description: IBM 2250 Display Unit Modell, GA27-2701 IBM Systeml360 Component Description: IBM 2250 Display Unit Model 3 IBM 2840 Display Control Model 2, GA27-2721 Manual, 146 pages 1130//2250/5741,5742,5752 G:::27-6972 OSIVS GRAPHIC PROGRAMMING SERVICES (GPS) FOR IBM 2260 Q!~~~~!-§TATION ~ ATTACiiMENT) ~ SYSr~ LIBRARY MANUAL This manual describes macro instructions provided under OS/VS to aid in writing assembler-language programs that use the IBM 2260 Display Station (Local Attachment). These programming services are useful in: controlling input/output, and Communicating with the 2260 operator. This manual is intended primarily for application programmers coding in assembler language. It also provides installation managers, system engineers, and system programmers ioIith general information about programming the 2260 display station. The reader should be familiar with the information in: IBM Systeml360 Component Description: IBM 2260 Display Station IBM 2848 Display Control, G~27-2700. Manual, 52 pages H~NuAL ::. TELECOMMUNIC~TIONS PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CQ-469 ACCESS METHOD --- --- This publication :lescribes the Basic 'l'elecommunications Access Method (BT~M) used with the Systeml370 Disk Operating System (DOS) control program. BTAM provides the READ/WRlrE level macro instructions for the assembler-language programmer who is implementing programs for telecommunications applications. Included are macro instruction formats and descriptions and specific information on device-dependent considerations. For titles and abstracts of associated publications see the IBM Systeml370 Bibliography, GA22-6822. Manual, 392 pages 370/TP/30/00SII GC27-6980 OS/VS BTAM Describes the Basic Telecommunications Access Method (BT~~) avail~ble with OS/VS. BTAM provides facilities that enable an assembler-language programmer to write a teleprocessing control program that effects communications at the ReadlWrite level between a systeml370 and a variet1 of computers and terminals connected to the Systeml370 over c~mmon-carrier or private-wire communications networks. BTAM provides similar facilities for the local IBM 3270 Display System. BTAM employs both start-stop and binary synchronous communications (BSC) techniques, depending on the type of remote station. Typical BTAM applications include data acquisition, message switching, and inquiry processing. This publication explains some concepts of teleprocessing and BTAM, describes line control and messa~e transmission techniques, and describes each of the BTAM macro instructions and facilities needed to construct a control program. The READ and WRITE macro instructions applicable for each type of remote station and line configuration are given, along with the channel programs generated for each type. prerequisite to use of this publication is a knowledge of System/370 assembler language and data management facilities. Manual /TP/30///5741,5752 GC27-6983 7094 OS EMUL1I.TOR ON MODELS 165/168 REFERENCE PROGRAM NUMBER 'FOit0S/MFT"ANilOS/MVT----=-360c=Eu=740 ~ND PROGRAM NUMBERFOROs/vSl AND OS7vS'2=5i44=AM1-- - - - - - - -This manual describe~M 709/7090/7094/7094 II Emulator Program for the IBM System/370 Models 165, 165 II, and 168, and provides information needed to use the program. The emulator program executes object programs for the IBM 709, /130//2260/5741,5742 7090, 7094, and 7094 II Data Processing Systems, and runs as a problem program under the MFT, MVT, VS1, or VS2 c~nfigurations of the operating system. The Model 165 or G:::27-6973 Model 165 II must be equipped with the IBM Compatibility QS/VS ~ SUBROUTINE ~ (GSP) E!2!i FORTR1I.N ~ Feature #7119. The compatibility Feature for the Model 168 COBOL, ~ND PL/I ~ ~ ~ is #7129. The emulator program uses the compatibility This manual describes how a FORTRAN, COBOL, or PL/I feature to perform the more complex and frequently occurring programmer can write graphic programs for use with the IBM processes of emulation. 2250 Display Unit under control of OS/VS. It also describes The manual also describes three programs that are how the graphic subroutine package may be used in a program distributed with the emulator: the tape preprocessor written in ~ssembler Language. program, the tape postprocessor program, and the emulator The graphic subroutine package (GSP) consists of system-output writer. The preprocessor and postprocessor subroutines and functions for displaying characters or programs are data manipulation programs that change the graphic forms on the 2250 screen and for controlling format of 7094 data. The writer prints 7094 data spooled on communication between the program and the 2250 operator. the SYSOUT data set. The subroutines may be called from a program written in the system planners and programmers should use this manual E, G, or H level of FORTRAN IV, in COBOL (F), in PL/I (F), for planning, generating, using, and modifying the emulator. or from a program written in ~ssembler Language. They are Programmers responsible for executing 7094 programs shoulj not an extension of the FORTR~N IV, COBOL, or PL/I use the manual for instructions on proceSSing 7094 data and languages, but may be used in conjunction _ith them. executing the emulator. system operators should use the Manual, 188 pages manual for instructions on how to communicate with the //30//2250/5741,5742 emulator program. ~ll messages issued by the emulator anj 171 GC27 GC27 the data manipulation programs are incluied in an appendix. Programmers and planners should be experienced with the IBM 709, 7090, 7094, or 7094 II Data Processing System and with the operating system, having a working knowledge of the MFT, MVT, VSl or VS2 configuration. Manu:il, 96 pages 3165,31681/351/70941 GC27-6985 ~OS/V~ ~ MPPS (MESSAGE PROCESSING PROG~ SERVICES) COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-QrM This publication is intended for the problem programmer assigned to write a message processing program to support a QT~M-controlled telecommunications system operating under oOS/l1S (Disk operating System with Virtu:il Storage). Included is a general discussion of mess:ige processing programs, followed by a detailed description of the services QTAM provides in support of a message processing program. The ~TAM services are provided through macro-language statements such as GET, PUT, OPEN, and CLOSE. Also included is a discussion of services QTAM provides to enable the programmer to examine and modify the telecommunications system. 3eneral information of interest to the programmer writing a message processing program (s~ch as telecommunications applications, concepts and terminology, and message formats) is contained in the publications DOS/VS ~TAM Message Control Program, GC27-6986. Manual, 56 pages GC27-6993 OS/VS HASP VERSION 4 OPERATOR'S ~ ~ EBOGRAM NU~ 3'ii5ii=Ti=OOl--- This publication tells the computer operator how to use H~SP II Version 4 with OS/VS2 Release 1. It presents specific operating techniques and operator commands for: o Starting, stopping. and restarting the HASP System o Handling system input and input devices o Handling system output and output devices o Controlling devices o Controllin~ jobs Manual, 244 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC27-6994 VTlIM MACRO LANGUAGE GUIDE Describes h~i~VTAM application program. A I1r~l application program is a program that contains VTAM macro instructions to request connection to and communication with telecommunications devices and subsystem supported by I1TAM. This book should be used with reference publication, VTAM Macro Language Reference, GC27-6995. The contents include: An overview of VTAM application programs and their relation to other elements in a teleprocessing network. Suggestions on how to organize a I1TAM application program. A discussion of the concepts, facilities, and language for opening and closing the program, and for connecting to and communicating with logical units and terminals. ITP/301115745 Requirements and suggestions on using exit-routines, h:tndling errors ani special conditions in the network and debugging a V£AM application program. The user is assumed GC27-6986 to be familiar with System/370 assembler language. oOS/l1S ~ MCP (MESSAGE CONTROL PROGRAM) - COMPONENT NUMBER 574S:SC-QTM ---- ---- ---- --Prerequisite Publications: None, howeverl VTAM Concepts and Planning, GC27-6998, may be helpful in understanding the The first part of this publication contains information of a concepts of a VTAM network. general nature and is of interest to anyone, including Manual, 101 pages managers, system analysts, and programmers, involved in ITP/30///5741.5745,5752 planning or implementing a QTAM-controlled telecommunications system to operate under DOS/VS (Disk Operating System with l1irtualStorage). rhe topics GC27-6995 discussed include: devices supported; concepts and vrllM MACRO LANGUAGE REFERENCE: COMPONENT NOS. 5741-SCl-23 terminology; QTAM facilities; and applications supported. ~§Ih-m2=ScI=23-(VS2), AND 5745-SC-VTM (DOSIVS) The remaining two parts of this publication, beginning This book is a reference manual that describes the VTAM with the chapters on nonaudio and audio message handling macro instruc·tions in detail. respectively, describe in detail the problem programming VTAM is an access method that allows a program necessary for constructing QTAM message control programs to operating under a virtual storage operating system to support telecommunications applications. A thorough understanding of this publication reguires a basic knowledge communicate with the terminals of a teleprocessing network. The language that this book describes consists of the vrAM of System/370 machine concepts and DOS/VS. macro instruc·tions with which the program prepares for and Manual, 264 pages requests communication with the terminals. ITP/301115745 This manual is used by installation personnel (typically systems programmers) who code the programs that provide an interface between the application programs and GC27-6987 the teleprocessing network. INTRODUCTION TO VTAM (VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD) - -- ---The reader should be familiar with Introduction to VTAM, (GC27-6987), Chapter 5 of VTAM Concepts and Planning, (GC27VT~M, the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method, handles 6998), and with those parts of the OS/VS and DOS/VS the transfer of data between application programs and Assembler Language (GC33-4010), that explains the rules for telecommunications devices. It is available under DOS/VS. OS/I1S1, and OS/VS2. coding assembler expressions. The reader should also be familiar with the characteristics of the devices with which This manual is intended for those who will decide the program will be communicating, with the line-control whether or not to use vrAM, and as preliminary information discipline (start-stop or BSC) that will be used with for installation managers and system programmers who will teleprocessing concepts can read Data Communications Primer, install it. It discusses: o Definition of VTAM to the operating system GC20-1668. Manual, 200 pages o Operation of a VTAM telecommunications network ITP/3011/5741,5745,5752 a VTAM macro instructions o Operation of TeAM programs under VTAM o Reliability, availability, and serviceability GC27-6996 features available to VTAM. VTAM OSIVSl SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE rhe reader should be familiar with teleprocessing This publication is a reference manual for the system concepts. system programmers should be familiar with the programmer who must install and maintain the IBM Virtual operating system with which they will use VTAM. Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) under OS/VS1. Manual, 54 pages ITP/3011/5741,5745,5752 This book does not explain how to define specific IBM subsystems or IBM data-base/data-communication programs that operate with VTAM, such as the IBM 3600 Finance GC27-6989 Communication System or the IBM Customer Information Control DOS/VS BT~M - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-Br~ System OS/VS. To get information on how to define those systems, refer to manuals for the particular system. This publication describes the Basic Telecommunications Access Method (BTAM) used with DOS/VS (Disk Operating System The book assumes that the reader is familiar with the overall concepts of VTAM, has planned his network configurawith Virtual Storage). BTAM provides the READ/WRITE level tion, and has chosen the major VTAM options he wants to use. macro instruction for the assembler-Iangu:ige programmer who is implementing programs for telecommunications A good way to achieve this familiarity and obtain the background needed to select VTAM options is to read vrAM applications. Concepts and Planning, Gc27-6998. Included are macro instruction formats and descriptions and specific information on device-dependent considerations. The following publications must be used with this book: Operator's Library: GC27-6997 Manual, 440 pages IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications controllers: Network ITP/30/115745 Control Program/VS Generation and Utilities; Guide and Reference Manual (for OS/VS and DOS/VS VTAM Users), Gc303008. 3:::27-6992 Manual. 183 pages OS/VS2 HASP VERSION 4 SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM iWMBER 370B-TX-OOl - - - - ---- - - - - /TP/30/1/5741 This publication consists of self-contained chapters, each of which provides information necessary to generate. install, and implement capabilities of the HASP program. It is designed primarily for system programmers responsible for generating, maintaining, and extending HASP features. Manual, 180 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 178 GC27-6997 VTAM NETWORK OPERATING PROCEDURES This book is intended to be used as a reference manual and a how-to-do-it book for system operators who run a VTAM network and as a guide for system programmers who must provide operators with information they need to run the network. This book can also be used as a source book by persons assigned to writing operating procedures for a particular VTAM installation. GC21 GC28 This book introduces the network operator to the VTAM system and describes the basic format for commands (CHAPTER 1), discusses basic operating procedures (CHAPTER 2), and explains the use of commands in performing particular operations (CHAPTER 3 thru 1). ~n operator who uses this book should be familiar with the basic operation of the host operating system under which VT~M is to be run, and should have a basic understanding ~f VTAM. ae can gain the understanding of VTA~ by reading the IBM publication VTAM CONCEPTS and PLANNING G~21-6998. Manual, 15 pages GC28-0601 OS/VS2 RELEASE 1 GUIDE Thl.s publication contains information about the scope and content of Release 1 of OS/VS2. It provides planning and implementation information for installation managers, system programmers, and IBM field personnel. The publication describes special considerations, m~dule information, and ordering and distribution procedures for Release 1 of OS/VS2. Manual, 104 pages 11341/15142 ITP/301115141,5145,5152 GC21-6998 VT~M CONCEPTS i PLANNING This publication provides a guide to planning for the installation and use of the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) in both DOS/VS and OS/VS. VTAM provides connection and telecommunication services between application programs and terminals. Terminals include logical units (telecommunication subsystem logic) on links using synchronous data-link control (SDLC) communication, certain devices on links using start-stop and binary synchronous communication, and local 3270 devices. The VTAM user can dynamically define, control and nodify his telecommunication system, distribute function through the network, and share network resources among his application programs. This publication describes VTAM's major concepts and facilities on both an installation and an application program level. It also describes VTAMwS reliability, availability, and serviceability features, hardware and software requirements, and planning consiierations for telecommunication security, resource shacing, and using VTAM other telecommunication access methods. This publication is directed primarilr to data processing managers and system programmers that are installing or considering installing a VTAM telecommunication system. A more general description of VT~M is providei in Introduction to VTAM, GC21-6981. Manual, 224 pages GC28-0602 OS/VS MASTER INDEX This publicatron-consolidates the indexes of publications in the IBM System Library for oS/VS; it applies to both V51 and VS2. The master index lists topics alphabetically, and refers to publications where these topics are discussed. The indexes of these publications list the same topics and refers to specific pages. Systems publication, 408 pages 11201/15141,5142 GC28-0604 OS/VS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: STORAGE ESTIMATES Describes the real, virtual, and auxiliary storage areas of VS2 Release 2 and provides formulas for estimating the system's storage requirements. This publication should be used by the system programmers to determine the storage required for running a VS2 Release 2 system at their installation. The first section contains an introduction to the various types of storage that may be estimated. Section two provides overviews of real, virtual, and auxiliary storage. The third section contains formulas, in the f~rm of worksheets, for estimating storage requirements. The fourth section summarizes optional storage requirements associated with IBM supplied programs, system utilities, and service aids. Appendix A provides esamples of storage estimates, Appendix B lists all the modeuls that are always or optionally made a part of SYS1.LPALIB during system generation, and Appendix C contains a glossary of acronyms used in this publication. ITP/301115141,5145,5152 ::;~21-6999 AN INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING THE IBM 3270 Provides-the information requir~to-program the IBM 3210 Information Display System. Programming the 3210 includes designing the panel, builiing and coding the data stream, analyzing data, designing the line control program, and handling error recovery. The intended audience is the systems and application programmers who install the 3210 and tailor it to the needs of their installations. The first section of the book describes screen design. Fields and attributes are discussed, as well as data streams, orders, and the use of such 3210 features as program attention keys and the Selector Pen. The second section describes screen management by means of decoding and generating data streams, mapping. building output data streams, and the automatic copy function. The third section discusses device management. The master terminal program is desccibed, as well as reliability and error recovery procedures such as sense/status analysis. Manual, 112 pages Corequisite Publications: IBM OS/vS2 System Generation Reference, GC26-3192 IBM OS/VS2 Release 2 Initialization and Tuning Guide, GC28-0681 programmers. It contains instructions, formulas, and figures that can be used to estimate the storage cequirements for OS/VS2. Storage requirements are divided into three categories: real storage, virtual storage, ani auxiliary storage. Each type of user can use this publication differently. o System planners can use this publication to plan the storage requirements of a new system, including the effects of options on the total storage requirement. o System programmers can use this publication to determine the amount of real, virtual, and auxiliary storage that has to be allocated during system generation and to determine the amount of storage available to the application programmer. o Application programmers can estimate the storage requirements of their jobs. This publication should be used with OS/VS2 System Manual, 156 pages 1130113210,3211,3212,3215,3211,3284,3286,32881 GC28-0600 /1341/15152 OS/VS2 PLANNING AND USE GUIDE This publication-aescribe;-QS/VS2 to users responsible for selecting, evaluating, and implementing an OS/VS2 system. 'The purpose of this publication is to introduce VS2 concepts and to provide planning and use information. This publication assumes a knowledge of OS/MVT. (MVT is described in IBM Systeml360 Operating System: MVT Guide, GC28-6120.) This publication contains the following chapters: o Introduction o System Control Porgram o Standard Support Porgrams o Option3 o Compatibility o Defining the System o Job Management and Supervisor Services for System Programmers o Supervisor Macro Instructions for System programmers o System Overview o Glossary Related publications are: Introduction to Virtual Storage in Systeml310, GR20-4260 IBM Systeml310 System Summary, GA22-7001 IBM Data ProceSSing Glossary, GC20-1699 OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Planning Guide, GC26-3199 OS/VS1 Planning and Use Guide, GC24-5090. Systems Publication, 248 pages 11341/15142 GC28-0629 OS/VS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: TSO PrOVides information pertaining to t~TsO facilities that can be influenced by the system programmer. Describes installation controlled TSO commands ACCOUNT and OPERATOR and their associated subcommands. Part I discusses TSO services. This section refers to considerations in preparing for TSO processing; managing data sets needed by TSO; writing exit routines to extend or modify TSO operations. Part II describes the ACCOUNT and OPERATOR commands and associated subcommands. 'The ACCOUNT command and subcommands create and update entries in the user attribute (UADS) and bcoadcast data sets. The OPERATOR command and subcommands regulate and maintain TSO from terminals having transmitinterruption capabilities. Manual 1/391/15152 GC28-0632 OS/VS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: DEBUGGING HANDBOOK This publication provides reference information for use in debugging user of system programs. The user of this publication should have a working knowledge of OS/VS2 functions and logic. The handbook measures approximately four by seven inches, and is six-hole punched. It has eight sections, as follows: o Section 1 describes an approach to debugging based on identification and analysis of system status indicators. o Section 2 summarizes major OS/VS2 debugging aids, 179 GC28 GC28 GC28-0648 and includes reprints of VS2 information from the following reference cards: OS/VS service Aids Reference summary, GX28-063q OS/VS DSS Command Language Refe~ence Summary, GX28-0690 o Section 3 describes dump and trace output of dubugging aids summarized in Section 2. o Section q shows how to find inf~~mation in a dump o Section 5 summarizes major system error indicators o section 6 illU9trate~ the logical relationships ~f major system data areas, describes the formats of data areas used frequently in debugging. and provides a directory of data areas documented in other publications. o Section 7 provides general reference information useful for debugging purposes. o Section B lists and categorize~ OS/VS2 publications The nandbook is intended for use in conjanction ~ith the Systeml370 Reference Summary, GX20-1850, a reference card that pro~ides additional information useful in debugging. Handbook Q2LY§l1:.§.Q GUIDE IQ ~ ~ !~RMINAL ~ PROGRAM QB COMMAND PROCESSOR This publication describes features of TSO that can be replaced, modified, or added to by each installation'S particular needs. The manual is a reference for programmers whose responsibility is to modify the portions of rs,o that communicate directly with the user at the terminal. The publication discusses how to modify or replace Terminal Monitor Pro~ram and the Command Processors vaguely, and describes the programming features provided within TS~ for user-written Terminal Monitor Programs, Command Processors, and applications programs. Service routines Macro Instructions SVC's The Dynamic Allocation Interface Routine (DAIR) The Test Command Processor The reader of this publication should have a knowledge of the structure of TSO. Manual, 316 pages 11391115752 11371115752 GC28-0661 INTRODUCTION TO OS/VS2 RELEASE 2 This pUblicat1On-contains introductory information about ~S2 Release 2, a system control program (SCP) that features virtual storage, multiprogramming, multiprocessing, time snaring, and streamlined job scheduling. It is assumed that readers have a basic knowledge of programming systems sucn as OS/MVT or OS/VS2 Release 1. Manual G::28-0636 OS/VS OLTEP MANUAL Tnis publication provides customer engineers, other ~ualified personnel, and operators with the information required to use the Online Test Executive Program (OLTEP). OLTEP is a standard component of OS/VS that is deSigned to run online test programs, under control of the operating system, for the testing of Input/Output jevices. ~essages issued by OLTEP are described in OS/VS Message Library: Service Aids and OLTEP Messages, GC38-1006. Customer engineers should refer to F.E. Diagnostic Order Procedure, ZZ25-0505, for ordering procejures for online tests and their documentation. Manual, 76 pages 113Qll15752 GC28-0663 DOs/VS AND OS/VS TOLTEP FOR VTAM ThIs pubITcation providestheinformation needed to use the Teleprocessong Online Test Executive program (TOLTEP). TOLTEP, which is automatically included in the system with VTAM, controls the selection, configuration, and use of online tests (OLTS) for terminals supported by the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) that use the basic m~de of data transfer. Manual, 60 pages 113711/57q1 ::;C28-06qO OS/VS DYN1!.MIC ~ ~ ::. ~ @I! 5007,. 5008 ~~ ~ ~ ::. COMPONENT NOS 57q1-SC1-!~ AND 57Q2-SC1-10 1!. combined language reference manual and ~ser's guide for the Dynamic support System (DSS). DSS is a monitoring and debugging program that is intended for use by IBM Program systems Representatives and user-authorized personnel. DSS helps identify and provide temporary corrections to software errors in the IBM Operating System with Virtual Storage (OS/VS). This book has six sections. Section 1 describes the functions and capabilities of DSS. Section 2 describes the DSS command language. Section 3 is a summary of Section 2. Section Q tells how to use DSS. Section 5 describes the formatted output (dumps and displays) projuced by DSS. Section 6 describes the messages issued by DSS. Before using DSS to debug OS/VS. the reader must know the internal logic of OS/VS. Information about OS/VS2 is for planning purposes until is available in OS/VS2 Release 2. Manual ITP/371115741,57Q5,5752 GC28-0665 OS/vSl SERVICE AIDS This publication-eiplains when, why, and how to use IBM service aids to diagnose and fix failures in system or application programs. Each service aid is discussed in a separate chapter. The service aids are: o GTF (Generalized Trace Facility) -- Traces sleectei system events such as ,SVC and 1/0 interruptions. o IMCJOBQD -- Operates as a 'standalone program to forma't and print the system job quene. system events such as SVC and 1/0 interruptions. o HMBLIST -- Formats and prints object modules, loal moiules, and CSECT identification records; maps reenterable load module area. o IMCOSJQD -- Operates as a problem program to format anj print tne system job quene. o HMDPRDMP -- Formats and prints dump data sets, which may include page data sets and GTF trace data. o HMAPTFLE -- Updates an operating system by applying PTFs or by generating JCL statements needed to apply PTFs or ICRs in a later step. o HMDSADMP -- Operates as a standalone program to produce high-speed or low-speed dump of real storage. The nign-speed version can also dump page data sets. o HMASPZAP -- Verifies and/or replaces instructions and/or data in a load module. Information about how to write PRDMP/EDIT user exit programs is provijei in a separate appendix. Messages issues by the service aids are described in OS/VS Message Library: Service Aids and OLTEP Messages. Systems Publication 113711157Ql,5752 ::;::28-06Q5 OS/VS2 TSO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE This publication introduces the user to the basic information required to use TSO. The TSO commands used to perform functions such as entering and manipulating data and executing programs at a terminal are discussed. rhis publication is a pre-requisite for the TSO Command Language Reference. o Start and end a terminal sessioa o Enter and manipulate data o Program at the terminal o Test a program o Write and use command procedure~ No prior kno~ledge of TSO is required to use this publication and there are no prerequisite publications. After becoming familiar with the information presented in this manual, you should use OS/VS2 TSO Command Language Manual, 96 pages 11371/15741 11391115752 GC28-0666 OS/VS OLTEP SYSTEMS PUBLICATION - COMPONENT NUMBERS 574I=SCI=06 ~42-SC1-06 This publication provides customer engineers, other qualified personnel, and operators with the information required to use the Online Test Executive Program (OLTEP). OLTEP is a standard component of OS/VS that is designed to run online test programs, under control of the operating system, for the testing of Input/Output devices. Messages issued by OLTEP are described in OS/VS Message Library: Service 1!.ids and OLTEP Messages, GC38-1006. CUstomer engineers should refer to F.E. Diagnostic Orjer Procedure, ZZ25-0505, for ordering procedures for online tests and their documentation. Manual G:::28-06Q6 OS/VS2 TSO COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE This-pubIication de~the commands, operands, and syntax of the TSO command language. It is intended for use at a terminal as a reference. The prerequisite publication, TSO Terminal User's Guide, GC28-0645, describes what commands are used to perform specific functions. The Command Language Reference also describes the statements used in command procedures and contains appendices describing system commands and program p~oduct commands. rhe audience for this publication should have a basic knowledge of using a terminal and a familiarity with TSO commands. Manual, 280 pages 113711157U 11391115752 GC28-0667 OS/vS2 PLANNING GUIDE FOR RELEASE 2 Provides planning informatIOn-fOr Installations that intend to install OS/VS2 Release 2. 180 GC28 GC28 OS/VS Release 2 is a virtual storage operating system with multiprogrdmming, multiprocessing, time sharing (TSO) and job entry subsystems. It provides new features and enhances existing OS/MVT and OS/VS2 facilities. This publication describes the significant difference between VS2 Release 2 and both MVT and VS2 Release 1. The intended audience is an installation manager or a system programmer responsible for assessing the effort required to install an OS/VS Release 2 system. The introduction highlights major points that should be considered for installing VS2 Release 2. The first section describes procedures and macro instructions for system generation, procedures and parameters for system initialization, and system libraries and data sets. The second section describes the system resources manager and MF/1 (the system activity measurement facility). The third section describes system integrity and recommendation for maintaining it in control program extensions or modifications. The fourth section describes conversion considerations for the jOb entry subsystem, SMF, JCL, operator commands, time sharing, data sets, allocation, the catalog, programs and multiprocessing. ~n appendix shows the virtual storage layout. Prerequisite Publications: The reader must be familiar with the information presented in IBM Systeml370: Introduction to VS2 Release 2, GC28-0661. Manual 11341115752 GC28-0668 OS/VS SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING This publication is intended for system operators, programmers, and administrators involved in using the information on the SYS1.LOGREC data set ~nder the OS/VS1 system control program. This publication describes: o Why and how the different types of error records are built and recorded on SYS1.LOGREC. o The service aid programs that can be used to maintain and retrieve information on SYS1.LOGREC. Messages issued by the IFCDIPOO and IFCEREPO service aids are described in OS/VS Message Library: Service Aids and OLTEP Messages, GC38-1006. Manual 11371//5141 GC28-0671 OS/VS2 RELEASE 2 GUIDE This-publication contains information about the scope and content of the current release of OS/VS2. It provides planning and implementation for installation managers, system programmers, and IBM field personnel. This publication describes: o o o Special considerations Module information Ordering and distribution current system proced~res for the Manual 11341115752 GC28-0673 OS/VS SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM (SMP) This-publication contains information about the System Modification Program (SMP). This information is intended for use by IBM personnel and system programmers responsible for changing and redesigning the installation's operating system. The reader should be experienced in using and modifying VS operating systems. This publication describes how to use the program and gives its storage requirements. It includes all the control statements required with coding examples illustrating the various SMP functions. The appendix contains the SMP messages, a data set requirement chart, and a cataloged procedure. Systems Publication 1137//15741,5152 GC28-0674 OS/VS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY SERVICE AIDS Manual, 252 pages 11311/15152 GC28-0615 OS/VS2 SYSTEM PLANNING LIBRARY: OLTEP ThisPublication providescii'StOmer engineers, other ~ualified personnel, and operators with the information required to use the Online Test Executive Program (OLTEP). OLTEP is a standard component of OS/VS that is designed ~ run online test programs, under control of the operating system, for the testing of Input/Output devices. Messages issued by OLTEP are described in OS/VS Message Library: Service Aids and OLTEP Messages, GC38-1006. CUstomer engineers should refer to F.E. DiagnostiC Orjer Procedure, ZZ25-0505, for ordering procedures for online tests and their documentation. Manual 11371//5152 GC28-0611 OS/VS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: SYS1.LOGREC ERROR E§CORDING, COMPONENT NO. 5~CD This publication is intended for system operators, programmers, and administrators involved in using the information on the SYS1.LOGREC data set under the OS/VS2 system control program. This publication describes: o Why and how the different types of records for hardware and software failures and system conditions are built and recorded on SYS1.LOGREC o The service aid program (IFCDIPOO and IFCEREPO) that can be used to maintain and retrieve information on SYS1.LOGREC. Messages issued by the IFCDIPOO and IFCEREPO service aids are described in OS/VS Message Library: Service Aids and OLTEP Messages, GC38-1006. Manual, 92 pages 11371//5152 GC28- 0681 OS/VS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: I'NiTIALIZATION AND TUNING GUIDEThis book contains information-on the following general topics: o system parameters in SYSl. PARMLIB o JES2 initialization parameters o How to use the System Resource Manager (SRM) o How to use t~e System Activity Measurement Facility (MF/l> o system performance factors, such as those affecting VIO, catalog, device allocation, JES2, the use of SMF as a tuning aid, the pageable link pack area, and paging data sets Note: The information on the SRM, MF/l, and system performance factors is preliminary and is based on design analySiS, not on system measurements. A later edition will include tuning guidelines based on measurements. Manual, 352 pages 11341115752 GC28-0683 OSIVS2 SUPERVISOR SERVICES AND MACRO INSTRUCTIONS This publication d~ the services of the supervisor, the macro instructions used to request these services, and the linkage conventions used by the control program to provide these services. The book is intended for the applications programmer coding in assembler language. Systems publications, 228 pages 1136///5152 GC28-0686 OS/VS POWER WARNING FEATURE (PWF) SUPPORT-ICR GUIDE This publication acquaints aiidinstructs the u~ith the Power Warning Feature Support. This publication contains information for the operator and the system programmer. Manual This-publiCation explains when, why, and how to use IBM 1136///5141,5742,5152 service aids to diagnose and fix failures in system or application programs. Each service aids is discussed in a separate chapter. The service aids are: GC28-0689 OS/VS2 CONVERSION NOTEBOOK o GTF (Generalized Trace Facility) - Traces selected system events such as SVC and 1/0 interruptions ~/VS2 Conversion Notebook documents experience with o ffMBLIST - Formats and prints object modules, load early versions of MVS (multiple virtual storage -- VS2 modules, and CSEcr identification recordsJ maps Release 2) at internal IBM installations and at field test re-enterable load module area installations. It is intended for installation managers and o HMDPRDMP - Formats and prints dump data sets, which system programmers who are responsible for converting from OS/MVT or VS2 Release 1 to MVS. may include page data sets and GTF trace data. o HMAPTFLE - Updates an operating system by applying This book documents the impact of certain features and PTFs or by generating JCL statements needed to apply facilities on an installation's conversion process and PTFs or ICRs in a later step. supplements existing publications in the MVS library. It is o HMDSADMP - Operates as a standalone program to produce not intended to present a comprehensive description of the highs peed or lowspeed dump of real storage. The high conversion process, to describe the features and facilities speed version can also dump page data sets .• of MVS, to replace existing publications, or to provide o HMASPZAP - Verifies andlor replaces instructions andlor information on tuning and performance. The reader is data in a load module. expected to be familiar with MVS system, as described in the Information about how to write PRDMP/EDlr user exit programs Introduction to VS2 Release 2, GC28-0661, and the OSIVS2 is provided in separate appendices. Planning Guiie for Release 2, GC28-0661. Tuning information Messages issued by the service aids are described in is included in the OS/VS2 System Programming Library: OS/VS Message Library: Service Aids and OLTEP Messages, Initialization and Tuning Guide, GC28-0681. The reader GC38-i006. should also be familiar with the information presented in 181 Gc28 GC28 the OS/VS2 Release 2 Guide, GC28-0611. rhe reader should also be familiar ~ith the information presented in the OS/VS2 Release 2 Guide, GC28-0611. Additional publications, pertinent to a specific conversion step, are referenced in the chapter of this book that covers that conversion step. There are three chapters: o Chapter 1: Overview o Chapter 2: System Generation ani Initialization o Chapter 3: Catalog Conversion Chapter l.contains mapping of OS/MVT and VS2 Release 1 publications into their MVS counterparts and a list of differences bet~een MVS and VS2 Release 1 or OS/MVT. Chapter 2 and 3 each covering a distinct conversion step, and divided into two parts. o an introduction that lists the p~blications relevant to the topic of the chapter and that contains, if considered necessarr, background information on the topic. o a series of bulletins that contains hints or considerations for the conversion step The chapters ~ill be updated by means of additional bulletins as more information becomes available; also further chapters, covering additional congersion steps, will be published on an on-going basis. The recommendations given in this man~al are meant to help an installation convert to MVS; since they are based on experience ~ith early versions of MVS, h~wever, they have not been submitted to any formal IBM test. As a result, potential users should evaluate the applicability of the recommendations to their installation bef~re implementation. Manual /134//15152 GC28-0692 OS/VS2 JCL ThIs-manual contains the information necessary to code job control language (JCL) and job entry subsrstem 2 (JES2) control statements. It is intended for use by programmers who code JCL and JES2 control statements and who understand the concepts of job management and data management. The first part of the book is tutorial, explaining the use of the various parameters. The second part explains each parameter according to the statements it is coded on. The last part explains the JES 2 control statements and the AMP and DCB parameters. These are followed by reference tables and a glossary. Manual //36///5152 GC28-0695 OS/VS2 TSO SUPPORT FOR VSBASIC-RELEASE 1.6 ThIs-publIcation describes the external:features of TSO that support VSBASIC or an equivalent for OS/VS2 Release 1.6. It is intended for use by the terminal ~ser and the system programmer. Only changes resulting from VSBASIC 3~pport are documented in this publication. Manual, 20 pages //39//15142 ::;~28-0100 OS/VS2 RELEASE 3 GUIDE The-Information-in this manual is for assisting installation managers, system programmers, and IBM Field Engineering personnel in planning for Release 3 of OS/VS2. It describes OS/VS2 Release 3 features and enhancements, special system generation and programming considerations, change activity, and ordering ani distributing procedures. It also contains lists and charts depicting the OS/VS2 Release 3 library, and mappings of OS/MVT and OS/VS2 Release 1.0/1.6 publications into their OS/VS2 Release 3 counterparts. Manual //34///5152 :;~28-6394 ~ NOS. 360N-CB-48l .!Y..1 ! ill&. 2.136-CB2, ~ (V3), 5746-CB1, LM4 (OOS/VS!. (COmmon Busines Oriented Language) is a programming language, similar to English, that is used for commercial data processing. It ~as developed by the Conference On Data Systems Languages (CODASYL). The U. S. A. standard of the language is USA Standard COBOL, X3.23-1968, as specified by the United States of America Standards Institute (USASI). IBM System/360 Disk Operating System USASI COBOL incorporates the eight processing modules defined in the US~ standard. These modules include: N~cleus, Table Handling, Sequential Access, Random Access, Sort, Report Writer, Segmentation, and Library. A significant number of IBM extensions are implemented as well. The IBM implementation of USA Standard COBOL also complies with the first Draft ISO Recommendation on COBOL. This publication gives the programmer the rules for writing programs that are to be compiled by the IBM USASI COBOL compiler under the Disk Operating System. It is meant to be used as a reference manual in the writing of IBM USASI COBOL programs. systems Reference Library Manual, 360 pages 360,310//24/DOS// Q.Q2 FULL ANS COBOL, ~OBOL GC28-6396 IBM Q2 FULL ANS COBOL, PROG. !:!Q~ 360S-CB-545 illh 5734CBl (V3), 5134-CB2 (V4 COMP ! hl.!!lL 5734-LM2 (V4 !:!.!!! ONLY1 L 5740-CBl iOS/VS COMP ! LIB), ~740-LMl (OS/VS LIB ONLY) This publication describes all current versions of IBM OS Full American National Standard COBOL -- Versions 2, 3, anj 4. It gives the programme~ the rules for writing programs that are to be compiled by the IBM Full American National Standard COBOL compilers under the Operating System. It is meant to be used as a reference manual in the writing of IBM ~merican National Standard COBOL programs. Manual, 503 pages 360, 310//24/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL// GC28-6402 IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM: AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD SUBSET COBOL COMPILER GENERALIN'FORMATI'ON MANUAL - - - - - - - - - - This publication provides an introduction to the features of the IBM Subset American National Standard COBOL Compiler and Library, Release 2, a program product that operates under the IBM Disk Operating system. Included are a summary of the characteristics of the compiler, examples of some of the features of the language, and planning information on system requirements and compatability characteristics. This publication is ~ritten for installation analysts and planners. It provides them with a basis for general planning and for evaluating this product in relation to their needs. It is not meant to describe the language fully. A complete description is available in the publication IBM DOS Sunset American National Standard COBOL, Order No. GC28-6403. Manual, 12 pages // ///5136-CBl GC28-6403 IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM: AMERICAN NATION~TANDARD SUBSETICOBOL ~~NUAL, PROG. ~~ ~ - - - - - COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) is a programming language, similar to English, that is used for commercial data processing. It ~as developed by the Conference On Data Systems Languages (CODASYL). The U. S. A. standard of the language is American National Standard COBOL,X3.231968, (formerly kno~ as USA Standard COBOL), as approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). IBM System/360 Disk Operating System American National Standard Subset COBOL incorporates six processing modules of the full American National Standard. These modules are: . Nucleus 2NUC 1,2 Sequential Access 2SEQ 1,2 2RAC 0,2 Random Access Table Handling 2TBL 1,3 lLIB 0,2 Library Segmentition lSEG 0,2 A significant number of IBM extensions to these modules are implemented as well; these extensions are printed on a shaded background. This publication gives the programmer the rules for writing programs that are to be compiled by the IBM American National Standard Subset COBOL compiler under the Disk Operating System. It is meant to be used as a reference manual in the writing of IBM ~merican National Standard COBOL programs. Manual, 20 pages /////5136-CBl GC28-6401 !!!M Q2 FULL ~ ~ Sl'ANDARD COBOL COMPILER ~Q LIBRARY, ~ERSION !:. ~ INFORMATION, PRO::;. NO. 5134~CB!. This publication gives general information about the IBM System/360 Operating System American National STANDARD Full COBOL Compiler and Library, Version 3, an implementation compatible with the highest level of American National Standard COBOL. The Version 3 Compiler and Library is a Program Product that operates under control of the IBM System/360 Operating System. Included here are brief descriptions of the compiler's features, as well as information on operating system requirements and machine onfigura tion. This publication is intended as an aid in evaluation and planning; it is not meant for the COBOL programmer. Publications for the COBOL Programmer will be provided when the IBM System/360 Operating System American National Standard Full COBOL Compiler and Library, Version 3, becomes available. Manual, 20 pages 360, 310//24/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL// GC28-6421 IBM DOS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY, VERSION h RELEASE ~ GENERAL"INFci'RMATION MANUAL ~ NOS. 5736-CB2 (COMPILER), 5736-LM2 (LIBRARY) This publication gives general information about the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System American National Standard Full COBOL Compiler Version 3, an implementation compatible with the highest level of American National Standard COBOL, and its associatei COBOL object-time Subroutine library. The Version 3 Compiler and the Subroutine Library are Program Products that operate under control of the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System. Included here are brief 182 GC28 descriptions of the compiler's features and a description of the Subroutine Library, as well as information on operating system requirements and machine configuration. This publication is intended as an aii in evaluation and planning; it is not meant for the COBOL programmer. Publications for the COBOL programmer will be provided when the IBM System/360 Disk Operating S{stem American National Standard Full COBOL Compiler Version 3 and the Subroutine Library become available. Manual 111115736-LM2,5736-CB2 G::28-6431 OS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRii"RY,-WRSION h PLANNING GUIDE:. PROGRAM -NOS. 5734-CB2, -LM2 The IBM OS Full American National Standari COBOL Compiler and Library, Version 4, is a Program Product that accepts as input source programs written in OS Full American National Standard COBOL, Version 4. Each of the new features of the Version 4 Compiler is described in a separate chapter of this publication. The features are: Symbolic Debugging Optimized Object Code Teleprocessing COBOL Library Management Facility Dynamic Subprogram Linkage Syntax-Checking Compilation String Manipulation System considerations and a description of the COBOL Object-time Subroutine Library are also included. The Version 4 Compiler also contains all of the features of previous versions and is compatible with the highest level of American National Standard COBOL, X3.23-1968, as approved by ANSI; American National Standard COBOL is compatible with, and iientical to, the proposed international standard of the language, Draft ISO Recommendation No. 1989 -- Information Processing -- Programming Language COBOL. The new COBOL language elements of the Version 4 Compiler are IBM extensions to those standards. This publication is a planning aid for system planners and analysts, and for COBOL programmers. It is intended for use prior to the availability of the Version 4 compiler, and will be supplemented with reference documenation when the Version 4 Compiler becomes available. 3uide, 92 pages 111115734-CB2,5734-LM2 SC28-6432 IBM SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY L VERSIQ~ ~L INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734 CB1 ThIs-pUblication contains system related information needed to make the most effective use of the· Program Product IBM Full American National Standard COBOL Compiler and Library Version 3, under the control of the IBM S{steml360 Operating System. This publication consists of three sections. The first two sections, Wprogram Product Installation w and WStorage Estimates", are directed to the system programmer or planner who is responsible for operating system generation and maintenance. The third section, operating Instructions," is directed to the console operator. Each section is designed to be used with an existing IBM System/360 Operatin System publication. WProgram Product Installation" describes the system requirements for the compiler and the procedure needed to add the compiler to an operating system. This section supplements IBM System/360 Operating System: System 3eneration, Order No. GC28-6554. A module summary is also included. "storage Estimates" defines the storage required by the compiler. This section supplements IBM System/360 Operating System: Storage Estimates, Order No. GC28-6551. "Operating Instructions w describes certain messages the console operator may be required to answer and presents information on Multiple Console Support (MCS). This section supplements IBM Systeml360 Operating system: Operator's Reference, Order No. GC28-6691. Manual, 8-1/2 x 11, 38 pages /11115734-CB1 se28 "Section 2: Reference Information" describes the COBOL command that invokes the prompter. This section is designei to be inserted in IBM SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM: TIME SHARING OPTION COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE, Order No. GC286732. Manual, 8-1/2 x 11, 54 pages 11///5734-CP1 SC28-6434 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTION) COBOL PROMPTER INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERI~ - - - ----5734-CP1 ------This publication contains system related information needed to make the most effective use of the COBOL prompter to invoke the Program Product IBM Full American National Standard COBOL Compiler, Version 3. The prompter operates under the control of the Time Sharing Option (TSO) of the IBM System/360 Operating System. The information in this manaul is directed to the system programmer or planner responsible for operating system generation and maintenance. Each of the three sections is designed to be used with an existing IBM System/360 Operating System publication. "Program Product Installation" describes the system requirements for the prompter and the procedure needed to add the prompter to an operating system. This section 'supplements IBM System/360 Operating System: System Generation, Orier No. GC28-6554. A module summary is included. "Storage Estimates" defines the storage required by the prompter. This section supplements IBM Systeml360 operating System: Storage Estimates, Order No. GC28-655l. "System Programming Techniques" describes a L030N procedure that can be used to expedite compilation of a COBOL program under TSO. Instructions on how to help the terminal used respond to prompter messages are also given. This section supplements IBM System/360 Operating System: System Programmer's Guide, order No. GC28-6691. Manual, 38 pages 11/115734-CP1 GC28-6435 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTION) COBOL PROMPTER PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATION-S---- - - - - - - . PROGRAM NUMBER57~ - - - - - - - The Program Product SpeCifications (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specification Sheet, 2 pages 360, 370//24/0TSO// GC28-6436 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL £QMPILER ~.J2 LIBRARY, VERSION .h PROGRAM PRODUCT - SPECIFICATIONS (PPS) - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-CB1 This flyer 1escribes 36~OBOL Version 3 specifications for OS. Flyer, 4 pages 360, 370//24/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL// SC28-6437 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL 2!:ANDARD COBOL ~ AND LIBRARY, VERSION ~ PROG~~.'..~ GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-CBl Thrs-programmer's guide 1escribes the programming and use of ANS COBOL Version 3 under OS/360. Manual, 340 pages //11/5734-CB1 sc28-6438 IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM SUBSET AMERICAN ~IONAL STANDAR-O-COBOL COMPILER~ LIBRARY----IN STALLAT'i'ON'"RffiRENCEMATERIAL - PROGRAMNUMBER 5736- CBl ThJ.s pubHcationCOii'tains system-related information needed to install the IBM Subset American National Standard COBOL Compiler and Library, a program product that operates under control of the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System. This manual consists of two sections. The first section, "Program Product Installation," is directed to the system programmer or planner who is responsible for operating system generation and maintenance. The second section, "Operator Messages,W is directed to the console operator. Each section is designed to supplement an existing IBM Systeml360 Disk Operating System publication. "Program Product Installation" describes the system requirements, work file requirements, IOCS module requirements, and storage requirements for the Subset COBOL Compiler and Library. The installation procedure needed to add the compiler and library to an existing operating system is also described. This section supplements DOS System Generation and Maintenance, Order No. GC24-5033. "Operator Messages· describes the messages to the console that the operator may be required to ans~er. This section supplements DOS Messages and Communications, Order No. GC24-5074. Program Product Manual, 40 pages ///1/5736-CBl SC28-6433 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM TIME SHARING OPTION COBOL ~!!Qr:!~!~!!-TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE iNifi'5RMATroN" PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-CP1 This publication describes how to use the COBOL Prompter to invoke the Program Product IBM Full American National Standard COBOL Compiler and Library, Version 3, under Operating System/360 TSO. This publication is directed to the COBOL programmer, who is ~orking at a time sharing terminal and is familiar with the Time Sharing Option. Section 1 contains procedures for using the prompter and debugging at the terminal as well as a summary of data set SC28-6439 naming conventions and sample terminal sessions. Messages IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM SUBSET AMERICAN to the terminal user are described. This section NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY-----supplements IBM SYSrEMl360 OPERATING SYSrE~: TIME SHARING OPTION TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE, Order No. GC28-6763. R!!OGRAMMER~ GUIDE:. PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-CB1 183 SC28 This publication describes how to compile an American National Standard COBOL X3.23-1968 Progran ~sing the IBM S/360 Disk Operating Systen Subset American National Standard COBOL compiler. It also describes ho~ to link edit the resulting object module, and execute the program. Incl~ded is a description of the output from each of these three steps: compile, link edit, and eKecute. In addition, this publication explains features of the compiler and available options of the operating system. Program Product Manual, 230 pages 111115736-CB1 SC28-6441 IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM: FULL AMERICAN ~~nQ~¥':! 2,!ANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND LIBR~ y'ERSION ~ SYSTEM REFERENCE LIBRARY PROGRAMMER's GUIDE f:R03RAM NUMBERS-5736-CB£L. 5736-LM2 --This publication describes how to compile an American National Standard COBOL X3.23-1968 program using the Program Product IBM Systeml360 Disk Operating System Full American National Standard COBOL Conpiler, Version 3. It also describes how to lin~ edit the resulting object module, and execute the program. Included is a description of the output from each of these three steps: compile, link edit, and eKecute. In addition, this publication e~plains features of the Version 3 Compiler and Library, and available options of the operating system. Manual, 272 pages 111115736-CB2,5736-LM2 SC28-6442 IBM DOS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER ~~ LIBRARY; VERSIQ!! }.INSTALLAifi'ONREFERENCE MATERIAL PR03. NOS. 1136-CB2, ~ This publication contains system related informiition needed to make most effective use of the Program Product IBM Full American National standard COBOL compiler, Version 3, and its associated COBOL Object-time Subroutine Lib:l:"ary under the control of the IBM Disk Operating System. This publication contains two sections. The first section, "Program Product Installation," is directed to the system programm~r or planner who is responsible for operating system generation and maintenance. It describes the system requirements, work file requirements, IOCS module requirements, and storage requirements for the Version 3 compiler and library. It also describes the installation procedure for adding the compiler and library to an existing operating system. This section supplements DOS System 3eneration, Order No. GC24-5033. The second section, "Operator Messages," is directed to the console operator. Each section is designed to supplement an eKisting IBM Disk Operating System Publica tion. Manual, 70 pages 111115736-CB2,5736-LM2 3:':28-6443 f.~ DOS FULL ANS COBOL COMPILER VERSION lL PROG:.. PROD. 5736-CB2 SPECIFICATIONS These program product specifications refer to IBM Systeml360 Disk Operating System Full American National Standard COBOL Compiler Version 3 (5736-CB2). Specifications, 2 pages 360,3701124/DOSII G:':28-6444 IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM: FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL sTANDARin:oBoL ;)BJECT TIME SUBR<5i:iTINE LIBRARY--- - - - - PR03RAM-PRODUCT~FICATIONS - PROGR~NUMBER 5736-LM2 Specification sheet for program-named in title. ------Specification Sheet, 1 page 360,3701124/DOSII :;C28-6450 IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM SUBSET AMERICAN NATIONAL-SmDARDCOBOL COMPILER AND LIBARY (PROGRAM PRODUCT-SPECIFICATIONS) PROGRAM NUMBEif5136"-carThe-Program-Proiluct Specifications (PPS>describe the warranted specifications of the subject program Prod~ct. Program Product Specifications, 4 pages 360,3701124/DOSII SC28 program product IBM OS Full American National Standard COBOL Compiler and Library, Version 3. The COBOL Interactive Debug program and the COBOL Prompter can be used under any release of the Operating System that supports TSO. Manual, 24 pages 111115734-CP1,5734-CB4 SC28-6456 IBM OS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY VERSIO!:! !!.L PROGRAMMERs GUIDE :. PROGRAM PRODUCTS 5734-CB2 AND 5734-LM2 This publication describes how to compile an American National Standari COBOL X3.23-1968 program using Version of the IBM Operating System Full American National Standard COBOL compiler. It also discusses how to link edit and execute or load the program under control of the IBM Operating System. There is a description of the o~tput of each of these steps, i.e., compile, link edit, load, and execute. In addition, there is an explanation of the features of the compiler and available options of the operating system. Manual, 460 pages 11/115734-CB2,5734-LM2 SC28-6457 IBM OS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY, VERSIONhMEs'SAGEB, PROG. NOs:--s734~ This publication contains messages issued by the Program Product IBM OS Full American National Standard COBOL compiler ana Library, Version 4. Additional object-time messages are also included. For each message, either a Programmer or an Operator Response suggests appropriate problem determination action. In addition, there is a brief discussion of multiple console s~pport (MCS) considerations. Directeil at either the COBOL programmer or the operator, this publication presents the messages in alphanumeric oraer within each of the three main sections, "Compile-Time Messages." "Queue Analyzer Messages," and "Object'Time Messages." A corequisite to this publication, for system messages, is the publication IBM OS Messages and Codes, Order Number GC28-6631. Manual, 186 pages 111115734-CB2,5734-LM2 SC28-6458 IBM OS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY r VERSION !!.L INsTALr.:ATIONRE'FERENCEMA~PROG. NOS. 5734-CB2, LM2 This publication contains system related information needed to install and make effective use of the Program Product IBM OS Full American National Standard COBOL Compiler and Library, Version 4 (Program N~mber 5734-CB2) and its associated COBOL Object-time Subroutine Library (Program N~mber 5734-LM2). Both program products can be installed under either OS or the Conversational Monitor System (CMS) of the IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VMl370). The section "Operating Instructions" is directea to the c:lnsole operat.or. It describes certain messages the console operator may be required to answer and presents information on Multiple Console Support (MCS). This section supplements IBM Systeml360 Operating System: Operator's Reference, Order No. GC28-6691. The remaining sections of the manual are directed to the system programmer or planner ~ho is responsible for operating system generation and maintenance. The installation sections of the manual describe the system requirements for the program products and the procedure needed to add the program products to an operating system. The OS installation sections supplement IBM System/360 Operating System: system Generation, order No. GC28-6554. A module summary of both the compiler and library is also incl~ded in the "Module Summary" section. The "Storage Estimates" section supplements IBM Systeml360 Operating System: Storage Estimates, Order No. GC28-6551. Manual, 84 pages 111115734-CB2,5734-LM2 GC28-6464 IBM OS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND ~!BRARY, VERSION .!!. PROGRAM PRODUCT spECiFICATIONS ~!!~ NUMBERS 2134-CB2, ~ The Program Product Spec1f1cat10ns (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Proa~ct. Program Product Specifications, 4 pages 360, 3701124/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALLII = =-- 3:':28-6454 IBM OS COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG AND (TSO) COBOL PROMPTER GENERAL-INFORMATION MANUAL PROGRAM PROQ,(JCTS i734-CB4, 5734-CPl SC28-6465 This publication is directed to data processing system IBM OS COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE='""PROGRAM NUMBER 5734~ - - - - - - - planners and analysts. It is intended as an aid in evaluation in planning for the use of IB~ OS COBOL The text has~evrsea-to describe how COBOL Interactive Interactive Debug and/or the IBM OS (TSO) COBOL prompter. Debug operates under CMS, the Conversational Monitor System. These two program products operate uniler the Time Major additions include: Sharing Option (TSO) of the IBM Operating System. Detailed o CMS TESTCOB command planning information for TSO can be founa in the publication o CMS steps prior to entering TESTCOB mode IBM System/360 Operating System: Time Sharing Guide, Order TESTCOB/CMS interface messages o No. GC28-6698. o Virtual machine size estimates under CMS Both program products are designed fOI:" use with the Manual, 166 pages program products IBM OS F~ll American National Standard 11/115734-CB4 COBOL Compiler, Version 4, and the IBM OS Full American NatioRal stanilaril COBOL Object-time Subroutine Library, Version 4. The TSO COBOL Prompter can also be used with the 184 = GC28 SC28 S:::28-6468 IBM OS COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG: I NSTALLArI ON REFERENCEIMATERIAL - PROGRAM:NUMBER 5734-CB4 ThIs-pUblication consists of four main sections: "Storage Requirement Estimates," "Installation Procedure," "Systems Programmer's Guide," and "Problem Determination Aids." Each contains system-related information necessary to install and use the IBM OS COBOL Interactive Debug Program Product under the control of the Time Sharing Option (rSO) of the IBM Operating System. The following system publications should be usei in connection with this manual: IBM Systeml360 Operating System Storage Estimates, Order No. GC28-6551 system Generation, Order No. GC28-6554 system Programmer's Guide, Order No. GC28-6550 The first three main sections of this publication can be inserted in the corresponding system publication listed above to which it refers, if such an arr~ngement simplifies the use of documentation. Manual, 36 pages /////5734-CB4 SC28-6469 !..!lli VM/37Q. CMS USER'S GUIDE !:QB COBOL. ~OG. ~ 5734-CB£L 5734-LM2 This publication is intended for the COBOL programmer who is using or is planning to use the program product IBM OS Full American National Standard COBOL COmpiler and Library, Version 4, unaer the control of the Conversational Monitor System (CMS) in the virtual nachine environment of Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370). It provides the COBOL programmers with a fundamental understanding of how he can properly enter the COBOL command, which is one of the CMS commands, to invoke the COBOL compiler under the CMS component of VM/370. Manual, 68 pages ////15734-CB2,5734-LM2 3C28-6470 IBM OS/VS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY GENERAL INFORMATION ~~Q~~~~)~QDUCTS 5'74O-CB1iSiiio=LMl - - Contains information to aid data systems planners and analysts in evaluating and planning for the use of the os/vs COBOL Compiler and Library Program Product. OS/VS COBOL operates under control of OS/VS1 or OS/VS2 (with or without TSO), and with restrictions under the CMS component of VMl370; it processes COBOL source programs in an OS virtual environment. OS/VS COBOL includes all eight processing modules of American National Standard COBOL,X3.23-1968 and International Standard ISO/R 1989-1972 Programming Language COBOL; CODASYL-specified ani IBMspecified extensions are also included. Brief descriptions of Compiler and Library capabilities are provided - including as major features support for VSAM entry-sequenced and key-sequenced data sets, the MERGE statement, the FIPS (Federal Information Processing standard) Flagger, and the Lister Facilitr (which provides a specially formatted source listing ~ith embedded cross references). System requirements and data set and programming compatibility are described. A complete description of the language implementation is also included. This publication is an aid in evaluation and planning; it is not intenjed to be used as a specification manual. Proposed specifications are given in Program Product Design Objectives: IBM OS/VS COBOL Compiler and Library. Order No. 3C28-6471. Manual, 60 pages ////15740-CB1,5740-LM1 GC28-6472 OS/VS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY. SPECIFICATIONS - ~ . !'iOS. 5740-CBl (COt1PILEa-! LIBRARY) 5740-L~ (LIBRARX ~ This Program Product Specifications (PPS) describes the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Flyer, 6 pages ////15740-CB1,5740-LM1 QQ~~Y~ ~ ~ COMPILER rum LIBRARY PROGRAMMER'S GUIPE This publication describes how to compile a COBOL program using the Program Product IBM DOS/VS COBOL Compiler. It also describes how to link edit the resulting object module, and execute the program. Included is a description of the output from each of these three steps: compile. link edit, and execute. This pUblication explains features of the DOS/VS Compiler ani Library, and available options of the operating system. This publication is primarily intended for programmers who are running COBOL programs compiled on the DOS/VS Compiler, under the control of the IBM Disk Operating System Virtual Storage. Manual. 360 pa~es /////5746-CB1,5746-LM4 !!!!! SC28-6479 IBM DOS/VS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY INSTALLATION REF.ERENCEMATEiUAL~RAM""'NUMBERS 5746-CB1 AND 5746-LMIJ. This publication contains system related informatiOiliieeded to make most effective use of tbe Program Product IBM DOS/VS COBOL Compiler ani its associated COBOL Object-time Subroutine Library under the control of the IBM DOS/VS System. This publication contains two sections. The first section. "Program Product Installation," is directei to the system programmer or planner who is responsible for ogerating system generation and maintenance. It describes the system requirements, work file requirements, IOCS module requirements, and storage requirements for the DOS/VS conpiler and. library.. It also describes the installation proced.ure for adding the compiler and library to an existing operating system. This section supplements DOS/VS System Generation, Order No. GC33-5377. The second section, "Diagnostic Messages," is directei to the console operator. Each section is designed to supplement an existing IBM DOS/VS System publication. Manual, 84 pages /////5746-CB1,5746-LM4 SC28-6481 IBM OS/VS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY INSTALLATION REFERENCE ~~TERIAL PROG. ~ S740-W; 5740-LMl COBOL ~ AND ~ ~~ INFORMATION PROGRAM NUMBERS 5746-CB1 AND 5746-LM4 ThIS-publIcation contains-rDformation of interest to data system planners and analysts about the IBM DOS/VS COBOL Compiler and Library Program Product, an implementation that allows programs written in American National Standard COBOL to be processea in a DOS virtual environment. DOS/VS COBOL is compatible with the highest level of American National Standard COBOL, X3.23-1968. and with international standard ISO/R 1989-1972 Programming Language COBOL. Included are brief description of the DOS/VS COBOL Compiler ana Library. as well as information on the implementation level. on compatiblility, and on system requirements. This publication is intended as an aii to evaluation and planning; is is not intended to be used as a specification manual. Proposed specifications for the IBM DOS/VS COBOL Program Products are given in the publication: Program Product Design Objectives: IBM DOS/VS COBOL Compiler and Library, Order No. GC28-6474. Manual, 44 pages /////5746-CB1,5746-LM4 ----- Thsi publication contains information pertaining to the installation, maintenance. and console operation of the IBM OS/VS COBOL compiler and/or its associated COBOL object time Subroutine Library unjer OS/VS and under VM/370 (CMS). rhis information includes: the systems requirements and procedures needed to add. the compiler and/or librarr to an operating system; special operator instructions; compiler and library module summaries and storage requirements; ani storage requirements for using either the symbolic debugging features of the compiler or the Program Product IBM OS COBOL Interactive Debug. Manual, 874 pages /////5740-CB1, 5740-LM1 GC28-6485 !!lli OS ~ INTERACTIVE ~L ER0'§':" PROD. 5734-CB4 SPEC' ~ The Program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Program Product Specifications, 4 pages 360,370//24/0S OTSO,OASP,CALL// SC28-6486 IBM DOS RPG I I COMPILER !. AUTO REPORT FEATURE INSTALLATIQ~ REFERENCE MATERIAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-RG1 This publication contains system-related information needed to install both the DOS RPG II compiler and its associated Auto Report Feature, program products that operate under control of the IBM DOS and DOS/VS operating systems. Manual, 82 pa~es /////5736-RG1 GC28-6487 DOS/VS GC28-6473 !!!t1 SC28-6478 ~ COMPILER AND LIB~X ~L~J~~;iB~Ni~~PILER AND LIBRARY) This Program productJDesign Objectives (PPDO) describes the design objectives and provides the estimated availability date of the subject Program Product. Flyer, 6 pages /////5746-CB1.5746-LM4 GC28-6515 IBM SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 FORTRAN IV LANGUAGE ThIs publicatioii'describes and illustrates the use of the Fortran IV language for the IBM Systeml360 Operating System, the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System. systems Reference Library Manual. 128 pages 360, 370//25/44PS.DOS,OS,OTSO.OASP,CALL// GC28-6687 USER'S GUIDE FOR THE IBM 2947-4 CHECK COLLECTION CONrROLLER ~QUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD PROGRAMSuPPORTING ~ 888264 ~BOGRAM !'i!!~ 5799-WAF, 5799-WAG This publication defines and describes the data management macro instructions and services for the IBM 2947 Model 4 Check Collection Controller. The macro instructions are 185. GC28 GC28 available in the IBM Operating System and Disk Operating System. Manual, 56 pages ////2941/5199-WAG,5199-WAF 360, 310/TP/39/0TS:>// SC28-6165 ~ AND OS/VS2 TSO DATA UTIl':!!TIES,t COPY, FORMAT, LIST ~ MERGE: USER'S GUID!;; AND REFERE~~!;;L PROG. NO. 57311-UTl The TSO Data Utilities: COPY, LIST, FORMAT, MERGE is a program product designed to augment the text and data manipUlation capabilities of the TSO Command Language. This publication describes the syntax and use of the TSO Data Utility commanjs: COPY, FORMAT, LIST, and MERGE. rhis publication is intended for use by terminal users whose installation incluies this TSO program product. rhis manual has two sections: o "HOW to Use the Commands" describes the operations that can be performed by using the utility commands and subcommands at a terminal. o "Command Descriptions" describes the syntax of the four utility commands: COPY, FORMAT, LIST, and MERGE, and the two subcommands of the EDIT command, FORMAT and MERGE. Examples of each command and subcommand are included. Prerequisites and corequisites for this publication are: IBM SYSTEM/360 :>PERATING SYSTEM: TIME SHARING OPTION, COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE (GC28-6132) IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERAfING SYSTEM: TIME SHARING :>PTION, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (GC28-6163) Manual, 56 pages // ///51311-UT1 sc28-6689 USER'S GUIDE FOR THE IBM 2941 MODEL 4 CHECK COLLECTION ~Q~!!lQ!!~~!Ci\SSEMBLY FACILITIES~RAMMfNG ::.. PRPQ P88003 PRO~RAM NUMBER 5199-AAH The Assembly Facilities for the IBM 2941 Model 4 enable the user to prepare sort-control-word patterns for use in the IBM 2941 Model q. He may use all the 29117-4 machine functions without having to convert his sort patterns into machine language. The Assembly Facilitie3 generate actual 2941-4 code, in standard assembler format, for OS/360 or DOS/360. Neither the 2941-4 machine operations nor examples of them will be explained in this publication. Examples of Assembly operations are given, but they are not meant to be an exhaustive list of the uses of all operands. Effective use of this publication requires a thorough understanding of IBM 2941 Check Collection Controller, Functional Characteristics (GL22-6919). The data management macro instruction3 and services for the IBM 2941-4 are called the Check Collection Controller Sequential Access Method (CSAM). The manual related to this area, for OS, is User's Guide for the IB~ 29111-11 Check Collection Controller Sequential Access Method. Program Supporting RPQ 8882611 (GC28-6687). Manual, 56 pages 360,310//30/DOS,OS,OTSO,OASP,CALL/2941/ SC28-6761 OS/MVT AND OS/VS2 TSO DATA UTILITIES:' COPY. FORMAT, LIST, ~ SYSTEM INFORMArION PROGRAM PRODUCT - PROGRAM NUMBER 5134-UT1 This publication-is for use by system programmers ioiho are installing the TSO Data Utilities: COPY, FORMAT, LIST, MERGE Program Product into an IBM System/360 Operating System with the Time Sharing option. This publication describes procedures to be followed f~r program installation, including sample problems ioihich ensure that the TSO Data Utilities Program Product has been properly installed. rhis publication also contains the storage requirements for this program Product. Prerequisite publications are: GC28-6158 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM DATA SET UTILITIES SUPPORT-FOR ASC II (PPDO)~ ~5134-UT2 - - - PRO:;RAM PRODUCT DESIGN OBJEcTiVES- - - This Program Product Design Objectives (PPDO) describes the design objectives and provides the estimated availability date of the subject Program Product. Design Objectives, 2 pages 360,310/ /32/0S,:>TSO,OASP ,CAI.L// :;:28-6159 QS/MFT, OS/MV!L AND Q§LY§ DATA SET !ITmu.~ SUPPORT FOR ASCII - PPS - PROG. NO. 5134-UT2 This PPS-aescribes t~data set utilitie3 support for the American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). This support consists basicallr of a load module and four utility programs designed to support data sets written in ASCII format. Program Product Specifications, 2 pages 360,370//32/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL// S:28-6160 QS/MFT, OS/MVT, AND ~ DATA ~ ~~ .~ FOR ASCII: USER'S GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5134-UT2 This publication describes the data set .1tilities that support the American National Standard C~de for Information Interchange (ASCII). It describes: The capabilities and limitations of the utility programs when used to process ASCII data sets. The control statements needed to process ASCII data sets. The possible applications of the utility programs. System/360 Operating System Data Set Utility Support for ASCII is a program product that assists programmers responsible for creating and maintaining operating system data. When using this support, ASCII data sets, as well as EBCDIC data sets, can be created and naintained, although all System/360 operations are in EBCDIC. Program Product User's Guide, 196 pages /////5734-UT2 :;:28-6162 OS/MVT AND OS/VS2 TSO TERMINALS MANUAL This-Publication describes how to use the terminals supported by the Time Sharing Option (TS:» under the OS/MVT and :>S/VS2 configurations of the Operating System (OS). It is intended for all rso terminal users. rhe operation and characteristics of the following terminals in a TSO environment are discussed: o o o o o o ~ IBM System/360 Operating system: Storage Estimates, GC28-6551 IBM System/360 Operating System: System Generation, GC28-6554 IBM System/360 Operating System: Time Sharing Option Guide, GC28-6698. Manual, 24 pages // ///5134-UT1 GC28-6168 OS/MVT AND ~ !2Q ~ UTILITIES: COpy, FORMAT, LIST, MERGE - PPS - PROG. NO. 51311-UT1 The Program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject program Product. Program Product Specifications, 1 page 360, 370//32/0TSO// ~ GC28-6194 GUIDE TO PL/~ !! The PLIS II compiler is a proprietary program used by IBM to develop other programs that are made generally available. This provides general information on understanding and interpreting PL/S II listings. The book also provides some guidelines on how to modify compiler generated assembler c~de. Readers will be experienced systems programmers ioiho need to understand and possible mOdify operating system m~dules. They should know the basic assembler language such as PL/I. Manual, 56 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC28-6808 A PL/I PRIMER: STUDENT TEXT TheiPUrpose of this publication is to provide tutorial material not only for the person with some knowledge of computer programming, but also for the novice who knows little or nothing about data processing. Student Text:, 11 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY IBM 21111 Communication Terminal IBM 1052 Printer-Keyboard Teletype. Model 33 Teletype. Model 35 IBM 2260 Display Station IBM 2265 Display Station IBM 3270 Information Display Sr3tem *Trademark of Teletype Corporation GC28-6821 IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY PL/I AND BASIC (PROGRAM PRODUCr DESIGN OBJECTIVES) PROGRAM NUMBERS~l, 5136=-RC2 This Program Product Design Objectives (PPOO) describes the design objectives and provides the estimated availability date of the subject Program Product. DESIGN OBJECTIVES, 4 PAGES 360, 370//29/OOS// The publication is divided into independent sections: each describes one type of terminal. ~n appendix describes the LOGOFF, LOGON, PROFILE, and TERMINAL commands that a user issues to control his terminal session. Manual, 60 pages 186 GC28-6825 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS AND OS (TSO) ITF: PL/1 AND BASIC GENERAL INFORMA~PROG. NOS.:. 513ii='R:C'i/2/3/4,5'i36=Rc1/2 This publication gives general information about the external characteristics of the PL/I feature of the GC28 Interactive Terminal Facility (ITF), a Program Product that operates under the System/360 Operating System or the System/360 Disk Operating System.rhe book includes descriptions of terminal commands, PL/I language elements, and machine requirements. rhis publication is intended as an aid to evaluation and planning; it is not meant for the terminal user. Publications will be provided for the terminal user when ITF:PL/I becomes available. Program Product Manual, 26 pages /////5736-RC1,5734-RC1,5734-RC2,5734-RC3,5734-RC4,5736-RC2 GC28-6830 IBM SYSTEMl360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM INTERACTIVE TERMINFiL FFiCILlrYlPL/I AND BASIC - P p g - - - P~NUMBERS: 5736='RC15736-RC2-This Program Product Specifications (PPS) describes the warranted specifications of the subject program ProdUct. program Product specifications, 4 pages 360,370//29/008// SC28-6833 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF: PL/I INTRODUCrION PR03RFiM NUMBERS573ii"=Rcr;-5736-RCl This publication is an introduction to the IBM System/360 Operating System (OS) and the IBM System/360Disk Operating System (DOS) Interactive Terminal Facility: PL/I. It is designed to give a novice programmer the tools he needs to write elementary programs in ITF: PL/I and to enable him to understand the more advanced material found in related publications. Because of this limited scope, therfore, this publication does not cover all the capabilities of ITF: PL/I nor does it include all the detailed information on system and terminal operation. These details may be found in the IBM SYSrEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM AND IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM INTE~CTI~E TERMINFiL FFiCILITY: PL/I rERMINAL USER'S GUIDE, form SC286834. Program Product Manual, 62 pages /////5734-RC1,5736-RC1 SC28-6834 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF: PL/I TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE fROGRAM~NUMBERS5734=Ra:;-5736-Ra:--- - - - - - This publication provides tutorial information and reference material for users of the PL/I language component of the Interactive Terminal Facility (ITF), a Program Product that operates under the System/360 Operating system (OS) or the System/360 Disk operating System (DOS). The book tells how to use ITF and how to write programs in ITF: PL/I; it also includes detailed descriptions of the ITF: PL/I language elements, the ITF system commands, as well as error recognition and correction information. Sample programs and examples of the use of ITF: PL/I appear throughout the text. This publication is intended for the ITF: PL/I terminal user. Users with little or no programming eKperience should be thoroughly familiar with the concepts presented in the publication IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF: PL/I INTRODUCTION, SC28-6833. Manual, 233 pages /////5734-RC1,5736-RC1 S::28-6835 IBM SYSTEMl360 OS/DOS ITF: BASIC TERMINAL USER'S GUID~ PR03RFiM NUMBERS5'73'6=R~5734-RC-3--- - - - - - This publication provides tutorial information and reference material for users of the BASIC language component of the Interactive Terminal Facility (ITF), a Program Product that operates under the system/360 Operting System (OS) or the System/360 Disk Operating System (DOS). The book tells how to use ITF, and ho .. to write programs in BFiSIC; it also includes detailed descriptions of the BFiSIC language elements, the ITF. system commands, as well as error recognition and correction. Sample programs and examples of the use of ITF:BFiSIC appear throughout the text. rhis publication is intended for the ITF: BFiSIC terminal user. No previous knowledge of programming or of the BASIC language is required. Program Product Terminal Users Guide, 165 pages /////5734-RC1,5734-RC3,5736-RC1,5736-RC2 SC28 This publication is an introduction to the IBM System/360 Operating System Time Sharing Option Interactive Terminal Facility: PL/I. It is deSigned to give a novice programmer the tools he needs to write elementary programs using ITF: PL/I and to enable him to understand the more advanced material foun~ in related publications. Because of this limited scope, therefore, this publication does not cover all the capabilities of ITF: PL/I nor does it include all the detailed information on system and terminal operation. These details may be found in the IBM System/360 operating System Time Sharing Option Interactive Terminal Facility: PL/I Terminal User's Guide, order Number SC28-6839. Manual, 72 pages /////5734-RC2 SC28-6839 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTION) INTERFiCTlVE TERMINFiL FACI~PL/l TE~USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-RC2 -- ---- --- - This publication provides tutorial and reference information for users of the PL/I language components of the Interactive Terminal Facility (ITF), an IBM Program Product that operates under the Time Sharing Option (TSO) of the System/360 Operating System (OS). This guide tells how to use ITF: PLII in the TSO environment. It includes detailed descriptions of the IrF: PL/I language elements, that portion of the TSO command language that applies to ITFL PL/!, and other reference information, including all of the IrF: PL/I error messages. Sample programs and examples appear throughout the text. This publication is intended for the TSO ITF: PL/I terminal user. Users with little or no programming experience should be thoroughly familiar with the concepts presente~ in the publication IBM Systeml360 OS (TSO) ITF: PL/I Introduction, Order Number SC28-6838. Users whose scope of work extends beyond ITF: PL/I should consult the TSO publications listed in the preface. Manual, 268 ·pages /////5734-RC2,5734-RC4 SC28-6840 IBM SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTION) INTERFiCTlVE TERMINAL FACI~BASIC TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROGRFiM NUMBER573ii=RC4 --- ---- --- --This pubIICation provides tutorial information and reference material for users of the BFiSIC language component of the Interactive Terminal Facility (ITF), a Program Product that operates under the Time Sharing Option (TSO) of the System/360 Operating System (OS). The book tells how to use IrF in the TSO environment, and how to write programs in BFiSIC; it also includes detailed descriptions of the BASIC language elements, a subset of the TSO command language, as well as error recognition and correction. Sample programs and examples of the use of ITF:BASIC appear throughout the text. This publication is intended for the TSO ITF:BASIC terminal user. No previous knowledge of programming or of the BFiSIC language is required. Manual, 204 pages /////5734-RC2,5734-RC4 SC28-6841 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTION) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILrTYINSTALrATIONREFERE~MANU AL Eg~ NUMBERS 5734-R'C2,"5"134-RC4 ---This publication 1escribes the information requirei by the central computing installation to install and run the Interactive Terminal Facility (ITF). This includes installation procedures, storage estimates, ITF control user functions, and terminal messages. ITF runs as a command processor under the Time Sharing Option (TSO) of System/360 Operating System (OS). It supports conversational problem solving in the ITF:PL/l and/or ITF:BASIC languages. This publication is intended for the TSO ITF control user who installs TSO ITF, and who adds the ITF terminal users to the TSO system. Manual, 90 pages /////5734-RC2,5734-RC4 SC28-6842 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERFiTING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTION) CODE AND GO FORTRAN PROCES'SOR-"rERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROGRAMNUMsERSffi4-F01, 5734=r:m- - - - - - SC28-6836 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF INSTALLFiTION REFERENCE MATERIAL Th~s pUblication provides the infOrmation necessary to use PROGRAM-NUMsERS5734=RCL 1L 5736-RC1, ~--the Code and Go FORTRAN processor for foreground programs This publication describes the information required by developed in an IBM System/360 Time Sharing Option RFiCTlVE TERMiNALFACI~PL/l INTROOUCTlOO~ NUMBER 5734-RC2 --- --- ------publication IBM System/360 and Systeml370 FORTRAN IV 187 GC28 SC28 Co-requiSite publications for this book are the IBM Systeml360 Operating System TSO Terminal User's Guide, Order No. GC28-6763, and the IBM System/360 Operating System Time Sharing Option Command Language Reference, Order No. GC28-6732. Manual, 124 pages /1//15734-F02,5734-CP3,5734-LMl,5734-F03 Language, Orjer No. GC28-6515. Included are explanations of that portions of that portion of the TSO command language that is directly relevant to the needs of the Code and Go foreground user, a sample terminal session, a section on programming sconsijerations, and other reference information. Also provided are a jiscussion of the FORTRAN s~ntax checker and its associated messages, and a listing (~ith explanations) of compiler-related and load module exec~tion diagnostic messages. pro~ram Product Manual, 186 pages /////5736-CB2,5736-LM2,5734-LM1,5734-FOl SC28-6856 FORTRAN IV (Gl> PROCESSOR AND TSO FORTRAN PROMPTER FOR OS AND VM/370 (CMS) 'i"INSTALLATroNREFERENcEMAT'EiUAL, PROG:-:~Q~ 5734-F02, ~ This publication describes the internal logic of the FORTRAN IV (Gl) compiler. The FORTRAN (Gl) compiler, an extended version of FORTRAN IV (G), is adapted to a time sharing as well as a batch environment. It is a program product that operates under the IBM System/360 Operating System. It provides the ability to store object programs and to produce source anj object listings, storage maps, and object decks. In addition, the FORTRAN IV (Gl) compiler produces a terse form of output comprised of error messages and compiler statistics, suitable for terminal display. This program logic manual is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance. Program logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the FORTRAN (Gl); therefore, jistribution of this publication is limited to licensees who have the aforementioned requirement. Pcogram Product Manual, 48 pages 1////5734-F02,5734-F03,5734-CB3 GC28-6844 ~!!t:! §~§'!§~1§Q. :)PERATING ~ ~ i!! ~ t1QQ !. DESIGN OBJECTIVES - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LMl This program ·Product Design objectives (PPDO) describes the jesign objectives and provides the estimated availability date of the subject Program Product. DeSign Objective Sheet, 1 page 360,370//25/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL// GC28-6847 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN PRO:;R~M NUMBER 5734-LM3 I~ LIBRARY (MOD II) - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - This Program pr~sign Objectives (PPDO) describes the design objectives and provides the estimated availability date of the subject Program Product. DeSign Objectives, 2 pages 360,370//25/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL// SC28-6858 FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MOD I) FOR OS & VM/370 (CMS): iN'STALLATIONRE'FERENCEMATERIAL:-PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LM1 This publication describes the information required by the central computing installation to install and run the FORTRAN IV Library (Model 1). The information includes installation procedures, storage estimates, system information, anj library-produced messages. The FORTRAN IV Library (Modell) operates with the FORTRAN E, G, and H compilers, with FORTRAN I~ (Gl), and with the Code and Go FORTRAN compiler. The library supports features not contained in the base FORTRAN IV library, such as list-directed I/O, improved data conversion, and ASC11 support. The library also includes special interfaces for running in the TSO foreground. This publication is intended for Operating System/360 personnel responsible for installing the libary, as well as for the system programmer responsible for maintenance of the library within the system. Program Product Manual, 65 pages /11//5734-LM1 SC28-6852 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) QOMPILER,"-PRoGRAMMER'S GUIDE::. PROGRAM lli!gBEFr5734-F03 5734-LM3 This publication describes the steps to compile, link edit, and execute a FORTRAN IV program using the FORTRAN I~ (~ Extended) compiler, an IBM Program Product that operates under the control of the operating system. The methods of invoking each step, input to the step3, and output from the steps, are detailed. In addition, compiler options, features of the operating systen used by the FORTRAN programmer, and practices for cojing more efficient FORTR~N programs are discussed. This publication is directed to progl:ammers familiar with the FORTRAN IV language. Previous knowledge of the operating system is not required. Information in this publication pertaining to OS/VS2 is for planning purposes until that product is available. Manual, 208 pages 111115734-F03,5734-LM3 SC28-6859 CODE AND GO FORTRAN PROCESSOR FOR OS , VM/370 (CMS): iNSTALLATIoN"""'REFERENCE MATERIAh PROG:- NO. 5734-F~ This publication describes the information required by the central computing installation to install and run the FORTRAN I~ Code anj Go compiler. The information includes installation procedures, storage estimates, system information, and messages produced by the compiler. This publication is intended for Operating System/360 personnel responsible for installing the FORTRAN I~ Code and Co compiler, as well as for the system programmer responsible for maintaining it within the system. Manual, 60 pages S:::28-6853 IBM OS CODE AND GO FORTRAN AND FOR'rRAN I~ (Gi) PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE:- PROG. NOS~5m::FciI, £L -LM1 - -- ------This publication is directed to programmers using either the IBM S~stem/360 Code and Go FORTRAN or FORTRAN IV (Gl) compiler. It explains how to use the IBM S~Htem/360 Operating System to compile, link edit, and execute programs written in the IBM System/360 FORTRAN IV language. In addition, it contains information on processing efficiency, extended error handling, deb~gging specifications, and Assembler language subrolltine linkage conventions. This publication is directed primarili to programmers familiar with the FORTRAN IV language. Previous knowledge of the IBM System/360 Operating System i3 n01: required. Manual, 190 pages 1//115734-F01,5734-F02,5734-LM1 /1/1I5734-FOl SC28-6861 FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER AND FORTRAN LIBRARY (t.iOoll) FOROS & VMl370 (CMS): iNs"TALLATIONREFERENCE m:TERIAL, PROG. N0s:-5'734=FC53';-~734-LM3 The FORTRAN IV (H Extended) compiler and the FORTRAN IV Library (Mod II) are released as independent components that require installation under the IBM Systeml360 Operating System. This publication describes the procedures for installing FORTRAN ~ (H Extended) compiler and the FORTRAN I~ Library (Mod II). It is intended for use by system programmers or planners who supervise the generation and maintenance of an installation's operating system. Manual, 64 pages /////5734-F03,5734-LM3 GC28-6854 IWRTRAN IV (Gl) PROCESSOR FOR OS & VM/370 (eMS): ~ PROD~5734-~SPECIFICATIO~ -- - - - - - - - The Program Product Specifications (PPS) jescribe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Program Product Specifications, 2 pages 360,370/125/0S.0TSO,OASP,CALL// S:::28-6855 OS (TSO) TERMIN~L USER'S SUPPLEMENT FOR FORTRAN IV (Gl) ~RO::ESSoR AND TSO FORrRA~ PROMPTER, 5734=:F02r-::. ~ -LMl This publication describes the use of the FORTRAN IV (G1) compiler and the TSO FORTRAN Prompter from a TSO Terminal. It is intended as a supplement to the IBM System/360 OS TSO Terminal User's Guide. This book jescribes the Gl compiler and its features, and methods of invoking the compiler. It contains examples of the use of the G1 compiler and the Prompter, diagnostic messages that a user receives at his terminal, ani reference information. It makes no attempt to covel: general TSO operation, which is covered in the TSO Terminal User's Guide. The FORTRAN IV (Gl) compiler is an eKtended version of the FORTRAN G compiler, adapted for n~re efficient use from a time-sharing terminal. The Prompter provides the interface between the compiler and the user, creating a conversational environment for the G1 programmer. This publication is intended for use b~ FORTRAN programmers of all levels, but its approach is essentially toward the inexperienced programmer. It is not a reference document for the system progranmer. GC28-6862 IBM SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM: FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATI~ -- -PROGRAM NiJMBER573ii'='F03 The program-i?roduct Specifications (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specifications, 2 pages 360, 370//25/0s,OTSO,OASP,CALL// GC28-6863 OS FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MOD II) - PPS - PROG. NO. 5734-LM3 The programProduct Specifications-(pPS)describe~ warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Systems Reference Library Manual, 2 pages 360, 370//25/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL// 188 SC28 SC28 SC28-6864 FORTR~N IV M~THEMATICAL AND SERVICE SUBPROGRAMS: SUPPLEMENT FOR MOD !! MOD II LIBRARIES, PROG. NOS. S7'3'ii=LM1, ~3 This publication is a supplement to IBM Systeml360 Operating System: FORTRAN IV Library-Mathematical and Service Subprograms, order No. GC28-6818. Together, these publications describe the mathematical anj service subprograms in the FORTRAN IV Mod I and Mod II librarie$. In general, the base publication documents those subprograms that handle single and double precision quantities; this supplement documents those subprograms that handle extended precision quantities. systems Reference Library Manual, 34 pages /////5734-LMl,5734-LMJ SC28-6865 IBM OS FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER ~ND LIBRARY (MOO II) t1~§§~§~§~ PROG. NOs.- 5734 F03, 5734-LM3 - - - - - - - No abstract available. Manual, 152 pages ////,5734-F03,5734-LM3 SC28-6868 i~ PLUS ~ ! iY ~ ~ !~ EXTEND~D ~ ~ SUPPLEMENT ::. ~ NUMBER SYSTEM/360 OPERATING 5799-~~W This publication contains information describing the use of the FORTRAN IV (H Extended Plus) compiler, an enhancement to the FORTRAN IV (H Extended) compiler program product. It supplements the follo~ing publica tions: IBM Systeml360 Operating System: FORTRAN IV (H Extended) Compiler Programmer's Guide, Order No. SC28-6852 IBM Systeml360 Operating System: FORTRAN IV (H Extended) Compiler and Library (Mod II) Messages, Order No. SC28-6865 IBM Systeml360 Operating System: FORTRAN IV Mathematical and Service Subprograms Supplement for Mod I and Mod II Libraries, Order No. SC28-6864 The supplementary information for each p~blication listed above is treated a separate chapter in this publication. The chapter on the programner's Guide describes the new options, OPTIMIZE (3) and IL, available to the programmer USing the (H Extendej plus) compiler and FORTRAN programming considerations for these options and for other compiler improvements. The chapter on the Mod I and Mod II Libraries describes the changes made to a number of mathematical subprograus to make their processing more efficient. Unless otherwise noted, all information in the base publications apply to this supplement. Manual, 32 pages ////,5799-AAW GC28-6872 SYST~ DISK OPERATING ~ ~ ~ LIBRARY, OPTION 1 - PROGRAM PRODUCT DESIGN OBJECrIlTE ~-NUMBER 5746~ - - - - - - - - The program Product Design Objectives (PPDO) describe the design objectives and provide the estimated availability date of the subject Program Product. Design Objective, 2 pages 360,370//25/00S// G:!28-6878 OS/VSl RES SYST~M PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ThIs-guide is required by system programmers who plan, install, and maintain RES (Remote Entry Services) under VS1. The guide describes the facilities and operational requirements for both the central computer and the ~orkstations. The procedure to be folloiled for generating and installing RES is explained. Manual, 173 pages /,3U//5741 GC28-6881 FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR OS(TSO) AND VM/370(CMS) PROGRAM PRODUCT DESIGN OBJECTlVES;lPRO~NO. 5734-FOS The prograiiiPrOdiiCti5esign Objectives--TPpOO) describe the design objectives and provide the estimated availability date of the subject PrOgram product. Flyer, 1 page 360, 370//25/0s,OTSO,OASP,CALL// GC28-6882 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV LIBRARY OPTION 1 - PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFlCATroNs-=--PR5GRAM iWMEiER5746-LM3- - - - - The Program Product SpecificationSlPP'S>"de'SCiTbe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specifications, 2 pages 360, 370//25/OOS// SC28-6883 DOS FORTRAN IV LIBRARY OPTION/PROGRAMMERS'S GUIDE suppI:EMENT- PROGRAMi?R0i5UcT5'iil6=-~- - - This publication is directed to programmers using the FORTRAN IV Library Option 1, a program product used with the Disk Operating System. The Option 1 Library provides 005 users with Systeml370 input/output device support and ASCII support. (ASCII is an acronym used to refer to the American National Stanjar~ Code for Information Interchange.) ASCII support allows users to process and create magnetic tape data sets recorded in ASCII code and to specify larger block sizes for EBCDIC tape data sets. This publication is a supplement to, and should be used in conjunction with, the publication, Disk operating Syst:!m: FORTRAN IV Programmer's Guide, Order No. 3C28-6397. Programmers are assumed to be familiar with its contents. The supplement contains sections on using and installing the O?tion 1 library ani on running the sample program. For information on how to compile, linkage edit, and execute a DOS FORTRAN IV pro~ram, the appropriate sections of the programmer's guide should be consulted. Manual, 20 pages H / / /5746-LM3 GC28-6884 IBM FORTRAN PROG~M PRODUCTS FOR OS AND THE CMS COMPONENT Q~ VM/3 70: GENERAL I~FORMATI'ON; PROG:-NOS. 5734=F01 ;2,"3,'"5-::1M1 ,3,-CPl This publication provides general information about the functions, capabilities, and system requirements of the following program products: o Code and Go FORTRAN Processor o FORT~N IV (Gl) Processor o FORTRAN IV (H Extended) Processor o FORTRAN IV Library (Mod I) o FORTRAN IV Library (Mod II) o TSO FORTR~N Prompter o FORTRAN Interactive Debug These products, with the exception of the TSO Prompter, operate under both OS and the CMS component of VM/370. This publication is intended as an aid to evaluation ani planning an~ is not meant for the terminal user or applications programmer. Manual, 42 pages /'//'5734-LM1,5734-F03,5734-F02,5734-F01,5734-FOS,5734-CP3, 5734-LM3 SC28-6885 FORTRAN INTE~CTlVE DEBUG FOR OS (TSO) 6 VM/370 (CI~): TERMINAL ~ GUIDE, PROG. NO:- 5734-FOS---- - - This manual provijes the information required to use FORrRAN Interactive Debug to debug Code and Go FORTRAN or FORTRAN Gl programs from a TSO terminal. FORTRAN Interactive Debug is a conversational, symbolic debugging language with ~hich the FORTRAN programmer can dynamically control the execution of his program. while using it, he can stop and start execution, examine and change values of program variables, dynamically control tne Extended Error Haniling facility, display execution frequencies for program statements, and trace control transfers as they occur. The intended audience is the TSO FORTRAN programmer ~ho codes in Code and Go FORTR~N or FORTRAN Gl. The first section of the book describes FORTRAN Interactive Debug, its invocation, and its use, and gives instructions for compiling FORTR~N programs so that they can be processed under interactive debug. The second section is a reference section containing all the FORTRAN Interactive Debug subcommands. The third section covers programming considerations. Messages issued by FORTRAN Interactive Debug are covered in the fourth section. Co-requisite Publications: OS (TSO) Code and Go FORTRAN Processor Terminal User's Guide, Order No. SC28-6842 OS (TSO) Terminal User's Supplement for FORTR~N IV (Gl) Processor and TSO FORTRAN Prompter, Order No. SC28-68S5 Manual, 116 pages /////5734-F05 GC28-6879 OS/VSl RES WORKSTA'TION USER'S GUIDE This user's Guide is intended for an RES i1orkstation user ~ho creates one or more jobs to be sent, using RES (Remote Entry Services), to a central computer for processing. In addition, this book can be used by one ~ho merely operates the RES workstation, sending jobs created by others. The book describes input and output gueues and ho~ the i1orkstation user can control them. The ~orkstation commands available to the user are described according to their function. The parameters used for vario~s forms of the commands are explained. For each type of RES workstation, there is a separate chapter that describes its operation. This portion of the book can be tailored to each installation'S requirements by SC28-6886 removing chapters that pertain to types of ~orkstations not FORT~N INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR OS (TSO) & VM/370 (CMS): used by that installation. For a user's guide to be used ~ATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROG. NO. 5734-FO~ only at one workstation, only the pertinent chapter need be This publication jescribes the information required by the retained. central computing installation to install and run FORTRAN Manual, 214 pages Interactive Debug under OS (TSO). The information includes /nUN5741 189 SC28 SC28 installation procedures, storage estimates, system information, messages, and proble~ dete~nination aijs. FORTRAN Interactive Debug provides a conversational, symbolic debugging capability for the TSD FORTRAN pro~rammer. Using interactive debug, the Code and Go FORTRAN or FORTRAN Gl programmer can dynamically control the execution of his program, examine and change values of program variables, dynamically control the Extended Error Hanjling Facility, display execution freluencies for program statements, anj trace control transfers as they occur. rhis publication is intended for OS personnel responsible for installing FORTRAN Interactive Debug, as ~ell as for the system programmer responsible for maintaining it within the system. Manual, 60 pages / /I' / 15734-F05 The language products described here include compilers with associated libraries, and various related user productivity aids for: o COBL o FORTRAN o PL/I o BASIC o APL o RPG o Assembler IBM Program Products are made available under a licensing agreement, consult your IBM representative for information on obtaining Program Products. A section on how to use this catalog is included, as well :l s four iniexes to Program Products and Program Product Descriptions. catalog, 36 pages 360,370//20/ // 3C28-6888 INTERACrIVE DEBUG FOR OS (TSO) , ~M/370 (CMS): - --- --The:Program ~Specifications (PPS) iescribe the warranted specifications of the subject P~ogram Product. Specification Sheet, 2 pages 360, 370//25/0TSD// FORTR~N P~ROD. 573!1=-FOsSPECIFrCATIO~ SC28-8300 B IS FOR BASIC: AN INTRODUCTION TO VS BASIC UNDER CMS PROO.No.57ii'8-xXl S:28-689l IBM VM/370 (CMS) TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE FDR FORTRAN IV g:RO:;RAM-~fullllicT3 573ii'='F0I, -F02, -F03 L ~lli !. -LM3This user's guide is intended for FORTRAN programmers who will be using the IBM System/360 OS FORTR~N IV (G1) or Code and 30 FORTRAN IV compiler and the FORTR~N IV Library (Mod 1) or the FORTR~N IV (li Extended) compiler and the IBM FORTRAN IV Library (Mod II) under the control of the Conversational Monitor system component of the Virtual Machine Facilit{/370. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the FORTRAN IV Language anj the CMS component of VM/370. Manual, 210 pages ////15734-F01,5734-LM1,5734-F02,5734-F03,5734-LM3 - - - --- - - - This b~ok is an elementary text describing a subset of the VS Basic Language as it is used under MCS. It is intendej for readers who are unfamiliar with BASIC, with programming, and with computers. Readers with technical backgrounds, anj readers who are already familiar with BASIC, should read the VS BASIC Language Reference Manual, Order NO. GC28-8303, which contains a full description of the language, and the VS Basic CMS terminal User's Guide, Order No. SC28-8306, Basic under eMS. which contains a more detailed description of how to use VS The technical information contained in this book is summarized in a detachable reference guide appended to the b3.ck cover. Manual, 190 pages /////5748-XXl GC28-8302 ~~8:~~iEM/370 Y§ ~ ~ ~MATION 3:28-6893 CODE AND GO FORrRAN FOR OS AND VM/370 (C~S) PR03RAMNUMBER57'3ii-F01 =-FUNcTIO'NALDEScRIPTION This Program'Product Functional DescriptiOn'<'PPFD) describes the functional capabilities of the subject Pr'ogram Proliuct, which has a Programming Service Classification of C. Flyer 360,370//2S/0S,DTSO,OASP,CALLII 3C28-6894 rQ!ITRAN !.y ~ (MOD II £:QB Q.§. !. ~Q. (C~S), ~ PROD. 5734-LMl FUNCrIONAL DESCRIPTION This d~contains-a-functional desc~iption of FORTRAN IV Library (Model 1) which auguments the FOR,!'RAN IV Library by supporting the following: 1. List-directed I/O statements 2. Direction of PAUSE and STOP statement messages to a terminal 3. ~ore accurate conversion routines for all data, providing the same results as conversions by the FORTRAN IV (Gl) and Code and Go FORrRAN compilers 4. Under OS, tape data sets written in the American ~ational Standard Code for informati~n Interchange (also refer~ed to as ASCII) Flye~, 1 page 360, 370//25/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL// :;:::28-6895 Q§. nSO) INTE;.RAqE~ IERMINAL FAClillX.!. ~L/I ~ BASIC, rUNCTI'lli!!! DESCRIPTION ~ NOS. 5734-~~ 5734-RC4 This Program ~roduct Functional Description (PPFD) describes the functional capabilities of the subje=t Program product, which has a Programming Service Classification of C. Flyer, 2 pages = 360,370//39/0TS~// :;C28-6897 Q§. INTERACTIVE TERMIN~~ FACILITY: PL/I ~[Q BASIC ~ NOS. ~L 57311-RC3 L FUNCTIONAL DES~RIP..!.!Q.[ This program Product Functional Descripti~n (PPFD) describes the functional capabilities of the subject Program Product, which has a ~rogramming Service Classification of C. The OS Interactive Terminal Facilit( (ITF) provides problem solvers with PL/I and lor BASIC p~ogramming in a time-sharing environment. Users can build, modify, save, retrieve, eKecute, and debug ~L/I and/or BASIC programs from remote terminals, many of which may be sharing the computer's CPU time simultaneously. Flyer, 4 pages 360,370//29/0S,3TSO,OASP,CALL// = = 3:28-8200 SYSThM/}70 f'L.~·;';KAM PRODUCTS: LANGUAGE AND SORT PROCESSORS ~-QQ~~VW2I9:.cM§: i£~fALOG-)- - - - -- This catalog is a quick reference to the IBM Program Prodncts thatc provide language and Sort/Merge Processing ·;';PP"'rt. tOt: ii'>M 5ystem/370 and System/360 running: o ;J;:,,: \:-:-;1., VS2. MFT, and MVT) .:\ DOS anj DOS/VS ;l CBS Subsystems of VM/370 190 =~ NUMBM fhrs-publication is directed to customer employees responsibile for planning an installation. It is intended as an aid in evaluation and planning of the VS BASIC p~og~am product. It provides general information about the characteristics and capabilities of VS BASIC, listing and discussing the statements, functions, and constants that make up the language, describing the environments in which VS BASIC operates, and summarizes related publications where the user can obtain more specific product information. Manual, 30 pages /////S748-XX1 GC28-8303 SYSTEM/370 VS BASIC LANGUAGE This publication-describes and illustrates the use of the VS B~SIC Language. The first part presents language statement in a functional manner, taking the reader through various steps in planning a program. The second part is a reference section and presents VS BASIC language syntax and rules of usage. The publication is intended to be used with an accompanying Terminal User's Guide or Programmer's Guide for the appropr:Late operating environment. Manual, 200 pages /////S748-XXl SC28-8304 SYSTEM/370 VS BASIC TSO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER S748::XX-l-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This ~ublication provilies the tutorial and reference information necessary to use the VS BASIC language to develop programs under the Time Sharing Option (TSO) of VS2. The first part of the book contains detailed explanations of that portion of the TSO language relevant to the needs of the typical VS BASIC user. Among the topics discussed are creating and modifying programs, using stream and record files in programs, the interactive debug facility, and special implementation considerations. The second part of the book contains reference information for the commands discussed in the first part. Manual, 148 pages /////5748-XX1 SC28-8306 SYSTEM/370 VS BASIC CMS TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROG. NO. S7iiS-XXl- ---- --- - Thrs-pUblication provides the tutorial and reference information necessary to use the vs BASIC language to develop programs under the Conversational Monitor System (CMS) component of the Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370). It contains detailed explanations of that portion of the VM/370 command language directly revelent to the needs of the typical VS BASIC user, a sample terminal session, a discussion of the interactive debugging commanis, and other reference information, including a description of the batch proceSSing facility. Manual /////S748-XX1 SC28 GC30 SC28-8308 GC30-2014 OS/MFT, OS/MVT AND ~~~;~M~~~05~8~~~iC QOS/~ ~Q OS/VS PROG~ GOIDE ~ CRJE TERMINAL !!gR'S ~!!!'Q.~ E~~ ~ ~2=ii! (MFT/MVT), 5741-SC1-0A (VS1l Th1s publicat10n serves primarily as a guide for the inexperienced CRJE (Conversational Remote Job ~ntry) terminal user and as a reference for the experienced CRJE user. This publication describes the functions of CRJE and the terminal comm3.nds that enable the user to perform these functions. The commands and subcommands are described in detail, and examples illustrate how they may be used. Terminal messages are documented with explanations an1 corresponding system and user responses. Manual, 119 pages 360, 310//38/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL// This publication is directed to the VS BASIC user programming in the batch environment of JS/VS (VSl or VS2) or DJS/VS, and describes how to compile and eKecute a program ~ritten in VS BASIC, a program product. It contains information about processor options used ~ith the program product, and about job control statement3 needed to run the product. It is intended to be used with Systen/310 VS BASIC Language, Order No. GC28-8303, to provide a complete guide to running VS BASIC in a batch en~ironment. No previous experience with either DJS/VS or OS/VS is required for use of this pUblication. Manual ////15148-XXl GC30-2016 OS/MFT, OS/MVT AND OS/VS1: £B!!~ gSTEM PROGRAMfI,ER~§. GUIDE PROG. NO. 360S-RC-551 ~!,J.L ~~~ (VSll This publication contains information to aid the system programmer and the central computer operator in the installation of, the operation of, and use of Con~ersational Remote Job Entry (CRJE). This publication describes CRJE and the facilities it provides users at remote keyboard terminals attached by c~mmuni=ations lines to an IBM Systeml360 or IBM 3ystenv370 that uses the MFT, MVT, or VS1 options of the operating system (OS). Information about the CRJE task, its operating environment, system generation conSiderations, and the central operator command facility is included. Central messages are described with explanations and suggested operator responses. This publication also includes a discussion of CRJE storage estimates and offers some performance guidelines ~ aid the system programmer in tuning his CRJE system. Manual, 65 pages 360, 310//38/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL// SC28-8309 SYSTEM/310 VS BASIC INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL PROGRAM-NUMB:ER-s748-XXl -------- ------- This-publIcation provides installation personnel with information on how to install the vs BASIC processor under OS/VS, DOS/VS, TSO, and CMS. Included with the step-by-step procedure for each environment are storage information and system programmer considerations. This publication is essentially sup[llemental, in that it assumes the availability or familiarity with other system publications pertaining to the use of the environment under which VS BASIC is to operate. Manual, 132 pages /11//5148-XXl SC28-8310 ~ FOR M.g~ hli INTRODUCTION IQ ~ ~~ UNDER ru PR03. NO. 51~8-XX1 This book is an elementary text describing a subset of the VS BASIC language as it is used under CMS. It is intended for readers who are unfamiliar with BASIC, ~ith programming, and ~ith computers. Readers with technical backgrounds, and readers who are already familiar with BASIC, should read the vs BASIC Language Reference Manual, Order No. GC28-8303, ~hich contains a full description of the language, and the VS BASIC CMS Terminal User's Guide, Order No. SC28-8306, which contains a more detailed descri[ltion of how to use VS BASIC under CMS. The technical information contained in this book is summarized in a detachable reference guide appended to the back. cover. Manual ////15148-XXl !i G::28-8311 SYSTEM/310 ~ ~21£L ~ PROD. 5148-XX1 SPECIFICATIONS The VS BASIC processor, which operates in time-sharing and batch environments, is used for compiling and executing programs ~ritten in the BASIC Language. with VS BASIC, the user can execute a program immediately after compilation or can store it and execute it at a later time. VS BASIC is designed to operate in virtual storage systems. It operates in the time-sharing environments: CMS (Conversational Monitor System) of VM/310 and TSO (Time Sharing Option) under VS2, and as a batch compiler under control of VS1, VS2, DOS/VS, and CMS This publication replaces the Program Product Design Objectives, Order No. GX28-8301, at release time. It is aimed at customer employees and prospective customers responsible for planning and maintaining an installation. It provides information upon which the IBM warranty and License Agreement for rhe product is based. It describes the program prodact functions and capabilities, programming system information, compatibility considerations, reference naterial, and Programming Service Classification. Specification Sheet, 2 pages //11/5148-XXl GC30-2022 FACILITIES L EgQ~~ NO. 360S-C2-548 This publication provides a basic introduction to the concepts of and the facilities provided by the Telecommunications Access Method (TeAM) under the MFT, MVT, VS1, and VS2 options of the operating system (OS). It also briefly describes the characteristics and operating concepts of a computer-based telecommunications system. TCAM is a complete, centralized, real-time telecommunications access method that controls allocation and use of remote station resources. TCAM facilities control the transfer, editing, and processing of data from remote stations. Variety, flexibility, and modularity of these TCAM facilities permit selection of the necessary support or any telecommunications application. A basic knowledge of IBM Systeml360 and IBM System/37U machine concepts and data management techniques is required for an understanding of this publication. Manual, 56 pages /rp/30///5141,5742 ~ ~ ~ ~ GC30-2025 ~ ~ ~ ~ (OS/MFT, L~IIT!. Q§LY§.lL IVS2) PROG. NO. 360S-CQ=548; ~ COMPONENTS ~li1i~~£1 The TeAM User's Guide is for systems analysts and programmers who must design, write, and install a TCAM program. It is both a guide for diagnosis and a problem determination handbook. Information provided includes: o An overview of TCAM o Functional checklists for coding and diagnosing sections of a TCAM program o Coding considerations o Checklists of possible errors o How and when to dump TCAM and its service aids o How to read TCAM dumps Relationships between 0& and TCAM control blocks o o A summary of TCAM macros and operands o A detailed description of each field in a rCAM formatted dump Prerequisi tes: IBM systeml360 Operating System Telemcommunication Access Method (TCAM) Concepts and Facilities, :;C30-2022 as TeAM Programmer's Guide and Reference Manual, GC30-202~. Manual, 238 pages /rp/30///5741,5742 G::28-8313 VIDEJI370 INCLUDING THE CICS FEATURE GENERAL INFORMArION PROGRA~n~UMBERS 5134-RC5 AND 5736='RC3--This-piiblication gives anOverview of IBM's VIDEO/310 system. The information herein is intended primarily for management personnel as an aid in planning and evaluation. Publications to assist in the actual operation of VIDEO/370 are listed under "Reference Material" on [lage 19. Manual, 22 pages ////15734-RC5,5736-RC3 GC30-2034 OS/VS TCAM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE, E~Q~ NO. 5144-AWl This book is a coding guide of the programmer ~ho must construct or modify a TeAM message control program (MCP), or who must write a TCAM-compatible application program. It explains how to write a TCAM MCP, how to write a TCAMc~mpatable application program, and how to use a variety ~f auxiliary service facilities. Also included is informati~n that might be of use in planning and setting up a Teleprocessing system incorporating TCAM. The reader is expected to be familiar with the contents of the publicatio~ (OS TCAM Concepts and Facilities,) Order No. GC30-2022. Guide, 500 pages /TP/30///5142,5144-AW1 :;::30-2012 OS/MFT, ~ Pill!! ~ CRJE ~ AND FACILITIES PR03. NO. 360S-RC-551 (MFT/MVT), 5141-SC1~ iYml. This publication contains information abo~t Conversation Remote Job Entry (CRJE) under OS/MFT, OS/MVT, and OS/VS1. It describes the system concepts, facilities, and points out the responsibilities of those involved in the overall operation of CRJE. An appendix of related publications and a glossary of terminology is included. Manual, 36 pages 360, 310//38/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL// 191 GC30 GC30 :;c30-2035 OS/VSl TCAM LEVEL 2 COMPONENT RELEASE GUIDE This publication contains changes and aidItions to OS/VS publications as a result of component release 2 of OS/VSl TC~M. Publications affected are: OS/VSl System Messages - GC38-1001 ~S/VSl Storage Estimates - GC28-6551 OS/VSl System Data Areas - GC28-6628 The material in this book is intended foe the system programmer who must construct or modify a TCAM message control program, or an application progeammer who must write a TCAM compatible application program. Guide, 32 pages /TP////5744-AWl GC30-2036 OS/VS TCAM LEVEL 4 COMPONENT RELEASE GUIDE This publication contains-changes and-adIitions to OS/VS publications as a result of component release 4 of TCAM. Publications affected are: OS/VS Message Library: VSl System Codes, GC38-1003 OS/VS Message Library: VS2 System Codes, GC38-1008 DS/VS Message Library: VSl System Messages, GC38-1001 DS/VS Message Library: VS2 System Messages, GC38-1002 OS/VSl storage Estimates, GC24-5094 ~S/VS2 Storage Estimates, GC28-0604 OS/VSl System Data Areas, SY28-0605 OS/VS2 System Data Areas, SY28-0606 OS/VS2 TSO Guide, GC28-0644 ~S/VS2 TSO Command Language Reference, GC28-0646 The material in this book is intended foe the system programmer wbo must construct or'modify a TCAM message control program, or an application programmer who must write a TCAMm compatible application program. Manual, 70 pages /TP/30///5742,5744-AWl GC30-2037 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS TCAM - PROGRAM NUMBER 5744-AW2 £QMPONENT-NUMBERS 57iiI=S'Cl=21AND 5742-SCl-21 For users of TCAM (Telecommunications Access Method), Level 5 and above~ VSl and VS2. This book faniliarizes the operator with TCAM procedures and commands, and provides a convenient reference. For more details on Level 5 TCAM and the operators commands, see the OS/VS TC~M Programmer's Guide, Order No. GC30-2044. Manual, 40 pages /TP/30///5744-AW1,5744-AW2,5742 GC3D-2044 OS/VS TCAM PROGRAMMER'S ~ ~ ~ ~ 5744-AWZ, 57iii'=SC1=21, ~ 5742-SCl-21 For users of TCAM (Telecommunications Access Method), Level 5 and above, VSl and VS2. Incorporates TSO (VS2 only). This book is a coding guide for the programmers who must construct or modify a TCAM message control program (MCP) or weite a TCAM-compatible application program. It also explains how to use a variety of auxiliary service facilities. It also has information that might be of use in planning and setting up a teleprocessing system incorporating TCAM. The reader should be familiar with OS TCAM Concepts and Facilities, Order No. GC30-2022. Manual, 820 pages /TP/30///5744-AW2,5742 GC30-2045 OS/VS TCAM USER'S GUIDE ~srvs-TC~liSer's Guide is a publication for systems analysts and programmers who must design, write and install a TCAM program. It is both a guide for diagnosis and a problem determination handbook. ManUal, 350 pages /TP/30///5741,5752 GC30-2047 OPERATORS LIBRARY: OS/VSl TC~M The OS/VSl TCAM OperatOr'S Library is a module in the OS/VS Operator's Library for the operator of teleprocessing systems using the VSl Operating System and the Telecommunications Access Method (TCAM). It familiarizes the operator with TCAM procedures and commands, and provides a convenient reference. A familiarity with data processing is assumed, however a knowledge of teleprocessing would be helpful. The material in this publication was previously contained in the Operator's Library: OS/VS TCAM, GC30-2037 which was a combination VSl and VS2 publication. Beginning with VSl release 3.1 this publication contains VSl TCAM Operator's Library information, while VS2 TCAM operator's Library information continues in the publication Operator's Library:OS/VS TCAM, GC30-2037 A summary of the commands has been placed at the beginning of this gui~e for easy reference. Technical terms used in this publication are defined in A Data Processing Glossary, GC20-1699. For more details about OS/VS TeAM and the operator commands, see the OS/VS TCAM Programmer's Guide, GC30-2054. Manual, 30 pages /TP////5744-AW2 :;:::30-2038 Q~[~~ ±£~ LEVEL ~ COMPONENT RELEASE ~~ This publication contains changes and addl.tions to DS/VS publications as a result of component releases 2, 4, and 5 of VS TCAM. A vertical line to the left of an entry in this publication indicates a change that coreesponds to Component Release 5~ all other changes correspond to Component Release 2 or 4. Publications updated by this document are: OS/VS Message Library: VSl System Codes - GC38-1003 DS/VS Message Library: VS2 System Codes - GC38-1008 ~S/VS Message Library: VSl System Messages - GC38-1001 OS/VS Message Library: VS2 System Messages - GC38-1002 OS/VS Message Library: Routing and Descriptor Codes GC38-1004 OS/VS 1 System Generation Reference - GC26-'3791 OS/VS 2 System Generation Reference - GC26-3792 OS/VS 1 Storage Estimates - GC24-5094 OS/VS 2 Storage Estimates - GC28-0604 OS/VS 2 system Data Areas - SY28-0606 ~S/VSl Supervisor Logic - SY24-5155 OS/VS2 TSO Command Language Reference - GC28-0646 OS/VS2 TSO 3uide - GC28-0644 Manual, 151 pages /TP/30///5744-AW2,5742 GC30-2054 OS/VSl TCAM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE os/VSI TeAM Programmer's Guide - Program No. 5744-AW2 For users of TCAM (Telecommunications Access Method). This book is a coding guide for the programmers who must construct or modify a TCAM message control program (MCP) or write a TeAM-compatible application program. It also explains how to use a variety of auxiliary service facili ties. It contains information that might be of use in planning and setting up a teleprocessing system incorporating TCAMIVTAM (Virtual Telecommunications Access Method) an~ SNA (Systems Network Architecture). The reader should be familiar with OS TCAM Concepts and Facilities, Order No. GC30-2042. Manual, 792 pages /TP////5744-AW2 GC30-3001 !ill:! ill? PROGRAMMER' S GC30-2041 OS/VS2 TCAM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE For-userS-of TCAM (Telecommunications Access Method). This book is a coding guide for the programmers ~ho must construct or mojify a TCAM message control program (MCP) or weite a TC~M - Gompatib1e application program. It also explains how to use a variety of aUKi1iaey service facilities. It contains information that might be of use in planning and setting up a teleprocessing system incorporating TCAMlVTAM (Virtual Telecommunications Access Method) and SNA (Systems Network Architecture). The reader Should be familiar with OS/VS TCAM Concepts and Facilities, GC30-2042. Manual, 800 pages /TP/30///5752 GC30-2042 OS/VS TCAM CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES This publication is aIlintroduction to the Telecommunications Access Method (TCAM) for persons requiring either a general knowledge of TCAM, or a basic understanding before studying more detailed documentation. Readers should have a general knowledge of data processing and the IBM operating systems. Manual, 60 pages /TP/30///5741,5752 192 ~ .iC12..L ~ liliQ Y2 SYSTEMS) This publication provides system programmers, application peogrammers, and operators with the information they need to use IBM 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal facilities in a teleprocessing system. All readers should have a general knowledge of System/360 and Systeml370 data processing techniques in a teleprocessing environment. Those responsible for designing or installing part or all of a system that includes IBM 3735 terminals should have a detailed knowledge of te1epeocessing systems. All users of this book should be familiar with the information contained in IBM 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal Concept and Application, GA27-3043, which describes the operating characteristics and features of the 3735 terminal. Programmer's Guide, 200 pages //30//3735/ GC30-3002 3704 ! ~ COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS L EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION ~ UTILITIES, GUIDE ~ REFERENCE ~ PROG. NOS. 360H-TX-033.35,3tl ll35-SC1; 5744-~ 5747-AGl The purpose of this publication is to provide the information necessary to generate the IBM 3705 Emulation Peogram using emulation generation macro instructions. The book is intended for analysts and programmers responsible for generation an~ maintenance of Emulation Programs and for IBM systems engineers and field engineers. The Emulation Program allows the 3705 Communications Controller to operate as an IBM 2701, 2702, or 2703 Transmission Control Unit, or any combination of the three. This publication describes the Emulation Program generation procedure, the loader utility, and the Dump utility. Error GC30 GC30 messages for each program are also provi~ed. The prerequisite publication for this manual is Introduction to the rBM 3705 Communications Controller, GA27-3051. Manual, 84 pages //30//3704,3705/ GC30-3003 3704 ~Q 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS ~SSEMBLER ~ publication is a reference manual for the systems programmer, the systems engineer and the applications programmer coding in the IBM Communicati~ns Controller Assembler Language. The publication is similar to the IBM System/360 Operating system Assembler Language publication, GC28-6514. The Communications Controller Assembler is similar to the OS ~ssemb1er (level F) and the DOS Assembler (level D). fhe similarity is intended to aid the Communications Controller programmer who already has OS or DOS Assembler knowledge. ~hapter 1 introduces the assembler language and describes the major differences between the language and the OS and DOS Assembler language. Chapter 2 presents basic assembler language concepts. Chapter 3 ~escribes instruction alignment, machine instructi~n mnemonics, machine formats and briefly describes the extended mnemonics. Chapter 4 discusses the instructions to the assemblers, including symbol difinition, data definitions, program sectioning and linkages, symbolic linkages, base register instructions, listing control and ~rogram control instructions. Chapter 5 describes the macro language and the procedures for its use. ~ppendixes A through E contain a summary of assembler language features and usage. Appendix F ~escribes the job control language and the storage requirenents necessary to produce an assembly, and Appendix G contains messages and codes helpful in debugging a program. Before using this publication, the reader should be familiar with basic programming concepts and techniques. The prerequisite publication is Introduction to the IBM 3705 =ommunications Controller, GA27-3051. Corequisite to this publication is the IBM 3705 Communications Controller Principles of Operation, GC30-3004. The contents of this publication apply to both OS and I)OS users unless noted differently in the teKt. Manual, 116 pages //30//3704,3705/ This GC30-3004 IBM 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION-- - - ----- This publication is the machine reference manual for the IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers. It provides a direct comprehensive description of (1) the controllers' functional components, (2) the arithmetic, logical, branching, status switching, and input/output operations, and (3) the priority interrupt scheme. It is intended to provide any 3704/3705 user with the knowledge of the controller hardware reqlirements needed to write or modify a 3704 or 3705 control program. The reader is assumed to have a basic knowledge of data processing and teleprocessing systems and to have read the Introduction t~ the IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers, GA27-30S1, which describes the system briefly and describes the features available. Manual, 168 pages //09//3704,3705/ GC30-3005 ~2~~ ! 12~ COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS, !MULATION ~ STORAGE & PERFORMANCE REFERENCE MANUAL This-publication has two purposes-crr-to assist you in determining the storage requirements for the IBM 3705 Emulation Program, and (2) to assist you in determining the 3705 line attachment capability and proper arrangement of lines On the Communications controller's internal priorities for best Emulation Program performance. fhe publication is intended for systems analysts and systems programmers responsible for defining and generating an Emulation Program, and for IBM systems engineers an~ salesmen. Chapter 1 summarizes the contents of the book. Chapter 2 defines storage requirements. Chapter 3 defines formulas and procedures for establishing line speeds and priorities for best performance. ~ou should be familiar with the information contained in the IBM 3705 Communications Conto1ler Ema1ation Program aeneration and utilities, Guide and Reference Manual, GC303002. ~ related publication is the IBM 3705 communications Controller principles of Operation, GC30-3004. Manual, 30 pages //30//3704,3705/ GC30-3006 3704.& 3705 NCP STORAGE & PERFORMANCE ESflMATES (FOR DS/TcAM. OS/VS TCAM, ! OS/VS ! QQ2LY2 ~t1 USERS), PROG. ~ 360H-TX-034 (OS). 5744-BAl (OS/VS) This publication is to be used for planning a network configuration for the IBM 3705 Communications Controller Network Control Program and for determining storage requirements for that program. The publication was written for systems analysts, systems programmers, IBM systems engineers, and IBM salesmen who are planning for network control program storage requirements and performance. 193 The first section of the manual shows how to determine total storage by first determining the individual requirements for base and use coding, line and device support, tables, control blocks, buffers, and optional system functions. The second section describes the system generation operands and the various combinations of line speeds and priorities that affect performance. Prerequisite ub1ication: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controller Network Control Program Generation and Utilities Guide anj Reference Manual, GC30-3000. Manual, 44 pages //30//3704,3705/ GC30-3008 IBM 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER NETWORK CONT~PR6GRAM7Vs GENERATION AND UTILITIES GUIDE AND REFERENCE MANUAL ( FOR OS/VS ANDDOS/VSVTAM USER' 5 PRO;;. ~Q~-BA2,"5747-AJr- --- -- - - - - --P~ovides the information necessary to (1) define and generate a Network Control Program/vs (Version 3) for a local or remote IBM 3704 or 3705 Communications Controller; (2) load the program into the controller; and (3) dump the COntents of controller storage. This publication is directed to the systems analyst or systems programmer responsible for performing the above actions. prerequisite to use of this publication is a basic understanding of teleprocessing and teleprocessing access methods. A general knowledge of the purposes of the communications controllers may be obtained from the introduction to the IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers (GA27-30S1). Manual, 350 pages /////S744-BA2, S747-AJ2 r-=- GC30-3009 N~P/TCAM NETWORK USER'S GUIDE - PROG. NO. S73S-SC2 This publication is a guide for tiie"iiserof a communication network controlled by the IBM Network Control Program (NCP) and the Telecommunications ~ccess Method (TCAM). It describes how to generate an efficient NCP/TCAM network, now NCP/TCAM functions, and how to perform problem isolation when necessary. The user's guide is written primarily for the system programmer who installs a communication network and the IBM field engineering representative who supports its programming. The two major areas of discussion are how a network functions normally and what to do when it fails. These a~eas are presented in the following sections. o section 1 Introduction to the NCP/TCAM network is an overview of tne network and its operation. o Section 2 How NCP and TCAM communicate describes the data exchange between NCP in a IBM Communications Controller and TCAM in a host computer. o Section 3 How NCP operates the communications controller discusses the function of NCP within the controller to handle data and ensure its integrity, as well as how to employ the user's own code in block handling routines. o Section 4 How NCP/TCAM controls the communication network explains the data exchange between the computer terminal, the lines, line control, terminals, sessions, connections, and line error recovery. o section 5 How to diagnose the NCP/TCAM network offers troubleshooting aids and suggestions of what to do when there is a network failure. o Finally, there is a collection of reference data for your convenience -- appendixes containing a sample program, reference codes and formats, and generation macros, and a glossary of network terms. This guide to the network will enhance your understanding of the options available for optimizing performance in your specific network. It can be useful in generating an efficient system and helpful in diagnosing a failure when it occurs. This publication does not attempt to teach the modification of network software; however, it does explain the tools for performing problem determination and suggests some teChniques useful in isolating software problems. Manual, 150 pages //30//3704,3705/ GC30-3020 :~~:~g:~~~; ~~~i:~~~~~TION GUIDE FOR IBM 3704 AND 3705 Teleprocessing Preinstallation Guide for IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers GC30-3020) This publication lists the equipment characteristics of the teleprocessing network and communications controller that the user must specify when coding an emulation program or network control program. The publication consists of a series of tables, one for each type of station supported by the program and one for each type of line set with which the controller can be equipped. Each table gives the appropriate values to code for the station or line set represented. For sone characteristics several values are listed, the appropriate choice depending on how the user's station is equipped (for instance, which transmission code it employs) or in which of alternate modes he wishes the station or line to operate. In these cases, accompanying notes suggest where the user may learn the values appropriate for his installation. A companion publication, Teleprocessing Installation GC33 Ge30 Record for IBM 3704 and 3705 Communicati~ns Controllers (3C30-3021), is useful for recording the eqGipment characteristics of a particular teleprocessing installation as a guide for coding programs for the commllnications controller. Manual, 128 pages 1109113704,37051 GC30-3021 TELEPROCESSING INSTALLATION ~ EQR ~~ 3704 ~ 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS This pGblication provides the user ~ith a convenient means for recording the details of his 3704 or 3705 based teleprocessing configuration existing or planned that he must know before coding an emulation program or network control program. As furnished, the publication consists ~f a series of formatted charts, each of which as appropriately labled spaces representing the information items pertinent to a particular type of communication line (such as a multipoint line) and the stations associated with that line. A chart is also provided for recording the hardware Gnits installed in the communications controller, along with related information such as line interfaoe and subchannel addresses used. From the package of charts provided the user selects the number and types appropriate to his teleprocessing configuration. Upon filling in the information indicated and assembling the charts into a binder, he has a convenient record of his configuration that gives much of the information needed to code a program appropriate to his installation. (The charts also contain spaces for related information not needed in coding the program; for example, common-carrier circuit numbers.) A companion publication, Teleprocessing Preinstallation 3uide for IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers (GC30-3020), provides guidance in selecting many of the parameters to be documented in the installation recorf. Manual, 20 pages 1109113704,37051 GC30-3026 IBM 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL SETUP INSTRUC'rION DescrIbes the procedures for sett1ng up-t~767 Communication Terminal without the assistance of an IBM Customer Engineer. The publication is directed t~ terminal operators or other persons who will be responsible for setting up the terminal. ~ajor subjects include checking the decibel level, attaching cables, attaching featGres and accessories, and loading forms into the terminal. Prerequisite publication: None. Manual, 24 pages Topics covered in the manual include: DeSign philosophy and performance of the compiler Optimization facilities provided Comparison with the PLiI D Compiler Machine and system requirements of the compiler Summary of the PLiI language implemented Bibliography of related publications The reader is assumed to be familiar with PL/I and with the Disk Operating System. Manual, 48 pages 111115736-LM4,5736-PLl,5736-LMS,5736-PL3 GC33-0005 DOS PL/I OPTIMIZI~G COMPILER: L~NGUAGE ~OGRAM NOS. 5736-PLl, ~ 5736-PL3 REFERENCE MANUAL ThIs publication is the primary source of information on the language implemented by the DOS PLiI Optimizing Compiler. It is a refe:rence manual rather than a tutorial text, and the reader is assumed to have some previous knowledge of PL/I. The manual contains information on how to write a PL/I source program. For information on how to compile, linkedit, and execute the program, reference should be made to DOS PL/I Optimizing Compiler: Programmer's Guide (SC330008) • SRL, 472 pages 111115736-PL1,5736-PL3 SC33-0006 OS.PLlI OPTIMIZING COMPlkER - PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ~OGRAM ~!:mERS 5734-PL1, 5734-LM4, 5734-LMSThis manual is a companion volume to OS PL/I Optimizing and Checkout Compilers: Language Reference Manual (SC33-0009) and OS/360 Time Sharing Option: PL/I Optimizing compiler (SC33-0029). The three manuals form a guide to the writing and execution of PL/I programs using the optimizing compiler and the associated resident and transient libraries in the batch and time-sharing environments of the IBM Operating System. The programmer's guide is concerned with the relationShip between a PL/I program, the optimizing c~mpiler, and the operating system. It explains how to compile, link-edit, and execute a program in a batch enVironment, and it introduces job control language, the linkage editor, and the loader, data management, and other operating system features that may be required by a PL/I programmer. SRL Manual, 248 pages 111115734-PL1,5734-LM5,5734-LM4,5734-PL3 37011301137671 GC33-0001 OS PL/I Q~~IZING COMPILER: GENERAL ~~ ~ PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL1 ThIs-manuar-Introduces and describes the compiler and the associated resiient and transient libraries. The information is provided for use as a planning aid only, and is intended to assist both existing and prospective users of PL/I. TopicS covered in the manGal incl~de: o Design philosophy and performance of the compiler o Optimization facilities provided o Comparison with the PLiI (F) Compiler o Machine and system requirements of the compiler o Summary of the PL/I language implemented o Bibliography of related publications The reader is assumed to be familiar with PL/I and with the Operating Systen. program product manual, 44 pages 111115734-PL3,5734-PL1,5734-LM4,5734-LMS 3:::33-0003 OS PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER: GENERAL INFORMATION PROG:--Nos:-5134="PL2, ~34-L~ This manGal introduces and describes the compiler ani the associated resiient and transient libraries. The information is provided for use as a planning aid only, and is intended to assist both existing and prospective users of PL/I. Topics covered in the maDGal incl~de: o Design philosophy and performance of the compiler o Compiler options provided o Summary of the PL/ I language implemented o Comparison with the PL/I (F) Compiler o Machine and system requirements of the compiler o Discussion of the complementary use of the PLiI Checkout and PLiI Optimizing Compilers o Bibliography of related publications The reader is assumed to be familiar ~ith PL/I and with the Operating System. Manual, 58 pages SC33-0007 SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER PROGRAMMER' 5 ~ =. PROGRAMNUM~-PL2; 5734-LM5 This manual is a companion volume to OS PL/I Optimizing and Checkout Compilers: Language Reference Manual, Order No. ~33-0009, and the OS Time Sharing Option: PLiI Checkout compiler, Order No. SC33-0033. The three manuals form a guide to the writing and execution of PL/I programs using the checkout; compiler and the transient library in the batch and time-sharing environments of the IBM Operating System. The programmer's guide is concerned with the relationship between a PL/I program, the checkout compiler, and the operating system. It explains how to use the checkout compiler to run a PLiI program in a batch enVironment, and introduces job control language, the linkage editor, the loader, data management, and other operating system features that may be required by a PL/I programmer. Programmer's Guide, 216 pages II 1115734-PI.2, 5734-LM5 SC33-0008 DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PRODUCTS 5736-PL1, 5736-LM!! PROGR~MMER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM 5736-LMS --- - ---- M!Q This manual is a companion volume to the DOS PL/I Optimizing Compiler: Language Reference Manual (Order Number ~C330005). The two manuals form a guide to the writing and execution of PL/I programs using the optimizing compiler ani the associated resident and transient libraries under the IBM Disk Operating System. The programmer's guide is concerned with the relationships between a PLiI program, the optimizing compiler, and the operating system. It explains how to compile, link-edit, and execute a PL/I program, and it introduces job control language, the linkage editor, data management, ani other operating system features that may be required by a PL/I programmer. Manual, 200 pages 111115736-PL1,5736-LM5,5736-LM4,5736-PL3 111115734-LMS,5734-PL2 GC33-0004 DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL PROG~-PROO:-5736-PL1 ------ ---------- ----- - This-manual introduces and describes the compiler and the associated resiient and transient libraries. The information is provided for use as a planning aid only, and is intended to assist both existing and prospective users of PL/I. 194 GC33-0009 Q§, PL/I CHECKOUT AND OPTIMIZING COMPThllli§..:. LANGUAGE REFER~ MANUAL, PROG. NOS. lli!=R!!!::£L LM4-5 (ALL =. 5734-PL3) This publication is the primary source of information on the language implemented by the PS PL/I Optimizing and Checkout C~mpilers. It is a reference manual rather than a tutorial text, and the reader is assumed to have some previous knowledge of PL/I. The manual contains information on how to write a PL/I source program. For information on how to compile, link- Gc33 sc33 edit, and execute the program, reference should be made to the appropriate programmer's guide. Manual, 526 pages 111115734-PLl,5734-PL2,5734-PL3,5734-LM4,5734-LM5 GC33-0023 OS PLiI RESIDENT LIBRARY - PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM NuMBER5734-LM4 - - - - - - - - - The Program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Flyer, 1 sheet 360, 3701129/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALLI/ GC33-0010 DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER PROGRAM PROD OCT DESIGN OBJECTIVES - PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-PL1 - - - - - - The-Program-Product Design Objectives (PPDO) describe the design objectives and provide the estimated availability date of the subject Program Product. Flyer, 3 pages 360, 3701129/DOSII GC33-0024 OS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY - PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATION3 PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LM5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Flyer, 1 sheet 360, 3701129/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALLII GC33-0016 DOS PL/I ~ING COMPILID! PROGRAM PROQOCT SPECIFICATIONS PR03RAM NUMBER 5736-PLl The Program Product Specifications (PPS) iescribe the ~arranted specifications of the subject Program Product. T~o Sheets 360,3701129/00S11 SC33-0025 OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: EXECUTION LOGIC PROGRAM NOS. 573ii=PL1, 5734-LM4 AND 5734-LM~- - - - - - - - - This publication describes the object module produced by the OS PLiI Optimizin~ Compiler, and explains how the compilej code uses subroutines from the resident and transient libraries of the optimizing compiler. The topics covered include program initialization, storage management, input/output, error handling, and interlanguage communication. The use of storage dumps for debugging is also explained. The manual is intended primarily for programmers concerned with maintenance of the compiler and its libraries. It ~ill also be useful for applications programmers ~ho require an understanding of the processes of execution (for example, to link PL/I and Assembler-language routines). Systems Library, 364 pages 111/15734-PL1,5734-PL3,5734-LM4,5734-LM5 GC33-0017 DOS PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY PROGRAM PRODUCr SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM-PRODUCT 5736-LM4 (5736=PL3-)----The Program Product Specifications (PPS) iescribe the ~arranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Single Sheet 360,3701129/00S11 GC33-0018 DOS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY: PROG. PROD. 5736-LM5 (5736-PL3) SPEcIFICATIONS - ------- - - - - - - - - - The Program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the ~arranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Single Sheet 360, 3701129/DOSII S::33-0019 Q!2~ Q~~~!!~ SYSTEMl360 PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: EXECUTION LOGIC PROGRAM ~ 5736-PL1, 5736-LM4, 5736-LM5 This publication describes the object moille produced by the DOS PL/I Optimizing Compiler, and explai~s ho~ the compiled code uses subroutines from the resident and transient libraries of the optimizing compiler. The topics covered include program i~itialization, storage management, input/output, error handling, and inter language communication. The use of storage dumps for debugging is also explained. The manual is intended primarily for programmers concerned ~ith maintenance of the compiler and its libraries. It ~ill also be useful for applications programmers ~o require an understanding of the processes of execution (for example, to link PL/I and Assembler-language routines) • SRL Manual, 284 pages 111115736-PL1,5736-LM4,5736-LM5 SC33-0020 DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: INSTALLATIO~ PR03RAM NOS. 5736-PLl,LM4,LMS This publication is primarily for reader3 ~ho are responsible for the installation of the DOS PL/I Optimizing compiler, DOS PL/I Resident Library, and DOS PL/I Transie~t Library. The publication describes ho~ to install the compiler and associated libraries, and provides the storage requirements of the three products. The reader responsible for installation should already be familiar ~ith the IBM operating Systems and their job control language. This publication supplements certain system publications by providing the system-related information ~hich applies . particularly to the program products named above. Manual, 40 pages 111115736-PLl,5736-PL3,5736-LM4,5736-LMS SC33-0021 QQ2 ~~L! ~TIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES !1!NUAL, ~ PROD. ~Z~~=~~!L 5736-LM5 This manual lists all the messages that may be issued by the DOS PLiI Optimizing Compiler during processing of a PL/I Program. Where appropriate, explanations, examples, and suggested programmer responses are incl~ded. Manual, 160 pages 111115736-PL1,5736-PL3 GC33-0022 SYSTEM/360 OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER PR03RAM PRODUCT:SPECIFICATIONS - PROGRAM ~ 5734-PLl ~gram Product Specifications (PPS) describe the ~arranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Flyer, 2 sheets 360, 3701129/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALLII sc33-0026 OS PLiI OPTIMIZING COMPILER: INSTALLATION - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-PL1, 5734-LM4, AND 5734-L~NOTE: THE~IE. PRODUCTS ~§- ALSO DISTRIBUTED AS COMPLETE PACKAGE 5734-PL3 This publication IS intended primarily for Programmers responsible for installing the OS PL/I Optimizing Compiler a~d the associated resident and transient libraries. It gives detailed information on Installation Procedures and Storage Estimates. Manual, 130 pages 111115734-PL1,5734-PL3,5734-LM4,5734-LM5 SC33-0027 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES PROG. NOS.5m::Pr;r,-573ii=L~ Th~publication lists all the messages that may be issued by the OS PL/I Optimizing Compiler and the associated transient library during proceSSing of a PL/I program. Both the long and short forms of each message are listed where applicable. The messages are in three groups: o Compile-time messages (generated by the compiler during compilation of a pLiI source program) o Execution-time messages (generated by the transient library during execution of the compiled program) o Prompter messages (generated by the compiler ~hen it is used in a time-sharing environment) Where appropriate, explanations of the messages and suggested programmer responses are included. System Reference Library Manual, 220 pages 111115734-PL1,5734-PL3,5734-LM5 sc33-0029 OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: TSO USER'S GUIDE RBOG. NOS. 5734-PL1, -LM4, -LM5 (ALL :: 5731i=PL3) This book describes how to use the facilities of TSO to create a PL/I program, to compile it using the PL/I Optimizing compiler, and to execute it. The reader is assumed to be familiar with PL/I but not with 'l'SO. The book cont~ins the difinitive description of the PL/I command. It gives sufficient information for a PL/I programmers to start using TSO effectively without reference to any other publications. Manual, 118 pages 111115734-PL1,5734-PL3,5734-LM4,5734-LM5 GC33-00 30 OS PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER - PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATION; PRoGRAM NUMBER 57~ - - - - - - - - The Program-Product Specifications (PPS) describe the ~rranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Program Product Specifications, 4 sides 360, 3701129/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALLII SC33-0031 OS PLiI CHECKOUT COMPILER: INSTALLATION - PROGRAM PRODUCr5 573ii=PL2 AND 5734-LMS ------ - --- ---- This publicatron-rs-Intended primarily for programmers responsible for installing the OS PL/I Checkout Compiler anj the associated transient library. It is divided into three parts which give detailed information on Installation Pcocedures and Storage Estimates. Manual, 72 pages 111115734-PL2,5734-LM5 195 GC33 SC33 GC33-0041 SC33-0032 SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM PLII CHECKOUr COMPILER EXECUTION ~ MANUAL :. PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-PL2 5734-LM5 The PLII Checkout Compiler operates in t"o dist.inct stages: translation and interpretation. During translation, the original PL/I source program is converted into an intermediate coae. During interpretation, this code is interpreted to achieve the effect of object-time execution. This manual describes those aspects of interpretation ~hich are common to all PL/I programs processed in this way. The topics covered include program initializationl input/output; storage management; error handling 1 conversational processing: the use of st~rage dumps for debugging; and interlanguage communication. The manual is intended primarily for programmers responsible for the maintenance of the compiler and its library. It will also be useful for application programmers ~ho require an understanding of the process of execution. Manual, 280 pages 111115734-PL2,5734-LM5 ~ COMPILER, ~ ! ~ 2: ~. PRODUCT 5734-PL2 DESIGN OBJECTIVES The Program ProdUCt Design Objectives (PPDO) describe the design objectives and provide the estimated availability date of the subject Program Product. Flyer, 1 page 360, 3701129/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALLII Q2L PL/I GC33-0046 lli.! ! TRANSIENT OBJECTIVES The Program Product Design Objectives (PPOO) describe the design objectives and provide the estimated availability date of the subject Program Product. DeSign objectives, 2 pages 360, 3701129/DOSII ~ OPTIMIZING COMPILER. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5736-PLh ~ ~ DESIGN SC33-0047 OS PLII CHECKOUT COMPILER: CMS USER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM NiiMBERS: 5734-PL2. 5734-LM5 --- --- - - - This book explains, for the users of the Conversational Monitor System (CMS), how to invoke the PL/I Checkout Compiler and use its conversational facilities. The reader is assumej to have a basic knowledge of PL/I and of CMS. The book provldes enough information to allow the reader to enter, compile, debug, and execute a straightforward PL/I program under CMS, to~ether with a full description and examples of how to use tbe interactive debugging facilities of the checkout compiler. It also contains reference data covering: o The special restrictions and conventions that apply to PL/I when it is compiled by the checkpoint compiler and executed under CMS. o The syntax of the PLIC and PLICR commands, subcommands, and options. o The restrictions and conventions that apply to PL/I statements used in immediate mode. Manual, 204 pages SC33-0033 OS PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER: !§Q ~ §!!I~ :. ~ ~ 5734=PL2;-5734-LM5 This book describes ho~ to use the facilities of TSO to create a PL/I program, and to debug and execute it using the PL/I Checkout compiler. The reader is assumed to be familiar with PL/I but not with TSO. The book contains the definitive descriptions of the PLIC command and its subcommands. It gives sufficient information for a PLII programmer to start using rso effectively ~ithout reference to any other publications. Manual, 252 pages 111115734-PL2,5734-LM5 SC33-0034 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PLII CHECKOUr COMPILER: MESS~::;ES ~ :. PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-Pr.~ 5734-LM5 This manual is an essential source of reference for users of the PL/I checkout compiler in either the batch or TSO environment. It describes the components of the messages that can be produced by the compiler when processing a PL/I program. Then it lists each message and provides additional information in many cases. The messages are divided into t~o gro~ps -- those that can be produced by the compiler during preprocessing, translation, and interpretation (in conjunction with the PL/I Transient Library), and those that can be produced by the PL/I Prompter when invoking the compiler in a TSO environment. ~s users of the PL/I checkout compiler, readers should have an understanding of the information in the PLII Optimizing and Checkout Compilers Language Reference Manual (SC33-0009), ana the PLII Checkout Compiler Programmer'~ 3uide, (SC33-0007), and also, for TSO users, the manual TSO: PL/I Checkout Compiler (SC33-0033). Manual, 180 pages 111115734-PL2,5734-LMS GC33-0048 Q~ ~ ~ COMPILER. VERSION! RELEASE ~ MODIFICATION 1: PROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-PL2 DESIGN OBJECTIVES The Program ProdiiCtI)i!s'ign Objectives (PPDO) describe the design objectives and provide the estimated availability date of the subject Program Product. Program Product Design Objective, 2 pages 360, 3701129/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALLII GC33-2004 1401/1440/1460/00S EMULATOR ON MODELS 1351145/155 REFERENCE MPt..NUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 370N=EU~ ----- This publication describes the 1401/144011460 Emulator Program, an "integrated emUlator" program executed under control of DOS. It is a multi-purpose document covering several topics related to the emulator. Included is information about Physical Planning, generation and execution of the emulator, data processing, and what is emulatea anj what is not. The difference between the e~ulator and the 1400 series program is also explained as well as how to communicate with it. Charts, tables and a glossary are included. Manual, 125 pages 3701135/00S/1440,1240,1450,1460,14011 111115734-PL2,5734-LM5 S::33-0035 DOS PL/I TRANSIEm:, LIBRARY MESSAGES. PROG=. PROD. 5736-LM5 Lists all the messages that may be issuei by the DOS PL/1 Transient Library during execution of the program compiled by the DOS PL/1 optimizing complier. Where appropriate, explanations, examples, and suggested programmer responses are included. Manual, 44 pages 111115736-LM5,5736-PL3 Gc33-2005 1410/7010 DOS EMULATOR ON MODELS 1451155 REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER3'7'ON-Eu-ii90--- - - - - - - - - - - - - This publication describes the 1410/1710 Emulator Program, and "integrated emulator" program executed under control of OOS. It is a mUlti-purpose document covering several topics related to the emulator. Included is information about PhYSical Planning, considerations, data processing, generation, execution and communications ~ith the emulator. Manual, 106 pages GC33-0036 PL/I UNDER CMS - PROGRAM PRODUCT DESIGN OBJECTIVES: ~~a. ~TI.~g~Ci-CCiMPILER, PROG. NO. 5734=PL1 - PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY. PROG. NO. 5734-LM4 PLII TR~NSIENT LIBRARY. PROG. NO. 5734-L~~ This flyer spells out the design objecti/es of PL/I to be available under CMS. Flyer, 1 page 3701135/00S/1.410,70101 360,3701129/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALLII SC33-0037 OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: CMS USERS NUM~5734-PLl G~IDE GC33-2006 MODEL 20 DOS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 REFERENCE (370N-IC-002) Thrs-pUblrcat~on provides IriformatIon about the systeml360M~del 20 Emulator Program for the System/370 Models 135 and 125. The emulator program is executed as a problem program under control of DOS (version 4) on the IBM Compatibility Feature #7520. Using the emulator program and the compatibility feature, the System/370 Model 135 or 125 can execute Model 20 Data Processing System. It also provides information about Device Independence, the ability to execute Model 20 unit record operations using the System/370 tape and disk units. Manual, 74 pages 3115,3125, 31351135/DOS/20201 - PROGRAM --- ----- ----- - ------- This manual provides the information required to use the OS PLl1 Optimizing compiler under CMS. Using the OS PL/1 Optimizing Compiler under CMS allows Pl/1 source programs to be compiled, debugged, and executed from a terminal ~ith the maximum efficiency. The book is intended for all programmers who use the OS PLl1 Optimizing compiler under CMS. It contains a brief tutorial introduction followed by reference data covering: 1. The syntax and options of PLIOpr, the command that invokes the OS PL/1 Optimizing ::ompiler. 2. The compile-time and execution-time options that can be used with the OS PLl1 Optimizing Compiler. 3. The restrictions that apply to PL/1 when it is used under CMS. Manual, 76 pages /11115734-PLl,5734-PL3,5734-LM4,5734-LMS GC33-2010 MODEL 20 EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 USING DOS AND DOSIVS E!:!ANNING :: PROG:-No. 360N-IC OOij""COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC,..~~Q. This publication provides planning information about the System/360 Model 20 Emulator Program for the Systeml370 M~dels 135, 125, and 115. The emulator program is executea as a problem program under control of DOS or DOSIVS on a 196 GC33 GC33 System/370 Model 135. 125. or 115 equipped ~ith the IBM Compatibility Feature Number 7520. Using the emulator program and the compatibility feature. the System/370 Model 135. 125. or 115 can execute programs written for the Systeml360 Model 20 Data Processing System. It also provides planning information about Device Independence. the ability to exec~te Model 20 unit record operations using the System/370 tape and disk units; arid the Data Interchange program that creates D03 disk files from Disk Programming System files. or the reverse. The information in this publication is intended for installation personnel responsible for selecting. evaluating. and implementing Systeml370 Model 135. 125. or 115 config~rations. Manual. 22 pages 3115.3125.3135//35/00S/2020/ GC33-2017 DOS !Q. OS/VS ~ ::. REFERENCE, PROG. ~ 5744-A$1 The DOS Emulator Program exec~tes under OS/VS1 and OS/VS2. It enables DOS or DOS/VS programs to execute in an OS/VS environment. Tne emulator may be mu1tiprogrammed with other OS/VS jobs. and it can run the multiprogramming options of DOS and DOS/VS. This publication provides information for programmers and operators to help them code and r~n DOS and DOS/VS jobs ~ith the emulator. Emulator operation. requirements. facilities and messages are described. and sample jobstreams are provided. It is assumed that readers of this plb1ication are familiar with OS/VS and DOS or DOS/VS. DOS to OS Emulator Reference. GC26-3777 is now obsolete. Man~a1 ///115744-AS1 GC33-2018 1401/1440/1460 OS/VS ~ Qli SYSTEMl3~ ::. REFERENCE (5744-AHl> This man~a1 describes the IBM 1401/1440/1460 Em~lator Program for the IBM Systeml370 Models 135/145/155/155111158. and provides the information needed to use the program. The emulator program runs as a problem program under the OS/VS1 and OS/VS2 control programs and executes programs written for the IBM 1401. 1440. and 1460 Data Processing Systems (the Model 135 must be equipped with IBM Compatibility Feature #4457 or #4458; Model 145 with IBM Compatibility Feature #3950). In addition. this manual describes the 1401/1440/1460 programs to be executed on System/370 Models 135 through 168 ~nder the control of OS/VS1 and OS/VS2. without the need for the compatibility feature (the functions of the compatibility feature are performed by simulator routines). Also describes in this ma~a1 are three programs that are distributed with the emulator - the tape preprocessor program. the tape postprocessor program. the disk formatting program. These programs handle compatibility between 1401/1440/1460 data formats and Systeml370 data formats for tape and disk. The man~a1 contains information for system planners and programmers on now to plan. generate. use. and modify the emulator; for programmers on how to process 1401/1440/1460 data and execute the emulator; and for operators on how to communicate with the emulator. All messages issued by the emulator and the data manipulation progr~ms are included as an appendix. Programmers and planners should be familiar with the IBM 1401/1440/1460 Data Processing Systems and with the appropriate OS control program Manual. 156 pages 111115744-AH1 GC33-2019 141017010 OS/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370. ~~::. ~ NO. 5744-AG1 This man~a1 describes the IBM 1410/7010 Em~lator program for the IBM Systeml370 Models 145/155/155-11/158. and provides the information needed to use the progran.. The emulator program runs as a problem program under the OS/VS1 and OS/VS2 control programs and exec~tes programs written for the IBM 1410 and 7010 Data Processing Systems (the Model 155 with IBM Compatibility Feature #3950). Also described in this ma~a1 are three programs that are distributed with the Emulator - the tape preprocessor program. the tape postprocessor program. and the diSK formatting program. These programs handle compatibility between 1410/7010 data formats and Systen/370 data formats for tape and disk. The manual contains information for system planners and programmers on how to plan. generate. use. and modify the emulator; for programmers on how to process 1410/7010 data and execute the emulator. and for operators on how to communicate with the emulator. All messages issued by the emulator and the data manipulation progr~ms are included as an appendix. Programmers and planners sh~ld be familiar with the IBM 1410/7010 Data Processing Systems and with the appropriate OS control program. Manual. 152 pages 111115744-AG1 197 GC33-2020 DOS TO OS EMULATOR - REFERENCE PROGRAM NUMBER 360C-EU-738 The DOS:Em~rogram executes under-os7MFr and OS/MVT. It enables DOS programs to execute in an OS environment. The emulator may be mu1tiprogrammed with other OS jobs. and it can run the multiprogramming options of DOS. This publication provides information for programmers and operators to help them code and run DOS jobs with the emulator. Emulator operation. requirements. facilities and messages are described. and sample jobstreams are provided. It is assumed that readers of this publication are familiar with OOS and OS/MFT or OS/MVT. Note: DOS to OS Emulator-Reference. GC26-3777 is now obsolete. Manual 3135.3145.3155.3158//35/DOSII GC33-2021 1401/1440/1460 OS/MFT AND OS/MVT EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 (360S-EU-735) RE~~ ----This manual describes the IBM 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Program for the IBM System/370 Models 135/145/155. and provides the information needed to use the program. rhe emulator program runs as a problem program under the OS/MFT and OS/MVT control programs and executes programs written for the IBM 1401. 1440. and 1460 Data Processing system (the Model 135 must be equipped with the IBM Compatibility Feature #4457; the Model 145 with IBM Compatibility Feature #4457 or #4458; the Model 155 with IBM Compatibility Feature #3950). Also described in this manual are three programs that are distributed with the emulator - the tape preprocessor program. the tape postprocessor program. the and the disk formatting program. These programs handle compatibility between 1401/1440/1460 data formats and Systeml370 data formats for tape and disk. The manual contains information for system planners and programmers on how to plan. generate, use. and modify the emulator; for pro~rammers on how to process 1401/1440/1460 data and execute tne emulator; and for operators on how to communicate with the emulator. All messages issued by the emulator; and for operators on how to communicate with the emulator. All messages issued by the emulator and the data manipulation programs are included as an appendix. Programmers and planners should be familiar with the IBM 1401/1440/1460 Data ProceSSing Systems and with the appropriate OS control program. Manual. 152 pages 3135.3145.31551/35111401.1440.14601 GC33-2022 1410/7010 OS/MFT AND OS/MVT EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 REFERENCE, PROG. NO. 360'C=Eu~ This manual descrr6es tne IBM 1410/7010 Emulator program for the IBM System/370 Models 145/155/155-111158. and provides the information needed to use the program. The emulator program runs as a problem program under OS/MFT and OS/MVT c~ntro1 programs and executes programs written for the IBM 1410 and 7010 Data Processing Systems (the Model 145 must be e~uipped with IBM Compatibility Feature #4457 or #4458, the M~de1 155 with IBM Compatibility Feature #3950). Also described in this manual are three programs that are distributed with the emulator - the tape preprocessor program. the tape postprocessor program. and the disk formatting program. These programs handle compatibility between 1410/7010 data formats and Systeml370 data formats for tape and disk. The manual contains information for system planners and programmers on how to plan. generate. use. and modify the emulator. for programmers on how to process 1410/7010 data and execute the emulator. and for operators on how to communicate with the emulator. All messages issured by the emulator and the data manipulation programs are included as an appendix. programmers ani planners should be familiar with the IBM 1410/7010 Data Processing Systems and with the appropriate os control program. Manual. 152 pages 3145. 3155. 31581135/0S.0TSO.OASP.CALL/1410. 70101 GC33-4010 OS/vS - DOS/VS - VM/370 ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE COMi?ONENT NOS. 57ii'9=ScI-03;575Fs~741-SC1-03, ~Q 5745-SC-ASM Provides the information necessary for programmers responsible for designing and writing programs in either the OS/VS or DOS/vS assembler language. and f~r programmers running their assembler program under VM/370. The assembler language is a symbolic programming language which allows the use of alphabetic and numeric characters to represent machine instructions and related data. Using symbolic language instead of the binary is and Os required when coding in machine language makes c~ding easier to write. understand. and change. The assembler can process a program written in assembler language to produce output in machine language suitable for link editing and subsequent execution. The book is divided into four parts: part I. Coding and Structure Part II. Function and Coding of Machine Instructions part III. Functions of Assembler Instructions Part IV. The Macro Facility The first part describes the statements. character set, Gc33 sc33 terms, literals, and expressions that ma~e up the assembler language, and give the rules ana conventions for writing code. The second part describes the alignment, statement formats, mnemonic operations codes, and operand entries of machine instructions. The third part describes the assembler instructions used for program sectioning, addressing, symbol and data definition, :lnd controlling the assembler. Finally, the fourth part gives an introduction to the macro facility for beginners, and then describes the macro definition, the macro instruction, and the conditional assembly language, a language that can alter the contents and sequence of the output produced by the assembler. Manual, 468 pages //21///5741, 5745, 5749, 5752 GC33-4015 IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 155 SORT/MERGE !!M!~2 ESTIMATES PLANNING GUIDE PR03RAM NUMBER 360S-SM-023 This publication-gives estimated execution times of the sort/merge program (360S-SM-023) on the IBM System/370 Model 155 central Processing Unit. fimes are shown for sorting applications using various main-storage sizes and record lengths. The assumptions made in calculating the timing estimates are described. Manual, 28 pages 3155//33/// GC33-4017 IBM SYSTEM/360 DOS SORT MERGE DESIGN OBJECTIVES PRO:; :--No:5743-SMl - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Program Product Design Objectives (PPDO) describe the deSign objectives and provide the estimated availability date of the subject Program Product. Program Product Design Objectives, 2 pages 360,370//33/005// SC33-4018 DOS SORT/MERGE PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5743-SM1 xhIs-manuar-enables a programmer to prepare input to----perform a sort or merge using program product 5743-XM1, and to link to the program his own assembler-language routines to perform such tasks as summarizing, altering, inserting or deleting records. Specifically, it describes: o Program Organization o Environmental requirements o Label processing o Control statements o Program Modification o Linking to user routines o Efficiency considerations o Storage requirements o Program initiation o Compatibility/conversion aids It also lists messages produced by the program, and describes the appropriate responses. The user should have a good understanaing of the Disk Operating System and its job control language. Manual, 134 pages /////5743-SM1 :;C33-4019 DOS SORT/MERGE SPECIFICATIONS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5743-SMl SummarIzeS-the functions and hardware requirements of the program, lists reference material, and oltlines compatibility/conversion features. Specifications, 2 pages 360, 370//33/DOS// is Introduction to OS, VM/370: Introduction, and OS/VS DOs/VS - VM/370 Assembler Language. Manual, 168 pages //21///5741, 5749, 5752 SC33-4023 DOS SORT/MERGE INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5743-SM1 This manual provides the information necessary to install and test program number 5743-SM1: a) Hardware requirements b) Installation procedures, including a list of the relocatable modules and an explanation of the use of the calling books c) Sample problems: how to use them, and ~hat they do. The user should have a good understanding of the Disk O[lerating Sys·tem and of DOS and TOS assembler language. Manual, 52 pages // // /5134-SM1 GC33-4024 GUIDE TO THE DOS/VS ASSEMBLER - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-ASM Th~reference-manual enables a user (defined belo~) to maintain the macro and copy libraries. It explains in detail how the de-editor program (ESERV) works and how it can be used to de-edit and update macros simultaneously. other sections explain the use of Job Control Language (JeL) statements associated with DOS/VS, how to interpret DOS/VS listings, object deck output, and data files. All assembler and de-editor diagnostic messages are listed and explained. Typical users of this manual are programmers responsible f~r JCL and the maintenance of the DOS/VS system data files; and FEs and CEs or system programmers who want information on maintaining files and using the ESERV program. The level of knowledge required for efficient use of this manual is an understanding of DOS/VS assembler language as describe~ in OS/VS and DOS/VS Assembler Language, Order No. GC33-4010. Manual, 124 ~~ges //21///5745 GC33-4025 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE SPECIFICATIONS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5746-SMl. Describes briefly the functions and capabilities o~ DOs/VS Sort/Merge Program Product (Program Number 5746-SM1). It lists the programming systems under which the program runs its system requirements, its new features, its programming service classification, the reference material, and its compatibility with other sort/merge programs. Information Sheet, 2 pages /////5746-SM1 SC33-4026 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL ~PROD. 5146-SMl ----- --- ~se by programmers familiar with DOS/VS. Provides DOS/VS information necessary to install Sort/Merge and run sample programs. Manual, 48 pages /////5146-SM1 GC33-4027 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE DESIGN OBJECTIVES - PR03RAM PRODUCT 57'ii'6-SM1 - ---- ---- The Program Product Design Objectives (PPDO) describe the design objectives and provide the estimated availability date of the subject Program Product. Flyer, 1 page /////5746-SM1 GC33-4020 IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM SORf/MERGE ~~~~gg!~!Q& PROGRAM ~ 5743-~' This publicat10n provraes-general 1nformation about the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System Sort/Merge Program Product. It describes: o Program Organization o Control Statement Formats o User EKit Facilities o Label tiandling Requirements o Program Performance Characteristics Program Product Manual, 20 pages /////5743-SMl SC33,..40 28 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM PRODUCT 57'ii'6-SM-1----- --- - ---- - - - This manual is for programmers familiar with DOS/VS. It provides them with descriptions of sort/merge control statements anj DOS/VS Job Control statements sufficient to allow them to prepare a Sort/Merge application. It also describes other options of sort/merge programs. Manual, 188 pages // ///5746-SM1 SC33-4029 OSTSO ASSEMBLER PROMPTER INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 57~ This publicatIon contains information about the installation and operation of the TSO Assembler Prompter. It is intended for personnel responsible for installing and maintaining the prompter. The TSO Assembler Prompter is a program product which provides TSO users with a convenient method of invoking the assembler. It operates only in the TSO foreground and consists of a TSO command processor which constructs the parameter list for the appropriate assembler (OS/MVT or OS/VS), invokes the assembler in the system, and passes the necessary data to it. The main part of this publication is divided into three sections I Storage Requirements Installation Procedure System Information :;C33-4021 OS/VS - VM/370 ASSEMBLER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE COMPONENT NO. 5749-SC1-03 rhis manuar-complements OS/VS - DOS/VS - VM/370 Assembler Language, Order No. GC33-4010. It is intended for the programmer writing assembler language programs to be run under OS/VS and/or VM/370. The manual contains the following major sections: o Job control statements to run the assembler o Including macro definitions in a library o Interpreting the assembler listing o Programming considerations o Assembler language programming lnder CMS Other topics, covered in appendixes, are assembler data set requirements, the object module produced by the assembler, invoking the assembler dynami.cally, and the assembler error messages. Prereluisite reading 198 SC33 GC33 Prerequisite Publications Readers are assumed to be familiar with the information in these publications: OS/MVT: Utilities. Order No. GC28-6586 JCL Reference. Order No. 3C28-6704 OS/VS: 360. 370//30/00S/3330/ GC33-5007 SYSTElV370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM VERSION 4 - MANUAL This manual;-D5s Version 4;-coiltains information--required by installation managers. systems programmer,;. dP:,lications programmers. and operators who work with DOS version 4 on an IBM System/370 Model 135. 145. or 155. The RIGtllua! contains update information to the existinq DOo liorary. The manuals that are updated are: Utilities. Order No. GC35-0005 JCL Reference. Order No. 3C28-0618 Related Publication: os TSO Assembler Prompter User's Guide. Order No. SC26-37110 Manual. 24 pages DOS System Control and service. GC24-503b DOS Data Management Concetps. Gc:.!4-3065 DOS Suparvisor an:'i I/O MacI.'os. GC24-5037 DOS Operating Gui:'ie. GC24-5022 DOS and TOS Utility Programs, GC:.!4-3465 DOS and TOS Assembler Languaye, ;;C24-3414 System Reference Manual. 155 pages 11///5734-CP2 3C33-4030 Q.Q2~!!2 2Q!ITL~ GENERAL INFORMATION ::. ~~ NUMB);:R 5746-SM1 ThIs-manual gives general information for use in planning the installation and use of the Program Product DOS/VS Sort/Merge. Manual. 32 pages ///1157116-SM1 370/ /20/DOS/ / GC33-4031 QS/VS SORT/MERGE ~ !!BODUCT 5740-SM1 ~ OBJECTIVES This document gives the design objective3 for the OS/VS Sort/Merge program. which is upward compatible with the Os sort/Merge program 5734-XM1 except that the minimum main storage requirement is increased to 32K (higher if VSAMdata sets are to be used) and that the 2301 a~d 2311 device cannot be used. OS/~S Sort/Merge has ne~ features and functions. and is designed to operate efficiently in the VS environment. It incorporates an entirely new. highperformance sorting technique. and is alone in supporting the 3330/3333 Model II and 3340 direct access devices. DeSign Objectives. 2 pages 111115740-SM1 GC33-1j·032 OS/VS SORT/MERGE: PROG. PROD. 5740-SM1 SPECIFICATIONS ProvIdes-a-specification~h~teristics and program service classification of the Program Product OS/VS Sort/Merge. Flyer. 2 pages /////5740-SMl GC33-5008 DOS VERSION 4 SYSTEM GENERAl'ION ThIs reference publicatIOn-describes the planninJ .m,1 tile procedures necessary to generate ana to maintaiu "'-11 installation-tailored IUM Disk ::lper:atiuy Systeul (Out» t-ildt pr:-ovides support for 1 BI,j-HUpplied uuS pro~ !·aw'3 yuJ 1e: 1 :n,'. as well as for your o,",n proqrarus. 'l'hl:. IIk.jeJr LI..':,l,i.<.'; discussed are: o Planning the iustallat'.ion-tallo.l'ed DJ;'; !.w,Jecv1l;;UL: o Planning the installation-tid loted r~-':' 'n,·.'r:dLiuuJ 1 pack(s) o Procedures for '],enerat.ing and .f.·'r fl''<; 1 "rdil!in •.; ttllo; DOS system o Sample problemc; fol. testinq the 11IM-c~,,~'~ol.1Pd UO:J programs The information in this publication is of par:ticular interest to anyone responsible fOL the !Jlarmlilq dnri/or· implementation of systeRI generation ao:i nldinte:l::nce fOL D):..;. This includes installati on maniiger;~. :~y::;tem .3!ldl YEts, programmers. and machine operators. System Library Manual. 428 Pdge~ 37 01134/DOS/ / Gc33-5009 QQ§, VERSION GC33-4033 OS/VS SORT/MERGE GENERAL INFORMATION - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5740-SMl - --- --- 3ives general information for use in planning the installation and use of the Program Product OS/~S sort/Merge. Manual. 44 pages /////5740-SM1 SC33-4034 OS/VS SORT/MERGE INSTALLATION REFERENCE 57iiO=SMi M~ ::. ~ ~ Describes how to generate the OS/VS Sort/~erge Program Product and include in it the current operating system. Includes generation messages and storage requirements. Manual. 40 pages 111115740-SM1 SC33-4035 DS/VS SORT/MERGE PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE PROGRAM-P~5740-SM1 supplIes-the information needed to use the installed program. including how to prepare control statements. how to calculate storage requirements. and how to use the program exits. Gives examples of control statements and of routines at program exits. Manual. 176 pages ////15740-SM1 GC33-5004 SYSTEM/360 DOS PLANNING GUIDE FOR PROGRAMMING THE 3330 DIRECT-KCCESSSTORAGEFAC'iLITy- - - - - - - - - This publication-rs-a planning guide for programmers, programming managers, and systems analysts who are intending to use an IBM System/370 configuration with the IBM 3330 Oirect Access Storage Facility under the Disk Operating System. The information in this document is divided into the following three sections: o o o An introduction that explains the functions of the IBM 3330 DASF supported by the Disk Operating System A section explaining the changes to DOS IOCS to support the 3330 DASF A section describing the change3 required to oth~r programming components This publication explains only the changes to current DOS IOCS, which is described in full in IBM System/360 Disk Operating System. Supervisor and Input/Oltput Macros (GC245037> • Planning Guide, 8 pages ! ~L ESQ9.~ ~Q~ EQ.!'i=-~J:c'!~~. This reference publication provides quick access information for operators and programmers who encounter DOS messages ::tnl use DOS commands anj job control language. This publication does not include: o Any message issued by IBM Program Productti. o Any language messa3e issued during compilation or assembly. o RPG messages. o OLTEP messages. o Emulator messages. For detailed DOS operating information. see the companion publication, DOS Operating Guide. GC24-5022. For a litit of associated publications. refer to the IBM SystenV360 and System/370 Bibliography. GA22-6822. Manual. 360 pages 370/ /40/OOS/ / GC33-5370 INTRODUCTION TO DOS/VS - MANUAL This manual is-a-qeneraI summary of the IBM Disk operatin3 System/Virtual Storage (DOS/VS). Its purpose is to provije new users of DOS with a basic introduction to the system. For users familiar with DOS. it also gives a sUllUllary of the features and functions new in DOS/VS. Some of the topics are, functions and facilities. new features. and configurations. ~n overview of Dbe uOS/VS system control programs (SCP's) and orief descriptions of some of the program products that can be uaed with the system. Manual //20///5745 GC33-5371 DOS/VS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT GUIDE ThISlmanuar-is a guide tO~IBM Disk operating SystemIVirtual Storage (DOS/VS). l'he system in its entirety is discussed on a conceptual and functional level. System management refers not only to the way DOS/VS is organized. but also to the way the user can efficiently manage the system facilities at his dispoSal. This manual. therefore. does more than describe the functions and interaction of tae system control and system aervice programs that constitute OOS/VS. It also describes how the systems planner, systeLilU pr:-ogrammer. applications programmer, or cpera1:.or Cdn use DOS/VS to your best advantage. Manual, 240 pages /134///5745 199 GC33-5372 OOS/VS DATA MANAGEMENT GUIDE Providesconceptual and functional infoI.:r.;,;t.iol, aooue th.! data management facilities offered by flOS/VS. 'fhedC: facilities concern primary item'" such ciS reeOJ d d'~dign. tI,le organization, and file processing. a,~ ;"eLL as ,,(~crm:..w::·y items like file labeling. data "ecun.ty, ':la,:a .inu,,:,/;it.b Ol"j symbolic device names. GC33 GC33 The intenaei audience is a systems designer ~ho has to aecide on a certain type of file organization and a methoa of file maintenance for a given application, and an application programmer who needs general background information about the access methods he ~ill use in his programs. Prerequisite publication: Introduct,ion to DOS/VS, GC33-5310. Manual, 300 pages //30///5145 3C33-5313 OOS/VS SUPERVISOR AND I/O MACROS SRL MANOAL This publication is-ior-the programrne~anning to use the DOS/VS Input/Output Control System macro instructions and supervisor macro instructions. These macro instructions can be combined with problem programs to produce generalized or specific file proceSSing programs. The major subjects describe the macro types and their usage, label processing~ the IOCS macros for the various access methods (SAM, DAM, ISAM, and VSAM)~ phySical IOCS, supervisor, multitasking, program linkage, and other miscellaneous macros. Manual, 420 pages //30///5145 GC33-5314 OOS/VS TAPE LABELS MANUAL The types-of-rabeIs~may be written on magnetic tape by DOS/VS are defined and described in this reference manual. The processing performed by the system, and the specifications that the user must supply to the system, are discussed. The processing of standard, user-standard, and nonstandard labels, are unlabelled files, is explained, primarily in regard to the functions performed for volume, header, and trailer labels when the user gives specifications directly to IOCS through OrF entries. Illustrations of volume layouts depict the various arrangements of labels and data records that can be handled by the four programming systems. Flowcharts show the sequence of events that occur when files with standard, nonstandard, or no labels are opened and closed. For a thorough understanding of this manual, the reader should have a basic knowledge of the Input/Ou1;put Control System (IOCS). The manual that provide this information are: OOS/VS Data Management Guide, GC33-5312, and DOS/VS Supervisor and I/O Macros, GC33-5313. Manual, 96 pages //30///5145 GC33-5315 DOS/VS DASD LABELS RELEASE 29 This-manual is intended as a-guide for programmers planning to use the DOS/VS Input/Output Control System macro instructions for standard label processing and subroutines for user standard label processing on DASO or Diskette. A glossary and flowcharts are included. F:>r label processing under a high-level programming language or ~ sort/merge programs, the reader is also referred to the appropriate language reference manuals and sort/merge manual$. Manual, 192 pages //30///5145 GC33-5316 OOS/VS SYSTEM CONTROL STATEMENTS This reference publication describes the IBM Disk Operating system/Virtual storage (DOS/VS). DOS/VS is a set of control and processing programs for IBM System/370. Detailed information is given on the follC)~ing topics: System Control Programs Initial Program Loader (IPL) Job Control POWER (Priority Output Writers, Execution Processors and Input Readers) System Service Programs Linkage Editor Librarian The storage requirements for the supervisor and the operational pack(s) are found in their respective sections of this publication. Prerequisites for a thorough understanding and for the effective use of this publication are: DOS/vS System Management Guide, GC33-5311 OOs/VS System Control Statements, GC33-5316 DOs/VS Supervisor , I/O Macros, GC33-5313 DOS/VS Operating procedures, GC33-5318 DOS/VS Messages, GC33-5319 Manual, 390 pages //34///5145 GC33-5318 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY DOS/vS OPERATING PROCEDURES This manual contains the intOrma-r:r.Dn required ~ system operators to run jobs under DOS/VS. It is intended primarily for system operators who have acquired a basic knowledge of data processing and computer equipment. The introduction of the manual familiarizes the operator with the major concepts and components of DOS/vS and provides the basis that is required to understand the subsequent sections of the manual. The section ·Procedures· tells the operator how to run jobs under control of DOS/vS~ the procedures are illustrated by examples. The section RReference Information· contains details of all operator commands, job c~ntrol statements, POWER and POWER RJE commands. A glossary defines a number of terms frequently used in a DOS/VS system operator's environment. Manual, 214 pages //40///5145 GC33-5319 SYSTEMS DOS/VS MESSAGES This publication lists and interprets the messages which DOS/VS issues to the operator and to the programmer. It enables both to decide on the action they have to take in reply to the message received. Each message is preceded by an identifying number so that it can easily be found in the book. This method of listing also ensures that messages issued by the same program are grouped together. Not included are: o Any language messages, except assembler messages tha"t cause job termination. o Sys'tem/310 Emulator messages o OLTEP messages o Subsystem Support Services messages. These messages can be removed from the application publications and inserted in this manual, if required. A tab is provided for these messages. Manual, 540 pages //40// /5145 GC33-5380 DOS/VS SERVICEABILITY AIDS AND DEBUGGING PROCEDURES This manual provi3es a-aetailed guide, including diagrams and examples, for operators and programmers who are involved in determining and isolating the cause of system malfunctions. It shows them when and how to use the IBM-supplied serviceability aids, which are programs designed to collect all relevant information about malfunctions. It contains procedures in the form of flowcharts and checklists for program debugging. It also provides a general description of the DOS/vS supervisor/problem program interface tables, information blocks, and save areas. It shows how to locate these items in a dump, and how to analyze the data during offline debugging. Operators using this manual must be familiar with: DO/VS Operating Procedures, GC33-5318, and DOS/VS Messages, GC33-5319. Programmers using this manual for debugging must be familiar with: IBM System/310 Principles of Operation, GA22-1000, and DOS/VS System Management Guide, GC33-5311. Manual, 512 pages //31///5145 Special Service Program System Buffer Load Prerequisite for understanding this publication is a basic knowledge of System/370 machine concepts. For titles and abstracts of associated publications, see the IBM System/360 and System/310 Bibliography, GA22-6822, and the IBM System/310 Advanced Function Bibliography, GC20-1163. Manual, 214 pages //36///5145 :;:33-5311 DOS/VS SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE MANUAL Describes~ procedUres necessary to generate and to maintain an installation-tailored IBM Disk Operating System/Virtual Storage (DOS/VS) that provides support for IBM-supplied programs you deSire, as well as for your own programs. The major topics discussed are: o Procedures for generating and f:>r maintaining DOS/VS o Installation Verification ProcedJre for testing the IBM-supplied DOS/VS programs o Generating a version of POWER 200 GC33-5381 DOS/VS SYSTEM UTILITIES - COMPONENT NUMBER 5145-SC-UTL Th~eference publication describes to programmers the use of the IBM DOS/VS System Utilities. The programs described are: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ASSign Alternate Track Data Cell Assign Alternate Track Disk Clear Data Cell Clear Disk Copy and Restore Disk or Data Cell Fast copy Disk Volume Initialize Data Cell Initialize Disk Initialize Tape VTOC Display Print Hardcopy File (PRINTLOG) Deblock For titles and abstracts of other related publications, see the IBM System/360 an3 System/310 Bibliography, G~22-6822, and the IBM System/310 Advanced FUnction Bibliography, GC20-1163. Manual, 218 pages GC35 Ge33 //32///5745 GC34-0006 SYSTEM/7 :;~33-5382 DOS/VS ACCESS METHOD SERVICES USER'S GUIDE This publication describes the-use-of~ss Method Services commands, a group of utility functions vital to VSAM, a new access method. For complete VSAM information consult the DOS/VS Data Management Guide. Readers of this publication are presumed to have a backgound in programming. Application programmers and system programmers are the t~o audiencES addressed. Manual, 137 pages //30//15745 GC33-5383 DOS/VS OLTEP - COMPONENT. NUMBER 5745-SC-OLT This-reference publication describes the Disk Operating System (DOS) Online Test Executive Program (OLTEP) that controls online testing of I/O units under the DOS/VS supervisor. It explains the functions of the program and gives procedures for running the test programs which are obtained from the IBM Customer Engineer. Supplementary information is containe~ in the following publica tions: DOS/VS Operating Procedures, GC33-5378 DOSIVS System Generation, GC33-5377 DOSIVS Tape Labels, GC33-5374 DOS/VS DASD Labels, GC33-5375 DOS/VS Messages, GC33-5379 Manual, 56 pages //37///5745 GC34-0056 DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE ~~ GENERAL INFORMATIQli ~~~~~ 5744-BK1 Introductory in nature, this manual serves t~o purposes. First, it explains a Distributed Intelligence System, in manufacturing terms, to production-line managers and industrial executives. second, i t explains the System, in software terms, to programmers and system designers. A Distributed Intelligence System united all the information-gathering resources of a production-line into one network, ~ith a system/370 as its central computer. Manual, 20 pages /1///5744-BK1 GC33-5384 1401/1440/1460 DOS/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEMl370 REFERENCE MANUAE-=-COMPONE~MBER 5745-SC-~--- This publication-describes the IBM 140111440/1460 Emulator Program for the IBM Systeml370, Models 115, 125, 135, 145, 155-11, and 158. The emulator program is executed as a problem program under control of the dis~ operating System Virtual Storage (DOS/VS) on an IBM Systeml370 equipped with the appropriate compatibility feature. USing the program and the compatibility feature, the System/370 can execute programs ~ritten for the IBM 1401, 1440 and 1460 Data Processing Systems. The information in this publication is intended for installation personnel, programmers and operators. Manual, 160 pages 1135111401,1440,1460/5745 GC34-00 57 Q!STRIBUTED .m!~~~ SYSTEM PROGRAM REFERENCE GUIDE PROG. PROD. 5744-BK1 Describes the Distr~buted Intelligence System. It tells ho~ to include the code for Distributed Intelligence System functions in System/7 or System/370 programs, for user application programmers, and IBM System Engineers. The manual includes both introductory and reference information on the macros and high-level call statements that are used to transmit information between the Systeml7 and the System/370. prereguisite Publications: Distributed Intelligence System General Information Manual, GC34-0056 Distributed Intelligence System: Operations Manual, GC34-0058. Distributed Intelligence System: Operations Manual, GC34-0058. Manual, 164 pages /////5744-BK1 = G::!33-5385 1410/7010 DOS/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM-NUMBER 57~L-- ~ ~ ~ ~ 360A-TX-015,025, ~44-AC1, 5747-AC1, AND i1.QI::M:! This manual provides you, the IBM System/7 user, with the information necessary to use the MSP/7 Host Program Preparat Facilities II linkage editor (LINK/7). LINK/7 aids in preparing System/? modular application programs using an IBM System/360 or system/370 host system operating under control of either System/360 Operating System or Disk Operating System (OOS). LINK/7 aids in the preparation of System/7 programs by combining modules, resolving external references, relocating programs, adding subroutines, preparing overlay modules and maintaining a load module library. The reader is assumed to be a user (programmer or system analyst) who has a working knowledge of the System/7 assembler (ASM/7) and FORMAr/7. prerequisite reading for this publication is: IBM System/7 Summary GA34-0002, System/7 Macro Assemblers GC34-0018. Prerequisite Publications: IBM System/7 Modular system Programs (MSP/7) Host Program Preparation Facilities lIon Systeml360 or Systeml370: Introduction, GC34-0007 IBM System/7 Macro Assemblers, GC34-0018 Introducing the Enhanced MSP/7: Executive Briefing, Manual, 84 pages 7//31/// -------- ----- This publication describes the IBM 1410/7010 Emulator Program for the IBM Systeml370. The emulator program is executed as a problem program under control of the Dis~ Operating System/Virtual Storage on an IBM System/370 eguipped with the appropriate compatibility feature. Using the program and the compatibility feature, the System/370 can execute pro~rams ~ritten for the IBM 1410 and 7010 Data Processing Systems. The information in this publication is intended for installation personnel, programmers and operators. Manual, 128 pages /135111410,7010/5745 GC33-5388 MODEL 20 DOS/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEMl370, REFERENCE-COMPONENT NO. 57ii5-~ - - - - - This-pUblIcation describes the program that emulates the Systeml360 Model 20 on the Systeml370 Mo~el 125 or 135 using DOSIVS. It provides information for evaluating and implementing the Systeml370 Modesl 125 and 135, and for preparing and overseeing programs executed using the model Manual, 10~ pages 1/35//2020/5745 GC33-5400 ~Q§LY§. PROGRAMMING ~ FOR IBM 1ill ~[!h. ROTATIONAL fOSITION SENSING (RPS) AND BLOCK ~! ~ ~ This publication is a planning guide for programmers, programming managers, and systems analysts who intend to use a System/370 configuration ~ith IBM 3340 Direct Access Storage Devices (DASD) under DOS/VS. In addition, this publication provides information on Rotational Position Sensing (RPS) and the Block Multiplex Channel support. The main part of this publication consists of planning information for the 3340 DASD. The RPS information is integrated in the description of the 3340 and identified by the letters RPS in the margin. The Block Multiplex Channel support is described in a separate secti~n at the end of this manual. For the 3340, this publication only ?oints out those places ~here programming support for existing DASD (2311, 2314, 3330, 3333) has been changed to support the 3340. Basic information needed to plan for programming the 3340 is contained in "DOS/VS Supervisor and I/O Macros". Manual, 22 pages 1/30//3340/5745 201 GC34-0058 DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM OPE~IONS MANUAL ~ NO.5744-BK1 Contains the information and instructions necessary to i~stall and operate the Distributed Intelligence System on Systeml370 and Systeml7. This information is required by people responsible for the following functions in Distributed Intelligence System installations: o Designing and performing an OS/VS1 SYSGEN o Installing a Distributed Intelligence System on a Systeml370 operating under OS/VSl o Co~in~ Distributed Intelligence System nucleus far a System/7 o Executin~ and controlling a Distributed Intelligence System from the Systeml370 operator console o USing customer Information Control System (CICS) with the Distributed Intelligence System o Usin~ Information Management system (lMS) ~ith the Distributed Intelligence System o Using Distributed Intelligence System tools in program debu~ging The Distributed Intelligence System is a system control program that operates under OS/VS1, resides in its own ~artition in a Systeml370, and logically connects that system/370 to one or more System/7s. Once installed, the Distributed Intelligence System enables all processors in the network to function as if they ~ere a single processor. Prerequisite publications: Distributed Intelligence System: Program Reference Guide, GC34-0057. OS/VSl System Generation Reference, GC26-3791. MSP/7 Installation and Nucleus Generation Guide, GC34-0031. Manual, 126 pages /////5744-BK1 GC35-0004 OS/VS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITIES (SMF) ThiS-publication provides installation managers, system ~rogrammers, and operators with the information required to GC35 Gc38 ~lan for, install, and use SMF (system Management Facilities). SMF is an optional feature of the IBM Systeml370 DS/VS that can be selected at system generation. SMF collects system, job-managment, and data-management information and links to user-written routines that can monitor the operation of jobs or job ste~s. This ~ublication introduces basic SMF concepts: describes SMF record formats, control program exits, and data-management requirements: tells how to plan, write, and test user-written exit routines: tells h::>w to incorporate SMF into the operating system: and describes IPL and data management procedures. Manual, 80 pages //34//15741,5752 Ge35-0005 OS/VS UTILITIES This publication discusses the capabilities of the OS/VS utility programs and the control stateme~ts used with each program. These programs are used by programmers responsible for organizing and maintaining operating s~stem data. Manual, 320 pages //32//15741,5752 GC35-0010 OS/VS2 USING os CATALOG MANAGEMENT WITH rHE MASTER CATALOG: CVOL-PROCESsoR - - - - - -- --- ---- This publication is intended for the systems programmer installing Os/vs2 Release 2. The CVOL Processor is supplied to lessen your installation considerations ~hen using OS/VS2 Release 2. This book describes (1) the pur~ose and functions sup~::>rted by the CVOL Processor, (2) ho~ to use the CVOL Processor, and (3) restrictions and limitations of the CVOL ~rocessor. Manual, 16 pages //30///5752 G:35-0011 OS/VS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) PLANNING GUIDE This-manaal-rs-for data processing-managers, system programmers, and application programmers. It contains general information concerning the physical characteristics of the IBM 3850 Mass Storage System and describes in general the ~rogramming support provided by OS/VS2. The prerequisite Publication is: Intr::>duction to the IBM 3850 Mass Storage System (MSS), 31\.32-0028. Manual, 79 pages /130//3850,3851/5741,5752 3C35-0013 OS/VS MASS STORAGE CONTROL TABLE CREATE This ~describes~e of the-MaSS Storage Control Table Create Program and its commands. Readers of the book must have a background in programming. rhose persons responsible for configuring the Mass Storage System and System Programmers are the Andiences addressed. The Prerequisite Publication is: IBM 3850 Mass Storage System (MSS) Installation Guide Manual, 104 pages //30113850,3851/5741,5752 GC38-0005 OPER~TOR'S LIBRARY: SYSTEMl370 MODEL 135 PROCEDURES This manual provides operating and reference information for operators of the IBM System/370 Model 135 Data ProceSSing System. The reader is assumed to have a ~orking knowledge of "Introduction to IBM Data Processing 5~stems," GC2o-1684, and some previous data proceSSing equipment. This manual describes how to operate the following system hardware and compatibility feature: IBM 3135 ProceSSing Unit -- the system CPU IBM 3046 Po~er Unit -- the major source of electrical power for the CPU IBM 3210 and 3215 Console Printer-Ke~board In~ut/output devices that are attached to the CPU integrated adapters. 2314/4430 Compatibility feature -- IPL procedure, direct access storage devices data volume conversion, and feature description. For operating information on related soft6are and I/O "devices, see IBM Systeml360 and Systeml370 Bibliography," GA22-6822. Manual, 108 pages 3135/101/// 3:38-0015 IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 145 OPERATING PROCEDURES This-system Library Manual contains information necessary to operate the following units of the IBM S~steml370 Model 145: IBM 3145 ProceSSing Unit IBM 3210 Console Printer-Keyboards IBM 3215 Console printer-Keyboards IBM 30~7 Power Unit The reader is assumed to have basic computer knowledge and ex~erience, or computer operating experience on a similar system or other related data processing eq~ipment. The information in this manual is written for all levels of operator experience for training as well as system 202 0geration. This manual has five major sections: o System Control Panel Indicators, Switches, and Keys .- Describes the purpose of individual indicators, swtiches, and keys. It does not describe the applications of these facilities within operating procedures. Service-personnel usage is not inCluded. o Console File - Contains location, handling, flexible disk insertion and removal information, and the necessary cautions associated with flexible disks. o Console Printer-Keyboards - Contains initial setu~ and operator adjustments, 3210 print element cleaning procedures, associated manllal PR-KB operations, and a description of indicators and controls. o Operating Procedures - Describes in detail procedures necessary for system operation. Initialization and error recovery procedures are included. operating procedures for System Error Record Editing Program (SEREP) and System rest 370 (ST370) are also in this section. o Handling Abnormal Situations - Includes text and flowcharts used in analyzing the four major types of abnormal situations encountered: 1. Cannot power system on 2. Cannot start any job 3. Cannot continuously run any job ~. Cannot power system off Manual, 96 pages 31~5//01/// GC38-0025 IBM SYSTEMl370 MODEL 158 OPERATING PROCEDURES ThIs manual introduces-the operator to the Model 158 displa~ c~nsole. Subjects describes from an operational level include: o Control Panel o Console Display o Keyboard o Console Files o Console Printer This publicati.on should be used in conjunction with Operator's Library: OS/vS2 Consoles, GC38-0260, anj Operator's Library: OS/vS2 Reference, GC38-0210. A knowledge of IBM Systeml360 Operating System: Operating Procedures, GC28-6692 is considered a prerequisite. Manual, 52 pages 3158//01/// GC38-0030 SYSTEMl370 MODEL 168 OPERATING PROCEDURES This publication deScribes the basic procedures performed by the Model 168 operator at the system console. These procedures, in conjunction with corresponding procedures provided in the appropriate operating system reference and c::>nsole manuals, enables the operator to power the machine system, load and execute control and problem programs, and to receive and issue messages to communicate with the system. The anticipated reader is the Model 168 operator who receives the program job, enters it into the production records, enters the program into the system, and returns the completed job to the problem programmers. The reader is assumed to have at least a basic understanding of computers a~d some preliminary experience in operating a similar system. Manual, 70 pages 3168//01/// GC38-0110 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VSl REFERENCE D::>cuments VSl system operator-and RES (remote entry services) commands for the system operator and the operat~r at the central computer of a RES system. Some sections are of interest to operators at secondary consoles such as those i~ the tape or disk pool. Documents only operator-initiated commands. Parameters to be issuej in response to messages are documented in the System Messages Manual. Manual, 150 pages //~O///5741 GC38-0120 OPERI\.TOR'S LIBRARY: Q§LY2 ~ CONFIGURATIONS This introductory and procedural operator publication describes OS/VS support for: o the single console configuration o the multiple console configuration This publication is part of the Operator's Library and is intended for use with: o Operator's Library: OS/VSl Reference, GC38-0110 o Operator's Library: OS/VS2 Reference, GC38-0210 o Operator's Library: DS/VSl Display Consoles (if applicable), GC38-0255 o Operator's Library: OS/VS2 Display Consoles (if applicable), GC38-0360 OS/VS2 Planning and Use Guide, GC28-0600 Operator instructions for a particular console are contained i~ the applicable Operating Procedures manual. Yo~ should be familiar with OS and System/370 before using this ~ublication. Manual, 28 pages //40///5741,5752 GC38 GC38-0210 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS2 REFERENCE This-pubIication provides the basic system information for a system console operator to run a Systeml370 machine under OS/VS2 with JES2. A knowledge of the inf~rmation included in the IBM Basic Operator Training Course is assumed. The following topics are discussed in this publication: a general overview of OS/VS2 with JES2; the commands and procedures for starting, stopping, and restarting the system; and discussions on system input, system output, allocating devices, and recording system information. The'commands ani procedures for controlling jobs and the overall system are also discussed in this book. Manual, 76 pages //40///5752 GC38 the access method used by RES. Included in the book are the commands available to the central operator; these RES c~mmands provide the means for performing such functions as displaying RES information, changing line status, controlling job processing, and sending messages to ~rkstation users. This book is part of the Operator's Library and need be included in the library only when RES is used. It is assumed that the library contains the publication Operator'o Library: OS/VSl Reference, Orier No. GC38-0110. Manual, 48 pages //38///5141 GC38-0335 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VSl CRJE This publication contains information pertinent to the 3:!38-0220 central computer operator for starting, stopping, and OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS2 TSO running Conversational Remote Job Entry (CRJE) under OS/V31. This publication provides t~basic system information It should be usei in conjunction with Operator's Library: necessary for a console operator to run rso under OS/VS2. A OS/VSl Reference, Ge38-0110. knowledge of the information included in the IBM Basic All the messages received by the operator as a result of Operator Training Course is assumed. CRJE commanis are documented in OS/VS Message Library: VSl System Messages, GC38-l001. This publication includes the comman:l.s and procedures necessary to: start TSO, modify TSO parameters, communicate Manual //38///5141 with terminal users, cancel a terminal session, control the background reader, and stop TSO. Manual, 32 pages //39///5742 GC38-1001 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VSl SYSTEM MESSAGES This manual is the basiCiiiaiiilaICif the message library for GC38-0225 OS/VSl systems. It contains messages for most system OPERATORS LIBRARY: OS/VS2 REMOTE TERMINALS control program functions, including scheduler, supervisor, This-guide is for operator~users of JES2 remote data management, system generation, and checkpoint/restart. VSl System Messages, when used with other appropriately workstations who enter one or more jobs to be sent, using JES2, to a central computer for processing. chosen message library publications, enables effective usa This book describes input/output que~es and how the of VS1 messages. For messages documented, it contains pertinent data about: workstation user can control them. Thiof iiorkstation commands o an expanded explanation of the message text, available to the user are described accoriing to their function. The parameters used for various forms of the o the resulting action of the system, commands are explained. o the response required of the operator and/or For each type of workstation (1130, S/360, S/360 Model programmer, 20, 2922, S/3, 3780, 2780, 2710) there is a separate chapter o and how to obtain the information necessary for that describes its operation. This part of the book can be problem determination. It is written for operators, programmers, system support tailored to each installation's requirements by removing sections that do not apply. personnel - anyone who responds to system messages. Manual, 120 pages Manual, 340 pages //40///5141 /TP/38///5752 3:!38-0255 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS1 DISPLAY CONSOLES Tells system operators1iOW ~cathode-ray tube (CRT) display devices as operator consoles to run a VS1 operating system. The display devices supported are: o 2250 Display Unit o 2260 Display Station The book summarizes the basic procedures for operating a system through display consoles and incl~ies detailed instructions for each device telling: o How to start the system o How to enter commands How to delete messages o o How to control the screen o How to use the CONTROL command The book must be used in conjunction with Operator's Library: OS/VSl Reference, GC28-1001. Manual, 80 pages //40//2250,2260/5741 GC38-0260 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS2 DISPLAY CONSOLES This publication tells system-operarors-hOi to use cathode ray tube (CRT) display devices as operat~r's consoles to run the VS2 configuration of the operating system. After summarizing how to use display devices as operator's consoles, the manual describe3 in detail the ~perating teChniques for each ~f the devices supported by VS2. Instructions are given for each device telling how to: start the system, enter commands, delete messages and control the screen 'using the CONTROL commani. This book must be used in conjunction with Operator's Library: OS/VS2 Reference, GC38-0210, which describes overall VS2 operating procedures. Operators Guide, 156 Pages //40//2250,2260/5152 G:!38-0305 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS TCAM - PROGRAM NUMBER 5141-SCl-21 Operating commands for Telecommunications~s Method ·(Tcrun for the Operating System/Virtual Storage (OS/VS) are described for system operators. The commands are grouped by function for easier use. A alphabetical list of keywords from the operands, with definitions of the commands, is Manual, 28 pages /TP/30///5141 GC38-0330 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY OS/VSl RES - PROGRAM NOMBER 5141-SCl-BB This-boOk-is required by t~ope~f-a-central computer that is using RES (Remote Entry Services) under VS1. It explains what functions the central operator can perform under RES. The book describes how the central operator uses the automated IPL option and how he starts and stops RTAM, 203 GC38-1002 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS2 SYSTEM MESSAGES This publication lists,expWns, and suggests appropriate responses for the messages issued by most OS/VS2 control program functions including scheduler, supervisor, data management, and system generation. Manual, 186 pages //40///5152 GC38-1003 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VSl SYSTEM CODES Thrs-publication lists,-eipIains, ana-9uggests appropriata responses to the system completion codes and wait state c~des produced by the IBM supplied components of OS/VS1. The codes are presented in alphameric order. Manual, 12 pages //40///5141 GC38-1004 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: ROUTING AND DESCRIPTOR CODES Tii~publication lists tiie'rOUting and descriptorCodes of OS/VS messages as they are aSSigned by IBM. Most messages in the system are issued by the WTO and WTOR macro statements, which have routing and descriptor code parameters. This is a reference publication for a limited and specific audience, those who wish to alter the code assignments. It can be helpful, for example, to the user whose system has multiple console support (MCS> and who is rerouting messages to certain consoles. In this manual, message identifiers (IDs) are listed in alphameric order; message texts are not given. Descriptor codes appear to the left of the message IDs, and the routing ~des to the ri~ht. In cases where a message is issued only by VSl or Vs2 and not both, the system deSignation follows the ID. Only this reference material is listed in this manual. ~r additional information like message texts and explanations, you must refer to other publications in the OS/VS Message Library. Manual, 32 pages //40///5141,5152 GC38-1005 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: UTILITIES MESSAGES Tfirs-publication lists error-&iid diagnostic messages issuei by OS/VS Utility programs and describes the actions to be taken in response to them. It is to be used by programmers using the OS/VS Utility programs, and by operators responsible for runnin9 them. OS/VS Utilities, GC35-0005, is a prerequisite publication. Manual, 88 pages //32///5141,5152 SH12 GC38 GC38-1006 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: SERVICE AIDS AND OLTEP MESSAGES TiiTS"-pubHcation lists, explains, andsuggests appropriate responses to the messages produced by the OS/VS service aids and OLTEP programs. The messages are grouped by component and listed in alphameric order. Associated publications: OS/VS1 Service Aids, GC28-0665 OS/VS1 OLTEP, GC28-0666 OS/VS1 SYS1.LOGREC Error Recording, 3C28-0668 OS/VS2 Service Aids, GC28-0674 OS/VS2 SYS1.LOGREC Error Recording, 3C28-0677 OS/VS2 OLTEP, GC28-0675 Manual, 66 pages //37///5741,5752 3:38-1007 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER MESSAGES This publication lists, explains, and suggests appropriate responses for the messages issued by the OS/VS linkage editor and loader programs. The messages are grouped by component and listed in alphameric order. The associated publication is: o OS/VS Linkage Editor and Loader, GC26-3813 Manual, 21 pages //31///5741,5752 GC38-1008 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS2 SYSTEM CODES This publication lists, explains, and suggests appropriate responses to the system completion codes and wait state codes produced by the IBM-supplied components of OS/VS2. The codes are presented in alphameric order. Manual, 60 pages //00/1/ GH12-5115 DATA LANGUAGE/I-ENTRY DOS/vS (DL/I-ENTRY DOS/vS) GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL. PROG. ~ 5746-XX7 Data Language/I-Entry DOS/VS (DL/I-ENTRY DOS/VS is a data management control system developed to assist the user in implementing data base processing applications. It provides data organization methods that are conducive to the creation of, access to, and maintenance of large common data bases. DL/I-Entry DOS/VS permits the evolutionary expansion of data processing applications from a batch-only environment to a teleprocessing environment through use of the Customer Information Control System DOS/VS. This manual gives a general description of the system, lists its machine configuration requirements, and provides sample a~plications. It is intended for executives, system administrators, system analysts, system programmers, and a~plication programmers. Manual, 54 pages // ///5746-XX7 SH12-5411 1/40///5752 G:38-1009 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS2 TSO MESSAGES This-publication lists, explains, and suggests appropriate responses for the messages issued by the rso control program and associated routines such as the PL/I and FORTRAN IV syntax checkers. Messages are grouped by component and listed in alphameric order. Manual, 58 pages //39///5742 3:38-1010 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS1 RES RTAM AND ACCOUNT MESSAGES This book is intended for-userS~RF(R~En~ Services) under VS1. The book contains nessages produced by RTAM (Remote Terminal Access Method) and by the account facility. The messages are presented in message nunber order. In addition to the text of the message, an explanation of it is given together with the action the system takes and the expected response, if any, of the operator and/or programmer. This book is part of the Message Library and need be included in the library only when RES is used. Manual, 80 pages /TP/30///5741 GC38-10ll QS/VS ~ LIBRARY SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT §.ERVICE§ MESSAGES yS/l RELEASE ttL VS/2 RELEASE 1 This publication lists the system messages produced by IBMsupplied component, Subsystem Support Services,. The causes of the messages are explained, the accompanying actions by the operating system are described, and appropriate responses are suggested. The messages are presented in alphameric order. The publication that introduces the concepts and terminology relevent to all of these messages is the IBM System/ 370 Subsystem Support Services User's Guide, GC30-3022. Manual //40///5741,5752 GE20-0312 PREFACE TO PL/I PROGRAMMING IN SCIENTIFI: COMPUTING In-a-brief ana-simple manner;-this manual: -Lists some problems arising in industry, buSiness, science, and engineering -survey the mathematical, statistical, and operations research (OR) by which these problems are solved -Tells how a few of such techniqaes and models are programmed for computers using the PL/I language The major portion of the manual concentrates on PL/I. The essentials are brought out mostly by the many short examples and the summary exhibits. DP Application Manual, 66 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GF20-8172 DATA PROCESSING TECHNIQUE~ This bibliography provides a selection of 1M publications ~hich. either wholly or in part, describe data processing techniques - generally useful methods and applications, studies in analysis and design, management of a data processing department, and the like. The listing of a publication in this bibliography does not, however, preclude its appearance in one or more bibliographies for specific systems. Titles, order numbers, current status, and an abstract of each item are provided. Titles are listed two ways: by ~pic, with order number indicated and in order-number sequence ~ith title given. Manual, 8 pages ~I~~IQ~RAPHX ~ 204 ~ DOS/VS APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM PRODUCT 5746-XXl This manual desc~w to write a DL/1 DOS/VS application program for execution in the batch or online environments. It is intended for COBOL, PL/1, or Assembler language a~plication pro~rammers who wish to employ DL/I DOS/VS functions in their programs, and for data base administrators who are designing DL/I DOS/VS applications. DL/I DOS/VS is a data management control system that assists the user in creating, acceSSing, and maintaining large common data bases. In conjunction with the Customer Information Control System (CICS/DOS/VS), DL/I DOS/VS can be used in an online teleprocessing environment. This manual contains four main sections: an overall view of how a DL/I DOs/VS application program is written and executed, a description of the function codes, the considerations to a?ply for an online application program, and a description of the advanced programming functions. A glossary of DL/I terms is also included. Readers of tnis manual must be thoroughly familiar ~ith the use of DOS/VS, and of CICS/DOS/VS if DL/I DOS/VS is to be used in the online environment. Manual, 90 pa~es /1///5746-XX1 SH12-5412 rum m ~Q, ~ UTILIrIES GUIDE :EQB ~ PROGRAMMER PROGRAM PRODUCT 5746-XX1 This manual describes each of the DL/I DOS/VS utility programs and explains how to execute them under DOS/VS. This manual is ~ritten for data base administrators and system programmers who are concerned ~ith maintaining and reorganizing data bases and creating data base control blocks. DL/I DOS/VS is a data management control system that assists the user in creating, accessing, and maintaining large common data bases. In conjunction with the Customer Information System (CICS/DOS/VS), DL/I DOS/VS can be used in an online teleprocessing environment. This manual describes procedures used for creating control blocks and utilities f~r data base recovery, for data base reorganization, and for the resolution of data base logical relationships. Readers of this manual must be thoroughly familiar with the use of DOS/VS, and of CICS/DOS VS if DL/I DOS/VS is to be used in the online environment. Before using the DL/I DOS/VS utilities and procedures described in this manual. users should read DL/I DOS/VS System/Application Design Guide, SH12-5413. Manual, 262 pages /////5746-XX1 SH12-5413 DL/I DOS/VS SYSTEM/APPLICATION DESIGN 3UIDE PROGR~M NO. 5746-XXl --- -- This manual presents a general description of DL/I DOS/VS and the considerations to apply when designing a DL/I DOS/v3 system. It is intended for DP managers who want a general picture of DL/I DOS/VS and for system analysts and data base administrators who are planning and designing a system. DL/I DOS/VS is a data management control system that assists the user in creating, acceSSing, and maintaining large common data bases. In conjunction with the customer Information Control System (CICS/DOS/VS), DL/I DOS/VS can be used in an online teleprocessing environment. This manual contains descriptions of planning a DL/I DOS/VS system, designing data base structures, controlling and executing data base systems, designing application programs, selecting an access method and employing the DL/I DOS/VS utilities. Also included is a section on estimating DL/I DOS/VS storage requirements. Readers of this manual must be thououghly familiar with SH12 GH20 the use of OOS/VS, and of CICS/OOS/VS if DL/I DOS/VS is to be used in the online environment. Manual, 170 pages ////.1 57q6-XXl SH12-5Uq DL/I DOS/VS OPERATOR'S REFERENCE MANUAL' MESSAGES AND £QQ~ PROG. ~ ~ --- - ---- -- This publication explains how to execute a OL/I DOS/VS application or utility program as a batch job under DOS/VS. It also lists all DL/I DOS/VS messages and status codes. The appendixes identify the messages and status codes issued by each DL/I DOS/VS module. This manual is intended for use by persons operating the DL/I DOS/VS system and by application programmers and data base administrators who may need information on messages and status codes. DL/I DOS/VS is a data management control system that assists the user in creating, accessing, and maintaining large common data bases. In conjunction with the Customer Information Control System (CICS/DOS/VS), DLII DOS/VS can be used in an online teleprocessing environment. Readers of this manual must be thoro;1ghly familiar with the operation of DOS/VS, and of CICS/DOS/VS if DL/I DOS/VS is to be used in the online environment. Manual, 102 pages ///1.I57Q6-XXl SH12-5U5 DATA LANGUAGE/I-ENTRY DOS/VS (DLlI-ENTRY DOS/VS) APPLICATION PROGRAMMING:REFERENCE MANUAL ~ROD. 5746=XX']- SH18-0007 ~ ~ PROGRAMMING ~ ~ DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-ALB The-TSO-3270-printer supporr-PrOgram is designed~ide the user with functions to produce hard copies of his TSO session on the 3277 display station. The hard copies are produced on the 328Q printer. This manual contains information on the functions of TSO 3270 Printer Support Program and the operating procedures necessary to install and use this program.• Manual, 7~ pages ///1.1 5799-ALB !§'Q ;!EQ. GH19-0082 !i!h ~NERAL Operator's Guide for IBM 3270 Information Display Systems, GA27-2742 IBM 3270 Information Display System Conponent Description, GA27-2749 Manual, 20 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GH20-0689 --- --- --- This-book exaplins the application programmer how to work with DL/I-Entry DOS/VS. Using this book, the application programmer can write and run COBOL, RPG II, PL/I, or Assembler programs which use DLlI-Entry. rhe DL/I-Entry data base system makes data handling easier for application programs, and centralizes the data required by more than one application program. Both batch pro~rams running under DOS/VS and online programs running under the Customer Information Control Sfstem/OOS/vS (ClCS/VS) can use DL/I-Entry. This book introduces DL/l-Entry concepts, explains both the mechanics and the teChniques of writing application programs which use DLll-Entry, shows how to run them, and provides examples. rhe use of DLlI-Entrf calls and the definition of program communication block (PCB) masks are described in detail. A glossary exaplins DL/I-Entry terms used in the book. In addition, a reference card summarizing the main application programming conventions is provided at the end of the book. Prerequisite to using this book is a knowledge of how to program in COBOL, RPG II, PLlI, or Assembler, and some familiarity with DOS/VS. Online programmers must in addition be familiar with CICS.lVS programming conventions. Manual, 158 pages ///1.1 57Q6-XX7 ~~~~~~!~gQ INFORMATION ~ DOS/VS, PROG~ 5799-ALX, ~ 8T0139 GH19-7024 IBM 3277 DISPLAY STATION CUSTOM FEATURE DESC. ~ PRINTER ATTACHMENT ~ U58950 --This manual describes the operation of the IBM 1980-C24 Printer when attached to an IBM 3277-001 Display Station. Operating procedures and physical planning information for the 1980 Ticket Printer only is included. The Introduction includes a discussion of the operation of the 3277 Display Station when this RPQ is attached. It is intended mainly for company executives, planners, programmers, and IBM marketing representatives. The 1980 Printer Operating Procedures provide the necessary information to allow an operator to use the printer. The Physical Planning section provides physical data to assist installation planners. When this publication is used, it is assumed that the reader is familiar with the 3270 system manuals, applicable to his needs. An Introduction to the 3270 Information Display System, GA27-2739 INFORMAtION This manual surveys the operational concepts and system capabilities of the Generalized Information System for DOS/VS. The manual introduces the language of GIS and describes the data base organization and processing actions supported by GIS. rhe Generalized Information System operates on System/370 Virtual Storage Systems and supports a wide variety of applications by providing information handling capabilities against DL/I data base organizations. GIS provides facilities for defining and retrieving data from user DL/I data bases using a language which is English-like structure, and easily taught to non-computer professionals. Manual, Q4 pages /////5799-ALX 31119-0084 GENERALIZED INFORMArION ~ QQ§LY§. EXE~ QUERY, REFERENCE ~ ~ ~ 57~9-ALX, ~ ~~ This manual is designed to give a samp11ng of GIS DOS/VS PRPQ capabilities and to provide a reference for non-dataprocessing users of GIS DOS/VS PRPQ. It is a basic introduction to GID DOS/VS PRPQ which may be examined by those who are interested in a system designed to make information readily available to decision makers. Manual, 62 pages ////.1 5799-ALX ~PRIMER,~~ This primer provides an introduction to the APL/360 system and to the APL prografimdng language. It discusses the mechanics of USing the system, and shows how to write representative programs for a variety of applications. The treatment is elementary, and for a discussion of advanced system features and available operations, refer to the APL/360 User'S Manual. Course Manual ///1/5736-XM1,573Q-XM1 GH20-0765 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMl360, ~ b. ~ INFORMATION MANUAL: PROG. PROD. 573Q-XX6 The Informat~agement System/360 is an Operating System/360 processing program designed to facilitate the implementation of medium to large common data bases in a multiapplication environment. This environment is create1 to accommodate both online message processing and conventional batch processing, either separately or concurrently. The system permits the evolutionary expansion of data processing applications from a batch-only to a teleprocessing environment. This manual includes a general description of the system and its various facilities and programs, lisings of typical and minimum configurations, and sample applications. Manual, 112 pages //1/15734-XX6 GH2o- 08 50 APLl360 - OS (5734-XM6) AND APLl360 - DOS (5736-XM6) GENERAL INFORMATION MANuAL - - - - This publication provides a general introduction to the use, operation, and installation of APL/360. APL/360 is a conversational time-shared terminal system utilizing APL (A Programming Language), a concise notation which makes use of well known mathematical symbols, plus a number of symbols that are used for designating other sim~le and powerful functions. Because APL is colosely realted to mathematical notation, and its functions operate on sets of information as well as individual data items, the user can write effectively in this language with a minimum of instruction. APL/360 is designed to operate under either (a) the IBM system/360 Operating System (OS/360), Multiprogramming with a Fixed Number of Tasks (MFT with subtasking) or Multiprogrammin~ with a Variable Number of Tasks (MVr> or (b) the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System (DOS/360). The manual is in three parts: Part I describes APL/360 as viewed by a user at a typewriter-like terminal. The statements and commands used to describe the operatins to be performed by the APLl360 System are summarized. Part II describes APL/360 as viewed from the central data processing system location. The system features which facilitate the management and operation of an APL/360 System are summarized. Part III describes the items to be considered in planning for the installation of an APL/360 System. Minimum machine requirements and storage requirements are providej. Manual, 65 pages 1/111573Q-XM6,5736-XM6 205 GH20-0892 IBM GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) APPLICATION DESCRIPTION..r. PROG.""NQ. 5734-XX1- - - This manual surveys the operational concepts and system capabilities of the Generalized Information system, Version 2. The manual introduces the language of GIS/2 and describes the file or~anization and processing actions supported by GIS/2. GH20 GH20 The Generalized Information System o~erates under control of the Operating System on System/360 and System/370 and supports a wide variety of applications by providing information-handling capabilities against many typical data base organizations. GIS/2 provides facilities for defining, maintaining, and retrieving data from user files under direction of the using installation and its personnel. Program Product Manual, 76 pages //1115734-XXl SH20-0915 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360 VERSION 2 !!!~ REFERENCE MANUAL, PROG. NO. 5734=XX6 This manual explains now to execute the IMS/360 utilities programs under Operating System/360. Described are data base description generation and program specification block generation, data base recovery and data base reorganization, and system log analysis. Program Product Manual, 224 pages /////5736-XX6 :ili20-0906 ~PL/360-0£ (5734-XM6), APL060-DOS (5736:.XM6), USER'S MANUAL This publication provides information necessary to use the APL/360 system. It discusses ~rocedu~es and equipment required for interacting with the system, how to establish connection between terminal and central computer, how to sta~t and end work sessions, and how to a~ply system control features. Application of the APL language to user problems is thoroughly discussed, and appendices gi~e both elenentary and advanced examples of actual terminal sessions. Program Product Manual, 160 pages 1//115734-XM6,5736-XM6,5799-AJF sa20-0910 ~~~~~~!~~~I~!~~;~M~~;I~~S~~~~60, ~~ ~ PRO:iRAM NUMBER 5·734-XX6 -This manual is a guide-for the application analyst or system analyst. Its contents will assist him in the design of an IMS/360 system as well as in the deSign of the application systems which will run under IMS/360. prog~am Product Manual, 300 pages ////15734-XX6 SH20-0911 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMl360, Y§R§1Q~ ~ SYSTEM PROGRAMMING REFERENCE MANUAL p~ NUMBER 5734-XX6 --This manual provides system programming ~ersonnel with installation considerations and details for generation (definition) of an IMS/360 system for the user's data processing environment. The security maintenance program is included and message editing capabilities discussed. An IMS/360 sample problem is also provided. Program Product Manual, 276 pages ////15734-XX6 SH20-0938 APLl360 :: QQ2 ~ATIONS !iliQ !~§I~~ MANUAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-XM6 TtiIS"iiianual is in three parts. Part I gives instructions for operating the APL/360 time-sharing system. Suggestions for good practice in time-sharing and remote-computing operation are included. Part II gives instructions for operating the APL/360 Utility proggrams. Part III describes the procedure for incorporating APL into an existing installation. It includes instructions for preparing the HOST system for APL, allocating resources, and restoring the APL distributed library. Common problelns encountered during system installation are noted and analyzed. Program Product Manual, 80 pages // // /5736-XM6 SH20-1007 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEW360 VERSION 2 MASTER INDEX PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6----- - - - - - - - - - This is aconsolidatel alphabetic index to all the documents in the set of eleven IMS/360 Version 2 manuals. The titles of the iniividual manuals, along with abbreviated titles and order numbers, are as follows: General Information Manual - GIM (GH20-0765) System/Application DeSign Guide - SADG (SH20-0910) A~plication Programming Reference Manual - APRM (SH20-0912) System programming Reference Manual - SPRM (SH20-0911) Operator's Reference Manual OPRM (SH20-0913) Utilities Reference Manual - UTRM (SH20-0915) Messages and Codes Reference Manual - M , C (SH20-0914) SH20-0912 System Manual, Volume I - Text - SM (LY20-0629) !~EQ~~~I!Q~ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360, VERSIO~ ~ APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE MANUAL PRO:;R1\M-NUMsER5734-XX6 --This manual provides the details needed for an application prog~am to be implemented under IMS/360. fhis manual is directed to the application programming interface (the coding teChniques necessary for im~lementation of a designed application under the IMS/360 control program). The reader should be familiar with the IBM/360 SYSfEM/APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE (SH20-0910) before reading this document. Program Product Manual, 120 pages //1115734-XX6 Sli20-0913 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360, VERSIQ~ £L OPERATOR'S REFERENCE MANUAL PR03RAM NUMBER 5734-X~ rnIOrmition Management System/360 (IMS/360) is a processing p~og~am (control system) designed to facilitate the implementation of medium to large common data bases in a multi-application environment. This en~ironment is created to accommodate both on-line message processing and conventional batch processing, either separately or concurrently. The system permits the e~olutionary expansion of data proceSSing applications from a batch-only to a teleprocessing environment. ·fhis manual provides the operator "ith the information associated with operating IMS/360 once the syst.em has been established in a user environment. Program Product Manual, 152 pages ////15734-XX6 Sli20-0914 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360, ~~ £L MESSA3ES AND ~ REFERENCE MANUAL, PR03RAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 Information Management System/360 (IMS/360) is a processing program (control system) designed to facilitate the implementation of medium to large common data bases in a llUlti-application environment. This environment is created to accommodate both on-line message processing and conventional batch processing, either separately or concurrently. fhe system permits the e~olutionary expansion of data processing applications from a batch-only to a teleprocessing environment. This manual lists, explains, and suggests ~ppropriate responses to the completion codes, status codes, and messages produced by the IBM-supplied cOD~onents of the IMS/360 system. Program Product Manual, 104 pages ////15734-XX6 206 System ManUal, Volume II - Flowcharts - SM-II (LY20-0630) System Manual, Volume III - DP Microfiche - SM III (LYBO-0631> System Manual, Volume IV - DC Microfiche - SM-IV (LYBO-0632) The reader"s attention is called to the fact that many of the commas in the index are used in the SORT program and do not necessarily indicate a reversal of word sequence. Program Product Manual, 60 pages 11///5734-XX6 GH20-10 27 STATIBASIC FOR SYSTEW3 MODEL §.L ~ AND VMl370-ClB: ~ INFORMATION, ~ NOS:.. 5703-XAl, 5734-XAl STATIBASIC is a comprehensive set of interactive statistical programs for System/3 Model 6 and ITF (DOS, OS, or TSO). It consists of 40 BASIC ~rograms, providing the user with procedUres for data generation, elementary statistics, regression and correlation analysis, multivariate analysis, analysis of variance, nonparametric statistics, time series analysis, and biostatistics. The interactive features include instructional messages, flexible control of calculations, extensive error checking, and data editing. This manual provides an overview of STAT/BASIC, describing the program features, usage, maximum problem sizes, precision, timing, system requirements, and customer responsibilities. It also includes a sample problem to illustrate the use of STAT/BASIC. Manual, 40 pages /1///5703-XA1,5734-XA.3 GH20-1028 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) DOS-ENfRY 1C!CSToOSE) DOS-STANDARD (ClcS/i50sS) os:sTANDARD V2 (::!ICS/OS) GENERbL INFORMATION ~~ - - - - - -~ ~ 5734-XX7, lli§.::~~L ~ The IBM Customer Information Control System (CICS) is a Transaction-oriented. multiapplication data base/data communication interface between a System/360 or System/370 o~erating system and user-written application programs. A~plicable to most online systems, CICS provides many of tne facilities necessary for standard terminal applications: message switching, inquiry. data collection. order entry. and conversational data entry. Cles is available in three systems--two for DOS users and one for OS USERS. Because the two CICS/DOS systems are compatible with each other and with the CICS/OS system, it is possible to start with a small DOS data base/data communication configuration and move up through 003 into 03. GH20 SH20 This manual is designed for persons interested in a general description of CICS and its data base/data communication capabilities. Manual, 84 pages ////15734-XX7,5736-XX6,5736-XX7 Sfl20-1030 IBM GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSIJN 2 (GIS/2) ~RO:;RAM DESCRIPTION MAN~ VOLUME 1:.. SY'srEM OVERVIEW AND CONTROL, PROG. PROD:.. 5734-XX1 The IBM Generalized Information System, lTersion 2, abbreviated GIS/2, consists of an integrated set of programs to provide general-purpose information handling. User input statements initiate and direct the system functions of creating, querying, and maintaining formatted data files variously structured. GIS routines are completely coded in the Assembler Language and operate under the overall control of OS with MFT or MVT. This manual is presented in three volumes, the first of which describes the GIS monitor program and the capabilities associated with it. Data Description (file definition) facilities and Procedural Language facilities are specified in Volumes 2 and 3, respectively. program Product Manual, 40 pages ////15734-XX1 SH20-1032 IBM GENERALIZED INFORMATION SY'STEM, VERSI;m. ~ (GIS/2) OPERATIONS MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-KK1 This manual addresses operations personnelintending to run the Generalized Information System, Version 2 (GIS/2), ~nder the Jperating System with Multiprogramming with a Fixed Number of Tasks or Multiprogramming ~ith a Variable Number of Tasks. Contents include SY'SGEN procejures, execution procedures, and diagnostic messages available to the system user. program Product Manual, 160 pages ////15734-XX1 Stl20-1033 GENERALIZED INFJRMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) VOLUME-hPROCEDURAL LANGUAGE ::. PROGRAM-DESCiffPTION ~ PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 This manual describes the executive-information handling capabilities of statements written in the procedural language of the Generalized Information Sistem, version 2 Generic statement formats, examples, and detailed constraints specify the syntax and use of the var.ious task statements. Although the abbreviated title GIS/2 refers formally to version 2 of an earlier GIS release, the eKpressions GIS and GIS/2 are synonymous as they may appear herein. Program Product Manual, 148 pages ///115134-XXl SH20-1034 CUSTOMER INFORMATION ~ ~ (Clcst OPERATIONS 3UIDE ::. ~ ~ DOS-ENTRY' ~~~ DOS-STANDARD 5736-XX7 The IBM Customer Information Control System (CICS) is a highly responsive, transaction-oriented, multiapplication data base/data communication interface between a Systeml360 or Systeml370 operating system and user-written application programs. In addition to the functions required for inquiry and conversational data entry, this open-ended, tablecontrolled, event-driven system provides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications such as message switching, broadcasting, data collection, and order distribution. CICS is available in three systems--t~o for DOS users and one for OS users. Because the two CICS/DOS systems are compatible with each other and with the CICS/OS system, i t is possible to start with a small data base/data communication configuration and move up through DOS into' OS. This manual provides information of interest to persons responsible for the definition, preparation, and exe~ution of CICS. Included is the information necessary to generate and operate CICS. Manual, 80 pages 111115736-XX6,5136-XX1 SH20-1040 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) VOLUME 2: DATA DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE ::. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION MANUAL -PRO~RAM-NUMBER 5734-XX1 This volume specifies the format and content of computer input statements defining data files to be processed. ~ta description language facilities are discussed in a sequepce generally corresponding to a system user's need for those facilities. Descriptive language statements are illustrated as input lines in keyword format representative of punchedcard fields. program Product Manual, 148 pages ///1/5734-XX1 S1I20-1043 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SY'STEM (CICS) SYSTEM P~R' S REFERENCEMANiJAL PROGRAM----mNSEasDOS-bNTRY 5736-XX6, DOS::sTiNDARD 5736-XK7L OS-STANDARD 172 5734-XX7 The IBM Customer Information Control system (CICS) is a 207 transaction-oriented, multiapplication data base/data communication interface between a System/360 or Systeml37u operating system and user-written application programs. Applicable to most on-line systems, CICS provides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal application3: message switching, inquiry, data collection, order entry, and conversational data entry. CICS is available in three systems--two for DOS users and one for OS users. Because the two CICS/DOS systems are c~mpatible with each other and with the CICS/OS system, it is possible to start with a small data base/data communication configuration and move up through U03 into J3. ~['his manual provides information essential for persons who have the responsibility to define, prepare, and administer CICS in the environment it supports. Manual, 220 pages /////5734-XX1,5736-XX6,5136-XX7 SH20-1044 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) TERI~NAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE::. PRJGRAM NUM!!§R.§ QOS-ENTRX~n~=XX6, DOS-STANDARD 5136-XX1, ~~RQ ~~ ~!I The IBM Customer Information Control System (crCS) is a transaction-oriented, multiapplication data base/data communication interface between a System/360 or System/370 operating system and user-written application programs. Applicable to most on-line systems, CICS provides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications: message switching, inquiry, data collection, order entry, and conversational data entry. CICS is available in three systems--two for DOS users and one for OS users. Because the two CICS/DOS systems are compatible with each other and with the CICS/OS system, it. is possible to start with a small data base/data communications configuration and move up through DOS into OS. This manual provides information of interest to persons involved with terminal operation. These persons include terminal operators, terminal supervisors, master t~rminal operators, application programmers, system programmers, anj system administration. Manual, 52 pages /1///5134-XX1,5736-XX6,5736-XX7 SH20-1041 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) APPLICATION Eg~~: RAMMEiFs REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRM1NUMBERS 5736-XXb--TI!OS-ENT~l 5136~~1 (OOs-STANDKRD1.. 5734-Xxr-(OS-STANDARD 172) The-IBM Customer Information control system (CICS) is a transaction-oriented, multiapplication data base/data c~mmunication interface between a system/360 or System/370 operating system and user-written application programs. Applicable to most online systems, CICS provides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications: message switching, inquiry, data collection, order entry, and conversational data entry. CICS is available in three systems--two for DOS users and one for OS users. Because the two CICS/OOS systems are c~mpatible with each other and with the CICS/OS system, it. c~mmunication configuration and move up through DOS into J3. This manual provijes information of interest to persons defining, designing, and preparing application programs to execute under CICS. Program product manual, 184 pages /////5134-XX7,5736-XX6,5736-XX1 SH20-1048 ~~:~::~ ~~~~~~~T~~p~~~s S~~~~ (CICS) OPERATI~ §'E~§[>1 PR~NUMBER 5734-XX7 Tfie-IBM CUStOmer Information Control System (ClCS) is a transaction-oriented, multiapplication data base/data communication interface between a System/360 or Systeml370 operating system and user written application programs. In addition to the functions required for inquiry and conversational data entry, this open-ended, tablecontrolled, event-driven system provides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications such as message switching, broadcasting, data collection, and order distribution. CICS is available in three systems - two for DOS users and one for OS users. Because the two CICS/DOS systems are compatible with each other and with the CICS/OS system, it. is possible to start with a small data base/data c~mmunication configuration and move up through D03 into 05. This manual provides information of interest to persons responsible for the definition, preparation, and eKecution of CICS. Included is the information necessary to generate and operate CICS. Manual, 52 pages /////5134-XX7 SH20-1069 STAT/BASIC fQR SYSTEMl3 MODEL ~ ~ AND VM/370-CMS: ~ REFERENCE ::. ~ !ill~ 5703-X~!L 5734-XA3 STAT/BASIC is a comprehensive set of interactive statistical programs for Systeml3 Model 6 and ITF. It consists of 40 BASIC programs, providing the user with procedures for data generation, elementary statistics, regression and c~rrelation analysis, multivariate analYSis, analysis of variance, non-parametric statistics, time series analysis, and biostatistics. The interactive features include GH20 sH20 instructional messages, flexible control of calculations, extensive error checking, and data editing. This manual provides the details of the STAT/BASIC programs. It covers scope and characteristics, processing descriptions, terminal operation, input/oGtput description, program description, system requirements, and program modification aids. In this manual, ITF refers to DOS-ITF, OS-ITF, and TSOITF. Manual, 220 pages The modules of MATH/BASIC can be applied to many problems that occur in science, engineering, and related fields. This manual provides an overall view of MATH/BASIC. It describes the program features, usage, maximum problem size, preCision, timing, system requirements, and customer responsibilities. Examples are included to illustrate the use of the program. Manual, 21 pages 111115703-XM2,5734-XM8 111115703-X~1,5734-X~3 SH20-1070 STAT/B~IC FOR ITF AND VM/370-CMS: ~~ GUIDE, PR03R~M NUMB~R 5734-XA3 This manual provides the information neeied to generate, run, and maintain ST~T/B~SIC. Program Product Manual, 20 pages 111115734-X~3 GH20-1074 INTERACTIVE QUERY ~ (lQF) FOR ~360 ~ .£ PR03RAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 - GENERAL INFORM~TION MANUAL The Interactive Query Facility (lQF) is provided as a feature for users of the IBM Information Management System (IMS/360) Version 2, Program Product 5734-XX6. IQF offers the capability for spontaneous online qGery capability, and retrieval and display of data maintained ~ithin IMS/360 teleprocessing iata bases. IQF runs as a standard IMS/360 application program under IMS/360 VerSion 2 and uses standard IMS/360 resources for describing data, accessing data, and communicating with the user's terminal. This manual provides a general description of I~F and its various facilities and programs, describes the IQF query language and the required IQF-IMS/360 machine configurations, and includes sample applications (examples of terminal queries that a user might employ). IQF operates with all System/360 ani System/370 computers supported by IMS/360 version 2. All references to IMS/360 Version 2 in this manual ass~me ~odification Level 1 or higher, ~ith the full Data Base/Data Communication System. ThiS manual has been prepared for both data processing and non-data processing management and personnel. Knowledge of the information contained in the MIS/360 Version 2 3eneral Information Manual (GH20-0765) #ill be helpful in understanding the relationship of IQF to I~S. Program Product Manual, 54 pages 1111I5734-XX6 SH20-1103 S/370 MCGILL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FOR INTER~CTIVE COMPUTING MUSIC RELEASE II PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OPER~~ ~ ~ IUP NUMBER 5796-A~~ -----~r~f the MUSIC Timesharing S(stem is now available. It contains system support for S/370 Models 125, 158, 165 and 168, including 3330/3333 Model II, 3704/3705, enhancements to BASIC and APL workspace support. In addition, its interface to VMl370 has been improved to provide more efficient operation when running in a virtual machine under VM/370 control. Programming services have been extended until December 31, 1974. MUSIC offers a high performance and high function timesharing facility previously unavailable to the low entry System/370 user. Manual 111115796-AAT SH20-1104 S/370 MCGILL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FOR INTER~CTIVE COMPUTING MUSIC B~EASE !! USER'S GUIDE::. lOP NUMBER 5796-AAT release of the MUSIC Timesharing System is now available. It contains system sGPport for S/370 Models 125, 158, 165 and 168, including 3330/3333 Model II, 3704/3705, enhancements to BASIC and APL workspace 3~pport. In addition, its interface to VM/370 has been improved to provide more efficient operation when running in a virtual machine under VMl370 control. programming services have been extended until December 31, 1974. ~USIC offers a high performance and high function timesharing facility previously Gnavailable to the low entry System/370 user. Manual A-new 111115796-AAT GH20-1128 MODEL ~ !!EL AND VMl370-CMS GENEg~ MANUAL, ~ NOS. ~ iSYSTEMl3) AND 5734-XM8 (ITF AND VMl370-CMS) MATa7BASlc-provides easy-to use po#erful mathematics problem-solving tools to the user of BASIC. The program operates on the IBM Systeml3 Model 6 or ~nder the Interactive Terminal Facility (ITF) or unier VM/370-CMS for Systeml360 or Systeml370. It conSists of 44 BASIC routines covering the solution of linear ~Gestions, matrix eigen problems, polynomial equations, nu~erical quadrature, numerical differentiation, interpolation, approximation, smoothing, solution of systems of ordinary differential equations, fast Fourier transform, special functions and linear programming. The user can employ any of the programs as stand-alone or can merge one or more of them into his own programs. 208 ~~!~L~~§!£ ~Q~ ~ !.~~ORMATION GH20-1l52 RCA 301 ~ Q.t! SYSTEMl370 ~ DOS MY ~ (PRPQ) ::. TRANSITION GUIDE, ~ ~ 5799-ADR This publication presents areas for consideration ~hile planning and implementing the transition from the Honeywell Series 200 to the IBM Systeml370 Models 135 and 145. It is intended as an aid to management in making a total project plan. The transition plan discusses the objectives and techniques of transition, schedules, file conversion, program converSion, education, and installation standards. The guide also discusses the use of DOS resources and the differences between a Honeywell system and a IBM IBM System/370. Because of the differences among data processing installations, the guidelines in this publication should be adjusted to fit the reader's particular operating conditions. Manual, 40 pages 111115799-ADR GH20-1l53 HONEYWELL SERIES 200 EMULATOR ON SYSTEMl370 USING DOS AND ~ (PR~ :. TRANsI'TIc5N"GihfiE, PRO:;. NO. 5799-AOT This public~tion presents areas for consideration while planning and implementing the transition from the RCA 301 to the IBM Systeml370 Models 135 and 145. It is intended as an aid to management in making a total project plan. The transition plan discusses the objectives and techniques of transition, schedules, file conversion, program conversion, education, and installation standards. The guide also discusses the use of DOS resources and the differences between an RCA system and an IBM Systeml370. Because of the differences among data processing installations, the guidelines in this publication should be adjusted to fit the reader's particular operating conditions. Manual, 40 pages 111115799-ADT SH20-1157 ITF AND ~£M2! OPERATIONS GUIDE, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XM8 This manual proviies the information needed to install, run, and maintain MATH/BASIC on Systeml370. It is assumed that the user has an installed ITF or VMl370-CMS System. Manual, 25 pages M~TH/BASIC ~ 111115734-XM8 SH20-1158 M~THlBASIC FOR SYSTEMl3 MODEL 6. ITF AND VM/370-CMS PROGRAM REFERENCE MANU~L, PROG. NOS. 5703-XM2 (S/3) AND 5734-XM8. (ITF-OS/DOS/TSO AND VM/370-CMS) MATHlB~IC is a IIbrary of 44 conversational routines covering the most frequent mathematical problems in engineering ani science. This manual contains sufficient information needed to understand and use MATHI~IC. Manual, 244 pages 111115703-XM2,5734-XM8 GH20-1171 SYSTEM/370 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM PROGRAM (S/370 DSP) GENERAL !~FORMATION MANUAL, PROG. NO. ~-~ - - -----System/370 Distributei System Program (S/370 DSP) provides the means for operating an IBM Systeml370 connected to one or more System/7's as a single system with distribute~ facilities. This manual describes the support that is available to the user of the S/370 DSP. Included are descriptions of the subroutines, available to programs resident in System/370, and the macros, available to programs resident in System/7. Manual, 44 pages 360, 370/TP/36/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL/50101 GH20-1173 IBM SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 ASP VERSION 3 ASYMMErRIC MJLrI PROCESSING SYSTF.M: ~ INFOR~TION MANUAL, PROG. NO:----360A-CX-15X The ASP system is a multiprocessing operating system that provides a compatible extension to the Operating System (OS). DeSigned for the user with a large computer job shop environment, ASP provides increased automation of the computing operation. The ASP system fUnctions as a programmed operator of OS. It provides advanced scheduling facilities for optimizing the total installation production. Manual, 52 pages 360, 3701136/0ASPII GH20 GH20 GB20-1175 BUSINESS ANALYSIS/BASIC ~ INFORMATION MANUAL, ~ NOS. 5703-XM3 (SYSTEM/3 ~ II AND 5734::.!lrn (ITF-OS/DOS/ TSO A~O-CMS) Business Analysis/BASIC is a comprehensi1e set of interactive routines for use on System/3 Model 6, System/360 or System/370 with ITF (DOS, OS, or TSO) or VM/370-CMS. It consists of 30 routines written in the BASIC language, providing the proble~solving professional with procedures for data generation and maintenance, spread sheet analysis, investment analysis, break-even or cost-volume profit analysis, depreciation analysis, and time series analysis. The program is designed so that a detailed knowledge of programming is not required. Interactive features include instructional messages, flexible control of calculation, extensive error checking and data editing. 'rhis manual provides an overview of Bllsiness Analysis/BASIC, describing the program features, data file concepts, usage, maximum problem sizes, precision, timing, system requirements, and customer responsibilties. It also includes an "Application Handbook" consisting of a number of case studies illustrating use of the routines. Manual, 60 pages /11115703-XM3,5734-XMB SH20-1177 ~!!~ING ~ FOR THE ~ QUERY ~ ~ Q! 3ENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 - - - - - - - - - - This documenr-descrrEeS the lise and characteristics of the DL/I (Data Language I) Query Support Feature of the 3eneralized Information System, Version 2 (GIS/2). This feature provides the means by which a person can employ the 3IS query language against DLiI data bases of Information Management System/360, Version 2 ~ ~ REFERENCE MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 5134-XC4 The Display Management system-rr-i~of programs designed to simplify the implementation of online data processing systems. The display management. file management. and message handling capabilities of DMS II make it possible to implement many new existing applications in an online environment with little or no ~Ber programming. The manual is intended for system analysts and programmers responsible for installing and using the system. The purpose of the manual is to prOV'ide sufficient information to enable the user to understand the functions of the system. the programs constituting the system. and the effort required for successful installation. Manual. 224 pages /////5134-XC4 SB20-1540 ~ - ~ 5196-PCZ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS BTS/VS Is a terminal simulator which allows IMSIVS application programs to be tested without the use of teleprocessing hardware or the IMS DC feature. Extensive de-bugging facilities enable the BTS/vS user to test batch applications, as well as those intended to run in a teleprocessing environment. BTS/vS provides information about each transaction and message as it progresses through the IMS/VS system. The BTS IUP (5196-PBD) is a prerequisite for the use of BTS/VS. The 3210 Formatting Feature, offered as a feature of BTS. extends 3210 simulation capability to both BTS and to BTS/vS. Manual /////5196-PCZ SH20-1541 SH20-1460 APL SHARED VARIABLES (APLSV) USER'S ~ (PRPQ ~ PROG. NO. -5199-AJF This publication describes the "APL Shared Variable system (APLSV). an interactive programming system tha"t executes statements and commands written in the APL language. (APL Shared Variables is available as Programming RPQ WEl191). This publication also describes the TSIO auxiliary processor which allows an APL user to perform input and output operations to disks. magnetic tapes. line printers. and other devices. The information in this publication is intended to supplement APL Language (Programming RPQ's WEl191 and MF2608) GC26-3841. which is required for full understanding of the use and facilities of APLSV. This publication is intended for all APLSV users. Manual. 60 pages ////15199-AJF SH20-1461 ~~!:! ~ VARIABLES (APLSV) PROGRAMMING ~ ~ OPERATIONS GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5199-AJF This manual contaIns the information-neeessary to install. operate and maintain APLSV and TSIO. TSIO is an IBM supplied auxiliary processor which provides access to operating System data sets from APLSV terminals. The use of TSIO is optional. The programming RPQ described in this manual and all licensed materials available for it. are provided by IBM on a special quotation basis only. under the terms of the License Agreement for IBM program Products. Your local IBM branch office can advise you regarding the special quotation and ordering procedures. Manual. 198 pages ////15199-AJF GH20-1502 FASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY FOR THE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CfCS7VST GENERAL INFi5'RMATION MANUAL, PROG. PROD. 5140-XX1 , 5146-XX3 The FASTER Language Facility is a feature of CICS/DOS/VS and CICS/OS/VS which makes it possible to run many FASTER Transaction Processing Descriptions (TPDs) under CICS/VS. The feature consists of a set of language macros and processing routines designed as a conversion aid for users of the five FASTER systems. All language processing macros present in the FASTER programs are present in the FASTER Language Facility. The FASTER Language Facility design utilizes CICS/vS facilities wherever possible (example: CICS/vS paging and terminal device independent routines). thus allOWing the user to take advantage of CICS/vS functions. This manual is intended for persons interest in a general description of the FASTER Language Facility and its capabilities. Manual. 20 pages //1/15140-XX1. 5146-XX3 GH20-1514 £!£§LY2 MIGRATION TECHNIQUES §Q~ This publication is designed to assist current users of FASTER in converting to CICS/OS/VS or CICS/DOS/vS with or without use of the FASTER Language Facility feature of CICS/VS. It provides information for programmers. analysts, and others seeking conversion programming assistance. Manual, 44 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SH20-1539 IMSMAP/VS ~ IUP 5196-PCY, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The Installed User Program IMSMAP/VS is a documentation aid which produces pictorial representations of data base structures. These maps, which are produced 011 a line printer, grahically represent the many characteristics of an IMS/VS data base. In addition to producing maps, IMSMAP/VS can print a detailed report describing the characteristics of each data base description (DBD). IMSMAP/VS is an extension of the currently available IUP, IMSMAP (5196-PBC). IMSMAP is a prerequisite for IM&~AP/VS. IMSMAP/VS provides both support for IMS/VS data bases and additional features not available in the original IMSMAP IUP. Manual /////5196-PCY 212 = TEST ~ UTILITIES lYE 5196-PDA, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This publication describes the IMS/VS support product for the Test IMS Utilities. The prerequisite for the use of this product is the Test IMS utilities (program Number 5196PBE) and the associated Program Description/Operations Manual (SB20-1301). The Test IMS utilities include programs to create a test data base, compare an old and a new version of the same data base, list one or more records from a data base, create an unloaded version of the data base, and create a restructures lin integral part of the opera"tion of the utili ties is the segment description module, which contains a physical description of each field in every segment of a data base. This publication describes the operation and use of the utilities and generation, format, and use of the segment description module. In addition, installation guidelines are provided, including test cases for all the utilities. Appendices provide descriptions of the segment format facility, SDM block format, contents of TIMS.SAMPLE, unloaded data base record formats, control card formats and system flow, and instructions for the installation and use of the IMS/vS support product. ManUal, 26 pages /////5196-PDA SH20-1542 = ~ DL/I ~ ~ ~ PROGRAMS 5196-PCW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The DOSMPA-DL/I data base mapping programs are DBDMAP and PSBMAP. DBDMAP builds and prints maps of DLII data bases and descriptive reports of each data base. PSBMAP builds and prints maps of DLII data bases associated with program s~ecification blocks. This manual describes the programs, their installation into the user's system, requires JCL, map formats, and includes examples of each program and the error messages. Manual // ///5196-PCW SH20-1552 = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5196-PDC, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The job Control Language Editor IUP brings to the user of OS/MFT/MVT/VS1/VS2 an easily used batch text editing capability for Job Control Language changes. This manual describes the programs involved with instruction for their installation and use. Manual, 24 pages /////5196-PDC SH20-1558 DOS DBDUMP UTILITY PROGRAM FOR VANDL/I AND DL/I - PROG. NO. ffi6=AFYDESCRiPTIONlOPERATIONS--- -- - - - This Program DescriptiOn/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Reductions in the amount of personnel time required to test applications can provide significant benefits to data preceSSing installations. The DBDUMP utility reduces test time requirements by providing the facility to examine, alter, and modify data base records and segments used in both testing and production. Manual, 18 pages /////5196-AFY SH20-1564 3525 ~ ~ UTILITIES IUP 5196-AGE, DESCRIPTION/ OPERATIONS The 3525 General Purpose Utili ties IUP takes advantage of the capabilities of the IBM 3525 card pUnch, which when equipped with special features, can read and/or print as well as punch 80-column cards in a single pass. The major functions include interpret, print any data on any card, ledger update, reproduce, gangpunch and resequence. Most industries may have applications which can utilize this IUP. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual /////5196-AGE = GH20 SH20 SH20-1568 AUDIT SOURCE CODE ~ ~ ::. !.QR. 5796-PDH, DESC!aPTION/ OPERATIONS Audit - Source Code Compare for S/370 OSIVS is an IUP which analyzes the differences between two versions of a program's source code. The variations detected by this audit/control tool are highlighted on a message listing which, in turn, becomes a vehicle the user can use to verify that only authorized changes are made to an installation's sensitive programs. The Audit-Source Code Compare program has be~ used by the IBM Corporation Information Systems Department audit-control groups as a tool to ass~re that only , authorized changes are made to the installation's programs. This program may be executed under any S/370 VSl or VS2 system. Minim~m system configuration is a S/370 M135, 64K partition, card reader, printer and 3330. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to ~nderstand, install and successfully use the program. Manual 111115796-PDH SH20-1572 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM II DOS/VS (OMS II) OPERATIONS GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5736-XC4-- - This manual contains information to enable the user to generate and incorporate into his system the IBM Display Management System II for execution under control of IBM"s customer Information Control System (CICS) DOS/VS. Information is included for system maintenance and terminal operation. All offline and online messages are described. The intended audience is the programm~ng and operations staff. Manual, 103 pages SH2Q-1592 JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM, LOGIC, PROGRAMMING ~ WF0358, ~ !ill.:. 5799-WHX This publication describes the functions of the DOS/VS Remote Job Entry Workstation program and its relationship to DOS/VS and to the operating system used at the central computer. It is intended primarily for use in maintaining the program. The manual contains diagrams and supplementary text describing the functional organization of the prbgram, and outlines the key functions of each program module. It also provides a directory to the program code, defines the format of control bytes, and contains information for diagnostic purposes. Manual, 244 pages ~ ~ 111115799-WHX GH20-1597 EXTENDED TELECOMMUNICATIONS MODULES FOR CICS/DOS/VS: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL, PROG. PROD. 5746-XXB This manual provides information on the Entry Telecommunications Access Method, which provides linkage between CICSI DOS/VS 1.0.1 and a telecommunications network for DOS Release 30. The basic function is to establish and support a data flow between a CICS/DOS/VS application and a corresponding user application for the IBM 3600 Finance Communication system (excluding 3614). Manual 111115746-XXB SH20-1606 111115736-XC4 SH20-1573 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM II -- DOS/VS (OMS II) PROORAM REFERE'OCE MANUAL, PROG. PROD. 5ffi=xCiI OMS II DOS/VS is a set of programs to Simplify the implementation of online operations using the 3270 information Display System. Application specification is simplified by means of OMS II forms. Preprogrammed facilities are provided to perform paging and panel selection, file operations and message ro~ting. This manual is intended primarily for panel designers and programmers setting up applications under OMS II. It contains a general description of OMS II functions and features, followed by reference material describing system use. Manual, 258 pages VM/370 SYSTEM FOR ONLINE TAPE AND DISK LIBRARIES::. J.!lE 5'79'6-AGN, DEScRIPT'ION7<5PERAFroNS - The VM/370 System for Tape and Disk Libraries is an IUP for the control of user tape and disk libraries. It ~orks online under CMS with commands to control the assignment and accounting for user volumes. The system operator can add, delete, and modify a record associated with a particular motmtable volume. It can make a large pool of tapes and disks accessible to a large number of time sharing users by providing the storage location and accounting information available online. The benefits are improved data security, quicker location of volumes, quicker response to mount commands, automatic bookkeeping and improved system control. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. Manual 111115796-AGN 111115736-XC4 SH20-1618 GAS LIGHT AND £Q!Qii COMPANY SMF GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS IUP 5796-AFP, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ThIs manual descrIbes the function, capabilities and system requirements of the SMF Graphical Analysis Program. Its purpose is to provide sufficient information to enable the reader to determine the applicability and value of the program for his use. Manual, 28 pages ~ GH20-1574 QQSIV2 REMOTE JOB Rf2 WF0358) ~ WORKSTATION PROGRAM (PROGRAMMING ~ INFORMATION MANUAL ~ NO. 5799-WHX This publication, a general description of the noSivs Remote Job Entry Workstation Program, is intended primarily as an aid in evaluating the program and may also serve as a guide in planning the implementation of a DOSIVS workstation. After listing the program's advantages, the manual presents an overview of the program, then discusses its structure and functions, the operation of the ~orkstation, and finally the generation and installation of the program. Manual, 26 pages 111115799-WHX SH20-1589 ~OTE JOB IDITB! WORKSTATION ~ ::. PROGRAMMING WF0358 OPERATION ! INSTALLATION GUIDE L ~ llih 5799-WHX This publication describes the operation and installation of the DOS/VS Remote Job Entry Workstation Program. It is intended for use by the system programmer responsible for installing and maintaining the system and by the operator at the workstation computer. The manual explains the use of commands to control processing and lists the messages produced by the program. It also defines the generation parameters and describes how to install and generate the program. Manual, 96 pages 11111 5799-WHX QOSIVS ~ SH20-1590 DOS/VS REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM (PROGRAMMING RPj5WFo'358TREFOONCE ::. PROG. llih 5799-WHXThis publication defines and describes the facilities provided by the DOS/VS Remote Job Entry Workstation Program and contains the information necessary to plan for utilization and installation. It is intended for use by the system programmer responsible for installing and maintaining the system. Additional information on the operation and use of the DOS/VS Remote Job Entry Workstation Program is directed to computer data center personnel responsible for operation planning. The manual describes the program, eKplains the inte~al structure in terms of functions provided, and discusses the operating procedures. It also describes the device support, storage and programming system requirements, and performance considerations. Manual, 76 pages 11111 5799-WHX 213 111115796-AFP GH20-1628 A GUIDE TO TESTING IN A COMPLEX SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT This documeiit'"deSCribes the methods, techniques and programs necessary to test in a complex environment. It also gives a description of the various testing environments and of the testing methods to be used in each environment. It is intended both as an introduction to testing for executives and managers, and as an in-depth treatise for those responsible for setting up and executing the tests. Manual, 90 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GH20-1638 TSO ::. 3270 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY (SP}"), GENERAL INFORMATION - PROGRAM NO. 5740-XT2 The Structured Programming Facility (SPF) is a programming development tool designed to increase productivity in the TSO environment. It supports any VS2-TSO user ~ho has a 24line IBM 3270 display terminal equipped with a full EBCDIC keyboard, including 1.2 program function keys. It increases programmer productivity through: o display presentations which prompt the user and simplify command/data entry o time-saving use of program function keys for commonly performed operations o features that facilitate structured programming in a TSO environment This manual provides an overview and functional description of SPF. Manual, 24 pages 111115740-XT2 GH20-1639 DB/DC DRIVER ~ GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL, PROG. PROD. 5740-XXA This manual is intended primarily to define the scope of applicability of the DB/DC Driver System for customer executives, system analysts, and programmers. It describes the facilities of the DB/DC Driver System and includes a general discussion of the DB/DC Driver System system G820 GH20 configuration, terminal processing, system structure and control, and system support and maintenance facilities, as provided within the DB/DC Driver System Program Product. The DB/DC Driver System provides tools for testing and driving data base/data communications application programs. It is terminal oriented, thereby permitting the online development of test cases. A special language is provided to aid in the creation of test cases; a terminal command language is provided to permit modification of test cases as well as library management operations. In addition, offline utilities can be used to build the DB/DC Driver System, initialize it, and manipulate the driver system data base. Manual, 30 pages /////5740-XXA GH20-4046 APL/360 DOS: SPECIFICATIONS, ~ ~ 5736-XM<§. The Program Product Specifications (PPS) aescribe the warranted specifications of the subject Progr~n Product. Specification sheet, 2 pages 360,370//22/00S// GH20-4267 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/VS VERSION 1 MODIFICATION ~ 1 ~ OBJECTIV~ ~o~ 5740-XX2 The Program Product Design Objectives (PPDO) describe the design objectives and provide the estimated availability date of the subject Program Product. Program Product Design Objective Sheet, 8 pages // ///5740-XX2 GH20-4210 IBM SYSTEM/370 DATA LANGUAGE/I ENTRY DOS/VS , ~ VM/370-CMS: SPECIFICATIONS, PROG. NOS. 5703-XMJ AND 5734-XMB The Program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. SpeCification sheet, 2 pages /////5703-XM3,5734-XMB 214 GH20 GH20-4344 ~i~~~ :~~~~~~3~ SH20 Flyer, 1 page /////5799-WHZ !! (DMS II OS/VS) SPECIFICATIONS T~program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specification Sheet, 2 pages / / / / / 5734-XC4 GH2o-4380 IBM SYSTEM/370 DATA LANGUAGE/I ENTRY DOS/vS (DL/I-ENTRY DOS>VS), SPECIFICATIONS PROG. PROD. 5746-XX7 This Program Product Specifications (PPS) describes the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Flyer, 2 pages /////5746-XX7 = GH20-4347 APL SHARED VARIABLES (APLSV) - PROGRAM NO. 5799-AJF IFRP~ NUMBER WE1191) ~FIcATiONSsiiE~---The Program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specification Sheet, 8 pages /////5799-AJF GH20-4350 DL/I DOS/VS, PROG. PROD. 5746-XXl SPECIFICATIONS, VE:RSION GH20-9001 CICS/VS CONVERSION ~ ~ PROG. !':!9..§..:.. 5740-XXl, 5746-XX3 This publication provides guidelines for current users of CICS who plan to convert to the two IBM Virtual Storage (v3) program products: CICS/OS/VS or CICS/DOS/VS. It also contains planning information for current CICS/vS version 1, M:>dification Level 0 users and covers subsequent version an.j modification levels. Topics presented include the functions available with CICS/VS conversion to VS, and performance ani storage considerations. The reader of this publication is referred to the following IBM publications: ! MOD l The Program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Program Product Specifications Sheet, 2 ~ages /////5746-XXl GH20-4354 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM OS/VS PROGRAM PRODUCT (5740-XXl) SPECIFICAT~~!L~IFYCATYON LEVEL Ql The Program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. specification Sheet, 8 pages /////5740-XXl o o o Manual /////5740-XX1,5746-XX3 GH20-4355 SH20-9002 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS/VS) SYSTEM/ApPLlCATION DESi'GNGulDEPROG. NO. CICS/OS/VS 5740-XX1;-CrCS/DOS7VS 5746-XX3 The IBM Customer Information control System (CICS/VS) is a This publication provides guidelines for the system analyst and system administrator in the design fo online applications under control of CICS/DOS/VS or CICS/OS/vS. Directed mainly toward the inexperienced CICS/VS user, i t presents tutorial information followed by specific design techniques and application examples relevant to the various CICS/VS facilities. The follOwing design topics are covered: !'~~QBM~IT!lli MANAGEMENT ~ VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/V$) SPECIFICATIONS VERSION 1 MODIFICATION LEVEL 0 PROG. NO. 5740-~ ----- The program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Program Product Specification Sheet, 8 ~ages /////5740-XX2 GH20-4359 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/DOS/VS ~~SION !L MODIFICATION LEVEL ~ SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM PRODUCT 5746-XX3 T~Program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specification sheet, 8 pages /////5746-XX3 o Introduction to System Design o Program DeSign o Data Communication Design o Data Management design o Data Base Design o Advanced Features o Performance considerations o Recovery Restart o Testing and Integration o Production Cutover and Follow-up Evaluation o Application Design base/data communication interface between a System/370 operating system and user-written application programs. Applicable to most online systems, CICS/vS provides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications: message switching, inquiry, data collection, order entry, and conversational data entry. CICS/vS is available in two systems one for DOS/VS users and one for OS/VS users. Because the CICS/DOS/VS system is compatible with the CICS/OS/VS system, it is possible to start with a small DOS/vS data base/data communication configuration and move up through DOS/VS into OS/VS. This manual is provided for persons who will design online applications to execute under control of CICS/VS. The process of online system d'esign is presented .in basically the same chronological sequence as would be experienced in real life. The various factors that should be considered at each step in the design process are Manual, 306 pages /////5740-XX1.5746-XX3 GH20-4366 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM II (OMS II DOS/VS) PROGRAM PRODUCT 573~SPEcffiCATIO-NS-- T~Program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Program Product Spedicication Sheet, 4 pages /////5736-XC4 GH20-4367 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL §!ORAGE (GIS/vS) PROG. PROD. 5740-XX7 SPECIFICATIONS This Program~ Specifications (PPS) describes the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Program Product Specification Sheet, 4 pages / / / / / 5740-XX7 GH20-4370 APL/CMS SPECIFICATIONS PROG. NO. 5799-ALK, ~ ~ This Program Product Specifications (PPS) describes the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Flyer, 4 pages /////5799-ALK = GH20-4373 FASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS: FOR CICS/DOS/VS E:BQ~!.. N~XX3; FOR CICS/OS/VS PROG. NO. ~ This Program Product Specifications (PPS) describes the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Flyer, 2 pages /////5740-XX1, 5746-XX3 GH20-4374 DOS/VS REMOTE JOB IDITBX WORKSTATION PROGR!lli (PROGRAMMING WF0358) PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-WHX, SPECIFICATIONS This Program Product Specifications (PPS) describes the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specification sheet, 4 pages /////5799-WHX = DOS/VS Data Management Guide (GC33-5374) OS/VS Virtual storage Access Method (VSAM) System Information (GC26-3835) OS/VS Virtual storage Access Method (VSAM) Planning Guide (GC26-3799) Bf2 GH20-4376 3333/3330 DISK ~ ~ ~ 11 SUPPORT FOR ~ PR03RAM NUMBER 5799-WHZ PRPQ EF4346 This Program Product Specifications (PPS) describes the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. 215 SH20-9003 CUSTOMER INFORMATION ~ SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE CCICS/VS APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL FROG. NOS. 5740-XX1,5746-XX3 This publication contains the detailed information necessary for the design and preparation of application programs to execute under the CICS/DOS/VS and CICS/OS/VS program products. This manual presents both tutorial and reference material intended for use by application programmers, system programmers, system analysts, and system administrators. The format of the manual is designed to facilitate both the general and the detailed approach to application programming under CICS/vS. For further information concerning CICS/VS and related subjects discussed in this manual, the reader is referred to the publications listed in the Bibliography. data/base communication interface between a System/370 operating system and user-written application programs. Applicable to most online systems, CICS/VS provides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications: message switching, inquiry, data collection, order entry. and conversational and batched data entry. CICS/vS is available in two systems-one for DOS/VS users and one for OS/VS users. Because the CICS/DOS/VS system is compatible with the CICS/OS/VS system, it is possible to SH20 start with a small DOS/VS data base/data communication configuration and move up through DOS/VS into OS/VS. This manual provides information of interest to persons defining, designing and preparing application p:l:ograms to execute under CICS/VS Technical Manual, 500 pages /////5740-XX1,5746-XX3 SH20 and one for OS/VS users. Because the CICS/DOS/VS system is compatible with the CICS/OS/vS system, it is possible to start with a small DOS/vS data base/data communication configuration and move up through DOS/VS into OS/VS. This manual contains messages unique to CICS/vS and is designed for terminal operators, system programmers, and application programmers. Manual, 104 pages /////5740-XX1,5746-XX3 SH20-9004 CONl'ROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL ~ (CICS/VS) SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBERS 5740-XXl, ~ - - - .This publication contains detailed infol:mation necessary to implement both the CICS/OOS/vS and CICS/OS/VS program products. This manual presents tutorial and reference information deSigned for system programmers and system analysts who have the responsibility to define, prepare, and administer and maintain CICS/VS management and service programs, and system control and service tables. The publication should be used in conjanction with the appropriate CICS/VS Operations Guide (CICS/OS/vS and CICS/DOS/VS) when generating CICS/VS and when preparing the system tables describing the environment CICS/VS is to support. application data base/data communication interface between a System/360 or Systeml370 operating system and user-written application programs. Applicable to most online systems, CICS provides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications: message switching, inquiry, data collection, order entry, and conversational and batched data entry. CICS/VS is available in three systems - two for DOS users and one for OS users. Because the two CICS/DOS systems are compatible with each other and with the CICS/OS system, it is possible to start with a small data base/data communication configuration and move up through DOS into OS. This manual provides information essential for persons who have the responsibility to define, pl:epare, and Manual /////5740-XX1,5746-XX3 ~USTOMER ~TION SH20-9005 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICs/Vs) TERMINAL opERAT'QR's GUIDE PROGRAM NUM'BERS (5740-XXU AND (5746-XX3) -- --- --The IBM customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage (CICS/VS) is a virtual storage transaction-oriented multi application data baSe/data communication interface between a System/370 operating system and user-written application programs. Applicable to moat online systems, CICS/VS provides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications: message switching, inquiry, data collection, order entry, and conversational and batched data entry. CICS/VS is available in two systems-one for DOS/VS users and one for OS/VS users. Because the CICS/OS/VS system is compatible with the CICS/OS/VS system, it is possible to start with a small DOS/VS data base/data communication configuration and move up through DOS/VS into OS/VS. This manual describes the use of terminals with CICS/VS and is deSigned for single terminal operators, application programmers, system analysts, and system administrators. Manual /////5740-XX1,5746-XX3 SH20-9006 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS) ~ ADMINISTRATOR'S ~ EEOG. NO.'S 5740-XX1, 5746-XX3 The IBM Customer Information control System/virtual Storage (CICS/VS) is a virtual storage transaction-oriented multiapplication data base/data communication interface between a Systeml370 operating system and user-written application programs. Applicable to most online systems, CICS/VS provides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications: message switching, inquiry, data collection, order entry, and conversational and batched data entry. CICS/VS is available in two systems-one fOI: DOS/VS users and one for OS/VS users. Because the CICS/DOS/vS system is compatible with the CICS/OS/VS system, it is possible to start with a small DOS/VS data base/data communication configuration and move up through DOS/VS into OS/VS. This manual describes system administration considerations for CICS/VS and is designed for system administrators, system analysts, and system programmers. Manual, 86 pages /////5740-XX1,5746-XX3 SH2o-9011 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (OS) CICS/VS) OPERATIONS GUIDE, ~ !!2.:. 57ii'O-XXl" The IBM CUstomer Information Control System/Virtual Storage (CICS/VS) is a transaction-oriented multiapplication data base/data communication interface between a System/370 operating system and user-written application programs. Applicable to most online systems, CICS/vS provides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications such as message switching, broadcasting, data collection, and order distribution. CICS/vS is available in two systems-one for DOS/VS, users and one for OS/VS users. Because the CICS/DOS/vS system is compatible with the CICS/OS/VS system, it is possible to start with a small DOS/VS data base/data communication configuration and move up through DOS/vS into OS/VS. This manual provides information of interest to persons responsible for the definition, preparation, and execution of CICS/VS. The information necessary to generate and operate CICS/vS is included. Manual, 70 pages // ///5740-XXl SH20-9012 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE 1CiCS7Vs) OPERATIONS GUIDE (DOS) PROG. NO. c'IcS7i50S/VS 5746-XX3 -- -- -- The IBM CUstomer Information Control System/Virtual Storage (CICs/VS) is a transaction oriented multiapplication data base/data communication interface between a System/370 operating system and user-written application programs. Applicable to most online systems, CICS/VS provides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications such as message switching, broadcasting, data collection, and order distribution. CICS/vS is available in two systems - one for DOS/vS users and one for OS/VS users. Because the CICS/DOS/VS system is compatible with the CICS/OS/vS system, it is possible to start with a small DOS/vS data base/data communication configuration and move up through DOS/VS into OS/VS. This manual provides information of interest to persons responsible for the definition, preparation, and execution of CICS/VS. The information necessary to generate and o~erate CICS/DOS/vS is included. Manual, 58 pages /////S746-XX3 SH20-9025 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/VS) SYSTEM/APPLICATION ~ GUIDE, PROG. PROD. 5740-XX2 Provides information required by data base administrators, application planners, and systems programmers in designing Information Management System/Virtual Storage (IMS/VS) Data Base and Data Base/Data Communication Systems. Included are descriptions of data base and data communication concepts and the facilities available in designing an IMS/VS system. Also included is a chapter for determining IMS/VS storage requirements and the access methods used by IMS/VS. Prerequisite Publication: Information Manual GH20-1260 Manual /////5740-XX2 SH20-9026 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/VS) APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE MANU~. NO. 5740-XX2 Information Management System/Virtuar-5torage (IMS/VS) is processing program (control system) designed to facilitate the implementation of medium to large common data bases in a multiapplication environment. This environment is created to accommodate both online message processing and conventional batch processing, either separately or concurrently. The system permits the evolutionary expansion of data processing applications from a batch-only to a teleprocessing environment. This manual is a guide for the application analyst or system analyst. Its contents will assist him in the design of an IMS/VS system as well as in the design of the a~plication systems which will run under IMS/VS. Manual. 218 pages /////5740-XX2 SH20-9008 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (ciCS7VS) MESSAGES AND CODES MANUAL PROG. NOS. ~C5iij6=XX3--The IBM Customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage (CICS/VS) is a virtual storage transaction-oriented SH20-90 27 multiapplication data base/data communication interface INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/VS) between a System/370 operating system and user-written ~ PROGRAMMING REFERENCE .:. PROG, NO. 5740-XX2 application programs. Applicable to most online systems, This publication provides system programmers with CICS/VS provides many of the facilities necessary for installation considerations and details for generation standard terminal applications: message 3i1itching, inquiry. (definition) of an IMS/VS system to be run under either data collection. order entry. and conversational and batched OS/vS1 or OS/vS2. It describes data base and data data entry. communications functions, System/3 and System/7 support CICS/VS is available in two systems-one for DOS/VS users security maintenance and IMS/vS service programs. 216 a SH20 SH20 GH20-9034 The 1.0.1 enhancement adds 2260/2265 support and the IMS Trap Code Monitor and its associated print program. Manual /////5140-XX2 ~~~~~~Np~:~i~~~I~iS:~~~~~U~~~~~46~~~~VS) SH20-9028 !~FOR~ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL ~ (IMStyS) OPERATOR'S REFERENCE - PROG. NO. 5140-XX2 Provides the informatIon:required~rol the online execution of IMS/VS and to establish procedures for the operator of the IMS/VS master terminal and operators of remote terminals attached to IMS/VS. The intended audience is IMS/VS machine operations and systems operation personnel responsible for an IMS/VS installation's operating procedures. This publication provides: an overvie_ of the relationship between IMS/VS and OS/VS; a general description of IMS/VS system and terminal functions and how they are used; a description of each terminal supported ~ IMS/vS; a description of the function and use of each IMS/VS terminal command, including examples; suggested procedures for the online execution of IMS/VS. Manual /////5140-XX2 SH20-9029 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/vIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/VS) UTILITIES REFERENCE MANUAL - PROG. NO. 5140-XX2 This publication is designed for programmers;lSystem analysts and computer operators and describes how to execute the Information Management System/Virtual Storage (lMS/VS) utility programs under the operating system. Individual Chapters provide information on (1) Data Base Description Generation and the control statements used as input to DBDGEN: (2) Program Specification Block Generation and the control statements used as input to BSBGEN; (3) Application Control Block Maintenance Utility in creating and maintaining a consolidated library of data base and program descriptions used by the DB/DC System; (4) Data Base Recovery System utilities in reconstructing a data base; (5) Data Base Reorganization/Load ProcesSing ~ti1ities in reorganizing a data base; (6) Message/Format Language Utility execution and how this utility produces the message and device formats required by the IMS/VS Message Format Service (MFS); (1) Message/Format Service utility execution and how this utility is used to introduce additional control of the MFS format control blocks and the manner in which the blocks are accessed by IMS/VS;(8) Statistics and Accounting with respect to system log analysis and how different reports can be produced from the IMS/VS system log through use of the Log Transaction Analysis, Statistical AnalysiS, and Program Isolation Trace Report utilities; (9) Service utilities which explains use of the Spool SYSOUT Print System Log Recovery, and System Log Terminator uti1ities;(10) Monitor Report Print utility with respect to how this batch program uses da~a collected bf the IMS/VS Trapcode module and prints summary/distribution reports of the data, and (11) Interactive Query Facility (IQF) for spontaneous online query and for retrieval and display of data contained in IMS/VS data bases, and how the IQF utility is used in creating data bases and in generating separate PSBs for IQF. Appendix A contains output messages and statistics provided by the HISAM Reorganization Unload/Reload utilities and the HD Reorganization Unload/Reload utilities (described in Chapter 5). Appendix B contains sample procedures, including JCL, of commonly used data base operations that can be performed by the utilities described in Chapter 5. The reader should be familiar with the concepts and terminology described in IMS/VS General Information (GH201260), System/Application Design Guide (SH30-9025), and Application Programming Reference Manual (SH20-9026). Manual, 310 pages /////5140-XX2 SH20-9030 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (IMS/VS) MESSAGES AND CODES REFERENCE MANUAL - PROG~5740-XX2 ---- -- - - This publication lists completion codes, status codes, and messages produced by the IBM supplied components of the IMS/VS system. In addition to the explanation that accompanies each code and message, the action (if any) required of the user is provided unless this inforamtion is implicit in the explanation. The publication is thus designed to advise programmers and system analysts of the status of their programs and to alert them of the action required to correct a problem. Manual /////5140-XX2 GH20-9033 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM, VERSION ~ (GIS/2) EXECUTIVE QUERY REFERENCE ~ INTRODUCTION), PRO~ ~ 5134-XXl This manual is designed to give a sampling of GIS/2 capabilities and to provide a reference for non-data processing users of GIS/2. It is a basic introduction to 3IS/2 which may be examined by those who are interested in a system designed to make information readily available to decision makers. Manual /////5134-XXl 217 The Information Management-System/Virtual Storage (IMS/VS) Conversion Planning Guide is intended for current Information Management Systeffi/310 (IMS/360) users that are conSidering conversion to IMS/VS. The planning guide describes the new features available with IMS/VS, and provides information to aid current IMS/360 users in converting to IMS/VS. Manual /////5140-XX2 GH20-9035 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL"=PROGRA:MNUMBER 5140-XX1 Th1S manual surveys the operat10nal concepts and system capabilities of the Generalized Information System/Virtual Storage. The manual introduces the language of GIS/vS and describes the file organization and processing actions supported by GIS/VS. The Generalized Information System operates on System/310 Virtual Storage systems and supports a wide variety of applications by providing information handling capabilities against many typical data base organizations. GIS/VS provides facilities for defining, maintaining, and retrieving data from user files under direction of the using installation and its personnel. Manual, 16 pages // // /5140-XX1 SH20-9036 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) ~ GUIDE, ~ ~ 5140-XX1 The User's Guide contains information to introduce the program to both the technically oriented user and the nontechnical end user and includes instructions for the guidance of both in the use of the Program Product GIS/VS. Manual, 84 pages /////5140-XX1 SH20-9031 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/vIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL 5140-XX1 Designed for system programmers and data base administrators with responsibility for system and data base planning, design, installation, and details of system operation. Security is discussed in detail, data description for all file types is included, as well as recovery and reorganization techniques, SAM/lSAM to VSAM conversion, and diagnostic aids and techniques to assist in quick diagnosis of problem situations. Manual /////5140-XX1 SH20-9038 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/vIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) LANGUAGE REFERENCE ~ ~ The LRM is a reference manual for users. Procedural language utilities, task input parameters, and terminal command language are described. Language syntax and conventions are detailed. and examples are included to illustrate the proper use of the various language functions. Major functions, such as QUERY, UPDATE/CREATE, MODIFY, DLlI, and IMS/VS terminal entry are discussed. Manual // // /5140-XX1 = SH20-9039 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/vIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) MESSAGES AND CODES, ~ ~ 5140-XX~ - - - This publication lists completion codes. status codes, and messages produced by the IBM supplied components of the GIS/VS system. In addition to the explanation that accompanies each code and message, the action (if any) required of the user is provided unless this information is implicit in the explanation. The publication is thus designed to advise programmers and system analysts of the status of their programs and to alert them of the action required to correct a problem. The information in this manual corresponds to parts of the GIS/2 Operations Manual. Manual. 130 pages /////5140-XX1 SH20-9040 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/vIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) PLANNIN3 AND OPERATION ~ FOR THE ADVANCED QUERY FEATURE PROG. PROD. 5140-XX1 This documen~bes the characteristics of the Advanced Query Feature of GIS/vS. This feature provides the means by which a person can employ GIS/VB in conjunction with Information Management System/Virtual Storage (ISM/VS). The user of this feature must have installed either the Data Base System of IMS or the combined Data Base/Data Communication System of IMS. The discussion is at a level sufficient for planning the installation of the feature. The two major sections deal with the AQF Data Base Support and the AQF Terminal Support. The terminal interface is discussed in detail while the c~mmand language is only briefly described. SH20 Manual, 80 pages ////15740-XX7 GH20-9043 3ENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) EXECUTIVE QUERY REFERENCE MANUAL, PROG. R!h 574o:xx:r-This manual is designed to give a sampling of GIS/VS capabilities and to provide a reference for non-data processing users of GIS/VS. It is a basic introduction to GIS/VS which may be examined by those who are interested in a system designed to make information readily available to decision makers. Manual, 96 pages ///N5740-XX7 SH20-9046 IBM SYSTEM/370 LOW-LEVEL CODE/CONTINUITY CHECK IN DATA LANGUAGE/I DOS/VS PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS:MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5746-XXl ----- --This manual is intended for application programmers who want to use the services of Low-Level Code/Continuity Check in Data Language/I DOS/VS (LLC/CC in DL/ I DOS/VS). It describes the functions and the operation of the system, and contains all the information required to generate and execute LLC/CC in DLII DOS/VS. Low-Level codes are used primarily in the manufacturing industry to indicate the lowest level at which at particular part number is found in all product structure trees. The product structures must not contain any loops. Therefore, a continuity check is applied to ensure proper assembly-tosubassembly continuity. The reader is assumed to have a working knowledge of the functions and the facilities of Data Language/I Disk Operating System/Virtual Storage (DLII DOS/VS). He should be familiar with the contents of the following publications: o DLII DOS/VS Application Programming Reference Manual, SH12-5411 o DL/I DOS/VS Operator's Reference Manual and Messages and Codes SH12-5414 o DLII DOS/VS Utilities and Guide for the System Programmers, SH12-5412 Manual, 52 pages ////15746-XXl SH20-9049 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS) ADVANCED COMMUNICATION GUIDE, PROG:-PRODS. 5740-XX1, ~ This manual provides essential information for persons who have the responsibility to define, prepare, and administer CICS/VS in support of the IBM Finance 3600 Communication System. CICS/VS is a transaction-oriented, multiapplication data base/data communication interface between a Systeml370 operating system and user-written application programs. Applicable to most online systems, CICS/VS provides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications: message switching, inquiry, data collection, order entry, and conversational and hatched data entry.• CICS/VS is available in two systems, one for DOS/vS users and one for OS/VS users. Because the CICS/DOS/VS system is compatible with the CICS/OS/VS system, it is possible to start with a small data base/data communication configuration and move up through DOS/VS into OS/VS. Information concerning CICS/OS/vS is for planning purposes only. Manual, 225 pages /////5740-XXl,5746-XX3 GJDl IBM 3600 Finance CommUnication System, GC27-0009; and VTAM COncepts and Planning, GC27-6998. Manual, 164 pages /////5740-XX2 SH20-9051 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS) INSTALLATIONIGUIDE (DOS) - PROG. P~46-XX3 This manual is for new of CICS/DOS/VS:--!t is intended to assist in the installation of initial CICS applications. The system described is a CICS subset and provides a framework for developing the installations' first programs. Once a basic system has been installed, applications may be expanded to include more advanced functions. The user must have a S/370 operating under DOS/VS. The subset utilizes local or remo·te 3270 Information Display System, and ISAM data files. The CICS application programs in this manual are written in COBOL. Manual, 240 page s /////5746-XX3 users GH20-9500 ~:~~~T~~~~ ~!~i~i~~~~ SYSTEM PROGRAM REFERENCE MANUAL This publication describes the functions available in the IBM Systeml370 Distributed System Program (DSP). This book provides System/360, System/370 and Systeml7 application programmers with information that enable them to prepare for and install the DSP facilities that most effectively fulfill their application requirements. Manual, 206 pages 360, 370/TP/36/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL/5010/ GH20-9501 gSTEM/370 DISTRBUTED SYSTEM ~ OPERATIONS GUIDE, PROG. NO. 360A-TX-032 This publication describes how to install, operate, and maintain the IBM Systeml370 Distributed System Program (OSP). This book is intended for system programmers who are knowledgeable in concepts of generation, operation, and maintenance of 05/360 and familiar with the concepts of teleprocessing and the Distributed System Program. Guide, 103 pages 360, 370/TP/36/0S,OTSO,OASP,CALL/5010/ GJD1-0001 SYSTEM/370 MODELS 158/168 SYSGEN ICR OS RELEASE 21.6 PROGRAM NO.36OS='0s::6'09 - - - - - - - - - - Contains~pe I OS program listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GJD1-1100 OS21.0-21.7, VSI/l.0-3.0, VS2/1.0-1.6 SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM LISTINGS, 360S-DN-611 Contains Type I OS program listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GJDl-1480 IBM OPERATING SYSTEM/360 DOS EMULATOR PROGRAM FOR SYSTEM/370 MODELS 145 AND-rs5~M NUMBER~OC-EU-738 Set of 65 fiche containingSource code for 45 modules and 1 index. Modules are used in DOS emulator program for Systeml370 models 145 and 155. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SH20-9050 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/VS) ~ FOR THE IBM 3600 FINANCIAL COMMuNICATION ~::. PROG. PROD. 5740-XX2 This publication provides planning information needed for GJDl-1640 design, implementation, and operation of a 3600 system that OPERATING SYSTEM 370/165 OS-7094 INTEGRATED EMULATOR will use IMS/VS. The intended audience is the systems MICROFICHE~~OGRAM NUMBER 360C-EU~ analyst and applications analyst who are responsible for the This document contains Type I 05 program listings and DOS/OS IMS/VS 3600 installation. PTF listings. Using the facilities of VTAM and the NCP, IMS/vS supMicrofiche ports the following 3600 terminals: 3604 Keyboard Display, SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 3610 Document Printer, 3612 Passbook and Document Printer, 3614 Consumer Transaction Facility, and 3618 Administrative Line Printer. GJDl-1641 The first chapter describes the elements present in an ~:~~0~~?03~_~~X/7074 EMULATOR ~ IMS/VS 3600 system and the IMS/VS facilities that have been designed or extended to support a 3600 system. Chapter 2 This document contains Type I OS program listings and DOS/OS describes the procedures necessary for the 3601 application PTF listings. program to communication with IMS/VS. Included are Microfiche discussions of session initiation, normal message flow, SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY error handling, session termination, and restart. Chapter 3 describes IMS/VS support for the 3614. IMS/vS supports the 3614 through either a direct attachment to the 3704/3705 GJDl-1642 Communications Controller or a loop attachment. to a 3601 7080 EMULATOR FOR SYSTEM/370 MODEL 165 UNDER OPERATING Finance communication Controller. The fourth chapter SYSTl1M/360 - MICROFICHE LISTI~PROGRAM NUMBER 360C EU.,..737 No abstract-available. - - - - - - - - - describes the IMS/VS system definition macros and Message Format Service control statements required fox· an IMS/VS Microfiche 3600 system. Operational considerations are described in SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Chapter 5. Appendixes provide examples of required programs and definitions. A Glossary is included. Prerequisite publications are: Information Management GJDl-1643 System/Virtual Storage (IMS/VS) General Information Manual, l1MULATOR FOR 7074 ON S/370 MODEL 155 UNDER OS MICRoFIcHE=' PROGRAM NUMBER36OC-EU-iiiI-- 3H20-1260; IBM 3600 Finance Communication System: System Summary, GC27-0001; Programming Installation Guide for the This document contains Type I OS program listings and DOS/OS 218 = GJD1 PTF listings. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GJ01-1795 ~:~D~I~;~~~~~D INTELLIGENCE ~ (DIS) LISTINGS ~ ~ SJDZ SJDZ-0050 OS/Vs2 IEBEDIT (5742-SCI-U9) Contain~rogram listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VSZ as specified in the title. Microfiche, 3 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Contains program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GJ01-2063 DISK OPERATING SYTEM MODEL 155 EMULATOR MICROFICHE LISTINGS - PROG~NUMBER 360N-EU-490 TheSe-cards contain assembled program listings for the DOS/360 Model 155 Emulator. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0060 OS/VS2 IEHLIST (574Z-SC1-UZ) COntains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VSZ as specified in the title. Microfiche, 5 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0070 OS/VS2 IEHPROGM (5742-SC1-U3) COntains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 6 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GJD1-Z100 ~~!!~!Q!! FOR 1401/1440/1460 ON THE ~Q.lQ. ~ 155 UNDER OS MICROFICHE LISTING - PROG. NO. 360C-EU-735 Contains Type I OS program lIstings asspecified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0080 OS/VSZ CATALOG (574Z-SC1-D3) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/vs2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 12 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GJD1-2150 EMULATOR FOR THE IBM 1410/7010 ON THE SYSTEM/370 MODEL 155 UNDER Q2. ::. PROG. 360C-EU-736, LISTINGS---- - - - No abstract available. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJDZ-0090 OS/vS2 SMF SCHEDULER (5742-SC1-00) contains-8cp program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 9 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GJD1-4601 MODEL 20 EMULATOR ON S/370 USING DOS (V4) - PROGRAM NUMBER 37'i)'N:"IE='002 - - - - - -- -- - - - - --Microfiche assembly listings of Model 20 Emulator on System/370 using DOS (V4). Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0100 OS/VS2 TSO TRACE (5742-SC1-T9) contaIns-8cp program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VSZ as specified in the title. Microfiche, 12 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0110 OS/VS2 PASSWORD PROTECT (5742-SC1-DC) COntains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VSZ as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GJD1-460Z S/370 ~ DOS/VS IBM EMULATOR FOR HW S200, LISTINGS PROG. NO. 5799-ADT MICrOfiche assembly listings of IBM emulator for Honeywell series 200 on S/370 using DOS/VS. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0120 OS/VS2 TSO UTILITIES (574Z-SC1-T2) COntains-8cp program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VSZ as specified in the title. Microfiche,S cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GJD1-4603 S/370 !!§.!!!§ ~ IBM EMULATOR fQR RCA 12.L. LISTINGS PROG. NO. 5799-ADR Microfiche assembly listings of IBM emulator for RCA 301 on S/370 using DOS/VS. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0130 OS/VS2 TSO TEST (5742-SC1-T1) ContainS:SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VSZ as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0001 MICROFICHE FOR OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.6 REFERENCE LISTINGS Contains SCpprogram listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0140 OS/VS2 EXT/PREC/FLT PT SIM (5742-SC1-CP) Contains SCP program-ristings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VSZ as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJDZ-0010 OS/VSZ SMF (574Z-SC1-02) ContainS:SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 2 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJDZ-0160 OS/VSZ IEHMOVE (574Z-SC1-UC) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VSZ as specified in the title. Microfiche, 45 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJDZ-0020 OS/VS2 IEHINITT (5742-SC1-UD) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 5 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0170 OS/VS2 IEBCOPY (574Z-SC1-U6) COntains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VSZ as specified in the title. Microfiche, 14 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0030 OS/vS2 IEHSTATR (5742-SC1-UE) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or Os/VSZ as specified in the title. Microfiche, Z cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0180 OS/VS2 IEBGENER (5742-SC1-U7) COntain~ogram listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VSZ as specified in the title. Microfiche, 14 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJDZ-0040 OS/VSZ TAPE ERP/VES (574Z-SC1-CC) contains:scP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 11 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Z19 SJD2 SJD2 SJD2-0190 OS/Vs2 IEBUPDTE (S742-SC1-U8) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/vS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 8 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0320 OS/VS2 TSO SUPERVISOR (5742-SC1-T7) Contalns-BCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 46 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-Q200 OS/VS2 IEBPTPCH (5742-SC1-UA) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 6 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0330 OS/VS2 SYSTEM RESTART (5742-SC1-B3) COntains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 14 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0210 OS/VS2 IEBCOMPR (S742-SC1-UK) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 8 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0350 OS/vS2 ALLOCATION (5742-SC1-B4) COntains SCP program listings for OS/vSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 108 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0220 OS/VS2 IEBISAM (5742-SC1-UH) contains sCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 10 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0360 OS/vS2 ~ ~ (5742-SC1-BS) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 48 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0230 OS/VS2 IEBDG (5742-SC1-UJ) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 13 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0370 OS/vS2 INITIATOR (5742-SC1-B6) COntains SCP program listings for OS/vSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 44 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJ02-0240 OS/VS2 TSO EDIT (5742-SC1-TO) Contains-BCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 73 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0380 OS/vS2 TERMINATION (5742-SC1-B7) COntains SCP program listings for OS/vSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 36 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-02S0 OS/vS2 IPL (5742-SC1-Cl) Contalns-Bcp program l~stings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 2 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0390 OS/vS2 COMMANDS (5742-SC1-B8) COntains SCP program l~stlngs for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 93 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0260 OS/VS2 SUPERVISOR (5742-SC1-C5) contains sCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 209 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0400 OS/vS2 READER/INTERPRETER (5742-SC1-B9) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/vS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 83 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0270 OS/VS2 RMS (5742-SC1-CE) ContainS-scp program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/vS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 45 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0410 OS/VS2 TSO SCHEDULER (5742-SC1-T4) ContainS-SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 307 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0280 OS/VS2 GSP (5742-SC1-07) Conta:ins-BCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 71 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0420 OS/vS2 OBR/SDRIEREP (5742-SC1-CD) COntains SCP program listings for OS/vSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 137 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0290 OS/VS2 GAM (5742-SC1-GO) conta:ins-BCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 48 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0430 OS/vS2 GTF (5742-SC1-ll) ContainS-SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 80 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0300 OS/VS2 DlDOCS (5742-SC1-C4) contains sCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 48 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0440 OS/vS2 AMASPZAP (5742-SCl-12) Contains SCP program listings for OS/vSl and/or OS/VS2 as sl?ecified in the title. Microfiche, 3 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0310 OS/VS2 DSS (5742-SC1-10) Contains-BCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 3 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0450 OS/vS2 AMDPRDMP (5742-SCl-13) COntains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 35 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 220 SJD2 SJD2 SJD2-0460 OSIVS2 AMDSADMP (5742-SCl-15) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 9 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0650 OSIVS2 FETCH (5742-SC1-C7) COntains-BCP program listings for OSIVS1 and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 3 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0470 OS/VS2 AMAPTFLE (5742-SCl-16) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 6 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0660 OSIVS2 SAM (5742-SC1-DO) COntainS-SCP program listings for OSIVS1 and/or OS/VS2 as sl?ecified in the title. Microfiche, 196 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0480 OS/VS2 AMDPRDMP/EDIT (5742-SCl-18) Conta:ins SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OSIVS2 as specified .in the title. Microfiche, 25 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0670 OSIVS2 PAM (5742-SC1-D2) COntainS-Scp program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 4 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0490 OSIVS2 3735 MACROS/UTILITY (5742-SCl-22) Conta1ns-5Cp program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 4 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0680 OS/vS2 MICR (5742-SC1-D6) COntains sCP program listings for OS/vSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 10 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0530 OS/VS2 EXTENDED SVC ROUTER (5742-SC1-CF) Con-talns SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 2 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0690 OS/vS2 DAM (5742-SC1-D7) COntainS-Scp program listings for OSIVSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 46 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0540 OSIVS2 MAPPING MACROS (5742-SC1-01) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 4 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0700 OS/VS2 lOS (5742-SC1-C3) oontarnS-Scp program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as sl?ecified in the title. Microfiche, 12 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0550 OS/VS2 OLTEP (5742-SC1-06) Contains-scP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 84 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0710 OSIVS2 DASD ERP (5742-SC1-CA) OOntains-scP-program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 2 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0560 OS/VS2 BTAM (5742-SCl-20) Contains-5Cp program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 115 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0720 OSIVS2 UNIT RECORD ERP (5742-SC1-CB) Contains-scP program-listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 20 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0570 OSIVS2 TCAM (5742-SCl-21) Contalns-5CP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0730 OS/vS2 TSO SUBRTN TeAM (5742-SC1-T8) COntainS-Scp program-listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 9 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0580 OS/VS2 IEBTCRIN (5742-SC1-UG) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 102 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0740 SJD2-0590 OS/VS2 3505/3525 (5742-SC1-DD) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 13 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0750 OS/vS2 IBCDMPRS (5742-SC1-IO) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 4 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0600 OS/VS2 OCR (5742-SC1-D5) Contains:sCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0760 OSIVS2 IBCDASDI (5742-SCl-I1) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 3 cards, 90 image SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0640 OS/VS2 OVERLAY SUPERVISOR (5742-SC1-C2) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 3 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0770 OS/vS2 IEHDASDR (5742-SC1-UO) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 32 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY TSO ~ MANAGEMENT (5742-SC1-T3) Contains SCP program listings for OS/vS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 48 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 221 SJD2 SJD2 SJD2-2000 IPL OS/vSl MICROFICHE SJD2-0780 OS/VS2 IEHATLAS (5742-SC1-UF) contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 9 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY REL.~ = COMPONENT ~ 5741-SC1-Cl This document contains Type I OS program listings and DOS/OS PTF listings. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0790 OS/VS2 SYSOUT WRITER (5742-SC1-B2) contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/vS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 23 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2001 IOS/OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING COMPONENT ~ 5741-SC1~C3 REL. 2.6 This document contains Type I OS program listings and DOS/OS PTF listings. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = SJD2-0S00 OS/VS2 ICAPRTBL (5742-SC1-I2) contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 2 cards, 90 image SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2002 SUPERVISOR OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT 5741-SC1-CS--- ---- - This document contains Type I OS program listings and DOS/OS PTF listings. Microfiche, 126 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0S10 OS/VS2 ISAM (5742-SC1-DS) Contains-5Cp program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2003 MAPPING MACROS OS/VSl COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-0l Assembled listings-=-2 modules. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0S20 OS/VS2 CHECKPOINT/RESTART (5742-SC1-09) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2004 MODULE/MACRO TOTAL SYSTEM INDEX OS/vSl (5741-SCl COMPci'N'ENT-S)-- - - - - COntai~SCP program listings for OS/vSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0S30 OS/VS2 OPEN/CLOSE/EOV (5742-SC1-Dl) contaIns sCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 271 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0S40 OS/VS2 DADSM contains SCP specified in Microfiche SLSS - ORDER ~ SJD2-2009 SCHEDULER SMF OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT 5741-SC1-0-0- - - - ---- - This document contains Type I OS program listings and DOS/OS PT F listings. Microfiche, 22 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY (5742-SC1-D4) program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as the title. SJD2-2010 UNIT RCD ERP OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 574I-SCI-C'B - - - ---- - This document contains Type I OS program listings and DOS/OS PTF listings. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0S50 OS/VS2 LINK LOADGO PROMPTER (5742-SC1-T5) Contalns-5CP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 7 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2014 JECS OS/vSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NO. 5'1ii'I=SC1-BO - REL. ~ This document contains Type I OS program listings and DOS/OS PTF listings. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0S60 OS/VS2 LINKAGE EDITOR (5742-SC1-04) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 24 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2015 liP STREAM CTL OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT 5741::sa:=Bl- - - ---- This document contains Type I OS program listings and DOS/OS PTF listings. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0S70 OS/VS2 LOADER (5742-SC1-05) Contains SCP program list1ngs for OS/VSl and/or OS/vS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 6 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2016 O/P STREAM CTL OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - PROGRAM 5741::sa:=i32- - - ---- - - - contains SCP program listings for OS/vSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-0SS0 OS/VS2 AMBLIST (5742-SCl-14) Contains SCP program listings for Os/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 12 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2017 SYSTEM RESTART OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER SJD2-0S90 OS/VS2 ASSEMBLER XF (5742-SC1-03) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 46 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 574I=Sc~ --- ---- - contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-1190 3330/3333 MODEL #11 SUPPORT LISTINGS COMPONENT NO. 5742-SC1-S1 Contains-Sep-program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-201S ALLOCATION Os/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-B4--- ---- - contains SCP program listings for OS/vSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 90 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 222 SJD2 SJD2 SJD2-20l9 SJD2-2033 RMS OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 514l-SCl-CE COntains SCP program listings for OS/vSl and/or OS/VS2 as--specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Q ~~ OS/VSl MICROFICHE ~ ::. COMPONENT NUMpER 514l-SCl-B5 containS-SCp tPrhoegtral..mtleli.stings fo~ OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2034 Q2LY2h ~ ASSEMBLER COMPQNENT NO. 574l-SCl-03 Contains SCP program listings for Os/vsl and/or OS/Vs2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2020 INITIATOR OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUM9ER 57iiI=sa::=B-6-- --- - Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2038 ~;~~~~~E SJD2-202l TERMINATION OS/vSl MICROFICHE LISTING ::. £~ NUMBER 514l-SCl-B1 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-204l GTF OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SCl-ll COntains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/Vs2 as-specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2022 ~ OS/VSl MICROFICHE ~ ::. COMPONENT NOMBER 514l-SCl-B8 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2042 HMASPZAP OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-~ ----- Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as s!;lecified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2023 INTERPRETER OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING ::. COMPONENT NOMBER 514l-SC1-B9 contarns-scp program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2043 HMDPRDMP OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-~ ----- Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or os/VS2 as s!;lecified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2024 OS/VSl RESTART RDR/DSDR PROCESSING (514l-SC1-BD) Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2044 HMDSADMP OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 57iiI="SCI-rs=REL. 2. 6 --- COntains SCP-program-listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as s!;lecified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2025 SYSTEM LOG OS/vSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 57'4I"=SCHE--- OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING ::. COMPONEN! NUMBER COntains SCP program listings for os/Vsl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ---- - Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2045 HMAPTFLE OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER SJD2-2026 WTP OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING ::. COMPONENT NUMBER 5141-S,Cl-BF Contains SCP program listings for Os/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY '574I='SCI-I6='REL. 2. 6 --- - COntal.ns SCP-program-listings for os/vsl and/or OS/Vs2 as s!;lecified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2046 SJD2-2021 MSI OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING ::. COMPONENT REL.~ ~ 514l-SC1-BG ~:S~ MICROFICHE LISTING ::. COMPONENT NUMBER Contains SCP program listings for os/vsl and/or OS/VS2 as s!;lecified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 1 card SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2041 EXTENDED SVC ROUTER OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT SJD2-2028 NUMBER ~MCJQgm OS/VSl MICROFICHE ~ ::. ~~ NOMBER 514l-SCl-l1 - ~L. 2.6 Contains sCP-program-listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY siiiI=scr=cr - - - ------ - contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as s!;lecified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-203l ~~ QS/VSl MICROFICHE ~ ::. COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SCl-GO Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2032 GSP Q2LY2! MICROFICHE ~ ::. COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-07 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche . SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 223 SJD2-2048 IEHLIST MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SCl-U2 Contal.ns SCP program listings for OS/vsr-and!or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2049 BTAM Q2LY2l MICROFICHE ~~ ~ ::. COMPONENT NUMBER Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche, 85 cards SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2 SJD2 specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = SJD2-205l OCR Q.§Cl§! MICROFICHE ~ COMPONENT NUMBEB 574l-SC1-D5 contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl andlor OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2068 OS/VSl LINKAGE EDITOR MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 57iiI=sc~ ----- ---- - Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2053 IEBTCRIN OS/vSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-UG - REL. 2.6 --- contains SCP-program-listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/vS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2069 LOADER OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 57iiI=scr=os-- --- - Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2054 CHECKPOINT RESTART OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT 5741-SCl-09--- - - ---- contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl andlor OS/vS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2074 OS/vSl JES COMPATIBILITY INTERFACE (574l-SC1-DB) 57iiI=sCr=DB Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2055 FETCH OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-S~ ---- contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2076 HMBLIST OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5'7ii"1-Sc'1~ SJD2-2017 IBCDMPRS OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 51iiI=S'C1-ro-=R'EL. 2. 6 ----- contains SCP-programiIistings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in ~he title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2058 OPEN/CLOSE/EOV OS/VSl MICROFICHE ~ ~ ~~ ~ 574l-SC1-DL contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl andloI: OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2078 IBCDASDI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SCl-Il COntains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2059 PAM OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-D2 contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl a~os/vS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2079 ICAPRTBL MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SCl-I2 COntains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2060 ~S~ MICROFICHE LISTING ~ COMPONENT ----- - Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2057 SAM OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-DO Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl andlor OS/vS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~BER contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl andlol: OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2080 IEHDASDR OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER ~-uo---- SJD2-206l MICR OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NU~3ER 5741-scr=D6 --- Con-tains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/vS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ----- - Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-208l IEHIOSUP OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-ur------ Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2062 DAM OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-D7 contains SCP program listings for Os/VSl andlor-OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2082 IEHATLAS OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 571iI=ScI-~ SJD2-2063 ISAM OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5m-scr=Di ----- COntains SCP program listings for OS/vSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ----- - ------ - - - Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl andlor OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2084 CRJE OS/vSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER '57'iiI-ScI::oA SJD2-2064 JAM OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-D9 Contains SCP program listings for Os/VSl and/or-OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY --- - COntains SCP program listings for OS/vSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2- 2085 Q2LY2! COMPONENT NO. SJD2-2067 DASD ERP OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5m-SC1-~ 574l-SCl-~ IEBCOPY, LISTINGS 574l-SC1-U6 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. ---- - ----- --- Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as 224 SJD2 SJD2 Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2086 OS/VSl COMPONENT ~ 5141-SC1-U1. IEBGENER. LISTINGS Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or Os/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2l00 ~~~~./:g~:~ ~_~~~~ICHE LISTIN; Cbntains SCP program listings for OSIVSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2101 TAPE EBP/VES OS/VSl MICROFICHE ~ 5141-SC1-CC ~ lit Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2081 IEBUPDTE QSIVSl MICROFICHE ~ =. COMPONENT ~ 5141-SCl-U8 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2l02 SJD2-2088 IEBPTPCH ~ MICROFICHE ~ =. COMPONENT NUMBER 5141-SC1-UA Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2105 RES (REMOTE ENTRY SYSTEM) RELEASE 2 - PROORAM NUMBER SJD2-2089 OS/VSl COMPONENT NO. 5141-SC1-UK. IEBCOMPR LISTINGS Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or Os/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2090 IEBISAM ~ MICROFICHE ~ =. COMPONENT NUMBER 5141-SC1-UH Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or Os/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5741::sa:=Bii SJD2-2101 REMOTE ENTRY SERVICE ACCOUNT FACILITY RELEASE 2 - PROGRAM No:s74r-sa:-~EL~ ---- ---- - - - - - contains SCP program-liStIngs for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY sm=sCl-iiJ Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2108 3505/3525 RDRIPCH (READER/PUNCH) - PROGRAM NUMBER S7~D-D--- --- --Cbntains SCP program listings for OSIVSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2092 IEHMOVE OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING 5'fii'I'=SCl:uc- Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2096 OS/VSl COMPONENT. NO. 5141-SC1-U3. IEHPROGM LISTINGS Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY - - - - - - - - --- SJD2-2106 OSIVSl 5141-SCl-18 MDPRPDMP (EDIT-UTILITY PRINT DUMP) contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2091 IEBDG OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING SJD2-2094 SMP OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING COMPQNENi'NUMBER - 574 r=scr=o2 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ::---m.~ Cbntains SCP-programIistings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2l10 OSIVSl 5141-SC1-CP EX F/P SIMULATOR - REL. 2.6 COntains SCP programlfStings for os7vSl'"and70r OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2111 NO. 5141-SC1-C8 - REL. 2.6 contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2112 OSIVSl DSS MICROFICHE ASSEMBLY LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 574I=ScI=Io ---- ---- - --- --- Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2091 OS/VSl COMPONENT NO. 5141-SC1-UD IEHINITTL LISTINGS Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2113 OS/VS2 ~ ~ ~ LISTINGS. COMPONENT NO. 514l-SCl-23 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2098 OS/VSl COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-UE. IEHSTArR LISTINGS ContalnS-SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2ll4 Q2LY§! IDCAMS MICROFICHE ASSEMBLY LISTINGS. 5141-SC1-DK Cbntains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2099 CATALOG OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING 5141-SC1~ Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2l15 OS/vSl 5141-SC1-DF SENECA-3890 DOC. PROCESSOR PROGRAM LISTINGS Cbntains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as 225 SJD2 SJD2 SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LJD2-4106 = PRPQ P85004 i l l i l l TRANSCODE PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AGA This PRPQ provides for decoding Six Bit Transcode control characters and performing standard BSC control functions. Also included is the capability of accumulating a special CRC for Six Bit Transcode and the capability for Transparent Mode opera tion. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~. SJD2-2116 OS/VSl 574l-SCl-DL SHARKS-3886 OCR PROG. LISTINGS contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2117 OS/VSl SYSTEM MODULE STATUS PROGRAM LISTINGS This miCi:OfIChe contains the system module Stcltus for OS/VSl Release 2.6. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LJD2-4107 ~~~~~~~ PRPQ P85007 SPECIAL START-STOP SJD2-2118 Q§~§l VSAM, Contains SCP specified in Microfiche SLSS - ORDER fOMPONENT NO. 574l-SCl-DE LISTING~ program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/vS2 as the title. GJD2-4112 ;~~.U:~:C~~9~~:~PARENCY (PRPQ P85003) MICROFICHE, NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Contains-program listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2119 QS/V§1 ~ COMPONENT NO. 574l-SCl-lO LISTINGS contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/vS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2l2l Os/VS1 POWER Contains SCP specified in Microfiche SLSS - ORDER SJD2-2122 OS/VSl ISSP, contains SCP specified in Microfiche SLSS - ORDER SJD2-2124 OS/VSlTCAM, Contains SCP specified in Microfiche SLSS - ORDER SJD2-4120 DOS/VS SSP MODULES, LISTINGS PROG. NO. 5747-AJ2 Contains SCP program listings for DOS/VS as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = WARNING FEATURE, COMPONENT NO. 574l-SClO-E program listings for OS/VSl-and/or Os/VS2 as the title. SJD2-4121 NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = ~ MODULES !QB OS/VS LISTINGS - PROG. NO. 5744-BA2 contains SCP program listings for-oS7VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BK LISTINGS program listings for OS/VS1 and/or Os/VS2 as the title. SJD2-4122 DOS/VS NCP LISTINGS - PROG. NO. 5747-AJ2 contarnSSCP program-listingSfori5OS7Vs as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY COMPONENT NO. 574l-SCl-21 LISTINGS program listings for OS/VSr-and/or OS/VS2 as the title. SJD2-4200 TOOLS LIST OS/VS2 OS(VS2 RELEASE 2.0 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2128 OS/VS1 REL. 03.1 PROG. LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCl-S1 contains-5Cp-prQgram listings for Os/VS1 and/Or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4201 OSIVS2 RELEASE 02. 0 SYSTEM CROSS REFERENCE SAMPLE SYSGEN ~ - - - - - - COnta1ns SCP program listings for OSIVS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2129 OS/VSl 5741-SC1-19 IMCOSJQD ASSEMBLEg PROG. LISTINGS contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = SJD2-4230 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 JES2 5752-SC1-BH COntains SCP program-rIstings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2134 Os/vs1 REL. Q.hl PROG. LISTINGS, COMPONEN!'. ~ 5741-SC1-0C OS/VS1 Release 03.1 Microfiche listings of component 5741-SC1-0C for use by all subscribers. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4240 OSIVS2 RELEASE 020 EXTERNAL WRITER 5752-SC1-B2 contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2135 OS/VS1 5741-SC1-BL JOB LIST MGR ASSEMBLER PROG. LISTINGS program listings of-rcR Job List Manager OS/VS1 Rel. 3.0 Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4250 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 SeBED RESTART 5752-SC1-B3 C'OiitaTns SCP prograiii1IStings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2419 SSP MODULES EQR Q.§LY§ ~ hl LISTINGS ~ llih. 5744-BA2 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = =PROGRAM NUMBER This PRPQ provides for support of special start-stop equipment. Operation is in half-duplex mode at 1200 bits/second. Data is transparent~ there is no checking for control characters. The Reverse Channel Feature is supported in conjunction with a hardware RPQ to the 3705. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = SJD2-4260 OSIVS2 RELEASE 020 ALLOC/UNALLOCATllO 5752-SC1-B4 COntains SCP program listings for OSIVS1 and/or OS/vS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GJD2-4002 370 DOS BTAM, MICROFICHE LISTING, PROG. NO. 370N-~469 Contains Type I DOS program listings as speCified n the title. Microfiche 226 SJD2 SJD2 SJD2-4270 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 SWA MANAGER 5752-SCl-B5 Contains SCP prograiilIistings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-44l0 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 COMMUNICAT TASK 5752-SCl-CK COntains SCP program listings ~OS/VSl and/or OS/Vs2 as sp ecif ied in the ti tie. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4280 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 INCTIATOR 5752-SCl-B6 Contains sCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. MICROFICHE SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4420 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 TASK MAN 5752-SCl-CL Contains SCP program listings for as/VSl and/or OS/Vs2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4300 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 MSTR SCHLOR CMDS 5752-SC1-B8 Contains SCP program listings fOrOS~ and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4430 SJD2-4310 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 CONVT/INTERPRETER 5752-SCl-B9 contains scP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4440 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 EXT PREC FLT PT S 5752-sCl-CP coiitiirns SCP prograiilIistingSforoS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4320 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 DASD ERP 5752-SC1-CA Contains SCP program-listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4450 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 MF/l 5752-SCl-CQ Contains SCP program-IIstings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4330 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 UNIT RECORD ERP 5752-SC1-CB ContarnS-SCP program listings for-OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4460 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 REAL STORAGE MAN 5752-SCl-CR ContainsscpprograiilITstings foros/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4340 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 TAPE ERP/vES 5752-SC1-CC Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or Os/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDE~ NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4470 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 REG CONTROL TASK 5752-SCl-CU contains SCP prograiilIistings for-as/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4350 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 OBR/EREP/RDE 5752-SC1-CD Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4480 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 TIMER SUPER VISION 5752-Scl-CV Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4360 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 RMS 5752-SCl-CE ContainSScPPrograiiilistings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4490 SJD2-4370 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 EXTEND sve ROUTER 5752-SCl-CF containsscpprogram listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4500 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 SYS RESRC MGR 5742-SCl-CX Contains SCP prograiilIistingsfur as/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4380 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 SVC 109 5752-SCl-CG Contains SCP prograiiilistings for OS/VSl and/or Os/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-45l0 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 RASIX PART TREE S 5752-SCl-CY contains SCP program listings ~oS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4390 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 VIRT STORAGE MAN 5752-SCl-CH contains sCP program listings foros/VSl"and/or DS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4520 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 MP RECONFIG 5752-SCl-CZ Contains SCP programlistings for as/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified ,in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4400 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 CONTENS SUPER VSR 5752-SC1-CJ contains SCP program listings for -as/VSl and/or DS/VS2 as specified in the title~ Microfiche ' SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4540 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 OVERLAY SUPER VSR 5752-SC1-C2 contaIns SCP program listings for OO/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ Q£Q. RECOVERY TERMIN 5752-SCl-CM Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ RELEASE Q£Q. aIDf ~ MAN 5752-SCl-("'W Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 227 SJD2 SJD2 SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4550 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 lOS 5152-SC1-C3 Contains SCP program-listings for OS/VSl and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4680 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020'VBP LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5152-SCl-DG contains SCP program-listlngs for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4560 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 DlDOCS 5152-SCl-C4 CODta-rn~rogram listings for OS/VSl and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4690 ~ ~ 020 CATALOG CONTROLLER 1. LISTINGS. COMPON~T NO. 5752-SCl-DH contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4510 OS/VS2 ~ 020 SUPERVISOR ~ 5152-SC1-C5 contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OSlVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4100 ill ~ INTERCEPT LISTINGS. COMPONENT NO. 5152-SC-DJ Contains Sep-program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SJD2-4580 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 EXCP 5152-SCl-C6 Contains SCP program-rIstings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4710 ~ ~ i l l ~ METHOD SERVICES COMPONENT ~ 5152-SCl-DK Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4590 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 FETCH 5152-SC1-C1 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4720 ~ ~ i l l 3886 2£R LISTINGS. COMPONENT NO. 5152-SC1-DL contains SCP program listings :for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4600 Os/vS2 RELEASE 024 NIP 5152-SCl-C8 Contains SCP program-listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4130 ~ ~ i l l §!M LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5152-SC1-DO Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-46l0 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 IPL 5752-SCl-C9 contains sCP program-listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4740 OSIVS2 RELEASE 020 OPEN/CLOSE/EOV LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. SJD2-4620 OS/VS2 ~ 020 ~ PROCESSOR LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCI-DA Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 51'52':sc~ - Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4150 SJD2-4630 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 SAM SUBSYS INTERFACE LISTINGS, COMP'ONENT NO. 5ffi-scr-~ Contains Sep-program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ RELEASE 020 PAM LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5152-SC1-D2 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4770 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 DADSM 5152-SC1D4 COntains SCP program listings for OSIVSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4640 OS/VS2 ~ 020 ~ ~ LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5152-SCl-DC contains Sep-program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4180 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 OCR 5152-SClD5 Contains SCP program-listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4650 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 3505/3525 READER PUNCH SUPPORT LISTINGS 15752'="scr=i)[)") - --- --- ---- contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OSlVS2 as specified in the title. Fiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4790 OSIVS2 RELEASE 020 MICR 5752-SC1D6 contains SCP program listings for OSIVSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4660 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 VSAMlVSAM CATALOG LISTINGS COMPONENT NO. S'752-Sc~ -- ---- ---- Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or. OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4800 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 DAM 5152-SCl-D1 Contains SCP program-listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4670 os/VS2 ~ 020 3890 ~ ~R LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCl-DF Contains sep-program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche 228 SJD2 SJD2 SJD2-48l0 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 ISAM 5752-SC1D8 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER N0. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4940 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 IEHMOVE 5752-SC1-UC Contains SCP program listings for OS/vSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4820 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 GAM 5752-SC1GO Contains SCP program-listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4950 SJD2-4830 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 IBCDMPRS 5752-SC1IO contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4960 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 IEHSTATR 5752-SC1-UE Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as sl?ecified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4840 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 IBCDASDI 5752-SC1-Il contarns sCP program list1ngs for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4970 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 IEHATLAS 5752-SC1-UF contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as sl?ecified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4850 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 ICAPRTBL 5752-SC1-I2 COntains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4980 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 IEBTCRIN 5752-SC1-UG OOntaing-scp-program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as sl?ecified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4860 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 TSO EDIT 5752-SC1-TO contaIns SCP program-listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4990 SJD2-4870 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 TSO TEST 5752-SC1-Tl Contains SCP program-listIngs for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5000 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 IEBDG 5752-SC1-UJ contarns SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4880 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 TSO UTILITIES 5752-SC1T2 Contarns sCP program-listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-50l0 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 IEBCOMPR 5752-SC1-UK COntains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as sl?ecified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4890 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 TSO TIOC 5752-SC1-T3 Contains SCP program-listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5020 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 IEHUCAT 5752-SC1-UY Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4900 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 TSO SCHEDULER 5752-SC1-T4 contarns sCP program-listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5030 SJD2-49l0 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 LINK LOADGO PROMP 5752-SC1-T5 contains SCP program listings for OS/VS'l"and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5040 SJD2-4920 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 TSO TeAM SUBROUTINES contarns sCP program-listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5050 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 IEHPROGM 5752-SC1-U3 contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4930 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 DEBPTPCH 5752-SC1-UA Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5060 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 IEBCOPY 5752-SC1-U6 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ 020 IEHINITT 5752-SC1-UD Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ i l l IEBISAM 5752-SC1-UH Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/vs2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ 020 IEHDaSDR 5752-SC1-UO Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ 020 IEHLIST 5752-SC1-U2 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD3 SJD2 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 IEBGENER 5752-SC1-U7 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5210 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 DSS 5752-SC1-10 contaIns SCP programlIistings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-50BO OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 IEBUPDTE 5752-SC1-UB ContaIns sCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5220 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 GTF 5752-SC1-11 Contains SCP program-listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5090 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 IEBEDIT 5752-SC1U9 contains SCP program listings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5230 SJD2-51l0 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 POWR WARN FEATURE 5752-SC10E contaIns sCP program-IIstings for OS/VSl and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5240 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 AMDPRDMP 5752-SCl-13 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5120 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 SMF SCHEDULER 5752-SC1-00 contains SCP program-listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5250 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 AMBLIST 5752-SCl-14 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5130 SJD2-5260 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 AMDSADMP 5752-SCl-15 contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as s~ecified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5070 020 AMASPZAP 5752-SCl-12 contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS ~ ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ OS/VS2 MAPPING MACROS 5752-SC1-01 08/\182 RELEASE ~ contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5270 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 AMAPTFLE 5752-SCl-16 Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5140 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 SMF 5752-SC1-02 Contains SCP program-listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-52BO OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 AMDPRDMP/EDIT 5752-SC1-1B contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5150 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 ASSEMBLER XF 5752-SC1-03 ContaIns sCP program listings~or OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5290 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 BTAM 5752-SCl-20 contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5160 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 LINKAGE EDITOR 5752-SC1-04 Contains SCP program listin9sfOr OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5300 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 TCAM 5752-SCl-21 contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5170 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 LOADER 5752-SC1-05 contains sCP program-IIStings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5320 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 VTCAM 5752-SCl-23 contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ~RDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-51BO OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 OLTEP 5752-SC1-06 ContaIns sCP program list1ngs for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5330 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 SMP 5752-SCl-30 Contains SCP program-listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5190 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 GSP 5752-SC1-07 ContaIns sCP program-listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD3-0003 PTF NO. 5745-01555 SJD2-5200 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 CHK PT/RESTART 5752-SC1-09 containS-scp program-listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY PROGRAM NUMBER 5745-SC-EML OF SBOF-6440 -- COMPONENT Included are PTF's 5745-01555-A Microfiche Available via SLSS under BOF. 230 SJ03 GL21 SJ03-1000 PTF NO. 5745-01403-3 SJ03-2004 DOS/VS PTF COMPONENT OF SBOF-6440 PROGRAM 10 5745 This group of microfiChe cards contains PTF's-:5745-02126-A 5745-02134-3 5745-02144-3 5745-02161-3 5745-02171-3 5745-02210-3 5745-02225- 3 5745-02230-3 5745-02248-3 5745-02250-3 5745-02251-3 5745-02262-3 5745-02265-3 5745-02268-3 5745-02274-3 5745-09028-3 5745-09029-3 5745-09031-3 5745-09034-3 5745-09035-3 5745-09036-3 5745-09037-3 Microfiche Available via SLSS under BOF. PROGRAM NUMBER 5745-SC-ASM COMPONENT OF SBOF 6440 This PTF is a fix generated by the group-having maintenance control of the program component mentioned in the title. Microfiche Available via SLSS under BOF. SJ03-1001 PTF NO. 5745-00426-3 PROGRAM NUMBER 5745-SC-ASM COMPoNENT'OFSBOF- 64 4f This PTF is a fix generated by the group-having rna ntenance control of the program component mentioned in the title. Microfiche Available via SLSS under BOF. SJ03-1002 PROGRAM NUMBER 5745-SC-ASM ~~ NO. 5745-00430-3 COMPONENT'OF:SBOF-6440 This PTF is a fix generated by the group-having maIntenance control of the program component mentioned in the title. Microfiche Available via SLSS under BOF. SJ03-1003 PTF FOR SC-ASM/5745-01405-3 COMP OF SBOF-6440 This:p.rF is a fix generated by the-group having maintenance control of the program component mentioned in the title. Microfiche Available via SLSS under BOF. SJ03-2005 DOS/VS PTF COMPONENT OF SBOF-6440 PROGRAM 10 5745 This group of microfiche contains PTF' s: - - 5745-2054-3 5745-1285-A 5745-3074-3 5745-2057-3 5745-1323-3 5745-3090-3 5745-2058-3 5745-1331-3 5745-3096-3 5745-2061-3 5745-1374-3 5745-3100-3 5745-2062-3 5745-1878-3 5745-3102-3 5745-2078-3 5745-1897-3 5745-3110-3 5745-2086-3 5745-1916-3 5745-3112-3 5745-2091-3 5745-1977-3 5745-3113-3 5745-2092-3 5745-1982-3 5745-3118-3 5745-2094-3 5745-1985-3 5745-3125-3 5745-2095-3 5745-1987-3 5745-3143-3 5745-2096-A 5745-1995-3 5745-3153-3 5745-2113- 3 5745- 3009- 3 5745- 3154-3 5745-2155-3 5745-3012-3 5745-3155-3 5745-3022-3 5745-3304-3 5745-2249-3 5745-2269-3 5745-3041-3 5745-3317-3 5745-9030-3 5745-3063-3 5745-3334-3 Microfiche Available via SLSS under BOF. SJ03-1004 PTF FOR SC-ASM/5745-01406-3 COMP OF SBOF-644Q Th!s-pfF is a fix generated by the-group having maintenance control of the program component mentioned in the title. Microfiche Available via SLSS under BOF. SJD3-1006 PTF FOR SC-ASM/5745-01407-3 COMP OF SBOF-6440 Th!s-pfF is a fix generated by the-group having maintenance control of the program component mentioned in the title. Microfiche Available via SLSS under BOF. SJ03-1009 OOS/VS PTF COMP OF SBOF-6440 PROGRAM IO 5745 Included is PTF number 5745-0~ - - Microfiche Available via SLSS under BOF. SJ03-2006 DOS/VS PTF COMPONENT OF SBOF 6440 PROGRAM ID 5745 5745-02263-3 5745-03417::-r- 57ii5-~ - ~5745-03389-3 5745-02097-3 5745-03386-3 5745-09032-A 5745-02301-3 5745-03033-3 5745-01836-3 5745-01814-3 5745-03331-3 5745-02298-3 5745-03314-3 5745-03158-3 5745-02299-3 5745-03310-3 5745-02321-3 5745-03426-3 5745-03169-3 5745-03425-3 5745-00313-3 5745-03222-3 5745-02281-3 5745-01821-3 5745-01840-3 5745-03318-3 5745-03~78-3 5745-03377-3 5745-03048-3 Microfiche Available via SLSS under BOF. SJ03-1011 DOS/VS PTF COMP OF SBOF-6440 PROGRAM ID 5745 InCIiidedls PTF number 5745-01412-3. - - Microfiche Available via SLSS under BOF. SJD3-2001 DOS/VS PTF LISTINGS COMPONENT OF SBOF-6440 PROGRAM InClUdediare PTF numbers: 5745-01334-3 5745-01216-3 5745-01379-3 5745-01203-3 5745-01265-3 5745-01367-3 5745-01957-3 5745-01348-3 5745-01381-3 5745-01388-3 5745-01382-3 5745-01811-3 5745-01352-3 Microfiche Available via SLSS under BOF. SJ03-2002 DOS/VS PTF LISTINGS COMPONENT OF Include~re PTF numbers: 5745-00257-3 5745-00272-3 5745-00279-3 5745-00295-3 5745-00315-3 5745-00321-3 5745-00322-3 5745-00323-3 5745-00329-3 5745-01237-A 5745-01245-3 5745-01994-3 Microfiche Available via SLSS under BOF. ~~ ~ ~ lQ 5745 SJD3-2007 DOS/vS PTF COMPONENT OF SBOF 6440 PROG. ID 5745 CO'iitaInsPTF's: - -- -- -- --5745-01986-3 5745-03422-3 5745-02006-3 5745-03424-3 5745-02139-3 5745-03439-3 5745-02218-3 5745-03441-3 5745-02295-3 5745-09039-3 5745-02331-3 5745-02342-3 5745-02346-3 5745-03397-3 5745-03414-3 Microfiche Available via SLSS under BOF. ~ SJD3-2751 DOS/vS PTF COMPONENT OF SBOF-6440 PROGRAM ID 5745-SC-BTM MicrofiChe list1ng for-OOS/vs 5745-SC-BTM,-PTF No. 5745-01604. Microfiche Available via SLSS under BOF. GL21-9071 IBM ~ ~ READER, ~ ~ ~ !! ~ ~ This publication aescribes two RPQ features; i.e. second stacker and 51/80 column card features. To use this publication effectively, the reader must be familiar with the operations of the standard IBM 2501 Models Ai, A2, Bl, and B2. The operations of the 2501 Models A1 and A2 are described in the publication, IBM SYSTEM/360 MODEL 20, 2501 CARD READER, Form A26-5892. The 231 SQC7 GL21 operations of the 2501 Models Bl and B2 are described in the publication, IBM 2501 MODELS Bl AND B2, COMPONENl' DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES, Form A21-9026. systems Reference Library Manual, 16 pages 360,370//14//2501/ GL22-7025 GL21-9225 IBM ~ STUB CARD ~ Rf2 ~ INSTALLATION MANUAL-- PHYSICAL PLANNING This manual provides the dimensions, Ifeight, power requirements, operating and non-operating environment, heat output, and a plan view for the IBM 7460 Model II Stub Card Reader. Manual, 4 pages //15//7460/ GL22-6936 IBM 2914 SWITCHING UNIT ~ h ~ 880882, ~ FEATURE: INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING This manual contains-physical planning data necessary to install the IBM 2914 Switching Unit Modell. The planning requirements of this unit are subject to modification by engineering developments. In any mUltiple-equipment installation, specifications for the most critical unit must be met. Manual, 22 pages //15//2914/ GL22-6937 SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRU'TION: ~914-SwITCHlNG UNIT ~ ! ::. ~ 880882 This publication describes the organizational, functional, and operational characteristics of the IBM 2914 Switching Unit Modell, which attaches to the IBM Srsteml360 Models 25, 30, 40, 44, 50, 65, 67, 75, and 85. Attachment to a Systeml360 is via the standard Systeml360 I/O interface of a selector or multiplexer channel. Manual, 19 pages 360,370//14//2914/ GL22-6979 IBM 2947 ~ ~ ~ COLLECTION CONTROLLER (RPQ lliill!. FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS - REFERENCE MANUAL This publication describes the overall ~ons, organization, and operation of the IBM 2947 Model 4 Check Collection Controller. Information concerning reader-sorter and printer operations with the re~ired definitions for initialization data, sort control words, printe.r control and formatting data, and sense and status data are provided. Although generally the information is written to an audience level of a systems engineer, it may be of interest to anyone seeking information about the general characteristics and operation of the 2947 Model 4. In particular, the information required to supplement the Assembly Facility User's Guide (LC28-6689) in writing assembly language user programs for the 2947 Model 4 is provided. The reader is assumed to have an understanding of banking data processing and a basic knowledge of the IBM 1419 Modell Magnetic Character Reader and the IBM 1403 Model N1 Printer as described in IBM 1219 Reader sorter, IBM 1419 Magnetic Character Reader (GA24-1499), and IBM 1403 Printer Component Description (GA24-3073). This information is subject to engineering development modi fica tion. Systems Library Manual, 68 pages 360,370//14//2947/ GL22-6982 !~ 2947 CHECK COLLECTION CONTROLLER MODE~ ! 1BE2 ~ INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING This manual contains all physical planning data necessary to install the IBM 2947-4 Check Collection Controller. If a unit is to be installed in conj~nction Ifith a computer system, specifications for the most critical unit must be met. Similarly, units installed in conjunction with the 2947-4 require specifications to be met for the most critical unit in the installation. Data follows the same format and uses the same standardized symbols as IBM Systeml360 Installation Manual Physical Planning (GC22-6820). Manual, 6 pages //15//2947/ ~14 ~ ~ INTERFACE ~ ~ £ ~ 8P0290) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND PHYSICAL PLANNING This publication proVides systems engineers with both introductory and reference information about the IBM 2914. It includes the characteristics, operation, and physical planning information about the 29144, an operator-controlled facility for switcning storage devices of the IBM Systeml360 Model 195 and System/370 Models 115 through 195. Manual, 28 pages 360,370//14//2914/ GL24-3570 IBM 2946 TERMINAL CONTROL SUBSYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPT~ OPERATING GUIDE This reference pUblication describes the IBM 2946 Terminal control Subsystem used with an IBM Programmed Airlines Reservations System (PARS), or equivalent. Subsystem components are: IBM 2946 Terminal Control Unit Model 1 and 2, and 4 (RPQ 810480, RPQ 810491, and RPQ 810555), IBM 4505 Model 22 Keyboard (RPQ 8G0019), IBM 4505 Model 23 Video Display (RPQ 8G0016), and IBM 1980 Model C24 Printer (RPQ 888126). Presented for reservations system planners, programmers, and terminal operators are: unit descriptions, line control, message formats, operator controls, and operating procedures. For reservations system operation and terminology, refer to PARS Terminal User's Guide A09-6160, available through the local sales representative. Manual, 32 pages 360,370//14//2946,4505/ GL24-3571 IBM 2946 TERMINAL CONTROL SUBSYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL ffiSICAL ~ - - This publication provides physical planning information for the IBM 2946 Terminal Control Unit Models 1, 2, and 4 (RP~ 810480, RPQ 810491, and RPQ 810555), and associated input/output units used in an IBM Programmed Airlines Reservation System (PARS): IBM 4505 Model 22 Keyboard (RPQ 8G0019), IEM 4505 Model 23 Video Display (RPQ 8G0160, IBM 1980 Model C24 Printer (RPQ 888126), and IBM 7411 Model 1 Remote Terminal COntrol Unit (RPQ 8K0142). Included are physical specifications and cable, electrical, and environmental requirements. For related publications, see IBM Systeml360 and Systeml370 Bibliography, GA22-6822. Manual, 20 pages //15//2946/ GL24-3618 2956 MODEL .§. ~ ~ ~ 810582 ~ UNIT DESCRIPTION AND PHYSICAL PLANNING The 2956 Moder-8 Card Reader is a punched card input (manual) to the IBM 3270 information display system. This Manual describes the 2956 Model 8-its operation and phySical planning. The reader should have a basic knowledge of punched cards and the IBM 3277 Display Station. Manual, 8 pages //14//2956/ SQC7-1938 DOS/VS DISK ERP 5745-SC-DKE DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.9 This maii'tiiil I'Sequivalent to SYC7-1938-1. --- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQC7-1948 DOS/VS JCL 5745-SC-JCL DOS/vS MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SYC7-1948-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ SQC7-1949 DOS/VS LIBRARIAN 5745-SC-LBR DOS/vS MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SYC7=I949-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ SQC7-1950 DOS/VS LINKAGE EDITOR 5745-SC-LNK DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2-.9-- - - - - - - - GL22-7015 IBM 7441-1/1980-9 CUSTOM TERMINAL FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OPERATINGP'ROCEDiJR:ESANi) PHYSICAL PLANNING This manual describes~e operations, controls and special features of the IBM 7441 Buffered Terminal Control (Modell) and the IBM 1980 Buffered Terminal (Model 9). The communciations facilities that can be used with the teleprocessing terminal are described. Appendi.xes containing the physical planning specifications, RPQ numbers, a glossary of terms, terminal service procedures, a problem identification chart and character coding are provided. Manual, 52 pages 360,370/114//7441,1980/ 232 This manual is equivalent to SYC7-1950-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQC7-1954 DOS/VS PDAIDS 5745-SC-PDA DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SYC7-1954-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQC7-1956 DOs/VS POWER 5745-SC-PWR DOS/vS MICROFICHE This manual is equivalent~C7 1956-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ RELEAS~ ~ SQC7 SQD2 SQC7-l958 DOS/VS RMSR 5745-RMS DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.9 This-manual is equivaIei'itto SYC7-l958-l-.--- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2020 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SCI-B6 - INITIATOR This manuar-IS equivalent to SJ02-2020-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQC7-l963 DOS/VS VSAM 5745-SC-VSM DOS/VS MICROFICHE This manual is equivalent to SYC7-1963-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2021 ~ ~ ~ RELEASE ~ 5741-SC1-B7 - TERMINATION This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2021-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQC7-1964 ~~~~~~E~:9DISTRIBUTION PROG. 5745-SC-DIS ~ MICROFICHE This manual is equivalent to SYC7-l964-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQD2-2023 OS/vS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-B9 - INTERPRETER TfiISimanual is equivalent to SJ02-2023-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQC7-l965 ~OS/VB MICROFICHE INDEX DOS/VS MICROFICHE This manual is equivalen~YC7-l965-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2022 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-B8 - COMMANDS This manual is equivalent to SJ02-2022-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ SQD2-2024 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-BD - RESTART PROCESS This manual is equivalent to SJ02-2024--1-.--Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQD2-2000 OS/VSl RELEASE 2 574l-SCl-Cl - IPL This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2000-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQD2-2025 OS/vS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-BE - SYST LOG ThISmaiiiiilIS eqUivalent to SJD2-2025-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQD2-2001 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-C3 - lOS This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2001-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2027 OS/vS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-BF - MSI This manual 1S eqUivalent to SJD2=2027-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2002 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-C5 - SUPERVISOR This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2002-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQD2-2028 SQ02-2009 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 574l-SCI-00 - SCHEDULER This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2009-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ ~ 5741-SC1-17 ~ IMCJOBQO This manual is equivalent to SJ02-2028-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2030 OS/vS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-C4 - DIDoeS This manuar-rs equivalent to SJO~0-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2010 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-CB - UNIT RECORD This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2010-1.Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2031 OS/vS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-GO - GAM This manual is eqUivalent to SJD2=2031-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2014 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-BO - JECS This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2014-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQD2-2032 OS/vS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-07 - GSP This manuar-rs equivalent to SJ02-2032-l. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2015 OS/VB1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-B1 - INPUT STREAM CTL,. This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2015-1. -- ---Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2033 OS/vS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-CE - RMS This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2033-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2016 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-B2 - OUTPUT STREAM CTL. This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2016=r.-- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2034 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-5C1-03 - ASSEMB XF This maiiilaI'"TS equivalent to SJ02-2034=I. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQD2-2017 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-B3 - SYS RESTART This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2017-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS 5Q02-2038 OS/vS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-CO - OBR/ERP/RDE This manual is equivalent to SJ02-2038-l. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQD2-2018 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SCI-B4 - ALLOCATION ~nual is equivalent to SJ02-2018-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2041 OS/VSl RELEASE 2 5741-SCl-11 - GTF ThISlmanual is equivalent to SJ52=2041-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQD2-2019 ~ ~ ~ 5741-SC1-B5 ~ ~ ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2019-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS 233 SQD2 SQD2 SQD2-2042 OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SCl-12 - HMASPZAP This manual is eqUivalent to SJD2-2042-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2061 OS/vS1 RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-D6 - MICR This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2061-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2043 OS/VSl RELEASE 2 574l-SCl-13 - HMDPRDMP This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2043-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2062 OS/VSl RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-D4 - DAM This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2062-l. MicrOfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQD2-2044 OS/vSl RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-l5 - HMDSADMP This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2044-l. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2063 OS/vSl RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-D8 - ISAM This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2063-l. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2045 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 574l-SCl-16 - HMAPTFLE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2045-l. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2064 OS/VSl RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-D9 - JAM ThISlffianual is equivalent to SJ02-2064-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2046 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-06 - OLTEP This-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2046-l. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2068 OS/VSl RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-04 - LINK EOITOR This manual is equivalent to SJi52=2068-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQD2-2047 OS/vSl RELEASE 574l-SC1-CF - EXTENDED SVC Thrs-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2047-l. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2069 OS/VSl RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-05 - LOADER Th1iImanual is equ1valent to SJD2-2069-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2048 OS/VSl RELEASE 5741-SC1-U2 - IEHLIST This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2048-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE U~OER SLSS SQ02-2074 OS/vS2 RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-SC1-DB - INTERFACE This manual is equivalent to SJD2=2074-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2049 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 574l-SCl-20 - BTAM This manual is equivalent to SJi52=2049-l. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2076 OS/VSl RELEASE 2 574l-SCl-14 - HMBLIST ThIS'iiianual is equivalent to S~-l. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2054 OS/VS2 RELEASE 5741-SC1-09 - CHECK POINT This-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2054-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2080 OS/vS1 RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-UO - IEHOASOR This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2080-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2055 OS/VS2 RELEASE 5741-SC1-C7 - FETCH This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2055-l. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2084 OS/vS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-OA - CRJE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2084-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS S1202-2056 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-C2 - OVERLAY SUPER This-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2056-r:-Microfiche NOT AVAlIABLE UNDER SLSS SQD2-2085 OS/vS1 RELEASE 574l-SC1-U6 - IEBCOPY This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2085-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2057 OS/VSl RELEASE 574l-SC1-00 - SAM Thrs-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2057-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQD2-2086 OS/vSl RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-U7 - IEBGENER Th1S manual is equivalent to SJD2-2086-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2058 OS/VSl RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-D1 - EOV This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2058-l. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2087 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-U8 - IEBUPOTE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2'Oii"f.:"1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2059 OS/VSl RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-D2 - PAM ThiSimanual is equivalent to SJD2-2059-l. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2088 OS/vSl RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-UA - IEBPTPCH This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2088-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQD2-2060 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-D4 - DADSM This-manual is equivalent to SJ02=2060-l. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ02-2089 OS/vSl RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-UK - IEBCOMPR This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2089-l.. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS 234 GQ33 SQD2 SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQD2-2090 OS/VSl RELEASE 2 5741-SCI-UA - IEBISAM TilISmanual is eqUivalent to SJD2-2090-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GQ28-0604 OS/VS2 ~ ESTIMATES OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 This manual is equivalent to GC28-0604-2. Manual, 220 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQD2-2091 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-U5 - IEBDG This manual is equivalent to SJD2=2091-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GQ28-0617 OS/VS ICL SERVICES This ma-nual is equivalent to GC28-0617-01 and is for use with OS/vSl Release 1 and VS2 Release 1. Manual, 96 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQD2-2092 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-UC - IEHMOVE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2092-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GQ28-0632 OS/vS2 DEBUGGING GUIDE OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 This manual is equivaleiit"'"tO"GC28-0632=I:" ManUal, 708 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQD2-2096 OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SCI-U3 - IEHPROGM Tia:s-iiianual is equivalent to SJD2-2096-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GQ28-0638 OS/vS2 LOGREC ERROR RECORDING OS/VS2 RELEASE L..2..L L.§. ~ OS/VSl ~ b..9..L hl This manual is equivalent to GC28-0638-1. Manual, 37 pages //37///5742 SQD2-2097 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-UD - IEHINITT This-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2097-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GQ28-0645 OS/VS2 TSO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 This manual is equivalent to"GC28-0645-1-.- - - - Manual, 180 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQD2-2099 OS/VSl RELEASE 2 5741-SCI-D3 - CATALOG This-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2099-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GQ28-0646 OS/VS2 TSO COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 This manual is equivalent to GC28-0646=r:-- - - - Manual, 380 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQD2-2101 OS/VSl RELEASE 2 5741-SCI-CC - TAPE ERP/VES This-manual is equivalent to SJii2=21or::r.-Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GQ28-0666 OS/vS1 OLTEP (COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCI-06) OS/VSl RELEASE GQ24-5090 OS/VS1 ~ ~ USE ~ ~ 2.0,Back issue of Gc24-5090-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ24-5093 OS/VSl DEBUGGING GUIDE, ~ b..9.&. Back issue of Gc24-5093-1. Manual SLSS ~ ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY - - - ----- Th1S manual is equivalent to GC28-0666-01. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ28-6878 OS/VS1 RES SYSTEM PROGRAMMERS GUIDE OS/VSl TiiISiiianual is equivalent to GC'2ij'::6878-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY M GQ24-5094 OS/VS1 ~ ESTIMATES ~ b.h Back issue of GC24-5094-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = 3.0;3.1-- hl ~ b.Q. GQ30-2034 OS/VS TCAM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5742-SCl-21 This manual is equlvalen~GC30=2034=1 and is for use with OS/VS2 Release 1.0. Manual, 635 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY M GQ24-5095 DOS i illlliLY§. ~ OS/VSl IMPLEMENTATION ~ OS/VS1 RELEASE 2:0 i 2.6 This-ma-nllal is equivalent to GC24-5095-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ33-5370 INTRODUCTION TO DOS/vS DOS/VS RELEASE 29 i 30 This manual isequivaleiit'tOGC3'3-'5370=2'. - Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ26-3784 OS/VS CHECKPOINT/RESTART OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 i 3.1 OS/VS2 GQ33-5373 DOS/VS SUPERVISOR i I/O MACROS DOS/VS RELEASE 29 .. 30 This manual is equ1vaIenttO'Gc3"3=5373::Y:-- - - Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY RELEASE 2.0 ---- ---- -- - - --- This manual is equivalent to GC26-3784-4. Manual, 88 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPT!ON ONLY GQ33-5376 DOS/VS SYSTEM CONTROL STATEMENTS DOS/vS RELEASE 29 .. 30 This manual is equivalent to GC33-5376-1-.---- - - Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ26-3791 OS/VSl SYSTEM GENERATOR REFERENCE ThIS-publication is equivalent to GC26-3791-1 and with TNL's GN26-0762 and GN26-0764 is for use with OS/vSl Release 2.0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ33-5378 DOS/VS OPERATING PROCEDURES DOS/VS RELEASE 29 & 30 This manual is equivalent to GC33-5378-1. - - Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ26-3792 OS/VS2 SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.6 This manual is equivalent to GC26-3~ - - - Manual, 34 pages //34///5742 GQ26-3819 OS/VS VSAM OPTIONS FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS 3:0-& 3.1- - - - This-manual is equivalent to GC26-3819-1. Manual GQ33-5379 DOS/VS MESSAGES DOS/VS RELEASE 29 i 30 TiiISiiianual is equivaleiittO'Gc33-5379-2. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ 235 SQ68 GQ33 GQ33-5380 DOS/VS SERVICEABILITY AIDS DEBUGGING PROCEDUru~S ~ RELEASE 29 , 30 DOs/VS ::.SERVIcEABILITY SERVICEABILITY DEBUG :: 5/370 ~ DOS/VS - DEBUGGING This manual is equivalent to GC33-5380-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ61-0013 OS/vSl DATA MANAGEMENT MACRO LOGIC FOR 1285/1287/1288 OS/VS2 RELEASE b...!h. 1. 6 AND OS/VS1 1.0,2. 0 ~ hl This manual is equivalent to GY21-0013-1, GN21-5169 GN21-7659. Manual, 30 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ64-5155 GQ33-5382 ~O~VS ~:~~Sts:~~¥I~~~4~~r~~_r.~ bJk. M UTILITIES ACCESS METHOD SERVICES Q2§.Cl§. RELEASE 29 Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ThiS manual is equivalent to GC33-5382-2. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ64-5156 GQ33-5403 DOS/VS POWER/VS INSTALLATION , OPERATIONS This manual is eqUivalent to Gc33-5403-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Q2fl§! I/O SUPERVISOR ~ ~ ~::. ~ Back issue of SY24-5156-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 30 b..Q... hl SQ64-5159 CHECKPOINT/RESTART ~ ::. ~ b..Q... Back issue of SY24-5159-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ GQ38-0110 OPERATORS LIBRARY, OS/VS1 (RES) REFERENCE, Back issue of GC24-0110-2. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ h.2.L hl SQ64-5160 OS/vS1 ~ !!ll! NIP !&§1£ ::. RELEASE Back issue of SY24-5160-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ38-0120 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS CONSOLE CONFIGURATIONS This manual--rseqUI"valent to GC38-0120-00 andis for use with OS/VS1 Release 1 and VS2 Release 1. Manual, 28 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ38-0210 OPERATORS LIBRARY: OS/VS2 REFERENCE (JESll. RELE!l.SE 2 . 0 - - - This manual is equivalent to GC38-0210-1. Manual, 176 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ38-1001 OS/VS MESSAGE ~ VS1 SYSTEM MESSAGE L Back issue of GC38-1001-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ64-5161 OS/vS1 JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC ::. ~ Back issue of SY24-5161-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Q.~ ~~ i l l SYSTEM MESSAGES h.2.L hl ~ ~ ~ hl SQ66-3787 OS/VS ~ ~ ::. 2§LYg RELEASE !.&L b..§. OS/VS1 ~ ~ h§. This manual is equivalent to SY26-3787-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This manual is equivalent to GC38-1002-2. Manual, 187 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ38-1003 OS/VSl MESSAGE LIBRARY: SYSTEM CODES, RELEASE Back issue of GC38-1003-2. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY M SQ66-3785 OS/VS OPEN/CLOSE/EOV LOGIC This manual is equivalent to SY26-3785-01 and is for use with OS/vS1 Release 1 and VS2 Release 1. Manual, 242 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ38-1002 ~~~:~~~GE LIBRARY: ~ ~~ SQ66-3820 OS/vS2 CHECKPOINT RESTART LOGIC - OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.6 This manual is equivalent to SY26-3820-1.--- Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY hl SQ66- 38 23 OS/VS2 I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC - OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.6 This manual is equivalentto-SY26-382~ Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ38-1004 OS/VS MESS!l.GE LIBRARY: ROUTING AND DESCRIPTOR CODES This manual is equivaleiittciGc38-1004-01 and is for use with OS/VS1 Release 1 and VS2 Release 1. Manual, 32 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ66-3839 OS/VS1 OPEN/CLOSE EOV LOGIC - COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-D1 OS/vS1 RELEASE 3.1-- - - - This manual is equivalent to SY26-3839-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ38-1005 OS/VS MESS!l.GE LIBRARY UTILITIES MESSAGES This manual is equivalent to GC3~ and is for use with OS/VS Release 1.0/1.6. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ67-7239 OS/VS RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LOGIC OS/VS1 RELEASE ~ hl OS/vS2 RELEASE b..2 This manual is equivalent to SY27-7239-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ38-1006 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: SERVICE AIDS AND OLTEP MESSAGES This manual is equivaleiit"tOGc38-10l)'6:"01 and' is for use with OS/VS1 Release 1 and VS2 Release 1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ68-0605 OS/vS1 ~ DATA ~ ::. RELEASE b..9..L M Back issue of SY28-0605-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ38-1008 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS2 SYSTEM CODES OS/VS RELEASE 2.0 This manual is equivalenttoGc3a::1~. - - - - - Manual, 187 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ68-0637 OS/VS2 OLTEP LOGIC ::. ~ ~ ~ b..§. AND OS/VS1 RELEASE 1.0 This manual is equivalent to SY28-0637-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ38-1010 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS1 RES ~ ~ ACCOUNT MESSAGES OS/VSl "RELEAsE-3-.-0-This manual is equivalent to GC38-1010-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 236 GR29 SQ68 SQ68-0639 OS/VS2 SYSl LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC OS/VS£ RELEASE 1.0, 1. 6 AND OS/VSl RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SY28-0639-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ The student is defined as a typist, secretary or card punch operator. Upon completion of the text and having successfully performed the terminal exercises the student, depending upon the modules selected, should be able to use the TSO Commanj Language at a 2741 terminal to perform at least one or more of the following jobs: o Enter, save, and list coded source program statements. Modify the program after it has neen entered. o Enter, save, and list data, (Names, Addresses, Part Numbers, etc.) Modify the data after it has been entered. o Enter, save, and list text. Modify the text after it has been entered. o Produce a formatted output of an unformatted text entry. Terminal Oriented Self-study Text, 170 pages NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLBS hl SQ68-0643 OS/VS2 SERVICE AIDS LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 This manual is equivalent t:O'"SY'28~.- Manual, 314 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ68-0650 OS/VS2 TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM i SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC 0s/VS2 RELEASE 2-.0--- - - - - - - - This manual is equivalent to SY28-0650-1. Manual, 187 pages SLSS - ORDER NO.' SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GR20-4260 INTRODUCTION TO VIRTUAL TSO ~ PROCESSOR ~ Y2!! !l! This manual is equivalent to SY28-0652-1. Manual, 187 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ RELEASE .£.& SQ68-6849 OS/VSl RES RTAM AND WORKSTATION SUPPORT LOGIC - COMPONENT NO. 574l-Scr:Bii OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0,3.1 - - This manual is equivalent to SY28-6849-01. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ73-8548 ~if~~ET~~ O~ PROCESSOR !fm.£ Y2!! ~ This manual is equivalent to SY33-8548-1. Manual, 92 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY IN SYSTEM/370 STUDENT TEXT ~F~U~~o;:~~m~s ~ OS/VS2 DOSIVS IPL i JOB CONTROL LOGIC. DOS/VS RELEASE 29 i 30 This manual-isequivalenttosY33-8555=r:-- - - Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY gQ£2 VOL. h ~ ~ QQ§LY§. !§LEASE 29 This manual is equivalent to SY33-8562-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ (VM/370) TERMINAL-ORIENTED SR20-4460 IBM SYSTEM/370 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE GUIDE ThIs manual is intended for System 370 operators of all levels and models. TOpics include: problem determination chart, S/370 general information, CPU manual procedures for Models 115 to 195, operator commands (for OS/VSl and VS2, DOS/VS and POWER, VM 370, RES, etc.), IPL procedures for DOSIVS and OS/VSl and VS2, 1/0 deVices information (status and sense bytes, restart procedures, operating hints), and utilities information. Also provided are a glossary, bibliography, and index. Manual, 268 pages !. II SQ75-0003 OS/VS CATALOGUE MANAGEMENT LOGIC - COMPONENT NOS. 5741-AND 5742-SCI-D3 - OS/VS2RELEAsE 1.0 AND OSIVSl .hQ This manual is equivaleiittci"""SY35-0003=I:" Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 370/140/11 SR20-4193 I2Q ~ ~ FOR APPLICATION RSQgRAMMERS ::. ~ PRIMER TERMINAL-ORIENTED SELF-STUDY TEXT A subset of the TSO Command Language related to an applications programmer is presented in this text for uSe at a terminal by a student having a basic kno~ledge of FORTRAN, COBOL, or PLIl. The non-professional programmer (problemsolver) should use the ITF:PLll, ITF:BASIC, or Code-and-Go FORTRAN texts. The teaching strategy is to guide the student through the entire task ~hich he generally performs (create test data, write programs, compile and execute programs, and re-cycle as necessary). Provided for an application programmer who has used at least one progr~ing language. He mayor may not be familiar ~ith the Operating System. Prerequisites: 1. A knowledge of how to use the type of terminal that will be used in conjunction with this text. 2. A general knowledge of the higher-level programming language which will be used (FORTRAN, COBOL, or PLIl) • 3. Availability of a terminal on-line to a TSO system. Terminal Oriented Self-study Text, 60 pages NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SR20-4194 TSO COMMAND LANGUAGE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE ~PPLICATIONS APR~TERMINAL-OmNTED SELF-STUDY TEXT The objective of this self-study modular~minal oriented text is to teach the student how to use the TSO Command Language, at an IBM 2741 terminal, for data entry and text editing. = This terminar-Qriented self-study text is intended to be an introduction to CMS the Conversational Monitor System for the programmer who performs the function of coding, testing, debugging, and documenting applications for data processing. It is assumed that the individual using this text already has a knowledge of a programming language (Assembler, COBJL, FORTRAN, or PL/I), an operating familiarity with the terminal to be used, and a VM/370 system with the terminal attached. The text is divided into 5 major areas: Gaining Access to VM/370 Creating and Maintaining Data Files Program Development and Execution Program Debugging Program Documentation The sections on Program Development and Program Debugging are futther divided according to the programming language selected. Manual, 128 pages NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SQ73-8555 SQ73-8562 -- relocation, dynamiC address translation and virtual storage and it defines all related terminology. The student text describes a theoretical virgual storage system that is closely related to the implementation of OS/VS and DOS/VS, and it then describes how virtual storage is implemented in the OS/VS and DOS/VS systems on Systeml370. Sudent Text, 96 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SR2D-4438 SQ73-8551 DOS/VS SUPERVISOR LOGIC DOS/VS RELEASE 29 i 30 Thisliianual is equivalenttOSY33-8551-L - Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ STOR~GE This student text explai~concepts of dynamic SQ68-0652 SR20-4461 INTRODUCTION TO DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS STUDENT TEXT This text proVides introductory level information conce-rning data communications systems. Topics Include: Need for a communication based system, Elements and resources of TP systems, concepts of information flow, communication based applications, communication fundamentals and terminology (data link) control, modems, terminals, communication control units, 370x fami~y of programmable communications controllers, concept of communication based programming consideration and techniques, system control programs and communication based access methods, and communication based system planning. Manual, 152 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GR29-0296 IBM 3705 EMULATION - REFERENCE CARD This:reterence summary will be updated from time to time; however, the basic documentation is the authoritative source and will be the first to reflect changes. Information herein is extracted from the Guide to Using the IBM 3704 Communications Controller Control Panel (GA27-3086), Guide to Using the IBM 3705 Communications Controller Control Panel (GA27-3087), IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controller principles of Operation (GC30-3004), and the IBM 3704 and 3705 Program Reference Handbook (GY30-3012). Reference card, 8 pages 1109113704,37051 237 STD2 STB8 STB8-0606 OS/VS2 DATA AREAS PROG. NO. 5152 0s/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 This manual is equivalentto SYB8-0606-0-1.--- - Microfiche NOT A,VAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1956 DOS/VS POWER 5145-SC-PWR This manual is equivalent to SYC1-1956-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1932 DOS/VS ATTENTION ROUTINES 5145-SC-AIT DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 This manual is equivalent to SYC1-1932-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1958 DOS/VS RMSR 5145-SC-RMS DOS/vS MICROFICHE RELEASE This manuaI is equivalen~YC1-1958-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1962 DOS/VS SYSTEM UTILITY PROG. 5145-SC-UTL DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE~ - - - - - - This manual is equivalent to SYC1-1962-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1933 ~~~:~EA~~~SS METHOD SERVICES 5145-SC-AMS QQl3/VS MICROFICHE This manual is equivalent to SYC1-1933-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1963 DOS/VS VSAM 5145-SC-VSM DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SYC1-1963-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1934 OOS/VS ASSEMBLER 5145-SC-ASM This manual is eqUivalent to SYC1-1934-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1965 DOS/vS MICROFICHE INDEX DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalen~YC1-1965-0. Microficoo NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1938 DOS/VS DISK ERP 5145-SC-DKE DOs/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 This manual is equivalent to SYC7-1938-0. - ---- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2000 os/vSl RELEASE 1 5141-SC1-C1 - IPL This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2000-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1939 DOS/VS DISPLAY OPERATOR CONSOLE 5145-SC-DOC DOS/vS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 - - This manual is equivalent to SYC1-1939-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2001 OS/vS1 RELEASE 5141-SC1-C3 - lOS This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2001-. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1943 DOS/VS MODEL 20 EMULATOR 5145-SC-E20 DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE~ ---ThIs-manual is equivalent to 9YC1-1943-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2002 OS/vS1 RELEASE 5141-SC1-C5 - SUPERVISOR This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2002-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1944 DOS/VS COMPILER I/O MODULES 5145-SC-IOM DOS/VS MICROFICHE -- ---- This manual is equivalent to SYC1-1944-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2009 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5141-SC1-00 - SCHEDULER This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2009-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1946 DOS/VS IPL AND BUFFER 5145-SC-IPL DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE :2-.8-- - - - - - - - S'1'02-2010 OS/VSl RELEASE 5141-SC1-CB - UNIT REC E R This manual is equivalent to Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS This manual is equivalent to SYC1-1946-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS s:Jo2-mo=o:- STC1-1948 DOS/VS JCL 5145-SC-JCL DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 This manual is equivalent to SYC7-1948-0.---- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS S'1'02-2014 OS/VS1 RELEASE 5141-SC1-BO - JECS This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2014-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1949 DOS/VS LIBRARIAN 5145-SC-LBR DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 This manual is equivalent to SYC1-1949-0. - - - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS S'1'02-2015 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 514l-SC1-Bl - INPUT STREAM CTRL This manual is equivalent to SJi52=2'OlS=O:-- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1950 DOS/VS LINKAGE EDITOR 5145-SC-LNK DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2:a--- ---- - - - STD2-2016 OS/VSl RELEASE 5141-SC1-B2 - OUTPUT STR CTBL This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2016-0-.Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS This manual is equivalent to SYC1-1950-0 Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1954 DOS/VS PDAIDS 5145-SC-PDA DOS/vS MICROFICHE This manual is equivalent to SYC1-1954-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ STC1-1964 DOS/VS DOS DISTRIBUTION PROG. 5145-SC-DIS DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE"2:"8 This manual is equivalent to SYC1-1964-0. Microficoo NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STC1-1931 DOS/VS DIRECT ACCESS METHOD 5145-SC-DAM DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE~ - - - - - - This manual is equivalent to SYC1-1931-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS RELEl-\.SE 2.8 ~ STD2-2011 OS/vSl RELEASE 1 5141-SC1-B3 - SYS RESTART This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2011-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ELEASE ~ 238 ~ STD2 STD2 STD2-2018 OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-B4 - ALLOCATION This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2018-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2034 OS/vS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-03 - ASSEMB XF ThIs manual is eq~lvalent to SJD2-2034=Q. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2019 STD2-2038 Q§L~~! ~ ! 5741-SC1-B5 ~ ~ ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2019-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS RELEASE 5741-SC1-CD ~ OBRIEREP/RDE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2038-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~' STD2-2020 OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-B6 - INITIATOR This manuar-rs equivalent to SJD2-2020-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2041 STD2-2021 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-B7 - TERMINATION This-manual is equIvalent to SJD2-2021-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2042 STD2-2022 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-B8 - COMMANDS T~manual is equivalent to SJD2-2022-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2043 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1~13 - HMDPRDMP This manual is equivalent to SJi52=2Oii3=O. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2023 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-B9 - INTERPRETER Thrs-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2023-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2044 STD2-2024 OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-BD - RESTART PROCESS This'liianual is equ1valent to SJD2-202~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2045 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SCl-16 - HMAPTFLE ThIs manual is equivalent to SJD2-2045-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2025 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-BE - SYST LOG This-manual is equivalent to SJD2-20i5=0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2046 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-06 - OLTEP This manual is equivalent to SJD2=2046-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2026 OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-BF - WTP This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2026-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER gLSS STD2-2047 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-sC1-CF - EXT SVC This manual is equivalent to SJD2=2047-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2027 OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-BG - MS1 ThIS-manual 1S equIvalent to SJD2-2027-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2048 OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-U2 - IEHLI~T Th1s manual is equivalent to SJD2- 048-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2028 OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-17 - IMCJOBQD This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2028-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2049 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-20 - BRAM This manuar-IS equivalent to SJDi=2049-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2030 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-C4 - DIDOCS This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2030-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2051 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-D5 - OCR This manuar-IS equivalent to SJD2-2051-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2031 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 '5741-SC1-GO - GAM ThIS-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2031-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2053 ! 5741-SC1-ii - GTF This manual is equivalent to SJD2=2041-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ R~ ~ RELEASE ! 5741-SCl-12 ~ ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2042-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ ! 5741-SCl-15 ~ ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2044-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ R~ 5741-SC1-UG ~ IEBTCRIN This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2053-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2053-0. STD2-2032 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-07 - GSP This manual is equivalent to SJD2=2032-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2054 OS/vS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-09 - CHKPT RESTART This manual is equivalent to sJii2=205~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2033 OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-CE - RMS This-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2033-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2055 OS/vS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-C7 - FETCH ThIs manuarIS eqUivalent to SJD2-2055-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS 239 STD2 STD2 STD2-2056 OS/vSl RELEASE 5141-SC1-C2 - OVERLAY SUPER This manual is equivalent to SJD2-205~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2018 OS/vSl RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-I1 - IBCDASDI Tii'Iiliianual Is equIvalent to SJD2-2078-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2051 OS/vSl RELEASE 5141-SC1-DO - SAM This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2051-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2019 OS/vSl RELEASE 5141-SC1-12 - ICAPRTBL This manual is equivalent to ~9-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2058 OS/vSl RELEASE 5141-SC1-Dl - OPEN/CLOSE EOV This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2058-0-.Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2080 OS/vSl RELEASE 5741-SC1-UO - IEHDASDR This manual is equIvalent to ~O-O. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2059 OS/vSl RELEASE 5141-SC1-D2 - PAM ThIS-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2059-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2081 OS/vSl RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-Ul - IEH~OSUP Th1S manual is equIvalent to SJD2- 081-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2060 OS/vSl RELEASE 5141-SC1-D4 - DADSM T~manual is equivalent to SJD2-2060-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2082 OS/vSl RELEASE 5141-SC1-UF - IEHATLAS TiiISiiianual is equivalent to SJD2-2082-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2061 OS/VSl RELEASE 5141-SC1-D6 - MICR This maiiiial is equivalent to SJD2-2061-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2084 OS/vSl RELEASE 5741-SC1-OA - CRJE ThIs manual is equIvalent to SJ52-2084-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2062 OS/VSl RELEASE 1 5141-SC1-D1 - DAM Thrs-manual IS equivalent to SJD2-2062-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2085 OS/vSl RELEASE 5741-SC1-U6 - IEBCOPY This manual Is equIvalent to SJD2-2085-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2063 OS/vSl RELEASE 1 5141-SC1-D8 - ISAM Thislmanual is equivalent to SJD2-2063-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2086 OS/vSl RELEASE 5741-SC1-U7 - IEBGENER This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2086-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2064 OS/vSl RELEASE 1 5141-SC1-D9 - JAM ThIs-manuar-rs equivalent to SJD2-2064-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS S'l'D2-2081 OS/VSl RELEASE 5141-SC1-U8 - IEBUPDATE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2087-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2061 OS/VSl RELEASE 1 5141-SC1-CA - DASD/ERP This-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2061-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2088 OS/vSl RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-UA - IEBPTCH This manual is equivalent to SJD~-O. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2068 OS/VSl RELEASE 5141-SC1-04 - LINK EDITOR This-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2068-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2089 OS/vSl RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-UK - IEBCOMPR This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2089-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2069 OS/VSl RELEASE 1 5141-SC1-05 - LOADER This-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2069-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2090 OS/vSl RELEASE 5141-SC1-UH - IEBISAM This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2090-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2091 OS/vSl RELEASE 5141-SC1-U5 - IEBDG This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2091-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2014 OS/VSl RELEASE 5741-SC1-DB - JES COMPAT INT This manual is equivalent to SJD2=2ii7ii"=0:-Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLBS STD2-2092 OS/vSl RELEASE 5141-SC1-UC - IEHMOVE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2092-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2016 OS/VSl RELEASE 5141-SCl-14 - HMBLIST This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2016-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLBS STD2-2094 OS/vSl RELEASE 1 5141-SC1-02 - SMF This manual is equivalent to SJ02=2094-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STD2-2011 OS/VSl RELEASE 1 5141-SC1-10 - IBCDMPRS This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2011-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLBS 240 GTOO STD2 GTOo-0130 STD2-2096 OS/VSl RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-U3 - IEHPROGM ThIs-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2096-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ LIBRARY: UTILITIES MESSAGES Q2LY2! ~ 1.:.4 hl ~ yg ~ .t:.&. This manual is eqU1valent to GC38-1005-2. Manual //32///5742 Q2LY2 STD2-2097 OS/VSl RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-UD - IEHINITT This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2097-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GTOO-0131 OS/vSl SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE STD2-2098 OS/VSl RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-UE - IEHSTATR This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2098-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLBS GTOO-0132 0s/VsI R'EL'EAsE 2. 6 This manual is equivalent to GC26-3791-2. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ MANAGEMENT ~ INSTRUCTION VB1 ~ 2.0,2.6 ~ ~ h2L ill This manual is equivalent to GC26-3793-2. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY STD2-2099 OS/VSl RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-D3 - CATALOG This manual is equivalent to SJ~-O. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS L..2.L b.! GTOO-0133 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: ROUTING AND DESCRIPTOR CODES OS/vSl RELEASE 1:..4 hl OS/VS2 RELEASE L..2.L 1.~ This manual is equ1valent to GC38-1004-2. Manual //40///5742 STD2-2100 OS/VSl RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-DC - PASSWORD PROTECT This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2100-0-.----Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLBS GTOO-0134 ~ ~ MANAGEMENT FACILITIES SMF OS/VSl RELEASE 2.6 OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.6 This manual Is equivaIeiit to GC35-0004-4. Manual / /34// /5742 STD2-2101 OS/vS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-CC - TAPE ERP/VES This manual is equivalent to SJD2-~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GTOO-0135 OS/VS SERVICE AIDS REFERENCE SUMMARY OS/vS2 RELEASE 1.0,1.6 ~ OS/VSl RELEASE 1.0,2.0,2.6 This manaul is equivalent to GX28-0634-1. Manual //37///5742 STD2-2105 OS/VSl ~ ! 5741-SC1-BB - RES This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2105-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLBS GTOO-0136 OS/vS2 COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY OS/VS2 RELEASE I:O:"I:6,l.7 This manual is equivalent to GX28-0647-0 Manual //39///5742 STD2-2108 OS/vSl RELEASE 5741-SC1-DD - 3505/3525 RDR ~nuar-rs equivalent to SJD2-2108-07Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GTOO-0137 STD2-2111 OS/VSl RELEASE 5741-SC1-C8 - NIP ThIS-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2111-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLBS l2§2 COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE ~ OS/vS2 RELEASE 1.0, .t:.&. ~ ~ ~ ~ hl This manaul is equivalent to GX28-0690-0. Manual //37///5742 ~ GTOO-0042 STOO-0138 OS/VS OPEN/CLOSE/EOV LOGIC OS/vS2 RELEASE ~ 1.6 OS/VSl ~ ~ hl This manual is equivalent to SY26-3785-2. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Q.§. ~ ~ ~ ~ S/370 ~ 155, ~ (PRIOR EDITION) This publication is a prior edition of p~blication order number GY27-7198'and is used with OS Release 20.1 and Release 20.0. Manual NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLBS GTOO-0140 GTOO-0045 ~ SYNTAX REFERENCE SUMMARY RELEASE ~ h§. OS/VSl ~ 1.0, bJ!.L hl This card is equivalent to GX28-0619-1. Reference summary SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Q2..Cl2 Q§. ~ ~ ~ ~ S/370 ~ 135, AND 145 ~ PLM (PRIOR EDITION) ThIs publication is a prior edition of p~blication order number GY27-7237 and is used with OS Release 20.1. Manual NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLBS GTOO-0141 Q2..Cl2 ~ SERVICES ~ RELEASE 1.0,1.6,1.7, ~ GTOO-0118 OS/VS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITIES (SMF) This manual is equivalent to GC35-0004-2 and is for use with OS/VS Release 1.0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-0119 OS/360 ~ ~ ~ ~ S/370 ~ 155, 165 ~ This manual is equivalent to GY27-7198-1 and is for use with OS Release 21.0. Manual NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GTOO-0129 OS/VS MESSAGE ~ ~ Q§LY§!. ~ ~ l:..h b.il!li ~ ~ ~ ~ = 1.0,2.0,2.6 This manual is equivalent to GC28-0617-2. Manual //36///5742 GTOo-0144 OP PATOR' S ~ OS/vSl REFERENCE ~ RELEASE hl Th1S manual is equivalent to GC38-0110-3. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY MESSAGES GTOO-0147 Q2LY2! ~ ! ~ GUIDE ~ ~ M This manual is equivalent to GC24-5090-2. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1& .t:.&. This manual is equivalent to GC38-1006-2. Manual //37///5742 GTOO-0148 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VSl SYSTEM MESSAGES ThIs manual Is eqUivalentto GC38-1001-2. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 241 ~ l.:.Q STOO GTOO GTOO-0149 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY VSl SYSTEM CODES OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent t:OGC38-1003--3.-- . _ - - Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-0150 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: ~! DESCRIPTOR CODES RELEAS~ ------This manual is equivalent to GC38-1004-3. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ STOO-0151 OS/VSl SUPERVISOR LOGIC OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalenttoSY24-5155-2."Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-0168 ! POWER/RJE REFERENCE SUMMARY RELEASE 29 i 30 This manual-is:equivalent to GX33-9004-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ GTOO-0154 OS/VSl STORAGE ESTIMATES OSIVSl RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to GC24-5094-2-.Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-0156 OS/VSl PLANNING AND USE GUIDE PROG. NO. 5741 OSIVSl RELEASE 3:r-- ------ -- -- --- --- -- - - --- ---- This manual is equivalent to GC24-5090-03,. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-0158 OS/VSl ~ ESTIMATES ~ NO. 5741 Q2lY§!. RELEASE This manual is equivalent to GC24-5094-03. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-0159 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VSl REFERENCE ~ NO. OSNSrRELEASE 3. 1 ThIs-manual is equivalent to GC38-0110-04. ManUal SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1.4 ~ ~~ !!Q.:. ~ DESCRIPTOR CODES OSIVSl COMPONENT NO. GTOO-0171 COS/VS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT GUIDE DOS/VS RELEASE 30 This manual is equivalent""tOGC33-'5'371~ Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-Ol72 ~i"Sl ~ PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE ~ Q2LY!ll. ~ hl ~ GTOO-0173 OSIVSl DEBUGGING GUIDE COMPONENT NO. 5741 OSIVSl RELEASE 3.0,3.1 - - ---- - - This manual is equivalent to GC24-5093-02. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-0174 OSIVS MESSAGE LIBRARY: UTILITIES MESSAGES OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 , Os/VSlRELFASE3.o '3.1 ----- --- - - ThIs-manual is eqUivaIeDt-tOlGC38-1005-3. Manual, 108 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY - - ---- This-manual is equivaIeiitto GC38-1004-4. Manual, 214 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY DATA GTOO-0170 OSIVS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITIES OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 Os7VSl""1iELEASE 3.0 , 3.1 --- ---- This manual 'is equivalent to GC35-0004-5. Manual, 180 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This manual is equivalent to GC24-5091-3. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-0161 ~ ~ GTOo-0169 OOS/VS DATA MANAGEMENT GUIDE DOSIVS RELEASE 29 i lQ. TiiIS'iiianual is equivaleiittO' GC33-53~ Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY STOO-0155 OS/VSl JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SY24-5i6'1-2."- - Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY STOO-0162 OS/VSl STOO-0165 OSIVSl JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC COMPONENT NUMBERS 5741-SCI-B6, B4:B7;Oo;c4,BD, OSIVS1lRELEASE 3.0 --This manual 1S eqUIvaleiittO'SY2'4=5161-03. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-0167 OSIVS2 TSO COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY OS/VS2 R.E"i':EASE2.0----- --This manUiI is eqUivalent to GX28-0647-1. Manual, 187 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-0153 OS/VSl SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 ThISliianual is equivalent to GC26-3791-3. - - - - Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY OSIVS MESSAGE LIBRARY: ROUTING i RELEASE 3 . . 1 , OS/VS2 RELEASE 2 . . 0 - ~ ill M!!! !E LOGIC COMPONENT ~ 5741-SCI-C8 5741-SCI-Cl OS/VSl ~ 3.0,3.1 This manual is equivalent to SY24-5160-02. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-0166 OSIVS SERVICE AIDS REFERENCE SUMMARY OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 This manual is equivalent to GX28=O'63~ - - - - Manual, 201 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY STOO-0152 OS/VSl I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalenttoSY'24'='5156-2. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-0160 Os/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VSl ~ MESSAGES OS/VSl RELEASE hi This manual is equivalent to GC38-1001-03. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY STOO-0164 ill! OS/VSl RELEASE GTOO-0175 OS/VS2 SYS. PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: SYS. GEN. REF. COMPONENT NO. 575'2'=Scl-BH, UX OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 - - - This manual is equivalent to GC26-3792-03. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 3~0,3.1 This manual is equivalent to SY28-0605-02 .• Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY STOO-0163 OS/VSl SUPERVISOR LOGIC COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCI-C5 OSIVS1 RELEASE 3 . 1 - This manual is equivalent to SY24-5155-03,. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-0116 OSIVS MESSAGE LIBRARY: LINKAGE EDITOR i LOADER MESSAGES OSl\1S2RELEAsE2':"ii0S7VSlRELEASET.'O i -3-.1-- - - - - This manual is equivalent to GC38-100i=3-.ManUal, 28 pages ' SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY STOO-0179 OSIVS2 I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 This manual is equivalentto~3~ Manual, 192 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 242 STOO GTOO GTOO-0180 ~~~rS O:~~~~G:E~:a~j~ 1 ~ ~ COMPONENT This manual is equivalent to GC38-1003-04,. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m ~ STOG-S007 JECS S741-SC1-BO ~/Vfl MICROF§EHE RELEASE ThIs manual is eq va ent to S 2-2014-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ STOO-S008 STOO-0181 OS/VSl CATALOG MANAGEMENT LOGIC ~ ~:.. S741-SCl-D3. S742-SC1-D3. OS/VS2 REL. 1.0,1.6,1.7 OS/V§! ~ ~ 2.6,3.0,3.1 This manual is equivalent to SY3S-0003-02. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-0182 OS/VS1 SYSM GEN. COMPONENT NO. S741-SC1-Sl 3.1 ---This manual is equivalent to GC26-3791-04,. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ RELEASE STOO-0183 OS/VS2 CHECKPOINT/RESTART LOGIC ~ ~ £.:.Q. This manual is equivalent to SY26-3820-2. Manual, 116 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-0184 OS/VS UTILITIES OS/VS2 ~ b.Q ! ~ RELEASE 1.& ! 3.1 This manual is equivalent to GC3S-000S-4. Manual, 484 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY STOO-018S OS/VS1 CHECKPOINT/RESTART ~ COMPONENr llih S741-SC2-09 OS/VS1 ~ 3.0,3.1 This I\liinual is equivalent to SY24-SlS9-02,. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GTOO-Ol87 DOS/VS SYSTEM GENERATION DOS/VS RELEASE 30 This manual is equivalenttoGc33-S377-2:Manq.al SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY STOO-SOOO IPL S741-SC1-Cl OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2000-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ £!:!!. S741-SCl-Bl 2§LY§! MICROFICHE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-201S-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS hl STOG-S009 O/P STREAM CTL 5741-SC1-B2 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This-manual-rs equivalent to SJD2-2016-2. ------ - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S010 SYSTEM RESTART 5741-SCl-B3 Os/VSl MICROFICHE This maiiiilIiS eqUivalent to"'SJD2-20l7-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ hl. STOO-SOll ALLOCATION S74l-SCl-B4 QS/vSl MICROFICHE ~ 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2018-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5012 SWAnS MANAGER S74l-SCl-BS OS/vSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent tOS'J'D2-2019-2. --- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S013 INITIATOR S741-SCl-B6 ~ MICROFICHE ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2020-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ STOO-S014 TERMINATION S74l-SC1-B7 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE hl This manual is equivalent to SJD2-202l-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ STOO-S001 . 105 S7.41-SCl-C3 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This-manual is equivalent to SJD2-200l-2. - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S002 SUPERVISOR S741-SCl-CS OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivale~SJD2-2002-2.------ - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-SOlS COMMANDS 574l-SC1-B8 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2022--2-.- - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-50l6 INTERPRETER S741-SCl-B9 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE hl This manual is equivalen~JD2-2023-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5017 RESTART ~ PROCESSING S741-SC1-BD Q§LY§1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2~6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2024-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S003 MAPPING MACROS S741-SC1-0l OS/vSl ~£!!! RELEASE h.! This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2003-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLBS STOO-5018 STOO-S004 INDEX OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This ma-nuar-is equivalent to SJD2-2004-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLBS STOO-50l9 STOO-SOOS SCHEDULER - SMF S741-SC1-00 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2~-- - - - - - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5020 STOO-S006 UNIT/RCD/ERP S741-SC1-CB Q2LY2! MICROFICH~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2010-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ !!Q§. S741-SCI-BE OS(VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-202S-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ , 574l-SCI-BF OS/VSl MICROFICHE ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2026-l. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ ~ Mal 574l-SCl-BG OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-~ --Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ STOO-5021 !M£ JOBQD S741-SCl-17 OS/vSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2028-2-.- - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLsS 243 STOO STOO STOO-5022 DlDOCS 514l-SC1-C4 OS/vSl MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2030-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOo-5038 CBK/RSTRT 514l-SC1-09 ~ MICROFICHE ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2054-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ STOo-5039 STOO-5023 514l-SC1-GO OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-203l-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ ~ 514l-SC1-C1 OS/vSl MICROFICHE ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2055-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ STOO-5024 GSP 514l-SC1-01 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2032-2. - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5040 OVERLAY SUPERVISOR 514l-SC1-C2 OS/vSl MICROFICHE RELEASE. 2.6 This manual Is equivalent to SJD2-2056-2. - - - - --M!crofiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5025 RMS 514l-SC1-CE OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2O'3"3=2." Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-504l ~ 514l-SC1-DO OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2051-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ STOo-5042 OPEN/CLOSE/DOV 514l-SC1-Dl OS/vSl MICROFICHE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-20 58-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5026 ~ ASSEMBLER 514l-SC1-03 OS/vSl MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2034-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5021 ORBIEREP/RDE 514l-SC1-CD Q§LY§! MICROFICB§ RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2038-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5028 GTF 514l-SC1-ll OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-204l-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ ~ ~ STOo-5043 ~ 514l-SCl-D2 ~ MICROFICHE ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2059-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ STOo-5044 ~ 514l-SC1-D4 OS/VSl MICROFICHE ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2060-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ STOO-5029 HMASPZAP 514l-SCl-12 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equiva~o SJD2-2042--2-.------Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5045 STOO-5030 HMDPRDMP 514l-SCl-13 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2043--2.----- --Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5046 DAM 574l-SC1-D1 OS/VSl MICROFICHE ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2062-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5031 HMDSADMP 514l-SCl-15 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivaIeiit"to SJD2-2044--2.----- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5041 ISAM 514l-SC1-D8 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is eqiiI"WiIent to SJD2-2063-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5032 HMAPTFLE 514l-SCl-16 Q§LY§! MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2045-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5048 JAM 514l-SC1-D9 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ H!£B 514l-SC1-D6 OS/VSl MICROFICHE ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2061-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ STOO-5033 OLTEP 514l-SC1-06 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2046-2. - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5049 DASD-ERP - 514l-SC1-CA OS/vSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is eqUIvaleiittO"SJD2-2061-1.----- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5034 IEHLIST 514l-SC1-U2 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalentto SJD2-2048=r.- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5050 LINKAGE EDITOR 514l-SC1-04 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6. This manuarTs eqUivalent to SJD2-2068-2. --- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5035 BTAM 514l-SCl-20 OS/vSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2049-2. - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-505l STOO-5036 OCR 514l-SC1-D5 OS/VSl MICROFICHE ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2051-l. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5052 JESCOMPATINT 514l-SC1-DB OS/vSl MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2014-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ 514l-SC1-05 ~ MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2069-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ 244 ~ ~ STOO STOO STOO-5053 HMBLIST 574l-SCl-l4 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2076::r.- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-506S IEHPROGM 5741-SCl-U3 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2096--2-.- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5054 IBCDMPRS 574l-SCl-IO OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2077-~---- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5069 IEHINITT 574l-SCI-UD ~ MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2097-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5055 IBCDASDI 574l-SCl-Il OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manua-r-is equivarentt'o SJD2-207S-~--- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5070 IEHSTATR 574l-SCI-UE OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equi vaIentto SJD2-209S--1-.- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5056 IEMDASDR 574l-SCl-UO OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivarentt'o SJD2-20S0-2."'--- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5072 TAPE ERP/VES 5741-SCl-CC OS/vSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manualis equivalentto'SJD2-2101-2. - - - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5057 IEHATLAS 574l-SCl-UF OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-20S2--l.---- --Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5073 RES 574l-SCl-BB ~ MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2I05=f:" Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-505S CRJE 574l-SCI-OA OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-20S4-2. - --Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5074 HMDPRDMP EDIT 574l-SCl-l8 Q§LY§1 MICROFICHE RELEASE ! This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2l06-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5075 RES ACCT. FACILITY 574l-SCl-BC OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE ThisliiaiiUa.l is equivalent to SJD2-2107-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5076 3505/3525 1& ~ =5741-SCI-DD OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2l0S-l. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-506l IEBUPDTE 5741-SCl-US OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-20S7--2.--- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLBS STOO-5077 EX F/P SIMULATOR 574l-SCI-CP OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2."0-'-2.6 This-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2l10-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5062 IEBPTCH 574l-SCI-UA OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivarenr-to SJD2-20SS~ --Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-507S NIP 574l-SCl-CS OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 ThIs manual is equivalent to SJD2-21ll-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5063 IEBCOMPR 574l-SCI-UK OS/vSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equiva~o SJD2-20S9-2."'--- --Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-50S0 IDCAMS 574l-SCl-DK OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-21l~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5064 IEBISAM 574l-SCI-UH OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2090-2.-- --Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-50Sl STATUS 5741-SCI-DL OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equiVaIeilt to SJD2-2l1~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5065 IEBDG 574l-SCl-UJ OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equIVaIent to SJD2-209l-2.----Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-50S2 VSAM 574l-SCl-DE MICROFICHE OS/vSl RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-211S-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5066 IEHMOVE 5741-SCI-UC OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2092-2.-- --Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5067 SMF 5741-SCl-02 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ 1& STOO-5059 IEBCOPY 574l-SCl-U6 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-20S5~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5060 IEBGENER 5741-SCl-U7 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-20S6-2."'---- --Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ STOO-5100 lOS 574l-SCl-C3 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2 2001-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ STOO-5101 SUPERVISOR 5741-SCI-C5 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 'Ibis manual is equivale'iittc:>SJD2-2002-3.--- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS 245 ~~~ STOO STOO STOO-S102 MAPPING MACROS S741-SC1-Ol OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual i s eqUivalent to SJD2-2003-1. - - - -Microfiche NOT AVAIIABLE UNDER SLSS S'1'OO-S117 SYSTEM LOG 574l-SC1-BE OS/VSl MICROFICHE ~ T6rs-manual 1S equivalent to SJD2-2025-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S103 INDEX OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This maliilalis equivalent:t:"OSJD2-2004-2. Microfiche NOT AVAIIABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5ll8 STOO-S104 SCHEDULER - SMF S741-SC1-00 OSIVSl MICROFICHf: RELEASE 3.0 This manual Ii3"equivalent to SJD2-2009-3. - - - - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5ll9 DIDOCS 574l-SC1-C4 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 This manual is equiVaTeiit to SJD2-203~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S10S UNIT/RCD/ERP S741-SC1-CB OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2010-3. - - - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5l20 GAM 574l-SC1-GO OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 ThIs manual is eqUivalent to SJD2-203i-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-Sl06 JECS S741-SC1-BO OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2014-3. - - Microfiche NOT AVAIIABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S12l GSP 5741-SC1-07 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S107 I/P STREAM CTL S741-SC1-Bl OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manualls equivalent to SJD2-201S-3. --- Microfiche NOT AVAIIABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5l22 STOO-Sl08 O/P STREAM CTL S741-SC1-B2 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE This-manualls equivalent to SJD2-2016-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5l23 ~ S74l-SC1-BF OS/VSl MICROFICHE ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2026-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ ~ 574l-SC1-CE ~ MICROFICHE RELEASE·~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2033-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ASSEMBLER 5741-SC1-03 ~ MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2034-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ STOO-S109 SYSTEM RESTART S741-SC1-B3 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2017-3. - - - -Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5l24 ORBIEREP/RDE S74l-SC1-CD ~ MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2038-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-Sll0 ALLOCATION S741-SC1-B4 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2018-3. - - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-512S GTF 5741-SC1-ll OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2Oii'i"='3." Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-Slll SWADS MANAGER S741-SC1-BS OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2019-3. -- - - - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5126 HMASPZAP 5741-SCl-12 ~ MICROFICHE ~ This manua 1 is equi valent to SJD2-20 42-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S112 INITIATOR S74l-SC1-B6 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2020-3:---- - Microfiche NOT AVAIIABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5127 HMDPRDMP S74l-SCl-13 ~ MICROFICHE ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2043-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S113 TERMINATION S74l-SC1-B7 OS/VSl MICROFICHE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-202l-3. Microfiche NOT AVAIIABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S128 OLTEP 574l-SC1-06 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-20~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ STOO-S114 COMMANDS S74l-SC1-B8 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELE~~E 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2022--3.--- - Microfiche NOT AVAIIABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5129 STOO-SllS INTERPRETER S74l-SC1-B9 OS/VSl MICROFICHE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2023-3. Microfiche NOT AVAIIABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5130 ~ S741-SCi-U2 OSIVSl MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2048-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ S741-SCl-20 ~ MICROFICHE ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2049-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ STOO-5131 Q£B S741-SCi-D5 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is eqUivalent to SJD2-2051-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S116 RESTART RDR/DSDR PROCESSING S74l-SC1-BD Q~~ MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2024-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS 246 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ STOO STOO STOO-5132 CHKlRSTRT 5741-SC1-09 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2054-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5147 STOO-5133 FETCH 5741-SC1-C7 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2055-3. - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5148 IBC DMPRS 5741-SC1-IO OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 ThisliiaiiUal is equivaleiit"tO SJD2-2077-2-.---- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5134 OVERLAY SUPERVISOR 5741-SC1-C2 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJ~6-3. ------ - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5149 IBCDASDI 5741-SC1-11 ~ MICROFICHE ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2078-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5135 SAM 5741-SC1-DO OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2057-3. - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5150 IEMDASDR 5741-SC1-UO ~ MICROFICHE ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2080-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5136 OPEN/CLOSE/EOV 5741-SC1-D1 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2058-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5151 IEHATLAS 5741-SC1-UF 2§LY2! MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2082-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5137 PAM 5741-SC1-D2 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2059-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ 5741-SCl-14 ~ MICROFICHE RELEASE .hQ. Th1S manual is equivalent to SJD2-2076-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ STOO-5152 CRJE 5741-SC1-0A 2§LY§1 MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2084-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ STOO-5138 DADSM 5741-SC1-D4 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-20~ - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5153 IEBCOPY 5741-SC1-U6 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE .hQ. This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2085-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5139 MICR 5741-SC1-D6 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2061-3. - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5154 IEBGENER 5741-SC1-U7 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2086--3-.- - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5140 DAM 5741-SC1-D7 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2062-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5155 IEBUPDTE 5741-SC1-U8 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivaleii'tto SJD2-2087--3-.- - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ STOO-5141 ISAM 5741-SC1-D8 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2~- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5156 IEBPTCH 5741-SC1-UA OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2 2088::r.--- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5142 JAM 5741-SC1-D9 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2064-3. - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5157 IEBCOMPR 5741-SC1-UK OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equi valeii'tto SJD2-2089--3-.- - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5143 STOO-5158 ~ ~ 5741-SC1-CA OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2067-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS 5741-SC1-UH 2§LY21 MICROFICHE ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2090-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ ~ STOO-5144 LINKAGE EDITOR 5741-SC1-04 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent t0SJD2-2068-3. ----- -Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5159 IEBDG 5741-SC1-UJ OS/vS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-20~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5145 LOADER 5741-SC1-05 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2069='3":"- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5160 IEHMOVE 5741-SC1-UC OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equi valent to SJD2-2092::r.--Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5146 JESCOMPATINT 5741-SC1-DB OS/VS1 MICROFICHE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2074-3. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5161 IEHPROGM 5741-SC1-U3 OS/vS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.6 This manual is equivaleiit'to SJD2-2096--3-.- - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ 247 STOO STOO STOO-5162 IEHINITT 5141-SC1-UD OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2091--3.--- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5111 VSAM 5141-SC1-DE MICROFICHE OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent toSJD'2=2118-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5163 IEHSTATR 5141-SC1-UE OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2098--2.--- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5118 STOO-5164 CATALOG 5141-SC1-D3 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2099~ - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5119 STOO-5165 PASSWORD PROTECT 5141-SC1-DC OS/VS1 STOO-S180 ISSP 5141-SCI-BK MICROFICHE OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 TiiIS manual Is equivalent to SJD2-2122-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS 2:6T'3':"0--- M!£BQ~tl! m.2. 5141-SC1-10 MICROFICHE OS/vS1 RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2119-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ ICR S741-SC1-0E MICROFICHE ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2121-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS RELEASE This-ma:nual is equivalent to SJD2-2100-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5166 TAPE ERP/VES 5741-SC1-CC OS/VS1 MICROFICHE This manual is equivalent to SJD2 2101-3.Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS .hQ. STOG-S182 (IMCOSJQD) S141-SC1-19 MICROFICHE OS/vSl RELEASE 3.0 ThIs manual Is equivalent to SJD2-2129-0.--- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5161 IEBEDIT 5741-SC1-U9 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 , 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2102=O:--- - - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S184 JOB LIST MGR 5741-SCI-BJ MICROFICHE OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 T'hls""'iiiaiiuaris eqUivalent to SJD2-2140-0. - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5168 RES 5741-SC1-BB OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2105-2. - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5200 IPL COMPONENT 5741-SCl-C1 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 Thisliianual Is eqUivalent toSJi52~3-. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ STOO-5170 RES ACCT. FACILITY 5741-SC1-BC OS/VS1 ~ICHE RELEASE'hQ. This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2107-1. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5171 3505/3525 RDR/PCH 5741-SC1-DD OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2108-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5172 NIP 5141-SC1-C8 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2111-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ STOO-S181 TeAM 5 5741-SCl-21 MICROFICHE OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-212~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ STOO-5169 HMDPRDMP EDIT 5741-SCl-18 0s/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2106-2. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ STOG-S201 lOS COMPONENT NO. S741-SCI-C3 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 'Ibis manual isfi(iuivalent to SJD2-200~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S202 SUPERVISOR COMPONENT NO. S141-SC1-CS OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivaIeiit to SJD2-200~ - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S203 MAPPING MACROS COMPONENT NO. S741-SC1-01 OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalentto SJD2-2003-03-.- - - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ STOO-5204 SCHEDULER SMF COMPONENT NO. S741-SC1-00 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 ThIs manuaIis equivalentto SJD2-2009-0-4-.- - - - - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5173 IDCAMS 5741-SC1-DK OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-211~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOG-S205 JECS COMPONENT NO. S141-SCI-BO OS/vS1 RELEASE 3.1 'Ibis manual is equivalent to SJD2-2014~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5174 3890 - DOC PROC 5741-SC1-DF OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This iiianual is equivalent to SJD2-2m=o.-- - - - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S206 INPUT STREAM CTL COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-B1 OS/VS1 RELEAS§ STOO-5175 3886 OCR 5741-SC1-DL OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2116-O:--- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS 3."1---- This manual is equivalent to SJD2-201S-04. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5176 STATUS 5741-SC1-DL MICROFICHE OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-211~ - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-S207 OUTPUT STREAM CTL COMPONENT NO. S741-SCI-B2 OS/vS1 RELEAS§ ~----- 'Ibis manual is equivalent to SJD2-2016-02. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS 248 STOO STOO STOO-5208 SYSTEM RESTART COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-B3 OS/VSl RELEASE STOO-5223 PAM COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-D2 OS/vS1 RELEASE 3.1 This manual isequivalent to sJD2-2i)59-04. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~--- This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2017-04. Microfiche NOT AVAIIABLE UNDER SISS STOO-5224 LINK EDITOR COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-04 OS/vS1 RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2068~ - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5209 ALLOCATION COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-B4 OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-201~ - - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5225 IBCDMPRS COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-IO OS/vSl RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2077-03.--Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5210 QUEUE MGR. SWADS COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-B5 OS/vSl RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2019-04. Microfiche NOT AVAIIABLE UNDER SISS STOO-5226 IBCDASDI COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-I1 OS/VS1 RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-20'7ii=0"3. - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5211 INITIATOR COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-B6 OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 TiiIS-iiiaiiiial is equivalent to SJD2-2020-04,. - - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5229 IEHSTATR COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-UE OS/VSl RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2098-03.--Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5212 TERMINATION COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-B7 OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 ThiS-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2021.-04. - - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5213 COMMANDS COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-B8 ~ RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2022-04. Microfiche NOT AVAIIABLE UNDER SISS STOO-5230 PASSWORD PROTECT COMPONENT ~ 5741-SC1-DC OS/VSl 3.1 --ThIs manual is equivalent to SJD2-2100-02. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS hl ~ hl ~ STOO-5231 RES COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-CC OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 This manual isequivalent to SJD2-2101-04. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5214 INTERPRETER COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-B9 OS/VS1 RELEi\.SE 3.1 This manual is equivalent' to SJD2-2023-04-.- - - - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5232 IEBEDIT COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-U9 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-~1-.- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5215 RESTART RDR/DASDR PROCESS COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BD OS/VS1 RELEASE 3 . 1 - - , . This manual is equivalent to SJD2~2024-04. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SISS STOO-5233 RES COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BB OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 This manual is-equivalent to, SJD2-210~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5216 WTP COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC2-BF OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 This manual isEi'quivalent to SJD2-2026-03. -Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOo-5234 ~1~ STOO-5217 ~ COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BG OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2027-03. -Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SISS STOO-5218 HMASPZAP COMPONl::NT NO. 5741-SCl-12 OS/VS1 ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2042-04,. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SIMULATOR COMPONENT ~ 574l-SC1-CP OS/VS1 ~ This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2110-02. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5235 NIP COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-C8 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 This manual Is equivalent to SJD2-211l~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS hl STOo-5236 VTAM COMPONENT NO. 574l-SCl-23 OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2113=OO:--- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5219 OCR COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-D5 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 T.his manual isEi'quivalent to SJD2-2051-03~ -Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SISS STOO-5237 IOCAMS COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-DK OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 This manual is eqUIValent to SJD2-2114-0-2-.- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5220 IEBTCRIN COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCl-UG OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2053-02,.--- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5221 CHK/RSTRT COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-09 Q§!Y2i RELEASE This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2054-04. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SISS STOo-5238 3890 DOC PROC COMPONENT NO. 574l-SC1-DG OS/vS1 RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalentto SJD2-2115-0-1.-- - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS hl STOO-5239 3886 OCR COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-DL OB/VSl RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2116-01.--- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5222 FETCH COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-C7 OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2055-0ii'.-- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SISS 249 STOO STOO STOO-5240 VSAM COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-DE Os/VSl RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2118::OO:---- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5279 LIBRARIAN LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745-sc=LBR - - - This manual rs-equivalent to SYC7-1949-02. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5241 HMASMP COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCl-30 OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 This -manual is equivalent to SJD2-2120-0r:--- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5280 LINKAGE EDITOR LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 =-coMPONENT'NO.~-LNK--- - - - - -This manual rs-equivalent to SYC7-1950-02. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5242 rssp COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BK OS/VSl RELEAS1~ 3.1 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2122~- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5281 P D AIDS LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5iii5=sC-P-DA--- - - - - - - - - -- This manual is equivalent to SYC7-1954-02. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5243 TCAM COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCl-21 OS/VSl RE~EASE 3.1 This manual is equivalent to SJ"i52"=2I24-01-.- - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5244 SYS. GEN. COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-Sl OS/VBl ru~LEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2128-00:- - - - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5282 ~_~ = DOS/VS RELEASE 30 = COMPONENT NO. This manual is equivalent to SYC7-1958-02. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5245 !~OSJQD COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-19 OS/VBl RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2129-01.--- Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5283 SYSTEM UTILITY PROGRAM LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 =-OOMPoNENTNo. 571i'5-'Sc-UTL - - - - - - - - -This manual rs-equivalent to SYC7-1962-02. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5246 SSS aOST SUPPORT COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-SS OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 - - - - - This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2133-0. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOQ-5284 VSAM LISTINGS - DOS/vS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 571i'5-SC-VSM STOO-5247 JOB LIST MGR. COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BJ OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 This:manual is equivalen~o SJD2-2140-0r:----- - - - --Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5286 ~Ig~~~~~TI:~X5~~~TINGS STOO-5288 TOLTEP LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 =-coMPoNENT'No:" 57ii"5'='SC-'Tm--- This manual rs-equivalent to SYC7-1969-00. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS RELEASE 30 This manuaI:is equivalent to SYC7-1933-01~ Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5289 SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-SSS----- - - - - - - - - This manual rs-equivalent to SYC7-1970-01. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5276 DISK ERP LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC=DK-E--- - - - - - - - - This manual is equivalent to SYC7-1938-02. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5277 DISPLAY OPERATOR CONSOLE LISTINGS - DOS/VS - COMPONENT NO. 5~DOC ~;LEASE RELEASE lQ. STOO-5287 VTAM LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 =-a:iMPONENT NO:- 5'fii'5=Sc~ -This manual rs-eqUivalent to SYC7-1968-00. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5250 SYSTEM STATUS COMPONENT NO. 5741 OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalen~o SJD2-2117-0-3.--- - Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS =DOS/VS =DOS/VS This manual rs-equivalent to SYC7-1965-03. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5249 SYSTEM LOG. COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BE OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 This manual is equivalent to SJD2-2025~ - - - --Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~;~~~~~~T:g~ ~;:~~~~~iM~ISTINGS - - - - - - - -- - STOO-5285 DOS DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM LISTINGS - DOS/vS RELEASE 30 =-COMPONENT NO. 5"fii'5-'SC='D-IS--- - - - - - - - - -This manual rs-equivalent to SYC7-1964-02 Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5248 MODULE/MACRO TOTAL SYSTEM INDEX (5741-SCl COMPONENTS> OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 - - - - - This-manual is equivalent to SJD2-2004-04. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5275 - This manual is equivalent to SYC7-1963-02. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5290 3600 FINANCE COMM. SYSTEM LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 =-CO~NO. 574s:sc:r24------ - - - - - - - - This manual rs-equivalent to SYC7-1971-00. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS 30 - - - - - - - - - -- Thrs-manual rs-equivalent to SYC7-1939-01. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5291 POWER/VS LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONE~745=SC=PWR----- -This manual rs-equivalent to SYC7-1976-01. Microfiche NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS STOO-5278 JOB CONTROL LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 =COMPONiNT NO:57'45-SC=:rcr:- - - - This manual is equivalent to SYC7-1948-02. 250 GT28 GT21 GT21-5097 Q§ !!!Q ~ PROGRAMMING ~ !Qg nt! 3505 gag ~ AND 3525 CARD PUNCH ~ RELEASE ~ 2.6, 3.0, hl OS/VS2 ~ h2..&. hL. 1.7, b..Q. This manual is equivalent to GC21-5097-00 .• Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT24-5090 OS/VSl PLANNING AND USE GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5741 This manual is equivalent to GC24-5090-ooaDcris for use with OS/vSl Release 1. Manual, 240 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT24-5091 OS/VS PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE ~ OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, ~ AND ~ RELEASE bL. M Back issue of GC24-5091-2. Reference Digest SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT26-3790 Q2LY§ ~ GENERATION INTROQUCTION Q2LY2.! , 2.6 Titre-manual is equivalent to GC26-3790-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 1.:J!.L ~ GT26-3791 OS/VSl SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE This publication is equivalent to GC26-3791-00 and is for use with OS/VSl Release 1. Manual, 236 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT26-3792 OS/vS2 SYSTEM GENERATOR REFERENCE ThIs manual Is eqUivalent to GC26-3792-0 and is for use wi th OS/VS Release 1. 0/1. 6. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT26-3795 =. RELEASE LJ!.,. bJk. hl Back issue of GC26-3795-1. Manual //30///5742 GT24-5093 OS/VSl DEBUGGING GUIDE This manual is equivalent to GC24-5093-00 and is for use with OS/VSl Release 1. Manual, 168 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT24-5094 OS/VSl STORAGE ESTIMATES This manual is equivalent to GC24-5094-00 and is for use with OS/VSl Release 1. Manual, 168 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT24-5095 DOS TO OS/VSl IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE This:manual is equivalent to GC24=5095-00 and is for use with OS/VSl Release 1. Manual, 309 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT24-5099 OS/VSl JCL REFERENCE COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-DK OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0,3.1 This manual is equivalent to GC24-5099-00. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY - GT26-3813 OS/VS ~ ~ AND LOADER OS/VSl RELEASE 1.:.!!.&. ~ hl QS/vS2 ~ .L.§. This manual is equivalent to GC26-3813-1. Manual //31///5742 GT26-3818 OS/VS VSAM PROGRAMMERwS GUIDE Os/VslRELEASE 1.6 - OS/vS2 RELEASE 2. 6 This manual is equivaIeii'tto GC26-3818-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT26-3819 OS/vSl ACCESS METHOD (VSAM) OPTION FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 --- --- Back issue of GC26-3819-0. Manual //30///5742 GT26-3830 OS/vS2 DATA MANAGEMENT OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 This ma'iiilaI is equivaleiit"tOGC26=3830::o.Manual, 124 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT24-5100 OS/VSl JCL SERVICES COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-DK as/VS! RELEASE 3.0,3.1 Q§LY§! ~ ~ ----- This manual is equivalent to GC24-5100-00. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT26-3837 ~~~VSl GT24-5103 OS/VSl SUPERVISOR SERVICES , MICRO INSTRUCTIONS RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalent to GC24-5103. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ GT24-5106 OS/VSl 3540 PROGRAMMER'S REF. COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCl-DN §SIV§! RELEASE 1.0,2.0,3.~1 This manual is equivalent to GC24-5106-00 .• Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT24-5107 OS/VS2 3540 PROGRAMMER' S ~ OS/VS2 RELEASE 1 .• 0, 1. 6, 1. 7 , 2.0 This manual is equivalent to GC24-5107-00. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT26-3783 OS/VS DATA MANAGEMENT SERVICE GUIDE OS/VSl RELEASE ~ Mz. 2.6, OS/VS2 ~ This manual is equivalent to GC26-3783-2. Manual //30///5742 GT26-3784 OS/VS CHECKPOINT/RESTART OS/VSl ~ ~ hl OS/VS2 ~ !:J!.&. This manual is equivalent to GC26-3784-2. Manual //36///5742' DATA MANAGEMENT FOR ~ PROGRAMMERS OS/VSl ~ ThIs manual is equivalent to GC26-3837-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT26-3838 OS/VS VSAM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE OS/vS2 RELEASE 2. 0 OS/VSlImLEASE 3.0 , 3 . 1 - - - - - - - - - - This manual is equivalent to GC26-3838-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT27-6979 OS/VS2 SUPERVISOR SERVICES AND MACRO INSTRUCTIONS OS/VS2 ~!&. ~ ~ RELEASE 1.0,2.0,2.6 This manual is equivalent to GC27-6972-2. Manual, 36 pages //36///5742 GT27-6980 OS/VS BTAM This manual is equivalent to GC27-6980-0, GN27-1397-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .!.&L. 1.6 GT28-0601 OS/vS2 RELEASE 1 GUIDE This manual is equivalent to GC28-0601-0 and is for use with OS/VS Release 1.0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ GT28-0604 OS/vS2 STORAGE ESTIMATES ~ ~ 1.0,1.6 This manual is eqUivalent to GC28-0604-0. Manual //34///5742 251 GT33 GT28 GT28-0618 OS/VS JCL REFERENCES QS/vS2 RELEASE 1.0,1.6,1.7 Q§LY.§!.:: 1.0,2.0,2.6, This manual is equivalent to GC28-0618-2. Manual //36///5742 GT28-0677 GT28-0631 GT28-0681 OS/VS2 INITIALIZATION' TUNING GUIDE OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 TiiISiiianual is equivalenttock2"H68r=o:-- - - - Manual, 187 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~r:~S~~v~§Oi=~:G 2~~BRARY: 2!h1. ~ ERROR This manual is equivalent-r,Q GC28-0677-0. Manual, 124 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ MANAGEMENT !QS ~ PROGRAMMERS OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.6,1.7 ~ .:: 1.0,2.0,2.6 This manual is equivalent to GC28-0631-2. Manual //30///5742 Q.§!Y2 GT28-0682 ilQJ! MANAGEMENT, SUPERVISOR, ! !2Q ~ RELEASE b.Q. This manual is equivalent to GC28-0682-0. Manual, 187 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT28-0632 OS/VS2 DEBUGGING GUIDE OS/VS2 ~ 1.0;r:6,1.7 This manual is equivalent to GC28-0632-1,TNL GN28-256Q-0. Manual //37///5742 ~ GT28-0691 OS/VS2 TSO ENHANCEMENTS OS/VS2 RELEASE 1. 6,1. 7 This manual is equivalent to GC28-0619-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT28-0633 OS/VS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY SERVICE AIDS OS/VS2 RELEASE !...:...!k. 1.6 AND OS/VSl RELEASE""T.O,2.0,2.6 This manaul is equivalent to GC28-0633-1, GN28-- 2540. Manual //37///5742 GT28-0692 OS/VS2 JCL OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 This manual is equivalent t:O"GC28-0692-0. Manual, 187 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT28-0636 OS/VS OLTEP This manual is equivilant to GC28-0636-00 and :Ls for use with OS/VSl Release 1. Manual, 76 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT28-6762 OS/MVT AND OS/VS2 TSO TERMINALS MANUAL This manual is equivalent to GC28-6762-0 and is for use with os Release 20.1 and 21. Manual, 60 pages NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GT28-0638 oS/VS, SYS1.LOGREC ~ RECORDING This manual is equivalent to GC28-0638-00 and is for use with OS/VS1 Release 1. Manual, 84 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT28-6878 OS/vSl RES SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE VSl RELEASE 2.0 AND:2.6 This manual is equivalent to GC28-6878-0.--- --Manual, 173 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT28-0640 OS/VS DYNAMIC SUPPORT SYSTEM OS/vS2 RELEASE bJ!.L 1. 6 OS/VSl ~ ~ ~ This manual is equivalent to GC28-0640. Manual //37///5742 GT28-6879 OS/VSl ~ WORKSTATION ~ GUIDE, Back issue of GC28-6879-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT28-0644 OS/VS2 TSO ~ ~ ~ bJ!.L !.:.! This manual is equivalent to GC28-0644-0 Manual //39///5742 Q§, !£lll1 USER'S ill:!ill :: EBQ!h !:!Q.:.. 360S-CQ-548 OS/vS2 RELEASE 1.0 and Q2Llli ~ .h.2.L b.Q. This manual is equivalent to GC30-2025-0. Manual, 238 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT28-0646 ~ !2Q. COMMAND ~ REFERENCE ~ ~ 1.0,1.6 This manual is equivalent to GC28-0646-0,GN28-2537. Manual //39///5742 GT33-4010 OS/VS2, .QQ2LY2 ~ ~ ASSEMBLER ~ OS/VS2 ~ 1.0,1.6,1.7, OS/VSl :: 1.0,2.0,2.6 ~::. 28,29 This manual is equivalent to GC33-4010-1 and TNLS GN33-8166-0 GN33-8168-0. Manual //21// /5742 GT33-4021 OS/VS AND VM/370 ASSEMBER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE OS/VS2 RELEASE 1,6,1.7 OS/VSl 1.0,2.0,2-.6-This manual is equivalent to GC33-4021-1. Manual //21///5742 GT28-0648 OS/VS2 TSO GUIDE TO WRITING A TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM OR ~ COMMAND PRoC'ESSOR OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0,1.6 - ---This manual is equivalent to GC28-0648-0. Manual //39///5742 GT33-4024 GUIDE GT28-0666 TO THE DOS/VS ASSEMBLER - RELEASE 28 Ba'Ckissue-ofGC33-'4024-0. ~~::~bJl.Lhl Back issue of GC28-0666-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY - --- - Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ GT33-5370 INTRODUCTION TO DOS/VS - RELEASE 28 Back issue ofGc33=5'3'iO=l-.- - - Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ GT33-5371 DOS/VS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT GUIDE - RELEASE 28 B'iiCkTssue of GC33-5371-1-.- - - - - - Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT28-0667 ~ ~!!2 M!Q Qg; ~ ~ ~~ b...lh. hl GT30-2025 GT28-0645 OS/VS2 TSO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE Q~~~ RELEASE 1. 0,1.6 -This manaul is equivalent to GC28-0645-0. Manual //39///5742 This manual is equivalent to GC20-0667-0. Manual, 34 pages //34///5742 ~ 1.0, GT28-0668 OS/VSl SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING OS/VS1 RELEASE This manual is equivalent to GC28-066B=07 Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 252 GT33 ST64 SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT33-5372 DOS/VS DATA MANAGEMENT GUIDE - RELEASE 28 Bac~issue-of GC33-5312~ - ------ -Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT38-0120 OPERATORS LIBRARY OS/VS CONSOLE CONFIGURATIONS OS/VSl RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS2 RELEASE ~ !.:..§. This manual is equivalent to GC38-0120-2. Manual //40///5142 GT33-5313 DOS/VS SUPERVISOR AND I/O MACR0S - RELEASE 28 Back issue of GC33-5313-1.--- - - - - - - -Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT38-0210 OS/VS2 REFERENCE =- OS/VS2 ~ 1.0,1.6 This manual is equivalent to GX38-0210-0 Manual //40///5142 GT33-5315 DOS/VS DASD LABELS - RELEASE 28 Backissueof GC3305315-0. -Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT38-0255 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS1 DISPLAY CONSOLES This manual is equiv~to GC38-0255-00 and is for use with OS/VS1 Release 1. Manual, 80 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT33-5316 DOS/VS SYSTEM CONTROL STATEMENTS - RELEASE 28 Back issue of GC33-5376-0. - - - - - - - -Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT38-0260 OS/VS2 OPERATOR'S GUIDE DISPIAY CONSOLES - OS/VS2 RELEASE 170,1.6 - - - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - - - - This manual is equivalent to GC38-0260-0,GN21-1431 Manual //30///5142 GT33-5311 DOS/VS SYSTEM GENERATION - RELEASE 28 Back-issue of GC33-5311-0~ ------ -Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT38-1001 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VSl SYSTEM MESSAGES ThISmanual is equivale~to GC38-1001-00 and is for use with OS/VSl Release 1. Manual, 260 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT33-5318 DOS/VS OPERATING PROCEDURES - RELEASE 28 Back-issue of GC33-5378-0. - - - - - - - -Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT33-5319 GT38-1002 OS/VS2 MESSAGE LIBRARY:VS2 SYSTEM MESSAGES - OS/VS2 RELEASE~ - - ------- - - - - - This manual is equivalent to GC38-1002-1 Manual //40///5142 Q~~Y§' MESSAGE =- RELEASE ~ Back issue of GC33-5319-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT33-5380 DOS/VS SERVICEABILITY AIDS DEBUGGING PROCEDURES RELEASE 28 Back issue of GC33-5380-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT38-1003 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: SYSTEM CODES This manual is equivale~GC38=1001-00 and is for use with OS/VS1 Release 1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT33-5381 DOS/VS SYSTEM UTILITIES - RELEASE 28 Back issue of GC33-5381-0.------ -Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT38-1001 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER MESSAGES OS/VS1 RELEASE b.h b! OS/VS2 RELEASE ~ 1. 6 - - - This manual is equivalent to GC38-1001-2. Manual //31///5142 GT33-5382 ~~~'V~s~~~L~iI~3~:~~~~-~THOD SERVICES Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT33-5388 ~~~S~2~S/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEMl310 =- ~ ~ =- GT38-1008 OS/VS2 MESSAGE LIBRARY:VS2 SYSTEM CODES - OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0,1.6---------- - - - - ----- - - - - This manual is equivalent to GC38-1008-0,GN28-2558 Manual //40///5142 REFERENCE Back:iSsue of GC33-5388-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT33-5403 DOS/VS PLANNING GUIDE TO POWER/VS RELEASE This manual is equivalent to GC33-5403-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT35-0005 OS/VS UTILITIES =- OS/VSl RELEASE ~ 2~ 0, OS/VS2 RELEASE h.2..L 1. 6 This manual is equivalent to GC35-0005-1. Manual //32///5142 GT38-1010 OS/VS1 MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS1 RES BTAM AND ACCOUNT MESSAGES RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 --- - - - - ----Back issue of GC38-1010. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ST63-8041 OS/VS AND VM/310 ASSEMBLER LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0,1.6,1.1 OS/VSl =- 1.0, This manual is equivalent to SY33-8041-0, TNLS SN33-8152-0 SN33-8158. Logic Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY b! ST64-5155 OS/VSl SUPERVISOR LOGIC This manual is equivalent to SY24-5155-00 and is for use with OS/vSl Release 1. Manual, 300 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT35-0009 as/vs ACCESS METHOD SERVICES OS/VS2 RELEASE 1. 6 ,1. 1 OS/VSl =- 2.0,2.6 This manual is equivalent to GC35-0009-0. Manual, 20 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST64-5156 OS/VS I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC This ma-oual is equiva~to SY24-5156-00 and is for use with OS/VS1 Release 1. Manual, 184 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT38-0110 OPERATORS LIBRARY: OS/VSl REFERENCE MANUAL ThIS-document is equivalent to GC38-oIIO-ih and is for use with OS/VSl Release 1. Manual 253 ST64 ST68 SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST64-5159 OS/VS CATALOG MANAGEMENT LOGIC This-manual is equivalent to SY24-5159-00 and is for use with OS/VSl Release 1. Manual, 36 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST66-3839 OS/VSl OPENICLOSE/EOV LOGIC OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 This manual is equivalentto SY26-3839-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST64-5160 OS/VSl IPL AND NIP LOGIC This manualis equivalent to SY24-5160-00 and is for use with OS/VSl Release 1. Manual, 152 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST66-3840 OS/vSl SAM LOGIC COMPONENT NO. 5141-SC1-DO OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0,3.1 This manual is equivalent to SY26-3840-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST64-5161 OS/VSl JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC This maOOal is equivalent to SY24-5161-00 and i.s for use with OS/VSl Release 1. Manual, 450 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST66-3841 OS/vSl VSAM LOGIC COMPONENT NO. 5141-SC1-DE OS/vSl 3.0,3.1-- - - - This manual is equivalent to SY26-3841-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST66-3186 OS/VS ISAM !&§!£ OS/VS 2 ~ !..:..JU !..:.!. OS/VSl RELEASE !..&.L hlL hl This manual is equivalent to SY26-3186-2. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST61-1239 OS/VS RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LOGIC Cc5'MPONENTNOs:'" 5141-SC1-CE"ANi5574 2=Sc1-CE This manuar-IS equIvalent to-5Y21-1239 00 and is for use wi th Os/VSl Release 1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST66-3181 OS/VS DADSM LOGIC THis-manual is equivalent to SY26-3181-00 and is for use with OS/VSl Release 1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST61-1246 Q2LY.2 ~ !&§!£ ::. Q2LY2! ~ L..h b.h hl OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0 1.6 This manuar-IS ~valent to SY21-1246-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST66-3188 OS/VS SAM LOGIC ::. ~ ~ !..:Jh. 1 .• 6 Os/VSl ~ L.9..L hlL hl This manual is equivalent to SY26-3188-2. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST68-0605 Q§LY2! ~ ~ AREAS This manual is equivalent to SY28-0605-00 and is for use with OS/VSl Release 1. Manual, 260 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST66-3189 OS/VS BDAM !&§!£ ::. Q2LY§l RELEASE b..Jh. h§. Q§LY§!. ~ !..&.L hlL hl This manual is equivalent to SY26-3189-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST66-3811 OS/VS2 ACCESS METHOD (VSAM) LOGIC COMPONENT ~C~ ----- ----- ---- ~ ST68-0635 Q2.Cl2! ~ ~ !&§!£ ::. ~ Back issue of SY28-0635-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ L..h b.h M 5141-SC1-DE, ST68-0639 OS/VS SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC This manual is equivalent to SY28-0639-00 and is for use with Os/VS1 Release 1. Manual, 148 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.6 and OS/VSl 2.6 RELEASE This manual is equivaleiit't()SY26-~ Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST66-3820 OS/VS2 CHECKPOINT/RESTART PLM ThIslmanual is eqUivalent ~SY26-3820-0 and is for use with OS/VS2 Release 1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY S'1'68-0641 OS/vS2 DYNAMIC SUPPORT SYSTEM LOGIC COMPONENT NOS. 51iiI="Sc'l-10:-51'ii2-ScI=lO ::. OS/vS2 RELEASE 1..:.Q h§. AND ~~bJk.M This manual is equivalent to ST28-0641-0 Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST66-3823 OS/vS2 I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC This manual is equivalent to SY26-3823-0 and is for use with OS/VS2 Release 1.0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST68- 06 43 OS/VS2 ~ ~ ~ ::. ~ ~ This manual is equivalent to SY28-0643-0 Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L..h 1.6 ST66-3826 ~ ~ MANAGEMENT LOGIC Q§LY§l RELEASE 1..:...Q. This manual is equivalent to SY26-3826-0. Manual, 224 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST66-3828 OS/VS2 DADSM LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 This manual is equivalent to SY26-3828-0. Manual, 156 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST68-0649 ~!2Q ~ ~ ~ h9..L ~ ST68-0650 OS/vS2 TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM AND SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC 0S7VS2 RELEASE ~ 1.6 - - - ---- ---- --This manual is equivalent to SY28-0650-0 Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST66-3832 OS/VS2 SAM LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 This maOOal is equivalen~26-3832-0. Manual, 224 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST66-3831 OS/VSl DADSM LOGIC COMPONENT NO. 5141-SC1-D4 Q§LY2! RELEASE 3.0,3.1---- - - - This manual is equivalent to SY26-3831-0. Manual E.Y1 This manual is equivalent to SY28-0649-0 Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST68-0651 OS/VS2 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME 1: ACCOUNT OS/VS2 R'ELEiSET:O 1.6 --- --- --ThIs manuarT'i ~valent to SY28-0651-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 254 ST75 ST68 ST68-0652 Q§!Y2~ ~ 1.0, L..!!. PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME ~ :. Os/VS2 ST73-8557 DOSI'VS LIBWAN ~OW~C ::. ~ 28 BaCk:rssue 0 SYJ - 57-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPT~ON ONLY ~ This manual is equivalent to SY28-0652-0 Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST73-8559 ST68-0654 OSI'VS2 TERMINAL MESSAGES DIRECTORY OSI'VS2 RELEASE 1..:..Q. This manual is equivalent to SY28-0654-0. Manual, 187 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ !!!QS§ YOLil ~ ~::.~8 INFORMATION! IMPERATIVE ~ Back issue of SY33-8559-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST68-0662 ST73-8560 ST68-0669 OSI'VSl SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC OS/VSl RELEASE 1.:..2. This manual is equivalent to SY28-0669-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST73-8562 OOSl'VS LIOCS VOL. 4 VSAM LOGIC - RELEASE 28 iiaCk"Issue oC'SY33=8562-0-.- - - - - - - - -Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST68-0678 ST7J-8564 ~ ~ VOL. 1 §M! LOGIC :. RELEASE 28 Back issue of-si33-8560-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Q~ OLTEP ~ :. ~ bJ!..L. hl Back issue of SY28-0662-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYS. ! ~ ~ RECORDING LOGIC OSI'VS2 This manual is equivalent to SY28-0678-0. Manual, 258 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ 1..& !l2.§!.Y2 UTILITIES ACCESS METHOD ~ !:&ill RELEASE l l i 29 i 30 This manual IS equivalent to SY33-8564-1. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ST68-6849 Q§LY2!. ~ ~ ST7J-8565 AND WORRSTATION SUPPORT !!Q§1£ SI'370 SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES !&2I£ ST73-8570 DOSI'VS POWERI'VS LOGIC DOSI'¥S RELEASE 30 This manual is equivalent 0 ~7O=O. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY RELEASE hl ~ OSI'VS2 REL. 2.0 This manual is equivalent to SY30-3017-01. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST73-8571 ST73-8548 QSI'VS£ ~ ~~ ~ !&2!£ ~ !!.t ECLIS ::. 1.0,1.6 RELEASE~ ------- - = ~ HANDBOOK RELEASE ~ Back issue of SY33-8571-0. Reference Summary SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ This manual is equivalent to SY35-8548-0 Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST73-8551 DOSI'VS SUPERVISOR LOGIC - RELEASE 28 Back issue of sY33-8551-0.------ -Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST73-8552 DOSI'VS ERROR RECOVERY i RECORDING ~ ST73-8566 OOSl'VS POWER RJE PROGRAM LOGIC - RELEASE 28 BaCk"Issue ofSY33-8566-0-.- - -Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST70-2039 OSI'VS TCAM LOGIC This-manual is equivalent to SY30-2039-1 and is for use with OSI'VS Release 1.0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST70-3017 = ~ ~ PROGRAM LOGIC ~ Back issue of SY33-8565-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~~L.§. Back issue of SY28-6849-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST75-0004 ~ I§Q COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC ~ III: OSI'VS2 ~ !.Jl.L hl This manual is equivalent to SYJ5-0004 Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST75-0005 ~~ LOGIC Q2Cl2! UTILITIES LOGIC :. RELEASE ~ ~ b..h hl Back issue of SY35-0005-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Back issue of SY33-8552-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST75-0008 OSI'VS ACCESS METHOD SERVIC~ LOGIC COMPONENT NOS. S'7"5'2-scr=i5K," S'7ii1-SC1-DK, 742=SC1-DK, OSI'VS2 REL~ ~ 2.0 OSI'VSl RELEASE ST73-8553 ~~~~Vis~~:I~~s;~~:~~~:~.!&2!£::. ~ ~ 2.0, 2.6,"3.'" O~ Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This manual is equivalent to SY35-0008-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST73-8554 Q.Q§LY§. SYSTEM SERVICEABILITY :. ~ Back issue of SY33-8554-0. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ST75-0010 OSI'VS2 ~ METHOD SERVICES l!Q§!£ OSI'VS2 RELEASE L:.Q. ThIs manual is equIvalent to SY35-0010-0. Manual, 624 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST73-8555 DOSI'VS IPL AND JOB CONTROL LOGIC - RELEASE 28 Back isS'\ie Of"SYJ3-8555-0. - - - ------ -Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST73-8556 DOSI'VS LINKAGE EDITOR LOGIC - RELEASE 28 Back issue-or-SY33-8556-0. - ------ -Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST75-0011 Q§LYg £YQ!! PROCESSOR ~ ~ ~ This manual is equivalent to SY35-0011-1. Manual, 224 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 255 hQ GX20 GX09 GX2o-1761 MA THEMATICAL PROGRAMMIOO ~ ~ SYSTEM/360 - 1130 This is a Mathematical Programming Input Form 25 sheets to a pad. 8 1/2 x 11. 3 hole punch. Padded Form. 25 sheets. 8 1/2- x 11NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX09-1000 IBM 129-3270 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY This Operator's Reference Summary is a handy compendium of the most frequently needed information for operating the 129-3270 attachment. This summary is for the use of 1293270 operators; also IBM FE and Marketing personnel. Fanfold Card 3-2/3 x 8-1/2 inches //14//3270.3271.3272.3275.3277.3284.3286.3288.0129/ GX09-1001 IBM 129-3270 !ID:Q 8T0105) OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY This Operator's Reference Summary is a handy compendium of the information needed for operating the key entry attachment to the 129-3270. This summary is for the use of 129-3270 operators; also IBM FE and Marketing personnel. Fanfold Card. 3-2/3 x 8-1/2 inches //14//3270.3271.3272.3275.3277.3284.3286.3288.0129/ GX20-1701 GENERAL PURPOSE SYSTEMS SIMULATOR CODING FORM PROG. NOs:51'3ii"-~ 5736-XS1. ~ '3"6"O'A-CS-17X. 19X This form is used in conjunction with the construction of models with the GPSS III Simulator. It provides the field formats required by the program as input. Padded Form. 25 sheets. 8 1/2 x 11 NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX20-1702 PROPORTIONAL RECORD LAYOUT FORM ThefrontSide of this form--cOnsists of the Proportional Record Layout Form. It is suitable for card. tape. and disk records. Positional markings are 00-99 and 01-100 in decimal notation. and 00-63 and 01-64 in hexadecimal notation. The back side of the form is the record format form. This form permits record layouts to be prepared without the space limitations of positional markings. Space is also provided for reference data. These are generalpurpose forms and may be used for all systems. Padded Form. 25 Sheets. 11 by 16 1/2 NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX20-1705 2311 MODEL 1 DISK STORAGE DRIVE CAPACITY AND TRANSMISSION GX20-1787 DEBUGGING AID DIRECT EVALUATION OF FLOATING POINT NUMBERS IN HEXADECIMAL The following tables can be used to evaruateia floating point number represented in hexadecimal form. The technique uses a table lookup in the hexadecimal integer table. and a table lookup in the hexadecimal fraction table. The user unites the integer from the first table with the fraction from the second table. to form one number. and then performs a calculation to obtain the value of the floating point number. Pocket-size Booklet 360//01/// GX20-1850 SYSTEM/370 REFERENCE SUMMARY ~ This reference card is intended primarily for use by S/370 assembly language programmers. It contains basic machine information summarized from the System/370 Principles of Operation (GA22-7000). frequently used information from OS/vS and DOS/VS Assembler Language (GC33-4010). command codes for various I/O devices. and a multi-code translation table. Reference card. accordion-folded 370//01/// GX20-1878 IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM REFERENCE SUMMARY This publication is intended for planning purposes-oDly. It will be updated to reflect system changes. The reader is cautioned that the authoritative source for this booklet is the IBM 3270 Information Display System Component Description Manual (GA27-2749). Reference summary. 48 pages //09//3270.3271.3272.3275.3277.3284.3286.3288/ TIME: ~ERENCEsUMMARy' - - - - - - - - A-capacity and transmission time reference card arranged in a tabular format. Formulas and examples of how to use the card are included. Reference Card. 3 folds 360.370//07//2311/ GX20-1920 IBM 3330 SERIES DISK STORAGE (3333 MODELS ! AND !h 3330 MODELS h 1 AND 11): REFERENCE SUMMARY This reference summay summarizes device characteristics and provides a capacity table for records with and without keys. Summary. 2 folds 370//07//3330.3333/ GX20-1710 IBM 2314 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE FACILITY CAPACITY AND TRANSMISsroNTIME-mER'ENcECARD ---- - GX20-1924 IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: BASIC LANGUAGE This reference-card provides-a-convenient reference and several informative examples for planning and programming purposes. Tables include timing and capacity with and without keys. Reference Card. 3 folds 360.370//07//2314/ SUMMARY - PROO"RA'MPROD 5749 REFERENC~ - - ---- The Basic Language~erence Summary. Order No. GX20-1924. gives essential details of the IBM VM/370 BASIC language including brief examples of VM/370 BASIC commands. program execution. correction statements. and lists the various elements of the language. For a complete description of VM/370 BASIC refer to the publication IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370: BASIC Language Reference Manual. Order No. GC20-1803. Summary. 8 cards //23///5749 GX20-1711 IBM SYSTEM/360 RECORD LAYOUT WORKSHEET Padded forms showing double word. word. halfword and byte boundaries. Bytes marked to accommodate packed-decimal digits. Provides for two records of 256 positions each. both in hexadecimal and decimal numbering. Padded form. 11 x 6-1/2 inches. 50 sheets per pad NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX20-1926 .!!!!:! GX20-1741 IBM 1287 OPTICAL READER DOCUMENT TRACING GUIDE This Card is a forms-design guide for assistin'g' the 1287 user in the physical layout of input documents. Card. 6 1/4 x 9 1/4 SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX20-1751 IBM 2260 DISPLAY FORMAT This coding sheet is used in designing displays for the 2260. The form provides space for a display to be transmitted from System/360 to a 2260. and expected operator response. Padded Form. 25 sheets. 8 1/2" xli" NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX20-1759 IBM 1287 OPTICAL READER DESIGN FORMATS This-Sheet contains formats for laying out forms to be read by the 1287. The form includes standard mark-read column designs. hand-print blocks from two to seven digits. and optical reference marks. Padded Form. 25 sheets. 8 1/2" xli" NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: QUICK GUIDE FOR USERS REFERENCE SUMMARY - PROG. PROD. 5749 This publication describes the essential VM/370 operations for the new user. It also provides a brief description of all VM/370 commands for the experienced user. Only a limited amount of prior VM/370 knowledge is assumed for the section on VM/370 operations. See the "Preface" for prerequisite publications. The user of the command descriptions section should have a thorough understanding of VM/370 command syntax and usage. Summary booklet. 200 pages //20///5749 GX20-1927 ASP VERSION 3 ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM: OPERATQRS:REFERENCE BOOKLET - PROG. NO. 36OA=CX=15X This publication is a pocket=size reference summary of all commands and dynamic support programs (DSP) names. descriptions and commands. Handbook. 14 pages 360. 370//36/0ASP// GX20-1961 SUMMARY OF VM/370 CP AND CMS COMMANDS A reference"Sliiiiiiiarysupplement"tOtile Quick Guide (GX20-1926) that gives command descriptions-as well as command formats for the CP and CMS environment within the Virtual Machine. Pocket size fanfold //20///5749 256 GX20 GX22 GX20-1972 IBM 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR REFERENCE ~ This-SUmmary card is intended for 3890 ~3ers and progra~ mers. Information in this publication is extracted from the 3890 Document Processor Machine and Programming Description (GA24-3612), which is the authoritive reference source and will be the first to reflect changes. Reference Card, 3-5/8 x 8-1/2 inches, 8 panels 370//04//3890/ GX21-9155 .!!rn 3140 ~ ENTRY ~ ~ ~ TEMPLATE This template is for those people responsible for the physical planning layout of a 3740 Data Entry System installa tion. Template //15//3740,3741,3142,3747,3113/ GX21-9111 IBM 3147 DATA CONVERTER REFERENCE CARD ThIs reference card is proVided as-an-aid to the operation when an error occurs on the 3747 Data Converter. It contains the message codes for the messages which will occur most often. card, 4 pages //08//3747/ GX20-8020 FLOWCHARTING ~ This plastic template provides cut-out shapes for drawing standard symbols used frequently in flowcharting computer systems and programs. It is enclosed in an envelope outlining definitions of symbols and use of the template,. More details are given in the Data processing Techniques manual on FLOWCHARTING TECHNIQUES (GC20-8152). Template, 10 to a set NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX21-9172 IBM 3741/3142 REFERENCE ~ This reference card is provided as an aid to the operator using the 3141 Data Station or 3742 Dual Data Station. It contains error codes, program codes, required data set label fields, and status line. Card, 4 pages //08//3741,3142/ GX21-9011 IBM 1062 PROGRAM TAPE LAYOUT SHEET SheetUsed to codeI062 Program Tape. Padded Form, 8 1/2 x 11, one side, 50 sheets NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX21-9185 IBM 3141 DATA CONVERTER RUN SHEET The ~3747 Data Converter Run Sheet is used to provide the operator with the necessary information for running a job on the 3147 data converter. It contains a description of the job (disk to tape, etc.), disk ID numbers, and job statistics. Padded form, 50 per pad NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX21-9017 IBM 1062 ~ ~ TAPE, DOCUMENT ~~ PRINTER PLANNING CHART Form used for planning terminal record tape, document feed and printer output. Padded Form NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX21-9030 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE, 1030 DAT~ COLLECTION SYSTEM This template gives a scaled representation of the physical planning specifications of the IBM 1030 Data Collection System. Template, 8 1/2 x 11, 1 page //15//1030,1031,1032/ GX21-9090 RPG QUTPUT-FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS (FORM) This is a form for coding RPG output-format specifications for the IBM System/3, System/360, and 1130. It is printed in reproduceable green ink. Padded Form, 50 sheets NOT AVAILABLE U~DER SLSS GX21-9186 IBM 3740 JOB INSTRUCTIONS FORM The ~3740 Job Instructions-sheet is a two-sided form which is used to provide the operator with the necessary information for running a job on the 3140 System. The front side is used for explaining how to run the job, disposition of documents, what fields are included. The reverse side lists the program codes for the 3740 System and explains their function. Padded form, 1 page, printed on both sides NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX21-9187 IBM 3740 SYSTEM PRINT CHART The IBM 3140 Sys~rint chart is used by the operator for specifying how printing is to be performed on the 3740 System. Padded form, 1 page NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX21-9091 g~ EXTENSIONS AND ~ ~ SPECIFIC~TIONS SHEET This form is provided as an aid to the programmer writing an RPG program for the IBM System/3, System/360, and 1130. It is printed in reproducible green ink. Padded Form, 50 sheets NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX21-9204 ll!! 3141 PROGRAMMABLE WORK STATION MODELS 1=!!. GX21-9092 RPG ~ ~ ~ FILE DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS ~ This form is provided as an aid to the programmer writing an RPG program for the IBM System/3, System/360, and 1130. It is printed in reproduceable green ink. Padded form, 25 sheets NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS REFERENCE CARD The reference-card is intended to provide a q~ick look up of correct coding in an ACL (Application Control Language) program. The control statements in ACL are described on the card. The card is intended for ACL programmers. Reference card, 1 page, both sides, 7 x 9 inches //08//3141/ GX22-6834 GX21-9093 RPG CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS SHEET This is a form for coding RPG calculation specifications for the IBM System/3, System/360, and 1130. It is printed in reproduceable green ink. Padded Form, 50 sheets NOT ~VAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX21-9094 RPG INPUT SPECIFICAXIONS FORM This form is provided as an-iid to the programmer writing an RPG program for the IBM System/3. It is printed in reproduce able green ink. Padded Form, 50 sheets NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ £!!ill !lli2 ~ JLQ ~ PRINTERS, FOR SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370: ~ PHYSICM ~ Tfr!PLATE Equipment templates on 8-1/2 by 11 nch acetate sheets, four pages, for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot. Includes one 1017, one 1018, three 14032,3,1's, three 1403-Nl's, one 1404-2, one 1442-Nl,N2, one 1442 abutted to one 1443, one 1443-Nl or 1445-Nl, one 2501B1,B2, one 2520-Bl,B2,B3, three 2540-1's, one 2560-Al, one2611, two 2821-1,2,4,6's, two 2821-3,5's, one 2822, one 2826-1, two 3211's, two 3505-Bl,B2's, two 3525-P1,P2,P3's, and two 3811's. 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate templates, 4 pages 360,310//15/// GX22-6837 2401 - 2404 AND 2415 MAGNETIC TAPE UNITS This pocket-BIZe-reference folder i~assist in estimating tape processing times and block (record) capacity per full reel. Reference card, 7-1/4 x 14, 3 folds 360,310//05//2401,2404,2415/ GX21-9106 IBM 1288 DOCUMENT GAUGE FOR MACHINE SETUP inillustrated and descriptive document - alignment and machine-setup instruction folder. Reference Card, 2 pages 360,370//04//1288/ GX21-9129 RPG DEBUGGING TEMPLATE This template is a quick tool for programmers debugging RPG. Template SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 257 GX22-6855 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 MAGNETIC TAPE UNITS AND CONTROLS Equipment template on-I-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet, 1 page for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes all models of following magnetic tape units/ controls 7 2402, 2403, 2404, 3410, 3411. 8-1/2" x 11" acetate template, 4 pages //15//2402,2403,2404/ GX22 GX22 GX22-7005 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEMl370 ~ 145 Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet, 2 pages for planning machine room layout. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 3145 Processing Unit Models GE, GFD, H, Hcr, I, H2, HG2, 12, IH2 and J2. Also includes 3046 Power Unit Modell, 3047 Power Unit Modell, 3210 Console PrinterKeyboard Model 2, and 3345 Storage and Control from Models 1 to 5. Template, 2 pages GX22-6857 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEMl360 AND SYSTEMl370 £OMMU~ICATION~NT . Equipment templates on 8-1/2 by 11 inch acetate sheets, two pages, for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot. Includes four 2701's, t~o 2702's, one 2703, one 2711, one 2715-1,2, two 7770-3's, and one 7772-3. 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate templates, 2 pages 11151/2701,2702,2703,2711,7770,7772,3704,37051 31451/15//1 GX22-6858 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEMl360 ~ SYSTEMl370 QATA STORAGE DEVICES Equipment templates on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheets, six pages, for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot. Includes four 2301-1's, two 2302-3,4's, four 2303-1's, two 2305-1,2's (shown on two facilities), eight 2311-1's, one 2312-A1, two 2313-Al's, one 2314-Al, one2314-Bl, one 2314-1, two 2319-Al's, two 2319-A2's, one 2319-Bl, two 2319-B2's, four 2321-1's (with two shown abutted), one 2820-1, two 2835-1,2's, four 2841-1's, two 2844's, six 3330's (two on one facility and four on another), and two 3830's. 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate templates, six pages GX22-7006 tBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE SYSTEM/370 MODEL 155 Equipment templates on--s=t72X 11 inch ac;etate sheets, 2 pages, for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes one 3155 composite of Models H-J, one 3155 composite of Models JI and K, and one 32102. Positioning is also shown for 3210-1 and 3215. Acetate Template, 2 pages 31551/15//1 GX22-7007 ~ PHYSICAL ~ TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 165 Equipment templates on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheets, three pages, for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot. Includes one composite 3165 ~odels I and J with 3360's, one composite 3165 Models JI and K with 3360's, one composite 3165 Model KJ with 3360's, one 3066-1, and one 3067. 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate templates, three pages 11151/2301,2302,2303,2305,2311,2314,2321,33331 GX22-6859 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEMl360 AND SYSTEMl370 CONSOLESANI> TERMINALs Equipment~mplates on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheets, two pages, for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot. Includes two 2150's, two 2250-1's, two 2250-3's, two 2260's with keyboards, two 2260's without keyboards, one 2285, two 2840-2's, four 2848's (two of both types), one 3210-1, one 3210-2, and one 3215-1. 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate templates, two pages 31651/15//1 GX22-7008 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 135 Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch aceta~eet, 1 page, for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot. Includes one 3135 with five attached disk storage drives and one 3046-1. Acetate template, 8-1/2 x 11 inches, 1 page 1/15//2250,21501 GX22-6860 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEMl370 MAGNETICAND ~CHARACTER READERS Equipment~mplates on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheets, two pages, for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch Includes: 1231 Model N1 1255 Models 1, 2, and 3 1.259 Model 2 1285 Model 1 1287 Models 1 to 5 1288 Models 1 to 5 1412 Models 1 1418 Models 1 to 3 1419 Model 1 1428 Models 1 to 3 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate templates, two pages 31351/15//1 GX22-7018 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment templates-onB-I72X11 inch acet:a:teSilee~ page, for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot. Includes all models of system: 3271 MODELS 1, 2, 11, 12 3272 MODELS 1, 2 3275 MODELS 1, 2, 11, 12 3277 MODELS 1, 2 3284 MODELS 1, 2, 3 3286 MODELS 1, 2, 3 3288 MODEL 2 Template, 1 page 11151/1285,1231,1418,1428,1287,1288,1412,1255,12591 GX22-6925 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEMl360 AND SYSTEMl370 !IELQE;~INEERING FURNITURE AND TEST EQUIPMEm Furni ture and test equipment templates on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet, for planning FE room layoGts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot. .Includes one desk, one ilorkbench, one study table, one bookcase, one card file, one microfiche viewer, one tool .and test equipment cart, one BSM cart, one FEiDAU, one BSM analyzer, and two shelf cabinets, two parts cabinets, two book carts, and three file cabinets. 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate templates, one page 11151/3270,3271,3272,3275,3277,3284,3286,32881 GX22-7021 .!.!lli ~ PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEMl370 MODEL 125 Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet, 1 page for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes configurations of 3125 with 5425 and 3203 and 3125 with 3203. 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate template 31251/15//1 360,3701/151/1 GX22-7022 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 168 ~ 168 MULTIPROCESSING Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet, 1 page for planning machine room layout. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 3168 Processing Unit, 3168 Multiprocessing Unit, 3066 System Console Model 2, 3067 Power and Coolant Distribution Unit Model 2 (SN Below 61000), 3067 Power and COolant Distribution Unit Model 2 (SN 61000 and above>, and 3068 Multisystem Communication Unit Model 1Acetate template, 3 pages rum GX22-6981 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE SYSTEM/360 MODEL 195 Equipment templates on 8-1/2 x 11 inch ace~sheets, 5 pages, for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes one composite 3195 Model J and K, one composite 3195 Model KJ and L, one 3060-1, one 3085, one 3086, three 3080s, two 28605, two 2870s, and four 2880s. Acetate Template, 5 pages 31951/15//1 31681/151/1 GX22-6984 IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 165 OPERATORS REFERENCE CARD ThIs reference card highlights necessary operating procedures and abbreviated step-by-step instructions for operating the System/370 Model 165. The information is condensed from the IBM System/370 Model 165 Operating Procedures (GA22-6969). Reference card GX22-7023 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEMl370 MODEL 158 Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch aceta~eet, 2 pages for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 3158 Processing Unit and 3158 MultiproceSSing Units. Acetate template, 2 pages 31581/15//1 31651101/11 GX22-7029 GX22-6985 llli ~ ~ ~ & !ll.c. Am! EL !QR SYSTEM/370: mM ~ PLANNING ~E; Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet, 1 page for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 3340 Disk Storage Modes Al, Bl, and B2. Template, 1 page !!!!1 ~ PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEMl36Q ~ SYSTEM/370 CHANNELS: 2860, 2870, AND 2880 Equi?ment templates on two 8-1/2 x ii-inch acetate sheets, for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot. Includes three 2860's, three 2870's, and four 2880-1,2's. Acetate Templates, 8-1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages 1/151/33401 1115//2860,2870,28801 258 GX24 GX22 GX22-7045 GX22-7031 DISJ(ETTE INPUT/OUTPUT llli!! ~ B1 AND ~ ~ SYSTEM/370: ~ PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet, 1 page for planning machine room layout. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 3540 Models B1 and B2. Template, 1 page //15//3540/ !!!M ~~ PLANNING TEMPLATE 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet (2 pages) for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot Includes: Models A1-A6 and B1-B6 Microfilm Frame 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate template, 2 pages //15//3890/ ~ GX22-7046 3830 ~ ~ MODELS h 1 AND 1:EQB SYSTEM/370 ~ TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet (1 page) for planning machine room layouts. SCale: 1/4 inch equals one foot. Includes: All models (1,2, and 3) 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate template, 1 page //15//3830/ !ru! PHYSICAL GX22-7032 3704 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER FOR SYSTEM/370: IBM-PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet, 1 page for planning machine room layout. Sale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 3704 Communications Controller Model 1. Acetate template, 1 page //15//3704/ GX22-7047 GX22-7035 3410 MAGNETIC TAPE !:lli!! ~ 1 TO 1 !ru! PHYSICAL &:!Q 3411 ~ TAPE !lli!1. liliQ. ~ ~ 1 !..Q 1 EQB SYSTEK/3'7'O'i" !!!!. PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet, 1 page for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 3410 Magnetic Tape Unit Models 1,2, and 3, and 3411 Magnetic Tape Unit and COntrol Models 1,2, and 3. Acetate template, 1 page //15//3410,3411/ GX22-7037 2401 ~ TAPE .!llill ~ 1 !O ! &:!Q !!.L !QS SYSTEK/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template ori 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet, 1 page for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 2401 Magnetic Tape Unit Models 1 to 6 and 8. Acetate template, 1 page //15//2401/ GX22-7038 2415 ~ ~ !lli!! ~ ~§. 1 !Q .!&.. fQR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING ~ Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet, 1 page for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 2415 Magnetic Tape Unit and Control Models 1 to 6. Acetate template, 1 page //15//2415/ rum GX22-7039 2420 ~ ~ !ill!! MODELS .? AND 1L FOR SYSTEM/370: L. b. ~ rum ltemplate l i 3333 TEMPLATE: 3330 Q!2! ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 MODELS ~ 11 on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet (2 pages) for planning machine room layouts. SCale: 1/4 inch equals one foot. Includes: 3330 Models 1,2 and 11 3333 Models 1 and 11 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate template, 2 pages //15//3330/ ~uipment GX22-7051 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER FOR SYSTEM/370: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetete sheet for planning machine layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot; includes 3705 Communications Controller and 3705 Expansion Module. 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate template, 1 page //15//3705/ GX22-7052 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE EQB 3881 ~ ~ ~g ~ ! TO 1 ~ ~ CHARACTER READER MODEI.S 1·~-f! 2 rum Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate page for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot. Includes: 3881 Models 1 to 3 3886 Models 1 and 2 Acetate Template, 1 page //15//3881,3886/ GX22-7053 !1Y1~~~ Equipment ~~mplate on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet, 1 page for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 2420 Magnetic Tape Unit Models 5 and 7. Acetate template, 1 page //15//2420/ ~ ~ llll ~ ~ FACILITY FOR S/370 Equipment template for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot Includes: 3851 Models A1 to A4 and B1 to B4. Acetate TemplateI' 1 page //15//3850,3851/ !ru! PHYSICAL GX22-7041 ~ ~ CARTRIDGE READER ~ h FOR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet, 1 page for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 2495 Tape Cartridge Reader Modell. Acetate template, 1 page //15//2495/ GX22-7042 2803 ~ CONTROL ~ 1 TO h EQB §X§!EM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet, 1 page for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 2803 Tape Control Models 1 to 3. Acetate template~ 1 page //15//2803/ GX22-7043 2804 ~ ~ ~ 1!Q h FOR §X§!EM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8~1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet, 1 page for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes· 2804 Tape control Models 1 to 3,. Acetate template, 1 page //15//2804/ GX22-7044 ~ll~ ~~ !lliTI ~ h FOR SYSTEM/370 : IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet, 1 page for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 2816 Switching Unit Modell. Acetate template, 1 page //15//2816/ 259 GX24-3092 !ru! 1050 ~ COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM TRANSMISSION LIMITED MAXlMUM-MESSAGE-RATE GRAPH Graph used to plot message rate of system. Padded Form, 8 1/2 x 11, 1 side, 25 sheets NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS = GX24-3124 PLANNlOO CHART, ~ !.Q2Q ~ COMMUNICATION ~ This chart provides space for the planning of problems on the IBM 1050 Data Communication System. Padded· Form, 17 x 11, 2 sides, 25 sheets NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX24-3139 IBM 1050 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, OPERATOR INSTRUCTION SHEET This chart provides space for entering data for operating instructions for the IBM 1050 Data Communication System. Padded Form, 8 1/2 x 11, 2 sides, 25 sheets NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX24-3285 IBM 1030 ~ COLLECTION SYSTEM, IBM ill! ~ CHART This chart provides space for entering data on the IBM 1031 Program for the IBM 1030 Data Collection System. Padded Form, 11 x 17, 1-1/2 sides, 25 sheets NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX24-3381 !ru! ~ PLANNING TEMPLATlh 1050 ~ COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM This template gives a scaled representation of the physical planning specifications for the IBM 1050 Data Communication System. Template, 8 1/2 xli, 1 page GX28 GX24 Padded Form, 25 per pad NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS 11151/1050,1051,1052,1053,1054,1055,1056,10581 GX26-1587 DECIMAL/HEXADECIMAL ~ CONVERSION ~ This chart is used to convert decimal numbers.to hexadecimal and hexadecimal numbers to decimal. The chart covers the range of integers from 0000 to 4095. Additional instructions are provided to convert decimal and hexadecimal numbers beyond this range. Reference Summary, 8-1/2 x 3-5/8- folded, 7 folds, 2 sides SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX26-1588 DECIMAL/HEXADECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION CHART This chart is used to-convert decimal fractions to hexadecimal and hexadecimal fractions to decimal. The chart covers the range of fractions from 0.00000000 to 0.00075586. Additional instructions are provIded to convert decimal and hexadecimal fractions beyond this range. Reference Summary, 8-112 x 3-5/8- folded, 7 folds, 2 sides SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX26-1618 IBM 2730 TRANSACTION VALIDATION TERMINAL - REFERENCE CARD Inexperienced operators and maintenance personnel wilr-IInd easy reference to installation, operation and problem determination material for the 2730 Transaction Validation Terminal. Functional checks are also included.. Experienced operators will find the summary an easy reference source under operating conditions. Packaging and shipping information is included. ' Operators and maintenance personnel should be familiar with the Credit Card System component Description: IBM 2730 Model 1 Transaction Validation Terminal, IBM 2968 Model 9 Receiver Terminal Control Unit, Order No. GA26-1599. Reference Card, 8 pages 360,3701/141/27301 SX26-3700 CICS/VS REFERENCE SUMMARY: MASTER TERMINAL OPERATOR This card is intended primarily for users OfCICS/OS/VS and CICSIDOSIVS Version 1, Modification Level 0, however some portions may be used by pre-VS users of CICS. The information presented here is extracted from the customer Information Control SystemlVirtl1al stox'age (CICS/VS) System Administrator's Guide (S820-9006-0). This reference summary will be updated from time to t:ime i however, the basic documentation is the al1thorit.ative source and will be the first to reflect changes. Examples of transactions CSMT, CSST, and CS(~ are shown, indicating the minimum input needed. Where appropriate, longer forms of the input are indicated to conform with earlier releases of CICS. Fanfold Card, 15 sections 111115740-XX1, 5746-XX3 GX27-0024 VTAM REFERENCE SUMMARY This reference summary contains information elCtracted from other VTAM publications. It describes macro instructions, operator commands RPL return codes, and the VTAM publications series. Primary users will be application programmers, network operators, and system programmers. 16 Panel Cards, 8-1/2 x 3-5/8 inches 11Ml ~ ~ (REGISTRATION PUNCHING-ACME) This is a transparent layout guide for 2760 - Acme. Plastic Sheet, 14 x 11 SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX27-2904 2760 ~ ~ 10XBERRY) This layout guide is for registration punching - OlCberry Type. Transparent Layout Guide SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX27-2905 IBM 2760 OPTICAL IMAGE LIMIT AUXILIARY SCREEN OVERLAY GUIDE This form is used by the 2760 operator for Auxiliary Screen Overlay. FOrm, 7-1/2 x 9-114, 1 sheet SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX27-2909 PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM 2770 DATA COMMUNICATION SYsTF.ir" -- -This equipment template on acetate sheet is for the 2770 Data Communication System. Its scale is 1/4 inch equals 1 inch. Template 11151/2770,2772/ GX27-2917 3770 ~ COMMUNICATION ~ ~ ~ ~ This template contains plan views for the machines that make up the 3770 Data Communication System. Included are: o 3771-3773-3774-3775 Communication Terminals o 3782 Card Attachment Unit o 3784 Line Printer o 3501 Card Reader Template 11151/3770,3771,3773,3774,37751 GX27-2950 2250 DISPLAY LAYOUT SHEET Shiet-usea-to plan locations, on 2250 Display screen, of output areas. Padded Form, 17 x 18 1/2, 1 side, 25 sheets NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX27-2951 IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM LAYOUT SHEET Card layout sheet for the 3270 Information Display System. Pad, 25 sheets per pad NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX28-0647 OS/VS2 TSO COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY This ca~is-rntended for reference use-ar-a-terminal. It outlines the syntax of TSO commands and is based on the publication OS/VS2 TSO Command Language Reference, GC28-0646 Since the command descriptions are brief and only the syntalC is presented, the user should have an understanding of the TSO commands and of using a terminal. card, 12 sides ITP/301115741,5745,5752 GX27-2900 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: COMMUNICATIONS TERMINALS This template gives a scaled representation of the phySical planning specifications for the IBM Communications Terminals. Template, 8 1/2 xli, 1 page 1139//15752 11151/2790,2791,2798,2715,2792,2793,2795,2796,27971 GX27-2901 CHART :. 2760 ~ ~ UNIT, REGISTRATION PUNCHING ACME This form-rs-one of two charts that are I1sed to define the response positions for the IBM 2760 Optical Image Unit. o GX27-2901 ACME o GX27-2902 OXBERRY They are for use in the preparation of prelimin;ary sketches and final artwork. Instruction for use of this form is included in manual, GA27-3011. Padded Form, 25 per pad NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS ~ ~ GX27-2902 IMAGE PLANNING CHART - 2760 OPTICAL PUNCHINGOXiiERRY-- - - - - - This form is one of two charts that response positions for the IBM 2760 o GX27-2901 ACME o GX27-2902 OXBERRY They are for use in the preparation and final artwork. Instruction for included in manual GA27-3011. GX27-2903 IMAGE UNIT REGISTRATION -- -are used to define the Optical Image Unit. GX28-0684 OS AND OS/VS SMP REFERENCE SUMMARY - PROG. NO. 3605-DN-611 AN D Y2 CoMPONENT ~ 5741-SCI=3O; 57ii2-SCl =30' ThIs reference card provides information about the System Modification Program (SMP). This information is intended for use by IEM personnel and system programmers responsible for changing and redesigning the installation's operating system. This card contains formats and descriptions of the SMP control statements, the update control language (UCL) statements, and the modification format control statements. It also has an SMP data set requirements chart plus sample JCL statements for the SMP data sets. . Reference Summary, 14 pages 1137//15741,5752 GX28-0690 OSIVS DSS COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD Ttiisreferen:CeCard summarizes Dynamic Support System command syntax, the purposes of DSS commands, the uses of DSS keyword operands, and the use of the· RESTART key. The card is intended for maintenance personnel who are authorized to use DSS and have read OSIVS Dynamic Support System, GC28-0640. Reference Card 1/37//15741,5752 of preliminary sketches use of this form is 260 GX28 GX38 GX28-111611 COBOL CODING FORM This form is used for COBOL coding. Form, 8-1/2 x 11, one side, one sheet NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SX28-81911 ~:~Dg~TC~~~~_~~~ERACTIVE DEBUG REFERENCE CARD GX28-1520 IBM REFERENCE CARD - COBOL This reference card-is used for COBOL. Reference card, 7-1/2 x 3-1/11, 2 folds 360,370//211/0S,OTSO,OSAP,CALL// GX28-63811 IBM FORTRAN IV REFERENCE CARD This-reference card contains FORTRAN IV information for IBM 1130 System and IBM 1800 System (1130/1800), IBM System/3, IBM System/360 Disk Operating System (DOS), IBM System/360 Operating System (G, H, Gl, H Extended, and Code and Go), IBM System/360 Time Sharing System (TSS/360), IBM Call/360-0S (CALL/360), American National Standard FORTRAN, X3.9-1966, and American National Stan dar a Basic FORTRAN, X3.10-1966. This card is intended to be used as a secondary reference. The basic program documentation is the authoritative source and will be the first to reflect any changes and improvements to the FORTRAN IV language. Fanfold Card, 8 panels, 3-3/11 x 8-1/2 folded size 3,1130,1800,360,370//25/// SX28-6385 SYSTEM/370 VS BASIC (TSO REFERENCE SUMMARY) PROG. NO. 57118-XXl - This is-i digest of the vs BASIC language and the requirements for its use under the TSO system. It assumes the reader is familiar with the language and system details described in System/370 VS BASIC Language, Order No. GC28-8303, and System/370 BASIC TSO Terminal User's Guide, Order No. SC28-8301l, respectively. Reference Summary, 111 panels /////57118-XXl GX28-8195 IBM GUIDE TO AMERICAN NATIONAL ~ ~ REFERENCE CARD This reference summary provides a condensed version of essential information concerning American National Standard COBOL Program Products: DOS Subset, DOS Full, OS Full versions 3 and II, System/3, 1130, TSO Prompter, and Interactive Debug. For each, it includes operation system core requirements for compiler, data set compatibility, device support, preogram number, monthly fee, debugging aids, availability, particular audience, documentation numbers and other important details. Fanfold card, five panels, pocket size SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SX33-6001 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/360 REFERENCE CARD PL/I OPTIMIZING CO'MPlLER KEYWORDS -- -- This reference card contains information to readily assist the user of the DOS PL/I Optimizing Compiler. Keywords, their use and examples are included. The information is extracted from the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System PL/I o?timizing compiler Language Reference Manual, Order Number SC33-0005. Reference Card // // /57311-PLl SX33-6002 OS PL/I CHECKOUT AND OPTIMIZING COMPILERS: KEYWORDS REFERENCE SUMMARY, PROG. NOS. 57311-PLl, -PL2, -PL3 Contains a full list of the PL/I keywords implemented by the OS PL/I checkout and optimizing compilers. The keywords are arranged in alphabetical order and each has a Brief Description of its use. Reference card, 16 sides /////57311-PL1, 57311-PL2, 57311-PL3 GX28-6506 IBM SYSTEM/360 BASIC ASSEMBLER SHORT CODING FORM This-form is designed to assist programmers in coding programs in the IBM System/360 special support basic assembler language, as described in (GC28-6503) Padded Form, 25 to a Pad, 8-1/2 x 11 NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SX33-6005 OS PL/I CHECKOUT AND OPTIMIZING COMPILERS: TERMINAL COMMANDS AND COMPILER OPTIONS REFERENCE SUMMARY-PROG. NOS. 57 34-PLl, !'!!b. PL3 --Contains the CMS (Conversational Monitor System) and TSO (Time Sharing option) commands and subcommands most likely to be used by a PL/l programmer when using the OS PL/l checkout and optimizing compilers in conversational mode. It also contains a full list of the options applicable to both compilers. The commands, subscommands, and options are arranged in alphabetical order, and each has a brief description of its use, and in the case of the commands and subcommands, examples. Reference Summary (Card), 3-5/8 x 8-1/2, 10 slides /////57311-PL1,5734-PL2,57311-PL3 GX28-6507 IBM SYSTEM/360 BASIC ASSEMBLER LONG CODING FORM This form is designed to assist programmers-rn-coding programs in the IBM System/360 special support basic assembler language, as described in (GC28-6503) Padded Forms, 25 to a Pad NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS GX28-6509 IBM SYSTEM/360 ASSEMBLER CODING FORM Coding form for entry of source data to be keypunched for Assembler programs. Padded Form, 25 sheets, 8 1/2 x 111, one side NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SX33- 80 01 OS/VS SORT/MERGE REFERENCE SUMMARY PROG. PROD. 57110-SMl Provides a summary of the informatiOii'lieeded to prepare program and job control statements for the OS/VS Sort/Merge program product. The information is summarized from the Programmer's Guide, SC33-1I035 which is the authoritative source. Fanfold card /////57110-SMl SX28-6813 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF: PLI REFERENCE CARD ~goGRAM NUMBERS51"3ii'=R~5ill-RCl A 12-page folder contaiD1ng the keys to symbols in formats, system information and ITF:PL/I Language. Program Product Reference Card /////5734-RC1,5736-RCl SX28-6814 IBM SYSTEM/360 ~ ITF: BASIC, REFERENCE CARD, ~ 57311-RC3 AND 5736-RC2 Reference-card containing information on system and ITF: BASIC. Reference Card /////57311-RC2,57311-RCII = PROGR~ This card contains reference information for using COBOL Interactive Debug. Card, 12 pages // ///57311-CBII ~ GX28-7327 FORTRAN CODING E'ORM This is a form for coding FORTRAN statements. Padded Form, 8 1/2 x 14, one side, 25 sheets NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS SX28-8193 IBM FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR OS (TSO) AND VM/370 (CMS) REFERENCECARD - PROGRAM NUMBER5734-:ros- - - - - - - - This reference card contains: Notation conventions for TESTFORT Subcommands. Instructions for compiling a program for FORTRAN Interactive debug. Requirements for programs used as input to TESTFORT. Instructions for invoking TESTFORT under CMS or TSO. TESTFORT subcommands and their formats. Reference Summary, 12 panels, fanfold /////57311-F05 261 GX33-90011 SYSTEM/370 DOS/VS POWER AND POWER RJE OO~No:-m5=SC:PWRREFERENCE SUMMARY Intended as quick reference for programmers and operators using POWER and/or POWER RJE. Shows the formats and summarizes the functions of all POWER JECL statements and of all POWER and POWER RJE commands. Reference card, 12 panels, 3-5/8 x 8-1/2 //38///57115 GX35-5001 IBM SYSTEM/360/370 REFERENCE DATA 21101-211011, 21115, 21120, AND 31120 MAGNETIC TAPE UNITS This pocket-size reterence-card assists in estimating tape processing times and block capacities per full reel for all IBM tape systems currently in production. This card obsoletes X22-6837. Reference Card, 5 folds; pocket size 360,370//05//21101,211011,21115,21120,31120/ GX38-0227 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/vS2 (JES2) COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE S~ - - - - - - - - - - - - This reference-card shows the syntax of operator commands for a system console operator running a System/370 under OS/VS2 with JES2. Before using this card, the reader must be familiar with Operator's Library: OS/VS2 Reference (JES2), GC38-0210. Reference card LYBO GX38 //40///5752 Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-0626 !l.PL/360 ::. DOS ~ LISTINGS, ~ NUMBER 5736-XM6, ~ CODE 806~ FE SERVICE NUMBER 200157 This set of microfiche cards contains the assembly listings of the APL/360 - DOS Program. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-0631 INFORM!l.TION M!l.ro\.GEMENT SYSTEM (lMS/360) VERSo 2 D!l.T!I. BASE LISTINGS, VOL. h PROG. ~ 573ii="XX6 MAINTENANCE RELEASE OF IMS/360 TO 2.4.1 One microfiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-0864 GENERALIZED INFORM!l.TION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) BASIC RETRIEVAL SYSTEM MICROFI~P~NijMBER 5734=xxi" One microf~isting of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Lyso-0865 GENERALIZED INFORM!l.TION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) ARIrHMErIC STATEMENT FEATURE MICROFICHi:= PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 i5ii'eiiiICrofiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-0632 MANAGEMENT SYSTEW360, VERSION b. ~ !!L. COMMUNICATION LISTINGS, MICROFICHE ~ 5734-XX6, ~ CODE 8083 M!l.INTENANCE RELEASE OF IMS/360 TO 2.4.1 One microfiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-0866 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) TELEPROCESSING SUPPORT FEATURE MiCROFICHE - PROORAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 ------ ------ ------ ----One microfiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-0724 CUSTOMER INFORM!l.TION CONTROL SYSTEM/DOS - ENTRY (CICS/DQSENTRyrLISTINGS, PROO. PROD. 5736-XX6 One microfiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBo-0867 GENERALIZED INFORM!l.TION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) CONTROL STATEMENT FEATURE MICROF~ PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 one microfiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-0735 CUSTOMER INFORM!l.TION CONTROL SYSTEM/DOS STANDARD (CICS/DQSSTANDARD) LISTINGS, PROG. PROD. lli.2::m One microfiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-0868 GENERALIZED INFORM!l.TION ~ ~ l (GIS/2) PROCESSING STATEMENT FEATURE MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 one microfiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMerson a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-0781 CUSTOMER INFORM!l.TION ~ SYSTEM/OPER!l.rING ~ §TANDARD (CICS/OS-STANDARD) ~ £ ~ LISTINGS MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX7 This microfIche publication contains the assembly listings for Version 2 of the CICS/OS - Standard Program. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBo-0869 GENERALI ZED INFORM!l.TION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) FORMAL REPORT FEATURE MICROFICHE='PROGRAM"NUMBER 5734-XX~ One microfIChe listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY !.~~ Q~~ ~ROG. LYBO-0834 !.NTEg~y! QUERY ~ (lQF) TO IMS/360: !Y£!~ LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 Maintenance Release of IMS/360 TO 2.4.6 One microfiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-need basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-0839 DATA LANGUAGE/I DOS/VS LISTING - PROO. NO~ 5746-XX1 One microfiche listing of this Iicensedprogram is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IaMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GYBO-0854 IBM S/360, 370 ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSIN3 (ASP VERSION 3): LISTINGS MICROFICHE PROGRAM NUMBER-:360A-CX-15X ~bstract available. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GYBO-0856 S/370 HASP II VERSION 4 MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 370H=TX-001-- ------ - GEN~IZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) HIERARCHICAL FILE SUPPORTFE'ATuRE"'"MICROFI~ROGRAM NUMBER 5734-xn- - - - - - - - - ---one microfiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-0871 GENERALIZED INFORM!l.TION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) UPDATE AND CREATE FEATURE MICROFICH~O~MBE~Xxr---- --One mlcrof1che lIsting of Bus licensed program 1S available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-0872 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) UTILITY FEATURE MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-00- - - - - one mIcrofiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ - ------ ----- Contains SCP program listings for OS/VS1 and/or OS/VS2 as specified in the title. LYBO-0870 262 SYCO LYBO . LYBO-0873 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) EDIt AND ENCODE ~ MICROFICHE PROGRAM NUMBEif5'73'1i"=XXl One microfiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IEMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = LYBO-0874 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) ~ MODIFY FEATURE MICROFICHE - PRO~UMBER 5734-xxr-------One mICrofiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-0875 INFORMATION SYSTEM ~ £ .!..2l2.m ~ LANGUAGE/l QUERY ~ ~ MICROFICHE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XXl One microfiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = §~~~M:!~ LYBO-0876 GENERALIZED INFORMATION ~ ~ 1. (GISn) EXTENDED MULTI-FILE ~ FEATURE MICROFICHE ~ NUMBER 5734-XXl . One microfiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IEMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = LYBO-8016 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMB/VS) DATA BASE LISTINGS - SYSTEM MANUAL VOL~ - - - PROG.PRoD~XX2 - - - - - - - one-microfiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IEMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-8017 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VS (IMS/VS) DATA COMMUNICATION LISTINGS FEATURE ~ ~ VOL. IV pROG. PROp. 5740-XX2 One microfiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYSO-8018 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VS (IMS/VS) INTERACTIVE QUERY FACILITY (I~F) SYSTEM ~ VOL. VI - PROG. PROD. 574o-xx one-mrcrof~listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-8023 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) LISTINGS !QB BASIC QUERY FEATURE ~ PROD. 5740-XX7 This microfiche publication contains the assembly listings for the Basic Query Feature of the GIS/vS. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYBO-0900 IBM 1/M/370: ~ MICROFICHE ~ NUMBEli 5749-010 This publication is the microfiche of the VM/370 Control Program. It is divided into four sections: 1. The table of contents and index 2. The assembler listings of the Control Program modules 3. The label cross reference for CP 4. The PT.fs For convenience, OS/VSl EREP Assembler Listings are also included. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = LYSO-8024 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/vIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/YS) LISTINGS !QB ADVANCED QUERY ~ PROG. PROD. 5740-XX7 This microfiche pUblications contains the assembly listings for the Advanced Query Feature of GIS/VS. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYBO-0901 IBM W/370: CMS MICROFICHE ~ NUMB§B 5749-010 This publication is the VMl370 CMS microfiche. It is divided into six sections: 1. The Table of Contents and Index 2. The Assembler Listings of the CMS Modules 3. The Assembler Listings of the System Assembler 4. The Assembler Listings of VM/370 BASIC 5. The Label Cross-reference for CMS 6. The PTFs Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = LYBo-8025 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) LISTINGS FOR MODIFY FEATURE PROG. PROD.-s74O=XX7 This microfiche publication contains the assembly listings for the Modify feature of GIS/VS. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-2010 ~ PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE ~ VARIABLE LISTINGS (APL§V) ~~ 5799-AJF One ~icrofiche listing of this licensed program is available from Mechanicsburg to each licensee under the licensing agreement. This listing is also available to IBMers on a need-to-know basis. Microfiche SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-2046 ~ LANGUAGE ~ ~!.:..Q. (FLF/CICS/VS): PROG. ~ 5740-XX1 (OS). 5746-XX3 (OOS) LYSO-8009 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE
E-=IUP'""NUMiiER 5796-PBB --- --~manUit contaIns information about the internal logic an d or gani za tion of the DBPROTOTYPE prog rams. It is LY20-0712 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM FEATURE NUMBER 8030 1DOs=ENTRY) LOGIC MANUAL='PRo:GRAM"NU'MBER5736=XX6' - The IBM Customer-InformatIon-control System (eICS) is a 270 LY20 SY20 intended to help people involved in program maintenance and alteration. Manual, 180 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0172 PROGRAMMING LAl'GUAGE !QB IMS-PLIMS ~ GUIDE::. !!If. NUMBER 5796-PBF This document is intended as an aid to systems programmers in making modifications, diagnosing error situations, and performing maintenance work. It describes the components of PLlMS, and it discusses the PLIMS utility program. Manual, 44 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0173 ~~~~~ ~7~:::B~ASE ~ ~ ~ ~ ::. i l l The IMS~a Base Mapping Programs, DBMAP and PSBMAP, build and print maps of IMS physical and logical data bases from information contained in the data base description (DBD) and program specification block (PSB), respectively. This manual describes the internal logic of the DBMAP and PSBMAP programs. Guide, 16 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0174 m6~ ~ SIMULATOR) ~ ~ ::. !!!E. NUMBER This publication describes in detail the Batch Terminal Simulator (BTS), its mode of execution ana its component modules. The publication also includes a aescription of, for example: how to change BTS default values, how to add user-written edit modules, and BTS queues and tables. Manual, 122 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0842 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ~ S,TEM (TCS) ~ MANUAL ~ NUMBER 8112 - PROGRAM NUMBER 734-F31 This manual, describes the internal program logic and operation fo the Telecommunications Control System (TCS). The general description section contains the functional and logical concepts of TCS and places the program in perspective relative to the Operating System (OS) and the Telecommunications Access Method (TeAM). This section also defines the audience for which this manual was intended and the background knowledge required. Additional sections are included on method of operation, program organization, and the edit application program. The last section contains program flowcharts. Manual. 590 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0870 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM II (OMS II) OS/VS LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734=iC4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - This manual contains the flowchart narrative and flowcharts for Display Management System II Programs. It is intended for system analysts ana programmers charged with maintaining the system. Manual, 240 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY20-0880 ~:~G~T~~I~CHINE FACILITY/370 ~ PROGRAM (CP) LY20-0175 TEST IMS UTILITIES PROGRAM SYSTEMS GUIDE - IUP NUMBER 5796-PBE the analysis. Options are provided for enhanced operating convenience and flexibility. This manual provides the logic description, functional flowchart, and program listings for each routine included in the package. Manual, 208 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY - - - - - - - - - -- --- ~ IMS utilities include programs to create a test data base, compare an old and a new version of the same data base, list and/or unload all or part of a data base, and format the fields in a data base segment for printing. This manual describes the internal logic of these programs as well as the program used to create and print the segment description module, which contains a physical description of every segment and field in a data base. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0804 MATH/BASIC FOR SYSTEM/3 MODEL !L ITF, AND VM/370-CMS: LOGIC H~!!~h PROG. NOS. 5703-XM2'(SYSTEM/3) AND 5734-XM8 (ITF AND VM/370-CMS); ~ NOS. 8017, 8153 This manual contains the source code listings and the description of the computational blocks ~hich are the basis of the MATH/BASIC routines for System/3, Model 6 and System/360 or System/370. Manual, 268 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0809 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) SYSTEM !1~UAL £!,!PPLEMENT !:QS THE PL/I QUERY SUPPORT FEATURE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XXl The following pages provide design and internal logic documentation for the above-named feature~ These pages replace correspondingly numbered wreserved w pages in the System Manual provided with the Basic Retrieval System package. Manual, 34 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0829 !NTER~ QUERY FACILITY (lQF) FOR IMS/360 ~ .£ SYSTEM MANUAL ~ Y.t. ~ PROD. 5'f3'ii"=XX'6 This manual includes a description of each module of the IQP/IMS program. It also contains information on macros used, interfaces and module sizes, error codes and handling. ABENDs and flowcharts. Volume I contains similar information on the IMS/360 program. Vol~me III contains listings of the data base (batch) portion of the IMS/360 program, furnished as microfiche. Volume IV contains listings of the data communications portion of the program. also furnished as microfiche. Manual, 494 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0840 BUSINESS ANALYSIS/BASIC LOGIC MANUAL, PROG. NOS. 5703-XM3 TS'YSTEW3 ~ tl ~ 5734-XMB UTF-oS7D5SiToo, VM73'7i>=CMS) Business Analysis/BASIC contains 30 routines which permit the user to interact with the computer. All routines are written in the BASIC language for implementation on the System/3 Model 6, ITF (OS, DOS, TSO), ani VM/370-CMS. The routines are designed to ask the user to enter his problem parameters and data and to make decisions at key points in 271 This publication describes the internal logic of the VM/370 control program. Major sections discuss: o The functions of the control program o The control program's modules o The control program's data areas Diagnostic information is also included. This publication is intended for IBM personnel responsible for program maintenance. Prerequisites for a thorough understanding and for the effective use of this publication are: IBM System/360 principles of Operation, GA22-6821 IBM System/370 Principles of Operation, GA22-7000 OS Assembler Language, GC28-6514 FOr titles and abstracts of other associated publications, see the IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography, GA22-6822. Manual, 845 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY20-0881 ~ VIRTUAL ~ FACILITY/370 CONVERSATIONAL ~ SYSTEM(CMS)PROGRAM LOGIC This publication descrIbes the internal logiC of the Conversational Monitor System (CMS). Major sections discussed: o The functions of CMS o CMS method of operation o CMS data areas prerequisites for a thorough understanding and for the effective use of this publication are: IBM System/360 principles of Operation, GA22-6821 IBM System/370 Principles of Operation, GA22-7000 OS Assembler Language, GC28-6514 FOr titles and abstracts of other associated publications, see the IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography, GA22-6822. Manual, 865 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY2o-0882 ~:~G~T~~I~CHINE FACILITY/370 ~ ROUTINES This publication describes the program logic for the nine VM/370 service routines. Each service routine is described in its own chapter and each chapter contains an introduction, a method of operation section, a program organization section, a directory, a data areas section, and a diagnostic aids section. The nine service aids that are described in this publication are: EREP (the ENVIRONMENTAL Recording, Editing and Printing Program), the 2780 Spool Remote Program, the Minidisk Initialization program, the VDUMP (Virtual Dump) program, the Directory Program, the Format program, the DASD DUMP Restore Program, the IVP (Installation Verification Procedure) and the maintenance procedures. In this publication, the term w3330 series w is used in reference to both the IBM 3330-1 Disk Storage Facility and the IBM 3333-1 Disk Storage Facility. Refer to the following publications for related material: o IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370, Command Language User's Guide, GC20-1804 o IEM Virtual Machine Facility/370, OTSEP and Error Recording Guide, GC20-1809 SY20 LY20 o IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370. Operator's Guide. GC20-1806 o IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370. Planning and System Generation Guide. GC20-1801 o IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370. Sys"tem Messages. GC20-1808 Manual. 347 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0931 3270 FORMATTING ~ FOR BTS, ill 5796-PBD, ~ 3UIDE (FEATURE 8073) This publication describes in detail the BTS 3270 formatting feature. Its mode of operation and its modular interfaces are described. as well as the queues. tables. directories. and control blocks used specifically by the 3270 formatter. It is assumed that the reader of this publication is familiar with the functions and names of BTS modules. IMS/360 application program calls. and the IMS/360 Message Formatting Service. The reader should also be familiar with the publication BTS Batch Terminal Simulator Systems Guide. Order No. LY20-0774. The 3270 Formatting Feature is an expansion of the Batch Terminal Simulator IUP (5796-PBD); which is described in Availability Notice G320-1523. BTS allows IMS batch. batch message and message processing programs to be tested without having teleprocessing hardware installed. The addition of the 3270 Formatting Feature provides the ability to test applications using the IMS Message Formatting Service (MFS) without the use of 3270 hardware. This means that development of new online applications. or conversion of batch programs for online use. can proceed whi.le still in the batch only test/development mode. Manual. 89 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0932 TEST DATA GENERATOR SYSTEMS GUIDE PROGRAM NO. 5796-PBP FEATURE NUMBER 8064 - - - - - - - - - - This manual contains information about the internal logic and organization of the Test Data Generator. It is intended to assist in the maintenance and alteration of the program. Manual. 220 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0937 DATA COMMUNICATIONS ANALYZER (DCANALYZER) PROGRAM NUMBER 5796-~The-Data Communication Analyzer (DCANALYZER) program is designed to assist the user in evaluating design alternatives for IMS data base/data communication systems. It produces relative data on service times and throughput of transactions processed on iterative runs of DCANALYZER under varying design combinations. The user can analyze and compare this data to select the design best suited to his needs. This manual contains information about the internal logic and organization of the DCANALYZER program. It is intended to assist in program maintenance and alteration. Manual. 56 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0946 3270 SCREEN IMAGE PROCESSOR FOR IMS AND IMS/VB - IUP 5ffi-AF'C;SYSTEM GUIDE - - - --- - - The Screen Image Preprocessor is a productivity aid which simplifies the design and implementation of IMS/3270 applications. Each 3270 screen format added to an IMS system necessitates the preparation of many detailed control statements as input to the Message Format Language Utility. Using a Single control statement and onl~ one card image for each line to be represented on the screen. the Preprocessor generates the required IMS input statements. Each line of the screen image is coded exactly as it is to appear on the 3270 screen. Field control information (attribute bytes). which do not appear on the actual screen but occupy one screen character position at the beginning of each field. must also be coded to specify the desired field types. The Preprocessor output includes a printed representation of the screen layout in addition to generated control statements which may be printed or passed to the Utility. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY functions of DBPROTOTYPE. DBPROTOTYPE is a prerequisite for DBPROTOTYP ElVS. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY2o-2043 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM II -- DOS/VS (OMS II) LOGIC MANUAL, ~ PROD. 5736-xCii - - - - - - -OMS II is a set of programs to simplify the implementation of online operations using the 3270 Information Display System. Application specification is simplified by means of OMS II forms. Preprogrammed facilities are provided to perform paging and panel selection. file operations. and data routing. This manual is intended primarily for those responsible for maintaining the programs product. It is designed to be used in conjunction with program listings and flowcharts to understand program logic. Manual, 230 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2045 FASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY FOR THE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL ~ (CICS/VS). LOGIC PROG. NOS. 5746-XX3 (eICS/DOS/VS), 5740-XX1 (CICS/OS/VS): ~ 6019. 6020,6021,6022.6023,6024 The FASTER Language Facility (F.L.F.) feature of CICS/DOS/VS and CICS/OS/VS makes it possible to run most FASTER Transaction ProceSSing Descriptions (TPDs) under CICS/VS. The F.L.F. consists of a set of language macros and proceSSing routines designed as a conversion aid for users of the five FASTER systems. All language macros present in the FASTER programs are also present in the language facility and are designed in the Program Reference Manual. The logic manual primarily describes the functions and the interworking of F.L.F. processing routines. A knowledge of those internal details is not ordinarily needed for dayto-day use of the language facility. Manual, 70 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2050 IMSMAP/VS ill 5796-PCY, ~ GUIDE The Installed User Program IMSMAP/VS is a documentation aid which produces pictorial representations of data base structures. These maps. which are produced on a line printer. graphically represent the many characteristics of an IMS/VS data base. In addition to producing maps. IMSMAPIVS can print a detailed report describing the characteristics of each data base description (DBD). IMSMAP/vS is an extension of the currently available IUP. IMSMAP (5796-PBC). IMSMAP is a prerequisite for IMSMAP/VS. IMSMAP/VS provides both support for IMS/VS data bases and additional features not available in the original IMSMAP IUP. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = LY20-2051 ~ ~ !!!E. 5796-PCZ, ~ ~ BTs/VS is a terminal simulator which allows IMS/VS application programs to be tested without the use of teleprocessing hardware or the IMS DC feature. Extensive de-bugging facilities enable the BTS/vS user to test batch applications. as well as those intended to run in a teleprocessing environment. BTS/vS provides information about each transaction and message as it progresses through the IMS/vS system. The BTS lOP (5796-PBD) is a prerequisite for the use of BTS/VS. The 3270 Formatting Feature. offered as a feature of BTS. extends 3270 simulation capability to both BTS and to BTS/VS. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2052 TEST IMS/vS UTILITIES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL PROG.~796-PDA This publication describes the IMS/VS support product for the Test IMS Utilities. The prerequisite for the use of this product is the Test IMS Utilities (Program Number 5796PBE) and the associated Systems Guide (LY20-0775). The Test IMS utilities include programs to create a test data base. compare an old and a new version of the same data base. list and/or unload all or part of a data base. restructure a data base segment for printing. This publication describes the internal logic of these programs as well as the program used to create and print the segment description module. which contains a physical description of every segment and field in a data base. Manual. 28 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0947 DB PROTOTYPE/VS ~ !Qf 5796-PCX, SYSTEM ~ DBPROTOTYPE/VS is a design evaluation tool which enables the IMS/VS user to create model data bases and skeletal application programs to run against these data bases. By analyzing the performance data obtained from successive runs utilizing different design parameters. the user can select the system deSign best suited to his needs. The value of this prototype approach to design is that LY20- 20 53 it enables the user to study the effects of various design DOSMAP - DLiI DATA BASE MAPPING PROGRAMS SYSTEMS GUIDE ~NO.~6=Pc:w - - - ------ ------- ------ ---alternatives prior to expending resources in implementation. Programming for new or changing applications and data bases The'DL~d~ mapping programs. DBDMAP and PSBMAP. can follow with a higher level of confidence for success build and print maps of DL/I data bases from information without costly rework caused by poor design. contained in the data base descriptiOns (DBOS) and program DBPROTOTYPE/VS operates with IMS/VS. It extends the specification blocks (PSBs). This manual describes the capabilities of DBPROTOTYFE (IUP 5796-PBB) to support IMS/VS internal logic of the DBDMAP and PSBMAP programs. features and incorporates improvements in the existing Manual. 16 pages 272 LY20 LY20 SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Manual, 758 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2064 JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE EDITOR IUP 5796-PDC SISTEMS GUIDE This manual contains inform~tron on the des gn and"COiffng of the Job Control Language Editor. It contains information about the program logic and techniques ~3ed. Manual, 14 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2080 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM (TCS) PROGRAMMING RPQEF0378, ::. ~ NO. 5799~LOGIC This manual describes the internal program logic and operation of the Telecommunications Control System (TCS), whether or not the TeS programming RPQ (PRPQ) EF0378 is used. This programming RPQ is available on special quotation only (see inside front cover). The basic TCS concepts section contains the functional and logical concepts of TeS and places the program in perspective relative to the Operating System (OS/VS) and the Telecommunications Access Method (TeAM). The method of operating section describes functional flows of programs in the TeS environment and also points out those features that are major additions to the TCAM facilities or are deviations from it. The program organization section describes the TCS modules in the form of a table with the information necessary for an understanding of the function of each module and its place relative to other related modules. This section also discusses each TCS macro in great detail, with a fi~re of any created parameter list. Manual, 154 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2094 VMI'370 ~ !:QB ~ ~ ~ !!!2!S LIBRARIES::. 5796-AGN, ~ ~ The VMl370 System for Tape and Disk Libraries is an IUP for the control of user tape and disk libraries. It works online under CMB with commands to control the assignment and accounting for user volumes. The system operator can add, delete, and modify a record associated with a particular mountable volume. It can make a large pool of tapes and disks accessible to a large number of time sharing users by providing the storage location and accounting information available online. The benefits are improved data security, quicker location of volumes, quicker response to mount commands, automatic bookkeeping and impro~ed system control. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications, diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m. LY20-8004 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMB/VS) SYST~AL - VOLUME I - NARRATIVE -~No. 5740-XX2 TiiIs-publlcationisTntended for programming sup~ representatives and system programmers who maintain the IBM Information Management System/Virtual Storage (IMB/VS). It describes each module of the IMS/VS program. It also describes macros used and control blocks. This information is to assist persons who wish to alter the design of these modules. Before reading this manual, yoo should be familiar with OS/VS and its system generation, telecommunications, and the access mthods used by IMS/VS. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-8005 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMB/VS) SYSTEM MANUAL VOLUME II - FLOWCHARTS P~. 5740-XX2 This manual contains lIoWcharts for all modules of the IMS/VS control program. The f1CMcharts ;rere coded using the IBM program OSFLOW. The only symbol on these flowcharts which requires explanation is the # (pound sign). This symbol signifies, ·See note at bottom of flowchart page." Other abbreviations and symbols (for example, GU, meaning Get Unique) are conventional with IMS/VS. This manual follows the outline of Volume I. Manual, 594 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-8007 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL S~TEMlVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS DOS/VS) PROGRAM LOGIC MA AL - PROG. NO. 5746-XX3 The IBMCii'StOmer:-iii'fOriiii'tionControl System/Virtual Storage (CICs/VS) is a transaction oriented, multiapplication data base/data communication interface between a System/370 operating system and user-written application programs. Applicable to most online systems, CICS/vS provides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications: message switching, inquiry, data collection, order entry, and conversational and batched data entry. CICS/vS is available as two program products: CICS/OS/VS, which runs in an OS/VS1 or OS/VS2 environment; and CICS/DOS/VS, which runs under DOS/vS. Because the CICS/DOS/vS system is compatible with the CICS/OS/VS system, it is possible to start with a small DOS/vS data base/data communication configuration and more up through DOS/VS into OS/VS. The information contained in this manual is of interest to persons maintaining and modifying the operation of CICS/DOS/VS. Manual, 670 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-8010 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/vIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL VOLUME 1 - PROG. PROD. 5740-XX7 This publication is Volume 1-of atii'ree-vo1u~1. Volume 2 is LY20-8011; Volume 3 is LY20-8012. This manual outlines and details the internal logic of GIS/VS. The organization of the manual reflects the design structure of interfaCing program units of the system. When applicable, the manual includes diagnostic comments to assist in isolating faulty operation and also contains modification aids to assist the user in making minor changes to the system. Manual, 494 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-8011 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/vIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) ~ !&ili MANUAL ~ ~ ::. ~ NO. 5749-XX7 This publication is Volume 2 of a three-volume manual. Volume 1 is LY20-8010; Volume 3 is LY20-8012. This manual outlines and details the internal logiC of GIS/VS. The organization of the manual reflects the design structure of interfaCing program units of the system. When applicable, the manual includes diagnostic comments to assit in isolating faulty operation and also contains modification aids to assist the user in making minor changes to the system. Manual, 436 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY29-8012 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL VOLUME 3 - PROG. No:-5'7iiO-xx=rThis pubUcation-rs-v0I'Uiii'e"3-of ii'fiiree-volume Manual. Volume 1 is LY20-8010; Volume 2 is LY29-8911. This manual outlines and details the internal logic of GIS/VS. The organization of the manual reflects the design structure of interfacing program units of the system. When applicable, the manual includes diagnostic comments to assist in isolating faulty operation and also contains modification aids to assist the user in making minor changes to the system. Manual, 419 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY29-8013 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) ~!&lli ~ SUPPLEMENT FOR THEADVANCED QUERY FEATURE PROG. NO. 5749-XX7 This manuar-Bupp1ements the three volume Program Logic Manual (LY20-8010, LY20-8011, LY20-8012). It is intended for users of the Advanced Query Feature. Manual, 80 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-80111 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL SUPPLEMENT FOR THE"MOi5IFY FEATURE PRoG:'"NO:-mO~ --- ---This manual supplements the three volume Program Logic Manual (LY20-8010, LY20-8911, LY20-8012). It is intended for users of the Modify Feature. Manual, 27 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-8006 CICS/OS/VS PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL, ~ ~ 5740-XXl The IBM Customer Information CoD:.rol System/Virtual Storage, (CICS/VS) is a transaction-oriented, multiapplication data base/data communication interface between a system/370 operating system and user-written application programs. It is available as two program products: CICS/OS/VS, which runs in an OS/VSl or OS/VS2 environment; and CICS/DOS/vS, which LY29-8915 runs under DOS/VS. Applicable to most online systems, GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) CICS/VS provides many of the facilities necessary for PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL SUPPLEMENT FOR THE "UPi5ATE/~ standard terminal application: message switching, inquiry, ~ =PR5G~5740-XX7 data collection, order entry, and conversational and batch This manual supplements the three volume Program Logic data entry. Manual (LY20-8919, LY29-8911, LY20-8012). The information contained in this manual is of interest It is intended for users of the Update/Create Feature. to persons maintaining and modifying the operation of Manual, 119 pages CleS/OS/vS. 273 LY20 SY24 program Logic Manual, 88 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY20-8500 IBM SYSTEW370 DISTRIBUTED ~ PROGRAM ::. ~ LOGIC MANU/\'L - PROGRAM NUMBER 360A-TX-032 This publICitIOn is intended for system programmers and people who want to understand Systeml310 DSP internal operations. It describes the units of processing (functions) and units of code (modules) of System/310 DSP. Systeml370 DSP, enables a Systeml310 or Systeml360 and multiple Systeml1s, interconnected via a start-stop TP link, to function as an integrated system with distributed facilities. Systeml370 DSP provides Systeml310 or SysteIril360 users of OS MFT or MVT systems with 'twenty external functions. The functions are invoked ~ subrouting calls which can be made from any region or partition by programs written with os Assembler, FORTRAN, or PLll languages. SysteIril310 DSP provides System/7 users with nine external functions. They are invoked by executing macro statements as supported by the Systeml1 Host Preparation Facility II (HPPFII). This publication is divided into the following sections: Introduction, Method of Operation, program Organization, Directory, Data Areas, and Diagnostic Aids. The last section dicusses how to find the causes of errors that are detected during Systeml370 DSP processing. The System/370 or System/360 reader is expected to be familiar with OS MVT or MFT processing with multiple subtasking capabilities using the STAM, BDAM, and BSAM access methods. The Systeml7 reader is expected to be familiar with Systeml1 MSP/7 processing, using the $COMM and #COMM MSP/7 support of the Asynchronous CommUnication Control Adapter (ACCA) feature. Manual, 465 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY21-0012 OS BSAM LOGIC FOR IBM 1419/1215 This-publication-describes the logic of the basic sequential access method (BSAM) routines required to use the IBM 1419 Magnetic Char. Reader and the IBM 1275 Optical Char. Reader with the MFT, MVT, and VS optiOns of the operating system (OS). It is intended for IBM customer engineers and for programmers who must understand or modify 1419/1215 BSAM routines. /\. general understanding of os and data management and an understanding of how to write 1419/1215 programs is required to use this publication. See OS Data Management Services i Macro Instructions for IBM 1419/1215, GC21-5006 for information on how to write programs for the 1419 and 1275. Manual, 74 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY2l-0013 OS DATA MANAGEMENT MACRO LOGIC FOR IBM 1285/1287/1288 ThiS-publication describes the internal program logic for the MFT, MVT, VSl and VS2 support of the IBM 1285, the IBM 1287, and the IBM 1288. The support includes modules to read documents with BSAM and journal tapes with QSAM. This publication is intended for use by IBM programming systems representatives involved in program ma:lntenance and by programmers needing information on the logic of the 1285/128111288 data management routines~ Manual, 91 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY21-0014 IBM DOS ~ !! LANGUAGE ~ ~ ~ PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-RG1 ThisJPUblication describes the internal logic of the RPG II compiler, object program, and formatted dump program. It is intended as a recall mechanism and a debugging aid. As a debugging aid, this manual serves best as a guide to sequences of instructions found in the coding of the program. This manual is divided into three parts describing the internal logic of the RPG II program. The first part describes the RPG II compiler, the second part describes the object'program, and the third part the RPG II formatted dump program. Each part includes the following areas: o Introduction. o Method of Operation. o program Organization. o Directory. o Data Areas. The information necessary to implement the program is not included in this publication. Manual, 240' pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY21-0021 IBM SYSTEM/360 IBM 1288 BASIC UNFORMATTED READ SYSTEM PROGRAM LOGIC "MAN'UALP'ROGRAMNUMBER 5136-U~ - - Thispublication describes the internal logic of the data capture program. This includes the follo~ing areas: Method of operation Program organization Data area formats This manual is intended as a recall mechanism and a debugging aid. It does not include information necessary to implement the program. LY21-0022 !!H ~ BASIC UNFORMATTED ~ ~ (MFT/MVT/VS1/VS2): LOGIC MANUAL. PROG. NO. 5734-UT3 This PLM is written primarIly for persons responsible for the maintenance of the program. It is intended as a recall mechanism and a debugging aid. As a debugging aid, this manual serves best as a guide to sequences of instructions found in the coding of the program. This publication describes the internal logic of the IBM 1288 Basic Unformatted Read system and includes the following items: -Method of Operation -Program Organization -Data Area Formats The information necessary to implement the program is not included in this publication. program Logic Manual, 88 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY21-9203 APPLICATION CONTROL LANGUAGE SUPPORT LOGIC MANUAL (FOR IBM 374'f"'M5DELs 3 i 4 PROGRAMMINGWORK STATION) This publica tiOilI'Sintended for IBM programming support representives when servicing an IBM 3741 MODEL 3 or 4 Programmable Work Station for microcode defects. This publication discusses the application control language (ACL) used on the work station and contains theory on how the work station's microcode works, source to object code conversion, information on the operation of each ACL instruction, a storage map and description of the system controlled storage. information for using the diagnostic aids, and information on some debugging aids that were not in the customer publications. The reader should be familiar with the contents of the IBM 3141 Models 3 and 4 Programmable Work Station programr ming Reference Manual, GA21-9194. Manual, 240 page s SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY24-3606 IBM EMULATOR FOR HONEYWELL SERIES 200 ON SYSTEM/370 USING !!2§ ! OOS/vS: LOGIC, PROG. NO. 5799=Ai5T -This publication describes the internal logic of the Honeywell Series 200 Emulator Program, an integrated emulator program, for the IBM System/310 Models 135 and 145. The emulator is a problem program that is executed under control of the IBM Disk Operating System (OOS). The emulator program, together with the appropriate compatibility feature (RPQ S00120 for the Model 135, RPQ S00121 for RPQ S00122 for the Model 145), executes most HOneywell series 200 object programs without modification on a Bystem/370. FOr additional information, refer to IBM Emulator for Honeywell Series 200 on Systeml370 Using DOS, GA24-3604. Manual, 375 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY24-3601 EMULAXOR FOR RCA 301 ON SYSTEM/370 USING DOS i DOS/VS: -- - --LO'GI'CPROG. No. ffi9=ioR ThIs Logic Manual describes the internal logic of the RCA 301 Emulator Program, an integrated emulator program, for the IBM Systeml310 Model 135 or 145. The emulator program isa problem program that is executed under control of the System/360 Disk Operating System. The emulator program, together with the appropriate compatibility feature (RPQ SOOl18 for the Model 135, RPQ S00119 for the Model 145), executes most RCA 201 object programs without modification on a System/370. FOr additional information, refer to IBM Emulator for RCA 301 on Systeml370 Using DOS, GA24-3605. Manual, 315 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY24-5154 OOS OLTEP LOGIC This reference publication describes the internal logic of the IBM Systeml360 Disk Operating 2system On-Line Test Executive program (OLTEP). It is for persons involved in program maintenance and programmers who are altering the program design. , For titles and abstracts of associated publications, see the IBM SYSTEW360 AND SYSTEW370 BIBLIOGRAPHY (GA22- 6822). Manual, 172 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-5155 OS/vS1 SUPERVISOR LOGIC ThIs manual describes the purpose and function of the VSl supervisor and its relationship to the control program. The major areas of the supervisor are identified as interrupt management, task management, contents management, virtual storage management, page management, timer management, and overlay management. Each of the routines related to these fUnctions, the data areas used by the supervisor~ and the diagnostic aids for maintaining the system are described in detail. Two appendixes provide information on program' 274 SY24 LY26 Fetch, time slicing, shared DASD, extended precision floating point decimal simulator, generalized trace facility, and system management facility. This manual does not discuss 1/0 supervision, checkpointlrestart, or recovery management services. Persons interested in determining sources of errors within or making changes to the internal logic of the VS1 supervisor should .read this manual. This manual is also written as a reference tool for educational purposes. Readers must be familiar with programming techniques and the operating principles of VS1. Prerequisite reading: IBM System/370 System Summary. Manual, 384 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Knowledge of the information in the following publication is required for an understanding of this publication: OS/VSl Planning and Use Guide, GC24-5090 OS/VSl JCL Services, GC24-5100 OS/VSl JCL Reference. GC24-5099 OS/VS1 Supervisor services and Macro Instructions, GC24-5103 Manual. 800 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-5162 OS/VS IBM 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER MODEL 1 LOGIC roMi?ONENT NOS. mI=Scl-, 5742 SCI=:--s152=S'C1--D-L-This publication, when used With program listings, meets the documentation requirements of support personnel who maintain the Operating System/Virtual Storage (OS/VS) support for the ~M 3886 Model 1 under the Basic Sequential Access Method (BSAM). The publication describes the modules that form the IBM Systeml370 OS/VS support for the IBM 3886. Manual, 56 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-5156 . OS/vSl 1/0 SUPERVISOR LOGIC MANUAL This manual describes. the Internal logic or the OS/VS 1/0 supervisor. It is intended to be us ed bi" program support customer engineers and system programmers who alter program design. The 1/0 supervisor starts, monitors, and, when necessary, restarts 1/0 operations. This manual is comprised of 7 sections: Introductiom InforIlB yO\1 of the 1/0 supervisor's services and overall operation. 2. Method of Operation: Provides high level RIPO (Hierarchy plus Input-Process-output) diagrams that describe the operation of the I/O supervisor and guide you into the program listing. 3. Program Organization: Contains functional organization charts of the 1/0 supervisor, and flowcharts of new or particularly complex routines. 4. Directories: Provides cross-reference lists. 5. Data Areas: Contains descriptions of the data areas that are used primarily by the I/O supervisor. 6. Diagnostic Aids: Contains information to help you interpret the program listing. 7. Appendixes: Supplements both this manual and the program listing. Included are descriptions of SVC routines and optional features, error recording information, error recovery routines, list of abbreviations, and a glossary. Manual, 184 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L. SY24-Sl59 ~ CHECKPOINT/RESTART LOGIC Provides a reference to the checkpoint and restart routines For persons involved in program maintenance, and for system programmers who are altering the program design .• Sections included give a brief introuduction, major functions, control flow, pointers to the listings, data areas used, and messages issued by the checkpoint and restart routines. prerequisite publications: o OS/VS Checkpoint/Restart, GC26-3784 o OS/vSl JCL Services, GC24-5100 Manual, 44 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-5163 OS/VS IBM 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR LOGIC ThIs publication when used with the program listings, provides the documentation reqUirements of support personnel who service the Operating System/Virtual Storage (OS/VS) support for the IBM 3890 Document Processor under the Queued Sequential Access Method (QSAM). This publication describes the following modules that form the IBM system/370 OS/VS support for the IBM 3890: o OPEN. Executor for the IBM 3890 o SETDEV module o GET Module o SYNCH Module o CNTRL Module o ERP (error recovery procedure) module Manual. 40 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY24-5164 OS/VSl MASTER INDEX OF LOGIC The Master Index of Logic 1S a consolidation of the indexes of the system logic publications of OS/VS1. Items are listed alphabetically and refer to the manual that contains the ori~inal index entry. By going to the referenced manual's index the page number of the item can be found. Index, 400 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-5165 OS/VS DISKETTE COpy PROGRAMMING SUPPORT PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL,. PROG NOS. 5744-BJ1,BLl SY24-5160 OS/VS1 IPL ~ ~ COMPONENT ~ 5741-SC1-Cl. -C8 Describes the internal logic of the OS/vsl Initial Program Loader (IPL) and Nucleus Initialization program (NIP) for persons involved in program maintenance, and for system programmers who are altering the program design .• Sections included in this reference manual provide the reader with introductory information abo~t IPL and NIP, their functions, their routLles, cross-references to the listings, data areas used, messages issued, and possible wait state codes. Prerequisite Publications: o IBM System/370 System summary, GA22-700l. o OS/VSl Planning and Use Guide, GC24-5090. Program Logic Manual, 152 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m --- --- -- A program logic Manual describes the internal deSign or logic of the sUbject program. The~e manuals are intended for persons involved in program maintenance and system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the operation of the program~ therefore, distribution of these publications should be limited to persons with maintenance and alteration requirements. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = SY24-5166 22LY2! !!Q§1£ EQB !!lli ~ DISKETTE INPUT/OUTPUT .!lli.ll: This publication documents the internal operation of the programs that support operation of the IBM 3540 Diskette Input/Output Unit un~er OS/VS1. It helps the programmer follow the internal operation of the programs to determine the location of a program malfunction. Manual, 100 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-5161 OSIVSl JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC V3 ThIs-publication supplements-rhe program listings and makes the information in the listings easier to access. It is for persons involved in program maintenance, providing them with: o hierachal overview of the job management functions to show how they operate. o functional system flow to illustrate the functions performed by the various job management modules. The user of this publication should be familiar with OS/VSl concepts and terminology, which can be found in the prerequisite publications listed here. An appendix, Dictionary of Abbreviations, is also included. This publication assumes a knowledge of the OSIVSl job management functions. The section Method of Operation presents a hierarchical view of the job management functions and serves as a directory to the more detailed figures in the section Program Organization. The Program Organization section can be used alone or with the figures in the section Method of Operation to follow the functions performed by the modules. 275 SY24-5l67 OSIVS2 LOGIC FOR IBM 3540 DISKETTE INPUT/OUTPUT UNIT This publication dOCum~tstheiiiternal operation of the prog~ams that support operation of the IBM 3540 Diskette Input/output Unit under OS/vS2. It helps the programmer follow the internal operation of the programs to determine the location of a program malfunction. Manual, 150 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3737 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM TIME SHARIOO OPTION ASSEMBLER PROMPTER PROGRAM LOGIC'MAN~ - - 'PROGRAM"NUMBER 5734~ - - - - This man~scribes the assembler prompter, a program product that operates only under the Time Sharing Option (TSO) of the IBM Systeml360 Operating System. The assembler prompter consists of two modules that interact with the TSO terminal monitor program (TMP), the parse service routine (IKJPARS), the dynamic allocation interface routine (IKJDAIR), the PUTLINE service routine, and the stack service routine. This manual discusses how the assembler prompter interacts with these routines to SY26 LY26 analyze the ASM command and to allocate data sets required by the assembler. It also discusses how the prompter passes control to the assembler. The manual assumes that the reader knows the ASM command, its operands, and how to use the command as described in the IBM SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM: TIME SHARING OPTION ASSEMBLER PROMPTER USER'S GUIDE (SC26-3740). The book also assumes that the reader is fami.liar with the assembler language and the concepts of TSO as described in I IBM SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM: ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE (GC28-6514) IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: TIME SHARING OPTION GUIDE (GC2 8-6698) IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: TIME SHARING OPTION COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE (GC28-6732) IBM SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM: TIME SHARING OPTION GUIDE TO WRITING A TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM OR A COMMAND PROCESSOR (GC28-6764) This manual is intended for people imrolved in program maintenance, and its distribution is limited to licencees doing maintenance work. Program logic inforp~tion is not necessary to use the program. Manual, 56 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3760 as ASSEMBLER H LOGIC PROG. NO. 5734-ASl This publicatIon describes the internal logic and operation of Assembler H running under the IBM System/360 Operating System. In addition to descriptive text, this publication contains detailed flowcharts, figures showing the formats of internal tables and data areas, a microfiche directory, and a number of appendixes containing related reference documenta tion. Program Logic Manuals are intended for IBM CUstomer Engineers concerned with program maintenance or alteration, and system programmers concerned with system design. The reader should be familiar with the IBM System/360 Operating system and with the functions of an assembler. Program Logic Manual, 320 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3814 OS/VS LOADER LOGIC T~publication describes the internal logic and organization of the OS/VS Loader program. It is intended for persons involved in maintaining or modifying the loader. It is not required for normal use and operation of the program described. Before using this publication, the reader must be familiar with OS/VS Linkage Editor and Loader, GC26-3813, and OS/VS and DOS/VS Assembler Language, GC33-4010. corequisite publications include OS/VSl Storage Estimates, GC24-5094, or OS/VS2 Storage Estimates, GC28-0604, and OS/VSl System Data Areas, SY28-0605, or OS/VS2 System Data Areas, SY28-0606. Manual, 167 pages SLSS ~ ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY OS/VS OS/VS OS/VS OS/VS SY26-3826 OS/VS2 ~ MANAGEMENT ~ This manual is intended for maintenance personnel and development programmers who require an in-depth knowledge of OS/vS2 Catalog Management's design, organization, data areas. and diagnostic information. The manual describes the internal logic of OS/VS Catalog management and contains diagnostic information, data area descriptions, and figures and tables that show the relationship between various parts of the program. OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Programmer's Guide. GC26-3838, and OS/VS Access Method Services, GC263836, are prerequisites. Manual, 320 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Linkage Editor and Loader, GC26- 3813 Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3783 ata Management Macro Instructions. GC26-3793 JCL Reference, GC28-0618 OS/VSl System Data Areas, SY28-0605, or OS/VS2 System Data Areas, SY28-0606, describes data areas used by the linkage editor. Manual, 232 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3820 OS/VS2 CHECKPOINT/RESTART LOGIC This book describes the logic of the OS/VS2 routines that take a checkpoint and restart a job at a checkpoint. The major parts of this book and the information in them are as follows: o IntrodUction - describes the checkpoint/restart routines in general terms and briefly tells what they do. o Method of Operation - describes the operations performed by checkpoint/restart routines and the input to and output from those operation. o Program Organization - shows the flow of control between the modules of checkpoint/restart and SY26-3823 OS/VS2 I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC rntefidea-as an aid in troubleshooting the OS/vS2 I/O supervisor, the component responsible for communicating with the system's I/O devices. Contains two paths to the microfiche listings: a tutorial path, to make the listings meaningful to the reader lacking a basic understanding of the I/O supervisor's function and design, and a diagnostic path, to get the knowledgeable reader from a dump, a message, or an error code as near the source of error as possible. The chapters that make up the tutorial path name and classify the collars of the I/O supervisor, tell how the callers ask for services, and describe how the I/O supervisor performs the services. The chapters that make up the diagnostic path show the diagnostic output of I/O supervisor procedures and give the flow-of-control between the procedures. Contains two appendixes: the first describes the logic of the OS/vS2 EXCP processor, a component that communicates the requests of some IBM access methods to the IBM access methods to the I/O supervisor, the second gives an overview of the error recovery processing that is done following an I/O error. Related Publication: OS/VS2 Scheduler and Supervisor Logic, SY28-0621 listings, this publication allows the reader to maintain or make changes to the I/O supervisor when necessary. Related publications include OS/VS2 Supervisor Manual, 140 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3825 OS/VS2 VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (VSAM) LOGIC ThIs manual Is Intended'""lOrliiaIntenance personnel and development programmers who require an in-depth knowledge of OS/VS2 VSAMl2 design, organization, and data areas. The virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) is an access method for use with OS/VS for data stored on direct-access storage devices. The manual describes the internal logic of VSAM and contains module directories and diagnostic information. It should be used with the program listings and with the VSAM microfiche cross-reference tables that show which program m~dules reference the fields of data areas, which modules issue the macros used by VSAM, and how control flows between program procedures. OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Programmer's Guide. GC26-3838, is a prerequisite. Manual, 300 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3815 OS/VS LINKAGE EDITOR LOGIC This publication describes the internal organization and logic of the OS/VS linkage editor. The linkage editor, a processing program, combines and edits modules to produce a load module that can be loaded into virtual storage by the control program. This publication is intended for persons involved in the maintenance and modification of the linkage editor, it is not required for the normal use and operation of the programs described. The following publications are required for an understanding of the linkage editor: o o o o describes the major operations performed by each module. o Data Areas - shows the data areas used by checkpoint/restart routines. o Diagnostic Aids - Lists the messages, message codes, and return codes generated by checkpoint/ restart modules. o Modules Directory - lists each checkpoint/restart modules and refers to a figure in "Program Organization" or "Method of Operation" that describes each module. This book is intended for use by programming systems representatives and system programmers maintaining checkpoint/restart routines. A general understanding of how the user requests that a checkpoint be taken and restarts his job is prerequisite knowledge for understanding the information in this book. see OS/VS Checkpoint/Restart, GC26-3784, for this type of information. Manual, 115 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 276 SY26-3827 OS/vS2 OPEN/CL SE/EOV LOGIC This publ cation s intended for system programmers and people who want to understand the Open/Close/End-of-Volume (EOV) (fUnctions). Open opens a data set by linking system control blocks so that the access methods can perform the input/output operations. EOV applies these linkages when the end of a volume of a multivolume data set is reached and performs end-of-data processing. Close closes a data set by restoring the system control blocks to the contents they had before the data set was opened. SY26 SY26 The book is divided into the following sections~ Introduction, Method of Operation, Program organization, Directory, Data Areas, and diagnostic Aids. The latter section discusses how to use a set of routines called Problem Determination to find the causes of errors that occur during Open/Close/EOV processing. Te reader is expected to be familiar with os Data Management, as described in OS/VS Data Management Services 3uide, GC26-3783. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3828 Q~~g DADSM LOGIC, COMPONENT NO. 5742-SC!=QI! AND 5752-SC1-D4 This:manual provides detailed information about the directaccess device space management (DADSM) routines. The DADSM routines allocate and release space on a direct-access volume by altering the volume table of contents. This publication describes how these routines operate and how they relate to each other and to the control program (OS/VS); it also describes data set control blocks, which make up the volume table of contents. The intended audience is persons who support the DADSM routines and system programmers who wish to alter the design of these routines. Cross-references to module names and to labels, within each module of the DADSM routines are provided, as are descriptions of data areas, and methods of diagnOSing DADSM problems. Prerequisite Publications: For how-to and reference information on allocating, extending, and releasing space as direct-access volumes: OS/VS1 JCL, GC28-0692 For reference information on space allocation: OS/VS Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3783. For reference and how-to information on deleting data sets (SCRATCH macro), renaming data sets (RENAME macro), obtaining access to DSCBs (OBTAIN macro) and providing passwork protection for data sets (PROTECK macro): OS/VS2 System Programming Library: Data Management GC26-3830 Manual, 150 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3831 ~ ~ LOGIC, COMPONENT NO. 5742-SC1~ AND 5752-SC1-D7 This book describes the internal logic of the Basic Direct Access Method (BDAM) for OS/VS2. It is intended as a reference book for IBM Programming Support Representatives and system programmers who maintain or alter BDAM routines. A general knowledge of data management is required for understanding the information in this book. See OS/VS Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3783, for background information on data management. Manual, 140 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY their execution by moving data between a user's buffer ana the VIO buffer. VIO uses paging I/O to cause the pages in the VIO buffer to be intermittently paged in or out of main storage as required. To thoroughly understand the logic involved in VIO proceSSing, this book should be used with either listings, or microfiche of compiled VIO source code. The following are prerequisite publications: o For information about ASM processing in support of VIO, see OS/VS2 Auxiliary Storage Management (ASM) Logic, SY35-0009 o For an orientation to the os/vs2 system, see OS/Vs2 Planning Guide for Release 2, GC28-0667 o FOr information about job management, task management, real storage management (RSM), virtual storage management (VSM), and recovery/termination management (RTM) and their support of VIO proceSSing, see OS/VS2 Scheduler and Supervisor Logic, SY28-0621 o FOr information about I/O appendages, see OS/VS2 System Programming Library: Data Management, GC26-3830. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3836 Q§/VS1 ~ ~ ::. ~ ~ 5741-SC1-P7 This book describes the internal logic of the Basic Direct Access Method (BDAM). It is intended as a reference book for IBM programming support representatives and system programmers maintaining BDAM routines and for customer system programmers modifying BDAM routines. A general knowledge of data management and OS/VS is required for understanding the information in this book. See OS/VS Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3783, for backrground information about data management and OS/vS1 Planning and Use Guide, GC24-5090, for information about OS/vS1. Manual, 110 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3837 OS/VSl DADSM LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBER 5741-SCl-D4 This manual provides detailed-rnformation about the direct access device space management (DADSM) routines. The DAD5M routines allocate and release space on a direct access volume by alterin;J the volume table of contents. rhis publication describes how these routines operate and how they relate to each other and the the system control program OS/VS1); it also describes data set control blocks which make up the volume table of contents. The intended audience is persons who support the DADSM routines and system programmers who wish to alter the design of these routines. Cross-references to module names and to labels within each module of the DADSM routines are provided, as are descriptions of data areas, and methods of diagnosing DADSM problems. Prerequisite publications: o SY26-3832 OS/VS2 SAM LOGIC ThIs-manual-contains a general description of the Get, Put, Write and associated modules for QSAM, BSAM, and BPAM. SAM executors and appendages are also described. The manual is intended for use by persons involved in programming support and system programmers who are altering the program design. The SAM routines used for optical character readers, and magnetic character readers are discussed in separate publications, in the IBM Systern/360 and System/370 Bibliography, GA22-6822. These publications are prequisites for this publication: o OS/vS2 Planning Guide, for OS/VS2, GC28-0667. o OS/VS Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3783. Manual, 283 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3833 OS/VS2 ISAM LOGIC-COMPONENT NO. 5742-SC1-D8 Thrs-publication describes t~program logic of the two index sequential access methods: the queue indexed sequential access method (QISAM) and the basic indexed sequential access method (BISAM). It also discusses the relationship of indexed sequential access method routines to other parts of the control program. This publication is intended for personnel supporting or modifying ISAM. These publications are prerequisite to this publication: o OS/VS Data Management Services 3uide, Gc26-3783 o OS/VS Data Management Macro Instructions, GC26-3793 Manual, 288 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3834 OS/VS2 VIO LOGIC ThIS-bo~describes what the VIO processor does and how it operates. It is intended for IBM programming support representatives and system programmers who are learning about, supporting, or modifying the VIO logic. They should be thoroughly familiar with the OS/vS2 environment and with channel programming. VIO enables system-named temporary data sets to reside in external page storage and to be processed using paging I/O. VIO interprets regular I/O reqllests and simulates For how to and reference information on allocating extending and releasing space on direct-access volumes: OS/vS1 JCL services, GC24-5100, and OS/VS1 JCL Reference, GC24-5099. o For reference information on space allocation: OS/VS Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3783. o For reference and how-to information on deleting data sets (SCRATCH macro), renaming data sets (RENAME macro), obtaining access to DSCBs (OBTAIN macro) and providing password protection for data sets (PROTECT macro): o For general information about the operating system: OS/VSl Planning and Use Guide, GC24-5090 o For details about the system Management Facilities (SMF) records: OS/VS System Management Facilities (SMF), GC35-0004 o For reference and how-to information on using IEHLIST, OS/VS utilities, Gc35-0005 OS/vSl Data Management for System Programmers, GC26-3837. ~op shipped to major users; minimal supply available at IBM Distribution Center to meet other requirements. Manual, 147 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3838 OS/VS1 ISAM LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBER 5741-SC1-D8 This publIcation describes the program logic of the two indexed sequential access methods: the queued indexed sequential access method (QISAM) and the basic indexed sequential access method (BISAM). It also discusses the relationship of indexed sequential access method routines to other parts of the control program. This publication is intended for personnel supporting or modifying ISAM. These publications are prerequisite to this publication. o OS/VS Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3783 OS/VS Data Management Macro Instructions, GC26-3793 o Manual, 288 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3839 OS/vSl OPEN/CLOSE/EO V LOGIC This publication describes the functions (units of processing) and modules (unit of code) of the Open/Close/End-of Volume portion of the operating system. 277 SY26 It also describes the relationship of Open/Close/EOV to the portions of the operating system that give control to and receive control from it.. Open/Close/EOV modifies system control blocks, and mounts and verifies volumes so that 1/0 operations can be performed. This publication is divided into seven sections: Introduction, Methoa of Operation, Program Organization, Module Directory, Data Areas, Diagnostic Aids, and Appendix. This book uses DCB and ACB as interchangeable terms. Where is is necessary to refer to both control blocks, they are referred to as DCB/ACB or DCB or ACB. DCB is used as the prefix for all fields within these control blocks (for example, DCBMACRF). The ACB is used by the job entry subsystem (JES) and by the virtual storage access method (VSAM) to logically connect the system program or a user's program to a data set, in the same way that a DCB is used. Manual, 240 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3840 OS/VSl SAM LOGIC The inforamtion is this manual is intended for programming support customer engineers and programmers who require specific information about (QSAM) queued sequential access method, (BASAM) basic sequential access method, and (BPAM) basic partitioned access method routines. A general understanding of data management is prerequisite knowledge for understanding the information in this book. See OS/VS Data Management Services Guide, GC263783, for baCkground information on data management. The manual is organized into six sections: Introduction, Method of Operation, Directory, Data Areas, Program Organization and Flow of Control, and Appendixes. Manual, 232 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3841 OS/vS1 VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (VSAM) LOGIC This-boOkisTntended for maintenaiiCe personnel and development programmers who require an in-depth knowledge of OS/VS1 VSAM's design, organization, data areas, and diagnostic information. The book describes the internal logic of the OS/VS1 Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) and contains diagnostiC information, data area descriptions, and figures and tables that show the relationship between various parts of the program. OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Programmmer's Guide, GC26-3838, and OS/VS Access Methoa Services, GC26-3836, are prerequisite books. Manual, 453 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY27-7198 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING ~ ~~ ~ FOR SYSTEMl370 ~ ~ ~ 168 (LOGIC), PIN 360S-DN-539 This manual describes the internal operations of the Machine-Check Handler (MCH) for the IBM Systeml370 Models 155 and 165. MCH is a standard component of the MFT and MVT versions of Systeml360 Operating System when used with the Models 155 and 165. This manual is written for persons ;,rho maintain the program or who are altering the program's design. Its primary purpose is to serve as a guide to the program listings. Program Logic Manual, 192 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY27-7228 7074 OS EMULATOR ON MODELS 165/168 - LOGIC FROG. NOS":"3'6OC-EU-"739 (OS), 5744-AK1 (VS!.&. YS2) This publication describes the internal logic of the IBM 7074 Emulator Program for the IBM Systeml370 Models 165 and 168. The emulator program is a problem program that executes under the MFT, MVT, VS1, or VS2 configuration of the Operating System. The IBM Compatibility Feature #7117 must be installed on the model you use. The emulator program executes object programs written for the IBM 7074 Data Processing System. Major topics in this publication are the logic of the emulator program; the relationships among the emulator program, the compatibility feature, and the operating system; and the logic of tape formatting programs used in conjunction with the emulator. This publication is a reference manual for persons responsible for emulator program maintenance. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY27 used in conjunction wi th the emulator. This publication is a reference manual for persons responsible for emulator program maintenance. Readers should be experienced with the IBM 7080 Data Processing System and have a working knowledge of the MFT or MVT configuration of the IBM System/360 Operating System. Systems Library, 204 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-7230 VIDEO/370 !&2!£ MANUAL ~ ~ 5734-RC5, 5736-Rq This manual presents the logic of VIDEO/370, which allows direct data entry through the use of IBM 3270 display stations. It describes the functions of VIDEO/370, the r~utines that perform the functions, and the data areas used by the routines. Information for diagnosing problems with the VIDEO/370 sample program is also included. This book is intended for use by IBM program service representatives, Field Engineering education, SDD product programmers, DPD system engineers, or customers performing similar functions. Manual, 224 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = GY27-7237 IBM SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM: MACHINE-CHECK HANDLER FOR 8Y~370 MODELS 135 AND 145 (LOGIC), PIN 360s=nN=539 Th:s:manual describeS the Internal operations of the Machine-Check Handler (MCH) for the IBM Systeml370 Models 135 and 145. MCH is a standard component of the MFT version of the Systeml360 Operating System when used with the Model 135 or the Model 145. This manual is written for persons who maintain the program or who are altering the program's design. Its primary purpose is to serve as a guide to the program listings. program logic manual, 128 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY27-7238 7074 OS EMULATOR ON MODELS 155/158 LOGIC PROG. Nos:--3"6oC-EU-"741 (OS); 5744-AJ1 (VS1, VS2) This manual describes the internal logic of the IBM 7074 Emulator Program for the IBM Systeml370 Model 155. The emulator program is a problem program that executes under the MFT or MVT configuration of the IBM System/360 Operating System. The IBM Compatibility Feature #7117 must be installed on the Model 155. This manual describes how the emulator program executes object programs written for the IBM 7074 Data Processing System. Major topics are the logic of the emulator program; the relationship among the emulator programs, the c~mpatibility feature, and the operating system; the logic of the tape formatting programs used in conjunction with the emulator and the logic of the compatibility feature. This publica tion is a reference manual for persons responsible for maintenance of the emulator program, tape formatting programs, and compatibility feature. Readers should be experienced with the IBM 7074 Data Processing System and have a working knowledge of the MFT or MVT configuration of the IBM Systeml360 Operating System. Manual, 228 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY S'127-7239 OSIVS RECOVERY MANAGEMENT 5741=S~742-SC1-CE ~ LOGIC =COMPONENT NOS. This publication aescribes three recovery management programs that are part of OS/VS: o The Machine-Check Handler, a program that processes machine-check interruptions. Depending on the serverity of the malfunction, the Machine-Check Handler (1) restores the system to normal operation, (2) terminates tasks associated with the malfunction so the system can resume processing, or (3) places the system in a wait state. In all caseS, the Machine-Check Handler writes diagnostic messages and error records. o The Channel-Check Handler, a program that receives control after the detection of a channel data check, channel control check, or interface control check. The Channel-Check Handler analyzes the channel error and provides the results of this analysis to the appropriate error recovery proceaure and to the operator and system maintenance personnel. o Dynamic Device Reconfiguration, a program that permits a demountable volume to be moved from one device to another and repositioned. This method is used to bypass I/O errors and avoid abnormally terminating the affected job or reloading the system. Manual, 164 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY27-7229 7080 Q§. ~ ill! MODELS 165/168: ~L ~ ~ 360C-EU-737 (MFT/MVT), 5744-AL1 (VS1/VS2) This manual describes the internal logic of the IBM 7080 Emulator Program for the IBM Systeml370 Model 165. The emulator program is a problem program that executes under the MFT and MVT configuration of the IBM Sys·teml360 operating System. The IBM Compatibility Feature #7118 must S'127-7240 be installed on the Model 165. Q2Cl2 GRAPHICS ~ METHOD !&§!£ ~ The emulator program executes object programs written Describes the internal logic of the Graphics Access Method for the IBM 7080 Data Processing System. Major topics are (GAM) for the IBM 2250 Display Unit, Models 1 and 3, and the the logic of the emulator program; the relationships among IBM 2260 Display Station (Local Attachment). Areas of the the emulator program, the compatibility feature, and the program that perform specific functions are identified and operating system; and the logic of tape formatting programs related to the program listings. 278 SY27 GY27 GAM consists of input/output and control routines that are part of the graphic programming services for the 2250 display unit and the 2260 display statio~ The GAM routines perform three major functionsl o Graphic data management (including buffer management) Input/output control o o Attention handling (bot;h basic and express) This program logic manual is directed to the IBM customer engineer, who maintains the program, and to the system programmer, who may wish to alter the program design. It should be used in conjunction with, and as a guide to, appropriate program listings. Program logic information is not necessary for program operation and use. Manual, 104 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY27-7241 OS/VS GRAPHICS PROB~ORIENTED ROUTINES LOGIC This manual describes the internal logic of the problem oriented routines (PORs) for the IBM 2250 Display Unit, Models 1 and 3. Areas of the program that perform specific functions are identified and related to the program listings. PORs, which are part of the gzaphic programming services for the 2250 display unit, are generalized routines that generate graphic orders for displaying various images and alphmeric information on the 2250 display unit.. Each POR is described in detail to show its internal structure and logic. This program logic manual is directed the the IBM customer engineer, who maintains the program, and to the system programmer, who may wish to alter the program design. It should be used in conjunction with, and as a guide to, the appropriate program listings. Program logic information is not necessary for program operation and use. Manual, 52 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY27-7242 OS/VS GRAPHIC SUBROUTINE ~ (GSP) FOR ~ l l i COBOL. AND &! !&§!£ ~ This manual describes the internal logic of the graphic subroutine package (GSP), a program that enables a FORTRAN, COBOL, or PLiI programmer to write graphic programs for the IBM 2250 Display Unit under the control of OS/VS. GSP may also be used in an assembler language program. This program logic manual is directei to the IBM customer engineer, who maintains the program, and to the system programmer, who may wish to alter the program design. It should be used in conjunction with, and as a guide to, the appropriate program listings. Program logic information is not necessary for program operation and use" Manual, 136 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY27-7243 OS/VS2 IPL AND NIP LOGIC - COMPONENT NOS. 5742-SC1-Cl -C8 This-publicationdescribes the logic Ofthe IPL (initial program loader) and NIP (nucleus initialization program) support for OS/VS2. The information is intended for use by personnel involved in program maintenance. IPL loads the nucleus designated by the user and prepares the system for initialization. NIP initializes the nucleus and the remainder of real storage in preparation for system execution. Readers of this publication should be familiar with the following publications: o OS/VS Supervisor Services and Macro Instructions, GC27-6979. o OS/VS2 Supervisor Logic, SY27-7244. GY27-7245 ~ .! ~ LOGIC. ~ llih 370N-CQ-469 This publication describes the internal logic of the Basic Telecommunications Access Method (BTAM) in Version 4 (Release 27) of the Disk Operating System (DOS). It is intended for persons involved in program maintenance and for systems programmers who are altering the program design. It can be used to help locate BTAM application program errors. This publication contains I o An overview of BTAM logic o A guide to specific BTAM routines by alphabetical name of the routine and by function o Routine descriptions and flowcharts This information is designed to be used with the program listings. The user should be familiar with how BTAM is used: this is described in the SRL publication, DOS Version 4 Basic Telecommunications Access Method, GC27-6978. Manual, 436 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m2 SY27-7246 OS/VS BTAM LOGIC MANUAL This publication describes the internal logic of the Basic Telecommunications Access Method (BTAM). It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by system programmers who are altering the program design. program logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the program, therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to those with maintenance and alteration requirements. Manual, 339 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY27-7249 ~ QTAM LOGIC MANUAL ::. COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-QTM This reference publication describes the internal logic of the Queued Telecommunications Access Method (QTAM) under DOS/VS (Disk Operating System with Virtual Storage). It is intended for persons involved in program maintenance and by systems programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the operation of the program; therefore, the distribution of this publication is limited to those with maintenance and alteration requirements. Manual, 369 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY27-7250 OS/vS2 RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LOGIC Describes the logic of the Machine-C'iieCit Handler, The Channel Check Handler, Dynamic Device Reconfiguration, and the Missing Interruption Handler. The intended audience is system maintenance personnel, including customer engineers, programming support representatives, and system programmers. An understanding of OS/VS2, including paging and I/O operation, is assumed. Manual, 132 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Te following publications may be helpful in understanding IPL and NIP: o OS/VS Message Library: VS2 System Mssages, GC38-1002. o OS/VS Message Library: VS2 System Codes, Ge38-1008. o Operator's Library: OS/VS2 Reference, Ge38-0210. o OS/VS2 System Data Areas, SY28-0606. Manual, 208 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY27-7244 OS/VS2 SUPERVISOR LOGIC VOLUME I T~publication describes the logic of the OS/vS2 supervisor, its relationship to the other portions of the control program, and the interaction between supervisor modules. The information in this manual is intended for personnel who are responsible for determining sources of error within or making modifications to the VS2 supervisor. The supervisor support for the communications task and checkpoint/restart are not documented in this publication. The communications task which is documented in OS/VS2 Job Management Logic, SY28-0620, checkpoint/restart logic is documented in OS/VS2 Checkpoint/Restart Logic, SY26-3820. To understand the information in this publication, you must be familiar with the basic concepts of and services provided by the VS2 supervisor as described in OS/VS Supervisor Services and Macro Instruction, GC27-6979. Manual, 1,012 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY27-7251 DOS/VS BTAM LOGIC MANUAL - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-BTM This publication lie scribes the internal logic of the Basic Telecommunications Access Method (BTAM) in DOS/VS (Disk Operating System with Virtual Storage). It is intended for persons involved in program maintenance and for systems programmers who are altering the program design. It can be used to help locate BTAM application program errors. This publication contains: o An overview of BTAM logic o A guide to specific BTAM routines by alphabetic name of the routine and by function o Routine descriptions and flowcharts This information is designed to be used with the program listings. The user should be familiar with how BTAM is used: this is described in the SRL publication DOS/VS BTAM, GC27-6989. Manual, 456 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY27-7255 OS/VS2 HASP I I VERSION 4 LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM 370ii=Tx=ooi - --- - ~- NU~,BER --- - --- --- This manual describes the purpose and function of HASP and its relationship to OS/VS2 Release 1. It does not replace the program listings, it supplements them and makes the information in them more accessible. This publication contains seven sections: 279 section 1 Introduction - describes the general GY21 characteristics and functions of HASP II Version 4. section 2 Method of Operation - contains HIPO (Hierarchy plus Input-Process-Output) diagrams that describe the operation of HASP II Version 4. The diagrams are high level and are designed to guide the reader to a particular area of the program listing. section 3 Program Organization - describes the HASP general program organization and each of the HASP processors. section 4 Directory - provides 'cross-reference lists. section 5 Data Areas - contains descriptions of the interrelationship and content of HASP data areas and control blocks. section 6 Diagnostic Aids - contains information necessary for interpreting the program listing and diagnosing program failures. section 1 Appendix A HASP Programmer Macros - describes HASP macro instructions and their use. Glossary - defines HASP terms. Related OS/VS publications are listed in the IBM System/360 and System/310 Bibliography, GA22-6822. Manual, 484 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY21-1256 INTRODUCTION TO VTAM LOGIC Thrs-publication~cribes the general way that the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) #orks, the interfaces that exist between major groups of VTAM routines, and the control blocks that VTAM uses. The VTAM routines are grouped into six major categories: initialization and termination services configuration services1 system services1 and reliability, availability, and serviceability. This publication is one of a set of publications that describe the logic of VTAM. It describes the high-level logic, which is similar in the DOS/VS, OS/VS1, and OS/VS2 versions of VTAM. The VTAM logic manuals for each system describe the lower-level, system-dependent VTAM logic. Manual, 116 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY21-1251 OS/VS1 VTAM LOGIC ThiS-manual is the second part of a two-part description of the logic of the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) for OS/vSl. The first part is the Introduction to VTAM Logic, SY21-1256, which describes the high-level logic. The two manuals are intended primarily for IBM Programming Support Representatives, to enable them to quickly locate failures in the access method. USing OS/VS1 VTAM Logic, the PSR can determine the module that performs a particular function; pertinent information about each module is provided and control flow diagrams show how control passes between modules. The data areas for Os/VS1 VTAM Logic are contained in a separate publication, VTAM Data Areas, SY21-1263. Prerequisite Publications: DOS/VTAM Logic, SY21-1262 Manual, 992 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY21-1259 1094 Q.§ EMULATOR Q!! MODELS 165/168: ~L PROG. ~ 360C-EU-140 (MFT/MVT) i 5144-AM1 (VS1/VS2) This manua-r describes the internal logic of the IBM 109/1090/709~ II Emulator Program for the IBM System/310 Model 165. The emulator program is a problem program that executes under the MFT and MVT configurations of the IBM System/360 Operating System. The IBM Compati.bility Feature #1119 must be installed on the Model 165. The emulator program executes object programs written for the IBM 109, 1090, 1094, or 1094 II Data ProceSSing System. Major topics are the logic of the emUlator program; the relationship among the emulator program, the compatibility feature, and the operating syst;em1 and the logic of tape formatting programs used in conjunction with the emulator. This publication is a reference manual for persons responsible for emulator program maintenance. Readers should be experienced with the IBM 109, 1090, 1094, or 1094 II Data processing System, and have a working knowledge of the MFT or MVT configuration of the IBM System/360 Operating System. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28 perform three major functions: o Graphic data management (including buffer management) o Input/Output control o Attention handling (both basic and express) This program logic manual is directed to the IBM customer engineer, who maintains the program, and to the system programmer, who may wish to alter the program design. It should be used in conjunction with, and as a g:uide to, appropriate program listings. Program logic i:nformation is not necessary for program operation and use. Manual, 108 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY21-1262 DOS/vS VTAM LOGIC This manual is the 2nd part of a 2 part description of the logic of the virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) for DOS/VS. The 1st part is the Introduction to VTAM Logic, SY21-1256, which describes the high-level logic. The two manuals are intended primarily for IBM Programming Support Representatives to enable them to quickly locate failures in the access method. Using DOs/VS VTAM Logic, the PSR can determine the module that performs a particular function 1 pertinent information about each module is provided and control flow diagrams show how control passes between modules. The data area for DOS/VS VTAM Logic are contained in a separate publication, VTAM DATA AREAS, SY21-1263. Manual, 154 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY21-1263 VTAM DATA AREAS (OS/VSl AND DOS/VS) LOGIC MANUAL Intended t~used in conjunction with DOS/VSVTAM Logic, SY21-1262 or OS/VSl VTAM Logic, SY21-1251, this manual provides diagrams of each VTAM data area, together with lists of fields (alphabetically and by displacement) and lists of flags, masks, and constants for each data base area. Prerequisite publications - NONE Manual, 216 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY21-1266 OS/VSl VTAM DATA AREAS This edition replaces-and makes obsolete the publication VTAM DATA AREAS SY21-1263-0 and Technical Newsletter SN211453. This manual provides data maps for OS/vSl V'l'AM. Included are lists of fields by displacement and in alphabetical order, a list of flags and masks, and a list of constants for each data area. The primary users of this manual are IBM PSR's and customer system programmers. prerequisites: VTAM Concepts and Planning GC21-6998 and OS/VSl VTAM Logic SY21-1251. Manual, 305 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY21-1261 OS/vS2 VTAM DATA AREAS This manual proviJeSlIata maps for OS/VS2 VTAM. Included are a list of fields by displacement and in alphabetical order, a list of flags and masks, and a list of constants for each data area. The primary users of this manual are IBM PSR's and customer system programmers. PREREQUISITES: VTAM Concepts and Planning GC21-6998 OS/vS2 VTAM Logic SY28-0621 Manual, 240 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY28-0603 OS/VS MASTER INDEX OF LOGIC This publication consolidates the indexes of program logic manuals for OS/VSi it applies to both VS1 and VS2. The master index lists topics alphabetically, and refers to manuals where these topics are discussed. The indexes of these manuals list the same topics and refer to specific pages. Index, 320 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0605 OS/vSl SYSTEM DATA AREAS This pubIICationtlescribes the contents and format of the major control blocks used by more than one component of the OS/VSl control program. This publication is to be used by IBM software support personnel and by system programmers who require information about the individual fields contained in the system's major control blocks. Manual, 600 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY21-1260 OS/VS2 GRAPHIC ACCESS METHOD LOGIC Describes the internal logic of the Graphics Access SY28-0620 Method (GAM) for the IBM 2250 Display Unit, Models 1 OS/vS2 JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC MANUAL and 3, and the IBM 2260 Display Station (Local Attachment). This publicat10n provides the information necessary to trace Areas of the program that perform specific functions are function and program organization through the job management identified and related to the program listings. part of the control program. The intended audience is GAM consists of input/output and control routines that primarily involved with system maintenance but may possibly are part of the graphic programming services for the 2250 be altering system design. display unit and the 2260 display station.. The GAM routines The major functions described are master scheduler 280 SY28 SY28 initialization, system input/output processing, initiating and terminating tasks, allocating and freeing devices, processing commands, managing work queues, communicating with the system operator and console, recovering from errors, and recording system information. The program organization necessary to accomplish the functions provided is described, and local data areas, a module directori, an introductory overview of job management, and a section tying message IDs to the issuing and detecting modules, are provided. Manual, 640 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY o o o o o o o SY28-0622 OS/VS2 JES 2 LOGIC T~manual-describes the purpose and functions of JES2 and its relationship to OS/VS2 Release 2. It does not replace the program listings; it supplements them and makes the information in them more accessible. This publication contains the following sections: Section 1 Introduction - describes the general characteristics and functions of JES2. Section 2 Method of Operation - contains HIPO (Hierachy plus Input-Process-Output) diagrams that describe the operation of JES2. The diagrams are high level and are iesigned to guide the reader to a particular area of the program listings. Section 3 Program Organization - describes the JES2 general program organization and each of the JES2 processors. Section 4 Directory - provides cross-reference lists. Section 5 Data Areas - contains descriptions of the interrelationship and content of data areas and control blocks. Section 6 Diagnostic Aids - contains information necessary for interpreting the program listing and diagnosing program failures. Se9tion 1 Appendixes: A - JES2 Programmer Macros - describes JES 2 macro and their use. B - MULTI-LEAVING. - describes the basic principles of MULTI-LEAVING. C - Remote Terminal Bootstrap - describes the RTPBOOT bootstrap program. D - External Writer - describes the External Writer program which is used for producing SYSOUT data sets on magnetic tape or direct-access devices. Manual, 828 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0623 OS/VS2 SYSTEM INITIALIZATION LOGIC This publication describes the IUDctions and internal logic of the system initialization process for the OS/vS2 Release 2 System. This publication is intended for the IBM programming systems representative who is involved in modifying system initialization programs. systems publication, 260 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY o o o o o o o To order Scheduler and Supervisor Logic Volumes 1,2, and 3 (SY28-0624-0, SY28-0625-0, SY28-0626-0) use order number SBOF-8210. Manual, 868 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0626 OS/VS2 SCHEDULER AND SUPERVISOR LOGIC VOLUME 3 OF 3 This publication dOCuments the internal logic-ordie following scheduler and supervisor functions: o Communications Task o Command Processing (including Reconfiguration Commands o LOGON Scheduling o System Resources Manager o System Activity Measurement Facility (MF/I) o Region Control Task o Started Task Control (including START/LOGON/MOUNr) o Job Scheduler: Subsystem Interface Master Subsystem Initiator/Terminator SWA Create Interface Converter/Interpreter SWA Manager Allocation Unallocation System Management Facilities (SMF) system Log Checkpoint/Restart o Timer Supervision o Supervisor Control o Task Management o Program Management o Real Storage Management o Virtual storage Management Recovery/Termination Management (R/TM) o SY28-0624 OS/VS2 SCHEDULER AND SUPERVISOR LOGIC VOLUME 1 OF 3 This publication dOCuments the internal logic-or-the following scheduler and supervisor functions: o Communications Task o Command Processing (including Reconfiguration Commands LOGON Scheduling o o System Resources Manager o System Activity Measurement Facility eMF/i) o Region Control Task o Started Task Control (including START/LOGON/MOUNT) o Job Scheduler: Subsystem Interface Master Subsystem Initiator/Terminator SWA Create Interface Converter/Interpreter SWA Manager Allocation Unallocation System Management Facilities (SMF) System Log Checkpoint/Restart o Timer Supervision o Supervisor Control o Task Management Program Management o o Real Storage Management Virtual Storage Management o o Recovery/Termination Management (R/TM) To order Scheduler and Supervisor Logic Volumes 1,2, and (SY28-0624-0, SY28-0625-0, SY28-0626-0) use order number SBOF-8210. Manual, 692 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0635 OS/VSl SERVICE AIDS LOGIC This publlcatlo~scrIEes the functions and internal logic of eight service aid programs provided for use in servicing OS/VS1. These service aid programs are: Generalized Trace Facility, HMAPTFLE, HMASPZAP, HMBLIST, HMDPR~P, HMDSADMP, IMCJOBQD, IMOOSJQD. This publication is intended for the IBM Programming systems representative who is involved in maintaining service aid programs. This publication should be used in conjunction with OS/VSl Service Aids, GC28-0665. Systems Publication SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0643 OS/vS2 SERVICE AIDS LOGIC This publicatlo~scribes the functions and internal logic of the service aid programs provided for use in servicing OS/vS2. The service aid programs are: Generalized rrace Facility, AMBLIST, AMDPRDMP, AMAPTFLE, AMDSA~P, and AMASPZAP. This publication i 8 intended for the IBM programming systems representative who i8 involved in maintaining service aid programs. This publication should be used in conjunction with OS/vS2 Service Aids, GC28-0614, which tells how to use the service aid programs. Manual, 408 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY To order Scheduler and Supervisor Logic Volumes 1,2, and 3 (SY28-0624-0, SY28-0625-0, SY28-0626-0) use order number SBOF-8210. Manual, 800 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0625 OS/VS2 SCHEDULER !!m SUPERVISOR !&2!£ ::. ~ 1. Q.! 1 This publication documents the internal logic of the following scheduler and supervisor functions: o communications Task command processing (including Reconfiguration Commands LOGON scheduling System Resources Manager System Activity Measurement Facility eMF/i) Region Control Task Started Task Control (including START/LOGON/MOUNT) Job Scheduler: Subsystem Interface Master Subsystem Initiator/Terminator SWA Create Interface Converter/Interpreter SWA Manager Allocation Unallocation System Management Facilities (SMF) system Log Checkpoint/Restart Timer supervision Supervisor Control Task Management Program Management Real Storage Management Virtual Storage Management Recovery/Termination Management (R/TM) SY28-0650 !2Q TERMINAL ~ PROGRAM AND ~ ROUTINES LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic of the TSO Terminal Monitor Program (TMP) and the TSO Service Routines: ~ 281 SY28 SY28 STACK; GETLlNE: PUTLINE; PUTGET, Command Scan; Parse; Dynamic Allocation Interface Routine (DAIR): Default and catalog Information routines; and DAIR/S\1C99 Brror Code Analyzer. The TMP accepts commands from the terminal and gives control to the TSO Command Processors named ~r the commands. The TSO service routines perform common functions needed by both· the TMP and the command processors. This publication is written for persons who maintain or modify TSO, it is not necessary for persons who use TSO to process programs or for those who write programs that are processed by TSO. Manual, 416 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0651 OS/\1S2 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME I: ACCOUNT This publIcation describes the internal logic of the programs that handle the ACCOUNT command and its ADD, CHANGE, DELETE, LIST, and SYNC subcommands. It also describes the internal logic of the ACCOUNT subroutines and the ACCOUNT BROADCAST interface. The command processors are describes with method of operation diagrams and supporting text. Directories for routines are provided. This manual is intended for persons involved in program debugging; it is not intended for normal use or operation of the programs described. Manual, 542 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY OS/vS2 TSO: Command Processor Logic, vol. I, Order No. SY28-0651 Command Processor Logic, vol. II, Order No. SY33-8548 Command Processor Logic, vol. IV, Order No. SY33-0652 Terminal Monitor Program and Service Routines Logic, Order No. SY28-0650 This publication is intended for persons involved in program maintenance, or system programmers who are altering the program design; it is not intended for normal use of operation of the programs described. Only changes resulting from the enhancements are documented. For complete logic documentation of the subject commands and routines, consult the appropriate prerequisite publications. Manual, 62 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0660 OS/VS RES ACCOUNT FACILITY LOGIC - COMPONENT NO. 574I=SCI=B-C----The OSIVS1 Remote Entry Services (RES) Account Facility provides background users the ability to update the user attribute data set (SYS1.UADS) and the broadcast data set (SYS1.BRODCAST) from a remote work station other than a conversational terminal. This publication describes the internal logic of the Account Facility whose routines establish and administer the background environment for batch, or non-interactive, users of the OS/VS1 RES ACCOUNT command processor. This publication is for people who maintain or modify the routines in the Account Facility; it is not necessary for people who wish to use the facility to update the GADS or broadcase data set. For that type of explanatory information, refer to the OS/VS1 RES System Programmers' Guide. Systems Publication, 384 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0652 OS/VS2 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME IV This publication describes the internarTogic of the programs that handle the following TSO commands: ALLOCATE LISTDS ATTRIB OPERATOR CALL OUTPUT CANCEL/STATUS PROFILE DELETE PROTECT EXEC RENAME FREE RUN HELP SEND LINK/LOADGO SUBMIT LISTALC TERMINAL LISTBC TIME The manual is intended for persons involved in program debugging, or systems programmers who are altering the design; it is not necessary for normal use or operation of the programs described. Manual, 380 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0662 OS/vS1 OLTEP LOGIC This puEIICatron-aescribes the fUnctions and internal logic of the Online Test Executive Program (OLTEP) which performs online testing of input/output devices under control of OSIVS1This publication is intended for the IBM programming systems representative who is responsible for program maintenance. It can be,used to supply an overview of OLTEP logic or to locate specific areas of the program and to relate them to the corresponding program listings. Prerequisite information is pontained in OS/V81 ODTEP, GC28-0666, which tells how to use OLTEP to test input/output devices. For information on OLTEP messages refer tOI OSIVS Message Library: Service Aids and OLTEP Messages, GC38-1006. Systems Publication SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0653 OS/VS2 TSO ENHANCEMENTS NO. 2 LOGIC - COMPONENT NOS. ~Cr=T0,Tl,T2,T3,T4,TS;T7,TS;T9 This publication describes the logic that supports TSO Enhancements No.2. Only logic changes reSUlting from enhancements are documented in this publication. The logic documentation of the following TSO command processors and facilities are changes: ACCOUNT EDIT EXEC PROFILE I/O Service Routines Systems Publication, 88 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0654 ~ !§Q TERMINAL MESSAGES !!!RECTORY This publication contains a directory of rso Terminal Messages. The terminal message descriptions include the message text, brief description of why the me,ssage was issued, the modules associated with the messa.ge, and the external name of the program that issued the message. This manual is intended for persons involved in program debugging and is not intended for normal use or operation of the programs referenced. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0655 OS/\1S2 TSO SUPPORT FOR VSBASIC LOGIC - RELEASE 1.6 This publication describes the logic that supports VSBASIC or an equivalent in the TSO command processors. Only changes resulting from VSBASIC are documented in this publica tion. This publication is intended for persons involved in program debugging, or system programmers who are altering the program design, it is not intended for normal use of the commands described. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0659 OS/VS2 TSO ENHANCEMENTS LOGIC - COMPONENr NU1U3ERS ~r=T0 AND 5742-SC1=T4 This publication describes the internal logic that supports Program Number 5742-010, Feature Number 5005. The logic of the following commands and routines is affected: ALLOCATE Dynamic Allocation EDIT OPERATOR Parse routine PROFILE RUN SEND The information in this publication supplements the information in the following prerequisite publications: 282 SY28-0664 DOs/VS AND OS/VS TOLTEP LOGIC This seven section program-IOgic manual describes the internal logic of the Teleprocessing Online Test Executive Program (TOLTEP). TOLTEP operates as a subtaskof VTAM and is the interface between VTAM and the online test programs (OLTS> that test the hardware characteristics of various terminals supported by VTAM that use the basic mode of data transfer. Information in this manual is intended for IBM representatives who are responsible for program maintenance. Manual, 100 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0669 OS/vS1, SYS1.LOGREC ~ RECORDING LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic and organization of SYS1.LOGREC Error Recording under the 06/~31 system control program. This publication is intended for the IBM programming systems representative and installation programmer involved in maintaining or using the SYS1.LOGREC data set. This publication should be used in conjunction with OS/vS1 SYS1.LOGREC Error Recording, GC28-0668, which tells how to use the IFCDIPOO and IFCEREPO service aid programs. Publication, 148 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0672 OS/vS1 DYNAMIC SUPPORT SYSTEM LOGIC 05MPoNENT NO. 51ii'I='SCI-~ - Provides ailIntroduction to the Dynamic Support System (085) Logic to guide the IBM programming system representative and system programmers who need to debug DSS. DSS is a debugging tool used to diagnose and temporarily repair OSIVS in the field. DSS operates as a standalone LY28 SY28 system that can stop os/vs operation, for problem diagnosis or repair, or allow OS/VS to run in a monitored condition, so that DSS gains control when program events occur or when execution reaches a specified breakpoint. Although there are no mandatory prerequisite publications, before using DSS the reader must have a working knowledge of the internal logic of OS/VS. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6406 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING ~ TIME ~ Qmm! COBOL PROMPTER PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-CP1 A Program Logic~ d'e"S'Cribes th~ internal d'!sign or logic of the subject program. These manuals are intended for persons involved in program maintenance and system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the operation of the program; therefore, distribution of these publications should be limited to persons with maintenance and alteration requiremen ts. Manual, 86 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0676 OS/VS2 OLTEP LOGIC ThIs-publicatron-describes the functions and internal logic of the Online Test Executive Program (OLrEP) which performs online testing of input/output devices unaer control of OS/VS. This publication is intended for the IBM. programming systems representative who is responsible for program maintenance. It can be used to supply an overview of OLTEP logic or to locate specific areas of the program and to relate them to the corresponding program listings. Prerequisite information is contained in OS/VS2 System Programming LibrarYI OLTEP, GC28-0675-0, which tells how to use OLTEP to test input/output devices. For information on OLTEP messages refer to: OS/VS Message Library: Service Aids and OLTEP Messages, GC38-1006. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0678 OS/VS2 SYSl.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic and organization of SYSl.LOGREC Error Recording under the OS/VS2 system control program. This publication is intended for the IBM programming systems representative and installation programmer involved in maintaining or using the SYSl.LOGREC data set. This publication should be used in conjunction with OS/VS2 System Programming Library: SYSLLOGREC Error Recording, GC28-0677, which tell how to use the IFCDIPOO and IFCEREPO service aid programs. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0679 OS/VS2 DYNAMIC SUPPORT SYSTEM LOGIC COMPONENT NO. 5'i"42'=ScI"- ro- - Provides an-Introduction to the Dynamic Support System (DSS) Logic to guide the IBM programming system representative and system programmers who need to debug DSS. DSS is a debugging tool used to diagnose and temporarily repair OS/VS in the field. DSS operates as a standalone system that can stop OS/VS operation for problem diagnosis or repair, or allow OS/VS to run in a monitored conditio~, so that DSS gains control when program events occur or when execution reaches a specified breakpoint. The only prerequisite publication for using this publication is the OS/VS Dynamic Support System, GC28-0640. The reader should also have a working knowledge of the internal logic of os/VS. Manual, 176 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6407 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL ~ ~ ~ ~ Y:BRARY, VERSION ~ ~ LOGIC ~ ~ ~ 5734-CB1 This publication describes the internal design of the IBM System/360 Operating system Full American National Standard COBOL, X3.23-1968 Compiler and Library, Version 3. Program logic manuals are intended for persons involved in program maintenance, or for system programmers who are altering the program deSign for installations that require a special purpose COBOL compiler. It is not needed for normal use or operation of the compiler described. Manual, 8-1/2 x II, 400 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6408 FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MOD I> FOR OS & VW370 (CMS): PROGRAM LOG'iCMANUALPROGRAMNUMBER 5734-LmThis dociiiDeiit descri~es the internal design of the IBM System/360 Operating System FORTRAN IV Library (Modell), a program product. The modules of the Model 1 library are designed to be combined a s needed wi th the ob ject code produced by the Code and Go FORTRAN or FORTRAN IV (Gl) compilers to form executable load modules. This document is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance. Program logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the Modell library. Distribution of this document is limited to licensees of the IBM program product it describes. Program Logic Manual, 154 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6409 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV LIBRARY MOD II PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL! PROGRAM NUMBER 5734:-LM3 This documentdescribes the interna design of the I~ System/360 Operating System FORTRAN IV library (Model 11), a program product. The modules of the Model II library are designed to be combined as needed with the object code produced by the FORTRAN IV (8 Extended) compiler to form executable load modules. This document is intended for person involved in program maintenance; program logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the Model II library. Distribution of this document is limited to licensees of the IBM program product it describes. program Product Manual, 176 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0685 OS/VS SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM (SMP) LOGIC LY28-6412 IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD £~ COMPILER VERSION lL PROGRAM ~ MANUAL PROGRAM PRODUCT 5736-CB2 This publication describes the internal design of the IBM system/360 Disk Operating System Full American National Standard COBOL Compiler, Version 3. It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by system programmers involVed in altering the program design for installations requiring such alteration. This publication supplements the compiler listing and its comments, but is not a substitute for them. Effective use of this manual requires an Understanding of IBM System/360 operation and of the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System service programs and macro instructions. Knowledge of both IBM Full American National Standard COBOL and the IBM System/360 Assembler Language is a prerequisite. Reference publications for this information are listed in the preface of this manual. Manual, 532 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Thrs-pUblication contains information about internal logic of the system Modification Program (SMP). This information is intended for use by IBM personnel and system programmers responsible for changing and redesigning the installation's operating system. The reader should be experienced in using and modifying VS operating systems. This document contains the internal logic that includes the method of operation diagrams, the module directory, the program organization, the data areas, and the diagnostic aids. Manual, 64 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-0687 Q.s/V§ POW~ WARNING FEATURE (PWF) ~ LOGIC-ICR GUID£: This pUblication introduces and provides the information necessary for those who must maintain the Power Warning Feature Support. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6403 IBM SYSTEW360 OPERATING ~ ~ !Y. 1!! EXTENDED) COMPILER, PROGRAM !&2!£ MANUAL, PROGRAM !i~ 5734-F03 A Program Logic Manual despribes the internal design or logiC of the subject program. These manuals are intended for persons involved in program maintenance and system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the operation of the program; therefore, distribution of these publications should be limited to persons with maintenance and alteration requirements. Manual, 8-1/2 x 11, 634 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 283 LY28-6413 !!lli SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING ~ !Qg AMERICAN ~ ~ SUBROUTINE LIBRARY « ~ 1 LOGIC ~ PROGRAM ~ 5736-LM2 This publication describes the object-time subroutine library used by the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System Full American National Standard COBOL Compiler, Version 3. It is intended for use by persons involved in library maintenance and by system programmers involved in altering the library for installations requiring such alteration. This publication supplements the subroutine listings and their comments, but it is not a substitute for them. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of IBM System/360 operation and of the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System service programs and macro instructions as STANDARD ~ = LY28 LY28 well as the IBM Systeml360 Disk Operating System Full American National Standard COBOL COmpiler, Version 3. Knowledge of both American National Standard COBOL and the IBM Systeml360 Assembler Language is a prere~uisite. Reference publications for this information are listed in the Preface of this manual. Program Product Manual, 168 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6414 IBM SYSTEM/360 ~ OPERATING ~ ~ AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD £Q!ill!! COMPILER .rum LIBRARY ~ !:&!il£ MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-CBl This publication describes the internal logic of the Subset COBOL compiler and COBOL Library object time subroutines. It is intended for use by persons responsible for program maintenance, and for systems programmers who must alter program design. Therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to licensees with the aforementioned requirements. Program Product Manual, 876 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6415 IBM SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED PLUS) COMPILER AND LIBRARY PROGRA'MLOG~LEMEN.r 1PROGRiiMMffi REl.!y~ST FOR PRICEQUoTATION) PROGRAM NUMBER 5 9-AAW This-pUblication is a supplement to IBM Systeml360 Operating System: Fortran IV (A Extended) Compiler Program Logic Manual, Order No. LY28-6403. Together these publications provide customer engineers and other technical personnel with information describing the internal organization and operation of the FORTRAN IV (H Extended Plus) compiler. Supplementary Manual, 112 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6419 IBM S/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: FULL AMERICAN NA'rIONAL STANDARD COBoL-SUBROUTINE LIBRARY V4 PLM PROGRAM PRODUCTS 5734-CB2. 5734-LM2 The Program Logic Manual describes the internal design or logic of the subject program. This manual is intended for persons involved in program maintenance and .for system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the operation of the program; therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to persons with maintenance and alte:cation requirements. Manual, 252 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = LY28-6424 IBM DOS/vS COBOL SUBROUTINE LIBRARY PROGRAM LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMa~6~ - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - This publication describes the object-time subroutine library used by the IBM DOS/vs COBOL Compiler. It is intended for use by persons involved in library maintenance and by system programmers involved in altering the library for installations requiring such alteration. This publication supplements the subroutine listings and their comments, but it is not a substitute for them. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of the IBM operating system and the DOS/VS Operating System service programs and macro instructions, as well as the IBM DOS/VS COBOL Compiler. Knowledge of both DOS/VS COBOL and IBM Assembler Lan~uage is a prerequisite. Reference publications for this information are listed in the preface of this manual. Manual, 192 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6425 IBM OS/VS COBOL SUBROUTINE LIBRARY PROGRAM LOGIC This publication describes the internal design of the IBM OS/VS COBOL library. The manual is intended for use by persons involved in program support and by systems pcogrammers involved in altering the program design for installations requiring such alteration. It supplements the library listing and its comments but is not a substitute for them. Manual, 304 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6486 !!!!::!. ~ ~ ~ ~ LOGIC PROGRAM NUMBERS: 5740-CB1 ThIs publication describes the IBM OS/VS COBOL Compiler. The internal deSign of the compiler and the object program it produces are discussed. This publication is intended for use by persons involved in program support and by system programmers involved in altering the compilers for installations requiring such alteration. It supplements the compiler listings and its comments, but it is not a substitute for them. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of the IBM operating system. Knowledge of both IBM 03/VS COBOL and the IBM Assembler Language is a prerequisite. Reference publications for this information are listed in the preface of this manual. Manual, 584 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY28-6688 LOGIC MANUAL FOR THE IBM 2947-4 CHECK COLLECTION PROORAM SUPPORT 888264 ~ NUMBERS 5799-WAF 5799-WAG This publication describes the internal logic of the Check COllection sequential Access Method (CSAM) program, which contains the data-mar.agemen·t macro instructions and services for the IBM 2947 Model 4 Cneck Collection Controller. CSAM can be used with either the IBM Operating System/360 or the Disk Operating Systeml360. To explain their differences and similarities, this publication has text introudctions, method of operation diagrams, flowcharts, data-area formats, program organization and descriptions. Program Logic Manual, 66 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY I~TERNAL LY28-6420 IBM S/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER V4 - PRoGRAM LOGIC~- PROORAM ~ 5734-ci32-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The-program Logic Manual describes the internal design or logic of the subject program. This manual is intended for persons involved in program maintenance and for system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the operation of the program; therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to persons with maintenance and alteration requirements. Manual, 540 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6422 ~YST~M/370 Y§. ~ ~ LOOIC, fSQh E.li2!h 5748-XX1 This publication describes the internal logic and specifications of the IBM System/370 VS BASIC Processor. It is primarily intended for customer engineers and other technical personnel involved in program maintenance. Program logic is not necessary for the use and operation of the Systeml370 VS BASIC processor; therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to licensees who have the aforementioned reqUirement. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6423 IBM DOS/VS COBOL COMPILER PROGRAM LOOIC - PROGRAM NUMBER 5146-CBl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This publication describes the internal design of the IBM DOS/VS COBOL Compiler. It is intended for use by persons involved in program support and by system programmers involved in altering the program design for installations requiring such alteration. This publication supplements the compiler listing and its comments, but is not a substitute for them. Bffective use of this manual requires an understanding of the IBM Operating System and of the IBM DOS/VS service programs and macro instructions. Knowledge of both IBM DOS/VS COBOL and the IBM Assembler Language is a prerequisite. Reference publications for this information are listed in the preface of this manual. Manual, 542 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 284 ooNTROLi::ER'SEQu'ENT'I'iiL ACCESS METHOD ~ = = LY28-6761 OS/MFT. OS/MVT. MiQ OS/VS DATA SET UTILITIES SUPPORT FOR ~ ~ MANUAL. ~ NO. 5734-UT2 This publication describes the internal logic of the Systeml360 Operating System data set utilities that support the American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). This support is a program product that permits users to create and maintain both ASCII and EBCDIC data sets even through all System/360 internal operations are in EBCDIC mode. This publication is intended for persons inVOlved in pcogram maintenance, and for system programmers who are altering the program design. The information in this manual is not necessary for the use and operation of the utility programs. Program Product Logic Manual, 252 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6766 AND ~ ~ UTILITIES: COPY, FORMAT, LIST, LOGIC MANUAL. PROG.. NO. 5734-UTl The Program Logic Manual describes the internal design or logic of the subject program. This manual is intended for persons involved in program maintenance and for system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the operation of the program; therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to persons with maintenance and alteration requiremen ts. Manual, 394 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LY28 SY28 LY28-6832 IBM SYSTEMV360 OS/DOS ITF PROGRAM LOGIC INTRODUCTION ~ METHOD Q!: OPERA~ --- -- PROGRAM ~ 5734-RC1, 5734-RC3, ~B£1L 5736-RC2 This publication describes the internal logic of the Interactive Terminal Facility (ITF) that operates under System/360 Operating System (OS) or System/360 Disk Operating system (DOS). It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance. Program logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the ITF; therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to licensees who have the aforementioned requirement. This publication is one section of the ITF program logic manual. Please refer to the Preface for a list of other sections that, together with this one, form the ITF program logic manual. Program Product Logic Manual, 66 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6833 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF PROGRAM LOGIC !~!t!Ar.IZATION SYSTEM CON'.I'ROL,l\ND SYSTEM ~ PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC1, ~3;-m6~5736-RC2 --This publication describes the internal logic of the Interactive Terminal Facility (ITF) that operates under System/360 Operating System (OS) or System/360 Disk Operating System (DOS). It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance. Program logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the ITF, therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to licensees who have the aforementioned requirement. This publication is one section of the ITF program logic manual. Please refer to the Preface for a list of other sections that, together with this one, form the ITF program logic manual. Program Product Logic Manual, 270 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6834 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF PROGRAM LOGIC LAN3 UAGE COMPONE"'"NTCONT"ROLL~ - PROGRAM !&2!£ ~ ~ ~ 5734-RC1, 5734-RC3, 5736-RC1, 5736-RC2 This publication describes the internal logic of the ITF under OS or DOS for persons involved in program maintenance. It is only one section of the PLM. This third section of the PLM for DOS or OS ITF users should be preceded by LY28-6832 Introduction and Method of Operation, and LY28-6833 Initialization, System Control and System Support Components. For PL/I-only users it should be followed by LY28-6835 and LY28-6837 Language Component and LY28-6840 Index. For BASIC users only substitute LY28-6836 for LY28-6835. Users of both PL/I and BASIC should refer to all four. Program Product Logic Manual, 10 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY System/360 Operating system (OS) or System/360 Disk Operating System (DOS). It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance. Program logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the ITF, therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to licensees who have the aforementioned requirement. This publication is one section of the ITF program logic manual. Please refer to the Preface for a list of other sections that, together with this one, form the ITF program logic manual. Program Product Logic Manual, 138 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6840 FOR THE Q2L!2Q§ .!If ~ PROG. ~ 5734-RC1 AND lL 5736-RC1 AND 2 This publicatIon is the last section of the OS/DOS ITF program logic manual. Its preface lists the other sections that will complete the form of PLM required. Index, 16 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY28-6842 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTION) INTERACTIVE ~ FACILI'TYPROGRAM LOGIC INITiAL'IzATION, ~ CONTROL, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5734-RC2, 5734-RC4 This publication describes the internal logic of ITF (Interactive Terminal Facility) that operates under System/360 Operating System with TSO (Time Sharing Option). It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance. Program logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of ITF, therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to licensees who have the aforementioned requirement. This publication is one section of the ITF program logic manual. Please refer to the preface for a list of other sections that, together with this one, form the ITF program logic IIBnual. Manual, 98 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLy LY28-6845 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME ~ OPTION) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY PROGRAM LOGIC INDEX PROGRAM NUMB'ERS5"73ii-Rc2 5734~ - - - This publication descriii;;s the internal logic of ITF (Interactive Terminal Facility) that operates under System/360 Operating System with TSO (Time Sharing Option). It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance. Program logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of ITF; therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to licensees who have the aforementioned requirement. This publication is one section of the ITF program logic manual. Please refer to the Preface for a list of other sections that, together with this one, form the ITF program logiC IIBnaul. Program Product, 26 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6835 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF PL/I PROGRAM LOGIC LANGUAGE COMPONENT:"PL/IROuTrN~ - ~ ~ 5734=RCl, 5736-RC1 This publication describes the internal logic of the Interactive Terminal Facility (ITF) that operates under System/360 Operating System (OS) or System/360 Disk Operating System (DOS). It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance. program logic informa·tion is not necessary for the use and operation of the ITF, therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to licensees who have the aforementioned requirement. This publication is one section of the ITF program logic manual. Please refer to the Preface for a list o·f other sections that, together with this one, form the ITF program logic manual. Program Product Logic Manual, 102 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6836 IBM SYSTEMV360 OS/DOS ITF PROGRAM LOGIC LAN3UAGE COMPONE"NTi"BASIC Rc5iiT'i'NEs-~ ~ 5736=RC2; 5734-RC3 This publication describes the internal logic of the Interactive Terminal Facility (ITF) that operates under System/360 Operating Systm (OS) or System/360 Disk Operating System (DOS). It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance. Program logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the ITF; therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to licensees who have the aforementioned requirement. This publication is one section of the ITF program logic manual. Please refer to the Preface for a list of other sections that, together with this one, form the ITF program logic manual. Program Product Logic Manual, 170 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6837 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF PROGRAM LOGIC LANGUAGE COMPONEN'T":'COMMONRoUTINES ~ REFERENCE DATA PROGRAM ~ 5734-RC1, RC3, 5736-RC1, Rc2 This publication describes the internal logic of the Interactive Terminal Facility (ITF) that operates under 285 LY28-6846 CODE AND GO FORTRAN PROCESSOR FOR OS , VMV370 (CMS): RBOGRAM LOGIC, PROG. ~ 5734-Fol - - - - - - - This publication describes the internal logic of the Code and Go FORTRAN IV compiler. Program LogiC Manuals are intended for use by IBM customer engineers involved in program maintenance, and by systems programmers involved in altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for program operation and use, therefore, distribution of this manual is limited to persons with program maintenance or modification responsibilities. The Code and Go FORTRAN IV compiler is a processing program of the IBM System/360 Operating System. It translates one or more source programs written in the FORTRAN language into System/360 executable machine code and then initiates execution of that code under the Time Sharing Option of the operating system. Program Product, 364 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-6849 OS/VS1 RES RTAM AND WORKSTATION SUPPORT LOGIC - PROGRAM NiJMiiER ml=scI-~ --- -- - --- This logic manual is written for customer engineers and others who require information regarding the internal operation of RTAM (Remote Terminal Access Method), which is the access method used by RES (Remote Entry Services); RTAM is the major component of RES. Other components of RES are described when such information is needed for understanding RES. The functions are presented in diagram form (HIPO diagrams) at a relatively high level. The diagrams include reference to labels in the program listing, which is to be used in conjunction with this logic manual. The manual includes description of data areas used by more than one module. Also included are such diagnostic aids as cross references of messages and modules, contents of control bytes for record compression and/or interleaving, and the storage layout of RES components. Manual, 164 pates SY30 SY28 SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6856 FORTRAN IV (G1) COMPILER FOR OS i VMl310 (CMS): ~ LOGIC;-PROG. NO. 5134-F02-- - - - - - - - - This publication describes the internal logic of the FORTRAN IV (G1) compiler. The FORTRAN IV (G1) compiler, an extended version of FORTRAN IV (G), is adapted to a time sharing as well as a batch environment. It is a program product that operates under the IBM Systeml360 Operating System. It provides the ability to store object programs and to produce source and object listings storage maps and object decks. In addition, the FORTRAN IV (G1) compiler produces a tense form of output comprised of error messages and compiler statistics, suitable for terminal display. This program logic manual is intended for lise by persons involved in program maintenance. Program logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the FORTRAN (G1) compiler; therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to licensees who have the aforementioned requirement. Program Logic Manual, 248 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY30-2011 QS/M~~ OS/MVT, AND OS/VS1: CRJE ~ ~g~~ NO. 360S-RC-551 (MFT/MVT), 5141-SCI-OA (VS1) This publication describes the internal logic of the Conversational Remote Job Entry (CRJE) facility of OS/MFT, OS/MVT, and OS/VS1. CRJE provides Remote Job Entry capability for users at remote keyboard -terminals that are connected to an IBM Systeml360 or IBM System/310 via communications lines. This manual is intended for use by personnel involved in program maintenance and by system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logiC information is not necessary for the operation of the programs described. Program Logic Manual, 350 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY30-2039 OS/VS TCAM LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBER 5141-SC1-21 ThiS-publication describes the internal logic of the OS/VS Telecommunications Access Method (TCAM). The book is intended for IBM programming systems representatives and system engineers who provide program maintenance and who need information on the internal organization and logic of TCAM. In order to understand the logic of rCAM, the reader must have a general knowledge of OS/VS. In addition, the following prerequisite publications are applicable: o OS TCAM Concepts and Facilities, GC30-2022, to gain familiarity with the overall concepts and structure of TCAM. o OS/VS TCAM Programmer's Guide, GC30-2034, to learn how to construct and modify a TCAM MCP and a TCAM-compatibile application program. The OS/VS1 System Data Areas publication, SY28-0605, and the OS/VS2 System Data Areas publication, SY28-0606, provide corequisite information on system data areas that are used by TCAM. Manual, 410 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY30-2049 OS/VS TeAM LOGIC - PROGRAM NOS. 5141-SC1-21, 5142-SCl-21 5144-Awr- - - - - - - - This p-ublication describes the internal logic of the OS/vS Telecommunications Access Method (TCAM). The book is intended for IBM programming systems represent:atives and system engineers who provide program maintenMlce and who need information on the internal organization and logic of TCAM. In order to understand the logic of rCAM, the reader must have a general knowledge of OS/VS. In addition the following prerequisite publications are applicable: o OS Te~l Concepts and Facilities, GC30-2022, to gain familiarity with the overall concepts and structure of TCAM. o OS/VS TCAM Programmer's Guide, GC30-2044, to construct and modify a TCAM message control program and a TeAM compatible application program. The OS/VSl System Data Areas publication, SY28-0605, and the OS/VS2 Data Areas publications, SB28-0606, provide corequisite information on System data areas that are used by TCAM. Manual, 800 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY OS TCAM Concepts and Facilities, GC30-2022, to gain familiarity with the overall concepts and structure of TCAM. OS/VS TeAM Programmer's Guide, GC30-2044, to construct and modify a TCAM message control program and a TCAM compatible application program. The OS/vS1 System Data Areas publication, SY28-0605, and the OS/vS2 Data Areas publication, SY28-0606, provide corequisite information on system data areas used by TCAM. Manual, 814 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY30-2069 ruM LOGIC, ~.ll The Level 8 OS/VS1 TCAM PLM consists of Level 5 OS/VS TCA."1 plus the changes necessary to incorporate VTAM (Level 1) and the 3600 Finance Communication System (Level 8). Most of the data areas included in the OS/VS PLMs have been omitted, and data area indexes have been added. System libraries have been omitted from Appendix A except for the SYS1.MACLIB library. New HIPO diagrams and new message information have been added. Manual, 668 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Q2LYg GY30-3000 IBM 3135 PROGRAMMABLE BUFFERED TERMINAL FORM DESCRIPTION ~CRo-rNSTRUCTIONS AND FORM DESC~UTILfTY PROGRAM !&ill MANUAL iQ2.c. ~ AND Y.2 SYSTEMS) This publication describes the internal logic of the OS and DOS pro~rammin~ support for the IBM 3135 Programmable Buffered Terminal. The 3135 programming support includes both Form Description (FD) macro instructions and Form Description utility programs to provide the operating environment for applications using preprinted (fixed-format) forms and batch processing. This publication is intended for IBM programming systems representatives who maintain the 3135 programming support and for customer system programmers who modify that support. To understand the logic of the 3135 programming support, the reader must have a general understanding of OS or DOS and of the macro language facility of the assembler. Program LogiC Manual, 180 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-3004 GENERATION !!iQ ~ ~ FOR PROGRAMMING ~ P85001 SPECIAL START-STOP LINE CONTROL FOR IBM 3104 i 3105 EMULATION PROGRAM, PROG. NO. 5199-AGK - - - - This document contains information reflection changes to the current version of the Emulation Program, VIM2, required for support of special start-stop devices. Documentation is divided into three sections: Section 1 - General description of the Special Stop Line Control PRPQ (P85001). Section 2 - Information relating to areas of the Emulation Program Generation Manual, GC30-3002-1, that are affected by SpeCial Start-Stop Line Control support. Section 3 - Information relating to areas of the Emulation Program PLM, SY30-3001-0, that are affected by Special Start-stop Line Control Support. Manual, 30 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-3005 GENERATION !!iQ ~ ~ FOR PROGRAMMING ~ P85004, SIX BIT TRANSCODE FOR IBM 3105 EMULATION PROGRAM PROGRAM' NO. 5199-AGA ----~cument contains information reflecting changes to the current version of the Emulation Program, V1M2, required for support of Six Bit Transcode, PRPQ P85004. The document is intended for analysts and programmers responsible for the generation and maintenance of the Emulation Program, and for IBM system engineers and field engineers. These changes affect only the method employed in converting transmitted or received data, rather than the actual functions performed by the Emulation Program. Consequently, only a few changes to the EP PLM, SY30-3001, and EP Generation Manual, GC30-3002, are necessitated by this PRPQ. Only tne areas affected by the changes are included in this document. Documentation is divided into three section: section 1. General description of the Six Bit Transcode PRPQ (P58004) Section 2. Information relating to areas of the Emulation Program Generation Manual, GC30-3002, that are affected by Six Bit Transcode support. Section 3. Information relating to areas of the Emulation Program PLM, SY30-3001, that are affected by Six Bit Transcode support. Manual, 20 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY30-2059 OS/VS TCAM LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic of the OS/VS Telecommunications Access Method (TeAM). It is intended for IBM programming systems representatives and system engineers SY30-3006 who provide program maintenance and who need information on IBM 3105 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR the internal organization and logic of a -rCAM system PROG'RMrSUPPORT roR~E ~ M26099SABRELrNE CONl'ROL operating in a multiple virtual memory environment. COnta1ns information reflecting changes to the Cu'rrenr-In order to understand the logic of rCAM, the reader version of the Emulation Program, V1M2, required for support must have a genral knowledge of OS/VS. In addition, the of airlines (SABRE) line control PSHRPQ P85000. It is following prerequisite publications are applicable: 286 LY33 SY30 intended for analysts and programmers responsible for the generation and maintenance of the Emulation Program, and for IBM systems engineers and field engineers. It is assumed that the reader has a conceptual knowledge of the current Emulation Program and of the Airlines Line Control supported by RPQs for the 2703 Transmission COntrol Unit. Documentation is divided into three sections: Section 1 - General description of the Airlines Line Control (ALC) PSHRPQ P85000. section 2 - Information relating to areas of the Emulation Program Generation and Utilities Guide and Reference Manual, GC30-3002, that are affected by Airlines Line Control support. section 3 - Information relating to areas of the Emulation Program PLM, SY30-3001, that are affected by Airlines Program PLM, SY30-3001, that are affected by Airlines Line Control support. Manual, 74 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY30-3007 IBM 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS NETWORK CONl'ROL PROG/va-LOGIC MANUAL ·A ------ ---- ---- Program Logic-ManUal describes the internal design or logiC of the subject program. These manuals are intended for persons involved in program maintenance and system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the operation of the program~ therefore, distribution of these publications should be limited to persons with maintenance and alteration requirements. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-3009 IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR fROGRAMMING ~ P85005, SPECIAL SYNCHRONOUS LlNE CONTROL PROGRAM NO. 5799-AFY This document describes the changes made to the IBM 3705 Emulation Program for programming RPQ P85005, Special Synchronous Line Control. This PRPQ emulates the InterProcessor Communications Adapter (IPCA) feature of the IBM 2701 (RPQ M24802) and the cyclic checking feature for the 2701 with IPCA (RPQ M25697). The document gives general information about the PRPQ and specific information about specifying the PRPQ during EP generation and about the internal logic of the PRPQ. It also summarizes the functions of a har~are RPQ required if certain features of the PRPQ are selectea and describes in detail the commands and control characters used with the PRPQ. This document supplements the information in the IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers Emulation Program Generation and utilities, Controller Emulation progr~, Program LogiC Manual (SY30-3001). It is intended for analysts and programmers responsible for the generation and maintenance of the Emulation Program, and for IBM systems engineers and customer engineers. Manual, 50 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~R~~ ;~P~~~~~I G~::~~N~Y ~~\~~~~~~L PR03RAM NUMBER 5799-AFZ This doc~reflects the changes made to the IBM 3705 Emulation Programs for support of PRPQ P85003, USASCII Transparency BSC Line Control. It is intended for analysts and programmers responsible for the generation and maintenance of the Emulation Program and for IBM systems engineers and customer engineers. The document contains three types of information; (1) a general description of the PRPQ's functions; (2) information necessary to generate the PRPQ into an Emulation Pr09ram~ and (3) modifications to the internal logic of the Emulation Program required by the PRPQ. Manual, 20 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY !~ n.Q.i llliQ 3705 ~ REFERENCE ~OOK This handbook was formerly titled IBM 3704 and 3705 Data Areas SY30-3008. The handbook contains detailed information about the Network Control Program and Emulation Program data areas. It also contains debug and reference information such as command codes, abend codes, responses, MDR record formats, etc. Manual, 3-3/4 x 6-3/4 inches, 200 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY30-3013 IBM 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER NETWORK CONTROL PROORAWVTAM PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL----- - - - - - This publication covers-the-rntirnal logic of the IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers, Network Control Program/VS (NCP/VS), Version 3. Version 3 of the NCP operates under OS/VS VTAM and DOS VTAM. This PLM is designed to supplement the program listings for the NCP and to make access to the information in the listings easier. The NCP/VS PLM is directed to the IBM program support SY3Q-3014 IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR ~ 858663, PLOTTER ADAPTER=PSHRPQ P85008 PROG. NO. 5799-WFA This dOCUm~ains information necessary to generate and use the Plotter Adapter program (PSHRPQ P85008) for the IBM 3705 Emulation Program. This program, for use with RPQ 858663, provides for the attachment of IBM 1627 and/or CALCOMP 500,600, and 700 series plotters to the 3705. This manual is intended for analysis and programmers responsible for generation and maintenance of the Emulation Program and for IBM system engineers and IBM customer engineers. This document is intended to be used with the IBM 3704 and 3705 Communication Controllers Emulation Program Generation and Utilities, Guide and Reference Manual (GC303002) and the IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers Emulation Program Generation and Utilities, Guide and Reference Manual (GC30-3002) and the IBM 3704 and 3705 communications controllers Emulation Program, Program Logic Manual (SY30-3001). egPRL7-6N-17 = Manual, 30 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-3016 IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING ~ P85015, VIRTUAL 50 LINE SUPPORT PROG.~ 5799-AKQ This document contains information reflecting changes to the IBM 3705 Emulation Program, version 2 modification 2, required for Virtual 50 Line Support, PRPQ P85015 (Program Number 5799-AKQ). This PRPQ allows the attachment of up to six high-speed Binary Synchronous Communication lines to the IBM 3705 Communications Controller. This document is intended for analysts and programmers responsible for the generation and maintenance of the Emulation Program, and for IBM systems engineers and fielj engineers. The reader should have a conceptual knowledge of the current Emulation Program. The document is divided into three sections: o Section 1 is a general description of Virtual 50 concepts. o Section 2 contains the information needed to generate the Virtual 50 PRPQ into the Emulation Program. Section 3 describes the program logiC of the o Virtual 50 PRPQ. Logic Manual, 20 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = LY30-3023 IBM 3704 AND 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROORAMMIR3 ~ P85010, TELEGRAPH FULL DUPLEX ~ ~ ~ !!2:.. 5799-AGN This document describes the Telegraph Full-Duplex Line COntrol Programming RPQ for the IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers Emulation Program. The PRPQ provides support of duplex line control for four telegraph Terminals: The manual is intended for analysts and programmers responsible for generation and maintenance of the Emulation Program and for IBM system engineers and IBM customer engineers. This document contains three types of information: o Information needed to generate the PRPQ into an Emulation Program. o Information about the internal logic of the PRPQ. o Information about the line control used for each of four terminal types supported by the PRPQ. prerequisites for this manual are: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers Emulation program Generation and Utilities. Guide and Reference Manual (GC30-3002) • IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers Emulation Program, Program Logic Manual (SY30-3001). Manual, 30 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = LY30-3010 GY30-3012 representatives and system engineers who provide program maintenance and who need information on the internal organiz ation and logic of the NCP. Manual, 600 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = GY33-6003 PL/I LANGUAGE SPECIFICATIONS This publication is the IBM description of the PL/I language. It does not describe any implementation; nor does it imply that any of the language described has been implemented or will be implemented by IBM. The publication is intended for the use of implementers and programming language designers. Language Specifications Manual, 243 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-6007 ~ OPTIMIZING £OMPILER: PROGRAM ~ ~ PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL1 The internal design of the OS PL/I Optimizing Compiler is described in this manual, which is written for use by Q§. 287 LY33 programmers responsible for maintenance of the compiler. The manual is intended primarily as a guide to analysis of the program listings by people who are generally familiar with the compiler. However, overall and component descriptions are provided for use by readers who have no prior knowledge of the compiler design. Program Logic Manual, 752 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-6008 SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY: PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMiiE:R'5"734-LM4 The OS PL/IResident Library consists of standard subroutines that are link-edited with object programs generated by the OS Optimizing Compiler. The library is used in program management, input/output, conversion, and inter language communication, and also incl~des many computational subroutines. This publication is intended primarily for use by programmers concerned with the maintenance of the resident library. It summarizes, under fUnctional headings, the internal logic of the library SUbroutines, and gives brief details of the relationships between them. Manual, 388 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-6009 OS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY: PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 573~ - - - - - - - TheOSPL/I Transient Library consists of standard subroutines that are loaded during execution of programs compiled by the OS PL/I Optimizing compiler or the OS PL/I Checkout Compiler. These subroutines are used in error handling, program management, and input/output to provide storage dumps. This publication is intended primarily for use by programmers concerned with maintenance of the ·transient library. It summarizes, under functional headings, the internal logic of the library subroutines and gives brief details of the relationships between them. Manual, 328 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-6010 DOS PL/1 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: ~ ~ PROGRAM ~ 5736=PLl Theinternal design of the DOS PL/1 Optimizing Compiler is described in this manual, which is written for use by programmers responsible for maintenance of the compiler. The manual is intended primarily as a guide to analysis of the program listings by people who are generally familiar with the compiler. However, overall and component descriptions are provided for use by readers who have no prior knowledge of the compiler design. Manual, 736 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-6011 ~~~~1 N~:i~~~3~:~~Y: ~ LOGIC ~ Thei5OS/p!J:""Resident Library consists of standard subroutines that are link-edited with object programs generated by t.he DOS Optimizing Compiler. The library is used in program management, input/output, conversion, and inter language communication, and also includes many computational subroutines. This publication is intended primarily for use by programmers concerned with the maintenance of the resident library. It summarizes, under functional headings, the internal logic of the library SUbroutines, and gives brief details of the relationships between them. Manual, 8-1/2 x 11 inches, 310 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-6012 DOS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY - PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROG~NUMBER 5736-LM5 - - - - --- --Thei50S PL7f'Transient Library consists of standard subroutines that are loaded during execution of programs compiled by the DOS PL/1 Optimizing Compiler. These subroutines are used in error handling, program management, and input/output, and to provide storage dumps. This publication is intended primarily for use by programmers concerned with the maintenance of the transient library. It summarizes, under functional headings, the internal logic of the library subroutines, and gives brief details of the relationships between them. Manual, 8-1/2 x 11 inches, 152 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33 translation and the logic of the interpretation process. It does not describe the dynamiC aspects of interpretation (which are discussed in OS PL/I Checkout Compiler: Execution Logic, order No. SC33-0032), or the internal logic of the library subroutines (which are discussed in Volume 2 of this manual, Order No. LY33-6014). It is primarily intended for use by programmers who are responsible for maintenance of the compiler, or who wish to understand program design. SRL Manual, 764 pages SLSS - .ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-6014 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER ~ LOGIC, VOLUME 1 OF 1 PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL2 This volume summarizes, under functional headings, the internal logic of the library subroutines, and gives brief details of the relationships between them. The library is used in program management, input/output, conversion, and interlanguage communications, and also includes many computational subroutines. Manual, 380 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = SY33-7008 1401/1440/1460 DOS EMULATOR ON SYSTEMl370: LOGIC, PROG. ~~~ 370N-EU-490 (DOS), 5745~SC-EML (DOS/VS) This publication describes the organization and logic of the program that emulates the 1401, 1440, and 1460 on the System/370 Models 135, 145, 155. Manual, 342 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-7009 1410/7010 DOS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 LOGIC, PROG. NOS. 370N-EU-490 (DOS), 5745=5C-EML (DOS/VS) -- -This publication aescribes the internal logic of the 1410/7010 Emulator Program for the SystenV370 Models 145 and 155, using the System/360 Disk Operating System. The emulator program is a problem program executed under control of the System/360 Disk Operating System. The emulator program and the appropriate compatibility feature (#4458 for Model 145, #3950 for Model 155) execute 1410/7010 programs on these System/370 models. Major topics in this publication are the logic of the emulator program, the fUnctions of the compatibility features, and the logic of the tape formatting programs used with the emulator. The publication is written to meet the needs of the IBM customer engineer who must maintain the program. Manual. 292 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-7010 MODEL 20 EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 USING DOS AND DOS/VS LOGIC =-PROG. NOS.~70N-IC-002 ~ND 574s=-SC=E20----Volume-1 of this manual describe-S-the internal logic of the IBM System/360 Model 20 Emulator Program on the IBM System/370 Models 115, 125, and 135. The emulator is a problem program that operates under the control of DOS or DOS/VS. IBM Compatibility Feature #7520 must be installed on the System/370. Volume 2 of this manual describes the internal logic of the data interchange program. The data interchange program converts files in Model 20 emulator format to files accessible by DOS/VS programs, and vice versa. It does not use the compatibility feature, and can therefore run on any System/370 model. This publication is intended to be a reference manual for those responsible for emulator program maintenance. Assumed is familiarity with the System/360 Model 20 and DOS or DOS/vS. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-7015 DOS TO OS/VS EMULATOR: LOGIC, ~ NO. ~ This publication describes the internal logic of the DOS Emulator Program under OS/VS1 and OS/vS2. The emulator is a combination of a software program and the DOS Compatibility Feature. The relationship of the program logic to that of the Compatibility Feature is described. This publication has been written to serve as a guide to and for use with the program listing. It is intended for programmers involved in program maintenance and system programmers who are altering the program design. Note: (DOS to OS Emulator-Logic, GY26-3741 is now obsolete) use GY33-7018 for DOS Emulator under OS. Manual, 576 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-6013 SY33-7016 OS PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER: ~!&§!£ ~! OF It. PROORAM NUMBER5734-PL2 1401/1440/1460 OS/VS ~ ~ SYSTEM/370, LOGIC PROG. NO. 5744-AH1 This two-volume manual describes the internal logic of the This manual describes the internal logic of the IBM OS PL/I Checkout compiler. 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Program for the IBM System/370 The checkout compiler consists of a translator program and an interpreter program. The translator converts PL/I Models 135/145/155/155-11/158. The emulator program runs as source programs into instructions in an intermediate code. a problem program under the OS/VS1 and OS/VS2 control programs, and executes objec·t programs wri tten for the rBM The interpreter achieves the effect of object-time execution 1401, 1440 ana 1460 Data Processing Systems (the Model 135 of the coded instructions. This volume contains a functional description of must be equipped with IBM Compatibility Feature #4457; the 288 = SY33 GY33 Model 145 with IBM Compatibility Feature #4457 or #4458~ the Model 155 with IBM Compatibility Feature #3950}. Described in this. manual are the logic of the emulator program, the inter-relationships of the emulator program, the compatibility feature, and the operating system, and the logic of the tape and disk formatting programs used in conjunction with the emulator. This manual is intended to be a reference manual for those responsible for emulator program maintenance. Assumed is familiarity with the IBM 1401/1440/1460 Data Processing Systems and with the appropriate os control program. Manual, 320 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-7017 141017010 OS/VS ~ ON SYSTEW370 :. LOGIC, ~ NO. 5744-AG1 This-manual describes the internal logic of the IBM 1410/7010 Emulator Program for the IBM System/370 Models 145, 155-11 and 158. The emulator runs as a problem program under the OS/VSl and OS/VS2 control programs, and executes object programs written for the IBM 1410 and 7010 Data Processing Systems (the Model 145 must be equipped with IBM Compatibility Feature #4457 or #4458~ the Models 155-11 and 158 with IBM Compatibility Feature #3950) '" Described in this manual are the logic of the emulator program, the inter-relationships of the emulator program, the compatibility feature, and the operating system, and the logic of the tape and disk formatting programs used in conjunction with the emulator. This manual is intended to be reference manual for those responsible for emulator program maintenance. Assumed is familiarity with the IBM 1410/7010 Data Processing Systems and with the appropriate OS control program. Manual, 312 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY33-7018 DOS TO OS EMULATOR - LOGIC PROGRAM NUMBER 360C-EU-738 TiiIspuhlication describes the internaTTogic of the OOS .Emulator Program under OS/MFT and OS/MVT. The emulator is a combination of a software program and the DOS Compatibility Feature. The relationship of the program logic to that of the Compatibility Feature is described. This publication has been written to serve as a guide to and for use with program listing. It is intended for programmers involved in program maintenance and system programmers who are altering the program design. (OOS to OS Emulator-Logic, GY20-3741 is now obsolete) Use SY33-7015 for DOS Emulation under OS/VS. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY33-7019 1401/1440/1460 OS/MFT AND OS/MVT EMULATOR ON SYSTEW370 !!Q~!£L PROG. No:-36OC-Eu=i3S-- - - - - This manual describes the internal logic of the IBM 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Program for the IBM System/370 Models 135/145/155. The emulator program runs as a problem program under the OS/MFT and OS/MVT control programs, and executes object programs written for the IBM 1401, 1440 and 1460 Data Processing systems (the Model 135 must be equipped with IBM Compatibility Feature #4457~ the Model 145 with IBM Compatibility Feature #4457 or #4458~ the Model 155 with IBM Compatibility Feature #3950). Described in this manual are the logic of the emulator program, the inter-relationships of the emulator program, the compatibility feature, and the operating system, and the logic of the tape and disk formatting programs used in conjunction with the emulator. This manual is intended to be a reference manual for those responsible for emulator program maintenance. Assumed is familiarity with the IBM 1401/1440/1460 Data Processing Systems and with the appropriate OS control program. Manual, 300 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY33-7020 1410/7010 OS/MFT AND OS/MVT EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 LOGIC PROG. NO. 3'6O'C=EU=n6--This ma-nual describes the internal logic of the IBM 1410/7010 Emulator Program for the IBM System/370 Models 145, 155 155-11 and 158. The emulator runs as a problem program under the OS/MFT and OS/MVT control programs, and executes object programs written for the IBM 1410 and 7010 Data Processing Systems (the Model 145 must be equipped with IBM Compatibility Feature #4457 for #4458~ the Models 155, 155-11 and 158 with IBM compatibility Feature #3950). Described in this manual are the logic of the emulator program~ the interrelationships of the emulator program, the compatibility feature, and the operating system, and the logic of the tape and disk formatting programs used in conjunction with the emulator. this manual is intended to be a reference manual for t.hose responsible for emulator program maintenance. Assumed is familiarity with the IBM 1410/7010 Data ProceSSing Systems and with the appropriate OS control program. Manual, 312 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-8038 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBER 5746-SM1 This manua 1 aU s ProgramIiiing SysteIiiS"rePresentatIves and system programmers involved in maintenance circumvent and/or fix faults in the oos/vS Sort/Merge (5746-SM1). It describes the structure, logic and operation of the sort/merge by means of method-of-operation diagrams, module descriptions, data area descriptions, and various crossreference tables. Manual, 135 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-8039 OOS SORT/MERGE PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 57ii3='SM1-- - - This manuar-IS a guide to the internal organization and logic of program no. 5743-SM1, intended for customer engineers. Describes program capabilities and system environment, techniques used by the program, and specific program components (using flowcharts). Also includes such aids as: o Microfiche directory o Table Layouts o Register contents at entry to modules o Error-message module cross-reference tables o control statement formats o Summary of program exits The user should be familiar with the Disk Operating System service programs, assembler language, macro instructions, and sort/merge program specifications. Manual, 316 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-8041 OS/VS - VM/370 ASSEMBLER LOGIC COMPONENT NOS 5749-, -5741-, 5742-, and '5"7'5'2'=SC1-03 This program logic manual is written for customer engineers and programmers maintaining the OS/VS - VM/370 assembler. The manual describes the structure, logic, and operation of the assembler. Method of operation diagrams highlight the inputs, processing, and outputs of the assembler functions. The diagrams are accompanied by text describing the functions in more detail and cross-references to the program elements that perform the functions. Detailed charts show how the assembler phases use main storage and the flow of control and data between the assembler phases. The manual also contains layouts of data areas, information designed to be helpful in debugging and information about error message origin, macro and copy code usage, meta text flags, internal operation codes, entry points and EXTRN symbols, record formats, and the internal character set. Prerequisite Publications: OS/VS - DOS/VS - VM/370 Assembler Language, Order No. GC33-4010 IBM System/370 Principles of Operation, Order No. GA22-7000 IBM·system/360Principles of Operation, Order No. GA22-6821 OS/VS - VM/370 Assembler Programmer's Guide, Order No. GC33-4021 Manual, 276 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-8042 OS/VS SORT/MERGE ~ ~ ~ ~ 574Q-SM1 Describes the functions of the OS/VS Sort/Merge Program Product, including ~ethod of operation, program organization directories of program components, data areas, and techniques used by the program. Diagnostic aids include tables showing the origin of program messages, a description of the program's debugging aids and formatted dumps, and some Simple bypasses. Manual, 226 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY33- 85 32 DOS ~ ~ ~ TRANSIEN~ !!Qill ~ PROG. 370N-CL-453 This reference publication describes the internal logic of the IBM Disk Operating System, Logical Transient Programs. It is for persons involved in program maintenance and for system programmers who .are altering the program design. Program logic information is not needed for normal operation of these programs. This publication is a supplement to the program listing. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of IBM System/370 operation and of IBM Disk Operating System Version 4 control and service programs, macro instructions, and operating procedures. Reference publications for this information are listed in the preface. Manual, 260 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY33-8533 INTRODUCTION TO DOS ~ ~ LOGIC ~ ~ NUMBER 370N-CL-453 This reference publication gives an overall view of the Disk Operating system (DOS), and it briefly describes the associated control and service programs. It is intended for persons who are involved in program maintenance and for system programmers who are altering the 289 GY33 GY33 program design. Program logic information is not needed for normal use or operation of the system control program. This manual is designed to introduce and to crossreference the six companion PLMs of the Disk Operating System. These associated PLMs are liste:1 in the Preface of this manual. For titles and abstracts of other associated publications, see the IBM Systeml360 and System/370 Bibliography, GA22-6822. Manual, 52 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY33-8534 DOS VERSION 4 SUPERVISOR AND RELATED TRANSIENTS - PROGRAM LoGIC MANUAL-:- PROGRAM NUMBER~L-453 - --- ThIS-reference publication describes the internal logic of the IBM Disk operating System, supervisor and Physical and Recovery Transients Programs. It is for persons involved in program maintenance and for system programmers altering the program design. Program logic information is not needed for normal operation of these programs. This publication is a supplement to the program listing. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of IBM Systeml370 operation and of IBM Disk Operating system Version 4 control and service programs, macro :Lnstructions, and operating procedures. Reference publications for this information are listed in the Preface of this manual. Manual, 472 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY33-8537 DOS VERSION 4 SYSTEM SERVICE PROGRAMS - PROGRAM ~OGI~ PROCh.-N6:"370N=cr;=m - - - - - - - This reference publication describes the internal logic of supervisor-interrelated service programs of the IBM Disk Operating System. This manual is intended for persons involved in program maintenance and for system programmers altering the program design. Program logic information is not needed for normal use or operation of the system control program. It is designed as a supplement to the program listing. Its effective use requires an understanding of the IBM Systeml370 operation and of the IBM Disk Operating System control and service programs, macro instructions, and operating procedures. Reference publications for this information are listed in the preface of this manual. Manual, 208 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY operating procedures. Reference publications for this information are.listed in the Preface of this manual. For titles and abstracts of other associated publications, see the IBM Systeml360 and Systeml370 Bibliography, GA22-6822. Manual, 268 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY33-8543 DOS VERSION 4 LIOCS INTRODUCTION VOLUME 1 - PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBERS 370N-CL-'ii"53";"3"ioN=Io:m:-370N-IO~ - 456, -457,-458. -477, -478 This reference publication is one of four Program Logic Manuals that describe the internal logic of the Logical IOCS (Input-Output Control System) programs for the IBM Disk Operating System. The four related Program Logic Manuals are: Volume 1: Introduction, GY33-8543. Volume 2: SAM for Unit Record, Magnetic Tape, and Device Independent Files, GY33-8544. Volume 3: SAM and DAM for DASD, GY33-8545. Volume 4: ISAM, GY33-8546. This manual is intended for persons involved in program maintenance and for system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the operation of the programs described. Effective use of this publication requires an Understanding of IBM System/370 operation and the Disk Operating System Assembler language and its associated macro definition language. R definition language. Reference publications for this information are listed in the Preface. For a list of associated publications and their abstrancts, see IBM System/360 and Systeml370 Bibliography, GA22-6822. Manual, 360 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = GY33-8544 GY33-8538 DOS VERSION 4 LINKAGE EDITOR MANUAL - PROGRAM LOGIC, PROG. -N~-cr;::il53 - - - - - - This publication describes the internal logic of the IBM Disk Operating System linkage editor program. It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by system. programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not needed for normal operation of the linkage editor program. It is a supplement to the program listing. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of IBM Systeml370 operation and of IBM Disk Operating System control and service programs, macro instructions, and operating procedures. For titles and abstracts of other associates publications, see the IBM Systeml360 and Systeml370 Bibliography, GA22-6822. Manual, 96 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY33-8539 = §X§!~t1!TIQ. DOS VERSION ~ LIBRARIAN-PROGRAM ~ MANUM PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CL-453 This-reference publication describes the internal logic of the IBM Disk Operating System, Librarian Maint.enance and Service Programs. Persons involved in program maintenance and system programmers should use this manual when altering the program design. Program logic information is not needed for normal operation of the librarian programs, but is to be used as a supplement to the program listing. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of IBM System/370 operation and of IBM Disk Operating System control and service programs, macro instructions, and operating procedures. Reference publications for this i.nformation are listed in the Preface of this manual. Titles and abstrancts of other related publications are listed in the IBM Systeml360 and Systeml370 Bibliography, GA22-6822. Manual, 316 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = b. ~ ~ NO. 370N-CL-453 370N-IO-477. 370N-IO-456. 370N-IO-478. 370N-IO-458 This reference publication is one of four Program Logic Manuals that describe the internal logic of the Logical IOCS (Input/Output Control System) programs for the IBM Disk Operating System. The four related Program Logic Manuals are: Volume 1: Introduction, GY33-8543. Volume 2: SAM for Unit Record, Magnetic Tape, Device Independent Files, GY33-8544. Volume 3: SAM and DAM for DASD, GY33-8545. Volume 4: ISAM, GY33-8546. This manual is intended for persons involved in program maintenance and for system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the operation of the Programs described. Therefore, distribution is limited to those with maintenance and alteration responsibilities. Effective use of this publication requires an understanding of IBM System/370 operation and the Disk Operating System Assembler language and its associate macro definition language. Reference publication for this information are listed in the preface. For the titles and abstracts of other related publications, refer to the IBM Systeml360 and System/370 Bibliography, GA22-6822. Manual, 380 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY !&§. ~ ~!4Q£2 VOL. GY33-8545 DOS VERSION 4 LIOCS VOLUME 3-SAM AND DAM FOR DASDPROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBERS 37ON-Io:m. 370N-Io-454 This reference publication is one of four Program Logic Manuals that describe the internal logic of the Logical IOCS (Input/Output Control System) programs for the IBM Disk Operating System. The four related Program Logic Manuals are: Volume 1: Introduction, GY33-8543. Volume 2: SAM for Unit Record, Magnetic Tape, and Device Independent Files, GY33-8544. Volume 3: SAM and DAM for DASD, GY33-8545. Volume 4: ISAM, GY33-8546. This manual is intended for use by persons involved in progx:am maintenance. and by system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the o~eration of the programs described. Effective use of this publication requires an understanding of IBM System/370 operation and the Disk Operating System Assembler language and its associated macro definition language. Reference publications for this information are listed in the Preface. FOr the titles and abstracts of other related publications, refer to the IBM Systeml360 and System/370 Bibliography, GA22-6822. Program Logic Manual, 420 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY33-8542 DOS VER. 4 IPL AND JCL LOGIC - PROG. NO. 370N-Crr 453 This --reference publication describes the Internal logic of the IBM Operating System, Initial Program Load (IPL) and Job Conrol Programs. It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not needed for normal operation of the IPL and Job Control Programs. It is designed to be used as a supplement to the program listing. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of IBM Systeml370 operation and of the IBM Disk Operating system control and service programs, macro instructions, and 290 = GY33 GY33-8546 DOS VERSION 4 LIOCS VOLUME 4 - ISAM - PROGRAM LOGIC MANU~oGRiM""NUMBER 370N-Io=457 - - - - - This reference publICation is one of four Program Logic Manuals that describe the internal logic of the Logical IOCS programs for the IBM Disk Operatin~ System. The four related Program Logic Manuals are: Volume 1: Introduction, GY33-8543. Volume 2: SAM for Unit Record, Magnetic Tape, Device Independent Files, GY33-8544. Volume 3: SAM and DAM for DASD, GY33-8545. Volume 4: ISAM, GY33-8546. This manual is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the operation of the programs described. Effective use of this publication re~~ires an understanding of system operation, assembler language, and its associated macros. Reference publications for this inforamtion are listed in the Preface. For the titles and abstracts of other related publications. refer to the IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography, GA22-6822. Program Logic Manual, 400 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY33-8547 QQ2 VERSIQ!'! !!. ~ UTILITIES ::. ~ NUMBER 370N-UT-491 This publication describes the internal logic of the IBM DOS System Version 4 Utility programs. It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by system programmers who are altering the program design. program logic information is not necessary for the operation of the program. Manual, 170 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-8548 OS/VS2 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME II: EDIT This -pubHca.tIOiidescribes the internal logic Ofthe TSO EDIT Command Processor program. Included in this manual are discussions of the organization and method of operation of the program. tables of data layouts. The EDIT program processes the EDIT command and subcommands, which are a part of the TSO command language. The EDIT command. and its subcommands create and modify data sets. The subcommands are: ALLOCATE END INSERT RENUM SUBMIT BOTTOM FIND Insert/Replace/Delete RUN TABSET CHANGE FORMAT LIST SAVE TOP DELETE HELP MERGE SCAN UP DOWN INPUT PROFILE SEND VERIFY This manual is intended for use by persons debugging the EDIT Command Processor program, or b¥ sysems programmers who are altering the program design. It is not intended, nor is it needed for normal operation of the program. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-8551 DOS/VS SUPERVISOR LOGIC This reference publication describes the internal logic of the IBM Disk Operating System Virtual Storage (DOS/VB) Supervisor and the Attention Transients. It is for persons involved· in program maintenance and for system programmers altering the program design. Program logiC information is not needed for normal operation of these programs. This publication is a supplement to the program listing. Manual. 490 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-8552 DOS/VS ERROR RECOVERY AND RECORDING TRANSIENTS LOGIC COMPONENT NUMBERS 5734=5C-DKE, 5745-sc=I5/k 574'S-'S'C-"RMS, AND 5745-SC-TPE This reference publication provides general information and detail flowcharts of the Recovery and Recording Transient Programs of the IBM Disk Operation System/Virtual Storage. The· transient programs discussed handle the recovery from and recording of device errors, machine checks and channel checks. This publication, which is a supplement to the program listing~ is intended for persons involved in program maintenance· and for system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not needed for normal operation of these programs. Manual SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33 altering the program design. Program logic information is not needed for normal operation of these programs. Manual. 280 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-8554 DOS/VS SYSTEM SERVICEABILITY AIDS LOGIC This reference publication describes the internal logic of supervisor-interrelated serviceability aid programs of the IBM Disk Operating system (DOSIVS). This manual is intended for persons involved in program maintenance and for system programmers altering the program design. Program logic information is not needed for normal use or operation of the system control program. It is designed as a supplement to the program listing. It·s effective use requires an understanding of the IBM System/370 operation and of the serviceability aid programs provided with the DOS/VS system. Reference publications for this information are listed in the preface of this manual. Manual, 332 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-8555 DOS/VS ll!!. ~ ~ ~ PROGRAM &Q§!£ ::. COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-IPL AND 5745-SC-JCL This reference-publication describes the internal logic of Version 5 of the IBM Disk operating SystemlVirtual Storage, DOS/VS, Initial Program Load (IPL) and Job Control Programs. It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not needed for normal operation of the IPL and Job Control Programs. It is designed to be used as a supplement to the program listing. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of IBM System/370 operation and of DOS/VS control and service programs, macro instructions, and operating procedures. Reference publications for this information are listed in the preface of this manual. FOr titles and abstracts of other associated publications, see the IBM System/360 and Systeml370 Bibliography, GA22-6822, and IBM System/370 Advanced Function Bibliography, GC20-1763, for the editions that are applicable and current. Manual, 336 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-8556 DOS/VS LINKAGE EDITOR LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER ~C~ ------- ---- - ------ - - - - This publication describes the internal logic of the IBM Disk Operating SystemlVirtual' Storage linkage editor program. It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not needed for normal operation of the linkage editor program. It is a supplement to the program listing. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of IBM System/370 operating and of IBM DOSIVS control and service programs, macro instructions, and operating procedures. Manual, 104 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-8557 DOS/VS LIBRARIAN LOGIC .- COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-LBR This reference publicatIon describes-the internal logic of the IBM Disk Operating SystemlVirtual Storage (DOS/VS), Librarian Maintenance and Service Programs. Persons involved in program maintenance and system programmers should use this manual when altering the program design. Program logic information is not needed for normal operation of the librarian programs, but is to·be used as a supplement to the program listing. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of IBM Systeml370 operation and of IBM DOSIVS control and service programs, macro instructions, and operating procedures. Reference publications for this information are listed in the Preface of this manual. Titles and abstracts of other related publications are listed in the IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography, GA22-6822, and the IBM System/370 Advanced Function Bibliography, GC20-1763. Manual, 340 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-8558 DOs/VS SYSTEM UTILITIES LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 571i5=Sc=tiTL - - - - - - - - - - - ----- This publication describes the internal 19oic of the IBM DOs/VS System Utility programs. It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the operation of the programs. Manual, 338 pages SLSS - ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-8553 DOS/VS LOGICAL TRANSIENTS MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5745=SC-AIT AND 5745-SC-DOC--- - - - - - - - Thrs-reference-publication provides general information and detail flowcharts of the Logical Transient Programs of the IBM Disk Operating SystemlVirtual Storqage. The transient programs discussed are the Attention Routines. the Terminator·Routines, the CRT Transients and some special SY33-8559 service programs. This publication, vhich is a supplement DOS/VS LIOCS VOL. I GENERAL INFORMATION AND IMPERATIVE to the program listing, is intended for persons involved in MACROs LOGIC ::-cDMPoNEN'TiWMBER 5745-SC-CKR program maintenance and for system programmers who are ThIs reference publication-rs-the first of four Logic 291 SY33 SY33 Manuals that describe the internal logic of the Logical IOCS : INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROG. NOS. 5734-F02, 5734-CP3 FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MOD I) FOR OS & VM/370 (CMS): INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LMl CODE AND GO FORTRAN PROCESSOR FOR OS & VM/370 (CMS): INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROG. NO. 5734-FOl FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED> COMPILER AND FORTRAN LIBRARY (MOD II) FOR OS , VM/370 (CMS): INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROG. NOS. 5734-F03, 5734-LM3 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-F03 OS FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MOD II) - PPS - PROG. NO. 5734-LM3 FORTRAN IV MATHEMATICAL AND SERVICE SUBPROGRAMS: SUPPLEMENT FOR MOD I & MOD II LIBRARIES, PROG. NOS. 5734-LM1, 5734-LM3 IBM OS FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER AND LIBRARY (MOD II) MESSAGES, PROG. NOS. 5734-F03, 5734-LM3 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED PLUS COMPILER & LIBRARY USER SUPPLEMENT - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AAW SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV LIBRARY, OPTION 1 - PROGRAM PRODUCT DESIGN OBJECTIVE PROGRAM NUMBER 5746-LM3 OS/VSl RES SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE OS/VSl RES WORKSTATION USER'S GUIDE FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR OS(TSO) AND VM/370(CMS) PROGRAM PRODUCT DESIGN OBJECTIVES, PROG. NO. 5734-F05 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV LIBRARY OPTION 1 - PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5746-LM3 DOS FORTRAN IV LIBRARY OPTION/PROGRAMMERS'S GUIDE SUPPLEMENT - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5746-LM3 IBM FORTRAN PROGRAM PRODUCTS FOR OS AND THE CMS COMPONENT OF VM/370: GENERAL INFORMATION, PROG. NOS. 5734-F01,2,3,5 -LMl,3,-CP3 FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR OS (TSO) & VM/370 (CMS>: TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5734-F05 FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR OS (TSO) & VM/370 (CMS): INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROG. NO. 5734-F05 FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR OS (TSO> & VM/370 (CMS): PROG. PROD. 5734-F05 SPECIFICATIONS IBM VM/370 (CMS) TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE FOR FORTRAN IV PROGRAM PRODUCTS 5734-F01, -F02, -F03, -LM1, & -LM3 CODE AND GO FORTRAN FOR OS AND VM/370 (CMS) PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-FOl - FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MOD I) FOR OS & VM/370 (CMS), PROG. PROD. 5734-LMl FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OS (TSO) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: PL/I AND BASIC, FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION - PROG NOS. 5734-RC2i 5734-RC4 OS INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: PL/I AND BASIC - PROG. NOS. 5734-RC1, 5734-RC3, - FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION SYSTEM/370 PROGRAM PRODUCTS: LANGUAGE AND SORT PROCESSORS -OS, DOS, VM/370-CMS (CATALOG) B IS FOR BASIC: AN INTRODUCTION TO VS BASIC UNDER CMS PROG. NO. 5748-XXl IBM SYSTEM/370 VS BASIC GENERAL INFORMATION - PROGRAM NUMBER 5748-XXl SYSTEM/370 VS BASIC LANGUAGE SYSTEM/370 VS BASIC TSO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER 5748-XXl SYSTEM/370 VS BASIC O1S TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROG. NO. 5748-XXl SYSTEM/370 VS BASIC DOS/VS AND OS/VS PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE PROG. NO. 5748-XXl SYSTEM/370 VS BASIC INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5748-XXl B IS FOR BASIC AN INTRODUCTION TO VS BASIC UNDER CMS PROG. NO. 5748-XXl SYSTEM/370 VS BASIC, PROG. PROD. 5748-XXl SPECIFICATIONS VIDEO/370 INCLUDING THE CICS FEATURE GENERAL INFORMATION PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC5 AND 5736-RC3 OS/MFT, OS/MVT AND OS/VS1: CRJE CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES PROG. NO. 360S-RC-55l (MFT/MVT), 574l-SC1-OA (VS1) OS/MFT, OS/MVT AND OS/VS1: CRJE TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROG. NO. 360S-RC-55l (MFT/MVT), 574l-SC1-OA (VS1) OS/MFT, OS/MVT AND Os/VS1: CRJE SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE PROG. NO. 360S-RC-55l (MFT/MVT>, 574l-SC1-OA (VS1) OS TCAM CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES, PROG. NO. 360S-CQ-548 OS TCAM USER'S GUIDE (OS/MFT, /MVT: OS/VS1, /VS2) PROG. NO. 360S-CQ-548i VS COMPONENTS 574l(&2)-SCl-2l OS/VS TeAM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5744-AWl GN30-5554 OS/VSl TCAM LEVEL 2 COMPONENT RELEASE GUIDE OS/VS TCAM LEVEL 4 COMPONENT RELEASE GUIDE **GN30-30l7 **GN30-30l9 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS TCAM - PROGRAM NUMBER 5744-AW2 COMPONENT NUMBERS 574l-SCl-2l AND 5742-SCl-2l 309 30 30 30 30 GC30-2038-0 **GC30-2041-0 **GC30-2042-0 GC30-2044-0 30 30 30 30 30 **GC30-2045-0 GC30-2047-0 GC30-2054-0 GC30-3001-4 **GC30-3002-5 II 30 09 GC30-3003-l *.GC30-3004-3 30 **GN30-5558 GC30-3005-4# 30 •• GC30-3006-2 30 GC30-3008-l 30 OS/VS TCAM LEVEL 5 COMPONENT RELEASE GUIDE OS/VS2 TCAM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE OS/VS TCAM CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES OS/VS TCAM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM NOS. 5744-AWZ, 574l-SCl-2l, AND 5742-SCl-2l Os/VS TCAM USER'S GUIDE OPERATORS LIBRARY: OS/VSl TCAM OS/VSl TCAM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE IBM 3735 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (OS, DOS, AND VS SYSTEMS) 3704 , 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS, EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND UTILITIES, GUIDE AND REFERENCE MANUAL PROG. NOS. 360H-TX-033,35,36; 5735-SCl; 5744-ANl, 5747-AGl 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE IBM 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 3704 , 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS, EMULATION PROGRAM STORAGE , PERFORMANCE REFERENCE MANUAL 3704 , 3705 NCP STORAGE , PERFORMANCE ESTIMATES (FOR OS/TCAM, OS/VS TCAM, , OS/VS , DOS/VS VTAM USERS), PROG. NOS. 360H-TX-034 (OS), 5744-BAl (OS/VS) IBM 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM/VS GENERATION AND UTILITIES GUIDE AND REFERENCE MANUAL (FOR OS/VS AND roS/VS VTAM USER'S) - PROG. NOS. 5744-BA2, 5747-AJ2 NCP/TCAM NETWORK USER'S GUIDE - PROG. NO. 5735-SC2 **GN30-3020 09 **GC30-3009-l# GC30-3009-0# *.GC30-3020-1 09 **GC30-3021-1 09 29 •• GC30-3026-1 •• GC33-000l-2 29 *.GC33-0003-3 29 .*GC33-0004-5 29 **GC33-0005-4 29 .*SC33-0006-3 29 **SC33-0007-2t 29 29 •• SC33-0008-3# SC33-0008-2# SC33-0008-l# **GC33-0009-3 29 **GC33-00l0-l 29 •• GC33-0016-6 29 •• GC33-00l7-6 29 .*GC33-00l8-6 29 •• SC33-00l9-l *.GN33-6085 **GN33-6095 29 **SC33-0020-3 •• SN33-6l14 ··SN'33-6124 29 .*SC33-0021-2 **SN33-61l6 *·SN33-6l25 29 .*GC33-0022-5 29 .*GC33-0023-5 25 **GC33-0024-5 29 •• SC33-0025-2 29 **SC33-0026-4 29 **SC33-0027-311 29 **SC33-0029-2 29 .*GC33-0030-3 29 .*SC33-0031-3 29 •• SC33-0032-1 29 .*SC33-0033-2 29 *.SC33-0034-l *.SN33-6106 **SN33-6128 29 29 .*SC33-0035-l .*GC33-0036-0 **SN33-6l20 **SN33-6126 •• SN33-6127 TELEPROCESSING PREINSTALLATION GUIDE FOR IBM 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS TELEPROCESSING INSTALLATION RECORD FOR IBM 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS IBM 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL SETUP INSTRUCTIONS OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PLl OS PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER: GENERAL INFORMATION PROG. NOS. 5734-PL2, 5734-LM5 DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL PROG. PROD. 5736-PLl DOS PL/I OPT IMIZ ING COMP ILER: LANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NOS. 5736-PLl, AND 5736-PL3 OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER - PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-PL1, 5734-LM4, 5734-LM5 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-PL2, 5734-LM5 DOS PL/I OPT IMIZ ING COMP ILER: PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM PRODUCTS 5736-PLl, 5736-LM4 AND 5736-LM5 OS PL/I CHECKOUT AND OPTIMIZING COMPILERS: LANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUAL, PROG. NOS. 5734-PLl-2, LM4-5 (ALL - 5734-PL3) DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER PROGRAM PRODUCT DESIGN OBJECTIVES - PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-PLl DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-PLl DOS PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM PRODUCT 5736-LM4 (5736-PL3) DOS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY: PROG. PROD. 5736-LM5 (5736-PL3) SPECIFICATIONS DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/360 PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: EXECUTION LOGIC PROGRAM NUMBERS 5736-PL1, 5736-LM4, 5736-LM5 DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: INSTALLATION PROGRAM NOS. 5736-PL1,LM4,LM5 DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES MANUAL, PROG. PROD. 5736-PLl, 5736-LM5 SYSTEM/360 OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PLl OS PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY - PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LM4 OS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY - PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LM5 OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: EXECUTION LOGIC PROGRAM NOS. 5734-PLl, 5734-LM4 AND 5734-LM5 OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: INSTALLATION - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-PL1, 5734-LM4, AND 5734-LM5 NOTE: THESE PRODUCTS ARE ALSO DISTRIBUTED AS COMPLETE PACKAGE 5734-PL3 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES PROG. NOS. 5734-PLl, 5734-LM5 OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: TSO USER'S GUIDE PROG. NOS. 5734-PLl, -LM4, -LM5 (ALL = 5734-PL3) OS PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER - PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL2 OS PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER: INSTALLATION - PROGRAM PRODUCTS 5734-PL2 AND 5734-LM5 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER EXECUTION LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-PL2 5734-LM5 OS PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER: TSO USER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL2, 5734-LM5 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER: MESSAGES MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-PL2, 5734-LM5 DOS PL/I TRANSIENT' LIBRARY MESSAGES, PROG. PROD. 5736-LM5 PL/I UNDER CMS - PROGRAM PRODUCT DESIGN OBJECTIVES: PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER, PROG. NO. 5734-PLl PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY, PROG. NO. 5734-LM4 PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY, PROG. NO. 5734-LM5 310 29 **SC33-0037-1 29 **GC33-0041-0 29 **GC33-0046-0 29 **SC33-0047-0 29 **GC33-0048-0 os PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER: **SN33-6100 **SN33-6131 35 **GC33-2004-3 **GN33-7058 **GN33-7045 35 **GC33-2005-2# **GN33-7032 **GN33-7 0 59 35 35 **GC33-2006-3 GC33-2010-0 35 35 **GC33-2017-0 GC33-2018-0 35 **GC33-2019-0 35 35 **GC33-2020-0 **GC33-2021-0 35 **GC33-2022-0 21 **GC33-4010-4# GC33-4010-3# GC33-4010-2# **GC33-4015-0 33 **GN33-7072 GN33-8185 GN33-8179 33 **GC33-4017-1 33 33 33 **S~33-4018-2 **GC33-4019-2 **GC33-4020-4 21 GC33-4021-2 **GN33-8186 33 **SC33-4023-1 **SN33-8196 21 33 GC33-4024-2# GC33-4 024 -1 # **GC33-4025-1# GC33-4025-0# **SC33-4026-0 33 **GC33-4027-1 33 **SC33-4028-1 33 GN33-8181 ~S USERS GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL1 OS/ PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER, VERSION 1 RELEASE 2: PROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-PL2 DESIGN OBJECTIVES DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER, RESIDENT LIBRARY , TRANSIENT LIBRARY: PROG. PRODS. 5736-PL1, LM4, LM5, DESIGN OBJECTIVES OS PLII CHECKOUT COMPILER: CMS USER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBERS: 5734-PL2,5734-LM5 OS PLII CHECKOUT COMPILER, VERSION 1 RELEASE 2 MODIFICATION 1: PROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-PL2 DESIGN OBJECTIVES 1401/1440/1460/00S EMULATOR ON MODELS 135/145/155 REFERENCE MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-EU-490 1410/7010 DOS EMULATOR ON MODELS 145/155 REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-EU-490 MODEL 20 DOS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 REFERENCE (370N-IC-002) MODEL 20 EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 USING DOS AND DOS/VS PLANNING - PROG. NO. 360N-IC-002, COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-E20 DOS TO OS/VS EMULATOR - REFERENCE, PROG. NO. 5744-AS1 1401/1440/1460 OS/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 - REFERENCE ( 5744-AH1) 1410/7010 OS/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370, REFERENCE - PROG. NO. 5744-AG1 DOS TO OS EMULATOR - REFERENCE PROGRAM NUMBER 360C-EU-738 1401/1440/1460 OS/MFT AND OS/MVT EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 (360S-EU-735) REFERENCE 1410/7010 OS/MFT AND Os/MVT EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 REFERENCE, PROG. NO. 360C-EU-736 OS/VS - DOS/VS - VM/370 ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE COMPONENT NOS. 5749-SC1-03, 5752-SC1-03, 5741-SC1-03, AND 5745-SC-ASM IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 155 SORT/MERGE TIMING ESTIMATES PLANNING GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER 360S-SM-023 IBM SYSTEM/360 DOS SORT MERGE DESIGN OBJECTIVES PROG. NO. 5743-SM1 DOS SORT/MERGE PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5743-SM1 DOS SORT/MERGE SPECIFICATIONS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5743-SM1 IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM SORT/MERGE . GENERAL INFORMATION, PROGRlIM NUMBER 5743-SM1 OS/VS - VM/370 ASSEMBLER PROGR1IMMER'S GUIDE COMPONENT NO. 5749-SC1-03 DOS SORT/MERGE INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5743-SM1 GUIDE TO THE DOS/VS ASSEMBLER - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-ASM GN33-8177 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE SPECIFICATIONS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5746-SM1 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE INSTALLATI ON REFERENCE MANUAL PROG. PROD. 5746-SM1 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE DESIGN OBJECTIVES - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5746-SM1 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5746-SMl OS TSO ASSEMBLER PROMPTER INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-CP2 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE GENERAL INFORMATION - PROGRAM NUMBER 5746-SMl 21 **SC33-4029-0 **SN33-8163 33 33 33 33 **GC33-4030-2# GC33-4030-1# GC33-4030-0# **GC33-4031-1 **GC33-4032-3 **GC33-4033-1 **GN33-8184 33 **SC33-4034-1 **SN33-8190 33 **SC33-4035-2 30 **GC33-5004-0 20 40 20 **GC33-5007-1# GC33-5007-0# **GC33-5008-1# GC33-5008-0# **GC33-5009-1 GC33-5370-3 34 30 GC33-5371-4 GC33-5372-3 30 30 30 36 GC33-5373-3 GC33-5374-0 GC33-5375-1 GC33-5376-2 34 GC33-5377-3 40 GC33-5378-2 40 GC33-5379-3 37 GC33-5380-2 DOS/VS SERVICEABILITY AIDS AND DEBUGGING PROCEDURES 32 GC33-5381-1 DOS/VS SYSTEM UTILITIES - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-UTL 34 **GN33-8191 OS/VS SORT/MERGE PROGRAM PRODUCT 5740-SM1 DESIGN OBJECTIVES OS/VS SORT/MERGE: PROG. PROD. 5740-SM1 SPECIFICATIONS OS/VS SORT/MERGE GENERAL INFORMATION - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5740-SM1 OS/VS SORT/MERGE INS~LLATION REFERENCE MANUAL - PROG. PROD. 5740-SMl OS/VS SORT/MERGE PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE PROGRAM PRODUCT 5740-SM1 SYSTEM/360 DOS PLANNING GUIDE FOR PROGRAMMING THE 3330 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE FACILITY SYSTEM/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM VERSION 4 - MANUAL DOS VERSION 4 SYSTEM GENERATION DOS VERSION 4 MESSAGES, PROG. NO. 370N-CL-453 INTRODUCTION TO DOS/VS - MANUAL DOS/VS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT GUIDE DOS/VS DATA MANAGEMENT GUIDE **GN33-9178 **GN33-8778 **GN33-8781 DOS/VS DOS/VS DOS/VS DOS/VS SUPERVISOR AND I/O MACROS SRL MANUAL TAPE LABELS MANUAL DASD LABELS RELEASE 29 SYSTEM CONTROL STATEMENTS DOS/VS SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE MANUAL OPERATOR'S LIBRARY **GN33-9176 GN33-9176 ~OS/VB OPERATING PROCEDURES SYSTEMS DOS/VS MESSAGES 311 30 GC33-53 82-3 37 GC33-5383-0 35 GC33-5384-0 35 GC33-5385-0 35 GC33-5388-2 30 GC33-5400-0 DOS/VS ACCESS METHOD SERVICES USER'S GUIDE **GN28-2566 **GN25-0117 **GN33-7049 **GN33-7066 **GN33-7050 **GN25-0115 DOS/VS OLTEP - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-OLT **GN33-7065 **GN33-7062 **GN33-7067 **GN33-7068 **GN33-7063 **GN33-7071 1401/1440/1460 DOS/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 REFERENCE MANUAL - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-EML 1410/7010 DOS/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5745-SC-EML MODEL 20 DOS/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370, REFERENCE-COMPONENT NO. 5745-E20 20 **GC34-0006-3 20 **GC34-0056-0 36 **GC34-0057-0 36 **GC34-0058-0 34 GC35-0004-6 DOS/VS PROGRAMMING GUIDE FOR IBM 3340 DASD, ROTATIONAL POSITION SENSING (RPS) AND BLOCK MULTIPLEX CHANNEL SUPPORT SYSTEM/7 LINKAGE EDITORS PROG. NOS. 360A-TX-015,025, 5744-AC1, 5747-AC1, AND 5707-AF1 DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL 5744-BK1 DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM PROGRAM REFERENCE GUIDE PROG. PROD. 5744-BK1 DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM OPERATIONS MANUAL PROG. NO.5744-BK1 OS/VS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITIES (SMF) 32 GC35-0005-4 OS/VS UTILITIES 30 GC35-0010-0 30 30 **GC35-0011-0 **GC35-0012-0 30 01 01 01 01 40 **GC35-0013-0 **GC38-0005-5 **GC38-0015-4# GC38-0015-3# **GC38-0025-2 **GC38-0030-0 GC38-0110-5 40 40 GC38-0120-3 GC38-0210-2 39 38 30 30 30 38 38 40 GC38-0220-0 GC38-0225-0 **GC38-0255-211 GC38-0260-1 GC38-0305-0 GC38-0330-0 GC38-0335-0 GC38-1001-4 **GN34-0220 OS/VS2 USING OS CATALOG MANAGEMENT WITH THE MASTER CATALOG: CVOL PROCESSOR OS/VS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) PLANNING GUIDE OS/VS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) SERVICES FOR SPACE MANAGEMENT OS/VS MASS STOR!!.GE CONTROL TABLE CREATE OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 135 PROCEDURES IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 145 OPERATING PROCEDURES **GN35-0017 **GN24-0711 **GN24-0692 GN24-0633 GN24-0645 IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 158 OPERATING PROCEDURES SYSTEM/370 MODEL 168 OPERATING PROCEDURES OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/vS1 REFERENCE OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS CONSOLE CONFIGURATIONS OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS2 REFERENCE OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS2 TSO OPERATORS LIBRARY: OS/VS 2 REMOTE TERMINALS OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/vS1 DISPLAY CONSOLES OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS2 DISPLAY CONSOLES OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS TCAM - PROGRAM NUMBER 5741-SCl-21 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY OS/VS1 RES - PROGRAM NUMBER 5741-SC1-BB OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VSl CRJE OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS1 SYSTEM MESSAGES **GN27-1480 **GN27-1446 **GN24-5465 40 GC38-1002-3 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS2 SYSTEM MESSAGES 40 GC38-1003-5 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS1 SYSTEM CODES 40 GC38-1004-5 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: ROUTING AND DESCRIPTOR CODES 32 GC38-1005-4 37 31 GC38-1006-3 GC38-1007-4 40 GC38-1008-2 39 30 40 GC38-1009-1# GC38-1009-0# GC38-1010-2 **GC38-1011-0 85 00 50 **GE20-0312-2# **GF20-8172-9 **GH12-5115-0 50 **SH12-5411-1 **SN12-5061 50 **SH12-5412-1 **SN12-5065 50 **SH12-5413-1 **SN12-5063 50 **SH12-5414-1 **SN12-5064 50 **SH12-5415-0 39 **SH18-0007-0* 50 **GH19-0082-0 50 **GH19-0084-0 14 **GH19-7024-0 22 50 **GH20-0689-2# **GH20-0765-4# OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: UTILITIES MESSAGES **GN25-0104 **GN25-0106 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: SERVICE AIDS AND OLTEP MESSAGES OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER MESSAGES OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS2 SYSTEM CODES OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS2 TSO MESSAGES GN28-2559 **GN24-5498 **SN18-1103 **SN12-5062 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS1 RES RTAM AND ACCOUNT MESSAGES OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES MESSAGES VS/1 RELEASE 4 ~ VS/2 RELEASE 3 PREFACE TO PL/I PROGRAMMING IN SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DATA PROCESSING TECHNIQUES DATA LANGUAGE/I-ENTRY DOS/VS (DL/I-ENTRY DOS/VS) GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL, PROG. PROD. 5746-XX7 DL/1 DOS/VS APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM PRODUCT 5746-XXl DL/1 DOS/VS UTILITIES AND GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM PROGRAMMER PROGRAM PRODUCT 5746-XX1 DL/I DOS/VS SYSTEM/APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE PROGRAM NO. 5746-XXl DL/I DOS/VS OPERATOR'S REFERENCE MANUAL & MESSAGES AND CODES, PROG. PROD. 5746-XX1 DATA LANGUAGE/I-ENTRY DOS/VS (DL/I-ENTRY DOS/VS) APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE MANUAL PROG. PROD. 5746-XX7 TSO 3270 PRINTER SUPPORT PROGRAMMING RPQ U946866 DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-ALB GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM DOS/VS, GENERAL INFORMATION PROG. NO. 5799-ALX, PRPQ 8T0139 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM DOS/VS EXECUTIVE QUERY, REFERENCE - PROG. NO. 5799-ALX, PRPQ 8T0139 IBM 3277 DISPL~ STATION CUSTOM FEATURE DESC. 1980-C24 PRINTER ATTACHMENT RPQ U58950 APL/360 PRIMER, STUDENT TEXT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360, VERSION 2, GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL: PROG. PROD. 5734-XX6 312 22 **3H20-0850-1 # 50 **G82 0-0892-1 # G820-0892-0# **G820-0906-1 22 50 **S820-0910-4# S820-0910-3# 50 **SH20-0911-4 fI 50 **S82 0-0912-4 # SH2 0-0912-3 # 50 **SH20-0913-4* 50 **S820-0914-3 50 **SH20-0915-3 22 **S820-0938-1 50 **SH20-1007-2 **GN20-3014 * **SN20-9017 79 **GH20-1027-3 50 **G820-1028-4 50 **S820-1030-2# S820-1030-1# 50 **SH20-1032-1 50 **SH20-1033-2 **SN20-9076 50 **SH20-1034-21 **SN20-9043 50 **S820-1040-1 50 **S820-1043-5 50 **SH20-1044-4 , 50 **S820-1047-5 50 **Sa20-1048-3# S820-1048-2# 79 **SH20-1069-2 79 **SH20-1070-2 50 39 **GH20-1074-2# GH20-1074-1# **S820-1103-2 39 **SH20-1104-1 82 **G820-1128-3 **SN20-9045 **SN20-3180 35 **GH20-1152-1 **GN33-7027 35 **GH20-1153-1 **GN33-7028 82 **S820-1157-2 82 **SH20-1158-2 36 **GH20-1171-1 36 **GH20-1173-1 82 **GH20-1175-2 50 **S82 0-1171-1 **GN20-3146 **GN20-9035 APLl360 - OS C5734-XM6) AND APL/360 - DOS C5736-XM6) GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL IBM GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 CGIS/2) APPLICATION DESCRIPTION, PROG. NO. 5734-XXI APLl360-0S C5734-XM6), APL/360-DOS C5736-XM6), USER'S MANUAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360, VERSION 2 SYSTEM/APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360, VERSION 2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 573.4-XX6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360, VERSION 2 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360, VERSION 2, OPERATOR'S REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-xX6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360, VERSION 2, MESSAGES AND CODES REFERENCE MANUAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360 VERSION 2 UTILITIES REFERENCE MANUAL, PROG. NO. 5734-XX6 APL/360 - DOS OPERATIONS AND INSTALLATION MANUAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-XM6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360 VERSION 2 MASTER INDEX PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 STAT/BASIC FOR SYSTEM/3 MODEL 6, ITF, AND VM/370-CMS: GENERAL INFORMATION, PROG. NOS. 5703-XA1, 5734-XA3 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM CCICS) DOS-ENTRY CCICS/DOSE) DOS-STANDARD (CICS/DOSS) OS-STANDARD V2 CCICS/OS) GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-XX7, 5736~XX6, 5736-XX7 IBM GENERALIZED INFORMAT ION SYSTEM VERSION 2 CGIS/2) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION MANUAL, VOLUME 1: SYSTEM OVERVIEW AND CONTROL, PROG. PROD. 5734-XX1 IBM GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM, VERSION 2 CGIS/2) OPERAXIONS MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 CGIS/2) VOLUME 3, PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE - PROGRAM DESCRIPTION MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM CCICS) OPERATIONS GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBERS DOS-ENTRY 5736-XX6 DOS-STANDARD 5736-XX7 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) VOLUME 2: DATA DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE - PROGRAM DESCRIPTION MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBERS DOS-ENTRY 5736-XX6, DOS-STANDARD 5736-XX7, OS-STANDARD V2 5734-XX7 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) TERMINAL OPERAXOR'S GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBERS DOS-ENTRY 5736-XX6, DOS-STANDARD 5736-XX7, OS-STANDARD V2 5734-XX7 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBERS 5736-XX6 (DOS-ENTRY) 5736-XX7 CDOS-STANDARD~ 5734-XX7 (OS-STANDARD V2) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) OPERATING SYSTEM STANDARD VERSION 2 OPERATIONS GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX7 STAT/BASIC FOR SYSTEMl3 MODEL 6, ITF, AND VM/370-CMS: PROGRAM REFERENCE - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5703-XA1, 5734-XA3 STAT/BASIC FOR ITF AND VM/370-CMS: OPERATIONS GUIDE, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XA3 INTERACTIVE QUERY FACILITY (IQF) FOR IMS/360 VERSION 2 PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 - GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL S/370 MCGILL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FOR INTERACTIVE COMPUTING MUSIC RELEASE II PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OPERATIONS MANUAL - IUP NUMBER 5796-AAT S/370 MCGILL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FOR INTERACTIVE COMPUTING MUSIC RELEASE II USER'S GUIDE - IUP NUMBER 5796-AAT MATH/BASIC FOR SYSTEMl3 MODEL 6, ITF, AND VM/370-CMS GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL, PROG. NOS. 5703-XM2 (SYSTEM/3) AND 5734-XM8 (ITF AND VMl370-CMS) RCA 301 EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 USING DOS AND DOS/VS (PRPQ) TRANSITION GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5799-ADR HONEYWELL SERIES 200 EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 USING DOS AND DOS/VS (PRPQ) - TRANSITION GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5799-ADT MATH/BASIC FOR ITF AND VM/370-CMS: OPERATIONS GUIDE, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XM8 MATH/BASIC FOR SYSTEM/3 MODEL 6. ITF AND VM/370-CMS PROGRAM REFERENCE MANUAL, PROG. NOS. 5703-XM2 CS/3) AND 5734-XM8 (ITF-OS/DOS/TSO AND VMl370-CMS) SYSTEM/370 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM PROGRAM (S/370 DSP) GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL, PROG. NO. 360A-TX-032 IBM SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 ASP VERSION 3 ASYMMETRIC MULTI PROCESSING SYSTEM: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL, PROG. NO. 360A-CX-15X BUSINESS ANALYSIS/BASIC GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL, PROG. NOS. 5703-XM3 (SYSTEM/3 MODEL 6) AND 5734-XMB (ITF-OS/DOS/ TSO AND VM/370-CMS) PLANNING GUIDE FOR THE PL/l QUERY SUPPORT FEATURE OF GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 313 30 •• GH20-1207-1# 30 •• SH20-1208-1 30 •• SH20-1209-0 50 •• GH20-1222-0 •• GN20-3129 ·.GN20-3260 •• SN20-3248 ··SN20-3449 •• SN20-3011 .·SN20-3249 50 •• GH20-1223-0 •• GN20-2872 50 •• GH20-1246-2 •• GN20-9490 50 •• GH20-1251-3 •• GN20-3341 50 •• GH20-1260-2# GH20-1260-1# 82 •• SH20-1262-1 82 •• SH20-1264-2 50 •• GH20-1272-0 50 •• GH20-1273-0 50 •• GH20-1280-4 36 •• GH20-1289-1 36 •• GH20-1290-1 36 •• GH20-1291-1 36 •• GH20-1292-1 50 •• SH20-1296-0 50 •• SH20-1303-1 50 •• SH20-1304-1# SH20-1304-0# •• S820-1305-0 50 SN20-2702 •• SN20-2707 50 •• S820-1306-0 50 •• SH20-1307-1# •• SN20-3172 50 •• S~20-1358-1 •• SN20-3182 50 •• SH20-1359-1 50 •• SH20-1360-0 37 •• SN20-3409 50 •• SH20-1361-1# S820-1361-0# •• SH20-1368-0 50 •• SH20-1390-1 36 •• GH20-1403-0 50 •• SH20-1456-1 50 •• SH20-1457-1 •• SN20-3303 22 •• SN20-9083 22 •• SH20-1460-1# S820-1460-0# •• SH20-1461-0 50 •• GH20-1502-1 50 50 50 50 50 •• GH20-1514-0 •• S820-1539-0 •• SH20-1540-0 ··SH20-1541-0 •• SH20-1542-0 36 •• SH20-1552-0 32 •• SH20-1558-1 32 •• S820-1564-0 31 •• SH20-1568-1 50 •• SH20-1572-0 •• GN20-3147 •• SN20-9085 •• SN20-3193 ·.SN20-3184 •• SN20-3351 ··GN20-3203 **GN20-3434 ··SN20-3262 ··SN20-3204 **SN20-3261 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM (TCS) CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES MANUAL - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-F31 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM (TCS) PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE MANUAL - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-F31 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM (TCS) OPERATIONS GUIDE, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-F31 INTERACTIVE QUERY F~CILITY (IQF) INTRODUCTION LANGUAGE GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 IQF TERMINAL USERS REFERENCE GUIDE (INTERACTIVE QUERY FACILITY) (IMS/360) - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 DATA LANGUAGE/I DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (DL/I DOS/VS) GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 5746-XX1 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM II (DMS II) GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL - PROGRAM PRODUCTS 5734-XC4 AND 5736-XC4 INFORMATION MAN~GEMENT SYSTEM VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/VS) GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5740-XX2 BUSINESS ANALYSIS/~IC FOR ITF AND VM/370-CMS OPERATIONS GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5734-XMB BUSINESS ANALYSIS/BASIC PROGRAM REFERENCE MANUAL, PROG. NOS. 5703-XM4 (S/3 MOD 6), 5734-XMB (ITF-OS/DOS/TSO 6 VM/370-CMS) DATA BASE DESIGN EVALUATION (DBPROTOTYPE) GENERAL INFORMATION M~NUAL - IUP NUMBER 5796-PBB PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE FOR IMS-PLIMS GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL - IUP NUMBER 5796-PBF CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS/VS) GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBERS CICS/OS/VS 5740-XX1 AND CICS/DOS/VS 5746-XX3 ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM OPERATOR'S MANUAL, PROG. NO. 360A-CX-15X ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM: MESSAGES 6 CODES MANUAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 360A-CX-15X ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM - APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 360A-CX-15X IBM S/360 AND S/370 ASP VERSION 3 ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM - SYSTEM PROGRAMMR'S MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 360A-CX-15X FASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY PROGRAM REFERENCE MANUAL AND OPERATIONS GUIDE PROG. NOS. 5740-XX1 (CICS/OS/VS), 5746-XX3 (CICS/DOS/VS) DBPROTOTYPE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL - IUP NUMBER 5796-PBB PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE FOR IMS - PLIMS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL - IUP NUMBER 5796-PBF IMSMAP - DATA BASE MAPPING PROGRAMS - PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/ OPERATIONS MANUAL - IUP NUMBER 5796-PBC BTS (BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL - IUP NUMBER 5796-PBD TEST IMS UTILITIES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL IUP NUMBER 5796-PBE S/370 CICS ON LINE TEST/DEBUG CON EDISON - IUP 5796-AEF DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS S/370 CICS/COBOL CALL INTERFACE NATIONAL BANK OF DETROIT 5796-AEG DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3270 FORMATTING FEATURE FOR BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR (BTS) IUP 5796-PBD DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TEST DATA GENERATOR: IUP 5796-PBP DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DATA COMMUNICATION ANALYZER (DCANALYZER) IUP 5796-PCA DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3270 SCREEN IMAGE PROCESSOR FOR IMS AND IMS/VS - IUP 5796-AFC, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IBM SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 ASP VERSION 3 ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 360A-CX-15X DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM II (OMS II) OS/VS OPERATIONS GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XC4 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM II (OMS II) OS/VS PROGRAM REFERENCE MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XC4 APL SHARED VARIABLES (APLSV) USER'S GUIDE (PRPQ WE1191) PROG. NO. 5799-AJF APL SHARED VARIABLES (APLSV) PROGRAMMING RPQ WEl191 OPERATIONS GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AJF FASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY FOR THE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS/VS) GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL, PROG. PROD. 5740-XXl 6 5746-XX3 FASTER TO CICS/VS MIGRATION TECHNIQUES GUIDE IMSMAP/VS - IUP 5796-PCY, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS BTS/VS - IUP 5796-PCZ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TEST IMS/VS UTILITIES - IUP 5796-P~. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOSMAP - DL/I DATA BASE MAPPING PROGRAMS 5796-PCW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE EDITOR - IUP 5796-PDC, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS OOS DBDUMP UTILITY PROGRAM FOR VANDL/I AND DL/I - PROG. NO. 5796-AFY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3525 GENERAL PURPOSE UTILITIES - lUP 5796-AGE, DESCRIPTION/ OPERATIONS AUDIT SOURCE CODE COMPARE OS/VS - IUP 5796-PDH, DESCRIPTION/ OPERATIONS DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM II DOS/VS (DMS II) OPERATIONS GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5736-XC4 314 50 **S1l2 0-1573-0 38 **GH20-1574-0 38 **SH20-1589-0 38 **SIl20-1590-0 38 **SH20-1592-0 50 **GH20-1597-0 40 **SH20-1606-0 34 **SH20-1618-0 85 39 **GH20-1628-0 **GH20-1638-0 37 **GH20-1639-0 22 22 50 **GH20-4046-2 **GH20-4047-2 •• GH20-4106-5 50 **GH20-4124-3 50 50 79 50 **GH20-4131-4 **GH20-4134-4 **GH20-4139-1 **GH20-4140-4 50 .·GH20-4170-1 50 **GH20-4256-2 50 **GH20-4267-2 50 **GH20-4270-0 39 •• GH20-4279-0 37 **GH20-4281-0 30 **GH20-4283-0 50 **GH20-4285-0 82 .·GH20-4308-1 50 ·.GH20-4316-2 50 **GH20-4320-2 30 ·.GH20-4324-1 82 ··GH20-4326-1 50 ·.GH20-4344-0 22 **GH20-4347-0 50 •• GH20-4350-2 50 **GH20-4354-1 50 **GH20-4355-1 50 ·.GH20-4359-2 50 **GH20-4366-0 50 **GH20-4367-0 22 50 •• GH20-4370-0 **GH20-4373-0 38 **GH20-4374-0 30 **GH2Q-4376-0 50 ··GH20-4380-0 50 ··GH20-9001-1 50 **SIl20-9002-1 **SN20-3352 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM II -- DOS/VS (DMS II) PRCGRAM REFERENCE MANUAL, PROG. PRCD. 5736-XC4 DOS/vS REMOTE JCB ENTRY WCRKSTATICN PRCGRAM (PRCG~NG RPQ WF0358) GENERAL INFCRMATICN MANUAL PROG. NO.. 5799-WHX DCS/VS REMCTE JCB ENTRY WORKSTATICN PROGRAM - PROGRAMMING RPQ WF0358 CPERATICN , INSTALLATICN GUIDE, PRCG. NO.. 5799-WHX DOS/VS REMOTE JCB ENTRY WCRKSTATICN PRCGRAM (PRCGRAMMING RPQWF0358) REFERENCE - PROG. NO.. 5799-WHX DOS/VS REMOTE JCB ENTRY WCRKSTATICN PRCGRAM, LCGIC, PROGRAMMING RPQ WF0358, PRCG. NO.. 5799-WHX EXTENDED TELECOMMUNlCATICNS MCDULES FOR CICS/DOS/VS: GENERAL INFCRMATICN MANUAL, PROG. PRCD. 5746-XXB VM/370 SYSTEM FCR CNLINE TAPE AND DISK LIBRARIES - IUP 5796-AGN, DESCRIPTICN/CPERATICNS PECPLES GAS LIGHT AND COKE COMPANY SMF GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS IUP 5796-AFP, DESCRIPTICN/CPERATICNS A GUIDE TO.· TESTING IN A CCMPLEX SYSTEM ENVIRCNMENT TSC - 3270 STRUCTURED PRCGRAMMING FACILITY (SPF), GENERAL INFCRMATICN - PRCGRAM NO.. 5740-XT2 DB/DC DRIVER SYSTEM: GENERAL INFCRMATICN MANUAL, PRCG. PRCD. 5740-XXA APL/360 DCS: SPECIFICATICNS, PROG. NO.. 5736-XM6' APL/360 OS SPECIFIcATICNS - PRCGRAM PRCDUCT 5734-XM6 INFORMATICN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360 (IMS/360) VERSICN 2 SPECIFICATIONS - PRCGRAM PRCDUCT 5734-XX6 GENERALIZED INFCRMATICN SYSTEM, VERSICN 2 (GIs/2) SPECIFICATICNS SHEET PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XXl CICS/DOS ENTRY, PROG. PRCD. 5736-XX6 SPECIFICATICNS CICS/DCS STANpARD, PROG. PRCD. 5736-XX7 SPECIFICATICNS STAT/BASIC,PROG. PRCD. 5734-XA3 SPECIFICATICNS CUSTCMER INFORMATICN CCNTRCL SYSTEM/CS - STANDARD V2 (CICS/CS - STANDARD V2) SPECIFICATICNS - PRCGRAM PRCDUCT 5734-XX7 GENERALIZED INFCRMATICN SYSTEM, VERSICN 2 (GIS/2) DESIGN CBJECTlVES -PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XXl FASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY FOR CICS/DOS/VS 5746-XX3) AND FCR CICS/CS/vS (5740-XXl): PROG. PRCD. DESIGN CBJECTIVES INFCRMATICN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STCRAGE (IMS/VS VERSICN 1 MCDIFICATICN LEVEL 1 DESIGN CBJECTIVES PROG. NO.. 5740-XX2 IBM SYSTEM/370 DATA LANGUAGE/I ENTRY DOS/vS (DL/I ENTRY DCS/VS), PROG. PRCD. 5746-XX7 DESIGN CBJECTIVES TSC-3270 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY - PROG. NO.. 5740-XT2, DESIGN CBJECTIVES THE DATA BASE/DATA CCMMUNICATICN DRIVER SYSTEM PRCG. PRCD. 5740-XXA; DESIGN CBJECTIVES DATA BASE DESIGN AID (DBDA) DESIGN CBJECTIVES - PRCG. NO.. 5748-XX4 EXTENDED TELECOMMUNICATICN MCDULES FEATURES CF CICS/DCS/VS PROG. NO.. 5746-XXB, DESIGN CBJECTlVES MATH/BASIC FCR SYSTEM/3 MCDEL 6, ITF (CS, DOS, TSC), AND VW370-CMS: SPECIFICATICNS, PRCG. NCS. 5703-XM2 AND 5734-XM8 INTERACTIVE QUERY FACILITY (IQF) FOR IMS (5734-XX6) AND IMS/VS (5740-XX2): PROG. PRCD. SPECIFICATICNS VANCCUVER DATA LANGUAGE-CNE (VANDL-1) SPECIFICATICNS PRCG~AM NO.. 5799-AEY IBM TELECCMMUNICATIONS CCNTRCL SYSTEM (TCS) SPECIFICATICNS PRCGRAM PRCDUCT 5734~F31 BUSINESS ANALYSIS/BASIC FOR SYSTEM/3 MCDEL 6, ITF (CS, DCS, TSC), AND VM/370-CMS: SPECIFICATIONS, PROG. NCS. 5703-XM3 AND 5734-XMB DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM II (DMS II CS/VS) SPECIFICATICNS PROGRAM PRCDUCT 5734-XC4 APL SHARED VARIABLES (APLSV) - PROGRAM NO.. 5799-AJF (PRPQ NUMBER WE1191) - SPECIFICATICNS SHEET DL/I DOS/VS, PRCG. PRCD. 5746-XXl SPECIFICATICNS, VERSICN 1 MCD 1 CUSTOMER INFCRMATICN CCNTRCL SYSTEM CS/VS PROGRAM PRCDUCT (5740-XX1) SPECIFICATICNS (VERSICN 1, MCDIFICATICN LEVEL 0) INFCRMATICN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM VIRTUAL STCRAGE (IMS/VS) SPECIFICATICNS VERSICN 1 MCDIFICATICN LEVEL 0 PROG. NO.. 5740-XX2 CUSTOMER INFCRMATICN CCNTRCL SYSTEM/DCS/VS VERSICN 1, MCDIFICATICN LEVEL 0, SPECIFICATICNS PROGRAM PRCDUCT 5746-XX3 DISPLAY f'mNAGEMENT SYSTEM II (OMS II DCS/vS) PROGRAM PRCDUCT 5736-XC4 SPECIFlCATICNS GENERALIZED INFORMATICN SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STCRAGE (GIS/VS) PROG. PRCD. 5740-XX7 SPECIFICATIONS APL/CMS SPECIFICATICNS - PROG. NO.. 5799-ALK, PRPQ MF2608 FASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY SPECIFlCATICNS: FCR CICS/DCS/VS PROG. NO.. 5746-XX3; FCR CICS/CS/VS PROG. NO.. 5740-XXl DOS/VS REMOTE JCB ENTRY WCRKSTATICN PROGRAM (PRCGRAMMING RPQ WF0358) - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-WHX, SPECIFICATICNS 3333/3330 DISK STORAGE SERIES MCDEL 11 SUPPCRT FCR DCS/VS PRCGRAM NUMBER 5799-WHZ PRPQ EF4346 IBM SYSTEM/370 DATA LANGUAGE/I ENTRY DCS/vS (DL/I-ENTRY DOS/VS), SPECIFlCATICNS - PROG. PROD. 5746-XX7 CICS/vS CCNVERSION PLANNING GUIDE PROG. NCS. 5740-XX1, 5746-XX3 CUSTOMER INFCRMATICN CCNTRCL SYSTEM (CICS/VS) SYSTEM/APPLlCATICN DESIGN GUIDE PROG. NO.. CICS/OS/vS 5740-XX1, CICS/DOS/VS 5746-XX3 315 50 **5820-9003-2 50 **5820-9004-2 50 **5H20-9005-1 50 **5820-9006-2 50 **5820- 9008-2 50 **5H20-9011-2 50 **5H20-9012-1 50 **5820-9025-2 50 **5820-9026-2# 5820-9026-1# **SH20-9027-2# 5H20-9027-1# **5H20-9028-1# 5820-9028-0# **SH20-9029-2 50 50 50 50 50 **SH20-9030-2# 5820-9030-1# **GH20-9033-0 50 **G820-9034-0 50 **GH20-9035-1# GH20-9035-0# **S820-9036-0 50 50 **5H20-9037-1 50 **5H20-9038-1 50 **5H20-9039-1 50 **5820-9040-1 50 **GH20-9043-0 50 **5H20-9046-0 50 **5820-9049-0 50 **SH20-9050-0 50 **5H20-9051-0 36 **GH20-9500-0 36 **GH20-9501-0 99 **GJD1-0001-0 99 3JD1-1.100-0 99 **GJDl-1480-2 99 **GJDl-1640-0 99 **GJD1-1641-1 99 **GJD1-1642-0 99 **GJD1-1643-0 99 **GJD1-1795-0 99 **GJD1-2063-1# 99 **GJD1-2100-3 99 **GJD1-2150-2 99 **GJD1-4601-1 35 **GJD1-4602-2# GJD1-4602-1 # CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL PROG. NOS. 574Q-XX1,5746-XX3 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS) S~STEM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBERS 5740-XX1, 5746-XX3 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS) TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBERS (5740-XX1) AND (5746-XX3) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS) SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE PROG. NO.'S 5740-XX1, 5746-XX3 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS) MESSAGES AND CODES MANUAL PROG. NOS. 574Q-XX1, 5746-XX3 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (OS) CICS/VS) OPERATIONS GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5740-XX1 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS) OPERATIONS GUIDE (DOS) PROG. NO. CICS/DOS/VS 5746-XX3 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/VS) SYSTEM/APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE, PROG. PROD. 5740-XX2 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMSIVS) APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE MANUAL PROG. NO. 5740-XX2 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMSIVS) SYSTEM PROGRAMMING REFERENCE - PROG, NO. 5740-XX2 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/VS) OPERATOR'S REFERENCE - PROG. NO. 5740-XX2 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/VS) UTILITIES REFERENCE MANUAL - PROG. NO. 5740-XX2 **5N20-9075 **5N20-5051 **GSCO-3050 **GSCO-4261 **GSCO-3051 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (IMS/VS) MESSAGES AND CODES REFERENCE MANUAL - PROG. NO. 5740-XX2 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM, VERSION 2 (GIS/2) EXECUTIVE QUERY REFERENCE (BASIC INTRODUCTION), PROG. NO. 5734-XX1 INFORMATION MANAqEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/VS) CONVERSION PLANNING GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5740-XX2 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 5740-XX7 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) USER'S GUIDE, PROG. PROD. 5740-XX7 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL 5740-XX7 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) LANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUAL - 5740-XX7 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) MESSAGES AND CODES, PROG. PROD. 5740-XX7 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) PLANNING AND OPERATION GUIDE FOR THE ADVANCED QUERY FEATURE PROG. PROD. 5740-XX7 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) EXECUTIVE QUERY REFERENCE MANUAL, PROG. NO. 5740-XX7 IBM SYSTEM/370 LOW-LEVEL CODE/CONTINUITY CHECK IN DATA LANGUAGE/I DOS/VS PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5746-XX1 CU5TOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS) ADVANCED COMMUNICATION GUIDE, PROG. PROD5. 5740-XX1, 5746-XX3 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/VS) PLANNING FOR THE IBM 3600 FINANCIAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM PROG. PROD. 5740-XX2 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS) INSTALLATION GUIDE (DOS) - PROG. PROD. 5746-XX3 IBM SYSTEMl370 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM PROGRAM REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 360A-TX-032 SYSTEM/370 DISTRBUTED SYSTEM PROGRAM OPERATIONS GUIDE, PROG. NO. 360A-TX-032 SYSTEM/370 MODELS 158/168 SYSGEN ICR OS RELEASE 21.6 PROGRAM NO. 360S-0S-609 OS21.0-21.7, VSI/1.0-3.0, VS2/1.0-1.6 SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM LISTINGS, 360S-DN-611 IBM OPERATING SYSTEM/360 DOS EMULATOR PROGRAM FOR SYSTEM/370 MODELS 145 AND 155 - PROGRAM NUMBER 360C-EU-738 OPERATING SYSTEM 370/165 OS-7094 INTEGRATED EMULATOR MICROFICHE LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 360C-EU-740 OS/360/370 OS/360 M16X/7074 EMULATOR LISTINGS PROG. NO. 360C-EU-739 7080 EMULATOR FOR S~STEM/370 MODEL 165 UNDER OPERATING SYSTEM/360 - MICROFICHE LISTING - PROGRAM NUMBER 360C-EU-737 EMULATOR FOR 7074 ON S/370 MODEL 155 UNDER OS MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 360C-EU-741 IBM DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM (DIS) LISTINGS - PROG. PROD. 5744-BK1 DISK OPERATING SYTEM MODEL 155 EMULATOR MICROFICHE LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 360N-EU-490 EMULATOR FOR 1401/1440/1460 ON THE SYSTEM/370 MODEL 155 UNDER OS MICROFICHE LISTING - PROG. NO. 360C-EU-735 EMULATOR FOR THE IBM 1410/7010 ON THE SYSTEM/370 MODEL 155 UNDER OS - PROG. 360C-EU-736, LISTINGS MODEL 20 EMULATOR ON S/370 USING DOS (V4) - PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IC-002 S/370 USING DOS/VS IBM EMULATOR FOR HW S200, LISTINGS PROG. NO. 5799-ADT 316 35 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 **GJDl-4603-2# GJDl-4603-1# SJD2-0001-0 SJD2-0010-0 SJD2-0020-1# SJD2-0020-0# SJD2-0030-0 SJD2-0040-1# SJD2-0040-0# SJD2-0050-0 SJD2-0060-1# SJD2-0060-0# SJD2-0070-1 SJD2-0080-1 SJD2-0090-1# SJD2-0090-0# SJD2-0100-0 SJD2-0110-1 SJD2-0120-1 SJD2-0130-1 SJD2-0140-0 SJD2-0160-1 SJD2-0170-1 SJD2-0180-1# SJD2-0180-0# SJD2-0190-1 SJD2-0200-1 SJD2-0210-1 SJD2-0220-1 SJD2-0230-1 SJD2-0240-1# SJD2-0240-0# SJD2-0250-0 SJD2-0260-1# SJD2-0260-0# SJD2-0270-1 SJD2-0280-1 SJD2-0290-1 SJD2-0300-1 SJD2-0310-1 SJD2-0320-1# SJD2-0320-0# SJD2-0330-1 SJD2-0350-1# SJD2-0350-0# SJD2-0360-1 SJD2-0370-1 SJD2-0380-1 SJD2-0390-1# SJD2-0390-0# SJD2-0400-1 SJD2-0410-1# SJD2-0410-0# SJD2-0420-1# SJD2-0420-0# SJD2-0430-1 SJD2-0440-1 SJD2-0450-1 SJD2-0460-1 SJD2-0470-1 SJD2-0480-1 SJD2-0490-0 SJD2-0530-0 SJD2-0540-1 SJD2-0550-1 SJD2-0560-1# SJD2-0560-0# SJD2-0570-1# SJD2-0570-0# SJD2-0580-0 SJD2-0590-0 SJD2.-0600-1 SJD2-0640-1# SJD2-0640-0# SJD2-0650-1 SJD2-0660-1# SJD2-0660-0# SJD2-0670-1 SJD2-0680-1 SJD2-0690-1# SJD2-0690-0# SJD2-0700-1 SJD2-0710-1 SJD2-0720-1# SJD2-0720-0# SJD2-0730-1 SJD2-0740-1 SJD2-0750-1 SJD2-0760-1 SJD2-0770-1 SJD2-0780-1# SJD2-0780-0# SJD2-0790-1 S/370 USING DOS/VS IBM EMULATOR FOR RCA 301, LISTINGS PROG. NO. 5799-ADR MICROFICHE FOR OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.6 REFERENCE LISTINGS OS/VS2 SMF (5742-SCl-02) OS/VS2 IEHINITT (5742-SC1-UD) SSCO-S025 OS/VS2 IEHSTATR (5742-SC1-UE) OS/VS2 TAPE ERP/VES (5742-SC1-CC) SSCO-5040 SSCO-5042 OS/VS2 IEBEDIT (5742-SC1-U9) OS/VS2 IEHLIST (5742-SC1-U2) SSCO-S062 OS/VS2 IEHPROGM (5742-SC1-U3) OS/VS2 CATALOG (5742-SC1-D3) OS/VS2 SMF SCHEDULER (5742-SC1-00) SSCO-5092 OS/vS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 TSO TRACE (5742-SC1-T9) PASS~ORD PROTECT (5742-SC1-DC) TSO UTILITIES (5742-SC1-T2) TSO TEST (5742-SC1-T1) EXT/PREC/FLT PT SIM (5742-SC1-CP) IEHMOVE (S742-SC1-UC) IEBCOPY (5742-SC1-U6) IEB~NER (S742-SC1-U7) OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 IEBUPDTE (5742-SC1-U8) IEBPTPCH (5742-SC1-UA) IEBCOMPR (5742-SC1-UK) IEBISAM (S742-SC1-UH) IEBDG (S742-SC1-UJ) TSO EDIT (5742-SC1-TO) SSCO-5182 SSCO-S240 SSCO-S242 OS/VS2 IPL (S742-SC1-C1) OS/VS2 SUPERVISOR (5742-SC1-C5) OS/VS2 OS/VS2 as/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 SSCO-S320 SSCO-5323 SSCO-5350 SSCO-5353 RMS (5742-SC1-CE) GSP (S742-SC1-07) GAM (5742-SC1-GO) DlDOCS (5742-SC1-C4) DSS (S742-SC1-10) TSO SUPERVISaR (5742-SC1-T7) OS/VS2 SYSTEM RESTART (5742-SC1-B3) OS/vS2 ALLOCATION (5742-SC1-B4) OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 SSCO-S390 SSCO-5392 SSCO-S410 SSCO-5412 SSCO-5420 SSCO-5422 Q MANAGER (5742-SC1-BS) INITIATOR (5742-SC1-B6) TERMINATION (5742-SC1-B7) COMMANDS (5742-SC1-B8) OS/VS2 READER/INTERPRETER (5742-SC1-B9) OS/VS2 TSO SCHEDULER (5742-SC1-T4) as/VS2 OBR/SDR/EREP (5742-SC1-CD) OS/VS2 OS/VS2 as/VS2 as/VS2 as/VS2 as/VS2 OS/VS2 as/VS2 OS/VS2 as/VS2 OS/VS2 SSCO-5560 SSCO-5563 SSCO-S575 SSCO-5571 GTF (5742-SC1-11) AMASPZAP (5742-SCl-12) AMDPRDMP (5742-SCl-13) AMDSADMP (5742-SC1-1S) AMAPTFLE (5742-SCl-16) AMDPRDMP/EDIT (5742-SCl-18) 3735 MACROS/UTILITY (5742-SCl-22) EXTENDED sve ROUTER (5742-SC1-CF) MAPPING MACRaS (5742-SC1-01) aLTEP (5742-SC1-06) BTAM (5742-SCl-20) as/VS2 TCAM (5742-SCl-21) as/VS2 OS/vS2 as/VS2 OS/VS2 SSCO-5640 SSCO-5642 SSCO-5660 SSCO-5662 IEBTCRIN (5742-SC1-UG) 3505/3525 (5742-SC1-DD) aCR (5742-SC1-D5) OVERLAY SUPERVISOR (5742-SC1-C2) OS/VS2 FETCH (S742-SC1-C7) as/VS2 SAM (5742-SC1-DO) OS/VS2 PAM (5742-SCl-D2) OS/VS2 MICR (5742-SC1-D6) OS/VS2 DAM (5742-SCl-D7) OS/VS2 lOS (5742-SC1-C3) OS/VS2 DASD ERP (5742-SC1-CA) OS/VS2 UNIT RECORD ERP (5742-SC1-CB) SSCO-5720 SSCO-5722 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 as/VS2 OS/VS2 as/VS2 OS/VS2 TSO SUBRTN TCAM (5742-SC1-T8) TSO DATA MANAGEMENT (5742-SC1-T3) IBCDMPRS (5742-SC1-IO) IBCDASDI (5742-SC1-I1) IEHDASDR (5742-SC1-UO) IEHAXLAS (5742-SC1-UF) SSCO-5785 OS/VS2 SYSOUT WRITER (S742-SC1-B2) 317 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 SJ02-0800-1 SJD2-0810-1 5J02-0820-1 5J02-0830-1 5J02-0840-1# SJ02-0840-0# 5JD2-0850-1# 5J02-0850-0# SJD2-0860-1# 5J02-0860-0# SJD2-0870-1# 5J02-0870-0# SJD2-0880-1 SJ02-0890-1 SJD2-1190-0 SJ02-2000-4# 5JD2-2000-3# 5J02-2000-2# SJD2-2001-5# SJ02-2001-4# SJD2-2001-3# SJD2-2002-5# SJ02-2002-4# SJD2-2002-3# SJ02-2003-2# SJ02-2003-2# **SJD2-2004-5# SJ02-2004-4# SJD2-2004-2# **5J02-2009-5# 5JD2-2009-4# 5J02-2009-3# **5JD2-2010-4 5JD2-2014-5# SJ02-2014-4# SJ02-2014-3# **SJD2-2015-5# 8J02-2015-4# 8JD2-2015-3# **8J02-2016-5# SJD2-2016-4# SJ02-2016-3# **SJ02-2017-5# SJ02-2017-4# SJD2-2017-3# **SJ02-2018-5# SJD2-2018-4# SJ02-2018-3# **SJD2-2019-5# SJ02-2019-4# OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/vS2 OS/VS2 SSCO-5840 ICAPRTBL (5742-SC1-12) ISAM (5742-SC1-D8) CHECKPOINT/RESTART (5742-SC1-09) OPEN/CLOSE/IDV (5742-SC1-Dl) DADSM (5742-SC1-D4) SSCO-5842 OS/VS2 LINK LOADGO PROMPTER (5742-SC1-T5) SSCO-5850 OS/VS2 LINKAGE EDITOR (5742-SC1-04) SSCO-5860 SSCO-5863 SSCO-5870 SSCO-5872 OS/VS2 LOADER (5742-SC1-05) OS/VS2 AMBLIST (5742-SCl-14) OS/VS2 ASSEMBLER XF (5742-SC1-03) 3330/3333 MODEL #11 SUPPORT LISTINGS COMPONENT NO. 5742-SC1-S1 IPL OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-Cl REL. 2.6 IOS/OS/VS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-C3 REL. 2.6 "SSCO-6055 SSCO-6055 SSCO-7381 "SSCO-6056 SSCO-6056 SUPERVISOR OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT 5741-SC1-C5 MAPPING MACROS OS/VSl COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-Ol MODULE/MACRO TOTAL SYSTEM INDEX OS/VSl (5741-SC1 COMPONENTS) SCHEDULER SMF OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT 5741-SC1-00 UNIT RCD ERP OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT 5741-SC1-CB JECS OS/VS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BO - REL. 2.6 **SSCO-6014 SSCO-6922 **SSCO-6049 SSCO-6049 SSCO-6942 "SSCO-6087 SSCO-6087 O/P STREAM CTL OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - PROGRAM 5741-SC1-B2 "SSCO-6052 SSCO-6052 SYSTEM RESTART OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-B3 **SSCO-6053 SSCO-6053 SSCO-7002 ALLOCATION OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-B4 I/P STREAM CTL OS/VS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT 5741-SC1-B1 Q MANAGER OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-B5 SJD~-2019-3# 99 99 **SJ02-2020-5# SJD2-2020-4# SJ02-2020-3# **SJD2-2021-5# SJ02-2021-4# SJD2-2021-3# **SJ02-2022-5# SJD2-2022-4# SJ02-2022-3# **SJD2-2023-5# SJ02-2023-4# SJD2-2023-3# **SJ02-2024-5# SJD2-2024-4# **SJ02-2025-5# SJD2-2025-4# SJ02-2025-3# **SJD2-2026-4# SJ02-2026-3# SJD2-2027-4# SJ02-2027-3# SJ02-2027-2# SJD2-2028-3 99 99 99 99 99 **SJ02-2031-4 **SJD2-2032-4 **SJ02-2033-4 **SJD2-2034-4 **SJ02-2038-4 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 **SJD2-2041-4 **SJ02-2042-5# SJD2-2042-4# SJ02-2042-3# **SJD2-2043-4 99 SJD2-2044-3 99 SJ02-2045-3 INITIATOR OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-B6 TERMINATION OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-B7 SSCO-7062 **SSCO-6054 SSCO-6054 COMMANDS OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-B8 INTERPRETER OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-B9 OS/vSl RESTART RDR/DSDR PROCESSING (5741-SC1-BD) SYSTEM LOG OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-BE **SSCO-6047 SSCO-6047 WTP OS/VS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-BF MSI OS/VS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-BG REL. 2.6 "SSCO-6003 **SSCO-6086 "SSCO-6722 **SSCO-6002 **SSCO-6042 **SSCO-6038 SSCO-6038 **SSCO-6008 **SSCO-6036 **SSCO-6007 IMCJOBQD OS/VS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCl-17 - REL. 2.6 GAM OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-GO GSP OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-07 RMS OS/VS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-CE OS/VS1 SYSTEM ASSEMBLER COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-03 OBR/EREP/RDE OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-CD GTF OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-11 HMASPZAP OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCl-12 HMDPRDMP OS/VSl 5741-SCl-13 HMDSADMP OS/VS1 5741-SCl-15 HMAPTFLE OS/VSl 5741-SCl-16 - 318 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER REL. 2.6 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER REL. 2.6 99 **SJD2-2046-4 99 SJD2-2047-2 99 99 **SJD2-2048-4 SJD2-2049-4 99 99 **SJD2-205l-4# SJD2-2051-3# SJD2-2053-3# SJD2-2053-2# SJD2-2053-l# **SJD2-2054-5# SJD2-2054-4# SJD2-2054-3# **SJD2-2055-5# SJD2-2055-4# SJD2-2055-3# **SJD2-2057-4 99 **SJD2-2058-4 99 99 **SJD2-2059-5# SJD2-2059-4# **SJD2-2060-4 99 **SJD2-206l-4 99 **SJD2-2062-4 99 **SJD2-2063-4 99 **SJD2-2064-4 99 **SJD2-2067-3 99 **SJD2-2068-5# SJD2-2068-4# SJD2-2068-3# **SJD2-2069-4 ** SSCO -6033 SSCO-6033 SSCO-6021 99 99 99 99 **SSCO-6761 **SSCO-6005 +*SSCO-6028 **SSCO-6065 **SSCO-6066 SSCO-6066 **SSCO-6462 **SSCO-6015 **SSCO-6482 **SSCO-6074 **SSCO-6075 SSCO-6075 **SSCO-6541 **SSCO-6076 **SSCO-6077 99 SJD2-2077-4# SJD2-2077-3# SJD2-2077-2# **SJD2-2078-4# SJD2-2078-3# SJD2-2079-l **SJD2-2080-4 ++SSCO-6121 **SSCO-6035 SJD2-2081-1 99 **SJD2-2082-3 ++SSCO-6062 99 **SJD2-2084-4 99 **SJD2-2085-4 **SSCO-7501 ++SSCO-6006 ++SSCO-6029 99 99 **SJD2-2086-4 **SJD2-2087-4 **SSCO-6084 99 SJD2-2088-4 99 99 **SJD2-2089-4 **SJD2-2090-4 **SSCO-6026 99 **SJD2-2091-4 ++SSCO-6083 99 **SJD2-2092-4 ++SSCO-6202 **SSCO-6061 99 99 99 *+SSCO-60l8 DADSM OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-D4 MICR OS/VS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-D6 DAM OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-D7 ++SSCO-60l9 ++SSCO-6023 DASD ERP OS/VS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-CA OS/vSl LINKAGE EDITOR MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-04 **SSCO-6071 *+SSCO-6027 **SSCO-6039 **SSCO-6025 SJD2-2094-2 **SJD2-2096-4 **SJD2-2097-4 SJD2-2098-4# SJD2-2098-3# **SJD2-2099-4 SJD2-2100-3# SJD2-2100-2# SJD2-2100-1# +*SJD2-2101-5# SJD2-2101-4# SJD2-2101-3# **SJD2-2102-2# SJD2-2102-l# SJD2-2105-4# SJD2-2105-3# SJD2-2105-2# **SJD2-2106-3# SJD2-2106-2# ISAM OS/VS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-D8 JAM OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-D9 LOADER OS/vS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-05 OS/VSl JES COMPATIBILITY INTERFACE (574l-SC1-DB) 5741-SC1-DB HMBLIST OS/VS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCl-14 IBCDMPRS OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-IO - REL. 2.6 IBCDASDI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-Il 99 99 OPEN/CLOSE/EOV OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-DL PAM OS/VS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-D2 ++SSCO -6 024 **SSCO-6030 99 ++SSCO-6016 **SSCO-7422 *+SSCO-6060 **SSCO-7142 99 SAM OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-DO *+SSCO-6022 **SJD2-2074-4 99 99 99 ++SSCO-6073 **SSCO-6601 **SSCO-6078 **SSCO-6079 **SJD2-2076-3 99 CHECKPOINT RESTART OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT 5741-SC1-09 FETCH OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-C7 99 99 99 +*SSCO-6011 OLTEP OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-06 EXTENDED SVC ROUTER OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENr NUMBER 574l-SC1-CF IEHLIST MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-U2 BTAM OS/VS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER REL. 2.6 OCR OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-D5 IEBTCRIN OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-UG - REL. 2.6 99 99 ++SSCO-6037 **SSCO-6181 ++SSCO-6521 ICAPRTBL MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-I2 IEHDASDR OS/VS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-UO IEHIOSUP OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-U1 IEHATLAS OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-UF CRJE OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-OA OS/VSl COMPONENT NO. 574l-SC1-U6, IEBCOPY, LISTINGS 5741-SC1-U6 OS/VSl COMPONENT NO. 574l-SC1-U7, IEBGENER, LISTINGS IEBUPDTE OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-U8 IEBPTPCH OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-UA OS/VSl COMPONENT NO. 574l-SC1-UK, IEBCOMPR LISTINGS IEBISAM OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 574l-SC1-UH IEBDG OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING 574l-SC1-UJ IEHMOVE OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING 574l-SC1-UC SMF OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING COMPONENT NUMBER - 574l-SC1-02 OS/VSl COMPONENT, NO. 574l-SC1-U3, IEHPROGM LISTINGS OS/VSl COMPONENT NO. 574l-SC1-UD IEHINITT, LISTINGS OS/VSl COMPONENT NO. 574l-SC1-UE, IEHSTATR LISTINGS **SSCO-6072 SSCO-6072 CATALOG OS/VS1 MICROFICHE LISTING 574l-SC1-D3 PASSWORD PROTECT OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING COMPONENT NUMBER - 574l-SC1-DC **SSCO-6085 SSCO-6085 TAPE ERP/VES OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING 574l-SC1-CC REL. 3.1 **SSCO-6017 IEBEDIT OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING ++SSCO-6046 SSCO-6046 RES (REMOTE ENTRY SYSTH<1) RELEASE 2 - PROGRAM NUMBER 574l-SC1-BB - REL. 2.6 ++SSCO-6009 Os/VSl 574l-SC1-l8 MDPRPDMP (EDIT-UTILITY PRINT DUMP) 319 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 SJD2-2107-1# SJ02-2107-0# •• SJ02-2108-3# SJD2-2108-2# SJ02-2108-1# SJD2-2110-3# SJ02-2110-2# SJD2-2111-4# SJ02-2111-3# SJD2-2112-0# SJ02- 2112-0 # •• SJD2-2113-1# SJ02-2113-0# •• SJD2-2114-3# SJ02-2114-2# SJD2-2114-1# .*SJD2-2115-2# SJ02-2115-1# SJD2-2115-0# •• SJ02-2116-2# SJD2-2116-1# SJ02-2116-0# •• SJD2-2117-4# SJ02-2117-3# .*SJD2-2118-3# SJ02-2118-2# •• SJD2-2119-2 •• SJ02-2121-1 **SJ02-2122-2# SJ02-2122-1# .*SJD2-2124-1 ··SSCO-6013 OS/VS1 5741-SC1-CP EX F/P SIMULATOR - REL. 2.6 NO. 5741-SC1-C8 - REL. 2.6 ··SSCO-6057 SSCO-6057 OS/VS1 DSS MICROFICHE ASSEMBLY LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5741-SC1-10 OS/VS2 REL. 03.1 PROG. LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCl-23 ·*SSCO-6081 SSCO-6081 ··SSCO-6034 SSCO-6034 SSCO-7010 OS/VS1 IDCAMS MICROFICHE ASSEMBLY LISTINGS, 5741-SC1-0K OS/VS1 5741-SC1-DF SENECA-3890 DOC. PROCESSOR PROGRAM LISTINGS SSCO-7616 OS/VS1 5741-SC1-DL SHARKS-3886 OCR PROG. LISTINGS SSCO-7620 OS/VS1 SYSTEM MODULE STATUS PROGRAM LISTINGS ··SSCO-6068 SSCO-6068 ··SSCO-7630 OS/VS1 VSAM, COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-DE LISTINGS ··SSCO-6010 ··SSCO-6048 SSCO-6048 ·*SSCO-7310 *·SSCO-6059 *·SSCO-6058 SSCO-6058 OS/VS1 DSS, COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-10 LISTINGS OS/VSl POWER WARNING FEATURE, COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC10-E OS/VS1 ISSP, COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BK LISTINGS ··SSCO-7311 ··SSCO-7312 OS/VS1 TCAM, COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCl-21 LISTINGS ··SSCO-7250 *·SSCO-6031 ·*SSCO-7251 ··SSCO-6044 99 .*SJD2-2128-1# SJ02-2128-0# •• SJD2-2129-2# SJ02-2129-1# •• SJD2-2134-0 99 99 SJD2-2135-0 .*SJ02-2419-0 99 30 .*GJD2-4002-0 •• LJ02-4106-0 30 •• LJ02-4107-0 30 •• GJ02-4112-0 99 99 99 99 •• SJ02-4120-0 •• SJ02-4121-0 **SJ02-4122-0 SJ02-4200-0 .·SSCO-8024 ··SSCO-8023 .·SNCl-4200 99 SJ02-4201-0 ·*SNCl-4201 99 99 99 SJ02-4230-0 SJ02-4240-0 SJD2-4250-0 99 SJD2-4260-0 99 99 99 SJD2-4270-0 SJ02-4280-0 SJD2-4300-0 99 99 99 99 99 99 SJ02-4310-0 SJD2-4320-0 SJ02-4330-0 SJD2-4340-0 SJ02-4350-0 SJD2-4360-0 99 99 99 99 SJD2-4370-0 SJ02-4380-0 SJ02-4390-0 SJD2-4400-0 99 99 SJ02-4410-0 SJ02-4420-0 99 99 99 99 SJ02-4430-0 SJD2-4440-0 SJ02-4450-0 SJD2-4460-0 99 99 SJD2-4470-0 SJD2-4480-0 99 SJD2-4490-0 99 99 99 SJD2-4500-0 SJ02-4510-0 SJD2-4520-0 99 REMOTE ENTRY SERVICE ACCOUNT FACILITY RELEASE 2 - PROGRAM NO. 5741-SC1-BC - REL. 2.6 3505/3525 RDR/PCH (READER/PUNCH) - PROGRAM NUMBER 5741-SC1-DO OS/VS1 REL. 03.1 PROG. LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-S1 OS/VS1 5741-SCl-19 IMCOSJQD - ASSEMBLER PROG. LISTINGS ··SNCl-4240 ··SNCl-4250 .*SNCl-4251 ··SNCl-4260 ·*SNCl-4262 ·*SNCl-4270 **SNCl-4280 ··SNCl-4300 ··SNCl-4302 ·*SNCl-4310 ··SNCl-4321 ··SNCl-4330 ··SNCl-4340 ·*SNCl-4350 ··SNCl-4360 ··SNCl-4362 ··SNCl-4370 ··SNCl-4380 ··SNCl-4390 .*SNCl-4400 ··SNCl-4402 ·*SNCl-4411 ··SNCl-4420 ··SNCl-4422 ··SNCl-4431 OS/VS1 REL. 03.1 PROG. LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-0C ·*SNCl-4252 OS/VS1 5741-SC1-BL JOB LIST MGR ASSEMBLER PROG. LISTINGS SSP MOOULES FOR OS/VS - RELEASE 3.1 LISTINGS - PROG. NO. 5744-BA2 370 DOS BTAM, MICROFICHE LISTING, PROG. NO. 370N-CQ-469 3704/5 EMULATOR PRPQ P85004 SIX BIT TRANSCODE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AGA 3705/4 EP PRPQ P85007 SPECIAL START-STOP - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AGK 3705 USASCII TRNASPARENCY (PRPQ P85003) MICROFICHE, PROG. NO. 5799-AFZ DOS/VS SSP MOOULES, LISTINGS - PROG. NO. 5747-AJ2 NCP MODULES FOR OS/VS - LISTINGS - PROG. NO. 5744-BA2 DOS/VS NCP LISTINGS - PROG. NO. 5747-AJ2 TOOLS LIST OS/VS2 OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VS2 RELEASE 02.0 SYSTEM CROSS REFERENCE SAMPLE SYSGEN INDEX OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 JES2 5752-SC1-BH OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 EXTERNAL WRITER 5752-SC1-B2 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 SCHEO RESTART 5752-SC1-B3 ··SNCl-4261 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 ALLOC/UNALLOCATE 5752-SC1-B4 ··SNCl-4301 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 SWA MANAGER 5752-SC1-B5 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 INCTIATOR 5752-SC1-B6 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 MSTR SCHLOR CMOS 5752-SC1-B8 ·*SSCO-8026 **SSCO-8025 ·*SNCl-4202 ·*SNCl-4351 ·*SNCl-4361 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/vS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE 020 020 020 020 020 020 CONVT/INTERPRETER 5752-SC1-B9 OASD ERP 5752-SC1-CA UNIT RECORD ERP 5752-SC1-CB TAPE ERP/vES 5752-SC1-CC OBR/EREP/RDE 5752-SC1-CD RMS 5752-SC1-CE ·*SNCl-4401 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE 020 020 020 020 EXTEND SVC ROUTER 5752-SC1-CF SVC 109 5752-SC1-CG VIRT STORAGE MAN 5752-SC1-CH CONTENS SUPER VSR 5752-SC1-CJ ··SNCl-4410 ·*SNCl-4421 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 COMMUNICAT TASK 5752-SC1-CK OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 TASK MAN 5752-SC1-CL ·*SNCl-4430 .·SNCl-4311 ·*SNCl-4320 •• SNCl-4331 ··SNCl-4450 ··SNCl-4460 ··SNCl-4462 ··SNCl-4470 ··SNCl-4480 ··SNCl-4482 ··SNCl-4490 .·SNCl-4491 ··SNCl-4500 ·*SNCl-4451 •• SNCl-4461 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 ·*SNCl-4481 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 REG CONTROL TASK 5752-SC1-CU OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 TIMER SUPER VISION 5752-SC1-CV ··SNCl-4492 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 AUX STORAGE MAN 5752-SC1-CW *·SNCl-4520 ··SNCl-4521 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 SYS RESRC MGR 5742-SC1-CX OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 RASIX PART TREE S 5752-SC1-CY OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 MP RECONFIG 5752-SC1-CZ 320 RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE 020 020 020 020 RECOVERY TERMIN 5752-SC1-CM EXT PREC FLT PT S 5752-SC1-CP MF/1 5752-SC1-CQ REAL STORAGE MAN 5752-SC1-CR **SNCl-4551 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 OVERLAY SUPER VSR 5752-SC1-C2 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 lOS 5752-SC1-C3 **SNCl-4561 **SNCl-4571 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 OIDOCS 5752-SC1-C4 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 SUPERVISOR CONTROL 5752-SC1-C5 99 99 SJ02-4540-0 SJD2-4550-0 99 99 SJD2-4560-0 6J02-4570-0 99 99 99 99 99 SJD2-4580-0 6J02-4590-0 SJD2 -4 600-0 6J02-4610-0 6JD2-4620-0 **SNC1- 4540 **6NCl-4550 **6NCl-4552 **6NCl-4560 **6NCl-4570 **6NCl-4572 **SNCl-4580 **SNCl-4590 **SNCl-4600 **SNCl-4610 **SNCl-4620· 99 SJD2-4630-0 **SNCl-4630 **SNCl-4631 99 SJ02-4640-0 6JD2-4650-0 **SNCl-4640 **SNCl-4642 **SNCl-4650 **SNCl-4641 99 99 6JD2-4660-0 **SNCl-4661 **SNCl-4771 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 EXCP 5752-SC1-C6 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 FETCH 5752-SC1-C7 OS/VS2 RELEASE 024 NIP 5752-SC1-C8 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 IPL 5752-SC1-C9 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 BLOCK PROCESSOR LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5752-SC1-OA OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 SAM SUBSYS INTERFACE LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5752-SC1-0B OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 PASSWORO PROTECT LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5752-SC1-0C OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 3505/3525 READER PUNCH SUPPORT LISTINGS (5752-SC1-00) OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 VSAM/VSAM CATALOG LISTINGS COMPONENT NO. 5752-SC1-0E OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 3890 OOCUMENT PROCESSOR LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5752-SC1-0F OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 VBP LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5752-SC1-0G OS/vS2 RELEAS.E 020 CATALOG CONTROLLER 3 LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCl-OH OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 WINDOW INTERCEPT LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5752-SC-DJ OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES COMPONENT NO. 5752-SC1-OK OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 3886 OCR LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5752-SC1-0L OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 SAM LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5752-SC1-00 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 OPEN/CLOSE/EQV LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5752-SC1-0l OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 PAM LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5752-SC1-02 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 OADSM 5752-SC104 **SNCl-4791 **SNCl-4800 **SNCl-4811 **SNCl-4822 OS/vS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELE!ASE RELEASE 020 020 020 020 020 OCR 5752-SC105 MICR 5752-SC106 OAM 5752-SC1-07 I6AM 5752-SCl08 GAM 5752-SC1GO **SNCl-4861 OS/VS2 OS/vS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE 020 02Q 020 020 IBCOMPRS IBCDASDI ICAPRTBL TSO EOIT **SNCl-4871 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 TSO TEST 5752-SC1-Tl **SNCl-4881 **SNCl-4890 **SNCl-4901 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 TSO UTILITIES 5752-SC1T2 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 TSO TIOC 5752-SCl-T3 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 TSO SCHEDULER 5752-SC1-T4 **SNCl-4911 **SNCl-4921 OS/VS2 OS/vS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE 020 020 020 020 LINK LOADGO PROMP 5752-SC1-T5 TSO TCAM SUBROUTINES DEBPTPCH 57,52-SC1-UA IEHMOVE 5752-SC1-UC OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 IEHINITT 5752-SC1-UD IEHSTATR 5152-SCl-UE IEHATLAS 5752-SC1-UF IEBTCRIN 5752-SC1-UG IEBISAM 5752-SC1-UH IEBDG 5752-SC1-UJ IEBCOMPR 5752-SC1-UK IEHUCAT 5752-SC1-UY IEHDASDR 5752-SC1-UO **SNCl-4621 99 6J02-4670-0 **SNCl-4660 **SNCl-4662 **SNCl-4670 99 99 6J02-4680-0 6J02-4690-0 **SNCl-4680 **SNCl-4690 **SNCl-4691 99 6J02-4700-0 99 SJD2-4710-0 **SNCl-4710 **SNCl-4711 99 6JD2-4720-0 **SNCl-4720 **SNCl-4721 99 99 SJD2-4730-0 6J02-4740-0 **SNCl-4731 **SNCl-4742 99 99 SJD2-4750-0 SJ02-4770-0 99 99 99 99 99 6J02-4780-0 6J02-4790-0 6J02-4800-0 6JD2 -4 81 0-0 6J02-4820-0 99 99 99 99 SJD2-4830-0 SJ02-4840-0 SJD2-4850-0 6J02-4860-0 **SNCl-4730 **SNCl-4740 **SNCl-4741 **SNCl-4750 **SNCl-4770 **SNCl-4772 **SNCl-4780 **SNCl-4790 **SNCl-4801 **SNCl-4810 **SNCl-4820 **SNCl-4821 **6NCl-4830 **SNCl-4840 99 6J02-4870-0 99 99 99 6J02-4880-0 SJD2 -4 890-0 SJ02-4900-0 99 99 99 99 6J02-4910-0 6J02-4920-0 6JD2-4930-0 6J02-4940-0 **SNCl-4860 **SNCl-4862 **SNCl-4870 **SNCl-4872 **SNCl-4880 **SNCl-4891 **SNCl-4900 **SNCl-4902 **SNCl-4910 **SNCl-4920 **SNCl-4941 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 6J02-4950-0 6JD2-4960-0 6J02-4970-0 6JD2-4980-0 6J02-4990-0 6J02-5000-0 6JD2-5010-0 6J02-5020-0 6JD2 -5 030-0 **SNCl-4940 **SNCl-4942 **SNCl-4950 **SNCl-4970 **SNCl-4971 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 6JD2 -5 040-0 6J02-5050-0 6JD2-5060-0 6J02-5070-0 6J02-5080-0 6JD2-5090-0 6J02-5110-0 6JD2-5120-0 6J02-5130-0 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 6J02-5140-0 6JD2-5150-0 6J02-5160-0 6J02-5170-0 6JD2-5180-0 6J02-5190-0 6JD2-52 00-0 6J02-5210-0 6JD2 -52 20-0 99 99 99 99 6JD2-5230-0 6JD2-5240-0 6J02-5250-0 SJD2-5260-0 **SNCl-4671 **SNCl-4841 **SNCl-5010 **SNCl-5030 **SNCl-5032 **SNCl-5040 **SNCl-5051 **SNCl-5060 **SNCl-5080 **SNCl-5090 **SNCl-5110 **SNCl-5120 **SNCl-5130 **SNCl-5140 **SNCl-5150 **SNCl-5161 **SNCl-5170 **SNCl-5180 **SNCl-5201 **SNCl-5210 **SNCl-5220 **SNCl-5222 **SNCl-5230 **SNCl-5240 **SNCl-5250 **SNCl-5260 **SNCl-50 31 **SNCl-5050 **SNCl-5061 **SNCl-5081 **SNCl-5091 **SNCl-5111 **SNCl-5121 **SNCl-5160 **SNCl-5181 **SNCl-5200 **SNCl-5211 **SNCl-5221 **SNCl-5241 **SNCl-5261 5752-SC1IO 5752-SC1-Il 5752-SC1-I2 5752-SC1-TO OS/VS2 RELEA6E 020 IEHLIST 5752-SC1-U2 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 IEHPROGM 5752-SC1-U3 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 IEBCOPY 5752-6Cl-U6 OS/VS2 RELEA6E 020 IEBGENER 5752-6C1-U7 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 IEBUPDTE 5752-SC1-U8 OS/VS2 RELEA6E 020 IEBEDIT 5752-SC1U9 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 POWR WARN FEATURE 5752-SC10E OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 SMF SCHEOULER 5752-SC1-00 OS/VS2 MAPPING MACROS 5752-SC1-01 OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 06/VS2 RELEASE 020 SMF 5752-6C1-02 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 ASSEMBLER XF 5752-SC1-03 06/VS2 RELEASE 020 LINKAGE EOITOR 5752-SC1-04 OS/V62 RELEASE 020 LOAOER 5752-SC1-05 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 OLTEP 5752-SC1-06 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 GSP 5752-SC1-07 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 CHK PT/RESTART 5752-SC1-09 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 OSS 5752-SC1-10 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 GTF 5752-SC1-11 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/vS2 OS/VS2 321 RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE 020 020 020 020 AMASPZAP 5752-SCl-12 AMDPROMP 5752-SCl-13 AMBLIST 5752-SC1-14 AMD6ADMP 5752-SCl-15 99 99 99 SJ02-5270-0 SJ02-5280-0 SJ02-5290-0 99 SJ02-5300-0 99 99 SJ02-5320-0 SJ02 -5330-0 97 SJ03-0003-0 97 SJ03 -1000-0 97 SJ03-1001-0 97 SJ03-1002-0 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 14 15 SJ03-1003-0 SJ03-1004-0 SJ03-1006-0 *·SJ03-1009-0 SJ03-2Q01-0 **SJ03-2004-0 .*S303-2006-0 **SJ03-2007-0 .·SJ03-2751-0 ·*GL21-9071-0 **GL21-9225-0 15 **GL22-6936-1 14 ·*GL22-6937-1# 14 **GL22-6979-2 t 15 **GL22-6982-0 14 **GL22-7015-0 14 *·GL22-7025-0 14 **GL24-3570-0 15 .*GL24-3571-3 14 **GL24-3618-1 99 99 99 99 "'*SQC7-1938-1 .*SQC7-1948-1 **SQC7-19 49-1 **SQC7-1950-1 99 99 99 99 99 **SQC7-1954-1 **SQC7-1956-1 **SQC7-1958-1 **S::lC7-1963-1 •• SQC7-1964-1 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 **SQC7-:J,.965-2 SQ02-2000-l. SQ02-2001-1 SQ02-2002-1 SQ02-2009-1 SQ02-2Q10-1 SQ02-2014-1 SQ02-2015-1 SQ02-2016-f 8Q02-2017-1 SQ02-2018-1 SQ02-2019-1 SQ02-2020-1 SQ02-2021-1 SQ02-2022-1 SQP2-2023-1 SQ02-2024-1 SQ02-2025-1 SQ1)2-2027-1 SQ02-2028-1 SQ02-2030-1 SQ02-2031-1 8Q02- 2032-1 8Q02-2033-1 8QD2-2034-1 8Q02-2038-1 8Q02-2041-1 8Q02-20112-1 8Q02-2043-1 8Q02-2044-1 SQ02-20115-1 8Q02-2046-1 SQ02-2047-1 8;202-2048-1 SQ02-2049-1 **SNCl-5280 **SNC1-5290 **SNC1-5292 **SNC1-5300 **SNC1-5301 **SNCl-5320 **SNC1-5330 **SNC1-5331 **SNC1-5281 **SNC1-5291 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 AMAPTFLE 5752-SC1-16 OS/VS2 RELEA8E 020 AMDPROMP/EDIT 5752-SC1-18 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 BTAM 5752-SC1-20 .*SNCl-5302 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 TCAM 5752-SC1-21, **SNC1-5321 **8NC1-5332 OS/vS2 RELEASE 020 VTCAM 5752-SC1-23 OS/VS2 RELEASE 020 SMP 5752-SC1-30, PROGRAM NUMBE~ S745~SC-EML , COMPONENT OF SBOF-6440 PROGRAM NUMBER 5745-SC-ASM COMPONENT OF SBOF-6440 PTF NO. 5745-00426-3 PROGRAM NuMB~R 5745-SC-ASM COMPONENT OF SBOF-6440 PTF NO. 5745-00430-3 PROGRAM NUMBER 5745-SC-ASM COMPONENT OF,SBOF-6440 PTF FOR S~-ASM/5745~01405-3 COMP OF 8BOF-6440 PTF FOR SC-ASM/5745-01406-3 COMP OF SBOF~6440 PTF FOR SC-ASM/5745-01407-3 COMP OF SBOF-6440 DOS/VS PTF COMP OF SBOF-6440 PROGRAM ID 5745 DOS/VS PTF LISTINGS COMPONENT OF.SBOF-6440 PROGRAM ID 5745 DOS/VS PTF COMPONENT OF SBOF-6440 PROGRAM ID 5745 DOS/VS PTF COMPONENT OF SBOF 6440 PROGRAM ID5745 DOS/VS PTF COMPON~NT OF SBOF 6446 PROG.' ID 5745 DOS/VS PTF COMPONENT OF SBOF-6440 PROGRAM ID 5745-SC-BTM IBM 2501 CARD READER, MODELS A AND B RPQ FEAT9RES IBM 7460-4 STUB CARD READER RPQ EE7595 INSTALLATION MANUAL-- PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM 2914 SWITCHING UNIT MODEL 1, RPQ880882, CUSTOM FEATURE: INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING 8YSTEM/360AND SYSTEM/37Q GUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION: 2914 SWITCHING VNIT MODEL 1 - RPQ 880882 IBM 2947 MODEL 4 CHECK CO~CTION CONTROLLER (RPQ 888264) FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS - REFERENCE MANUAL IBM 2947 CHECK CO~LECTIONCONTROLLER MODEL 4 (RPQ 888264) INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM 7441~1/l980-9 CUSTOM TERMINAL FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OPERATING PROCEDURES AND PHYSICAL PLANNING 2914 STORAGE CONTROL INTERFACE SWITCH MODEL 2 (RPQ 8P0290) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ANP PHY~ICAL PLAN~ING IBM 2946 TERMINAL CONTROL SUBSYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING. GO IDE IBM 2946 TERMIN~L CONTROL SUBSYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING 2956 MOD~L 8 CARD READERRPQ 810582 CUSTOM UNIT DESCRIPTION AND PHYSICAL PLANNING DOS/VS DiSK ERP 5745-SC-DKE DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.9 DOS/VS JCL 5745-SC-JCL PCS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.9 DOS/vS LIBRARIAN 5745-SC-LBR DOS/V8 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.9 DOS/VS L~NKAGE EDITOR 5745-SC-LNK DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.9 ' ' DOS/VS PDAIDS 5745-SC-PDA DOS/VS MICROFICHE'RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS POWER 5745-sc-PWR DOS/V8,.,MICROFICHE REJ"EASE 2.9 DOS/VS RMSR 5745-RMS DOS/VS. MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.9 DOS/VS VSAM 5745-SC-VSM DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS D08 DISTRIBUTION PROG. 5745-SC-DIS DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.9 DOS/VS MICROFICHE INDEXDOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 OS/VSl RELEASE 2 5141-SCl-Cl - IPL OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 574l-sCl-C3 - lOS OS/vSl RELEAS~ 2 5741-SC1-C5 - SUPERVISOR OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SCl-00 - SCHEDULER OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 574l-SCl-CB - UNIT RECORD OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-BO - JECS OS/VS1 RELE~SE 2 5741-SC1-B1 - INPUT STREAM CTL. OS/vS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-~2 - OUTPUT STREAM CTL. OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-B3 - SYS RESTART OS/VS1 RELE~SE 2 5741-SCl-B4 - ALLOCATION OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC~-B5 - Q MANAGER OS/VS1 RELE~SE 2 5741-SC1-B6 - INITIATOR OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-B7 - TERMINATION OS/VS1 RE~SE 2 5741-Sci-B8 - COMMANDS OS/VS1 RELE~SE 2 574l-SC1-B9 - INTERPRETER OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SCl-BD - RESTART PROCESS OS/VSl RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-BE - SY8T LOG OS/VSl RELEASE 2 574l-SCl-BF - MSI as/VSl RELE~8E 2 574l-SC1-l7 - IMCJOBQD OS/VSl RELEASE 2 574l-SCl-C4 - DIDOCS OS/VS1 RELE~SE 2 5141-SC1-GO - GAM OS/VS1 RELEASE 574l-SC1-07 - GSP OS/VS1 RELE~SE 2 5741-SC1-CE - RMS OS/VS1 RELE~SE 2 5741-SC1-03 - ASSEMB XF OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-CD - OBR/ERP/RDE OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-11 - GTF OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SCl-12 - HMASPZAP OS/VS1 RELE~SE 2 5741-SCl-13 - HMDPRDMP OS/vS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SCl-15 - HMDSADMP OS/VSl RELE~SE 2 574l-SC1-16 - HMAPTFLE OS/vS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-06 - OLTEP OS/VS1 RE~ASE 5741-SC1-CF - EXTENDED SVC OS/VS1 RELE~SE 5741-SC1-U2 - IEHLIST OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-20 - BTAM PTF NO. 5745-01555 PTF NO. 5745-01403-3 **GN21-0131 *.GN22-0493 **GN24-0477 **SNC7-1962 322 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 34 37 34 8Q02-2054-1 8Q02-2055-1 8Q02-2056-1 8Q02-2057-1 8Q02-2058-1 8Q02-2059-1 8Q02-2060-1 8Q02-2061-1 SQ02-2062-1 SQ02-2063-1 SQ02-2064-1 8Q02-2068-1 SQ02-2069-1 SQD2-2074-1 8Q02-2076-1 SQ02-2080-1 SQ02-2084-l SQ02-2085-1 SQ02-2086-1 SQ02-2087-1 SQ02-2088-1 SQ02-2089-1 SQ02-2090-1 5Q02-2091-1 SQ02-2092-1 SQ02-2096-1 SQ02-2097-1 SQ02-2099-1 SQ02-2101-1 GQ24-5090-1 GQ24-5093-1 GQ24-5094-1 **GN24-5475, **GN24-5463 34 **GQ24-5095-1 36 **GQ26-3784-4 34 34 30 GQ26-3791-1 GQ26-3792-1 **GQ26-3819-1 34 36 37 37 **GQ28-0604-2 GQ28-0617-1 **GQ28-0632-1 GQ28-0638-1 39 39 37 **GQ28-0645-1 .*GQ28-0646-1 **GQ28-0666-1 38 30 20 30 **GQ28-6878-1 GQ30-2034-1 **GQ33-5370-2 **GQ33-5373-2 36 40 **GQ33-5376-1 **GQ33-5378-1 40 **GQ33-5379-2 37 **GQ33-5380-1 **GN33-8768 **GN33-9159 **GN33-9155 **GN33-8767 **GN33-9157 **GN33-9161 **GN33-9173 **GN33-9162 **GN33-8793 30 **GQ33-5382-2 **GN26-0178 36 40 40 40 **GQ33-5403-1 GQ38-0110-2 GQ38-0120-1 *~GQ38-0210-1 **GN28-2575 40 40 GQ38-1001-1 **GQ38-1~02-2 **GN24-5472 **GN28-2574 40 40 32 37 40 30 GQ38-1003-2 GQ38-1004-1 GQ38-1005-1 GQ38-1006-1 **GQ38-1008-1 **GN28-2577 30 GQ61-0013-1 **GN21-7659 36 30 36 36 36 30 30 SQ64-5155-1 SQ64-5156-1 **SN24-5464 36 30 8Q66-3820-1 8Q66-3823-1 **GN26-0762 **GN24-5469 **GN26-0764 **GN28-2582 **GN28-2572 **GN25-0101 **GN33-8777 **GN33-9171 **GN33-8179 **GN33-9158 **GN33-9172 **(;N33-9156 **GN33-8780 **GQ38-10~0-1 SQ64-5159~1 5Q64-5160-1 SQ64-5161-1 SQ66-3785-1 SQ66-3787-1 **GN21-5169 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VSl OS/VSl OS/VSl OS/VSl OS/VSl OS/VS1 OS/VSl OS/VSl OS/VSl OS/VS1 OS/VSl OS/VS2 OS/VSl OS/VSl OS/VSl OS/VS1 OS/VS1 OS/VSl OS/VSl OS/VSl OS/VS1 OS/VSl OS/VS1 OS/VSl OS/VS1 OS/VS1 OS/VS1 OS/VS1 OS/VS1 OS/VSl RELEASE 5741-8Cl-09 - CHECK POINT RELEASE 5741-SC1-C7 - FETCH RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-C2 - OVERLAY SUPER RELEASE 5741-SC1-DO - SAM RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-01 - EOV RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-02 - PAM RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-04 - DADSM RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-D6 - MICR RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-D4 - DAM RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-D8 - ISAM RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-D9 - JAM RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-04 - LINK EDITOR RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-05 - LOADER RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-SC1-DB - INTERFACE RELEASE 2 5741-SCl-14 - HMBLIST RELEASE 2 574l-sc1-uo - IEHOASDR RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-0A - CRJE RELEASE 5741-SC1-U6 - IEBCOPY RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-U7 - IEBGENER RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-U8 - IEBUPDTE RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-UA - IEBPTPCH RELEASE 2 574l-SC1-UK - IEBCOMPR RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-UA - IEBISAM RELEASE 2 5741-sC1-U5 - IEBDG RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-UC - IEHMOVE RELEASE 5741-SC1-U3 - IEHPROGM RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-UD - IEHINITT RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-D3 - CATALOG RELEASE 2 5741-SC1-CC - TAPE ERP/VES PLANNING AND USE GUIDE RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OEBUGGING GUIDE, RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 STORAGE ESTIMATES - RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 DOS , DOS/vS TO OS/VSl IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE OS/VS1 RELEASE 2.0 , 2.6 ' OS/VS CHECKPOINT/RESTART OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 , 3.1 OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VS1 SYSTEM GENERA TOR REFERENCE OS/VS2 SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.6 OS/VS VSAMOPTIONS FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 , 3.1 OS/vS2 STORAGE ESTIMATES OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 os/VS ICL SERVICES OS/VS2 DEBUGGING'GUIDE OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VS2 LOGREC ERROR RECORDING OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 AND OS/VSl RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS2 TSO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/vS2 TSO COMMAND'LANGUAGE REFERENCE OS/vS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/vS1 OLTEP (COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-06) OS/vS1 RELEASE 3.0,3.1 OS/VS1 RES SYSTEM PROGRAMMERS GUIDE OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 OS/VS TCAM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5742-SCl-21 INTRODUCTION TO DOS/VS DOS/vS RELEASE 29 i 30 DOS/VS SUPERVISOR' ¥O MACROS DOS/VS RELEASE 29 , 30 DOS/VS SYSTEM CONTROL STATEMENTS DOS/VS RELEASE 29 , 30 DOS/VS OPERATING PROCEDURES DOS/VS RELEASE 29 , 30 DOS/VS MESSAGES DOS/VS RELEASE 29 , 30 DOS/VS SERVICEABILITY AIDS DEBUGGING PROCEDURES OOS/VS RELEASE 29 , 30 DOS/VS - SERVICEABILITY SERVICEABILITY DEBUG - S/370 DOS/vS DOS/VS - DEBUGGING DOS/VS UTILITIES ACCESS METHOD SERVICES DOS/vS RELEASE 29 , 30 DOS/VS POWER/VS INSTALLATION , OPERATIONS DOS/VS RELEASE 30 OPERATORS LIBRARY, OS/VSl (RES) REFERENCE, RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS CONSOLE CONFIGURATIONS OPERATORS LIBRARY: OS/vS2 REFERENCE (JES2) OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VSl SYSTEM MESSAGE, RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS2 SYSTEM MESSAGES OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VS1 MESSAGE LIBRARY: SYSTEM CODES, RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS MESSAG:F; LIBRARY: ROUTING AND DESCRIPTOR CODES OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY UTILITIES MESSAGES OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: SERVICE AIDS AND OLTEP MESSAGES OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS2 SYSTEM CODES OS/VS RELEASE 2.0 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VSl RES RTAM AND ACCOUNT MESSAGES OS/VS1 RELEAS~ 3.0 ' OS/VSl DATA MANAGEMENT MACRO LOGIC FOR 1285/1287/1288 OS/vS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 AND OS/VS1 1.0,2.0 RELEASE 2.6 OS/VSl SUPERVISOR LOGIC - RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/vSl I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC - RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VSl CHECKPOINT/RESTART LOGIC - RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/vSl IPL AND NIP 'LOGIC - RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/vS1 JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC - RELEASE 2.0, 2. 6 OS/VS OPEN/CLOSE/EQV LOGIC ' OS/VS DADSM LOGIC - OS/vS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/vS1 RELEASE 2.0,2.6 OS/VS2 CHECKPOINT RESTART LOGIC - OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.6 OS/vS2 I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC - OS/VS2 RELEASE 1. 6 323 30 **SQ66-3839-1 37 SQ67-7239-1 36 37 SQ68-0605-1 SQ68-0637-1 37 SQ68-0639-1 37 39 **SQ68-0643-1 **SQ68-0650-1 39 30 **SQ68-0652-1 **SQ68-6849-1 39 **SQ73-8548-1 36 **SQ73-8551-1 36 30 30 **SQ73-8555-1 **SQ73-8562-1 SQ75-0003-1 85 **SR20-4193-0 85 85 85 **SR20-4194-0# SR20-4194-0# **GR20-4260-1 **SR20-4438-0 40 85 09 99 99 **SR20-4460-0 **SR20-4461-0 **GR29-0296-1 **STB8-0606-1 STC7-l932-0 99 STC7-1933-0 99 99 STC7-1934-0 STc1-1937-0 99 99 STC7-1938-0 STC7-1939-0 99 STC7-1943-0 **SNC7-1932 99 STC7-1944-0 **SNC7-1933 99 STC7-l946-0 **SNC7-1935 99 99 99 STC7-1948-0 STC7-l949-0 STC7-l950-0 **SNC7-l937 **SNC7-1938 **SNC7-1939 99 99 99 99 STC7-l954-0 STC7-1956-0 STC7-1958-0 STC7-l962-0 **SNC7-1941 **SNC7-1942 **SNC7-1943 **SNC7-1945 99 99 STC7-1963-0 STC7-l964-0 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 STC7-l965-0 STD2-2000-0 STD2-2001-0 STD2-2002-0 STD2-2009-0 STD2-20l0-0 STD2-2014-0 STD2-2015-0 STD2-2016-0 STD2-2017-0 STD2-20l8-0 STD2-2019-0 STD2-2020-0 STD2-202l-0 STD2-2022-0 STD2-2023-0 STD2-2024-0 STD2-2025-0 STD2-2026-0 STD2-2027-0 STD2-2028-0 STD2-2030-0 STD2-203l-0 STD2-2032-0 STD2-2033-0 STD2-2034-0 STD2-2038-0 STD2-2041-0 STD2-2042-0 STD2-2043-0 STD2-2044-0 **SN27-1407 **SN24-5495 **SN33- 8769 **SN33-8790 **SN33-8774 **SN33-9l63 **SN33-8770 **SN33-8792 **SN26-0772 **SNC7-l925 **SNC7-1926 **SNC7-l928 **SSCO-6720 **SSCO-6735 OS/VS1 OPEN/CLOSE EOV LOGIC - COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-D1 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 OS/VS RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LOGIC OS/VSl RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/vS2 RELEASE 1.6 OS/VS1 SYSTEM DATA AREAS - RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS2 OLTEP LOGIC - OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0,1.6 AND OS/VS1 RELEASE 1.0 OS/VS2 SYSl LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 AND OS/VS1 RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS2 SERVICE AIDS LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VS2 TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM 6 SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VS2 TSO C~~D PROCESSOR LOGIC VOL IV OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VSl RES RTAM AND WORKSTATION SUPPORT LOGIC - COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BB OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0,3.1 OS/VS2 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOL 2: EDIT OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 DOS/VS SUPERVISOR LOGIC DOS/VS RELEASE 29 6 30 DOS/VS IPL , JOB CONTROL LOGIC DOS/VS RELEASE 29 , 30 DOS/VS LIOCS VOL. 4, VSAM LOGIC DOS/VS RELEASE 29 6 30 OS/VS CATALOGUE MAN~GEMENT LOGIC - COMPONENT NOS. 5741 AND 5742-SC1-D3 - OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0 AND OS/VS1 1.0 TSO COMMAND LANGUAGE FOR APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS - A PRIMER TERMINAL-ORIENTED SELF-STUDY TEXT TSO COMMAND LANGUAGE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE APPLICATIONS A PRIMER: TERMINAL-ORIENTED SELF-STUDY TEXT INTRODUCTION TO VIRTUAL STORAGE IN SYSTEM/370 STUDENT TEXT CMS FOR PROGRAMMERS -- A PRIMER: (VM/370) TERMINAL-ORIENTED SELF-STUDY TEXT IBM SYSTEM/370 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE GUIDE INTRODUCTION TO DAT~ COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS STUDENT TEXT IBM 3705 EMULATION - REFERENCE CARD OS/VS2 DATA AREAS PROG. NO. 5752 OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 DOS/VS ATTENTION ROUTINES 5745-SC-AIT DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS ACCESS METHOD SERVICES 5745-SC-AMS DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS ASSEMBLER 5745-SC-ASM DOS/VS DIRECT ACCESS METHOD 5745-SC-DAM DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS DISK ERP 5745-SC-DKE DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS DISPLAY OPERATOR CONSOLE 5745-SC-DOC DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS MODEL 20 EMULATOR 5745-SC-E20 DOS/vS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS COMPILER I/O MODULES 5745-SC-IOM DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS IPL AND BUFFER 5745-SC-IPL DOS/vS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS JCL 5745-SC-JCL DOS/vS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS LIBRARIAN 5745-SC-LBR DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS LINKAGE EDITOR 5745-SC-LNK DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS PDAIDS 5745-SC-PDA DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.9 DOS/VS POWER 5745-SC-PWR DOS/VS RMSR 5745-SC-RMS DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS SYSTEM UTILITY PROG. 5745-SC-UTL DOS/VB MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS VSAM 5745-SC-VSM DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS DOS DISTRIBUTION PROG. 5745-SC-DIS DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 DOS/VS MICROFICHE INDEX DOS/VS MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.8 OS/vS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-C1 - IPL OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741- SC1-C3 - lOS OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-C5 - SUPERVISOR OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-00 - SCHEDULER OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-CB - UNIT REC E R OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-BO - JECS OS/VSl RELEASE 1 574l-SC1-Bl - INPUT STREAM CTRL OS/VS1 RELEASE 574l-SC1-B2 - OUTPUT STR CTBL OS/VSl RELEASE 1 574l-SCl~B3 - SYS RESTART OS/vSl RELEASE 574l-SCl-B4 - ALLOCATION OS/VSl RELEASE 1 574l-SC1-B5 - Q MANAGER OS/vSl RELEASE 5741-SC1-B6 - INITIATOR OS/VSl RELEASE 1 5741-SCl-B7 - TERMINATION OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-B8 - COMMANDS OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 574l-SC1-B9 - INTERPRETER OS/VSl RELEASE 574l-SC1-BD - RESTART PROCESS OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-BE - SYST LOG OS/VS1 RELEASE 574l-Sc1-BF - WTP OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-BG - MS1 OS/VSl RELEASE 5741-SCl-l7 - IMCJOBQD OS/vS1 RELEASE 1 574l-SC1-C4 - DlDOCS OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 574l-SC1-GO - GAM OS/vS1 RELEASE 1 574l-SC1-07 - GSP OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-CE - RMS OS/VS1 RELEASE 2 574l-SCl-03 - ASSEMB XF OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SCl-CD - OBR/EREP/RDE OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 574l-SC1-ii - GTF OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 574l-SCl-12 - HMASPZAP OS/VSl RELEASE 1 574l-SCl-13 - HMDPRDMP OS/vS1 RELEASE 1 574l-SC1-l5 - HMDSADMP 324 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 37 STD2-2045-0 STD2-2046-0 STD2-2047-0 STD2-204S-0 STD2-2049-0 STD2-2051-0 STD2-2054-0 STD2-2055-0 STD2-2056-0 STD2-2057-0 STD2-205S-0 STD2-2059-0 STD2-2060-0 STD2-2061-0 STD2-2062-0 STD2-2063-0 STD2-2064-0 STD2-2067-0 STD2-206S-0 STD2-2069-0 STD2-2074-0 STD2-2076-0 STD2-2077-0 STD2-207S-0 STD2-2079-0 STD2-20S0-0 STD2-20S1-0 STD2-20S2-0 STD2-20S4-0 STD2-20S5-0 STD2-20S6-0 STD2-20S7-0 STD2-20SS-0 STD2-20S9-0 STD2-2090-0 STD2-2091-0 STD2-2092-0 STD2-2094-0 STD2-2096-0 STD2-2097-0 STD2-209S-0 STD2-2099-0 STD2-2100-0 STD2-2101-0 STD2-2105-0 STD2-210S-0 STD2-2111-1 **GTOO-0042-0 STD2-2053~0 37 **GTOO-0045-0 34 37 37 GTOO-011S-2 **GTOO-0119-0 GTOO-0129-2 32 GTOO-0130-2 34 GTOO-0131-2 30 GTOO-0132-2 40 GTOO-0133-2 34 GTOO-0134-4 37 GTOO-0135-1 39 GTOO-0136-0 37 GTOO-0137-0 30 STOO-013S-2 36 GTOO-0140-1 36 GTOO-0141-2 40 34 40 40 40 **GTOO-0144-3 **GTOO-0147-2 **GTOO-014S-2 **GTOO-0149-3 **GTOO-0150-3 36 30 34 34 36 34 **STCO-0151-2 **STOO-0152-2 **GTOO-0153-3 **GTOO-0154-2 **STOO-0155-2 **GTOO-0156-3 34 40 **GTOO-015S-3 **GTOO-0159-4 **SSCO-74S0 **SSCO-7360 **SSCO-6460 **SSCO-64S0 **SSCO-6700 **SSCO-7420 **SSCO-7140 **SSCO-6220 **GN24-5477 OS/VSl RELEASE 1 5741-SCl-16 - HMAPTFLE OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-06 - OLTEP OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-CF - EXT SVC OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-U2 - IEHLIST OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SCl-20 - BRAM OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-D5 - OCR OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-UG - IEBTCRIN OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-09 - CHKPT RESTART OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-C7 - FETCH OS/VSl RELEASE 5741-SC1-C2 - OVERLAY SUPER OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-DO - SAM OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-D1 - OPEN/CLOSE EOV OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-D2 - PAM OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-D4 - DADSM OS/vS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-D6 - MICR OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-D7 - DAM OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-DS - ISAM OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-D9 - JAM OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-CA - DASD/ERP OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-04 - LINK EDITOR OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-05 - LOADER OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-DB - JES COMPAT INT OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SCl-14 - HMBLIST OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-10 - IBCDMPRS OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-I1 - IBCDASDI OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-12 - lCAPRTBL OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-UO - IEHDASDR OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-U1 - IEHIOSUP OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-UF - IEHATLAS OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-0A - CRJE OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-U6 - IEBCOPY OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-U7 - IEBGENER OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-US - IEBUPDATE OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-UA - IEBPTCH OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-UK - IEBCOMPR OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-UB - IEBISAM OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-U5 - IEBDG OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-UC - IEHMOVE OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-02 - SMF OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-U3 - IEHPROGM OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-UD - IEHINITT OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-UE - IEHSTATR OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-D3 - CATALOG OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-DC - PASSWORD PROTECT OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-CC - TAPE ERP/vES OS/VS1 RELEASE 1 5741-SC1-BB - RES OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-DD - 3505/3525 RDR OS/VS1 RELEASE 5741-SC1-CS - NIP OS MACHINE CHECK HANDLER FOR S/370 MODEL 155, 165-PLM (PRIOR EDITION) OS MACHINE CHECK HANDLER FOR S/370 MODELS 135, AND 145 PLM (PRIOR EDITION) OS/VS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITIES (SMF) OS/360 MACHINE CHECK HANDLER FOR S/370 MODEL 155, 165 PLM OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: SERVICE AIDS AND OLTEP MESSAGES OS/VS1 RELEASE 2.0, 2.6, OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: UTILITIES MESSAGES OS/VS1 RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 AND VS2 RELEASE 1.6 OS/VS1 SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE OS/VS1 RELEASE 2.6 OS/VS DATA MANAGEMENT MACRO INSTRUCTION VS1 RELEASE 1.0, 2.0,2.6 AND VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: ROUTING AND DESCRIPTOR CODES OS/VS1 RELEASE ,2.0, 2.6 OS/vS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/VS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITIES SMF OS/VS1 RELEASE 2.6 OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.6 OS/VS SERVICE AIDS REFERENCE SUMMARY OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0,1.6 AND OS/VS1 RELEASE 1.0,2.0,2.6 OS/VS2 COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0,1.6,1.7 OS/VS2 DSS COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 AND OS/VS1 RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS OPEN/CLOSE/EQV LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/vS1 RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS JCL SYNTAX REFERENCE SUMMARY OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/vS1 RELEASE 1.0, 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS JCL SERVICES OS/VS2 RELEASE 1,.0,1.6,1.7, OS/VS1 - 1.0,2.0,2.6 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS1 REFERENCE OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 OS/VS1 PLANNING' USER GUIDE OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS1 SYSTEM MESSAGES RELEASE 3.0 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY VS1 SYSTEM CODES OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: ROUTING & DESCRIPTOR CODES OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 OS/VSl SUPERVISOR LOGIC OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 OS/VS1 I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 OS/VS1 SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 OS/vSl STORAGE ESTIMATES OS/VS1 RELEASE 3. 0 OS/vS1 JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC OS/VSl RELEASE 3. 0 OS/vS1 PLANNING AND USE GUIDE PROG. NO. 5741 OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 OS/VS1 STORAGE ESTIMATES PROG. NO. 5741 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS1 REFERENCE PROG. NO. 5741 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 325 40 **GTOO-0160-3 40 **GTOO-0161-4 36 **STOO-0162-2 **SN24-5482 36 **STOO-0163-3 36 **STOO-0164-2 36 **STOO-0165-3 37 39 **GTOO-0166-2 **GTOO-0167-1 36 **GTOO-0168-0 30 **GTOO-0169-2 34 **GTOO-0170-5 **GN33-9160 **GN33-9175 **GN28-2568 34 36 **GTOO-0171-3 **GTOO-0172-3 **GN24-5492 37 **GTOO-0173-2 **GN24-5505 32 **GTOO-0174-3 34 **GTOO-0175-3 31 **GTOO-0176-3 30 40 **STOO-0179-2 **GTOO-0180-4 30 **STOO-0181-2 34 **GTOO-0182-4 36 32 ** STO 0- 0183- 2 **Gl'OO-0184-3 36 **5TOO-0"185-2 34 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 **GTOO-0187-2 **5TOO-5000-2 **STOO-5001-2 **STOO-5002-2 STOO-5003-0 **STOO-5004-1 **STOO-5005-2 **STOO-5006-2 **5TOO-5007-2 **STOO-5008-2 **STOO-5009-2 **5TOO-5010-2 **STOO-5011-2 **5TOO-5012-2 **STOO-5013-2 **STOO-5014-2 **STOO-5015-2 **STOO-5016-2 **STOO-5017-2 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 **STOO-5018-2 **STOO-5019-1 **STOO-5020-2 **STOO-5021-2 **STOO-5022-2 **STOO-5023-2 **STOO-5024-2 **STOO-5025-2 **STOO-5026-2 **STOO-5027-2 **STOO-5028-2 **STOO-5029-2 **STOO-5030-2 **STOO-5031-2 **STOO-5032-2 **STOO-5033-2 **STOO-5034-2 **STOO-5035-2 **STOO-5036-1 **STOO-5038-2 **STOO-5039-2 **STOO-5040-2 **STOO-5041-2 **STOO-5042-2 **STOO-5043-2 **STOO-5044-2 **STOO-5045-2 **STOO-5046-2 **5N24-5481 **5N35-0011 **GN33-9170 **GN24-5491 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS1 SYSTEM MESSAGES PROG. NO. 5741 OS/vS1 RELEASE 3.1 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: ROUTING' DESCRIPTOR CODES OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 , OS/\7S2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/vS1 SYSTEM DATA AREA COMPONENT NO. 5741 05/VS1 RELEASE 3.0,3.1 OS/vS1 SUPER\7ISOR LOGIC COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-C5 OS/\7S1 RELEASE 3.1 OS/vS1 IPL AND NIP LOGIC COMPONENT NOS. 5741-SC1-C8 5741-SC1-C1 OS/\7S1 RELEASE 3.0,3.1 OS/vS1 JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC COMPONENT NUMBERS 5741-SC1-B6, B4,B7,OO,C4,BD, OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 OS/VS SERVICE AIDS REFERENCE SUMMARY OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/vS2 TSO COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 DOS/VS POWER , POWER/RJE REFERENCE SUMMARY DOS/vS RELEASE 29 , 30 DOS/VS DATA MANAGEMENT GUIDE DOS/VS RELEASE 29 , 30 OS/VS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITIES OS/VS 2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/vS1 RELEASE 3.0 , 3.1 DOS/VS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT GUIDE DOS/VS RELEASE 30 OS/vS1 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE DIGEST OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 , 3.1 OS/VS1 DEBUGGING GUIDE COMPONENT NO. 5741 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0,3.1 OS/vS MESSAGE LIBRARY: UTILITIES MESSAGES OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 , OS/vS1 RELEASE 3.0 , 3.1 OS/VS2 SYS. PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: SYS. GEN. REF. COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCl-BH, UX OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/vS MESSAGE LIBRARY: LINKAGE EDITOR' LOADER MESSAGES OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/\7S1 RELEASE 3.0 , 3.1 OS/VS2 I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS1 SYSTEMS CODES COMPONENT NO. 5741 OS/vS1 RELEASE 3.1 OS/VS1 CATALOG MANAGEMENT LOGIC PROG. NOS. 5741-SC1-D3, 5742-SC1-D3, OS/V52 REL. 1.0,1.6,1.7 OS/VS1 RELEASE 2.0, 2.6,3.0,3.1 OS/VS1 SYSM GEN. COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-S1 OS/vs1 RELEASE 3.1 OS/VS2 CHECKPOINT/RESTART LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VS UTILITIES OS/\7S2 RELEASE 2.0 , OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 , 3.1 OS/VS1 CHECKPOINT/RESTART LOGIC COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC2-09 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0,3.1 DOS/VS SYSTEM GENERATION DOS/VS RELEASE 30 IPL 5741-SC1-C1 OS/\7S1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 lOS 5741-SC1-C3 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 SUPERVISOR 5741-SC1-C5 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 MAPPING MACROS 5741-SC1-01 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 INDEX OS/\7S1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 SCHEDULER - SMF 5741-SC1-00 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 UNIT/RCD/ERP 5741-SC1-CB OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEA5E 2.6 JECS 5741-SC1-BO OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 I/P STREAM CTL 5741-SC1-B1 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 O/P STREAM CTL 5741-SCI-B2 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 SYSTEM RESTART 5741-SC1-B3 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 ALLOCATION 5741-SC1-B4 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 SWADS MANAGER 5741-SC1-B5 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 INITIATOR 5741-SC1-B6 OS/\7S1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 TERMINATION 5741-SCl-B7 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 COMMANDS 5741-SC1-BB OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 INTERPRETER 5741-SCl-B9 OS/\7S1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 RESTART RDR/DSDR PROCESSING 5741-SC1-BD OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 SYSTEM LOG 5741-SC1-BE OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 WTP 5741-SC1-BF OS/\7S1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 MSI 5741-SC1-BG OS/\7S1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IMC JOBQD 5741-SC1-17 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 DIDOCS 5741-SC1-C4 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 GAM 5741-SC1-GO OS/\7S1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 GSP 5741-SC1-07 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 RMS 5741-SC1-CE OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 SYSTEM ASSEMBLER 5741-SC1-03 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 ORB/EREP/RDE 5741-SC1-CD OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 GTF 5741-SC1-11 OS/\7S1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 HMASPZAP 5741-SC1-12 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 HMDPRDMP 5741-SC1-13 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 HMDSADMP 5741-SC1-15 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 HMAPTFLE 5741-SC1-16 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 OLTEP 5741-SC1-06 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IEHLIST 5741-SCl-U2 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 BTAM 5741-SC1-20 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 OCR 5741-SC1-D5 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 CHK/RSTRT 5741-SC1-09 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 FETCH 5741-SCl-C7 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 OVERLAY SUPER\7ISOR 5741-SC1-C2 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 SAM 5741-SC1-DO OS/\7S1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 OPEN/CLOSE/DOV 5741-SC1-D1 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 PAM 5741-SC1-D2 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 DADSM 5741-SC1-D4 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 MICR 5741-SC1-D6 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 DAM 5741-SC1-D7 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 326 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 **STOO-5047-2 **STOO-504S-2 **STOO-5049-l **STOO-5050-2 **STOO-50Sl-2 **STOO-50S2-2 **STOO-5053-2 **STOO-50S4-l **STOO-5055-l **STOO-50S6-2 **STOO-SOS7-l **STOO-50SS-2 **STOO-5059-2 **STOO-5060-2 **STOO-506l-2 **STOO-S062-2 **STOO-S063-2 **STOO-5064-2 **STOO-S06S-2 **STOO-5066-2 **STOO-5067-l **STOO-506S-2 **STOO-5069-2 **STOO-S070-l **STOO-S072-2 **STOO-S073-l STOO-S074-0 99 99 STOO-507S-0 **STOO-5076-l 99 STOO-S077-0 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 **STOO-507S-l STOO-50S0-0 STOO-SOS1-O STOO-5082-0 **STOO-S10O-3 **STOO-S1Ol-3 **STOO-S102-l **STOO-S103-2 **STOO-S104-3 **STOO-5l0S-3 **STOO-5l06-3 **STOO-5l07-3 **STOO-5l08-3 **STOO-5l09-3 **STOO-5110-3 **STOO-Slll-3 **STOO-5112-3 **STOO-S113-3 **STOO-5114-3 **STOO-5ll5-3 **STOO-5ll6-3 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 **STOO-5ll7-3 **STOO-5llS-2 **STOO-5119-3 **STOO-5l20-3 **STOO-5l2l-3 **STOO-5l22-3 **STOO-5l23-3 **STOO-5l24-3 **STOO-5l25-3 **STOO-S126-3 **STOO-S127-3 **STOO-5l2S-3 **STOO-5l29-3 **STOO-5l30-3 **STOO-5l3l-2 **STOO-S132-3 **STOO-5l33-3 **STOO-5l34-3 **STOO-5l35-3 **STOO-5l36-3 **STOO-5l37-3 **STOO-5l3S-3 **STOO-5l39-3 **STOO-5l40-3 **STOO-5l4l-3 **STOO-5l42-3 **STOO-5l43-2 **STOO-5l44-3 **STOO-5l45-3 **STOO-5l46-3 **STOO-5l47-2 **STOO-5l48-2 **STOO-5l49-2 **STOO-5l50-3 **STOO-5l5l-2 **STOO-5l52-3 **STOO-5l53-3 **STOO-5l54-3 **SSCO-7S9S **SSCO-674l ISAM 574l-SC1-D8 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 JAM 574l-SC1-D9 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 DASD-ERP - 574l-SC1-CA OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 LINKAGE EDITOR 574l-SC1-04 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 LOADER 574l-SC1-05 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 JESCOMPATINT 574l-SC1-DB OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 HMBLIST 574l-SCl-14 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IBCDMPRS 574l-SC1-IO OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IBCDASDI 574l-SC1-Il OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IEMDASDR 574l-SC1-UO OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IEHATLAS 574l-SC1-UF OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 CRJE 574l-SC1-OA OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 IEBCOPY 574l-SCl-U6 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IEBGENER 574l-SC1-U7 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IEBUPDTE 574l-SC1-US OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IEBPTCH 574l-SC1-UA OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IEBCOMPR 574l-SC1-UK OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IEBISAM 574l-SCl-UH OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IEBDG 574l-SCl-UJ OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IEHMOVE 574l-SC1-UC OS/vSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 SMF 574l-SC1-02 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IEHPROGM 574l-SC1-U3 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IEHINITT 574l-SC1-UD OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IEHSTATR 574l-SC1-UE OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 TAPE ERP/VES 574l-SC1-CC OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 RES 574l-SCl-BB OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 HMDPRDMP EDIT 574l-SCl-18 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.0 , 2.6 RES ACCT. FACILITY 574l-SC1-BC OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 3505/3525 RDR/PCH - 574l-SC1-DD OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 EX F/P SIMULATOR 5741-SC1-CP OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.0 , 2.6 NIP 574l-SC1-C8 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 IDCAMS 574l-SC1-DK OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 STATUS 574l-SC1-DL OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 VSAM 574l-SC1-DE MICROFICHE OS/VSl RELEASE 2.6 lOS 574l-SC1-C3 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 SUPERVISOR 574l-SC1-C5 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 MAPPING MACROS 574l-SC1-Ol OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 INDEX OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 SCHEDULER - SMF 574l-SC1-00 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 UNIT/RCD/ERP 574l-SC1-CB OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 JECS 574l-SC1-BO OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 I/P STREAM CTL S74l-SC1-Bl OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 O/P STREAM CTL S74l-SC1-B2 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 SYSTEM RESTART 574l-SC1-B3 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 ALLOCATION 574l-SC1-B4 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 SWADS MANAGER 574l-SC1-B5 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 INITIATOR S74l-SC1-B6 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 TERMINATION 574l-SCl-B7 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 COMMANDS 574l-SC1-BS OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 INTERPRETER S74l-SCl-B9 OS/vSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 RESTART RDR/DSDR PROCESSING 574l-SC1-BD OS/vSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 SYSTEM LOG S74l-sCl-BE OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 WTP 574l-SC1-BF OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 DIDOes 574l-SC1-C4 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 GAM 574l-SC1-GO OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 GSP 574l-SC1-07 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 RMS S74l-SC1-CE OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 SYSTEM ASSEMBLER 574l-SC1-03 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 ORB/EREP/RDE 574l-SC1-CD OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 GTF 574l-SC1-ll OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 HMASPZAP 574l-SCl-12 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 HMDPRDMP 574l-SCl-13 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 OLTEP 574l-SCl-06 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 IEHLIST 574l-SCl-U2 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 BTAM 574l-SCl-20 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 OCR 574l-SC1-D5 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 CHK/RSTRT 574l-SC1-09 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 FETCH 574l-SCl-C7 OS/vSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 OVERLAY SUPERVISOR 574l-SC1-C2 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 SAM 574l-SC1-DO OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 OPEN/CLOSE/EOV 574l-SC1-Dl OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 PAM 574l-SC1-D2 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 DADSM 574l-SCl-D4 OS/vSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 MICR 574l-SC1-D6 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 DAM 574l-SC1-D7 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 ISAM 574l-SC1-D8 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 JAM 574l-SC1-D9 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 DASD-ERP - 574l-SC1-CA OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 LINKAGE EDITOR 574l-SC1-04 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 LOADER 574l-SCl-05 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 JESCOMPATINT 574l-SC1-DB OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 HMBLIST 574l-SCl-14 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 IBC DMPRS 574l-SC1-IO OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 IBCDASDI 574l-SC1-Il OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 IEMDASDR S74l-SC1-UO OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 IEHATLAS 574l-SC1-UF OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 CRJE 574l-SC1-OA OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 IEBCOPY 574l-SCl-U6 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 IEBGENER 574l-SC1-U7 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 327 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 **STOO-5155-3 **STOO-5156-3 **STOO-5157-3 **STOO-5158-3 **STOO-5159-3 **STOO-5160-3 **STOO-5161-3 **STOO-5162-3 **STOO-5163-2 **STOO-5164-3 **STOO-5165-1 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 **STOO-5166-3 STOO-5167-0 **STOO-5168-2 **STOO-5169-2 **STOO-5110-1 **STOO-5111-2 ** STOO-5112-2 **STOO-5113-1 STOO-5114-0 STOO-5115-0 **STOO-5116-1 **STOO-5117-1 **STOO-5178-1 STOO-5179-0 STOO-5180-0 STOO-5181-0 STOO-5182-0 STOO-5184-0 **STOO-5200-3 **STOO-5201-4 **STOO-5202-4 **STOO-5203 **STOO-5204-4 **STOO-5205-4 **STOO-5206-4 **SSCO-1615 **SSCO-7553 **SSCO-7381 **SSCO-6922 **SSCO-6942 99 **STOO-5207-4 99 **STOO-5208-4 99 99 **STOO-5209-4 **STOO-5210-4 99 99 99 99 99 **STOO-5211-4 **STOO-5212-4 **STOO-5213-4 **STOO-5214-4 **STOO-5215-4 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 **STOO-5216-3 **STOO-5217-3 **STOO-5218-4 **STOO-5219-3 **STOO-5220-2 **STOO-5221-4 **STOO-5222-4 **STOO-5223-4 **STOO-5224-4 **STOO-5225-3 **STOO-5226-3 **STOO-5229-3 **STOO-5230-2 99 99 99 99 **STOO-5231-4 **STOO-5232-1 **STOO-5233-3 **STOO-5234-2 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 **STOO-5235-3 STOO-5236-0 **STOO-5237-2 **STOO-5238-1 **STOO-5239-1 **STOO-5240-2 STOO-5241-0 **STOO-5242-1 **STOO-5243 STOO-5244-0 **STOO-5245-1 **STOO-5246-1 **SSCO-7410 **SSCO-6050 **SSCO-7010 **SSCO-7616 **SSCO-7620 **SSCO-7597 **SSCO-7230 99 99 **STOO-5247-1 **STOO-5248-4 **SSCO-1450 99 99 99 **STOO-5249-4 **STOO-5250-3 **STOO-5275-1 99 **STOO-5216-2 99 **STOO-5217-1 **SSCO-7002 **SSCO-7062 **SSCO-6561 **SSCO-6021 **SSCO-1282 **SNC7-1985 **SNC7-1969 **SSCO-6051 IEBUPDTE 5741-SC1-U8 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 IEBPTCH 5741-SC1-UA OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 IEBCOMPR 5741-SC1-UK OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 IERISAM 5741-SC1-UH OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 IEBDG 5741-SC1-UJ OS/vS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 IEHMOVE 5741-SCl-UC OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE IEHPROGM 5741- SC1- U3 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.6 IEHINITT 5741-SC1-UD OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 IEHSTATR 5741-SC1-UE OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 CATALOG 5741-SC1-D3 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 PASSWORD PROTECT 5741-SC1-DC OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 , 3.0 TAPE ERP/VES 5741-SC1-CC OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 IEBEDIT 5741-SC1-U9 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 2.6 , 3.0 RES 5741-SC1-BB OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 HMDPRDMP EDIT 5741-SCl-18 OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 RES ACCT. FACILITY 5141-SC1-BC OS/VS1 MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 3505/3525 RDR/PCH 5741-SC1-DD OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 NIP 5741-SC1-C8 OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 IDCAMS 5741-SC1-DK OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 3890 - DOC PROC 5741-SC1-DF OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 3886 OCR 5741-SC1-DL OS/VSl MICROFICHE RELEASE 3.0 STATUS 5741-SC1-DL MICROFICHE OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 VSAM 5741-SC1-DE MICROFICHE OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 DSS 5741-SC1-10 MICROFICHE OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 POWER WARNING ICR 5141-SC1-0E MICROFICHE OS/vS1 RELEASE 3.0 ISSP 5741-SC1-BK MICROFICHE OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 TCAM 5 5741-SCl-21 MICROFICHE OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 (IMCOSJQD) 5741-SCl-19 MICROFICHE OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.0 JOB LIST MGR 5741-SC1-BJ MICROFICHE OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 IPL COMPONENT 5741-SC1-C1 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 lOS COMPONENT NO. 5141-SC1-C3 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 SUPERVISOR COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-C5 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 MAPPING MACROS COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-01 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 SCHEDULER SMF COMPONENT NO. 5141-SC1-00 OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 JECS COMPONENT NO. 5141-SC1-BO OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 INPUT STREAM CTL COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-Bl OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 OUTPUT STREAM CTL COMPONENT NO. 5141-SC1-B2 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 SYSTEM RESTART COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-B3 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 ALLOCATION COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-B4 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 QUEUE MGR. SWADS COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-B5 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 INITIATOR COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-B6 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 TERMINATION COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-B7 OS/vS1 RELEASE 3.1 COMMANDS COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-B8 OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 INTERPRETER COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-B9 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 RESTART RDR/DASDR PROCESS COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BD OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 WTP COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC2-BF OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 MSI COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BG OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 HMASPZAP COMPONENT NO. 5141-SCl-12 OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 OCR COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-D5 OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 IEBTCRIN COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-UG OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 CHK/RSTRT COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-09 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 FETCH COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-C7 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 PAM COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-D2 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 LINK EDITOR COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-04 OS/vSl RELEASE 3.1 IBCDMPRS COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-IO OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 IBCDASDI COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-I1 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 IEHSTATR COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-UE OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 PASSWORD PROTECT COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-DC OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 RES COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-CC OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 IEBEDIT COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-U9 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 RES COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BB OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 EX F/P SIMULATOR COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-CP OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 NIP COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-C8 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 VTAM COMPONENT NO. 5141-SCl-23 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 IDCAMS COMPONENT NO. 5141-SC1-DK OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 3890 DOC PROC COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-DG OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 3886 OCR COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-DL OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 VSAM COMPONENT NO. 5141-SC1-DE OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 HMASMP COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCl-30 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 ISSP COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BK OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 TCAM COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCl-21 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 SYS. GEN. COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-S1 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 IMCOSJQD COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCl-19 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 SSS HOST SUPPORT COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-SS OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 JOB LIST MGR. COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BJ OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 MODULE/MACRO TOTAL SYSTEM INDEX (5741-SC1 COMPONENTS) OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 SYSTEM LOG. COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BE OS/vS1 RELEASE 3.1 SYSTEM STATUS COMPONENT NO. 5741 OS/VS1 RELEASE 3.1 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES, LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-AMS DISK ERP LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-DKE DISPLAY OPERATOR CONSOLE LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-DOC .328 99 **STOO-5278-2 99 **STOO-5279-2 99 **STOO-5280-2 99 **STOO-5281-2 99 **STOO-5282-2 99 **STOO-5283-2 99 **STOO-5284-2 99 **STOO-5285-2 99 **STOO-5286-3 "SNC7-1986 99 STOO-5287-0 99 STOO-5288-0 99 **STOO-5289-1 99 STOO-5290-0 99 **STOO-5291-1 30 **GT21-5097-0 34 36 GT24-5090-0 GT24-5091-2 37 34 34 36 GT24-5093-0 GT24-5094-0 GT24-5095-0 **GT24-5099-0 36 **GT24-5100-0 36 **GT24-5103-0 30 **GT24-5106-0 30 **GT24-5107-0 **GN24-5478 30 GT26-3783-2 **GN26-0763 36 GT26-3784-2 34 **GT26-3790-1 34 34 30 31 GT26-3791-0 GT26-3792-0 GT26-3795-1 GT26-3813-1 30 GT26-3818-0 30 GT26-3819-0 30 30 **GT26-3830-0 **GT26-3837-0 **SNC7-1989 **SNC7-1990 **GN;24-5454 **GN26-0760 30 **GT26-3838-0 36 GT27-6979-2 30 34 34 36 GT27-6980-0 GT28-0601-0 GT28-0604-0 GT28-0618-2 30 GT28-0631-2 37 GT28-0632-0 **GN28-2560 37 GT28-0633-1 **GN28-2540 37 37 37 GT28-0636-0 GT28-0638-0 GT28-0640-0 39 39 GT28-0644-0 GT28-0645-0 39 39 GT28-0646-0 GT28-0648-0 **GN28-2537 37 34 37 GT28-0666-0 GT28-0667-0 GT28-0668-0 **GN28-2556 **GN27-1397 JOB CONTROL LISTINGS - DOS/vS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-JCL LIBRARIAN LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-LBR LINKAGE EDITOR LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-LNK P D AIDS LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-PDA RMSR LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENt' NO. 5745-SC-RMS SYSTEM UTILITY PROGRAM LISTINGS - DOS/vS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-UTL VSAM LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-VSM DDS DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-DIS MICROFICHE INDEX LISTINGS - DDS/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745 VTAM LISTINGS - DOs/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-VTM TOLTEP LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-TLT SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES LISTINGS - DOS/VS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-SSS 3600 FINANCE CDMM. SYSTEM LISTINGS - DOS/vS RELEASE 30 - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-124 POWER/VS LISTINGS - DDs/VS RELEASE 30. - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-PWR OS AND OS/VS PROGRAMMING SUPPORT FOR IBM 3505 CARD READER AND 3525 CARD PUNCH OS/vS1 RELEASE 2.0, 2.6, 3.0, 3.1 OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6, 1.7, 2.0 OS/VSl PLANNING AND USE GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5741 OS/VS PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE DIGEST OS/vS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 AND OS/VS1 RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VSl DEBUGGING GUIDE OS/VSl STORAGE ESTIMATES DDS TO OS/VSl IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE OS/VSl JCL REFERENCE COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-DK OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0,3.1 OS/VSl JCL SERVICES COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-DK OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0,3.1 OS/VSl SUPERVISOR SERVICES , MICRO INSTRUCTIONS OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 OS/VSl 3540 PROGRAMMER'S REF. COMPONENt' NO. 5741-SC1-DN OS/VSl RELEASE 1.0,2.0,3.0,3.1 OS/VS2 3540 PROGRAMMER'S REF. OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6, 1.7, 2.0 OS/VS DATA MANAGEMENT SERVICE GUIDE OS/VSl RELEASE 1.0, 2.0, 2.6, OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/VS CHECKPOINT/RESTART OS/VSl RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/VS SYSTEM GENERATION INTRODUCTION OS/VSl RELEASE 1.0, 2.0 &' 2.6 OS/VSl SYSTEM GENER~TION REFERENCE OS/VS2 SYSTEM GENERATOR REFERENCE OS/VSl TAPE LABELS - RELEASE 1.0, 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER OS/VSl RELEASE 1.0, 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.6 OS/VS VSAM PROGRAMMER"S GUIDE OS/VSl RELEASE 1.6 - OS/vS2 RELEASE 2.6 OS/VSl ACCESS METHOD (VSAM) OPTION FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS2 DATA MANAGEMENT OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VSl DATA MANAGEMENT FOR SYSTEM PROGRAMMERS OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 OS/VS VSAM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 & 3.1 OS/VS2 SUPERVISOR SERVICES AND MACRO INSTRUCTIONS OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.6 AND OS/VSl RELEASE 1.0,2.0,2.6 OS/VS BTAM OS/VS2 RELEASE 1 GUIDE OS/VS2 STORAGE ESTIMATES OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0,1.6, OS/VS JCL REFERENCES OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0,1.6,1.7 OS/VSl - 1.0,2.0,2.6 OS/VS DATA MANAGEMENT FOR SYSTEM PROGRAMMERS OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.6,1.7 OS/vSl - 1.0,2.0,2.6 OS/VS2 DEBUGGING GUIDE OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0,1.6,1.7 OS/VS2 SYSTEM PROGR~MMING LIBRARY SERVICE AIDS OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 AND OS/VSl RELEASE 1.0,2.0,2.6 OS/VS OLT EP . OS/VS, SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING OS/VS DYNAMIC SUPPORT SYSTEM OS/VS2 RELE~SE 1.0, 1.6 OS/vSl RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS2 TSO GUIDE 0s/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/VS2 TSO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE os/vs2 RELEASE 1.0,1.6 OS/VS2 TSO COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0,1. 6 OS/VS2 TSO GUIDE TO WRITING A TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM OR A COMMAND PROCESSOR OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0,1.6 OS/VSl OLTEP - RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS2 PLANNING AND USE GUIDE OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/VS1 SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 329 37 **GT28-0677-0 34 36 39 **GT28-0681-0 **GT28-0682-0 GT28-0691-0 **GN28-2586 36 39 38 38 30 **GT28-0692-0 **GT28-6762-0 GT28-6878-0 GT28-6879-0 GT30-2025-0 **GN28-2576 **GN28-2487 **GN24-5466 **GN24- 5467 21 GT33-4010-1 **GN33-8166 21 GT33-4021-1 21 20 34 30 30 30 36 34 40 40 37 GT33-4024-0 GT33-5370-1 GT33-5371-1 GT33-5372-1 GT33-5373-1 GT33-5375-0 GT33-5376-0 GT33-5377-0 GT33-5378-0 GT33-5379-1 GT33-5380-0 32 30 35 GT33-5381-0 GT33-5382-0 GT33-5388-0 36 32 GT33-5403-0 GT35-0005-1 30 GT35-0009-0 40 40 GT38-0110-0 GT38-0120-2 40 30 30 GT38-0210-0 GT38-0255-0 GT38-0260-0 40 40 GT38-1001-0 GT38-1002-1 40 31 GT38-1003-0 GT38-1007-2 40 GT38-1008-0 **GN33- 8762 **GN33-8763 **GN33-8764 **GN35-0010 **GN27 -1431 **GN28-2558 30 GT38-1010-0 **GN24-5462 21 ST63-8041-0 **SN33-8152 36 30 36 36 36 30 ST64-5155-0 ST64-5156-0 ST64-5159-0 ST64-5160-0 ST64-5161-0 ST66-3786-2 30 30 ST66-3787-0 ST66-3788-2 **SN26-8023 30 ST66-3789-1 **SN26-8029 30 ST66-3817-0 36 30 30 30 30 30 ST66-3820-0 ST66-3823-0 **ST66-3826-0 **ST66-3828-0 **ST66-3832-0 **ST66-3837-0 30 30 ST66-3839-0 **ST66-3840-0 30 **ST66-3841-0 37 ST67-7239-0 **SN27-1399 30 ST67-7246-0 **SN27-1398 36 37 " 37 37 ST68-0605-0 ST68-0635-0 ST68-0639-0 ST68-0641-0 **SN28-2541 **SN33-8158 **SN27-1401 OS/VS2 SYSTEM PROGR~MMING LIBRARY: SYS. 1 LOGREC ERROR RECORDING OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/vS2 INITIALIZATION' TUNING GUIDE OS/VS2 RELE~E 2.0 OS/vS2 JOB MANAGEMENT, SUPERVISOR, , TSO OS/vS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VS2 TSO ENHANCEMENTS OS/VS2 REL~SE 1.6,1.7 OS/VS2 JCL OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/MVT AND OS/VS2 TSO TERMINALS MANUAL OS/VSl RES SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE VSl RELEASE 2.0 AND 2.6 OS/VSl RES WORKSTATION USERS GUIDE, RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS TCAM USER'S GUIDE - PROG. NO. 360S-CQ-548 OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0 and OS/VS1 RELE~E 1.0, 2.0 OS/VS2, DOS/VS AMD VW370 ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0,1.6,1.7, OS/VS1 - 1.0,2.0,2.6 DOS/VS - 28,29 OS/VS AND VW370 ASS EMBER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE OS/VS2 REL~SE 1,6,1.7 OS/VSl 1.0,2.0,2.6 GUIDE TO THE DOS/VS ASSEMBLER - RELEASE 28 INTRODUCTION TO DOS/VS - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT GUIDE - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS DATA MANAGEMENT GUIDE - REL~SE 28 DOS/VS SUPERVISOR AND I/O MACROS - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS DASD LABELS - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS SYSTEM CONTROL STATEMENTS - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS SYSTEM GENERATION - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS OPERATING PROCEDURES - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS MESSAGE - REL~E 28 DOS/VS SERVICEABILITY AIDS DEBUGGING PROCEDURES RELEASE 28 DOS/VS SYSTEM UTILITIES - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS UTILITIES ACCESS METHOD SERVICES - RELEASE 28 MODEL 20 DOS/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEW370 - REFERENCE RELEASE 28 DOS/VS PLANNING GUIDE TO POWER/VS RELEASE 2.9 OS/vS UTILITIES - OS/vSl RELEASE 1.0, 2.0, 2.6 OS/vS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1. 6 OS/vS ACCESS METHOD SERVICES OS/VS2 REL~SE 1.6,1.7 OS/VS1 - 2.0,2.6 OPERATORS LIBRARY: Os/VSl REFERENCE MANUAL OPERATORS LIBRARYOS/vS CONSOLE CONFIGURATIONS OS/VSl REL~SE 2.0, 2.6 OS/vS2 RELEASE"l.0, 1.6 OS/VS2 REFERENCE - OS/VS2 REL~E 1.0,1.6 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS1 DISPLAY CONSOLES OS/VS2 OPER~T6R'S GUIDE DISPLAY CONSOLES - OS/VS2 RELEASE 1. 0,1.6 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VSl SYSTEM MESSAGES OS/VS2 MESS~GE LIB~RY:VS2 SYSTEM MESSAGES - OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.6 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: SYSTEM CODES OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER MESSAGES OS/VS1 RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/VS2 MESSAGE LIBRARY:VS2 SYSTEM CODES - os/Vs2 RELEASE 1.0,1.6 ' OS/VS1 MESSAGE LIBRARY: VSl RES BTAM AND ACCOUNT MESSAGES RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS AND VM/370 ASSEMBLER LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0,1.6,1.7 OS/VSl - 1.0,2.0,2.6 OS/VS1 SUPERVISOR LOGIC OS/VS I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC OS/VS CATALOG M~NAGEMENT LOGIC OS/VSl IPL AND NIP LOGIC OS/VSl JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC OS/VS ISAM LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/VSl RELEASE 1.0, 2.0, 2.6 OSIVS DADSM LOGIC OS/VS SAM LOGIC -OSIVS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/VS1 RELEASE 1.0, 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS BDAM LOGIC - OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/VSl RELEASE 1.0, 2.0, 2.6 OSIVS2 ACCESS METHOD (VSAM) LOGIC COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-DE, 5742-SCI-DF OS/VS2 REL~SE 1.6 and OS/VSl 2.6 RELEASE OS/vS2 CHECKPOINT/RESTART PLM OS/VS2 I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC OS/VS2 CATALOG "MANAGEMENT LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VS2 DADSM LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OSIVS2 SAM LOGICOS/VS2 "RELEASE 2.0 OSIVS1 DADSM LOGIC COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-D4 OSIVSl RELEASE 3.0,3.1 , OS/VSl OPEN/CLOSE/EDV LOGIC OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 OS/VSl SAM LOGIC HCOMPONENT NO. 5741-SCI-DO OSIVSl RELEASE 3.0,3.1 OS/VS1 VSAM LOGIC COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCI-DE OSIVSl RELEASE 3.0,3.1 OS/VS RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LOGIC COMPONENT NOS. 5741-SCI-CE AND 5742-SCi-CE OS/VS BTAM LOGIC - OS/VS1 RELEASE 1.0, 2.0. 2,6 OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/vSl SYSTEM DATA AREAS OS/VSl SERVICE AIDS LOGIC - RELEASE 1.0, 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC OS/VS2 DYNAMIC SUPPORT SYSTEM LOGIC COMPONENT NOS. 5741-SCI-I0, 5742-SCI-10 - OS/VS2 RELE~SE 1.0 1.6 AND OS/VS1 REL~SE 2.0, 2.6 330 37 39 39 ST68-0643-0 ST68-0649-0 ST68-0650-0 39 ST68-0651-0 39 ST68-0652-0 39 37 37 37 30 **ST68-0654-0 ST68-0662-0 ST68-0669-0 **ST68-0678-0 S'l'68-6849-0 30 30 ST70-2039-1 **ST70-3017-1 39 ST73-8548-0 36 37 ST73-8551-0 ST73-8552-0 36 37 36 31 31 30 ST73-8553-0 ST73-8554-0 30 30 30 ST73-8560-0 ST73-8562-0 **ST7~-8564-1 36 38 36 20 39 ST73-8565-0 ST73-8566-0 **ST73-8570-0 ST73-8571-0 ST75-0004-0 32 30 ST75-0005-0 **ST75-0008-0 30 30 14 14 89 **ST75-0010-0 **ST75-0011-0 **GX09-1000-0 **GX09-1001-0 **GX20-1701-1 89 07 **GX20-1702-11 **GX20-1705-2 07 **GX20-1710-2 89 04 89 04 89 **GX20-1711-1# **GX20-1741-3 **GX20-1751-0 **GX20-1759-3# **GX2Q-1761-0 01 **GX20-1787-0 01 09 07 **GX20-1850-2 **GX20-1878-1 **GX20-1920-1 S'l'7~-8555-0 ST73-8556-0 s1'73-8557-0 ST73-8559-0 23 GX20-1924-1 20 **GX20-1926-2 36 **GX20-1927-1 20 04 89 89 89 GX20-1961-0 **GX20-1972-0 **GX20-8020-1 **GX21-9011-0 **GX21-9017-0 15 89 89 89 89 89 04 89 **GX21-9030-0 **GX21-9090-2 **GX21-9091-2 **GX21-9092-4 *.GX21-9093-2 **GX21-9094-2 **GX21-9106-0 **GX21-9129-41 GX21-9129-3# **GX21-9155-0 **GX21-9171-2 **GX2i-9172-1 **GX21-9185-0 **GX21-9186-0 15 08 08 89 89 **SN24-5468 **SN35-0008 **SN35-0012 OS/VS2 SERVICE AIDS LOGIC - OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/VS2 TSO CONTROL PLM OS/vS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/VS2 TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM AND SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/VS2 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME 1: ACCOUNT OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/VS2 COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME IV - OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0~ 1.6 OS/VS2 TERMINAL MESSAGES DIRECTORY OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VSl OLTEP LOGIC - RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VSl SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC OS/VSl RELEASE 3.0 OS/VS SYS. 1 LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC OS/vS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VSl RES RTAM AND WORKSTATION SUPPORT LOGIC RELEASE 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS TCAM LOGIC S/370 SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES LOGIC OS/VSl RELEASE 3.1 OS/VS2 REL. 2.0 OS/VS2 COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME II: ECLIS - OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 DOS/VS SUPERVISOR LOGIC - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS ERROR RECOVERY & RECORDING TRANSIENTS LOGIC RELEASE 28 DOS/VS LOGICAL TRANS IENTS LOGIC - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS SYSTEM SERVICEABILITY - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS IPL AND JOB CONTROL LOGIC - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS LINKAGE EDITOR LOGIC - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS LIBRARIAN LOGIC - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS LIOCS VOL. I GENERAL INFORMATION & IMPERATIVE MACROS LOGIC - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS LIOCq VOL. 2 SAM LOGIC - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS LIOCS VOL. 4 VSAM LOGIC - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS UTILITIES ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC DOS/VS RELEASE 28, 29 & 30 DOS/VS POWER PROGRAM LOGIC - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS POWER RJE PROGRAM LOGIC - RELEASE 28 DOS/VS POWER/VS LOGIC DOS/VS RELEASE 30 DOS/VS HANDBOOK - RELEASE 28 OS/VS2 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME III: TEST OS/VS2 RELEASE 1.0, 1.6 OS/VS1 UTILITIES LOGIC - RELEASE 1 .. 0, 2.0, 2.6 OS/VS ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC COMPONENT NOS. 5752-SCI-DK, 5741-SCI-DK, 5742-SCI-DK, OS/vS2 REL. 1.6,1.7, 2.0 OS/VSl RELEASE 2.0,2.6,3.0,3.1 OS/VS2 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 OS/VS2 CVOL PROCESSOR LOGIC OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 IBM 129-3270 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY IBM 129-3270 (RPQ 8TOI05) OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY GENERAL PURPOSE SYSTEMS SIMULATOR CODING FORM PROG~ NOS.' 5734-XS1, XS2, 5736-XS1, XS3, 360A-CS-17X, 19X PROPORTIONAL RECORD LAYOUT FORM 2311 MODEL 1 DISK STORAGE DRIVE CAPACITY AND TRANSMISSION TIME: REFERENCE SUMMARY IBM 2314 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE FACILITY CAPACITY AND' TRANSMISS~ON TIME REFERENCE CARD IBM SYSTEM/360 RECORD LAYOUT WORKSHEET IBM 1287 OPTICAL READER DOCUMENT TRACING GUIDE IBM 2260 DISPLAY FORMAT IBM 1287 OPTICAL READER DESIGN FORMATS MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING INPUT FORM SYSTEM/360 - 1130 DEBUGGING AID DIRECT EVALUATION OF FLOATING POINT NUMBERS IN HEXADECIMAL SYSTEM/370REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM REFERENCE SUMMARY IBM 3330 SERIES DISK STORAGE (3333 MODELS 1 AND 11, 3330 MODELS 1, 2 AND 11): REFERENCE SUMMARY IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: BASIC LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY - PROGRAM PROD 5749 IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: QUICK GUIDE FOR USERS REFERENCE SUMMARY - PROG. PROD. 5749 ASP VERSION 3 ASYMMETRI~ MULTIPROCESSING tYSTEM: OPERATORS REFERENCE BOOKLET - PROG. NO. 360A-CX-15X SUMMARY OF VM/370 CP AND CMS COMMANDS IBM 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR REFERENCE SUMMARY FLOWCHARTING TEMPLATE IBM 1062 PROGRAM TAPE LAYOUT SHEET IBM 1062 TERMINAL RECORD TAPE, DOCUMENT FEED, PRINTER PLANNING CHART IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE, 1030 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM RPG OUTPUT-FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS (FORM) RPG EXTENSIONS AND LINE COUNTER SPECIFICATIONS SHEET RPG CONTROL CARD AND FILE DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS FORM RPG CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS SHEET RPG INPUT SPECIFICATIONS FORM IBM 1288 DOCUMENT GAUGE FOR MACHINE SETUP RPG DEBUGGING TEMPIA TE IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM 331 3740 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3747 DATA CONVERTER REFERENCE CARD 3741/3742 REFERENCE CARD 3747 DATA CONVERTER RUN SHEET 3740 JOB INSTRt£TIONS FORM 89 08 **GX21-9187-0 **GX21-9204-2 15 **GX22-6834-7 05 15 **GX22-6837-5 **GX22-6855-9 15 **GX22-6857-8 15 **GX22-6858-7 15 **GX22-6859-5 15 **GX22-6860-6 15 **GX22-6925-1 # 15 01 15 **GX22-6981-0 **GX22-6984-2 **GX22-6985-1 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 **GX22-7005-1 **GX22-7006-1# GX22-7006-0# **GX22-7007-2 **GX22-7008-1 **GX22-7018-1 **GX22-7021-1 **GX22-7022-2 15 15 **GX22-7023-2 **GX22-7029-0 15 **GX22-7031-2 15 **GX22-7032-2 15 **GX22-7035-0 15 **GX22-7037-0 15 **GX22-7038-0 15 **GX22-7039-0 15 **GX22-7041-0 15 **GX22-7042-0 15 **GX22-7043-0 15 **GX22-7044-0 15 **GX22-7045-0 15 **GX22-7046-1 15 **GX22-7047-0 15 **GX22-7051-0 15 **GX22-7052-0 15 **GX22-7053-0 89 **GX24-3092-0 89 89 **GX24-3124-2 **GX24-3139-3 89 15 **GX24-3285-1 **GX24-3381-1 01 01 14 50 30 15 89 **GX26-1587-0 **GX26-1588-0 **GX26-1618-0 **SX26-3700-0 **GX27-0024-0 **GX27-2900-1 **GX27-2901-0 89 **GX27-2902-0 89 89 89 15 **GX27-2903-1# **GX27-2904-1# **GX27-2905-0 **GX27-2909-0 15 89 **GX27-2917-0 **GX27-2950-0 IBM 3740 SYSTEM PRINT CHART IBM 3741 PROGRAMMABLE WORK STATION MODELS 3-4 REFERENCE CARD PUNCHED CARD AND TAPE I/O AND PRINTERS, FOR SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2401 - 2404 ~ND 2415 MAGNETIC TAPE UNITS IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 MAGNETIC TAPE UNITS AND CONTROLS IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 DATA STORAGE DEVICES IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 CONSOLES AND TERMINALS IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 MAGNETIC ~ND OPTICAL CHARACTER READERS IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 FIELD ENGINEERING FURNITURE AND TEST EQUIPMENT IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE SYSTEM/360 MODEL 195 IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 165 OPERATORS REFERENCE CARD IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 CHANNELS: 2860, 2870, AND 2880 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 145 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE SYSTEM/370 MODEL 155 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 165 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEW370 MODEL 135 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM PHYSICAL PL~NNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 125 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 168 AND MODEL 168 MULTIPROCESSING IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 158 3340 DISK STORAGE MODELS A2, B1, AND B2, FOR SYSTEW370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR ' 3704 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER FOR SYSTEW370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3410 MAGNETIC ~PE UNIT MODELS 1 TO 3 AND 3411 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT AND CONTROL MODELS 1 TO 3 FOR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPL~TE 2401 MAGNEl'IC TAPE UNIT MODELS 1 TO 6 AND 8, FOR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2415 MAGNETIC ~PE UNIT AND CONTROL MODELS 1 TO 6, FOR SYSTEW370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2420 MAGNETIC ~PE UNIT MODELS 5 AND 7, FOR SYSTEW370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2495 TAPE CARTRIDGE READER MODEL 1, FOR SYSTEW370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2803 TAPE CONTROL MODELS 1 TO 3,. FOR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2804 TAPE CONTROL MODELS 1 TO 3, FOR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2816 SWITCHING UNIT MODEL 1, FOR SYSTEW370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3540 DISKETTE INPUT/OUTPUT UNIT MODELS B1 AND B2 FOR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3830 STORAGE CONTROL MODELS 1, 2 AND 3 FOR SYSTEW370 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM PHYSICAL PL~NNING TEMPLATE: 3330 DISK STORAGE MODELS 1, 2, AND 111 3333 DISK STORAGE i CONTROL MODELS 1 and 11 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER FOR SYSTEW370: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE FOR 3881 OPTICAL MARK READER MODELS 1 TO 3 AND 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER MODELS 1 ~ND 2 IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3851 MASS STORAGE FACILITY FOR S/370 IBM 1050 DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM TRANSMISSION - LIMITED MAXIMUM-MESSAGE-RATE GRAPH PLANNING CHART, IBM 1050 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM IBM 1050 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, OPERATOR INSTRUCTION SHEET IBM 1030 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM, IBM 1031 PROGRAM CHART IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE, 1050 DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM DEClMAL/HE~DEClMAL INTEGER CONVERSION CHART DECIMAL/HEXADECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION CHART IBM 2730 TRANSACTION VALIDATION TERMINAL - REFERENCE CARD CICS/vS REFERENCE SUMMARY: MASTER TERMINAL OPERATOR VTAM REFERENCE SUMMARY IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: COMMUNICATIONS TERMINALS IMAGE PLANNING CHART - 2760 OPTICAL IMAGE UNIT, REGISTRATION PUNCHING ACME IMAGE PLANNING CHART - 2760 OPTICAL IMAGE UNIT REGISTRATION PUNCHING OXBERRY 2760 LAYOUT GUIDE (REGISTRATION PUNCHING-ACME) 2760 LAYOUT GUIDE (OXBERRY) IBM 2760 OPTICAL IMAGE LIMIT AUXILIARY SCREEN OVERLAY GUIDE PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM 2770 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM 3770 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2250 DISPLAY LAYOUT SHEET 332 89 39 37 37 **GX27-2951-0 GX28-0647-2# GX28-0647-1# **GX28-0684-1 89 24 25 23 GX28-0690-1# GX28-0690-0# **GX28-1464-5# **GX28-1520-0 **GX28-6384-0 **SX28-6385-0 89 89 89 29 **GX28-6506-4 **GX28-6507-4 **GX28-6509-6# **SX28-6813-1 23 ** SX2 8-6814-1 89 25 **GX28-7327-6 **SX28-8193-0 24 24 29 **SX28-8194-2# SX28-8194-1# **GX28-8195-0 **SX33-6001-0 29 **SX33-6002-1 29 **SX33-6005-0 33 36 05 **SX33-8001-0 GX33-9004-1# GX33-9004-0# **GX35-5001-0 40 GX38-0227-0 22 **LYBO-0626-1 50 **LYBO-0631-6 50 **LYBO-0632-6 50 **LYBO-0724-2 50 *.LYBO-0735-2 50 *·LYBO-0781-3 50 *·LYBO-0834-2 IBM 3270 INFORMATION. DISPLAY SYSTEM LAYOUT SHEET OS/VS2 TSO COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY OS AND OS/VS SMP REFERENCE SUMMARY - PROG. NO. 3605-DN-611 AND VS COMPONENT NOS. 5741-SC1-30, 5742-SC1-30 OS/VS DSS COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD 50 **LYBO-0839-2 **LNBO-9491 99 **GYBO-0854-2 **GNBO-9093 99 **GYBO-0856-0 50 **LYBO-0864-1 50 **LYBO-0865-0 50 **LYBO-0866-1 50 **LYBO-0867-1 50 **LYBO-0868-0 50 **LYBO-0869-1 50 **LYBO-0870-1 50 *·LYBO-0871-1 50 **LYBO-0872-1 50 *·LYBO-0873-1 50 **LYBO-0874-1 50 **LYBO-0875-1 50 **LYBO-0876-0 COBOL CODING FORM IBM REFERENCE CARD - COBOL IBM FORTRAN IV REFERENCE CARD SYSTEM/370 VS BASIC (TSO REFERENCE SUMMARY> PROG. NO. 5748-XXl IBM SYSTEM/360 BASIC ASSEMBLER SHORT CODING FORM IBM SYSTEM/360 BASIC ASSEMBLER LONG CODING FORM IBM SYSTEM/360 ASSEMBLER CODING FORM IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/OOS ITF: PLI REFERENCE CARD PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC1, 5736-RC1 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/OOS ITF: BASIC, REFERENCE CARD, PROG. NOS. 5734-RC3 AND 5736-RC2 FORTRAN CODING FORM IBM FORTRAN INTERAcrIVE DEBUG FOR OS (TSO) AND VM/370 (CMS) REFERENCE CARD - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-FOS IBM OS COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG REFERENCE CARD - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-CB4 IBM GUIDE TO AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL REFERENCE CARD DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/360 REFERENCE CARD PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER KEYWORDS OS PL/I CHECKOUT AND OPTIMIZING COMPILERS: KEYWORDS REFERENCE SUMMARY, PROG. NOS. 5734-PLl, -PL2, -PL3 OS PL/I CHECKOUT AND OPTIMIZING COMPILERS: TERMINAL COMMANDS AND COMPILER OPTIONS REFERENCE SUMMARY-PROG. NOS. 5734-PL1, PL2, PL3 OS/VS SORT/MERGE REFERENCE SUMMARY PROG. PROD. 5740-SM1 SYSTEM/370 DOS/VS POWER AND POWER RJE COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-PWR REFERENCE SUMMARY IBM SYSTEM/360/370 REFERENCE DATA 2401-2404, 2415, 2420, AND 3420 MAGNETIC TAPE UNITS OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/vS2 (JES2) COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY APL/360 - DOS ASSEMBLY LISTINGS, PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-XM6, FEATURE CODE 8065, FE SERVICE NUMBER 200157 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (IMS/360) VERS. 2 DATA BASE LISTINGS, VOL. 3. PROG. PROD. 5734-XX6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360. VERSION 2, VOLUME 4, DATA COMMUNICATION LISTINGS, MICROFICHE PROG. PROD. 5734-XX6, FEATURE CODE 8083 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/DOS - ENTRY (CICS/DOSENTRY) LISTINGS, PROG. PROD. 5736-XX6 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/DOS STANDARD (CICS/DOSSTANDARD) LISTINGS. PROG. PROD. 5736-XX7 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEM STANDARD (CICS/OS-STANDARD) VERSION 2 PROGRAM LISTINGS MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX7 INTERACTIVE QUERY FEATURE (IQF) TO IMS/360: MICROFICHE LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 DATA LANGUAGE/I DOS/VS LISTING - PROG. NO. 5746-XX1 IBM S/360, 370 ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM (ASP VERSION 3): LISTINGS MICROFICHE PROGRAM NUMBER 360A-CX-15X S/370 HASP II VERSION 4 MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 370H-TX-001 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) BASIC RETRIEVAL SYSTEM MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) ARITHMETIC STATEMENT FEATURE MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XXl GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) TELEPROCESSING SUPPORT FEATURE MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XXl GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) CONTROL STATEMENT FEATURE MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) PROCESSING STATEMENT FEATURE MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) FORMAL REPORT FEATURE MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) HIERARCHICAL FILE SUPPORT FEATURE MICROFICHE - ·PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) UPDATE AND CREATE FEATURE MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XXl GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) UTILITY FEATURE MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) EDIT AND ENCODE FEATURE MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XXl GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) FILE MODIFY FEATURE MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) DATA LANGUAGE/1 QUERY SUPPORT FEATURE MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) EXTENDED MULTI-FILE SUPPORT FEATURE MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 333 99 SYBO-0900-5# 99 SYBO-0901-5# 22 **LYBO-2010-0 50 **LYBO-2046-0 50 **LYBO-8008-2 50 **LYBO-8009-2 50 **LYBO-8016-2# LYBO-8016-0# 50 **LYBO-8017-2# LYBO-8017-0# 50 **LYBO-8018-2# LYBO-8018-0# 50 **LYBO-8023-0 50 **LYBO-8024-0 50 **LYBO-8025-0 50 **LYBO-8026-0 99 **GYBO-8501-0 28 99 33 33 33 99 **LYB1-0450-6 SYCO-9000-0 **LYC7-0901-1 **LYC7-0903-2 **LYC7-0904-1 **SYC7-1117-0 99 **SYC7-1118-0 99 **SYC7-1119-0 99 SYC7-1120-0 28 **LYC7-1317-2 **SNBO-2975 **SNBO-2979 **SNBO-2976 **SNBO-2980 **LSCO-5311 **GYC7-1900-0 **GNC7-1903 **GYC7-1901-1# GYC7-1901-0# **GNC7-1924 GNC7-1901 GNC7-1922 99 **GYC7-1902-1# 99 **GYC7-1903-0 **GNC7-1905 99 **GYC7-1904-0 **GNC7-1906 99 99 **GYC7-1905-0 **GYC7-1906-0 **GNC7-1907 99 **GYC7-1907-0 **GNC7-1908 99 **GYC7-1908-0 **GNC7-1909 99 **GYC7-1909-0 **GNC7-1910 99 **GYC7-1910-0 **GNC7-1911 99 **GYC7-1911-0 **GNC7-1900 99 **GYC7-1912-0 99 **GYC7-1913-0 **GNC7-1912 99 **GYC7-1914-0 **GNC7-1913 99 99 **GYC7-1915-1# GYC7-1915-0# **GYC7-1916-0 **GNC7-1915 99 **GYC7-1917-1 **GYC7-1918-0 **GYC7-1919-0 99 **GYC7-1920-0 99 **GYC7-1921-0 **GNC7-1916 99 **GYC7-1922-0 **GNC7-1917 IBM VM/370: CP MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5749-010 IBM VM/370: CMS MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5749-010 A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE SHARED VARIABLE LISTINGS (APLSV) PRPQ 5799-AJF EASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY VERSION 1.0 (FLF/CICS/VS): LISTINGS PROG. NOS. 5740-XX1 (OS), 5746-XX3 (DOS) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS) LISTINGS (OS) PROG. PROD. 5740-XXl **SNB5-0202 **LSCO-5304 99 99 "SNBO-2978 **LNBO-3369 99 99 "SNBO-2977 GNC7-1904 **GNC7-1923 **GNC7-5119 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS) LISTINGS (DOS) PROG. PROD. 5746-XX3 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/VS) DATA BASE LISTINGS - SYSTEM MANUAL VOL III PROG. PROD. 5740-XX2 . INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VS (IMS/VS) DATA COMMUNICATION LISTINGS FEATURE SYSTEM MANUAL VOL. IV PROG. PROD. 5740-XX2 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VS (IMS/VS) INTERACTIVE QUERY FACILITY (IQF) SYSTEM MANUAL VOL. VI - PROG. PROD. 5740-XX2 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) LISTINGS FOR BASIC QUERY FEATURE PROG. PROD. 5740-XX7 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) LISTINGS FOR ADVANCED QUERY FEATURE PROG. PROD. 5740-XX7 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) LISTINGS FOR MODIFY FEATURE PROG. PROD. 5740-XX7 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) LISTINGS FOR THE UPDATE/CREATE FEATURE PROG. NO. 5740-XX7 MICROFICHE FOR IBM SYSTEM/370 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM - PROGRAM NUMBER 360A-TX-032 S/360 DOS RPG II COMPILER, LISTINGS, PROG. PROD. 5736-RG1 IBM VM/370 RSCS LISTINGS, PROGRAM NO. 5749-010 DOS 01-0 SORT/MERGE LISTINGS - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5743-SM1 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE 1.0 LISTING - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5746-SMl OS/VS SORT/MERGE, LISTING - PROG. PROD. 5740-SM1 SYSTEM/370 OS MULTIFONT PREPROCESSOR SUPPORT LISTINGS PROGRAM NUMBER 360A-TX-031 SYSTEM/370 OS/VS MULTI FONT PREPROCESSOR SUPPORT LISTINGS PROGRAM NUMBER 5744-AE1 SYSTEM/370 DOS MULTI FONT PREPROCESSOR SUPPORT LISTINGS PROGRAM NUMBER 360A-TX-031 SYSTEM/370 DOS/VS PREPROCESSOR SUPPORT LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5747-AAl IBM DISK OPERATING SYSTEM REPORT PROGRAM GENERATOR II AUTO REPORT FEATURE - PROGRAM LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-RG1 S/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM ASSEMBLER D ASSEMBLY LISTINGS PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-AS-465 SYSTEM/370 DISK OPERAXING SYSTEM MICROFICHE ASSEMBLY LISTINGS - SYSTEM CONTROL/BASIC IOCS - PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CL-453 DOS 27.1 DIRECT ACCESS METHOD, ASSEMBLY LISTINGS, PROG. NO. 370N-IO-454 DOS 27 SEQUENTIAL DISK IOCS MICROFICHE LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-455 DOS 27 MAGNETIC TAPE IOCS MICROFICHE LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-456 DOS 27 ISFMS MICROFICHE LISTING - PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-457 DOS-27 PAPER TAPE IOes - MICROFICHE LISTINGS PROGRAM NUMBER 360N-IO-458 DOS 27 SYSTEM UTILITY PROGRAMS, 370N-UT-491 MICROFICHE LISTING S/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDING AND EDITING PROGRAM 370N-UT-492 S/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM BASIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD ASSEMBLY LISTINGS, PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CQ-469 S/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM QUEUED TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD ASSEMBLY LISTINGS, PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CQ-470 SYSTEM/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM MICROFICHE ASSEMBLY LISTINGS 3735 TERMINAL SUPPORT - PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CQ-493 SYSTEM/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM MICROFICHE ASSEMBLY LISTINGS OLTEP - PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-DN-481 S/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM SYSTEM/370 EMULATOR ASSEMBLY LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-EU-490 SYSTEM/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM MICROFICHE ASSEMBLY LISTINGS COMPILER I/O MODULES - PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-476 S/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM MAGNETIC CHARACTER READER IOCS 370N-IO-477 S/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM OPTICAL CHARACTER READER IOCS ASSEMBLY LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-478 SYSTEM/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM MICROFICHE ASSEMBLY LISTINGS MICROFICHE INDEX DOS 27 ASSEMBLER F - MICROFICHE LISTING PROGRAM NUMBER 360N-AS-466 DOS 27 COBOL D - MICROFICHE LISTING PROGRAM NUMBER 360N-CB-452 DOS 27 ANS COBOL - MICROFICHE LISTING PROGRAM NUMBER 360N-CB-482 S/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM LANGUAGE CONVERSION PROGRAM ASSEMBLY LISTINGS, PROGRAM NUMBER 360N-CV-489 S/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV ASSEMBLY LISTINGS - PROGRAM NO. 360N-Fo-479 334 99 •• GYC7-1923-0 .·GNC7-5120 99 •• GYC7-1924-0 .·GNC7-1918 99 •• GYC7-1925-0 99 •• GYC7-1926-0 .·GNC7-1919 99 •• GYC7-1927-0 •• GNC7-1920 99 •• GYC7-1928-0 ··GNC7-1921 99 •• GYC7-1930-0 99 •• GYC7-1931-0 99 99 SYC7-1932-1# SYC7-1932-0# SYC7-1933-2# SYC7-1933-1# SYC7-1933-0# SYC7-1934-1# 99 99 SYC7-1935-0 99 SYC7-1936-0 99 SYC7-1937-1# SYC7-1937-0# SYC7-1938-3 99 99 99 SYC7-1939-2# SYC7-1939-1# SYC7-1939-0# SYC7-1940-0 99 SYC7-1941-0 99 99 SYC7-1942-1# SYC7-1942-0# SYC7-1943-1# SYC7-1943-0# SYC7-1944-1# 99 SYC7-1944-0# SYC7-1945-0 99 99 99 SYC7-1946-1# SYC7-1946-0# SYC7-1947-0 99 SYC7-1948-3 99 SYC7-1949-3 99 SYC7-1950-3 99 SYC7-1951-0 99 SYC7-1952-0 99 SYC7-1953-0 99 SYC7-1954-3 99 SYC7-1955-0 99 99 SYC7-1956-2# SYC7-1956-1# SYC7-1956-0# SYC7-1957-0 99 SYC7-1958-3 99 SYC7-1959-0 99 SYC7-1960-0 99 SYC7-1961-0 99 SYC7-1962-3 99 SYC7-1963-3 99 SYC7-1964-3 99 SYC7-1965-4# SYC7-1965-3# SYC7-1965-2# •• SYC7-1968-1# SYC7-1968-0# 99 DOS 27 FORTRAN LIBRARY SUB PROGRAM MICROFICHE LISTINGS PROGRAM NUMBER 360N-LM-480 S/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM PL/1 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS, PROGRAM NUMBER 360N-PL-464 DOS 27 DISK SORT/MERGE-MICROFICHE LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 360N-SM-450 S/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM MODULAR SORT/MERGE ASSEMBLY LISTINGS PROGRAM NUMBER 360N-SM-483 DOS 27 UTILITIES GROUP I - MICROFICHE LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 360N-UT-461 S/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM GROUP 2 UTILITIES TAPE 360N-UT-462 DOS 27.1 UTILITIES GROUP 3 MICROFICHE LISTING - PROGRAM NUMBER 360N-UT-463 S/370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM MPS UTILITY MACROS MICROFICHE ASSEMBLY LISTINGS, PROG. NO. 360N-UT-471 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE ATTENTION ROUTINES LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-AIT DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD SERVICES PROG PROD 5745-SC-AMS "SNC7-1966 •• SNC7-2011 ··SNC7-1963 .·SNC7-2012 .·SNC7-1927 .·SNC7-1964 .·SNC7-1947 "SNC7-1998 ··SNC7-1968 ·.SNC7-1987 DOS/VS ASSEMBLER LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. ·.SNC7-1946 ··SNC7-1992 •• SNC7-1967 ··SNC7-1999 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE BTAM LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-BTM DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE CHECKPOINT/RESTART LISTINGS - COMPONENT NU~~ER 5745-SC-CKR DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE DIRECT ACCESS METHOD LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-DAM DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE DISK ERP LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-DKE DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE DISPLAY OPERATOR CONSOLE LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-DOC •• SNC7-1929 "SNC7-1982 •• SNC7-1930 ··SNC7-1970 "SNC7-1948 ··SNC7-2000 ·.SNC7-1949 "SNC7-1993 .·SNC7-2001 .·SNC7-1971 ··SNC7-1997 .·SNC7-1961 ··SNC7-2002 **SNC7-1981 ··SNC7-1934 •• SNC7-1972 •• SNC7-1983 ··SNC7-1951 •• SNC7-2003 •• SNC7-2004 .·SNC7-1936 .·SNC7-1973 •• SNC7-1952 •• SNC7-2005 .·SNC7-1940 •• SNC7-1974 .·SNc7-1954 ··SNC7-1996 .·SNC7-1955 •• SNC7-1994 ··SNC7-1953 •• SNC7-2006 •• SNC7-1975 •• SNC7-1956 .·SNC7-2007 ··SNC7-1977 **SNC7-1976 SNC7-1984 .·SNc7-1957 •• SNC7-1991 "SNC7-1965 •• SNC7-1944 •• SNC7-1978 .·SNC7-1959 •• SNC7-2009 ··SNC7-1960 ··SNC7-2010 ··SNC7-1958 ·.SNC7-2008 ··SNC7-1979 •• SNc7-2013 .·SNC7-2014 SNC7-2014 •• SNC7-1980 5745-SC-ASM DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE SEQUENTIAL DISK loeS LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-DSK DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE EMULATOR 1401/1440/1460/1410/7010 LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-EML DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE EREP LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-ERP DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE MODEL 20 EMULATOR LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-E20 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE COMPILER I/O MODULES LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-IOM DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE IOCS AND DEVICE INDEPENDENCE LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-IOX DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE IPL AND BUFFER LOAD LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-IPL DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE ISAM LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-ISM DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE JOB CONTROL LIST1NGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-JCL DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE LIBRARIAN LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-LBR DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE LINKAGE EDITOR LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-LNK DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE MAGNETIC CHARACTER READER IOCS LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-MCR DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE OPTICAL CHARACTER READER IOCS LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-OCR DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE OLTEP LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-OLT DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE PDAIDS LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-PDA DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE PAPER TAPE IOCS LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-PTP DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE POWER LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-PWR DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE QTAM LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 745-SC-QTM DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE RMSR LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-RMS DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE SUPERVISOR LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-SUP DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE MAGNETIC TAPE IoeS LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-TAP DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE TAPE ERP LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-TPE DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE SYSTEM UTILITY PROGRAMS LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-UTL DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE VSAM LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-VSM DISK OPERATING SYSTEM VIRTUAL STORAGE DOS DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM LISTINGS COMPONENT NO. 5F45-SC-DIS DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE MICROFICHE MASTER INDEX DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE VTAM 574S-SC-VTM 335 99 99 99 **SYC7-1969-1# SYC7-1969-0# **SYC7-1972-0 **SYC7-1976-2# SYC7-1976-1# ** LYC7-21 01-1 **GYC7-2102-0 32 **LYC7-2300-3 32 **LYC7-2301-0 99 99 DOS/VS TOLTEP VTAM i 3600 SYSTEM INDEX DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE POWER/VS 5745-SC-PWR 29 **LYC7-2500-1 **LNC7-2531 29 **LYC7-2501-3# LYC7-2501-2# **LNC7 -2529 LNC7-2520 **LNC7-2534 LNC7-2524 29 **LYC7-2502-3# LYC7-2502-2# **LYC7-2503-6 **LNC7-2530 **LNC7-2535 **LNC7-2532 29 **LYC7-2504-1I" LYC7-2504-0# **LYC7-2505-1# LYC7-2505-0# **LYC7-2506-4 29 36 23 **LYC7-5013-0 **LYC7-5014-0 **LYC7-5015-0 **LNC7-5013-1 **LNC7-5014-1 **LNC7-5015-1 29 36 23 **LYC7-5016-1 **LYC7-5017-1 **LYC7-5018-1 29 29 29 25 **LYC7-5019-2 25 **LYC7-5020-1# LYC7-5020-0# **LYC7-5021-1 25 25 24 **LYC7-5022-1# LYC7-5022-0# **LYC7-5023-0 24 24 39 39 **LYC7-5030-3 **LYC7-5031-3 **LYC7-5033-0 **LYC7-5034-0 39 25 **LYC7-5035-0 **LYC7-5036-2i 21 24 **LYC7-5037-2 **LYC7-5038-3 24 **LYC7-5039-0 24 **LYC7-5040-2# 24 25 **LYC7-5041-6 **LYC7-5042-1 25 24 30 30 24 **LYC7-5044-1 **LYC7-5045-2 **LYC7-5048-3 **LYC7-5049-3 **LYC7-5050-3 24 **LYC7-5052-0 30 50 **LY09-0012-0 **LY12-5016-1 39 **LY18-1101-0* 23 50 GY20-0530-1 **LY20-0629-4# LY20-0629-3# 50 50 **LY20-0630-3# LY20-0630-2# **LY2 0- 0678-2# LY20-0678-1# LY20-0678-0# **LY20-0696-0 50 **LY20-0697-0 22 **LNC7-2533 DOS EMULATOR VERSION 2 - LEVEL 2 1410/7010 OS/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 LISTINGS, PROG. NO. 5744-AG1 ASSEMBLY LISTING MICROFICHE FOR TSO DATA UTILITIES - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-UT1 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM ASCII UTILITIES ASSEMBLY LISTING MICROFICHE - PROGRAM PRODUCT - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-UT2 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER PROGRAM LISTING - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL2 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/360 PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY - ASSEMBLY LISTING MICROFICHE PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-LM4 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/360 PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY ASSEMBLY LISTING MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5136-LM5 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/360 PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER ASSEMBLY LISTING MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-PL1 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LM4 OS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY - MICROFICHE, PROG. NO. 5734-LM5 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER MICROFICHE LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL1 IBM DOS/360 ITF PL/I, LISTINGS - PROG. PROD. 5736-RC1 DOS ITF RELEASE II - SHARED ASSEMBLY LISTINGS - MICROFICHE DOS ITF RELEASE II - BASIC ASSEMBLY LISTINGS - MICROFICHE PROG. PROD. 5736-RC2 IBM OS/360 ITF PL/I LISTINGS, PROG. PROD. 5734-RC1 IBM OS/360 ITF SHARED - PROG. PROD. 5734-RC1/RC3 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY BASIC MODULES - MICROFICHE LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-RC3 rBM SYSTEM/360/370 FORTRAN IV H EXTENDED COMPILER LISTINGS, PROG. PROD. 5734-F03 IBM SYSTEM/360/370 FORTRAN IV LIBRARY MOD II - LISTINGS PROG. PROD. 5734-LM3 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV (G1) COMPILER MICROFICHE LISTINGS, PROG. PROD. 5734-F02 OS 360/370 FORTRAN IV LIBR. MOD I LISTING, P.P. NO. 5734-LMl **LNC7-5141 **LNC7-5033-1 **LNC7-5034-1 **LNC7-5035-2 **LNC7-5142 **LN12-5058 **LN20-2599 **LN20-9028 **LN20-2898 **LN20-2598 **LN20-9024 **LN20-2894 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD (ANS) COBOL VERSION 3 LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-CB1 DOS ANS COBOL COMPILER V3 LISTINGS - PROG. NO. 5736-CB2 DOS FULL ANS COBOL LIBRARY V3, LISTINGS, PROG. NO. 5736-LM2 TSO ITF (PL/I) LISTINGS, PROG. NOS. 5734-RC2, RC4 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM TIME SHARING OPTION INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY (BASIC ONLY) PROGRAM PRODUCT LISTING MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-RC4 TSO ITF (SHARED) LISTINGS, PROG. NOS. 5734-RC2, RC4 IBM SYSTEM/360/370 CODE AND GO FORTRAN COMPILER - LISTINGS, PROG. PROD. 5734-F01 ASSEMBLER F PROMPTER MICROFICHE LISTING, PROG PROD 5734-CP2 IBM SYSTEM/360/370 OS FULL ANS COBOL VERSION 3 COMPILER AND LIBRARY - LISTINGS, PROG. PROD. 5734-CB1 OS FULL COBOL COMPILER VERSION 3 AND TSO COBOL PROMPTER: PROGRAM LISTINGS, PROG. NOS. 5734-CP1, 5734-CB3 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM - TIME SHARING OPTION COBOL PROMPTER - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-CP1, 5734-CB3 DOS SUBSET COMPILER i LIBRARY LISTINGS - PROG. NO. 5736-CB1 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN H EXTENDED PLUS MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AAW DOS FORTRAN IV LIBRARY OPT 1, LISTINGS - PROG. NO. 5746-LM3 OS ANS COBOL COMPILER i LIBRARY LISTINGS, PROG. 5734-CB2 OS VIDEO/370 LISTINGS, PROG. PROD. 5734-RC5 DOS VIDEO/370 LISTINGS - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5736-RC3 DOS/VS COBOL COMPILER LIBRARY LISTINGS PROG PROD 5746-CB1, 5746-LM4 OS/VS COBOL COMPILER , LIBRARY LISTINGS - PROG NOS. 5740-CB1,LMl VANDL-l LOGIC MANUAL - PROG. NO. 5799-AEY DATA LANGUAGE/l DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (DL/1 DOS/VS) LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5746-XXl TSO 3270 PRINTER SUPPORT PROGRAMMING RPQ U94866 SYSTEMS AND LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-ALB FEATURE NUMBER 8831 CALL-OS BASIC, SYSTEM MANUAL, PROG. NO. 360A-CX-44X INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360, VERSION 2 PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-xx6 SYSTEM MANUAL - LOGIC VOLUME I, FEATURE CODE 8080 IMS/360, VERSION 2, SYSTEM MANUAL VOL. 2 - FLOWCHARTS, PROG. PROD. 5734-XX6 APLI 360- OS AND APL/3 60-DOS SYSTEM MANUAL FEATURE NUMBERS 8091, 8034 PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-XM6, 5736-XM6 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) SYSTEM MANUAL VOLUME 1 - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XXl FEATURE NUMBER 8115 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) SYSTEM MANUAL VOLUME 2 - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XXl FEATURE NUMBER 8116 336 50 **LY20-0698-0 50 **LY20-0699-0 50 **LY20-0700-0 50 **LY20-0701-0 50 **LY20-0702-0 50 **LY20-0703-0 **LN20-2596 50 **LY20-0704-0 **LN20-2595 50 **LY20-0705-0 **LN20-2593 50 **LY20-0706-0 50 **LY20-0707-0 **LN20-2892 50 **LY20-0708-0 **LN20-2594 50 **LY20-0712-2 **LN20-9039 **LN20-9041 50 **LY20-0713-2 50 **LY20-0714-4# 19 **LY20-0728-1 39 **LY20-0751-2 50 **LY20-0111-0 50 **LY20-0712-0 50 **LY20-0713-0 50 **LY20-0114-0 50 **LY20-0115-0 82 **LY20-0804-0 50 **LY20-0809-1# LY20-0809-0# **LN20-2597 **LN20-9029 **LN20-3015 50 **LY20-0829-0 **LN20-2815 **LY20-0840-0 **LN20- 3073 30 **LY20-0842-1 50 **LY20-0810-0 **LN20 -320 6 **LN20-3263 **LN20-3304 36 **SY20-0880-4 **SN20-2667 36 SY20-0881-1 **SN20-2650 **SN20-2668 **SN20-2647 **SN20-2669 SY20-0882-1 50 **LY20-0931-0 31 **LY20-0932-0 50 **LY20-0931-0 50 **LY20-0946-1 50 50 **LY20-0941-0 **LY20-2043-0 50 **LY20-2045-0 50 50 50 **LY20-2050-0 **LY20-2051-0 **LY20-2052-0 **LN20-9026 **LN20-2849 LN20-9027 82 31 **LN20-2897 **LN20-3350 **LN20-3247 **SN20-2653 **SN20-2654 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) SYSTEM MANUAL VOLUME 3 - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 FEATURE NUMBER 8117 IBM GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) SYSTEM MANUAL SUPPLEMENT FOR THE ARITHMETIC STATEMENT FEATURE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 FEATURE NUMBER 8125 IBM GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) SYSTEM MANUAL SUPPLEMENT FOR THE TELEPROCESSING SUPPORT FEATURE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XXl FEATURE NUMBER 8123 IBM GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) SYSTEM MANUAL SUPPLEMENT FOR THE CONTROL STATEMENT FEATURE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 FEATURE NUMBER 8124 IBM GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) SYSTEM MANUAL SUPPLEMENT FOR THE PROCESSING STATEMENT FEATURE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 FEATURE NUMBER 8126 IBM GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) SYSTEM MANUAL SUPPLEMENT FOR THE FORMAL REPORT FEATURE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 FEATURE NUMBER 8119 IBM GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) SYSTEM MANUAL SUPPLEMENT FOR THE HIERARCHIC FILE SUPPORT FEATURE PROGRAM NUMBER 5134-XX1 FEATURE NUMBER 8120 IBM GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VOLUME 2 (GIS/2) SYSTEM MANUAL SUPPLEMENT FOR THE FILE UPDATE AND CREATE FEATURE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XXl FEATURE NUMBER 8118 IBM GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) SYSTEM MANUAL SUPPLEMENT FOR THE UTILITY FEATURE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 FEATURE NUMBER 8121 IBM GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VOLUME 2 (GIS/2) SYSTEM MANUAL SUPPLEMENT FOR THE EDIT AND ENCODE FEATURE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XXl FEATURE NUMBER 8122 IBM GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VOLUME 2 (GIS/2) SYSTEM MANUAL SUPPLEMENT FOR THE FILE MODIFY FEATURE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX1 FEATURE NUMBER 8127 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM FEATURE NUMBER 8030 (DOS-ENTRY) LOGIC MANUAL- PROGRAM NUMBER 5136-XX6 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-XX7 (DOS-STANDARD) FEATURE NUMBER 8031 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) OPERATING SYSTEM STANDARD VERSION 2 - FEATURE NUMBER 8142 - LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX7 STAT/BASIC FOR ITF AND VM/370 - CMS: LOGIC MANUAL, FEATURE NUMBER 8100 - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XA3 S/370 MCGILL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FOR INTERACTIVE COMPUTING MUSIC RELEASE II SYSTEM GUIDE - IUP NUMBER 5796-AAT DATA BASE DESIGN EVALUATION (DBPROTOTYPE) PROGRAM SYSTEM GUIDE - IUP NUMBER 5796-PBB PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE FOR IMS-PLIMS SYSTEM GUIDE - IUP NUMBER 5796-PBF IMSMAP - DATA BASE MAPPING PROGRAMS SYSTEM GUIDE - IUP NUMBER 5196-PBC BTS (BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR) SYSTEMS GUIDE - IUP NUMBER 5796-PBD TEST IMS UTILITIES PROGRAM SYSTEMS GUIDE - IUP NUMBER 5796-PBE MATH/BASIC FOR SYSTEM/3 MODEL 6, ITF, AND VM/370-CMS: LOGIC MANUAL, PROG. NOS. 5703-XM2 (SYSTEM/3) AND 5734-XM8 (ITF AND VM/370-CMS)1 FEATURE NOS. 8017, 8153 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM VERSION 2 (GIS/2) SYSTEM MANUAL SUPPLEMENT FOR THE PL/I QUERY SUPPORT FEATURE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XXl INTERACTIVE QUERY FACILITY (IQF) FOR IMS/360 VERSION 2 SYSTEM MANUAL VOLUME V, PROG. PROD. 5734-XX6 BUSINESS ANALYSIS/BASIC LOGIC MANUAL, PROG. NOS. 5703-XM3 (SYSTEM/3 MODEL 6) AND 5734-XMB (ITF-OS/DOS/TSO, VM/370-CMS) TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM (TCS) LOGIC MANUAL FEATURE NUMBER 8112 - PROGRAM NUMBER 5134-F31 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM II (OMS II) OS/VS LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XC4 IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 CONTROL PROGRAM (CP) PROGRAM LOGIC IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM(CMS)PROGRAM LOGIC IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 SERVICE ROUTINES PROGRAM LOGIC 3270 FORMATTING FEATURE FOR BTS, IUP 5796-PBD, SYSTEM GUIDE (FEATURE 8073) TEST DATA GENERATOR SYSTEMS GUIDE PROGRAM NO. 5196-PBP FEATURE NUMBER 8064 DATA COMMUNICATIONS ANALYZER (DCANALYZER) PROGRAM NUMBER 5196-PCA 3270 SCREEN IMAGE PROCESSOR FOR 1MS AND IMS/VS - IUP 5796-AFC, SYSTEM GUIDE DB PROTOTYPE/VS - IUP 5796-PCX, SYSTEM GUIDE DISPLAY 'MANAGEMENT SYSTEM II -- DOS/VS (DMS II) LOGIC MANUAL, PROG. PROD. 5736-XC4 FASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY FOR THE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS/VS), LOGIC PROG. NOS. 5746-XX3 (CICS/DOS/VS), 5740-XXl (CICS/OS/VS): FEATURES 6019, 6020,6021,6022,6023,6024 IMSMAP/vS - IUP 5796-PCY, SYSTEM GUIDE BTS/VS - IUP 5796-PCZ, SYSTEM GUIDE TEST IMS/VS UTILITIES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL PROG. NO. 5796-PDA 331 DOSMAP - DL/I DATA BASE MAPPING PROGRAMS SYSTEMS GUIDE PROG. NO. 5796-PCW JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE EDITOR, IUP 5796-PDC SYSTEMS GUIDE TELECOMMUNIC~IONS CONTROL SYSTEM (TCSl PROGRAMMING RPQEF0378, - PROG. NO. 5799-AKL, LOGIC YM/370 SYSTEM FOR ONLINE TAPE AND DIS~'LIBRARIES - IUP 5796-AGN, SYSTEM GUIDE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/vS) SYSTEM MANUAL - VOLUME I - NARRATIVE - PROG. No. 5740-XX2 50 **LY20-2053-0 36 30 **LY20-2064-0 **LY20-2080-0 40 **LY20-2094-0 50 **LY20-8004-2 50 50 50 **LY20-8005-1# LY20-8005-0# *·LY20-'8006-1 **LY20-8007-1 **LN20-9087 *.LN20-9078 "LN20-9074 50 **LY20-8010-0 50 **LY20-8011-0 50 **LY20-8012-0 50 **LY20-8013-0 50 **LY20-8014-0 50 **LY20-8015-0 36 *·GY20-8500-0 30 30 28 32 GY21-0012-2 GY21-0013-2 **LY21-0014-2# LY21-0014-1# **LY21-0021-0 32 **LY21-0022-0 30 **SY21-9203-0 35 **LY24-3606-0 INFO~ION **LN20-9088 **LN21-5126 **LN21-5199 **LN21-5167 **LN21-5179 **LN33-7043 **LN33-7056 **LN33-7057 35 **LY24-3607-0 *·LN33-7044 37 36 **GY24-5154-3 SY24-5155-4 ·*GN28-2565 30 SY24-5156-3 **SN24-5500 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/VS) SYSTEM MANUAL VOLUME II - FLOWCHARTS PROG. NO. 5740-XX2 CICS/OS/VS PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL, PROG. PROD. 5740-XXl CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS DOS/VS) PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL - PROG. NO. 5746-XX3 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL VOLUME 1 - PROG. PROD. 5740-XX7 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL VOLUME 2 - PROG. NO. 5740-XX7 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/vIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL VOLUME 3 -PROG. NO. 5740-XX7 GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL SUPPLm-1ENT FOR THE Al;>VANCED 'QUERY ' FEATURE PROG. NO. 5740-XX7 GENERALIZED INFO~ION SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL SUPPLEMENT FOR THE MODIFY 'FEATURE PROG. NO. 5740-XX7 . '" GENERALIZED INFORMATION SYSTm-1/VIRTUAL STORAGE (GIS/VS) PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL SUPPLEMENT FOR THE UPDATE/CREATE FEATURE - PROG. NO. 5740-XX7 . IBM SYSTEM/370 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM PROGRAM - PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 360A-TX-032 OS BSAM LOGIC FOR IBM 1419/1275 OS D~A MANAGEMENT MACRO LOGIC FOR IBM 1285/1287/1288 IBM DOS RPG I I LANGUAGE PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-RG1 . IBM SYSTEM/360 IBM 1288 BASIC UNFORMATTED READ SYSTEM PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-UT1 IBM 1288 BASIC UNFORMATTED READ SYSTEM (MFT/MVT/VS1/VS2): LOGIC MANUAL, PROG. NO. 5734-UT3 APPLIC~ION CONTROL LANGUAGE SUPPORT LOGIC MANUAL (FOR IBM 3741 MODELS 3 , 4 PROGRAMMING WORK STATION) IBM EMULATOR FOR HONEYWELL SERIES ·200 ON SYSTEM/370 USING DOS 'DOS/VS: LOGIC, PROG. NO~ 5799-ADT ' m-1ULATOR FOR RCA 301 ON SYSTEM/370 USlliG DOS' DOS/vS: LOGIC, PROG. NO. 5799-ADR OOS OLTEP LOGIC OS/VS1 SUPERVISOR LOGIC OS/VS1 I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC MANUAL 36 SY24-5159-3 OS/VS1 CHECKPOINT/RESTART LOGIC 36 SY24-5160-3 OS/vS1 IPL AND NIP LOGIC - COMPONENT NOS. 5741-SC1-C1, -C8 36 SY24-5161-4 OS/VS1 JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC V3 30 SY24-5162-0 30 20 30 SY24-5163-0 GY24-5164-0 SY24-5165-0 30 30 21 **SY24-5166-0 **SY24-5167-0 *·LY26-3737-1 21 31 *·LY26-3760-2# LY26-3760-1# SY26-3814-0 OS/VS IBM 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER MODEL 1 LOGIC COMPONENT NOS. 5741-SC1-, 5742-SC1-, 5752-SC1- DL OS/VS IBM 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR LOGIC OS/VSl MASTER INDEX OF LOGIC OS/VS DISKETTE COpy PROGRAMMING SUPPORT PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL, PROG NOS. 5744-BJ1,BL1 OS/VS1 LOGIC FOR IBM 3540 DISKETTE INPUT/OUTPUT UNIT OS/VS2 LOGIC FOR IBM 3540 DISKETTE INPUT/OUTPUT UNlT IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM TIME SHARING OPTION ASSEMBLER PROMPTER PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-CP2 OS ASSEMBLER H LOGIC-PROG. , . NO. 5734-AS1 31 SY26-3815-0 36 SY26-3820-3 ·*SN24-5502 **SN24-5493 LN33-8161 **SN26-8022 **SN26-0771 **SN26-8020 **SN26-0770 **SN26-8032 OS/VS LOADER LOGIC **SN26-8033 OS/VS LINKAGE EDITOR LOGIC OS/VS2 CHECKPOINT/RESTART LOGIC OS/VS2 I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC 30 SY26-3823-3 30 30 SY26-3825-0 SY26-3826-1 30 SY26-3827-1 30 SY26-3828-1 30 SY26-3831-0 30 SY26-3832-1 OS/VS2 DADSM LOGIC, COMPONENT NO. 5742-SC1-D4 AND 5752-SC1-D4 OS/VS2 BDAM LOGIC, COMPONENT NO. 5742-SC1-D7 AND 5752-SCl-D7 OS/VS2 SAM LOGIC 30 30 30 30 SY26-3833-0 SY26-3834-1 SY26-3836-0 SY26-3837-1 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS1 OS/VS1 **SN26-0782 OS/VS2 VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (VSAM) LOGIC OS/VS2 CATALOG MANAGEMENT LOGIC OS/VS 2 OPEN/CLOSE/EDV LOGIC *"'SN26-0786 *"'SN26-0788 338 ISAM LOGIC-COMPONENT NO. 5742-SCl-D8 VIO LOGIC BDAM LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBER 5741-SC1-D7 DADSM LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBER S741-SC1-D4 30 30 SY2 6-3 83 8-0 SY26-3839-2 OS/VS1 ISAM LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBER 5741-SCI-D8 OS/VS1 OPEN/CLOSE/EOV LOGIC 30 SY26-3840-1 OS/VSl SAM LOGIC 30 SY26-3841-1 OS/VS1 VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (VSAM) LOGIC 37 **GY27-7198-2 35 GY27-7228-1 35 GY27-7229-1 30 37 **LY27-7230-2 **GY27-7237-1 35 GY27-7238-0 37 sy27-7239-2 30 30 30 l3Y27-7240-0 SY27-7241-0 SY27-7242-0 36 36 ~BM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: MACHINE-CHECK HANDLER FOR SYSTEM/370 MODELS 155 THRU 168 (LOGIC), P/N 360S-DN-539 7074 OS EMULATOR ON MODELS 165/168 - LOGIC PROG. NOS. 360C-EU-739 (OS), 5744-AKl (VS1, VS2) 7080 OS EMULATOR ON MODELS 165/168: LOGIC, PROG. NOS. 360C-EU-737 (MFT/MVT), 5744-AL1 (VS1/VS2) VIDEO/370 LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC5, 5736-RC3 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: MACHINE-CHECK HANDLER FOR SYSTEM/370 MODELS 135 AND 145 (LOGIC), P/N 360S-DN-539 7074 OS EMULATOR ON MODELS 155/158 LOGIC PROG. NOS. 360C-EU-741 (OS); 5744-AJ1 (VS1, VS2) OS/VS RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LOGIC - COMPONENT NOS. 5741-SC1-CE, 5742-SCI-CE OS/VS GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD LOGIC MANUAL OS/VS GRAPHICS PROBLEM_ORIENTED , ROUTINES LOGIC ~/VS GRAPHIC SUBROUTINE PACKAGE (GSP) FOR FORTRAN IV, COBOL, AND PL/I LOGIC MANUAL OS/VS2 IPL AND NIP LOGIC - COMPONENT NOS. 5742-SC1-Cl, -C8 OS/VS2 SUPERVISOR LOGIC VOLUME I **GN27-1409 *·SN27-1389 **SN27-1390 **SY27-7~43-1i 30 30 30 37 30 36 SY27-7244-1# SY27-7244-0# **GY27-7245-1 SY27-7246-1 SY27-7249-0 SY27-7250-1 SY27-7251-0 GY27-7255-0 30 30 35 **SY27-7256-1 SY27-7257-0 ·GY27-7259-0 30 30 30 30 30 20 36 SY27-7260-0 SY27-7262-0 SY27-7263-0 **SY27-7266-0 **SY27-7267-0 GY28-0603-0 SY28-0605-3 36 37 SY28-0620-0 SY28-0622-1 36 36 36 36 37 37 SY28-0623-0 SY28-0624-0 SY28-0625-0 SY2S-0626-0 SY28-0635-1 SY28-0643-2 39 SY28-0650-2 39 39 SY28-0651-1 SY28-0652-2 39 SY28-0653-0 39 SY28-0654-1 39 39 SY28-0655-0 SY28-0659-0 SN27-1403 DOS VERSION 4 BTAM LOGIC, PROG. NO. 370N-CQ-469 OS/VS BTAM LOGIC ~UAL DOS/VS QTAM LOGIC MANUA~ - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-QTM OS/VS2 RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LOGIC DOS/VS BTAM LOGIC MANUAL - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-BTM OS/VS2 HASP II VERSION 4 LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 370H-TX-00l INTRODUCTION TO VTAM LOGIC OS/VSl VTAM LOGIC 7094 OS EMULATOR ON MODELS 165/168: LOGIC, PROG. NOS. 360C-EU-740 (MFT/MVT) , 5744-AM1 (VS1/VS2) OS/VS2 GRAPHIC ACCESS METHOD LOGIC DOS/VS VTAM LOGIC VTAM, DATA AREAS (OS/VS1 AND DOS/VS) LOGIC MANUAL OS/VS1 VTAM DATA AREAS OS/VS2 VTAM DATA AREAS OS/VS MASTER INDEX OF LOGIC OS/VS1 SYSTEM DATA AREAS **SN27-1492 **SN27-1462 **SN27-1468 ·*SN27-1465 .*SN27-1470 **SN27-1490 ·*SN27-1483 OS/VS2 JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC MANUAL OS/VS2 JES 2 LOGIC **SN25-0116 ·.SN28-2580 ·.SN28-2583 ·.SN28-2584 ··SN28-2585 **SN25-0103 **SN25-0l14 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS2 OS/VS1 OS/vS2 SYSTEM INITIALIZATION LOGIC SCHEDULER AND SUPERVISOR LOGIC VOLUME 1 OF 3 SCHEDULER AND SUPERVISOR LOGIC - VOLUME 2 OF 3 SCHEDULER AND SUPERVISOR LOGIC VOLUME 3 OF 3 SERVICE AIDS LOGIC SERVICE AIDS LOGIC OS/VS2 TSO TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM AND SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC OS/VS2 TSO CCMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME I: ACCOUNT OS/VS2 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME IV ··SN28-2579 OS/VS2 TSO ENHANCEMENTS NO. 2 LOGIC - COMPONENT NOS. 5742-SCI-TO,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T7,T8,T9 OS/VS2 TSO TERMINAL MESSAGES DIREC'IDRY 38 SY28-0660-0 37 37 37 37 SY28-066~-1 **SN25-0110 SY28-0664-0 SY28-0669-1 SY28-0672-0 **SN25-0112 37 37 SY28-0676-0 SY28-0678-1 **SN25-0108 37 SY28-0679-0 37 36 25 **SY28-0685-1 SY28-0687-0 **LY28-6403-0 ••LN28-0604 24 24 **LY28-6406-2# LY28-6406-1# **LY2 8-64 07-1 •• LN28-1005 25 **LY28-6408-1, 25 **LY28-6409-0 .*LN28-0606 OS/vS2 TSO SUPPORT FOR VSBASIC LOGIC - RELEASE 1.6 OS/vS2 TSO ENHANCEMENTS. LOGIC - COMPONENT NUMBERS 574~SC1-TO AND 5742-SC1-T4 OS/VS RES ACCOUNT F.ACILITY LOGIC - COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-BC OS/VS1 OLTEP LOGIC DOS/VS AND,OS/VS TOLTEP LOGIC OS/VS1, SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC OS/VS1 DYNAMIC SUPPORT SYSTEM LOGIC COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-10 OS/VS2 OLTEP LOGIC OS/VS2 SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC **LN28-1044 OS/VS2 DYNAMIC SUPPORT SYSTEM LOGIC COMPONENT NO. 5742-SC1-10 OS/VS SYSTEM MOPIFICATION PROGRAM (SMP) LOGIC OS/VS POWER WARNING FEATURE (PWF) SUPPORT LOGIC-ICR GUIDE IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER, PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-F03 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM TIME SHARING OPTION COBOL PROMPTER. PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-CPl IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY, VERSION 3 PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-CB1 FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MOD I) FOR OS , VM/370 (CMS): PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LMl IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV LIBRARY MOD II PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LM3 339 24 **LY28-6412-0 **LN28-0462 **LN28-1031 **LN28-0485 24 **LY28-6413-0 **LN28-0463 **LN28-1032 **LN28-0486 24 **LY28-6414-0 **LN28-0491 **LN26-0791 **LN28-10 33 **LN28-1055 25 **LY28-6415-0 24 **LY28-6419-0 **LN28-1007 **LN28-1042 24 **LY28-6420-0 **LN28-1008 **LN28-1043 23 24 **LY28-6422-0 **LY28-6423-0 **LN28-1060 24 24 24 **LY28-6424-1# LY28-6424-0# **LY28-6425-0 **LY28-6486-0 14 **GY28-6688-0 32 **LY28-6761-0 **LN33-8708 32 **LY28-6766-1 **LN33-8709 **LN28-0624 36 **LY28-6832-1 36 **LY28-6833-1 36 **LY28-6834-3 29 **LY28-6835-1 **LN28-0442 23 **LY28-6836-0 **LN28-0420 **LN28-0443 36 **LY28-6837-3 **LN28-0456 **LN28-0455 20 **LY28-6840-1 39 **LY28-6842-1# 39 **LY28-6845-0 25 **LY28-6846-1 30 SY28-6849-2 25 **LY28-6856-0 **LN28-1013 38 GY30-2011-1 **GN28-0599 **GN28-0617 30 30 SY30-2039-3i SY30-2049-0 30 30 32 SY30-2059-0 **SY30-2069-0 GY30-3000-0 30 **LY30-3004-1 30 **LY30-3005-0 14 **SY30-3006-1 30 SY30-3007-0 30 **LY30-3009-0 **LN33-8720 **LN28-0429 **LN28-1014 **GN28-0614 **SN30-3018 **GY30-3500 **GY30-3504 **GY30-3501 IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER VERSION 3, PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM PRODUCT 5736-CB2 IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL SUBROUTINE LIBRARY, VERSION 3 PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 57~6-LM2 IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSXEM SUBSET AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND .LIBRARY PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-CBl IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED PLUS) COMPILER AND LIBRARY PROGRAM LOGIC SUPPLEMENT (PROGRAMMING REQUEST FOR PRICE QUOTATION) PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AAW IBM S/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL SUBROUTINE LIBRARY V4 PLM - PROGRAM PRODUCTS 5734-CB2, 5734-LM2 IBM S/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER V4 - PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-CB2 SYSTEM/370 VS BASIC: PROGRAM LOGIC, PROG. PROD. 5748-XXl IBM DOS/VS COBOL COMPILER PROGRAM LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBER 5746-CBl IBM DOS/VS COBOL SUBROUTINE LIBRARY PROGRAM LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBER 5746-LM4 IBM OS/VS COBOL SUBROUTINE LIBRARY PROGRAM LOGIC IBM OS/VS COBOL COMPILER PROGRAM LOGIC PROGRAM NUMBERS: 5740-CBl INTERNAL LOGIC MAN~L FOR THE IBM 2947-4 CHECK COLLECTION CONTROLLER SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD - PROGRAM SUPPORT RPQ 888264 - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5799-WAF 5799-WAG OS/MFT, OS/MVT, AND OS/VS DATA SET UTILITIES SUPPORT FOR ASCII: LOGIC MANUAL, PROG. NO. 5734-UT2 OS/MVT AND OS/VS2 DATA UTILITIES: COPY, FORMAT, LIST, MERGE: LOGIC MANUAL, PROG. NO. 5734-UTl IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DDS ITF PROGRAM LOGIC INTRODUCTION AND METHOD OF OPERATION PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC1, 5734-RC3, 5736-RC1, 5736-RC2 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DDS ITF PROGRAM LOGIC INITIALIZATION SYSTEM CONTROL, AND SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC1, 5734-RC3, 5736-RCl, 5736-RC2 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF PROGRAM LOGIC LANGUAGE COMPONENT CONTROLLER PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC1, 5734-RC3, 5736-RC1, 5736-RC2 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF PL/I PROGRAM LOGIC LANGUAGE COMPONENT: PL/I ROUTINES PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC1, 5736-RC1 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/OOS ITF PROGRAM LOGIC LANGUAGE COMPONENT: BASIC ROUTINES PROGRAM NUMBERS 5736-RC2, 5734-RC3 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DDS ITF PROGRAM LOGIC LANGUAGE COMPONENT: COMMON ROUTINES AND REFERENCE DATA PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC1, RC3, 5736-RC1, RC2 INDEX FOR THE OS/DOS ITF PLM, PROG. NOS. 5734-RC1 AND 3, 5736-RCl AND 2 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTION) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY PROGRAM LOGIC INITIALIZATION, SYSTEM CONTROL, AND SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC2, 5734-RC4 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTION) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY PROGRAM LOGIC INDEX PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC2, 5734-RC4 CODE AND GO FORTRAN PROCESSOR FOR OS , VM/370 (CMS): PROGRAM LOGIC, PROG. NO. 5734-F01 OS/VS1 RES RTAM AND WORKSTATION SUPPORT LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBER 5741-SCI-BB FORTRAN IV (G1) COMPILER FOR OS , VM/370 (CMS): PROGRAM LOGIC, PROG. NO. 5734-F02 OS/MFT, OS/MVT, AND OS/VS1: CRJE LOGIC PROG. NO. 360S-RC-551 (MFT/MVT), 5741-SCI-OA (VS1) OS/VS TCAM LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBER 5741-SC1-21 OS/VS TCAM LOGIC - PROGRAM NOS. 5741-SCl-21, 5742-SCl-21 5744-AW2 OS/VS TCAM LOGIC OS/vSl TCAM LOGIC, LEVEL 8 IBM 3735 PROGRAMMABLE BUFFERED TERMINAL FORM DESCRIPTION MACRO INSTRUCTIONS AND FORM DESCIPTION UTILITY PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL (OS, DOS, AND VS SYSTEMS) GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85007 SPECIAL START-STOP LINE CONTROL FOR IBM 3704 , 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM, PROG. NO. 5799-AGK GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85004, SIX BIT TRANS CODE FOR IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM PROGRAM NO. 5799-AGA IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAM SUPPORT FOR HARDWARE RPQ M26099 SABRE LINE CONTROL IBM 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS NETWORK CONTROL PROG/VS LOGIC MANUAL IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P8500S, SPECIAL SYNCHRONOUS LINE CONTROL PROGRAM NO. S799-AFY 340 3704 , 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION , LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85003 USASCII TRANSPARENCY BSC LINE CONTROL PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AFZ IBM 3704 AND 3705 PROGRAM REFERENCE HANDBOOK 30 **LY30-3010-1 30 14 GY30-3012-2# GY30-3012-1# **SY30-3013-1# SY30-3013-0# **SY30-3014-0 30 **LY30-3016-0 30 **LY30-3023-0 29 29 **GY33-6003-2 **LY33-6007-1 29 LN33-6067 LN33-6090 29 **LY33-6008-1# LY33-6008-0# **LY33-6009-1# LY33-6009-0# **LY33-6010-1 **LN33- 6079 **LN33-6115 29 **LY33-6011-1 **LN33-6118 29 **LY33-6012-1 30 29 29 **LY33-6013-1 **LN33-6107 29 **LY33-6014-0 **LN33-6093 35 SY33-7008-0 35 SY33-7009-0 **SN33-7019 **SN33-7042 **SN33-7054 **SN33-7020 **SN33-7031 **SN33-7053 **SN33-7069 **SN33-7022 **SN33-7033 **SN33-70 23 **SN33-7055 **SN33-7064 35 **SY33-7010-1 35 35 SY33-7015-0 SY33-7016-0 35 **SY33-7017-0 35 35 **GY33-7018-0 **GY33-7019-0 35 **GY33-7020-0 33 33 **LY33-8038-0 **LY33-8039-0 21 SY33-8041-1 33 36 36 **LY33-8042-2 **GY33-8532-0 **GY33-8533-0 **GN33-8725 36 **GY33-8534-0 **GN33-8727 36 **GY33-8537-0 **GN33-8728 31 **GY33-8538-0 **GN33-8729 31 **GY33-8539-0 36 30 **GY33-8542-0 **GY33-8543-0 **GN33-8731 **GN33-8732 **GN33-8751 30 **GY33-8544-0 **GN33-8733 **GN33-8749 30 **GY33-8545-0 **GN33-8734 30 **GY33-8546-0 32 39 **GY33-8547-0 SY33-8548-2 36 SY33-8551-2 37 SY33-8552-1 **SN33- 8771 **SN33-8794 **SN33-8784 **SN33-8772 **SN33-8795 **SN33-8773 **SN33-8791 36 SY33-8553-1 37 36 SY33-8554-1 SY33-8555-2 31 SY33-8556-2 **LN33-8195 **GN33-8755 IBM 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM/VTAM PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR RPQ 858663, PLOTTER ADAPTER - PSHRPQ P85008 PROG. NO. 5799-WFA IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85015, VIRTUAL 50 LINE SUPPORT - PROG. NO. 5799-AKQ IBM 3704 AND 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85010, TELEGRAPH FULL - DUPLEX LINE CONTROL - PROG. NO. 5799-AGN PL/I LANGUAGE SPECIFICATIONS OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL1 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY: PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LM4 OS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY: PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LM5 DOS PL/1 OPTIMIZ ING COMP ILER: PROGRAM LOGIC PROGRAM PRODUCT 5736-PL1 DOS PL/1 RESIDENT LIBRARY: PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-LM4 DOS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY - PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-LM5 OS PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER: PROGRAM LOGIC VOLUME 1 OF 2, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL2 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM PL/I CHECKOUT COMPILER PROGRAM LOGIC, VOLUME 2 OF 2 - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-PL2 1401/1440/1460 DOS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370: LOGIC, PROG. NOS. 370N-EU-490 (DOS), 5745-SC-EML (DOS/VS) 1410/7010 DOS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 LOGIC, PROG. NOS. 370N-EU-490 (DOS), 5745-SC-EML (DOS/VS) MODEL 20 EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 USING DOS AND DOS/VS LOGIC - PROG. NOS. 370N-IC-002 AND 5745-SC-E20 DOS TO OS/VS EMULATOR: LOGIC, PROG. NO. 5744-AS1 1401/1440/1460 OS/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370, LOGIC - PROG. NO. 5744-AHl 1410/7010 OS/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 - LOGIC, PROG. NO. 5744-AG1 DOS TO OS EMULATOR - LOGIC PROGRAM NUMBER 360C-EU-738 1401/1440/1460 OS/MFT AND OS/MVT EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 LOGIC, PROG. NO. 360C-EU-735 1410/7010 OS/MFT AND OS/MVT EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 LOGIC PROG. NO. 360C-EU-736 DOS/VS SORT/MERGE LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBER 5746-SM1 DOS SORT/MERGE PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5743-SM1 OS/VS - VM/370 ASSEMBLER LOGIC COMPONENT NOS 5749-, 5741-, 5742-, and 5752-SC1-03 OS/VS SORT/MERGE LOGIC - PROG. PROD. 5740-SM1 DOS VERSION 4 LOGICAL TRANSIENTS, LOGIC - PROG. 370N-CL-453 INTRODUCTION TO DOS VERSION 4 LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CL-453 DOS VERSION 4 SUPERVISOR AND RELATED TRANSIENTS - PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CL-453 DOS VERSION 4 SYSTEM SERVICE PROGRAMS - PROGRAM LOGIC, PROG. NO. 370N-CL-453 DOS VERSION 4 LINKAGE EDITOR MANUAL - PROGRAM LOGIC, PROG. NO. 370N-CL-453 SYSTEM/370 DOS VERSION 4 LIBRARIAN-PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CL-453 DOS VER. 4 IPL AND JCL LOGIC - PROG. NO. 370N-CL-453 DOS VERSION 4 LIOCS INTRODUCTION VOLUME 1 - PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBERS 370N-CL-453, 370N-IO-454, 370N-IO455, -456, -457, -458, -477, -478 DOS VER. 4 LIOCS VOL. 2, LOGIC - PROG. NO. 370N-CL-453 370N-IO-477, 370N-IO-456, 370N-IO-478, 370N-IO-458 DOS VERS ION 4 LIOCS VOLUME 3-SAM AND DAM FOR DASDPROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBERS 370N-IO-455, 370N-IO-454 DOS VERSION 4 LIOCS VOLUME 4 - ISAM - PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-457 DOS VERSION 4 SYSTEM UTILITIES - PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-UT-491 OS/vS2 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME II: EDIT DOS/VS SUPERVISOR LOGIC **SN33-8785 **SN33-8796 DOS/VS ERROR RECOVERY AND RECORDING TRANSIENTS LOGIC COMPONENT NUMBERS 5734-SC-DKE, 5745-SC-IOX, 5745-SC-RMS, AND 5745-SC-TPE DOS/VS LOGICAL TRANSIENTS MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5745-SC-AIT AND 5745-SC-DOC DOS/VS SYSTEM SERVICEABILITY AIDS LOGIC DOS/VS IPL AND JOB CONTROL PROGRAM LOGIC - COMPONENT NUMBERS 5745-SC-IPL AND 5745-SC-JCL DOS/VS LINKAGE EDITOR LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 5745-SC-LNK 341 31 SY33-8557-2 **SN33-8786 32 SY33-8558-0 **SN33-8765 **SN33-8 77 5 30 SY33-8559-1 **SN33-8776 **SN33-8798 30 SY33-8560-2 **SN33-8788 30 30 30 SY33-8561-1 SY33-8562-2 SY33-8564-2 **SN33-8789 36 38 21 SY33-8565-1 SY33-8566-1 SY33-8567-0 37 36 SY33-8568-0 **SY33-8570-1 **SN33-9164 **SN33-9165 **SN33-8165 **SN33-8178 **SN28-2567 20 SY33-8571-2 20 **SY33-8572-0 DOS/VS LIBRARIAN LOGIC - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-LBR **SN33-8169 **SN25-0118 DOS/VS SYSTEM UTILITIES LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 5745-SC-UTL DOS/VS LIOCS VOL. I GENERAL INFORMATION AND IMPERATIVE MACROS LOGIC - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-CKR DOS/VS LIOCS VOL. 2 SAM LOGIC - COMPONENT NOS. 5745-SC-DOC, -DSK, -lOX, -MCR, -OCR, -PTP, -TAP, -TPE DOS/VS LIOCS VOL. 3 DAM AND ISAM LOGIC DOS/VS LIOCS VOLUME 4: VSAM LOGIC DOS/VS ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC DOS/VS POWER PROGRAM LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBER 5745-SC-PWR DOS/VS POWER RJE - PROGRAM LOGIC - PROG. NO. 5745-SC-PWR DOS/VS ASSEMBLER LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBER 5745-SC-ASM DOS/VS OLTEP LOGIC - COMPONENl' NUMBER 5745-SC-OLT DOS/VS POWER/VS LOGIC, COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-PWR DOS/VS HANDBOOK **SN33- 8797 30 SY35-0003-3 DOS/VS HANDBOOK (POWER/vS AND VTAM LOGIC VERSION) SUPPLEMENT TO SY33-8571 1401/1410/1460 DOS/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370-LOGIC PROGRAM NUMBER 5745-SC-EML 1410/7010 DOS/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370, LOGIC - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-EML MODEL 20 DOS/VS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 LOGIC - COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-E20 DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM OS/VS1: LOGIC, PROG. NO. 5744-BK1 OS/VS CATALOG MANAGEMENT LOGIC 39 SY35-0004-1 OS/VS2 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME III: TEST 32 30 SY35-0005-2# SY35-0005-1# SY35-0005-0# SY35-0008-1 36 00 SY35-0009-1 SY35-0010-1 OS/VS ACCESS METHOD SERVICES: LOGIC VS1 RELEASE 2.0 AND VS2 RELEASE 1.6 OS/VS2 AUXILIARY STORAGE MANAGEMENT (ASM) LOGIC OS/VS2 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC SY35-0011-1: OS/VS2 CVOL PROCESSOR LOGIC 35 SY33-8573-0 30 SY33-8574-0 35 **SY33-8575-0 36 **GY34-0019-0 30 30 30 30 95 **SY35-0014-0 **SY35-0015-0 **SY35-0016-0 S2CO-0021-11 95 S2CO-0031-19 95 **S2CO-0051-1 95 **S2CO-0301-4 85 39 **G310-0012-8* **G320-1238-1 87 39 **G320-1244-5 **G320-1408-2 50 **G320-1523-1 50 **G320-1529-0 37 50 **G320-1530-0 **G320-1532-0 50 50 50 50 36 85 50 **G320-1535-0 **G320-1538-0 **G320-1539-0 **G320-1540-0 **G320-1542-0 **G320-1621-31+ **G320-8088-0 50 **G320-8089-0 50 **G320-8099-1 32 **G320-8106-0 32 **G320-8107-0 34 **G320-8127-0 87 **G520-2467-1# **SN33-7070 **SN26-0784 SN35-0014 SN35-0014 **S2CO-5281-1 **S2CO -5279-6 **S2CO-5237 **S2CO-5235-2 **S2CO-5061 **S2CO-5059-1 **S2CO-0050-53 **S2CO-5375 **S2CO-5373-1 OS/VS UTILITIES LOGIC COMPONENT NOS. 5741-SC1-, 5742-, and 5752-SCl-IO, 11, 12, UA-U9 INCL. **S2cO-5280-5 **S2CO-5278- 6 * *S2CO-52 36-1 **S2CO-5234-5 **S2CO-50 60- 2 **S2CO-0049-63 **S2CO-5374 **S2<:0-5372-1 OS/VS MASS STORAGE CONTROL (MSC) TRACE REPORTS LOGIC OS/VS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) SERVICES LOGIC OS/VS MASS STORAGE CONTROL (MSC) TABLE CREATE LOGIC DOS/VS EARLY WARNING MICROFICHE EARLY WARNING MICROFICHE - OS/VIRTUAL SYSTEM MICROFICHE - EARLY WARNING 2025 AND LARGER FILE CARD MICROFICHE EARLY WARNING - PROGRAM PRODUCTS, CSP AND SCP IBM WORLD TRADE MARKETING PUBLICATIONS KWIC INDEX S/360 - S/370 MCGILL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FOR INTERACTIVE COMPUTING GENERAL INFORMATION MANUlI.L - PROGRAM NUMBER 5796-AAT CUSTOMER EDUCATION COURSE CATALOG S/370 MCGILL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FOR INTERACTIVE COMPUTING (MUSIC) RELEASE 2: IUP 5796-AAT NOTICE DBPROTOTYPE (5796-PBB), IMSMAP (5796-PBC), PLIMS (5796-PBF), BTS (5796-PBD), TEST IMS UTILITIES (5796-PBE) ARE NOW READY FOR SHIPMENT AVAILABILITY NOTICE 3270 FORMATTING FEATURE FOR BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR IUP 5796-PBD - NOTICE TEST DATA GENERATOR FOR SYSTEM/370 - IUP 5796-PBP - NOTICE DATA COMMUNICATION ANALYZER FOR IMS DB/DC (DCANALYZER): IUP 5796-PCA NOTICE DB PROTOTYPE/VS - IUP 5796-PCX, RELEASE NOTICE IMBMAP/VS - IUP 5796-PCY, RELEASE NOTICE BTS/VS - IUP 5796-PCZ, RELEASE NOTICE TEST IMB/VS UTILITIES - !UP 5796-PDA, RELEASE NOTICE JOB CONl'ROL LANGUAGE EDITOR - IUP 5796-PDC, NOTICE IBM MARKETING PUBLICATIONS KWIC INDEX CICS ON-LINE TEST/DEBUG FOR CICS/OSS, CICS/DOSS • CICS/DOSE: CON EDISON, IUP 5796-AEF NOTICE CICS/COBOL CALL INTERFACE FOR CICS/OSS CICS/DOSS • CICS/DOSE: N!\.TIONAL BANK OF DETROIT, IUP 5796-AEG NOTICE 3270 SCREEN IMAGE PROCESSOR FOR 1MS AND 1MS/VS - IUP 5796-AFC, RELEASE NOTICE 2927 DUAL PRINTER UTILITY PROGRAM - IUP 5796-AFK, RELEASE NOTICE DOS DBDUMP UTILITY PROGRAM PRODUCTIVITY AID FOR DOS DATA BASE APPLICATION PROGRAM TESTING (VANDL/I OR DL/I) INSTALLED !\'T SAGNER INC., FREDERICK, MD. 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