GC20 0001 6_370_30xx_4300_9370_Processors_Bibliography_May1987 6 370 30xx 4300 9370 Processors Bibliography May1987
User Manual: GC20-0001-6_370_30xx_4300_9370_Processors_Bibliography_May1987
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---- --- - ---y------- IBM System/370, 30xx, 4300, and 9370 Processors Bibliography Publication Number GC20-0001-6 File Number 8370-00 Seventh Edition (May 1987) This major revision obsoletes and replaces GC20-o001-05. References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Publications are not stocked at the address given below. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for readers' comments has been provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, address comments to IBM Corporation, Publications Support Services, Dept. 6R2/M23, 180 Kost Road, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055. IBM may use or distribute whatever information you supply in any way it believes apptopriate without incurring any obligation to you. ( Preface The IBM publications listed in this bibliography apply to the Systeml370 including 30xx Processors, the IBM 4300 Processors and the 9370 Information System Processors. Look here for publications that address planning for, programming, installing, and operating these processors. References to specialized bibliographies and other supplemental items are also found here. Refer to the Bibliography of Industry Systems and Application Programs, GC20-0370, for specific product solutions applicable to all areas of your organization. General Information The following descriptions are for the readers who are not familiar with the publication terms used in this bibliography. Note: When ordering publications it is not necessary to include the suffix as part of the order number. The most current version will be sent. Although the complete order number is listed, publications are listed in form number sequence, that is the use key is ignored. • use key is the first character of the order number that controls the availability of the item. Use key G means the item is available to customers, through the IBM representative, without charge for quantities that meet normal requirements. Use key S means that the item is for sale through IBM branch offices. In some cases a user can receive the first copy of an S publication free. Additional copies are available at the selling price. Use key L means that the item is available to licensees for the IBM program Product or other licensed program. Requests for licensed materials should be directed to your IBM representative. Subject Code The subject code is a two digit number that represents a topic: e.g., 25=FORTRAN, 15=Physical Planning Information. A complete subject code listing is found in Subject Code Definitions of this Preface. File Number The file number e.g., S370-36, identifies the system in the prefix (S370) and the subject code in the suffix (36, represents Control Program). File numbers are often printed on publications to aid in filing system library manuals by topic. Refer to Organizing and Maintaining a System Library, GE20-0731, for more details. Order Number The order number identifies publications and other items for ordering from IBM. The order number is alphameric and consists of three parts - use key, form number, and suffix: e.g., GH201234-0. G H20 - 1 2 3 4 - 0 (or 00) USekey-J (~ I Form number------...J. Suffix------------~ • form number consists of seven characters (H20-1234) and has two parts - a prefIX (H20) and a base number (1234). IBM designates unique prefixes to identify various facts about an item, including: Logic - Yxx prefixes identify publications that explain program logic: i.e., SY28-1234-5, LY30-1234-0. Such manuals are intended for use by persons who are involved in program support or alteration of the program design. They are not required for normal use or operation of the program. BiN of Forms - BOF prefixes identify a Bill Of Forms: e.g., GBOF-1234. A bill of forms order-number allows a package of separately available items (order numbers) to be ordered with a single order number. MicrofIChe - xXx prefixes (X being an alphabetic character) identify publications on micro fiche: e.g., S2CO-1234-4, LYBO-1234-1. An alphabetic character in the third position of an order number identifies microfiche. The only exception is a bill of forms (BOF), in which the third character is alphabetic (not zero). Pseudonumber - Txx or Qxx prefixes identify a pseudonumber. e.g., GTOO-1234-0, SQ26-1234-0. These prefixes when used in an order number allow users of back level proPreface iii grams to continue to order and receive publications concerning the level of program they are using. Issuing pseudonumbers for back editions allows the order numbers for the latest editions to remain unchanged except for the revision suffix. The same basic order number carries over from release 1 to release 2, release 2 to release 3, ... etc ... Technical Newsleuer - Nxx prefixes identify Technical Newsletters (TNLs): e.g., SN20-9876, GN20-1302. To keep publications current, changes and additions to them are distributed quickly in the form of TNLs. When the pages released in a TNL are inserted in the manual to which it applies, the base publication is brought up to date. When ordering a manual for which a TNL applies, the TNL is automatically shipped with the manual. Supplement - Dxx prefixes identify System Library Supplements: i.g., GD23-1234-0, SD30-1234-0. Supplements are issued to revise a base publication to reflect added program function. Like TNLs, Supplements contain replacement pages for base publications. Unlike TNLs, Supplements are not updates. An asterisk (*) after an order number means the item is for IBM World Trade use only; a plus sign (+), for U.S.A. use only. System Library Subscription Service (SLSS) SLSS is an optional customized publications distribution service that provides subscribers with initiallibraries and automatic updating of manuals. SLSS serves a worldwide subscriber base of over 400,000 IBM customers and internal personnel. Each subscription is created and maintai~~d by using the SLSS Subscription Form (available 'at the IBM branch office). " Users may subscribe in two ways: by interest profile and by order number. The profile method is especially useful because it provides the subscriber with existing publications and with single copies of new publications (as they become available), related to the subscribers' profile. The order number method requires the subscriber to list the order number(s) of the base publication(s). This method is used when: more than one copy of a publication is needed, a publication is available by order number only, or when fewer pUblications are desired than those available by profile . • suffix is a one or two digit number that identifies the revision level of the item: e.g., GH201234-0 (first edition), GH20-1234-JO (eleventh edition). In rare instances, the first edition will bear a suffix of -lor higher. It is not necessary to include the suffix when ordering a publication, as the most current version will be sent. Publication order numbers/profiles and subscriber order numbers/profiles are stored in a data base. When the subscriber order number/profile and the publication order number/profile match the publication is sent. Acronym Index • SLSS Notes Publications whose titles contain commonly used program acronyms such as COBOL, CICS, or JCL can be most easily retrieved. An Index for Some Common Program Acronyms (beneath the table of contents) refers you directly to the starting page for such titles. Extra Symbols (Flags) Maximum case: **GCI9-0001-5* or: GC28-6421-3 + A double asterisk (**) preceding the order number indicates either a change in the publication (such as a major revision) or an item newly added to the bibliography. iv IBM Systetn/310; 3OXi!-. 4300, and 9370 Processors Bibliography Refer to Entering an SLSS Subscription, G3201561 for detailed information. - Supplements (if use key S or G) are autoshipped to each subscriber, in quantities matching those for the applicable base publications. If the order number method was used to order the initial copy of the base publication, the subscriber will not receive copies of any new document automatically. If such information is needed, the profile method should be added to the subscription. - Distribution of publications supporting new releases, revisions, and TNLs, in the quantities indicated on SLSS subscriptions, is automatic; no IBM branch office activity is required. ./ "\, (~ - Subject codes 00 through 40 are used in subscribing to SLSS. - Two copies of the SLSS Subscription List are mailed to your IBM branch office each week that there are changes to your subscription, or each six months if there is no change. Please contact your IBM representative to obtain your copy. in sorting; thus, VSAM items appear at the beginning of subject code 30 under Access Method (A's), whereas BTAM, QTAM and VTAM appear (in that order) under the specific keyword Telecommunications (T's). When one publication applies to more than one type of SCP (system control programming), it is repeated in each applicable listing. Organization Part 2 To make reference easy, this bibliography has these parts: An abstract in Part 2 provides you with a description which ordinarily adds much to the indications of the title. Abstracts are listed in form-number sequence. (Second character of order-number) In Part 1, the pUblications are clustered by subject and sorted by tide keywords. SLSS Profiles Part 2 contains abstracts describing the items listed in Part 1. Part 3 lists, in form-number sequence, all items sorted by subject and keyword in Part I. Note: Form-number sequence by second character. The first character (G, S, or L) is the use key. The three parts are described in more detail. Part 2 gives you, beneath the abstract, the number of pages and the publication profile used for distributing the individual publication under SLSS. The profile is shown in the format of five fields separated by slashes: System or processor/C/SCI Machines & subsystems/Prog. No. or SLSS ID These fields correspond to the five sections B/C/D/F/E on the SLSS SUbscription form. (See Entering an SLSS Subscription, G320-1561.) Part 1 In Part I, the subject-code listing, each publication has only one code. Items within the cluster for each code are put in sequence. Sequencing for manuals is alphameric, by the most apparent single keyword in each title - such as 3890 for the IBM 3890 Document Processor physical planning template, or 110 for the OSIVS2 1/0 supervisor logic manual. Sequencing for microfiche listings is by order number. The "C" field is used to restrict the distribution of communications items, in cases where no other profile element performs that function. "SC" means subject code. For example, a publication describing the IBM Direct Access _Storage has the profile of: 1/07/33801. This means that any subscriber e~ressing an interest in subject code 07 and 3380 will get the publication. Part 1 gives the order number of each publication. Listings such as those for VSI and MVS show manuals supporting back releases (identified by T or Q order numbers) under the current edition which supports the latest release. The title of each back edition identifies the earlier release(s) it supports, and includes the order number originally printed on that back edition. Technically, the profile elements are ANDed among fields and ORed within a field. Thus if the manual itself had applied to only the Systeml370 or to only certain models or processors of the Systeml370, either "370" or the processor numbers would also have been shown, in the first field, to prevent distribution to other than the appropriate subscribers. The alphameric sorting of titles is done with single keywords. In a list of manuals all concerning virtual storage, words such as virtual, or variations such as V or VS, are not considered useful Many programming manuals show a profile such as //34115665-295 or /130115740-XYN, meaning that only the program number and a subject code Preface v are needed to match the publication's profile to that of the SLSS subscriber's expressed interests. Subject codes in the 20-40 range are normally included in the profiles of publications which are part of task-oriented libraries, whether for licensed or unlicensed programming. These codes provide an extra level of selectivity for the subscriber to programming publications, who may choose to receive only certain categories instead of all the profiled'iiterature related to the program. For example, only diagnosis may be selected, or all categories except general information may be selected. Some of the names of categories are new in task oriented libraries now being introduced. A new such library might be categorized as follows: Task or Name Subject Coded Application Development 40 Administration (or Planning) 34 34 Customization Diagnosis (or Debugging) 37 End use, e.g. Operator's Guide 40 Evaluation (or General Information) 20 Installation 34 Operations 40 Resource Definition 34 If no subject code in the 20-40 range is included in the subscriber interest profile, none of the above types of publications will be received. Part 3 Part 3, in form-number sequence, enables you to find any order number easily, to see whether a manual is included in the bibliography or what ,subject code is assigned to it, or to learn whether , any TNLs have been issued since the latest edition. If you know the order number for one of several related manuals, identification of its subject code in Part 3 (leftmost column) enables you to find the place in Part 1 where it is listed and where its companion publications will also be found. For example, GA27-2739 or GC28-1374. vi IBM Systeml370, 30xx, 4300, and 9370 Processors Bibliography VM and VSE Pregenerated Package Users A Pregenerated Package is an integrated set of component programs, including system control programming and ffiM licensed programs, tailored to run on a particular set of ffiM processors and their associated configurations. It contains user aids to simplify the installation and day-to-day operation of the system in VM or VSE operating environments. VM and VSE Pregenerated Packages are described as a SYSTEM IPOIE (System Installation Productivity Option/Extended), or a System Package, or a System Offering Some examples are: VSE System IPOIE 1.2.0 VSElSP (System Package) 2.1.1 VMlSP System IPO/E 1.2.1 VM/SP System Offering 1.3.1 Listings of publications supporting VM and VSE Pregenerated Packages are on the pages indicated in the table of contents. They show all the publications supporting each component program of the Pregenerated Package. The component programs within a package have been pregenerated with a preapplied release level of service. The release levels of some of these component programs will be independently advanced beyond the release level associated with the Pregenerated Package, and therefore no longer apply to the installation. To prevent reception under SLSS of advanced release levels of component program publications that do not apply to the release level publications of the Pregenerated Package component program installed, an SLSS ID is used in profiling the publications instead of the real program number. Nearly all the individual publications can be changed to new levels that no longer apply to the Pregenerated Package installed; so, "pseudonumbers" are presumed in advance. (At the time of a new release of the Pre generated Package many pseudonumbered publications are also the latest revisions; but as time goes on, many will become back editions.) / "", ( The SLSS subscription process for these Pregenerated Packages has been automated. Special numbers of three different functions cause stabilization and automation of the SLSS subscriptions for VM and VSE Pregenerated Packages. They are: 1. SLSS IDs (substitute program numbers). Example: 7799-DEV. Their purpose is to allow shipment of editions that support the particular release of the VM or VSE Pregenerated Package, but prevent shipment of publications for new program release levels not supported. 2. Pseudonumbers (substitute manual numbers assigned to previous editions). Example: GT20-1234. As stated under the full description of pseudonumbers, their purpose is to allow users of back levels of programs to receive only publications that relate to the level of the program they are using. ( Later, the same product went to another new release supporting release 3.1 of the System IPO/E; therefore, a second new SLSS ID was assigned and the individual pseudonumber supporting it went from SQ28-1234 to STOO-0765. You entered 7703 to migrate to release 3.1, and received five copies of STOO-0765. Note: Pregenerated Package Release control is at the SLSS-key level, and program release control is at the SLSS-IDlevel. If only pseudonumbers are entered, they will have to be individually replaced when the release levels of installed products are increased. Initial Entry of SLSS Key 3. SLSS Keys. Examples: 7703, 7751. The first purpose of the SLSS key is to automate the whole process of converting program numbers to SLSS IDs, and manual order numbers to pseudonumbers. The second purpose of the SLSS key is to allow subsequent migration to a higher release of the Pregenerated Package simply by entering a fourdigit number. Entry of a valid SLSS key will cause it to appear under the "System IPO/E" head at the top left of your next SUbscription list, and in that place only. Program numbers may be changed at the same time an SLSS key is added. This is also true of other kinds of subscription changes (except a change in item quantity). Existing and new VM and VSE Pregenerated Package scriptions should be identified as such by the initial entry of one of the following SLSS keys in the program number section (E) of the subscription form. This initial entry both stabilizes publications support at the levels corresponding to the installation (preventing shipment of new revisions and TNLs which do not apply) and prepares the SUbscription for subsequent migration to a later release of the Pregenerated Package. (Migration to support a new release does not happen automatically, but only when the right SLSS key is entered in the subscription at the proper time.) Example SLSS keys and their corresponding version, releases, and modification levels are: As an example of how these three numbers work, say that one copy of ST28-1234 appears on your subscription because of an SLSS ID entered to support a certain component of release 2.1 or the VSE System IPO/E. Later you increased the quantity of this item to five. Still later, after SLSS keys were announced, the release 2.1 status of your System IPO/E subscription was identified by the entry of the corresponding SLSS key (7701). (-/ from ST28-1234 to SQ28-1234. You entered 7702 to migrate the subscription to release 3.0 checked Initial Library "Yes," and received five copies of SQ28-1234. The product represented by the SLSS ID then went to a new release supporting release 3.0 of the Systern IPO/E. Therefore a new SLSS ID was assigned and the individual pseudonumber went 7700 VSE System IPO/E 1.2.0 7701 VSE System IPO/E 1.2.1 7702 VSE System IPO/E 1.3.0 7703 VSE System IPO/E 1. 3. 1 7704 VSE System IPO/E 1.4.0-1.4.4 7705 VSE/SP (System Package) 2.1.1-2.1.6 7750 VM/SP System IPO/E 1 .1.1 7751 VMlSP system IPO/E 1. 2.1 7752 VMlSP System Offering 1.2.2 7753 VMlSP System Offering 1.3.1 7754 VMlSP System Offering 1.4.0 7755 VMlSP System Offering 1.4.1 7756 VM/SP System Offering 1.4.2 Preface vii Newer releases of the above Pre generated Packages will be identified by consecutively higher SLSS keys. New releases of the following System IPOIE's will not be available: the SLSS key is entered. Quantity changes must be made before or after the SLSS key is entered. 7720 for VM System IPOIE Release 2.0 7740 for VMIVSE System IPOIE Release 2.0 • All Pregenerated Package component program numbers are converted to their corresponding SLSS IDs for the Pre generated Package release identified. If correct publications for 7720 and 7740 System IPOIE's have already been received and migration to either (I) VM/SP or (2) both VM/SP and VSE System IPOIE's is planned, it is better to avoid 7720 or 7740 and enter only the migrate-to SLSS key(s) - about a month before publications for the new System IPO/E(s) should be received. When entering an SLSS key, be sure that all required programs are included in the subscription. Also be sure to enter any machines or subsystems, such as 3705, 8101, 3600 or 3790, that apply to the installation and would restrict the distribution of certain support manuals (such as the 47001 3600/3630 guide for CICS/DOSIVS, or the 3705 user's guide for the emulator support package (EPIVS). Normally, actual program numbers should be entered instead of SLSS 10, and actual manual numbers should be entered instead of pseudonumbers. If an SLSS key is being entered for the first time, and every product which is a part of the pregenerated Package has already been manually converted to the corresponding SLSS 10 (7799 number), reenter one actual product number in addition to the SLSS key. If any of the actual product numbers associated with the Pregenerated Package already appears on the SUbscription, this single reentry is unnecessary. Any Pregenerated Package program may be changed at the same time as the SLSS key is entered. Entries unrelated to the Pregenerated Package may also be made. There can be only one Pregenerated Package per subscription. (For a second Pregenerated Package, a second subscription must be used. Thus when a VMIVSE installation is changed to VSE and VM!SP, common practice is to enter the VM/SP Pregenerated Package on a second subscription.) The only other restriction is that item quantities cannot be changed at the same time that viii Results of Initial Use of SLSS Key • All manual order numbers associated with the Pregenerated Package are converted to specific pseudonumbers for the release identified. • Quantities of each publication are unchanged. • Non-Pregenerated Package products appearing on the same subscription are not affected. • The subscription is identified for later migration when that is specifically requested. • Contradictions and duplications are eliminated: If any Pregenerated Package product had appeared on a subscription under its actual number as well as by its corresponding SLSS 10, the actual product number and the publications supporting it are removed. If any relevant publication had appeared on a sub- scription under its actual manual number as well as by its corresponding pseudonumber, the actual order number is removed. For example: 3 copies of an actual order number plus 1 copy of its equivalent pseudonumber will be netted out to 3 copies of the pseudonumber. Note: If you want the latest updates applying to a component of the Pregenerated Package, you can order them by entering the actual product number (or order numbers) on a separate subscription. A way of identifying these updates which will not normally apply to the Pregenerated Package, because they apply to a later release of the component - is to have the suffIX NS (non-Pregenerated Package) added to the second subscription number. Updates received under the NS subscription can be then identified and kept separate from the Pregenerated Package library. IBM Systeml370, 30xx, 4300, and 9370 Processors Bibliography Caution: In large installations where reception of the latest updates is normal and required, enter the Pregenerated Package on the separate subscription. This will prevent back-leveling publications support for the rest of the installation. The following checks should also be made: a Check the list of release 3. 1 component programs to verify that all the products for which support is needed are on the SUbscription. (Enter program numbers, not SLSS 10) Migration Migration must be within the same environment (VSE or VM) to the next sequential release or may skip one or more releases. SLSS keys also cause automatic conversion of migration to higher-level releases for SLSS subscriptions for which a key has already been entered. (To check on this, see what number, if any, appears under the "System IPOIE" head on your SLSS subscription list.) If your subscription already includes all Pregenerated Package programs of interest, and the 7701 key is in effect, then you have only to enter the key 7703; this will upgrade your subscription from VSE release 2.1 to 3.1 automatically. Note: Any option dropped from the new release will be automatically dropped from the subscription (but can be restored at any time by reentering its program number, now considered a NonPregenerated Package product). b Verify the entry of any associated machines ap- pearing in the titles of certain programming publications you may require (see the list of support publications). c Check Initial Library "Yes." Nothing else is required to receive new and changed support documentation appling to release 3. 1. (When migrating from 7704 to 7705, you must enter each program number or SLSS ID for the base products). Condition 2: New Subscription Note: When migrating from 7704 to 7705, enter each SLSS ID for the base programs for 7705. When you enter the key, check Initial Library "Yes." Only the publications which were not previously on the subscription will be shipped. If an SLSS key was not previously used but migration is necessary, you may simply enter the migrate-to key (7703 to migrate directly to VSE release 3.1 from any prior release, for example). The same quantities will be maintained for each publication. However, duplications may be received one time if you use this shortcut. (See "Condition 3: System IPOIE Subscription for which No Number Appears ... ," in the following example.) Example, VSE Release 3.1, All Conditions Condition 1: Migration (When the number under the "System IPOIE" head, at the top left of your SLSS subscription list, is 7700, 7701, or 7702): • Enter 7703 in Section E. • Enter 7703 in Section E. • Do checks a (disregarding the note), b, and c per above. Condition 3: Pregenerated Package Subscription for which No Number Appears under the "System IPOIE" head: • Enter 7703 in Section E. • Do Checks a, b, and c per above. Item quantities will be maintained. Caution: This subscription was not identified by entry of an SLSS key applying to the old release. Hence, duplicate manuals may be received one time, the number of them increasing with the higher level of the old release and the components of it for which manuals have already been shipped. To avoid all duplications, the best way is to identify the old release still in use by entering its SLSS key and checking Initial Library "No," then migrating the following week to release 3. 1 per Condition 1 above. This will provide you with Preface ix only those new or changed manuals that have not been received. The alternatives are to use either Initial Library "No" or Initial Library "Yes" selectively, under regular SLSS procedure. Error Messages 3. INVALID MIGRATE The SLSS key entered was not an announced key with a higher number in the same series. (For example, an entry of 7701 or 7751 is invalid on a SUbscription identified as 7702 under the "System IPO/E" heading at the top left of your SLSS subscription list.) SLSS keys are powerful instructions, causing many actions in converting a Pregenerated Package sUbscription to the automated state. Extra care is needed to enter the right number. Certain wrong input will be ignored, with the reason indicated only be one of the following messages, printed on the next SLSS subscription list. The only way you can delete an SLSS key is to delete all the associated SLSS IDs (7799 numbers); this also causes the SLSS key to delete. 1. DUPLICATE SLSS KEY IGNORED 5. INVALID BASE PROD DELETE More than one SLSS key was entered in the same processing week. No action was taken on the second or subsequent entries. If deletion of a basic product from the Pregen- 2. 2ND SLSS KEY CHECK 6. SYSTEM IPOIE RELEASE NOT READY A different Pregenerated Package was entered on the same subscription via its SLSS key. A second subscription must be used to contain the second SLSS key. The files were not ready to handle the release of the Pregenerated Package at the time you entered its SLSS key. Try now. (It is not likely that this message will be received.) 4. INVALID DELETION erated Package is not allowed, this message will appear. J /' x IBM System/370, 30xx, 4300, and 9370 Processors Bibliography ( lubject Code Definitions NUMBERICAL INDEX Hardware 00 General System Information (basic System Summary, Bibliographies, all Configurators) 01 Machine System (Processor, Channels) 02 Card Readers and/or Punches, Control Units 03 Printers. Control Units 04 OCR, MCR (Optical/Magnetic Character Readers) 05 Magnetic Tape Units, Control Units 06 Display Equipment (see also 09) 07 DASD (Direct Access Storage Devices), Control Units 08 Other Devices. Control Units 09 Communications Devices, Control Units JO Auxiliary Equipment (devices normally off-line) 13 Special Features Information 14 Custom Features & Supporting Programs (PSHRPQ) 15 Physical Planning Information 16 Operations (e.g., operator's guide, problem determination) System Support Programming 20 General Information: Evaluation. Flyers 21 Assembler 22 APL 23 BASIC 24 COBOL 25 FORTRAN 28 RPG 29 PUI 30 Access Methods, Data Management, Storage/ Communications (I/O) Control Programs ,31 Support Programs (e.g., Link Edit, Loader) ''32 Utilities 33 Sort/Merge /34 System Planning, Installation, Generation, Administration, Performance, Customization, Resource Definition, SMF 35 Emulation, Simulation (catalogued by host system) 36 Control Program (e.g., Supervisor, JCL, IPL, Job Management, Data Areas, Checkpoint/Restart) 37 Diagnosis, Problem Determination, Auditing, Service Aids 38 Remote Job Entry 39 Time Sharing, Interactive System 40 Operations (e.g., messages, codes, application development) 50 DBIDC (CICS, IMS, ACF, GIS, DL/I, ... ) Application (end use) Programs 60 Industries - General 62 Consultants 63 Distribution (e.g., apparel, food, agribusiness, hotels) 64 Education, Libraries 65 Engineering 67 Finance, Securities, Real Estate 69 Government, Federal 70 Government, State and Local 71 Insurance 72 Manufacturing 73 Media 74 Health 75 Process (e.g., forest products, petroleum, paint, textiles) 76 Public Utilities 78 Transportation 79 Cross-Industry (see also 80-83 for selections) 80 Cross-Industry - Office Applications 81 Cross-Industry - Management, Planning, Project Control 82 Cross-Industry - Mathematics and Science 83 Cross-Industry - Simulation Other 85 General and Introductory References 87 Education - Course Catalogs 89 Installation Forms and Supplies 95 EWS (Early Warning System) 97 PTF (Program Temporary Fix) Listings 99 SCP Program Listings ALPHABETICAL CODE INDEX ALPHABETICAL CODE INDEX Access Methods 30 ACF 50 Administration 34 78 Airlines APL 22, 39, 82 Application Development Assembler 21 Auditing 37 Legal 62 Libraries 64 31 Link Edit Loader 31 BASIC 23 Bibliographies 40 00, 60 Card Equipment 02 Channels 01 Checkpoint/Restart 36 COBOL 24 40 Codes, system Communications 09, 30 Configurators 00 Consoles 01 Construction 72 Consultants 62 Control Program 36, 30 Course Catalogs 87 CPU 01 Cross-Industry 79-83 Custom Features 14 Customization 34 DASD 07,30 Data Areas 36 30 Data Management DBIDC 50 Debugging 37 Diagnosis 37 Diskette 08, 30 Display 06, 30 Distribution Industries 63 64,79,87 Education 35 Emulation 65 Engineering Evaluation 20 EWS 95 Finance Industry 20 Flyers FORTRAN 25 67 General Information 20 General references 85 Government 69, 70 Graphics 30 Health 74 Hotels, Motels 63 Information Retrieval Insurance 71 1/0 Control Programs 36 IPL JCL 36 Job Management 36 79, 80 Magnetic Tape 05, 30 Manufacturing 72 Mass Storage 07, 30 Mathematics 82, 22 04,30 MCR Media 73 Medical 74 40 Messages, system OCR 04,30 Office 80 Operations 16, 40 08 Paper Tape 34 Performance Enhancement Physical Planning 15 Planning 34,30, 81 PUI 29 Pregeneration 34 Printers 03 Problem Determination 37, 0 I Process Industries 75 0I Processor 81 Project Control PRPQ 20-83 14 PSHRPQ PTF 97 Public Utilities 76 RAS 37 Real Estate 67 34 Release Guides 38 Remote Job Entry 34 Resource Definition RPG 28 RPQ 14 SCP Listings 99 Securities 67 Service Aids 37 Simulation 35, 83 SMF 34 33 Sort/Merge 13 Special Features Statistics 79, 82, 65 Storage 01, 30, 34 Supervisor 36 31 Support Programs System Generation 34 System Installation 34 System Management Facility 34 System Messages & Codes 40 System Operation 0 I, 40 System Planning 34 30 09,30 Teleprocessing 37 Testing 80, 73, 79 Text Processing Time Sharing 39 78 Transportation Index xi Contents Preface . . . . . . • . • • • . • • • . . • . . • • • • . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . iii General Information • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . . • • . . • . . • • • • • • • • • . . . • . . • • • • iii Subject Code •.••..•••.•..•••••••.•...•....••.••..•.•.•••• iii File Number • . • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • . . • . • . • . . • • • • . • • • • • . . . . • • • • . iii Order Number • . • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . . • • . • • . • • . . • • • • iii Acronym Index ••.•••••.••.••..•••......•..•••••••..•••••• iv Extra Symbols (Flags) .•••.••••••.••.••...•...••..••...•••••• iv System Library Subscription Service (SLSS) • • • . • • . • • • • . • . • . • . . . . . . • • . iv Organization •..••.••••••.••.••.•••.••••••...•••••.•••••.•• v Part 1 ••••••••••••.•••••••••..••.••••••••••••......•••. v Part2 •.••..••••••••••••••••.•••.•..••.•.•.•.••••..••.. v Part 3 ....••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••..••.••••.••••• vi VM and VSE Pregenerated Package Users .• • • • • • . • • • • • • . . . • • . . • . • . • . • • vi Example • . • • • . • • . • • • . • • • . • . • • • • . • • . • • . . • • • . . • • . . . • . . • • • vii Initial Entry of SLSS Key •••••••••••••••••••••••••..••••••... vii Results of Initial Use of SLSS Key • . . • . • • • . . . • • . • • . • • • • • . • . . . . . . . viii Migration • • . . • . • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • . . . • • . • • • • •. ix Example, VSE Release 3.1 All Conditions • • . . . • . . • • . . . . • • . . • . . . . . • • . ix Error Messages ••.••.•••..•....••.•.••.••..••••••.••.•.... x Subject Code Defmitions •••••••••••••••••.••••••••..•..•••..••. xi Part 1. Title Keywords within Subject Code . • . . . . • • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machines ••••.••..••.•••....••••....•.•.•••••....••••..•. I OS/VSl . . • • • . . • • . • • • . . • . . • • . • . • . . . . • . • • . . • • • • . . • • • . . • • . 16 OSNS2 MVS ••••.••.••..•••••••..•.•..•..••..••.....••. '" ••. 24 DOS/VS • . . • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • . . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • . . . • . . . • . . . • 46 OOS/VSE •••••••••.••..•.•..•.••.•.......•..••.••••.•.•• 49 VSE System IPO/E Release 2 •••••.••••••••••••••••.....•..•..• 59 VSE System IPO/E Release 2.1 ••••••.••.•••.••..•••••••..•....• 68 VSE System IPOIE Release 3 •.••••....•••••.•••••.....•••••••• 76 VSE System IPO/E Release 3.1 .••••••.••••••.•••••.....•••....• 84 VSE System IPOIE Release 4.0 thru 4.4 ..•..•.•••...•••••.•••••..•• 93 VSE System Package Version 2 Release 1.1 thru 1.6 •••.••..••....••••.. 102 VMl370 •••••••••••••••..••.•.•••.•...•.......•...•..••. 114 VMlSP System IPOIE Release 1.1 . • • • • . . • . . • • . . • . . • • • • • . . • • • . . • . 126 VMlSP System IPOIE Release 2.1 ..••.•••.•.•••••.•••••...••.... 132 VMlSP System Offering Release 2.2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • . 139 VMlSP System Offering Release 3.1 ..•.••.•..•••••••••.••..••.••. 146 VM/SP System Offering Release 4.0 •••••.••.••••••••••.••••.••••• 154 VM/SP System Offering Release 4.1' . . • • • • • . • • . . . . • . • . • . • • . . • • . . • • 164 VM/SP System. Offering Release 4.2 . . • . • . . • . • . . . • • • . . • • . • • . . • . • • • 174 Type I Programming Support for Systeml37() Only ••••••••••.••.•••.....• 184 Programming - General •..•.••••......•.••.••••••.•..•.•..••• 185 SNA - General •..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••...•... 186 Information Network •••..•.•.•••••.....•...••••..••...••.••• 186 DB/DC ACF and Network Programs . • • . • • • . • • . • • • • • • . . • • • . • . . . . • . . . . . 187 CICS, CICSNS ••••••.•••.••.••....•••••...••..••.••••••• 197 DLIl, VANDL-l ••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••..•••...•• 202 DMS IT, DMSNS, DMS/CICS/VS, DMS/3770 ••.•••••••••....••..••• 204 GIS/2, GIS/VS . . • • • . • • . • • . • . • . • . . . • . • • • . . • • • • . • . . . • • . . . • 205 IMS/2, IMS/VS •. . • • • • • . • • . • • • . • • . • • • . • • . . • • • • . • . . • • • . . . . 206 VIDEO/370 • . • • . • • • • . • . • • • . . . . • . . • . . . • . . . . . • . • • . . • • • . . • 210 Other DBIDC •••.•••••••••••••••••••••.••••.•••.••..•••. 211 System Support Licensed Programs (subject codes 20---40) • • • . • • • . . . . . • • . . • . 216 Other Supplementary Information General and Introductory References ••. • • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • . • • . . • • . . 236 Education - Course Catalogs . . . . • • • • . • . . • . . • . . . . • • • • • . . . . . • • . 240 Installation Forms and Supplies • • • • • • • • . • • . . • • . • . . . • • • • • • . . • • . . • 240 EWS (Early Warning System) •••••••••.•••••••••••..•..•..••.. 242 PTF (Program Temporary Fix) Listings .•••.•..••••••.•••.••••••..• 242 COIltents xii (ef '-..j ( OS/VS 1 Microfiche of SCP Code . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . • . . . . . OS/vS2 (MVS) Microfiche of SCP Code . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . • . • . • • . • . • • . DOS/vS/vSE Microfiche of SCP Code . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . Type I Program Listings (microfiche) . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • 246 248 252 253 Part 2. Abstracts . . • • • . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . 254 Part 3. Current Editions within Form Number An Index for Some Common Program Acronyms ( Page ACF . . • . . . . . . • 187 AP-l . . . . . 19, 31, 52 APL • . . . . . . • . . 216 BASIC . • . . • • . . 218 BSEPP . . . . . . . . ll7 BTAM .•.• 25,46,51 BTS . • . . . . . . . . 231 CICS • . . . • . . . . 197 CLEAR . . . . . . . . 231 CMS • . . . • . . . . 121 COBOL . . . • . . . . 218 CRJE . . . . . • . . . • 23 DASD . . . • • . • • . 224 DASDR . . . • . . . . 228 DATA DICT . . . . . 2ll DB2 . . . . • . • • . . 211 DEMF . . • . . . . 22,40 DFDS • . . . . . . ' ..• 17 DITTO . . . . . . . • 228 DLII . . • . . . . . . . 202 DMS •••.•. 204, 121 ELIAS • . . . . . • • 212 EREP . . . • . . . 22,40 EWS . . • . . • . • • 242 EXTM . . . . . . . • 200 FCO • . . • . • • . • . 224 FORTRAN .•. 220, 185 FrP . . • . • . . • . . 232 GIS . . . . . . . . . . 205 GPS, GSP . . . . . 17, 27 . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • • 958 GSAM • . . • . . . . . 27 HSM . . . . • . . . . 224 ICCF . . . . . . . . . . 56 IMS . . . . . • . • . . 206 IPCS . . . . . 40, 55, 120 IQF . . . • . . . . . • 208 IQRP . . . . • . . . • 213 ISPF . . . . . . . . . . 42 ITF . • . . . • . . • • 234 JCL ••... 21, 35, 230 JES • • . • . . . . . . . 32 LlOCS . • . . • . . 46, 51 MSHP . . . . . . . . • 53 MSS . . . . . . . • 17,28 MTCS . • . . . . . . . 213 MUSIC . . . . . . . . 232 NCCF . . . . . . • . . 187 NCP . • • . . . • . . . 187 NJE . . . . • . • . • . . 37 NOSP . . . . • • . • • 189 NPDA • . . • . . . . . 189 NTO . . . . . . . . . . 190 OLTEP .. 22,41,47,56 OSNS . . . . . . • . . 213 PUI . . . • . . • 222, 185 PTF . . . . . . . . . . 242 QBE ...••••••. 122 QMF . . • . . . . . . 213 QTAM •..•••.•• 46 RACF • • . . . . . . . 28 RES ••••.•.. 18,23 RMF . . . . . . • . . . 33 RPG . . . . . . . . . . 222 RSCS . . • . . . • • . ll6 RTAM • . . . . . . . . 18 SAM . . . . • . • • 18,29 SEPP .•..••••• ll8 SMF •...• 21,34,230 SMP . • • . . • • . 22,41 SNA . • . . . • . . . . 186 SPF . • . . . . . . . . . 42 SQL " • . . . . . . . 214 SYSI. LOGREC .. 22,41 TCAM . • . . . • . 18,29 TCS-ACF . . . . . . • 192 TCS-AF . • . . . . . • 215 TOLTEP .•• 23,41,47 TPF . • . . . . . . • • 215 TSO •••.••• 42,232 TSO-3270 . . . . . • 233 TSS . . • . . • . . . . 184 VANDL-l . • . . . • 202 VIDEO/370 •••.• 210 VPSS ••••••. 19,30 VSAM • . . . 16, 29, 49 VS BASIC ••.••. 218 VSPC . • . • • . . • . 233 VTAM . . • . 19,29,46 Contents xiii Part 1. Title Keywords within Subject Code _MACHINES (00-16) 12 General ~ GA22-7001 **GA32-0039 GA33-15ll GA33-1507 GA33-3014 GA22-6957 GA22-7013 GA22-6956 GA22-7014 GA22-6944 GA22-7002 GA21-9001 GA22-7071 GA22-7062 GA22-7065 GA33-lS13 GA33-1508 GA27-2849 GA33-1523 GA24-3950 **GA24-4022 GA33-3042 **GC20-0001 GC20-0370 Information S/370 SYSTEM SUMMARY PROCESSORS IBM INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICE SUMMARY S/370 MODEL 115 CONFIGURATOR S/370 MODEL 125 CONFIGURATOR S/370 MODEL 135 CONFIGURATOR S/370 MODEL 158 CONFIGURATOR S/370 MODEL 158 CONFIGURATOR S/370 MODEL 165 CONFIGURATOR 5/370 MODEL 168 CONFIGURATOR S/360 & S/370 MODEL 195 CONFIGURATOR S/370 INPUTIOUTPUT CONFIGURATOR 1060 CONFIGURATOR 3031 CONFIGURATOR 3032 PROCESSOR COMPLEX CONFIGURATOR 3033 CONFIGURATOR 3115 PROCESSING UNIT INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS ADAPTER, C!JNFIGURATOR 3125 PROCESSING UNIT INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS ADAPTER, CONFIGURATOR 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM, CONFIGURATOR 4321/4331/4341/4361 PROCESSORS SUMMARY AND INPUTIOUTPUT DATA COMMUNICATION CONFIGURATOR SUf1MARY AND INPUTIOUTPUT & DATA COMMUNICATIONS 4381 PROCESSOR 7170 DEVICE ATTACHMENT CONTROL UNIT GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL CONFIGURATOR SYSTEMl370,30xx AND 4300 PROCESSORS BIBLI()GRAPHY SYSTEMl370 AND 4300 PROCESSORS BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INDUSTRY SYSTEMS AND APPLICATION PROGRAMS .2! Machine Svstenl (/ SA22-7091 SA22-7093 GA22-7000 SA22-7085 **SA22-7095 GX20-1850 SA22-7094 GA22-7079 SA22-7092 GX26-1587 GX26-1588 GX20-1787 GA22-7072 GA27-2772 SA22-7125 GA22-7074 GA27-2771 GA27-1.770 GA33-1510 GA33-1516 GA33-1520 GA33-1506 GA33-1512 GA33-3005 GA33-3010 GC20-1738 GA24-3632 GA24-3633 GC20-1785 GA24-3557 GA24-3573 GA24-3634 GA24-3635 GA22-6942 GA22-6962 GC20-1729 GA22-70ll GA22-7012 GA22-7056 GC20-17S4 GC20-1781 GA22-6935 GC20-1730 GA22-7010 GC20-17S5 CHANNEL-TO-CHANNEL ADAPTER SYSTEMl370 HIGH ACRITH ARITHMETIC RPQ S/370 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 370IXA PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION SYSTEMl370 EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE/INTERPRETIVE EXECUTION S/370 REFERENCE SUMMARY SYSTEMl370 MATHEMATICAL ASSISTS SYSTEMl370 ASSISTS FOR MVS ASSISTS FOR MVSIXA DECIMAlIHEXADECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION CHART DECIMAlIHEXADECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION CHART DEBUGGING AID DIRECT EVALUATION OF FLOATING POINT NUMBERS IN HEXADECIMAL S/370 EXTENDED FACILITY & ECPS: MVS A UPS INSTALLATION PLANNING GUIDE SYSTEMl370 VECTOR OPERATIONS ASSISTS FOR YMI370 A GUIDE TO 50 HERTZ UPS SELECTION A GUIDE TO 60 HERTZ UPS SELECTION S/370 MODEL 115 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 115 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 115 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS FOR SYSTEMS WITH 3115-2 PROCESSING UNIT S/370 MODEL 125 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS S/370.MODEL 125 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 135 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 135 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS GUIDE TO S/370 MODEL 135 S/370 MODEL 138 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 138 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS GUIDE TO S/370 MODEL 138 S/370 MODEL 145 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 145 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 148 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 148 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 155 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 155 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS GUIDE TO S/370 MODEL 155 S/370 MODEL 158 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 158 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 158 HIERARCHICAL MONITORING SYSTEM, FEATURE DESCRIPTION &UIDE TO S/370 MODEL 158 FOR S/370 MODEL 155 USERS GUIDE TO S/370 MODEL 158 FOR S/360 USERS SYSTEMl370 MODEL 165 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS GUIDE TO S/370 MODEL 165 S/370 MODEL 168 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS GUIDE TO 51370 MODEL 168 FOR 51370 MODEL 165 USERS 1 6C20-1787 GA22-6943 GA22-7066 6C20-1854 GA22-7061 6C20-1858 GA22-7060 GC20-1859 GA22-7076 GA22-7077 GA22-7083 GA22-7088 SA22-7120 SA22-7121 GA24-3552 GA24-3550 GA22-7070 6C20-1951 GA33-1526 GA33-1527 GA33-1536 GA33-1550 GC20-1878 GA24-3671 GA24-3672 GA24-3763 GA24-3780 GA24-3797 GA33-1535 6C20-1877 GA33-1572 GA33-1585 GX33-1510 **GA33-1566 GA33-1567 GA24-3948 GA24-3950 GA24-3955 GA24-4021 GA24-4023 GC20-2021 G520-6121 GA24-3947 **SY24-4024 G221-2454 GUIDE TO S/370 MODEL 168 FOR S/360 USERS S/360 & S/370 HODEL 195 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 3031 PROCESSOR COMPLEX AND 3031 ATTACHED PROCESSOR COMPLEX FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS A GUIDE TO THE IBM 3031 PROCESSOR COMPLEX AND ATTACHED PROCESSOR COMPLEX OF SYSTEti/370 3032 PROCESSOR COMPLEX FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS A GUIDE TO THE IBM 3032 PROCESSOR COMPLEX OF SYSTEti/370 3033 PROCESSOR COMPLEX & 3033 MULTIPROCESSOR COMPLEX FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS A GUIDE TO THE IBM 3033 PROCESSOR COMPLEX, ATTACHED PROCESSOR COMPLEX, AND MULTIPROCESSOR COMPLEX OF SYSTEti/370 3081 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 3081, 3083, AND 3084 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS AND CONFIGURATION GUIDE 3083 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 3084 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 3090 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS AND CONFIGURATION GUIDE 3090 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 3210 CONSOLE PRINTER-KEYBOARD COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3215 CONSOLE PRINTER-KEYBOARD COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 4300 PROCESSORS PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION FOR ECPS:VSE MODE A GUIDE TO 4321 PROCESSOR 4321/4331 PROCESSORS FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION & PROCESSORCOMPL 4321/4331 PROCESSORS FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION AND PROCESSOR 4321/4331 PROCESSORS GROUPS 1 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS 4321/4331 PROCESSORS DISPLAY/PRINTER ADAPTER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 4331 PROCESSOR HODEL GROUP 11 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS A GUIDE TO THE 4331 PROCESSOR 4341 PROCESSORS MODEL GROUP 1 AND 10 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS 4341 PROCESSOR FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS AND PROCESSOR COMPLEX CONFIGURATOR 4341 PROCESSOR HODEL GROUP 2 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS AND PROCESSOR COMPLEX CONFIGURATOR 4341 PROCESSORS MODEL GROUP 2 AND 11 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS 4341 PROCESSORS MODEL GROUP 10 & 11, FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS & PROCESSOR COMPLEX CONFIGURATOR 4331 PROCESSOR HODEL GROUP 2 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTIC A GUIDE TO THE 4341 PROCESSOR 4361 PROCESSOR SUMMARY 4361 PROCESSOR SERIAL ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURE INTERFACE DESCRIPTION AND PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE 4361 PROCESSING PROBLEM FINDER, VOLUME 12 4361 PROCESSOR FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 4361 PROCESSOR CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS 4381 PROCESSOR CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS SUMMARY AND INPUT/OUTPUT & DATA COMMUNICATIONS 4381 PROCESSOR PROBLEM ANALYSIS GUIDE 4381 PROCESSOR 4381 DUAL PROCESSOR FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 4381 PROBLEM ANALYSIS PROGRAM A GUIDE TO THE 4381 PROCESSOR 4381 PROCESSORS/COMPUTE-INTENSIVE PROCESSING 4381 UNIPROCESSOR FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 4381 PROCESSOR MODEL GROUP 3 CONSOLE FUNCTIONS AND MESSAGES 4381 PROCESSOR HODEL GROUPS 11, 12, 13, AND 14 .!!1 Prj nters. Control Units G544-3181 G544-3182 SH35-0090 GA24-3488 GA24-3120 GA24-3312 GA18-2065 GA24-3759 GA24-3767 GA24-3769 GA24-3733 GA24-3741 GA24-3936 GA27-3267 GA27-3268 GA27-3153 GA27-3229 GX27-2923 GA27-3176 GA27-3177 GA26-1633 GA26-1635 GA26-1646 PAGE PRINTER FORMATTING AID US~R'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE PAGE PRINTER FORMATTING AID COMMAND QUICK REFERENCE ALL-POINTS-ADDRESSABLE PRINTING TECHNOLOGY FORM DESIGN REFERENCE GUIDE FOR PRINTERS 1443 PRINTER HODELS 1-4 & Nl & 1445 PRINTER HODELS 1 & Nl, COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 2821 CONTROL UNIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3102 PRINTER DESCRIPTION 3230 PRINTER MODEL 2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 3230 PRINTER HODEL 2 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3230 MODEL 2 REFERENCE SUMMARY 3262 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 11 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3262 PRINTER MODELS 3 AND 13 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3262 PRINTER MODEL 5 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 3268 PRINTER MODEL 1 DESCRIPTION 3268 PRINTER MODELS 2 AND 2C DESCRIPTION 3287 PRINTER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3287 PRINTER MODELS lC & 2C COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3287 PRINTER OPERATOR'S TROUSLE REPORT 3289 LINE PRINTER MODELS 1 & 2 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3289 LINE PRINTER MODEL 4 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM FORMS DESIGN REFERENCE GUIDE REFERENCE MANUAL FOR THE IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM REFERENCE: OCR DOCUMENT PREPARATION 2 ( GA26-1656 GA32-0049 GA32-0050 GA32-0053 GA32-0055 GA32-0065 GC20-1775 GC26-3829 5H35-0051 5H35-0082 GX35-5010 GX35-5014 GC31-2547 G320-0910 GA33-1576 GA33-1579 GA33-I580 GA33-I586 GX33-1507 **GA24-3927 GA33-1554 GA33-1574 GA23-1014 GA33-3072 GA33-3074 GA24-1499 GA24-3542 GA21-9081 GX21-9106 GC20-1686 GC20-1733 GE20-0759 ( **GE20-0760 GE20-0765 GC20-1750 GC20-1751 GA21-9147 GA21-9148 GC20-1760 **GA24-3612 GC31-0507 GX20-1972 GA24-3620 GE20-0599 GE20-0633 GA24-3686 GA32-0006 GA27-2726 GA32-0022 GA32-0088 GA32-0069 GA32-0076 GA32-0079 GA32-0041 GA32-0042 GC35-0098 GC35-0099 GA26-1647 GA32-0020 GA32-0021 GA32-0078 GA26-1659 (j 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM CHARACTER SET CATALOG INTRODUCING THE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODEL 3 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODEL 3 REFERENCE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODELS 3 AND 8 OCR DOCUMENT PREPARATION REFERENCE INTRODUCING THE IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODEL 8 3800 PRItrrING SUBSYSTEM MODEL 8 REFERENCE CONCEPTS OF THE IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM INTRODUCING THE IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM AND ITS PROGRAMMING 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODEL 3 PROGRAMl1ER'S GUIDE: COMPATIBILITY 3800 MODELS 3 AND 8 PREPARING FONTS FOR PRINTING 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODEL 3 OPERATOR'S QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM AND TAPE-TO-PRINTING SUBSYSTEM FEATURE REFERENCE SUMMARY 4224 PRINTER OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 4224 DOT MATRIX PRINTER PRESENTATION GUIDE 4245 PRINTER MODELS 12, D12, 20 and 020 EIME/A EDITION PRINT BAND 4245 PRINTER MODELS 12, 20 INFORMATION MANUAL 4245 PRINTER MODELS 12, D12, 20, D20 4245 PRINTER MODELS 012 AND D20 INFORMATION 4245 PRINTER M D12. D20 REFERENCE SUMMARY 4248 PRINTER MODEL 1 PRINTER DESCRIPTION 4250 PRINTER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND PROGRAMMING INFORMATION 4250 PRINTER QUALITY PROBLEMS 5210 PRINTER MODELS G01/G02 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE GUIDE 7436 PRINTER MODEL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 7436 PRINTER MODEL 1 SITE PLANNING, PHYSICAL PLANNING, AND CONFIGURATOR GUIDE 1219 READER SORTER, 1419 MAGNETIC CHARACTER READER 1255 MAGNETIC CHARACTER READER MODELS 1, 2 & 3 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, 1288 OPTICAL PAGE READER MODEL 1 1288 DOCUMENT GAUGE FOR MACHINE SETUP OCR INPUT PREPARATION GUIDE FOR THE IBM 1287/1288 OPTICAL CHARACTER READERS 1287/1288 OCR ERROR RECOVERY GUIDE 3694 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR: A GUIDE TO CREATING WORKSTATION AND HOST OPERATIONS RUNBOOK PROCEDURES 3694 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR: A GUIDE TO IMPLEMENTING AND INSTALLING 3694 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR SORTING APPLICATIONS GUIDE 3881 OPTICAL MARK READER FORMS KIT 3881 OPTICAL MARK READER SYSTEMS DESIGN GUIDE 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER MODEL 1 REFERENCE MANUAL 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER INPUT DOCUMENT DESIGN GUIDE AND SPECIFICATIONS 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER FORMS KIT 3890 DOCutlENT PROCESSOR MACHINE & PROGRAMMING DESCRIPTION 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR MODELS E AND F MACHINE AND PROGRAMMING DESCRIPTION 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR REFERENCE SUMMARY 3895 DOCUMENT READER/INSCRIBER - MACHINE & PROGRAMMING DESCRIPTION 3895 DEPOSIT PROCESSING SYSTEM INPUT CONTROL PROCEDURES 3895 DEPOSIT PROCESSING SYSTEM WORKSTATION PROCEDURES 3896 TAPE-DOCUMENT CONVERTER COPY QUALITY GUIDE TAPE REQUIREMENTS FOR 1/2 INCH TAPE UNITS AT 556, 800, 1600 AND 6250 BPI S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, 2495 TAPE CARTRIDGE READER 3410/3411 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION MANUAL 3422 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM INTRODUCTION 3430 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM INTRODUCTION 3430 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM DESCRIPTION 3430 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3480 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM INTRODUCTION 3480 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM REFERENCE CHANNEL COMMANDS STATUS AND SENSE BYTES AND ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES 3480 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM PLANNING AND MIGRATION GUIDE 3480 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM USER'S REFERENCE 3803-3/3420-3, 5 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM 3803/3420 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEMS 3803-2/3420 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEMS SUBSYSTEM DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION 8809 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT MODEL IC AND 2C 8809 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT INTRODUCTION 06 DisplaY Equipment NOTE: Other display equipment, used pri.arily in is listed under subject code 09. GA27-2701 II cOIIIIIU"Iications envil"Ol'\llH!l'\t, 5/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, 2250 DISPLAY UNIT MODEL 1 3 6A27-2702 GA27-2721 GA27-2700 GA19-5434 GA21-9468 **GX21-9467 GA33-3035 GA33-3037 GA33-3ll0 GA19-5433 5/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, 2250 DISPLAY UNIT MODEL 2, 2840 DISPLAY CONTROL MODEL 1 S/360 Cm1PONENT DESCRIPTION, 2250 DISPLAY UNIT MODEL 3, 2840 DISPLAY CONTROL MODEL 2 5/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, 2260 DISPLAY STATION, 2848 DISPLAY CONTROL 3180 DISPLAY STATION MODEL 1 USER'S GUIDE 3180 MODEL 1 DISPLAY STATION USER'S GUIDE 3180 MODEL 2 DISPLAY STATION KEYBOARD TEMPLATE ASSIGNMENT SHEET AND DISPLAY SCREEN LAYOUT SHEET AN INTRODUCTION TO THE IBM 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEtt, Cm1PONENT DESCRIPTION 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTE~I PROBLEM DETERMINATION AND USER'S GUIDE 7350 IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM OVERVIEW 21 Direct Access Storage Devices (DASD), Control Units GA26-1672 GA26-1675 GA26-1620 GX20-1710 GA26-1589 GA26-5988 GA26-1660 GA26-1615 GA26-1630 GX20-1920 GA26-1619 GX20-1979 GA26-1638 GX20-1983 GC19-5021 GC20-1780 GX26-1669 GA26-1657 GA26-1666 GX26-1679 GC26-4193 GC26-4197 GC26-4208 GX26-1678 SX26-1680 **GX26-3749 GG22-9347 GA26-159Z GA26-1617 GA32-0035 GA32-0037 GA32-0038 GX35-5026 SY32-5043 GA26-1661 GA32-0060 GA32-0061 GA32-0062 GA32-0067 GA19-5436 GA32-0080 GA32-0081 GA32-0084 GA19-5438 GA32-0082 GA32-0083 GA32-0085 GA33-1539 GA33-1569 .!!§ DISK STORAGE MANAGEMENT GUIDE-ERROR HANDLING DISK STORAGE MANAGEt1ENT GUIDE-BACKGROUND REFERENCE INFORMATION INTEGRATED STORAGE CONTROL REFERENCE IBM 2314 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE FACILITY CAPACITY AND TRANSMISSION TIME REFERENCE CARD 2835 STORAGE CONTROL AND 2305 FIXED HEAD STORAGE MODULE REFERENCE S/360 CotlPONENT DESCRIPTION, 2841 ASSOCIATED DASD 3310 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE REFERENCE MANUAL INTRODUCTION IBM 3330 A-SERIES DISK STORAGE - SYSTEM LIBRARY 3330 SERIES DISK STORAGE MODEL 1-11, CUSTOMER CONVERSION GUIDE 3330 SERIES DISK STORAGE, 3333 MODELS 1 & 11, 3330 MODELS I, 2 & 11 REFERENCE SUMMARY 3340 COrlPONENT SUt!t1ARY 3340 MODELS A2, Bl, B2, 3344 MODELS 62, B2F DIRECT STORAGE ACCESS REFEREt~E SUMMARY 3350 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE REFERENCE MANUAL 3350 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE, MOO A2, A2F, 82, 82F, C2, C2F REFERENCe SUMMARY WORLD TRADE ADDENDUM TO 3350/3344 INSTALLATION Afm CONVERSION GUIDe (GC20-1780) 3350 3344 INSTALLATION AND CONVERSION GUIDE REFERENCE SUMMARY FOR HANDLING DATA CHECKS ON 3350, 3370 AND 3380 DISK STORAGE DSF 3370 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DESCRIPTION 3375 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DESCRIPTION AND USER'S GUIDE 3375 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE REFERENCE SUt~RY 3380 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE troDELS AD4 AE4 6D4 AND BE4 GENERAL INFORMATION 3380 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE: MIGRATION 3380 DAS: PLA~~ING AND USE 3380 DIRECT ACCESS STORJI.GE REFERENCE SUMMARY 3380 CONDENSED ANALYSIS PROCEDURES MAINTENANCE REFERENCE Sutn1ARY INSTALLATION REFERENCE FOR 3380 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE MODELS AE4 AND BE4 OSIMVS SUPPORT COMPARISON OF 3380 At-.'D 3350 USED FOR YM/CMS MINIDISKS REFERENCE MANUAL FOR IBM 3830 STORAGE CONTROL AND IBM 3330 DISK STORAGE REFERENCE MANUAL FOR IBM 3830 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 2 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM MSS OP 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) SENSE INFORMATION 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) INTRODUCTION AND PREINSTALLATION PLANNING 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM REFERENCE MASS STORAGE FACILITY THEORY OF OPERATIONS: MASS STORAGE CONTROL 3880 STORAGE COIITROL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION TO 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 11 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 11 DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION TO 3880 STORAGE CONTROL r!ODEL 13 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 13 DESCRIPTION 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 21 INTRODUCTION CROSS-SYSTEM INTRODUCTION TO THE 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 21 3880 MODEL 21 DESCRIPTION 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 21: INSTALLATION AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 23 INTRODUCTION CROSS-SYSTEM INTRODUCTION TO 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 23 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 23 DESCRIPTION 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 23: INSTALLATION AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE 4321/4331/4361 PROCESSORS DASD ADAPTER FOR 3370 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE REFERENCE 4361 PROCESSOR DASD COMPATIBILITY FEATURE Other Devices, Control Units **GA22-7097 GA22-7081 GA21-9152 GA21-9183 GA21-9194 GA21-9196 GX21-9172 GA21-9184 GX21-9171 **GA22-7075 FIBER-OPTIC CHANNEL EXTENDER LINK PRODUCT DESCRIPTION MULTISYSTEM CHANNEL COMMUNICATION UNIT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION DATA ENTRY SYSTEM, SYSTEM SUMMARY & INSTALLATION PLANNING DATA STATION REFERENCE MANUAL MODELS 3 AND 4 PROGRAMMING ~roRKSTATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE MODELS 3 AND 4 PROGRAMMABLE WORKSTATION GENERAL INFORMATION 3741/3742 REFERENCE CARD 3742 DUAL DATA STATION REFERENCE MANUAL 3747 DATA CONVERTER REFERENCE CARD 3814 SWITCHING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 3044 3088 3740 3741 3741 3741 4 (~ IUfGA22-7090 GX22-7093 GA24-3639 GA24-3716 GA34-0282 5544-0554 G544-1006 G544-3013 5544-3015 5544-3020 5544-3022 5544-3033 5544-3066 3814 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE DISPLAY/PRINTER ATTACHMENT FEATURE 3814 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUtmARY 3838 ARRAY PROCESSOR FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 3838 ARRAY PROCESSOR RESERVOIR MODELING FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS & PROGRAM:1ING GUIDE 4994 ASCII DEVICE CONTROL UNIT GENERAL INFORMATION (ClffiREUT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENTAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR IBM OFFICE SYSTEtI 6 INfORMATION PROCESSORS AND IBM 6640 DOCLr.1EIIT PRUITER 6ENERAL INFORI1A TION MANUA L FOR IBM 66 70 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR 6670 INFORIIATION DISTRIBUTOR PLANNING AND PREINSTALLATICN GUIDE INSTALLING THE 6670 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR: CODES AND MESSAGES FOR AU SNA ENVIRONMENT 6670 INFOm1ATION DISTRIBUTOR: GLOSSARY 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR MAKING COPIES 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR MODEL III USERS GUIDE 09 Commtnlcatl0ns Devlces, Control Unlts NOTE: Soma of the equipment below may be used for either remote or local communications. GA27-3099 GA27-3004 GA27-3620 GA27-3185 GA27-3644 6A27-3093 GA21-9028 GA24-3018 GA24-3020 GA24-3471 GA24-3474 6A24-3266 GA22-6864 GA22-68,.6 GA27-2703 GA27-2704 GA24-3426 GA27-3029 6A24-3403 GA24-3415 GA27-3011 GA27-3013 6A27-3005 GA27-3015 6A18-2033 GA18-2051 GX20-2352 6A18-2084 GA18-2085 **6A18-2310 GA23-0217 6A18-2127 6A21-9465 GA23-0196 GA18-2457 GA18-2364 GA18-2443 GA24-3771 GA24-3781 6A24-3773 6A24-3783 6A24-3772 GA24-3782 6A23-0044 (j 6A23-0058 6A23-0113 GA23-0119 6A23-0187 6A23-0204 6A27-2739 6A33-3056 6A27-2837 GX20-1878 6A23-0060 6A23-0046 GA23-0061 ADVANCED FUtICTION FOR COMMUNICATIONS: SYSTEM SlJm1ARY 6ENERAL INFORMATION - SmARY SYNCHRONOUS CCllMUNICATIONS USINS THE CABLING SYSTEM WITH co;n:UNICATION PRODUCTS DATA COtltlUNICATION DEVICE S\r.:Mt,RY 3128 CO:l~lUNICA TION CONTROL SUPPORT PROCESSOR OPERATOR'S GUIDE SYNCHRONOUS DATA LINK CONTROL GENERAL INFORMATION 357/1030/2790 BADGE SPECIFICATIONS 1030 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 1050 REFERENCE DIGEST 1050 SYSTEM SUl1l1ARY 1050 DATA cOt1:lUmCATION SYSTEM PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 1092 AND 1093 PROGRA~lED KEYBOARDS 2701 DATA ADAPTER UNIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION SYSTEM/360 COiIPOI/ENT DESCRIPTION: 2702 TRANSMISSION CONTROL 2703 TRANStfISSION CONTROL CmlPONENT DESCRIPTION S/360 COliPO:lENT DESCRIPTION, 2711 LINE ADAPTER UNIT 2712 REf10TE tlULTIPLEXOR 2721 PORTABLE AUDIO TERMINAL CO!'IPONENT DESCRIPTION 2740 COllt'lUNICATION TERtlINALS tlODEL 1 & 2 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 2741 CONtIUNICATION TErmINAL CONPONE~IT DESCRIPTION, 2760 OPTICAL IMAGE UNIT SYSTEM CmIPONENTS: IBM 2770 DATA COMl:UtUCATION SYSTEM 2780 DATA TRANS!1ISSION TERt1INAL COtlPONENT DESCRIPTION 2790 DATA CONl'lUNICATION SYSTEM CotlPONEtIT DESCRIPTION 3101 DISPLAY TERtlItlAL DESCRIPTION AN INTRODUCTION TO THE 3101 DISPLAY TERMINAL 3101 DISPLAY TERMINAL REFERENCE SutlMARY 3104 DISPLAY TElUlINAL OPERATOR REFERENCE GUIDE 3104 DISPLAY TERMINAL OPERATOR'S REFERENCE GUIDE DESCRIPTION 3161/3163 ASCII DISPLAY STATION 3174 SUBSYSTEM CONTROL l~IT HELP DESK REFERENCE 3178 DISPLAY STATIO~ DESCRIPTION 3180 MODEL 1 DISPLAY ~TATION INTRODUCTION AND PREINSTALLATION PLA~~ING MANUAL 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3180 SUPPLEMENT FOR THE CONTROL UNIT 3191 DISPLAY STATION DESCRIPTION 3193 DISPLAY STATION DESCRIPTION 3193 PROBLEM SOLVING QUICK CHECK GUIDE 3232 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERMINAL MODEL 1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 3232 HODEL 1 REFERENCE SUtltlARY 3232 KEYBOARD PRINTER TERt1INAL MODEL 11 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 3232 MODEL 11 REFERENCE SUtIMARY 3232 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERtlINAL MODEL 51 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND SITE PREPARATION 6UIDE 3232 MODEL 51 REFERENCE SlJt'1l1ARY 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM PROGRAMMItlG AND COMPONENT DESCRIPTION INFORMATION TRANSFER 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM LIBRARY USER'S GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM FEATURE DESCRIPTION 3270 WFORt1ATION DISPLAY SYSTEM ENTRY ASSIST USER'S GUIDE 3274 CONTROL UNIT 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM KEYBOARD DEFINITION UTILITY USER'S GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM X.2S OPERATION AN INTRODUCTION TO THE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM, COLOR & PROGRAMMED SYMBOLS 3270 INFORttATION DISPLAY SYSTEM CHARACTER SET REFERENCE 3274 CONTROL UNIT REFERENCE S~1ARY 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM - 3271 CONTROL UNIT, 3272 CONTROL UNIT, 3275 DISPLAY STATION - DESCRIPTION AND PROGRAMMER'S 6UIDE 3274 Cm~FIGURATION DATA CARD (CONFIGURATION SUPPORT A, B, C, T) 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: 3274 CONTROL UNIT DESCRIPTION AND PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 5 GA23-0064 **GA23-0065 GA23-0137 GA23-0171 **GA23-0176 GA27-2827 GA23-0136 GX20-1981 GA18-2041 GA18-2081 GA27-2895 GX20-2040 GX20-2041 GA33-3067 GA23-0021 GA23-0236 **GA23-0142 GA24-3203 GA24-3653 GC31-0009 GC31-0504 GA27-3086 GC30-3004 GC30-3020 GC30-3021 GA27-3051 GTOO-0624 GA27-3087 GA27-3304 GC30-3074 GR29-0296 SX27-3633 SX27-3634 SX27-3635 SX27-3636 SX27-3637 SX27-3638 SX27-3639 SX27-3640 SX27-3641 SX27-3642 5X27-3643 SX27-3644 SX27-3645 SX27-3646 SX27-3647 SX27-3648 SX27-3649 SX27-3650 SX27-3651 SX27-3652 GA27-3428 GA27-3430 GA27-3433 GA27-3434 GA27-3745 GA27-3869 GA33-0010 SA33-0012 GA33-0013 GTOO-1513 **GA33-0017 GA33-0021 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM. 3274 CONTROL UNIT SITE PLANNING AND PREPARATION GUIDE MODELS 41A. 41C. 41D AND 61C 3274 CONTROL UNIT CUSTOMIZING GUIDE SUPPLEllENT TO 3274 DESCRIPTION AND PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE: ERROR MESSAGES FOR 3270 PERSONAL COMPUTER ATTACtiMENT 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM SUPPLEMENT TO 3274 CONTROL UNIT DESCRIPTION AND PROGRA~lMING GUIDE 3274 RESPONSE TIME tlONITOR (RTM) FUNCTION 3274 SNA ALERT FUNCTION 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM. 3274 CONTROL UNIT CUSTOMIZING GUIDE. CONFIGURATION SUPPORT P 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM. 3274 CONTROL UNIT PLANtIING SETUP. AND CUSTOMIZING GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: SUPPLEMENT TO 3274 DESCRIPTION AND PROGR~ER'S GUIDE ERROR MESSAGES FOR 3290 INFORMATION DISPLAY PANEL 3275/3277 PROGRAM FUNCTION KEY TEMPLATE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY STATION PLANNING AND SETUP GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3276 CONTROL UNIT/DISPLAY STATION DESCRIPTION AND PROGRAMtIER'S GUIDE 3276/3278 DISPLAY STATION KEYBOARD REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL PURPOSE 3276/3278 PROGRAM FUNCTION TEMPLATE STRIP 3276/3278 PROGRAM FUNCTION KEY TEMPLATE - GENERAL USE 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION KEYBOARD REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS 3290 INFORMATION PANEL DESCRIPTION AND REFERENCE 3290 INFORMATION PAUEL SUPPLEI1ENT TO 3290 DESCRIPTION AND REFERENCE 3299 TERMINAL MULTIPLEXER CUSTOtlER PROBLEM ANALYSIS AND RESOLUTION 3644 AUTOMATIC DATA UNIT - PROGRAM ~:ORKSHEETS FOR DOS/VS (5747-CJl) AND OS/VS (5744-CRl) 3644 AUTOMATIC DATA UNIT. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION PARAMETER TABLE GENERATION FACILITY FOR 3644 AUTOMATIC DATA UNIT (GEN3644). LIC PROG 5668-998. GENERAL INFORttATION 3644 AUTOI1ATIC DATA UNIT PROGRAttMING AND USER'S GUIDE GUIDE TO USING THE IBM 3704 COI~IUNICATIONS CONTROLLER CONTROL P~~EL (CURRENT RELEASE) 3704. 3705-1. AND 3705-II COr1l'IUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION TELEPROCESSING PREINSTALLATION GUIDE FOR IBM 3704 ANI) 3705 CotlflUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS TELEPROCESSING INSTALLATION RECORD FOR IBM 3704 AND 3705 C01~nJNICATIONS CONTROLLERS INTRODUCTION TO THE IBM 3704 AND 3705-11 CO~lfIUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS (CURRENT RELEASE) INTRODUCTION TO THE 3704 ANI) 3705 CmUruNICATIONS CONTROLLERS (GA27-3051-4) GUIDE TO USING THE 3705 CONTROL PANEL (CURRENT RELEASE) INTRODUCTION TO THE 3705-60 CO~lMUNICATION CONTROLLER 3705-80 Cot~ICATIONS CONTROLLER PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 3705 EMULATION REFERENCE CARD 3708 NETIIDRK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE 3101 DISPLAY TERMINAL MODELS 20. 22. AND 23 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE 3161 ASCII DISPLAY STATION 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE PERSONAL COMPUTER WITH 3101 EMULATION 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION REFERENCE 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE DEC MODEL VT52 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION ~~IT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE DEC MODEL VT100 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE DEC MODEL VT220 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE HAZELTINE ESPIRIT I AND· ESPIRIT II 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE HAZELTINE 1500 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE LEAR SIEGLER ADM 3A DUMB TERMINAL 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE TELEVIDEO 910 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE TELEVIDEO 950 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE BEEHIVE ATL-078 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE TELETYPE 5410 ASYNCHRONOUS DISPLAY TERMINAL 3708 NETWORK COtNERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR TIlE TELETYPE 5410 BUFFERED DISPLAY 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION ~UT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE ROLM CYPRESS 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE ROLN CEDAR 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE ROLM JUNIPER 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE HEWLETT-PACKARD 2621B INTERACTIVE TERMINAL 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD FOR THE DATA GENERAL DASHER 0210 DISPLAY TERMINAL GUIDE 3710 NETWORK CONTROLLER HOST 3710 NETWORK GATEWAY INTRODUCTION 3710 NETWORK CONTROLLER PROBLEM REPORT GUIDE 3710 NETWORK CONTROLLER CONTROL TERMINAL 3710 NETWORK CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION REFERENCE 3710 NETWORK CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION WORKBOOK INTRODUCTION TO THE 3725 MODEL 1 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER 3725 MODEL 1 CO~1UNICATIONS CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION GUIDE 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION (GA33-0013-3) 3725 MODELS 1 AND 2 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER'S INFORMATION 3725 MODEL 2 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER INTRODUCTION 6 -------------_. 5A33-00ZZ GA27-3043 GA27-3096 GA27-3144 GA27-3146 GA27-314Z GA27-3145 GAZ7-3063 GA27-3253 GA27-2865 GA27-2866 GA27-2899 GA27-3200 G360-0428 HGA33-0036 GA33-1571 GA33-1575 GA33-1578 **GA33-1S81 5544-3068 **GA24-4019 GA24-4020 GA33-0018 GA18-2083 GA27-2712 GA33-3040 GA33-3041 GA33-3044 GA33-3049 GA18-2094 GA18-2097 GA18-2098 GA18-2144 GX20-2418 SY18-2092 ( GA27-2725 GA21-9154 ~ 50 MAGNETIC DATA INSCRIBER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER tlODEL 2 COMPONENT REFERENCE MANUAL Special Features GA24-3663 GA33-3007 GA33-3008 GA33-3009 GA22-7017 GA22-6955 GA22-6958 GA22-6963 GA22-7016 GA24-3342 GA18-2044 GA33-3138 GA26-1632 6C20-1767 GA26-1653 GA26-1654 GX22-7102 GA33-1528 14 3725 MODEL 2 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION GUIDE IBM 3735 PROGRA~ABLE BUFFERED TERmNAL CONCEPT AND APPLICATION 3767 MODELS 1 & 2 COt~NICATION TERMINAL COMFONENT DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION TO THE IBM 3770 DATA COMtnJNICATION SYSTEM 3771. 3773. 3774 & 3775 COMTIUNICATION TERMINALS COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3773. 3774 & 3775 PROGRAf1MABLE COlltlUNICATION TERllINALS PROGRAMMER '5 HANDBOOK COMPONENT DESCRIPTION FOR THE IBM 3776 AND 3777 CmltlUNICATION TERMINALS COMPONENT INFORt1ATION FOR THE IBM 3780 DATA COtlMUNICATION TERMINAL 3843 LOOP CONTROL UNIT INTRODUCTION AND SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 3845 DATA ENCRYPTION DEVICE. 3846 DATA ENCRYPTION DEVICE, GENERAL INFORMATION 3845 DATA ENCRYPTION DEVICE PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 3846 DATA E~ICRYPTION DEVICE. PRINCIPLES OF ItlFORtlATION 3863, 3864, AND 3865 MODEMS INTRODUCTION AND SITE PREPARATION GUIDE MODEM SELECTION GUIDE 3863/3864/3865 3866/3868 S365, 5866, 5868 MODEMS DESCRIPTION 4361 PROCESSOR COtU1UNICATIONS ADAPTER REFERENCE MAUUAL 4361 PROCESSOR, DISPLAY IPRINTER ADAPTER, COtlPONENT DESCRIPTION 4361 PROCESSOR WORKSTATION ADAPTER REFERENCE 4361 PROCESSOR SYSTEM EVENT TRACE A~ID SYSTEM STATUS DISPLAY 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR READER GUIDE FOR A BSC ENVIRONMENT 7171 ASCII DEVICE ATTACHtlENT CONTROL UNIT DESCRIPTION AND PLAh'NING GUIDE 7171 ASCII DEVICE ATTACHt1ENT CONTROL UNIT REFERENCE AND PROGRAMMING GUIDE 7427 CONSOLE SI.JITCHING L'NIT, CUSTOMER· INFORMATION MANUAL 7486 DISPLAY TERMINAL DESCRIPTION 7770 AUDIO RESPONSE UNIT ttoDEL 3, COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AN INTRODUCTION TO THE 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL 8775 DISPLAY TERt1INAL, CHARACTER SET REFERENCE 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL CotlPONENT DESCRIPTION 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE SCANMASTER I DESCRIPTION SCA~lASTER I OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SCANl1ASTER I 8815 INSTRUCTIONS SCANI1ASTER I 8815 USER'S GUIDE FOR ItIAGE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 5CAt~ASTER I: SAMPLE OF TRANSMITTABLE DOCUMENTS 8815 SCANI1ASTER I, IMAGE ANALYSIS AID ~ MAGNETIC HAND SCANNER - MAGNETIC SLOT READER REPLACEMENT PROCEDURES S/370 t10DEL 135 TERMINAL ADAPTER TYPE I MODEL II (FOR ICA): SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION SYSTEM LIBRA~Y IBM SYSTEtl/370 ttoDEL 135 TERMWAL ADAPTER TYPE III FOR ICA: SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION SYSTEM/370 MODEL 135 SYNCHRONOUS DATA ADAPTER TYPE II (FOR ICA): SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION SYSTEM/370 MODEL 155 II DYNAMIC ADDRESS TRANSLATION FACILITY SYSTEM/370 SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION: 709/7090/7094/709411 COMPATIBILITY FEATURE FOR S/370 MODEL 165 7070/7074 COMPATIBILITY FEATURE: S/370 MODELS 165, 16511 & 168 7080 COMPATIBILITY FEATURE: S/370 MODELS 165. 16511 & 168 SYSTEM/370 MODEL 165 II DYNAMIC ADDRESS TRANSLATION FACILITY BATCH NUt1BERING FEATURE FOR 1241 AND 1419 M.'\GNETIC IHK CHARACTER RECOGNITION READERS 3270 INFORt1ATION DISPLAY SYSTEM DESCRIPTION & CONFIGURATION APlITEXT FEATURE FOR 3276 COtITROL UNIT DISPLAY STATION, 3278 DISPLAY STATION, 3287 PRINTER, AND 3289 LINE PRINTER 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION: PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE FOR 3270 PERSONAL COMPUTER ATTACHMENT 3340 DISKISTORAGE - FIXED HEAD FEATURE USER'S GUIDE OPTICAL MARK READICARD PRINT APPLICATION SOLUTIONS IBM 3504 and 3505 CARD READERS IBM 3525 CARD PUNCH INTRODUCING THE Istl 3800 TAPE-TO-PRINTING SUBSYSTEM FEATURE AND ITS UTILITY, PROG PROD 5748-UT2 OPERATORIREFERENCE MANUAL FOR THE IBM 3800 TAPE-TO-PRINTER SUBSYSTEM FEATURE 3814 KEYBOARD TEtlPLATE FOR THE 3278 DISPLAY STATION 4321 AND 4331 PROCESSORS COMPATIBILITY FEATURES Features and Support;ng Programs (PSHRPg) GA34-1507 LY19-6247 Ge35-003l SC26-4488 GA09-1600 5/7-360/370 CHANNEL ATTACHMENT: GENERAL INFORMATION RPQ D08112 X.21 SHORT HOLD/tULTIPLE PORT SHARING FOR THE 3725 AND 3720 PROGRAM LOGIC OSIVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) MSVIZAP CMSISORT COBOL, 5799-CEQ, PRPQ P83002 USER'S GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION 129-3270 ATTACHMENT (RPQ 7 GX09-1000 GX09-1001 GA27-3066 GA24-371S GA19-S0S3 GL21-9071 GA26-1S99 GA27-2737 GL22-6937 GL22-702S GL24-3S70 GA27-3044 GA33-30S2 GA33-30SS GA33-308S GA33-3086 GA33-3120 GA33-3146 GA19-S042 GA19-S236 GAl 9-5248 GA23-0102 GA27-2758 GA27-277S GA27-2862 GA19-5234 GA19-S263 GA23-0049 GA19-5232 GA19-5235 GA27-2896 GA33-3039 GA19-5040 GA27-3178 GA33-3119 GA33-3121 GA33-3123 GV20-9931 GA19-5262 GA33-3079 GA33-3106 GA33-3108 GA33-3126 8T0093) 129-3270 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY 129-2170 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SlH1ARY (RPQ 8T0105) SUPPLEMENTARY OPERATOR'S AtI) PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE INFORMATION CARD. 3735 WITH 129 CARD DATA RECORDER (RPQ EB1935) 1287/1288 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER VIDEO IMAGE DIGITIZING RPQ COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AtI) OPERATING PROCEDURES 1627 PLOTTER FOR S/370 MODEL 115/125 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION NT RPQ U11612 US RPQ EE2553 2501 CARD READER, MODELS A & B RPQ FEATURES 2730 MODEL 1 TRANSACTION VALIDATION TERMINAL. 2968 MODEL 9 & 12 RECEIVER-TERMINAL UNIT IBM 2909-3 ASYNCHR()NOUS DATA CHANNEL RPQ F13299 CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370 CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION: 2914 SWITCHING UNIT MODEL 1 - RPQ 880882 2914 STORAGE CONTROL INTERFACE SWITCH MODEL 2 (RPQ 8P0290) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AtI) PHYSICAL PLANNING 2946 TERMINAL CONTROL SUBSYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION & OPERATING GUIDE 2976 MOBILE TERMINAL SYSTEM CUSTOM SYSTEM DESCRIPTION OPERATOR'S GUIDE - PHYSICAL PLANNING 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE WITH RPQS SU0090. SU0091. 7JOOOS AND 7J0014 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM DATA COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY (RPQs SU0090. SU0091. 7JOOOS. and 7JOOI4) CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM: CONTINUOUS REFRESH RPQS 7J0024 AND 7J0025 CUSTOM FEATURE USER'S GUIDE 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM: CUSTOM FEATURE SUMMARY FOR RPQ 7J0070. 7J0071, 7J0072, 7J0073 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM: ATTACHMENTS FOR CURSOR CONTROL TABLET AtI) FOR PLOTTER CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTIONS RPQ'S 7J0070, 7J0072, AND 7J0073 PUMPING UP PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTIVITY AT CAMERON IRON WORKS CONTROL TABLET AND PLOTTER RPQs 7J0070. 7J0071, 7J0072, AND 7J0073 (3255 DISPLAY CONTROL UNIT MODEL 2 ONLY) 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION ARABIC KEYBOARDS RPQS 7H0300, 7H0301, 7H0302, 7H0304, 7H03067H0307, 7H0504, 7H0505, 7H0507, 7H0508, 7H0509 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: BARCODE READER ATTACHMENT, RPQ ZA2415 REFERENCE MANUAL 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION FOR RPQ UV001. 2950 HODEL 3 ATTACHED TO 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY STATION OR 3278 DISPLAY STATION 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM COPY RPQ USER'S GUIDE DISKETTE PROCESSING AID RPQ SK1071 DISKETTE DISTRIBUTION ALTERNATIVE RPQ 8KI072 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION, DUAL CASE CHARACTER SET RPQ 8K0366 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: 3277 CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION, SIGNATURE DISPLAY RPQS 7U00I0 & 8K0438 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: 3277/3272 MULTI-FIELO IMAGE DISPLAY RPQ MF3288 3274 CONTROL UNIT PLANNING, SETUP, AND CUSTOMIZING GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR RPQ YB2705 SPECIAL BELGIAN CHARACTER SET 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: CUSTOMIZING GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR 3274 CONTROL UNIT WITH PUBLISHING FUNCTION FOR U.K. RPQ 7H0630 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM, 3274 CONTROL UNIT ENTRY ASSIST, RPQ 8K1147 USER'S GUIDE. 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY STATION, PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE. 3278 DISPLAY STATION PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR BARCODE READER RPQ ZA2415 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY STATION 3278 DISPLAY STATION PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE FOR SPECIAL BELGIAN CHARACTERS RPQS YB2706, YB2708 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM, CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION I1CST TO 3277 ATTACHMENT FEATURE RPQ 8K0618 3277 DISPLAY STATION, GRAPHICS ATTACHMENT RPQ 7H0284, CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION 3278 DISPLAY STATION HODEL 2: CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION WITH RPQS: 7H0418 - SPECIAL EDITING FEATURE, 7H0430 - DUTCH PUBLISHING CHARACTER SET, XC4480 - GERMAN PUBLISHING CHARACTER SET, UB4502 - FRENCH PUBLISHING CHARACTER SET USER'S GUIDE FOR THE 3278 MODEL 2 DISPLAY ATTACHMENT TO THE IBM 3774 PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION TERMINAL RPQ EJ2657 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: 3278 DISPLAY STATION MODEL 2 GENERAL INFORMATION FOR AUDIO OUTPUT RPQ 7H0661 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM, 3278 DISPLAY STATION MODEL 2 WITH AUDIO OUTPUT RPQ 7H0661: PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3278 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: IBM 3278 DISPLAY STATION MODEL 2 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR AUDIO OUTPUT RPQ 7H0661 3278 DISPLAY STATION MODEL 2 CASSETTE RECORDING OF OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR AUDIO OUTPUT RPQ 7H0661 3278 DISPLAY STATION, 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION RPQS: 7H0630 PUBLISHING FUNCTION FOR UK: CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION PUBLISHING FUNCTION FOR UK: CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION MODEL 3A, 38 ad 3X: VIDEO OUTPUT CUSTOMER FEATURE DESCRIPTION 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION MODELS 34 AND 38 BACKLIT FUNCTION SWITCH PANEL RPQS 7J0046, 7J0047. 7J0048, and 7J0049 CUSTOMER FEATURE DESCRIPTION 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION. PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR RPQ. 7J0047, 7J0048, and 7J0049. 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR RPQ 7J0067 8 ( GX33-6032 GA27-2752 GA27-2753 GA27-2773 GA19-5041 GA19-5168 SA19-5171 GA19-5173 GA19-5189 GA19-5233 GA27-3174 SA27-3237 GA27-3324 GA19-5197 GA19-5198 SC31-2510 SC31-2528 GC31-2534 SY30-3006 SY30-3014 GA33-0031 SH19-6353 GH33-7002 SA27-3069 SA27-3073 GA19-5029 GA19-5031 SA21-9224 GA21-9384 GA33-3016 GA21-9221 GA18-2019 GA19-5057 GA19-5059 GA27-3123 GA27-3126 GA27-3127 GA27-3143 GA27-2840 GA19-5167 GA19-5181 GA19-5182 GA19-5183 GA19-5199 GA19-5200 GA19-5300 GA19-5319 GA23-0056 GCII-6040 ( GA19-5193 **GC31-3630 GA34-1511 GA19-5084 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION BACKLIT FUNCTION SWITCH PANEL TEMPLATE, RPQ 7J0048 3284/3286 PRINTER CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION, MARGIN STOP VARIABLE RPQ EB3995 3284/3286 PRINTER CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION, VERTICAL FORMS INDEX CONTROL RPQ EB4324 3284/3286 PRINTER CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION, FORMS TRACTOR RPQ WD4031 3287 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 2 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE FOR RPQ 7H0307 RPQ 7H0327 RPQ 7L0556 INTRODUCING THE AUTOMATIC DOCUMENT INSERTION DEVICE ON THE 3287 PRINTER, RPQS 7S0251 AND 7S0252 3287 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 2 USER'S GUIDE FOR THE AUTOMATIC DOCUMENT INSERTION DEVICE, RPQ 7S0251, 7S0283 3287 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 2 WITH THE AUTOMATIC DOCUMENT INSERTION DEVICE RPQ 7S0251 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3287 PRINTER MODELS 11 AND 12 USER'S GUIDE FOR THE AUTOMATIC DOCUMENT INSERTION DEVICE RPQ 7S0252 AND RPQ 7S0283 3287 PRItITER OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR TRACTOR/FORMS SEPARATOR (RPQ ZB7224) 3287 PRINTER OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR TRACTOR/FORMS SEPARATOR RPQ MJ3112 3287 MODELS 1 & 2 OPERATOR'S GUIDE DOCUMENT INSERTION DEVICE (RPQ MK6104) 3287 PRINTER PINFEED PLATEN (RPQ GL2220) OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3620 PASSBOOK/FORMS PRINTER ATTACHED TO 3270, RPQ 760670 AND760671, OPERATING GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: 3620 PASSBOOK/FORMS PRINTER MODELS BOl, B02, AND B03 RPQ 7B0670, RPQ 760671, REFERENCE 3624 LOBBY CASH ISSUE TERtlINAL MODEL DOl RPQ 8C0333 8C0335 8C0371 8C0372 8C0373 8C0374 CUSTOM UNIT DESCRIPTION 3600 FINANCE COtnflJNICATION SYSTEM 3624 LOBBY CASH-ISSUE TERMINAL MODEL D02 CUSTOM UNIT DESCRIPTION RPQ 8C0375 AND 8C0400 3624 CONSW1ER TRANSACTION FACILITY MODEL 12 DRIVE-UP MODEL CUSTOMER UNIT IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAt1 SUPPORT FOR HARDWARE RPQ M26099 SABRE LINE CONTROL 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION & LOGIC, RPQ 858663 PLOTTER ADAPTER, PSHRPQ P85008, LIC PROG 5799-WFA 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER (VHSA) X.21 SHORT HOLDIMULTIPLE PORT SHARING FOR THE 3725 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS NETWORK EXTENSION FACILITY VERSION 2 PROGRAMMING RPQ P85025 GENERAL INFORMATION SUPPLEMENTARY OPERATOR'S AND PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE INFORMATION IBM 3735 WITH IBM KEYPAD UNIT AND FILE SEARCH (RPQ 1853102) 3735 WITH AUTO FDP EXECUTION RPQ MB7057 OPERATOR'S CARD 3740 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM 5926-B03 BAR CODE READER PRINTER DATA STATION CUSTOM UNIT DESCRIPTION RPQS 760215, X64601, 7H0194, X96684, AND X72888 3740 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM SPECIAL SELF-CHECK NUMBER DEVICE (COMPATIBLE WITH HEBREW LANGUAGE FEATURE) CUSTOM UNITDESCRIPTION RPQ X15169 (3741 AND 3742, 128-CHARACTER MACHINE 3740 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM ASC II RPQ REFERENCE MANUAL SUPPORTING RPQS S40064, S40075 & S40081 3741 DATA STATION NCR 250 ATTACHMENT FEATURE REFERENCE MANUAL SUPPORTING RPQ GJ1499 3740 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM SPECIAL SELF-CHECK NUMBER DEVICE CUSTOM UNIT DESCRIPTION 3742 DUAL DATA STATION FUNCTION CONTROL FEATURE, REFERENCE MANUAL SUPPORTING RPQ 843866 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL MODEL 2 DUAL DRIVE PINFEED PLATEN RPQ MF6321 USER INFORMATION ADDENDUM 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE, RPQ X71429, DOCUMENT INSERTION DEVICE ~ORLD TRADE ADDENDUM TO 3767 MODELS 1 AtID 2 COrmUNICATION TERMINAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION OPERATOR'S GUIDE RPQ X74189 LARGE CHARACTER PRINT 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL FRONT DOCUMENT INSERT DEVICE USER'S INFORMATION ADDENDUM (RPQ MF5272) 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL PINFEED PLATEN USER INFORMATION (RPQ EG0314 AND 851142) 3767 Cottt1UNICATION TERMINAL INTEGRATED MOOEM WITH AUTO-ANSWER AND DIAL DISCONNECT (RPQ 853134) USER INFORMATION ADDENDUM 3773 & 3774 PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION TERMINALS OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR PINFEED PLATEN RPQ MJ0436 3790 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM BSC, RPQ 8K0632, INSTALLATION AND PROGRAMMING GUIDE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM USERS GUIDE FOR FORM LENGTH 2 X 4 1/6 or 8 113 INCHES, FORM LENGTH 3 X 4 1/6 or 12 1/2 INCHES, RPQ XA9753 AND RPQ ZA9754 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM OPERATOR ATTENTION CONTACTS RPQ 7S0263 USER'S GUIDE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM USER'S GUIDE FOR PRINT 1/3 INCH FROM BOTTOM RPQ YB0029 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM USER'S GUIDE FOR EXTENDED PAPER WEIGHT RPQ XB6128 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM USER'S GUIDE FOR PROGRAMMABLE FLASH RPQ 3278 DISPLAY STATION PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR GERt1AN PUBLISHING CHARACTER SET RPQ XC4480 AND SPECIAL EDITING FEATURE RPQ 7H0418 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM USER'S GUIDE FOR FORM LENGTH 8 1/2 INCHES RPQ 7S0279 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM USER'S GUIDE FOR EXTENDED PAPERWEIGHT RPQ 7S0316 3845/3846 DATA ENCRYPTION DEVICES RPQS SK0987 AND 8K0946 3863 MODEM MODEL 2 TWO-WIRE/LEASED LINE RPQ ZC5019 SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND USER'S GUIDE SUPPLEMENT 4331 PROCESSOR TELEGRAPH TERMINAL CONTROL - TYPE 2 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS RPQ &S0276 4730 PERSONAL BANKING MACHINE WITH HEAVY-DUTY ENCLOSURE RPQ 8V0290 CUSTOM UNIT DESCRIPTION S/370 SENSOR BASED CONTROL UNIT GENERAL INFORMATION 5230 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE SUPPLEMENT, IN/OUT CLOCKING RPQ X95797 9 GA19-5089 GA34-1531 GA19-5087 GA19-5178 GA19-5187 GA19-5320 GAl 9-5330 GA19-5381 GA19-5024 GAll-8635 GAll-8639 GA19-5052 GAll-8632 GA33-3015 SH19-6298 SH19-6350 SH19-6351 GA27-2740 GL22-7015 GC31-2072 SC31-3526 GA19-5252 GA19-5253 GA33-3093 GA33-3096 GA18-2135 GAI8-2136 5230 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM, DIGITAL INPUT ATTACHMENT TO 5235: RPQ X55062 - WORLD TRADE, RPQ 750231 - CANADA, USER'S GUIDE 5275 MACHINE TOOL CONTROL UNIT (ttCU) ACCESSORY RPQ D08286: GENERAL INFORMATION t1ANUAL 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 5914 DOCUMENT INSCRIBER USER'S GUIDE, RPQS U74485 MODEL UOI & 7U0007 MODEL U02 5922 DOCUMENT READER HODEL 511 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 5922 DOCUMENT READER MODEL 511 SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 5922 DOCUMENT READER HODEL 502 SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 5922 DOCUMENT READER HODEL 504 OPERATING GUIDE 5922 DOCUMENT READER MODEL 504 SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: 5926-B03 OPTICAL SCANNER REFERENCE MANUAL, RPQS 780215 & U42416 5935-L03 BANKING TERMINAL RPQ Y96695 REFERENCE 5935-L03 BANKING TERMINAL REFERENCE INFORMATION RPQS Y96695 AND Y96750 (VERSION 2) 5937-501 INDUSTRIAL TERMINAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION RPQS 7S0052, 750058, 7S0061 5973-L02 NETWORK INTERFACE ADAPTER (NIA) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION REFERENCE MANUAL FOR IBM 5985 COLOR DISPLAY CONTROL UNIT MODEL H02 AND IBM 5941 DISPLAY CONSOLE, MODEL H02 (SEE ABSTRACT FOR RPQS) 7350 BASIC USER SUBROUTINES P88021 MVS P88022 VM HOST PROGRAMMERS GUIDE 7350 HOST BASIC USER SUBROUTINES P88021 MVS P88022 VM FUNCTION PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 7350 HOST BASIC SUBROUTINES P88021 MVS P88022 VM INSTALLATION GUIDE IBM 7412 MODEL 1 CONSOLE, CUSTOM SYSTEMS RPQ AA2846, CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION IBM 7441-1/1980-9 CUSTOM TERMINAL FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OPERATING PROCEDURES AND PHYSICAL PLANNING 7463-3 VALIDATION PRINTER CUSTOM UNIT DESCRIPTION RPQ 8U0104 7463 MODEL 3 VALIDATION PRINTER REPAIR MANUAL RPQ 8V0104 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL: DATA ENTRY VALIDATION RPQS SU0183 AND SUOI84 CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL HODELS 1 AND 2: RPQ XD4164 USER'S GUIDE 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL PRINTER ATTACHMENT RPQS 7J0044 AND 7J0045 CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL MODELS I, 2, 11, AND 12 WITH PRINTER ATTACHMENT (RPQ 7J0044 OR RPQ 7J0045): PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE SCANMASTER I GROUP II COMMUNICATION CAPABILITY, RPQ'S 8J4801, 8J4802, 8J4803, 8J4804, 8J4805, USER'S GUIDE SCANMASTER I 8815 INSTRUCTIONS FOR GIl COMMUNICATION CAPABILITY RPQ FEATURE (SUPPLEMENT TO GA18-2098) 12 Physical Plam;nq **GC22-7004 GC22-7072 GC22-7064 GC22-7069 GX22-6985 GX22-6857 GA27-3606 GA24-3435 GA27-3006 GX27-2900 **GA27-2805 GX22-6859 GX22-6858 GC22-7073 GX22-6925 GX22-7116 GX22-6860 GX22-6855 GA27-3341 **GA33-1583 GA27-3315 GX22-6834 GX22-7028 GX22-7021 GX22-7008 GX22-7058 GX22-7005 GX22-7059 GX22-7006 GX22-7023 GX22-7007 GX22-7022 GX22-6981 SYSTEM/370 INSTALLATION MANUAL, PHYSICAL PLANNING INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING GENERAL INFORMATION IBM INPUT/OUTPUT EQUIPMENT: INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING FOR SYSTEM/360, SYSTEM/370, AND 4300 PROCESSORS INPUT/OUTPUT EQUIPMENT REFERENCE INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING: SYSTEM/360, SYSTEM/370, 4300 PROCESSORS S/360 & S/370 CHANNELS: 2860, 2870 & 2880, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE S/360 & 5/370 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE GUIDE TO MULTIUSE COMMUNICATION LOOP WITH CABLING SYSTEM PLANNING AND INSTALLATION OF A DATA COr~ICATION SYSTEM USING IBM LINE ADAPTERS COMMUNICATIONS TERMINALS INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM PHYSICAL-PLANNING TEMPLATE: COMMUNICATIONS TERMINALS ASSEMBLY OF COAXIAL CABLES AND ACCESSORIES FOR ATTACH~IENT TO IBM PRODUCTS S/360 & S/370 CONSOLES & TERMINALS, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE S/360 & 5/370 DATA STORAGE DEVICES, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE FIBER-OPTIC CHANNEL EXTENDER LI~~ FIBER-OPTIC CABLE PLANNING AND INSTALLATION GUIDE S/360 & 5/370 FIELD ENGINEERING FURNITURE & TEST EQUIPMENT, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: 3720 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER S/360 & S/370 MAGNETIC & OPTICAL CHARACTER READERS, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE S/360 & S/370 MAGNETIC TAPE UNITS & CONTROLS, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE MULTIUSE COMMUNICATIONS LOOP PLANNING AND INSTALLATION GUIDE SYSTEM PRE-INSTALLATION PLANNING 4361 PROCESSOR CUSTOMER INPUT PACKAGE PROTECTIVE COUPLER, PN 1649100, INSTALLATION AND PLANNING GUIDE PUNCHED CARD AND TAPE I/O AND PRINTERS, FOR SYSTEM/360 AND SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE S/370 MODEL 115, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE S/370 MODEL 125, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE S/370 MODEL 135, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE S/370 HODEL 148, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE S/370 MODEL 145, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE S/370 MooEL 148, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE S/370 HODEL 155, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE S/370 HODEL 158, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE S/370 HODEL 165, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE S/370 MODEL 168', PHYSICAL PLANNING TE~tPLATE S/370 MODEL 195, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 10 (- GA24-3021 GX21-9030 GA24-3022 GX24-3381 GA21-9010 GX22-7037 GX22-7038 GX22-7039 GX22-7041 GA26-1600 GA27-3019 GX27-2909 GA27-3017 GA27-3120 GX22-7042 GX22-7043 GX22-7044 GA27-2727 GA24-3562 GL22-6936 GX22-7083 GL24-3571 GA26-1621 GX22-7026 GX22-7061 GC22-7068 GX22-7025 GC22-7067 GX22-7024 GX22-7062 GX22-7075 **GX22-71l0 GX22-7087 GX22-7095 GX22-7098 GX22-7099 GX22-7096 GC22-7074 GC22-7075 GX22-7107 GX22-7108 SX22-7113 GA23-0321 GX22-7070 GX22-7111 GA24-3761 GA24-3757 GA24-3774 GA33-3036 GX22-7067 GX22-7068 **GA24-3734 GX22-7082 GA27-3266 GA23-0206 **GA23-0279 (/ GA27-2787 GA27-3722 GX27-2990 GX27-2999 GA18-2018 GX22-7066 GA27-3198 GX22-7091 GX22-7080 GX22-7047 GX22-7029 1030 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL. PHYSICAL PLANNING 1030 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM. PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 1050 DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL, PHYSICAL PLANNING 1050 DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM: PHYSICAL PLANNI~~ TEMPLATE 1060 DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL, PHYSICAL PLANNING 2401 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT MODELS 1 TO 6 AND 8, FOR SYSTEMl370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2415 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT AND CONTROL MODELS 1 TO 6. FOR SYSTEMl370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2420 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT MODELS 5 AND 7, FOR SYSTEMl370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2495 TAPE CARTRIDGE READER MODEL 1, FOR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2730 MODEL 1, 2968 MODEL 9. AND 2968 MODEL 12: INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING 2770 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM INSTALLATION PHYSICAL PLA~~ING 2770 DATA COI1MUNICATIONS SYSTEM: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2790 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING 2790 INSTALLER'S GUIDE 2803 TAPE CONTROL MODELS 1 TO 3, FOR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2804 TAPE CONTROL MODELS 1 TO 3, FOR SYSTEMl370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 2816 SWITCHING UNIT MODEL I, FOR SYSTEM/370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM SYSTEM/360 CUSTOM SYSTEtlS UNIT 2909 MODEL 3 - ASYNCHRONOUS DATA CHANNEL RPQ F13299 RPQ 882045 INSTALLATION BULLETIN - PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM 2911 MODEL 14 INTERFACE SWITCH UtIIT RPQ 811503 INSTALLATION, PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM 2914 SWITCHING UNIT MODEL I, RPQ 880882, CUSTOM FEATURE: INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING 2914 SWITCHING UNIT MODEL 1 TEMPLATE IBM 2946 TERMINAL CONTROL SUBSYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANtIING IBM 2984 MODEL 1 CASH ISSUING TERMINAL RPQ 834660 3031 PROCESSOR COMPLEX TEMPLATE INCLUDES 3017 POWER UNIT MODEL 1 AND 3036 CONSOLE MODEL 1 3031 ATTACHED PROCESSOR COMPLEX WITH 3041 ATTACHED PROCESSING UNIT - PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: INCLUDES 3017 PRINTER MODEL 1 AND 3036 CONSOLE MODEL 1 - PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3032 PROCESSOR FLOOR CUTOUT AID 3032 PROCESSOR COMPLEX TEMPLATE INCLUDES 3027 POWER AND COOLANT DISTRIBUTION UNIT AND 3036 CONSOLE 3033 PROCESSOR FLOOR CUTOUT AID 3033 PROCESSOR PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3033 MULTIPROCESSOR COMPLEX TEMPLATE: 3036. 3037, 3038 3033 ATTACHED PROCESSOR COMPLEX PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: 3044 FIBER-OPTIC CHANNEL EXTENDER LINK ENCLOSURE 3081 PROCESSOR COMPLEX TEMPLATE 3081 PROCESSOR COMPLEX PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: 3084 PROCESSOR COMPLEX PHYSICAL PLAtmING TEMPLATE: 3084 PROCESSOR COMPLEX 3088 MULTISYSTEM CHAtmEL COMMUNICATION UNIT PHYSICAL PLANNING S/370 3090 PROCESSOR COtlPLEX INSTALLATION AND PHYSICAL PLANNING S/370 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX SITE READINESS CHECKLIST 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX MODELS PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX MODELS PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3090 FRAME 05 FULL-SIZE PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3194 DISPLAY STATION PREINSTALLATION PLANNING GUIDE 3203 PRINTER MODEL 5 PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: 3205 COLOR DISPLAY CONSOLE 3230 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 2 SITE PLANNI~~ AND PREPARATION GUIDE 3232 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERMINAL MODEL 11 SITE PLANNING AND PREPARATION GUIDE 3232 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERMINAL MODEL 1 SITE PLANNING AND PREPARATION GUIDE 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE (SCALE 1:48) 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEl'IPLATE (SCALE 1:50) 3262 PRINTER MODELS 1. 2, 3, 11. 12 AND 13 SITE PLANNING AND PREPARATION GUIDE 3262 LINE PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 11 3268 PRINTER PLANNING AND SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM CABLING SYSTEM SUPPLEMENT FOR PHYSICAL PLANNING ROLM 3270 COAX TO TWISTED-PAIR ADAPTER SUPPLEMENT TO 3270 INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM, INSTALLATION PHYSICAL PLANNING ROLM PLANNING AND INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR THE 3270 COAX-TO-TWISTED-PAIR ADAPTER PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE (ENGLISH MEASUREMENT) 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3287 PRINTER PLANNING AND SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 3287 PRINTER MODELS 1 & 2 PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3289 PRINTER MODEL 4 SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 3289 LINE PRINTER MODEL 4 PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE FOR 3310 MODELS AI/A2 AND B1/82 PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: 3330 DISK STORAGE MODELS 1. 2. AND 11; 3333 DISK STORAGE & CONTROL MODELS 1 AND 11 FOR S/370S 3830 STORAGE CONTROL MODELS I, 2 AND 3 FOR 5/370 3340 DISK STORAGE MODELS A2, Bl AND B2 AND 3344 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE MODELS B2 AND B2F 11 6X22-7057 6X22-7079 6X22-7088 6X22-7089 !';X22-7035 6X22-7030 6X22-7101 6X22-7103 6X22-7104 6X22-7045 GX22-7032 6X22-7051 GX22-7100 6X21-9155 GA27-3104 6X27-2917 GX22-7054 GX22-7090 GX22-6987 6X22-7085 6X22-7053 GA27-3200 **GA33-0023 6A27-3261 GX22-7076 6X22-7052 GX22-7031 GX22-7063 GX22-7064 **GX22-7105 **GX24-3953 GA33-1552 **GA33-1577 GX24-3725 GX24-3728 GX24-3666 GX24-3729 GA24-4017 GX24-3951 6X24-3952 GAl 9-5386 GX22-7084 GAI9-5431 GA33-3074 GL21-9225 GA33-3043 GA32-0040 GX22-7074 GA18-2095 16 Operations ~ GA26-5756 GA21-9182 GA18-2365 **SC23-0177 GA27-3316 GA22-6968 GA33-1514 GA33-1509 Ge38-0005 GC38-0016 Ge38-0015 Ge38-0017 GA22-6966 GC38-0025 GA22-6969 GX22-6984 GC38-0030 GA22-6954 FOR SYSTEHl370 - PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3350 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE MODELS A2, A2F, B2, B2F, C2, AND C2F PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3370 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE MODELS Al AND Bl PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3375 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE MODELS Al AND Bl PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3380 DIRECT ACCESS STORA6E MODEL A4, A4F, AA4, AAF, 84, and 84F TEMPLATE 3'tl0 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT MODELS 1 TO 3 AND 3411 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT AND CONTROL MODELS 1 TO 3 FOR SYSTEHl370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3't20 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT MODELS 3 TO 8 & 3803 TAPE CONTROL MODELS 1-3 FOR SYSTEHl370: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3430 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM MODELS A AND B 3480 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3480 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3540 DISKETTE INPUTIOUTPUT UNIT MODELS Bl AND B2 FOR SYSTEHl370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3704 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER FOR SYSTEMl370: IBM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER FOR SYSTEHl370: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3725/3726 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER AND EXPANSION 3727 OPERATOR CONSOLE 3740 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL CUSTOMER SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 3770 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM PHYSICAL PLANNING 3814 SWITCHING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MODELS AI-A4, BI-84, AND C1-C4 TEMPLATE 3838 ARRAY PROCESSOR MODELS 1-3 FOR SYSTEM/370: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3848 CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3851 MASS STORAGE FACILITY PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3863, 3864, AND 3865 MODEMS INTRODUCTION AND SITE PREPARATION 6UIDE 3866 SYSTEM, 3868 RACK-MOUNTED MODEMS. P~~ING AND SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 3867 LINK DIAGNOSTIC UNIT: SITE PREPARATION GUIDE PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE FOR 3880 STORAGE CONTROL PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE FOR 3881 OPTICAL MARK READER MODELS 1-3 & 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER MODELS 1 & 2 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 3895 DOCUMENT READER/INSCRIBER 3896 TAPE DOCUMENT CONVERTER PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: 4245 PRINTER MODEL 1 4248 PRINTER PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE METRIC UNITS 1:50 4250 PRINTER PLANNING AND SITE PREPARATION 4321. 4331. 4361 PROCESSORS. INSTALLATION MANUAL, PHYSICAL PLANNING 4321 & 4331 PROCESSORS PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE (ENGLISH 1:48) 4321,4331,4361 PROCESSORS PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE (SCALE: METRIC 1:50) 4341 PROCESSORS PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE (1 :48) 43't1 PROCESSOR PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE (1:50) 4341/4381 PROCESSORS INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING 4381 PROCESSOR PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 4381 PROCESSOR PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE 4723 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR INSTALLATION PLANNING 5424 MULTI-FUNCTION CARD UNIT MODELS AI, A2, Kl, K2, AND K3 7350 IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING 7436 PRINTER MODEL 1 SITE PLANNING, PHYSICAL PLANNING, AND CONFIGuRATOR GUIDE 7460-4 STUB CARD READER RPQ EE7595 INSTALLATION/PHYSICAL PLANNING 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL, SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 8809 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE FOR 8809 MODELS lA, 2 AND 3 (10 ..II = 0.5 II) SCANMASTER I PLANNING AND SITE PREPARATION GUIDE operator's ~ problem determination) IBM DISK PACK AND CARTRIDGE HANDLING PROCEDURES THE IBM DISKETTE: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL 3193 DISPLAY STATION OPERATOR'S GUIDE MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MANAGER, 5665-3't2 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE CARD PROTECTIVE COUPLER, PN 1649100, SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 129 CARD DATA RECORDER OPERATOR'S REFERENCE MANUAL OPERATOR'S LIBRARY SYSTEMl370 MODEL 115 PROCEDURES OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: SYSTEM/370 MODEL 125 PROCEDURES OPERATOR'S LIBRARY. 5/370 MODEL 135 PROCEDURES 5/370 MODEL 138 OPERATING PROCEDURES 5/370 MODEL 145 OPERATING PROCEDURES 5/370 MODEL 148 OPERATING PROCEDURES 5/370 MODEL 155 OPERATING PROCEDURES 5/370 MODEL 158 OPERATING PROCEDURES 5/370 MODEL 165 OPERATING PROCEDURES 5/370 MODEL 165. OPERATOR'S REFERENCE CARD 5/370 MODEL 168 OPERATING PROCEDURES 5/360 & S/370 MODEL 195 OPERATING PROCEDURES 12 ,/ '\ i"-.j GA21-9041 GA24-3125 GA22-6S77 GA21-9064 GA19-0050 GA21-9150 GA21-9025 GA26-3599 GA21-9026 GA21-9027 GA21-9033 GA26-5893 GA21-9144 GA27-3039 GA27-3001 GA27-303S GA27-3035 GC3S-0033 GC38-0032 GC3S-0031 **SA22-7099 **GC38-0034 GTOO-1487 GTOO-1380 GTOO-1374 GQ38-0034 GT38-0034 **GC38-0035 GTOO-1482 GTOO-1383 GTOO-1141 GTOO-0988 GQ38-0035 HGC38-0036 GTOO-1486 GTOO-1381 GQ38-0036 GT38-0036 **Ge38-0037 **GTOO-I722 GQ3S-0037 GT38-0037 SC38-0039 SC38-0040 SC38-0041 SC38-0049 SC38-0051 GA18-203S GA18-2036 HGA18-2128 GCll-6034 GA18-U80 GA18-2454 GA33-1515 6A33-1519 GA33-1521 GA33-1529 GA33-1531 6A24-3543 GA24-3777 GA24-3779 GA24-3778 GA24-3735 GA24-3750 GA24-3743 GA24-3752 GA24-3928 GA27-3270 6A27-2750 6A27-2774 1035 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION & OPERATING PROCEDURES 1050 OPERATOR'S GUIDE SYSTEHl360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS & OPERATING PROCEDURES: 1052 PRINTER-KEYBOARD HODEL 7 WITH 2150 CONSOLE S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION & OPERATING PROCEDURES, 1287 OPTICAL READER S/360 S/370 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES 1287 OPTICAL READER MODEL 5 S/360 & S/370 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION & OPERATING PROCEDURES: 1287 OPTICAL READER MODEL 5 1442-N1 & N2 COt1PONENT DESCRIPTION & OPERATING PROCEDURES S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS - 2314 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE FACILITY AND 2844 AUXILIARY STORAGE CONTROL 2501 MODELS Bl & B2 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION & OPERATING PROCEDURES 2520-Bl, B2 & B3 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION & OPERATING PROCEDURES S/360 COt1PONENT DESCRIPTION & OPERATING PROCEDURES, 2540 CARD READ PUNCH IBM 2560 MULTI-FUNCTION CARD MACHINE: COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES 2596 CARD READ PUNCH PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL AND OPERATOR'S GUIDE 2721 PORTABLE AUDIO TERMINAL HANDBOOK 2740/2741 COMMUNICATIONS TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE OPERATOR'S GUIDE: IBM 2770 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM 2790 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3031 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3032 PROCESSOR COMPLEX OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3033 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3044 FIBER-OPTIC CHANNEL EXTENDER LINK: CUSTOMER PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3081 OPERATOR GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3081 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE, (GC38-0034-5) 3081 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0034-4) 3081 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR TtlE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0034-3) 3081 OPERATOR GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0034-6) 3081 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE RELEASE 31 (GC38-0034-1) 3081, 3083, AND 3084 MESSAGES FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3081, 3083 AND 3084 MESSAGES FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0035-5) 3081, 3083 AND 3084 MESSAGES FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0035-4) 3081 AND 3083 MESSAGES FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0035-3) 3081 AND 3083 MESSAGES FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0035-2) 3081 AND 3083 MESSAGES FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0035-1) 3083 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3083 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE, (GC38-0036-3) 3083 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE 3083 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (6C38-0036-1) 3083 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (6C38-0036-0) 3084 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3084 OPERATOR'S 6UIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0037-2) 3084 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM Cot~OLE (6C38-0037-2) 3084 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CO~~OLE (GC38-0037-0) 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX OPERATOR MESSAGES FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX MODELS 120E 150 150E 180 180E 200 200E 400 AND 400E OPERATOR CONTROLS FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX MODELS 200 AND 200E OPERATOR TASKS FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX MODELS 120E 150 150E 180 AND 180E OPERATOR TASKS FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX RECOVERY GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3101 DISPLAY TERMINAL OPERATOR REFERENCE INFORMATION 3101 DISPLAY TERMINAL CUSTOMER PROBLEM ANALYSIS AND RESOLUTION GUIDE 3178 DISPLAY STATION OPERATOR REFERENCE GUIDE 3178 DISPLAY OPERATOR REFERENCE GUIDE 3179 COLOR DISPLAY STATION OPERATOR REFERENCE AND PROBLEM SOLVING GUIDE 3191 DISPLAY STATION USER'S GUIDE 3203 PRINTER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3203 PRINTER REFERENCE SUMMARY FOR OPERATORS 3203 MODEL 3 PRINTER REFERENCE SUMMARY FOR OPERATIONS 3203 PRINTER MODEL 5 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3203 PRINTER MODEL 5 REFERENCE SUMMARY FOR OPERATORS IBM 3211 PRINTER 3216 INTERCHANGEABLE TRAIN CARTRIDGE AND 3811 PRINTER CONTROL UNIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3232 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERMINAL MODEL 1 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3232 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERMINAL MODEL 11 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3232 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERMINAL MODEL 51 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3262 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 11 OPERATOR'S GUIDE OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS AND STATUS CODES 3262 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 11 3262 PRINTER MODELS 3 AND 13 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3262 PRINTER HODELS 3 AND 13 OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS AND STATUS co()ES 3262 PRINTER MODEL 5 OPERATOR GUIDE 3268 PRINTER MODELS 2 AND 2C OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3270 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE: IBM 3271, 3272, 3275, 3277, 3284, 3286 AND 3288 A GUIDE TO USING THE TEST REQUEST FEATURE ON IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEMS: IBtf 13 HGA27-2850 GA27-2742 GA18-2014 GA18-2040 GA18-2042 GA23-0020 6A27-2839 GA27-2890 GA33-3051 GA33-3057 GA33-3094 6A19-5265 GA27-3150 GA27-3151 GA27-3230 GA27-3231 GA27-3141 GA27-3147 GA27-3148 GA27-3159 GA27-3160 GA27-3162 6A23-0125 **6A23-0242 **SI26-0103 GA26-1625 G232-0004 S232-0003 GA32-0066 GA21-9l24 GA21-9197 6A24-3679 GA24-3680 GA24-3681 GA24-3682 GA24-3711 GA24-3683 6C3l-2011 GA27-3091 GA27-3092 GX34-0022 GA33-0014 GTOO-1512 **GA33-0044 GA33-00l5 GA27-3643 GA27-3061 GA21-9131 GA21-9136 GA21-9170 GA18-2000 GA18-20l2 GA27-3106 GA27-3100 GA27-310l GA27-3l31 GA27-3113 GA27-3114 GA27-3094 GA27-3095 GA27-3170 GA27-3132 GA27-3l07 6A27-3108 GA27-3l65 GA27-3l66 GA27-3124 GA27-3l25 GA27-3129 GA27-3130 3271, 3272, 3275, 3277 3284, 3286, AND 3288 3274 CONTROL UNIT USER'S GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE: 3275 & 3277 DISPLAY STATIONS: 3284, 3286 & 3288 PRINTERS 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY STATION PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY STATION OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION FOR 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY STATIONS 3278 HODEL 2A DISPLAY CONSOLE PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3278 DISPLAY STATION, PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3278 DISPLAY STATION OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION PROBLEM DETERMINATION 6UIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION OPERATORS GUIDE 3279 HODEL 2C COLOR DISPLAY CONSOLE PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3287 PRINTER MODELS lC AND 2C PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR RIGHT-TO-LEFT RPQS 7HOS07, 7H0527 , 7LOS58 3287 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 2 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3287 PRINTER MODELS 1 & 2 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3287 PRINTER MODELS lC & 2C OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3287 PRINTER MODELS IC & 2C PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3289 MOD 1, 2 ERROR RECOVERY AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3289 LINE PRINTER MODELS 1 & 2 OPERATOR'S INSTRUCTIONS 3289 LINE PRINTER MODELS 1 & 2 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY 3289 LINE PRINTER MODEL 4 OPERATOR GUIDE 3289 LINE PRINTER MODEL 4 ERROR RECOVERY AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3289 LINE PRINTER HODEL 4 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY 3290 INFORMATION PANEL CUSTOMER PROBLEM ANALYSIS AND RESOLUTION 3290-2 INFORMATION PANEL OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3290-2 INFORMATION PANEL ABOUT YOUR KEYBOARD 3348 DATA MODULE HANDLING PROCEDURES 3410/3411 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3420 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3480 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3504 AND 3505 CARD READER, 3525 CARD PUNCH SUBSYSTEM 3540 DISKETTE INPUT/OUTPUT OPERATOR'S GUIDE & PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL 3641 REPORTING TERMINAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING GUIDE 3642 ENCODER PRINTER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING GUIDE 3643 KEYBOARD DISPLAY COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING GUIDE 3644 AUTOMATIC DATA UNIT, OPERATING GUIDE 3645 PRINTER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING GUIDE 3646 SCANNER CONTROL UNIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING GUIDE 3647 TIME AND ATTENDANCE TERMINAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING GUIDE 3704 OPERATOR REFERENCE SUMMARY 3705 OPERATOR REFERENCE SUMMARY 3715 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER PROBLEM DETERMINATION AND EXTENDED SERVICES (CURRENT RELEASE) 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER OPERATING GUIDE (GA33-00l4-3) 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER OPERATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3727 OPERATOR CONSOLE REFERENCE AND PROBLEM ANALYSIS GUIDE 3728 COMMUNICATION CONTROL MATRIX SWITCH OPERATIONS GUIDE 3735 PROGRAMMABLE BUFFERED TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3741 DATA STATION OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3742 DUAL DATA STATION OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3747 DATA CONVERTER REFERENCE MANUAL & OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL ERROR RECOVERY AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE OPERATOR'S INTRODUCTION TO THE 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL OPERATING PROCEDURES GUIDE: IBM 3771 AND 3773 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL 3771 & 3773 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS REFERENCE SUMMARY 3771, 3773, AND 3774 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS OPERATOR TIPS 3773, 3774 & 3775 PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION TERMINALS REFERENCE SUMMARY 3773 PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE OPERATING PROCEDURES GUIDE: 3774 AND 3775 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS 3774 & 3775 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS, REFERENCE CARD 3774 & 3775 PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION TERMINALS, REFERENCE SUMMARY 3775 AND 3776 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS AND IBM 3784 LINE PRINTER OPERATOR TIPS OPERATING PROCEDURES GUIDE: IBM 3776 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL 3776 c(w~ICATION TERMINAL REFERENCE SUMMARY 3776 MODELS 3 & 4 & 3777 MODEL 3 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3776 MODELS 3 & 4, 3777 HODEL 3 CotlflJNICATION TERMINAL, OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUHMARY OPERATING PROCEDURES GUIDE: IBM 3777 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL 3777 Cot1MUNICATION TERMINAL REFERENCE SUMMARY 3777 MODEL 2 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3777 HODEL 2 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL REFERENCE SUMMARY 14 ( GA27-3309 GA27-2830 GA26-1634 GA32-0068 GA22-7078 GA27-3149 GA19-5099 GA22-7073 GA32-0031 GA32-0036 GA27-3216 GA27-3218 GA33-0025 GA33-0026 GA27-3260 GA27-3058 GA27-3062 GA33-0002 GA33-0001 GA21-9143 GA24-3619 GA24-3656 GC31-2505 GA24-3664 GA24-3638 GX33-1505 GX33-1508 HGA24-3798 **GA24-3929 GA33-1551 GX33-1504 GA33-1545 GA33-1525 GA33-1538 GA33-1540 GA24-3669 GA33-1570 GA33-1573 GA33-1582 GA24-3949 **GC31-2035 GC31-2036 **GC31-2592 **GC31-2593 **GC31-2065 **GC31-2079 GC31-2518 GA34-0040 GX34-0042 GX34-0041 GX34-0043 GA21-9167 GA21-9078 G360-0434 GCI9-5115 GA22-7108 GA22-7112 GA22-7113 GA33-3071 GA33-3073 6A33-3045 6232-0005 3777 HODEL 4 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE OPERATIONS GUIDE FOR THR 3790 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, VERSION 7 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODEL 3 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3814 SWITCHING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OPERATOR GUIDE FOR 3604 SUPPORT 3814 3604 3842 LOOP CONTROL UNIT OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3843 LOOP CONTROL UNIT, OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3848 CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES 3850 DATA CARTRIDGE CARE AND HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 3863 MODEM MODELS 1 AND 2, 3864 MODEM MODELS 1 AND 2 SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND USER'S GUIDE 3865 MODEM MODELS 1 AND 2 SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND USER'S GUIDE 3866 SYSTEM 3868 RACK-MOUNTED MODEMS USER'S GUIDE 3866 SYSTEM 3868 RACK-MOUNTED MODEMS CUSTOMER PROBLEM ANALYSIS AND RESOLUTION GUIDE 3867 LINK DIAGNOSTIC UNIT SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND USER'S GUIDE 3872 MODEM USER'S GUIDE 3872 MODEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION CARD 3874 MODEM USER'S GUIDE 3875 MODEM USER'S GUIDE 3881 OPTICAL MARK READER MODELS 1 & 2 REFERENCE MANUAL AND OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR MODELS C & 0 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR MODELS E AND F OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3895 DOCUMENT READERIINSCRIBER OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3896 TAPE-DOCUMENT CONVERTER MACHINE DESCRIPTION AND KEY OPERATOR'S GUIDE 4245 PRINTER MODEL 1 REFERENCE SUt1MARY FOR OPERATORS 4245 PRINTER MODELS 12, 20 REFERENCE SUMMARY FOR OPERATORS 4248 PRINTER MODEL 1 OPERATOR'S INTRODUCTION AND REFERENCE 4248 PRINTER MODEL 1 OPERATING PROCEDURES 4250 PRINTER OPERATOR'S GUIDE 4250 REFERENCE INFORMATION FOR OPERATORS 4321/4331/4361 PROCESSORS, REMOTE OPERATOR CONSOLE FACILITY (ROCF) 4321/4331 PROCESSORS OPERATING PROCEDURES AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 4321/4331/4361 PROCESSORS MULTIUSE COMMUNICATIONS LOOP OPERATING PROCEDURE 4321/4331/4361 PROCESSORS LOOP ADAPTER PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 4341 PROCESSOR OPERATOR'S GUIDE 4361 PROCESSOR OPERATING PROCEDURES PROBLEM FINDER GUIDE 4361 PROCESSOR 4361 PROCESSOR REMOTE OPERATOR CONSOLE FACILITY (ROCF) 4381 OPERATIONS MANUAL 4704 DISPLAY STATION MODEL 1 PROBLEM DETERMINATION 4710 RECEIPTIVALIDATION PRINTER PROBLEM DETERMINATION CARD 4710-2 RECEIPTIVALIDATION PRINTER OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 4710-2 RECEIPTIVALIDATION PRINTER PROBLEM DETERMINATION 4720 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 3 PROBLEM DETERMINATION CARD 4720 PRINTER MODELS 2 AND 4 PROBLEM DETERMINATION CARD 4730 PERSONAL BANKING MACHINE OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR FRONT-SERVICED MODELS 5230 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE IBM 5230 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 5231 MODEL 2 CONSOLE GUIDE 5230 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 5231 MODEL 1 CONSOLE GUIDE 5230 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 5231 MODEL 3 CONSOLE GUIDE 5424 AND 5425 MULTIFUNCTION CARD UNITS OPERATOR'S GUIDE AND PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL 5486 CARD SORTER OPERATOR'S GUIDE 4331 VSE SYSTEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION REFERENCE 7350 IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE 7406 DEVICE COUPLER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES 7409 SCANNING COLOR SENSOR PRODUCT DESCRIPTION, OPERATING PROCEDURES, AND INSTALLATION PLANNING 7410 COLOR SENSOR ANALYZER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 7436 PRINTER MODEL 1 OPERATORS GUIDE 7436 PRINTER MODEL 1 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL: TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE 8809 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT OPERATOR'S GUIDE 15 e ~ (20-40) RELEASES h L.Z g 1 Note: Prog...a. logi c Manuals (PLt1s) ..... pl"'OVi ded in both Manual and . i crofi che fo..... Mic ...ofiche editions inco...po ... ate all TNLs applying to the ~se public.tion. If you Nant .icrofiche edition(slt please have you... SLSS subSc... iption changed acco...dingly. l!l General Information: Evaluation. Flyers **6C28-1181 6C24-5104 GCB4-5l04 6C24-5151 6C24-5202 n Assemble... 6C33-40l0 6C33-402l SY33-8041 SYC3-8041 12 ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDING EDITING AND PRINTING PROGRAM SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAHHING SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVSl MASTER INDEX OF SL PUBLICATIONS OSIVSl MASTER INDEX OF SL PUBLICATIONS (MICROFICHE EDITION) OPERATING SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE 1 (OSIVSl) RELEASE 6 SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAHHING SPECIFICATIONS OSlVSl RELEASE 7 SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS PROS S652-VSl OSIVS, DOSIVSE AND Vt1/370 ASSEtlBLER LANGUAGE (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS, Vt1/370 ASSEt1BLER PROGRAHHER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS, Vt1/370 ASSEMBLER LOGIC OSIVS AND Vt1/370 ASSEMBLER LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) Access Methods. Data Management. Sto ...age/Communicati GC26-3840 LY26-3946 SY35-0008 LD26-60l0 LD26-60l4 SYC5-0008 6C26-3842 GC26-38l9 SD26-6011 6C26-3838 SY26-384l SYB6-3841 SY26-3836 SYB6-3836 6C27-6980 SY27-7246 SD2l-0008 SYB7-7246 SY35-0003 SYC5-0003 GC22-9062 GC22-9063 GC28-0942 SC28-0956 6C28-0957 LJB2-9511 LJD2-2l98 LY28-0986 SC26-39l6 GC26-39l7 LJB6-0015 LJD2-220l 6C28-10l4 GC28-10l5 SC28-l0l6 LJB2-95l7 LY28-l0l7 LY28-l018 SY26-3837 SYB6-3837 GC26-3837 GC26-3887 6C26-3872 GH20-9l22 6C26-3874 GC35-0033 ons ~ Cont ...ol P...og...aMS OSIVSl ACCESS METHOD SERVICES OSIVSl ACCESS METHOD SERVICES, 5652-VSl, LOGIC OSlVSl ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR At1S CRYPTOGRAPHIC OPTION. 5740-AH8, TO VSl ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC, SY25-00l8-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR MASS STORAGE EXTENSIONS FOR 3850, 5740-XYG, TO VSl ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC, SY35-00l8-2 OSlVSl ·ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) PLANNING FOR ENHANCED VSAM UNDER OSIVS OSIVS VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (VSAM) OPTIONS FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS SUPPLEMENT FOR MASS STORAGE EXTENSIONS FOR 3850 TO VSAM OPTIONS FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS, GC26-38l9-4 OSIVS VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (VSAM) PROGRAHHER' S GUIDE OSIVSl VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (VSAM) LOGIC OSIVSl VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (VSAM) LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVSl BDAM LOGIC OS/VSl BDAtt LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVS BTAM OSIVS BTAM LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR OSIVSl BTAtt RELEASE 7 CHARTS TO LOGIC OSIVS BTAM LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OS/VSl CATALOG MANAGEMENT LOGIC OSIVSl CATALOG MANAGEMENT LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) DATA SECURITY THROUGH CRYPTOGRAPHY IBM CRYPTOGRAPHIC SUBSYSTEM CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES MANUAL OSIVSl & OSIVS2 ttVS PROGRAHHED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY, LIC PROG 5740-XY5, GENERAL INFORMATION OSIVSl & OSIVS2 ttYS PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY, LIC PROG 5740-XY5, INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL OSIVSl & OSIVS2 ttVS PROGRAHHED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY, LIC PROG 5740-XY5, SPECIFICATIONS OSIVSl PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY, LIC PROG 5740-XY5 MICROFICHE LISTING PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY, LIC PROG 5740-XY5 LISTINGS OSIVSl PROGRAHHED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY, LIC PROG 5740-XYS LOGIC OS/VS ACCESS METHOD SERVICES CRYPTOGRAPHIC OPTION, LIC PROG 5740-AH8 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES CRYPTOGRAPHIC OPTION, LIC PROG 5740-At18, SPECIFICATIONS OSIVSl DATA MANAGEMENT MICROFICHE LISTINGS At1S CRYPTO, LIC PROG 5740-AM8, LISTINGS OSIVSl & OSIVS2 ttYS CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-XY6, SPECIFICATIONS OS/VSl & OS/VS2 ttYS CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT GENERAL INFORMATION OSIVSl & OSIVS2 ttYS CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-XY6, INSTALLATION REFERENCE OSlVSl CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT OSIVS2 ttVS CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT, LIC PROG S740-XY6, LOGIC OSIVSl CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT PROGRAM LIC PROG 5740-XY6, LOGIC OSlVSl DADSM LOGIC OSlVSl DADSM LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVSl DATA MANAGEMENT FOR SYSTEM PROGRAMMERS OSIVSl SUBSYSTEM ATTACHMENT SUPPORT - SUID 5741-606, DATA MANAGEMENT SUPPLEMENT OSIVSl DATA MANAGEMENT MACRO INSTRUCTIONS OSIVS2 ttYS SEquENTIAL ACCESS METHOD-EXTENDED (SAM-E), LIC PROG 5740-AMl, -AM], GENERAL INFORMATION OSIVSl DATA MANAGEMENT SERVICES GUIDE DSF USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) 16 I/' GTOO-OS72 GTOO-0726 G~35-0033 GT35-0033 ( GC35-0042 SY35-0030 STOO-OS71 ST75-0030 **GC26-3946 GTOO-OS73 GTOO-OS30 GC26-3950 SC26-3952 GC26-3954 G~26-3954 GC26-3955 LJB6-005S LJB6-0059 LJB6-0062 LJB6-009S LJB6-0099 LJB6-0100 LJB6-0147 SJB6-6021 SY26-3880 SY26-3681 Sn6-3SS2 sn6-3SS3 GC24-5109 GC33-0125 GC33-012S SC33-0141 SC33-0142 SC33-0143 ST33-0143 LC33-0144 LYA4-3030 SY27-7240 SYB7-7240 GC27-6971 GC27-6972 GC27-6973 Sn7-7242 SYB7-7242 GC27-6974 SY27-7241 SYB7-7241 Sn4-5156 LD25-0046 SY24-5175 SY24-5194 SYB4-5156 SH12-5390 SH12-5391 SH12-5393 SY26-3838 SYB6-3838 SY35-0016 SYC5-0016 SY32-5042 SY32-S044 SY32-5045 GC35-0014 Ge3S-0027 DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES REL 5 RELEASE GUIDE & REFERENCE (GC35-0033-6) DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES, SCP 5747-DSI RELEASE 4 GENERAL INFORMATION (GC35-0033-S) DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES 5747-DS1, 5746-XES RELEASE 3 (GC35-0033-4) VSE/ADVANCED Fut~TIONS DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XES (GC35-0033-2) DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES SELECTABLE UNIT SCPS DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES, SCP 5747-DS1, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES, SCP 5747-DS1, RELEASE 5, LOGIC (SY35-0030-04) DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES, SUID 5752-684 RELEASE 2 LOGIC SY35-0030-1 DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES STANDALONE SCP, 5747-DS1, 5665-257, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES STANDALONE SCP 5747-DS1, RELEASE 5 (GC26-3946-5) DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES STANDALONE SCP 5747-DSI RELEASE 4, SPECIFICATIONS (GC26-3946-4) OSIVSI DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT SPECIFICATIONS DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-AM6 (VS1), 5740-AM7 (VS2 MVS), USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-AM6, -AM7, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-AM6, -AM7, RELEASE 1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION (GC26-3954-4) OSIVSI DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT RELEASE 1, LIC PROG 5740-AM6, PROGRAM SUMMARY OS/VSl DFDS RELEASE 1 LISTING, LIC PROG 5740-AM6, LISTING OSIVSI DFDS RELEASE 1 SYMBOL CROSS-REFERENCE, LIC PROG 5740-AM6, LISTINGS OSIVSI DFDS DATA AREAS, LIC PROG 5740-AM6, LISTINGS OSIVSI DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT LISTINGS OS/VSl DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT LISTINGS OSIVSI DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT CROSS REFERENCE LISTINGS OSIVSI DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 2 LISTINGS DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT 6.0 LISTINGS DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT: DADSM AND COMMON VTOC ACCESS FACILITY DIAGNOSIS GUIDE, LIC PROG 5740-AM6, -AM7 DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT: DADSM DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE, LIC PROG 5740-AM6, -AM7 DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT: COMMON VTOC ACCESS FACILITY DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE, LIC PROG 5740-AM6, -AM7 DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT, 5740-AM6, OSIVSI MEDIA MANAGER DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND REFERENCE OSIVS DISKETTE COPY PROGRAMMING SUPPORT REFERENCE MANUAL, SCP 5744-BJl,5744-BLI GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION AND CUSTOMlZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT, 5668-978, MESSAGES AND CODES (SC33-0143-0) GRAPHIC ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT DESIGN GUIDE GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT, LIC PROG 5668-978 RELEASE 1 VERSION 1, LISTINGS OSIVS GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD LOGIC MANUAL OS/VS GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVS GRAPHIC PROGRAMMING SERVICES (GPS) FOR IBM 2250 DISPLAY UNIT OSIVS GRAPHIC PROGRAMMING SERVICES (GPS) FOR IBM 2260 DISPLAY STATION (LOCAL ATTACHMENT) OSIVS GRAPHIC SUBROUTINE PACKAGE (GSP) FOR FORTRAN IV, COBOL, AND PLII OS/VS GRAPHIC SUBROUTINE PACKAGE (GSP) FOR FORTRAN IV, COBOL AND PLII LOGIC OS/VS GRAPHIC SUBROUTINE PACKAGE (GSP) FOR FORTRAN IV, COBOL AND PLII LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVS PROBLEM DETERMINATION AIDS, MESSAGES AND CODES FOR GPS AND GSP OSIVS GRAPHICS PROBLEM-ORIENTED ROUTINES LOGIC OSIVS GRAPHICS PROBLEM-ORIENTED ROUTINES LOGIC (MICROFICHE) OSIVSI I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC MANUAL SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS TO I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC, SY24-5156 (CURRENT RELEASE) SU5 SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVSI I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC (SY24-5156-5) SU-4 SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVS1 I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC (SY24-5156-5) OSIVSl I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) INTERACTIVE PERSONNEL SYSTEM, 5740-AM4, 5746-AM1, IMPLEMENTING INTERACTIVE PERSONNEL SYSTEM, S740-AM4, 5746-AMl, OPERATING INTERACTIVE PERSONNEL SYSTEM, 5740-AM4, 5746-AM1, CUSTOMIZING OSIVSl ISAM LOGIC OSIVSl ISAM LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVS MASS STORAGE CONTROL (MSC) TABLE CREATE LOGIC OSIVS MSC TABLE CREATE LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) 3851 MASS STORAGE FACILITY THEORY OF OPERATIONS: CARTRIDGE STORE 3851 MASS STORAGE FACILITY THEORY OF OPERATIONS: DATA RECORDING CONTROL AND DATA RECORDING DEVICE 3851 MASS STORAGE FACILITY: REFERENCE OPERATORS LIBRARY: IBM 3850 MASS STORAG!: SYSTEM (MSS) UNDER OSIVS OSIVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) SYSTEM DATA ANALYZER i7 --------- --------------------------,---~-~~~~~~~- Ge38-1000 SY35-0029 Ge35-0028 GK35-0213 Ge35-0018 6H35-0034 SH35-0035 SH35-0036 SH35-0040 SK35-0214 **SH35-0041 SK35-0223 SK35-0215 GH35-0043 SY35-0012 SYC5-0012 SY35-0014 SYC5-0014 LGF6-0101 LY35-0037 LY35-0038 LK35-0216 LY35-0039 GC35-0016 GC35-00l7 SY35-0015 SYC5-0015 SC30-3113 SY26-3839 SY26-3866 LY26-3947 SYB6-3839 LD26-6028 SY26-3840 LY26-3949 SYB6-3840 Ge24-5127 6C24-5155 Ge26-3795 6C38-1010 SY28-6849 LD25-0021 SYBS-6849 6C30-2049 GC30-9516 GC30-3039 6C30-3037 6C30-3036 GC30-3040 GC30-3044 GC30-3046 GC30-2052 GC30-2051 GY30-1024 SY30-3032 GC30-2042 GC30-2045 GC30-2054 GC30-2047 SY30-2069 LJBI-0940 SYCO-2069 lY26-3948 6C24-5119 GC24-5125 OSIVS MESSAGE LIBRARY: MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (t1SS) MESSAGES OSIVS t1SS DATA ANALYZER LOGIC OSIVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) INSTALLATION PLANNING AN:) TABLE CREATE SUPPLEMENT FOR MASS STORAGE SYSTEM INSTALLATION PLANNING AND TABLE CREATE (6C24-0028-0l) OS/VSl AND OSIVS2 MVS MSS,ENHANCEMENTS SELECTABLE UNITS SYSTEM INFORMATION, SUIDS 5741-605, 5752-824 OSIVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS GENERAL INFORMATION OSIVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS SERVICES GUIDE LIC PROG 5740-XYG OSIVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS SERVICES: REFERENCE, LIC PROS 5740-XYG OS/VS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS, LIC PROG 5740-XYG, OPERATION SUPPLEMENT FOR MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS TO OPERATION (SH35-0040-02) OSIVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS, LIC PROG 5740-XYG, MESSAGES OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE, 5740-XYG, MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS, SYSTEM LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT SUPPLEMENT FOR MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS TO MESSAGES (SH35-0041-02) MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS t1SSE SPECIFICATIONS OSIVSI MASS STORAGE SYSTEM COMMUNICATOR (MSSC) LOGIC OSIVSI t1SSC LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVS MASS STORAGE CONTROL (MSC) TRACE REPORTS LOGIC OSIVS t1SC TRACE REPORTS LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVSI MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS, LIC PROG 5740-XYG, MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS LOGIC: MSS COMMUNICATOR (MSSC) OSIVS2 MVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS MSS COMMUNICATOR (t1SSC)' LIC PROG 5740-XYG, LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS TO t1SSC LOGIC (LH35-0038-01) OSIVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS, t1SS SERVICES, LIC PROG 5740-XYG, LOGIC OSIVS MSS SERVICES GENERAL INFORMATION OSIVS MSS SERVICES REFERENCE INFORMATION OSIVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) SERVICES LOGIC OSIVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM SERVICES LOGIC (MICROFICHE) NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM: STRUCTURE OVERVIEW FOR START/STOP AND BSC LINE CONTROL OSIVSI OPEN/CLOSE/EOV LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR SU6: OSIVSI OPEN/CLOSE/EOV, 5741-606 OSIVS1/0PEN/CLOSE/EOV, 5652-VSl, LOGIC OSIVSI OPENICLOSE/EOV LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT VSl OPENICLOSE/EOV LOGIC SY26-3839-3 OSIVSI SAM LOGIC OSIVSI SAM, 5652-VS1, LOGIC OSIVSI SAM LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVSI SUBSYSTEM ATTACHMENT SUPPORT SUID 5741-606, SYSTEM INFORMATION OSIVSI SUBSYSTEM ATTACHMENT SUPPORT SU ID SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS OSIVS TAPE LABELS OSIVSI RES RTAM AND ACCOUNT MESSAGES OSIVSl RES RTAM AND WORKSTATION SUPPORT LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl RES ENHANCED FUNCTION, 5740-XYE, TO RES, RTAM & WORKSTATION SUPPORT LOGIC, SY28-6849-4 OS/VS1 RES RTAM & WORKSTATION SUPPORT LOGIC (MICROFICHE) OSIVS TCAM (WlNCPIVS FOR SNA) CONCEPTS & APPLICATIONS TCAM NCP/VS DIRECT (TCAM LEVEL 10) SU 2; SCP 5741-VSl TCAM 10 SUPPORT, SUID 5741-602, SPECIFICATIONS OSIVS TCAM INSTALLATION AND MIGRATION GUIDE LEVEL 10 SELECTABLE UNIT (SU) IDENTIFIERS; 5741-602 (OS/VSl SU ID) 5742-UY99915 (OS/SVS ICR); 5752-836 (OS/MVS SU ID) OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OSIVS TCAM (LEVEL 10), SUID 5741-602, 5752-836. ICR 5742 OS/VS TCAM (LEVEL 10) APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SUIDS 5741-602. 5752-836, ICR 5742 OSIVS TCAM DEBUGGING GUIDE LEVEL 10, OSIVSI SUID 5741-602. OSIMVS SUID 5752-836, OS/SVS ICR 5742-UY99915 I OSIVS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS1 TCAM LEVEL 10 MESSAGES OSIVS1 SU ID 5741-602 OSIVSI TCAM LEVEL 10 SELECTABLE UNIT SYSTEM INFORMATION, SU ID 5741-602 OS/VS TCAM MACRO REFERENCE GUIDE, TCAM LEVEL 10 (SU ID 5741-602 AND 5752-836) OSIVS TCAM SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE TCAM LEVEL 10 SELECTABLE UNIT (SU) IDENTIFIERS: 5741-602 (OSIVS1 SU ID); 5742-UY99915 (OS/SVS ICR); 5752-836 (OSIMVS SU ID) OSIVS TCAM PROGRAM REFERENCE SUMMARY TCAM LEVEL 10: 5741-602 (OSIVS1 SUID); 5742-UY99915 (OS/SVS ICR); 5752-836 (OSIMVS SUID) OSIVS2 TCAM LEVEL 10 LOGIC SELECTABLE UNIT (SU) IDENTIFIERS: 5741-602 (OSIVS1 SU ID), 5742-UY99915 (OS/SVS ICR); 5752-836 (OSIMVS SU ID) OS TCAM (LEVELS 8 & 9) CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES OSIVS TCAM (LEVELS 8 & 9), USER'S GUIDE OSIVSI TCAM (LEVELS 8 & 9) PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE OSIVSl TCAM (LEVELS 8 & 9), OPERATOR'S LIBRARY LOGIC OSIVSI TCAM LEVELS 8 AND 9 5741-SCI-21 * OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE 1* TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD LEVELS 8 9 LOGIC PROGRAM ASSEMBLY LISTINGS MVS. OSlVSl TCAM OSIVSI TCAM LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVSI UTILITIES, 5652-VSl, LOGIC OSIVSI VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM RELEASE GUIDE, SUID 5741-606 OS/VS1 AND OS/VS2 MVS VECTOR PROCESSltS SUBSYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 18 6C24-5126 GC24-5182 SY24-5174 GC24-5205 LY26-3950 GX27-0030 GC27-0043 GC27-6994 GX27-0034 ( SYB7-7256 SY27-7257 SYB7-7257 SY27-7266 SYB7-7266 SY27-7271 SYB7-7271 GC21-5004 GYU-0013 GYB1-0013 GY21-0012 GYB1-0012 GC21-5006 GC21-5097 GC24-5110 SY24-5166 SYB4-5166 Ge30-3003 Ge30-3005 GT30-3005 Ge30-3008 SY30-3007 SY30-3013 GC30-3006 GY30-3012 SY30-3031 SC30-3114 GC30-3001 GCU-5071 GC30-3028 GC26-3846 GTOO-0571 Ge26-3935 6C26-3945 Ge24-5101 SY24-5162 SYB4-5162 SY24-5163 SYB4-5163 6C24-5158 S544-0579 S544-3004 S544-3005 OSIVS1 VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM INSTALLATION AND OPERATION GUIDE, SUID 5741-606 OSIVS1 VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS OSIVSI VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM LOGIC - SUID 5741-606 OSIVS1 VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM (VPSS) SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS OSIVS1 VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (VSAM), 5652-VSl, LOGIC OSIVSI VTAM CONTROL BLOCK OVERVIEW OSIVSl RELEASE 4, VTAM, 5741-SCI-23, LEVEL 1.1 DEBUGGING GUIDE VTAM, 5752-801, LEVEL 2 MACRO LANGUAGE GUIDE 5741-SCI-23 * 5752-SCl-23 * OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS* ACCESS METHOD LEVEL 2 LOGIC INTRODUCTION TO VTAM 5741-SCl-23 * OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE 1* VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD LOGIC OSIVSI VTAM OSIVS1 VTAM DATA AREAS OSIVSI VTAM DATA AREAS OSIVS VTAM LEVEL 2 EXECUTION SEQUENCES OSIVSI VTAM EXECUTION SEQUENCES OS DATA MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND MACRO INSTRUCTIONS FOR IBM 1285/1287/1288 OS DATA MANAGEt1ENT MACRO LOGIC FOR IBM 1285/1287/1288 OS DATA MANAGEMENT MACRO LOGIC FOR 1285/1287/1288 (MICROFICHE) OS BSAM LOGIC FOR IBM 1419/1275 OS BSAM LOGIC FOR 1419/1275 (MICROFICHE) OS DATA MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND MACRO INSTRUCTIONS FOR IBM 1419/1275 OS AND OSIVS PROGRAMMING SUPPORT FOR THE 3505 CARD READER AND 3525 CARD PUNCH OSIVSI IBM 3540 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE OSIVSI LOGIC FOR IBM 3540 DISKETTE INPUTIOUTPUT UNIT OSIVSI LOGIC FOR IBM 3540 (MICROFICHE EDITION) 3704/3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3704 & 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS, EMULATION PROGRAM STORAGE AND PERFORMANCE REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3704, 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS EMULATION STORAGE AND PERFORMANCE ReFERENCE (GC30-3005-7) 3704 & 3705 CONTROL PROGRAM GENERATION & UTILITIES GUIDE & SCP 5742. 5744-ANI. -BA2. 5747-AGI. -AJ2 (CURRENT RELEASE) 3704. 3705 NCPIVS VERSION 2 LOGIC LOGIC 3704 3705 NCPIVS VERSION 5 STORAGE ESTIMATES & PERFORMANCE PLANNING FOR 3704 & 3705 NCP 3740 & 3705 PROGRAM REFERENCE HANDBOOK (CURRENT RELEASE) 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER EMULATION LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) STORAGE ESTIMATES AND PERFORMANCE PLANNING FOR THE 3705 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER 3735 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (OS. DOS, & VS SYSTEMS) 3740 BTAMITCAM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 3773. 3774, & 3775 PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION TERMINALS PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE RELEASE 3.7 (GC26-3846-2) 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS SYSTEM INFORMATION OSIVSI 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING, SCP S652-VSl FEATURE NUMBERS 5311, 5312 OSIVS IBM 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER MODEL 1 REFERENCE OSIVS IBM 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER MODEL 1 LOGIC OSIVS 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER MODEL 1 LOGIC (MICROFICHE) OS/VS IBM 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR LOGIC OSIVS 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) 3895 OSIVSI PROGRAMMING SUPPORT SPECIFICATIONS. SUID 5741-604 OFFICE SYSTEM 6: 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR 6670 quICK REFERENCE CARD BINARY SYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS (BSC) ENVIRONMENT 6670 quICK REFERENCE CARD SYSTEMS NETWORK ARCHITECTURE (SNA) ENVIRONMENT 31 Support Progl"'ams GC26-3813 SY26-3815 SYB6-3815 SY26-3814 SYB6-3814 6C38-1007 GQ38-1007 ~ ( OSIVS LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER OSIVS LINKAGE EDITOR LOGIC OSIVS LINKAGE EDITOR LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVS LOADER LOGIC OSIVS LOADER LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVS LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER MESSAGES OS/VS LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER MESSAGES RELEASE 3.7 (VS2) RELEASE 1.6 (VSl) (6C38-2007-4) Utilities GC26-3855 SY26-3851 SYB6-3851 GC26-3947 OSIVS AND DOSIVSE ANALYSIS PROGRAM-1 (AP-I) USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS ANALYSIS PROGRAM-1 (AP-1) LOGIC OSIVS AP-1 PLM FICHE DATA FACIlITYIDATA SET SERVICES, LIC PROG S740-UT3. GENERAL INFORMATION 19 GC26-3948 6T26-3948 **SC26-3949 LJB6-0060 SY26-3878 1.4c33-6125 6C33-6126 SC33-6127 LYC7-0476 LYC7-0489 LYC7:-0490 LYC7-0491 LY33-9099 6C26-3901 6C26-3919 SY35-0005 LD26-6026 SYC5-0005 DATA FACILITYIDATA SET SERVICES, LIC PROG 5740~UT3, SPECIFICATIONS DATA FACILITYIDATA SET SERVICES, LIC PROG 5740-UT3, RELEASE 1 SPECIFICATIONS (6C26-3948-1) DATA FACIlITYIDATA SET SERVICES, LIC PROG 5740~3, USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE DATA FACILITY DATA SET SERVICES LISTINGS DATA FACILITYIDATA SET SERVICES, LIC PROG 5740-UT3, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND REFERENCE DOWNSTREAM LOAD UTILITY, LIC PROG 5668-006, PROGRAM SUMtfARY DOWNSTREAM LOAD UTILITY SPECIFICATIONS DOWNSTREAM LOAD UTILITY INSTALLATION GUIDE AND REFERENCE OSIVS1 DOWNSTREAM LOAD UTILITY 5668-006, LISTINGS DOWNSTREAM LOAD UTILITY, LIC PROG 5668-006 (F58), LISTINGS OSIVS1 DOWNSTREAM LOAD UTILITY, LIC PROG 5668-006 (201), LISTINGS OSIVS2 DOWNSTREAM LOAD UTILITY, 5668-006, LISTINGS DOWNSTREAM LOAD UTILITY, 5668-006,'DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE OSIVS1 UTILITIES MANUAL OSIVS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS1 UTILITIES MESSAGES OSIVS UTILITIES LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT, 5740-AH6 AND 5740-AM7, TO OS/YS UTILITIES LOGIC, SY35-0005-5 OSIVS UTILITIES LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) D Sortltterae 6C33-4032 6Q33-4032 6T33-4032 6C33-4033 GTOO-1794 **GQ33-4033 GT33-4033 SC33-4034 SQ33-4034 ST33-4034 SC33-4035 SQ33-4035 ST33-4035 SY26-3971 SX33-8001 STOO-1392 STOO-1856 LYC7-0904 ~ DFSORT SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA FACILITY SORT, 5740-SM1, SPECIFICATIONS (GC33-4032-12) DFSORT, 5740-SM1, LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS (GC33-4032-8) DFSORT GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS DFSORT, 5740-SM1, GENERAL INFORMATION (6C33-4033-11) GI OSIVS SORT MERGE (6C33-4033-10) DFSORT, 5740-SM1, GENERAL INFORMATION (GC33-4033-8) DFSORT PLANNING AND INSTALLATION DATA FACILITY SORT, 5740-SM1, INSTALLATION (SC33-tt034-10) DFSORT, 5740-SM1, INSTALLATION (SC33-4034-7) DFSORT APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE (CURRENT REELASE) OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE. 5740-SM1, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SC33-4035-10) OSIVS SORTIMERGE, 5740-SM1, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SC33-4035-7) DFSORT, 5740-5M1, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE OSIVS SORTIMERGE REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS SORTIMERGE, 5740-SM1, REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX33-8001-2) OSIVS SORTIMERGE, 5740-SM1, REFERENCE SUMMARY (GX33-8001-04) OSIVS SORTIMERGE 3-1 LISTINGS, LIC PROG 5740-SM1 Planning. Installation. Generation. AdMinistration. Performance. Customization. Resource Definition. ~ SB21-2392 6C28-0953 6C24-5095 GC20-1861 SH20-1837 LY20-2243 G320-5680 6C24-5090 SD25-0044 SQ65-0044 GTOO-0512 GC24-5116 GC24-5183 GC24-5201 GC24-5094 SD25-0039 ST65-0039 GC26-3791 5D25-0034 SQ65-0034 ST65-0034 6025-0013 CAPACITY PLANNING EXTENDED, 5798-CYW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VS1 TO tIVS CONVERSION NOTEBOOK DOS AND DOS/VS TO OSIVS1 IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE SYSTEM INSTALLATION PRODUCTIVITY OPTION (lPO) FOR OSIVS1, GENERAL INFORMATION AND PLANNING GUIDE VS1 PERFORMANCE TOOL DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VS1 PERFORMANCE TOOL, IUP 5796-PGL, SYSTEM GUIDE VS1 PERFORMANCE TOOL, IUP 5796-PGL, RELEASE NOTICE OSIVS1 PLANNING AND USE GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR VS1 BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS, 5662-257, TO PLANNING AND USE GUIDE, GC24-5090 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS, 5662-257, TO OSIVS1 PLANNING AND USE GUIDE, RELEASE 2 (SD25-0044-2) OSIVS1 PLANNING AND USE GUIDE REL 6 (GC24-5090) OSIVS1 RELEASE 6 GUIDE OSIVS1 RELEASE 6.7 GUIDE OSIVS1 RELEASE 7 GUIDE OSIVS1 STORAGE ESTIMATES SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS, 5662-257, TO STORAGE ESTIMATES, 6C24-5094 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS, 5662-257 RELEASE 1 TO OSIVS1 STORAGE SYSTEMS, GC24-5094 (SD25-0039-0) OSlVSl SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE SUPPLEMENT FOR VS1 BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS, 5662-257, TO SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE, 6C26-3791 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VS1 BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS, 5662-257 RELEASE 2, TO SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE, GC26-3791-9 (5025-0034-1) SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS RELEASE 2 TO OSIVS1 SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE, 5662-257 (SD25-0034-0) SUPPLEMENT FOR SU20 3031, 3032, 3033 PROCESSOR SUPPORT, 5741-620 TO VS1 SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE, GC26-3791-8 20 "'- GC24-5ll5 SD25-0038 ST65-0038 ( GC24-5129 GC24-517l GC24-5172 GC33-2017 GC33-2018 SY33-7011 GC33-2019 GC27-6948 GC27-6952 OSIVSI SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITIES (SMF) SUPPLEMENT FOR VSI BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS, 5662-257. TO SMF. GC24-5115-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS RELEASE 2 TO OS/vSl SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITIES, 5662-257 (SD25-0038-0) SUID 5741-606 SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVSl SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITIES OSIVSI 3031. 3032. 3033 PROCESSOR SUPPORT, SUID 5741-620. SYSTEM INFORMATION SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS FOR OSIVSI 3031, 3032. 3033 PROCESSOR SUPPORT, SUID 5741-620 DOS TO OS/VS EMULATOR - REFERENCE. PROG. NO. 5744-ASI 1401/1440/1460 OSIVS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 - REFERENCE (5744-AH1) 1401/1440/1460 OS EMULATOR ON SYSTEMl370 LOGIC - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5744-ANI AND 360C-EU-735 1410/7010 OSIVS EMULATOR ON SYSTEMl370, REFERENCE - PROG. NO. 5744-AGI 7074 OS EMULATOR ON SYSTEMl370 REFERENCE, PROG. NOS. 360C-EU-739. 741 (OS); 5744-AJ1, AK1 IVSl, VS2) 7080 OS EMULATOR ON MODELS 165/168: REFERENCE, PROG. NOS. 360C-EU-737 (MFTIMVT)' 5744-All IVS1/vs2) 36 Control Progra. GC24-5215 GC24-5217 GC24-5218 GQ24-5218 LJD2-2227 GC26-3876 SY24-5159 SYB4-5159 SY28-0605 LD25-0033 LQ65-0033 LD25-0014 SY24-5177 SY24-5183 SY24-5193 SYBS-0605 GC34-0056 GC34-0057 GC34-0058 GY34-0019 SY~4-5160 ·LD25-0035 SD25-0006 SYB4-5160 GC24-5099 SD25-0031 SQ65-0031 GC24-5130 GC24-5133 GC24-5100 SD25-0032 GC24-5131 GC24-5134 SY24-5168 LD25-0029 SY24-5178 SY24-5184 SYB4-5168 SY24-5169 LD25-0030 SY24-5179 OSIVS1 BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS, LIC PROG 5662-257. PROGRAM SUMMARY OS/vs1 BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS, 5662-257. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS1 BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS LIC PROG 5662-257, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE OS/vsl BASIC PROGRAtt1INS EXTENSIONS, LIC PROG 5662-257. GENERAL INFORMATION, RELEASE 2 (GC24-5218-1) OS/vsl BPE4 RELEASE JSA1511 AND JBA1511. 5662-257 LISTINGS OS/vsl CHECKPOINTIRESTART OSIVSI CHECKPOINTIRESTART LOGIC OSIVSI CHECK POINTIRESTART LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSlVSI SYSTEM DATA AREAS SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS TO SYSTEM DATA AREAS, SY28-0605 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS, 5662-257 TO OSIVSI SYSTEM DATA AREAS. RELEASE 2 (LD25-0033-1) SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl & MYS PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY, 5740-XY5, TO VS1 SYSTEM DATA AREAS, SY28-0605-6 SU 5741-605 SUPPLEMENT TO VSl SYSTEM DATA AREAS. SY28-0605-5 SU 5741-606 SUPPLEMENT TO VS1 SYSTEM DATA AREAS. SY28-0605-5 SU 5741-604 SUPPLEMENT TO VSl SYSTEM DATA AREAS. SY28-0605-5 OS/VS1 SYSTEM DATA AREAS (MICROFICHE EDITION) DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5744-BKI. GENERAL INFORMATION DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM REFERENCE GUIDE DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5744-BK1, OPERATIONS DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM OSIVSI LOGIC OS/VSI IPL AND NIP LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR VS1 BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS. 5662-257, TO IPL AND NIP LOGIC, SY24-5160 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR SU20 3031, 3032. 3033 PROCESSOR SUPPORT, 5741-620 TO VSl IPL & NIP LOGIC, SY24-5160-4 OS/vS1 IPL AND NIP LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OS/vS1 JCL REFERENCE SUPPLEMENT FOR VSI BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS, 5662-257. TO JCL, GC24-5099 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS TO OS/vs1 JCL REFERENCE. 5662-257. RELEASE 2 (S025-0031-1) SUPPLEMENT TO VS1 JCL REFERENCE, GC24-5099 (SUID 5741-606) SUS SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVSI JCL REFERENCE, GC24-5099 (SU 10 5741-605) OS/vS1 JCL SERVICES SUPPLEMENT FOR VSI BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. TO JCL SERVICES. GC24-5100 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT TO VSl JCL SERVICES FOR SU6 (SUID 5741-606) SUS SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVS1 JCL SERVICES (GC24-5100-3) OS/vSl JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC. VOLUME 1 SUPPLEMENT FOR VSI BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS. 5662-257, TO JOB MANAGEMENT VOLUME 1 LOGIC. SY24-5168 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUS SUPPLEMENT TO OS/vs1 JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC. VOLUME 1 SU6 SUPPLEMENT TO OS/vS1 JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC. VOLUME 1 (SU 10 5741-606) OS/vSI JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC VOL 1 (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVSI JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC. VOLUME 2 SUPPLEMENT FOR VSI BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. TO JOB MANAGEMENT VOLUME 2 LOGIC, SY24-5169 (CURRENT RELEASE) SU5 SUPPLEMENT TO OS/VSl JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC. VOLUME 2 (SY24-5169-0) SELECTABLE UNIT 5741-605 21 SY24-5185 SYB4-5169 6C24-5091 SD25-0042 SQ65-0042 6C24-5128 GC24-5148 6229-2228 6C24-5103 5025-0047 SY24-5155 LD25-0045 SY24-5182 SYB4-5155 SC24-5263 SU6 SUPPLEMENT TO os/vsl JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC, VOLUME 2 (SY24-5169-0) SU ID 5741-606 OSIVSI JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC VOL 2 MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVS1 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE DI6EST SUPPLEMENT FOR VS1 BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS, 5662-257, TO PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE DI6EST, 6C24-5091 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS, 5662-257, TO os/vS1 PROGRAMMING REFERENCE, RELEASE 2 (SD25-0042-1) SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVS1 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE DI6EST: SUID 5741-606 SU4 SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVS1 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE DIGEST (SU ID 5741-604) FIELD ENGINEERING PROGRAMMING SYSTEM 6ENERAL INFORMATION OSIVS1 SUPERVIS()R SERVICES AND MACRO INSTRUCTIONS SUPPLEMENT FOR VS1 BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS TO SUPERVISOR SERVICES & MACRO INSTRUCTIONS 6C24-5103-2 OSIVS1 SUPERVISOR LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR VS1 BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS, 5662-257, TO SUPERVISOR LOGIC, SY24-5155 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT TO OSlVSl SUPERVISOR LOGIC, SUID 5741-606 OSIVSl SUPERVISOR LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVS1 SUPPORT OF THE 4248 PRINTER OSIVSI BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS RELEASE 4 1Z Diagnosis. ProbleM Determination. Auditing. Service Aids 6C24-5093 5025-0043 6C24-5152 6TOO-0575 GC34-2001 6C34-2002 6C34-2003 SYBS-0672 6T2S-1001 6C2S-0666 SYB8-0662 SY24-5170 LD25-0040 SD25-0007 SY24-5176 SYB4-5170 GC2S-0665 SD25-0036 SQ65-0036 ST65-0036 6X23-0001 SY2S-0635 LD25-0037 SYB8-0635 GC2S-066S GD25-0603 6025-0607 SY2S-0669 SD25-0602 5025-0606 SYBS-0669 6C2S-0673 GQ2S-0673 SYBS-06S5 SC23-0130 S123-0130 6C2S-1106 SC2S-1107 SC2S-1109 GC2S-1301 612S-1301 SC2S-1302 5128-1302 OSIVSl DEBUGGING GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS, 5662-257, TO DEBUG6ING GUIDE, GC24-5093 (CURRENT RELEASE) SU4 SUPPLEMENT TO OSlVSl DEBUGGING GUIDE, (GC24-5093-4) SU ID 5741-604 OSIVS1 DEBUG GUIDE (GC24-5093-4) OSIVS DISPLAY EXCEPTION MONITORING FACILITY (DEMF) SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS, SCP 5744-CM1 OSIVS DISPLAY EXCEPTION MONITORING FACILITY (DEMF) SYSTEM INFORMATION OSIVS DISPLAY EXCEPTION MONITORING FACILITY USER'S GUIDE OSIVS1 DYNAMIC SUPPORT SYSTEM LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVSl (VSl AND MYS) EREP1 RELEASE 3.8 SPECIFICATIONS (6C28-1001-1) OSIVSI OLTEP OSIVSI OLTEP LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVS1 RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR VS1 BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS TO RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LOGIC, GY24-5170 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR SU20 3031, 3032, 3033 PROCESSOR SUPPORT, 5741-620 TO VS1 RECOVERY MANAGEtlENT SUPPORT LOGIC, SY24-5170-0 SU5 SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVSl RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LOGIC (SY24-5170-0) OSIVSl RMS LOGIC MICROFICHE OS/VS1 SERVICE AIDS (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VS1 BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS, 5662-257, TO SERVICE AIDS, GC2S-0665 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS RELEASE 2 TO SERVICE AIDS, GC2S-0665-2 (SD25-0036-1) OSIVS1 SERVICE AIDS (GC2S-0665-2) OSIVS1 SERVICE AIDS REFERENCE SUMMARY OSIVS1 SERVICE AIDS LOGIC SUPPLEMENT fOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS, 5662-257, TO SERVICE AIDS LOGIC, SY2S-0635 (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVSI SERVICE AIDS LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVSl SYSl.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING: REL 5; WITH GN25-031S, REL 6 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU20 3031, 3032, 3033 PROCESSOR SUPPORT, 5741-620 TO VSl SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING, GC2S-066S-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR MYS PROCESSOR SUPPORT SU24 5741-624 TO VS1 SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING: DEMF, 6C2S-066S-3 OSIVS1, SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC SUPPLEMENT·FOR SU20 3031, 3032, 3033 PROCESSOR SUPPORT, 5741-620 TO VS1 SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING, SY2S-0669-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS PROCESSOR SUPPORT SU24 5741-624 TO VS1 SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC: DEMF, SY2S-0669-3 OSIVSI SYS1. LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION OSIVS SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM (SMP) SYSTEM PROGRAMMERS GUIDE OSIVS SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM (SMP) RELEASE 3 (GC2S-0673-5) OSIVS SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM (SMP) LOGIC (MICROFICHE) INSTALLING SMP/E INSTALLATION SMP/E (SC23-0130-0) SMP/E 6ENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SMP/E REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) SMP/E TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE SMP/E SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) SMP/E SPECIFICATIONS (GC2S-1301-01) SMP/E USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) SMP/E USER'S GUIDE (SC28-1302-03) 22 /' -""'- ( LJB2-9539 SX22-0006 ··STOO-1697 LY28-l110 SY28-0664 SYB8-0664 SMP/E RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 3 REFERENCE CARD SMP/E (CURRENT RELEASE) SMP/E REFERENCE CARD (SX22-0006-01) SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM EXTENDED (SMP/Elt 5668-949, LOGIC LOGIC OSIVS DOSIVS TOLTEP DOS/VS AND OS/VS TOLTEP LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) GC30-20l2 GC30-2016 Ge38-0335 GC30-2014 GYCO-2011 OSIMFT, OSIMVT, AND OS/vS1: CRJE CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES OSIMFT, OSIMVT, AND OSIVS1: CRJE SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/vSl CRJE OSIMFT, OS/MVT, AND OSIVS1: CRJE TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE OSIMFT, OSIMVT, AND OSIVSl: CRJE LOGIC - PROG 360-RC-551 & SCP COMPONENT 5741-SCI-08 (MICROFICHE EDITION) OSIVSl INFORf1ATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION ~PPORT GENERAL INFORMATION OSIVSl INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-XYE, SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-XYE, LISTINGS JES/328X PRINT FACILITY EXTENDED PRINTER SUPPORT FOR RJE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS JES/328X PRINT FACILITY NOTICE JES/328X PRINT FACILITY RELEASE NOTICE JES/328X PRINT FACILITY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS JES/328X PRINT FACILITY SYSTEMS GUIDE JOB NETWORK FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION OSIVSl RES SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl RES ENHANCED FUNCTION TO SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE, GC28-6878-4 oSlVSl RES WORKSTATION USER'S GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl RES ENHANCED FUNCTION, 5740-XYE, TO WORKSTATION USER'S GUIDE, GC28-6879-3 oSIVSI RES ACCOUNT FACILITY LOGIC OSIVSI RES ACCOUNT FACILITY LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) 3770 REMOTE JOB ENTRY (RJE) SYSTEM NETWORK ARCHITECTURE (SNA) INSTALLATION GUIDE Ge24-5l93 Ge24-5203 LJD2-2196 SB09-4005 GBl1-5828 **GB21-30S9 SB21-3060 LB21-3061 GH20-2479 GC28-6878 5025-0020 GC28-6879 5025-0019 SY28-0660 SYB8-0660 GC30-3064 40 Operations: Messages. Codes. Application Development Ge38-02S5 GC38-0nO SD25-0041 SQ65-0041 GC24-5l32 GC38-1101 GTOO-0574 GC38-1047 GC28-1108 ·-G128-110B Ge38-1003 GTOO-0573 Ge38-1001 GTOO-0902 GX28-0610 GC28-12S6 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OSIVSl DISPLAY CONSOLES OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OSIVSl REFERENCE SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS, 5662-257, TO OPERATOR'S REFERENCE, GC38-0110-B SUPPLEtlENT FOR BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS TO OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OSIVSl REFERENCE, 5662-257, RELEASE 2, (SD25-004l-l) OPERATOR LIBRARY, OS/vSl REFERENCE SUPPLEMENT, SUID 5741-606 OSIVSI ROUTING AND DESCRIPTOR CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS MSG LIB: VSl (GC38-1101-3) R7 OS/VS SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM MESSAGES AND CODES SMP/E MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) MESSAGES AND CODES SMP/E (GC2S-ll0S-02) OSIVSl SYSTEM CODES OSIVS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VSl (GC3B-1003-09) OS/VSl SYSTEM MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVSI SYSTEM MESSAGES, RELEASE 7, MANUAL (GC38-1001-9) MVS/370 AND MVSIXA, 5740-XXN, -XYS, -XC6, 5665-291 SYSTEM MESSAGES DIRECTORY MVSIXA VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM MESSAGES AND ROUTING DESCRIPTOR CODES 23 e ~ (ttVS)( 20-40) RELEASES l:L. §!lSI LJ &2 General InfoM!l!tion: Evaluation. fhI.t:a 6C26-4026 GQ26-4026 GT26-4026 SC26-4027 6C23-0229 6C26-4055 6C26-4008 GT26-4008 6C26-4069 GT26-4069 6C26-4050 GC26-4060 GC26-4062 GC26-4144 GC26-4212 HGe28-ll81 GC28-1348 GC28-1500 GC26-4142 GC28-ll39 GHI2-5136 GHI2-5254 GH20-5341 SHI2-5361 SH12-5362 LY12-5041 GC28-0984 GH30-0760 G320-9332 G544-3323 G544-3179 GC09-1500 Ge28-0991 GC23-0351 Ge28-1012 Ge28-1025 GC28-1ll8 **GC28-1043 GTOO-0912 GTOO-0866 GQ28-1043 GT28-1043 **6C18-0115 GC28-1144 GC28-1393 GC28-1394 LJB2-9562 GC23-0039 GT23-0039 GC23-0049 SC23-0040 SC23-0050 GC28-1402 GC28-1285 GC28-1289 GC28-1042 GTOO-0865 GT28-1042 LJB2-9514 GC28-1204 BASIC LANGUAGE REFERENCE BASIC, 5668-996, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: LANGUAGE REFERENCE (6C26-4026-1) BASIC APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: LANGUAGE BRIEF (6C26-4026-0) BASIC PROGRAMMING GUIDE MYSIBDT VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS MYS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT READER'S GUIDE MVSIXA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS MVSIXA DATA FACILITY PRODUCTIVITY LPS DEP (GC26-4008-0) MYSIXA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT MASTER INDEX MYSIXA DATA FACILITY HASTER INDEX DFP (GC26-4069-1) MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT GENERAL INFORMATION MYS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS MYSIXA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT VERSION 2 READER'S GUIDE ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDING EDITING AND PRINTING PROGRAM SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) MYSIXA OVERVIEW MVS/SP VERSION 2 RELEASE 20. GENERAL INFORMATION MVSIXA DFP VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE PLANNING: EXTENDED RECOVERY FACILITY (XRF) INFORMATION/LIBRARY AND LIBRARYIHYS GENERAL INFORMATION INFORMATION/LIBRARY'AND LIBRARYIMVS SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION/LIBRARY AND LIBRARY MVS SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION LIBRARY AND LIBRARYIMVS INSTALLATION AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE INFORMATION/LIBRARY AND LIBRARYIHYS INFORMATION-RETRIEVAL GUIDE INFORMATION/LIBRARY AND LIBRARYIHYS, LIC PROG 5665-277, -294. LOGIC OSIVS2 MYS OVERVIEW ATTACHMENT/370 ATTACHMENTIHYS. ATTACHMENTIVM GENERAL INFORMATION PROFESSIONAL WORK MANAGER PPFA VH. PPFA MYS PPFA VSE SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PSAFIHYS SAFEIHYS; 5799-CBH. SYSTEM FOR ADVANCED FINANCIAL ENVIRONMENT FOR MVS, GENERAL INFORMATION VS2 MVS SU64 SCP SPECIFICATIONS MYS SOFTWARE MANUFACTURING OFFERINGS GENERAL INFORMATION SMP/E. CBIPO AND CBPDO OSIVS2 MVS RELEASE 3.8 SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS MVS/SP VERSION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA VERSION 2 MVS/SP GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS2 MVS/SP-JES2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RE LEASE) OSIVS2 MVS SYSTEM PRODUCT JES2, LIC PROG 5740-XYN. RELEASE 3.1, SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-1043-5) OSIVS2 MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2, LIC PROG 5740-XYN RELEASE 3, SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-1043-3) OS/VS2 MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT JES2. 5740-XYN, RELEASE 2 (GE28-1043-2) OSIVS2 MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2 RELEASE 3.8, LIC PROG 5740-XYN, SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-1043-1) MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2, 5665-296, 3200 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS MVSIXA MVS/SP-JES2 2.1.3 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.3 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.3 PROGRAM SUMMARY MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.3 MYS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.3 AVAILABILITY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY . MVS/SP 2.1.3 AVAILABILITY ENHANCEMENT JES3 INTRODUCTION (CURRENT RELEASE) JES3 INTRODUCTION (GC23-0039-0) MYSIXA MVS/SP-JES3 INTRODUCTION (CURRENT RELEASE) JES3 OVERVIEW MYSIXA MYS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 OVERVIEW MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 1 PROGRAM SUMMARY FOR JES3 SNAINJE ENHANCEMENT MVSIXA VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS FOR JES3 SNAINJE ENHANCEMENT OSIVS2 MVS/SP-JES3 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS2 MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES3. LIC PROG 5740-XYS RELEASE 3 SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-1042-3) OSIVS2 MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES3 RELEASE 3.8. LIC PROG 5740-XYS, SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-1042-1) MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT JES 3, LIC PROG 5740-XYN VERSION 1 RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 0 VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE SPECIFICATIONS 21 Assembler GC33-4010 GC33-4021 OSIVS, DOSIVSE AND YMl370 ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS, YMl370 ASSEMBLER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) 24 '" ~ SY33-8041 SYC3-8041 OSIVS. VlV370 ASSEI1BLER LOGIC OS/VS AND VM/370 ASSEMBLER LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) 23 BASIC ( SC26-4106 LY26-3885 SY26-3942 SC26-4105 GC26-4110 BASIC/MVS SYSTEM SERVICES BASIC/MVS. 5665-948. DIAGNOSIS GUIDE BASIC/MVS DIAGNOSIS GUIDE BASIC/MVS INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMlZATION BASIC/MVS SPECIFICATIONS 12 Access Methods. Data Management. Storage/Communications (I/O) Control Programs GC26-4019 GT26-4019 GC26-4075 GT26-4075 LY26-3889 GX26-3739 6TOO-1419 LY26-3909 LY26-3953 LY26-3997 GC26-3841 GC26-4051 6026-6041 GC26-4059 GX26-3745 LY26-3912 SY35-0010 LD26-6009 LD26-6013 LY26-3893 LY26-3913 SY26-383I **SC28-1314 **LC28-1315 GC28-1316 **SC28-1321 SC28-1322 GC28-1373 LY28-1318 LY28-1319 LY28-1320 GC27-6980 SY27-7246 SD21-0008 SD21-0009 SYB7-7246 Ge27-0599 GC27-0602 SC27-0604 LY38-3051 GC28-1313 SY26-3826 GC26-4041 GT26-4041 GC26-4053 S320-8025 GC28-1014 Ge28-1015 SC28-1016 LYB8-1019 LY28-1017 GC22-9062 Ge22-9063 Ge28-0942 HVS/xA INTEGRATED CATALOG ADMINISTRATION ACCESS METHOD SERVICES REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) HVS/XA AMS REFERENCE FOR ICF (GC26-4019-0) HVS/xA VSAM CATALOG ADMINISTRATION ACCESS METHOD SERVICES HVS/XA REF VSAM CATALOG ADMINISTRATION (GC26-4075-0) MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE, 5665-284. ACCESS METHOD SERVICES VOLUME 1 LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE (HVS/XA) ACCESS METHOD SERVICES REFERENCE SUMMARY FOR INTEGRATED CATALOG FACILITY. 5665-284 (CURRENT RELEASE) HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE ACCESS METHOD SERVICES REFERENCE SUMMARY FOR INTEGRATED CATALOG FACILITY. 5665-284. (GX26-3739-1) HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE. 5665-284. ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC VOLUME 2 HVS/XA VERSION 2 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC VOLUME I HVS/XA VERSION 2 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES VOLUME 2 LOGIC OS/vS2 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES HVS/370 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES REFERENCE FOR THE INTEGRATED CATALOG FACILITY DATA FACILITY PRODUCT SUPPLEMENT TO MVS/370 INTEGRATED CATALOG ADMINISTRATION: ACCESS METHOD SERVICES REFERENCE MVS/370 VSAM CATALOG ADMINISTRATION ACCESS METHOD SERVICES REFERENCE DATA FACILITY PRODUCT MVS/370 AMS REFERENCE SUMMARY FOR ICF MVS/370. 5665-295. ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC VOLUME 1 OS/vS2 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR AMS CRYPTOGRAPHIC OPTION. 5740-AMS, TO VS2 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC, SY25-0010-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR MASS STORAGE EXTENSIONS FOR 3850. 5740-XYG. TO MVS ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC. SY35-0010-3 MVS/xA BDAM LOGIC MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT, 5665-295. BDAH LOGIC OS/vS2 BDAM LOGIC MVS/BDT FACILITY INITIALIZATION AND NETWORK DEFINITION MVS/BULK DATA TRANSFER WRITING AND INSTALLING USER EXITS MVS/BDT FACILITY MESSAGES AND CODES MVS/BDT FACILITY WRITING AND USIN6 TRANSACTIONS Mv.S/BDT FACILITY OPERATOR'S GUIDE MVS/BDT FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS MVS/BULK DATA TRANSFER FACILITY, 5665-302. PROGRAH LOGIC. VOLUME II HVS/BULK DATA TRANSFER FACILITY, 5665-302, PROGRAM LOGIC VOLUME III MVS/BDT FACILITY. 5665-302, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE OS/VS BTAM OS/VS BTAH LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR OS/vSl BTAH RELEASE 7 CHARTS TO LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR OS/vS2 BTAM RELEASE 3.8 CHARTS TO LOGIC OS/VS BTAH LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) BASIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT PROGRAM SUMMARY BASIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS SUPPLEMENT TO OS/VS BTAM FOR BTAM/SYSTEM PRODUCT SUPPLEMENT TO OS/VS BTAM LOGIC FOR THE BTAM/SYSTEM PRODUCT, LIC PRD6 5665-279 MVS/BULK DATA TRANSFER FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION OS/vS2 CATALOG MANAGEMENT LOGIC MVS/XA CATALOG ADMINISTRATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) HVS/XA CAT USER GUIDE (GC26-4041-0) MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT CATALOG USER'S GUIDE CHARACTER CONVERSION AID TENT CARD OS/vSl & OS/vS2 MVS CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-XY6, SPECIFICATIONS OS/vSl & OS/vS2 MVS CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT GENERAL INFORMATION OS/vSl & OS/vS2 HVS CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-XY6, INSTALLATION REFERENCE OSIVS2 MVS CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT DATA AREAS OS/vS2 MYS CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-XY6, LOGIC DATA SECURITY THROUGH CRYPTOGRAPHY IBM CRYPTOGRAPHIC SUBSYSTEM CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES MANUAL OS/vS1 & OS/vS2 MYS PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY, LIC PROG 5740-XY5, GENERAL INFORMATION 2S SC28-0956 GC28-0957 LJB2-9510 LYB8-0959 LY28-0958 SC26-3916 GC26-3917 WB2-9516 SY26-3929 LY26-3895 GC35-0010 GC26-3864 6T26-3864 SY26-3860 LY26-3917 SY26-3828 ST66-3896 SY26-3896 SY26-3904 ST66-3904 GC26-3970 GC26-4040 6T26-4040 GC26-3951 6T26-3951 SC26-3952 GC26-3954 6Q26-3954 6C26-3956 LJB6-0056 LJB6-0057 LJB6-0061 LJB6-0066 LJB6-0067 LJB6-0087 LJB6-0088 LJB6-0089 WB6-0097 LJB6-0106 LJB6-0123 LJB6-0124 LJB6-0125 LJB6-0136 SY26-3880 SY26-3881 SY26-3882 SY26-3884 GC26-3960 GC26-3961 GC26-3964 SC26-3966 SC26-3967 LJB6-0064 LJB6-0065 SY26-3886 SY26-3887 LY26-3888 LD26-6033 **SH35-0083 **SH35-0084 **SH35-0085 **GH35-0092 **SH35-0093 **SH35-0094 **SH35-0095 GH35-0096 OS/vSl & 0s/vs2 HVS PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY, LIC PROG 5740-XY5, INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL OS/vS1 & OS/vS2 MYS PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY, LIC PROG 5740-XY5, SPECIFICATIONS VS2 839 PROGRAMMED CRYPTO FACIL, LIC PROG 5740-XY5, LISTINGS OS/vS2 MYS PROGRAtI1ED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY, LIC PROG 5740-XY5, DATA AREAS OS/vS2 MYS PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY LOGIC, LIC PROG 5740-XY5 OS/vs ACCESS METHOD SERVICES CRYPTOGRAPHIC OPTION, LIC PROG 5740-AMS ACCESS METHOD SERVICES CRYPTOGRAPHIC OPTION, LIC PROG 5740-AMS, SPECIFICATIONS OS/vS2 MYS CUSP MYSIXA COMMON VTOC ACCESS FACILITY DIAGNosIS REFERENCE ttVSlXA CVOL PROCESSOR LOGIC OS/vS2 USING OS CATALOG MANAGEMENT WITH THE MASTER CATALOG: CVOL PROCESSOR OS/vS2 MYS CVOL PROCESSOR OS/VS2 MYS CVOL PROCESSOR RELEASE 3.7 (GC26-3864-0) OS/vS2 CVOL PROCESSOR LOGIC (COLLATED VERSION) MYS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT, 5665-295, CVOL PROCESSOR LOGIC OS/vS2 DADStt LOGIC MYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE (MYSIXA) DADSM All) COMMON VTOC ACCESS FACILITY DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (SY26-3896-0) MYSIXA DADSM AND COMMON VTOC ACCESS FACILITY DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) MYSIXA DADSM DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) MYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE (MYSIXA) DADSM DIAGNOSIS, 5665-284, REFERENCE (SY26-3904-lJ DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DEVICE (DASD) MIGRATION AID RELEASE 1 PROGRAM SUMMARY MYSIXA FACILITY PRODUCT PLANNING GUIDE MYSIXA DATA FACILITY PLANNING GUIDE (GC26-4040-lJ OS/vS2 MYS DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-AM7, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/vS2 MYS DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-AM7 RELEASE 1.0, SPECIFICATIONS (6C26-3951-0) DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-AM6 (YSlJ, 5740-AM7 (YS2 HVS), USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT, LIC PROS 5740-Att6, -AM7, 6ENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-Att6, -AM7, RELEASE 1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION (GC26-3954-4) OS/VS2 MYS DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT RELEASE 1, LIC PROS 5740-AM7, PROGRAM SUMMARY OS/vS2 (MYS) DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT RELEASE 1 LIC PR06 5740-AM7 LISTINGS OS/vS2 (MYS) DFDS RELEASE 1 SYMBOL NAME CROSS-REFERENCE, LISTINGS OS/vS2 (MYS) DFDS DATA AREAS FMID JDMll34, JDSI134, JUT1134, LISTINGS OS/vS2 (MYS) DFDS RE LEASE 1 ENHANCEMENT, LIC PROG 5740-AM7, LISTINGS OS/vS2 (HVS) DFDS, LIC PROG 5740-AM7, RELEASE 1 ENHANCEMENTS DATA AREAS, LISTINGS OS/vs2 MYS DFDS RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 5 DATA AREAS LISTINGS OS/vS2 MYS DFDS RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 5 SYMBOL NAME CROSS REFERENCE LISTINGS OS/vS2 MYS DFDS RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 5 LISTINGS DATA FACILITIES DEVICE SUPPORT LISTINGS DATA FACILITIES DEVICE SUPPORT SYMBOL CROSS REFERENCE LISTINGS MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT RELEASE 1.1 MODULE LISTINGS MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT RELEASE 1.1 SYMBOL CROSS REFERENCE MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT RELEASE 1.1 DATA AREAS MVSIXA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 2 MODULE LISTINGS DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT: DADSM AND CPSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GQ20-1673 GC20-1873-2 VSE SYSTEM lPO/EXTE~ED GENERAL INFO DOS/VSE SYSTEM IPO/EXTENDED PU~ GD 6TOO-0704 6C20-187S-3 VI1IDOSIVSE SYSTEM lPn/EXTENDED PLAN 6D 6T20-1876 GC20-1876-1 OSIVS & OOSIVSE AP-l USER'S GUIOE GQ26-3855 6C26-3855-2 GC28-1178-2 OSIVS EREP 61'28-1178 EREP MESSAGES 6C28-l179-1 6T28-1179 GUIDE TO THE DOSIVSE ASSEMBLER 6TOO-0656 6C33-4024-3 GTOO-0657 GC33-5383-3 OLTEP (COOT. ) S9 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.0 GQ33-6077 GT33-6109 LT73-9101 GC33-6077-1 GC33-6109-0 LY33-9101-0 DATA SECURITY UNDER THE VSE SYSTEM SCP SPECS (NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS) HANOBOOK THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 Of YSE/ADVAHCED FUNCTION (5746-XES) : SLSS ID <7799-DBA> PSEUDO • E~J\LS TITLE GT20-1879 GC20-1879-0 FIXED BLOCK DASO INSTALL/CONY GUIDE G'Te4-5209 GC24-5209-0 DATA MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS SC24-5210-0 HACRO USER'S GUIDE SU4-5210 SC24-5211-0 MACRO REfERENCE ST24-5211 Sn4-5212 TAPE LABELS SC24-5212-1 SC24-S213-0 STZ4-5213 DASD LABELS SC33-6094-0 57"53-6094 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT GUIDE SYSTEM CONTROL STATEMENTS SC33-6095-0 ST33-6095 SC33-60%-0 ST33-6096 SYSTEM GENERATION 5T33-6097 OPERATING PROCEDURES SC33-6097-0 SC33-6098-0 ST33-6098 MESSAGES SERVICEABILITY AIDS & DEBUG PROCEDURES SC33-6G99-0 5T33-6099 SC33-6100-0 5T33-6100 SYSTEM UTILITIES PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SC33-6101-0 5T33-6101 6T33-6102 SPECIFICATIONS 6C33-6102-1 GC33-6106-0 GT33-6106 GENERAL INfORMATION SC33-6107-0 ST33-6107 SYSTEM INFORMATION 6T33-6108 GC33-61GS-0 INTRODUCTION TO THE YSE SYSTEM ST33-6112 SC33-6112-0 DIAGNOSIS 6UIDE GT3S-0033 GC3S-00l3-2 DEVICE SUPPORT fACILITIES LYC7-2010-0 LTC7-2010 ATTENTION ROUTINES LTC7-2011 LYC7-2011-0 ASSEMBLER Ll'C7-2012 CIIECKPOINT/RESTART LYC7-2012-0 LTC7-2013 DIRECT ACCESS METHOD LYC7-2013-0 LYC7-2014-0 LTC7-2014 DYNAtIIC DutlP UTILITY lTC7-2015 LYC7-201S-0 DISKETTE loeS LTC7-2016 LYC7-2016-0 DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM LYC7-2017-0 LTC7-2017 DISK ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES LTC7-2018 DISPLAY OPERATOR CONSOLE LYC7-201S-0 LTC7-2019 DEVICE surpORT FACILITIES LYC7-2019-0 'LTC7-2020 SEQUENTIAL DISK IOCS lYC7-2020-0 LTC7-2021 LYC7-2021-0 EREPI LTC7-2022 COMPILER 1/0 MODULES LYC7-2022-0 LTe7-2023 LYC7·'2023-0 IOCS " DEVICE lNOEPEtl'lENT I/O LTC7-2024 LYC7-2024-0 IPL & BUFFER LOAD L'rC7-202S LYC7-2025-0 ISAM LTC7-2026 JOB CONTROL LYC7-2026-0 LYC7-2027-0 LTC7-2027 LIBRARIAN Ll'C7-2028 LINKAGE EDITOR LYC7-2028-0 LYC7-2029-0 LTC7-2029 MAGNETIC CHARACTER RECOGNITION IOCS LYC7-20]0-0 LTC7-2030 OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITlm~ loes LTC7-203l ONLINE TEST EXEC lYe7-2031-0 LTC7-2032 LYC7-2032-0 PROBLEM DETERMINATION AIDS L'TC7-2033 PAPER TAPE IOCS LYC7-2033-0 LTC7-t034 LYC7-2034-0 RECOVERY MANAGEMEt" SUPPORT LTC7-2035 LYC7-2035-0 SPECIFIC DEVICE SUPPORT LYC7-2036-0 LTC7-2036 SUPERVISOR LTC7-2037 LYC7-2037-0 MAGNETIC TAPE IOCS LYC7-2038-0 LTC7-20lS TAPE ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES LTC7-2039 SVSTEM UTILITY LYC7"2039-0 LTC7-2040 LY'C7-2040-0 MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY LT64-5209 LY24-5209-0 LIOCS VOLI SEN INFO & IMPERATIVE MACROS LTM-5210 LY2~-5210-0 LIOCS VOL2 SAM L1'64-S211 LIOCS VOL3 SAM AND ISAM LY24-5211-0 LT64-'5212 DIRECT & SEQUENTIAL DASD LOGIC LY24-5212-0 LT73-90S3 LOGICAL TRANSIENTS ANt) $IJBSXXX PHASES LY33-9083-0 LY33-9084-0 LT73-90M INITIAL PROGRAM LOAD AND JOB CONTROL .LY33-90SS-0 LT73-906S LltlKAGE EDITOR LY33-9086-0 LT73-9086 SERVICEABILITY AIDS LT73-90S7 LIBRARIAN LY33-9087-0 / (COH'r.) 60 . _.... ~---- . . . ._ - - . _ - _ .__ .. __. VSE SYSTEM IPOIE RELEASE 2.0 ------------~ ._---- '\ ( LT71-9088 LT73-9069 LT73-9091 LT73-90?2 LY33-9088-0 LY33-9089-0 LY33-9091-0 LY33-?092-0 SYSTEM ~rILITIES MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY SUPERVISIOR ERROR RECOVERY & RECORDING TRAtlSIEHTS THE FOLl.OWINS PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF vsurpcs (57l t6-SA1): SLSS 10 <779?-D6X> TITLE PSEUDO I EQUALS USER'S GUIDE & REFEPENCE SQ34-2015 SC34-2015-1 GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL GT34-2017 GC34-2017-2 SPECIFICATIONS SQ34-2021 GC34-2021-1 NIl. LJAO-0303-1 l'Iem: LOGIC L.Q65-0004 LY25-0004-1 IiANDBOOI< LQ73-9095 LY33-9095-1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RelEASE 2.0 OF VSE/ICCF (5746-TS1): SL5S 10 <7799-D6F> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE SPECIFICATIONS GQ31-606S GC33-6065-2 GENERAL INFOR~!A lION GQ33-6066 GC31'-6066-1 ItiSTALLATION REFERENCE SQ33-6067 SC33-6067-1 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE SQ33-6066 SC31-6068-1 MESSAGES SQ13-6069 SC33-6069-1 REfERENCE SUMMARY 61'00-0647 SX33-9006-1 FICHE LTC3-9093 LYC3-9093-0 LISTINGS LTC7-0468 LYC7-0468-0 HAtmBOOK LQ73-9096 LY33-9096-1 DIAG REF PLH LT73-9098 LY33-9098-0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RE LEASE 2.0 OF VSE/POWER (5746-XE3): SLSS 10 <7799-D8P> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT32-5131 6tI12-5131-2 GENERAL INFORt1ATION 6T32-5242 GHI2-5242-1 SPECIFICATIONS SQ32-5129 S"12-5329-1 INSTALLATION & OPERATIONS GUIDE ST32-5330 Stl12-5330-0 SHARED SPOOLING USER' 5 .SUIDE STOO-1l45 5HI2-5435-3 REFERENCE SUt1tIARY SQ32-5520 SH12-5520-1 r11;SSAGES lTA2-5216 LYA2-5216-1 FICHE LTA2-5218 LYA2-5218-0 fICHE LQ52-5027 lY12-5027-1 LOGIC VOL 1 LQS2-5028 lY12-5028-1 LOGIC VOL 2 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/vsAM (5746-Al12): SLSS 10 <7799-0811> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT24-5142 GC24-5142-0 SPECIFICATIONS COMMANDS & MACROS SQ24-5144 SC24-5144-1 PROGRAMMER'S REFEREt~E SQ24-5145 SC24-5145-1 MESSAGES & COOES SQ24-5146 SC24-5146-1 SOURCE LISTINGS lQ64-6102 LYB4-6102-1 LOGIC VOLUME 1 LOGIC LQ64-5191 LY24-5191-1 LOGIC VOLUI'tE 2 LOGIC LQ64-5192 LY24-5192-1 ACCESS METHODS LOGIC LQ64-519S LY24-S195-1 THE FOLLO!UtlG PUBLICATIOfIS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF INTERACT PROD FACIl (5748-M51); SL5S ID <7799-D85> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 6T40-5306 6H20-5306-0 SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-OS93 GX20-2383-1 Sln1I11.RY CARD 5TOO-0980 SX20-2346-0 TEMPLATE FOR 3277 STOO-0725 SX20-2355-0 TEMPLATE FOR 3276/78 LlBO-2465 LYBO-2485-2 LOGIC/PANELS LT80-2486 lYBO-2486-1 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS ( 61 VSE SYSTEM IPOjE RELEASE 2.0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.4.1 OF CICS/vS (5746-XX3): SLS5 10 <7799-DBC> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6TOO-0591 GENERAL INFORMATION 6C33-0066-4 SQ33-0067 INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC SC33-0067-1 SQ33-0066 SYS/APPLI DESIGN 6UIDE SC33-0066-1 SQ33-0069 SYS PROGRAt1l1ER'S REF HAN SC33-0069-2 DOs/VS SYS PROGR REF HAN SQ33-0070 SC33-0070-2 SQ33-0077 APPLI PROG REF MANUAL SC33-0077-1 SQ33-0079 PROGRAM REFERENCE MANUAL SC33-0079-1 SQ33-0060 SC33-0080-1 OPERATOR'S GUIDE SQ33-0061 MESSAGES & CODES SC33-0061-1 5133-0085 SC33-0065-0 RPGII APPLI PROGR REF HANL ST33-0086 ENTRY LVL SYS USD (DOS) SC33-0066-0 S133-0089 SC33-0089-0 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE STOO-0601 SX33-6010-2 DEBUG REF sum STOO-0587 TERMItJAL OPERATOR REFERENCE SX33-6011-2 6TOO-0585 6X33-6012-2 APPLI PROG' S REF SUNtI LTA4-3005 LYM-3005-0 CICSIDOs/v5 LISTINGS LT73-6032 LY33-6032-0 LOGIC DESCRIPTION LTn-6033 LY33-6033-0 DOS/vSDATA AREAS LOGIC mE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.5 OF DUI DOS/vs (5746-)0(1): SLSS ID <7799-DBD> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 5T32-5411 5HI2-5411-4 CALL & RQOLI INTF. APPN DESIGN 5T32-5412 5t112-5412-5 UTILITIES ST32-5413 5HI2-5413-4 SYSTEM/APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE ST32-5414 51f12-5414-6 MESSAGES & CODES ST32-5700 SHI2-5700-0 MASTER INDEX GT40-1246 GH20-1246-7 GENERAL INFORM4TION GQ40-4642 GH20-4642-2 SPECIFICATIONS ST40-9046 SII20-9046-2 OPERATOR REFERENCE 5T44-5002 5It24-5002-2 DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE LTOO-063S LY64-6101-4 FICHE LTOO-0619 LYl2-5016-5 LOGIC 11IE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF ACF/VTAM (S746-RC31: SLSS 10 <7799-DBV> PSEUDO • ECWAlS TInE 5T27-0449 SC27-0449-1 PROGRAMMING REFERENCE 6T27-0460 GC27-0460-0 SPECIFICATIONS 6TOO-1406 GC27-0462-4 GENERAL INFORMATION: INTRODUCTION 6127-0463 GC27-0463-0 GENERAL INFO~MATICN: CONCEPTS INSTALLATION MANUAL S127-0464 SC27-0464-0 ST27-0465 SC27-0465-0 PREINSTALLATIOtf PlAII-IING ST27-0466 SC2'7-0466-1 OPERATIONS MANUAL 5T27-0467 SC27-0467-1 MESSAGES & CODES LTBI-0406 LJ61-0408-0 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS 5TOO-0640 SX27-0003-0 REFERENCE SUMMARY LTOO-0641 LX27-0004-0 CONTROL PANEL OVERVIEW 5T78-3020 SY36-3020-0 DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIGlUES LT78-3021 LY38-3021-0 LOGIC OVERVIEW LT76-3022 LY38-3022-0 LOGIC VOL 1 LT78-3024 LY38-3024-0 LOGIC VOL 2 LT76-3026 LY36-3026-1 DATA AREAS l'HE FOLLOWUIG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF ACF/VTAtI & VTAt1 SCP (5747-CFll : NO SLSS 10 REQUIRED PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6T27-0459 GC27-0459-0 srECIFICATIONS (NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS) ( \ ~j 62 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.0 ( TBE FOLlOJolING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RElEASE 1.0 OF ACFIVTAI1E (5746-RC7) : SLSS 10 <7799-06E> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE GTZ'7-0437 GC27-0 f f37-1 SPECIFICATIONS 6T27-0438 GCZ7-0436-0 GENERAL INFORt'\ATION: Itn'RODUCTlON INSTAllATION ST27-0439 SC27-0439-0 5T27-0441 5C27-0(.4l-0 PREIHSTALLATION SC27-044~-1 PROGR Al1t1INS ST27-0442 ST27-0443 5C27-0443-0 OPERATION MESSAGES & CODES 51'27-0444 SC27-044 f t-l G1'27-0451 61:27-0451-0 GENERAL INFORMATION: CONCEPTS ASSEMBLY LISTItlGS LTBI-04S9 LJBI-04S8-0 REFERENCE SUMNARY s'rOO-0642 5XZ7-3032-0 DIAGNOSTIC TECIINIQUES 5T78-3012 SY38-3012-0 LT78-3013 LY36-30l3·'l LOGIC OVERVIE.' LOGIC BASIC LT78-3014 LY38-30l4-0 lY36-30l6-1 DIAGNOSTIC DATA AREAS LT78-3016 THE FOLLONItlG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RElEASE '1.0 OF ACFIVTAME & VTAI1 SCP (5747-CG2): NO SLSS 10 REQUIRED PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT27-0440 GC27-0440-1 SPECIFICATIONS (NOT AVAILABLE UtOER SlSS) THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIottS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF BTA~lE-ES (5746-RC5): 5l5S 10 <7799-0BB> PSEUUO I EQUALS TITLE G1'36-0291 GC38-0291-0 SPECIFICATIONS GT38-0292 GC38-0292-0 GENERAL INFORMATION 51'38-0293 SC38-0293-0 PROGRAtlMING REfERENCE ST38-0294 SC38-0294-0 INSTALLATION S'T38-0295 5C3·6-0295-0 MESSAGES LTBI-0407 LJBI-0407-0 ASSEMBLY LISTI~mS LT67-8030 LY27-8030-0 LOGIC THE FOLI.OWltS PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF BTAI1-ES & BTAM SCP (5747-CG1): NO SLSS 10 RE~IRED PSEUOO # EQUALS TITlE GT38-0296 GC38-0296-0 SPECIFICATIONS (NOT AVAILABLE UtmER SLSS) TIlE FOllOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RElEASE 1.0 OF VSE/FASTCOPY (5746-AM4): SLSS 10 <7799-DAF> PSEUOO I EQUALS TITLE GT33-6080 GC33-6080-1 SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL INFORf1ATION 6T33-6081 GC33-6081-0 IttsTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL ST33-6082 5C33-6082--0 FICHE LTC7-0469 LYC7-0469-0 LOGIC LT73-9090 LY33-9090-0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DATA DICTIONARY SLSS 10 <7799-DEO> PSEUOO , EQUALS TITlE 6T40-4510 GU20-4!HO-2 SPECIFICATIONS 5T40-9083 SU20-9083-2 USER •S GUIDE REFERENCE MANUAL ST40-9084 5H20-9084-3 GENERAL INfORtlATION GQ40-9104 GH20-9104-3 APPLICATION GUIDE ST40-9173 5H2Q-9173-0 AOMINIHSTRATIVE & CUSTOMER GUIDE 5T40-9174 5H20-9174-0 FICHE LTB6-0039 LJB6-0039-0 PROGRAM LISTINGS LTB6-0040 LJB6-0040-0 LOGIC LT60-8037 LY20-8037-1 DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE ST60-8076 SY20-a076-0 DB/DC PRIMER GTOO-0644 G320-5780-0 DB/DC IHPLEMENTATIott DATA DICT GTOO-0645 6320-6017-0 63 (57~6-XXC): VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF DMS/CICSIVS (5746-XCIt): SLSS 10 <7799-DCD> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE SQltO-2207 SH20-2207-1 DESIGN GUIDE SQltO-2209 5H20-2209-1 REFEREt-ICE MANUAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE SQ40-2211 SH20-2211-2 GT40-2195 SH20-2195-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GQItO-4561 GH20-4561-1 SPECIFICATIONS STOG-OM3 GX20-2339-1 PANEL DESCRIPTION LTBO-2472 LYBO-2472-0 FICHE LQ60-2456 LY20-2456-1 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF DMS/CICSIVS DOS APPLICATION GENERATION FEATURE (5746-XC4): SLSS ID <7799-DCD> PSEUDO • EQUALS nTlE l"fBO-2473 LYBO-21t73-0 FICHE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.1 OF VSE/PERF TOOL (5796-PLQ): SLSS 10 <7799-DAT> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ST40-2171 SH20-2171-1 LT60-2418 LY20-2418-1 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING Pl~LICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.4 OF CICSIVS PERF ANA II (5798-CFP) : SLSS 10 <7799-DAA> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE 5TOO-0648 5521-1697-3 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS AVAILABILITY NOTICE 6TOO-0649 G821-1862-2 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/POWERIRJE (5746-XE3): SLSS ID <7799-DBP> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE ST32-5328 5H12-5328-0 USER'S GUIDE LTA2-5217 LYA2-5217-1 FICHE Ll52-503(. LYl2-503t t-0 LOGIC 1llE fOLLOWnm PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 Of VSE RJE WORKSTATION (5746-RC9) : SL5S ID <7799-DAW> PSEL~O I EQUALS TITlE GT40-2199 6H20-2199-0 GENERAL INFORMATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL 5T40-2l::05 Stl20-2205-0 ST40-2206 SH20-2206-0 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 6T40-4557 6H20-4557-0 SPECIFICATIONS LT60-2455 LY20-2455-0 LOOIC THE FOLlOWIt~ PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 OF INTERACT INSTR SYS (5748-XX6): SLSS 10 <7799-TA1> pseuoo I SQ40-1896 SQ40-1897 5T40-1904 GQltO-4S35 LTBO-2360 LTBO-2409 LT60-2285 EQUALS 5H20-1896-1 5H20-1897-2 SH20-1904-1 6H20-4535··5 L.YBO-2380-1 LYBO-2409-1 LY20-228S-0 TITLE AUNINISTRATOR'S GUIDE AUTHORING GUIDE eICS OPERATOR'S GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS CMS LISTINGS FICHE CICS ASSEMBLY LISTINGS FICHE LOGIC THE FOLlOlUt4G PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RElEA5E 1.0 OF VSEIDITTO (5746-UT3): 5LSS 10 <7799-0DO> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE 6139-6071 GH19-6071-0 SPECIFICATIONS GT39-6072 GIH 9-6072-0 GENERAL INFORMATION ST39-6073 SIf19-6073-0 REFEREt~E & OPERATIONS MANUAL LT03-6000 LJD3··6000-0 FICHE LT59-6061 LY19-6061-0 LOGIC 64 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.0 ( THE FOLLOWING AJBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.5 OF DOSIVS COBOL COI'IP & LIB (57%-Cl':1l ): SLSS 10 <7799-DAC> PSEUVO I EOOALS TIn.E GT28-6394 GC28-·6394-6 DOS FULL ANS COBOL VM/370 CMS USER'S GUIDE FOR COBOL ST28-6469 SC28-6469-3 GCZ8-6478-3 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 6T26-6476 5'1'28-,6479 SC2/l-6479-2 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MAUlI"L SPECIFICATIONS GT26-64S7 GC28-6487-2 FICIIE LTC7-50S0 lYC7-5050-6 LOGIC L1"68-6423 LYeS-6423-1 L168-6424 LY28-6424-1 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLXCATIOtIS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DOSIVS RPG II (5746-RG1): SL55 10 '(7799-TAR> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE G1'33-6029 6C33-6029-1 SPECIFICAUOHS Sf~33-6031 SC33-6031-3 SYSTEM LIBRARY 5100-06Q4 SC33-6032-2 INSTALLATION REFERENCE SQ33-6033 SC33-6031-1 ME~SAGES SQ33-6034 SC33-6034-1 AUTO REPORT 5T33-6074 SC33-6074-0 USER'S GUIDE G'f33-6120 SC33-,6120-1 GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL LTD3-1800 LJD3··3800-2 MICROFICtlE LISTINGS L100-0605 LY33-9062-2 LOGIC ( THE FOLLOWING PU'BLICATIOtIS SUPPORT RELEASE 5.1 Of DOS PLll OPTILIB (5736-PL3): SLSS 10 <7799-DAP> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE EH33-0005 GC33-0005-5 LANG REF ST33-000B SC33-0008-4 PROGRA~1E~'S GUIDE 6Q33-0016 GC33-0016-10 SPECIFICATIONS ST33o-0017 GC33-0017-10 SPECIFICATIONS GT33-'0018 se33-0010-10 SPECIFICATIONS ST33-0019 SC33-0019··1 EXECUTION LOGIC ST33-0020 SC33-0020'-S ItlS'TALL.I'.TlON MANUAL ST33-0021 SC33-0021-4 MESSAGES 5T33-0035 SC33-0035-2 MESSAGES LTC7-2S01 LYC7-2501-5 RESIDENT fICHE L'TC7-2502 LYC7-2502-5 TRANSIENT FICtlE LTC7-2503 LYC7-2503-B F~OGRAM LISTINGS LT73-6010 1.Y33-6010-1 l.OGIC LT73-6011 LY33-6011-1 LOGIC LT73-'6012 1.Y33-6012-1 LOStC THE fOLLOlUNG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 5.1 OF DOS PLII OPT (S736-PLll: SLSS ID <779?-DCP> PSElft)O I EIlUAl.S TITLE 6T33-0005 GC33-000S-5 LAUG REF PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ST33-0008 SC33-000B-4 SPECIFICATIONS G~33-0016 GC33-0016-10 EXECUlION LOGIC ST33-0019 SC33-0019-1 INSTALLATION ttANUAL ST33-0020 SC33-0020-5 MESSAGES 5T33-0021 SC33-0021-4 CtlS USE'S GUIDE ST33-0051 SC33-0051-0 Ll'C7-2503 LYC7-2S03-8 LISTINGS LOGIC LT73-6010 LY33-6010-1 THE FOLL0l4ING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE S.1 OF DOS PLII RES LIB (5736-LM4): SL5S 10 <7799-DOP> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE PROGRAMME~'S GUIDE 5"1"33-0008 SC33-0008-4 SPECIFICATIONS GT33-0017 GC33-0017-10 EXECUTION LOGIC 5T33-0019 SC33-0019-1 INSTALLATION MANUAL ST33-0020 SC33-0020-5 cns USER'S GUIDE ST33-0051 SC33-0051-0 FICHE LTC7-2501 LYC7-2501-5 LOGIC LT73-6011 LY33-6011-1 65 VSE SYSTEM IPOjE RELEASE 2.0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 5.1 OF DOS PVI TRANS LIB (5736-U15): SLSS 10 <7799-DEP> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE ST33-0008 SC33-0008-4 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 6T33-0018 SC33-001S-10 SPECIFICATIONS ST33-0019 SC33-0019-1 EXECUTION LOGIC 5T33-0020 SC33-0020-5 INSTALLATION t1ANUAL 5T33-0035 SC33-003S-2 MESSAGES 5T33-0051 SC33-00S1-0 CHS USER'S GUIDE LTC7-2502 LYC7-2502-S FICHE LT73-6012 LY33-6012-1 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DOS SORTIHERGE II (S746-SM2): SLSS 10 <7799-DAS> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE SQ33-4044 SC33-4044-2 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SQ33-404S SC33-4045-2 INSTALLATION MANUAL 6Q33-4047 GC33-4047-2 SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-0646 GX33-8002-0 REFERE~~E SUMMARY LTC7-090S LYC7-090S-2 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS LQ73-8044 LY33-8044-2 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF ENUL PROG/VS SCP (5747-AGl): SL5S 10 <7799-DAl> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GTOO-1126 GA27-3051-5 INTRO TO 3704/370S COMMU CONTROLLER 6TOO-1075 GA27-3086-2 3704 USER'S GUIOE GTOO-0623 GA27-3087-3 3705 USER'S GUIDE GQ30-3005 GC30-3005-S 3704/3705 STORAGE & PERFORMANCE 6TOO-0625 GC30-3008-5 3704/3705 REFERENCE MANUAL ST70-3031 SY30-3031-1 LOGIC TIlE FOLlmlING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF YSE/ACCESS CONTROL LOGGING & REPORTING (5746-XE7): SL5S 10 <7799-DAL> PSEUDO I E~JALS TITlE GT32-5130 GH12-5130-0 GENERAL INFORMATION GT32-5241 Glfl2-5241-0 SPECIFICATIONS ST32-5336 SH12··5336-0 OPERATIONS MANUAL LTC7-0465 LYC7-0465-0 FICHE LT52-5032 LY12-5032-0 LOGIC _/ TIlE FOLLOWUlG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF VS/APL (S748-AP1): SLSS 10 <7799-TAA> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT26-3847 6C26-3847-4 LANGUAGE REFERENCE ~i20-9064-4 GENERAL INFORMATION 6T40-9064 ST40-9065 5H20-9065-4 INSTALLATION REFERENCE 51-120-9066-2 SQ40-9066 VS APL FOR YSPC: TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE ST40-9067 SN20-9067-2 VS APL FOR CMS: TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE WRITING AUXILIARY PROCESSORS ST40-9068 SU20-9068-1 GT40-9066 Gtl20-9066-S SPECIFICATIONS ST40-9167 5H20-9167-0 CICS/VS TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE 5T40-9168 5H20-9168-0 ~mITING AUXILIARY PROCESSORS !.H00-0602 SX26-3712-2 REFEREtltE SUtI1ARY LTBO-8040 LYBO-8040-4 SOURCE LISTINGS LT60-8032 LY20-8032-1 LOGIC TIlE FOLl.OWIt«; PUBLICATIOnS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF ACFIHCPIVS (S73S-XXl): SLSS ID <7799-DAN> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 5T30-3116 SC30-3116-1 GENERATION & UTILITIES INSTALLATION 5T30-3142 SC30-3142-1 5T30-3143 5C30-3143-0 UTILITIES MESSAGES 5T30-3145 SC30-314S-0 LQD2-4141 LJD2-4141-2 LISTINGS LT70-3041 LY30-3041-0 LOGIC LT70-3043 LY30-3043-1 REFERENCE SUMHARY ( \ ~ 66 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.0 -------- - - - - - - - - - THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 Of ACFINCPIVS & SSP f~~ ACf~~PIVS (573S-~~3): SLSS 10 <7799'-OCI-I> PSEUDO I EQUAtS G1"00-0623 GA27-3087-3 5T30-3142 5C30-3142-1 5T30-3143 SC30-3143-0 SHO-314S 5C30-3145-0 LTD2-4143 LJD2-41~3-Z TITLE 3705 eo~1I'1U CONTROL PANEL GUIDE PRt!GRAM IUSTALLATIOH UTILITIES MESSAGES ASSEt13lY LISTINGS TtlE FOLUMIIIG PUBLICATIot-lS SlJPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF ACF INCPIVS " NCr ISSP SCI" (5747-CIU): t~ SLSS 10 REQUIREO PSEWO' EQUALS TITLE 61'30-9531 GC30-9531-1 SPECIFICATIONS (troT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS) THE FOLLOI PSEUOO • EQUAtS TITLE 6C2Z-9027-2 3790/SNA It~TALLATION GUIDE GTZZ-9027 3790-V6 PROGRAMMING STATEt1EtITS GUIDE 6122-9030 GC22-9030-1 3790-V6 PROGRAMMING REFERENCE MANUAL 6C22-9031-1 GU2-9031 3790-V6 HOST SERVICES GUIDE ST:!2-9032 GC22-903Z-1 3790-V6 HOST PROGRAMt1ER'S GUIDE 6T22-9033 6C22-9033-1 RELEASE GUIDE 6C22-9054-1 6T22-9054 3790 ItoST SERVICES GUIDE GT22-9065 GCl!2-9065-2 USER'S GUIDE 6C22-9070··1 GT22-9070 SPECIFICATIONS (HOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS) 6T22-9071 GC22-9071-3 STATEMENTS REFERENCE GC22-9082'-1 GTZ2-9082 INTRODUCTION GC22··9083-0 GTZ2-9083 MESSAGES 6TZZ-9084 GC2Z-9084-1 GnZ-9085 GUIDE & REfERENCE GC22-9085-2 3773/74/75 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 61'30-3028 GC30-3028-4 GTOO-0650 3790 LIBRARY REFERENCE SUMMARY &X23-0205-6 GTOO-0651 Drcx REFERENCE SlJMI'IARY &X27-0012-1 6TOO-0652 3790-V6 SYSIMOO WORKSHEETS &)(27-2992-2 3770/3790 HOST SERVICES LOGIC ST67-247Z SY27-Z472-4 THE FOtLONING PUeLICAHONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF DOSIVS HOST SUPPORT (DPeX) & SUBSYSTEM SUP~~T SERV SCP (S747-CC6): SLSS 10 <7799-DA5> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GTOO-0653 GC30-3022-5 USER'S GUIDE GTOO-0654 GC38-1011-4 MESSAGES &UIDE STBI-0401 SJBI-0401-0 LISTINGS ( 67 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.0 e' COMPLETE VSE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY OPTION/EXTENDED (VSE SYSTEM IPOIE) VERSION 1.2.1 NOTE: SLSS 10 (7799 NUI18ERS) CAUSE SHIPttENT OF PUBLICATIONS AT THE RIGHT LEVELS FOR THIS SYSTEM lPO/E RELEASE, AND PREVENT SHIPMENT OF PUBLICATIONS APPLYING TO NEW RELEASES. PP NUHBERSENTERED INTO SLSS ARE AUTOMATICALLY CONVERTED TO SLSS ID IF THE SLSS KEY 7701 IS ALSO ENTERED BASE CONTENT PROS. PROD. ( NAME ) DOSIVSE VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS VSE/IPCS VSE/ICCF VSE/POWER VSEIVSAI1 INTERACT PROD FACIL CICSIDOSIVS DLII DOSIVS ACFIVTAH & VTAt1 SCP ACFIVTAHE & VTAt1 SCP BTAt1-ES & BTAH SCP PP NUMBER 5745-030 5746-XE8 5746-SAI 5746-TSI 5746-XE3 5746-AM2 5748-t1S1 5746-XX3 5746-XXI 5746-RC3 5747-CFl 5746-RC7 5747-CG2 S746-RCS 5747-CGI SLSS ID 7799-DBI 7799-DBA 7799-DBX 7799-DBF 7799-0BP 7799-0BM 7799-DB6 7799-D66 7799-DBl 7799-DBV RELEASE LEVEL 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.5 1.5 CR2 2.0 2.0 ** 7799-DBE 1.0 1.0 ** 7799-D88 1.0 1.0 PP NUMBER 5746-At14 S746-XXC 5746-XC4 5746-XC4 5746-XE3 5746-UT3 5746-CBl 5746-RGl 5736-PL3 5736-PLl 5736-LM4 5736-LI15 5746-St12 5747-A61 SlSS ID 7799-DAF 7799-0ED 7799-0CD 7799-DCD 7799-DBP 7799-000 7799-0AC 7799-TAR 7799-DAP 7799-DCP 7799-DDP 7799-DEP 7799-DAS 7799-DA1 RELEASE LEVEL 1.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.5 3.0 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 3.0 3.0 5746-XE7 5735-XXI 5735-XX3 5747-CHI S746-XXV 7799-DAL 7799-DDN 7799-DDN 7799-DDN 7799-DAE 1.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.0 ** -OPTIONAL FEATURESPROG. PROD. ( NAME) VSE/FASTCOPY DATA DICTIONARY Dt1SICICS/VS OHS/CICSIVS DOS APPLI SEN FEAT VSE/POWERIRJE VSEIDITTO DOSIVS COBOL COMPIL & LIB RPS II DOS PLII OPTILIB DOS PLII OPT DOS PLII RES LIB DOS PLII TRANS LIB OOS/VS SORT!MERGE II EHUL PROGIVS SCP VSE/ACCESS CONTROLLOGGING & REPORTING ACFINCPIVS & EP FEATURE DOS/vSE ELlAS-I ** SLSS ID NOT REqUIRED THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF OOSIVSE (5745-030): SlSS 10 <7799-DB1> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE VSE/SYSTEH IPO/EXTENDED GENERAL It.!FO GQ20-1S73 GC20-1873-2 DOSIVSE SYSTEM IPO/EXTENDED PUISD GTOO-0704 GC20-1875-3 VI1IDOSIVSE SYS IPO/EXTENDED PLNGD 6T20-1876 GC20-1876-l GQZ6-38S5 GC26-38S5-2 OSIVS & DOS/vSE AP-l USER'S GUIDE OS/VS EREP GT28-1178 GC28-1178-1 6T28-1179 GC28-1179-1 EREP NESSAGES 6TOO-0656 SCl3-4024-3 GUIDE TO THE DOSIVSE ASSEMBLER 6TOO-0657 GC33-S383-3 OLTEP 6Q33-6077 GC33-6077-1 DATA SECURITY UNDER THE VSE SYSTEM 6T33-6109 GC33-6109-0 SCP SPECS (NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS) HANDBOOK lT73-9101 LY33-9101-0 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.1 " "" \., j I ( THE FOLLOHING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF WE/ADVANCED fUNCrION (574()-XEIJ ) : SLSS 10 <7799-DBA> PSEUDO. EQUALS TITLE G120-1879 GC20-1879-0 FIXED BLOCK DASO INSTAl.LlCOHV GUIDE G124-5209 GC24-S209-0 DATA MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS SC24-S21 0-0 5124-5210 MACRO USER'S GUIDE 5124-5211 SC24-52 11-0 MACRO REFERENCE 5T24-5212 SC24-5212-1 TAPE lABELS SC24-5213-0 5T24-5213 DASD LABElS 5C33-6094-0 5T33-6094 SYSTEM MANAGEtlENT GUIDE 5133-6095 5C33-6095-0 SYSTEM CONTROL STATEMENTS ST33-609{) 5C33-6096-0 SYSTEM GENERATION SC33-·6097-0 5T33-6097 OPERATING PROCEDURES 5133-6098 SC33-6098-0 MESSAGES 5133-6099 5C33-6099-0 SERVICEABILITY AIDS & DEBUG PROCEDURES SC33-6100-0 5133-6100 SYSTEM UTILITIES 5T33-6l0l SC33-6101-0 PROGRAtll'lER '5 GUIDE 6T33-6102 GC33-6102-1 SPECIFICATIONS G133-6106 GC33-6106-0 GENERAL INFORMATION SC33-6107-0 5133-6107 SYSTEM INFORMATION 6T33-6108 GC33-6l08-0 IHTRODUCTlOtl TO THE VSE SYSTEM ST33-6112 SC33-6112-0 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE Gr3S-0033 GC35-0033-2 DEVICE SUPPORT fACILITIES LTC7-2010 LYC7-2010-0 ATTENTION ROUTINES LTC7-2011 LYC7-2011-0 ASSEMBLER LTC7-20l2 LYC7-2012-0 CHECKPOItITIRESTART LTC7-2013 LYC7-2013-0 DIRECT ACCESS METHOD L.TC7-2014 lYC7-2014-0 DYNAMIC DUMP UTILITY LTC7-20l5 LYC7-2015-0 DISKETTE IOCS LTC7-2016 LYC7-2016-0 DISTRIBUTION PROGRA11 LTC7-'20l7 LYC7-2017-0 DISK ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES LTC7-2018 LYC7-2018-0 DISPLAY OPERATOR CONSOLE LYC7-20l9-0 LTC7-20l9 DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES LTC7-2020 LYC7-2020-0 SEQUENTIAL DISK IOCS LTC7-2021 LYC7-2021-0 EREPI LTC7-2022 LYC7-2022-0 CotlPIlER I/O fmUlES LYC7-2023-0 LTC7-2023 Ioes & DEVICE INDEPENDENT 110 LTC7-2024 LYC7-2024-0 IPL & BUFFER LOAD LTC7-202S LYC7-2025-0 ISAt1 LTC7-2026 LYC7-2026-0 JOB CONTROL lTC7-2027 LYC7-2027-0 LIBRARIAN LTC7-2028 lYC7-2028-0 LINKAGE EDITOR lTC7-2029 LYC7-2029-0 MAGNETIC CHARACTER RECOGNITIOIf IOCS LTC7-2030 LYC7-2030-0 OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION IOCS LTC7-2031 LYC7-2031-0 ONLINE TEST EXEC LTC7-2032 LYC7-2032-0 PROBLEM DETERMINATION AIDS LTC7-2033 LYC7-2033-0 PAPER TAPE IOCS LYC7-2034-0 LTC7-2034 RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LTC7-2035 LYC7-2035-0 SPECIFIC DEVICE SUPPORT LYC7-2036-0 LTC7-2036 SUPERVISOR LTC7-2037 LYC7-2037-0 MAGNETIC TAPE IDes LYC7-2038-0 LTC7-2038 TAPE ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES lTC7-2039 lYC7-2039-0 SYSTEM UTILITY LTC7-2040 LYC7-2040-0 MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY LT64-5209 LY24-5209-0 LIOCS 'lOLl GEN INFO & IMPERATIVE MACROS lY2(t-5210-0 LT64-5210 LlOCS VOl2 SAM LT64-5211 Ln4-5211-0 LIOCS VOL3 SAM AND ISAM lT64-5212 LY24-5212-0 DIRECT & SEQUENTIAL DASD LOGIC LY33-9083-0 LT73-9083 LOGICAL TRANSIENTS AND $IJBSXXX PHASES LT73-9084 LY33-9084-0 INITIAL PROGRAM LOAD AND JOB CONTROL lT73-9085 LY33-9085-0 LINKAGE EDITOR LT73-9086 LY33-9086-0 SERVICEABILITY AIDS LT73-9087 LY33-9087-0 LIBRARIAN LT73-9088 lY33-9088-0 SYSTEI1 UTILITIES LT73-9089 LY33-9089-0 HAINTAIN SY5TEI1 HISTORY LT73-9091 LY33-9091-0 SUPERVISIOR LT73-9092 LY33-9092-0 ERROR RECOVERY & RECORDING TRANSIENTS (' 69- VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.1 THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/IPCS (S746-SAl): SLSS ID <7799-DBX> PSEUDO , EquALS TITlE USER'S SUIDE & REFERENCE SQ34-201S SC34-2015-1 GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL 6T34-2017 6C34-2017-2 GQ34-2021 GC34-2021-1 SPECIFICATIONS NlA LJAO-0303-1 FICHE LQ65-0004 LY25-0004-1 LOGIC HANDBOOK LQ73-9095 LY33-9095-1 THE fOLLeNING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/ICCF (5746-TS1): SLSS ID <7799-DBF> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GQ33-6065 GC33-6065-2 SPECIFICATIONS GQ33-6066 GC33-6066-1 GENERAL INFORMATION SQ33-6067 5C33-6067-1 INSTALLATION REFERENCE TERMINAL USER' 5 GUIDE SQ33-6068 SC33-6068-1 SQ33-6069 SC33-6069-1 MESSAGES STOO-0647 SX33-9006-1 REFERENCE SUMMARY LTC3-9093 LYC3-9093-0 FICHE LTC7-0468 LYC7-0468-0 LISTINGS LQ73-9096 LY33-9096-1 HANDBOOK LT73-9098 LY33-9098-0 DIAG REF PLH THE fOLlOlUNG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/POWER (S746-XE3): SLSS ID <7799-DBP> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GH2-5131 GHI2-5131-2 GENERAL INFORH4TION 6T32-5242 mi12-5242-1 SPECIFICATIONS SQ32-5329 5HI2-5329-1 INSTALLATION & OPERATIONS GUIDE ST32-5330 SHI2-5330-0 SHARED SPOOLING USER'S GUIDE 5TOO-1145 SHI2-5435-3 REFERENCE SUMMARY SQ32-5520 5HI2-5520-1 MESSAGES LTA2-5216 LYA2-5216-1 FICHE lTA2-5218 LYA2-5218-0 FICHE lQ52-5027 LY12-5027-1 LOGIC VOL 1 LQ52-5028 LYI2-5028-1 LOGIC VOL 2 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSEIVSAH (5746-AM2); SLSS ID <7799-DBI'1> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE SPECIFICATIONS Gl24-5142 GC24-5142-0 SQ24-5144 SC24-5144-1 Cotlt1ANDS & MACROS SQ24-5145 SC24-514S-1 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE SQ24-5146 SC24-S146-1 MESSAGES & CODES LQB4-6102 LYB4-6102-1 SOURCE LISTINGS LOGIC VOLUME 1 LOGIC lQ64-5191 LY24-5191-1 LOGIC VOLUME 2 LOGIC tQ64-S192 LY24-5192-1 LQ64-S195 LY24-S195-1 ACCESS METHODS LOGIC TIlE FOLLOWlt~ PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF INTERACT PROD FACIL (5748-t1S1 ): SLSS 10 <7799-DB6> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE GQ40-S306 Gli20-5306-1 SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-0693 GX20-23&3-1 SUMMARY CARD SrOO-0980 SX20-2346-0 TEMPLATE FOR 3277 STOO-0725 SX20-2355-0 TEMFLATE FOR 3276/78 lQBO-2485 lYBO-2485-3 LOGIC PANELS lQBO-2486 LYBO-2486-2 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.5 OF CICSIDOSIV5 (S746-XX3): SLSS ID <7799-0BG> PSEUDO I EQUAI.S TITlE GTOO-0687 GC33-0066-5 GENERAL INFORMATION STOO-0689 SC33-0068-2 SYS/APPLI DESIGN GUIDE STOO-068S SC33-0069-3 SYS PROGRAtlf1ER'S REF MAN SToo-oa40 SC33-0070-4 DOSIVS SYS PROOR REFNAN STOO-0841 SC33-0077-3 APPlI PROG REF t1ANUAL 5TOO-0692 SC33-0079-2 PROGRAM REFERENCE MANUAL (COH'T.) 70 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.1 5TOO-0693 5TOO-0694 SQ33-0085 SQ33-0086 SQ33-0089 STOO-0695 5100-0696 GTOO-0697 LTA4-3007 LQ73-6033 SC33-0080-2 SC33-0081-2 SC33-0085-1 SC33-0086"1 5C33-0089-1 SX33-6010-3 SX33-6011-3 GX33-6012-3 LYA4-3007-0 LY33-6033-1 OPERATOR'S GUIDE MESSAGES & CODeS RPGII APPL.I PROGR REF MANL ENTRY LVl SYS USD (DOS) PR06LEM DETERtlltlATION GUIDE DEBUG REF SUt1I1 TERllINAL OPERATOR REFERENCE APPLI PROG'S REF S\Jt'lM CICSIDOS/vS LISTINGS DOS/v5 DATA AREAS LOGIC TIlE FOLLOWING PlreLlCAl"IOOS SUPPOOT RElEASE 1.5 ICR2 OF DlII DOS/VS (S746-XX1): SLSS 10 <7799-DBL> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITlE STOO-0707 SIt24-5001-2 USER'S GUIDE ST32-5411 SIH2-5411-4 CAll. & RQDLI INTF ST32-S412 Stl12-5Ct12-S UTILITIES & SYS PROGR GO ST32·-5413 SH12-S413-4 SYSlAPPN DESIGN GO ST32-5{114 51112-5414-6 MESSAGES &' CODES GQ40-4642 GH20-4642-2 SPECIFICATIONS 5T44-5002 5H24-5002-2 DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE ST44-5009 5H24-S009-0 USER'S GUIDE ST44-S010 SH24-5010-0 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE LQB4-6103 LYB4-6103-2 FICHE THE FOLlOUINS PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RelEASE 2.0 OF ACFIVTAH (5746-RC3): SlSS m <7799-0BV> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 5T27-0449 SC27-0449-1 PROGRAMtIINS REFERENCE 6T27-0460 SC27-0460-0 SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-1406 SC27-0462-4 GENERAL INFORMATION: INTRODUCTION 6TZ7-0463 GCZ7-0463-0 GENERAL INFORMATION: CONCEPTS ST27-0464 5C27-0464-0 INSTALLATION MANUAL 5T27-0465 SC27-046S-0 PREIHSTALLATION PLANNING ST27-0466 SC27-0466-1 OPERATIONS MANUAL ST27-0467 SC27-0467-1 MESSAGES & CODES LTBI-040S LJB1-0408-0 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS 5TOO-0640 SXZ7-0003-0 REFEREHCE S~1ARY LTOO-0641 LX27-0004-0 CONTROL PANel OVERVIEW SHS-30Z0 SY3S-30Z0-0 DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES LT7a-302l LY38-3021-0 LOGIC OVERVIEW LT78-J022 LY38-30t2-0 LOGIC VOL 1 LT78-3024 LY3S-3024-0 LOGIC VOL 2 LT78-3026 LY38-3026-l DATA AREAS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF ACFIVTAM & VTAM SCP (S747-CG2): NO SLSS 1D REQUIRED PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT27-0459 GC27-0459-0 SPECS (HOT AVAIlABLE UNDER SlSS) THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF ACFIVTAME (S746-RC7) : SLSS ID <7799-D6E> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT27-0437 GC27-0437-1 SPECIFICATIOtIS GT27-0438 GC27-0438-0 GENERAL INFORMATION: INTRODUCTION ST27-0439 SC27-0439-0 INSTALLATION 5T27-0441 5C27-0441-0 PREINSTALLATION 5T27-0442 SC27-0442-1 PROGRAI1I1ING 5T27-0443 5C27-0443-0 OPERATION ST27-0444 SC27-0444-1 MESSAGES & COOES 6T27-0451 GC27-04S1-0 GENERAL INFORMATION: CONCEPTS LTBI-0458 LJBI-04S8-0 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS 5TOO-0642 SX27-3032-0 REFERENCE SUMMARY ST78-3012 SY38-3012-0 DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES LT78-3013 LY3S-3013-1 LOGIC OVERVIEW LT78-3014 LY38-3014-0 LOGIC BASIC LT78-3016 LY38-3016-1 DIAGNOSTIC DATA AREAS 71 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.1 THE FOLLOWIHS PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF ACFIVTAHE & VTAH SCP (S747-C62J: NO SLSS ID REQUIRED PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 6T27-0440 GC27-0440-1 SPECS (NOT AVAIlABLE UNDER SLSS) THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF 8TAHE-ES (S746-RCS): SLSS 10 <7799-D8B> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 6T38-0291 6C38-0291-0 SPECIFICATIONS 6T38-0292 GC38-0292-0 GENERAL INFORMATION ST38-0293 SC38-0293-0 PROGRAMMING REFERENCE ST38-0294 SC38-0294-0 INSTALLATION MESSAGES ST38-0295 SC38-0295-0 lTB1-0407 LJBI-0407-0 ASSEtlBLY LISTlhSS LOGIC LT67-8030 LY27-8030-0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF 8TAH-ES & 8TAM SCP (S747-CGl): NO SLSS 10 REQUIRED PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT38-0296 GC38-0296-0 SPECS (NOT AVAILABLE utlJER SLSSJ THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF VSE/FASTCOPY (5746-AM4h SLSS 10 <7799-DAF> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE GT33-6080 6C33-6080-1 SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL INFORMATION GT33-6081 GC33-6081-0 ST33-6082 5C33-6082-0 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL FICHE LTC7-0469 LYC7-0469-0 LT73-9090 LY33-9090-0 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DATA DICTIONARY (S746-XXC): 5LSS 10 <7799-DEO> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE SPECIFICATIONS 6T40-4510 GH20-4510-2 5T40-9083 5H20-9083-2 USER'S GUIDE REFERENCE MANUAL 5T40-9084 5H20-9084-3 GENERAL INFORMATION 6~40-9104 GH20-9104-3 APPLICATION GUIDE ST40-9173 5H20-9173-0 M1ININSTRATIVE & CUSTOMER GUIDE ST40-9174 SH20-9174-0 FIellE lTB6-0039 LJB6-0039-0 LTB6-0040 lJ86-0040-0 PROGRAM lISTINGS LT60-8037 LY20-8037-1 lOGIC ST60-8076 SY20-8076-0 DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE 6100-0644 G320-5780-0 D8IDC PRIMER DBIDC IMPLEMENTATION DATA DICT 6TOO-0645 6320-6017-0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF DMS/CICSIVS (5746-XC4): SlSS 10 <7799-DCD> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE SQ40'-2207 5H20-2207-1 DESIGN GUIDE REFERENCE MANUAL SQ40-2209 SH20-2209-1 OPERATOR'S GUIDE SQ40-2211 SH20-2211-2 GENERAL INFORMATION 6T40-2195 61120-2195-2 GQ40-4561 GH20-4561-1 SPECIFICATIONS 6TOO-0643 6X20-2339-1 PANEL DESCRIPTION LTBO-2472 LYBO-2472-0 FICHE LQ60-2456 lY20-2456-1 LOGIC TIlE FOlUlWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF DtISICICSIVS DOS APPN SEN FEATURE (S746-XC4); SLSS 10 <7799-DA6> pSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE LTBO-2473 LYBO-2473-0 FICHE THE FOLLOWING PU5LICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/POWERIRJE (5746-XEl): SLSS 10 <7799-DBP> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 5T32-5328 5HI2-5328-0 USER'S GUIDE LTA2-5217 LYA2-5217-1 FICHE LTS2-5034 LYI2-S034-0 LOGIC 72 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF YSEIDI1TO (S746-UT3): SLSS ID <7799-00D> PSEUDO • E~UAlS TITLE 6139-6071 6HI9-6071-0 SPECIFICATIONS G139-6072 GBI9-6072-0 GENERAL INFORMATION 5T39-6073 5HI9"6073-0 REFERENCE & OPERATlmlS MANUAL LTD3-6000 LJD3-6000-0 FICHE L1'59-6061 LYl'9-6061-0 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLlCATIOtr.; SUPPORT RELEA5E 2.5 OF DOS/vs COBOL COMP & LIB (S746-C81): 5LSS 10 <7799-DAC> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT28-6394 GC28-6394-6 DOS FULL ANS COBOL 5T28-6469 5C28-6469-3 VMl370 CMS USER'S GUIDE FOR COBOL 6T28-6478 6C28-6478-3 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE S1'28··6479 5C28-6479-2 INSTALLATION REFERENCE I1ANUAL GT28-6487 GC2S-6487-2 SPECIFICATIONS lTC7-S0S0 l.YC7-S0S0-6 FICHE LT68-6423 LY28--6423-1 LOGIC lT68-6424 LY28-6424-1 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DOSIVS RPG II (5746-RG1): SLSS 10 <7799-TAR> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT33-6029 GC33-6029-1 5PECIFICATIONS 5tl33··6031 SC33-6031-3 SYSTEM LIBRARY STOO-0604 SC33-6032-2 INSTALLATION REFERENCE 5Q33-6033 5C33-6033-1 MESSAGES SQ33-6034 5C33-6034-1 AUTO REPfJRT 5T33-6074 5C33-6074-0 USER'S GUIOE GT33-6120 GC33-6120-1 GENERAL INFORM.4TION MANUAL LTD3-3800 LJD3-3800-2 MICROFIOiE LISTINGS LTOO-060S LY33-9062-2 LOGIC THE FOLLOWltfG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 5.1 OF DOS PVI OPT/LIB (5736-PL3): SLSS 10 <7799-DAP> PSEUDO , EQUALS TITLE GT33-0005 6C33-000S-5 LANG REF ST33-0008 SC33-0008-4 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 6Q33-0016 6C33··0016-10 SPECIFICATIONS GT33-0017 GC33-0017-10 SPECIFICATIONS GT33-0018 6e33-0018-10 SPECIfICATIONS ST33-0019 SC33-0019-1 EXECUTION LOGIC 5T33-0020 5C33-0020-5 INSTALLATION MAtftJAL 5T33-0021 5C33-0021-4 MESSAGES 5T33-0035 5C33-0035-2 MESSAGES LTC7-Z501 LYC7-2501-5 RESIDENT rICHE L'TC7-2502 LYC7-2502-5 TRANSIENT FICtlE lTC7-2503 LYC7-2S03-8 PROGRAM LISTINGS LT73-6010 LY33-6010-1 LOGIC LT73-6011 LY33-6011-1 LOGIC LT73-6012 LY33-6012-1 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPrtmT RELEASE 5.1 OF DOS PVI OPT (S736-PLl): SLS5 ID <7799-DCP> PSEUDO • EQUALS lITLE GT33-0005 GC33-000S-S LANG REF 5133-0008 SC33-0008-4 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE GQ33-0016 GC33-0016-10 SPECIFICATIONS ST33-0019 SC33-0019-1 EXECUTION LOGIC 5T33-0020 SC33-0020-5 INSTALLATION MAmJAL ST33-0021 5C33-0021-4 MESSAGES 5T33-0051 SC33-0051-0 CMS USE'S GUIDE LTC7-2503 LYC7-2S03-8 LISTINGS LT73-6010 LY33-6010-1 LOGIC 73 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.1 TIfE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 5.1 OF DOS PLII RES LIB (5736-LM4): SL5S ID <7799-DDP> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE 5T33-0008 5C33-0008-4 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE GT33-00l7 6C33-0017-10 SPECIFICATIONS EXECUTION LOGIC ST33-0019 SC33-0019-1 INSTALLATION MANUAL S'T33-0020 5C33-0020-5 CMS USER'S GUIDE ST33-0051 5C33-00S1-0 LTC7-2S01 LYC7-2S01-S FICIfE LOGIC LT73-6011 LY33-6011-l TIfE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 5.1 OF DOS PLII TRANS LIB (S736-U15h SLSS 10 <7799-DEP> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ST33-0008 SC33-0008-4 SPECIFICATIONS GT33-0018 GC33-0018-10 ST33-0019 5C33-0019-1 EXECUTION LOGIC INSTALLATION MANUAL S1"33-0020 SC33-0020-5 MESSAGES ST33-0035 SC33-0035-2 eMS USER'S GUIDE ST33-0051 5C33-00S1-0 LTC7-2502 LYC7-2502-S fICHE LOGIC LT73-6012 LY33-6012-1 THE FOLLOWING ~~LICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DOS SORTIHERGE II (5746-5H2): SLSS ID <7799-DAS> PSEUDO , EQUALS TITlE 5Q33-4044 5C33-4044-2 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SQ33-4045 5C33-4045-2 INSTALLATION MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS 6Q33-4047 GC33-4047-2 GTOO-0646 GX33-8002-0 REFERENCE SUMMARY LTC7-090S lYC7-090S-2 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS LOGIC LQ73-8044 LY33-8044-2 THE fOLL.OI4IHS PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF EtlUL PROG/YS SCP (5747-AGl): SLSS 10 <7799-DA1> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GTOO-1126 GA27-30S1-S INTRO TO 3704/370S COMtIU CONTROLLER GTOO-I075 6A27-3086-2 3704 USER'S GUIDE GTOO-0623 6A27-3087-3 370S USER'S GUIDE GQ30-300S GC30-300S-8 3704/3705 STORAGE & PERFORt~E GTOO-0625 6C30-3008-5 3704/3705 REFERENCE MA~~AL ST70-3031 SY3n-3031-1 LOGIC THE fOLLOI"'ING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF VSE/ACCESS CONTROL LOGGING & REPORTING (S746-XE7): SLSS ID <7799-DAL> PSEUDO I EQUAl.S TITLE GT32-5130 SI12-S130-0 GENERAL INFORMATION GHI2-5241-0 SPECIFICATIONS GT32-52 l tl ST32-5336 5HI2-5336-0 OPERATIONS MANUAL FICHE LTC7-0465 LYC7-0465-0 LOGIC LT52-5032 LYI2-5032-0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.1 OF ACFINCPIVS (S735-XXl), (573!H(X3)' (574 7-C" 1) & EP FEAfURE: SLSS 10 <7799-DON> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GTOO-0623 GA27-3087-3 370S COMMU CONTROL PANEL GUIDE G130-3058 GC30-3058-3 GENERAL INf'ORMATION ~IANUAL STlO-3U6 SC30-3116-1 GENERATION & UTILITIES SnO-3142 SC30-3142-1 INSTALLATION 5T30-3143 SC30-3143-0 lITILITIE5 MESSAGES SQ30-314S SC30-3145-1 GT30-9529 GC30-9529-1 SPECIFICATIONS 6T30-9530 GC30-9530-1 SPECIFICATIONS GT30-9531 6C30-9531-1 SPECS (NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS) lTD2-4141 LJD2-4141-2 LISTINGS LQ02-4143 LJD2-4143-2 ASSEI'IBLY LISTINGS LT70-3041 LY30-3041-0 LOGIC LT70-3043 LY30-3043-1 REFERENCE SUMMARY 74 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF DOSIVSE ELIAS-l (S746-XXV): 5LSS 10 <7799-DAE> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE SQ39-6157 SHI9-6157-1 GENERAL INFORtlATION GUIDE 5139-6158 SH19-615B-0 APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE COBOL APPLICATION PROGRS GD ST39-6159 StI19-6159-0 ST39-6160 SI119-6160-0 PUI APPLICATION PROGRS GO SIU 9-6161-0 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE ST39-6161 COBOL SAMPLES BOOK ST39-6162 SHI9-6162-0 5T39-6163 5HI9-6163-0 PUI SAMPLES tlANDBOOK MICROFICHE LTA9-6133 LYA9-6133-0 LT59-6121 LYI9-6121-0 PROGRAM LOGIC MAHUAL ( 7S VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.1 _COMPLETE VSE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY OPI'ION/EXTENDED (VSE SYSTEMIPO/E) VERSION 1.3.0 NOTE: SLIS 10 (7799 NUf'lSERSJ CAUSE SHIPHENT OF PUBLICATIONS AT THE LEVELS FOR THIS SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE, AND PREVENT SHIPHENT OF PUBLICATIONS APPLYING TO NEW RELEASES. PP NUMBERS ENTERED INTOSLSS ARE AUTOMATICALLY CONVERTED TO SLSS ID IF THE SLSS KEY 7702 IS ALSO ENTERED ~IGHT BASE CONTENT PROS. PROD. (tW1E) DOSIVSE VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS VSE/IPCS VSE/ICCF VSE/POWER VSE/POWER/5tIAREO SPOOLING V5EIV5AM VSEIV5AMIBACKUP RESTORE VSEIVSAtVSPACE MANAGEtlENT INTERACT PROD FACIL CICSIDOSIVS OLII OOSIV5 ACFIVTAH & VTAM SCP ACFIVTAt1E & VTAM SCP BTAM-ES & BlAH SCP PP NUMBER 5745-030 5746-XE8 5746-SAl 5746-TSI 5746-X£3 5746-XE3 5746-A"2 5746-AM2 5746-AH2 5748-M51 5746-XX3 5746-XXI 5746-RC3 5747-CFl 5746-RC7 5747-CG2 5746-RC5 5747-C61 SLSS 10 7799-083 7799-089 7799-0BY 7799-0BT 7799-08P 7799-0BP 7799-0BM 7799-08M 7799-0BM 7799-085 7799-0B6 7799-0BK 7799-DBH RELEASE LEVEL 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 1.5 1.6 3.0 3.0 ** 7799-08E 1.0 1.0 ** 1.0 7799-088 1.0 PP NUMBER 5746-Att4 5746-XXC 5746-XC4 5746-XC4 5746-)(E3 5746-UT3 5746-CBl 5746-RGl 5736-PL3 5736-PLl 5736-U14 5736-LM5 5746-SM2 5747-AGI SLSS 10 7799-0AF 7799-0EO 7799-0FD 7799-0FO 7799-0BP 7799-0AO 7799-DCC 7799-TAR 7799-DAQ 7799-DCQ 7799-0DQ 7799-0EQ 7799-0CS 7799-0"1 RELEASE LEVEL 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 3.0 5746-)(E7 5735-XXI 5735-)0(3 5747-CHI 5746-XXV 5747-DS2 5746-XC5 7799-DAL 7799-0DN 7799-DDN 7799-DDN 7799-DCE 7799-0FS 7799-DCF 1.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.0 4.0 1.0 ** -OPTIONAL FEAl\JRESPROS. PROD. (NAME) VSE/FA5TCOPY DATA OICTIONARY DMS/CICSIVS OMS/CICSIV5 DOS APPLI SEN FEAT VSE/POWER/RJE VSE/DITTO DOS/VS CoaOL COMPIL & LIB RPG II DOS PlII OPT/LIB DOS PLII OPT DOS PlII RES LIB DOS PLII TRANS LIB OOSIVS SORT1t1ERGE II EI1I..IL PROGIVS StP VSE/ACCESS CONTROLlOGGING & REPORTING ACFINCPIVS& EP FEATURE' ELIAS I DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES OCtF ** SLSS ID NOT REquIRED THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE, 3.0 OF DOSIVSE (5745-030): SLSS ID <7799-DB3> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE VSE SYS IPO/E R3 USER GO GQ20-1933 GC20-1933-1 VSE SYS IPO/E R3 GENl INFO GQ20-1935 GC20-1935-1 GQ20-1936 GC20-1936-1 VSE SYS IPO/E R3 PLAN GD 6QZ6-3855 6C26-3855-2 OSIVS & DOSIVSE AP-l USER'S GUIDE OSNS EREP GQ2B-1178 GC28-1178-2 GQ28-1179 GC28-1179-2 EREP MESSAGES ASSEMBLER LANG REF GQ33-4010 6C33-4010-5 6100-0656 Ge33-4024-] GUIDE TO THE DOSIVSE ASSEMBLER 6TOO-0657 GC33-5383~3 OLTEP GTOO-0837 GC33-6077-2 DATA SECURITY UNOER nlE VSE SYSTEM (CONT.) 76 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 3.0 / " / ( \'-. / ( ( ( GQ33-6109 6TOO-1422 Vil73-9101 GC33-6109-2 GX20-1SS0-4 LY33-9101-1 SCP SPECS (NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS) REFERENCE SUMMARY ItAtflBOOK THE fOLLOWlt~ PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 Of VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTION (5746-XESJ: SLSS 10 <7799-DB9> PSEUOO # EQUALS TITLE 6120-1879 FIXED BLOCK DASD INSTALlICONV GUIDE GC20-1S79-0 6H:4-5209 DATA MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS GC24-S209-0 ST24-5210 MACRO USER'S GUIDE 5C24-S210-0 5124-5211 M~CRO REFERENCE 5C24-5211-0 5124-5,12 TAPE LABELS SC24-S212-1 S124-5213 DASD LABELS SC24-5Z13-0 S133-609'. SC33-6094-0 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT GUIDE S133-6095 S'V'STEM CONTROL STATEMENTS SC33-609S-0 SQ33-6096 SC33-6096-1 SYSTEI1 6ENERATIOtI ST33-6097 SC33-6097-0 OPERATING PROCEDURES SQ33-6098 MESSAGES SC33-6098-1 5T33-6099 SC33-6099-0 SERVICEABILITY AIDS & DEBUG PROCEDURES ST33-6100 SYSTEM UTILITIES SC33-6100-0 SQ33-·6101 SC33-6101-1 PROGRAMMER'S GUIUE C;Q33-610Z GC33-610Z-3 SPECIFICATIONS 6133-6106 GC33-6106-0 GENERAL INFORMATION ST33-6107 SC33-6107-0 SYSTEM INFORt1ATION GQ33-6108 GC33-6106-1 INTRODUCTION TO THE VSE SYSTEM ST33-611Z DIAGNOSIS GUIDE SC33-6112-0 GQ35-0033 GC35-0033-4 DEVICE SUPPORT FACILI'TIES GTOO-138a GX33-9007-0 REFERENCE SUMMARY LQC7-2010 LYC7-Z010-1 ATTENTION ROUTINES LQC7-2011 LYC7-Z011-1 ASSEMBLER LQC7-2012 LYC7-2012-1 CtlECKPOINT/RE5TAflT LQC7-Z013 LYC7-2013-1 DIRECT ACCESS METHOD LQC7-2014 LYC7-2014-1 DYNAMIC DUMP UTILITY LQC7-2015 LYC7-Z015-1 DISKETTE IOCS LQC7-2016 LYC7-2016-1 DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM LQC7-2017 LYC7-2017-1 DISK ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES LQC1-2018 LYC7-2018--1 nISPLAY OPERATOR CONSOLE lQC7-Z019 LYC7-2019-1 DEVICE SUPPORT fACILITIES LQC7-20Z0 nC7-2020-1 SEQUENTIAL DISK ICCS L.QC7-Z021 LYC7-20tl-l EREPI LQC7-202Z LYC7-Z0Z2-1 COMPILER 110 nODULES LQC7-2023 LYC7-20Zl-1 lacS & DEVICE INDEPENDENT 1/0 LQC7-Z024 LYC7-2024-1 IPL & BUFfER LOAD LQC7-Z0Z5 LYC7-20Z5-1 ISAM LQC7-20Z6 LYC7-2026-1 JOB CONTROL LQC7-2027 LYC7-2027-1 LIBRARIAN L.QC7-2028 LYC7-Z0Z8-1 LINKAGE EDITon LQC7-2029 LYC7-2029-1 MAGNETIC CHARACTER RECOGNITION Ioes LQC7-2030 LYC7-2030-1 OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION IOCS LQC7-2031 LYC7-2031-1 ONLINE TEST EXEC LQC7-203Z I.YC7-2032-1 PROBLEM DETERMINATION AIDS LQC7-2033 LYC7-2033-1 PAPER TAPE loeS I.QC7-Z034 LYC7-2034-1 RECOVERY MANAGEMEt.ff SUPPORT LQC7-2035 LYC7-Z035-1 SPECIFIC DEVICE SUPPORT LQC7-2036 LYC7-2036-1 SUPERVISOR LQC7-2037 LYC7-Z037··1 MAGNETIC TAPE loes LQC7-2038 LYC7-2038-1 TAPE ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES LQC7-2039 LYC7-2039-1 SYSTEM UrILITY LQC7-2040 LYC7-Z040-1 MAINTAIN SYSTEt1 HISTORY LT64-5209 LIOCS VOLI 6EN INFO & IMPERATIVE MACROS LY24-S209-0 LT64-S210 LY24-5Z10-0 LIOCS VOL2 SAM LT64-SZ11 LY24-5211-0 LIOCS VOL3 SAM AND ISAM LT64-S212 LY24-52 12-0 DIRECT & SEQUENTIAL DASD LOGIC LQ73-9083 LY33-9083-1 LOGICAL TRANSIENTS AND $IJBSXXX PHASES L~73-9084 LY33-9084-1 INITIAL PROGRAM LOAD AND JOB CONTROL LT73-9085 LItlI PSEUDO # EQUALS TITLE SQ34-2015 SC34-2015-1 USER'S GUIDE & REFERENCE GQ34-2017 GC34-2017-3 GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL 6TOO-0832 GC34-202l-2 SPECIFICATIONS ST34-2024 SC34-2024-0 REFEREtJeE SUMr1ARY LTAO-031S LJAO-0315-0 FICHE lQ65-0004 LY25-0004-l LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF VSE/ICCF (5746-TS1): SLSS 10 <7799-DBT> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GTOO-OS33 GC33-6065-3 SPECIFICATIONS 6TOO-0844 GC33-6066-2 GENERAL INFORMATION STOO-0834 SC33-6067-2 INSTALLIITION REFERENCE STOO-0835 SC33-6068-2 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE STOO-0836 SC33-6069-2 MESSAGES 5100-0645 SX33-9006-2 REFERENCE SUMMARY LQC7-0468 LYC7-0468-l LISTINGS LT73-9098 LY33-9098-0 DlASH REF PUM THE FOLLOWlt~ PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/POWER (S746-XE3): SLSS 10 <7799-D6P> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE Gn2-5131 6HI2-5131-2 GENERAL INFORMATION 6T32-5242 GHI2-5242-1 SPECIFICATIONS SQ32-5329 SIU2-5329-1 INSTALLATION & OPERATIONS GUIDE STOO-1145 SHI2-5435-3 REFERENCE SUMMARY SQ32-5520 5H12-5520-1 MESSAGES L.TA2-5216 LYA2-5t16··1 FICHE LQS2-5027 LY12-5027-1 LOGIC VOL 1 LQS2-S028 LY12-5028-1 LOGIC VOL 2 /\ ./ THE FOllOlUHG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/POWERISHARED SPOOLING (5746-XE3) : SLSS 10 <7799-0BP> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE ST32-5330 SHI2-S330-0 SHARED SPOOLING USER'S GUIDE fICHE lTA2-5218 LYA2-5218-0 TIlE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/vSAH (S746-AM2h SlSS 10 <7799-06M> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT24-5142 GC24-5142-0 SPECIFICATIONS SQ24-S144 SC24-S144-1 COMttANOS & MACROS SQ24-5145 SC24-S14S-1 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE SQ24-5146 SC24-S146-1 MESSAGES & CODES L(lB4-6102 LYB4-6102-1 SOURCE LISTINGS l.Q64-S191 LY24-5191-1 LOGIC VOLUME 1 LQ64-5192 LY24-5192-1 LOGIC VOLUME 2 ACCESS METHODS LOGIC LQ64-5195 LY24-5195-1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSEIVSAM (5746-AM2): BACKUP RESTORE : SLSS ID <7799-DSM> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT24-5190 GC24-S190-3 SPECIfICATIONS USER'S GUIDE SQ24-5216 SC24-5216-1 LTC7-0470 LYC7-0470-1 t1ICROFICHE LQ64-S213 LY24-S213-1 LOGIC ( \ ~) 78 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E -RELEASE 3.0 ( THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RelEASE 2.0 OF VSENSAM (5746-AI12): SPACE MANAGEMENT: SLS5 ID <7799-D6M> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE ST24-5192 SC24-S192-0 USER'S GUIDE LTM-610ft LYB4-6104-0 NICROFICItE LT64-5ZD4 LY24-5204-0 LOGIC THE FOLLOIolING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RelEASE 4.0 OF INTERACT PROD FACIL (5748-NSI ): SLSS 10 <7799··065> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE ST40-2486 SH20-2466-0 REFERENCE MANUAL 6140-2492 (71120-2492-0 GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL 5T40-5526 5H20-5526-0 USER'S GUIDE LTSO-0003 LYBO-2478-3 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS (VMlVSE) LTBO-2568 LYBO-2S68-0 MICROFICItE LTSO-OOOI LYBO-2579-0 LOGIC PANELS (VSE & VMIVSE) LTSO-O~02 LYBO-2580-0 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS (VSE) THE FOLLOWING PU8LICATIOtIS SUPPORT RelEASE 1.5 OF CICSIVS (S7l .6-XX3): SLSS IU <7799-0B6> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE GTOO-0687 GC33-0066-S GENERAL IHFORM.UIOU SYS/APPLI DESIGN GUIOE S100-0689 SC33-0066-2 SYS PROGRAMMER'S REF MAN STOO-06B8 SC33-0069-3 DOSIVS SYS PROGR REf MAN 5TOO-0840 SC33-0070-4 STOO-084l SC33-0077-3 APPLI PROG REF MAtruAL s'rOO-0692 SC33-0079-2 PROGRAt1 REFERENCE MANUAL STOO-0693 SC33-0D80-2 OPERATOR'S GUIDE MESSAGES & CODES STOO-0694 SC33-0081-2 RPGII APPLI PROGH REF KANL SQ33-0065 SC33-0085-1 SQ33-0086 SC33-0086-1 ENTRY LVL SYS USD (DOS) PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 5(133-0089 SC33-0089··1 STOO-0695 5X33-6010-1 DEBUG REF SUMM 5TOO-0696 SX33-6011-3 TERMINAL OPERATOR REFERENCE GTOO-0697 GX33-6012-3 APPLI PROG'S REF SUMM LTA4-3007 LYA4-3007-0 CICSIDOSIVS LISTINGS LQ71-6033 LY33-6033-1 DOSIVS DATA AREAS LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIOHS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.6 OF DLII DOSIVS (5746-XXIJ: SLSS ID <7799-DBK> EQUALS PSEUDO I TITLE SQ32-5~11 5HI2-5411-5 APPLICA PROG: CALL & RQDLI SQ32-!i414 MESSAGES & COOES SHl2-5414-7 GQ40-1246 GENERAL INFORI1ATIOH 6"20-1246-8 5H24-5001-3 SQ44-5001 6UIDE FOR NEW USER'S DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE 5(144-5002 5"24-5002-3 ST44-5007 It1F USER' 5 GUIDE SU24-5007-1 GH24-5008-0 GT44-5008 LIBRARY GUIDE & MASTER INDEX SQ44-5009 USER'S GUIDE SH24-5009-1 SH4-5011 DATA BASE ADMINISTRATION 5"'24-5011-0 SB24-5021-0 ST44-5021 RESOURSE DEFINITIONS & UTILITIES APPLICATION & DATA BASE DESIGN Stl24-5022-0 ST44-5022 SB24-5025-0 6T44-S025 SPECIFICATIONS APPLICA PROG REFERENCE SUMMARY SX24-5l03-3 ST1l0-1127 SYSTEM PROG REfERENCE SUtmARY STOO-1128 SX24-51 04-3 STOO-1l30 HIGH LEVEL PROG INTERFACE REF SUMMARY SX24-5120-1 FICnE LTB4-6105 LYB4-6105-0 LYl2-S016-6 LTOO-ll46 PROGRAM LOGIC VOL 1 PROGRAM LOGIC VOL 2 LT64-5215 LY24-S215-0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 Of ACFIVTAM (5746-RC3 J: SLSS 10 <77~9-DBW> PSEUDO # EqUALS TITlE ST27-0449 SC27-0449-1 PROGRAMMING REFERENCE GQ27-0460 GC27-0460-1 SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-1406 GC27-0462-4 GENERAL INFORMATION: INTROOUCTION GQ27-0463 GC27-0463-2 GENERAL INFORMATION: CONCEPTS SQ27-0466 SC27-0466-2 OPERATIONS MANUAL (CONT. ) 79 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 3.0 SQ27-0lt70 ST27-0584 STOO-0640 SQ78-3020 LQ78-3022 LQ78-3026 LlBI-04IS SC27-0470-2 SC27-0584-1 SX27-0003-0 SY38-3020-2 LY38-3022-1 LY38-3026-2 LJBI-0415-0 MESSAGES & CODES PLAtf.llt«; & INSTALLATION REF REFERENCE SUMMARY DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES LOGIC VOL 1 DATA AREAS MICROFICHE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF ACFIVTAtt & VTAM SCP (57lt7-CFl): NO SLSS 10 REQUIRED PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GQ27-0459 6C27-0459-1 SPECS (NOT AVAILABLE utmER SLSS) THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF ACFIVTAME (5746-RC7): SLSS ID <7799-DBE> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT27-0437 GC27-0437-1 SPECIFICATIONS 6T21-0438 GC27-0438-0 GENERAL INFORMATIotl: INTRODUCTION 5T27-0439 SC27-0439-0 INSTALLATION PREINSTALLATION ST27-0441 SC27-044l-0 PROGRAMMING 5T27-0442 SC27-0442-l OPERATION ST27-0443 SC27-0443-0 MESSAGES & CODES ST27-0444 SC27-0444-1 GENERAL INFORMATION: CONCEPTS 6T27-0451 GC27-0451-0 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS LTBI-0458 LJBI-0458-0 5TOO-0642 SX27-3032-0 REFERENCE SUMMARY DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES 5T7S-30l2 SY38-3012-0 LOGIC OVERVIEW LT7a-3013 LY38-30l3-l LOGIC BASIC LT7S-3014 LY38-3014-0 DIAGNOSTIC DATA AREAS LT78-30l6 LY38-3016-1 lliE FOLLOWIH6 PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF ACFIVTAttE & VTAtt SCP (5747-CG2): NO SLSS 10 REQUIRED PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT27-0440 6C27-0440-1 SPECS (NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS) THE FOllOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF BTAME-ES U746-RCS): SLS5 10 <7799-06B> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT38-0291 GC38-0291-0 SPECIFICATIONS 6T38-0292 6C38-0292-0 SENERAL INFORMATION 5T38-0293 SC38-0293-0 PROGRAMMING REFERENCE IHSTALLATIOtI ST38-0294 SC38-0294-0 MESSAGES SH8-0295 SC38-029S-0 LTB1-0407 LJB1-0407-0 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS LT67-S030 LY27-8030-0 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF BTAtt-ES & BTAN SCP (5747-CGl): NO SLSS ID REQUIRED PSEUDO # EQUALS TITLE GT38-0296 GC38-0296-0 SPECS (NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS) THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF VSE/FASTCOPY (5746-AM4): SLSS ID <7799-DAF> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT33-6080 se33-60S0-1 SPECIFICATIONS 6T33-6081 GC33-60Sl-0 GENERAL INFORMATION ST33-6082 SC33-6082-0 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL LTC7-0469 LYC7-0469-0 FICHE LOGIC LT73-9090 LY33-9090-0 THE fOLLOWING PUBlICATIotlS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DATA DICTIONARY (5746-XXC): SLSS ID <7799··DED> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE SPECIFICATIONS 6T40-4510 6H20-4510-2 USER'S GUIDE ST40-9083 SH20-9083-2 REFERENCE MANUAL 5T40-9084 SIi20-9084-3 GENERAL INFORMATION 6Q40-9104 GH20-9104-3 (CONT. ) 80 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 3.0 ( 5140-9173 5T40-9174 UB6-0039 LTB6-00(+0 LTEIO-SO!7 ST60-8076 GTOO-0644 6TOO-0645 SH20-9173-0 51120-9174-0 LJB6-0039-0 LJB6-0040-0 LnO-S037-1 SY20-8076-0 G320-5780-0 G32O-6017-0 APPLICATION GUIDE Al1.ININSTRATlVE & CUSTOMER GUIDE FICHE PROGRAM I.ISTINGS LOGIC DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE DBIDC PRIMER DBIDC 1I1PLEMENTATION DATA DICT R2 TIlE FOLLOlUNG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DIIS/cICS/vS (5746-XC4): SLSS ID <7799-DFD> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 6ENERAL INFORMATION GQ40-2195 61-120-2195-3 5TOO-0683 Sli20-2209-3 REFERENCE MANUAL STOO-0684 SH20-2211-3 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 6TOO-0847 GH20-4561-4 SPECIFICATIONS 6TOO-0643 6X20-2339-1 PAUEL DESCRIPTION FICHE LTBO-2518 LYBO-2S16-0 LTOO-0848 LY20-24S6-2 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DMS/CICSIVS DOS APPM GEN FEATURE (S746-XC4): SLSS 10 <7799-·DFD> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE l1'BO-2519 LYBO-2519-0 fICHE ltlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPOOT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/POWER/RJE (5746-XE3): SLSS 10 <7799-DBP> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 5T32-5328 SHI2-5328-0 l~ER'S GUIDE LTAZ-5Z17 LYAZ-5217-1 FICHE LT5Z-S034 LYI2-S034-0 LOGIC THE FOLU".oIING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSEIDITTO (5746-U13): SLSS ID <7799-D4D> PSElmD I EquALS TITLE GQ39-60·,1 6tI19··6071-1 SPECIFICATIONS 6T39-6072 6HI9-6072-0 GENERAL INFORtlATION SQ39-6073 5HI9-6073-1 REFERENCE & OPERATIONS MANUAL LTD3-6000 LJD3-6000-0 FICHE LQS9-6061 LY19-6061-1 LOGIC mE FOLLOWING PUBLICAUONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DOs/vS COBOL COOP & LIB (5746-C81 ): SLSS In <7799-DCC> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE VS COBOL FOR DOSIVSE 6T26-3998 GC26-3998-0 SQ~8-6469 SCZ8-6469-4 CMS USER'S GUIDE GQZ8-·6478 GC28-6478-4 PR~~AMt1ER'S GUIDE SQ26-6479 5C28-6479-3 INSTALLATION REFERENCE tWlUAL SPECIFICATIONS GQZ8··6487 6C28-6487-3 G"TOO-I040 GXZ6-3709-0 REFERENCE & RESERVE WORK SUMMARY l.QC7-S0S0 LYC7-50!i0-8 FICHE LQ68-6423 LY28-6423-Z LOGIC LT68-6424 LY28-6424-1 LOGIC TtlE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DOS/vs RPG II (S746-RGI J: SLSS ID <7799-TAR> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE SPECIFICATIONS 6T33-6029 GC33-6029-1 SQ33-6031 SC33-6031--3 SYSTEM LIBRARY STOO-0604 SC33-603Z-2 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MESSAGES SQ33-6033 SC33-6033-1 SQ33-6034 SC33-6034-1 AUTO REPORT USER'S GUIDE 8133-6074 SC33-6074-0 GENERAL INFFORt1ATIOH twlUAL 6T33-6120 GC33-6120-1 MICROFICHE LISTINGS LT03-3800 LJD3-3800-Z LOGIC LTOO-0605 LY33-906Z-2 ( 81 VSE SYSTEM IPOIE RELEASE 3.0 THE FOllOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 OF DOS Pl/I OPT/LIB (5736-PL3J: 5LS5 ID <7799-DAQ> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE ST26-3971 5C26-3971-1 EXTENDED GRAPHICS SUPPORT GT26-3977 GC26-3977-0 LANG REFERENCE MANUAL GC26-3994-3 OPT COMPIL SPECS GT26-3994 GT26-3995 GC26-3995-3 TRANSIENT LIB SPECS 6T26-3996 6C26-3996-3 RES LIB SPECS 5T33-0008 5C33-0006-4 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 5Q33-0019 SC33-0019-2 EXECUTION LOGIC 5Q33-0020 5C33-0020-6 INSTALLATION MANUAL MESSAGES ST33-0021 SC33-0021-4 5T33-0035 5C33-0035-2 MESSAGES ST33-0051 5C33-0051-0 eMS USER'S GUIDE LTB6-0053 LJB6-0053-0 PROGRAM LISTINGS LTB6-0054 LJB6-0054-0 RESIDENT FICHE LTB6-00SS LJB6-0055-0 TRANSIENT FICHE LT73-6010 LY33-6010-1 LOGIC LT73-6011 LY33-6011-1 LOGIC LT73-6012 LY33-6012-1 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 OF DOS Pl/I OPT (5736-PLl): SLSS ID <7799-DCQ> PSEUDO # EQUALS TITLE ST26-3791 SC26-3971-1 EXTENDED GRAPHICS SUPPORT GU6-3977 GC26-3977-0 Pl/I LANG REF 6126-3994 6C26-3994-3 SPECIFICATIONS ST33-0008 SC33-0008-4 PROGRA~~ER'S GUIDE SQ33-0019 5C33-0019-2 EXECUTION LOGIC 5Q33-0020 5C33-0020-6 INSTALLATION MANUAL MESSAGES 5T33-'0021 5C33-0021-4 CMS USE'S GUIDE SH3-00S1 5C33-0051-0 LTB6-0053 LJ86-0053-0 LISTINGS LT73-6010 LY33-6010-1 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 Of DOS Pl/I RES LIB (5736-U14): SLSS ID <7799-DDQ> PSeUDO I EQUALS TITlE GT26-3996 GC26-3996-3 SPECIfICATIONS SQ33-000a SC33-0006-5 PROGRA~1ER'S GUIDE EXECUTION LOGIC SQ33-0019 SC33-0019-2 INSTALLATION MANUAL SQ33-0020 SC33-0020-6 LTB6-0054 LJ66-0054-0 FICHE LT73-6011 LY33-6Ull-l LOGIC TtlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 OF DOS Pl/I TRANS LIB (5736-LM5): SLSS 10 <7799-DEQ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT26-3995 GC26-3995-3 SPECIFICATIONS SQ33-0008 SC33-000S-5 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SQ33-0019 SC33-0019-2 EXECUTION LOGIC SQ33-0020 SC33-0020-6 INSTALLATION MANUAL ST33-0035 SC33-,0035"2 MESSAGES LTB6-0055 LJ86-0055-0 FICHE LT73-6012 LY33-6012-1 LOGIC nlE fOLLO!4ING P\,lBlICA1'IONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 Of DOS SORTI11ERGE II (57cr6-SM2): SLSS 10 <7799-DCS> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE SQ33-4044 SC33-4044-2 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE STOO-0842 SC33-4045-4 It~STAlLATION MANUAL GTOO-0843 6C33-4047-3 SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-0646 GX13-8002-0 REFERENCE SUMMARY LQC7-0905 LYC7-0905-3 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS LQ73-8044 lY33-804(t-2 LOGIC / i "\ , "./ 82 VSE SYSTEM IPOjE RELEASE 3.0 - .-. -.---~ .. ~-- THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF EMUL PROGIVS SCP (5747-A61): SLSS 10 <7799-DA1> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE INTRO TO 3704/3705 COtlNU CotfTROLlER 6TOO-1126 6A27-30S1-5 6TOO-I075 6.~27-3086-2 3704 USER'S GUIDE GTOO-0623 6A27-3087-3 3705 USER'S GUIDE 3704/3705 STORAGE & PERFORMANCE 6Q30-3005 GC30-3005-8 370ftl3705 REFERENCE MANUAL 6TOO-0625 GC30-3008-5 ST70-3031 SY30-3031-1 LOGIC THE FOLL()I.IING PUBLICATIONS SUPPO?T RElEASE 1.0 OF VSE/ACCESS CONTROL LOGGING & REPOIHIt-lS (5746-XE7): SLSS IO <7799-DAL> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT32-5130 ~iI2-5130-0 GENERAL INFORMATION GT32-5241 6HI2-5241-0 SPECIFICATIONS S132-5336 SB12-5336-0 OPERATIONS MANUAL FICHE Ll'C7-0465 LYC7-0465-0 LT52-5032 LYI2-5032-0 LOGIC THE FOLLOWI~~ PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.1 OF ACFINCP/vS (S735-XX1). (5735-XX3J. (S747-ClflJ & EP FEAT'L'RE: SLSS ID <7799-DDtI> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITlE GTOO-0623 GA27-30S7-3 3705 COf1Mll COtlTROL PANEL GUIDE GENERAL INFORt1ATION MANUAL GT30-3058 6C30-3058-3 5130-3116 SC30-3116-1 GENERATION & UTILITIES ST30-3142 SC30-3142-1 rROGRAM INSTALLATIrn~ 5Q30-3143 SC30-3143-1 UTILITIES MESS.AGES 51130-3145 SC30-314S-1 SPECIFICATIO~fS GT30-9531 GC30-9529-1 SPECIfICATIONS GT30-9530 GC30-9530-1 SPECS (NOT AVAILABLE UtmER SLSSJ GT30-9531 GC30-9531-1 LQ02-4141 LJD2-4141-2 LISTINGS lQD2-4143 LJD2-4143-2 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS LT70-3041 LY30-3041-0 LOGIC LHO-30'.3 LY30-3043-1 REFERENCE SUMI1J\RY THE FOll.OWltlG PUBLICt.UONS SUPf'OOT RELEASE 2..0 OF ELIAS-l (S746-XXV) : SLSS 10 <7799-DCE> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE SPECIFICATIONS GT19-6219 GHI9-6219-0 sn 9-6220 SIU9-6220-0 APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS 6UIDE ST19-6221 SH19-6221-0 ST19-6222 5HI9-6222-0 PUI APPLICATION PROGRAMMER GUIDE PUI APPLICATION PROGRAMMER GUIDE STl9-6223 SH19-62U-0 STl9-6224 SHI9-6224--0 COBOL SAMPLES HA~IDBOOK PUI SAMPLES HANDBOOK 5119-6225 SIU 9-6225-0 GTOO-1423 GXII-6067-0 REFERENCE SUMMARY LTA9-6133 LYA9-6133-0 FICHE PROGRAt'I LOGIC MANUAL LT59-6121 LY19-6121-0 LT59-6214 LY19-6214-0 PROBLEM LOGIC MANUAL TifF. FOLLOWItIG PlJl3LICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES (5747-052): SLSS 10 <7799-DFS> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITlE GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL 6TOO-0726 GC35-0033-5 GTOO-0830 GC26-3946-4 SPECIFICATIOUS THE FOLlONINS PUBLICATIOtlS SUPPOIlT RELEASE 1.0 OF OCCF (S746-XCS): SLSS ID <7799-DCF> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITlE 6T33-6113 GC33-6113-1 GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL 5133-6114 SC33-6114-0 SPECIFICATIOUS 5T33-6115 SC33-6115-l INSTALLATION GUIDE & REFERE~E S"T33-6117 SC33-6117-0 DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE LTC7-0471 LYC7-0471-0 MICROFICHE LQ73-9097 LY33-9097-1 DIAGNOSTIC REFERE~E ( 83 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 3.0 e COMPLETE VSE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY OPTION/EXTENDED (VSE SYSTEM IPO/E) VERSION 1.3.1 HOTE: SLSS 10 (7799NUt1BERSJ CAUSE SHIPttENT OF PUBLICATIONS AT THE RIGHT LEVE~ FOR THIS SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE, AND PREVENT SHIPMENT OF PUBLICATIONS APPLYING TO OTHER RELEASES. PP NUMBERS ENTERED INTO SLSS ARE AUTOMATICALLY CONVERTEO TO SLSS 10 IF THE SLSS KEY 7703 IS ALSO EKTERED BASE CONTEKT PROG. PROD. HW1E J OOS/vsE VSE/ ADVANCED FUNCTIONS VSE/IPtS VSE/ICCF VSE/POWER VSE/POWER/SHAREO SPOOLItIG FEAT VSE/vsAM VSEIVSAM BACKUP RESTORE VSEIVSAM SPACE MANAGEMENT INTERACTIVE PROD FACILITY CICS/DOSIVS DLlIDOSIVS ACFIVTAM & VTAM SCP ACFIVTAME & VTAH SCP BTAH-ES & BTAN SCP PP NUMBER 5745-030 5746-XE8 5746-SAl 5746-TSI 5746-XE3 5746-XE3 5746-AM2 5746-AM2 5746-AM2 5748-t1S1 5746-XX3 5746-XXI 5746-RC3 5747-CFl 5746-RC7 5747-CG2 5746-RC5 5747-CSI SLSS 10 7799-0B3 7799-089 7799-D8Y 7799-08T 7199-DBP 7799-DBP 7799-0BN 7799-DOO 7799-000 7799-DBR 7799-D6G 7799-D8K 7799-0BH PP NUMBER 5746-AM4 5746-XXC 5746-Xt4 5746-XC4 5746-XE3 5746-UT3 5746-CBl 5746-RSl S736-PL3 S736-PLl 5736-LI'14 5736-LH5 5746-5M2 5747-AGl SLSS 10 7799-DAF 7799-0DA 7799-0FO 7799-DFD 7799-0BP 7799-00T 7799··OCC 7799-TAR 7799-DAQ 7799-0CQ 7799-DOQ 7799-DEQ 7799-DCS 7799-DAl RELEASE LEVEL 1.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 3.0 5746-)(E7 5735-XXI 5735-XX3 S747-CHl 5746-XXY 5747-052 5746-XC5 5735-XX6 5735-XX8 5748-XXJ 7799-DAL 7799-DDH 7799-DON 7799-00" 7799-0CE 7799-DE'I 7799-DCF 7799-DFN 7799-DFP 7799-DFQ 1.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 2.1 1.1 if!lf 7799-DBE ** 7799-D88 ** RELEASE LEVEL 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 4.1 1.5 1.6 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -OPTIONAL FEATURESPROG. PROD. (tW1E J VSE FASTCOPY DATA DICTIONARY DMS/CICSIVS OMS/CICS/VS DOS APPLI SEN FEAT VSE/POWERIRJE VSEIDITTO OOSIVS COBOL COMPIL & LIB RPG II OOS/PLII OPT/LIB DOS/PL/I OPT OOS/PLII RES LIB DOS/PLII lRANS LI8 DOS/VS SORT/HERSE II EMUL/PROGIVS 5CP V5E/ACCESS CONTROLLOGGING & REPORTING ACFINCPIVS & EP FEATURE ELIAS I DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES OCCF ttCCF HPDA SGlLlDS SLSS 10 Nar REQUIRED. ** THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DOSIVSE (5745-030); SLSS ID <7799-083> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE VSE SYSTEM IPO/EXTENDED USER'S GUIDE GQ20-1933 GC20-1933-1 VSE' SYSTEM IPO/EXTEtmED GENERAL INFO GQ20-1935 GC20-1935-1 VSE SYSTEM IPO/EXTElmED PLANNING SUIDE GQ20-1936 GC20-1936-1 VSE SYSTEM IPO/EXTEHDED COMMU GO 6T20-1937 GC20-1937-0 6Q26-3855 GC26-3855-2 OSIVS & DOSIVSE AP-l USER'S GUIDE OSIVS EREP GGl28-1178 GC28-1178-2 6Q28-1179 , GC28-1179-2 EREP MESSAGES (CONT. ) 84 VSE SYSTEM IPOjE RELEASE 3.1 _/ ( ( ( GQ33-4010 GTOO-0656 GTOO-0657 G100-0837 GQ33-6109 GTOO-1422 LQ73-9101 GC33-4010-5 GC33-4024··] GC33-5383-3 GC33-6077-2 GC33··6109-2 GX20-1850-4 LY33-9101-1 ASSLEHBLER lANG REF GUIDE TO lHE DOS/VSE ASSEMBLER OLTEP DATA SECURITY UNDER lHE VSE SYSTEM SCP SPECS (NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS) REFERENCE SUMMARY HANDBOOK THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIm~ SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF VSE/ADVANCED fUNCTION ( 5746-XE8): SLSS lO <7799-DB9> PSEUOO I EQUALS TITLE GT20-1879 GC20-1879-0 fIXED BLOCK DASO INSTALL/CONY GUIDE G'f24-5209 DATA MANAGEMENf CmlCEPTS GCZ4-5209-0 ST24-S2l0 tlACRO USER'S GUIDE SC24-5210-0 ST24-5211 MACRO REfERENCE SC24-5211-0 S124-5212 TAPE LABElS SC24-5212-1 5124-5213 DASD LABELS SC24-SZ13-0 SH3-6094 SC33-6094-0 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT GUIDE 5133-6095 SC33-609S-0 SYSTEM CONTROL STATEMENTS SQ33-6096 SYSTEM GENERATION SC33-6096-1 ST33-6097 OPERATING PROCEDURES SC33-6097-0 SQ33-6098 MESSAGES SC33-6096-1 ST33-6099 SERVICEABILITY AIDS & DEBUG PROCEDURES SC33-6099-0 S133-6100 SYSTEM UTILITIES SC33-6100-0 SQ33-6101 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SC33-6101-1 GQ33-6102 GC33-6102-3 SPECIFICATIONS GT33-6106 GC33-61 06-0 GENERAL INFORMATION ST33-6107 SYSTEM INFORMATIOU St33-6107-0 6C133-6108 GC33-6108-1 INTRODUCTION TO THE VSE SYSTEM ST33-6112 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE SC33-61lZ-0 Gq3S-0033 Ge35-0033-4 DEVICE SUPPORT fACILITIES 6TOO-13e8 6X33-9007-0 REFERENCE SUMI'IARY LQC7-2010 LYC7-2010-1 ATlENTION ROUTINES LQC7-2011 LYC7-2011-1 ASSEMBLER LQC7-2012 lYC7-2012-1 CHECKPOINTIRESTART lQC7-2013 LYC7-2013-1 DIRECT ACCES~ METHOD Ll1C7-2014 LYC7-2014-1 DYNAMIC DUMP UlILITY LQC7-2015 LYC7-2015-1 DISKETTES lotS LQC7-2016 LYC7-2016-1 DISlRIBUTIOH PROGRAM LQC7-2017 LYC7-2017-1 DISK ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES LQC7-2018 LYC7-2018-1 DISPLAY OPERATOR CONSOLE LQC7-2019 LYC7-2019-1 DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES LQC7-2020 LYC7-2020-1 SE~UEtrrIAL DISK IOCS LQC7-2021 LYC7-2021-1 EREPI LQC7-2022 LYC7-2022-1 COMPILER 110 MODULES LQC7-2023 LYC7-2023-1 lotS & DEVICE INOEPENDEtJT I/O LQC7-2024 LYC7-2024-1 IPL & BUFFER LOAD I.QC7-2025 LYC7-2025-1 ISAM LQC7-2026 LYC7-20Z6-1 JOB COtlTROL Lqc7-Z027 LYC7-2027-1 LIBRARIAN LQC7-2028 LYC7-2028-1 LINKAGE EDITOR LQC7-2029 LYC7-2029-1 MAGNEfIC CHARACTER RECOGNITIOtl lotS LQC7-2030 LYC7-2030-1 OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION IOCS LQC7-2031 LYC7··2031-1 ONLINE TEST EXEC LQC7-2032 LYC7-2032-1 PROBLEM DETERMINATION AIDS LQC7-2033 LYC7-2033-1 PAI'ER TAPE IOCS LQC7-2034 RECOVERY MANAGEME~rr SUPPORT LYC7-203'I-l LQC7-2035 LYC7-2035-1 SPECIFIC DEVICE SUPPORT LQC7-2036 LYC7-2036-1 SUPERVISOR LQC7-2037 LYC7-2037-1 MAGNETIC TAPE lotS LQC7-e038 TAPE ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES LYC7-2038-1 LQC7-2039 l.YC7-2039-1 SYSTEM UTILITY LQC7-2040 LYC7-2040-1 MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY LT64-5209 LIOCS VOU GEN INFO & IMPERATIVE MACROS LY24-5209-0 LT64-5210 LY24-5210-0 Lloes VOL2 SAM LT64-5211 LY24-52 11-0 LIOtS VOLl SAM & ISAM LT64-5212 LY24-S212-0 DIRECT & SEQUENTIAL DASD LOGIC LQ73-9083 LY33-9083-1 LOGICAL TRANSIENTS AND $IJBSXXX PHASES LQ73-9084 LY33-9084-1 INITIAL PROGRAM LOAD AND JOB CONTROL (COI'Il. ) VSE SYSTEM IPOIE RELEASE 3.1 LT73-9085 LQ73-9086 LT73-9087 LT73-9088 LQ73";9089 LQ73-9091 LT73-9092 LY33-9085-0 LY33-9086-1 LY33-9087-0 LY33-9088-0 LY33-9089-1 LY33-9091-1 LY33-9092-0 LINKAGE EDITOR SERVICEABILITY AIDS LIBRARIAN SYSTEM UTILITIES MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY SUPERVISOR ERROR RECOVERY RECORDING TRANSIENTS mE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF VSE/IPCS (5746-SAl h SLSS ID <7799-DBY> PSEUIlO I EQUALS TITlE SQ34-2015 SC34-2015-1 USER'S GUIDE & REFERENCE GQ34-2017 GC34-2017-3 GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL GTOO-0632 GC34-2021-2 SPECIFICATIONS 5T34-2024 SC34-2024-0 REFERENCE SUMMARY LTAO-03IS LJAO-031S-0 nCIiE LQ6S-0004 LY2S-0004-1 LOGIC mE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF VSE/ICCF (5746-TS1): SLSS 10 <7799-DBT> PSEUDO # EQUALS TITLE GTOO-0833 GC33-6065-3 SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-0844 GC33-6066-2 GENERAL INFORMATION STOO-0834 SC33-6067-2 INSTALLATION REFERENCE STOO-083S SC33-6068-2 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE 5TOO-0836 5C33-6069-2 MESSAGES STOO-0645 5X33-9006-2 REFERENCE SUMMARY LQC7-0468 LYC7-0468-1 LISTINGS LT73-9098 LY33-9098-0 DIAGH REF PLM mE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/POWER (S746-XE3): SLSS 10 <7799-0BP> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT32-5131 GHI2-5131-2 GENERAL INFORMATION &132-5242 Glfl2-5242-1 SPECIFICATIONS SQ32-S329 SHI2-5329-1 INSTALLATION & OPERATIONS GUIDE STOO-1145 SHI2-543S-3 REFERENCE SUHHARY SQ32-S520 5HI2'"5520-1 MESSAGES LTA2-5216 LYA2-5216-1 FICHE LQ52-S027 LYI2-5027-1 LOGIC VOL 1 LQ52-5028 LYI2-5028-1 LOGIC VOL 2 mE FOllOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/POWERISPOOLING (5746-XE3): SLSS 10 <7799-DBP> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 5T32-5330 SH12-5330-0 SHARED SPOOLING USER'S GUIDE ASSEMBLY LISTING LTA2-5218 LYA2-5218-0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RElEASE 3.0 OF VSEIVSAM (S746-AM2): SLSS ID <7799-DBN> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6TOO-0887 GC24-S190-4 SPECIFICATIONS 5100-0888 SC24-5144-2 COMMANDS & MACROS STOO-0689 SC24-S145-2 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE 5TOO-0890 SC24-5146-2 MESSAGES & CODES l.TOO-0891 LYB4-6102-2 SOURCE LISTINGS LTOO-0892 LY24-5191-2 LOGIC VOLUME 1 lQ64-S192 LY24-5192-1 LOGIC VOLUME 2 LQ64-5195 LY24-5195-1 ACCESS METHODS LOGIC THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSEIVSAM (5746-At12): BACKUP RESTORE: SLSS 10 <7799-DBN> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GQ24-S190 GC24-5190-3 SPECIFICATIONS SQ24-5216 SC24-S216-1 USER'S GUIDE LQ64-S213 LY24-5213-1 LOGIC LTC7-0470 LYC7-0470-1 MICROFICHE 86 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 3.1 TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF YSEIVSAH (S746-AM2): SPACE MhNAGEMENT: SLSS 10 <7799-0BI1> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE USER'S GUIDE ST24-S192 SC24-5192-0 LT64-S204 LY24-5204-0 LOGIC LTB4-6104 LYB4-6104-0 MICROFICIiE ( HIE FOLLOWING P1J9LICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.1 OF INTERACT PROD FACIL (S74S-NS1): SLSS 10 <7799-DBR> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE SQ40-2486 SH20-2486-1 REFERENCE MANUAL GQ40-2492 6H20-2492-1 GENE~AL INFORf1ATIOU MANUAL USER'S GUIDE S~40-5S26 SI-I20-5526-1 SPECIFICA'fIONS G"'40-5527 GIi20-5S27-1 REfERENCE SUtlUARY CARD GlOO-0893 6X20-2383-1 LTBO-2566 LYBO-2568-0 MICROFICHE ASSEtlPLY LIST.INGS (VWVSE) LTSO-0004 LYBO-2S72'-O LOGIC PANELS (YSE & VMlVSE) LTSO-OOOI LYBO-2579-0 LTSO-0002 LYBO-2S80-0 ASSEI1PLY LISTINGS (VSE) THE fOllOJUNG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.5 OF CICSIVS (S746-XX3): SLSS 10 <7799-D8G> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GTOO-0669 6C33-0066-S GENERAL INFORMATION SYSTEM APPLI DESIGN GUIDE STOO-0669 SC33-0068-2 5TOO-0688 5C33-0069-3 SYS PROGRAMMER'S REF MANUAL DOS/VS SYS PROG REFMANUAL STOO-0840 5C33-0070-4 STOO-0841 SC33-0077-3 APPLI PROS REF MANUAL 5TOO-0692 SC33-0079-2 PROGRAr1 REF MANUAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE STOO-0693 SC33-00eO-2 STOO-0694 SC33-0081-2 MESSAGES & CODES RPGII APPLI PROGR REF MANL SQ33-·008S SC33-0085-1 ENTRY LEVEL SY5 UGD (DOS) SQ33-0086 SC33-0086-1 SQ33-0089 5C33-0089-1 PROBLEM DETERllINATION GUIDE DEBUG REF SUI1M S100-0695 SX33-6010-3 5100-0696 SX33-6011-3 TERMINAL OPERATOR REFERENCE AF'PLI PROG' S REF SIJMM GTOO-0697 GX33-6012-1 LTA4-3007 LYA4-3007-0 CICSIDOSIVS LISTINGS LQ73-6033 LY33-6033-1 DOSIVS DATA AREAS LOGIC ( THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.6 OF DUX DOSIVS (5746-XX1): SLSS 10 <7799-DBK> PSEUDO I EQUALS TInE SQ32-5411 SHI2-5411-5 CALL & RQDLI INTF, APPN DESIGN SQ32-S414 5HI2-5414-7 MESSAGES & CODES GQ40-12 f t6 GENERAL INFORI1ATION Gtl20-12%-8 SQ44-5001 SH24-5001-3 GUIDE FOR NEW USER'S SQ44-5002 SH24-S002-1 DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE IMF USER'S GUIDE SH24-5007-1 5T44-S007 0024-5008-0 GT44-5008 LIBRARY GUIDE & t1ASTER It-IlEX S(144-5009 USER'S GUIDE SH24-S009-1 5T44-S011 DATA BASE ADMINI5TRATION SH24-5011-0 RESOURCE DEFH & UTIL Stf24-5021-0 ST44-5021 APPLIC & DIB DESIGN 5H24-S022-0 5T44-5022 G144-S025 SPECIFICATIONS GH24-502S-0 6100-1127 APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS REF SUMMARY SX24·'5103-1 STOO-1128 SYSTEM PROGRAMI'1ERS REF SUMMARY SX24-S104-3 STOO-1130 HIGHLEVEL PROG INTERFACE REF SUMMARY SX24-S120-1 LYB4-6105-0 LT84-610S FICtlE LY12-5016-6 LTOO-1146 PROGRAM LOGIC VOL 1 LT64-S21S PROGRAM LOGIC VOL 2 LY24-S215-0 ( WE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF ACFIVTAM (S746-RC3J: 5LS5 ID <7799-DBH> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 5T27-0449 5C27-0449-1 PROGRAtl1ING REFERENCE GQ27-0460 6Ct7-0460-1 SPECIFICATIONS 61'00-1406 GC27-0462-4 GENERAL INFORMATION: INTRODUCTION / (CONT. ) 87 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 3.1 GQ27-0463 ST27-0584 SQ27-0466 SQ27-0470 5TOO-0640 SQ78-3020 LQ78-3022 LQ78-3026 LTBI-0415 GC27-0463-2 SC27-0584-1 SC27-0466-2 5C27-0470-2 SX27-0003-0 5Y38-3020-2 LY38-3022-1 LY38-3026-2 LJBI-0415-0 6ENERAL INFORMATION: CONCEPTS PI.ANNING & INSTALLATION REF OPERATIONS MANUAL MESSAGES & CODES REfERENCE SUMMARY DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES LOGIC VOL 1 DATA AREAS MICROfICHE / llIE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 Of ACFIVTAM & VTAH SCP (5747-CF1): NO SLSS ID REQUIRED GQ27-0459 GC27-0459-1 SPECS (NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS) llIE fOLLOWlt-IG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEA5E 1.0 OF ACFIVTAHE & VTAH SCP (5746-RC7): 5LSS ID <7799-DBE> PSEUDO • EGlUALS TITLE 6'f27-0437 GC27-0437-1 5PECIFICATIONS 6T27-0438 6C27-0438-0 GENERAL INfORMATION: INTRODUCTION INS"fALtATIOH 5T27-0439 5C27-0439-0 5T27-0441 5C27-0441-0 PREINSTALLATIOH PROGRAMMING 5T27-0442 5C27-0442-1 OPERATION ST27-0443 5C27-0443-0 MESSAGES & CODES 5T27-0444 5C27-0444-1 GT27-0451 6C27-0451-0 GENERAL INFORMATION: CONCEPTS ASSEMPLY LISTINGS LTBI-0458 LJ61-0458-0 REFERENCE SUMMARY 5TOO-0642 5X27-3032-0 SH8-3012 SY38-3012-0 DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES lT78-3013 lY38-3013-1 LOGIC OVERVIEW LT78-J014 LY38-3014-0 LOGIC BASIC DIAGNOSTIC DATA AREAS LT78-3016 LY38-3016-1 llIE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF ACFIVTAHE & VTAM SCP (5747-C62 ): NO SLSS ID REQUIRED PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE 6T27-0440 6C27-0'+40-1 SPECS (NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS) THE rOLl.OWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF BTAHE-ES (5746-RC5); 5LSS IU <7799-D6B> PSEUDO I EtlUALS TITLE 6T38-0291 6C38-0291-0 SPECIFJ,CATIONS GENERAL INFORt1ATION 6T38-0292 GC38-0292-0 5C3&-OZ93-0 PROGRAMMING REFERENCE ST38-0293 INS'TALLATIOH ST38-0294 5C38-0294-0 5T38-0295 5C38-0295-0 MESSAGES ASSEt1BLY LISTINGS LT51-0407 LJBI-0407-0 LOGIC LT67-8030 LYZ7-8030-0 THE FOllOWING PUElLICATIOHS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF BTAH-ES & BTAH SCP (5747-C611: SLSS ID REQUIRED PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6T38-0296 GC38-0Z96-0 SPECS (HOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS) NO THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF VSE/fASTCOPY (5746-AM4): SLSS ID <7799-DAF> PSEUDO. EQUAI.S TITlE 6T33-6080 6C33-6080-1 SPECIFIC,'TIONS GH3-6081 &c33-6081-0 GENERAL INFORMATION INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL ST33-6082 SC33-6082-0 LTC7-0469 LYC7-0469-0 FICHE LT73-9090 LY33-9090-0 LOGIC 88 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 3.1 ( THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF DATA DICTIONARY (5746-XXC): SLSS ID <7799-DOA> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 6T40-9193 GH20-9193-0 GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL GT40-9194 61'120-9194-0 SPECIFICATIONS USER'S GO AND REFERENCE MANUAL SnO-9195 Sfl20-9195··0 Stli!0~'9196-0 INSTALLATION GUIDE ST40-9196 5T40-9197 51'120-9197-0 APPLICATION GUIDE 5T40-9198 Sm:0-9198-0 ADtllNISTRATIVE & CUSTOMIZATION GUIDE lQB6-0039 LJB6-0039-1 FICHE PROGRAM LIS'fINGS LQB6-0040 W86-0040-1 SEGMENT DEFI"IIl'ION FORM 6TOO-I035 GX26-3732-0 6TOO-I036 GX26'-3733-0 fIELD DEFINITION FORM FIELD DEFINITION PLI GTOO-1037 GX26-3734-0 GTaO-1036 GX26-3735-0 TEXT DATA FORM LT60-8061 LY20-8081-0 LOGIC ST60-8082 snO-60az-o DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF OHS/CICSIVS (S746-XC4): 5LSS ID <7'799-DFD> PSEUDO # EQUALS TITLE REFERENCE MAUUAL STOO-0683 5H20-2209-3 STOO-06S4 51120-2211-3 OPERATOR'S GUIDE SQ40-219S GtI20-2195-3 GENERAL INFORMATION GTOO-0847 GH20-4561-4 SPECIFICATIONS 6TOO-0643 6X20-2339-1 PANEL DESCRIPTION LTBO-2518 LYBO-2518-0 FICHE LTOO-0646 LnO-2456-2 LOGIC THE FOLLOWIt-lG PUBLICATIONS SUPFORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DMS/CICSIVS DOS APPLICATION GENERATION FEATURE (5746-XC4): SLSS ID <7799-DFD> 'PSEUDO # EQUALS TITLE LTBO-2.!H 9 LYBO-2S19-0 FICHE ( THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATImlS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0·0F VSE/POWERIRJE (5746-XE3): 5LSS ID <7799-DBP> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 5T32-5326 5HI2-5328-0 USER'S GUIDE LTA2-S217 LYA2-5217-1 FICHE LT52-5034 LY1?-5034-0 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF VSE/DITTO (S7(t6-UT3): 5LSS 10 <7799-0DT> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE 6TOO-0694 GH19-6071-2 SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-0695 6HI9-6072-2 GENERAL INFORMATION 5TOO-0896 SHI9-6073-2 REFERENCE & OPERATIONS HANUAL 5T39-6211 5HI9-6211-1 REFERENCE SUMMARY LTOO-0909 LJD3-6000-2 FICHE LTOO-0908 LY19-6061-2 LOGIC THE FOLLOWIHS PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DOSIVS COBOL CaMP & LIB (5746-C81 ): SLSS 10 <7799··DCC> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE VS COBOL FOR DOS/vsE GT26-3998 GC26-3998-0 SQ28-6469 SC28-6469-4 CMS USER'S GUIDE PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SQ28-6478 SC26-6478-4 INSTALLATION REI"ERENCE MANUAL SQ28-6479 SC28-6479-3 GQ28-6487 GC28-6487-3 SPECIFICATIONS STOO-1040 GX26-3709-0 REFERE"ICE & RESERVE WORK SUt1ttARy LQC7-5050 LYC7-S050-8 FICHE LQ68-6423 LY28-6423-2 LOGIC LOGIC LT68-6424 LY28-6424-1 89 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 3.1 THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DOS/ys RPG II (5746-RGll: SLSS ID <7799-TAR> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6T33-6029 6C33-6029-1 SPECIFICATIONS SQ33-6031 SC33-6031-3 SYSTEM LIBRARY STOO-0604 SC33-6032-2 INSTALLATION REFERENCE SQ33-6033 SC33-6033-1 MESSAGES SQ33-6034 SC33-6034-1 AUTO REPORT ST33-6074 SC33-6074-0 USER'S GUIDE 6133-6120 6C33-6120-1 GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL LTD 3-3800 LJD3-3800-2 MICROFICHE LISTINGS LTOO-0605 LY33-9062-2 L06IC I I /~ TIlE fOll.OWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 Of DOS PVI OPT/LIB (5736-PL3); SLSS ID <7799-DAQ> EQUALS PSEUDO • TITLE STI!6-3971 SC26-3971-1 EXTENDED GRAPHICS SUPPORT 6126-3977 GC26-3977-0 LANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUAL 6126-3994 GC26-3994-3 SPECIfICATIONS - OPTIMIZ COMPILER 6126-3995 GC26-3995-3 SPECIFICATIONS - TRANSIENT LIB 6126-3996 GC26-3996-3 SPECIFICATIOt~ - RESIDENT LIB 5Q33-0008 5C33-0008-5 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE S133-0019 SC33-0019-1 EXECUTION LOGIC 5Q33-0020 SC33-0020-6 INSTALLATION MANUAL 5133··0021 5C33-0021-4 MESSAGES 5133-0035 MESSAGES SC33-0035-2 5133-0051 SC33-00S1-0 CMS USER'S GUIDE LT86-0053 LJ86-0053-0 PROGRAM LISTINGS LTB6-00S4 LJB6-0054-0 RESIDENT fICHE LTB!)-005S LJS6-005S-0 TRANSIENT fICHE LT73-6010 LY33-6010-1 LOGIC LY33-6011-1 LT73-6Gll LOGIC LT73-(IOl2 LY33-6012-1 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 OF DOS PVI OPT (5736-PLl); SLSS ID <7799-DCQ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE ST26-3971 SC26-3971-1 EXTENDED GRAPHICS SUPPORT LANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUAL GT26-3977 GC26-3977-0 GT26-3994 GC26-3994-3 SPECIFICATIONS - OPT CaMP SQJ3-0008 5C33-0008-5 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE EXECUTION LOGIC ST33-0019 5C33-0019-1 INSTALLATION twlUAL SQ33-0020 SC33-0020-6 MESSAGES ST33-0021 SC33-0021-4 eMS USER'S GUIDE ST33-00S1 5C33-0051-0 UB6-00S3 LJB6-0053-0 LISTINGS LT73-6010 LY33-6010-1 LOGIC FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 OF DOS PLII RES LIB (5736-LM4); SLSS ID <7799-DDQ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE SQ33-000e SC33-0008-S PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE GT26-3996 GC26-3996-3 SPECIFICATIONS ST33-0019 SC33-0019-1 EXECUlION LOGIC SQ33-0020 5C33-0020-6 I~~TAlLATION MANUAL LTB6-00S4 LJB6-00S'+-O FICHE LT73-6011 lY33-6011-1 LOGIC THE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 OF DOS PVI TRANS LIB (S736-U15): SLSS ID <7799-DEQ> SQ33-0008 SC33-0008-5 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE GT26-3995 GC26-3995-3 SPECIFICATIONS ST33-0019 SC33-0019-1 EXECUTION LOGIC SQ33-0020 SC33-0020-6 INSTALLATION MANUAL ST33-0035 SC33-0035-2 MESSAGES FICHE LTB6-0055 LJB6-00S5-0 LT73-60.12 LY33-6012-1 LOGIC 90 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 3.1 ./ ( THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF DOS SORTItIERGE II (S746-Sr12): SLSS 10 <7799-0CS> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE SQ33-4044 SC33-4044-2 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SlOG"OM2 SC33-4045-4 INSTALLATION MANUAL 6TOO-0843 GC33-4047-3 SPECIFICATIONS STOO-0646 GX33-8002-0 REFERENCE SUl1t1ARY LQC7-0905 LYC7-0905-3 ASSa1PLY llSTIIlGS LQ73-8044 LY33-8044-2 LOGIC THE FOLl.OIoIING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RElEASE 3.0 OF ENUL PROGIVS SCP (S747-AGll: SLSS 10 <7799-DA1> PSEUDO • EQUALS lITLE nn-ROO 10 3704/3705 COMHU CotmlOLLER 6TOO-0624 GA27-3051-4 3704 USER'S GUIDE GI00-0622 GA27-3086-1 G100-0623 GA27-308'7··3 3705 USER'S GUIDE 3704/3705 STORAGE & PERFORt~t~E GQ30-3005 GC30-3005-8 G1"00-0625 GC30-3006-5 3704/3705 REFERENCE MANUAL SHO-30l1 S130-3031-1 LOGIC TUE FOLU)I,Ut.'G PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RelEASE 1.0 OF VSE/ACCESS CONTROL LOGGING & REPORTING (5746-XE7): SLSS In <779~-DAL> PSEUDO I EQUAI.S TInE GENERAL INFORr1ATION GT32-5130 6H12-5130-0 GT32-5241 GHI2-5241-0 SPECIFICATIONS OPERATIONS MANUAL 5T32-5336 5HI2-5336-0 LTC7-0465 LYC7-0465-0 FICHE LOGIC LTS2-5032 LYI2-5032-0 ( TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATlotlS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.1 OF ACF/NCPIVS (5735-XX1)' (5735-XX3). (5747-CH1) & EP FEATURE; SLSS 10 <7799-00N> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITlE GTOO-0623 GA27-3087-3 3705 COtItIU CONTROL PANEL GUIDE GT30-3058 GC30-3058-3 GEUERAL INFORMATION MANUAL ST30-9529 GC30-9529-1 SPECIFlCATIot~S GT30-9530 GC30-9530-1 SPECIFICATIOUS SPECS (NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS) GT30-9531 GC30-9531-1 GENERATION & UTILITIES ST30-3116 SC30-3116-1 ST30-3142 SC30-3142-1 PflOSRAM INSTALLATION SQ30-3143 SClO-3143-1 UTILIl'IES SQ30-3145 SC30-3145-1 MESSAGES LISTINGS LQD2-4141 lJ02-4141-2 LQD2-4143 lJ02-4143-2 ASSEtfPL Y LISTINGS H70-3041 LY30-3041-0 LOGIC LQ70-3043 LY30-3043-1 REFERE.ICE SUMMARY TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF ElIAS-l (5746-XXV): SLSS ID <7799-DCE> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE SPECIFICATIONS GT19-6219 GH19-6219-0 APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE S119-6220 SHI9-6220-0 5T19-6221 SHI9-6221-0 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE PlII APPLICATION PROGRAMMER GUIDE 5119-6222 StIl9-6222-0 SIU 9-6223-0 PlII APPLICATION PROGRAMMER GUIDE S119-6223 5T19-6224 5HI9-6224-0 COBOL SAMPLES HANDBOOK PVI SAl1PLES HANDBOOK ST19-6225 5HI9-6225-0 STOO-1423 GXll-6067-0 REFERENCE SUMMARY FICHE L1A9-61l3 LYA9-6133-0 LT59-6121 LYI9-6121-0 PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM LOGIC LTS9-6214 LY19-6214-0 THE FOLlOWltfG PUBLICATIOtIS SUPPORT RELEASE 5.0 OF DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES (5747-DS2) : SLSS In <7799-DEV> PSEUDO • EQUALS GTOO-0872 GC35-0033-6 6TOO-0830 GC26-3946-~ TITlE GENERAL INFORMATION REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS (NOT AVAIL UNDER SLSS) ( 91 VSE SYSTEM IPOIE RELEASE 3.1 TIfE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF OCCF (5746-XC5): SLSS ID <7799-DCF> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT33-6113 GC33-6113-1 GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL ST33-6114 SC33-6114-0 SPECIFICATIONS INSTALLATION GUIDE & REFERENCE ST33-6115 SC33-6115-0 5T33-6117 SC33-6117-0 DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE LTC7-0471 LYC7-0471-0 MICROFICHE LQ73-9097 LY33-9097-1 DIAGNOSTIC REFERENCE TIfE FOLLOWING PteLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF NeeF (5735-XX6): SLSS 10 <7799-DFN> 6T27-0428 GC27-0428-2 SPECIFICATIONS G'T27-0429 GC27-0429-6 GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL 5Q27-0430 SC27-0430-5 INSTALLATION MANUAL SQ27-0431 SC27-0431-4 MESSAGES TERMINAL USE SQ27-0432 SC27-0432-5 SQ27-0433 SC27-0433-4 CUSTOHlZATION LTBI-2054 LJBI-20S4-0 ASSEtl8LY LISTING LTOO-I0S2 LY38-3010-3 LOGIC nlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.1 OF HPDA (5735-XX8): SLSS 10 <7799-DFP> GTOO-0899 GC34-2009-2 SPEC1FICATIotIS STOO-0898 SC34-2011-4 INSTALLATION MANUAL 5TOO-0897 SC34-2012-2 MESSAGES AND CODES SQ34-2032 SC34-2032-1 USER'S GUIDE Ll'OO-0901 LJAO-0312-1 MICROFICHE LTOO-0900 LY25-0002-2 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.1 OF SQLlD5 (5748-XXJ): SLSS ID <7799-DFQ> 6Q44-5012 SH24-5012-1 GENERAL INFORM-'TON MANUAL 6Q44-5013 GH24-5013-1 CONCEPTS & FACILITIES SQ44-S014 StI24-5014-1 PLANNING & ADMINISTRATION SQ44-5015 SH24-5015-1 INSTALLATION GUIDE TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE ST44-5016 5tI24-5016-1 TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE ST44··5017 SH24-5017-1 SQ44-5018 SH24-5018-1 APPLICAnON PROGRAI1I'IING SQ44-5019 S.124-5019-1 MESSAGES & CODES SYSTEM OPERATION SQ44-5020 SH24-5020-1 GT44-5026 GH24-5026-1 SPECIFICATIONS 5T44-5027 SH24-5027-0 MASTER INDEX REfERENCE SllMl1ARY 5TOO-1348 SX24-S121-0 LT64-5216 LY24-5216-1 LOGIC VOL I LT64-5217 LY24-5217-1 LOGIC VOL 2 92 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 3.1 - - ------ - - - e (- COMPLETE VSE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY OPTION/EXTENDED (VSE SYSTEM IPO/E) VERSION 1.4.0-1.4.4 NOTE: SLSS 10 (7799 ~R1SERS) CAUSE SHIPMENT OF PUBLICATIONS AT TIiE RIGHT LEVELS FOR THIS SYSTEt1 IrO/E RELEASE. IlND PREVENT SHIPtlENT OF PUBLICATIONS APPLYING TO onlER RELEASES. PP !IUMBERS ENTERED INTO SlSS ARE AUTOMATICALLY CONVERTED TO SLSS ID IF THE SLSS KEY 7704 IS ALSO ENTERED BASE CONTENT PROO. PROD. INAME) YSE/SYSTEM PACKAGE nnERACTlVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS AND DOS/ySE SCP VSE/VSAtl, BACKUPIRESTORE FEATURE. AND SPACE MANAGEMENT FEATURE VSE/POJolER (AND VSE/POWER SHARED SPOOL FEATURE) VSE/ICCF DITTO FOR YSE AHD VH VSElFAST COPY CICSIDOS/yS ACFIVTAM BTAM-ES AND BTAH SCP VSE/OLTEP EREP DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES PP tM18ER SlSS ID 7799-DDZ 5748-t1S1 5746-XE6 RELEASE lEVEL 1.0 4.5 5746-N12 3.0 5666-273 5746-T51 5668-917 5746-I.M4 5746-XX3 5666-280 574()-RC5 5747-CG1 5656-092 5656-093 5747-0S2 1.0 3.5 1.0 2.0 6.0 1.0 1.0 ... 3.5 1.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 -OPTIONAL FEATVRESFROO. PROD. ( NAME ) DLII DOS/vS ACFINCP/vS & EP FEATURE NCCF NPDA DOS/vS COSOL COtlPILER AND LIBRARY DOS/vS RPG II Dos/PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER & LIBRARIES DOS/PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY oOS/PLlt TRANSIENT LIBRARY DOS/PLll OPTIMIZING COMPILER VSE/IPCS SORTIt1ERGE II. VSE/OCCF YSE/ACCESS CONTROL - LOGGING & REPORTING EP/yS DMS/CICSIVS AND lA6 FEATURE ISPF AND ISPF/PDF DMS/C5P OfF AND DMS/CSP EXEC INFO SYST'EM DATA DICTIONARY ELIAS I SQLlDATA SYSTEM 5746-XX1 5735-XXI 5735-XX3 5747-CIH 5735-)0(6 5668-983 5746-CBl 5746-RGl 5736-Pl3 5736-lN4 5736-LM5 5736-PLI 5746-SAI 5746-5"2 5746-XC5 5746-XE7 5747-AGl 5746-XC4 5668-960 5666-261 5668-944 5668-945 5735-0ZS 5746-XXC 5746-XXV 5748-XXJ 7799-DBK 7799-DON 7799-0DN 7799-00N 7799-DFN 7799-0A2 7799-DCC 7799-TAR 7799-DAQ 7799-00Q 7799-0EQ 7799-DCQ 7799-DBY 7799-DTS 7799-DCF 7799-DAL 7799-DA1 7799-DFE 7799'-DFF 7799-DFF 7799-DAM 7799-DAM 7799-DAZ 7799-DDA 7799-DCE 7799-0GQ THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 Of YSE SYSTEM SLSS 10 <7799-DBZ> rSEUOO • EQUALS TITLE YSE SYSTEM IPO/E PLNtIING GUIDE 6r20-2003 6C20-2003-1 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E COI1t1UNICATION GT20-2004 GC20-2004-0 YSE SYSTEM IPO/E INSULLATlON GT20-2012 GC20-2012-0 YSE SYSTEM IPO/E REFERENCE GT20-2013 6C20-2013-0 YSE SYSTEM IPO/E VH/YSE FEATURE 6T20-2014 GC20-2014-0 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E PACKAGE SPECS GT40-5347 6H20-5347-1 93 6.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 3.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 If~/E: VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 4.0-4.4 1lIE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.5 OF INTERACT PROD FACIL (5748-t1S1) : SLSS 10 <7799-087.> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE STOO-I077 5H20-2486-2 REFERENCE MANUAL STOO-I076 SH20-5526-2 USER'S GUIDE ST40-5625 51120-5625-0 DIAGNOSTIC REFERENCE MANUAL STOO-0980 5X20-2346-0 TEMPLATE 3277 TEMPLATE 3276/3278 STOO-I080 SX20-2355-1 GTOO-I07S GX20-2383-3 REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD FICHE, PANELS, TAIlLES, ETC. LTOO-I095 LY80-2579-2 LTOO-I096 LY80-2580-2 FICHE, DIALOG MGR TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.5 OF YSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS Am DOSIVSE SCP (5746-XE8h SLSS ID <7799-DBZ> EQUALS PSEUDO. GT20-1879 GC20-1879-0 GQ24-5209 GC24-5209-1 SC24-5210-1 SQ24-5210 SQ24-5211 SC24-S21l-1 SC24-5213-1 SQ24-5213 GQ33-4010 GC33-4010-S GTOO-0656 GC33-4024-3 GC33-6077-3 GTOO-I054 SC33-6094-1 SQ33-6094 SQ33-6095 SC33-6095-1 SC33-6096-2 STOO-I049 SQ33-6097 SC33-6097-1 STOO-I050 SC33-6098-2 5Q33-6099 SC33-6099-1 SC33-6100-1 SQ33-6100 S1'00-1051 SC33-6101-2 GC33-610t-4 GTOO-I052 GC33-6108-t GlOO-l053 6TOO-I066 6C33-61 09-3 SQ33-6112 SC33-6112-1 6T33-6157 GC33-6157-0 GTOO-I05S GX33-9007-1 LYC7-2010-t LTOO-I098 LYC7-tOll-2 LTOD-I099 LYC7-t012-2 LTOO-llOO LYC7-2013-2 LTOO-llO! LTOO-l102 LYC7-2014-2 LYC7-2015-2 LTOO-lI03 LYC7-2016-2 LTOO-lID4 LTOO-1I0S LYC7-2017-2 trOO-1106 LYC7-201B-2' LTOO-l107 LYC7-20tO-t LYC7-2022-2 LTOO-ll0a LYC7-2023-2 LTOO-ll09 LYC7-2024-2 LTOD-IIlO LTOO-llll LYC7-20t5-2 LYC7-tOt6-2 L100-lll2 lYC7-2027-2 LIOO-IIl3 LYC7-2028-2 LTOO-HI4 LYC7-20t9-2 LTOO-llIS lYC7-2030-2 LTOO-lU6 LYC7-2032-2 LTOO-IlI7 LYC7-t033-t LTOO-1l18 LYC7-2034-t LTOO-11l9 LYC7-2035-2 LTOO-U20 LYC7-2036-2 LTOO-ll21 LYC7-2037-2 L'rOO-1l22 LTOO-1ltl LYC7-2038-2 LYC7-2039-2 LTOO-llZ4 LYC7-2040-2 LTOO-1l2S LY24-5209-0 LT64-5209 LT64-5210 LY24-S210-0 LT64-5211 LY24-5211-0 (CONT.) TITLE FIXED BLOCK DASO INSTALL/CONY GUIDE DATA MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS MACRO USER'S GUIDE MACRO REFERENCE DISK, DISKETTE & TAPE LABELS OSIVS DPSlVSE VM/370 ASSEMBLER LANG GUIDE D05/VSE ASSEMBLER DATA SECURITY UNDER VSE SYSTEM MANAGEMENT GUIDE SYSTEM CONTROL STATEMENTS PLANNING & INSTALLATION OPERATION MESSAGES & CODES DIAGNOSIS: SERVICE AIDS SYSTEM UTILITIES MSHP PROGRAM REFERENCE VSE/ADVANCED fUNCTION SPECS INTRODUCTION TO THE VSE SYSTEM DOSIVSE SCP SPECIFICATIONS DIAGNOSIS: GUIDE PROGRAM SUMMARY REFERENCE SUMMARY ATTENTION ROUTINES ASSEMBLER CHECKPOIIITIRESTART DIRECT ACCESS METHOD DYNAMIC DUMP UTILITY DISKETTES IOCS DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM DISK ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES DISPLAY OPERATOR CONSOLE SEQUENTIAL DISK loeS COMPILER 1/0 MODULES loeS & OEVICE INDEPENDENT I/O IPL & BUFFER LOAD ISAM JOB CONTROL LIBRARIAN LINKAGE EOITOR MAGNETIC CHARACTER RECOGNITION IOCS OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION IOCS PROBLEM DETERMINATION AIDS PArER TAPE IOCS RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SPECIFIC DEVICE SUPPORT SUPERVISOR MAGNETIC TAPE loeS TAPE ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES SYSTEM UTILITY MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY LIOCS VOL 1 GEN INFO & IMPERATIVE MACROS LIOCS VOL 2 SAM LIOCS VOL 3 SAM & ISAM 94 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 4.0-4.4 \". (" l'T64-5212 LQ73-9063 LQ73-9084 LQ73-9085 LQ73-9066 LT73-9087 LT73-908S lQ73-9069 L~73-9091 LT73-9092 LQ73-9101 LY24-5212-0 LY33-9063-1 LY33-9084-1 LY33-9085-1 LY33-9086-1 LY33-9087-0 LY33-9088-0 LY33··9089-1 LY33··9091-1 LY33-9092-0 LY33-9101-1 DIRECT & SEQUENTIAL DASD LOGIC LOGICAL TRANSIENTS AND $IJBSXXX PHASES INITIAL PROGRAM LOAD AND JOB CONTROL LINKAGE EDITOR SERVICEABILITY AIDS LIBRARIAN SYSTEM UTILITIES MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY SUPERVISOR ERROR RECOVERY RECORDING TRANSIENTS HANDBOOK THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIotm SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF VSEIVSAM AND BACKUP RESTORE & SPACE t1AtlAGEHEHT FEATURE (5746-At12): SLSS 10 <7799-DBZ> PSElJl)O I EQUALS TITLE STOO-0888 COMMANDS & M~.CROS SC24-5144-2 SlOO-0869 PROGRAt1t1F.R' S ~EFERENCE SC24-S14S-2 MESSAGES & CODES 5rOO-0690 5C24-S146-2 GTOO-OS87 SPECIFICATIONS 6C24-5190-4 5Q24-5191 DOCUMENT SUBSET SC24-5191"1 5124-5192 lISER'S GUIDE - SPACE t1ANAGEMENT SC24-5192-0 lISER'S GUIDE - BACKUP RESTORE SQ24-S216 5C24-5216-1 LTOO-Ce91 SOURCE LISTINGS VSEIVSAM FIenE LYB4-6102-2 LTB4-6104 MICROFICHE - SPACE MANAGEMENT LVB4-6104-0 tTC1-0470 MICROFICIIE - BACKUP RESTORE LYC7-0470-1 LTI10-08?2 VSE/vSAM LOGIC. VOLutlE 1 LY24-S191-2 VSE/vSAI1 LOGIC, YOLut1E 2 LQ64-S192 LY24-!H92-1 LQ64-S195 AMS LOGIC LY24-5195-1 LY2 f t-S204-0 LOGIC - SPACE nANAGEMENT LT6'+-5204 LQ.64-5Zl3 LOGIC - BACKUP RESTORE LY24-5213-1 lllE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1. 0 OF VSE/POWER (5666-213): ( SLSS 10 <1799-DBZ> PSEUDO I EQUALS ST33-6140 SC33-6140-1 GQ32-S242 6H12-5242-4 SQ32-S328 5HI2-5328-2 STOO-I057 SHJ.2-5329-3 SQ32-5330 SIU2-5330-1 snO-1l45 SU12-S43S-3 STOO-1056 5HI2-5520-3 LTC7-0483 LYC7-0483-0 LTC1-048'f LYC7-0484-0 LTOO-I059 LY12-5027-3 LTOO-I060 LYI2-5026-2 LQS2-5034 LYI2-5034-1 TITLE NETWORKING USER'S GUIDE SPECIFICATlot~ REMOTE JOB EIHRY USER'S GUIDE INSTALLATION & OPERATIONS GUIDE SHARED SPOOLING USER'S GUIDE REFE~ENtE SUMMARY MESSAGES V5E/POWER MICROFICHE VSE/POIoIER SHARED SPOOL FICHE LOGIC VOL 1 LOGIC VOL 2 PLM YOL 3 TtlE FOll.OWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RelEASE 3.5 OF WE/ICCF (5746-TS1): SLSS It! <1199-DB1.> PSEUDO , EQUALS TITLE G'T00-I061 6C33-6065-4 SPECIFICATIONS STOO-I062 5C33-6067-4 INSTALLATION REFERENCE 5TOO-I063 SC33-6068-4 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE STOO-I064 SC33-6069-3 MESSAGES 5Q33-613S 5C33-613S-1 INTRO INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING G1"33-6159 GC33-6159-0 PROGRAM SUMMARY 6TOO-I06S GX33-9006-3 REFERENCE SUMMARY LTOO-1129 LYC7-0468-2 LISTINGS LQ73-9098 LY33-9098-1 DIAGN REF PLM TtIE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF DITTO FOR WE & VM (5668-917): SLSS ID <7799-DBZ> P$ElJT)O I EQUAl.S TITlE GT39-6103 GHi9-6103-0 GENERAL INFORMATION 5T39-6104 5HI9-6104-0 PROGRAM REFERENCE & OPERATION GT39-6105 6HI9-6105-0 SPECIFICATIONS STOO-I039 SX11-6106-0 REFERENCE CARD 95 VSE SYSTEM IPOIE RELEASE 4.0-4.4 THE fOllOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/FASTCOPY (5746-Att4); SLSS ID <7799-DBZ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITlE GQ33-6080 GC33-6080-2 SPECIFICATIOtm SQ33-6082 SC33-6082-l INSTALLATION REF HANUAl PROGRAM SUI1I1ARY GT33-6158 GC33-6158-0 LQC7-0469 LYC7-0469-l FICHE LT73-9090 LY33-9090-l LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 OF CICS/DOS/VS (5746->0<3): 5L55 10 <7799-DBZ> EQUALS PSEUDO • TITLE 5TOO-0689 SC33-0068-2 5YS APPLN DESIGN GO 5C33-0070-5 5TOO-I068 DOS/v5 SYS PROS REF MANUAL STOO-1031 4700/3600/3630 GUIDE 5C33-0072-2 SroO-1032 3650/3680 GUIDE 5C33-0073-2 STOO-1033 3767/3770/6670 GUIDE SC33-0074-2 STOO-I034 3790/3730/8100 GUIDE 5C33-0075-4 SC33-0077-4 STOO-I069 APPLI PROG REF MANUAL 5C33-0079-3 S'T00-1070 PROGRAM REF MAtaJAL STOO-I071 OPERATOR'S GUIDE SC33-0080-3 5C33-0081-3 STOO-I025 MESSAGES & CODES 6TOO-1394 PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECS 6C33-0084-4 STOO-1026 RPGII APPLI PROGR REF MANL SC33-0085-2 SC33-0089-2 STOO-1027 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GO 5TOO-1393 MASTER lNOEX 5C33-0095-4 SQ33-0096 3270/8775 GUIDE SC33-0096-1 LQ33··0105 DIAGNOSIS REFEREt~CE LC33-0105-1 DOS/VS RELEASE GUIDE GC33-0130-0 G133-0130 5T33-0131 CUSTOMIZAT'ION GUIDE SC33-0131-1 INTERCOMMUNICATIOtfS FACILITY GO 5C33-0133-1 ST33-0133 PERFORMANCE GUIDE 5C33-0134-0 S133-0134 RECOVERY & RESTART GUIDE SC33-0135-1 ST33-0135 5133-0149 DEFINITION GUIDE 5C33"0149-1 GC33-0155-1 6133-0155 GENERAL INFORMATION HANUAl SX33-6010-4 STOO-I023 DEBUG REF SUt1t1 GX33-6012-4 GTOO-I029 APPLI PROG'S REF SUHtl CICSIDOS/YS LISTINGS LYA4-3012-0 LTAct-3012 LTOO-IOlO DOS/vS DATA AREAS LOGIC LY33-6033-2 TIfE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF ACFIVTAM (5666-280): SLSS ID <7799-DBZ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6T27-0608 GC27-0608-1 GENERAL INFORMATION SPECIFICATIOtfS 6127··0609 GC27-0609-0 ST27-0610 SC27-0610-1 PLANNING & ItfSTALLATION PROGRAMMING ST27-0611 SC27-0611-0 S127-0612 SC27-0612-1 OPERATION MESSAGES & COOES ST27-0614 SC27-0614-1 ST27-0630 SC27-0630-0 DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE LISTINGS LTBl-2053 LJBI-2053-0 REFERENCE SUt1HARY 5TOO-1379 SX27-0027-0 6TOO-I073 GX27-0032-0 MASTER INDEX DIAGNOSTIC REFERENCE (VSE) LT78-3058 LY38-3058-0 DATA AREAS (YSE) LT78-3059 LY38-3059-0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF B'TAME-ES (57l t(,-RC5) ANIJ BTAM SCP (5747-C61): SLSS 10 <7799-DBZ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6T38-0291 GC38-0291-0 SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL ItiFORtlArION 6T38-0292 GC38-0292-0 5T38-0293 SC38-0293-0 PROGRAMMING REFERENCE INS'rALLATION 5T38-0294 SC38-0294-0 ST38-0295 SC38-0295-0 MESSAGES GT38-0296 GC38-0296-0 SCP SPECS (NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS) ASSEMBLY LISTINGS LTBI-0407 LJBI-0407-0 LT67-8030 LY27-8030-0 LOGIC % VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 4.0-4.4 THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF VSE/OLTEP (5656-092): SLS5 ID <7799-DBZ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE SCP SPECS (NOT AVAILABLE UNDER SLSS) 6T33-6141 6C33-6141-0 INSTALLATION & OPERATION 6133-6156 GC33-6156-0 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE 5T73-9105 SY33-9105-0 TilE FOUmUNG PUeLlCATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF EREP (5656-093): SLSS 10 <7799-DBZ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITlE SCP SPECIFICATIONS 61'28-1181 GC28-1181-1 Gf28-1378 GC28-1378-0 EREP USER'S GUIDE & REFERE~~E THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATION3 SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 Of DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES (5747-DS2): 5LSS ID <7799-DBZ> PSEUDO • EQUALS GTOO-I046 GC26-3946-7 6TOO-0920 GC35-0033-7 TInE SPECIFICATIONS USER'S GUIDE & REFERENCE THE rOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RElEASE 6.0 OF DLII DOSIVS (5746->0<1): SLS5 ID <7799-DSK> EQUALS TITlE PSEUDO. SQ'l2-5411 CALL & RQDLI INTF, APPN DESIGN 5H12-5411-5 SQ32-5414 MESSAGES & COOES SHI2-5414-7 GH20-1246-8 G(140-1246 GENERAL INFORMATION S(144-5001 GUIDE FOR NEW USER'S Stl24-S001-3 SQ44-S002 5H24-5002-3 DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE ST44-5007 IMF USER'S GUIOE SH24-5007-1 61124-5008-0 6'T44-5008 LIB GUIDE & MASTER INDEX S.124-5009-1 5Q44-5009 HIGH LEVEL PROG INTERFACE USER'S &0 5T44-5011 DATA BASE ADMINISTRATION 51124-5011-0 S·f44··50Zl RES~JRCE DEFN & UTIL SH24-5021-0 ST44-5022 APPLIC & DIB DESIGN 5H24-5022-0 GH24-5025-0 GT44-5025 SPECIFICATIot~S 5TOO-l127 APPLN PROG REF SUMMARY SX24-5103-3 SYS PROGRAM REF SUMMARY SX24-5104-3 STOO-1128 SX24-5120-1 5TOO-1130 HIGH LEVEL PROS INTERFACE REF SUMMARY L1B4-6105 MICROFICHE LYB4-6105-0 LYl2-5016-6 LTOO-1l46 PROGRAM LOGIC VOL I LT64-5Z15 PROGRAM LOGIC VOL 2 LY£4-5215-0 TtlE FOLLOWIr-1G PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.1 OF ACFINCPIVS (5735-XX1), (5735-XX3), (S747-CH1), & EP FEATURE: SL5S 10 <7799-DON> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GTOO-0623 GA27-3087-3 3705 COfft1U CONTROL PANEL GO 6T30··3058 GC30-3058-3 GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL 5T30-3142 SC30-3142-1 INSTALLATION SQ30-3143 5C30-3143-1 UTILITIES SQ30-3145 5C30-3145-1 MESSAGES GT30-9529 6C30-9529-1 SPECIFICATIONS FOR 5735-XX3 GT30-9530 6C30-9530-1 SPECifICATIONS fOR 5735-XXI GT30-9531 6C30-9531-1 SPECIFICATIONS FOR 5747-CH1 LQD2-4141 LJD2-4141-2 LISTINGS L~2-4143 LJD2-4143-2 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS LT70-3041 LY30-3041-0 LOGIC LQ70-3043 LY30-3043-1 REFERENCE SUMMARY ( THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF NCCF (5735->0<6): 5LSS 10 <7799-0FN> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE SPECIFICATIONS GT27-04·28 GC27-0426-2 GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL GQ27-0429 6C27-0429-8 STOO-I081 SC27-0430-6 INSTALLATION MANUAL MESSAGES SQ27-0431 SC27-0431-4 SQ27-0432 SC27-0432-5 TERMINAL USE STOO-1074 SC27-0433-5 CUSTotlIZATION LTBI-2054 LJBI-2054-0 ASSEMBLY LISTING LTOO-10B2 LY38-3010-3 LOGIC 97 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 4.0-4.4 WE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF NPDA (5668-983): SLSS ID <7799-DA2> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT34-2061 GC34-2061-1 GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL ST34-2063 SC34-2063-0 USER'S GUIDE ST34-2064 SC34-2064-0 RECOMMENDED ACTION GUIDE ST34-2065 SC34-2065-0 MESSAGES & CODES 6T34-2066 SC34-2066-1 INSTALLATION GT34-2067 6C34-2067-1 SPECIFICATIONS LTAO-0319 LJAO-0319-0 MICROFICHE LT65-0012 LY25-0012-0 PROGRAM LOGIC THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DOS/vS COBOL COMP & LIB (5746-CBl) : SLSS ID <7799-DCC> PSEUDO • EqUALS TITLE 6T26-3998 GC26-3998-0 IBI1 VS COBOL FOR VSE SQ28-6469 SC28-6469-4 CMS USER'S GUIDE PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SQ28-6478 SC28-6478-4 SQ28-6479 SC28-6479-3 INSTALLATION REF MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS SQ28-6487 GC28-6487-3 6TOO-I040 GX26-3709-0 REfERENCE & RESERVE WORK SUMMARY LQC7-S0S0 LYC7-S0S0-8 FICHE LQ68-6423 LY28-6423-2 LOGIC LT68-6424 LY28-6424-1 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING Pl.J8LICATIOtfS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DOS/vs RPG I I (5746-RGl): SLSS ID <7799-TAR> PSEUDO " EQUALS TITLE 6133-6029 GC33-6029-1 SF'ECIFICATIONS SQ33-6031 SC33-6031-2 LANGUAGE STOO-0604 SC33-6032-2 INSTALLATION REF SQ33-6033 SC33-6033-1 MESSAGES SQ33-6034 SC33-6034-1 AUTO REPORT ST33-6074 SC33-6074-0 USER'S GUIDE G133-6120 GC33-6120-1 GENERAL INFORMATION LTD3-3800 LJD3-3800-2 MICROFICHE LISTINGS LTOO-0605 LY33-9062-2 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIOtIS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.6.0 OF DOS PVI OPT/LIB (5736-PL3): SLSS ID<7799-DAq> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 5T26-3971 EXTENDED GRAPHICS SUPPORT SC26-3971-1 6T26-3977 LANGUAGE REF MANUAL GC26-3977-0 GT26-3994 GC26-3994-3 SPECS - OPTIMIZ COMPILER GC26-3995-3 SPECS - TRANSIENT LIB 6T26-3995 GC26-3996-3 GT26-3996 SPECS - RESIDENT LIB PROGRAMMER'S GO SQ3'3-0008 SC33-0008-5 SQ3'3-0019 SC33-0019-2 EXECUTION LOGIC INSTALLATION MANUAL SQ33-0020 SC33-0020-6 SC33-00U-4 ST33-0021 MESSAGES - COMPILER 5133-0035 SC33-0035-2 MESSAGES - TRANSIEtfT SC33-0051-0 5133-0051 CMS USER'S GUIDE LTa6-0053 PROGRAM LISTINGS LJB6-0053-0 LJB6-0054-0 LTB6-0054 RESIDENT FICHE TRANSIENT FICHE LJB6-0055-0 LTB6-0055 LT73-6010 I.OGIC LY33··6010-1 LY33-6011-1 LT73-6011 LOGIC LY33-6012-1 LT73-6012 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 OF DOS PVI RES LIB (S736-LM4): SlSS 10 <7799-DDQ> TITLE PSEUDO " EQUALS SPECIFICATIONS GT26-3996 GC26-3996-3 SQ33-0008 SC33-0006-5 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SQ33-0019 SC33-0019-2 EXECUTION LOGIC SQ33··0020 SC33-0020-6 INSTALLATION MANUAL LTB6-0054 LJ66-0054-0 FICHE LOGIC LT73-6011 LY33-6011-1 j 98 VSE SYSTEM IPOjE RELEASE 4.0-4.4 ( THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 OF DOS PLII TRANS LIB (5736-LMS): SLSS In <7799-DEQ> PSUEOO I EQUALS TITLE GTl!6-3995 GCZ6-3995-3 SPECIFICATIONS SQ33-,0006 5C33-0006-5 PROGRA~1tIER' S GUIDE SQ33-0019 SC33-0019-2 EXECUTION LOGIC 5133-0020 5C33-0020-6 INSTALLATION MANUAL ST33-0035 SC:B-0035-2 ~IESSAGES LTB6-00!;S l.J86-0055-0 fIC~E LT73-6012 lY33-6012-1 LOGIC THE rOLl.OWING PU8LICATIOUS SUPPORT RElEASE 6.0 OF DOS PLII OPT cortP (5736-PL1): 51.55 In <7799-DCQ> PSEUDO I EQUAI.S TITlE 5T26-3971 5C26-3971-1 EXTENDED GRAPHICS SUPPORT GTZ6-3977 GC26-3?77,-0 LANGU.l\GE REF MANUAL GT26-3994 GC26--399(t-3 5PECS - OPT COtlP 5Q33-0008 5C33-0008-5 PROGRA~IER'S GD SQ33-0019 SC33-0019-2 EXECUTION LOG:tC SQ33-0020 SC33-0020-6 INSTALLATION MANUAL ST'33-0021 5C33-0021-4 MESSAGES ST33-0051 se33-00S1-0 eMS USER'S GO LT56-0053 L./66-0053-0 LlSTItlGS LOGIC LT73-6010 LY33-6010-1 THE FOllOl4ING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RElEASE 3.0 OF VSE/IPCS (5746-SAl): SL5S 10 <7799-08Y> PSEUOO • EQUALS TITlE 5Q34-Z015 SC34-2015-1 USER'S GO & REFERENCE GC34-l017-3 GQ34-2017 GENERAL INFORMATION tlAHUAL GTOO-0832 GC34-2021-2 SPECIFICATIONS FICHE LTAO-OlI5 LJAO-0315-0 LOGIC LQ65-0004 LY25-0004-1 ( THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 5.0 OF DOS SORTIMERGE II (5746-StIZ): SL55 10 <7799-DTS> PSEUOO • EQUALS TITLE GH3-4043 6C33-4043-5 GEUERAL INfORMATION MANUAL 5TOO-I041 5C33-4044-3 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE STOO-I042 5C33-4045-5 It~TALLATION MANUAL GTOO-I043 GC33-4047-4 SPECIFICATIONS 6TOO-I044 6X33-8002-1 REfERENCE SUMMARY LQC7-090S lYC7-0905-3 MICROFICHE LQ73-8044 LY33-8044-2 LOGIC TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF VSE/OCCF (5746-XCS): Sl5S 10 <779?-DCF> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE 6T33-6113 GC33-6113-1 GENERAL INFORMATION SPEClfICA TIOtIS GT33-6114 GC33-6114-0 INSTALLATION GUIDE & REFERENCE S'T33-6115 SC33'-6U5-0 5T33-6117 SC33-6117-0 DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE MICROFICHE LTC7-0471 LYC7-0471-0 L~73-9097 LY33-9097-1 DIAGNOSTIC REFERENCE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF VSE/ACCESS CONTROL LOGGING & REPORTING (5746-XE7): SLSS ID <7799-DAL> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT32-5130 GHI2-5130-0 GENERAL INFORMATION SPECIFICATIONS G132-5241 GtI12-5241-0 ST3l-5336 5HI2-5336-0 OPERATIONS MANUAL FICHE LTC7-0465 LYC7-046S-0 LOGIC LT52-5032 LY12-5032-0 ( llIE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF EP/vS (5747-AGl): SLSS 10 <7799-DAl> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6TOO-1126 GA27-30S1-5 INTROD TO 3704/3705 COMMU CONTROLLER 6TOO-l075 GAZ7-3086-2 3704 USER'S GUIDE (CONT.) 99 VSE SYSTEM IPOjE RELEASE 4.0-4.4 6TOO-0623 GQ30-300S GTOO-062S S170-3031 6A27-3087-3 GC30-300S-8 GC30-3008-S SY30-3031-1 370S USER'S 6UIDE 3704/370S STORAGE & PERFORMANCE 3704/370S REFERENCE MANUAL LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF DHS/CICs/vS & lAG FEATURE (5746-XC4) : SLSS ID <7799-DFE> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE ST40-0001 SH20-0001-0 USER'S GUIDE ST40-0002 SH20-0002-0 APPLICATION EXAMPLES PROBLEM DETERMINATION GOE 5T40-0003 SH20-0003-0 ST40-0004 SH20-0004-0 INSTALLATION & OPERATIONS MESSAGES & CODES 5T40-000S SH20-000S-0 GENERAL INFORMATION 6TOO-I083 G"'20-219S-4 STOO-1084 SH20-2209-S REFERENCE MANUAL 6TOO-I085 GX20-1998-1 DA1'A TRANSFER FORM GTOO-I0&6 GX20-1999-1 FILE DESCRIPTION FORM GTOO-1087 GX20·'2000-it PANEL DESCRIPTION FORM 6TOO-0643 GX20-2339-1 PANEL DESCRIPTION CALCULATION/EDIT 6TOO-1131 GX2D-2341-1 LTBO-2S94 LYBO-2594-0 FICt'E LTBO-2595 LYBO-2595-0 FICHE lAG FEATURE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF 15Pf (5668-960) AND ISPF/POF (5666-281): SLSS ID <7799-DFF> PSEUDO I EQUALS TInE GQ34-2077 GC34-2077-1 PROGRAM SlHtARY SQ34-2078 5C34-2078-1 GENERAL INFORttATION ttANUAL 5"('34-2079 SC34··2079-0 FOF REFERENCE MANUAL IN5'ULLATIOH & CUSTOHlZATIOH 5T34-2080 SC34-2080-0 GQ34-2081 GC34-2081-2 SPECIFICATIOUS ISPF GQ34-2082 GC34-2082-2 SPECIFICATIONS ISP/PDf SQ34-20S5 SC34-2085-1 DIALOG MANA6MENT SERVICES EXAMPLE DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES SQ34-20aa SC34-2088-1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF DHS/CSP DEFINITION (5668-944) At-ID 1.0 OF DMS/CSP EXEClITION (5666-945): SLSS ID <7799-DA"> ~EUDO I EquALS TITLE 6T40-5351 GI120-5351"1 SPECIFICATIONS DEFINITION 6T40-5352 &H20-535t-l SPECIFICATIONS EXECUTION GENERAL INFORtlATION MANUAL 6T40-5555 &H20-5555-3 5T40-5584 SIf20-5584-0 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT GUIDE HOW TO USE DMS/C5P 5T40-5585 51120-5585-0 5T40-5586 SH20-5586-0 DEF PROGRAM REFERENCE & OPERATION Sl'40-55&7 StI20-5587-0 EXEC PROGRAM REFERENCE & OPERATION ST40-5568 SH20-5S88-0 MESSAGES & CODES PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 5T40-558? 5H20-5589-0 GTOO-1047 GX20-2379-2 REFERENCE SUtIl:IARY TIlE FOLl.OWING PUBLICATIONS SUF'PORT RELEASE 1.2 OF INFO SYSTEM (5735-0ZS): SLSS 10 <7799-'DAZ> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT34-2069 GC34-2069-0 GENERAL & PRE-INSTALLATION GQ34-2070 GC34··2070-1 SPECIFICATIOOS SQ34-2071 SC34-2071-2 INSTA,LLATION & CUSTOHIZATION ST34-2072 5C34-2072-0 USER'S GUIDE SQ34-2074 SC34-2074-1 MESSAGES MICROFICHE LTAO-0339 LJAO-0339-1 GTOO-0929 GX20-2392-0 TEt1PLATE 3270 DISPLAY TERMINAL LT65-0013 LY25-0013-0 LOGIC & DIAGNOSIS 100 VSE SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 4.0-4.4 ( llfE FOLLOWING PU8LICATXOt-lS SUPPORT RELEASE it.O OF DATA DICTIOUARY (5746-XXC): SLSS ID <7799-DDA> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GENERAL INFORMATION t1ANIJAL G140-9193 GHZO-919l-0 SPECIFICATIONS 6T40-9194 Gtl20-9194-0 USER'S GO AND REF MANUAL 5T40-9195 SI'I20-9195-0 INSTALLATION GUIDE 5T40-9196 SH20-9196-0 APPLICATION GUIOE 5T40-9197 5t120··9197-0 ADMINISTRATIVE & CUSTOHIZATION GO S~IZO-9198-0 5T40-9198 LQB6··0039 LJB6-0039-1 t1ICROFICHE PROGRAM LISrIt-IGS LQ66-0040 LJB6-0040-1 SEGt1ENT DEFINlrIOti FORt1 61'00-1035 GX26-3732-0 fIELD DEfINITION FORM 6TOO-I036 GXZ6-3731-0 GTOO-I037 GX26-3734-0 FIELD DEfINITION PLiI GTOO-I036 GX26-3735-0 TEXT DATA FORM LOGIC LT60-8081 LY20-8061-0 DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE ST60-6082 5Y20-8082-0 TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF ELIAS-l (S746-XXV): 5LSS 10 <7799-DCE> PSEUOO I E!llIALS TITLE GTl9-6219 GtI19-6219-0 SPECIFICATIONS APPLICATION DESIGN GO STl9-6220 5t1J9-6220-0 SYSlEM AOMINIS1RATOR' 5 GO ST19-6221 5HI9-6221-0 sn 9-6222 5H 19··6t22-0 PLiI APPLICATION PROGRAMMER GD ST19-6223 5HI9-6223-0 PUI APPLICATION PROGRAMtIER GO COBOL SAl1PLES HANDBOOK 5T19-6224 5HI9-6224-0 FLiI SAMPLES HANDBOOK 5T19-6225 5HI9-6225-0 LQA9-6133 LYA9-6131-1 fICtlE LT59-6121 LYl9-6121-0 PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL LT59-6214 LY19-6214-0 PROGRAM LOGIC ( TflE FOLLOWING PU8LICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.1 OF SQLlDS (5748-XXJ): SLSS 10 <7799-DGQ> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE GENERAL INFORMATION 6TOO-1396 6H24-5012-1 CONCEPTS & FACILITIES GTOO-1395 GH24-5013-2 PLANNING & ADMINISTRATION 5TOO-I08S SH24-5014-2 INSTALLATION GUIDE 5TOO-I089 5H24-5015-2 TERMINAL USER'S GO SQ44-5016 SH24-5016-2 TERtllUAL USER' S REF SQ44-5017 SIt24-5017-2 5TOO-1397 5H24-5018-2 APPLN FROGQAI'lMIt4G 5TOO-I090 5H24-5019-2 MESSAGES & CODES SYSTEM OPERATION STOO-I091 SH24-5020-2 SPECIFICATIONS GQ44-5026 Gl-124-5026-2 RELEASE 2 GUIDE GT44-5042 GH24-5042-0 DATA BASE SERVICE UTILITIES 5T44-5046 SH24-5046-0 PROGRAM FUNCTION KEY TEtlPLATE 5TOO-I092 SX24-5125-1 TERMItlAL USER' 5 REF SUI1t1ARY 5TOO-I093 SX24-5121-1 LOGIC VOL 1 LQ64-5216 LY24-5216-2 LQ64-5217 LY24-5217-2 LOGIC VOL 2 LOGIC VOL 3 LT64-5222 LY24-5222-0 (, 101 VSE SYSTEM IPOjE RELEASE 4.0-4.4 e COMPLETE VSE SYSTEM PACKAGE (VSE/SP) VERSION 2.1.1·2.1.6 NOTE: SLSS 10 (7799 NUMBERS) CAUSE. SHIPMENT OF PUBLICATIONS AT THE RIGHT LEVELS FOR THIS SYSTEM PACKAGE RELEASE, AND PREVENT SHIPMENT OF PUBLICATIONS APPLYING TO NEW RELEASES. PP NUMBERS ENTERED INTO SLSS ARE AUTOHATICALLY CONVERTED TO SLSS 10 IF THE SLSS KEY 7705 IS ALSO ENTERED BASE CONTENT PROG. PROD. ( NAME) YSEISYSTEM PACKAGE VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS YSE/ySAt1, BACKUP/RESTORE YSE/POWER VSE/ICCF Dlno FOR YSE AND Yt1 YSE FAST COPY ACF/YTAt1 CICS/DOS/YS BTAt1-ES AND BTAt1 SCP PP NUMBER SLSS ID RELEASE LEVEL 1.4 1.4 3.0 2.0 1.1 1.0 2.0 1.0 6.0 1.0 5666-301 5746-AM2 5666-273 5666-302 5668-917 5746-At14 5666-280 5746-XX3 5746-RC5 5747-CG1 7799-DHA 7799-DHB 7799-DHC 7799-DHD 7799-DHE 7799-DHF 7799-DHG 7799-DHH 7799-DHJ 7799-DHJ PP NUMBER 5746-XX1 5735-XX9 5735-XX9 5735-XXA 5747-CH2 5735-)0(8 5735-XX6 5666-295 5746-CB1 5746-RG1 5736-PL3 5736-LM4 5736-LI'IS 5736-PLl 5746-SM2 5746-XC5 5746-XE7 5746-XC4 5735-0ZS 5746-XXC 5748-XXJ 5746-XXT 5668-932 5668-960 5668-281 5666-270 5748-XXH 5666-311 5666-280 5668-824 5668-825 5668-918 5666-318 5666-284 5668-915 SLSS 10 7799-DLA 7799-DNA 7799-DNN 7799-DSA RELEASE LEVEL 7.0 2.0 2.0 1.1 7799-DSL 7799-DFN 7799-DN1 7799-DCZ 7799-TAR 7799-DAQ 7799-DDQ 7799-DEQ 7799-DCQ 7799-DST 7799-DCG 7799-DAV 7799-DFE 7799-DAZ 7799-DDA 7799-DBQ 7799-DCV 7799-DFA 7799-0RA 7799-DRF 7799-DRM 7799-0GM 7799-DJ1 7799-DK1 7799-DQt1 7799-DQS 7799-DQY 7799-DGW 7799-DKM 7799-DKP 2.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 4.1 1.2 4.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 -OPTIONAL FEATURESPROG. PROD. ( NAt1E ) OVI DOS/yS ACF/NCP FOR 3725 ACF /NCP FOR 3705 ACF/SSP SCP WITH EP/ys FEATURE EMULATION FOR 3725 NCCF NPDA DOS/VS COBOL CaMP & LIBRARY DOS/yS RPG II DOS/PLI OPTIM CaMP & LIBRARY DOS/PLI RESIDENT LIBRARY DOS/PLI TRANSIENT LIBRARY DOS/PLI OPTIMIZING COMPILER SORT/MERGE I I VSE/OCCF VSE/ACCESS CONTROL LOG & REPORT OMS/CICS/ys APPL SEN FEAT INFO SYSTEM DATA DICTIONARY SQL/DATA SYSTEM CICS/SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM ISPF ISPF/PDF DISOSS GDDM DECISION SUPPORT/ysE VTAM X. 25 ADAPTER SUPPORT CSP/AD CSP/AE CSP/Q PERSONAL SERVICEs/370 DSNX DSX VSE/SYSTEM PACKAGE 2.1.1 BASIC INFORMATION PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE ST33-6174 *SC33-6174-1 VSE/SYSTEM PACKAGE GTOO-1866 *SC33-6175-3 VSE/SYSTEM PACKAGE GT33-6176 GC33-6176-0 VSE/SYSTEM PACKAGE ST33-6177 *SC33-6177-1 VSE/SYSTEM PACKAGE ST33-6178 *SC33-6178-1 VSE/5Y5TEH PACKAGE 5T33-6179 *SC33-6179-1 VSE/SYSTEM PACKAGE (CONT.) /' ~, / USE SPECIFICATI()NS GENERAL INFORMATION PLANNING INSTALLATION MIGRATION 102 VSE SYSTEM PACKAGE VERSION 2.1.1-2.1.6 ---_ .... _-_. ( 5133-6180 5133-6181 5133-6182 S133-6183 SQ33-6184 *SC33-6180-1 *SC33-6181-1 *SC33-6182-0 *SC33-6183-0 *SC33-6184-1 V5E/SYSTEM VSE/SYSTEM VSE/SYSTEM VSE/SYSTEM VSE/5YSTEM PACKAGE PACKAGE PACKAGE PACKAGE PACKAGE NETWORKING HSGS & CODES DIAGNOSIS MASTER INDEX HDWRE EXT NOTE: VSE/SYSTEM PACKAGE PUBLICATIONS MARKED WITH AN ASTERISK (*J ARE DELIVERED WITH THE VSE/SYSTEM PACKAGE ORDER IN A KIT. INDIVIDUAL COPIES OF THE PUBLICATIONS LISTED ABOVE ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH SLSS BY PSEUDONUMBER ONLY. THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.4 OF VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS (5666-301): SLSS ID <7799-DHA> PSEUDO # EQUALS TITLE FIXED BLOCK DASD INSTAL/CONY GT20-1879 GC20-1879-0 EREP USER'S GUIDE GQ28-1378 GC28-1378-1 6Q33-4010 ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE PROGRAt1t1ING GC33-4010-5 GTOO-0656 GUIDE TO THE DOSIVSE ASSEMBLER GC33-4024-3 GQ33-6156 OLTEP INSTALLATION AND OPERATION GC33-6156-1 VSE/AF SPECIFICATIONS 6133-6190 GC33-6190-0 S133-6191 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT GUIDE SC33-619l-2 DATA MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS G133-6192 GC33-6192-1 PLANNING AND INSTALLATIDN S133-6193 SC33-6193-1 OPERATION S133-6194 SC33-6194-1 S133-6195 SC33-6195-1 SERVICE AIDS S133-6196 MACRO USER'S GUIDE GC33-6196-1 S133-6197 SC33-6197-1 MACRO REFERENCE S133-6198 SYSTEM CONTROL STATEMENTS SC33-6198-1 S133-6199 SC33-6199-1 MSHP REFERENCE GTOO-I773 GC35-0033-l0 DEV SUPPORT FAC USER'S GO & REF GTOO-1516 REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD GX33-90l0-0 LTOO-l099 LYC7-2011-2 ASSEMBLER LTC7-2043 ACCESS METHODS LYC7-2043-0 LTC7-2044 LYC7-2044-0 ICA UTILITIES OC/MC LTC7-2045 LYC7-2045-0 LTC7-2046 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT LYC7-2046-0 LTC7-2047 CONTROL LIBRARY LYC7-2047-0 LTC7-2048 LYC7-2048-0 MSHP OLTEP DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ST73-9105 SY33-9105-0 LT73-9107 LY33-9107-0 SUPERVISOR ERROR RECOVERY TRANS LT73-9108 LY33-91 08-0 LOG TRANS & $IJBSXXX LT73-9109 LY33-9109-0 LT73-9110 IPL AND JOB CONTROL LY33-91l0-0 LT73-9111 LIBRARIAN LY33-9111-0 LT73-9112 LY33-9112-0 LINKAGE EDITOR LT73-9113 MSHP DIAGNOSTIC REFERENCE LY33-9113-0 LT73-91l4 LY33-9l14-0 SYSTEM UTILITIES LT73-911S LY33-911S-0 SERVICABILITY AIDS LT73-9116 LIOCS VOL 1 LY33-9116-0 LT73-9117 LY33-9117-0 LIOCS VOL 2 LT73-9118 LIOCS VOL 3 LY33-9118-0 LT73-91i9 LY33-9119-0 LIOCS VOL 4 LT73-9121 HANDBOOK LY33-91Z1-0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF VSEIVSAI'I BACKUPIRESTORE FEATURE. AND SPACE MANAGEMENT (S746-AM2J: SLSS ID <7799-DHB> PSEUDO. EQUALS TITLE STOO-OSS8 SC24-S144-2 COMMANDS & MACROS STOO-0889 SC24-514S-2 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE STOO-0890 ** SC24-S146-2 MESSAGES & CODES GTOO-0887 GC24-S190-4 SPECIFICATIONS-VSEIVSAM DOCUMENTATION SUBSET SQ24-S191 SC24-S191-1 ST24-5192 SC24-5192-0 USER'S GUIDE-SPACE MANAGEMENT SQ24-S216 SC24-5216-1 USER'S GUIDE-BACKUPIRESTORE LTOO-0891 LYB4-6102-2 FICHE VSEIVSAI'I LTB4-6104 LYB4-6104-0 FICHE-SAM FEATURE LTC7-0470 LYC7-0470-1 FICHE-BIR FEATURE LTOO-0892 LY24-S191-2 LOGIC VOL 1 VSEIVSAM (CONY.) 103 VSE SYSTEM PACKAGE VERSION 2.1.1-2.1.6 LQ64-S192 LQ64-S195 LT64-S204 LQ64-5213 LY24-S192-1 LY24-5195-1 LY24-5204-0 LY24-5213-1 LOGIC VOL 2 VSE/vsAI1 AI1S LOGIC LOGIC-SAM FEATURE LOGIC-SIR FEATURE (\ THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/POWER (5666-273): SLSS ID <7799-DHC> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE SQ33-6140 SC33-6140-3 NETWORKING USER'S GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS &T00-1517 GH12-5242-S RJE USER'S GUIDE STOO-1518 SH12-5328-4 INSTALL AND OPERATION GUIDE STOO-1S2S SH12-S329-5 SHARED SPOOL USER GUIDE STOO-1526 SH12-5330-3 REFERENCE SUMMARY STOO-lS19 SHI2-5435-4 VSE/POWER MESSAGE STOO-1644 ** SHI2-5S20-S FICHE-VSE/POWER LTC7-0486 LYC7-0486-0 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE LTOO-1521 LY12-5027-4 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.1 OF VSE/ICCF (5666-302): SLSS ID <7799-DHD> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT33-6201 6C33-6201-0 SPECIFICATIONS ST33-6202 SC33-6202-1 INTRO TO INTERACTIVE PROG ST33-6203 SC33-6203-1 INSTALLATION & OPER REF ST33-6204 SC33-6204-2 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE ST33-6205 ** SC33-620S-1 MESSAGES GTOO-1S20 GX33-9011-0 REFERENCE SUHHARY LTC7-0494 LYC7-0494-0 LISTINGS-FICHE LT73-9120 LY33-9120-0 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ** MESSAGES FOR VSEIVSAI1 <7799-DHB>. VSE/POWER <7799-DHC> AND VSE/ICCF <7799-DHD> CAN BE FOUND IN "VSE/SP MESSAGES AND CODES", ST33-6181. UNDER "VSE/SP 2.1.1 BASIC INFORMATION" AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS LIST. THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 DITTO FOR VSE & YH (5668-917): SLSS ID <7799-DHE> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GENERAL INFORMATION 6T39-6103 GH19-6103-0 ST39-6104 SH19-6104-0 PROGRAM REFERENCE & OPER 6T39-6105 GH19-6105-0 SPECIFICATIONS STOO-I039 SX11-6106-0 REFERENCE CARD THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/FAST COPY (5746-AI14): SLSS ID <7799-DHF> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GQ33-6080 GC33-6080-2 SPECIFICATIONS SQ33-6082 SC33-6082-1 INSTALLATION REFERENCE PROGRAM SUMMARY GT33-6158 6C33-6158-0 LQC7-0469 LYC7-0469-1 MICROFICHE LT73-9090 LY33-9090-1 DIAGNOSIS-REFERENCE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF ACFIVTAH (5666-280): SLSS ID <7799-DHG> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 6T27-0608 6C27-0608-1 GENERAL INFORMATION 6T27-0609 GC27-0609-0 SPECIFICATIONS ST27-0610 SC27-0610-1 PLANNING & INSTALL REF ST27-0611 SC27-0611-0 PROGRAMMING ST27-0612 SC27-0612-1 OPERATION ST27-0614 SC27-0614-1 MESSAGES AND CODES DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (VSE) ST27-0630 SC27-0630-0 LTBl-2053 LJBl-2053-0 LISTINGS-FICHE STOO-1502 5X27-0027-2 REFERENCE SUMMARY 6TOO-I073 GX27-0032-0 MASTER INDEX DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (VSE) LT78-3058 LY38-3058-0 DATA AREAS (VSE) LT78-3059 LY38-3059-0 104 VSE SYSTEM PACKAGE VERSION 2.1.1-2.1.6 ( ( THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 OF CICSIDOS/ys (5746-XX3J: SLSS ID <7799-DHH> PSEUDO. E~UALS TITLE SYS/APPL DESIGN GUIDE STOO-0669 SC33-006S-2 INSTALL AND OPER GUIDE (DOSIVS) SC33-0070-5 STOO-I068 IBM 4700/3600/3630 GUIDE SC33-0072-2 STOO-I031 SC33-0073-2 STOO-I032 IBM 3650/3660 GUIDE IBM 3767/3770/6670 GUIDE SC33-0074-2 STOO-I033 SC33-0075-4 STOO-I034 IBM 3790/3730/8100 GUIDE STOO-I069 SC33-0077-4 PROG REF - COMMAND LEVEL SC33-0079-3 STOO-I070 PROG REF - MACRO LEVEL STOO-I071 OPERATOR'S GUIDE SC33-0060-3 SC33-0081-3 STOO-I02S MESSAGES & CODES GTOO-1394 SPECIFICATIONS GC33-0084-4 SC33-0085-2 STOO-I026 PROG REF - RPG STOO-I027 PROBLEM DETERMINATION SUIDE SC33-0089-2 SC33-0095-4 STOO-1393 MASTER INDEX SC33-0096-1 S~33-0096 IBM 3270/8775 GUIDE DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE LC33-010S-1 L~33-0105 RELEASE GUIDE (DOS/YS) 6C33-0130-1 G~33-0130 ST33-0131 CUSTOMlZATION GUIDE SC33-0131-1 INTERCOMMUNICATION SUIDE SC33-0133-1 ST33-0133 S~33-0134 PERFORMANCE GUIDE SC33-0134-1 SC33-0135-! ST33-0135 RECOVERY AND RESTART SUIDE RESOURCE DEFINITION SUIDE SC33-0149-2 ST33-0149 6C33-0155-1 GT33-0155 6ENERAL INFORMATION PROG DEBUG REFERENCE SUMMARY SX33-6010-4 STOO-I028 GX33-6012-4 GTOO-I029 PROS REF SUMMARY - COMMAND LEVEL CICS/DOS/vS FICHE LTA4-3012 LYA4-3012-0 LTOO-I030 LY33-6033-2 LOGIC DATA AREAS-DOS/vS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF BTAH-ES (5746-RCS) AND BTAH-SCP (S747-CG1): SLSS 10 <7799-DHJ> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT38-0291 GC38-0291-0 SPECIFICATIONS BTAH-ES GENERAL INFORMATION GT38-0292 GC38-0292-0 ST38-0293 SC38-0293-0 PROGRAMMING REFERENCE ST38-0294 SC38-0294-0 INSTALLATION ST38-0295 SC38-0295-0 MESSAGES LTBI-0407 LJBI-0407-0 FICHE LT67-8030 LY27-8030-0 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 7.0 OF OUI DOS/vS (5746-XXlJ: SLSS ID <7799-DLA> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE STOO-1508 SHI2-5411-6 CALL AND RIaDLI INTERFACES SHI2-5414-6 STOO-1507 MESSAGES & CODES GTOO-1504 GENERAL INFORMATION GH20-1246-9 SH20-9046-3 ~0-9046 LOW LVL CONT CHK PROG REf SH24-5001-4 STOO-1506 SUIDE FOR NEW USERS STOO-1505 DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE SH24-5002-4 LIB SUIDE & MASTER INDEX, GH24-500S-1 ~4-5008 SH24-5009-2 STOO-1503 HIGH LEVEL PROS INTERFACE DATA BASE ADMINISTRATION SH24-5011-1 SIa44-5011 SHZ'4-50Z1-1 RES()URCE DEfIN & UTILITIES SIa44-5021 S~-5022 SH24-S02Z-1 DATA BASE DESIGN ST44-5029 INTERACTIVE RES DEFIN & UTILITIES SH24-5029-0 ST44-5030 RECOVERYIRESTART SUIDE SH24-5030-0 GH24-5031-0 GT44-5031 SPECIFICATIONS REF: CALL PROGRAMMING SX24-5103-4 STOO-1510 STOO-1511 REF: SYSTEM PROGRAMMING SXZ4-5104-4 SX24-5120-2 STOO-1509 REF: HIGH-LEVEL PROGRAMMING L~4-6105 LYB4-61 05-1 FICHE LTOO-1501 LOGIC MANUAL VOL 1 LY12-S016-7 LY24-S21S-1 L~4-S21S LOGIC MANUAL VOL 2 lOS' VSE SYSTEM PACKAGE VERSION 2.1.1-2.1.6 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF ACFINCP FOR 3725 (5735-XX9): SlSS 10 <7799-DNA> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE ST30-3178 SC30-3178-0 INSTALL & RESOURCE DEF GUIDE ACFINCP/SSP 3725 RESOURCE DEF ST30-3179 SC30-3179-0 ACFINCP/SSP 3725 DIAGNOSIS ST30-3181 SC30-3181-0 6T30-9564 GC30-9564-0 SPECIFICATIONS 5735-XX9 LTD2-4172 LJD2-4172-0 FICHE-ASSEMBLY LISTINGS REF SUHM & DATA AREAS LT70-3070 LY30-3070-0 ACFINCP 3725 DIA6 REF LT70-307l LY30-3071-0 THE FOLlOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF ACFINCP FOR 3705 (573S-XX9): SLSS 10 <7799-DNN> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT30-9550 GC30-9550-0 LICENSED PROGRAMMING SPECS ACFINCP MICROFICHE LTD2-4l66 LJD2-4l66-0 LT70-306l LY30-306l-0 ACFINCP LOGIC LQ70-3062 LY30-3062-l ACFINCP REF SUMMARY THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.1 OF ACF/SSP (573S-XXAh SLSS 10 <7799-DSA> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE PRINC OF OPERATION 3725 6TOO-1513 GA33-0013-3 OPER GUIDE 3725 COMM CONT GTOO-1512 GA33-0014-3 INSTALL & RES DEF GUIDE (3705) ST30-3167 SC30-3167-0 UTILITIES ST30-3168 SC30-3168-1 ACFINCP & SSP HSG & CODES SQ30-3169 SC30-3169-4 INSTALL & RES DEF GUIDE (3725) ST30-3178 SC30-3178-0 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ST30-3181 SC30-3181-0 GT30-9565 GC30-9565-0 SPECIFICATIONS 5735-XXA ACF/SSP MICROFICHE LTD2-4171 LJD2-417l-0 LT70-3060 LY30-3060-3 ACFINCP DIAGNOSIS REF THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT SCP PROGRAM EP/vs FEATURE (5747-CH2l: ND SLSS ID REQUIRED PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE STD2-4167 SJD2-4l67-0 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS MICROFICHE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT EMULATION PROG FOR 3725 (5735-)0(8); SLSS 10 <7799-DSL> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE INTRODUCTION TO 3725 6TOO-1514 GA33-0010-l ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE FDR 3705/3725 GT30-3003 GC30-3003-2 GEN AND UTIL - EP 3725 SQ30-3172 SC30-3172-1 SPECIFICATIONS 5735-)0(8 GT30-9566 GC30-9566-0 MICROFICHE LTD2-4173 LJD2-4173-0 LQ70-3055 LY30-3055-l EP FOR 3725 LOGIC LQ70-3070 LY30-3070-l REF SUMH & DATA AREAS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF NCCF (S735-XX6): SLSS ID <7799-DFN> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6T27-0428 GC27-0428-2 SPECIFICATIONS GENERATION INFORMATION MANUAL GQ27-0429 GC27-0429-8 SQ27-0431 SC27-043l-4 MESSAGES TERMINAL USE SQ27-0432 SC27-0432-5 STOO-I074 SC27-0433-5 CUSTOMlZATION ST27-0660 GC27-0660-1 INSTALLATION MANUAL MICROFICHE LTBI-2054 LJBl-2054-0 LTOO-l082 LY38-3010-3 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF NPDA (5666-295): SLSS ID <7799-DN1> EQUALS PSEUDO • TITLE GT34-2111 GC34-211 1-0 GENERAL INFDRMATION ST34-2112 6C34-2112-1 USER'S GUIDE RECOMMENDED ACTION GUIDE ST34-2113 SC34-2113-1 ST34-2114 USER REFERENCE SC34-2114-0 ST34-2115 SC34-2115-0 MESSAGES AND CODES 6T34-2116 SPECIFICATIONS GC34-21~6-1 (CONT. ) 106 VSE SYSTEM PACKAGE VERSION 2.1.1-2.1.6 ( ST34-2117 ST34-2130 LTAO-0319 LT65-0012 SC34-2117-0 SC34-2130-0 LJAO-0319-0 LY25-0012-0 INSTALLATION DIAGNOSIS MICROFICHE PROGRAM LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DOS/vS COBOL COMP (5746-CB1): SLSS ID <7799-DCZ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT26-3996 GC26-3996-0 IBM VS COBOL FOR VSE CMS USER'S GUIDE FOR COBOL STOO-I449 SC26-6469-S 5TOO-1646 SC26-6476-S PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL SQ26-6479 SC28-6479-3 GC28-6487-3 SPECIFICATIONS GQ28-6487 REF AND RESERVE WORD SUMMARY GTOO-1040 GX26-3709-0 LQC7-5050 LYC7"':5050-8 MICROFICHE LQ68-6423 LY26-6423-2 LOGIC LT68-6424 LY26-6424-1 LOGIC & LIB THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF DOS/vS RPG II (5746-RGl): SLSS 10 <7799-TAR> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT33-6029 GC33-6029-1 SPECIFICATIONS LANGUAGE SQ33-6031 SC33-6031-3 STOO-0604 SC33-6032-2 INSTALLATION REFERENCE SQ33-6033 SC33-6033-1 MESSAGES AUTO REPORT SQ33-6034 SC33-6034-1 USER'S GUIDE ST33-6074 SC33-6074-0 GENERAL INFORMATION GT33-6120 GC33-6120-1 MICROFICHE LISTINGS LTD3-3600 LJD3-3600-2 LTOO-0605 LY33-9062-2 LOGIC ( THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 OF DOS/PLI OPTIMIZING COMPILER AND LIBRARIES (5736-PL3): SLSS ID <7799-DAQ> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE EXTENDED GRAPHIC SUPPLEMENT ST26-3971 SC26-3971-1 LANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUAL GQ26-3977 GC26-3977-1 SPECIFICATIONS COMPILER GQ26-3994 GC26-3994-4 SPECIFICATIONS TRANS LIB GQ26-3995 GC26-3995-4 SPECIFICATIONS RES LIB GC26-3996-4 GQ26-3996 STOO-1647 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SC33-0006-6 SQ33-0019 EXECUTION LOGIC SC33-0019-2 INSTALLATION MANUAL STOO-1646 SC33-0020-7 ST33-0021 MESSAGES COMPILER SC33-0021-4 MESSAGES TRANS LIB ST33-0035 SC33-0035-2 CMS USER'S GUIDE ST33-0051 SC33-0051-0 COMPILER FICHE . LTB6-0053 LJB6-0053-0 RESIDENT FICHE LTB6-0054 LJB6-0054-0 TRANSIENT FICHE LTB6-0055 LJB6-0055-0 COMPILER LOGIC LQ73-6010 LY33-6010-2 RESIDENT LOGIC LT73-6011 LY33-6011-2 TRANSIENT LOGIC LT73-6012 LY33-6012-1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 OF DOS/PLI RESIDENT LIBRARY (5736-LM4) : SLSS ID <7799-DDQ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GQ26-3996 GC26-3996-4 SPECIFICATIONS RES LIB PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE STOO-1647 SC33-0006-6 EXECUTION LOGIC SQ33-0019 SC33-0019-2 INSTALLATION LOGIC 5TOO-1648 5C33-0020-7 RESIDENT FICHE LTB6-0054 LJB6-0054-0 RESIDENT LOGIC LT73-6011 LY33-6011-2 ( THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 OF DOS/PLI TRANSIENT LIBRARY (5736-LMS) : SLSS 10 <7799-DEQ> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GQ26-3995 GC26-3995-4 SPECIFICATIONS (CONT. ) 107 VSE SYSTEM PACKAGE VERSION 2.1.1-2.1.6 STOO-1647 56133-0019 STOO-1648 ST33-0035 LTB6-005S LT73-6012 SC33-000S-6 SC33-0019-2 SC33-0020-7 SC33-0Ol5-! LJB6-005S-0 LY33-6012-1 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE EXECUTION L06IC INSTALLATION MANUAL MESSAGES TRANSIENT FICHE TRANSIENT LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 OF DOSIPLI OPT COMP (5736-PLI) I SLSS ID <7799-DCQ> PSEUDO II EQUALS TITLE ST26-3971 SC26-3971-1 EXTENDED GRAPHIC SUPPLEMENT LANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUAL GC26-3977-1 6Q26-3977 GQ26-3994 GC26-3994-4 SPECIFICATIONS STOO-1647 SC33-000S-6 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SQ33-0019 SC33-0019-2 EXECUTION LOGIC STOO-1648 SC33-00!0-7 INSTALLATION MANUAL ST33-0021 SC33-0021-4 MESSAGES ST33-0051 SC33-00S1-0 CHS USER'S GUIDE LTB6-00S3 LJB6-0053-0 COMPILER LISTINGS LQ73-6010 LY33-6010-2 COMPILER LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 5.0 OF SORTIt1ER6E (5746-8112): SLSS ID <7799-DTS> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6T33-4043 GC33-4043-S GENERAL INFORMATION STOO-I041 SC33-4044-3 PROGRAMMING GUIDE STOO-I042 SC33-404S-S INSTALLATION 6TOO-I043 6C33-4047-4 SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-I044 GX33-S002-1 REFERENCE SUMMARY LQC7-090S LYC7-0905-3 MICROFICHE LQ73-8044 LY33-S044-2 PROGRAM LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/occF (S746-XCSh SLSS ID <7799-DCG> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GENERAL INFORMATION GTOO-1527 GC33-6l13-3 56133-6114 SC33-6114-1 SPECIFICATIONS OCCF INSTALL GUIDE AND REFERENCE SQ33-6115 SC33-61l5-! LQC7-0471 LYC7-0471-1 MICROFICHE LISTINGS LTOO-1666 LY33-9097-2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSE/ACCESS CONTROL LOGGING AND REPORTING (S746-XE7): SLSS ID <7799-DAV> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT33-6169 GC33-6169-0 PROGRAM SUI'1I'1ARY GQ32-5241 GH12-5241-1 SPECIFICATIONS SQ32-5336 SHI2-5336-2 PROGRAM REFERENCE a OPERATIONS LTC7-0485 LYC7-0485-0 MICROFICHE LQ52-5032 LY12-5032-1 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.1 OF DI'ISICICSIVS AND APPLICATION GENERATION FEATURE (S746-XC4): SLSS ID <7799-DFE> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE SQ40-0001 SH20-0001-1 USER'S GUIDE SQ40-0002 SH20-0002-1 APPLICATION EXAMPLES PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE ST40-0003 SH20-0003-0 ST40-0004 SH20-0004-0 INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS SQ40-0005 SH20-000S-1 MESSAGES AND CODES GTOO-I0S3 GH20-219S-4 GENERAL INFORMATION STOO-I084 SH20-2209-5 PROGRAM REFERENCE ttANUAL GTOO-I085 GX20-1998-1 DATA TRANSFER FORM GTOO-I086 GX20-1999-1 FILE DESCRIPTION FORM GTOO-I087 GX20-2000-4 PANEL DESCRIPTION FORM GTOO-0643 GX20-2339-1 PANEL DESCRIPTION OVERLAY GTOO-1131 GX20-234l-1 CALC EDIT FORM 108 VSE SYSTEM PACKAGE VERSION 2.1.1-2.1.6 //---\ ".. THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.2 OF INFO SYSTEM (5735-OZS): SLSS ID <7799-DAZ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT34-2069 GC34-2069-0 GENERAL AND PRE-INSTALL GQ34-2070 GC34-2070-1 SPECIFICATONS SQ34-2071 SC34-2071-2 INSTALL AND CUSTOHIZE ST34-2072 SC34-2072-0 USER'S GUIDE SQ34-2074 SC34-2074-1 MESSAGES LTAO-0339 LJAO-0339-1 MICROFICHE TEMPLATE FOR 3270 GTOO-0929 GX20-2392-0 LT65-0013 LY25-0013-0 LOGIC AND DIAGNOSIS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF DATA DICTIONARY (5746-XXC): SLSS ID <7799-DDA> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT40-9193 GH20-9193-0 GENERAL INFORMATION GT40-9194 GH20-9194-0 SPECIFICATIONS ST40-9195 SH20-9195-0 USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE ST40-9196 SH20-9196-0 INSTALLATION GUIDE ST40-9197 SH20-9197-0 APPLICATION GUIDE ST40-9198 SH20-9198-0 ADMIN & CUSTOMIZATION GUIDE LQB6-0039 LJB6-0039-1 MICROFICHE LBQ6-0040 LJB6-0040-1 PROGRAM LISTINGS GTOO-I035 GX26-3732-0 SEGMENT DEF FORM GTOO-I036 GX26-3733-0 FIELD DEF FORM GTOO-I037 GX26-3734-0 FIELD DEF PLII GTOO-I038 GX26-3735-0 TEXT DATA FORM LT60-8081 LY20-8081-0 LOGIC ST60-8082 SY20-8082-0 DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE ( THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF SQLIDATA SYSTEM (5748-XXJ): SLSS ID <7799-DBQ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GTOO-1668 GH24-5012-4 GENERAL INFORMATION FOR VSE GTOO-1669 GH24-5013-3 CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES FOR VSE STOO-1670 SH24-5014-3 PLANNING AND ADMIN FOR VSE INSTALLATION FOR VSE STOO-1671 SH24-5015-3 STOO-1672 SH24-5016-3 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE FOR VSE STOO-1673 SH24-5017-3 TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE FOR VSE STOO-1676 SH24-5018-3 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING FOR VSE MESSAGES AND CODES FOR VSE STOO-1677 SH24-5019-3 STOO-1678 SH24-5020-3 OPERATION FOR VSE GTOO-1679 GH24-5026-3 LICENSED PROGRAMMING SPECS STOO-1707 SH24-5027-2 MASTER INDEX FOR VSE SQ44-5046 SH24-5046-1 DATA BASE SERVICES UTILITY FOR VSE STOO-1674 SX24-5121-2 TERMINAL USER'S REF SUMH FOR VSE STOO-1675 SX24-5125-2 TERMINAL USER'S PF KEY TEMPLATE ST64-5229 SY24-5229-0 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE FOR VSE ST64-5231 SY24-5231-0 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE FOR VSE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF CICS/SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY (5746-XXT): SLSS"ID <7799-DCV> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE ST39-6077 SHI9-6077-3 PROGRAM REFERENCE ST39-6085 SHI9-608S-2 MESSAGES AND CODES GT39-6087 GHI9-6087-2 GENERAL INFORMATION SPECIFICATIONS GT39-6090 GHI9-6090-2 ST39-6094 SHI9-6094-1 OPERATIONS GUIDE ST39-6102 SHI9-6102-0 PRIMER LTD3-6002 LJD3-6002-3 ASSEMBLER LISTING STOO-15IS SXI1-601S-2 REFERENCE SUMMARY LT59-6060 LYI9-6060-3 LOGIC MAMJAL ST59-6063 SYI9-6063-0 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ( THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF FILE TRANS PROS (5668-932>: SLSS ID <7799-DFA> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL GQ32-5141 GH12-5141-1 LICENSE PROGRAMMING SPECS GQ32-5261 GHI2-5261-1 (CONY. ) 109 VSE SYSTEM PACKAGE VERSION 2.1.1-2.1.6 SQ32-5349 5q32-5352 5q32-5354 ST32-5373 S132-5534 SQ52-5350 SH 12-5349-2 SH12-5352-1 SH12-5354-3 SHI2-5373-0 SHI2-5534-0 SY12-5350-1 PROS REF OPER & DIAG GUIDE PROMPTER USER GUIDE INSTALLATION GUIDE APPLICATION PROGRAMMER GUIDE MESSAGES DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF ISPF ( 5668-960 ) : SLSS ID <7799-DRA> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE ISPF & PDF GENERAL INFORMATION GTOO-1651 GC34-2078-3 ISPF & PDF INSTALL & CUSTOMlZATION SQ34-2080 SC34-2080-1 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-1649 GC34-2081-3 ISPF: DIALOG MGMT SERVICES EXAMPLES STOO-1653 SC34-2085-2 STOO-1652 SC34-2088-2 ISPF: DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES ISPF & DIAGNOSIS MANUAL ST34-2132 SC34-2132-1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF ISPF/PDF (5668-281): SLSS 10 <7799-DRF> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE SQ34-2079 SC34-2079-1 PDF REFERENCE MANUAL GTOO-1654 GC34-2082-3 PDF LICENSE PROGRAMMING SPECS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF OISCSS (5666-270): SLSS 10 <7799-DRM> EQUALS PSEUDO # TITLE G130-308S DlSOSS GENERAL INFORMATION Ge30-308S-3 SC30-3091-4 S130-3091 DlSOSS ADMINISTRATION GUIDE SC30-3092-4 ST30-3092 DlSOSS INSTALL AND ADMIN REFERENCE DISOSS PLANNING GUIDE SC30-3093-3 ST30-3093 DISOSS MESSAGES SC30-3094-4 S130-3094 SC30-3095-3 ST30-3095 SCANHASTER I USER'S GUIDE SC30-3096-2 DlSOSS APPLICATION PROGRAMMING ST30-3096 SQ30-3097 DlSOSS DIAGNOSIS SC30-3097-4 DlSOSS INSTALLATION GUIDE (YSE) SC30-3232-1 ST30-3232 SC30-3276-1 ST30-3276 ARCHITECTURE REF FOR DOC INT UNIT DISOSS BIB. AND MASTER INDEX SC30-3277-0 ST30-3277 GC30-9581-1 GT30-9581 DlSOSS LICENSED PROGRAM SPEC SCANMASTER I KEYPAD TEMPLATE SX27-3S43-1 STOO-1660 STOO-1661 SX27-3544-1 SCANHASTER I DISOSS DIRECTIONS GX27-3550-0 GTOO-1658 TAB CARDS FOR OISOSS PLANNING GUIDE GTOO-1655 TAB CARDS FOR INST & ADMIN REF GX27-3551-1 STOO-1657 GX27-3562-0 TAB CARDS FOR DISOSS DIAGNOSIS STOO-1656 TAB CARDS FOR DlSOSS MESSAGES SX27-3564-0 SX27-3597-0 STOO-16S9 TAB CARDS FOR ARCHITECTURE REF THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF GDDM (5748-XXH): SLSS 10 <7799-DGM>· PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GDDM BASE PROGRAM REFERENCE STOO-1663 SC33-0101-4 STOO-1664 SC33-0102-3 GDDM PGF PROGRAMMING REFERENCE GTOO-1662 GC33-0108-4 GODM LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS STOO-1665 SC33-0111-3 GDDM PFG INTERACT CHART UTIL GUIDE SQ33-014S SC33-0l45-2 GDDM PGF VECTOR SYMBOL EDITOR GUIDE SQ33-0l48 SC33-0l48-2 GODM APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE SQ33-0l50 SC33-0l50-1 GODM MESSAGES SQ33-0152 SC33-0152-1 GDDM INSTALL & SYSTEM MANAGEMENT ST33-0l53 SC33-0153-0 GODM BASE IMAGE SYMBOL EDITOR GUIDE ST33-0154 SC33-0154-0 GDDM IHD USER'S GUIDE ST33-0184 SC33-0184-0 GDDM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF DECISION SUPPORTIVSE (5666-311): SLSS 10 <7799-DJI> PSEUDO EQUALS TITLE STOO-1663 SC33-0l0l-4 GODM BASE PROGRAM REFERENCE STOO-1664 SC33-0102-3 GO OM PGF PROGRAMMING REFERENCE GTOO-1662 GC53-0108-4 GDDM LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GDDM PGF INTERACT CHART UTIL GUIDE 5TOO-1665 SC33-0lll-3 SQ33-0l45 SC33-0l45-2 GDDM PGF VECTOR SYMBOL EDITOR GUIDE (CONT. ) llO VSE SYSTEM PACKAGE VERSION 2.1.1-2.1.6 - / ( SQ33-0148 SQ33-0150 5Q33-0152 ST33-0153 5T33-0184 GT33-6185 GT33-6186 5T33-6187 ST33-6188 GTOO-1668 GTOO-1669 STOO-1670 STOO-1671 STOO-1672 STOO-1673 5TOO-1676 STOO-I677 STOO-1678 GTOO-1679 STOO-1707 GT44-5032 ST44-5034 ST44-5035 SQ44-5046 STOO-1674 5TOO-1675 ST64-5223 5T64-5224 ST64-5229 ST64-5231 SC33-0148-2 SC33-0150-1 SC33-0152-1 5C33-0153-0 SC33-0184-0 GC33-6185-0 6C33-6186-0 SC33-6187-0 SC33-6188-0 GH24-5012-4 GH24-5013-3 SH24-5014-3 5H24-5015-3 5H24-5016-3 5H24-5017-3 5H24-5018-3 5H24-5019-3 5H24-5020-3 6H24-5026-3 5H24-5027-2 GH24-5032-0 5H24-5034-0 SH24-5035-0 5H24-5046-1 5X24-5121-2 5X24-5125-2 SY24-5223-0 SY24-5224-0 SY24-5229-0 SY24-5231-0 GOD" APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE GDD" MESSAGES GOD" INSTALL & SYSTEM HANAGEMENT GOD" BASE IMAGE SYMBOL EDITOR GUIDE GOD" DIAGNOSIS GUIDE LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL INFORHATION HANUAL PLAN ADMIN & INSTALLATION HANUAL TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE AND MESSAGES SQL GENERAL INFORMATION FOR VSE SQL CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES FOR YSE SQL PLANNING AND ADMIN FOR YSE SQL INSTALLATION FOR YSE SQL TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE FOR VSE SQL TERMINAL USER'S REF FOR VSE SQL APPLICATION PROGRAMMING FOR YSE SQL MESSAGES AND CODES FOR VSE SQL OPERATION FOR VSE SQL LiCENSED PROGRAMMING SPECS SQL HASTER INDEX FOR VSE QMF LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATION QMF PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION QMF INSTALLATION SQL DATA BASE SERVICES UTILITY SQL TERMINAL USER'S REF SUMH SQL TERMINAL USER'S PF KEY TEMPLATE QMF DIAGNOSIS GUIDE QMF DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE SQL DIAGNOSIS GUIDE FOR VSE SQL DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE FOR VSE THE FOLLOWING PUBLILCATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF VTAM X.25 COMMUNICATION ADAPTER SUPPORT (5666-280): SLSS ID <7799-DK1> ( **THE X.25 CAS FEATURE IS NOT AVAILABLE IN THE USA. ANNOUNCED ONLY IN A/FE AND UME/A. **THE X.25 PUBLICATIONS MUST BE ORDERED BY SLSS-ID. PSEUDO I GQ27-0609 ST33-6171 ST33-6172 EQUALS GC27-0609-1 SC33-6171-0 SC33-6172-0 IT IS TITLE ACF/VTAM LICENSED PROGRAM SPEC VTAM X.25 COMM ADAPTER SUPT VTAH X.25 COMM ADPT SUPT PROG SUH THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF CSP/AD (5668-824): SLSS 10 <7799-DQM> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT40-6750 GH20-6750-0 GENERAL INFORHATION ST40-6751 SH20-6751-0 USER'S GUIDE 5T40-6752 5H20-6752-0 OPERATION - DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION ST40-6753 SH20-6753-0 GT40-6755 GH20-6755-0 MESSAGES AND COOES PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE GT40-6756 GH20-6756-0 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GT40-6757 GH20-6757-1 HASTER INDEX GT40-6763 GH20-6763-0 GTOO-1688 GX20-0960-0 REFERENCE SUMHMARY CARD THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF CSP/AE (5668-825): SLSS 10 <7799-DQS> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT40-6750 GH20-6750-0 GENERAL INFORHATION ST40-6754 SH20-6754-0 OPERATION - EXECUTION ST40-6755 SH20-6755-0 MESSAGE AND CODES ST40-6756 SH20-6756-0 PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE GT40-6756 GH20-6758-1 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GT40-6763 GH20-6763-0 HASTER INDEX 111 VSE SYSTEM PACKAGE VERSION 2.1.1-2.1.6 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF CSP/q (5668-918): SLSS ID <7799-DQY> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6Q44-5047 GH24-5047-2 CSP/q LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS CSP/Q GENERAL INFORMATION 6Q44-5048 GH24-5048-2 CSP/Q USER'S GUIDE/REFERENCE SQ44-S0S1 SH24-5051-2 CSP/Q MESSAGES SQ44-S0S2 SH24-5052-2 SQ44-S053 SH24-S053-2 CSP/q PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE CSP/Q SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION SQ44-6000 SH24-6000-1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF PERSONAL SERVICES/370 (5666-318): SLSS ID <7799-D6W> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT30-3292 GC30-3292-0 INTRODUCTING PERSONAL SERVICES/370 ST30-3293 SC30-3293-0 PLANNING F()R PERSONALSERVICES/370 ST30-3295 SC30-3295-0 INSTALLING PERSONAL SERVICES/370 ST30-3296 SC30-3296-0 GETTING STARTED WITH PS/370 ST30-3297 SC30-3297-0 PERSONAL SERVICES/370: MINI LESSONS 5T30-3298 SC30-3298-0 HOW TO USE PERSONAL 5ERVICEs/370 ST30-3299 SC30-3299-0 CO()RDINATIN6 PERSONAL SERVICES/370 ST30-3300 SC30-3300-0 DIAGNOSING PROBLEMS WITH PS/370 ST30-332S SC30-3325-0 PERSONAL 5ERVICES/370: MESSAGES ST30-3334 5C30-3334-0 CAPACITY PLANNING GUIDE FOR PS/370 6T30-9587 GC30-9587-0 LICEN5ED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS STOO-1689 SX27-3603-0 QUICK REFERENCE TO PS/370 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF DSNX (5666-284): SLSS ID <7799-DKM> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6Q33-6154 6C33-6154-1 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS PLANNING, INSTALLATION OPERATION SQ33-6210 SC33-6210-1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF DSX (5668-915): 5LSS ID <7799-DKP> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6T39-6394 GHI9-6394-3 GENERAL INF()RMATION 5T39-6396 SHI9-6396-4 INSTALLATION SHI9-6397-4 ADMINISTRATION ST39-6397 5T39-6398 SHI9-6398-4 OPERATION ST39-6399 5HI9-6399-4 PREP AND TRACKING TRANSMISSION PLANS ST39-6400 SHI9-6400-3 REFERENCE SUMMARY ST39-6401 5HI9-6401-4 MES5AGES AND CODES 6T39-6402 SHI9-6402-3 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 5T39-6528 5HI9-6528-1 MASTER INDEX 5T39-6557 5HI9-6557-0 PLANNING NOTE: THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THE OPTIONAL PRODUCT LIST OF 2.1.6. THE SLSS PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT IS STILL AVAILABLE BY ENTERING EACH SLSS ID. THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPP()RT I.S OF CSP/AD (5668-944): SLSS ID <7799-DQA> **AVAILABLE BY 5LSS ID ONLY** PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT40-0940 6H20-0940-1 GENERAL INF()RMATION ST40-0941 SH20-0941-0 HOW-TO-USE ST40-0942 SH20-0942-0 APPLICATION DEVELOPMNET GUIDE SQ40-0943 5H20-0943-1 OPERATION - DEVELOPMENT SQ40-0944 5H20-0944-1 OPERATION - SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS 5Q40-0946 5H20-0946-1 MESSAGES AND CODES SQ40-0947 SH20-0947-1 PROBLEM DETERMINATION 6Q40-0951 GH20-0951-1 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-1682 6X20-0950-1 REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.5 OF CSP/AE (S668-945): SLSS ID <7799-DQF> **AVAILABLE BY SLSS ID ONLY** PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 6T40-0940 6H20-0940-1 GENERAL INFORMATION SQ40-0945 SH20-0945-1 OPERATION - EXECUTION SQ40-0946 SH20-0946-1 MESSA6ES AND CODES (CONT.) 112 VSE SYSTEM PACKAGE VERSION 2.1.1-2.1.6 ( ( ( SQltO-0947 GQ40-0952 SH20-0947-1 GH20-0952-1 PROBLEM DETERMINATION LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF INFORMATION DEVELOPHENTIVSE ENTRY (5666-323): SLSS 10 <7799-DJA> **AVAILABLE BY SLSS ID ONLY** EqUALS PSEUDO I TITLE STOO-1663 SC33-0101-4 GDDM BASE PROGRAM REFERENCE STOO-1664 GDDM PGF PROGRAMMING REFERENCE SC33-0102-3 GDDM LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-1662 GC33-0108-4 STOO-1665 SC33-0111-3 GDDM PGF INTERACT CHART UTILITY GUIDE SQ33-0145 SC33-0145-2 GODM PGF VECTOR SYMBOL EDITOR GUIDE SQ33-0148 SC33-0148-2 GODM APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE SQ33-0150 GDoM MESSAGES SC33-01S0-1 SQ33-0152 GooM INSTALL & SYSTEM MGMT SC33-0152-1 GDDM BASE IMAGE SYMBOL EDITOR GUIDE ST33-0153 SC33-0153-0 ST33-0184 GODM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE SC33-0184-0 G133-6214 GC33-6214-0 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS G133-6215 GC33-6215-0 INFO DEVIVSE: PROGRAM SUMMARY GT33-6216 GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL GC33-6216-0 S133-6217 SC33-6217-0 PLAN ADMIN & INSTALLATION MANUAL ST33-6218 SC33-6218-0 TERMINAL USERS GUIDE MESSAGES CSP/AD HOW-TO-USE S14O-0941 SH20-0941-0 ST40-0942 CSP/AD APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT GUIDE SH20-0942-0 SQ40-0943 CSP/AD OPERATON - DEVELOPMENT SH20-0943-1 SQltO-0944 SH20-0944-1 CSP/AD OPERATION - SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS CSP/AE OPERATION - EXECUTION SGI40-0945 SH20-0945-1 esP/AD & AE MESSAGES AND CODES SGI40-0946 SH20-0946-1 SQ40-0947 CSP/AD & AE PROBLEM DETERMINATION SH20-0947-1 CSP/Q LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GQ44-5047 GH24-5047-2 CSP/Q GENERAL INFORMATION GQ44-5048 GH24-5048-2 SQ44-5051 CSP/Q USER'S GUIDE/REFERENCE SH24-5051-2 esP/Q MESSAGES SQ44-5052 SH24-5052-2 CSP/Q PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE SGI44-5053 SH24-5053-2 CSP/Q SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION SQ44-6000 SH24-6000-1 GTOO-1682 GX20-0950-1 CSP/AD & AE REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT GROWTH i 5666-323): SLSS 10 <7799-DJF> **AVAILABLE BY SLSS ID ONLY** EQUALS PSEUDO I TITLE STOO-1663 GDDM BASE PROGRAM REFERENCE SC33-0101-4 STOO-1664 SC33-0102-3 GDDM PGF PROGRAMMING REFERENCE GTOO-1662 GC33-0l08-4 GDDM LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS STOO-1665 GODM PGF INTERACT CHART UTILITY GUIDE SC33-0111-3 SQ33-0145 GODM PGF VECTOR SYMBOL EDITOR GUIDE SC33-0145-2 SQ33-0148 SC33-0148-2 GDDM APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE SQ33-0150 GDDM MESSAGES SC33-0150-1 SQ33-0152 SC33-0152-1 GDDM INSTALL & SYSTEM MANAGEMENT ST33-0153 SC33-0153-0 GODM BASE IMAGE SYMBOL EDITOR GUIDE S133-0184 SC33-0184-0 GDDM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 6T33-6214 GC33-6214-0 GT33-6215 6C33-6215-0 INFO DEVIVSE: PROGRAM SUMMARY GT33-6216 GC33-6216-0 6ENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL ST33-6217 SC33-6217-0 PLAN ADMIN & INSTALLATION MANUAL 5T33-6218 SC33-6218-0 TERMINAL USERS GUIDE MESSAGES ST40-6751 CSP/AD & AE USER'S GUIDE SH20-6751-0 ST40-6752 SH20-6752-0 esP/AD & AE OPERATION - DEVELOPMENT ST40-6753 CSP/AD & AESYSTEM ADMINISTRATION SH20-6753-0 ST40-6754 SH20-6754-0 CSP/AE OPERATION - EXECUTION GT40-6755 CSP/AD & AE MESSAGES AND CODES GH20-6755-0 GT40-6756 CSP/AD & AE PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE GH20-6756-0 GT40-6763 CSP/AD & AE MASTER INDEX GH20-6763-0 CSP/Q LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GQ44-5047 GH24-5047-2 CSP/lil GENERAL INFORMATION 6Q44-S048 6H24-S048-2 CSP/Q USER'S GUIDE/REFERENCE SQ44-5051 SH24-5051-2 SQ44-5052 CSP/Q MESSAGES SH24-5052-2 CSP/Q PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE SQ44-S0S3 SH24-5053-2 CSP/Q SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION SQ44-6000 SH24-6000-1 GTOO-1688 CSP/AD & AE REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD GX20-0960-0 113 VSE SYSTEM PACKAGE VERSION 2.1.1-2.1.6 e VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY (VMl370) (20-40) 111 General Information: Eyaluati on • llim:& GC26-4026 G320-9512 6Q26-4026 GT26-4026 SC26-4027 SC26-4028 SQ26-4028 ST26-4028 GH19-6335 6H19-6103 GH19-6105 GH09-8014 GC19-6213 **GC19-6214 **6C23-0122 **GC23-0126 GC23-0166 **GC28-1328 6C19-6221 **6TOO-1737 6TOO-1549 6Q19-6221 GC19-6222 GC20-1844 6TOO-1495 SC23-0137 GC23-0187 6T23-0187 SC23-0189 S123-0189 **GC23-0192 GH24-5119 **6C24-5235 6T24-5235 GC24-5326 GC33-6208 GC20-1800 SD23-9000 SD23-9015 GC20-1813 GC20-1830 GGl20-1830 GBll-5826 **SC34-4061 **GC34-4104 **GC34-4105 SC26-4120 GH30-0760 6544-3323 GH24-5055 GH24-5056 GC20-1838 GTOO-1361 GQ20-1838 G120-1838 GC19-6200 GTOO-1349 6Gl19-6200 GTl9-6200 GC24-5294 GC19-6207 6TOO-1356 BASIC LANGUAGE REFERENCE AUTOMATED SOFTWARE TEST FACILITY RELEASE NOTICE BASIC. 5668-996. APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: lANGUA6E REFERENCE (GC26-4026-l) BASIC APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: LANGUAGE BRIEF (GC26-4026-0) BASIC PROGRAMMING GUIDE BASICIVM SYSTEM SERVICES BASIC/YM. 5668-996. APPLICATION PROGRAMMING SYSTEM SERVICES (SC26-4028-1) BASICIVM. 5668-996. APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: SYSTEM SERVICES (SC26-4028-0) APPLICATION SYSTEM RELEASE 4 SPECIFICATIONS DATA INTERFILE TRANSFER TESTING AND OPERATIONS UTILITY FOR VSE AND YM. 5668-917, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA INTERFILE TRANSFER TESTING AND OPERATIONS UTILITY FOR VSE AND VH SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ES/3 READ ME FIRST VMlXA SYSTEMS FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION VM/XA SYSTEMS FACILTIY INTRODUCTION YMlXA SYSTEMS FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS VM/XA MIGRATION AID REMOTE 3270 DISPLAY OPTION SPECIFICATIONS VMlXA SF LIBRARY USER'S GUIDE AND MASTER INDEX VM/XA MIGRATION AID REMOTE 3270 DISPLAY OPTION GENERAL INFORMATION ANNOUNCING YMlSP HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION RELEASE 5 (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlSP HPO GENERAL INFORMATION (GCI9-6221-05) YMlSP HPO, 5664-167. -173. VERSION 1 RELEASE 3 MODIFICATION 4 GENERAL INFORMATI()N (GC19-6221-4 ) YMlSP HPO. 5664-173. GENERAL INFORMATION (GC19-6221-0) YMlSP HPO INTRODUCTION (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlSP HPO SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT (YMlSP) HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION (HPO) SPECIFICATIONS (GC20-1844-4) YMlSP HPO 3290 INFORMATION PANEL USER'S GUIDE YMlSP HPO RELEASE 3.6 LIBRARY GUIDE GLOSSARY AND MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlSYSTEM PRODUCT. 5664-173. RELEASE 3.6. HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. LIBRARY GUIDE, GLOSSARY. AND MASTER INDEX (GC23-0187-0) YM/SP HPO RELEASE 4.2 MIGRATION INFORNATION/PLANNIt~ GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION RELEASE 4.2. 5664-173. MIGRATION INFORMATION/PLANNING GUIDE (SC23-0189-0) VMlSP HPO USER'S GUIDE TO PREFERRED MACHINE ASSIST WITH CONTROL SWITCH ASSIST RELEASES 3. O. 3.2 AND 3.4 YMlINTEGRATED SYSTEM GENERAL INFORMATION YMlIPF RELEASE 5 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILTY. 5748-t1S1, RELEASE 5.0 SPECIFICATIONS (GC24-5235-0) VMlIPF VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) IX/370 GENERAL INFORMATION VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: INTRODUCTION SUPPLEMENT FOR YM/SE (SEPP). 5748-XE1, TO INTRODUCTION, GC20-1800-9 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP) 5748-XX8. TO INTRODUCTION. GC20-1800-9 IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: GLOSSARY AND MASTER INDEX YMl370 SCP 5749-010. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VMl370 SYS CONTROL (GC20-1830-1) VM/MSS COMMUNICATOR NOTICE NETWORK DESIGN AND ANALYSIS. 5664-202. FOR THE YM ENVIRONMENT USER' 5 GUIDE NETWORK DESIGN AND ANALYSIS FOR THE VM ENVIRONMENT. 5664-202. SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK DESIGN AND ANALYSIS. 5664-202. GENERAL INFORMATION AND PLANNIN6 GUIDE FOR THE YM ENVIRONMENT . YM/PERSONAL COMPUTER S/370 LANGUAGE SUPPLEMENT PERSONAL COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT 6936733 ATTACHMENT/370 ATTACHMENTIMVS. ATTACHMENTIVM GENERAL INFORMATION PPFA VM. PPFA MVS PPFA VSE SPECIFICATIONS YM RSCS NETWORKING VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RElEASE) VM RSCS NETWORKING VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SP GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP. 5664-167. GENERAL INFORMATION (GC20-1838-4) YMlSP. 5664-167. GENERAL INFORMATION RELEASE 2.1 (GC20-1838-2) VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/SYSTEM PRODUCT. LIC PROS 5664-167. RELEASE 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ( GC20-1838-l) VM/SP TECHNICAL INTRODUCTION (CURRENT RElEASE) VMlSP. 5664-167. INTERACTIVE (SC19-6200-2) VMlSP (GC19-6200-01) VIRTUAL MACHINE/~YSTEM PRODUCT. LIC PROG 5664-167 RELEASE 1, INTRODUCTION, (GCI9-6200-0) YMlSP A GROWING FAMILY OF SOLUTIONS VM/SP LIBRARY GUIDE AND MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RElEASE) VM/SP, 5664-167, LIBRARY GUIDE AND MASTER INDEX (GC19-6207-2) 114 r~ .. j /-" / C/_.·? (~ SQ19-6207 GT19-6207 GC20-1842 GTOO-1362 GQ20-1842 GT20-1842 SX20-4401 STOO-0914 STOO-0883 SX20-4402 STOO-0884 SX24-5173 GC34-2164 GQ34-2164 **G134-2164 GG66-0220 SX23-0328 GC23-0129 VH/SP. 5664-167. RELEASE 2.1. LIBRARY GUIDE AND MASTER INDEX (GCI9-6207-1) VHlSP 5664-167. LIBRARY GUIDE AND MASTER ItmEX RELEASE 2.1 (GC19-6207-1) VHlSP SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) SPECIFICATIONS VHlSP (GC20-1842-4) VH/SP. 5664-167. SPECIFICATIONS RELEASE 2.1 (GC20-1842-3) SPECIFICATIONS VHlSP RELI.I. (GC20-1842-0) VHlSP COMMAIID REFERENCE Sut~RY GENERAL USERS (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SP. 5664-167. REFERENCE SUMMARY GENERAL USER RELEASE 2.1 (SX20-4401-11 REFERENCE SUMMARY GENERAL USER VH/SP RI (SX20-4401-0) VM/SP CO~mAND REFERENCE SUMMARY OTHER THAN GENERAL USERS (CURRENT RELEASE) REFERENCE SUMMARY OTHER THAN GENERAL USER vtvsp RI (SX20-4402-0) VM surmARY OF END USE TASKS AND COtlMANDS (CURRENT RELEASE) VMAP GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE PERFORMANCE MONITOR ANALYSIS PROGRAM. 5664-191. GENERAL INFORMATION (GC34-2164-2) VIRTUAL MACHINE MONITOR ANALYSIS PROGRAM. 5664-191. GENERAL INFORMATION (GC34-2164-0) VMIXA SF FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW PRESENTATION GUIDE BINDER FOR VIRTUAL MACHINE/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE. 5664-169. SYSTEMS FACILITY 3270 PC FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM FOR A VH SYSTEM II Assembler GC33-4010 GC33-4021 GQ33-4021 SY33-8041 **SY26-3931 OSIVS. DOSIVSE AND VM/370 ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS. VHl370 ASSEMBLER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/VSl & VHl370 ASSEtlBLER PROGRAMtlER' S GUIDE. VS2 REL 2 (GC33-4021-2) OSIVS. VHl370 ASSEMBLER LOGIC APL2 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) 30 Access Methods. Data Management. Storage/Communi cati ons (I/O) Control Programs S1i19-6329 GH19-6339 **GH19-6451 ( SH45-5009 SH45-5010 SH45-5012 SC34-2144 GC34-2149 GC34-2150 SC34-2151 SB21-3085 GC33-0125 GC33-0128 SC33-0141 SC33-0142 SC33-0143 ST33-0143 LC33-0144 LYA4-3030 SC24-5250 GB30-2317 SB30-2318 SC24-5280 SC33-6209 SC33-6213 SC33-6222 GC33-6224 SC33-6225 SC33-6226 SC33-6227 GC33-6229 SC33-6230 6C33-6231 6C33-6232 SC33-6235 ( SC33-6236 SC33-6237 6C33-6238 SC33-6239 SC33-6240 SC33-6241 INSTALLING AS IN AN MVS ENVIRONMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM RELEASE 4 SPECIFICATIONS APPLICATION SYSTEM NEWSLETTER NUMBER 70 APPLICATION SYSTEM. 5767-001. NEW FUNCTION AND ENHANCEMENTS CREATING DOCUMENTS WITH APPLICATION SYSTEM BUSINESS PLANNING WITH APPLICATION SYSTEM ANALYZING DATA WITH APPLICATION SYSTEM COOPERATIVE VIEWING FACILITY USER'S GUIDE COOPERATIVE VIEWING FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION COOPERATIVE VIEWING FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS COOPERATIVE VIEWING FACILITY INSTALLATION MESSAGES AND DIAGNOSIS VHlFILE STORAGE FACILITY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION AND CUSTOMIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 5668-978. MESSAGES AND CODES (SC33-0143-0) GRAPHIC ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT DESIGN GUIDE GRAPHI.CS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT. LIC PROG 5668-978 RELEASE 1 VERSION 1. LISTINGS VHlSP GROUP CONTROL SYSTEM MACRO REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) HOST LOADED YALE ASCII COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM HOST LOADED YALE ASCII COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM PROGRAM OFFERING DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT SUPPORT OF INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE/370 HANDSHAKE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR S/370 PLANNING GUIDE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE/370 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEHl370. 5667-126. INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE/370 C LANGUAGE REFERENCE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE/370 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR S/370 SERVICE GUIDE IXl370 INTRODUCTION TO THE EDITORS INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEHl370 USING ED. EX. AND SED INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEM/370 USING THE INED EDITOR INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEHl370 USING VI INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEHl370 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEHl370 ADMINSTRATION GUIDE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR S/370. 5667-126. LIBRARY GUIDE IX/370 GLOS INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE/370 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEHl370. 5667-126. USING C LANGUAGE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR S/370 PROGRAMMING GUIDE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE/370 USER'S AIDS AND TOOLS INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR S/370 INTRODUCTION TO TEXT PROCESSING INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEHl370 USING NROFF AND TROFF IXl370 FORMATTING DOCUMENTS INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEHl370 CREATING GRAPHICS 115 SC33-6244 SC33-6246 SC33-6269 SC33-6270 SC33-6271 SC33-6274 SC33-6279 6X33-9012 GC24-5206 GC24-5207 GQ24-5207 G124-5207 SC24-5208 SQ24-5208 ST24-5208 LY24-5208 SX24-5171 SC34-2296 GC34-2297 GC34-2298 LQ64-5208 SX22-0008 6C20-1816 GH24-5003 6Q44-5003 GH24-5004 SH24-5005 SQ44-5005 SX24-5119 S100-0946 STOO-0631 SX24-5135 SXZ4-5136 LY24-5203 LQ64-5203 6B13-7501 6B13-7581 6B21-3050 SB21-3051 SH20-0080 6320-0323 SC24-5317 SC24-5245 SH20-2608 6320-6637 SC23-0776 SC24-5258 SC24-5246 **SC24-5281 SC24-5270 6B13-7686 SH20-6537 6320-9225 SC24-5261 IXl370 ASCII CONTROL FEATURE P\.AtI'fING AND INSTALLATION IXl370 ASCII CONTROL FEATURE DIAGNOSIS GUIDE IXl370 COMMAND REFERENCE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMANDS SERVICE COMMANDS TASK INDEX IXl370 SYSTEM CALLS AND SUBROUTINES INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEHl370 TECHNICAL REFERENCE FILE FORMATS MISCELLANEOUS FACILITIES SPECIAL FILES AND CONFIGuRATION FILES IXl370 MESSAGES AND CODES VOLUMES 1 2 AND 3 IXl370 NETWORKING AND COf1t1UNICATION SYSTEM AND USER INTRODUCTION PLANNING ADMINISTRATION USER INFORMATION INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEHl370, 5667-126 VI1I370 PASS-THROUGH FACILITY (CURRENT RELEASE) VI1I370 VI1IPASS-THROUGH FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VI1ISP VI1IPASS-THROUGH FACILITY, 5748-RCl RELEASE 2, SPECIFICATIONS (6C24-5207-1) VI1I370 VI1IPASS THROUGH FACILITY, LIC PROG 5748-RCl RELEASE 1, SPECIFICATIONS (6C24-5207-0) VI1ISP VI1IPASS-THROUGH FACILITY GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VHlSP VHlPASS-THROUGH FACILITY, 5748-RCI RELEASE 2, GUIDE & REFERENCE (SC24-5208-1) VI1I370 VHlPASS THROUGH FACILITY, LIC PROG 5748-RCI RELEASE 1, GUIDE & REFERENCE (SC24-5208-0) VHlSP VI1IPASS-THROUGH FACILITY LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) VH/SP PROBLEM REPORTING SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) RESOURCE ACCESS CONTROL FACILITYIVH SUPPORT PRPQ REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) INTRODUCTION TO THE RESOURCE ACCESS CONTROL FACILITYIVH SUPPORT PRpq RELEASE 1 RESOURCE ACCESS CONTROL FACILITYIVH SUPPORT PRPQ P88028 SPECIFICATIONS VHlSP SHIPASS-THROUGH FACILITY, 5748-RCI RELEASE 2, LOGIC (LY24-5208-1) RACFIVI1 SUPPORT, 5767-002, PRPQ GENERAL USER COMMAND REFERENCE CARD Rpq P88028 VH/370 REMOTE SPOOLING COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM (RSCS) USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VI1ISP RSCS NETWORKING SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VI1I370 REMOTE SPOOLING COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM NETWORKING (RSCS), LIC PROS 5748-XPl RELEASE 2, SPECIFICATIONS (GH24-5003-1) VI1ISP RSCS NETWORKING GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VI1ISP RSCS NETWORKING PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VHl370 REMOTE SPOOLING COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM NETWORKING (RSCS) RELEASE 2, REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS (SH24-5005-1) REFERENCE SUMMARY VHlSP RSCS (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: REMOTE SPOOLING COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM NETWORKING, LIC PROG 5748-XPl RELEASE 2, REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX24-5119-1) VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 (VI1I370) REMOTE SPOOLING COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM NETWORKING RELEASE 1, LIC PROS 5748~XPl, REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX24-5119-0) VH RSCS NETWORKING VERSION 2 REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VI1ISP RSCS NETWORKING BINDER LABELS (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT: REMOTE SPOOLIN6 COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM NETWORKING, LIC PROG 5748-XPl LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) VI1I370 REMOTE SPOOLING COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM NETWORKING (RSCS), LIC PROG 5748-XPl RELEASE 2, LOGIC (LY24-5203-1) RSCS SNA SUPPORT FOR VI1ISP NOTICE 'PROGRAM OFFERING VSE/RSCS SNA SUPPORT FOR YH/SP PROGRAM OFFERIN6 RSCS SNA SUPPORT FOR VI1ISP NOTICE RSCS SNA SUPPORT FOR VH/SP DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS VSE RSCS/SNA FOR VH VSE/SNA REMOTE SPOOLING COMMUNICATION SUBSYSTEM, 5796-PXF, RELEASE VHlSP, 5664-167, SECURITY ENHANCEMENT VI1ISP SUPPORT OF 3088 MULTISYSTEM COMMUNICATION UNIT VI1ISP RELEASE 2 3101 PASS THROUGH VM/370 SUPPORT DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3101 PASS THROUGH YH/370 SUPPORT, IUP 5796-PPF, AVAILABILITY NOTICE NETWORK 3270-PLUS PIM USER GUIDE USER'S GUIDE VMlSP 3290 INFORMATION PANEL VMlSP CMS/vSAM SUPPORT OF 3380 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE VMlSP 3380 DASD MODEL AE4IBE4 USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SP 3800 PRINTER MODELS 3 AND 8 COMPATIBILITY SUPPORT USER'S GUIDE VHlSP HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM FOR 3880 MODELS 13 AND 23, 5798-DRJ, NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING VI1ISP HPO CMS SUPPORT FOR 3880 MODEL 13 AND 3880 MODEL 23 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VHlSP HPO CMS SUPPORT FOR 3880 MODEL 13 AND 3880 MODEL 23, 5798-DRJ, RELEASE NOTICE VI1ISP SUPPORT OF 4361 MODEL GROUPS 4 AND 5 PROCESSORS AND 4381 MODEL GROUPS 1 AND 2 PROCESSORS VMlSP RELEASES 2 AND 3, 5664-167, HPO RELEASES 3.0 AND 3.2, 5664-173 12 UtHit;e, SC34-2218 SH19-6104 SXll-6106 GBll-5794 SBl1-5795 INFORMATION NETWORK USER'S GUIDE FOR ASCII FULL SCREEN DEVICES ON THE INFORMATION NETWORK DATA INTERFILE TRANSFER TESTING AND OPERATIONS UTILITY FOR VSE AND VH PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA INTERFILE TRANSFER TESTING AND OPERATIONS FOR VSE AND VH, REFERENCE SUMMARY 5668-917 VH/SNA PRINT NOTICE VH/SP FILE PRINTING IN AN SNA NETWORK DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 116 J ,/ J!t Plaminq. Installation. §eneration. Administration. Perfor..ance. CustOlllization. Resource Definition. SH19-6328 SH20-1851 LY20-2249 G320-5691 GC20-1828 GC20-1833 LYCO-9005 SC24-5267 GC20-1835 **GC20-1836 GC20-1837 **SC20-1839 ST20-1839 **SC20-1840 ST20-1840 LY20-0889 LT60-0889 SC23-0339 **SX23-0365 SH20-9605 **GC19-6217 **SC23-0167 **GC28-1329 GB13-7566 GB21-3084 SH12-5399 **SC24-5249 LY20-2073 SC19-6223 **STOO-1615 STOO-1438 **GCI9-6228 GTl9-6228 SC23-0186 SC38-0107 **STOO-1616 **STOO-1556 ST38-0107 SC24-5320 GC20-1873 GC20-1874 GTOO-1140 GQ20-1874 GC20-1876 GC20-1890 GQ20-1890 GT20-1890 SC33-6219 **GC28-1327 GC20-1821 SD23-9011 SD23-9026 GB21-2100 SB21-2101 GC34-2126 GC34-2127 SC34-2128 SC34-2153 GC20-1801 SD23-9016 ~ INSTALLING AS IN A VM ENVIRONMENT BATCH MONITOR FOR VM/370 CMS. IUP 5796-PGZ. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS BATCH MONITOR FOR VMl370 CMS. IUP 5796-PGZ. SYSTEMS GUIDE BATCH MONITOR FOR VMl370 CMS, IUP 5796-PGZ. NOTICE VMl370 BSEPP, LIC PROG 5748-XX8. GENERAL INFORMATION VMl370 BSEPP, LIC PROG 5748-XX8. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VMl370 BSEPP. LIC PROG 5748-XX8. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP SUPPORT OF THE DASD DUMP RESTORE COMPACT OPTION VMl370 DIRECTORY MAINTENANCE, LIC PROG 5748-XE4. DESIGN OBJECTIVES VMl370 DIRECTORY MAINTENANCE, LIC PROG 5748-XE4, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VMl370 DIRECTORY MAINTENANCE, LIC PROG 5748-XE4, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/370 DIRECTORY MAINTENANCE, LIC PROG 5748-XE4. GUIDE FOR GENERAL USERS (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlDIRECTORY MAINTENANCE RELEASE 1.0, LIC PROG 5748-XE4 GUIDE FOR GENERAL USERS (SC20-1839-0) VMl370 DIRECTORY MAINTENANCE, LIC PROG 5748-XE4. INSTALLATION AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlDIRECTORY MAINTENANCE RELEASE 1.0, LIC PROG 5748-XE4 INSTALLATION & SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS GUIDE (SC20-1840-0) VMlDIRECTORY MAINTENANCE. 5748-XE4. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlDIRECTORY MAINTENANCE RELEASE 1.0, LIC PROG 5748-XE4 SYSTEM LOGIC (LY20-0889-0) VMIDIRECTORY MAINTENANCE PROGRAM PRODUCT DIRECTORY MAINTENANCE ENHANCEMENTS VMIDIRECTORY, 5748-XE4, MAINTENANCE LABELS EXPERT SYSTEM CONSULTATION ENVIROt~IENTIVM INSTALLATION GUIDE VMIXA SYSTEMS FACILITY INSTALLATION ADMINISTRATION AND SERVICE VMIXA SYSTEMS FACILITY VM PLANNING VMlXA MIGRATION AID REMOTE 3270 DISPLAY OPTION USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE VM FILE STORAGE FACILITY NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING VM FILE STORAGE FACILITY NOTICE FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM. 5664-315. VERSION 2 INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR VIRTUAL MACHINE VMlSP GROUP CONTROL SYSTEM GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMl370 GRAPHIC MONITOR, IUP 5796-PDT VMlSP HPO PLANNING GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION, 5664-167. -173, PLANNING GUIDE AND REFERENCE (SC19-6223-4) VMlSP HPO PLANNING GUIDE AND REFERENCE (SC19-6223-2) VMlSP HPO OS/VM (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION 5664-173 RELEASE 2. OPERATING SYSTEMS IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE (GC19-6228-0) VMlSP HPO SYSTEM DEFINITION FILES (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION, 5664-173, RELEASE 3.2 INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-173. RELEASE 3.2 INSTALLATION GUIDE (SC38-0107-3) VMlSP HPO. 5664-173. RELEASE 3.2 INSTALLATION GUIDE (SC38-0107-2) VMlSP HPO. 5664-173, RELEASE 3.2 INSTALLATION GUIDE (SC38-0107-0) VIRTUAL MACHINE/INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY ADMINISTRATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE SYSTEM IPO/EXTENDED, VM SYSTEM IPO/EXTENDED. VMlVSE SYSTEM I PO/EXTEND ED • GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) PLANNING GUIDE VMlSP IPO/E (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP SYSTEM IPO/E 5750-AAK, RELEASE 2.1, PLANNING GUIDE (GC20-1874-04) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT SYSTEM IPO/E LIC PROG 5750-AAK. PLANNING GUIDE, RELEASE 1 (GC20-1874-3) VMlDOSIVSE SYSTEM IPO/EXTENDED PLAttNING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP lPO/E GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP SYSTEM IPO/E, 5750-AAK, GENERAL INFORMATION BULLETIN (GC20-1890-2) VMlSP SYSTEM IPO/E, 5750-AAK. GENERAL INFORMATION (GC20-1890-4) INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR S/370 INSTALLATION GUIDE VMlXA MIGRATING REMOTE 3270 PROGRAM SUMMARY IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: OPERATING SYSTEMS IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE SUPPLEMENT FOR VMlSE (SEPP), 5748-XE1, TO OPERATING SYSTEMS IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE, GC20-1821-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 5748-XX8 TO CP OPERATING SYSTEMS IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE, GC20-1821-3 VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 PERFORMANCEIMONITOR ANALYSIS, FDP 3798-CPX, NOTICE VMl370, PERFORMANCEIMONITOR ANALYSIS. FDP 5798-CPX DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VM PERFORMANCE PLANNING FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION VH PERFORMANCE PLANNING FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS VMPPF GUIDE AND REFERENCE VH PERFORMANCE PLANNING FACILITY SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION VMl370 SCP 5749-010, PLANNING & SYSTEM GENERATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 5748-XX8 TO PLANNING & SYSTEM GENERATION GUIDE, GC20-1801-10 In SD23-9001 6TOO-0478 6TOO-0578 SH20-2337 SC20-1834 6320-6165 GC20-1831 6821-3005 SB21-3006 SH24-5057 GC20-1827 SC20-1832 SC19-6201 STOO-1350 STOO-0916 SQ19-6201 SC19-6212 6TOO-1360 GQ19-6212 GTl9-6212 SC24-5237 SQ24-5237 SC24-5240 **SC24-5256 SC24-5271 SC24-5327 SC24-5333 GC24-5334 SC24-5335 SH20-2523 GC34-2164 GC34-2165 6T34-2165 **SC34-2166 SC34-2168 **5134-2168 **G320-9390 **G320-9389 **SH20-6541 **G320-9228 SC24-5332 GX33-9014 SC24-5262 SC24-5259 ~ SUPPLEMENT FOR Vt1/SE (SEPP), 5748-XE1, TO PLANNING & SYSTEM GENERATION GUIDE SC20-1801-10 VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 PLANNING AND SYSTEM GENERATION GUIDE (SC20-1801-8) VMl370 PLANNER & SYSTEM GENERATION GUIDE RELEASE 6 (GC20-1801-9) YM RTH VERSION 1 MODIFICATION 6 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/370 RELEASE 6 GUIDE YMlRTH VERSION 1 MODIFICATION 6 NOTICE IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: RELEASE 5 GUIDE VMl370 RESOURCE LIMITER NOTICE VMl370 RESOURCE LIMITER DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS YM RSCS NETWORKING VERSION 2 PLANNING AND INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IBM VMl370 SEPP. LIC PROG 5748-XE1, GENERAL INFORMATION VMl370 SYSTEM EXTENSIONS. LIC PROG 5748-XE1, SPECIFICATIONS VMlSP PLANNING GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP. 5664-167. PLANNING GUIDE AND REFERENCE (SCI9-6201-3) YM/SP, 5664-167, PLANNING AND SYSTEM GENERATION GUIDE RELEASE 2.1 (SCI9-6201-2) VMlSP PlANNING AND SYSTEM GENERATION GUIDE (SCI9-6201-01) VMlSP OSIYM (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP OSIYM (SCI9-6212-2) VMlSP. 5664-167. OPERATING SYSTEMS IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE RELEASE 2.1 (SCI9-6212-1) VMlSP REL1.1. OSIYM (GCI9-6212-0) VMlSP INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 5664-167. INSTALLATION GUIDE (SC24-5237-1) GUIDE VMlSP RELEASE 3 (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP SYSTEM DEFINITION FILES (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-ENTRY PLANNING GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP LOGICAL DEVICE HOST LIMIT RELIEF YM/SP CMS CONSOLE FACILITY VMlSP OS SIMULATION STANDARD lABEL TAPE PROCESSING EXITS VMlSP SUPPORT OF ADRP VMl370 VIRTUAL LIBRARIAN TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE YMAP GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VMAP SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) YMAP. 5664-191. LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS (SC34-2165-0) YMAP USER'S GUIDE AIm REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMAP INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YM MONITOR ANALYSIS PROGRAM. 5664-191. INSTALLATION (SC34-2168-00) SOFTIiARE UPDATE VIRTUAL MACHINE MONITOR ANALYSIS PROGRAM (VI1I1AP) SOFTWARE UPDATE YM PERFORMANCE PLANNING FACILITY (YMPPF) YM/PROGRAMMING IN LOGIC DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS YM PROGRAMMING IN LOGIC. 5785-ABH. RELEASE NOTICE VMlSP. 5664-167. SUPPORT OF 3090 VECTOR FACILITY PERSONAL COMPUTER 3101 EMULATION MODE lX1370 INED KEYBOARD TEMPLATE VMlSP 3370 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE MODELS A2, B2 USER'S GUIDE VMlSP 4248 PRINTER USER'S GUIDE VMlSP RELEASE 3 VMlSP 'HPO RELEASE 3.2 Control Program GC20-1818 SD23-9008 SD23-9023 SQ83-9023 GQ20-1818 GC20-1820 SD23-9010 SD23-9025 SQ83-9025 GTOO-0477 GX20-1961 GX20-1995 SY20-0884 LD23-9035 SQ20-0884 LD23-9031 LD23-9012 LD23-9027 LY24-5220 LT64-5220 LY24-5221 VMl370 SCP 5749-010. CMS COMMAND & MACRO REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR YM/SE (SEPP). 5748-XE1. TO CMS COMMANDS & MACRO REFERENCE. SC20-1818-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR YM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 5748->0<8 TO CMS COMMAND & MACRO REFERENCE. GC20-1818-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR VMl370 BSEPP 5748->0<8 RELEASE 2. TO CMS COMMAND & MACRO REFERENCE. GC20-1818 (SD23-9023-1) YM/370 CMS COMMAND AND MACRO REFERENCE REL 4 (SC20-1S1S-1) VMl370 SCP 5749-010. CP COMMAND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VMlSE (SEPP). 574S-XE1. TO GENERAL USER'S GC20-1820-4 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 574S->O<8 TO CP COMMAND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS. GC20-1820-4 SUPPLEMENT FOR VMl370 BSEPP 5748->0<8 RELEASE 2. TO CP COMMAND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS. GC20-1820 (5D23-9025-1) VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: CP COMMAND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS (GC20-1820-2) VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 REFERENCE. LIC PROG 5749-010 VIRTUAL MACHINE/370 (YM/370) COMMANDS (OTHER THAN GENERAL USER) REFERENCE SutI1ARY VMl370 DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR YM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 5748->0<8 TO DATA AREAS & CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC, SY20-08S4-3 VMl370 DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC REL 4 (SY20-0884-2) SUPPLEMENT FOR YM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 5748->0<8 TO DATA AREAS CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC. SY20-0884-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR VMlSE (SEPP). 5748-XE1. TO DATA AREAS & CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC. SY20-0884-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR YM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP) TO DATA AREAS & CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC. SY20-0884-2 VMlSP DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCKS LOGIC VOLUME 1 CP (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 5664-167. DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC VOLUME 1 (CP) (LY24-5220-0) YM/SP DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCKS LOGIC VOLUME 2 CMS (CURRENT RELEASE) 118 ,/' LT64-5221 ( GH24-5111 **LYC7-0300 **LYC7-0301 **LYC7-0302 LY20-0895 **LY28-1330 SC19-6224 **STOO-1617 SC19-6227 **STOO-1620 STOO-1442 STl9-6227 **SC23-0193 SX22-0005 **STOO-1621 **STOO-1568 **LTOO-1622 LY20-0896 LTOO-1446 LT60-0896 LY20-0897 LTOO-1748 **LTOO-1625 **LTOO-1564 LTOO-1447 LT60-0897 LYCO-9027 LYCO-9028 **SC24-5260 SBOF-3802 G229-2228 GX20-1926 SX20-4400 STOO-1364 **LYC7-0499 **LY27-8041 SY20-0886 LD23-9032 LD23-9036 SY20-0887 LD23-9033 LD23-9037 LD23-9028 SY20-0888 GC20-1807 SD23-9018 ( SD23-9003 GTOO-0497 STOO-1352 SQ19-6203 STl9-6203 SC19-6209 STOO-1357 SQ19-6209 VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 5664-167. DATA AREAS AtI) CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC VOLUME 2 (CMS) (LY24-5221-0) YM/SP ENTRY SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE. 5664-169. MIGRATION AID LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlXA SYSTEMS FACILITY. 5664-169. CtlS LISTINGS VMIXA MIGRATION AID. 5664-169. DUMP VIEWING FACILITY VIRTUAL MACHINE/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE MIGRATION AIDS. 5664-169. CONTROL PROGRAM LOGIC VM/XA MIGRATION AID REMOTE 3270 DISPLAY OPTION LOGIC YM/SP HPO SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SCI9-6224-4) VM/SP HPO CP COMMAND GENERAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. CP COMMAND GENERAL USER'S GUIDE (SCI9-6227-4) YM/SP HPO. 5664-167. -173. CP COMMAND LANGUAGE FOR GENERAL USERS (SCI9-6227-2) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664 -173 RELEASE 2. CP COMMAND REFERENCE AND GENERAL USERS (SCI9-6227-0) VM/SP HPO DESIGN CHANGES FOR THE CONTROL PROGRAM SCHEDULER PTF VM21981 RELEASE 3.4. 3.6 AND 4.0 YM/SP HPO QUICK USER'S GUIDE REFERENCE SUt1t1ARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. QUICK USER'S GUIDE REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX22-0005-4) YM/SP HPO QUICK USERS GUIDE REFERENCE SUt1t1ARY VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. DATA AREAS AtI) CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC (LY20-0896-4) YH/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SP HPO. 5664-173. -167. DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC (LY20-0896-2) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION 5664-173, -167, RELEASE 2, DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC (LY20-0896-0) YH/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION, 5664-167. -173. VOLUME 1 SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173, VOLUME 1 SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE (LY20-0897-S) YM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 1 (LY20-0897-4) YM/SP HPO. 5664-167. -173. SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 1 ( LY20-0897-3) YH/SP HPO. 5664-173. -167. SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 1: CP ( LY20-0897-2 ) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION 5664-173, -167. RELEASE 2. SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 1: CP (LY20-0897-0) YM/SP HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION 5664-173, UP LISTINGS YM/SP HPO RELEASE 3.0 AP/MP LISTINGS. 5664-173 VMlSP INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IBM YM/370: PROBLEM DETERMINATION VOLUMES 1 THROUGH 3 FIELD ENGINEERING PROGRAMMING SYSTEM GENERAL INFORMATION YH/370. SCP 5749-010. QUICK GUIDE FOR USERS. REFERENCE SUt1t1ARY (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SP QUICK GUIDE FOR USER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SP, 5664-167. REFERENCE SUMMARY GENERAL USER (SX20-4401-2) SERIAL OEM INTERFACE ACCESS METHOD VERSION I RELEASE 1 VMlXA SYSTEMS FACILITY DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCKS YM/370: SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOL 1 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 5748-XX8 TO SYSTEM LOGIC & PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 1. SY20-0886-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 5748-XX8 TO SYSTEM LOGIC & PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME I. SY20-0886-1 IBM YM/370 SYSTEM LOGIC & PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOL 2 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 5748-XX8 TO SYSTEM LOGIC & PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 2, SY20-0887-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 5748-XX8 TO SYSTEM LOGIC & PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 2, SY20-0887-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 5748-XX8 TO SYSTEM LOGIC & PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 2, SY20-0887-0 YM/370 SYSTEM LOGIC & PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOL 3 YM/370 SCP 5749-010. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 5748-XX8 TO SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE. GC20-1807-7 SUPPLEMENT FOR YH/SE (SEPP). 5748-XE1. TO PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE, GC20-1807-7 YM/370: SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (GC20-1807-6) YM/SP. 5664-167, SYSTEM PROGRAMMER GUIDE (SCI9-6203-2) YM/SP SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SCI9-6203-01) SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE YM/SP RI.I. (SCI9-6203-0) YM/SP CMS COMMAND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/SP, 5664-167, CMS COMMAND AND MACRO REFERENCE (SCI9-6209-U YM/SP, 5664-167, CMS COMMAND AND MACRO REFERENCE RELEASE 2.1 (SCI9-6209-1) 119 ST19-6209 SC19-6211 SQI9-6211 ST19-6211 **SX24-S170 SC24-S276 SC24-S277 LY20-0891 **SX24-S138 LY20-0892 LTOO-1366 LQ60-0892 LT60-0892 CHS COMMAND AND MACRO REFERENCE VHlSP REL1.1. (SC19-6209-0) VHlSP CP COHMAND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS (CURRENT RELEASE) VHlSP. 5664-167. CP COMMAND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS RELEASE 2.1 (SCI9-6211-1) CP COMMAND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS YM/SP REL1.1. (sC19-6211-0) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 5664-167. CP INTERNAL TRACE TABLE VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-ENTRY. 5664-301, CONTROL PROGRAH COHHAND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-ENTRY QUICK REFERENCE DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC VHlSP (CURRENT RELEASE) VHlSP IPCS REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlSP LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 1 CP (CURRENT RELEASE) SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION YM/SP VOL 1 (LY20-0892-2) YM/SP. 5664-167. SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 1 (CP) RELEASE 2.1 (LY20-0892-1 ) SYSTEM LOGIC PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VHlSP RELl.l. VOL 1 (LY20-0892-0) JZ Diagnosis. Probletll Determination. Auditing. Service Ais§ SH21-0001 LY26-3879 SY26-3951 SC19-6230 STOO-1746 **STOO-1623 **STOO-1562 STOO-1445 ST19-6230 LX23-0347 GTOO-1753 LY20-0898 LTOO-1741 **LTOO-1624 SC34-2028 SC34-2093 SC34-2073 SC34-2029 GC34-2030 GC34-2068 GC34-2069 GC34-2070 SC34-2071 ST34-2071 SC34-2072 SC34-2074 ST34-2074 SC34-2092 LJAO-0338 LJAO-0339 GX20-2358 LY25-0013 SC33-6221 GC20-1823 GC34-2018 GC34-2019 SC34-2020 ST34-2020 SC34-2022 GC34-2025 GT34-2025 LTAO-0305 LY25-000S SC24-5231 **GC19-6215 **SC23-0140 **GC28-1325 GX22-0001 AUTOMATED SOFTWARE TEST FACILITY USER'S GUIDE BASICIVH. 5668-996. DIAGNOSIS GUIDE DFDSS. 5665-327. DIAGNOSIS GUIDE VHlSP HPO OLTSEP GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VHlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION, 5664-167, -173, OLTSEP GUIDE (SC19-6230-4) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. OLTSEP GUIDE (SCI9-6230-3) VM/SP HPO. 5664-167. -173. OLTSEP AND ERROR RECORDING GUIDE (SC19-6230-3) VHlSP HPO. 5664-173. -167. OLTSEP AND ERROR RECORDING GUIDE (SCI9-6230-1) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-173. -167, OLTSEP AND ERROR RECORDING GUIDE. 5664-167. CMS PRIMER (SC19-6230-0) YMlSP HPO VM PROBLEM DETERMINATION REFERENCE INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VHlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. PROBLEM DETERMINATION REFERENCE (GX23-0347-1) VHlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173, SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) VHlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION, 5664-167, -173, SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC ( LY20-0898-3) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION, 5664-167, -173. SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC ( LY20-0898-3) INFORMATION/ACCESS USER'S GUIDE INFORMATION/ACCESS INFORMATION/SYSTEM INSTALLATION CUSTOMIZATION AND OPERATION INFORMATIONIMANAGEMENT REFERENCE SUMMARY INFORMATION/SYSTEM. LIC PROG 5735-0ZS. INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION INFORMATION/SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION/SYSTEM FOR VM AND VSE PROGRAM SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION/SYSTEM FOR VM AND VSE GENERAL AND PREINSTALLATION INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION/SYSTEM FOR VM/370 AND VSE SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION/SYSTEM FOR YMl370 AND VSE INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION/SYSTEM FOR YMl370 AND VSE INSTALLATION & CUSTOMIZATION (GC34-2071-2) INFORMATION/SYSTEM FOR VHl370 AND VSE USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION/SYSTEM FOR VHl370 AND VSE MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR VHl370 & VSE. 5735-0ZS RELEASE 1. MESSAGES (SC34-2074-0) INFORMATION/SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES INFO/SYS FOR VM/370 REL 1.2 COMP Atm LVL A12 (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION/SYSTEM VSE LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) 3270 INFORMATION/SYSTEM PFK TEMPLATE INFORMATION/SYSTEM FOR VHl370 AND VSE. LIC PROG 5735-0ZS. LOGIC & DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR S/370 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE YM/370 INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM (IPCS) USER'S GUIDE YMlINTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM EXTENSION. PROGRAM SUMMARY, LIC PROG 5748-SAl YMlIPCS. LIC PROG 5748-SAI. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlIPCS. 5748-SAI. USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/INTERACTIVE PROGRAM CONTROL SYSTEM EXTENSION (VM/IPCS) RELEASE I, LIC PROG 5748-SAl, USERS GUIDE AND REFERENCE (SC34-2020-0) VHlINTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM EXTENSION, LIC PROG 5748-SAI. REFERENCE SUMMARY VM/IPCS. LIC PROG 5748-SAI. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VHlINTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM EXTENSION (VHlIPCS) RELEASE I, LIC PROG 5748-SAl, SPECIFICATIONS (GE34-2025-0) YMlINTERACTIVE PROGRAH CONTROL SYSTEM EXTENSION (vtIIIPCS) RELEASE 1, LISTINGS ( LJAO-0305-0) VHlIPCS. LIC PROG 5748-SAl. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlIPF PROBLEM CONTROL (CURRENT RE LEASE) YMlXA SYSTEMS FACILITY CP COMMAND REFERENCE VMIXA SYSTEMS FACILITY CONTROL PROGRAH DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VMlXA SYSTEMS FACILITY DUMP VIEWING FACILITY VMIXA SF QUICK REFERENCE 120 GC20-1809 SD23-9005 SD23-9020 **SC19-6205 StU9-6205 ST19-6205 LQ60-0890 LY24-5228 SY20-0882 LD23-9030 LD23-9034 LY20-0890 LT60-0890 **SC23-0169 IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 OLTSEP AND ERROR RECORDING GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR VMlSE (SEPP). 5748-XE1. TO OLTSEP AND ERROR RECORDING GUIDE. GC20-1809-7 SUPPLEMENT FOR YM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 5748-XX8 TO OLTSEP & ERROR RECORDING GUIDE. GC20-1809-7 YMlSP OLTSEP AND ERROR RECORDING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SP. 5664-167. DLSEP AND ERROR RECORDING GUIDE RELEASE 2.1 (SCI9-6205-1) OLTEP AND ERROR RECORDING GUIDE VMlSP Rl.1. (SCI9-6205-0) LOGIC YMlSP SERVICE ROUTINES (LY20-0890-1) YM RSCS NETWORKING VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 SERVICE ROUTINES PROGRAM LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 5748-XX8 TO SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC. SY20-0882-4 SUPPLEMENT FOR YM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 5748-XX8 TO SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC. SY20-0882-4 YMlSP SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE LOGIC YMlSP REL1.1. SERVICE ROUTINES (LY20-0890-0) VH/XA SF DIAGNOSIS GUIDE 1! IimI Sharing Interactjvl **GCI9-6231 GC20-1B19 SD23-9009 SD23-9024 GQ20-1819 SC24-5242 ST24-5242 SH20-1965 LY20-2311 G320-5762 GC24-5197 SC24-5198 GC24-5200 LYCO-9008 LY24-5206 SC24-5241 SX23-0282 **STOO-1714 **STOO-1712 SX23-0289 **STOO-1715 **STOO-I713 SH20-2621 SH20-2638 G320-6644 **SC24-5228 GC33-6206 GC24-5195 SC24-5196 GC24-5199 ( LY24-5205 SQ24-5228 SC24-5229 **SC24-5230 ST24-5230 **SC24-5232 **SC24-5233 ST24-5232 ST24-5233 **SC24-5234 ST24-5234 SC24-5321 SC24-5323 SC24-5331 SH20-4083 GH20-4641 ~ VMIXA SYSTEMS FACILITY CMS COMMAND AND MACRO REFERENCE YMl370 SCP 5749-010. CMS USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR YMlSE (SEPP). 5748-XE1. TO CMS USER'S GUIDE. GC20-1819-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 5748-XX8 TO CMS USER'S GUIDE. GC20-1819-2 VM/370 CMS USER'S GUIDE RELEASE 4 (GC20-1819-1) VM/SP CMS PRIMER FOR LINE-ORIENTED TERMINALS (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlSP CMS PRIMER FOR LINE-ORIENTED TERMINALS (SC24-5242-00) DISPLAY EDITING SYSTEM FOR CMS. 5796-PJP. USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DISPLAY EDITING SYSTEM FOR CMS. IUP 5796-PJP. SYSTEM GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DISPLAY ORIENTED EDITING SYSTEM: IUP 5796-PJP. NOTICE VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT: OMS/eMS. LIC PROG 5748-XXB GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VMl370 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR CMS. LIC PROG 5748-XXB GUIDE & REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/370 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR CMS, LIC PROG 5748-XXB SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) YMl370 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR CMS. LIC PROG 5748-XXB LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) YMl370 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR. CMS. LIC PROG 5748-XXB LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlSP DISTRIBUTED DATA PROCESSING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. BASE LABELS AND INSTRUCTIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlSP HPO BASE. 5664-167. -173. LABELS AND INSTRUCTIONS (SX23-0282-2) YMlSP HPO. 5664-167. -173. LABELS AND INSTRUCTIONS (SX23-0282-1) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-173. LABELS AND INSTRUCTIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlSP HPO LIBRARY, 5664-173. LABELS AND INSTRUCTIONS (SX23-0289-2) YMlSP HPO LIBRARY. 5664-173, LABELS AND INSTRUCTIONS (SX23-0289-lJ INFORMATION PROTECTION SYSTEM CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROGRAMS FOR YMlCMS USER'S GUIDE INFORMATION PROTECTION SYSTEM CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROGRAMS FOR YMlCMS INSTALLATION GUIDE INFORMATION PROTECTION SYSTEM CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROGRAMS FOR YMlCMS (IPS/eMS). IUP 5796-PPK. NOTICE VM/IPF SYSTEM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) IXl370 VERSION 1 RELEASE 1 SPECIFICATIONS YMl370 YMlINTERACTIVE FILE SHARING FOR eMS. LIC PROG 5748-XXC. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) YMl370 YMlINTERACTIVE FILE SHARING FOR eMS. LIC PROG 5748-XXC. GUIDE & REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) YMl37Q YMlINTERACTIVE FILE SHARING FOR CMS. LIC PROG 5748-XXC. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/370 YMlINTERACTIVE FILE SHARING FOR CMS. LIC PROG 5748-XXC. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlIPF. 5748-MSI. SYSTEM REFERENCE (SC24-5228-1) VM/IPF OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlIPF ADMINISTRATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlIPF: ADMINISTRATION GUIDE (SC24-5230-1) YMlIPF GENERAL USE MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlIPF GENERAL USE GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlIPF: GENERAL USE MESSAGES (SC24-5232-0) YMlIPF: 5748-MSI. GENERAL USE (SC24-5233-1) YMlIPF ADMINISTRATION MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlIPF: S748-MSI. ADMINISTRATION MESSAGES (SC24-5234-0) YMlIPF VERSION 2 SYSTEM PLANNING AND INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/IPF VERSION 2 PROBLEM CONTROL (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlIPF SYSTEM TAILORING (CURRENT RELEASE) INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY. LIC PROG 5748-MSI. VSE FEATURE. USER'S GUIDE VMlVSE INTERACTIVE PRODUCT FACILITY (IPF) 1.1.0 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 121 GH20-5304 6TOO-0922 6T40-5304 GH20-5306 6H20-5313 6H20-5527 SH20-5583 GTOO-0603 SX20-2346 SX20-2355 GX20-2383 SX20-2384 SX20-2386 SX20-2389 STOO-0904 6C34-2077 GT34-2077 GC34-2078 GT34-2078 GC34-2081 GT34-2081 GC34-2082 6T34-2082 SC34-2083 SC34-2085 ST34-2085 SC34-2088 SQ34-2088 ST34-2088 SC34-2090 SC34-2109 GC34-2172 SC34-2173 SC34-2174 6C34-2175 SC34-2176 SC34-2178 5C34-2179 GC34-2180 GC34-2181 SC34-2182 SC34-2183 **5C34-4009 **5C34-4010 GC34-4034 **5C34-40 11 **5C34-4012 **5C34-4013 **5C34-4014 5C24-5238 SC24-5239 **5Q24-5238 ST24-5238 SX24-5126 SH20-2356 G320-6334 5C24-5264 **SC23-0123 **SC23-0124 **SC23-0125 **6H20-6963 SH24-5087 SC24-5254 SH20-2077 SH20-2078 GX20-2032 6320-6062 SH20-2409 GH20-5283 VI1 INTERACTIVE PRODUCT FACILITY (IPF) 1.4.0 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY, LIC PROG 5748-t1S1 RELEASE 3, SPECIFICATIONS (GH20-5304-2) INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY, LIC PROG 5748-t1S1 RELEASE 2, SPECIFICATIONS (6H20-5304-0) VSE INTERACTIVE PRODUCT FACILITY (IPF), 1.3.0 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS YM/VSE IPF SPECIFICATIONS INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY VSE ENVIRONMENT AND YM/VSE ENVIRONMENT SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/IPF USER'S GUIDE SYSTEM lPO/E AND INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY REFERENCE SUt1I1ARY CARD, RELEASE 1 (6X20-2343-0) INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY TEMPLATE 3276/3278 IPF PROGRAM FUNCTION TEMPLATE, 5748-MSI (CURRENT RELEASE) REFERENCE SUMMARY VSE IPO/E AND IPF (CURRENT RELEASE) PF KEY SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY TEMPLATE STRIP FOR 3270 TERMINALS PF KEY SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY TEMPLATE FOR 3270 TERMINALS TEMPLATE 3276 3278 PFK FOR IPF VI1 FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3276/3278 PF KEY TEMPLATE FOR IPF VH FEATURE, RELEASE 3 (SX20-2389-2) 15PF PROGRAM SUMMARY (CURRENT RelEASE) INTERACTIVE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY 5668-009 PR06RAM SUMMARY (GC34-2077-0) ISPF AND ISPF/PDF FOR VSE/AF 6ENERALINFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF, 5664-172 RELEASE 1, 5668-960, 5665-268, GENERAL INFORMATION (GC34-2078-0) ISPF FOR VSE/AF SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF, 5668-960, SPECIFICATIONS (GC34-2081-1) ISPF/PDF FOR VSE/AF SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) INTERACTIVE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY/PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FACILITY, 5664-172, 5665-268, SPECIFICATIONS (6C34-2082-1) ISPF/SP INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF FOR VSE/AF DIAL06 MANAGEMENT SERVICES EXAMPLES (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF, 5668-960 RELEASE 1, DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES EXAMPLES (SC34-2085-0) ISPF FOR VSE/AF DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES, 5668-960 RELEASE 1.1.0 (GC34-2088-1) INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY, 5668-960, DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES, RELEASE 1 (SC34-2088-0) ISPF/PDF PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) INTERACTIVE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD WHAT'S NEW IN ISPF (CURRENT RELEASE) I5PF VERSION 2 DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR VH/SP (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF VERSION 2 DIALOG MAt~AGEMENT SERVICES EXAMPLES FOR YM/SP (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF VERSION 2 FOR YM/SP SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF VERSION 2 PROGRAM REFERENCE FOR VH/SP (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF VERSION 2 SERVICES FOR VHlSP (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF EDIT MACROS FOR VHlSP (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF VERSION 2 FOR VM/SP SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF VERSION 2 FOR VH/SP GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF VERSION 2 INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION FOR VHlSP (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF VERSION 2 FOR VM/SP (CURRENT RelEASE) ISPF FOR VM DIALOG MANAGEMENT GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF VERSION 2 FOR VMlSP DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND EXAMPLES (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF FOR YM/SP SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF FOR VI1/SP USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF FOR VH/SP SERVICES (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF FOR VMlSP LIBRARY MANAGEMENT (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF FOR VMlSP EDIT MACROS (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP INTERPRETER USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VH/SP INTERPRETER REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VH/SP:SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER GUIDE, 5664-167, VERSION 1 RELEASE 3 USER'S GUIDE (SC24-5238-1) VHlSP, 5664-167, SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER USER'S GUIDE (SC24-5238-0) VMlSP INTERPRETER REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) JES2 INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM FOR CMS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS JES2 INFORMATION RETRIEVAL FOR CMS •.IUP 5796-AYD, NOTICE VM/SP SYSTEM MESSAGES CROSS-REFERENCE VMlXA SYSTEMS FACILITY SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR USER'S 6UIDE VM/XA SYSTEMS FACILITY SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR COMMAND AND MACRO REFERENCE VMlXA SYSTEMS FACILITY EXEC 2 REFERENCE MUSIC/SP SPECIFICATIONS PC/VH BOND PROGRA~~ER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) vtVPC USER'S GUIDE QUERY BY EXAMPLE, IUP 5796-PKT, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) QUERY BY EXAMPLE, 5796-PKT, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) QUERY BY EXAMPLE: IUP 5796-PKT, REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD (CURRENT RELEASE) QUERY BY EXAMPtE, IUP 5796-PKT, NOTICE STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY/CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM PROGRAM REFERENCE STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY/CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM, 5748-XT3, SPECIFICATIONS 122 - - - . --------- - --- - ---- ---------.-----~-- / GX20-2347 LY20-2480 GC34-2035 SC34-2036 SC34-2037 SC34-2038 GC34-2046 SC34-2047 SC34-2048 LY25-0010 SH20-6137 SC19-6210 STOO-1358 SQ19-6210 STl9-6210 SC24-5236 SQ24-5236 ST24-5236 SC24-5219 SX24-5151 SX24-5159 SQ24-5219 ST24-5219 SC24-5220 SQ24-5220 ST24-5220 SC24-5221 STOO-I369 SQ24-5221 ST24-5221 SX24-5122 STOO-1370 STOO-0885 SX24-5123 STOO-0919 GX20-2387 GTOO-0713 SX24-5131 **STOO-1536 SX24-5124 STOO-0917 STOO-0886 LY20-0893 LTOO-1367 LQ60-0893 LT60-0893 **SC23-0197 **SC23-0198 GH20-2197 SX20-2388 STOO-0714 ~ SUPPORT AND STRUCTURAL PROGRAMMING FACILITY CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5748-XT3, QUICK REFERENCE SUMMARY STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY/CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5748-XT3, LOGIC SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY, LIC PROG 5668-009, SPECIFICATIONS SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY, LIC PROG 5668-009, DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY FOR MVS, LIC PROG 5668-009, INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMlZATION SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY FOR MVS, LIC PROG 5668-009, PROGRAM REFERENCE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY FOR VMl370 LIC PROG 5668-009, GENERAL INFORMATION ISPF FOR VMlSP PROGRAM REFERENCE ISPF FOR VM INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMlZATION LOGIC AND DIGNOSIS ISPF FOR VM/SP VIRTUAL SPOOLED READER DISPLAY SYSTEM FOR CMS, IUP 5796-AYK, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VM/SP CMS USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP, 5664-167, CMS USER'S GUIDE (SCI9-6210-2) VM/SP, 5664-167, CMS USER'S GUIDE RELEASE 2.1 (SCI9-6210-1) CMS USER'S GUIDE VMlSP REL1.l. (SCI9-6210-0J VMlSP CMS PRIMER (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP, 5664-167, CMS PRIMER (SC24-5236-1) VMlSP 5664-167 RELEASE 2.1, EMS PRIMER (SC24-5236-0) VM/SP EXEC2 REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP CMS PRIMER SUMMARY OF Cm1t1ANDS (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SP CMS PRIMER FOR Llt~E-ORIENTED TERMINALS REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP, 5664-167, EXEC 2 REFERENCE RELEASE 2.1 (SC24-5219-1) REFERENCE VMlSP REL1.1. EXEC 2 (SC24-5219-0) VM/SP EDITOR USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SP, 5664-167, SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR USER'S GUIDE (SC24-5220-1) USER'S GUIDE VM/SP REL1.1. SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR (SC24-5220-0) VMlSP EDITOR COMMAND AND MACRO REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SP, 5664-167, COt1t1AND AND MACRO REFERENCE (SC24-522l-2) VMlSP, LIC PROG 5664-167, COMMAND & MACRO REFERENCE (SC24-5221-1J COMMAtID AND MACRO REFERENCE VMlSP RELl.l. SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR (SC24-5221-0) VMlSP EDITOR COMMAND REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE J VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT, 5664-167, COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR (SX24-5122-0J VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT, LIC PROG 5664-167, COMMAND lANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR, RELEASE 1 (SX24-5122-0) VMlSP EDITOR PF KEY TEMPLATE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP, 5664-167, PRODUCT EDITOR PFK TEMPLATE (SX24-5123-0) REFERENCE SUMMARY VMlSP IPF (CURRENT RELEASE) REFERENCE sur-mARY VMlSP ISPF REL1.1. (GX20-2387-lJ VMlSP BINDER LABELS VM/SP BINDERS LABELS (SX24-5131-0) VMlSP EXEC2 LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUf1t1ARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT, 5664-167, EXEC 2 LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY RELEASE 2.1 (SX24-5124-1) VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT. LIC PROG 5664-167, EXEC 2 LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY, RELEASE 1 (SX24-5124-0) VM/SP LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 2 CM (CURRENT RELEASE) SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VMlSP VOL 2 (LY20-0893-2) VMlSP, 5664-167. SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 2 (CMS) RELEASE 2.1 (LY20-0893-1 ) SYSTEM LOGIC PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VMlSP REL1.l. VOL. 2 (LY20-0893-0) VMIXA SYSTEMS FACILITY SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER REFERENCE VMlXA SYSTEMS FACILITY SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER USER'S GUIDE VMlCMS 3270 DISPLAY SUPPORT STRUCTURED FACILITY (SPF/CMS), LIC PROG 5748-XT3. GENERAL INFORMATION TEMPLATE 3275 3277 PFK FOR IPF VM FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3275/3277 PF KEY TEMPLATE FOR IPF VM FEATURE RELEASE 3 (SX20-2388-0J Operations: Messages, Codes, Application Development SC24-5247 SC33-6245 SH30-0761 SH30-0762 GC23-0387 SH20-9606 SH20-9608 SH20-9609 SC19-6225 **STOO-1619 STOO-1440 STOO-0991 SC19-6226 **STOO-1618 VMlSP APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IX/370 ASCII CONTROL FEATURE OPERATION AND MESSAGES ATTACHMENTIMVS ATTACHMENTIVM SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ATTACHMENTIMVS ATTACHMENTIVM SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S AND HOST USER'S GUIDE VMlDATA COLLECTOR PROGRAM OFFERING PROGRAM 0/0 EXPERT SYSTEM CONSULTATION ENVIRONMENT USER'S GUIDE EXPERT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONHENTIVM USER'S GUIDE EXPERT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTIVM REFERENCE VM/SP HPO OPERATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION OPERATOR'S GUIDE (SCI9-6225-4) VMlSP HPO, 5664-167, -173, OPERATOR'S GUIDE (SCl9-6225-2) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION 5664-273 RELEASE 2 OPERATORS GUIDE (SCI9-6225-0) VM/SP HPO MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION, 5664-167, -173, MESSAGES AND CODES (SCI9-6226-4) 123 STOO-1441 ST19-6226 GC19-6229 SC23-0190 SX22-0003 **STOO-1686 STOO-1431 STOO-1132 SX22-0004 STOO-1687 STOO-1432 STOO-1133 SC33-6220 GC33-6233 SC24-S319 SC24-S324 SC34-4069 SB11-S827 GC20-1806 SD23-9002 SD23-9017 GQ20-1806 SS44-3511 S544-3512 S544-3513 S544-3522 S544-3571 SC26-4130 SH24-5058 SC24-5291 GC20-180S G120-1808 GTOO-0509 SD23-9019 SD23-9004 SC19-6202 STOO-1351 S(119-6202 ST19-6202 SC19-6204 SD25-0049 STOO-1353 SQ19-6204 ST19-6204 GC19-6206 GQ19-6206 GT19-6206 SC24-5272 SC24-5273 GC20-l8l0 GTOO-0583 SD23-9006 S023-9021 **GCI9-621S **GC23-0138 **GC23-0139 GC23-0383 VM/SP HPO. 5664-167. -173. SYSTEM MESSAGES AND COOES (SCI9-6226-2) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION 5664-167. -173 RELEASE 2. SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES (SCI9-6226-0) VM/SP HPO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SP HPO SYSTEM MESSAGES CROSS-REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION COMl1ANDS REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. COMMANDS REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX22-0003-4) VM/SP HPO. 5664-173. -167. COMMANDS (GENERAL USER) REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX22-0003-3) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-173. -167. RELEASE 2. COMMANDS (GENERAL USER) (SX22-0003-0) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. COMMANDS REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. COMMANDS REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX22-0004-4) VM/SP HPO. 5664-173. -167. COMMANDS (OTHER THAN GENERAL USER) REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX22-0004-3) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-173. COMMANDS. REFERENCE SutmARY RELEASE 2 (SX22-0004-0) Ix/370 OPERATION GUIDE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE/370 INTRODUCTION AND USER'S GUIDE VM/IPF VERSION 2 OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/IPF VERSION 2 MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) INTERPRETING INFORMATION/FAMILY MESSAGES AND CODES FOR YM/SP VM/MSS COMMUNICATOR DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VM/370 SCP 5749-010. OPERATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VM/SE (SEPP), 5748-XEI, TO OPERATOR'S GUIDE RELEASE 6, GC20-1806-9 SUPPLEI1ENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 574S-XX8 TO OPERATOR'S GUIDE, GC20-l806-9 VM/370 OPERATOR'S GUIDE VI R4 (GC20-1806-S) PSF SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S SUIDE FOR VM PRINT SERVICES FACILITY USER'S PROGRAMMING GUIDE FOR VM PSF MESSAGES AND CODES FOR VM PSF OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR VM PSF/vM PSF COt~AND QUICK REFERENCE DEVELOPlIENT GUIDE FOR RELATIOUAL APPLICATIONS VM RSCS NETWORKING VERSION 2 OPERATIOI" AND USE (CURRENT RELEASE) PROGRAMMERS GUIDE TO SERVER-REQUESTER PROGRAtU1ING INTERFACE FOR YM/SP (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/370 SCP 5749-010. SYSTEM MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/370 SCP 5749-010 RELEASE 6 SYSTEM MESSAGES (SC20-1S0S-10) VM/370: SYSTEM MESSAGES (GC20-1808-9) SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 5748-XX8 TO SYSTEM MESSAGES, GC20-180S-9 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM/SE (SEPP), 574S-XE1. TO SYSTEM MESSAGES GC20-l808-S VM/SP OPERATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) OPERATOR'S GUIDE YH/SP (SC19-6202-2) Vtl/SP OPERATOR'S GUIDE (SCI9-6202-0l) OPERATOR'S GUIDE VM/SP R3 (SC19-6202-21 Vt1ISP SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL "'ACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT END-USER SOFTWARE SUPPORT SYSTEM SUPPLEMENT TO VM/SP SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES MESSAGES AND CODES VM/SP (SC19-6204-2) VM/SP. 5664-167, SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES RELEASE 2.1 (SC19-6204-1) MESSAGES AND CODES VM/SP Rl.l. (SC19-6204-0) VM/SP TERMINAL REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) Vt1ISP. 5664-167, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE RELEASE 2.1 (SC19-6206-1) TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE Vt1ISP Rl.l. (SC19-6206-0) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-ENTRY SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEtl PRODUCT-ENTRY, 5664-301. OPERATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VM FACILITY/370. 5749-010. TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE VM/370 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE R6 PLCI (GC20-18l0-S) SUPPLEMENT FOR VM/SE (SEPP), 574S-XEl, TO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE. GC20-1S10-7 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 574S-XX8 TO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE, GC20-lS10-7 Vt1IXA SYSTEMS FACILITY SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES REFERENCE Vt1/XA SYSTEMS FACILITY VM OPERATION Vt1IXA SF REAL SYSTEM OPERATION VM/XA SF 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODELS 13 AND 23 AND 3380 DASD MODELS AE4 AND B34 SUPPORT SUPPLEMENT .u Mjcrofiche SYCO-9002 LYCO-9004 SYBO-0901 SYBO-0900 VM/370 AP LIST PLC 4 R4 Vt1/370 BSEPP LISTINGS. LIC PROG 574S-XX8 IBM Vt1I370: CMS MICROFICHE - PROGRAM tnJMBER 5749-010 IBM Vt1I370: CP MICROFICHE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5749-010 124 ( LYCO-9007 LYCO-9009 LJAO-030S SYCO-9001 LYCO-9011 SYCO-9000 LYCO-9006 LYCO-9029 SYCO-9018 SYCO-9017 LYCO-9014 LYCO-9012 LYCO-9013 SYCO-9019 LYCO-9003 LYCO-9010 DIRECTORY MAINTENANCE, 5748-XE4, DMPP LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/370 VM/INTERACTIVE FILE SHARING FOR CMS, LIC PROG 5748-XXC, LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlIPCS S748-SAI LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) VMl370 IPCS tlICROFICHE PVM ASSEMBLY LISTIt:GS IBt! VM/370 RSCS LISTIt-.'GS, PROGRAM NO. 5749-010 VM/370 REt10TE SPOOLING COMl1UNICATICNS SUBSYSTEM NETWORKING LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY, 5748-tlS1, LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT, 5664-167, LISTINGS (ClJ.1RENT RelEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT, 5664-167, LISTWGS (CURRENT RelEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT, 5664-167, LISTINGS (CURREtIT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT, 5664-167, LISTIHGS (CURREtn RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT, 5664-167, LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) INDEX VM/SP VMl370 SEPP LIST VMl370 LISTINGS RELEASE 2 LOGIC ( ( 125 e COMPLETE VM/SP SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY OPTION/EXTENDED (VM/SP SYSTEM IPO/E) VERSION 1.1.1 NOTE: SLSS 10 (7799 tM1BERS) CAUSE 5!!IPMEf'"" OF PUBLICATIONS AT TIfE IUGt!T lEVELS FOR THIS SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE. AND PREVENT SHIPMENT OF PUBUCATIONS APPLVWG TO HEH RELEASES. PI' NUNSERS ENTERED INTO 51-55 ~/ ARE AUTOt1AHCALlY CONVERTED TO 5LS5 10 IF THE 5lS5 KEY 7750 IS ALSO EtfrEReD OliSE comENT pp NUttnER 5L55 ID 5749 7799-T8A PROO. PROD. HIAI1E) VW370 VWSYSTtl1 monUCT INTERAClIVE PROOUCTIVHY FACIL VtvIPCS EXTENSION 5664-167 5748-mn 5746-5Al RELEASE LEva 6.0 7799-1B5 1.1 7799-Tt3F 3.0 2.0 7799-TBC -OPTIONAL FEAl1.lRES- PROS. PROO. (flAME I PI' Nl.P.'lBER SlSS 1D lIPS 5668-012 C0130L 110fT. DEBUG fORTRAN (Gl) Ff.lfHRAN INT. DEBIIG F{I~ltl AN U\C1Jl I t ) LIB. PL/I RES. LIB. 5734-C84 1.0 1.4 5734··F02 5734-F05 7799-TAF 7799-TDF 2.0 5734-LH3 7799-TCF 7799-TOP 779?-TEP 5734-l.tflt PVI TP.AtlS. tIn. PL/I OPT. COli? PUI OPT. CO!1P,'uB COBOL PU,NCODE/I 5734-LM5 EMUl PROGIVS VSEIVSAl1 POP'::; II VS/API. vrvrAss-l1lRU FACILITY VM/OlRECTORY MAINTENANCE RSC3 NETHiJRKUIG OtIs/eN;; VN/IF5 cmU! (tUTti PGf) V5/1.'.ASIC OOCUI1ENT COtlPOSITION FACILITY ViV3·70 PERI'ORNM!CE/tlONlTOR AtlALYSIS RElEASE lEvn 7799-TA2 7799-TCC 2.1 2.3 3.1 3.1 3.1 7799-1CI' 7799-T.I1.P 5734-Pll 5734-PL3 5740--CBl 5740-x>:a 57/.4-ANl 7"l99-1f1C 77?9-TFP 7797-TAE 5746-AH2 7799-0Em z.o 5746··~!Gl 57t .S-AP1 7799-1AI< 3. C 7799-TCA 7799-THP 7799-TOO 4.0 5748-RCl 5748-XE4 57·'t8 .. XPI 7799-1 OR 2.0 S"l48-X)"'l3 5748-XXC 574&-X>"H 57(18-XXl 574 [}-}:X9 7799-T)l.0 1.0 1.0 7799-TUC z.e 5790-CPX 7799-TG? 3.5 3.1 2.3 2.l! 3.0 Tl99-TCl 1.0 1.0 7799-T/,G 1. 0 7799-Tl\S 3.0 lHE FOUo\~INS I'UDLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 6.0 OF Vl'V370 (5749): SLSS 10 <7799-1BA> PSEl1l.10 I EGlUAlS TITLE G120-1801 6(:20-1801-10 PU,t-INIHG & SYSl"Eil GHIER4T!ON GUIDE GlOG-ObIO GC20-1f)06~9 OPERATOR'S GUIOE GnO-lO07 GT20-1D!Hl GC20-Hl07-7 GC2'C···1808-10 SYSTEI1 MESSAGES (11(10···0611 61"00-0612 GC20-1818-2 GHIO-0613 GI.:20-·1820-3 G(:20-1819-2 GTOO-062"7 €C20-·18311-2 GTtlO-0614 (;X20-1n.s-6 l"HE FOI.ll)·f!~IG F'L'f.~UCAnONS S,(STr.H PROSRArltlEH' 5 SUJ.OE ttlS COMrift.NUS & H. \Crm REFEREHCE CI1~; lISER' S GUIDE CP c:m1t1Mm RlTERa:CE FOR SEN'l U:::ERS SCP SPECS (NOT AVAIlA8U':: Ulmrl1 SLSS) qUICK SUUlE REfEREUCE SUtltlflRY SUPPORT RElEASE 1.1 OF VM/5P (56·6(.-16 n: 5LS5 In <7799-lBS> PSEUDO '" EQIJUS TIlLE SQ19·-6201 STl9-6202 sn 9-&20l STl 9-(,2 0lJ STl9·"6l.'05 GH9··6206 51 19-·6209 SC19-6201-1 SC19··6202-D SC19·"620l-0 SC19··620 l .-0 PUJlNWG & SYSTEt1 GH!tRATICN GUIDE OPERATOR'S GUIDE SYSTEN PROGRAf1tIER' S CUIrlI: SYSfEt1 MESSAGES & (01)(;;5 Ol TSEP & ERRor! REcormn:{; GUlDE TER1IWAL USER' S S!JIOE ST19··621tl STl9··62 11 (H19-6212 Sr.19-M~05-0 GCI9-·6206-0 SC19-6Z09··0 5CI9'·6210··0 5CI9-6211-0 (;CI9···6£12-0 ellS COtr.M.N1VI'IACIW REfERENCE (;113 U~>ER' S GUIDE CP C(r,'lttANll REF FOR GEIIEIlAL USER' 5 OPEfMTWG SYS It! A VI:HUAL t1ACriII-IE (CCHT.) 126 VM/SP SYSTEM IPOIE RELEASE 1.1 \. ( 61"20-18(.2 GQ20·-Hr"(t GT20-1870 GC2t1-18l .2- 0 GC20- Hl7 l t-3 GC20-·1890-1 SPF(:IFICA'TIONS 'v'll/Sf' SYS IPO/E P.H 1.1 PLN'llWG GUIOE Vll/SP r,.YS IFO:E m::LE"SE 1.1 GUt EXEC 2 REF'ERE'I:CE STN--5219 51:2(4-5219-0 ST2.f.·~5220 SCZ4-S22U-O SiS PROQl'er EIHTOH USER'S curnE ~~q2A--5221 r-C2'1·-S::21-I sy::-; LlCO-9012 UCO·-')()j3 UCO-9(lVt L YC (l-·9012··0 I'f: t'lSl< At1 lISrIll(';S CP PiWGRAtl I...I ST:l:N~:S CP-AP/i'!P F'P.OSRAr1 l.l5T It!G5 ells FIWGRA!1 USTJ.lIGS (;1' srCO"<)C117 !"rCfl-9(lla tr60--()090 l)'(;I)··9013-0 LYCO--90 FI-O SYCCt-9017--0 u£-o .. oa?2 5'([.0-·901.0·-0 IY:;O-OO'1()'·!.l L '120-08")1-1 Lno- 0692-'U lTM1-03?3 LY20'Q(}9:i-0 l.f~~O-OI391 rnO~1 EUITOR n}11t1At-lt)/MACRO Rr:F PP'(,G~M1 lI5Tf.IlGS SCr,VlCE F/Q'.Jnm:s GATA om lOr.;lC nWeK L(,(,;IC ARE,,~/cm'nWL S 'IS If:I1 (,0 VOL I-cr S'(STEll en VOL 2-(1;'3 HIE FDLLmmlG PI.ii:lLICATIOW5 SIJFPOfn RELEASE 3.0 Of IHTEfl.'.cr PROD rACIL (.!>T F'S::U!)O t EOUl\lS Gf3 66iH1l2): SlSS HI < 77'n-TA2.> PSEUDO , EQUAI.S nnE Sf40-0Qll 51120-0011-0 AmlIl.JIs·rr~i\U011 SfliO-0012 SF.O-001!; &T40-5314 51120··0012-0 51120··0015-0 SH20-5314-1 1.'f20 ..·2506-0 PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS SUlliE mSTA I. LATJON LTM-25% Tiff Ft:lllO\-JING P1Jr.l l1CATIO:IS (:5 7:YI-C"l(.) : sr.!>!;; If) <7799-TC1:> PSEUryO tI 51'26-6465 SC .... 6-6465·-2 51:2(3-6,',68-3 ST~e-646a G120·-("lt85 6C2(}·6485··1 SIOO-1l6116 S:-<<16"'8194-2 CUIDE ~PECIFICATIONS LOGIC 11t,:·:tJAL surrtmr RELEASE I.'. or- COBOL INTErMCT DESUG TITlE TERtUN: i.. USE~' S GUIDE IHSTAl.L'.nON REFERENCE SP[CIflCArIONS REFERENcr; cAlm THE rOll.OHING PUBLICATIOIIS SI.'PPOlH RELEASE 2.0 OF ForHRAN WI) (57Yt-fOZ): SlSS II) <:7799-TAF> PSEl")0 ~ EQUA!.:; TITlE GT2J3-65lS G<:28--651S-10 FORTR4H IV L.6.tIGlJAGE FROGRM:J1ER • S GUIDE S I ;; 1')-68.S:~ SCZ8-6 B53'-1 GT28-6854 GC26·-613.5'f"·2 SPECIFICATIOll5 5T28-6856 5C28-6856-1 6'128-6884 6C28-6884-1 5T28--6891 LTC7-5021 ~C2a-6891-1 ItlSTAtlhTION rU::FERENCE GENERAL II1FORtiATION TEl'ltlINAl U3ER'S G·UlDE lYC7··502l-2 sm.mCE LISTIt :SS LT66-6856 LY28-6856-0 LOGIC (127 VM/SP SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 1.1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE!.l OF FORTRAN INTERACT DEBUG (5734-F05) : SLSS 10 <7199-TDF> PSEUDO # EQUALS TITLE TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE ST26-6865 SC26-6885-2 INSTALLATION REFERENCE ST28-6886 SC28-6886-1 GT28-6888 GC28-6888-l SPECIFICATIONS STOO-0620 SX26-8193-0 REFERENCE CARD THE FOLLO',fING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.3 OF FORTRAN (MOOII) LIB. (5734-LM3J: SLSS ID <7799-TCF> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT28-6515 GC28-6515-10 FORTRAN IV LANGUAGE GT28-6818 GC28-6818-1 MATH Mil SERVICE SlIBPROGRAMS ST28-6852 SC28-6852-2 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ST26-6861 SC26-6861-2 IUSTALLATION REFERENCE 6T28-6863 GC28-6863-2 SPECIFICATIONS ST28-6664 SC28-6664-0 SUPPLEHEIIT FOR MOD I & II LIBRARIES ST28-6865 SC2S-6865-1 MESSAGES LTC7-5020 LYC7-5020-4 SOURCE LISTINGS LT68-6409 LY28-6409-1 LOGIC TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.1 OF PVI RES. LIB. (5734-lI14l: SLSS 10 <7799-TDP> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITlE ST33-0006 SC33-0006-4 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE GT33-0009 GC33-0009-4 LANGUAGE REFERENCE EXECUTION lOGIC ST33-0025 SC33-0025-2 SQ33-0026 ST33-0029 5133-0037 LTC7-25C4 SC33-0026-6 SC33-0029-3 SC33--0037-3 LYC7-2504-3 LT73-60na LY33-6008-1 ItISTAlLA'TION TSO USER'S GUIDE CMS USER'S GUIDE MItROFICtlE LISTINGS LOGIC TUE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.1 OF PVI TRAt~ LIB (5734-lM!:): SLSS 10 <7799-TEP> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE ST33-0006 SC33-0006-4 OPTItlIlING COOPI LER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 5T33-0007 5C33-0007-3 CHECKOUT COMPILER PROGRMtlER'S GUIDE LANGUAGE REFEREUtE GT33-0009 GC33-0009-4 5T33-0025 SC33-002S-2 EXECUTION LOGIC SQ33-0026 SC33-0026-6 ItISTALLAUOH ST33-0027 SC33-0027-4 CO~IPILER MESSAGES ST33-0029 SC33-0029-3 TSO USER'S GUIDE 5T33-0031 SC33-0031-5 INSTAUATIOti 5T33-0033 SC33-0033-2 T50 USER'S GUIDE OPTIMIZING CO~IPILER CMS USER'S GUIDE ST33-0037 SC33-0037-3 ST33-0047 SC33-0047-2 CHECKOUT COMPILER CMS USER'S GUIDE LTC7-2505 LYC7-2505-3 MICROFICHE LISTINGS LT73-6009 LY33-6G09-1 LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.1 OF PV1 OPT. Cot1P. (5734-PLU: SLSS 10 <7799-TCP> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 17133-0001 GC33-0001-4 GENERAL IUFOOMATlON 5133-0006 SC33-·0006-4 PROGRAMMI'R' S GUIDE GT33-0009 GC33-0009-4 LAt~UAGE REFERENCE 5T33-0025 SC33-0025-2 EXECUTION LOGIC SQ33-0026 ST33-0027 5133-0029 5T33-0037 LTC7-2506 LT73-6007 SC33-0026-6 SC33-0027-4 SC33-0029-3 SC33-0037-3 LYC7-2506-7 LY33-6007-1 INSTALLATION MESSAGES T50 USER'S GUIDE ens USER'S GUIDE MICROFICHE LISTINGS tOGIC c) 128 VM/SP SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 1.1 ( 1lfE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.1 OF PVI OPT. COMP (5734-PI.3): SLSS 10 <7799-TAP> PSEUOO # EQUALS TITLE ST13-0006 SC33-0006-1t rROGRAMMER'S GUIDE G133-0009 GC33-0009-4 LAUGLJAGE REFERENCE ST33-00:!5 SC33-0025-2 EXECUnON LOGIC S~33-0026 SC33-0026-6 INSTALLATION S133-0027 SC33-0027-4 tlESSAGES 5T33-0029 SC33-0029-3 5T33·-0037 LTC7-?504 LTC 7-2505 SC33-C037-3 LYC7-2504-3 LYC7-2:505-3 TSO USER'S GUIDE Ctl!) USER'S GUIDE RES. US. LISTWGS TRANS. !.ID. LISTINGS LTC7-2:5!l6 LYC7-2S0()-7 SOURCE USTWGS LT73-6007 LT73-600a LT73-6009 LY33-6007-1 LYl3-600S-1 LY33-6009-1 LOGIC RES. LID. LDeIC lIMNS. LIB. LOGIC lHE rOLlOWII~G PUeLICATIOHS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.3 OF coaOL (5740-CBl): SL!)S 10 <7799-TAC> PSEUDO. EQUALS nTlE GQ26-38.S7 GC26-3857-2 REFEl;'EIICE SQ28-6469 SC2S-6469-4 USE!! 'S GUIDE G128-6472 GC28-6472-1 SPECIFICATIONS SQ\28-6 /,tll SC28·-6481-2 INSTALLATION REFERENCE STOO-1407 LlC7-50S2 LQ66-6425 SC28-6483-2 LYC7-50S2-7 LY28-·6425-1 PRCGRA~IMER' S GUIDE MICROFICHE LISTINGS LIBRARY LOGIC LQ68-64S6 Ln8-6406-2 CotlPILER LOGIC TIfE FOLlOl"llm PUBLICATIOUS SUPPORT RElEASE 2.2 OF PLANCOOUI (57(IO-XX8): SLSS 10 <7799-TFP> PSEUDO • EQUALS ( rITLE G139-1103 ST39-1123 &1119-1103·-4 5.119-1123·-2 GEUERAL INFOIU1ATIOH PRClGRAI1 REFERENCE SQ39-112/1 SH 19-1124·· 3 OF'ER AnONS SUlO E G'l40-4S05 6TOO-0607 S100··0609 GH20-45IlS-3 GXl1-S001-1 SX?,0-2035-0 SPECIFICATIONS REFERENCE CARD GTOO-0608 GX20-(,305-1 TEMPLATE REFERENCE LT59-1029 LY19-1029-0 LOGIC INFORMATION TIfE FOLU'WING PUBLICATIONS SUF'PORT RELEASE 3.0 OF EI1lJL PROSIVS (.5144-ANl): SLSS 10 <7799-TAE> PSEUDO I 6TOO--0624 GTOO-0622 GTOO-06e3 EQUALS GA27-3051-4 6A27-3086-1 TITLE 37D t t/370S INTRODUCTION 3704 USER'S GUIDE 3705 USER'S GUIDE GHO-300S 6TOO-062S GA27-3QS7-3 Gr,30-300S-7 STORAGE ESTIMATES GUIDE AND REFERENCE GC30-3008-S REfERE~K:E ST30-3116 SC30-3116-1 ACF/NCP GENERATION 5T70-3031 SYlO-3031-1 LOGIC & UTILITIES REF TilE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSEIVSAJ1 (S7(1-6-AM2): 10 <7799-D8"> PSEUDO t EQUALS TITLE GT24-5142 GC2't-!U42-0 SF'ECIFICI\TIONS SQ24-S14L. SC24-S144-1 COHHANDS & MACROS SQ2 l t-S145 SC24·-S145-1 PROGRAttlER' S REFEREtlCE SLSS & COOES SQ24-S146 SC24-S146-1 MESSAGES LQE\4-6102 LYB4-6102-1 SOURCE LISTINGS lQ64-5191 LY24-5191-1 l.OGIC VOLUt1E LQ84-S192 LY24-S192-1 LY24-519S-1 LOGIC VOL~1E L~6(.-5195 1 2 ACCESS ME'THooS LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS surronT RELEASE 3.0 OF RPG II (S746-RGI): SLSS ID <7799-TAR> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT33-6029 GC33-6029-1 SPECIfICATION SQ33-6031 SC33-6031-3 SYSTEM LIBRARY 5TOO-0604 SC33-6032-2 INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CONT.) 129 VM/SP SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 1.1 SQ33-6033 SQ33-6034 ST33-6074 GT33-6120 LT03-3800 LTOO-060S 5C33-6033-1 5C33-6034-1 5C33-6074-0 6C33-6120-1 W03-3800-2 lY33-9062-2 TilE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SlSS ID <7799-TCA> PSEUDO • EQUALS MESSAGES AUTO REPORT USER'S GUIDE GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL MICROFICHE LISTINGS LOGIC SUPPORT RElEASE 4.0 OF VS/APl (5748-APU: TITLE LANGUAGE REFERENCE GENERAL INFORMATION VS APL FOR ttlS: TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE WRITING AUXILIARY PROCESSORS &T26-3847 GTOO-0994 SQ40-9067 GC26-3847-4 SH20-9064-8 5H20-9067-4 SQ40-9068 G100-0992 SU20-9068-2 GH20-9086-11 5T40-9182 5H20-9182-1 5140-9199 5H20-9199-1 eMS INSTALLATION REF GRAPHPAK USER'S GUIDE LTOO-09S4 STOO-0993 LTOO-OOS1 LJB6-6102-1 5X26-3712-6 LY20-8032-3 MICROFICHE REFERENCE SUMMARY LOGIC THE PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF VM PASS THROUGH FACILITY FOLlOWlt~ SPECIFICATIONS ( S746-RCl ): SL5S ID PSEUDO I <7799-THP> EqUALS GC24-5206-3 TITLE GENERAL IHFORMATIotl GQ24-5207 GC24-5207-3 SPECIFICATIONS SQ24-S,Oa 5C24-5208-2 lTCO-9011 LYCO-9011-0 LT64-S208 LY24-5208-0 REFERENCE tlANUAL 11ICROrICHE LOGIC MANUAL GQ24-5206 nlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF WVDIRECTORY MAUlT. (5748-XE4) : SlSS ID <7799-1OD> F'SEUOO I EQUALS TITlE GT20-1817 GC20-1837-0 SPECIFICATIONS 5T20-1839 ST20-1840 nCO-9007 5C20-183?-0 SC20-1840-0 LYCO-9007-0 GUIDE LT60-0S89 LY20-0889-0 LOGIC FOR GENERAl USERS INSl'AlLATIO"l & SY5 ADMINISTRATORS GUIDE S~CE TIlE FOllOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT SLSS 10 <7799-TDR> PSEUDO # EQUALS TITlE LISTINGS RElEASE 2.0 OF RSCS NETWORKING (S748-XPU: GlOO-0940 GH2(t-5003-4 SPECIFICATIotlS GTOO-09?? SQ44-S005 GU24-5004-4 lQCO-9006 LYCO-9006-1 LQ64-5203 LY24-5203-1 GEIIERAL IHFORtlATION PROGRAM nEFEREHCE & OPERATIONS SOURCE LISTINGS LOGIC 5H24-5005-1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT SLSS 10 <7799-TAD> PSEUflO I EI~UA LS TITLE GU4-5197 512'1-5198 GH4-S200 LTCO-900B LT64-5206 RElEASE 1.0 OF DIlS/Cfts (571t8-XXiH: GC24-5197-0 SC24-5198-0 GC24-S200-1 GENERAL INFORMATlO"l GUIDE & REFERENCE LYCO-9008-0 SOt.lr?CE LY24-5Z06-0 LOGIC SPECIFICATIONS LISTINGS THE FOLLONING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF VtVItlTERACT FILE SHARING ( 5748-XXC) : SLSS 1D <7799-TCl> PSEUDO # EQUALS TITLE &'1"24-5195 GC24-5195-0 5T24-5196 GT24-519? LT84-5205 LTCO-9009 SC24-S196-0 GC24-5199-1 lY24-5205-0 LYCO-9009-0 GENERAL UIFOIUlATION GUIDE AND REFERENCE SPECIfICATIONS LOGIC SOURCE LISTINGS I ~j 130 VM/SP SYSTEM IPOIE RELEASE 1.1 FOlLOtoIING MJ8LICA'TIONS SLSS ID <7799-1"AG> TI'IE ( PSElJl)O I ST33-0101 STH-OI0~ LT33-0103 LT33-010 l t GT33-0106 lTA4-30S1 LTAlt-3071 EQIJAlS 5C33-0101-0 SC33-0102··O LC33-0103-0 l.C33-0104-0 GC33-0108-1 LYA4-3051-0 LYA4-3071-0 THE FOLLOWING PUI3LICATIOI'IS SLSS 10 <779q-TAB> PSEUDO 'I EGlUAtS GT28-8302 GC28-8302-S RELEASE 1.0 OF 600l1/PGF (5748-)OOU: TITlE GOOM USE~'S ~~IDE USER'S GUIDE GOOli DIAGNOSTIC REFERENCE PGF DIAGNOSTIC REFERENCE PGF SPECIFICATIONS GOOn ASSEMBLY LISTING PSF ASSEtlBLY LISTW{;l SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF VSIBASIC TITLE GT28-8303 GC28-6303-2 SC26-8306-1 5C26-6308-1 5T28-8309 5128-8310 5C28-8309-3 SC28-831 0-0 INSTALLATION REFERENCE BASIC eNS INTRODUCTION 6·128-0311 SfNO-9060 GC28-8311-3 51120-9060-2 STOO-0626 SX26··3710-2 SlOO-0621 5)<28-6386-1 LTC7-50S1 L'r68-M22 LY2S-6422-2 SPt::CIFICATIOI'I VSPC TErmlNAL USERS GUIDE REFERENCE 5U11MARY (V5PC} REFERENCE SUMt1ARY (CtlS) SOURCE LISTINGS LOGIC LYC7-5051-2 FROGRAt~E~'S SUrf1'O~T GUIDE RELEASE 2.0 OF DOCUMENT C0!1POSITION FACIL:iH nTlE IUP COURSE DESC/ADM INFORMATION S~i',0-6130 5H20-6130-1 GT40-9156 G..,40-9159 GH20-9158-2 Gr:~ERAL 6fI20-9159-2 51120-9161-3 SPECIFICATIONS STOO-O'??6 (S7/tS-XX!): GENERAL INFORMATION REFERENCE Ct15 TERMIUAL USER'S GUIDE 5128-6306 5T28-8308 THE FOLLOWING PU'8LICATIOtIS SLSS ID <7799-TDC> EqUALS PSEUOO • USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM SUtlMARY ST40-9186 GH20-9175-1 5H20-9186-0 GtlL USER' 5 GUIDE LQB6-0016 LJ86-0016-1 8ACV,GROUl-lD ENVIRtlNMEIfT (COt1MQN) GTlIO-9175 ( SUPPO~T LQD6-0017 L.JB6-0017-1 CMS FOREGROUND LQB6-0022 LG!B6-0023 LJB6-0022'-1 DATA LJB6-0023-1 CROSS GlOO-0617 G>:20-2332-1 STOO-0711 STOO-07l2 U.:tBO-8070 LQ60-8067 LT70-8074 SX26-3719-1 SX26-3723·-2 LYBO-8070-2 LY20-8067-2 LY20-e074-1 GTOO-0619 G320-6331-0 GTOO-0618 G320-5777-0 AREAS ENVIRON~IEUT FICHE FICHE REF TABLE FICHE OVERVIEW GUL QUICK REF SUt1M USER'S GO QUICK REF CARD MESSAGES LOGIC FICHE DOCUMEnT COMPOSITION FAe DIAGNOSTICS LOGIC JlEYIEW TR,"-INING COURSE lUI' ttOTICE SI1L IMPLEI1ENTATIOH GUIDE TIiE FOLLOWlt~ PUBLICATIONS suprORT RELEASE 3.3 OF \~ PERFORHIMONITOR ( !H9(\-CPX ) : SLSS 10 <7799-TGP> PSEUDO # EqUALS TITLE 5TOO-0616 5821-2101-3 PROGRAtl DESCRIPTION OPERATIONS MANUAL ( ANALYSIS ' .' 131 VMjSP SYSTEM IPOjE RELEASE 1.1 e COMPLETE VM/SP SYSTEM PROPUCnVITY OPTION/EXTENDED (VM/SP SYSTEM IPO/E) VERSION 1.2.1 tfOTE: SLSS 10 (7799 HUMBER!) CAUSE SHIPMENT OF PUBLICATIONS AT THE RIGUT LEVELS FOR THIS SYSl'EM IPQ/E RELEASE, AND PREVENT SHIPMENT OF PUBLICATIONS APPLYING TO NEW RELEASES. PP NUMBERS ENTERED INTO SLSS ARE AUTOMATICALLY CONVERTED TO SLSS 10 IF THE SLSS KEY 7751 IS ALSO EtrrERED. BASE CONTENT PROO. PROD. ( NAME ) PP NUMBER 5664-167 5664-172 5668-012 5668-960 5734-CB4 5734-fOS 5734-U14 5734-LHS 5734··PLl 5734-PL3 5735-OZS 5740-CBl 5744-ANl 5746-AM2 5746-RGl 5748-API 5748-F03 5748-N51 5748-RCl VMlSP ISPF/FUF IIPS ISPF COBOL INTV DEBUG FORTRAN ItfTV IlEBU6 PLII RES LIB PL/I TRANS LIB Pl.lI OPT CeMP Pl/ICOMP INfO/SYSTEM OSIVS COOOL EPIVS VSEIVSAH RPG II VS/APL VS fORTRAN IFF PVt1 (OR VM/PASSTIIRU) Vl'l/IPCS 5748-SAI DIRI1AItrr 5748-XE4 5748-XPl 5748-XXB 5748-XXC 5748-XXl 574S-XX9 5746··XXH 5796-PKT 5796-PLN S796-PNG S79S"CPX 579S-0CN ItSCS NETWORKING DMS/CMS VM/IfS VS BASIC DCF GDDtVPSF QBE ADRS II APl.IDI II VtVl'ttA FPS II SLSS ID RELEASE LEVEL 7799-TBT 7799-TAK 7799-TA3 7799-TBK 7799-TCC 7799-TAN 7799-TDQ 7799-TEQ 7799-TCQ 7799-TAQ 7799-TAZ 7799-TAC 7799-TAE 7799-D6M 7799-TAR 7799-TCA 7799-TAH 7799-TB6 7799-THQ 7799-TBC 7799-TDM 7799-TDS 7799-TED 7799-TCl 7799-TAB 7799-TDC 7799-TCG 7799-TGQ 7799-TA7 7799-TAS 7799-TGP 7799-TA9 2.1 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.4 2.2 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 2.3 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.5 3.5 1.3 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.1 OF VHlSP (5664-167): SLSS 10 <7799-TBT> EQUALS PSEUDO # TITLE G(;I19-6200 !)TOO-0916 STOO-0913 GCI9-6200-1 SC19-6201-2 5CI9-6202-1 SC19-6203-1 SC19-620I't-l SC19-62IlS-1 GC19-6206-1 GC19-6207-1 SCI9-6209-1 SC19-6210-1 SC19-6211-1 61':19-6212'·1 GC20-1636-2 GC20-18(t2-3 GC20-1890-2 51:24-5219-1 SC24-5220-0 SC2I't-5221-1 SC24-S236-0 GC26-3946-6 Ge3S-0033-7 SX20-4400-1 5100-0914 SX20-4(.Ol-1 S~19-6e02 SQ19-6203 SQ19-6204 5Q19-620.5 SQ19-6206 GQ19-6207 SQ19-6209 SQ19··6210 SQ19-6211 GQ19-6212 GQ20-1838 GQ20-1642 GQ20-1690 SQ24-5219 ST24-S220 SQ24-S221 ST24-5236 G100-0921 G'I00-0920 INTRODUCTION GENERATION GUIDE OPERATOR'S GUIDE S'rSTEM PROSRAtlf'lER' S GUIDE SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES OlTSEP .. ERROR RECORDItIS GUIDE TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE GLOSSARY AND HASTER INDEX CNS COMM~tID/MACRO REFERENCE cns USER'S GUIDE CP COMMAND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS OPERATING SYSTEM IN A VIRTUAL MACIUUE PLAt~ING/SYSTEM GE~IERAL It'IFORI1ATION SPECIFICATIotlS vtVSP SYS IPQ/E REl 2.1 GEnt INfO EXEC2 REFERENCE EDITOR USER'S GUIDE EDITOR· COl1tlANDltfACRO REFERENCE eMS PRIMER nSF: SPECIFICATIOlm DSF: llSER' S GUIf)E AND REFERENCE QUICK GUIDE fOR REFERENCE USERS COtIl1A~m REFERENCE SUlI11ARY (GENERAl) (CONT.) VM/SP SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.1 132 _.- --- - - - - - - ---_.- .... _ ... _----- ( 5TOO-0915 STOO-0918 STIlO-0919 51'00-0917 lQCO-9012 Sl<20-4402-1 U~CO-9013 lYCO-9013-1 LYCO-9014-1 SYCO-9017-1 SYCO-9018-1 LY20-0890-0 LY20-0891-1 lQCO-9014 SQCO··9017 St;tCO-901S LT60-0890 lQ60-C891 LQ60-0892 l,OUO-OS93 ll60-0894 SX24-S122-1 SX24-S1Zl-0 5X24-S124-1 l"fCO-9012-1 l Y20-0892-1 U20-0893-1 LY20-0694-0 COI1MAI.J!) REFERENCE SUMMARY (OlllER) XE"DIT COt1l'1ANO REfERENCE SUMrlARY XEOIT PF KEYOV~:lRAY EXEC2 L~NGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY PROGRAM LISTINGS CP PROGRAM USTItlGS CP-APIHP PROGRAM LISTINGS ens PROGRAM LISTUISS CP PROGRAM LISTINGS eMS SERVICE R~JTINES LOGIC DATA AREAS/CONTRAL BLOCK LOGIC SYSTEt1 GUIDE VOL l-CP SERVICE GUIDE VOL 2-CMS 110 CP LO!;IC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATlOUS SUPPORT 5L~S 10 <7799-TAK> PSEl~O ~ EQUALS TITLE RELEASE 1.0 OF ISPF/PDF (5664-172): SQ34-2077 GC34-~077-1 PROGRAM SUfIHARY GTOO-1405 ST34-2083 5134-2090 GC34-, 078-2 GC34-2082-2 5C34-2083-0 5C34-2090"·0 WFORMATlOH SPECIFICATIONS ItlSTALLATION AND CU5TOI'lIZArION L.l'OO-0931 LT65-0017 LJAO··0343-0 LY25-0017-0 ASSEflBLY LISTINGS GQ34-~082 TIlE ('OLLOWING PUSLICATIONS SLSS 10 <7799-TA3> PSEUDO • EQUALS 6140-0006 GtI20-0008-0 6T40-0011 GU20-0011-0 6T4·0-0012 6H20-0012-0 5T40-0015 GH20-00lS-0 GQ40-S314 6H20-5314-1 5T40-5507 5H20-5507-0 LT60-2506 LY20-2506-0 GEt~ERAL VH REFERENCE PROGRAM LOGIC SUPPORT RELEASE 1.1 OF IIf~ (5668-012); TInE ItffRODUCTION ADtUNIS1'RATION GUIDE PHOOlEtl DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ItlSTAlLATlON SPECIfICATIONS ADtUNIS'H1ATOR 'S HANDBOOK LOGIC MANUAL TUE FOllOWIUG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RElEASE 1.0 OF ISPF (5668-960 I: SLSS 10 <7799-TBK> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GQ34-20n (:C34-2077-1 Pl'!OGRAH SUMI1ARY GC34-2061-2 srECIFIC'&'TIONS GQ3!t-2061 5134-2063 SC34-2083-0 INSTAllATION ANI) CUSTOl1!ZATION 5C34-2085-1 DIALOG MANAGER SERVICES EYJ.NPLES SQ34-2085 SQ34-2088 5C34-20&8-1 DIALOG MANAGE~ SERVICES LTOO-0930 LJAO-034Z-0 ASSEtlBLY LlSTItIDS LT6S-0016 LY25-0016-0 PROGRAM LOGIC TIlE FOllOIUNG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RElEASE 1.4 OF COBOL IlfTV DEBUG (Sn4-Ccv.): SLSS 10 <7799-TCC> PSEunO • EQUALS TITLE ST28-6465 TERMINAL USER '5 GUIDE GT28-6465 SC28-6465-2 5C28-6468-3 GC28-6485-1 5TOO-0606 SX20'-8194-2 ST28-6468 INSTALLATION REF[REt~E SPECIFICATIONS I~EFl:ReHCE CARD THE FOLlOHING PU511CATIONS SUPPORT RElEASE 2.2 Of FORTRAN INTV DEBUG (573l t-F05): SLSS 10 <7799-TAN> PSEUDO I EQUA!S TITlE SQ28-6685 ST28-6886 SC28··68C5-3 SC28-6866-1 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE INST'ALLATION REFEt!EtlCE GQ28-68~8 GC28-6888-3 SX28-8193-1 SPECIFICATIONS 5TOO-0937 REfERENCE CARD THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 Of PLII RES LIB (5734-U1(t); SLSS 10 <7799-TDQ> FSEl~O I 6T26-3977 6126-3992 SQ33-0006 EQUALS GC26-3977-0 GC26-3992-1 SC33-0006-5 TITLE LANGUAGE REfERENCE RES. LIB SPECIFICATIONS PROGRA~~ER'S GUIDE (CotfT. ) 133 VM/SP SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.1 ST33-002S STOO-09l9 St;l33-0027 ST33-0037 LTC7-2504 LT73-6008 SC33-0025-2 SC33-0026-7 SC33-0027-5 SCn-0037-3 LYC7-2504-3 LYl3-6008-1 EXECUTION LOGIC INSTALLATION HAHUAL HESSAGES Ct1S USER'S auIDE RES. LIB. LISTINGS MICROFICHE RES. LIB. LOGIC HANUAL THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF PUI TRANS LIB (5734-U15h SLSS ID <7799-TEQ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT26-3977 6C26-3977-0 LANGUAGE REFERENCE TRANS. LIB SPECIFICATIONS 6T26-3993 GC26-3993-1 SQ33-0006 SC33-0006-5 PROGRAt1I1ER'S GUIDE SQ33-0007 SC33-0007-1t CHECKOUT COMPo PROS. GUIDE EXECUTION LOGIC ST33-0025 SCl3-00tS-! INSTALLATION HAHUAL STOO-0939 SC33-0026-7 HESSAGES SQ33-0027 SC33-0027-S ST33-0031 SC33-00l1-5 ItiSTALLATION ST33-0037 SC33-0037-3 ens USER'S GUIDE CHECKOUT COMP. CHS USER'S GUIDE ST33-0047 SC33-00lt7-! LTC7-250S LYC7-!50S-l TRANS. LIB. LISTINGS MICROFICHE 'mAtIS. LIB. LOGIC HAHUAL LT7l-6009 LY33-6009-l TtlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1t.0 OF PUI OPT Cot'IP (S734-PLl): SLSS 10 <7799-TCQ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT26-3977 GC26-3977-0 LANGUA6E REFERENCE OPT. COMPILER SPECIFICATIONS 6T26-3991 GC26-399l-l 6T33-000l 6C33-0001-1t OPTH. COI1P. GENERAL INFORMATION SQ33-0006 SC33-0006-S PROGRmtER'S GUIDE ST33-0025 se33-00tS-! EXECUTION LOGIC STOO-0939 SC33-0026-7 INSTALLATION MANUAL SQ33-0027 SC33-0027-5 MESSAGES CtIS USER'S GUIDE ST33-0037 SC33-0037-3 LTC7-2506 LYC7-2506-7 SOURCE LISTINGS MICROFICHE LT73-6007 LY33-6007-l LOGIC HANUAl nlE FOLLOWING FUBLlCATIOHS SUPPORT RELEASE 1t.0 OF PVI COt1P (5734-PL3J: SLSS 10 <7799-TAq> PSEUDO :I EQUALS TITLE 6'T26-3977 GC26-3977-0 LANGUAGE REFERENCE OPT. CmtPILER SPECIFICATIONS GT26-3991 GC26-3991-1 GC26~3992-l RES. LI8. SPECIFICATIONS 6T26-3992 6T26-3993 GC26-3993-1 TRANS. LIB. SPECIFICATIONS SQ33-0006 SC33-0006-5 PROGRAMMER'S GUIOE ST33-0025 SC33-0025-2 EXECUTION LOGIC STOO-0939 SC33-0026-7 INSTALLATION MANUAL ~33-0027 SC33-0027-5 MESSAGES ST33-0037 se33-0037-3 ct1S USER'S GUIDE 5TOO-0943 SX33-6002-2 KEYMORDS STOO-0944 SX33-6005-1 TERMINAL COMMANDS & COMPILER OPTIONS RES. LIB. LISTINGS MICROFICHE LTC7-2504 LYC7-2504-3 LTC7-2S05 lYC7-2505-3 TRANS. LIB. LISTINGS MICROFICHE SOURCE LISTINGS ttICROFICHE LTC7-tS06 LYC7-2506-7 LT73-6007 LY33-6007-1 LOGIC tWl\JAL lT73-6008 LY33-6008-l RES. LIB. LOGIC MANUAL LT73-6009 LY33-6009-1 TRANS. LIB. LOGIC HANUAL THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATlONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF INFo/sYSTEM (5735-0ZS): SLSS ID <7799-TAZ> PSEUDO • EquALS TITLE PROGRAM SUt1t1ARy 6TOO-0928 GC34-2068-1 6T34-20~9 GC34-2069-0 6F.NERAL & PRE-INSTALLATION INFO. SPECIflCA"TIONS 6T34-2070 GC34-2070-0 6T34-2071 GC34-207l-1 INSTALLATION AND CUSTOHIZATION 5T34-2072 SC34-2072-0 USER'S GUIDE ST34-2074 SC34-2074-0 MESSAGES AND CODES TEt1PLATE FOR 3270 DISPLAY TERMINALS GTOO-0929 GX20-2392-0 LOSIC AND DIAGNOSIS LT65-0013 LY25-0013-0 134 VM/SP SYSTEM !POlE RELEASE 2.1 ( TtiE FOLLOMIN6 PU'8LICATIotlS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.3 OF OSIVS COOOL (57(.O-CSll: SLSS 10 <7799-TAC> PSEUDO I EquALS TITLE Gq26-3&57 GC26-3857-3 OSIVS REFERENCE 5C20-6469-4 SQ28-64S9 USER'S GUIDE SPECIFICATIOt-1S GT28-6472 GC28-6472-1 GC28-64S1-2 INSTALLATION REFEREI-ICE GQ26-6481 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE STOO-1407 SC28-648~-2 tTC7-50S2 LYC7-5052-7 SOURCE LISTINGS MICROFICHE 1.Q68-6425 LY2S-642S-1 LI~ARY LOGIC Lq~S-64a6 LY28-6~86-2 COMPILER LOGIC TUE FOLLOWING PU8LICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF EPIVS (S744-AHl): SLSS ID <7799·-TAE> PSEUDO • G'r00-0~24 GTOO-0622 GTOO-0623 GT30-3005 GTOO-0625 5T30-3116 ST70-3031 EQUALS GA27-3051-1t 6A27-3086-1 GA27-30S7-3 GC30-3005-7 GC30-300S-5 SCJO-3116-1 5Y30-3031-1 TITLE 370~/3705 INTRODUCTION USER'S GUIDE 3'705 USER'S GUIDE STORAGE ESTIMATES GUIDE 3704 a REF. REFERENCE ACFINCP GENa UTILITIES REF. LOGIC 1ME FOLLOWING PUBLlCATIOHS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSEIVSAM (5746-AM2): SLSS ID <7799-Detl> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE OT24-S142 GC24-S142-0 SPECIFICATIONS COt1tIANDS AND MACROS SQ24-S144 SC24-5144-1 PROGRAtltIER'S GUIDE SQ24-S14S SC24-S145-1 SQt4-5J46 SC24-5146-1 MESSAGES AND COOES LQ64-S19S LT24-519S-1 ACCESS METHODS LOGIC LQB4-6102 LY84-6102-1 SOURCE LISTING MICROFICHE LQ64-5191 l.Y21t-5191-1 LOGIC VOL 1 L~64-5192 LY24-5192-1 LOGIC VOL 2 ( TtlE fOLl.OtUNG PUBLICATIONS SUPF'ORT RELEASE 3.0 OF RPG II (S-746-RGU: SlSS In <7799-TAR> PSEUDO • E~ALS TITLE GT33-6029 SQ33-6031 STOO-0604 5Q33-6033 SQ33-6034 ST33-6074 6T33-6120 6C33-6029-1 SC33-6031-3 LTll3-3800 LJD3-l&OO-2 LTOO-0605 LY33-9062-2 SPECIFICATIONS LANGUAGE REFERENCE INSTALLATION HESSAGES AUTO REPORT USER'S GUIDE GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL S~CE LISTINGS MICROFICHE LOGIC MANUAL SC13-6032-2 SC33-6033-1 SC33-6034-1 SC33-6074-0 GC33-6120-1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF VSlAPL (S748-API): 5LSS ID <7799-TCA> PSEUDO • E~UALS TITLE GT26-3847 GC26-3847-1t APL LANGUAGE GENERAL INFORMATIOH GTOO-0994 mI20-9064-8 SQ40-9067 SH20-9067-4 CMS USER'S GUIOE SQ40-9068 SH20-9068-2 WRITING AUXILIARY PROCESSORS SPECIFICATIOHS GTOO-0992 GH20-9086-11 ~120-9162-0 Ct1S INSTALLATION ST40-9182 ST40-9199 Si20-9199-1 GRAPHPAK USER'S GUIDE LTOO-0954 5TOO-0993 LJ86-6102-1 SX26-3712-6 LY20-8032-3 MICROFICHE REFERENCE SUMMARY LOGIC tW«JAL LTOO-OOSI TtfE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VS FORTRAN (5748-F03): SLSS ID <7799-TAH> PSElI.'IO • EquALS GT26-3983 6C26-3983-3 (- TITLE GENERAL INFORMATION GT26-3984 SC26-3'8~-2 ST26-398S 6126-3986 ST:6-3987 SC26-3985-3 YS fORTRAN SPECIFICATIONS APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE 6C26-39e6:"2 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING lANG. REF. SC26-3987-1 INSTALLATION AND CUSTOHlZATIOH (CONt. ) 135 VM/SP SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.1 ST26-3988 5T26-3989 ST26-3990 GQ28-6884 LTB6-0072 STOO-0938 SC26-39G8-1 SC26-3989-1 SC26-3990-2 6C28-6884-2 LJB6-0072-1 SX26-3731-2 APPL. PROG. SYS. SER. REF. SUPP. APPLICATION PROSRAttlING LIB. REF. COMPILER AND LIBRARY DIAGNOSIS IBM FORTRAN PP FOR OS & eNS CONPIlER & LIBRARY MICROFICHE SOURCE TIME REFERENCE SUMMARY THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIot~ SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF IPF (S748-HSIJ: ID <7799-186> . PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6TOO-0947 GH20-5304-3 SPECIFICATIONS ST40-5583 5H20-5583-0 USER'S GUIDE 6TOO-0923 GX20-2387-2 REfERENCE SUMMARY CARD 5TOO-0924 SX20-2188-1 TEMPLATE FOR 3277175 5TOO-0925 SX20-2389-3 TEMPLATE FOR 3276/78 LTOO-0926 LYBO-2477-5 DIALOG PANELS & USER GUIDE MICROFICHE LTOfJ-0927 LYBO-2478-4 SOURCE LISTING MICROFICHE SLSS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF PVH (OR Vl'VPASSTHRUJ (S748-RC1): SL5S 10 <7799-THQ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GENERA.L IHFORt....TIOH GQ24-5206 GC24·-5206-3 GQ24--5207 GC24-5207-3 SPECIFICATIOt~ GUIDE All) REFERENCE SQ24-5208 SC24-520S-2 LQCO-9011 LYCO-9011-1 tlICROFICHE LQ64-5208 LY24-5208-1 LOGIC MANUAL TilE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIot~ SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VtVIPCS (5748-5A11: SLSS 10 <7799-1BC> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GENERAL INFORMATION GT34-2019 GC34-2019-1 5TOO-1413 SC34-2020-2 GUIDE AND REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS GQ34-2025 GC34-2025··1 LQAO-0305 LJAO-0305-1 MICROfICHE LT65-000S LY25-000S-0 LOGIC t-IANUAL THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS Stll'PCRT RELEASE 2.0 OF DIRMAINT (S748-XE4) : SLSS 10 <7799-TDM> PSEUDO I EquALS TITLE GQ20-1836 GC20-1836-2 GENERAL INfORI1ATIot~ SPECIFICATIONS GQ20-1S37 GC20-1837-1 GUIOE FOR GENERAL USERS SQ20-1S39 SC20-1839-1 INSTALLATION & SYS. ADNIN. GUIDE SQ20-1640 SC20-1S40-1 LQCO-9007 LYCO-9007-1 SOURCE LISTING MICROFICHE LOGIC MANUAL LQ60-0889 LY20-0889-1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF RSCS NETWORKING (S748-Xl-'1): SlSS 10 <7799-TDS> PSEUDO I EQUUS TITLE GTOO-09(.0 Gtl24-5003-4 SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-0999 GI124-5004-4 GENERAL It~FORMATION STOO-0941 5H2(+-5005-2 PROGRAt1 REFEREHCE AND OPERATIONS 5TOO·-0942 SX2 Ct-5119-2 REFERENCE StJr111ARY LTOO-0952 LYCO-9006-2 SotmCE LISTING tlICROFICHE LTOO-099S LY24-5203-2 LOGIC MANUAL TIlE FOlLOWItlti PUBLICA nONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 Of DMS/CMS (574-G-XXB;: SLSS 10 <7799--TED> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GQ24-5197 GC24-5197-1 GENERAl INFORMATION GUIDE AND REfEREt·!CE SQ24-S198 SC24-S198-1 SPECIFICATIONS GQ24-S200 GC24-5200-2 SOlIR.CE LISTINGS MICROFICHE LQCO-9008 LYCO-9008-1 lQ64-5206 LYZ4-5206-1 LOGIC MANUAL 136 VMjSP SYSTEM IPOjE RELEASE 2.1 THE FOll.OWUIG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF YH/IFS (S74S-XXCI: SlSS 10 <77?9-TC1>. PSEUDO • EQUALS TITlE GT24-!H 95 GCl!4-S195·-0 GENERAL INFORMATION 5T24-5196 SC24-S196-0 GUICE MID REFEF!EIICE &T24-5199 GC24-5199-1 SPECIFICATIOUS l TCO-9009 l YCO-9009,,·0 SOURCE LISTINGS MICROFICltE LT64-5205 LY24-520S··0 !.OGIC MANUAL 11~E fOlU1HItIG Pt.Jr3lICATIONS suppeRT RELEASE 3.0 OF VS BASIC (574e-XXl): SLSS ID <7799-TAB> PSEUOO I EQUALS 6T28-8302 GC28-Sl02-5 GT2 tHH 0 3 GC26-8303-2 ST2B-8306 SC26·8306··1 ST26-6308 SC28-6308-1 ST28-8309 ST28-S3l0 GT28-B311 SQ40-9060 STOO'-0626 5TOO-0621 5C28-8309-3 Se2S-G310-0 GC26-'8311-3 SIi20-9060-2 SX26-3710-2 SX~8-6386-1 Ll'C7-5051 LYC7-S051-2 I.T68-6(.22 LY28-6fl22-2 TITLE GENERAL INFORMATION BASIC LANGUAGE REFEREtlCE CtlS TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROGRAt1l1ER 'S GUIDE INSTALLAnON REFERENCE BASIC CtlS IN'TRODUCTION SPECIFICA1IONS VSPC TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE REF. Sur-1t1ARY CNS PEFERENCE SUMt1ARY SOURCE LISTINGS tlICROFICtiE LOGIC MAtftJAl vsrc THE fOll.OHltts ruF.lLICATIOI.r.J SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 Or- DCF (57I f8-XX9): 5LSS IU <7799-TDC> PSEUDO :, EqUALS TUtE SQI.tO-6130 s/i20-6130-1 GT40-91!i6 61120-9158-2 GQ40-91S9 S1"00-0996 GI120-9159··2 51120-9161-3 IUP COURSE DESCRIPT/ADMUIISmATIVE GENERAL INFORMATION SPECIFICA'fIONS USER'S GUIDE GT40-9175 61-120-9175-1 5T40-9186 Sfi20-9H.16-0 lJB6-0016-1 LJ86-0017-1 LqB6-0016 ( LQB6-0017 PROCRAI1 SUMMARY GI'IL USER'S GUIDE BACKGROUND EtN:tRONtfENT (C0!1r.Ot1) eNS FOREGROIJI,m ENVIRONl1EHT (FICHE) LQB6-0022 LClS6-0023 lJB6-0022-1 DATA LJ86-0Q23-1 GTOO-0617 STOO-0711 GX20-2332-1 STOO-0712 6TOO-0619 5X26-3723-2 G320-5777-0 G320-6331-0 L.~0-8070 ~REAS I1ICROFICIiE lYBO-8070-2 CROSS REF. TABLE MICROFICHE OVERVIEW GML QUICK REF. SUI'1I'1ft.RY USEPS GO quICK REF. CARD rot'lL INPLEI1ENTATlCN GUIDE TRAINING COURSE IUP NOTICE tlESSAGE5 "lCFlOFIeIiE LQ60-.e067 lY2:0-8067-2 DIAS~IDSTIC I.HO-607(. LY20-tJ074-1 FPOBLEM DETERMINILOGIC OVERVIEW S'fOO-0618 SX26-3719-1 PROCEDURE TIlE FOllOl,fUIG PUBLICA.TIOtIS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF GOOI1lP13F (5748-XX;O: SLSS 10 <7799-TCG> PSJ:UDO • EQUALS TITlE GEI-IERAL I!~FORt1AlION G100-0997 GC33-0100-2 'GOotl USER'S GUIDE SQ33-0101 SC33-0101-2 5Q33-01.02 lQ33-0103 5oC33-0102-1 t.C33-0103-1 LQ33·-0104 lC33-0104-1 GQ33-0108 GC33-0l08-2 SQ33-0111 SC33-0111-1 LYA4-3052-0 lYA4-JOn-O LTA4-3C52 LTA4-3072 PGF USER'S GUIDE GDDM DIAGNOSTIC REFE~ENtE PGF DIAGNOSTIC REFEREIICE SPECIFICA TIOtolS PSF INTERACTIVE CHART UTILITY COURSE GODM ASSEMBLY LISTI~IG PCF ASSEMBLY LISTING THE FOLLOWIH6 PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.9 OF QBE (S796-PKTl : SLSS 10 <7799-TGQ> PSEUDO • EQUALS 5T40-2077 51120-2077-2 5H20-2078-2 GX20-2032-2 Sf40-2078 6TOO-0932 TITLE PROGRAt! DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS t'1I\tfUAL TERMINAL USER'S GUIDe REFERENCE SUMMARY 137 VMjSP SYSTEM IPOjE RELEASE 2.1 THE FOlUlWINS PU9LICATIOHS SUPPORT RELEA5E 1.7 OF ADR5 II (5796-PLN): SLSS 1D <7799-TA7> PSEUDO I E~UAlS 6TOO-0933 5T40-2165 ST40-2658 6TOO-0934 6TOO-0935 GB20-005&-1 5H20-2165-2 SIi20-2656-0 GX20-2348-0 GX20-4405-1 LY20-2415-0 G320-6097-2 LT60-2415 6TOO-0945 TITlE USER' 5 GUIDE. QUICI< REFERENCE CARD USER'S GUIDE BUSINESS GRAPftICS USER'S GUIDE 3270 PROGRAM FUNCTION KEY TEtlPlATE 3279 PROGRAM FUNCTION KEY TEMPLATE SYSTEMS GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.5 OF APlIDI II (S796-PNG): SLSS 10 <7799-TA6> PSEUDO I EqUALS TITlE SnO-1891 SC20·-1691-1 STIJDENT TEXT 5T40-6147 51-120-6147-1 PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS MANUAL LT40-9007 LY20-9007-0 SYSTEMS GUIDE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.5 OF VJ1/PMA (.5798-CPX): SLSS 10 <7799-TGP> PSEUDO I EQUAL5 TITLE 5TOO-0998 5B21-2101-4 ~OGRAI1 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIot~ MANUAL -rtIE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.3 OF FPS II (5798-DCN1: SLSS 10 <7799-TA9> PSEl~O I EQUALS STOO-0936 5621-2623-0 TITLE PROGRAM DESCRIPTIotVOPERATIO!~ 138 I1ANUAL VM/SP SYSTEM IPO/E RELEASE 2.1 e ( COMPLETE VM!SP SYSTEM OFFERING VERSION 1.2.2 SlS' ID (7799 .I\.II18ERS) C~USE SHIPMENT OF PUDLICATIONS AT TIlE RIGHT lEVELS FOR THIS SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE. AND PREVENT SflIPI1ENT OF POOLICA1IONS APPL nus TO NEW RElEASES. PP I'M1BERS ENTERED INTO SLS5 ARE AUTOMATICALLY CotNERTED TO SLSS ID IF THE SLSS KEY 7752 IS ALSO NOTE: EtfrERED. BASE COHTENT FROG. PROD. (t·IAME) Vtl/SP ISPF/POF IIPS IsrF COBOL INTV DEBUG FOlrm ... t-I I IffV DEBUG PUI RES LIB PUI TRAtlS LIB PL/I OPT COOP PI../I COMP INFO/SYSTEM OS/VS COBOL EF/vS VSE/vSAM RPG II ( (/ vsn.F'L VS FOOTRAt~ IPF "'VIi (OR VlVPASSnIRU) VM/IPCS DIRM;\ItfT RSCS NETWORKING DMs/eMS Vf1/IfS VS B,'SIC DCF SDDIVPSF QaE ADRS II APlIOI I I VM/PMA FPS I I PP NUMBER 5664-167 5664-172 5668-012 5668-960 5734-CB4 5734-FOS 5734-Ll14 5734-LM5 5734-Pll 5734-PL3 573S-0lS 5740-C81 5744-ANl 5746-A112 5746-RGl 5748-APl 5748··F03 57(,8-M51 5748-RCI 5748-5Al 5748-XE4 5746-XPl 5748-XXB 5748-XXC 5748-XXI 5748-XX9 5748-XXIi 5796-PKT 5796-PLN 5796-PNG 579S-CPX 5798-DCN SLSS 10 7799-T8T 7799-TAK 7799-TAS 7799-TBK 7799-TCC 7799-TAN 7799-TOQ 7799-TEQ 7799-TCQ 7799-TAQ 7799-T"4 7799-TAC 7799-TAE 7799-00M 7799-TAR 7799-TCA 7799-TA" 7799-TBH 7799-THQ 7799-T6C 7799-TOI1 7799-TOS 7799-TED 7799-TCI 7799-TA8 7799-TDC 7799-TCG RElEASE LEVEL 2.1 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.4 2.2 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.2 2.3 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 7799-TG~ 1.9 7799-TA7 7799-TAtl 7799-T6P 7799-TA9 1.7 1.5- 3.S 1.3 THE FOLlOWI~~ PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.1 OF YM/SP (5664-167): SLSS 10 <7799-TBT> PSIJEDO I EQUALS TITLE speCIFICATIONS GQ20-1842 6C20-1842-3 INTRODUCTION G'l19-6200 GCI9-6200-1 PLANNING/SYSTEM GEtlERATIOO GUIDE 5100-0916 5CI9-6201-2 OPERATOR'S GUIDE SQ19-H02 SC19-6202-1 SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUICE SQ19-6203 SCI9-6203-1 SQ19··6204 SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES SCI9-6204-1 OLTSEP & ERROR RECORDING GUIDE SQ19-6205 SC19··6205-1 TERMINAL USE~'S GUIDE GQ19-6206 GC19-6206-1 GLOSSARY AND MASTER INDEX 6Tl9-6207 GCI9-6207-1 CMS COfIIANO/t1ACRO REFERENCE 5fU9-6209 SCI9-6209-1 CtlS U5ER' S GUIDE SQ19-6210 SC19-6210-1 CP COf1MAND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS 5Q19-6211 SC19-6211-1 GQ19-6212 OPERATING SYSTEtt IN A VIRTUAL MACHIUE GCI9-6212-1 GENERAL INFORMATION GQ20-1838 GC20-IS38-2 5Q24-5219 EXEC2 REFERENCE SC24-5219-1 EDITOR USER'S GUIDE 5T24-5220 5C24-5220-0 SQ24-5221 EDITOR COMt~NDIMACRO REFERENCE 5C24-S221-1 eMS PRIMER S124-5236 SC24-S236-0 GTOO-0921 DSF: SPECIFICAUOtIS GC26-3946-6 GTOO-OnO DSF: USER'S GUIOE AND REFERENCE GC35-0033-7 5TOO-0913 quICK GUIDE FOR REFERENCE USERS SX20-4400-1 STOO-0914 COMMAND REFERENCE SUMMARY (GENERAL) SX20-4401-1 SX20-4(,02-1 STOO-091S Cottr1AND REFERENCE SUMMARY (OTHER) (CONT. ) 139 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 2.2 5TOO-0918 5TOO-0919 5TOO-0917 LQCO-9012 LQCO-9013 LQCO-9014 SQCO-9017 SQCO-90lS LT60-0890 LQ60-0891 LQ60-0892 LQ60-0893 LT60-0894, 5X24-5122-1 5X24-51 £3-0 SX24-5U!4-l LyeO-90l2-l LYCO-9013-1 LYCO-9014-1 SYCO-9017-1 SYCO-9018-1 LY20-0890-0 LY20-0891-1 LY20-0892-1 LY20-0893-1 LY20-0694-0 XED IT COMMAND REFERENtE SUMMARY XEDIT PF KEYOVERLAY EXEC2 LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUtI1ARY PROGRAM LISTINGS CP PROGRAM LISTINGS CP-AP/MP PROGRAM LISTINGS CMS PROGRAM LISTINGS CP PROGRAM LISTINGS CMS SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC DATA AREAS/COtITRAL BLOCK LOGIC SYSTEM GUIDE VOL l-CP SERVICE GUIDE VOL 2-CMS lIO CP LOGIC THE FOLLOWING FUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF ISPF/PDF (5664-172): SL5S 10 <779?-TAK> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITlE PROGRAM SUt1t1ARY GT34-2077 GC34-2077-0 GT34-2n78 GC34-2078-0 GENERAL INFORMATION 6T34-2082 GC34-2082-1 SPECIFICATIONS 5T34-2083 5C34-2083-0 INSTALLATION AND CUSTOttlZATIOH 5T34-2090 SC34-2090-0 VM REFERENCE LTOO-0931 LJAO-0343-0 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS LT6S-0017 LY25-0017-0 PROGRAM LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PL~LICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.1 OF lIPS (5668-012): SLSS 10 <1799-TA5> PSUEOO I EQUALS TITLE GT40-0008 GH20-0008-0 INTRODUCTION TO srRUCTIONAL SYSTEM AOMItIIS1'RATOR 'S SUIDE ST40-0011 SIf20-0011-0 PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS SUIDE 5H20-00U~-0 5T40-0012 5140-0015 5H20-0015-0 VfVCtlS INSTALLATION & OPERATION GUIOE 5TOO-1416 SX20-0140-0 STUDENT REFERENCE GUIDE THE FOLLm~ING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF ISPF (5668-960): SLSS 10 <7799-TBK> P5UEOO I . EQUALS TITLE GQ34-2077 GC34-2077-1 PROGRAM SUMMARY GQ34-2081 GC34-2061-2 SPECIFICATlONS 5134-2063 SC3ft-2083-0 ItiSTALI.ATION At'\!) CUSTOMIZATION DIALOG MANAGER SERVICES EXAMPLES SQ34-2085 5C34-2085-1 SQ34-20aa SC34-2086-1 DIALOG MANAGER SERVICES LTOO-0930 LJAO-0342-0 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS PROGRAM LOGIC LT65-0016 LY2S-0016-0 .~ ../ THE FOllOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.4 OF COBOL ItfTV DEBUG (5734-CB4) : SLSS 10 <7799-TCC> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE ST28-6465 scea-6465-2 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE INSnl.LATION REFERENCE 5T28-6468 sceS-6468-3 GT28-6485 ecea-648S-1 SPECIfICATIONS REFERENCE CARD 5100-0606 SX28-6194-2 TlfE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.2 OF FORTRAN INTV DEBUG (5734-F05): SLSS 10 <7799··TAtI> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITlE SQ28-668S SC28-68S5-3 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE SC26-6686-1 5126-6886 INSTALLATION REFERE~~E G<1:!6-6ssa GC26·6886-3 SPECIFICATIONS REfERENCE CARD S'fOO-0937 SX2tHU 93-1 THE FOLLOWING P1JBLICA'rIONS SlIPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF PVI RES LlB(S734-U14); SLSS XO <7799-TD~> PSUEDO • EqUALS TITLE GT26-3977 GC26-3977-0 LANGUAGE REFERENCE GTe6-3992 GC26-3992-1 RES. LIB SPEC:IFICA'rIONS SQ33-0006 SC33-0006"5 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 5133··0025 SC33~OO2S-2 EXECUTION LOGIC STOO-0939 SC33-00:!6-7 INSTALLATION MANUAL SQ33-0027 SC33-0027-5 MESSAGES (CONT. ) 140 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 2.2 u ST33-00~7 LTC7-250(. LT73-6008 ( SC33-0037-3 LYC7-2504-3 LY33-6008-1 CMS USER'S GUIDE RES. LIB. LISTINGS MICROfICIIE RES. LIB. LOGIC MANUAL TIlE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 Of PL/I TRANS LIB (5734- U15) : SLSS 10 <7799-TEQ> PSUEDO • EqUALS TITLE LANGUAGE REFERENCE GTl6-3977 GC26-3977-0 TRANS. US SPECIFICATIONS ST26-3993 6C26-·3993-1 PROGRAMI'lER 'S GUIDE SQ33-0006 5C33-0006-5 CHECKOUT COUP. PROG. GUIDE SQ33··0007 SC33-0007-4 EXECUTION LOGIC ST33-0025 SC33-0025-2 I~~TALLATION MANUAL 5TOO-0939 5C33---0026-7 MESSAGES 5Q33-0027 5C33-0027-5 INSTALLATION ST33-0031 5C33·-0031-5 CtlS USER'S GUIDE ST33-0037 5C33-0037-3 CHECKOUT COMPo eMS USER'S GUIDE 51'33-0047 5C33-0047-2 TRANS. LIB. LISTINGS MICROFICHE L1C7-2505 LYC7-250S-3 lRANS. LIB LOGIC tWIUAL LT73-6009 LY33-6009-1 TIlE FOLLOIUNG PI.J8LICA HONS SUPf'OllT RElEASE 4.0 OF PL/I OPT COUP (5734-PLl): 5LSS 10 <7799-TCQ> PSUEDO # EQUALS TITLE GT26-3977 LANGUAGE REFERENCE GC26-39"17-0 GC26-3991-1 G126-3991 OPT. COMPILER SPECIFICAUONS OPTM. COMPo GENERAL mfOR11A.TIotl SC33-000 I-ft 6133·-0001 PROGRAMMER'S GUIOE SQ33-0006 SC33-0006-5 EXECUTION Lor":;IC SC33--002S-2 5133-0025 INS1ALLATION MANUAL 5C33-0026-7 5TOO-0939 MESSAGES SQ33-0027 SC33-0027-5 CIIS USER'S GUIDE ST3!-0037 5C33-0037-3 SOURCE LISTINGS MICROFICHE lYC7-250()-7 LTC7-2506 LT13-6007 LOGIC MANUAL LY33-600"T-l TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICAUOWS SUPPORT RelEASE 4.0 OF PL/I COOP (S734-PL3J: SlSS 10 <7799-TAQ> PSUEDO I EQUAL.S TItlE GT26-3977 GC26-3977-0 LANGUAGE REFEREI-ICE OPT. COMPILER SPECIfiCATIONS GT26-3991 GC26-3991-1 GT26-3992 RES. LIS. SPECIFICATIOt~ GC26-3992-1 TRANS. LIB. SPECIFICATIONS 6T26-3993 GC26-3993-1 SG}33-0006 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SC33-0006-S ST33-0025 EXECUTION LOGIC 5C33-0025-2 S"fOO-0939 INSTALLATION MANUAL SC31-0026-7 SQ33-0027 MESSAGES SC33-0027-5 CMS USER'S GUICE ST33-0037 SC33-0037--3 STOO-09~t3 KEYI400DS Sx:n-6002-2 5TOO-0944 SX33-6005-1 TER"INAL COMNANDS A~m COMPILER OPTIONS LTC7-2504 RES. LIB. LISTINGS MICROFICHE LYC7-2504-3 LTC7-2505 TRAMS. LIB. LISTINGS MICROfICHE LYC7-2505-3 SOl/RCE LISTINGS MICROFICHE LTC7-2506 LYC7-2506-7 LT73-600'7 LOGIC MANUAL LY33·-6007-1 RES. LIB. LOGIC M~NUAL LT73-·600a LY33-6008-1 TRANS. LIB. lOGIC MANUAL LT73-6009 LY33-6009-1 ( TJIE FOllOWING rUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.2 OF INFO/SYSTEM (5735-0lS); SLSS 10 <7799-TA4> PSUEDO • EQUAL.S TITlE PROGRAM SUMMARY G100-0926 GC34-2068-1 GENERAL & PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATION GT34-2069 GC34-2069-0 SPECIFICATIONS GQ34-2070 GC34-2070-1 IN5TALLATION AND CUSTOt1IZATlON SQ3It-2071 SC34-2071-2 USER'S GUIDE S134-2072 SC34-2072-0 MESSAGES AND CODES S~34-2074 SC34-2074-1 GTOO-0929 GX20-2392-0 TEMPLATE FOR 3270 DISPLAY TERMINALS LOGIC AND DIAGNOSIS LT6S-0013 LY2S-0013-0 ( .... / 141' VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 2.2 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.3 OF OSIVS COBOL (5740-C81); SLSS 10 <7799-TAC> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE 6T26-3857 GC26-3857-2 os/vs REFERENCE ST28-6~69 SC28-6469-4 USER'S &UIDE SPECIFICATIONS 6T28-6472 GC28-6472-1 6T28-6481 GC£8-648I-I INSTALLATION REFERENCE ST28-6483 SC28-6483-2 PROGRAMMER'S &UIDE LTC7-5052 LYC7-S0S2-7 SOURCE LISTINGS MICROFICHE L~8-6425 lY28-6425-I LIBRARY LOGIC L~8-64&6 lY2B-6406-2 COMPILER LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF EPIVS (57"-ANU: SLSS 10 <7799-TAE> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE 3704/3705 INTRODUCTION 6TOO-0624 GA27-3051-4 6TOO-0622 6A27-30S6-1 3704 USER'S GUIDE 6TOO-0623 6A27-3087-3 3705 USER'S &UIDE STORAGE ESTlHATES GUIDE & REFERENCE GT30-3005 GC30-3005-7 6TOO-0625 GC30-3008-S REFERENCE ST30-3116 5C30-31 16-1 ACFINCP GENERAL & UTILITIES REFERENCE ST70-3031 SY30-3031-1 LOGIC mE FOllOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VSEIVSAH (5746-Af12h SLSS XD <7799-DBH> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE 6T24-5142 GC24-5142-0 SPECIFICATIONS SQ24-5144 SC24-5144-1 COMMAHDS AND HACROS SQ24-5145 SC24-5145-1 PROGRAMtIER 'S &UIDE SQ24-S146 St24-5146-1 MESSAGES AND CODES LQD4-6102 L'r'M-61 02-1 SOURce LISTING MICROFICHE LQ64-5191 LY24~5191-1 LOGIC VOL 1 LQ64-S192 LY24-5l92-l LOGIC VOL 2 LQ64-S19S LY24-5195-1 ACCESS METHODS LOGIC mE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 Of RPG II (S746-RGU: SLSS 1D <7799-TAR> PSUEDO • EQllAlS TITLE 6T33-6029 6C33-6029-1 SPECIFIC~TIONS 5Q33-603l se33-603l-2 LANGUAGE REFERENCE STOO-0604 SCl3-6032-! INSTALLATION S~J3-6033 SC33-6033-1 HESSAGES AUTO REPORT SQ33-6034 5C33-6034-l St33-6074-0 USER'S GUIDE 5T33-6074 SOURCE LISTINGS MICROFICHE LTD3-3800 LJ03-3800-2 LTOO-0605 LY33-9062-2 LOGIC MANUAL THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF YS/APL (S7lt8-API); SLSS 10 <7799-TCA> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE 6T26-3847 GC26-3847-4 APL LANGUAGE GTOO-0994 GH20-9064-8 GENERAL INFORttATIOH CHS USER'S GUIDE SQ40-9067 5H20-9067-4 SQ40-9068 SH20-9068-2 WRITlt~ AUXILIARY PROCESSORS GTOO-0992 6"20-90&6-11 SPECIFICATIONS 5T40-9182 SH20-9182-0 cttS Itl5TALLATION GRAPl:IPAK USER'S GUIDE 5T40-9199 5H20-9199-1 LTBO-6102 LJB6-6102-1 MICROFICHE REFERENCE SUMMARY 51"00-0993 5X26-3712-6 LTOO-OBSI LY20-S03t-3 LOGIC MANUAL TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VS FORTRAN (S748-F03): 5LSS 10 <7799-TAH> PSUEDO • EQUALS 6C26-3983-3 G126-3983 GT26-39a4 SC26-3984-2 SC!6-398S-3 ST26-3985 GCt6-3986":! 6126-39B6 SC26-3987-1 S126-3967 SC26-3981l-1 Sn!6-3988 TITLE GENERAL IttFORHATIOH VS FORTRAN SPECIFICATIONS APPLlCAUON PROGRAt1t1Itt6 GUIDE APPLICATION PROGRAmING LANG. REF. INSTALLATION AND CUSTOHIZATION APPL. PROG. 5YS. SER. REF. SUPP. (CONY. ) 142 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 2.2 ( ST26-3989 S126-3990 G(i!28-6884 LTB6-0072 5100-0938 SC26-3989-1 SC26-3990-2 GC28-688'+-2 WB6-0072-1 SX26-3731-2 APPLICATION PROGRAt1I1J1-lG LIB. REF. COMPILER AND LIBRARY DIAGNOSIS IBM FORTRAN PP FOO OS & CMS COMPILER & LIBRARY MICROFICHE SOURCE TIME REFERENCE SUMMARY THE FOLLOlUt.16 PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 5.0 OF IPF (5748-HSl ): SlSS ID <7799-TBH> PSUEDO tEI:IDAI.S TITLE SYSTEM REFERENCE 5124-5228 SC24-5228-0 OPERATION S'Te4-5229 SC24-S229-0 ADMINISTRATION GUIDE ST24-5230 SC24-5230-0 SCt4-S231-0 5T24-5231 PROBlE" CONTROL GENERAL MESSAGES USER'S GUIDE ST24-5232 SC24-5232-0 USER'S GUIDE S'T24-5233 SC24-5233-0 ADMINISTRATION MESSA6ES 5T24-5234 SC24-5234-0 5124-5235 SC24-S23S-0 SPECIFICAUONS MICROFICHE LTCO-9029 LYCO-9029-0 THE FOLI.OHItl6 P!JBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF PVI1 (OR VtVPASSTIIRU) (S748-RCl): SLSS 10 <7799-11fq> PSUEDO • EQUALS GQ24-5206 GQ24-5207 SQ24-S208 lQCO-9011 LQ64-S208 GC24-S206-3 GC24-5207-3 SC24-S208-2 LYCO-9011-1 LY24-5208-1 TITlE GENERAL INFORMATION SPECIFICAlIONS GUIDE A~O REFERENCE MICROFICHE LOGIC MANUAL THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF VtVIPCS (5748-SA1): SLSS ID <7799-19C> rSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE 61"34-2019 GC34-2019-1 GENERAL INFORMATION Sq3~-2020 5C34-2020-1 GUIDE AND REFERENCE 6Q34-2025 6C34-2025-1 SPECIFICATIottS LQAO-0305 lJAO-030S-1 MICROFICltE lY25-000S-0 Laste MANUAL LT65-0005 TIlE fOLlOWlt.16 f'tJaLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF DIRttAINT (S748-XE4): SLSS 10 <7719-TDM> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE GQ20-1836 GC20-1836-2 GENERAL INFORMATION SPECIFICATIONS GQ20-1837 GC20-1837-1 GUIDE FOR GENERAL USERS SQ20-1839 SC20-1839-1 SC~0-1840-1 SQ20-1840 INSTALLATION & SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE LqcO-9007 LYCO-9007-1 SOURCE LISTI~~ MICROFICHE LOGIC MANU.\L LQ60-0889 LY20-0889-1 TtIE fOLLOWING P\lSllCATIotIS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF RSCS NEll«lRKING (S748-XPll: SLSS ID <7799-TDS> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-0940 GH24-5003-4 6H24-5004-4 GENERAL INFORMATION 6TOO-0999 STOO-0941 SII24-5005-2 PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS REFERENCE SUMMARY 5TOO-0942 SX24-S119-2 SOURCE LISTING MICROFICtfE LTOO-09S2 LYCO-9006-2 LOGIC MANUAL LTOO-0995 LY24-5203-2 TtfE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF DMSICHS (5748-XXB): SLSS 10 <7799-TED> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE GQ24-S197 6C24-S197-1 GENERAL It~FORMATIotI SQ24-S198 SC24-S198-1 GUIDE AND REFERENCE GQ24-5200 6C24-5200-2 SPECIFICATIONS LQCO-9008 LYCO-9000-1 SOURCE LISTINGS MICROFICHE LQ64-5206 LY24-5206-1 LOGIC HANUAL (/ 143 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 2.2 TIfE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF YtVIFS (5748-XXC): SLSS 10 <7799-TCl> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE GT24-5195 GC24-5195-0 GENERAL INFORMATION ST24-5196 SC24-S196-0 GUIDE AND REFERENCE GT24-5199 GC24-5199-1 SPECIFICATIONS lTCO-9009 LYCO-9009-0 SOURCE LISTINGS MICROFICHE LT64-S20S LY24-5205-0 LOGIC MANUAL TIfE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF V5 BASIC (5748->0<1): SLSS 10 <7799-1A8> PSUEDO I EquALS TITLE GT28-8302 GC28-8302-5 GENERAL INFORMATION GT28-8303 GC28-8303-2 BASIC LANGUAGE REFERENCE 5126-8306 SC28-8306-1 CMS TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE ST28-8300 SC28-8308-1 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ST28-8309 SC28-8309-3 INSTALLATION REFERENCE S128-8310 SC28-8310-0 BASIC ens INTRODUCTION GT28-83 11 GC28-8311-3 SPECIfICATIONS SQ40-9060 SB20-9060-2 VSPC TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE 5TOO-0628 SX26-3710-2 VSPC REFERENCE SUMMARY 5TOO-0621 SX28-6386-1 CMS REFERENCE SUMMARY LTC7-S051 LYC7-S0S1-2 SOURCE LISTINGS MICROFICHE LT68-6422 l"Y28-6422-2 LOGIC tlAtlUAL TIfE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUProRT RELEASE 2.0 OF DCF (5748-XX9): SLSS 10 <7799-TDC> PSUEDO I EQUAL.S TITlE SQ40-6130 SII20-6130-1 !UP COURSE DESCRIP/ADMItiISTRATIVE GT40-9158 GENERAL INFORMATICH GH20-9158-2 SPECIFICATIONS GQ'-fO-9159 GH2.0-9159-2 5TOO-0996 USER'S GUIDE 5"'2.0-9161-3 6T40-9175 PROORAN SI.IMI1ARY GH20-917S-1 SHtO-9186-0 ST40-9166 G~IL lISER' S GUIDE LQB6-0016 lJB6-0016-1 BAC'~GROUND ENVIRONMENT (COt'll'toN) eMS FOREGROUND ENVIRONMENT (FICHE) LJB6-0017-1 U~B6-0017 LGB6-00t2 LJB6-0022-1 DATA AREAS MICROFICHE CROSS REFERENCE TABLE MICROFICHE LJB6-0023-1 L~B6-0023 GX20-2332-1 GTOO-0617 OVERVIEW 5TOO-0711 GUL quICK REFERENCE SUMl1ARY SX26-3719-1 5TOO-0712 USERS GO QUICK REFERENCE CARD SX26-3723'-2 LY60-8070-2 LQBO-8070 MESSAGES MICROFICtlE lQ60-8067 LnO-8067-2 DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE LT70-8074 LY20-807(t-l PROBLEM DETERMINATION & LOGIC OVERVIEW 6TOO-0618 G32O-5777-0 GML IMPlEMEtfTATION GUIOE 6TOO-0619 G320-6331-0 TRAINING COURSE IUP NOTICE TilE fOLL0I4ING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF GODtvPGF (5748->0<1'1 J: SLSS 10 <7799-TCG> P5UEOO I EQUAI.S TITLE GTOO-0997 GC33-0100-2 GENERAL INFORMATION SQ33-0101 SC33-0101-2 GOOM USER'S GUIDE 5Q33-0102 SC33-0102-1 PGF USER'S GUIDE LQ33-0103 LC33-0103-1 GDDM DIAGNOSTIC REFERENCE LQ33-0104 LC33-0104-1 PGF DIAGNOSTIC REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS GQ33-0108 6C33-0108-2 SQ33-0111 SC33-0111-1 PGF INTERACTIVE CtlART UTILITY COURSE GODM ASSEMBLY lISTlt~ LTA4-30S2 lYA4-3052-0 LTA4-3072 LYA4-3072-0 PGF ASSEMBLY LISTING THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.9 OF QBE (5796-PKTl : SLSS 11) <7799"'TGQ> PSUEOO • EQUALS TITLE ST40-2077 SHZO-2077-2 PROGRAM DESCRIPTIO~VOPERATIONS MANUAL TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE 5T40-2078 5H20-2078-2 GTOO-0932 GX20-2032-2 REFERENCE SlIt1MARY 144 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 2.2 ( TtlE FOLLOWItl6 PUBLICATIotm SUPPORT REt.EASE 1.7 OF ADRS I I (5796-f'LH): SlSS 10 <7799-TA7> PSUEOO I eqUALS TITLE 61'00-0933 ST40-U65 5T40··2658 GTOO-0934 6TOO-0935 LT60-241S GTOO-0945 ~UICK G620-0058-1 51-120-2165-2 SH20-2658-0 GX20-2348-0 GX20-440S-1 USER'S SUIDE, LY20-241S-0 SYSTEMS GUIDE G320-6097-2 SPECIFICATIONS REFERENCE CARD USER'S GUIDE BUSINESS GRAMfICS USER'S SUIDe 3270 PROGRAM FUNCTION KEY TErtPLATE 3~79 PROGRAM FUNCTION KEY TErtPlATE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.5 OF APVDI I I (5796-PtlG): SLSS 10 <7799-TA8> PSUEDO I EQUALS TITlE 5T20-1891 S140-6147 LT40-9007 SC20-IS91-! 5"20-6147-1 LY20-9007-0 STUDENT TEXT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL S)'STEMS GUIDE nlE FOLLOHING PUBLICATIotlS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.S OF VlVPMA (5798-CPX): 5LSS 10 <7799-TGP> PSUEOO • STOO-099tl EQUALS 5621-2101-4 TUlE rROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS tlANUAL THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.3 OF FPS I I (5798··DCN): SLSS II) <7799-TA9> PSlIEDO I STOO-0936 EliIUALS 5821-2623-0 TITLE PROGRAt1 DESCRIP'TIOtvOPERATIOHS MAUUAL ( 145 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 2.2 e COMPLETE VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING VERSION 1.3.1 NOTE: SLSS ID (7799 tU1BERS) CAUSE SHIPf1EKT OF PUBLICATIONS AT TIlE RIGHT LEVELS FOR TIllS SYSTEM OFfERING RELEASE, AND PREVENT SHIPMENT OF PUBl.ICATIONS APPLYING TO OTIlER RELEASES. PP NUI1I3ERS ENTERED INTO SLSS ARE AUTOMATICALLY CONVERTED TO SLSS ID IF TIlE SLSS KEY 7753 IS ALSO EHTERE!). BASE COIfTENT PROG. PROD. (NAME) VH/SYSTEM PRODUCT ISPF/POF VM/SP HIGIf PERFORMANCE OPTION lIPS OMS/CSP-AD OMS/eSP-AE ISPFIDM IBM BASIC COBOL INTERACTIVE OEBUG FORTR"." INTERACTIVE DEBUG PliI RESIDENT LIBRARY PliI TRANSIENT LIBRARY PliI OPTIMIZING COMPILER PVI OPrIMIZIN$ COtIPILER & LIBRARIES vtVVSE INFORtlATION SYSTEMS OS/VS COBOL EP/VS V5ElV5Al't \lS/APL VS/fORTRAN VWIPF f'Vt1 IPCS/E DIRtlf.tINT RSCS NETWORKING oriS/eMS Vt1/IFS GDOIVPGf /ItID SQlIDS OCf (SCRIPT) VH BATCH SUBSYSTEM ADP,S II VM REAL TIME t10HITOR API./DI II VH PREfORtlANCE troNITOR Al'~ALYSIS fPS II VN fILE STORAGE FACILITY PP NUMBER 5664-167 5664-172 5664-173 5668-012 5668-944 5668-945 5668-960 5668-996 5734-C84 5734-F05 5734-1M4 5734-LM5 5734-PLl 5734-PL3 5735-0ZS 5740-CBl 5744-A"1 5746-AM2 S748-API 5748-F03 5748-MSl S74S-Rel 5748-SAI 5748-XE4 S748-XPl S748-XXB 5748-XXC 574B-XXtI 5748-XXJ 574S-XX9 5796-BCY S796-PLN 5796-F't1A 5796-PNS 5798··CPX 5798-DCN 5796-Dt1Y SLSS 10 7799-TBV 7799-TAK 7799-TIIH 7799-TAS 7799-160 7799-THD 7799-TBK 7799-TFB 7799-TCC 7799-TAN 7799-TOQ 7799-TEQ 7799-TCQ 7799-TAQ 7799-TA4 7799-TAJ 7799-TAE 7799-DVS 7799-TCA 7799-TA5 7799-T8H 7799-THQ 7799-TBC 7799-TOM 7799-T05 7799-TED 7799-TCI 7799-TCH 7799-TFQ 7799-TCE 7799-~iB 7799-TA6 7799-TIlT 7799-TA8 7799-TSH 7799-TA9 7799-THF RELEASE LEVEl. 3.1 1.0 3.4 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.4 2.2 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.2 2.4 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 1.2 1.8 1.3 1.5 3.7 1.3 1.0 nlE FOLtOHING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.1 OF VI1/SYSTEtt PRODUCT (566 t .-167h SlSS ID <1799-TBV> PSUEOO # EQUALS TITLE GTOO-I349 GC19-6200-2 TECHNICAL INTRODUCTION 5TOO-1350 SC19-6201-3 PLANNING GUIDE " REfERENCE 5TOO-1351 SC19-6202-2 OPER~TOR'S GUIDE SYSTEM PROGRAt1HER' S GUIDE 5TOO-1352 SCI9-6203-2 SYSTEM MESSAGES & CDOES 5TOO-1353 SCI9-6204-2 OLTSEP AtID E~ROR RECORDING GUIDE 5TOO-1354 SC19-620S-2 GTOO-1355 GC19-6206-2 TERMlHAt REfERENCE GTOO-1356 GC19'-6207-2 LIBPARY GUIDE " MASTER INDEX eMS CONMMID A~ID MACRO REFERENCE STOO-1357 SC19-6209-2 CMS USER'S GUIDE 5TOO-1358 SC19-6210-2 cp COMtfANn REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS 5100-1359 SC19-6211-2 G1'OO-1360 6CI9-6212-2 OPERATING SYSTEMS IU A VIRTUAL MACHINE GTOO-1'361 GC20-1818-3 GENERAL INFORMATION GTOO-! J62 GC20-184~··4 LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATlrn~s STOO-13~a SC24-5219-2 EXEC2 IlEFEREHCE SQ24-5~20 SC24-5220-1 SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR USER'S GUIDE SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR COMMAND ANn MACRO REFERENCE 5TOO-1369 SC24-5221-2 SQ24-5236 SC24-5236-1 Ct1S PRIMER SQ24-5237 SC24-5237-1 INSTALLATION GUIDE (CONT.) 146 VMjSP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 3.1 ( 5124-5238 5124--5239 STZ4-5240 ST24-52 l .1 GTOO-IO'r6 6128-1378 GTOO-0920 STOO-1363 STOO-1364 STOO-·1365 51"00--1370 STOO-.1371 STOO-1372 STOO-lft35 lTSO-DOOS LTSD-DOO6 LTSI)··G007 5T50-0006 STSO-OO09 LQ6iH11390 LTOO-1366 L100-1367 LT6't-5220 ll'64-5221 SC24-5238-0 SC24-S239-0 SC24-52/tO-O SC24-5241-0 GC26-39l ,6-7 GC28··1378-0 Ge3S--G03l-- 7 5X20-4400-2 SX20-4401·-2 5X20-4402-2 5X24-5122-2 SX2 f .-·SI23-1 SX24-S124-2 SX24-S126-0 LYCO-9012-2 LYCO-9013-2 LYCI)-9014-2 5YCO-9017-2 SYCO-9018-?': LY20-0690-1 LY20-0892-2 LYZO-0893-2 LYl!'t-5220-0 LY24-S221-0 SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETfR USER'S GUIOE SYSTEtl F'RClOUCT INTERPRETER REFERENCE RELEASE 3 GUIDE DISTRIBUTED DA'TA PROCESSWG GUIDE DSF: PROGRAtl SPECIFICA nONS EREP PROG~AM USER'S REFERENCE OSF: USER'S GUIDE & REFERENCE QUICK GUIDE FOR USER' 5 REFERENCE SI.'rtMARY Co/l1l'_ NO REFERENCE SUl1l1~RY (GEtlEfML USER) CMIID REFERENCE 5Ul'lttAHY (OTHER THAN GEUERAL USE:~) SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR C~lIlD REFERENCE SUMMARY SYSTEt1 PRODUCT EDITOR PF KEY THIPLATE EXECZ I.AtIGUAGE REFERErlCE S!Jt1NARY SYSTEt' PReDUCl INTERPRETER REFERENCE SUI1MARY Vl1lSP PROGRAM LIS1 INGS I1ICROFICIIE CP VlllSP PROGRAM LISTINGS MICROFICHE DP (AP-~1P) VI1/SP rROGRAM LISTINGS NICROfICflE etlS VlV370 PROGRAM LISTlNGS mCROFICHE CP VM/370 PROGRAM LISTINGS MICROFICIiE eMS SI:RVICE ROIJTINES PROGRi\11 LOGIC SYSlEf1 LOGIC & P'ROGRAN DHERf'lIHATION GUIDE, VOL 1 SYSTEM LOGIC & rn06LEM DETERNIHATION GUIDE, VOL 2 DATA AREAS & comROL BLOCK LOGIC. VOLl DATA AREAS" COI,rnmL BLOCK LOGIC. VOL 2 TlfE FOllOWING PUBUCATIOUS SUPPORT RelEASE 1.0 Of ISPF/PDF (5664-172): SLSS 10 <7799-TAK> PllUEtl0 .. EqUALS TITLE GQ34-Z077 SC34-2077-1 PROGRAM SUMt1ARY GTCO-l~OS GC3ff-2078-2 GENERAL INFORMATION FROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS G~34-~~a2 GC34-2082-2 INSTALLATION & CUSTotlIZATION ST34-2063 $C34-2083-0 PROGRAM REI'EREtlCE ST34-2090 SC34-2090-0 LTOO-0931 LJAO-0343-0 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS FROGRAM LOGIC LT65-C017 lY25-0017-0 ( TilE FOI.LINItlG PUBLICATIt'NS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.4 OF VH/SP HIG.I PERFORMANCE OPTION (566ft-173): SLSS 10 <7799-Tlftf> PSUEDO .. EQUALS TITLE GTOO-'l l t36 vrvsp HPO: GENERAL INFORMATION GC19-6221-3 VlVSP HPO: INTROfJUCnml 61'00-1437 SC19-622Z-1 5100-6223 VI1/SP HPO: PLANNING & SYSTEM GENgRATlOH GUIDE 5CI9-6223-2 5100-1439 VI1lSP HPO: SYSTEM PROGRAMMER' 5 GUIDE SC19-6224-2 STOO-Ft40 vtI/sP If PO: OPERATOR'S GUIOE SCI9-6225-2 5100-1441 VlVSP tlPO: SYSTEM MESSAGES & CODES SC19-6226-2 vrvsp IiPO: CP Cotll1ANO LANGUAGE FOR GENERAL USER'S 5100-1442 SCI9-6227--2 vtl/SP HPO: OPERATING SYSTEHS IN A VIRTtJRAl I1ACHli'lE GTOO-1443 GC19-6226-2 GTOO-I444 VWSP UPO: TERI1It1.fll USER'S S'JIDE SCI9-6229-1 5TOO-14(.5 VMlSP HPO: OLT5EP & ERr!OR RECORDUIG GUIDE SC19-6230-1 Vli/SP HPO: ~UICK SlllDE FOR USER'S ReFERENCE SUr-I~1.;,rH STOO-1431 5X22-0003-2 STOO-1432 VM/SP "PO: COMl'1AHD REFERENCE sUt1t1!-RY (GENERAL USERS SX22-C004-2 VI1/SP HPO: eOt1t1ANO REFERENce SUtlMARY (OTtIEfO 5TOO-1433 SX22-0005-1 LYCO-9032-0 VM/SP HPO: PROGP.AM LISTINGS MICROFICHE CP lTeO-9032 LTOO-1446 VMlSP tlPO: DATA AREAS & CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC LnO-0896-2 lTOO-1447 lY20-C697-2 VI1.ISP "po: srs LOGIC & PROBLEM DETERMINATION GlIIO<; THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RElEASE 2.0 OF lIPS (5668-012): S155 10 <7799-TAS> PSUEDO • EquALS TItlE Itm!OOUCTION TO IBM INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEMS 6T40-0008 GH20-0008-0 ADMINIStRATOR'S GUIDE ST40-0011 snZO-00l1-0 PROSLEM DIAGNOSIS GUIOE ST40-0012 SIf20-0012-0 YM/CMS INSTALLATION & OPERATIONS GUIOE ST40-0015 SH20-0015-0 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GQ40-5314 GH20-5314-1 STUDENT REfERENCE SUIDE STOO-1416 SX20-0140-0 147 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 3.1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF DMSICSP-AD (5668-944): SLSS ID <7799-T6O> PSUEDO I EQUALS TITLE 8T40-0941 mi20-0941-0 HOW TO USE eSP-AD APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT GUIDE 8T40-0942 8H20-0942-0 8T40-0943 SIU!O-0943-0 OPERATIQt, - DEVELOPMENT 8T40-0944 SH20-0944-0 OPERATION - SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS 5T40-0946 8H20-0946-0 MESSAGES & COOES 8T40-0947 5»20-0947-0 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 6TOO-0951 GH20-0951-0 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 6TOO-1434 GX20-0950-0 REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.0 OF Dtm/CSP-AE (S668-94S): SLS5 ID <7799-T"D> PSUEDO # EqUALS TITLE 5140-0945 5H20-094S-0 OPERATION - EXECUTION 5T40-0946 SH20-0946-0 MESSAGES & COOES 5T40-0947 SII20-0947-0 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GIUDE 6T40-0952 GH20-0952-0 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS nlE FOLl.ONING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1. 0 OF ISPFIDM (5668-960): SLSS 10 <7799-TBK> PSUEDO , EQUALS TITlE 6Q34-2077 GC34-2077-1 PROGRAn SUMMARY GQ3I+-20S1 GC34-20S1-2 PROGRAMMIt~ SPECIFICATIONS ST34-2083 SC34-2083-0 INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION SQ34-2085 SC34-2085-1 DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES EXM1PlES SQ34-20aa SC34-20SS-1 DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES ST34-2090 5C34-2090-0 PROGRAM REFERENCE THE FOLlOWItiG PtlBLICATlONS SUPPORT RELEA5E 1.1 OF letl BASIC (5668-996): SLSS ID <7799-TFB> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE Sf26-4023 GC26-4023-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GT26-4024 GC26-4024-1 PROGRAM SPECIFICATION 5T26-4025 SC26-4025-0 INSTALLATION & CUSTOMIZATION 6T26-4026 GC26-4026-0 APPLICATION PROGRAr1tllNG LANGUAGE REFERENCE APPLICATION PROGRAI1I'tER'S GUIDE 5T26-4027 SC26-4027-0 5T26-4028 5C26-4028-0 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING SYSTEM SERVICE ST66-3905 SY26-3905-0 PROCESSOR & LIBRARY DIAGNOSIS GUIDE THE FOLLOWltm P1JI)LICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 1.4 OF COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG (S734-FO!H: SLSS 10 <7799-TCC> PSUEDO • EqUALS TITLE 5T20-6465 SC28-646S-2 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE l REFE~ENCE MN~AL 5128-6468 SC28-6468-3 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL 6T28-6485 GC2S-648S-1 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 5TOO-0606 5X28-8194-2 REfERENCE CARD nlE FOLLO'''ING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.2 OF FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG (573t t-F05) : SLSS 10 <7799-TAN" PSUEOO I EQUALS TITLE S~28-6885 SC28-668S-3 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE zt.I!3"TALLATION REFERENCE ST28-6886 SC28-6S86-1 61120-6888 GC2S-68B8-3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS LTB6-0075 LJB6-0075-0 PROGRAM LISTINGS tlICROFICtlE 51'00-0937 SX28-8193-1 REFERENCE CARD THE FOlL~~ING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF PLII RESIDENT LIBRARY (5734-UI4) : SLSS 10 <7799-1DQ> PSUEOO I EQUALS TITLE GT26-39'77 GC26-3977··0 LANGUAGE REFERENCE PROORAI1 SPECIFICATIOtIS 6T26-3992 GC26-3992-1 SQ33··0006 SC33-0006-S OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 5T33-00£5 SC33-0025-2 OPTIMIZIUG C0I1PILER: EXECUTION LOGIC 5'TOO-0939 SC33-0026-7 OPTInIlING COt1PILER: INSTALLATION SQ33-n027 SC33-0027-5 OPTIMIZING COl1PI LER: MESSAGES (CONT. ) 148 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 3.1 ( ST33-0037 LTB6-00S1 LTn-600B SC33-0037-3 LJ66-0051-0 LY33-6008-1 THE rOl.lO!oIWS PUBLICATlot~S OPTIMIZING COUPILER: CMS USER'S GUIDE RESIDENT LIBRARY MICROFICHE RESIDENT LIBRJl.RY LOGIC MArlUAl SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF PVI TRANSIEI.fT LIBRARY (573l .-\J15) : SlSS 10 <7799-TEQ> PSUEOO • EQUALS ST26-3977 GC26-3977-0 G726··3993 GC26-3993-1 SQ33-0006 SC33-0006-S SQ33-0007 SC33'·0007-4 ST33-0025 SC33·.. 002S-2 STOO-0939 SC33-0026-7 SQ33-0027 SC33-0027-5 ST33-0031 SC33-0031-S ST33-0037 SC33-0037··3 ST33··00 1.7 SC33-0047-2 LTB6-00S2 LJ136-00S2-0 LT73-6009 LY33-6009-1 TITlE LA~~UAGE REFERENCE PROGRAt1 SPECIFICATIONS OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PF!OGRAl1tlER' S GUIDE CIIECKOUT COMPILER: f'ROGRAtINER' S SUIDe OPTIMIZING COMPILER: EXECUTION LOGIC OPTIMIZING Cot1PILER: INSHLLATIOH OPTIMIZWS COMPILER: MESSAGES CHECKOUT COI1PIlEI?: mSTAI.LATION OPTIttlZWG COMPILER: Ci'lS USER I S GUIDE CHECKOUT COMPILER: CI1S lISER' 'S Sm:OE TRANSIENT LIBRARY MICROFICHE TRANSIEtTT LIBRARY LOGIC MANUAL THE FOLLOWItlG PU8UCATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF PVI OPTntIZIN9 COHPIlER (S73~.-Pl1 ) : SlSS 10 <7799-TCQ> PSUEOO # EQUALS TITLE GT26-3977 GC26-3977-0 LANGUAGE REFERENCE GT26-3991 GC26-J991-1 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS SQ33-0006 SC33-0006-S OPTIMIZING COMPILI:R: PROGP.AMMER I 5 GUX[lE 5T33-0025 SCJ3-002S-2 OPTIMIZING Cot!PlI.ER: EXECUTION LOGIC STOO-0939 SC33-00Z6-7 OrHttIZING COMPILER: INSTALLATION OPTIMIZING COMPILER; MESSAGES SQ3J-0027 SC33-0027-5 5T33-0037 SC33-0037-3 OP rIMIZIUG C0I1PILER: CI1S USER' S GUIDE OPTIllIZmG C0I1PIl!;R 11ICROFICHE LTB6-00S0 LJ86-00S0-0 ( 5TOO-0943 STOO-0944 LT73-6007 5X:U-6002-2 5X33-600S-1 LY33-6007-1 KEn/mIDS SUHMARY TERMIH"L COI1MANDS & COtlPILER OPTIONS OPTIllIZING COtlPILER LOGIC MANUAL TilE FOLL()l.IING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF PVI OPTIllIZIh'G COI1PILER AND LIBRARIes (5734-PLl): SLSS 10 <7799-TAQ> EQUALS PSUEOO I G126-3977 G"T26-3991 G1'26-3992 GT26-3993 5~33-0006 SQ33-0007 ST33-002S S'TOO-0939 SQ33-0027 S"f33-00"31 5T33-0037 5T33-0047 LTB6-00S0 LTB6-00S1 LTB6-00S2 5100-0943 5100-0944 lT73-6007 LT7J-600S LT73-6009 GC26-3977-0 GC26-3991-1 6C26-3992-1 GC26-3993-1 SC33-0006-5 5C33-0007_4 SC33-002S-Z 5C33-0026-7 SC33"0027-S SC33-0031-5 SC33-0037-3 SC33-0047-2 LJB6-00S0-0 LJ66-00S1-0 LJB6-0052-0 SX33-6002-2 SX33-6005-1 lY33-6007-1 LY33-600B-l LY33-6009-1 TITlE LANGUAGE REFERENCE PROGRAM SPECIFICA l'IONS (OPTIMIZING COMPILER) PROGRAM SPECIFICA nONS (RESIDEtlT LIBRARY) PROGR"M SPEC1FICATIOI1S (TRANSIENT LIBRARY> OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PROGRAll!'lER' S GuruE CHECKOUT COtIPILER: F!lOGRA~1MER' S GUIDE OPTIllIZING COtlPILER: EXECUTION LOGIC OPTIMIZING COMPILER: INSTALLATION OPUMIZIIIG COI1PILER: 11ESSAGES CHECKOUT COMPILER: INSTAllATION OPTIMIZItIG COMPILER: CIIS USER'S GUIDE CtIECI(OUT COMPILER: CtlS USER'S GUIDE OPTIMIZItlG COMPILER mCROFICBE RESIDENT LIBRARY MICROFICHE TRANSIENT LIBRARY MICROFICHE KEYWCROS SUMMARY TERMINAL CO~1I1A~lOS &; COf1PILER OPTIONS OPTItlIZWG COMPILER LOGIC I1At-rJAL RESIDENT LIBRARY LOGIC MANUAL TRANSIENT LIBRARY LOGIC MANUAL THE FOLLOtfING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.0 OF vtVVSE INFORMATION SYSTEMS ( 513S-0ZS ) ; SLSS 10 <7799-TA4> PSUE~O • GTOO-0928 &T34-2069 GQ34-2070 SQ34-2071 EqUALS GC34-206B-l GC34-2069-0 GC34-2070-1 SC34-2071-2 TITLE PROGRAM SUf'I'IARY GENERAL AIm PRE-INSTALLATION INFORN.UICN PROGRAM SPECIFlCATIOt~S INSTAlLA"TION AND CUSTOMIZATION (COHT. ) 149 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 3.1 ST34-2072 S~3l.-2074 LQAO-0338 GTOO-0929 SC34-2072-0 SC34-t074-1 LJAO-0338-1 GX20-2392-0 . USER'S GUIDE MESSA6ES PROGRAM LISTINGS MICROFICHE TEMPLATE FOR 3270 DISPLAY TERMINALS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 2.4 OF OS/VS COBOL (S740-C8U: SLSS 10 <7799-TAJ> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE OSIVS COBOL REFERENCE 6TOO-I448 GC26-3857-3 STOO-I449 SC28-6469-5 VMl370 USER'S GUIDE FOR coBoL PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS CQ28-6472 GC28-6472-2 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL SQ28-6481 SC28-6481-2 STOO-1407 SCt8-6483-2 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE LTSO-0014 LYC7-S0S2-8 PROGRAM LISTINGS MICROFICHE LQ68-6425 LY28-6425-1 LIBRARY LOGIC LQ68-6486 LY28-6486-2 COt1PILER LOGIC THE FOllOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 OF EP/ys (574ft-AN!): SLSS ID <7799-TAE> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE GTOO-0624 GA27-30S1-4 3704/3705 INTRODUCTION 6TOO-0622 GA27-3068-1 3704 USER'S GUIDE 6TOO-0623 6A27-3087-3 370S USER'S GUIDE 6T30-3003 GC30-3003-2 370X: ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE GQ30-300S GC30-300S-8 EP: STORAGE AND PERFORMANCE REfERENCE GTOO-0625 GC30-3008-S 370X: COtl'mOL PROGRAM & IITILITIES GUIDE GENERAL IITILITIES REFERENCE ST30-3116 SC30-3116-1 GT70-3012 GY30-3012-5 370X: CONTROL PROGRAM REFERENCE HAHDBOOK THE FOLl.CWIN6 PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 3.0 VSENSAM (5746-AH2): SLSS 10 <7799-DVS> PUSEDO • EQUALS TITLE 5TOO-0888 SC24-S14ft-2 COMMANDS AND MACROS PROGRAMMER'S REFE~ENCE STOO-0689 SC24-514S-2 5TOO-0890 SCt4-5146-2 MESSAGES AND CODES 6TOO-0687 GC24-S190-4 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS SQ24-5191 SC24-S191-1 DOCUMENTATION SUBSET LTOO-OS91 LYB4-610t-2 PROGRAM LISTINGS MICROFICHE LTOO-0892 LY24-5191-2 PROGRAM LOGIC. VOLUMEl LQ64-5192 LVt4-S192-1 PROGRAM LOGIC. VOLUME 2 lQ64-5195 LY24-S195-1 ACCESS METHODS SERVICES PROGRAM LOGIC TJIE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT RELEASE 4.0 OF VS/APL (S748-AP1): SLSS 1D <7799-TCA> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE 8T26-3847 GC26-3847-4 APL LANGUAGE 6TOO-0994 GH20-9064-8 6ENERAL INFORMATIOtI ST40-9065 SHtO-9065-4 VSAPL INSTALLATION REFERENCE STOO-0839 SH20-9066-4 VSArL TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE STOO-1498 S.120-9067-4 V5APL FOR eMS; TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE SQ40-9068 SH20-9068-2 VSAPL FOR eHS: WRITING AUXILIARY PROCESSORS GTOO-0992 6U2O-90&6-11 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 5T40-9167 SIt20-9167-0 VSAFL USER'S GUIDE ST40-9168 51120-9168-0 AUXILLARY PROCESSORS ST40-9182 5H20-9182-1 VSAPL FOR CHS: INSTALLATION REFERENCE ST40-9199 5H20-9199-1 VSAPL GRAPHPAK USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE lTOO-0954 LJB6-6102-1 PROGRAM LISTINGS t1ICROFICHE REFERENCE SUtI'IARY S100-0993 5X26-3712-6 LToo-oaSI LY20-8032-3 PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL THE FOLlOlUNG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 3.0 OF VS/FORTRAN (5748-F03): SLSS 10 <7799-TAS> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE SQ26-3964 GC26-3984-3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS SQ26-396S SC26-398S-4 APPLICATION PROGRAt11'1ItlG: GUIDE GQ26-3986 GC26-3986-3 LANGUAGE REFERENCE SQ26-3987 SC26-3987-2 INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION SQ26-3988 5C26-3988-2 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: SYS SERVICES REF SQ26-3989 SC26-3989-2 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: LIBRARY REFEREt~E SQ26-3990 SC26-3990-3 COMPILER AND LIBRARY DIAGNOSIS (COHT.J 150 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 3.1 Gq28-6884 LTB6-0133 SJOO-1452 GC28-6eS4-2 LJB6-0133-0 S)(26-3731-3 1M FORTRAN PROGRAH PRODUCTS FOR OS AND eMS CottPIlF.R Atfl) LIBRARY MICROFICHE SOURCE TIME REFERENCE SUMMARY TtlE fOLL.OWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 5.0 OF VWIPF (5746-MS1); SL.SS 10 <7799-TBtI> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE SYSTEM REI"EREUCE SQ24-5228 SC24-5228·1 ST24-5Z!9 SC24-S229-0 OPERATION ST24-5230 SC24-5230-1 ADMINISTRATION GUIDE ST24-5231 SC24-5231-0 MOBLEM CONTROL GENERAL USE MESSAGES ST24-5232 SC24-5232-0 5"£24-5233 SC24-5233-1 GENERAL USE GUIDE ADMINISTRATION MESSAGE9 ST24-5214 SC24-5234-0 6T24--523.5 GC24-5235-:0 PROGRAtI SPECIFICATIONS LTCO-9029 LYCO-90~9-0 PROGRAM LISTINGS MICROFICHE THE FOllOWING PUBltCATIotfS SUPPORT 2.0 OF F'vt1 (5746-RC1l: SLSS 10 <7799-TH~> PSUEDO • EQUALS TIUE 6Q24-5206 6C24-5206-3 GENERAL INFORMATION GQ24-5207 &C24-5207-3 AlOGRAM S~ECIFICATIONS SQ24-5208 SC24-5208-2 GUIDE AND REFERENCE LQ64-5208 LY24-5208-1 PROGRAM LOSIC MAtlUAL LQCO-9011 LYCO-9011-1 PROGRAM LISTINGS MICROFICHE nlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF IPCs/E (S748-SA1): SI.SS 10 <7799-T8C> rusEDO • 6T34-2019 GQ34-2025 STOO-1413 LQAO-0305 LT65-00CS ( EQUALS GC34-2019-1 6C34-2025-1 SC34-2020-2 LJAO-030S-1 LY25-0005-0 TITLE GEHERAL INFORMATION PROG~AM SPECIFICATIONS USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE PROGRAM LISTINGS MICROFICHE PROGRAM LOGIC HANUAL TIlE FOLUJWIHG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 DIRMAINT (5748-XE4h SLSS ID <7799-TMD> PSUEDO • EqUALS 6Q20-1816 GC20-1836-2 GQ20-1837 GC20-1837-1 SQ20-1839 5C20-1839-1 SQ20-1840 SC20-1840-1 LTSO-0015 LYCO-9007-2 LQ60-0809 LY20-088~-1 TITLE G[NERAL INFORMATION PRooR/," SF'ECIFICArIotfS GUIDE FOR GENERAL USER'S INSTALLATION a SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE PROGRAM LISl'IHGS tlICROFICHE PR~AM LOGIC MAtlUAL nlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 3.0 OF RSCS NETWORKIt-IG (5748-)(Pl): SLS5 10 <7799-1D5> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITlE 6100-0940 GH24-S003-4 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL INFORMATION GTOO-0999 6H24-S004-4 PROGRAM REFERENCE & OPERATIONS MANUAL STOO-0941 5H24-S005-2 REFERENCE SUt1HARY 5TOO-0942 SX24-5119-2 PROGRAH LISTINGS MICROFICHE LTOO-0952 LYCO-9006-2 LTOO-0995 LY24-S~03-2 PROGRAM LOGIC HAtlUAL THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF DI1S/CI1S (5748->0<8); SLSS 10 <7799-TED> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE GENERAL INFORMATION 6Qt4-5197 GC2lt-5197-1 GUIDE AND REFERENCE SQ24-5198 SC2lt-5198-1 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 6Q24-5200 GC24-5200-2 PROGRAH LISTINGS MICROFICHE LQCO-9008 LYCO-9008-1 PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL LQ64-5206 LY24-5206-1 ( 151 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 3.1 TIfE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF vtVIFS (S748-XXC): SLSS 10 <7799-TC1> PSUEOO • EQUALS TITLE GENERAL INFORMATION GT24-S195 6C24-5195-l 5124-5196 5C24-5196-0 GUIDE AND REFERENCE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS ST24-5199 SC24-5199-1 LTCO-9009 LYCO-9009-0 PROGRAM LISTINGS MICROFICHE PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL LT64-5205 LY24-S205-0 llIE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 3.0 OF GDDMlPGF/IMD (5748-XXtU: SLSS ID <7799-TCH> PSUEDO • EQUALS TITLE STOO-1455 SC33-010l-3 GODM PROGRAMMING REFERENCES STOO-1456 SC33-0102-2 PGF PROGRAMMING REFERENCE 6DOl1 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE & REFERENCE LTOO-1459 LC33-0103-2 LTOO-1460 LC33-0104-2 PGF DIAGNOSIS GUIDE & REFERENCE GTOO-1457 GC33-0108-3 GDDMlPGF/lfm PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS PGF ICU USER'S GUIDE STOO-1458 SC33-0111-2 ST33-0145 SC33-0145-1 PGF VECTOR SYMBOL EDITOR'S USER'S GUIDE GDDM APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 5T33-0148 SC33-0148-1 GDOM MESSAGES ST33-0150 SC33-0150-0 IMD DIAGtIDSIS GUIDE & REFERENCE LT33-01S1 LC33-0151-0 GODM INSTALLATION & SYSTEM MANAGEf1ENT 51'33-015, 5C33-0152-0 GDOM IMAGE SYMBOL EDITOR'S USER'S GUIDE 51'33-0153 SC33-0lS3-0 GDOMlIMD USER'S GUIDE SH3-0154 SC33-0154-0 LTSO-0012 LYA4-J052-1 GOOM PROGRAtl LISTINGS MICROFICHE PGF PROGRAM LISTINGS MICROfICHE L1S0-0013 LYA4-3072-1 THE fOLLOWING PU8LICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF SQL/DS (S748-XXJ): SLSS 10 <7799-TFQ> PSUEDO , STCO-ll96 6100-1395 SQ44-5017 STOO-1397 5TOO-I090 5TOO-1091 GQ44-S026 SQ44-5027 6144-5042 5T44-5043 ST44-5044 5T44-5045 ST44-5046 5100-1.093 STOO-I092 LQ64-5216 lq64-5217 LT64-5222 EQUALS 5H24-5012-3 0024-5013-2 SH24-5017-2 5H24-5018-2 5H2'+-5019--2 51-124-5020-2 6H24-5026-2 S"24-5027-1 GU24-S042-0 51124-5043-0 5"24-5044-1 SII24-S045-0 SH24-5046-0 5X24-S121-1 5X24-5125-1 LY24-5216-2 LY24-5217-2 LY24-5222-0 TITLE GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES TERMINAL USER' S REFEI~ENCE APPLICATION PROGRAtlUING MESSAGES AND ConES SYSTEM OPERATION PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS MASTER lHOEX RELEASE 2 GUIDE PLANNING & AOtlINISTRATION FOR VMlSP SYSTEM INSTALlA1ION - VM/SP TERMINAL USER'S 'GUIDE DATA BASE SERVICES UTILITIES TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE 5Ut1f1ARY PF KEY TEMPLATE PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL, VOlllf1E 1 PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL, VOLUME 2 PHOGRAI1 LOGIC MANUAL, VOLUME 3 nlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 3.0 OF DCF (SCRIPTIVS) (5743->0<9) : SLSS II) <7799-TCE> PSUEOO I EQUALS GTOO-1485 GH20-91S9-3 SQ PSUEOO I EQUAI.S TITLE 5T40-2652 Sl-l20-2652-0 FROGRAI1 DESCRIPTIOWOPERATIONS MANUAl lSI VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 3.1 THE rOL\.,OWltlG PU9l1.CATIotlS SUPPORT 1.8 OF ADRS I I (S796-I'Un: 5lSS 10 <7799-TA6> PSUEDO • E(~UAl.S TITLE 5T40-2165 SIl20-216!H! SQt I0-26SS 51120-2658-1 LT60-241S LY20-241S-1 USER'S GOlDE BUSINESS GRAPHICS USER'S GUIDE SYSTEMS GUIDE TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICA TIot-lS SUF'PORT 1.3 OF VH RF.AI. TIME tfONITOR (5796-F'NA) : SLSS 10 <7799-lH1'> PSUEDO I EqUAl.S TITl.E STQO-2337 SH20-e337-2 F'I~OGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL lT60-2424 LY20-2424-J SYSTf;NS GUl/)E TtIE FDLI.O~IING PUDLICATIDtIS SUPPORT 1.5 OF APlIOI II (5796··PNG): SlSS 10 <7799-1A6> PSUEDO I EQUUS TInE snO-len SC2G-1891-2 SIUtlENT TEXT SFfO-6147 51120-6147-1 PROGRAM DESCRIPTIOfVOPERATIOHS MANUAL LT40-9007 LlZO-9007'-O SYSTEMS GUIDE THE FOLLOWING P\JDLICATIONS SUPPORT 3.7 OF vt1 PERFORMANCE t1ONITOR ANALYSIS (!i798-CPX): SLSS 10 <7799-TGR> PSIJEDO • E~UI\LS 5100-1(.53 5821-2101-5 TITLE PROGRAM DESCRIPTIDtVOPERAUONS MAIlUAL TIlE FOI.LOWING F'L'8LlCATlOHS SUPPtlRT 1.3 OF Frs II (5798-DO-l): SlSS ID <7799-TA9> PSUEDO " EQUALS TITLE 5TOO-0936 5021-2623-0 PROGRAM DESCRIPTI~VOrERATI0N3 MANUAL mE FOI.l.OHING PI,IBLICA'fIONS SUr-PORT 1. 0 OF VH FILE (5798-DMy): 5LSS 10 <7799-TIIF> PSUEOO • EQUAlS TInE 5TOO-1454 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MAtruAL 5B21-3U85-0 153 --~,.- .. VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 3.1 ,---,,--~~~~~~~~~~ e COMPLETE VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING VERSION 1.4.0 NOTE: SLSS ID (7799 HUMBERS) CAUSE SHIPMENT OF PUBLICATIONS AT THE RIGHT LEVELS FOR THIS SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE, AND PREVENT SHIPMENT OF PUBLICATIONS APPLYING TO OTHER RELEASES. PP NUtmERS ENTERED INTO SLSS ARE AUTOMATICALLY CONVERTED TO SlSS ID IF THE SLSS KEY 7754 IS ALSO ENTERED. BASE COOTENT PROG. PROD. HlAttE) YM/SYSTEM PRODUCT NCCF RSCS NETWORKING VERSION 2 VH MAP ACFIVTAH ISPF/DM ISPF/PDF SSP VH BACKUP VH TAPE CVIEW PC BOtI) INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATlON twlAGEMENT NCP lIPS APE ICll APL2 FORTRAN INTEACITVE DEBUG DMS/CSP-QUERY DMS/eSP-AD OMS/eSP/AE QMF COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG PLII RESIDENT LIBRARY PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER PlII OPTIMIZING COMPILER & LIB. EP-3705/3725 as/vs COBOL VSEIVSAM VS/FORfRAN VM/IPF PVM DIRMAINT RSCS NETWORKING VERSION 1 Dr1S/eMS GDOM/PGF/Ittl/tlLS S~l/DS OCF (SCRIPTIVS) VM BATCH SUBSYSTEM VM REAL TIt1E MONITOR VH FILE STORAGE FACILITY PP NUMBER 5664-167 5664-175 5664-188 5664-191 5664-280 5664-282 5664-285 5664-289 5664-291 5664-292 5664-296 5664-298 5664-952 5664-953 5667-124 5668-012 5668-896 5668-897 5668-899 5668-903 5668-918 5668-824 5668-825 5668-972 5734-CB4 5734-LM4 5734-LMS 5734-Pll 5734-PL3 5735-XXB 5740-CBl 5746-At12 5748-F03 5748-MSI 57'.8-RC1 5748-XE4 5748-XPI 5748-XX8 5748->0<11 5748-XXJ 5748-XX9 5796-BCY 5796-PNA 5798-DMY SLSS ID 7799-TBL 7799-T8H 7799-TBN 7799-TBP 7799-TBW 7799-TBX 7799-TBY 7799-TBZ 7799-TB2 7799-TB3 7799-TB4 7799-TB5 7799-TB6 7799-187 7799-T62 7799-TA5 7799-11i2 7799-T65 7799-TH5 7799-TGV 7799-T6H 7799-TGL 7799-THL 7799-THV 7799-TCC 7799-TDV 7799-TER 7799-TCV 7799-TAX 7799-TGII. 7799-TAJ 7799-DVS 7799-TAT 7199-THY 7799-THQ 7799-TDH 7799-T05 7799-TED 7799-TCJ 7799··TFV 7799-TCE 7799-THC 7799-TIiS 7799-THG RElEASE lEVEL 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.1 2.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.2 1.1 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.4 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 2.0 2.4 3.0 4.1 5.3 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 1.4 1.4 1.2 THE rOLlOLlING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 4.0 OF YM/SYSTEM PRODUCT (5664-167): SLSS 10 <7799-TBL> PSUEOO I EQUALS TITLE GTOO-1575 GC19-6200··] TECHNICAL INTROIlUCTION PLANNING GUIDE & REFERENCE 51"00-1576 SCI9-6201-4 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 5100-1577 SC19-6202-3 SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE srOO-1576 SC19-6203-3 5TOO-1579 5C19-6204-3 SYSTEM MESSAGES & CODES STOO-1580 SCI9-6205-3 OLTSEP A~ID ERROR RECORDING GUIDE GTOO-ISSI GC19-6206-3 TERMIUAI. REFERENCE 6TOO-1582 GC19-6207-3 LIBRARY GUIDE & MASTER INDEX eMS COMMAND AND MACRO REFERENCE STOO-1583 5C19-6209-3 5TOO-1584 SCI9-6l10-3 eMS USER'S GUIDE STOO-lS85 SCI9-6211-3 CP COI1I1AND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS (COtIT. ) 154 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.0 ( 6TOO-1586 GTOO-1587 GTOO-1588 5TOO-1368 5100-1589 5TOO-1590 5TOO-1591 STOO-1592 STOO-1593 SQ24-5239 ST24-5242 ST24-5247 5124-5248 5~24-5249 ( Sn4-5250 S124-S256 S'T24-'S260 5124-5264 5124-5182 ST24-5282 51'00-1494 5TOO-1594 5TOO-1595 5TOO-1596 51'00-1597 5TOO-1371 5100-1372 5100-1598 STOO-1601 LTCO-9046 LTCO-9048 l.TCO-9049 LTCO-9050 STCO-9051 5'rCO-9052 LTCO-9093 LTOO-ISIS LTOO-1819 LTOO-1820 LTOO-160S LQ64-S221 GCI9-6212-3 GC20-1838-4 GC20-1M2-S SC24-5219-2 SC24-5220-2 5C24-5221-3 5C24-S236-2 5C24-S237-2 SI:24-5238··2 SC24~S239-1 SC24-5242-0 SC2'.-5247-0 5C24--5248-1 5C24-5249-1 SC24-S250-:0 51:24-S256-0 5C24-5260-0 SC24-S264-0 SC24-5281-0 5C24-5262-0 GC3S~0033-8 SX20-4400-3 SX20-4401-3 SX20-4402-3 SX24-S122-3 5X24-5123-1 SX24-5124-2 SX24-S126-1 SX24-5138-0 LYCO-9046-0 LYCO-9048-0 LYCO-9049-0 LYCO-9050-0 SYCO-90S1-0 SYCO-90S2-0 LYCO-9093-0 L.Y20-0890-2 LY20-0892-3 LY20-0893-3 LY24-5220-2 LY24-5221-1 OPERATI~~ SYSTEMS IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE GENERAL INFORMATION LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIfICATIm~S EXEC2 REFERENCE SYSTEM PROOUCT EDITOR USER' 5 GUIDE SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR C~ID A~ MACRO REFERENCE CMS PRIMER INSTALLATION GUIDE SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER USER'S GUIDE SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER REFERENCE CI1S PRIMER fOR LINE ORIENTED TERHItlALS APPLICATION DEVELOPHEtfl' GUIDE RElEASE 4 GUIDE GROUP CONTROL SYSTEM GUIOE GROUP CONTROL SYSTEM HACRO REFERENCE SYSTEM DEFINITION FILES INTERACTIVE PROSLEI1 CONTROL SYSTEM GUIDE SYSTEM MESSAGES CROSS-REFERENCES 3380 DASD MODEL AE4lBE4 USER'S GUIDE PROBLEM SOLVING AND REPORTING GUIDE DSFIREL 8: l~ER'S GUIDE & REFERENCE ~UICK GUIDE FOR USER' 5 REFERENCE SUfltlARY COt1HAtm REFERENCE SUtIMARY (GENERAL USER) COMMAND REFERENCE SUt1f'1ARY (OTIIER THAN GENERAL USER) SYSTEf1 PRODUCT EDITOR COMMAND REFERENCE SUt1t1ARY SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR PF KEY TEMPLATE EXEC2 LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY SYSTEM PRODUCT ItHER~ETER REFERENCE SUNMARY IPCS REFERENCE St.:t1MARY VM/SP SOIJRCE LISrINGS IPCS VMlSP SOURCE LISTINGS CP(UP) VM/SP SOURCE LISTINGS CP(APIHP) VHlSP SOURCE LISTINGS CMS VMl370 SOURCE LISTINGS CP VHl370 SOURCE LISTINGS CMS VM/5P SOURCE LISTrNGS GCS SERVICE ROUTINES lOGIC LOGIC AND PROSLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VI (CP) LOGIC AND PROBI.EM DETERMINATION GUIDE V2(CH) DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCKS LOBIC V1(CP) DATA AREAS A~m CONTROL BLOCKS LOGIC V2(CMS) WE FOLLOl4ING PUBLICATIONS SlIPPORT 1. 0 OF NCCF (5664-175): SLSS 10 <7799-TBM> PSUEDO I EQUALS TITLE GT23-0106 GC23-0106-1 NETWORK PGM PRODUCTS GENERAL INFORMATION NEnlnRK PROGRAM PRODUCTS PLANNING ST23-0110 SC23-0110-1 HCCF CUSTOt1IZATION: COMMAND LISTS ST27-0661 SC27-0661-1 SQ27-0662 SC27-0662-1 NeCF CUSTOMIZATION: CHO PCSRS. EXITS. SUBTASK NCCF MESSAGES ST27-0663 SC27-0663-1 NCCF OPERATION ST27-0664 SC27-0664-1 tCCF INSTALLATION & RESOURCE DEFINITION ST30-3264 SC30-32~4-0 NCCF V2 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS G'T30-9578 6C30-9576-0 NCCF REFERENCE SUMMt,RY 5TOO-1764 SX27-0039-1 V2 ASSEMBLY LISTING FOR VNSP LTC7-3009 LYC7-3009-0 LY30-5566-0 NCCF DIAGNOSTICS U70-5S66 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF RSCS VERSION 2 (5664-188) : SLSS 10 <7799-TBN> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GT44-50S5 GH24-50S5-1 GENERAL INFORMATION 6T44-5056 GH24-S056-0 llCEf'.lSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS RSCS PLANNING AND INSTALLATION GUIDE ST44-5057 SH24-5057-1 ST44-5058 mf24-S058-1 OPERATION AND USE SroO-1792 SX24-S13S-0 REFERENCE SUMMARY LTCO-9034 LYCO-9034-0 RSCS V2 PROGRAM LISTINGS RSCS DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE LT64-5228 LY24-5226-0 ISS VMjSP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.0 T'~E FOLLOWING PUBUCATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF vt'tIAP (5664-191): SLSS 10 <7799-TBP> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE GT34-2146 6C34-2164-0 GENERAL ItlFORtlATION LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATlot~ GT34-2165 6C34-2165-0 ST34'-2166 SC34-2166-0 USERS GUIDE AND REFERENtE ST34-2168 SCl4-2168-0 I~~TALLATION GUIDE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SliPPORT 1.0 OF ACFIVTAM (5664-280): 5LSS I() <7799-15H> PSEUOO I EQUALS TITlE 6123-0108 GC2l-0108-1 t-IETI.fORK PSM PRODUCTS GENERAL INFORMATION G'Te3-0109 GC23-0109-0 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 5T23-0110 SC23-0110-1 NHWORK PROGRA~I Pf~ODUCTS PLANNING 5T23··0111 SC23-01U-2 VT4M INSTALLATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION 5T23-0112 5C23-0112-2 VTAH CUSTOMIZATION VIAH OPERATION 5123-0113 SC23-011.3-2 51'23-0115 SC23-0115-1 VTAM PROGRAI1MING ST23-0116 SC23-0116-2 VTAM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE G1'23-013(+ GC23··013l t-O NI'P BIBLIOGRAPHY AND MI\STER INDEX 51'23-0135 5C23-0135-0 VTAt1 REFEREt-ICF. SUI'11ARY ST30-3275 5ClO-l275-1 VTAM MESSAGES AND conES ST30-3309 SC30-3309-0 NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS SAt1PLES( 'Itt) ASSErmLY LISTINGS LTC7-3026 LYC7'·3026-1 DATA AREAS LT70-5560 L Y30··55/l0-0 TtlE rOllOWItlG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF ISPFlDtt (5664-282): SLSS 10 <7799··TBX> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE ST34-2l'73 SC34-2173,·0 DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR vt1/SP ST34-2174 SC34-2174-0 DIALOG MANAGEt1ENT SERVICES EXAMPLES FOR VI1ISP GT34-2175 GC34-217S-0 PROGRA~II'11NG SPECIFICATIONS G13ft-tiSI GC34··21BI-O GENERAL INFORMATlOO S'T34-2182 SC34-2182-0 INSTALLATION AHD CUSTOI1IZATION FOR VHlSP DIAGNOSIS FOR YM/SP ST3Ii-2183 SC34-2163-0 lHE FOLLOWING, PUBLICA'TlONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF ISPF/F'DF (5664-285): SlSS 10 <7799-TBY> PSEUDO t S'rl4-2176 51'34-2178 ST3tH!179 9T34-2160 GT34-2161 EQUALS SCYt-2176-0 SC3(t-2178-0 SC34-2179-0 GC34-21S0-0 GC34-2181-0 TITlE PROGRAM SUMMARY F'ROGRAttMINS SF'ECIFICATIO~ INSTALLATION & CUSTOMIZATION FOR VNVSP DIAGNOSIS FOR VM/SP GE~IERAL INFORMATlON TUE fOLlONING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF ACF/SSP SLSS 10 <7799-107.> PSEUDO I EQUAL.S TIlLE GT23-01~8 GC23-0108-1 NETlmRK PROGRAM PRODUCTS GENERAL INFORMATION NEnlaRK PROGRAt1 PHOOllCTS PLANNING 5123-0110 SC23··01l0-1 SQ30-3169 SC30-3169-4 tlE55AGES AND CODes 51'30-3253 SC30-32S3-0 INSTALLAUON AND RESOllRCE DEfINITION GUItIE snO-3254 SC30-32S4-0 RESOURCE DEFUlITION REFEREHCE ST30-32S5 5C30-3255-0 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ST30-9579 GC30-9579-0 LICENSED PROGP.flM SPECIFICATIONS L.TC7-3018 LYC7-'3018-0 SOURCE LISTING W1 LT70-5564 LY30-5564-0 OIAGNOSIS REFERENCE THE FOLLOWING PUOLICA TIONS SUPPORT 3.1 OF VI1BACKUP SLSS If) <7799-1'62> PSEUUO I EQUAI.S TITLE GT40-6246 GH20··62'.8-0 GE~IERAL It~FOI'MATIOO SHZO-6249-0 S TrtO-6249 INSTALLATION GUIDE ADtlINISTRATOfIS GUIDE 'ltmACKUP 5Tf+O-6eSO 51120-6250··0 5T40-6251 SH20-6251-0 (lPERArOOS GUIDE Vl18ACKUP 5T40-6252 S!l20-6252-0 USERS GUIDE VMOACKUP 5T'+0·-6253 51i20-6253-0 MESSAGES AND COOES Vt'i13ACKlJP ST40-6255 SB20-6255-0 ADf1INISTRATORS GUIDE 'ltIARCHIVE ST40-6256 5H20·,6256-0 OPERATORS GUIDE VMARCIlIVE ST40-6259 5H20-6259-0 USERS GUIDE VI1ARCHIVE ICOUT.) \ ~./ 156 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.0 ( 5140-6260 SH20-6260-0 MESSAGES AND COOES vt1ARCBIVE 6Tf10-6262 GlI20-6262-0 llCEtl5E PROGRAM SPEClfICAnC~IS THE rOLlOJr,l.nlG PlJI3UCATIONS SUProRT 2.1 OF' V1'ITAre (5M,ff··292): SLSS In <7799-1B3> PSEUOO ff EQUALS TItlE (;T40-6240 GW!0-62 f,(l··O GENEQ"L ltIFO~mf\TIOH 51'40-6241 SI120···6'Ytl-0 ItIST AlLA TION GUIDE STI,O-6;Yf2 51120-624:1-0 AlJtlINIS1RATORS GUIDE STlIO-62f.tl 5T40-624(t 5T40-6245 5'1'<,0-62(+6 GHO-6261 Stl20··6243·," 51120-62<"+-0 Sfl20-624S .. 0 SH20-6246-0 GtI2(l-62bl-O OPERA'TORS GUIDE TAPE l.IBPA'UAHS GUIDE USERS GUIDE ~IE~,ShGES AND Cl'OES LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATlOlIS THE FOtt.OWING PU6LICATIClNS SUPPORT 1.1 OF CVIEW (566't-296l: Sl55 In <7799-Tl\4> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 6134-4005 SCYt-400S-1 5C34-4006-1 GC3(.-4027-1 GENERAL INfOf.lI1ATION 5134-4006 GT34-4027 GUlOE UCEHSfO nWG~IIN SPECIFICATIONS 1." TilE I'OllOHING PUBLICA frONS SUPPORT OF PC/WI DOUD (5664-2913): SlSS II) <'7799-U1S> flSWf,lO I EQWH.S TITLE SQ44-5Q87 SH24-5087-0 PIWGRAI'II'1ERS C;,uIDE THE fOnrnmlG F'UBLlCATJotIS SUPPORT 1.0 OF mfO/SYSTEr1 ( 5664·-952 ) : SLSS 10 <7799-TB6> PSElJOO I EQUALS GTYH~166 GC34'-ZU\6-0 5'134-2189 5C'34-2189-0 5134-2190 5C34-2190-0 ST34-Z197 5C34-2197-0 5T34-2196 ( SC34-2198-0 TITLE LICENSE rp()G'~At1 SF'EClfICATIotIS INSTALLATION CUSTOtlIlA1ION tlESS.tl.GES AND CODES DIAGtlOSIS THE rOl.LOIUNS PU!.'lLICATIONS SUFrOIH 1.0 OF SL5S 10 <7799-T87> PSEL~O I G134-2187 GT3{t-Zl91 EQUALS GC34-Z187-0 SC.3(.-2191-~ mFO/tt~NAGEtIENT (5664-953) : TITlE LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS PANEl tlOOIFICAHON THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF ACF/NCr' (S667-12 t tl: SlSS 10 <7799-T62> PSE'..lno # GTZ7-0657 5T27-,0656 G130-9573 L102-4181 I.TOZ-(1183 L170-5554 EQUi'LS TInE GCZ'7-0657-2 5CZ7-0658.. 2 6t30-9573-1) l.JDZ-4181-0 I.Jne-4183-0 LY30-555f.I-O GEIiERAl INFORMIITION lT70-5556 LY30-5555-0 LY30-5S56-0 l:r70··S557 LY30-5557-0 L'Ti'0-5558 LT70-5559 1.Y30-5558-0 LT70-5555 1.l30-5559-0 PLANNING GUIDE LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS SOU'RCE LISHtlG (3705) !:OU'RCE LISTlIlG (37Z5) DIA.GNOSIS REFERENCE (370;) RefERENCE MID DATA AREAS (3705) Ctl5TotlIZA TIeN .,er INCP (3705) DU.GNOSI5 REFf:REtlCE (37ZS I REfERENCE AND DA1A AREft.S (3725) CUSTotUZATIOH ACFINCP (3725) ruE rOUOI-IIUG PI..1DLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF IIPS (5668-01Z): 5L55 10 <7799-T~~> PSEUOO I EQUALS TITlE GT40-0008 GH20-0008-0 Im-RODUCTION 1'0 IEm mSTlmCIIONAl SYS1'Etl5 SllfO-OOll Stl20-00ll-·0 ADt1UIISTRAT OR I 5 GUIDE 5T40-001.2 51-120-0012-0 PR08LEtl DIAGNOSIS GUIDE VM/eNS INSTALLATION & OPERATONS GUIDE ST40-0015 SIf20-0015-0 GTOO-1766 GH20 .. 531(H~ PROGRAM SPECIFICATIOHS 5TOO-l(.16 SX20-0140-0 STUUEtiT REFERENCE GUIDE 1.57 VMjSP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF eSP/AD (5668-824): SI.SS 10 <7799- TSL> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 6T40-6750 5T40-6751 5T40-6752 6H20-6750-0 m120-6751-0 SB20-6752-0 GENERAL INFORMATION USERS GUIDE OPERATION - DEVELOPr1Etrr ST40-6753 5T40-6756 5H20-6753-0 5H20-6755-0 5"20-6756-0 6T40-6757 6T40-6761 6T40-6763 5TOO-1795 6TOO-1668 6H20-6761-0 6t120-6763-0 5X20-0953-0 6X20-0960-0 SYSTEM ~~MINI5TRATION MESSAGES AND CODES PROBLEM nIA6t~SIS LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS ST40-6755 ~t20-6757-1 UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS HASTER INDEX SET 8INOER INSERT PACK REFERENCE Sutt1ARY CARD TtlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF CSP/AE (5668-825): SLSS 10 <7799-TtlL> PSEUDO I 6T40-6750 EQUALS TITLE 6H20-6750-0 51120-6754-0 5H20-6755··0 GENERAL INFORMATION OPERAnon - EXECUTION MESSAGES AND CODES 5T40-6756 SI-I20··6756-0 PROBLEM 6T40-6758 GT40-6762 6T40-6763 5TOO-1795 GH20-6758-1 GH20-6762-0 GH20-6763-0 SX20-0953-0 LICENSED PROG!?'.M SPECIFICATIONS utlPACKIHG INSTRUCTIONS 5T40-6754 ST40-6755 [lIAGHOSIS MASTER INDEX SET BINDER INSERT PACK THE fOLlO~I!~ PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.2 OF APE (5668-896); SlSS II:I <7799-TII2> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 5139-6388 51119-6388-2 lISER'S fiUIDE ANI) REfEREnCE 6139-6'389 6T39-6390 GT39-6391 GtI19··6389-2 61119-6390-2 61119-6391-0 LICENSE PP.OGRAt1 SPECIFICATIONS REFERENCE CARD GENERAL INFORMATION THE f'OLlot4ING PUBlICATIot1S SUPPORT 1.1 OF ICl1 (5668-897): SlSS 10 <7799-T&5> PSEUDO • EQUALS TItlE GT40-039S GIU~O-Ol9S··1 5T40-6771 5T40-6772 SB20··6771-0 PRIMER 5HU-677£-0 stI20-6173-0 SH20-6774-0 SIi20-6775-0 5H20-6776-0 GENERAL ItIFOOMATIOH S1"40-6780 5HU-6779-0 SIU!0-6780-0 GETTltlG STARTED WITIi FUll SET EtlTEIUNG AND VALIDATING DArA ANALYZIH'3 DUA MANAGUIG DATA DEHNUIG REPORTS CREATING aUSIt-lESS GRAPHICS ADVANCED FUNCTIONS MASTER INDEX SYSTEM SUPPORT "1\10 DIAGnOSIS STl.O-678.l 51-120-6781-0 UNE t10DE S1".0-6773 ST40-6114 S T40-6 775 5T40-6776 5T40-6777 ST40-6778 ST40-6779 TH~ 5H20-6777-0 5H20-6778-0 FOll-OIUNG F'UBtlCATtotlS SUPPORT 1.0 OF APL2 (5668-899): SLSS If) <7799-TII5> PSEUDO I EquALS 6140-9213 6H20··9213-0 GT40-9214 GH20-9U4-1 5T40-9215 5T40-9216 ST40-9217 SH20-9l'!lS-0 51120-9216-1 TITLE LICENSED F'ROGRAtl SPECIFICATIOUS SEtu:RAL INFORtlATION MIGRATION GUIDE PI(OGRAt1t1ERS GUIDE Stlto-9U 7-0 PROGRAMMIHG 5T40-9218 SII20-9218-0 PROSRAI1t1UIG 5140--9220 5T40-92U 5'140-9227 51120-9220'·0 MESSAGES 5t120"9221-0 Atn CODES ItlSTAlLAlIOtl UNDER CtlS SII20-9227-0 F'rWGRA~ltllNG SQL USI~IG SYSTE~1 SE!~VICES ST66-3931 5X26-3737-0 SX26-3738-0 SYe6-3931-0 LANGUAGE REFERENCE INTROOUCTlOH TO APL2 GIMPHPAK: USERS GUIDE AND REFERENCE PROGRAtl LISTINGS REFERENCE SUMMARY PI(OGRAtnlING UN~UAGE REFERENCE CARll DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ST66-393? SY26-3932-0 pIAGNOSI5 REFERENCE 5T40-9229 5140-9230 LTB6-01S4 STOO-1780 STOO-176~ 51120-9229-0 51-120··9230-0 LJB6-0lS(t··O 158 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.0 ( THE FDLI.OHltlG Ftlt\LICAnom SUProRT 2.0 OF FORTRAN lAO (5668-903); SLSS 10 <7799-TGV> PSEUDO. EQ\JAI.S TITLE LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 6100-1r.J7 GC26-4115-3 SQ26-4116 SC26-4116-1 IHTERACTlVE GUIDE t\NO REFEREtlCE SQl6-4117 SC26-4117-2 I~rERACTIVE DEBUG INSTALLATION lt~E rOLLOHIHG PUBUr.ATIQHS SUPPORT 2.0 OF eSP-QUERY (5668-91S): SLSS 10 <7799-TGU> PSEUDO • EQIJALS TITLE GfcW+-5047 6i124-5047-2 LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFlCATIotlS GQ44-50(.S 6H24- 504·'-2 GENE~At IHFORMATTON SQft4-50S1 StI24-S0S1-2 USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE SQ~4-S~52 SQ44-50SJ SQ44-6000 t;-r(lO-1682 Stl24-5052-2 SIf24-5053-2 MESSAGES AND conES PROBLEN DIAGNOSIS 5H24-6000-1 SYSTEti ADtIIUISTR.'TlON REFERENCE StJtlN',RY CARD 6X20-0950-1 THE FOLt.OIutIG PI.lBLICATIOHS SUPPORT 2.0 OF' QtIF (5668-972): SLSS 10 <7799-TIf V> PSEUDO. EQUALS TITlE GQC:6-4071 5126-4090 ST:!6-4091 S126-4092 SQ26-4094 GQ26-4095 SQ26-4099 SQ26-4JOO GQ26-4101 512&-4107 GTOO-1696 5100-1793 S'I'66-3936 SQ66-3939 51166-3934 GC26-4071-3 5C26-4090-1 SC26"4091-0 SC26-4092-2 SC26-4094-2 GC26-409S'-2 SC26-4099-1 SCt'6-4100-1 GC26-4101-2 SC26-4107-1 GG24-H,S8-0 SX26-3741-2 SY26-3936-0 SY26-3939-2 SY26-3943-1 QtlF: GENERAL INFORMATION DXT: tlESSAGES Mill COtlES Dxr PLANtlING AND ADMINISTRATIotl GUICE DXT: OlALOGS !NSTAlLAl'lON GUIDE QI'IF: LEARNERS GUIDE QMF: LICENSE f'ROGRAI1 SPECIFICATIONS PLAt~INS AtID ADMINISTRATION GUIDE INSTALLATIQN GUIDE INTRODUCTION TO tltlF DXT: ADtlINlSTERIHS A~ID lJSIUG DIALOGS QMF/ISPF APPLICATION StIIDE ~F: ~'F: PSEUDO t EQUALS TITlE TERMUIAl USER'S GUIDE .. REFERENCE tWlUAl Sf28-6465 SC28-6465-2 SC28-6468-3 ItlSTAlL!l.TIOH REFEREUCE MANUAL S128-6468 Sf2S-64eS GC28-648S-1 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS STOO-0606 SXt8-8194-2 REFERENCE CARD 1ME FOLLOWING rtJaLICATIOHS SUPPORT 5.1 OF PLII SlSS 10 <7799-TOV> PSEUDO I EQUALS 5T26-3971 5(;26-3971-1 GQ26-3977 6T26-4122 GT26-4196 GC26-3977-1 GC26-4122-0 GC26-4196-1 GQ33-0001 SQ33-0025 GC33-0001-6 SC33-0006-7 SC33-002S-3 STOO-1784 RESIDE~ LIBRARY (S734-LWt): TITlE CS/DOSPL/l ESCS SUPPLEMENT LANGUAGE REFERENCE OPTItlIZING Cot~PI LER : INSTALLATION PROGRAM SPECIFICATlotf.S os PLII GENERAL INFORMATION OF'TlttIZItlG Cot1PILER: PROGRAMtlER' S GUIDE OPTItllZING COUNLER: EXECUTION LOGIC OPTIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES OrTIMIZnIG COMPILER: ttlS USER'S GUIDE SQ33-0027 SC33-0027-5 ST33-0037 SC33-0037-3 LTB6-1003 5TOO-0943 lJB6-1003-0 SX33-6002-2 5TOO-0944 5T66-3990 SX33-600S-1 SY26-3990-0 OS PLII KEYWORDS REFERENCE SUMMARY OS PLII lERt1I1iAl CotlHANDS & OPUOtIS OSIDOS PUI DEBUG GUIDE LQ73-6008 LY33-600S-2 RESIDE~ RESIDENT LIBRARY LISTINGS LISRARY LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLtCATIottS SUPPORT 5.1 OF PLII TRANSIE~ LIBRARY (S734-U15l: SL5S 10 <7799-TER> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 5T26-3971 5C26-3971-1 OSIDOS PLII ESC5 5UPPlEf1Etff ( GQ26-3977 GC26-3977-1 LANGUAGE REFERENCE 6T26-4122 GCt6-4122-0 6T26-4196 GC26-4196-1 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: INSTALLATION PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS (COtfl'. ) 159 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.0 SQ33-0001 STOO-1784 SQ33-0025 5Q33-0027 5T33-0037 LTB6-1004 5TOO-0943 5TOO-0944 5T66-3990 LT73-6009 GC33-0001-6 SC33-0006-7 SC33-002S-3 SC33-0027-S SC33-0037-3 LJB6-1004-0 SX33-6002-2 SX33-6005-1 SY£6-3990-0 LY33-6009-1 os PUI GENERAL INFORMATION OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PROGRAMHER' S GUIDE OPTIMIZING COMPI LER : EXECUTION LOGIC OPTIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES OPTIMIZING COMPILER: CMS USER'S GUIDE TRANSIENT LIBRARY LISTINGS OS PUI KEYWORDS REFERENCE SUMMARY OS PUI TERMINAL COMt1ANDS & OPTIONS OS/DOS PUI DEBUG GUIDE TRANSIENT LIBRARY LOGIC TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 5.1 OF PUI OPTIMIZING COMPILER (5734-PLU: SLSS 10 <7799-TCV> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE ST26-3971 SC26-3971-1 OSID05 PUI ESC5 SUPPLEMENT LANGUAGE REFERENCE SQ26-3977 GC26-3977-1 OPTIMIZING COt1PIlER: INSTALLATION GT26-4122 GC26-4122-0 GT26-4196 GC26-4196-1 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GQ33-0001 GC33-0001-6 OS PUI GE.IERAL INFORMATION OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PROGRA~~ER'S GUIDE STOO-1784 5C33-0006-7 SQ33-002S SC33-0025-3 OP'TIMIZING COMPILER: EXECUTIOt~ LOGIC SQ33-0027 5C33-0027-S OPTIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES 5T33-0037 SC33-0037-3 OPTIMIZIt~ COMPILER: OMS USER'S GUIDE l'fB6-1002 WB6-1002-0 COMPILER LISTINGS OS PUI KEYWORDS REFERENCE SUMMARY S'f00-0943 5X33-6002-2 5TOO-0944 SX33-6005-1 OS PUI TERMINAL COt1MANOS & OPTIOt-1S ST66-3990 SY26-3990-0 OSIDOS PUI DEBUG GUIDE LT73-6007 LY33-6007-1 COMPILER LOGIC TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 5.1 OF PUI OPTIMIZING COMPILER AND LIBRARIES (5734-PL3) : SLSS 10 <7799-TAX> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 5126-3971 SC26-3971-1 OSID05 PUI EGCS SUPPLEMENT GQ26-3977 LANGUAGE REFERENCE GC26-3977-1 6126-4122 GC26-4122-0 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: INSTALLATIOtl GT26-4196 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GC26-4196-1 GQ33-0001 OS PlII GENERAL INFORMATION GC33-0001-6 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PROGRAtR1ER' S 6tJIDE 5C33-0006-7 STOO-1784 SQ33-002S OPTIMIZING COtlPI LER: EXECUTION LOGIC 5C33-0025-3 SQ33-0027 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES SC33-0027-5 ST33-0037 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: CMS USER'S GUIDE 5C33-0037-3 LTB6-1002 COMPILER LISTINGS LJB6-1002-0 LTB6-1003 RESIDENT LIBRARY LISTINGS LJB6-1003-0 TRANSIENT LIBRARY LISTINGS LJ66-1004-0 LTB6-1004 5X33-6002-2 STOO-0943 OS PUI KEYWORDS REFERENCE SUMMARY STOO-0944 OS PlII TERMINAL COt1t1ANDS & OPTIONS SX33-6005-1 5'1'26-3990-0 ST66-3990 aSlDos PlII DEBUG GUIDE LY33-6007-1 LT73-6007 COMPILER LOGIC LY33-6008-2 LQ73-6008 RESIDENT LIBRARY LOGIC LY3l-6009-1 LT73-6009 TRANSIEtIT LIe-RARY LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIOUS 5l1PPORT 2.0 AND 1.0 OF EP3705/EP3727 (S73S-)OOU: SL5S 10 <7799-TGA> PseUDO I EQUAl5 TITlE G127-0657 GC27··0657-2 GENERAL INFORMATION ST27-0658 SC27-06S8-2 PLANNING GUIDE SQ30-3172 SC30-3172-1 EP/3725 GENERATION AND UTILITIES 5T30-3242 SC30-3242-2 EP/3705 GENERATION A~m UTILITIES GT30-9575 GC30-9575-1 LICENSE PROGRAM SPICIFICATIOtlS lTD2-4188 LJD2-4188-0 ASSEMBLY LISl'INGS (370S) LTD2-4189 LJD2-4189-0 ASSEMBLY LISTI~~S (3725) LT70-3190 LY30-3190-0 EP LOGIC FOR 3705 LT70-3195 LY30-3195-0 EP LOGIC FOR 3725 LT70-5SSS lY30-5555-0 REFERENCE SUI1MARYIDATA AREAS (3705) LT70-5558 LY30-5558-0 REFERENCE SUMMARYIDATA AREAS (3725) 160 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.0 ( llfE FOLLOWItlG PUBLICATIOtlS SUPPORT 2.4 OF OSIVS COBOL (5740-CBl): SLSS II) <7799-TA.J> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITl.E OSIVS COBOL REFERENCE G100-1448 GC26-38S7-3 vt1l370 USER'S GUIDE FOR COBOL STOO-1449 SC28-6469-5 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GQ28-6472 GC28-6472-2 SC28..-6481-2 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL SQ28-6481 PROGRAHlIER'S GUIDE 5TOO-1407 SC28-6483-2 PROGRAM LISTItlGS LTSO-0014 LYC7-S0S2-S LQ68-6425 LY28-6425-1 LIBRARY LOGIC COt1PI LER LOGIC LQ68-6486 LY28-6486-2 THE FOLLOWING PllBLICATIOt1S SUPPORT 3.0 OF VSE/VSAM (5746-At12): SLSS 10 <7799-DVS> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE COt1t1ANDS AND MACROS STOO-0888 SC24-S144-2 PROGRAMt1ER' 5 REFERENCE STOO-0889 SC24-514S-2 MESSAGES AND CODES S'TOO-0890 SC24-5146-2 PROGRAM SPECIF1CATImlS STOO-0887 GC24-5190-4 DOCUtlENTATION SUBSET SQ24-5191 SC24-5191-1 PROGRAM l.ISTINGS LTOO-0891 LYB4·-61 02-2 PROGRAM LOGIC VOLl~E 1 LTOO-0892 LY24-5191-2 PROGRAM LOGIC VOLUME 2 LQ64-S192 LY24-S192-1 LQ64-S195 LY24-S195-1 ACCESS METHODS SERVICE LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 5.3 OF VM/IPF (57ftS-MSll: SLSS ID <7799-THY> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE SYSTEM REFERENCE STOO-1832 SC24-5228-2 OPERATION ST24-5229 SC24-S229-0 ADMINIs'rRA1'IOU GUIDE SQ24-S230 SC24-5230-2 SQ24-S232 SC24-S232-1 GENERAL USE MESSAGES GENERAL USE GUIDE SQ24-S233 SC24-S233-e SQ24-5234 SC24-5234-1 A.DI1INISTRATION I1ESSAGES SQ24-523S SC24-5235-1 LICENSE PROGRAM srECIFICATIotlS LTeO-90S] LYCO-9053-0 PROC~AH LISTINGS llIE FOLL,OWItfG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 4.1 OF VS/fORTR,Mf (57f.8-F03): SLSS 10 <7799-TAT> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GTOO-1786 GC26-3984-5 PROGRAt1 SPECIFICATIONS INSTALLATION At~ CUSTOMIZATION 5100-1787 SC26-3987-4 STOO-1788 5C26-3990-4 COMPILER AtlD LIBRARY DIAGNOSIS GENERAL 1NFORI1ATION 5T26-4114 GC26-4114-2 PROGRAMMING GUIDE ST26-4118 SC26-4118-0 LANGUAGE AND LIBRARY REFERENCE S'T26-4119 SC26-4119-0 LTSO-0021 LJB6-0133-3 SOURCE LISTINGS SOURCE TIME REFERENCE SUMMARY STOO-1789 SX26-3731-S THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF PVM (S74S-RCI): SLSS 10 <7799-THQ> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GENERAL INFORMATION GQ24-S206 GC24-5206-3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GQ24-5207 GC24-5207-3 GUIDE AND REFERENCE SQ24-S208 SC24-5208-2 PROGRAM LISTINGS LQCO-9011 LYCO-9011-1 LQ64-5208 LY24-5208-1 PROGRAM LOGIC I1ANUAL TIlE FOLl,OWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 Of' DIRMAINT (5748-XE4h SLSS 1D <7799-TDI1> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITlE GENERAL INFORMATION GQ20-1836 GC20-1836-2 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS &Q20-1837 GC20-1837-1 GUIDE FOR GENERAL USER'S SQ20-1839 SC20-1839-1 INSTALLATION & SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE SQZO-1840 SC20-1840-1 PROGRAM LISTIHGS LTSO-0015 LYCO-9007-2 PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL LQ60-0889 LY20-0889-1 (/ 16'1 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 3.0 OF RSCS NEllIORKIH6 (5148-XPl): SLSS ID <7799-TDS> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 6TOO-0940 GH24-5003-4 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL INFORMATION 6TOO-0999 GH24-5004-4 PROGRAM REFERENCE & OPERATIONS HANUAl STOO-0941 SH24-5005-2 5TOO-0942 5X24-5119-2 REFERENCE SUMMARY PROGRAM LISTINGS lTOO-0952 LYCO-9006-2 PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL LTOO-0995 LY24-5203-2 THE FOLLOWING ~LICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF OMS/CMS (5748-)0(8): SLSS ID <7799-TEO> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE GENERAL INFORMATION GQ24-S197 GC24-5197-1 GUIDE & REFERENCE 5Q24-5198 5C24-5198-1 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GQ24-S200 GC24-5200-2 LQCO-9008 LYCO-9008-1 PROGRAM LISTINGS PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL LQ64-5206 lY24-5206-1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 4.0 OF SDOM/PGF/ItIl/NLS (5748-)OOi): 5LSS 10 <7799-TCJ> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GDDM GENERAL INFORMATION 6TOO-1680 GC33-0100-5 GDDM PROGRAMMING REFERE~~E 5TOO-1663 se33-0l01-4 PGF PROGRAMI'IING REFERENCE STOO-1664 SC33-0102-3 GDDM/PGF/IMD PROGRAM SPECIFICATlmr.s 6TOO-1662 GC33-010S-1t 5TOO-166S SC33-01U-3 P6F ICU USER'S GUIDE SQ33-0145 SC33-·0145-2 P6F VECTOR SYMBOL EDITOR'S USER'S GUIDE GDDM APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SQ33-0148 SC33-0148-2 SQ33-01S0 SC33-01S0-1 GODM MESSAGES SQ33-0152 SC33-0152-1 GDDM INSTALLATION AND SYSTEM MANAGEMENT ST33-0153 SC33-0153-0 GDDM IMAGE SYMBOL EDITOR'S USER'S GUIDE GDDM/ItlO USER'S GUIDE ST33-0l54 SC33-0154-0 5T33-0184 SC33-0184-0 GOON DIAGNOSIS GUIDE THE FOLLOWIt~G PUBLICATIONS SlIPPORT 3.0 OF SQl/DS (5748-XXJ): SlSS 10 <7799-TFV> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE SQ44-5043 SH24-5043-1 PLANNING & ADMItlISTRATION FOR vtVsP SQ44-5044 SIf24-5044-2 SYSTEM INSTAlLAl'Im~ FOR vtVsP SQ44-5045 5H24-5045·-1 TERMINAL USER'S SUIDE FOR VNlSP GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL GT44-5064 GH24-5064-0 GT44-5065 6H24-5065-0 CONCEPTS A~ FACILITIES FOR VMlSP LICENSE PROGRAM SPEClrICATIOUS GT44-5066 GH24-5066-0 ST44-5067 SH24-5067-0 TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE FOR vtVSP ST44-5068 SH24-5068-0 APPLICATION PROGRAHtIING FOR vtVSP ST44-5069 SH24-5069-0 DATA BASE SERVICES UTITITIES MESSAGES AND CODES FOR vtVSP ST44-5070 SH24-5070-0 5T44-5071 Stl24-5071-0 SYSTEM OPERATION FOR VM/SP MASTER INDEX FOR VI1/SP ST44-5072 S"24-5072-0 TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE SUNMARY STOO-1790 SX24-5142-0 5TOO-1791 SX24-5143-0 PF KEY TEtlPLATE ST64-5230 SY24-5230-0 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE FOR VMlSP DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE FOR VM/SP ST64-5232 SY24-5232-0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUProoT 3.0 OF DCF (SCRIPT/VS) (5748->0<9) : SLS5 10 <7799-TCE> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE GENERAL INFORMATION GQ40-9158 G"'20-9158-5 PROGRAtl SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-1485 GH20-9159-4 STOO-1530 SIi20-9186-2 OCF/GML: STARTER SET USER'S GUIDE DCF/GML: STARTER SET REFERENCE 5TOO-1612 5H20-9187-2 DCF/GML: CONCEPTS AND DESIGN GUIDE SQI.0-9188 Stl20-9188-1 SQ55-0048 SH35-0048-1 DCF: MESSAGES SQ55-0050 SIf35·-00SO-1 DCF/GML: IMPLEtlENTATIml GUIDE DCF: SCRIPT/vS TEXT PROGRAMtIER'S GUIDE SQ55-0069 SH35-0069-2 ST55-0070 Stl35-0070-0 DCF: SCRIPT/vS LANGUAGE REFERENCE S1'75-0067 SY35-0067-0 DCF: DIAGNOSIS GUIDE DCF/GML: QUICK REFERENCE SUMMARY STOO-1608 SX26-3719-3 DCF: TEXT PROGRAMMER'S QUICK REFERENCE STOO-1607 SX26-3723-4 LT75-0068 lY35-0068-0 OCF: DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE 162 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.0 THE FOLLOWING Pt,IBUCA1'IONS SUPPORT 1. It OF 1111 SA rCH SUBSYSTEM (S796-BCY); SLSS 10 <7799-THC> PSEUDO I EQUALS SQ(.O-2652 5"20-2652-1 TITLE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ~.NUAL THE FOLLOWniG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT Lit OF 1111 REAL TIME MONITOR (5796-PHA): SLSS Il' <7199·'THS> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE STOO-I661 SH20-2337-3 PROGRAM DESCRIPTIOH/OPERATIOt~S MAI'AJAL THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.2 OF VM FILE STORAI?E (5798-DMYl: SLSS 10 <7799-THG> SrOO-l'.54 5621-3085-0 PROGRAtf DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL 163 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.0 e COMPLETE VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING VERSION 1.4.1 NOTE: SLSS ID (7799 NUI1BERS) CAUSE SHIPHENT OF PUBLICATIONS AT THE RIGHT LEVELS FOR THIS SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE. AND PREVENT SHIPMENT OF PUBLICATIONS APPLYING TO OTIiER RELEASES. PP NUMBERS ENTERED INTO SLSS ARE AUTOMATICALLY CONVERTED TO SLSS ID IF THE SLSS KEY 7755 IS ALSO ENTERED. BASE CONTENT PROS. PROD. ( NAHE ) VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT NeeF RSCS NETWORKING VERSION 2 VH MAP ACFIVTAH ISPFIDI1 ISPF/PDF SSP VH BACKUP VH TAPE CVIEW PC BONO INFORt1ATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT NCP IIPS APE IC/I APL2 fORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUS DMS/CSP-QUERY OMS/CSP-AD onS/CSP/AE QMF COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUS PLII RESIDENT LIBRARY PLII TRANSIENT LIBRARY PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER PLII OPTII1IZItS COMPILER & LIBRARIES EP-3705/3725 OSIVS COBOL VSEIVSAI1 VS/FORTRAN VMlIPF PVH OIRMAINT RSCS NETWORKING VERSION 1 OMS/CMS GDDHlPGF/IMDINLS SQLlDS DCF (SCRIPTIVS) VH BATCH SUBSYSTEM Vl1 REAL TIME MONITOR VH FILE STORAGE FACILITY PP NUMBER 5664-167 5664-175 5664-188 5664-191 5664-280 5664-282 5664-285 5664-289 5664-291 5664-292 5664-296 5664-298 5664-952 5664-953 5667-124 5668-012 5668-896 5668-897 5668-899 5668-903 5668-918 5668-824 5668-825 5668-972 5734-CH4 5734-LM4 5734-LM5 5734-PLI 5734-PL3 5735-XXB 5740-CBl 5746-AH2 5748-F03 5748-M51 5748-RCI 5748-XE4 5748-XPI 5748-XXB 5748-XXH 5748-XXJ 5748-XX9 5796-BCY 5796-PNA 5798-DI1Y SLSS ID 7799-TBL 7799-TBM 7799-TBN 7799-TBR 7799-TBW 7799-188 7799-T69 7799-TBZ 7799-TB2 7799-TB3 7799-TB4 7799-TBI 7799-TB6 7799-TB7 7799-T62 7799-TA5 7799-TH2 7799-TG5 7799-TH6 7799-TGV 7799-TGH 7799-T6L 7799-THL 7799-THV 7799-TCC 7799-TDV 7799-TER 7799-TCV 7799-TAX 7799-T6A 7799-TAJ 7799-DVS 7799-TAT 7799-THY 7799-THQ 7799-T0I1 7799-1U5 7799-TED 7799-TCJ 7799-TFW 7799-TCE 7799-THC 7799-TKA 7799-THG RELEASE LEVEL 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 3.1 2.1 1.1 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.2 1.1 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.4 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 2.0 2.4 3.0 4.1 5.3 2.0 '2.0 3.0 2.0 4.0 3.5 3.0 1.4 1.6 1.2 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT .... 0 OF VHlSY5TEM PRODUCT (5664-167): SLSS ID <7799-TBL> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 6TOO-1575-00 GC19-6200-3 TECHNICAL INTRODUCTIot~ STOO-1576-00 SCI9-6201'-4 PLANNING SUIDE & REFERENCE STOO-1577-00 SC19-6202-3 OPERATOR'S GUIDE STOO-1578-00 SC19-6203-3 SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 5TOO-1579-00 SC19-6204-3 SYSTEM MESSAGES t CODES STOO-ISBO-OO SCI9-6205-3 OLTSEP ANO ERROR RECORDING GUIDE TERMINAL REFERENCE GTOO-1581-00 GC19-6206-3 STOO-1582-00 GC19-6207-3 LIBRARY GUIDE & MASTER INDEX eMS COt1t1ANO AND t1ACRO REfeRENCE 5TOO-1583-00 SC19-6209-3 Ct1S USER'S GUIDE STOO-1584-00 SC19-6210-3 STOO-1585-00 SC19-6211-3 CP CotlMAND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS (CONT.) 164 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.1 ..../ (- ( GTOO-1586-00 GTOO-1587-00 6TOO-1588-00 5TOO-1366-00 5TOO-1589-00 STOO-lS90-00 STOO-1591-00 STOO-1592-00 5TOO-1593-00 5Q24-5239-00 ST24-5242-00 5T24-5247-00 ST24-5248-00 SQ24-5249-00 ST24-S250-00 5T24-5256-00 ST24-5260-00 ST24-S264-00 5T24-5281-00 5T24-S282-00 STOO-1494-00 STOO-1594-00 STOO-1S9S-00 STOO-1S96-00 LTOO-1910-00 5TOO-1597-00 5TOO-1371-00 STOO-1372-00 5TOO-1598-00 5TOO-1601-00 LTCO-9039-00 LTCO-9046-00 LTCO-9048-00 LTCO-9049-00 LTCO-9050-00 S·rCO-9051-00 STCO-9052-00 LTOO-I0IS-00 LTOO-1819-00 LTOO-laZO-OO LTOO-160S-00 LQ64-S221-00 GCI9-6212-3 GC20-1838-4 GC20-18~2-5 SC24-5219-2 SC24-S220-2 SC24-5221-3 SC24-5236-2 SC24-S237-2 5C24-5238-2 SC24-5239-1 SC24-5242-0 SC24-S247-0 SC24-S248-1 SC24-5249-1 SC24-5250-0 SC24-S2S6-0 SC24-S260-0 SC24-5264-0 5C24-5281-0 5C24-S282-0 GC3S-0033-8 5X20-4400-3 5X20-4401·,,3 SX20-4402-3 LX23-0347-3 SX24-5122-3 SX24-S123-1 5X24-S124-2 SX24-5126-1 5X24-S138-0 LYCO-9039-0 LYCO-9046-0 LYCO-9048-0 LYCO-9049-0 LYCO-9050-0 SYCO-90S1-0 SYCO-9052-0 LY20-0890-2 LYZO-0892-3 LY20-0893-3 LY24-S220-2 LY24-S221-1 OPERATING SYSTEMS IN A VIRTIJAL ttACHINE GENERAL INFORMATION LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS EXEC2 REFEREI1CE 5YSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR USER'S GUIDE SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR COtlt1ANO AND MACRO REFE~ENCE c~tS PRIMER INSTALLATION GUIDE SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER USER'S GUIDE SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER REFEREt~E CttS PRIMER FOR LINE ORIENTED TERMINALS APPLICATION DEVELOPr1ENT GUIDE RElEASE 4 GUIDE GROllP CONTROL SYSTEM GUIDE GROUP CONTROL SYSTEM MACRO REFERENCE SYSTEM DEFINITION FILES INTERACTIVE PROBLEt' CONTROL SYSTEM SUIDE SYSTEM MESSAGES CROSS-REFEREt~E 3380 DASD t10DEL AE4IBE4 USER'S GUIDE PROBLEM SOLVING AND REPORTING GUIDE DSFIREL 8: USER'S GUIDE & REFERENCE QUICK GUIDE FOR USER'S REFERE~~E Sut~ARY COI1tlAND REFEREt~E 5UHMARY l GENERAL USER) COt'l11AND REFERENCE SUf1tIARY l OTHERniAN GENERAL USER l VM PROBLEM OETEIUlINATION REFERENCE INfO SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR COMMAND REFERENCE SUMMARY SYSTEM PRODUCT EDlTOR PF KEY TEtlPLATE EXEC2 LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER REFERENCE Sut~ARY IPCS REFERENCE Sllt1tlARY VMlSP SOURCE LISTINGS GCS VMlSP SOURCE LISTINGS IPCS VMlSP SOURCE LISTIt~S CP(UP) VMlSP SOURCE LISTINGS CP(APIHP) VMlSP SOURCE LISTINGS CMS VMl370 SOURCE LISTING5 CP VMl370 SOURCE LISTINGS CMS SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERtlINATIOH GUIDE VI (CP LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE V2(CN DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCKS LOGIC VllCP DATA AREAS ANI) CONTROL BLOCKS LOGIC V2 (CMS TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIot~ SUPPORT 1.0 OF NCCF (5664-175): SLSS 10 <7799rTBH> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE NETWORK PGt1 PRODUTS GENERAL It~FORMATION G123-0108-00 6C23-0]'08-1 ST23-0110-00 SC23-0110-1 NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS PLANNING NCCF CUSTOMIZATION: COtlMAND LISTS ST27-0661-00 SC27-0661-1 NCCF CUSTOMIZATION: CMIl PCSRS,EXITS,SUBTASK SQ27-0662-00 SC27-0662-1 NCCF MESSAGE5 ST27-0663-00 SC27-0663-1 NCCF OPERATION ST27-0664-00 5C27-0664-1 5T30-3264-00 SC30-3264-0 NCCF INSTALLATION & RESOURCE DEFINITION NCCF V2 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GT30-9578-00 GC30-9578-0 NCCF REFEREtfCE SUllfARY 5TOO-1764-00 SX27-0039-1 LTC7-3009-00 LYC7-3009-0 V2 ASSEMBLY LISTING FOR VMSP ~~CF DIAGNOSTICS LT70-5566-00 LY30-5566-0 THE FOllOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF RSCS VERSION 2 (5664-188): SLSS 10 <7799-TBN> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GENERAL INFORMATION GT44-5055-00 GH24-5055-1 GT44-S056-00 GH24-S0S6-0 LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS RSCS PLANNING AND INSTALLATION GUIDE 5T44-5057-00 SH24-S0S7-1 OPERATION AND USE GT44-S0S8-00 S"24-S058-1 REFERENCE SUMMARY 5TOO-1792-00 5X24-513S-0 R5C5 V2 PROGRAM LISTINGS LTCO-9034-00 LYCO-9034-0 RSCS DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE LT64-S228-00 LY24-5228-0 165- VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.1 lltE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1. 2 OF YmAP (5664-191): SLSS 10 <7799-TBR> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6TOO-1922-00 GC34-2164-2 GENERAL INFORMATION 6TOO-1923-00 GC34-2165-3 LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS USERS GUIDE AND REFERENCE SQ34-2166-00 SC34-2166-1 INSTALLATION GUIDE 5TOO-1924-00 5C34-2168-2 lltE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF ACFIVTAM (5664-280): SLSS 10 <7799-TBW> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6T23-0108-00 GC23-0108-1 NETWORK PGH PRODlITS GENERAL INFORMATION 6T23-0109-00 GC23-0109-0 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATION 5T23-0110-00 5C23-0110-1 NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS PLANNING 5T23-0111-00 5C23-0111-2 VTAH INSTALLATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION 5T23-0112-00 SC23-0112-2 VTAM CUSTOHIZATION 5T23-0113-00 SC23-0113-2 VTAH OPERATION VTAH PR06RAMMING ST23-0115-00 SC23-0115-1 VTAH DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ST23-0116-00 SC23-0116-2 6T23-0134-00 GC23-0134-0 NPP BIBLIOGRAPHY AND MASTER INDEX VTAM REFERENCE SUt1I1ARY ST23-0135-00 SC23-0135-0 VTAM MESSAGES A.O CODES 5T30-3275-00 5C30-327S-1 NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS SAMPLES (VM) ST30-3309-00 5C30-3309-0 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS LTC7-3026-00 LYC7-3026-1 DATA AREAS LT70-5580-00 LY30-5580-0 LT70-5582-00 LY30-5582-0 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE lltE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF ISPFIDM (5664-282): SLSS 10 <7799-TB6> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT34-2169-00 SC34-2169-2 ISPF PRODUCT REFERENCE CARD 6T34-2172-00 GC34-2172-2 ~iAT'S NEW IN ISPF SH4-4009-00 SC34-4009-0 ISPF FOR VM DIALOG MANAGEMENT GUIDE 5'f34-4010-00 SC34-4010-0 ISPF FOR VM DIALOG MGMT SVCS AND EXAMPLES ISPF ANO ISPF/POF FOR VM INSTALLATION 5T34-4015-00 5C34-4015-0 5T34-4017-00 SC34-4017-0 ISPF & ISPF/PDF FOR VMlSP PRIMER 6T34-4034-00 GC34-4034-0 IPSF FOR VM LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATION ISPF & ISPF/PDF GENERAL INFORMATION 6T34-4036-00 GC34-4036-0 ST34-4101-00 SC34-4101-0 ISPF VERSION 2 FCm VMlSP SUtlMARY lltE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF ISPF/PDF (5664-285): SlSS 10 <7799-T89> EQUALS PSEUDO t TItlE ST34-4011-00 5C34-4011-0 GUIDE ST34-4012-00 5C34-4012-0 SERVICES 5134-4013-00 SC34-4013-0 LIBRARY MANAGEMENT S134-4014-00 SC34-4014-0 EDIT tlACROS S134-4015-00 SC34-4015-0 INSTALLICUSTOHIZATION ST34-4017-00' 5C34-4017-0 PRIMER LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS G134-4035-00 6C34-4035-0 GT34-4036-00 GC34-4036-0 GENERAL INFORMATION TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICAlIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF ACF/S5P (5664-289): SLSS 10 <7199-TBZ> PSEUDO I EQUAtS TITLE GT23-0108-00 6C23-0108-1 NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS GENERAL INFORMATION ST23-0110-00 SC23-0110-1 NETWORK PROC..RAM PRODUCTS PLANNING 5Q30-3169-00 SC30-3169-4 MESSAGES AND CODES S130-3253-'00 SC30-3253-0 INSTALLATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION G~IDE RESOURCE DEFINITION REFERE~E ST30-3254-00 SC30-3254-0 5T30-3255-00 SC30-32S5-0 DIAGHOSIS GUIDE 6T30-9579-00 GC30-9579-0 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS LTC7-3018-00 LYC7-3016-0 SOURCE LISTING VM LT70-5564-00 LY30-5564-0 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICA-rIONS SUPPORT 3.1 OF YMBACKUP (5664-291): SlSS III <7799-TB2> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 6T40-6248-00 GH20-6248-0 GENERAL ItlFORI'fATION 5T40-6249-00 SH20-6249-0 INSTALLATION GUIDE (CONT.) 166 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.1 ST40-62S0-00 ST40-6251-~0 ST40-6252-00 ST40-6253-00 ST40-6255-00 ST40-6256-00 ST40-6259-00 ST40-6260-00 GT40-6262-00 SH20-6250-0 SH20-6251-0 SH20-6252-0 ~120-6253-0 SH20-62S5-0 SK20-6256-0 SH20-6259-0 SH20-6260-0 &H20-6262-0 ADMINISTRATORS GUIDE VMaACKUP OPERATORS GUIDE VMBACKUP USERS GUIDE Vl1BACKUP MESSAGES AND CODES VMBACKUP ADMINISTRATORS GUIDE VMARCHIVE OPERATORS GUIDE vtl.~RCHIVE USERS GUIDE Vt1.'RCHIVE MESSAGES AND CODES VMARCHIVE LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS TIlE fOLLOWING I'l.'BLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.1 OF vt'ITAPE (5664-292): SLSS 10 <7799-TB3> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GENERAL INFOOMATIotl G'f40-6240-00 GII20-6240-0 ST40-6241-,00 SH20-6241-0 INSTALLATIml GUIDE ADMINISTRATORS GUIDE ST40-6242-00 5H20-6242-0 ST40-6243-00 SH20-6243-0 OPERATORS GUIDE ST40-6244-00 SIf20-6244-0 TAPE LIBRARIANS GUIDE USERS GUIDE' ST40-62'.5-00 5U20··6245-0 ST40-6246-00 5tI20-6246-0 MESSAGES AND CODES GT40-6261-00 GH20-6261-0 LICENSE PROGRArt SPECIFICATIONS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.1 OF CVIEH (5664-296): SL5S 10 <7799-TB4> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE G134-4005-00 GC34-4005-l GENERAL ItIFORMATION GUIDE 5T34-4006-00 SC34-4006-1 GT34-41)27-00 GC34-11027-1 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF PCIVM BOrID (5664-298): SLSS 10 <7799-TBl> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE ST44-5087-00 SH24-5087-1 PCIVM BOND PROGRf~ER'S GUIDE GT44-5088-00 SH24-5088-l LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATION THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF INFO/SYSTEM (5664-952): SLSS In <7799-1'B6> PSEUDO I EQUALS TInE GT34-2186-00 GC34-2186-0 LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS ST34-2189-00 SC34-2189-0 ItISTALLATIOH CUSTlOMIZATIotl 5T34-2190-00 SC34-2190-0 ST34-2197-00 SC34-2197-0 MESSAGES AND CODES DIAGNOSIS ST34-2198-00 SC34-2198-0 TUE fOLLOIoUNG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF INFOIMANAGEMEHT (5664-953) : SLSS 10 <7799-T87> PSEUDO I EqUALS TITLE GT34-2187-00 6C34-2187-0 LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GT34-2191-00 SC34-2191-0 PANEL MODIFICATIOI~ THE FOLI.()I.(ING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF ACFINCP (5667-124): SLSS 10 <7799-TG2> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT27-0657-00 GC27-0657-2 GENERAL INFORMATION PLANNING GUIDE ST27-0658-00 SC27-0658-2 GT30-9573-00 GC30-9573-0 LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS SOURCE LISTING ( 3705) LTD2-4181-00 LDJ2-4181-0 SOURCE LISTING (3725) LTD2-4183-00 LDJ2-4183-0 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (3705) LT70-5S54-00 LY30-5554-0 REFERENCE AtlD DATA AREAS (3705) LT70-5555-00 LY30-5555-0 CUSTOHIZAHON ACFINCP (3705) LT70-5556-00 lY30-55S6-0 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (3725) LT70-5557-00 lY30-5557-0 REFERENCE AND DATA AREAS (3725) LT70-555S-00 LY10-555S-0 CUSTOMIZATION ACFINCP (3725) LT70-5559-00 LY30-5559-0 ( TIfE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF IIPS (5668-012): SLSS 10 <7799-TAS> PSEUDO I EqUALS TITLE GT40-0008-00 SH20-000S-0 INTRODUCTION TO IBM INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEMS ST40-0011-00 5H20-0011-0 ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE (CQHT. ) 167 ----~- ~~- VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.1 ST40-0012-00 SH20-0012-0 ST40-0015-00 SH20-0015-0 GTOO-1766-00 GH20-5314-2 STOO-1416-00 SX20-0140-0 PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE VHlCHS INSTALLATION & OPERATIONS GUIDE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS STUDENT REFERENCE GUIDE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF eSP/AD (5668-824): SLSS ID <7799-TGL> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GENERAL INFORMATION 6T40-6750-00 6H20-6750-0 ST40-6751-00 SH20-6751-0 USERS GUIDE ST40-6752-00 SH20-6752-0 OPERATION - DEV. SYSTEM ADHINIS1~ATION ST40-6753-00 SH20-6753-0 ST40-6755-00 51-120-6755-0 MESSAGES AND CODES ST40-6756-00 SH20-6756-0 PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATION GT40-67S7-00 GH20-6757-1 GT40-6761-00 GH20-6761-0 UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS G1'40-6763-00 GH20-6763-0 MASTER INDEX SET BINDER INSERT PACK STOO-1795-00 SX20-0953-0 GTOO-1688-00 6X20-0960-0 REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF CSP/AE (5668-825): SLS5 10 <7799-THL> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 6T40-67S0-00 GH20-6750-0 GENERAL INFORMATION 5T40-6754-00 SH20-6754-0 OPERATION - EXEC. ST40-6755-00 SH20-6755-0 MESSAGES AND CODES PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS ST40-6756-00 5H20-6756-0 6T40-67S8-00 GU20-6758-1 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATION 6T40-6762-00 6H20-6762-0 UNPACKING INS~UCTIONS MASTER INDEX SET 6T40-6763-00 GH20-6763-0 BINDER INSERT PACK 5TOO-1795-00 SX20-0953-0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.2 OF APE (5668-896): SLSS ID <7799-TH2> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE ST39-6388-00 SHI9-6388-2 USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE GT39-6'389-·00 6HI9-6389-2 LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 6T39-6390-00 6HI9-6390-2 REFERENCE CARD GENERAL INFORMATION GT39-6391-00 G"19-6311-,O j THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIOf.lS SUPPORT 1.1 OF Ic/l (5668-897): SLSS 10 <7799-TG5> PSEUDO # EQUALS TITLE GT40-0398-00 6H20-0398-1 GENERAL INFORMATION 5T40-6771-00 SI120-6771-0 PRIMER S1"40-6772-00 SH20-6772-0 GETTING STARTED WITH FULL SET ST40-6773-00 SH20-6773-·0 ENTERING AND VALIDATING DATA ST40-6774-00 5H20-6774-0 ANALYZING DATA MAtlAGING DATA 5T40··6775-00 Stf20-6775-0 ST40-6776-00 Sli20-6776-0 DEFUIING REPORTS CREATIt~ BUSINESS GRAHPICS ST40-6777-00 SH20-6777-0 ST40-6778-00 SH20-6778-0 ADVANCED FUNCIONS MASTER IHDEX SfltO-6779-00 SH20-6779-0 ST40-6780-00 SIi20-6780-0 SYSTEM SUPPORT A}m DIAGNOSIS ST40-6781-00 SH20-6781-0 LINE MODE TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF APL2 (5668-899): SLSS 10 <7799··1lf6> PSEUUO I EQUALS TITLE APL2 LICENSED PROGRAtl SPECIFICA1'IOUS GQ40-9213-00 GH20-9213-1 APL2 GENERAL ItIFORMATION GT40-92 14-00 6H20-9214-1 SQ40-9215-00 5H20-9215-1 APL MIGRATION GUIDE SQ40-9216-00 SH20-9216-2 AP1.2 PROGRAMMERS GUIDE APL2 PROGRAMMING USING SQL SQ40-9217-00 SH20-9217-1 SQ40-921S-00 SH20-921S-1 APl2 PROGRAMMING SYSTEM SERVICES APL2 MESSAGES AND CODES SQ40"9220-00 SH20-9220-1 5Q40-9221-00 SH20-9221-1 APL2 INSTALLATIOti UNDER CMS 5Q40-9227-00 SH20-9227-1 APL2 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE REFERENCE SQ40-9229-00 SH20-9229-1 AN ItfTRODUCTION TO APL2 ST40-9233-00 SH20-9233-0 APL2 PROG.: USING THE SUPPLIED WORKSPACES (CONT _) 168 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.1 ---~---~--- LQB6-0154-00 STOO-1926-00 STOO-1927-00 SQ66-3931-00 SQ66-3932-00 LJB6-0154-1 SX26-3737-1 SX26-373S-1 SY26-3931-1 SY26-3932-1 APL2 APL2 APL2 APL2 APL2 PROGRAM LISTINGS REFERENCE Sl1tlf1ARY PROGRAt1MING LANGUAGE REFERENCE CARD DIAGNOSIS GUIDE DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE THE fOll.ONING PUBLICATIotlS SUPPORT 2.0 OF FORTRAN lAO (5668-903) : SLSS ID <7799-TGV> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 8TOO-1837-00 GC26-4115-03 SQ26-4116-00 SC26-4116-01 INTERACTIVE GUIDE AND REFERENCE SQ26-4117-00 SC26-4117-02 INTERACTIVE DEBUG INSTALLATION THE FOLI.OWtuG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF CSP-QUERY (5668-918): SLSS ID <7799-T6H> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GQ44-5047-00 6H24-5047-2 LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GEt~ERAL INFOP.MATlON GQ44-5048-00 Gtl24-5046-2 USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE SQ44-5051-00 SH24-5051-2 MESSAGES AND CODES SQ44-5052-00 SH24-5052-2 PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS SQ44-5053-00 51124-5053-2 SQ44-6000-00 Sli24-6000-1 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION ( THE FOLLOWIt«; PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF QtIF (5668-972): SLSS 10 <7799-TVH> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITlE GQ26-4071-00 GC26-4071-3 QMF: 6ENERAL INFO~MATIOH ST26-4090-00 SC26-4090-1 DXT: HESSAGES AND CODESS 5T26-4091-00 SC26-4091-0 DXT: PLANNING AIID ADMINISTRATION GUIDE ST26-4092-00 SC26-4092-2 DXT: DIALOGS INSTALLATION GUIDE QMF: LEARNERS GUIDE SQ26-4094-00 SC26-4094-2 GQ26-4095-00 GC26-4095-2 Qt1F: LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICA'TIONS QMF: USERS GUIDE AND REFERENCE SQ26-4096-00 SC26-4096-2 SQ26-4099-00 SC26-4099-1 QMF: PLANNING Atm ADMINISTRATION GUIDE SQ26-4100-00 SC26-4100-1 QMF: INSTALLATION GUIDE nrmODUCTION TO QtU: GQ26-4101-00 6C26-4101-2 ST26-4107-00 SC26-4107-1 DXT: ADMINISTERING AtID USING DIALOGS 8TOO-1696-00 GG24-1658-1 QMF/ISPF APPLICATION GUIDE QfIF: REFERENCE SUt1t1ARY SnO-1793-00 5X26-3741-2 5T66-3936-00 SY26-3936-0 DXT: DIALOG DIAGNOSIS SQ66-3939-00 SY26-3939-2 QMF: DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE Qt1F: DIAGNOSIS GUIDE FOR VMlSP 5Q66-3943-00 S¥26-3943-1 THE FOLLOWING flIBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.4 OF COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG (5734··CB4): SL5S 10 <7799-TCC> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITlE 5T28-6465-00 SC28-6465-2 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE & REFERENCE MANUAL ST28-6468-00 SC28-6468-3 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL GT28-6485-00 GC28-6485-1 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS REFERENCE CARD STOO-0606-00 SX28-8194-2 THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 5.1 OF Pl/l RESIDENT LIBRARY (S734-lM4): SLSS ID <7799-TDV> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITlE 05/00S PLII .EGCS SUPPLEMENT ST26-3971-00 SC26-3971-1 LAtJGUAGE REFERENCE GQ26-3977-00 GC26-3977-1 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: INSTALLATION 6T26-4122-00 GC26-4122-0 GT26-4196-00 6C26-4196-1 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GQ33-0001-00 GC33-0001-6 OS Pl/I GENERAL INFORMATION OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE STOO-1784-00 SC33-0006-7 SQ33-0025-00 SC33-0025-3 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: EXECUTlrn~ LOGIC SQ33-0027-00 SC33-0027-5 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES OPTIMIZIt-IG COMPILER: CMS USER'S GUIDE ST33-0037-00 SC33-0037-3 RESIDENT LIBRARY LISTINGS LTB6-1003-00 LJB6-1003-0 OS Pl/I KEYWORDS REFERENCE SUt1M,6.RY STOO-0943-00 SX33-6002-2 OS Pl/I TERMINAL COMMANDS & OPTIONS STOO-0944-00 SX33-6005-1 eSlDos Pl/I DEBUG GUIDE ST66-3990-00 SY26-3990-0 RESIDENT LIBRARY LOGIC LQ73-6008-00 LY33-6008-2 ( 169 VMjSP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 5.1 OF PlII TRANSIENT LIBRARY (5734-LI15); SLSS ID <7799-TER> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE OSIDOS PlII ESCS SUPPLEMENT ST26-3911-00 SC26-3971-1 GQ26-3977-00 SC26-3977-1 LANGUAGE REFERENCE OPTIMIZJ.NG COMPILER: INSTALLATION 6T26-4122-00 SC26-4122-0 6T26-4196-00 SC26-4196-1 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GQ33-0001-00 GC33-0001-6 OS PlII 6ENERALINFORMATION STOO-1784-00 SC33-0006-7 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SQ33-002S-00 SC33-0025-3 OPTIMIZING CotIPIlER: EXECUTION LOGIC SQ33-0027-00 SC33-0027-5 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES OPTIMIZING COMPILER: CMS USER'S GUIDE 5T33-0037-00 SC33-0037-3 TRANSIENT LIBRARY LISTINGS LTB6-1004-00 LJB6-1004-0 OS PlII KEYWORDS REFERENCE SUMMARY 5TOO-0943-00 SX33-6002-2 STOO-0944-00 SX33-600S-1 OS PlII TERMINAL COMMANDS & OPTIONS ST66-3990-00 SY26-3990-0 OSIDOS PlII DEBUG 6UIDE LT73-6009-00 LY33-·6009-1 TRANSIEHT LIBRARY LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 5.1 OF PlII OPTIMIZING COMPILER (S734-PLl ): SLSS ID <7799-TCV> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE OSIDOS PlII ESCS SUPPLEMENT 5T26-3971-00 SC26-3971-1 LANGUAGE REFERENCE GQ26-3977-00 GC26-3977-1 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: IHSTALLAT'ION 6T26-4122-00 GC26-4122-0 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 6T26-4196-00 GC26-4196-1 OS PLII GENERAL INFORMATION GQ33-0001-00 GC33-0001-6 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PROGRAMMER'S GUIOE STOO-1784-00 SC33-0006-7 SQ33-002S-00 SC33-0025-3 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: EXECUTION LOGIC SQ33-0027-00 SC33-0027-S OPTIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES ST33-0037-00 SC33-0037-3 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: CMS USER'S GUIDE COMPILER LISTINGS LTB6-1002-00 LJB6-1002-0 OS PL/I KEYWORDS REFERENCE SUMMARY STOO-0943-00 SX33-6002-2 STOO-0944-00 SX33-600S-1 OS PlII TERMINAL COMMANDS & OPTIONS ST66-3990-00 SY26-3990-0 OSIDOS PlII DEBUG GUIDE LT73-6007-00 LY33-6007-1 COMPILER LOGIC THE FOLlOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 5.1 OF PlII OPTIMIZIloIG COMPILER AND LIBRARIES (S734-PL3): SLSS ID <7799-TAX> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE S126-3971-00 SC26-3971-1 OSIDOS PlII ESCS SUPPLEMENT GQ26-3977-00 6C26-3977-1 LANGUAGE REFERENCE 5T66-3990-00 5126-3990-0 OS/DOS PLII DEBU6 GUIDE 6126-4122-00 6C26-4122-0 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: INSTALLATION 6T26-4196-00 GC26-4196-1 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GQ33-0001-00' GC33-0001-6 OS PlII 6ENERAL INfORMATION STOO-1784-00 SC33-0006-7 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PROGRA~1ER'S GUIDE SQ33-0025-00 SC33-002S-! .OPTIMIZING Cot1PILER: EXECUTION LOGIC SQ33-0027-00 SC33-0027-S OPTIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES 5T33-0037-00 se33-0037-3 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: CMS USER'S GUIDE LTB6-1002-00 LJB6-1002-0 COMPILER LISTINGS LTB6-1003-00 WB6-1003-0 RESIDENT LIBRARY I.ISTINGS LTB6-1004-00 LJB6-1004-0 TRAilSIEIIT LIBRAR'I' LISTINGS 5TOO-0943-00 SX3"3-6002-2 OS PLII KEYWORDS REFERENCE SUMMARY 5TOO-094(.-00 SX33-6005-1 OS PlII TERMINAL COMMANDS & OPTIONS LT73-6007-00 LY33-6007-1 COf1PILER LOGIC LQ73-6008-00 LY33-6008-2 RESIDENT LIBRARY LOGIC LT73-6009-00 LY33·-6009-1 TRANSIENT LIBRARY LOGIC THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 AND 1.0 OF EP370S/EP3725 (S73s-x:m) : SLS9 10 <7799-T6A> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE G127-06S7-00 6C27··0657-2 GENERAL INFORMATION 5T27-0658-00 5C27-0658-2 PLANNING GUIDE SQ30-3172-00 SC30-3172-1 EP/3725 GENERATION AND UTILITIES ST30-3242-00 SC30-3242-2 EP/370S GENERATION AND UTILITIES 6T30-957S-00 6C30-9S75-1 LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS ASSEMBLY LISTINGS (3705) lTD2-418S-00 LJD2-4188-0 lT02-4189-00 LJD2-4189-0 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS (3725) (com. ) 170 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.1 LT70-3190-00 LT70-319S-00 LT70-5555-00 LT70-5558-00 LY30-3190-0 LY30-3195-0 LY30-555S-0 LY30-5558-0 EP LOGIC FOR 3705 EP LOGIC FOR 3725 REFERENCE SUMt1ARYIDATA AREAS (3705) REFERENCE SUtlt1ARY/DATA AREAS (3725) TIlE fOLLOWING PUBUCATIONS SUPPORT 2.4 Of OS/VS COBOL (57.r.0-CB1): SLSS 10 <7799-TA.J> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 6TOO-1448-00 GC26-3857-3 OSIVS COBOL REFEREI.fCE VMl370 USER'S GUIDE FOR COBOL S'f00-1449-00 SC28-6469-5 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GQ28-6472-00 GC28-6472-2 SQ2S-6481-00 SC28-6481-2 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL 5TOO-1407-00 SC28-6483-2 PROGRAI1I1ER'S GUIDE LTSO-0014-00 LYC7-5052-8 PROGRAM LISTINGS LIBRARY LOGIC LQ68-6425-00 LY28-6425-1· LQ68-6486-00 LY2,S-6 l .S6-2 C011PILER LOGIC TI1E FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 3.0 OF VSE/vSAH (S746-AM2h SLSS 10 <7799··DV5> PSEUDO I EQUALS TInE STOO-0888-00 SC24-S144-2 CotI1ANDS AND MACROS STOO-0889-00 SC24-S14S-2 PROGRAMMER'S REFEREUCE STOO-0890-00 SC24-S146-2 MESSAGES AND CODES PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 5TOO-0887-00 GC24-S190-4 SQ24-S191-00 SC24-S191-1 DOCUMENTATION SUBSET LTOO-0891-00 lYB4-6102-2 PROGRAM LISTINGS LTOO-0892-00 LY24-S191-2 PROGRAM LOGIC VOLUME 1 LQ64-S192-00 LY24-S192-1 PROGRAM LOGIC VOLUME 2 LQ64-S195-00 LY24-S195-1 ACCESS METHODS SERVICE LOGIC ( THE fOLLOWING P(JBLICATIONS SUPPORT 5.3 OF VH/IPF (5748-1151 ) : SLSS 10 <7799-THY> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITlE SYSTEM REFERENCE STOO-1832-00 SC24-S228-02 ST24-S229-00 SC24-S229-00 OPERATION SQ24-S230-00 SC24-5230-02 ADtlINISTRATION GUIDE SQ24-5231-00 SC24-S231-01 PROBLEM CONTROL SQ24-5232-00 SC24-S212-01 GENERAL USE MESSAGES GENERAL USE GUt:DE SQ24-5233-00 SC24-S233-02 SQ24-5234-00 SC24-S234-01 ADMINISTRATION MESSAGES LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS SQ24-S235-00 SC24-523S-01 LTCO-90S3-00 LYCO-90S3-00 PROGRAM LISTINGS TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 4.1 OF Vs/FmTRAN (S748-F03h SLSS 10 <7799-TAT> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 6TOO-1786-00 SC26-3984-S INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMlZATION STOO-1771-00 SC26-3987-4 COMPILER AND LIBRARY DIAGNOSIS STOO-1788-00 SC26-3990-4 GENERAL INFORMATION GT26-4114-00 GC26-4114-2 PROGRAMMING GUIDE ST26-4118-00 SC26-4118-0 LANGUAGE AND LIBRARY REFERENCE S126-4119-00 SC26-4119-0 SOURCE LISTINGS LTSO-0021-00 LJB6-0133-3 SOURCE TIME REFERENCE SUHHARY STOO-1789-00 SX26-3731-S THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF PVtf (S748··RCl): SLSS 10 <7799-THQ> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE GENERAL INFORtfUION GQ24-S206-00 GC24-S206-3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GQ24-S207-00 GC24-S207-3 GUIDE AND REFEREt~E SQ24-S208-00 SC24-S206-2 PROGRAM LISTINGS LQCO-9011-00 LYCO-9011-1 PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL LQ64-S208-00 LY24-5208-1 ( THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF DIRMAINT (S748-XE4h SLSS ID <7799-TDM> TITlE PSEUDO I EQUALS GENERAL INFORMATION GQ20-1836-00 SC20-1836-2 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 6Q20-1837-00 GC20-1837-1 GUIDE FOR GENERAL USER'S SQ20-1839-00 SC20-1839-1 (CONT. ) 171 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.1 SQ20-1840-00 SC20-1840-1 LTSO-OOIS-OO LYCO-9007-2 LQ60-0889-00 LY20-0889-1 INSTALLATION & SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE PROGRAM LISTINGS PROGRAM LOGIC tWlJAL THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 3.0 OF RSCS NETWORKING (S748-XPI); SLSS ID <7799-TOS> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-0940-00 SH24-S003-4 GENERAL INFORMATION GTOO-0999-00 GH24-S004-4 PROGRAM REFERENCE & OPERATIONS MANUAL STOO-0941-00 SH24-S00S-2 REFERENCE SUMMARY STOO-0942-00 SX24-S119-2 PROGRAM LISTINGS LTOO-09S2-00 LYCO-9006-2 PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL LTOO-099S-00 LY24-S203-2 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF DHSICHS (5748-XXBJ: SLSS ID <7799-TED> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GQ24-5197-00 GC24-S197-1 GENERAL INFORMATION SQ24-5198-00 SC24-5198-1 GUIDE & REFERENCE GQ24-S200-00 GC24-5200-2 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM LISTINGS LQCO-9008-00 LYCO-9006-1 LQ64-5206-00 LY24-S206-1 PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL THE FOLl.OWING PUBl.ICATIONS SUPPORT 4.0 OF GDDM/PGFIIHDINLS (S748-)000: SLSS ID <7799-TCJ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6TOO-1680-00 GC33-0100-S GODM GENERAL INFORMATION GODM PROGRAMMING REFERENCE STOO-1663-00 SC33-0101-4 S1'00-1664-00 SC33-0102-3 PGF PROGRAMMING REFERENCE GDDf1/PGI'/IHD PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-1662-00 GC33-010B-4 PGF ICU USER'S GUIDE STOO-1665-00 SC33-0111-3 SQ33-0145-00 SC33-0~45-2 PGF VECTOR SYMBOL EDITOR'S USER'S GUIDE 5Q3J-0148-00 SC33-01{~-2 GODM APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE GDDM MESSAGES SQ33-0150-00 SC33-0150-1 GODM INSTALLATION AND SYSTEM MANAGEMENT 5Q'33-01S2-00 5C33-0152-1 ST33-0153-00 SC33-0153-0 GDDM IMAGE SYMBOL EDITOR'S USER'S GUIDE GDDMlIMD USER'S GUIDE ST33-0154-00 SC33-0154-0 GOOM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE 5T33-0184-00 SC33-0184-0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 3.5 OF SqllDS (5748-XXJ): SLSS 10 <7799-TFW> PSEUDO • EqUALS TITLE STOO-1928-00 SU24-5043-2 PUNNING & ADMINISTRATION FOR VHlSP INSTALLATION FOR VMlSP 5TOO-1929-00 mI24-5044-3 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE FOR vtVSP SQ44-5045-00 5H24-5045-1 GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL GQ44-5064-00 GH24-5064-1 CONCEPTS AND FACllITIES FOR VHlSP GQ44-5065-00 SH24-5065-1 LICENSED PROGRAf1 S(IECIFICATIONS GQ44-S066-00 GH24-S066-1 5T44-S067-00 5H24-5067-0 TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE FOR vtVSP APPLICATION PROGRAtIMING FOR vrvsp ST44-5068-00 5H24-5068-0 5T44-5069-00 SH24-5069-0 DATA BASE SERVICES UTILITIES 5Q44-S070-00 5"24-5070-1 MESSAGES AND CODES FOR VHlSP SYSTEM OPERATION FOR VHlSP SQ44-5071-00 'H24-50'll-! 5Q44-S072-0Q SH24-5072-1 MASTER INDEX FOR VH/SP STOO-1790-00 SX24··SJ42-0 TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE sutt~Y PF KEY TEMPLATE 5TOO-1791-00 5X24-5143-0 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE FOR vrvsp SQ64-S230-00 SY24-S230-1 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE FOR VM/SP 5(164-5232-00 SY2t.'-5232-1 THE FOllOWING PUBI.ICAl"IONS SUPPORT 3.0 OF DCF (SCRIPTI'VS) (5748-XX9) : SLSS It) <7799-l"CE> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GQ40-9158-00 Glf20-9158-S GENERAL INFORMATION PROGRAM SPECIFICATIOI-IS 6TOO-1485-00 GH20-9159-4 STOO-1530-00 5H20-9186··2 DCFiGML: STARTER SET USER'S GUIDE 5TOO-1612-00 SH20-9187-2 DCF/GtIL: STARTER SET REFERENCE OCF/GML: CONCEPTS Atm DESIGN GUIDE SQ40-91SS-00 SH20-91SS··1 SQ55-0048-00 5H35-0048-1 DCF: MESSAGES SQ55-00S0-00 SH35-0050-1 DCF/GML: IMPLEMENTATION GUIOE DCF: SCRIPTIVS TEXT PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SQ5S-0069-00 SH35-0069-2 (com. ) 172 YM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.1 ST55-0070-00 S'TOO-1608-00 STOO-1607-00 5T75-0067-00 LH5-0068-00 SH35-0070-0 SX26-3719-3 SX26-3723-4 SY35-0067-0 LY3S-0068-0 OCF: SCfUPT/vS LANGUAGE REFERENCE OCF/GML: QUICK REFERENCE SUMMARY OCF: TEXT PROGRAMMER'S QUICK REFERENCE OCF: DIAGNOSIS GUIDE OCF: DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE THE FOLLOWING F'UBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.4 OF VM BATCH SUBSYSTEM (S796-BC¥): SLSS ID ~7799-THC> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE SQ40-2652-(lO SH20-2652-1 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS UANUAL THE FOLLOIdING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1. 6 OF Vt1 REAL TINE t1ONITOR (5796-PHA): SLSS ID <7799-1KA> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE STOO-1930-00 SH20-2337-S PROGRAM DESCRIPTIOH/OPERATIONS MANUAL THE FOLLOWING PtJBLICATIOOS SUPPORT 1.2 OF Vt1 FILE STORAGE (5798-DHY): <7799-TlIG> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE STOO-1454-00 5821-3085-0 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL SlSS 10 ( (i 173 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.1 e COMPLETE VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING VERSION 1.4.2 NOTE: SLSS ID (7799 NU1BERS) CAUSE SHIPMENT OF PUBLICATIONS AT THE RIGHT LEVELS FOR THIS SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE. AND PREVENT SHIPMENT OF PUBLICATIONS APPLYING TO OTHER RELEASES. PP NUMBERS ENTERED INTO SLSS ARE AUTOMATICALLY CONVERTED TO SlSS 10 IF THE SLSS KEY 7756 IS ALSO ENTERED. BASE CONTENT PROG. PROD. (NAME) VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT NCCF RSCS NETWORKING VERSION 2 VM MAP ACFIVTAI1 ISPFIDM ISPF/flDF SSP VI1 BACKUP VI1 TAPE CVIEW PC BOI-ID VMlIPF INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT IIPS NCP APE IC/I APL2 FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG DMS/CSP-QUERY DMS/CSP-AD DI1S/CSP/AE QMF COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG PLiI RESIDENT LIBRARY PLiI TRANSIENT LIBRARY JlLlI OPl"lMIZING COMPIJ.ER PLiI OPTIMIZING COMPILER & LIBRARIES EP OSIVS COBOL VSEIVSAI1 VS/FORTRAN PVM DIRHAINT RSCS NE"rWORKING VERSION 1 DMS/CMS GDDM/PGF1II1DltilS SQLlDS DCF (SCRIPTIVS) VI1 BATCH SUBSYSTEM VI1 REAL TIME MOI-IITOR VM FILE STORAGE FACILITY PP NUMBER 5664-167 5664-175 5664-188 5664-191 5664-280 5664-282 5664-285 5664-289 5664-291 5664-292 5664-296 5664-298 5664-31~ 5664-952 5664-953 5668-012 5668-854 5668-896 5668-897 5668-899 5668-903 5668-918 5668-824 5668-825 5668-9"12 5734-CB4 5734-U14 5734-LH5 5734-Pll 5734-PL3 5735->0<6 5740-CB1 5746-AM2 5748-F03 5748-RCI 5748-XE4 S748-XP1 5748-XXB 5748-)001 5748->O 0<9 5796-BCY 5796-PNA 5798-DI1Y SLSS 10 7799-TBL 7799-TBM 7799-TBN 7799-18R 7799-18J 7799-T88 7799-TB9 7799-TGW 7799-182 7799-TB3 7799-184 7799-181 7799-TKE 7799-TB6 7799-TB7 7799-TAS 7799-TKJ 7799-TH2 7799-TG5 7799-TH6 7799-TGV 7799-TGH 7799-TGH 7799-THM 7799-THV 7799-TCC 7799-TDV 7799-TER 7799-TCV 7799-TAX 7799-TG8 7799-TAJ 7799-DVS 7799-TAT 7799-THQ 7799-TDt1 7799-TD5 7799-TEO 7799-TCJ 7799-TFW 7799-TCE 7799-THC 7799-TKA 7799-TH6 RELEASE LEVEL 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.1 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.1 2.1 1.1 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.2 1.1 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.2 1.2 2.0 1.4 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 4.0 2.4 3.0 4.1 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 4.0 3.5 3.0 1.4 1.6 1.2 THE FOllOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 4.0 OF VtVSYSTEt1 PRODUCT (5664-167): SLSS IU <7799-TBL> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6TOO-1575-00 GCI9-6200-3 TECHNICAL INTRODUCTION PLANNING GUIDE & REFERENCE STOO-1576-00 SCI9-6201-4 STOO-1577-00 SC19-6202-3 OPERATOR'S GUIDE STOO-IS76-00 SCI9-6203-3 SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE STOO-1579-00 SC19-6204-3 SYSTEM MESSAGES & CODES STOO-1580-00 SC19-6205-3 OLTSEP MID ERROR RECORDING GUIDE TERMINAL REFERENCE GTOO-lS81-00 GC19-6206-3 LIBRARY GUIDE & MASTER INDEX 6TOO-1582-00 GCI9-6207-3 STOO-1583-00 SC19-6209-3 CMS COMM~ND AND K'CRO REFERENCE 5TOO-1584-00 SC19-6210-3 CMS USER'S GUIDE STOO-1S85-00 SCI9-6211-3 CP COMMAND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS (CONT. ) 174 " VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.2 (" ", .'~. ( ( GTOO-1586-00 6TOO-1587-00 GTOO-lS88-00 STOO-1368-00 5TOO-1589-00 5TOO-1590-00 5TOO-1591,·00 5TOO-1592-00 5TOO··1593-00 SQ24-5239-00 ST24-5242-00 5T24-5247-00 ST24-5248-00 SQ24-S249-00 ST24-5250-00 ST24-5256-00 ST24-5260-00 ST24-5264-00 S'T24-5281-00 5T24-5282-00 5TOO-1494-00 5TOO-1594-00 5TOO-1595-00 STOO-1596-00 LTOO-1910-00 5TOO-1597-00 5TOO-1371--00 5100-1372-00 5100-1598-00 5TOO-1601-00 LTCO-9039-00 LTCO-9046-00 LTCO-9048-00 LTCO-9049-00 LTCO-9050-00 STCO-90S1-00 STCO-9052-00 trOO-18IS-00 LTOO-lS19-00 LTOO-1020-00 LTOO-1605-00 LQ64-5221-00 GC19-6212-3 GC20-1838-4 GC20-1842-S SC24-5219-2 SC24-5220-2 SC24-5221-3 5C24-5236-2 SC24-5237-2 SC24-5236-2 5C24-S239-1 5C24-5242-0 SC24-5247-0 5C24-S248-1 SC24-S249-1 SC24-5250-0 SC24-5256-0 SC24-5260-0 SC24-5264-0 SC24-5281-0 SC24-5282-0 GC35-0033-8 5X20-4400-3 5X20-4401-3 SX20-4402-3 LX23-0347-3 5X24-S122-3 SX24-S123-1 5X24-5124-2 SX24-S126-1 SX24-S138-0 lYCO-9039-0 LYCO-9046-0 LYCO-9048-0 LYCO-9049-0 LYCO-9050-0 SYCO-9051-0 SYCO-9052-0 LY20-0890-2 LY20-0892-3 LY20-0893-3 LY24-S220-2 LY24-5221-1 OPERATING SYSTEMS IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE GEt~ERAL INFORMATION LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS EXEC2 REFEREMCE SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR USER'S GUIDE SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR COMHAND AND MACRO REFERENCE CMS PRIMER INSTALLATIOtI GUIDE SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER USER'S GUIDE SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER REFERENCE CMS PRIMER FOR LINE ORIENTED TERMItIALS APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT GUIDE RELEASE 4 GUIllE GROUP CONTROL SYSTEM GUIDE GROUP CONTROL SYSTEM MACRO REFERENCE SYSTEM DEFINITION FILES IUTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM GUIDE SYSTEM MESSAGES CROSS-REFERENCE 3380 DAse MODEL AE4IBE4 USER'S GUIDE PROBLEM SOLVING At~ REPORTING GUIDE DSFIREL 8: USER'S GUIDE & REFERENCE QUICK GUIDE FOR USER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY COMMAND REFERENCE SUMMARY (GENERAL USER) COMHAtID REFERENCE SIJm1ARY (OTHER THAN GENERAL USER) VM PROBLEM DETERMINATION REFE~ENCE INFO SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR COl1l1ANtl REFERENCE SUMMARY SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR PF KEY TEMPLATE EXEC2 LANGUAGE REFERENCE sutmARY SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER REFERENCE Sut~y IPCS REFERENCE SUMMARY VlVSP SOURCE LISTINGS GCS Vtl.lSP SOURCE LISTINGS IPCS VI1ISP SOURCE LISTINGS CP( UP) VI1ISP SOURCE LISTINGS CP(APIMP) VHlSP SOURCE LISTINGS CMS VHl370 SOURCE LISTINGS CP VMl370 SOURCE LISTINGS Ct1S SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC LOGIC AND PROBI.EM DETERMINATION GUIDE Vl(CP LOGIC AND PROBlEt1 DETERMINATION GUIOE V2(CM DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCKS LOGIC Vl(CP DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCKS LOGIC V2 (eMS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1. 0 OF NCCF (5664-175): SLSS ID <7799-18M> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE G123-0108-00 GC23-0108-1 NETWORK PGH PROOUTS GENERAL INFORMATION UE1lo1ORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS PLANNING ST23-0110-00 SC23-0110-1 HCCF CUSTOHIZATION: COI1I1AND LISTS ST27-0661-00 SC27-0661-1 SQ27-0662-00 SC27-0662-1 NCCF CUSTOMIZATION: CND PCSRS.EXITS.SUBTA5K NCCF MESSAGES ST27-0663-00 SC27-0663-1 ST27-0664-00 5C27-0664-1 NCCF OPERATION NCCF INSTALLATION & RESOURCE DEFINITION ST30-3264-00 SC30-3264-0 GT30-9578-00 GC30-9578-0 NCCF V2 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS NCCF REFERENCE 5UMK~RY 5TOO-1764-00 SX27-0039-1 V2 ASSEI1BL Y LISTING FOR VMSP LTC7-3009-00 LYC7-3009-0 NCCF DIAGNOSTICS LT70-5S66-00 LY30-S566-0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF RSCS VERSION 2 (5664-188) : SLSS ID <7799-TBN> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GT44-S05S-00 GH24-5055-1 GENERAL INFORMATION LICEt$E PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GT44-5056-00 GH24-5056-0 ST44-5057-00 SH24-50S7-1 RSCS PLANNING AND INSTALLATION GUIDE OPERATION Atl) USE GT44-5058-00 GH24-S058-1 STOO-1792-00 5X24-5135-0 REFERENCE SUMMARY lTCO-9034-00 LYCO-9034-0 RSCS V2 PROGRAM LISTINGS LT64-S228-00 LY24-S228-0 RSCS DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (/ 175 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.2 THE FOLLOWING PlmLlCATIONS SUPPORT 1.3 OF VtlHAP (5664-191): SLSS 10 <7799-TBR> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6TOO-1922-00 GC34-2164-2 GENERAL INFORMATION 6TOO-1923-00 GC34-2165-3 LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS USERS GUIDE AND REFERENCE SQ34-2166-00 SC34-2166-1 5TOO-1924-00 SC34-2168-2 INSTALLATION GUIDE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.1 OF ACFIVTAM (5664-280): SLSS ID <7799-T8J> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE SQ23-011l-00 SC23-0111-03 VTAM INSTALLATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION SQ23-01l2-00 SC23-0112-03 VTAM CUSTot1IZATION SQ23-0113-00 5C23-0113-03 VTAI1 OPERATION 5T23-0114-00 SC23-0114-03 VTAM MESSAGES AND CODES 5Q23-011S-00 SC23-01IS-02 VT AM PROGRAl1MING SQ23-0116-00 SC23-0116-03 VTAM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE SQ23-0135-00 SC23-0135-0l VTAM REFERENCE SUMMARY 6T30-3350-00 GC30-3350-00 NETWORK PGH PRODUCTS GENERAL INFORMATION ST30-3351-00 SC30-3351-00 NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS PLANNING ST30-33S2-00 SC30-33S2-00 NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS SAttPLES: NETVIEW ST30-3353-00 SC30-3353-00 NPP BIBLIOGRAPHY AND MASTER INDEX STORAGE ESTIMATES ST30-3403-00 SC30-3403-01 6T30-9591-00 GC30-9591-00 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATION ASSEMBLY LISTINGS LTC7-3058-00 LYC7-3058-00 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE LQ70-S582-00 LY30-S582-01 LT70-SS83-00 LY30-5583-00 DATA AREAS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF ISPFIDM (5664-282): SLSS III <7799-1B8> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE ISPF PRODUCT REFERENCE CARD 6T34-2169-00 6C34-2169-2 GT34-2172-00 GC34-2172-2 WHAT'S NEW IN ISPF ISPF FOR VI1 DIALOG MANAGEMENT GUIDE ST34-4009-00 SC34-4009-0 ST34-4010-00 SC34-4010-0 ISPF FOR VI1 DIALOG HGMT SVCS AND EXAMPLES ISPF AND ISPF/PDF FOR VI1 INSTALLATION ST34-4015-00 SC34-401S-0 ISPF & ISPF/PDF FOR VI1/SP PRIMER ST34-4017-00 SC34-4017-0 IPSF FOR VI1 LICfNSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATION 6T34-4034-00 GC34-4034-0 ISPF & ISPF/POF GENERAL UIFORHATION 6T34-4036-00 GC34-4036-0 ISPF VERSION 2 FOR vtVSP SUNMARY ST34-4101-00 SC34-4101-0 TIlE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF ISPF/PDF (5664-285) : SlSS ID <7799-TB9> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITlE &tIlDE 5T34-4011-00 SC34-4011-0 ST34-4012-00 SC34-4012-0 SERVICES ST34-4013-00 SC34-4013-0 LIBRARY MANAGEMENT EDIT MACROS ST34-4014··00 SC34-4014-0 INSTALl/CUSTOMIZATION ST34-4015-00 SC34-4015-0 PlUMER 5T34-4017-00 SC34-4017-0 6T34-4035-00 GC34-4035-0 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL INFORMATION 6T34-4036-00 GC34-4036-0 THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF ACF/S5P (5664-289): 5lSS 10 <7799-TGW> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE STOO-2046-00 SC30-3169-06 NCP/SSP: MESSAGES AND COOES NCP/SSP: RESOURCE DEFINITION REFERENCE SQ30-3254-00 SC30-3254-01 ST30-3261-00 SC30-3261-01 SSP: USER'S GUIDE ST30-3262-00 SC30-3262-01 SSP: INSTALLATION ~m DIAGNOSIS 5130-3348-·00 SC30-3348-00 NCP/SSP: GENERATION AND LOADING GUIDE ST30-3349-00 SC30-3349-00 t~P/SSP: RESOURCE DEFINITION GUIDE &1"30-3350-00 6C30-3350-00 NntlORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS GENERAL I~IFORMATION ST30-3351-00 SC30-3351-00 NEl'WORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS PLANNING ST30-3403-00 SC30-3403-01 NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS: STORAGE ESTIMATES LICEt~ED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 6T30-9584-00 GC30-9584-01 SOURCE LISTING vtt LTC7-3038-00 lYC7-3038-00 LQ70-S564-00 LY30-S564-01 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE 176 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.2 mE FOllOWING PU8LICATIOtIS 5UPPOOT 3.1 OF VMBACKUP (5664-291): SLSS ID <7799-TB?'> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GENERAl INFORMATION GT40-624S-00 GH20-6248-0 ItlSTALLATION GUIDE SF.O-6249-00 SH20-6249"0 A0I1INISH!ATORS GUIDE VtIBACKUP ST40-6250-00 SH20-62S0-0 OPERATORS GUIDE VtIBACKUP ST40-62S1-00 51-120-6251··0 USERS GUrDE VI1BACKUP ST40-6252-00 SB20··6252-0 MESSAGES AtID CnoES VMBACKUP ST40-62S3-00 51f20-6253-·0 ST40-62SS-00 SI120-6255-0 ADtlWISTRATORS GUIDE V11ARCHIVE ST(.0-6256-00 SII20-6256-0 OPERATORS GOlDE VMARCHIVE USERS GUIDE VMARCHIVE 5T(10-6259-00 SU20-6259-0 ST40-6260-00 51f20-6260-0 MESSAGES AND COOES VMARCHIVE LICENSE PROGRAtI SPECIfICATIONS GT40-6262-00 61120-6262-0 THE FOLLOWINS PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.1 OF VMTAPE (5664-292): 5LSS 10 <7799-183> PSEUOO I EQUALS TITlE GENERAL INFORMATION GT40-6240-00 61i20-6240-0 INSTALLATION GlIIDE SHO-6241-00 5"'20-6241-0 AvtlINISTRATORS GUIDE S'T40-6242-00 SIf20-6242-0 ST40-6243TOO SIf20-6243-0 OPERATORS GUIDE TAPE LIBRARIANS GUIDE STftO-6244·-00 SB20-6244-0 ST40-6245-00 S~120-6245-0 USERS GUIDE ST40-6246-00 Sli20-6246-0 NESSAGES Atm CODES 6T40-6261-00 GtI20-6261-0 LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIfICATIONS TIlE FOLLOIUNG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.1 OF CVIEW (5664-296): SL5S 10 <7799-TB4> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE G1'34-4005-00 GC34-4005-1 GENERAL INFORMATION GUIDE ST34-4006-00 SC34-4006-1 GT34-4027-00 GC34-4027-1 LICENSED PROGRAP' SPECIFICATIONS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF PC/Vt1 OOtID (5664-298): SLSS ID <7799-TB1> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE PC/VM BOND PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ST44-S087-00 SH24-5087-1 6T44-5088-00 6Ii24-5068-1 LICENSED PROGRAtl SPECIFICATION T'liE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF VtVIPF (5664-318): SLSS 10 <7799-1KE> PSEUDO t EQUALS TITLE ST24-5319-00 5C24-5319-00 SU4-S320-00 5C24-5320-00 S124-5321..'00 SC24-5321-00 51'24-5323-00 5C24-5323-00 ST24-5324-00 SC24-5324-00 ST24-5325-00 SC24-5325-00 6T24-5326-00 GC24-5326-00 S1'24-5331-00 5C24-5331-.00 LTCO-9055-00 LYCO-90SS-00 OPERATION ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM REFERENCE PROBLEM CO~OL MESSAGES GENERAL USE GUIDE LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIfICATIONS SYSTEM TAILORING PROGRAM LJ.SntIGS THE FOLI.OWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF INFO/SYSTEM (5664-952): 5LSS ID <7799-T86> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 6T34-2186-00 GC34-2186-0 LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS INSTALLATION 5T34-2189-00 SC34-2189-0 SH4-2190-00 5C34-2190-0 CUSTIOMIZATION 5T34-2197-00 SC34-2197-0 MESSAGES AND CODES DIAGNOSIS 51'34-2198-00 SC34-2198-0 THE FOLLOWING PUSLICAUONS SUPPORT 1.0 OF It-IFOIMANAGEMENT (5664-953): 5LSS ID <7799-TB7> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE LICEtmE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 6T34-2187-00 6C34-2187-0 6T34-2191-00 SC34-2191-0 PANEL MODIFICATION <177 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.2 THE FOLlONING POOLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF IIPS (5668-012): SLSS ID <7799-TA5> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 6T40-0008-00 GH20-0008-0 INTRODUCTION TO IBM INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEMS ST40-0011-00 SH20-0011-0 ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ST40-0012-00 SH20-0012-0 ST40-0015-00 SH20-0015-0 VHlCMS INSTALLATION & OPERATIONS GUIDE PRor~AM SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-1766-00 GH20-5314-2 STUDENT REFERENCE GUIDE STOO-1416-00 SX20-0140-0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF ACFINCP (5668-854): SLSS ID <7799-TKJ> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE 6T30-3350-00 GC30-3350-00 NPP: 6ENERAL INFORMATION ST30-3351-00 SC30-3351-00 NPP: PLANNING NCP, SSP: MIGRATION ST30-3252-00 SC30-3252-01 ST30-3403-00 SC30-3403-01 NPP: STORAGE ESTIMATES 6T30-9583-00 6C30-9583-01 LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS LTC7-30S4-00 LYC7-3054-00 SOURCE LISTING (VM ) LT70-S569-00 LY30-5S69-01 NCP: REFERENCE t~P, EP: REFERENCE SUMMARY AND DATA AREAS LQ70-5S70-00 LY30-5570-01 LT70-5571-00 LY30-5571-01 NCP: CUSTOMIZATIOH THE FOllOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.2 OF CSPIAD (5668-824): SLSS ID <7799-TGH> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GENERAL INFORMATION GT40-6750-00 GH20-6750-0 ST40-6751-00 SH20-67S1-0 USERS GUIDE ST40-6752-00 SH20-6752-0 OPERATION - DEY. ST40-6753-00 SH20-6753-0 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION ST40-6755-00 SH20-6755-0 MESSAGES AND CODES PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS ST40"6756-00 SH20-6756-0 GT40-6757-00 6tI20-6757-1 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATION ~PACKING INSTRUCTIONS GT40-6761-00 GH20-6761-0 HASTER INDEX SET 6"T40-6763-00 6H20-6763-0 SIrIDER INSERT PACK STOO-1795-00 SX20-0953-0 REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD 6TOO-1688-00 GX20-0960-0 THE F'OLLOWIN6 PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.2 OF CSPIAE (5668-825): SLS5 10 <7799-THM> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE GENERAL I~IFORHATIOH 6T40-6750-00 6H20··6750-0 5T40-6754-00 5H20-6754-0 OPERATION - EXEC. MESSAGES AND CODES 5T40-6755-00 SH20-6755-0 5T40-6756-00 5H20·'6756-0 PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATION G140-6758-00 GH20-6758-1 G140-6762-00 6H20-6762-0 UNPACKUlG INSTRUCTIotlS GT40-6763-00 GH20-6763-0 MA.STER INDEX SET STOO-1795-00 5X20-0953-0 BItIOER INSERT PACK THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.2 OF APE (5668-896): SLS5 10 <7799-TH2> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE USER'S GUIDE AND REFERE~E 5139-6388-00 SH 19-6388·· 2 G139-6389-00 GtI19-6389-2 LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS G139-·6390-00 GHI9-6390-2 REFERENCE CARD GENERAL INFORMATION &T39-6391-00 GHI9-6391-0 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.1 OF ICl1 (5668-897): SLSS 10 <7799-T&5> PSEUDO I EqUALS TITLE GT40-0398-00 GH20-0398-1 GEtlfRAL INFORMATION 5T40-6771-00 5H20-6771-0 PRIMER ST40-6772-00 S'H20-6772-0 GETTING STARTED WITH FULL SET ST40-6773-00 SH20-6773-0 ENTERI~~ AND VALIDATING DATA 5T40-6774-00 SH20-6'174-0 ANALYZING DATA ST40-67'75-00 Stl20-6775-0 MANA6ING DATA 5T40-6776-00 51120-6776-0 DEFINING REPORTS ST40-6777-00 SH20~6777-0 CREATING BUSINESS GRAtiPICS ST40-6778-00 SH20-6778-0 ADVANCED FUNCIONS (com. ) 178 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.2 ST40-6779-00 SUZO-6779-0 S'f40-6780-00 SH20-6780-0 5T40-6781-00 StI20-6781-0 MA.STER INDEX SYSTEM SUPPORT LUIE MOOE ~m DIAGNOSIS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATlmfS SUPPORT 2.0 OF APL2 (5668-899): SLSS 10 <7799-T1i6> PSEUllO I EQUALS TITLE GQ40-9213-00 GH20-9213-1 APl2 lICE~~ED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS APL2 GENERAL INFORMATION GT40-9214-00 6H20-9214-1 SQ40-921S-00 Slt20-9215-1 APL MIGRATION GUIDE SQ40-9216-00 SIi20-9216-2 APl2 PROGRAMMERS GUIDE SQ40-9217-00 SII20-9217-1 APL2 PROGRAMl1ING USING SQL APL2 PROGRAMMING SYSTEM SERVICES SQ40-9218-00 SH20-9218-1 SQ40-9220-00 SH20-9220-1 APL2 MESSAGES AND CODES APl2 INSTALLATlOI~ UNDER CMS SQl.0-9221-00 StI20-9221-1 SQ40-9227-00 5H20-9227-1 APL2 PROGRAHMING LANGUAGE REFERENCE A~I INTRODUCTION TO APLZ SQ40-9229-00 SH20-9229-1 ST40-9233-00 SH20-9233-0 APl2 PROG.:.USING THE SUPPLIED WORKSPACES LQB6-01S4-00 LJB6-0.lS4-1 APLZ PROGRAM LISTINGS 5100-1926-00 SX26-3737-1 APL2 REFERENCE SlltlMARY 5TOO-1927-00 SXZ6-·3738-1 APL2 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE REFERENCE CARD APLZ DIAG~~SIS GUIDE SQ66-3931-00 SYZ6-3931-1 SQ66-3932-00 SY26-3932-1 APl2 DIAGNOSIS REFERF.:tICE TIlE FOI.LOWING F'UBUCATIOOS SUPPORT 2.0 OF fORTRAN lAD (5668-·903) : SLSS 10 <7799-TGV> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE G'I"OO-1837-00 GC26-411S-03 LICENSED PROGRAt1 SPECIFICATIONS SQ26-4117-00 SC26-4117-02 INTERACTIVE DEBUG INSTALLATION SQ26-4116-00 SC26-4116-01 INTERACTIVE GUIDE AND REFERENCE ( THE FOLlOWIl-IG PUBLICATIOOS SUPPORT 2.0 OF CSP-QUERY (5668-91S): SLSS 10 <7799-TGH> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE GQ44-5047-00 Si24-5047-2 LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GQ44-S048-00 stI24-5048-2 GENERAL INFORMATION SQ44-5051-00 mi24-5051-2 USER'S GUIDE AIID REFERENCE MESSAGES AND CODES SQ44-50S2-00 SH24-S052-2 SQ44-S053-00 SH24-S053-2 PR08LEH DIAGNOSIS SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION SQ44-6000-00 StI24-6000-1 TUE FOLLOWING PUBLICA TlONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF QMF (5668-972): SLSS 10 <7799-THV> PSEUDO 1= EQUALS TITLE Q!1F: GENERAL INFORMATION GQ26-4071-00 GC26-4071-3 ST26··4090-00 SC26-4090-1 DXT: MESSAGES AND CODESS ST26-4091-00 SC26-4091-0 DXT: PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE ST26-4092-00 SC26-4092-2 DXT: DIALOGS INSTALLATION GUIDE QMF: LEARNERS GUIDE SQ26-4094-00 SC26-4094-2 GQ26-4095-00 GCZ6-4095-2 QMF: LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS SQ26-4096-00 SCZ6-4096-2 QMF: USERS GUIDE AND REFERENCE QMF: PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE SQ26-4099-00 SC26-4099-1 QMF: INSTALLATION GUIDE SQ26-4100-00 SCZ6-4100-1 INTRODUCTION TO QMF GQ26-4101-00 GCZ6-4101-2 DXT: ADMINISTERING At·m USING DIALOGS ST26-4107-00 SC26-4107-1 QMF/ISPF APPLICATIOO GUIDE 6TOO-2117-00 6&24-1658-1 Qt1F: REFERENCE SUMMARY STOO-1793-00 SXZ6-3741-2 DXT: DIALOG DIAGNOSIS ST66-3936-00 SY26-3936-0 SQ66-3939-00 SYZ6-3939-2 Q!1F: DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ~IF: DIAGNOSIS GUIDE FOR YM/SP SQ66-3943-00 SY26-3943-1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.4 OF COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG ( 5734-CB4 J: SLSS 10 <7799-lCC> PSEUDO 1= EQUALS TITLE ST28-6465-00 SC28-646S-2 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE & REFERENCE MANUAL INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL ST28-6468-00 SC28-6468-3 6TZ8-6485-00 GCZ8-648S-1 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS STOO-0606-00 SX2S-8194-2 REFERENCE CARD ( 179 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.2 THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 5.1 OF PV1 RESIDENT LIBRARY U734-Ltl4h SLSS ID <7799-TDV> TITLE PSEUDO " EQUALS 5T26-3971-00 SC26-3971-1 OSIDOS PVI ESCS SUPPLEMENT GQ26-3977-00 SC26-3977-1 lANGUAGE REfERENCE 6T26-4122-00 SC26-4122-0 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: INSTALLATION GT26-4196-00 SC26-4196-1 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS OS PVI GENERAL INFORMATION GQ33-0001-00 SC33-0001-6 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE STOO-1784-00 SC33-0006-7 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: EXECUTION LOGIC SQ33-002S-00 SC33-002S-3 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES SQ33-0027-00 SC33-0027-S OPTIMIZING COMPILER: CMS USER'S GUIDE ST33-0037-00 SC33-0037-3 RESIDENT LIBRARY LISTINGS . LTB6-1003-00 LJB6-1003-0 OS PVI KEYWORDS REFERENCE SlH1ARY 5TOO-0943-00 SX33-6002-2 OS PVI TERMINAL COMMANDS & OPTIONS STOO-0944-00 SX33-6005-1 5T66-3990-00 SY26-3990-0 OS/DOS PVI DEBUS GUIDE RESIDENT LIBRARY LOGIC LQ73-6008-00 LY33-6008-2 TUE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 5.1 OF PVI TRANSIENT LIBRARY (5735- U15): SLSS 10 <7799-TER> TITLE PSEUDO " EQUALS OSIDOS PI./I ESCS SUPPLEMENT ST26-3971-00 SC26-3971-1 GQ26-3977-00 SC26-3977-1 LANGUAGE REFERENCE OPTIMIZING COMPILER: INSTALLATION GT26-4122-00 SC26-4122-0 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 6T26-4196-00 GC26-4196-1 GQ33-0001-00 GC33-0001-6 OS PVI GENERAL INFORMATION STOO-1784-00 SC33-0006-7 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SQ33-002S-00 SC33-002S-3 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: EXECUTION LOGIC OPTIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES SQ33-0027-00 SC33-0027-5 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: CMS USER'S SUIDE 5T33-0037-00 SC33-0037-3 TRANSIE~rr LIBRARY LISTINGS LTB6-1004-00 LJB6-1004-0 OS PVI KEYWORDS REFERENCE SUMMARY 5TOO-0943-00 5X33-6002-2 STOO-0944-00 SX33-600S-1 OS PVI TERMINAL COMMANDS & OPTIONS OSIDOS PVI DEBUG SUIDE ST66-3990-00 SY26-3990-0 TRANSIENT LIBRARY LOGIC LT73-6009-00 LY33-6009-1 THE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 5.1 OF PVI OPTIMIZING COMPILER (5734-Pll ) : SLSS ID <7799-TCV> TITLE PSEUDO " EQUALS OSIDOS PI./I EGCS SUPPLEMENT ST26-3971-00 SC26-3971-1 GQ26-3977-00 GC26-3977-1 LANGUAGE REFERENCE OPTIMIZING COMPILER: INSTALLATION GT26-4122-00 GC26-4122-0 6T26-4196-00 6C26-4196-1 PROGRAM SPECIFICA"fIONS 6Q33-0001-00 GC33-0001-6 OS PVI GENERAL INFORMATION STOO-1784-00 SC33-0006-7 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: PROGRAI1J1ER' S GUIDE OPTIMIZING COMPILER: EXECUTION LOGIC SQ33-002S-00 SC33-002S-3 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: MESSAGES SQ33··0027-00 SC33-0027-5 S133-0037-00 SC33-0037-] OPTItUZING COMPILER: CMS USER'S GUIDE COMPILER LISTINGS LTB6-1002-00 LJB6-1002-0 OS PLII KEYWORDS REfERENCE SUMMARY 5TOO-0943-00 SX33-6002-2 OS PVI TERMINAL COMMAtIOS & OPTIONS 5100-0944-00 SX33-600S-1 051005 PVI DEBUS GUIDE ST66-3990-00 SY26-3990-0 COMPILER LOGIC LT73-6007-00 LY33-6007-1 THE FOLLm~ING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 5.1 OF PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER AND LIBRARIES (5734-PL3): SL5S III <7799-TA.X> TITLE PSEUDO " EQUALS OSIDOS PI./I EGCS SUPPlEMEloIT S126-3971-00 SC26"3971-1 6Q26-3977-00 GC26-3977-1 LANGUAGE REFERENCE GT26-4122-00 SC26-4122-0 OPTIMIZING COMPILER: INSTALLATION PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GT26-4196-00 SC26-4196-1 OS PLII GENERAL INFORMATION GQ33-0001-00 GC33-0001··6 STOO-1784-00 SC33-0006-7 OPTIMIZItlG COMPILER: PROGRAI1I1ER' S GUIDE OPTIillZING COMPILER: EXECUTION LOGIC SQ33-002S-00 SC33-002S-3 OPTIMIZING COt1PIlER: MESSAGES SQ33-0027-00 SC33-0027-S OPTIMIZUIG COMPILER; eMS USER'S GUIDE ST33-0037-00 SC33-0037-3 COMPILER LISTINGS LTB6-1002-00 LJB6-1002-0 RESIDENT LIBRARY LISTI~S LTB6-1003-00 lJB6-1003-0 TRANSIENT LIBRARY LISTINGS LT66-1004-00 LJ66-1004-0 (CONT. ) 180 VMjSP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.2 STOO-0943-00 5TOO-0944--00 S166-3990-00 LT73-6007-00 LQ73-6008-00 LT73-6009-00 SX33-6002-2 5X33-600S-1 SY26-3990-0 L.Y33-6007-1 LY33-6008-2 LY33-6009-1 OS PlII KEYWORDS REFERENCE SUMMARY OS PlII TERMINAL COlltlANDS & OPTIONS OSIDOS PI..!I DEBUG GUIDE COMPILER LOGIC RESIDENT LIBRARY LOGIC TRANSIENT LIBRARY LOGIC TIiE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 4.0 OF EP (5735-XXB): SlSS 10 <7799-TGB> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE EP: INSTALLATION, RESOURCE DEF & DIAGNOSIS snO-333S-00 SC30-333S--02 NPP: GENERAl. 1NFOR~tATION ST30-3350-00 GC30-3350-00 NPP: PLANNING ST30-3351-00 SC30-3351-00 NPP: STORAGE ESTIMATES ST30-3403-00 SC30-3403-00 LICENSED PROf;QAM SPECtFICATIot-lS GT30-9596-00 6C30-9596-00 ASSEMSLY lISTItlGS (VM) LTC7-3055-00 LYC7-30SS-00 EP 372S: LOGIC LT70-319S-00 LY30-319S-00 lQ70-5570-00 LY30-SS70·-0 1 NCP t EP: REFERENCE SUMMARY Atm DATA AREAS THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.4 OF OSIVS COOOL (S740-CB1): SLSS 10 <7799-TAJ> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE OS/VS COBOL REFERENCE GTOO-1448-00 GCZ6-3857-3 STOO-1449-00 SC28-64~9-5 VHl370 USER'S GUIDE FOR COBOL PRCSRAM SPECIFICATIOt-lS GQ28-6472-00 GC28-6472-2 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL 5Q28-6481-00 SC28-6481-2 PROGRAMMER'S GUIOE 51'00-1407-00 5C28-6483-2 LTSO-OOI4-00 LYC7-5052-6 PROGRAM LISTINGS LQ68-642S-00 LY28-642S-1 LIBRARY LOGIC COMPILER LOGIC LQ68-6486-00 LY28-6486-2 ( THE FOLlOWII-IG PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 3.0 OF VSEIVSAM (5746-AM2): SlSS 10 <7799-DVS> PSEUOO • EQUALS TITLE SUO-08M-00 SC24-S144-2 COMMANDS AND MACROS snO-0889-00 SC24-S14S-2 PROSQAMl1ER'S REFEREt«:E MESSAGES AND CODES STOO-0890-00 SC24-S146-2 PROGRAM SPECIFI~TIONS STOO-0887-00 GC24-S190-4 O()cUMENTATION SUBSET SQ24-S191-00 SC24-5191-1 PROGRAM l.ISTINGS LTOO-089l-00 lYB4-61 02-2 PROGRAM LOGIC VOLlJt1E 1 LTOO-0892-00 LY24-S191-2 PROGRAM LOGIC VOLUME 2 LQ64-S192-00 LY24-5192-1 ACCESS METHODS SERVICE LOGIC LQ64-S195-00 LY24-S195-1 THE FOLlOlUtIG PUBLICATIOtIS SUPPORT 4.1 OF VS/FORTRAN (5748-F03l: SLSS 10 <7799-TAT> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GTOO-1786-00 GC26-3984-5 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIOIIS INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMlZATION STOO-1771-00 SC26-3987-4 COMPILER AND LIBRARY DIAGNOSIS STOO-1788-00 SC26-3990-4 GENERAL INFORMATION GT26-4114-00 GC26-41 14-2 ST26-4118-00 SC26-4118-0 PROGRAMMING GUIDE LANGUAGE AND LIBRARY REFERENCE 5T26-4119-00 SC26-4119-0 SOURCE LISTINGS LTSO-0021-00 LJB6-0133-3 SOURCE TIME REFERENCE SUI1t1ARY STOO-1789-00 SX26-3731-S THE FOLLONItl; PUBLICATIotlS SUPPORT 2.0 OF PVH (S748-RCl): SLSS ID <7799-THQ> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE GQ24-S206-00 GC24-S206-3 GENERAL INFORMATION PR()GRAM SPECIFICATIONS GQ24-S207-00 GC24-5207-3 GUIDE AND REFERENCE 5Q24-S208-00 5C24-5208-2 PROGRAM LISTINGS LQCO-9011-00 LYCO-9011-1 PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL LQ64-S208-00 LY24-5208-1 ( 181 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.2 THE FOLlOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF OIRH.AINT (S748-XE4l: SLSS ID <7799-TDM> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITLE GENERAL INFORMATION GQ20-1S36-00 GC20-1836-2 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GQ20-1837-00 GC20-1837-1 SQ20-1839-00 SC20-1839-1. GUIDE FOR GENERAL USER'S INSTALLATION & SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE SQ20-1&40-00 5C20-1840-1 LTSO-0015-00 LYCO-9007-2 PROGRAM LISTINGS LQ60-0689-00 LY20-0869-1 PROGRAM LOGIC ttANJAL THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 3.0 OF RSCS NETWORKING (5748-XP1): SLSS 10 <7799-TDS> PSEUDO • EQUALS TITlE GTOO-0940-00 GH24-S003-4 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-0999-00 GIf24-S004-4 GENERAL INFORMATION PROGRAM REFERENCE & OPERATIONS ttANJAL STOO-0941-00 SIf24-500S-2 STOO-0942-00 SX24-5119-2 REFERENCE SUMMARY LTOO-0952-00 LYCO-9006-2 PROGRAM LISTINGS PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL LTOO-099S-00 LY24-5203-2 THE FOllOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 2.0 OF DI1S/CMS (S748-XXBl: SLSS ID <7799-TEO> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE GQ24-S197-00 GC24-5197-1 GENERAL INFORMATION SQ24-5196-00 SC24-5198-1 GUIDE & REFERENCE GQ24-S200-00 GC24-5200-2 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAM LISTINGS LQCO-900S-00 LYCO-900S-1 LQ64-5206-00 LY24-S206-1 PROGRAM LOGIC MAt«JAL THE FOllOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 4.0 OF SODM/PGF/IMDINLS (S7f t8-XXHl: SLSS ID <7799-TCJ> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITlE SODM GEt~ERAL INFORMATION 6TOO-1680-00 GC33-0100-S STOO-1663-00 SC33-0101-4 SODM PROGRAMMING REFERENCE PGF PROGRAMMING REFEREt~E STOO-1664-00 SC33-0102-3 GODM/PGF/It1D PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 6TOO-1662-00 GC33··010S-4 PGF ICU USER'S GUIOE STOO··166S-00 SC33-0111-3 PGF VECTOR SYMBOL EDITOR'S USER'S GUIDE SQ33-0145-00 5C33-0145-2 GDDM APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SQ33-014S-00 SC33-0148··2 SQ33-0150-00 SC33-0150-1 GOOM MESSAGES SQ33-01S2-00 SC33-0152-2 GDOM INSTALLATION A~ SYSTEM MANAGEMENT 5T33-0153-00 SC33-0153-0 GDDM IMAGE SYMBOL EDITOR'S USER'S GUIDE GOOM/lHO USER'S GUIDE ST33-0154-00 SC33-0154-0 GDDM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ST33-018ft-00 SC33-0184-0 T.IE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 3.S OF 5qV1)S (S748-XXJh SLSS ID <7799-TFW> PSEUDO # EQUALS TITlE PLANNING & ADMINISTRATION FOR YM/SP SroO-1928-00 SH24-5043-2 INSTALLATION FOR VMlSP S'T00-1929-00 SH24-S0(.4-3 TERMINAL USER'S GUInE FOR YM/SP SQ44-5045-00 SU24-S04S-1 GQ44-S064-00 GH24-5064-1 GENERAL INFORMAlION MANIJAL GQ44-5065-00 GII24-5065-1 CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES FOR VM/SP GQ44-5066-00 6H24-5066-1 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 5144-5067-00 SH24-5067-0 TERtlINAL USER'S REFERENCE FOR VM/SP APPLICATION PROGRMt1ING FOR VM/SP ST44-5068-00 SIi24-S068-0 5144-5069-00 5H24-5069-0 DATA BASE SERVICES UTILITIES SQ44-5070-00 SH24-5070-1 MESSAGES AND CODes FOR YM/SP SQ44-5071-00 SH24-S071-1 SYSTEM OPERATION FOR VM/SP MASTER INDEX FOR VH/SP SQ44-S072-00 SH24-5072-1 STOO-1790-00 SX24-S142-0 TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY STOO-1791-00 SX24-S143-0 PF KEY TEMPLATE SQ64-5230-00 SY24-5230-1 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE FOR VMlSP SQ64-S232-00 SY24-5232-1 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE FOR VM/SP 182 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.2 ( THE FOLlOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 3.0 OF DCF (SCRIPT/VS) (5748-XX9 ): SLSS ID <7799-TCE> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE SQ40-9158-00 6H20-9158-5 GENERAL INFORMATION PROGRAt1 SPECIFICATIONS GTOO-1485-00 GH20-9159-4 DCF/GHL: STARTER SET USER'S GUIDE 5TOO-1530-00 SH20-9186-2 DCF/GHL: STARTER SET REFERENCE STOO-1612-00 SH20-9187-2 DCF/GHL: CONCEPTS AND DESIGN GUIDE SQffO-9188-00 S"20-9186-1 DCF: MESSAGES SQ55-0048-00 51135-0048-1 SQ55-00S0-00 SH35-0050-1 DCF/GML: IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE S~5S-0069-00 5H35-0069-2 DCF: SCRIPT/vs TEXT PROGRAtmER'S GUIDE DCF: SCRIPTIVS lANGUAGE REFERENCE S15S-0070-00 5H35-0070-0 DCF/GML: QUICK REFERENCE SUMMARY STOO-1608-00 SX26-3719.-3 DCF: TEXT PROGRAtIMER' S QUICK' REFEREI'ICE STOO-1607-00 SX26-3723-4 OCF: DIAGNOSIS GUIDE 5T7S-0067-00 SY35-0067-0 DCF: DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE lT75-0068-00 LY3S-0068-0 llIE FOllOWING PUBl.ICATIONS SUPPORT 1.4 OF VH BATCH SUBSYSTEM (5796-BCy): SLSS ID <7799-THC> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE SQ40-2652-00 SH20-2652-1 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MAf.lU,t.L TUE fOLLOWING PUBLICATIOnS SUPPOR1' 1.6 OF Vt1 REAL TIME MONITOR (5769-PNA); SLSS 10 <7799-TKA> PSEUDO I EmJALS TITLE STOO-1930-00 Sli20-2337-5 PROGRAM OESCRIPTIotVOPERATIONS MAt.ftJAL THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS SUPPORT 1.2 OF VH FILE STORAGE (S798-DMY): SLSS 10 <7799-TtlG> PSEUDO I EQUALS TITLE 5TOO-1454-00 5B21-3085-0 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL ( ( 183 VM/SP SYSTEM OFFERING RELEASE 4.2 ,e IlEl 1 PROGRAmING SUPpoRT fill SlSTEtV310 m!bI ~.m~ (20-40) D SodlHerae 6C33-4015 S/370 tIODEL ISS SORTIHERGE TIHING ESTlttATES PLANNING GUIDE PROG 360S-Stt-023 12 EmulaHOO' SilUlatioo Ge33-2020 GY33-7018 GC33-20U SY33-7011 DOS TO OS EtlULATOR - REFERENCE PROGRAH IU'lBER 360C-EU-738 DOS TO OS EMULATOR, LIC PROG 360C-EU-738, LOGIC 1401/1440/1460 OSIHFT AND OSIHVT Et1ULATOR ON SYSTEtV370 (360S-EU-735) REFERENCE 1401/1440/1460 OS EtlULATOR ON SYSTEtV370 LOGIC - PROGRAtt NUHBERS 5744-AHI AND 360C-EU-735 lZ Diagnosis. Problem Determjnati on • Auditing. Service !im GY27-7237 GY27-7198 IBH SYSTEtV360 (LOGIC), P/N IBtt SYSTEtV360 (LOGIC), P/N mm VersiOO ! (20-40) n §eneral InformaHoo: 6C33-S007 !!! ~ Eyaluation. OPERATING SYSTEH: ttACHINE-CHECK HANDLER FOR SYSTEtV370 tIODELS 13S AND 14S 360S-DN-S39 OPERATING SYSTEH: MACHINE-CHECK HANDLER FOR SYSTEtV370 ttODELS ISS THRU 168 360S-DN-S39 ~ SYSTEtV370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEH VERSION 4 - MANUAL ttetbods. Data Hanagement. Storaqe/COI!!IIIUOicatioos !!llU Control PrograM 6C27-6978 Ge33-S004 DOS VERSION 4 - BASIC TELECOt1t1UNICATIONS ACCESS HETHOD MANUAL - PROGRAtt NUHBER 370N-CQ-469 SYSTEtV360 DOS PLANNING GUIDE FOR PROGRAMMING THE 3330 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE FACILITY 1l Utilities GY33-8S47 ~ DOS VERSION 4 SYSTEH UTILITIES - PROGRAtt NUMBER 370N-UT-491 elanoing. Installation. Generatjon' Administratjon. Performance. CystomjzatioOI Resource Definitibn. !Hf Ge33-S00S DOS VERSION 4 SYSTEH GENERATION 12 EmulaHon. Sjmulatioo 6C33-2006 SY33-700S SY33-7009 t10DEL 20 DOS Et1ULATOR ON SYSTEtV370 REFERENCE (370N-IC-002) 1401/1440/1460 DOS EMULATOR ON SYSTEtV370: LOGIC, PROG. NOS. 370N-EU-490 (DOS), S74S-SC-EML IDOS/vS) 1410/7010 DOS EMULATOR ON SYSTEtV370 LOGIC, PROG. NOS. 370N-EU-490 (DOS), S74S-SC-EHL (DOS/VS) 36 Control Program GY33-S533 INTRODUCTION TO DOS VERSION 4, LIC PROG 370N-CL-453, LOGIC !Z Diagnosis. Problem Determinatioo. Auditioa. Service Aids Ge24-50S6 DOS OLTEP TSS/370 ITIME SHARING SYSTEM/370J (20-40) n General Information: Evaluation. FIvers Ge2S-2003 GC2S-204S IBtt TIHE SHARING SYSTEH CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES TIME SHARING SYSTEM, A PRIMER FOR FORTRAN IV USERS, PROG NO 360G-CL-627 11 Assembler GC2S-2000 Ge2S-2032 GC2S-2004 .u IBtt TIHE SHARING SYSTEM ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE IBH TIME SHARING SYSTEM ASSEMBLER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM ASSEMBLER USER MACRO INSTRUCTIONS FORTRAN 6C2S-2007 GC2S-202S IBH TIHE SHARING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV lANGUAGE IBtt TIME SHARING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE! 184 30 GC28-2026 IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV LIBRARY SUBPROGRAMS GC28-204S GC28-2046 GC28-2049 IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM PLII LANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUAL IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM PLII LIBRARY COMPUTATIONAL SUBROUTINES IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM PLII PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ~ Methods. ~ GC28-20S6 11 Management. Sto~age/Communications (I/O) Cont~ol P~og~ams IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM DATA MANAGEMENT FACILITIES Suppo~t p~oq~ams GC28-200S IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM LINKAGE EDITOR J! Utilities GC28-2038 ~ IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM INDEPENDENT UTILITIES Planning, Installation. Gene~ation. Resou~ce Definition. SMF JZ Diagnosis. Remote Job ~ Ope~ations: Se~yice Ai2! IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM TEST AND MAINTENANCE USER'S GUIDE TIME SHARING SYSTEM, TIME SHARING SUPPORT SYSTEM IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM REMOTE JOB ENTRY Messages. Codes. Application Development GC28-2033 GX28-6400 GC28-2017 IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE TIME SHARING SYSTEM, QUICK GUIDE FOR USERS IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE Cont~ol P~og~a. GH20-1173 IBM SYSTEMl360 AND SYSTEMl370 ASP VERSION 3 ASYMMETRIC MULTI PROCESSING SYSTEM: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL, PROG. NO. 360A-CX-lSX ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM, LIC PROG 360A-CX-1SX, OPERATOR'S MANUAL ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM, LIC PROG 360A-CX-1SX, MESSAGES/CODES ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM, LIC PROG 360A-CX-1SX, APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S MANUAL S/360 & S/370 ASP VERSION 3 ASYt~ETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM, LIC PROG 360A-CX-1SX, PROGRAMMER'S MANUAL $/360 & S/370 ASP VERSION 3 ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM, LIC PROG 360A-CX-1SX, LOGIC ASP VERSION 3 ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM: OPERATORS REFERENCE BOOKLET - PROS. NO. 360A-CX-15X GH20-1289 GH20-1290 6H20-1291 6H20-1292 GH20-1403 e Auditing. Ent~y GC28-20S7 l2 IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM COMMAND SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE TIME SHARING SYSTEM, SYSTEM LOGIC SlR1NARY IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM MANAGER'S AND ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE P~Oblem Dete~mjnation. GC28-2028 GC28-2006 ( Customization. Cont~ol P~og~am GC28-2001 GY28-2009 GC28-2024 GC28-2008 1§ Perfo~mance. TIME SHARING SYSTEM, SYSTEM GENERATION & MAINTENANCE GC28-2010 36 Administ~ation. 6X20-1927 PROGRAMMING = GENERAL (20-40) 11 FORTRAN GC28-6S1S GX28-6384 FORTRAN IV LANGUAGE, S748-F02, REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN IV REFERENCE CARD 1I .6saD Metbods. D.!.1I Management, Stor'qe/Cg!!!!ny"!icatipns J.lLQ! GA21-919S Cont~l P~ogral!lS PROGRAMMER'S INTRODUCTION TO THE APPLICATION CONTROL LANGUAGE FOR 3741 MODELS 3 PROGRAMMING WORKSTATION 185 AlII) 4 e H : 6ENERAL GH12-5160 SH12-5161 SH12-5162 6C30-3072 SC30-3112 SC30-3346 6E19-5265 6320-0557 6622-9352 6624-1630 6622-9386 **6666-0216 GA27-3136 GC20-1868 6C30-3073 **Ge30-30M GA27-3345 e **6G24-1568 SNA APPLICATION HONITOR GENERAL INFORMATION SNA APPLICATION MONITOR INSTALLATION GUIDE SNA APPLICATION MONITOR OPERATION AND DIAGNOSIS GUIDE CONCEPTS AND PRODUCTS SNA IBM SYSTEMS NETWORK ARCHITECTURE FORMAT AND PROTOCOL REFERENCE MANUAL: ARCHITECTURAL LOGIC SNA FORMAT AND PROTOCOL REFERENCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES IBM SYSTEMS NETWORK ARCHITECTURE GENERAL INFORMATION AND MAINTENANCE AIDS HANDBOOK NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER: INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMS NETWORK ARCHITECTURE DISTRIBUTION SERVICES ROUTINE CUSTOMER MATERIAL SNA NETWORK INTERCONNECTION A TECHNICAL OVERVIEW SNA NETWORK INTERCONNECTION SNI PLANNING AND DESIGN SNA NETWORKING PRODUCT OVERVIEW SNA NETWORKS OF SMALL SYSTEMS SYSTEMS NETWORK ARCHITECTURE FORMATS SYSTEMS NETWORK ARCHITECTURE: SESSIONS BETWEEN LOGICAL UNITS TECHNICAL OVERVIEW SNA SNA TRANSACTION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL FOR LU TYPE 6.2 THE X.25 INTERFACE FOR ATTACHING SNA NODES TO PACKET-SWITCHED DATA NETWORKS, GENERAL INFORMATION X.25 SNA GUIDE INFORMATION NETWORK GH45-5001 SH45-5004 **SC23-0781 SC34-2266 Ge34-2236 Ge34-2221 SC34-2222 SC34-2231 GC34-2257 SC34-2284 SC34-2285 SC34-2286 6C34-2277 SC34-2278 **SC34-2279 SC34-2205 SC34-2202 SC34-2228 **6C34-2206 SC34-2295 SC34-2205 SC34-2203 SC34-2204 SC34-2220 SC33-0203 AS LIBRARY APPLICATION SYSTEM REFERENCE DOCUMENT INTERCHAN6E ARCHITECTURE: TECHNICAL REFERENCE INFORMATION SERVICES INFORMATION NETWORK ELECTRONIC FACILITY GUIDE INFORMATION NETWORK NETWORK SERVICES INSTALLATION GUIDE INFORMATION NETWORK INFORMATION EXCHANGE INTRODUCTION INFORMATION NETWORK INFORMATION EXCHANGE INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION NETWORK PERSONAL COMPUTER INFORMATION EXCHANGE INTERFACE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS INFORMATION NETWORK NETWORK SERVICES INTRODUCTION USING THE INFORMATION NETWORK SUPPORTING INFORMATION NETWORK USERS SUPPORTING USERS OF YOUR PRODUCT ON THE INFORMATION NETWORK INSURANCE COMMUNICATION SERVICE GENERAL INFORMATION INSURANCE COMMUNICATION SERVICE INFORMATION EXCHANGE INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS INSURANCE COMMUNICATION SERVICE SERVICE PLANNING GUIDE IBM/IN GUIDE TO USING LINE-MODE TERMINALS MVS PRODUCTIVITY SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE INFORMATION NETWORK SECONDARY NETWORK PROCEDURES REFERENCE INFORMATION NETWORK SECURITY BULLETIN IBM/IN TRY-COPICS USERS GUIDE IBM/IN GUIDE TO USIN6 LINE-MODE TERMINALS VM PRODUCTIVITY SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE VMPS USER'S GUIDE FOR LINE ORIENTED TERMINALS USING APPLICATION SYSTEM ON THE INFORMATION NETWORK CICS/OSIVS, 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 VS COBOL II FOR CICS USERS 186 e ( DB/DC (Data Base/Data Comunication) Advanced CO!!!l!!Ul"!ications Function (ACF) and Associated Network Programs GC30-3033 GBl1-6307 SBl1-6308 GBl1-6304 SBl1-6305 GBl1-6306 GC30-9575 GC30-9596 LJ02-4189 LY30-3190 SC30-3172 SC30-3338 GC30-9566 LY30-3195 LYC7-3013 SX27-3570 LY30-3192 LY30-5597 INTRODUCTION TO ADVANCED COHNUNICATIONS FUNCTION COUNT TWIN CHAIN AND BLOCK HOPPING STATISTICS NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING COUNT TWIN CHAIN AND BLOCK HOPPING STATISTICS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DATA BASE INTEGRITY CONTROL FACILITY NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING DBICF DATA BASE INTEGRITY CONTROL FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION PROGRAM OFFERING EMULATION PROGRAM FOR COMMUNICATION CONTROLLERS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) EMULATION PROGRAM FOR COMMUNICATION CONTROLLERS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) EtruLATOR PROGRAM FOR COt~ICATIONS CONTROLLERS (CURRENT RELEASE) EMULATION PROGRAM FOR THE 3705. 5735-XXB. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) EP/3725 GENERATION AND UTILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) EMULATION PROGRAM INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION AND DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) EMULATION PROGRAM FOR THE 3725 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) EMULATION PROGRAM FOR THE 3725, 5735-XXB. VERSION 2 RELEASE 2. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY. 5668-963 NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY. 5668-983. TRACE RECORD TEMPLATE NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY D~AGNOSIS NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY DIAGNOSIS 5668-963 GC27-0427 GC27-0428 GC27-0429 SC27-0431 ST27-0431 SC27-0432 NETWORK CotI1UNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY (NCCF). LIC PROS 5735-XX6. PROGRAM SUI1t1ARY NCCF RELEASE 2 VSE OS/VS SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK COt1t1UNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY, LIC PROG 5735-XX6, INFORMATION (CUR~ENT RELEASE) NETWORK COHNUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY. LIC PROG 5735-XX6. MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY, LIC PROG 5735-XX6 MESSAGES (SC27-0431-2) NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY, LIC PROG 5735-XX6, TERMINAL USE (CURRENT RelEASE) NETWORK COMMUNICATION CONTROL FACILITY (NCCF). LIC PROS 5735-XX6 TERMINAL USE (SC27-0432-2) NETh'ORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY, LIC PROG 5735-XX6, CUSTOMlZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY. LIC PROG 5735-XX6, CUSTOMIZATION (SC27-0433-2) NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY PROGRAM 10 5735-XX6 LPS GC27-0428 COHP 10 5745-XX600-G06 NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY LPS GC27-0428 COMP ED NUMBER 5741-ZZ600-HCSI101 NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY PROGRAM ID 5735-XX6 LPS GC27-0428 COMP 10 5741-XX600-HCS1301 NETWORK COMMUNICATION CONTROL FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK COMtruNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY, INCCF) PROGRAM 5752-XX6 LPS - GC27-0428 COMPID 5752-XX600. LISTINGS NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY PROGRAM ID 5735-XX6 LPS GC27-0428 COHP ID 5752-XX600-HES1302. LISTINGS NETWORK COMMUNICATION CONTROL FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS GC27-0428 COMP ID 5741-XX600-HCSI502 LISTINGS NCCF SPECIFICATIONS GC27-0428 COMP ID 5741-XX600-&44 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) LOGIC NCCF (CURRENT RelEASE) NETWORK COMMUNICATION CONTR.OL FACILITY (NCCF)' LIC PROG 5735-XX6, LOGIC RELEASE I (LY38-3010-1) NCCF VERSION 2 FOR OS/MVS NCCF VERSION 2 INFORMATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION (CURRENT RELEASE) NCCF CUSTOMIZATION COMMAND LISTS (CURRENT RELEASE) NCCF VERSION 2 CUSTOMER COMMAND PROCEDURES EXITS SUBTASK (CURRENT RELEASE) NCCF MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) NCCF OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NCCF INSTALLATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION (CURRENT RELEASE) NCCF VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 FOR MVS/370 MVS/XA VSE/AF SPECIFICATIONS NCCF VERSION 2 FOR VM/SP NCCF REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) NCCF VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 FOR MVS. 5668-947 NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY (NCCF), 5668-947. 5665-316, 5666-285, DIAGNOSIS NCCF DIAGNOSTICS (CURRENT RELEASE) SYSTEH/370 NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAMIVS START/STOP SNA TRANSFORM, IFP 5785-EAF, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEH/370 NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAMIVS START/STOP SNA TRANSFORM, IFP 5785-EAF, SYSTEMS GUIDE ACF/NCP/vS NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS. 5735-XX1, -XX3, 5747-CHl, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/NCP/VS SSP. 5735-XXI. -XX3. RELEASE 2.1 INSTALLATION ACF/NCP/VS SSP, 5735-XXI, -XX3, RELEASE 2.1 UTILITIES ACF/NCP/VS & SSP LIC PROG 5735-XXI, -XX3, MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/VCP/VS NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS RELEASE 2 LIC PR()G 5735-XX1, ST27-0432 SC27-0433 ST27-0433 LJBI-0413 ( LJBI-0426 WBI-0427 LJBI-0430 LJBI-0439 WBI-0440 LJBI-0442 WBI-2054 LY38-30lO LT78-3010 LJBI-2096 **SC27-0660 SC27-0661 SC27-0662 SC27-0663 SC27-0664 SC30-3264 GC30-9567 GC30-9578 SX27-0039 LYC7-3025 LY30-5562 LY30-5566 S811-5332 LBU-5333 GC30-3058 SC30-3142 SC30-3143 SC30-3145 ST30-3145 187 SC30-3154 SC30-3156 SC30-3158 Ge30-9507 GC30-9508 6C30-9527 6C30-9528 GC30-9529 6C30-9530 6C30-9531 Ge30-9533 GC30-9534 GC30-9541 GC30-9542 GC30-9543 GC30-9583 Ge30-9597 LJD2-4172 LJD2-4183 LY30-3030 LY30-3041 LT70-3041 LY30-3043 LT70-3043 LY30-3057 LY30-3058 LY30-3059 LY30-3070 LT70-3070 LY30-3071 LY30-5554 LY30-5557 LY30-5558 LY30-5559 LY30-5569 LY30-5570 LY30-5571 SC30-3348 SC30-3349 GC30-3071 Ge30-9564 SC30-3167 SC30-3168 SC30-3169 SC30-3170 SC30-3171 GC30-9S50 WD2-4164 LJD2-4165 LJD2-4169 LJD2-4170 LJD2-4171 LJD2-4166 SJD2-4167 GC30-9551 GC30-9565 Ge30-9574 ->0<3 MESSAGES (SC30-3145-0 ACFINCP/vS SSP, 5735->0<1, ->0<3, INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COt1tIUNICATIONS FlH:TION NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAtt/VS DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP/vS SSP, 5735->0<1, ->0<3, UTILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COI1MUNICATION FUNCTION FOR NCP/VS, SPECIFICATIONS PROS PROD 5735->0<1 SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAHS FOR ADVANCED COHMUNICATIONS FUNCTIONINCP/vS, PROG PROD 5735->0<3, SPECIFICATIONS ADVANCED COI1I1UNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR NCP/vs (ACFINCP/VS) RELEASE 3, LIC PROS 5735->0<1, PROGRAM SUHHARY SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS FOR ACFINCP/vs RELEASE 3, LIC PROG 5735->0<3, PROGRAM SUMMARY SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAHS FOR ACFINCP/vS LIC PROS 5735->0<3 SPECIFICATIONS. RELEASE 2.1 ADVANCED COHMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR NCP/vS (ACFINCP/VS), LIC PROS 5735->0<1. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP/vS, SCP 5747-CHl, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COHMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR NCP/vS RELEASE 2 MODIFICATION 1, LIC PROS 5735-RCl, PROGRAM SUHHARY SSP ACFINCP/vs RELEASE 2 ttODIFICATION 1 PROGRAM SUHttARY ACFINCP/vS, SCP 5747-CHl. SPECIFICATIONS SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS FOR ACFINCP/vS, LIC PROG 5735->0<3 SPECIFICATIONS, RELEASE 3 ACFINCP/vS, LIC PROS 5735->0<3 SPECIFICATIONS. RELEASE 3 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR THE NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM VERSION 4 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP VERSION 4 SUBSET SPECIFICATIONS ACFINCP FOR 3725 OS/vSE/vM (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP VERSION 3 FOR THE 3725 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) IBM 3705 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR NETWORK CONTROL PROSRAtt/VS. NCP VER 6. LIC PROG 5735-)0(1, >0<3. LOGIC ACF INCP/vS NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM, LIC PROG 5735->0<1, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/vCP/vS NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5735->0<1 LOGIC (LY30-3041-0) ACFINCP/vS NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM, LIC PROG 5735->0<1, REFERENCE SUl1t1ARY (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP/vS NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM RELEASE 2. LIC PROG 5735->0<1, REFERENCE SUMMARY (LY30-3043-1 ) ACFINCP/vS NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM, LIC PROS 5735->0<1. LOGIC ACFINCP/vS NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM, LIC PROG 5735-)0(1, RELEASE 3, REFERENCE SUMMARY ACF/NCP/VS SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM, LIC PROS 5735->0<1, ->0<3, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ACFINCP 3725 EPIDATA AREAS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP 3725 EPIDATA AREAS REFERENCE (LY30-3070-0) ACFINCP FOR THE 3725, 5735->0<9. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIotlS FUNCTION FOR NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM FOR THE 3705, 5667-124, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM FOR THE 3725, 5667-124, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF FOR NCP VERSION 3 EMULATION PROGRAM FOR THE 3725 REFERENCE SUtII1ARY AND DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM, 5667-124, VERSION 3 FOR THE 3725 (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP VERSION 4 (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP VERSION 4 REFERENCE SUMMARY AND DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM CUSTOMlZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NCP/SSP GENERATION AN() LOADING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NCP/SSP RESOURCE DEFINITION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP VERSION 2 FOR THE 3725 ACF/SSP VERSION 2 FOR THE 3725 EP FOR THE 3725 GENERAL INFORMATION INFORMATION ACF FOR NCP VERSION 2 FOR THE 3725 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/NCP/SSP VERSION 2 INSTALLATION PROGRAM AN() SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAHS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP/SSP UTILITIES VERSION 2 (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP/SSP VERSION 2 MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP V2 CUSTOMER NOTICE ACFINCP/SSP VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ACFINCP VERSION 2 CUSTOMER SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/SSP 3705 LIC PROS 5735-XXA LISTINGS ACF/SSP VERSION 2 3705 VSE/AF, 5735-XXA ACF/SSP VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.1 VMlSP ACF/SSP FOR THE 3725, 5735-)O(A, OS/VS ACF/SSP VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.1 (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTIONINETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM/VIRTUAL STORAGE FOR 3705, 5735->0<9, LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) EMULATOR PROGRAM FOR ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTIONINETWORK CONTROL PROGRAttiSYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM FOR 3705, 5747-CH2, VERSION 2 (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/SSP VERSION 2 CUSTOMER SPECIFICATIONS ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR THE SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR THE SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS 188 LY30-3060 LY30-3061 LY30-3062 ( SC30-3199 SC30-3224 SC30-3225 SC30-3227 SC30-3228 SC30-3178 SC30-3179 SC30-3254 GC30-9573 GC30-9579 GC30-9584 GC30-9585 LYC7-3017 LY30-5555 LY30-5556 LY30-5564 LY30-5591 SC30-3252 **SC30-3253 SC30-3255 SC30-3261 ( LY30-5570 LJD5-0532 **SC30-3287 SC30-3288 SC30-3333 GC30-9571 GC38-0251 GC38-0277 SC38-0278 SC38-0279 SC38-0281 LJB1-0405 LJBI-0417 LJB1-0431 ( LJD2-2209 LY27-8026 **G320-0457 **GC23-0108 GC34-2008 GC34-2009 GQ34-2009 GC34-2010 GT34-2010 SC34-2011 SQ34-2011 SC34-2012 SC34-2013 GC34-2023 SC34-2032 ST34-2032 GC34-2033 SC34-2034 WAO-0304 LJAO-0306 LJAO-0308 WAO-0309 LJAO-0310 WAD-0311 LJAO-0312 LY25-0002 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAt1HERS. 5735-XXA. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF FOR NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM FOR THE 3705. 5735->0<9 (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/t.'CPIVS FOR THE 3705 VERSION 2. 5735->0<9. REFERENCE SUMMARY AND DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP ACF/SSP FOR THE 3705 RESOURCE DEFINITION REFERENCE ACFINCP ACF/SSP INSTALLATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION GUIDE ACFINCP ACF/SSP FOR THE 3705 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ACFINCPVERSION 3 ACF/SSP VERSION 2 RESOURCE DEFINITION REFERENCE FOR THE 3725 ACF/NCP/SSP DIAGNOSIS GUIDE 8.3 ACF/NCP AND ACF/SSP FOR THE 3725 INSTALLATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/NCP ACF/SSP DEFINITION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP/SSP VERSION 3 RESOURCE DEFINITION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COt1HUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR THE NE~~RK CONTROL PROGRAM VERSION 3 FOR THE 3705 AND 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLERS SPECIFICATIONS ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUh'CTION FOR THE SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS VERSION 3 FOR KVS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR THE SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS VERSION 3 FOR VM SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/SSP VERSION 3 FOR VSE SPECIFICATIONS ACF/SSP VERSION 3 FOR HVS. 5665-338 ACF/NCP FOR THE 3705 REFERENCE Sutll1ARY AND DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM. 5667-124. VERSION 3 CUSTOMIZATION FOR THE 3705 (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/SSP VERSION 3 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) NCP AND SSP DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ACFINCP VERSIONS 3 AND 4 AND SSP MIGRATION VERSION 3 (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP/SSP INSTALLATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP/SSP DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/SSP VERSION 3 RELEASE 2 CONFIGURATION CONTROL PROGRAM FACILITY USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP VERSION 4 REFERENCE SUMMARY AND DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER. 5668-971. RELEASE 1 NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER INSTALLATION NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER MESSAGES AND CODES NLDM INSTALLATION R2 (FOR VM) NLDM RELEASE 2 FOR VM SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK OPERATION SUPPORT PROGRAM. LIC PROG 5735->0<2. GENERAL INFORMATION NETWORK OPERATION SUPPORT PROG PROD 5735-XX2. SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK OPERATION SUPPORT PROGRAM INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL (OSIVS). LIC PROG 5735-XX2 NETWORK OPERATION SUPPORT PROGRAM. LIC PROG 5735->0<2. (DOSIVS) INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE NETWORK OPERATION SUPPORT PROGRAM. LIC PROG 5735-XX2. OPERATOR'S MANUAL NOSP FOR DOSIVS: NETWORK OPERATION SUPPORT. PROG PROD 5735->0<2. ASSEMBLY LISTING MICROFICHE OSIVSl NETWORK OPERATIONS SUPPORT PROGRAM 5735-XX2 MICROFICHE LISTINGS NETWORK OPERATION SUPPORT PROGRAM (NOSP) PROG 5735->0<2 LISTINGS FOR OSIVS2 MVS COMPONENT 5735->O<200-E74 NETWORK OPERATIONS SUPPORT PROGRAM. LIC PROG 5735-XX2. LISTINGS NETWORK OPERATION SUPPORT PROGRAM (DOSIVS OS/VS), LIC PROG 5735->0<2. LOGIC NETWORK PERFORMANCE MONITOR. 5665-333. -313. -280. SOFTWARE UPDATE NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA. 5735->0<8. PROGRAM SUMMARY NPDA. 5735->0<8. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA. 5735-XX8. RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS (GC34-2009-1) NPDA. 5735->0<8. GENERAL INFORMATION NPDA. 5735-XX8. RELEASE 1. GENERAL INFORMATION (GC34-2010-1) NPDA. 5735-XX8. INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA. 5735-XX8. RELEASE 2 INSTALLATION (SC34-2011-3) NPDA, 5735-XX8. MESSAGES AND COQES (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA. 5735-XX8. TERMINAL USE NPDA. 5735-XX8. PROGRAM SUMMARY NPDA. 5735-XX8. USER ACCOUNT GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA. 5735->0<8. RELEASE 1. USER ACTION GUIDE (SC34-2032-0) NPDA. 5735->0<8. RELEASE 3 PROGRAM SUMMARY NPDA. 5735-XX8. REFERENCE SUMMARY NETWORK PROBLEM DETERMINATION APPLICATION NPDAlMVS. LISTINGS NPDA. 5735->0<8. LISTINGS NPDA. 5735->0<8. VERSION 2. UNIQUE LISTINGS NPDA OSIVSl OSIVS2 COt1l1ON NPDA. 5735->0<8. VERSION 1. UNIQUE LISTINGS NPDAlMVS UNIQUE VSEINPDA LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA. 5735-XX8. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) 189 6C34o-2061 GC34-2062 SC34-2063 SC34o-2064o SC34-2065 SC34o-2066 GC34o-2067 SC34o-2108 LJAO-0316 LJAO-0317 LJAO-0318 LJAO-0319 LY25-0012 6C30-9588 6C34-2110 GC34-2111 SC34-2112 ST34-2112 SC34-2113 ST34-2113 SC34-2114o SC34-21l5 **SC34-2117 SQ34-21l7 ST34o-21l7 SC34-2130 ST34-2130 LYC7-3001 LYC7-3005 GH20-6350 HGH20-6359 **GT40-6359 **SH20-6360 **ST40-6360 **SH20-6361 HST40-6361 **SH20-6362 **ST40-6362 **SH20-6363 **SH20-6396 **ST400-6396 **GC23-0134o HGX27-0216 **SC23-0110 **SC23-0159 **GC27-0657 **SC27-0658 **SC30-3309 SC30-3351 SC30-3352 SC30-3403 LJD2-4176 SC30-3278 SC30-3407 6C27-0450 SC30-3347 GC38-0297 SC38-0298 GC38-0299 LJBI-0450 LJBI-0451 LJBI-0457 LJBI-0460 LJBl-2052 LJD2-4174o LY30-3194 LY38-3018 LT78-3018 LYC7"3012 GC30-9554 GC33-2023 SH33-ioOl NPDA VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PROBLEM DETERMINATION APPLICATION VERSION 2 PROGRAM SUMMARY NPDA VERSION 2 USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 2 RECOMMENDED ACTION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 2 MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 2 INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 2 USER REFERENCE TARA YS1/VS2 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1, LIC PROG 5668-983, LISTINGS VSE/NPDA 3600 FEATURE VERSION 2 LISTINGS NPDA VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 LISTINGS NETWORK PROBLEM DETERMINATION APPLICATION VERSION 2 RELEASE 2.1.0 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PROBLEM DETERMINATION APPLICATION VERSION 2, RELEASE 2.1.0, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 3 RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK PROBLEM DETERMINATION APPLICATION VERSION 3 PROGRAM SUMMARY NPDA VERSION 3 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 3 USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PROBLEM DETERMINATION APPLICATION VERSION 3 USER'S GUIDE (SC34-2112-1) NPDA VERSION 3 RECOMMENDED ACTION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA, 5666-295, 5668-920, VERSION 3 RECOMMENDED ACTION GUIDE (SC34-2113-1) NPDA VERSION 3 USER'S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 3 MESSAGES (CURRENT RElEASE) NPDA VERSION 3 INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA, 5666-295, 5668-920, VERSION 3 INSTALLATION (SC34-2117-1) NPDA, 5666-295, 5668-920, VERSION 3 INSTALLATION (SC34-2117-0) NPDA VERSION 3 DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RElEASE) NPDA, 5666-295, 5668-920, VERSION 3 DIAGNOSIS (SC34-2130-0) NPDA MYS/370 VERSION 3 RELEASE 2, 5668-920 TARA FEATURE OF NPDA, VERSION 3 RELEASE 2, 5668-920, MYS NPH SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) NPH GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PERFORMANCE MONITOR, 5665-333, GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL (GH20-6359-0) NPH USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PERFORMANCE MONITOR, 5665-333, USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (SH20-6360-0) NPH INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PERFORMANCE MONITOR, 5665-333, INSTALLATION GUIDE (SH20-6361-0) NPH GRAPHICS SUBSYSTEM USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PERFORMANCE MONITOR, 5665-333, GRAPHICS SUBSYSTEM (SH20-6362-0) NPM PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NPH MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RElEASE) NETWORK PERFORMANCE MONITOR, 5665-333, MESSAGES AND CODES (SH20-6396-0) NPP BIBLIOGRAPHY AND MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS BIBLIOGRAPHY AND MASTER INDEX NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCT PLANNING (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS SAMPLES EXTENDED NETWORKS NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS PLANNING (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SNA NPP SAMPLES (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PROGRAti PRODUCTS PLANNING (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS SAMPLES NETVIEW (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS STORAGE ESTIMATES (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY, 5668-963 NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION AND CUSTOMIZATION NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY INSTALLATION, RESOURCE DEFINITION AND CUSTOMIZATION NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION PROGRAM SUMMARY NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION, INSTALLATION, MIGRATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION NTO GENERAL INFORMATION RELEASES 1, 2, 2.1, 2 AND 4 NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION INSTALLATION RELEASES 1, 2, 2.1, 3 NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION PROGRAM ID 5735-XX7 LPS 6C38-0299 C()MP ID 5735-XX700-HNTI200, LISTINGS NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION PROGRAM ID 5735-XX7 LPS 6C38-0299 COMP ID 5735-XX700-GAS, LISTING NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION PROGRAM ID 5735-XX7 LPS GC38-0299 COMP ID 5735-XX700 NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION PROGRAM ID 5735-XX7, COMP ID - 5735-XX700 LPS - GC38-0299 NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION REL 2 3725 FOR VSE/AF SPECIFICATIONS GC38-0299 NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION, 5735-XX7 NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION RELEASES 3 AND 4 DIAGNOSIS NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION, 5735-XX7, DIAGNOSIS AND LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION, 5735-XX7, DIAGNOSIS AND LOGIC (LY38-3018-5) INFORMATION LIBRARY; 5735-XX7 NON-SYSTEMS NETWORK ARCHITECTURE INTERCONNECTION SPECIFICATIONS NON-SNA INTERCONNECTION GENERAL INFORMATION NON-SNA INTERCONNECTION FOR 3725/3720 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLERS INSTALLATION AND OPERATION 190 SH33-700S LY33-7021 NON-SNA INTERCONNECTION FOR 3725 AND 3720 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER SPECIFICATIONS NON-SMA INTERCONNECTION DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND REFERENCE LVCl-S110 SC27-04S6 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION/TCAM HOST COMMAND FACILITY VERSION 1. LIC PROS 5735-XRl. GUIDE & REFERENCE: TCAM & ADVANCED COI'ltIUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAM ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FOR TCAM. LIC PROG 5735-RCI. GENERAL INFORMATION ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAM CONCEPTS AND PLANNING ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAM. LIC PROG S735-RCI. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAM MACRO REFERENCE GUIDE ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAM APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS GUIDE ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR ACFITCAM MESSAGES OSIVS PROGRAM PRODUCT 5735-RCI ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR TCAM. LIC PROS 5735-RCI. INSTALLATION AND MIGRATION GUIDE ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR TCAM. LIC PROS 5735-RCI. DEBUGGING GUIDE ADVANCED CmllUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAM. LIC PROG 5735-RCI. OPERATOR'S GUIDE ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAM AND NCP (ACFITCAM - NCP). LIC PROS 5735-RCI. -XXI. -XX3. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND MASTER INDEX ACFITCAM INCLUDING A FEATURE ,FOR MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING SPECIFICATIONS SU12 ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION -FOR TCAM (ACFITCAM) SUID 5735-RCl. SCP 5741-VSl. ACFITCAM SUPPORT SPECIFICATIONS OSIVSI TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD VERSION I 5735-RCI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD VERSION 1 5735-RCI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/VS2 REL 859 ACF/TCAM. SCP LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 3.8 (TCAMll) ACFITCAM SCP ETCII02 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 555 ACFITCAM BASE SCP 5735-RCI OSIVS2 REL 556 ACFITCAM NETWORKING SCP 5735-RCI ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR TCAM LOSIC PROG PROD 5735-RCI SUPPLEMENT FOR ACFITCAM MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING TO ACF/TCAM LOGIC. LY30-3036-1 ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR TCAM. LIC PROS 5735-RCl. REFERENCE SUtlMARY SUPPLEMENT FOR ACF/TCAM MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING. 5735-RCI. TO ACFITCAM PROGRAM REFERENCE SUMMARY. LY30-3037-0 TCAM SUBTASK TRACE ANALYSIS REPORT DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAM VERSION 2. LIC PROS 5735-RC3. GENERAL INFORMATION: INTRODUCTION ACFITCAM. VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION: FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ACFITCAM. LIC PROS 5735-RC3. VERSION 2. RELEASE 2. GENERAL INFORMATION: FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (GC30-313l-0) ACFITCAM. VERSION 2 BASE INSTALLATION GUIDE. LIC PROS 5735-RC3 ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR TCAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 2. LIC PROS S735-RC3. INSTALLATION: GUIDE (SC30-3132-0) ACFITCAM RELEASE I VERSION 2. LIC PROS 5735-RC3. INSTALLATION REFERENCE ACFITCAM. LIC PROS 5735-RC3. VERSION 2 RELEASE 2. INSTALLATION REFERENCE (SC30-3133-1J ACFITCAM. VERSION 2 INSTALLATION: SAMPLE PROGRAMS. LIC PROG 5735-RC3 RELEASE 1 ACFITCAM. VERSION 2 INSTALLATION: SAMPLE PROGRAMS, LIC PROS 5735-RC3 RELEASE 1 (SC30-3l34-0J ACFITCAM VERSION 2, LIC PROS 5735-RC3 ASSET ASSIGNMENTS 9001 AND 6003. HVS 5752 TC221, VSI 5741 TC221. APPLICATION PROGRAMMING ACFITCAM VERSION 2 OPERATION ASSET ASSIGNMENT 9001 AND 6003 t1VS 5752-TC221 VSl 5741-TC221 ACFITCAM, VERSION 2: DIAGNOSIS. LIC PROS 5735-RC3 ACFITCAM DIAGNOSIS V2Rl LIC PROS 5735-RC3 (SC30-3137-0J ACFITCAM VERSION 2. SERVICE FACILITIES. SYSTEM SERVICE PROGRAMS AND UTILITIES ACFITCAM 5735-RC3; VSl 574l-TC221; HVS 5752-TC221 ACFITCAM. VERSION 2 MESSAGES. LIC PROG 5735-RC3 IMSIVS VERSION 1, PRIMER MASTER TERMINAL OPERATORS GUIDE - ACFITCAM. LIC PROS 5735-RC3 MVS 5752-TC221 ACFITCAM. VERSION 2 SUPPORT FOR IBM SUBSYSTEMS 5735-RC3; ASSET ASSIGNMENT NUMBERS 9007 and 6003 MVS 5752 TC221 ACFITCAM VERSION 2. NETWORKING INSTALLATION GUIDE, LIC PROS 5735-RC3. MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING FACILITY FEATURE 6003 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAM AND NETWORK CONTROL PROSRAM BIBLIOGRAPHY AJII) MASTER INDEX ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR TCAM (ACFITCAMJ. LIC PROG 5735-RC3. PROGRAM SUMMARY ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR TCAM (ACFITCAMJ VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS ACFITCAM, LIC PROS 5735-RC3. PROSRAM SUMMARY OSIVSl ACFITCAM V2 R3 BASE PROGRAM PRODUCT. LIC PROS 5735-RC3. LISTINGS OSIVSI ACF ITCAM V2R3 MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING FACILITY FEATURE, LIC PROS 5735-RC3, LISTINGS OSIVS2 ACFITCAM V2 R3 BASE PROSRAM PRODUCT. LIC PROS 5735-RC3 LISTINGS OSIVS2 ACFIVTAM V2 Rl MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING FACILITY, LIC PROS 5735-RC3 LISTINGS OSIVS2 ACFITCAM V2R3 MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING FACILITY FEATURE (6003) 5735-RC3 LISTINGS OSIVSl ACFITCAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 4. 5735-RC3, NETWORKING FEATURE OS/VS2 ACF/TCAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 4. 5735-RC3, NETWORKING FEATURE ADVANCED CoMMUNICATION FUNcTION FOR TCAM LOGIC Ge30-20S0 Ge30-3049 SC30-3117 SC30-3118 SC30-3119 SC30-3120 SC30-3121 SC30-3122 SC30-3123 SC30-3124 Ge30-9S11 Ge30-9S19 LJD2-2172 LJD2-2173 SJD2-617S SJD2-6257 LJD2-7212 LJD2-7214 LY30-3036 LD21-0002 LY30-3037 L021-0003 SB21-2861 Ge30-3057 ( GC30-313l G130-313l SC30-3132 ST30-3132 SC30-3133 ST30-3133 SC30-3134 ST30-3134 SC30-3135 **SC30-3l36 SC30-3137 ST30-3137 SC30-3138 ··SC30-3140 SC30-3l50 SC30-3l52 SC30-3153 SC30-3l62 GC30-9S20 Ge30-9S25 GC30-9526 LJD2-7227 LJD2-7228 ( LJD2-7222 LJD2-7224 LJD2-7236 LJD2-7237 LJD2-7244 LY30-3039 191 tHfLY30-3042 LY30-3052 SC30-3233 tHfSC30-3234 GC30-3235 tHfSC30-3236 SC30-3237 SC30-3238 tHfSC30-3239 SC30-3240 SC30-3241 SC30-3251 6C30-9577 LY30-5560 LY30-5561 SH20-2004 SH20-2005 SH20-2006 GH20-2007 SH20-2142 SH20-2144 SH20-2145 GH20-2156 SH20-2191 GH20-2192 SH20-2198 GH20-4543 GH20-4551 LYBO-2385 LYBO-2449 LY20-2383 GC27-0500 GC27-0501 SC27-0502 GC27-0503 SC27-0510 LJBI-0414 LJBI-0429 SC27-0449 ST27-0449 GC27-0457 GC27-0459 G127-0459 6C27-0460 G127-0460 GC27-0462 SC27-0463 GQ27-0463 GT27-0463 SC27-0464 SC27-0465 SC27-0466 SQ27-0466 S127-0466 SC27-0467 S127-0467 SC27-0584 SC33-6171 ACFITCAM, VERSION 2, LIC PROG 5735-RC3, REFERENCE SlJMI'1ARY ACFITCAM, VERSION 2, LIC PROS 5735-RC3, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ACFITCAM VERSION 3 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING ACFITCAM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ACFITCAM VERSION 3 GENERAL INFORMATION ACFITCAM INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION AND CUSTOHIZATION REFERENCE ACFITCAM INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION CUSTOMIZATION ACFITCAM VERSION 3 MESSAGES ACFITCAM VERSION 3 OPERATIONS ACFITCAM VERSION 3 PLANNING GUIDE ACFITCAM VERSION 3 SERVICE FACILITIES SYSTEM SERVICE PROGRAMS AND UTILITIES ACFITCAM VERSION MIGRATION ACFITCAM VERSION 3 SPECIFICATIONS TCAM DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (HVS) ACF FOR TCAM V3 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM-ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION, LIC PROS 5740-XY3, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDEIREFERENCE TCS/ACF, LIC PROS 5740-XY3, HODEL MESSAGE CONTROL PROSRAM TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM - ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION [TCS-ACF), LIC PROG 5740-XY3, OPERATIONS GUIDE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM - ADVANCED COHIUUCATIONS FUNCTION nCS-ACF), LIC PROG 5740-XY3, CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES TCS-ACF VERSION 2 NETWORKING LOSIC, LIC PROS 5740-XY3 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM - ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION nCS-ACF) VERSION 2, LIC PROS 5740-XY3, NETWORKING OPERATIONS GUIDE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM - ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION (TCS-ACF) VER 2 BASE PROGRAM OPERATIONS GUIDE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION nCS-ACF), NETWORKING, CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES I1AHUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM - ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION (TCS-ACF) NETWORKING LIC PROG 5740-XY3 HODEL MESSAGE CONTROL PROGRAM (MODEL MCP) TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM-ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION (TCS-ACF), LIC PROG 5740-XY3, BASE PROGRAM CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM ADVANCED cot1MUNICATION FUNCTION nCS-ACF) BASE PROGRAM, LIC PROS 5740-XY3 MODEL MESSAGE CONTROL PROGRAM (MODEL MCP) TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM-ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION nCS-ACF)' LIC PROG 5740-XY3, SPECIFICATIONS TCS-ACF BASE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS TCS-ACF - SOURCE LISTINGS TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM - ADVANCED COHMUNICATION FUNCTION (TCS-ACF), LIC PROG 5740-XY3, NETWORKING VERSION 2 SOURCE LISTINGS TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM - ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION (TCS-ACF), LIC PROG 5740-XY3, LOGIC PROGRAM SUt1t1ARY vtVYTAM CNA GI YMIVTAM CNA INSTALLATION OPERATION AND TERMINAL USE vtVYTAM CNA VIRTUAL MACHINEIVTAM COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK APPLICATION LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS VIRTUAL MACHINE/VTAM COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK APPLICATION MESSAGES NETWORK COMMUNICATION CONTROL FACILITY PROSRAM ID 5735-XX6 LPS SC27-0428 COM ID 574S-XX600-644 VTAM, 5735-RC5, 5741-VAI-23, LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS ACFIVTAME, 5746-RC3, PROSRAMMER'S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM, LIC PROS 5746-RC3 RELEASE 2 & 3, PROGRAMMING REFERENCE (SC27-0449-1) ACFIVTAM, 5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, PROGRAM SUMMARY ACFIVTAM AND VTAM, 5747-CFl, (CURRENT RELEASE) SCP FOR ACFIVTAM, 5747-CFl, RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS (GC27-0459-0) ACFIVTAM, 5746-RC3, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM, 5746-RC3, RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS (SC27-0460-0) ACFIVTAM, 5735-RC2. 5746-RC3, INTRODUCTION GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM, 5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, ACFIVTAH, LIC PROS 5746-RC3 (DOSIYS) RELEASE 3, 5736-RC2 (OS/YS), GENERAL INFORMATION: CONCEPTS (SC27-0463-2) ACFIVTAM, 5746-RC3. RELEASE 2 CONCEPTS GENERAL INFORMATION (GC27-0463-0) ACFIYTAM, 5746-RC3, INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM, 5746-RC3, PRE-INSTALLATION PLANNING (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIYTAM, 5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIYTAM, LIC PROS 5746-RC3 (DOSIVS) RELEASE 3, 5735-RC2 (OSIVS), OPERATIONS (SC27-0466-2) ACFIVTAM, 5746-RC3, RELEASE 2 OPERATIONS (SC27-0466-1) ACFIVTAM, 5746-RC3, HESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIYTAM, 5746-RC3, RELEASE 2 HESSAGES AND CODES (SC27-0467-0) ACFIYTAM, 5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, PLANNING AND INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) X.25 VTAM COMMUNICATION ADAPTER SUPPORT (CURRENT RELEASE) 192 ( SC38-0268 SC38-0270 SC38-0272 SC38-0273 LJBI-0402 LJBI-0403 LJBI-0408 LJBI-0409 SJBI-0410 LJBI-0415 SJBI-0453 LJBI-04S4 SX27-0003 LX27-0004 LX27-3019 SX27-3022 LY27-8003 SY27-8007 LY27-8018 SY38-3020 LY38-3022 LT78-3022 LY38-3024 LY38-3026 LT78-3026 SC27-0468 SC27-0469 SC27-0470 SQ27-0470 ( ST27-0470 GC38.-0254 SC38-0256 SC38-0257 SC38-0258 SC38-026 1 GC38-0266 SC38-0269 SC38-0271 SC38-0283 GC38-0284 GC38-0285 GC38-0286 GC38-0289 LJBI-0418 LJBI-0419 LJBI-0421 LJBI-0422 LJBI-0423 SJBI-0424 LJBI-0425 LJBI-0428 LJBI-0432 LJBI-0433 LJBI-0435 LJBI-0436 SJBI-0437 LJBI-0438 (" SJBI-0441 LJBI-0443 LJBI-0444 LJBI-0445 SJBI-0452 LJBI-0455 LJBI-0456 SJD2-2174 LJD2-2223 LJD2-2224 ACFIVTAM. LIC PROS 5746-RC3. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ACFIVTAM. 5746-RC3. DOSIVS INSTALLATION GUIDE ACFIVTAM. 5746-RC3. DOSIVS MESSAGES AND CODES ACFIVTAM. 5746-RC3. DOSIVS NETWORK OPERATING PROCEDURES ACFIVTAM. 5746-RC3. 5745-SC-VTM-G03. ASSEtmLY LISTING ACFIVTAM. 5746-RC3. 5745-SC-VTM-G04. MSNF ASSEtmLY LISTING ADVANCED COl1MUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD MSNF. LIC PROG 5746-RC3 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD. LIC PROG 5746-RC3, MICROFICHE LISTINGS VTAM. 5747-CFl. SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING LISTINGS ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 BASE. LIC PROG 5746-RC3. LPS GC27-0460 PIN &42. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 SCP 15747-CFI LPS GC27-0459 PIN 741. LISTINGS ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 NETWORKING. LIC PROG 5746-RC3 LPS GC38-0284 PIN &43. LISTINGS REFERENCE SUMMARY ACFIVTAM (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/VTAM CONTROL BLOCK OVERVIEW (CURRENT RELEASE) FLIPCHART ACFIVTAM CONTROL BLOCK OVERVIEW REFERENCE SUMMARY ACFIVTAM DOSIVS ACFIVTAM DATA AREAS DEBUGGING GUIDE DOSIVS ACFIVTAM ACFIVTAM LOGIC. PROG PROD 5746-RC3 (DOSIVS) DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES ACF/VTAM (CURRENT RELEASE) DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ACFIVTAM (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM. 5746-RC3. RELEASE 2 VOLUME 1 LOGIC ACFIVTAM. LIC PROG 5746-RC3. LOGIC VOLUME 2: PROGRAM ORGANIZATION AND MODULE DIRECTORY (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/VTAM DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM RELEASE 2 DATA AREAS (DOSIVSE) (LY38-3026-1) ACFIVTAM. 5735-RC2. INSTALLATION ACFIVTAM. S735-RC2. RELEASE 2 PRE-INSTALLATION PLANNING ACFIVTAM. 5735-RC2. 5746-RC3. MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM. LIC PROG S746-RC3 (DOSIVS) RELEASE 3, 573S-RC2 (OSIVS) MESSAGES AND CODES (SC27-0470-2) ACFIVTAM. 5735-RC2. MSNF MESSAGES AND CODES (SC27-0470-0) ACFIVTAM. 5735-RC2. 5746-RC3. GENERAL INFORMATION ACFIVTAM. 573S-RC2. S746-RC3. MACRO LANGUAGE GUIDE ACFIVTAM. S735-RC2. 5746-RC3. PROGRAM OPERATOR'S GUIDE ACFIVTAM. 573S-RC2. PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ACFIVTAM. 5735-RC2. 5746-RC3. MACRO LANGUAGE REFERENCE ACFIVTAM. 5735-RC2. 5746-RC3. SPECIFICATIONS ACFIVTAM. 573S-RC2. OS/VS INSTALLATION GUIDE ACFIVTAM. 5735-RC2, OSIVS MESSAGES AND CODES ACFIVTAM, 5735-RC2. S746-RC3. TOLTEP ACFIVTAM, S73S-RC2. 5746-RC3, MSNF SPECIFICATIONS ACFIVTAM ENCRYPT/DECRYPT FEATURE. PROG PROD S735-RC2. SPECIFICATIONS ACFIVTAM, S735-RC2, S746-RC3. SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING ACFIVTAM ENCRYPTIDECRYPT FEATURE. PROS PROD S73S-RC2. DESIGN OBJECTIVES OSIVSl VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (SNA3) S73S-RC2 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSl VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATION (SHA3) 5735-RC2 LISTINGS OSIVSl VIRTUAL COMMUNICATION (SHA3) 5735-RC2 MICROFICHE LISTINGS ACFIVTAM PP FOR AS! 6.7, 7.0 5735-RC2 LISTINGS ACFIVTAM NETWORKING FOR ASI 6.7 •• 7.0 LISTINGS ACFIVTAM SCP FOR ASI 6.7. 7.0. LISTINGS ACFIVTAM ENCRYPTIDECRYPT FOR AS 1 6.7 7.0 S735-RC2. LISTINGS ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 BASE PP ACFIVTAM FOR SVS. S735-RC2. S742-SCl-23-E02 ACFIVTAM. 5735-RC2. S742-SCl-23-F03. MSNF FOR SVS ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD BASE PP PROGRAM NUMBER S735-RC2. LPS GC27-0460 COMP 10 5735-SC123-H70 ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS (MSNF) PROGRAM NUMBER 5735-RC2. LPS GC27-0461 COMP ID NUMBER 5752-SC123-H71 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD SCP PROGRAM NUMBER 5752-VS2. LPS GC27-0459 COMP ID NUMBER 5742-SC123-869 ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATION ACCESS METHOD (ENCRYPTIDECRYPT) PROGRAM S735-RC2. LPS GC27-0458 COMP ID 5752-SC123-H93 ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 SCP FMID EVT 1302 LISTINGS ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 BASE PROGRAM ID 5735-RC2 LPS GC27-0460 FMID JVT 1312. LISTINGS ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 NETWORKING PROGRAM ID 5735-RC2 LPS GC27-0460 FMID JVT 1322. LISTINGS ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 CRYPTO PROGRAM ID 5735-RC2 LPS GC27-0460 FMID JVT 1332. LISTINGS ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 FOR SCP COMP ID 5735-SC123-EVTI301 ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 CRYPTO COMP ID 5735-SC123-JVTI331 ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 NETWORKING COMP ID 5735-SC123-JVTI321 OSIVSl VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (SHA3) 5735-RC2 MICROFICHE LISTINGS VTAM BASE. 5735-RC2. LISTINGS VTAM MSNF LISTINGS 193 LJD2-2225 SJD2-6173 SX27-0008 S1OO-0655 LX27-0009 LX27-0013 GX27-0042 LX27-3017 LX27-3018 SX27-3021 SX27-3030 GX27-3031 LY27-8002 SY27-S006 LY27-S009 LY27-S010 LY27-S012 LY27-S013 LY27-S014 LY27-S016 LY27-S022 LY27-S024 LY27-S028 LY27-8032 LY38-3021 LY3S-3023 LT7S-3023 LY38-3025 LY3S-3027 LTOO-0953 LQ78-3027 LT78-3027 SY38-3029 LY3S-3030 LT78-3030 LY3S-3032 SC23-0106 **GC27-0608 GC27-0609 GT27-0609 **SC27-0610 S127-0610 **SC27-0611 ST27-0611 **SC27-0612 ST27-0612 **SC27-0613 **SC27-0614 S127-0614 **SC27-0615 **SC27-0621 **SC27-0630 SC30-3270 LJBl-2072 LJBl-2073 LJBl-2091 LJBl-2092 LJBl-2097 LJBl-2098 **SX27-0027 **LY27-S034 LY30-5567 LY30-5568 LY30-5584 **LY3S-3053 **LY3S-3054 LT78-3054 **LY38-3055 VTAH CRYPTO, 5735-RC2, ttSNF LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 840 VTAH HANDBOOK ACFIVTAM (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VTAH, LIC PROG 573S-RC2, 5746-RC3 RELEASE lREFERENCE SUMMARY (SX27-0008-0) ACFIVTAH RELEASE 2 CONTROL BLOCK OVERVIEW CLIPCHARTS ACFIVTAH RELEASE 2 CONTROL BLOCK OVERVIEW ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR VTAM RELEASE 3 LIBRARY SUMMARY ACFIVTAM OSlVSl, LIC PROG 5735-RC2, CONTROL BLOCK OVERVIEW ACFIVTAH CONTROL BLOCK OVERVIEW, LIC PROG 5735-RC2 (HVS) ACFIVTAH REFERENCE SUMMARY ACFIVTAM SNA PROBLEM DETERMINATION LIBRARY REFERENCE SUMMARY ACFIVTAH OSIVS ACFIVTAH DATA AREAS DEBUGGING GUIDE OSIVS ACFIVTAH OSIVSl ACF/VTAM EXECUTION SEQUENCES OSIVS2 HVS ACFIVTAH EXECUTION SEQUENCES ACFIVTAH EXECUTION SEQUENCES, SCP 5735-RC2 (OSIVS2 SVS) LOGIC OSIVS DOSIVS ACFIVTAH TOLTEP INTROOUCTION TO ACFIVTAH LOGIC PROG PROD 5746-RC3 (DOSIVS), 5735-RC2 (OSIVS) LOGIC OSIVS ACFIVTAH LOGIC OSIVS DOSIVS ACFIVTAH HSNF MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING FACILITY LOGIC, PROG PROD 5746-RC3 (DOSIVS), 5735-RC2 (OSIVS) LOGIC ACFIVTAH ENCRYPTIDECRYPT HSNF FEATURE 6010 ACFIVTAH LOGIC: VTIOC AND TCAS PROGRAH PRODUCT ACFIVTAM: SUPPLEMENT FOR THE 3725 Cot~ICATION CONTROLLER 5735-RC2, 5665-280, 5662-280, 5666-280 LOGIC OS ACFIVTAM OVERVIEW (CURRENT RELEASE) LOGIC ACF/VTAH MSNF RELEASE 3 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR BTAH (ACFIVTAH) LOGIC: MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING FACILITY LIC PROS 5746-RC3, 5735-RC2, RELEASE 2, FEATURE 6059 (DOSIVS), 6009 (OSIVS) ( LY38-3023-0) ACFIVTAM MSNF ENCRYPTIDECRYPT FEATURE RELEASE 2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ACFIVTAH MSNF ENCRYPTIDECRYPT FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM. 5735-RC2 RELEASE 3. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (LY38-3027-2) ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VTAM, LIC PROS 5735-RC2. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE RELEASE 3 CLY38-3027-l) LOGIC ACFIVTAM RELEASE 2 BASE SYSTEM VOLUME 1 METHOD OF OPERATION (LY38-3027-0) DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES ACF/VTAM MSNF ENCRYPTIDECRYPT FEATURE ACFIVTAM. LIC PROG 5735-RC2. DATA AREAS ACFIVTAM DATA AREAS RELEASE 2. LIC PROG 5735-RC2. (LY38-3030-1) LOGIC ACFIVTAM BASE SYSTEM VOLUME 2 PROGRAM ORGANIZATION AND MODULE DIRECTORY RELEASE 2 SUPPLEMENT 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER ACFIVTAH VTAH VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 SPECIFICATIONS ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 PLANNING AND INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAH VERSION 2 PLANNING AND INSTALLATION REFERENCE (SC27-0610-03) ACFIVTAH VERSION 2.PROSRAMMING (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 PROGRAMMING (SC27-0611-02) ACFIVTAM VERSION. 2 RELEASES 1 AND 2 OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAH VERSION 2 RELEASES 1 AND 2 OPERATIONS (SC27-0612-03) VTAM CUSTOMIZATION VERSION 2 HVS VSE OSIVSI ACF/VTAH VERSION 2 RELEASES 1 AND 2 MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAH VERSION 2 RELEASES 1 AND 2 MESSAGES AND CODES (SC27-0614-03) ACF/VTAM VERSION 2 RELEASES 1 AND 2 OSIVSI HVS DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 HVS DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ACFIVTAH VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ACFIVTAH VERSION 2 LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT FOR X.21 SWITCHED NETWORK SUPPORT ACFIVTAH VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 SPECIFICATIONS GC27-0609 ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 CRYPTO SPECIFICATIONS GC27-0609 ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 SC27-0609 FMID HVT 2102 SPECIFICATIONS LISTINGS ACF/VTAH VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 CRYPTO SPECIFICATIONS SC27-0609 FMID JVT 2112 LISTINGS ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 2. 5665-280 ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 2. 5665-280, ENCRYPTIDECRYPT ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR VTAH LOGIC (HVS ONLY) ACFIVTAM VERSION 2. 5666-280. DIAGNOSIS LIBRARY FOR X.21 SWITCHED NETWORK SUPPORT ACFIVTAH VERSION 2. 5666-2S0. LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT FOR X.25 PACKET-SWITCH EO DATA NETWORK SUPPORT ACF FOR VTAH DATA AREAS (HVS) ADVANCED COMtruNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR VTAM VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE. 5665-280, LOGIC ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR VTAH DATA AREAS, 5665-2S0(HVS). 5662-280(OSIVS1), VERSION 2. LOGICDATA AREAS ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 (LY38-3054-1) ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VTAM, 5662-280, 5665-2S0, LOGIC ENCRYPTIDECRYPT 194 FEA~E ( LY38-3058 LY38-3059 GB11-5753 SBll-5754 GB21-3052 SB21-3053 SH20-2104 G320-6069 LY38-3033 G320-0120 GC23-0109 SC23-0111 SC23-0112 SC23-0113 SC23-0114 SC23-0115 SC23-0116 SC23-0135 **SC30-3275 GC30-9591 5021-0010 **LYC7-3026 LY30-5580 LY30-5581 LY30-5582 Ge27-04'36 GC27-0437 GC27-0438 &TOO-0669 SC27-0439 ST27-0439 GC27-0440 SC27-0441 SC27-0442 SC27-0443 ST27-0443 SC27-0444 GC27-0451 WB1-0458 SJBI-0459 SX27-3032 SY38-3012 ST78-3012 LY38-3013 LY38-3014 LY38-3016 SB21-2876 Ge30-3081 SC30-3165 SnO-3165 HSC30-3166 GnO-3166 GC30-9555 LJD5-0531 SC27-0593 GC27-0594 GC27-0595 SC27-0596 SC27-0598 WBl-2095 SX27-3542 GB21-2805 SB21-2806 **G320-0658 LJBl-2051 LJBl-2090 GBll-5581 SB11-5582 LBU-5583 GBU-5607 SBl1-5608 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR VTAM VERSION 2 VSE DIA6NOSIS REFERENCE ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR VTAM VERSION DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) VTAM NODE CONTROL APPLICATION NOTICE VTAM NODE CONTROL APPLICATION DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS INTERNATIONAL FIELD PROGRAM VTAM NODE CONTROL APPLICATION NOTICE VTAM NODE CONTROL APPLICATION DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ACFIVTAM & NOSP DEFINITION AID. 5796-PKY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ACF DEFINITION AID. IUP 5796-PKY. NOTICE LOGIC VMlVTAM VMlVCNA NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER: VM/SP VCNA DITGEN PARAMETERS EFFECT ON SYSTEM RESOURCES ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 INSTALLATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 CUSTOMlZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/VTAM VERSION 3 MESSAGES AND CODES FOR MYSIXA HVS/370 VSE/AF AND VHlSP RELEASE 1.1 (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 PROGRAMMING (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 REFERENCE SW~ARY (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 RELEASE l'MODIFICATION LEVEL 1 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VTAM. 5666-313 (VSE). VERSION 3 LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT FOR X.21 SHORT HOLD HODEIMULTIPLE PORT SHARING ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 FOR VM/SP (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 DATA AREAS (VM) (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA AREAS ACF/VTAM V3 ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAME. 5746-RC7. PROGRAM SUMMARY ACFIVTAME. 5746-RC7. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/VTAME. 5746-RC7, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COtlttUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VTAME ENTRY (ACFIVTAME), LIC PROG 5746-RC7, RELEASE 2 GENERAL INFORMATION: INTRODUCTION (GC27-0438-1) ACFIVTAME, 5746-RC7, INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAME, 5746-RC7. RELEASE 1 INSTALLATION (SC27-0439-0) SCP FOR ACF FOR VTAME. 5746-RC3. -RC4, (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAME. 5746-RC7. PRE-INSTALLATION PLANNING (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAME, 5746-RC7, PROGRAMMING (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAME. 5746-RC7, OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAME. 5746-RC7, RELEASE 1 OPERATION (SC27-0443-0) ACF/VTAME. 5746-RC7. MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAME, 5746-RC7. CONCEPTS GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAME. 5746-RC7. 5746-SCVTM-G11 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD PROGRAM 10 5747-CG2. LPS GC27-0437 COMP 10 5747-SCVTM-730, LISTINGS REFERENCE SUMMARY ACF/VTAME (CURRENT RELEASE) DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES ACFIVTAME (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAME. 5746-RC7, RELEASE 1 DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES (SY38-3012-0) LOGIC ACFIVTAME OVERVIEW (CURRENT RELEASE) LOGIC ACFIVTAME (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/VTAME DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK INTERFACE MODULE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER GENERAL INFORMATION NLDM INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) NLDM, 5668-971, INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS (SC30-3165-0) NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER, 5668-971, DIAGNOSIS (GC30-3166-0) NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER RELEASE 3 MYS MYSIXA VSE SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK LOG DATA MANAGER LISTINGS NETWORK R()UTING FACILITY PlANNING NETWORK R()UTING FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION CUSTOHIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK R()UTING FACILITY DIAGNOSIS NETWORK R()UTING FACILITY GC27-0595 COHP 10 96301-HTR1100 TRACE RECORD TEMPLATE. 5668-983 R()UTING TABLE GENERATOR NOTICE RoUTING TABLE GENERATOR DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ROUTING TABLE GENERATOR (RTG). 5668-815. SOFTWARE UPDATE TERMINAL ACCESS FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS GC27-0428 COMP 10 5745-XX600-F24 LISTINGS TERMINAL ACCESS FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS GC27-0428 COMP 5741-XX600-JCS1512 VIDEOTEX TERMINAL FACILITY NOTICE VIDEOTEX TERMINAL FACILITY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VIDEOTEX TERMINAL FACILITY SYSTEMS GUIDE VIDEOTEX TERMINAL MANAGER NOTICE VIDEOTEX TERMINAL MANAGER DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 195 LBU-5609 SC34-4058 SC34-4059 SX36-0001 SC38-2002 SC38-2003 SHI9-6236 LY19-6218 GC33-6172 SC30-3078 se30-3079 ST30-3079 SC30-3163 SC30-3164 Ge30-3189 se30-3200 se30-3201 se30-3202 GC30-9S44 Ge30-9545 Ge30-9569 LJDS-OS01 LY30-3053 LY30-3054 LY30-3073 SC19-S111 LYl9-6131 LJDS-OS03 LJD2-4179 Ge34-2040 SC34-2041 Ge34-20SS SC34-2056 LJAO-0313 LJAO-031/'t LY2S-0007 LJBI-0960 VIDEOTEX TERMINAL KANAGER SYSTEMS GUIDE VIDEOTEXl370, 5798-DTW, INFORMATION PROVIDER'S GUIDE VIDEOTEXlI70. S798-DTW, INSTALLATION AND ADHIHISTRATIOH GUIDE VIDEOTEXl370. S798-DTW, USER REFERENCE VIDEOTEXlI70 VERSION 2 INSTALLATION & ADMINISTRATION GUIDE VIDEOTEXl370 VERSION 2 INFORMATION PROVIDER'S GUIDE X.21 ACFIHCP SHORT HOLD HODE OF OPERATION PRPQ Y96828 DESCRIPTIOHIOPERATION X.21 ACFIHCP/vs SHORT HOLD HODE OF OPERATION, S799-BEK PRpq Y96828, LOGIC X.2S VTAH COHHUHICATION ADAPTER SUPPORT PROGRAH SUMHARY (CURRENT RELEASE) X.2S HCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION X.2S NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE HANDBOOK (CURRENT RELEASE) X.25 NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE, LIC PROG 5668-981, RELEASE 1, HANDBOOK (SC30-3079-lJ X.2S HCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE FOR THE 3705 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION X.2S NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE X.2S HCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE GENERAL INFORMATION X.2S NCP PACKET SWITCHIH6 INTERFACE FOR THE 3725 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE X.2S NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE FOR THE 3725 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION X.2S HCP PACKET SNITCHING INTERFACE FOR THE 3725 REFERENCE SUMMARY X.2S NCP PACKET SNITCHING INTERFACE PROGRAH SUMMARY X.2S NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS X.2S HCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE RELEASE 4, 4.1, 4.2 AND /'t.3 SPECIFICATIONS X.2S NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE RELEASE 3 X.2S HCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE PROGRAH LOGIC MANUAL X.2S NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE, LIC PROG 5668-981, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE X.2S NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE FOR THE 3725 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE X2S PACKET SWITCHING ATTACHMENT WORKING WITHIN ACFINCPIVS, LIC PROG 5799-BAK, PROGRAHHINS RPq ZA4239, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS X2S PACKET SWITCHING ATTACHMENT WORKING WITHIN ACFINCPIVS, LIC PROS S799-BAK PRpq ZA4239, XD2060, LOGIC X.2S PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE, 5668-981. RELEASE 1.1 X.2S NPSI RELEASE 4.1 FOR MYS 3600 TARA SPECIFICATIONS 3600 TARA FEATURE INSTALLATION AND CUSTOHIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) 3600/4700 THRESHOLD ANALYSIS AND REMOTE ACCESS FEATURE GENERAL INFORMATION (FOR HVS AND VSE) 3600 TARA FEATURE USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3600 TARA FEATURE MYSIVS1, S73S-XX8, LISTINGS NPDA TARA FEATURE VSEITARA RELEASE 1 LISTINGS 3600 TARA FEATURE, S73S-XX8, LOGIC DOSIVS 8100IDPCX HOST PREP, LIC PROS 1731-XR3 196 _customer InfoMlation Control Svst_ (CICS. CICS/vS) GC33-0410 GH20-4627 6H20-4628 6H20-1028 SH20-1043 SH20-1047 SH20-1044 SH20-1034 LnO-0712 LnO-0713 GC33-0497 GC33-0498 LYA4-3207 LY33-6032 SC33-0069 STOO-0688 SQ33-0069 ST33-0069 "SC33-0071 ( S1OO-0949 SQ33-0071 ST33-0071 SC33-0075 SQ33-0075 S133-0075 HGC33-0087 GT33-0087 GH20-4564 GH20-4634 LYA4-300Z LYA4-3006 LYA4-3014 LYA4-3015 LY33-6029 SY33-6030 GTOO-0591 ST33-0067 SC33-0068 SQ33-0068 ST33-0068 SC33-0072 S133-0072 SC33-0073 SQ33-0073 ST33-0073 SC33-0074 SQ33-0074 ST33-0074 SC33-0077 STOO-0691 SQ33-0077 l/ ST33-0077 ••SC33-0079 CICSICHS, 5668-795, RELEASE 1 SPECIFICATIONS CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIDOS-ENTRY (CICSIDOS-ENTRYl, PROG PROD 5736-XX6, FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEtVDOS-STANDARD (CICS/ DOS-STANDARD), PROG PROD 5736-)0(7. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS). DOS-ENTRY (CICS-DOSE) DOS-STANDARD (CICSIDOSS) OS-STANDARD V2 (CICS/OS), LIC PROG 5734-)0(7, 5736-)0(6, -)0(7. GENERAL INFORMATION CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) DOS-ENTRY, DOS-STANDARD, OS-STANDARD VZ, LIC PROG 5736-)0(6. -)0(7, 5734-XX7. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) DOS-ENTRY. DOS-STANDARD OS-STANDARD V2. LIC PROG 5736-)0(6. -)0(7. 5734-)0(7. APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS)' DOS-ENTRY. DOS-STANDARD. OS-STANDARD V2. LIC PROG 5736-)0(6. -)0(7. 5734-)0(7. TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) DOS-ENTRY. DOS-STANDARD. LIC PROG 5736-)0(6. 5736-)0(7 OPERATIONS GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (DOS-ENTRYl. LIC PROG 5736-)0(6. LOGIC CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) (DOS-STANDARD). LIC PROG 5736-)0(7, LOGIC CICSIDOS/vS VERSION 1 RELEASE 5 SPECIFICATIONS CICSIDOSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 SPECIFICATIONS CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEtVDISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE. CICSIDOSIVS. 5746-)0(3. VERSION 1 RELEASE 5.0 CICS/vS. LIC PROG 5746-)0(3. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS. 5746-)0(3. 5740-)0(1. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS. RELEASE 1.5. LIC PROG 5740-)0(1. 5746-)0(3 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (SC33-0069-3) CICS/vS. RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5746-)0(3. 5740-)0(1. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (SC33-0069-Z) CICS/vS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3, LIC PROG 5746-)0(3. 5740-)0(1 REFERENCE (SC33-0069-1) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS). 5740-)0(1. VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. 5740-)0(1 RELEASE 1.5. PROGRAt~ER'S GUIDE (SC33-0071-Z) CICS/vS. RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5740-)0(1. OSIVS SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SC33-0071-1) CICS/vS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3 SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SC33-0071-0) CICSIVS. 5746-)0(3. 5740-)0(1. 3790/3730/8100 GUIDE. (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS. RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5740-)0(1. 5746-)0(3 3790 GUIDE (SC33-0075-2) CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-)0(3. 5740-)0(1 3790 GUIDE (SC33-0075-Z) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OS/vS), 5740-)0(1. VERSION 2 RELEASE 7 SPECIFICATIONS SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OS/vS), 5740-)0(1. VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 SPECIFICATIONS CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3, LIC PROG 5740-)0(1 SPECIFICATIONS (GC33-0087-0) CICSIVS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/OSIVS. LIC PROG 5740-)0(1. VERSION. RELEASE 5 DESIGN OBJECTIVES CICS/vS. LIC PROG 5740-)0(1. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS, LIC PROG 5740-)0(1. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) •.CICS/OSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 MODIFICATION 1 (MVS/370 FEATURE) LISTINGS CICS/Os/vS VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 MODIFICATION 1 (MVSIXA FEATURE) LISTINGS CICS/vS. LIC PROG 5740-)0(1. LOGIC CICS/VS. LIC PROG 5740-)0(1. 5746-)0(3. PROBLEM DETERMINATION CICSIVS RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5740-)0(1. 5746-)0(3. GENERAL INFORMATION (GX33-0066-4) CICSIVS VI REL 3. LIC PROG 5740-)0(1. 5746-)0(3. L()6IC (SC33-0067-00 CICSIVS, 5740-)0(1, 5746-)0(3, SYSTEM/APPLICATION DESIGN (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS. RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5746-)0(3. 5740-)0(1, SYSTEM/APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE (SC33-0068-1) CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-)0(3, 5740-)0(1 SYSTEM & APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE (SC33-0068-0) CICSIVS 4700/3600/3630 GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3, LIC PROG 5746-)0(3, 5740-)0(1 3600/3630 GUIDE (SC33-007Z-0) CICSIVS, 5740-)0(1, 5746-)0(3, 3650/3680 GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS, RELEASE 1.4.1, LIC PROG 5740-)0(1, 5746-)0(3 3650 GUIDE (SC33-0073-1) CICS/vS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3, LIC PROG 5746-)0(3. 5740-)0(1 3650 GUIDE (SC33-0073-0) CICSIVS. 5740-)0(1, 5746-)0(3. 3767/3770/6670 GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS. RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5740-)0(1. 5746-)0(3 3767/3770 GUIDE (SC33-0074-1) CICS/vS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-)0(3. 5740-)0(1 3667/3770 GUIDE (SC33-0074-0) CICS/vS. 5740-)0(1, 5746-)0(3. COMMAND LEVEL APPLICATION PR()6RAMMER' S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS. RELEASE 1.5. LIC PROG 5740-)0(1, 5746-)0(3 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (COMMAND LEVEL) (SC33-0077-Z) CICS/vS. RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5740-)0(1, 5746-)0(3 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (COMMAND LEVEL) (SC33-0077-1) CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3, LIC PROG 5746-)0(3, 5740-)0(1 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (SC33-0077-0) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICSIVS). 5740-)0(1, 5746-Xx3 • VERSION 1 RELEASE 7. APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL U'IACRO LEVEl) (CURRENT 197 SQ33-0079 ST33-0079 SC33-0080 SQ33-0080 ST33-0080 SC33-0081 SQ33-0081 ST33-0081 SC33-0095 SQ33-0095 SC33-0096 LC33-0105 GC33-0130 **GC33-0132 SC33-0134 SC33-0139 GH19-6044 GH20-4548 GH20-5064 ST40-9005 SX33-6010 STOO-0601 SX33-6011 STOO-0587 GX33-6012 GTOO-0585 LYA4-3004 LYA4-3008 LY33-6034 **LY33-6035 LT73-6035 LYA4-3001 LYA4-3005 LQA4-3005 LYA4-3007 LYA4-3012 LYA4-3202 SC33-0070 STOO-0840 STOO-0690 SQ33-0070 ST33-0070 SC33-0082 GC33-0084 SC33-0085 ST33-0085 SC33-0086 ST33-0086 SC33-0089 ST33-0089 LYA4-3003 LYA4-3200 LYA4-3201 LY33-6028 LY33-6033 LT73-6033 GH20-4629 SC33-0131 SC33-0133 RELEASE) CICSIVS. RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROS 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3 APPLICATION PROGRAt1tIER'S REFERENCE (MACRO LEVEL) (SC33-0079-1) CICS/vS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. 5740-XXI APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (MACRO LEVEL) (SC33-0077-0) CICSIVS OPERATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS. RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3 OPERATOR'S GUIDE (SC33-00aO-I) CICS/vS/VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. 5740-XX1 OPERATOR'S GUIDE (SC33-00aO-0) CICS/vS MESSAGES AND COOES (CURRENT RELEASE) ctCS/VS. RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3 MESSAGES & CODES (SC33-0081-1) CICS/vS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROS 5746-XX3. 5740-XX1 MESSAGE'S & CODES (SC33-00a1-0) CICS/vS. 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3. MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS) MASTER ItI)EX VERSION 1 RELEASE 4 MOD 1. LIC PROG 5740-XX1. 5746-XX3 SC33-0095-1 CICSIVS 3270/8775 GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIDOS/vS VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 RELEASE GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/OS/VS VERSION I RELEASE 7 (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 MODIFICATION 1 PERFORMANCE GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/OS/vS VERSION I RELEASE 6 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING PRIMER TERMINAL BUSINESS SYSTEMIVS TO CICS/vS CONVERSION GUIDE CICSIDOS/vS SPECIFICATIONS CICS/vS. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. DESIGN OBJECTIVES CICSIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3. TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE (SH20-9005-1) CICS/vS. 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3. PROGRAM DEBUGGING REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROS 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3 DEBUGGING REFERENCE sut1MARY (SX33-6010-:n CICS/vS. LIC PROS 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3. MASTER TERMINAL OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SlR1MARY (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROS 5740-XXl. 5746-XX3. MASTER TERMINAL OPERATOR REFERENCE Sut1t1ARY (SX33-6011-2) CICS/vS. 5740-XXl. 5746-XX3. APPLICATION PROGRAt1tIER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY (COt1ttAN) LEVEL) (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROS 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY (COMMAND LEVEL) (SX33-6012-2) CICS/vS. LIC PROS 5740-XXI. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/OS/vS LISTINGS CICs/vS. LIC PROG 5740-XXl. LOGIC CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE. 5740-XXl. (CICS/OS/VS) VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 DATA AREAS LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROS 5740-XX1. DATA AREAS (LY33-6035-0) CICS/vS. LIC PROS 5746-XX3. LISTIt~S (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. LISTINGS (LYA4-3005-1) CICS/vS. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIDISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE. 5746-XX3. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIDOSIVS CICSIDOSIVS. 5746-XX3. VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS. LIC PROG 5746-XX3 RELEASE 1.5. Dos/vS SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SC33-0070-4) CICSIVS. RELEASE 1.5. LIC PROG 5746-XX3 DOSIVS SYSTEM PROGRAt1tIER'S REFERENCE (SC33-0070-3) CICSIVS. RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. DOSIVS SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (SC33-0070-2) CICS/vS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SC33-0070-0) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS). LIC PROG 5746-XX3. SUBSET USER'S GUIDE CICSIVS. 5746-XX3. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIDOS/vS APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE RPG II (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS RELEASE 1.4.1 LIC PROS 5746-XX3. APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (RPS II) (GC33-6085-0) CICS/vS. LIC PROS 5746-XX3. ENTRY LEVEL SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. ENTRY LEVEL SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE (SC33-0086-0) CICSIVS PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROS 5746-XX3. 5740-XXI PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE (SC33-0089-0) CICSIVS. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS DOSIVS CICSIDOSIVS. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. LISTINGS CICS/vS. LIC PROS 5746-XX3. LOGIC CICSIVS. 5146-XX3. DOSIVS DATA AREAS LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. DATA AREAS (LY33-6033-0) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OS - STANDARD V2 (CICS/OS - STANDARD V2). PROG PROD 5734-XX1. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION CICSIV5 CUSTOHIZATIoN GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS INTERCOMMUNICATION FACILITIES GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) 198 (\ ! ) "'-... . I "<.. • • / (" SC33-0135 SC33-0149 6C33-0155 GC33-0171 SC33-0172 SC33-0173 LC33-0174 6C33-0178 **SC33-0186 **SC33-0202 SC33-0203 SC33-0212 HSC33-0226 SC33-0227 SC33-0229 HSC33-0230 **SC33-0231 HSC33-0232 **SC33-0233 **SC33-0234 **SC33-0235 **SC33-0236 **SC33-0237 **SC33-0239 ( **SC33-0240 HSC33-0241 **SC33-0242 **LC33-0243 6C33-0500 **GH20-6836 SH20-6837 SH20-6838 SH20-6839 GH20-6853 **SX33-6047 **SX33-6048 **6320-9328 LYA4-3009 LYA4-3010 **6320-0585 **6320-0591 6821-2521 S821-2524 SB21-2546 6320-0570 SH20-1359 6320-8089 H6C33-0284 SC33-0285 SC33-0409 (;813-7693 SX33-6051 1HfG320-0892 CICSIVS RECOVERY AND RESTART GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 RESOURCE DEFINITION (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/OSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 MODIFICATION 1 RELEASE 6UIDE CICS/OSIVS INSTALLATION AtID OPERATIONS GUIDE CICS/OSIVS MESSAGES AND CODES CICS/OSIVS DATA AREAS CICS/OS/VS VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 MODIFICATION I, 5740->0<1, PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OS/VS), 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 RESOURCE DEFINITION (ONLINE) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740-)0(1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 FACILITIES AND PLANNIN6 GUIDE CICS/OSIVS, 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 VS COBOL II FOR CICS USERS CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS) VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 PERFORMANCE DATA (CURRENT RELEASE) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 MESSAGES AND CODES CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE, 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 MASTER INDEX CICS/OSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 PERFORMANCE GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL ,SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 INTER"COMMUNICATION FACILITIES GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICSIOSIVS), 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 RECOVERY AND RESTART GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 3270 DATA STREAM DEVICE GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 4700/3600/3630 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 3650/3680 GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 3767/3770/6670 GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATItIG SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORA6E (CICS/OSIVS), 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 3790/3730/8100 GUIDE CUSTOMER/INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEM/ VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 RESOURCE DEFINITION (MACRO) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 CUSTOMIZATION 6UIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEM/ VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 CICS-SUPPLIED TRANSACTIONS CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL (COMMAND LEVEL) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIOPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE CICS/OSIVS 1.6.1 VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 MODIFICATION 1 SPECIFICATIONS CICSIVS PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEM GENERAL INFORMATION CICS/OSIVS CICSPARSIMVS USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE CICSIVS PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEMlMVS INSTALLATION AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE CICSIVSPERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION CICS/VS PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIOPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS) VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY (COMMAND LEVEL) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIOPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740->0<1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 PROGRAM DEBUGGING REFERENCE SUMMARY CICS/OSIVS. 5665-355, 5740->0<1, PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEM (CICSPARSIMVS) CICS/OSIVS, LIC PROG 5740->0<1 (MYS FEATURE), LISTINGS CICS/OSIVS, LIC PROG 5740->0<1 (VSl FEATURE), LISTINGS NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER: CICS/OSIVS IMS/VS (DlI!) INSTALLATION VERIFICATION NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER: DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CUSTOf1ER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM VIRTUAL STORAGE (DMS/CICSIVS) STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT GUIDE: APPLICATION DESI6N ANMP, 5798-DAQ, OSIVS/CICS, 5798-DAT, DOSIVS/CICS, NOTICE ANMP, 5798-DAT, DOSIVS/CICS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ANMP, 5798-DAQ, OSIVS/CICS, 5798-DAT, DOSIVS/CICS NSC: CBIPO EXPERIENCE WITH CICS AND SMP/E S/370 CICS/COBOL CALL INTERFACE NATIONAL 8ANK OF DETROIT, IUP 5796-AEG, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CICS/COBOL CALL INTERFACE FOR CICSIOSS CICSIDOSS & CICSIDOSE: NATIONAL BANK OF DETROIT, IUP 5796-AE6 NOTICE CICS/eMS GENERAL INFORMATION CICS/eMS, 5668-795, RELEASE I, USER'S GUIDE CICS/CMS, 5668-795, RELEASE I, MESSAGES AND CODES CICS/VS CONVERSION UTILITY, 5798-DPL, NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING CICS/CMS. 5668-795, RELEASE 1 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY CICS/CMS RELEASE 1 PRODUCT OVERVIEW PRESENTATION GUIDE 199 SH20-0389 6320-0442 6320-0569 SHI2-5338 5821-0801 6811-5452 5811-5453 6H20-1702 SH20-1704 6H20-4528 GH20-5000 LY20-2193 6H20-1514 SH20-1296 6H20-1502 6H20-4623 LY20-2045 &821-2963 S821-2964 SH20-0041 LY20-9084 6320-9168 &811-5070 S811-5071 L811-5072 S821-2526 6821-2527 SH20-1358 G320-8088 6821-2494 S821-2495 **6320-0587 6821-2121 5821-2992 S821-1697 STOO-0590 6821-1862 S821-1508 6811-5615 S811-5616 GH19-6075 SHI9-6077 SH19-6078 SH19-6085 6H19-6087 GH19-6090 SH19-6093 SHI9-6094 SH19-6095 6H19-6100 SH19-6102 6H20.,.4649 LJD3-6001 LJD3-6002 CICSIVS CONVERSION UTILITY PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CICSIYS CONY UTIL PROG SOFTWARE NSC: CICSlYS CONVERSION UTILITY COPICS ONLINE ROUTING SYSTEM/360/370 CPU CONSOLE AS CICS MASTER TERMINAL: FDP 5798-ANK DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS CICSIYS DATA ENTRY FACILITY, IFP 5785-WAE, NOTICE CICSIYS DATA ENTRY FACILITY, IFP 5785-WAE, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS EXTENDED TELECOMMUNICATIONS MODULES (EXTM) VERSION 2, FEATURE OF CICS/DOSIVS, LIC PROS 5746-XXB, 6ENERAL INFORMATION EXTENDED TELECOMMUNICATIONS MODULES VERSION 2, FEATURE OF CICS/DOSIVS, LIC PROS 5746-XXB, REFERENCE EXTENDED TELECot1tUIICATIONS MODULE (EXTH)' LIC PROG 5746-XXB SPECIFICATIONS EXTENDED TELECOMMUNICATIONS MODULES. LIC PROG 5746-XXB, SPECIFICATIONS EXTENDED TELECOMMUNICATIONS MODULES FEATURE OF CICS/DOSIVS PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER: 5746 XXB FASTER TO CICSIYS MIGRATION TECHNIQUES GUIDE FASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY PROGRAM, LIC PROG 5740-XXI (CICS/OSlVS), 5746-XX3 (CICS/DOSIVS), REFERENCE/OPERATIONS FASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY FOR THE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICSIVS), LIC PROS 5740-XXl, 5746-XX3. GENERAL INFORMATION CICSIVS, LIC PROG 5740-XXI. 5740-XX3, FASTER LANGUA6E FACILITY, FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIYS, LIC PROG 5740-XXl, 5746-XX3. FASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIYS FORMATTED DUMP ONLINE II NOTICE CICSIYS FORMATTED DUMP ONLINE II DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS 6ENERALIZED CICSIYS APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT ARCHITECTURE VERSION 2.0 APPLICATIONS PROGRAMMERS REFERENCE GUIDE GENERALIZED CICSIVS APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT ARCHITECTURE VERSION, 5796-PWJ, 2.0 SYSTEMS GUIDE GENERALIZED CICSIVS APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT ARCHITECTURE VERSION 2.0 RELEASE NOTICE IBM SYSTEH/370 DOSIYS CICS-INS ONLINE INTERFACE, INTERACTIVE AND QUEUED EXTENDED 3270 SCREEN SUPPORT, INTERNATIONAL FIELD PROGRAM 5785-DAW. NOTICE SYSTEH/370 CICS-IMS ONLINE INTERFACE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND OPERATIONS. INTERNATIONAL FIELD PROGRAM 5785-DAW IBM SYSTEH/370 CICS-IMS ONLINE INTERFACE SYSTEMS GUIDE. INTERNATIONAL FIELD PROGRAM 5785-DAW NETWORK ERROR MANAGEMENT FACILITY. FDP 5798-DAW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS NETWORK ERROR MANAGEMENT FACILITY, FDP 5798-DAW, NOTICE S/370 CICS ON LINE TEST/DEBUG CON EDISON. IUP 5796-AEF. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CICS ON-LINE TEST/DE8UG FOR CICS/OSS. CICS/DOSS & CICS/DOSE: CON EDISON. IUP 5796-AEF NOTICE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEM (CICSPARS). FDP 5798-DAB, NOTICE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEM (CICSPARS), FDP 5798-DA8. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER CICSIYS INTELLIGENT WORKSTATIONS PLANNING AND REQUIREMENTS CICSIYS MYS PEER ADDRESS SPACES - FDP 5798-CQE, NOTICE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS/CAPACITY PLANNING FOR CICS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CICS PERFORMANCE ANALYZER. 5798-CFP DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIYS PERFORMANCE ANALYZER 11 FDP 5798-CFP VERSION 1.3 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (S821-1697-2) CICSIYS PERFORMANCE ANALYZER II - FDP 5798-CFP. NOTICE CICS PLOT. FDP 5798-CCG, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PRINT-SPOOLING SYSTEM FOR CICSIVS NOTICE PRINT-SPOOLING SYSTEM FOR CICS/VS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY, LIC PROG 5740-XYF. 5746-XXT SPECIFICATIONS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/cUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM, 5740-XYF. 5746-XXT, 5664-178. PROGRAM REFERENCE 8177 (YSE), 8067 (CHS), PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM, LIC PROS 5740-XYF, OPERATIONS GUIDE SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM. 5740-XXT, 5664-178 (CURRENT RELEASE) SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL 5746-XXT, 5740-XYF, 5664-178 (CURRENT RELEASE) SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM OSIVS OPERATIONS GUIDE SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATIONS GUIDE SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL (SDF/CICS), 5664-178. SYSTEM OPERATIONS GUIDE SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS SHALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIYSE SPECIFICATIONS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (SDF/CICS). 5740-XYF, 5746-XXT, 5664-178. PRIMER (CURRENT RELEASE) SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (SDF/CICS) SDF/CICS VSE MICROFICHE SDF/CICS LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) 200 LJD3-6017 5)(11-6015 LY19-6060 SY19-6063 6H19-6096 SH19-6097 SH19-6098 SH19-6099 GB21-1373 6B21-1696 SB21-1700 SB21-2455 6X20-2006 SH20-1877 6320-5710 **G320-0578 **6320-0579 GB21-2778 6Bl1-6303 GB13-7616 SH20-6306 6320-0369 SH18-0083 LY18-1160 6C19-S042 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOHER INFORKATION CONTROL SYSTEM (sDFlCICS), 5664-178, Ct1S LISTINGS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) SDF/CICS, 5740-XYF, 5746-XXT, 5664-178, PROGRAM LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (SDF/CICS), 5740-XYF, 5746-XXT, 5664-178 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) SDF/CICS SSXlVSE GENERAL INFORMATION SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVIRTUAL STORA6E EXTENDED OPERATIONS GUIDE SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS SKALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED PROGRAM REFERENCE SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS SKALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED MESSAGES AND COOES CICS SOURCE PROGRAM KAINTENANCE ON-LINE, FDP 5798-BDT, NOTICE CICS SOURCE PROGRAM MAINTENANCE ONLINE II CICS SOURCE PROGRAM MAINTENANCE ON-LINE II - FDP 5798-CFT, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CICS SOURCE PROGRAM MAINTENANCE ONLINE II (SPH II) FDP 5798-CFT, AUDIT AND ARCHIVE FEATURE, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CICS SOURCE PROGRAM KAINTENANCE ONLINE II QUICK GUIDE FOR USERS CICSIVS ONLINE TESTIDEBUG II, IUP 5796-AHJ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TESTING AND DEBUGGING ONLINE WITH CICSIVS. IUP 5796-AHJ, NOTICE NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER CICSIVS TRANSACTION ROUTING NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER CICSIVS ADVAt-ICED PROGRAM TO PROGRAM COMMUNICATION (APPC) SUPPORT VSE SYSTEM INSTALLATION PRODUCTIVITY OPTIONS/EXTENDED CICSIVS INSTALLATION AID NOTICE CICSIVS 3101-3270 COMPATIBILITY NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING CICSIYS 3270-PC FILE TRANSFER NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING CICSIVS 3270-PC FTP DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS RELEASE NOTICE CICSIVS 3270-PC FTP CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICSIVS)' 5740-)0(1, 5746-XX3, VERSION 1 RELEASE 6: 5550 SUPPORT FEATURE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CUSTOMER INFORKATION CONTROL SYSTEMlVS, 5740-XXI, 5746-XX3, VERSION 1 RELEASE 6: 5550 SUPPORT FEATURE SYSTEMS AND LOGIC IBM 5930 SUPPORT UNDER CICSIDOSIVS (CUSTOMER INFORKATION CONTROL SYSTEM DOSIYS) PRPQ DESCRIPTION/ OPERATIONS, PRpq Y96303, PROG 5799-AJP ( 201 6320-0143 G320-5697 6821-2549 SC33-6211 SH12-5411 SQ32-5411 ST32-5411 SH12-5412 SH12-5413 SH12-5414 SQ32-5414 ST32-5414 SH20-1246 GQ40-1246 GT40-1246 SH20-4642 SH20-9046 ST40-9046 SH24-5001 STOO-1506 SQ44-5001 STOO-0707 ST44-5001 SH24-5002 SQ44-5002 ST44-5002 SH24-5007 GH24-500S SH24-5009 SQ44-5009 ST44-5009 SH24-5010 SH24-5011 SH24-5021 ST44-5021 SH24-5022 ST44-S022 GH24-S025 SH24-S029 SH24-5030 GH24-5031 SX24-S103 STOO-1127 SX24-S104 SX24-5120 STOO-1130 STOO-0721 LYB4-6101 LYB4-6103 LYB4-6105 LY12-S016 LTOO-l146 LY24-521S LT64-S215 GH12-S11S SH12-5417 SH12-S41S SH12-5420 GH12-6011 NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER SELECTING DVI DOSIYS OR SQLIYS DVI BATCH MONITOR FOR DOSIVS. IUP 5796-AKY. NOTICE ISAtt - CICSIVS DVI BRIDGE. FDP 579S-DBH. NOTICE DVI DOSIVS PROGRAM INSTALLATION DIRECTORY DVI DOSIVS CALL AND RODLI INTERFACES APPLICATION PROGRAtt1ING (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIYS. LIC PROG 5746-XX1 RELEASE 1.6. CALL AND RODLI INTERFACES APPLICATION PROGRAMMING (SH12-5411-S) DATA LANGUAGE/I DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (DVI DOSIYS) RELEASE 1.5 LIC PROS 5746-XX1 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE (SH12-5411-4) DVI DOSIYS UTILITIES GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM PROGRAI't1ER (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIYS SYSTEM/APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIVS MESSAGES AND COOES (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIVS. 5746-XX1 RELEASE 1.6. MESSAGES/CODES (SH12-5414-7) DATA LANGUAGE/I DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL ~TORAGE (DVI DOSIYS) RELEASE 1.5 LIC PROS 5746-XX1. MESSAGES AND COOES (SH12-5414-6) DL/I DOSIVS 6ENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOS/VS. LIC PROG 5746-XX1 RELEASE 1.6. GENERAL INFORMATION (GH20-1246-S) DATA LANGUAGE/I DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (DVI DOSIVS) RELEASE 1.5 6ENERAL INFORMATION (GH20-1246-7) DVI DOSIVS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIVS LOW-LEVEL CODE/cONTlNUITY CHECK FEATURE REFERENCE OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA LANGUAGE/I DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (DVI DOSIYS) RELEASE 1.5 LIC PROS 5746-XX1 OPERATOR REFERENCE (SH20-9046-2) DVI DOSIVS USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA LANGUAGE/ONE DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE. 5746-XX1. USER'S GUIDE (SH24-5001-4) DVI DOSIVS. 5746-XX1 RELEASE 1.6. USER'S GUIDE (SH24-5001-3) DVI DOSIVS. S746-XX1. USER'S GUIDE RELEASE 1.S (SH24-5001-02) DVI DOSIVS. LIC PROS 5746-XX1. GUIDE FOR NEW USER'S (SH24-5001-0) DVI 1.3 DVI DOSIVS DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI-DOSIVS DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE (SH24-5002-3) DATA LANGUAGE/I DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (DVI DOSIYS) RELEASE 1.5 LIC PROS 5746-XX1 DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE (SH24-5002-2) DVI DOSIVS IMF USER'S GUIDE DVI DOSIVS LIBRARY GUIDE AND MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE DVI DOSIVS HIGH-LEVEL PROGRAMMING INTERFACE APPLICATION PROGRAMMING (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIVS. LIC PROS 5746-XX1 RELEASE 1.6. HIGH LEVEL PROGRAMMING INTERFACE USER'S GUIDE (SH24-5009-1) DVI DOSIVS LIC PROG 5746-XX1 HIGH LEVEL INTERFACE GUIDE RELEASE 1.5 (SH24-5009-0) DVI DOSIVS HIGH-LEVEL INTERACTIVE ICR GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIVS DATABASE ADMINISTRATION (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIVS RESOURCE DEFINITION AND UTILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIVS. LIC PROG 5746-XXI RELEASE 1.6. RESOURCE DEFINITION AND UTILITIES (SH24-5021-0) DVI DOSIVS APPLICATION AND DATABASE DESIGN (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIVS APPLICATION AND DATA BASE DESIGN. LIC PROS S746-XXI RELEASE 1.6 DVI DOSIYS SPE~IFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIVS INTERACTIVE RESOURCE DEFINITION AND UTILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIVS RECOVERYIRESTART GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIVS VERSION 1 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOS/VS APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIVS. 5746-XX1 RELEASE 1.6.0. APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX24-S103-3) DVI DOSIVS SYSTEM PROGRAMMING (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIVS HIGH-LEVEL PROGRAMMING INTERFACE REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOS/VS. S746-XXI RELEASE 1.6.0. HISH LEVEL PROGRAMMING INTERFACE REFERENCE SUtt1ARY (SX24-5120-1) DVI DOSIVS REFERENCE SUMMARY. 5746-XX1 RELEASE 5. HISH LEVEL PROGRAMMING INTERFACE. (SX24-S120-0) DVI DOSIVS. LIC PROS 5746-XXI. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) VSEIVSAtt HLPI. LIC PROS 5746-XXl-SO (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIVS. 5746-XXl. VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI OOSIVS. S746-XXI. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OVI. S746-XX1. LOGIC (LYl2-S0l6-7) OVI DOSIVS. S746-XX1. VOLUME 2 LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOS/VS. 5746-XX1 RELEASE 1.6.0. LOGIC (LY24-S2lS-0) DVI-ENTRY DOSIVS. LIC PROG S746-XX7. GENERAL INFORMATION DVI-ENTRY. LIC PROS 5746-XX7. APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE SUMtlARY DVI-ENTRY. UTILITIES REFERENCE SUMMARY DVI-ENTRY DOSIVS· LOW-LEVEL CODE/CONTINUITY CHECK FEATURE. LIC PROG 5746-XX7. REFERENCE/OPERATIONS SYSTEM/370 DATA LANGUAGE/I - ENTRY DOSIVS VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION LEVEL 1 202 6H20-4380 LYA2-5213 SB21-2381 6320-5660 6Bl1-5406 SBl1-5407 6Bl1-5088 SBI1-5089 SH20-1769 LY20-2208 6320-8159 6Bl1-5959 SB11-5960 SBl1-5961 SBl1-5962 SH20-6543 SH20-6548 SH20-6738 SH20-2107 LY20-2371 6320-6072 LY09-0012 PROGRAM PROOUCT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION DLlI-ENTRY DOSIVS, VERSION 2.1, LIC PROG 5746-XX7, SPECIFICATIONS DLlI-ENTRY, LIC PROG 5746-XX7, LISTINGS DLII FAST SCAN UTILITY DOSIVS, FDP 5798-CYJ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DLII HDAM DATA BASE TUNING AID, IUP 5796-AKF, NOTICE DATA BASE SEGMENTS DISTRIBUTION ANALYZER, IFP 5785-GAR, NOTICE DATA BASE SEGMENTS DISTRIBUTION ANALYZER, IFP 5785-GAR, DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS DLII PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT-DOSIVS & OSIVS, LIC PROG 5785-DAX, NOTICE DLII PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT-DOSIVS & OSIVS, LIC PROG 5785-DAX. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOSMAP-DLII DATA BASE MAPPING PROGRAMS, IUP 5796-PCW, SYSTEMS GUIDE DOSMAP-DLII DATA BASE MAPPING PROGRAMS, IUP 5796-PCW. SYSTEMS GUIDE FEATURE 8093 DOSMAP-DLlI, IUP 5796-PCW, NOTICE QUERY.DLlI SYSTEM. 5785-EDA, -EDZ, -ECY, NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING QUERY.DLlI SYSTEM FOR IMSIVS. 5785-ECY, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING QUERY.DLlI SYSTEM FOR CICS/DOSIVS. 5785-EDA, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS QUERY.DLlI SYSTEM FOR CICS/OS/vS PROGRAM OFFERING QUERY DLII SYSTEM FOR CICS/DOSIVS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS QUERY DLlI SYSTEM FOR IMS/VS QUERY DLII SYSTEM FOR CICS/OSIVS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DLII DOSIVS SPACE MANAGEMENT UTILITIES, IUP 5796-PKF, DESCRIPTION/OPERATION DLII DOS/vS SPACE MANAGEMENT UTILITIES, IUP 5796-PKF, SYSTEMS GUIDE DLII DOSIVS SPACE MANAGEMENT'UTILITIES, IUP 5796-PKF, NOTICE VANDL-l, LIC PROG 5799-AEY, L06IC ( 203 e P' .plty MlDI...,,_ IvIiIII 1PtII ll.a. PttS SH10-1416 SHI0-14I7 LVIO-I041 1H10-1861 SHI0-1864 IHIO-I861 SH10-1014 1111-7174 1111-1091 1811-1106 IHIO-GOO! IHU-OOOI IT40-0001 SHIO-OOOl 11M0-000l IT40-000l SHIO-0004 11M0-000it ITitO-OOOit SHU-GOal ST40-GOOI 1H20-OOU SH20-00n 1H20-012S SH20-219S ST40-2207 SH20-2209 STOO-0683 STOO-0682 SQltO-2209 SQ40-2211 ST40-2211 GH20-4561 SH20-SS21 LYBO-2474 LYBO-247S LYBO-2S16 LYBO-2S17 LY20-24S6 LtiO-2456 LYBO-2472 LYBO-2471 LYBO-2S18 LYBO-2S19 6120-0656 6320-5936 SH20-S3S1 SH20-5352 SH20-2020 SH20-2021 SH20-4593 LY20-2437 M • PttStcilCS(YI. PWlng J DlSPLAY ttAHAIIMINT IYSTEM II CD"' II) OIIYI, UC PROI J7M-XClt, OPIRATlONS IUlDI DllPLAY MAHAIIMINT IVITIM Z:E (D", Z:E) OIIYI, UC PROI 17M-Xelt, RIFIRINCI (~ D:EIPLAY ttAHAIIMINT IVITEM Z:E -- DOIIYI CD"' II) LotlC MANlAL, PROI. PROD. 1716-XCIt DIIPLAY ttAHAIIMINT IVITII1IYI YIRIION I CDf1SIYI) IENERAL INFORMATION \, /' DI1SIYI YERIlON I, OPERATIONS IUIDI, LIC PROI 17itO-XCI COl/VI), 171t6-XCI CDOIIYI) DMIIYI YIRIlON I, LlC PROI 17itO-XCI COIIYI), 171t6-XCI CDOIIYI), PROIRAH REFERENCE DMIIYI, 1740-XCI, APPLICATION PROGRAM DIllIN IUIDI DMI/CICIIYI DIIUI Il NOTICE PROIRAH OFFERlNl D",/CICIIYI DEIUI II DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DI1SICIClIYI I10CJELI IAIED APPLICATlON IENERATOR IENERAL INFORMATION D",lClCIIYI USER II IUlDE CCURRENT RELEASI) DMI/CICIIYI APPLICATlON EXAMPLES (CURRINT RELIAIE) D",/ClCIIYI, 17itO-XCI, 17it6-XCit, APPLlCATION EXAMPLEI (SHIO-OOOI-O) D",/ClCIIYI PROILEM DETIRMlNATlON IUIDI (CURRINT RELEAIE) D",/CICIIYI PROILEM DETERMlNATlON aUlDE 17lt6-XCI, -XCit, YIRIION I, RELEAlI ,. I1DDIFICATION a (SHIO-OOOl-l) DEVELOPMENT MAHAIIMENT IYITEH/CUITOHER INFORMATION CONTROLIYIRTUAL ITORAII CDMlClCIIYI J, 1740-XCI, 171t6-XCit, PROILEM DITERMlNATlOH IUlDE (IHIO-OOOI-I) DMIICICIIYI lNSTALLAT:EON AI'I) OPERATIONS CCURRENT RILEAIE) DEYELCJPHEHT HANASEMENT IYITEH/CUSTOMER lHFORMATlON CONTROL IVITEl1IYlRTUAL ITORAII, 1746-XCI, -XCIt, YERllON I, RELUII it, HODIPlCATION 0, INSTALLMENT At«) OPERATlOHS CSH20-000it-1) DEYELCJPHENT HANASEMENT IYITEH/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL IYSTll1IYlRTUAL STORAI. CDMS/ClCSIYS)' 1740-XC5, 571t6-XC(h lHSTALLATlON At«) OPERATIONS (SHIO-OOOit-O) DMS/CICSIVS MESSAGES AND CoaES (CURRENT RELEASE) DMS/CICSIYS, S740-XCI, S746-XCIt, MESSAGES AND CODES (SH20-000S-OJ DMS/CICSIYS DOSIYSE OIIYS IPECIFICATIONS DMS/CICSIYS AND DEBUG II DMS/CICSIYS IENERAL INFORMATION DMS/CICSIYS, S746-XC4, S740-XCS, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) DMSICICIIYS. S740-SC5, S746-XC4 RELEASE 1. APPLICATION PROGRAM DESIGN GUIDE (SH20-2207-0) DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIYIRTUAL STORAGE (DMS/CICSIYS), S740-XCS, 5746-XC4 PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) DMS/CICSIYS. LIC PROG S746-XC4 RELEASE 3, S740-XCS. PROGRAM REFERENCE (SH20-2209-3) DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CUSTOMER INFORMATION COtfrROL SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE (DMS/CICSIYS), LIC PROG S740-XC5. 5746-XC4, PROGRAM REFERENCE RELEASE 2 (SH20-2209-2)'" DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE (DMS/CICSIVS) RELEASE 2 LIC PROG S746-XC4 REFERENCE (SH20-2209-1) DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE (DMS/CICSIVS) RELEASE 2 LIC PROS S746-XC4 OPERATIONS GUIDE (SH20-2211-2) DMS/CICS/vS. S740-XCS. S746-XC4. OPERATIONS GUIDE (SH20-2211-S) DMS/CICSIYS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DMS/CICSIVS INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS GUIDE DMS/CICS/vS OS APPLICATION GENERATION FEATURE. LIC PROS 5740-XCS, LISTINGS DMS/CICSIVS OS. LIC PROG 5740-XC5. LISTINGS DMS/CICSIVS OSI8ASE DMSICICSIVS OSIFEATURE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (DMS/CICSIVS), LIC PROS 5740-XC5 5746-XC4, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (DMS/CICSIYS) RELEASE 2 LOGIC (LY20-2456-1) DMS/CICSIYS - DOS SOURCE LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) DMS/CICSIVS DOS APPLICATION GENERATION FEATURE, LIC PROG S746-XCIt LlSTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) DMS/CICIIYS, LIC PROG S746-XC4, DOSI8ASE, LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) DHS/CICSIYS, LIC PROG 5746-XC4 DOS APPLICATION GENERATION LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (DMS/CICSIYS) DALLAS NATIONAL MARKETING SUPPORT CENTER: DMS/CICSIVS DATA INTESRITY PLANNING GUlDE DMS/CSP SSXIYSE DEFINITlON CICS DOSIYSE CICS OSIYS SPECIFICATIONS DMS/CSP EXECUTION CICS FOR DOSIVS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DMS/3770, LIC PROS 5748-XC3, GENERAL INFORMATION DMS/3770 RELEASE 1.0, LIC PROG 5748-XC3, REFERENCE/OPERATIONS DMS/3770 DESIGN OBJECTIVE DMs/3770, LIC PROG 5748-XC3 204 e GH20-0892 SH20-1030 SH20-1032 SH20-1033 SH20-1040 SH20-1177 GH20-9033 LYBO-0864 LYBO-0865 LYBO-0867 LYBO-0868 LYBO-0870 LYBO-0871 LYBO-0872 LYBO-0873 LYBO-0874 LYBO-0875 LYBO-0876 LY20-0698 LY20-0708 GH20-4538 GH20-9035 SH20-9036 SH20-9037 SH20-9038 SH20-9039 SH20-9040 GH20-9043 SX26-3729 LYBO-80t3 LYBO-8024 LYBO-8025 LYBO-8026 LY20-S010 LY20-8011 LY20-80l2 LY20-8013 LY20-8014 LY20-801S GH19-0082 GH19-0084 SH19-0086 SH19-0087 SH19-0088 GHI9-0094 G320-5727 6B21-2137 ( ( ( Generalized Information systeM (6IS/2. 6ISIVS) GIS/2, LIC PROG 5734-XX1, APPLICATION DESCRIPTION GIS/2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW AND CONTROL, 5734-XXl, PROGRAM DESCRIPTION VOLUME 1 6IS/2, LIC PROG 5734-XXl, OPERATIONS MANUAL GIS/2 PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE, LIC PROG 5734-XX1, PROGRAM DESCRIPTION VOLUME 3 6IS/2 DATA DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE, 5734-XXI, PROGRAM DESCRIPTION VOLUME 2 GIS/2 DLII QUERY SUPPORT FEATURE, LIC PROG 5734-XXI. PLANNING 6UIDE GIS/2 EXECUTIVE QUERY REFERENCE. LIC PROG 5734-XX1, BASIC INTRODUCTION 6IS/2 BASIC RETRIEVAL SYSTEM. LIC PROG 5734-XX1. LISTINGS GIS/2 ARITHMETIC STATEMENT FEATURE. LIC PROG 5734-XX1, LISTINGS GIS/2 CONTROL STATEMENT FEATURE. LIC PROG 5734-XX1, LISTINGS GIS/2 PROCESSING STATEMENT FEATURE, LIC PROG 5734-XX1. LISTINGS GI5I2 HIERARCHICAL FILE SUPPORT FEATURE. LIC PROG 5734-XX1. LISTINGS GIS/2 UPDATE & CREATE FEATURE, LIC PROG 5734-XX1, LISTINGS GIS/2 UTILITY FEATURE, LIC PROG 5734-XXI. LISTINGS GIS/2 EDIT & ENCODE FEATURE, LIC PROG 5734-XXI. LISTINGS GIS/2 FILE MODIFY FEATURE. LIC PROG 5734-XX1. LISTINGS GIS/2 DLII QUERY SUPPORT FEATURE. LIC PROG 5734-XXI. LISTINGS GIS/2 EXTENDED HULTI-FILE SUPPORT FEATURE, LIC PROG 5734-XX1 LISTINGS GIS/2 FEATURE 8117. LIC PROG 5734-XXI. SYSTEM MANUAL VOLUME 3 GIS/2 FILE MODIFY FEATURE 8127. LIC PROG 5734-XX1, SYSTEM MANUAL SUPPLEMENT GISIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) GISIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XX7, GENERAL INFORMATION GISIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. USER'S GUIDE GISIVS, LIC PROG 5740-XX7, PROGRAt1t1ER'S REFERENCE GISIVS, LIC PROG 5740-XX7. LANGUAGE REFERENCE GISIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. MESSAGES/CODES GISIVS ADVANCED QUERY FEATURE. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. PLANNING & OPERATION GUIDE GISIVS EXECUTIVE QUERY, LIC PROG 5740-XX7. REFERENCE GISIVS, LIC PROG 5740-XX7. USER'S REFERENCE CARD GISIVS BASIC QUERY FEATURE. LIC PROG 5740-XX7, LISTINGS GISIVS ADVANCED QUERY FEATURE, LIC PROG 5740-XX7. LISTINGS GISIYS MODIFY FEATURE, LIC PROG 5740-XX7, LISTINGS GISIVS UPDATE/CREATE FEATURE. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. LISTINGS GISIVS, LIC PROG 5740-XX7, LOGIC VOLUME 1 GISIVS, LIC PROG 5740-XX7. LOGIC VOLUME 2 GISIVS, LIC PROG 5740-XX7, LOGIC VOLUME 3 GISIVS ADVANCED QUERY FEATURE. LIC PROG 5740-XX7, LOGIC SUPPLEMENT GISIVS MODIFY FEATURE, LIC PROG 5740-XX7. LOGIC SUPPLEMENT GISIVS UPDATE/CREATE FEATURE, LIC PROG 5740-XX7, LOGIC SUPPLEMENT GIS DOSIYS. LIC PROG 5799-ALX. GENERAL INFORMATION PRPQ 8T0139 GIS DOSIVS, EXECUTIVE QUERY, LIC PROG S799-ALX, REFERENCE PRPQ 8T0139 GIS DOSIVS, LIC PROG 5799-ALX, LANGUAGE REFERENCE GIS DOSIVS. LIC PROS 5799-ALX. PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE GIS DOSIYS. LIC PROG 5799-ALX, MESSAGES/CODES GIS DOSIVS. LIC PROG 5799-ALX, USER'S GUIDE GIS & GISIVS LIBRARY MAINTENANCE PROGRAM. LIC PROG 5796-ANG. NOTICE GISIVS 3270 FORMATTING AID, FDP 5798-CQN. NOTICE '" / 205 e I010,...t1 on tfanaCl!!lle!"lt 5809-4006 6809-4007 6811-5829 GH20-2022 SH20-2148 GH20-4558 LY20-2451 G320-5778 6Bl1-5410 SB11-5411 6H20-5343 GH20-5522 SH20-5523 LYBO-2570 LY20-2569 6320-1529 G320-1535 SH20-1953 LY20-9001 G320-5754 6320-0160 LY26-3992 GB21-2908 GH20-0765 SH20-0910 SH20-0911 SH20-0912 SH20-0913 SH20-0914 SH2O-0915 SH20-1007 GH20-4106 LYBO-0631 LYBO-0632 LY20-0630 GH20-1260 6TOO-0662 SH20-9085 SH20-9025 STOO-0674 SH20-9026 STOO-0675 STOO-0632 SH20-9027 STOO-0594 SH20-9028 STOO-0595 SH20-9029 STOO-0596 SH20-9030 STOO-0676 STOO-0597 SH20-9081 STOO-1411 STOO-0671 STOO-0600 SH20-9047 ~ ntlS/2, IMSIVS) IMS APPLICATION PRODUCTIVITY PACKA6E DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS IMS APPLICATION PRODUCTIVITY PACKAGE NOTICE APPLICATION PRODUCTIVITY PACKA6E NOTICE AUTOMATED OPERATOR FACILITY (AOF) FOR IMSIVS VERSION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION IMSIVS AUTOMATED OPERATOR FACILITY (AOF). LIC PROS 5740-XYD. REFERENCE/OPERATIONS IMSIVS AUTOMATED OPERATOR FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS IMSIVS AUTOMATED OPERATOR FACILITY (AOF). LIC PROG 5740-XYD LOGIC OPERATOR FACILITY (AOF) INSTALLATION GUIDE BATCH TERMINAL FAST PATH SUPPORT. IFP 5785-CAA, NOTICE BATCH TERMINAL FAST PATH SUPPORT. IFP 5785-CAA, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IMSIVS BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR SPECIFICATIONS IMSIVS BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR 6ENERAL INFORMATION IMSIVS BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR, LIC PROG 5668-948, LISTINGS IMSIVS BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR, LIC PR06 5668-948, LOGIC 3270 FORMATTING FEATURE FOR BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR IUP 5796-PBD - NOTICE DB PROTOTYPEIYS - IUP 5796-PCX. RELEASE NOTICE DBPROTOTYPE II, IUP 5796-PJK, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DBPROTOTYPE II. IUP 5796-PJK. SYSTEMS GUIDE DBPROTOTYPEII RELEASE II, IUP 5796-PJK, NOTICE NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER: DATABASE 2 (DB2) DESIGN REVIEW GUIDE IMSIVS VERSION 2 FAILURE ANALYSIS STRUCTURE TABLES FOR DlR1P ANALYSIS FAST SCAN UTILITY II NOTICE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMl360, VERSION 2, GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL: PROG. PROD. 5734-XX6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMl360, VERSION 2 SYSTEMIAPPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMl360, VERSION 2 SYSTEM PROGRAmING REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 IMS/360 VERSION 2 PROG 5734-XX6 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMl360, VERSION 2, OPERATOR'S REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM tu'BER 5734-XX6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMl360, VERSION 2, MESSAGES AND CODES REFERENCE MANUAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 INFORMATION MANA6EMENT SYSTEMl360 VERSION 2 UTILITIES REFERENCE MANUAL, PROG. NO. 5734-XX6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMl360 VERSION 2 MASTER INDEX PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMl360 (IMS/360) VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-XX6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM UMSl360) VERSo 2 DATA BASE LISTINGS, VOL. 3, PROG. PROD. 5734-XX6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMl360, VERSION 2. VOLUME 4. DATA COMMUNICATION LISTINGS, MICROFICHE PROG. PROD. 5734-XX6. FEATURE CODE 8083 IMS/360. VERSION 2. SYSTEM MANUAL VOL. 2 - FLOWCHARTS. PROS. PROD. 5734-XX6 IMSIVS, 5740-XX2. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS 6ENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. RELEASE 1.6 (GH20-1260-9) IMSIVS. 5740-XX2. MASTER INDEX AND GLOSSARY (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS. 5740-XX2. VERSION 1 DATABASE ADMINISTRATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IMS/VS, LIC PROG 5740-XX2, DATA BASE ADMINISTRATION GUIDE RELEASE 1.6 (SH20-9025-7) IMSIVS VERSION I APPLICATION PROGRAMMING DESIGNING AND CODING (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS, LIC PROG 5740-XX2. APPLICATION PROGRAMMING DESIGN AND CODING. RELEASE 1.6 (SH20-9026-7) IMSIVS VERSION 1 LIC PROG 5740-XX2 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE (SH20-9026-6) IMS/VS SYSTEM PROGRAMMING REFERENCE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (IMSIVS) -RELEASE 1.1.5, LIC PROS 5740-XX2, SYSTEM PROGRAMt1ING REFERENCE (SH20-9027-7) IMSIYS VI. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. OPERATOR'S REFERENCE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (IMSlVS) RELEASE 1.1.5, LIC PR~ 5740-XX2, OPERATOR'S REFERENCE (SH20-9028-6) IMSIVS VI. LIC PROS 5740-XX2. UTILITIES REFERENCE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (IMSIVS) RELEASE 1.1.5. LIC PROS 5740-XX2, UTILITIES REFERENCE (SH20-9029-6) IMSIVS VI, LIC PROG 5740-XX2, MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIYS, LIC PROS 5740-XX2, MESSAGES AND CODES RELEASE 1.6 (SH20-9030-9) INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIYIRTUAL STORAGE (IMSIVS) RELEASE 1.1.5. LIC PROG 5740-XX2, MESSAGES AND CODES (SH20-9030-8) IMSIVS VI, LIC PROG 5740-XX2. INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IMS/vS VI INSTALLATION GUIDE (SH20-9081-6) IMSIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XX2, INSTALLATION GUIDE RELEASE 1.6 (SH20-9081-5) INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE UMSIYS) RELEASE 1.1.5, LIC PROS 5740-XX2. INSTALLATION GUIDE (SH20-9081-4) INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE UMSIVS), LOW-LEVEL CODE/CONTINUITY CHECK IN DATA LANGUAGE/I, REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS - PROG. PROD. 5740-XX2 206 ------------ ----- ---- ( GH20-9069 GH20-9117 GTOO-0672 SH20-9178 ST40-9178 LJB6-0003 LJB6-0004 LJB6-0014 LJB6-0036 LYBO-8016 LTOO-5501 LYBO-80l7 LYBO-8038 SH20-9053 STOO-0673 STOO-0598 SH20-9054 5TOO-0599 SH20-9145 SD2l-0005 SH20-9146 SH20-9147 SH20-9148 SH20-9149 SD21-0007 SH20-9207 SH20-9208 SH20-9209 GH20-92l2 LJB6-0090 LGF6-0l04 GH35-0010 SH35-0027 SQ55-0027 5T55-0027 GH35-0044 LJB6-0110 LY35-0028 SX26-3727 STOO-0685 LY20-8050 LY20-8063 G320-5775 LY20-8069 LT60-8069 G320-0149 GC26-4171 SC26-4174 SC26-4175 SC26-4177 SC26-4178 GC26-4180 SC26-4181 SC26-4183 SC26-4185 SC26-4209 ( GC26-4490 LY26-399l LY26-3993 G320-9541 SH20-2073 6811-5225 SBl1-5226 IMSIVS VERSION 1 FAST PATH FEATURE GENERAL INFORMATION IMSIVS, LIC PROG 5740-XX2, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XX2, SPECIFICATIONS RELEASE 1.6 (GH20-9117-6) IMSIVS VERSION 1 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS VI RELEASE 1.6 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION GUIDE (SH20-9178-0) IMSIVS, 5740-XX2. VERSION I. FP FEATURE LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS, 5740-XX2. VERSION I, IMS PSEUDO MODULE LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) IMS/VS. 5740-XX2, VERSION I. DATA BASE SURVEYOR UTILITY FEATURE LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS DB RECOVERY. MICROFICHE LISTINGS IMSIVS, 5740-XX2, VERSION 1. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS VI RELEASE 1.1.5, LIC PROG 5740-XX2 SYSTEM LISTINGS (LYBO-8016-9) IMSIVS VI LIC PROG 5740-XX2 COM~IUNICATION FEATURE LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS VERSION 1 MSC LISTINGS, 5740-XX2.(CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS VI. LIC PROG 5740-XX2, MESSAGE FORMAT SERVICE USER GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IMS/VS, LIC PROG 5740-XX2. MESSAGE FORMAT SERVICE USER GUIDE RELEASE 1.6 (SH20-9053-5) INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMSIVS) RELEASE 1.1.5, LIC PROG 5740-XX2, MESSAGE FORMAT SERVICE USER'S GUIDE (SH20-9053-4) IMSIVS. 5740-XX2. VERSION I FOR REMOTE SNA SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING GUIDE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (IMSIVS) RELEASE 1.1.5. LIC PROS 5740-XX2, ADVANCED FUNCTION FOR CO~flJNICATIONS (SH20-9054-3) IMSIVS, 5740-XX2. VERSION 1 PRIMER SUPPLEMENT FOR IMS/VS VERSION 1 PRIMER. 5735-RC3 HVS 5752-TC221. SH20-9145-0 IMSIVS VERSION 1, LIC PROG 5740-XX2. PRIMER MASTER TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE: BTAM IMS/VS, 5740-XX2. VERSION 1 MASTER TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE: VTAM PRIMER IMSIVS VERSION 1. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. PRIMER REMOTE TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE IMSIVS VERSION 1. 5740-XX2. PRIMER SAMPLE LISTINGS SUPPLEMENT FOR IMS/VS VERSION I PRIMER SAMPLE LISTINGS. 5735-RC3 MVS 5752-TC221, SH20-9149-0 IMSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE GUIDE IMSIVS VERSION 1 PRIMER FUNCTION INSTALLATION GUIDE IMSIVS VERSION 1 OPERATIONS AND RECOVERY IMSIVS VERSION 1 SPECIFICATIONS OSIVSI DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPC)RT DATA AREAS LISTINGS IMSIVS DATA BASE RECOVERY CONTROL, LIC PROG 5740-XX2 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS DATA BASE RECOVERY CONTROL FEATURE. LIC PROG 5740-XX2 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS DATA BASE RECOVERY CONTROL. 5740-XX2. REFERENCE INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS DIB RECOVERY CONTROL REFERENCE (SH35-0027-2) IMSIVS DATA BASE RECOVERY CONTROL FEATURE, LIC PROG 5740-XX2 RELEASE 1. REFERENCE INFORMATION (SH35-0027-1) IMSIVS DBRC FEATURE. 5740-XX2. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS DATA BASE RECOVERY CONTROL. 5740-XX2 IMSIVS DATA BASE RECOVERY CONTROL FEATURE. LIC PROG 5740-XX2 LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS VERSION 1. LIC PROS 5740-XX2. APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE SUMMARY IMSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 1.6. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX26-3727-0) IMS/VS. 5740-XX2. VERSION I FAILURE ANALYSIS STRUCTURE TABLE FOR DUMP ANALYSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS VERSION I. LIC PROS 5740-XX2. DIAGNOSTIC AIDS (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 5 FAST PATH FEATURE DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN GUIDE IMSIVS VERSION 1. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (IMSIVS) RELEASE 1.1.5. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. LOGIC (LY20-8069-0) NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER: INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (IMSIVS) VERSION 1 RELEASE 3 FAST PATH NOTEBOOK IMSIVS VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS IMS/VS VERSION 2 MESSAGES AND CODES REFERENCE ItISIVS. 5665-332. VERSION 2 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE. 5665-332. VERSION 2 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING FOR CUSTOMER ItlFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE USERS IMSIVS VERSION 2 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING IMS/VS VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION IMSIVS VERSION 2 MESSAGE FORMAT SERVICE USER'S GUIDE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE. 5665-332. VERSION 2 OPERATIONS AND RECOVERY GUIDE IMSIVS. 5665-332. VERSION 2 RELEASE GUIDE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE. 5665-332. VERSION 2 DATA BASE RECOVERY CONTROL: GUIDE AtID REFERENCE IMSIVS VERSION 2 LABELS IMSIVS. 5665-332. VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE IMSIVS. 5665-332. VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE IMSIVS VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 INSTALLATION IMS-APL DATA LINK FOR VSPC. IUP 5796-PLA. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IMSIVS APPLICATION CONTROL SYSTEM. IFP 5787-NAC. GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL IMSIVS APPLICATION CONTROL SYSTEM. IFP 5787-NAC. APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE 207 S811-5227 8811-5228 S811-5445 SH20-0006 SH20-6591 SH20-6592 SH20-6593 SH20-6594 SH20-6595 SH20-6596 SH20-6597 SH20-6598 SH20-6599 SH20-6601 SH20-6602 SH20-6603 SX20-0226 SX20-0227 6320-0458 SH12-5122 SH12-5233 SH12-5317 LY12-5026 SH12-5151 SH12-5152 6H12-5153 WB6-0091 WB6-0093 6821-2341 6821-2230 S811-5309 6821-2347 GBl1-5020 9811-5021 LBl1-5022 SH20-2169 6320-6100 6811-5500 S811-5501 LBl1-5502 SBl1-5558 6821-1945 9821-1946 SH20-1305 SH20-1539 LY20-2050 6320-1538 6821-2139 6H20-1222 LYBO-0834 LYBO-8018 6811-5404 9811-5405 GC26-4294 6821-2005 9821-2006 6320-8141 SH20-2105 6320-6070 LJB6-0103 SB21-2738 SHI8-0080 HLY18-1155 6320-6071 6821-1792 9821-1793 WB6-0092 6821-1578 IHSIVS APPLICATION CONTROL SYSTEM. IFP 5787~NAC. SYSTEM PROGRAMMING REFERENCE I.HSIVS APPLICATION CONTROL SYSTEM. IFP 5787-NAC. TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE IHSIVS APPLICATION CONTROL SYSTEM, IFP 5787-NAC, REL 1. I10DIF 0 MESSAGES AND CODES IHSADF I I VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS IHSADF I I VERSION 2 6ENERAL INFORMATION IMSADF I I VERSION 2 USER'S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) IHSADF II VERSION 2 INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IHSADF I I VERSION 2 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSADF I I VERSION 2 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IHSADF I I VERSION 2 RULES DOCll1ENTATION USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSADF II VERSION 2 DATA DICTIONARY EXTENSION (CURRENT RELEASE) IHSADF II VERSION 2 DIA6NOSIS GUIDE IHSADF II VERSION 2 MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSADF I I VERSION 2 INTRODUCTION TO USIN6 THE INTERACTIVE ADF (CURRENT RELEASE) IHSADF I I VERSION 2 INTERACTIVE ADF ADMINISTRATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) . IMSADF II VERSION 2 DB2 APPLICATION SPECIFICATION 6UIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSADF II VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 INTERACTIVE ADF QUICK EFERENCE CARD (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSADF II VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 IADF PF KEY TEMPLATE (CURRENT RELEASE) 1115 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT FACILITY II VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 IMSADF IHS DATA BASE ANALYZER (OSIVS), LIC PROG 5740-XXR. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) S/370 IHSIVS DATA BASE ANALYZER (OS/VS), LIC PROG 5740-XXR, SPECIFICATIONS IHSIVS DATA BASE ANALYZER (OSIVS)' LIC PROG 5740-XXR. USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IBM SYSTEN370 II1S/VS DATA BASE ANALYZER LOGIC, PROG PROD 5740-XXR (OSIVS) IMS/VS DATA BASE ANALYZER VERSION 2. 5665-349. GENERAL INFORMATION II1SIVS DATA BASE ANALYZER. 5665-349. VERSION 2 GUIDE AND REFERENCE IMSIVS DB ANALYZER, 5665-349, LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS IMSIVS DATA COt1t1UNICTIONS. 5740-XX2. ttVS/XA SUPPORT IHSIVS FAST PATH PROGRAM LISTINGS. 5740-XX2. ttVS/XA SUPPORT 1115 FAST REORGANIZATION RELOAD, FOP 5798-CXT 1115 FAST SCAN UTILITY. FOP 5798-CTP. NOTICE SYSTEN370 IHSIVS HDAM GENERALIZED SYNONYHS ANALYZER PROGRAM OPERATIONS, 5785-6AH HDAM SEQUENTIAL RANDOHIZER GENERATOR EXTENSIONS, FOP 5798-CXN, NOTICE HISH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL OF IMSIVS DATA BASES (HSSR)' IFP 5787-LAA, NOTICE SYSTEN370 HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL OF 1115 DATA BASES VERSIONS 1.2, IFP 5787-LAA, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEM/370 HISH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL OF IHS DATA BASES VERSION 1.2, IFP 5787-LAA, LOGIC HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL OF IMSIVS DATA BASES, IUP 5787-LAA. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS HIGH SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL FOR IMSIVS. IUP 5787-LAA, NOTICE HISH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL CHAINED ANTICIPATORY BUFFERING. IFP 5787-LAC, NOTICE HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL VERSION 2, 5785-LAC. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING LOGIC HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL USER'S GUIDE TO THE HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL BUFFERING SERVICES, IFP 5787-LAC 1115 HISTORY REPORTING SYSTEM. FDP 5798-CLB. NOTICE 1115 HISTORY REPORTING SYSTEM, FOP 5798-CLB. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IHSHAP DATA BASE MAPPING PROGRAM, IUP 5796-PBC. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IMSMAPIVS, IUP 5796-PCY, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IHSHAPIVS - IUP 5796-PCY. SYSTEM GUIDE IHSHAP/vS - IUP 5796-PCY, RELEASE NOTICE IMSIVS PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS AND REPORTING SYSTEM nI1SPARS), FOP 5798-CQP, NOTICE INTERACTIVE QUERY FACILITY (IQF) INTRODUCTION LANGUAGE GUIDE PROGRAM NUtlBER 5734-XX6 INTERACTIVE QUERY FEATURE nQF) 10 IMS/36 0 : MICROFICHE LISTINGS - PROGRAM NlI1BER 5734-XX6 IHSIVS VI INTERACTIVE QUERY FACILITY LISTINGS. PROG 5740-XX2 IMS/VS INTERACTIVE SCREEN IMPLEMENTATION AND TUTORIAL SYSTEM. IFP 5785-GAQ. NOTICE IMSIVS INTERACTIVE SCREEN IMPLEMENTATION AND TUTORIAL SYSTEM. IFP 5785-GAQ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS INTRODUCING THE IMS LIBRARY II1SIVS LOCAL COPY-II. FOP 5798-CLZ. NOTICE II1SIVS LOCAL COPY-II. FOP 5798-CLZ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS II1SIVS LOGTAPE HANA6EMENT SYSTEM. IUP 5796-AHT NOTICE II15IVS EMERGENCY LOG TERMINATOR, IUP 5796-ATN, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IMSIVS EMERGENCY LOG TERMINATOR IUP 5796-ATN II1SIVS LOGGING. 5740-XX2 II1SIVS HolSTER TERMINAL OPERATOR TRAINING III STUDENT MATERIALS II1SIVS, 5740-XX2, VERSION 1 MESSAGE FORMAT SERVICE DBCS ENHANCEMENT DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IMS/VS. 5740-XX2, VERSION 1 MESSAGE FORMAT SERVICE KANJI ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM LOGIC FEATURE 8782 IHSIVS HESSA6E REQUEUER, IUP 5796-ATP. NOTICE IHS I1ONITOR suttlARY AND SYSTEM ANALYSIS PROGRAM II nl1SASAP II), FOP 5798-CHJ, NOTICE 1115 I1ONITOR SUtt1ARY AND SYSTEM ANALYSIS PROGRAM II nl1SASAP II) - FOP 5798-CHJ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS II1SIVS MULTIPLE SYSTEHS COUPLING LISTINGS ttVS/XA SUPPORT, 5740-XX2 1115 ON-LINE PROGRAM & JOB DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM, FOP 5798-CDR. NOTICE 208 CI , I ./ ( 18U-5776 SIIl-1777 8821-211t0 GlU-IMI IBU-131t1 GBIl-III' SIIl-11I6 UB6-0UI Itll-I.71 IHIO-1I0ft SHIO-0400 aHaO-617' SHIO-6I80 SHaO-6111 SHaO-6111 SHIO-6I11 IHIO-6I1ft IHIO-6111 IHIO-6116 lHaO-6117 lHaO-6111 IHI0-611' IHI0-6190 IHI0-1681 IH20-1686 GHaO-1t3.1 GH19-60ft7 GBI1-5577 SBl1-5578 SH20-1307 LY20-0775 Ga21-2255 8821-2256 -SC30-32lt2 !MlIYS OUTBOARD FORMATTER FOR 81001DPPX NOTICE IMSIYI OUTBOARD FORMATTER FOR 1100IDPPX DEICRIPT!ON/OPERAT!ONS IMIIYI PERFORtlAHCE ANALYS!S Aft) REPORTING SYSTEM (!HSPARS) DESCR!PTIONIOPERATIONI ZMlIYS quEUE LOADER, 11370 303X PROCESSORS, !FP 5785-SAJ, NOTICE IMSIYI quEUE LOADER, IFP 5781-8AJ DESCR!PTZON/OPERATIONI IMIIYS quEUE LOADER RELEASE NOT!CE ZMSIYS quEUE LOADER PRODUCT DEICR!PT!ON/OPERAT!ONS !MlIYI RESOURCE LOCK MANASER DATA AREAl, 1665-332 ZMS 1000CE PROIRAtt AND JOB DEVELDPMENT IYITEM I!, FDP 57.8-CLP, NOT!CE ZMI IPACE MANAIEMENT UT!L!T!EI, ZUP 1796-PFW, DESCR!PT!ON/OPERAT!ONS ZMlIYI SYITEM UT!L!T!EIIDBT IPEC!F!CAT!ONS !MlIYI IYSTEM UT!L!T!EIIDBT IENERAL ZNFORMATION !MIIYI IYITEM UT!L!T!EI/DBT !NITALLAT!ON Atm MA!NTENANCE MANUAL !MlIYI IYSTEM UT!L!T!ESIDIT HEADER PO!NTER CHECKER USER'S IU!DE IMSIYI SYSTEM UT!L!T!ESIDBT DI SEIMENT RESTRUCTURE USER'S IUIDE !MlIYI SYSTEM UT!L!T!EIIDBT PHYS!CAL SEquENCE SORTIRELOAD USER'S IU!DE !MlIYI IYSTEM UT!L!TIESIDBT DATA ENTRY DATA BAlE PO!NTER CHECKER USER'I SU!DE IMS/VS SYSTEM UTZLZTZESIDIT DATA ENTRY DATA BASE UNLOAD/RELOAD USER'I IU!DE !MIIYI SYSTEM UT!LTZES/DBT H!IH SPEED SEquENT!AL RETR!EVAL USEA'S IU!DE !MIIYI IYSTEM UT!L!T!ESIDBT HEADER TUNZNG AID USER'S SUZDE !MIIYI SYITEM UT!L!T!EIIDBT DATA BASE DES!GN/PROGRAM IPECIF!CAT!ON BLOCKS MAPPEA USER'S GU!DE IMlIYI SYITEM UT!LZT!EIIDBT YSAH ZAPPER USER'S GUIDE !MSIYI SYITEM UT!L!TZEIIDBT DATA ENTRY DATA BASE TUN!NG A!D USER'S au!DE TELECOMMUN!CAT!ONS ACCESS METHOD IMSIYS ZNTERFACE, L!C PROS 5740-XXC, GENERAL !NFORMATION TELECOMMUN!CAT!ONS ACCESS METHOD !MIIYI INTERFACE, L!C PROI 5740-XXC, REFERENCE TCAM-!MS !NTERFACE, L!C PROS S7ltO-XXC, SPECIF!CATIONS TERMINAL BUSINESS SYSTEM/YS TO IMSIYS CONVERSION GUIDE TEST DATA BASE MANIPULATOR NOTICE PROSRAM OFFERING IHSIYS TEST DATA BASE MANIPULATOR DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TEST IMI UTILITIES PROGRAM, IUP 5796-PBE, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TEST IHS UTILITIES PROSRAM SYSTEMS SUIDE - IUP NUMBER 5796-PBE IMSlYS TIME INITIATED INPUT FACILITY, FDP 5798-CWF, NOTICE IMSIYS TIME INITIATED INPUT FACILITY, FOP 5798-CWF, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS EMULATION PROGRAM FOR THE 3705 SENERATION AND UTILITIES SUIDE REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ( 209 _VIDEOIUO GC27-6967 GC27-6969 SC27-6955 SC27-6960 GC28-8313 LY27-7230 LYC7-5048 VIDEO/370 OS, LIC PROS 5734-RC5, SPECIFICATIONS VIDEO/370 DOS, LIC PROG 5736-RC3, SPECIFICATIONS VIDE0I370. LIC PROS 5734-RC5. 5736-RC3. USER'S GUIDE VIDEO/370. LIC PROG 5736-RC3, 5734-RC5, SYSTEM INFORMATION VIDEO/370 INCLUDING THE CICS FEATURE 6ENERAL INFORHATION VIDE0I370 LOGIC MANUAL - PROSRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC5. 5736-RC3 OS VIDE0I370 LISTINGS, PROG. PROD. 5734-RC5 210 SH20-6763 SH20-094l SH20-0942 SH20-0943 SH20-09lt4 GH20-0951 SH20-6752 SH23-05l0 6)(20-0950 GH20-09ltO SH20-09lt6 SH20-09lt7 SX20-09S3 SH20-67S6 GH23-0S00 SH20-09ltS GH20-09S2 GH23-0Sll ( (/ SH24-S047 GH24-S048 SH24-S0S1 SH24-S0S2 SH24-S0S3 SH24-6000 SH24-6001 Gall-5M3 SBll-S8'tlt SXIl-6089 6C26-4073 SC26-4077 SC26-4078 SC26-4079 SC26-4080 SC26-4081 GC26-4082 SC26-4083 SC26-4084 SC26-408S ST26-4084 SC26-4086 SC26-408S ST26-4086 6C26-4108 GT26-4l08 6C26-4l11 GT26-4111 SC26-4112 SC26-4113 ST26-4113 6C26-4220 6624-1599 GH20-6786 SH20-6856 SH20-68S7 SH20-6858 SH20-6859 SH20-6860 SX26-3740 LY26-3850 LY26-3862 LY26-3863 **SY26-3934 SY26-393S SY26-3945 LY26-39S2 LT66-3952 SH19-62S9 SH20-9211 SH20-9174 SH20-4S10 CSP SET MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) HOW-TO-USE CSP/AD USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD OPERATION DEVELOPMENT GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD OPERATION DEVELOPMENT GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD OPERATION DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD SPECIFICATIONS CSP/AD VERSION 2 OPERATION DEVELOPMENT (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CICS/vS, SSx/vSE, Vl'VSP CMS, AND MVS/TSO VERSION 3 (CSP, CSP/AD, CSP/AE) CROSS SYSTEI1 PRODUCT/APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT, 5668-944, 5660-284, REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD CSP/AE GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD CSP/AE MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD CSP/AE PROBLEI1 DETERMINATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD, CSP/AE, 5668-824, -825, -918, BINDER INSERT (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD CSP/AE VERSION 2 PROBLEI1 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD CSP/AE CSP/SP VERSION 3 CSP/AE OPERATION/EXECUTION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AE SPECIFICATIONS CSP/AE SPECIFICATIONS FOR CICS/vs SSx/vsE VI1ISP CMS AND I1VS/TSO VERSION 3 (CSP CSP/AD CSP/AE) CSP/Q SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/Q GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/Q USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/Q MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/Q PROBLEI1 DETERI1INATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/Q SYSTEI1 ADI1INISTRATION (CURRENT RELEASE) UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS FOR CSP/Q DATA BASE TUNING AND DESIGN I1ODIFICATION AID NOTICE DATA BASE TUNING AND DESIGN MODIFICATION AID DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DATA BASE INTEGRITY CONTROL FACILITY, 5787-LAG, REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD DATABASE 2 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) DB2 DATA BASE PLANNING AND ADI1INISTRATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DATABASE 2 REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) DATABASE 2 APPLICATION PR06RAI1I1ING GUIDE FOR IMS/VS USERS (CURRENT RE LEASE) DB2 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING FOR CICS/OS/vS USERS DATABASE 2 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE FOR TIME SHARING OPTION AND BATCH USERS DATABASE 2 SQL LEARNER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DATABASE 2 OPERATION AND RECOVERY GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DB2 INSTALLATION DB2 SYSTEM PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE DATABASE 2, 5740-XYR, INSTALLATION (SC26-40M-2) DATABASE 2 SAMPLE APPLICATION GUIDE DB2 SYSTEI1 PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE DATABASE 2, 5740-XYR, SAMPLE APPLICATION PROSRAtItIING GUIDE (SC26-4086-2) DATABASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS DATABASE 2, 5740-XYR, SPECIFICATIONS (6C26-4108-2) DATABASE 2 PUBLICATION GUIDE AND MASTER INDEX DATABASE 2, 5740-XYR, GUIDE TO PUBLICATIONS (6C26-4111-1) DATABASE 2 MASTER INDEX DATABASE 2 MESSAGES AND CODES DATABASE 2, 5740-XYR, MESSAGES AND CODES (SC26-4113-2) DATABASE 2 CALL ATTACHMENT FACILITY USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE DATABASE 2 SECURITY AND AUTHORIZATION GUIDE DB2 PERFORMANCE MONITOR SPECIFICATIONS DB2 PERFORMANCE MONITOR GENERAL INFORMATION DB2 PERFORMANCE MONITOR USER'S GUIDE DB2 PERFORMANCE MONITOR REPORT REFERENCE DB2 PERFORMANCE MONITOR INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE GUIDE 082 PERFORMANCE MONITOR COI1I1AND REFERENCE 082 REFERENCE SUI1I1ARY (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA8ASE 2 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE DATA8ASE 2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VOLUME 1 082 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VOLUME 2 DATA AREA DESCRIPTIONS DATABASE 2, 5740-XYR, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE, VOLUME 1 DATABASE 2, 5740-XYR, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE DATABASE 2,5740-XYR, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE, VOLUME 2: DATA AREA DESCRIPTIONS DB2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VOLUME 3 ADVANCED TECHNIQUES DATABASE 2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VOLU1E 3, 5740-XYR, ADVANCED TECHNIQUES (LY26-3952-3) D8IDC DATA DICTIONARY SAMPLE USER HAND800K INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT OS/VS DATA DICTIONARY MESSAGES AND CODES OS/VS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY ADMINISTRATION AND CUSTOI1IZATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/VS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) 211 IT1t0-1t510 IHIO-9101t SCMO-9101t SH20-91" SHIO-9190 SHIO-91.1 IHIO-.191 IHIO-.1M IHIO-.l •• IHIO-.I" IHIO-.l.7 SHIO-.a" IHIO-.1I1 IHIO-'II! IHeO-.IIt. LyaO-I0I7 IVIO-IO?? IVIO-I071 LVlO-IOII IYID-IOla LYU-9Il. LVl7-.5eo LJB6-00J7 IBU-1719 LJB6-00H LJB6-00l. LJB6-00ltO SH20-6651 LY20-IOOl G320-92ltl SB21-2747 SB21-2995 &C26-4070 GC26-4087 SC26-4088 **SC26-4089 **ST26-4089 **SC26-4091 **SC26-4092 **SC26-4107 **S126-4107 SC26-4126 SYe6-3936 SYe6-3937 SY26-3938 Gall-5719 SBl1-5720 SBl1-5721 SH19-6133 SH19-6137 SH19-61H SH19-6140 GHI9-6144 SH19-6157 SH19-6158 SH19-6159 SH19-6160 SH19-6161 SHI9-6162 ST39-6162 SH19-6163 SH19-6168 SH19-6171 GH19-6187 GH19-6218 GH19-6219 SH19-6220 DBIDC DBIDC DBIDC 0I1V1 DATA DICTIONARY RELEASE I LIC PRDI 17lt6-XXC SPECIFICATIONS (aHaO-ItI!o-a) DATA DICTIONARY, 171t0-)O(F, 17lt6-)O(C, BENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASU DATA DICTIONARY RELEAIE I LlC PRDI 17lt6-)Q(C BENERAL INFORMATION (IHIO-9101t-1) DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY TERMINAL USERII IUIDE AND COMMAND REFERENCE OSIYI DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY APPLICATIONS IUIDE OIIYI DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY INSTALLATION aulDE DOIIYI DIIDC DATA DICTIONARY IENERAL INFORMATION DOIIYI DIIDC DATA DICTIONARY IPECIFlCATlONS (CURRINT RELEAII) DOIIYI DIIDC DATA DICTIONARY TERMINAL USERII aUIDE AND REFERENCI (CURRENT RILIAII) DOIIYI DIIDC DATA DICTIONARY :r:NITALLAT:r:ON au:r:DE (CURRENT RELEAII) DOIIYI DIIDC DATA DICTIONARY APPLICATIONS IUIDI (CURRINT RELEASI) DOIIYI DBIDC DATA D:r:CTlDNARY DII1ONSTRATION AND CUlTOttIZATlON aulD I CCURRINT RILIASI) 01 DATA D:r:CTIONARY RIPORT AND FILl alNIRAL USERII aulD I OIIYI DBIDC DATA DICT:r:ONARY INTIRACTlYI DIIPLAY FORI'II FACZL:r:TY USIRII aulD I OIlYl DIIDC DATA D:r:CT:r:ONARY :r:IPF UIERII BUIDI DIIDC DATA DICTIONARY, LIC PR08 17lt6-)Q(C, DZAINOt:r:I. RIFERINCI (CURRINT RELIAII) 0I1Y1 DIIDC, 171t0-)O(F, DATA DICTIONARY DIAaNOIII REFIRENCI (CURRENT RELIAII) 0I1Y1 DIIDC DATA D:r:CT:r:DNARY, .71t0-)O(F D:r:AaNOI:r:1 au:r:DE (CURRINT RILEAII) DOIIYI DIIDC DATA D:r:CT:r:ONARY DIAGNOSII REFERENCI (CURRENT RELEAII) DOIIYI DIIDC DATA D:r:CTIONARY D:r:AINOIII aulD I (CURRENT RELEAII) OIlYI DIIDC DATA DICTIDNARY DIAINOSII REFERINCE OIIYI DIIDC DATA DICTIONARY DIAINOIII aUIDE OIIYS DIIDC DATA DICTIONARY RI DATA AREAl AND CROll REFERENCE. 17ltO-)O(F, LIITINII DATA DICT:r:DNARY LANGUAGE PREPROCESSOR, FDP 5798-DEQ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS OIIYI DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY RI, 171t0-)O(F, LlITlNaI DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY DATA AREAl AND CROSS-REFERENCE INFORMATION, L:r:C PRDI 17lt6-)Q(C, LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) DIIDC DATA DICTIONARY, LlC PROG 57lt6-)o(6 DOSIYS RELEASES, ( CURRENT RELEAII) OSIVS DIIDC DATA DICTIONARY DB2 INTERFACE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS OIIVS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY - DB2 INTERFACE, 5798-DRP SYSTEMS IUIDE NOTICE OSIYl DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY - DB2 INTERFACE DATA DICTIONARY UTILITIES DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIDNS ENHANCED DATA DICTIONARY UTILITIES (SPECIFY 95lt6 9547) DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DATA EXTRACT GENERAL INFORMATION DATA EXTRACT SPECIFICATIONS DATA EXTRACT OPERATIONS DATA EXTRACT QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE DATA EXTRACT, 5668-973, USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (SC26-4089-1) DATA EXTRACT MESSAGES AND COOES DATA EXTRACT DIALOGS INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA EXTRACT ADMINISTERING AND USING DIALOGS (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA EXTRACT, 5668-973, -972, ADMINISTERING AND USING DIALOGS (SC26-4107-1) DATA EXTRACT MASTER INDEX DATA EXTRACT, 5668-973, DIALOGS DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA EXTRACT, 5668-973, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE DATA EXTRACT, 5668-973, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE DATA MODEL DESIGN AID NOTICE DATA MODEL DESIGN AID DESCRIPTI()N/OPERATIONS DATA MODEL DESIGN AID APPLICATION GUIDE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM (ELIAS), LIC PROS 5799-AYZ, APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM PROGRAMMING RPQ X99906: LIC PROS 5799-AYZ, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5799-AYZ PRPQ X99906, SYSTEM HANDBOOK ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM PROGRAttHIN6 RPQ X99906, LIC PROG 5799-AYZ, PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM ELIAS AND SYSTEH INSTALLATION PRODUCTIVITY OPTION, LIC PROG 5799-AYZ (PRpq), 5750-AYZ (SIPO) 61 ELIAS-IIVH APPLICATION GUIDE ELIAS-IIVH PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ELIAS-IIVH COBOL APPLICATION APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ELIAS-IIYH PLII SYSTEH ADHINISTRAT()R'S GUIDE ELIAS-IIVH COBOL SAMPLES HANDBOOK ELIAS-IIVH ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEH-ONEIVIRTUAL MACHINE, LIC PROG 5746-XXV, 5748-)00(, COBOL SAMPLES HANDBOOK PLII SAMPLES HANDBOOK ELIAS;'IIYH (CURRENT RELEASE) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE (ELIAS-I), LIC PROS 5746-XXY, SPECIFICATIONS ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONEIVH USING ELIAS-I UNDER YH, LIC PROG 5748-XXI< ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONEIYH SPECIFICATIONS ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE SYSTEM-ONE GENERAL INFORMATION ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) 212 SH19-6221 SH19-6222 ( SH19-6223 SH19-6224 SH19-6225 GH20-5315 GH20-5316 GXll-6065 GXll-6067 GX20-1049 LYA9-6133 LTA9-6133 LY19-6121 LY19-6214 GH19-6269 GH19-6270 SH19-6271 GXll-6072 G320-1544 SH20-1561 SH20-1562 SH20-1563 GB21-9902 G821-9903 LY20-2072 GB21-1680 SC30-3360 SC30-3363 SC30-3364 SC30-3366 SC30-3376 SC30-3423 SX27-3620 GH12-5145 GH12-5266 GH12-5272 SH12-5374 SH12-5375 SH12-5376 SHI2-5377 SH12-5378 SY12-5302 HGC26-4071 GT26-4071 **SC26-4094 HGC26-4095 **SC26-4096 **SC26-4097 SC26-4098 **SC26-4099 **SC26-4100 GC26-4101 SC26-4127 **SC26-4227 **SC26-4228 **GG24-1658 **GTOO-1696 GH24-5032 GH24-5033 SH24-5034 SH24-5035 GH24-5036 SH24-5037 SH24-5038 SX24-5128 **SX26-3741 SY24-5223 ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE PROS SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE COBOL APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE PLII APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE COBOL SAMPLES HANDBOOK ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE PLII SAMPLES HANDBOOK (CURRENT RELEASE) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE SPECIFICATIONS ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE/VI'I SPECIFICATIONS REFERENCE SUMMARY ELIAS-I/VI'I ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE, 5746-XXV, REFERENCE SUtI1ARY (CURRENT RELEASE) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE SYSTEM-ONE, LIC PROS 5746-XXV, 5748-XXJ(, REFERENCE SUI1I1ARY ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE FOR DOSIVSE (ELIAS-I). LIC PROS 5746-XXV LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE 5746-XXV. LISTINGS (LYA9-6133-1) LOGIC ELIAS-I/VI'I ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE. 5746-XXV, LOGIC ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE GENERAL INFORMATION ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE SPECIFICATIONS USING ELIAS UNDER THE SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE, LIC PROG 5666-291, REFERENCE SUMMARY INTERACTIVE QUERY & REPORT PROCESSOR IIQRP). IUP 5796-PDG, NOTICE INTERACTIVE !WERY & REPORT PROCESSOR IIQRP), IUP 5796-PDG, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE INTERACTIVE !WERY & REPORT PROCESSOR BOOK I, IUP 5796-PDG, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS & SYSTEM ANALYST MANUAL INTERACTIVE !WERY & REPORT PROCESSOR BOOK II, WP 5796-PDG, OPERATIONS/INSTALLATION INTERACTIVE !WERY & REPORT PROCESSOR IIQRP)' IUP 5796-PDG, REFERENCE CARD INTERACTIVE !WERY & REPORT PROCESSOR (IQRP), IUP 5796-PDG, GENERAL INFORMATION INTERACTIVE !WERY & REPORT PROCESSOR (IQRP), IUP 5796-PDG, SYSTEMS GUIDE I1TCSIVS, FDP 5798-CFK, NOTICE NETVIEW INSTALLATION AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE NETVIEW OPERATION PRIMER NETVIEW OPERATION NETVIEW HARDWARE PROBLEM DETERMINATION REFERENCE NETVIEW OPERATION SCENARIOS NETVIEW COI1MAND LISTS NETVIEW COt1t1AND SUMMARY OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK SUPPORT GENERAL INFORMATION OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK, 5665-324, LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK SUPPORT (VSE), 5666-308 (VSE), SPECIFICATIONS OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK SUPPORT. 5665-324 (I1VS), 5666-308 (VSE). OPERATING GUIDE OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK SUPPORT INSTALLATION GUIDE OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK SUPPORT APPLICATION PROGRAHMING GUIDE OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK SUPPORT, 5665-324 (MYS), 5666-308 (VSE), MESSAGES AND CODES OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK SUPPORT (VSE), 5666-308 (YSE), INSTALLATION GUIDE OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK SUPPORT, 5665-324 (11VS)' 5666-308 (VSE), DIAGNOSIS GUIDE !WERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) QMF, 5668-972, GENERAL INFORMATION (GC26-4071-1) !WERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY LEARNER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) QMF SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) !WERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) !WERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE FOR I1VS !WERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR I1VS !WERY I1ANAGEMENT FACILITY PLANNING A~ID ADMINISTRATION GUIDE FOR VtVSP (CURRENT RELEASE) !WERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR VM/SP (CURRENT RELEASE) QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY INTRODUCTION (CURRENT RELEASE) !WERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSTALLING AND USING THE UPPER CASE FEATURE QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY, 5668-972. INSTALLING AND ADMINISTERING NATIONAL LANGUAGE FEATURES FOR I1VS !WERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY, 5668-972. INSTALLING AND ADMINISTERING NATIONAL LANGUAGE FEATURES FOR VtVSYSTEM PRODUCT GUIDE DEVELOPING QMF APPLICATIONS USING ISPF (CURRENT RELEASE) GUIDE DEVELOPING QMF APPLICATIONS USING ISPF (GG24-1658-0) QMFIVSE SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RElEASE) QMFIVSE GENERAL INFORMATION QMFIVSE PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION (CURRENT RElEASE) QMFIVSE INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) QMFIVSE INTRODUCTION QMFIVSE LEARNER'S GUIDE QMFIVSE USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE QUERY I1ANAGEMENT FACILITYIVSE, 5666-292. REFERENCE SUMMARY !WERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY, 5668-972. REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) QMFIVSE. 5666-292. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) 213 SY24-5224 **SY26-3939 **SY26-3940 **SY26-3943 SH09-8016 6H24-5012 6TOO-1668 6TOO-1396 6Q44-5012 GT44-5012 6H24-5013 6TOO-1669 6TOO-1395 6Q44-5013 SH24-5014 STOO-1610 STOO-I088 SQ{t4-5014 SH24-5015 STOO-I089 SQ44-5015 ST44-5015 SH24-5016 SQ44-5016 ST44-5016 SH24-5017 SQ44-5017 ST44-5017 SH24-5018 STOO-1397 SQ44-5018 ST44-5018 SH24-5019 STOO-1677 STOO-I090 SQ44-5019 SH24-5020 STOO-1678 STOO-I091 SQ44-5020 ST44-5020 6H24-5026 6TOO-1679 6Q44-5026 6T44-5026 SH24-5027 GH24-5042 SH24-5043 ST44-5043 SH24-5044 ST44-5044 SH24-5045 ST44-5045 SH24-5046 ST44-5046 6H24-5064 6T44-5064 GH24-5065 6T44-5065 6H24-5066 6T44-5066 SH24-5067 SH24-5068 SH24-5069 SH24-5070 ST44-5070 SH24-5071 ST44-5071 SH24-5072 SX24-5121 STOO-I093 STOO-I348 SX24-5125 STOO-I092 STOO-1377 REFERENCE Qt1FIVSE DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY FOR VtI/SP. 5668-972. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) DIAGNOSIS GUIDE FOR tlVS Qt1F (CURRENT RELEASE) QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY FOR Vtl/SP. 5668-972, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) SQl/DS REtI()TE RELATIONAL ACCESS SUPPORT GUIDE FOR Vtl/SP SQl/DS FOR VSE 6ENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SQl/DS FOR VSE 6ENERAL INFORMATION (6H24-5012-4) SQl/DS FOR VSE GENERAL INFORMATION (GH24-5012-3) SQl/DATA SYSTEM, 5748-XXJ, RELEASE 1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION, 6H24-5012-1 SQl/DATA SYSTEM, LIC PR06 5748-XXJ RELEASE I, GENERAL INFORMATION (GH24-5012-0) SQl/DS FOR VSE CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) SQL/oS CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES FOR VSE (6H24-5013-3) SQl/DS CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES FOR VSE (GH24-5013-2) SQl/DATA SYSTEM 5748-XXJ RELEASE 1 CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES (GH24-5013-1) PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION FOR VSE SQl/DS (CURRENT RELEASE) 4700 FINANCE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM HOST SUPPORT, 5668-989, USER'S GUIDE (SC31-0020-3) PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION fOR VSE SQl/DS (SH24-5014-2) SQl/DATA SYSTEM. 5748-XXJ RELEASE 1.1. PLANNING & ADMINISTRATION (SH24-5014-1) SQl/DS FOR VSE INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SQl/DS FOR VSE, 5748-XXJ, INSTALLATION (SH24-5015-2) SQl/DATA SYSTEM, 5748-XXJ RELEASE 1.1, INSTALLATION (SH24-5015-1) SQl/DATA SYSTEM, LIC PROS 5748-XXJ RELEASE I, INSTALLATION (SH24-5015-0) SQl/DS FOR VSE TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) SQL/oS FOR VSE, 5748-XXJ, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (SH24-5016-2) SQl/DATA SYSTEM, 5748-XXJ RELEASE, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (SH24-5016-1) SQl/DS FOR VSE TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) SQL/oS FOR VSE, 5748-XXJ, TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE (SH24-5017-2) SQl/DATA SYSTEM. 5748-XXJ, RELEASE 1.1. TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE, (SH24-5017-1) SQl/DS FOR VSE APPLICATION PROGRAMMING (CURRENT RELEASE) SQl/DS FOR VSE. 5748-XXJ, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING (SH24-5018-2) SQl/DATA SYSTEM 5748-XXJ RELEASE 1.1, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING (SH24-5018-1) SQl/DATA SYSTEM. LIC PROS 5748-XXJ RELEASE I, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING (SH24-5018-0) SQl/DS FOR VSE MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) SQl/DS FOR VSE, 5748-XXJ. MESSAGES AND CODES (SH24-5019-3) SQl/DS FOR VSE. 5748-XXJ. MESSAGES AND CODES (SH24-5019-2) SQl/DATA SYSTEM. 5748-XXJ RELEASE 1.1 MESSAGES & CODES (SH24-5019-1) SQl/DS FOR VSE OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SQl/DS FOR VSE. 5748-XXJ. OPERATIONS (SH24-5020-3) SQl/DS FOR VSE. 5748-XXJ. OPERATIONS (SH24-5020-2) SQl/DATA SYSTEM. 5748-XXJ RELEASE 1.1. SYSTEM OPERATION (SH24-5020-1) SQl/DATA SYSTEM. LIC PROG 5748-XXJ RELEASE I, OPERATION (SH24-5020-0) SQl/DS FOR VSE SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) SQl/DS FOR VSE, 5748-XXJ, LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS (6H24-5026-3) SQl/DS FOR VSE, 5748-XXJ, SPECIFICATIONS (6H24-5026-2) SQl/DATA SYSTEM, 5748-XXJ RELEASE 1.1 SPECIFICATIONS (GH24-5026-1) SQl/DS FOR VSE MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) SQl/DS GUIDE SQl/DS FOR Vtl/SP PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SQl/DS, 5748-XXJ. PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION FOR Vtl/SP (SH24-5043-0) SQl/DS FOR Vtl/SP INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SQL DATA SYSTEM, 5748-XXJ, INSTALLATION (Vtl/SP) (SH24-5044-1) SQl/DS FOR Vtl/SP TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) SQl/DS, 5748-XXJ, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE FOR Vtl/SP (SH24-5045-0) DB SERVICES UTILITY FOR SQl/DS VSE (CURRENT RELEASE) DB SERVICES UTILITY FOR VSE SQl/DS (SH24-5046-0) SQl/DS FOR Vtl/SP 6ENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE/oATA SYSTEMS FOR Vtl/SP 6ENERAL INFORMATION (6H24-5064-0) SQl/DS FOR Vtl/SP CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE/oATA SYSTEMS CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES FOR Vtl/SP (GH24-5065-0) SQl/DS FOR Vt1/SP SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE/oATA SYSTEMS FOR Vtl/SP, 5748-XXJ, SPECIFICATIONS (6H24-5066-0) SQl/DS FOR Vtl/SP TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) SQl/DS FOR Vtl/SP APPLICATION PROGRAtItIItlG ·(CURRENT RELEASE) SQl/DS FOR Vtl/SP DB SERVICE UTILITY (CURRENT RELEASE) SQl/DS FOR Vtl/SP MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE/oATA SYSTEI1S. 5748-XXJ, MESSAGES AND COOES FOR Vtl/SP (SH24-5070-0) SQl/DS FOR Vtl/SP OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUA6E/oATA SYSTEMS. 5748-XXJ, OPERATIONS FOR Vtl/SP (SH24-5071-0) SQl/DS FOR VM/SP MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE SUtlHARY FOR VSE SQl/DS (CURRENT RELEASE) TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE SUtlHARY FOR VSE SQl/DS (SX24-5121-1) SQL/DATA SYSTEM 5748-XXJ TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE SUtItIARY, RELEASE I, (SX24-5121-0) USER'S TERMINAL TEMPLATE PFK FOR VSE SQl/DS (CURRENT RELEASE) USER'S TERMINAL TEMPLATE PFK FOR VSE SQl/DS (SX24-5125-1) SQl/DATA SYSTEM, 5748-XXJ. RELEASE I. (SX24-5125-0) 214 ( "'--j SX24-5133 STOO-1613 SX24-5142 SX24-5143 ( LY24-5216 LY24-5217 LY24-5222 SY24-5229 SY24-5230 SY24-5231 SY24-5232 GB13-7619 SH20-6474 SH20-6475 G320-0348 G320-9184 --SH20-6415 G320-0654 SH20-1733 SH20-1735 SH20-2000 SH20-4395 ( GH20-2141 --GH20-5986 -1fSH20-5987 --GH20-5988 -*GH20-5989 GH20-5990 **GH20-5992 GH20-5993 **GH20-5994 SH20-5995 1fIfSH20-5996 --GH20-5997 -*GH20-5998 **GH20-5999 SH20-6000 **SH20-6001 -*GH20-6002 **LH20-6006 LH20-6007 LH20-600a SH20-6009 *-lJI21)-6010 **LH20-6011 **LH20-6012 LH20-6013 *-LH20-6014 LH20-6015 **LH20-6016 **LH20-6017 LH20-6018 **LH20-6019 LH20-6021 *-LH20-6022 **LH20-6023 LH20-6025 GH20-6024 GH20-6200 GG24-1605 SQLlDS FOR VM/SP (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS. VERSION 1. RELEASE 2. 5748-XXJ. (SX24-5133-0) SQLIDS FOR VMlSP TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY SQLlDS. 5748-XXJ. TERMINAL USER'S PROGRAM FUNCTION KEY TEMPLATE FOR YHlSP (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDATA SYSTEM. 5748-XXJ. LOGIC. VOLUME 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) SQL/DATA SYSTEM. 5748-XXJ. LOGIC. VOLUME 2 (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLIDATA SYSTEM. 5748-XXJ. LOGIC. VOLUME 3 (CURRENT RELEASE) STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGEIDATA SYSTEM FOR VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED. 5748-XXJ. DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS FOR VM/SP DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGEIDATA SYSTEM FOR VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED. 5748-XXJ. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS FOR VMlSP DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE SQLlEDIT NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING VM/SP SQLlEDIT DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VM/SP SQLlEDIT USER'S GUIDE VM/SP STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE/EDIT. 5798-DQY VSE STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE/EDIT. 5798-DPJ. AVAILABILITY NOTICE RELATIONAL DESIGN TOOL SQLlDS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS STRUCTURAL QUERY LANGUAGE/DATA SYSTEM RELATIONAL DESIGN TOOL. 5798-DQL TELECOMt1UNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM-ADVANCED FUNCTION (TCS-AF) OPERATIONS GUIDE TCS/AF. 5740-XXD. CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM - ADVANCED FUNCTION VERSION 4. PROG PROD 5740-XXD. MODEL MESSAGE CONTROL PROGRAM lt10DEL MCP) TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM ADVANCED FUNCTION (TCS-AF) - PROG PROD 5740-)0(0. SPECIFICATIONS ACPITPF APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE TPF VERSION 2 DATABASE CONTROL PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 DATABASE SUPPORT PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 DCS PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 DATA PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 DOCUMENTATION AIDS (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 MACRO PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 MAGNETIC TAPE SUPPORT PROGRAM REFERENCE TPF VERSION MAIN SUPERVISOR PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 NON-SNA DATA COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT R&LEASE) TPF VERSION 2 OPERATIONS GUIDE PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SNA DATA COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 DATA COf1I1UNICATIONS SERVICES LOGIC HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SYSTEM INSTALLATION SUPPORT PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AND MEASUREMENT PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 NON-SNA DATA COMMUNICATIONS LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT LOGIC TPF VERSION 2 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AND MEASUREMENT (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS TPF VERSION 2 DATABASE CONTROL LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 DATABASE SUPPORT PROGRAM LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 DATA COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 MAGNETIC TAPE SUPPORT PROGRAM LOGIC TPF VERSION 2 MAIN'SUPERVISOR LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SYSTEM INSTALLATION SUPPORT PROGRAM LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SNA DATA COMt1UNICATIONS PROGRAM LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 DATABASE CONTROL LOGIC HPO (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 DATABASE SUPPORT PROGRAM LOGIC HPO FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SYSTEM GENERATION GUIDE PROGRAM REFERENCE LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 HPO MAIN SUPERVISOR LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SYSTEM INSTALLATION SUPPORT PROGRAM LOGIC HPO FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SNA DATA COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM LOGIC ACF FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 PARTITIONED MULTIPROCESSOR FEATURE GUIDE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TPF VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS TPF VERSION 2 CotI1UNICATIONS NETWORK MANAGEMENT CUSTOMIZING INFORMATION/SYSTEM VERSION 2 215 e SYSTEM SUPPORT LICENSED PROGRAMS (20-40) 1! General InforMatjon: Eyaluat;on. llista 6544-3415 GC33-6132 6C26-4123 GC26-4124 &H12-5174 GC26-4241 GC26-4250 GH12-5261 GC34-4045 GC34-4085 6C34-4084 GH20-5292 **GG24-1729 **SX20-0207 G320-0803 6320-0814 **G320-0815 G320-5702 &H20-53S2 GC34-4109 G520-6009 GC26-4229 GC30-9562 GC26-4198 GC26-4199 GH24-5124 GC23-0626 GC09-1043 GC09-1044 GBll-5830 ADVANCED FLtlCTION PRINTING SOFTWARE GENERAL INFORMATION C()MPOSED DOCUMENT PRINTING FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS DFDSS 6ENERAL INFORMATION DFDSS, 5665-327, LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS DISPLAYWRITE/370 SPECIFICATIONS DXT VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION DXT VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM VERSION 2 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS INTRODUCING THE INFORMATION/FAMILY VM/SP AND HVS INFORMATIONIHANA6EMENT VERSION 3 FOR VMlSP SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION/SYSTEM VERSION 3 FOR VMlSP SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION/SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5735-0ZS, SPECIFICATIONS IXl370 INFORMATION FOR NEW USERS INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE BASIC, 5796-TBA, REFERENCE CARD INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE, 5796-TAY, TBD, TBE, INFORMIX, EQF/C, AND EQFICOBOL RELEASE NOTICE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE INTEGRATED WORDIMATH, 5796-TAT, RELEASE NOTICE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE ULTRACALC, 5796-TAN. RELEASE NOTICE CATALOG OF LANGUAGE AND SORT PROGRAM PRODUCTS OS. DOS VMl370-CMS NUMERICAL CONTROL POST PROCESSOR GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS HVS/PROGRAMMING IN LOGIC (HVS/PROLOG) SPECIFICATIONS PROGRAMMING IN LOGIC (PROLOG) GENERAL INFORMATION AND PLANNING GUIDE FOR THE MVS AND 'Itt ENVIRONMENTS QMF VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION REPORT MANAGEMENT DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS THE INFORMATION FACILITY, 5664-194, GENERAL INFORMATION THE INFORMATION FACILITY, 5798-DYE, -DYF, SPECIFICATIONS VMlPC HOST SERVER SPECIFICATIONS VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEMIVECTOR FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS DISPLAYWRITER 3277 DEVICE EMULATION PRPQ P10034 SPECIFICATIONS DISPLAYWRITER 3277 DEVICE EMULATIONIDOCUHENT TRANSFER PRPQ PI0074 SPECIFICATIONS 3800 BAR CODE PRINT PROGRAM NOTICE 11 Assembler GC33-4039 GC26-3758 SC26-3759 SC26-3768 SC26-3770 GC26-3771 LY26-3760 LCB6-3772 GC26-4029 SC26-4030 GC26-4035 SC26-4036 GC26-4037 LY26-3908 LJB6-0074 6320-5541 GBll-5518 SBl1-5519 GB21-2788 SB21-2789 GB21-0704 GB21-1008 G320-5824 G320-5542 6Bl1-5266 SBl1-5267 LBl1-5268 SC26-3740 SC33-4029 GC33-4038 LYC7-5037 LY26-3737 n os ASSEMBLER H, LIC PROG 5734-AS1, FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OS ASSEMBLER H, LIC PROG 5734-AS1, GENERAL INFORMATION OS ASSEMBLER H, LIC PROG 5734-AS1, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE OS ASSEMBLER H, LIC PROG 5734-AS1, SYSTEM INFORMATION OS ASSEMBLER H, LIC PROG 5734-AS1, MESSAGES OS ASSEMBLER H, LIC PR06 5734-AS1, LANGUAGE OS ASSEMBLER H, LIC PROG 5734-AS1, LOGIC IBM SYSTEMl360 OS ASSEMBLER H - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-AS1 ASSEMBLER H VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS ASSEMBLER H VERSION 2 INSTALLATION ASSEMBLER H VERSION 2, 5668-962, GENERAL INFORMATION ASSEMBLER H VERSION 2 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE ASSEMBLER H VERSION 2, LIC PROG 5668-962, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE REFERENCE ASSEMBLER H VERSION 2, LIC PROG 5668-962, LOGIC ASSEMBLER H VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 LISTINGS ASSEMBLER H/CMS INTERFACE, IUP 5796-PEJ, NOTICE ASSEMBLER MACRO CONVERSION AID, IFP 5785-EBE, NOTICE ASSEMBLER MACRO CONVERSION AID, IFP 5785-EBE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ASSEMBLER MACRO CONVERSION AID NOTICE ASSEMBLER MACRO CONVERSION AID DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS BURROUGHS 100/200/300/500 BASIC ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE TO IBM DOS ALC CONVERSION AID FOR SYSTEMl360, 370 AVAILABILITY NOTICE - FDP NUMBER 5798-AMC DOSIVS ASSEMBLER TESTING AID, FDP 5798-AWJ, NOTICE GENERAL CROSS ASSEMBLER GENERATOR, IUP 5796-PKD, NOTICE RCA TDOS ASSEMBLER TO DIS ASSEMBLER CONVERSION AID, IUP 5796-PEX, NOTICE IBM ASSEMBLER CONVERSION AID FROM SIEMENS ASSEMBLER, IFP 5785-DCA, NOTICE IBM ASSEMBLER CONVERSION AID FROM SIEMENS ASSEMBLER. IFP 5785-DCA, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IBM ASSEMBLER CONVERSION AID FROM SIEMENS ASSEMBLER. IFP 5785-DCA, SYSTEMS GUIDE OS TSO ASSEMBLER PROMPTER, LIC PROG 5734-CP2. USER'S GUIDE OS TSO ASSEMBLER PROMPTER. LIC PROG 5734-CP2, INSTALLATION REFERENCE OS TSO ASSEMBLER PROMPTER, LIC PROG 5734-CP2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ASSEMBLER F PROMPTER MICROFICHE LISTING, PROG PROD 5734-CP2 IBM SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM TIME SHARING OPTION ASSEMBLER PROMPTER PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-CP2 Af!. **SH20-9216 APL2 PROGRAMMING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) 216 ( --SH20-9227 "SH20-9229 --SX26-3737 "SX26-3738 SB21-301" 8821-301' 8821-3039 -"ttl!0-9213 "1H20-921,. "SH20-921. --SH20-9217 -.SH20-9211 SH20-9220 "SH20-9221 ••SH20-9222 •• LJI6-0111 •• LJ86-01Jlt ••Sn6-1912 IH20-0619 1C26-11,.7 IH20-9011 IH20-9019 1H20-0110 SH20-0911 1H20-0906 LnO-0678 LYBO-0626 SC20-1845 SC20-1846 GBl1-52,.9 SBl1-5250 LBl1-5251 SH20-2046 Ge34-2184 GB21-1804 G320-6103 SHZO-1460 SH20-1461 GH20-4347 SH20-9087 SH20-9088 GH20-9102 LYBO-8042 LYBO-2010 LY20-2429 GH20-9064 GT40-9064 SH20-9065 St120-9066 STOO-0716 SH20-9067 SH20-9068 GH20-9086 GT40-9086 SH20-9167 ST40-9167 SH20-9168 SH20-9180 SH20-9181 SH20-9182 SH20-9183 SH20-9184 SH20-9199 LJB6-0076 LJB6-0077 LJB6-6101 LJB6-6102 LJB6-6103 SBll-5337 SX26-3712 STOO-0602 LY20-B032 APL2 PROGRAtI1IN6 UNGUAIE REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) APL2 INTRODUCTION (CURRENT RELEASE) APL2 REFERENCE SIJttIARY (CURRENT RELEASE) APL2 REFERENCE CARD (CURRENT RELEASE) APL2 USER'S SUIDE APL2 LANGUAGE "ANUAL APLI INTRODUCTION APL2 SPECIPICATIONI (CURRENT RELEASE) APL2 IENERAL INPORMATION (CURRENT RELEASI) APL2 "IIRATION IUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) APLI PROGRAmI... USINI S-.L (CURRENT RELEASE) APL2 PROGRAHHINI SYSTEMS IERVICE REPERINCE (CURRINT RELEAIE) APL2 "IIIAGEI AND CODIS (CURRENT RELIAIE) APL2 INSTALLATION AND CUiTOHIZATION UNDER CHI (CURRINT RELEASE) APLI INSTALLATION AND CUiTOMlZATlON UNDIR TSO APL2 VERSION 1 APL2 CHS VIRSION 1 (CURRENT RELEASI) APL2 DIAGNOIIS RIPERENCI (CURRENT RILIAII) APL/160 PRIMIR. ITUDENT TEXT VS/APL. 1741-API. 1799-AJP. -A-.c. UNGUAIE REPERENCE (CURRENT RELEAII) APLl360-0I. L1C PR08 173"-)(116. PUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION APLlI60-DOS. LIC PR08 1716-XH6. PUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION APLlI60. 171lt-XH6 (aSh 17I6-XH6 (DOll. IENERAL INFORMATION APLlI60. 5736-XH6. OPERATIONS INSTALLATION APLl360. 173"-)(116 (01 It 1736-Xtt6 (DOl)' USER'S MANUAL APLlI60-OS AND APLlI60-DOS SYSTEM MANUAL FEATURE NUMBERS 1091. 101lt LIC PROS 571lt-XH6. 5736-XH6 APLl360 - DOS ASSEMBLY LISTINGS. PRfJGRAH NUMBER 5736-Xt!6. FEATURE CODE 1065. FE SERVICE NUMBER 200157 APL/CMS. 5799-ALK. PR~ "F2608 INSTALLATION APLlCMS. 5799-ALK. PR~ MF2608 USER'S MANUAL SYSTEM/370 VS APL APLVS APL COMPLEMENTARY FUNCTIONS. IFP 5715-DBX. -DBY. NOTICE APL COMPLEMENTARY FUNCTIONS. IFP 57B5-DBX, -DBY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS APL COMPLEMENTARY FUNCTIONS. IFP 5785-DPX., -DBY. SYSTEMS GUIDE APL COMPUTER AIDED INSTRUCTION, 5796-PJW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS APL DATA INTERFACE FOR THE PERSONAL COMPUTER 6410978 APLIDATA LANGUAGE, 5798-CHR, NOTICE APL PROG GO: VECTOR OPS APL SHARED VARIABLES PRPQ WE1191, APLlSV USER'S GUIDE APL SHARED VARIABLES, 5799-AJF. PRPQ WEl191. SPECIFICATIONS APL SHARED VARIABLES (APLSV), LIC PROG 5799-AJF PRPQ WEl191 SPECIFICATIONS APL SHARED VARIABLES (APLSV) VERSION 3 USER'S GUIDE, PROGRAHMING RPQ MG6282 PROG 5799-AQC APL SHARED VARIABLES (APLSV) V3 OPERATIONS GUIDE PROGRAMMING RPQ t1G6282, PROG 5799-AQC APL SHARED VARIABLES (ALPSV) VERSION 3.0 SPECIFICATIONS, PROGRAMMING RPQ MG6282, PROG 5799-AQC APL SHARED VARIABLES (APLSV) VERSION 3, LISTINGS, PROG 5799-AQC A PROGRAMMIN6 LANGUA6E SHARED VARIABLE LISTINGS (APLSV PRPQ WE1l9!) (PROGRAM NO. 5799-AJF) APL WORKSPACE STRUCTURE ANALYZER, IUP 5796-PNB, SYSTEMS GUIDE VS APL GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL, RELEASE 3, LIC PROG 5748-AP1, 6ENERAL INFORMATION (6H20-9064-4) VS APL INSTALLATION REFERENCE ICURRENT RELEASE) VS APL FOR VSPC TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL FOR VSPC, 5748-API RELEASE 3.1, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (SH20-9066-03) VS APL CMS TERMINAL USER'S 6UIDE ICURRENT RELEASE) VS APL WRITING AUXILIARY PROCESSORS ICMS AND TSO) (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL, LIC PROS 5741-APl. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL RELEASE 3, SPECIFICATIONS IGH20-9086-5) VSAPL, LIC PROG 5748-API. CICS TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL RELEASE 3 LIC PROG 5748-APl CICSIVS TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE ISH20-9167-0) YSAPL, LIC PROG 57,.8-AP1, WRITING AUXILIARY PROCESSORS (CICSIVS (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL FOR TSO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE VS APL FOR CICSIVS INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL VS APL FOR CMS INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL FOR TSO INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL VS APL FOR VSPC INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL VS APL 6RAPHPAK USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YS APL TAPE 7165 VS/APL, 5748-AP1, YSPC, LISTINGS VS APL, LIC PROG 5748-APl, FOR OSIVS ENVIRONMENT LISTINGS VS APL, LIC PROG 5748-APl, FOR YH/CMS ENVIRONMENT LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL, LIC PROG 5748-API. FOR DOS ENVIRONMENT LISTINGS VS APL - DLII INTERFACE, IFP 5785-FAL, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VSAPL, LIC PROG 5748-API, REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL REFERENCE SUMMARY, RELEASE 3, LIC PROG 5748-AP1, (SX26-3712-2) VSAPL, LIC PROG 5748-API, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) 217 LQ60-8032 LYBO-8040 GC26-4024 GT26-4024 SX26-3736 SX26-3721 SY26-3905 SC26-4025 **GC26-4023 GT26-4023 GC28-8302 GC28-8303 SC28-8308 SC28-8309 GC28-8311 LY28-6422 LYC7-5051 SC28-8306 SX28-6386 GB21-1963 SC28-8304 SX28-6385 SH19-6053 SH20-9060 SD26-6038 SX26-3710 GC28-6407 SC28-6437 SC28-6432 GH20-9131 LYC7-5023 LYC7-5038 GC28-6396 GC28-6464 GC28-6431 SC28-6456 SC28-6458 LY28-6419 LYC7-5045 GC28-6443 GC28-6444 GC28-6421 SC28-6441 GC28-6394 SC28-6442 LY28-6413 LYC7-5030 LJD3-3922 LYC7-5031 GC28-6402 SC28-6439 SC28-6438 LYC7-5041 GC26-4042 GC26-4044 VS APL, 5748-API RELEASE 4, LOGIC (LY20-8032-2) VSAPL, LIC PROG 5748-APl, LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) BASICIVH BASIC, 5668-996 RELEASE 1, SPECIFICATIONS (GC26-4024-0) BASIC LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY VS COBOL II REFERENCE SUtlHARY BASIC, 5668-996, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) BASICIVH INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) BASIC GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) BASIC, 5668-996, 5665-948, GENERAL INF()RMATION (GC26-4023-2) VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XX1, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XXl, REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS BASIC, LIC PROO 5748-XXl, OSIVS & DOS/vS PROGRAtI1ER' S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XXl, INSTALLATION REFERENCE' MATERIAL (CURRENT RELEASE) VS BASIC, LIC PROO 5748-XX1, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XXl, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XX1, LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) VS BASIC, LIC PROO 5748-XXI, CMS TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XX1, CMS REFERENCE SlH1ARY (CURRENT RELEASE) SYSTEM/370 VS BASIC CONVERSION, FOP 5798-CLH, NOTICE VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XX1, T50 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XXl, TSO REFERENCE SUtlHARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VS PERSONAL COMPUTING FOR DCS: BASIC LANGUAGE CONVERSION PROGRAM USER'S GUIDE VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XX1, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VS BASIC TO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE SH20-9060-2 VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XXI, VSPC REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) IBM OS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COt1PILER AND LIBRARY, VERSION 3: GENERAL INFORMATION, PROG. NO. 573lt-CBl OS FULL ANS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY VERS 3, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE, PROG PROD 573lt-CBl OS FULL ANS COBOL COMPILER & LIBRARY VERSION 3 INSTALLATION REFERENCE HANUAL, PROO. PROO. 573lt-CBl IBM OS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY VERSION 3 FUNCTI()NAL DESCRIPTION. PROG PROD 573lt-CBl SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD (ANS) COBOL VERSION 3 LISTINGS PROGRAM NUMBER 573lt-CBI IBM SYSTEMl360/370 OS FULL ANS COBOL VERSION 3 COt1PILER AND LIBRARY - LISTINGS, PROG. PROD. 5734-CBI OS FULL ANS COBOL PROG NOS 360S-CB-545 (V2), 573lt-CBl (V3), 5734-CB2, -LH2 (V4), PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE OS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COt1PILER & LIBRARY VERSION 4, LIC PROG 573lt-CB2, -LH2, SPECIFICATIONS OS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COt1PILER & LIBRARY LIC PROG 573lt-CB2, -LH2, PLANNING GUIDE OS FULL AMERICAL NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COt1PILER & LIBRARY VERSION 4, LIC PROG 573lt-CB2, -LM2, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE IBM OS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COt1PILER AND LIBRARY, VERSION 4, INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROG. NOS. 5734-CB2, LH2 OS FULL ANS COBOL SUBROUTINE LIBRARY VERSION 4, LIC PROG 573lt-LH2, LOGIC as ANS COBOL COMPILER & LIBRARY LISTINGS, PROG. 5734-CB2 DOS FULL ANS COMPILER VERS 3 REL 3, PROG PROD 5736-CB2, SPECIFICATIONS DOS FULL ANS COBOL OBJECT TIME SUBROUTINE LIBRARY, VERS 3, PROG PROD 5736-LH2, SPECIFICATIONS DOS FULL ANS COMPILER AND LIBRARY V3, GENERAL INFORMATION, PROO PROD 5736-CB2, -LH2 DOS FULL ANS COBOL COMPILER & LIBRARY VERSION 3 PROGRAtI1ER'S GUIDE, PROG. PRODUCTS 5736-CB2, 5736-LH2 DOS FULL ANS COBOL PROG NOS 360N-CB-482 (V2), 5736-CB2, -LH2 (V3), 5746-CBl, -LH4, REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) IBM DOS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY, VERSION 3 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL PROG. NOS. 5736-CB2. 5736-LH2 DOS FULL ANS COBOL SUBROUTINE LIBRARY VER 3, LOGIC, PROG PROD 5736-LH2 DOS FULL ANS COMPILER V3 LISTINGS - PROG NO 5736-CB2 DOS F/ANS COBOL COMPILER PTF 35 (UP15279) LYC7-5030-04, LYC7-5031-04 PROGRAM 10 5736-CB201/LH201 DOS FULL ANS COBOL LIBRARY V3, LISTINGS, PROG. NO. 5736-LH2 DOS SUBSET ANS COBOL COMPILER & LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5736-CB1, GENERAL INFORMATION DOS SUBSET ANS COBOL COMPILER & LIBRARY PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE DOS SUBSET ANS COMPILER AND LIBRARY INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROG PROD 5736-SC1 DOS SUBSET COMPILER & LIBRARY LISTINGS - PROG. NO. 5736-CBl VS COBOL II GENERAL INFORMATION VS COBOL II SPECIFICATIONS 218 SC26-4045 SC26-4046 GC26-4047 SC26-4048 SC26-4049 GC26-4189 SC26-4213 SC26-4214 -SY26-3910 **SY26-3911 LY27-9522 LY27-9523 GBl1-5840 G320-0445 SBl1-5841 SH20-6402 6821-0999 6C28-6473 SC28-6479 SC28-6478 GC28-6487 LYC7-5050 LTC7-5050 LY28-6423 LY28-6424 GC26-3998 GX26-3709 GBl1-5402 SBl1-5403 6B21-0914 SB21-0915 GBl1-5412 SBl1-5413 6811-5480 5811-5481 6811-5370 GC28-6454 ( SC28-6465 SC28-6468 GC28-6485 SX28-8194 **SH20-6933 **6320-0809 6811-5358 5811-5359 GC28-6470 GT28-6470 GC28-6472 SC28-6481 ST28-6481 GC26-3857 6Q26-3857 6126-3857 LYC7-5052 LY28-6425 SC28-6483 SQ28-6483 LY28-6486 6811-5514 5811-5515 GB21-0493 GBl1-5315 5811-5316 GC34-4078 SC34-4079 SC34-4080 GC34-4087 SC34-4108 6320-9391 VS COBOL II APPLICATION PROGRAt1t1ING GUIDE VS COBOL II APPLICATION PROGRAI'I1ING SAMPLE PROGRAMS VS COBOL II APPLICATION PROGRAI'I1ING LANGUAGE REFERENCE OS COBOL II INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION VS COBOL II APPLICATION PROGRAMMING DEBUGGING GUIDE VS COBOL II GUIDE TO PUBLICATIONS INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION FOR CHS VS COBOL II SUPPLEMENT FOR CMS USERS VS COBOL II APPLICATION PROGRAI'I1ING VS COBOL II, 5668-958. -940, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VS COBOL II DIAGNOSIS GUIDE. 5668-958, -940 VS COBOL II DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VS COBOL II DIAGNOSIS GUIDE COBOL CONVERSION AID NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING COBOL CONVERSION AID, 5785-AAT, NOTICE COBOL CONVERSION AID DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING COBOL CONVERSION AID DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOS SOURCE STATEMENT LIBRARY MAINTENANCE FOR ANS COBOL ON S/370 AVAILABILITY NOTICE DOSIVS COBOL COMPILER & LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5746-CBl, -LM4, GENERAL INFORMATION DOSIVS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5746-CBl, -LM4 INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS COBOL, 5746-CB1, -LM4, COMPILER AND LIBRARY PROGRAt1t1ER' GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS COBOL COMPILER At«) LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5746-CB1, -LM4 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS COBOL COMPILER & LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5746-CB1, -U14 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY RELEASE 2.5 LIC PROG 5746-CBl LISTINGS (LYC7-5050-6) DOSIVS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5746-CBl, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS/VS COBOL SUBROUTINE LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5746-LM4, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) VS COBOL FOR DOSIVSE LANGUAGE REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS COBOL FOR DOSIVSE, FORMAT AND RESERVED WORDS, REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) CONVERSION AID IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM FACOM COBOL, IFP 5785-JAD IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM FACOM COBOL, IFP 5785-JAD, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IBM ANS COBOL FROM GE-415 COBOL CONVERSION AID FDP 5798-ASY, NOTICE IBM ANS COBOL FROM 6E-415 COBOL CONVERSION AID FDP 5798-ASY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM HONEYWELL COBOL, IFP 5785-JAA, NOTICE IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM HONEYWELL COBOL, IFP 5785-JAA, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOSIVSE COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM ICL COBOL, IFP 5785-EBJ, NOTICE IBM DOSIVSE COBOL CONVERSION AID FR()M ICL COBOL, IFP 5785-EBJ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM ICL PLAN 5787-EAC, -EAD, NOTICE OS TSO COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG & COBOL PROMPTER, LIC PROG 5734-CB4. -CP1, GENERAL INFORMATION OS COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG. LIC PROG 5734-CB4, USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG. LIC PROG 5734-CB4. INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG. LIC PROG 5734-CB4 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG, LIC PROG 5734-CB4. REFERENCE CARD (CURRENT RELEASE) IX INFORMIX EQF/COBOL USER'S GUIDE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE COBOL. 5796-TAY. SOFTWARE UPDATE IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM NCR COBOL. IFP 5785-DCD, NOTICE IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM NCR COBOL. IFP 5785-DCD. DESCRIPTIONIOPERATI()NS OSIVS COBOL COMPILER & LIBRARY. LIC PROG 5740-CBl. -LM1 GENERAL INFORMATION OSIVS COBOL COMPILER LIBRARY GENERAL INFORMATION (GC28-6470-1) OSIVS COBOL COMPILER & LIBRARY. LIC PROG 5740-CBl. -LM1 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS COBOL RELEASE 2.3. LIC PROG 5740-CBl COMPILER At«) LIBRARY INSTALLATION AND REFERENCE (SC28-6481-1) VS COBOL FOR OSIVS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) REFERENCE VS COBOL FOR OSIVS (6C26-3857-2) OS/VS COBOL RELEASE 2.3. LIC PROG 5740-CBl REFERENCE (6C26-3857-1) OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY. 5740-CB1. -LMI. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS COBOL SUBROUTINE LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5740-LMl, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY, 5740-CBl, -LMl, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS COBOL RELEASE 2.3, LIC PROG 5740-CBl COMPILER AND LIBRARY PROGRAI'I1ER'S GUIDE (SQ28-6483-1) OSIVS COBOL COMPILER LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) COBOL & PLII CONVERSION AID, IFP 5785-EB6, NOTICE COBOL & PLII CONVERSION AID, IFP 5785-EBG, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS RCA COBOL TO ANS COBOL, 5798-AHT, CONVERSION AID FOR SYSTEMl360/370 NOTICE IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM SIEMENS COBOL UNDER DOSIVS, DOSIVSE, At«) OSIVS. IFP 5785-DCB, NOTICE SIEMENS-IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID, IFP 5785-DCB, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS COBOL STRUCTURING FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS COBOL STRUCTURING FACILITY COBOL RE-ENGINEERING CONCEPTS COBOL STRUCTURING FACILITY USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE COBOL, 5668-786, STRUCTURING FACILITY PRESENTATION GUIDE COBOL STRUCTURING FACILITY MASTER INDEX SOFTWARE UPDATE FOR COBOL STRUCTURING FACILITY, 5668-786 219 G320-5551 SC28-6433 ST28-6433 SC28-6434 GC28-6435 LYC7-5039 LYC7-5040 LY28-6406 GBI1-5414 SBI1-5415 SC28-6469 SQ28-6469 ST28-6469 GX26-3720 :i ISAtt TO DVI COBOL TRANSLATOR, IUP 5796-PFB, -PFC, NOTICE OS TSO COBOL PROMPTER, 5734-CP1, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS TSO COBOL PROMPTER, 5734-CP1, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (SC28-6433-3) OS (TSO) COBOL PROMPTER INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROG PROD 5734-CPl OS TSO COBOL PROMPTER, LIC PROG 5734-CPl, SPECIFICATIONS OS FULL COBOL COMPILER VERSION 3 AND TSO COBOL PROMPTER: PROGRAtt LISTINGS, PROO. NOS. 5734-CPl, 5734-CB3 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM - TIME SHARING OPTION COBOL PROMPTER - PROGRAtt NUMBERS 5734-CPl, 5734-CB3 OS (TSO) COBOL PROMPTER LOGIC, PROG PROD 5734-CPI IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM UNIVAC COBOL, IFP 5785-JAC, NOTICE IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM UNIVAC COBOL, IFP 5785-JAC, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS YM/370, 5734-CB2, -LH2, 5740-CBl, -LHl, 5746-CBl, -LH4, eMS USER'S GUIDE FOR COBOL (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/370, 5734-CB2, -LH2. 5740-CBI, -LHI. 5746-CBl RELEASE 1.3.0; 5746-LM5, CMS USER'S GUIDE FOR COBOL (SC28-6469-4) DOSIVS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY RELEASE 2.5 LIC PROG 5746-CBL YM/370 eMS USER'S GUIDE FOR COBOL (SC28-6469-3) VI COBOL FOR OSIVS REFERENCE sutI1ARY: FORMAT, STATUS KEY VALUES, AND RESERVED WORDS, L1C PROG 5740-CBI, -LHI FORTRAN GC28-6884 GT28-6881+ SC26-4072 SC26-3985 S126-3985 GC26-3986 GT26-3986 SC26-3988 ST26-3988 SC26-3989 S126-3989 MSX26-3731 STOO-L452 SC26-4L90 SC28-6859 LY28-6846 SC28-6853 GC28-6893 LYC7-5036 GC26-3982 GC26-3983 G126-3983 SC26-3990 ST26-3990 *IfGC26-4114 LJB6-0072 LJB6-0073 **LJB6-0133 SCn-0I45 **SCn-0I52 SH20-1727· SY26-3998 SCn-0335 GI26-0139 6813-7661 SH20-6482 6320-9205 GC28-6854 SC28-6856 LYC7-5021 LY28-6856 GC28-6862 GC28-6863 SC28-6852 SC28-686L FORTRAN PROGRAtt PRODUCTS FOR OS & YM/370 (eMS)' L1C PROG 5734-FOI, -F02, -F03, -FOS, -LHl, -LH3, -CP3, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN IV (G1) RELEASE 2 L1C PROS 5734-F02, GENERAL INFORMATION (GC28-6884-lJ VI FORTRAN MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN RELEASE 3.0 PROGRAMMING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN, 5748-F03 RELEASE 2, -LH3, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: GUIDE (SC26-3985-3) VS FORTRAN, 5748-F03, -LH3, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING COMMAND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN, 5748-F03 RELEASE 2, -LH3, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: COMMAND REFERENCE (GC26-3986-U VS FORTRAN APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: SYSTEM SERIES (SC26-3988-L) VS FORTRAN APPLICATION PROGRAI'f1ING LIBRARY REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN, 5748-F03 RELEASE 2, -LM3, APPLICATION PROGRAI'f1ING: LIBRARY REFERENCE (SC26-3989-1) VS FORTRAN COMPILER AND LIBRARY REFERENCE SlIHHARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VI FORTRAN COMPILER AND LIBRARY REFERENCE SUI'f1ARY (SX26-3731-4) VS FORTRAN TECHNICAL BULLETIN CODE AND GO FORTRAN PROCESSOR FOR as & YHl370 (CHSI: INSTALLATION REPERENCE MATERIAL, PROG. NO. 5734-FOL CODE • GO FORTRAN PROCESSOR FOR os • YHl370 (CHI), LIC PROG 5734-F01, LOGIC OS CODE & GO FORTRAN & FORTRAN IV UIL), LIC PROG 5734-F01, -F02, -LMLt PROGRAI'f1ER'S IUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CODE AND GO FORTRAN FOR as AND YM/370 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION IBM SYSTEHl360/370 CODE AND GO FORTRAN COMPILER - LISTINGS, PROI. PROD. 5734-FOl VI FORTRAN COMPILER & LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5748-F03, -LM3, PROGRAM SUMMARY VS FORTRAN COMPILER & LIBRARY, 5748-F03, -LM3, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN COMPILER & LIBRARY 5748-F03 RELEASE 2, -LM3, GENERAL INFORMATION (GC26-3983-0) VS FORTRAN COMPILER AND LIBRARY DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN, 5748-F03 RELEASE 2, -LM3, DIAGNOSIS (SC26-3990-2) VS FORTRAN COMPILER AND LIBRARY AND INTERACTIVE DEBUG GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) . VS FORTRAN RELEASE 2 PROGRAtt LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN PROGRAM LISTINGS VS FORTRAN COMPILER AND LIBRARY MODULE LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN LANGUAGE CONVERSION PROGRAtt USER'S GUIDE FORTRAN LANGUAGE CONVERSION PROGRAtt SPECIFICATIONS FORTRAN CONVERSION AID, IUP 5796-PFS, DESCRIPTION/OPERATION VIRTUAL STORAGE FORTRAN, 5668-805, -806, VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE VS FORTRAN EXECUTION ANALYZER DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS VIRTUAL STORAGE FORTRAN EXECUTION ANALYZER, 5798-DXJ, NOTICE EXTENDED EXPONENT RANGE FOR FORTRAN, 5796-PKR, NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING EXTENDED EXPONENT RANGE FOR FORTRAN USERS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS EXTENDED EXPONENT RANGE, 5796-PKR, FOR FORTRAN USERS RELEASE NOTICE FORTRAN IV (S1) PROCESSOR FOR os & YM/370 (CMS), L1C PROG 5734-F02, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN IV (&1) PROCESSOR AND TSO FORTRAN PROMPTER FOR os & YM/370 (CHS)' L1C PROG 5734-F02, -CP3, INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL (CURRENT ,RELEASE) FORTRAN IV (G1) COMPILER, L1C PROG 5734-F02, LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN IV (SI) COMPILER FOR os & YM/370 (CMS) LIC PROG 5734-F02, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) SYSTEHl360 os FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER LIC PROG 5734-F03, SPECIFICATIONS OS FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (HOD II), LIC PROG 5734- LH3 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER, 5734-F03, -LM3, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER AND LIBRARY UIODIU FOR as AND YM/370 (CHS): 220 o I SC28-6865 ( LY28-6403 LYC7-5019 LY28-6409 LYC7-5020 SH20-2100 LY20-2368 6320-6064 SC28-6868 LY28-6415 LYC7-5042 **SC26-3987 ST26-3987 *1f6C26-4115 SC26-4116 **SC26-4117 SX26-3742 SC28-6885 5T28-6885 SC28-6886 6C28-6888 6T28-6888 LJB6-0075 SX28-8193 ( 5Y26-3944 SC26-4223 LY20-2280 G320-5729 **SC26-4119 SC26-4221 6C23-0154 SC28-6858 SC28-6864 GC28-6894 LYC7-5022 LY28-6408 6C28-6882 SC28-6883 LYC7-5044 6C26-3984 -GTOO-1786 G~26-3984 6T26-3984 6C26-4225 G320-0345 6C23-0120 SC26-4118 SC26-4222 SC28-6842 SC28-6855 SC28-6856 SC28-6891 GC26-4219 6C22-9194 6821-2796 SB21-2797 SC23-0337 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, 5734-Ut3, -F03 (CURRENT RELEASE) OS FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER AND LIBRARY (tIODII)' 5734-Ut3, -F03, I1ESSA6ES (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COI1PILER FOR OS AND VtV370 (CI1S)' LOGIC - PROG PROD 5734-F03 FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER, LIC PROG 5734-F03, RELEASE 2.3 FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (tIODEL II) FOR OS AND VtV370 (CI1S) LIC PROG 5734-Ut3, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (HODEL II)' LIC PROS 5734-Ut3 LISTINGS (C~RENT RELEASE) S/370 FORTRAN H EXTENDED OPTIMIZATION ENHANCEMENT, IUP 5796-PKR. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS S/370 FORTRAN H EXTENDED OPTIMIZATION ENHANCEMENT, IUP 5796-PKR, SYSTEI1S GUIDE FORTRAN H EXTENDED OPTIMIZATION ENHANCEMENT, IUP 5796-PKR, NOTICE SYSTEtt/360 OS FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED PLUS) COMPILER AND LIBRARY PRPQ USER SUPPLEMENT, PROS 5799-AAW SYSTEtt/360 OS FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED PLUS) COMPILER AND LIBRARY, PRPQ LOGIC SUPPLEI'IENT, PROG 5799-AAW IBI'I FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED PLUS) COMPILER AND LIBRARY MICROFICHE LISTINGS VS FORTRAN COMPILER AND LIBRARY INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN, 5748-F03 RELEASE 2, -Ut3 INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMlZATION (SC26-3987-lJ VS FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG REFERENCE GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN, 5668-903, lAD INTERACTIVE DEBUG REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR CI1S & TSO, LIC PROG 5734-F05 GUIDE & REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR OS nSO) RELEASE 2.1 LIC PROG 5734-F05 TERI'lINAL USER'S GUIDE (SC28-6885-0) FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR CI1S & TSO, LIC PROS 5734-F05 INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR CI1S & TSO, LIC PROG 5734-F05 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR OS nSO) RELEASE 2.1 SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-6888-1) FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG TSO CMS 2.2 LISTINGS FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR CMS & TSO, LIC PROS 5734-F05 REFERENCE SUtI1ARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG DIAGNOSIS, 5668-903 VS FORTRAN VERSION 2 INTERACTIVE DEBUG GUIDE AND REFERENCE FORTRAN INTERACTIVE SUBROUTINE LIBRARY - IUP 5796-PHT, SYSTEM GUIDE FORTRAN INTERACTIVE SUBROUTINE LIBRARY, IUP 5796-PHT, NOTICE VS FORTRAN LANGUAGE AND REFERENCE LIBRARY (CURRENT RELEASE) YS FORTRAN VERSION 2 LANGUAGE AND LIBRARY REFERENCE LANGUA6E CONVERSION PROGRAI'I GENERAL INFORMATION FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (I'JOD I) FOR OS & VtV370 (CMS): INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROGRAI'I HUMBER 5734-UtI FORTRAN IV I'IATHEMATICAL & SERVICE SUBPROGRAI'IS: SUPPLEMENT FOR MOD I & MOD I I LIBRARIES, LIC PROG 5734-Utl, -LM3 (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MOD I) FOR OS & VtV370 (CI1S), PROS. PROD. 5734-Utl FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OS 360/370 FORTRAN IV LIBR. MOD I LISTING, P.P. NO. 5734-Utl FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (HOD I) FOR OS & VtV370 (CI1SJ: PROGRAI'I LOGIC MANUAL, PROGRAI'I tu1BER 5734-UtI DOS FORTRAN IV LIBRARY OPTION 1, LIC PROG 5746-Ut3 SPECIFICATIONS DOS FORTRAN IV LIBRARY OPTION 1 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SUPPLEI'IENT, PROG PROD 5746-Ut3 DOS FORTRAN IV LIBRARY OPT 1, LISTINGS - PROG. NO. 5746-Ut3 YS FORTRAN COI'JPILER AND LIBRARY SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN COMPILER AND LIBRARY SPECIFICATIONS (6C26-3984-5) VS FORTRAN COMPILER & LIBRARY, 5748-F03, -Ut3 SPECIFICATIONS (6C26-3984-3) VS FORTRAN COMPILER AND LIBRARY, 5748-F03 RELEASE 2, -Ut3, SPECIFICATIONS (SC26-3984-2) YS FORTRAN VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS PERSONAL COI'JPUTER INFORT RELEASE NOTICE 6410971 INDUSTRY STANDARD PLOTTING COMtIANDS DESCRIPTION/oPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN PROGRAMMING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN VERSION 2 PROGRAMMING GUIDE SYSTEtt/360 OS (TSO CODE AND GO FORTRAN PROCESSOR TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE, PROS PROD 5734-F01, -UtI OS TOO FORTRAN IV (6U PROCESSOR, TSO FORTRAN PROI'JPTER, LIC PROS 5734-F02, -CP3, -UtI, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE FORTRAN IV (Gl) PROCESSOR AND TSO FORTRAN PROMPTER FOR OS & VtV370 (CMS), LIC PROG 5734-F02, -CP3, INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN IV PROGRAI'I PRODUCTS FOR VtV370 (CMS), LIC PROG 5734-FOl, -F02, -F03, -UtI, -Ut3, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION S/9000 FORTRAN RELEASE 1.2 NOTICE FORTRAN UTILITIES FOR VtV370 III FORTRAN UTILITIES FOR VtV370 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DESIGNING AND WRITING FORTRAN PROGRAI'IS FOR VECTOR AND PARALLEL PROCESSING 221 SH20-9063 GH20-9101 SX26-3711 LYBO-8044 LY20-8031 VSPC FORTRAN, LIC PROG VSPC FORTRAN, LIC PROG SUPPLEMENT FOR VSPC V2 SH20-9062-2 VSPC FORTRAN, LIC PROG VSPC FORTRAN, LIC PROG VSPC FORTRAN, LIC PROG VSPC FORTRAN, LIC PROG VSPC FORTRAN, LIC PROG GC21-5028 GC21-5021 SC21-500S LY21-0014 GC21-5052 SC21-5056 SC28-64S6 GC33-6029 GT33-6030 SC33-6031 SC33-6032 SC33-6033 SC33-6034 SC33-6074 6H20-4536 LJD3-3S00 LY33-9062 GC33-6120 GC33-6121 SC33-6122 SC33-612S SC33-6129 SC33-6130 GC33-6131 LYC7-0472 LY33-9100 GC21-7S14 SC33-6035 6H20-4532 SH20-2059 G320-5S23 DOS RPG II, LIC PROG 5736-RG1, SPECIFICATIONS IBM DOS RPG II GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-RGl IBM DOS RPG II LANGUAGE, PROG. tm. 5736-RGl IBM DOS RPG II LANGUAGE PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-RGl DOS RPG II AUTO REPORT FEATURE, LIC PROG 5736-RGl, GENERAL INFORMATION DOS RPG II AUTO REPORT FEATURE, LIC PROG 5736-RGl, REFERENCE DOS RPG II COtlPILER & AUTO REPORT FEATURE, LIC PROG 5736-RGl INSTALLATION REFERENCE DOS/vs RPG II SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS RPG II GENERAL INFORMATION RELEASE 34 (6C33-6030 DOSIVS RPG II, LIC PROG 5746-RGl, SYSTEM LIBRARY (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS RPG II, LIC PROG 5746-RGl, INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS RPG II, LIC PROG 5746-RGl, MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS RPG II, LIC PROG 5746-RGl, AUTO REPORT MANUAL (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS RPG II USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS RPG II SPECIFICATIONS DOSIVS RPG II LIC PROG 5746-RGl, LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS RPG II, LIC PROG 5746-RGI, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS RPG II AND OS/VS RPG II GENERAL INFORMATION INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS RPG II SPECIFICATIONS OS/VS RPG II INSTALLATION REFERENCE OSIVS RPG II ADDENDUM TO DOSIVS RPG II AUTO REPORT OSIVS RPG II ADDENDUM TO DOSIVS RPG II LANGUAGE OSIVS RPG II ADDEt-.'DUM TO DOSIVS RPG II MESSAGES OS/VS RPG II PROGRAM SUMMARY OSIVS RPGII, LIC PROG 5740-RG1, LISTINGS OSIVS RPG II ADDENDUM TO DOSIVS RPG II LOGIC, 5740-RGl INTRODUCTION TO RPG II AND RPG III: BATCH PROCESSING WITH PROGRAM DESCRIBED FILES S/3 DOSIVS RPG II CONVERSION PREPROCESSOR INSTALLATION AND REFERENCE 513 DOS RPG II CONVERSION PROCESSOR SPECIFICATIONS 3741 REPORT GENERATOR DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3741 REPORT GENERATOR, IUP 5796-ARC, NOTICE GC33-0003 SC33-0007 ST33-0007 OS PLII CHECKOUT COMPILER, LIC PROG 5734-PL2, -LM5, GENERAL INFORMATION OS PLII CHECKOUT COMPILER, 5734-PL2, -LM5, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER RELEASE 3.1, LIC PROG 5734-LM5 TRANSIENT LIBRARY CHECKOUT COMPILER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SC33-0007-3) OS PLII CHECKOUT COMPILER, 5734-PL2, SPECIFICATIONS OS PLII CHECKOUT COMPILER, LIC PROG 5734-PL2, -LM5, INSTALLATION OS PLII CHECKOUT COMPILER EXECUTION, 5734-PL2, -LM5, LOGIC OS PLII CHECKOUT COMPILER: MESSAGES, 5734-PL2, -LMS OS PLII CHECKOUT COMPILER, 5734-PL2, -LM5, CMS USER'S GUIDE OS PLII CHECKOUT COMPILER, LIC PROG 5734-PL2, -LMS, TSO USER'S GUIDE OS PLII CHECKOUT COMPILER, VOLUME 2 OF 2, LIC PROG 5734-PL2, FEATURE 8002, LOGIC OS/PLlI CHECKOUT & OPTIMIZING COMPILERS, LIC PROG 5734-PL1, -PL2, -PL3, KEYWORDS REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/PLlI CHECKOUT & OPTIMIZING COMPILERS, LIC PROG 5734-PLI -PL2, -PL3, TERMINAL COMHANDS AND COMPILER OPTIONS REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) COBOL & PLII CONVERSION AID, IFP 57S5-EBG, NOTICE COBOL & PLII CONVERSION AID, IFP 5785-EBG, DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS OS PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILERS EXTENDED GRAPHIC CHARACTER SET SUPPORT SUPPLEMENT (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIDOS PLII LANGUAGE REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER, 5734-PLl, -LM4, -LM5, INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR MVS OS PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR CMS 5734-LM4, 5734-LM5, 5734-PL3, 5734-PU OS PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER, 5734-PLI, -LM4. -LM5, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PLII. 5734-PL1, OPTIMIZING COMPILER GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PLlI, 5734-PLl, -LM4, -LM5, OPTIMIZING COMPILER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER RELEASE 3.1 LIC PROG 5734-PL3, -LM5, -LM4, -PU, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SC33-0006-4) OS PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER, 5734-PU, -LM4, -lM5, EXECUTION LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) 6H20-9061 SH20-9062 SD26-6039 GC33-0030 SC33-0031 SC33-0032 SC33-0034 SC33-0047 SC33-0033 LY33-6014 SX33-6002 SX33-600S 6811-5514 SB11-5515 SC26-3971 GC26-3977 GC26-3991 **SC26-4121 **SC26-4122 **GC26-4196 GC33-0001 **SC33-0006 ST33-0006 --SC33-0025 5748-F02, GENERAL INFORMATION 574S-F02, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE TO VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) FORTRAN TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE 5748-F02, 5748-F02, 574S-F02, 5748-F02, 5748-F02. REFERENCE MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS REFERENCE SUMMARY PROGRAM LISTINGS LOGIC 222 SC33-0027 SC33-0026 ST33-0026 SC33-0037 SC33-0029 LJB6-0050 -LJB6-1002 LYC7-2506 LY33-6007 GC26-3992 LJB6-0051 -LJB6-1003 LYC7-2504 LY33-600& GC26-3993 LJB6-0052 -LJB6-1004 LYC7-2505 LY33-6009 GC26-3994 GT26-3994 ( SC33-0051 GC33-0004 -SC33-000S SC33-0019 SC33-0020 SD26-6029 SQ33-0020 ST33-0020 SC33-00Z! LJB6-0053 SX33-6001 LYC7-2503 SY26-3990 ( LY33-6010 GC26-3996 GT26-3996 LJB6-0054 LYC7-2501 LY33-6011 GC26-3995 GT26-3995 SC33-0035 LJB6-0055 LYC7-2502 LY33-6012 6811-5674 SBl1-5675 G320-5666 6811-5025 SH19-6048 SH19-6049 SH20-2030 SH20-2032 LYl9-6051 LY20-2312 12 ~ os PVI OPTIMIZING COf1PILER, 5734-PLl, -Lt15 MESSAGES OS PVI OPTIMIZING COMPILER, 5734-PLI, -Lt14, -LtI5, INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PVI OPTIMIZING COHPILER, LIC PROG 5734-PL1, -Lt14, -Lt15 INSTALLATION, RELEASE 3 (SC33-0026-5) OS PVI OPTIMIZING COMPILER, 5734-PLI, CMS USER'S GUIDE OS PVI OPTIMIZING COMPILER, 5734-PLI, -Lt14, -LM5, TSO USER'S GUIDE OS PVI OPTIMIZING COMPILER RELEASE 4 FMID HPL0400 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PVI OPTIMIZING COMPILER (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PVI OPTIMIZING COMPILER, LIC PROG 5734-PLI, LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PVI OPTIMIZlt~ COMPILER LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PVI RESIDENT LIBRARY SPECIFICATIONS OS PVI RESIDENT LIBRARY RELEASE 4 FMID HRL0400 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PVI RESIDENT LIBRARY (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PVI RESIDENT LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5734-Lt14. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PVI, 5734-Lt14, RESIDENT LIBRARY LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PVI TRANSIENT LIBRARY SPECIFICATIONS OS PVI TRANSIENT LIBRARY RELEASE 4 FMID HTL0400 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PVI TRANSIENT LIBRARY (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PVI TRANSIENT LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5734-LMS. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PVI TRANSIENT LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5734-LM5, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER, LIC PROG 5736-PL1, -PL3 RELEASE 6, SPECIFICATIONS (GC26-3994-3) DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER. 5736-PLI, -Lt14, -LtI5. CMS USER'S GUIDE DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER, LIC PROG 5736-PL1, -PL3, -Lt14 -LMS, GENERAL INFORMATION DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER. 5736-PL1, -Lt14, -LtI5, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE(CURRENT RELEASE) DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER, 5736-PLI, -PL3, -Lt14. -LM5, EXECUTION LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER. 5736-PLl, -Lt14. -LM5, INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER TO INSTALLATION ST33-0020-0 DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER, LIC PROG 5736-PL3, -PLI, -LM5, RELEASE 6 (SC33-0020-6) DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER RELEASE 5.1 LIC PROG 5736-PL3, -PL1. -Lt14, -LM5. INSTALLATION (SC33-0020-5) DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER, 5736-PLI. -PL3, MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS PL/I OPTIMIZER COf1PILER RELEASE 6 FMID DOSPL60 LISTINGS DISK OPERATING SYSTEMl360 REFERENCE CARD PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER KEYWORDS DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER CMS USER'S GUIDE LIC PROG 5736-PL3, -PLI LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS AND DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILERS. 5735-PLl, -Lt14, -LM5, 5736-PLl, -Lt14, -Lt15 (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS PL/l COMPILER, 5736-PL1, -PL3, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5736-Lt14, -PL3 RELEASE 6, SPECIFICATIONS (GC26-3996-3) DOS PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY RELEASE 6 FMID DOSRL60 LISTINGS DOSPL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER RESIDENT LIBRARY LIC PROG 5736-PL3, -Lt14 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) PROGRAM LOGIC DOS PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY DOS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY SPECIFICATIONS DOS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5736-LM5, -PL3 RELEASE 6, SPECIFICATIONS (GC26-3995-3) DOS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY, 5736-PL3, -LM5, MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS PVI TRANSIENT LIBRARY RELEASE 6 FMID DOSTL60 LISTINGS DOS PVI OPTIMIZING COMPILER TRANSIENT LIBRARY LIC PROG 5736-PL3, -Lt15 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS PL/I TRANSIENT LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5736-PL3, -LtI5, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS/vSE PVI INTERACTIVE DEBUG FACILITY NOTICE DOS/vSE PL/I INTERACTIVE DEBUG FACILITY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PL/I F TO PL/I OPTIMIZER CONVERSION AID IUP 5796-AKG. NOTICE SYSTEMl370 OS/VS INTERACTIVE PL/I FOR VSPC PVI PROCESSOR FOR YS PERSONAL COHPUTING (VSPC), IFP 5785-EAB, NOTICE INTERNATIONAL FIELD PROGRAM VS PERSONAL COMPUTING PL/I, LIC PROG 5785-EAB, USER'S GUIDE VIRTUAL STORAGE PERSONAL COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE/ONE LANGUAGE RM IFP VS PERSONAL COMPUTING PL/I, IFP 5785-EAB, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE VS PERSONAL COMPUTING PL/I. IFP 5785-EAB, INSTALLATION REFERENCE GUIDE VS PERSONAL COMPUTING PL/I LOGIC, INTERNATIONAL FIELD PROGRAM 5785-EAB VS PERSONAL COMPUTING PL/I, PROG PROD 5785-EAB, LOGIC Methods, D!.1i M!nagement, Stor-aae/Communications 1ILQ.l Cantr-ol Pr-ogr-ams LY26-3930 SH45-5005 LY28-1317 SH20-208S LY20-2367 6320-6060 MVS/370, 5665-295, ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC VOLUME 2 DEVELOPING AS APPLICATIONS MVS/BULK DATA TRANSFER FACILITY: 5665-302 PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL, VOLUME I BULK DATA TRANSFER, lUP 5796-PKK, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS BULK DATA TRANSFER, lUP 5796-PKK, SYSTEMS GUIDE BULK DATA TRANSFER, lUP 5796-PKK, NOTICE 223 SY35-0052 GH20-2485 GH20-5344 SH20-5581 LY20-2585 GC33-6133 SB21-2460 LB21-2461 G320-5670 GC26-3970 GC26-3972 SC26-3973 GC26-3974 LJB6-0063 6821-1810 GH20-1626 GH20-1627 SH20-1651 GH20-4540 GH20-5008 LY20-2085 LY20-2376 LY20-2377 SH20-2177 SH20-2178 SH20-2524 SH20-2525 GX20-4404 G320-6160 SBl1-5339 SBl1-5340 GB21-1456 SH20-1775 GBl1-5819 5811-5820 GHI9-6394 SHI9-6396 SH19-6397 SH19-6398 SH19-6399 SH19-6401 GH19-6402 SH19-6528 LYl9-6242 GC30-9509 LB21-2705 LBU-2606 GC33-6165 G544-3176 G544-3177 GBl1-8200 6811-8201 SH20-1815 LY20-2240 GB13-7578 **SH20-2799 LGF6-0103 GH20-4545 GT40-4545 GH35-0007 **SH35-0023 ST55-0023 SH35-0024 ST55-0024 **SH35-0025 ST55-0025 **SH35-0045 GX20-2024 CHARACTER CONVERSION AID DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND REFERENCE S/1 COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY/HOST GENERAL INFORMATION COMMUNICATION FACILITY/HOST SPECIFICATIONS COMMUNICATION FACILITY HOST PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS COMMUNICATION FACILITY HOST, LIC PROG 5668-979, LOGIC COMPOSED DOCUMENT PRINTING FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION DOS/vs DASD DEVICE INDEPENDENCE OPEN (DI-OPEN) FDP 5798-AWtt, PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL DOS/vS DASD DEVICE INDEPENDENCE (DI-OPEN)' FDP 5798-AIoIH, SYSTEMS GUIDE MINIMIZE DASD I/O INTERFERENCE, IUP 5796-PGD, NOTICE DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DEVICE (DASD) MIGRATION AID RELEASE 1 PROGRAM SUt1I1ARY DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DEVICE MIGRATION AID, LIC PROG 5668-002, GENERAL INFORMATION DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DEVICE MIGRATION AID, LIC PROG 5668-002, USE AND DIAGNOSIS DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DEVICE MIGRATION AID, LIC PROG 5668-002, SPECIFICATIONS DASD MIGRATION AID FMID HMA 1100 5668-002, LISTINGS DOS/vs DASD SPACE UTILIZATION ANALYSIS - FDP 5798-CHW, NOTICE DATA BASE DESIGN AID, LIC PROG 5740-XY8, 5746-XXQ, GENERAL INFORMATION DATA BASE DESIGN AID, LIC PROG 5740-XY8, 5746-XXQ, DESIGNER'S GUIDE DATA BASE DESIGN AID, LIC PROG 5740-XY8, 5746-XXQ, REFERENCE/OPERATIONS DATA BASE DESIGN AID (DBDA) VERSION 2, LIC PROG 5740-XY8 (OS), 5746-XXQ (DOS) SPECIFICATIONS DATA BASE DESIGN AID OS DOS FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION DATA BASE DESIGN AID, LIC PROG 5740-XY8, 5746-XXQ, LOGIC DATA BASE DESIGN AID, LIC PROG 5748-XXQ (DOS/VS), LOGIC DATA BASE DESIGN AID, LIC PROG 5740-SY8 (OS/VS), LOGIC DATA EXTRACTION PROCESSING & RESTRUCTURING SYSTEM, IUP 5796-PLH, DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS DATA EXTRACTION PROCESSING & RESTRUCTURING SYSTEM, IUP 5796-PLH, REFERENCE INTRODUCTION TO THE DATA EXTRACTION PROCESSING AND RESTRUCTURING SYSTEM TEXTBOOK INTRODUCTION TO THE DATA EXTRACTION PROCESSING AND RESTRUCTURING SYSTEM STUDY GUIDE DATA BASE RESTRUCTURING SYSTEM, IUP 5796-PLH, REFERENCE CARD DATA EXTRACTION, PROCESSING AND RESTRUCTURING SYSTEM, IUP 5796-PLH, NOTICE DATA MAPPING PROGRAM, 5785-EAP, -EAQ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DATA MAPPING PROGRAM, 5785-EAP, -EAQ, USER'S GUIDE EXTENDING SEQUENTIAL DISK FILES FOR DOS/vS, FDP 5798-CBN, NOTICE DISK VOLUME MAP, IUP 5796-PFL, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DISPLAY I/O FACILITY VERSION 2 NOTICE DISPLAY INPUT/OUTPUT FACILITY, 5785-HAH, VERSION 2 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS EXECUTIVE VERSION 3.2 GENERAL INFORMATION DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS EXECUTIVE VERSION 3 INSTALLATION DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS EXECUTIVE VERSION 3 ADMINISTRATION DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS EXECUTIVE VERSION 3 OPERATION DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS EXECUTIVE VERSION 3 PREPARING AND TRACKING TRANSMISSION P~ DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS EXECUTIVE VERSION 3 MESSAGES AND CODES DSX VERSION 3 RELEASE 1 SPECIFICATIONS DSX VERSION 3 MASTER INDEX DSX VERSION 3 DIAGNOSIS EMULATOR PROGRAM, EXTENDED FEATURES PRPQ, PROG 5799-ATD, SPECIFICATIONS FILE CABINET OPTION, FDP 5798-CPY, SYSTEMS GUIDE FILE CABINET OPTION (FCO)IVTAM, FDP 5798-DCG, SYSTEMS GUIDE FONT LIBRARY SERVICE FACILITY, 5668-890, PROGRAM SUtt1ARY APL2 FONTS SPECIFICATIONS DATA 1 FONTS PRINT MANAGEMENT FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL TELEPROCESSING MONITOR FOR OSI NOTICE GENERAL TELEPROCESSING MONITOR FOR OSE GENERAL INFORMATION GENERALIZED TRACE FACILITY (GTF) I/O CONCURRENCY REPORT, IUP 5796-PGD, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS GTF I/O CURRENCY REPORT, IUP 5796-PGD, SYSTEMS GUIDE HSM MAINTENANCEIRECOVERY UTILITIES NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER MAINTENANCEIRECOVERY UTILITIES HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, LIC PROG 5740-XRB, OS/VS MYS RELEASE 3.8, LISTINGS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER R3 MO Ml M2 HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, LIC PROG 5740-XRB, SPECIFICATIONS RELEASE. 3.7 (6H20-4545-2) OS/vS2 MYS DATA FACILITY HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER: GENERAL INFORMATION OSIVS2 MYS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, LIC PROG 5740-XRB PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE & OPERATIONS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) . OS/vS2 MYS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, LIC PROG 5740-XRB RELEASE 3.7, PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS GUIDE (SH35-0023-1) MYS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, LIC PROG 5740-XRB, USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) MYS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, 5740-XRB, USER'S GUIDE (SH35-0024-1) MYS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, 5740-XRB, MESSAGES OS/vS2 MYS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER MESSAGES, LIC PROG 5740-XRB, RELEASE 3.7 (SH35-0025-1) MYS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, 5740-XRB, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER (H8M)' LIC PROG 5740-XRB USER cotI1ANDS REFERENCE SUttMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) 224 . -. . - .... ~- -.~--- - - - ( \ "-- ./ 6T40-2024 &X20-2025 LY35-0026 8G320-9l62 SC09-l024 SC09-l02S GC09-l037 GC09-l075 SX09-l0l3 GC34-0534 SC34-0535 **6320-9392 GG22-9309 SH20-l928 LnO-2294 GBl1-5258 SBll-5259 LBll-5260 8GG66-0208 G320-5742 G320-5676 GBI1-6368 5811-6369 SH20-7220 6C23-0031 SC23-0Ol2 SC23-0Ol3 ( SC23-0Ol4 Ge23-0Ol5 LJD2-621S SX23-0006 LY24-6003 SBl1-534tt SH20-1Ml SH20-2S97 6320-6628 SH19-6165 SH12-5334 SH20-1978 SH20-1979 6H20-4525 LY20-2341 SH20-1980 6H20-4526 LY20-2340 SH20-2204 SH20-2415 SH20-2416 SH20-2"'17 GH20-4648 SH20-5281 LY20-2489 SH20-1977 SX20-2008 LnO-2342 GH35-0080 SX35-5032 SX35-5034 SX35-5038 Ge30-9540 (/ SH35-0059 **SY35-00n SH35-0056 SX3S-5033 SH20-2161 HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER (HSM), LIC PROG 5740-XRB USER COI"IMAN:)S REFERENCES sut1t1ARY RELEASE 3.7 (GX20-2024-2) HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER (HSM) LIC PROG 5740-XRB, SYSTEM PROGRAI'tIER AND OPERATOR COMMANDS REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS2 MYS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, LIC PROG 5740-XRB, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, 5796-BDY, MAINTENANCEIRECOVERY UTILITIES RELEASE NOTICE HOST-DISPLAYWRITER DOCUMENT INTERCHANGE, PRPQ P09054 USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) HOST-DISPLAYWRITER DOCUMENT INTERCHANGE; PRPQ P09054 REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) INTRODUCING THE HOST-DISPLAYWRITER DOCUMENT INTERCHANGE GENERAL INFORMATION HOST-DISPLAYWRITER DOCUMENT INTERCHANGE RELEASE 2 MODIFICATION LEVEL 0 SPECIFICATIONS HOST-DISPLAYWRITER DOCUMENT INTERCHANGE, P09054 5799-BKE, REFERENCE CARD SERIES/370 HOST PROGRAM PREPARATION FACILITIES FOR SERIES/l 5799-BNA PRPQ P82725, SPECIFICATIONS S/370 HOST PROGRAM PREPARATION FACILITIES FOR S/1 PRPQ P82725 INSTALLATION AND USER'S GUIDE INFORMATION/ACCESS, 5665-267, GIVING YOU A DIRECT ROUTE TO SERVICE INFORMATION MSS TABLE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM USER'S HANDBOOK MASS STORAGE CONTROL TABLE MAINTENANCE, IUP 5796-PHY, USER'S GUIDE MASS STORAGE CONTROL TABLE MAINTENANCE IUP 5796-PHY, SYSTEMS GUIDE 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM TRACE INTERPRETATION PACKAGE, IFP 5785-DBW, NOTICE 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM TRACE INTERPRETATION PACKAGE, IFP 5785-DBW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM TRACE INTERPRETATION PACKAGE, IFP 5785-DBW, SYSTEMS GUIDE 3850 MASS STORAGE SUBSYSTEM MIGRATION PLANNING MASS STORAGE CONTROL TABLE MAINTENANCE, IUP 5796-PHY, NOTICE MESSAGE SWITCHING SYSTEM, IUP 5796-AKP, 5796-AKN, NOTICE MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS FROM A SINGLE SCREEN AVAILABILITY NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS FROM A SINGLE SCREEN, 5785-EDH, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS FROM A SINGLE SCREEN, 5785-EDH, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MYS/INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT GENERAL INFORMATION MVS/INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT ADMINISTRATION CUSTOMlZATION AND INSTALLATION MYS/INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT OPERATION WORKSTATION CONTROLLER AND SYSTEM OWNER'S 6UIDE MVS/INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT OPERATION 6ENERAL USER'S GUIDE MVS/INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT SPECIFICATIONS MVS/INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORK STATION SUPPORT LISTINGS MVS/INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT OPERATION WORKSTATION CONTROLLER AND SYSTEM OWNER COMMAND REFERENCE SUMMARY MVS/INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORK STATION SUPPORT DIAGNOSIS SYSTEMl370 - NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM BUILDER, IFP 5785-EAL DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS NETWORK JOB INTERFACE: PRPQ P09007 (YMl370 NETWORKING PROG 5799-ATA)' PRPQ P09008 (ASP NETWORKING PROG 5799-ATB)' PRPQ P09009 (HASP NETWORKING PROG 5799-ATC) NETWORK MONITOR DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS NETWORK MONITOR. IUP 5796-PPB. AVAILABILITY NOTICE GERMAN TELEX SUPPORT PRPQ XA8937 LIC PROG 5799-AWN DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS NETWORK TRANSACTION SUBSYSTEM. LIC PROG 5799-BER. PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS ASP NETWORKINS. PRPQ P09908, LIC PROG 5799-ATB, USER'S GUIDE ASP NETWORKING (PROGRAHHING RPQ P0900e) REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS - PROG 5799-ATB ASP NETWORKING PRPQ P0900e PROG 5799-ATB. SPECIFICATIONS ASP NETWORKING (PRPQ P09008) LOGIC. PROS 5799-ATB HASP NETWORKING SYSTEM. PRPQ P09009. LIC PROG 5799-ATC. USER'S GUIDI! HASP NETWORKING PRPQ P09009 PROG 5799-ATC, SPECIFICATIONS HASP NETWORKING (PRPQ P09009) LOGIC, PROG 5799-ATC JES3 NETWORKING PRPQ P09022 GENERAL INFORMATION JOB ENTRY SUBSYSTEM 31NETWORKING, LIC PROG 5799-AZT. PROGRAM REFERENCE MANUAL JOB ENTRY SUBSYSTEM 3INETWORKING, LIC PROG 5799-AZT. OPERATIONS &UIDE JOB ENTRY SUBSYSTEM 3INETWORKING, LIC PROG 5799-AZT, USER'S &UIDE JES 3 NETWORKING. LIC PROGRAM 5799-AlT, DESIGN OBJECTIVES JOB ENTRY SUBSET 3INETWORKING, LIC PROG 5799-AlT, SPECIFICATIONS JOB ENTRY SUBSYSTEM 3INETWORKING, LIC PROS 5799-AlT, PROGRAM LOGIC YMl370 NETWORKING, PRPQ P09007, LIC PROG 5799-ATA, REFERENCE/OPERATIONS YNET COMMANDS (USER AND OPERATOR) REFERENCE SUMMARY YMl370 NETWORKING (PRPQ P09007) LOGIC, PROG 5799-ATA OVERLAY GENERATION LANGUAGE MYS VSE/SP YMlSP SPECIFICATIONS OVERLAY GENERATION LANGUAGE QUICK REFERENCE OVERLAY GENERATION LANGUAGE ORIENTATION WHEEL GENERAL LANGUAGE ORIENTATION WHEEL OVERLAY PARTITIONED EMULATION PROGRAHHING (PEP) EXTENDED FEATURES FOR THE 3705-11 (PROGRAMMING RPQ P85032), LIC PROG 5799-BAF, SPECIFICATIONS PRINT MANAGEMENT FACILITY USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE PRINT SERVICES FACILITY, 5665-275, DIAGNOSIS &UIDE AND REFERENCE PRINT MANAGEMENT FACILITY MYS YMlSP SPECIFICATIONS PRINT MANAGEMENT FACILITY QUICK REFERENCE SUMMARY RACF/CODES UPDATE SYSTEM, IUP 5796-PLK DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS 225 6811-5796 5811-5797 SC30-3191 SH19-8107 GH19-6115 SH19-6118 SHI9-6119 SH19-64S3 SH19-64S7 SH19-6459 GH35-0081 GH19-6173 SBl1-5385 6811-5447 5811-5448 SBl1-5449 SH20-2632 SH20-2633 6320-6652 SH20-1208 5H20-1209 6320-5747 GB21-2059 SB21-2519 SH20-1780 5B21-2247 GB21-2786 **5B21-2787 **SCI1-60S8 SH19-6052 LY19-6049 GB21-1546 5H20-2112 G320-6079 SC19-5032 **GC33-0386 5H20-2008 6A09-1679 SA09-1680 6A09-1681 6A23-0059 SX09-1011 SX09-1012 6H20-4376 GB21-1996 GC26-4001 GC31-0S0S LC31-1S00 SC33-6137 5C31-0S03 SC31-0506 LC31-1S04 5C19-S016 LY30-300S LY30-3004 LY30-3011 LY30-3023 LY30-3010 LY30-3016 REMOTE MANAGEMENT OF S/l FROM A YH SYSTEM NOTICE REHOTE MANAGEMENT OF 5/1 FROM A YH SYSTEM USERS GUIDE REPORT MANAGEMENT DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM GENERAL INFORMATION SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM MESSAES AND CODES SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY II SPECIFICATIONS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY II RELEASE 1.0 PRIMER FOR CICS/BHS PROGRAMS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY II PRIMER FOR ISPF PROGRAMS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY II PRIMER FOR IHS/HFS PROGRAMS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY II GENERAL INTRODUCTION SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY II RELEASE 1.0 PRIMER FOR GODM AND GSP PROGRAMS SONORAN SERIF SONORAN SANS SERIF PI AND SPECIALS SPECIFICATIONS SWITCHING SYSTEMS ELECTRONIC DOCUt1ENT DISTRIBUTION PROGRAMMING RPQ SUOl66 DESIGN OBJECTIVES TAPE ERROR CONTROL SYSTEM, IFP S785-EAX, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TAPE LIBRARY CONTROL SYSTEM, IFP 5785-EAW. NOTICE TAPE LIBRARY CONTROL SYSTEM, IFP 5785-EAW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TAPE LIBRARY CONTROL SYSTEM, IFP 5785-EAW. USER'S GUIDE TAPE LIBRARY CONTROL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TAPE LIBRARY CONTROL SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE TAPE LIBRARY CONTROL SYSTEM, FOP S78S-EAN, NOTICE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM tTCS}' LIC PROG S734-F31, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE/REFERENCE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM, LIC PROG S734-F31, OPERATIONS GUIDE TELPAK COMMUNICATION COST, IUP S796-PJH, NOTICE VIDEO CORRECTION OF OCR DATA, FDP 5798-CPE. NOTICE VSAM AND ACCE5S METHOD SERVICES FOR PROGRAMMERS, FOP 5798-DAN, COURSE DESCRIPTION/ADMINISTRATION MANUAL VSAM ACCESS SUBROUTINES DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VTAMPARS. 5798-CTW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VTAMPARS II NOTICE VTAMPARS II DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS X.2S NPSI FAST CONNECT PRPQ Z09700 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS X2S PACKET SWITCHING ATTACHMENT FOR NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAH/VS VERSION 5, 5799-ARJ. PROGRAMMING RPQZA4239 FOR DATAPAC/TRANSPAC PROGRAMMING RPQX02060 FOR NRW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS X25 PACKET SWITCHING ATTACHMENT FOR NCP VERSION 5 PRPQ ZA4239 - RPQ XD2060 LIC PROG 5799-ARJ, LOGIC 1400 COMPATIBILITY ACCESS ROUTINE. FOP 5798-CDB. NOTICE 2260 COMPATIBILITY FOR CICS/vs USING VTAH/TCAM 5796-ATW 2260 COMPATIBILITY FOR CICS/VS USING VTAH/TCAM IUP 5796-ATW, NOTICE IBM 2970-5 BANKING TERMINAL SUPPORT UNDER CONTROL OF 3704/5 NCP, PRPQ X97561 DESCRIPTION/OPERATION - PROG PROD 5799-ARC 3270 PERSONAL COMPUTER/G OR /GX: GRAPHICS CONTROL PROGRAM; SUPPLEMENT TO THE PASCAL PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE, SC33-0215 EXTENDED FULL-SCREEN 3270 CONSOLE INTERFACE FOR YH/370, PRPQ HJ3269, LIC PROG 5799-AWP, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DISPLAYWRITER SYSTEM 3277 DEVICE EMULATION RPQ 800098 CUSTOMER FEATURE DESCRIPTION DISPLAYWRITER SYSTEM 3277 DEVICE EMULATION (PRPQ PI0034) 3277 DEVICE EMULATION/DOCUt1ENT TRANSFER (PRPQ PI0074) OPERATOR REFERENCE GUIDE DISPLAYWRITER SYSTEM: 3277 DEVICE EMULATION CUSTOMER SETUP GUIDE RPQ 8D0098 3270 DATA STREAM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE DISPLAYWRITER 3277 DEVICE EMULATION, LEFT KEYBOARD TEMPLATE DISPLAYWRITER 3277 DEVICE EMULATION RIGHT KEYBOARD TEMPLATE 3333/3330 DISK STORAGE SERIES HODEL 11 SUPPORT FOR DOS/vs PROGRAM tutBER 5799-WHZ PRPQ EF4346 DOSIVS 3330/3340 DATA SET CONVERSION AID - EXTENSIONS FDP 5798-CHA, NOTICE MYS 3.8 3380/3375 PROGRAMMING RPQ P83000 SPECIFICATIONS LOOP ADAPTER CICSIVS EXTENSION FOR 3640 TERMINALS PRPQ X99909 SPECIFICATIONS LOOP ADAPTER CICS/vs EXTENSIONS FOR 3640 TERMINALS PRPQ X99909 LOOP ADAPTER CICS/vs EXTENSIONS FOR 3640 TERMINALS PROGRAMMING RPQ X99909 PARAMETER TABLE GENERATION FACILITY FOR THE 3644 AUTOMATIC DATA UNIT GEN3644 PARAMETER TABLE GENERATION FACILITY FOR THE 3644 AUTOMATIC DATA UNIT SPECIFICATIONS PARAMETER TABLE GENERATION FACILITY FOR THE 3644 AUTOMATIC DATA UNIT DIAGNOSIS AND LOGIC 3704/3705 DOS/vs AND OSIVS COMPATIBILITY AND EXTENDED COMPATIBILITY, PRPQ Y96613 LIC PROG S799-AQY (D05IVS), PRPQ Y96614 LIC PROG 5799-AQR (OSIVS), DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P8S004, SIX BIT TRANSCODE FOR 370S EMULATION GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85007 SPECIAL START-STOP LINE CONTROL FOR IBM 3704 & 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM, PROG. NO. 5799-AGK IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85009, SELECTIVE CALLING LINE CONTROL IBM 3704 AND 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85010, TELEGRAPH FULL - DUPLEX LINE CONTROL - PROG. NO. 5799-ASN 3704 & 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION & LOGIC MANUAL FOR PRPQ P85003 USASCII TRANSPARENCY esc LINE CONTROL, LIC PROG 5799-AFZ 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P850lS. VIRTUAL 50 LINE SUPPORT 226 \.. "'-/ ; LY30-3051 LY30-3035 LY30-3067 SCI9-5110 LYl9-6116 6320-8155 GB21-3048 SB21-3049 SH20-2125 LY20-2411 GBl1-5013 SBl1-5014 **SY35-0074 SB21-2817 SH20-2509 6320-6418 6B13-7584 6B21-3121 SB21-3122 SB30-7032 SB30-7033 SB30-7034 6320-6166 SB21-2542 6C24-5120 GC24-5147 SC24-5150 ( SX24-5102 LY24-5187 SC31-0500 SH18-0249 6Bl1-5743 SBl1-5744 6Bl1-5978 5811-5979 6B13-7646 SH20-6444 6320-0332 6544-3012 S544-3016 S544-3017 S544-3040 S544-3041 S544-3042 S544-3074 GB21-2974 SB21-2975 SH20-2795 G320-9159 SH20-6304 SH20-6305 SH20-6311 6320-0368 6B13-7595 3705 GENERATION AND LOGIC I"IANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85032. PARTITIONED EMULATION PROGRAM EXTENDED FEATURES LIC PROG S799-BAF IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC FOR PRPQ 805021. PROG 5799-ATD 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC I"IANUAL FOR PROGRAM SUPPORT FOR HARDWARE RPQ V668805, LICRA LINE CONTROL 5799-ATD 3705 SUPPORT VIA THE RETD SPANISH DATA NETWORK OF THE IBM 2970-5 AND 5935-L03 BANKING TERMINALS. AND OF THE IBM 2970-5 BANKING TERMINAL DIRECTLY ATTACHED. LIC PROG 5799-ATE. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3705 SUPPORT, VIA THE RETD SPANISH DATA NETWORK. OF THE 2970-5 AND 5735-L03 BANKING TERMINALS. AND OF THE 2970-5 BANKING TERMINAL DIRECTLY ATTACHED. LIC PROG 5799-ATE. LOGIC DATA ENTRY CONTROL AND AUDIT SYSTEM, IUP 5796-AKC, NOTICE 3800 3 OF 9 BAR CODE PRINT PROGRAM NOTICE 3800 3 OF 9 BAR CODE PRINT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3800 PAGE FORMATTIN6 SERVICES, IUP 5796-AWE, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3800 PAGE FORMATTING SERVICES, IUP 5796-AWE. LOGIC 3800 PLOTTING PROGRAM, IFP 5785-AAA. NOTICE 3800 PLOTTING, IFP 5798-AAA DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS. 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODELS 3 AND 8 SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE 3800 SIDE-BY-SIDE PAGE PROCESSOR DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3800 90-DEGREE PRINT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3800 90 DEGREE PRINT PROGRAM EXTENSIONS. IUP 5796-BAC, NOTICE 3800 90-DEGREE ROTATE CHARACTER SETS RESCALED FOR THE 3800 MODEL 3 NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING 3800 90-DE6REE ROTATE CHARACTER SETS RESCALED FOR THE 3800 MODEL 3 NOTICE 3800 90-DEGREE ROTATE CHARACTER SETS RESCALED FOR THE 3800 MODEL 3 3800-3 (API. MODE) AND 3820 PRINTER SUPPORT FOR UNIVERSAL PRODUCT CODE VERSIONS A AND E BARCODE DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS 3800 MODEL 3 (APA MODE) AND 3820 PRINTER SUPPORT FOR 3 OF 9 BARCODE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3800-3 (APA MODE) AND 3820 PRINTER SUPPORT FOR HSIIPLESSEY BARCODE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3850 CARTRIDGE OFF-SITE STORAGE. IUP 5796-AWZ, NOTICE 3850 TRACE INTERPRETATION PACKAGE, FDP 5784-DBW DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS 3895 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION & DESCRIPTION MACROS (DIDM). LIC PROG 5748-F12. GENERAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION MACROS (DIDM) FOR THE IBM 3895 - SPECIFICATIONS. PROG PROD 5748-F12 IBM 3895 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION MACROS (DIDM) USER'S REFERENCE. PROG PROD 5748-F12 3895 DIDM FIELD LOCATION GAUGE IBM 3895 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION MACROS (DIDM) LOGIC, LIC PROG 5748-F12 4331 LOOP ADAPTER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 5550 FILE TRANSFER CICS (FOR PRC: PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA) DIO PRPQ POI092 6670 FONT EDITING SYSTEM NOTICE 6670 FONT EDITING SYSTEM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR MODEL II IMAGE PRINTING SYSTEM. 5785-FAZ. AVAILABILITY NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR MODEL II IMAGE PRINTING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING NOTICE 6670 USABILITY AID PROGRAM OFFERING 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR MODEL II IMAGE PRINTING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 6670 INFORMATION PROCESSOR MODEL II, 5785-FAZ. IMAGE PRINTING SYSTEM 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR FEATURES AND CAPABILITIES SETTING UP COMMUNICATION STORED FORMATS IN A BSC ENVIRONMENT SETTING UP COMMUNICATION STORED FORMATS IN AN SNA ENVIRONMENT 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR OCL REFERENCE FOR AN SNA ENVIRONMENT 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR OCL REFERENCE FOR A BSC ENVIRONMENT 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR SYSTEM PROGRAHMING REFERENCE 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR KEYBOARDS AND FONTS SUPPLEMENT . 6670 PREPROCESSOR NOTICE 6670 PREPROCESSOR DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) PRESENTATION EI-iiANCEMENTS USING THE 6670 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PRESENTATION EtilANCEMENTS USING THE 6670. 5798-DNQ. NOTICE 6670 USABILITY AID DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 6670 USABILITY AID USER'S GUIDE 6670 USABILITY FONT REFERENCE GUIDE 6670 USABILITY AID, 5798-DQF PRESENTATION EtilANCEMENTS USING THE 6670 NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING 11 Support PrograMS ( 6811-5463 6Bl1-5318 SBl1-5319 SYSTEMl370 FILE FORMATTER FOR THE IBM OFFICE SYSTEM 6, IFP 5785-EBH IBM DOSIYSE FILE CONVERSION AID FROM ICL 1900 SERIES FORMAT IFP 5785-EAR. NOTICE SYSTEMl370 OR 4300 PROCESSOR, DOSIVSE CONVERSION AID FROM ICL 1900 SERIES FORMAT. IFP 5785-EAR, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 227 n Utiliti. GBl1-5408 SBl1-5409 6821-2790 6821-2215 6H20-9116 SH20-9111 LJ86-0002 LTB6-0002 LJD2-2203 GC28-6758 GC28-6759 6320-8107 6821-2190 G320-5820 6813-7593 6320-0440 G811-5690 SBl1-5691 SC28-6765 SC28-6767 6H20-9057 LY28-6766 SH20-2510 GBl1-5011 S811-5012 SH20-2050 6320-5816 S811-5335 SC21-5014 GC21-5067 6320-8106 G320-8150 SH20-9105 SH20-9106 6H20-9115 LY20-8047 6320-8111 6821-2044 6821-1936 6H20-9137 SH20-9138 W86-0009 LJ86-0010 WD2-6207 LY20-8058 CONVERSION AID FOR BATCH JOB STREAMS, IFP 5785-E8F CONV.ERSION AID FOR BATCH JOB STREAMS, IFP 5785-EBF, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CONVERSION AID FOR BATCH JOBSTREAMS NOTICE IBM BRAILLE UTILITIES, FOP 5798-CRZ, NOTICE DASDR, LIC PROG 5740-UTl, SPECIFICATIONS OSIMVT AND OS/VS DASDR, LIC PROG 5740-UTl, USER'S GUIDE DATA MANAGEMENT SUPPORT (DASDR), LIC PROG 5740-UTl MICROFICHE LISTINGS DASD LISTINGS, LIC PROG 5740-UTl, MICROFICHE (LJB6-0002-1) DASDR PROGRAM PRODUCT, LIC PROG 5740-UTl, LISTINGS IBM SYSTEtv360 OPERATING SYSTEM DATA SET UTILITIES SUPPORT FOR ASC II (PPDO) PROG. NO. 5734-UT2 PROGRAM PRODUCT DESIGN 08JECTIVES OSIl1FT, OSIMVT, AND OSIVS DATA SET UTILITIES SUPPORT FOR ASCII - PPS - PROG. NO. 5734-UT2 DOS DBDUMP UTILITY PROGRAM PRODUCTIVITY AID FOR DOS DATA BASE APPLICATION PROGRAM TESTING (VANDL-l OR DLlI) INSTALLED AT SAGNER INC., FREDERICK, tID. DOSIDITTO & EXTENSIONS, FDP 5798-ARN, -CAF, NOTICE IMSIVS ONLINE DATA MANAGEMENT UTILITY, IUP 5796-AQZ. NOTICE VSE JCL CONVERSION AID NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING VSE JCL CONVERSION AID SOURCE CODE EXTERNAL REFERENCE SCANNER NOTICE SOURCE CODE EXTERNAL REFERENCE SCANNER DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS OSIMVT AND OSIVS2 TSO DATA UTILITIES: COPY, FORMAT, LIST & MERGE: USER'S WIDE AIfJ REFERENCE, PROG. NO. 5734-UTI OSIMVT AND OSIYS2 TSO DATA UTILITIES: COPY, FORMAT, LIST, MERGE SYSTEM INFORMATION OS/MVT & OSIYS2 TSO DATA UTILITIES: COpy, FORMAT, LIST, MERGE, LIC PR06 5734-UTlt FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OS/tIYT & OSIVS2 TSO DATA UTILITIES: COPY, FORMAT. LIST, MERGE, LIC PROG 5734-UTl, LOGIC UNIVERSAL DUMP ALTER COpy AND SELECT UTILITY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEM/370 VSPC LIBRARY PRINT PROGRAM REPORTS ALL VSPC USERS THEIR FILES AND PROFILES. IFP 5785-EAA, NOTICE IBM SYSTEtv370 VIRTUAL STORAGE PERSONAL COMPUTING LIBRARY PRINT (VSPCPRT), DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS, PROG PROD 5785-EAA VSPC LIBRARY PRINT, IFP 5785-EAA, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS LIBRARY PRINT PROGRAM FOR VSPC, LIC PROG 5785-EAA, NOTICE VSl UTILITY GENERATOR, IFP 5785-LAG, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS OS IBM 1288 BASIC UNFORMATTED READ SYSTEM: A DATA CAPTURE UTILITY PROGRAM, PROG. NO. 5734-UT3 PROGRAM PRODUCT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FOR IBM DOS 1288 BASIC UNFORMATTED READ SYSTEM PROGRAM PRODUCT NUMBER 5736-UTI 2927 DUAL PRINTER UTILITY PROGRAM, IUP 5796-AFK, NOTICE IMS 3270 LOCAL COPY, IUP 5796-AHL, NOTICE OSIMVT 3350 and 3330 MODEL II PROGRAMMER'S WIDE, PROG 5799-AR6, RPQ E64653 OSIMVT ANALYSIS PROGRAM-l (AP-I) USER'S GUIDE: PROG 5799-ARG PRPQ E64653 FOR 3350 & 3330 MODEL 11 ON SYSTEtv370 3350-3330 MODEL 11 tIYT (PRPQ E6 4653) PROG 5799-ARG SPECIFICATIONS OSIMVT ANALYSIS PROGRAM-l (AP-lJ LOGIC, PROG 5799-ARG, PRPQ EG4653 FOR 3350 & 3330 HODEL 11 ON SYSTEtv370 3525 6ENERAL PURPOSE UTILITIES, IUP 5796-AGE, NOTICE 3770-P BATCH TRANSMISSION SERVICES, FOP 5798-CNX, NOTICE 3770 COMMUNICATIONS UTILITY, FDP 5798-CKZ, NOTICE OFFLINE 3800 UTILITY. LIC PROG 5748-UT2, SPECIFICATIONS OFFLINE 3800 UTILITY, LIC PROG 5748-UT2, MANUAL OSIVSl CITOPS (ARGOT UTILITY) 5748-UT2 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OFFLINE 3800 UTILITY, LIC PROG 5748-UT2, DOSIVS REL 34, LISTINGS 3800 UTILITY MICROFICHE 842 OFFLINE 3800 UTILITY, LIC PROG 5748-UT2, LOGIC .u Sortll1eraa 6320-8138 6821-1376 S821-1377 L821-1378 S821-2674 LB21-2687 GC33-4050 LY33-8042 SC33-4018 GC33-4020 SC33-4023 GC33-4036 LY33-8039 SC33-4026 SC33-4028 GC33-4030 EXTENDED COBOL SORT, IUP 5796-AGZ, NOTICE CMS SORT FOR Vt11370, FDP 5798-BDW, NOTICE CMS SORT FOR Vt11370, FDP 5798-BDW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CMS SORT FOR Vt11370, FDP 5798-BDW, SYSTEMS GUIDE CMS SORT FOR Yt11370, FOP 5798-8DW. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CMS SORT FOR Yt11370, FOP 5798-BDW, SYSTEMS GUIDE DOSIVS SORTII1ERGE, LIC PROG 5746-SM1, FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OSIVS SORTII1ERGE, LIC PROG 5740-SMl, LOGIC DOS SORTII1ERGE, LIC PROG 5743-SMl. PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 5/360 DOS SORTII1ERGE, LIC PROG 5743-SMl. 6ENERAL INFORMATION DOS SORTII1ERGE, LIC PROG 5743-SMl, INSTALLATION REFERENCE DOS SORTII1ERGE, LIC PROG 5743-SMl, FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION DOS SORTII1ERGE, LIC PROG 5743-SMI, LOGIC DOSIVS SORTII1ERGE, LIC PROG 5746-SMl, INSTALLATION REFERENCE DOSIYS SORTIMER6E, LIC PROG S746-StlI, PROGRAtlMER·S GUIDE DOS/vS SORTII1ER6E, LIt PROG S'746-SMl, GENERAL INFORMATION 228 r', '"", J / ." LYC7-0903 LY33-8038 GC33-4043 SC33-4044 ST33-4044 SC33-4045 SQ33-4045 **GC33-4047 GX33-8002 GTOO-0646 LYC7-0905 LY33-8044 G320-5684 SH20-2661 G32O-6669 6821-2050 ~ Planning, Installation. Generation. Administration. Performance. CustOlllization. Resource Definition. §Hf GB13-7658 SBl1-5288 LBll-5289 SH20-2361 G320-6163 GB21-2391 6811-5352 ( DOSIVS SORTIMERGE 1.3 LISTING, PROG PROD 5746-S'11 DOSIVS SORTIMERGE, LIC PROG 5746-SM1, LOGIC DOSIVS-VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT SORTIMERGE VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION DOSIVS-VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT SORTIMERGE VERSION 2, 5746-SM2, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING SUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS SORTIMERGE LIC PROG 5746-SM2 VERSION 2 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE, RELEASE 2 (SC33-4044-U DOSIVS-VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT SORTIMERGE VERSION 2, 5746-SM2,INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS SORTIMERGE VERSION 2 RELEASE 2, LIC PROG 5746-SM2, INSTALLATION (SC33-4045-2) DOSIVS VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT SORTIMERGE VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS-VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT VERSION 2, LIC PROG 5746-SM2, REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS SORTIi1ERGE VERSION 2, LIC PROG 5746-SM2, RELEASE 3 & 4, REFERENCE SUt1I1ARY (GX33-8002-0) DOS SORTIMERGE V2 LIC PROG 5746-SM2 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT SORTIMERGE VERSION 2, LIC PROG 5746-SM2, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DISKETTE SORT PROGRAM, IUP 5796-P6J, NOTICE OSIVS SORTIMERGE PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS INSTALLATION GUIDE OSIVS SORT/MERGE PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS, IUP 5796-PQW, NOTICE 3770 SORT, FDP 5798-CHY, NOTICE SBl1-5353 LBll-5354 SC26-4243 SC26.-4244 SC26-4245 SC26-4246 G320-9202 SH20-1610 G320-8124 SH20-1749 G320-5547 6821-2491 5821-2492 6821-1816 SHI9-6134 SH19-6135 SH19-6136 SH19-6139 GH19-6143 LB21-1794 6821-2091 5821-2092 5821-2500 GB21-2142 5821-2143 G320-5675 6320-5672 SH20-2166 LY20-2416 6320-6098 SC26-4172 SC26-4173 SC26-4176 SC26-4179 APPLICATION PROGRAM PERFORMANCE EXTENDER, 5798-DNL, NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING ATTACHED PARTITION PROCESSOR. IFP 5785-EAG, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ATTACHED PARTITION PROCESSOR, IFP 5785-EAG SOURCE COMPARE/AUDIT UTILITY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SOURCE COMPARE/AUDIT UTILITY IUP 5796-PLZ, NOTICE CAPACITY PLANNING EXTENDED, FDP 579S-Crw, NOTICE SYSTEMl370 OSIVSl AND MVS UP, MP, OR JESI MULTI-ACCESS SPOOL CHAINED JOBS SCHEDULING, IFP 5785-GAK, NOTICE S/370 CHAINED JOBS SCHEDULING, IFP 5785-GAK, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS S/370 CHAINED JOBS SCHEDULING PROGRAM, IFP 5785-GAK, LOGIC DXT VERSION 2 BASE PRODUCT PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE DXT VERSION 2: FEATURES PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE DXT VERSION 2 INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR MYS DXT VERSION 2 INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR VMlSP DB2 DATABASE 2, 579S-DPY, PERFORMANCE REPORTING TOOL SOFTWARE UPDATE DOS TO OS CONVERSION SYSTEM, IUP 5796-AFZ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOS TO OS CONVERSION SYSTEM, IUP 5796-AFZ, NOTICE DOSIVS SYSTEM DIRECTORY LIST OPTIMIZER, IUP 5796-PFH, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEM DIRECTORY LIST OPTIMIZER, IUP 5796-PFH, NOTICE DOSIVS SYSTEM FOR GENERALIZED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING (DOS/GPAR), FDP 5798-DAA, NOTICE DOSIVS SYSTEM FOR GENERALIZED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING (DOS/GPAR), FDP 5798-DAA, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS , DOSIVS STORAGE & CPU UTILIZATION, FDP 5798-CHY, NOTICE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5799-AY GUIDE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5799-AYZ, PRPQ X99906, SAMPLE HANDBOOK ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM (ELIAS), LIC PROG 5799-AYZ PRPQ X99906: APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION, LIC PROG 5799-AYZ PRPQ X99906: OPERATOR'S GUIDE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM AND SYSTEM INSTALLATION PRODUCTIVITY OPTIONS, LIC PROG 5799-AYZ, 5750-AYZ CUSTOMER INFORMATION BULLETIN SYSTEM FOR GENERALIZED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING (GPAR) - FDP 5798-CPR, SYSTEMS GUIDE SYSTEM FOR GENERALIZED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING (GPAR) - FDP 5798-CPR, NOTICE SYSTEM FOR GENERALIZED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING (GPAR) - FDP 5798-CPR, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEM FOR GENERALIZED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING (GPAR), FDP 5798-CPR; DOSIVS SYSTEM FOR GENERALIZED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING (DOS/GPAR), FDP 5798-DAA; PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE GENERALIZED TRACE FACILITY PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS (GTFPARS)' FDP 5798-CQQ, AVAILABILITY NOTICE GENERALIZED TRACE FACILITY PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS (GTFPARS) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL GTF SUPERVISOR SERVICES ANALYZER, IUP 5796-PGE, NOTICE NOTICE GTF VTAM BUFFER ANALYSIS IMS - CMS DATA LINK FOR VMl370, IUP 5796-PLE, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IMS-CMS DATA LINK FOR VMl370, IUP 5796-PLE, SYSTEMS GUIDE INS-CMS DATA LINK FOR VMl370 IUP 5796-PLE, NOTICE IMSIVS VERSION 2 INSTALLATION GUIDE IMSIVS VERSION 2 UTILITIES REFERENCE IMSIVS VERSION 2 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION GUIDE IMSIVS VERSION 2 DATA BASE ADMINISTRATION GUIDE 229 SC26-4186 SC26-4187 SC26-4215 SC26-4216 6320-5713 SH20-9607 SB21-3045 6320-5718 SBI1-5451 SBI1-5450 SH20-1813 G320-5674 6B13-7538 **SH20-0038 G320-9165 G320-6638 6821-1513 SC30-3192 SC30-3193 SC30-3194 SC30-3195 SC30-3196 SC30-3197 LY30-3074 LY20-2268 G320-5714 SH20-1883 LY20-2269 SBI1-5351 SC26-4200 SC26-4201 SC26-4205 SC26-4210 SC26-4211 **SH20-2652 G320-6660 SH24-5125 **SC34-2166 SH20-1550 LY20-2059 SH20-1906 SC26-4224 SH20-1669 G320-5539 SBI1-5223 SC38-0038 SX27-3547 GC24-3964 IMSIVS VERSION 2 PROGRAMMING GUIDE FOR REMOTE SNA SYSTEMS IMSIVS VERSION 2 CUSTOMlZATION GUIDE IMSIVS VERSION 2 INSTALLATION LISTINGS IMS/VS VERSION 2 SYSTEM DEFINITION REFERENCE JES3 MONITORING FACILITY IUP 5796-PHR, NOTICE EXPERT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTIVM INSTALLATION GUIDE LOAD MODULE ANALYSIS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MONITORING DOS/vS SYSTEM FUNCTIONS, IUP 5796-ALX, NOTICE MYS LINK PACK AREA PACKER, IFP 5785-WAB, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MYS MODULE PACKER, IFP 5785-WAA, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MYS SYSTEM INFORMATION ROUTINES, IUP 5796-PGB, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MYS SYSTEM INFORMATION ROUTINES NMPF NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS NMPF NETWORK MANAGEMENT PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY, 5798-DPC ONLINE MONITOR, IUP 5796-BCP, RELEASE NOTICE POWER/vS COST & PERFORMANCE ANALYZER. FDP 5798-CDG NOTICE REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION/OPERATIONS REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ARCHIVE ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 3290 INFORMATION PANEL SUPPORT REFERENCE REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ARCHIVE ADMINISTRATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM USER'S REFERENCE SutmARY REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. 5665-310. PROGRAM LOGIC SMF JOB DATA COMPRESSION AID (JDCA) - IUP 5796-PHN. SYSTEMS GUIDE SMF JOB DATA COMPRESSION AID IUP 5796-PHN. STORAGE DEVICE MIGRATION AID IUP 5796-PHP, NOTICE STORAGE DEVICE MIGRATION AID (SOMA) - IUP 5796-PHP DESCRIPTION/OPERATION STORAGE DEVICE MIGRATION AID (SDMA) - IUP 5796-PHP SYSTEMS GUIDE CONVERSION AID SYSTEMl3 TO DOS/vSE, IFP 5785-KAD, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS THE INFORMATION FACILITY INSTALLATION ON VIRTUAL MACHINE/CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM TIF ADMINISTRATION ON VHlCMS THE INFORMATION FACILITY. 5798-DYE, -DYF, APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT THE INFORMATION FACILITY: INSTALLATION ON MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGEITIME SHARING OPTION TIF ADMINISTRATION ON MYSITSO YM BATCH SUBSYSTEM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) YM BATCH SUBSYSTEM, IUP 5796-BCY. NOTICE VHlPC HOST SERVER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE VMAP USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VHlSGP - STATISTICS 6ENERATING PACKAGE - IUP 5796-PDD, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS YM/SGP STATISTICS GENERATING PACKAGE - IUP 5796-PDD, SYSTEM GUIDE VHl370 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, PRPQ P09006, PROG 5799-ARQ, INSTALLATION GUIDE VS FORTRAN VERSION 2 INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMlZATION VSIREPACK, IUP 5796-PDZ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATION VSIREPACK, IUP 5796-PDZ, NOTICE CONVERSION AID SYSTEM 3 TO S/370 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX INPUT/OUTPUT CONFIGURATION PROGRAM USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBTUION SYSTEM TEMPLATE FOR 3270 DISPLAY TERMINALS 4381 PROCESSOR INPUT/OUTPUT CONFIGURATION PROGRAM USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE 11 EllUlation. SillUlation SBII-5367 GA24-3595 6A24-3604 GH20-lI53 GA24-3594 GA24-3605 GH20-1152 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS LOCAL DISPLAY TERMINAL SIMULATOR IBM EMULATOR FOR HONEYWELL SERIES 200 ON SYSTEMl370 USING DOS AND DOSIVS (PRpq): PLANNING GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5799-ADT EMULATOR FOR HONEYWELL SERIES 200 ON SYSTEMl370 USING DOS AND DOS/vS (PRpq), PROG. NO. 5799-ADT HONEYWELL SERIES 200 EMULATOR ON SYSTEMl370 USING DOS AND DOS/vS (PRpq) - TRANSITION GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5799-ADT IBM EMULATOR FOR RCA 301 ON SYSTEMl370 USING DOS AND DOSIVS PLANNING GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-ADR IBM EMULATOR MANUAL FOR RCA 301 ON SYSTEMl370 USING DOS & DOSIVS, PROG. NO. 5799-ADR RCA 301 EMULATOR ON S/370 USING DOS AND DOSIVS (PRpq) - TRANSITION GUIDE ~ Cont~ol Proq~a. 6811-5941 SBl1-5942 6821-1773 SH20-2067 G320-6050 **GC33-6247 GC33-6248 SC33-6249 SH20-2503 SH20-2504 CMS MINIDISK BACKUP SYSTEM NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING CMS MINIDISK BACKUP SYSTEM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING DOS DASDI JCL CONVERSION AID - FDP 5798-CHA, NOTICE OSIVSl PRIORITY QUEUE AGING PROCESSOR, IUP 5796-ARG, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS OSIVSI PRIORITY QUEUE AGING PROCESSOR, IUP 5796-ARG. RELEASE NOTICE SERIAL OEMI INTERFACE ACCESS METHOD PROGRAM SUMMARY SERIAL OEMI INTERFACE ACCESS METHOD SPECIFICATION SERIAL OEM INTERFACE ACCESS METHOD USER'S GUIDE SOFTWARE SUPPORT SYSTEM PRpq MK6133 OPERATIONS GUIDE SOFTWAR~ SUPPORT SYSTEM PRPQ MK6133 SYSGEN AND MAINTENANCE 230 - ------ ----------------------- c SH20-1773 LY20-2228 ( LJB2-9532 GH20-4493 GH20-9132 SH20-9133 SH20-9134 SH20-9136 SPECIAL REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEM. 5799-AHE, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IBM SYSTEM/370 SPECIAL REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEM PROGRAMMING RPQ Z06751 SYSTEMS LOGIC. PROG 5799-AHE VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE LISTINGS HASPIMVT/3800 PRPQ MJ0792, LIC PROG 5799-ATQ, DESIGN OBJECTIVES HASP1MVT/3800. LIC PR06 5799-ATQ. SPECIFICATIONS. PRPQ MJ079 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE FOR HASPIMVT/3800 HASPIMVT/3800 OPERATOR GUIDE, PRPQ MJ0792, LIC PROG 5799~ATQ HASP/MYT/3800 USER'S GUIDE, PRPQ MJ0792 - LIC PROG 5799-ATQ E: Diagnosis, Problet!! Determination. Auditing. Service Aids 6320-5537 LY20-2114 5H20-1844 LY20-2431 6320-5686 GY37-0001 SY37-0002 SY37-0003 LY37-0004 SY37-0005 SY37-0006 SY37-0007 SY37-0008 LY37-0009 SY37-0010 GY37-0011 GY37-0013 ( LY37-0015 LY27-9502 LY27-9503 LY27-9504 GH20-1639 SH20-1697 SH20-1698 SH20-1699 SH20-1696 GH20-4509 **GC28-1378 LY27-9516 SC34-4088 SY35-0032 6821-2350 6821-2566 6821-2478 SB21-2479 GB21-2487 SB21-2488 SH20-6162 SH20-6168 GX20-2365 G320-6387 SB21-2356 6B21-2836 SB21-2837 6821-2838 SC23-0221 G320-1530 LY26-3995 LY26-3996 SY22-7186 SC33-6160 S544-3025 S544-3029 (. / .H I!!!I!!!2D ~ AUTOMATED UNIT TEST, IUP 5796-PEB, 5796-PEC, NOTICE AUTOMATED UNIT TEST. IUP 5796 - PEC, SYSTEMS GUIDE BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR II. IUP 5796-PGT. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR II (BTS II), IUP 5796-PGT, SYSTEMS GUIDE BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR II, IUP 5796-PGT. NOTICE CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR)' 5799-BHC, INTRODUCTION CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE REFERENCE (CLEAR, LIC PROG 5799-BHC, USER'S GUIDE CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE SYSTEM (CLEAR, LIC PROG 5799-BHC, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR). LIC PROG 5799-BHC. PREPROCESSOR CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR)' LIC PROG 5799-BHC. LIBRARY MAINTENANCE CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR), LIC PROG 5799-BHC. INTEGRATION CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR). LIC PROG 5799-BHC. MESSAGES AND CODES CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR), LIC PR06 5799-BHC. INSTALLATION GUIDE CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR)' 5799-BHC, INFORMATION DATA BASE CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR). 5799-BHC. SELF-STUDY GUIDE CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR). 5799-BHC,. SPECIFICATIONS CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCEIYM (CLEARIYM), LIC PROG 5799-BHG, NETWORKING INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR) PRESENTATION GUIDE DXT VERSION 2 FEATURES DIAGNOSIS GUIDE DXT VERSION 2 FEATURES DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE DXT VERSION 2 BASE PRODUCT DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND REFERENCE DBIDC DRIVER SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5740-XXA, GENERAL INFORMATION DBIDC DRIVER SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5740-XXT, OPERATIONS GUIDE DBIDC DRIVER SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5740-XXA, TERMINAL USER'S MANUAL DBIDC DRIVER SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5740-XXT. SCRIPT WRITER'S GUIDE DBIDC DRIVER SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5740-XXA, REFERENCE DBIDC DRIVER SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5740-XXT, SPECIFICATIONS EREP USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE DIAGNOSING INFORMATION/FAMILY PROBLEMS FOR MVS AND YMlSP OSIVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) MSVIZAP LOGIC OSIVS DATA SET EDITOR, FDP 5798-CXQ, NOTICE NETWORK ERROR MANA6EMENT FACILITY-IMS, FDP 5798-DBN, NOTICE NETWORK PERFORMANCE ANALYZER - HOST, FDP 5798-CZR, NETWORK PERFORMANCE ANALYZER CONTROLLER, FDP 5798-CZT, NOTICE NETWORK PERFORMANCE ANALYZER - HOST, FDP 5798-CZR, NETWORK PERFORMANCE ANALYZER CONTROLLER, FDP 5798-CZT, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS NETPARS, 5798-CZX, NOTICE NETWORK PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS AND REPORTING SYSTEM (NETPARS), FDP 5798-CZX, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PASCAlIVS. 5796-PNQ, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) PASCALIVS. 5796-PNQ, LANGUAGE REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) PASCAlIVS, 5796-PNQ, REFERENCE CARD PASCALlVS, 5796-PNQ, RELEASE NOTICE PRINT LOAD ANALYZER, FDP 5798-CXY, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEM ERROR MANAGEMENT FACILITY CICSIVS NOTICE SYSTEM ERROR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CICSIVS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEM ERROR MANAGEMENT FACILITY IMSIVS NOTICE SMP/E PROGRAM PACKAGING GUIDE TEST DATA GENERATOR FOR S/370, IUP 5796-PBP, NOTICE THE INFORMATION FACILITY DIAGNOSIS ON YMlCMS THE INFORMATION FACILITY DIAGNOSIS ON MVSITSO 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX INTRODUCTION AND SERVICE STRATEGY (CURRENT RELEASE) CDPF 4250 PRINTER SUBSYSTEM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR: SOLVING FORMATTING PROBLEMS USING A LINE-MONITOR OPERATION IN A esc ENVIRONMENT 6670 SOLVING FORMATTING PROBLEMS USING A LINE-MONITOR OPERATION IN AN SMA ENVIRONMENT Entry SHU-5140 FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM GENERAL INFORMATION 231 **6H12-5141 6H12-5143 6H12-5245 6H12-5263 SH12-5342 SH12-5349 SH12-5352 SH12-5354 SH12-5365 SH12-5373 LYA2-5220 LYA2-5221 LY12-5033 LY12-5350 6B21-9862 SH20-2047 6320-5813 SH20-2622 LY20-9040 6320-6647 6H12-5129 6H12-5240 SH12-5331 LYA2-5219 LY12-5031 6H20-1574 SH20-1589 SH20-1590 SH20-1592 6H20-4374 6821-2326 S544-3024 S544-3028 S544-3032 FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM VERSION 2 6ENERAL INFORMATION FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM. LIC PROG 5748-XE6. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) FTP VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM VERSION 2 PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS AND DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM VERSION 2 PROHPTER USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) FTP VERSION 2 INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.1 INSTALLATION GUIDE VSEIYH FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM APPLICATION PROGRAMMING FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM (FTP) 5748-XE6 (G50), LISTINGS FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM (FTP) 5748-XE6 (AI0), LISTINGS SYSTEM/370 AND 4300 PROCESSORS FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM LIC PROG 5748-XE6, LOGIC FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE MANUAL HOST REMOTE NODE ENTRY SYSTEM GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL, IUP 5796-PJY HOST REMOTE NODE ENTRY SYSTEM, IUP 5796-PJY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/vsl NETWORKING NODE TO t1VS SYS AND W1 - HOST NODE REMOTE ENTRY SYSTEM, IUP 5796-PJY, NOTICE (CURRENT RELEASE) HOST REMOTE NODE ENTRY SYSTEM II DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS OSIVSI HOST REMOTE NODE ENTRY SYSTEM II. IUP 5796-PPL. SYSTEMS GUIDE HOST REMOTE NODE ENTRY SYSTEM II, IUP 5796-PPL. NOTICE S/370 & 4300 PROCESSORS. JOB ENTRY PROGRAM. LIC PROG 5746-XE6, & FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM, LIC PROG 5748-XE6. 6ENERAL INFORMATION . JOB ENTRY PROGRAM. LIC PROG 5746-XE6. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) JOB ENTRY PROGRAM AND FILE TRAt-ISFER PROGRAM, LIC PROG 5746-XE6, 5748-XE6. REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) JOB ENTRY PROGRAM (JEP) 5746-XE6 (649). LISTINGS SYSTEMl370 AND 4300 PROCESSORS JOB ENTRY PROGRAM. LIC PROG 5746-XE6. LOGIC DOSIVS REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM (PROGRAMMING RPQ WF0358) GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL PROG. NO. 5799-WHX DOSIVS REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM - PROGRAMMING RPQ WF0358 OPERATION & INSTALLATION GUIDE. PROG. NO. 5799-WHX DOSIVS REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM (PROGRAMMING RPQ WF0358 REFERENCE) DOS/VS REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM, LOGIC. PROGRAMMING RPQ WF0358. PROS. NO. 5799-WHX DOSIVS REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM (PROGRAMMING RPQ WF0358) - PROGRAM NUtlBER 5799-WHX. SPECIFICATIONS SNA/RJE PRINT OUTPUT ANALYSIS, FDP 5798-CXH, NOTICE 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR: SETTING UP TEXT STORED FORMATS IN AN IBM RJE ENVIRONMENT 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR FORMATTING DOCUMENTS IN AN IBM RJE ENVIRONMENT PRINTING A DOCUMENT IN AN RJE ENVIRONMENT l2 TiMe Sharing Interactive SH20-6147 LY20-9007 6320-6348 S320-5996 SBl1-5325 5821-2552 S811-5533 6821-1877 SBl1-5329 SB21-2145 SB21-2331 6811-6407 5811-6408 SH20-1658 6320-1408 6813-7652 GX20-4406 GX20-4407 SH20-6923 SH20-6924 **6X20-0202 **GX20-0203 LY20-6352 6811-5897 5811-5898 SB11-5899 6811-5969 G821-2069 5821-2070 ~ APL DATA INTERFACE II DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS APL DATA INTERFACE-II. IUP 5796-PNG, SYSTEMS GUIDE APL DATA INTERFACE-II FOR YMl370 (CMS). IUP 5796-PN6. NOTICE THE APL HANDBOOK OF TECHNIQUES APPLICATION DISPLAY SERVICES, IFP 5785-AAE. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS APPLICATION ENABLING FACILITY. FDP 5798-D8F, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS A RELATED GROUP OF ORIENTATIONAL SCREENS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CMSERVICE. FOP 5798-CJZ. NOTICE DISPLAY INPUT/OUTPUT FACILITY. IFP 5785-HAA. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOS/vs ENTRY TIME SHARING SYSTEM/II (ETSS/II). FDP 5798-CLR. TERMINAL USERS GUIDE FULL SCREEN EDITOR FOR FDP 5798-CLR ETSS/II TERMINAL USER GUIDE NOTICE INTERACTIVE DATA SET LIST AND ACCESS FACILITY PROGRAM OFFERING DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS INTERACTIVE DATA SET LIST AND ACCESS FACILITY PROGRAM OFFERING MC6ILL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FOR INTERACTIVE COHPUTING (MUSIC) IUP 5796-PQA, SCRIPT USER'S MANUAL 5/370 MC6ILL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FOR INTERACTIVE cot1PUTING (MUSIC) RELEASE 2: IUP 5796-AAT NOTICE NOTICE MUSIC V INTERACTIVE OPERATING SYSTEM PROGRAM OFFERING MUSIC SCRIPT USERS REFERENCE SUMMARY MUSIC GENERAL USERS REFERENCE SUMMARY MUSlc/SP OPERATIONS MUSlc/SP USER'S REFERENCE GUIDE MUSIC/SP, 5664-197. GENERAL USER'S REFERENCE CARD MUSIC/SP, 5664-197, TIME, OFFICE AND ORGANIZER REFERENCE CARD MUSIC/SP, 5664-197, SYSTEMS GUIDE RESEARCH QUEUEING PACKAGE VERSION 2 NOTICE RESEARCH QUEUEING PACKA6E VERSION 2 T50 USER GUIDE PROGRAM OFFERING .RESEARCH QUEUEING PACKAGE VERSION 2 CMS USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM OFFERING RESEARCH QUEUEING PACKAGE VERSION 2 INTRODUCTION AND EXAMPLES MVS/TSOIVTAM DATA SET PRINT, FDP 5798-CPF, NOTICE t1VS/TSOIVTAM DATA SET PRINT, FDP 5798-CPF, DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS 232 ~ ../ L821-2071 G320-5653 G320-5719 SH20-1890 SH20-1909 LY20-2273 G320-5746 GB21-1987 SB21-1988 LB21-1989 SH18-0007 GH20-1638 SH20-1730 SX20-1976 LY20-2220 6H20-1974 SH20-1975 6H20-4521 6X20-232S LY20-2339 ( GH20-9064 SH20-2341 LY20-2426 G320-6168 GC23-0205 6C23-0206 SH20-9070 SH20-9071 SH20-9072 SH20-9073 SH20-9074 SH20-9089 LJB6-0034 LJB6-0035 LYBO-S043 LY20-S072 SH20-910S LJB6-0024 LJB6-002S LYBO-8045 LY20-8073 SH20-9203 SH20-9204 SH20-9205 6H20-9206 LJB6-0069 LJB6-0070 LJB6-0071 SX26-3714 SX26-3715 SY20-8079 SH20-9192 SH20-9109 LYBO-8046 LYBO-8048 LY20-8039 6821-2227 SB21-2228 SH19-6069 SH19-6050 6813-7695 SH20-9107 6H20-911lt LYBO-8056 SH2O-U03 SC28-0912 WB2-9506 ttVSlTSOIVTAM DATA SET PRINT - FDP 5798-CPF. SYSTEMS GUIDE TSO/CODES UPDATE SYSTEM. IUP 5796-PFR NOTICE TSO/IQRP INTERFACE, IUP 5796-PHZ, NOTICE TSO/IQRP INTERFACE, IUP 5796-PHZ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TSO/lqRP INTERFACE, IUP 5796-PHZ, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE TSO/IQRP INTERFACE, IUP 5796-PHZ. SYSTEMS GUIDE TSO/MSS ARCHIVER. 5796-AJK, NOTICE TSO PROGRAMMING CONTROL FACILITY-II, FDP 5798-CLW. NOTICE TSO PROGRAMMING FACILITY-II. FDP 5798-CLW. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TSO PROGRAMMING FACILITY-II. FDP 5798-CLW. SYSTEMS GUIDE TSO 3270 PRINTER SUPPORT PROGRAMMING RPq U946866 DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-AL8 TSO-3270 STRUCTURED PROGRAMttING FACILITY (SPF). LIC PROG 5740-Xn, GENERAL INFORMATION TSO-3270 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY (SPF), LIC PROG 5740-XT2. REFERENCE SPF PROGRAM FUNCTION KEY TEMPLATE TSO-3270 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY LOGIC, PROG PROD 5740-XT2 TSO-3270 DISPLAY SUPPORT & STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY (SPF) VERSION 2, LIC PROG 5740-XT8. GENERAL INFORMATION . TSO-3270 DISPLAY SUPPORT & STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY VERSION 2.2, LIC PROG 5740-XTB. REFERENCE TSO 3270 DISPLAY SUPPORT AN) STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY(SPF) VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY (SPFITSO) VERSION 2.2, LIC PROG 5740-XT8, WICK REFERENCE SUMMARY TSO-3270 DISPLAY SUPPORT AND STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY VERSION 2, LOGIC. PROS PROD 5740-XT8 VS APL GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL EXTENDED EDITOR AND FULL SCREEN MANAGER. IUP 5796-PLY, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VS APL EXTENDED EDITOR & FULL SCREEN MANAGER, IUP 5796-PLY, SYSTEMS GUIDE VS APL EXTENDED EDITOR AND FULL SCREEN MANAGER NOTICE VSPC-TO-TSO EXTENSIONS MIGRATION PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND CLIST CONSIDERATIONS VSPC-TO-TSO EXTENSIONS MIGRATION PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTING VSPC FOR OSIVS AND DOSIVS GENERAL INFORMATION VSPC GENERAL USER'S GUIDE AND COMMAND LANGUAGE VSPC INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) TERMINALS PROS PROD 5740-XR5, 5740-XR6. 5746-XR3 VSPC WRITING PROCESSORS. LIC PROG 5740-XR5, 5740-XR6, 5746-XR3 OSIVSl VIRTUAL STORAGE PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) SPECIFICATIONS, PROG PROD 5740-XR5 OSIVSl VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) RELEASE 2 DATA AREAS, LIC PROG 5740-XR5, LISTINGS OSIVSl VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) REL. 2 SYMBOLIC NAME CROSS REFERENCE TABLE, LIC PROS 5740-XR5, MICROFICHE LISTINGS YS PERSONAL COMPUTING OSIVS1, LISTINGS, PROS PROD 5740-XR5 OSIVSl AND OSIVS2 MYS VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) LOGIC OSIVS2 MYS VIRTUAL STORAGE PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) SPECIFICATIONS PROG PROD 5740-XR6 OSIVS2 MVS VSPC (VS PERSONAL COMPUTING) DATA AREAS, LIC PROG 5740-XR6, LISTINGS OSIYS2 MYS VSPC SYMBOLIC NAME CROSS REFERENCE TABLE, LIC PROG 5740-XR6, LISTINGS YS PERSONAL COMPUTING OSIYS2 PROG 5740-XR6 OSIVS2 MYS VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) DIAGNOSTIC AIDS, LIC PROG 57ltO-XR6, LOGIC VSPC VERSION 2 FOR OSIVS2 MYS WRITING PROCESSORS VSPC VERSION 2 FOR OSIVS2 MVS GENERAL USER'S GUIDE AND COMMAND LANGUAGE VSPC VERSION 2 FOR OSIYS2 MYS INSTALLATION REFERENCE VSpc·OSIVS2 MYS VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS OS/YS2 MYS VS PERSONAL COMPUTING VSPC LISTINGS OSIVS2 MYS VS PERSONAL COMPUTING VSPC DATA AREAS LISTINGS OSlVS2 MYS VS PERSONAL COMPUTING VSPC SYMBOLIC NAME LISTINGS VS BASIC UNDER VSPC VERSION 2. LIC PROG 5665-283. REFERENCE SUMMARY YSPC FORTRAN UNDER VSPC VERSION 2, LIC PROG 5665-283, REFERENCE SUMMARY VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (YSPC) VERSION 2 FOR OSIVS2 MYS. LIC PROG 5665-283. DIAGNOSIS VSPC VERSION 2 FOR OSIVS2 MYS GENERAL INFORMATION DOSIVS VIRTUAL STORAGE PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) PROD 5746-XR3 SPECIFICATIONS DOSIVS VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (YSPC) PROG PROD 5746-XR3, ICR LISTINGS DOSIVS VSPC CROSS REFERENCE AND DATA AREAS PROG PROD 5746-XR3 DOSIVS VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) LOGIC PROS PROD 5746-XR3 VSPC FULL SCREEN EDITOR, 5798-CTG. NOTICE VSPC FULL SCREEN EDITOR. FDP 579S-CTG, DESCRIPTIONIOPERATION VS PERSONAL COMPUTING FOR DCS: CONVERSION GUIDE FOR USERS VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) FOR DATA CENTER SERVICES: ONLINE CENTRE SERVICES TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE VIRTUAL SYSTEM TIME SHARED INPUT/OUTPUT INTERFACE II, 5785-DqE, NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING VS TSIO GUIDE AND REFERENCE, PROG PROD 5740-XR9 VS TSIO, LIC PROS 5740-XR9, GUIDE & REFERENCE YS TSO 5740-XR9 3270 FULL SCREEN SUPPORT FOR COBOL USING TSO, IUP 5796-ATK, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS OSIVS2 HYS TSO 3270 EXTENDED DISPLAY SUPPORT - SESSION MANAGER, LIC PROS 5740-XE2, REFERENCE AND USERS GUIDE OSIVS2 HYS TSO 3270 EXTENDED DISPLAY SUPPORT SESSION MANAGER, LIC PROS 5740-XE2, YER 1, 233 LYB8-0915 LY28-0913 SC33-6135 GB21-2084 SB21-2085 SC26-4242 SC26-4247 SC26-4248 SC26-4249 SC26-4251 SC26-4125 GBl1-5658 SH12-5349 SH12-5352 SX27-3549 GB21-2179 SB21-2180 LB21-2181 SC33-2024 SC26-4202 SC26-4203 SC26-4204 SC26-4206 SC26-4207 GC26-4217 5)(26-3748 G320-8120 SB21-2829 SBl1-5831 S544-3019 REL. 2 OSIVS2 t1VS T50 3270 EXTENlED DISPLAY FACILITY SESSION t1ANAGER: DATA AREAS, PR06 PROD 5740-XE2 OSIVS2 MYS TSO 3270 EXTENDED DISPLAY SUPPORT SESSION MANAGER LOGIC COMPOSED DOCUMENT PRINTING FACILITY INSTALLATION AND OPERATION CONSOLE SPOOLING UNDER POWERIVS, FDP 5798-CPQ, NOTICE CONSOLE SPOOLING UNDER POWERIVS, FDP 5798-CPQ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DXT VERSION 2 LEARNER'S GUIDE DXT VERSION 2: USER'S GUIDE DXT VERSION 2 REFERENCE DXT VERSION 2 MASTER INDEX DXT VERSION 2 MESSAGES AND CODES DFDSS. 5665-327, USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE DOSIVSE JOB MONITOR SYSTEM FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM VERSION 2 PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS AND DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM VERSION 2 PROMPTER USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3290 INFORMATION PANEL TEMPLATE FOR REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MYS SECONDARY OPERATOR. 5798-CRE, NOTICE MYS SECONDARY OPERATOR FACILITY, FDP 5798-CRE, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MYS SECONDARY OPERATOR FACILITY, FOP 5798-CRE, SYSTEMS GUIDE NON-SNA INTERCONNECTION INSTALLATION AND OPERATION THE INFORMATION FACILITY LEARNER'S GUIDE THE INFORMATION FACILITY ADVANCED USER'S GUIDE THE INFORMATION FACILITY CONCEPTS AND FUNCTIONS THE INFORMATION FACILITY REFERENCE THE INFORMATION FACILITY MESSAGES INTRODUCTION TO THE INFORMATION FACILITY THE INFORMATION FACILITY REFERENCE SUMMARY YM/370 SYSTEM FOR ONLINE TAPE & DISK LIBRARIES, IUP 5796-AGN, NOTICE VSE/TAPE AUTOMATION FOR THE PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3800 BAR CODE PRINT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR: CODES AND MESSAGES FOR A BSC ENVIRONttENT ill (Interactive Ter.inal Facility) SC28-6835 LYC7-5018 LYC7-5015 n = PrograM Product (20-83) IBM SYSTEMl360 OS/DOS ITF: BASIC TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM tu1BERS 5736-RC2. 5734-RC3 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY - BASIC MODULES - MICROFICHE LISTINGS - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-RC3 DOS ITF RELEASE II - BASIC ASSEMBLY LISTINGS - MICROFICHE PR06. PRDD. 5736-RC2 PUI GC28-6897 GH20-9056 SC28-6833 GC28-6825 SC28-6834 5)(28-6813 LYC7-5016 LYC7-5013 OS INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: PUI AND BASIC - PROS. NOS. 5734-RCl, 5734-RC3, FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION IBM SYSTEMl360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: PLII AND BASIC: FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION, PROS. PRODS. 5736-RCl AND 5736-RC2 IBM SYSTEM/360 OS/DOS ITF: PUI INTRODUCTION PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RCl, 5736-RCI SYSTEMl360 OS/DOS AND OS n5O) ITF: PUI AND BASIC PR06 PROD 5734-RCl, -RC2, -RC3, -RC4, 5736-RCl, -RC2, GENERAL INFORMATION IBM SYSTEMl360 OSIDOS ITF: PUI TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RCl, 5736-RCl S/360 OS/DOS ITF, LIC PROG 5734-RCl. 5736-RCl, PLI REFERENCE CARD IBM OS/360 ITF PUI LISTINGS, PROG. PROD. 5734-RCl IBM D05/360 ITF PUI, LISTINGS - PROG. PROD. 5736-RCl l!t Planning, Installation. Generation. Ad!!inistratioo. Performance. CustOllization. Resource Definition! m1E SC28-6836 ~ IBM SYSTEMl360 OS/DOS ITF INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL PROGRAM tu1BERS 5734-RCl, 3; 5736-RCl, 2 . Control PrograM LYC7-5017 05/360 ITF SHARED, PR06 PRDD 5734-RCl, -RC3 J! Ii!!! Sharina Interactive Svst_ SC28-6838 GC28-6895 IBM SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM nIME SHARING OPTION) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: PU1 INTRODUCTION PROGRAM tu1BER 5734-RC2 OS nSO) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: PUI AND BASIC, FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION - PROG NOS. 5734-RC2; 5734-RC4 234 SC28-6839 SC28-684l ( LYC7-5035 6320-6663 IBM SYSTEtV360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTION) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: PL/l TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-RC2 S/360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTION) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL TSO ITF (SHARED) LISTINGS, PROG. NOS. 5734-RC2, RC4 EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEtVREGISTRATION, IUP 5796-PQR, RELEASE NOTICE 12 Cross-Industry (see also W &H20-l027 SH20-l069 SH20-1070 GH20-4139 LY20-0728 Ag Cross-Industry 6H20-1175 SH20-1262 SH20-1264 GH20-4326 LY20-0840 GH20-1128 SH20-1157 SH20-1158 6H20-4308 LY20-0804 LY30-5579 STAT/BASIC FOR S/3 MODEL 6, ITF, AND VM/370-CMS: GENERAL INFORMATION STAT/BASIC FOR 5/3 MODEL 6, ITF, AND VtV370-CMS: PROGRAM REFERENCE STAT/BASIC FOR ITF AND VM/370-CMS: OPERATIONS GUIDE, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XA3 STAT/BASIC, PROG. PROD. 5734-XA3 SPECIFICATIONS STAT/BASIC FOR ITF AND VtV370 - CMS: LOGIC MANUAL, FEATURE NUMBER 8100 - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XA3 =Mathematics !DS Science BUSINESS ANALYSIS/BASIC GENERAL INFORMATION BUSINESS ANALYSIS/BASIC FOR ITF, 5734-XMB BUSINESS ANALYSIS/BASIC REFERENCE BUSINESS ANALYSIS/BASIC FOR 5/3 MODEL 6, ITF AND VtV370-CMS SPECIFICATIONS BUSINESS ANALYSIS/BASIC LOGIC MANUAL MATH/BASIC FOR S/3 MODEL 6, ITF & VtV370-CMS GENERAL INFORMATION MATH/BASIC FOR ITF & VtV370-CMS, LIC PROS 5734-XM8, OPERATIONS GUIDE MATH/BASIC FOR S/3 MODEL 6 ITF AND VtV370-CMS PROGRAM REFERENCE MATH/BASIC FOR S/3 MODEL 6, ITF & VM/370-CMS SPECIFICATIONS MATH/BASIC FOR S/3 MODEL 6, ITF, AND VtV370-CMS: LOGIC MANUAL (ITF AN) VtV370-CMS); FEATURE NOS. 8017, 8153 ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VTAM VERSION 3 DATA AREAS (VSE) ( 23S e m:!:!.m SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (85-99) §eneral ~ Introductory References NOTE: The following list includes Systu Center technical bulletins, e.g., some of those items whose order numbers begin with GG22 or 320. Technical bulletins provide quick distribution of technical information. The regular system library Manuals listed in the previous sections of this bibliography provide inforMation subjected to more rigorous technical review and a base .for future updates of the information. ~ G622-9274 6624-1547 GG24-1557 SR20-4510 SR20-4513 SR20-4620 6320-5869 G320-5850 G320-5855 GG24-1514 6624-1523 6320-5918 6622-9261 6320-5935 G622-9385 G624-1636 6320-5863 6320-5868 6320-5897 6624-1584 6320-4267 S622-9315 6320-6178 6320-6131 SCto-1646 6622-9318 6622-932lt 6622-9372 6622-9391 6G22-9353 GG22-9354 6622-9355 6622-9356 6G22-9357 6622-9358 6622-9359 6622-9360 6622-9364 SC28-8310 SC28-8300 6622-9288 6622-9344 6320-5912 6320-5915 6320-5890 6320-5891 6320-5894 6320-5902 6320-5903 G320-5907 SH19-6247 SH19-6249 SH19-6251 SH19-6254 SR20-4438 GG24-1539 GG24-1540 GG24-1546 6624-1554 H24-1558 ACFIJ1SNF PLANNING WORKBOOK ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION PRIMER ACF PRODUCTS INSTALLATION GUIDE ADVANCED FUNCTION NCP AND RELATED HOST FUNCTIONS STUDENT TEXT - COURSE CODE S3851 ADVANCED FUNCTION NCP DATA FLOW - COURSE CODE S3851 ACF/NCP RELEASE 2 PROGRAMMING STUDENT TEXT DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN - INSTALLATION GUIDE SCENARIOS FOR RELEASE 3 ACF DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN - ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION (ACF) NETWORK CONTROL PR06RAM (NCP) USER CODE DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER RUNNING JOB ENTRY SUB-SYSTEM 2INETWORK JOB ENTRY (JESUNJE) ON AN ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTIONIVIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD (ACFIVTAM) NETWORK ACF/SNA SYSTEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOlUME 1 ACF/SNA SYSTEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 2 ACFITCAM VERSION 2, 5735-RC3, FUNCTION AND RELEASE REFERENCE GUIDE BACKUP AND RECOVERY IN ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 DALLAS NATIONAL MARKETIN6 SUPPORT CENTER: ACFIVTAM VERSION 2: NEW FUNCTIONS ACF/VTAM VERSION 3 ACFINCP VERSION 4 ACF/SSP VERSION 3 OVERVIEW ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 FOR VMlSP PLANNING GUIDE NATIONAL SYSTEMS CENTER: ADF USAGE 6UIDELINES NATIONAL SYSTEMS CENTER: TECHNICAL BULLETIN ADF ADVANCED TOPICS EXAMPLES NATIONAL SYSTEMS CENTER: APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT USIN6 ADF AT IBM CANADA LTD LABORATORY AN INTRODUCTION TO ADVANCED PR06RAM-TO-PROGRAM COMMUNICATION APPC APL APPLICATION PROGRAMS - REFERENCE SUMMARY USIN6 APL WITH ADRS II AN INTRODUCTION TO APL FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS APPLICATIONS AND ABSTRACTS A PROGRAt1t1ER' S INTRODUCTION TO IBM SYSTEMl360 ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE: STUDENT TEXT SO YOU WANT TO ESTIMATE THE VALUE OF AVAILABILITY MEASURING AVAILABILITY WINNING AVAILABILITY STRATEGIES VIDEOTAPE TRANSCRIPT SYSTEMS ANALYSIS FOR HIGH AVAILABILITY, AN AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE AVAILABILITY MANA6EMENT PLANNING WORKSHOP LEADERS GUIDE AVAILABILITY MANA6EMENT PLANNING WORKBOOK AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING PROJECT GUIDE PROBLEM MANAGEMENT AVAILABILITY MANA6EMENT PLANNING PROJECT GUIDE CHAN6E MANAGEMENT AVAILABILITY MANA6EMENT PLANNING PROJECT GUIDE RECOVERY MANAGEMENT AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING PROJECT GUIDE CAPACITY MANAGEMENT AVAILABILITY MANA6EMENT PLANNING PROJECT GUIDE SERVICE LEVEL MANAGEMENT AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING PROJECT GUIDE SYSTEMSINETWORK CONTROL CENTER - SINCe AVAILABILITY MANA6EMENT PLANNING PROJECT 6UIDE TOOLS B IS FOR BASIC AN INTRODUCTION TO VS BASIC UNDER CMS LIC PROG 5748-XXI (CURRENT RELEASE) B IS FOR BASIC: AN INTRODUCTION TO VS BASIC UNDER TSO LIC PROS 5748-XXl (CURRENT RELEASE) CAPACITY PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE MANA6EMENT METHODOLOGY CAPACITY PLANNING BASIC HAND ANALYSIS CICS/OS/vs IMSIVS DB DLII NEW USER CONSIDERATIONS RECOVERYIRESTART IN CICS/OSIVS DB DLII ENVIRONMENT NSC: CICSIVS DIRECTION AND STRATE6Y DALLAS SYSTEM CENTER: SAMPLE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORA6E (CICSIVS) TUTORIAL PRESENTATION DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN: CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICSIVS) TERMINAL MANAGEMENT ARCHITECTURE DALLAS SUPPORT CENTER - CICSIVS NRO FACILITIES AND PLANNING GUIDE DALLAS SUPPORT CENTER - CICS/vs NRO SAMPLE TABLES AND TRACES CICS/vs VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 BMS ARCHITECTURE AND INTERNAL STRUCTURE CICS/vs IMS/VS ISC PRIMER PART 1 REFERENCE INFORMATION CICS/vs IMSIVS ISC PRIMER PART 3 EXAMPLE 2 CICSIVS IMSIVS ISC PRIMER PART 5, EXAMPLE 4 CICSIVS IMSIVS ISC PRIMER PART 8 EXAMPLE 7 CMS FOR PROGRAMMERS -- A PRIMER: (VMl370) TERMINAL-ORIENTED SELF-STUDY TEXT COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENTIMANAGING INTERCONNECTED SYSTEMS COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENTINCCF TERMINAL ACCESS FACILITY COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT USING INFORMATI0NIMANA6EMENT COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANA6EMENT CNM CUSTOMIZING NCCF CNM CENTRAL SITE OPERATION 236 - ---_.------------ ------ ---~.---- -- --- - -.. -~~.---- ---~-- -- -- - - ( 6G24-1560 GG24-1561 GG24-1575 GG24-1585 GG24-1590 6G24-1602 GG24-1617 6G24-1618 GG24-1673 G320-5926 HGA23-0114 GG22-9231 6R20-4640 G320-5919 GG22-9217 GG22-9241 **GG22-9363 SR20-4482 GG22-9270 GG22-9306 GG22-9229 GC20-8096 SC20-1699 G320-6271 GG24-1682 GG24-1595 6G24-1608 GG24-1609 GG24-1625 6G24-1581 0024-1582 0024-1583 6G24-1586 GG24-1587 GG24-1600 G624-1632 GG24-1637 SG22-9283 G320-5927 6320-5908 6320-5942 0024-1549 SR20-4680 6624-1524 G624-1525 6G24-1526 6G24-1527 GG24-1528 ( G320-5858 6321-5104 6320-6739 6G24-1665 6C20-8152 GX20-8020 GC20-8078 G320-8046 GG22-9251 6E19-5234 &X20-2005 6G22-9254 GG22-9343 G622-9267 6G22-9317 GG22-9348 6G22-9349 6G22-9294 **6624-1684 6G24-1559 **6G24-1723 6320-5944 6G24-1510 6G24-1518 COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT CNM BUILDING FULLSCREEN CENTRAL NETWORK SUPPORT NCCF COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT USING THE CNt'I TOOLS COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANA6EMENT COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT USING NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT USING SERVICE LEVEL REPORTER CNM OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR LARGE NETWORKS COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT NCCF VERSION 2 CNM PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT TOOLS DALLAS SUPPORT CENTER: COMMUNICATING DISPLAYWRITER RECORDS TO Aft) FROM HOST COMPUTERS 3274 CONFIGURATION DATA CARD (CONFIGURATION SUPPORT: D) CROSS MEMORY SERVICES USER'S 6UIDE INTRODUCTION TO CRYPTOGRAPHY STUDENT TEXT DATA ACCESS IN DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENTS DASD PATH AND DEVICE CONTENTION CONSIDERATIONS DASD ACCESS METHOD PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS DASD EXPECTATIONS THE 3380 3880-23 AND MVSIXA INTRODUCTION TO DATA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK DESIGN, STUDENT TEXT DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT DADSM INSTALLATION EXITS USING DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT EXITS FOR DASD SPACE MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE PLANNING FOR A NEW CATALOG ENVIRONMENT WITH DATA FACILITY EXTENDED FUNCTION INTRODUCTION TO DATA MANAGEMENT STUDENT. TEXT VOCABULARY FOR DATA PROCESSING TELE-COMMUNICATION AND OFFICE SYSTEMS THE DATA SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENT - CATALOG OF PRODUCTS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY RELEASE 5 IMPLEMENTATION PRIMER DBRC MIGRATION AND USAGE 6UIDE DBRC RELEASE 2 IMPLEMENTATION PRIMER IMS DBIDC VERSION DBRC RELEASE 2 IMPLEMENTATION PRIMER CICS/OSIVS DLI VERSION DBRC AND DATA SHARING FOR THE CICSIVS USERS DATABASE 2 RELATIONAL CONCEPTS DATABASE 2 CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES GUIDE DATABASE 2 SQL USAGE 6UIDE DB2 QI1F AND DXT PRESENTATION GUIDE DB2 INTERACTIVE DB2I DEMONSTRATION GUIDE DATABASE 2 PERFORMANCE DESIGN AND TUNING 6UIDE DATABASE 2 VERSION 1 RELEASE 1 CICSIVS INTERFACE GUIDE IMS DATABASE VERSION 1 RELEASE 1 IMSIVS INTERFACE GUIDE ADRS II ADVANCED TOPICS (DALLAS NATIONAL MARKETING SUPPORT CENTER) DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS FACILITIES FOR REMOTE OPERATIONS DALLAS SUPPORT CENTER DMS/CICSIVS APPLICATION DEBUGGING GUIDE DALLAS NATIONAL MARKET SUPPORT CENTER: QUESTIONS Aft) ANSWERS ABOUT DUI DOSIVS DUI DOSIVS VSEIVSAM INTERFACE GUIDE DUI FUNCTIONS FOR APPLICATION DESIGN STUDENT TEXT DOS TO MVS MIGRATION 6ENERAL INFORMATION NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER DOSIVSE TO MVS STRUCTURED SUPPORT PLAN DOSIVSE TO MVS SAMPLE MIGRATION NETWORK NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER DOSIVSE TO MVS STRUCTURED SUPPORT PLAN SAMPLE EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER DOSIVSE TO MVS STRUCTURED SUPPORT PLAN PROJECT MANAGER'S 6UIDE NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER DOSIVSE TO MVS STRUCTURED SUPPORT PLAN SAMPLE CONVERSION TEAM USER'S GUIDE DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN: DMS/cICSIVS PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE AUTOMATIC PROGRAMMING FOR ENER6Y MANAGEMENT USING SENSOR BASED COMPUTERS ENGINEERING AND SCIENTIFIC APPLICATION PROGRAMS AVAILABLE FROM NON-IBM SOURCES ENGINEERING/SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT SYSTEM INSTALLATION GUIDE FLOWCHARTING TECHNIQUES FLOWCHARTING TEMPLATE FORM AND CARD DESIGN VS FORTRAN TECHNICAL BULLETIN GLOBAL RESOURCE SERIALIZATION CONSIDERATIONS SYSTEMS HANDBOOK HEXADECIMAL ARITHMETIC REFERENCE SUMMARY HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER RELEASE 3.1 INSTALLATION GUIDE INFORMATION/ACCESS AND THE CSSF DATA BASE INFORMATION CENTER IMPLEMENTATION 6UIDE PROBLEM AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT USING INFORMATION/MANAGEMENT PROBLEM MANAGEMENT USING INFORMATIONIHANAGEMENT VERSION 2 CHANGE MANAGEMENT USING INFORMATI0NIHANA6EMENT VERSION 2 EXTENDING THE AVAILABILITY OF IMS/MVS ON-LINE OPERATIONS IMSIVS FAST PATH APPLICATION DESIGN ANNOTATED IMS/VS PERFORMANCE REPORTS IMSIVS VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 PRE§ENT~TION GUIDE NATIONAL MARKET SUPPORT CENTER: IMSIVS RACF IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE IMSIVS VTAM INTERFACE GUIDE IMS/VS VSAM INTERFACE 237 6320-5911 6320-5943 6624-1594 0024-1633 6320-5864 6320-5881 6320-5885 6320-5892 6320-6004 G320-6035 G320-9177 0022-9220 6G22-9207 **6622-9378 6E19-5301 GE19-5325 GE19-5302 0022-9200 6622-9234 6G22-9292 0024-1565 6320-1621 6Y20-0073 6320-5945 6C31-2055 G622-9050 G622-9298 GG22-9224 6622-9362 6622-9264 6G24-1529 6622-9023 6622-9018 6622-9206 0022-9222 6622-9250 6G22-9252 6624-1550 0022-9322 LG22-9389 6G22-9390 0022-9302 0022-9305 GG22-9332 0022-9333 GG22-9350 6G24-1611 6624-1612 0024-1613 G622-9285 0022-9365 6G22-9334 GG22-9307 6622-9366 G320-5914 6624-1573 GC20-1618 GC23-0765 6622-9225 6G22-9048 GG22-9295 GC20-1871 SC20-1651 SC20-1637 SC28-6808 GE20-0312 GC28-6794 6G22-9278 6320-5913 SH19-6055 6622-9228 IMSIVS 1.2 DBRC AND DATA SHARING USER'S GUIDE NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER: PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS FOR IMSIVS 1.2 DATA SHARING IMSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3 LOGGING USER'S GUIDE GUIDE TO IMSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3 DATA ENTRY DATA BASE DEDB FACILITY DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN IMSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 1.6 INSTALLATION NOTEBOOK DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN - IMSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 2 INSTALLA"'.£ON NOTEBOOK (NON-DATA SHARING) DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN - BATCH IMSIVS TUNING AND PERFORMANCE PlAN DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER: IMSIVS FOR CICSIVS USERS, TECHNICAL UPDATE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGEIMULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORA6E (IMSIVSIMVS) PERFORMANCE AND TUNING GUIDE PALO ALTO SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN IMSIVS AND O5IVS VSAM BUFFER OPTIONS (SHARED VERSUS NON-SHARED RESOURCES) INSTALLED USER PROGRAM OWNER'S 6UIDE THE JES2 CHECKPOINT MECHANISM JES2 INTERNAL READER PROCESSING HOW JES2 USES SNA FOR RJE AND NJE JES2 TO JES3 CONVERSION GUIDE INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT JES2 TO JES3 CONVERSION 6UIDE OPERATOR COMMAND STRUCTURE INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT JES3 INSTALLATION GUIDE: INSTALLATION MANA6EMENT JES3 A PRIMER PERFORMANCE OF JES3 MULTITASKING WRITER SUPPORT IN MVS/SP-JES3 JES3 CONTROL OF MSS EXPERIENCES INSTALLING JES3/SP1.3.1 MARKETING PUBLICATIONS KWIC INDEX (USA) CUSTOMER ENGINEERING KWIC INDEX (USA) NPDA EXTENDED LINK FAULT IDENTIFICATION AND DIAGNOSTIC AID NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER AN INTRODUCTION TO MICR MSS CAPACITY PlANNING MSS CAPACITY PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS MSS RECOVERY HANDBOOK AN INTRODUCTION TO MVS CUSTOM-BUllT IPO MYS PAGING PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER DOSIVSE TO MYS STRUCTURED SUPPORT PlAN MVS STANDARDS DESIGN GUIDE AN MYS TUNING PERSPECTIVE VSl TO MYS CONVERSION PlANNING GUIDE MYS/SP RELEASE 1 PAGING TUTORIAL MYS/SYSTEM PRODUCT RELEASE 1 INSTALLATION GUIDE MYS/SP RELEASE 3 INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS MYS/SYSTEM PRODUCT VERSION 1 RELEASE 3 PERFORMANCE GUIDE GUIDE TO MYS/SP RELEASE 3 MYS/SP-JES2 1.3.3 MYS/SP-JES2 2.1.1 JES2 MIGRATION CONSIDERATIONS MYS/SP JES3 1.3.4 MYS/SP JES3 2.1.2 JES3 INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS MVS/SP JES3 1.3.4 MYS/SP JES3 2.1.2 JES3 OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS WHY 60 TO MYS/XA? MYS/XA 31 BIT ASSEMBLER PROGRAMMING MVS/XA PlANNING 6UIDE MYS/SP JES2 1.3.4 MYS/SP JES2 2.1.2 JES2 MIGRATION CONSIDERATIONS MVS/xA RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY MONITOR III MYS/xA SSP 6ENERAL INFORMATION MYS/XA SSP POSITIONING ACTIVITIES MATERIAL MYS/XA SSP MIGRATION ACTIVITIES MATERIAL NETWORK MANA6EMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT GUIDE DEVELOPING A MULTI-SITE NETWORK MANAGEMENT PlAN 8100/DPPX/PDA WITH NPDA NETWORK MANA6EMENT TOOLS NETWORK PERFORMANCE MANA6EMENT FOIL PRESENTATION SNA MULTI-SITE NETWORK PlANNING AND DESIGN NPDA, 5668-983, VERSION 2, LINK PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE: NATIONAL SYSTEM SUPPORT CENTER SMALL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS INSTALLATION PRIMER 4331 ACF/VTAM VERSION 2 NUMBER SYSTEMS - STUDENT TEXT OFFICE INFORMATION ARCHITECTURES CONCEPTS 051 AND SNA A PERSPECTIVE INSTALLATION AND MIGRATION GUIDE O5IVS VSAM RECOVERY GUIDE OSIVS VSAM PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES SYSTEM OUTAGE ANALYSIS, AN AVAILABILITY MANA6EMENT TECHNIQUE A GUIDE TO Pl/I FOR COt1t1ERCIAL PROGRAMMERS (STUDENT TEXT) A GUIDE TO Pl/I FOR FORTRAN USERS: STUDENT TEXT A Pl/I PRIMER: STUDENT TEXT PREFACE TO Pl/I PROGRAMMING IN SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING GUIDE TO Pl/S II PROBLEM MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS DESIGN GUIDE PLANNING FOR THE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SYSTEM PRPQ IBM PROGRAMMING PRODUCTIVITY SERVICE USER'S GUIDE RECOVERY OF RACF IN PROTECTED SYSTEMS 138 SG22-9361 G320-1561 GG24-1552 6320-0084 G320-6530 GB21-9949 GBl1-5703 0022-9280 GX20-2364 **GX20-2393 G320-6300 6E20-0731 **GG22-9338 GG22-9326 SR20-4686 GH20-1628 61722-9243 GG22-9331 GX20-2016 SR20-42f10 G321-5085 ( SG22-9247 0022-9277 6G22-9282 GG22-9287 SG22-9297 GG22-9314 GG22-9319 17622-9345 0022-9367 SG24-1513 G320-5905 6321-5084 GG22-9328 0022-9392 SG22-9393 6320-0137 61722-9368 0022-9371 GG24-1597 SG24-1563 17320-5774 SG24-1570 17624-1535 0024-1537 0024-1538 0022-9235 6A27-3287 6624-1569 6622-9054 SR20-4672 0022-9210 SG22-9209 SG22-9265 6622-9325 GG24-1616 6622-9290 GG22-9341 GG22-9387 GG22-9327 **G666-0213 **6624-1688 GX24-3933 6320-5906 6624-1687 **6624-1721 G320-6023 6622-9308 6622-9369 6622-9370 86622-9399 SR20-4546 SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER REXX EXAMPLES AND TECHNIQUES ENTERING AN SLSS SUBSCRIPTION SMALL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS INSTALLATION PRIMER VSE SYSTEM IPO/E DISTRIBUTED DATA PROCESSING WITH SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE TECHNICAL REPORT SOFTWARE CATALOG - NEW AND REVIEW SOFTWARE DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL SOFTWARE DIRECTORY PROGRAM INFORMATION ACRONYMS ENVIRONMENTS/FUNCTION FUNCTION/ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM NUMBER 1987 EDITION SPOOL DISPLAY AND SEARCH FACILITY FOIL PRESENTATION TOTAL STORAGE MANAGEMENT PRODUCT MATRIX REFERENCE SUMMARY SUPPORT CENTER - qUICK REFERENCE SYSTEMS AND PRODUCTS GUIDE ORGANIZING AND MAINTAINING A SYSTEM LIBRARY SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM EXTENDED MIGRATION CONSIDERATIONS SYSTEMINETWORK MANAGEMENT TOOLS PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS TCAM BSC/SS NETWORK DEFINITION STUDENT TEXT A GUIDE TO TESTING IN A COMPLEX SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT TPNS A SYSTEMS TEST TOOL TO IMPROVE SERVICE LEVELS TELEPROCESSING NETWORK SIMULATOR VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 FEATURES (FOIL PRESENTATION) VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM VPSS REFERENCE CARD INTRODUCTION TO VIRTUAL STORAGE IN SYSTEM/370 STUDENT TEXT THE CHANGING VIRTUAL MACHINE ENVIRONMENT: INTERFACES TO REAL HARDWARE, VIRTUAL HARDWARE, AND OTHER VIRTUAL MACHINES INTRODUCTION VMlSP MULTIPROCESSING CONCEPTS VMl370 MAINTENANCE MADE SIMPLE VMlSP HPO RELEASE 2 VMlSP HI6H PERFORMANCE OPTION RELEASE 1 VM/SP MODES OF OPERATION Vt1 FUNCTION GUIDE PAGING IN VMlSP VM/SP HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION GREATER THAN 16 MEGABYTE PERFORMANCE PAGING ENHANCEMENTS IN VMlSP HPO 3.4 GUIDE VM/SP DDP VM/SP PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST VMl370 - A STUDY OF MULTIPLICITY AND USEFULNESS VMlSP RELEASE 2 PERFORMANCE VMlSP HPO PERFORMANCE TUNING GUIDE VM/SP HPO RELEASE 3.4 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW PRESENTATION GUIDE READER'S GUIDE NSC VMlSP SNA Vt1IXA MIGRATION AID USER EXPERIENCES AND INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS VM/XA MA RELEASE 1 PRESENTATION GUIDE YMlVSE INTERFACE GUIDE WAM PRIMER FOR INTEGRATED CATALOG FACILITY ICF IN AN MVS ENVIRONMENT VSAM PRIMER AND REFERENCE VSE/POWER VERSION 2 NETWORKING DESIGN GUIDE VSl TO MVS MIGRATION GENERAL INFORMATION VSl TO MVS SAMPLE MIGRATION EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES VSl TO MVS CONVERSION USER'S GUIDE VTAMITCAMINCP TRACE ANALYSIS GUIDE REFERENCE CARD IMPLEMENTATION OF X.21 INTERFACE: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL X.25 NPSI PAD INPLEMENTATION GUIDE CONSIDERATIONS FOR INSTALLING S/34 IN AN IMS/VS AND JES2IRJE SNA ENVIRONMENT SYSTEHl360-370 ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE (DOS) 3033 MP/AP INSTALLATION NOTEBOOK 3081 PROCESSOR IOCP AND CHANNEL CONFIGURATION 3081 OPERATOR TRAINING COMPARISON OF MVS/SP VERSION 1 RELEASE 3 (MVS/370) TO MVS/SP VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.0 (MVSIXA) ON THE 3081K 3081 OPERATOR'S HANDBOOK FOR MVSIXA 3083 OPERATOR TRAINING GUIDE 3084 OPERATOR TRAINING GUIDE AN INTRODUCTION TO THE 3084 PROCESSOR COMPLEX 3088 INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS 3090 MODEL 200 PROCESSOR COMPLEX INSTALLATION NOTEBOOK 3179 MODEL Gl AND G2 INSTALLATION GUIDE 3232 HODEL 51 WARRANTY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE OPTIONS PRINTERS ATTACHED TO 327X CONTROL UNITS BASIC PERFORMANCE CONCEPTS GUIDE 3270 PC: API PROGRAt1f1ING 3270-PC COLOR GRAPHICS APPLICATIONS (GGXA) PALO ALTO SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN SNA 3274/3276 INSTALLATION GUIDE 3380 DASD FEATURES INSTALLATION AND CONVERSION 3380 MIGRATION CONSIDERATIONS 3380 BLOCK SIZE CONSIDERATIONS 3480 INSTALLATION GUIDE AND REFERENCE 3704, 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS EMULATION PROGRAMMING COURSE CODE G3689, STUDENT TEXT 239 SR20-4547 SR20-4568 SR20-4569 **6624-1696 6622-9340 6624-1653 GG22-9329 6A32-0023 GG22-9313 G320-5917 GG22-9316 6622-9337 86624-1650 6G24-1642 6R20-4666 G320-5884 6320-5896 G320-6043 6320-6045 G320-6785 SA24-3925 6624-1683 G320-5904 6320-5930 S544-3064 S544-3065 **GG24-1655 6A33-3111 GA33-3112 IZ Education = 3704 AND 3705 COMHUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS EMULATION DATA FLOW STUDENT TEXT -COURSE CODE G3630 IBM 3704 AND 3705 COHMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS NCP PROGRAHMING STUDENT TEXT COURSE CODE S3850 3704 AND 3705 COHMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS CONCEPTS (SS047) 37101X.25 IMPLEMENTATION PRIMER 3725 INSTALLATION GUIDE 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER GUIDE 3800 HODEL 3 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM COMPATIBILITY HODE FONT SELECTION GUIDE 3803/3420 CUSTOMER CONVERSION GUIDE 3814 SWITCHING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS UPDATE 386X HODEM AND NPDA TURORIAL 3880 HODEL 13 INSTALLATION HANDBOOK 3880 HODEL 13 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS GUIDE TO THE 3880 HODEL 21 PAGING SUBSYSTEM GUIDE TO THE 3880 STORA6E CONTROL MODEL 23 INTRODUCTION TO IBM 4300 AND DOS/vSE FACILITIES STUDENT TEXT DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN - LAR6E SYSTEMS: 4300 DISTRIBUTED INSTALLATION ACTIVITIES REFERENCE 4300 VH/SP DISTRIBUTED APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT INSTALLATION 4300 INSTALLATION PLANNING METHOD 4300 INSTALLATION REFERENCE GUIDE 4300 PROCESSOR FOR DISTRIBUTED APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT JUSTIFICATION GUIDE 4341 PROCESSOR PROBLEM ANALYSIS GUIDE 4381 DUAL PROCESSORS INSTALLATION 6UIDE PERFORMANCE OF 6770 DISTRIBUTOR BASE MACHINE AND HODEL II DALLAS 6ENERAL & OFFICE SYSTEMS SUPPORT CENTER: 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR HODEL II FONT DATA FORMAT 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR: OVERVIEW OF SNA PROTOCOL 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR: OVERVIEW OF BSC PROTOCOL 7171 INSTALLATION EXPERIENCES 8775 KEYBOARD REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL TAPE LOADING INSTRUCTIONS ~ 6320-1244 Catalogs CATALOG OF 1M EDUCATION 12 Installation For-IllS mJS! Supplies GX28-6509 6X28-6506 GX28-6507 6X20-2350 6X20-2351 SX20-2399 GX28-1464 6X26-3716 6X26-3725 GX26-3718 6X26-3732 GX26-3733 6X26-3734 6X26-3735 GX26-3717 GX20-1998 6X20-1999 GX20-2000 6X20-2339 6X20-2341 6X20-2325 6X21-5214 6X20-8021 6X28-7327 6X20-1701 &X20-2043 &X20-2342 6X24-3722 6X11-6060 GX21-9101 GX24-6599 6X24-5101 6X20-1711 ASSEtlBLER CODING FORM IBM SYSTEM/360 BASIC ASSEMBLER SHORT CODING FORM S/360 BASIC ASSEMBLER LONG CODING FORM BSP MATRIX FORM asp MATRIX FORM CATIA TEMPLATE WITH SET OF SELF-ADHESIVE FUNCTION LABELS COBOL CODING FORM DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY, 5740-XXF, 5746-XXC, FIELD DEFINITION FORM DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY, 5740-XXF, 5746-XXC, FIELD DEFINITION FORM FOR PVI DATA DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY, 5740-XXF, 5746-XXC, TEXT/DATA FORM DOS/vS DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY, LIC PROS 5746-XXC, SEGHENT DEFINITION FORM (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS/vS DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY, LIC PROG 5746-XXC, FIELD DEFINITION FORM (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS/vS DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY, LIC PROS 5746-XXC, FIELD DEFINITION FORM FOR PVI DATA (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS/vS DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY, LIC PROG 5746-XXC, TEXT-DATA FORM (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/VS DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY, LIC PROS 5740-XXF, SEGHENT DEFINITION FORM DMS/CICS/vS, 5746-XC4, DATA TRANSFER FORM (CURRENT RELEASE) DMS/CICS/vS, 5746-XC4, FILE DESCRIPTION FORM (CURRENT RELEASE) DMS/CICS/vS, 5746-XC4, PANEL DESCRIPTION FORM (CURRENT RELEASE) DMS PANEL DESCRIPTION (CURRENT RELEASE) DMS/CICS/vS, 5746-XC4, CALCULATION & EDIT FORM (CURRENT RELEASE) EPIC: FAST - GROUP NAME SHEET - PROS PROD 5735-E92 TOP/DOWN FLOWCHART TEMPLATE FLOWCHARTING WORKSHEET FORTRAN CODING FORM 6ENERAL PURPOSE SYSTEMS SIMULATOR CODING FORM PROG. NOS. 5734-XS1, XS2, 5736-XSl, XS3, 360A-CS-I7X, 19X PLASTIC HOLDER FOR TEMPLATE INFORMATION CARDS INTERACTIVE INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEM - PRESENTATION WORKSHEET 1M LOOP INSTALLATION FLOOR PLAN LAYOUT CHART IBM SPECIFICATIONS FOR MAGNETIC CHARACTER READERS FORM SPECIFICATIONS FOR MAGNETIC CHARACTER READERS MULTIPLE CARD LAYOUT FORM - 80 COLut1N OS/vsl TRACE TABLE OVERLAY 5/360 RECORD LAYOUT WORKSHEET 240 6X33-8S00 6X21-9129 6X18-20SS GXll-6010 GXll-6011 6Xll-60l2 exll-6013 6XIl-6014 6X21-9096 6X20-1816 GX20-l8l8 G111-0200 G120-1816 6X2l-9011 GX27-29S0 GX24-3738 GX24-3749 6X24-3931 6X27-2937 GX23-021S GX27-29Sl GA19-S039 ( 6X23-0203 6X23-0202 GX23-020l GX27-0014 GX23-0230 GX23-0204 6X27-2923 GX27-2931 GX27-2927 6X27-2922 GX27-2925 6X26-1637 GAI9-5188 GX24-3703 GX24-3704 6X24-370S GX24-3706 GX24-3707 GX24-3708 GC31-2012 6X21-9186 6X21-9187 GX21-918S 6X18-2008 GX27-2918 6X26-3713 **GX3S-S012 6X3S-S016 GX3S-S017 GX3S-S019 GX3S-S020 6X3S-S022 ex3S-S023 6X3S-S02S 6X3S-S018 6X3S-S021 6X3S-S024 ex3S-S028 6X26-1663 6A33-1S32 6X33-1S00 GX33-1S02 6X24-3670 6X24-3746 6X33-6024 6X33-6016 GX18-2055 RECORD LAYOUT RPe DEBUGGING TEMPLATE SCANMASTER 1 8815 PROBLEM REPORT FORM SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITYICICS MAP SPECIFICATIONS - I SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITYICICS MAP SPECIFICATIONS - 2 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITYICICS MAP SPECIFICATIONS - 3A SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITYICICS MAP SPECIFICATIONS - 3B SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITYICICS MAP SET SPECIFICATIONS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITYICICS PAGE SPECIFICATIONS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITYICICS PROFILE SPECIFICATIONS - 1 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITYICICS PROFILE SPECIFICATIONS - 2 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITYICICS PROFILE SPECIFICATIONS - 3 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITYICICS PROFILE SPECIFICATIONS - 4 TRANSLATION TABLE AND ALTERNATE COLLATING SEQUENCE CODING SHEET 150/10/6 PRINT CHART 150/10/8 PRINT CHART EUROPE SYSTEM LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE-GENERAL IBM SYSTEM LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE - FORM 1062 PROGRAM TAPE LAYOUT SHEET 2250 DISPLAY LAYOUT SHEET 3262 PRINTER MODELS 1 & 11 TROUBLE REPORT FORM TROUBLE REPORT FORM - 3262 PRINTER MODELS 3 AND 13 3262 PRINTER MODEL 5 TROUBLE REPORT FORM 3268 PRINTER MODEL 1 AND 2 TROUBLE REPORT FORM 3270 COPY RPQ DISKETTE LABEL 8KI071. 8KI072 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM. LAYOUT SHEET 3274 CONTROL UNIT PLANNING. SETUP AND CUSTOMIZING GUIDE WITH RPQS 7H0431 - DUTCH PUBLISHING CHARACTER SET 7H0417 - GERMAN PUBLISHING CHARACTER SET UB4S26 - FRENCH PUBLISHING CHARACTER SET 7H0419 - SPECIAL EDITING FEATURE SUPPORT 3274 CONTROL UNIT PROBLEM REPORT FORM 3275/3277 TROUBLE REPORT FORM 3276/3278 TROUBLE REPORT FORM 3278 LAYOUT SHEET 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3278/3279 ENTRY ASSIST KEY LABELS 3284/3286/3288 TROUBLE REPORT FORM 3287 PRINTER OPERATOR'S TROUBLE REPORT 3287 PRINTER HODELS lC and 2C OPERATOR'S TROUBLE REPORT 3287 PRINTER MODELS 11 AND 12 - OPERATOR'S TROUBLE REPORT 3289 LINE PRINTER MODELS 1 & 2 OPERATOR'S TROUBLE REPORT FORM 3289 LINE PRINTER HODEL 4 OPERATOR'S TROUBLE REPORT FORM IBM 3614 TROUBLE REPORT 3620 PROBLEM REPORT IBM 3641 REPORTING TERMINAL, PROBLEM REPORT IBM 3642 ENCODER PRINTER, PROBLEM REPORT IBM 3643 KEYBOARD DISPLAY. PROBLEM REPORT IBM 3644 AUTOMATIC DATA UNIT. PROBLEM REPORT FORM 3645 PRINTER PROBLEM REPORT IBM 3646 SCANNER CONTROL UNIT, PROBLEM REPORT 3647 TIME AND ATTENDANCE TERMINAL PROBLEM REPORT 3740 .lOB INSTRUCTIONS FORM 3740 SYSTEM PRINT CHART 3747 DATA CONVERTER RUN SHEET IBM 3767 OPERATOR'S TROUBLE REPORT 3770 DATA cortruNICATION SYSTEM. ERROR LOG OVERLAY 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM. CHARACTER DESIGN & CODING FORM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM CHARACTER GUA6E 3800 PRINT CHART - 136/10/6 OR 12 3800 PRINT CHART - 136/10/8 3800 PRINT CHART - 163/12/6 OR 12 3800 PRINT CHART - 163/12/8 3800 PRINT CHART - 204/15/6 O~ 12 3800 PRINT CHART - 204/15/8 3800 PRINT CHART ALL POINTS ADDRESSABLE 3800 PRINT CHART - (MODEL 3) - 136/10/10 3800 PRINT CHART (MODEL 3) - 163/12/10 3800 PRINT CHART (MODEL 3) - 204/15/10 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODEL 3 CHARACTER DESIGN AND CODING FORM: COI1PATIBILITY DIVIDER TABS FOR 3880 STORA6E CONTROL DESCRIPTION 4321/4331 PROCESSORS MODEL GROUP 1: CHANNEL LOAD sutttARY WORKSHEET 4331 PROCESSOR HODEL GROUP 2 CHANNEL LOAD SUMHARY WORKSHEET 4331 PROCESSOR MODEL GROUP 11 CHANNEL LOAD SUM WORKSHEET 4341 PROCESSOR CHANNEL LOAD SUM WORKSHEET 4341 PROCESSOR BYTE-MULTIPLEXER CHANNEL PRELIMINARY WORKSHEET 7436 PRINTER TROUBLE REPORT FORM 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL PROBLEM REPORT FORM SCANHASTER 1 8815 PROBLEM REPORT FORM 241 fi §§ ll!!:b: Warning Svstelft) NOTE: EWS, published on .ic..ofiche, cont.ins info.... tion useful in prog.... suppo..t and p..obleM dete.... ination. AutOilatic updating is .vailable th..ough SLSS (orde..-numbe.. subsc.. iption only). SZCO-0021 SZCO-0031 SZCO-0051 SZCO-0351 SZCO-2003 DOSIVS EARLY WARNING MICROFICHE EARLY WARNING MICROFICHE - OS/VS HDW ElM INTERMEDIATE/LARGE SYSTEMS EARLY WARNING, UNIQUE WORLD TRADE, GENERAL INFORMATION WORLD TRADE EARLY WARNING PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS m (P..og..aM Tempo .....y fiJtl Listings NOTE: PTF Listings a ..e av.ilable unde.. SLSS fo .. IBM 0 .. non-IBM subscription (depending on the use key). To orde.. , specify the order number or bill-of-fo.... number cor..esponding to the progra. of interest. 1Z LBOF-0005 LBOF-0007 LBOF-0411 LBOF-0412 LBOF-1020 LBOF-I021 LBOF-I026 LBOF-I027 LBOF-1028 LBOF-I029 LBOF-1039 LBOF-1101 LBOF-1103 LBOF-I114 LBOF-I116 LBOF-I117 LBOF-1120 LBOF-l121 LBOF-1138 LBOF-1140 LBOF-1141 LBOF-1142 LBOF-1I43 LBOF-l144 LBOF-1I4S LBOF-U51 LBOF-1152 LBOF-1153 5BOF-1154 LBOF-1165 LBOF":'U69 LBOF-1170 LBOF-l171 LBOF-1302 LBOF-1326 LBOF-1327 LBOF-1328 LBOF-1329 LBOF-1330 LBOF-1331 LBOF-1332 LBOF-1333 LBOF-1334 LBOF-1335 LBOF-1336 LBOF-1337 LBOF-1338 LBOF-1353 LBOF-1354 LBOF-1355 LBOF-1356 LBOF-1360 LBOF-1361 LBOF-1376 LBOF-1377 LBOF-1378 LBOF-1379 LBOF-1380 LBOF-1383 LBOF-I384 PTF, 5748-F03 PTF 5748- LH3 FICHE PTF 5746-RC3 PTF 5746-RC3 PTFS FOR 5666-264 PTFS FOR 5735-XR1 PTFS FOR 5748-XX6 PTFS FOR 5748-XXH PTFS FOR 5668-983 PTFS FOR 5746-AM2 PTFS FOR 5746-RGI PTF, 5666-280 PTFS FOR 5668-006 PTFS FOR 5746-XX3 PTF5 FOR 5746-XX3 PTFS FOR 5746-XX3 PTFS FOR 5746-CBl DOSIVSE VSEIVSAM PTFS FOR 5746-XX3 PTFS FOR 5735-XX8 PTFS FOR 5746-XXC PTFS FOR 5746-CBl PTFS FOR 5745-030 PTFS FOR 5735-XX6 PTFS FOR 5748-XX9 PTFS FOR 5668-989 PTFS FOR 5735-XX9 PTFS FOR 5735-XXA PTFS FOR 5742-CH2 PTFS FOR 5668-981 PTFS FOR 5668-981 PTFS FOR 5735-XX6 PTFS FOR 5747-DS2 PTFS FOR 5666-273 NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER, 5668-971 PTFS FOR LIC PROG 5746-AH2 PTFS FOR LIC PROG 5746-XXE PTFS FOR 5735-XX8 PTFS FOR 5746-XXV PTFS FOR 5668-981 PTFS FOR 5748-XX4 PTFS FOR 5747-0S2 PTFS FOR 5748-API PTFS FOR 5748-XX9 PTFS FOR 5748-FD3 PTFS FOR 5748~LH3 PTFS FOR 5746-AM2 PTF 5746-SAI PTF 5735-XXI PTF 5748-XXH PTF 5748-XXH PTFS FOR LIC PROG 5748-LH3 PTFS FOR LIC PROG 5748-F03 PTF 5746-XC4 PTF 5746-XC4 PTF 5745-030 PTF 5735-XX3 PTF 5746-XXT PTF 5746-RC3 PTF 5746-RC3 242 ( ( lBOF-I385 LBOF-13B6 LBOF-1388 LBOF-1389 5BOF-1391 5BOF-1392 5BOF-1393 5BOF-1394 LBOF-1396 LBOF-1397 LBOF-1450 LBOF-1554 LBOF-1576 LBOF-1577 LBOF-lS79 LBOF-ISBO 5BOF-1581 LBOF-1585 LBOF-1586 LBOF-1607 LBOF':1608 LBOF-1609 LBOF-1612 LBOF-1614 LBOF-1616 LBOF-1617 LBOF-1618 LBOF-1625 LBOF-1644 LBOF-1667 L60F-1668 lBOF-1672 LBOF-1751 LBOF-17S2 LBOF-1800 LBOF-2240 LBOF-2241 LBOF-2242 5BOF-2250 5BOF-2251 L60F-2255 LBOF-2256 LBOF-2257 LBOF-2909 LBOF-2910 lBOF-291l LBOF-492I LBOF-4922 LBOF-4923 L60F-4927 5BOF-4928 5BOF-4929 5BOF-4930 lBOF-4931 L60F-4932 LBOF-4933 LBOF-6000 SBOF-637S SBOF-6376 560F-6377 SBOF-6378 5BOF-6379 560F-6380 5BOF-6381 5BOF-6382 5BOF-6383 560F-6384 560F-6385 5BOF-6386 5BOF-6387 5BOF-6388 560F-6389 5BOF-6390 560F-6391 5BOF-6392 560F-6393 PTF 5735-XX7 PTF 5735-RC5 PTF 5746-XC5 PTF 5736-U15 PTF 5747-CAI PTF 5747-CA1 PTF 5747-CAI PTF S747-CFl DOSIV5E V5E/AF PTF, 5666-263 PTF 5735-XXM PTFS FOR 5746-UT3 DOSIVSE CICSIVS DOS PTF, 5668-986 DOSIVSE NLDM DOSIVSE SDF/CICS DOSIVSE SCP DOS/VSE DI'tS/cICS/vs DOSIVSE DI'tS/CICSIVS DOSIVSE ACFINCP DOSIVSE ACF ISSP DOSIVSE EP/3725 DOS/VSE VSE/OLTEP DOSIVSE 6DDM ANALYZER DOSIVSE DVI ANALYZER DOSIVSE NPDA SSXlVSE DOSIVSE NTO PTF, 5746-XXl PTF, 5746-XXI DOSIVSE INFORMATION ACCESS SYSTEM PTF. 5668-986 DOSIVSE VS/FORTRAN LIBRARY PTF 5736-PLl PTF 5736-U14 PTF 5746-XE7 PTF 5746-AM2 PTF 5746-AM2 PTF 5746-AM4 PTF FOR OS/vs2 SVS PTF FOR OS/\lS2 MYS PTF FOR 5746-XE3 PTF FOR 5746-XE3 PTF 5746-XEl PTFS FOR TAF 5668-983 PTFS FOR TAF 5746-XXT DOSIVSE VSE/POWER VERSION 2 PTF 5746-XE6 PTF 5746-XE6 PTF 5746-SA1 PTF 5746-XE8 PTF 5747-CHI PTF 5747-CHI PTF 5747-CHI PTF 573S-XXI PTF 5746-XXV PTF 5746-AM2 COMPONENTS IN SUI (SUID 5752-80l) PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-AS 465 ASSEMBLER BASIC HOOULES FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CL-453 SYS. CONT. AND BASIC loeS FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CQ-469 BTAM FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CQ-470 QTAM FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-DN-481 ON LINE TEST EXEC. PROS. FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-EU-490 EMULATOR FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-454 DIRECT ACCESS METHOD FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-455 CONSECUTIVE DISK loeS FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-456 CONSECUTIVE TAPE IOCS FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-457 ISFI'tS FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-458 CONSECUTIVE PT IOCS FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-476, COMPILER 110 ttODULES FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-477 1259/1412/1419 HICR IOCS FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-478 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CQ-493 3735 TERMINAL SUPPORT FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-UT-491 SYSTEM UTILITY PROGRAM FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-UT-492 EREP FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-SY-495 2311/231413330 SUPERVISOR FOR 370 DOS H20 EMULATOR (VERSION 4) PTF'JS - PROS. NO. 370N-IC-002 243 SBOF-6400 580F-6401 5BOF-6402 5BOF-6403 5BOF-6404 5BOF-6405 5BOF-6406 580F-6407 5BOF-6440 GBOF-7521 LBOF-7523 LBOF-7524 LBOF-7525 LBOF-7526 LBOF-7527 LBOF-7528 LBOF-7530 LBOF-7532 LBOF-7600 LBOF-7601 LBOF-7602 LBOF-7606 LBOF-7607 LBOF-7608 LBOF-7609 LBOF-7630 LBOF-7631 LBOF-7632 LBOF-7644 LBOF-7645 LBOF-7646 LBOF-7655 LBOF-7656 LBOF-7657 LBOF-7658 5BOF-7659 5BOF-7660 LBOF-7675 LBOF-7676 LBOF-7679 LBOF-9100 LBOF-9101 LBOF-9102 LBOF-9103 LBOF-9104 LBOF-9105 LBOF-9106 LBOF-9107 LBOF-9108 LBOF-9109 LBOF-9110 LBOF-9111 LBOF-9112 LBOF-9113 LBOF-9114 LBOF-9115 LBOF-9116 LBOF-9117 LBOF-9118 LBOF-9119 LBOF-9120 LBOF-9121 LBOF-9122 LBOF-9123 LBOF-9124 LBOF-9125 LBOF-9126 LBOF-9127 LBOF-9128 LBOF-9129 LBOF-9130 LBOF-9131 LBOF-9132 LBOF-9133 LBOF-9134 LBOF-9135 PTF LISTINGS FOR OSIVSI DOS PTF - PROGRAM NUMBER 5744-ASI 155, 15817074 EMUL PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 5744-AJI 165. 168/7080 EMULATOR - PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 5744-ALI 165. 16817094 EMULATOR - PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 5744-AMI 165. 16817074 EMULATOR PTF LISTINGS FOR PROGRAM NO. 5744-AKI 1410/7010 EMULATOR PTF LISTINGS FOR PROG. NO. 5744-AGI PTF 5744 EMULATOR PTF PROGRAM 5744-AHI PTFS FOR DOSIVS 14>0< LISTINGS. SCP COMPONENTS 5745-SC-EI1L. 5745-SC-E20 3XXX STORAGE PACKAGE PTF AF, 5746-XE2 PTF 5746-TSI PTF 5746-XE3 PTF 5746-XE3 PTF 5746-SUI PTF 5746-AM2 PTF 5746-RC5 PTF FOR 5746-XE8 PTF DOSIVS ACF IVTAI1 PTF DOSIVS ACF IVTAM NETWORK PTF DOSIVS ACFIVTAI1 PTF 5746-SAI PTFS FOR 5668-983 PTFS FOR TAF 5668-983 PTF. 5735->0<8 PTF 5746-RC2 PTF 5746-RC3 PTFS FOR 5665-279 PTF 5736->0<6 PTF VS2 5735->0<6 PTF VSl 5735-XX6 PTF 5735->0<1 PTF 5735->0<1 PTF 5735->0<3 PTF 5735->0<3 PTF 5747-CHI PTF 5747-CHI PTFS FOR 5665-280 PTFS FOR 5665-280 PTFS FOR ACFIVTAM 5662-280 I1VS PTF 5740-XY4 IMS PTF DB PTF II1S SVC UTIL 5740->0<2 PTF 1115 DC PTF 1115 I1S 5740-XY2 PTF IMS FP 5740-112 PTF IMS REC CONTROL 5740-122 OSIl1VS SAM-E. 5740-AI13. COI1PONENT OF LBOF-9107 TAPE 8408 I1VS PTF 5735-RCI I1VS PTF 5735-RC1 I1VS PTF 5735-RC2 I1VS PTF 5735-RC2 I1VS PTF 5735-RC2 I1VS PTF 5740-XEl PTF I1VS 5740-XE2 PTF I1VS 5740-XRE. PTF I1VS 5740-XR8 PTF I1VS 5740-XT6 PTF I1VS 5740-XXH PTF I1VS 5735-XX2 I1VS PTF 5740-XY5 I1VS PTF 5740-AMS PTF SVS 5735-RCI PTF SVS 5735-RCI PTF SVS 5735-RC2 PTF SVS 5735-RC2 PTF SVS 5735-XX2 PTF VSl 5740-AMS VSl PTF 5735-RCI VSl PTF 5735-RCI VSl PTF 5735-RC2 VSl PTF 5735-RC2 VSl PTF 5735-RC2 VSl PTF 5735->0<2 PTF VSl 5740-XY5 PTF 5735-XRl 244 ,-:< ( '\ .. ~. ( ( LBOF-9136 lBOF-9137 LBOF-9139 LBOF-9140 LBOF-9141 lBOF-9142 LBOF-9143 LBOF-9144 LBOF-9145 LBOF-9146 LBOF-9147 LBOF-9148 LBOF-9149 LBOF-9150 LBOF-9151 LBOF-9152 LBOF-9153 lBOF-9154 LBOF-9155 LBOF-9156 LBOF-9158 LBOF-9159 LBOF-9160 LBOF-9161 LBOF-9162 LBOF-9163 LBOF-9164 LBOF-9165 LBOF-9167 LBOF-9168 LBOF-9169 LBOF-9170 LBOF-9171 LBOF-9172 LBOF-9173 LBOF-9174 LBOF-9175 LBOF-9176 LBOF-9177 lBOF-9178 LBOF-9179 LBOF-9180 LBOF-9181 LBOF-9182 LBOF-9183 lBOF-9184 LBOF-9185 lBOF-9186 LBOF-9187 LBOF-9189 lBOF-9191 LBOF-9192 LBOF-9193 LBOF-9194 LBOF-9195 lBOF-9201 LBOF-9202 LBOF-9203 LBOF-9204 LBOF-9205 LBOF-9206 LBOF-9207 lBOF-9208 LBOF-9209 LBOF-9211 LBOF-9212 LBOF-9213 lBOF-9214 LBOF-9215 lBOF-9216 LBOF-9217 LBOF-9218 lBOF-9224 LBOF-9229 LBOF-9231 lBOF-9232 PTF 5735-RC2 PTF 5740-XY6 PTF 5735-RC3 PTF VS2 5735-RC3 PTF FOR 5735-RC3 PTF VS1 5735-RC3 PTF FOR 5740-XY6 PTF FOR 5740-XXF PTF 5799-AZT PTF FICHE 5740-XXS PTF FICHE 5735-XX7 PTF 5735-XR1 PTFS 5735-XR1 PTF 5799-BAF PTF 5740-XYN PTF FICHE 5662-257 PTF 5740-At17 PTF 5748-XXH SC82 PTFS FOR 5735-RC5 PTFS FOR 5740-XXI PTF 5748-XX9 PTF 5748-XXE PTF 5748-XX9 PTF 5740-AMA PTF 5734-LM4 PTF 5748-API PTF 5734-PLl PTF 5734-Lt15 PTF 5740-XYS PTF 5740-XYN PTF 5740-UT3 PTF 5740-XR6 PTF 5740-XYS PTF 5740-XYN PTF 5740-XYN PTF 5740-XYN PTF 5668-009 PTF 5740-XYQ PTF 5740-XR5 PTF 5735-0ZS PTFS 5734-XR1 PTFS 5668-002 PTF 5735-OZS PTF 5748-XX1 PTFs 5740-At16 PTF FOR 5748-XXS PTF FOR 5740-XXF PTF FOR 5735-XX7 OS/VSt 5665-283t VSPC (VC3) PTFS FOR 5748-LH3 PTFS FOR 5740-XC5 PTFS FOR 5740-XC5 PTFS FOR 5740-DC3 PTFS FOR 5740-SM1 PTFS FOR 5740-AM6 PTFS FOR 5665-285 PTF FOR 5665-293 MVSIOS T50 EXTENSIONS PTFS FOR 5740-XY6 PTF FOR 5665-274 HYS/OS RNE/SP/SUP ASSEMBLER Ht 5668-962 PTF FOR 5740-XC6 MVS/SP PTF FOR 5665-291 ttVS/SP PTFS FOR IMSIVS DB 5740-XX2 PTFS FOR NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY 5668-963 PTF FOR 5740-XX2 IMSIVS-MVSIXA-FP PTF FOR 5665-284 MVS/OS DATA FACILITY PTFS FOR 5740-XT9 PTFS FOR 5668-981 PTF FOR 5668-989 OSIVS 4700 HOST PTFS FOR 5740-At17 PTF 5668-955 PTF FOR 5668-982 DISOSSI370 PTFS FOR 5668-966 PTFS FOR TAF 5668-963 OSIMVS OCCF t 5668-288 PTF FOR 5735-XXA OS/ACF SYSTEM SUPPORT PR06RAt1 245 LBOF-9233 LBOF-9236 LBOF-9238 LBOF-9239 LBOF-9240 LBOF-9241 LBOF-9242 LBOF-9243 LBOF-924S LBOF-9246 LBOF-92S1 LBOF-92S2 LBOF-925S LBOF-9256 LBOF-9259 LBOF-9260 LBOF-9261 LBOF-9267 LBOF-9270 LBOF-9272 LBOF-9273 LBOF-9274 LBOF-9275 SBOF-9280 SBOF-9281 LBOF-9283 LBOF-9285 SBOF-9287 SBOF-9288 SBOF-9289 LBOF-9290 LBOF-9293 LBOF-9295 LBOF-9296 LBOF-9297 LBOF-9299 LBOF-930S LBOF-9306 LBOF-9308 LBOF-931S LBOF-9317 LBOF-9320 LBOF-9321 LBOF-9324 LBOF-9331 LBOF-9335 LJB2-9509 LYBO-8043 LYC9-8877 .n ~ VSl/OS TAP PROGRAM LISTING PTF FOR 5735-XX9 ACF/NCP OS/VS SMP/E, 5668-949, TAPE 8307 MPI PTF FOR 5740-XXl OS/vS-CICS (VS1) PTF FOR 5740-XXl OS/vS-CICS (t1VS) OS/vs COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY OS/VS COBOL LIBRARY PTFS FOR 5665-295 BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR 5668-948 CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT COMPONENT OF LBOF-9246 PTFS FOR 5740-XYN PTFS FOR 5740-XYS OS/VS IMS DB, 5740-XX2 OS/VS IMS DB OS/VS IMS DC OS/VS IMS OBRC OS/VS IMS LOGGING PTF 5735-0ZS OS/vSl GOOM, 5748-XXH OS/MVS GOOM PGF LANG, 5748-XXH OS/vSl GOOM PGF LANG, 5748-XXH OS/VS OMS/CICS BASE, 5740-XC5 OS/VS DMS/CICS FEAT, 5740-XC5 XREF MICROFICHE - MVS XREF MICROFICHE - VSl NPOA ASSEMBLY LISTINGS, 5668-920 CICS OS/VS MVS/XA FEAT, 5740-XXl XREFMICROFICHE - IMS XREF MICROFICHE - CICS XREF MICROFICHE - NCP HVS/DOCS AND COVER LETTERS - MICROFICHE DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS EXECUTIVE DSX HVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT JES3, 5740-XYN HVS/SP JES3 ACF/NCP ASSEMBLY LISTING OS, 5735-XX9 ACF/SSP VERSION 3, 5665-338, COMPONENT OF LBOF-9299 VS1/DOCS AND COVER LETTERS - MICROFICHE HVS/370 DFP, 5665-295 TSO/E COMPONENT OF LBOF-9308 OS/VS DATA DIRECTORY ACF/NCP FOR 3705 MVS/BOT BULK DATA TRANSFER ACFIVTAM, 5665-280 OS/vs2 NCCF ASSEMBLY PRINT SERVICE FACILITY, 5665-275, TAPE 8502 OS/VS FORTRAN LIBRARY OS/vs2 853 - RMF VERSION 2 REL 2 SYSTEM EXPANSION SUPPORT VS PERSONAL COMPUTING OS/vsl, LISTINGS, PROG PROD 5740-XR5 HVS/OS TSO COHHAND PACKAGE 5740-XTG (8110) Microfiche gf SJB2-901ct SJB6-6001 SJB6-6004 SJB6-60l6 SJB6-6017 SJB6-6018 SJD2-2000 SJD2-2001 SJD2-2002 SJ02-2003 SJD2-2009 SJ02-20l0 SJD2-201ct SJD2-20l5 SJD2-2016 SJD2-2017 SJD2-20l8 SJD2-2019 SJD2-2020 SJD2-2021 SJD2-2022 SJD2-20n SJD2-2024 SJD2-2025 ~ Control Programming J..§g!! ~ EREP RELEASE 1.5 OS/vs2 RELEASE 3.8 OS/vsl RELEASE 7.0 OS/vSl ANALYSIS PROGRAM 1 (AP-I), SCP 5741-VSl OS/vSl ANALYSIS PROGRAM 1 (AP-I) LISTINGS - SCP COMPONENT 5741-SCl-31 OS/vSl 3800 ENHANCEMENTS DATA MANAGEMENT 5652-VSl RELEASE 7.0, LISTINGS OS/vsl 3800 ENHANCEMENTS DATA MANAGEMENT SUPPORT 5652-VSl RELEASE 7.0 LISTINGS OS/vSl 3800 ENHANCEMENTS UTILITIES RELEASE 7.0, LISTINGS IPL 5741-SCI-Cl VSl LISTING lOS 5741-SCI-C3 VSl LISTING SUPERVISOR OS/vsl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT 5741-SCI-CS MAPPING MACROS OS/vsl COMPONENT NO. 57ctl-SCI-0l SCHEDULER-SMF 5741-SCI-00 VSl LISTING UNIT RCD ERP OS/vSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT 57ctl-SCI-CB JECS 57ctl-SCI-BO VSl LISTING I/P STREAM CTL OS/vsl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT 57ctl-SCI-Bl O/P STREAM CTL OS/vsl MICROFICHE LISTING - PROGRAM 57ctl-SCI-B2 SYSTEM RESTART OS/vSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 57ctl-SCI-B3 ALLOCATION OS/vSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-Bct SWADS MANAGER 5741-SCI-B5 VSl LISTING INITIATOR OS/vSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 57ctl-SCI-B6 TERMINATION OS/vsl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 57ctl-SCI-B7 COHMAttlS OS/vSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-B8 INTERPRETER OS/vSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-B9 OS/vsl RESTART ROR/DSDR PROCESSING (5741-SCI-BD) SYSTEM LOG OS/vsl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-BE 246 ,(~ '-- ...-/ ./ ( ( SJD2-2026 SJD2-2027 SJD2-2028 SJD2-2030 SJD2-2031 SJD2-2032 SJD2-2033 SJD2-2034 SJD2-2038 SJD2-2041 SJD2-2042 SJD2-2043 SJD2-2045 SJD2-2046 SJD2-2047 SJD2-2048 SJD2-2049 SJD2-2051 SJD2-2054 SJD2-2055 SJD2-2056 SJD2-2057 SJD2-2058 SJD2-2059 SJD2-2060 SJD2-2061 SJD2-2062 SJD2-2063 SJD2-2064 SJD2-2067 SJD2-2068 SJD2-2069 SJD2-2074 SJD2-2076 SJD2-2077 SJD2-2078 SJD2-2079 SJD2-2080 SJD2-2081 SJD2-2082 SJD2-2084 SJD2-2085 SJD2-2086 SJD2-2087 SJD2-20M SJD2-2089 SJD2-2090 SJD2-2091 SJD2-2092 SJD2-2094 SJD2-2096 SJD2-2097 SJD2-2098 SJD2-2099 SJD2-2100 SJD2-2101 SJD2-2102 SJD2-2105 SJD2-2106 SJD2-2107 SJD2-2108 SJD2-2l10 SJD2-2111 SJD2-2113 SJD2-2114 SJD2-2115 SJD2-2116 SJD2-2118 SJD2-2120 SJD2-2121 SJD2-2122 SJD2-2124 SJD2-2128 SJD2-2129 SJD2-2131 SJD2-2132 WTP OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-BF MSI 5741-SCI-BS VSI LISTINS IHCJOBQD 5741-SCl-17 VSI LISTING DIDOCS OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-C4 GAM OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-GO GSP OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-07 RMS OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-CE OSIVSI SYSTEM ASSEMBLER COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCI-03 OBR/EREPIRDE OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-CD GTF OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-Il HMASPZAP OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-12 HMDPRDMP OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-13 HMAPTFLE 5741-SCI-16 VSl LISTING OLTEP OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-06 REL 4,5 EXTENDED SVC ROUTER 5741-SCI-CF VSI LISTING (REL 6 NOW IN SJD2-2002) IEHLIST MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-U2 OSIVSI BTAM LISTINGS, SCP COMPONENT 5741-SCl-20 OCR OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-D5 CHECKPOINT RESTART OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT 5741-SCI-09 FETCH OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-C7 OVERLAY SUPERVISOR MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-C2 SAM OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-DO OPENICLOSE/EOV OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-DI PAM OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-D2 DADSM OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-D4 MICR OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-D6 DAM OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUt2ER 5741-SCI-D7 ISAM OSlVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-D8 JAM OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-D9 DASD ERP OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-CA OSIVSI LINKAGE EDITOR MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-04 LOADER OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-05 JESCOMPATINT 5741-SCI-DB VSl LISTING HMBLIST OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-14 IBCDMPRS 5741-SCI-IO VSI LISTINS IBCDASDI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-Il ICAPRTBL 5741-SCI-I2 VSI LISTING IEHDASDR OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-UO IEHIOSUP'5741-SCI-UI VSl LISTING IEHATLAS OS/VSI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-UF CRJE OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT HUMBER 5741-SCI-OA IEBCOPY 5741-SCI-U6 VSl LISTING OSIVSl COMPONENT NO. 57ctl-SCI-U7, IEBGENER, LISTINGS IEBUPDTE OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-UB IEBPTPCH OSlVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 57ctl-SCI-UA OSIVSI COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCI-UK, IEBCOMPR LISTINGS IEBISAM OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-UH IEBDG OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING 5741-SCI-UJ IEHMOVE OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING 5741-SCI-UC SMF OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING COMPONENT NUMBER - 5741-SCI-02 OSIVSI COMPONENT, NO. 5741-SCI-U3, IEHPROGM LISTINGS OSIVSl COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCI-UD IEHINITT, LISTINGS OSIVSI COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCI-UE, IEHSTATR LISTINGS CATALOG OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING 5741-SCI-D3 PASSWORD PROTECT OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING COMPONENT NUMBER - 5741-SCI-DC TAPE ERPIVES 5741-SCI-CC VSI LISTING IEBEDIT 5741-SCI-U9 VSI LISTING RES 5741-SCI-BB VSI LISTING HMDPRDMP EDIT 5741-SCl-18 VSl LISTING RES ACCOUNT FACILITY 5741-SCI-BC VSl LISTINGS 3505 3525 READER PUNCH 5741-SCI-DD VSl LISTING EX F/P SIMULATOR 5741-SCI-CP VSI LISTINS NIP OSIVSl LISTING, SCP COMPONENT 5741-SCI-C8 VTAM, 5741-SCl-23, VERSION 1 LISTINGS OSIVSl IDCAMS MICROFICHE ASSEMBLY LISTINGS, 5741-SCI-DK 3890 DOC PROC 5741-SCI-DF VSI LISTING 3886 OCR 5741-SCI-DL VSl LISTING OSIVSI VSAM, COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCI-DE LISTINGS HMASMP 5741-SCl-30 VSl LISTING POWER WARNING FEATURE 5741-SCI-OE VSl LISTING ISSP 5741-SCI-BK VSI LISTING TCAM 5741-SCl-21 VSl LISTING SYSGEN 5741-SCl-Sl VSl LISTING IMCOSJQD 5741-SCl-19 VSl LISTING OSIVSl 3540 DISKETTE SUPP.ORT - SCP COMPONENT 5741-SCI-DN MSSC 5741-SCI-DP VSl LISTING 247 SJD2-2134 SJD2-213S SJD2-2138 SJD2-2139 SJD2-2140 SJD2-2141 SJD2-2142 SJD2-2143 SJD2-2144 SJD2-214S SJD2-2147 SJD2-2148 SJD2-2149 SJD2-21S1 SJD2-21S2 SJD2-2154 SJD2-21SS SJD2-2156 SJD2-21S7 SJD2-2158 SJD2-2159 SJD2-2160 SJD2-2161 SJD2-2162 SJD2-2163 SJD2-2164 SJD2-216S SJD2-2171 SJD2-2177 SJD2-2178 SJD2-2179 SJD2-2181 SJD2-2182 SJD2-2183 SJD2-2184 SJD2-218S SJD2-2186 SJD2-2187 SJD2-2188 SJD2-2189 SJD2-2190 SJD2-2191 SJD2-2192 SJD2-2193 SJD2-2194 SJD2-219S SJD2-2197 SJD2-2199 SJD2-2200 SJD2-2202 SJD2-2204 SJD2-220S SJD2-2206 SJD2-2207 SJD2-2208 SJD2-2210 SJD2-2211 SJD2-2212 SJD2-2213 SJD2-2214 SJD2-2215 SJD2-2216 SJD2-2217 SJD2-2218 SJD2-2220 SJD2-2221 SJD2-2222 6320-6075 .n ~ !!r4l TOLTEP 5741-SCI-0C YSI LISTING 3540 DISKETTE 5741-SCI-BL VSl LISTING AP-l S741-SCI-31 VSl LISTING DSH ERP 5741-SCI-CI VSl LISTING JOB LIST HGR S741-SCI-BJ VSl LISTING MSCTC 5741-SCI-DQ VSl LISTING MSVC 5741-SCI-DR YSI LISTING MSSDA S741-SCI-DS VSl LISTING TRACE 5741-SCI-DT VSl LISTING SERV 5741-SCI-DU VSl LISTING COMPONENT INDEX 5741-SCI-ZZ YSI LISTING OSIVSl MSS RECOVERY MANAGEMENT, 5741-SCl-ez, LISTINGS IEBIMAGE 5741-SCI-UM VSl LISTING OSIVSI ASSEMBLER, SCP 5741-ASl, MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI BASE CONTROL PROGRAM EBAIIOI 5741-BAI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI DATA MANAGEMENT 5741-DMI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS1 DATA MANAGEMENT SUPPORT 5741-DS1 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI ENVIRONMENT, RECORDING, EDITING AND PRINT PROGRAM 5744-ERI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/GRAPHICS PROGRAM SERVICE MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI GRAPHICS SUBROUTINE PACKAGE SCP 5741-GSI LISTINGS OSIVS1 MICR/OCR, SCP 5741-MOl, MICROFICHE LISTINGS. OSIVSI REL 601 - OBR/EREP OSIVS1 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD VERSION 0 5741-TCl MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSlVSl. SELECTABLE UNIT 3 (SSS R5, SUID 5741-603) LISTINGS OSIVSI SELECTABLE UNIT 604 MICROFICHE SUID 5741-604 OSIVSI SELECTABLE UNIT 605 MICROFICHE (SUID 5741-605) OSIVSI SELECTABLE UNIT 606 MICROFICHE SUID 5741-606 OSIVSI TCAM VERSION 1 MICROFICHE LISTINGS SERVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES, 5652-VS1, LISTINGS OSIVSI VPSS 5742-VP1 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSl SELECTABLE UNIT 620' MICROFICHE SUID 5741-620 OSIVSI SELECTABLE UNIT 622 MICROFICHE SUID 5741-622 SMP ICR FOR VSI-5 REL 03.0, SUID 5741-622 OS/vSl DISPLAY EXCEPTION MONITORING FACILITY, LIC PROG 5741-DEI, MICROFICHE LISTINGS ASSEMBLER LISTINGS OS/vSl MASS STORAGE SYSTEM 5741-MSI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/vSl PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 5741-PMl MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/vSl CONVERSATIONAL REMOTE JOB ENTRY SCP 5741-RJl MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/vSl SERVICE AIDS 5741-SAI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/VS1 SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES SCP 5741-SS1 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS1 SYSTEMS SUPPORT 5741-STI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI SUPPORT 5741-SXl MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS1 UTILITIES 5741-UT1 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI VTAM (SNA2), 5742-VT2, LISTINGS BASE SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAM (SCHED/SUP/IOS), LISTINGS OSlVSl GENERAL INDEX REL. 067/070 TAPE 8105 BASIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD LISTINGS DISPLAY EXCEPTION MONITORING FACILITY (DEMF) LISTINGS DATA MANAGEMENT, LISTINGS DATA MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LISTINGS ENVIRONMENT RECORDING, EDITING AND PRINT PROGRAM LISTINGS GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/GRAPHICS PROGRAM SERVICE LISTINGS OSIVSI GRAPHICS SUBROUTINE PACKAGE, LISTINGS MICR/OCR LISTINGS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS), LISTINGS PROGRAM MANAGEMENT LISTINGS CONVERSATIONAL REMOTE JOB ENTRY (CRJE) LISTINGS SERVICE AIDS (INCLUDES ORBItlDR) , LISTINGS SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES LISTINGS SYSTEM SUPPORT, LISTINGS YS/l SUPPORT, LISTINGS SMP LISTINGS TCAM 10, LISTINGS UTILITIES LISTINGS VPSS, LISTINGS VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (SNA 2) LISTINGS VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (SNA 3) LISTINGS OSIVS1 MICROFICHE FORMATS AND FILING METHODS Microfiche 2f SV_ tell Control Proar;annjog 1&f.1 SJAO-0300 SJAO-0302 SJBI-0434 SJB1-0461 SJB2-9004 ~ OSIVS2 REL 868 DEMF SINGLE VIRTUAL SYSTEMIDATA EXCEPTION MONITORING FACILITY PROGRAM, (SVSIDEMF) VTAM, 5742-017, 5742-SCl-23-S71, OSIVS SVS VTAM ICR-OS/VS, 5742-017, 5742-SCI-23 OS/vS2 RELEASE 03.6- OBR/EREPIRDE 248 .. ./ ( ( SJB2-9006 SJB2-9007 SJB2-900S SJB2-9009 SJB2-9010 SJB2-90l4 SJB6-6002 SJB6-6006 SJB6-60l3 SJB6-60l4 SJB6-60l5 SJD2-00l0 SJD2-0020 SJD2-0030 SJD2-0040 SJD2-0050 SJD2-0060 SJD2-0070 SJD2-0080 SJD2-0090 SJD2-0l00 SJD2-0110 SJD2-0120 SJD2-0130 SJD2-0l40 SJD2-0l60 SJD2-0l70 SJD2-0l80 SJD2-0190 SJD2-0200 SJD2-0210 SJD2-0220 SJD2-0230 SJD2-0240 SJD2-0250 SJD2-0260 SJD2-0270 SJD2-02!0 SJD2-0290 SJD2-0300 SJD2-03l0 SJD2-0320 SJD2-0330 SJD2-0350 SJD2-0360 SJD2-0370 SJD2-03S0 SJD2-0390 SJD2-0400 SJD2-04l0 SJD2-0430 SJD2-0440 SJD2-0450 SJD2-0460 SJD2-0470 SJD2-04S0 SJD2-0490 SJD2-0530 SJD2-0540 SJD2-0550 SJD2-0S60 SJD2-0570 SJD2-05!0 SJD2-0590 SJD2-0600 SJD2-0640 SJD2-0650 SJD2-0660 SJD2-0670 SJD2-06!0 SJD2-0690 SJD2-0700 SJD2-0710 SJD2-0720 SJD2-0730 SJD2-0740 OS/vs2 SVS PROCESSOR SUPPORT. SCP 5742-017. ICR UY999Sl OS/vS2 MYS PROCESSOR SUPPORT 2 OS/vS2 t1VS PROCESSOR SUPPORT 2 MICROFICHE LISTINGS JES 3 3800 ENHANCEMENT, LISTINGS EREP RELEASE 1.1 OS/VS2 RELEASE 3.! OS/vSl RELEASE 7.0, LIC PROG 5744-ER1, LISTINGS EREP RELEASE 1.5 OS/vS2 RELEASE 3.! OS/vSl RELEASE 7.0 OS/vS2 ANALYSIS PROGRAM 1 (AP-l) PROGRAM LISTING - SCP COMPONENT 5752-SCl-3l IBM 3S00 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM ICR (UY99914) 5742-017 INDEX OS/vS2 (MYS) 3800 ENHANCEMENTS DATA MANAGEMENT 5752-VS2. LISTINGS OS/vS2 (MYS) 3800 ENHANCEMENTS DATA MANAGEMENT SUPPORT 5752-VS2, LISTINGS OS/vs2 (MYS) 3800 ENHANCEMENTS UTILITIES 5752-VS2, LISTINGS OS/vS2 SMF (5742-SCl-02) OS/vS2 IEHINITT (5742-SCI-UD) OS/vS2 IEHSTATR (5742-SC1-UE) OS/vS2 TAPE ERP/vES (5742-SCI-CC) OS/vS2 IEBEDIT (5742-SCI-U9) OS/vS2 IEHLIST (5742-SC1-U2) OS/vS2 IEHPROGM (S742-SCI-U3) OS/vS2 CATALOG (S742-SCI-D3) OS/vS2 SMF SCHEDULER (5742-SCI-00) OS/vS2 TSO TRACE (5742-SCI-T9) OS/vS2 PASSWORD PROTECT (S742-SC1~DC) OS/vS2 T50 UTILITIES (S742-SCI-T2) OS/vS2 TSO TEST (S742-SCl-Tl) OS/vS2 EXT/PREC/FLT PT SIM (5742-SCl-CP) OS/vS2 IEHMOVE (5742-SC1-UC) OS/VS2 IEBCOPY (5742-SC1-U6) OS/vs2 IEBGENER (S742-SC1-U7) OS/vS2 IEBUPDTE (S742-SC1-US) OS/vS2 IEBPTPCH (S742-SC1-~A) OS/vS2 IEBCOMPR (S742-SCI-UK) OS/VS2 IEBISAM (S742-SC1-UH) OS/vS2 IEBOG (5742-SC1-UJ) OS/vS2 TSO EDIT (S742-SC1-TO) OS/vS2 IPL (5742-SCI-Cl) OS/vS2 SUPERVISOR (S742-SC1-C5) OS/VS2 RMS (5742-SCI-CE) OS/vS2 GSP (5742-SC1-07) OS/vS2 GAM (5742-SCl-GO) OS/vS2 DIDOCS (5742-SC1-C4) OS/vS2 DSS (S742-SC1-10) OS/vS2 T50 SUPERVISOR (5742-SCl-T7) OS/vS2 SYSTEM RESTART (5742-SCI-B3) OS/vS2 ALLOCATION (S742-SCI-B4) OS/vS2 Q MANAGER (5742-SCI-B5) OS/vS2 INITIATOR (5742-SCI-B6) OS/vS2 TERMINATION (5742-SCI-B7) OS/vS2 COMMANDS (S742-SC1-BS) OS/vS2 READER/INTERPRETER (5742-SC1-B9) OS/vS2 T50 SCHEDULER (5742-SC1-T4) OS/vS2 GTF (5742-SCI-ll) OS/vs2 AMASPZAP (S742-SCl-12) OS/vS2 AMDPRDMP (5742-SCl-13) OS/VS2 AMDSADMP (5742-SCl-15) OS/vS2 AMAPTFLE (5742-SCl-16) OS/vS2 AI1DPRDMP/EDIT (5742-SCl-18) OS/vs2 3735 MACROSIUTILITY (S742-SCl-22) OS/vS2 EXTENDED SVC ROUTER (S742-SCI-CF) OS/vS2 MAPPING MACROS (5742-SCI-Ol) OS/vS2 OLTEP (5742-SCI-06) OS/vS2 BTAM (5742-SCl-20) OS/vs2 TCAM (5742-SCl-2l) OS/vs2 IEBTCRIN (5742-SCI-UG) OS/vs2 3S05/3525 (5742-SCI-DD) OS/vs2 OCR (5742-SCI-D5) OS/vS2 OVERLAY SUPERVISOR (S742-SCI-C2) OS/vs2 FETCH (S742-SCI-C7) OS/vS2 SAM (5742-SCI-DO) OS/vS2 PAM (5742-SCI-D2) OS/vs2 MICR (5742-SCI-D6) OS/vS2 DAM (5742-SCI-D7) OS/vS2 lOS (S742-SCI-C3) OS/vS2 DASD ERP (5742-SCI-CAJ OS/vs2 UNIT RECORD ERP (S742-SCI-CBJ OS/vS2 TSO SUBROUTINE TCAM (S742-SCI-TS) OS/vS2 T50 DATA MANAGEMENT (S742-SCI-T3) 249 SJD2-0750 SJD2-0760 SJD2-0770 SJD2-0780 SJD2-0790 SJD2-0800 SJD2-0810 SJD2-0820 SJD2-0830 SJD2-0840 SJD2-0850 SJD2-0860 SJD2-0870 SJD2-0880 SJD2-0890 SJD2-4200 SJD2-4230 SJD2-4240 SJD2-4250 SJD2-4260 SJD2-4270 SJD2-4280 SJD2-4300 SJD2-4310 SJD2-4320 SJD2-4330 SJD2-4340 SJD2-4350 SJD2-4360 SJD2-4370 SJD2-4380 SJD2-4390 SJD2-4400 SJD2-4410 SJD2-4420 SJD2-4430 SJD2-4440 SJD2-4450 SJD2-4460 SJD2-4470 SJD2-4480 SJD2-4490 SJD2-4500 SJD2-4510 SJD2-4520 SJD2·-4540 SJD2-4550 SJD2-4560 SJD2-4570 SJD2-4580 SJD2-4590 SJD2-4600 SJD2-4610 SJD2-4620 SJD2-4630 SJD2-4640 SJD2-4650 SJD2-4660 SJD2-4670 SJD2-4680 SJD2-4690 SJD2-4700 SJD2-4710 SJD2-4720 SJD2-4730 SJD2-4740 SJD2-4750 SJD2-4770 SJD2-4780 SJD2-4790 SJD2-4800 SJD2-4810 SJD2-4820 SJD2-4830 SJD2-4840 SJD2-4850 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OS/VS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OS/VS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSlVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 0SIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 IBCDMPRS (5742-SCI-IO) IBCDASDI (5742-SCI-Il) IEHDASDR (5742-SCI-UO) IEHATLAS (5742-SCI-UF) SYSOUT WRITER (5742-SCI-B2) ICAPRTBL (5742-SCI-I2) ISAM (5742-SCI-D8) CHECKPOINTIRESTART (5742-SCI-09) OPEN/CLOSE/EOV (5742-SCI-Dl) DADSM (5742-SCI-D4) LINK LOADGO PROMPTER (5742-SCI-T5) LINKAGE EDITOR (5742-SCI-04) LOADER (5742-SCI-05) AMBLIST (5742-SCl-14) ASSEMBLER XF (5742-SCI-03) RELEASE 3.7 SYSTEM CROSS REFERENCE RELEASE 2.0 JES2 5752-SCI-BH RELEASE 2.0 EXTERNAL WRITER 5752-SCI-B2 RELEASE 2.0 SCHEDULER RESTART 5752-SCI-B3 RELEASE 2.0 ALLOCIUNALLOCATE 5752-SCl-54 RELEASE 2.0 SWA MANAGER 57S2-SCI-B5 RELEASE 2.0 INITIATOR TERMINATOR 5752-SCl-56 RELEASE 2.0 SYSTEM COMtlANDS (SVC34) 57S2-SC1-Be RELEASE 2.0 CONVERTER/INTERPRETER 5752-SCI-B9 RELEASE 2.0 DASD ERP 57S2-SCI-CA RELEASE 2.0 UNIT RECORD ERP 5752-SCI-CB RELEASE 2.0 TAPE ERP 5752-SCI-CC RELEASE 2.0 OBR/EREPIRDE 57S2-SCI-CD RELEASE 2.0 RMS 5752-SCI-CE RELEASE 2.0 EXTEND SVC ROUTER 5752-SCI-CF RELEASE 2.0 SVC 109 5752-SCI-CG RELEASE 2.0 VIRTUAL STORAGE MANAGER 5752-SCI-CH RELEASE 2.0 CONTENTS SUPERVISOR 5752-SCI-CJ RELEASE 2.0 COMMUNICATOR TASK 5752-SCI-CK RELEASE 2.0 TASK MAN 57S2-SCI-CL RELEASE 2.0 RECOVERY TERMINATION S752-SCI-CM RELEASE 2.0 EXT FLOATING POINT 5752-SCI-CP RELEASE 2.0 MF/l 5752-SCI-CQ RELEASE 2.0 REAL STORAGE MAN 5752-SCI-CB RELEASE 2.0 REGION CONTROL TASK 5752-SCl-CU RELEASE 2.0 TIMER SUPERVISION 5752-SCI-CV RELEASE 2.0 AUXILIARY STORAGE MAN 5752-SCI-CN RELEASE 2.0 SYSTEM RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 5752-SCI-CX RELEASE 2.0 RADIX PARTITION 5752-SCI-CY RELEASE 2.0 MP RECONFlGURATION 5752-SCI-CZ RELEASE 2.0 OVERLAY SUPERVISOR 5752-SCI-C2 RELEASE 2.0 lOS 5752-SCI-C3 RELEASE 2.0 DIDOCS 5752-SCI-C4 RELEASE 2.0 SUPERVISOR CONTROL 5752-SCI-C5 RELEASE 2.0 EXCP 5752-SCI-C6 RELEASE 2.0 FETCH 5752-SCI-C7 RELEASE 2.0 NIP 5752-SCI-C8 RELEASE 2.0 IPL 5752-SCI-C9 RELEASE 2.0 BLOCK PROCESSOR 5752-SCI-DA RELEASE 2.0 SAM SUBSYSTEM INTERFACE 5752-SCI-DB RELEASE 2.0 PASSWORD PROTECT 5752-SCI-DC RELEASE 2.0 3505/3525 READER 5752-SCI-DD RELEASE 2.0 VSAM 5752-SCI-DE RELEASE 2.0 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR 5752-SCI-DF RELEASE 2 YaP (VIQ) 5752-SCI-DG RELEASE 2.0 CATALOG CONTROLLER 5752-SCI-DH RELEASE 2.0 WINDOW INTERCEPT 5752-SCI-DJ RELEASE 2.0 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES 5752-SCI-DK RELEASE 2.0 3886 OCR 5752-SCI-DL RELEASE 2.0 SAM 5752-SCI-DO RELEASE 2.0 OPENICLOSE/EOV 5752-SCI-DI RELEASE 2.0 BPAM 5752-SCI-D2 RELEASE 2.0 DADSM 5752-SCI-D4 RELEASE 2.0 OCR 5752-SC1-D5 RELEASE 2.0 MICR 5752-SCI-D6 RELEASE 2.0 BDAM 5752-SC1-D7 RELEASE 2.0 ISAM 5752-SCI-D8 RELEASE 2.0 GAM 5752-SCI-GO RELEASE 2.0 IBCDMPRS 5752-SCI-IO RELEASE 2.0 IBCDASDI 5752-SCI-II RELEASE 2.0 ICAPRTBL 5752-SCI-I2 250 ( SJD2-4860 SJD2-4870 SJD2-4880 SJD2-4890 SJD2-4900 SJD2-4930 SJD2-4940 SJD2-4950 SJD2-4960 SJD2-4970 SJD2-4980 SJD2-4990 SJD2-5000 SJD2-5010 SJD2-5020 SJD2-5030 SJD2-5040 SJD2-5050 SJD2-5060 SJD2-5070 SJD2-5080 SJD2-5090 SJD2-51l0 SJD2-5120 SJD2-5130 SJD2-5140 SJD2-5150 SJD2-5160 SJD2-5170 SJD2-5180 SJD2-5190 SJD2-5200 SJD2-5210 SJD2-5220 SJD2-5230 SJD2-5240 SJD2-5250 SJD2-5260 SJD2-5270 SJD2-5280 SJD2-5290 SJD2-5300 SJD2-5320 SJD2-5330 SJD2-5360 SJD2-5380 SJD2-5400 SJD2-5410 SJD2-5420 SJD2-5440 SJD2-5450 SJD2-5460 SJD2-5470 SJD2-6000 SJD2-6001 SJD2-6002 SJD2-6003 SJD2-6004 SJD2-6005 SJD2-6006 SJD2-6007 SJD2-6008 SJD2-6009 SJD2-6010 SJD2-6011 SJD2-6012 SJD2-6013 SJD2-60l4 SJD2-60l5 SJD2-6016 SJD2-6160 SJD2-616l SJD2-6l62 SJD2-6163 SJD2-6164 SJD2-6l65 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OS/YS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 T50 EDIT 5752-SCI-TO RELEASE 2.0 T50 TEST 5752-SCI-TI RELEASE 2.0 T50 UTILITIES 5752-SCI-T2 RELEASE 2.0 TSO TIOC 5752-SC1-T3 RELEASE 2.0 TSO SCHEDULER 5752-SC1-T4 RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES DEBPTPCH 5752-SCI-UA RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEHMOVE 5752-SCI-UC RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEHIHITT 5752-SCI-UD RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEHSTATR 5752-SCI-UE RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEHATLAS 5752-SCI-UF RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEBTCRIH 5752-SCI-US RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEBISAM 5752-SCI-UH RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEBDG 5752-SCI-UJ RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEBCOMPR 5752-SCI-UK RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEHUCAT 5752-SCI-UY RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEHDASDR 5752-SCI-UO RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEHLIST 5752-SCI-U2 RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEHPROGM 5752-SCI-U3 RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEBCOPY 5752-SCI-U6 RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEBGENER 5752-SCI-U7 RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEBUPDTE 5752-SCI-U6 RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEBEDIT 5752-SCI-U9 RELEASE 2.0 POWER WARNING FEATURE 5752-SCl-OE RELEASE 2.0 SCHEDULER SMF 5752-SCI-00 RELEASE 2.0 MAPPING MACROS 5752-SCl-01 RELEASE 2.0 SMF 5752-SCl-02 RELEASE 2.0 ASSEMBLER 5752-SCl-03 RELEASE 2.0 LINKAGE EDITOR 5752-SCl-04 RELEASE 2.0 LOADER 5752-SCI-05 RELEASE 2.0 OLTEP 5752-SCI-06 RELEASE 2.0 GSP 5752-SCI-07 RELEASE 2.0 CHECKPOINT RESTART 5752-SCI-09 RELEASE 2.0 DSS 5752-SCI-IO RELEASE 2.0 6TF 5752-SCI-ll RELEASE 2.0 AMASPZAP 5752-SCI-12 RELEASE 2.0 AMDPRDMP 5752-SCI-13 RELEASE 2.0 AMBLIST 5752-SCI-14 RELEASE 2.0 AMDSADMP 5752-SCI-15 AMAPTFLE 57S2-SCI-16 RELEASE 2.0 AMDPRDMP EDIT 5752-SCI-18 RELEASE 2.0 BTAM 57S2-SCI-20 RELEASE 2.0 TCAM 5752-SCI-21 RELEASE 2 YTAM. 5752-SCI-23 REL 815 - SMP - 5752-SCI-30 RELEASE 03.0 ERIC 2 LISTINGS - COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCI-ON RELEASE 03.0 WIC LISTINGS COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCI-DR RELEASE 03.0 MSS TRACE REPORT LISTINGS COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCl-DT RELEASE 03.0 MSS UTILITIES LISTINGS - COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCI-DU RELEASE 03.0 TOLTEP LISTINGS - COtlPONENT NO. 5752-SCI-OC RELEASE 03.0 DSMTC LISTINGS - COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCI-DQ RELEASE 03.0 HOST SUPPORT SSS LISTINGS - COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCI-SS RELEASE 03.0 DSM ERP LISTINGS - COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCI-CI MSS RECOVERY MANAGEMENT. 5741-SCI-BZ. LISTINGS COMPONENT 5752-SCI-BZ SU01 801 LISTINGS 802 SU02 LISTINGS SU4 LISTINGS. SUID 5752-804 SU05 605 LISTINGS 813 SU13 LISTINGS SUIO 810 SU07 807 sue LISTINGS. SUID 5752-606 SUl7 LISTINGS. SUIO 5752-817 827 SU27 LISTINGS SU21 LISTINGS. SUID 5752-821 848 SU48. LISTINGS SU25 LISTINGS, SUIO 5752-825 816 SU16, LISTINGS 824 SU24, LISTINGS RELEASE 03.7E. RACF LISTINGS RELEASE 03.7E, AP-1 ALTERNATE PATH RECOVERY MICROFICHE LISTINGS SUID 5752-830 MOHAWK LISTINGS JES3 LISTINGS, SU 18 (SU ID 5752-816) MYS DlI1PING IMPROVEMENTS, SUID 5752-633. MICROFICHE DUMP 158/168 ATTACHED PROCESSOR SELECTABLE UNIT LISTINGS. SUID 5752-847 SYSTEM SECURITY SUPPORT SELECTABLE UNIT LISTINGS. SUID 5752-832 HARDWARE RECOVERY ENHANCEMENTS SELECTABLE UNIT LISTING SUID 5752-855 lSI SJD2-6166 SJD2-6167 SJDt-6168 SJD2-6170 SJD2-6171 SJD2-6172 SJD2-6174 SJD2-6176 SJD2-6177 SJD2-6178 SJD~-6180 SJD2-6216 SJD2-6217 SJDt-6221 SJDt-6223 SJD2-6224 SJD2-6228 SJD2-6232 SJD2,-6233 SJD2-6236 SJD2-6238 SJD2-6239 SJD2-6240 SJD2-6242 SJD2-6244 SJD2-6245 SJD2-6249 SJD2-6250 SJD2-6251 SJD2-6256 SJD2-6257 SJD2-6260 SJD2-6262 SJD2-6263 SJD2-6265 SJD2-6266 SJD2-6267 SJD2-6271 SJD2-7200 SJD2-7205 SJD2-9005 OSIVS2 VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM (VPSS) SUID 5744-CKl OSIVS2 SHP RELEASE 3 LISTINGS - SUID 5752-863 SHP ICR FOR VS2 REL 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.6 AND GENERAL INDEX OSIVS2 TCAM, SUID 5752-836, MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 858 YTAM, SUID 5752-858, LISTINGS OSIVS2 SUID 5752-829 MYS 3838 SUPPORT MICROFICHE SOURCE LISTINGS OSIVS2 SUID 5752-837 HOST SUPPORT SSS FICHE SOURCE LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 860 OPENlDADSHlIEHLIST VS2 SUS57 INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM SUID 5752-857 OSIVS2 REL 826 JES 3 RELEASE 3 DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES, 5752-YS2, LISTINGS OSIVS2 RELEASE 3.8 XF ASSEMBLER EASIl02, LIC PROG 5752-ASl MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 3.8 BASE CONTROL PROGRAM EBBII02 OSIVS2 REL 3.8 (BTAM) BASIC TELECONI1UNICATION ACCESS METHOD EB11102 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 3.8 (DEMF) DISPLAY EXCEPTION MONITORING FACILITY EDEI102 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 3.8 MYS DATA MANAGEMENT EDMI102 MICROFICHE LISTING OSIVS2 RELEASE 3.8 MYS DATA MANAGEMENT SUPPORT EDSII02 MICROFICHE LISTING OSIVS2 REL 3.8 (GAM-GPS) GRAPHIC ACCESS METHOD GRAPHIC PROGRAMMING SERVICE EGAll02 OSIVS2 REL 3.8 (GSP) GRAPHIC SUBROUTINE PACKAGE FOR FORTRAN 4, COBOL, AND PL/I LANG 5752-GSl EGSII02 MICROFICHE LISTING JOB ENTRY SUBSYSTEM 2 (JES2) 3800 ENHANCEMENTS OSIVS2 RELEASE 3.8 (JES3) VERSION 2 JOB ENTRY SUBSYSTEM 3 EJSll02 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 RELEASE 3.8 MF/I OS/VS2 REL 3.8 5752-MIl (MICRIOCR) EMII102 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 3.8 (MSS) MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EMSll02 MICROFICHE LISTINGS INDEX 8406 COMPONENT OF LBOF-6244 OSIVS2 REL 3.8 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT EPHII02 PROG 5752-PHI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 RELEASE 3.8 (SSS) SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES ESSI102 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/YS2 REL 3.8 SYSTEM SUPPORT EST1102 PROG 5752-ST1 MI~ROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSl RELEASE 6.7 VERSION 2 RELEASE 3.8 (SHP) SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM E541400 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 3.8 (TeAMIO) TELECOtt1UNICATION ACCESS METHOD ETCOI08 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 3.8 (TCAMll) ACFITCAM SCP ETCII02 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 RELEASE 3.8 (TIOC) TERMINAL INPUTIOUTPUT CONTROLLER ETII106 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 3.8 TSOIYTAM ETVOI08 PROG 57S2-TVI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 3.8 UTILITIES EUTl102 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 RELEASE 3.8 VPSS FOR MYS, EV~1102 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 YTAM, 573S-YTl, RELEASE 3.8 EYT0108 LISTINGS OSIVS2 RELEASE 3.8 Ver 1 ACFIYTAM S735-RC2, LISTING OSIVS2 REL 3.8 XWTR EXWII02 PROG 5752-XWI MICROFICHE LISTINGS SVS TCAH NCPIVS DIRECT - TCAM LEVEL 10 TIOC SUPPORT FOR TCAM 10 SU51, OSIVS2 MYS PROCESSOR SUPPORT LISTINGS, 5752-851 !! DQSIVSlYSE Mjcrotjn af Jm.II! Control Prograllllllina !J2l SJBI-0406 SJB6-6003 SJB6-6009 SJB6-6010 SJB6-6011 SJB6-6019 SYC7-0450 SYC7-0451 SYC7-0452 SYC7-0466 SYC7-1932 SYC7-1933 SYC7-1934 SYC7-1935 SYC7-1936 SYC7-1937 SYC7-1938 SYC7-1939 SYC7-1940 SYC7-1942 SYC7-1943 SYC7-1944 ~ BTAM SCP FOR DOSIVSE BASIC TELECOMMUNICATION ACCESS METHOD SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING, SCP 5747-GCl MICROFICHE LISTING DOSIVS ANALYSIS PROGRAM 1 (AP-l) LISTINGS - SCP COMPONENT 5745-SC-APC DOSIVS POWERIVS IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM ICR PROGRAM LISTING MICROFICHE DOSIVS REL 34 IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM ICR PROGRAM LISTING MICROFICHE, 5745-010 DOSIVS REL 35 (5747-CCl) 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM IR MICROFICHE LISTINGS DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES, 5747-DS2, LISTINGS DOSIVS ANALYSIS PROGRAM 1, LISTINGS - SCP COMPONENT 5745-SC-APC DOSIVS MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY LISTING DOSIVS OLTEP (CARDLESS) INDEPENDENT COMPONENT RELEASE 33.0 DOSIVS 3031 PROCESSOR ICR 5745-010 MICROFICHE LISTINGS DISK OPERATING SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE ATTENTION ROUTINES LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-AIT DISK OPERATING SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD SERVICES PROG PROD 5745-SC-AMS DOSIVS ASSEMBLER LISTINGS, COMPONENT NO. 5745-SC-ASM DISK OPERATING SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE BTAM LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-BTH DISK OPERATING SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE CHECKPOINTIRESTART LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-CKR DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE DIRECT ACCESS METHOD LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-DAH DISK OPERATING SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE DISK ERP LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-DKE DISK OPERATING SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE DISPLAY OPERATOR CONSOLE LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-DOC DISK OPERATING SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE SEQUENTIAL DISK IOCS LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-DSK DISK OPERATING SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE EREP LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-ERP DISK OPERATING SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE MODEL 20 EMULATOR LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-E20 DISK OPERATING SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE COMPILER 110 MODULES LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-IOM 252 C~' /' '\ SYC7-1963 SYC7-1964 SYC7-1965 SYC7-1966 SYC7-1968 SYC7-1969 SYC7-1972 SYC7-1976 SYC7-1980 SYC7-1981 SYC7-1982 SYC7-1983 SYC7-1984 SYC7-1985 SYC7-1986 SYC7-1987 SYC7-1988 SYC7-1989 SYC7-1990 SYC7-1991 SYC7-1992 SYC7-1993 SYC7-1994 SYC7-199S SYC7-1996 SYC7-1997 SYC7-1998 SYC7-1999 SYC7-2000 SYC7-2001 SYC7-2002 SYC7-2003 SYC7-2004 SYC7-2005 SYC7-2006 SYC7-2007 SYC7-2008 S:rC7-2009 DISK OPERATING SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE IOCS AND DEVICE INDEPENDENCE LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-IOX DISK OPERATING SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE IPL AND BUFFER LOAD LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-IPL DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE ISAM LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-ISM DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE JOB CONTROL LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER S745-SC-JCL DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE LIBRARIAN LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-LBR DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE LINKAGE EDITOR LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER S74S-SC-LNK DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE MAGNETIC CHARACTER READER IOCS LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-MCR DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE OPTICAL CHARACTER READER IOCS LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-OCR DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE OLTEP LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-OLT DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE PDAIOS LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER S745-SC-PDA DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE PAPER TAPE IOCS LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-PTP DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE POWER LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER S74S-SC-PWR DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE QTAM LISTINGS COMPONENT NO. S745-SC-QTH DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE RMSR LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER S745-SC-RMS DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE SUPERVISOR LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER S74S-SC-SUP DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE MAGNETIC TAPE IOCS LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER S745-SC-TAP DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE TAPE ERP LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-TPE DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE SYSTEM UTILITY PROGRAMS LISTINGS - COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-UTL DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE VSAM LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER S74S-SC-VSM DOSIVS: DOS DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM LISTINGS (574S-SC-DIS) DOSIVSE AND DOSIVS MASTER INDEX DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE DISKETTE IOCS S745-SC-DIO DOSIVS VT AM DOSIVS TOLTEP LISTINGS - COMPONENT NO. 574S-SC-TLT VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD AND 3600 SYSTEM INDEX DOSIVS POWERIVS RJE. SNA ICR - SCP COMPONENT S745-SC-PWR DOSIVSE ATTENTION ROUTINES 5745-SC-AIT (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE ANALYSIS PROGRAM COMPONENT 5745-SC-APC (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE ASSEMBLER 5745-SC-ASM (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE CHECKPOINTIRESTART 5745-SC-CKR (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE DIRECT ACCESS METHOD 5745-SC-DAM (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE DISKETTE IOCS 5745-SC-DIO (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM 5745-SC-DIS (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE DISK ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES 5745-SC-DKE (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE DISPLAY OPERATOR CONSOLE 5745-SC-DOC (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE SEQUENTIAL DISK IOCS 5745-SC-DSK (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSEEREP 1 DOSIVS INTERFACE 5745-SC-ERl (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE COMPILER I/O MODULES 5745-SC-IOM (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE IOCS AND DEVICE INDEPENDENT I/O 5745-SC-IOX (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE IPL AND BUFFER LOAD 5745-SC-IPL (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE ISAM 5745-SC-ISM (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE JOB CONTROL 5745-SC-JCL (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE LIBRARIAN 5745-SC-LBR (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE LINKAGE EDITOR 5745-SC-LNK (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE MAGNETIC CHARACTER READER IOCS 5745-SC-MCR (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE OPTICAL CHARACTER READER IOCS 5745-SC-OCR (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE ONLINE TEST EXECUTIVE 5745-SC-OLT (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE PROBLEM DETERMINATION AIDS 5745-SC-PDA (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE PAPER TAPE IOCS 5745-SC-PTP (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT 5745-SC-RMS '(350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DDSIVSE SPECIFIC DEVICE SUPPORT 5745-SC-SOS (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE SUPERVISOR 5745-SC-SUP (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE MAGNETIC TAPE IOCS 5745-SC-TAP (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE TAPE ERROR RECOVERY 5745-SC-TPE (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE SYSTEM UTILITIES 5745-SC-UTL (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS DOSIVSE MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY 5745-SC-UTS (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS SYC7-1117 SYC7-1119 SYSTEtt/370 OS ttULTIFOHT PREPROCESSOR SUPPORT LISTINGS PROGRAM NUMBER 360A-TX-031 SYSTEtt/370 DOS MULTIFONT PREPROCESSOR SUPPORT LISTINGS PROG. NO. 360A-TX-030 ' SYC7-1945 SYC7-1946 SYC7-1947 SYC7-1948 SYC7-1949 SYC7-1950 ( SYC7-1951 SYC7-19S2 SYC7-1953 SYC7-19S4 SYC7-19SS SYC7-19S6 SYC7-19S7 SYC7-1958 SYC7-1959 SYC7-1960 SYC7-1961 SYC7-1962 (- ImI .I mm (Versjon ! l SYC7-1961 SYC8-0975 m Svstetn/370 9!WL DISK OPERATING SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE TAPE ERP LISTINGS COMPONENT HUMBER 5745-SC-TPE OSIP GENERAL INDEX 253 GAI8 GAl1-8635 5935-L03 ~ TERMINAL !f9 Y96695 REFERENCE This publication describes the 5935-L03 Banking Terminal. It also gives installation planning infor.ation. The 5935 is a full-function workstation in one lA"Iit specially designed for the bank personnel. The 5935 can operate directly Nith either a local or remote data processing system (online operation) or it can operate separately (offline operation), the transactions being recorded on lllagnetic tapes for transmission to the processing system later (batch procedure). This .manual is intended for managers or specialists evaluating telecommunication equipment. and planners or programmers preparing the installation of the 5935 in a data communication system. It can also be used by the supervisor in the bank branch office. The supervisor is the person in the bank branch office Mho manages the tellers' work on the 5935. Detailed instructions for operating and servicing the 5935 are in the IBM 5935-L03 Banking Terminal Operating Guide. GAll-8636. Maintenance information is given in the 5935-L03 Banking Terminal. Maintenance Information Manual, SYI2-8769. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 188 pages. 4/79 Part 2. Abstracts GA09-1600 XZ!l INFORI1ATION IW!!!W J:CimI ~ f.W:!m DESCRIPTION 129-3270 ATTACHMENT !!f! 8T0093) This Custom Feature Description ..nual, GA09-1600, is a component description of the 129 3270 attachMent with programMing considerations and source for operator's reference. It is for use of executives, progralllllters and operators I also IBM FE and Marketing personnel. Manual 1114/59351 1114/01291 E>A09-1679 DISPlAYWRITER 1D:.!mH lUI ~ EIlJWION R!!9 800098 CUSTOMER ~ DESCRIPTION This flyer describes the features, limitations, requirements. and operation of the 3277 elllUlation RPQ. It enables the prospective customer to evaluate its usefulness. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 09/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~A09-1680 GAl1-8639 5935-L03 ~ TERMINAL REFERENCE INFORMATION ~ A!:l!2 Y96750 (VERSION II This pUblication gives reference information for the 5935-L03 Banking Terminal. RPQs Y96695 and Y96750 (version 2). to the folloNing bank personnel: Data processing manager or specialist evaluating the Planner preparing the installation of the terminal Programmer coding the bank applications Instructor preparing education package Supervisor (the person who manages the tellers' IoIOrk 5935 in the bank branch office) Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 286 pages. 08/82 Y96695 IBM 5935 on the DISPUYWRITER SYSTEM lUI DEVICE EIlJLATION !.ff!f!f PI0034) 1114/59351 Xl! ~ E!1!JLAJIotVDOCUl1EHT TRANSFER !.ff!f!f fl!!l!.Zll OPERATOR REFERENCE GUIDE This manual guides the user of a Displaywriter equipped for 3277 Device EMUlation (RPQ 800098, and one of: PRpq PI0034 GA18-2000 or PRPQ PI0074). It is a supplement to the normal 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL OPERATOR'S ~ This manual contains operating procedures for the 3767 operation infor... tion found in S544-2036 for Textpack 4. and in S544-2104 for Textpack 6. Communication Terminal. A brief introduction presents Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 04/83 general information that is of interest to the operator. FollONing chapters describe how to prepare the machine for 1135115799-BHT,5799-BKG operation (power-on, select mode, and so forthl. hON to handle the printer (replace ribbon. insert paper. adjust printing, and so forth), how to'operate online (to host GA09-1681 DISPUYWRITER SYSTEM: 3277 ~ EIlJUTlllN CUSTOMER SETUP systeM) hoM to correct or edit data (stored in the buffer), and hoN to operate offline (as a keyboard printer). A §YI!lg R!!9 wm This guide tells hoM to connect a Displaywriter that has the separate chapter is devoted to Problem Determination Procedures (PDP); this chapter contains error recovery 3277 Device EMUlation Adaptor (RPQ 800098) to a controller, for use with the 3277 Device Ewlation PRPQ (PI0034) or with procedures and instructions for those cases where the error the 3277 Device EwlationlDocUllel"lt Transfer PRPQ (PI0074). recurs or is not recoverable. Appendixes contain operating Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4/83 instructions for the Calculate-Scientific feature. and descriptions of 3767 lights, switches and keys. Manual, 104 pages 1116/37671 GAl1-8632 5973-L02 ~ INTERFACE ~ J..!W.! ~ DESCRIPTIlIN The 5973-L02 Network Interface Adapter (NIAI specify code 6A18-2012 9843 is used to connect SNA Clusters (PUs type 1 and 21 to 3767 COH!1!JHICATION TERMINAL ERROR RECOVERY A!:l!2 ~ DETERMINATION GUIDE a 3705 Communications Controller loaded Nith Program 5799-ARJ through either TRANSPAC in France, or DATAPAC in This publication is directed to operators of the 3767 Canada. Communication Terminal Models I. 2. and 3. It describes the This ..nual provides the operator Of the 5973-L02 NIA procedures the operator should use if an error or breakdown tlith the infor... tion that is necessary to understand in occurs. These procedures Ifi 11 help the operator i dent i fy what envir~ent and·hoM the 5973-L02 NIA operates. and eli.inate the problem and possibly avoid the need to call for assistance. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 38 pages. 05179 Subjects in this publication include recognizing errors-, 1114/59731 254 GAl8 GAI8 responding to check indicators, restarting. job .fter an error, and requesting maintenance. Manual, 8 1/2 x 3 5/8 inches, 30 pages, 11/79 //16/3767/ Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 8 pages, 9/79 //16/3101/ GA18-2036 1!!! DISPLAY TERMINAL CUSTOMER PROBLEM ANALYSIS ANI) GA18-2014 RESOLUTION GUIDE This pUblication is comprised of three workstation elements; video element, keyboard element and logic element. The purpose of this publication is to help the operator identify a failing element and replace it with a good one. Reference Summary. 3 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches, 45 pages. 01/80 //16/31011 llli INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY DETERMINATION GUIDE This item is intended for use by customer operators to recover from an error or a problem with 3276 Control Unit Display Station, the keyboard, the host, or the communication line. It should help operators pinpoint possible failure causes and avoid unnecessary calls for assistance. Major topics include: Readying, keyboard check test procedures for display station and control unit, and symptom indexes. Manual, 10 x 1 314 inches, 58 pages, 04/78 //16/3276/ ~ ~ GA18-2040 llli INFORMATION DISPLAY lliru ~ CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY STATION OPERATOR'S GUIDE The information in this publication is intended to familiarize operators of the IBM 3276 Control Unit Display Station with its features and to guide the operators in its use. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 162 pages. 12/78 //16/3276/ GA18-2018 1M.Z PRINTER PLANNING !!l!2 grg PREPARATION ~ This guide provides information needed by the customer to assist in planning for the installation of the 3287 ~rinter, Models 1. lc, 2, 2c, 11, and 12. The 3287 is a Customer Setup (CSUI printer. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 17 pages, 9/79 //15/3287/ ( GA18-2041 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY lliru ~ 9lli!EQ.!, Y!:!l! ~ STATION PLANNIHS AtID SETUP GUIDE Provides planning and setup information about the 3276 Control Unit Display Station. This information was formerly contained in IBM 3270 Information Display System Planning. GA18-2019 ~ COI1!1UNICATION TERMINAL MODEL g DUAL ~ ~ and Setup Guide, GA27-2827. For customers. planners. and PLATEN EEll MF6321 ygg INFORtlATION ADDENDUM IBM representatives who may be responsible for planning the This manual gives the 3767 Communication Terminal user installation and setup of the 3276, 3278. 3287. and 3289. the additional information required for using the Dual Drive Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/78 Pinfeed Platen (DDPFPI device (RPQ MF6321I. Basic terminal //09/3276/ setup instructions and operating procedures for the terminal should be followed, to supplement the operation of this device. GA18-2042 Information in this manual is written for .11 users of llli INFORMATION ~ ~ ~ DETERMINATION fQR 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY STATIONS this device. They must thoroughly understand the 3767 Communication Terminal and the following publications: Contains information intended to assist customer personnel 3767 Models 1, 2, and 3 Co~munication who are responsible for coordinating problem determination activities on those IBM 3270 Information Display Systems Terminal Component Description. GA27-3096 which include an IBM 3276 Control Unit Display Station. Communication Terminal Setup Instructions, This information is not intended to replace the probleM GC30-3026 determination guides supplied with each unit of the 3270 3267 Communication Terminal Opertaor's Guide, system, but is intended to supplement them and to coordinate GA18-2000 their use. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages, 01/78 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 40 pages, 12/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY //16/3276/ GA18-2033 3101 ~ TERMINAL DESCRIPTION This manual provides customer executives. management, planners, programmers. system analysts, system engineers, installation personnel, and IBM marketing representatives with a component description, programming considerations. setup and site preparation information relating to the IBM 3101 Display Terminal. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 164 pages, 10/79 //09/31011 GA18-2035 1!!! DISPLAY TERMINAL OPERATOR REFERENCE INFORMATION This publication provides a brief information in operating the IBM 3101 Display Terminal. The 3101 is a tabletop terminal consisting of three workstation elements. which is designed for setup, relocation, and problem analysis and resolution by a customer. The readers are customer operators who are familiar with normal typewriter keyboard. GA18-2044 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM DeSCRIPTION ! CONFIGURATION APLITEXT FEATURE fQR 3276 CONtROL UllIT DISPL4Y STATION. 3278 DISPLAY STATION. 3287 PRINTER. AHD dill .bJ.!:!!; ~ This manual provides descriptive and configuration information about the APL and text functions and features for 3276. 3278. 3287, and 3289. This pUblication is intended for data processing personnel, including managers, system analysts and programmers. and for operations and administrative managers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 34 pages. 11/78 370,4361,4381,3090,4331,4341,4321//13/3276.3278,3287,3289/ GA18-2051 M:! INTROOUCTION !Q m 1!!! DISPLAY TERMINAL This publication provides a brief description of the IBM 3101 Display Terminal. The 3101 is a tabletop terminal consisting of three workstation elements. which is designed 255 GA18 GA18 for those 1oIho _ t install the IBM Scanmaster I. and for those who are responsible for developing host application programs. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 250 pages. 11/82 //09/8815/ for setup. relocation. and probl_ analysis and rllllolution by • customer. The readers are customer management. plaming. and analysis personnel who have a basic knoNledge of data processing. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 9/79 //09/3101/ 6A18-2095 SCANHASTER 1 PLANNING M!2 mg PREPARATION GUIDE IBM Scanmaster I (Machine Type IBM 8815) is a floor-standing terminal for capturing and transmitting noncoded (image) documents. This publication provides planning information such as customer's and IBM's installation responsibilities. IBM Scanmaster 1'5 features. supplies. setup personnel. and key operators. The publication also provides sitepreparation information such as space. electrical. anvi ronmental. and communi cat i on requi rements. This publication is for those who are responsible for plaming the installation and setup of the IBM Scanmaster I. and for those who actually prepare the site for the IBM Scanmaster I. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 94 pages. 11/82 //15/8815/ GA18-2065 3102 PRINTER DESCRIPTION This publication provides an introductory description. reference material and site preparation infor.. tion for the IBM 3102 Printer. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 9/79 //03/310U GA18-2081 3270 INfORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3276 ~ UNIVDISPYY ~ DESCRIPTION ~ PROGRAMMER'S ~ This publication provides programmers and system analysts with detailed reference material relating to the 3276 Control Unit and Display Station. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 366 pages. 06/81 //09/3276/ GA18-2097 SCANHASTER 1 OPERATOR'S REfERENCE This publication is intended for customer key operators. describing the operating and problem determination procedures for Scanmaster I. It contains brief introductory information explanations of the indicators. keys and switches. all the operating procedures for using Scanmaster I. problem determinatien procedures. and miscellaneous procedures. Manual. 8 1/2 x 7 3/8 inches. 112 pages. 7/83 //09/8815/ GA18-2083 DISPLAY TERMINAL DESCRIPTION This publication provides system analysts/planners. programmers. system engineers. and installation personnel with detailed reference material relating to the 7486 Display Terminal. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 66 pages. 8/81 //09/7486/ ~ \ GA18-2OM 3104 DISPLAY TERMINAL OPERATOR REfERENCE GUIDE This publication is to be used for reference when the user sets up an IBM 3104. operates it. packs it to return it to an IBM location for repair. This publication is also to be used as a guide for the user to isolate a falling elelllent when the terminal is not operating nor.. lly. Manual. 3 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches. 96 pages. 3/82 8130.8140.4331//16/3104/ GA18-2098 SCANHASTER ! §§Ii INSTRUCTIONS This is a set of flipcards. stored on the top cover of IBM Scanmaster I for easy access. It is intended for casual operators. providing a handy reference to use with IBM Scanmaster I. Reference Card. 242 x 56 millimeters. 102 cards. 7/83 //09/8815/ GA18-2127 GA18-2085 3104 DISPLAY TERMINAL OPERATOR'S REFERENCE §YlDI This publication is to be used for reference Nhan the user sets up an IBM 3104. operates it. and packs it to return it to an IBM designated location for repair. This publication is also to be used as a guide for the user to isolate a failing element when the terminal is not operating nor.. lly. Manual. 3 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches. 96 pages. 3/82 8130.8140.4331//16/3104/ DISPLAY STATION DESCRIPTION This publication provides system analysts/programmers. site planners. and installation personnel with detailed reference material relating to the IBM 3178 Display Station. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 82 pages. 10/82 //09/3178/ .llZ§ GAI8-2128 IWifW ~ OPERATOR REFERENCE GUIDE This manual providas customer operators and installers with the information on the IBM 3178 Display Station. Included are: Set up instructions. Operator reference information. CustODIer problem analysis and resolution (CPAR). and Packing instructions. Manual. 3 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches. 104 pages. 10/82 //16/3178/ .llZ§ ;;A18-2094 SCANMASTER 1 DESCRIPTION IBM Scanmaster I (Machine Type IBM 8815) is a floor-standing terminal for capturing and transmitting noncoded (i"ge) documents. This publication describes IBM Scanmaster I models. features. functions. and operator controls. Since IBM Scanmaster I can transmit and receive frOM other IBM Scanmaster 1'5 and a host computer. the publication also describes the facilities and prograJnlling infonaation needed for telecommunications. Probl.. recovery is also included. This publication is for those who IlUSt evaluate the IBM Scanmaster X's functions and features. for those Mho must analyze an existing syst... and the IBM Scanlllllster I in ter_ of system' configuration. operating system. and applications. GA18-2135 SCANHASTER 1 GROUP 11 cotI11UNICATION CAPABILITY. RPQ'S ~ ~ ~ ~ 8J4805. USER'S §!1I!2.S This book describes installation requirements and operation procedures for the IBH Scanmaster I that has the Group II Co...unication Capability RPQ Feature. 256 / ( GA18 Manu.!. 8 1/2 x 7 3/8 inches. 38 IMlge!I. 04/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GAI8-2136 SCANMASTER 1 ~ INSTRUCTIONS fa! ill COMMUNICATION CAPABILITY Rf9 ~ (SIJPPLEMENT :m GA18-2098l The book provides a quick guide for GIl oper.tion •• nd supplements IBM Scanmaster I Instructions. GAI8-2098. Manual. 242 x 56 .i1limeters. 12 p.ges. 04/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA18-2144 ~1!3!!m! 1 ~ YXB.:JI iYllIl fQB II:!m DISTRIBUTION GA19 6A18-2443 .un fBm!.I.m ~ ~ CHECK GUIDE This publication provides quick r.ference information for operator on isolating a problem to the failing replaceable element. Ref.r.nce Card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 16 pages. 6/86 //16/3193/ 6A18-2454 l!il mew: l!:WlON ~ ~ This publication describes the oper.tions of the 3191 Display Station. and its intended use is for oper.tors .nd supervisors. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 5/86 1/16/3191/ .lWm!:! This manu.! is intended for casual operators. !his book provides information .bout haN to operate Sc.nmaster I under the Image Distribution System. i •••• oper.ting procedures GA18-2457 and problem determination/recovery. It li.its the l!il mew: nAImf PESCRIPTION inform.tion to the cas. where IBM Scanmaster I is used under This publication describes the 3191 Display Station. and is the Imag. Distribution System. while IBM Scanm.ster I for those persons who integrate the display st.tion into the Operator's Guide and Instructions offer general infor.. tion host system. update the host progr.ms. and prepare the site to oper.tors. for the setup of the display station. Manu.!. 8 1/2 x 7 3/8 inches. 36 pages. 04/83 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 64 pages. 05/86 //09/8815/ 1109/3191/ GA18-2180 .uz.! mgs IWifYI II!!lON OPERATQR REFERENCE At!Il fBm!..m 6Al9-0050 ~ ~ COMPONENT PESCRIPTION ~ OPERATING PROCEDURES !ill Wl!t.!I. ~ tm!!.ll Ii This reference publication for the IBM 1287 Optic.! Raader ModelS explains machine and system functions. specifications for input docUments and data. progra.. ing considerations. and operating procedures. It is intended for ..chine operators. programmers. and people who prepare input documents. Machine operators need not have previous experience in operating the modal 5. but programmers should be familiar with the various operating systems available with Syst.m/360 and Systeml370. • Manual. 96 pages SOLVING GUIOE This publication is intended for the 3179 operator. It explains hON to use the display station by describing the function of each key and explaining oper.tor lIIess.ges. Additionally. it cont.ins a problem determination section and instructions for sending a failing element for repair. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 96 pages. 1/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA18-2310 DESCRIPTION 3161/3163 ~ ~ ~ 1116/12871 This publication gives. general description of the 3161 and the 3163 ASCII Display St.tions. It cont.ins operator .nd programmer information and is intended for the oper.tor. 6A19-5024 programmer. systems analyst. and site pl.nner. l!Zll INFORMATION l!l!Pl.AI §1m!1.!. 5926-B03 OPTICAL &6!!U Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 224 pages. 6/85 REFERENCE ~ B.Pmi Is ~ 1109/3161.31631 This publicati.on provides information for customer and IBM personnel concerned in operating. programlling and physical planning for 5926-B03 Optical Scanners. Readers should be G618-2364 familiar with the basic principles of the 3270 Inforaation Display System. 3193 I!nfW lUA!lQtI DESCRIPTION Manual. 30 pages (4175) This publication provides introductory. programming and oper.tional r.f.rence and installation planning information 1/14/5926/ about the 3193. It .lso contains inforaation about scanners. the new 3117 and the 3118. that can attach to the 3193. This publication is intended for syst••• nalysts. GA19-5029 systen programm.rs. application progr....rs .nd those Mho 1112 P.AT! .nI!JU SYSTEM 5926-B03 §AB gmg ~ fB.l!:!:UR plan physical installations. P.AT! .ut:.:m!!:! ~ UNIT DESCRIPTION B.Pmi .:m!!!!.L. ~ Manual. 5/86 ~ X96684. Mm X72888 //09/3193/ The IBM 5926-B03 Optical Scanner is • hand-held scanner for reading printed bar-coded data. It can be attached to the IBM 3740 Data Entry System. the IBM 3270 Inforllation Display System. IBM System/32 and to IBM System/7. 6A18-2365 llfi DISPLAY STATION OPERATOR'S iYm This publication provides inforMation on operating. program.ing and planning for 5926-B03 Optical Scanners This publicatiOA contains information on haN to use the 3193 Display Station. attached to data stations of the 3740 Data Entry System: Manual. 7 x 8 1/2 inches. ISO IMlge!I. 6/86 either the IBM 3741 Data Station. Models 1 and 2. or the IBM //16/3193/ 3741 Programmable Work Station. Models 3 and 4. Readers should be familiar with the operation of 3741 Data Stations and Programmable Work Stations as described in the following publ i cat! ens. IBM 3740 Data Entry System: System Summary and Installation Planning. 6A21-9152. mw 257 6A19 6A19 IBM 3741 Data Station Reference Manual. 6A21-9183. IBM 3740 Data Entry System Special Self-Check Number Device Custom Unit Description) RPQs (U.S.A.) WE0408. Z07465. (WT) X10260. 6A33-3016. IBM 3741 Data Station function control Featur. Reference Manual Supporting RPQ WE2360. 6A21-9206. IBM 3741 Data station Operator's Guide. 6A21-9131. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 44 pgs. 11176 6A19-5042 XZJ! INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM ~ ~ DESCRIPTION ARABIC KEYBOARDS RPqs 7H0300. 7H0301. 7H0302. 7H0304. 7H03067H0307. 7H0504. ?H0505. 7H0507, 7H0508, 1!:!.ill.2 This manual provides user information on Arabic equipped (specific to the ARABIC language) is fitted to the 3270 the titles of prerequisite manuals for this ~~lciation. terminal using stuff. and also for system engineers and Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 64 pages. 07/83 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1114/5926/1WT-ONLY 6A19-5031 !lArA n!!!!! SYSTEM SPECIAL SelF-CHECK t!Y!1!ml ~ (COMPATIBLE WITH HEBREW LANGUA6E FEATURE) ~ UNITDESCRIPTION l!.E9 ~ (3741 M!!l 3742. 128-CHARACIER ~ ~ This publication describes the Self-Check Number Device Special Arithmetic feature which is compatible with the Hebrew Language Feature and is available on the IBM 3741 Data Station. Models 1 and 2. and the IBM 3742 Dual Data Station with the 128-character feature. The feature implements a wide range of special checking algorithms. The Special Self-Check Number Device facilities described in this publication are similar but not identical to those for RPQ X10260. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 26 pgs. 11/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA19-5039 3274 CONTROL Y!:!ll PLANNING. SETUP M!!l CUSTOt'IIZING GUIDE WITH RPQS 7H0431 :: DUTCH PUBLISHING CHARACTER m 7H0417 :: GERtlAN PUBLISHIN6 CHARACTER UB4526 :: FRENCH PUBLISHING CHARACTER m 1.t!.!!ll2 :: SPECIAL I!!ll!!l§ FEATURE SUPPORT Provides planning. setup and customizing information supplementary to that contained in IBM 3270 Information Display System: 3274 Control Unit: Planning. setup. and Customizing Guide. 6A27-2827. with which this guide should be used. This supplementary inforeation is required Mhen the following Request for Price Quotations (RPQs) are present: 7H0431. 7H0417. and 7H0419. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 14 pages. 11/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m 6A19-5040 3278 DISPLAY STATION I1ODEl!l M!m:I ~ DESCRIPTION WITH RPQS: ."l!!..!!.!t!§ :: SPECIAL EDITING FEATURE. ~ :: !lY!Q! PUBLISHING CHARACTER ~ XC4480 :: GERMAN PUBLISHING CHARACTER SET. UB4502 :: FRENCH PUBLISHING CHARACTER This pUblication provides information about the Special Editing Features present in the ISH 3278 Display Station. Model 2 when Request for Price Quotation (RPQs) 7H418. 7H430. XC4480. and UB4502 are installed. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 02180 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m 6A19-5052 5937-S01 INDUSTRIAL TERMINAL COt'IPOtlENT DESCRIPTION Rm ~ 750058. 750061 The 5937-S01 is a te .. minal designed for indust .. ial environments. The te ..minal has digital Input/Output capability for attachment of contact sense. contact operate. and OEM devices. The manual describes the following: components. the 3270 compatibility and limitation and programming of the terminal. the digital 1/0 interface and how to attach devices to the 1/0 channels. ONLINEIOFFLINE functions. problem determination p..ocedures. customer p..oblem recovery procedures. installation and physical planning. Manual. 228 pages. 07/78 1114/59371 GA19-5053 1627 PlOTTER .E.QR S/370 I10DEl 115/125 COt'IPONENT DESCRIPTION Ifi l!.E9 U11612 Yl! B.E,g illill This manual shows how the ISH 1627 Plotter interfaces with the IBM System 370 Model 115/125. It gives operating procedures. program cont ..ol infor.. tion. problem detereination actions. and installation and physical planning info ..mation. It is a composite intended for a va .. iety of audiences. Manual. 28 pages 3115.31251114/16271 GA19-5057 3767 Cot1I1UNICATION TERMINAL OPERATOR'S ~ B.E,g X71429. DOCUMENT INSERTION DEVICE This publication is to be used together with the IBM 3767 Communications Terminal Operator's Guide. 6A18-2000-2. It describes the ope..ating p..ocedures of the Front Feed Document Inse .. tion Device (RPQ X71429) of the IBM 3767. This publication is for operators of the IBM 3767 with the Front Feed Document Insert·ion Device RPQ. and assumes that the operator is familiar with the basic ope..ation of a 3767. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 24 pages. 12/76 SL55: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6419-5059 6A19-5041 3287 f!ill!ll! ~ ! A!l!l ! PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE f!!R l!.E9 7H0307 B.E,g 7H0327 B.E,g 710556 This Probl... Dete.. mination Guide. (P06). has been prepared fo .. use with the 3287 Printer. Models 1 and 2. when the following RPQs are installed: RPQ 7H0307. RPQ 7H0327 and RPQ 7L0556. This publication provides the operator with sufficient info.... tion to assess the possible cause of a printer failure and includes suggested remedial actions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 38 pages. 09/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY H!!R!Jl TRADE ADDENDUM :m 3767 MODELS! A!l!l ! COI1I1UNICATIQN TERMItIAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION OPERATOR'S GUIDE B.E,g X74189 LARGE CHARACTER PRINT This .anual describes how the large Characte.. P.. int Feature on the 3767 works. and its ope..ating p..ocedu..es. It is intended primarily for operators of the IBH 3767. Manual. 24 pages 06/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6419-5084 !lArA COLLECTION SYSTEM ~ GUIDE SUPPLEMENT. I!:!!mI! CLOCKING B.E,g X95797 This publication is a World Trade addendum to the ISH 5230 Data Collection System User Guide. 6A34-0040. This .anual describes the functions and operating procedures of the In/OUt Clocking special feature (RPQ ~ 258 6A19 X957971 on the IBIt 5234 Time Entry Station. It is directed to programmers, operators and other users of the 5234 equipped Mith this RPQ and assUies that the reader is familiar Mith the terMinology and basic operation of the 5230 Data Collection System. ttanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 06/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6A19-5087 I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 5179 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6A19-5168 INTRODUCING !!:!I AUTOItATIC DOClll1ENT INSERTION DEVICE QH !!:!I 3287 PRINTER. Bf!lli 750251 M:!!! 750252 This publication is intended to introduce the Automatic DocUlllent Insertion Device, a product specifically designed for use Mith the 3287 Printer Hodesl I. 2. II. and 12. to prospective users and others seeking an introduction to it. Itanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pages. 1/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY INFORttATION DISPLAY ~ ~ DOCU!1ENT INSCRIBER USER'S GUIDE , ~ U74485 m!lE..!. !1!!.! J 7U0007 I!Q!W. ygg This book tells you hOM to use the IBIt 5914 DocUlllent Inscriber. The book tells you • hoM to use the Docunoent Inscriber to inscribe (that is, print onl a document, "19-5171 • hoM to recognize that a document is printed correctly, 3287 PRINTER ~ ! At!2 , ~ §!1I!)! fQ!! !!:!! • and hoM to perfo.... 5 i mple jobs to keep the DOCUIM!I1t AUTOttATIC DOCUMENT INSERTIQH DEVICE. Rf9 750251. 750283 Inscriber MOrking correctly. This manual describes the Automatic Document Insertion The book does not tell you hoM to operate the IBIt 3277 Device (ADIDI and the ADID ChuteslVariable Width Forms Display Station. For this information, refer to Operator'. Tractor Combined paper handling devices designed Guide for IBIt 3270 Information Display Systems, 6A27-2742. specifically for the 3287 Printer Itodels 1 and 2. It gives You should not need any previous knoMledge of, or detailed infor.. tion for custOlller executives. programming experience of using, a Document Inscriber to understand this personnel. forms designers. and operators Mho are aMare of book. the intended use of the 3287 printer. Itanual, 8 1/2 inches, 24 pages. 09/77 NOTE: Translated version should be ordered frOll! respective 1114/5914/1WT-ONlY country. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 8/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY "19-5089 1m llW COLLECTION ~ lWUI!I. !t!f!lI ATTACHttENT III 5235: !f9 X55062 ;: !:!Q!!..b!l TRADE. !f9 1.:i!!.lli ;: CANADA, 6A19-5173 ~ GUIDE X§Z fB!t:I!m ~ 1 At!2 .& WITH !!:!I AUTOItATIC DOCllI1ENT This publication is an addendull to the IBIt 5230 Data INSERTION Will Bf9 7S0251 ~ DETERMINATION §!1I!)! Collection System User Guide, 6A34-0040. This problem determination guide is intended for use by This ... nual describes the functions and operating operators of the IBtt 3287 Models 1 and 2 Mith the Automatic procedures of the Digital Input Attachment special feature document Insertion Device - RPQ 7S0251. It is designed to on the IBIt 5235 Data Entry Station. It is assumed that the save the operator time by pointing out possible causes of reader is familiar Mith the terminology and basic operation troubles that he can easily and quickly correct. of the 5230 Data Collection System. I1anual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 42 pages, 6179 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Itanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 26 pgs. 9/77 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ( GA19 "19-5178 6A19-5099 .uu DOCUMENT meg I!Q!W. i l l COItPONENT DESCRIPTION This publication contains information about the IBtt 5922 3843 .!.!lQf CONTROL Y!HI.a. OPERATOR'S §Ym! This manual tells hoM to operate the IBIt 3843 loop Control DOCUIent Reader Itodel Sl1 and hoM it is used in the IBIt 3600 \kIit. Included in this manual are directions for normal Finance Communication System. IBIt 3270 Information Display operation as Mell as procedures to help dete....ine Mhether System. and IBM 8100 Information System. the 3843 is MDrking correctly. Directed primarily to programmers, this manual provides The infor... tion in this manual is intended primarily for detailed information necessary in the Mriting of application the 3843 operator. HOMever. it is .. Iso intended for persons programs for the 5922 terminal. Mho Nill Mrite user operating procedures and train operator ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 84 pages. 10/80 personnel. and for IBIt customer engineers. 1114/5922/IWT-ONLY Although knoMledge of data processing or data communications is not necessary. it is assUllled that the reader is familiar Mith the user's remote loop and normal 6A19-5181 operation of equipment on the loop. The reader may also ~ PRINTING SUBSYSTEM OPERATOR ATTENTION CONTACTS Bf9 find it helpful to read the component description ... nuals 7S0263 USER'S GUIDE This publication provides detailed information about the for the lIIOdem and the subsystem controller to lIhich the 18ft Operator Attention Contacts RPQ available for the IBIt 3800 3843 is connected. Printing SUbsystem. It is intended primarily for 3800 users I1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 7178 who may have a need for a special operator alert device not 1116/38431 provided by the base 3800 printer. ltanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 10 pages. 9179 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6A19-5167 3800 PRINTING pSYSTEtt USERS GUIDE fi!R f!ml Y!!§!I1 , 2S ! ~ 2!: .!! ill ~ FORtt llt!.§!!1 } 2S ! ill 2!: II ill INCHES. !!.f9 XA9753 A!:!!l !f9 ZA9754 6A19-5182 This publication provides detailed info....ation about the 8 ~ PRINTING SUBSYSTEM ~ GUIDE fQB PRINT ill INCH 1/3 and 12 1/2 inch Forms lengths. RPQs (XA9753 and XA97541. FROt! IlQ!I!!H Bf9 YB0029 This publication provides detailed information about the tMO naN custom features for the 18ft 3800 Printing Subsystem. It ill intended for data processing managers, programming Print 1/3 Inch From Bottom RPQ. a neM custom feature available for the 18ft 3800 Printing Subsystem. It is personnel. operators. and form designers. 259 (/ GA19 GA19 intended priMarily for current and prospective users of the 6A19-5198 EZll INFORMATION DISPLAY mm1;. 3620 PASSBOOK/FORMS 3800. particularly those concerned Mith the operation of the printer equipped Mith the RPQ. f!ill!!m tIQ!!W A9.L. U.L. AND W Rfg ~ Rf!i ~ Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 26 pages. 01/80 REFERENCE This publication describes RPQ 760670 and 760671 on the SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 3620 Model B01. B02 and B03 Passbook ForMS Printer. It includes a description of the functional and operating characteristics. optional features. progra... ing GA19-5183 considerations and all other information necessary to enable ~ PRINTING S\J8SYSTEM ~ §!W!g f.QB EXTENDED .!!Am lli§!f! Rfg XB6128 readers to understand order. prograll and operate the printer This publication provides detailed inforllation about the as a part of the 3270 SysteM. Extended Paper Weight RPQ. a new custOIl feature available This publication is directed to customer executives. for the IBM 3800 Printing Subsystell. It is intended systell analysts and programmers already familiar with the prillarily for current and prospective users of the 3800. 3270 Systu and the Host Systu to which the particularly those cncerned with the design of forllS and the 3270 can be attached. operation of the printer equipped with the RPQ. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 64 pages. 10/81 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 16 pages. 6/80 //14/3620//WT-ONLY SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA19-5187 5922 DOCUMENT ~ MODEL ill SITE PREPARATION §!W!g This guide is for those concerned with planning and preparing the user's premises for the IBN 5922 Document Reader Model S11. It provides information to help the user prepare for the setup of the 5922 when it arri ves. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 22 pages. 6/80 //14/5922//WT-ONLY GA19-5199 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM USER'S §!W!g f.QB PROSRAMMABLE FLASH !!f.9 This publication provides detailed information about the ProgramOl8ble Flash RPQ. a new custOll feature available for the IBM 3800 Printing Subsystell. It is directed prill8rily to application programmers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 14 pages. 11/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY l§!!.! GA19-5188 GA19-5200 3278 DISPLAY mnm:I ~ DETERMINATION GUIDE SUPPLEMENT This report allows custOMers to notify IBM of ..lfunctioning f.QB GERf1AN PUBLISHING CHARACTER W !!f.9 XC4480 AND SPECIAL of the 3620 Passbook/Forlls Printer. muIt:l§ .EWl1RI Rfg ~ Fora. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 11/81 Problell Determination Guide .uppl~~t describing the SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY differences between the standard IBM 3278 operations and lIachines fitted with RPQ 7H0430 (German Publishing Character Set) and RPQ 7H0418 (Special editing feature) read in conjunction with IBH 3278 Display Station Probl.. GA19-5189 Deterllination Guide. 6A27-2839. m!Z fB.lHTm t!!m.YI II AND 11 ~ §!W!g f.QB nm A\JTO!!ATIC DOCU!1ENT INSERTION DEVICE Rfg 7S0252 AND Rfg 7S0283 Manual. 10 x 1.75 inches. 24 pages This publication describes the AutOlllatic Document Insertion Device (ADID) and the ADID Chutes/Variable Width Forms Tractor Combined paper handling devices designed GA19-5232 specifically for the IBM 3287 Printer Models 11 and 12. It Xl.!! INFORMATION IWfW ~ 1m ~ YI:IU IWfW STATION. PROBLEM DETERNINATIotl GUIDE, .RZ§ DISPLAY STATION gives detailed inforlll8tion for custoller executives. programming personnel. forms designers. and operators who fRQ!l.!&!j DETERMINATION ~ SUPPLEMENT fQB ~ READER are aware of the intended used of the 3287 printer. !!f.9 ZA2415 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 1/82 Problem deteraination Guide Supplement for the Barcode SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Reader attachment to the 3276 or 3278 Display .tation. This supplellent contains sections which relate only to the barcode reader. and are additional to the infor... tion GA19-5193 contained in the White pages. It should be read in conjunction with the 3276 Control Unit Display Station 4331 PROCESSOR TELEGRAPH TERMINAL QQH!!QL llfl & FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Rfg ~ Problem Deterllination Guide. Form number GA18-2014 and the This publication provides management; syst_ analysts. and 3278 Display Station Probl.. DeterMination Guide For. number programmers with information relating to the characteristics GA18-2839. of the Telegraph Terllinal Control - Type 2 RPQ. a custa. This suppletllent should be placed with the basic Problell feature available for the IBH 4331 Processor. Deteraination Guide inside the keyboard inforution Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 6/80 coMpartment. Manual. 44 x 250 •• 12 pages. 6/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. S~SCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ PRoaLEM~ = 6A19-5197 PASSBOOK/FORMS fB.lHTm AmCHED IS! XZ!U .Bf!i .m2iZll AND760671, OPERATING GUIDE This lIanual is written lIainly for the terllinal operator Mho is working with the 3620 Passbook/ForMS Printer. It describes RPQ 760670 and RPQ 760671. These RPQs allow attachment of the Passbook/Forms Printer to a 3274 or 3276 control unit. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 11/81 //14/3620//WT-ONLY ~ GA19-5233 3287 PRINTER OPERATOR'S GUIDE fQ! TRACTOR/FORMS SEPARATOR !B£!! mnlli This publication describes for the 3287 Printer operator how to install. operate. and remove the IBM 3287 Printer Tractor/Separator (RPQ ZB7224). It also describes ho.. to load and align margin-punched continuous forllS on this device. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 26 pages. 5/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 260 GA19 SAI9 information deals with the operating and setting of the loop speed IIwi tches. and recommends procedures for use when switching terminals or loops for backup purposes. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 22 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SAI9-52l4 1m !rull PLANNING. SETUP. AND CUSTOl1IZING §!.1m SUPPLEI1ENT fi!B B.f!j YB270S SPECIAL ~ CHARACTER ill The information in this supplement applies to the IBM 3274 Control Unit with Request for Price Quotation (RPQ) YB2705 present. and should be read in conjunction with IBI1 3270 Information Display System. 3274 Control Unit: Planning. Setup. and Customizing Guide. SA27-2827. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 10 pages. 9/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 6A19-5262 J2ill.l.!! STATION. liZ! &!U..Q! J2ill.l.!! STATION ~ PUBLISHING FUNCTION fi!B!!lU CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION PUBLISHING FUNCTION fi!B!!!U CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION Provides information on the UK Special Editing Functions available in the 3278 Display Station Models 2. 3. and 4. and the 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A. 2B. 3A and 38, when RPQ lH0630 ill installed on the 3274 Control Unit. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 20 pages. 7/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY xz§ ~ GA19-S235 3276 CONTROL !.!ill J2ill.l.!! STATION XZ§ DISPLAY lliI1!ll::I PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE fi!B ~ BELGIAN CHARACTERS ~ YB2706. YB2708 Provides problem determination information that relates to the IBM 3276 Control Unit Display Station and IBM 3278 Control Unit Display Station when these have the Special Belgian Characters RPQs YB2706 and YB2708. The guide is for use by the operator of the dillplay station and is supplementary to the base Probl.. Determination Guidesl these are: • IBM 3276 Control Unit Display Station. Problem Determination Guide. GAI8-2014. IBM 3278 Display Station. Problem determination Guide. • SA27-2839. Manual. 2S7 x 45 Mm. 10 pages. 8/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( SA19-5263 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY ~ CUSTOMIZING GUIDE SUPPLEMENT fQR 3274 CONTROL YtllI Hl!H PUBLISHING FUNCTION FOR Y.JL. B.f!j Zl:!2ill . This publication provides information on customization of the 3274 Control Unit tlhen RPQ ZH0630 is installed. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10 pages. 7/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GAl 9-5236 1llJ! ItlFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: BARCODE READER ATTACHtlENT, B.f!j ~ REFERENCE MANUAL This manual provides information for customer and IBM personnel concerned with operating. prograll1llling and physiRI planning for the Barcode Reader. Users of this manual should be familiar with the basic principles of the 3270 Information Display System. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 30 pages. 01/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SA19-5248 3270 INFORMATION J2ill.l.!! SYSTEM: .~ ~ DESCRIPTION .Ell!! B.f!j UV001. !n!! I10DEL 1 ATTACHED !!I Xl! CONTROL WI! DISPLAY STATION QR xz§ DISPLAY STATION Describes RFQ UB9001 and its function in attaching IBM 2956 Model 3 optical MWK Reader (DMRI to 3276/3278 Display Stations. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pages. 10/80 GA19-5265 .RAZ fBl!:!m! HODELS ~ Atm !!; PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE SUPPlEI1ENT fQR RIGHT-TO-LEFT REllJi 7110507. 7HOS27. 7L0558 This supplement p~ovides additional information to that contained in 3287 Printer Models lC and 2C Problem Determination Guide. SA27-3231. and shculd be read in conjunction with that publication when Right-to-Left Request for Price Quotations (RPQsl lH0507. lH0527 or 7L0558 is installed. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 IHIges. 10/84 SA19-5300 M!!Jl PRINTING SUBSYSTEM ~ GUIDE fQR FORM LENGTH § ill INCHES m 7S0279 This publication contains detailed information about the Form Length 8 1/2 Inches RPQ. a special feature available for the IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem. It is intendad primarily for current and prospective users of the 3800. IHIrticularly those concerned with the operation of the 3800 equipped with the RPQ. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 14 IHlges. 12/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA19-5252 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL: I!A1A nmu VALIDATION Bm ~ M!2 SUOl84 CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION GA19-5319 This manual describes the Data Entry Validation function ~ PRINTING SUBSYSTEM ~ GUIDE f9B EXTENDED provided for the 8775 by RPQs SUOl83 and SUOI84. The manual PAPERWEIGHT m 7S0316 provides introductory information for programmers. plannerll This publication provide5 detailed information on the extended paperweight RPQ, a custom feature available for the and marketing representatives and detailed reference information for use in developing application programs. 3800 Printing Subsystem. These RPQs allow input data to be validated directly by the It is intended primarily for current and prospective terminal by using the Action Sequence Table display use~s of the 3800, particularly those concerned Nith the function. This book is available World Wide. design of forms and the operation of the printer equipped with the RPQ. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 146 pages. 6/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 22 IHIges. 7/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA19-5Z53 GA19-5320 8775 J2ill.l.!! TERMINAL ~ ! Am!h B.f!j ~ !!lIm.!Ji GUIDE m! DOCU!1ENT READER !mD!!. m SITE PREPARATION GUIDE This guide is intended for those persons concerned with This publication is intended for users of IBM 8775 Display Terminal Models I and 2 thiat are provided with the Loop planning and preparing the user's premises for the IBM 5922 Speed Switch. Request for Price Quotation (RFQ) XD4164. The Document Reader Model S02. It provides information that 261 GA21 GA19 wi 11 help the user prepare for the setup of the 5922 Nhen it arrives. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 18 pages. 4/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTIDN ONLY Access Storage. GA26-1638. l1anual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 32 pages. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 9/84 SAI9-5438 1§§! STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 11 INTRODUCTION CROSS-SYSTEI1 GA19-5330 llU DOCUMENT READER ~ ~ OPERATING SUIDE This publication describes the operating procedures for the 5922 Document Reader 110del 504. It is intended primarily for those Mho operate the document reader terminal. This guide also contains problem determination procedures. relocation setup instructions. and instructions on hoM to connect the terminal to the syste•• Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 58 pages. 8/81 This publication introduces the 3880 Storage Control Hodel 23. It is intended for use by data processing executives. system planners and programmers. marketing representatives. and systu engineers. For a MOre detailed description of the 3880 Hodel 23, see the 3880 Storage Control l10del 23 Description. SAI9-Slt39. For additional information about the device that attaches to the 3880 l10del 23. see the 3380 Direct Access Storage Description and User's Guide. 6A26-1664. l1anual, 8 112 x 11 inches, SO pages. 9/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GAI9-5381 5922 DOCUl1ENT READER !!QMI. ~ SITE PREPARATION SUIDE This guide is intended for those persons concerned with planning and preparing the user's premises for the 5922-504. It provides information that will help the user prepare for the setup of the terminal when it arrives. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 22 pages. 7/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SA21-9001 1060 CONFI!iURATQR Sheet lists units that can be used in a 1060 System Configuration Configurator Sheet. 8 1/2 xii. 2 sides GAI9-5386 4723 DOCUl1ENT PROCESSOR INSTALLATION PLANNING This pUblication provides information that guides the user in planning the installation of the 4723 Document Processor. a terminal designed for use with either the 4700 or 3600 Finance Communication Syst.... It is intended primarily for those persons who are responsible for installation planning and for the those who are responsible for site preparations. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. lt6 pages. 4/85 6A21-9010 1060 DATA COI1t1UNICqIQt!S .:um!:I INSTALLATION !!.YlYA!.& PHYSICAL PLANNIIlG This publication contains detailed information on physical planning for the IBI1 1060 Data Communication System. Di.ansions. weights. cable specifications. service clearances. physical information for each unit. and electrical and environmental requirements are included. Systems Reference Library Manual. 18 pages 1100/1060.1061.10621 1115/4723/1WT-ONLY ';AI9-5431 7350 ~ PROCESSING .:um!:I INSTALLATION !1!t:!!!A!. PHYSICAL PLANNING This manual provides information necessary for physical planning. Describes what considerations the custOllMlr _ t take into account prior to installation of a 7350 by aCE. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 42 pages. 2/83 1115/1060.1061.10621 6A21-9025 ! Hg COI1PONENT DESCRIPTION .I OPERATING PROCEDURES This publication describes the operating principles. machine features. and operating procedures of the IBM 1442-Nl Card Read-Punch and the IBM Iltl't2-N2 Card Punch. Also, it discusses in general the operation of these devices with IBM Systeml360. Manual, 20 pages ~ 1115/73501 370,4361,4381.3090.4331.4341.43211116/1lt1't21 GA19-5433 7350 1I1AGE PROCESSING SYSTEM OVERVIEW This manual provides a general introduction to the IBI1 7350 Image Processing System. It contains a syst.. overvi .... describes the software support. and lists examples of applications. l1anual. 8 112 x 11 inches. ltI't pages. 5/83 SA21-9026 nn !!!l!WJ! !l.l ! §& COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ! OPERATING PROCEDURES This publication describes the operation of the IBM 2501 Card Reader Models Bl and B2 with IBM System/360 I10dels 30 and higher. Operating principles. system cOllllunication, and operating procedures are presented. This manual assumes that the reader is familial" with the operation of the IBM Systeml360, as described in the SRL publication. IBM SYSTEMl360 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION, Order Number GA22-6821. Manual. 16 pages 1106173501 SA19-5434 3180 llIlifW m:m!H ~ .& ~ ~ No abstract available. l1anual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 134 pages. 5/84 GAI9-5436 3880 ~ CONTROL !!!lID. n INTRODUCTION CROSS-SYSTEI1 This publication introduces the 3880 Storage Control Hodel 21. It is intended for use by data processing executives. system planners and programmers ••arketing r,epresentatives. and syst... engineers. For additional infor.ation about the dRvices that attach to the 3880 l10del 21 see Reference aanual for 3350 Direct 370.4331,4341.43211116/25011 6A21-9027 2520-81 , §& ! B} COI1PONENT DESCRIPTION ! OPERATING PROCEDU!!ES This publication describes the IBM 2520 Card Read Punch Model 81 and the IBM 2520 Card Punch 110dels B2 and 83 with IBM Systeml360 Models 30 and above. Included are discussions of .achine features and operating principles and procedures. 262 6A21 6A21 lights, switches, and special featu,.es are discussed in app,.op,.iate sections. P,.oduct Manual, 42 pages For info,..... tion about attaching the 2520 to Systl!llll360 channels, see the publication IBH SYSTEH/360 CHANNEL cha,.acte,.istics and functional evaluation, (6A24-3411). Manual, 36 pages 1116/54861 370,4331,4341,43211116/25201 6A21-9081 GA21-9028 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION. 1288 OPTICAL PAGE ~ MOIlEL ! This pUblication is a reference ....nual fo,. the IBM 1288 Optical Page Reade,., which serves as an input device for the IBM System/360 Models 25. 30, 40, and 50. This manual, Which is organized by function, discusses: Interconnection between the 1288 and the processing ~ 357/1030/2790 BADGE SPECIFICATIONS This pUblication p,.ovides the specifications fo,. the manufactu,.e of laminated and embossed badges fo,. the IBM 357 and IBM 1030 Data Collection Systems and the IBM 2790 Data Communication System. Included in this publication a,.e: dimensions, a mate,.ial listing, suggested laminating p,.ocedu,.es, quality cont,.ol measu,.es, and punched-hole ,.egist,.ation-checking p,.ocedures. Individual differences in manufactu,.ing equipment may ,.equi,.e some modification to time, temperatu,.e, and p,.essure specification; test badges should be manuf.ctured and checked to provide a basis for possible modifications. SRL, 16 pages unit. Cha,.acte,.s read by the 128S and thei,. data codes. Data t,.ansfe,. between the 1288 and the system. Programming information about 1288 cont,.ol, status signals, and sense indications. Optical Mark data reco,.ding and ,.eading. Operata,. cont,.ols for the 1288. Operating procedures for the 12SS that are not application dependent. Input document design and p,.inting. Special features for the 1288. Input data printing. The principle audience fa,. this publication will be IBM Syste1lll360 programmers, system analysts, supervisors, and operators. Others who wi 11 use the Manual are forms designers, forms manufacturers, and input document printe,.s. Progr....ers, systems analysts, and supervisors using this manual will need to be familiar with the system to which the 1288 is attached. Systems Refe,.ence Libra,.y Hanual, 54 pages 1109/1030,1031,0357,2790,1032,2791,1035,2795,2796,27971 6A21-9033 ~ COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ~ CARD REAO B!t!Q! ( ! OPERATING PROCEDURES, This publication explains the ope,.ating principles, procedures, and cont,.ols of the IBM 2540 Card Read Punch. Special features fo,. the 2540 a,.e also discussed. refe,. to the IBM 2821 Control Unit SRL (6A24-3312), fo,. information conce,.ning the cOllRlands, status and sens_ indicato,.s, and othe,. p,.og,.amming considerations that affect the 2540. Fa,. similar information about an IBH 2540 attached to an IBM Systenll360 through the integrated 2540 attachment feature, ,.efer to IBM SYSTEMl360 MODEL 25 functional characte,.istics, (GA24-3510). Manual, 16 pages 1104/12881 6A21-9124 &m 3505 CARD READER. ~ QIm fY!l9! SUBSYSTEH This is an assembler-level programme,.'s reference manual and an operator's guide. It desc,.ibes the IBH'3504 Card Reader (.n 80-column device that natively attaches to the IBM System/370), the IBM 3505 Ca,.d Reader (an 80-column device that attaches to a Systeml370 channel) and the IBH 3225 Card Punch (an SO-column device that attaches natively to eithe,. an IBH 3505 Card Reade,. a Systeml370). These card devices and thei,. interfaces with the system comprise subsystems that do IIIUCh of the e,.,.o,. logging and er,.o,. recove,.y suppo,.t usually p,.ovided by the system. The subsystell\ is buffered, channel over,.un cannot occur, and data can be t,.ansferred to and from the subsystem in burst 1116/25401 ~ GA21-9041 1035 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ! OPERATING PROCEDURES This publication describes the IBM 1035 Badge Reade,. and its operation with othe,. units of the IBM 1030 Data Collection SysteID. Included a,.e desc,.iptions of the special features available fo,. units of a 1030 system in which 1035's are used, and an explanation of syst.. timings fo,. badge-only ope,.ations. Systems Refe,.ence Lib,.a,.y Manual, 28 pages 0,. 1116/10351 1IOde. The manual contains infor... tion about instructions and c_ands er,.o,. indications, conditions, and recovery procedures, a desc,.iption of the devices, data about opera to,. procedu,.es and cont,.ols, and application hints. Manual, 136 pages (;A21-9064 S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ! OPERATING PROCEDURES. 1287 Qflllli ~ This publication desc,.ibes the IBM 1287 Optical Reade,. and its featu,.es, ope,.ating principles and p,.ocedures, and ope,.ations with IBM Systee/360. The ....nual also contains detailed specifications fo,. input cIocuaIents and tapes, and for input data quality. Systems Reference Lib,.ary Manual, 92 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1116/3505,3525,35041 6A21-9131 QIm !mmB OPERATOR'S ~ This manual desc,.ibes the use of the IBM S486 Ca,.d So,.te,.. The 96-Column Card, ca,.d coding, .nd card handling and 1116/37411 GA21-9078 ~ the ope,.ation of the so,.te,. a,.e explained. ExalllPles of the va,.ious types of so,.ting are presented. These exalllpies are designed to help you fully understand .... t to do .nd hoM to do it. The,.efo,.e, it is not necessary to have previous knolllledge of so,.ting to use this ..nual. Keys, 263 (~ nm ~ OPERATOR'S GUIDE This book gives a 3741 operator procedures for doing no,..al key entry operations. It is for people who a,.e, 0" will be doing key entry jobs Nith a 3741. The ope,.ator's guide is to be used as a ,.eference to find the necessa,.y steps to pe,.form a job. Hanual, 128 pages ~ GA21 GA21 GA21-9136 1m I!YAI. nm .trm.QH OPERATOR'S §Ym This book gives a 3742 operator procedures for doing normal key entry operations. It is for people who are. or Nill be doing key entry jobs Nith a 3742. The operator's guide is to be used as a reference to find the necessary steps to perform e job. Manu&l. 120 pages //16/37421 GA21-9143 !:!ARK W!!m t!m!W 1 .I ! REFERENCE ~ At!l OPERATOR'S §Ym This manual describes the use of the 3881 Model 1 as an online ruder. and the use of the 3881 as a reader that reads marks onto magnetic tape via an IBM Hodel 2 3410. The manual provides customer management. analysts. and progrannaers Nith detailed information about the functions and capabilities of the 3881. It describes the format of 3881 forms, explains foras layout. and printing and ink specifications. It contains sections on marking the form Nith pencil. preprinted marks. and IBM line printers. The IIIanual describes how to control 3881 by means of the IBM 3881 Format Control Sheets and how to control on-line 3881. by System/370 commands (assembler level programmingl. An operator's guide section provides detailed information about lights. keys. error stops. and operating procedures. Manual. 100 pages //16/3881/ 1§§1 ~ GA21-9150 ~ .I ~ COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ! OPERATING PROCEDURES: ll.U OPTICAL ~ !:lQlli 2 Thi. publication is a reference manual for the IBM 1287 Optical Reader, ModelS. Nhich serves as an input device for the IBM System/360 Hodels 22. 25. 30, 40. 50. 65. 65MP. 75. and Mhen in 65 mode, 67; and IBM System/370 Models 135. 145. 155. 158. 165 and 168. This manual Mhich is organized by function. discusses: o Interconnection betNeen the 1287 and the processing unit. o Characters rud by the 1287 and their data codes. o Special features for the 1287. o Data transfer betNeen the 1287 and the system. o Programming information about 1287 control. status signals. and sense indications. o Operator controls for the 1287. Operating procedures for the 1287 that are not o application dependent. Input document design and printing. o o Input data printing. The principal audience for this publication Nill be IBM System/360 and IBM System/370 programmers. system analysts. supervisors, and operators. Others who Nill use the manual are forms designers, forms manufacturers. and input document printers. Progra~mers. systems analysts. and supervisors using this manual Nill need to be familiar Nith the system to which the 1287 is attached. Manual. 92 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA21-9144 GA21-9152 ~ ~ CARD ~ fYt!g! PROGRAmER'S REFERENCE /WIIAJ. M!Il OPERATOR'S GUIDE This manual describes the IBM 2596 Card Read Punch. The manual is intended for IBM Systelll/360 or IBM System/370 systems analysts. programmers experienced in assembler language, and operators. This manual describes the folloNing: General hardware characteristics of the 2596. o Commands, status bytes. sense bytes and tilling o considerations. o Keys. lights> and operating procedures. Manual. 41 pages GA21-9147 CHARACTER ~ mm.!. 1 REFERENCE !W!!!.!. The IBM 3886 Optical Character Reader Reference Manual (HODEL II contains operational capabilities and progra_ing requirements for the 3886 Model I. The lIanual is Nritten for customer management. systems analysts. and data processing equipment operators. falliliar Nith data processing operations. but· not necessarily Nith OCR devices or techniques. Manual. 70 pages //04/3886/ ~ ~ GA21-9148 CHARACTER READER INPUT DOCUMENT DESIGN §!.Wl5 SPECIFICATIONS The 3886 Document Design Guide contains detailed instructions and specifications for the preparation of acceptable input documents for the IBM 3886. The manu&l i. Nritten for systems analysts. for_ design personnel. and forms lIanufacturers. Manual. 45 pages //04/3886/ ~ ~ ~ mmr !lAD ~ SYSTEM ~ .I INSTALLATION PLANNING This lIanual is intended for customer executives. custoller DP managers. key entry supervisors and installation planning consultants. It should be used where general inforlllltion about the systelll is required. The manual contains descriptive information about the system and each unit. Discussions of available functions and features. information on the media. probable progra....ing changes. and suggested operating procedures are included. Installation planning information is also part of this publication. In addition. a bibliography of applicable teleprocessing publications is. included in the teleprocessing section. Manual. 5/76 ///3740.3741.3747.3540.3742/ GA21-9154 OPTICAL CHARACTER W!!m !lml.&.!. 1 COMPONENT REFERENCE MANUAL ~ The IBM 3886 Moclel 2 Component Reference Manual contains component description and operational capabilities of the 3886 Model 2. The lIanual is written for 3886 Model 2 users. systems analysts. supervisors, and operators. Sections of the manual also contain inforllation of interest to prograllUllers. Manual. 92 pages //10/3886/ 6A21-9167 At!!l ~ MULTIFUNCTION CARD !!!!mi OPERATOR'S !!Ymli At!!l PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL This manual describes the IBM 5424 Models AI. A2. Kl. K2. and K3 and the IBM 5425 Models Al and A2. It includes operating instructions for this 96 column card reader Nhen it is natively attached to IBM Systelll/370 or IBM 4331 Processing Unit or used Nith the 5424 Stand Alone Feature. The manual Nill be of interest to System/370 and IBM 4331 Processing Unit syst... analysts. programmers ~ ( GA21 GAel experienced in assembler. and operators. Besides describing the devices. the IHnual describes the coaunands. status bytes. sense bytes. and timing considerations for the 5424 and 5425. and describes the keys. lights. and operating procedures. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 44 pages. 3/79 5381//16/5425.5424/ 6A21-9194 1ZU HODELS 1 Mil ! PROGRAMMING WORKSTATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE This publication contains detailed reference material about Application Control Language (ACLI programming for the 3741 Hodels 3 and 4. This publication is intended to satisfy the requirements of ACL programmers and 3741 Hodel 3 and 4 operators. Manual. 136 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA21-9170 3747 Iill:A COtIVERTER REFERENCE ~ ! OPERATOR'S GUIOE This guide gives operating instructions for the 3747 Data Converter. Also contains explanatory material needed for new operators. All message codes. their _nings. and required actions are also given. Guide. 44 pages //16/3747/ 6A21-9195 PROGRAHHER'S INTRODUCTION !Q m APPLICATION CONTROL LANGUAGE fQB 3741 MOPELS 1 Mil ! PROGRAMMING WORKSTATION This publication is intended for persons who want to learn how to write programs using Application Control Language. AeL is the programming language used on the 3741 Models 3 and 4 Programmable Workstation. The publication is an educational tool for progra_ers who either already know a computer language. or have just learned progra~ing by attending a class in ACL. The reader should be familiar with the data processing concepts and the operation of the 3741 Hodels 1 and 2 Data Station. This publication is divided into two chapters. The first chapter is an introduction to ACL. It briefly describes ACL control statements and instructions and gives a procedure to code an ACL progra•• The second chapter describes the ACL control statements and instructions that aprogrammer _ t use. The infor.ation in this chapter is arranged 50 that users learn the functions and structure of the language first and then the operations. After reading this publication. the user should have enough knowledge to write a program. The Order Entry prograM is used as an exallPle throughout the chapter. Manual. 244 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6421-9182 m 1m! DISKETTE: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL This manual is an introduction to IBM diskettes for those people who are not familiar with diskettes but are familiar with data processing. The .anual describes diskettes and provides infor.ation about handling the. in a data processing environment. Also included are descriptions of the various types of diskettes and the I18YS in Nhich the addresses on the di skette are forllled. . In a series of appendixes. the .anual provides detailed infor.ation on data exchange. data set labels and index cylinder layouts. data organization. and systems that use diskettes. Manual. 52 pages. 8/79 //16/3540.3601.3741.3742.3747.3776.3777.3791.3881.3890. 4962.4964.4966.5114.5231.5265.3602.3631.3632.8101/ (- GA21-9183 1ZU DATA mnm! REFERENCE ~ This publication is a reference lIanual intended for installation supervisors. application personnel. syst_ analysts. and system engineers who wish specific inforution on progra. coding. lledes of operation. and operational considerations for the IBM 3741 Data Station. The publication assUllleS that the reader is fa.ilier with data entry techniques and is also familiar with the contents of the following manuals: o IBM 3740 Data Entry Syst. . Systell Sumllary and Installation Planning. 6A21-9152 o IBM 3741 Data Station Operator's Guide. 6421-9131 Manual. 108 pages //08/3741/ 6A21-9196 1ZU .!!m.!.li J Hm ! PBOG!!AI1I1A8LE WORKSTATION m!!IW. INFORMATION This publication provides g_ral information about the 3741 Programmable Workstation. It describes the new functions of the workstation and the Application Control Language which is used to control the NOrkstation. Examples of applications that can be used on the NOrkstation are also provided. This publication is for company executives. systems analysts. data processing . .nagers. progra_ers. and installation . .nagers who wish general information about the3741 Programmable Workstation. Manual. 25 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6A21-9184 mg !n!!L Iill:A mllQtf REFERENCE ~ This publication is a reference . .nual intended for installation supervisors. application personnel. Systllll analysts. and sys.tell engineers who wish specific infor.tion on prograM coding. lledes of operation. and operational considerations for the IBM 3742 Dual Data station. The publication assumes that the reader is faMiliar with data entry techniques and is also fa.iliar with the contents of the following Manuals: o IBM 3740 Data Entry Syst . . - Syst_ ~ry and Installation Planning. GA21-9152 o IBM 3742 Dual Data Station Operator's Guide. 6A21-9136 Manual. 64 pages //08/3742/ 6A21-9197 265 DISKETTE INP\IT(Q!J!P\IT OPERATOR'S §YIgg J PROG!!AMI1ER'S REFERENCE ~ This _nual provides experienced assembler language and machine level prograMers. systems analysts. and . .chine operators with referenca information about the IBM 3540. The . .nual contains descriptions of IBM 5/370 instructions and COIIIIIIands used to control the 3540. It provi des then! with error indications. conditions. and recovery procedures. It provides systems analysts and machine operators with a description of the 3540. its operator controls. and operator procedures. Progra_rs using this manual should be familiar with the system to JOhich the 3540 will be attached. and should understand the system interface characteristics. Manual. 56 pages //16/3540/ ~ 6A21 6A21-9221 1ill1!YA.l. Ilm 61.22 61.21-9468 3180 HODEL ! DISPLAY STATION ~ GUIDE This lllanual tells the customer hOM to set up the display station; enter, lIIOdify, and remove informatiOnI use and understand the function of each key; respond to llessages and error codes; respond to problems; exchange elements I pack elements that need replacing; and obtain service from FUNCTION ~ FEAME. SUPPORTING Rfg 843866 This manual describes the operation and use of the FCF (Function Control Feature) of the IBtt Dual Data Station The FCF is made available by RPQ 843866. This manual is written with the assumption that you can operate the IBtt 3742 Dual Data Station and are familiar with IBtI. ttanual, 8 112 x U inches. UO pages, 4/84 the IBtt 3742 Dual Data Station Operator's Guide. 6A21-9136. 370,4361,4381,8150,8130,8140,4331,4341,4321/106131801 and the IBM 3742 Dual Data Station Reference tlanual. 6A219184. This manual does not contain any information covered in these publications. You should have an understanding of general programming concepts to make full use of this 6A22-6846 manual. You should also read the general description of the SYSTEtt/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: 2702 IRANSMISSION &ONIRm. FCF and its operation with the 3742 programs before going on Information concerning the operation of an IBM 2702 in to the following sections. a Systeml360 based Teleprocessing operation is provided Several examples illustrate functions for Nhich the RPQ in this publication. was intended. There is considerable flexibility in the FCF Related literature is referenced by form number and briefly functions that can be performed. You can also illl1'llement described in the IBH SYSTEHl360 BIBLIOGRAPHY, Form 61.22functions not addressed in this manual. However. no 6822. tlanual, 176 pages programming support or assistance is provided beyond that contained in the manual. 1/09127021 Manual, 44 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 61.22-6864 UlU. DATA ADAPTER Y!:!!I COMPONENT DESCRIPTION The IBM 2701 Data Adapter Unit Component Description is a "A21-9224 lli!! DATA .nmn: SYSTEtt ~ 11 Bf! REFERENCE I!M!l!!. reference manual describing the functions of the IBH 2701. SUPPORTING ~ ~ S40075 .A S40081 The IBtt 2701 permits an IBM System/360 or Systeml370 to This publication is intended for customer programmers. syscommunicate with a variety of remote terminals, devices. and tem analysts. operators, and IBM system engineers who need stations. specific information about the 3740 Data Entry System RPQs. This publication is designed to help the 2701 user. This publication describes only the differences between the operator, and programmer to achieve efficient use of the ASCII RPQ and the standard EBCDIC machine operations. This 2701. Detailed descriptions are presented for: publication assumes the reader understands the contents of a The 2701 in the IBtt Systeml360 and Systaal370 the following manuals: environment o o IBM 3740 Data Entry System, System su..ary and InstallaCharacteristics of the 2701 (including features) tion Hanual -- Physical Planning, 6A21-9152. a Tel'llinal adapter types: IBM Start/Stop Terminal a IBM 3741 Data Station Operator's Guide, 6A21-9131. Adapters, Telegraph Terminal Adapters, Parallel Data Adapter. Synchronous Transllit Receive ISTR) o IBtt 3742 Dual Data Station Operator's Guide. 6A21-9136. a IBM 3741 Data Station Reference tlanual. 6A21-9183. Adapter, and Binary Synchronous COIIIIIIU"Iications (BSC) Adapter o IBtt 3742 Dual Data Station Reference tlanual. 6A21-9184. o The IBM Diskette for Standard Data Interchange. o Programming considerations for the 2701 o Line control sequences to and from the 2701 and 6A21-9182. attached ter.inals o IBH 3747 Data Converter Reference tlanual and Operator's Guide. 6A21-9170. o Ending status and sense bit descriptions o IBtt 3740 Data Entry System Programmer's Guide. The reader should have a knowledge of teleprocessing and 6A21-5071. be familiar with the principles of operation for the IBH tlanual. 22 pages Systeml360 or System/370. For detailed information about SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Binary Synchronous ComlllU"lication. refer to General Infor..tion - Binary Synchronous Communications (61.27-3004). For detailed information about a specific terminal, refer to 6A21-9384 the appropriate publication for that terminal. Jal DATA STATION tH;B .u!! ATTACHMENT U!Il.!B( Systems Reference Library tlanual. 204 pages //09/2701/ REFERENkE ~ SUPPORTING Rfg 6J1499 This lllanual is intended for users of the 3741 Data Station with the NCR 250 RPQ. It describes the operation and use of the comMWlications 61.22-6877 between the IBM 3741 and the NCR 250 cash register. SYSIEtII360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS .A OPERATIN6 PROCEDURES: Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 3D pages. 10/78 .1m PRINTER-KEYBOARD ~ Z J!Dl! 1li!l ~ SLSS: ORDER HO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This publication describes the functional and operational characteristics of the IBH 1052 Printer-Keyboard Hodel 7 with the IBM 2150 CONSOLE. 61.21-9465 Systems Reference Library tlanual. 22 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lWI ! ~ m:wtf INTRODUCUON Nfl PREINSTALLATIQN PLANNING ~ This manual gives a general introduction to the 3180 HOdel 1 Display Station and describes recommended preinstallation 6#.22-6935 planning activities. It is intended for cust_rs. SYSIE!V370 f!!!W, i l l FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS installation managers and pla.",.r5. and IBtt This publication describes the organization and the sales representatives. functional characteristics of the IBH Systeal370 HDdel tlanual, 30 pages, 11M 165. an inforlllation-processing system designed for very 1109/31801 high-speed, large-scale scientific and business applications. ~ REFERENCE~ mw. 266 6A22 GA22 The system components are described. and a detailed facilities to System/370 Hodel 165 for use by the IBH 7094 consideration is given to the functions of processor emulator program. The combination of the feature and the program (referred to as the 7094 emulator I allows execution storage. the central processing unit. the inputloutput channels. and the operator-control and operator-intervention on IBH Syst.../370 Hodel 165 of programs written for the IB~ 709. 7090. 7094. and 7094 II Data Processing Syst_. portions of the syst... control panel. In addition. certain coding and timing considerations are described. Systems Reference Library HanUII1. 52 pages T~ reader is assumed to have a knowledge of 3165.31681113/7090.7094.070~1 information-processing systems and to have an understanding of the System/360. as that system is described in the IB~ SYSTE~360 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION. Order No. 6.1.22-6821. 6A22-6956 The IB~ SYSTE~370 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION. 6A22-7000. ~ HQ!W. ill CONFIGl./RATQR should be used in conjunction with the I~ SYSTE~360 Diagram of 3165 Processing Unit and attachable channels Inc 1/0 unitsl showing capacities and all standard and PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION. Functional Characteristics I1anual. 48 pages special features. 31651/0111 ConHgurator Sheet. 1 page 31651/001/ ( 6.1.22-6942 S/370 HQ!W. ill FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 6A22-6957 This publication describes the organization. functional ~ HODEL ill CONFI6URATOR characteristics. and features of the IB~ SysteN/370 Hodel This sheet shows standard and optional features . . . in storage sizes by model. channel and sub-channel availability 155. System cOlr.POnents are described. and consideration is given to the central processing unit. main storage, by model. and adapters requi red for console 1/0 units on inputloutput channels. and the operator control and operator the System/370 Hodel 155. intervention portions of the system control panel. System Configurator. 1 sheet 31551/001/ Instruction timing information is also given. This publication is intended for users and potential users of the Hodel 155. The reader is assumed to have GA22-6958 a background knowledge of data processing systems. Functional Characteristics I1anual. 46 pages 707017074 COMPATIBILITY FEAJURE: ~!:lm!ill!.lli 31551101/1 165II! ~ This publication contains information about the IBH 7070/7074 compatibility feature. which adds interpretive 6A22-6943 facilities to Systeml370 Hodel 165 for use by the I~ 7074 emulator program. The combination of the feature and the S/360 ! ~ HODEL ~ FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS This publication describes the organization and functional program Ireferred to as the 7074 emulator I alloNS execution characteristics of the I~ Systeml360 Hodel 195. an on I~ System/370 Hodel 165 of programs written for the information-processing system designed for ultrahigh-speed. IBH 7070 and 7074 Data Processing Systems. large-scale scientific applications. Systems Reference Library I1anual. 36 pages System components are described. and detailed 3165.31681113/7070.7072.70741 consideration is given to the functions of processor storage. central processing unit. inputloutput channels. and operator-control and operator-intervention portions 6A22-6962 of the syst8lll control panel. Coding and timing ~ !:!Q!W, i l l ~ CHARACTERISTICS considerations are discussed. This publication describes methods used to calculate The reader is assumed to have a kncwledge of Systellll370 HOdel 155 data handling capabilities that are information-processing systems and to have read the I~ dependent upon lIO-channel configurations and operations. Systeml360 Principles of Operation. Order Number 6A22-6821. Considerations of methods are also presented for priority Systems Reference Library I1anual. 40 pages attachment of 1/0 devices for maximum throughput. 31951/0111 Information related to specific 1/0 devices is contained in separate Systems Reference Library publications. These publications are listed by order number and briefly GA22-6944 described in I8H Systellll360 Bibliography. 6A22-6822. This manual is intended for users at the system S/360 J JaZ! !:!QDS.!, ~ CONFIGURATQR Sheet shows all units that can be configured on the programmer levell it assumes a thorough background in 110 progralJlllling techniques. Systeml360. Hodel 195. Configuration Sheet. 2 pages Systems Reference Library I1anual. 52 pages 31551/0111 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6.1.22-6954 S/360 J S/370 ~ ~ OPERATING PROCEDURES Provides procedures relative to operating the S/360 and S/370 Hodel 195. Hanual is directed to those individuals who will be operating the Hodel 195. Hanual 31951/1611 6.1.22-6955 SYSTEH/370 SPECIAL ~ DESCRIPTION: 709/7090/7094/709411 COHPAIIBILITY FEAllJRE .EQR S/370 HODEL ill This publication contains information about the IBH 7094 compatibility feature (171191. which adds interpretive 6.1.22-6963 7080 COMPATIBILITY FEATURE; 5/370 ~ 165. 165II J ~ This publication contains information about the IBH 7080 compatibility feature, which adds interpretive facilities to Systeal370 Hodel A65 for use by the IBM 7080 emulator progra.. The combination of the feature and the program (referred to as the 7080 -.latorl allows execution on I~ Systellll370 Hodel 165 of programs written for the I~ 7080 Data Processing System. Syst...s Library Hanual. 48 pages 267 ( 3165.3168//13170801 SA22 SA22 SA22-6966 ~ find It useful. Because this .anull Is written .s • reference docUlRlnt, it should not be considered to be an introduction or a textbook for Syste./370. It assUIIIS the user has a b.slc knowledga of data processing systams, .nd .pecifically, tha Systa1lll370, such as can be derived frotl the Introduction to 1811 D.ta Processing SystetU, GCeO-16M, .nd the IBI1 Systelll370 System Summary, SA22-7001. The information pra.ented In this .Inual Is grouped into 14 chapters and several appendixes. The Major topics presanted includa: Control, Dynamic Address Tr.nslation, Interruptions, I1ultiprocessing, Systu Control Instructiona, Saneral Instructions, Deci ..al Instructions, Floating Point Instructions, l1achine-Check Handling, Input/OUtput Operations, and SYlte. Consola. Hanu.l, 318 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY HaDlL lIi OPERATIN§ pRQCEOURES Thi • •anull de.crlb.. operator procedures for an IBM Sy.ttlllll370 I10dal 155. l1achine coverage includes console indlcltors, .wltches, and key., printer-keyboard, and operlting procedures. The ..anual i. intended for the I10dal 155 .yste~ operator. The reader i. I •• umed to have • knowledge of informltion-processing .ystelllll and to h.ve reid the 1811 SYSTEI1I360 OPERATING SYSTEI1: OPERATOR'S PROCEDURES, GC28-6692. Sy.telllll Library I1Inual, 40 pages 31SS//16// 5A22-6968 112 ~ Q6!6 RECORDER OPERATOR'S REFERENCE ~ This ..anual describes the functional Ind operating charlcteri.tics and the operator procedure. for the IBM 129 C.rd Data Recorder. The 129, operating with or without. prepunched card progra.. , is nnually keyed 'and corrected, in ..emory storage), then .utOlllaticaUy punches, providing convention.l 80-column punched clrds. l10dels ere provided with these functions: I10del 1 Punch, verify I10del 2 Print, punch Print, punch, verify I10del 3 6A22-7001 lliZ!I m:wI ~ PROCESSORS Thi. publication provides basic inforaation about Syst8lRl370, the data processing system based on Syst8lRl360 but extending beyond its capabilities. Discussed are Systellll370 ba.ic structure, lIIOtIels, and features. A basic knoNledge of data processing systems as described in Introduction to Data Proces.ing Syst.... , SC20-1684, is a •• umed. I10re detailed inforntion about Syst81111370 is available in Syst8lRl370 Principles of Operation, 6A22-7000. For IIOre inforaation about any individual Systelll370 model, .ee the functional characteristics publication for the model. This publication can be ordered separately by using, 6A227001, or together with t_ companion publications: Input/OUtput Device Summary, GA32-0039, and Data COlll1lU!'lication Device Summary, 6A27-318S, by using, 6BOF4SS0. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 130 pages. 08178 370//0011 Keyed input errors .ay be erased and corrected before being punched into the card. Verification cOlllpares keyed data with data read into storage, correction is ..ade in storage. After reverification in storage, the corrected card is punched. This .anual is addressed to the card data recorder operator. I1anual , 72 pages SA22-6969 5/370 t!2!W. ill OPERATING PROCEDURES This nnual describes tha manual operator procedures for In IBtt Systellll370 l10del 16S. This nterial provides a guide to perfor.. ing the procedures which cover the bulk of the 6A22-7002 S/370 INpuT/OUTpuT CONFISURATOR operator's job in operating the l10del 16S. This publication is written for the NOrking operator Nho has already received This publication contains infor... tion about the attachnaent training in general computer operation. This book is of input/output devices to Syst8lRl370 processors. The prepared specifically for the l10del 16S syste.. operator, inforution covers local attachment by channel or integrated other models have their own .anuals. Covering the overall adapter, retlOte attachment by c~ication line, and input/output device priority. daily .anual operation, thill. information includes System Hanual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 40 pages, S/80 Procedures, Operator Intervention Procedures, HON the Syst. Work. 'control panels), and supplementary appendi xes useful 370,3090110011 for operating this model. The reader is assunedto have read the IBI1 SYSTEI1/360 OPERATING SYSTEI1: OPERATOR'S SA22-7010 PROCEDURES, 6C28-6692. System Library Manual, 80 pages lliZ!I l.1lmJ, .1M FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS This publication provides Management, progr• • ing, Ind 316S//16// oper.tions personnel with infor..ation on the organization Ind functional characteristics of the IBI1 Systam/370 Hodel 6A22-7000 168. Tha nnual first describes the highlights of the syst., ~ PRINCIPLES QE OPERATIpN This publication provides, for reference purposes, • configur.tions, f.cilities, and features. It then presents • IROra in-depth description of the central processing U"Iit, det.iled definition of the ...chine functions perforlRed by Syst../370. Syste1lll370, like Systellll360, consists of nny stor.ge control U"Iit, storaga, channels, functions, aodels of general purpose computers, each of which can controls, indic.tors, and multiprocessing. process both cOlllllllrci.l and scientific data. Dat.ils concerning programming and peripher.l equipment The .anual describes e.ch function to the level of .re not giv., in this ..nual. detlil that _ t be under.tood In order to prep.re .n The reader is as.UIIIed to have .n underst.nding of data a ••ably language progra.. that relies on that function. It processing .ystems including fundamental knowledga of does not, hoNever, describe the not.tion and conventions IBI1 SystHl370 tIS defined in IBM SystHl370 Principles of oper.tion, 6A22-7000. that IRUSt be employed in preparing such a progra.. , for Nhich I1Inual. 46 pages the user _ t instead refer to the appropriate as.aably language nnull. 31681/0111 The infor"ltion in this ..nual is provided principally for use by ..sembly language progr.....r.' although anyone concerned with the functional det.ils of Systellll370 will / 268 I '\ - - - - - --- --- - - --------- --- -~- --- - - ----- - -- ~~-~~---.-- --- ( SA22 SA22-7011 SA22 6A22-7056 IaZI lIIIW. .lH HIERARC!fICAL t!O!!IIORINS nm!h IaZI lIIIW. .lH FlIICTIDttlL CHARACTERISTICS This ..nual d..crib.s the ch.r.cteristic. end f . .ture. of the Hodel 158. It provid.. experi-.d _geMnt. progr• •ing ••nd oper.tions pere~l .,ith • funda ....tal W'MIeret.nding of this IIOdel. ~ledge of Syetllll/370 .s provided in IBtI Syst"'-370 Principl.. of Oper.tion. SA227000. is required. Only infor.-tion of particul.r concem to Hodel 158 usere is covered in this _nual Nhich s~ri_ the proc..sing W'lit. stor.ge fWlCtions. syet_ __ole. progr..... oper.tions • .,ltiple-processor syet_ including the .tt.ched pr_sor .nd f.cilities .nd f .. tures. A gloss.ry .nd the inde!c complet.. the ..nual. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 8/78 31581/01// f.WlIB( DESCRIPTION This ..nual describes the hier.rchic.l .anitoring syet_ of the IBn Systam/370 Hodel 158 D.t. Processing Syetem. Written to the syst_ engineer level. this _nual. adelr..sed to ..nageeent. progra.ing ••nd oper.tions personnel. lists the instructions for. user progra.. of syst.. facility .anitoring. This ..nual st-lld be considered a supplesent to IBtI Syst"'-37o Hodel 158 FWlCtional Characteristics. SA22-7011. llllnual. 37 pages. 11/75 31581/01// ' SA22-7060 n u PROCESSOR ~ J lW tlJLTIPROCESSQR FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 6A22-7012 IaZI lIIIW. .lH J:IWIin QlARACTERISTlcs ~ This ..nual describes the functional characteristics .nd fe.tures of the 3033 Processor Complex. Att.ched Processor Cosplex. and 111.11 t i processor CoIIIplex. For .anag...ent. progr• • ing ••nd oper.tions personnel experienced in SystBl370 operation. this _nual provides a fWldamental understanding of three 3033 cOlllPlexes. The reader should have en Wlderstanding of data processing systells. including • fWldaeental knoNledge of the Systelll370 as defined in the SyetBl370 Principles of Operation. GA22-7000. The _nual focuses on the 3033 Processor (Mith its processing storage. functions and channelsl and the 3036 Console. For .anagesent. progra.ing. and operations personnel experienced in Systeel370 operation. this manual provides a funda..ntal understanding of both 3033 complexes. llllnual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 50 pages, 9/79 3033//0111 This public.tion describes _thods used to calcul.te Syst...-UO Hodel 158 Oat. H.ndling C.pabilities that .re dependent on I/O channel configurations .nd oper.tions. In .delition. __ ider.tion is giv.n to priority .tt.chant of I/O devi_ for •• xi_ throughput ••nd to calculating CPU interferance caused by channel oper.tions. This ..nual is intended for usere having syet_ progr._r experiance ••nd • thoraugh background in I/O progr• •ing techniqua. Hanual. 70 pages , 31581/01// !JA22-7013 IaZIIIIIW. .lH CONFI6t!RATOR This chart is • gr.phic present.tion of the Systllll/37o Hodel 158 including .11 IIOdels of 3158 CPU ••11 I/O interf.a. ch.nge . . . in stor.ge capacities. standard f.cilities .nd .11 optional f ..tures. SA2!-7061 m& PROCESSOR ~ F!!!CTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Chart thIS publication describes the characteristics and features 31581/00// of the 3032 Processor Complex. It provides experienced data processing ..nagell8nt. progra.ing and operations personnel .,ith • fWldaMllntal understanding of this processor complex. SA22-701.. ~ledge of Systee/370 .s described in Systelll370 IaZI IIIIW. 1tI CONFI6URATOR Principles of ()peration. GA22-7000. is desirable. This chart is • gr.phic present.tion of the Syet"'-370 Hodel I1anual. 8 112 IC 11 inches. 48 pages. 7182 168 including .11 .adels of the 3168 . . . in stor.ge 30321/0111 capacities. st.ndard facilities and .11 optional f .. ture.. Chart 3168//00// SA22-7062 .l!W PROCESSOR ~ cot!FIGU!!ATOR This configurator shoNs the standard and optional features. processor storage capacities. channels and subchannels. and SYSmvuo IIIIW. 10 n mww: ammm DAN!!LATIDN F6Clun plan vi ... of the 3032 Processor Complex. This .anual is a general description of the field I1anual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 1 page. 7181 inst.llable Dyne.ic Aclclress Translation (OAT) facility end 3032//00// .lso the ancillary fWlCtions Nhich ispl.-,t the f ..ture. IIIInagtllla'\t. co.puter Operatore. syet_ engineers. servi ce pars~l. progra_rs. and co.puter science students st-lld SA22-7065 refer to IBtI Syst"'-370 Hodel 165 FWlCtional n u CDNFI§tJRATOR Charecteristics. SA22-6935. for an over.ll picture of the This configurator at- the standard and opti_l features. syet_. processor storage capaci t i... channels. and subchannels of llllnual. 13 pages the 3033 Processor Coaplex. 3033 Processor Complex Hodel 3165//13// Group S. 3033 Processor CosplelC Hodel Group N. 3033 Attached Processor CosplelC. and 3033 l1u1tiprocessor COIIIPlelC. Also shoNn are plan vi .... of these processor complexes. W2-7017 I1anual. 8 112 x 11 inct.s. 2 pages. 10/81 sym!V370 1IIIW. m n IIlt!6!W: !lI.II!m DAN!!llTION F6Clun 3033//00// This publication describes the field-inst.llable Dyne.ic AcIcIr..s Tr.nsl.tion f.cility. It provides experienced _~t. progr• •ing and operations pere~l .,ith • fWldasent.l W'lderetanding of this f.cility. For .deliti_l 6A22-7066 Ell PROCESSOR ~ AUIllUl roACHED PROCESSOR ~ inforation concerning dyne.ic .delress tr.nsl.tion. refer FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS to IBtI Syet"'-370 Principles of Oper.tion. G622-7oo0. This publication describes the characteristics and features llllnual. 9 pages of the 3031 Processor Cosplex end 3031 Attached ProctI!!sor 3155//13// SA22-7016 ( 269 6A22 6A22 CoIIplex. It provides experi.-.ced data pr_sing ••nageMent, progr._ing .nd oper.tions persOnnel with a flolld ••ental I.I1ders t.nd i ng of these processor complexes. KnoNledge of Systell/370 as described in Systell/370 Principles of Operation, 6A22-7000, is desir.ble. !tanual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 48 pages, 7182 3041,30311/011/ //16/38481 6A22-7074 mImi fim n!aZll This publication. intended for syst.. progra. .ers, sun•• rizes the .ssists for Virtu.l M.chine Facility/370 (VI1I3701 .nd gives. det.iled description of the Virtual!tachine Assist and Sh.dow-T.ble-Bypass Assist. This edition obsoletes 6A22-7072, Systen/370 Extended Facility. !tanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 90 pages, 7/82 SLSS; ORDER HD. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6A22-7070 PROCESSORS PRItlCIPlES m: OPERATION flm ECPS;VSE I:!!;m This manu.l provides, for reference purposes, a det.iled definition of the functions performed by IBM 4300 Processors IIhen oper.ting in ECPS;VS lIOde. This lIanual describes e.ch function to tt. level of 6A22-7075 detail that IllUSt be I.I1derstood in order to prepare .n ~ SWITCHING MANA6EMENT ~ ~ DESCRIPTION assembler-language program that relies on that function. It This .anu.l describes the organiz.tional .nd functional does not, however, describe the not.tion or conventions that char.cteristics of the IBM 3814 Switching Management Syst... _ t be used to prep.re such • progra•• The 3814 is an adv.nced technology, chamel to 1/0 control The infoMlation in this .anual is provided principally unit switch that .11ONS attachment to systees with. wide for use by .ssembler-l.nguage programmers, although anyone range of chamel and control unit configurations. The 3814 concerned with the functi~l det.ils of the IBM 4300 .ay ba used on Systeml370 Model 135 and up, 3031. 3032, 3033, 4331, and 4341 Processors. Processors will find it useful. This lIanual is written as • reference docuIIent, and Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 28 pages, 6/80 //08/38141 should not be cons i dered .n i ntroduct i on or textbook.. M.nual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 350 pages, 3179 4361,4381,4331,4341,43211/011/ 6A22-7076 1QA! FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 61.22-7071 This publication contains descriptions of the COftIPOI'KII"Its .nd 3031 COHFI6UBATOR This configur.tor shows the standard and optional features, functions of the 3081 Processor Complex for aanagement, processor storage capacities, channels, .nd subchannels of progr.ning and operations persomel. Readers of this the 3031 Processor Complex and 3031 Att.ched Processor publication are .ssumed to be familiar with the SystHl370 Complex. Also show .re pl.n VieNS of these processor architecture as defined in Systeml370 Principles of complexes. Oper.tion. 6A22-7000. and to have a knowledga of virtualManual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages, 6/80 storaga and virtu.l-machine concepts. 3041,3031//00// !tanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 64 pages. 2186 3081//0111 ~ .;.t.22-7072 1iaZ2 EXTENDED FACIlIU ! ~ m This •• nu.l describes the Systell/370 extended facility and the extended-control-program f.cility for MVS (EXCP;MVSI. Nhich is an extended-f.cility subset that does not include other ION-address protection of the coaunon-seglllent bit. The •• nual is intended for syst.. progr..llers .nd IBM Field Engineering personnel. The reader should be f.lliliar with the general .achina functions of Systell/370, as described in the IBM System/370 Principles of Operation. 6A22-7000. and with the MVS syst.... This fe.ture is •.v.il.ble on SOlIe IIOdels .nd processor complexes of System/370. Developed to support the internal structure of the MVS control prograM, this f.cility enhances the c.pabilities .nd perforll.nce of the MVS systn IIhen it is used with MVS/Syst. . Extensions. 5740-XE2. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 20 pages, 11/80 SLSS; ORDER HD. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6A22-7077 1!W..L 3083. A!:!!l1!W; ~ CHARACTERISTICS A!:m CQNFI6URATIQN §Y!Di This publication provides system engineers, system analysts and system progra.mers Nith • description of the channel oper.tions. components .nd functions of the 3081. 3083. and 3084 Processor Complexes Nhen oper.ting in SystHl370 mode or 370-XA .ode. The publication also provides guidelines for configuring channel lo.ds in • 3081, 3083. or 3084 Processor Unit • !tanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 2/84 3081.3083.30841/011/ 6A22-7078 El! SNITCHING MANAGEMENT ~ OPERATOR §YIn fml ~ mI!!.I!QRI .H!!~ 6A22-7073 3848 CRYPTOGRAPHIC WlI fB9m.&! DESCRIPTION MIl opERATING PROCEDURES This •• nual provides executives. syst.. and data security officers with introductory .nd reference infore.tion .bout the IBM 3848 Cryptogr.phic Unit, Nhich attaches to either Systell/370 selector or block MUltiplexer channels. The content is; Ch.pter 1 - Introduction Chapter 2 - D.t. Security Chapter 3 - Oper.ting Procedures Ch.pter 4 - InputlOutput Channel _nels Appendix A - 610ssary !tanual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 50 pages, 10179 This .anu.l describes the functions av.il.ble to the oparator to control the operation of the IBH 3814 SNitching M.nagement Syst... Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/84 1116138141 6A22-7079 SYSTEM/370 mImi fiIR m This publication describes 13 instructions used to assist the MVS control progr... Twelve of these instructions ara provided Nhen the Systeml370 Extended F.cility or the Extended-Control-Progr••-Support for MYS feature is installed. They include four lock-h.ndling instructions. six trace instructions, .nd the instructions Fix Page and 270 GA22 ( GA22 SVC Assist. The thirteenth instruction, Add FRR, is Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages, 3/83 p..ovided .men the 3033 Extension feature is installed, along 1/08/3814/ with modifications to the Fix Page and SVC Assist inst ..uctions. This publication is intended fa .. systl!lll p..og..alll1l'le ..s and SA22-7091 IBM field enginee.. ing pe..sonnel. The ..eader should be CHANNEL-TO-CHANNEL ADAPTER familia .. with the gene..al machine functions of System/370, This publication desc .. ibes the a ..chitectu..e fo .. all channelas desc .. ibed in the IBM System/370 P.. inciples of Ope..ation. to-channel adapte ..s (CTCAsl. Befo..e the c ..eation of this GA22-7000. and with the MVS system. The following a ..e publication, the CTCA a ..chitecture was desc .. ibed by a conside..ed pre..equisite reading: HVS/System Extensions: combination of the following two publications. which this one supe..sedes: System/360 Special Featu..e Channel-toDebugging Handbook (Volume 2) SD23-0002; DSlVS2 Data A..eas, SYB8-0606 (This document is on mic ..ofiche); OSIVS2 Channel Adapte .. , 6A22-6892. and System/370 Special Feature MVS/System Extensions Seneral Info.... tion Manual. 6C28-08721 Desc.. iption: Channel-to-Channel Adapte ... 6A22-6983. The and OSIVS2 System Logic Lib ..a ..y. SBOF-8210. ..eade.. should have a basic knowledge of data p..ocessing Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pages, 3/81 systems. Such information can be found. fo .. example. in SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY System/370 Principles of Ope..ation. GA22-7000. and in System/360 and System/370 1/0 Inte..face Channel to Cont ..ol Unit O.. iginal Equipment Manufactu ..e .. 's Info .. mation. GA22GA22-7081 6974. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 54 pages. 6/83 M!M MULTISYSTEM CHANNEL COMI1IJ!:!ICATION Y!:iU ~ SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY PESCRIPTION This manual desc.. ibes the ope ..ating characte.. istics and o..ganization of the IBM 3088 Multisystem Channel Communication Unit. The 3088 is a self-powe..ed, advanced SA22-7092 technology, mic ..oprocesso..-cont..olled. 1/0 product that is ASSISTS fOR HVSIXA This publication is intended for systell p..og..a.......s and IBM used to inte ..connect multiple systems by using channels. FIeld Engineering pe..sonnel. The ..eade.. should by familia .. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 50 pages. 3/82 with the gene ..al machine functions of 370-XA, as desc .. ibed 1108130881 in the IBM 370-KA Principles of Ope..ation. SA22-7085, and with the HVS/SP Version 2. Licensed P..og..am. refe.. red to in this publication as the HVSIXA cont ..ol p..og..am. The GA22-7083 standa ..d names for MVSIXA cont..ol blocks a ..e used th ..~t 3083 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS This publication contains desc .. iptions of the components and the publication. The fo ..mats of these cont ..ol blocks a ..e functions of the 3083 P..ocesso.. Complex for Management. desc .. ibed in the MVS/XA Debugging Handbook. Volumes 1 p..og.. amming. and ope..ations pe..sonnel. Reade ..s of this th ..ough 5. LC28-1164 th ..ough LC28-1168 ...espectively. publication a ..e assumed to be familia .. with the SysteM/370 Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 14 pages. 3/83 a ..chitecture as defined in System/370 Principles of SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Ope..ation, GA22-7000, and to have a knowledge of vi .. tualsto..age and vi .. tual-machine concepts. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 60 pages, 2186 SA22-7093 30831/0111 SYSTEM/37D HIGH ~ ARITHMETIC RP9 This is a component of SK2T-0897. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 12/83 SA22-7085 43611/0111 370(XA PRINCIPLES 2E OPERATION This publication p..ovides a detailed definition of the machine functions pe..fo ..med by systems operating in SA22-7094 System/370 extended-a..chitectu..e (370-KAI .ode. It is SYSTEM/37P MATHEMATICAL ~ p..ovided p.. incipally fa .. Assembler Language p..og..amme ..s, This publication desc .. ibes a numbe.. of instructions which although anyone conce..ned with the functional details of assist in p..oviding imp..oved pe..fo ..mance in ce.. tain mathematical computations. The desc .. iption is in th..ee systems ope..ating in 370-KA mode can find it useful. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 560 pages. 03/83 pa .. ts. The fi ..st part. which obsoletes and ..eplaces the SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY publication Hutliply-Add Facility. 6A22-7082, desc .. ibes the inst ..uction MULTIPLY AND ADD. The second part desc .. ibes the instruction SQUARE ROOT. The thi ..d pa .. t describes GA22-7088 instructions which evaluate ce.. tain t ..anscendental ~ FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS functionsl they a ..e Cot1I1OH LOGARITHM. EXPONENTIAL. and This publication contains desc .. iptions of the COJIIPC)nt!nts and NATURAL LOGARITHM. functions of the 3084 P..ocesso.. Complex fa .. management, Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 30 pages, 12/84 4361,4381.4341//01// p.. og..amming. and operations pe..sonnel. Reade ..s of this publication are assumed to be familiar wUh the System/370 a ..chitectu..e as defined in System/370 Principles of Ope..ation. 6A22-7000, and to have a knowledge of vi .. tualSA22-7095 storage and vi .. tual-..chine concepts. SYSTEM/370 EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE/INTERPRETIVE EXECUTION Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 64 pages, 2/86 No abst .. act available. 308411011/ Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 32 pages, 12183 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6A22-7090 OPERATOR'S §YXgI fgB !Hi DISPLAY/PRINTER mACHMENT W!YB! This manual desc .. ibes the functions available to the operator to control the ope ..ation of the IBM 3814 Switching Management SYst.. f ..om an IBM 3278 Display station Hodel 2. 6A22-7097 ~ FIBER-OPTIC ~ EXTENDER .I.It!!S .PBm!!&I DESCRIPTION This publication contains info..... tion about the attachment capability, ope..ator controls and indicato..s. installation, and nintenance and repair of the 3044 Fiber-Optic Channel ~ 271 6A22 6A23 Extender Link. Also discussed aNI advantages of fiber-optio 5622-7125 data transmission and the design of fiber-optic c.ble. sySTEM/370 m!l!B OPERATIONS This publication defines the Machine functions provided by Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 p.ges. 9/85 the Systal370 Vector Facility. This publication is IIritten 1108/30441 as a reference for use principally by assembler language programers. It is useful to anyone concerned loIith the functional details of vector operations. SA22-7099 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 108 pages. 1/86 ~ FIBER-OPTIC ~ EXTENDER J.nI!U CU!!TQ!1ER.I!IHIIruH DETERMINATION §Y!gI SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This publication is a probl.. detertlination flONChart to be used by the customer before calling for service. Using this flowchart. the customer can resolve IIOSt probl_ caused by 6A23-0020 conditions external to machine•• XZA mmn,U l!l.lU!W ~ PROBLEM PETERMINATION!Ym Card. 8 1/2 x 5 inches. 2 pages. 6/85 The Problem Determination Guide for the 3278 model 2A is used to give the operator quick reference inforlllation and procedures to essist in determining the cause of probl_ 6A22-7108 encountered lihUe operating. This problem determination guide is designed to be mounted in the 3278 model 2A console l!!!i gmg ~ ~ DESCRIPTION MIl OPERATING PROCEDURES Keyboard using a two-sided tape on the back cover. Thi . . .nual introduces the IBIt 7406 Device Coupler to the Manual. 1 3/4 x 10 inches. 2179 user. Subjects described include: 4331.4341.3081.43211116/32781 o Individual IIIOdules of the Device Coupler and their operation. 6A23-0021 o Character set and commands to operate the Device Coupler. l&22 INFORMATION ~ DESCRIPTION AND REFERENCE o Interface cables. line na_. voltages and timings. This manual describes the IBM 3290 Information Panel and its o Applications in the research field. functions. It i. intended for syst.. programmers and syst. . Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pgs. 2/77 engineers. 1116/74061 Manual. 200 pages. 3/83 1109/32901 GA22-7112 SCANNING gn.QB .mm!m fInl!2!&I DESCRIPTION. OPERATING PROCEDURES. AND INSTALLATION PLAtlNING This manual describes the COinpOn8nts. functions. and spectrophotometric unit for attachment to a sample holder and a programmed control device. Readers should have a working knoNledge of spectrophotometric functions. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inche•• 76 pages. 9/80 /116174091 6A23-0044 ~ 6A22-7113 lllR mY!!i 1lZl INFORMATION I!.I.2W iDm! PROGRAMMING AND COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ItlFORMATION TRANSFER This manual describes information transfer betNeen publications in the 3270 Infor...tion Display System library. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1181 1109/3271.3272.3274.3275.3276.3277.32791 6A23-0046 1m CONfI§URATION I!ATA gJm ICONFIGURATION ~ & llr. PROCEDURES '-z.Il A history card to record configuration data of the 3274 This publication describes the COIIIPOI'ItIrIts. functions. and operations of the 7410 COlor Sensor Analyzer. The 7410 Control Uni t. analyzes reflectance and transmittance data when attached to Card forti. ulm 25. 2 sides. 4/83 an IBM 7409 Scanning Color Sensor (or equivalent! and a s.Mple holder. Readars should have a NOrking knONledge of Spectrophotometric functions and color ....urement 6623-0049 procedures in laboratory and production environMents. 1lZl INFORMATION I!!l!EW m:!R!h lm ~ lmI m!lU Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 136 pages. 9/80 mDL. Rf!i Will USER'S GUIDE, This Manual describes functions and use of 3274 entry assist 1116174101 RPQ. Intended for any user of 3270 displays in text related activity. Manual. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches. 1/83 SA22-7120 1114/32741 1m ~ CHARACTERISTICS AND COHFI6YRATION IiYXlm This publication contains channel operation infortlation and channel performanca and configuration considerations for the 3090 Proces.or Complex. 6A23-0056 Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 04/85 3845/3846 11m ENCRYPTION llmm ~ ~ AtIIl A!9!.2!Ii 3090110111 This document contains descriptions of RPQs 8K0987 and 81<0946 Nhich apply to cerbin IIIOdels of the IBIt 3845 and 3846 Data Encryption Devices. The inforllation ;s directed at the persons Mho set up. operate. or per forti problem SA22-7121 determination on the 3845 and 3846. 1m FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Manual, 8 x 10 inches, 12 pages. 05/80 This publication con~ains a broad overvi . . of Configuration, SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Function. Architecture. and Features for the 3090 Processor Complex. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 70 pages, 04185 3090110111 ~ ANALYZER ~ DESCRIPTION &II OPERATING 272 GAn GA23-00H .HZll INFQRMATIQN SA23 1A23-0102 me.w Ilma J.DB.YI WB!I iYW .HZll INfQRHAJIQN SAn-0059 .HZll aAI6 ~ pRQGRAMMER'S REFERENCE Thl . . .nu.l introduces .nd d..cribea .11 of the fWlCti_ us.d In the 3270 data .tr•••• uch •• c:olllllands. control c:har.c:ter•• order••• ttribut. . . .nd .tructured fl.lds. It also desc:ribea partitioning. Mgnetic: stripe ....der oper.tion. keyboard fWlCttons. character sets. and printer oper.tions •• they .ffect the 3270 data .tr.... Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 01/81 1130/3271.3272.3274.3276.3278.3279.3275.3277.87751 SA23-0U3 .HZll INFORMATION IlmW Ilma .: lW. m:IIlmI. .I!IlI.& XZ1 ~ Y!::!lL. 1m WfLAl .uAImf .: DESCRIPTION .6IlIl PROGRAMMER'S ~ Provides management. progr.mmar•• end system .n.lyst. Mith detailed referenCle ..teri.l relating to the 3271 Control Unit. 3272 Control Unit •• nd 3275 Displ.y Station .nd their .ttac:hed units. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 250 pages. 11/80 1109/3271.3272.32751 6A23-011ft lU!t CONFIMATION aAI6 gm ICONFIGURATION SUPpoRT: Pl A history c:.rd to rec:ord configuration dadt. for the 327ft Control Unit. Card Fa.... 2 pages. 04/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SA23-0061 SA23-0119 Xl!! INFORMATION DmW m:mh lm mmmL IIIII ( me.w Ilma umu QESCRIPTIgN This ..nual provides featu ... codes .nd f .. tur. descrlptl_ for units of the 3270 syst... These units include: 3274 Control Unit. 3276 Control Unit Displ.y St.tion. 3277 Displ.y St.tion. 3278 Display Station. 3279 Color Di.pl.y St.tion. 3230 Printer. 3262 Line Printer. 3268 Print.r. 3287 Print.r ••nd 3289 Line Printer. For inforution .bout the 3271. 3272. 3275. 3284. 3286 ••nd 3288. see IBM 3270 Infor.. tion Displ.y Systee Configur.tor, SA27-2849. Manual. 8 112 x U inches, 8182 .HZll IHFORHAJION SAn-0060 . me.w Ilma ~ Bel WB.!I iYW DISKETTE pROCESSIN; 6lR Bel JK1RZ1 QISKETTE QISTRIBUTIgN ALTERNATIyE Bel WW This ••nual duc:rlbes hoM to use the 3270 CAPS Rpq to ..k. c:opl .. of 3274 diskett... The .udi_. Is the 3270 cust_r pl~nning .nd oper.tlOl'lll personnel. Manual. 6/82 SLSSI DRDER NO. SUBSCRI""ION ONLY Lists 3270 libr.ry public.tions Mith .bstr.ct•• nd .udience of •• ch public.tien. R.f.renc. C.rd. 8 1/2 X 11 Inches. 02/81 1109/3271.3272.3274.3275.3276.3277.32791 RZll INFORMATION IWll!W IImH ltIIBI mDI IIH!l.:.I §!Wll lm~1IIII DESCRIPTION ~ PROGRAMMER'S ~ Provides the people who ..nags. analyze ••nd progra. 1M 3270 Infor.. tlon Display Syst.. Il'IIIt.ll.tions Mith refeNlllCltl .. terial concerning the 3274 control unit and ett.ched tersinals. The 3270 data strea. display and printer operations. features and host syst_ C:oemII'Iic:ations ere c:overed. Manual. 8 1/2 x U inches. 12180 1109/32741 This is. User's Guide for any person Mho Manta to us. the 3274 Entry Assist function in entering and editing textual .. teri.l. Contail'lll. tutori.l that can be used ••• self-t.aching .id in learning Entry Assist capabilities. Manual. 5 112 x 8 112 inches. I'f4 pages~ 8183 1109/3274.3278.32791 SA23-0125 XU INFORHAJIIIN fAIti CUSTO!1ER .I!Blm1I:I ANALysIS !til SA23-0064 RESOLUTIIIN Thi . . .nual i. intended for the oper.tor .nd ..ill provide instruction to enable the operator to isol.te • prebl. . to the failing"replaceabl. element. Manual. 100 pages. 04/83 1116/32901 XZll INFORMATION DmW JIIII!1& lm ~ IIIII .1m PLANNING ~ PREPARATION §!W21 rmIW.ll !l!.a. ~ il.II M:!!l ill: Thi. public:ation identifies the tasks involved in pl.ming for the il'llltallation of • 3274 Control Unit Itodels 41A. 41C. 410 •• nd 61C .nd provides guidelines for .c:cotnplishing those tasks. A handy c:hecklist is included. eo-.nic:etions Cl8bling .nd devin c:.bling info.... tion is .lso included. SA23-0136 Manual 1109/32741 .HZll INFORMATION .IIl2W.IIYSm1l SUPPLEMENT:m lm QESCRIPTIIIN A!:!P pROGRAMMER'S IWm UGB MESSAGES f.IIB .B!ll INFORMATIQN P.UPW: fAIti This ..nual describes .rror _s.gu that MY occur .s • SA23-0065 ruult of 3274 Control Unit/3290 InforMtion Displ.y P.nel lU!t mmmJ. IIIII CUSTOMIZING iUm operations. This public:etion provides infor..tion end proc:edur.. used in Manual custOlllizing 3274 control units Models 31 and 51 .. ith 2 sided 1109/32901 diskette drive IFeature 3101 .nd 5101). Models 41 .nd 61. ..ith c:onfiguretion level 0 support only. Initial c:ustOlllization ••odlfic:ation. end backup diskette ga1er.tlon proc:eclur.. ere "ivan. P.rsonnel .... pOl'lllibl. for configuring SA23-0137 SUPPLEMENT :m .RZ! QESCRIPTIgN At:Il pROGRAI!1ER' S JBImI..;. the control uni t .nd Its .tt.ched devicu use this UGB MESSYES fSIB .HZll pERSONAL COMMER ATTACHMENT publlc:.tion. D..cribes .rror _s.".. that MY oc:cur during oper.ti_ Manual b.t....n the 3274 Control unit .nd • 3278 Displ.y St.tlon 1109/32741 Mlth IBM 3270 Per.onal Co~t.r Att.c:heent. Manual. 8 112 x 11 Incho. I page 3/83 SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 273 (/ 6A24 6A2l used to interconnect the 327ft Control Unit Nith attachable terminals. It should be distributed through SLSS in the same quantity as the 3274 Customizing Guide ('6A23-0065) and should be shipped Nith every copy of the 3270 IDS Installation Manual - Physical Planning (GA27-2787). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 18 pages. 5/M 11151327Il101 6A23-01ft2 lil! TERMINAL MULTIPLEXER CUSTOMER Mil! RESOLUTION ~ ANALYSIS This publication contains a step-by-step procedure Which permits customer personnel to determine if a probl. . exists Nithin the 3299. and tells Nhat to do if a probl_ don exist. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. ft/83 1109/32991 6A23-0217 SUBSYSTEM m:I!B2I. YHII Jill..P ~ REFERENCE This publication contains Status Codes and Corrective actions. Nritten to User's Qualifications. Reference Summaries. SNA Alert F~tions. Request Formatted Maintenance Statistic Formats. and Response Ti . . Monitor. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 310 pages. 06/86 1109/31741 ~ 6A23-0171 XlII INFORMATION IWiaAI UJ:W! SUPPLEMENT m Xl! m:mml. YHII DESCRIPTIDN Mil! pROGRAMMING §Ylgg 1!Z! RESpONSE JlHg !:!m!m!R !B1tIl FUtlCTION l.tl!! ~ !.!.S!!.I FUNCTION The supplement describes the 3274 RTM and 3274 SNA Alert f~tions in detail for use by anyone planning to illpl_t the functions on a 3270 Information Display Station. Manual. 68 pages. 8/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. su:lSCRIPTION ONLY SA23-0236 Xl.II INFORMATION Dlm!W mmh Xl!! ~ WI! CUSTOMIZING §Y!lli CONFIGURATION m!fP!1!U .P Provides a planning guide and NOrksheets for those Mho _ t customize a 327ft Control Unit using Configuration Support P. To complete the customization. the 327ft Control Unit Planning. Setup. and Customizing Suide (6A27-2827) _ t also be used. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10ft pages. 12/83 1109/32741 SA23-0242 INFORMATION PANEL OPERATOR'S ~ This publication gives general information on haN to aperate the 3290-2 Information Panel. The intended audience is anyone Mho uses a 3290-2. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 7/85 1116/32901 ~ 6A23-0187 Xl.II INFORMATION W.PW ~ KE'[BOARD DEFINITION !lW.lII USER'S §!!ill This lIIanual describes haN to define keyboard layouts to 3270 display product control units (for users of terminals Nith .adifiable keyboards such as the 3179 and 3180). The manual is intended for planners Mho customize the control unit. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 96 pages. 31M 1109/3179.3180.32741 6A23-0196 Xl.II INFORMATION W.PW llI!mI 11U SUPPLEMENT BIB m:mmI. UNIT 6A23-0279 This ..nual supplements the 327ft Control Unit Description and Progralllll8r's Suic!e publication. 6A23-0061. For all persons needing information concerning the 3274 Control Unit support of attached 3180 Display Stations. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 50 pages. 3/84 1109/31801 11H mWI mm!U PREINSTALWION PLANNING §iYIm; This publication contains information that enables the customer to evaluate the 319ft requirements and prepare for the installation of a 319ft. Manual. 8 112 x II inches. 48 pages. 11/86 1115/319ft1 Xl.II INFORMATION Dlm!W m:mI K.!i OPERAtION SA23-1CiI4 WI ffW:!n! tI!l!lW ~ PR06RAMMER'S REFERENCE 6UIDE This manual is for use by system progra_ers Nho are attaching the 5210 Printer. Models 601 and 602 to a host syst... It provides protocol and data stream information. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 8/83 370.SlfI0.SlfI5.Slf12.Slf04.5406.Slf08.4331.4341.43211103l52101 6Atft-1499 XlII INFORMATION W.PW UJ:W! fi!B PHYSICAL PLANNING J;MJ.1!!!i :m 6A23-032I 6A23-02Oft SA23-0206 :m ~ llIISTED-PAIR ADAPTER SUPPLEMENT XlII INSTALLATION ~ PHYSICAL PLA~HING This supplement to the 3270 Information Display Syst. . Installation Manual Physical Planning provides a brief overvi. of heN the 3270 Coax to TNisted-Pair Adapter can be used Nith the 3270 systetll. Nhat environmental requirellents IllU!it be met. and examples of configurations. Manual. 10/85 1115/3279.3289,.3275.3286.3272. 32M. 3287.3274.3277.3288. 3276.3278.32711 !QJJ:! BZ!! m This publication describes the steps required to plan for and illplement the aperation of terminals attached to a 327Il10 Control Unit as part of an X.25 netNOrk. These steps include custOlDizing or recustOlDizing the 3274 to all X.25 aperation. affixing labels to keyboards. and giving aperators instructions for sending and receiving data through the X.25 netNOrk. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 1184 1109/32741 :m 3290 DESCRIPTION !!lIl REFERENCE This publication describes infonnation introducing a naN function for the 3290 Information Panel. It is designed for systems engineers and aperators. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 8 pages. 10/84 1109/32901 E!!l INFORMATION PANEL SUPPLEMENT 6A23-0176 .ill.! .mma suppLEMENT wm mlIm!lr. llU I1A6HETIC CHARACTER mIWl This publication describes the operating characteristics. controls. indicators. and features of the IBM 1219 Reader Sorter and the IBM 1419 Magnetic Character Reader. This publication describes haN the Cabling Syst_ can be 27ft GA24 6A24 Operating theory and procedures are given for off-lina operation of both ..chines and on-lina operation of the IBM 1419 within the 1400 series and System/360. Document handling and data flow are discussed fully, and step-by-step procedures and practical examples are given for each IIIlIchine. Programming notes and error recovery procedures are also given. SysteMS Reference Library Manual, 96 pages 6A24-3022 1050 IlAIA COM/1lINICATIQNS m:r.m INSTALLATION MANUAL. PHYSICAL PLANNING This publication presents detailed information concerning the physical characteristics of the IBM 1050 Data Comml.l'lications System. Included are anvi ronmental and electrical requirements and installation information for each l.I'Iit of the system. Particular attention is devoted 1104/1219,14191 to those aspects of installation performed by the customer. Typical system configurations for the individual terminals and for private communication netNOrks are presented. This information is necessary for preparing the customer's oiA24-3018 premises for the actual installation of the equipment • .l!!1!I D!!6 COLLECTION lWmI This reference pUblication discussed in detail the operating Systems Reference Library Manual, 38 pages features, controls, and special features for the: 1115/1050,1051,1058,1052,1053,1054,1055,10561 IBM 1031 Input Station Card Reader Manual Entry Unit GA24-3120 Data Cartridge Reader ~ PRINTER ~ ~! t!!! 1445 f!illI:U.B ~!! HL. Badge Reader COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This referance publication describes the operation of the IBM 1032 Digital Time Unit IBM 1033 Printer IBM 1443 and 1445 Printers with the IBM 1240, 1401, 1440, 1450, 1460, 1800, and the IBM System/360 Data Processing IBM 1034 Card Punch IBM 1035 Badge Reader SysteM Models 25 through 85. This aanual discusses tilling inforlHtion for the printer and These components provide on-lina and off-line capabilities for this Tele-processing systl!ftl. Systetl tilling calculations the tape controlled carriage, as well as their functional for the transmission line, for the IBM 1034 Card l'u'lch, and operating characteristics. The speed of the printer using the various'character sets is described. Also, and for packed-card operation with the IBM 1034 are all fully discussed. Also included is a summary of system included is command, status, and sense information for these printers used with the IBM System/360 Data Processing checking, and instructions for IHking wiring charts to be used at installation time. System. Manual, 36 pages Manual, 72 pages 1109/1030,1031,10321 ( 110311443,14451 6A24-3020 6A24-3125 .!J!2Jl REFERENCE .!J!2Jl OPERATOR'S ~ This publication is designed specifically for operaHng This publication is a SUMmary of the capabilities, operating controls, special features, and physical characteristics personnel using the IBM 1050 Data CommI.I'Iication Syst.... It consists of five individual sections, with each section of each component in the IBM 1050 Data Communication SysteM. Items are listed alphabetically and a reference is made prepared as a complete stand-alone unit. The sections of (by item) to the publication containing .are detailed this manual are: Section 1. Introduction: description of all syst.. inforlHtion on the subject. components including standard and special features. If no publication is referenced, it indicates that all Section 2. System and Component Controls - Detailed information on the subject is contained within this manual under the heading(s) specified. Refer to the preface in description of all controls and indicators for each component of the system. this manual for the titles and form numbers of publications Section 3. Operator Procedures: Step by step referenced in the manual and other machine publications instructions covering all setup and operating procedures available for the 1050 Syst... Systems Reference Library Manual, 64 pages for the system. 1109/1050,1051,1058,1052,1053,1054,1055,10561 Section 4. Basic Applications: Step by step instructions covering the various inputloutput operations possible with the 1050 System for both home-loop and lineloop operations. 6A24-3021 Section 5. Tips and Techniques: Methods for improving .l!!1!I D!!6 COLLECTION ~ INSTALWION ~ PHYSICAL PLANNING operating efficiency for specific situations. This publication contains pertinent, detailed infor.. tion Manual, 144 pages 1116/1050,1051,1058,1052,1053,1054,1055,10561 concerning installation of the IBM 1030 Data Collection Systell. Included are physical characteristics and electrical environmental requirements for each l.I'Iit of the systell. Typical system configurations with inter-l.I'Iit and 6A24-3203 .. inlina cabling requirements are presented. Particular 3644 AUTOMATIC IlAIA UNIT PROGRAM WORKSHEETS .Elm DOSIVS (S747-CJ1! ~ OSIYS (5744-CR1! attention is devoted to those aspects of installation Program control worksheets for use with 3644 Progralllling perforlled by the customer. The follONing IBM publications are rec_1ded for use Guide GC24-5178. Manual, 13 pages, 9178 wi th the Manual: 1109/36441 IBM 1030 CONFlGURATQR, Fore A24-3045 PLAN-iING AND INSTALLATION OF A DATA COItItUNlCATIONS SYSTEM, Fore A24-3435 Systems Reference Library Manual, 24 pages GA24-3266 1115/1030,1031,10321 .1m A!:m .!!I!} PROGRAMMED KEYBOARDS This reference publication describes, in detail, the operation of the IBM 1092 and 1093 Progralllllled Keyboards when attached directly to either an IBM 1050 Data Communications mm = 275 eAZ... 8A2... through the IBM 2702 Ind 2703 Trlnlmisslon Control units. Communication flcilltl .. thet can be used Nlth the 2712 Ire specified. Manual. 8 lIZ x 11 inches. 12 Plg-, 8/65 SYlt.. or I comMOn-clrrier dltl set. A detilled description of the dati keys. control buttons. keYMlts, Ind splolll f ..tur_ Is 1110 Included. Mlnual. 8 lIZ x 11 inches, Z... Plges, 2165 1109/109Z.10931 GAZ"'-3312 1W cm:!IRl2.I. WI! CQMPONENT DESCRIpTIQN This reference publicltlon presents I description of inputloutput operltions controlled through the IBM 2821 Control Unit. The IBM zs...o Card Read-PU'lCh and the IBM 1... 03 and 1... 0... Printers controlled by the IBM 2821 Control Unit Ire briefly d.lcribed. Commands. status. and s_e infol'llltion pertaining to the Ittached input/output is pr_ented. Programming timing considerations for control unit. clrd reader. clrd punch. and printers are also presented. Systems Reference Librlry Manual. 76 pages 1103/28211 .:;A2"'-3342 BATCH N!J!18ERINS .E.W:Y!!S fQ!f .lID &f2 .l!U MAGNETIC ms CHARACTER RECOGNITION ~ This publication describes the functions and features of the Batch Numbering specia! feature Nhen used Nith the IBM 1241 I1agnetic Ink Character Recognition Reader and the IBM 1419 Magnetic Character Reader. The operation of the keys. lights. and SNitches. as ...11 as the programming information needed to operate the feature. is covered in detail. Systems Reference Library Kanual. 16 pages 1113/1241.14191 1109/27121 6AZ"'-3435 PLANNINS !!lIl INSTALLATION llE .6 Il.6I.6 CO!!1Ut!ICATIOt! JlIm! ~ I§U llH& ADApTERS This reference publication contains Information. for syste.. engineers and installation planning engineers. on the planning and installation of data communications syst_ that use 18/1 Line Adapters (lIOdems). A brief introduction to data communication and to the general purposes and functions of line adapters is presented. Included is technical information applicable to an in-plant userinstalled data communications system. and to the local facilities of common carriers. Specifications and requirements are provided for each IB/1 Line Adapter type. including those intended for limited-distance use only. and for those designed to operate over unlimited-distance collllllen-carrier lines. A Glossary is included as an appendix. Prior knoNledge of data communications SysteMS is helpful, but not essential. For a description of the SNitched netNork. automatic answering, and automatic call origination features of the IBM 1200 Bit-per-Second Line Adapter, this manual refers to SYSTEMS .anual. IBM 3872 Hodem User's Guide, 6A27-3058. General Information. 74 pages 1115/2701.2735/ GA24-3471 1050 ~ SUI1I1ARY This publication provides an introduction to the IBM 1050 Data Colllmunication System and its associated components. ~ COMMUNICATION TERMINALS ~ ! ! ! A general description of each of the system components is COMPQNENT DESCRIPTION provided here. along with a summary of all pertinent This publication describes the application areas. principles of operation. line-control signals. and special features features for each. The communication facilities and data sets available for the 1050 System are also provided as of the IBM 2740 Communication Terminal Models 1 and 2. a general guide. For a detailed description of the syst.. The communication facilities and data sets that can be used Nith this Tele-processing terminal are also discussed. components and their operation. consult IBM 1050 PRINCIPLES Included is a glossary of cOlDmunication tern used in this OF OPERATION, Form A24-3474. Syst_ Reference Library Manual. 20 pages publication. and the timing formulas necessary to calculate the data-handling capability of the terminal. 1109/1050.1051.1052,1053.1054.1055.1056.10581 Systems Reference Library ~nual. 60 pages 1109/2740.27411 6A2"'-3474 1222 aAL& COMMUNICATION ~ PRINCIPLES Qf OPERATION GA24-3415 This reference publication provides a complete description of the operating principles of this IBM Tele-processing !Z!1 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL This manual is Nritten for those interested in the concepts syst.... The functional characteristics of the syst .. and and applications of conversational terminals; A general of each c~ent is discussed in detail. Additional knoNledge of computer principles Ind progra.. ing concepts information. pertaining to the overall syst.. and World is a prerequisite for complete understanding of the Trade considerations. are provided in the appendix. Systems Reference Library .anual, 90 pages information presented. The publication describes application areas. principles of· operation. line-control 1109/1050.1051.1058.1052.1053,1054.1055.10561 signals. and special futures of the IBM 2741 Communication Terminal. The communications facilities that can be used 6A24-3488 Nith this teleprocessing terminal are di.scussed. Also included are programming considerations. code cherts. and fi!Bl.:I RUl§!:I REFERENCE §!.WIg f.QR PRINTERS keyboard arrangements. This publication contains information to be considered by personnel designing, ordering. or using forn for the syst.. Systems Reference Library ManUll 1109/27411 printers listed belON. This ... nUll hes two sections: general forn-design information applicable to syst.m printers. and specific information (Appendix) for partiCUlar printers. The general GA2"'-3426 infor.ation relat .. to items such as for. length. Nidth. 1Z11 ~ MULTIPLEXOR N8ight, fastenings. and other forms-related ite.. that _ t This reference publication d_crlbas the IBM 2712 Remote be considered and/or met when forll& are designed for system Multiplexor Ind Its operation. The 2712 il used Nith IBM 1050. 1060. 2740, Ind 2741 terminals (134 ....9 baud) and Nith printers. The specificltlons are not intended to be telegrlph 'termi nals (7.... Z baud) connected to 18/1 Systelll360 restrictive. but to pel'llit the custOller to purchase 6A24-3403 276 ( GAt .. GA24 for.s frOG the manufacturers of his choice. For detailed information on forllS feeding and operating procedures, see the appropriate component description and operating procedures ..nuals for the particular printer or systetll. Companion publications useful in designing forlls are: o OCR Input Preparation Guide, Order No. 6C20-1686 o Print Chart (Six Lines per Inch), GX20-1816 o Print Chart (Eight Lines per Inch), GX20-1818 ~ontinuous ( o o o Another publication which is not an IBH publication but may be helpful in designing forllS and for comparison purposes is International Standard ISO, 278... Dimensions in this manual are to this standard. ISH printers included are: 1132 3211 3618 1..03 3213 3713 3215 3715 1..0.. 1....3 328.. 3717 2203 3286 3791 Line Printer Feature 2213 3288 3792 Line Printer Feature 2222 3610 5203 3203 3612 5213 3210 36..5 ..97.. 7..36 3102 5320 3736 ..975 7..36 3262 3771 502.. 3773 5103 3268 3287 377.. 5211 3289 3775 5222 3608 3780 522.. 3611 .. 2..5 5225 .. 2..8 52.. 1 3615 ..710 52.. 2 3616 36.. 2 ..973 5256 36.. 2 Hanual, 32 pages 370.5381,53.. 0,5360, ..361, ..381,8150.5362,3090, ..575,4576,8130, 8140,4331,43.. 1,5280,5285,5288.4321//03// Appendixes contain reference information. such as an EBCDIC chart. for all users. The follOllling publications are referenced for additional forms requirements and ribbon recommendation information: Form Design Reference Guide for Printers. 6A24-3488 System/360 and System/370 Component Description and Operating Procedures: IBH 1287 Optical Reader. 6A21-9064 Systell/360 and Systetn/370 Component Description and Operating Procedures: IBH 1288 Optical Page Reader, Hodel 1. 6A21-9081 Paper and Print Quality Requirements for IBH 1270 and 1275 Optical Reader Sorters. 6A19-0036 ISH Systetn/360 Component Description: ISH 1270 Optical Reader Sorter. 6A19-0035 IBM System/360 Component Description: ISH 1275 Optical Reader Sorter. 6AI9-0034 The follOllling publications are referenced for additional FCB and UCS buffer loading information: System/360 Operating System: Data Hanagement for System Programmers. 6C28-6550 DDS System Control and Service, 6C24-5036 I'Ianual. 70 pages //16/3211.3811.3216/ GA24-3542 MAGNETIC CHARACTER ~ I!IlllW L. % 1 1 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This publication contains information describing the purpose, function, and operation of the reader/sorter for bank nnagl!lll8l'lt. IBH sales representatives, systellS engineers, and custOGer engineers. For machine operators it contains operating. recovery. and jam removal procedures • Component Descriptio.." 64 pages //04/1255/ Subsystu Components describes the subsystelll features. available character sets, and performance characteristics. Programming Information describes valid subsystem commands and available status and sense bytes, and provides buffer loading and suggested error recovery procedures. Operating Information describes the subsystem keys. indicators. and controls. and provides procedures for initial setup. running. and error recovery. ~ 6A24-3550 3215 CONSOLE PRINTER-KEYBOARD COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This reference publication describes the functions and operation of the IBH 3215 Console Printer-Keyboard. This information is intended for those planning for and operating an ISH System/370 Hodels 135. 145. and 155. Presented are the printing method. control keys and lights. functional timing. forms controls and specifications. and make-ready procedures. For systea operation (including programming and operating procedures). refer to the IBH System/370 Bibliography (6C20-00011, for the functional Characteristics and Operating Procedures manuals for the particular system and lIIOdel. I'Ianual. 8-1/2 x 11 inches. 18 pages //01/3215/ 6A24-3543 mH ID! fBltmB lni INTERCHANGEABLE IBm! CARTRIDGE At!Il :all fIW:!JlR m:I!!!U. WU COMpONENT DESCRIPTION M.l!l OPERATOR'S §UIgg The 3211 Printer, 3216 Interchangeable Train Cartridge and 3811 Printer Control Unit constitute a high-speed printer subsystea for attachment to Systea/360 and Systetn/370 data processing systems via the System/360/370 Standard I/O Interface. This reference publication is intended for: 6A24-3552 o o o Syst.. planner. Mho require information about feature., character sets. subsystea performance. forlllS and ribbons. Systea programmers Mho use printer status and sense infortllation. and error-recovery procedures • Operators Mho perfol'll basic .etup. operating. and error-recovery procedures. _nds. A basic knowledge of System/360/370 i. assUlled. i. organized into three sections: The . .nual 277 .R!.!l ~ PRINTER-KEYBOARD COHPONENT DESCRIPTION This manual is intended as an introduction to the IBH 3210 (Hodels 1 and 21 Console Printer-Keyboards. The 3210's are described according to the .... y in which they operate with ISH System/370's. A description of the phys;cal .nd functional characteristics of the IBH 3210'5 is contained in this •• nual. The purpose of all control keys and indicator lights. supplementing the keyboard. is included. Because the 3210 Hodel 2 is a standalone I/O unit, the assigned functions of the control keys and indicator lights 6A24 _cribed he,.. . .y yary according to the particular requi..-t. of another .yst_. A • .etion _cribing "Operator'. Proceduru" contains the follONing: 1. Fora ins.rtion proc....,.. 2. Platan reBDyal and replac..-nt For additional infor.. tion on for• •p.c:ifications ,..fer to "Fo,.. Design R.ferane. Suide for Print.r.... 61.24-3488. For additional info.... tion on 3210 operating procedures. ,..f.r to the IBH Systeal370 MOdel 145 Operating Proceduru. GC38-0015. 1tII1MI1. 10 pages 1/01/32101 &1.24-3557 JQZllIIIIW. RCA 301 eo.patibility feature. and the data . .nagnant facilities of DDS and DOSIVS to earulat. the RCA 301 processor unit. input/output. and console operations. Publications useful as r.ferene• •aterial are: ISH Systlllll360 Principles of Operation. Order No. 61.22-6821. IBH Systlllll370 Principles of Operation. Order No. 6A22-7000. For info.... tion about the Disk Operating Syst. . , r.fer to: Systlllll360 .nd Systlllll370 Bibliography. Order No. 6A22-6822. Manual. 28 pages 11115799-APR 6424-3595 m 1mI EtlULATOR fS!! HoNEYWELL mru m .I!If SVSTEH/37g Ylm!§ (PRPQ): PLANNING i1lnL. fBlHi:. t!Q.. 5799-ADT Thi. 1Kb1ication describes the IBM EllUlator for HoneYMell Seri .. 200 ••n integrated eawlator program, for the ISH Systlllll370 Hodels 135 and 145. This 1Kb1ication also provides introductory and planning infor.. tion for ..na~t and plaming personnal. The earulator is a probl. . progra. that oper.tes in .ither a batched-job foreground or the background partition under control of the IBH Disk Operating System (DDS). or the IBH Disk Operating SystMlVirtual Storage (DOSIVS). The ellUlator uses the System/370 standard instruction set. a HoneYN811 Saries 200 Compatibility feature. and the data ..naga.ant facilities of DOS or DOSIVS to ellUlate the HoneYN811 Series 200 proc..sor unit. input/output. and console operations. Publications useful as reference .aterial are: IBH Systell/360 Principles of Operation. Order No. &A22-6821. IBM Systlllll370 Principles of Operation. Order No. GA22-7000. For infor.ation about the Disk Operating System. refer to: Systlllll360 and Systlllll370 Bibliography. Order No. GA22-6822. Manual. 28 pages 11115799-ADT. FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Thi. 1Kb1ication describes the r.lationship of the MOdel 145 to other Systlllll370 lledel. and to Systlllll360. Included i. inforeation concerning the .yst. . futures and capabilities. ~ol. fil •• input/output channal•• intagr.ted fila .d.pter. OS/DDS co.patibility. IB" 1401. 1440. 1%0. 1410. and 7010 MUI.tion futures. consol. print.r-keyboard ••dditional instructions. and instruction ti.ings. 1tII1MI1. 84 pages. 8-112 x 11 31451/011/ ~ &1.24-3562 BIt 1.!l1 IIIIW. J! INTERFACE mtI.ml WI! Bf!i WW INSTALLATION, PHYSICAL PLAItfING Thi. publication provides physical plaming infore.tion for the IBH 1925 Hodel 14 Interf.c. SNitch Unit used Nith theIBH Systlllll360 and the IBH Syst1llll370. Included a,.. phylIical specifications .nd cabl•••lectric.l. and _ i rOlWWltal raqui .....ant•• For. li.t of r.lated IKblications and abstracts. s .. the IBH SYSTEH/360 AND SYSTEH/370 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 6A22-6822. Install.tion Pl.ming Suide. 8-112 x 11 inches. 8 pages 1114/29111 !!:!ll ~ GA24-3573 m gf6I:!W. CHARACTERISTICS Thi. 1Kb1ication describes _thods used to calcul.t. Systeal370 Hodel 145 data-handling capabilities that a,.. dependant upon IID-channal configurations and operations. Considerations of . .thods a,.. also presented for priority .Uachlllent of lID devices for ..xi_ throughput. Inforeation rel.ted to specific lID devices is in .eparate Systems Referene. Library publications. These 1Kb1ications a,.. li.ted by order nu.ber .nd bri.fly described in IBH SYSTEH/360 AND SYSTEH/370 BIBLIOGRAPHY (&1.22-6822). Thi • •anual i. Intended for users .t the syst_ progra_r l.vell It . s s _ a thorO\.lltl background in lID progra.ing techniques. 1tII1MI1. 72 pages 31451/0111 JQZllIIIIW. GA24-3594 BIt E!1!lLATOR fIB GA m .!!If SYSTEH/37g lmH!i _ PUItfIN6 IiI.!m .:: ~ I:lYI:mB 5799- APR !till JmUYlI 6A24-3604 EMULATOR fim HONEYWELL ~ ill.l!lf SYSTEM/370 unI§ _ !!:Ill DOS/VS !fB!!!ll.a. fRQ!L. I:!!L. 5799-ADT This publication describes the IBM Emulator for HoneYN8ll Series 200. an integrated emulator progra •• for IBM SystBl370 Hodels 135 and 145. It provides plaming. i.,ll!llt!ntation. and operating infor.. tion for ..nagers. prograllllll8rs. and operators. The ~lator is a proble. progra. that operates in either a batched-job foreground or the background partition under control of the IBH Disk Operating Systee (DOS). The .lIUlator uses the SystBl370 standard instruction set. the HoneYN811 Series 200 Compatibility Feature. and the data ..nage.ent faciliti .. of DOS to emulate the HoneYN811 Series 200 processor unit. input/output. and consol. operations. Manual. 50 pages 11115799-ADT 6A24-3605 !m:1 EMULATOR ~ fim ~ m QH SYSTEM/370 Ynt:!§ D.mi .I ~ fRQ!L. t!Q.. 5799-ADR This publication describes tha IBH EllUl.tor for RCA 301. an integrated allUlator progra.. for the ISH Systlllll370 Hodels 135 and 145. Also provided a,.. introductory and pl.ming info.... tion for ••na~t and plaming personnal. The MUl.tor i • • probl_ pragra. that operates in .ither a batched-job foreground or the background partition under control of the ISH Di.k Operating Syst. . (DDS) or the IBH Di.k Operating SystMlVirtual Storage (DDSIVS). The ellUlator usu the Systeal370 .tandard instruction .et. the This .anual describes the IBM Emulator for RCA 301. an integrated eaulator progra.. for the IBM Systeal370 Hodel. 135 and 145. Alao provided are plaming. i1IP1ementation. and operating infor.ation for ..naguent and plaming personnel. The -..lator is a probl. . progra. that operates in .ither • batched-job foreground or the background partition under control of the IBM SystBl370 Disk Operating Syst_ 278 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------- "'. / 6A24 (DOS) or the IBI1 Disk Operating SystetlllVirtual Storage (DOS/VS). In this Mnual the term "DOS" is used unless it is necessary to distinguish between DOS and DOSIVS. The emulator uses the System/370 standard instruction set, the RCA 301 Compatibility Feature, and the Data Management facilities of the Disk Operating System to emulate the RCA 301 processor unit, input/output, and console operations. Manual, 108 pages ////5799-ADR GA24 l1anual. 105 pages, 5/76 3138//01// 6A24-3633 6A24-3612 DOCUt1ENT PROCESSOR !!AQW!& .I PROGRAHHINS DESCRIPTION This publication dascribes the 3890 capabilities, storage assignments. record for.ats, operating principles, and featu ..es. It is intended fo .. the use of system p..og..allUlle"s and system analysts. l1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 300 pages, 6/85 //04/3890/ ~ ( m CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS This manual p..ovides information needed fo .. checking that a proposed configuration of I/O devices on the channels of IBI1 System/370 Model 138 will No .. k satisfacto.. ily. The book is intended for use in systems assurance NOrk at the planning stages. Procedu..es with examples a ..e given fo .. testing the effects of imposing heavy loads on the Model 138 channels. The effects cove..ed a ..e: data ove.... un. loss of device pe .. fo ..eance. channel inte..fe ..ence Ni th the cpu, prog .. am over..un. and excessive channel utilization. Additional but ..elated topics cove..ed in the book a ..e: (11 p.. io .. ity sequence of devices on the byte-multiplexe.. channel holith examples that include the 1419 Magnetic Cha..acte .. Reade .. with expanded capabilityl; (21 the effects of block-multiplexing on channel busy time and pe..centage channel utilization; and (31 channel p..ogramming conventions. upon which the validity of test p.. ocedu..es in the book i. based. P..e ..equisite Publications The reade .. must be faeilia .. Nith System/370 input/output ope..ations as p..esented in: 1811 System/360 P.. inciples of Operations, GA22-682l 1M System/370 P.. inciples of Ope .. ation. GA22-7000 IBM System/370 Hodel 138 Functional Cha ..acteristics, 6A24-3632 IBM System/360 and System/370 Inte..face Channel Unit Original Equipment Manufactu..e ..s Info..mation, 6A22-6974 For testing data over..un on the byte-mUltiplexer channel. the following special wo .. ksheet is ..equi ..ed: IBM System/370 Hodels 135 and 138 Byte-Multiplexe.. Channel: Load Sum Wo ..ksheet, 6X33-6004. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 116 pgs. 9/77 3138//01// ~ ~ GA24-3619 3890 DOCUt1ENT PROCESSOR OPERATOR'S ~ This ope..ato .. 's manual contains info .. mation prima .. ily for pe..sonnel ope..ating the 3890 Document P..ocesso.. Hodels A .nd B. No p.. ior operating expe.. ience is necessa ..y. The ope..ating info....ation includes: • A desc .. iption of the 3890 by functional units (.odulesl • A description of the special featu ..es • The ope..ato.. panel: keys. lights. and switches • l1achine ope... tion: start, ..un. and stop conditions. and e ....o....ecove..y p..ocedu..es • Ope..ato.... intenance for opti_ ..chine pe..fo ....ance. Ope..ating info ....ation fo ....elated p ..og..a_ing is not included. Fo...o..e detailed inforllation, refe.. to 1811 3890 Document P..ocesso... l1achine and P"ograning Desc.. iption, 6A24-3612. Manual. 84 pages, (9/75) //16/3890/ 6A24-3634 S/370 I:!Q!W, ill FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS This manual describes the cha ..acte .. istics and features of GA24-3620 the Hodel 148. It p..ovides experienced llanagement, programmers, and ope..ations personnel with a fundamental 3895 DOCUt1ENI READER/INSCRIBER :: ~ .I PROGRAmING understanding of this .odel. Knowledge of System/370 as DESCRIPTION This publication is • comp..elwnsive description of the IBM provided in the System/370 Principles of Ope..ation, 6A227000, is required. Only info ..mation of a pa .. ticular concern 3895 Document Reade ../Insc .. ibe.. fo .. system analysts. planners. p..og..ammers, system engineers. and customer to Model 148 users: the processing unit, sto..age, channels, system display console, featu ..es, and instruction ti .. ings. angineers. Included a ..e desc .. iptions of IIIiIchine data flOlol, Manual, 60 pages, 6/76 3148//01// functions. ope..ational p..inciples. eic..ofil. featu ..e, p..og..alll!lling info.... tion (DOSIVS, OSIVSI, OSIVS2 (HVSlt 0SIVS2 (SVS). and EXCP level suppe.. tl, and operating controls. The reader IlUSt have an understanding of bank GA24-3635 data p..ocessing ope..ations. UlZ!! tlQ!ID. ~ ~ CHARACTERISTICS Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pgs. 9/77 This publication desc .. ibes methods used to calculate //04/3895/ Systu/370 Hodel 148 data handling capabilities that are dependent upon I/O channel configu..ations and operations. Conside..ations of methods ...e also p..esented for prio.. ity $A24-3632 attachment of I/O devices for .axi_ throughput. Inforeation related to specific I/O devices is in separate S/370 I:!!m.I. .IE FUNCIIONAL CHARACTERISTICS This publication desc .. ibes the capabilities. features. Systems Library publications. These publications are listed input/output channels. integ..ated adapte..s and .ttachaents. by order number and b.. iefly described in IBM System/370 Bibliog..aphy (GC20-0001). system console, and ope..ations of the IBI1 System/370 Hodel 138. Also p..ovided is info....ation on prog.... ope..ating This ...nua! is intended for users at the system systems and compatibility featu ..es that a ... available Nith prograanner level; it assumes a thorough background in I/O othe.. systems and p..ogra.s. The public.tion is intended for programming techniques. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 8/77 users .nd potenti.l use.... such as system analysts .nd prog..ammers of the System/370 Hodel 138. The reader is 3148/.101// .ssumed to have a NOrking knowledge of 1811 System/370 Principles of Operation. 6A22-7000 .nd 1811 System/370 System Summary, 6A22-700l. 279 &A24 &A24 6A24-3638 design and construction are sufficiently sieilar to allON a common set of procedures for problem determination and repair. The IIHS and IISR attach to several types of IBI1 tereinals. Each of these terminals has probl_ detereination procedures (PDP) that should be used IIlth this publication when isolating and repairing scanning failures. A plastic magnetic test stripe for isolating a failure is supplied lIith each tereinal to which the I1HS/I1SR can be attached. The test stripe should be kept in the clear plastic envelope in which it is supplied. near the ""S/I1SR. The POPs for each tereinal describe the use of the test stripe. Manual. 4 114 x 5 112 inches. 16 pages. 10/78 //13/3641.3643.3646.3276.3278/ ~ DESCBImON S:Il m OPERATOR'S §YlIlg This lIanual contains inforution describing the use. operation. and operator .aintenancHI responsibility of the IBI1 3896 Tape-Document Converter. It is intended for use by supervisory or key operators. It is the pri.ary docueent to be used by key operators for uintaining the 3896 in good operating condition. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 10/80 //16/3896/ 1m TAPE-Doctn1ENI CONVERTER 6A24-3639 ARW PROCESSOR fUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS This reference publication is intended for unagtntent. systell programmers. and systee operators Mho require inforllUltion about the IBK 3838 Array Processor. This u!'AIIIl provides the user lIith information about syst_ configuration •••chine features. channel attacn..nt. algorlthll!l and array data format. and operator instructions. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 10/76 //08/3838/ m.§ "24-3664 &A24-3653 l§2i IlOCUMENT READER/INSCRIBER OPERATOR'S §YlIlg This publication describes the functions. operating procedures. and operator maintenance of the 3895. It is intended for the use of bank data processing operations .anagement and .achine operators. There are no prerequisites for the use of this .anual. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 50 pages. 10/77 //16/3895/ AUTOMATIC !I.W !.!tIlL. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION The IBK 3644 Automatic Data Unit provides sensor cOllllllnication and control capability on the IBI1 3630 Plant &A24-3669 ConMa'\ication System. The 3644 contains an internal ~ PROCESSOR OPERATOR'S i\lmi .icrocantroller that can be programeed to control e variety This eanual contains both reference and instructional of user specified accessory cards. information necessary to operate either the model group 1 or This publication contains inforution for engineers eodel group 2 processors. It contains information regarding designing and building the connection frOll the 3644 to the startup. control ••onitoring and problee response. custonr devices. for custOlller persClrWlel responsible for This book is intended prillarily for the systee operator. planning the custOlll8r installation. for personnel Mho Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 120 pages. 4/81 install the 3644 and Mintain the s_or cards. and custoeer 4341//16// .anagament. prograning. and operating persClrWleI. Manual. 106 pages. 6/78 //09/3644/ "24-3671 ~ PRO!:ESSQRS I:I!!lW. i!l!!lP 1 S:Il !JI ~ CHARACTERISTICS This unual describes hall to check the effects of loads 6A24-3656 imposed on the chamels of the IBI1 4341 Processor Hodel Groups 1 and 10. This manual is for progralllmers and syst_ JAn DOCUMENT PROCESSOR !mIWJi C J II OPERATOR'S IWIIlI This reference manual contains inforeation necessary to analysts to verify that a proposed configuration of operate the IBI1 3890 DocUlllt!l"lt Processor I'IocIals C and D input/output (1/0) devices can IIOrk satisfactorily lIith the including the follolling optional features: 4341 Processor I10del Groups 1 and 10. Itee Numbering/Endorsing and Hicrofil.ing. The specific Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 68 pages. 9/79 operating inforeation includes: A brief description of the 4341//01// standard .achine and available optional features. operating controls (keys. lights. and switches). machine operation (document loading and ",loading. file loading and &A24-3672 "'loading), error conditions and recovery procedures. and ~ PROCESSQR FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS ~ PRocESSOR operator .aintenanea. C!It!WlS CDNFlGUBATOR This referanee publication is for systell analysts and This publication is intended for .achine operators and progra_rs who require inforeation about processor those persons required to operate and control the 18K 3890. No prior operating experience is necessary. but is helpful. features. input/output characteristics. tillling. eachina A feature of the lIanual is rellovable pages containing instructions and functions of the integrated I/O devices. information to be used lIith the operator run book. The reader is assumed to have a working knowledge of the Operating infoMlllltion for related progra.ing is not IBH 4300 Processors Principles of Dperation for ECPS:YSE Mode. Order No. &A22-7070. and to have had progra_ing included. for eare detailed inforeation. refer to 18K 3890 experience lIith Systae/360. Systae/370. or other 4300 Docl.lllent Processor Machine and Progra.ing Description. Order No. &A24-3612. Processors • Prerequisite publications: IBtt 4300 Processors and Manual. 100 pgs. 2/77 //16/3890/ InputlOutput and Data Communications Equipment Configurator. &A33-1523 IBH Systee/370 Principles of Dperation. &A22-7000. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 1/79 4341//01// "A24-3663 MAGNETIC Hml ~ MAGNETIC ~ BWU REPLACEMENT PROCEDURES Both the IBH Magnetic Hand Scanner (1IH5) and the 18K "24-3679 Magnetic Slot Reader (IISR) read encoded Mgnatic-stripad ~ REPORTING TERMINAL COMpoNENT DESCRIPTION ~ OPERATING docunnts. These tllO accessories differ in gwwrd §YID! appearance and . .thad of operation. but their interna:!, Thi. eanual contains descriptive inforution. operating ~ = 280 ( 6A24 procedures. probl_ cletar.lnetion .nd .atup inforatfon for t~ 36~1 R~rtlng Tar.in.l. It Includ.. ral.tad infor•• tion for t~ 8100 Inform.tlon Syst.. and t~ ~300 D.ta Proces.lng Syst. . . . Nall a. t~ 3630 Plant CoImIunlc.tlon Systa•• l'lllnual. 8 1/2 x II i~. 124 ~ga. 9/81 //16/36 ... 1/ 6A24-3711 B!I fB.lUJlB COMpoNENT DESCRIPTION AtII OPERATItIS lil.!m Thi. manual contains descriptive and operating Infor.atlon. probl_ datar.lnation procadures. and satup infor.. tlon for t~ 3645 Prlntar. It contains ralated Infor.atlon for t~ syst_ to which it can be aUachad. The syst_ ara t~ 3630. t~ 8100 and the "'300. l'lllnual. 8 1/2 x II i~. 80 ~ga. 9/81 //16/3645/ 6A2~-3680 l6!Z It&.!!IlD fB.ltIIU CQMpONENT DEICRIPTIQN .At!Il OpERATItIIj li!JlK Thl • •anual contains dftcrlptlva Infor.atlon. optIratlng procadura•• proble. datar.lnatlon. and .atup Information for t~ 36~2 Encoder Prlntar. It Includes ralated Inforatlon for t~ 8100 Information Syst_ and the ...300 Data Proc... lng Systa. a. Nell a. t~ 3630 Plant C~lcatlon System. Manual. 8 1/2 x II Inches. 66 pages. 9/81 //16/36...2/ 6A24-3681 KEYBOARD cot!poNENt DESCRIPTION .At!Il OPERATlt!& GUIDE This .anual contains descriptive Infor... tlon. operating procedures. problem determlnetlon. and setup Infor.. tlon for the 3643 Keyboard Display. It Includes related Infor..tlon 6A24-3716 for the 8100 Infor.atlon System and the ...300 Data Processing 3838 ABW PROCESSOR RESERVOIR MOOELINS System as ...11 as the 3630 Plant C-.nlcatlon Syst... FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS ! PROGRAMMIN§ ~ lIanual. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches. 148 ~g... 9/81 Provides Information required by applications and syst. . //16/3643/ progra_ers to construct reservoir .odellng programs running under the t1YS Yector Processing Subsystem. Section 1: Functional Characteristics describes the 6A24-3682 .. thematlcs and processing performed by each algorithm and ~ AUTDt1ATIC 1!m lmU OPERATINS GUIDE the Nay It refer.ences data In bulk storage. This publication contains descriptive. operating. problem Section 2: Progra_Ing Guide presents an overvl_ of determination. and setup Infor.. tlon for the 18/1 36" the date formats supported by the Reservoir lIodellng Set and AutOllNttlc Data Unit used on the 18/1 3630 Plant CoImIunlcatlon a description of the general YPSS CALL and CIT forMats System. unique to these algorithM. Section 2 also provides The 18/1 36" AutOHtlc Data Unit enables t~ user to Inforutlon for each algorithm. such as op code. III'I8IIOI'\lc. attach a wide variety of devices and production equipment to call statement. options. CIT entry length. special para.eter the IBII 3630 Plant ea..unlcatlon SYstem. considerations. array parameter table. array description. this Information Is useful to custOller and service and CIT forut. personnel responsible for developing applications and the Prerequisite publications: resulting operating procedures. probl_ determination. and • 1811 3838 Array Processor. Functional Characteristics. order number 6A24-3639 setup of the 18/1 36". • Manual. 56 ~ges. 6/78 DS/YS1 and OS/yS2 ttYS Yector Processing Subsyst•• PrograUlers 6ulde. &C24-Sl2S //16/36"/ IBII Systeml370 Principles of Operation. GA22-70DO. • I1anual. 136 pages. 9/78 6A24-3683 //08/3838/ ~ ~ ~ YHII CDt1P!!NENT DESCRIPTION AlII. OPERATItIG iIWIf This manual contains descriptive and operating Information. 6A2"'-3733 problem determination. procedures and setup Infor.atlon for llil .PIWm!l !!Il!!Wi 1 Mm 11 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This ..nusl provides reference Inforatation about the 3262 t~ IBII 3646 Scanner Control Unit. Thl. manual also Printer Ifodels 1 and 11 for supervisory personnal. syst... contains related Inforll8tlon for the 8100 and the 4300. analysts. and application programmers Mho are using the 3262 l'lllnual. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches. 9/81 as an output printer for their IBII 4331 Processor. //16/36%/ The .anual describes the general functions of the printer. printing .ethod. speed Ithroughput) calculations. attachment to the 4331 Processor. progra.lng Information. 6A24-3686 printer coaponants. and printer controls. 1U1 TAPE-DOCU!1ENT CDNYERTER mEl !IIAI.lII lil.!m this Is a .ajor revl.lon of and obsoletes 6A24-3733-1 This manual Is a convenlant rafaranea guide for 3896 dated April 1980. The "Progra.lng Inforlllation" section has operators that have littla axperlenca In detar.lning t~ bean COIIIPletaly revised. the "Audible Alar." featura has quality I ..chlna raadabllity) of tapa copy tlckats produced been added. and various other changes have bMn on the 3896. Usa this .anual in conjunction Nith tha 18/1 Incorporated. 3896 Tapa Docuunt Converter Copy Sampl_ I SX24-3690 ). l'lllnual. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches. 55 ~ga. 4/81 ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches. 8 ~ges. 4/78 4331//03/3262/ //04/3896/ ~ ( mew GA24-3715 128711288 APIlC!L CHARACTER ~ ~ ~ DI6ITIZltIS !Pi COMPONENT DESCRlPTIDN AHa OPERATING PROCEQURES Describes tha prograllllling aspacts and operation of the Yldeo IlI8ga Digitizing RPQ for the 1287 and 1288 optical readers. The user I. axpected to ba familiar Nith the IB" Syst.. 360 and 370 Component Description and Operating Procedures: 18/1 1287 Qptlcal Reader component Description and Operating Procedures. 6A21-9064 or the 18/1 1288 Optical Page Reader t10del I Cotnponent Description and Operating Procedures. 6A21-9081 depending on Nhlch device the RPQ Is Installed. l'lllnual. 8 1/2 x II Inches. 24 ~ges. 9/79 //14/1287.1288/ 281 GA2ft GA2ft GA2ft-373ft GA24-3752 12i& .PImIJD H!!IIWI 1 AtiIl J1 OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS AtIl .I!!!.lI:ruB H!lIlWI 1.& L. .h 1L. 1& AIm J1 PLANNING At!2 PREPARATION i!.!l!lIi .l!m!I gmu These reference cards are inserted in the IBM 3262 Printer This is a guide for customer personnal to plan and prepare Hodels 3 and 13 attached to the IBH 3270 InforMation Display for the physical installation and setup of an 18" 3262 System. Printer "odels 1, and 11 used with the 18" ft331 Processor, Thase cards contain brief descriptions for loading and the Models 2 end 12 used with the IBM 8100 Infor .... tion paper, replacing ribbon, etc. Status code and actions to be System. These 3262 Printers are customer-setup ..chines. followed for each code are listed. When the 3262 stops, the Associated manuals are Installation and Assembly of Coaxial Cable and Accessories for Attachment to IBM status coda defines whether the problem is the printer, the Products, GA24-2805, and IBM Multiuse Communications Loop 3270 Information Display System or its controllers. Planning Guide, GA23-0038. 20 cards and.4 tabs, 9/80 Insert, 1 page, 7/80 370,5410,SftI5,Sft12,SftOft,Sft06,Sft08,8130,81ftO,ft331,ft3ft1,ft321// 15/3262/ GA24-3757 3232 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERHlNAL Illm.!. II nn PlANNING MIl PREPARATION GUIDE This is a guide for customers to plan and prepare for setup GA2ft-3735 and use of a 3232 Keyboard Printer Terminal Model II. ~ fIWIllR !!!l!W.li 1 Am II OPERATOR'S i!.!l!lIi This manual describes to the operator of the IBM 3262 The 3232 Keyboard-Printer Terminal is designed to be set up Printer Models 1 and 11 the printer's operating features, without the use of tools and without assistance. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 20 pages, 6/81 the control panel, how to set up and run the print job, simple uintenance procedures, and recovery from error 8130,8140,4331//15/3232/ conditions. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 40 pages, 6/80 4331//16/3262/ GA2ft-3759 3230 ER!!ruB !m!!I.L. g fHll!lYk! DESCRIPTION This publication provides reference infoMllation on the 3230 Printer Hodel 2, a serial printer that attaches to the GA2ft-37ft1 3270 Inforution Display System. The printer operates ~ .PIUtfUB l!!2!WJi 1 Am J1 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This manual provides reference information about the 3262 in either of tllO data lIIOdes: 3270 Oata Stream or SCS (Systems Network Architecture (St~) Character String). Printer Models 3 and 13 used with the 3270 Infor.. tion The printer description and programming information Display system. The docunent is to be used by supervisory personnel, system analysts and application programmers. contained in this publication can be useful for supervisory personnel, system analysts, and application prograllllllers. The manual describes the general functions of the printer as well as the major components, printing method and General knowledge of the 3270 Inforution Display Station speed (throughput! and the printer attachment to the 327ft is assumed. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 56 pages, 6/81 and 3276 controllers. The reader should be familiar with 370,5ftl0,5415,5412,5404,5406,5408,4331,43ftl,ft321//03/3230/ the IBM 3270 Information Display System. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 45 pages, 10/79 370,5410,Sft15,SftI2,Sft04,5406,5408,8130,81ftO,4331,43ft1,4321// GA24-3761 03/3262/ 3230 fIWI!m H!lI!illl Atm ! ~ PLANNING MIl PREPARATION ~ ~ §!!mg GA2ft-37ft3 ~ ER!!ruB tI!lI!WI 1 !m J1 OPERATOR 'S This is a guide for customers to plan and prepare for the set up and use of a 3230 Printer Hodel 1 used with the 8100 Information System, and the Hodel 2 used with the 3270 Information Display System. The 3230 Printers are designed to be set up without the use of tools and without assistance. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 20 pages, 06/81 //15/3230/ ~ This manual provides both reference and instructional information necessary to operate the IBM 3262 Printer Kadels 1 and 11. It is intended mainly for machine operators, but may also be of interest to system supervisors and engineers. The unual provides a general description of printer operation and performance, operator panel functions, operating and error-recovery procedures, operator .. int_nce routines, and relocation instructions. The 3262 Models 3 and 13 printers are designed GA2ft-3763 ~ pROCESSOR l!!!W. §RmIE g FlKIIONAL CHARACTERISTICS MIl exclusively for use with the IBM 3270 Infor..tion Display Syst... PROCESSOR m:!P.I&lS CONFIGURATOR Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 58 pages, 10/80 This manual contains reference infor..tion about the ft3ft1 Model Group 2 features, I/O characteristics, machine 370,4361,4381,5410,5415,Sft12,5404,5406,Sft08,8130,81ftO,ft331, instruction timings, and the operation of integrated I/O 43ft1,ft321//16/3262/ devices. This document is intended for use by syst_ analysts and programmers. Hanual, 8 1/2 xlii nches, 56 pages, 9/80 GA24-3750 43ft1//01// OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS AtIl HmIII mwI ~ fIWI:WI ~ 1 Am 11 These cards, for installation in the 3262 Printer Kadels 1 and 11, contain brief descriptions for loading paper, GA24-3767 replacing print ribbon, etc. Status code listings and :nlll fIWmB !:HllW. 1 OPERATOR'S !iIIllll This publication provides introductory, reference and actions to be followed for each coda are also listed. When instructional inforution for operation of the IBM 3230 the 3262 Printer stops, the status coda defines whether the Printer Hodel 2. It is intended pri ..arily for those who ara problem is the printer or the 4331 system onto which the responsible for ter.inal start-up, operation, and problem printer is attached. resolution. The reader is assumed to have no previous 20 cards and 4 tabs, 8/80 experience with the printer operation. The information is 282 &A24 &A24 organized to a110M training for the novice and provide an easy reference for the .xperienced operator. Appendixes contain instructions for syst. . attachment and obtaining service. The systeJII attachment information is to be used fo11olling the setup instructions contained in the 18/1 3230 Model 2 Setup Instructions. &A24-3789. There are no prerequisite publications for us. of this . .nual. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 40 pages. 10/81 1103/32301 6-'24-3777 XR KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERMINAL l!l!W. 1 OPERATOR'S :;A24-3769 6424-3778 lllQ !!!!!n. ! REFERENCE mmt!!!!l KEYBOARD-PRINtER TERMINAL l!l!W. i1 OPERATOR'S ~ This publication provides introductory. reference and instructional infor.. tion for operation of the 3232 Keyboard-Printer T.... inal Model 51. It is intended pri .. rily for those who are responsible for te ... inal startup. operation. and problee resolution. The reader is assumed to have no previous experience with tereinal operation. The infor.. tion is organized to allow training for the novice and p ..ovide an easy reference for the .xp.rienced operator. Appendixes contain instructions for syst. . attachment and obtaining service. The systes attachment info.... tion is to be used fo11_ing the s.tup instructions contained in the 3232 Model 51 Setup Instructions. &A24-3787. There are no prerequisite publications for use of this ..nual. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 10/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTI!!N ONLY ~ This ca .. d contains info..... tion s~rized fo ... the 3230 Printer Hodel 2 Operator's Guide. Order No. &424-3767. Fanfold card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 14 panels. 10/81 370.5410.5415.5412.5404.5406.5408.4331.4341.4321/103132301 6A24-3771 ln1 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERMINAL Imn 1 ~ DESCRIPTI!!N This publication describes the 3232-1 operation and cOllllUl'lication-link attachment to the host processor (Systeal370. 4300. 81001. Prograllllling infor.. tion is also provided. It is intended for supervisory personnel. systu analysts. and application programers. The reader should hav. a ganeral knONledge of SNA and host progra... Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 70 pages. 6/81 1109/32321 6424-3772 1m KEYBDARD-PRINTER TERMINAL II!lW. i1 M:!!l SITE PREPARATION §!.!ill ( ~ This publication provides introductory. r.fe ..enc. and instructional information for operation of the 3232 Keyboa ..d-Printer Tereinal Model I. It is intended pri .. rily for those who are responsible for start-up. operation. end probles resolution. The reader is assUllled to have no previous experience with te ..einal operation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 10/81 1116/32321 &424-3779 ~ 1n& KEYBOARD-PRINtER TERMINAL!IIIW. 11 OPERlIQR'S DESCRIPTIQN This eanual provides ..eferenc. infor.. tion about the 3232 Keyboard-Printer Tereinal Model 51 for supervisory personnel. syst.... analysts. and application prograDers. In addition to progra_ing info.... tion. describes the printing eethod. syst. . attachlent. operator controls. and error handling capabilities. The Site P..eparation section is a guide for planning and preparing for the set up and us. of a 3232 KeyboardPrinter Tereinal Model 51. Manual. 48 pages. 10/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTI!!N !!NLY &A24-3780 !lil PROCESSORS !I!W. I!!mY!! 1 aug 11 ~ CHARACTERISTICS This ..nual describes hOM to check the .ffects of loads ii!pOlled on the channels of the IBM 4341 Processor Model 6rcups 2 and II. This ..nual is for programers and syst_ analysts to verify that a proposed configuration of input/output (l101 devices can work satisfactorily with the 4341 Processor Model Groups 2 and II. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 72 pages. 1/81 4341/10111 &A24-3773 XR KEYBOARD fB!!:IUR TERMINAL l!l!W. 11 ~ DESCRIPTIQN This publication describes the 3232-11 operation and loop attachment to the 8100 or 4331 Loop Adapter Progra_ing infor-.. tion is also provided. It is intended for supervisory personnel. syat. . analysts. and application prog.. aemers. The reader should have • general knowledge of SNA and host progra... Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 70 pages. 5/81 8130.8140.4331/109/32321 ~ This publication provides introductory. reference and instructional info.... tion for operation of the 3232 K.yboard-Printer T....inal Model II. It is intended pri .. rily for those who are responsible for start-up. operation. and probl. . resolution. The reader is assURd to have no previous .xperienc. with t.reinal operation. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 10/81 8130.8140.43311116/32321 &424-3781 XR t!!!W. 1 REFERENCE mmARI This card contains inforeation s_rized free the 3232 Keyboard-Printer T.reinal Model 1 Operator's Guide. order no. 6-'24-3777. Fanfold card. 3 5/8 x 8 112 inches. 14 panels. 10/81 1109132321 &424-3774 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERMINAL !!!!IW. 1 un; PUNtfIN& _ PREPARATION §!!l!lg This is a guide for custOlllers to plan and prepare for the s.tup and use of a 3232 Keyboa ..d-Printer Te... inal Model I. The 3232 Keyboard-Printer Te...inal is designed to be set up without the us. of tools and without assistance. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pages. 5/81 1115/32321 En GA24-3782 283 rJ!IW, i1 REFERENCE .!Il.!I:!:!MI This card contains information s_rized free the 3232 Keyboard-Printer Tereinal Model 51 Operator's Suide. order no. &A24-3778. Fanfold card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 14 panels. 10/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 6A24 for those familiar .. ith programming for channel-attached input/output devices. In addition to describing the major printer components. this manual includes information about syst.. attachment. printer COtIIIIIands. error recovery. and operating modes. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 96 pages. 10/83 //03/4248/ 6A24-3783 ID.1 !I!!W. 11 REFERENCE m!!:I!:1W This card contains information summarized from the IBK 3232 Keyboard-Printer Terainal Kodel 11 Operator's Guide. Order No. 6A24-3779. Fanfold card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 14 panels. 10/81 8130.8140.4331//09/3232/ 6,\24-3928 PROCESSORS !I!!W. GROUP .!1! J lli FUNCTIONAL .llil PRINTER ~ i OPERATOR EiUIDE CHARACTERISTICS ! PROCESSOR COKPLEX CONFIGURATOR This manual supplies both reference and instructional This reference publication is for system analysts and information to operate the IBK 3262 Printer Hodel 5. It i. programmers who require information about processor intended mainly for machine operators. but may also be of features. input/output characteristics. timings. machine interest to system engineers and supervisors. The manual instructions. and the functions of integrated I/O devices. provides a general description of printer operation and The main chapters cover general inforMation and features and performance. operator panel functions. operating and error fU'ICtions cor:mon to all models. The appendixes cover recovery procedures. operator maintenance routines. and features and characteristics of specific modles. The reader relocation instructions. is assumed to have had programming experience with Manual. 64 pages. 6/83 Syste1l/360. Systell/370. or other 4300 processors. 370.4331.4341.4321//16/3262/ Prerequisite Publications: 4300 Processors Principles of Operation for ECPS:VSE Hode. 6A22-70701 Systell/370 Principles of Operation. 6A22-7000; 4300 Processors SUmMary GA24-3929 and Input/Output & Data Communications Configurator. ~ fB1H!fR ~ 1 OPERATING PROCEDURES These cards are attached to each 4248 Printer Hodel 1. They 6A33-1523. contain printer operating procedures for use by operators. Kanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 11/81 8200-1400.100 Reference Cards. 8 1/2 x 7 inches. 25 cards. 3/84 This reference publication is for systu analysts and programmers who require information about 4341 Processor features. input/output characteristics. timings. machine G'\24-3936 instructions. and the fU'ICtions of integrated I/O devices. .llil .PRItInR ~ i PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This dOCUlllent has two sections. The main section This manual provides reference information about the describes the 4341 Processor Hodel 6roups 10 and 11 in channel-attached 3262 Printer Kadel 5. It is intended for supervisory personwl. system analysts. prograllltllers. and general and contains those features and fU'ICtions that are common to all models. others using the Kodel 5 as an output printer for their The appendixes contain the features and characteristics processor. The lIanual describes the general fUnctions of of a specific model of the 4341. the printer. how to calculate throughput. programlling 4341//01// information. channel attacment. printer COlllpOl'\ents. and printer controls. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 54 pages. 11/82 370.4361.4381.4331.4341.4321//03/3262/ 6A24-3798 ~ :PR.l!::!l]B !I!!W. 1 OPERATOR'S INTRODUCTION !tIZ REFERENCE Thi. manual is for 4248 Printer Hodel 1 operators. It has three parts: Part 1 - Introduction contains general 6,\24-3947 information about the 4248-1 and describes the ba.ic ~ UNIPROCESSOR FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS operating principals 1 ,Part 2 - Components describes the This publication is for system analysts and progra...-s and operating components such as keys and lights; Part 3contains information about the 4381 uniprocessors. features. Training consists of an operator training outline. input/output characteristics. system configurations. and the Manual. 10 3/4 x 7 5/8 inches. 75 pages. 3/84 functions of integrated devices. Only those itelllS that are //16/4248/ unique to the 4381 uniprocessor are described. Inforlllation about attached devices is not covered but is referenced. The reader is assumed to have a working knowledge of the SA24-3925 4300 Processors Principles of Operation for ECOS: YSE Mode. 6A22-7070. and to have had programming experience .. ith ~ PROCESSOR ~ ANALYSIS iYl!!5 This booklet is the console operator's guide for 4341 Systell/360. Systell/370 or other 4300 Processors. Processor problu analysis. It contains simple step-by-step Prerequisite Publications: 4300 Processors and Input/Output procedures for the operator to follow when a problem occurs. and Data Communications Equipment Configurator. 6.\33-1523. A pocket for the Processor Unit Analysis Diskette (PUADI is and Systu/370 Principles of Operation. 6A22-7000. contained inside the rear cover of the booklet. (This Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/83 4381//01// diskette i. not included Nhen ordering the publication.) This booklet and PUAD diskette are shipped .. ith 4341 Processor. that have the problem analysis capability. The booklet ( .. ith the diskette inserted in the rear pocket) i. 6A24-3948 kept in the diskette rack on the door of the 4341. m1 PROCESSOR ~ CHARACTERISTICS This publication describes how to check the affects of Hanual. 8 1/2 x 9 inches. 12 pages. 8/82 cha...,.l loads on the 4381 Processor when operating in System/370 _de. When the 4381 is operating in 370-XA mode. 6A24-3927 the channels are configured by the IOCP facility. which is described in the 4381 IOCP User's Guide and Reference. 6C24~ .PRItInR m;w. 1 f!!!!:mR DESCRIPTION This manual describes the IBM 4248 Printer Hodel 1. a 3964. With the information derived in this publication. the user can verify that a proposed configuration of high-performance. impact printer that attaches to its controlling computer through an input/output cha...,.l. The Input/Output (I/O) devices can MOrk satisfactorily. information in this manual is for supervisory personwl and Kanual. 88 pages. 2/84 6A24-3797 ~ 284 ( 6A21t GA26 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY determination. hoM to custOMize the 7171 for specific installation needs. and appendices include useful referenc.. • at ..rial including supplied t ..rMinal definition tables for .erveral ter.inals. For detailed installation information r ..f ..r to the 7171 D..vice Attachm~nt Control Unit Description and Planning Guide. GA24-4019. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 350 pages. 8/84 //0917171/ 6A21t-391t9 OPERAIIONS I!6t!YAI. This publication contains referanee and instructional inforlHtion nec..ssary to operate the 4381. It i. designed for system operators Mho perform .tartup procedures. ~itor and control syst.. operation. and respond to operating probl.... It is also designed for system prograaer. and analysts Mho program and lIOdify the syst_ configuration. The manual contains .ervice-directed functions that can be used to convey infor.ation to service repr..entatives or reaote service personnel. Manual. 300 pages. 2/84 ~ 6A24-4021 RY&L PROCESSOR FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS This publication is designed for syste.. analysts and progra.....rs and contains information about the 4381 Oual Processors. f ..atures. input/output charact.. ristics. system configurations. and the functions of integrated I/O devices. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 75 pages. 10/84 4381//01// !l§1 1t381//16// 6A21t-3950 JiJ!:!2ABl !1m INPUT/OUTPUT J IlW COtIMUtIICAII!!!!S ~ PROCESSOR This docl.IIent describes the basic COlll)Clnl!nts of the 4381 Processor and is designed to give a general understanding of this processor. DocUilent.... ith ~re detailed inforlHtion are referaneed. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/83 1t381//01// "24-4022 wru ATTACH"ENT CONTROL WI! GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides a general overvie... of the 7170 device attachment control unit (DACU) and is intended for use by prospective custo..ers and marketing representatives. It provides general inforMation on the function of the DACU's major logical ele..ents. programming. perfor.ance. and physical charact.. ristics. This publication applies to rel..as .. 4.0 of th.. DACU fla1ctional code. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 7/85 //0917170/ .n.z.g ""21t-3955 !!BQ!iWt ANALYSIS .mmIl !J§l PROCESSOR This guide i. de.igned for the 4381 cansole operator. It contains .hlple steps to follow Mhen a problu occurs. The guide tells the user heN to use the automated Problem Analysis routines to collect and analyze probl.. data. and step-by-step procedures to help .olve the probl_. Manual. 38 pages. 1/84 1t381//01// "24-4023 !tal PROBlE" ANALYSIS ~ This publication contains information necessary to analyz.. problems ... ith the 4381 Proc..ssor and allows the operator to take correctiv.. action. aA21t-1t017 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 46 pages. 6/84 4381//01// 4341/4381 PROCESSORS INSTALLATION "ANUAL :: PHYSICAL PUNNING Thi. publication contains information necessary to plan and prepare the physical site for the installation of the 4341 and 4381 processors. 6A26-1589 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 6/84 gm ~ ~ AHIl 2305 ~ ~ STORAGE ~ 4381.4341//15// REFERENCE The 2835 Storage Control and 2305 Fixed Head Storage Modul .. form a large capacity. high sp..ed dir..ct access storag.. facility for general purpose data storage and system 6A21t-1t019 residence. I t attaches to the central processing unit l!Z1 ~ I!!mE ATTACHMENT ~ It!II DESCRIPTION At:!ll through a block .ultipl..xor channel. and op..rates under PLANNING §!Ll!2!i This publication introduces the 7171 ASCII D..vic.. Attachlllent direct progra.. control of th.. CPU. Control Unit. It presents an overvi .... of the 7171. Site For experienced program.... rs. this manual provides Planning InforlHtion. Custo.... r Syst_ Integration (CSII. readily accessible ref .. renc...aterial related to channel Customer Problem D.. t ..rmination Procedure (CPDP). and it command MOrds. sense bytes. track format. track capaciti ..s. and .. rror r ..covery. explains heN the 7171 eMUlates 3270 terminal functions for less experienced progra...ers ... ill find sufficient ASCII display terminals. infor..ation to cr..ate channel programs to best utilize Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 6/84 //09/7171/ the standard and special f ..atures of the facility. A compl.. te description of th .. switches and indicators is provided for systems installation operators. Progra...... rs should b.. fa .. iliar with th.. inforMation 6A21t-4020 contained in IBH System/360 Principles of Operation • .ZlZ.l !§gX DEVICE mACHMENT ~ YI:!ll REFERENCE !til Order Number 6A22-6821 and IBM System/370 Principles PROGRAMMING GUIDE of Operation Order Number 6A22-7000. Operators should This publication provides COMprehensive documentation for ·be familiar ... ith the material pr..sented in th.. system the 7171 ASCII D..vice Attachment Control Unit. It i. sUlllllNlry for the parent system. intended for syst_ progra..... r. and operation personnel. but Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 96 pages. 12/83 also contains useful infor.ation for terminal users. It //0712835.2305/ covers introductory infor.ation including a description of the functions and uses of the system. a description of the operating environment and the ASCII devices supported. procedures for startup. operation. and probl.. ( 285 .. / -_./" GA26 GA26 GA26-1619 m.Il COI1PONENT ~ This .anual is intended to familiarize experienced data processing personnel with the characteristics of the IBI1 3340 Disk Storage. (The reader should have prior kllOllleclge of direct-access storage devices and concepts.) It lists functional characteristics and discusses record forlllat. capacity. and timing characteristics. It also lists all commands executed by the 3340 and suggested operating instructions. I1anual. 14 pages GA26-1592 REFERENCE !!M:!Y!l. fim 1m! 3830 ~ ~ At!!l mH 3330 ~ STORAGE For eKperienced programmers. this manual provides readily accessible reference material related to channel command words. sense bytes. tract format. track capacities. and error recovery. Less experienced programmers will find sufficient inforlllation to create channel programs to best utilize the standard and special features of the 3830/3330 facility. A complete description of the switches and indicators. and procedures for loading and unloading disk packs is provided for systems installation operators. Programmers should be familiar with the information contained in IBI1 Systetll/360 Principles of Operation. Order No. GA22-0621. and IBI1 System/370 Principles of Operation. Order No. GA22-7000. Operators should be familiar with the .aterial presented in the system summary for the parent system. Order numbers for system sUllllllary and other related publications can be fome! in IBI1 Systellll360 and Systellll370 Bibliography. Order No. GA22-6822. l1anual. 100 pages 370.4331.4341.43211107/3340.33441 GA26-1620 INTEGRATED ~ CONTROL REFERENCE This manual is intended primarily for programmers and operators. It provides reference material on channel colllllland words. sense bytes. error recovery procedures. special features. operator controls. and the usage meter. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 138 pages. 12/83 370.4361.4381.3090.4331.4341.43211113/3345.3333.3330.3340. 1107/3830.33301 3344.33501 GA26-1599 1Z12 GA26-1621 1 TRANSACTION VALIDATION TERI1INAL. j J 11 RECEIVER-TERI1INAL YHlI INSTALLATION t!!tl!.!Al. PHYSICAL PLAlt!ING .mH 12ti HIm.!. 1 ~ The IBI1 2730 I10del 1 Transaction Validation Terminal. IBI1 .n!il!IN6 TERI1INAL .Rei 834660 2968 I10dal 9 and IBI1 2968 110del 12 Receiver-Terminal Control This manual contains technical information. recommendations. and suggestions to be used in installing the IB" 3984-1 Cash Unit are part of an on-line credit authorization system. Issuing Terminal. Included are physical specifications. This manual describes the function of these devices in the system configuration. and provides typical operating cable. electrical. and environmental requirements. The procedures for the 2730 I10del 1 and its acoustic coupler. custo..r should arrange for professional assistance in The Appendix contains specifications for magnetic stripe planning his installation. if necessary. to _ure that local and national codes are met. credit cards. A basic knowledge of data processing. including It is assumed that the custOlller has both a system (CPU) teleprocessing. is required to understand the .aterial and a transmission control unit (2701. 2703. or equivalent) presented in this manual. either installed or to be installed. The following publications provide necessary additional l1anual. 16 pages 1114/2968.27301 information: o IBI1 Systellll360 Installation I1anual Physical Planning. GC22-6820 o IBI1 System/370 Installation I1anual Physical GA26-1600 Planning. GA22-7004 1Z12 !!mb .h ~ mw. h &Ill lli§ I!!m.I. lli INSTALLATION I1anual. 8 pages I1ANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING This publication provides physical planning information for 1114/29841 the IBI1 2730-1 Transaction Validation Terminal. IBI1 2968-9 Receiver-Terminal Control Unit (RPQ 831624). and IBI1 2968-12 Receiver-Terminal Control Unit (RPQ 834654). Included are 6A26-1625 physical specifications and cable. electrical. and ~ DATA tm!!1l.!& HANDLING PROCEDURES environmental requirements. This manual is a guide for handling the IBI1 3348 Data I1odule. It is intended for personnel who operate the 3340 l1anual. 8-1/2 x 11 inches. 12 pages 1115/2730.29681 Disk Storage. Except for being familiar with the 3340 Disk Storage. operating personnel need no other prerequisites. The following topics are covered: Introduction. General Handling Procedure. Storage. Receiving and Shipping. GA26-1615 Labeling. and Operating Instructions. INlTUlDUCTIDN mJ Jill A-SERIES l!!l!IS lm!Rm .umt1 .!.m!m This lllanual is intended for readers having prior knowledge Manual. 16 pages of direct access storage devices and concepts. l1a:ior topics 370.4361.4381.3090.4331.4341.4321111613348.33401 are: standard and special features. 110 operations. and operators panel. l1anual. 14 pages GA26-1630 1107/3330.33331 .nn mm l!!l!IS Ji!.QBA!i!;; rmw. .1:.1L CUSTOI1ER CONVERSION ~ ~ ~ = = §YI!!g GA26-1617 REFERENCE ~ fim D!! ml! m:IIB.!lI. HIm.!. 1 This manual is intended for readers having prior knowledge of direct access storage devices and concepts. "ajor topics are: standard and special features. I/O operations. and the operator panel. I1anual. 12 pages mmm 1107138301 This .anual is intended to guide the IBI1 customer in planning a field conversion of the 3330 Series Disk Storage l10del 1 to a 3330 Series Disk Storage l10del II. This manual is organized into two distinct categories: hardNare and programming considerations. The hardware considerations cover topics concerning bills of material, power and cabling requirea8\tsl configuration requisitesl and conversion times. The prograM considerations define progra_ing support and l;sts available programs. Also included are procedures 286 - ------------- ---- 9A26 9A26 for making progralllling updates to provide for the 3330 t10del 9A26-1638 11 I ELEVEN) • 3350 DIRECT ~ !!Q!!lli REFERENCE MANUAL Manual, 20 pages Intended for experienced data processing personnel, this 1107/33301 publication describes the characteristics, formats, features, commands, and compatibility modes of the IBM 3350 Direct Access Storage Subsystem. Manual, 47 pages 9A26-1632 1107/33501 FIXED HUll ~ USER'S lillI!!! 3340 DISKISTORAGE The manual describes the IBM 3340 Disk Storage fixed Head Feature. It is intended to provide system and application infor_tion to guide systems analysts and experienced 9A26-1646 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM REFERENCE: Qgf DOCUMENT PREPARATION programmers in installing and using the fixed-head feature. Note: The manual serves as the central information This manual provides supplemental Optical Character document for current supporting releases and thus fully Recognition IOCR) information for systems analysts, forms describes the fixed-head feature and all anticipated designers, programmers, and operators. The manual is restrictions for those systems. intended for use in OCR document preparation with the IBM The material presented requires that users be familiar 3800 Printing Subsystem and the IBM 1287/1288, and 3886 with data management concepts as they apply in OS and DOS Optical Character Readers. Host of the existing OCR manuals virtual storage programming systems and to have a working contain information that is generally applicable except for knowledge of Job Control language IJCl) coding. some differences which are listed in this manual. Manual, 16 pages Prerequisite knowledge of optical readers and forms design 370,4361,4381,3090,4331,4341,43211113/33401 is assumed for users of this manual. Manual, 16 pgs, 9/76 = 1103/38001 GA26-1633 Ell! PRINTING SUBSYSTEM FORMS W!§!! REFERENCE ( ~ This publication contains instructions for preparation of forms overlays for the IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem. Included are paper considerations, printer capability, preprinted forms, paper storage requirements, and photo negative specifications. Print charts and overlay master illustrations are included together with tables showing the print character capacities of all common use and ISO paper sizes. A companion publication with additional information useful for the fOI"1l5 designer is: Introducing the IBM Printing Subsystem and its Progra.ing, Order No. 6C26-3829. Manual, 50 pages 9A26-1647 3803-3/3420-3, i MAGNETIC !AfS SUBSYSTEM This manual contains a description of the 3803-313420 attachment to IBM System/370 Hodels 115 and 125. For progralll1llers and Operators, this manual. contains commands, sense and status bytes, procedures for loading and unloading tape, controls and indicators, and error recovery procedures. Manual, 60 pgs 3115,31251105/3803,34201 GA26-1653 INTRODUCING m 1m! ~ TAPE-TO-PRINTING ~SYSTEM FEATURE AND ~ UTILITY, PROG PROD i74§-UT2 This publication provides introductory information for GA26-1634 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE prospective users of the Tape-to-Printing Subsystem Feature This publication provides operating instructions for the IBM and the Offline IBM 3800 Utility for the IBM 3800 Printing 3800 Printing Subsystem. These instructions include Subsystem. The intended audience is data processing descriptions of the controls, switches, and indicators used managers and system analysts planning for these 3800 for initial setup, running, and error recovery. This features, and others seeking initial information about the publication is written as a reference for the working features. The information is presented in general terms and operator who has received training in the 3800 printer assUllleS that the reader understands the basic functions of the 3800 printer and either the 3410/3411 or the 3803/3425 operation. It is assumed that the user of this manual has a basic knowledge of printer 1/0 operation. It is not 118gnetic tape subsystelD. This publication has three main intended to be a self-study text. The publication is sections 11) Introduction, briefly describes the features; intended for the operators who will perform the basic setup, (2) Tape-To-Printing Subsystem Feature, contains a brief operation, error recovery, and cleaning tasks associated description of the printer, tape units, configuration, and with the 3800. tape formats; (3) Offline IBM 3800 Utility, briefly Manual, 114 pages, 07/76 describes the program product which includes storage 1116/38001 requirements and operating considerations. A glossary is also included. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 16 pgs, 6/77 oA26-1635 1113/38001 REFERENCE MANUAL f!!R m 1mS 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM This manual provides information on the functions and features of the IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem relating to 6A26-1654 chamel commands, sense bytes, and error detection, OPERATQRtREFERENCE MANUAL f!!R 1mS ~ TAPE-TO-PRINTER recovery, and recording. In addition, specific inforMation SUBSYSTEM ~ and examples are given of copy modification and control, and This publication provides infoMllation about the IBM 3800 graphic character modification. Tape-To-Printer subsystem feature for operators and The lIanual is intended for usa by systelllS analysts, programllers. The operator instruc!ions include descriptions installation ..nagers, systems prograliliers, and other of the controls, switches, indicators, and selection of the printing options for initial setup, running, and error personnal requi ri ng 3800 reference i nformat i on. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 160 pages, 7/83 recovery. Examples are provided for the typical 1103/38001 tape-to-printer operating modes. ProgralDlling related inforlDation consists of channal commands, sense bytes and status, error detection, recovery, and recording, which are 1103/38001 m 287 6126 GA26 associated with tape-to-printer oparation. 6A26-1661 Also provided is a section that describes tape for.. ts, 1!!Y ~ ~ DESCRIPTION For experienced progranmers, this manual provides readily which includes information concerning labels, control and accessible reference material related to channel commands, data fields, and record lengths. Performance considerations sense bytes, ERPs, and features for the 3880 and its for .. intaining maxi_ throughput are defined and illustrated by an example calculation. attached disk storage. Dividers Tabs for IBH 3880 Storage Control Description, This publication is intended as a reference for operators who have received training in tape-to-printer Order NO. 6X26-1663, are available for this manual. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 240 pages, 9/7( operation and for systeM analysts, and systeM progra_ers. //07/3880/ It assUllles that users understand the basic fmctions of the 3800 printer and either the 3410/3411 or the 380313420 Magnetic tape subsystem and the steps involved in preparing magnetic tape files. G126-1666 Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 90 pgs, 12/77 .um !l!Rm ~ STORA6E DESCRIPTION At!!l !!m!.!.lI ~ This manual describes the 3375 Direct Access Storage and 1113/38001 gives installation and conversion information. It contains detailed information on 3375 IIOde1s. attachment configurations, device characteristics, addressing, and GA26-1656 capacity formulas. These formulas, allow calculations for ~ PRINTING SUBSYSTEM CHARACTER ~ ~ equal and unequal data lengths. The formulas are This character set catalog provides a graphic representation of each character contained in every character set available supplemented with tables that list capacities for commonly used data lengths. Nith the IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem. This catalog is intended for system programmers, This manual also contains general information and guidelines on how to use this particular storage systeM, application programmers, or other persons responsible for designing or Modifying characters to be used by the 3800 including the supporting programs. 1 checklist aids the user with step-by-step conversion tips. printer as defined in the reference manual or programmer's guides. See related publications for manual titles and It is assUllled that the reader has a knowledge of disk storage data management, and system operations, including order numbers. the particular IBH operating systetl to be used in the Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 150 pages, 12/77 1/03/38001 installation. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 58 pages, 6/81 //07/3375/ 6A26-1657 3370 DIRECT ACCESS STORA6E DESCRIPTION This manual contains a description of IBM 3370 Direct lccess GA26-1672 Storage. The audience should be famUiar with direct access ~ ~ MANAGEMENT GUIDE-ERROR HANDLING storage and concepts. The manual describes the 3370 storage This manual provides guidelines on disk storage error models, the storage medhllll, operator controls and handling for the custonr. It describes hoN to read the EREP SubsysteM Exception reports and how to use this indicators, fixed block data format, and methods used to ensure data integrity and privacy. The user should order a information to determine the appropriate recovery action. copy of the host system functional characteristics manual Possible recovery action is to call a service representative for a description of the sense bytes and error recovery or to use the Device Support Facilities program. For given methods. conditions, determined from the EREP reports, there are pointers to the appropriate Device Support Facilities Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 20 pages, 9/79 4361,4381,3090,4331,4341,4321//07/3370/ functions. This manual is to be used in conjunction with the EREP manual, 6C28-0772 and the Device Support FacUlties manual, 6C35-0033. This manual, and a second ..nual, IBM Disk Storage 6A26-1659 Management Guide - Background Reference Inforution, 8809 MAGNETIC IAfg Yt!lI INTRODUCTI!!N This manual contains general information to introduce the 6A26-1675, may be ordered U"lder 6BOF-1205. reader to a new tape product, the IBM 8809. It includes Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 70 pages, 12182 general descriptions of the operations that the 8809 370,4361,4381,4331,4341,4321//07/3330,3340,3344,3350,3370, executes, and of its performance characteristics. The 8809 3375,3380/ can be attached to an IBM 8100 Information SysteM. The manual is intended for IBM sales representatives and customers. 6126-1675 Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 16 pages, 1/79 ~ ~ MANA6EMENT GUIDE-BACKGROUND REFERENCE 4361,4381,8150,8130,8140,4331,4341,4321//05/8809/ INFORMTION This manual provides introductory level infor..tion on the characteristics of disk storage. It includes descriptions 6126-1660 and definitions of subsystem and path components, device and record identifiers, volume initialization, and formats and 3310 !l!Rm ~ ~ REFERENCE MA!:IY!!. The purpose of the manual is to enable data processing controls. It gives information on the subsysteM and system personnel to become fa.iliar with the characteristics of IBM roles in error detection, recovery, and logging. The 3310 Direct lccess Storage Device. The manual lists the descriptions of errors given in this manual are prerequisite fmctional characteristics, describes the data format, ot the use of the "Error Handling" manual, GA26-1672. storage capacity, and data transfer between the 3310 and the This manual, together Nith IBM Disk Storage Management using systetl. Guide - Error Handling, 6126-1672, ..y be ordered \n:Ier Manual, 72 pages SBOF-U05. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 40 pages, 12182 4331//07/3310/ 370,4361,4381,4331,4341,43211/07/3330,3340,3344,3370,3375, 3380,3350/ ) / 288 ( ~.. ( GA27 GA26 GA26-3599 S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS 1lli ~ ~ ~ FACILITY M!2 2844 AUXILIARY STORAGE CONTROL This publication describes the IBM 2314 Direct Access Storage Facility and the IBM 2844 Auxiliary Storage Control. and presents functional and operating characteristics for these devices. Capacities. timing considerations. COMmands. operating procedures. and sense and status information are described. The user of this publication should be thoroughly familiar Mith the I/O programming considerations described in IBM System/360 Principles of Operation. Order Number GA22-6821. Systems Reference Library Manual. 76 pages //16/2314.2844/ 1/06/2260.28481 = GA26-5756 AHg CARTRIDGE HANDLING PROCEDURES This manual is a guide for handling IBM Disk Packs and cartridges. Included are procedures for shipping and receiving. installation and removal. labeling of disks and cartridges and general operating procedures. The inforllation contained in this .anual applies to 1611 1316. 2316. and 3336 Disk Packs. and 2315 Disk cartridges. Manual. 16 pages //16/2316.1316.2315.3336/ ~ ~ ~ GA27-2701 S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION. ~ Wf.I.Al: WI! l!mW. 1 This publication contains detailed information on progra.... ing. operation. and special features of the 1611 2250 Display Unit Modell. The material is presented Mith the assumption that the reader has read the IBM SYSTEKl360 Principles of Operation Manual. Order Number GA22-6821. Systems Reference Library Manual. 44 pages 1/06/22501 GA27-2702 S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION. ~ D.ll!.I!.W WI! HQ!W, L 2840 DISPLAY CONTROL tlODEL ! This document presents detailed information about IBM 2250 Display Unit Model 2. IBM 2840 Display Control Modell programming. operation. and special features. The ... terial is presented Mith the assumption that the reader has read the IBM System/360 Principles of Operation Manual. Order Number GA22-6821. Systems Reference Library Manual. 52 pages 1106/2250.28401 GA27-2703 1Z!} TRANSMISSION ~ COMpoNENT DESCRIPTION 2560 t1ULII-FUNCTION CARD MACHINE: COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This publication provides a detailed description of the AHg OPERATING PROCEOURES capabilities. features. and communication facilities This publication describes the operating principles and fearequired for the 1611 2703 Trans.ission Control Unit. The tures of the IBM 2560 Multi-FU'>Ction Card Machine (MFCMI. capabilities of the unit are grouped by: start-stop DescriptiOns of the programmed operations. indicators. and capabilitiesl and binary-synchronous capabilities. All operator's console are included. Since this device is items of a general nature are discussed in the section. natively attached. you should have a thorough understanding "Detailed Description of Operations". of the using systl!ll before using this manual. The book is The operator's controls and a detailed description of intended for syst.. engineers. prograllllll8rs. and operators. the co..unication faciliti .... to ..ttich the 2703 can be The 2560 is compared Mith conventional card equipment in attached are contained in the Appendix. file-updating operations. In addition to descriptions and Syst.. Reference Library Manual. 78 pages 1109/2703/ floMcharts of these operations. tables are provided for a ready coonparison of the operational steps. card volumes. and r\rol'\ing t i _ of the two systems. Restart procedures for a particular type of program GA27-2704 (RPG. IOCS. etc. 1 are covered in the operating procedures S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTIotI. m.l J.It!li !P.AI!llR YHlI manual associated MHh the particular program and using sysThis .anual describes the operation of the IBM 2711 Line tem. Adapter Unit. Included is a general description of the Manual 2711. the line adapters that can be contained in a 2711. 3115.5415.3125//16/25601 the COIIIIIIunication facilities that can be used Mith the 2711. and the operator tests that can be performed to isolate equipment malfunctions. Systems Reference Library Manual. 12 pages GA26-5988 /109/2711/ ~ COMPONENT DESCRIPTION. 2841 ASSOCIATED !!Am This publication contains reference information for the operation and programming of storage devices Mhich attach to the IBM 2841 Storage Control. These storage devices GA27-2712 include the IBM 2311 Disk Storage Drive. Model 11 the IBM 7770 AYImI RESPONSE !.!!:Ill !I!!W. L. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 2302 Disk Storage. Models 3 and 4. and IBM 2321 Data Cell This publication describes the functional and operational characteristics of the IBM 7770 Audio Response Unit (Models Drivel and the IBM 2303 Dru. Storage. Manual. 64 pages 31. Topics discussed include vocabulary selection. cocaunications requ;rements. system attachment //07/2841.2302.2311.2321.23031 considerations. and progra_ing considerations. Systems Reference Library Manual. 48 pages GA27-2700 1109/77701 ~ COMPONENT DESCRIPTION. !WllWifW STATION. 2848 DISPLAY CONTROL This manual describes the functional and operating GA27-2721 characteristics of the IBM 2260 Display Station and the IBM ~ COt1PotIENT DESCRIPTION • .us mew Yl:!lI I!IW. L. 2848 Display Control Unit. 2840 DISPLAY ~ MODEL 1 The reader needs a general understanding of colllPUters This docUlllent presents detailed information about IBM 2250 and their applicationsl hoMever. knowledge of teleprocessing Display Unit Model 3/IBM 2840 Display Control Model 2 progra_ing. operation. and special features. The . . terial principles and programs is required by those who install is presented Mith the assUllption that the reader has read co..unications ter.inals. the 1M SystMl360 Principles of Operation Manual. Order SystllllS Reference Library. 84 pages GA26-5893 ~ ( 289 (j 6.1.27 6.1.27 for customer executives, DP managetnent. system analysts. programmers. ISH urketing representatives 'and syst_s engineers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 64 pages. 01/81 370.4361.4381,8150,3090,5410,5415,5412,5404,5406,5408.8130. 8140.4331,4341.4321//09/3277.3271,3272,3274,3278,3276.3275. 3279.3262,3284,3286.3287,3288.3289/ NuMber 6A22-6821. Syste.s Reference Library "anual. 70 pages 370,4331.4341,4321/106/2250,28401 :;A27-2725 ~ MAGNETIC ~ INSCRIBER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This manual describes the functional and operating characteristics of the IB" 50 Magnetic Data Inscriber. The IB" 50 "agnetic Data Inscriber is a key-operated device that records data on cartridge-contained magnetic tape. Each IB" 50 generated tape can be used as a data storage medium or as a vehicle for entering data into an ISH Systeml360, via the IB" 2495 Tape Cartridge Reader. In addition to its data recording capability, the IB" 50 can also be used to verify data stored on tapes generated on the same or other IB" 50's. Systems Reference Library Manual, 28 pages 6.1.27-2740 m 7412 I1ODEL! CONSOLE, MImI ~ Bfli ~ CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION This reference manual describes the functional characteristics and features of the IBI1 7412-1 Console ..ith the IBM 3215-1 Console Printer-Keyboard. This publication is intended for System Analysts, Programmers, and Operators. Assumed is a backgrO\md kl'lONledga of the IBI1 System/360 and Systeml370, and of the I/O Interface. Manual. 26 pages //14/7412.3215/ 1110/00501 6A27-2726 S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, ~ ~ CARTRIDGE ~ This manual describes the f\mctional and operating characteristics of the ISH 2495 Tape Cartridge Reader (TCRI. The IBI1 2495 TCR is used to transfer data stored on cartridge-contained 16l1l1I magnetic tape to an ISH System/360. The TCR accepts cartridge tapes containing data generated on either the IBI1 50 Magnetic Data Inscriber on the IBM l1agnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter System. Systems Reference Library Manual. 12 pages 1105/24951 6A27-2727 1.!lH SYSTEI1I360 CUSTOM SYSTEI1S Y!!I! 2909 l:IQ!W. l .: ASYNCHRONOUS !2A!A QIAt!!W. Bfg Will Bfg ~ INSTALLATION BULLETIN .: PHYSICAL PLANNING This bulletin contains ell the necessary physical planning data required for the installation of the unit described. If the unit is to be installed in conjunction .. ith a computer systeJII. the specifications of the most critical \mit must be met. This bulletin utilizes the same format and standardized symbols contained in the IBI1 SYSTEI1I360 Installation l1anual - Physical Plaming, Order Number GC22-6820 Systems Reference Library Manual. 6 pages 6.1.27-2742 lUA INFORMATION IW!E.lA1 mm OPERATOR'S GUIDE: .RZ:i II 1m ~ STATIONS: ~ 3286 II ill!! PRINTERS This manual contains operating instructions and procedures for the IBM 3275, 3277. 3284. 3286. and 3288 units. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 168 pages. 1/78 1/16/3271.3275,3272,3277,3284.3286.32881 61.27-2750 lUA mmruH DETERMINATION 3277. 3284, ~ A!:!!l 3288 §YI!lS.i. m XlL. xu... XZh Provides charted problem identification procedures for operators of the IBM 3270 Information Display System. The scope of this guide is limited to 3270 Information Display SysteMS consisting of a 3275 or 3277s 32845 3286s and/or 3288& attached to a 3271 or 3272 Control Unit. Manual. 44 pgs. 6/78 //16/3271.3272.3275/ 6.1.27-2752 328413286 fIW!nB, g§JQH fIAIl.m DESCRIPTION. me VARIA8LE Bfg Dmi This docuIIent contains information relating to the Margin Stop Variable feature (RPQ E839951. When iMplemented in the 3284/3286 Printers (all modelsl. this feature allows for printer platens of varying lengths to be interchanged by the operator. The data presented herein is directed solely to .. printer operator. It is intended to serve as an instructional guide in the basic rudi ...nts of those platen removal and installation procedures that lIIay be perfol"l\H!d by an operator once the cust_ feature has been installed in the 3284/3286 Printers. Manual. 6 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 1114/29091 6A27-2737 m 1!2.2::l ASYNCHRONOUS I!W .c!:IA!!ru Bfli Will gm:QM ~ DESCRIPTION This unual describes the functional and operational characteristics of the 2909-3 Asynchronous Data Channel. Main Topics described include: instruction end co_and execution, progra_ing operation. and subchannel attac:hlllant. This publication is a reference manual for the programmer or systems engineer. KnoMledge of IBM System/360 operations. particularly storage addressing. data formats. and uchine instruction formats as explained in ISH SYSTEI1I360 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION SRL. Form 6A22-6821. 6A27-2753 is a prerequisite to using this publication. Also needed 3284/3286 fB!HllB ~ U!n!!! DESCRIPTIoth are experience .. ith progra_ing concepts and techniques VERTICAL B!BI:1li 1f:I!WS m!f!RQL I!fi ~ This document contains information relating to the Vertical or cOtllpletion of basic courses of instruction in these areas. For_ Index Control feature (RPQ E84342 I • The data System Reference Library Manual. 38 pages contained her.. in is directed to .. customer. his progra_r 1114/29091 and computer operator. and is intended to assist them in the application of this feature Nhen used in 3284/3286 Printers. Manual. 12 pages 6A27-2739 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY At! INTRODUCTION m m EZll INFORttATION m!!W mm Overview of 3270 hardNare \mits and capabilities. Lists prograuing support and suggests some typical applications 290 (GA27 GA27 GA27-2758 3270 INFOI!IfATION DISPLAY SYSTEM CUSTDI1 illI!BS DESCRIPTION. DUAL ~ CHARACTER SET Bf9 8K0366 This manual contains a description of the Dual Case Character Set (RPQ 8K03661 intended for custOMers. planners. marketing representatives. and programmers. If.nual. 22 pages SLSS: OI!DER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( GA27-2774 A GUIDE m USING THE TEST REQUEST ~ ON IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEMS: .m!:!.lUh 3272. 3275. 3277 3284. 3286. AND 3286 Provides instructions for using the Text Request feature on the IBM 3270 Information Display System. The scope of this guide is limited to 3270 Information Display Systems consisting of a 3275 or of 3277s. 3284s. 3286s and/or 3288s attached to a 3271 or 3272 control unit. lfanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 28 pgs. 6/78 SA27-2770 1116/3271.3272.32751 A GUIDE m !R HERTZ !!!!l! SelECTION The Power Warning Feature provides for an automatic interruption and permits implementation of orderly shutdown GA27-2775 and recovery procedures following power-line disturbances an 3270 INFORIfATION OISPLAY SYSTEM: 3277 CUSTOI1 FEATURE System/370 Models 158 and 168 supported by an DESCRIPTION. SIGNATURE ~ REQ§ 7UOOIO ! 8K0438 Uninterruptible Power Supply (uPSI. This manual provides This docUII.ent describes the Signature Display Feature. an information to guide the customer in the selection of a 60option for the IBM 3277 Display Station Models I and 2. Hertz UPS. It 111 di scusses input and output power (The 3277 is a unit of the IBM 3270 Information Display characteristics. operating environmental conditions. and System. I other performance requirements and it (21 describes tha UPS In addition to presenting a general description of the required. feature. the document briefly discusses Signature Display's Manual. 16 pages basic functions. data-handling characteristics. and SLSS: ORDER NO. SIESCRIPTION ONLY alphameric display capabilities. System Library Ifanual. 12 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA27-2771 A GUIDE m 2! l:I!.R!l Yfli SELECTION The Power Warning Feature provides for an auta.atic GA27-2787 interruption and permits impl....entation of orderly shutdown xn INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM. INSTALlATION PHYSICAL and recovery procedures following power-line disturbances on PLANNING Systeml370 .l1odels 158 and 168 supported by an This publication provides physical planning information for Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPSI. This lIanual provides the units of the IBIf 3270 Information Display System. information to guide the customer in the selection of a 50Included is information on floor planning. electrical and Hertz UPS. It (11 discusses input and output power environmental requirements. cabling and machine specifications and descriptions. characteristics. operating environmental conditions. and Ifanual. 40 pages (6/75) other performance requirements and it (2) describes the UPS required. 1115/3279.3271.3289.3272.3275.3284.3286.3287.3288.3274. lfanual. IS pages 3276.3277.32781 SLSS: ORDER NO. S\ESCRIPTION ONLY GA27-2805 ASSEMBLY QE ~ ~ MIll ACCESSORIES filii AmCHMENI m !§H PRODUCTS This manual contains information necessary for the assembly of coaxial cables. Included are step-by-step procedures for attaching BHe connectors to coax cable. installat;on of station protectors. the attachment of coax cable to the protector. and conversion of 2260 cables for use with 3270 system. Manual GA27-2772 A !!!!l! INSTALLATION PLANNING GUIDE This document is intended to assist the IBI1 Systeml370 user in deterllining UPS requirements for his EDP operations and to guide him in planning and implementing tha installation of a UPS that will satisfy the requirements. This document is basically a check list that is amplified by descriptive narrative to identify the significant UPS installation planning factors. It is chronologically arranged to cover the period ranging frOll the earliest planning stage to the final testing and acceptance of the UPS installation at his EDP location. lfanual. 20 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 370.4361.4381.3090.5410.5415.5412.5404.5406.5408.4331.4341. 43211115/2260.3730.3271.3272.3275.3274.3276.3287.3288.3289. 3277,3278.3284.3286.3732.3736.3279.32681 GA27-2827 GA27-2773 328413286 .!!IU!mB ~ mm1& 1U! mNTB!!.!. Yt!ll PLANNING CUSTOMIZING GUIDE Provides. planning. setup and custOMizing informat;on for the 3274 Control Unit. Formerly entitled IBM 3270 D;splay System Planning and Setup Guide. ;nfor.. tion about the 3276 Control Unu Display Station has been removed and is now found ;n a separate manual entitled IBM 3270 Information Display System. IBM 3276 Control Un;t Display Station Planning and Setup Gu;de. GAI8-2041. For customers. planners. and IBM Representatives who ..ay be responsible for planning the ;nstallation and custOll;Z;ng of the 3274 and/or the installation and setup 'Of the 3278. 3287. and 3289. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 44 pages. 11/78 EZl! INFORMATION MImI ~ ~ umm DESCRIPTION. FORMS TRACTOR Bf9 ~ This reference manual provides information about IBI1 3284 and 3286 Printers wMch have the ForE Tractor (RPQ NIl 40311 attached. It is intended for use by custDllers. operators. and service personnel. The manual also supports fOrMS also supports for.. tractor printers which have the Vertical Forms Index Control. RPQ EP4324. installed. System Library lfanual. 12 pages 1114/3284.32861 1109/32741 291 (/ 6A27 GA27-2830 OPERATIONS §!m!l f!!B II!! 1Zn COI1t!UNICATION GA27 Control Unit. Manual. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches. 12 pgs. 1/78 //16/3274/ ~ ~l Provides information for persons involved in the syst_tic operation of IBI1 3790 CotIIIlunication Systllll having configuration support specify feature 9169. This guide contains operation procedures for the IBM 3791 Controller. IBM 3792 Auxiliary Control Unit. and controller functions performed by the control operator (operator 1) at a terminal that is part of the 3790 syst... System concepts and problem recovery concepts that are needed to coordinate the overall operation of the 3790 system are also described. The guide contains the operating procedure for the remote job entry function performed by the RJE operator. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 260 pgs. 1/78 //16/3790.3791/ (,;A27-2837 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY ~ gfA~ m REFERENCE A cOlIIPendiu. for all alphallleric language keyboards and associated I/O interface codes that are presently available to support the 3270 Information Display Syst.. in both the u.S. and World Trade countries. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 09/77 //09/3271.3272.3274.3275.3276/ 6A27-2862 1llll INFORMATION II!lU!W ~ 3277/3272 MULTI-FIELD !t!A§I II!lU!W B.f9 ~ This document describes the Multi-Field Image Display RPQ for the IBM 3277 Display Station. Hodel 2. This RPQ enables image data to be displayed on the lo_r portion of the display screen. The document contains a general description and prograllllling information. programming inforlllation. Itanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 8/77 //14/3272/ 6A27-2865 D!!A ENCRYPTION ~ ~ gm ENCRYPTION ~ GENERAL INFORI1ATION This lIIanual describes the IBM 3845 and 3846 Data Encryption Device in sufficient detail to enable prospective users to decide whether to use this type of data protection. Physical planning diagrallls and specifications are included. as are general guidelines for the selection and distribution of key-variables. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 44 pgs. 10/77 //09/3845.3846/ ~ ';A27-2839 1llll INFORMATION !mif.W .:rw:m lU§ !mif.W STATION. ~ DETERMINATION GUIDE GA27-2866 Problem Determination Guide for 3278 Display Station ~ Q!I! ENCRYPTION ~ PRINCIPLES nE OPERATION operator provides quick reference information and procedures The 3845 Data Encryption Davice is used at each end of a to a.sist the operator in determining the cause of problems telecOlllmunication line to encrypt. then decrypt inforlllation encountered in operating the 3278 Display Station. Designed transmitted on that line. This .anual prasents criteria to to be IIIOUnted in the 3278 keyboard. using the tllO-sided tape aid in the selection of 3845 personalization data. the on the back cover. kay-variable and initialization data. It also contains the Manual. 1 3/4 x 10 inches. spiral bound. two-sided tape ~ custolller setup procedure and customer problem determination back cover. 44 pgs. 10/77 HAPs and procedures. //16/3278/ Itanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6/78 //09/3845/ 6A27-2840 1Zn COt!M!JNICATION ua ~ Rf9 §K!!Rlli INSTALLATION Atl!l PROGRAHHINS J2l.!ill This guide is intended for those involved with programming and installing the IBI1 3790 Collllllunication System with RPQ 8K0632 providing Binary Synchronous ComMUnication as the discipline for lIIanaging data transfer over a data communications channel. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 296 pgs. 4/77 //14/3790.3791/ GA27-2890 1llll INFORMATION lWifW ~ lUA IlllU!.W ~ OPERAJOR'S GUIDE This .anual contains operator infor... tion about the 3278. It includes sections on Controls. Indicators. Features and Keyboards for Operators of a 3278. For information covering 3276 and 3274 Control Units. operators should see IBI1 3270 IDS 3274 Control Unit operators Guide 6A23-0023 and IBI1 3270 IDS 3276 Control Unit Display Station Operator's Guide GAI82040. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 140. 12/78 //16/3278/ 6A27-2849 1llll INFORMATION II!lU!W l!.!lm!h CONFISURATOR This publication provides feature codes and feature descriptions of all 3270 system units. It should be used GA27-2895 only for infor.ation about 3271 and 3272 Control Units. 3275 3276/3278 II!lU!W lIAIm:I KEYBOARD REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS Display Station. and 3284. 3286. and 3288 Printers. For This publication is a combination of text and art which information on current products associated with the 3270 instructs the user how to replace a keyboard at an existing system (such as 3274 Control Unit. 3276 Control Unit Display 3276 or 3278 display station setup. Station. 3277. 3278. and 3279 displays. and 3230. 3262. 11anua1. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 4/78 //09/3276,3278/ 3268. 3287. and 3289 printers) refer to 3270 Infor.. tion Display System Feature Description. 6A23-0113. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 94 pages. 8/82 //00/3271.3272.3274.3275.3276/ GA27-2896 lU!! INFORMATION DISPLAY .:n:m!h ~ WD.!Bl DESCRIPTION ~ !Q 3277 ATTACHMENT fiAIb'B5 B.f9 Will GA27-2850 Document describes the IBI1 Mag Card Selectric Typewriter (HCSTl operation when attached to an IBI1 3277 Display 1m: ~ !.!tIII ImR!J §IWlf Provides prOcedures to assist 3274 operator in performing Station Hodel 2. probl.. determination when a probl.. occurs on the 1M 3274 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 8 pages. 3/78 292 --------~----------- ( GA27 6.1.27 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Ter.inal. Modell. line-control signals. DeSsage formats. special features. communication facilities. and data sets used with this teleprocessing terminal are also discussed. A llajor section concerning the preparation of artwork and the photographic procedures involved in creating a filmstrip for use in this unit will be found to.... rd the end of the manual. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 9/69 C~ications GA27-2899 ENCRYPTION DEVICE, PRINCIPLES gf INFORMATION The 3846 encryption device allows a user to protect a telecommunication line from electronic eavesdropping by encrypting the transmitted data and decrypting it again as it is received Ivia the same DES algorithm). This manual provides information for the selection of initialization, personalization, and key-variable data. It also gives procedures for custa.er setup and customer probl811 determination. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 65 pages. 1179 ~ ~ 1109/27601 GA27-3013 !YSntl COMPONENTS: 1m! 2770 l!A!A CO!f1UNICATION SYSTEM This System Components manual describes the principles of operation of the component units of the IBM 2770 Data Communication System. The data link control characters. code structures. and timeouts associated with the Binary Synchronous lIethod of transmission used by the 2770 are described. Also described are the operating characteristics of the various input/output devices and the specifications of the inputloutput lIedia. Special features and specify features for all system units are included. This lIanual comprises descriptions of individual units within the 2770 Data Communication Syst... Syst8115 Reference library Hanual 1109/38461 GA27-3001 2740/2741 COMMUNICATIONS TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE This publication describes the setup and operating procedures for the IBM 2740 and IBM 2741 CoIIuIu'Iications Terminals when operating in local and communicate mode. The line-control signals and transmission controls are fully described for each terminal. Removal and replac--.t procedures for the typewriter are also fully described along with recommended typing procedures to ensure the most efficient operation of the terminals. Syste1ll5 Reference Ubrary Manual. 62 pages 1109/2770.27721 1116/2740.27411 ( 6.1.27-3004 GENERAL INFORMATION .= ~ SYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS This publication describes the Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) procedures in general terllS. The major topics covered are: BSC concepts !including transmission codes and data-link operation). message formats. additional data-link capabilities. and planning considerations. Systelll5 Reference library Manual. 36 pages 110911 GA27-3005 TRANSMISSION TERMINAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTIQN This Component Description manual describes the principles of operation of the IBM 2780 Data Transmission Ter.inal. The data-link control characters. code structures. timeouts. and throughput rates associated with the Binary Synchronous _thad of transmission are described. The cocmunications facilities. data sets. and special features available for this Tele-processing terminal are also discussed. Systems Reference library Manual. 78 pages ~ ~ GA27-3015 ill!! IMU COHMUNICATIQN SYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION The IBM 2790 Data COII1IIIUI'Iication System is a two-way. inplant comaa'lication and production reporting system. This publication describes the units of the 2790 system. along with its capabilities. features. and applications. This publication presumes a telecommunications background and IBM System/360 experience. The purpose of this publication is to assist programmers and systems analysts in designing and operating the 2790 systelll. This publication describes the 2790 syst.. using the 2715 Transmission Control Unit as the system controller. IBH 2793 Area Station IBH 2795 Data Entry Unit IBH 2796 Data Entry Unit IBM 2797 Data Entry Unit IBH 2798 Guidance Display Unit IBH 1035 Badge Reader IBH 1053 Printer Systems Reference library Manual. 78 pages 1109/2790.2791.27931 6A27-3017 2790 IMU COt!MUNICATION SYSTEH INSTALlATION HMlYAJ. PHYSICAL PLANNING 1109/27801 This manual provides technical information necessary for planning the physical installation of the IBM 2790 Data COIIIIIIUnications Syst... Included are physical specifications and electrical requirements for each unit of the system. GA27-3006 Typical syst811 configurations with interunit cabling COMMUNICATIONS TERMINALS INSTALLATION !WIW. .= ffiISICAl PLANNING requirements are presented. Contains physical planning information about standalone The intended customer audience includes facilities relllOte ter.inals. Previous editions of the unual contained planners such as architects and consultants. contractors. information about the 3705 with remote program loader. This operating managelllent of the systent. building infor.ation can now be found in IBM Input/Output Equip-.nt superintendents. and communications technical representatives. Installation Manual - Physical Planning: Systeml360. System/370. 4300 Processors. GC22-7064. The intended IBM audience includes Sales Representatives. Systems Engineers. Installation Planning Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 172 pages. 2/83 370.4361.4381.8150.3090.8130.8140.4331.4341.43211C11511 Representat;ves. and Customer Eng;neers. Syst811 Referene. library Manual. 66 pages 1115/2790.2791.27931 6A27-3011 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, ,gru nf!illI. ll:!!§g !!!II This manual describes the principles of operation of the IBM 2760 Optical Image Unit when attached to an IBM 2740 293 GA27 6A27 6A27-3019 GA27-3039 !ZZl! DATA COtMJNlCATION SYSTEM INSTALLATION !.Zll PORTABLE AUDIO TERttINAL HANDBOOK pHYSICAL PLANNING This publication presents detailed inforlllation concerning the physical characteristics of the IBM 2770 Data Coanunication Syste... Di.ensions. lK!ights. service clearances. physical information for each unit. and environmental and electrical requirements are included. Particular attention is devoted to information necessary for the customer to prepare his pr... ises for actual installation of equipment. Planning assistance is available fl"Oll IBtt sales and installation planning representatives. Systems Reference Library ttanual. 42 pages //15/2770.27721 This .anual provides instructions for installing and operating the IBtt 2721 Portable Audio Terminal. A section on problem deter.ination is provided to assist the operator in deciding if the ter.. inal requires lIaintenance. For IIOre detailed information on the functions and operation of the terminal. refer to the Systems Reference Library publication. Component Description: 1M 2721 Portable Audio Terminal. 6A27-3029. Handbook. 3 3/8 x 7 3/8 inches. 16 pages. 8/70 //16/2721/ GA27-3043 mt 1ZJi PB06RAttttABLE BUFFERED TERttINAL CONCEPT M!ll 6A27-3029 APPLICATION The purpose of this ..nual is two-fold: first. it introduces the IBM 3735 Progra_"ble Buffered Ter.inal; and. second it provides planning information for those who .ay be involved in installing a 3735. Because of this dual purpose. not all sections of the manual .ay be of interest to each reader. Those interested in an overvi_ and in the highlights of the 3735 Nill find the Introduction of most value; those who need IIOre detailed inforlllation on the te,..inal's operation and functional capabilities Nill find the sections on Operating Characteristics and Il!pl8118ntation Considerations of DDSt interest; syst811S and application programmers Nill find information on Prograllllling Considerations for the 3735 in Appendix B. Generally. the prerequisites for this ... nual are an understanding of the concept and application of the IBM Systell/360 and the 1M Syst811/370 in a teleprocessing environment. The section on Prograllllling Considerations requires IIOre extensive knowledge of the applicable operating systeM (OS or DOS). Although not intended as a ter.inal operator's guide or as a programmar's guide. the Manual presents general infor.ation concerning these subjects. Syste. Reference Library. 50 pages 370.3090.4331.4341.4321//09/3735/ !.Zll PORTABLE !Y!l.m TERttINAL COttPONENT DESCRIPTIQN This lllanual is designed to acquaint the reader Nith the basic concepts and use of the IBM 2721 Portable Audio Ter.. inal. The publication should be used as a general guideline for useful application of the ter.inal. Functional and operational characteristics are discussed in detail. and no previous reading is required for an understanding of how the ter.inal operates a. a remote input/output device. The operation of the 2721 ter.inal in a systl!lll5 envirOl"llllent depends largely on hoM the user's progra. is NriUen; therefore. the operating procedures outlined in this lllanual are of a general nature. The ultiMate operation of the tar.inal depends upon the programmer's ingenuity and the applications involved. For detailed infor.ation regarding the handling of data by tIM! IBM 7770 Audio Response Unit. refer to the SRL .anual. Component Description - IBtt 7770 Audio Response Unit ttodel 3. GA27-2712. Related ..nuals are shown in the follONing Publications Availability Guide. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 7/70 //09/2721/ GA27-3035 ll2.Il Dm CO!1MUNICATION SYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE The IBtt 2790 Data Communication System is a tNO-NaY. inplant COIDlllUl'lication and production reporting syste.. This publication is designed as a guide for operating the units of the 2790 syst... Operational info,...tion about the follONing U"Iits and features is included: 1M 2715 Transmission Control Unit 1M 2791 Area Stations 1M 2792 Remote Communications Controllers 1M 2793 Area Station 1M 2795 Data Entry Unit Systams Reference Library ttanual. 80 pages //16/2790.2715.2791.2793.2795.2792/ GA27-3044 l!Zi !!mill TERttINAL ~ CUSTOM m!]!1 DESCRIPTION OPERATOR'S GUIDE PHYSICAL PLANNING This ...nual is the primary source of infor... tion on the 1M 2976 Mobile Terminal System. The ttobile Ter.inal System provides high-speed. tWO-Nay data communications between a central IBM Systell/360 or SystellV'370 and lIGbile terllinals. It is comprised of an IBM 2976 ttodel 3-Trans.ission Control Unit. an 1M 2976 ttodel 5 Signal Converter. and a nulllber of 1M 2976 ttodel 4 Hobile Ter.inals. The Manual contains both introductory and in-depth infor... tion about the system COlllponents. a discussion of progra .... ing requirements for the system. the operator inforMtion needed to use the components of the system. diagnostic procedures for rapid probl... determination. and the physical planning and installation inforlllation required for planning and installing the Mobile Ter.inal Syst... Organization of the .anual into separate parts allONS the expected users to go directly to the inforMtion they require. These users include: ...nagement. progra_ing. syste.. analyst. and central site operating personnel; MObile terMinal operators; and site planning and installation personnel. Users who require the detailed information provided in this publication should have a basic understanding of telecommunications and radio operations and should have IBM Syst811/360 or Systell/370 progra...ing and operating experience. ttanual. 50 pages //14/2976/ = SA27-3038 OPERATOR'S ~ mt UZllI!.W CO!!1UNICATIQN ~ This Operator's Guide is designed specifically for personnel operating or il!p18llenting the IBM 2770 Data COIIIIU"Iication Syst... Step-by-step operating procedures and flowcharttype error recovery procedures are included for the control unit and for each of the input/output devicas. The procedures for initiating. ans ...ring and t.,..inating a sNitched-netNork COIIIIU"Iications link Nith another ter.inal or procassor are discussed. Error IleSsage for.. Uing and transmission procedures are also described in detail. Operator's Guide. 150 pages //16/2770.27721 294 ( &A27 ( SA27 &A27-3051 8"27-3063 INTRODUCTION rg m .mH ~ MIll 3705-11 COI!!.!NICATIONS COMPONENT INFORMATION fi!B m .mH llru! MIA COI1MUNICATION CONTROLLERS (CURRENT RELEASE) TERMINAL This publication contains introductory information on the This manual introduces the IBH 3780 Communication Terminal. hardware components of the controllers lind on the progralllS designed to trlllnsmit and receive data accurately, quickly. provided to support them. Any user or potential user of a and economically in a teleprocessing enviromaent. The 3704 or 3705 II. including management. programmers. terminal'. applications. capabilities. and design highlights operators. and maintenance personnel. should be flilmiliar are discussed, as well as use of the binary synchronous loIith the contents of this manual. The only prerequisite for colllllunication, a description of the associated data-link this lIanual is lin understanding of blIIsic teleprocessing control characters, code structures. and timeouts. The operations. manual also discusses communication facilities. IBM modems. Manual. 8 112 x II inches. 100 plIIges. 12/80 and special features available for this teleprocessing //09/3705.3704/ terminal. In-depth information for those who implement customer applications is also included. Readers concerned loIith the 3780's capabilities and design highlights will find the &A27-3058 EZ! I100gtl USER'S GUIDE Introduction. Card Reader, and Printer sections useful. while those needing more detailed information on the The IBH 3872 Hodem can transfer data lilt rates of 2400 or 1200 bits per second.' It operliltes on dediClilted (leased or terminal's operation and its binary synchronous method of privately owned). voice-grade co....unications facilities. In communication should read the Operating Characteristics and Programming Considerations sections. the USA and Canada. the 3872 also operates on the public SNitched network. Prerequisites for this manual include an understanding of the IBM Systt!lLl360 and the IBI1 System/370 in a In this publication, the 3872 is described as an it.. of equipllent in the mediUM-Speed mocIe. field. The manual is in teleprocessing environment. together loIith knowledge of the four main parts: Part 1 describes (in general ter.. ) the binary synchronous lIethod of data-link control as outlined IBM 3872 Hode,.. planning considerations, and equipment and in the IBM Systems Reference Library publication. General facility consider.tionsl Part 2 presents 3872 oper.ting Inforllation, Binary Synchronous Communications. 8A27-3004. Manual. 70 pages procedures and offline problem determination procedures I Part 3 describes (in detail) the IBH 3872 Modem: interflilce //09/3780.3781/ specifications, inst.ll.tion specifications, channel ' specifications, .nd special features. Consider.tions in using the 3872 in World Trade countries are included in SA27-3066 appropriate pllllcas in the lIanual lind lire s~.rized in PlIIrt SUPPLEI1ENTARY OPERATOR'S CARD. ~ !!!II:! i l l CARD _0.;;.--;= 4. Nhich lIIlso contains the glossary. This publication is intended for system pllllnners, This card contains information on setup systems engineers, installllltion pl.nners, operators ••nd switches. the card deck. col~ indicator. supervisory personnel. A knowledge of teleprocessing recovery. systems is • prerequisite for Part 3 only. Operator This guide suppleJllents infoMllation contained in the information (Part 3) is separated frOll ge.,.ral and specific following manuals: descriptive information. for easier accessibility. Oper.tor's Guida for IBM 3735 Progra..abla Buffered Syst_ Library User's Guide. 70 plIIgeB Terminal (8A27-3061) //16/3872/ IBM 3735 Programmer's Guide (OS and DDS Syst_) (Ge3D-3001) IBM 129 Card Data Recorder/l1achine Description (6A22-6980) SA27-3061 Guide Card, 2 pages ~ PROGRAHHABLg BUfFERED TERtlINAL OPERATOR'S §YIgg //14/3735/ The IBM 3735 Prograllllllable Buffered Terminal consists of tlolO ClIIble-connected units: a keyboard/printer and • control unit. In its typical application. the 3735 is used to prepare source docUlllents (preprinted for.. on Nhich the SA27-3069 terminal operator lIIdds vlllriable information). Progrlllms, SUPPLEMENTARY OPERAIOR'S ~ PROGRAMMER'S ~ INFORI1ATIQN stored loIithin the 3735 control unit. guide the operator .mH ~ !!!II:! lmi ~ lJ!!ll Am FILE SEARCH 1!!fg #853102) during preparation of the forlllS. and c.use selected input This guide supplements information in the fo11ololing lIanuals: data to be stored for later batch transmission to • central Operator's Guide for IBM 3735 Programmable Buffered data processing syst... Terminal (GA27-3061) This operator's guide introduces the 3735 and describes IBI1 3735 Progra_er's Guide (OS and DOS Syst_) its operating procedures. Both nor_I operating procedures (Ge3D-3001 ) and error recovery techniques are described. The operation of the Keypad standalone unit i. the sa.. The manual .SSUllleS that the user has bean previously as the Keypad on the 3735 Selectric keyboard. except thlilt trained in the operation of an office typeNriter such as the the standalone Keypad provides a 48 character buffer. IBM Selectric. Form Manual. 100 pages //14/3735/ //16/3735/ .a27-3062 SA27-3073 295 (/ !1m! me gXECUTION ug Imm OPERATOR'S ~ This guide supplements information contained in the Operator'. Guide for IBM 3735 Progr....ble Buffered Terminal (&A27-3D611. It is intended for personnel Mho have been previously trlllined on .n office typelolriter such as the IBM Selectric. Card, 2 pages //14/3735/ ~!!!!l:! EZ!.!:I!mtI ~ DETERtlINATION ~ Thi s foldout Clllrd document normally aCCOllplllni es a 3872 ttodeII to help the customer determine Mho to clllll Nhen 1II cOllllunicliltions chlllnnel using the 3872 becomes trCKblasOlH. 8-112 x 11 inc"', 8 ClIIrds //16/3872/ GA27 6A27-3086 GA27 JJ! USING m mH 3704 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER CONTROL PANEL (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is a 3704 control panel guide for the systems programmers, the systems engineers, the custoMer engineers, and the programming service representative Kith a knowledge of the internal operation of the 3704 and a need to use the control panel for normal operation, testing, or diagnostics. It primarily describes the functions and uses of the 3704 control panel. Manual, 138 pages //09/3704/ §!l!D.g GA27-3087 GUIDE JJ! Ylill!§ m m5 ,!;!W!RQj, fAt!ll (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is a 3705 control panel guide for the systems programmer, the systems engineer, the customer engineer, and the programming service representative Kith a knowledge of the internal operation of the 3705 and a need to use the control panel for normal operation, testing, or diagnostics. It primarily describes the functions and uses of the 3705 control panel. Manual, 76 pages //09/3705/ 6A27-3091 3704 OPERATOR REFERENCE SUMMARY IBM 3704 Operator Reference SumMary This reference c.rd accOlllpanies the Guide to Using the IBM 3704 Control Panel (or may be ordered separately) and provides the operator Kith an easy reference for basic 3704 operating procedures. It lists the procedures to be followed in preparing the 3704 for operating (up to IPL) and the basic error recovery procedures. Reference s..-ary, 6 panels //16/3704/ 6A27-3094 OPERATING PROCEDURES GUIDE: 1m A!!!l 3775 CQ!1tM:!ICATION TERMINALS This Operating Procedures Guide is designed specificallY for personnel Kriting detailed operator procedures for IBM 3774 or IBM 3775 Communication Terminal job applications. and for operators of the terwtinals. Included .re: o Operating procedures for the basic configuration (the console printer. the keybo.rd, the operator's console. and the controller). o Operating procedures for the input and output dey;ces. o Job definition and job start procedures for the terminal. • Error recovery and problem determination procedures for the terMi nal This guide describes the purpose and use of the terminal controls as they apply to all jobs. This manual can be used in preparing a detailed operator procedure for a specific job in an application. Manual. 200 pages //16/3774.3775/ 6A27-3095 1m ! ~ COMMUNICATION TERMINALS, REFERENCE CARD This Reference Card summarizes information that is already included in tha Operating Procedures Guide: IBM 3774 and 3775 COMMUnication Terminals (GA27-3094). and gives a quick referance to the information needed for the routine operation of the IBM 3774 or IBM 3775 Communication Terminals. Reference Sunmary. 4 pages //16/3774.3775/ GA27-3096 lZiZ ~ 1 ! ! COMMUNICATION TERMINAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This manual describes the IBM 3767 Communication Terminal •• .ultipurpose terminal that communicates with an IBM System/ 370. The information it contains is directed to customer executives. systems analysts, and systetllS engineers already .ware of the oper.ting procedures for the applications in which they plan to use the terminal. The first chapter gives an overvi ... of the 3767. It describes the applications and features of the 3767 and the COII.unication facilities required. The chapter on operating controls follONS the chapters on operating characteristics and special features so that the reader can better appreciate the functions of these controls. Information on installation and physical planning is given in IBM Remote Multiplexers and COllUllUllications Terminals Installation Manual -- Physical Planning. GA27-3006. Manual. 80 pages //09/3767/ GA27-3092 3705 OPERATOR REFERENCE ~ This reference card accompanies the Guide to Using the IBM 3705 Control Panel (or may be ordered separ.tely) and provides the operator Kith an easy reference for basic 3705 operating procedures. It lists the procedures to be followed in preparing the 3705 for operation (up to IPL) and the basic error recovery procedures. Reference SUllllllary. 6 panels //16/3705/ GA27-3093 SYNCHRONOUS MIA ll!:!\S ,!;!W!RQj, GENERAL INFORMATION This manual describes the procedures that comprise Synchronous Data Link Control (SOle). It includes a bdef background and a basic description to familiarize the readerwith the terminology and concepts of SOLC. This is followed by a catalog of the companents of SOLC and some representative examples of their uses. The IBM D.ta Processing Glossary. GC21-1699. is a useful reference for the definitions of terms used in this manual. A reader Nho is familiar with other systems of line control should not assume that familiar term have the s .... definitions in SOLC procedures. This Manual does not provide instructions for the impleMentation of SDLC. nor does it describe any specific information about an IBM SOle implementation. refer to the appropriate IBM publication for that m.chine or system. lIanual. 60 pages 370.4361.4381.8150.3090.8130.8140.4331.4341.4321//09// / SA27-3099 ADVANCED FUNCTION fOR CO/1MllNICATIDNS: ~ ~ This manual provides sUlll1llary information about IBM System Network Architecture elements. a selection of equip!llent and programs comprising compatible COMpOnents as a basis for. data coaunications network. It briefly describes the concepts of the System NetMOrk Archi tecture and the interrelationships of its components. Short descriptions of equipment components are also included. Manual, 28 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 296 (" \ lj ( 6A27 SA27 GA27-3100 OPERATII\'G PROCEDURES ~ DH .Ell At:!!! 1m COI1!1IJNICATION TERMINAL This Operating Procedures Guide i. directed specifically to personnel writing detailed operator procedures for IBM 3771 or IBM 3773 Communication Terminal job applications. and for operators of the terminals. Included are: o Dperating procedures for the basic configuration (the consol. printer. the keyboard. the operator'. console. and the controller). o Op.rating procedures for the input and output devices. o Job start procedures for the terminals. o Error recovery and problem identification procedures for the terminals. Thi. guide describes the purpose and usa of the terminal's controls as they apply to all jobs. You can usa this manual in preparing a detailed operator procedure for a specific job in your application. Manual. 120 pages 6A27-3108 1ZZi COMMUNICATION TERMINAL REFERENCE 1116/37761 6A27-3113 3774 ! 3775 PRO§RAt1t1ABLE COMMUNICATION TERMINALS REFERENCE ~ Thi. reference sUlllllary contains infoMllation that is already included in the publication IBM 3773. 3774. and 3775 Programmable Communication Terminal Operator's Guid•• 6A273114. and provides a quick reference to information needed for routine operation of these terminals. For more detailed information about terminal operation. the Operator's 6uide _ t be used. Referenc. card. 5 panels ~ 1116/3771.37731 6A27-3101 1ZZl ! 1m COMMUNICATION TERMINALS REFERENCE 1116/3773.3774.37751 ~ This Reference Summary contains information that is alr.ady included in the Operating Procedures Guid.: IBM 3771 and 3773 Communication Terminals (GA27-3100). and gives a quick reference to the inforllation ne.ded for the routine operation of the IBM 3771 Or IBM 3773 Co....,ication Terminals. Ref.renc. Card. 1 page SA27-3114 .un PROGRAt1t1ABlE COI1!1UNICATION TERMINAL OPERATOR'S li!.!mi Thi. manual contains operating instructions for the IBM 3773 Programmable Communication Terminal. Models Pl. P2. and P3. Thi. guida describes the purpose and use of the terminal's controls and functions. You can use this manual in preparing detailed operator procedures for a specific job in your application. This manual is written for personnel having the following responsibilities: • Operating the terminals • Programming tha terminals • Creating the specific job rift books Manual. 200 pages 1116/3771.37731 ( ~ This reference summary contains information that is already included in the Operating Procedures Guide: IBM 3776 Communication Terminal. GA27-3107. and provides a quick reference to information needed for routine operation of the 3776. Use the Operating Procedures Guide if you need more detailed information about terminal operation than i. provided in this sUllllllary. Reference card. 4 panels 6A27-3104 3767 COI1!1UNICATION TERMINAL CUSTO!!ER ~ PREPARATION GUIDE Thi. manual Mill be given to the custom.r by the IBM Marketing Representativ. at the ti •• the customer orders a 3767 Communication Terminal. The manual provides the customer Mith the inforlHtion necessary to prepare his sit. for the installation of the 3767 which he Mill perform~ Reference Sunlmary. 15 pages 1116/3773.3774.37751 GA27-3120 n2Jl INSTALLER'S .!i!.Im 1115/37671 GA27-3106 OPERATOR'S INTRODUCTION !Q 1H1 1ZlZ COMMUNICATION TERMINAL This brochure is intended to serve as the pr.f.rred means of first exposure to the equipment (i •••• before deliv.ry) by presenting to the prospective user or operator .ome of the characteristics and f.atures of the 3767 Communication Terminal. Locations and functions of keys and controls are presented in a facts fold.r form. Ref.rane. Summary. 18 pages This publication gives sillpl. installation techniques and precautions that. Nhen folloNed. Mill insure proper cable installation. It should be used as an on-the-job reference for terminating cable ends. making splices. connecting grounds and testing the cable installation. Manual. 3 5/8" x 8 1/2". 44 pages. 1/76 1/15/2790.2791.27931 GA27-3123 1116/37671 GA27-3107 OPERATING PROCEDURES.IiIWl.E.l lIIH 1m COI!MfICATION TERMINAL Thi. Operating Procedures Guide i. directed to personnel Mriting detailed operator procedures for IBM 3776 COIIIIIU"Iication Terminal job applications. and for operators of the terminals. Included are: U) operating procedures for the basic configuration (the printer. the keyboard. the operator's consol •• and the controller). (2) Operating procedures for the input and output devicesl (3) job definition and job start procedures for the terminal. and (4) error recovery and problem identification procedures for the terminal. Manual. 148 pages 1116/37761 297 1ZlZ CO!1!1UNICATION TERMINAL fl!ON! DOC\JI1ENT ~INFcmMATION ADDEND!II11l!f9 WllU mm ~ This manual i. a supplenaent to user information for the 3767 Communication Terminal equipped Mith the Front Docunent Insertion Devica (RPQ MF5272). This device enables the operator to easily insert docUlHl"lt. for printing in front of the terminal platen without having to use the platen knobs. Thi. manual furnishes the information needed by management. progra_ing. and operator personnel to .uccessfully USe this device. Major subjects include: operating procedures. paper specifications. and print specifications. It is essential that users of this manual be familiar M;th the 3767 COIIIIIftication Terminal characteristics and operating procedures. and the following manuals: IBM 3767 Modell. 2. and 3 Communication Terminal Component Description. 6A27-3096. and IBM 3767 COIIIIIUIication Term;nal Operator's Guide. 6A18-2000. . Manual. 12 pages. 7/76 GA27 GA27 //14/3767/ //14/3767/ .>.427-3124 OPERATING PROCEDURES GUIDE: !1m 3777 CQM!1UNICATIOt! TERMINAL This operating procedures guide is directed to personnel writing detailed operator procedures for the IBM 3777 Communication Terminal. and for operators of the terminal. This manual also includes operating procedures for the IBM 3203 Printer. and for other devices that can be attached to the 3777. Users of this manual should already be familiar with the information contained in the publication IBM 3770 Data Comm.mication System. System Components. GA27-3097. Manual. 140 pages 8/76 GA27-3125 3777 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL REFERENCE ~ This reference summary contains inforaation that is already included in the Operating Procedures Guide: IBM 3777 COMmunication Terminal. GA27-3124. and provides a quick reference to informaHon needed for routine operation of the 3777. Use the Operat i ng Procedures Gui de if you need _re detailed information about terminal operation than is included in this summary. Reference Card. 2 pages. 8/76 //16/3777/ &427-3129 3777 ~ 1 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL OPERATOR'S §YiDi This manual is directed to operators of the IBM 3777 Model 2 Communication Terminal. This manual describes the operation of the IBM 3777 Model 2 Comlllunication Terminal operating with a System/360 Model 20 Submodel 5 BSC MULTI-LEAVINS workstation progralll. and communicating with a Systelll/370 using one of the following sse MULTI-LEAVINS progra_ing systl!lll5: o os/vS1 RES o OSIVS2 HASP o Os/VS2 JES2 o OSIVS2 ASP o os/vS2 JES3 o VMl370 RECS It is assumed that the user of this manual is already familiar .. ith the programllling system used. In conjunction with this Operator's Guide. the user .. ill also require a copy of the programming systems publication that describes the system commands for controlling the system (refer to the publication IBM Systeml370 Bibliography. GC20-00011. Additional information about the IBM 3777 Model 2 can be found in the publication IBM 3770 Data CoDNnication Systa. System Components. GA27-3097. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 140 pgs. 11/76 //16/3777/ 6A27-3126 GA27-3130 1/16/3777/ m:z. t!Q!;W, 1 1ill COMMUNICATIOt! TERMINAL fIHf.U!l f.!.AntI yga INFORMATION (RPi EG0314 At:!!! 8511421 This aanual is a supplemental source of user information for the 3767 Communication Terminal equipped with the Pinfeed Platen Device (RPSs EG0314 and 8511421. Thase devices allON accurate feeding of marginally prepunched forms. Major subjects include descriptions of components which ara part of the pinfeed platen devioes. platen removal and installation procedures. and fortIS insertion procedures. This manual furnishes the inforution needed by management and operator personnel to successfully use this device. It is essential that users of this aanual be familiar with the 3767 Communication Terminal characteristics. operating procedures. and the contents of the following manuals: IBM 3767 Modell. 2. and 3 Co..... ication Terminal COIIIpOnent Description. &427-3096. and IBM 3767 CoamIunication Terminal Operator's Guide. GA18-2000. Manual. 10 pages. 3/76 //14/3767/ GA27-3127 EU CQM!1UNICATIOt! TERMINAL INTEGRATED H!m!! !Wl1 COM!1UNlCATIOt! TERI1INAL REFERENCE !!.!!!W!l This reference summary contains information that is already included in the IBM 3777 Model 2 Operator's Guide. GA27-3129. and provides a quick reference to information needed for routine operation of the 3777 Model 2. Use the Operator's Guide if you need more detailed inforll8tion about terminal operation than is included in this summary. Reference Summary. 8 1/2 x 3 3/4 inches. 8 pgs. 8177 //16/3777/ &427-3131 llZL. illh At:!!! 1.Z1!t CO!'l1l!NICATIOt! TERMINALS OPERATOR .I!I!§ Operator Tips provides hints for identifying and correcting probl.... with the terminal's printer. or probl_ in on-line operation. It supplements. but is not intended to replace. the ter.inal's Operating Procedures Guida. 8 x 8 x .015 Polished white opaque vinyl plastic. 2 pgs. 10/ //16/3771.3773.3774/ ' &427-3132 AUTO-ANSWER At:!!! !U!I. DISCONNECT !.Bf! WU!U yga INFORMATION ADDENDUM This aanual is a supplemental source of user info.... tion for the 3767 Communication Terminal equipped with Integrated Modem with Auto-Answer and dial Disconnect (RPS 8531341. This modem makes possible manual dial-up auto answer over a point-to-point switched communications network. Major subjects include: Description of FWtCtions. and Installation of ModeM Data Cable. This manual furnishes the User with all information necessary to use a terminal equipped with this modem. lt is assential that users of this aanual be familiar with the 3767 Communication Terminal characteristics and operating procedures. and the following manuals: IBM 3767 Modell. 2. and 3 COIIIIIIUI'Iication Terminal Component Description. GA27-3096. and IBM 3767 eo-..ication Terminal Operator's Guide. GAI8-2000. Manual. 10 pages. 5/76 llZ2 !t:m 1Zn COHI1UtlICATION TERMINALS AI:I!l !1m 1Z§!t fIU!:!lD OPERATOR !Wi Operator Tips provides hints for identifying and correcting problems with the ter.inal's printer. or probl.... in online operation. It supplements. but is not intended to replace. the terminal's Operating Procedures Guide. 8 x 8 x .015 Polished Nhite opaque vi"yl plastic. 2 pgs. 10/ //16/3775.3776.3784/ .!.D;jg 6A27-3136 SYSTEHS ~ ARCHITECDJRE fi!.BMAT.3 This publication describes the Systems Network Architecture (SNAI formats used between subarea nodes and peripheral nodes. and bet_ type 2.1 nodes using paer-to-peer protocols. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 450 pages. 03/87 ////5743-SNA.5735-SC3 298 &A27 &A27 This publication describes the capabilities, functions, &A27-3141 speeds, options, specify features, special features, 1lU !Dl L. .& i!!!n!R RECOVERY Am fB9!ill!:I DETERMINATION ~ Directed to the printer operator and describes the accessories, and attachable input/output devices for the following 3770 terminal types: the general purpose procedures to use if an error or breakdown occurs. These procedures will help the operator identify and eliminate the nonprogra..able terllinals, the general purpose programmable probl... and possibly avoid the need to call for assistance. terminals,' the general remote job entry (RJEl terllinals, the Subjects in this guide include recognizing errors, BSC MUlti-Leaying RJE workstation terminal, and the SNA responding to status indicators, restarting a job after an Multiple Logical Unit RJE workstation terminals. error, and requesting maintenance. Information in this manual was previously in the IBM When an error occurs, the operator goes to page 1 and 3770 Data Communication System: Systell Components, 6A27-3097, except for the information on the following new follololll the flowchart until the proble. is found. The operator then corrects the problem or calls for assistance. terllinals: the IBM 3776 Communication Terminal Models 3 and Other publications that should be available for the 4 and the IBM 3777 Communication Terminal Model 3, SNA operator's use are: MUltiple LOgical Unit Workstation. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 100 pgs, 10/77 • IBM 3289 Line Printer Models and 2 Operator's Guide, 1109/3770,3771 ,3774,.3775,3776.37771 &A27-3147 • IBM 3289 Line Printer Hodels and 2 Operator's Reference SUMMary, &A27-3148 • IBM 3289 Line Printer Models and 2 Operator's Trouble 6A27-3145 Report Forll, &X27-2922 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION fi!R .!I!.li 1m! llZ6 A!::m llZZ Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 25 pages, 8/78 CO~!tMlICATION TERMINALS 1116/32891 This publication presents introductory and reference information about the 3776 and 3777 terminals used in the following applications: 11 medium and high speed remote job entry ter.inals (BSC or SNA single logical Unitl. 21 high &A27-3142 speed BSC MULTI-LEAVltIG workstation, and 3) mediUIII and high .u:l1& l2Z!t .I .llZi flRDGRAMMABLE COft!tI:!ICqION TERMINALS pROGRAMMER'S HANDBOOK speed SNA .ultiple logical-unit workstations. It describes This handbook sUlDmarizes selected reference information the capabilities and functions of these terminals for those about the 3773, 3774, and 3775 Programmable Coamunication concerned Nith planning for a data communication network or Terminals. The information was extracted froll the 3770 for integrating the terminals into an existing network. It Programmer's Guide &C30-3028), which is the authoritative is also a reference source for system and application source. So.. of the contents are: progra.ers, and for personnel planning job setups for the 3776 and 3777 terminals. Application personnel planning job o 3770 Programming Statements o Supervisor Instructions setups will also require a copy of the appropriate Operating o BSC Massage Headers Procedures Guide or Operator's Guide. It is assumed that the reader of this manual understands a SNA FM Headers a PVS Control Statement. the concept and application of the IBM System/370 in a data a Error and Abend Cod.. comllunication environment. and is familiar with data link o Record Format. control procedures - Synchronous Data Link Ccntrol (SDLC) or o 1/0 Status Information Binary Synchronous Communications. whichever is used. Condition Codes and System Indicators Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 336 pages. 3178 a For cOGprehensiYe information, refer to the 3770 1109/3776.37771 Programmer's Guida. Handbook, 3 314 x 6 314 inc'-, 72 pgs, 8/77 1109/3773,3774,37751 &A27-3146 1ZZ!L ~ 1Z2! ! ~ COMMUNICATION TERMINALS COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This publication describes the capabilities and functions of GA27-3143 the general purpose terminals of the IBM 3770 Data 111] .I l2Z!t PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION TERMINALS ComnII.rIication Syst... : the IBM 3771, 3773. 3774. and 3775 OPERATOR'S GUIDE fi!R PINFEED PLATEN Rf9 MJ0436 eo...... ication Terminals. The publication is directed to Describes how to install and remove the pinfeed platen (RPQ MJ0436) for the IBM 3773 and 3774 Programmable eo......,ication readers planning for a data communication network or for integrating the general purpose terminals into an existing Terminals. It also describes how to load and align marginnetwork. It also contains reference infoNllation for syst.. punched forms on the ter.inals. The publication supplements operating procedures and application progra...... rs. and for personnel planning job setups for the terminals. contained in the IBM 3773, 3774, and 3775 Progralllllable Although this publication describes the operating Conaunication Terllinals Operator's Guide, &A27-3114. Users should be thoroughly familiar with the above publication and controls of the terminals, it is not intended to provide with the operation of either the 3773 or 3774. Users who detailed operating procedures. The controls are described need more technical information on the functions and only to illustrate the capabilities. functions. and features features of the terminals should refer to the IBM 3770 of the general purpose terminals. Operating procedures are described fully in the appropriate Operating Procedures Systell Components manual, &A27-3097. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 12 pgs, 10/77 Guide for the terminals. 1114/3774/ Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 246 pages. 1178 //09/3771,3774,3775/ GA27-3144 GA27-3147 INTRODUCTION :m l!!f I!H! lZZ!I DATA CO!!1UNICATION SYSTEM Introduces the terminals and components of the IBM 3770 Data 1lU .LI!:m PRINTER ~ ! ! .t OPERATOR'S INSTRUCTIONS Describes the basic operating procedures for the IBM 3289 CCIMU"Iication System. Describes the capabilities, functions, features, and performance of the 3770 system for Line Printer Hodels 1 and 2. It is intended for those who either operate the printer or write its detailed operating readers responsible for planning a data conaunication netNDrk or for integrating 3770 terminals into an existing procedures. It is assumed that the reader of this publication has netNDrk. 299 GA27 6A27 previ_ oper.ting experience. with. IIOrking ~ledge of 6A27-3151 the 3289 printer Dr reI. ted d.ta proces.ing equipment. J2§1 f!W:!IfB I:11mW 1 .I ! f!!!m.WI DETERMINATION §!.!!!lg Thi. guide has been prepared to help you (the operator) Det.iled procedures for a p.rticul.r application are not presented. R.ther. this publication describes the ......nd determine the type of probln and how to correct it, when the 3287 Printer, Hodel. 1 .nd 2. is not operating properly. capabilities of the printer as they apply to all It is designed to save you time by pointing out possible applications. Chapter 1 describes lIOdels. printing speeds. char.cter set•• and the oper.tor panel. Ch.pter 2 describes causes for troubles that you can ea.ily and quickly correct ba.ic operating procedures .uch a. tuming power on .nd off, yourself • • etting format, reprinting a job, .tc. Chapt.r 3 provides The following docuIIenta contain related infor.. tion that information for installing for ... , ribbons. and print belt•• may help diagnose proble... and recover from error Publications that should be .v.il.bl. for the oper.tor'. conditional us. ar.: • IBM 3287 Printer Operator'. Guide. 6A27-3150 • • IBM 3289 Lin. Print.r Model. 1 .nd 2 Error Recovery IBM 3287 Printer Oparator's Trouble Report. GX27-2923 and Probl. . Det.rmin.tion 6uide. GA27-3141 • IBM 3287 Printer Component Description. 6A27-3153 Manual, 8 1/2 Ie 11 inches. 30 pages IBM 3289 Line Print.r Hodel. 1 and 2 Operator'. • Ref.renc. !kaunary. 6A27-3148 1116/32871 IBM 3289 Line Print.r Mod.l. .nd 2 Oper.tor'. Trouble • Report form, 6X27-2922. Manual, 8 1/2 Ie 11 inches. 65 pages. 8/78 SA27-3153 1116/32891 lW I!IW:IIU COMpoNENT DESCRIPTION Thi . . .nual de.cribe. the IBM 3287 Print.r Hod.l. 1 .nd 2, It gives information for customer .xeoutives ••vst. . U,27-3148 analyst •• and .y.t. . engine.r. who ar. aMar. of the intended use of the printer. lW .LltIi I!IW:IIU lIIWJIl .11 OPERATOR" REFERENCE Jl.U:I6Bl Directed to the operator of the print.r and cont.ins Included in this ..nuel are de.criptions of the print.r'. applications, operating charaoteri.tioa. fe.tures, r.f.renc. inforll.tion needed for routine operation of the IBM 3289 Line Print.r Hodel. 1 and 2. A compl.t. li.ting of and int.rnational consider.tlons. .t.t.... cod. i. found her., pi.... other information that i • Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages, 1178 • 1.0 included in eith.r the 3289 Oper.tor'. Guide Dr the 1103132871 3289 Error Recov.ry and Probl. . Det.rmination 6uide. Other publications that .hould be av.U.bl. for the op.rator'. u••• re: 6427-3159 • IBM 3289 Line Printer Hodel. 1 and 2 Operator'. Guide. lW .LltIi I!IW:IIU Im!W. ! OPERATOR liYmI This manual is intended for those who need information 6A27-3147 conc.rning operation of tha printer .pecified in the titl•• IBM 3289 Lin. Printer Hodel. 1 and 2 Error Recovery • Manual. 64 pages. 4179 and Proble. Determination Guide. 6A27-3141 4331//16/32891 • IBM 3289 Line Printer Hodel. 1 and 2 Operator'. Trouble Report Form. 6X27-2922 Card. 3 5/8 Ie 8 1/2 inches. 8/78 1116/32891 6427-3160 .K§! ~ f!WmB mm.L ! fRBQR RECOVERY .6tm .PIm!!.W! DETERMINATION §YlgS Directed to tha printer operator and describes the 6A27-3149 procedures to use if an error or breakdown occurs. Thes. ~ .IJ!!lf mmm!. L!tflI OPERATOR" mw!f This manual tells how to oPerate the IBM 3842 Loop Control procedures ..ill help the operator identify and eliminate the probl.. and pos.ibly avoid the need to call for assistance. Unit. Included in this ..nual .re directions for nor..l operation as Nell as procedures to help determine if the Subjects in this guide include recognizing errors. 3842 is NDrk i n9 correctly. responding to status indicators. restarting a job after an The infor.ation in this manual is intended pri .. rily for error, and requesting maintenance. the 3842 operator. Ho_ver. it is also intended for use by When an error occurs. the operator goes to page 1 and persons who will write user operating procedures .nd tr.in folloNS the flowchart until the probl .. is found. The oper.tor personnel. and by IBM Customar Engineers. operator then corrects the probl.. or calls for assistance Manual. 8 1/2 Ie 11 inches. 52 pages. 10/77 Related Publications: Coraquisite publiqations are: 1116/38421 • IBM 3289 Line Printer Hodel 4 Operator's Guide. 6-'27-3159 IBM 3289 Line Printer Hodel 4 Operator's Trouble Report • FOrll. 6X27-2925 6A27-3150 • IBM 3289 Line Printer Hodel 4 Operator'. Referenc. lW !IWmR !!!mWi 1 Atm 1 OPERATOR'S §lim Thi. manual describes. for the oper.tor. the ba.ic operating Summary, GA27-3162 This manual describes for the operator. the ba.ic oper.ting Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 18 pages, 3179 43311/16/32891 procedures of the 3287 Printer. It contains an introduction, a discussion of the operating controls (lights and switches), and • description of basic functions of the printer. 6A27-3162 procedures of the 3287 Printer. It contains an XU .I.ltm .P!WmB t!QJW, ! OPERATOR'S REFERENCE iUI:!!Al!.I Directed to the print.r operator and contains refarenc. introduction •• di.cussion of the operating control. (light. and switches). and a description of ba.ic functions info.... tion needed for routine operation of the IBM 3289 of the printer. Line Printer Hodel 4. 4 colIIPlete listing of .t.t.... codas i. introduction, a di.cussion of the operating controls (light. found here. plus other information that is al.o included in and .witches), and a description of b.sic functions of the either the 3289 Op.rator'. Guida. or the 3289 Error Recovery .nd Probl.. D.termination Guide. print.r. Manual, 8 1/2 Ie 11 inches, 88 pages, 5/82 Ralated Publications: Corequisite publications are: 1116/32871 • IBM 3289 Line Printer Hodel 4 Operator'. Guide. 6A27-3159 ( 6A27 GA27 IBM 3289 Line Printer Hodel 4 Error Recovery and Preble. GA27-3174 Determination Guide. GA27-3160 ~ ~ OPERATOR'S !iY!!Ji fi!B TRACTOR/FORMS SUIIIIIary. fold to 8 1/2 x 3 5/8 inches. 12 pages. 3/79 SEPARATOR BfQ MJ3112 4331//16/3289/ This publication describes for the 3287 Printer operator hoM to install. operate. and remove the IBM 3287 Printer Tractor/Separator (RPQ MJ 31121. It also describes how to GA27-3165 load and align margin-punched continuous forms on this device. 3776 I100ELS ~ ! .9: ! 3777 MODEL ~ CotIItUNlCATION TERMINALS OPERATOR'S GUIDE Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 21 pages. 10/78 This manual is designed specifically for personnel writing SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY detailed operator procedures for remote job entry (RJEI applications that use the IBM 3776 Hodels 3 and 4 and the IBM 3777 Hodel 3 Communication Terminals. and for operators GA27-3176 of the terminals. Included are: ~ LINE ~ MODELS! ! 1 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Presents introductory and reference information about the • Operating procedures for: Starting up and initializing the terminal for IBM 3289 Line Printer Hodels 1 and 2. The 3289 connects to communication with the host processor. an IBM 3270 Information Display System through an IBM 3274 Logging on to and logging off from the System Control Unit or an IBM 3276 Control Unit/Display Station. Services Control Point (SSCPI in the host processor Modell has a maximum print speed of 155 lines per minute Sending messages to the host application program _and Model 2 has a maximum print speed of 400 lines per Defining. storing. retrieving. and executing minute. cataloged procedures for sending job input to Describes the capabilities and functions of the 3289 the host processor and for receiving job output Printer for those concerned with planning a new system or at the terminal executing immediate commands for integrating a Hodel 1 or Model 2 into an existing system. sending and receiving jobs It also provides information needed by those who write Setting up the input and output devices and detailed operating procedures for the printer. recovering from media problems such as card jams It is assumed that the reader of this manual understands the concepts and applications of the IBM 3270 Information Performing data transfers bet....., local input and output devices Display System. Information about 3270 publications can be found in the publication IBM System/370 Bibliography. • Error Recovery and Problem Identification procedures for the terminal GC20-0001. • Operational comparisons to aid in converting from Chapter 1 contains general information about IBM 3777 Model 2 to IBM 3777 Hodel 3 teMllinal operation configurations and basic characteristics of the Model 1 and and converting from IBM 3776 Hodels 1 and 2/3777 Hodel 2 printer. Chapter 2 explains operating controls and This guide describes the purpose and use of the characteristics including modes of operation and how to terminals' controls and operator com..nds as they apply to handle abnormal conditions. Chapter 3 contains progra_ing all jobs. You can use this manual in preparing a detailed information including the control codes for each mode of operator procedure (runbookl for a specific ....ot. job entry printing. The appendixes describe code charts. character application. sets. throughput controlling factors. and the printer This manual also contains infonnation describing changes for control information area (PCIAI. Multiple Logical Unit (MWI enhancement. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 75 pages. 12/78 //03/3289/ Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4/79 //16/3776.3777/ • ( 6A27-3177 iU.27-3166 .EZ! !:!QllW 1 ! .b!H,f; ~ mmJa. ~ COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Presents introductory and reference information about the IBM 3289 Line Printer Hodel 4. The 3289 connects to a 4331 Processor through a coaxial cable and has a maximum print speed of 400 lines per minute. This publication describes the capabilities and functions of the 3289 for those concerned with planning a naN system or integrating a Hodel 4 into an existing system. It also provides information needed by those Mho write detailed operating procedures for the 3289. It is assumed that the reader of this manual understands the concepts and applications of the IBM 4331 Processor. Chapter 1 contains general information about configurations and basic characteristics of the Hodel 4 printer. Chapter 2 explains operating controls and status codes. Chapter 3 contains programming information. including printer cOlll1llands. forms control buffer. status and sense information. and error recovery information. Appendixes A through D describe code charts. character sets. a sum.ary of sense bytes. ,and throughput controlling factors. Related Publications: The 3289 Line Printer Hodel 4 Operator's Guide. GA27-3159 is available for those Mho operate the 3289 or Mho write its detailed operating procedures • Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 50 pages. 3/79 4331//03/3289/ ~ Ell. mm..!. ~ COMMUNICATION TERMINAL. OPERATOR'S REFERENCE ~ This reference card contains information that is condens9d frOll the IBM 3776 Hodels 3 and 4 and IBM 3777 Hodel 3 COIIIIUnication Terminal Operator's Guide (GA27-316SI. and gives a quick reference to the information needed for the routine operation of the IBM 3776 Models 3 and 4 and IBM 3777 Hodel 3 Communication Terminals. Reference card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 10 panels. 10/78 //16/3776.3777/ ~ GA27-3170 1ZZ.9: J 3775 PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION TERMINALS' REFERENCE SUMMARY This reference Slm*ary contains infor.. tion that is already included in the IBM 3774 and 3775 Programmable COIIIIIIUnication Terminals Operator's Guide. GA27-3154 and provides a quick reference to information needed for routine operation of these terminals. Use the operator'. guide if you need _NO detailed infor.. tion about terminal operation than is provided in this sumaary. Reference card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 12 pages. 6/78 //16/3774.3775/ 301 6A27 GA27 6A27-3178 GA27-3218 ~ Iil.!m .Em! !HI 1U§ tI!l!W. 1 DISPLAY WACHMENT m m !!!!:! 3774 PROGRAI1I1ABLE CO!1l1\J!:!ICATION TERMINAL B.f9 ill.ill ~ !m!W.I ! AtIl , RIYE INSTRUCTIONS AtIl ~ This ..nual provides users with the information needed to set up. operate. and test the IBM 3865 Modem. The manual contains mod_ descriptions. customer setup instructions. modell-to-system integration instructions. operator panel descriptions. operating procedures. proble. detereination procedures. relocation and reconfiguration recommendetions • •nd a brief description of available mod_ functions for progr.m-controlled testing. This publication is written for users. or operators. who have sOlIe basic knowledge of telecommunications. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 70 pages. 06/80 This publication describes the IBM 3278 Model 2 Display Attachment to the IBM 3774 Progralltlable COlIIIIM'\ication Terminal (RPQ EJ2657). Major subjects include. (1) 3278 operator controls. (2) the differences in operation and progra_ing of the 3774 needed to accOllllllOdate the 3278. and (3) problem determination procedures for the 3278. Manual. 30 pages. 10/78 //14/3774/ 6A27-3185 IlA!A CO!1!1UNICATION !I!m!j Iil.!m 1116/38651 Jmag ~ This manual describes data com.unication devices and syst... that can operate remotely via coamunication lines as part of Systeav'370. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 54 pages 6A27-3229 BE f!m!Im t!!!!m.! ,li; .I ~ COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This manual provides infoNlation for executives. SystelllS .nalysts and systems engineers who have a knowledge of color applications for the IBM 3270 Information Displ.y Systee. Thi. Nnual describes the subject printer and its ability to print in four different colors. It also describes the Programmed Symbols feature that enables the user to define unique symbols. special char.cters and shapes that cOlllbine to print a graphic represent.tion. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 86 pages. 12179 370.4361.4381.3090.4331.4341.4321//0911 6A27-3198 3289 f!m!Im !:!Q!ru. !! gn; PREPARATI!!tI Iil.!m This manual is a guide for the user to plan for the physical installation of IBM 3289 Model 4 Printer. The contents include inforMtion to: • plan the physical loc.tion .nd surrounding enyiron.ent for the 3289-4 printer • plan the power necessary to install 3289-4 printers. including plug and receptacle infor_tion • plan .nd order the cables necessary to attach the 3289-4 printer to processor units Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 2179 1103132871 6A27-3230 BE mmtm I:DW.li .u; ! 1.1; OPERATOR'S Iil.!m The subject manual instructs the operator how to use the 3287 color printer. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 4/80 4331//15/32891 1116/32871 6A27-3200 ~ ~ 1W I1!mHli INTRODUCTION H:!Il 1m PREPARATION GUIDE This Mnual describes briefly the IBM 3863. 3864. and 3865 Mod_ and their roles in data communication networks. Also described. in general terllS. are options. features. interfaces. and problem deteNlination procedures. Site prepar.tion requiretlents for the .ad... ara described in detail. This Mnual is intended for eanagers and. pl.mars Mho .re knowledgeable in data c~ication networks and Mho ara considering installing. data coaaunication network using the IBM 3863. 3864. and/or 3865 ModeMS. The site prep.ration inforNtion in this . .nual is also useful to the IIOdeIII user's contr.ctors or other personnel Mho. before the .rriy.l of the .adeIIS. prepare the user's site for setup of the .adellS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 72 pages. 5/79 Eilz. / GA27-3231 BE fIWmB l1Q!lW ,l!; .I !lO ~ DETERMINAII!!tI Iil.!m The procedures in this manual are designed to help a 3287 oper.tor identify and correct einor failures that eight otherwise require assist.nce free. 3287 service representative. Subjects in this publication include recognizing errors. responding to st.tus indicators. restarting a job after .n error. and requesting maintenance. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 3180 1116/32871 6A27-3237 1115/3863.3864.38651 GA27-3216 MU !1IIlm lmW ! AH!l ~ 386!! I!!!!!H !!!WJI 1 !I:!Il , .!WYf INSTRUCTIONS !!::m .YnR!.I ~ This ..nual provides users with the infor.. tion needed to set up. oper.te. and test the IBM 3863 .nd 3864 Modems. The docuatent contains eodem descriptions. customer setup instructions. eodee-to-syst_ integration instructions. operator p.nel descriptions. operating procedures. probl_ detereination procedures. relocation and reconfiguration reeoaDRnd&tions • •nd brief description of ay.ilable eodee functions for program-controlled testing. This publication i. written for user. or operators. Mho have s _ basic knowledge of telec-..ications. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 98 pages. 03180 1116/3863.38641 1 ! ! OPERATOR'S Iil.!m DOCUMENT INSERTION Jmag !I!fll Il!W.!!!!.l This ..nual describes the Rear Document Insertion Device. a special RPQ feature specific.lly designed for the 3287 Printer Models 1 and 2. It gives detailed information for customer executives. programming personnel. and operators Mho are .ware of the intended uses of the 3287. Bec.use the information in this lIIanual supplelllents the inforeation contained in existing 3287 publications. it is e.senti.l that the reader be fallliliar with the concepts presented in the following prereqUisite public.tions: 3287 Printer Modals 1 & 2 Component Description. GA27-3153 3287 Printer Modals 1 & 2 Oper.tor's Guide. 6A27-3150 32&7 Printer Models 1 & 2 Problee Detereination Guide 3287 Printer Models 1 & 2 Setup Instructions (RPQ 111<61041, GA27-3244 Fores Design Reference Guide for Printers. 6A24-3488 Manual. & 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 4/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY l&§Z ~ 302 / . ~j ( 61.27 61.27 6A27-3253 3843 .bQQf CONTROL UNIT INTRODUCTION AI:m mg PREPARATION GUIDE This manual provides a general introduction to the 1M 3843 and its role in a data communication system. This information is for any user of the 3843. including Managers. programmers. and installation planners. Also included is site preparation infor.... tion needed by the user to prepare his location for the setup of the 1M 3843. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 8 pages. 02/80 //09/3843/ ( Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 180 pages. 8/81 8130.8140//03/3268/ 6A27-3268 3268 f!ill!!gg t!Q!lill g AI:m !!;; DESCRIPTION This edition describes both the 3268 Model 2 and 2c. The Hodel 2c prints in four colors (black. blue. green. and red) and provides programmed symbols. which allow the user program to define dot patterns for printed symbols. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 5/81 370.5410.5415.5412.5404.5406.5408.8130.8140.4331.4341.4321// 03/3268/ GA27-3260 3867 .!.I!:!K DIAGNOSTIC UNIT SETUP INSTRUCTIONS ~ USER'S 6A27-3270 lW! f!!.It!!gB m!.IlW 1 !!m !!;; OPERATOR'S §YIl!g .!ill.m This manual provides users with the information needed to This publication describes the basic operating procedures setup. operate. and test the IBM 3867 link Diagnostic Unit. for the 3268 Printer Hodels 2 and 2C. It is for customers The docl.llllel"lt contains 3867 descriptions. customer setup who operate or supervise the operation of the 3268-2 and instructions. 3867-to-systell integration instructions. 3268-2C printers. operator panel descriptions. relocation and reconfiguration Manual. 122 pages. 8/83 recommendations. methods for obtaining service. and a brief 370.4361.4381.4331.4341.4321//16/3268/ description of available 3867 functions for prograllcontrolled link testing. This publication is written for users. or operators. who 61.27-3287 have some knowledge of telecOllllllUl"lications. IMPLEMENTATION Qf ~ INTERFACE: 6ENERAL INFORMATIQN MANUAL Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 3/81 //16/3867/ This manual describes the CCITT recommendation X.21 interface to public data networks (PDNs) as illlP18llented by IBM. It includes (1) a brief overview of X.21J (2) GA27-3261 infor .... tion on X.21 functional. Mechanical. and electrical 1§2.Z LINK DIAGNOSTIC UNIT: mg PREPARATION §YIl!g characteristicsl and (31 information on the operation of This lIanual provides managers and planners with the X.21 using both circuit-switched and leased-circuit information needed to plan and prepare their site for the netlOOrks. installation of the 3867. This onual can assist customers. co........ ications The document contains specific details concerning the suppliers. and engineers in selecting or designing equipment 3867's physical characteristics. power requirements. and to attach to a PDN using an X.21 interface. Before you use telecommunication facilities. Responsibilities of the this manual. you should have a good understanding of customer. the IBM lIarketing representative. and the IBM telecommunications. customer engineer are listed. Hodell and DTE interface Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 50 pages. 8/80 requirements for operation with the 3867 are also provided. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY A knowledge of data COIIIIIIUnication networks is necessary to obtain the lIaxilllUll understanding of the subjects covered. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 12/80 6A27-3304 //15/3867/ INTRODUCTION !Q 3705-80 COI!1UNICATIQN CONTROLLER The IBM 3705-80 is a programmed transmission control unit designed to assume many data processing control functions GA27-3266 forMerly assigned to an access .ethod. The controller is 3268 PRINTER PLANNING At!!! SITE PREPARATION .fiYmI intended for data processing installations with limited This edition contains added information on the 3268 Printer communications requirements that intend to enter a systems Hodel 2C. The model 2C prints in colors (black. blue. netlOOrk architecture (SNA) environment. The 3705-80 is green. and red). and provides progra_ed symbols. which controlled by programs that reside in the controller. For Hodels 1 and lC. the Multiuse COIIIIIIUI\ications Loop This publication contains introductory infor .... tion on Planning Guide. GA23-0038. and the Multiuse the 3705-80 control programs and hardware components. Any Cable and Accessories for Attachment to Products Manual user or potential user of the 3705-80. including management. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 38 pages prograanners. operators. and ltaintenance personnel. should be //15/3268/ familiar with the contents of this onual. The only prerequisite for this manual is an understanding of basic telecommunication concepts. 6A27-3267 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 99 pages. 3/81 //09/3705/ 3268 f!U!::IlSB I100EL 1 DESCRIPTION This onual provides reference infOrMation about the 3268 Printer Hodel 1 for supervisory personnel. syst.. analysts. and application prograllltllers who are using the 3268 as an 6A27-3309 output printer for their loop. The 3268 Printer connects to 1ZZZ ~ ~ COMHUNICATION TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE This Manual is designed specifically for personnel ..~iting a 4300 or 8100 processor through a directly or data-link attached loop. detailed operator procedures for remote job entry (RJEI This publication presents introductory and reference applications that use the 1M 3777 Model 4 COlllllUnication TerMinals. and for operators of the terMinals. Included are inforution on the 3268 Printer. It describes the capabilities and general functions of the printer. including operating procedures. error recovery and probl.. the printing . .thad. speed (throughput). color printing. identification procedures. and operational cDq)arisons. progranMable symbols. attachment to a loop. 3268 comllands. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 380 pages. 3/81 //16/3777/ printer components. and printer controls. m 303 (j GA27 6A27 to network proble... If the Network Probl... Determination Application (NPDA) is installed. the reader should know how to use it for network proble.. determination. The reader should understand the concepts of Systems Network Architecture (SNA) and the basic requirements of defining a network to the Advanced Communications Function for the Network Control Program lACF /NCP) • The reader should also be familiar with the functions and services provided by the 3170 Network Controller as described in 3710 Network Controller Introduction. GA273430. Manual, 3/85 //16/3710/ GA27-3315 PROTECTIVE COUPLER. f!:! 1649100. INSTALLATION M:!l PLANNING .§!HQS This document contains inforlHtion required to adequately plan for integration of the IBM ProteCtive Coupler into the customer's telecommunication link. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 18 pages. 7/81 /c/1S/3669.3684.3704.370S.3872.3874.3036.3081.3158.4331, 4341/ 6A27-3316 PROTECTIVE COUPLER. f!:! 1649100. §filH! INSTRUCTIONS A!:!!l PROBLEM DETERMINATION §Y!Qg This document is shipped with, the Protective Coupler to enable the customer to install, connect. and verify proper operation of the unit. The Probl. . Detertlination Guide portion of the docUIRent enables the customer to dete... i". whether the Protective Coupler is the cause of a telecommunication link problem. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 16 pages. 7/81 //16/3036.3081.3158.4331.3874,3669,3684,3704.3705.3872, 4341/ GA27-3430 ll1lI ~ im!fAl IHT!!ODUCTION This publication summarizes the advantages and applications of the 3710 Network Gateway. It is written for those who will evaluate or plan for the machine. The Network Gateway is a device that concentrates data from IHny li nes onto one or more 1 i nes. I t enables SNA and nonSNA devices to communicate. through communication controllers, with SNA program products in an MVS or HVS/XA envi ronment. Topics covered include the role of the eachine in a network, functions and services provided by the Network Gateway. installation. operation and maintenance of the Network Gateway, and enhanced Network Gateway applications provided by network progra .. products installed at the host. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 60 pages. 7/84 //09/3710/ GA27-3324 ~ :eL.Am:! !.Bf9 WWU OPERATOR'S iIl.mS This publication tells the customer how to install and remove the Pinfeed Platen and how to load forllS when the Pinfeed Platen is installed. The customer will also need one of the follOMing operator's guides: 3287 Printer Models 1 and 2 Operator's Guide. GA27-3150 and 3287 Printer Models 11 and 12 Operator's Guide. GA27-3189. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 24 pages. 3/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ill.Z EB.I.t:!nB GA27-3433 ll1lI ~ CotfI'R0LLER ~ REPORT This forti should be used by the 3710 operator to report a defective Network Controller machine element. When filled in. it provides inforlllation about the customer. the .achine element that requires repair. and the slflllPtOll5 of the failure • Operating for •• U/M 25. 6/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA27-3341 tlULTIUSE COMMUNICATIONS J.!lQ!! PLANNING .6t!!l INSTALLATION .§!HQS , This IHnual consists of two parts. Part 1 is written for the personNho will plan the loop configuration and order the associated hardNare. Part 2 is a series of selfcontained instructions for the person who will physically install and test loop cabeling. hardware. and accessories. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 h1ches. 220 pages. 6/82 8130,8140//15// GA27-3434 !iY!!Ui ill.!! 6A27-3345 m X.25 INTERFACE fQR ATTACHING lit!A !m!Wi PACKET-SWITCHED D!I! NETWORKS. ~, INFORHATION Describes the elements. including optional user facilities, of CCITT RecOlllllK!l'ldation X.25 (Geneva. November 1980) selected by IBM to support both SNA-to-SNA and SNA-to-non SNA connections using Pac~et-SNitched Data Network (PSDN) virtual call or perManent virtual circuit services, or both. Manual, 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 88 pages, 7/81 ////5743-SNA ~ CONTROLLER CONTRQ.I, TERMINAL This publication describes the 3710 Network Controller control terlllinal and the 3710 functions available through the control ter.inal. It is for the network operator. systea programmer. or other user who perforas 3710 network management. utility tasks. probl. . deter.ination. or configuration definition through the 3710 control ter.inal. Manual, 260 pages. 6/85 //16/3710/ :m 6A27-3428 GUIDE 1Z!I ~ CONTROLLER .!1m This publication describes how to operate a 3710 f~ the host location and diagnose probleM involving the 3710 or its attached devices. It also describes the duIIIp forlHt of 3710 configuration data and the sense codes that are displayed for the 3710 at the Network Comlll.lnications Control Facility (NCCF) console, as well as request and response units for the 3710. This, publication is intended priMarily for network operators. The reader should know how to control the network using NCCF and should have experience in responding 6A27-3606 GUIDE MULTIUSE Cot1tIUNICATION LODP WITH CABLING SYSTEM This publication is intended for persons planning the Cabling System using Multiuse Co....unication Loop devices and for persons installing and testing those devices. It describes the changes in MeL devices when used with the Cabling Syst... and briefly discusses planning and installation. An installation verification manual also provides test procedures for testing unattached loop station connectors and loop wiring concentrators. Manual, 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 40 pages. 8/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 304 :m ( 6A32 61.27 GA27-3620 Ymf!! ll!1 ~ ~ ImI:t CO!1!1!J!:!ICATIQN PRODUCTS This publication is a companion to the Cabling System Planning and Installation Guide. 6A27-3361. It is for building owners. architects. engineer•• communication systemplanners. building consultant. and lliliring contractors. It describes hoN to use the Cabling Sy.t.. Nith many currently ayailable communication products. Thi. publication is a component of GBOF-0360. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/85 370.4361.4381.8150.8130.8140.4331.4341.43211105/2401.2402. 2403.2404.2415.2420.3410.3411.3420.88091 GA32-0020 3803/]420 MA6NETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEHS This ..nusl describes the IBH 3803 Modell Tape Control and the IBM 3420 Models 3. 5. and 7 Magnetic Tape Units. The 3803 Hodel 1 tape control proyides communication betNaen the tape units and the system inputloutput interface. The 3420 Hodels 3. 5. and 7 tape units read and write onahalf inch magnetic tape et 75. 125. and 200 inches per second respectiYely. All three basic tape units read and Nrite nine-track. 1.600 bytes per inch (bpi). phase-encoded format. Nine-track. 800 bpi NAZI recording mode i. ayailable as a feature on all models. Seyen-track. 556/800 bpi NAZI recording mode is an optional feature on ell _dels. Readers should be familiar Nith the contents of IBM SYSTEHl360 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION. Form 6A22-6821 (sections on inputloutput operati one). Systenll370 users should also refer to IBM SYSTEHl370 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION. Form 61.227000. Systems Reference Library Manual. 32 pages 1109/37281 GA27-3643 1m COt!I1UNICATION ~ I:lAIIW mIImI OPERATIONS .IiYlIII Thi. publication contains the operating instructions and configurations procedures for the 3728. It is Nritten for the Telecommunication NetNOrk Operator. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 256 pagu. 10/85 1116/37281 GA27-3644 1m Cot!t!UNICATION ~ .mII!fIIBI PROCESSOR OPERATOR'S lilWIl For information about this publication. contact Controlling Party. Refer to Controlling Party listing in Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Manual. 232 pages 1105/3803.34201 SA32-0021 3803-2/3420 MAGNETIC l!I!1 SUBSYSTEHS SueSYSTEM DESCRIPTION This m.nual describes the IBH 3803 Model 2 Tape Control and the 1M 3420 Hodels 3 through 8 Magnatic Tape Units. The 3803 Hodel 2 Tape Control proyides communication betNeen the tape units and the systetll input/output interface. The 3420 Hodal. 3/4. 5/6. and 718 read and Nrite onehalf inch magnetic tape at 75. 125. and 200 inches per second respectiYely. The 3420 Hodels 4. 6. and 8 read and Nrite 9-track 6.250 bytes per inch (bpi) group coded recording (GCR) format. The basic 3420 Models 3. 5. and 7 read and Nr1te nina track. 1.600 bpi. phase-encoded format. Nine track. 800 bpi NAZI recording mode and seyen-track 800/556/200 bpi NAZI recording Mode are ayailable as features on the 3420 Hodels 3. 5. and 7 and on the 3803 Hodel 2. A reader should be familiar Nith 1M Systenll360 Principles of Operation. 6A22-6821 (section on 110 operations) and IBH System/370 Principles of Operation. 6A22-7000 (section on 110 Operations). Manual. 60 pages 1116/372815669-787 GA27-3722 !lWI PLANNING !!!Il INSTALLATION .IiYlIII BIB J]1 B.Z!I COAX-IQ-IWISTED-PAIR ~ ( Thi. publication describes hoM to plan for and install 3270 eoax-to-Twisted-Pair Adapters that allON 3270 Information Display System Category A deyices to operate Nith telephone tNisted-pair media. It is intended for netNork project planners. consultant•• designers. and installers. Manual. 42 pages. 12/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA27-3745 1Zl1 NETWORK CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION REFERENCE This publication contains infor.. tion that systeas planners and programmers can use to configure the 3710 NetNOrk Controller. It supplements the 3710 NetNOrk Controller Configuration Workbook. 6A27-3869. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 170 pages. 12/85 1105/3803.34201 6A32-0022 3410/3411 MAGNETIC I!El SUBSYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION MANUAL This manual describes the IBH 341013411 Magnetic Tape Subsyst..... Hodels 1. 2. and 3. In IIOSt instances. ope~ational descriptions are limited to the channel and command leyel. Operations comlllOn to all 110 deyices are described in IBH Systea/360 Principles of Operation. Form GA22-6821. and IBM Systeal370 Principles of Operation. Form 6A22-7000. Subjects coyered include keys and lights. tape handling procedures. status and sense information. and error recovery procedures • Systems Programners Mho are Nriting programs for .agnetic tape Syst.... engineers Mho are planning installation using magnetic tape Sales personnel Manual. 44 pages 1109/37101 6A27-3869 1Zl1 Hm!!lB.!S CONTROLLER CONFI6URATION WORKBOOK This publication contains instructions and fo .... for configuring the 3710 Net_rk Controller using the control terainal. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 140 pages. 12185 1109/37101 SA32-0006 w... mg REWIREMENTS fi!Il .lL& m:H l!I!1 !.!tIm AI ilL. .liIl2 &!l2 iUll IPl This ..nual provides the specifications and requirlllllllnts for magnetic tape to be used on IBM Tape Drives. The specifications are presented in t_ parts: General infor..tion and Tape Properties Essentiar for IBM Tape DriYe Use. The latter section coYers mini_ properties required for tape use on ell IBM Tepe Driyes. Manual. 11 pagu 370.4331.4341.43211105/3410.34111 305 9A32 6A32 VA32-0023 physical characteristics of the IBM 3850 Mass Storage Syst. . (MSS). and a general description of the prograllllling support provided for the Mass Storage Syst. . by DS/VSl and OS/VS2. This publication provides you Nith an introductory knaNledge of the Mass Storage SysteM and also provides you Nith prelnstallatlon planning Information. The Information in this publication is directed toward data processing _nagel's. space managers. and syst_ prograllllllers. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches 3803/3420 CUSTOMER CONVERSION iYlDl This document guides the IBM IHIrketlng represantative and the IBM custOller in plaming a field conversion of 3803-1 and 3420-3. 5. 7 tape subsyste. . to 3803-2 and 3420-4. 6. 8 (6250 bpi) tape subsystems. Notify the IBM Field Engineering repres."tatlve early in the planning stages of the conversion. An early conference Nith him should be helpful to bath of you. Manual. 16 pages 1107/3850.38511 1105/3803.34201 &-'32-0039 9A32-0031 l§!I DAD CARmID&E ~ 11m INMlQUTM !till "rOOLING INSTRUCTIONS ~ m!t!l2W This manual describes IBM input/output devices and syst_ that can be attached to a channal for lacal operation as part of System/370. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches. 80 pageS. 9/78 This manual is intendad for anyone Mho handles the IBM 3850 Data Cartridge. The manual describes the operating and storage envi rOl'llllent. the receiving and shipping of cartridges. and haN to inspact for physical damage to the cartridge. Manual 370.4361.4381.3090.4331.4341.43211/001/ 1116/3850.38511 GA32-0040 m.g 1WIJ mmm. JXm.IS t1U .II! This publication Is to be used pri_rily to learn lION about the operation of the Mass Storage Systell (MBS). It can be used for forllal classrOOM instruction. for recall. and for self study. The manual describes ell MBS components. identifies their relationships to each ather. and elaborates on their operations. It also explains the purposes of the IIIOCIules of MBS Microprograms. Nhen they are used. and haN they control the syst_ campanMts. Prerequisite Publications: IBM 3850 Mass storage System Introduction and Prelnstallation Plamlng. GA32-0038. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2178 4361.4381.8150.8130.8140.4331.4341.43211115/88091 9-'32-0041 1!U MA6NETIC lAEi SUBSYSTEM INTRODUCTION This publication introduces the 3480 Magnetic Tape Subsystu and can be used by anyone who desires a general knaNledge of the 3480 subsyst.... Topics include a description of the subsystell units. major advantages of the subsyst... pri_ry appllctlons. available standard and special features. configurations. and available programing support. ' Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 1107/3850.38511 GA32-0036 1m !!AD ~ m:1W! !.!!al PRINCIPLES lIE OPERATION This publication Is a reference Manual. It contains no theory Information and assumes that the reader is faMiliar Nith the Mass Storage Systell. It contains Information about the commands and orders issued to a Mass Storage Syst... the mass storage control table formats. and the staging adapter table formats. The purpose of this publication is to provide the reader Nith information that is useful for problelll deterlllination and systetll tuning. Manual. 8 112 x 11 Inches 1105/34801 GA32-0042 1!U MAGNETIC lAEi SUBSYSTEM REFERENCE ~ CO!1!1ANDS mIYli !t!ll ~ BYTES !t!ll ERROR RECOVERY PRDCEDURES This publication provides descriptive and reference inforAtion about channel co_ands, resets. status and s_e bytes, and error recovery procedures. The publication Is intended for persons Mho plan a subsyst.... installation. Nrite progra. . for user applications. and diagnose the status of the subsyst ..... Manual 1116/3850.38511 9A32-0037 3850 ~ ~ m:m! !.I:m!! H!::!n INFORMATION This publication is a guide for the Interpretation and description of Mass Storage System Sense InforMation. A gMeral description section explains the collection and use of sense information. Other sections shaN all Mass Storage Systa Sense Information In tables. called forAtsl each forAt has descriptions of the bits In the forlllat. The InforMation in this publication Is directed to the IBM custOlller angineer and the prograM support representative. The syst. . pragra_r can use the publication for recovery purposes. Manual. 8 112 x 11 Inches = MAGNETIC lAEi YHII INSIALLATIDN ~ PHYSICAL PLANNING This _nual is provided for IBM personnel and cust_rs Mho Nill assist in plaming the installation of 8809 Magnetic Tape Units. attached to either an IBM 4331 Processor or an IBM 8100 InforlHtlon Syst.... The Manual contains a plan viaM of 8809 installation. a table listing 8809 spaclfications. and cable order information. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches ~ 9A32-0035 1105/34801 9A32-0049 INTRODUCING .!!Ii E!!.!l PRINTING SUBSYSTEM l!mW. ;\ This manual introduces the IBM 3800 Printing Subsyst. . Madel 3. It describes the printer hardNare. optiamal features. and available softNare. and also contains an overvi ... of the printer's capabilities. It is intended for data processing managers and syst... analysts plamlng to install this printer. and for anyone else seeking a hlgh-l_el overvl ... of the 3800 Madel 3. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches II03l3800/S665-291.5740-XYN.5740-XYS.5740-XC6 1107/3850.38511 9A32-0038 !!AD ~ m:1W! .1Jm.1 INTRODUCTION AtIl PREINSIALLAJION PLANNING This publication contains general infor_tion describing the l§!I 306 ( &A32 &A32 perfor. .ne. of the Hod.l 13 storage control. This publication i. applicable only for HVSISP R.l .... 3 user. !licensed programs 5740-XYN and 5740-XYSI. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches 1107/3880/5740-XYN,5740-XYS GA32-0050 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM ~ 1 REFERENCE This lIanual provides information on the fWlCtions and features of the IBIt 3800 Printing Hodel 3. The processing of both Page Hode and C081patability Mode channel commands are described. Sense and status channel commands, error detection, recovery, and recording, and the for ... t of the DIOdel 3 bytes are also described. The lIanual is intended for usa by .yst... analyst., installation manag.r., sy.tems programm.r., IBM Systems Engineers, IBIt Progralllllling Systems Representatives, and other personnel requiring 3800 Hodel 3 r.f.rane. information. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches 1103138001 ~ .ens. GA32-0065 mm.L J REFERENCE Thi ...anual provides information on the fWlCtions and features of the IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem Model 8. It contains reference inforlllation on Page Mode and Compatibility chann.ls, error detection and r.covery, and print.r sens. byte.. It i. intended for .ystem. analy.ts, progra...r., and other personnel requi ri ng Hodel 8 r.f.renc. infor... tion. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches 3032,3033,3158,3168,4341,3081,3083,30841103/3800/5740-XYN, 5740-XYS .lU2 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM SA32-0053 I .!D DOCUMENT PREPARATION REFERENCE The IBM 3800 Printing SubsysteM Hodel. 3 and 8 OCR Document Preparation ..anud i. for operator., prograllltllers, for . . design.rs, and .yst•• analysts. It contains .pecifications and op.rating requirements when printing OCR docu.ent. with the 3800 Model. 3 and 8 end re.ding those docUlllent. using an IBM 1270, 1275, 1287, 1288, 3762, or 3890 Hodel. C and D optical ....d.r•• Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches 1103/38001 .lU2 PRINTII!!i SUBSYSTEM I1!IlW.I J _ GAl2-0055 INTRODUCINS lI!l DE! PRINTII!!i SUBSYSTEM tI!!W. I This .anual introduces the 1811 3800 Printing Subsy.tn Hodel 8. It d •• cribt!s the print.r hardwar., optional features, and available software, and also contains an ov.rvieM of the printer's capabiliti... It i. intended for data proces.ing ... nagers and .yst..... analyst. planning to in.tall this printer, and for anyone .ls. seeking a high-l.vel ov.ryi .... of the 3800 Mod.l 8. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches 3032,3033,3158,3168,4341,3081,3083,30841103l3800/5740-XYS, 5740-XYN GA32-0066 MA!jt!EUC IAE!i SUBSYSTEM OPERATOR'S iYm& Thi. publication describes the operator's panels and provides procedures for operating the .ubsyste. and probl_ d.terMination. It i. intended for people Mho ar. involved in the daily operation of the .ub.y.te•• The publication describes subsyste. compenents, the control unit panel, the operator's and sMitch panels for .ach driy•• It al.o describes how to insert and r.moYe a tap. cartridg., r _ . power frOll the .ub.yste., perfo.... an initial Microprogra. load, cl.an the tape drive and cartridge, and solve problems that occur. Manual, 11/84 1116/34801 ~ au ( GA32-0060 INTRODUCTION .m nllBm mmmL J:!!m!, 11 This .anual introduces the 3800 Storage Control Hodel 11. The characteristics and features of the Hodel 11 ar. described. Readers interested in paging and s ..apping Mill find this infor..ation helpful in understanding the advantages of Hodel 11, Nhich is designed for these t_ applications. This publication is applicabl. only for IIVS/SP R.lea •• 3 users !l i censad programs 5740-XYN and 5740-XYS I. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 1107/3880/5740-XYN,5740-XYS &A32-0067 lW I!ll!!!U mDEJ. t!QlW, Jl DESCRIPTION us. Thi. publication describes the IBIt 3880 tIodel 13. It is intended for by programmers as a r.ferenc. lllanual. The . .nual contains the cOlllltlands, sense data, and error recovery procedures utilized by the 3B80. The 3880 Hodel 13 is • high-perforMance cache DASD subsysteM for use MUh ttVS/SP Relaas. 3 operating .yste•• Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches 1107/3880/5740-XYN,5740-XYS au GA32-0068 3800 PRINTING SUSSYSTEM l1!2!l[!, 1 OPERATOR' S ~ This Manual contains directions for powering on or off, threading, splicing, and unloading the paper. It describes the usa of all operator controls and panels. It gives stepby-step instructions for operator tasks including job recovery actions. It lists intervention-required status codes and their recovery actions, Slossary, Index. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches 1116/38001 GA32-0061 ~ m:!!B!!.b mm.L 11 DESCRIPTION This . .nual describes the IBM 3880 storage Control Hodel 11. It i. intended for us. by progra_rs. The . .nual describes the channel com.ands, sens. bytes, and error recovery procedures related to the Hodel 11. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches 1107/3880/5740-XYN,5740-XYS 1Ml! GA32-0069 GA32-0062 INTRODUCTION .m l§A!I ~ ~ tm.!W. .u The Manual introduces the 3880 Hodel 13 to the data processing executive, system planner, and systeM progra_r. The Manual describes the charact.ri.tics, features, and 307 !1AGNETIC l!U SUBSYSTEM INTRODUCTION This book is an overvi ... of the 3430 Magnetic Tape SubsysteM. The purpose of this book is to describe how the subsysteM operates. This book is Nritten for elata processing Managers, syst_ engineers, and IBM Marketing representatives. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 1105/34301 ~ 6A33 GA32 GA32-0076 GA32-0083 Il:.!lBW ~ ml!W. n DESCRIPTIOH Thi. publication describe. the 3880 Storage Control Model 23. The information is intended for .ystenos analysts. .ystelllS prograllllller•• engineer•• and others Mho require 3880 Model 23 description and reference information .uch as channel cOlllllland Nards. .ense bytes and error recovery procedures. This publication is a component of GBOF-0098. Manual. 10/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY MAGNETIC IAEl SUBSYSTEM DESCRIPTION Thi. manual describes the operation of the 3430 subsyst... It contains the commands. ERPs. and .tetus and Sense Data used by the .ubsyst.... The manual is intanded for use by system programmers and .ystem engineer•• Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. //05/3430/ ~ 1§§J! 6A32-0078 DESCRIPTION H!I! MAGNETIC IAEl L!tW: lI!IW. ,lJ; Am .G This publication contains reference info ..... tion for the 8809 tape unit including programMing support. IIOdels and attachments • .ades of operation. and performance timings. It also cont.ins tape requirements. formatting •• nd handling. Lastly. functions of the lights end pushbutt_ on the operator penel are defined. along Kith procedures on how to power the tape unit on end off. Manual. 32 pes-. 10/84 5360//05/8809/ GA32-0079 MAGNETIC IAEl SUBSYSTEM OPERATOR'S ~ The information in this guide is intended for anyone responsible for operating the 3430 Magnetic T.pe Subsystem. This guide describes how to oper.te and maintain the subsystem. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. //05/3430/ 6A32-0084 mmw mmmI. U!!W.11l INSTALLATION !Ill ADMINISTRATION §Ylgi This publication gives .ystem progra_rs information for planning and using prograllllling support for the Stor.ge Control Model 21. It is a component of GBOF-0047. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inche•• 36 p.ges. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTlON ONLY lWl 6A32-0085 1Hll J!.\2IW!1 mDllU. rJm.L llL INSTALLATION AI:ID ~ GA32-0080 INTRODUCTION III 1.111 1W mBm mm.w. m!W. 11 Thi. publication introduces the 3880 Storage control Hodel 21. It i. intended for .ystem programmers and planners. DASD storage managers. phy.ical planner•• and marketing representatives .nd syste.... engineers. It contains an overview of the product including it. characteristics. h,provement. over the 3880 Model 11. and performance data. It i. a component of GBOF-0047. Manual. 1/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA32-0081 3880 !!m..!. U DESCRIPTION This publication describes the 3880 Storage Control. Model 21. It i. intended for .ystem analysts. programmers. engineers. and others who require 3880. Model 21 description and reference information .uch a. channel com..and _rds. .ense bytes. and error recovery procedures. It is a component of GBOF-0047. Manual. 8/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA32-0082 INTRODUCTION IQ 1W ~ ~ I1Q!W, n Thi. publication introduces the 3880 Storage Control Hodel 23. It is intended for use by data processing executives. sy.t_ planner•• systellS programmers. marketing representative. and .ystelllS engineer•• The .ubject utter i. organized into the following topics: Overview briefly describes the Model 23'. highlights and ionproveMnt. over the 3880 Model 13. Characteristic. describes the characteristics and features of the Model 23. Perforunce explains the ioaportance of .ubsyst. . response. This publication is a co.ponent of GBOF-0098. Manual. 8/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ADMINISTRATION ~ This publication gives systems progr.mmers information for pl.nning or using prograllllling support for the 3880 Storage Control Model 23. Prerequi.ite·knowledge: The reader should understand the 3880 Storage Control .ubsy.t.... be fa.ili.r Kith the infor.ation in Introduction to 3880 Storage Control Hodel 23. 6A32-0082. and have a knowledge of acces. uthocl .ervices co....nds. Thi. publication is a component of 6BOF-0098. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION OHLY / 6432-0088 ~ MAGNETIC l!fg SUBSYSTEM INTRODUCTION Thi. publication introduces the 3422 Magnetic Tape Subsyst. . to customers and to marketing personnel. Characteristic. and features of the 3422 ara described. I t requires no prerequi.ite reading. It assumes the reader has a basic knowledge of data processing .ystelllS. Brochura. 6/85 //05/3422/ 6A33-0001 3875 MODEM USER'S ~ In this publication tha 3875 ModH is described. and interface details. installation planning. and oparating and operator maintenance procedures are given. Differences between operation in the USA and other cOU'ltria. are described in the appropriate parts of the publication. and a summary i. given in an appendix. The content is intended for: o Systems Engineer. o Installation Planning Engineers a Oper.tors The information for SystelllS engineers presupposes a knoMledge of teleprocessing. but the inforution for installation planning engineers and operator. requires no such understanding. Manual. 78 pages. 6/76 //16/3875/ GA33-0002 1m !I!mtI Ylm!.!lI ~ This publication is pri •• rily intended for syst. . planners. operators. syst_ engineers. installation pl.nners and 308 ( GA33 SA33 supervisory personnel. It is also requirad for its operating &A33-00l4 procedures by IBM custOlltlr engineers who IlUSt .. intain l2l§ COI1I1UNICATION CONTROLLER pROBLEM DETERMINATION Am EXTENDED SERVICES (CURRENT RELEASE) the IBM 3874 Modelll. The publication describes the 3874 ModeM ...... ich can This publication is designed to help the cust....r operate on non-switched and switched linas at a spead of operator to perform daily 3725 operationsl that is, power on and initialization and customer 4800 or 2400 BPS and is in four .. in parts: teleprocessing specialists to identify and fiK 3725 • Part 1 describes lin general terms) the 3874. problems. This publication incorporates with planning and equipment considerations information previously available in GA33-0027, • Part 2 shows the operator controls and gives the operating and operator .. intenance 3725 Wrap Test. procedures Manual. 8 112 K 11 inches, 602 pages, 7/86 ~~16~3725~ • Part 3 describes lin detail) the 3874 giving functional description. interface specifications strapping options. physical installation specifications. and communication channel specifications. &A33-0015. 3727 OPERATOR CONSOLE REFERENCE Am ~ ANALYSIS GUIDE • Part 4 sumaarizes counting differences. gives abstracts froM the cOll1lll\nica.tion channel This manual is intended primarily for the custcmer's specifications. and describes switched network operator. It describes how to operate the 3727 Operator back-up operation with BTAM. Console. and how to interpret and handle the messages The information for Part 3 for systems engineers presupposes displayed by the 3727 in normal and test operation. It also a knowledge of teleprocessing. but the infor... tion for gives the problem analysis procedures for identifying which element (keyboard, logic. or video) is faulty when the 3727 installation planning engineers and operators requires no such understanding. is found failing by the probl_ deterMination procedures Manual. 8 1~2 K 11 inches. 102 pages. 4~77 given in the IBM 3725 c-Jnication Controller, Operating ~/l6~3874~ Guide. GA33-0014. Manual. 50 pages, 9~83 ~~16~3725~ SA33-00l0 INTRODUCTION III ]!!g illi ~ 1 C!J!'!!WICATION CONTROLLER This publication describes the 3725 Communication . Controller and the 3726 COM.unication Controller EKpansion. It is intended for data processing manag_t. teleprocessing specialists. progra_rs. operators. and .. intenance personnel. Manual. 8 1/2 K 11 inches. 96 pages, 10~84 GA33-0017 ~ 1 Am g COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER'S INFORMATION This publication provides information to assist custa.ers and non-IBM engineers in selecting or designing compatible interfaces that can be attached to the 3725 Co..unication Controller. Manual, 8 1/2 K 11 inches, 58 pages. 6~85 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY l2l§ //09~3725~ ( SA33-00l2 3725 !!mll 1 CO!1!1UNICATIQNS CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION GUIDE This publication is a guide for selecting a 3725~3726 CoIInIu'\ication Controller and EKpansion configuration. The purpose of the publication is to give the structure of the 3725~3726, eKplaining what the 3725 and 3726 features do and how they are related and to eKplain how these features should be ordered to eaat the customer's requirements. It is assumed that the user of this publication has become faMiliar with the subject by raading 3725 Model 1 Coaeunication Controller, Introduction, GA33-00l0. faMiliar with the subject by reading 3725 Modell to..unication Controller. Introduction, GA33-00l0. Manual. 8 1/2 K 11 inches, 102 pages, 05~86 ~~09~3725,3725-00l~ GA33-0013 l2l§ COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER PRINCIPLES gf OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is intanded to help users to write a control program or .adify a supplied Network Control PrograM or E.ulation PrograM. The reader should have an understanding of basic data communication and a thorough knowledge of Systeal370 channel operations. This publication can be used for both the 3725 and 3720~372l Communication Controllers. Any info....ation that refers to one and not the ot"'r is noted. The Introduction Manual for ..ch to..unication Controller gives specific characteristics for the syst. . described. Manual, 8 1/2 K 11 inches, 482 pages, 06~85 GA33-0018 7427 CONSOLE SNITCHING UNIT. CUSTOI1ER INFORMATION ~ This ..nual provides the USer with the following information about the IBM 7427 Console Switching Unit: General inforMation about its use and operating environment; A description of its controls and indicatorsl and Physical planning information. Manual. 8 112 K 11 inches, 20 pages, 9~83 //09/7427/ &A33-0021 3725 f!Q!W, g COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER INTRODUCTION This manual describes the 3725 I10del 2 Communication Controller. It is intended for data processing management. teleprocessing specialists. progra_rs. operators. and .aintenance personnel. Manual. 8 1~2 x 11 inches, 96 pages, 10~84 ~~09~3725,3725-002~ SA33-0022 ~ g COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION ~ This manual is a guide for selecting a 3725 Model 2 Communication Controller configuration. It's purpose is to give the structure of the 3725 I10del 2, explaining what the 3725 Model 2 features do, and how they are related. and to explain how these features should be ordered to ...t the customer's require.ants. Manual. 8 1/2 K 11 inches, 74 pages, 05~86 1Zl2 ~~09~3725~ ~~09~3725,3725-002~ 309 GA33 GA33 Appendixes include a s~ary of the IleSsages and codes Mhich ....y be displayed, and what action to take if they are, and a description of the control panel. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 32 pages, 06/85 //16/3725/ GA33-00n ~ 386& RACJ(-t!OUHTED ~ PLAtliIN§ !1m ~ PREPARATION GUIDE This pubHcation describes the plannh'9 and the preparation reqldred for the h.tallaUon of the 3&6& Rack-lIoU'"Ited Hodems. These modems are avaHable in four IIOdels: 3868-1 through 3868-4. I t is intended for INnagers and planners Mho have a bas i c understanding of data comMUnication networks and who are planning to install a data COIIIIII\.rIication netlolork using the 3868 Rack-Mounted Hodema. The sUe preparation information is designed to assist others to prepare the site for the lIOdems. It can be useful during the setup of the .od..... NUl prepare the sUe for setup of the noodtllllS. Manual, & 1/2 x 11 inches, 74 pages, 1/85 //15/3866,3868/ l!!22 GA33-0025 §lm.!! 3868 RACK-MOUNTED ~ ~ iYm This manual is for users of the IBM 3866 Syst.... consisting of 3868 Rack-Mounted 110detll!h and contains information needed to operate and test the mod.... Some knowledge of data cOllllllU'\ication is needed to obbin the .... xi_ understanding of the subjects covered. Service personnel may also find U helpful to famUiariza themselves loIith this .anual. Manual //16/3866,3&68/ l!!22 GA33-0026 3866 §lm.!! 3868 RACK-l1OUN!ED .I:I!!IW!lI CUSTOMER ~ ANALYSIS ~ RESOLUTION ~ This CPAR Guide is for customers Mho have installed the 3&66 System, 3868 Rack-l1ountecl*. Its purpose is to help customers deHne and replace any faulty units of the systa. * I1OOEI1S Manual, 8 1/2 x 1l inches, 86 pages, 1/84 //16/3866,3&68/ GA33-0031 COI1I1UNICATION CONTROLLER !nW This publication describes tha Very High Speed Adapter (VHSA) RP~s. It is intended for data processing .ana~t, teleprocessing specialists, progra.... rs, oparators, and lNi ntenance personnel. l1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 24 pages, 8/84 //14/3725/ GA33-1506 S/370 HQ!W, ill FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS This ....nual contains infor.ation on the operations that can be perforll!ed on the Systenl/370 Hodel 125, including channel and I/O operations. The I10del 125 is a general purpose data processing system, controlled from a central processing unit, loIith a direct attachment for disk drives as a standard feature. It can be equipped loIith a multiplexer channel and loIith integrated attacheents and adapters for .agnetic tape units, card I/O devices, a printer, and teleprocessing devices. The IHnual describes the basic architecture and features of the central processing unit, and the channel characteristics. , The intended readership consists .ainly of systelllS analysts evaluating the capabUities of the Hodel 125 in ter.. of its lIanual and program operations, and of systeM prograMmers writing channel programs or operating SystelllS for the I10del U~5. The manual is only of li.ited use to application progra.....rs because it contains little information related to programming languages. The first lIain section of the publications. "Syst... Control," describes the architectural features such as the program status NOrd control registers, and fixed areas in ... in storage, and gives detaUs of IIOde selection and other manual operations. The second .ain section describes the channel characteristics, and specifies the co_nels. status and sense infor... tion of the natively attached I/O devices. A separate chapter describes the teleprocessing attachalent. Instruction timings are listed in an appendix. Prerequisite Publications: IBM System/370 Syst... Su.mary, GA22-7001 IBM System/360 Principles of Operation, GA22-6821 IBM System/370 Principles of Operation, GA22-7000 l1anual, 370 pages 3125//01// ". ;/ ~ C.;A33-0036 5865. ~ 5868 t!Q!W!!i DESCRIPTION This publication describes the use of 5865-1 and 5866-1 stand-alone mode.. and 5868-51 and 5868-61 rack-lIOUnted noodems in user application net_rks, including options, interfaces, and problem deter.i nat i on procedures. Si te preparation requirements for these modems are described in the associated Planning and Site Preparation Guides. This pubHcation is intended for INnagers and planners ..tao are famUiar loIith networks and Mho are considering the installation of a data ~icati_ netloIOrk using ~. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 54 pages, 6/85 GA33-1507 !IQlW. ill CONFI6URATOR This configurator is a table showing the .adels, features, and attachments for the System/360 I10del 125 central processing unit. I t is intended to be used by IBtt Marketing representatives, IBI1 Syste. engineers, or 'custOller systems evaluation management. Associated publications are: IBI1 Systeal370 Input/Output Configurator - GA22-7002 IBI1 3125 Processing Unit Integrated Com.unications Adapter: Configurator - GA33-1508 Systems Library l1anual, 8 pages 3125//00// ~ GA33-1508 J.!fD: INTEGRATED CO!!1UNIC,qIQNS ADAPTER! CONFIGURATOR System/370-125 Integrated eo..unlcations Adapter Configurator consists of a number of text pages and overlays to be used when selecting a System/370 Hod.l 125 teleprocessing conflguration. The system/370 11ocIe1 125 Integrated CoMmunications Adapter is a teleprocessing attachalent that can serve up to six binary synchronous lines and up to sixteen start/stop (asynchronous) lines. The publication is intended to be used by IBM Marketing representatives, or experienced customer personnel, when detailed information is required about line speeds, 1l§ PROCESSING GA33-0044 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER OPERATOR'S §!.!Ie (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is designed to enable personnel loIithout specialist knowledge to carry out routine daily operations Kith the 3725 ~ication Controller, and to know when to seek expert help. ~ 310 I ;/ GA33 6A33 interface types, line control types load factors and the line adapters and their interrelationship. Feature and specified codes are also given for ordering purposes. Textbook, 54 pages, 40 acetate overlays 3125/C/00// 6A33-1509 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: SYSTEIV370 .t!Q!!ll ill PROCEDURES This ..anual is intended for operating personnel using the System/370 Model 125. The Manual is divided into four section: The Introduction, The Operation Console, Operation Actions and the Appendix. The section on the operator console describes the hardware and the facilities available for the . .nual control of the syste.. The section on the operator actions describes hooo the facilities are used, hooo to handle unexpected sHuetions, and how to recover frOll a fault. The appendix provides reference infor.ation for the handling of I/O devices that can be directly attached (no control unH or channel is needed) to the Model 125. Restart procedures for the 2560 IlUltifU'>Ction Card Machine, attached directly to the Hodel 125, are also given. Hanuel, 120 pages 3125//16// ( GA33-1510 S/370 tImll i l l FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS This pubHcation describes the characteristics of the IBM System/370 Hodel 115, including the central processing unit, MUltiplexer channel, direct disk aUachlnent, and the integrated attachlllents and adapters for other input/output devices. Its ... in purpose is to give systems analysts an understanding of the structure, features, and operations of the syst..... The manual also provides syst. . programers .. lth information which is essential when ..riting and maintaining channel programs and operating systems for the Systelll/370 Hodel 115. In the six chapters of the .anual, the characteristics of the Model 115 are described in ter. . of: 1. The basic system structure 2. Hain storage addressing 3. The operations which can be perforlled and the Means of .anuel and prograM control. 4. Compatibility features 5. The cOllmands, status and sense information for input/output devices attached other than through the MUltiplexer channel. 6. The characteristics of the integrated communications adapter. Appendixes A, B, and C provide (respectively) code tables for the integrated ~ications adapter, instruction tillings, and an example procedure for conversion frail 2311 Hodel 15 to a 3340 disk subsyst... Appendix D gives some information on magnetic tape unit COIIpatibility Appendix E gives definitions of the abbreviations and special terms used in this manuel. The reader is assumed to be conversant .. ith the IBM Systelll/370 installation sets. data for.ats. channel operations, and basic progra. . ing concepts such as status switching and interruption. Prerequisite Reading IBM System/370 SysteM su..ary. 6A22-7001 IBM SysteM/370 Principles of Operation. GA22-7000 Manuel. Syst..... Library. 286 pages 3115//01// GA33-1511 S/370 t!Q!W. ill CONFIGlJRATDR This configurator is intended for sales personnel. syst.... engineers and customer systems evaluation management. This configurator provides a concise graphic description of the Model 115 .. ith standard and optical features. as ..ell as all possible configUrations of I/O devices which can be directly attached to the Hodel 115. Hanuel 3115//00// GA33-1512 5/370 HODEL ill CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS This ....nual describes how the effects of imposing loads on the channels of the IBH System/370 Hodel 125 can be checked. The book is intended for physical planning engineers and systems analysts who wish to check that a proposed configuration of input/output devices will work satisfactorily in the Systelll/370 Hodel 125. The .anuel is divided into four sections. Section one describes the channels in terms of type, theoretical data rates. and the effects of loading. Section two describes hooo to test for data overrun, and how to assign priorities to devices on the byte MUltiplexer channel. Section three describes ho.. the interference of the activHies of the channels .. lth the IPU can be assessed. Section four describes the concept of channel utilization. Before using this Manual the reader should understand input/output operations for the Hodel 125 as described in: IBH System/370 Hodel 125 Functional Characteristics. GA33-1506 IBH System/370 Principles of Operation. 6A22-6821 IBH System/370 Principles of Operation, GA22-7000 Manual, 36 pages 3125//01// GA33-1513 3115 PROCESSING YHl! INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS ADAPTER. CQNFIGURATOR Consists of a number of text pages and overlays to be used when selecting a Systell/370 Hodel 115 teleprocessing configuration. The Systelll/370 Hodel 115 Integrated ComMUnications Adapter is a teleprocessing attachment that can serve up to five binary synchronous Hnes and up to eight start/stop (asynchronous) lines. The publication is intended to be used by IBI1 marketing representatives, or experienced customer personnel. when detailed information is required about Hne speeds. interface types. line control types load factors and the line adapters and their interrelationship. Feature and specified codes are also given for ordering purposes. l1anuel 3115//00// GA33-1514 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY SYSTEH/370 HODEL i l l PROCEDURES This lIanual provides operating and reference infor.ation for operators of the IBM System/370 Hodel 115. The reader is assumed to have a working knowledge of Introduction to IBM Data Processing Systems, GC20-1684. and some previous operating experience on either a si.ilar syst. . or on related data processing equipment. This .anual describes how to operate the syst. . hardware of the IBH 3115 Processing Unit. The ... nuel is divided into: 1. Preli.inary information. including action to be taken in an emergency. 2. "Introduction". which briefly describes the systeM 3. "Facilities". which describes the preparation of the keyboard and video display screen. 4. "Actions". which briefly describes the preparation of the 311 (/ j GA33 GA33 syst. . for operation. and the handling of unexpected situations which llay occur during preparation and ope .. ation. 5. "Appendix". p ..ovides a. Refe ..ence info"lIation on the: o Direct disk attachment o Magnetic tape adapt... o Integ ..ated communications adapte .. o Integ ..ated consol. p .. inter attachment o Integ .. ated printe.. attachment o Integ..ated card I/O attachment. b. Resta .. t P..ocedu ..es for the IBM 2560 tlulti-FU'M:tion Card lIachine (IIFCM) and the IBM 5425 tlultiFunction Card Unit (MFCU). c. A d.sc .. iption of the choices on tha "Line Modes fo .. ICA" displays. d. Conv.rsion tables. 6. A glossa ..y. bibliog..aphy. and index. Systems libra ..y llanual. 130 pages 3115//16// .nd 125. Consists of ext ..act from GA33-1515 and describes fo .... loading p ..ocedu..e. ope ..ator controls. stacker s.ttings. k.ys. lights and switches. and cor ..ection of foMIIS jam. In handy pock.t forllat for us • • t the machine. R.ference Card. 2 sid.s 18-1/8 x 8-1/2 inch. 10 panels //16/3203/ GA33-1520 !.1QI!.S.I" i l l ~ CHARACTERISTICS .EQR SYSTEMS ~ PROCESSING !.!!ill This m.nual describe. hoM to check the .ffects of i!lpOSing loads on the channels of an IBM 3115-2 P..ocessing Unit in .n IBM Systeat/370 Model 115. The book is intended for physical planning engineers and systems analysts who wish to check that. proposed configuration of input/output (I/O) d.vices will NOrk satisfactorily in the Systea/370 Model 115. The first section of the book describes the types of channels to which I/O devices can be connect.d. the theor.tical data rates of the channels. and the possible .ffects of imposing heavy I/O loads on those channels. The effects conside..ed a ..e: data over ....... loss of device perform.nce. channel int.rference with the instruction processing unit (IPU). program overrun. and excessive channel utilization. The second section gives the procedures for testing data overrun on the byte-llUltiplexer channel. This section also includes. description of hoM to assign priorities to devices ori the byte-multiplexer channel. The third section deals with interference with the lPU that is caused by activities on the channels •• nd describes how the interf.rence can be assessed. The same section .lso shows hoM to check for the possibility of program over ........ The fourth section describes the concept of channel utilization. Before using this .anual. the reader should hav• • thorough unde ..standing of input/output operations for the 3115-2 as described in: IBM System/370 Model 115 Functional Characteristics. GA33-1510. 1811 System/370 Principles of Operation. GA22-7000. D.t.iled information on the standard I/O int.rface is given in IBM System/360 and Systea/370 I/O Interface Channel to Control Unit. Original Equipment Manufacturer's Information. GA22-6974. When calculating for data overrun on the bytemultiplexer channel. a special worksheet is required: 1811 System/370 Model 115 Byte-Multiplexer Channel: Load Sum Worksheet. GX33-6007. available in pads of 50. or .n equivalent NOrkshe.t from a Systeat/360 llachine llay be used. Manual. 44 pages. 8/76 3115//01// ~ Hll.!1 GA33-1S1S 3203 f!Ut!n! COttPONENT DESCRIPTION &m OPERATOR'S §Ym This llanual p ..ovides operating procedures and p ..og..amming info"lIation fo .. tha IBM 3203 Print.... Modals 1. 2. 3. and 4 for ope ..ato ..s and p ..og..ammers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 154 pages. 3/83 //16/3203/ GA33-1S16 UQ!!ll m ~ CHARACTERISTICS This .anual desc .. ibes hoM the effects of illpOSing loads on the channels of the IBM SysteM/370 Model 115 can b. checked. The book is intended fo .. physical pl.nning engineers .nd systems .nalysts who wish to check that • proposed configuration of input/output (I/O) devices will NO..k s.tisf.cto.. ily in the Systea/370 Hodel 115. The first section of the book describes the types of channels to which 1/0 devices c.n be connected. the theor.tic.l data r.t.s of the channels ••nd the possible effects of imposing he.vy I/O loads on those channels.' The effects considered .... : data OYer ........ loss of d.vice performance. channel interf.rence with the llachine inst ..uction processor (MIP). prog.... OYerr..." .nd .xc_siva channel utilization. The second section gives the procedures for testing data over ..un on the byte-multiplexer channel. This section also includes a description of hoM to assign priorities to devices on the byt.-.ultipl.xer channel. The third s.ction deals with int.rf.rence with the MIP that is caused by activities on the channels. and describes hoM tha int...f.rence can be .ssessed. 'The sa. . section also shows hoM to check for the possibility of progr.m overrun. The fou .. th section desc .. ibes the concept of channel utilization. Before using this .anual. the re.der should have a tho ..ough underst.nding of input/output operations for tha Model 115 .s described in: IBM Systeat/370 Hodel 115 Functional Char.cteristics. GA33-1S10. IBM System/370 Principles of Operation. 6A22-7000. When calculating for data ove ......... on the byte .ultipl.xer channel. a special NO ..ksheet is required: IBM System/370 Model 115 Byte-Multipl.xer Chennel: Load Sum WO ..kshe.t GX33-6007. av.ilable in pads of 50. Syst... lib..ary manual. 44 pages 3115//01// ~ GA33-1519 11l!1 f!Ut!n! REFERENCE li!.!!!W!! fi!B OPERATORS Provides quick ref.renc. inforlllation for operato,.. on 3203 Printer. which c.n be .ttached to the Systea/370 Models 115 GA33-1521 XU MODEL 1 fR!!:!Ig! REFERENCE SUI1!1ARY .EQR OPERATIONS Provides quick r.ferenc. information for operators on 3203 Print.r Model 3. which can be attached to the IBM 3777 Communication T.r.inal. Consists of .xtract from GA33-1S15 .nd describes forll5 loading proc.dure. operator cont ..ols. stack.r settings. keys. lights .nd switches. and correction of fo .._ ja... In handy pock.t format for use at the IHchine. Ref.rence card. 18 lIZ x 8 I/Z inches. 10 panels /116/3777/ GA33-1523 4321/4331(4341(4361 PROCESSORS ~ ~ INPUT/OUTPUT R6I6 COMMUNICATION CDNFIGYRATOR This publication gives general understanding of 4321/4331/4341/4361 Proc.ssors .nd d.scribes their structur. and f.atures. 312 GA33 GA33 The configuration lists all locally attachable 110 devices and shows how they can be attached to the processors. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 82 pages. 12/83 4361.4331.4341.43211/001/ bibliography for the system being used. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 12/84 1116/32031 GA33-1531 GA33-1525 fB.!t!llB MODEL ~ REFERENCE Sl1t1l1I1RY fOR OPERATORS This publication contains operating information for operators on the 3203-5 printer. Reference Card. 8 1/2 x 3 5/8 inches. 14 panels. 5/84 ~ 4321/4331 PROCESSORS OPERATING PROCEDURES AND PReBLEM DETERMIIIATIDN !ill.ill This manual describes how to operate the IBM 4321/4331 Processors. You are assumed to have a knowledge of Introduction to IBM Data Processing Systems. GC20-1684. and some experience in operating a similar computing system. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 10/82 1116/32031 GA33-1532 432114331 PROCESSORS MODEL ..ROUP J.l. 43311/161/ CHANNEL LOAD SlII1MARY ~:ORKSHEET This form is provided for use when calculating the channel load on IBM 4321/4331 Processors Model Group 1. The use of the form is explained in detail in IBM 4321/4331 Processors Chamel Characteristics Form, (1·A33-1527. Paddad form. 11 x 17. u/m 50, 10/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA33-1526 4321/4331 PROCESSORS FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ! PRQCESSQRCa1PL 4321/4331 PROCESSORS FlmtTIONAL ~SCRIPTION ~ PROCESSQR The characteristics of the IBM 4321/4331 Processors with its 110 adapters and standard channels are describQd in this publication for the use of system analymts and programmers. The reader is assumed to have a working knowledge of IBM 4300 Processors Principle. of Operation for ECPS: VSE Mode. GA22-7070 and IBM Systeml370 Principles of Operation. 6A227000. and to have had programming experience with other 4300 Processors or with System/360 or System/370. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 246 pages. 12/82 6A33-1535 PROCESSOR HQO-fL iBQYf ,.CHANNEL CHARACTERISTIC This manual describes how the effects of imposing loads on the channels of the IBM 4331 Processor Model Group 2 can be checked. The book is intended for physical plaming engineers and systems analysts who wish to check that a proposed configuration of inputloutput (1/0) devices will work satisfactorily with the IBM 4331 Processor Model Group 2. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 178 pages. 10/80 ~ 4331.4321110111 GA33-1527 ( 4321/4331 PROCESSORS 6ROUPS 1 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS This manual is provided mainly for users of the System/360 the channels of IBM 4321/4331 Processors can be checked. The book is intended for physical planning engineers and systems analysts who wish to check thot a proposed configuration of inputloutput devices will work satisfactorily in IBM 432114331 Processors. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 106 pages. 10/82 4331110111 6A33-1536 4321/4331 PROCESSORS DISpLAY/PRINTER ADAPTER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION The manual provides manage..ent. programmers. and system analysts with detailed reference material relating to the IBM 3270 devices attached to 4321/4331 Processors. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 110 pages. 12/82 4331.4321110111 GA33-1528 4331,4321//0111 PROCESSORS COMPATIBILITY FEATURES This publication is provided mainly for users of the System/360 and System/370 with attached 2311. 2314. 2319. 3330. or 3340 disk devices. ~ wish to transfer their current programs to the 432114331 Processors. The publication also contains information for users of 1401/1440/1460-series equip~ent who are transferring programs to the 4321 or 4331 Processors. 11anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 106 pages 10/82 ~ ~ ~ 6A33-1538 4321/433114361 PROCESSORS MULTIUSE COMMUNICATIONS LOOP OPERATItlS PROCEDURE This publication is intended for 4321/4331/4361 system operators. terminal operators. system engineers. and programoers. It provides the information required to control the processor loop adapter. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 172 pages. 2/84 4331.43211113/2311.2314.1401.1440.3330.1460.3340.23191 4361,4331.43211/161/ GA33-1529 3203 PRINTER mm.n. l! COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Am OPERATOR'S 6A33-1539 432114331/4361 PROCESSORS Il!!lm ~ fOR 3370 DIRECT ACCESS STO~Ag REFERENCE With the fifth edition. information on 3370 Model 2 has been added. This publication describes the functions of the 3370 Direct Access Storage when attached to the 4321/4331/4361 Processors. It is for readers who already have a knowledge of direct access storage devices and require reference material on 4321/4331/4361 installations. The publication describes the channel commands. U"lit and channel status. and sense bytes which apply when the 3370 is under control of the DASD adapter. apply when the 3370 is under control of the DASD adapter. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 58 pages. 9/84 §!lIQg This publication provides reference and operating information for users of the 3203 Model 5 Printer. It is written mainly for systems planners. programmers. and operators. but may also be of interest to systems supervisors and engineers. The publication provides a general introduction to the 3203 ModelS. its components and ..ethod of operation. and explains. the various operating procedures. The Programming Information section describes the commands used to control the printer. the status and sense information returned to the system. and the error recovery procedures. The reader should be familiar with the syste.. to which the printer is attached. For system and progra .... ing information. refer to the publications listed in the 4361.4331.43211107133701 313 ( 6A33 GA33 GA33-1566 IlA33-1540 432114331(4361 PROCESSORS LOOP AllAmB DETERMINATIDN §Y!gg .PR!l!.!.&!:t ~ PROCESSOR FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS This publication contains information about the 4361 Processor features. configurations. input/output characteristics, and control unit functions. It is intended for those users Mho have to do systeM evaluation. systn programming, and education. Only i tams that are unique to the 4361 Processor Model Groups 3, 4 and 5 are discussed in detail. Readers of this publication should be fa.iliar Nith 4361 Processor Summary, GA33-1572, 4300 Processors Principles of Operation for ECPS: VSE Mode, GA22-7070, and SystH/370 Principles of Operation. GA22-7000. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 64 pages, 9/84 4361//01// This publication describes characteristics of the 4321/4331/4361 Processors for systn anlllysts and programmers. Lists architecture exceptions and gives timing forlllUlas for machine instructions. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 180 pages, 2/84 4361,4331,4321//16// ';A33-lS4S mum OPERATOR .cotfIQI& FACILITY ~ This m.nual contains a d ..crlption of operating procedur. . and provides maintenance hints for those familiar Nith MVS OCCF and/or PVM. The .anual tells hoM to operate s 4331/4321 remote processor via a host syst... Manual 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 54 pagea, 9/83 4361,4331,4321//16// 43211433114361 PROCESSORS. GA33-1567 m1 PBOCESSQR ~ CHARACTERISTICS This publlcdion shaMs Nhich typ.. of channals and direct attachMents ere available at the various processor .adels and Nhat their data rates are. Easy-to-follON procedures for checking configuration for overrun-free operation. and advice on Nhich device types to connect to IIhlch channel are also contained. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches, 46 pagea. 9/84 4361//01// '9A33-lSS0 nu PROCESSOR t!PIW. iB.!lW! 11 ~ CHARACTERISTICS This manual allONS the reader to check Nhether a speclflo I/O configuration on the 4331 Model Group 11 processor Mill run Nithout incurring overrun. The .anual addresses only the skilled engineer or experienced system analyst. Sample calculations and all relevant data for computing the overrun risks are contained in appendices. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. ISS pages. 2/82 4331//01// 6A33-1569 m1 PROCESSOR IlYIZ CQ!1PATIBILIU GA33-lSSI !1i2 EBI.I:IJD OPERATOR'S i!WIf This publication provides operating and reference infor.ation for user's of the 4250 Printer. It is Mritten for operators. The publication provides a general introduction to the 4250 Printer, its components and . .thod of operation and explains the various operating procedures. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 52 poIges, 12/84 //16/4250/ GA33-1570 ~ PROCESSOR OPERATING PROCEDURES This publication is used to operate the 4361 processors. It Nill automatically be shipped Nith the 4361 processor. as part of the shipping group. Rel.ted publications are 4361 Operating Procedures. GA33-lS70. 4361 Processor Syst... Event Trace and Syst. . Status Display, GA33-1581, and 4361 Processor Remote Operator Console Facility (ROCF), GA33-lS82. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 208 poIge!I, 12/84 GA33-lSS2 f!UI:!:U! PLANtllt!§ &Ill Jm PREpARATIQN This publication provides reference and progra_ing in planning for the setting-up of the 4250 Printer and for NatiOnlll Service Division installation planning representatives. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages, 12/84 //15/4250/ ~ GA33-lSS4 4250 f!UI:!:U! CQ!1PQNENT DESCRIPTIQN &Ill PROGRAt!1It!§ INFORMATION This publication provides reference and progra_ing infor. . tion for users of the IBM 4250 Printer. It is . . inly Nritten for syst... planners and progra_rs, but MY also be of interest to system supervisors and engineers. The .anual provides a general introduction to the IBM 4250 Printer, its components and . .thod of operation. It also describes the COIIIINInds used to control the printer. the status and sense infor.-tion returned to the syst... and the error recovery procedures. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 42 poIges. 7/83 //03/4250/ ~ This publication is intended for users of the Syst.w360 and SystH/370 Mith attached 2311. 2314, 2319. 3330. or 3340 disk devices, Mho Nish to transfer their current progr.... to the 4361 Processor for operation by disk devices Nith fixed block architecture. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 i nchn. 3/84 4361//07// GA33-lS71 4361 PROCESSOR eDl1l1UHICATIONS AI!!mB REFERENCE !W!.!l!I. This publication shows the five different line control procedures (Start/Stop, ru. BSC, SOLe, and X.25) that are available and explains in detail the control characters and channel ~nd Nards (CCWs) used in each. Also explained is the X.21 SNitched line protocol as Nell as the interrelation between physical interfaces and line control procedures. Detailed error reports (sense codes) are given for each nor.-l and abner.. l situation. This infor. . tion is helpful for anyone concerned Nith Nriting or . . intaining access procedures (software). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 178 pages, 9/84 4361/c/09// 6A33-1572 PROCESSOR !!Y!:!!.W: This publication provides infor.-tion on extended Workstation Adapter capabilities, eom...ications Adapter increased data rate, and lX1370 progra_ing support is supplied. Also • •inor additions and corrections are . .de ~ 314 ( SA33 SA33 throughout the manual. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 38 pages. 9/84 4361110111 to the clevices. the data transmission method. as ...11 as performance aspects and tests. The information is useful for application developers and persons involved in planning or expansion of terminal installations. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 188 pages. 09/84 4361110911 GA33-1573 FINDER ~ 4361 PROCESSOR This publication is . .ant primarily for the use of the 4361 console operator. It contains simple steps to follON Nhen a problelll occurs and using it .. ill save time in getting your jobs running again. To use this booklet you need to knON hOM to operate the operator console display. However. for program related prcblems. a system programmer may be needed to interpret failure date. Manual. 200 x 200 milli . .ters. 80 pages. 4/85 ~ GA33-1574 SA33-1579 4245 fB1m.!! ~ lli ~ INFORMATION MANUAL This publication provides reference and operating information for users of the 4245 Printer. Hodels 12 and 20. It is mainly written for systems planners. programmers and operators. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 138 pages. 12/84 110314245/ SA33-1580 PRINTER !lY!I.I!! PROBLEMS This publication is ..ritten for personnal deciding ..... ich print quality is acceptable. It assists the user to have a constant good print quality. In case of a print quality degradation. the folloNing pages guide the user to the probl_ solution or tell ..hen to contact for help. The electro-erosion paper is a sensitive part of the printer. Use of paper Nhich does not meet specifications ....y result in unsatisfactory print quality or damage of the print head. . Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 12/84 110314250/ iliI! PRINTER HODELS lli JllL. lli W ~ This publication contains information about all standard print bands available for the 4245 Printer. Models 12. 012. 20. and 020. !U.S. Edition). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 102 pages. 7/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA33-1581 PROCESSOR ~ ~ ~ AND ~ STAnIS ImifW This publication explains the use of a trace tool that allONS precision-tracing of .11 input/output operations on any channel or .ttachment. Examples of results and their interpretation are given in det.il. Also explained is an over.ll systelll st.tus displ.y Nhich contains .11 i~rt.nt control areas such as registers. program status Nerds. as requi red for the debuggi ng of programs. Manu.l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 9/84 4361110911 ~ SA33-1575 4361 PROCESSOR. DISPLAY/PRINTER ADAPTER. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION This publication contains detailed reference material related to the 3270 devices attachecl'to the 4361 Processor via the Display/Printer Adapter. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 110 pages. 9/84 4361110911 GA33-1582 PROCESSOR IWm!!i OPERATOR CONSOLE FACILITY (ROCF) This publication describes the Remote Operator Console F.cility (ROCF) on the 4361 Processors. hOM to oper.te the 4361 Processors remotely. and Nhat to do in case of a problem. The user is assUllled to have a knoNledge of Introduction to D.t. Processing Systems. 6C20-1684. and experience in operating a 4300 Processor. The information in this publication describes the ROCF configurations and hardware requirements. ROCF functions and ROCF operating procedures. Prerequisite Reading: 4361 Processor Operating Procedures. GA33-1570 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 12/84 4361111611 ~ GA33-1576 iliI! PRINTER l!!l!W.lI lL. IU1& 11 .!!l!I ill PRINT !!!t:!!! ~ Wllmt 15_ This publication contains information about .11 standard print bands available for 4245 Printer. Hodels 12. 012, 20 and 020. This is the Europe/Middle East/Africa Edition. Manu.l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 190 pages. 7/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SA33-1577 .un... mL. ~ PROCESSORS. INSTALWION!I&!!l!I.& PHYSICAL PLANNING This publication cont.ins info ..... t·ion necessary for the user to plan .nd prep.re the physical site for the install.tion of the 4321. 4331 .nd 4361 processors. It also contains the information to order the necessary I/O cables bet...an the processor .nd its I/O clevices. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 102 pages. 8/84 4361.4331.4321//15// GA33-1583 GA33-1578 PROCESSOR WORKSTATIQH A!W!IU REFERENCE This publication gives an in-depth description of all functional aspects of the 4361 Processor's Workst.tion Adapter. Attachment of intelligent and conventional terminals .nd their configuration possibilities are explained. All channel COtnlll.ncIs. structured fields and data strealllS .. ith orders and control char.cters including Rpqsupport are described. This includes the physical interface ~ 315 ~ PRE-INSTALWION PLA!t!ING 4361 PROCESSOR C!JSTO!1ER n!aI!~ This publication contains prepared sheets to be filled-in ..ith the system configuration d.ta. It is to be sent to the "... customer location in advance of system installation. The prepared sheets are filled-in by the customer's syst. . specialist "lth the info ..... tion needed by the service representative to properly configure the system during system installation tiMB. A spare copy of this publication is part of the system maintenance library. Manual. 8 112 x .11 inches. 60 p.ges. 4/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6A33 6-'33 &A33-1585 PROCESSOR linW. ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACDJRE INTERFACE DESCRIPTION ~ PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE The Serial OEM Interface (SOEMU provides a means for a connection bet_en a 4361 host systu and an OEM subsyst_. This publication gives the information to understand the interface referred to as "SOEMI adapter". Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 66 pages. 9/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ GA33-1586 4245 f!ill!:!m ~ i l l ~ W INFORMATION This publication provides reference and operating information, as Nell as programming inforaation for users of the 4245 Printer Hodels D12 and D20. It is aainly wriUen for syst_ planners. progra_ers and operators. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 190 pages. 2/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY use assembler language and who are fa.iliar with input/output programming as described in IBM Systa./360 Principles of Operation (6A22-6821) and IBM Systea/370 Principles of Operation (6A22-7000). The TerMinal Adapter Type III subfeature allows the Hodel 135 to communicate with remotely sited IBM 2260 or 2265 Display Stations. via ISH 2848 or 2845 Display Controls. respectively. The first section of the onual outlines the relationship of the ICA to the CPU .ain storage and to the external communication link. Subsequent sections give details of transmission codes. methods of error detection. special characters. commands. status and sense information. and cOllllllUni cat i on procedures. Syst_ Library Hanual. 36 pages 3135//13// 6A33-3009 SYSTEM/370 I!Q!W, ill SYNCHRONOUS !llli ~ TYPE n !.fQR ICA): SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION This Manual provides reference information for progra_rs &A33-3005 writing channel programs for the Synchronous Data Adapter S/370 t!Q!m. ill FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Type II subfeature in the Integrated eomaunication Adapter This publication describes the capabilities. input/output (ICA) feature of the ISH System/370 Model 135. channels. integrated adapters (printer. file. and The Synchronous Data Adapter Type II subfeature allows coalll.lnications" features !including the 2314/3340 the Hodel 135 to communicate with other processing systems Compatibility feature)' and operations of the IBM Systea/370 and terMinals that operate under binary synchronous Hodel 135. This infoMllation includes the relationship of communications procedures. the IBM Systelll/370 Hodel 135 to the IBM Systell/360. This The onud is intended for applications progra_rs who publication is intended for users and·potential users such use assembler language and who are familiar with as syst_ analysts and prograllllllers) of the Systelll/370 Hodel input/output programming as described in ISH Systea/360 135. The reader is assuned to have a _rking knowledge of Principles of Operation (6A22-6821) and IBM Systea/370 IBM Systelll/370 Principles of Operation (6A22-7000) and IBM Principles of Operation (6A22-7000). The reader should also System/370 Syst_ S-..ary (6A22-7001). be familiar with the basic principles of binary synchronous Manual. 99 pages cOllllUnications. such as is given in &eneral Inforaation 3135//01// Binary Synchronous Communications (GA27-3004). The first section of the manual outlines the relationship of the ICA to the CPU aain storage and to the ';-'33-3007 external communication linkl the second section sumaarizes the principles of binary synchronous communications. llaZ! t!.Q!W, ill TERMINAL ~ mJi 1.!I!IW. 11.LEI!B ~ ~ fi!I!.!Rf DESCRIPTION SYSTEM LIBRARY SUbsequent sections give details of the transmission codes This manual provides inforaation for writing channel used in the Synchronous Data Adapter Type II. the error programs for the TerMi nal Adapter Type I Hodel II subfeature detection methods used. control characters. cOllllllands. status in the Integrated Communications Adapter (ICA) base feature and sense information. and operations of the adapter. of the IBM Systea/370 Hodel 135. Manual. 64 pages The onual is intendetl for applications progra_rs who 3135//13// use the assembler language and who are fa.iliar with input/output progralltling as described in IBM SystUl/360 Principles of Operation (6A22-6821) and IBM System/370 6A33-3010 Principles of Operation (6A22-7000). §lll2 II!IW. i l l Q!At!!ru. CHARACTERISTICS The TerMinal Adapter Type I Hodel II subfeature covered This onual provides information needed fO.r checking that. by this manual allows the Hodel 135 to communicate with proposed configuration of I/O devices on the channels of IBM remote start/stop terMinals such as the ISH 1050 Data SysteM/370 will work satisfactorily. The bock is intended CotmIIu1ications Terainals. and IBM System/7. for use in systems assurance work at the planning stage. The first section of the Manual outlines the Procedures with examples are given for testing the relationship of the ICA to the CPU oin storage and to the effects of imposing heavy loads on the Model 135 channels. 8ICtemal COIIIIIIU"Ii cat i on li nk. Subsequent sect i ens $Ii va The effects covered are: data overrun. loss of device details of transmission codes . . .thods of error detection. perforMance. channel interference with the CPU. prograM special characters. status and sense information. and overrun. and excessive channel utilization. communication procedures. AppendilCes give information about Additional but related topics covered in the book are: the particular requirements of the re_t. devices. (1) priority sequence of devices on the byte-multiplexer Manual. 56 pages channel (with examples that include the 1419 Hagnetic 3135//13// Character Reader wi th 8ICpanded capabi 1 i ty) I (2) the effects of block-multiplexing on channel busy tiMe and percentage channel utilizationl and (3) channel. progra_ing &A33-3008 conventions. upon ..... ich the validity of test procedures in the bock is based. !!!!! SYSIEH/370 .!I!IW. i l l TERMINAL ADAPTER mJi 111 fl!B ~ SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION Prerequisite Publications This onual provides information for writing channel The reader MUSt be faMiliar with Systea/370 input/output programs for the TerMinal Adapter Type III subfeature in the operations as presented in: integrated cOMl1lUl'licatiens adapter (ICA) base feature of the IBM SysteM/360 Principles of Operation 6A22-6821 IBM Systea/370 Hodel 135. IBM System/370 Principles of Operation 6A22-7000 The onual is intended for applications progra_rs'who IBM Systea/370 Hodel 135 Functional Characteristics ./ 316 () ( GA33 GA33 GA33-3005 IBM Systeal360 and System/370 Interface Channel Unit Original Equip.ant Manufacturers Information GA22-6974. For testing data overrun on the byte-.ultiplexer channel. the fo11oNing special Norksheet is required: IBM System/370 Model 135 and Model 138 Byte-Multiplexer Channel: Load Su. Worksheet. GX33-6004. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 110 pgs 3135//01// GA33-3014 ~ ill CONFIGURATOR This publication lists the standard. optional, .nd selective features of the IBM System/370 Model 135, .nd describes hoM these features attach to the System/370 Model 135. Details of feature numbers, prerequisite features, progra_ing support, and control storage requirements .re .150 given. This configurator is intended for IBM marketing personnel. and for customer systems planners I that is, it is intended for readers Mho are involved Nith planning Model 135 systell configurators and Mho need to know ho.. the features .nd combinations of features can be attached to the Model 135. To make the best use of this configurator, the reader should be familiar with the information in IBM System/370 Model 135 Functional Characteristics. This configurator lists the Model 135 features under the follONing general headings: o standard, optional, and selective features o instruction sets o channels o integrated adapters Manual. 44 pages 3135//00// litm Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 50 pages, 3/75 GA33-3016 3740 llm ~ ~ ~ SELF-CHECK !:i!l!:mB ~ CUSTOM UNIT DESCRIPTION This publication describes the Self-Check Number Device Special Arithmetic feature which is available on the IBM 3741 Data Station, Models 1 and 2, and the IBM 3742 Dual Data Station. The feature implements many special algorithms by utilizing the modulus 11 program field definition characters. For U.S. and Canada: RPQs WE0408 (37421 and Z07465 (37411 For other countries: X10260 (3741/37421 Systems Library manual, 28 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6A33-3035 At! INTRODUCTION Jl! m !!!tI 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM This publication provides introductory information about the IBM 3250 Graphics Display Syst.... The information addresses (11 the graphics functions·of the 3250 6raphics Display Systelll (2) the units of the 3250 system I 131 attachment to a SysteaV370; 141 performance considerations; (51 prograllllling support I (61 conversion of 2250 Display Unit Model 33 applications to use the 3250 system I 171 introductory installation planning information. This publication is intended for customer executives, data processing _nagel's, system progra_ers. and programmers of graphics .pplications. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 84 pages //06/3250,3258/ GA33-3015 6A33-3036 REFERENCE MANUAL fi!B !!!tI lim COLOR DISPLAY CONTROL IMIT 3250 6RAPHICS DISPLAY ~ INSTALLATION ~ MODEL i l l AI:!!! !!!tI 5941 DISPLAY CONSOLE, ~ H.!!1 ~ PHYSICAL PLANNING ABSTRACT fi!B RPgSI This publication contains physical planning information for U.S.A. Canada: RPQs Y94176 .nd 7H0014. Other countries: the IBM 3250 Graphics Display System. It includes RPQs 7H0020 and 7H0023. Provides r.ferenc. infol"tnation dimensions. Neights. calling information, service for operating and programming the color display subsysteM, clearances. and electrical and environmental requirements Nhich attaches to IBM System/370. The subsyst. . displays for each unit of the system. The publication is intended text and graphic data on color television MOnitors that .... for custOll8r's data processing managers, physical planning provided by the user. st.ff, .rchitects, contractors and technical communications The ..nual has two sections. The first section representatives. describes the operation of the keys. pushbuttons and Manual. " 112 x 11 inches, 40 pages, 11/83 lights of the 5941-H02 Display Console, and gives corrective //15/3250,3258/ actions to be taken in unexpected situations. I t is intended for operators Mho have a working knoNledge of Introduction to IBM DTA Processing Systems, 6L20-1684. &A33-3037 The second section, Nhich is for progra_rs, 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY lmill!h COMPONENT DESCRIPTION describes hoM to generate a character set, manipulate the This publication contains reference information for users of info ....ation on the screen, control SOftIe of the lights on the IBM 3250 Graphics Display SysteM. The inforMation is the display console for operator guidance and siMUlate primarily intended to assist the user Mho is Nriting llessages frOM the display console to check its operation. progra. . for execution in the 3250 Graphics Display System, The cOllllllands and the status and sense information but is also of interest to data processing personnel, are described for both local (channel-.ttacht!dl and remote operators, and engineers who require an understanding of the (BSC I control uni ts. functions provided by the 3250 system. I t is assUlHd that For a loc.l control unit, the progr._rs is .ssUliled to be the reader has • basic knoNledge of data processing and of familiar Nith channel progr.mming for Systeal370. This publication contains raference information for users of the 3250 6raphics Display System. The information is For a NItIIOte control unit, the programmer i5 assUlHd to be familiar Nith 6eneral Information Binary Synchronous primarily intended to help the user to .. rite their OW\ Communications, 6A27-3004. .pplicaion progr.... It is also of interest to data processing personnel. engineers and operators who need to Transmission codes for. remote control unit .re \A'\darstand the functions of the 3250 system. This edition described briefly. Appendix A contains physic.l planning info.... tion. incorporates the functional changes brought about by the Dimensions, service ares, and user supplied cables a ... introduction of the 3255 Display Control Unit. Model 2. specified for the display console and control unit. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 144 pages. 9/83 Appendix B lists the RPQ numbers that _ t be quoted in //06/3250,3258/ an order for the color displ.y subsyst. . and its optional features I and shows possible configurations of the subsysteM cOMponents. 317 GA33 GA33 GA33-3039 3277 Ilaf!W STATIOIh GRAPHICS ATTACHMENI 1!.1!9 .z!!.!W!1.a. CUSTOM ill!W DESCRIPTION This publication provides information about the Graphics Attachment. RPQ 7H0284. for the IBM 3277 Display Station Model 2. It is intended to be read by data processing managers. systems analysts. system progra_rs. and programmers of graphics applications. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the 6raphics Attachment RPQ. its features and functions. and some applications for which it might be used. The N!IIaining chapters provide a more detailed description of the product and its programMi ng support. This infor. . tion is provided to enable customers: • To plan for the installation of the product itself and of the graphics NOrkstation that the product MOUld enable the customer to install. • To understand the architecture so as to undertake any progralDllling that is not provided by the IBI1-supplied software. Manual. 8 1/2 X 11 inches. 114 pages. 4/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY customer syst. . planning purposes and for IBI1 . . rketing personnel. Chapter 1 introduces the other two chapters and the appendixes, Chapter 2 lists the features and accessori . . that are available for configurations of the 8775 Display Terminall and Chapter 3 describes the feature changes that can be . . de. Appendixes A and B provide indexes of the features. A prerequisite publication to the configurator is 1811 8100 InfoNation System: Configurator. 6A27-2876. Other related publications are: • An Introduction to the IBM 8775 Display Terminal. GA33-3040; • An Introduction to the IBM 8100 Information SysteM. GA27-2875, IBM 8775 Display Terminal: Character Set Reference. • GA33-30411 and • IBM 8775 Display Terminal: Site Preparation Guide. 6A33-3043. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 5/83 //00/8775/ 6A33-3043 DISPLAY TERMINAL. nn PREPARATIQIf §!.W!g This guide is intended for those persons concerned with planning and preparing the customer's prnises for the 1811 8775 Display Terminal. Using the information in this guide will help you to ensure that your personnel can unpack. position. setup. and checkout the 8775 Display Terminal. As a result. you will be able to use the 8775 soon after it is delivered. If you later choose to relocate a 8775. your personnel should be able to do that. because the 8775 is designed for setup. relocation. and discontinuance by the customer. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 38 pages. 11/80 //15/8775/ ~ 6A33-3040 At! INTRODUCTION E 8775 ~ TERMINAL This reference . .nual provides an introduction to the IBM 8775 Display Terminal for customer executives. organization and _thods . .nagers. adnlinistrative services managers. data processing . .nagers and planners. and IBM ... rketing representatives. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 86 pages. 10/82 //09/8775/ m 6A33-3041 8775 ~ TERMINAL. CHARACTER ~ REFERENCE This manual provides general reference material about the character sets. alphanumeric keyboards. and input/output 6A33-3044 (I/O) interface codes (bit patterns) for languages that are 8775 ~ TERMINAL CO!1PONENI DESCRIPTION available with the 1811 8775 Display Terminal. The . .nual is This publication describes the 8775 from the point of view intended for management personnel. progra...ers. and syst. . of a host programmer. and is not intended to provide analysts. operating instructions for the terminal operator. The The . .nual has threa chapters: manual provides sufficient information for an 8775 to be • Chapter 1 describes the various language character sets used in a Syst. . Network Architecture (SNA) environlllent. and for the 8775 Display Terminal for application prograMS to be written using the 1811 8100 • Chapter 2 describes and illustrates the keyboards that Information SysteM. are available for the terminal: Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 338 pages. 12/82 Typewri tel' keyboards //09/8775/ Extended typewri ter keyboards Data entry keyboards Data entry (hi gh volUlle) keyboards 6A33-3045 Japanese (Katakana) keyboards ~ ~ TERMINAL: TERMINAL YHR!Ji GUIDE Describes all the features and functions of the 1811 8775 • Chapter 3 contains: I1atrix drawings of the I/O interface codes that Display Terminal. The guide. intended to be used for support the various keyboards, reference by users of the 8775. includes (1) descriptions of A table that shows the differences in I/O interface keyboard keys. (2) explanations of indicators and JlleSsages codes for the various national languages, displayed. (3) instructions for checking or changing options An I/O interface code matrix for the magnetic selected at 8775 setup. and (4) procedures for deterMining slot reader. the cause of probl.... and the appropriate remedial actions The reader is assumed to have a general knowledge of to be taken. display terminals. For further infor ... tion on the 8775. sea I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 150 pages. 8/82 An Introduction to the 1811 8775 Display Terminal. 6A33-3040. //16/8775/ For infor. . tion about the syst. . to which the 8775 is attached. sea An Introduction to the 1811 8100 Infor. . tion System. 6A27-2875. 6A33-3049 I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 94 pages. 10/82 §lZI ~ TERMINAL ~ DETERMINATION ~ //09/8775/ Mounted in the keyboard. this document provides quick reference and procedures to assist the operator in (1) determining the cause of probletns encountered in operating 6A33-3042 the 8775 Display Tel'llinal. and (2) solving those probl_ ~ TERMINAL CONFlGURATOR that do not require technical assistance from a service This publication contains configuration infoNation for the representative. 1811 8775 Display TeNinal. The configurator i. intended for I1anual. 10 x 1 314 inches. 116 pages. 10/82 mew 318 ( GA33 &A33 //16/8775/ GA33-3071 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 7436 PRINTER MODEL ! OPERATORS §.!l!!!g Provides instructions for the day-to-day operation and care of the IBM 743~ Printer. The publication is intended primarily for personnel who prepare the printer for use and those who tend its operation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 76 pages. 10/80 //16/7436/ GA33-3051 3279 ~ DISPLAY STATION PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE This guide provides reference information and problem determination procedures for operators using a 3279 Color Display Station. Manual. 10 x 1 3/4 inches. 102 pages. 11/82 //16/3e79/ GA33-3072 7436 PRINTER MODEL CO"PONENT DESCRIPTION This manual describes the IBM 7436 Printer Modell. It gives information for customer executives. application programmers. system analysts. and system engineers who are .ware of the intended uses of the printer. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 44 p.ges. 08/80 //03/7436/ GA33-3052 3250 GRAPHICS ~ ~ PROBLEM DETERMINATION §.!l!!!g !:!ll!:! RPgS SU0090. SUOO9l. L!..!!..!!..!!l At!!! 7J0014 Provides problem determination procedures for users of an IBM 3251 Display St.tion in a 3250 Graphics Display System with RPQs SU0090. S00091. 7J0004. and 7JOOI4. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 32 pages. 10/79 //14/3250.3258/ GA33-3073 7436 .PRIt!:UB MODEL ! PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE This Guide has been designed to help the operator determine the type of problem .nd how to correct it. when the 7436 Printer Model 1 is not operating properly. It is designed to s.ve time by printing out possible c.uses for trouble that can easily and quickly be corrected by the operator. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 36 p.ges. 9/80 //16/7436/ GA33-3055 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTE" DATA C!!HMUNICATIONS FACILITY ~ SU0090. SU0091. 7J0005. msI ~ ~ ~ DESCRIPTION This publication describes the data communications facility provided for the IB" 3250 Graphics Display System by the RPQs shown in the title. InfoMlation contained herein suppl....ents the information in related poj:Ilications for the 3250 Graphics Display System. Manual. 8 1/2· x 11 inches. 20 pages. 12/83 //14/3250.3258/ GA33-3074 PRINTER MODEL! .nI!i PLANNING. PHYSICAL PLANNING. At!!! CONFISU!!ATOR GUIDE This manual contains information to guide customers in planning the site for the setup and physical installation of the IBM 7436 Printer Modell. It also contains configuration infoMlation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 9/80 ///7436/ ~ GA33-3056 xzg INFORMATION DISPLAY ~ gn,QB J PROGRAMMED ~ IBM 3270 Information Display System: Color and Programmed Symbols. This poj:Ilication provides customer executives. installation managers and planners. application progra_rs. and IBM Marketing representatives with: • Introductory information describing the use of color to communicate with the user of a display station. • The concepts of Programmed Symbols whereby graphic symbols and special characters may be created by the application programlller and used as an extension to the base chnracter set. • The use of Progra..ad Symbols to display and print graphic information such as pie charts. and histograms. • Details of the IBM 3279 Color Display Station and the IBM 3287 Printer Models lC and 2C. Hardware and planning information is included in this poj:Ilication. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 88 pages. 8/82 //09/3279/ GA33-3057 xzg INFORMATION me.w ~ .RZ! gn,QB mWI mImI OPERATORS GUIDE This publication contains operating instl"UCtions and procedures for the IBM 3279 Color Display Station as a unit of the IBM 3270 InforMation Display System. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 152 pages. 12/81 //16/3279/ &A33-3079 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION .tlQ!!ll ~ ~ G 1lll VIDEO !!!lIM CUSTOMER FEATURE DESCRIPTION This .... nual describes the additional output capability provided on Models 3A. 3B .d 3X of the 3279 Color Display St.tion by RPQ 7J0039. This RPQ provides a four-wire video output on the 3279 Color Display Station (Models 3A. 3B and 3X only). Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 22 pages. 4/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA33-3085 3250 GRAPHICS ~ SYSTEM: CONTINUOUS REFRESH ~ 7J0024 At!!!:z.mlli ~ ~ USER'S GUIDE Describes the functional enhancements provided on an IBM 3250 Graphics Displ.y System by the Continuous Refresh custom fe.ture (RPQ 7J0024 or 7J0025). The purpose of this poj:Ilication is to enable an application programmer to make use of the enh.ncements contained in this custOlll feature. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 44 p.ges. 12/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6A33-3067 ill! COLOR DISPLAY mnmI KEYBOARD REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS Step by step instl"UCtions that the user requires Mhen replacing the keyboard on a 3279 Color Display Station. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 4 pages. 12/80 //09/3279/ GA33-3086 1W GRAPHICS DISPUY ~ MIl!!! ~ f2R !f!i 7J0070 • .LlQJ!Zh 7J0072. 7J0073 319 (./ ~ This publication summarizes the custom features available as Re~ts for Price Quotation (RPQ) on the IBM 3250 Graphics SA33 6A33 Display Systea. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 38 pages. 11/83 //14/3250.3258/ GA33-3093 Em 7J0044 AND 7J0045 ~ FEATURE DESCRIPTION Contains information. details of configuration. setup and planning guidance for the 8775 Display Terminal with the Printer Attachment RPQs and enable the IBM 3287 Printer Models 1. 2. 1C. or 2C or the IBM 7436 Printer ttodel 1 to be attached to the 8775. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 86 pages. 4/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY §Z.Z:! DISPLAY TERMINAL PRINTER ATTAOIMENT GA33-3094 3279 MODEL 2C COLOR DISPLAY ~ ~ DETERMINATION GUIDE This manual contains information that the operator may find useful for correct operation and problem determination on the IBM 3279 ttodel 2C Color Display Console. The guide is designed to be stored inside the keyboard. ttanual. 10 x 1 3/4 inches. 7/81 //16/3279/ GA33-3UO 3250 GRAPHICS ~ SYSTEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION Atm USER'S GUIDE This publication enables customer personnel to isolate system and/or machine problems. and relay the relevant information to their IBM Service Representative. This publication is intended for customer Display Station Operators. ttanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 24 pages. 9/83 //06/3250.3258/ 6A33-31U 8775 KEYBOARD REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS Instructions for customers on hoM to exchange the keyboard of an 8775 Display Terminal. ttanual. 6 pages. 7181 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA33-3112 8775 m!!!.AY TERMINAL ~ LOADING INSTRUCTIONS This publication provides instructions for loading tape microcode. for 8775 display terminal that have display function features. into resident storage of the host processor. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 8/81 GA33-3096 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL I:!9I!.W .L. L. !L. Mm 11 H!!l:I f!I!:!HB ATTACHMENT !Bf!j 7J0044 QR Rf!J ZJ0045!: ~ DETERMINATION GUIDE Mounted in the keyboard. this docUllent provides quick reference and procedures in deterMining the cause of problems encountered in operating an 8775 Display Terminal with a printer attachment. and in solving those probl_ that do not require technical assistance frOll.a service representative. Manual. 10 x 1 2/3 inches. 98 pages. 2/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6A33-3119 llZ!! INFORMATION m!!!.AY SYSTEM: 3278 DISPLAY STATION I:I!mIL .& ~ INFORMATION fQR A!.m2 Sll.!!EYI B.fg 7H0661 This manual describes in general terms the Audio Output RPQ (RPQ 7H0661! when used on an IBM 3278 Display Station ttodel 2. ttanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 2/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6A33-3120 3250 GRAPHICS ~ m:m1l ATTACHMENTS fQR ~ CONTROL ~ Mm fQR PLOTTER CUSTOM ~ DESCRIPTIONS RPq'S 7J0070. 7J0072. Mm 7J0073 This publication is intended for planners. syst_ analysts and application programmers. It enables them to attach an OEM Cursor Control Tablet and Plotter to the IBM 3250 Graphics Display System. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 98 pages. 12/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA33-3106 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION mmill ~ Mm E BACKLIT FUNCTION SWITCH PANEL RPGS 7J0046. 7J0047. ~ g ~ CUSTOMER FEATURE DESCRIPTION This publication describes the facilities that are provided for the IBM 3279 Color Display station ttodels 3A and 3D by the Backlit Function SNitch Panel EPQs: 7J0046. 7J0047. 7J0048. and 7J0049. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 46 pages. 4/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA33-3121 llZ!! INFORMATION ~ SYSTEM. 3278 DISPLAY STATION !I!ImL .& !!1!!1 AUDIO OUTPUT B.fg 1!!J!2lll ~ DETERMINATION GA33-3108 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY ~ ~ COLOR DISPLAY STATION. PROBLEM DETERMINATION ~ SUPPLEMENT fQR Bf!h L!.!!!llJ.'~ g ~ This publication provides the customer with problem deterMination information specific to RPQs 7J0047. 7J0048. and 7J0049. Supplements IBM 3279 Color Display Station. Problem Determination Guide. GA33-3051. and also supplements the additional information given in the main Problea Determination Guide incorporated in IBM 3279 Color Display Station ttodels 3A and 3B Backlit Function Switch Panel RPQs 7J0046. 7J0047. 7J0048. and 7J0049: Customer Feature Description. GA33-3106. Manual. 10 x 1 3/4 inches. 30 pages. 6/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GUIDE Provides the operator with information needed for problem determination when using the IBM 3278 Display Station ttodel 2 with Audio Output RPQ 7H0661. Manual. 92 pages. 1/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SA33-3123 320 Jm!fl.AY SYSTEM: !mf XZ§ DISPLAY m:m!t! MODEL .& OPERATOR'S ~ fQR AUDIO Sll.!!EYI BfQ Z!i!!§!! Provides information on using an IBM 3278 Display Station Model 2 that is equipped with the audio output Request for Price Quotation (RPQ) 7H0661. The publication assUllles the operator to be conversant with the normal use of an IBM 3278 Display Station Model 2. Manual. 42 pages. 1/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY XZ§ INFORMATION ----- ~-----~--~ ( GA33 LBOF 9A33-3126 HZ.! £!lbQB DISPLAY STATION SUPPLEMENT fQB B1!!i 7J0067 ~ GA34-1511 S/370 SENSOR BASED CONTROL UNIT GENERAL INFORMATION This manual describes the configuration of the SBCU Nith System/370 and System/7. It describes the functional operation of the SBCU along with an explanation of the 370 channel commands issued to it. This publication also descri bas the order and responses sent between the SBCA and SBCU. Manual //14/5098/ DETERMINATION GUIDE This supplement gives guidance on the operation of a 3279 Hodel 3X with RI'Q 7J0067 installed. when used Nith an application program Nritten for a Hodel 2X. Reference card. 1 1/2 x 10 inches. 8/82 SLSS: OROER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA33-3138 HZ.! £!lbQB DISPLAY STATION: ~ DETERMINATION GUIDE fQB XZJ! PERSONAL CO!lPUTER ATTACHMENT This manual contains reference information and procedures to assist in determining the cause of problems encountered when using a 3279 Color Display Station that has the 3270 Personal Computer Attachment feature. Manual. 8 1/2 ~ 11 inches. 94 pages. 8/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION DNLY GA33-3146 Ye PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTIVITY AI CAMERON IBmi WORKS CONTROL TABLET At!!! PLOTTER RPQs 7J0070. 7J0071. 7J0072. M:l!l 7J0073 (3255 ~ ~ Yl:!ll MODEL , ONLY! This publication is intended for planners. systeJI analysts and application programmers. It enables them to attach an OEM Cursor Control Tablet and Plotter to the 3250 Graphics Display System (Hodel 21. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 98 pages. 1/84 //14/3250.3255/ .fYt!f!t:!§ 6A34-0040 GA34-1531 5275 MACHINE TODL CONTROL !.!!:!XI (MCUI ACCESSORY B1!!i 008286: ~ INFORMATION ~ This publication is intended to be instructional and will introduce the reader to the Machine Tool Control Accessory Unit (008286) and how it relates to the IBM 5275 and the Machine Tool Control Unit. This publication was written for service personnel and individuals concerned with machine tool control. It is assumed that the reader of this publication is familiar Nith the IBM 5275 and hoM it interfaces with the Machine Tool Control Unit. This publication covers the following topics: o General description of accessory and associated hardware o Functions of accessory D08286 o Signal considerations o Interface specifications o I1CU Identification o Maintenance requirements o Installation-physical planning infor.... tion Manual. 40 pages //14/5275/ DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM ~ §!.l!!lg This publication is the primary source of info~ation for the IBM 5230 Data Collection SysteJI users: Explaining the principles of the systeJI Describing the procedure for installing the systeJI Describing the method of personalizing the system to meet your requirements Describing the procedures for operating the syst_ Describing routine maintenance procedures This publication is to be used by the system planner. the installer. and the operator. Manual. 160 pages. 11/75 //16/5230.5231.5234.5235/ ~ LBOF-0005 PTF. 5748-F03 This bill of fores contains LYC9-4205. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GA34-0282 4994 ~ DEVICE CONTROL Yl:!ll ~ INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE I This docuaents the 4994 which assist the USer to operate and maintain the device. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 03/84 //08/4994/ GA34-1507 S/7-360/370 ~ ATTACHMENT: ~ INFORMATION Rf!i 008112 This manual describes the RPQ 008112 (System/7 360/370 channel attachment. and RI'Q 008113 two channel sNitchl. It contains a general explanation of System/7 360/370 attachlllent to 360/370 channel data transfer sequences. For correct operation. the machine language instructions. status and sense bytes are explained in detail. Manual. 36 pages 5010//14/3168.3195.3145.3148.3155.3158.3165.2091.3115.3125. 3135.3138.2050.2065.2067.2075.2085.2022.2025.2030/ 321 (j LBOF-0007 fIE 5748-LH3 FICHE For information about this publication contact the controlling party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-0411 fIE 5746-RC3 This bill of forms number is used to distributa PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Nill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. N.J. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-0412 fIE 5746-RC3 This bill of fo.-- number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's ara required. contact PTF Central. HahNah. N.J. General Bill of Fores SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY I /' \" / LBOF LBOF LBOF-ll01 LBOF-I020 f!!:.ll fi!B 5666-264 E!U 5666-280 This bill of forllS nullber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's wHl be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. HahNah. NJ. 6eneral Bill of ForMS SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY For information regarding CCllllpOnents of this bill of for_. contact: Dorothea Suggs. Dept. 76111. HahNah. HeN Jerseyl tie-line 733-7126. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. ltahNah. NJ. General Bill of ForllS SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-I021 PTFS fi!B 5735-XRl This bill of forms nullber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form nUllber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. HahNah. NJ. General Bi 11 of ForllS SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-I026 PTFS fi!B 5748-XX6 This bill of forms nuaber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form nuaber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. ltahNah. NJ. General Bill of ForllS SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-ll 03 PTFS fi!B 5668-006 This bill of fol"ll5 nuaber is .... ed to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form nunber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Itahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1114 f:W! f!!!! 5Z46-XX3 This bi 11 of forlllll number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-I027 fIE! f!!!l 5748-XXH LBOF-I116 f:W! f!!!! 5746-lCX3 This bill of forll5 nuaber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form nullber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Ita....h. NJ. General Bill of ForllS SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This bill of forRlS number is used to distribute PTF microficha via SLSS. This form nuIIIber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Ha.... h. NJ. &eneral Bill of Forlllll SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-I028 f:W! fi!B 5668-983 This bill of forlll5 nuaber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. 6eneral Bill of Forms SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-I029 f:W! fi!B 5Z46-A!12 This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form nullber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be Stll'lt. If back Issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Ha....h. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-I0n PTFS fi!B 5746-R61 This bill of for_ number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. General Bill of Forll5 SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-ll 17 PTFS f!!!! 5Z46-XX3 This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microficha via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central. Ha ....h. NJ. General Bi 11 of ForllS SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1120 PTFS f!l! 5746-C81 This bill of forms nullber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. HahNah. NJ. &eneral Bill of Forms SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-U21 ~ VSEtySAlt No abstract available. This for. rlUllber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central. HahNah, NJ. General Bill of Forll5 322 / ....- .... ~----.------- -----~ ( LBOF LBOF Bill of for... 3/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1I38 PTFS f.QR 5746-XX3 This bUl of forlllS nullber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. . This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF central, MahMah. NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This for. nl.lllber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Mahwah. NJ. General 8ill of Fo.... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1l51 .!!ill !m 5668-989 This bill of forms ruaber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This form nIJIIIber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central, Mahwah, NJ. General 8ill of ForllS SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1I40 .!!ill f.Q! 5735-XX8 This bill of forllS I'IUIIIber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS; This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. MahMah. NJ. General Bill of Fo.... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY '.BOF-1I41 LBOF-1l52 PTFS f!!! 5735-XX9 This bill of fol"ftl5 number is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This form nlJlllber is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Centr"l, Mahwah, NJ. General 8ill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .!!ill f.QR 5746-XXC This bill of for ... number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central. MahMah. NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( LBOF-1I42 PTFS f!m 5746-CBl This bill of forlllS nuIIber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This for .. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central. MahNah. NJ. General Bill of For... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L80F-1l53 .!!ill !m 5735-XXA This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form nl.lllber is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central, MahMah, NJ. General 8ill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-ll54 .!!ill !m 5742-CH2 This bill of. forllS nl.lllber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. M"hwah. NJ. General 8ill of ForllS SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1I43 .!!ill f.QR 5745-030 This bUl of for.,. nueber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This form nunber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's "r. required. contact PTF Central, MahMah. NJ. General 8ill of For... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1l65 PTFS !m 5668-981 This bill of forll5 number i. used to d;,.tribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This fora number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. MahNah, NJ. General 8ill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-lI44 .!!ill !m 5735-XX6 This bill of for ... nulllber is used to distribute PTF microfiche vi. SLSS. This fo ... number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General 8ill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUSSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1l69 .!!ill f!!! 5668-981 This bill of for. . number is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, MahMah. NJ. General 8ill of Fo.... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1I45 .!!ill f.QR 5748-XX9 This bill of forlllS ruaber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. 323 LBOF LBOF-1170 fIEI fi!! 5735-XX6 This bill of forms nu.ber is laed to distribute PTF Microfiche yia SLSS. lhis for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. l1ahNah. NJ. Seneral 8ill of For. . SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1171 LBOF LBOF-I330 PTFS BIB 5746-XXV This bill of forms nuaber is laed to distribute PTF .icrofiche yia SLSS. This forM number i. for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. I1ahwah. NJ. . General Bill of Fores SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1331 fIE! fQ! 5747-DS2 fIEI fQR 5668-981 lhis bill of for ... I'IUIIIber is laed to distribute PTF .icrofiche yia SLSS. Thi. for .. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's ere required. contact PTF Central. MahNah. NJ. Seneral Bill of FOrMS SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This bill of forll5 nueber is used to distribute PTF eicrofiche yi. SLSS. lhis for. nulIIber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. I1ahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1302 fIEI fQR 5666-273 This bill of forll& nueber is laed to distribute PTF .icrofiche yia SLSS. lhis forM number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. I1ahwah. NJ. Seneral Bill of ForMS SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1326 Hm!Q!!S ~ IW6 I1ANA6ER. 56 68- 9 71 Specific PTF detail inforMation is provided in: Index Order SYC8-0975 frOM SLSS. lhis product consists of it... LYC93100 to -3109. General Bill of For.. SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1332 PTFS fQR 5748-)0(4 This bill of forms nullber is used to distribute PTF Microfiche yia SLSS. lhis forM number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General 8ill of For. . SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1333 fIEI fQR 5747-052 This bill of for. . nueber is used to distribute PTF Microfiche yia SLSS. This forM l'IUIaber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. MahNah. NJ. Seneral Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY '.BOF-1327 fIEI fQ! ill f!H!§ 5746-AI12 lhis bill of forM number is laed to distribute PTF Microfiche via SLSS. lhls forM number Is for IUstrlbution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. Seneral Bill of For. . SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L80F-1331t fIfJ fQR 5748-AP1 lhis bill of forms nueber is laed to distribute PTF Microfiche yia SLSS. This forM rlUlllber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. Seneral 8ill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1328 fQR .J.!G fRll.!i 5746-XXE lhis bill of forms number is laed to distribute PTF Microfiche yia SLSS. lhis forM nueber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's wUl be sent. If back Issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. Seneral Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY fIfJ LBOF-1335 fIE! fit! 5748-XX9 ""'1' This bill of forM is laed to distribute PTF Microfiche via SLSS. This forM m.nnber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of ForMS SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1329 fIEI fQR 5735-XX8 lhi. bill of forM m.nber is used to distribute PTF Microfiche yia SLSS. This fore nueber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's lIIill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. I1ahwah. NJ. Seneral Bill of Fores SLSS: IBtt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1336 fIEI fit! 5748-F03 This bill of forMS number is used to distribute PTF Microfiche via SLSS. This forM number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. I1ahwah. NJ. General Bill of ForMS ( LBOF LBOF updated PTF's ..ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .... ..equi ..ed. contact PTF Cent ...l. ltahw.h. NJ. General Bill of Foras SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY SlSS: 1M INTERNAL SUlSCRIPfION ONLY lBOF-1337 PTFS B!! 5748-U!3 This bill of fo .._ nuMbe.. is used to dist .. ibuta PTF .ic..ofiche via SLSS. This fo .... 1'IUIIIbe.. is fo .. Dist .. ibution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .... ..equi ..ed, contact PTF Cent ... l, Ha.....h, NJ. Itic ..ofiche SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lBOF-1338 PTFS B!! 5746-A1t2 This bi 11 of fo .. _ 1'IUIIIbe.. is used to dist .. ibute PTF Mic..ofiche via SlSS. This fo .... nUlllbe.. is fo .. Dist .. ibution purposes only, only upd.ted PTF's ..ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .... ..equi .. ed, cont.ct PTF Cent...l, ItahNah, NJ. Gene .. al Bi 11 of Fo... SlSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1353 fIE 5746-SAI Thhl bi 11 of fOI"ll5 1'IUIIIbe.. is used to dist .. ibute PTF .ic..ofiche via SlSS. This fo .... nUlllbe.. is for Dist .. ibution pu..poses only, only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If b&ck issues of PTF's .... ..equi ..ed, contact PTF Cent ..al, HahNah, NJ. Gene..al Bill of Fo.... SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( LBOF-1354 fIE 573S-XXI This bill of fo .... nuIIbe.. is used to dist .. ibute PTF .ic..ofiche vi. SlSS. This fo ... nUIIIbe.. is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's ..ill be sent. If b.ck issues of PTF's .ra ..equi ..ed, contact PTF Centr.l, H.h... h, NJ. General Bill of Fo... SlSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1355 fIE 5748-XXH This bill of fo .... nu.bar is used to distribute PTF .. icrofiche vi. SlSS. This fo ... I\Ullber is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If b.ck issues of PTF's .... requi ..ed. contact PTF Central, It.hwah. NJ. Gener.l Bill of ForllS SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY I.BOF-1356 fIE 5748-XXH LBOF-1361 m fB2§ 5748-F03 This bill of fo ....s number is used to distribute PTF .ic..ofiche vi. SlSS. This for. nUlllber is for Distribution purposes only, only upd.ted PTF's .. ill be sent. If b&ck issues of PTF's ar. ..equired, contact PTF Cent... l, It.hNah, NJ. General Bill of Fo.... SlSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY f!Eli fi!! LBOF-1376 fIE 5746-XC!t This bill of for. . nuMbe.. is used to distribute PTF Mic ..ofiche vi. SlSS. This fo ... numbe.. is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's .. Ul be sent. If back issues of PTF's are ..equi ..ed. contact PTF Cent ..al. ltahwah. NJ. Gene... l Bi 11 of ForllS SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1377 fIE 5746-XC4 This bill of foras nuMber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SlSS. This fo ... 1'IUIIIbe.. is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's ..ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are "'quired. contact PTF Cent ..al. ltahw.h. NJ. General Bill of ForllS SlSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1378 fIE 5745-030 This bill of fo .... I\Ullber is used to distribute PTF Mic ..ofiche vi. SLSS. This fo ... number is for Dist .. ibution purposes only. only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If b&ck issues of PTF's .re "equi ..ed, contact PTF Central, HahNah, NJ. Gene ..al Bill of ForllS SLSS: 1M· INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1379 fIE 5735-XX3 This bill of for. . nuabar is used to distribute PTF aicrofiche vi. SLSS. This fo ... number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If b&ck issues of PTF's .re "equired, contact PTF Cent...l, I1ahNah, NJ. Gener.l Bill of Fo.... SlSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This bill of forllS nuabar is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche vi. SLSS. This fo ... nuaber is for Dist.. ibution purposes only, only upd.ted PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .... .. equi ..ed, contact PTF Central, HahNah, NJ. General Bi 11 of FOI"II5 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1380 fIE SN-lOCI This bill of for. . nuMber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SlSS. This fo ... nuabe .. is for Dist.. ibution purposes only, only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If b&ck issues of PTF's are "equi ..ed, contact PTF Cent... l. It.hNah, NJ. Gene..al Bill of Fo.... SlSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1360 m f!QIi 5748-U!3 This bill of fo... nlBIIbar is used to distribute PTF Mic..ofiche vi. SLSS. This fo ... r1UIber is for Distribution pu..poses only, only f!Eli fi!! 325 LBOF LBOF-1383 fIE 5746-RC3 This bill of fora number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SlSS. This for .. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. HahNah. NJ. General 8ill of Forms SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1384 fIE 5746-Rq This bi 11 of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SlSS. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SlSS: I8H INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF 58OF-1392 fIE 5747-CA1 This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. General Bi 11 of Fora SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 580F-1393 fIE 5747-CAl This bill of for .... number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SlSS. General Bill of Fora SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY S80F-1394 fIE 5747-CFl This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. General Bill of Forms SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lBOF-1385 fIE 5735-XX7 This bill of forms nuaber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SlSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1396 ~mm No abstract available. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF'. will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF central. Hahwah. NJ. General Bill of Fora Bill of forms. 3185 SlSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY l80F-1386 fIE 5735-RC5 This bill of forn number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SlSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF'. are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1388 fIE 5746-XC5 Thi s bUl of for... number i. used to di stri bute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF'. will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. HahNah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1389 fIE 5736-LM5 This bill of fora number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF'. are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 58OF-1391 LBOF-1397 E!U 5666-263 For information regarding components of this bill of forms. contact: Dorothea Suggs. Dept. 761tt. Hahwah. New Jersey; tie-line 733-7126. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's "'ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. General Bi 11 of Forms. 1/84 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1450 fIE 5735-lOO1 This bill of fo,..,s number is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1554 PTFS fi!!! 5746-Un This bill of forllS number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This for. number is for Di.tribution purposes only. only updated PTF'. will be sent, If back issues of PTF'. are required. contact PTF Central. HahNah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY fIE 5747-CA1 This bill of for. . I'IUIIIber is used to di.tribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. General Bill of For. . SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1576 ~~mm No abstract availabl., General Bill of For... Bi 11 of for... 3185 326 ./ ( LBOF LBOF SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1577 PTF. 5668-986 For information regarding components of this bill of for... contact: Dorothea Suggs. Dept. 76111. Mahwah. tiel Jersey, tie-line 733-7126. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Nill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Ha ....ah. NJ. General Bill of Forms. 3/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1579 DOSIVSE t!.Ym No abstract available. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms Bill of for... 3/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1609 DOSIVSE EP/3725 No abstract available. General Bill of Forms. 3/85 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1612 DOSIVSE VSE/oLTEP No abstract available. General Bill of Forms. 3/85 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1614 DOSIVSE GOD" ANALYZER No abstract available. General Bill of Forms. 3/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1616 ~IU.a ANIILYZER No abstract available. General Bill of Forms. 3/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1580 SDF/CICS No abstract available. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms Bill of forms. 3/85 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ( LBOF-1617 DOSIVSE !::!mA ~ No abstract available. General BUl of Forms. 3/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-1581 DOSIVSE ~ No abstract available. General Bill of Forms. 3/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1618 DOSIVSE H!Q No abstract available. General Bill of Forms. 3/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1585 DOSIVSE DHSICICSIVS No abstract available. General Bill of Forms. 3/85 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL smSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1625 flli 5746-XXI For information regarding components of this bill of for... contact: Dorothea Suggs. Dept. 76111. tfah...h. NeN Jersey, tie-line 733-7126. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-l586 DOSIVSE DHSICICSIVS No abstract available. General Bill of Forms. 3/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1644 flli 5746-XXl For information regarding components of this bill of for... contact: Dorothea Suggs. Dept. 76111. MahNah. NeN Jersey, tie-line 733-7126. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1607 ~~ No abstract available. General Bill of For... 3/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1667 DOSIVSE INFORMATION ~ ~ No abstract available. General Bill of Foraos. 3/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1608 DOSIVSE ACF/ssP No abstract available, General Bi 11 of Forms. 3/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1668 flli 5668-986 For information regarding the cOlllpOnents of this bill of for... contact: Dorothea Suggs. Dept. 76111. MahNah. NaN Jersey, tie-line 733-7126. 327 LBOF LBOF 6eneral Bi 11 of Fol'IIS SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 580F-2250 LBOF-1672 DOS/vSE YS/FORTRAN LIBRARY No abstract available. General Bill of Forms. 3/85 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY mfi!B~m PTF Listings for progrilm number 5742. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If InIck issues of PTf's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms 5LSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1751 m 5736-PLl This bill of for. . nuMber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This for. nulllber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Ha....ah. NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 58OF-2251 mfi!B~m These microfiche cards contain PTF listings for Os/vs2 Release 030. The group contains Order Huebers in the SYC9-8XXX series. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1752 m 5736-W This bill of foralS nullber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This for. nuaber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwilh. NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-2255 m fQB 5746-XE3 This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via'SLSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. General Bill of Fores SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-1800 m 5746-XE7 This bill of forM nuaber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form nU1lber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's wUl be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. General Bill of Fores SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBDF-2256 m Elm 5746-XE3 This bill of fo ..... nuaber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L8OF-2240 m 5746-A!!2 This bill of forM nueber is used to distribute PTf microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. General Bill of Fores SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .8OF-2241 m 5746-AM2 This bill of fo,... nullber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form malber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTf's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of ForalS SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-2257 m 5746-xn This bUl of fores number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. General Bill of Fores SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-2909 fQB ill 5668-983 This bill of forllls nul!lber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .em! LBOF-2242 m 5746-AI14 This bill of fores rtUIIIber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This for:m nueber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's wHl be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTf Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of For. . LBOF-2910 !:?IU f.!l! ill 5746-XXT This bill of forM number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This forI! number is for Distribution purposes only. only 328 LBOF SBOF updated PTF's will be santo If back issues of PTF's .,.. required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's .re required. cont.ct PTF Centr.l. Mahwah. NJ. Gener.l Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ;.eOF-2911 WE/POWER VERSION .& No abstract available. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's .re required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms. 3/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SBOF-3802 1§!j VH/370: PROBLEM PETERMINATION ~ The following is a list of components: SY20-0886 SY20-0887 SY20-0e88 General Bill of Forms. 10/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-4929 fIE 5747-CHI This bill of fora nunaber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche vi. SLSS. This fortll number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's .re required. contact PTF Centr.l. Ma....... h. NJ. Gener.l Bill of Fores SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY J. llIBm!.!il:Il SBOF-4930 fIE 5747-CHI This bill of for ... nueber is used to distribute PTF eicrofiche vi. SLSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Centr.l. Mahwah. NJ. Gener.l Bill of Fores SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-4921 fIE 5746-XE6 This bill of for ... number is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( LBOF-4931 fIE 5735-XXI This bill of fora nueber is used to distribute PTF eicrofiche vi. SLSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If b.ck issues of PTF's .,.. required. contact PTF Central. MahN.h. NJ. General Bill of For_ SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-4922 fIE 5746-XE6 This bill of for. . nullber is used to distribute PTF eicrofiche via SLSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's .re' required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of ForllS SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-4923 fIE 5746-SAI This bill of for ... nueber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This fore ~r is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's .re ,..quired. contact PTF Centr.l. Mahwah. NJ. Gener.l Bill of Forns SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-4927 fIE 5Z46-XE8 This bill of for ... nu.ber is used to distribute PTF eicrofiche via SLSS. This fo,.. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If b.ck issues of PTF's .,.. required. contact PTF Central. Ma.......h. NJ. Gener.l Bill of Fores SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-4932 fIE 5N-XXV This bill of forllS nueber is used to distribute PTF eicrofiche vi. SLSS. Th;' fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's .,ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's a,.. required. contact PTF Central, Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Fores SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-4933 fIE 5746-AH2 This bill of for ... nueber is used to distribute PTF eicrofiche via SLSS. This fo,.. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated 'PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's .re required, contact PTF Centr.l. Mahwah. NJ. Gener.l Bill of For. . SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-6000 COMPONENTS I!:f 1Yl !.!!!.lIP 5152-801) This Bill of For. . cont.ins the eicrofiche for SUI (5752-801l. This fore nueber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's .,.. required. contact PTF Centr.l. Mahwah. NJ. Gener.l Bill of For_. 8/76 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-4928 fIE 5Z47-CHI This bill of forllS nueber is used to distribute PTF eicrofiche vi. SLSS. 329 ( SBOF SBOF SBOF-6375 fIE PROGRAM SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ ~ 370N-AS ~ ASSEttBLER !!m .lll! .!mli PTF Listings for Program Number listed in title above. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. MahNah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6382 m .PRQ§!W! t!Y!:mB 370N-IO-455 CONSECUTIVE JUli!S IOCS fQB .lll! II.!!! PTF Listings for Program Number listed in title above. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY !lBOF-6376 fIE PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CL-453 SYS. ~ At!!l BASIC 1Qgi !!m .lll! II.!!! PTF Listings for Program Number listed in title above. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. MahNah. NJ. General Bi 11 of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6383 m ~!!Y!1!W! 370N-IO-456 CONSECUTIVE TAPE IOCS fQR .lll! II.!!! PTF Listings for Program Number listed in title above. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Hahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 3BOF-6377 fIE PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CQ-469 !ill!:! !!m .lll! .!mli PTF Listings for Progra. Number listed in title above. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6384 fIE ~ ~ 370N-IO-457 ISFHS fQR .lll! II.!!! PTF Listings for Program Number listed in title above. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Mahwah, NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6378 fIE fBm!!!At! ~ 370N-CQ-470 JllitI fQB .lll! II.!!! PTF Listings for Program Number listed in title above. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6385 fIE PROGRAM !!Y!1!W! 370N-IO-458 CONSECUTIVE fI IOCS fQB .lll! II.!!! PTF Listings for Program Number listed in title above. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Hahwah, NJ. General Bill of For.s SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6379 fIE PROGRAM !!Y!1!W! 370N-DN-481 m:! LINE TEST EXEC. PROG. fQB .lll! 11m! PTF Listings for PrograM Number listed in title above. This form nIJIIIber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central. Mahwah, NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6386 fIE PROGRAM .lll! II.!!! fIE PROGRAM !!Y!1!W! 370N-EU-490 EMULATOR fi!B .lll! II.!!! PTF Listings for Prograll Number listed in title above. This forll number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms ~ fi!B SBOF-6387 fIE PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-477 1259/1412/1419 HlQB IOCS fi!B .lll! 11m! PTF Listings for Program Number listed in title above. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6381 fIE PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-454 ~ ~ t!m!!m fi!B .lll! II.!!! 370N-IO-476. COttPIlER UQ PTF Listings for Program Number listed in. title above. This for. nuaber is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Mahwah, NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-6380 PTF Listings for Program Nualber listed in title above. This forll number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's wUl be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Ma.....h. NJ. General Bill of Fores SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SBOF-6388 m ~ ~ 370N-IO-478 QfIIgJ. CHARACTER READER fQB .lll! II.!!! PTF Listings for Program Number listed in title above. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only 330 ( / ( SBOF SBOF updated PTF's .. Ul be sent. If back issues of PTF's .... required. contact PTF central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 58OF-6401 S8OF-6389 fIE PROGRAM NUt1BER 370N-Cg-493 3735 TERMINAL SUPPORT fQR i l l !!mi PTF Listings for PrograM Number listed in title above. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Nill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. MahNah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 58OF-6390 fIE PROGRAM NUt1BER 370N-tlT-491 ~ Y!!b!I! FROGRAM fQR i l l !!mi This PTF is a fix generated by the group having .aintenanee control of the program component Mentioned in the title. This fo,.. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's ..ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahooah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = fIE f!m§B!!! ~ 5744-ASI PTF listing for program number listed in title above. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's ar. required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .!!.Q.§ SBOF-6402 155. 158/7074 EMUL fIE PROGRAM NIJI1BER 5744-AJI PTF listing for program number listed in the title above. This fa,.. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 580F-6403 165. 168/7080 EI1ULATOR fIE PROGRAM NIJI1BER 5744-ALl This PTF is a fix generated by the group h .. ving ... inten&nce control of the program component mentioned in the title. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = :38OF-6391 fIE f!m§B!!! ~ me fQR i l l ~ ( 370N-tlT-492 58OF-6404 = m ~ ~ 5744-AMI This PTF is a fix generated by the group having maintenanee control of the program component mentioned in the title. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Jlli 168/7094 EMULATOR PTF Listings for Program Number listed in title above. This fo,.. I\UlIber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's ar. required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY S8OF-6392 fIE f!m§B!tI ~ 370N-SV-495 2311(2314/3330 SUPERVISOR fQR i l l DQ§ PTF Listings for Program Number listed in title above. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's ar. required. contact PTF Central. Mahooah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 58OF-6393 Jlli 168/7074 EMULATOR fIE LISTINGS fQR FROGRAM tIlL. 5744-A!(1 This Bill of Forms contains the items listed in the Current Price List. Bill of Forms section. under this BOF Number. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = flmi:. ~ UON-IC-OOg This BOF contains PTF listings for program number listed in ti tl. above. This form I1UIIber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's .. Ul be sent. If back issues of PTF's ar. required. contact PTF Central. Mahooah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lWI EMULATOR (VERSION ! l fIE..:.!i 58OF-6405 58OF-6406 1410(7010 EMULATOR LISTINGS fQB PROG. tIlL. 5744-AGI This Bill of Forms contains the items listed in the Current Price List. Bill of Forms section. under this BOF Number. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 58OF-6400 m LISTINGS f.!lB .!!l!ClU This PTF is a fix generated by the group having Mint_nee control of the progr.m coaoponent Ia8Mtioned in the title. This fol'll number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .re required, contact PTF Central, Mahwah, NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m m~ 58OF-6407 EMULATOR m .l!BQ§RA!! 57it4-AHI This Bill of Forms contains the it... listed in the Current Price List. Bill of Forms section. under this 80F Number. This fa,.. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF'. wi 11 be sent. If back issues of PTF' s are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms 331 / LBOF SBOF LBOF-7532 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY !!If fQB 57ft6-XE8 This bill of fo ..... 11UIIIbe.. is used to di.t .. ibute PTF .ic..ofiche vi. SLSS. Gene... l Bill of Fo.... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBDF-6ft40 fIEli f1lB ~ 1m LISTIIf§S, ~ COMPONENTS 57ft5-SC-E20 PTF Listings fo .. all c~ts of the DOSIVS Cont ..ol P..og..aM. This fo ... nl.llllbe .. is fo .. Dist .. ibution pu..poses updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of ..equi ..ed. contact PTF Cent ..al. Ha.....h. NJ. Gene..al Bill of Fo.... SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 57ft5-SC-EML, Syst_ LBOF-7600 only. only PTF's .... fIE ~ ACFIYTAtt Used to dist .. ibute PTF Mic ..ofiche vi. SLSS only • This fo ... numbe .. is fo .. Dist .. ibution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF' ....e requi ..ed. contact PTF Cent ..al. Hahwah. NJ. General Bill of Fo ...... 3 /78 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GBOF-7521 3XXX~~ This bill of fo ..1IIS includes the following o ..de.. lIUIIIbe..s: G510-0950. 6510-0951. G510-0952. 6510-0953. 6510-095ft. 65100955. G510-0956. 6510-0958 • • nd 6511-0103. Gene..al Bill of Fo ..ms. 2/85 SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-7601 fIE DOSIVS ACFIYTAtt t!mm!S Used to dist .. ibute PTF Mic ..ofiche vi. SLSS only. This fo ... number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of For.... 3/78 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-7523 !If ~ 5746-XE2 Used to dist .. ibute PTF .icrofiche vi. SLSS. Gene... l Bill of Fo..... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-7602 m~ ACFIVTAM Used to distribute PTF Microfiche vi. SLSS. This for. number i. for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are ..equired. contact PTF Cent ... l, HahNah. NJ. 6ener.l Bill of ForlllS, 03/78 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-752ft 57ft6-TS1 Used to dist .. ibute PTF .icrofiche vi. SLSS. 6ene... l Bill of Fo ..ms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m :.BOF-7525 !!If 5746-Xn Used to dist .. ibute PTF .ic..ofiche vi. SLSS. Gene...l Bill of Fo..... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-7606 fIE 57ft6-SA1 Used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This for. nuMber is fo.. Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .re ..equired, cont.ct PTF Central, Ha .....h. NJ. General Bill of Fo ..... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY '..BDF-7526 fIf 57ft6-XE3 , Used to dist .. ibute PTF .ic..ofiche vi. SLSS. Gene ..al Bi 11 of Fo..... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-7607 fIEli fi!B 5668-983 This bill of forllS numbe .. is used to dist .. ibute PTF .icrofiche vi. SLSS. This fol'll number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .ra required. contact PTF Central. MahNah. NJ. Gener.l Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-7527 !!If 57ft6-SUl Used to distribute PTF .icrofiche vi. SLSS. Gene... l Bill of Fo.... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBDF-7528 5746-AM2 Used to dist .. ibute PTF .ic..ofiche vi. SLSS. Gene... l Bill of Fo.... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-7608 m fIEli fi!B I!E 5668-983 This bill of forll1s numbe.. i. used to dist .. ibute PTF .ic..ofiche vi. SLSS. This for. numbe.. is for Dist.. ibution pu ..poses only. only upd.ted PTF'. Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .... required, contact PTF Cent ..al •. HahNah. NJ. Gene..al Bill of Fo.... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-7530 !!If 5746-RCS This bill of fo .... nuIIba.. i. used to di.t.. ibute PTF Mic ..ofiche vi. SLSS. 6ane... l Bill of Fo ..... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-7609 f!E.a. 5735-XX8 This bill of fo .... numbe.. is used to dist .. ibute PTF .icrofiche vi. SLSS. 332 ( LBOF This fo ... nunba .. is fo .. Dist.. ibution pu..poses only. only upd.ted PTF's Mill be sent. If b.ck issues of PTF's .... ..equi ..ed. cont.ct PTF Cent... l. Hahwah. NJ. 6ene..d 8i 11 of Fo..ms SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBDF General Bill of Forms SLSS: 18H INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-76S6 fIE 5735-XXI Used to distribute PTF mic ..ofiche vi. SLSS. This fo ... number is for Distribution pu ..poses only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .... required. cont.ct PTF Cent ..al. Hahw.h. NJ. Gene..al Bill of Fo ..ms SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-7630 fIE 5746-RC2 Used to distribute PTF microfiche vi. SLSS. This fo ... numbe .. is fo .. Dist .. ibution pu..poses only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If b.ck issues of PTF's .re .. equi ..ed. cont.ct PTF Cent ... l. H.hw.h. NJ. General 8ill of Fo..ms SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L80F-7631 m 5746-RC3 Used to distribute PTF .ic .. ofiche vi. SLSS. This fo ... number is fo .. Dist .. ibution purposes only. only upd.ted PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. cont.ct PTF Centr.l. Hahwiah. NJ. Gene ... l 8ill of 1'0.... SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-7632 f!f§ fQ! 5665-279 This bill of fO"115 nunber is used to dist .. ibute PTF microfiche vi. SLSS. This form numbe.. is for Distribution purposes only. only upd.ted PTF's Mill be sent. If b.ck issues of PTF's .re ..equi .. ed. cont.ct PTF Cent... l. Mahwah. NJ. Gener.l 8ill of Fo ..ms SLSS: 18H INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY ( LBOF-7644 fIE 5736-)Q(6 Used to distribute PTF microfiche vi. SLSS. This form number is fo .. Dist .. ibution pu..poses only. only upd.ted PTF's Mill be sent. If b.ck issues of PTF~s .re requi .. ed. cont.ct PTF Centr.l. H.hw.h. NJ. Gene ... l 8ill of 1'0.... SLSS: 18H INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-7645 m 5735-)Q(6 This bill of fO"115 nunber is used to distribute PTF .ic..ofiche via SLSS. This fo ... number is fo .. Distribution pu..poses only. only updated PTF's Nill be sent. If back issues of PTF's a ... requi ..ed. contact PTF Cent...l. Hahwiah. NJ. General 8ill of 1'0.... SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY fIE '.801'-7646 m 5735-XX6 This bill of fo .... number is usMi to distribute PTF .icrofiche vi. SLSS. General 8ill of 1'0.... SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SlISSCRIPTIDN ONLY fIE LBOI'-7657 fIE S735-XX3 Used to distribute PTF microfiche vi. SLSS. This fo ... number is for Distribution pu ..poses only. only upd.ted PTF's Nill be sent. If back issues of PTF's a ..e requi ..ed. contact PTF Central. Mahw.h. NJ. 6ene... l Bill of Fo..ms SLSS: 18H INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-76S8 fIE S735-XX3 Used to dist .. ibute PTF mic ..ofiche vi. SLSS. This fo ... number is fo .. Dist .. ibution purposes only. only updated PTF's Nill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .... ..equi ..ed. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. 6ene..al 8ill of Fo..ms SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 58OF-7659 fIE 5747-CHI Used to distribute PTF mic ..ofiche vi. SLSS. This fOI"ll number is fo .. Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Nill be sent. If back issues of PTF's a ... requi ..ed. contact PTF cent ... l. Hahw.h. NJ. Gene ..al 8i 11 of ForllS SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 58OF-7660 fIE 5747-CHI Used to distribute PTF microfiche vi. SLSS. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Nill be sent. If back issues of PTF's a ..e required. cont.ct PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. Gene..al 8ill of 1'0.... SLSS: DRDER NO. SUlSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-767S PTFS fQ! 5665-280 This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF .ic..ofiche vi. SLSS. This fo ... number is for Distribution pu..poses only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .re required. contact PTF Cent ..al. Hahwah. NJ. Gener.l Bill of 1'0.... SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-7676 !lEI fQB 5665-280 LBOF-7655 fIE 5735-XXI This bill of fOI"ll5 contains LYC9-4055. Additional components Nill be added as they becOMe avail.ble. This fo ..m numbe.. is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If b.ck issues of PTF's .... required. contact PTF Centr.l. Hahwah. NJ. This bill of forll5 number is used to distribute PTI' .ic..ofiche vi. SLSS. This fOI"ll number is for Dist.. ibution pu..poses only. only upd.ted PTF's Nill be sent. If back issues of PTF's ..equi ..ed. cont.ct PTF Cent ..d, Hahwah, NJ. Gener.l 8ill of 1'0.... SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .1'. 333 LBOF lBOF LBOF-7679 PTFS fQB ACFIYTAM 5662-2S0 This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SlSS. This fore number is for Oistribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. Seneral Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9106 fIE mi 1m; ~ 5740-122 Used to distribute PTF aicrofiche via SLSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Fores SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GBOF-S211 OSIVS2 trG! mIm PROGRAMMING LIBRARY DEBUGGING HANDBOOK This bill of forDlS enables you to order tha 3 volumes of tha Debugging Handbook: GC2S-070S. GC2S-0709 and 6C2S-0710. GC28-0709-0 OSIVS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 2 Seneral Bill of For. . LBOF-9107 5740-AM3. COMPONENT Qf LBOF-9107 IAfS ~ Specific PTF detail inforlllation is provided in: Index Order SJD2-6244 froe SlSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Fores SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ lBOF-9100 trG! fIE 5740-XI4 Used to distribute PTF eicroficha via SLSS. Seneral Bill of FOrNS SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-910S trG! fIE 5735-RCI Used to distribute PTF eicrofiche via SLSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Fores SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9101 mi fIE 1m Used to distribute PTF eicrofiche via SLSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9109 trG! fIE 5735-RCI lBOF-9102 fIE mi ~ Used to distribute PTF eicroficha via SlSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. . General Bill of Foras SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY !.!I!!. 5740-lQ(2 Used to distribute PTF eicrofiche via SlSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lBOF-9110 fIE 5735-RC2 Used to distribute PTF eicrofiche via SlSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bi 11 of Foras SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ lBOF-9103 fIE mi ~ Used to distribute PTF eicroficha via SLSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTf's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-91 11 fIE 5735-RC2 Used to distribute PTF eicrofiche via SlSS. This fora number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTf's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Foras SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LBOF-9104 fIE mi !1l! 5740-XI2 This bill of forMS contains lYC9-4106. Additional components will be added as they beco.e available. This fora number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Foras SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9112 fIE 5735-RC2 . Used to distribute PTF aicroficha via SlSS. This fora number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bi 11 of Fores SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LBOF-9105 fIE mi fE 5740-112 Used to distribute PTF eicroficha via SLSS. This fore number is for Distribution purpos_ only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Fores 33ft ." / ( LBOF LBOF LBOF-9113 ~ updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are .. equi .. ed, contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. Seneral Bill of Fo .. ms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY fIE 5740-XEl Used to distribute PTF microfiche via SlSS. This for .. number is for Distribution pu.. poses only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Mah... h, NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lBOF-9121 fIE 5740-AM8 Used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form numbe .. is for Distribution pu.. poses only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are requi ..ed, contact PTF Central. Mahwah, NJ. Seneral Bill of Fo ..ms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LBOF-9114 fIE ~ 5740-XE2 Used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is fo .. Dist .. ibution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are ..equi .. ed, contact PTF Central, Mahwah, NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9115 PTF ~ 5740-XRB Used to dist .. ibute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This fo .... number is for Distribution pu .. poses only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are ..equi ..ed, contact PTF Central, Mahwah, NJ. Sene.. al Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9122 fIE ~ 5735-RCl Used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central. Mahwah, NJ. General Bi 11 of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9123 fIE ~ 5735-RCl Used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This for .. number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central, Mahwah, NJ. General Bi 11 of ForlaS SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9116 fIE ( ~ 5740-XRS Used to distribute PTF mic ..ofiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's a ... required, contact PTF Central, Mahwah, NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9124 fIE ~ 5735-RC2 Used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form numbe .. is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Mahwah. NJ. Seneral Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9117 fIE ~ 5740-XI6 Used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This fo ..m numbe .. is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, MahNah, NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9125 fIE ~ 5735-RC2 Used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This for. numbe .. is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Mahwah, NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9118 fIE ~ 5740-XXJt Used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Mahwah, NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9126 fIE ~ 5735-XX2 Used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This for .. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Mahwah. NJ. Gene ..al Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9119 fIE ~ 5735-XX2 Used to distribute PTF microfiche via SlSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Fo.... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9127 fIE ~ 5740-AM8 Used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9120 fIE 5740-XY5 Used to dist .. ibut. PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution pu ..pos_ only. only ~ 335 (j LBOF LBOF LBOF-9128 ~ fIE updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, MahNah, NJ. Gener.l Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5735-RCI Used to distribute PTF microfiche vi. SLSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .re required. cont.ct PTF Centr.l, MahNah, NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9136 !If 5735-RC2 This bill of for ... I1UIIber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. General Bi 11 of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9129 ~ fIE 5735-RCI Used to distribute PTF microfiche vi. SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .re required, cont.ct PTF Centr.l, Mahwah, NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9137 fIE 5Z40-Xli This bill of fOl'l& nulllber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issuell of PTF's are required, contact PTF Centr.l. Hahwah. NJ. Gener.l Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9130 ~ fIE 5735-RC2 Used to distribute PTF microfiche vi. SLSS. This fore nueber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issuell of PTF's .re required, contact PTF Central. Hahwah, NJ. Gener.l Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9131 ~ fIE LBOF-9139 !If 5735-RC3 Thi s bi 11 of fores nulllber is used to di stri bute PTF microfiche vi. SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .re required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. Gener.l Bi 11 of Fora SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY 5735-RC2 Used to distribute PTF eicrofiche via SLSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, cont.ct PTF Central. MahNah, NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9140 fIE LBOF-9132 ~ !If 5735-RC2 Used to distribute PTF microfiche vi. SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF' s Mi 11 be sent. If back issues of PTF' s .... required. contact'PTF Central. MahN.h. NJ. Gener.l Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY fIE 5735-RC3 LBOF-9Iltl fIE fQB 5Z35-RC3 This bill of forn rtUIIIber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .... required, contact PTF Centr.l, Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Fores SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9133 ~ ~ This bill of forn ruaber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This fore number is for Distribution purposes only. only upd.ted PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central, Mahwah. NJ. Gener.l Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5735-XX2 Used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .... required, contact PTF C!mtr.l. Hahwah, NJ. Gener.l Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-91lt2 fIE LBOF-9134 !!If ~ ~ 573i-RC3 This bi 11 of fores nulllber is used to distribute PTF microfiche vi. SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, MahNah, NJ. Gener.l Bill of Fores SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5740-XY5 Used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form nunber is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's .... required, cont.ct PTF Central. Mahwah, NJ. General Bill of Fores SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-91lt3 !If .Em! 5740-lSY6 LBOF-9135 !If 5735-lCRI TMs bill of fortIS nueber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche vi. SLSS. This forti nueber is for Distribution purposes only, only Used to distribute PTF microfiche vi. SLSS. This forti nuMber is for Distribution purposes only. only 336 ./ ( LBOF LBOF updated PTF' s Mi 11 be sent. If back issues of PTF' s aNI required. contact PTF Central. HahNah. NJ. Seneral Bill of Forms SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9151 fIE 5140-XYN This bill of for.,s number is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This forll number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. HahMah. NJ. Seneral Bill of Forms SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9144 fIE fQB 5740-XXF This bill of forlllS IlUIIIber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This fo ... number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back. issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. HahNah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9152 fIE .E.m1!i 5662-257 This bill of forms nullber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. Seneral Bill of Forms SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9145 fIE 5799-AZT This bill of for_ I1UIIber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. Seneral Bill of Forms SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9146 fIE .E.m1!i 5740-XX8 LBOF-9153 fIE 5740-AH7 This bill of forms I'IUIIIber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back. issues of PTF's are required •. contact PTF Central. HahNah. NJ. General Bill of For_ SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9147 ( fIE FICHE 5735-XX7 This bill of forllS number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. General Bi 11 of Forms SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9154 fIE 5748-lOOf This bill of forms ruoboor is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are· required. contact PTF Central. HahNah. NJ. Seneral Bill of For_ SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9148 LBOF-9155 fIEli fQB 5735-RC5 fIE 5735-XRl This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form nullber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. HahMah. NJ. Seneral Bill of ForMS SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This bill of fOI"lll5 I'IUIIber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. HahNah. NJ. Seneral Bill of ForllS. 6/80 SLSS: IBtI INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9149 LBOF-9156 fIEli 5735-XRl fIEli fQB 5740-XXl This bi 11 of forll5 IUlber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. HahNah. NJ. Seneral Bill of Forms SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This bill of forms I'IUIIber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back. issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. HahMah. NJ. Seneral Bill of For_ SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9150 LBOF-9158 fIE 5748-lOC9 This bill of for. . IUlber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS • This .fo... nuIIber is for Distribution purposes only. only fIE 5799-BAF This bi 11 of fOI"lll5 I'IUIIber is used to distribute PTF • icrofiche via SLSS. Seneral Bill of For. . 337 ( ~ This bill of forms I'IUIIber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's aNI required. contact PTF Central. HahNah. NJ. Seneral Bill of Forms SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF LBOF updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back iSSUE of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, l'hIt.ah, NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9165 fiE LBOF-9159 fiE 5748-XXE This bill of forM number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form I'IUIIIber is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back iSSUE of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Hat.ah, NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9167 fiE 5740-XYS This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central. Hat.ah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: 1M INTERNAL stBSCRIPTION ONLY lBOF-9160 fiE 5Z48-XX9 This bill of forllS nullber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back iSSUE of PTF's ara required, contact PTF Central, tlahwah, NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9168 fiE 5740-XYN This bill of for. . number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form malber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central. tlahwah, NJ. General Bi 11 of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9161 fiE 5740-AtlA This bill of fo,... number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Hahwah, NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9169 fiE 5Z40-Un This bill of for. . number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. I'hIhNah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9162 fiE 5734-Lt14 This bill of forms nulber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This fo ... number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Hahwah, NJ. General Bill of For.. SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9170 fiE 5740-XR6 This bill of forM number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposas only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Hat.ah, NJ; General Bill of Forms SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9163 fiE 5748-APl This bill of forllS nulber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, I'hIhNah, NJ. General Bill of ForllS SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9171 fiE 5740-XYS This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill b. sent. If back iSSUE of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. HahNah. NJ. General Bill of ForllS SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9164 fiE 5734-PLl This bill of for. . number is used to distribute PTF microfiche vi. SLSS. This fo ... number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's .re required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL stBSCRIPTION ONLY SZ34-LMS This bill of fo,... number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's MUI be sent. If back issues of PTF's are requi red. contact PTF Central, Hahwah, NJ. General Bi 11 of Fo..... SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L8OF-9172 fiE 5740-XYN This bill of for. . number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF'. are required. contact PTF Central. Hahwah. NJ. 6anaral Bill of Forms 338 / LBOF LBOF SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9173 ill 5740-XVN This bUl of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Mahwah, NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9180 PTFS 5668-002 This bill of forms is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This form nu...ber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9181 ill 5735-0ZS This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This for. number is for Oistribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9174 ill 5740-XYt! This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via 5LSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, MahNah, NJ. General Bill of For. SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9175 ill 5668-009 This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, Mahwah, NJ. Seneral Bill of forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( :'BOF-9176 ill 5740-XVg This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9177 ill 5740-XR5 This bill of fof"lllS number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form mJIIber is for Distribution purposes only, only upcated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central, Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9182 ill 5748-XXl This bUl of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This forll number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. MaN.ah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9183 PTFs 5740-AM6 This bill of forlllS number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. Only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9184 PTF fl!B S748-XXG This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This bill of forms contains LYC8-2521. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9178 ill 5735-0ZS This bill of forMS nullber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. General Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9185 ill fl!B S740-XXF This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This bill of forms contains LYC8-2488. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only upcated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central. Mahwah, NJ. General BUI of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9179 f!EI 5734-XRl This bUl of for ... is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This for. nulllber ;s for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah, NJ. Seneral Bill of FOrMS SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9186 ill fQB 573S-XX7 This bUl of forms number is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This forll number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are 339 ( LBOF LBOF This for. number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's lire required. contact PTF Central, HahNah, NJ. General Bill of Forlls SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY required. contact PTF Cent... l. HahNah. IU. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9187 5665-283. ~ !m.l No abstract available. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. MahNah. NJ. General Bill of ForMs. 9/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LBOF-9201 fQB 5665-285 This bill of forms is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. It consists of the follONing: LYC9-9878, OS/MVS T50 Enhancements. This fol'll nUllber is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, MahNah, NJ. General Bi 11 of For .... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LBOF-9189 flJB 5748-LM3 This bill of forlll5 number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central, HahNah, IU. General Bill of ForMS SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LBOF-9191 flJB 5740-XC5 This bill of forlll5 number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This forll number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, MahNah, IU. General Bill of ForMS SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY f!f§ LBOF-9192 !!!Eli f.!!B 5740-XC5 This bill of forll15 number is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This forll number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of "TF's are required, contac~_PTF Central, MahNah, NJ. General Bill of For.. SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ·.BOF-9193 PTFS f.!!B 5740-DC3 This bill of fOI"lll5 nuaber is used to distribute PTF lIicrofiche via SLSS. This forll number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF-Central. HahNah, NJ. General Bill of ForlllS SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9202 fIE fQB 5665-293 ~ m EXTENSIONS This bill of forms nUIr.ber is used to distribute PTF FOR lIicrofiche via SLSS. This for. number- is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's lire r-equir-ed, contact PTF Central, Mahwah. NJ. General Bi 11 of ForllS SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9203 PTFS fQB 5Z40-XYG This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche viII SLSS. This for. number- is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's lire required, contact PTF Central, Hahwah, IU. Generlll Bill of ForlllS SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY -" LBOF-9204 fIE fQB 5665-274 ~ RNE/SP/SUP This bill of forll5 number is used to distribute PTF FOR .icrofiche via SLSS. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central. Hahwah, NJ. Generlll Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9205 ASSEMBLER ~ 5668-962 Specific PTF detail inforDIation is provided in: Index Order SYC8-0975 frOM SLSS. This product consists of it ... LYC82950 to -2966. General Bill of Fol'IIIS, 3/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9194 !!!Eli fQB 5740-SMI This bill of forll5 I'IUIIber is used to distribute PTF .icrofiche via SLSS. This for. number is for Distribution pur-poses only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, HahNah, NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9206 fIE f.!!B 5740-XC6 mLliP This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF FOR .icrofiche viII SLSS. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's Mill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Centrlll, MahNah, NJ. General Bill of For... SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9195 PTFS f.!!B 5740-AM6 This bill of forll5 nulllber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. 340 ) j ( LBOF LBOF LBOF-9207 !IE fi!!! 5665-291 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ This bill of for1ll5 number is used to distribute PTF FOR Microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Ma......h. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9215 !IE fi!!! 5668-989 ~ !Z!!J! HW This bill of forlllS number is used to distribute PTF FOR lIicrofiche via SLSS. This forM number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LOOF-9208 f!f.J fi!!! IMSIVS 1m 5740-XX2 This bill of forllS number is used to distribute PTF Microfiche via SLSS. This forll number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. MahNah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9216 PTFS fQB 5740-AM7 This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF Microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF central. Ma .....ah. NJ. General Bill of For. SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9209 f!Ell fi!!! l:!m!QR!S !Q!mH!i FACILIU 5668-963 This bill of form number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This forM number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of ForllS SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9217 !IE 5668-955 This bill of for ... number is used to distribute PTF Microfiche via SLSS. This forM number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's ..ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of For. SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9211 !IE fi!!! 5740-XX2 IMSIVS-I'IVSIXA-FP ( This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF FOR Microfiche via SLSS. This forM number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9218 !IE fQB 5668-982 DIS05S/370 This bill of fora number is used to distribute PTF FOR microfiche via SLSS. This forM number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. MahNah. NJ. General Bill of Forms· SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9212 !IE fi!!! 5665-284 ~ Wla FACILITY This bill of fOMIIs number is used to distribute PTF FOR Microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's .,ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. MahNah. NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9224 f!Ell fQB 5668-966 This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF Microfiche via SLSS. This forM number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's .. ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bi 11 of ForllS SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY I.8OF-9213 fIfli fIlB 5740-XT9 This bill of for. nuMber is used to distribute PTF Microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's ..ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of For. . SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9229 f!Ell fQB DE 5668-963 This bill of forftls rnanber is used to distribute PTF Microfiche via SLSS. General Bill of ForMS SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9214 LBOF-9231 f!f.J fIlB 5668-981 ~~5668-288 This bill of for. . contains LSCO-0209. Additional components .. ill be added as they become available. This fOrM number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's .,ill be sent. If back issues of PTF'. are required. contact PTF Central. Ma......h. NJ. General Bill of For.. This bill of forllS consists of fore nuMbers LYC9-2600 through LYC9-2603 (4 itemsl. This for. number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF' s .. i 11 be sent. If back issues of PTF' 5 are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of For... 10/84 341 (/ LBOF LBOF SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9242 OSIVS ,I;Q,!!Ql, LIBRARY Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Index Order SYC8-0975 from SLSS. This product consists of items LYC73750 to -3758. General Bill of ForMS. 3/85 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9232 fIE !QB 5735-XXA ~ .umH ~ ~ This bill of form number is used to distribute PTF FOR microfiche via SLSS. This form number ;s for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF' 5 ",i 11 be sent. If back issues of PTF' 5 are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah, NJ. General Bi 11 of ForlllS SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9243 PTFS fQR 5665-295 This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's "'ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9233 ~m~~ No abstract available. This forlll number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central, Mahwah, NJ. General Bill of Forms, 03/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9245 BATCH TERMINAL SIItULATOR 5668-948 For information about this publication contact the controlling party 1080. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. l1ahwah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9236 PTF f.QB 5735-XX9 ~ This bill of forms contains LSCO-9822. Additional components "'ill be added as they beCOMe available. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's "'ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central, Mahtoah, NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9246 CRYPTOGRAPltIC UNIT SUPPORT COMPONENT .QE LBOF-9246 This bill of forms consists of LYC9-0750 to -0758. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's ",ill be sent. If back issues of PTF'. are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bi 11 of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9238 SMP/E, 5668-249. TAPE §ill W No abstract available. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF's "'ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central, Mahwah, NJ. General Bill of ForMS, 7/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LBOF-9251 fQB 5740-XYN This bill of forms number i. used to di.tribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .E:!!§ LBOF-9239 fIE f.QB 5740-1QQ OSIVS-CICS I VS1 ) This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF FOR lIIicrofiche via SLSS. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, only updated PTF' 5 wi 11 be sent. If back issues of PTF' s are required. contact PTF Central. MahNah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: 1M INTERNAL S...:ISCRIPTION ONLY LBDF-9252 PTFS fQB 5740-XYS This bill of forms number is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9240 fIE .EQB 5740-XX1 OSIVS-CICS 1m! This bill of form. contains LSCO-9722. Additional components "'ill be added as they becOMe available. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's ",ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. Mahwah. NJ. General Bill of forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9255 OSIVS ltm Imz. 5740-XX2 Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Index Order SYC8-0975 frOll SLSS. This product consists of it... LYC73200 to -3212. General Bill of Forms. 3/85 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9241 OSIVS gmm, COMPILER At!II. .&.mB!!iI Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Index Order This bill of forms contains LYC7-3514 and LYC7-3500. General Bill of Forms. 3185 pages. 3/85 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 342 LBOF-9256 ~miJm Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Index Order SYC8-0975 from SLSS. This product consists of it... LYC73250 to -3262. General Bill of Forms, 3/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( LBOF SBOF LBOF-9259 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~1mm; Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Index Order SYC8-0975 from SLSS. This product consists of items LYC73300 to -3312. General Bill of Forms. 3/85 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9260 LBOF-9274 OSIYS DItS/CICS BASE. 5740-XC5 Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Index Order SYC8-0975 from SLSS. This bill of forms consists of LYC92950 to LYC9-2961. General Bill of Forms. 6/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~mDBRC Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Index Order SYC8-0975 from SLSS. This product consists of items LYC73150 to LYC7-3165. General Bill of Forms. 3/85 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9261 OSIVS 1m LOGGING Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Index OrderSYC8-0975 frOM SLSS. This bill of forms consists of LYC7- 3550 to LYC7-3559. This form number is for Oistribution purposes only. only updated PTF's ... ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. ttahNah. NJ. General Bill of Forms. 6/85 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( LBOF-9267 fIE 5735-0ZS This bill of forms nuaber is used to distribute PTF microfiche via SLSS. This form m.nnber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's ... ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. MahNah. NJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9275 QSIVS DItSICICS FEAT. 5740-XC5 Specific PTF detail information is provided in Index Order SYC8-0975 from SLSS. This bill of forms consists of LYC9-3000 to LYC9-3010. General Bill of Forms. 6/85 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SBOF-9280 XREF MICROFICHE ~ For information about this publication contact the controlling party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = SBOF-9281 XREF MICROFICHE ~ For information about this publication contact the controlling party. Refer to the Ccntrolling Party Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. General Bill of Forms SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = LBOF-9283 tIf!!A ASSEMBLY lISTINGS. 5668-920 LBOF-9270 Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Index Order SYC8-0975 from SLSS. This bill of forms consists of lYC93250 to lYC9-3261. General Bill of Forms. 6/85 SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GODH. 5748-XXif Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Index OrderSYC8-0975 from SLSS. This bill of forms consists of LYC9- 2350 to LYC9-2364. This form nunber is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's ... ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF central. ttahNah. NJ. General Bill of Forms. 6/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LBOF-9285 CICS ~ ~ FEAT. 5740-XXl Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Index Order SYC8-0975 from SLSS. This bill of forms consists of lYC92900 to lYC9-2913. General Bi 11 of For.... 6/85 SlSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9272 m .Y!:!!U. 5748-XXif Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Index OrderSYC8-0975 from SLSS. This bill of forms consists of LYC9- 2850 to LYC9-2857. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's ... ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. tta"'ah. NJ. General Bill of Forms. 6/85 SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ §l!l!!! LBOF-9273 f!if W!!U 5748-XXif Specific PTF detail infOrMation is provided in: Index OrderSYC8-0975 from SLSS. This bill of forms consists of LYC9- 2800 to LYC9-2807. This form number is for Distribution purposes only. only updated PTF's ... ill be sent. If back issues of PTF's are required. contact PTF Central. ttahlolah. NJ. General Bill of Forms. 6/85 ~ §!!!m SBOF-9287 XREF MICROFICHE 1m For information about tMs pubUcation contact the controlling party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price list. ZZ20-0100. General Bill of For... SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = SBOF-9288 343 (/ = MICROFICHE CICS For infol'llOltion about this publication contact the controlling party. Refer to the Controlling Party listing in the Publications Price list. ZZ20-0100. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ r O ." / LBOF SBOF ·iBOF-9289 KB!E MICROFICHE = ~ For information about this pWlicaticn ccntact the controlling party. Rafer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List, ZZ20-0100. General Bill of For.. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9290 MYSIDOCS NJg ~ .I&IIm MICROFICHE For information about this publication ccntact the controlling party 1080. Rafer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List, ZZ20-0100. This form number is for Distributicn purposes only, only updated PTF's will be sent. If back issues of PTF's ara required, contact PTF Central, MahNah, HJ. General Bill of Forms SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = LBOF-9293 DISTRIMED mImi EXECUTIVE m Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Index Order SYC8-0975 from SLSS. This bill of forMS consists of LYC73100 to LYC7-3107. General Bill of ForMS, 6/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9295 MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT ~ 5740-XIN THis bill of forms consists of fOrM numbers LYC9-3800, LYC93801, LYC9-3802, and LYC9-3803. General Bill of ForMS, 10/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9296 General Bill of FOrMS SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9306 MYS/370 Illli 5665-295 This bill of forllS consists of LYC9-3650 through LYC9-3653 (4 itellS). General Bill of ForllS, 10/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9308 COMPONENT Qf LBOF-9308 Specific PTF detail information is provided in: SJD2-6244 froll SLSS. General Bill of For.. , 10/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ Index Order LBOF-9315 I!AIA DIRECTORY Specific PTF detail infOrMation is provided in: Index Order SYC8-0975 from SLSS. This bill of forms consists of LYC73450 to LYC7-3461. General Bill of Forms, 6/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LBOF-9317 ~fl!!!~ Specific PTF detail inforMation i. provided in Index Order SYC8-0975 from SLSS. This bill of for.. consists of LYC7-3950 to LYC7-3958. General Bill of For.. , 6/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9320 I!YJ.!S iliA TRANSFER ~~ ~ This bill of fOrMS consists of form nuMbers LYC9-3750, LYC93751, LYC9-3752, and LYC9-3753. General Bill of Forms, 10/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This bill of for.. consists of LYDO-0401 and LYDO-0400. General Bill of Forms, 10/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9297 ACFtNCP ASSEMBLY .I.mnl!i 1m!. 5735-XX9 Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Index OrderSYC8-0975 froll SLSS. This bill of forms consists of LYC9- 2750 to LYC9-2764. This form number is for Distribution purposes only, cnly updated PTF's Nill be sent. ·If back issues of PTF's are required, contact PTF Central, MahNah, HJ. General Bill of For.. , 6/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9299 mnmf 1& Un-U8. COMPONENt J!f LBQF-9299 Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Index Order SYC8-0975 fro. SLSS. This bill of forMS consists of the follONing fOrM I1UIIIber LYD2-0001. General Bill of FOrMS, 6/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LBOF-9305 YSIIDOCS NJg ~ J&I:Im MICROFICHE For information about this pWlication ccntact the controlling party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List, ZZ20-0100. = LBOF-9321 ACF/YTAM. 5665-280 This bill of forms consists of fOrM numbers LYDO-0200, LYDO0201 and LYDO-0202. General Bill of Forms, 10/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9324 ASSEMBLY Specific PTF detail infoMlHltion is provided in: Index Order SJD2-6244 from SLSS. This bill of forms consists of LYC93700 to LYC9-3707. General Bill of For.. , 6/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~~ LBOF-9331 EU!:!I SERVICE FACILITY. 5665-215. neg UlI& This bill of forllS consist of ZWHl-5750. &eneral Bill of Forms, 1/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LBOF-9335 ~ fJI!I!Wt .Lm!BI Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Index order SYC8-0975 frOll SLSS. This bill of for.. consists of LYC7- ( LBll LBOF 3850 to LYC7-3860. 6eneral Bill of For... 6/85 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY devices. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 09/77 11115785-AAA/WT-ONLY !:B09-4005 SBll-5014 JEs/328X f!!!:!.! FACILITY EXTENDED PRINTER ~ f!!R R.!f 1Al!.lI PLOTTING. ill 5798-AAA DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIDNS. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This program description .nd operations manual describes the This publication provides a system overview. and general characteristics of the International Field Program. installation and operation details. The program extends the number 5785-AAA. This program makes it possible to process remote job entry (RJE) printer support provided by MVs/JES2. and print drawings on an IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem in • MVS/JES3. and OS/vSl/RES to include the family of 3270 MOre precise w.y than on • printer that uses points or printers (3287. 3289. 3262. 3268. 7436. etc). the 3767. asterisks. SDLC, and printers connected through the program product This manual .lso provides the user with the necessary network terminal option (NTO): 5735-XX7. information allowing him to modify the IFP. in order to Manual. 30 pages. 4/82 adapt it either to specific installation conditions or to ////5785-BAB special graphic usage. To implement these modifications. however. the user should hay•• good knowledge of the 1811 3800 Printing Subsystem and the IEBIMAGE Utility Progr.m. 5809-4006 see the Reference Manual for the IBM 3800 Printing ~ APPLICATION PRODUCTIVITY PACKA6E DESCRIPTIOHIOPERATIONS Subsyst.... 6A26-1635. Provides progr•• description and operation information for Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 50 pgs. 09177 the inst.ll.tion ••dministration •• nd end us .. of IHS APP ////5785-AAA/WT-ONLY (infor•• tion management system .pplication productivity p.ckage), to improve productivity in the design .nd development of applications. 6811-5020 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/82 HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL QE IHS/VS ~ ~ ////5785-CZ61WT-ONLY (HSSR). ill 5787-LAA. !f!lIill This Availability Notice explains the syst.... progra.. ing .nd installation of the program. 6B09-4007 This IfP was designed .s • high performance option to ~ APPLICATION PRODUCTIVITY ~ ~ improve throughput for sequential processing of large IMS/vs This document describes the progr.m product and provides data bases. inform.tion on price. ordering. installation. and service. This International Field Progr... was developed by .nd is Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/82 running at the Swiss Bank Corporation. Basel. Switzerland. ////5785-CZ6 Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 p.ges. 7/79 11115787-LAAlWT-ONLY 6811-5011 SYSTEM/UO .YmO ~ .PR!!::!! PROGRAM REPORTS !!.!. .YmO !.m!!i 5811-5021 II:!llB. .E.!.!.&lI At!!2 PROFILES. ill 5785-EAA. !':!Qng SYSTEM/UO HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL QE ~ ~ This Availability Notice for The International Field Program ~ VERSIONS ~ ill 5787-LAA. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VSPC Library Print Program. explains the Syst.... The Intem.tional Field Progr.m High Speed Sequenti.l Installation and other Requiruents of this Program. The VSPC Library Print Program provides the VSPC chief administrator with an easy aid to list all enrolled users and their profiles •• nd to list all file profiles currently in the VSPC library. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 07/77 11115785-EAAIWT-OHLY Retrieval (HSSR) was designed as high perfo.... nc. option to improve throughput for sequential retriev.l of l.rge physic.l IMS/VS Data B.ses. The Program Description and Oper.tions Manual of HSSR contains: - An Introduction - A Functional Description of HSSR - A list of supported functions and restrictions - A description of how to use HSSR: how to code an applic.tion program. how to code a PSB and how to code JeL for th....xecution of an applic.tion progra.. - A chapter about perfo.... nc.. figures - A chapter about inst.ll.tion. maintenance and problem determination - Messages .nd codes. It is necessary to have • knowledge of IHS/VS in order to underst.nd this ..nual. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 132 pages. 8179 ////5787-LAAlNT-ONLY 5811-5012 SYSTEM/370 VIRTUAL STORAGE PERSONAL COMPUTING LIBRARY PRINT (VSPCPBTIz DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS. fRQ§ PROD 5785-EAA The purpose of this manu.l is to provide the user with all the necessary information to understand. install. and use the VSPC Library Print Program (VSPCPRTI. I t describes the environment in Nhich the program runs. gives the JCL required to install. compile and execute it. and explains the headings and messages on the output reports. Finally. NOrd of waming is given reg.rding Mho should be all__d to use VSPCPRT. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 16 pgs. 6/77 /1115785-EAAIWT-ONLY m 6811-5013 1Al!.lI PLOTTING PROGRAM. i l l 5785-AAA. ~ This Availability Notice for the IBM 3800 Plotting Program explains the system. installation and other requirements. This International Field Program permits the creation of precise graphs on the 3800 printer vi. simple commands si.ilar to those used for drawings on plotters or graphic 345 ( LBl1-5022 SYSTEM/370 HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL 2E ~ ~ BASES VERSION ~ ill 5787-LAA. LOGIC High-Speed Sequenti.l Retrieval enables the user to subst.nti.lly reduce the processor time required for sequenti.l retrieval of large physical 1MS data bases ••nd may be regarded .s • high-speed sequenti.l retrieval option for IHS data bases. Because the el.psed time for sequential batch jobs in .n 1M! envirorwent is heavily depelldent on the alllOUl\t of LBll processor tin, the job elapsed tin is also substantially less with High-Speed Sequential Retrieval. This manual describes the functions and logic flow of the program. The reader should be familiar with IMS and should have read the High-Speed Sequential Retrieval Program Description and Operations Manual. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 56 pages, 8/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6811-5025 SYSTEM/370 QSIVS INTERACTIVE PL/I .El!B ~ fI.a PROCESSOR .El!B ~ PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC), Iff 5785-EAB, NOTICE This Availability Notice for the International Field Program Interactive PL/I Virtual Storage Personal Computing (VSPC), for the International Field Program, explains the Systl!lll, Installation and other requirements of this Program. VSPC PL/I is a single-pass batch compiler which operates under OSlVSl and OS/vS2 (MYS) VSPC. It provides a subset of the OS PL/I Optimizing Compiler Release 3.0 language level and is compatible at the source statement level with the OS PL/I Optimizing Compiler. VSPC PL/I provides a powerful, easy-to-use, programming language. Its facilities are appropriate to the VSPC interactive environment. VSPC PL/I is known to VSPC as a Foreground Processor with the name PLI. Thus it is accessible to any users of VSPC. A primary objective of VSPC PI/I is to provide a straightforward language illplementation which is easily invoked and understood. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, It pages, 09/77 6811-5070 !§H SISTEM/370 ~ CICS-IMS ONLINE INTERFACE, INTERACTIVE At:!!l QUEUED EXTENDED EZ2 SCREEN SUPPORT, INTERNATIONAL ~ PROGRAM 5785-DAW, ~ The CICS-IMS Online Interface (CIMONI) Availability Notice explains the System Features, Installation and other Requirements of this International Field Program, ClMONI. It also gives reference Baterial compatibility. ClMONI is used to create a link between an IMSIVS DBIDC System and a CICSIDOS/vS System. Each CICSIDOSIVS user benefits from facilities offered by IRSS and has the possibility to COIIIftIUnicate with IMS/vS in conversational mode, as Nell as in batch mode. It is then possible to implement a computer hierarchy, based on the distribution of date and functions. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6 pages, 2/78 5811-5071 SYSTEM/370 CICS-IM3 ~ INTERFACE ~ DESCRIPTION ~ DPERATIONS, INTERNATIONAL ~ ~ 5785-DAH The IBM Systeml370 CICS-IMS Online Interface Program Description and Operations Manual is designed to be used in conjunction with existing CICSIDOSIVS documentation. It describes the functions, the installation and the operating procedures of the CICS-IMS Online Interface. The International Field program contains the information to I"U"I a sample problem using the ClMONI features. The reader of this publication should have a basic knowledge of CICSIDOSIVS and be familiar with the CICSIDOSIVS and IMS/V5 terminology. The first part describes the basic structure and operating system requirements of ClMONI and gives functional specifications. The next part indicates how to write application programs and describes installation procedures with instructions on how to use CIMONI. Instructions on installing and executing the ClMONI sample programs and a list of usable _sages and abend codes are given in the last chapters. Requisite Publications: 5811 IMS/VS Application Prograll1llling Reference, Stf20-9026 IMSIVS System Programming Reference Manual, SH20-9027 IMS/VS Message Format Service User's Guide, SH20-9053 IMS/VS Messages and Codes Reference Manual, SH20-9030 Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 100 pages, 2/78 11115785-DAWIWT-ONLY LBU-5072 !§H SYSTEM/370 CICS-IMS ~ INTERFACE SYSTEMS GUIDE, INTERNATIONAL FIELD ~ 5785-DAW The IBM Systeml370 CICS-IMS Online Interface Systems Guide provides a description of the internal logic of each ClMONl International Field Program. It is intended for system programmers in charge of the maintenance of ClMONI systems. To understand this manual, the reader should have a good knowledge of CICS/DOSIVS, be familiar with the usual BTAN line procedures, and have a basic knowledge of IMS/VS. The manual describes the functional structure of CIMONI and the relationship between CICSIDOSIVS, IMs/vS the user's application programs and the CIMONI systetll programs. The second part of the manual describes how the ClMONI system programs are written and the assembling and cataloging of single ClMONI programs. Part 3 describes the functions and contents of the tables exclusively used by the CIMONI programs, as Nell as the contents of the CICSIVS areas accessed by the ClMONI task. Part It des·cribes hON the COMINI system can be modified, if necessary. Prerequisite publications: ClMONI Program Description and Operation, 5811-5071 IHS/VS Appl i cat i on Progra .... i ng Reference, SH20-9026 IMS/VS System Programming Reference Manual, SH20-9027 IHS/VS Hessage Format Service User's Guide, SH20-9053 Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 128 pages, 2/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY / G811-5088 ~ PERFORMANCE EN!!ANCEMENT-DOSIVS i ill PROS 5785-DAX, NOTICE ~ DL/I Performance Enhancement organizes the physical position of root segments of data bases and their dependents, according to their frequency of usage. The objective is to reduce as far as possible the physical movement of the disk arm, thereby reducing the elapsed time required to process jobs. Information about the frequency of root segment usage may be provided to the performance aid. For Bill of Material data bases, the performance aid'can predict the frequency of the usage of root segments, using as a basi. their frequency of occurrence in other 8ill of Material structures. Wi th the DL/I Performance Enhancement, it may be possible to: • Reduce the time required for processing • Reduce the frequency of data base reorganization Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6 pages, 6/78 5Bl1-5089 ~ PERFORMANCE EN!!ANCEtlENT-DOSIVS i ~ ill E!Q§ 5785-DAX' DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DLII Perfor.ance Enhancement organizes the physical position of root segments of data bases and their dependents, according to their frequency of usage. The objective is to reduce a. far as possible the physical IIOYelllent of the disk a MIl , thereby reducing the elapsed time required to process jobs. Information about the frequency of root segment usage may be ~rovided to the performance aid. For Bill of Material data bases, the performance aid can predict the ( 5811 6811 frequency of the usage of root segments. using as a basis S811-5228 their frequency of occurrence in other Bill of tlaterial IMS/vS APPLICATION CONTROL SYSTEM. IFP 5787-NAC. TERMINAL structures. USER'S GUIDE With the DL/I Performance Enhancement. it ..y be IMS/vS Application Control System. in this manual referred possible to reduce both the time required for processing and to as CECILIA. aids in developing and operating IHS/VS the frequency of data base reorganization. applications to .ake them truly conversational and closely Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 5/78 adapted to the needs of the end user. ////5785-DAX/WT-ONLY This lIanual describes in detail the structure and contents of the CECILIA Job Management Dialog. It is intended as a reference document and its contents should be SBl1-5223 adapted to suit the needs of the individual terminal user. CONVERSION ~ SYSTEM 1 TO S/370 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIct~ For further information on CECILIA. refer to the This publication provides the information required by a user following publications: who wants to migrate from a SysteM/3 to a System/370 under IMS/vs Application Control Systell. General Infor.ation DOS/vS. It contains the information needed to convert tlanual. 6611-5225 programs and files and to prepare the corresponding control IHS/VS Application Control SysteM. cards. The assistance concerning file distribution is mOre Application Programming Reference Manual. S811-5226 meaningful when the user is familiar with the physical IHS/VS Application Control System. Systelll Progra.. ing location of his files. Reference Manual. S811-5227 tlanual. 8 1/2 x 11 i nC:hes. 78 pages. 9/78 IMS/VS Application Control Systell. Messages and Codes ////5785-KAC/WT-ONLY tlanual. SBII-5445 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 01/80 ////5787-NAC/WT-ONLY GBl1-5225 IMS/vs APPLICATION 9!!!RQ.l. SYSTEM. He 5787-NAC. GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL 6811-5249 IMS/vS Application Control Syst... in this manual referred SYSTEM/370 ~ Afb APLVS Afb COMPLEMENTARY FUNCTIONS. to as CECILIA. aids in developing and operating IMS/vS He 5785-DBX. -DBY. tlQ!ill applications to ....ke the.. truly conversational and closely APL Complementary Functions are aesigned to: adapted to the needs of the end user. Increase programmer productivity This manual describes in general ter... for users. Aid in program structuring designers. and progralll1Rers. how CECILIA works in practice Handle user-defined data types and how it can be implemented. Some familiarity with IMs/vs • Illustrate APL programming techniques. is required for an understanding of this ..nual. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 12/78 tlanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 1/80 ////5785-D8X.5785-D8Y/WT-ONLY ////5787-NAC/WT-ONLY S811-5226 IMS/vs APPLICATION CONTROL SYSTEM. He 5187-NAC. APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFEREt~E The IMS/vS Application Control System. in this ..nual referred to as CECILIA. aids in developing and operating IHS/VS applications to make them truly conversational and closely adapted to the needs of the end user. This publication is intended for application progra_rs and systelll analyst. Prerequisite publication is: IMS/vS Application ControlSystem. General Information Manual. G811-5225 Associated publications are: IMS/vs Application Control Syst... Syst.. Progra_ing Reference Manual. S811-5227 IHS/VS Application Control Syst.... Terllinal User's Guide. S811-5228 IHS/VS Application Control Syst.... Messages and Codes. Manual. 5811-5445 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 86 pages. 01/80 ////5787-NAC/WT-ONLY 5811-5227 APPLICATION ~ sySTEM. ill 5787-NAC. SYSTEM PROGRAMMING REFERENCE This document is intended for the systelll progra_er Mho is to install and ... intain the IHS/VS Application Control System referred to in this ..nual as CECILIA. It describes how to initially install the product. maintain it and ..ke any desired changes to it. The user of this manual should already be falliliar with the CECILIA terminology as described in the General Infor... tion tlanual: 6811-5224. tlanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 204 pages. 3/80 ////5787-NAC/WT-ONLY ~ SBl1-5250 Afb COMPLEMENTARY FUNCTIONS. He 5785-D8X. =1m! DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This manual describes the set of APL Complementary Functions available as an International Field Program for VS APL running under Vl'V370-CMS. VSPC. or TSO and for APLSV. It is intended for APL users Nho want to use Complementary Functions in their 0Nn problem solving or application programming. Therefore. elementary knowledge of APL is a prerequisite for using the lIanual. In this introduction. the concept of APL Complementary Functions as language extension is explained and related to the structured programming .ethod of other programming languages. Syntax. a description of arguments and result. and an example of its use are given for each Complementary Function. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 96 pages. 12/78 ////5785-DBX.5785-DBY/WT-ONLY LBl1-5251 Afb COMPLEMENTARY FUNCTIONS. He 5785-DPX. -D8Y, SYSTEMS GUIDE This ..anual is intended for users of the APL Complementary Functions who want to refer to the program listings in order to either modify the functions to meet particular needs or to study the programming techniques applied. Syntax. description of arguments and result. an example. and the function listing are given for each function. Basic knowledge of APL is required to read this publication. tlanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 76 pages. 4/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 347 ( 6811 6811-5258 5811 5811-5267 .Ii.Ilmm l!lm.H IJUg INTERPRETATION pACKAGE. ~ ASSEMBLER CONVERSION !lD f!m! ~ ASSEMBLER. !EP 5785-DCA. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS !EP 5785-DBW. ~ The IBM 3850 Mass Storage System Trace Interpretation The IBM Assembler Conversion Aid from Siemens Assembler Package (MSSTIP) is a set of progralllS for processing Mass converts Siemens BS 1000 assembler programs to DOS/vs or Storage System Trace data to produce reports on Mass Storage DOS/VSE. This manual contains the description of the System activity for status and perfo,..ance analysis. program logic. The raN Mass Storage System Trace data is the source of Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 64 pages. 7/79 ////5785-DCA/WT-ONLY information for the evaluation of subsystem performance. A reformatted data set. created from the raN Mass Storage System Trace data. can be used as input to high level language programs. The package containS program written in LB11-5268 Assembler language and PLII to create various reports and ~ ASSEMBLER CONVERSION !lD f!QH ~ ASSEMBLER. statistical information about Mass Storage System activity. ill 5785-DCA. SYSTEMS GUIDE These reports assist the system programmer in determining The IBM Assembler Conversion Aid from Siemens Assembler the reasons for subsystem problems. The reformatted data converts Siemens BS 1000 assembler program to DOS/vs or set can serve the user as a base for Nriting additional Mass DOS/vsE. This manual contains the description of the Storage Systea Trace report progralllS of his own. program logic. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 2/79 are described for SOlDt! examples only. HOMever. the techniques being used will be discussed in detail. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 38 pages. 7/79 SB11-5259 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 3850 ~ STORAGE SYSTEM TRACE INTERPRETATION pACKAGE. !EP 5785-DBW. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS Runs under any OS/vS Operating System supporting IBM 3850 5811-5288 (Mass Storage System). Because part of the program is ATTACHED PARTITION PROCESSOR. ill 5785-EAG. written in PLII. installation of the IBM PLII optimizing DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS Compiler is required. The Attached Partition Processor is designed to _bl. This publication contains "hoM to install." "hoM to DOS/VS users to increase their average level of use." and reference information concerning the Mass Storage multiprogramming and. as a result. to improve the System Trace Interpretation package. For information about productivity of their computer systems. the internals of the package see the Syst_ Guide. Frequently the steps of a job are related. although they LBl1-5260. Basic knowledge of the Mass Storage System are not alNays totally interdependent. They are often rU'\ functions and the IDCAMS TRACE-COIIRnd is required. as consecutive steps of a job for operational convenience. Manual. 58 pages. 1/79 The Attached Partition Processor allows users to rU'\ ////5785-DBW/WT-ONLY non-dependent steps of a job simultaneously. This is achieved by 'attaching' additional partitions and rU'\ning selected steps in them. LB11-5260 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 98 pages. 9/80 ////5785-EAGIWT-ONLY 1iWI ~ mm.!§g ~ IJUg INTERPRETATION PACKAGE. ill 5785-DBW. SYSTEMS GUIDE Runs under any OS/vS Operating System supporting IBM 3850 (Mass Storage System). Because part of the program is LBl1-5289 Nritten in PLII. installation of the IBM PL/I Optimizing AUACHED PARTITION PROCESSOR. ill 5785-EAG Compiler is required. The Attached Partition Processor is designed to _ble This publication contains infol'llation for system and DOs/vs users to increase their average levelof application programmers who handle program modification and multiprogramming and. as a result. to improve the program maintenance for the Mass Storage System Trace productivity of their computer systelllS. Interpretation Package. For further information about the Frequently the steps of a job are related. although they package and its reports. refer to the source code and to the are not always totally interdependent. They are often rU'\ Mass Storage System Trace Interpretation Package Program as consecutive steps of a job for operational convenience. Description and Operations Manual. 5811-5259. The Attached Partition Processor allows users to run Manual. 32 pages. 1/79 non-dependent steps of a job simultaneously. This is SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY achieved by 'attaching' additional partitions and rU'tning selected steps in them. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 9/80 6811-5266 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ASSEMBLER CONVERSION !lD f!QH SIEMENS ASSEMBLER. !EP 5785-DCA. NOTICE This prograM assists in the conversion of Assembler prograllll SB11-5309 written for the BS 1000 of Siemens into IBM Assembler SYSTEM/370 ~ ~ GENERALIZED SYNONYMS ANALYZER language. for assembly and axecution on an IBM/370 or 4300 PROGRAM OPERATIONS. 5785-GAH Processor. IMS/vS HDAM Generalized synonyms Analyzer Progra. helps in It is designed so that conversions fro Siem_ BS 1000 evaluating keys distribution performed by a randCltlizing to IBM may be accomplished with re6.lced effort and in algorit~. for an IMS/VS HDAM data base. reduced ti ... It alloNS the user to analyze and plot the way a The user must still verify the proper execution of particular randCltlizing IIOdule Norks without really loading converted progra. on any configuration he plans to use. the data base. The program nevertheless. handles real not Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 3/79 sillUlated data. The user can thus select the IIIO&t effective SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY rando.izing module and set off parameters (such as space allocation for Root Addressable Area (RAA). number of Root Anchor Points (RAP per block). thus resulting in improved performances. more efficient space utilization and. last but not least. reducing the need for data base reorganization. 1§i!l ~ ( 5811 LBll Used against existing data bases. this tool provides the Data Base Administrator with an inexpensive and easy-to-use way of evaluating the need for data base reorganization and the most effective set of parameters to use for reorganized data base. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 38 pages. 1/79 ////5785-GAH/WT-ONLY GBl1-5315 1m3 COBOL CONVERSION Am .EB.Q!:'I ~ .!;Q§Q.!, UNDER DOSIVS. DOSIVSE. !!:!!l OSIVS. ill 5785-DCB. NOTICE This Conversion Aid package was written to .inimize the ...nual intervention required in conversion of the COBOL progralls. The progra. operates under DOSIVS or OSIVS on a Systenll370 or 333X. or under DOSIVSE or OSIVS on a 4300 Processor. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 7/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( 5811-5316 SIEMENS-IBM COBOL CONVERSION ~ i l l 5785-DCS' DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This eenual describes programs and procedures designed to assist in the conversion of S i _ COBOL programs to IBM ANS COBOL. the systell described here operates U'\der DOSIVS. DOSIVSE. or OSIVS. . By using this progra•• conversions froe Siemens COBOL to IBM ANS COBOL can be accomplished with reduced effort and in reduced time. Also. since it is designed so that the user of the'prograe need not be aware of the way the conversion actually takes place. clerical errors can be avoided. The user must still verify the proper execution of converted prograMS on any configuration he plans to use. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 46 pages. 3179 ////5785-DCBINT-ONLY All sections of this .anual assUlle a knowledge of 1900 Series and IBM data formats. 1900 Series Magnetic Tape Housekeeping Standards. the record forllats available under DOSIVSE and the DOSIVSE job control statements necessary to assellble. link edit and execute a prograe which processes sequential disk or tape files. tlanual. 8 112 zx 11 inches. 40 pages. 6/79 ////5785-EAR/WT-ONLY SBl1-5325 APPLICATION DISPLAY SERVICES. ill 5785-AAE. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This Jllanual provides guidance for the installation and use of the Application Display Services prograll. This program executes under the Conversational Monitor Syst.... a component of VI1/370. The program is an application ... nagement tool which siliplifies the design. implementation and testing of fullscreen support services for interactive application programs NrVling under VI1ICHS. The progra. provides autaatic code generation for PVI and COBOL application progralls. I t also supports the docueentation of screen layouts by preparing SCRIPT files for printouts. tlanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 38 pages. 11/79 ////5785-......E/WT-ONLY 5811-5329 IWil!W INPUTIOUTPUI FACILITY. ill 5785-HAA. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The Display INput/OUtput Facility International Field Progra. is a full-screen input/output facility for Virtual Machinel370 Conversational Monitor Systell. designed to utilize the features of both local and remote display terminals. It is written to be driven fro. CHS EXEC files. tlanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 12179 ////5785-HAAINT-ONLY GBl1-5318 1m3 ~ ll!& CONVERSION Am .EB.Q!:'I ill .l!U mill fl2B!!!I ill 5785-EAR. HQ!l&S Conversion of sequential data files frOll the ICL* 1900 Series to IBM DOSIVSE is a tille-c0n5Ul11ing process requiring an extensive knowledge of the data formats of both systeMS. together with programming skill. in IBM ....sellbler Language. With the IBM DOSIVSE fro. ICL 1900 Series File Conversion 'Aid. a progralllftler or analyst ...y convert sequential data files with little or no knowledge of the detailed data . .nipulation involved in the conversion. The user describes the format of the ICL 1900 Series file and the required IBM file forllat using a .imple macro language. Field lengths and field types are specified using this languagel the Conversion Aid takes care of the detailed file handling and data conversion. * ICL is the tradl!llark of International COIIIPUters Li.ited Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 10/79 ////5785-EAR/WT-ONLY .3811-5319 SYSTEHl370 !If !J!!l PROCESSOR. DOSIVSE CONVERSION !!!l .EB!!I! i l l 12!!lI BRill flm!1AL. ill 5785-EAR. DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS The IBM DOSIVSE Conversion Aid frOll ICL 1900 Series Format assists progra....rs and analysts with the task of converting serial files froll the International Computers Li.ited 18900 Seri es to IBM DOSIVSE. File conversion is a complex task which needs assembler progra. . ing skills togethe~ with a detailed knowledge of both 1900 Series and IBM data foruts. This Conversion Aid provides the user with a COMprehensive set of conversion facilities and 'enables a relatively inexperienced user to generate "tailored" file conversion prograMS. 5811-5332 SYSTEM/370 NETWORK ~ PRO§RAMIVS START/STOP ~ TRANSFORM. !ff 5785-EAF. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This ...nual is intended to provide an installation syst_ programmer with detailed information regarding the fU"Ctions. operation. and ;nstallation of the progra•• This Manual ;ncludes a description of installation prerequisites such as the generation of a suitable NCP or PEP. and also provides operating procedures for both the system operator and the terminal user. The reader is assUlled to be fa.il;ar w;th the installation and specifications of TSO. VTAM. and NCPIVS. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 44 pages. 8/79 ////5785-EAF/WT-ONLY LB11-53!! SYSTEM/370 1!lltf!m!S ~ PROSRAMIVS START/STOP ~ TRANSFORM, ill 5785-EAF, mll!lli GUIDE Thi ....nual is designed to prov;de detailed ;nfol'llation about the techn;ques used by and the method of operation of the progra•• This ....nual ;. intended for system prograllllllers who have a need to diagnose any problems that lIay occur during the running of the program. or who plan to enhance the progra. by providing additional facilities. The reader is assumed to be fa.iliar Kith 3705 Communication Controller hardware. to have a working knowledge of SNA data flot., and to be acquainted with the operation of the Start/Stop terminals ..... ich are to be used with the prograM. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 8179 lILSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 349 SBll 5811 5811-5335 YI!bI!! SENERATOR. lEE 5785-LAS, DESCRIPTION/DPERATIONS This VSl Utility 6enerator (VSIUG) is a powerful tool for system programmers. operators. and less trained system users who wish to use OSIVSI syste. utilities with a minimal effort. Jobs involving syst... utilities as they occur in each OSIVSI install.tion can be performed with great ease and efficiency on a master console. I1CS console. or any vttlCl15 terminal. The user can solve his problems in a conversational manner. with the V51 Utility Generator guiding him and checking the replies. JCL errors and utility statement errors are largely eliminated. This manual describes the capabilities of the syst... and the program. It is both a syste. description and an installation and operations reference . .nual. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 46 pages. 4179 generate standard reports. No application prograllllling is needed for these functions. Data is stored in a flexible manner which permits indexing on any field. As a result. it is very simple to define nell reports using existing dat•• The data structure can be extended at any ti . . lIithout reorganizing existing data, thus nell applic.tions can be added lIithout .ffecting existing production work. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 07/83 11115785-EAP.5785-EAQIWT-ONLY ~ 6811-5341 11115785-LASIWT-ONLY 5811-5337 = ill I!.I.a INTERFACE. lEE 5785-FAL. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This manual provides information about the functions and the installations tasks for the VS APL-DLII interface IFP. This program is a generalized interface between VS APL running under VS PC and DVI. It is running as an auxiliary processor for VS PC and it can be used as a batch program in a DB syste. or controlled by an online DB-DC (II15IVS) system. The vs APL user can directly read from online data bases. One request can result in a large number of DL I calls and only the interesting segment fields will be translated and passed to the APL user in a character vector for.at. The interface can handle any number of simultaneously active APL users and can extract from any number of data beses (logical. physical. support of secondary indexes). The data bases or segments can be protected by passwords. For editing purposes user exits can be called. Start-up parameters are available to adapt the interface to specific installation requirements. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 34 pages. 5179 11115785-FALIWT-ONLY ~ ~ gygyg ~ lEE 5785-SAJ. NOTICE S/370 1l!1l5 PROCESSORS. The IMSIVS Queue Loader (IQL) bes i c component is an IHS application prograM that runs in a batch message processing (BMP) region. which can feed IMSIVS Message Queue data sets on the besis of data communication records extracted from a log tape of a previous IMS run. The log tape contains the transaction mix and rate that the user Nishes to employ as the besis of IQL runs. IQL is designed to assist the system progr......r responsible for the maintenance and tuning of the II15IVS systo in performing regression tests during migrations to nell II15IVS IIOrkload. In this w.y;the performance and resource utilization may be optimized. In order to a11_ the evaluation of future requirements. the user can also sillUlate an increase in the syst... IIOrkload for . .asuring response tille and throughput trends. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 7/80 11115785-SAJIWT-ONLY 5811-5342 II15IVS ~ LOADER. lEE 5785-SAJ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The II15IVS Queue Loader (IQL) bas i c component is an IMS application progr.m that runs in a batch I185sage processing (BMP) region. which can feed II15IVS Message Queue d.ta sets on the besis of data cOllllllunication recordS extracted from a log tape of a previous 1115 run. The log tape contains the transaction mix and rate that the user lIishes to employ as the besis of IQL runs. By means of IQL. an 1115 situation may be repeated IIOre than once to test different IMS functions. to·measure SBl1-5339 performances Nhi Ie changi ng some 1115 parameters. or to evaluate system behavior at different transaction rates. DATA MAPPINS PROGRAM. 5785-EAP. =U!.a. DESCRIPTIotVOPERATIQHS The Data Mapping Program is a data manager designed for nonA great deal of effort has been given to making this progralllllers. tool as 1115 release-independent as possible and to Using simple comands. an end user can define hi. data minimizing its impact on the IMS syst.... structure and enter. update. and delete data which is Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 50 pages. 4/79 immediately available for query at the terllinal. He can 11115785-SAJIWT-ONLY generate ad hoc reports interactively and store co.mands to generate standard reports. No application prograuing is needed for these functions. 5811-5344 Data is stored in a flexible manner ..... ich perllits SYSTEM/370 t!!!!mIS S!H!B2!. .PRmi!!6!:I BUILDER. lEE 5785-I;AL indexing on any field. As a result. it is very simple to DESCRIPTIONIQPERATIONS define new reports using existing data. A major effort in setting up and maintaining Systems Network The data structure can be extended at any time lIithout Architecture (SHA) netNorks is the construction and reorganizing existing data. thus nell applications can be modification of Network Control Programs (NCPs). added without affecting existing production IIOrk. The Network control Program Builder program creates NCP Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 07/83 source programs from simple tables built by the user. It 11115785-EAP.5785-EAQIWT-ONLY also automatically generates all the required node naMeS according to a tried and tested. universally applicable convention. thus saving the user the effort of devising hi. 5811-5340 own conventi on. Partitioned Emulation Programs (PEPs) and local or !!A!!fn!§ PROGRAM. 5785-EAP. =U!.a. ~ i!.I.ml The Data Mapping Program is a data manager designed for nonrBIIIDt. NCPs can be constructed using the program. progr.mmers. This manual provides the information needed to Using simple comands. an and user can define his data understand. install. and successfully use the NCP Builder structure and enter. update. and delete data which is program. immediately available for query at the terminal. He can An understanding of Systems Network Architecture and g_rate ad hoc reports interactively and store _nels to particularly NetNOrk Control Programs is also required. = am 350 SB11 5811 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 118 pages. 8/79 implement corrections. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 8/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 11115785-EAL SBl1-5351 CONVERSION Am SYSTEHl3 ll! DOSIVSE. ill 5785-KAD. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This publication provides the information required by a user who wants to migrate from a System/3 to IBM 4300 Processor U'lder DOSIVSE. It contains the inforMation needed to convert programs and files and to prepare the corresponding control card. This conversion aid simplifies conversion frOM an IBM System/3 to DOSIVSE. It converts complete S/3 RPG Batch Job streams. including source statements. job control. file definitions data. and utilities. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 92 pages. 7179 6811-5358 IBM COBOL CONVERSION Am FROM I:!!;R COBOL. ill 5785-DCD. !:!lUru The IBM COBOL Conversion Aid frOll NCR COBOL International Field Program is a series of programs and subroutines. designed to assist in: • Converting programs written in NCR Century COBOL into IBM ANS COBOL. for compilation and execution under DOSIVSE on an IBM 4300 processor • Converting data files written in NCR Century data formats into data formats acceptable to the IBM 4300 system. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 9179 11115785-KADIWT-ONLY ( 11115785-DCDIWT-ONLY 6811-5352 SYSTEM/370 OSIVSI AND m Yf.r. t1eJ. gg .!.ill MULTI-ACCESS m!QQJ. ~ .!Q§li SCHEDULING. ill 5785-GAK. NOTICE The Chained Job Scheduling program. running under the OS operating system, controls the execution of a set of jobs linked by logical dependencies. The program. using control cards defining the consequential links. permits execution of the single jobs at the appropriate time. The prograll receives. by lIeans of standard System Management Facilities ISMF) exits. communications frOlll the operating system on event course and controls the job queue. releasing the jobs Nhich lIay be executed. An automatic operator function is perfor....d. This availability notice describes the prograM and contains information to enable the user to perforll the operations required to install and run it. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages, 11/79 5811-5353 S/370 CHAINED JOBS SCHEDULING. ill 5785-6AK. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The Chained Jobs Scheduling program controls the execution of a set of jobs linked by logical dependencies. At any moment. the user May check the progress of each set of jobs because for each job he has global and detailed information concerning its activity. status, and end-of-job condition. All the functions are autonomously perforMed by the program without any modification to the operating system. thus making the prograM fully independent of I'K!N versions or releases of the operating systell. This manual describes the program and contains information to enable the user to perform the operations required to install and run it. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 72 pages. 8/79 11115785-6AKINT-ONLY LB11-5354 ~ .Hm.li SCHEDULING PROGRAM. ill 5785-GAK. LOGIC The Chained Jobs Scheduling program controls the execution of a set of jobs linked by logical dependencies. At any moment, the user may check the progress of each set of jobs because for each job he has global and detai led inforllation concerning its activity, status, and end-of-job condition. All the functions are autonomously perforMed by the p"ogram without any modification to the operating system. thus making the prog,..m fully independent of neN versions or "eleases of the operating system. This manual provides detailed inf_mation on the pl"Dg"a. a"chitecture and logic. Its pu"pose is to enable the user to make his own modifications, diagnose ."rors, and .lilm 5811-5359 ill 578S-DCD. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This International Field Program converts NCR Century COBOL programs to IBM DOS Full ANS COBOL programs. This manual describes the processing. installation. and operation of the conversion system. Users must still verify proper execution of the converted programs or of any configuration they are plaming to use. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 112 pages. 9/76 nJj COBOL CONVERSION AID FROH I:!!;R COBOL. 11115785-DCDIWT-ONLY 5811-5367 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS LOCAL DISPLAY TERMINAL SIMULATOR The MYS Local Display Terminal Simulator is intended to assist system programming staff in the areas of system performance tuning. systeM workload prediction. system stress and function testing. as well as in terminal application function testing. It does this by providing a method of simulating the locally attached IBM 3277 Model 2. using standard system functions. It does not require system taodification and can be run on a range of MYS operating systems. This lIanual is intended Mainly fa" systems prog"a_rs with a knowledge of the IBM 3270 system. who will be "esponsible for installing and using LOTS. Manual 11115785-EAYIWT-ONLY 6811-5370 COBOL CONVERSION Am FROM 1£!. PLAN 5787-EAC. -EAD. H2!ru Conversion (or rewriting) of PLAN program can be a timeCDnSlaing part of the translation to IBM prograllS. These conversion aids are designed to automate IICSt of the translation of the prograll into COBOL and to provide guidance to assist manual completion of the translation and production of executable COBOL programs. The aids also assist the introduction of agreed practices on high-level language programs for easier prograM maintenance. and can reduce the cost of retraining staff to use IBM systems. Users IlUSt still verify proper execution of the converted progra_ on any configuration they ara planning to use. ICL is a trademark of International Computers li.ited. Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches, 4 pages. 12179 11/15787-EAC.5787-EADIWT-ONLY 351 (/ 5811 5811 • A _ans to reduce start-up-time and effort • . A means to spread installation experience and standards and thereby speed up application illlplementation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 84 pages. 9/80 ////S785-6AQIWT-ONLY 5Bll-S38S TAPE ERROR CONTROL mntI.a. ill S785-EAX. OESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The Tape Error Control systea consists of a suite of programs lIIhich report upon and enable control of errors relating to magnetic tapes and tape drives. The detailed accuracy provided by this system (illlpracticable with .anual methods) gives the user the information necessary to obtain optimum performance from magnetic tapes and their units. This manual provides the user with sufficient infor.ation to understand. install. and run the system. In addition. the various reports produced by the syst. . are illustrated. Manual. 8 1/2 x l i i nches, 30 pages. 11/79 ////S78S-EAXIWT-ONLY 6811-5406 DATA 0011-5402 CONVERSION Am !!!H gmQJ. CONVERSION Am fR!l!:I fml!I ~ ill 578S-JAD This Conversion Aid is a series of prograes and procedures designed to assist in the conversion of FACOH* COBOL programs to IBM COBOL programs. If the Conversion Aid is not used. differences between FACOM COBOL and IBM COBOL must be resolved manually for each individual program. The Conversion Aid was written to minimize such manual intervention. *Facom is a trademark of Fujitsu Ltd. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 11/79 ////S785-JADIWT-ONLY 5811-5403 ImI COBOL CONVERSION Am fR!l!:I FACOM COBOL. ill S78S-JAD. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This conversion Aid is a series of progra. . and procedures designed to assist in the conversion of FACOM COBOL progra. to IBM COBOL programs. It is designed to operate on an IBM Syste1ll/370. an IBM 303X Processor. or an IBM 4300 Processor. It operates under OOS/VS. DOs/vSE. OS/VS or VM/CMS. Mini_ storage requirement under DOS/vsE is S12k. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 76 pages. 11/79 ////S78S-JADIWT-ONLY 6811-5404 INTERACTIVE ~ IMPLEMENTATION &!ll TUTORIAL SYSTEM. ill S78S-GAll. NOTICE The IMS/VS Interactive Screen IlIIpleMentation and Tutorial Syst_ is designed for easy and fast· entering of data required to build Message For. . t Service (MFSI control blocks. It provides: • An easy-to-use. easy-to-leem tool for progra_rs and application specialists • A means to reduce development ti_ and effort • A means to reduce start-up-ti . . and effort • A means to spread installation experience and standards and thereby speed up application illlpleMntation. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 9/80 ////5785-GAQIWT-ONLY ~ SBl1-540S IMS/vS INTERACTIVE SCREEN IMPLEMENTATION At!!2 TUTORIAL SYSTEM. ill S78S-GAQ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The IMS/vS Interactive Screen IlIIplementation and Tutorial Syst_ is designed for easy and fast entering of data required to build Message Fo,..at Service (MFSI control blocks. It provides: • An easy-to-use. easy-to-leern tool for progra...rs and application specialists • A _ans to reduce developeent tiM and effort Bm SESHENTS DISTRIBUTION ANALYZER. ill S785-GAR. t!QI!g The Data Base Segments Distribution Analyzer (DBSDAI is a productivity tool for the design. lIOrIitoring. and tuning of a DV1 data base. By means of histogra... it shows the dbtribution of the number of occurrences of dependent segments. at each level. within data base records or the distribution of the number of dependent segments of a given segment type. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 05/80 ////S785-GARIWT-ONLY 5811-5407 §ill SEGMENTS DISTRIBl1TION ANALYZER. Iff S785-GAR. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The Data Base Segments Distribution Analyzer (OBSOAI is a productivity tool for the design. monitoring. and tuning of a DVI data base. By means of histograms. it sheNs the distribution of the number of occurrences of dependent segments. at each level. within data base records or the distribution of the number of dependent segments of a given segment type. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 5/80 ////5785-GARIWT-ONLY l!AIA 6811-5408 CONVERSION ill fmf §!lgI :lim STREAMS. ill S785-EBF The process of converting batch application prograllS frOll OOS/VS or DOS/vsE to MYS requires identification of progra. and files that need to be converted. the ability to convert accurately large amounts of job control language (JCLI. and sufficient information to create a detailed project plan. This Conversion Aid for Batch Job Streams is designed to lIOnitor the OOS/VS applications (in this document OOS/VS includes OOS/vsE U"Iless otherwise statedl and to provide a printed profile containing the programs and files actually used. It thus identifies the prograllS and files that need to be converted. This information can be used in project planning. particularly for setting up realistic checkpcints. and for planning unpower and uchine tiM requi ......ents. The Conversion Aid also constructs the MVS JCL required to run the original applications. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 11/80 ////578S-EBF 5811-5409 CONVERSION Am fmf §!lgI .I.!!! STREAMS. Iff S78S-EBF. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The Conversion aid for Batch Job Strea_ (Progra. Nullber 5785-EBFI is an International Field Progra. designed to assist in Hving application programs from a OOS/VS or OOS/vsE environment to an MYS environment. In the docUlllentation for this progra •• the te.... Dos/vs will include OOS/vsE unless otherwise stated. This . .nual describes the programs which uke up the Conversion Aid. their installation. use. and possible lIOdification. All prograM are designed to run under OOS/vs. and some can be run under MYS or CMS as an alternative. Therefo.... the user is assumed to have a working knowledge of OOS/VS and an appreciation of MVS or CMS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 136 pages. 12/80 ////5785-EBFIWT-ONLY 352 ./ ( SBll 6811 6811-5410 llAmi TERttINAL fill fA!I:I SUPPORT. ill 5785-CAA. !!QIlg Productivity in the testing of IttSlVS Fast Path applications aay be increased by effective use of the Batch TeMllinal Fast Path SUpport (BTFPS) International Field Program. BTFPS assists the programmer in testing and documenting IttSIVS Fast Path application programs quickly and thoroughly. BTFPS i. a terminal siMUlator that allows online II1SIVS Fast Path application programs to be tested in a simplified II1SIVS envi ronment Ni thout extens i ve use of teleprocess i ng hardlolare. It provides II1SIVS Fast Path users with a comprehensive aeans of checking and debugging. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 6/80 .3811-5411 BATCH TERttINAL ~ e6IH SUPPORT. ill 5785-CAA. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The Batch Terminal Fast Path Support extend. the capabilities of the Batch Terminal SiMUlator II to allow II1SIVS DL/I or Fast Path application to be tested in an II1SIVS batch BeSsage processing environment. In addition to the Fast Path support. BTFPS provides extended support for system calls. This publication provides a general description of BTFPS in terms of changes or extensions to BTS II. ttanual. 8 112 xlii nches. 52 pages. 6/80 111/5785-CAAIWT-ONLY SBl1-5415 1m! COBOL CONVERSION Am IBm! UNIVAC COBOL. ill 5785-JAC. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This Conversion Aid is a series of progralll5 and procedures designed to assist in the conversion of UNIVAC COBOL programs to IBN COBOL programs. It is designed to operate on an IBtt System/370. an IBtt 303X Processor. or an IBtt 4300 Processor. It operates under DOS/VS. DOSIVSE. OS/Vs. or VM/CNS. Minieum storage requirements under DOSIVSE is 512K. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 01/80 /1115785-JACIWT-ONLY SB11-5445 ~ APPLICATION ~ SYSTEtt. ill 5787-NAC. !W. 1... !:!Q!Uf II MESSAGES At!!l COOES The IMSIVS Application Control System. referred to belON as CECILIA. provides a means for creating terminal-based computer applications for handling the clerical Nark flON in a ~iness department. CECILIA is an aid for implementing IMSIVS applications Nhich are truly conversational and closely adapted to the needs of the user. IMSIVS applications running together with CECILIA offer a user environment aimed at improving user productivity. The user of a CECILIA-based application needs little knoNledge about the computer system itself. The user Narks Nith personalized menus for work selection and with conversational applications taHored to the user's Nark needs. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 138 pages. 03/80 11115787-NACIWT-ONLY 6811-5412 !m IBm! HONEywELL ~ ill 5785-JAA. ~ This Conversion Aid ill • lIeries of programs and procedures designed to assist in the conversion of Honeywell* 200/2000. 162/64/66 series COBOL programll to IBtt COBOL. If the Conversion Aid is not used. differences betllHn Honeywell COBOL and IBtt COBOL _ t be resolved manually for each individual program. The Conversion Aid Nas written to minimize such manual intervention. Users IlUSt still. however. verify proper execution of the converted programs on any configuration thay are planning to use. *Honeywell is a trademark of Honeywell Inc. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 1/80 !§H COBOL CONVERSION ( 11115785-JAAIWT-ONLY GBl1-5447 ~ ill 5785-EAW. ~ The Tape Library Control System (TLCS) International Field Program is a modern automatic tapa library system capable of controlling any number of tapes. TLCS is designed to control tapas in installations Nith any configuration of systems using ttVS. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 04/80 11115785-EAWIWT-ONLY IAJ!g LIBRARY &Qt!!!!Q!. 5811-5448 ill 5785-EAW. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The Tape Library Control Systu is a modern automatic tape library system capable of controlling any number of IBtt standard-label installation tapas. The program may significantly improve the productivity and security of installations Nith any configuration of systees using ttVS. It also permits the reduction of tape library size and can be used to give infor ..ation about the tapes. This .anual is intended to give the project leader. systems programmer. and batch update controller an in-depth understanding of the syste.; and information on its installation and operation. It provides reference .aterial which will be useful to users as wall. This manual supplements the Tape Library Control Syst.. User's Guide. SBl1-5449. which gives a more general understanding of the system. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 112 pages. 6/80 11115785-EAWIWT-ONLY IAJ!g .I..mBI.lU &Qt!!!!Q!. SYSTEtt. 5811-5413 11m gmm, CONVERSION Am IBm! HONEYWELL ~ ill 5785-JAA. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This Conversion Aid is a series of programs and procedures designed to assist in the conversion of Honeywell COBOL prograes to IBtt COBOL prograes. It is designed to operate on an IBtt Systeml370. and IBtt 303X Processor. or an IBtt 4300 Processor. It operates under DOSIVS. DOSIVSE. OSIVS or YttICttS. ttini_ storage requirement under DOSIVSE is 512K. ttanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 74 pages. 01/80 11115785-JAAIWT-ONLY 6811-5414 !§H gmm, cqNERSION !m IBm! ~ m:H!.!.L ill 57§5-JAC. ~ This Conversion Aid is • series of prograll5 and procedures designed to assist in the conversion of UNIVAC* 90/9000/1100 seri es COBOL progra.. to IBtt COBOL. Users must still. however. verify proper execution of 5811-5449 the converted progra.. on any configuration they are ~ .I..mBI.lU mtmmI. SYSTEM. ill 5785-~A!!. USER'S GUIDE planning to use. The Tape Library Control System is a modern automatic tape library system capable of controlling any number of lett -UNIVAC is a tradentark of The Sperry Rand Corporation. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 1/80 standard-label installation tapes. The program .ay significantly improve the productivity and security of 11115785-JACIWT-ONLY 353 Gall 5811 Installations with any configuration of systems using HVS. It also permits the reduction of tape library size and can be used to give Infonnatlon about the tapes. This manual Is Intended to give the user an overall ~erstandlng of the Tape Library Control SysteM and the basic Information required to use It. Those Mho need a deeper understanding of the software. including project leaders. systems programmers. and batch update controllers. should also read and refer to the Program Description and Operations Manual. SBll-5448. The systems messages in it should be available for reference for tape operators. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 76 pages. 6/80 pool. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches, 4 pages. 10/80 11115785-NAEIWT-ONLY SBl1-5453 l!!ll mmr FACILITY. ill 5Z85-NAE. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CICSIVSIDEF enables the user of CICSIVS,to enter any kind of data on an IBM 3270 Information Display System and to store them on data sets residing on disk devices. This helps avoid the need to create a number of special-purpose program. CICSIVSlDEF Is easy to learn and handle. It Is basically designed for the end user. but through its efficient buffering and blocking mechanism CICSIVS/DEF Is also a tool for a central. performance oriented. data entry pool. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches. 52 pages. 12/80 ~ 11115785-EANIWT-ONLY SBl1-5450 MYS ~ PACKER. ill 5785-NAA. DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS The MYS Module Packer program is an Multiple Virtual Storage (MYS) tuning tool designed to help improve the performance of individual user programs and specific HVS system components. It comprises a Trace program based on the poNerful program event recording capability of the IBM Systeml370 and IBM 303X Processors. and an efficient Reduction prograll Mhich processes the trace data and produces ready-to-use Linkage Editor control statements. The achievable gains in working-set size and paging rate are estimated and plotted. This manual is intended mainly for users who wish to trace and trim operating systems and their applications. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 106 pages. 04/80 11115785-NAEIWT-ONLY 6811-5463 SYSTEM/370 illf FORMATTER fQB lH5 1m:! OFFICE SYSTEM 2.a. ill 5785-EBH The aim of the IBM Systeml370 File Formatter for the ISH Office System 6 Is to assist the user In building files of the correct format frOlll existing or new application programs. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. it pages. 3/80 11115785-WAAlWT-ONLY SBl1-5451 Y!:!!$ ~ !BY PACKER. ill 5785-WAB. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The MVS Link Pack Area Packer program Is a Multiple Virtual Storage (MYS) systeM tuning tool. developed to trace the use of ink pack area modules and to build a pack list automatically. and to tune it when necessary. System tuning through this building of a tailored pack list is important mainly with storage constraint systems. for instance. at installations converting from DOSIVS or VS1 to HVS. This manual is intended mainly for users with at least a limited knoNledge of MYS systeM concepts. Manual.'8 1/2 x 11 Inches. 72 pages. 1/81 HYl! 6811-5480 DOSIVSE gmm, CONVERSION Am fRQ!! m ~ ill 5785-EBJ. NOTICE Conversion to IBM DOSIVSE COBOL from ICL COBOL can be a time-consUllling process. Although much of the I«Irk involved may be repetitious and predictable. a detailed knoNledge of both systems is still sometimes required. The IBM DOSIVSE COBOL Conversion Aid froll ICL COBOL seeks to increase the degree of automation in such conversions. and attempts to identify areas where more detailed consideration may be necessary. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. it pages, 2/81 11115785-EBJIWT-ONLY 5811-5481 m COBOL, ill 5785-EBJ. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IBM DOS/VSE COBOL Conversion Aid front ICL* COBOL. This Prograll Description and Operations Manual (POOH) is intended to assist the user to install and operate the ISH DOSIVSE COBOL Conversion Aid frOll ICL COBOL. 5785-EBJ. It has been written for use by systems prograMmers who will install the Aid. and programmers or programmerlanalysts who will code the paralleters necessary to describe their specific conversion requirellents and will then run the Aid. * Trademark of International Computers Ltd. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 86 pages. 2181 1m:! DOSIVSE gmm, CONVERSION Am FROM 11115785-WABIWT-ONLY GBl1-5452 CICSIVS l!!ll mmr FACILITY. ill 5785-NAE. ~ In most data processing installations the need often arises for direct entry of data at the place of origin (the end user department) to avoid double effort (writing coding sheets and keypunching) and reduce turnaround time. Besides. It is in most cases desirable to eliminate the impractical manipulation of card decks and use modem devices. such as display stations. Instead. Since the data Is usually in a variety of formats. the data processing departonent must create a number of specialpurpose prograllS to provide this service. This process may be difficult and expensive. CICSIVS Data Entry Facility (hereinafter referred to as CICSIVSIDEF) Is designed to solve these problems and reduce the necessary effort and expense. CICSIVSIDEF enables the user of CICSIVS to enter any kind of data on an ISH 3270 Information Display SysteM and to store them on data sets residing on disk devices. CICSIVSIDEF Is easy to learn and handle. It is basically designed for the end user, but through Its efficient buffering and blocking mechanism CICSIVSIDEF Is also a tool for a central. performance oriented, data entry 11115785-EBJIWT-ONLY 6811-5500 HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL ~ ANTICIPATORY BUFFERING. ill 5787-LAC. HQllg High Speed Sequential Retrieval (HSSR) enables the user to substantially reduce the processor time and the elapsed ti_ required for sequential retrieval and lrIloading of large physical IMS data bases. and may be regarded as a high speed sequential retrieval option for IMS data bases. HSSR provides a compatible subset of DLII calls. The HSSR processor tiM depends on the data base environmentl the HSSR processor ti . . is often in the range of 201.-251. of 354 ( SBll Gall the 1115 processor t i lie. SBll-5515 In a multiprograDllling environoaent. the whole job mix COBOL! PVI CONVERSION AID. ill 5785-EBG, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIOtlS will benefit frOM HSSR since ~re resources remain available to process the other jobs. The COBOL and PVI Conversion Aid is designed to process Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10 pages. 10/81 valid DOS/vS ANS COBOL or PVI Optimizer source programs and ////5787-LAC produce an MVS v~rsion. with the DOS/vS statements converted to their MVS equivalents. as far as possible. Statements having no function in MVS are deleted. and those which prevent use of MVS spooling are flagged. Reserved NOrcls in 5811-5501 HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL VERSION ~ 5785-LAC. OS/VS COBOL have their last character altered and a warning DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ~ OFFERING message is produced. The ENVIRONMENT clause in PVI is This Program Description and Operations Manual contains a deleted. general introduction to HSSR and to HSSR Buffer Handler A listing of the new source program is produced. showing Services. the action taken by the conversion aid and any further This System Overview describes functional descriptions. action to be taken by the user. The other output file supported functions. restrictions. and system requirements. contains the converted source programs. refers to installation and maintenance. describes the Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 68 pages. 12/80 ////5785-EBG/WT-ONLY debugging tools provided. describes special facilities available to system programmers. and describes performance measurements made at the Swiss Bank Corporation. In this manual. the High-Speed Sequential Retrieval Gall-5518 Version 2.1 Program Logic Manual. LB11-5502 is referred to ASSEMBLER MACRO CONVERSION AID. ill 5785-EBE. NOTICE as the HSSR PLM. The Assembler Macro Conversion Aid (Program Number 5785-EBE) is an International Field Program designed to assist in Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 222 pages. 2/84 ////5787-LAC converting application programs written in DOS/vS Assembler language from a DOS/vS or DOS/vSE to an MVS envi ronmant. The Aid consists of a preprocessor program and converter program. There are two versions of each. one to run under LBll-5502 DOS/vS and DOS/vSE and one for MVS and CMS. If the LOGIC HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL This Program Logic manual contains an introduction to the converter is to be run under MVS. or under a DOS/vS syst... most important functions of High-Speed Sequential Retrieval wi thout POWER/VS. the preprocessor can be used to prepare Version 2.1 (HSSR). It describes the logic flow and gives the input file to the converter. The user is therefore an overview of HSSR functions. describes the HSSR control assumed to have a working knowledge of DOS/vS and an blocks. and gives a detailed description of HSSR functions appreciation of MVS (batch or TSO/sPF) or CNS. sufficient to and methods of operation. It also summarizes the IMS be able to run jobs in whichever environment will be used to dependencies of HSSR and briefly describes HSSR coding make the conversion. Where ever DOS/vS is referenced read convent ions. also DOS/vSE unless otherwise stated. The reader should be familiar with the High-Speed Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 10/80 Sequential Retrieval Version 2.1 Program Description and ////5785-EBE/WT-ONLY Operations Manual. SB11-5501. the User's Guide to the HighSpeed Sequential Retrieval Version 2.1 Buffering Services. SBll-5558. and with the IBM Information Management System 5811-5519 (INS). ASSEMBLER MACRO CONVERSION AID. ill 5785-EBE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 70 pages. 2/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY The Assembler Macro Conversion Aid (Program Number 5785-EBEI is an International Field Program designed to assist in converting application programs written in DOS/vS Assembler GBI1-5514 language from a DOS/vS or DOS/vsE to· an MVS envi ronllent. COBOL! PVI CONVERSION AID. ill F85-EBG. I:!!I[Ig The Aid consists of a preprocessor program and converter The conversion of ANS COBOL and PVI Optimizer progras frOil program. There are tllO versions of each. one to run under DDS/vs to MVS requires a detailed knowledge of the DOS/vs and DOS/vSE. and one for MVS and CMS. If the differences between their DDS/vs and OS/VS implementations converter is to be run under MVS. or under a DOS/vS system and in particular the MVS variations. In addition. the MVS without POWER/vS. the preprocessor can be used to prepare user should take advantage of device independence. which the input file to the converter. The user is therefore involves the rearranging of certain parameters between the assl.llled to have a IIOrking knowledge of DDS/vS and an program and the Data Definition (DOl statements in the Job appreciation of MVS (batch or TSO/SPF) or CMS. sufficient to Control language (JCLI. The same process IlUSt be repeated be able to run jobs in whichever environment will be used to for all such programs in the installation. make the conversion. Where ever DOS/vs is referenced read The COBOL and PVI Conversion Aid is designed to 85sist also DOS/vSE unless otherwise stated. with these problems by processing valid DOS/vS ANS COBOL or Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 68 pages. 10/80 ////5785-EBE/NT-ONLY PVI Optimizer source programs and producing an tlVS version. with the DOS/vS statements converted to their MVS equivalents. as far as possible. Statements having no function in MVS are deleted. and those which prevent use of 5811-5533 MVS spooling are flagged. Reserved NOrds in OS/VS COBOL A ~ GROUP Q.E ORIENTATIONAL ~ have their last character altered and a warning message is DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS produced. The ENVIRONMENT clause in PVI is deleted. This International Field Program. consists of a set of Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 10/80 displays. macros. and procedures that can simplify the use ////5785-EBG/WT-ONLY of the VSE/Interactive Computing and Control Facility (henceforth called ICCF). I t is des i gned to be used wi th the IBM 3270 Information Display SysteM. This program consists of ICCF macros. ICCF procedures. and a set of screens. arranged to ease the use of ICCF. It operates under control of ICCF. using Terminal TransactiClfl 355 (/ SBll LBll SBll-5582 VIDEOTEX TERI1INAL FACILITY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The purpose of this manual is to provide the installation system programmer with sufficient information about the Videotex Terminal Facility International Field Program. For information about this program, see abstract for GBl1-5581. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 44 pages. 7/81 11115785-EBWIWT-ONLY Facility (TTF) or CICSIVS as the tel'llinal control systa... Orientational Screens alloNS users with only a basic knowledge of ICCF to take advantage of practically all the functions of the ICCF system. It MY reduce training costs and provide a high level of productivity in a relatively short time. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 78 pages, 1/82 11115785-KAHIWT-ONLY SBl1-5558 USER'S ~ IQ lH1 HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL BUFFERING SERVICES. 1f! 5787-bAC This manual describes in detail the buffering servicas available with High-Speed Sequential Retrieval Version 2.1 (HSSRI. Users have two options. The first is to use the default buffering specifications of HSSR and achieve high performance improvements over DLII. In this case, this eanual is not needed. The reader should be familiar with IMSIVS and the HighSpeed Sequential Retrieval Version 2.1 Program Description and Operations Manual, SB11-5501, referred to in this manual as the HSSR PDOH. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 5& pages, 2181 111I5787-LAC 6811-5577 TEST DATA BASE HANIPULATOR !!!llJg PROGRAM OFFERING The IMSIVS Tast Data Base Manipulator (TDBHI is an interactive tool for creating and manipulating a test data base under Tin Sharing OptionlSysta. Productivity Facility (TSOISPFI or Information Hanagement SystemlData Communication IIHSlDCI. during the develop.ant and eaintenance of IHS applications. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages, 3/85 11115785-6ATIWT-ONLY 5811-5578 !!!!a! LBll-5583 VIDEOTEX TERHINAL FACILITY ~ ~ This manual is designed to provide detailed information about the tecmique& used by the Videotex Tereinal Facility International Field Program (hereafter referred to as the Prograel to allow Viewdata tereinals to be supported through ACFIYTAH, ACFINCP, and NrO. It is intended for systelllS programmers who need to be able to diagnose problems that may occur during the running of the Prograe. or who plan to modify the Program to support national variations in Viewdata terminal behavior. To understand the contents of this manual. the reader should be familiar with the 3705 Communications Controller hardware and have a working knowledge of Syst_ Network Architecture (SNAI data flow and terminology. Henual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 36 pages. 7/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6811-5607 VIDEOTEX TERMINAL ~ NOTICE The Videotex Terminal Hanager International Field Progra. provides support for Videotex terminals attached to an SNA network. to access application programs running on a System/370 type processor. The Videotex Terminal Hanager runs in conjunction with the Network Communications Control Facility (NCCFI Program Product in the host processor. The Videotex Terminal Facility International Field Program (5785-EBWI is a prerequisite product. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages, 7/81 11115785-EBXIWT-ONLY ~ DATA BASE MANIPULATOR DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This publication describes the INS/VS Test Data Base Hanipulator (TOBHI support. The TOBH is an interactive tool to create and manipUlate a test data base under TiMe Sharing SB11-5608 Option/System Productivity Facility (TSO/SPFI or Information VIDEOTEX TERMINAL MANAGER DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS Hanagement SystemlData C9IIIIIUI'Iication III1SIDC)' during the This manual gives a general description of the Videotex development and maintenance of II1S applications. TOBH can Terminal Henager (referred to in this lIanual as the also be used to investigate the production data bases. Programl. describes the Program components and the ter.inal All INS utilities, and Batch Tereinal Simulator. can registration; it describes the contents of the installation also be activated using SPF foreground and/or background tape and the work required to install the Program I and it region. describes the f....,tions and facilities of the Prograe in Appendixes provide description of contents of TOBI1 more detail. SAMPLE and instructions for installation and custOllization. To install the Program successfully. the systee Henual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 82 pages. 12181 prograllllller should be familiar with the installation and specification of ACFIVTAH. Network Communication Control 11115785-6ATIWT-ONLY Facility (NCCFI. and CICSIVS. The reader is also referred to the Videotex Terminal (;811-55&1 Henager Systems Guide. LB11-S609. Henual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 38 pages, 7/81 VIDEOTEX TERI1INAL FACILITY ~ The Videotex Terminal Facility International Field Program 11115785-EBXIWT-ONLY alloNS Videotex tel'llinals to be attached through switched lines to a 3705 Communications Controller running ACFINCPIVS and NTO in conjunction wHh a System/370 or LB11-5609 a 303X or 4300 processor as host processor running ACFIYTAM VIDEOTEX TERMINAL MANAGER SYSTENS GUIDE The purpose of this manual is to enable the reader to: under ItVS. User-written applications running under CICS, or as VTAH prograll5, can be used to c~icate with the Understand the structure of the Videotex Terminal Henager Prograe (referred to hereafter as the Program I and how it terllinals. This allows a Videotex service to be implemented as an relates to the structure of NCCF; to understand. in outline, the logic of the Program. (Detailed understanding can be integral part of an installation's SNA network. and ..ans obtained by exallining the source code supplied on the that use can be _de of SNA'. extens i va netMOrk ..nagement distribution tapell to start debugging any errors which ..y facilities. occur during execution of the Program; and to attempt Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 pages, 7/81 certain .adifications to the supplied code. 11115785-EBWIWT-ONLY 356 LB11 6811 environment. Progralllling is often a bottl_ck. which impedes timely completion of computer applications. Of the progralllllling tasks. debugging is one of the most timeconsuming and probably the most critical. The DOS/vsE PL/I Interactive Debug may contribute to remedy this situation by enhancing the debugging process. both in speed and quality. Programs can be monitored from a video display terminal. Whenever an error occurs or at points selected by the progralmller. control is given to the terminal user. The flON of control within the program can be examined. program variables displayed and their values changed. After successful debugging. the programmer May end the session, or resume program processing frOlll the point of interruption or any other specified location. This manual is intended for perSQn5 installing and using the DOS/vSE PL/I Interactive Debug Facility (PL/I Debug). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. Sit pages. 4/82 ////5785-ZAAlWT-ONLY It is assUMed that the reader is familiar with the contents of the Videotex Terminal Manager Program Description and Operations Manual (PDOM), 5811-5608. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 18 pages, 11/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY G811-5615 PRINT-SPOOLING ~ fi!B ~ !'!Q.!Ig The Print-Spooling System for CICS/VS (CICS-SPooL) accepts print lines from CICS/vS application programs and stores them on a disk file. Printing on a terminal printer is started either automatically or after a specific release request is given by a terminal operator. These reports stored in the CICS-SPooL file can be printed by a batch job as Nell. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 pages, 9/81 ////5785-DCWIWT-ONLY ( 5811-5616 -6811-5690 PRINT-SPOOLING SYSTEM fi!B ~ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SOURCE CooE EXTERNAL REFERENCE SCANNER ~ This manual describes the International Field Program PrintThis document describes the progra", product and p,.ovides Spooling Syste. for CICS/vS (CICS-SPOOL). It is a information on price. orde,.ing. installation. and service. comprehensive guide for installing and controlling the The Source Code External Reference Scanner (REFSCA) is an program. International Field Program that scans source code written Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 84 pages. 9/81 in Assembler. COBOL. or PL/I for external references (such ////5785-DCW/WT-ONLY as me!llbers. sub,.outines. data sets. lIaps. and subtasks). Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 7/82 ////5785-LANlWT-ONLY 6811-5658 DOS/vSE :lim MONITOR SYSTEM The Disk Operating System/Virtual Storage Extended (D05/VSE) 5811-5691 Job Monitor System (A8SIS) is designed to improve the SOURCE gmg EXTERNAL REFERENCE ~ reliability of processing batch partitions, thus freeing the DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS operator from the need to continuously watch the system This publication provides the use,. with sufficient console, and preventing the 1055 of cancel information. infor... tion to understand. install and successfully use the For any job controlled by ABSIS a relevant message is program. The Source Code External Reference Scanner. sent to the operator in the case of a detected error, and referred to as REFSCA. is an International Field Program the system Nill wait for an answer. This enables the that scans source code written in Assembler, COBOL. or PL/I operator to react in a timely and efficient 118nner. even for external references. when POWER is used, and when there are many batch This Manual provides the information needed to install partitions. and operate the REFSCA program as distributed. as Nell as Flyer. 8 1/2 X 11 inches. 4 pages, 3/82 functional descriptions of the external tables and routines ////5785-DDJ/WT-ONLY to enable users to tailor REFSCA for their 0Nn installations. The reader/user is assumed to be a data processing professional. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 170 pages. 8/82 6811-5674 ////5785-LAN/WT-ONLY DOS/vsE INTERACTIVE ~ FACILITY ~ The DOS/VSE PL/I Interactive Debug Facility is designed to improve the productivity of PL/I programmers in a DOS/vsE environment. Programming is often a bottleneck. wMch 6811-5703 impedes timely completion of computer applications. Of the INTERNATIONAL SOFTWARE DIRECTORY PROGRAM INFORMATION programming tasks. debugging is one of the !lOst timeACRONYMS ENVIRONMENTS/FUNCTION FUNCTION/ENVIRONMENT ~ consuming and probably the most critical. The DOS/vSE PL/I ~ 1987 EDITION Interactive Debug 118y contribute to remedy this situation by This 1987 edition has been changed to suppo,.t the need fo,. a quick reference to 2000 programs. Study carefully the IWN enhancing the debugging process. both in speed and quality. Programs can be monitored frOlll a video display terllinal. layout to get maxi.un benefit from this comprehensive information. Entries in this Directory include Progra. Whenever an error occurs or at points selected by the Products (PPs). Progra. Offeri ngs (POs). Prog,.a_i ng RPQs progralDller, control is given to the terminal user. The flON (RPQs) and Syst_ Control Progra... ing (SCP) announced as of of control within the program can be examined. program variables displayed and their values changed. After January. 1987. Obtain further information on those successful debugging. the programmer may end the session. or categories from a Marketing Representative. The Licensed resume program processing frOll the point of interruption or PrograllS listed are subject to the term and conditions of any other specified location. the Agreement for Licensed Programs. Flyer. 8 1/2 X 11 inches. 4 pages. 4/82 Manual. 120 x 215 millimters. 332 pages. 01/87 //20///WT-ONLY ////5785-ZAAlWT-ONLY aa 3811-5675 aa 6811-5719 INTERACTIVE ~ FACILIIY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The DOS/vSE PL/I Interactive Debug Facility is designed to improve the productivity of PL/I progra_rs in a D05/VSE ~ w:A I::IIm..b Il.Wl!f Am ~ This document describes the progra. product and provides infor.. tion on price. ordering. installation. and service. The Data Model Design Aid/SZAI1OK Infor.. tion Analysis ltethod 357 6811 6811 (SlIAttJ. developed by the Intermttional Computer Education and Inforaation Centre at SlAHOK in Budapest. ;5 a tool for the data designer. SlIAM is designed as a part of a cOlllpUter-aided inforaation systems development aethod and aids in creating logical data aodel structures. lIIhich are unambiguous. fully connective. and redundancy-free. It supports the documentation of data model constraints. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 9/82 6811-5743 FONT mn!:!!i ~ NOTICE This docUMent describes the prograa offering and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. This publication describes recent enhancements to the IBM 6670 Information Distributor. which provides limited graphics capability. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 1/83 ~ 11115785-FAWIWT-ONLY 11115787-IAAIWT-ONLY 5811-5744 ~ filH[ mnn!!i SYSTEM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS AID DESCRIPTIDNlDPERATIctIS This manual provides the user with sufficient information to The intent of this lIanual is to assist data a~inistrators understand. install and successfully use the progra •• in constructing optiaal data base structures. and systems For inforaation about this prograe. see abstract for engineers during development of data structures for 6811-6743. integrated applications-Nith or without Data Base Management Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 62 pages. 1/83 Syst811 (DBMS). Project managers aay find Data Model Design 11115785-FAWIWT-ONLY Aid useful in controlling the status of data design projects. This publication intends to give a clearer understanding 6811-5753 of the characteristics and connections between objects ~ I:!l:!!!1 ~ APPLICATION ~ within the end user's environment. as it presents data IIOdel This document describes the prograa offering and provides concepts and rules. together wi th model building rules and infOrMation on price. ordering. installation. and service. procedures. This publication describes Virtual Telecommunication Access Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 188 pages. 10/82 Method (VTAM) Node Control Application (VNCA)' lIIhich 11115787-IAAIWT-ONLY provides the network operations staff with a simplified lIeans of controlling a single-damain ACFIVTAM network. Flyer. 8 1/2 x II inches. 6 pages. 1/83 5811-5721 11115785-ECEIWT-ONLY 11m ~ W1§tI Am APPLICATION WIDE This Application Design Guide for the Data Model Design Aid. referred to in this document as SlIAM (SZAHOK Information 5811-5754 Analysis Method) is intended to provide necessary ~ I:!l:!!!1 ~ APPLICATION DESCRIPIION/OPERATIONS inforaation for the data base designer. User procedures INTERNATIONAL FIELD PROGRAM before and after running SlIAM are described. This aanual is for network controllers. systems progranlers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 10/82 data communications managers and other data processing staff 11115787-IAAIWT-ONLY concerned with operating a network using the Advanced Communications Function for the Virtual Telecoemunications Access Method (ACFIVTAI1J. It includes information needed to 6811-5727 install. maintain. and operate the VTAM Node Control m APPLICATION SPECIFICATIONS M:m AUTot1ATIOH !llQ.!. t:f!rug Application (VNCAJ to simplify the operation of a singleThis document describes the prograM product and provides domain ACF/VTAI1 network. information on price. ordering. installation. and service. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 126 pages. 5/83 The t1VS Application Specifications and JCL AutOllation Tool 11115785-ECEIWT-ONLY (ASPECT) is designed to COIIIpUterize the creation and aaintenance of t1VS Application Specifications consisting of Job. Program. Data Set. SYSOUT and Structure files. These 6811-5776 VSAM files are then used to autontically create an t1VS JCL It1SIVS OUTBOARD FORMATTER f!lB 8100IDPPX t!QIIg with consistent standards. for testing or running of the This document describes the program product and provides original batch applications. information on price. ordering, installation. and service. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 11/82 The It1S/VS Outboard Formatter for 8100IDPPX can help It1S/VS 11115785-AARIWT-ONLY users reduce line traffic between central It1SIVS and remote 8100IDPPX systems. Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 2/83 5811-5728 11115785-DEGIWT-ONLY m APPLICATION SPECIFICATIOt! !!::Ill AUTO!tATIOtI Ilm!. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This publication provides the user with sufficient 5811-5777 inforaation to understand. install and successfully use the It1SIVS OUTBOARD FORMATTER f!lB 8100IPPPX prograM. This prograM is designed to COMpUterize the DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS creation and the .aintenance of t1VS batch Application The purpose of this PrograM Description and Operations Specifications consisting of Job. Progra•• Data Set. SYSOUT. Manual is to provide the reader with sufficient inforaation and Strucutre files. These VSAM files are then used to to understand. install. and use the IMSIVS Outboard autontically create an t1VS JCL with' consistent standards. Formatter for 81001DPPX. for a test or a production run of the original batch It is assuaed that the reader has a knowledge of It1SIVS Message Format Service (MFS)' DPPXlDistributed Presentation applications. ASPECT can be used to convert batch Application Specif;cations froa DOSIVS. DOSIVSE. 0SIVS1. or Services (DPS) Version 2 (5660-264)' and DPPXlData-Strea. other softNare systems to t1VS. Compatibility (5760-RCl). Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 81 pages. 11/82 Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 66 pages. 2/83 11115785-AARIWT-ONLY 1/115785-DEGIWT-ONLY S811-5720 11m ~ ~ .so 358 ( . "'-) ( 6811 GBl1-5787 PRODUCTION SHOP lillf!!QB.! PROGRAMS: J.!:m PREPARATION &!!l SUBMISSION ~ ~ OFFERING This flyer describes the program product and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 10/83 ////5785-AAW/WT-ONLY 5811 SBl1-5795 .Elli PRINTING IN At! ~ NETWORK DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This publication provides the user with sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the program. This document is designed to give the Conversational Monitor SystelllS (CMSI user a comprehensive understanding of the program and to provide a guide through its installation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 3/83 ////5785-YAC/WT-ONLY ~ ~ 5811-5788 PROOUCTION SHOP SUPPORT PROGRAMS: .!ml PREPARATION !t:m SUBMISSION DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS fBQ2RAH OFFERING This publication provides the user with sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the 6811-5796 program. REMOTE MANAGEMENT Qf ~ fBQ!j A SYSTEM ~ tlVS Production Shop Support ProgralllS: Job preparation and This document describes the program product and provides submission is designed for Operating System/Virtual Storage information on price. ordering. installation. and service. with Multiple Virtual Storage (OS/vS2 tlVSI with Time Sharing The Remote Mangement of Series/1 from an IBM VM SYstem is Option (TSOI. designed to provide the Virtual Machine (VMI user with an Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 102 pages. 10/83 easy-to-use tool for controlling a r~~ote Series/l operating ////5785-AAW/WT-ONLY under the Seriesl1 Event Driven Executive operating system. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 3/83 ////5785-AAZ/WT-ONLY SBl1-5789 ~ PRODUCTION SHOP SUPPORT PROGRAMS: SEQUENTIAL FILE MANAGEMENT ~ ~ OFFERIt§ 5811-5797 This flyer describes the program product and provides REMOTE MANAGEMENT OF ~ fBQ!j A SYSTEM USERS iYm information on price. ordering. installation. and service. The purpose of this manual is to provide the user with the Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 10/83 information necessary to install Remote Management of ////5785-AAXlWT-ONLY Series/1 frOll an IBM VM System and use the facilities this program provides. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 3/83 1///5785-AAZ/WT-ONLY SBl1-5790 ~ PRODUCTION !!:!!e ~ PROGRAMS: SEQUENTIAL .fill MANAGEMENT DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING This publication provides the user with sufficient GBl1-5819 information to understand. install and successfully use the DISPLAY UQ FACILIU VERSION 1 ~ program. This document describes the program product and provides The Sequential File Management prograes are batch progralllS information on price. ordering. installation and service. to help the production shop department in the lllanagement of Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 8/83 sequential files. //30//5785-HAH/WT-ONLY Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 10/83 ////5785-AAX/WT-ONLY 5811-5820 DISPLAY INPUT/OUTPUT FACILIU. 5785-HAH. ~ 1 GBl1-5791 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING Version 2 of the Display Input/Output Facility (DIOF-III is ~ PRODUCTION SHOP SUPPORT PROGRAMS: !!fg PREPARATION ~ PROGRAM OFFERING written to use the functions provided by the family of 3270 This flyer describes the program and provides info....ation on Display Stations. without having to think about the complexities of progra_ing tho. Potential users are end price. ordering. installation. and service. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 10/83 users writing simple full-screen EXECs. or applications or ////5785-AAY/WT-ONLY system programmers writing complex application programs or online Help facilities. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 9/83 //30//5785-HAH/WT-ONLY 5811-5792 ~ PRODUCTION SHOP SUPPORT PROGRAMS: .!!fl PREPARATION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING This publication provides the user with sufficient 6811-5826 information to understand. install and successfully use the VM/MSS COt1t1l.tlICATOR ~ program. This document describes the program product and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 64 pages. 10/83 ////5785-AAY/WT-ONLY Virtual Machine (VMI Mass Storage System C.......... icator (VI1CI is a set of IIOdules that lllilnage the 3850 Mass Storage System 6811-5794 Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 5/83 //20//5785-ECR VM/SNA PRINT ~ This docUlient describes the program product and provides inforlllation on price. ordering. installation and service. This program. used in a SystelllS Network ArchHecture (SHU 5811-5827 Network. is designed to enable the VlVConversational Monitor ~ COt1t1I.tIICAJQR DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This publication provides the user with sufficient System (VM/CHSI te.... inal user to print .mall CHS files on an IBM 328X Printer. information to understand. install and successfully use the progr... Virtual Machine (VMI Mass storage Syst.. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 3/83 1/1/5785-YAC/WT-ONLY CoInM.rIicator (VI1CI i. a set of IIOdules that ... nage the 3850 ~ :m :m ( 359 6811 5811 Mass Storage Syst_ (I15S) for V1'1 syst_. This product is designed to show comprehensive statistics to help check data base design. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6 pages, 9/83 1120115785-ZABIWT-ONLY Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 96 pages, 5/83 1140115785-ECR 1;811-5828 JES/328X fB!H! FACILITY ~ This document describes the program product and provides information on price, ordering, installation, and service. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 pages, 4/83 11115785-BABIWT-ONLY GBl1-5829 APPLICATION PRODUCTIVITY PACKA6E NOTICE No abstract available. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6 pages, 3/83 11115785-CZ61WT-ONLY 6Bl1-5830 3800 §AR CODE PRINT ~ NOTICE This document describes the progr.. product and provides information on price, ordering, installation, and service. The Bar Code Print Program is designed to facilitate the printing of machine-readable bar codes on the IBt1 3800 Printing Subsystem. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 pages, 5/83 1120115785-WAK 5811-5844 !lA!A BASE lY!ill!§ Atl!Z DESIGN I1OQIFICATION Am. DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS This pUblication provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install, and successfully use the program. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 40 pages, 9/83 1134115785-ZABIWT-ONLY 6811-5897 RESEARCH QUEUEING ~ VERSION 1: NOTICE This document describes the program product and provides information on price, ordering, installation, and service. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 4 pages, 2184 11115785-UAAIWT-ONLY 5811-5898 RESEARCH QUEUEING PACKAGE VERSION 1: ng USER GUIDE PROGRAM OFFERIN6 The Research Queueing Package, Version 2 (RESCH is a system for constructing and solving extended queueing netNOrk models. Refer to the class of RESQ networks as "extended" because of characteristics which allow effective representation of system detail. RESQ incorporates a high SBl1-5831 level language to concisely describe the structure of the 3800 §AR gmg fB!H! ~ DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIQNS This publication provides the user with sufficient model and to specify constraints on the solution. A main information to understand, install and successfully use the feature of the language is the capability to describe models program. The Bar Code Print Program is designed to in a hierarchical fashion, allowing an analyst to define submodels to be used analogously to use of macros in facilitate the printing of machine-readable bar codes on the programming languages. RESQ also provides a variety of IBt1 3800 Printing Subsystem. The following pubUcations may llethods for estimating accuracy of simulation results and be needed for reference or review: IBM 3800 Printing Subsystetll Prograllll!l8r's Guide, 6C26-3846, Forms Design determining simulation run lengths. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 200 pages, 2/84 Reference 6uide for the IBt1 3800 Printing Subsyst.. , 11115785-UAAIWT-ONLY 6A26-1633. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 26 pages, 6/83 1140115785-WAK 5811-5899 RESEARCH QUEUEING PACKAGE VERSION ! Q!li ~ i!.lm 6811-5840 ~ OFFERING COBOL CONVERSION Am NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING The Research Queueing Package. Version 2 (RESQ) is a system for constructing and solving extended queueing network This document describes the program product and provides information on price, ordering, installation, and service. models. Refer to the class of RESQ networks as "extended" Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 pages, 4/84 because of characteristics which allow effective representation of system detail. RESQ incorporates a high 11115785-AATIWT-ONLY level language to concisely describe the structure of the IIOdel and to specify constraints on the solution. A main feature of the language is the capability to describe models 5811-5841 in a hierarchical fashion, allowing an analyst to define COBOL CONVERSION Am DESCRIPTION/OPERATIQNS PROGRAM OFFERING submodels to be used analogously to use of macros in programming languages. RESQ also provides a variety of This publication provides a general introduction to the COBOL Conversion Aid programs and the necessary information llethods for estimating accuracy of simulation results and for those who wish to ~erstand, install, and rta'l then!. determining simulation rta'l lengths. The COBOL Conversion Aid is a set of prograllS and commands Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages, 2/84 designed to asshlt the user with the conversion of OSIVS 11115785-UAAIWT-ONLY COBOL source code into VS COBOL II source code. The program is designed to identify and convert source code incompatibility. It reduces the effort required to convert 6811-5941 Q!li MINIDISK BACKUP nm!:I t:!!lIJg PROGRAM OFFERING programs and minimizes conversion errors. This publication describes the program product and provides Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 164 pages, 9/85 information on price. ordering. installation. and service. 11115785-AATIWT-ONLY This Program Offering (referred to as CMS BACKUP) ;s designed to help automate the taking and lO99;ng of backups, at user-specified intervals, in a usable and controlled 5811-5843 manner. It is a product;vity tool that a; .. to sat;sfy the I!AIA ~ ll!I:m§ Atl!Z DESIGN t1ODIFICATION Am t:!!D]g This document describes the program product and provides backup and restore requi r....nts of both end users and the information on price, ordering, installation, and service. syst.. admin;strator. 360 ( GBll It i. a component of GBOF-2545. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. ~ pag... ////5785-EDEIWT-ONlY 5811 concisely describe the structure of the aodel and to specify constraints on the solution. A .. in feature of the language is the capability to describe models in a hierarchical fashion. allowing an analyst to define submodels to be used analogously to use of IIIiIcros in programming languages. RESQ also provides a variety of methods for estillating accuracy of simulation results and determining simulation run lengths. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 1~8 pages. 2/84 11115785-UAAIWT-ONlY 7/~ SBl1-5942 MINIDISK ~ ~ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ~ OFFERIIlG This publication describes in datail the functions. facilities and ..thod for using the CMS Minidisk Backup System. which is referred to a. CMS BACKUP. It is a productivity tool intended for a Nide range of VM/CMS users. from end users Mho Nish to back up their A-disks only occasionally to System Administrators responsible for the security of .any users' .inidisks. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 94 pages. 11M ////5785-EDEIWT-ONlY ~ I;Bl1-5959 QUERY.Dl/I !n!li!1z. 5785-EDA. =.mL. ~ tIQng fB!!§!!H OFFERING This publication describes the program product and provides inforMation on price. ordering. installation. and service. It is a component of GBOF-2533. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. ~ pages. 7/85 SBl1-5960 QUERY.DLlI SYSTEM .EQR ~ 5785-ECY. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ~ OFFERING This publication provides the user Nith sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the prograa. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 288 pages. 5/85 ////5785-ECYIWT-ONlY 6811-5974 trl!l! PRODUCTION .3!iQ!! SUPPORT ~ No abstract available. FlYer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 3/85 ///15785-ABF 5811-5975 trl!l! PRODUCTION SHOP SUPPORT PROGRAMS: .LQ§ RESUBMISSION DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING This publication provides the user Nith sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the program. MVS Production Shop Support Programs I Job Resubmission is designed for Operating Systu/Virtual Storage Nith Multiple Virtual Storage. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 4/~ ///15785-ABF 6811-5978 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBl1IOR H!mll n IMAGE PRINTING SYSTEM. 5785-FAZ. AVAILABILITY ~ PROGRAM OFFERING This document describes the program product and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 3/84 /1/15785-FAZlWT-ONLY 5811-5961 QUERY.Dl/I ~ .EQR CICS/PoslVS. 5785-EDA. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING This publication contains the information needed to install. 5811-5979 maintain and use the Query.DLlI Systu for CICS/DOSIVS. 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR ~ n IHm PRINTING SYSTEM The Query.DLlI Systu performs queries on operational DLII DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERI~~ data bases. Users of Query.DLlI can define a query and have This publication provides the user Nith sufficient it perfonned. even if they have little or no knoNledge of information to understand. install and successfully use the data processing in general. or of DLII in particular. program. Query.DLlI provides facilities for users Nith a Nide range Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 3/84 of expertise. instructing the novice user hOM to define a ////5785-FAZIWT-ONLY first query. giving help on demand to the occasional user. and providing speed and flexibility for the experienced user. 6811-6303 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 26~ pages. 2/85 CICSIVS 3101-3270 COMPATIBILITY ~ PROGRAM OFFERING ////5785-EDAIWT-ONlY This publication describes the program product and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 6/M SBl1-5962 ///15785-ABGIWT-ONlY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS QUERY.DLlI ~ fQB CICSIOSIVS PROGRAM OFFERING This publication provides the user Nith sufficient 6811-6304 inforllation to understand. install and successfully use the DATA ~ INTEGRITY ~ FACILITY I::!Q!Ig PROGRAM program. OFFERING Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 27~ pages. 3/85 This publication describes the program product and provides ////5785-ECZIWT-ONlY information on price. ordering. installation. and service. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 8/84 ///15787-LA6IWT-ONLY GBl1-5969 RESEARCH QUEUEING PACKAGE VERSION ! INTRODUCTION !!:!!l EXAMPLES 5811-6305 The Research Queueing Package. Version 2 (RESQ) is a syste. DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING DBICF for constructing and solving extended queueing netNOrk This publication provides the user Nith sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the IIOdels. Refer to the RESQ netNOrks as "extended" because of characteristics which allow effective representation of program. systu detail. RESQ incorporates a high level language to It provides a detailed description of the element. t.hat 361 l/ ',,SBll 6811 compose DBICE, how they should be installed and how they Nork. Readers should tmderstand t¥ ItlSlVS utilities for data base recovery and be familiar'Nith the concepts and terminology of the ItlSlVS Data Base Recovery Feature. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 134 pages, 4/85 6811-6407 NOTICE INTERACTIVE DATA m .l.IlU !t!P ~ FACILITY ~ OFFERING This publication describes the program product and provides information on price, ordering, installation, and service. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 pages, 4/85 1139115785-DGAIWT-ONLY 11115787-LAGIWT-ONLY 6811-6306 DATA BASE INTEGRITY CONTROL FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION PROGRAM OFFERING In order to protect DBs against any type of operating error in an ItIS online and batch environment, the DB Integrity Control Facility (DBICFI Prograe Offering has been daveloped. Its eain benefits are to autOMate, simplify and speed any DB repair oriented actions by providing the user Nith a set of interrelated progralllS and procedures. The DBICF enables the user to automatically take preventive and corrective actions in order to enhance the integrity of his DBs. In addition, the DBICF helps the user in abnormal situations by giving guidance in choosing the most adequate and fastest emergency procedures. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 36 pages, 4/85 SBl1-6408 DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS INTERACTIVE !llli m LIST .Y:Il ~ FACILITY PROSRAM OFFERING This publication describes the Interactive Data Set List and Access Facility (CLEANUP) and hoN it can be invoked to help the TSO user save time in managing his online data sets. It is intended for TSO end users, but may also benefit space managers and RACF administrators. Some knOMledge of hON to use ISPF, for example. program Function (PFlkeys is assumed. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 72 pages, 4/85 1139115785-DGAIWT-ONLY 11115787-LAGIWT-ONLY SBl1-8077 !lYlZ MIGRATION SYSTEM PLANNING GUIDE This publication describes how to plan for the use of *MVS Migration System. MYS Migration System (MVS-MS) helps an installation migrate from DOSlVirtual Storage Extended (DOSIVSE) to MultiplelVirtual Storage (11VS). This publication is for the people at an installation Mho Nill plan and schedule the migration. It is the basic book for the project manager and every technical person involved in planning and running both the migration and the conversion. ~Trademark of Sisro- S. A. MYS Migration System (11VS-11S) is licensed to IBM by agreement Nith CORTRANS, SISRO, and SLIGOS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 264 pages, 10/86 GBll-6307 THIN CHAIN MIl BLOCK ~ STATISTICS t!Q!Ig PROGRAM OFFERING This document describes the program product and provides information on price, ordering, installation, and service. This is a component of 680F-2522. Flyer, 8 112 x 11 inches, 4 pages, 8/84 ~ 11115787-lAHlWT-ONLY :iB1l-6308 9!!.!tlI TWIN CHAIN MIl ~ HOPPING STATISTICS QESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This manual is intended primarily for the data base administrator and systems analysts, to assist thela in installing and using the Count TNin Chain and Block Hopping Statistics (COUTCHIHOPSTAT) Program Offering. It gives a general description of COUTCHIHOPSTAT, explaining the various statistics that the program produces and indicating the restrictions to be observed. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 28 pages, 8/84 11115787-LAHIWT-ONLY GBU-6368 MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS fRPH A SINGLE SCREEN AVAILABILITY NOTICE PROGRAM QFFERING This document describes the prograe product and provides information on price, ordaring, installation and service. AS enhancements to the base product are highlighted in this Nrite-up. This publication is a component of 68OF-2530. Flyer, 8 112 x 11 inches, 6 pages. 2/85 11115785-EDHIWT-ONLY SBll-6369 MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS fRPH A SINGLE ~ 5785-EDH. DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS fRP§H!H OFFERIN§ The Program Offering, Multiple Applications from a Single Screen, is a user-friendly, general-purpose program that allOllls access to many VTAI1 applications concurrently. This manual describes the program. referred to as HXXX for brevity. and tells how to install. run. and use it. marketing personnel to give to customers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 112 pages. 2/85 1134115787-11VS LBl1-8083 !lYlZ MIGRATION SYSTEM INSTALLATION GUIDE This publication describes installation procedures for *MVS Migration System. MYS'Migration System (I1VS-MS) is a product that helps an installation migrate from DOSlVirtual Storage Extended (DOSIVSE) to Multiple Virtual Storage (MYS). This publication describes hON to install MYS-tIS and then perform some steps in preparation for the conversions. It also describes hOM to apply PTFS and APARs to I1VS-I1S. ~Trademark of Sisro-S. A. I1VS Migration System (I1VS-MS) is licensed to 1811 by agreellltmt Nith CORTRANS, SISRO and SLIGOS. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 84 pages, 10/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. S~SCRIPTION ONLY LBU-8084 !lYlZ MIGRATIot! SYSTEM CUSIOI1IZATIot! This publication describes hoN to customize *11VS Migration System to meet the needs of a particular installation. I1VS Migration System (MYS-tlS) helps an installation .igrate fr_ DOSlVirtual Storaga Extended (OOSIVSE) to t1ultiple Virtual Storage (MYS). This publication describes how to change 11VS-11S options and hON to change or add a set of MYS standards. It also describes how to coda user exit routines, including both general information and detailed descriptions of each available user exit routine. ~Trademark of Sisro-S. A. I1VS Migration System (I1VS-MS) i. 1 i censed by IBM by agreement Ni th CORTRANS, SISRO and SLIGOS. Manual. 8 112 x U inches. 612 pages, 10/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 11115785-EDHIWT-ONLY 362 . ./ 6811 6811-8200 GENERAL TELEPROCESSING MONITOR .EQR gg NOTICE This publication describes the program product and provides information on price. ordering. installation and service. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 09/86 11115785-ABTIWT-ONLY 6813 GBI3-7584 3800 90-DEGREE ROTATE ~HARACTER SETS RESCALED .EQR JHg ~ HODEL ~ !!!l!ru ~ OFFERING This document describes the program product and provides information on pri~e. ordering. installation. and service. It is a component of GBOF-2562. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 5/84 11115798-DNKIWT-ONLY GBll-8201 TELEPROCESSING MONITOR .E!!R OSE GENERAL INFORMATION This publication introduces the General Telprocessing Monitor for Open Systems Interconnection (GTMOSI). GTMOSI is a BTAM-based teleprocessing monitor running in an MVS address space. Its objective is to provide a base for implementations of heterogeneous connections. GTtIDSI specifically supports such heter~neous connections where the protocols used conf orm to the Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection •. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 44 pages. 09/86 11115785-ABTIWT-ONLY ~ 6813-7501 RSCS ~ SUPPORT .EQR VlVSP !!!l!ru ~ OFFERING This document describes the prograJD product and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. This publication is a component of GBOF-2564. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 6/84 11115798-DMJIWT-ONLY GB13-7538 !!QI!!;I .f!!.!lmAH OFFERING This publication describes the program product and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. It is a component of GBOF-2506. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 11/83 11115798-DPCIWT-ONLY t!t!ff ( oiBI3-7566 ~ f!.!.!i n!mm FACILITY !!!l!ru PROGRAM OFFERING This document describes the program product and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. This publication is a component of GBOF-2545. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 1l inches. 4 pages. 4/84 11115798-DMYIWT-ONLY >3813-7574 DI1S/CICSIVS !mHl§ n NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING This document describes the program product and provides informaiton on price. ordering. installation. and service. It is a component of GBOF-2523. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 4/84 11115798-DNBIWT-ONLY GB13-7593 VSE JCL CONVERSION m NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING This publication describes the program product and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. It is a component of 680F-2541. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 10/84 11115798-DPGIWT-ONLY 6813-7595 PRESENTATION ENHANCEMENTS ~ JHg 6670 NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERUIG This document describes the program product and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. It is a component of GBOF-2508. FLyer. 8 112 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 5/84 11115798-DNQIWT-ONLY 6813-7616 CICS/vs 3270-PC FILE TRANSFER NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING This document describes the program product and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 6/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6813-7619 i l l SQLlEDIT ~ ~ OFFERING This document describes the program product and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. It is a component of GBOF-2502. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 6/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6813-7620 CACHE Rt!E REPORTER ~ PROGRAM OFFERING This docUJDent describes the program product and provides information on price. ordering. installation, and service. It is a component of GBOF-2500. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6 pages, 6/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GB13-7628 m 6813-7578 ~ MAINTENANCEIRECQVERY UTILITIES !!QI!!;I PROGRAM OFFERING This document describes the program product and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. This publication is a component of GBOF-2543. Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 4/84 11115796-BOYIWT-ONLY 6813-7581 VSEIRSCS ~ ~ fQB ~ ~ OFFERING This document describes the program product and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. It is • component of 680F-2564. Flyer. 8 1/2 x II inches. 4 pages. 3/85 11115798-PXFIWT-ONLY l/ mm HOST .E!!R JHg PERSONAL COMPUTER 2SIQZ!l QB AT(370 WITH ~ MACHINEIPERSONAL COMpuTER. 5798-DTL. NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING This publication describes the program product and provides information on price, ordering, installation, and service. It is a component of GBOF-2530. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 pages, 5/85 11115798-DTLIWT-ONLY 6813-7646 !w USABILITY m ~ OFFERING This publication describes the program product and provides information on price, ordering. installation. and service. This publication is a component of GBOF-2579. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages, 3/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY !:!Ql:!g 363 6813 6813-7652 I:l!m.!i ~ INTERACTIVE OPERATING J.IJm:! .I!B.!l!ZIWI OFFERING This publication describes the prograM product and provides information on price, ordering, installation, and service. This publication is a component of G90F-2500. Flyer, 8 1/2 )( 11 inches, 12 pages, 3/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 6813-7658 APPLICATION fB!l!i!WI PERFORMANCE EXTEtIlER, 5798-DNL. H!II&f fll.!l§!!A!I OF FER ING This publication describes the prograM product and provides information on price, ordering, installation. and service. It is a component of 6BOF-2543. Flyer, 8 1/2 )( 11 inches, 4 pages, 6/85 ////5798-DNLIWT-ONLY 6813-7661 EXTENDED EXPONENT ~ .EQ! FORTRAN. 5796-PKR. ~ fll.!l§!!A!I OF FERING This publication describes the progra.. product and provides information on price ordering, installation, and service. It is a component of 680F-2503. Flyer, 8 1/2 )( 11 inches, 4 pages, 5/85 ////5796-PKRIWT-ONLY 6813-7685 CONVERSION A1l! .ERm1 I!!!f::mI !til !!l m Z!t ~ :m DH A!§ Z!t k!mQI..a. 5796-PXY. =f!.l.& -PYN. ~ .::flfL .:::fU.z. .:f!L .:.erR !:!QIill PROGRAM OFFERING This publication describes the prograM product and provides inforMation on price, ordering, installation, and service. It is a component of GBOF-2565. Flyer. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 6 pages. 6/85 ////5796-PXY.5796-PYL.5796-PNY.5796-PXZ.5796-PYP.5796-PYA. 5796-PYO.5796-PYR/WT-DNLY 1>813-7686 ~ IWiI1 PERFORMANCE SlmsII:! CONVERSATIOtIAL I:I!!.Ifl:mB JllmtJ filB llW tIQll.W .u AtIll .u... 5798-DRJ. tiQ.Ug ~ OFFERING This publication describes the prograM product and provides information on price, or~ering. installation. and service. It is a component of 680F-2506. Flyer. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 4 pages. 7/85 ////5798-DRJIWT-ONLY :;&13-7693 COOIRSIOtI UTnIu, S798-ppL. tm.ia !BlEAtI OFFERING This publlOition describes the prograM product and provides information on price. ordering. Installation. and service. It Is a component of GaOF-266S. Flyer. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 6 pages. S/8S 11115798-DPl/WT-ONLY ~ 6813-7695 m.nw. IlIWJ ImII II1WP INPUTtQ!lTM INTERFACI lL. 5785-p91. uaIlCI ~ QFFERINI this publication describes the prograM product and provides Information on prloe. ordering. Installation. and .ervloe. It Is a component of 88OF-2531. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches, 4 pages. 5/85 11115798-D.IIWT-ONLY 6821 6821-0493 B&A ~ :m M§ mmI.L S79§-AHT. CMERSIOtI A1l! f2B SYSTEM/360/370 !:!QIill This document describes the purpose and highlights of RCA COBOL to IBM ANS COBOL Conversion Aid for the System/360. 370. Written in Ale. this series of programs and procedures lIill assist in the conversion of RCA TOS/TDOS or ANSI COBOL programs to IBM ANS COBOL. The syst... described here operates under the IBM Disk Operating System (DOS) or the full Operating System (OS). This Availability Notice contains complete ordering instructions for the Field Developed PrograM and all its related documentation. for .anagement and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the prograM and others Mho require infor.ation concerning it. Notice. 6 pages ////S798-AHT 6821-0704 BURRQUSHS 100/200/300/500 ~ ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE :m DH gg§ ~ CONVERSION A1l! fQB SYSTEM/360' lZR AVAILABILITY tiQ.Ug i l l !!lll:1f!ER 5798-AMC This document describes the purpose and highlights of Burroughs 100/200/300/500 Basic Assembler Language to IBM DOS Ale Conversion Aid for the Systell/360. 370. Written in ALC this program assists in the conversion of Burroughs 100/200/300/500 Series Basic Assembly Language prograll5 to IBM DOS Assembler Language. There are three phases in the conversion process: language translation. manual editing of intermediate'output and correction of diagnostics. DOS Assembly. The translation system operates on a System/360 (Dlodel 22 or above) or System/370 under DOS. A .inimUil partition of 14 bytes is required • This Availability Notice contains complete ordering instruction for the Field Developed Progra. and all its related documentation. for .anagement and data processing personnal who are prospective users of the progra.. and others who required infor.ation concerning it. Flyer. 4 pages ////5798-AMC = 5821-0801 SYSTEMl360(370 2!.1 ~ aJ gg !Wm! TERMINAL; fIlf S79S-AHK DESCRIPTION/OpERATIONS This document describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of tha CPU Console as System/360. 370 CICS Master Ter.inal. Written in Bal for the Systell/360. 370. this syst... running under CICS DOS Entry. DOS Standard and as Standard. Version 2. allows the user to utilize the CPU cenaole as a .aster ter.inal. CICS transactions can be requested fro. the console, and CICS errqr ...SIIgo can be routed to the console. The prograM requires no .edlflcation to CICS and a11ol111 nor.1Il operating syst... use of the console. This PrograM DesoriptionlOperatlons Manual provides the user lIith sufficient Infor.ation to understand. Install and .uccessfully use the progra•• Manual. 31 pages 111157M-AN< H2I-0914 D!:I &II GPIOl. fB.!I2 B:9JJ GPIOl. COOIR8I11N AID fIlf 579S-ASY· uaIlCI this document describes the purpotle and highlight. of the XBM ANS COBOL froll 8E-415 C080L Conver.lon Aid FOP. Thi. FOP, IIrltten In ALC. I. a .aries of progra.. and procedures designed to a.sl.t In the ODnvar.lon of 8E-415 COBOL progra.. to %BM ANS CDBOLa....11 a. tran.latlon of 81-411 tape files to EBCDIC. The .y.tam operates undar DOS. but hal oapablUt~ of producing output for either DDS or OS anvll'ONel'lt.. The conver.lon progra.. Nfll operate under 364 LB2I GB21 DOS on any Systell 360/370. Hodel 22 or larger lIith a partition size of 14K. The use of the tape file conversion progra.. will require tllO tape drives. one of Nhich ... y be 7track drive. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require infonnation concerning it. Availability Notice. 2 pages execution tille. the labels in the nalll8 fields of executed instructions print on SYSlST. When testing is complete. the prograM ...y be used to remove the added code. (Without UPSI card. code is transparent to user.) This Availability Notice contains complete ordering instructions for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the prograM and others who require inforllation concerning it. Notice. 4 pages 11115798-ASY 11115798-AWJ S821-0915 GB2I-1373 !!!!:I M:§ COBOL fB.QI:! &E-415 ~ CONVERSION ,yg llill ~ PROGRAM MAINTENANCE ON-lINE • .E.!lf 5728-8DT • .E.!lf 5798-ASY NOTICE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This document describes the purpose highlights of CICS Source Program Maintenance On-line. and This document describes the capabilities of the FOP and the programs of the I8N »IS COBOL from &E-415 COBOL Designed to provide the capability of storing source prograllS on disk. retrieving them and lIodifying thent in Conversion Aid. This FOP. written in ALC. is a series of programs and procedures designed to assist in the conversion conversational .ode at a terminal and creating job streaMS of GE-415 COBOL programs to IBN »IS COBOL as Nell as from the terminal to be used to compile and test the translation of GE-415 tape files to EBCDIC. The system programs. Extends the power of a CICS on-line system to progralllllers and systems programmers via a 3270. operates under DOS. but has capability of producing output for either DOS or OS environments. The conversion programs This Availability Notice contains complete ordering lIill operate under DOS on any SysteM 360/370. Model 22 or inforllation for the Field Developed Prograll and all its larger lIith a partition size of 14K. The use of the tape related documentation. for management and data processing file conversion program will require two tape drives. one of persC>n\181 who are prospective users of the program and others who require infor... tion concerning it. which may be 7-track drive. This Program Oescription/Operations Manual provides 'the Flyer. 4 pages user with sufficient information to understand. install and 11115798-BDT successfully use the program. Manual. 29 pages 11115798-ASY &821-1376 ~ ~ fi!R ~ .E.!lf 5798-BOW. ~ This FOP provides several sort programs and subroutines Nhich run under the CI1S component of VM/370. They may be GB21-0999 invoked from a COBOL. PlII. FORTRAN. or Assembler program, ~ STATEI'IEN! LIBRARY NAINTENANCE fi!R M:§ gmgJ, Q!f S/370 AVAILABILITY NOTICE or as a CI1S command. Compared with the SORT component of This document describes the purpose and highlights of CI1S. these programs offer a compatible replacement for the DOS Source Statement Library Maintenance for ANS COBOL on CI'IS sort command with improved function and performance. Systeml370. This progra.. is written in Assembler. DOS »IS The new "extension feature" (Specify 9564. 9565) offers COBOL users have been reluctant in the past to use the functional and performance improvements which include: extended source program library facility. In order to • Support for Extended Files in BSEPP Release 6 (over update the library, the programmer BlUSt prepare a nell set of 65533 records) control cards for the DOS MAIN! program. He must also • Support for Standard Files (up to 65533 records) convert the COBOL statement numbers (the first six • Faster variable length record sorting positions) to MAIN! statement numbers (the last four • Specification of up to 16 sort fields positions). This program alloNS updating the library lIith Flyer. 8 1/2 X 11 inches. 6 pages. 8180 the salll8 control cards used in COtI1piling the program. The 11115798-BDW tiMe required to make new control cards and correct errors can be eliminated. The convenience of maintaining complete COBOL prograM 5821-1377 libraries on disk may be realized. Programs may be compiled ~ .!i!!!I fi!R ~ .E.!lf 5798-BOW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS directly from the source statement library with changes This document describes the capabilities of the FDP submitted on cards. When a program has been fully tested. and the progra. of the CI1S Sort for VI1I370. It is Nritten the change cards may be used to update the library, in Assembler. This FOP provides several sort programs and subroutines providing a final version for later use. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering which I'U"I under the CI1S component of VMl370. They .ay be invoked from a COBOL. PllI. FORTRAN. or BAl program. or as • instructions for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation. for ll\llnagement and data processing CI1S cOlWand. Compared with the SORT component of CI1S. these programs offer a compatible replacement for the CI1S sort personnel who are prospective users of the program and others llho require infor... tion concerning it. COtIIIIIand Nith improved fimction and performance. Flyer. 2 pages This Progr.1I Description/Operations Nanual provides the user lIith sufficient infor... tion to understand. install and 11115798-AWO successfully use the program. Manual. 28 pages .;a2l-1008 11I15798-BDW ~ ASSEl1BlER I§!.It!§ AIlU. .E.!lf 5798-ANJ, ~ This document describes the purpose and highlights of DOSIVS Assembler Testing Aid. This prograM is written in LB21-1378 Ass_leI'. ~ D! fi!R ~ .E.!lf 5728-BOW, ~ iYm This program can ..rge coding into the user's essellbler This manual provides the Systems Analyst lIith the necessery information on the design. logic and coding of the syst_ to source deck. When an UPSI card is placed in JCl at mm 365 (/ LB21 GB21 enable modifications to be made, program errors diagnosed, and program maintenance performed. This document describes the steps necessary to modify the CMS Sort for VMl370. Systems Guide, 20 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY II115798-CD6 6821-1546 ~ RMINE. f!!l! 5798-CDB. t!Q!lg This document describes the purpose and highlights of the 1400 Compatibility Access Routine. Through the use of this Field Developed Program a Systeml370 COBOL or Assembler Language program can access disk data fil ... which are in the 1400 Emulator format. The FDP does not require the use of the 1400 Emulator, therefore, orderly conversion of 1400 emulated applications to System/370 native mode operations under DOSIVS is possible. The FDP supports 1311, 1301 and 1405 type fil ... emulated on a 3330 or 3340 Direct Access Storage Device. Data files can be in the track or sector format and in either move or load mode. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 4 pages 111I5798-CDB ill!l COI1PATIBILIIT 6821-1456 EXTENDING SEQUENTIAL !W!K FILES fQB ~ f!!l! 5198-CBN. NOTICE This document describes the purpose and highlights of the program. This FDP can help improve performance and reduce disk storage requirements for applications that add records to the end of a sequential disk file. thus. eliminating the need to re-copy the files. The subroutines in this FDP will be included in the user's assembler or COBOL programs through a CALL instruction. The FDP supports 2314. 3330. and 3340 DASD devices. and does not require special preformatting of extents. Blocked or unblocked fixed length records may be added to sequential files and subsequently access through the standard DOSIVS sequential access methods via logical ICCS. Multiple files may be accessed in a user's program though only one copy of the FDP is included in the user's program. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who ·require information concerning it. Flyer. 2 pages 11115798-CBN 6821-1578 SB21-1508 f!!l! 5798-CC6. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and lIucceslifully use the program. Manual. 58 pages 1/1/5798-CC6 ~ ~ !!:lli ~ PROGRAM J :!!m DEVELOPME!fl' SYSTEM. f!!l! 5798-CDR. t!Q!lg This document d...cribes the program offering and provides information on price, ordering, installation. and service. The 1115 Online Program and Job Development Systenl is an IMS/DBIDC application system which provides the ability to develop, edit, lIOdify, test, and execute OSIVS jobs from an IBM 3270 Display Station supported by the 1115 DBIDC system. Availability Notice, 4 pages 111I5798-CDR 8821-1680 MTCS/VS. f!!l! 5798-CFK. NOTICE This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its related 6B21-1513 documentation, for ..anagement and data processing personnel PCl'AERIVS ~ J PERFORMANCE ANALYZER. f!!l! 5198-CD6 t!Q!lg Mho are prospective users of the program and others Mho This document describes the purpose and highlights of this require information concerning it. Analyzar. The mini.u. Tele-Communication System/Virtual Storage POWERIVS provides accounting records Nhich contain (MTCSIVS)' written in Assembler, is a generalized data important inforlllation concerning system utilization. The c-.-.ication syst_ designed for the smaller DOSIVS user. FDP reads these records and s-rates summary reports Nhich In addition to data communication facilities, it provides should prove to be of significant benefit to data processing interface and control functions so that installation files management. Reports include Execution (CPU). 1/0 Device and databases can be accessed to implement a small scale activity. RJE. and a cost analysis report based on userdata base/data communication (DBIDC) system. specified cost figures. The FDP provides the facility to MTCSIVS is designed to be installed quickly with a accumulate daily information for monthly reports. A user .inillUlll expenditure for un and machine resources. The advantages of a DBIDC system can be realized sooner because modification and/or addition may be developed to use these summary records for monthly billing. long lead times are not required for specialized training of The POWERIVS Cost and Perforunce Analyzer wi 11 provide application and system programmer, and the low main storage requirements permit installation with minimuM expenditure valuable operating information to Data processing and Operation Managers. Systu tuning will be possible by using for additional equipment. the Performance Report to change placements of high activity MTCSIVS is the third in a series of "MTCS" Field Developed Programs (the first was Miniaw. Teleprocessing fil ... and indicate where excessive time and resources are COIII\IIUI'Iication System (MTCS) 5798-AAY, the second was l'Iini_ used. Frotl the Monthly Cost Analysis (which uy be run at any desired frequency), a IIOre enlightened view of computer Tele-Comraunication· Syst_ for System/370 (MTCS/370)' costs may be obtained. Billing is facilitated because the 5798-ALN). MTCSIVS provides the following impr.oveMl'lts to, and data needed is available in a tape or disk record and need only be processed against the users custOllltlr data as bills features not available in, I1TCS/370: are printed. o Access to VSAM Datasets o Access to DVI Entry Databases This Availability Notice contains complete ordering o Enhanced CICSIDOSIVS Compatibility information for the Field Developed Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing o Technological Improvements achieved through: Utilization of DOSIVS capabilities Nhich are not personnel who are prospective users of the program and available in the non-VS Disk Operating System others who require information concerning it. Availability Notice, 8 pages Addition of New Features 366 \.". / ( 6821 6821 5798-CDTl to IMSIVS 1.1 and provides key reporting and usability enhancements for both IMSIVS 1.0.1 and IMS 1.1 users. IMSASAP II is comprised of a set of report processors which execute under the System for Generalized Performance Analysis Reporting. (FOP 5798-CPRI. It processes IMSIVS monitor output to provide Management, analyst, and programmer level reports which assist in the analysis of an IMSIVS syste.. environment. Significant features include: - HeN Reports System IWAIT Reports Transactions by Time Period Detail PSB Activity Reports - Enhanced Reports Summary Reports Region Histogra. Program Trace - Hierarchical reporting structure. from systeM - summarizes to program trace reports. - Elapsed time per event distributions provided on appropriate reports. - Reporting of schedules in progress at trace start and trace end. including Mait-for-input and BMP programs. - Report and content selection by report type, time - period, region, and PSBNAME or DDNAME groups. - Selection of reports and reporting options through use of a command language. Availability notice, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 8 pgs, 4/77 Improved Installability, Usability and Operational Flexibil Ity. Availability notice, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 8 pgs, 10/76 11115798-CFK GB21-1696 CICS SOURCE PROGRAM MAINTENANCE ~ !! No abstract available. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 pages 11115798-CFT SB21-1697 CICS PERFORMANCE ANALYZER, 5798-CFP DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE I This publication describes the installation and operation of PA II and includes detailed information on its functional capabilities 'and how to use them. Note that references in this publication to DOS or DOSIVS apply equally to DOSIVSE unless otherNise specified. This publication is a major revision of 5821-1697-4. Manual, 101 pages, 12/75 11115798-CFP SB21-1700 CICS SOURCE PROGRAM MAINTENANCE ~ 11 ill 5798-CFT. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This Program Description! Operations Manual provides the user Nith sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the progra... For information about this program, sea abstract of GB21-1696 (5798-CFTI. Manual, 212 pages, 12/75 = 11115798-CFT 11115798-CHJ 5821-1793 1!!li I'1ONITOR SUMMARY AND SYSTEM ANALYSIS PROGRAM !! (IMSASAP !1l ill 5798-CHJ. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This Progra.. Description/Operations Manual provides the user Nith sufficient inforMation to understand, install and successfully use the program. For information about this program, see abs·tract for 6821-1792 (5798-CHJ1. Manual, 8 1/2 )( 11 inches, 135 pgs, 4177 = 6821-1773 DOS DASDI & CONVERSION AID ill 5798-CHA. I:!Q]lg This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Field Developed Progra.. and all it. 11115798-CHJ related documentation, for management and data processing personnel Mho are prospective users of the program and others Nho require information concerning it. LB21-1794 This FOP, the DOS DASDI JCL Conversion Aid, written in SYSTEM fQR GENERALIZED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING Assembler Language, is a program developed to significantly ~ ill 5798-CPR. ~ GUIDE This Progra.. Description/Operations Manual provides the user reduce the manual effort requi red to convert DOS Job Control Mith sufficient information to understand, install and Language decks when changing types of disk drives. Although changes for permanent assignments and standard successfully use the program. labels can be ..anually accomplished without MUCh difficulty, For infor... tion about this progra., see abstract for ASSGN, DLBL, and EXTENT cards illlbedded in JCL decks can 6821-2091 (5798-CPRI. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 123 pgs, 4/77 require many hours of ..anual labor. This FOP alloNS the user to define conversion requirements with one ..aster SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY control card and a series of cards Nhich describe the relationship between the old and new devices. There My be as few as two cards per disk drive. The DOS DASDI JCL 6821-1804 Conversion Aid can provide substantial savings in personnel APLIDATA LANGUAGE. 5798-CHR. ~ costs when large program libraries must be converted to This Availability Notice contains complete ordering reflect installation of new disk drives. information for the Program and all its related docUlllenAvailability Notice, 6 pages. 12/75 tation, for .anagement and data processing personnel who are 11115798-CHA prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. This Field Developed Program i. written in APL. This G821-1792 FOP expands the capability of APL by providing the APL application programmer Nith a powerful data management 1!!li I'1ONlIOR SUI1I1ARY M!!l SYSTEM ANALYSIS PROGRAM 11 (IMSASAP llh ill 5798-CHJ. I:!QIill facility. It complements APL's extensive data Manipulation facilities Mith • dictionary driven, data independent, data This Availability Notice contains complete ordering infoMllation for the Program and all its related storage and retrieval system. The user can retrieve data docUlllentation, for management and data processing personnel across a netNork of inter-related files. who are prospective users of the program and others who APL data language can help eliminate the usually large require information concerning it. allOU'lts of user Nritten data manipulation and housekeeping IMSASAP II (FOP 5798-CHJ), a Productivity Aid Mritten in code. ALC, extends the significant features of IMSASAP (FOP Data handling can be standardized, improving code = = 367 6821 6821 ....dability .nd ~tation. It improves progra_r productivity through more problem solvingl less data handling activities. Applications previously abandoned or delayed due to complex d.t. requi rl!lllents !Day now be fe.sible. The d.t. b.se m.nagement services of APL Data L.nguage assist the user in: h.ndling complex data access .nd m.intenance problems description and definition of data bases creation of d.ta bases auditing of dat. base .ctivity. Avail.bility Notice. 6 pages. 12/75 /// /5798-CHR GB21-1810 DOSIVS ~ ~ UTILIZATION ANALysIS tI.QIlg The program gathers statistics about user transactions and runs under the control of CICS/vS to assist in system performance analysis and resource utilization. Information gathered includes CPU execution time. total transaction time. largest amount of storage used and the number of entries to file control access methods. Enhancements to the original version include terminal message-size monitoring. Dl/I activity monitoring. summary information by terminal operator ID. increased number of user counters and accumulators. and usability enhancements to the problem determination analysis model. Enhanced data reduction and display capabilities include graphic display of CPU utilization. task rates. and EXCP rates. Availability Notice. 4 pages. 12/75 ////5798-CFP =fDE 5798-CHW, This Av.ilability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Progr.m and .11 its related documentation. for llanageraent and dat. processing personnel who ere prospective users of the program .nd others who require information concerning it. This Field Developed Program is written in Assembler language. The Dos/vS Disk Space Utiliz.tion Report FDP produces three reports to assist the installation manager in analyzing disk space utilization. A physical sequence report displays for each disk volume. the data sets. their record size. block size. lONer extent. upper extent. and alllOUl'\t of space allocated to the data set. An Alphabetic Sequence report displays the same information in data set alphabetic sequence. In addition. there is a graphical represent.tion report which graphically shows the physical location of each data set on the disk volume. . Availability Notice. 4 pages ////5798-CHW 6821-1877 CNSERVICE. fgf 5798-CJZ. HQIl&S This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. This FDP. written in Assembler. is a general utility program which runs under the Conversational Moni tor Syst.. (CMS) of Virtual Machine/370. It makes computer services .are readily available to new time sharing users of limited experience other than control fU'lCtions or unit record. It performs typical utility functions such as tape-to-card. card-to-disk. etc •• but with sufficient prompting to enable inexperienced operators to: 1) store and maintain control of internediate unit record filesl 2) invoke utilities such as sort and merge to eliminate intermediate pU'lChed card output; 3) generate jobstreams by imbedding data within appropriate JCL; and 4) reduces contention for initiators or partitions and devices of co-resident systems. Availability notice. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pgs. 11/76 ////5798-CJZ 6821..,1816 IE ~ UTILIZATION. fDE 5798-CHY, t!.Q!Ig 6821-1936 This Availability Notice contains complete ordering .llZJl CO!1!1\JHICQIONS UTILITY. fgf 5798-CKZ. NOTICE This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its rel.ted documentation. for llanagemant and data processing personnel information for the Program and all its related who are prospective users of the program and others who documentation. for management and data processing personnel require information concerning it. . who are prospective users of the program and others who The Dos/vS Storage 'and CPU Utilization Display Field require information concerning it. Developed Program. written in Assembler. will collect and The IBM 3770 Communications Utility FDP. written in graphically display. in real time or batch. information from Assembler. provides a host program that will maintain a the DOSIVS Supervisor which affects overall system library of 3770 function programs. and transmit to and performance. The program will display CPU cycles receive from the programmable models of the IBM 3773. 3774. and 3775. The library maintenance function builds and utilization by partition. real storage utilization by partition. the paging rates and other pertinent information. maintains a VSAM library from the data set created by the With the easy to interpret displays and reports. the DOS/vS Program Validation Services program (BQBLIBI). The transmission function will process function programs. user can better understand the internal operation of his Terminal commands. and data through the Basic DOs/vS operating environment. He can identify job mixes and make better informed decisions regarding the use of his Telecommunications Access Method (BTAM) using Binary computer resources. Synchronous Communications. The FDP will operate under either DOS/vS or OS/VS. Availability Notice. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pgs. 12/76 ////5798-CHY Availability notice. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pgs. 12/76 ////579S-CKZ ~ ~ 6821-1862 = 6821-1945 PERFORMANCE ANALYZER 11 fDE 5798-CFp. ~ This Availability Notice contains complete ordering !Hl! HISTORY REPORTING SYSTEM. fgf 5798-CLB. tlQ!!g inforllation for the Program and all its related documenThis FDP is written in Basic Assembler Language. The IMS tation. for management and data processing personnel who are History Reporting System FDP is designed to provide the prospective users of the program and others who require INS/VS DC user with the ability to obtain Information about information conceming it. the utilization and performance of his online system on an ongoing basis. The FDP provides routines which. using the This new Field Developed Program is an iMproved version of the CICS Perforlllance Analyzer FDP (5798-AZH). It is INSIVS log tape. edits and stores information pertaining to being offered with extended support and continuing license syst.. load and performance in an INS database. A command language is then used to construct tailored reports from the pa~ts. ~ 368 ( "-/ ) ( 6821 5821 database on a demand basis. Summary and/or detail reports can be obtained for any desir.d combination of date rang•• time span. and transaction codes. Th. reports can b. produced as a normal OSIVS batch job. or can be invoked as terminal output to a TSO session. A .ethod is provided to identify periods of deviation from the user-observed and/or statistically defined performance norms. Th. program can also be used to reconstruct transaction codes and conversational SPA contents for ter.inals active at the time of an IMSIVS system failure. which information can be used to assist in system reconstruction during exceptional IMSIVS Emergency Restart situations. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its related documentation. for management and data proc.ssing personnel Mho are prospective users of the program and others Mho require information concerning it. Availability Notice. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 3/77 ////5798-CLB ( o o o Extended 72 charact.r DOd. editing Extended SO character mode editing Extended execute function allowing for dynamic include of other input acts or copy Members o Job status display o Enhanced installation procedure o Extended Copy Function o Online display of OS/VS data sets o Multiple generations of SYSOUT data o Additional user exit so users can use .x;sting library management systems with IMSJDS o Support for MYS o Enhanced data display o Software tabbing o Improved user statistics o Performance improvements Load balancing No resident BMP requirement Copy function 50~ less calls Delete performance improvements More efficient data base organization Elimination of previously required high overhead functions Significant improvement in performance of execute function. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pgs. 10/76 1/1/5798-CLP 3B21-1946 It!li HISTORY REPORTING ~ ill 5798-CbB. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This Program DescriptiOn/Operations Manual provides the us.r with sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the program. For information about this progra•• see abstract for 6B21-1945 (5798-CLB). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 41 pages. 3/77 G821-1987 ////5798-CLB n!2 PROGRAMMING ~ FACILITY-II. l!ll! 5198-CLW. f:!!rug This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel GB21-1963 who are prospective users of the program and others Mho SYSTEM/370 ~ ~ CONVERSION' ill 5798-CLH. ~ This Availability Notic. contains compl.te ordering require information concerning it. information for the Program and all its r.lated PCF II. written in Assembler. offers the features of the documentation. for management and data processing personnel TSO/YS2 Programming Control Facility FOP. 5798-BBJ. to users who are prospective users of the program and others who of MVS Release 3.7 with TSO/vTAM. RACF. or the TSO Command require information concerning it. Package installed. Those PCF features which have been This FOP is written in Assembler to run on a S/370 under compatibly extended into the new environment include: DOS/YS or OS/YS. It is designed to assist users of 6. E. o TSO command subsetting and program execution control by Mark III. CDC call/370 Basic. and Tymeshar. Superbasic in us.r converting programs and data to VS Basic and the required o Fila access control by fila category and PCF data formats. Program conv.r.ion includes .edifying the authorization level format of Basic statements, replac;ng Bas;c stataments. o SMF accounting data optionally recordad for .ach command and major subcommand functions and op.ratcrs with equivalent VS Ba.ic .tatements. functions and op.rators' changing BCD charact.r. to EBCDIC o Us. of a .emicolon as command delimiter for IlUltipl. charact.r. (optionall. and flagging statement. which have no commands ent.red per li ne .quivalent in VS B.sic .nd c.n not be conv.rt.d. Data o Us.r direct access SPIC. control by voluaa. New and enhanced clpabllitles Include: conver.ion includes replacing COIlll1lll. (or .noth.r deli.it.r) with bl.nk•• and .nc10ling ch.ract.r fi.lds in quotes. o Improved command luthorization control Fly.r. 8 1/2 x 11 inche•• 4 p.ges. 5/78 a Volume control enhancement. to support IlUltipl. volumes 11115798-CLH per usar o Standardized .ystem int.rfac.s for •••• of MVS mlintenanc. 6B21-1978 o Full SMP .upport for Install.tion o Continuous .upport. 11m Jll.I.Gl .I!BmiBA!! AtID . . DEVELOPMENT mntJ 11.z. !De 5l9S-CLp. ~ This p.ckage enhanc.. the functional c.pabllities of Thi. Ay.ll.bility Notice cont.lns compl.t. ord.ring MVSITSO whll. providing ba.ic security and integrity Inform.tion for the Program and all Its r.l.t.d features •• nd compl •••nt. other new functions such as RACf. document.tlon. for mlnagement and dlt. proc... ing personnel The .oftwar. pr.requiait. for thl. FDP i. TSOIVTAM who Ir. prospaotiv. us.r. of the program and other. Mho S.laet.bl. Unit or TSO Command Package Progr•• Product require inform.tion conc.rning It. (5740-XT6 I. IMS Sourc. Progrlm and Job Dev.lopment Sv-tam (IMSJDS Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches. 6 Plges. 11/76 U), written in A...lllbl.r. i. a MIll FOP and I • •n enhanced 11111798-CLM v.rslon of the FPD IMS Onlln. Program and Job O.y.lopment Sy.tem (IMSJDSI 157i8-CDRI. r.l ••••d June 27. 1975. The IMS Sourc. Program and Job D.v.lop.ent System II. 8121-1988 provides the cap.bliity to d.y.lop ••dit ••odify. t .. t .nd PROGRAMMING fAC:rLITY-U, flU! 17u-elM • DESCBIPTIQNtOPERATIQHS • xaout. OSIVS jobs from 18K 3277-2 and 3275 Di.pl.y Stations supported by the XMI D8IDC and IMlIVS DBIDC syst_. Thll Pregr•• De.cription! Op.rltlons Mlnual provides the Rei •••• 1 of IMSJDS II he••11 the bl.lo functions of user with sufficient Infor.atlon to und.r.tand. Inst.ll and the ori gl nal product plus: succes.fully us. the progra•• m 369 5821 &821 For information about this progr•• see BOIS abatr.ct for &B21-1987 (5798-CLW). Manu.l, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 49 peges, 11/76 ////5798-CLW Henual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, IS pgs, 1/77 //1/5798-CLZ &821-2044 lli!!.::f BATCH TRANSMISSION SERVICES • .Ell.!! 5798-CNX. ~ This Availability Notice contains co~plete ordering LB21-1989 information for the Program and .11 its related ~ PROGRAHHING FACIUn-II • .Ell.!! 5798-CLW. ~ §!l!!lg This systems guide provides the Systems Andyst Nith the documentetion, for lllanagement and data processing personnel necessary inforlllation on the design, logic .nd coding of Mho are prospective users of the program and others Mho the system to enable hi. to make modific.tions, diagnose require inform.tion concerning it. program errors and perform program •• intenance. This FOP, Nritten in Assembler. provides a host progr.m For information .bout this progr.m see BOIS abatr.ct for th.t Mill maintain a library of 3770 function programs and GB21-1987 (5798-CLW). transmit to and receive from the programmable models of the Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 25 pages, 11/76 IBM 3774, and 3775. The library maintenance function builds and Maintains a VSAH library from the date set cre.ted by SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY the Program Validation Services progr.m (BQBLIBII. The transmission function Nill process function programs, terminal commands, and data through either the Basic GB21-1996 Telecommunications Access Method (BTAH) using Binery ~ 3330/3340 Dm m CONVERSION Am EXTENSIONS Synchronous Communications or the Virtual Telecommunic.tions .Ell.!! 5798-CNA. ~ This Availability Notice contains complete ordering Access Method (VTAH) using Synchronous Data Link Control. information for the Program and all its related This FOP contains all of the function provided by the IBM docUllentation, for •• negement and data processing personnel 3770 Co!mnu"Iications Utility (5798-CKZ) plus SOLC support .nd Mho are prospective Users of the program and others Mho other minor enhancements. The FOP is designed to oper.te require information concerning it. under either DOS/vS or OS/VS. This Field Developed Program, Nritten in Assetnbler, is Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 peges, 12/77 an extension of FOP 5798-AHN, Nhich is a prerequisite. 1/1/5798-CNX The Data Set Conversion program extensions is a utility progr•• Nhich copies date sets from 3330s and 3340s to either 3330 Hodel II. 3350s (compatibility mode) or 3344&. 6821-2050 This enhancement .11ONS conversion from any IBM OASO llZ!l ~ .Ell.!! 5798-CNY. ~ supported by OOS/VS Release 32 to any other l.rger IBM OASD This Av.ilability Notice contains cOllPlete ordering supported by DOS/vS Release 32. information for the Progr.m and .11 its related The follONing data set org.niz.tions are supported: documentation, for manegement .nd data processing personnel sequential, ISAll, and Direct. Mho are prospective users of the program .nd others Mho Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 pgs 10/76 require information concerning it. ////5798-CNA This FOP ...ritten in Assetnbler. is designed to sort 3770 user datasets on the IBM 3770. The program accepts .s input the SORT key and a reference back to the source data. The GB21-2005 FOP sorts in either ascending or descending sequence, uses sort key lengths of 8, 16, 32 or 64, .nd sorts user date or ~ .\J!lli COPY-II, .Ell.!! 5798-CLZ. tmlEf This Av.ilability Notice contains complete ordering ne.. data being entered from. tertllind. The program sorts inforlllation for the Program .nd .11 its related user indexes so that user-indexed data sets may be accessed documentation, for lllanegement and data processing personnel using binery search techniques. Mho are prospective users of the progr.m .nd others Mho Availability notice, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6 pgs, 11/76 require information concerning it. 1///5798-CNY This FOP, Nritten in Assetnbler, provides the locd 3270 terminel user Nith hardcopy c.pebility for locally .tt.chad components of the IBM 3270 Info..... tion Display System. When &821-2059 invoked, .n image of the disphy screen is queued to a ~ CORRECTION P.f Qgf Il!!!J. .Ell.!! 5198-CPE! H!:!mI designated IBM 3284, 3286, or 3288. The program .UONS for This Av.ilability Notice contains complete ordering user specific.tion of either the PU, or PFK12 keys to informetion for the Program and all its related docunentation, for management and data processing personnel invoke the copy function. The program also provides for the printing of the terminal 10 of the requesting terminal as Mho .re prospective users of the program and others who Nell as for dynemic .lteration of the destination printer by require information concerning it. the system operator. The prilllary function of this FOP ...ritten in Assembler, This support has been designed and i!Dplema'lted to be is to provide a simple method of correcting unrecognizable procedurally compatible Nith IHS 3270 Local Copy (5796-AHL). characters resulting from a 3886 Optical Character Reader run. The programs are designed to operate under CICS using IMS/vs Loed Copy UNas Nritten in Assetnbler Language the 3270 Information Display System Nith the VIDEO-COLLECT and has been tested Nith OS/vSl Release 5.0, and IHS YS RPQ. Release 1.1.1 as Nell as OS/vS2 Release 3.7, and IHS/VS Release 1.1.3. The subject of correcting errors (unrecognizable Availability notice, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 pgs, 1/77 characters) resulting froJll optical scanning is someti_ not ////5798-CLZ only a technical problelll, but frequently a psychological probleM to be overcome by the prospective user. The FOP provides a sequential disk file Nhere the output of • 3886 Optical Character Re.der run is stored. This date 5821-2006 file normally contains characters which Here unrecognizable mm .Y;!!;!l. COpy-U • .Ell.!! 5U8-CLZ. DESCRIPTION/oPERATIQNS to the Reader. The CICS progr•• sc.ns this file until an This Program Description/Operations Henual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and unrecognized character is arlCOU'\tered. It then displays the successfully use the program. dat. string in the vicinity of the unrecognized character For information about this progr.m s_ abstract for along Nith the video image of that character using the VIDEO &821-2005 (5798-CLZ). COLLECT feature of the 3270 and 3886. The oper.tor then = 370 ( 0021 SB21 interprets the character and enters the correct character via the 3270 System. The program inserts the correct character in the data stream. and constructs a corrected data file. Statistics on counts of records read. the frequency of unrecognized characters by type. etc •• are maintained. A program is provided to display the statistics. Availability notice. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pgs. 12/76 ////5798-CPE time required to determine why a job failed. and minimize the number of times the computer operator is interrupted with requests to locate previous console entries. Console messages can be automatically routed to the submitting RJE terminal. CICS Source Program Maintenance Online II (5798-CFT) users can display their console listings on a local or remote 3270 Display Station. DP Managers and Auditors may find the printed output provides valuable audit and control information showing mich jobs were executed. when they were executed. and which devices were accessed. Availability notice. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pgs. 3/77 ////5798-CPQ 0021-2069 MVSGSOIVTAH Q!!A ill f!ID!I.z. f!lf 5798-CPF. !!Q!lli This Field Developed Program provides the ability for a T50 user to have a specified data set directed to any 3284/3286/3288 printer or 3790 print data set that is attached and defined to the YTAH netllOrk. SB21-2085 An additional feature provides support for SNA character CONSOLE SPOOLING Y!:!!mi POWER/vS. f!lf 5798-CP9. string (SCS) operation of IBM 3287 and 3289 printers DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS attached to IBM 3276 and 3274 controllers operating in SNA This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand. install and 1IOde. successfully use the program. This program is intended for use only on those TSO/MVS systems that have a YTAM netllOrk. The system environment For information about this program. see abstract for malo' be either YTAM only. or a mixed TeAM and YTAM. but it is &821-2084. necessary that the designated printer be under control fo Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 44 pgs. 3/77 ////5798-CPQ YTAH. This program provides the same facility to the TSOIVTAH user that the TSO Command Processor FDP (5798-AYF) provi des to the TCAM only TSO user. &821-2091 Availability notice. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pgs. 5/77 SYSTEM fQR GENERALIZED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING ////5798-CPF 1§fA!U FDP 5798-CPR. NOTICE This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its related SB21-2070 documentation. for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who MVS/TSOIVTAM Q!!A ill f!ID!I.z. f!lf 579§-CPF. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This FDP is written in Assembler. This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user The System for Generalized Performance Analysis with sufficient information to understand. install and Reporting (GPAR) is a productivity aid which is the base for successfully use the program. application-specific performance analysis sub-systems including IMSASAPII (5798-CHJ). IMSPARS (5798-CQP). GTFPARS For information about this program. see abstract for 0021-2069. (5798-CQQl and YTAMPARS (5798-CTW). By itself. GPAR provides facilities that can assist the Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 45 pgs. 5/77 ////5798-CPF writer of reporting programs and thus reduce cost and improve program quality. GPAR incorporates record processors that respond to execution time commands to prepare time-event graphs. data distribution plots and to L821-2071 dump and copy selected records from any sequentially MVS/TSOIVTAH Q!!A lin f!W:!I f!lf 5798-CPF. mmm !i!.!m This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the organized data set. A Parallel Access Loader (GPAR-PAL) necessary information on the design. logic and coding of the function is included so that existing. conventionally written programs may be executed concurrently with related systt!lll to enable him to make modifications. diagnose program GPAR standard record processors during a single pass of a errors and perform program maintenance. sequential data file. For information about this program see abstract for &821-2069. Release 2.0 provides the following new functions: SystelllS guide. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pgs. 5/77 • VSAM Data Set Support SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY • Parallel Access Loader (PAL) • Distribution Record Processor • Execute command Chaining &821-2084 • GPAR Programmer's Guide CONSOLE SpooLING ~ POWER/vS. f!lf 5798-CP9. !!Q!lli • Error Correction and Minor Report Format Improvements This Availability Notice contains complete ordering A GPAR Programmer's Guide describes GPAR functions. information for the Program and all its related Hcros and subroutines and illustrates how to use these programming productivity aids in the preparation of docUlllentation. for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who user-written reporting programs. Availability notice. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12 pgs. 4/77 require information concerning it. ////5798-CPR This Field Developed Program. written in Assembler. collects the console messages generated in a POWER/vs controlled partition and prints them out on a line printer. follONing the normal printed output for the job. SB21-2092 Many DOS/vs users find that it is difficult and awkward ~ f2B GENERALIZED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING to obtain information from the Dos/vs console. In Hny (GPAR) f!lf 5798-CPR. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user cases vital debugging information is printed only on the console (SYSLOS) and not on the user's printout (SYSLST). with sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the progra•• Providing the user with automatically generated console _sages can improve progra_r productivity. decrease the For information about this progra•• see abstract for = ( = = 371 (/ 5821 6821 GB21-2091 (S798-CPR). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 115 pga. 4/77 11115798-CPR 1111S798-CPX GB21-2121 6821-2100 ~ ~ FACILIIY/370 fM 3798-CPX. ~ = m emR AIm.BW 2AW flU! S798-C9E. ~ This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnal who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. This FOP. written in Assembler. facilitates the running of IlUltip1e copies of CICSIVS in an MYS environment. It helps users to realize the performance potential of a multiprocessing environment (AP and MP configurations). This is achieved by distributing the function over multiple copies of CICSIVS. One copy of CICSIVS (designated as the OC copy) is primarily concerned with controlling the terminal network. It passes transactions via the FOP to the other copy(s) of CICSIVS (designated as IX copies) for processing. Terminal 1/0 requests in the IX copies are intercepted and passed to the OC copy for execution. The FOP and this concept of operation offers greater CICSIVS system protection from errant application programs. New applications. for example. can be brought up in their 0Nn IX copy of CICSIVS but still use the same terminal network which supports the production system. All MVS CICSIVS users !including UP configuration) can benefit from this aspect of the FOP. All copies of CICSIVS may retain the capability to perform al1'CICSIVS functions. The DC copy can process transactions and the IX copies can control additional terminals at the users option. Accounts considering proposing this FOP should review their plans Nith the Palo Alto Systems Center. A feature (Specify 9550. 9551) is available that will .xtend the Central Service support for CICSIVS MYS Peer Address Spaces. S798-CQE. until August 31. 1980. The original Central Service period for S798-CQE ended 6/15179. Availability notice. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pgs. 4/77 1111S798-CQE ~ PERFQRMANCElMONlTOR ANALYSIS. This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Progr.m .nd .11 its r.lated doclJ1llentation. for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the progr.m .nd others Mho require information concerning it. This extended support FOP. Nritten in PVI. enables VI1I370 systems .nalysts and .dministrators to obt.in reports and graphs portraying the performance and utilization of a running VI1/370 system. The FOP uses data collected by the VI1I370 HONITDR command. It requires little previous knowledge of VI1I370 and should be of v.lue to naN VI1I370 installations as well as to experienced users. The functions av.ilable Nith Release 2.0 arel • An attached processor report th.t presents information on the rate of page reads. page writes. real external interrupts and virtual SVCs attributed to the att.ched processor. the main processor and the total system. • An attached processor report that presents information 2. The follOMing functions are .v.ilabl. with R.l.as. 3 and processor environment. It provides data on both spin locks and on activity def.rred due to the inability of acquiring a lock. • Provides a count of the number of times a virtual machine waited on the global system lock. • Provides the user Nith the ability to subtract 110 ti .. from the calculation of expansion factors. • Provides the user Nith the ability to calculat. storage utilization based on .ither real m.in storage size or on the number of pageabl. pages avail.ble. • Provides support for the "HONITOR-to-OISK" F.cility of VI1/370 Release 5. The us. of the "MONITOR-to-OISK" F.cility of VI1I370 R.lease 5 eliminates the need for. t.pe to be dediC41ted for collection monitor dat.. Monitor tape input is still Release 3.0 contains support for VI1ISystems Extensions (SEPP). S748-XEl. and VMlBasic System Extension (BSEPP). 6B21-2137 S748-XX8 monitor dat•••nhanc.d processing of .pool fil •• ~ XZ2 FQRMWING !lIU. fl2f 5798-CQN. J:!llUg ACUM files and r.port •• plus .rror correction to R.l ••s. Thi. Availability Notice contains complete ordering 2.0.The fol10.. ing funotions .r••v.llabl. with R.1 •••• 3.01 information for the Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel • F.ci1iti .. to ••• i.t us.r. in creating .ubs.ts of ACUM history fil ... Mho are prospectiVe user. of the program and others Mho require Information concerning It. • A program to sequentially page nunber a •• t of ¥MAP reports Thl. FOP i. written in Assembler. The GISIVS 3270 Formatting Aid FDP i. designed to a•• ist the user of GISIVS • A new PROFILE EXEC for .utomatic deta reduction of Monitor Spool fll. , in an IMS/VS terminal environment. The user I. provided with a .erl .. of 3270 IMSIVS .creen form.ts Mhlch will guide • F.cillties to ~iquely identify ACutl fil •• based on the creation date and tim. of the orlgin.l Monitor d.ta him through a terminal •••• Ion and enable hi. to ea.lly enter GISIVS querl... Scre.n for.at. ar. provided which • A thre.-p.rt report reflecting feedback Information on the R..ource Manager, of the SEPP and BSEPP program will help him enter queries frOM e .keletal 3270 .creen. products. edit queries and .alntain the GIS/VS task data ba.e. call a GI8/VS "HELP" function. and revi .... us.r data ba•••egment • Two addition.l SEPP report.: one .ummarlzlng .igratlon and field n.... a. d.flned to GISIYS. activlti ... the other pre.entlng .hadow table It will enable the user to conver.e with the .yst.. In maintenance actlvitl •• order to .ubmlt data base querl... A tailoring faolilty Fly.r. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4178 will let the user .tandardlze querl .. In any for. desired. 11115798-CPX Users will be able to concentrate on the loglo of the query rather than syntax requirement •• AYellablllty Notice. 8 1/2 M 11 Inches, 4 pgs •• 6/77 1B21-2101 11111798-CQN :mL.lllU. PERPORtlANCEl!1C!HlTOR ANALYSIS! flU! 1791-CPX P~9CRIPTIQN/OPERATIONS !CURRENT RELEASEI T~. Program De.crlptlon/Operatlons Manual provide. the USer with .ufficient Infor.atlon to under.tand. Instell and 8821-2139 .ucc... fully use the progra•• mal pEReQBMANt! ANALYSIS Atm REPQBUNa IDIE!S ! IHIPARS I , For Information about thl. program ... abltract fo~ !De IZ98-C9p. ~ 6B21-2100 (5798-CPX). This Availability Notice contains oomplete ordering Infor.. tlon for the Program and all It. related Manual, 8 112 x 11 Inches, 227 pages. 4178 ./ 372 / L ( 6821 docl.llllt!ntation, for Management and data processing personnel Mho are prospective users of the prograll and others who require information concerning it. This FDP, written in ALC, is a Performance Analysis and Tuning Aid for IMSIVS DBIDC systems and provides a variety of reports designed to help the user improve the productivity of the 1MSIVS syst... The reports, derived frOll the IMSIVS log tape, provide inforotion in the areas of Transaction response ti ... IMS system resource usage IMS system resource availability The IMSPARS reports are designed for different ICOrking levels within the data processing organization. A management summary report lets management know if 1115 is functioning within expected limits. A series of summary reports are intended for adlllinistrators and analysts who want various types of operating information in easy to read summary form. Finally, detail reports assist analysts and programmers involved in problu solving. IMSPARS executes under, and requires, the SysteM for Generalized Performance Analysis Reporting (GPAR), (Program Number 5798-CPR). It supports log tapes produced by 11151VS 1.1.4, and it is released with extended support. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4/78 ////5798-CQP ( c LB21 thesa prograllS executes in an OS/VS envi rOl'lllent, and the other executes in an tlVSIXA environment. Separate data set libraries should be maintained for each program, according to the user's environment. Please revieM the installation requirements/procedures in this .anual, and the comments preceding the installation JCL located in file 7 of the GTFPARS distribution tape. The prograll has the following enhancements. It specifies free space on all requested volumes during a VOltlAP Report. It specifies when VIOC's are indexed. Like the 3084, it summarizes four CPU's executing at the same time. It tests and ignores RACF protected data sets. It corrects ti.ings when specific SVCs (for example, TIMESVC and TYPESVC) are requested. All 6TFPARS Vlt13 modules have been resequenced. The "VER=" operand on the PROCs included in the control JCL file can be very useful in specifying and controlling the tNO GTFPARS environments provided in this release. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 90 pages, 12/77 ////5798-CGIQ SB21-2145 ~ ~ ~ SHARING SYSTEM/II (ETSS/III. !nf 5798-CLR. TERMItIAL USERS 6UIDE For information about this prograM see BOIS abstract for 6821-1981 (5798-CLR). This guide is for terminal users. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 513 pgs, 9/77 ////5798-CLR SB21-2140 IMSIVS PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS ~ REPORTING ~ (IMSPARS) DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This Program DescriptionlOperations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and 6821-2179 successfully use the program. ~ SECONDARY OPERATOR. 5798-CRE. NOTICE This Availability Notice contains complete ordering For information about this program, see abstract for 6821-2139 (5798-CQP). information for the Program and all its related documentation, for management and data processing personnel Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 130 pages, 4/78 ////5798-CQP who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. This FDP, written in Assembler, provides facilities to siaplify I1VS console operation and reduce the possibility of 6821-2142 GENERALIZED TRACE FACILIU PERFORtlANCE ANALYSIS (GTFPARS). operator delays and errors. Thi s FDP runs as an I1VS job and has two IIIiIjor functions: Command/Job Procedure Processing; !nf 5798-CQQ. AVAILABILITY ~ This Availability Notice contains complete ordering and Ti ..-of-Day Event Scheduling. information for the Prograll and all its related Command/Job Procedure Processing allows operators to request execution of complex procedures containing OS/l1VS. documentation, for lIanagement and data processing persOl'WMll Mho are prospective users of the prograll and others Mho JES. VIAH, and/or TCAH commands. Para_tel' substi tution and require information concerning it. control logic facilities are provided. Procedures may This FDP, written in ASM, is a perforonce analysis and subllit jobs to tlVS for execution. Ti ..-of-Day Event Scheduling will automatically submit tuning aid for OSIVS Operating Syst.... Data input is production andlor backup jobs for execution at dates and created by the Generalized Trace Facility (GTF), a standard feature of OSIVS systems. times spec;fied by the user. A checkpoint/catch-up facility &TFPARS provides the systell progra....r with a covers the poss;bility that the system is down at the comprehensive collection of reports that help identify requested schedule time. Command procedures and write-to problems which iapact overall OSIVS syst.. perforllance or operator lIessages .ay also be executed at specified dates performance sensitive online applications such as IMSIVS, and times. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 pgs, 12/77 CICSIVS, or TSP. It produces Job and System SUllllNry Reports, as Mell as Detail Trace Reports. Summary Reports ////5798-CRE include information on sve, Paga Fault, I/o, Seek Distribution and Ana Hovement, System Resources Manager, External Interrupt, Contents Supervision, atc. SB21-2180 Detail Trace Reports provide the user with a ~ SECONDARY OPERATOR FACILITY. fDf 5798-CRE. chronological listing of avents when the Summary type of DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This Program Descript;on/Operations Manual provides the user information is inadequate to pinpoint a problem area. GTFPARS executes under the Systell for Generalized with sufficientinforllation to understand, install and successfully use the progra•• Perforllanca Analysis Reporting (GPAR) FDP 5798-CPR. For inforllation about th;s program, see abstract for Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 12 pages, 12/77 ////5798-CGIQ 6821-2179 (5798-CREI. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 52 pgs, 12/77 ////5798-CRE '5821-2143 GENERALIZED TRACE FACILITY PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS (GTFPARS) ~ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS !:!&:!l.!!!. GTFPARS Vlt13 contains two district report prograllS. One of 373 LB21 Ga21 MOVE and COPY cOtlllllands. Screen layout. syntax and use conventions are si ..ilar to those of SPF in the TSO envi ronment. Program is written in APL and requires the Ys APL program product (5748-APl). Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 12/77 LB21-2181 SECONDARY OPERATOR FACILITY. Ene 5798-CRE. SYSTEMS §YIgg This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design. logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications. diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. For information about this program. see abstract for 11115798-eT6 GB21-2179 (5798-CRE). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pg5. 12/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SB21-2228 VSPC FULL SCREEN Il!lmL. Ene 579§-C!6. DESCRIPTION/OPERATION This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user GB21-2190 with sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the program. DOSIPITTO ! EXTENSIONS. Ene 579§-ARN. -CAF. t!Qllg For information about this program. see abstract for This Availability Notice contains complete ordering Ga21-2227 (5798-eT6). information for the Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 51 pages. 12/77 who are prospective users of the program and others who 11115798-eT6 require information concerning it. OOSIDITTO (5798-ARN). written in Assembler. is a general purpose utility program containing thirty-seven (37) utility 6821-2230 functions for Unit Record. Tape and Disk Input/Output units. lHl! FAST SCAN UTILITY. Ene 5798-CTP. m:ug This Availability Notice contains complete ordering Functional utilities available in addition to normal card. disk. and tape utilities are: Tape and Disk Record Scan. information for the Program and all its related Disk and Tape Record Alteration. Disk ID Volume Number documentation. for management and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others who Change. Deblocking of Tape Records when printing. and User Tape Error Correction. DOSIDITTO is an enhanced version of require information concerning it. the Type III program DITTO (360D-00.l.018). This FDP. Nritten in Assembler. is a performance The Enhancement Feature (9500. 9501) to 5798-ARN oriented program designed to retrieve segments from a DLll supports the IBM 3300-11 and 3350 disk storage units and HD Database (HIDAM or HDAM) in hierarchic (GET NEXT) operation with Advanced Functions-DOSIVS (5746-XE2). sequence and produce multiple output dataset. for use by EXTENSIONS to DOSIDITTO for Systelll/370 (5798-CAF) acids other IMS/VS Utilities or user programs. Each output 24 additional user-oriented functions to DOSIDITTO dataset can contain a different complement of segments as (5798-ARN). The Enhancement Feature (9502. 9503) to indicated by a user specified PSB in conjunction with 5798-CAF supports the IBM 3330-11 and 3350 disk storage optional user exists. Three output formats are provided. or units and operation Nith Advanced Functions-DOSIVS the users may elect to handle the output function (5746-XE2) • themselves. The three provided formats and their function Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 9/77 are: 11115798-ARN.5798-CAF 1. HD REOR6 UNLOAD format Nhi ch allONS the FOP to run as a high speed unload step in the reorganizati1X"l process. 2. HSAM format which allONS a set of segments to be rapidly extracted from a large database and then processed GB21-2215 by a DLII batch program • .nltI ~ UIILITIES. Ene 5798-CRZ. t!Qllg This Availability Notice contains complete ordering 3. Variable Block format Nhich allows a set of segments information for the Program and all its related to be selected from a database and then processed by a batch program using QSAM instead of DLII. documentation. for management and data processing personnel Flyer 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 12/77 who are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. This FDP. Nritten in Assembler. converts machinereadable EBCDIC data sets into a correspondence braille code 5821-2247 to be embossed on .IBM impact printers Nith appropriate VTAMPARS. 5798-CTW. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS braille RPQs attached. This Program DescriptionlOperations Mantial provides the user This FDP is designed to provide visually impaired Nith sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the program. braille readers employed in electronic data-processing activities with access to information normally available For information about this program. see abstract for through computer printouts. These computer printouts might 6821-2246 (5798-CTW). include many conceivable types of listings generated during Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 46 pages. 12177 the course of job-related activities: reports. program 11115798-CTW listings. machine-readable text. etc. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 9/78 11115798-CRZ 6821-2255 lMSCa :m!!i INITIATED l!1M FACILITY. Ene 5798-eNF. ~ This Availability Notice contains complete ordering GB21-2227 inforaation for the Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel VSPC fi!.lJ. .!i9iWf Il!lmL. 5798-CTG. !fllIru Mho are prospective users of the program and others Mho This Availability Notice contains complete ordering require information concerning it. information for the Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel This FOP. written in ALC. provides the IMS/VS customer who are prospective users of the program and others Mho Nith the capability of programmed entry of IMS transactions. I185sage switches. 01" operator co_nds based upon time of require information concerning it. day or initial startup of 1MS. This FDP. Nritten in APL. provides the users of VSPC Nith a full screen editor capability for VSPC data files. With this product installed. the customer may AlloNS multiple line changes. FIND and CHANGE global automatically start extra ...sage regions during peak periods. start and stop lines that span tin zones at commands. scrolling Nith PF keys. line repositioning via ~ 374 GB21 5821 specified times. generate system statistics displays on a periodic basis. automatically shut the 1115 system dONn each night. perforM startup sequences after a restart (the restart command itself IllUSt still be operator entered). The capability to dynamically update both the time intervals and the code and messages to be generated is provided for the Z4 hour operation customer. The changes can be incorporated either automatically at a specified ti .. or by operator intervention. This product can significantly i~rove overall 1115 operation by eliminating situations where operators fail to perform a function on a timely basis or perform the Nrong function. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 3/78 ////5798-CWF S821-2256 IMS/VS TII1E INITIATED IH!!!l! FACILITY. m 5798-CWF. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This Program Description/Operations l1anual provides the user Nith sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the program. For information about this program. see abstract for G821-2255 (5798-CWF). I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 59 pages. 3/78 ////5798-CWF ( GB21-2326 SNA/RJE f!illfi ml!fY! ANALYSIS. m 5798-CXH. t!QIIg This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel Mho are prospective users of the program and others Mho require information concerning it. This FDP. Nritten in ALC. Nill analyze print reports to be transmitted with SNAlRJE systems. determine the most efficient compaction character set to be used Nith SNA compaction. and project the reduction in character transmission compared to 8SC compression. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 8 pages. 7/78 ////5798-CXH This product is designed to reduce the time required to reorganize HD-type databases. It also generates dataset. segment. and segment pointer statistics that may be valuable database tuning aid. While this FDP is particularly applicable to large database users. it offers performance improvements to most IMS/VS DVI users. Faster reorganization should allow more frequent database reorganization thus enhancing the performance of jobs accessing the database. Faster reorganization also means the database is unavailable to the online 1115 Control Region for a shorter period of time. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 12/78 ////5798-CXT 6821-2347 HDAI1 SEQUENTIAL RANDOMIZER GENERATOR EXTENSIONS. FOP 57'8-CXtI. ~ This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel Mho are prospective users of the program and others who require information concerning it. This FDP. Nritten in Assembler. generates a randomizer which has the capability of placing keys of an IMS/vS HDAI1 data base into collating sequence. It is an extension to IMS/vS Sequential Randomizer Generator FDP 5798-CQG. which is a prerequisite. The enhancements all"", the generation of randomizers that utilize less lIemory due to the implementation of advanced compression techniques. Improved handling of large irregular key sets. key analysis routines and zone sequential randomizer generation are provided. Flyer. 4 pages. 11/78 6821-2350 DATA m lliIQ!U fl!.!! 5Z98-CXQ. t!QIIg This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel Mho are prospective users of the program and others Mho require information concerning it. This FDP. Nritten in ALC. is a productivity aid designed to help reduce the time and effort required for modifying data sets. or lIembers. that result from hardNare and/or softNare changes. The program provides the user Nith editing capability for sequential data sets and libraries. It can process the library as a single entity or by selecting members. Highlights: • The ability to globally change cylinder allocations for non-specific volumes or via a volume list for specific volumes • The ability to process all or selected parts of a library via easy-to-use keyNord selection. • Updates done online or a job strea.. can be built to run later. • Autollatic expansion of data as required (continuation records may also be generated under user controll. • Maintains alias names for members. • Test option alloNS the user to reviaN the changes before updating the library. • AND OR and NOT logic provided for both FIND and CHANGE process i ng. • Automatic library compression as required under user control. • User controlled report capability. Flyer. 4 pages. 11/78 ////5798-CXQ ~ S821-2331 m 5798-CLR E155/II TERI1INAL !,!g! GUIDE This document describes the Full Screen Editor facility within ET55/II from the terminal user's point of viaNo The ET5S/II Full Screen Editor extends the capabilities of E15S/II by alloNing the user to concurrently execute multiple edit sessions on multiple logical 3270 display screens. In addition. the user may change data on the 3270 display screen directly and have these changes reflected in the file being edited. l1anual. 109 pages. 8/78 5L5S: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY fYb.!. SCREEN mll!B filR 6821-2341 un m REORGANIZATION RELOAD. 57m-eXT This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its related documentation. for .... nagesaent and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the program and others Mho require inforllation concerning it. This FDP. Nritten in Assembler. is designed to rapidly reload an II1S/VS database. It uses as input the unloaded dataset produced by either the 1115 Fast Scan Utility 5798-CTP or the 1115 HD Reorganization Unload Utility (5740-XX21. It produces a database that i. II15IVS Version 1 c~atible. but does not utilize II15/VS facilities. the program operates as a non-DVI batch job under 0S/V5. ~ 375 (/ 5821 5821 JCL are included as Nell as a sample probl_ to assist users in installing the product • It is provided for data processing executives and installation management. as well as members of their staffs who are engaged in or want to adopt capacity planning in their installations. as members of their staffs who ara omgaged in or want to adopt capacity planning in their installations. users in installing the product. It is provided for data processing executives and installation management. as well as members of their staffs who are engaged in or want to adopt capacity planning in their installations. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 460 pages. 4/84 ////5798-CYW SB21-2356 .I!!Wfi .I.QA!l ANALYZER • .me 5798-CXY. DESCRIPIIONIOPERATIONS This Program Oescription/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient inforNtion to understand. install and successfully use the program. For information about this program. see abstract for SB21-2355. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 10/78 ////5798-CXY 'SB21-2381 DUI FAST ~ YIlYI! ~ ill 5798-CYJ. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This manual describes the capabilities of the syst... and the programs. Discussion of design assumption and potential modification areas are included. Record and file layouts are described and primary processing procedures specified. 5821-2455 This manual is both a system description and an CICS ~ ~ MAINTENANCE m!lJ!:I!i II 1m! III installation and operations reference document. .me 5798-CFT. AUDIT A!:m ARCHIVE FEATURE. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 43 pages. 1/79 ////5798-CYJ This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the program. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 79 pages. 12/78 GB21-2391 ////5798-CFT CAPACITI PLANNING EXTENDED. m 5798-CYW, ~ This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel 5821-2460 who are prospective users of the program and others Mho ~ nAml ~ INDEPENDENCE m.!::/IDI-OPENI m require information concerning it. 5798-AUH. ~ DESCRIPIION/OPERATIONS ttYIllAI. Capacity Planning Extended ICPX) is a capacity planning and This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user analysis aid which executes under the syst.. for Generalized with sufficient information to understand. install and Performance Analysis Reporting 16PAR). Release 2. CPX successfully use the program. reports. measurements and computational facilities are For further information about this program refer to designed for use by Data Processing management and their abstract for 6B21-1002. staffs to assist with both planning and analysis activities Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 27 pages. 1179 ////5798-AWII in either OS/vSl or OS/vS2 installations. CPX is compatible with USA6E Ilh1derstanding Your Syst.. and Application srOl>lth Environment). and automates many of the calculations associated with capacity planning LB21-2461 technique. The use of CPX. however. extends capacity DOS/vs nAml DEVICE INDEPENDENCE IDI-OPEN!. .me planning and analysis beyond USA6E. Nhich concentrates on 5798-AWH. ~ §YI!1f This systems guida prbvides the System Analyst with the measurements of CPU utilization. CPX extracts SHF ISyst... Hanagement Facilities) and RMF necessary information on the design. logic and coding of the IResource Measurement Facility) measurements. then ' syst.. to enable him to make modifications. diagnose program sUllllllarizes and stores 'theJD on • history file. This errors and perfo.... program maintenance. ext_ive set of measurements falls into 6 generic For further information about this program. refer to categories: abstract for 6B21-1002. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 1/79 • USAGE study measurements SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY • CPU measurements • Input/output measurements • Paging activity measurements 6821-2478 • Batch workload measuraments TSO activity measurements NETWORK PERFORMANCE ANALYZER HmU.t. fru! 5798-CZR. ~ • Users can request reports that quantify thesa PERFORMANCE ANALYZER CotlTROLLER. fru! 5798-CZT. !!Q.!ill This document describes the program offering and provides measurements over selected ~istorical time periods and project growth of resource utilizations to future planning information on price. ordering. installation. and service. milestones. Network Performance Analyzer data may be helpful in CPX is a member of the SPAR fami ly of perfo....ance and highlighting the causes of performance degradation. such as excessive traffic at cetain periods. or insufficient line capacity planning products that includes STFPARS 15798-CQQJ, VTAHPARS 15798-CTW). IHSPARS 15798-C!'q). IMSASAP II 15798capacity. It also may aid in isolating performance problems CHJ J, and the recently announced NETPARS I 5798-CZX ) • induced by high line or cluster error rates caused by Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 12/79 temporary errors. or wide fluctuations in _sage rates. ////5798-CYW Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 6/79 ////5798-CZR.5798-CZT = SB21-2392 CAPACITY PlANNING EXTENDED. 5798-CYW. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This publications describes CPX and how to install and use it. It also describes USAGE and includes guidelines to assist'users in implementing this capacity planning technique with CPX. Examples of CPX _ n d statements and 5821-2479 = = PERFORMANCE ANALYZER HmU.t. m 5798-CZR. t!mIQR!!. PERFORMANCE ANALYZER CONTROLLER. f2P 5798-CZI. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user Nith sufficient information to U1derstand. install and ~ 376 = 5821 successfully use the program. For further infor... tion about tMs publicstion. s .. abstract for 6821-2478. l1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 139 pages, 6/79 ////5798-CZR,5798-CZT S821 5821-2492 fill GENERALIZED PERFORI1ANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING (DOS/SPAR), ill 5798-DAA, DESCRIPTIDN/OPERATIDNS This Program Description/Operations l1anual provide. the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully us. the progra•• For information about this program see abstract for GB21-2491. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 127 pages. 7/80 ////5798-DM ~ ~ 6821-2487 NETPARS, 5U8-CZX' mIill This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its related docUlllerltation, for .anagement and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the prograll and others Mho 6821-2494 require information concerning it. cuSTOMER INFORI1ATIQN ~ ~ PERFORI1ANCE ANALYSIS This FDP is Nritten in ALC. NETPARS is a productivity aid REPORTING ~ ! CICSPARS), i l l 5798-DA8. NOTICE Nhich Nill assist the systeM programmer to diagnose and This Availability Notice contains complete ordering investigate the NCP SDLC/BSC network operation, design, and inforaation for the Program and all its related usage. NETPARS uses the Network Performance Analyzer I NPA) , documentation, for lIanagement and data proces.ing personnel who are pro.pactiva users of the program and others who FDP 5798-CZR log tape and executes under Seneralized Performance Analysis Reporting Syst.. (SPAR), FDP 5798-CPR. require information concerning it. NETPARS reads the chronological data collected by NPA to This FOP is tlritten in Assembler. It is a new perforDanca produce reports to assist in analysis for network capacity reporting and capacity planning aid which gives users planning. resource optillization and probleJII management; in inforllation .bout their CICS/vS systems. The functions helping to tune VTAtI, TCAtI, NCP; comparison can be made which are availabl. include storage analysis. data gathering between installation defined criteria and actual operation and reporting capability and a CICSIVS l1onitoring Facility on a timely basis. (CI1F) data reporting capability. NETPARS provides the following reports: The storage analysis function provides the user with information gathered on-line and reported tlith on-line • Network Capacity Planning Report displays or batch reports. Thes. reports range frOll general • Summary Report • Detail Trace Report .anagement level reports to detailed system information. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 pages, 12/79 These reports give information regarding real and virtual ////5798-CZX storage utilization and page fault activity. The CI1F data post-processing capability takas performanc. data captured by CICs/vS VI R5 and provides the user tlith 5821-2488 a detail list, summary .nd final totals reports and up to ~ PERFORI1ANCE ANALYSIS M:!Il REPORTING lWDltI 19 differant graph.. Additionally. a d.tail list report is I NETPARS!, ill 5798-CZX, DESCRIPTIotl/OPERATIONS provided for CMF'. exception and accounting data. This Program Description/Operations l1anual provides the us.r The batch reporting function of CICSPARS requires the with sufficient inforDation to understand, install and Syst... for Generalized PerforDanc. Analysis .nd Reporting successfully us. the program. (SPARI FDP. S798-CPR for OS/VS and 5798-DAA for DOs/vS. a For information about this progra., s .. abstract for productivity aid which provides facilities designed to reduc. the cost and effort of complex r.port progr•• 6821-2487. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 154 pagas, 12/79 dev.lopment. ////5798-CZX Fly.r. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 p.ges. 7/80 //1/5798-DAB 6821-2491 lWDltI fill GENERALIZED PERFQRMANCE ANAlYSIS REPQRTING SB21-2495 IDOSIGPAR), ill 5798-DAA, ~ CUSIDMER INFORMATION m:IIBlU. lWDltI pERFQRMANCE ANALYSIS REpQRTING m:wI (CIcsmS ), ill SU8-PAB. Thi. Availability Notic. cont.ins compl.t. ord.ring infor... tion for th. Progr.m and all Its r.l.t.d doc~t.tion, for •• nagem.nt .nd data pr_.ing parsannal Thi. Pr gram Description/Operations Manual provida. the us.r Mho .r. prospactiv. us.rs of the progr•••nd others Mho with .u ficiant infor•• tlon to undar.tand, inst.ll and r.quir. information conc.rning it. .uccas.f lly th. program. For info ..atlon about the progr.m ... abstr.ct for Thi. FDP is writtan in Asalllllbl.r. The DOSIVS Syst.. for Ganar.lized P.rformanc. An.lysls Raporting (DOS/GPARI I • • IIB21-2~94. productivity .id for the d.v.lopmant of p.rfor•• nc. Hanual. 8 1/2 M 11 Inches. 158 pages. 7/80 .v.lu.tion. c.p.olty pl.nning, tuning .nd g_ral purpos. 111I1798-DAB data r.duction and .nalysl. progr.... Thi. FOP i. deslgn.d for prasantlng data frCIII parform.no. data logs or oth.r sequantl.l fll .. , .nd I. the A21-2500 IYIIIa fa! GENERALIZED pERFDRMANCE ANALYSIS REpQRTINg ba•• for CICSPARS (FOP Progr.m 5798-DABI. It I •• i.il.r to the GPAR ba•• product IFDP 1798-CPRI .LWB.l.&. ill IU8-CPR I ~ IYI.lltI fill IIENERALIZED pERFORMANCE ANALysIS REPORTING (DOS/SPAR! I fO.P SU8-PM I pravloualy r.l...ac:f for DSIVS _I rOl'lllltlnt.. DOSI8PAR provld•• f.clliti .. d.. lgnad to raduc. the cost .nd .ffort PRoGRAMMER'S iU1D1 of compl.x report prograM dav.lopmant, whl1. incr.a.tng the Thl ••anual d••crlbes the SPAR Int.rnal Int.rfaces. It I. qual I ty of depand.nt report programs. DDS/SPAR provt daB • tutorial .nd Includ•••••••bl.r languag. oodlng .xampl... cOlllllon us.r Int.rfac. to the .xacutlon of varying raport It i. Intanded for programmar. who plan to ..rlt. SPARprogra•• and an.bl. . . us.r to obtain tln-.vant gr.phs and campatibl. reporting .ub.yst.... For furth.r InforMation r.gardlng this progra. . . . . dl.tributlonl frOll .equantl.l d.ta log reoordl with mlnl.al progr.mmlng. .bstraot for IIB21-2091 or .b.tr.ot for 8821-2491. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches. 157 pages. 7/80 Fly.r. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches. 6 pages. 7/80 11111798-CPR.1798-DAA 1/111798-DM ~ us. '577 SB21 6821 SB21-2512 5821-2526 SYSTEM !!!.§ DISPLAY MIl SEARCH FACILID. f.I!f 5798-DAL. ~ S!!RQB MANAGEI1ENT FACILITY. me 5798-DAIi. DESCRIPTIDN/OPERATIONS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user Nith sufficient information to understand. install and Nith sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the program. successfully use the program. For information regarding this program. see abstract for For information about this program. see abstract for GB21-2511. GB21-2527. Manual. 8 112 X 11 inches. 55 pages. 8179 Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 173 pages. 8179 11115798-DAW /1I/5798-DAL GB21-2527 SB21-2519 VSAM AIm ~ !lll!:!ll!} SERVICES fi!R PROGRAMMERS. NETWORK ERROR MANAGEMENT FACILITY. me 5798-DAW. ~ me 5798-DAN. ~ DESCRIPTION/ADMINISTRATION HAHY!L This Availability Notice contains complete ordering For information about this program. see abstract for GB21information for the Program and all its related documentation. for management and data processing personnel 2518. This manual is a course description. installation and administration reference document. who are prospective users of the program and others who require inforllation concerning it. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 21 p B21-2964 FORMATTED l!.I.!t!f ~ 11 DESCRIPIION/OPERATIONS This manual provides the user Nith sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the prograll. For information about this prograll, see abstract for GB21-2963. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 47 pages, 9/82 11115798-DJX ~ 5821-2992 PERFORMANCE AHALYSIS/CAPACIIY PLANNING fQB ~. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This .anual provides the user Nith sufficient infor..tion to understand, install and successfully use the prograll. For inforllation about this progra., see abstract for 6821-2991. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 41 pages, 10/82 11115798-0KF 5821-2995 ENHANCED !lATa DICTIONARY UTILITIES (SPECIFY ~ ~ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This manual provides the user Nith sufficient infor.. tion to understand, install and successfully use the prograll. For information about this program, see abstract for 6821-2746. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 7/82 11115798-DER 6821-3005 YM/370 RESOURCE .bn!ll§ NOTICE This document describes the progra. product and provides inforllation on price, ordering, installation, and service. This FDP enables users, user management and/or computing center personnel to lIOnitor and control usage of various computing resources within a VMl370 system. If a user's consumption of a given resource exceeds a previously established li.it, the Resource Lilliter can take actions designed to improve systell perforllance and resource availability. Possible actions include Narning lIessages. adjustment of priorities or ter.inating a user's terllinal session. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6 pages. 7/82 11115798-DKN 6821-2974 PREPROCESSOR NOTICE 5821-3006 This program is written in Assellbler and PVI. ~ RESOURCE LIMITER DESCRIPTIQNIDPERATIQNS This document describes the prograll product and provides This manual provides the user Nith sufficient infor..tion to inforllation on price, ordering, installation, and servic•• understand, install and successfully use the prograll. For inforllation about this program, see abstract for This FDP enhances the usability of the 6670 Information Distributor in the data processing environlllent. The prograll GB21-3005. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 64 pages, 7/82 provides the capability to process files generated by a variety of applications so that the files print acceptably 11115798-DKH on the 6670. The source of these files lIay be a progra.. such as the Document Composition Facility (DCF) or one that produces syst.. printer output files formatted originally 6821-3010 for output on a printer such as the 3800. The 6670 I:!l!li .ll!:I§ ~ ~ OPTIMIZER f:!2]lg Preprocessor also provides the capability of inserting This FDP is Nritten in MVS. Operator Control Language (OCL) instructions to handle font This document describes the progra. product and provides switching, line spacing and several other 6670 forllatting information on price, ordering. installation, and service. operations. The use of this prograll alloNS a docUIIent to be This FOP has tNO major functions. One function is created Nithout requiring the author to have a detailed designed to help build and maintain an efficient PACK LIST knoNledge of 6670 OCL or knON that the end printer Nill be for MVS systems. The other major function can assist the the 6670. virtual storage constrained user by identifying IIOdules that Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6 pages, 8182 are candidates for removal from the link pack area. This 1'1115798-DKB FDP also provides the option to create a job stream ( i ncludi ng SMP control cards) to lIove selected lIOelules fro. SYS1.LPALIB to libraries in the link list. 5821-2975 Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6 pages. 8/82 ~ PREPROCESSOR DESCRIPTION/PPERATIONS (CURRENt RELEASE) 11115798-DKP This .anual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the prograll. For inforllNltion about this prograll, see abstract for 5821-3011 6821-2974. I:!l!li J.mS ~ AREA .In OPTIMIZER DESCRIPTIONIDPERATIQNS This is a ccmpolleht of SK2T-0921. This manual provides the user wlth sufficient infor..tian to Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 246 pages, 8182 understand. install and successfully use the program. 11115798-DKB For infol"lHtian about this prograll. see abstract for 6B21-3010. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 58 pages. 8/82 11/15798-DKP ~ 382 / '~_/ ( 6821 5821 Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 3/83 5B21-3014 m.g USER'S GUIDE 11/15798-DHJ This manual describes the use of APL2 in the YlVCMS operating environment. For information about this prograM. see abstract for GB21-2969. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 265 pages, 6/82 SB21-3051 R5CS ~ SUPPORT FOR VM/SP DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS This manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the program. For information about this program. see abstract for GB21-3050. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 56 pages, 3/83 /1115796-DJP 5B21-3015 APL2 LANGUAGE MANUAL This ..nual describes the APL2 progra_ing language and provides a reference for users. For information about this prograM. see abstract for 6821-2989. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 388 pages. 6/82 11//5798-DJP /1/15798-DHJ 6821-3052 VTAM NODE CONTROL APPLICATION NOTICE This FOP is written in PLS. Assembler. This document describes the program product and provides information on price, ordering, installation. and service. VTAM Node Control Application IYNCA) is designed to provide network operations staffs with a simplified means of 5B21-3039 m.g INTRODUCTION controlling an ACFIVTAM network. It uses the customization This Manual provides the user Mith sufficient inforaation to facilities of NCCF and consists of command processors, understand. install and successfully use the prograM. exists and subtasks to provide its function. This For inforMation about this prograM, see abstract for publication is for U.S.A. use only. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/82 6821-2989. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 340 pages. 7/82 /1115785-ECE 11115798-DJP !>B21-3045 LOAD ~ ANALYSIS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIQNS This Manual provides the user Mith sufficient information to lA'>CIerstand install and successfully use the prograM. For inforMation about this prograM. see abstract for 6821-3044. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 50 pages. 11/82 SB21-3053 VTAM ~ ~ APPLICATION DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS This manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. For information about this program, see abstract for 6821-3052. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/82 11115785-ECE 11115796-DMF 6821-3048 ~ 1 .Qf j B!B .G!m.!i PRINT f'!!!1§B!!:! ~ This FOP is written in COBOL. This document describes the program product and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. This FOP provides the capability to produce 3 of 9 Optical bar code on the IBH 3800 Printing SubsysteM. Used as a subroutine. this product provides for the conversion and printer output of an application provided character string. Presentation of the bar code format is provided through use of a special 3800 character set. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages, 12/82 GB21-3059 JES/328X PRINT FACILITY RELEASE ~ The JES/328X Print Facility Program Offering. extends the remote job entry IRJE) printer support provided by HVS/JES2. MVS/JES3, and OSIVS1IRES to include the family of 3270 printers (3287. 3289. 3262. 3268. 7436. etc.). the 3767. SDLC. and printers connected through the Program Product Network Terminal Option (NTO) 5735-XX7. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 7/85 11115785-BAB SB21-3060 JES/328X fRIH! FACILITY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This manual provides the user with sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the program. For information about this program. see abstract for 5821-3049 3800 1 .Qf j B!B gmg PRINT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIQNS 6821-3059. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 12/82 This Manual provides the user Mith sufficient information to lA'>CIerstand. install and successfully use the prograM. 11115785-BAB For information about this prograM. see abstract for 6821-3048. LB21-3061 Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 17 pages. 12/82 JES/328X PRINT FACILITY SYSTEMS GUIDE 11115798-01111 This manual provides the Systems Analyst with the necessary information on the design. logic and coding of the system to enable him to make modifications. diagnose program errors 6821-3050 and perfo.... program maintenance. RSCS :I!:!A ~ fl!H ~ ~ For inforaation about this program. see abstract for This Prograllllling Offering is Mrittan in ASH. This ~t describes the prograM offering and provides 6B21-3059. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 97 pages. 12182 inforaation on price. ordering. installation. and service. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This Program Offering will provide device support to 328X printers in SDLC mode and peer-to-peer support via RSCS to RSCS on any S/370. 4300 or 30XX processor capable of supporting VSlSP. 11115798-DHH 383 \ 6821 G821-3084 VM FILE ~ FACILITY ~ The VM File StorageFacility (VMFSFI provides disk space and data file management services for users of Vl'VCHS. These services are available to users within a" single host environment or within a MUltiple-system computing netNOrk. Data and disk space may be shared. on a voluntary basis. with varying levels of protection selected by individual users. A hierarchical file directory permits users optionally to cluster data files in a logical manner. and to increase resolution in the identification of data files. VMFSF capabilities offer potential improvements in user productivity. in more effective use of data storage space. and in system performance. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 10/83 ////5798-DMY SB21-3085 Y!:!LElli ~ FACILITY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURREN! RELEASE I This manual describes the program which provides disk space and data file management services for users of Vl'VCHS. This is a component of SK2T-0887. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 10/83 ////5798-DMY "- 6821 / Degree Print Program Extensions provide 90 degree print rotation for 3800 Model 1 users. This Program Offering supplies character sets for the 90 degree print program and the 90 degree print program extensions that are rescaled to the 3800 Model 3 print density. Use of this progralD offering will provide 90 degree print rotation on the 3800 Model 3. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 11/83 ////5798-DNK 5821-3122 m Mrul 90-DESREE ROTATE CHARACTER ![I§ RESCALED fi!! Mrul MODEL 1 Two programs. 5796-ARE and 5796-BAC. provide 90 degree print rotation for 3800 Model 1 users. This program supplies character sets for the 90 degree print program and 90 degree print program extensions that are rescaled to the Hodel 3 print density. Use of this program will provide 90 degree print rotation on the 3800 Model 3. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 16 pges. 11/83 ////5798-DNK &821-3125 .l.IW!!B RElEASE NOTICE This document describes the program offering and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. Release Notice. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 6/83 //20//5785-GAJ ~ ~ 5821-3092 DHS/CICS/vS ~ 11 DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS This Program Offering is designed to operate in conjla'lCtion with the Development Management System (DHSI/cICS/vS Program Product. a powerful application development tool. to 5821-3126 increase productivity in the testing phase of online IMS/vS ~ LOADER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS application development. It is an online interactive This manual provides the user with sufficient inforution to debugging aid which alloNS the application developer to understand. install and successfully use the program. examine the data areas used by the application programs and For information about this program. see abstract for the DHS/CICS/vS management modules. as the application GB21-3125. executes under CICS/vS. The data areas may be viewed in Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 6/83 either a field by field formatted display or in a standard ////5785-GAJ character/hex dump format. This Program Offering may help to significantly reduce program test/debug time in the DHS/CICS/vS environment. 6821-9862 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 7/79 HOST REMOTEl:!Q!U; ENTRY ~ GENERAL INFORMATION !W::!!IAl.L ////5798-DNB n!f 5796-PJY This manual supplies general information on the Host Remote Node Entry System. Installed User Program (5796-PJYI. .;e21-3106 provides the capability of making a VSl system a remote job DMS/CICS/vs HQ!Iill ~ APPLICATION GENERATOR mm!W. entry station to any 0s/vs2 HVS/JES2 or SVS/HASP system Dr INFORMATION another OS/vSl system. (In an OS/VS1 to OS/vSl This ProgralD Offering is an enhancement to the Development configuration. HRNES could be installed'on both CPUs. but is Management System (DHSI/CICS/vS Program Proguct. extending not required. This program. running in a VSl partition. the current DMS/CICS/vs capability by providing a models will do the followingl automatically sign on to HVS/JES2 or based file maintenance application generation facility. SVS/HASP. SCAN the specified VSl input queues and send all The generator combines the data structure definition and the jobs found there to HVS/JES2 or SVS/HASP for execution. models. and produces DHS/CICS/vS panels. The panels may receive all output from HVs/JES2 or SVS/HASP and will then be custolDized by the application developer to conform disperse it to the originator at either a local to a unique application requirement. These custOlllizations printer/punch or to an RJE printer/punch. provide all include display of field and heading locations and content. HVS/JES2 or SVS/HASP RJE commands to the VS1 operator. as well as application unique data field manipulation. provide commands to the VSl operator. allow sign-off from Additionally. the docUllentation includes coding examples to the VS1 console. guide the application developer in developing applications Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 1/78 other than the file maintenance application for a single ////5796-PJY file. The use of this Program Offering methodology MY result in greater application development productivity. &821-9902 Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 44 pages. 6/83 INTERACTIVE QUERY ! RIf!lBI PROCESSOR .ll!i!!f.!.z. n!f 5796-PDG. ////5798-DNA REFERENCE gJm This fanfold reference card for users of IQRP contains a complete language sUllllllary. A table of commands including English equivalent. information on formatting. fla'lCtions and G821-3121 terminal updating are also included. Mrul 90-DEGREE R!!1Am CHARACTER SETS RESCAlED fi!! m Mrul Reference card t1!l!!g). J !!QIlg ////5796-PDG Two IUP's • 3800 90 Degree Print Program. and 3800 90 / ( Gael GeM system include the 3101. IBM Personal Computer and non-IBM Gael-9903 ASCII terminals that meet certain miniaue functional INTERACTIVE UR1 ! PROCESSOR J.Ime.U lYe 5796-POG. GENERAL INFORMATION requirements. This Document contains general information on IQRP which The emphasis of the system is to provide access to consists of nine on-line programs. of Nhich three contain interactive CMS functions on a host from a wide range of several MOdules. together with five additional modules which ASCII terminals. It also includes human factors and provide an efficient interface with CICSIVS. The entire functional capability enhancements over those found on a system is highly modularized to permit ease of maintenance standard 3277. and provide for efficient operation in Virtual storage. In NOTE: This product is for USA use only. addition to the on-line programs. IQRP includes a set of Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 8/83 ////5798-RRJ utility programs to prepare the system for operation. provide a journal. gather statistics on system use. etc. In the operation of IQRP. the user et a terminal interacts with the system by entering his identification and the SB30-2318 report naMe and. optionally. the selection criteria and HOST ~ I!.!.! ASCII Cot!I1lJNICATIONS SYSTEM PROGRAM OFFERING DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) report format and contents. This interaction is thereupon interpreted by IQRP. and passed to one of several IQRP query This manual describes how to install. operate and maintain processors. the "Host Loaded Yale ASCII Co_unications System". which is an ASCII-3270 protocol converter that allows ASCII display System files are used to determine whether a user has the proper security clearance to access the information he terminals. printers and plotters to be attached to a host has requested. as wall as to translate any special terms the processor running under YH/SP. Major topics include: user has included in his interaction. Data names supplied overview of the system. planning and installation. by the user are likewise translated into field names customization. loading and operation. terminal user recognized by the access methods and any further information inforaation. problea determination. and massages. regarding structure required to perait access to the data is Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 374 pages. 10/84 ////5Z98-RRJ also provided from the system files. The system files also supply information on predefined report fo ...... ts and any modifications to the standard format Nhich this user may have predefined. SB30-7032 Using the information regarding the physical nature of 3800-3 !.!fA MODE) Atm ~ fIUm!i SUPPORT FOR UNIVERSAL the data. the IQRP processor proceeds to search the ~ gmg VERSIONS /; Atm g BARCODE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS appropriate data file for the information required on the basis of the criteria provided by the terminal user. IQRP This publication provides the reader with sufficient manipulates the data. performing any sorting. totalling. or information to install the programs and associated 3800 and arithmetic operations required. The information is than 3820 fonts. test the successful installation of the formatted into the appropriate two-dimensional report prograa. understand the flow of the system. integrate the structure and output is sent to the terminal or system provided subroutine into an application system and printer. Should the IQRP interpreter detect a user request understand data errors detected by the subroutine and that is incomplete or incorrect. IQRP will return a aessage reported to the calling application through the use of to the terainal indicating the nature of the problea. The return codes. user should than reinsert the corrected request. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 46 pages. 07/86 ////5798-DWQ Manual. 18 pages ////5796-PDG amm ( Ga21-9949 SOFTWARE DIRECTORY The Software Directory also is known as "the Little Yellow Book" and is the largest circulating periodical. It contains all software that is available. Haw editions are printed at four DDnth intervals. Entries are one line and contain prices. prerequisite environment. ter.. and conditions. service. a publication form number and other characteristics. Entries are listed in program number sequence and one-time for each KWIC that would point to it. Another section groups the programs. Manual. 480 pages. 06/84 //20// ·>830-2317 HOST LOADED I!.!.! ASCII cot!!1UNICATIONS SYSTEM This document describes the prograa offering and provides information on price. ordering. installation. and service. The Host Loaded Yale ASCII Communications System Program Offering connects up to 48 full duplex ASCII devices to a system running YlVCHS. The terminal control program executes in a 4994 ASCII Device Control Unit down loaded from the host. ASCII display terminals appear to the host as -..lated 3270-type terminals. Other output devices such as printers and plotters are supported in native ASCII 1IIOde. The 4994 appears to the host as a locally attached 3272 terminal controller. Terminals that aay be used with the SB30-7033 3800 HQ!!.!;,b 1 IAPA t!QQ.U Mm ~ fIUm!i SUPPORT E!B. 1 9.E ~ ~ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This publication provides the reader with sufficient information to install the programs and associated 3800 and 3820 fonts. test the successful installation of the program. understand the flow of the system. integrate the provide subroutine into an application system and understand data errors detected by the subroutine and reported to the calling application through the use of return codes. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 07/86 ////5798-DWR SB30-7034 3800-3 (APA HQ!!gl Atm 3820 ~ ~ E!B. HSIIpLESSEY ~ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This publication provides the reader with sufficient information to install the prograas and associated 3800 and 3820 fonts. test the successful installation of the program. understand the flow of the systea. integrate the provided subroutine into an application system and understand data errors detected by the subroutine and reported to the calling application through the use of return codes. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 34 pages. 07/86 ////5798-DWT 385 SC18 GCB4 SCB4-5104 OSIVSl MASTER INDEX QE PUBLICATIONS (MICROFICHE EDUION) This microfiche is equivalent to GC24-5104-1. Microfiche (5/75) SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ru. LCB6-3772 = SYSTEM/360 OS ASSEMBLER H PRQGRAM ~ 5734-ASl The IBH System/360 Operating System Assembler H 5734-ASl is an assembler language processor that extends the basic assembler language and the macro and conditional-assembly language. It is designed to perform high-speed assemblies on IBl1 System/360. Models 40 and larger. that have at least 256K bytes of main storage. Hicrofiche. 84 cards SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SC09-1024 HOST-DISPLAYWlIUER DOCUl1ENT INTERCHANGE. fR!!9 P09054 ~ GUIDE (Clr.lRENT RELEASE) This manual is a primer. which describes how a Displaywriter user can transfer documents between a Displaywriter and a host system. optionally converting fra. one form (Displaywriter form or SCRIPTIVS) to the other. The manual also describes how HDDI can be used with PROFS. This 'is iii ~ofi'ij)onent of SK2i-0920. Manual. 7 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches. 7/83 //30//5799-BKE SC09-1025 HOST-DISPLAYWRITER DOCUl1ENT INTERCHANGE. ~ P09054 REFEREIICE (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual provides reference information for systa. programmers and HDDI administrators on how HDDI can be used to transfer documents between a Displaywriter and a host system. The manual also describes how HDDI can be used with PROFS. This is a component of SK2T-0921. Manual. 7 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches. 180 pages. 7/83 //30//5799-BKE and allows the exchanging of docuaents/files with a suitably progralllled host. The LPS is for the IBM marketing representative and the licensee of the product. Folder. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 7/83 1120115799-BKG GC09-1075 HOST-DISPLAYWRITER DOCUMENT INTERCHANGE ~ 1 MODIFICATION ~ ! SPECIFICATIONS This is a licensed program specification to the HostDisplaywriter Document Interchange Release 2 Modification Level o. Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches. 1 page. 7/84 11115799-BKE GC09-1500 SAFE/MYS. 5799-CBH. SYSTEM fQB ADVANCED FINANCIAL EtNIRON!1ENT B1B MVS. GENERAL INFORMATION This publication provides general basic inforaation covering the highlights of SAFE/MVS. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 1/86 /1I15799-CBH GCl1-6034 3178 DISPLAY OPERATOR REFERENCE GUIDE No abstract available. Manual. 3 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches. 8 pages. 9/83 GCl1-6040 3863 l!!!!ml ! TWO-WIRE/LEASED J.!!:!g l!f!i ~ SETUP INSTRUCTIONS M:!!l USER'S GUIDE SUPPLEMENT This llanual is for mode.. users. It contains supplelllental inforoaation needed to setup. operate and test the 3863 Model 2 mode.. equipped with the RPQ ZC5019. This RPQ allows moda operation over two-wire. nonswitched telecollllll\ll'\ication lines. • This manual is associated with the "3863 Moda Models 1 and 2. 3864 Modem Models 1 and 2: Setup Instructions and User's Guide". 6A27-3216. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 44 pages. 5/84 mmn 1114/3863/IWT-ONLY GC09-1037 INTRODUCING m HOST-DISPLAYWRUER DOCUl1ENT INTERCHANGE GENERAL INFORHATION SCl1-6058 This manual contains general inforaation to assist the X.25 I:!!!liI FAST CONNECT !!RJ!g mz!!! PESCRIPTIONIOPERATIQNS purchases in making a buying decision. For convenience. but This publication gives the user the information necessary to define and generate the X.25 NPSI Fast Connect Progra... not as an official or copyrighted acroynm. we often refer to This programming RPQ provides a quick way of establishing this product by its initials. HDDI. connections for non-SNA X.25 ter..inals communicating over Manual. 52 pages. 4/83 X2 switched virtual circuits. //30//5799-BKE Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 01187 11115799-BYT GC09-1043 DISPLAYWRITER 3277 DEVICE EMULATION £REg PI0034 se18-0107 SPECIFICATIONS This flyer provides the specifications for the Displaywriter MULTIPLE YIB!Y!l. STORAGE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2. 5665-296. ~ PRINIING SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 3277 Device Emulation. or DW/3277DE product. under Textpack This publication describes the functions and methods of 4 or Textpack 6. to provide both word processing capability usage of the MVS/SP-JES2 3200 Printing Subsyst.... Support and access to host based applications. Progra... It also describes in detail the lllethods of usage Flyer. 5/83 and of operating the 3200 Printing Services and 3200 Serv;ce ////5799-BHT Utility. Nhich are components of the program. It is written for system programmers. application programmers. and operators who use thi s support prograllS. GC09-1044 Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 180 pages. 8/85 DISPLATh'IUTER gzz mill EMULATION/DOCUl1ENT TRANSFER £REg 11115665-296/WT-ONLY PI0074 SPECIFICATIONS This flyer provides the specifications for the Displaywriter 3277 Device Emulation/Document Transfer. or DX/3277 DE/DT product. under Textpack 4 or Textpack 6. The product provides work processing. access to host-based applications. SC18 SC19 SC18-0108 MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JESt. 5665-296. 3200 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM INSTALLATION ~ PLANNING MANUAL This publication explains the matters that IlUSt be considered in planning the installation of the HVS/SP-JES2 3200 Printing Subsystem Support Program. It is written for data processing managers in charge of installing and planning the installation of this program. for system planning managers. and for systeM programmers. Manual. 8 112 xlii nches. 192 pages. 8/85 1///5665-296/WT-ONLY SC19-5016 3704/3705 DOSIVS ~ ~ COMPATIBILITY AHQ EXTENDED CotlPATIBILITY. PRPQ Y96613 i l l PROS 5799-AQY (DOS/VS), fRfg Y96614 ill PROG 5799-AgR (OS/VSI, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This document describes the 3704/3705 PSHRPQ's compatibility with both the Emulation Program (EPI and the Network Control Program (NCPI.This PRPQ modifies the EP and/or NCP in order to provide the programming hooks for the f.unctional PSHRPQs.Both basic and extended compatibility are covered in this docUMent.The extended compatibility programs supported are 5799-ARJ V1MO and 5799-ATE V1MO. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 34 pages 11/78 ////5799-AQY.5799-AQR/WT-ONLY SC18-0109 MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2. 5665-296. 3200 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE This publication is intended for system programmers who distinguish problems in the HVS/SP-JES2 3200 Printing Subsystem Support Program. Manual. 8 112 xlii nches. 98 pages. 8/85 //371/5665-296/WT-ONLY GC19-5021 WORLD ~ ADDENDUM !!l 3350/3344 INSTALLATION M!!l CONVERSION §!Jill (GC20-17801 This guide describes the requirements and procedures to accomplish a successful installation of 3350 and 3344 Direct Access Storage Devices. It covers such aspects as features. compatibility modes. addressing. and hardware and programming considerations. Special emphasis is given to the procedures for converting from different types of DASD. and several examples are explained in detail. In the same way. the checklist included in the guide will assist in the implementation of a good conversion plan. A bibliography related to the 3350/3340 DASD is also included. as well as space utilization tables. Manual. 100 pages. 5/76 //07/3350.3344//WT-ONLY SC18-0ll0 MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE/sYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2. 5665-296. 3200 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT fR!l!i!l!!l FONT UTILITY (IEBKFONI! ~ GUIDE This publication describes the flA'M:tions and the usage of the Font Utility (IEBKFONT!. which is one of the components of the HVS/SP-JES2 3200 Printing Subsystem Support Program. It is written for programmers who are responsible for lllaintenance of the Character Pattern Library. generation of Fonts. and generation of the Copy Modification Module. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 170 pages. 8/85 ////5665-296/WT-ONLY SC19-5032 IBM 2970-5 BANKING TERMINAL SUPPORT UNDER ~ m: ~ ~ PRPQ X97561 DESCRIPTIONIOPERATION pROG PROD 5799-ARC This manual contains changes to the current version of the Network Control Program Version 4. Modification Levell. required for the support of the IBM 2970 Hodel 5 Banking Terminal Start-Stop Devices. It is intended for analysts and programmers responsible for the generation and the maintenance of the Network Control Program (NCPI. and for IBM System Engineers and Field Engineers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 38 pages. 3/78 1///5799-ARC/WT-ONLY = SC18-0ll1 MULTIPLE ~ STORAGE/SYSTEM PROpUCT-JES2 3200 PRINTIN§ SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM OVERLAY GENERATION UTILITY (IEBKOVLY! USER'S GUIDE This publication describes the flA'M:tions. the coding rules. and the processing procedures of the MVS/SP-JES2 3200 Printing SUbsyst.- Support Program - Overlay Generation Utility (IEBKIlVLY!. It is· written for the programmers and designers of forlllS overlays. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 174 pages. 8/85 //32//5665-296/WT-ONLY Ge19-5042 ~ SUPPORT ~ CICS/DOS/VS (CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM DOS/vSI .P!ll!9 DESCRIPIION! OPERATIONS. fRfg Y96303. PROS 5799-AJP This PRPQ applies to the DOS/vS version of the IBM Progra. Product CICS (Customer Inforlllation Control System) and extends CICS terminal support to the IBM 5930 terminal syst.... The IBM 5930 can be used for IIOSt CICS on-line ter.inal applications in cash receipting. banking. inquiry and data collection areas. This manual is written for persons interested in designing and programming application system using the IBM 5930 terminal under DOS/CICS/vS. It should be read in conjunction with the CICS/vS and IBM 5930 SRL Manuals. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pgs. 12/76 ////5799-AJP/WT-ONLY I§!:I SC18-0ll2 MULTIPLE ~ SIQRAGElSYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2. 5665-296. 3200 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT fR!l!i!l!!l H6f GENERATION Y.!IJ.lI! (IEBKFPOF! USER'S §!Jill This publication describes the flA'M:tions and the _thods of usage of the Map Generation Utility IIEBKFPOF!. which is one of the components of the HVS/SP-JES2 3200 Printing Subsystem Support Program. It is intended for application prograllllllers and designers of output documents. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 232 pages. 8/85 //32//5665-296/WT-ONLY Ge18-0ll5 !!!JLTIPLE mn!!I. STORAGE/sYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2. 5665-296. 3200 PRINTINS SUBSYSTEM ~ fRll§!!AI:I SPECIFICATIONS This publication contains a brief description of the contents of HVS/SP-JES2 3200 Printing Subsystem Support Program and its MlIrranty statement. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages, 8/85 ////5665-296/WT-ONLY SC19-5110 1lli §!lPfQ!U m m !WJ2 SPANISH ll6!6 tImlQ!iK m: m m! ~ M!!l 5935-L03 BANKING TERMINALS. AHQ m: 1m:! 2970-5 BANKING TERMINAL DIRECTLY ATTACHED. i l l fRQ§ 5799-ATE. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This ..nual describes the operation of PRPQ Y96665 which allows an IBM 3705 Communications Controller loaded with an m 387 I /'" I" I SC19 NCP to connect an SNA2 Host Syst_ to the IBM 2970-5 and 5935-L03 Banking Te... inals th..ough the RETD ••nd to the IBM 2970-5 Banking Te..minal di ..ectly .ttached. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 94 pages. 5/79 11115799-ATEIWT-ONLY 5C19-6204 VM/SP SYSTEM MESSAGES !!:m ~ (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication contains systelll lOesS ages and codes. as wallas ...est.. ictions that may be encountered when using Virtual MachinalSyst8lll Product (VMlSP). Conditions that gener.te ...ssages and codes are explained. the resulting system .ction is desc .. ibed. and app ..opriate responses ara suggested. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 580 pages. 10/83 5C19-5111 W ~ SWIICHING ATTACHMENT H!lElrn!§ Hll!:IlH ACF/NCptyS, 1140115664-167 !l& fRQ§ 5799-BAK, PROGRAMMING REi ~ OESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS This publication explains how to connect SNA Host SysteMS to different X25 Public Packet Switching Networks (PPSNs). SC19-6205 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 150 pages. 11/80 ~ .!!..I..mf !tm U!mB RECORDING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) Thi. publication is intended fo .. the IBM Custonae.. Engineer 11115799-BAK (CE). The information in this book will aid the CE in parforming mardwa... 110 maintenance fro. a vi ..tual .achine. GC19-5115 It includes data on er..or handling. the error recording 7350 IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM OPERATOR'S §!.!!!!S process. describes how to run the online test system (OLTS) This publication gives information needed by the custo.e.. to undar OLTSEP. and how to use tha CMS CPEREP cOlOmand that operata a 7350. It desc.. ibes 7350 functions and lists interfaces with OS/VS EREP (IFCEREP1) and error ..ecorded problem determination procedures. data. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 54 pages. 3/83 PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS - IBM Virtual Machine F.cility/System Product: Introduction. Order No. SC19-6200 Ta..minal Usar's Guide. Order Number 6C19-6206 GC19-6200 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 132 pages. 10/83 ~ TECHNICAL INTRODUCTION (CURRENT RELEASE) 1137115664-167 This int ..oducto..y public.tion provides high-laval concepts of the vi .. tual machine as implemented by the VI1ISP progr.m product (used in conjunction with function provided by SC19-6206 VM/370 Release 6). This publication describes: ~ TERMINAL REFERENCE (CURREN! RELEASE! The purpose of this publication is to halp the reader • The composition of the virtual ..chine • Performance options av.ilable to the virtual machina decide which terainal to use. and how to ue the terainal to access VMlSP. It cont.ins tutori.l .. teri.l. including • Major functions of the control program (CP) used in controlling virtual machines working ex.mples •• nd it discusses the physical char.cteristics of several ta ... inals. • Functions of the Conversational Monitor Systam (CItS), • time-sharing system used in direct problem solving •• nd Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 88 p.ges. 08/83 progr.m devalopment 1140115664-167 The readar of this public.tion should mave a basic understanding of IBM data processing. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 300 p.ges. 09/83 SC19-6207 1/201/5664-167 ~.uum ~ MIl !lAm! mw! (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication describes the organization of the Virtual MachinalSystu Product libr.ry. The publication is intended for all users. It contains abstracts of the SC19-6201 nu.e PLANNING §!.lW !tID REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) .anuals in the library. a glossa ..y of ter.. uaed by VI1ISP. This publication is intended for systu progr.llllllars .rid and . . .ster index for the lib... ry. those responsible for planning a VI1ISP System. It Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inchas. 284 pages. 03/84 describes tha components. fe.tures and options of VI1ISP. 1120115664-167 Information is includad about: CMS .nd other operating systems in a virtu.l ..china, parformanca options, SC19-6209 supported mardWare confugurations, nu.e am m:ItIAt:IZ REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication provides usars of the Convers.tional stor.ge requirements' I1onitor Bysto (CNS! component of Virtual MachinalSyst_ saved systllllS' cre.ting system definition ..eros and fil.. , Product with det.ilad reference information. It provides the _ _ nd synt.x .nd us.ge noted for CMS comm.nds. EDIT VMlSP restrictions. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 300 pages. 09/83 subcoa..ndS. DEBUG commands. EXEC Control stateaents. 1/341/5664-167 speci.l yariables and built-in functions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 802 pages. 10/83 SC19-6202 nu.e OPERATOR'S §!W!! (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication is for those responsible for the operation .nd administration of a VMlSP systea. It describes recovery features with VMlSP and how to initialize and tarminate the system. various co_nds (CP .nd CltS) tmat .n operator ..y find useful. and some infor.. tion about mardware conside..ations .nd the various spooling ad batch coaaands. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 10/86 11401/5664-167 ~/ 5C19 11361/5664-167 SCI9-6210 gm 1mB.!l! SWlIi (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains general info.... tion and axalOples for using the Convers.tional Monitor Systaa (CMS) component of Virtual M.chine/System Product (VI1ISP). It provides info.... tion and exal!lplas ..ega ..ding tha CI1S file system. the CltS b.tch facility. the HELP f.cility ••nd full-screen CMS. Also included are info....tion and exallPles on how to usa the Syst.. Product Editor to create and edit CItS fi las and how to usa the System Product Interp..etar to create and use EXECs. ~ , ./ ( SC19 SC19 VHIXA and Servicing VHIXA. It is intended for systems programmers who perfor.. these tasks. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 542 pages. 06/87 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 350 pages. 10/86 //39//5664-167 1/34//5664-169 SCI9-6211 VM/SP 9! COHI1ANI) REFERENCE .EQR GENERAL USERS (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication is a reference manual for all privilege classes of users of CPo It describes the format. syntax and function of each CP command. The publication also provides an introductory section. with examples. describing some of the tasks the general user can perform. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 308 pages. 10/83 GC19-6218 FACILITY SYSTEM MESSAGES ANI) CODES REFERENCE This publication contains all the system messages generated by VMlXA SF. For each message it provides the message number. the message text. system action. recommended operator action. reco~mended user action. recommended programmer action and the return code. This publication also documents all abend codes and wait state codes. as well as the reason for the code and the recommended action. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 720 pages. 06/87 ~ ~ //36//5664-167 !;CI9-6212 //40//5664-169 Y!:!ill ~ (CURRENT RelEASE I This publication was previously titled "Operating Systems ina Virtual Machine". It has been restructured to include updated and practical examples. This publication is intended for people who are interested in running their operating systems (VSE. HVS. and VM! tnder VM/SP and VM/SP HPI!. It presents the basic processes so that the working system can be set up quickly. The publication assumes the audience is knowledgeable about their own system but new to YM/SP and YM/SP HPO. This is a component of GBOF-0002 and GBOF-0003. Manual //34//5664-167.5664-173 GC19-6221 AtlNDUNCINIl VM/SP HIIlH PERFORMANCE OPTION RELEASE 1i (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SP HPO is a separately orderable licensed progra.. that operates in conjunction with YM/SP. This publication provides a brief overview of VM/SP HPO Release 5 to help you evaluate whether the product is right for your installation. For more detailed information. refer to What's In YM/SP HPO Release 5: A SysteID Programmer's Perspective. GC23-0384. Manual. 7 x 10 3/4 inches. 12 pages. 01/87 //20//5664-173 ( GCI9-6213 VM/XA SYSTEMS FACILITY IlENERAL INFORMATION This publication is intended for systt!l\ls prograllllllQr5 and installation personnel involved in evaluating potential products at an installation. It gives the objectives and features of the VMlXA Systems Facility and describes the virtual machine facility on which the product is based. It also describes the hardware and software requirements. and minimum configuration needed to generate the product. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 02/85 //20//5664-169 GC19-6214 VM/xA SYSTEMS FACILTIY INTRODUCTION This publication introduces concepts of the Virtual Machine/Extended Architecture System Facility. It discusses what the VHlXA System Facility is. how it works. and how it helps the user to convert to the HVSIXA operating system. This publication will help the user lmderstllnd the objectives of the System Facility. how those objectives are accomplished. the use of the Systa. Facility in the migration process. and where to find key information about System Facility facilities. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 50 pages. 9/85 //20//5664-169 GC19-6222 YM/SP tl!!Q INTRODUCTION (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual provides introductory information about the VM/SP High Performance Option progra.. product. It is intended for anyone who is interested in YM/SP High Perfor..ance Option as used in conjunction with YM/SysteID Product. Topics presented include YM/SP High Performance Option components. virtual machines. and applications; the control program. which manages the resources of the syst_ and the conversational monitor system. which provides interactive capabilities; remote spooling and interactive problem control systeID functions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 84 pages. 3/84 //20//5664-173 SC19-6223 VM/SP tl!!Q PLANNIHG §!.!.mg Am REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is intended for system programmers and those responsible for planning the system generation and defining a YM/SP HPO system. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 320 pages. 10/83 //34//5664-173 SC19-6224 GCI9-6215 VM/xA SYSTEMS FACILITY 9! COMMAND REFERENCE This publication contains all of the command forllats. syntax rules. and operand and option descriptions for the VHIXA Systems Facility Control Progra.. (CP) cOllllllands. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 540 pages. 06/87 //37//5664-169 GCI9-6217 SYSTEMS FACILIIY INSTALLATION ADMINISTRATION ~ SERVICE This publication covers the following three tasks: Installation of VHIXA System Facility. AdlDinistration of ~ Y!:!ill tl!!Q SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S §!.!ill (CURRENT RE LEASE) This manual is intended for system programmers and contains: Detailed descriptions of procedures. commands. and utility programs useful in debugging. as well as guidelines for reading dumps A description of CP and how it works. and details of how to modify or better utilize CP A description of CMS and how it works. as _11 as. details of. some special features of CMS A description of the Remote Spooling Communications SubsysteID IRSCSI Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 716 pages. 5/82 /136//5664-173 389 GC20 SC19 SC19-6225 VM/SP HfQ OPERATOR'S ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication Is Intended for those responsible for the operation and administration of a VMlSP High Performance Option system. It includes descriptions of all those commands that affect the I/O resources and operating characteristics of VMlSP High Performance Option Program Product. the associated virtual machines. and the real hardware configuration. Also Included Is information on spooling. resource allocation. syst_ startup and shutdoNn procedures. and service routines. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 372 pages. 5/82 11401/5664-173 SC19-6230 !!fQ l:!.b!lW! !iYmS (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is Intended for the IBM Customer Engineer (CE). The Information in this book will aid the CE in performing hardware 1/0 maintenance from a virtual machine. It includes data on error handling, the error recording process, and describes how to run the online test systeJI (OLTS) under OLTSEP as well as how to use the CMS CPEREP co_and that interfaces with OSIVS EREP (IFCEREP1) and error recorded data. Prerequisite publications are: IBM VMlSP HPO Introduction, Order No. GCI9-6222, and IBM VMlSP HPO Terminal User's Guide, Order No. GCI9-6229. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches. 184 pages. 5/82 11371/5664-173 ~ SC19-6226 VM/SP I:I.PQ MESSAGES Atm CODES (CURREN! RELEASE) This Is a reference ....nual designed for all users. It contains both messages and codes produced by the IBM Virtual Machine/SysteM Product High Performance Option as Nell as restrictions that may be encountered when using it. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 664 pages, 5/82 11401/5664-173 3C19-6227 VtllSP I:I.PQ 2 ~ ~ USER'S ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This is a reference manual for the general class of users who are ruYling systems such as OS. DOS. OSIVS. DOSIVS, VSE systems. CMS. and netNOrking syst_ in a virtual machine under VM/SP High Performance Option. The manual lists each CP command available to the general user alphabetically. Describes general usage, co_and line formats. allowable operands. and operand defaults. Includes table showing relationship of general class commands to the entire set of CP co_ands. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 200 pages. 5/82 11361/5664-173 GC19-6228 !!fQ .m!aH (CURRENT RELEASE) this publication contains Infor.... tion about the VMlSP High Performance Option program product. It is intended for system programmers who plan to use operating systems under VMlSP High Performance Option. It contains descriptions of VMlSP High Performance Optl'on functions. and systeM planning and operating considerations for running VMlSP. VM/SP High Perfor....nce Option. DOSIVS, and OSIVS under VMlSP High Performance Option. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages, 5/82 1134//5664-173 ~ GC19-6229 VMlSP HfQ TERMINAL ~ ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is for the terminal user who needs information about: Terminal Initialization and General Procedures of all Virtual Machine Terminals. Gaining Access to the Virtual Machine Syst ... Accessing CP via Common Carrier Facilities. Virtual Machine Logon and Logoff Procedures. Typing Conventions after logging On. Display Terminals and Their Usage including Screen Manageaaent. Typewriter-Like Terminals and Their Usage. Program Function (PF) Keys -- Setup and Usage, and APL Considerations. Prerequisite publication: IBM VMlSP HPO Introduction, Order No. GCI9-6222. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 128 pages, 3/84 1140//5664-173 GC19-6231 SYSTEMS FACILITY 9!li COMMAND Atm MACRO REFERENCE this publication contains all of the command formats, syntax rules. and operand and option descriptions for the VI1IXA Syst_ Facility Conversational Monitor System (CMS) commands. It also contains the CMS Macro instructions and their syntax for use in programs. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches, 700 pages. 06/87 1139/15664-169 ~ GC20-0001 SYSTEMl370.30 xx Atm 4300 PROCESSORS 818LIOGRAPHY For use by those who plan for. install. program. or operate an IBM Systeml370 or 4300 Processor, this bibliography describes technical publications which document: Machine components; System Control Progra_ing (SCP) and Selectable Units; D8IDC and syst... support licenses progralllS; other supplementary information (e.g., forlAS. PTF listings). Features. and kinds of information included are: Titles and abstracts. with page counts;, clustering and sequencing of items by title; second list in order-number sequence, with subject codes explained and indexed; specific page lookup by program acronym; description of selectable unit publications and their distribution; current status of the publications listed. with TNLs; SLSS publication profiles used in distribution. wi th an explanation of these profiles; details on order numbers. including pseudonunlbers. For Systeml370 publications on industry systems and licensed application programs. refer to GC20-0370. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 618 pages, 6182 370.4361.4381.3090,4331.4341.43211111 GC20-0370 SYSTEMl3Z0 Atm 4300 f!!j!:ESSORS BI8LIOGRAPHY !I.E INDUSTRY SYSTEMS Atm APPLICATION PROGRAMS This bibliography describes technical publications needed by those who plan for. install. program. or operate industry systems and licensed application programs for Systetll370 and 4300 Processors. Industry (sub)systems covered are the IBM 3600 Finance COIIIIII\.nication System. the IBM 3730 Distributed Office COIIIIIUMicatlon Syst. . and all others, including the IBM 3790 Communication System. Licensed progralAS included are all cotllpleted applications running under Systeml370 or 4300 Processors prograll1lling (or under Type I progra_ing if for Systeml370 or 4300 Processors only). Completed applications are those for specific Industries such as finance. insurance. or ....nufacturing and those applicable to many industries. Features, and the kinds of information included, are: Titles and abstracts, with page countsl Clustering and sequencing of items by title; Second listing in order-number sequence. with s\J)ject codes explained and indexed; 390 Ge20 Ge2D Specific page lookup by program acrony.l Latest editions of publications listed. with TNlsl SLSS publication profiles used in distribution. with an explanation of these profiles; Details on order numbers. including pseudonumbers. For System/370 onachine components. support progra_ing. DB/DC and supplementary information. refer to the IBM System/370 Bibliography. GC20-0001. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 401 pages. 11/82 are beyond the scope of the book. The publication is a sampler rather than a comprehensive textbook. It is intended for supplementary reading for the student in a regular course of study on System/360 assembler language coding. and for the novice programmer. In general. the reader will find that the program examples are quite simple at the beginning of each chapter. or major subject division. and become progressively more complex. If the going seems difficult. it is sugge.sted that he simply skip to the next subject and come back later. The student should have access to two IBM Syst_/360 Systell Reference Library (SRL) manuals for reference purposes: the PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION and the assembler specification manual for one of the System/360 operating systems. (All publications and their form numbers are listed at the end of the Preface.) He should also be familiar with fundamental concepts of data processing and the basic operating principles of System/360. Two IBM programmed instruction (P.I.) courses. or their equivalent. are prerequisite to a full understanding of this student text: CotlPUTING SYSTEM FUNDAMENTALS and INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMl360. The student Nho is not enrolled in a comprehensive programming course will find the P.I. book FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMI1ING a valuable guide to problem analysis and program flowcharting. Student Text. 160 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 370.4361.4381.4331.4341.43211/11 Ge20-1618 NUMBER SYSTEMS ~ n2SI This IBM student text on number systems presents a brief review of the principles of positional notation. as applied to the binary and hexadecimal systet115 of notation. The publication covers the operations of binary and hexadecimal arithmetic. decimal-binary - hexadecimal base conversion. and the principles of base and base-minus-one complementation. Student Text. 32 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = ( SC20-1637 A GUIDE .!Q fLLI f.QR f.!l!mW:I USERS: ~ TEXT This manual is an introductory guide to PlII written especially for those who have a working knowledge of FORTRAN lIar IV. No particular machine implementation of FORTRAN SC20-1651 or PlII has been assumed. Part 1 gives a broad survey of A !!Y1M !Q fLLI f.QR COtIl1ERCIAL PROGRAMMERS (STUDENT TEXT) PlII. A sample program illustrating soma of the principIa PlII is a multipurpose. high-level programming language features of the language is explained step by step. that enables the programming not only of commercial and Part 2 gives sufficient detail for the user to be able scientific applications but also of real-time and systems to write a straightforward program for hiMSelf. It is applications. It also per.its a programmer to use the full not a rigorous exposition. Examples have been used to power of his computer in an efficient manner and to prograM clarify the text. The terminology used is intended to be applications in a relatively onachine-independent fashion. that which is familiar to a FORTRAN user This publication presents those features of PlII that Part 3 describes concepts not familiar to FORTRAN apply to commercial data processing. It does not restrict itself to a particular aspect of commercial data processing users. although some of them are familiar to those who know COBOL or ALGOL. Where references to COBOL or ALGOL but attempts to discuss all features of PllI that .ay be will help readers who know these languages. the reference used in the full spectrum of cOlllllercial applications. Student Text. 70 pages is made. but the explanation is also given in full for those who do not. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This guide does not attempt to cover all the features of the language. Many facilities have not been mentioned at all. and some of the statements and features have not Ge20-1686 been explained in full detail. l2Q! INPUT PREPARATION GUIDE f.QR !Jig IBM 128711288 ~ CHARACTER READERS Student Text. 38 pages This .anual is a guide to achieving acceptable input quality SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY for IBM's 1287 and 1288. The topics stressed include sample document designs frOll several application areas. SC20-1646 human factors considerations. document design specifications A PROGRAMMER'S INTRODUCTION .!Q 1m! SYSTEM/360 ASSEMBLER and procedures. a discussion of important considerations LANGUAGE: STUDENT n2SI for each type of OCR input device. and a description of This student text is an introduction to Syst..t360 Assl!IIbler some OCR support services available to IBM customers. language coding. It provides many examples of short DP Techni ques Manual. 86 pages programs shown in assembled form. Some elementary 1104/1287.12881 progralllllling techniques and the specific hlStructions illustrated in the programs are discussed in simple. relatively nontechnical tarn. I1uch of the text is based SC20-1699 on information in IBM SYSTEMl36D PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION VOCABULARY fQ! DA!A PROCESSING TELE-COMMUNICATIQN ~ (GA22-6821). This includes a brief review of relevant OFFICE ~ This publication was formerly known as DP Glossary. System/36D concepts and descriptions of selected assembler language instructions for arithmetic. logical. and branching Manual. 136 pages operations. Standard (fixed-point). decimal. and floatingSLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY point arithmetic are discussed. The book also includes an elementary introduction to assembler language and the assembler progra.h and chapter on base register addressing Ge20-1729 and on program linkages and relocation. The coding of .I!Y!!Ui .!Q ~ .!1!l!!!.b ill This guide presents hardware. prograMing systems. and other many other common progralllllling techniques. such as the use pertinent information about the IBM System/370 Hodel 155 of branches. loops. and cCl\a"lters. is shown. The use of macro instructions is demonstrated. but not covered in that describes its significant new features and advantages. detail. Program flowcharting and inputloutput operations Features of a Hodel 155 II are indicated also. The contents 391 (/ 6C20 6C20 1104/38811 are intended to acquaint the r . .dar with the Hodel 155 and to be of benefit in planning for its installation. Manual. 192 pages 3155//01// 6C20-1754 IQ §aZJ! tmlli m fQ!'i §aZJ! !m!2I.I. ill !mB.li This guide presents hardware. progra .... ing SystelllS. and other pertinent information about the IBM System/370 Hodel 158 that describes its significant new features and advantages. KnONledge of the IBM Systeill/370 Hodel 155 is assumed. Features COIlllllOn to Models 155 and 158 are indicated but not discussed in detaU. The contents of the guide are intended to acquaint the reader tlith the Model 158 and to be of benefit in planning for its installation. Associated with this guide are four optional supplements that describe operating systems for the Model 158 that support a virtual storage environment. Each supplement has its ONn fol"ll number and must be ordered individually. if required. Optional supplements are the follONing: o DOS/Virtual Storage Features Supplement (6C20-1756) o OS/Virtual Storage 1 Features Supplement (GC20-1752 ) o OS/vS2 SVS Features Supplement (GC20-1753) o Virtual Machine Facility/370 Features Supplement (GC20-1757) Manual. 120 pages 3155.3158//01// ~ GC20-1730 IQ S/370 !mIru, i l l This guide presents harch eet a channel to control uni ts by lleans of the 3044 Fiber-Optic Channel Extender Link.. GC22-7064 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 02/85 //08/30441 1m:! INPUT/PUTPUT EQUIPMENT; INSTALlATION!1At:!YAI.;: PHYSICAL PLANNING fQR SYSTEM/360. SYSTEM/370. Am 4300 PROCESSORS Contains information necessary for planning the physical installation of the IBM input/output equipment for the 3xxx GC22-7074 S/370 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX INSTALLATION ~ PHYSICAL series I/O equipment used with System/360.·System/370. and 4300 Processors. It includes floor planning inforMation. as PLANNING This publication contains infor... tion necess.ry for the well as electrical. environmental. and structural requireMents. Physical planning information for the lxxx planning and physical installaton of the 3090 Processor and 2xxx series I/O equipment is in GC222-7069. Complex. GBOF~4114 May be used to order GC22-7064 and GC19-0004 It is intended to be used by installation planning and lllarketing personnel and by custOllers in planning their (IBM Systea/370 World Trade Installation Manual - Physical Planning). GBOF-4113 may be used to order GC22-7064 and installations. GC22-7004 IIBM Syst_/370 Installation Manual - Physical Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 96 pages. 02/85 Planning). 3090//1511 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 150 pages. 9/79 370.4361.4381.4331.4341.4321//15// GC22-7075 ~ 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX ~ READINESS CHECKLIST GC22-7067 This checklist aids installation planning representatives 3033 PROCESSOR FLOOR CUTOUT Am and customers to verify site readiness for the installation Contains infor.ation necessary for planning the physical of • Systeal370 3090 Processor Complex. Operating For•• 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pages. 02/85 installation of the IBM 3033 Processor U-series. A-series and M-series. It contains information about floor layouts and floor cutouts for machine rooms using either 24 or 181/4 inch floor panels. GC22-9062 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 35 pages. 5/79 QATl, SECURITY THROUGH CRYPTOGRAPHY 3033//15// Prevention of unauthorized physical and logical aCcess to confidential infor.. t;on has been the tradit;onal _thad of protecting the secrecy of cOlllpUter data. Cryptography GC22-7068 provides such protection ;n situations """re the traditional llethad is not effective or possible. En PROCESSOR f.l.ml! MmlI m Cryptography preserves the secrecy of cotllpUter data that Grid layouts to be used by IBM custOMers or IBM Installation Planning representatives in preparing the computer 1'00II could be accessed by the unauthorized by concealing the infor..ation using a process in which intelligible data is floor for installation of the 3032 Processor Complex. Publication consists of six grid layouts and necessary transforlled into non-intelligible data. This ..nual describes the sale of cryptography ;n data secur;ty. instructions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 10/77 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pgs. 10/77 3032//15// //30//5740-XY5.5752.5652.5741 403 &eU &e22 GC22-9063 Dt1 CRYPTOGRAPHIC SUBSYSTEM CONCEPTS At!ll FACILITIES tIAHIlAI. Th. IBM C..yptog... phic Subsyst. . i. an integ..at.d ha ..dwar..oftwa ... i~l...nt.tion of end-to-end cryptogr.phy fo .. p ..otecting dat.. It consi.ts of the following .epar.t. product.: 1. IBM Progr.1IIUd Cryptogr.phic Facility. Progr•• Product 2. IBM Advanced Coe.unications Function for Virtual T.lecommunic.tions Acc... Method (ACF/VTAM). Enc ..yptlD.c ..ypt F•• tur. 3. Enc ..yptlDec ..ypt F.atu... (or RPQ) for the IBM 3276 Di.play Station and the IBM 3776 (Model. 1 .nd 21 Communication T.r.inal Thi. manuel de.crib•• the Cryptog... phic Subsyst. . and the Cryptographic concept. and techniques IIIIIPloyed. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inche•• 48 pgs. 10177 //30//5740-XY5.5752.5652.5741 GC22-9194 JL!2l!.!l fi!BIBA!.! B1.I&AB 1..1 Thi. public.tion describes the t ......nd concept. of the Syst_ 9000 FDRTRAN progr• • ing l.nguage. R.I •••• 1.2. Manuel. 228 pages &e23-0001 m:um .1'. flROGRAl!!ING .J..I§U!Y ..lUl m fW.W1 ~ Thi. publication i. for .yst. . progr._r. who to install the job entry .ubsy.t. . JES2. It contains info.... tion .bout the inst.ll.tion .nd initi.liz.tion of JES2. JES2 proces.ing. rellOt. job entry .upported by JES2 • • nd f.ctor. that aff.ct JES2 perfor..nc•• The info.... tion in this . .nual. Mhich .pplies to OS/vs2 MVS R.I.as. 3.7. NaB forHrly fOU'\d in the JES2 .ections of OS/vs2 Sy.t. . Progra.ing Libr.ry: Syst. . Gen.r.tion R.f.renc•• &e26-3792. os/vS2 Sy.t. . PrograMing Library: Initi.lization and TWling Guide. &e28-0681. and OS/vS2 syst. . PrograMing Library: Job Managellent. &e28-0627. Manuel. 180 pages. 2176 SLSS: DRDER NO. st8SCRIPTION ONLY ~ &e23-0002 ~ m m:um fml!iBAH .I.DB.W . This public.tion correspond. to JES2 R.I.... 4.0 .nd i. for .yst_ progr._r. who will inst.ll the job entry subsyst . . JES2. It cont.ins infor. .tion .bout the install.tion .nd initi.liz.tion of JES2. JES2 proces.ing. ReIIOt. Job Entry (RJE) .upported by JES2 •• nd f.ctor. thllt .ffect JES2 perfor. .nee. It .1.0 describes JES2 Level 4.0 .upport for SNA RJE NOrk.t.ti_ .nd the 3800 Printing Subsyst... Manuel. 200 pages. 05176 ////5752-825 SCU-0003 JIm£! flROGRAtIIIH!i .I.DUBl Iml!IIBIS .!III .ctIIBY FiCILIU BIB .w.& Thi . . .nual if for us. by .yst. . progr._r.. :tt cont.ins infor. . tion neces•• ry for •• nd instructiv. in. inst.ll.tion. initi.liz.tion ••nd tWling of the JES2 NUE Syst••• Manuel. 8 1/2 K 11 inches. 322 pgs. 1/78 ////5740-XR8 &e21-0004 m .w.& B1.I.l6B ! SELECTABLE IItIlI JIm£! INFQRHAUQN lYm 5752-8 03 Thi. publication describes the co.ponent pack.ge JES2 R.l.... 4.0. :tt cont.ins infor. . tion about the ch.nges to JES2. othe~ JES2 R.I •••• 4.0 docu.ent.tion. inst.ll.tion of the component package. and .torage estimet... The purpo•• of this . .nuel i. to a •• i.t install.tion . .nager•••yst. . p ..ogra_rs. and IBM Fi.ld Engineering pe...onnel in incorporating JES2 R.I.as. 4.0. Thi . . .nuel should be us.d for JES2 info.... tion only if the COIIpOIl8I,t pack.g. JES2 R.l.... 4.0 i. being installed in the sy.t... Manuel. 15 pages. 5/76 SLSS: DRDER NO. st8SCBIPTION ONLY &eU-0007 OPERATOB'S .L.UBABY ~ m .w.& ti CO!11ANDS (CURRENT RELEASE) Thi. publication provides the JES2 infor.ation r.quired for • syst. . consol. operator to .ffectiv.ly control a Syst.II/370 rWining under OS/vS2 with the Job Entry Subsyst. . 2 (JES2). Thi. publication i. intended to be used with Operator'. Lib... ry os/vS2 MYS Syst. . Commands. Mhich provides the basic OS/vs2 .yst_ infor. . tion used in conjWlction with JES2. Manual. 8 1/2 K 11 inches. 120 pages. 1/79 ////5752-825 &e21-0008 OPERATOR'S J.mRABY I!liCiB m .lW CO!1I1AHDS .lW !!i.W.B 1 Provide. the JES3 info..... tion required for • •yst. . oper.tor to control a SySteli/370 rWining under OS/vs2 R.I •••• 3.7 with the Job Entry Subsyst. . I (JES3). Manuel. 206 pages. 5176 ////5752-826 &eU-0010 FAeILIU BIB ..lUl JW..lW 1 m!IW. INFDRMATIQN Contains high l.v.l functional desc .. iptions of the .upport provided by JES2 NJE R.l.as. 3. The .udienc. for this INlnual includes DP .anager•• non-DP manager•••y.t. . p ..og,.._.....nd IBM . .rk.ting per.olVMtl. This . . jor revision specific.lly incorpor.t_ •• int_nc. info.... tion .nd aentions a new install.tion procedure for JES2 NJE. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inc'-. 28 pages. 1/79 ///15740-XR8 M SCU-OOll OPERATOR J.mRABY Wl FACILITY fi!.! .wi! COMMANDS Thi. public.tion provides • • yst. . consol. opel'. tor with the required JES2 NJE infor•• tion to control JES2 NJE on • Systn/370 rWining WId.r OS/vS2 MYS R.le•••. 3.7. Thi. publication .hould be us.d with Oper.tor's Libr.ry: OS/vs2 MYS Syst. . ConmNInds. &e38-0229. Mhich provid•• the b.sic OS/vS2 MYS .yst. . infor. . tion used in conjunction with JES2 NUE. ttANUAL. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 152 pgs. 1/78 //I/5740-XR8 scn-oolZ INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL Wl FACILITY fg8 .w.& Thi. public.tion contains .y.t. .-oriented infor•• tion pertaining to the NetNOrk Job Entry INSE) facility for JES2. Thi. publication i. intended to .\.IPPleaent .nd be wed in conjunction with the following .ystems •• nu.l. with JES2 R.l.... ~.O ( ••lectabl. unit VS2.01 8011 infor. .tion inst.lled: OS/vS2 Mes••ge Libr.ry: Routing.nd Descriptor Codes. GC38-11021 0s/vs2 JCL. &e28.0692, os/vS2 TSO C_nd L.ngu.ge R.ferenc•• GC28-0646. Manuel. 44 pages. 10/76 ////5740-XR8 / I ~ ( &e23 SC23 GC23-0015 &e23-0027 .!.W BWW !...l SELECTABLE J.mI JmmI INFORMATION This publication describes JES2 Releasa 4.1 (selectable unit 5752-825). It contains infor.ation about changes to JES2, installation of the selectable unit, storaga esti.ates and prerequisite selectable units. The purpose of this .anual is to assist installation . .nagers. systell progra ..... rs. and IBM Field Engineering personnel in installing JES2 Releasa 4.1. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pgs. 2/77 11115752-825 .IW ~ !...l liY 12 SPECIFICATIONS This publication serves as the Narranty for the HVS JES2 System Control Program Release 4.1 Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pgs, 4/77 ~ ~ &1:23-0018 ~ ~ JES3 .Bill tID SELECTABLE WU JmmI INFORMATION ~~L.l This publication describes the 0SIYS2 MVS JES3 3850 MSS selectable lrIit. It contains planning information about JES3 support of the IBM 3850 Mass Storage Systell (MSS) for JES3 installation managers. systell managers, and IBM fiald engineering personnel. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 10 pages, 3177 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC23-0019 tyg FACILIU fiIB .1m ~ .& SPECIFICATIONS Program Product Specifications covaring Releasa 2 of NetNOrk Job Entry Facility for JES2. Provides additional RJE support over that provided by Releasa 1. This support allows connection of CPUs to IBM 3791 Com.unication Control lars using SDLC co.munication lines. Audience MOUld be installation .anagers, syst_ progra_Ml. and IBM Field Engineering personnel. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 4 pgs, 3177 .II115740-XR8 6C23-0024 .wi} ~ l mn!! INFORMATIOH This publication describes JES3 Release 3 (Selectable Unit 10 5752-826). It contains planning information about JES3 Release 3 for JES3 installation IlNllnagers, syst. . progra_ers, and IBM service representatives. The reader st-..ld be fa.iliar Nith the conc4IPtS introduced in Introduction to JES3. ltanual. 8 112 x 11, 35 pagas. 6178 11115752-826 ~ ~ GC23-0025 ~ FACILITY fiIB .1m ~ l SPECIFICATIONS Contains high level descriptive information about JES2 NJE Release 3. This doclMent serves as the Narranty for the product. The audience for this ~ent includes DP onagaMl. syst. . progra_rs. and business onagars. This . . jor revision of the . .nual specifically incorporates . . intenance inforeation and ......t i _ a ..- installation procedure for JES2 NJE. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages, 1/79 11115740-XR8 GC23-0026 m n .IW ~ Y liY SPECIFICATIONS This publication serves as the Narranty for the MVS JES2 Systell Control Progra•• Release 4.0. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pgs. 4/77 rfl§ &e23-0029 OSIVS2 m JES3 3850 ~ §Y .!!! SPECIFICATIONS This publication serves as the warranty for the MVS JES3 3850 ltass Storage Systell. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pgs. 4/77 &e23-003l MVS/INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION IIQRKSTATIOH l!YffQB! GENERAL INFORMATION This publication introduces the MVS/Inforeation Distribution Workstation Support Program Product. It gives an overvieM of lOWS, a brief description of the 6670 Information Distributor lOWS supports. examples of using lOWS Nith the 6670 and OSlVS2 HVS. and preinstallation planning information. The purpose of this publication is to help data processing and NOrk processing .anagers evaluate adding lOWS to their systems netNOrk architecture (SNA) MVS systems to support the 6670. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 02/82 11115740-A/1A SC23-0032 MVS/INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT ADMINISTRATION CUSTQMIZATION ~ INSTALLATION This publication presents information enabling the user to administer. customize and install the MVS/Infor.... tion Distribution Workstation Support nDWS) program to support the 6670 Infor.ation Distributor in an'MVS syste•• To install and adMinister lOWS. the user st-..ld be fa.iliar Ni th MVS. the job entry subsystell. and the SNA cOllllnUnication subsystem used in the installation. The publication is organized in four chapters to support the user tasks of aclministering, customizing and installing lOWS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inChes. 02/80 11115740-A/1A SC23-0033 MVS/INFQRMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT OPERATION WORKSTATION CONTROLLER ~ SYSTEM ~ GUIDE This publication is for lOWS users Nho have NOrkstation controller and syst_ OIOI'Ier c~and authority. It presents information that enables the user to start. stop and run lOWS with the 6670 Information Distributor and MVS. Users Nith systell ONI'Ier authority should be fa.iliar "ith HVS, the job entry subsyst... and the SNA cClllmU"lications subsystell used in the installation. Users Nith NOrkstation controller authority should be familiar Nith the 6670 Information Distributor and understand the concepts of netNOrking and rllllOte job processing. The publication is in four chapters. organized by lOWS _ n d authcrity. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 02/80 11115740-A/1A SC23-0034 MVS/INFQRMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION ~ OPERATIgN ilili!lW. ~ GUIDE This publication presents inforMation enabling the g_ral user to log on and off the 6670 Inforeation Distributor as an ItVS/Infor. . tion Distribution Workstation Support (lOWS) NOrkstation. to r ..... and control a job and to control 6670 NOrkstation operation. The publication is in five chapters. organized by general user tasks. lt05 SC23 6C23 SC23-0040 Us.rs Ni th gen.ral us.r authorl ty do not require experience Nlth data processing. The general user should learn to record IDWS cOIIIIIIands on . .gnetic cards .nd to· operate the 6670 for communic.ting. M.nual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 02/80 ////5740-AI1A ~ OVERVIEW This book introduces the t.r.inology. organiz.tion. function and f.atures of Job Entry Subsyst8111 3 (JES3). It is not essenti.l that you be fa.ili.r Nith JES3 to ....d this book, but to get the MOSt out of it you should first r.ad JES3 Introduction. GC23-0039. (The Introduction describes JES3 frOll an ext.rnal point of vi_. emphasizing what JES3 is and hoN it can be usedl this book deScribes JES3 fro • • n internal point of vi .... emphasizing hoM JES3 is organized and hoM it works.) Thi s book does requi re an i ntroductorylev.l und.rstanding of HVS. This edition applies to the JES3 component of tlVS/Systea Product-JES3 Releas. 2 .nd to all subsequent r.l ••ses .nd modificat·ions until otherNis. indicated in naN editions or technic.l newsletters. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches 1/20115740-XYN 6C23-0Ol5 MVS/INFQRMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION ~ SPECIFICATIONS This public.tion contains the specific.tions and the Narranty for the HVS/InforMation Distribution Workst.tion Support licensed progr••• The prograM provideS batchoriented remote COMmUnications functions for the 6670 Infor. . tion D;stributor Nith synchronous data link control protocol in the syst ..... netMOrk architecture envirONHlnt. The progr.1I .xtends OS/vS2 HVS host processor support to the 6670 for job input. processing and output. Fly.r. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 02/80 ////5740-AI1A 6C23-0037 ~ SPECIFICATION BIB OS/vs2 ~.L.!I m ~ !W&m 1 BIB SC23-0041 JES3 INSTALLATION PLANNING !!l!l ruNING (CURREN! RELEASE) This book is intended for JES3 system progr.mmers or for .nyone Mho plans to install. initialize. custOllize. or t...,. JES3. This book describes: • The planning that must be done befo... inst.lling JES3 • HOM to define resources for JES3 • HOM to use JES3 initi.lization stattllllents to custOllize JES3 • HOM to initialize r..at. job processing. both BSC .nd RJP • HOM to tuna JES3 • HOM to add your inst.llation to • job netNOrk B.for. r.ading this book. you should r ••d JES3 Introduction. 6C23-0039 .nd JES3 Ov.rvi .... SC23-0040. This edition applies to the JES3 component of HVS/Syst... Product - JES3 R.l.as. 2 and to all subsequent releases .nd MOdifications until otherNis. indicated in naN editions or technical neNSlett.rs. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches //34//5740-XYN m This docUIIent deScribes JES3 R.leas. 3 and Its support of /1VS Releas. 3.8. Fly.r. 1 page. 3/79 ;e23-0Ol8 OS/vS2 ~ OVERVIEW This public.tion introduces the terminology. organiz.tion. functions. and features of Job Entry Subsyst•• 3 (JES3). Read.rs need not be fallili.r Nlth JES3. but should have an introductory l.v.l underst.nding of the Multipl. Virtual Stor.ge (/1VS) Syst... This publication is • companion to Introduction to JES3. 6C28-0607. The tNO . .nuals Nill provide. foundation for using the ,....ining .anuals in the JES3 library. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 76 p.ges. 10/79 11/15752-826 SC23-0042 I1QDIFICATIONS !!l!l ~ (CURREN! RELEASE) This book is intended for the syst.... progralllD8r who pl.ns to MOdify JES3 control prograllS. It includes instructions on hoM to Nrite JES3 use...xit routines .nd dynallic support progr.... (DSPs) and hoM to us. the JES3 .acro instructions to .;d ;n Nriting .xit routines and DSPs. This edUion .pplies to the JES3 component of HVS/Systea Product - JES3 R.l.ase 2 .nd to .11 subsequent r.leases and lIOd!fic.tions untH oth.rNi •• indicated in new editions or tachn;cal neN51ett.rs. . Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches //36//5740-XYN ~ .Y§gB 6C23-0039 INTRDDUCTION (ru!REN! RELEASE) This book Nill int ..oduc. you to Job Entry Subsyst_ 3 (JES3). JES3 is • cO.pOU.lit of I1VS that r •• ds jobs. prepares theM for .xecution ••nd processes output data produced by the jobs. In MUlti pl.-processor cOlllplexes. JES3 •• nages processors in • Nay Nhere one processor ex.rcises centr.lized control ov.r the oth.rs and distributes jobs to the others vi • • COllllon job queue. It doesn't •• tter Nhether you n install.tion Manager. syst. . prog... _ r •• pplic.tion progr.lIIIII8r. operator or student. or if you .... curr.ntly using JES3 or just considering or pl.nning • JES3 install.tion. You should read this book to get • perspective on JES3. and to get the ..xi_ benefit fro. the other books in the JES3 libr.ry. Th........ no prer.quisites for this book. It MOuld be helpful. but not essential. for you to have a general knowledge of oper.ting syst..... This edition .pplies to the JES3 cell.pouent of /1VSISystea Product-JES3 R.lease 2 .nd to .11 subsequent rel••ses and MOdific.tions until othe.... ise indicated in naN editions or technic.l neNSl.tt.rs. M.nual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches 1/20115740-XYN ~ .1'.. SC23-0043 406 DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) This book provides reference info....Hon for debugging Job Entry Subsyst•• 3 (JES3) .nd us."-Nritten extans;ons of JES3. R.ad...s must have • MOrking knONledge of JES3 funct;ons .nd logic. Topics include Debugging and Serv;ca Aids. DUIIIP and Trac. ForMats. HON to Find Info ....ation in • Dump. E.. ror Ind;cetors. Data Ar.as. SMA RJP Problaa Analysis. and JES3 Compl.tion Codes. This book is intended for use only in debugging. None of the inforMation contained should be construed .s defining • progra... ing int.rf.c•• Manual. 8 112 )C 11 inches //37//5740-XYN ~ / , 6C23 SC23 &e23-0044 JES3 MESSAGES (CURREN! RELEASE) This book cont.ins doc......nt.tion for the mess.ges issued by the JES3 component of MVS/System Product - JES3 Release 2. This edi tion applies to the JES3 component of MVS/Syst_ Product - JES3 Release 2 .nd to all subsequent releases .nd eodifications until otherwise indicated in".... editions or technical newsletters. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches //40//5740-XYN SC23-0050 SC23-0045 6C23-00S1 SUPPLEMEN! .E!!B ~ IQ !1'IS ~ DEBUGGING GUIDE JES3 tm Provides inform.tion for use in debugging JES3 to program support representatives and system programmers whose install.tion supports the 3850 Hass Storage System. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 204 pgs, 3/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY i l l } COI!!ANDS (CURREN! RELEASE) This book cont.ins the information required for a system console operator to effectively control the JES3 component of MVS/System Product - JES3 Rele.se 2. You should use this book in conjl.rlCtion with Operator's Libr.ry: OS/vs2 MVS System Commands, GC28-1031 which provides information on controlling the MVS portion of MVS/System Product - JES3. This edition appliO!S to the JES3 cOlllpouent of MVS/System Product - JES3 Rele.se 2 .nd to .11 subsequent releases and lIOdifications U"Itil otherwise indic.ted in".... editions or technic.l ".....letters. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches //40//5740-XYN ( SC23-0046 MVS/SP-JES2 ~ ! INITIALIZATION A!m :nItWl!i (CURRENT RELEASE) This public.tion describes both the gener.l fl.rlCtions and the network job entry fl.rlCtions of the JES2 part of MVS/Syst. . Product-JES2. The manual is intended for use by system progr.....ers Mho .re to inst.ll, initialize and t ...... JES2. It contains infor.ation about the installation and initialization of JES2, JES2 processing, remote job entry (RJE) supported by JES2, and f.ctors that affect JES2 perfor. .nce. The manual also describes JES2 support for user exit routines, spool offloading, syst... errOr procedures and wit i pIe rout i ng of output. Manual. //34//5740-XYS MVSlSP-JES3 ~ ,g OVERVIEW This edition applies to Version 2 of MVS/System Product-JES3 (5665-291). This book looks at JES3 fr~ • high-level internal view point. It introduces the major components of JES3 and discusses what they do and haw they do it. Before reading this book, you should re.d the JES3 Introduction, GC23-0049. Manual, 3/83 //20//5665-291 ~ 6C23-00SS SUPPLEHENT fQB SU29 IQ !1'IS JES3 DEBUG GUIDE ~ VPSS This is • supplement to base publication JES3 Debugging Guide, 6C28-0703-1. It contains information in support of JES3 Release 2 (SUI2) and JES3 3850 M55 (5UI8). Manu.l, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 11 pgs., 8/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC23-0059 MVS/xA MVS/SP-JES3 YERSION ,g INITIALIZATION ~ TUNING (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication applies to Version 2 of MVS/System Product-JES3. It should be used by anyone Mho plans to install, initialize, customize or tune JES3. It describes .n overview of the planning that IlUSt be done before installing JES3, how to define resources to JES3, how to code JES3 initi.lization stateMents, how to make BSC or SNA remote workstations part of • JES3 complex, how to tuna JES3 and how to include a JES3 complex as part of a NJE facility.Before reading this public.tion, users should read JES3 Introduction, Ge23-0049 and the JES3 Overview, SC23-0050. Manual, 03/83 //34//5665-291 aC23-0048 JES2 CO!1!!AHDS (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes both the gener.l coaaands of JES2 SC23-0060 .nd the COIIIIIands ..... ich i!lplement the networking fl.rlCtions of I1'ISa6 !1'IS/SP-JES3 VERSION ,g ~ MODIFICATIONS A!m MACROS the JES2 part of MVS/System Product - JES2. These commands This publication provides information for syst... progra .....rs are used to control jobs, SYSIN, SYSOUT and various devices to use Mhen lIOdifying JES3 control progra. . in installations for JES2. This •• nual can be used by oper.tors, .pplication that include MVS/Extended Architecture (MVS/XA) systems or progra.... rs, syst_ progra....rs and IBI1 ..aintenance MVS/xA an MVS/370 syst.... It includes instructions on how personnel, but primarily provides the JES2 infor.ation to write JES3 user exit routines and dynamic support progr... (DSPs) and how to use JES3 macro instructions to required by • system console oper.tor. This publication is intended for use with the Operator's Libr.ry: OS/vs2 MVS .id in writing the exit routines and DSPs. This edition System COIIIIIands, Ge28-lOll. appli.. to MVS/sP-JES3 Vers i on 2. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 192 pages, 11/85 Manu.l, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 346 pages, 03/83 //40//5740-XYS //36//5665-291 ~ &e23-0049 SC23-0061 ~ !1'IS/SP-JES3 INTRODUCTION (CURRENT RELEASE) This edition .pplies to Version 2 of MVS/Syst. . Product-JES3 (5665-2911. This book explains the external features and characteristics of JES3. It discusses what JES3 is. what JES3 can do, and haw JES3 fits into the MVS environment. If you are unfamili.r with JES3, this i. the first JES3 book you should read. Manual, 03/83 //20//5665-291 407 !1'IS/sP-JES3 mm!I:! .& .In} DIAGNOSIS This book provides reference information for debugging Job Entry 5U>system 3 (JES3) and user-written extensions of JES3. Re.ders must hav. a working knowledge of JES3 funct;ons and logic. Topics include Debugging and Service AidS, DUMp and Trace Formats, How to Find Information ;n • DUMp. Error Indicators, Data Areas, SHA RJP Problem Analysis, and JES3 Completion Codes. Th;s book is intended for use only in debugging. Hone of the information contained should be construed .s defin;ng a progra. .ing interface. ~ SC23 SC23 syst. . programmers. It describes hoM to establish JES2 .xit routines and hoM to us. the various JES2 progranaer aacro instructions. It is intended for JES2 installation .ysteMS programmers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 290 pages. 12/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ltanual. 03/83 11371/5665-291 GC23-0062 .!ill MESSAGES (C\JI!RENT RELEASE) This edition applies to Version 2 of MVSISyst. . ProductJES3. 5665-291. This ... nual docUlltlnta INISsages issued by JES3. The causes of the INISsages are explained. the .cCOlllPanying actions by the operating systelll .re described and appropriate responses are .uggested. This ... nual i. intended for any JES3 complex that runs MYSIXA or for any JES3 complex that runs both HVSIXA and MYS/370. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 03183 ~ LC23-0069 .!!n Yml MODIFICATIONS AtIl ~ !CURREN! RELEASE) This aanual provides syst. . prograMing inforllation conc.rning the implementation of JES2 exit routines by JES2 syst. . prograllllers. The IlNlnual describes hoM to establi.h JES2 exit routines and hoM to us. the various JES2 programmer .... cro instructions. It is intended for JES2 installation systeM progra. .ers. ltanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 290 pages. 03/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 1140/15665-291 SC23-0063 MYSIXA HYS/SP-JES3 ~ 1 OPERATI!!t!S .!ill CO!!!AtIlS !C\JI!REN! RELEASE! This book contains the info.... tion required by a syst_ console operator to effectively control the JES3 component of Ver.ion 2 of MYS/Syste•. Product-JES3. You should use this book in conjunction Nith HVS/Extended Architecture Options: Syst_ Commands. Ge28-1206. which provides inforaaation on controlling the MYS portion of ttVSlSyst. . Product-JES3. Manual. 03/83 SC23-0106 SUPPLEMEN! lZ&i COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER ACFIVTAM This Manual suppl ......nts the ACF/VTAH V.rsion 1 ReI.... 3 .nd V.rsion 2 libraries. It adds inforaation to PlaMing and Installation R.f.rence. Operation. Messages and Codes. Designers Guide. The added inforaaation docUlllent. ACFIVTAtI' • • upport of the .3725 COIIIIIUnication Controller running Nith the ACFINCP Ver.ion 2 progra. product. The audience for this IRQnual is any ACFIVTAtI Version 1 Release 3 (MYS only! custoaer and .ny ACFIVTAtI V.rson 2 (OSIVS. MYS. VSE! customer using a 3725. Us.rs of this Innual IlUSt hav. the b ..e ACFIVTAtI Publications. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 84 pages. 06/83 1140/15665-291 SC23-0064 MYS/SP-JES2 !lWW!tI 1 OPERATIONS .!!n COH!1AtIlS !CURRENT RELEASE! This publication provides the syst. . console operator. application and syst. . progr..... r Nith the infol"llation required to control JES2 on a syst. . running under HVS. The publication is intended for us. in any JES2 complex that r ..... MYS/Extended Architecture. I t i. also intended for use in any JES2 complex th.t rU'lS both HVsIXA and MYS/370.It should be used Nith HVS/Extended Architecture Operations: Syst. . Connands. Ge28-1206. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 264 pages, 01183 ~ 1113725/5735-RC2.5662-280.5665-280.5666-280 GC23-0108 ~ PRODUCTS mww. INFORHATION ~ RELEASE) This publication gives data processing ... nagers the inforotion needed to evaluate VTAtI. NCP, SSP. NCCF. NLDtt. and NPO". It provides an overvi ... of the current releases of these progralB products. their facilities. hareINara and softNare requi rl!lllents. and other i nforllat i on needed to evaluate their applicability to an installation. It also summarizes the NetNork Progra. Products Library and describes hoM the library is organized. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 185 pages. 09/84 H&!HQRK 1140115740-XC6 SC23-0065 HVSaA MYS/SP-JES2 mlW!t:I 1 INITIALIZATION .6tm JlII:II!:!!i !CURREN! RELEASE! This publication describes the ~ral functions of the job entry .ubsyst_ (JES2! of HVS Extended Archi tecturelPrograa Product: JES2. This book is intended for JES2 syst. . programmers responsible for installing. initializing, and tuning JES2. This book is .pecifically designed for installation running HVSIXA and for installations Nith a multi-access spool complex th.t contains HVSIXA systems or both MYSIXA .nd MYS/370 .yst..... Ibm both HVSIXA .nd MYS/370 systtllllS are being used in one eotnplex, cert.in considerations and restrictions exi.t. these ••• applic.bl •• .re presented. Inforaation about the installation and initialization of JES2, JES2 processing, retnOte job entry (RJE! supported by JES2. and factor • • ffecting perforaanc. is described. Also included i. JES2 support for user exit routines, spool offloading •• yst .... error procedures. and IllUltiple routing of output. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 406 pages, 03183 11115664-280,5665-289.5665-313.5666-313,5668-854.5664-289. 5665-338.5666-322.5664-175,5668-947.5668-971.5665-321. 5666-295.5668-920.5665-316 6C23-0109 ACFIVTAM ~ 1 SPECIFICATIONS !CURREN[ RELEASE) This publication is the warranty for the advanced coamunications function for VTAM Version 3. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages, 09/84 11115664-280.5665-289.5665-313.5666-313 SC23-0ll0 1134115740-XC6 LC23-0067 HYS/SP-JES2 1m! I1!l!!IfICATI!I!S AtIl ~ !CURREN! RELEASE! Thi. publication provides .yst_ progra.ing inforaation concerning the iapl~tation of J~S2 exit routines by JES2 ~ .PRQIi!WI ~ P!.ANNIH§ ! C\JI!REN[ RELEASE) This publication explains hoM to plan for establi.hing and connecting net_rks Nith the follONing products: VTAM Version 3. NCP Version 3 and Version 4. SSP Version 3. NCCF Version 2 Release 2. NLDH Release 2 and R.lease 3. NPO" Version 3 Release 2. It is intended for usa by eotnpany and cust_r. data processing aanagers. syst. . designers. progr...ers. and netNOrk planners. This publication is a component of SBOF-1583 and SBOF-1584. Manual. 500 pages, 05/85 ~ 11115665-289.5665-313,5668-854.5665-338.5665-316.5668-947. 5668-971.5665-321,5668-920 408 ( ( scn scn-Olll ACFtyIAM mmIt:I .I INSTALLATION ~ RESOURCE DEFINITION (CURREN[ RELEASE) This pubHcation contains info,..ation on how to denne resources to VTAll, an overvi ... of installing VTAM and of defining a network to VTAI1. It al.o provides an introduction to defining a aultiple-network .yst. . a. lIupported by SNA network intercolV>8Ction. Thi. pubHcation is a component of SBOF-1583 and SBOF-1584. Manual. 350 page•• 12/84 ////5665-289.5665-293.5666-313.5664-280.5665-313 SC23-0112 ACFffiAM VERSION .I CUSTOI1IZATION (CURREN[ RELEASE) This publication explains how to modify default constant•• tables. and .odules to suit the needs of a particular installation. It al.o tells how to use tuning statistics tobe1ance a network load alllOUl'lg di fferent resources and provides guidelines on coding exit routines to perfor. functions such .s session aanageMent virtual route selection. accounting .nd .uthorization. It i. intended for systee progra_rs. Thi. publication i • • coeponent of SBOF-1583 and SBOF-I584. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 215 pages. 09/84 ////5665-289.5665-313.5666-313.5664-280 ( SC23-0113 ACFtYTAM ~ 1 OPERATION (CURREN[ RELEASE) This public.tion i. reference for .ystems progr....r. Mho eust provide operators with the detailed inforution needed to oper.te the VTAI1 Version 3 program product. It cont.ins an introduction to oper.ting VTAI1. inforeation for developing oper.ting procedures for. VTAI1 network. inforaation for developing backup and recovery procedures for. VTAI1 network and a description of the syntax of VTAI1 operator COll1llands. The appendices include ex.mples of output fr_ VTAI1 DISPLAY commands .nd a cross-refer-. of inforeation for the example displays. This publication ill a component of SBOF-1584. Manual. 332 pages. 12/84 ////5665-289.5665-313.5666-313.5664-280 SC23-0114 ACF/VTAM mm!!:! .lMESSAliES Atm mlU f.QB ~!rLlilm Atm ~ ~ L.l (CURRENT RELEASE) This pubHcation i. used to locate the text .nd the descriptions of VTAI1 Hssages for I1VS. VSE and VI1 oper.ting systems. It .lso describes VTAI1 _ •• ges .nd lists the related routings. descriptor codes ••ense co~a. and suppression level. for the 11VSI370. tIVS/XA. VSE .nd VI1 operating .ystems. Thi. publication i. a Coepol'*'lt of SBOF-1583. Manual. 640 pages. 11/84 ////5665-289.5665-313.5666-313.5664-280 &e23 .0 that field engineers can fix it. The infor. .tion collected includes traces. duIIps .nd other documentation. Thi. publication is a component of SBOF-1583 and SBOF-I584. Manual. 400 pages. 12/84 ////5665-289.5665-313.5666-313.5664-280 &e23-0120 INDUSTRY STANDARD PLOTTING CO!1I1ANPS DESCRlprION/QPERATlotIS (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual contains descriptions of 11 standard fortran subroutines for plotting. Installation requirements for several different environeents are included. The .anual explains the functions of ISPC .ubrouting and the syntax required to code thee. and is intended for Systeoas Progra_r•• Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 11/83 ////5796-8OZ &en-0l22 ~ ~ FACILIry SPECIFICATIONS Thi. publication describe. the features of the VI1IXA Syst... Facility. It includes the Specified Operating Environeent and Stateeant of Warranty. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 09/85 //20//5664-169 SC23-0123 .nm!m FACILlry ~ !!!!!l!!.!&I 1I!lI!l!! ~ §Ymg This publication describes how to use the Sy.tee Product Editor while running eMS under the VMIXA Migration Aid. Manual. 8 1/2 Ie 11 inches. 180 pages. 09/85 //39//5664-169 ~ SC23-0124 ~ JDI.mI FACILIry ~ ~ mIIllB ~ .6I:!!l REFERENCE Thi. publication describes the Syst. . Product Editor co_ands and Macro instructions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 220 pages. 09/85 //39//5664-169 HWm SC23-0125 FACILIty ~ &REFERENCE This publication describe. the EXEC 2 EXEC Processor that i. supplied with the VI1IXA Migration Aid Syst_. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 115 pages. 09/85 //39//5664-169 ~ ~ ~ GC23-0126 MI§RATION Am .Bilml nzg IWifW SIPTl!If SPECIFICATIONS These Licensed PrograM Specifications describe the Raeote 3270 Display Option PrograM Product. including its . .chine. cClllllllunications. and prograning requirements. The specifications also contains the warranty infor. . tion. The Raeote 3270 Display Option Licensed PrograM Specifications are itanded a. a .arketing tool. Manual. 2 pages. 12/83 //20//5664-183 ~ SC23-0115 ACFI'fW1 !aIWmI I "WRnING (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the application prograM interface for VTAI1 Version 3. Thi. publication is a component of S8OF-I583 and SBOF-I584. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 950 pages. 11/84 ////5665-289.5665-313.5666-313.5664-280 !lC23-0116 ACFtyIAM :tmnlII.I DIl!it!OSIS liIIIIll (CURRENT RElEME) This publication is e guide for systems progralllllltlrs to trackdown probl_ in the VTAI1 Version 3 prograM product. The publication tell. how to identify the source of a probl_ and how to collect inforution about the probl_ &e23-0127 I::Il/J CUSTOM-BUILT OFFERINGS titIW.I. INFORMATION ~ PLNfIINS This publication describes the I1VS Custoe-built Installation Process Offering (CBIPO). the I1VS Customer-built Installation Process Offering Proc. .s 'Aids. and the I1VS Custoe-built Installation Proc. .s Offering Drivers. 409 SC23 SC23 I t also provides an introduction to CBIPO. supports the user's planning task for CBIPO. provides ordering infor. . tion. and identifies sources of additional information about CBIPO. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 70 pages. 01/84 ////5751-CSl.5751-CS2.5665-343.5751-CS3 //40//5664-169 SC23-0139 ~ ~ ~ OPERATION This publication describes how to bring up and run the VIVXA Systems Facility (VIVXA SF) on a real _chine. Its intended audience is anyone responsible for operating: a natiye YM/XA SF operating system; a production system in a virtual machinel and the accounting and error recording virtual machines. Readers IlUSt be familiar with both the hardware and the production operating syst. . in their installations. They must also understand basic virtual machine concepts. Prerequisi te Publication: Vi rtuaI/Machine Extended Architecture Systems Facility: Introduction, SCI9-6214 • Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 374 pages, 09/85 //40//5664-169 SC23-0128 B.Z.!! ES; fill TRANSFER PROGRAM .Em! A D!Q ~ This publication sumaarizes the 3270 PC File Transfer Program capabilities. limitations. and warranty. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 02/84 ////5665-311 .SC23-0129 .nn 5: fill TRANSFER !!RQ§B!Ij fllB 6 YJj ~ This publication summarizes the 3270 PC File Transfer Program capabilities. limitations. and warranty. Flyer. 8 1/2 x II inches, 2 pages, 02/84 ////5664-281 !W. SC23-0140 FACILIU ~ PR06RAM DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE This publication giyes an oyerview of VIVXA Systems Facility at a sub-component level. It contains a description of the sub-components, a module cross reference, a data area description, and a service aids section. This publication is intended for readers who wish to learn more about VM/XA Systems Facility and people who wish to diagnose a problem with VIVXA Systems Facility. Manual, 8 1/2 x II inches, 750 pages, 09/85 //37//5664-169 ~ ~ SC23-0130 INSTALLING ~ This publication describes the steps to install Syst. . Modification Program Extended. It includes preparing your present system, installing SMP/E using either SMP/E or SMP Release 4, initializing, and converting to SMP/E. An appendix is provided to help the user tailor the syst_. It is intended for the syst. . progra_r who installs progranos onto the operating syst.... Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 84 pages, 1/84 ////5668-949 SC23-0134 l:!fe BIBLIOGRAPHY 6!!!! ~ INDEX (CURREN! RELEASE) A bibliography and master index for the publicationa that eake up the Network Program Products Library, VIAM, NCP-SSP,NCCF, NLOM, NPOA. This publication is to be used by users of the aboye products. This publication is a COIIIpollent of SBOF-IS83 and SBOF-IS84. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 250 pages, 05/85 ////5665-289,5665-313,5664-280,5668-854,5667-124 SC23-0135 ACF/VIAM ~ 1 REFERENCE ~ (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication contains selected reference information extracted from other publications in the VIAM library. Its contents include VIAM operator c.,...,nds, a s ....ary of VIAM . .cro instructions, and selected SNA reference data. This publication is a COMponent of SBOF-1583 and SBOF-1584. Manual, 250 pages, 02/85 ////5664-280,5665-313.5665-289,5666-313 SC23-0145 .E2!!lR6!:! LANGUAGE CONVERSION fB.Q!iR!!t ~ IiYm This publication describes how to use the FORTRAN Language Conyersion Program to convert FORTRAN IV progranos to VM FORTRAN (Language leyel 771. It is intended for engineers, scientists, and application progra_rs. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 175 pages, 8/85 ////5668-864 SC23-0152 filB.IUH YNGUAGE CONVERSION ~ SPECIFICATIONS This publication contains the licensed program specificationa for FORTRAN language conyersation program. Flyer, 2 pages, 9/85 ////5668-864 SC23-0154 LANGUAGE CONVERSION ~ ~ INFORMATION This publication contains information useful in evaluating and planning for the use of the FORTRAN Language Conversion Progra.. It is intended for data processing managers and analysts. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 36 pages, 9/85 ////5668-864 SC23-0137 HeQ XB INFORMATION fAt!il. !mB.!.§ GUIDE This publication provides inforeation about VtVSP HPO Release 3.2 support of the 3290 Infor. . tion Panal. Manual, 08/84 //20/3290/5664-173 ~ SC23-0159 HmmB!S fB.Q!iR!!t PRODUCTS ~ EXTENDED NETWORKS This publication describes extended network addressing, a function introduced with Version 3 of VIAM for MYS and VSE, and Version 4 of NCP. It contains examples of how to define, operate, and troubleshoot networks that use extended net_rk addressing. It i. based on .ample configurations that are used for testing and analysis. Included are coaoplata VIAM and NCP listings. NCCF. NLOM and NPDA definitions, sample consola logs. and scenarios that illustrate network failure and recovery. This publication is a component of SBOF-I583. SC23-0138 ~ ~ FACILIU YJj OPERATION This publication is intended for anyone using VIVXA Syst_ Facility to operate a virtual eachina. It is a taskoriented guide to using a virtual . .china. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 315 pages, 09/85 ~10 ( \-.... ( SC23 GC23 Manual. 390 pages. 06/85 ////5665-289.5665-313 levels and passwords. and do. SNitching. It is designed for the configuration administrator. the person responsible for using MSCM panels and commands to build and .. intain the switching data base. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 280 pages. 11/85 //40//5665-342 SC23-0166 H LIBRARY ~ GUIDE Am MASTER INDEX This publication is intended for all users of VH/XA Syst... Facility publications. It's purpose is to help these users locate info ..... tion in the VHIXA SF library. The publication is a library overvi_ and guide. a glossary and a master index. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 300 pages. 01/86 //39//5664-169 ~ SC23-0177 MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MANAGER. 5665-342 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE CARD This card provides a quick reference to MSCM SNitching commands. Reference card. 25 3/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 16 panels. 11/85 //40//5665-342 SC23-0167 SYSTEHS FACILITY ~ PLANNING This publication is written for syst. . progra_r. Mho have the responsibility of running operating systetllS in virtual lIachines. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches I 65 pages. 9/85 //34//5664-169 ~ SC23-0169 m: DIAGNOSIS GUIDE This publication aids the YHIXA SF diagnostician to locate problems and collect ~tation on the CP COIIIpOnent of VHIXA SF. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 65 pages. 9/85 //37//5664-169 ~ SC23-0178 MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MANAGER MESSAGES ~ PROBLEM DETERMINATION The MSCM panel IK!Ssages. system-console IlleSsages and contents of the MSCM log are listed and explained when necessary. Procedures for displaying and deleting integrity .arks in the MSCM data base are provided. as Nell as guidelines for general probleM deter.ination for this product. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 75 pages. 11/85 //37//5665-342 GC23-0179 MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MANAGER SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides highlights. lists the hardware and software requireMents. and states the warranty for the GC23-0173 Progra. Product. MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MANAGER INSTALLATION This publication contains infor.ation intended for the Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 11/85 person installing HSCH. It has examples for the customer to //00//5665-342 use when installing HSCM. In conjlA'lCtion with the prograM directory. it presents all the info ..... tion needed to install HSCH. SC23-0186 VM/SP .!!m SYSTEM DEFINITION FILES (CURRENT RELEASE) Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 10/85 ////5665-342 This publication contains the sample systeM definition files previously provided in the VM/SP HPO Installation Guide. SC38-0107. Sample directories are provided for the 3330. 3350. 3375 and the 3380 device types. These sample SC23-0174 MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MANAGER PBDSRAHHING directories identify the required .inidisks and Minidisk This publication contains progra_ing instructions used in sizes associated Nith each userid. When initialization is writing application prograes to the HSCH Progra...ble complete the directories should be custo.ized by entering Operator Interface. unique userid and read/Nrite passwords in order to establish data security. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 88 pages. 11/85 //40//5665-342 Manual. 150 pages. 11/85 //34//5664-173 GC23-0175 MULTI-SYSTEM CDNFlGURATION ~ PLANNIN§ Thi. publication i. for the person(s) responsible for designing and planning HSCM configurations and SNitching _trixes. I t contains the inforllation needed to plan and design SNitching configurations for HSCH. It explains switching concepts and te,..inology ••atrixes. subsets and superset•• authority levels. restricted accesses. file backups and MUltiple data set•• and gives exaMples. It should be used in conjunction Nit" Multi-SysteM Configuration Hanagar: Planning Worksheet •• GC23-0188. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 11/85 //34//5665-342 GC23-0187 .!!m ~ l...i LIBRARY §Ym GLOSSARY ~ MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the VM/SP HPO Library. It tells hoM to order the library. defines VM/SP HPO teres. and directs the reader to the appropriate publication within thelibrary by giving the index entries. This ;5 a cotapC>nent of SBOF-0002 and SBOF-0003. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 8/85 //20//5664-173 ~ GC23-0188 MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MANAGER PLANNIN§ WORKSHEETS This publication is for the person(s I responsible for designing and planning HSCI1 configurations and SNitching matrixes. It contains the worksheets that the I1SCI1 Configuration Plamer completes when designing an MSCI1 SNitching syst... It should be used in conjlA'lCtion Nith SC23-0176 MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ~ ADMINISTRATIOH This publication provides hoN-tO and reference infortlation needed to USe ttulti-Syst_ Configuration Hanagar (HSCHI panels to build a SNitching data base. assign authority 411 SC23 &cn Multi-Syst. . Configur.tion Manager: Pl.nning &C23-0175. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 90 pages. 11/85 ////5665-342 1;(;23-0189 !W&m Y HIGBAIlot! INFORHATIotI/PyltiINIj iYm (CURRENT RELEASE) This public.tion provides pl.nning .nd ov.rvieN inforlHtion for inst.ll.tions that pl.n to .igr.t. to the current rele.se of VH/SP HPO. It cont.ins an overvi ... of the fln:tions that VH/SP HPO added to VIt/SP ••n overvi_ of ..- flA'>Ctions .dded by the current release. envirorwent.l consider.tions. ordering infor.ation for the Vlt/SP HPO library. perfor..nee considerations. and .,igr.tlon consider.tions. This publication i. intended for install.tion IHnager•••yst. . progr....r •••nd service personnel. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 108 pages. 8/85 ////5664-173 ~ Hfg SC23-0190 Hfg ~ MESSAGES CROSS-REFERENCE (CURREN! RELEASE) Thi. public.tion cont.ins the ...s.ge cros.-reference listings previously provided in .ppendices A-D of the Vlt/SP HPO Syst. . Mes.ages .nd Code•• SCI9-6226. It cont,ains four . . jar .ections: relev.nt COMm.nd. IIOdule code . . . .s.ge number. .nd _s.ge text. E.ch .ection cont.ins .....ges cross r.ferences for the . . jar ContpOr'ltlnt. of YM. Manual. 338 pages. 11/85 //40//5664-173 ~ &C23-0192 II!II YliD.!.I JillIDl I!I PREFERRED ~ &m.UI 1Wl1 C9tl!GI. mm1 6UDI RELEASES L.lr. l...& Mm ~ ~ Thi. public.tion describes Vlt/SP HPO .upport of the pr.f.rred •• chine ••• i.t Nith control .Nitch a •• i.t. It i. Intended for user. of VH/SP HPO R.l ••••• 3.0. 3.2 .nd 3.4. The control .Nitch .-,hancelltent. to pr.f.rred . .chine ••• I.t o.n b. us.d on the 308X .nd 4381 prOCH.or•• M.nual. 8 1/2 x 11 inc"". 20 pages. 8/85 ////5664-173 scn-olu , II!II IlWlitI WI:IH.I BIB IUi mmmI. .!BlEAtI »:WBl w.un .Liz. 1.! Atm !d ~ m SCHEDULER &C23-0205 VSPC-TO-TSO EXTENSIONS MIGRATION PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES !!:!!l CLIST CONSIDERATIONS This ••nual is directed to the end user Mho is .,igr.ting progr.1IIS frolll OSIVS2 MYS VSPC to TSO Extensions (TSO/E). It addresses .igr.tion of VS APL prograllS. VS BASIC progr.lIIS. VSPC FORTRAN progr..... VSPC PVI progr.1IIS .nd VSPC co..... nd li.ts (ClISTs). It ellPhasizes those .re.s in which .ignificant diff.rences exist batNeen the l.nguage processors of VSPC .nd TSO/E. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 121 pages. 01184 ////5665-283 &cn-0206 VSPC-TO-TSO EXTENSIONS MIGRATION PLANNING !!:!!l IMPLEMENTING Thi • •anual i. directed to the Rnager. syst... adntinistr.tor or systeM progr.mmer responsible for pl.nning .nd implementing the .igration f ...... OS/VS2 MVS VSPC to TSO Extensions ITSO/E). I t .ddresses all aspects of .igr.tion. fro. the 'initia! planning st.ges through end us.r support. It e.phasizes those areas in Nhich significant differences exist between the oper.tion of VSPC and TSo/E. M.nu.l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 154 p.ges. 12/83 1///5665-283 SC23-0221 J!:!fLIi fBm!BA!f PACKAGING §!l!!lt; This publication expl.ins how to package progr... so that they can be installed by SMP/E. There are descriptions of concept. and considerations that Nill help users plan for this task. This public.tion i. intended for .yst_ progr.....,.. Mho are f •• iliar Nith SMP/E. MVS/370 or MVS/XA. and VSAM. ttanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 108 pages, 3/86 111/5668-949 SCU-0224 I:I!lMm mm!H 1 INSTALLAIIOH Thl. publication ia a guide to installing the MYSlBulk Oat. Transfer (BOT) Ver.ion 2 licensed program. It expl.ins haN to define BOT to MYS and ACFIVTAM. dlocate BOT and TQI (transaotion queuing integrity facility) data sets. Nrite BOT initialization statements. write BOT and TQI start procedures. and Nrite BOT user .)(it routines. This publication is intended for .ystems programmer•• Manual. 8 1/2 x 11· inches, 300 pages. 7/86 1134//5665-264 This public.tion dsscribes PTF VH21981 (changes for the control progr•• schedul.r) .nd provides an ovsrvi8N of " the .chedul.r NOrk. Nith these changes. It al.o giv_ the SCU-0226 operator consid.rations. syste.. progralllllltlr conaiderations. HY9/BYLK I!AIA TRANSFER mm!H , COMMANPS and perfor. .nee analyst conaiarations required to 11IP1_t Thi. publication is • guide and referanee to MYSlBulk Data PTF Vlt21981. Transfer Ver.ion 2 co..... neIs. The guia part e)(plains Nhich M.nual. 8 112 x 11 Inches. 35 pages. 5/85 COMmands to u.e to accomplish various task•• The ref.ranee 1/1/5664-173 part presents the co_nels in alphabetic order. listing for each _and its purpose. foreat. usage notes. results Nhen i.sued .nd exampl_. Thi. publication is intended pri •• rily scn-0197 for .yst. . progra_rs and syst... oper.tors. End users c.n ~ mmm FAcnIU JDmt ~ IN!ERPRETER REFERENCE elsa us. It to find out haN to display info.... tion .bout No .bstract .v.il.bl•• their jobs. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 120 pages. 7/86 Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 9/85 //39//5664-169 //40//5665-264 scn-0198 ~ UJ:Wm FAGnIU iYm JDmt !!I!QR!&I INTERPRETER No .bstr.ct .v.il.ble. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 210 pages. 9/85 1/391/5664-169 IlWCJ SCU-0227 MVSIBYLK IlW mANSFER ~ , MESSAGES !!:!!l gm§ Thi. publication describes the _s.ges .nd complation codes is.ued by MVSlBulk Data Transfer (BDT) Version 2. For each _s.ge and each coH it lists an expl.nation. syst. . action. user. operator. or syst... programmer response and i.suing IIOdul •• This publication is intended for systems \ ./ scn 6C23 operators. syste.. progr.mmers .nd end users. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 300 pages. 7/86 . .I.120.l.l5668-949.5751-CS3.5751-CSZ.5665-343.5751-CSI SC23-0352 IOO! CUSTOM-BUILT OFFERINGS PLANNING !!:!II INSTALLATION CBIPO SC23-0228 HVS.lBULK !!m mANSFER VERSION l TRANSACTION At!!! COHHAND REFERENCE SUI1I1ARY This public.tion is a quick reference to HVS.lBulk D.t. Tr.nsfer Version 2 commands and file-to-file transactions. It provi des the synt.x and purpose of each coann.nd .nd trans.ction. This c.rd is intended for syst .... progra_rs. systems oper.tors .nd end users. Referenc. s....ary. 3 5.18 x 8 1/2 inches. 16 pages. 7/86 . CBPDO This publication describes how to plan for installing the HVS Custoe-Built Inst.llation Process Offering (CBlPO) and the HVS Custom-Built Product Delivery Offering (CBPDO). It also cont.ins inforllation .bout the CBlPO Process Aids and the HVS CBlPO drivers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 64 pages. 09.186 .I134.1.15751-CSI.5751-CSZ.5751-CS3.5665-343 6C23-0383 1W STORAGE ~ !:!Q!!lll! 11 !!:!II ~ !!:!II 3380 DASD !:!Q!!lll! i l l AND ~ ~ SUPPLEMENT This publication provides reference material and task descriptions involving VlVXA Systelll5 Facility (VH.IXA SF) support of the 3880 Storage Control Hodels 13 and 23 and 3380 DASO Models AE4 and BE4. This is a temporary addition to the VH.IXA SF library for use until the next library update. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 09.186 . ~ ~ EC23-0229 VERSION l SPECIFICATIONS This publication describes the w.rr.nted functions of HVS.IBulk Data Tr.nsfer Version 2. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 7/86 . ~ SC23-0335 EXECUTION ANALYZER DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS This public.tion describes procedures for M.a'1I"Iing the Execution Analyzer to deter.ine where the CPU ti . . is being spent in a VS FORmAN applic.tion progr.... It also describes how to inst.U the Execution Analyzer on System.l370 and System.l370 XA processors. It is intended for application prograllllllers involved in t..,ing VS FORTRAN progra.,s. and for systems support personnel responsible for installing the Execution Analyzer. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 2.186 .I.1.1.15798-DXJ ~ ~ 6C23-0387 VH.IDATA COLLECTOR PROGRAM OFFERING PROGRAM D/O This publication is intended for those people responsible for the installation and administration of the VH.IDat. Collector. It contains all procedures for installing. tracking. and diagnosing for the VH.lData Collector. Manual. 8 1.12 x 11 inches. 35 pages. 10.186 .I.1.1.15798-DZF 6C23-06Z5 VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEMIYECTOR FACILITY LICENSED PROGRAM .li.IIWMr! This publication describes product functions and specified operating environments. It outlines the test period .greement •. program services. license and Narranty. CustOlller executives and data processing managers us. the SumMary to help them evaluate VPSSlVF's suitability for. and requireeents of. their installation. Flyer. 8 1.12 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 8.185 . SC23-0337 DESIGNING !!:!II WRITING FORmAN PROGRAMS BIB ~ MIl PARALLEL PROCESSING This public.tion describes hoM to design .nd write VS FORmAN Version 2 progran for the 3090 Vector F.cility and for the Hulti tasking F.cility. It is provided to help users improve perfor•• nce of vs FORmAN Version 2 progran. It is intended for scientists .nd engineers f •• iliar Nith VS FORmAN progra_ing. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 128 pages. 11.186 . 6C23-0626 SC23-0339 VH.lDIRECTORY I1AINIENANCE ~ fB!!!n!g DIRECTORY MAINIENANCE ENHANCEI1ENIS This publication provides infor. . tion about Virtual Machine.lDirectory Maintenance Progr•• Product support of the directory . . intenanc. enhancements in Virtual M.chine/System Product High P.rfo..... nc. Option Releases 4.0 and 4.2. It is intended for .11 users of VH.IDHPP. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 2.186 .I.1.1.15748-XE4 PROCESSING SYBSYSTEH.lVECTOR FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS This publication specifies the machine. progra .... ing and licensing requirements for this program that sillUlates parts of a 3838 Array Processor in the virtual storage of System.l370 XA Processor. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 6.186 . ~ 6C23-0765 INFORMATION ARCHITECTURES CONCEPTS This Manual introduces Document Interchange Architecture (DIA) and tNO types of Document Content Archi tecture (DCA) to those Mho need to le.rn the concepts and benefi ts of these architectures in office syst_ networks. The tNO types of Document Content Archi tecture descri bed are Revisable-FarM-Text DCA and Final-Form-Text DCA. This is the basic publication about DCA and DIA for managers. syst_ designers. and others involved in making decisions about planning or illlPlementing office syst. . netNOrks. This book is not a pri . .r on electronic office systell products. Although no specific prerequisite reading is suggested. ~ 6C23-0351 IOO! SOFIWARE MANUFACTURING OFFERIH6S ~ INFORI1ATION SMP/E. ~ !tm ~ This publication helps select the progra. or offering needed to ord.r. inst.ll. .nd service softN.re. It describes Syst . . Hodification Program Extended (SMPIE). the HVS Custoe-Built Install.tion Process Offering (CBIPO)' the HVS Custoe-Built Product Delivery Offering (CBPDO). the CBIPO Process Aids • •nd the HVS CBIPO Drivers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 44 pages. 09.186 413 (' 6C23 6C24 re.ders of this book .re .ssUMed to be someNhat f •• ili.r with the purpos. . .nd c.pabilities of office systee products. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6C24-5086 l!.Ql! OLTEP This reference publication describes the Disk Operating SysteM (DOS) On-Line Test Executive PrograM (OLTEP) that controls online testing of 1/0 units under the DOS supervisor. It explains the functions of the prograM and gives procedures for running the test prograMS that are obtained frOM the IBM Customer Engineer. For titles and abstracts of associated publications, see the IBM SysteM/360 and SysteM/370 Bibliographies. Manual, 48 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC23-0776 3270-PLUS f!H !,!gR i!ll!!5 This public.tion describes .nd illustr.tes the use of PIM (Progr.mmer Interface t1odules) to automate the inter.ction bet_en Network 3270-PLUS (runnh'9 on • local coeputer) and • host central processing unit. It is • component of SBOF-0155. t1anual, 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches, 120 pages, 03/87 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SC23-0781 DOCUMENT INTERCHANGE ARCHITECTURE: TECHNICAL REFERENCE DIA is • progr••-to-prograM communication architecture which defines the protocols and data structures that enable progralllS to co....... icate processing intentions and to interchange data in an office systens network. It describes the DIA infor.ation interchange base (DIA concepts, protocols, data structures, and session services)1 DOCUMent Distribution Servicesl Document Library Servicesl .nd Applic.tion Processing Services. Restrictions .nd li.it.tions ieposed by product iepla.entation of the architecture are not covered. The chapters .re organized according to the inforeation needs of the audience. This includes overview for data processing •• nagers and increasing detail for designers, systeMS prograMmers and application developers. Manual, 332 pages, 4/85 11115743-DIA .;c24-3964 ~ PROCESSOR INPlIIIOUTPlII ~ ~ REFERENCE CONFIGURATION ~ ~ This publication is intended for personnel mo are responsible for defining and configuring the channels, control units .nd 1/0 devices for the 4381 Processor Nhen it oper.tes in 370-XA (extended .rchitecture) .ode. The reader should have knowledge fo the 4381 Processor and the characteristics of its 1/0 resources. Briefly, the ..nual gives an overview of the InputlOutput Configuration Progr•• (IOCP) for the 4381 Processor, describes how IOCP operates, describes the information the user _ t provide for IOCP, explains the reports and ....s.ges produced by IOCP, shows saeple listings of IOCP input, shows the IOCP parameter values that are specified in the IODEVICE, and CNTLUNIT .acros, and highlights the differences between 4381 and 30ax IOCP instructions. Manual, 100 pages, 02/84 43811134// 6C24-5090 OSIVS1 PLANNING Mm yg GUIDE This publication contains planning infor.ation about OSIVS1, to assist installation personnel who are responsible for the selection and evaluation of an operating syste•• The use part of the Guide contains information on ieplementing, MOdifying, or extending capabilities of VSl control progra •• The information in the Planning part is presented in two aajor categories: Concepts and Considerations. The Concepts section describes the facilities, features supported, and principles of operation of VS1. The Considerations section contains suggestions on how to make the most effective use of the system. The test is suppleaented by illustrations showing a representative job input streaM, the scheduling sequence of the system, and examples of possible partition configurations for various sized systems. The infor.ation in the Use part of the Guide is presented in self-contained sections, each dealing with a separate capability or function of the control progra •• The publication is intended for people who are fa.iliar with the concepts and operation of the IBM System/360 Operating SysteM. Prerequisite reading should include the IBM System/3Z0 Advanced Operating System, System Su.mary, GA22-Z001, and its associated Technical Newsletters. The Use part of the publication is intended for system programmers responsible for .aintaining and updating the VSl system. Manual, 400 pages 1/34115652 GC24-5091 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE R!!illi This publication contains quick-reference information about the VSl operating syste.. It is intended for experienced programmers and field support personnel. For the .ost part, definitions, restrictions, and liMitations have been omitted. Information about program debugging and control blocks is not included in this publication. This publication is divided into nine sections containing: general information; system information; supervisor information; data manag2ment informationl JCL, operator commands, SMF, RES, and CRJE information; linkage editor and loader information; BTAHITCAMVVTAM inforeation; utilities and service aids information. Linkage Editor and Loader Information BTAM/TCAMVVTAH Information Utilities and Service Aids InforMation Bibliographic Information Reference Summary, 3 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches, 390 pages 1136115652 ~ GC24-5082 !1! ~ MANAGEMENT PLAI+IING §!W!.g This planning guide is intended for use by installations preparing to .ake the transition fr ... DOs/VS to OS/VS. It is designed to assist .anage.ent in organizing a total plan for the transition project. Suggestions .re included for •• nage........ t consider.tion that cover creation of a planning co~ittee, planning for short .nd long-term objectives, staff education, organizational and operational considerations, st.ndards, lIyst... planning, .nd prograM and file revision considerations. t1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 28 pages, 6178 370,4361,4381,4331,4341,43211/34//5745-010 ~ GC24-5093 DEBUGGING §l!!!!I This publication is written for those involved in debugging application and system prograMS. It contains material on ~ 414 ,/ &C24 &C24 how to st.rt chobuggh1g • • section on fr.nctional infor. . tion (system concepts) to help the reader see the systt!ll as • ..mole .nd to give 50.... particularly useful concepts. and a section on output for. . ts and uses in the debugging situation. A series of appendixes provide .dditional reference infor.. tion for convenience. Manual. 168 pages 1137//5652 o DOS .nd OOSIVS to OS/r1FT. OSIMVT. OSIVSI Management Planning Guide. &C24-5082 o OSIVSI Planning and Use Guide. &C24-5090 Manual. 300 pages 11341/5741.5745-010.5652 GC24-5099 :!9. REFERENCE This publication defines the facilities provided with the job control language .nd cont.ins the information necessary to code job control language statements. It is intended for UIIe by programmers who understand the concepts of job lIanagement .nd data management. Prerequisite publication: OSIVSI JCL services. &C24-5100 Manual. 244 pages 11361/5741.5652 ~ &C24-5094 ~ ~ ESTIMATES This publication is intended for two types of users: Syst_ programmers. and problell progr..... rs. It contains instructions. forlllUlas. and charts th.t c.n be UIIed to estimate the real. virtual. and .uxili.ry storage requirements for VS1. Real storage is system (hardware) storage and corresponds to lllain stor.ge in other IBM operating systems. Virtual stor.ge is .n addressing stor.ge concept that provides the installation with as many as 16.777.216 bytes of storage accessible to programs. Auxili.ry stor.ge is compr;"sed of the input/output devices required to contain virtual storage. syst_ residence libraries. job queues. spooled d.ta sets. and work space required by control and processing prograll5. Each type of UIIer can USe this publication differently. o o ( Systetl progra...rs c.n use this public.tion to deterlline the .mount of real. virtu.l .nd auxiliary storage that MUSt be allocated during syst_ generation or Initial Program Load. Probl_ progr....rs c.n UIIe this public.tion to determine the sizes of partitions in virtual storage. Manual. 240 pages. 7/75 1134115652 &C24-5100 OSIVSI ~ SERVICES This publication describes the oper.ting systetl services that can be requested by coding JCL (job control language) parameters. It is written for applications programmers with a basic knoNledge of computer operating systems and some familiarity with JCL. Part I contains a brief overview of the nine JCL state.ents and an introduction to the organization of the services in the book. Part 2. which describes the use of JCL services. is divided into five sections: r..".ing your jobl defining and describing data setsl special data setsl obt.ining output; cataloged .nd instreall procedures. Not every service provided by JCL is described in the book. Included is a list of JCL services. showing the publication in which each is described. and the para_ter. subparameter, or statement UIIed to request it. JCL parameters are discUllsed only in the context of requesting services. Complete par._ter descriptions and syntax rules are in the Companion book. OSIVSI JCL Reference, &c24-5099. Manual. 130 pages 11361/5741,5652 &c24-5095 IlQl! ~ ~ !Q ~ IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE Provides reference information on altering DOS .nd DOSIVS progralll5 .nd files to be compatible with the OSIVSI syst_ &C24-5101 control program. It describes the similarities and differences betNeen DOS .nd OSIVSl. thus helping progra_rs ~ D.I:I ~ m!llQ!. CHARACTER BSAlWI !lQIW, ! REFERENCE This publication is to be used as a reference book by syst_ to: managers •• pplication progra..... rs. and systetl progra ......rs. o Modify existing DOS and OOSIVS progr. . . .nd files Included are descriptions of the Operating Systt!lllVirtual only Nhere needed. and Storage 1 (OSIVSll and the Operating SystetVVirtual Storage o T.ke adv.nt.ge of OSIVSI f.cilities not provided 2 (OSIVS2) support for the IBM 3886 ~r the Basic in DOS and DOSIVS Sequential Access Method (BSAr'll. This lIanual includes many examples of equiv.lent DOS and Manual, 56 pages DOSIVS .nd OSIVSl coding. It also describes the use of the DOS emul.tor to effect a gradual transition fr_ DOS to 1130/3886/5741.5742,5752,5652 OSIVSI. The .... jor topics in the manual are: o Systetl Generation &c24-5103 o Resource Allocation o Performance Consider.tions ~ SUPERVISOR SERVICES M:!!l MACRO INSTRUCTIONS o Job Entry Subsyst_ (JES) This book describes hoM to use the services of the OSIVSI supervisor, the ..acro instructions UIIed to request these o Linkage Editor services, and the linkage conventions used by the control o Systetl Assembler o Job Control L.nguage program to provide these services. o' Data Sets (Files) It is primarily intended for programmers making use of assembler language. o D.t. M.naguoent Macros Use of the book requires a basic knoNledge of the o Utilities operating system and of OSIVS assembler language. o Service Aids Manual. 240 pages o Telecommunic.tions 1136115652 o EllUlation The intended .udience is syst_ end applic.tion progr....rs in a DOS or DOSIVS inst.llation . .king the transition to the &C24-5104 OSIVSI system control progr.... Readers should be familiar with DOS or DOSIVS its syst_ f.cilities •• nd the DOS or ~ ~ .Qf n PUBLICATIONS The Master Index is a consolidation of the indexes of the DOSIVS versions of the cOllPilers or .ssemblers used in the system library public.tions of OSIVSl. progralllll to be changed. Items are listed alphabetically and refer to the manual Prerequisite publications: mws 415 ( SC24 SC24 that contains the original index entry. By 9Oh'9 to the r.f.renced Manual's index. the page ......ber of the it. . can be fOU1d. This Manual is also availabl. in Microfiche. order nuMber SCB4-5104-1. Manual. 464 pages (5/751 //20//5741 release. The three chapt.rs of this pubUcation cont.in: 1. A functional sum.... ry of features available and devices supported in this r.leas. and special considerations for generating and running this r.l.as •• 2. Drdering and distribution procedures for this r.leas •• including prograa Mat.rial shipped with the syat. . and optional Mat.rial availabl•• 3. A s~ary of change activity to the syst.... including APARs. PTFs resolved. engineering change levels. and publications. Manual. 44 pgs. 11/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC24-5109 ~ ~ DISKETTE COPY PRDGRAIf1ING SUPPORT REFERENCE MANUAL. 5744-BJ1.5744-BLl This publication provides programaing and operator inforaaHon necessary for the installation and us. of the OS/VS Disk.tt. Copy Progra.... ing SUpport. Manual. 20 pages //30//5744-BJl.5744-BLl GC24-5110 OS/vSl DH mll PBOSRA!1!1ER'S REFERENCE This Manual contains inforMation concerning the OS/VSl s~ port of the IBM 3540. R.ad.r proc.dures. writ.r procedures. and the Disk.tt. Maintenanc. utility ar. document.d. It is priMarHy written for appUcation program. .rs and syst. . programmers. but contains inforMaHon of int.rest to op.rators and installation ManageMent. Manual. 35 pages //30/3540/5741.5652 SC24-5119 OS/vSl ~ PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM RElEASE GUIDE. ~ 5741-606 This publication is for us. by anyone involved in the OS/VSl VPSS ordering process. It contains a VPSs/3838 overvi_. ordering information. and a list of the public.tions supporting the product. Manual. 8 1/2 x 1l inches., 20 pgs. 9/77 //30/3838/5741.5652 GC24-5120 ~ ill ~ SC24-5115 OS/vsl SYSTEM MANAGEMENT'FACILITIES ISMFI This publication assists installation Managers and syst. . progra. . .rs in pl.nning for. installing. and using Syst. . Management F.cilities ISMFI. SMF coll.cts .nd records accOU1ting. data s.t. subsystea. syst. . .nd volume information. It also h.s .xits that can link to userocritten routines for aonitoring • job or job step. This publication describes the basic SMF functions and the r.lationship of SMF to the operating syst. . and to us.rocritten .xit routines. It also .xplains: • How to includ. SMF and us.r-written exit routines in the operating syst... • The additional storage required by SMF. • Hooc to switch and dump the SMF data s.ts. • Hooc to plan. ocrit. and test exit routines. • When each SMF record is written and the inforaation contained in .ach record. Manual //34//5741.5652 J DESCRIPTION ~ IDIDMI. This Manual. addressed to installation aanagement. planners. and systea analysts. provides basic inforMation on the .... cros that fora the Docuoent Identification and Description Macro I DIDM 1 support for the IBH 3895 Document Read.r/Inscriber. Included is an .xaRlple of identifying and describing a doc~t using DIDM in contrast to Machine level coding. Manual. 20 pgs. 12/76 ////5748-Fl2 GC24-5111 DH ~ PRDGRAIf1ER'S REFERENCE This manual contains informaHon conc.rning the OS/vS2 support of the IBH 3540. R.ader procedures. writ.r procedures. r.ader/writ.r utilities. and the Disk.tt. Maintenance Utility ar. documented. It is priMarily written for application prograa_rs and syst_ progra....ers. but contains infor.... tion of interest to operators and installation Management. Manual. 35 pages //30/3540/5752 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION .PR.!!§ 5748-FI2. ~ INFORMATION '" / SC24-5122 VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM (VPSS) PLANNING §YI!!i f.QB OS/vsl !tm ~ too:! This planning guide is for data processing aanagers. syst. . program..ers. and application progra ..mers. It bri.fly describes the IBH 3838 Array Processor and describes in general ter_ the progra_ing support provided under os/vsl and Os/vs2 MVS. The book is for planning only. The functions and capabilities described reflect current inforMation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pgs. 2/77 //30/3838/ GC24-5123 too:! VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM ~ §YI!!i This publication is for use by anyone involved in the planning for or ordering of OS/VS2 MVS support for the IBM 3838 Array Processor. The aanual contains an ov.rvi_ of the product. ordering inforMation. and a Ust of supporting publications. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12 pgs. 7/77 //30/3838/5752 ~ GC24-5124 ~iC24-5116 OS/vSl ~ i §!WIg Describes the ordering and distribution procedures. special consid.rations. and change activity of R.leas. 6 of the OS/vsl SCP (Op.rating Systea/Virtual Storage Option 1 Syst. . Control Progr.al. It provides inst.ll.tion Managers. syat. . progr...... rs. and IBH Fi.ld Engineering personnel with info,...tion us.ful in planning for. and iapleaenting this m ~ PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM INSTALLATION !tm OPERATION GUIDE This publication is for us. by IBH or custom.r planning and operation personnel. It describes syst. . requir8lll!nts. syst. . generation. syst. . initialization. aonitor comlllands. and aonitor messages. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 7/77 //30/3838/5752 ~ 416 ( ~- / 6C24 GC24 GC24-5125 OS/VSl Mm OS/vS2 HVS VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE The primary users of this publication are system progra..ers and application programmers. It contains a Vector Processing Subsystem overview. and describes how VPSS and the 3838 relate to OS/vSl or OS/vS2 HVS. It describes VPSS subroutines. 3838 data formats. how to handle error conditions. and each of the 3636 algorithms. Manual. 6 1/2 x 11 inches. 150 pages. 7/77 1/30/3638/5741.5752.5652 GC24-5131 SUPPLEMENT rg VSl JCL SERVICES fQR ~ (SUID 5741-606) This document contains a description of subsystem data sets used by VSl SU6. Manual 6C24-513Z OPERATOR LIBRARY. OSIVSl REFERENCE SUPPLEMENT. SUID 5741-606 This document adds SUBSYS to the list of acceptable DD keywords. Manual. 8 liZ x 11 inches. 6 pgs. 9/77 GC24-5126 OS/VS1 VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM INSTALLATION AND OPERATION GUIDE. SUID 5741-606 This publication is for use by IBM or customer planning and operation personnel. It describes system requirements. system generation. system initialization. monitor commands. and monitor messages. Manual. 6 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pgs. 9/77 1130/3836/5741.5652 ( l GC24-51Z7 OS/VSl SUBSYSTEM ATTACHMENT SUPPORT SUID 5741-606. SYSTEM INFORMATION This publication contains a general description of the OS/VS1 Subsystem Attacrur.ent Support Selectable Unit. It discusses the mechanics provided for linking VSl to subsystems. and for addi ng devi ce support and user-wri Uen SVCs to the supervisor without integrating the support into the system. This publication is intended for installation managers. system programmers. and other personnel planning to install the selectable unit on a VSl system. or designing a subsystem or program product that will use the support provided by the selectable unit. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pgs. 6/77 11301/5741-606 GC24-5128 SUPPLEMENT !Q ~ PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE ~ SUID 5741-606 This supplem~t provides replacement pages for the OSIVSl Programmer's Reference Digest. GC24-5091-5 with TNL GN24-5525. It docUftlents the OS/VSl Subsystem Attac ......... t Support impact to the Programmer's Reference Digest. Manual. 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches. 8 pgs. 10/77 11115741-606 6CZ4-5133 SUPPLEMENT rg OSIVSl ~ REFERENCE. GC24-5099 1Q 5741-605) VSl SU5 (Selectable Unit ID 5741-605) provides enhancements for MSS. This supplement adds SU5 information to OSIVSl JCL Reference. Manual. 8 liZ x 11 inches. 12 pgs. 3/77 ~ i§Y GC24-5134 SU5 SUPPLEMENT rg OSIVSI ~ SERVICES (GC24-5100-3) This supplement updates GCZ4-5100-3 with JCL documentation of the BIM 3850 Mass Storage System for MSS Release 3. Manual. 8 liZ x 11 inches. 8 pgs. 3/77 GC24-5138 DOS/vSE Il!!A MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS (CURRENT RELEASE) Provides conceptual and functional information about the data management facilities offered by DOS/VS. These facilities concern items such as record design. file organization. and access methods. as well as file labeling. data security and integrity. and symbolic device names. The intended audience is a systems designer who must decide on a file organization and access method for a given application. and an applications programmer who needs general background information ebout the access method to be used in his programs. Prerequisite publioation: Introduction to DOSIVS. GC33-6053. Manual. 106 pages. 2/79 1130115745-020.5745-030 GC24-5139 GC24-5129 SUID 5741-606 SUPPLEMENT rg OS/vSl ~ MANAGEMENT FACILITIES This supplement provides replacement pages for the OSIVSl System Management Facilities. GC24-5115-1. It documents the OSIVSl Subsystem Attachment Support impact to the System Management Facilities manual. Manual. 8 liZ x 11 inches. 20 pgs. 10/77 GC24-5130 SUPPLEMENT rg ~ ~ REFERENCE. GC24-5099 (SUID 5741-606) VS1 SU6 (Selectable Unit 5741-606) provides a generalized linkage to subsystems. This supplement adds SU6 information to OSIVS1 JCL Reference. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 14 pages. 3/77 417 ( SUIDE (CURRENT RELEASe I This guide is for programmers intending to use the DOS/vS InputlOutput Control SysteN (IOCS) and the system control program macros. Chapters on file organization and concepts of access methods precede and provide background for disoussions on the use of LIoes macros to prooess files stored on DASD. diskette. magnetic tape. and unit record media. Device-independent SystOM files and file processing by means of Physical IOCS (PIOCS) are also discussed. The use of the appropriate macros to obtain system control program (supervisor) functions are discussed for. among others. virtual storage control. program communications. Prerequisite Publication: DOS/VSE Data Management Component Manual. 6 liZ x 11 inches. 264 pages. 2/79 1130115745-020.5745-030 ~ ~ ~ GC24-5140 DOS/VSe MACRO REFERE~~E (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual provides quick reference to data management and system control macro information for experienced programmers. For true most part. restrictions and programming details have been omitted in order to provide rapid access to the information in the bock. Included are sections containing descriptions of the IOCS declarative and imperative macros and the system 6C24 6C24 control ("supel"Visor") MCI"OS. Within each section. the macros are arranged .lphabetically for easy reference. Preceding these sections is a list of all the Mcros in the book. shoMing the operands v.lid for each one .nd serving as .n index for the descriptions that follON. Prerequisite publication: DOS/vsE HaCI"O User's Guide. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages, 2/78 //30//5745-020,5745-030 &C24-5142 VSE/VSAM-EXTENDED. ~ PROS 5746-AM2. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual serves as • basis for the ",arranty of DOS/vs VSAI1-E Release 1 and also as • technical marketing tool. provides information on the functions and the required operating envirOl'lllK!l"lt of Dos/vS VSAI1-E Release 1. Flyer. 2 pages. 1/79 ////5746-AI12 It &C24-5143 VSE/vsAM ~ INFORMATION This manual provides a gener.l. introductory description of DOs/vS VSAI1-Extended. The intended, aucHenee ;s custOMer managers Mhose decisions ",;11 influence the USe of VSAl1-E. syste!ll .nd application progra....ers who ",ill use VSAI1-E in both new and existing programs. and others seeking an introduction to VSAM-E. Hanual. 56 pages. 7/79 ////5746-AI12 6C24-5147 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION MACROS (DIDM) fQB i l l !§!:I 3895 SPECIFICATIONS. PROS fB.!!!l 5748-FI2 This specification Serves as the basis for the warranty of DIDM for the IBM 3895. It defines the programming service provided and the progra... ing syste!llS and storage requir........ ts. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 6/77 ////5748-F12 = 6C24-5148 ml!t SUPPLEHENT !Q ~ PROGRAmER' S REFERENCE DIGEST 1§Y 1R 5741-604) This Suppl~t contains replacement p.ges for 6C24-5091-5 Ni th TNL &N24-5525. It documents the 3895 Document Reader/Inscriber i"",.ct to the Progra ......r·s Reference Digest. Manual. 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches. 12 pgs. 3/77 ////5741-604 SC24-5149 SUPPLEMENT fQB !E !Q DOS/vS. 5746-XE2, SUPERVISOR ~ ~ This supplement contains changed pages to DOS/vS Supervisor and I/O Hacros. 6C33-5373-5. for Advanced Functions DOS/vs. Release 34. I t describes the use and forMt of the CPCLOSE 118CI"O. used to issue a CP CLOSE command to YI1/370 in order to release. print or punch file for output. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12 pgs. 4/77 ////5746-XE2 SC24-5144 !.!lm!§ VSE/vsAM COI1l1ANDS A!:m MACROS (CURRENT RELEASE! This book describes .nd explains hOM to use .nd code VSE/vsAM's Access Method Services commands and MCrO instructions. Access Method Services commands pl"Ovide utility functions that are vital to VSE/vsAI1I the macro instructions .re used to process data. Hanual. 480 pages. 01/79 ////5746-AI12 SC24-5150 !§!:I 1§2i DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION ~ DESCRIPTION ~ (DIDM) USER'S REFERENCE. PROG PROD 5748-F12 This ..anual contains the information that allONS the user to code the Document Identification and Description Hacros for the ISH 3895 DOcument Reader/Inscriber. Hanual. 8 1/2 11 inches. 56 pgs •• 7/77 ///3895/5748-FI2 x SC24-5145 VSE/vSAM PROGRAmER' 5 REFERENCE (CURRENT RelEASE) This ..anual is for programmers Mho have chief responsibility for YSE/vSAI1 in .n installation. This includes syst_ progra... ing .nd planning personnel Mho design .nd •• intain the syst... Inform.tion for the syst_ oper.tor is .lso included. The follONing topics .re discussed: operating procedures. syst811 gener.tion. storage esti.ates. job control. c.talogs. YSAI1 labels. ISAH Interface Program. performance guidelines. compatibility consider.tions. and data protection. Manual. 140 pages. 02/79 ////5746-AI12 SC24-5146 VSE/vsAI1. m f!U!!i 5746-AM2. HESSASES J ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) , This Mnual lists .nd interprets the _s.ges .nd codes that VSAl1 .nd Access Hethod Servi ces issue to the operator .nd progr...... r. It provides corrective .ction for each MeSsage and code. plus infol"lHtion about hOM the syst_ handles the erl"Or. Messages.nd codes .re doc~ted in numerical order-. Hanual. 112 pages. 2/79 ////5746-AI12 6C24-5151 OPERATING SYSTEM/vIRTUAL STORAGE 1 (OS/VSl! ~ i SYSTEM CONTROL PRQGRAI1I1ING SPECIFICATIONS ISH's official published specUications to Nhich OS/vS1 Release 6 programming is ",arranted. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 PSIS. 10/77 6C24-5152 ~ DEBUGGING iYmz. (6C24-5093-4) 5741-604 This supplement provides UCB Sense Byte ;nfol"lHtion for the OS/vsl 1611 3895 Support Selectable Uni t. Hanual. 8 PSIS. 3/77 ////5741-604 SU!t SUPPLEMENT IS! SO 1R 6C24-5155 SUBSYSTEM ATTACHMENT SUffmI SO 1R ~ S!NTB.QJ. PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS 1611'5 official published specific.t;ons to Nhich os/vsl SU6 progra_ing is ",arranted. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 ;nches. 2 PSIS 10/77 ~ 6C24-5158 3895 PROGRAMMING ~ SPECIFICATIONS' 5741-604 ISH's offici.l published specifications to Nh;ch the ISH 3895 OS/vSl progra_ing is Narranted. sum 418 ~ ( SC24 SC24 Flyer. 8 1/2 x II inches. 2 pgs. 10/77 Flyer. 3 pages. 12/79 ////5746-Att2 r.c24-5171 3031, ~ 12ll PROCESSOR SUPPORT, ~ 5741-620. SYSTEM INFORMATION This publication contains a general description of the OS/vs1 3031. 3032. 3033 Processor SUpport SU (selectable unit). It is intended for installation . .nagers. syst_ progra......rs. and other personnel planning to install the selectable lnit on a VSI syst_. A basickl'lONledge of YSI is assumed. This publication contains these . . jar parts: • Introduction - Contains an overvi ... of the selectable l.A'tit. • Planning - Lists the . .chine and progra_ing requirements for the selectable lnit. Gives techniques for esti . . ting additional syst_ storage requiN!lllents. • Publications - Lists the publications that support the selectable lnit. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12 pages. 3/78 ////5741-620 . ~ SC24-5172 SYSTEM S!!:!!BQ.!, PROGRAKKIN6 SPECIFICATIONS .EJ!! OS/vs1 3031. ~ 12ll PROCESSOR SUPpoRT. SUID 5741-620 This document constitutes 18K's official published specifications to which the OS/vs1 3031. 3032. 3033 Processor SUpport Selectable Unit is Marranted as provided in IBM's agrlM!llt!nts for lease. rental. or purchase of 1M aachines. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 3/78 SC24-5181 m VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM PRD6RAM SPECIFICATIONS A brief description of functions. prerequisites. and syst... requira.ents. It is a basis for IBM's product warranty. Flyer. 8 1/2 x II inches. I page. 3/78 ~ SC24-5191 VIRTUAL ~ EXTENOEDNIRTUAL ~ ACCESS METHOD. 5746-AM2. DOCUMENTATION SUBSET (CURRENT RELEASE) This book is based on and is a shortened version of Using VSE/vsAM COIIIIIIands and Macros. It is intended for application prograMmerS who want a simplified and basic understanding and app...... ch to the VSAM commands and Macros. Many of the seldotw-used funct ions. cOllllllands. and COIIIIIIand parameters (typically used by a syst .... programmer) are not documented in this book. You .. ill have to refer to the other VSAM publications for explanations not given in this book. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 i.nchas. 192 pages. 12/79 ////5746-AM2 SC24-5192 USING J!!g YSE/vsAM SPACE MANAGEMENT .EJ!! ~ FEATURE. .PR.QIi 5746-AM? USER'S SUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) This .anual provides the infor.atian necessary for placing SAM files into YSAM data space when the "YSE/vSAM Space Management for SAM Feature" is installed. The audience consists of VSAM users who have SAM files that they .. ish to have processed and .anaged by VSAM's facilities. This . .nual contains an overvi ... of the facilities and functions available for SAM files when the feature is installed. an explanation of what functions beco.... available at the different levels of .igration ..hen converting SAtt files (accessible by SAM and VSAtt) to VSAM-only files. and a detailed explanation of the commands used for creating. deleting. updating. and extending SAM files in VSAM data space. Manual. 48 pages. 9/79 ////5746-Att2 m ~ ~ 6C24-5182 ~ ~ peOCESSIN§ SUBSYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS A brief description of functions. prerequisites. and syst... requirements. this docuMent is a basis for 1M's product ..arranty. Flyer 6C24-5183 DSNSt RELEASE Ll GUIDE This book summarizes what . .kes YSl's Release 6.7 different fro. Release 6. The four chapters contain: I. A functional s . . .ary of the selectable U1its that have been integrated into Rele..e 6.7. 2. Installation and systeM generation considerations. including the Installation Productivity Option IIPO). 3. A li.t of all current YSI SRLs and PU1a. 4. Ordering and distribution procedures for this release. including prograM . .terial shipped .. ith the syst_ and optional . . terial available. Kanual. 36 pages. 1/79 //34//5741 6C24-5190 YSE/YSAI1 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) This . .nual serves as a basis for the warranty of DOS/vsE VSE/vsAtt Release 2 and also as a technical . . rketing tool. I t provides inforution on the functions and the required operat i ng envi I"CII'1IHnt of Dos/vsE YSE/YSAtt Release 2. SC24-5193 OS/vsl INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT GENERAL INFORMATION , This . .nual. intended for syst... analysts and planners. provides basic infor.ation to use in evaluating and planning for installation of OS/vs1 InforMtion Distribution the Workstation SUpport progra. product. It includes inforeaHon on neM device support, added funcHons, RES operational changes, . .chine and progra_ing requirl!llel"lts • and installation instructions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 20 pages. 2/79 ////5740-XYE 6C24-5195 YI1/370 yrf/INTERACIIVE FILE SHARING fQB Q!lh mg§ 5748-lOCC, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains a high level description of YH/Interactive File Sharing. Its purpose is to assist both. custOtneI"S and IBM representatives tlith lIarketing and planning activities. The infor. . tion is directed at anyone involved in lIaking decisions about the usefulness of IFS for an installation. It is not intended to be used as a reference ... nual for progra_ing or operating activities. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 30 pages. 1/79 ////574S-)Ol.C m SC24-5196 .VMaZl l/IVINTERACIIYE fll& SHARING .EJ!! Q!lh m f!!Q§ 5748-)Ol.C, §!W!i ! REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This . .nual contains the inforllation an (YH/Interactive FUe Sharing) user needs to: • Create shared files. 419 !C2lt !C2lt tt.int.in shared fil ... Write.nd execute IFS .pplic.tion progr.a CALL st.telllll'lts. It describes IFS functional cOMpOl'lents. c_nels. end _sages. and includes exallPl. . of application progr• • that use IFS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 125 pages. It/79 ////S7lt8-lOCC tt.nual. a 1/2 x II inches. 30 p.ges. 7/79 //34//57ltl.5652 • • §C24-5202 u..r.&m Z JmnI li.!I!!Bm. fB!2iB.&I SPECIFICATIONS fImIi S6S2-VSl Thi. docusent constitutes "IBM's official published specifications" to which OS/VSI R.l •••• 7 is .... rr.nted. Manual. a 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 5/79 ~ r.c2lt-SI97 §C24-S20! ~ conte ns on about the Virtual ne/Systea Product Displ.y Hanagement Syst. . for CHS (DHS/CHS) Release 2. It is written for business aanagers. prograDing aanagars. and .pplic.tion and us.r Managers. tt.nual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 9/81 ////S7lt8-XXB INFORHATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT. fBQ§ S740-XYE. SPECIFICATIONS This docUllerlt constitutes "IBM's offici.l published .pecifications" to which OS/vSI Infor.atian Di.tribution Workstation Support is Narranted. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 4/79 ////S740-XYE DUlDoL'leelnan m !c2lt-SI98 llifW MANAGEHENT J!YmH fQB ~ ill fB2!i S7lt8-XXB §C24-5204 GUIDE! REFERENCE (CURREN[ RELEASE) ~ .!.l!lGll m;nm PROCESSIN§ SUBsysTEH ~ This Manual is intended for all us.rs of the Displ.y SYSTEH ~ PROGRAH SPECIFICATIONS Management Syst_ for CHS. No prograMlling language This is a brief description of functions. prerequi.ites ••nd knoNledge is needed to use the Panel Formatting Function .nd .yst. . requ,iresents. It i • • basis for IBM'. product that .ection is written as • guide for. non-progr....r. warranty. with aany examples and figures. The Panel Management Fly.r. a 1/2 x 11 inches. I page. 3/79 Function requires knotdedge of • prograDing l.nguage or CMS EXECs ••nd it is written as a reference for a programmer. In .ddition. there .re sections on Preble. D.t.r.ination and §C24-seos Syst_ Progra....r considerations for those Mho install .nd ;~~l~~W~~=~ SUBSYSTEH .elm! SYSTEM ~ Maintain the Display Hanagesent Syst•• for CMS. ption of functions. prerequisites ••nd H.nual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 3/79 ////S7lt8-XXB .yat. . requir..ants. I t i • • basis for IBM'. product Narranty. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 3/79 &C2lt-SI99 ~ YH/IN[ERACIIVE UI& SHARING fQB CHS. ill PROS S748-XXC. SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN[ RELEASE) §C24-S206 This document serves as a warranty for the YH/Interactive ~ PASS-THROUGH FACILIU (CURREN[ RELEASE) File Sharing licensed progra.. I t provides inforMation Thi. publication contains. high level description of about the functions of Interactive Fil. Sharing •• nd st.t. . YH/P.s.-Through Facility. Its purpose is to ••si.t both the .pecified op.rati"g environment. cust_r• •nd IBM representatives with INrketing and Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 4/79 pl.nning .ctivities. The information is directed at anyone ////S7lt8-XXC involved in •• king deci.ions about the usefulness of YH/Pas.-Through FacUity for an installation. I t i. not intended to be used as • reference Manual for progra_ing or &C24-S200 operating activities. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 3/84 ~ MANAGEHEN[ lWrW! fQB ~ ill .f!!l§ S7lt8-XXB SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ////S7lt8-RCI These .re the Licensed Progr.m Specific.tions for the D;'play Managesent Syst_ for CMS. Included .re INchine .nd progr.... ing requir-.t•••nd Narranty infor•• tion. §C2lt-S207 Flyer. 2 pages Y.HaZJI YH/PASS-lHROU6!! FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN[ ////S7lt8-XXB RELEASE! Thi. docusent .erves •• a Narranty for YH/P.ss-Through facility. It provides inforMation about the hardNare and §C24-S201 progra_ing requirement. for this licensed prograa. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 03/84 ~~ZiYm This publication summarizes the diff.rences betMeen OS/VSl ////S7lt8-RCI Rel.as. 7 and Rel.as. 6.7. It provides install.tion ' managers ••yst. . progr.mm.rs. and IBH Field Engineering personnel with useful planning .nd ispletHntation !C24-S20a inforMation. ~ YH/PASS-IHRQU6H FACIlIU iYm Am REFERENCE (CURREN[ RELEASE) The four chapters of this public.tion cont.in: 1. Functional sUlllllaries of the enhancements and inforMation This INnual i. to be used by .nyone Mhos. YH/P.ss-Through responsibilities include planning • •yst_ progra_ing. .bout the device support included in this rel.ase. 2. Installation and syatea gener.tion consider.tions. installation and operation. SolIe knoNledge about teleprocessing syst_ ;. required, The Manual describes 3. An OS/vsl publications list .nd library chart. It. Order and distribution procedures for, this rele.se. the Pas.-Through product. requirt!ltlents. procedures. c_nels. and _s.ges. including prograa . .terial shipped with the syst. . .nd optional Materi.l available. Thi. i. • COIIpoI'MUIt of SK2T -0910. ~ mew 420 ( SC24 SC24 regard to the function performed for volume. header. and trailer labels when the user ties specifications directly to IDeS through the DTF entries. Illustrations of volume layouts show the various arrang8llents of labels and data records that can be handled. For a thorough understanding of this manual. the reader should have a basic understanding of the Input/Dutput control syst_ (IOCS). as described in VSE Syst.... Data Hanagament concepts. SC24-5209. and VSE/Advanced Functions Macro User's Guide. SC24-5210. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 10/79 //30//5746-XE8 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 176 pages. 03/84 ////5748-RCI 6C24-5209 VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED. 5146-XE8. ~ om MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS (CURREN! RELEASE) Provides conceptual and functional infortlllltion about the data ... nagement facilHies offered by VSE/Advanced Functions. These facUHies concern Hems such as record design. file organization. and access methods. as Nell as fHe labeling. data security and integrHy. and slfllbolic device names. The intended audience is a systems designer who BUSt decide on a file organization and access method for a given application. and an applications progra_r who needs general background information about the access . .thod to be used in his programs. Prerequisite publication: Introduction to the VSE Systee. 6C33-6108. Manual. 102 pages. 10/79 //30//5746-XE8 ( 5C24-5210 VIRTUAL STDRAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FIKTIONS ~ ~ GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) This guide is for progra_rs intending to USe the VSE/Advanced Functions Input/Output Control Syst_ (IDCS) and the syst_ control program macros. Chapters on fi le organization and concepts of access . .thods precede and provide background for discussions on the use of LIOCS lIacros to process fH . . stored on DASD. diskette. magnetic tape. and unH record _dia. Device-independent syst... fU .. and fUe processing by lIeans of Physical IOCS (PIOCS) are also discussed. The use of the appropriate macros to obtain syst_ control program (superyisor) functions are discussed for ••mong others. virtual storage control. progr.m co....unications. multitasking ••nd program checkpointing. Prerequisite publication: VSE Syst_ D.ta IfaNlgMent concepts. 6C24-5209. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 260 pages. 10/79 //30//5746-XE8 SC24-5213 VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XE8. !l!!ill ~ STDRAGE ~ LABELS (CURRENT RELEASE) This _nual is a guide for programmers using the VSE/Advanced Functions for standard label processing and subroutines for user standard label processing on DASD or diskette. A glossary is included. Manual. 128 pages. 10/79 //30//5746-XE8 GC24-5215 ~ BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS. ~ fBQ§ 5662-257. ~~ This flyer describes the proposed content for OS/VSI Basic Progra... ing Extensions program product. This flyer is to be released with the announc8ll8nt of the product. Flyer. 8 1/2 x II inches. 1 page. 9/79 ////5662-257 SC24-5216 !.W!:!i VSE/VSAM BACKUP/RESTQRE FEATURE. J.Ji; fB2i 5146-AH2 ~ §Yill (CURREN! RELEASE) This manual is for the use of custa.er syst_ and .pplication progra_rs who are involved in the use or design of syst_ supporting the VSE/vsAH BACKUP and RESTORE cOllllUnds. This manual explains the t_ COIIII.nds .nd their par.... ters and gives specific ex.eples of their use. Manual. 48 pages. 2/80 ////5746-AH2 SC24-5211 ~ ~ EXIENQEDIADVANCED FUNCTIONS' 5746-XE8. REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual provides quick reference to data maNlgMent .nd system control _cro information for experienced prograllllers. For the most part. rutrictions .nd prograllMing det.Us have been omitted in order to provida rapid access to the information in the book. Included are sections containing descriptions of the IDeS declar.tive and imperative macros and the systee control ("supervisor") . .cros. Within each section. the _cros are arranged alphabetically for easy reference. Preceding these sections is a list of all the macros in the book. showing the operands valid for each one and serving .5 .n index for the descriptions that foll_. Prerequisite public.tions: VSE/Advanced Functions Macro User's Guide SC24-5210. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages //30//5746-XE8 ~ 6C24-5217 lAm PROSRAHHING. EXTENSIONS' 5662-257. SPECIFICATIONS !CURREN[ RELEASEI This flyer constitutes the Licensed Program Specifications for the OS/VSI B.sic progr.mming Extensions program product. progr.m number 5662-257. It constitutes IBM's offici.l published specific.tions to Nhich the product is warranted. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 7/80 ////5662-257 ~ 6C24-5218 SC24-5212 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS' ~ PRDS 5746-XE8. ~ .YIIW (CURREN! RELEASE) The types of labels that may be written on magnetic tape by VSE/Advanced Functions are defined and described in this _nual. The processing perforeecl by the systell. and the specifications that the user eust supply. are described. The processing of standard. user-standard. and nonstandard l.bels. and unlabeled files. is explained. primarily in 421 ( ~ ~ PROSRAHHIN6 EXTENSIONS ~ 1!!m§ 5662-257. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURREN! RELEASE This publication contains a high level description of OS/VSI Basic Progra_ing Extensions. prograM number 5662-257. It is intended to assist both customers and IBM representatiYe5 with marketing and pl.rning .ctivities. The information is directed at .nyone involved Nith making decisions about the usefulness of OS/vSI Basic Progra_ing Extensions for an inst.llation. It is not intended to be used as • reference manual for progr.... ing or operating activities. It includes infor... tion on ""'" davice support and added functions .nd enhancements. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 8 pages. 7/80 ////5662-257 '\ / SC24 SC24 SC24-5219 VKlSP EXEC2 REFERENCE (CURREN! RELEASE) This 0.,....1 contains a precise description and definition of the EXEC 2 l.nguage. It contains an overvi_ of the EXEC 2 l.nguage • •11 of the EXEC 2 coaaands. their syntax •• nd a cOllplete explanation of the function .nd use of each CCIIIIII.nd. Also included are the error .....s.ges issued by EXEC 2. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages //39//5664-167 6C24-5227 MVSIOCCF OPERATOR CO!1!1UNICATION ~ FACILIU SPECIFICATIONS These are the Licensed PrograM Specifications for ItVS/Oper.tor Communication Control Facility. prograM nueber 5665-288. Included.re .achine and progra_ing requi ..........ts. and _rranty inforaation. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 06/82 1///5665-288 SC24-5228 IX!lIU REFERENCE (CURREN! RELEASE) This book is intended for use by a System progra...r. It contains planning and installation inforlUtion. syst. . .aintenance and retllOte spooling cOll1ll\a"lications subsyst. . (RSCS) tasks. In addition. this .anual contains reference .aterial dealing Mith IPF MOdules and EXEC. SysteM Support and RSCS ta.k panel hier.rchies and li.ts of the IPF release 5 t.sk panels (in .lphabetic order a. Nell a. nuMeric order. by panel ID). Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 307 pages. 07/83 //39//5748-HSI ~ SC24-5220 VKlSP EDITOR USER'S SUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) This public.tion is for the Syst. . Product editor. and COIIIprises the XEDIT ..-nd .nd its sl.bc_neIs and . .cros. Tutorial in style. it presents a subset of XEDIT sl.bcOMmands for full screen text processing and another subset for text processing on • typelCriter ter.inal. Hor. advanced topics are also discussed. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 09/80 //39//5664-167 SC24-5221 VKlSP w:D!R m:!Wm !till ~ REFERENCE (CURREN! RELEASE) This public.tion cont.ins .11 the CClllllland for ... ts. syntax rules .nd oper.nd .nd option descriptions for the XEDIT sl.bcommands and .acros. It tells hoM to enter XEDlT _ n d s . sl.bcCllllllands and . .cros. It cont.ins the fOrMat description. and operand and option list for the XEDIT _.nd. which is used to invoke the editor. It lists EDIT subccanands and their XEDIT counterparts. It tells hoM to define Mindote and virtual screens Mhen using MindoMing support. The user should be f •• iliar Mith the infOrMation in the Syst. . Product Editor User's SUide before .tteMpting to use this publication. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 500 pages. 12/86 //39//5664-167 SC24-5229 OPERATION (CURREN! RELEASE) The VKlIPF Release 5 Operation .anual is for those persons responsible for the daily oper.tion of a vtt systetll. System operation t.sks are perforaed through a series of eenu selections and the coapletion of data entry panels. The most common operator tasks .ra supported through these panels. but not all. This ... nual is task oriented .nd can be used as a aethod of teaching inexperienced people about vtt syst. . operations. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 295 pages. 06/83 ////5748-HSI ~ SC24-5230 Y!!aff ADMINISTRATION f!l!!!lf (CURRENT RELEASE) SC24-5225 INFORMATION MVS/pccF This publication cont.ins • high-lavel description of ttVS/Oper.tor Ccaaunication Control F.cility. prograM IlUlllber 5665-288. It i. intended to assist custOllers .nd represent.tives Mith orketing and planning activities. The inform.tion is directed .t anyone involved !lith . .king deci.ions about the usefulness of ItVs/OCCF for an install.tion. I t is not intended to be used a. a reference ...nual for progra_ing or operating activities. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 08/81 ////5665-288 This publication .ids the VKlIPF (Virtual Machine/Inter.ctive Productivity Facility) syst. . .dainistr.tor in overseeing the syst. . .nd the users. The adainistrator i. responsible for enrolling users. allocating disk space. tailoring VKlIPF. and st.rting or stopping li,.s. The publication is intended for DP Professionals and non-DP professionals. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 204 pages. 06/83 ////5748-HSI swww. SC24-5231 ~ ~ ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) The Problea Control Facility (PCF) let. various kinds of probl811S be reported and tr.cked. With it the displ.y tereinal can be used to cre.te • probl. . report to .end to the syste. adlllinistrator. another person on the· systea. or • reMOte .ite for .olving. Also. PCF is designed to autoutic.lly record infOrMation if the vtt syst . . •• control progr•• ends abnoraally. Anyone Mho uses VKlInteractive Productivity Facility (VH/IPF) can cre.te or respond to a probl. . report. In addition. the VKlIPF syst_ adaini.trator oversees PCF operation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 136 pages. 06/83 1I//5748-HSI SC24-5226 INSTALLATION 6HR DPERATION SPECIFICATIONS This publication describes the procedures required to install • •aintain. and operate the ltV5/Dperator COIDunication Control Facility (ttVS/OCCF). It .ddr..... tt. infor. . tional needs of the .yst_ progr._r responsible for inst.lling. tUning. and .aintaining the facility and tt. operator Mho Mill oper.te and eonitor the syst... Also included is coaplete infore.tion about .11 _.agas that . .y be i ••ued by tt. f.cility. I t i •••sueed that tt. reader i. fa.iliar Mith ttVS concepts and tereinology and has soea·fa.iliarity Mith the NatllOrk eo.aunication Control Facility (NCCF). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inct.s. 72 pagas. 06/82 ////5665-288 ~F SC24-5232 1t22 m:ww. Yn MESSASES (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication cIoc:uaent. the ...sages that _y be received by a general user of a VKlIPF .ystea. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 130 pages. 09/83 //40//5748-HSI ~ ( SC24 SC24 SC24-5233 \/M/IPF GENERAL mg ~ (CURRENt RELEASE) This book is intended for general U!lers of HV/IPF. Ii VlVIPF general user is primarHy a YMlSP end user. a user of application prograMS. or an application developer. It describes the panel concept and panel layout. gives exaMpl_ of using panels to perforM YMlSP tasks! teUs how to use panels to do text processing; hoN to guickly get to the proper panel to begin a task. and how to issue YMlSP c .......nds on a panel. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 06/83 1139115748-HSI SC24-5239 VH/SP INtERPRETER REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) The book serves any users as a reference to Restructured Extended Executor (REXX) language (i ts use and syntax) and how the SysteM Product Interpreter processes ("interprets") the language. It includes REXX language instructions. buHt-in functions •• nd .any useful exaonples. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 190 pages. 09/83 1139//5664-167 SC24-5240 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides current users of VlVSP Release 3 'lith a synopsis of the functional enhanceMents offered by the naN release. It Nill iaproye the installation time of Release 4 and ieprove customer productivity by describing naN functional enhancawents. defining the related user interfaces. and giving examples of their use. It includes details for migrating free \/M/SP Release 3 to YMlSP Release 4 and identifies naN .nd changed IIOdules. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 88 pages. 07183 11341/5664-167 ~ ~ ~ SC24-5234 VH/IPF ADHINISTRATIQN HESSAGES (CURRENt RELEASE! This book documents the IIIIISsages that Ny be received by the syst. . administrator of a YMlIPF syst... Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 120 pages. 09/83 11115748-HSI 6C24-5235 YM/IPF ~ i SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) No abstract .yail.ble. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 06/83 1139115748-HSI ( SC24-5236 WISP mi f!Wg (CURRENT RELEASE) The objective of this pri_r is to teach the novice user hoM to do his _rk using the YHlSP (Virtual !1achine!Systu Product) and a full screen video display terminal. The eight chapters. Nhich .re task-oriented .nd include exercises. are: Setting Started! Editing FHes! Hanaging your FHes! C.......ic.ting 'lith Other People! Printing FHes! Using Script! Asking Questions and Creating and Using EXECs. A sla8ary card is included at the back of the book. Hanual. 200 pages. 06/82 11391/5664-167 SC24-5237 INSTALlATION IiIlIK (CL!RENT RELEASE! This publication provides the necess.ry infoMAtion. procedures. and axaapl_ to install and service ISH Virtual HachinelSyst. . Product (YHlSPI on 3310. 3340. 3350. 3370. 3375 and 3380 DASD. The _nual includes descripti_ of procedures. progra_ and EXECs used to update WISP source code and .acro libraries. This publication 'las Nrittan for syst. . progra_rs and other data processing professionals Mho have technical support readily available. Prerequisite Publications: VHlSPIntroduction, VHlSP Planning Guide and Reference. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 365 pages 09/83 11341/5664-167 ~ SC24-5241 VHlSP DISTRIBUTED !!m PROCESSING ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) The book explains the concept of distributed data processing and its application .nd ionplementation using YMlSP as its base operating syst... It describes the other soft.... re and hardNare products. required and optional. that make up a VHlDDP environaent. The book defines ter_ specific to the environment. steps readers through planning and ill!plawentation phases ••nd illustrates sample screen sequences for rawote initialization of a distributed syst.... Manual. 8 1/2 l( 11 inches. 65 pages. 09/83 11391/5664-167 SC24-5242 WISP gm f!Wg .E.!!! LINE-ORIENTED TERHINALS (CL!RENt RELEASE) Thi s _nual teaches a naN user hoM to _rk 'Ii th the YHlSP syst... via a video display ter.inal that operates in the line .ada rather than full-screen .ada. It presents only a subset of all the functions and COMMands .vailable on the YHlSP syst.... This is a coonpollelit of 680F-0002. Hanual. 7 l( 8 1/2 inches. 05/84 11391/5664-167 SC24-5245 \/M/SP ~ ~ SC24-5246 Yl!a!!! Ct!SIVSA" !B!E!!QIl! .!If ~ ~ ~ ~ This llllnual describes storage capacity of the 3380 DASD in the OS CHS envir~t. Included are davice capacity. track and cylinder . i _ . physical record size. and oalculati_ for building a catalog on the 3380. 423 ( E§§ HULTI5mE" CO!!1UNICATIOH!.!!:!II This publication contains detailed inforlAtion about the ISH 3088 Hultisyst. . ComIIunication \kIit Support in YMlSP Releas. 2. It describes CP Comands and Charv.el eo..and _rds that support the 3088. It also eKplains macro instruction changes at syst. . generation ti_ to define the 3088 to the control progra.. Thi. infOrMation is intended for persons responsible for .,.intaining and installing the ISH 3088 Hulti.ysta. COMMUnication \kIit. Hanual. 8 1/2 l( 11 inches. 10 pages. 07183 1130/308815664-167 SC24-5238 INTERPRETER !.!lWt:.li §YIIlg (CURRENT RELEASE! The book serves any users as a guide for learning the Restructured Extandecl Executor (REXX) language and hoM the Syst.. Product Interpreter processes ("i nterprets") the language. It includes axercises . . .ny useful and practical exaeples. The _terial is presented in a three-round reading sc~ that progress_ through topics fro. fundaeental to .ore sophisticated uses. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inct-. 270 pages. 09/83 1139//5664-167 ~.!If ~! SC24 SC24 Manual, 8 11'2 x 11 inchM, 8 pages, 09/83 //30/3380/5664-167 SC24-5259 ~ ~ !!IU!:mB ~U ~ SC24-5249 iBm!!! m:DRQL JIm!! ~ (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication describes the GCS caponent of vtt/SP. It tell. Nhat it is, Nhat it does, how to plan for it, Nhat _nels should be used Nith it, how it can be tailored, how to operate it and Nhat debugging can be performed. This publication is a COMpOnent of SBOF-lS84. Manual, 151 pages, 12.184 ~ 1 ~ 11!!11 This SC24-5260 YM/SP INTERACTIVE ~ ~ JIm!! §Ym! (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the facilities of the IPCS cOlllponent of the vtt/SP Release 4 base product. It describes the ujor functions of IPCS and gives insight into it. facilities. It describes the operation and generation procedures of IPCS. The IPCS c .....nds chapter provides detailed descriptions .nd usage of IPCS coemands. The DUHPSCAN .ubcoImIands chapter gives det.iled descriptions and usage of DUMPSCAN subo_nels. Conversion utilities for converting existing dunps, sy.pt_ su..ary files. and help files are described. Manual. 8 11'2 x 11 inches. 143 pages. 12.184 //36//5664-167 SC24-5261 m: ~ t!QlW. ~ ~ &R 1 PROCESSORS &R mw. ~ 1 !t!!l1 PROCESSORS ~ RELEASES 1 AlII 3mL1!! mIf!!mU . !B! .h 5664-167, !I.EQ RELEASES ld &:Ill .L.L. 1664-173 No .bstract .v.il.ble. SC24-5250 iBM m:mmL JIm!! t:JgBg REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication provides detailed inforetion on the purpose and us. of all Group Control Syst_ (SCS! Macro Instructions. It is intended for .yst_ progra_rs .nd .pplication programmers. Thi. publication i • • CICIIIIpOnWIt of SBOF-1S84. Hanual, 500 pages, 12/84 ~ ~ TeIIpOrary MnUal for vtt/SP Support of 4248 Printer. Nill be obsolete Nhen Release 4 co.es out. Manual. 8 11'2 x 11 inches, 20 pages, 04/84 //34/4248/5664-167 SC24-5247 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT !iYml (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication d .... cribes how to .... it. C080L and FORTRAN applications in a CMS environooent. The CI1S ....vir_ant i. explained in detail. Other tools and Progra. Products that can be used in developing application progra. . such a. vtt Syste. Product Editor and Interpreter, ISPF, DHSlCI1S, and SQVDS are described. H_ to cOlllpile and debug application progra. . i. also explained in this book. The user of this guide should be applications progra_rs, Nith experience in FORTRAN and COBOL languages. Manual, 8 11'2 X 11 inches, 200 pages, 06/84 ////5664-167 Jm!.!J §Yml ~ Manual. 11'84 4361.4381//30//5664-167.5664-173 SC24-5262 ~ :nzg mm ~ m!!lm mmw lli B1 YlrnCJ §!l1!!l This publication provides inforution about YH/SP Release 3 vtt.lSP HPO Rele.se 3.2 .upport of the 3370 Direct Access Stor.ge Hodel. A2. B2 • ltanual. 8 11'2 x 11 inches. 8 pages. 7/84 //34/3370/5664-167.5664-173 . SC24-525lt ~ Jm!.!J §YIl!I Thi. publication contairlll the .... text a. the Us.r'. Guide distributed Nlth the Virtual Machine/Personal eo.puter lic_ed progra. (part nuIIIb.r 6024175, AAS Feature ~r 4175). It i. provided in this fore for educational purposes. H.nual, 430 p.ges, 011'85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC24-5263 m: m ~ ~ EXTENSIONS ~ ! 4248 f.!1!:Ill!l ~ um; PROGRAI!!IN!i This . .nual cont.ins chang.... to .oee of the !lS/VSl Basic Progra_ing Extensions Release 4 •• nual. to .upport the 4248 Print.r. Tasks covered .re planning. syste. generation. debugging. and progra. design/eodification. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 03/84 ///4248/5662-257 SC24-5256 SYSTEH DEFINITION FILES (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication i. intended to be used by persons installing vtt/SP, .5 reference type infor•• tion. It cont.ins s • .ple files supplied Nith the vtt/SP Product tape. For each device type (3310, 3330, 3340, 3350, 3370, 3375, .nd 33801, there is a sa.ple of the Directory, Directory Map, DUKRID Assemble File, DtR onBnt of SK2T-0901. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 11/83 11115668-996 ~ Required and rel.ted publications are listed in the preface. Readers should have a backgrcn.nd in I'IVSIXA job control language, d.ta managellent and catalog adalinistration. Catalog User's Guide, 6C26-4041. For inforll8tion on the use of VSAIt Macro instructions, VSAM optimization options, and various VSAlt .lgorithllls affecting performance, see VSAlt Reference, 6C26-4016. Readers of this book are assUMed to have a background in prog ..a_ing. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 344 pages, 021114 1130115665-2M,5665-291,5740-XC6 GC26-4021 I!.m FACILITY ~ UTILITIES MESSAGES This publication lists the messages p ..oduced by the IBtfsupplied utility progralDS contained in tfYS/Extended Architectu ..e Data Facility P..oduct. It explains the causes of the Ille5sages, describes .cco....nying actions by the operating SystBIII, and suggests approp.. iate responses. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 100 pages, 011'83 1140115665-2M,5665-291,5740-XC6 ~ GC26-4026 LANSYAGE REFERENCE This Manual p ..ovides .. eference Material on the 1M BASIC language. It presents definitions and examples of IBtf BASICstatements and commands. In addition to a discussion of BASIC statBlllents and commands. this book cont.ins a discussion of the follOliing subjects: structure of a BASIC p ..ogram. constants. variables. ar ..ays, exp..essiona, intrinsic functions. and IBtfBASIC file capabilities. This is • component of SK2T-0902. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 300 pages. 11/82 11115668-996.5665-948 ~ SC26-4027 BASIC PR06RA!!1INS SUIDE This manual desc.. ibes hoM to use IBtf BASIC to design. develop. test. and run pragra. . IIritten in IBtf BASIC. Nhich runs under the CItS cOllJ>onBnt of VtfISP Release 1. or later. IBM BASIC users lIill use the product in different NaYS: Beginning users lIith little or no data processing expe .. ience. Mho need documentation introducing them to the principles of BASIC and of computingl program...rs lIith or without progra.ing experience in BASIC. Mho need documentation on hoM to use IBtf BASIC .t the full language level. This is a COMpOnent of SK2T-0902. I!anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 256 pages. 11/83 11115668-996.5665-948 6C26-4023 ~ i!ilm!A.I. INFORMATION (CURREN! RELEASE! This lIanual containa infol"lllation to help evaluate and plan for using 1M BASIC, Nhich runs unde.. Vtf/System Product-CtfS. It is not intended as a specifications manual. This publication desc.. ibes the .dded dimensions of IBtf BASIC to existing BASIC languages. Also described are operating enviro"....,t., operating conside ..ations. file handling. suppo .. ted options and language. and available commands. This manual lists prog..amming and machine requirements. and describes the relationship of IBM BASIC to VS BASIC. I t also describes the manuals available lIith this product. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 68 pages. 08/83 11115668-996.5665-948 6C26-4024 BASICI'm This doc~t is the licensed p ..ogram specifications for the above-named product. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 3 pages. 10/83 11115668-996 SC26-4025 BASICIYt! INSTALLATION !1m CUST!l!1IZATION §YlIlf (CURRENT RELEASE) This publi!l8tion describes hoM to plan for. install •• nd customize BASICIVtf. Use ... should be famili.r lIith VlVSP-CtfS. This book lists the machine. program and sto..age requirMents .nd describes the plaming needed to inst.ll the p ..oduct. I t gives information on changing the p ..ocessor's reserved NOrd table and on customizing intrinsic functions. There is a list of the library IIOdules SC26-4028 BASICIYM ~ SERVICES This manual is intended for application progra_rs Mho neeciguidance and reference ... terial to run 1M BASIC p ..ogra.. uncIer VtfISP-CItS. This manual is used in conjunction with the oper.ting systBlll-indepeudeut infor.ation presented in IBM BASIC Application P..ogra_ing: Guide and IBI! BASIC Application Progra_ing: Language Reference. This is • cOllJ>onBnt of SK2T-0902. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 92 pages. 11/83 11115668-996 6C26-4029 ASSEMBLER H VERSION 1 SPECIFICATIONS This docuIIent provides info.... tion on the _rranted functions of the licensed p ..ogram. Flyer. 2 pages. 04/83 1120115668-962 SC26-4030 ASSE!1!LER H ~ 1 INSTALLATION This publication is primarily for users Mho are responsible for the installation of the asselllbler. It describes hoM to generate the assemler .nd include it in your operating SYllt.... It gives info.._tion for inatallation either on OS/VS systems or on CItS systems under VIt. Thi. book tells hoM to select. allocate. and specify target and distribution libraries and hoM to inatall the distribution tape. It also explains hoM to specify installation options. hoM to place procedures in the / ( SC26 6C26 p ..ocedu ..e lib ..a ..y. and hoM to execute the installation ve .. ification p ..og ..aM. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 45 pages. 01/83 //20//5668-962 6C26-4041 ~ ~ AD~INISTRATION §Y1Rg (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication desc .. ibes hoM to use the integrated catalog facility (ICF). It includes info ..mation on ICF catalog structu..e and envi ..onmentl p ..ocedu..es for defining. backing up, ..ecovering. and conve..ting catalogs, use of DIAGNOSE to aid ..ecove ..y. and access method se ..vices commands used fo .. ICF catalogs. 6C26-4035 ASSEI'IBLER !! VERSION L. 5668-962. GENERAL INFORMATION Assemble.. H is an assemble..-Ianguage p ..ocesso.. that extends the basic assemble .. language and the Macro and condUionalassembly language. It is designed to pe.. fo ..m high-speed assemblies on System/370. 303X. 3081. and 43XX processors that have at least 200K bytes of sto ..age. This publication documents the language extensions. I t also p ..ovides inforlllation on system ..equi .. ements and perfo .....nce estimates. This manual is designed to aid both planning and p ..og ..alll1lling personnel. The reader is assumed to be familiar with the assemble.. language and with mac ..o and conditional-assembly language processing. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 12/81 ////5668-962 P..e ..equisites fo .. using this publication a ..e a knowledge of VSAM and the catalog environllleflt. and a systems background. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 248 pages. 02/84 //30//5665-284.5665-291.5740-XC6 GC26-4042 ~ COBOL GENERAL INFORMATION This book is designed to help DP manage..s and technical persons such as system prog..a ......... application prog ..amners. and system analysts evaluate VS COBOL II and to plan for its use. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 08/83 ////5668-940.5668-958 .u SC26-4036 ASSEI'IBLER !! VERSION ! APPLICATION PROGRAMMING ~ This manual is fo .. application p ..ogramme ..s coding in the Assembler H language. It is intended to help you assemble. link-edit and execute your p .. og ..am. It describes assemble.. options, ho.. to invoke the assembler, assemble.. listing and output. assemble.. data sets. e ....or diagnostic facilities. sample prog..ams. p ..og.. a_ing techniques and conside ..ations. _sages. and storage estimates. This ... nual contains information ..elating to the va .. ious operating SystelllS unde.. which the assembler ope ..ates: that is. 0s/vs2. MVS. MVs/Extended A..chitecture. MVS/Syst... P..oduct. OS/vSl. and CI1S. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 150 pages. 01/83 //21//5668-962 6C26-4037 ASSEMBLER l:I ~h i l l fBQ§ 5668-962. APPLICAIION PR06RAMMING LANGUAGE REFERENCE This manual is for application p ..og ..amme..s coding in the Assemble.. H language. It is not tuto.. ial. but is fo .. reference only. This ... nual describes what the assembler does. gives the relationship of the assembler to the operating system. and supplies some coding aids. The fo11,*ing subjects a ..e also covered: the st..ucture of the assembler language. te...... exp..essions. cont ..ol and ct.my sections. symbolic Ihlking. machine instruction types and formats. and assembler instructions. This manual describes the .acro instruction statement and tells hoM to p ..epa... IHCro definitions and hoM to write ...cro instructions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 300 pages. 1/83 //21//5668-962 6C26-4044 II SPECIFICATIONS This publication is the licensed p ..og ..a. specifications for the OS COBOL II program product. It also serves as the basis fo .. the product warranty. Flye... 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 12/84 //20//5668-958.5668-940 ~ ~ SC26-4045 ~ COBOL APPLICATION PROGRAMMING SUIDE This publication is designed fo .. expe .. ienced COBOL prog..ammers whose p .. imary discipline is data processing and whose task is the development of applications. It assumes some knowledge of the COBOL language and hoM to develop application programs. It .. ill help p ..ogrammers create VS COBOL II p ..ogramsl analyze and modify existing COBOL p ..ograllS' and compile. link-edit. and execute VS COBOL II programs. Related publications and coding conventions are listed in the preface. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 400 pages. 12/84 //40//5668-958.5668-940 .u SC26-4046 II APPLICATION PROGRAMMING SAMPLE PROGRAMS This publication contains sample application programs that demonstrate naN features of VS COBOL II. Designed for the experienced COBOL programmer. the publication presents solutions to common coding tasks. This is a component of SBOF-1l91. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 //40//5668-958.5668-940 ~ ~ :;C26-4040 FACILITY .!!BmU.!la PLANNING §YIllg This publication is intended fo .. pe..sonnel responsible fo .. planning. It desc .. ibes planning conside ..ations and the steps to install • • igrate. 0 .. conve.. t to the integrated catalog facility (ICF) catalog environment. and to install the indexed VTOC. It explains hoM to plan fo.. ICF catalog installation and hoM to prepare for catalog conversion. ~ The ....de.. should be fa.ilia .... ith catalog envi ..onments. VTOC's, data set p ..ocedures. and access methods. Required publications are listed in the preface. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 02/84 //30//5665-284 6C26-4047 ~ COBOL 11 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE REFERENCE The language reference manual is designed fo .. the experienced COBOL p ..ogrammer Mhose p .. i .....y discipline is data processing and Mhose task is the development of applications. It presents the syntax of VS COBOL II statements and the rules for writing source prog...... that are to be compiled by the VS COBOL II compiler. It is meant to be used as a reference in conjunction .. lth VS COBOL II Application Progra_ing Suide. Ext_ions to .pplicable industry standa ..ds a ..e also documented. Other VS COBOL II and related publications .... listed in the p .. eface. 439 ( &C26 GC26 used for an ICF catalog. Unfo.... tion on the _ands, paranters, and their coding is contained in Access Hethod Services Reference, GC26-4051.) Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 244 pages, 04/83 tlllnual. 8 1/2 x 11 incha. 500 page. 08/83 11115668-940.5668-958 1130115665-295 SC26-4048 .1m mmL 11 INSTALWIQN !till CUSTOHlZATION This publication gives a step-by-step description of heN to . .ke COBOL II rudy for_ use. It also describes heN to create custOllized reserved NOrd tables as l1li11 as heN to tailor-the execution-time library. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 GC26-4054 CUECKPOINTIRESTART Am FACILIU ~ (CURREHT RELEASE) This public.tion describes checkpoint/restart for MVSl370 DFP. Checkpoint/rest.rt records infornaation about a job at progr.lIIIII8r designated checkpoints. It describes checkpoint/restart and Us CCllllpol'Mll'lts and depandencies, and gives infor..ation on data set security. Also described is heN to set up checkpoints for job steps and heN to request various types of restart. This publication describes heN the checkpoint/.. esta .. t ..outine handles use .. data sets and it gives guidelines on ..epositioning, preserving data, alloc.ting devices, and I/O e .. rors. CheckpointlRestart is intended fo .. use by p ..og..a_ers and syst_ analysts. A gene ..al understanding of job control language and data Management is p ......equisite knaooledge for this publication. chekpoint/resta .. t routine handles user data sets and it gives guidelines on "epositioning, prese..ving data, alloc.ting devices. and on 110 e .. ro ..s. CheckpointlRestart Is intended fo .. use by prog..a_rs and &ystetl analysts. A gene ..al unde..standing of job control language and data ManageMent is prerequisite knoNledge fo .. this publication. Hanual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 70 pages, 12/85 ~ 1134115668-958.5668-940 SC26-4049 gmm. 11 APPLICATIQH PBOGRAI1!1IN& DEBU§6INi iYm This public.tion describes heN to use tools provided lIith VS COBOL II to identify and correct probl.... in YS COBOL II progranas. It gives inform.tion about debugging. progr•• before and during COIIPil.tlon .nd execution. This is a component of SBOF-1191. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inchE. 12/84 ~ 1137115668-958.5668-940 GC26-4050 IW6 FACILIU ~ iB.B6l. IHFOBHATION This ...nual provides general info,...tion about the 1M ~ HVS/370 D.ta Facility Product (MVSl370 DFP) to enable • anagers. syst... progra_ers. and others to evaluate the product for use at their installation. The Manual 11111 help thea to evaluate the usefulness of the product. underst.nd lIhat the product provides •• nd ev.luate the cOllpQtibilty of the product provides •• nd evaluate the capatiblity of the product with the current inst.llation. There is no prerequisite reading for this publication. but it is assUllled that the reader has a general knoilledge of data . .nagaunt. progr. . . .nagelllerlt •• nd utility functions. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 03183 1136115665-295 GC26-4055 Rm FACILIU fI!!!l!!&I REAPER'S !iYm This publication lists the bocks of the MVS/370 lib ..ary and gives a b .. ief description of each book's contents. Handbook, 9 x 4 i~, 12 pages, 02/86 ~ 1120115665-295 1120115665-295 GC26-4051 !!mIlm SERVICES REFERENCE fi!B lI:!f INTEGRATED GC26-4056 ~ ~ ~ FACILITY ~ FACILITY ~ This book gives the format •• brief description ••nd examples of each access "thod services connnand used IIi th ICE catalogs and the objects cataloged in thea. This book is ...ant to be • capanion to VS,," Users Guide. GC26-4066. and Catalog Users Guide. 6C26-4053., tlllnual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 340 pages, 04/83 ~.IlATA FACILITY ~ !!llruJj DATA ADHIHISIRATIOH This public.tion Is intended for syst. . programmers and provides info ..matlon .bout Data Facility P.. oduct COMpOnent. of HYS/370 and hoM to MOdify and extend the d.ta . .nagement capabilities of the operating syst... It discusses using catalog . .nageJllant lIacro instructions, cont ..olling space on DASD voluates, executing individual channel p"og.. alDS, using XDAP, and passNOrd p ..otecting user data sets. Also discussed are IBH-supplied exits for installation-llritten ..outlnes, systell .ac.. o instructions to refer to, JES2 printe.. suppo.. t, specia! processing before .nd afte.. ce.. taln •• cro instructions, ..etu..n codes from. and examples of, YTOC access . .cros. The p ..erequisite publications .... listed in the preface and more specific p ..erequisite ..eading Is listed at the begiming of SOllIe chapte..s .5 it ..elates to the particul.r topic. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 260 pages, 04/83 1130115665-295 &C26-4052 ~ ~ FACILITY ~ PLANNIN& §ll!Ilg This publication is intended for syst_ progra_rs and adatinistrators responsible for pl.ming. It describes plaming considerations .nd the steps you Meet to ins,t.ll, .igrate, or convert to the ICF catalog environment, install the indexed YTOC, and install or convert to YSAH. The reader should be f •• iliar lIith catalog """i~ts, YTOCs, data set procedures, and .ccess . .thods. I1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 90 pages, 12/85 1130115665-295 1134115665-295 GC26-4057 Rm FACILITY ~ .IlATA AQMINISTRATION !!ACm! INSTRUCTION REFERENCE This publication contains descriptions .nd definitions of the data lIanageJllent . .cro Instructions, othe.. than those of YSAH (virtual storage access . .thod), available in the ASSEtlBLER language. It p ..ovides application and syst. . prograllllllers lIith the necessary info.... tion to code the MCro instructions. ~ C.c26-4053 mazg Rm FACILITY ~ ~ WB.!J fiYmI1 This publication desoribes heN to use the integrated catalog f.cility (ICF) and includes info.... ton on: The ICE catalog structure and environllentl Procedures to define, back up. ' recover, .nd convert a catalog I The use of DIAGHOSE to .id in recovery I The access . .thod services _ands that . .y be 440 ( GC26 &C26 Before coding data lI.nagement HCro instructions. the user should be famili.r Nith the inforMation in the follONing public.tions: Assembler H Version 2 Application Progral1lllling: Language Reference. GC26-40371 Asstllllbler H Version 2 Application PrograMming: Guide. $C26-40361 OSIVS2 HVS: SUpervi.or Seryices and Macro Instructions. GCt8-111it. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 260 pages. 12/85 //30//5665-295 GC26-4058 D!I6 FACILITY ~ D!I6. AD"INISTRATION ~ This publication describes all data management except for VSAM and specialized applications such as TSO. graphic•• teleprocessing. etc •• which are described in separate publications. It explains the characteristics of data sets. hOM to name them. hoN the syst. . catalogs then.. and hoM to format the records in thell. This book also describes the DCB and the inforaation it supplies to the operating syst... Also explained are data processing techniques. different ...thods of buffer acquisition and control. and the lIacro instructions used Nith each ...thod. Thb publication explains hoM to figure the alllOUnt of space neeclecl for. data set on DASP .nd hoM to request that space in the JCL DD st.tement. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 12/85 //30//5665-295 ~ &C26-4059 illAbQ§ ADMINISTRATION ~ !!Dl!!m SERVICES REFERENCE RAIA FAkILITY ~ The HVS/370 Dat. Facility Product contains support for VSAH c.talogs and the access . .thod .ervices _ n d s to lIanipulate theno. This public.tion gives tha for. . t •• brief description .nd exalllpies of each .ceess . . thod seryi ces COIIIIIand used Ni th VSAM c.talogs and. the objects catalogued in thea. It is . .ant to be a companion to MVS/370 VSAM Achini.tr.tion Guide. &C26-4066 .nd Data Facility Product: PlalYling Guide. For infoMaation on VSAM data sets and VSAM catalog for. .t and structure ••ee HVs/370 C.talog Adnoinistration Guide. &C26-4053. For inforllation on the use of VSAM . .cro instructions. VSAM optillization options. and yarious VSAM algori thll!" affect i ng perforance. s . . HVS/370 VSAM Adlllinistration: Macro Instruction Reference. &C26-4074. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 388 pages. 12/85 //30//5665-295 ~ ~ probl •• determin.tion .ction to be taken. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 212 pages. 12/85 //31//5665-295 &C26-4062 IIAIA FACILITY ~ HMmt l!mX (CURRENT RELEASE! This .ast.r index i. provided to .ssist the user in finding infoMaation in the HVS/370 Data Facility Product library. It list. index entries .lphabetically and uses a code to name the publications in which they aNI discussed. The indexes of the individual anuals provide the exact page numbers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 124 pages. 04/83 //20//5665-295 ~ &C26-4063 HVS/370 INSTALLATION ~ GENERATION This publication provides information on hoM to do a syst. . generation of an OSIVS2 HVS Syst. . Nith the installation of HVS/370 Data Facility Product. Included are the steps in plalYling a sysgen .nd detailed inforllRtion on selecting and coding the sysgen . .ero instructions. It also describes the procedures for allocating space for the systell data sets and cataloging thea in the .aster c.talog. The causes for unsatisfactory completion of .ysgen are explained. and there are examples of sysgen error _sages. Also di scussed aNI the procedures for testing the naNly installed systea .nd the procedure for substituting data sets frOll the old production systeM. The publication also lists the generic na.... that are assigned during the sysgen process and lists the devices that are functionally equivalent. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 12/85 //34//5665-295 &C26-4064 D!I6 FACILITY PRODUCT MA§NETIC Im LABELS !!::Il ~ STRUCTURE ADMINISTRATION This publication explains for progranwers and operations analysis hoM the HVS/XA syste. processes .agnetic tape labels. Prerequisite publications are OSIVS2 eonversion Notebook. &C28-0689. OS/vs2 HVS JCL. &C28-0692. and HVS/370 Data Hanagetnent Seryices. &C26-4058. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 04/83 //30//5665-295 ~ &C26-it065 GC26-4060 l1l1§az!! D!I6 FACILITY fI'!Q!n&I SPECIFlCATIOtIS (CURRENT RELEASE) This docunnt provides infor. . tion on the _rr.nted functions of the licensed progra •• Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 04/83 //20//5665-295 &C26-4061 tIYJaZll I!!I6 FACI LUY WB.!lI ilW1l !!.II!I!.U£[ .J.mSAB 1111mB AtIIl .IdI6DlB Thl. publication proylde. appllc.tlon progr....r. Nlth the InforMtlon nec....", to use the lInk.g. editor .nd loader to prep.r. the output of • l.nguage tr.nslator for • xecutlon. !nformatlon on thll oper.tlon .nd us. of the lInk.ge editor and lo.der I. dlreoted to thll .yet. . progra ....er r . .ponalbl. for Inst.lllng and Mlnt.lnlng the cparatlng .yet• • The dfagnoatlc _ •• ges I . .ued by both the lInk.ge selltor .nd the loader progr••• 1'. de.crlbad In 11YI/370 Llnk.ge IIdltor .nd Lo.der " ....g ... ;CII6-4067. The description of •• ch _ ••ge Includn .n .Kpllnatlon. a .yet. aotlon •• nd a (- D!I6 FACILITY ~ UTILITIES D!I6 ADMINISTRATION Thi. publication describes hoM to use the HVS/370 DFP utility progra... The reader should be familiar Nith virtual storage tel''' and concepts. It summarizes the utility programs and gives the differences among system. data set. .nd independent ut il i ty programs. Ut il i ty progra. functions .nd the prograllS that perfora tho ere listed. and there is • description of the . .cro instructions used to Inyoke a utility program froa a problem progra.. This publication also contains infol'llation about linking to and r.turning froa optional user-supplied exit routine.. There Is a description of proces.ing user labela .nd • reyi. of DD st.tement. for defining MOUntabl. deyic.s. The follONlng utllitl . . . not di.cUI.ed in this publlcatlonl IDCAMS. D.yice ~rt ".cUltl ... D.ta Facility D.t. Set S.rylc•••• nd Offline 3800 Utility • The prerequl.lte publloatlons .... U.ted In the preface. lftlnual • • 1/11 IC 11 Inchee. 471 pages. 1I/11 //32//1661-119. ~ 1'. GC26 :OC26-lJ066 WA FACUIU ~ ~ .II.mt.!.J iIIlIl5 This manual describes the use of virtual storage access lIethad IVSAMI. It is intended for programmers Nho use VSAI1 macro instructions. access method services commands. or JCL to process VSAI1 data sets. VSAM. Access Method Services. and related publications are listed in the preface. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 19lJ pages. 04/83 //30//5665-295 ~ GC26-lJ067 LINKAGE nnm M:!!2 .l.Q!!m! MESSAGES This publication lists the messages produced by the Linkage Editor and Loader programs. The causes of the messages are explained. the accompanying actions by the system are described. and the appropriate responses are suggested. This manual is intended for use by application and syst .. programmers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 04/83 //lJO//5665-295 ~ SC26 SC26-4072 fi!BIB!t:! IWmB .Il:!!W$ (CURRENT RELEASEI This manual is fntended as an aid to locating info....ation in the VS FORTRAN publications. It is a supplement to the individual book indexes and· contains code letters representing the title of the publication containing the information. Publications indexed are: VS FDRTRAN Application Progralliling: Guide (AP61. SC26-3985, VS FORTRAN Compiler and Library General Inforllation 16IMI. 6C26-3983; VS FORTRAN Compiler and Library Installation and Customization (IRMI. SC26-3987; YS FORTRAN Application Progra.ing: Library Reference (LIBI SC26-3989, VS FORTRAN Application Progra.ing: Language Reference I LRMI. GC26-39861 and VS FORTRAN Application Program.ing: Syst.. Services Reference Supplement (SSRI. SC26-3988. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 10/82 ///15748-F03.5748-F03.5748-LM3 ~ GC26-4073 GC26-lJ068 DATABASE g GENERAL INFORMATION ICURREN! RELEASE I !1VS/370 DATA ~ILITY PRODUCT UTILITIES MESSAGES The publication is an overviel« of the DATABASE 2 product. This publication lists the messages produced by the 1811It is intended to be used as an evaluation tool for this supplied utility programs contained in MYS/370 Data Facility product. A demonstration diskette. GV26-1021 is also Product (MVS/370 DFPI. It explains the causes the causes of included with this publication. The diskette contains a the lIessages. describes accompanying actions by the storybook and can be run on a personal cOtllpUter. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 05/87 operating system. and suggests appropriate responses. The messages are found in alphameric order by message 1120//S740-XYR identification. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 04/83 //lJO//5665-295 GC26-407lJ ~ YSAI1 ADMINISTRATION ~ INSTRUCTION REFERENCE WA FACILITY fRQQY£! GC26-lJ069 This publication is a reference lIanual and contains the !1VSa! DATA FACILITY PRODUCT ~ INDEX macro instructions that are used for YSAH. It is intended This publication is provided to help you locate information for programmers who use VSAH macro instructions. access in the MYS/Extended Architecture IMYS/XAI Data Facility lIethod services COIIIIIIands. or JCL to process data. This book Product library. It lists index entries alphabetically and describes the macros used to open and close a data set. uses a code to name the pUblications in which they are lIanage control blocks. and issue data lIanagement requests. discussed. The indexes of the individual manuals provide Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 190 pages. 04/83 the exact page numbers. 1130115665-295 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12lJ pages. 01/83 //20//5665-28lJ GC26-lJ075 MYS/xA VSAM CATALOG ADMINISTRATION ~ tIS!l:!2Q. SERVICES This publication gives the format. a brief description. and GC26-lJ070 WA EXTRACT GENERAL INFORMATION examples for each access method services command used with YSAH catalogs and the objecgts cataloged in th... The purpose of this book is to introduce Data Extract IDXTI and to enable managers and other interested persons to Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 376 pages. 02/8lJ evaluate DXT for use in their organizations. The book /130115665-28lJ.5665-291.57lJO-XC6 answers questions on what the product is. what benefits it provides. who will use it. and. in general. how it works. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 46 pages. 06/83 SC26-4077 //20//5668-973 illlW:6 ~ PLANNING MIl ADMINISTRATION ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This book is for those users of DATABASE 2 IDB21 Mho perform the tasks of data base administration. It GC26-lJ071 discusses what a data base administrator should know about mlill MANAGEMENT FACILIU GENERAL INFORMATION ICURRENT administering data bases in a DB2 environment. RELEASE I The reader is assumed to have a familiarity with data base Query Management Facility IQMFI is a query and reportsystems. experience as a data base administrator. and a writing product that runs under MYS/370. MYS/Extended Architecture IMYS/XAI. or IBM Virtual Machine/System Product general knowledge of the structure and function of DB2 as presented in IBM DATABASE 2 General Information. GC26-4073. IYMlSPI. QMF can be sued by persons with little or no data processing experience as well as by data processing experts. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 256 pages. U/83 //3lJI157lJO-XYR This book may be read by lIanagers with little or no data processing background as _11 as by data processing lIanagars and provides information about QMF with which the reader can SC26-4078 judge the applicability of QMF for use in a particular DATABASE g REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) i nstallati on. This publication presents reference info ..... tion for the Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 06/83 tasks of system administration. data base administration. 1/20115668-972 ,/ \ '~ ( SC26 SC26 application prograaing, and operation. I t contains descriptions of each tool and is particularly useful for users Mho know the task and program Nell and need only check details of syntax and semantics (although this book can also be useful to neIod users). Prerequisite knolodledge is necessary of one of the transaction _nagel's III1SIVS Version 1, CICS/OSIVS), or TSO. KnotOledge of a progra... ing language (Assembler, PVI, COBOL, or FORTRAN) and of OSIVS HVS JCL and of Structured Query Language (S~Ll is also necessary. /fanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 350 pages, 07/8/j. ///j.0//57/j.0-XYR for designing operating and recovery procedures for their installations. Prerequisite knowledge of I1VS and TSOI and operational knoNledge of II1SIVS Version I (for users in the II1S/VS environ.....,tll and (for users in the CICS/OSIVS environment) operational knolodledge of CICS/OS/VS are necessary. /fanual, 8 112 x 11 ,inches, 250 pages, 07/84 //40//S740-XYR SC26-4084 llR INSTALLATION This publication explains hoM to install DATABASE 2 (DB2) Program Product. It is intended to be used by tha system programmer ...... Nill install DB2 as a subsystem lA'Ider HVS. This publication assUbles that the installer knows the basic concepts and facilities of DB2, the I1VS Time Sharing Option (TSO) and the HVS Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF), and the basic concepts of ~L. It also assumes the installer knoNs how to define and allocate I1VS data sets using HVS job control language (JCLl, hoM to define and allocate VSAM data sets using Access Method Services, and hoN to use the System Modification Program (SMPI to install program products. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 266 pages, 06/87 //34//S740-XYR 3C26-/j.079 DATABASE ! APPLICATION PRQGRAMHIHG ~ fgB ~ ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes Database 2 (DB2), a data base management system for the I1VS/SP environment and hoN to develop application programs that access DB2 data in an 111S1VS environment. The 'PUrpose of the publication is to show application developers how to use Structured Query Language (S~L) to access DB2 datal it also explains how to prepare, execute, test, and document an application program. /fanual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 350 pages, 11/83 ///j.0//57/j.0-XYR SC26-/j.080 SC26-408S llR SYSTEM PLANNING ~ ADMINISTRATION SUIDE This publication is for users of DATABASE 2 IDB21 Mho perform the task of system administration. It contains information that the reader needs to knoM about hoN DB2 is designed I in general terms), hoM to choose system definition para_tel's for the DB2 subsystem, hoN to provide security for the DB2 subsystem, and how to monitor the DB2 subsystem. This publication assumes some familiarity Mith data base systems and general knowledge of the stucture and function of DB2. /fanual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 352 pages, 11/83 //34//S740-XYR llR APPLICATION PROGRAMHIN6 fgB CICSIOSIVS USERS ( This book describes IBM DATABASE 2 (DB2) a data base management system for the I1VS/SP erwi ronment and hoN to develop application programs that access DB2 data in a CICSIOSIVS environment. The purpose of the book is to shoN application developers hoM to use Structured Query Language (~L) to access DB2 datal it also explains hoM prepare, execute, test, and document an application program. /fanual, 8 112 x 11 inches, /j.16 pages, 11/83 ///j.0//S7/j.0-XYR SC26-/j.081 DATA8ASE ! APPLICATION P!OSRAMHINS §YIgf fgB ~ ~ OPTION Atm BATCH ~ This book describes ISH DATABASE 2 (oB2), a data base management subsystem for the I1VS/SP environment, and hoN to develop application programs that access DB2 data in a TSO environllent or in batch environllent. The purpose of the book is to shoN appHcation developers hoN to use the structured query language (S~L) to access DB2 data. It also explains hoM to prepare, execute, test, and doc\aent an application program. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 320 pages, 11/83 ///j.0//S7/j.0-XYR SC26-4086 DATABASE ! SAMPLE APPLICATION GUIDE This guide provides information to help application programmers, data base administrators, and system administrators understand how to use the sampla applications shipped Mith DB2. It includes a description of the components of DB2, including the function and structure of its application-related and progra. .ing-related tables. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 462 pages, 11/83 //40//S740-XYR 6C26-4087 GC26-/j.082 DATABASE! m LEARNER'S §YIgf (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication tells hoN to begin using DATABASE 2 to manage relational databases, hoN to Mrita and enter ~L statements, hoM to embed ~L statements in application progra. . Mritten in COBOL, and hoN to prepare application program that contain SQL statements for axecution. Manual, 8 1/2 x II inches, 12/j. pages, 06/87 ///j.0//S740-XYR ~ EXTRACT SPECIFICATIONS This publication is the licensed program specifications for the Data Extract program product. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 3 pages, 11/83 //20//5668-973 SC26-4088 ~ ~ SC26-4083 DATABASE! OPERATION ~ RECOVERY iYIDl (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication has been prepared for installations that plan to operata DATABASE 2 (082) under HVS/370 or HVS/Extended Architachure (I1VSIXA), with TSD, II1S/VS Version I, and/or CICs/os/vS. It i. designed to a •• ist data base adainistrators and system adainistrators Mho are responsible 443 OPERATIONS This book has been prepared for operation planners Mho Mill need to plan for, set up and control that part of Data Extract (DXT) that perforlllS the actual data extraction. Prerequisite knoNledge is the Nriting of JCL, preferably for 111SIVS Version 1 batch jobs and batch _sage processing jobs, and non-MYS batch jobs. Related and other publications ara listed in the preface. /fanual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 92 pages, 04/84 SC26 SC26 1140/15668-973 SC26-4089 ~ !IWlI KANA6EMENT FACILIU WB.!Ji §YW Atm REFERENCE TMs public.tion i. for those D.t. Extr.ct (DXT) user. who will be writing jobs to extract data froM DL/I data bases. VS,," fUn ••nd/or physical sequential fUes for loading into rel.tional data b.se t.bles or physic.l sequenti.l data sets. It provides both guidance .nd reference info~ation on how to wri te such jobs. M.nual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 128 pages. 11/84 1140115668-973 W6 SC26-4091 DATA EXTRACT MESSA6ES A!:i!! gm§ This book lists Dat. Extract (DXT) .....ges with explanations and suggested responses. It is intended for use by DXT users and diagnosticians to deteraina the cause of a problea. It briefly describes hoM _sages are forHd and what they _no lists operator . .ss.ges. lists DXT _s.ges. lists DXT ....s.ges issued by DXT Dialogs. and gives a list of the DXT Hcros issued and the codes returned by each. The book assu.... the user has read Data Extract: 6eneral Inforaation. GC26-4070. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 320 pages. 04/84 11115668-972.5668-973 SC26-4092 W6 ~ ~ INSTALLATION 6UIDE (CURREN! RElEASE) This manual is directed to data base .dministr.tors .nd system progr.mmers who need to know .bout pl.nning for installation and inst.lling DXT dialogs ••nd verifying their inst.llation. A brief overview of the product is provided. Additional inform.tion on installation will also be found in the prograa directory delivered with the product. KnoNledge of the structure and function of DXT Dialogs is assumed. as is faailiarity with MVS Systea Modific.tion Progr.m (SMP) .nd vtVSP Related publications .re listed in the preface. The 6ener.l Infor_tion _nual is GC26-4070. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 136 pages. 05/85 1/34//5668-973.5668-972 SC26-4094 liYm MANA6EMENT FACILIU LEARNER'S §!mil (CURREN! RELEASE) This book is • learning model of QI1F for people not experienced in using cotnpUters. It gives more attention to fundament.l topics that new users need. and it omits less-frequently used topics altogether. Thi. book explains how to use • query language and how to for. .t reports. and it contains examples and exercises for the novice. There are no prerequisites. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 11/83 1140115668-972 GC26-4095 itlf SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is the licensed program specifications for the Query Managennt Faci 1 i ty progr. . product. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 04/85 1120115668-972 SC26-4096 ~ §YIgg Atm REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This book tells you how to use QMF to display data base !YSBI MANAGEMENT FACILITY contents. It tells how to insert. update and delete data and how to format reports. Thi. book describes how to giva a QtIF _Hnd. how to view a report on a terminal screen. and how to end a QltF .es.ion. Also described ;15 how to write a query to a.k questions of the data base. and how to use a form to format a report. Among other things. the reader wi 11 learn how to wri te a procedure and how to create a table. The QltF co_nds and subcolmnands are li.ted along with descriptions of their effects. In addition. there i. a chapter on the Structured Query Langu.ge (SQL) that tells how to write queriea in SQL. and • chapter on QBE (Query By Exaaple) that tells how to write queries in QBE. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 428 pages. 04/85 1/40//5668-972 SC26-4097 liYm HAt!A6EMENT FACILm PLANt!It!6 &!!l ADMINISTRATION §YIgg fQB.r:rt§ This book discusses QMF .dministrative tasks and how to perform them. After introducing background information relevant to the administrator. it di.cusses those aspects of planning for Qt1F that bear directly on acllllinistration. It then describea the steps necessary to get a user started with QHF and those necessary to di.enroll the user. There is also one chapter describing on-going adainistrative services for individual users and one describing eore general on-going administrative services. The appendix pruents the three QHF tables that .ust be aaintained. Prerequisite.nd rel.ted public.tions .re listed in the pref.ce. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 11/83 1134115668-972 SC26-4098 QUERY HANA6EMENT FACILIU INSTALLATION 6UIDE fQB m This book is a guide for administrators and systea progr._rs who will plan for .nd inst.ll QHF. It is to be used along with the ProgrI5a Directory shipped with the PID tape and assumes familiarity with HVS. SMP. TSO. DB2. ISPE. and a general knowledge of QMF. The book lists the necessary software and storage requirements. along with the .teps involved in installation .nd those involved in verifying that QHF has been successfully installed. It expl.ins how to inst.ll QltF sample t.bles. queries. vi_ and the graphic saeple progrI5•• DSQSAHPP ••nd how to accept .nd . . intain the permanent libr.ries. Appendixes contain .aaple ICC .nd control statements. sample tables and queries. all error codes. and IPSTART coo.and program parameters. Manual. 8 1/2 IC 11 inches. 130 pages. 11/83 1134//5668-972 SC26-4099 !YSR! MANA§EMENT FACILITY PLANNING fi!R ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) ~ ADMINISTRATION ~ This publicat;on describes the tasks of planning .nd adm;nistration for the Query Management Facility (QHF) running under Virtual Machine!Systea Product (vtVSP). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 ;nches. 04/84 1134115668-972 SC26-4100 !YSR! tW!A§EMENT FACILITY INSIALUTION §!.!!I!.g f.QB ~ (CURRENT RELEASE! This aanual is for .dainistr.tor. and .ysteM progra_rs who will install QHF under VHlSP and it should be used in conjunction with the prograM directory. This book .SsUMeS famili.rity with VHlSP. CMS. ISPF. SQLlDS. 6DDM • •nd QHF. The software and storage requi..-,ts are discus.ed. along / ( SC26 GC26 Nith the steps in installing QttF and .aking it operational. Also included are the steps for verifying successful installation. This book contains sample EXECs. sample SElL statelllents and sample tables and queries. It also contains initialization error reason codes and instructions for applying _ergency PTFs. In addition. this book tells hoM to install the sample graphics progra. and how to install QMF into a different data base after the initial QMF installation is done. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 125 pages. 04/84 1134115668-972 relationship betNeen DXT Dialogs and the rest of the Data Extract progra. product. and hoM to adMinister and use DXT Dialogs. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 208 pages. 11/83 1134115668-972.5668-973 6C26-4108 DATABASE ! SPECIFICATIONS This docUllent is the licensed progra. specifications for the above-named program product. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 3 pages. 11/83 1120115740-XYR GC26-4101 m!W MANAGEMENT FACILITY INTRODUCTION (CURRENT RELEASE) This book introduces Query Hanagetllent. Facility (QMF). a prograll product that lets the user obtain answers to questions about inforution in a computer data base. The purpose of this book is to help decide Nhether QlfF could be useful. To that encl. the book concentrates on telling !Chat QMF can dol tells in general !Chat to do to uke it happen; and ollits specific details. such as exactly !Chat keys to press. For specific. step-by-step instructions for using QMF. see Query Hanagement Facility: Learner's Guide. SC26-4094. first. That book tells exactly hoN to do Many of the silllplest things that QMF can do. After that. for a full description of !Chat can be done Nith QMF. see Query Managellent Facility: Users's Guide and Reference. SC26-4096. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 72 pages. 04/84 1120115668-972 !.lC26-4l05 BASICIMVS INSTALLATION ~ CUSIDHIZATION This lIanual describes how to plan for. install. and custo.ize the BASICItlVS prograll product. It assumes fa.iliarity Mith HVS. T5O. a file editing progra •• and SHP and should be used in conjunction Nith BASIClHVS Progra. Directory. The book describes the BASIC Processor. Library. and HELP inforllation. lists the .achine. progra •• and storage requirellleMts. discusses installation ~er I1VS. and provides inforllation on changing the Processor's reserved NOrd table and on customizing intrinsic functions. The appendixes list and describe the Processor and Library aodules. list the Library aodules for the intrinsic functions (along Mith cross referene.. to other modul.. they call). and describes the foruts of argullents passed to the Library functions. as Nell as the lIOdifications of the default values for the product after installation. Hanual 11'115665-948 SC26-4106 BASICIMVS SYSTEM SERVICES This unual is intended for application progra_rs Mho need guide and reference lIaterial to run BASIC programs U1der I1VSIT5O or HVS. Readers should be fa.iliar Mith BASIC statements. COIIIIands. and functions. as Nell as Mith TSO COll1llands. This book gives info ...ation on hoM to run BASIC progra. in the TSO and I1VS batch environoaents and gives explanations and exallples of T50 co_nds. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 11/83 11115665-948 6C26-4110 BASICIMYS SPECIFICATIONS This docUlllent is the licensed progra. specifications for the above-named product. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 10/83 11115665-948 6C26-4111 DATABASE ! PUBLICATION ~ !I:!!l ~ ~ This publication is MriUen for anyone .....0 Mants an introduction to the DB2 publications and online inforlHtion. The purpose of this publication is to acc:plint the user Miththe DB2 library. It discusses the task-oriented approach Nith !Chich the library is organized. the goals used in designing the library. and the distinctive features of the library. This publication also provides an overvieM of the data processing tasks associated Mith DB2 and lists the publications needed to perfor. those tasks. This publication also contains information that Mas fo ....rly in the DATABASE 2 Haster Index. SC26-4112. There are no prerequisites to 6C26-41l1. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 06/87 1120115740-XYR SC26-4112 DATABASE g !!!liIU !!:m2S This publication is a cCHRpClf18nt of the Syst_ Reference Library for DATABASE 2 Release 1. The info.... tion in this publication M" merged into the DATABASE 2 Guide to Publications. GC26-41l1. HOMeYer. SC26-4112 is still profiled for Syst... Library S\.bscription Service (SLSSI distribution and is ordarable by for. number only. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 05/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC26-4113 DATABASE ! MESSAGES !I:!!l ~ This publication lists Structured Query Language (SElL) return codes. DATABASE 2 _sages and reason codes. and IHSIVS Resource Lock Manager (IRLHI _sages and codes ... ith explanations and suggested ....ponses. The book is intended for application progralll1llers and syst. . progra ......rs. It is ass ......d the user is familiar Nith HVS and the concepts and facilities of DB2. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 350 pages. 07/84 1140115740-XYR SC26-4l07 12m ~ ADMINISTERIN6 !I:!!l Yn!:!!ii ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is priurily Mritten for the person Mho Mill be adMinistering Data Extract (DXT) Dialogs at a location. but it also contains inforution that Nill be of value to all DXT Dialogs users. It discusses the 6C26-4114 filBI!W:I CDHPILI;R ~ LIBRARY !I:!!l INTERACTIYE ggmI§ 6ENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This . .nual is intended to help lIanagers and technical personnel .valuate and plan for use of the VS FORTRAN CQllpiler and Library. and the VS FORTRAN Interactive Debug ~ 445 ( 6C26 SC26 prograM products. It is not intended to be used .s • specifications .anual. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 12/83 ////5668-903.5748-F03.5748-F03.5748-LH3 SC26-4120 YH/PERSONAL COHPUTER ~ UNGUAGE SUPPLEMENT PERSONAL COMPUTER ~ PRODUCT ~ YH/PC is an IBM licensed program that runs on the IBH XT/370 Personal Coft!puter. YH/PC is an interactive syst_ with the char.cteristics of a YH/SP Release 2 syst.... This publication d ..scribes heN to use the IBM progra_ing languages under YH/PC. These languages are Assembler H. IBM BASIC, OSNS COBOL, VS FORTRAN, OS PVI Optimizer. and OS COBOL Interactive Debug. Relationships bet_en YH/PC and these languages are discussed, and information on licensing considerations and YH/PC progra .... ing restrictions are hocluded. Hanual, 8 1/2 x. 11 inches. 44 pages. 11/83 GC26-4115 ~ ~ INTERACTIVE ~ SPECIFICATIONS I CURRENT RELEASE) This docuaent is the licensed prograM specifications for the above named prograM product. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 3 pages. 05/M //25//5668-903 SC26-4116 .EQBIRMJ INTERACTIVE RmlIi REFERENCE §!.1m ICWRENT RELEASE) This manual describes the VS FORTRAN Inter.ctive Debug PrograM Product in both CHS .nd TSO envirorwents. Related publications are listed in the preface. It is a component of S80F-1193. SBOF-ll94 and SK2T-0898. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 144 pages. 05/M //25//5668-903 ~ SC26-4117 ~ FORTRAN INTERACTIVE ~ INSTALlATION (CURRENT RELEASE) The purpose of this manual is to assist in plaming for and installation of VS FORTRAN Interactive Debug. It is intended to cOlllpl........t additional installation infor.ation provided in the prograM directory. This _nual cont.ins • short overvieN of the install.tion process. lists the hardware and software requireaents for installation ••nd provides detailed procedures for inst.lling ~r VH .nd under HVS or HVS/xA. It also expl.ins the program product support services and structures. Reb,ted . .nuals are listed in the pref.cel there .re no prerequisites. Hanu.l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 05/84 //25//5668-903 SC26-4118 fm!.!lWI PROGRAHHING !iYl!l! ICWRENT RELEASE) This publication describes how to design. develop. test. andrun progra. . using VS FORTRAN at the 1978 level. It is designed for engineers and scientists IIho use FORTRAN as a tool in ... thellatical probleftl .olving; and application progra_rs who use the FORTRAN features to code FORTRAN progr.... It is not intended as a tutorial on the FORTRAN language. but is designed for the user Mho has ba.ic knoNledge of FORTRAN and ....nt. to apply it to coding VS FORTRAN progralllS. This is a component of SK2T-0899. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 480 pages. U/M ////5748-F03.5748-F03.5748-LH3 SC26-4121 Ql! PVI OPTIMIZING COMPILER. 5734-PLl. :::.Y:!iz. :J.Hh INSTALUTION §!WIg fi!B 1M! This publication is designed for those Mho are responsible for installation of Release 5.0 of the OS PVI Opti.izing Compiler. OS PVI Resident Library. and OS PVI Transient Library. It describes heN to install these products ~r the HVS and HVS/XA Operating Systems. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 108 pages, 1/85 ////5734-PLl.5734-PLI.5734-lM4.5734-lM5 SC26-4122 Ql! .!!I.a OPTIMIZING COMPILER INSIALUTION &UIDE fi!B Q1li 5734-LM4. 5734-LH5. 5734-PL3. 5734-PLI This publication is pri.arily for readers IIho are responsible for the installation of the OS PVI Opti.izing Compiler. OS PVI Resident Library, and OS PVI Transient Library. It describes hoN to install these three product. ~r the Conversational Monitor Systeftl ICHS) of the Virtual Machine/Systell Product IYH/SP). To install this product under the Multiple Virtual Syst... System, see OS PVI Opti.izing Compiler: Installation Guide for MVS. SC26-4121. The reader .houldalready be fa.iliar 'lith the vtt .yst_ used at your installation, 'lith the publications that describe that syst8ll, and 'lith EXEC processing. Hanual. 50 pages, 9/85 ////5734-PLl,5734-PL3,5734-LM4,5734-LHS ~ 6C26-4123 ~ ~ INFORMATION Thi. publication introduces Version 2 of the Data Facility Services IDFDSS) prograll product. It is directed primarily to data processing .anagers and to systems and applications progrannaers. It can be used as an aid in evaluating the product and planning for its use. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 44 pages. 12/M //20//5665-327 6C26-4121t ~ SC26-4119 ~ FORTRAN UNGUAGE M!IZ REFERENCE .I.IB!ABl lCURRENT RELEASE) This publication outlines the prograning rules for VS FORTRAN 1978-level source language. It includes Full American National Standard FORTRAN Ix3.9-1978). and extensions to that .t.ndard. This publication is • compollellt of SBOF-1192. SBOF-1193. S80F-ll94 and SK2T-0898. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 600 pages. 10/84 ////5748-F03.5748-F03.5748-LH3 5665-327. LICENSED ~ SPECIFICATIONS This publication is the licensed prograM specifications for the above program product. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 3 pages. 3/85 //20//5665-327 SC26-4125 5665-327. lm.B!li §Yml all REFERENCE This publication describes hoM to use Version 2 Release 1.0 of the Data Facility Data Set Services IDFDSS) progra. product. It is intended for .yst_ and application progra_rs. Other DFDSS publications are Data Facility D.t. Set Services: General InfoMaation. 6C26-4123. and DataFacility Data Set Services: Diagnosis Guide, SY26-3951. The reader .hould be fa.iliar 'lith the info,...tion in ~ ./ SC26 6C26 Linkage Editor and Loader. 6C26-4061. for 1tVS/370. or 6C264143. for MVSIXAI HVS JCL. GT28-1349 and GT28-1350. or HVS/Extended Architecture Linkage Editor and Loader User's Guide. GC26-4143; and HVS/370 Systetll Generation Reference. 6C26-4063. or MVS/XA Installation: System Generation. GC26-4148. Other required publications are listed in the preface. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 400 pages. 4/85 //40//5665-327 SC26-4126 DATA EXTRACT MASTER INDEX This publication is a compilation of the index entries froll each book in the Data Extract product library. These entries will help locate infor. . tion relating to a specific task or topic by book nalle. This index does not give page I'IUIIIbers for each reference. but points to the books that contain the information needed. When the appropri ate book is found. go to that book's index to get the page numbers. Using the ..aster index assists in finding all the relevant infortoation for a topic. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 04/84 //20//5668-973 SC26-4127 QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSTALLIN§ AND ~ JHg UPPER ~UAI!m ( This book ;s for data base adnoinistrators and installe,.s of Query Management Facility IQI1F) who need to knolol about the Upper Case Feature and its effect on using QI'IF. how to plan for its installation. how to install the Feature. and how to plan for using the Feature with QI'IF. Prerequisite knowledge for installing the Upper Case Featu,.e assumes familiarity with VHlSP. OSIVS2 MVS and System Modification Prog,.a.. ISMP). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 04/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6C26-4136 ! ~ ADMINISTRATION ACCESS MEllfOD SERVICES This publication gives the fOl"llllt. a brief desc,.iption. and examples for each access nthod services COlllllNlnd used .. ith VSAH catalogs and the objects cataloged in theM. It is a companion to the MVS/Extended A,.chitectu,.e VSAM Administration Guide. GC26-4151. and the HVS/Extended Architecture Dat~ Facility Product Ve ... ion 2: Planning Guide. 6C26-4147. For information on VSAH data sets and VSAM catalog format and structure. see HVS/Extended Architectu,.e Catalog Administration Guide. 6C26-4138. For info.... tion on the use of VSAH mac,.o instructions. VSAH optimization options. and various VSAH algorithms affecting perfor. .nce, see HVS/Extended A,.chi tecture VSAM Adminstration: Macro Instruction Reference. 6C26-4152. Readers are assumed ·to have a background in prog,.a_ing. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 363 pages. 04/85 1134115665-XA2 ~ ~ ~ 6C26-4137 ~ ~ ! CACHE ~ ADMINISTRATION This publication specifies the tools and techniques that can be used to administer a cache device. A cache device is a storage controller that contains high speed storage called subsyst. . storage. The reader should have a general U>derstanding of the 3880 Storage Cont.-ol subsystems and have a knowledge of access nthod services commands. Also. be famHiar .. ith the inforution presented in the following publications Introduction to 3880 Storage Control Model 11. GA32-0060. Introduction 3880 Storage Control Model 13. GA32-0062. Int,.eduction to 3880 Storage Cont,.ol Model 21. GA32-0080. Introduction to 3880 Storage Control Model 23. GA32-0082. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 77 pages. 4/85 1/34//5665-XA2 6C26-4138 SC26-4130 DEVELOPMENT ~ fQB RELATIONAL APPLICATIONS This publication contains tips and techniques for writing applications for use \.nCIe,. either CMS or TSO. It describes products that help the user .. rite prograllS that solve a general class of user tasks and therefore accept a wide variety of input. It is also a developaent guide for general applications \mdar CMS and TSO. I t describes products that toake full screen alphameric and graphic processing easier and discusses ..ays to store data in relational data base . .nagers. DATABASE 2 and SIU/DAta Syst_ ISQLlDS). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 06/84 11115748-XXJ.5748-XXH.5668-960.5664-167.5740-XTR.5740-XC6. 5665-291.5665-284.5665-285 OC26-4135 HVSIXA VERSION ! INTEGRATED ~ ADMINISTRATION ~ ~ SERVICES REFERENCE This publication is intended for catalog aclllinistrators and VSAH systell prograMers. It contains reference info ...ation about the access method services c_nds used to . .nipulat. VSA/'l Ivirtual storage access ...thod) catalogs and VSAH data sets. The for ... t. a description. and exallpl_ of .ach access .ethod services co_and used is given. This publication is a cOlllpanion to HVS/Extended Architecture VSAH Aclllinistration Guide. 6C26-4151. and MVS/Extended Architecture Catalog Aclllinistration Guide. 6C26-4138. Readers should have • background in job control language. VSAH data .anagement. and catalog adalinistration. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 326 pages. 04/85 1134115665-XA2 ( lli.!m!:f , CATALOG ADMINISTRATION §Ym This publication describes how to use the Integrated Catalog Facility IICF). It includes infor. . tion on ICF catalog structure and environment; procedures for defining. backing up. recovering. and converting catalogs; use of DIAGNOSE to aid recovery; and access method services co_ands used for ICF catalogs. Prerequisites for using this publication are a knoIoIledge of VSAM and the catalog environment. and a syst-. background. The reader should understand VSAH as explained in MVS/Extended Architecture VSAH Administration Guide. 6C264151. and may also need to knoIoI hoM to plan for ICF catalogs. This information is in MVS/Extended Architecture Data Facility Product Version 2: Planning Guide. 6C264147. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 300 pages. 04/85 1134115665-XA2 ~ GC26-40139 ~ VERSION ! CHEC1 g IMS Version 2 publications to help organize the IMS library and enhance usability. labels. 11 x 17 inches, 1 page. 05/86 //20//5665-332 GC27-0021 DOS/vs XIA!! DEBUGGING GUIDE This publication describes an approach to debugging and presents the guidelines, tools, and information needed to assist program systems representatives and systea programmers Mho .aintain SystellS and application prograes that use VTAM. The primary purposes of this publication are to: • Provide information that enable the reader to use VTAM debugging aids to determine Nhere the cause of a failure lies. • SUmnarize serviceability aids describes in other publications and tell the reader where to find detailed descriptions of these aids. Manual, 200 pages, 8/75 /C/30115745-010 6C26-4-266 ISMF ~ !iYm , This publication is for data processing professionals. It describes how to use ISMF to .nalyze .nd . .nage data end how to process ruources to _ t process i ng goals. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 06/86 //40//5665-XA2 ~ 6C27-0025 XU!h 5745-SC-VTM. ~ OPERATING PROCED!MES This publication is a reference manual for systee operators Mho run a VTAM network. It;s also a guide for system prograeears Mho MUSt supply operator's Nith Nith the ~ 6C26-4267 ~ lliI:If CUSIOHIZAII!!N !iYm This publication is for systems progr...... and other ISMF end-users. It describes procedures to use to t.ilor ISMF 456 (/ 6C27 SC27 detailed infor.. tion they naed to 1'1.1'1 the VTAM network. The publication provides an introduction to operating VTAtt (Chapter 1). describes the fl.l'ldaaent.zs of VTAtt cotlllands and _.ages (Chapter U. and explains the use of commands in perforaing particular operations (Chapters 3-7). The commands are presented on the basis of fl.l'lCtion and the net_rk el_ents they act upon. Co_nd foraats can be fOl.l'ld either where the co.and is first discussed or in Appendix D. Nhich sUIIIIHrizes the _ands and their fl.l'lCtlons. Manual. 100 pages (8/75) ICl301157lt5-010 6C27-0038 ~ ~ !£I!!!L. 12 5752-VS2 FEAMES ~ m !!:!llY! SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides Information on the lII.rranted fl.l'lCtions of the Network Communications Control Facility. It also describes the specified oper.ting environaent. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 p.ges. 11/86 11115735-)0(6 t£E !RIm 1 GC27-0lt29 tm.I!:fm!.!S COMMUNICATIONS ~ FACILITY. lllO f!m!i 5135-)0(6. INFORMATIOH (CURREN! RELEASE! This publication provides .n overvi ... of the NetlllOrk Communications Control F.cility (NeCF). It is directed pri.arily to custoser executives. systea administrators. sy.te. analysts •• yst ... prograemers •• nd ter.inal operators Mho .re oper.ting lIIith VSE or OS/VS systems. Re.ders should use this book to get • gener.l l.I'Iderst.nding of NeCF concepts. and the requireeents .nd options that _ t be considered in plaming and installing the program. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 11/80 11115735-XX6 l26L. I!5L INFORMATION This publication describes the coeponent package VTAtt2. It contains a description of its features. an overvieN of installation considerations. and a list of the publications pertinent to the package. The information in this publication is intended for installation .anagers. system programmers. and IBH Field Engineering personnel. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12 pages. 1177 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ GC27-0lt28 SC27-0lt31 COMMUNICATIONS &mDE!!. FACILITY. ill f!mi 5735-)0(6. MESSAGES (CURREN! RELEASE) Thi. is • reference •• nual for Net_rk Coemunic.tions Control Facility (NeCF) .ess.ges .nd abend codes. All infor..tion needed to interpret an NeCF ...sage is contained in this aanual. This aanual is IIIritten for terainal operators. syst_ console oper.tors. and syst_ progra_r•• Readers should be f •• iliar lIIith the fl.l'lCtions and cap.bilities of NeCF ••s explained in Network Communications Control Facility 6eneral Infor.. tion. 6C27-0lt29. M.nual. 8 112 x 11 inches ••elf-cover. 54 pages. 6/79 11115735-)0(6 ~ 6C27-00lt3 ~ iYm ( Rblm h:mrh 5141-SCl - 23• J&m. L.l DEBUG!jIN!i Thi. publication describes an approach to debugging and presents the guidelines. tools. and info,...tion rwecIed to a.sist program systems representatives and syste. progr....ers Nho .. intain systems and application progra.. that use VTAtt. The pri.ary purposes of this public.tion are to provide infol'lNltion that enables the reader to use VTAM debugging aids to deter.ina where the cause of a failure lies, and to .UIIII.rize serviceability .ids described in other public.tions and tell the reader tlhere to find detailed descriptions of these aids. Before using this publication. the reader should be f •• ili.r lIIith the follOllling: VTAtt Concepts and Pl.ming and OS/vsl VTAH Syst. . Programmar's Suide. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 132 pages. 3176 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC27-0lt32 ~ FACILIU. J.& f.Bg§ 5735-)Q(6. TERMINAL ~ !CURRENT RELEASEl This public.tlon describes the t.sks associ.ted lIIith the operation of the Neb.ork CCIftIIIII.I'Iications Control Facility (NtCFl. It is intended for use by system console oper.tors. terainal oper.tors. and syst. . progra.ers. The inforaation cont.ined in this docueent is for reference only. Specific operator procedures are defined by the individual NCCF installation to suit its requirements. Re.ders should be fa.iliar lIIith the functions and c.pabilities of NeCF. a. expl.ined in the NetlllOrk Communic.tions Control F.cility Gener.l Infora.tion. 6C27-0lt29. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. lt6 pages. 12179 11115735-)0(6 !!m!QB!S cot!!UNICATIONS 6C27-00lt6 ISOIVTAM g § lIDnH INSTALLATION No abstract available. Manual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 6C27-00lt8 ISOIVTAM ~ IYIR 5752-858. SPECIFICATIONS This publication describes tha .... rr.nted specifications for the TSOIVTAtt syst_ control programming. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pgs. 2/78 SC27-04033 tmn!!!!JS COM!1lJNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY. ill f!m!i 5735-)0(6. CUSTOI1IZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This a.nual describes the progra.ing procedures for tailoring and aodifying the NetlllOrk Communications Control Facility (NCCF). It is intended for the systea progr._r Nho def i neB the IBH-suppl i ed NCCF progra. product .nd decid.. in ...hat ....ys the progr•• c.n be custOllized to suit the individual requiruents of an installation. Prerequisite PUblic.tions: . NetlllOrk CoMeunic.tions Control F.cility Gener.l Inforeation. 6C27-0lt29 Network tom.unications Control F.cility Inst.ll.tion. SC27-04030 NetlllOrk C~ications Control Facility Terllinal Use. SC27-0lt32 Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 192 p.ges. 12/79 GC27-04027 NETI40RK CotI1UNICATIPNS CONTROL FACILITY ~ ill fBQ§ 5735-lQ(6. ~ ~ This publication provides inforution about the NetlllOrk C~ications Control Facility (NCCF)' including the fl.l'lCtions and specified operating environ.ent. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 10/78 11115735-)0(6 lt57 ( SC27 SC27 The custOiler Ni 11 use ACFIVTAI1E .tandalone or in a netNOrk Nith other ACFIVTAI1Es. 2. The customer Nill use ACFIVTAI1E in a netNOrk Nith ACFIVTAI1 or ACFITCAI1. as ...11 •• other ACFIVTAI1Es. In function. this . . nual is betNeen ACFIVTAI1E S-ral Inforlllation: Concepts (an introduction to ACFIVTAI1E) .nd ACFIVTAI1E Inst.llation (a syst... progra_r's reference). I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 140 pages. 7/79 U1I5746-RC7 1. ;;C27-0436 ACFIVTAI1E. S746-RC7. PROGRAI1 SUI1ttARY Adv.nced Communic.tions Function for VTAI1 Entry (ACFIVTAI1E) is • teleprocessing access .ethod. based on ACFIVTAI1. that par.its cOMMUnic.tion between .pplication progr.m and ter.inals within. single dom.in of • multiple-dom.in network. This publication sumMarizes the f.cilities of ACFIVTAI1E. It is intended for custOlller d.t. processing . .na~t. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 2/79 IU/S746-RC7 6C27-0437 ACFIVTAME. S746-RC7. SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN[ RELEASE) This public.tion provides infor... tion on the NBrr.nted functions of the licensed progr.... ACFIVTAI1E. This publication .150 describes the specified operating envi rGl1llent. Flyer 8-1/2 x 11 inches 1 page. 5/79 UII5746-RC7 6C27-0438 ACFIVTAI1E. S746-RC7. ~ INFORI1ATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAI1E is a teleprocessing access llethod that perMit. cOllllll\A"lication between .pplic.tion progr.....nd terllin.ls within a single or .ultiple-doMain network. Thi. public.tion describes the ACFIVTAI1E offering. hardNBre .nd software requirements. installation and progralDming considerations. and other infor. . tion needed to avaluate the .pplic.bility of this licensed progr •• to an installation. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 p.ges. 1/79 UU5746-RC7 SC27-0439 ACFIVTAI1E. 5N-RC7. INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) A reference . .nual for syst... progra_r. in perfOrMing these task.: 1. &ener.ting support for ACFIVTAI1E in DOSIVSE. 2. Defining start options • • tart procedures. and initial configur.tion li.ts. 3. Defining its domain to ACFIVTAI1E. as llell •• other domains in a IlUltidoauain net_rk. 4. Defining .... ion establisment and terllination. S. Defining ACFIVTAI1E services. such •• exit routines. to it. ACFIVTAI1E Pre-Inst.llation Planning .erves as .n introduction to this . .nual. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 9/79 UU5746-RC7 6C27-0440 m fi!! ~ S746-RC3 • .:B.I der the MFT. MVT. VSl. or VS2 configuration of the operating system. The publication contains the information needed to plan for and use the ellUlator program. The syst. . planner can find inforntion on planning the hardware configuration and g_rating the emulator. An applications programmer can find information on hoM the ellUlator prograa executes 7080 programs and handles 7080 data. The console operator can find info...ation on -..lator c_nds and _sages for coamunicating Nith the emulator program. Systeas Library. 104 pages 3165.3168//35/7080/ SC27-6955 fB.!l§ 57S-RCS' 5736-RC3. Y!m:..li GUIDE VIDEO/370. VIDED/370 is a computer progr.m that is used to enter infor. . tion to a ~ter systu and to check the accuracy of that infor. . tion. This book is intended for the operator Mho Nill use the IBH 3277 Or 3275 display station as a part of VIDED/370. Experienc. Nith conventional keypunch equip.ant is helpful but not required. Before using this book. you should be familiar Nith the basic operation of the display station, .s described in Operator's Guide for the IBH 3270 Info.... tion Displ.y System, 6A22-2742. CIes users . .y also find helpful the CIes T.... inal Operator's Guide. SH20-1044. This book contains three types of inform.tion: 1. Genaral b.ckgroW>Ci information 2. Tutorial (hoM to do it) infor. .tion 3. Reference inforlllation Manual, 122 pages, 5n5 ////5734-RCS.5736-RC3 m 6C27 Manual. 2M pages. 5n5 ////5734-RCS,5736-RC3 6C27-6967 VIDEO/370 ~ fB.!l§ 5734-RC5. SPECIFICATIONS The Program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the Marranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specifications. 4 pages ////5734-RCS m 6C27-6969 VIDE0/370 ~ ~ fRQ§ 5736-RC3. SPECIFICATIONS The Program Product Specifications (PPS) describe the Marranted specific.tions of the subject Program Product. Specifications. 4 pages ////5736-RC3 6C27-6971 ~ ~ PROGRA!1!1ING SERVICES (6PS) fi!B 1m! 1m! I!ll!!W !.!!:Ill Describes macro instructions and routines provided under OS/VS to aid in ..rUing assembler-language programs that use the IBM 2250 Display Unit, Modell Or 3. n-e progra. .ing services are useful in: o Displaying data in alphameric or graphic fo ... o Controlling input/output o ComMunicating Nith the 2250 oper.tor This . .nual is intended prim.rily for .pplication progra_rs coding in assembler language. It also provides installation _nagel'S, system engineers, .nd system progra_rs Nith gener.l inforntion about progra_ing the 2250 display unit. The reader should be familiar Nith the infor. .tion in: IBH Systelll/360 Componwot Description: IBM 2250 Display Unit Modell. 6A27-2701 IBH Systeal36D Component Description: IBH 2250 Display Unit Model 3 IBM 2840 Display Control Model 2. 6A27-2721 Manual, 146 pages //30/2250.3250,3251/5741.5742,5752.5741-661.5752-661,5652 / 6C27-6972 ~ ~ 1'R000A!1!1IH6 SERVICES !§flU lim lim lli.l mew !IA!!QI:! J..!,!g!, ATTACHMENT) This manual describes macro instructions provided under OS/VS to aid in Mriting assembler-language progra. . that use the 111M 2260 Display Station (Local Attachment). These progral1lllling services are useful in: Controlling input/output, and eo-wticating Nith the 2260 operator. This Manual is intended primarily for application progr....rs coding in assembler language. It also provides installation managers. syst. . engineers. and syst. . progr......rs Nith general infor..tion about prograuing the 2260 display st.tion. The reader should be familiar Nith the infOrMation in: 111M systelll/360 COJIIPOI'K!"t Description: 111M 2260 Display Station 111M 2848 Displ.y Control. 6627-2700. Manual. 52 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTIIlH IlHLY SC27-696D VIDEOI370. fB.!l§ 57lA-RC3. 57S-Re5. ~ INFORMATION This . .nual describes the installation and daily operation of VIDEO/370. a program product for entering data fro. display stations. The . .nual describes hoM to specify editing options. define a teleprocessing configurat.ion. initialize files. design screen fortllats. extract entered data for application use. and obtain production reports. The . .nual is intended pri . . rily for the syst. . progr....r -- the person Mho understands his shop's 6C27-6973 requiruents and Nill install and tailor VIDE0/370 accordingly. Parts of the manual are also intended for the ~ SUBROUTINE fACISA§g !.§lU!! fi!B ~ syst. . console operator. Mho Nill run the VIDE0/37D progra. . !DQl..r. AI:m fbLl and respond to any _sages. Supervisory personnel . .y find This Manual describes hoM a FORTRAN, COBOL, Or PVI useful the . . terial about VIDEO/37D's reports program. Nhich programmer can Nrite graphic prograllS for use Nith the IBH 2250 Display Unit under control of OS/VS. It also describes produces statistics on entry operator entry opel'. tor efficiency. hoM the graphic subroutine package . .y be used in a progr.m m smm ru. ( ( Ge27 Ge27 IIrlttan In A.....bl.r Langu.g41. Th. gr.phic subroutlM p.ck.g41 (ISP) c_lsts cf subroutine• •nd function. fcr dl.pl.ylng cMr.cters or gr.phlc fcr.. on the 2250 .cr.an .nd for controlling communic.tion betll.... the progr•••nd the 2250 oper.tor. The subroutin.s ..ay b. c.lled froll • progr... IIrUt., In the E. 6. or H level of FORTRAN IV. in COBOL (F). In PLII (F). or frOll • progr•• IIritt., in ...ambl.r Language. They .r. not .n extension of the fORTRAN IV. COBOL. or PLII l.ngu.ges. but ..y be used In conjunction !lith thH. ".nual. 8 1/2 x 11 Inch... 194 pag... 18182 1130/2250.3250.3251/5741.5742.5752,5652.5741-651.5752-651 the type of relllCte st.tlon. Typic.l BTA" .ppllc.tlons Include data .cqulsltlon, _sage .lIltching •• nd Inquiry processing. Thl. publlc.tlon explains .ome concepts of teleproc..sing .nd BTAH, d..crlbe. liM control and _s.g41 trans.i •• lon technique•• and describes each of the BTA" ..cro instructions .nd f.cillti .. Meded to construct. control prograll. The READ and WRITE .acro Instructions appllcabl. for .ach type of remote st.tion .nd line configuration .re given •• long Mith the chann.l progra.. gener.ted for each type. Prerequisite to use of this public.tion Is • knoMladge of Syet..,,37D as.embler l.nguage .nd data ..nage.... t f.cllitiu. Hanual IC/30115652.5752 Ge27-6974 fBl:!IilllJ DETER"IHATION AII!I.& "ESSAHS AI::I!l mwI fill Wmlm ~ ( Thi. unu.l contains eids for deterMining .nd .olving probl.... that Involve display progra.. tMt use either the Gr.phic Prograllllling Services (GPS) for the 1M 2250 Displ.y Unit .nd IBI1 2260 Display St.tion or the 6raphic Subroutines Package (GSP) for the IB" 2250 Displ.y Unit. The .ids .r. directed to the display operator. applic.tion progr.mmer, systeM oper.tor. syst. . progr._r ••nd syst_ .. int_nee personnel. The •• nual is divided into an introduction .nd six .ections of probl. . deterMination .ids: o Display operator .ids o Applic.tion progr....r .ids o "essagas o Codes o Generalized Tr.ce f.cility o Probl. .-rel.ted data The reader should be f.llliliar IIlth infol'lll.tion in: OSIYS Graphic Progra_ing Services (GPS) for 1811 2250 Display Unit. 6C27-6971 os/vS Graphic Progr.mming Services (6PS) for IBI1 2260 Display Station (Local Att.chment). 6C27-6972 OSIVS Gr.phic SubroutiM Package (6SP) for fORTRAN IV, COBOL ••nd PLlI, Ge27-6973. Hanual, 104 pages 1130/2250.2260.3250.3251/5741.5742.5752,5652,5741-6Al, 5741-GS1.5752-6Al.5752-6S1 Ge27-6978 = I!.!!.I mw!I:I! BAm: TELECOM!1UNIWItIttS 1W::!l!!I. .I!B!l!iIW! HYl1lWi 370N-0-469 = 6C.27-6985 !mal .!WH ~ , MESSAGE PROCESSIH6 fI!.Q!iBM:I SERVICES' This publication is intended for the problem prograDlller .ssigned to IIrite • mu.age processing program to support a qTAH-controlled telecommunications system operating under DOSIVS (Disk Oper.ting Syst. . Mith Virtual Storage). Included is • general discussion of .essage processing progralll5. followed by a detailed description of the services flTAH provides in support of a lIessage processing progra•• The QTAH services are provided through macro-language .tatell8nts such as GET •. PUT. OPEN. and CLOSE. Also included is a discussion of services qTAH provides to enable the progr.mmer to exa.ina and lIOdify the tel............. ications syst... Saner.l inforution of interest to the progra_r Mriting a .essage processing program (such as telecommunications applications. concepts and terllinology. and _sage fOl'llNlts) is contained in the publications DOSIYS flTAH Hessage control Program. GC27-6986. Hanual. 56 pages ICl30115745-D10 6C27-6986 JmaJ mrJ t&e , MEssAGE ~ PROGRAM' The flr.t part of this publication cont.lna InforMtion of • gen.r.l nature .nd is of Interest to anYOM, Including ..nagars. syst. . .nalysts, and programmers. Involved in pl.mlng or illPl_ting • QTAH-controlled telecomnn.rtications syste. to operate under DOSIYS (Di.k Operating Syst.. lIith Virtual Storage). The topics discussed Include: devices supported, concepts .nd terminology, qTAt1 f.cllities, .nd .pplications .upported. The remaining tllO parts of this publication. beginning lIith the chapters on nonaudlo .nd audio message handling respectively. describe in det.il the problent progra.ing MC. . .ary for constructing QTAH .essage control programs to support telecommunic.tions .pplications. A thorough undarstandlng of this publication requires e basic knoMladge of Systell/370 .achiM concepts and DOSIYS. Hanual, 264 pages 1C130115745-010 sm rw:mm Thl. public.tlon describes the Basic T.l~icatl_ Acces. Hethad (BTAH) used lIith the Systeal370 Disk Oper.tlng Systelll (DOS) centrol program. BTAH provide. the READIWRITE level Mcro instructions for the .s.eebler-langI.HIgll progr......r Mho Is ieplementing progr... for telecommunic.tions .pplic.tions. Included .re ..cro instruction fOrAt • •nd descriptions .nd specific infortlation on device-dependant consider.tions. For titl. . .nd .bstr.ct. of ••• QQI.ted publications s . . the IBI1 Systllllll370 Bibliogr.phy. IA22-6822. "anual, 392 p.ges SLSS: ORDER NO. SWSCRIPTION ONLY 6C27-6989 6C27-6980 ~ IWI:t Ducribu the B•• ic TelllCOlllllllmlc.tlons Acces. ltethad IBTAH) • v.il.ble lIith os/vS. BTAH provides f.cilitl .. th.t _ble .n ••• ambler-l.ngl.Hlge progr....r to IIrite a teleprocessing control prograM tMt effect. co..unicati_ .t the ReadlWrlte level bet....... System/37D and. v.riety of cceputers .nd terMinal. connected to the Systelll37D over CCIIIIIIon-carri.r or privat.-lIire coeaunlc.tfons MtllOrk•• BTAH provides sl.il.r f.cilitl .. for the local 1811 3270 Di.play Syst... BTAH uploys both .t.rt-stop .nd binary .ynchronous ~Icatlons IBSC) technlql.a. depending on 465 ( IZl:IIm IWI:t Thi. publlc.tion describes the B.sio T.lecommunic.tione Acc..s "ethad IBTAH) used IIlth DOSIYS (Di.k Oper.ting Syst. . lIith Virtual Stor.ga). BTAH provides the READIWRITE level ..cro instruction for the ••sembler-Ianguage prograuer Mho is iepl.....tlng progr... for telec-..-.icatlons .ppli cat I ons. Included are ..cro instruction foreats and descriptions .nd .pecifio Inforeation on device-dependant consider.tlons. Hanual, 440 p.ges ICl30//5745-010 6CZ7 &C28 6(;Z7-6994 OSIVS2 Syst_ Prograning Library: InitlaUutlon and tuning Guide. GC20-0601. 575Z-001. um. .& ~ LAN!iUA§E liImli os/vS2 Syst.. Prograllllling Libr.ry: Syst.. Gener.tion Describes hoM to Krit. a YTAM appliC41tion progra.. A VTAft application prograM i. a prograM that contaillll YTAft ..cro Referenc•• 6C26-3792. OSIVS2 scheduler .nd Superylsor Logic. illlltructfons to request connaction to and ~ication Kith S120-0624.S120-0625.SY20-0626. (3 yolUIIeB) telecotlllllUl'llcations devices and subsyst_ support.d by VTAft. Os/yS2 JCL. 6C28-0692. Thl. book .hould be used Kith ref.rence publication. YTAft Macro Language Reference. 6CZ7-6995. 6C26-3872. YSI D.ta Manau-nt Macros 6C26-3873. IfVS Data Managelllent Macros The contents include: An overvi8N of VTAM application prograM and their reOSIVS CheckpointlRestart. GC26-3784. l.tion to other .l_nt. in a teleproc... ing netNOrk. OSIVS2 TSO Guide to Writing a Ter.inal Monitor Progr•• Suggestions on hoM to organize a YTAM .pplication proor a C_nd Processor. 6C28-0648. OSIVS2 IBM 3540 Progr.mmer'. Ref.renc•• 6C24-5111. gra •• A di.cussion of the concepts. facilities •• nd l.ngu.ge OSIVS2 Syst.. Progra... ing Library: S.rvice Aids. for opening .nd closing the progr•••• nd for connecting to GC28-0674. and co-..nicatlng Kith logical unit. and ter.inal•• Manual Requir8lll8nt• •nd suggestions on using exit-routines. 1136//5752 handling errors and speci.l conditions in the netNOrk and debugging. VTAM applic.tion progra.. The user i. ass~ to b. fa.iliar Kith Syst..t370 a.seMbl.r language. &C20-0620 Pr.requisit. PUblications: None. hoMeY.r, YTAM Concepts lm.aJ.& JI!i:W! PROGRAITIING LIBRARY: SUPERYISOR and Planning. 6CZ7-6990 ••ay be helpful in understanding the This publication describes .uperyi.or faciliti .. that can be influenced by and are restricted to the system progra_r. concept. of a YTAft netNOrk. Thi ...anusl is avail.bl. immediately in Mechanicsburg for The topics described are: subtask cr.ation .nd control. planning purposes until YTAft Lev.l 2 is .Yailabl.. Us.r. prograM ..nagement. resource control. int.rruption. of this ... nual for YTAft L.y.l 1.1 should noN order by the recovery/ter.ination. and dullping services. virtual .tor.ge pseudo order numb.r. 6TZ7-6994-0. .anagement. r.al .torag...anagement. mi.cell.neous ••ryices. Included ar. the .acro illlltructiOl'lll needed to us. thE. Manual. 290 pages. 8/75 /Cl30//5741.565Z.5742.5752.5745-010 facilities. Th. on9 revi.ion incorporates .i.c.llaneous technical corrections to the bas. publication. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 292 pages. 8179 6CZ8-0607 1136115752 ~ INTRODUCTI!!t! m 4U ~ 1 This publication provides .n overyieN of JES3 Releas. 3 (select.ble unit 10 575Z-826). The purpose of this ..nual i. to provide introductory .nd pl.nning infor..tion about JES3 components and concept.. Included in this ..nual is infor.. tion about the .eryices provided by JES3 .nd the inter.ction of these .ervices Kith the user and the operating sy.tn. JES3 .yatn configur.tion options are discus.ed .long Kith inst.llation planning consider.tions and RAS features. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 85 pgs. 4nO 11115752-026 &C28-0629 OSIVS2 1M! JI!i:W! PROGRAmING LIBRARY: 1m This publication provides inforaation pertaining to installation-controlled TSO faciliti .. and describes the Account and Operator cOlllll8nds and thei r associ .ted .ubo_nels. Thi. publication applies to OSIVS2 R.I •••• 3.7 .nd .ubsequent r.leases until otherNis. indicated. and contains inforution that applies to the follONing •• lectabl. unit.: • T50IYTAM L.yel 1 (VS2.03.813) Syst.. Security Support (5752-832) • • TSPIYTAM Leyel 2 (5752-050) Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 90 pages. 7fl8 //39//5752.5740-XIN.5740-XYS 6C20-0608 m !IIIlI! PROGRAI'!!IN6 LIBRAR1: ,tgU 5752-810 This ..nusl contaillll infor.ation to support JES3 R.l.... 3 .nd OS/VSZ IfVS 3800 Enhance.ent.. The intended .udience is systetll progr.lIIIII.rs. Manual. 350 pages. 8/76 11115752-026 ~ mag &C28-0645 6C28-0610 m.I.W!! SELECTABLE !!1m: 1m!m INFDRI1ATION, 5152-012 SullllNlrizes naN functions and enhancements for JES 3 R.l.... 2 ••nd provides pl.nning and stor.ge .. ti ..t. infor.. tion. This infor.ation is for ... isting illlltallation Hnagers. syst. . progra ..Hrs. and IBI1 Fi.ld Engineering personnel. Prerequisite publication: Introduction to JES 3. 6C20-0607 Manual. 23 pages. 8/76 SLSS: ORDER ND. SUBSCRIPTION DNL1 ~ mag &CZ8-06Z7 man Jmm PR!!6RA!!1IN!i LIBRAR1: .Ill! IW!A!iEI1ENI This publication describes the job unagtlllent facilities lmI TERMINAL YHB.:li iYm This publication describes hoM to us. TSO _ n d language to perfOrM the follONing basic functions: • Start and end a terminal session • Enter and manipul.te data • PrograM at the terminal • Test a program • IIri t. and us. _and procedures No prior knoKledge of T50 i. required to use this publication and there ar. no pr.requisit. public.tiOl'lll. After bec.-ing fa.iliar Kith the information presented in this manual. you should use OSIVS2 T50 ComnIand Language Reference. 6C28-0646. for further reference. This publication applies to OSIVS2 ReI.... 3.7 and subsequent r.leases until otherKi •• indicated. and contains inforntion that applies to the follONing s.lectabl. unit.: • T50IYTAft L.vel 1 (YS2.03.813) • System Security Support (5752-8321 • TSOIYTAft Ley.l 2 (5752-858) Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 250 pages. 8/70 1139115752 ~ and i. intended for us. by the .yst_ progr._r. PUblications ref.renced: 466 / Ge28 Ge28 //37115652 Ge28-0646 DJaB IE ~ LAN6UAGE REFERENCE Thi. public.tion describe. the comm.nds, oper.nds ••nd .ynt.x of the 5/370 TSO comm.nd language. It i. int.nded for use .t • terminal ••• referenc.. The prerequi.ite public.tion, TSO Ter.inal User'. Guide, SC28-0645, describes ..... t co_nels .r. used to perfor• •pecific functions. The TSO Command Langu.ge Ref.rence .1.0 describes the .t.tement. used in COIIIIand procedures and cont.ins .ppendixes that describe AM! comm.nds and progr•• product commands. Thi. publication .pplies to 0s/vs2 R.I •••• 3.7 and • w.equent rel ••• es until otherld •• indic.ted •• nd contains inform.tion th.t appli •• to the following .elect.bl. unit.: D.t. M.nag.ment IYS2.03.808) TSOIVTAH L.v.l 1 (YS2.0l.81l) Syste. Security SUpport (5752-832) TSOIVTAH Level 2 (5752-858) Hllnual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 388 pages. 6/78 1139115740-XYN,5752.5740-XYS SC28-0648 . m!aB IE ~ IQ I!IWltI!i A TERMINAL I:I!IttUll! fBS!!iB&I SIB PROCESSOR This public.tion describes haN to .edify or repl.c. the t.rMinal lIIOI'Iitor progr.m (TI1P) and TSO co• •nd proces.or., .nd d •• crib•• the progr.mming f •• tures provided within TSO for user-written TI1Ps. _.nd proces.or•• and .pplication progr.lIIII. The reader of this publication .hould have a knowl.dg. of the .tructure of TSO. Thi. public.tion .pplies to OS/yS2 R.I•••• 3.7 .nd .w.equent r.le.... U"Itil otherwi.e indic.ted ••nd cont.ins infor.. tion that applies to the following .electable unit.: • Supervisor Perfor.ance .2 IYS2.03.807) • TSOIVTAH Lev.l 1 (yse.D3.8ll) • Syst.. Securi ty Support (5752-832) • TSOIVTAH Lev.l 2 (5752-858) Hllnual. 316 pago //39//5752.5740-XYN,5740-XYS &e28-0666 m!L:t1l m.:w! Thi. publication provid•• cUltOMer engineer•• other q\HIlified per.onnel, .nd operator. lIith the infor.ation required to use the online Test Executive Program (OLTEP). OlTEP is • st.ndard component of OS/YS that i. designed to run online test progr.m•• under control of the operating .ystn. for the t .. ting of Input/Output devic••• Mes ••ge. i ••ued by OlTEP are described in OSIYS Hess.ge libr.ry: Service Aid. and OlTEP me••• ges, SC2l-000S .nd Service Aids. SC28-0665. Customer engineers .hould r.f.r to FE Diagnostic Ord.r Procedure. ZZ25-0505, for ordering procedures for online test• • nd their docUllNlr'ltation. M.nu.l 1137//5741.5652 &e28-0668 SYSI.lOGREC m!U!B RECORDING J. i l l iJ. HlIH SH2S-03IB, lli i This publication i. intended for .yst... operators. programmer••• nd .dnrini.trator. involved in using the infor•• tion on the SYS1.lOGREC data .et under the os/yS1 sy.t... control progr••• Manual /137//5741.5652 ~ ~ f Ge28-0673 Ge28-0665 ~b,~=~r f!m!i!!!I! .!D!! ns infor.ation about the Syst_ l'Iodi c.tion Progr•• ISMP). Thi. information i. intended for us. by IBM personnel .nd syst. . programmer. responsible for ch.nging .nd r.designing the il1llt.llation'. oper.ting syste.. The r.ader should be exparienced in using and .adifying YS operating systems. Thi. public.tion describes how to use the progr•• and gives its stor.ge requir8lllel'lt.. It includes .11 the control statalilent. required with coding ex.mples illustr.ting the v.rious SHP function•• The appendix contains the SltP ......ges. a data set r.quirement chart, .nd a cat.loged procedur•• Systems Public.tion /1371/5741.5652,5752.S744-SY1 ~ AmI (C!JRRENT RELEASE) Thi. publication expl.ins ..men. Nhy • •nd haN to use IBM .ervice .ids to di.gnose .nd fix failures in .ystn or .pplication progr.... E.ch .ervice .id i. discussed in • • epar.te ch.pter. The .ervice aids .r.: o STF (S-ralized Tr.ce F.cility) tr.ces ••lected .yst_ evant• •uch •• SYC .nd I/O interruptions. o IHCJOBQD -- Operates a. a standalone prograe to for.at .nd print the systl!lll job quene. .yst_ event• •uch a. SYC .nd llO int.rruptions. &e28-0674 ~ AIDS ~ tOOl!!!!. (CURRENT RELEASE) o HHBLIST -- For•• t • •nd print. object eodules. load This publication explains haN. Nhy, and when to use IBM MOdules ••nd CSECT hfentification records I IIHIps service aid. programs for HYS when diagnosing and fixing reent.r.bl. lo.d MOduI•• re•• f.ilures in syste. or .pplication programs. It i. intended o IMCOSJ~ -- Operates •• • probl.. progr.. to forut for .yst. . programmers and IBM progra. support .nd print the .yst. . job quene. represent.tiv.s. a HMDPRDMP -- Format. and print. dump data .et•• Thi. publication describes: which MY include page data ••t • •nd STF tr.ce • 6TF (6eneralized Trace F.cility) - Traces s.lected dat •• .yst_ event• •uch a. SYC .nd I/O interruptions. o HMAPTFlE -- Upd.tes .n operating syst_ by .pplying PTF. or by generating JCl st.tements needed to • AtlBlIST - FOrllllt. .nd pri nt. object IIIOdules. load apply PTF. or lCAs in • lat.r .tep. eodules ••nd CSECT identification recordsl maps reenterable load eodul. area. o HHDSADMP -- Operates.s •.• t.ndalone progr•• to produce high-.peed or low-speed dump of real • AHDPRDMP - Format. and prints duIp data .ets. which .torage. The high-.peed version can .1.0 duIp page uy include STF trace data. data ••ts. • AMAPTFlE - Updates an operating syst. . by .pplying PTF. or by generating JCl .t.ta.ent. needed to apply PTFs o HMASPZAP -- Y.rifies .nd/or repl.ces instructions or ICR. in a l.t.r .tep • • nd/or d.ta in • load MOduI.. Inforution about • haN to IIrite PRDMP/EDIT Ular axi t program i. AMDSAOMP - Operates a. a .t.nd-alone progra. to produce a dump of real .nd vi rtual storage. provided in •••par.t• • ppendix. Hes••go is.ues by the .ervice aids .re described in OS/VS Hes.age • AHASPZAP - Verifies and/or replaces instructions and/or data in a load eodule. library: Service Aids and OlTEP Hes.ages. This publication includes infor.. tion related to: Syst_ PUblication .!ma!.l 467 ( 1IC28 1IC28 ptlreUb lIItIIIbers fer duItps lpaclfled by thtl SYSABEND and SYSUDUMP DD stat.mentl. • Addition of Infor.atlon on estl.stlng the .I.e of the SYS1.DUI1P data .et for sve cIunIps cf IIUltlple sddr... spsces. HARDWARE RECOVERY ENHANCEMENTS Infor.stion NIl. sdded for Hsra...re Recovsry Enhenceeents in the fcllowlng sress: • Chsnges to the PAGE ptlrsllltltsr d..criptlon. • Changes to the PLPA data 1st si ... • Ch.nges to the c~ page d.t. sst sl ... TSOIVTAtt LEVEL 2 Infor.. tion ..s .dded for TSOIVTAI1 Levsl 2 In the fo11011lng area: • Two nell p.r••eter descriptions for the TSOKEYOO p.r.llb IIt!IIber • VTAI1 Level 2 • SUI • SUpervllor Perfor..nee .2 • 8U? • IBM 3800 Printing SUblyet. . . SUIO • Service Data IMProv..entl • SU17 • Du.ping Improvementl - SU33 • Prccellor Support • SU51 • Interactive Probl.. Control Syet.. (IPCSI • SU57 • KVSlSyste. Extensions - Progr•• Nuabar 57.0-XEl Manual. 8 1/2 )C 11 ineMs. 260 ptlgtIS. 8178 1137115752.57.0-XYN.57.0-XYS GC28-0675 ~ .Q.illf This public.tlon provides custonr englnaers. other qlallfied personnel •• nd oper.tors lIith the infor•• tion required to use the Online Test Executive Progr•• (OLTEP). This publication provides custOlD8r engineers, other qualified personnel, .nd oper.tors lIith the Infor•• tion required to use the Online Test Executive Progr•• (OLTEP). It .lso proldes custOMer engineers and specl.lists .t remote centers. description of hOli to use the RETAINl370 fe.ture of OLTEP. I1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 88 pages. 12/81 1137115752,57.0-XYS.5740-XYN ttoDE ttoDESW PROCESSOR SUPPORT Information 101. . added for Processor SUpport In the fo11011lng .re.s: • "The first IPL after Sysgen". • "CPU Serv;c.... The sectioned title "Part 2: Storage Management avervi_n. has been incorporated In this publication froat OSIYS2 &yet.. Progra..ing Library: Storage Estl .. tes. 6C28-0604-4. Manual, 8 112 x 11 Inches, 360 pgs, 5/78 1134115752 GC28-0677 .!lfI. lID.l .IJ2§!W; fB.I!.QB RECORDING (CURRENT RELEASEI This public.tlon Is for the IBM PSR, Inst.ll.tlon progranaer. and others responsible for .alntaining and ..naglng • computer Inst.llatlon. The P\blicatlon describes hoi! to use the IFCDIPOO service .Id progra. to Inlti.llze, realloc.te, .nd maint.ln the SYSI. LDGREC date set; the error and systu condition recording functions. the types of records they cre.te. and the for..t of each record on the SYSI.LOGREC data set. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 60 ptlge5. 1/82 1137115752.5740-XYN,5740-XYS ~ 1IC28-0681 1M ~ fBg§ .I.lU INITIALIZATION !til Ill:WI!i §!lIM This book cont.ins Infor •• tlon on th follOlilng gener.l topics: o Syst. . par• •ters In SYSI.PARMLIB HOII to use the Syet_ Resource Manager (SRMI o o HOII to use the Syet_ Activity Me.surennt Facility (MF/lI o Syst. . perforMnce f.ctors. such .s those .ffectlng VIO. c.t.log. davlce .lloc.tlon., the use of &ttF .s • tuning .Id. the ptlgeable link pack .reas ••nd ptlglng dat. sets Ch.nges have been .ade throughout this public.tlon to reflect a service update to OS/vs2 Rele..e 3.7 .nd Include the listed Select.ble Units: SUPERVISOR PERFORMANCE .2 Infor.ation IRIS added for supervisor perfore.nce .2 in the follOlii ng .re.s: • A redesigned syst_ resources •• nagar (SRMI. • A redesigned .uxili.ry stor.ge ..nagar (A&ttl. TSOIVTAtt Infor•• tion ..s .dded for TSOIYTAI1 in the fo11011lng area: • A new p.r.lib .ember description for TSOKEYOO I1SS ENHANCEMENTS Inforeation lieS .dded for tlSS Enhenceeents in the fo11011ing area: • The description of the VATLSTxx parelib I118111ber has bean updated to indicate the handling of tlSS entries. DUMPING IMPROVEMENTS Infor.ation ....s added for DUllPing Improvuentl in the fo11011lng ar.. : • Addition of the IEADttROO ptlr.lib I1811ber. • Addition of MIll ptlr• •ters to the IEAABDOO .nd IEADMPOO ~ GC28-0683 OSIYS2 ~ SUPERVISOR SERVICES J ~ INSTRUCTIONS This publication describes the services of the supervisor. the macro Instructions used to request these services. and the linkage conventions used by the control progr•• to provlda these services. The book Is Intended for the .ppllc.tions progr.mmer coding In .ssembler l.nguage. Changes h.ve been .ade throughout this publlc.tlon to reflect a service update to OSIYS2 Release 3.7 and include the following listed Select.ble Units: SUPERVISOR PERFORMANCE .2 6N28-2713 Infor•• tlon ..s .dded fer Supervisor PerforlNlnce .2 in the follOlilng areas: • The addition of the RACHECK Mcro Instruction for checking thtl .uthorizatlon of RACF-protected dat. sets. IBH 3800 PRINTIN6 SUBSYSTEM 6N28-2713 Infore.tion .. s added to support the IBM 3800 Printing Subsystn In the fo11ONing .reas: • Changes to the par...ters in the control block for duInps. • Changes to the SNAP •• cro Instruction • SYSTEM SECURITY SUPPORT 6C28-0B42 Infor•• tlon Nas .dded for Syst8111 Security Support in the follONlng .re.. : • Additional speclflc.tlons for the CUSS ptlr...ter in the RACHECK Mcro Instruction. • Addition of the OLDYOL para. .ter to the RACHECK HCro Instruction. DUttPIN6 IMPROVEMENTS 6C28-0821 Infor.. tlon was .dded for Dumping IlIIprovements In the foll_ing .reas: • SYSttDUttP h.s been added to the DD .tat_ts that can be specified for ABEND dumps. • Changes to the SNAP .acro instruction Include the TRT. DM, ERR .nd 1/0 SDATA codas. and the STRHDR ptlr...ter. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 Inches. 230 pgs. 3/78 1136115752 6C28-0689 %8 ~ CONVERSION NOTEBOOK DocUllltlnts the IlIIPIIct of cert.ln fe.tures and f.cilitles on .n Install.tion's conversion process: docUllltlftts experiences ... Ith OSIYS2 Multiple Virtual Storage (ttYSl .t Internal IBH / / ( GC28 GC28 installations, field test inst.ll.tions, .nd use.. installations .nd supplements existing publications in the MVS lib.....y. Also includes conve..sion conside... tions fo .. Selectable Units. As suCh, the lIate.. ial is not submitted to • ny fo ....al IBtI testing. Use..s IllUSt ev.luate the .pplicability of the ..ecoannenelations .t thei .. installations befo.. e implement i ng the... Intended fo .. installation lIanage"s, install.tion syst_ p ..og.. ammers, .nd othe ..s ..esponsible fo .. conve .. ting f .._ OS/MVT, OSIVS2 Single Vi .. tual Sto..age 0 .. one HVS ..elease level to the latest HVS ..elease level. Reade .. is expected to be f •• ilia ....ith MVS system (such as found in IBM Systelll370 Summa..y, 6A22-7001) and .. ith the info..... tion in the applicable HVS ..elease guide. This book is not intended to p ..esent a cOllp ..ehensive desc .. iption of the conve..sion p .. ocess, to desc .. ibe the featu ..es .nd facilities of HVS, to ..eplace existing public.tions, 0 .. to provide info.... tion on tuning and pe.. fo ..mance. This book also does not explain hoN to pl.n fo .. ope..ating .. ith HVS p ..og ..a. p ..oducts (such .s CICSIVS), specific indust ..y-o.. iented IBM subsystems (such as the IBM 3600 Finance Communication Systelll), and the IBM 3850 M.ss Sto..age Syst.... The chapte ..s a ..e o ..ganized to cove .. these distinct conve..sion steps; ove..view and MVS plaming, systu gene ..ation and initialization, catalog conve..sion, JES2, JES3, TSO, .ccounting, syst. . integ.. ity, RAS and problu dete .... ination, multiprocessing, telep..ocessing netwo ..ks, and application, ope... to .. , and .iscellaneous conside..ations. Except fo .. the first chapte.. , e.ch chapte.. is divided into tMO pa .. ts: o Int ..oducto..y info..... tion that lists the publications ..elevant to that conve ..sion step and, if necessa ..y, backg..ound info...ation on that topic. o A se.. ies of bulletins that cont.in hints 0" conside..ations fo .. that conversion step. The int ..oducto..y info ....ation in each pa .. t fi ..st p ..esents gene..al conve ..sion conside ..ations and then any unique conside ..ations fo .. specific conve..sion paths. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 500 .pgs., 5/77 //34//5742,5752 GC28-0692 ~ml& This publication cont.ins the info..... tion necessa ..y to code job cont ..ol language (JCl), job ent ..y SubsystH 2 (JES2), and job ent ..y SubsystH 3 (JES3) statements. It is intended fo.. use by p ..og ..amme ..s Mho code JCl, JES2, and JES3 cont ..ol statements and Mho U'lderstand the concepts of job I118nagement .nd data I118nagement. The publi cat ion appli es to 0s/vs2 HVS Release 3.7 and includes info ....ation related to the follOMing Selectable Units (SUs): 503 - JES2 Release 4.0 504 - Schedule.. Imp..ovements SU7 - Supe..viso.. Pe .. fo ....ance 12 5010 - IBM 3800 p.. inting Subsyst_ SU18 - JES3 3850 Mass Sto..age SysteM SU24 - MSS Enhancements SU25 - JES 2 Release 4.1 SU29 - 3838 Vecto .. Processing Subsyst_ Suppo.. t SU33 - Dumping Imp..ovements SU48 - IBtI 3800 p .. inting Subsysta - 12 lines pe.. inch The fi ..st pa ..t of the publication is tuto.. ial. explaining the use of the va .. ious statements and pa ..aete..s. The second pa .. t explains each pa ..alRete.. fo .. the JCl, JES2, and JES3 stat_ents. The third pa .. t contains refe ..ence tables and a gloss.ry. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 385 pages, 12/77 //36//5752 6C28-0703 ~ ~ PROGRAMMING lIBRARY: ~ DEBUGGING GUIDE GUIDE SUID 5752-826 RELEASE 1 This publication p ..ovides refe ..ence info....ation fo .. debugging JES3 and use .. -w.. itten extensions of JES3. Reade ..s IlUSt have a IIIOrking knowledge of JES3 functions and logic. Topics include Debugging and Se..vice Aids. Dump and T..ace Fo..mats, How to Find Info ..mation in a Dump Erro .. Indicators, Data A..eas, SHA RJP Proble.. Analysis, and JES3 Completion Codes. This publication is intended fo .. use only in debugging. None of the info"lII8tion contained should be const ..ued as defining a p ..og..amming interface. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 152 pages ////5752-826 GC28-0706 OSIVS2 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITIES ~ This publication assists installation lIanage..s and syst_ progra_e..s in planning fo .. , installing, .nd using Syst_ Management F.cilities (SMF). SMF collects ..eco..ds accounting, data set, subsyst. . , syst .... and volume infor... tion. It also has exits that can link to use".... itten ..outines fo .. aonito.. ing a job 0 .. job step. The publication desc .. ibes the basic SMF functions and the ..elationship of SMF to the operating syst_ and to use .. .... itten exit routines. It also explains: o How to include use .... ritten exit ..outines in the operating syste•• o The additional sto ..age requi ..ed by SMF. o How to s .. itch and dump the SMF data sets • o How to plan, .... ite and test exit ..outines. o When each SMF ..ecord is .... itten and the info..... tion contained in each ..ecord. Manual //34//5752 6C28-0707 OSIVS2 RELEASE .lJ! GUIDE! ~ 5752-VS2 This publication desc .. ibes the Selectable Units incorporated in OSIVS2 Release 3.8, speci.l Release 3.8 installation and p ..og..a_ing conside ..ations, and o ..de.. ing and dist .. ibution p ..ocedu ..es. The book is intended fo .. installation ... nagers, syst .... p ..og..a ...ers, .nd IBM Field Enginee.. ing pe"sOl'Vlel who are planning fo .. OSIVS2 Release 3.8 Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 ;nches, 70 pages, 1/79 //34//5752 6C28-0708 ~ This publication provides ..efe ..ence info.... tion fo .. use in debugging use .. system p ..og..ams. The use .. of this publication should have a wo ..king knOMledga of ()S/vs2 functions and logic. Manual, 3 3/4 x 6 3/4, 359 pages, 11/78 //37//5752 0" 6C28-0709 469 ( !I§llD PROSRAMMING lIBRARY: DEBUGGING HANDBOOK' ~! ~ .l!mt! PROGRAMMING lIBRARY: PEBUGGING HANDBOOK' ~1 Desc.. ibes the fo .... t of the data ...eas, and includes data areas frequently used in debugging. Manual, 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches, 594 pages, 12/78 //37//5752 6C28 SC28 6C28-07l0 ~ .mmJ:! PROGRAI!1ING LIBRARY: DEBUGGING H"BOOK' mlml Describes the format of the data areas. and includes data areas froat N to Z that are frequently used in debugging. I1anual. 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches. 553 pages. 12/78 1137115752 GC28-0722 m Bm GENERAL INFORI1ATION !CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains overvieN and planning infor. .tion for Vers ion 1. Release 3 of the Resource Access Control Facility !RACF) prograM product (5740-XXHl. It is intended for the use of installation _nagers and personnal responsible for system data security. It is assl.n8d that the reader is faMiliar Nith DSIVS2 !HVS). RACF is a prograM product that provides access control by identifying and verifying syst. . users. authorizing access to system resources and logging detected unauthorized attempts to enter the system and detected accesses to protected resources. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 03178 11115740-XXH ~ 6C28-0725 m they are not explicitly addressed in the bookl benchlnarking aspects of performance evaluation also are not addressed.) The purpose of the book is to cIocuItent the experience of HVS perforMance analysts 50 that the reader can evaluate the performance of his syst. . in a disciplined Nay and Nith s _ degree of confidence that the evaluation Nill succeed in identifying his system's probl. . areas. The performance Notebook is Nritten for systeM progra. .ers/analysts Mho are responsible for the perfor..nce evaluation of their installation's SystM. The reader should have experience in tuning complex systellS and a thorough knDNledge of tlYS concepts and facUities. InforMation in the book is a combination of perfor..nce theory and tlYS tuning experience. It is divided into thM following topics: • An overvieN of the steps required for a disciplined perfor_nce evaluation. • Planning and preparing for a perforMance evaluation, which includes infor.. tion on defining perfor..nce objectives. selecting meaSUreMent tools. and pre-initialization MVS performance factors. Performance hints. which are specific recoaaandations and considerations. These topics will be expanded as MOre infor.. tion bee_ available. The information is based on HVS Release 3.8 syst_ and certain SUS and prograM products. such as RI1F. SLR, and I1VS/System Extensions Releases 1 and 2. Because the inforMation in this book is derived fro. experience and has not been for.. lly tested. the reader _ t evaluate the applicability of the inforMation to his environment before implelllenting any of the r_lCIations. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 252 pages. 12/79 1134115752 .mmJ:! PROGRAI1I1ING LIBRARY: DIA6NPSTIC TECHNIQUES This publication describes diagnostic techniques that have been successful for probl. . isolation and deterMination on HVS syst..... I t is Nritten for system progra_rs and 1M prograM service representatives Mho understand HVS internal logic and Mho are involved in debugging tlYS syst. . proble... This publication stresses a single debugging approach: identifying an external symptom of a probleM I gathering relevant data fro. syst. . data areas to isolate the problem SC28-0912 to a campollentl and analyzing the COllPOl"8"t to deterMina the ~ m D!l XZJl EXTENDED m!!W ~ R!im!I problem. MANAGER, ~ fBQ2 5740-XE2, REFERENCE ~ ~ §YIgf The Session I1anager is a productivity aid providing extended I1anual 1137115752 display support for the IBI1 3270 Display Terminal. This ..nual is intended for any user of this prograM product. This includes syst... progra.... rs. application prograJllllers. 6C28-0732 clerks. data entry personnel and 1811 field support personnal. ~ m RESOURCE ~ S!!f!B.!U. FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS !CURRENT RELEASE) Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pgs. 7/77 This PrograM Product Specifications (PPS) describes the Narranted specifications for Version 1 Release 2 of the subject PrograM Product. 6C28-0920 Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 5/77 ~ m RESMCE MANAGEMENT FACILITY .!.Rt!El ! CURRENT 11115740-XXH VERSION)' ~ fBQ§ 5740-XY4. SPECIFICATIONS Th.is cIocument contains the Narranty information for the RI1F Version 2 Release 3 prograM product. SC28-0733 Flyer. 8 1/2 xli inches, 2 pages. 4/80 11/IS740-XY4 ~ m ~ mD!Il LANGUAGE REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the syntax and functions of the RACF prograM product COMmands for Version 1 Release 2. It 6C28-0921 is intended for RACF-defined users Nho are responsible for ~ 1M} RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY .!.Rt!El !W!mAI. creating. updating. or Maintaining the profU. . for users. INFORMATION groups. and resources on the RACF data set. Version 2 of the Resource l1easurenlent Facility (RI1FI. a Readers _ t be faMUiar Nith the RACF conpepts and prograM product. is a . .asur8llent collection tool that ;s designed to monitor selected areas of syst. . activity and terMinology described in the RACF General Infor.. tion I1anual. 6C28-0722. present the elata collected in the forM of SI1F I SysteM l1anagellent Facilityl records andlor formatted reports. I1anual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 124 pages. 5/77 11115740-XXH Display reports ara also available for some syst. . activities. This Manual provides an ovarvieN and functional description GC28-0886 of RI1F including processing perf_nce by Version 2 Raleasa 3 and Varsion 2 Release 4. ~ m PERFORI1ANCE tlPTEBOOK The subject of the OSIVS2 HVS PerfOrMance Notebook is I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 102 pages. 03180 perfor..nce evaluation: the process of tlrling a syst_ to 1IIIS740-XY4 _ t performance expectations and to optimize use of thM systeM resources. (Although configuration planning and capacity planning are related to perfOrMance evaluation. ~ = 470 ( ."' .. ./ ( SC28 6C28 Ass_leI' Language (BAL) Security administrators responsible for establishing. maintaining. and monitoring the security of your installation Specific topics in this book include: • A short introduction to the subject of cryptography in general including an introduction to cryptographic algori thins and cryptographi c keys. • An explanation of how the Programmed Cryptographic Facility uses and protects cryptographic keys. • A description of built-in security features. • A description of installation security responsibilities. • A description of the tasks that MUSt be performed liken installing this program product. • An explanation of hoM to code the Prograllllled Cryptographic Facility macro instructions. • Operating considerations. • A glossary of terms. Manual. 8 1/2 x l1 inches. 124 pages. 4/78 ////5740-XY5 5C28-0922 RESOURCE I1EASUREI1ENT FACILITY !RI1F) ~ L. 11& fBQ§ 5740-XY4 REFERENCE! USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes how to use Version 2 of the Resource Measurement Faci Ii ty (RI1F). a program product designed to measure selected areas of system activity and present the data collected in the forll of SMF (Syst .... Management Facility) records. forllatted printed reports. or formatted display reports. This information is intended for the systl!lll programmer responsible for installing or rellOving RMF and lIIOdifying its functions. for the system personnel responsible for lleasuring and improving l!ystBII perforllance. and for the operator and terminal user. This publication contains conceptual inforllation that enables the user to understand what RI1F is and heN it can be used to measure system performance and procedural information that describes heN to execute RMF and hoM to IIIOd i fy i ts process i ng. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 268 pgs. 5/77 ////5740-XY4 ~ ~ ( • 6C28-0942 OS/vsl ! OS/vs2 ~ PROGRAI1I1ED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY. ill .PR!}§ 5740-XY5. ~ INFORMATION The Programmed Cryptographic Facility Program Product provides OS/vS2 I1VS installation Mith the capability to protect sensitive data through the use of cryptography. This publication is intended for installation managers and systeM programmers responsible for planning the soft...... data security strategy for their installation. Chapter 1 introduces the general subject of cryptography and provides an overvi ... of the Programmed Cryptographic Facility. Chapter 2 identifies system requirements. Chapter 3 describes each component of the facility and describes heN they MOrk together to provide a cryptographic capability. Chapter 4 defines the functions available to the user and Chapter 5 identifies plaming. security. and operating considerations. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pgs. 10/77 ////5740-XY5.5740-AI18 6C28-0957 6C28-0948 6C28-0991 !:Wi PROCESSOR Q§ml ! ~ 1m PROGRAI1I1ED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY. 11& fRQ§ 5740-XX5. SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides the warranty statement for the OS/vSl and OS/vS2 MYS Programmed Cryptographic Facility. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 4/78 ////5740-XY5 6C28-0984 OS/vs2 1m OVERVIEW This book describes the main feature of 11VS. It explains each of these features and describes the fl_ of Mork through the major parts of the SystBII. The book is intended for a general audience. but some knOMledge of operating systl!llS is necessary. There are no prerequisites to the book. Manual. 8 1/2 x l1 inches. 184 pgs. 6/78 //20//5752 m 1m SU6, ~ SPECIFICATIONS Specifications provide information on the Marranted functions of the licensed program. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 12/78 ~ SPECIFICATIONS This System Control Progra_ing Specifications !SCPS) describes the _rranted specifications for the subject selectable unit. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pgs. 11/77 6C28-0953 m :rg !:Wi CONVERSION NOTEBOOK The VSl to I1VS Conversion Notebook is designed to aid in the plaming. migration. and testing phases an installation goes through Nhen converting from VSl to 11VS. It contains conversion hints. debugging aids. and problems and solutions encountered by installations already through the conversion process. Manual. 8 1/2 x l1 inches. 400 pages. 1/78 //34//5752.5741 SC28-0956 m!a!!! ~ 1m PROGRAmED CRYPI06RAPHIC FACILITY. 11& .PR!}§ 5Z40-XY5. INSTALLATION REFERENCE ~ This book introduces you to the concepts of the OS/vSl and 0s/vs2 I1VS PrograMMed Cryptographic Facility. Program Number 5740-XY5. It also describes the installation process and operating considerations for this program product. This book is intended for: • System programmers responsible for installing and tuning your installations program products and for designing and IIriting application programs coded in Basic 6C28-10l1 I1VS/xA ~ VERSION ! RELEASE !.:.Z ~ SUI1I1ARY This publication contains a functional description of the contents of I1VS/SP 2.1.7. It is intended for l1arketing Representatives and Systems Engineers and customer data processing management and system progra_rs to give them • summary of the release contents. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2/86 ////5740-XC6.S665-291 6C28-1012 OS/vS2 1m ~ .L§ SYSTEI1 ~ PROGRAI1I1IN6 SPECIFICATIONS This document describes 0s/vs2 I1VS Release 3.8 in terms of its basic functions. its mini_ configuration, and its real storage requirements. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches 471 ( 6C28-1013 ~ !!H!iBA!:I SlI'!HARy. ,bll; fBQ§ 5Z40-XEl No abstract available. Flyer, 4 pages 6C28 6C28 1/0 devices on the installation's processors. It describes both the HVS vsrsion .nd the stand-alone version of tha input/output configuration prograll (IOCP!. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 120 pages. 10/80 3081,3083,3084113011571't0-XYN.571't0-XYS,571't0-XC6,5661't-167, 5661't-169.5661't-173.5665-291 1111571't0-XEl 6C28-1011't mali.! J ~ m CRYPTOGRAPHIC WI! SUPPORT. !1& fBQ§ 571't0-XY6. SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides the warranty statement for the OSIVSI and OSIVS2 MVS Cryptographi c Uni t support progralD product. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, I't pages, 1180 1111571't0-XY6 6C28-1015 m 6C28-1029 INITIALIZATION &:!!l TUNING .I'l!.lm ~ m (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes how to initialize and tl.rlS an OSIVS2 MVS syst_ that includes HVSISyst_ Product and how to get illlProved systu performance. The publication. intended for system progr.mmers .nd planners. includes storage ..nagement overview, system initialization, auxiliary storage llanagellent initialization, syst_ resources lIan.gement. and the use of GTF to trace sysavent•• Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 384 pages, 3/80 113I't1157I'tO-XYH.57I'tO-XYS mww. J ~ CRYPTOGRAPHIC wn !Yl!I!!!RI INFORMATION This publication presents highlights of the OSIVSl and OSIVS2 HVS Cryptographi c Uni t Support Progra. Product. It also describes system requirements, planning information, security, and operating considerations for the prograll product. It is intended for installation INlnagers and system programmers responsible for planning the data security strategy for their installation. It is assUllled that readers have a basic knoNledge of OSIVS2 HVS. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 1't2 pages, 10/79 1111571't0-XY6,57I'tO-AH8 ~ 6C28-1030 OSIVS2 m!Y§ll!:l ~ LIBRARY. 571't0-XIN. 2mlI. !Y§ll!:I MANAGEMEN! FACILITY JJi!:!E.! (CURREN! RELEASE) This public.tion helps install.tion ..nagers and syst_ programmers to plan for, install, .nd use Syst_ Managllllent Facilities (SMF) in an OSIVS2 MVS system that includes SC28-1016 HVS/Syst_ Product (prograll number 571't0-XYN). ~ ! ~ m CRYPTOGRAPHIC Y!:!I! SUPPORT. This publication describes the b.sic SHF flonCtions and !1& fBQ§ 571't0-XY6. INSTALLATION REFERENCE This publication describes the concepts of the OSIVSl and the relationship of SHF to the operating SystH and to userOSIVS2 HVS Cryptographic Unit Support program product. It written eKit routines. It also explains how to include also discusses the installation process and operating user-written exit routines; the additional storage required by SHF; how to switch and dump the SHF data ssts; how to considerations for this prograll product. This publication is intended for: pl.n, write. and test exit routines; and when each SHF • Syst_ programmers responsible for installing and tl.rling record is written and the inforllation it contains. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 292 pages. 3180 your installation's progra. products and for designing and writing application prograllS coded in Basic 113I't115740-XYN.5740-XYS Ass_bler Language (BALI • Security adsinistrators responsible for establishing, llaintaining, and lIOnitoring the security of your 6C28-1031 installation OPERATOR'S LIBRARY. ~ m SYSTEM COMMANDS. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches, 120 pages, 1/80 !1& !!BQ§ 571't0-XYN. =m (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the syst_ flonCtions and _nels 1111571't0-XY6 used by a systell console operator in rl.rlning a Systeall370 undar 0SIVS2 HVS. The public.tion is intended for computer 6C28-1021't operators and syst. . progr....rs responsible for controlling the syst... ~ m !Y§ll!:I EXTENSIONS ~ 11. .I.I!: fBQ§ 571't0-XEl. The publication contains much of the san infor.ation as SPECIFICATIONS 6C38-0229, but it has been reorganized and rewritten in This LPS describes the perfOrMance .nd flonCtion-oriented illProvements to 0SIVS2 HVS provided by OSIVS2 HVSISYSTEM support of HVSlSyst. . Product. M.nual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 300 pages, 5/80 Extensions Release 2. Flyer, 3 pages, 5/79 114011571't0-XYN.571't0-XYS 1111571't0-XEl 6C28-1042 6C28-1025 malf mnON 1 MVSISP-JES3 SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN! RELEASE) This docuIIIent contains a brief description of the cont..,ts of HVSlSystu Product - JES3 Release 1 and its warranty st.tllllent. Flyer, I't pages 112011571't0-XYH ~ mww. INFORMATION (CWREN! RELEASE! This document contains a functional description and planning information for HVSlSystem Product Rele.ss I, 2, and 3 and the Rele.se 1 Enhilncellent. I t is intended for installation llanagers, systell progralllllers, .nd 1M personnel who are considering installing one of these products. Readers should have a background in OSIVS2 MVS. Manual, 8 1/2 x II inches, 1't0 pages. 10/80 112011571't0-XYS,571't0-XYN 6C28-101't3 6C28-1027 3081(3083 ~ m AtIllDl!!. USER'S ~ &:!!l REFERENCE This publication is intended for system progralllDers and custO\ler engineers who ars responsible for defining, installing ••nd configuring the channels. control units, and 1t72 MVS/SP-JES2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN! RELEASE! This docuInnt contains a brief description of the contents of HVSISystH Product - JES2 Release 1 and it. warr.nty statuent. Flyer, 4 pages 112011571't0-XYS ~ / ( &e28 SC28 .nd guid.lInes needed to develop proceduru th.t the Inst.llation'. op.rator. can UIIe to control the .y.t.. aft.r .n .rror .ituation that hII. ruulted in a los. of .lISt.. ava ilabil I ty. Thl. publication provides this infor.. tion for the follONing proc ••• or.: IBM Sy.t.m 370 Mod.l 158 UPIHP/AP. IBH Syst.. 370 Hod.l 168 UPIHP/AP. IBM 3031 UP/AP. IBM 3033 UPIHP/AP. and IBH 3081. Manu.l. 8 1/2 x 11 inch•• 3031.3032.3033.3158.3168.3081.3083.30841/341/5752 1iC28-1046 m SUpERyISOR (CURRENT RELEASE! Tht. publication describes supervisor hcllUlu thllt are UIIed by the syst.. programmer. The topics desorlbed are: Subtask Creation and Control Program Manag.ment Baource Control (Incluclea Slobal Ruource Serialization) Program Int.rruption. Recov.ry/Termination. and Dumping S.rvic" Virtual Stor.ge Management R.al Storage Management Int.r-Address Spac. Communication (Includes Croas Heeory) Misc.ll.n.oua S.rvices Includ.d .r. the ..cro instruction needed to UIIe these facilitiu. This publication support. HVSlSyst_ Product R.l.... 2. . Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 400 pages. 12/80 1136115740-XYN.5740-XYS .QllC£U 6C28-10U lEa m!!lW. INFPRHATIotI This publication describe. the f.cilities of the TSO Extensions (TSO/E) Licensed Programs. It i. intended for install.tion managers and .yst_ programmer. Mho are considering installing TSO/E. The TSO/E Licensed Programs are supported in t_ envirorment.: HVS/System Product Version 1 (HVSl370) and HVS/Syste. Product Version 2 (HVSIXA). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches //115665-285 Ge28-1047 ~ ~ PROGRAMMING ~ DE!!UG§ING HANDBOOK ~ !~ This handbook provides reference infor.. tion for us. in debugging user or system progr.... It is intended for system programm.rs who are involv.d with debugging HVS systu probl.RI5. The us.r of this publication should have • working knowl.dge of DSIYS2 functions and logic. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 370 pages. 11/80 SLSS: OROER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC28-1062 PLANNING SLOBAL RESOURCE SERIALIZATION A global resource serialization complex enables an installation to serialize access to resources. such as data sets on shared DASD vol........ at the data set level rather than at the vollae level. This book is for the syst. . progra_ers and planners at an installation Mho IlU5t decide whether or not to build a global resource serialization compl.x and Mho. once that decision is eade. IlUSt plan hoM to ... ke the best use of the global resource serialization compl.x. The book includes an overvieM of ho", global resource serialization works and describes the planning tasks associ.ted with building. global resource .erialization complex. Thes. tasks include s.lecting the resources for global s.rialization and designing. operating. and tuning the glob. 1 resource .erialization complex. The book al.o includes inform.tion on the .tor.ge global resource .erialization requires and present. one approach to installing the global resource ••rialization compl.x. Hanual. 96 pages. 07/81 1134I/5740-XYN.5740-XYS ~ ~ Ge28-1048 ~ ~ 1 !YfP!!!!I ( PROGRAMMING ~ DEBUGGING HANDBOOK ~ ~ ~ This handbook provides r.f.renc. infor..tion for us. in debugging us.r or syst.m programs run on OSIYS2 HVS R.leas. 3.8 with .ither 0SIYS2 HVS/Syst. . Product JES3 R.leas. 2 or OSIYS2 HVSISyst. . Product JES2 R.l ••s. 2 inst.lled. VolUIII. 2 provi des the fo .... t and other debuggi ng infor..tion for d.t. ar.as th.t begin with A through M. The d.ta .r.as in this public.tion ar. those consider.d critical for d.bugging purpo.u. For a IIOr. compl.t•••t of data ar. . . . . . : 0SIYS2 HVSlSyst.. Product JES2 R.I •••• 2 D.ta Ar... progra.. Number 5740-XYS or 0SIYS2 HVSlSyst.. Product JES3 R.l.a.. 2 D.t. Are.. Progr.m Hueber 5740-XYN. M.nual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 12/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC28-1104 lE EXTENSIONS. 5665-285. INtERACTIVE IlAI6 TRANSMISSION FACUIU JmI!!J ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) 6C28-1049 ~ ~ PROSRA!!!IN6 l !YfP!!!!I ~ .LI!!BA!I DEBUSS" HANDBOO!( YllI..Im This publication i. intended for anyone Mho Manta to Thi. handbook provides r.f.rence info ..... tion for us. in transmit or receive mllll105. l.tt.rs or other info ..... tion to debugging us.r or syst_ progr... I'U'\ on OSIYS2 HVS R.l.a.e or frOll other TSO/E user•• Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 11/81 3.8 with either OSIVS2 HVSlSy.t. . Product JES3 Releas. 2 or 0SIYS2 HVSlSy.t.. Product JES2 Relea•• 2 installed. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY VoIUII. 3 provides the fore.t .nd other debugging infor.. tion for data .rea. thllt begin with N through Z. The data .r.as in this publication .r. those considered critical &e28-1106 for debuggi ng purpose.. For. .or. compl.te s.t of d.t. l!t!lli mgm INFORMATIgN (CURRENT RELEASE) Thi. publication cont.in. product overvi ... and ba.ic .r•••••• : OSIYS2 HVSlSyst .. Product JES2 R.lease 2 Oat. Ar... Progra.. Numb.r 5740-XYS or 0SIYS2 HVSISyst.. Product planning information. It is intended for installation managers •• yst_ prograllllers. and IBM persOl'Vltll Mho are JES3 R.I.... 2 Oat. Area. Progr.m Nueber 5740-XYN. considering installing this product. R••der. should hIIv. a M.nual. 8 1/2 x 11 inch". 12/80 _rking knowledge of SHP functions and of soft... re function SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY and ••rvice installation concept. for OSIVS2 HVS and lor OSIVSl oper.ting .y.t.... GC28-1060 Manual. 8 112 xlii nchM. 36 pages. 11/82 1120115668-949.5752 m PLAttlIN6 RECOVERY .6I:IIZ RECotIFI6URATION This publication i. intended for the progr._rs .nd planner. Mho dev.lop op.rator recov.ry .nd reconfiguration procedures tailored to their inst.ll.tions' requi,.....,t •• Thi. publication cont.lns herdNar. and soft... ra Infor.. tlon 473 ( SC28 SC28-1I07 .!iI1E!a REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE! This book is a reference to be used tlith other books in the SHP/E library. It is for any SltPIE user IIho needs detailed information about a particular c_nel, report, control statement, or data set. It also contains information about SYSHOO construction and user exits. information about SYS/1OD construction and user exits. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 750 pages, 02184 1137/15668-949 ac28-1108 I!1f!a MESSAGES !l:!Il &!!!Wi (CURRENT RELEASEl This publication lists SHP/E Retum Codes, SltPIE Diagnostic Techniques, and SMP/E Hessagas for use tlith the SHP/E Reference. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 184 pages, 03183 1140115668-949 SC28-1I09 LC28 11//5665-292 GC28-1118 mww. YmlWII:I .& ~ INFORl!ATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains overvi ... and plaming infor.. tion for Version 2 of either MYS/Syst.. Product-JES3 (Prograll Number 5665-291! or HVSlSystetll Product-JES2 (Prograll Hulllber 5740-XC6!. It is intended for installation lIanagers, syst. . progra_ra, and IBI1 personnel IIho are considering this product. Readers should have a background in ()sIVS2 MYS. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 40 pages, 10/81 1120115665-291,5740-XC6 ~ 6C28-1122 l!YIl2 :awmI 1 ccmyERSIDN NOTEBOOK The book contains conversion inforllation to help users migrate to I1VS/Systetll Product Version 1. It is for people responsible for the conversion task. Hanusl, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 12/81 1134//5752 TERMINAL mB..!li illm SHP/E provides interactive access via ()sIVS2 ISPF (Interactive Systems Productivity Facility! for MYS users. This document, the Terllinal User's Guide, provide. Ge28-1123 operational descriptions for those programmers IIho are to ~ EXTENSIONS SPECIFICATIONS This LPS is IBM's warranty for TSO Extensions (TSOIE! use these interactive facilities to invoke SMP/E processes. Program Number 5665-285. This is intended as a reference llanual for the terminal user and not as a description of SHP/E. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches Manual, 8 112 x 11 inc"-, 64 pages, 03183 1/115665-285 11371/5668-949 ~ SC28-l134 GC28-1114 SUPERVISOR SERVICES !til ~ INSTRUCTIONS (CURRENT RELEASE! Intended mainly for the progra_r coding in as._ler language, this publication describes the services of the I1YS supervisor and the lIacro-instructions that enable you to use thH. The publication includes I1VSlSystetl Product. The services described are: Linkage conventionsl subta.k creation and control I prograll managementl virtual storage lIanageaentl real storage llanagellentl prograll interruption, recovery termination, and cluRping servicesl and resource controls. Manual, 8 1/2 x II inches. 272 pages, 09/81 1136115740-XYS,5740-XYH ~ Ge28-11IS MEASUREMENT FACILITY ~ 1 ~ INFORMATION RELEASE! s manual provides an overvi ... and functional description of RMF. The Resource MeasureMent Facility (RMF) Version 3 i. a _ s u r _ t collection tool that rU'S on a syst_ that includes Version 2 of either HVSlSyst.. Product-JES2 (5740-XC6! or MYS/Syst.. Product-JES3 (5665-2911. RHF is designed to lIOrIitor selected areas of system activity and present the data collected in the form of SHF recorda and/or for.. tted reports. Display reports are also available for SOlIe syst_ activities. Hanual, 80 pages, 10/81 11115665-274 Ilm EXTENSIONS ~ ~ LANGUAGE REFERENCE This ..nual contains alphabetized list of all TSO coaeands for the TSOIE user operating in an MYS/Extended Architecture environment. Writing, running and testing program written in both the 24 and 31-bit addressing lIOde are topics discussed within appropriate commands. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 490 pages. 06/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SC28-1136 DM !iYm -"-. m l!!Wl.I:I§ A TERMINAL t!!!t!m!! fB!l§!A!:I Q!! PROCESSOR (CURRENT RELEASE! T50 is ..de up of a ter.inal lIOnitor program, COMnd processors, and service routines. This book discusses the interrelationships between these progra.. and describes how they can be replaced or lIoc!ified. It is intended for systems prograllllers Nho .ust code and/or .. intain such progra... Thi II vers Ion of the book includes the TEST c_nd and other enhancemants introduced by T50 Extensions for MYS/Extended Archi tecture. The book also includes all structural changes. except the removal of references to the TEST cemand. made in I1VSIExtended Architecture T50 Guide to Writing a Terminal Monitor Progra. or a Comand Processor, 6C28-1295. Hanual, 34 pages. 03183 //39/15665-285 ~ Le28-1138 GC28-1117 ~ l!YI nm!B PROCESSI. SUBSJSTEMISP (VPSS/SP), ll.!i f!Qi 5665-292, SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides infor..tion for the ()s1VS2 MYS Vector Processing SubaystalSP Program Product, Program Nl.lnber 5665-292. It is intended for installation ..nagers and syst. . prograners. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages, 11/81 mag RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY REFERENCE At!!2 Y§m!.I ~ mmIH llW&AS! .& (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication provides a description of what RMF is. what it can do. and how to use it. It is intended for use by the syst_ progra_r responsible for installing or retIIOving RMF and lIOdifying its functions, for the syst.. personnel responsible for ....uring and iMproving syst. . perforunce and for the oparator and terminal user. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 08/83 ( "'-- / ( LC28 GC28 SLSS: IBI'1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY aN responsible for initializing an MVS/Extended Architecture S\/!lto and for tuning that s\/!ltem to obtain improved perforlHnce. As such. the book contains overvi_ information on the inltilization process. including overviews of real. virtual. and auxiliary storage. It describes the SYSI.PARHLIB Members and parameters that affect systetll performance. Additionally. the book presents detailed information on auxiliary storage management (ASH) Mith respect to controlling the s\/!ltem's use of page and SMap data sets and detailed information on the systo resources manager (SRH) with respect to controlling and optimizing the system's resources. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 388 pages. 05/85 GC28-1139 HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE PLANNING: EXTENDED RECOVERY FACILITY (XRF) This pUblication explains hoIo to plan for XRF and hoIo to install and operate it. Manual. 8 1/2 X 11 inches. 11/85 SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC28-1143 MVSIXA HVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 1 HVSISP-JES2 m!W!H .& CONVERSION NOTEBOOK (CURRENT RELEASE) The HVS/Extended Architecture Conversion Notebook describes: Information related to installing and initializing an HVSIXA s\/!ltem and generating stand-a lana dump. changes that lIight affect user-Mritten prograllS. including changes to assembler language instructions and macros. neM and changed conunands and operational procedures. n .... and changed user exits and Ma\/!l of tailoring the S\/!lt_. neM and changed .... ys of tailoring and suppressing dumps. neM and changed duMp fOrllats. trace facilities. and debugging considerations. changes that might affect the accounting procedures. changes related to perforllance. considerations for running both MVS/370 and HVSIXA in a single Installation. Manual. 8 112 x II inches 1134115740-XC6.5665-291 GC28-1150 HVSISP-JES3 YERSION 1 MVSISP-JES2 m!W!H .& ~ 1 SYSTEM MACRIlS ~ FACILITIES !CURRENT RELEASE) Intended lIainly for the systell progralllll8r coding In assembler language. this publication describes the services of the HVS supervisor. Th. publication supports t1VS/System Product Version 2. The services described are subtask creation and control. program management. serialization. measuring s\/!ltem characteristics. communication. virtual storage manageMent. real storage management. the nucleus. normal and abnonaal program termination. protecting the system. exit routines. user-Mritten SVC routines dynamic allocation functions. requesting SVC 99 functions. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 336 pages. 04/85 ~ 1134115740-XC6.5665-291.5665-284 1136115665-291.5740-XC6 GC28-1144 MVSISP-JES2 2. I .3 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) For information about this publication. contact Controlling Party. Refer to Controlling Party listing in Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches. 4 pages. 03/84 ~ ( 1120115740-XC6 GC28-1147 HVSISP-JES3 m!W!H 1 MVS/SP-JES2 mJm!!:I .& !.!lWl EXITS (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains infor. .tlon concerning the user exits located Mithin both the base control program (BCP) and various components of HVSIXA. S\/!Item progralllHrs Mho create and . . intain user-supplied routines can use this book Mith the HVSIXA SPL: S\/!Item Hodificatlons publication and the MVSIXA SPL: S\/!Item Macro and Facilities publication. Functional areas Nhere such modifications are primarily used are in the areas of syntactical checking of input records as ....11 as an installation's statistical accounting retrieval function. device allocation and for specific performance needs. We assume the user of thl s book has an extens I ve knowledge of both tlVSIXA and your installation's special requirements in these areas. This book consists of 3 sections. Mhich include the follOlollng inforutlon: Section 1 - Introduces the slbject of exit points through an overvl_ description of Mhy and hoIo you MOUld use these exl t poi nts. Section 2 - documents the user exHs that are In the BCP of MVSIXA. Section 3 - Lists the us.r .xits that ar. located throughout the cOllpClnl!nts of HVSIXA. Manual. 60 pages. 03/83 ~ GC28-1151 I!\ISIXA MVSISP-JES2 tl'/SlSP-JES3 ~ FACILITY ~ .& (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is intended mainly for the syst. . programmer coding in assembler language. It contains descriptions of the macro instructions that enable you to use the services of the HVS supervisor. This publication supports tlVSlS\/!Item Product Version 2. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 448 pages. 04/85 1136115740-XC6.5665-29l GC28-1152 MODIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) This . .nual is part of the MVSIXA Library. It presents some of the loIa\/!l and _ans of modifying the operating system's base control program to custOllize the system for a data processing installation. The manual is intended for the people respons i ble for setting up and maintaining the system soft.... re for a data processing center Mn"Iing under IBM's MVS/Extended Architecture operating system - that is. the installations system programmers. Manual. 245 pages. 03/83 ~ ~ 1134115665-29l.5740-XC6 GC28-1153 1136115740-XC6.5665-291 1134115740-XC6.5665-29l GC28-1149 nB.lWlf.& INITIALIZATION AIm.nm.t:li !MRENT RELEASE) This publication Is intencllld for installation persCll'WMll Mho ~ ~ 475 ( MVSISP-JES3 m.n!!H .& MVS/SP-JES2 m.n!!H .& .!!Hf (CURREN! RELEASE) The object of this book is to help installation managers and s\/!ltem progralllHrs plan for. install. and use SHF in an HVS/Extended Architecture System. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 368 pages. 03/83 ~ &C28 Le28 I. Section II deal. with . .thods of creating .nd IIOdlfying DLTEP data .et•• c.t.loguing OLTEP procedure••• nd defining .n OLTEP job. Section III det.n. OLTEP procedures .nd how to set up .n HeS console. v.ry off-line. involve OLTEP. define .nd run test• •nd how to equate devices. l'klnual. 8 112 x 11 inchas. 70 pages. 03/83 1137115740-XC6.5665-291 GC28-U54 ma!6 IMVSP-JES3 ~ .& I1VS/SP-JES2 ~ .& SUPERVISOR SERVICES At!I1 ~ INSTRUCTIONS Intended .ainly for the programmer coding In a ••eMbler l.nguage. this p\blic.tion de.cribes the .ervic_ of the HVS .upervi.or .nd the ...cro instructions that enable you to use thonl. The publication .upports I1VS/Syst_ Product Version 2. l'klnu.l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 3ltIt pages. 04/85 1136115665-291.5740-XC6 &C28-1162 I1'ISa6 SYSI.LQ6REC I!RQ! RECQRDIN§ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication i. for syst... oper.tors. syst_ progra_r••• nd .deini.tr.tor. who use or .re concerned with the inforllltion on the SYSI.LOGREC data set under the HYS/XA control progr.... The publication describes how different error• •nd syst. . conditions .re recorded on SYSI.LOGREC data sets how the di fferent type of records for hardware .nd .oftware fai lures .r. built and recorded - their forlllt • • nd controls. It al.o describes how to initi.lize .nd Maintain the SYSl.L06REC d.t• •eU how to use the .ervice aid progr... th.t do thi •• l'klnual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 72 p.ges. DIVas 1137115665-291.5740-XC6 Ge28-US7 mag !M!/SP-JES3 mmlt:I .& IfIS/SP-JES2 mm!!:I .& ~ (CURREN[ RELEASE) This public.tion list•• expl.ins .nd .uggests .ppropri.te responses to the lIyst... cOlllPletion codes .nd w.it .t.te codes i &Sued by IBI1-.uppl i ed COIIPOfMIIlt. of HYs/Extended Architecture. l'klnual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 252 pages. 04/85 1140115665-291.S740-XC6 ~ 6C28-U58 I1'ISa6 .n:nI AIlDRESSINfi Thi. book i. part of the libr.ry for HVS/SYllt_ Product Ver.ion 2. 31-Bit .ddras.ing contains guidelinas .nd .uggasted coding pr.ctices for coding in 31-bit .ddres.ing or for lIOCiifying existing progra.. to use 31-bit .dd..... ing. Thi. book i. intended forprogr._r. Mho .re: writing new .s.ubler l.nguage progr.... to execute on HYSIExtended Architecture or changing exi.ting ••• eMbler l.nguage progr..... if necess.ry. to enable then to execute in .n HYS/Extended Architecture 31-bit .ddras.ing environment. "anual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 64 pages. 03/83 113611574o-XC6.S665-291 Le28-1164 I1'ISa6 HVS(SP-JES3 m.!WII .& IMVSP-JES2 nBm!tI .& DEBUGGING HANDBOOK ~ 1 (CURRENT RELEASEI Thi •••nual cont.ins v.rious di.grallS. charts. codes •• nd expl.nations of HYS .yst.. component• •nd coding infOrMation for use by .y.t. . progr....rs. ".nual. 8 112 x 11 inches. I'f86 pages. 03/83 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Le28-1165 m.ag HYSISP-JES3 ~ 1 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK ~ 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) Thi. volUllle cont.ins HVS control blocks that .re ...enti.l to debugging HYS .ysteM programs that start with letter. A to DD only ••nd .re to be used by .y.t.... progra_rs. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 350 pages. 06/87 SW: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY . JC28-1159 I1'ISa6 IfIS/SP-JEU mmlt:I .& IMVSP-JES2 m.m!H .& !l!2li (CURRENT RELEASE) ~ This publication expl.ins how. why •• nd when to use 1811 .ervice .ids progr.... for HYSIXA when di.gnosing .nd fixing f.ilures in .yst. . or .pplic.tion progr..... Thi. publication is intended for SYllt.. progr._rs .nd 1811 progr•• support represent.tives. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 272 pages. 01V85 1137115665-291.5740-XC6 / LC28-1166 m.ag MVS(SP-JES3 ~ .& DEBUGGING HANDBOOK ~ l (CURRENT RELEASEI This volune cont.ins HYS control blocks that .re essenti.l to debugging HYS .ystem programs that start wi th letter. DE to I only ••nd are to be used by lIyst.... progr._rll. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 375 pages. 06/87 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6C28-116o maA PUHNIN!i RECOVERY .6!:!1! REcot!FlGURATI!!N (CUfRENT RELEASE) The empha.i. of this public.tion i. on .. int.ining .yst. . .v.il.bility .fter .n .bnerul event. This p\blic.tion i. intended for the progr._r. .nd pl.nners Mho develop recovery .nd reconfigur.tion procedures t.ilored to their inst.llations requirellent.. It contains hardware .nd .oftware infor.ation .nd guidelines needed to develop procedures that the install.tion can use to control the .yst_ after .n error situation has .... ulted in • los. of syste...vailability or any hardware unit. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 76 pages. 06/84 113I'f115740-XC6.5665-291 Le28-1167 m.ag I:!YSlSp-JES3 m§l!!N .& DEBUGGING HANDBOOK ~ ! (CURRENT RELEASE) This volume contains HYS control blocks that are essenti.l to debugging HVS .ysteM prograllS that start with letters J to q only. and are to be used by syst_ progralnDlers. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 325 pages, 06/87 SW: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6C28-1161 Le28-1168 ~mJlP !fISISP-JES3 m§l!!N .& DEBUGGING HANDBOOK m!JI!Ii :i (CURRENT RELEASE) This voll.ne contains HVS control blocks that are essenti.l to debugging HYS syst.. progr... that .t.rt with letter. R to Z only. and .re to be used by syst_ progra_rs. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 450 pages. 06/87 SW: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ Thi. publication provides cust_r engineers. PSR•• other qualified personnel and operators with the inforution required to use the Online Test Executive Prograe (OLTEP) to run online test programs. under HYSIXA. to test input/output devices. The p\blication discuslles OLTEP concept•• terllinology .yst_ requireent. and restrictions in Section 476 / ( Get8 Ge28 for controlling VPSS. The lIanual describes the function and for ... t of the cOllllllands that a systl!lll operator uses to control the status of the 3838, the VPSS lIOni tor, and the 3838 user ports. Manual, 8 112 x U inches, 12/82 Ge28-1173 ~ SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY TSO This publication explains how to tailor and lIOdify T5O. It is intended for systu progralllllers who are responsible for _uring that TSO lleets their installation Requirements. Manual, 8 1/2 x U inches IlftOII5665-301 1139115740-XC6,5665-291 Ge28-1174 RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY ~ ~ RELEASE ! SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) Purpose of this LPS is to provide an official description of RMF 3.1.0, complete with warranty and support stateaents. It is intended for those individuals contemplating purchasing RMF 3.1.0. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches 1120115665-27ft Ge28-U81 ENVIRDNHENTAL RECORDING EDITING AND PRINTING PROGRAM SYSTEM &!1I:!!B.QJ, PROGRAIf1ING SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) The SCPS accompanies the tape containing a new release of EREP. It describes the support contained in the release and acts as a warranty of the EREP code. It is intended for the syst. . progra_r, who will install the updated EREP on the syst... Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches se28-1202 MVSIXA VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM APPLICATION PROGRAMMER·S GUIDE This publication describes the Vector Processing SubsysteM (VPSS) progralllllling support for the 1811 3838 Array Processor when the 3838 is attached to a host Systeml370-Extended Architecture (S/370-XA) under the control of I1VS/Extended Architecture (I1VSIXA). The lIanual is intended for programmers who are responsible for writing applications that present data to the 3838 and process the data returned frOll the 3838. Application prograllllllers can use this manual for des i gni ng tasks that cOllbi ne 3838 algori thins to accomplish specifio 3838 processing. This manual describes the VPSS CALL statuents, the CALL statement functions, 3838 data fo.-.ats, and 3838 algoritlws. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 12/82 11301/5665-301 se28-1203 ~ ~ PROCESSING SWSMEM ~ PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE This publication describes the Vector Processing SUbsysteM (VPSS) progra_ing support for the IBM 3838 Array Processor when the 3838 is attached to a host System/370-Extended Architecture (Sl370-XA) under the control of the I1VS/Extended Architecture (I1VSlXAI operating syste18. The . .nual is intended for systeM progra_ers responsible for the installation plaming, operational planning, initialization, and modification of VPSS. The manual discusses operational preparations for use of VPSS and the 3838, and describes hoM an installation can modify the VPSS subsyst. . initialization table. The Dtanual also describes the for. .t of the VPSS IUCras, and discusses the use of the . .oros in preparing 3838 initialization tables. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 12/82 11115654-260,5656-260,5658-260 &e28-U82 tflli INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM MESSAGES A!m ~ This volume·s purpose is to list the lIessages and user completion codes produced by IPCS. It contains explanations of each lIessage and code with suggested responses. This publication is intended for people who debug software problellS. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 70 pages, 12/82 IlftOI157ftO-XYS,57ftO-XYN Ge28-U83 1m! INTERACTIVE f!!.!mn! m::!!lH!.!. ~ .Im!!!§ ~ !t:!l REFERENCE This volUlle's purpose is to enable the user to use IPCS to perforll probll!lll analysis tasks for I1VS duntps. It contains detailed descriptions of the TSO _ n d s for IPCS, IPCS subc_nds, and the IPCS Dialog Programs. This publication is intended for people who debug software probl_. Manual, 8 112 x U inches, 248 pages, 12182 11301/5665-301 &e28-120ft PROCESSING SUBSYSTEMIEXTENDED ARCHITECTURE SPECIFICATIONS This Lioensed Program Specifications provides infOrMation for tha VPSS/Extended Architecture(VPSSIXAI Program Product, Progra. Number 3665-301. VPSSIXA provides the programMing support for the IBM 3838 Array Processor IoIhen the 3838 is attached to a host Systelll370-Extended Architecture (S/370-XAI under the control of I1VS/Extended Architecture (11VSIXA1. This publication is intended for installation ..nagars and system prograllllers. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, ft pages, 12182 ~ 11371157ftO-XYN,57ftO-XYS Ge28-119ft tflli/SP-JES3 m§I!l!:! .& !1VS!SP-JES2 ~ , .IU!YmI!i DESCRIPTOR CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication documents the routing and descriptor codes assigned by IBM progra. . ing to I1VSlExtended Architecture IlaSsagas through WTO/WTOR Macro paraMeters. The .assaga IDs are presented in alpha_ric order. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 72 pages, Oft/85 ~ 11201/5665-301 Ge28-1206 ~ IlftOI157ftO-XC6,5665-291,5665-284 se28-1201 ~ ~ PROCESSING SWSMEM OPERATOR COt1!1AI!IS This publication describes the Vector Processing SubsysteM (VPSS) progra_i ng support for the 1811 3838 Array Processor when the 3838 is attached to a host Syst_/370-Extended Archi tecture (Sl370-XA) under the control of the I1VS/Extended Architecutre (11VS1XA) operating systeM. The . .nual is intended for syst. . operators Mho ara responsibla ft77 OPERATIONS SYSTEM COIf!ANDS (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication is intended for anyone using a console and I1VSIXA systl!lll cotmllands to control an MVSIXA system. This publication describes how to operate the consoles in the syst_ as Mell as the systetll i tsalf. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 368 pages, Oft/85 IlftOII5665-291,57ftO-XC6 6C28 6C28 inte..... l.tionships betNeen these prog..aMS and desc .. ibes haN they can be replaced 0 .. modified. It is intended fa .. syst_ prog..allllers Mho _ t code and/o...aintain such prog..alllS. This ve... ion of the book removes ..eferences to the TEST co_nd because it is not available. A naN chapte.. desc .. ibes p..ogramming conside..ations fo .. 31-bit .ddressing f ..o. the point of vi_ of the inte.. faces discussed in this book. Anothe.. naN chapte.. t ..ansfers existing ~tation in the book to a lIO ..e app ..op .. iate location • Manual. 348 pages. 03/83 1139115740-XC6.5665-291 6C28-1274 IE TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE This publication describes hoM to us. ISO to start and end a ter.inal session. enter and manipulate data. Mrit. prograMS at a terminal. Mrite and use comand procedures ICLISTs). and use the v.rious ter.inals that TSO suppo.. ts. This publication applies to HYS/System Product-JES2 Version 2 5740-XC6. 0 .. I1VS/Syst. . P..oduct-JES3 Version 2 5665-291. and Data Facility Product 5665-284 and subsequent ...leases U'\til otherMise noted. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 03/83 1139115740-XC6.5665-291.5665-284 ~ 6C28-1285 6C28-1296 INTERACTIVE .PR.Q!ill!! mmm!. .mm!2 MESSAGES !1m CODES This vol .... ·s purpose is to list the Messages and user completion codes produced by IPCS. It contains explanations of each .essage and code Mith suggested ..esponses. This publication is intended fo .. people Mho debug softMa ..e problems. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 88 pages. 3/83 1140115665-291,5740-XC6 VERSION 1 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) Fa.. a description of this publication. contact E. Spates. Dept. 058. Poughkeepsie. N.Y •• TIL 296-5115. Flye... 8 112 x 11 inches. 2 pages 11201/5665-291 ~ ~ Ge28-1286 PBOCESSING SUBSYSTEM MESSAGES &m !U!!!m!§ DESCRIPTOR CODES This publication desc .. ibes the Vecto .. P..ocessing SubsysteM IVPSS) p..og..amming suppo.. t fo .. the IBM 3838 A....ay Processo .. Mhen the 3838 is attached to a host cont ..ol of HYS/Extended A..chi tectu..e I s/370-XA) unde.. the cont ..ol of I1VSIExtended A..chitectu..e II1VSIXA). This publication is intended fo .. VPSS ope..ators. application p .. og..amme..s. and systeM p ..og ..amme.... The .anual desc.. ibes .11 VPSS Hssages Ip...fix IGTl and thei ....outing and desc .. ipto.. codes. The . .nual also lists the ..esident module. detecting module. and issuing MOdule fa .. each IGT Hssage. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/82 11401/5665-301 ~ ~ SC28-1287 ~ ~ PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM DE8U66ING §Ymg This publication desc.. ibes the Vecto.. P..ocessing Sl.mysteM IVPSS) p ..og..allllling suppo.. t fo .. the IBM 3838 A....ay Processo.. Mhen the 3838 is attached to a host System/370-Extended A..chi tectu... I S/370-XA) U'tde.. the cont ..ol of I1VS/Extended A..chitectu..e IHYSIXA). The .anual is intended fo .. p"og..amHrs ..esponsible fo .. debugging and co....ecting e .. rors in application p..og ..allS. The . .nual desc.. ibes e ....o .. conditions that .ight a .. is. du.. ing execution of a 3838 task. and techniques fo .. handling and co.. recting error conditions. The . .nual also includes the .rror _sages that VPSS ... turns to the application prog ..a •• Kanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/82 11371/5665-301 6C28-1297 §Ymg!lm REFERENCE ICURRENT RELEASE) This volume's purpose is to enable the use .. to use IPCS to pe.. for. problem analysis tasks fa .. I1VSIXA dumps. It contains detailed desc.. iptions of the TSO commands fa .. IPCS. IPCS subcoanands. and the IPCS Dialog P..og..alllS. This publication is intended fa .. people Mho debug softNa". p ..obll!llS. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 392 pages. 04185 1137115740-XC6,5665-291 ~ ~ ~ 6C28-1301 SMP/E SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) This dOCUlllent provides the basis of the IBM Na ....anty. It is intended for installation managers. system programmers. and IBM personnel Mho are conside .. ing installing this product. The SysteM Modification Prog..a. Extended ISMP/E) Licensed P..og.. Specifications lists the functional highlights of the p ..ogra. product and s~ .. izes the Specified Operating Envi ronment. prograni ng r8CJAi ..aments and se..vi cas. and warranty. Flye... 2 pages. 03/83 /121.115668-949 a. SC28-1302 li!.!mli (CURRENT RELEASE) SysteM Modification P..ogra. Extended (MP/E) is the IBM p..og..am p..oduct used to install naN fU'\Ctions into the operating systeM and dist .. ibution libraries. and to apply subsequent preventive .nd corrective service to those products. This ....nual gives you an overvi ... of SMP/E and tells you hoM to use SMP/E for so. . of the lIO..e COMMon tasks related to modifying a syst... It assUll8!l that you .... a syste. progralllllle.. familia .. Nith eithe.. the I1VS 0 .. VSl envirCllWm'lt and the pa.. ticula .. program products IIMS. CICS. NCP. SMP/E. etc.) that you .... asked to suppo.. t. Kanual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 224 pages. 03/83 1/37//5668-949 ~ ~ GC28-1289 I1VS/SP-JES3 ~ 1 SPECIFIcqIOtIS flIB ~ ~ ENHANCEMENT This publication contains a b .. ief desc.. iption and the wa ....anty stat_ant fa .. the JES3 Systl!lll NetNO..k A..chi tectu..elNetNO ..k Job Entry I SNA/NJE) EnhanceMent to I1VSlSysteM Product-JES3 Ve ..sion 2 Releas. 1.2 Ishipped afte.. 12128/84) and all late.....l ..s ... Flye... ·8 1/2 x 11 inches. 7/86 11201/5665-291 6C28-1303 r.t28-1295 :em SIm III ImmI!i A TERMINAL !I!HmIB .1!!!!!§!61! .!!!l A ~ ~ PROCESSOR TSO is ..de up of ate...! n.l .on; to.. prog..... cOlHnd processors. and service routines. This book discuss.. the 478 m .mm!2 PROGRAMMING LIBRARY m MANASEMENT This is a source of information fa .... systeM prog..._ needs to modify eleMents of the oper.ting syst... Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 188 pages. 12/82 11361/5740-XYN.5740-XYS ~ .. Mho f SC28 SC28 SC28-1304 CLISTS IMPLEMENTATION ~ REFERENCE This publication is intended fo .. p..og ..amme..s Mho design and code CLISTS fo .. installation-dependent applications. Although the applications .. i 11 va ..y f .._ installation to installation. some possible ones a ..e. extensions to TSO. p..oduction p ..og..ams. inte .. faces between an end use.. and TSO. and interfaces bet_en an end use.. and existing applications. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches 11115665-285 information that is useful to system prog..amme.... Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 272 pages. 06/84 /1//5665-285 ~ SC28-1305 EXTENSIONS SESSION MANAGER TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE This manual desc .. ibes haN to use the Session Manage .. at a display te .. minal. It contains seve..al exercises illustrating haN to use the session Manager default environment - a ..eas on the sc..een and p.. ogram function (PF) keys. It is intended for TSO terMinal users Mho are unfamiliar .. ith the Session Manage .. and haN it IiIOrks. t1.. nual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 42 pages. 06/84 11/15665-285 GC28-1313 HVSIBYU< DATA TRANSFER FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION This book is intended fa .. anyone Nho .. ishes to learn about the external cha ..acteristics of the HVSIBDT program product (5665-3021. This book desc .. ibes: the function of I1VSIBDT. the external use .. inte .. faces. and the hardware/soft ..a ..e "equirements of I1VSIBDT. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 07/83 //20/15665-302 ~ SC28-1314 MYSIBDT FACILITY INITIALIZATION AND NETWORK DEFINITION This publication is intended fo .. anyone Mho is ..esponsible fa .. installing a .. initializing I1VSIBDT. It p ..ovides an overvi ... of I1VSIBDT and the initialization p ..ocess. It also explains how to define nodes. how to select home node options. haN to code I1VSIBDT start procedu ..es. and haN to code HVSIBDT initialization statl!llents. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 08/84 //34//5665-302 SC28-1306 EXTENSIONS ~ ~ ~ REFERENCE This publication describes the Session M.. nage.. default environment. haN you can change it to suit your p.. rticula .. needs. and the syntax and function of the Session Manage.. commands. It is intended fo .. TSO users Mho a ..e al ..eady faMili .. r .. ith haN the Session Manage.. wo ..ks and .... nt to use the commands to change the screen layout. p ..og..aM function (PF) keys. 01" othe .. att .. ibutes related to the Session Manage.. envi ..onment. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 112 pages. 11/83 ////5665-285 ~ ( SC28-1307 T50/E ~ UNGYAGE REFERENCE This ..eference book contains an alphabetized list of T50 cOllllllands fo .. the T5O/E user ope ..ating in an ItVS/Extended Architecture environment 0" in an 11VS/370 envirOl'1lllent. Writing. "UYling and testing prog..a ....... itten in both 24 and 31 bit add..essing IIOCIe are topics discussed .. ithin approp .. iate COlllmands. It is intended to serve as a ..eference to TSO commands. It assumes the use .. has expe.. ience using T5O. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 482 pages. 06/84 ////5665-285 LC28-1315 11VS/BUU< DATA TRANSFER H!U!!!:!§ ~ INSTALLING ~ ~ This publication desc .. ibes what an HVSIBDT use .. exit is and the catego.. ies of user exit ..outines that can be coded fo .. HVSIBDT in both the JES3 and MVSIBDT add..ess spaces. It is intended fo .. HVSIBDT system prog..amme ..s ..esponsible fo .. coding the required I1VSIBDT authorization exit ..outines and any additional optional exit ..outines. Information desc .. ibing the procedures for co....ectly naming and loading use.. exit routines. the intended use of each exit routine. exit linkage conventions. and exit routine ope..ation. environment. and required mapping macros is presented fo .. each I1VSIBDT exit. Also included is a description of the MVSIBDT lII&pping and executable Mcros available to the syst. . p..ogra_er .men coding HVS/BDT exits. A description of all available macros. thei .. function. snytax keyword usage. and valid specifications is p ..esented. Manual, 8 112 x II inches. 08/84 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC28-1316 ~ FACILITY MESSAGES ~ ~ This publication is intended fo .. anyone Mho is responsible fo .. installing. initializing. operating. 0 .. using HVSIBDT. It docUMents HVSIBDT llessages ...eason codes. and ..outing and descripto .. codes. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches //40//5665-302 SC28-1309 TSO/E PROGRAMMER'S §YIgf !Q ]Hg SERVER-REquESTER PROGRAMMING INTERFACE f!!!i ~ This publication desc .. ibes haN to .... ite and install application programs called "servers" fa .. use .. ith Enhanced Connectivity Facilities on 11VS/XA. Fo .. application progra_ers and designers. the publication desc .. ibes the serve.. - ..equeste.. progra.... ing interface (SRPI) that thei .. se..ve..s can use to p ..ovide host compute.. services. data and resources to Personal Computer prog..an. Fa.. syst_ prog..amMers. it desc .. ibes haN to allocate and initialize data sets to make the serve... and diagnosis info..mation available to use.... Manual. 8 112 x 11 incMs. 08/86 //39//5665-285 SC28-1321 Ge28-1310 SC28-1322 FACILITY WRITING ~ ~ TRANSACTIONS This publication is intended fa .. anyone Nho subMits I1VS/BDT t ..ansactions. It explains I1VSIBDT concepts that a use.. _ t understand. commands that a use .. lIIi11 use. and transaction language that a user _ t use to subMit a transaction. Manual. 8 112 x II inches //40//5665-302 ~ IliQlI TERMINAL MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) 479 ( FACILITY OPERATOR'S iiY.m This publication is intended fo .. anyone Mho operates MVSIBDT. It desc.. ibes the MVSIBDT concepts that an operator ~ Thi. publication document. the _.ages that a TSO/E use.. .._ivas at the tar.lnal. It also contains SOlIe diagnostic &e28 SC28 _ t U'lderstand and the ~nds 11/15665-285 that an operator will use. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches 1140115665-302 6C28-1325 VMIXA SYSTEMS FACILITY m!!1I! ~ FACILITY The DVf publication describes the VMIXA Systems facility dump viewing facility and hoM to use it. It also instructs the user in the analysis and unagement of systa. software problems. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 180 pages. 09/85 11371/5664-169 SC28-1333 TSOIE ~ §!!ml This publication describes how to use the Time Sharing Option (TSO) command language to handle data and to compile. link edit. load and execute programs at a terminal. It is intended as a guide for all TSO users. from those unfamiliar with TSO to experienced users ..mo need further infor... tion to perform a specific task. This manual can be used at a terminal or as a tutorial lllllnual before a new user begins work with TSO. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 180 pages. 05/84 11115665-285 Ge28-1327 MIGRATING !W!Q!g 3270 PROSRAH SUHI1ARY for information about this publication. contact Controlling Party. Refer to Controlling Party listing in Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. flyer. 2 pages. 09/83 ~ 6C28-1334 nma ~ !Q §llm!!i ~ WITH INFORMATION gt:!JlR FACILITY (CURRENT RELEASE) This unual illustrates. through the use of terminal exercises. haw to use the different types of Information Center Faci li ty panels and the keys and controls on a display terminal. It contains only the information needed to get a new user started. The online tutorial for end users and the help panels provide additional inforllllltion. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 06/84 11201/5664-183 Ge28-1328 VMIXA MIGRATION Am JmI!!Ig XZ!l m!nllH ~ INFORMATION This publication contains inforNtion pertaining to the Remote 3270 Display Option Program Product. The purpose of the book is to discuss the features. functions. and planning considerations for this product. It includes a description of the product and the personnel. software. and hardware requirl!lllents for it. use. This book contains information about the VHlPass-Through Facility (a prerequisite program product--program number 5748-RC1) only insofar as is necessary to describe Remote 3270 Display Option features and functions. The reader i. referred to the VHlSP VHlPass-Through Facility General Inforution Manual for info.... tion ..bout the VHlPass-Through Facility. This book is intended as a marketing tool. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 20 pages. 09/85 mew 11115665-285 SC28-1340 RACF SECURITY ADMINISTRATOR'S §!!ml (CURRENT RELEASE) The RACF Security Adlllinistrator's Guide is intended for the use of security administrators group adlllinistrators. and other adlllinistrators responsible for system data security and integrity. It assumes a familiarity with MYS. There is one appendix. Corequisite publications include RACF Seneral Information Manual and RACF CoIIrnand Language Reference. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 264 pages. 12/83 11115740-XXH 11201/5664-183 6C28-1329 MIGRATION Am !W!Q!g XZ!l DISPLAY m!nllH ~ SUIDE REFERENCE This publication contains info,...tion pertaining both to the Remote 3270 Display Option Program Product and to the VHlSP VHlPass-Through Facility Program Product. VH/Pa5s-Through is a prerequisite program product. The book contains info,...tion on planning. installing. using. and determining the source of problems for Remote 3270 Display Option and VHlPass-Through in a VHlExtended Architecture Migration Aid environment. The book also contains reference inforution for configuration file records. co_nds. and messages. This book i. intended as a usage and reference tool for system operators and systu programmers. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 190 pages. 09/85 ~ Mm 11341/5664-183 SC28-1Ml RESOURCE ~ ~ FACILITY ~ SUIDE This publication is intended for the end user ~ has no knowledge of RACF or who uses RACF infrequently. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 5/85 1134115740-XXH SC28-1342 RACF AUDITOR'S GUIDE SYSTEM REFERENCE LIBRARY (CWRENT RELEASE) This baok is intended to explain. to a RACF auditor. hoM to use the various RACF auditing capabilities. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 03/84 11115740-XXH SC28-1343 mI.Iil! PROSRAHMINS LIBRARY (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is intended for the use of system program.ers or installation personnel responsible for: installing RACF in the system. maintaining the RACF data sets. writing. testing and installing the RACF exit routines. and lIOdifying the RACF program product to satisfy the instaUation's particular needs. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 322 pages. 12/83 ~ Ge28-1332 nma xg;: AOMINISTRATOR'S ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the tasks required to provhle Infor.ation Center Facility user services at an installation. The tasks it describes include Nintaining online news info.... tion. lIIIIintaining the names directory. enrolling people in the Inforllllltion Center Facility. lIIIIintaining user type definitions. setting the system default ISPF profile. and uintaining computer-based training services. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches 11115740-XXH 480 / ( 6C28 6C28 progra_rs. and ..-.d users). Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 2'te pages. 5/85 111157'tO-XC6 SC28-13't8 maA OVERVIEW This .anulll is an introduction to 11VS1XA. the operating eyet_ that manages Systee/370-XA computers. This book assumes some background knowledge of the coMPonents of a computer system. the role of an operating systu and computer programming concepts. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 165 pages. 03/M 113't1157'tO-XC6.5665-291 6C28-13S't MVSLU!!.t. ~ 5MO-XYS, MESSAGES (CURRENT RE LEASE) This publication cont.ins the .essages issued by the JES2 component of the MYS/370 Operating Systn. The .essages are in numerical order. each including an explanation. syste. action. and the appropriate responses. It is intended for .nyone Mho uses JES2 (operators ••pplic.tions/systems progr.....ers, and ..-.d users). If.nual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2'te pages. 5/85 111157'tO-XYS GC28-13't9 MYS/370, 57'tO-XYN' .:2OL & ImI!..!J li!.Im (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the job control tasks needed to enter jobs into the operating syst.... control the syosteI8's processing of jobs. and request the resources needed to run jobs. The publication indic.tes the st.t...ents .nd p.r.... ters needed to accomplish the tasks. The publication also describes hoM to use the statellents and paranters and givas examples of their use. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 i ncMs. 7185 111157'tO-XYN.57'tO-XYS LC28-1369 m:wI PROGRA!1I1ING J.m!WU DIA6NPSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is intended for syste. progr••mers .nd service represent.tives or .nyone Mho is responsible for diagnosing .nd correcting problelllS in JES3. Users of this public.tion IlUSt have. IIOrking knoll ledge of JES3 functions .nd logic. This publication provides info..... tion for debugging JES3 .nd user-written extensions of JES3. It describes the tools th.t JES3 users can use for debugging. Ifanual, 8 1/2 x II inches, 121M SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ GC28-1350 MVS/370, 5Z40-xyN, .:2OL & REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This public.tion describes. in det.il. hOIl to code the statemente .nd parameters needed to accomplish job control tasks. The publication is designed to be used lihUe coding the statements and parameters. The publication also contains full info..... tion on the for •• t and synt.x of the JCL. JES2. and JES3 control statelDentlil holl to code and use cataloged and in-strea. procedures I and the appearance of the statements on the job log output listings. Hanual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 52't pages. 7/85 11361157'tO-XYN.57'tO-XYS ( LC28-1370 ~.wi} DIASNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) Thi. publication is intended for sy.te. progra_rs and service representatives or anyone Mho is responsible for di.gnosing and correcting probletllS in JES3. Users of this publication MUSt have a lIorking knDIIledge of JES3 functions and logic. This publication provides infor.ation for debugging JES3 .nd user-llritten extensions of JES3. It describes the tools that JES3 users can use for debugging. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2't0 p.ges. 12/8't SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6C28-1351 & !oIlWi!Ji §YlIII lCURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the job control tasks needed to enter jobs into the operating syet.... control the syst... 's processing of jobs. and request the resources needed to rU"l jobs. The publication indicates the statements and parameters needed to accomplish the tasks. The public.tion also describes hoi! to use the statements and para.eters and gives exaMPles of their use. This publication replaces GC28-11't8. Hanusl. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 7/85 11115665-291.57'tO-XC6 ~ LC28-1371 m:m! PROGRAmING .I.III!WU u:mi MODIFICATIONS Am IfACROS TMs publication provides infor..tion for systee progra_rs to use when lIodifying the JES3 control progr•• on their I1VS syst... The publication includes instructions on hoII to IIrite JES3 user exit routines .nd dynalll;c support progr.... (DSPs) and hoII to use JES3 .acros to aid in writing the exit rout;nes .nd DSPs. This edition applies to JES3 Version 1, Release 3.'t. If.nusl. 121M SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ill) 6C28-1352 REFERENCE (CURREN[ RELEASE) This public.tion describes. in det.il, hoII to code the statements and para..ters needed to .ccomplish job control tasks. The publication is designed to be used lIhile coding the st.tements and par••eters. It .150 contains full infor... tion on the fo ..... t .nd syntax of the JCL. JES2. and JES3 control statuentsl hoi! to code .nd use c.taloged and in-stre•• procedures I .nd the appearance of the st.tuents on the job log output listing. This public.tion repl.ces GC28-11'te. Hanusl, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52't pages. 7185 11115665-291.57'tO-XC6 ~ ~ LC28-1372 ID:m!! PROGRAMMING .I.mIWU ~ MODIFICATIONS &:II (CURRENT RELEASE) This publicat;on provides infor.. tion for systee progr....rs to use IIhen lIod;fying the JES3 control progra. on their MYS Syst... The public.tion incl\,ldes instructions on hoi! to IIrite JES3 user exit routines'.nd dyna.ic support progr... (DSPs) .nd holl to use JES3 Hacros to aid in IIriting the exit routines and DSP. This edition applies to HVSISP JES3 Version 2, Release 1.2. Ifanual. 8 1/2 x 11 i nches • 121M SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Ifi§aA ~ 6C28-1353 MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) This public.tion documents the lIessages issued by the JES2 component of the MYSIXA operating syeta. The IleSS.ges are in nunrical order. each including .n expl.nation. syst. . action ••nd the appropriate responses. It is intended for anyone Mho uses JES2 loperators. applications/systems ~ ~ ~ ~ 'tel GC28 LC28 1///5665-285 GC28-1373 FACILITY SPECIFICAIIONS The Licensed Prograe Specification describes the Narrantad functions of MVS/BDI. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inchs, 08/M 11115665-302 ~ SC28-1380 mm:J PROGRAMMING .I.IWB.! Yn! EJm! &!l tIODIFICATIONS ~ , (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the ISO facilities that can be influenced by a system prograMer. It discusses considerations for writing exit routines to extend or eodify the operation of ISO and eodifications to the operation of TSO. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 incha 1///5665-285 ~ GC28-137'J MVS/370 MESSAGE LIBRARY ~ MESSAGES ~ ! A!:I.\.::nA This publication combined with GC28-1375 lists, explains, and suggests appropriate responses to .any .assages issued by MVS/370 operating system components. The publication also lists the publications containing all other syst_ .assages. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 'J18 pages. 03lM 11'J01157'J0-XYN,5740-XYS sC28-138l .nm EXTENSIONS ~ 6t!D t!6C!U! REFERENCE ~ 1 This publication describes the syntax of ISO co.Mands and Ncros that can be used by a systee progra_r to: add. change. or delete entries in SYS1.UADS and SYS1.BRODCASTI review the contents of SYSllUADSs perfore functiona si.iliar to that of tha systeM operator. such as: cancelling a ter.inal session, displaying inforeation concerning aystee activity. eonitoring systee activities. aending _sages. and ter.inating the lIIDnitoring activitiesl test installation-written exits and debug user-written control recordsl debug systee errors and/or CLISI errorss write an installation CSECI for TRANSHII/RECEIVE. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inchs ////5665-285 mm:J PROGRAI!1ING .LI!mMI ~28-1375 .I.IWB.! Imm MESSAGES ~ l1G.::1& This publication combined with GC28-1374 lists, explains. and suggests appropriate responses to .any .essages issued by MVS/370 operating syst. . coeponents. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 'J50 pages. 03lM 1140115740-XYS.5740-XYN ~ ~ GC28-1376 mag ~ LIBRARY mm! HESSAGES ~ 1 !Ir!:.ml This publication coebined with GC28-1377 lis-1:s, explains. and provides appropriate responses to IINIny _sages issued by HVSIXA operating systtllll ·coeponents. It also lists the publications containing all other syst. . _sages. This publication coebined with GC28-1377 replaces GC28-1156. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches 11'J0115740-XC6,5665-291 LC28-1385 Jt!ImI PROGRA!!MING LIBRARY: 57'J0-lm/.:mLt. DEB!J66IH6 HANDBOOK WYtli ! This publication provides reference infortllltion for IIBe in debugging IIBer or syst_ prograMS. It ia intended for syst. . progra_rs who are involved wi th debugging MVS systee probleea. The IIBer of this publication ahould have a working knowledge of HVS/370 functions and logic. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 3185 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ GC28-1377 mag MESSAGE .I.IWB.! mm! MESSAGES m!m 1 m::mi This publication coebined with GC28-1376 lists. explains. and provides appropriate reponses to eany _sages issued by MVSIXA operating system coeponents. This publication combined with GC28-1376 replaces GC28-1156. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches 11'J0115665-291.57'J0-XC6 LC28-1386 liImH PR06RA!!/1IH6 LIBRARY; 5740-XYN. 2Slh DEBUGSING HANDBOOK m!.Yt!I 1 Am ~ !::/2 This publication provides reference infor..ation for use in debugging user or syst. . prograllS. VolU1118 2 provides the fOl"lINIt and other debugging inforeation for data areas that begin with A through D. The data area. in this publication are tholle considered for debugging purposes. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 3185 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ GC28-1378 use ~ §!!I1Il (CURRENT RELEASE) The EREP User's Guide and Reference contains infortllltion needed to set up and rl.Wl the EREP progra.. EREP adi ts error records, produced by the eluents of a Systenll370 or Systenll3701XA installation. to s-rate reports that aid in maintaining the installation. This publication is intended for use by cuStOllllr ayst. . progralllllers and by servi ce personnel (CE' s and PSR 'a) • The inforeation in it applies to all versiona and releases of EREP. up to and including EREP 3.1. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 366 pages. 03lM 1137115654-260,5656-260,5658-260,5656-093 LC28-1387 PROGRnI. LIBRARY: 574D-lm/. 2Slh DEBUGGING HANDBOOK WYtli 1 Am !!W f::.!t !hi. pJllication provides reference inforeation for IIBe in debugging user or syst. . progralllS. Voluee 3 provides the fo ....at and other debugging info....ation for data areaa that begin with E through M. The data areas in this publication are those considered critical for debugging purposes. Ital'Ull. 8 1/2 x 11 incha. 3185 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SC28-1379 mug ~ PROGRAI1I1ING .I.m!W INSTALUTION 6t!D PLANNIN6 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) Thia publication is intended for systeM progra_rs responsible for plaming the installation of ISO/E. installing ISO/E. and doing post-installation updates. This publication IVolUIIHI 11 _ t be IIBed in conjunction with Voluee 2 and 3 to accoeplish the tasks of planning for. installing and updating ISO/E. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches ~ 482 LC28-1388 IflJQZll Imm PR06RAI1I1I. LIBRARY: 514o-lm/.:mLt. DEBUGtjIHG HAH!)BOOK mI.!m ! Am !!WI U=B This publication provides reference infortllltion for use in debugging user or syst_ progr..... Vol\88 4 provides the ) ( LC28 LC28 format and other debugging information for data areas ttMIt begin lIith N through R. The data areas in this publication are those considered critical for debugging purposes. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 3/85 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6C28-1395 :t740-XYN.-XYS. ~ 1 RELEASE U PROGRAM ~ This publication contains overviell infor... tion for Version I Release 3.5 of I1VS/System Product-JES3 and MVS/System Product-JES2. It is intended for installation .anagers. systems programmers. and persOl'YleI who are considering installing this product. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1/85 11115740-XYN.5740-XYS ~ LC28-1389 mazJI ~ PROGRAI1I1INS LIBRARY: 5740-XYN.::K!:lU DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME :t !!lli ~ ~ This publication provides reference information for use in debugging user or systea programs. VolUllle 5 provides the format and other debugging information for data areas ttMIt begin lIith S through Z. The data areas in this publication are those considered critical for debugging purposes. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 3/85 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC28-1396 MVS/SP. 5740-XYS. VERSION 1 ~ 1.,! PROGRAM ~ This publication contains overview information for Version I Release 3.6 of I1VS/Syste. Product-JES2. It is intended for installation manager. system programmers. and personnel who are considering installing this product. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 1185 11115740-XYS S1:28-1390 m wm SERVER fim m ~ 2S1L1Z!! ~ §.!,!Wi The publication contains detailed infor... tion on hoM to use the various features of the TSO Host Server. and reference .. terial for all COl'WMlllnd formats and error IleSsages. This manual is intended for the general user. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches 11115798-DTl 6C28-1397 ! ~ Ll! ~ SUI1I1ARY This publication contains overview infor.ation for Version 2 Release 1.5 of I1VS/Syst_ Product-JES3 and MVS/Systea Product-JES2. It is intended for installation managers. systelllS programmers. and persOl'YleI Nho are considering installing this product. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 1185 11115665-291.5740-XC6 ~ ~ ~ ~28-1391 m wm SERVER fim m ~ 2S1L1Z!! DESCBIPTIONIQPERATI!!t!S This publication contains infor... tion to understand. install and successfully use the TSO Host Server. It also contains reference material on command for.. ts and error messages. It is intended for syst_ progra_rs and users. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches 11115798-DTl 6C28-1392 m wm SERVER fi!! m ~ 2S1L1Z!! NOTICE The Availability Notice is a .arketing-oriented c:Ioc:t.ent ttMIt describes the purpose. description. capabilities and the benefits ttMIt may accrue from the use of the TSO Host Server. This document is pri.arily a sales promotion brochure for distribution to customers. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches 11115798-DTl 6C28-1393 MVS/SP-JES3 ~ ! RELEASE .LJ !1'ISISP-JES2 ~ ! RELEASE .!.J PROGRAM SUMMARY This publication contains overvi_ infor.. tion for Version 2 Release 1.3 of l1VSISyst_ Product-JES3 and I1VSlSystea Product-JES2. It is intended for installation ..nagers. systems progra_rs. and persCJrV1e1 Mho are considering installing this product. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 1/85 11115665-291.5740-XC6 GC28-1398 Br:!f VERSION J ~ J ~ ~ This publication presents an overview of the Resource Measurement Facility (RMFI Version 3 Release 3. It is intended for installation lIanagers and systl!llS progra_rs Nho are responsible for tuning an I1VSIExtended Architecture System. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1/85 11115665-274 6C28-1402 MVSISP-JES3 mmm:I 1 f!m!iBAH mI!!:!!RI fi!! ~ ~ ENHANCEMENT This publication contains overvi_ and plaming infor.. tion for the JES3 Syst_ Network ArchitecturelNetNOrk Job Entry (SNAlNJEI Enhancelllent to I1VS/Systee Product Version I Release 3.4 and later releases. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 7186 1120115740-XYN 6C28-1394 I1VS/sP-JES3 VERSION 1 ~ .!.J MVS/SP-JES2 ~ ! ~ .L.1 AVAILABILIU ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM ~ This publication contains overviell information for I1VS/Systea Product Version 2 Release 1.3 Availability Enhancement. It is intended for installation aanagers. syst_ progra_,... and personnel Mho are considering installing this product. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 1/85 11115665-291.5740-XC6 5665-291. ~ .!ruB I1ODIFICATIONS AI:!!! ~ This publication provides information for MVS and JES3 syste1115 programmers to enable them to customize JES3 through the use of Dyna.i c Support Progra.. (DSP I and lIBer exits. It gives instructions on hoM to write a DSP and a user exit routine. It explains the JES3 Macros available to aid in Nriting DSPs and user exit routines. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 7186 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LC28-1405 5665-291. ~ DIA6NQSIS This publication is intended for syst_ progra_rs and service representatives or anyone Mho is responsible for diagnosing and correcting problema in JES3. Users of this publication IlUSt tMlv. a NOrking knoNledge of JES3 functions and logic. This publication provides info ..... tion for . debugging JES3 and user-Nritten extensions of JES3. It ~ 483 ( LC28-1404 Ge28 Le28 describes th41 tools thllt JES3 users use for debugging. Kaood. 8 112 x 11 inches. 5/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC28-1410 ~ i!.!m fIE maA /:IQ!I SERVICES Thill publication describes hoM to use T80 Ext_ions MYS/Extended Architecture host lIervices for the Virtual Machine Personal CotDpUter user. It describes the c_neIs that allON a user to access rllllOte MYSIXA data sets and resources. The guide is to be used as a cOlllPanion book to Virtual l1achine/Personal Computer User's Guide. SC24-5254. Manual. 5 112 x 8 112 inches. 08/86 lma!< 11161/5665-285 GC28-1500 VERSION ! RELEASE !lI.:. ~ INFORMATION This publication contains a general overview and planning information for Version 2 Release 2 of MYS/SP. It is intended for installation managers and syst_ progra_rs who are considering installing this product (MYSISP 2.2). Kanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 06/86 ~ the Syst. . Availability Managnent (SAI1) function fro. RI1F and lIOdifying its functions. for the infor... tion . .nagement personnel responsible for opening. investigating, updating and closing problems that SAM detects and tracks on the system. and for the operator and terminal user. It ass~ that the reader has a knowledge of the MYS system and Informationll1anagement. l1aooal. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1186 1134115665-274 Le28-1559 RESOURCE I1EASYREI1ENT FACILITY .!BHEl.z. 5665-274, mw! AVAILA8ILITY I1ANAGEI1ENT DIAGNOSIS GUIDE This publication is intended to help with Resource l1easur..ant Facility System Availability Kanagement problem diagnosis and to enable the reader to resolve a problem or to assemble the infor.ation to report on the preble•• It is intended for the systems programmer responsible for maintaining Resource l1easurement Facility System Availability Management. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 24 pages. 12/85 SLSS: 18I1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1120115665-291.5740-XC6 Ge28-2000 DIS llJ1g m:t!B.nIi mw! ASSEtlBLER !.ANSUAGE SC28-1501 MVS/EXTENQED ARCHITECTURE: 5665-291. ~ CONVERSION NOTEBOOK BIJ.!m Lli This publication is intended for any personnel responsible for converting to the level of JES3 that is provided in I1YS/Syst. . Product-JES3 Version 2 Release 1.5. It provides information for JES3 system programmers who install. initialize. or customize JES3. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 5/85 11115665-291 This publication describes the 1811 Time Sharing Syst. . Assembler Language. a symbolic progral1llling language. The language provides a convenient nans for representing . .chine instructions and related data, especially as related to the Ti.e Sharing Systelll ITSS). The TSS Assembler Program processes the language and provides auxiliary functions for preparing and documenting a program, the Assembler includes facilities for processing the assembler Hero language. Systems Reference Library I1anual. 110 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY / Le28-1556 RESOURCE I1EASUREI1ENT FACILIU IDWl!! 1 ANO 11 REFERENCE !tm USER'S §Ymli This publication describes the Resource l1easurement Facility (RI1F). Nhat it can do. and hOM to use the RI1F l1onitor I and II sessions. It is intended for the systems progranmer responsible for installing or r ....ving RI1F and lIOdifying ita functions, for the systems personnel responsible for measuring and improving system performance. and for the operator and terminal user. It ass\llleS that the reader has ext_ive knowledge of the MYS systa. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 400 pages, 02186 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY . ~ Le28-1557 ~ A!:!!l RESOURCE I1EASYREI1ENT FACILITY ~ 111 REFERENCE ~ §Ymli This publication describes RI1F llhat it can do, and hOM to use the RI1F l1onitor III sessions. It is intended for the systems progra.... r responsible for installing or removing RI1F and modifying its functions, for the systems personnel responsible for measuring and il!lproving system performance. and for the operator and terminal user. It assumes that the reader has ext_ive knONledge of the ttYS syst... Kanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 208 pages. 02186 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Ge28-2001 DIS llJ1g ~ m:lmH ~ m:lmH ~ §Ymli This is a reference book for users of the commands that are part of the 1811 Tille Sharing Syste.. The cOIII.and system gives the user the ability to (l) construct, execute. and debug prograllSl (2) create. modify, copy. and share data setsl (3) enter data into and retrieve data from the system, and (4) modify and add to the system-supplied commands. Commanels that are used exclusively by the syst... operator. systes . .nager. systelll administrator. and syst. . prograllllll8r are not presented in this book. Three types of infonaation .ake up the .ajor part of this reference: basic information for the new user. examples, end coaaand descriptions. Part II contains seven sections. and each section describes a different category of co~. Introductory Nterial in Part II is provided to give the new user of the command syates general knONledge of the c_nels. Part III contains format illustrations and descriptions of the commands. Parts II and III also contain examples that show NaYS of using the c_nels. Before reading COIIIIand Syst_ User's Guide, you should have general knowledge of TSS. For an introduction to TSS see 1811 Time Sharing System: Concepts and Facilities. Ge28-2003. If you enter comeanels through a ter.inal. you should be familiar with the terminal. See IBI1 Ti.e Sharing System: Terminal User's Guide, GC28-2017 for instructions on operating the 1811 2741 C~ications Ter.inal and the 1811 1052 Printer- Keyboard. SC28-1558 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I"EASURE"ENT Syst. . ~~ Availability Management function of RI1F. It is intended for the syst. . progra_r responsible for installing or removing Syst_ Reference Library Manual. 341 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( GeZ8 GeZ8-Z0n mI r.mg §!!!B1!Il! ~ CONCEPTS A!::Il FACILITIES This publication provides an introduction to the IBH TiM Sharing System (TSSI, a general purpose operating systenr used with IBH System/370 computers that have dynallic address translation. TSS allows IIiIny users to have simultaneous access to a computing system. The combination of machine and control prograll creates a data processing environment for each user Mhich can be utilized independently or shared wi th other users. Each user operates ina separate vi rtual storage address space potentially as big as the addressing capability of the lIachine. The design of TSS aids progru development because the functions provided support a convenient, interactive programming environment. Programs developed in this envirol1lllent .... y be used in production lIIode without change. Integration of virtual storage with data llilnagenlent perlllits a novel approach to data base applications. A feature of TSS is user oNnership of data with excellent security and privacy. This publication is written for managers of data processing installations, systelll programers, application programllers, end users of applications, and operators. It is an introduction to the purpose, design, and use of TSS and contains general descriptions of the control prograll, data .... nagement' and task lIanagementl a summary of publications relating to TSSI and inforllation about the use of the systelll to support individual users and subsyst. . programming development projects. There is no prerequisite reading for this publication. H__ver, the reader should have a basic U'ICIerstanding of data processing techniques. Systems Reference Library Manual, 76 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Ge28 edi ts prograM IIOdules that heve been assellibled or COIIPi led separately to produce a single prograM IIOdule that can be efficiently loaded by the dynallic loader at execution ti ... Linkage editor facilities are illustrated in conversational and nonconversational lIOdes of operation. Tells how to use the tiMe sharing syst... ·s linkage editor. This optional progralll can be used to join two or more related object MOdules into one object lIIodule, saving dynalllic loader processing tillle. A linkage editor user can also, without having to reassemble or recompile his prograM. combine control sections (possibly saving external storage and reducing prograM execution ti_11 rename entry points. control sections. and external referencesl and change control section attributes. An introduction explains: how a TSS object module is created. its structure. ho.. control sections are named and attributes assigned, external definitions and references. the difference between static and dynamic linking. The reader is shown how to invoke the linkage editor and how to use linkage editor control statements. Examples are provided for both conversational and non-conversational users. Before using this publication. be faMiliar with the contents of IBH Tin Sharing SystellS: Concepts and Facilities, Ge28-2003. and IBM Time Sharing Syst. . : CoIIIHnd SystH User's Guide. Ge282001. SystelllS Reference Library Manual. 52 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Ge28-2006 1m ~ ~ 1m S!fARING SUPPORT ~ The Time Sharing Support System is an on-line progralll error analysis facility that provides the capability of collecting data froll the Ti.e Sharing Syst. . for analysis. and of altering the TSS storage and . .chine registers. This syst. . is used only by system programmers with authority code 0 or P and is not intended to be available to any other TSS users. The functions of TSSS May be performed on -.ond froll a terMinal or dyna.ically during TSS execution. The prograMS. tables. and control blocks of real. virtual. and secondary storage can all be referred to and .edified. Part I of this publication describes the TSSS syst. . and its capabilities in a general way. Part II describes the TSSS cOAand language. defining the functions of the language elements and the language syntax. Part III presents additional requireMents for correct use of TSSS. The reader IllUSt be fallliliar tlith the inforlllation contained in: IBM Principles of Operation. GA22-6821 IBM Tillie Sharing Systelll: Concepts and Facilities. Ge28-20n Systell Programmer's Guide. Ge28-2008 Syst... Reference Library Manual. 60 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SU8SCRIPTIOtI ONLY Ge28-2004 lm! TIHE mIAIWl§ ~ ASSEMBLER USER ~ INSTRUCTIONS Provides the inforllation necessary to code asseMbler language IIiIcro instructions under the IBH Ti . . Sharing SystH. The intended audience is the .non-privileged assembler language user. The priMry Ncro instruction services are progralll Hnagement and data lIanagement. These HCro instructions aid in progra_ing and processing ti . .-shared tasks. The first section of the book describes the _cro instructions by functional groups, _bling the user to select the Hcro instructions he needs to Mnage his progr. . (llilnage virtual storage, load and link modules, handle interruptions, transfer to Ca.ll8nd MOde, COIIIIIUnicate with SYSIN/SYSOIIT and with the operator and the log, Mintain tillers, and create co_ands) and to Hnage data (define, connect, access, Hnipulate, disconnect, or remove data setsl. The second portion of the book lists the lIacro instructions alphabetically and provides all the inforlllation needed to code the lIIacro instructions. Appendixes detail exit lists, synchronous error exits, end-of-data processing, Mchine control characters, linkage conventions, DCB fields, Ge28-2007 the DDEF lIIacro instruction, the generation of literals by 1m! Im!i ~ ~ .E.!!BI.BAt:I rl LANGUAGE NCro instructions, interruption handling. the TSS Hacro and This publication describes and illustrates the use of the Copy library, sharing virtual data sets. the OPEN/CLOSE IBH FORTRAN IV language for the IBM Tin Sharing Syst. . (TSSI. generated para. .ter list. and the conditional assembly of .acro instructions. The IBM FORTRAN IV language is a symbolic progra.ing language that parallels the sy.bolislll and fOrlllilt of The reader _ t be falliliar with the inforHtion presented in IBH Ti . . Sharing Syst. . : Concepts and lIIathellatical notation. It provides prograaing features and Facilities, Ge28-2003. and Assembler Language. Ge28-2000. facilities that can be used in FORTRAN progra.. to solve Htheutical probl_. Systems Reference Library Hanual. 315 pages The nterial in IBM FORTRAN IV is arranged to provide a SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY quick definition and syntactical reference to the various elaents of FORTRAN IV by Mans of a box fornt. Each e l _ t is described. tlith appropriate examples of possible Ge28-2005 use. 1m! Im!i ~ nI!fH ~ mIllB This publication describes the linkage editor. an optional The reader should have a basic knotlledge of the FORTRAN Sharing Syst... (TSS/360). The linkage editor connects and language. ..,ile SOIIItt infOrMation relating FORTRAN IV to TSS ( 6C28 6C28 is presented. _ t of the necessary guidance required by a FORTRAN user to perform a task is given in IBM Ti . . Sharing Systn: FORTRAN Programmer's Guide. 6C28-2025. Systems Reference Library Manual. 100 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC28-2008 !IlH l1.Hl ~ li!mrJ li!mrJ PBOfiRA!1I1ER' S !i!m!Il IBM Tillie Sharing SysteM (TSS) makes a distinction betwean user and syst... progra_ers. This publication is intended for persons responsible for ... intaining. lIOdifying. or extending the syst_ and discusses: o Operating environment o Program structure o Coding practices and conventions o Privileged supervisor call instructions o Serviceability aids o System ..cro definitions o Changing TSS o Privilege Class E Systems Reference Library Hanual. 286 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY o Section 4 is a sample terminal session. There are two appendixes: one that sUllllllarizes the _nds that can be used by each privilege class and authorization code. and one that lists forllSt descriptions of commands. Hanagers and administrators MUSt be familiar with TSS. IBM Tin Sharing Systell: Concepts and Facilities. GC28-2003. contains an introduction to the systell. In addition. they need to know how to operate the terminals that are used with the systell. Instructions on operating terllinals are given in IBH Tille Sharing Systu: Ter .. inal User's Guide. 6C28-2017. Systems Reference Library Manual. 45 pages SLSS: ORDER NO; SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6C28-2025 !IlH l1.Hl §!WW:!§ li!mrJ FORTRAN rl PBOGRAMMER'S §!.!Illi This publication describes hoM to use the IBH Tille Sharing SystBII (TSS) for compiling and executing programs written in the FORTRAN IV language. It also describes hoM to use the services and features of TSS that. Nhile not directly related to FORTRAN programing. are frequently of use to the FORTRAN progra.....r. Systems Reference Library Manual. 162 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC28-2010 :wm .liI!!!m!!i l!lmH.J. li!mrJ GENERATION J HAINTENANCE This publication explains hoM an installation specifies. 6C28-2026 creates. Mintains. and lIOdifies an installation-adapted IBM !IlH :rmg llilf!IWI!i li!mrJ fQBTR!!t rl .l.1Im!B.I SUBPROGRAMS Tillie Sharing Systell. The intended audience is the systn This publication describes the FORTRAN IV library subprograllS provided with IBM Tille Sharing Systn ITSS) and progra_r charged with syst... g_ration and .. intenance. Part I is an overall description of syst. . generation provides the information necessary to use the subprograMS in either a FORTRAN IV or an assembler-language program. and lIaintenance; Part II describes the creation of a basic time-sharing syst. . , Part III describes the macro Systems Reference Library Manual. 65 pages instructions used to adapt the basic systn to the SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY installation's needsl Part IV explains the system maintenance process. and Part V shows hoM to lIOdify the systn for the duration of a startup-to-shutdoNn session. 6C28-2028 The appendices contain examples of syst. . generation. !IlH l1.Hl m!A!mI!i li!mrJ !HI M!.ll MAINTENANCE ~ §!lI!lg .. intenance. and MOdification. reference material on device This publication describes. for the IBM Time Sharing Systn addressing and syst. . libraries. a sample machine ITSS). hoM to use the On Line Test Syst. . (OLTS)' and hoM to configuration. and sample syst_ generation . .cro retrieve syst. . error recordings using the Error Recording Edit and Print (EREP67IVHEREP) procedures. Device instructions. partitioning and syst. . quiescence are described. and the The reader MUSt be familiar with the inforllation presented in: IBH Ti . . Sharing SysteM Concepts and error recordings interpreted. This publication is _ant for use by syst. . MOnitor Facilities. 6C28-2003 Systems Reference Library Manual. 8It pages and/or .. intenanee personnel. It aay be used to deteMlline the hardlllare component responsible for failures. and in the SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY testing of the component. Systems Reference Library Manual. 58 pages 6C28-2017 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY !IlH l1.Hl liIi!IW:!!i li!mrJ TERHINAL lmI.!J liYm This manual gives instructions for operating the IBM 2741 6C28-2032 eo.munications Terminal. the IBM 1050 Data Communications Systu and the teletypewriter terminal with the IBM Ti_ !IlH l1.Hl !!:WmI§ li!mrJ ASSEMBLER PBOGRAI!!ER' 5 §!lI!lg Sharing Syst... It is intended for prograners. systell This publication explains the use of the Tille Sharing SysteM (TSS) for assembler language progra_rs. It describes hoM ... nagers. and syst. . administrators Mho use terminals in the to ass_leo store. and execute prograMS in TSS. introduces IBM Ti_ Sharing Syst... the COIIIIIIInd syst... and explains the basic rules of task and Systems Reference Library Manual. 31 pages data ManageMent. N\merous exallPles are given shoMing SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY typical user-systn interaction. The appendixes include inforaation on assallbler options, output. and restrictions. CC28-2024 as ...11 as program control systn use. interrupt handling. and command creation. !IlH mg §!WW:!§ li!mrJ HANAGER' S 6 ADHINISTRATOR' 5 §!lI!lg This Manual describes the special c_nds that ..nagers and Syst_ Reference Library Manual. 191 pages administrators of the IBM Ti . . Sharing Systn (TSS) use. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY There are four sections in the book: o Section 1 introduces the _ n d syst_ as it relates to the job and responsibilities of a syst_ 6C28-2033 ...nagar or a syst. . adnlinistrator. mt! mg l!!.&!W!Ii li!mrJ OPERATOR'S liYm This guide presents the basic inforMation an operator needs o Section 2 exphins the basics of using the _ n d syst. . and of the COIIIIand descriptions. to run the IBM Ti . . Sharing Systn. The book is divided into four ... in parts. These parts present a general vi ... of o section 3 contains the _ n d descriptions. lIIhich are in alphabetical order. the systn. descriptions of the COIIIIands used by the / ( """ ( 6C28 6C28 operator, an explanation of the operator'. terminal, and procedures the operator uses to I'U"I the syst... Additional infor.ation that suppltments the operator's knoldedge of the systel\l is presented in the appendices. These appendices include a description of the syst. . control panel, a definition of the types of data set names, an explanation of device addresses, and sUllllllaries of the formats of the operator's commands and the TSSS commands. The system operator should be familial" Nith 1M Ti ... Sharing Systel\l: Concepts and Facilities, 6C28-2003. Sys tems Reference Library Manual, 56 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6C28-2038 lID:! TIME SHARING SYSTEM INDEPENDENT UTILITIES Explains the use of the independent utility progra... that support the IBM TillN! Sharing Systems ITSS), and describes their features, functions, capabilities, control statements, and record formats. The independent utility progra.. are primarily intended to assist the systems prograllllDer and operator to initialize, copy, restore, and print the contents of direct access storage devices. The progra. . are: o direct access storage device initialization (DASOI) a direct access storage device dump/restore (DASODR) o direct access storage device print IDADut1P) a systeJlll370 memory dump o VAM2 utility (VAM2UT) Before using this book, be familial" Nith the contents of: IBM Tillie Sharing Systelll: Concepts and Facilities, 6C28-2003 and Operator's Guide, 6C28-2033. Systems Reference Library Manual, 39 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( TSS should be altered as explained in Appendix B. Thi. can be done by the reader himself, if necessary; preferably, hONever, it should be done by someone in a supervisory 01" tutorial relationship to the reader. The altered user profile can be changed again by the reader if he progresses to using the full command syst.... The full system is explained in Gnuals such as Co_and Syst. . User's Guide. Form C28-2001, and FORTRAN Progra_r's Guide, Form C28~2025. This book contains basic information on the kinds of terminals '.hat can be used Nith TSS. If more information is needed, see Terminal User's Guide. C28-2017. Manual. 51 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6C28-2049 lID:! TIME SHARING SYSTEM f!.a PROGRAMMER'S SUIDE This publication is a companion volume to IBM Tille Sharing Systu: PLII Language Reference Manual. 6C28-2045. Together, the tlolO books form a guide to the Nriting and execution of PLII progralllS under the control of an 1M Tille Sharing SysteM that includes a PLII compiler. This publication is concerned Nith the relationship betNeen a PLII program and the Time Sharing Syst... It explains hOM to compile and execute a PLII program, and introduces the cOllllD8nd system. data management, and other essential features of TSS. Systems Reference Library Manual. 245 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6C28-2056 lID:! mg SHARING SYSTEM !llli MANAGEMENT FACILITIES This book is to be used as a reference guide for TSS users of data management facilities. Topics dealt Nith include: storage classes, unit record devices, data set characteristics, data set sharing, gaining access to data sets. and use of data Jllanagement facilities. This book is equally useful to assembler. FORTRAN, 01" PLII users. The reader should be familial" Nith IBM Time Sharing Syst. . : Concepts and Facilities, 6C28-2003. Systems Reference Library Manual, 85 pages SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6C28-2045 E!lW!§ .§lml:'I f!.a LANGUAGE REFERENCE !!AHY&I. This publication is a companion vol .... to 1M Ti . . Sharing Systetl: PLII Prograllllller's Guide, 6C28-2049. Together the tNO books form a guide to the Nriting and execution of PLII programs under the control of an 1M TiM Sharing Systelll that il'lcludes the PLII compiler. Systems Reference Library Manual, 353 pages SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lID:! Il!m 6C28-2057 ~ ErnH ~ .!lm ENTRY Remote Job Entry (RJE) allows users at NIIIIOte locations to sub.it punched-card input to, and receive printed output froa. the central TSS installation. RJE users can enter card decks in the same format as that used at the local, online card reader. Nonconversational SYSIN data sets can be entered for execution. and data-card card decks can be entered and stored as virtual storage data sets. Output can be returned to the originating location or routed to the installation's high-speed printer. SYSOUT data sets are returned to the originating location unless redirected by the systu operator. This publication describes RJE concepts. terminology. and procedures. Inforllation required by users at remote locations. including RJE control statements, is presented; also. co_ands used by the system manager. syst .... administrator, and systea operator to control the RJE syst_ are described. SystelllS Reference Library Manual, 50 pages SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1!m Il!m 6C28-2046 lID:! TIME ~ SYSTEM PLII .!.mI!A!U COMPUTATIONAL SUBROUTINES This publication gives details of the COMpUtational subroutines available in the PLII Library. These subroutines are used by the PLII COIIpiler in the implementation of PLII built-in functions and of the operators used in the evaluation of PLII expressions. Not all PLII built-in functions and expression operators are supported by the PLII Libraryl the COIIPiler g_rates inline code for a small number of theM. The details provided include summaries of the mathellatical methods used, and INhere appropriate) figures for range and accuracy. Systems Reference Library Manual, 49 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC28-2048 mg m:!Am!§ mJl!h A f!WD flm flmlR!H n YlW!h PROG HQ 360G-CL-627 A subset of the IBM Ti . . Sharing Syst. . (TSS) i. presented in this book to allON use of ba.ic .yst. . facilities Nithout an ext_iva knONledge of the _ n d systelll, by Nhich systu fWlCtions are invoked. The reader of the book i. presUlied to have at least a ba.ic knONledge of FORTRAN. In addition, the user profile under Nhich the reader Nill use 6C28-6394 11m! fY!J, !!:!l! ~ f!ll!§ tm 360N-CB-482 !Yllt. 5736-CB2! =.I.m ~ 5746-CB1. ~ REFERENCE (CURREN[ RELEASEI Describes all current versions of IBM DOS COBOL: Dos/vs 487 ( 6C28 SC28 COBOL, and DOS Full Allarican National Standerd COBOL, Versions 2, 3, and 4. It gives the programur the rules for writing COBOL programs that are to be compiled by one of the above compilers under the Disk Operating Systl!ll. It is meant to be used as a reference manual in the writing of COBOL programs. Systems Reference Library Manual, 360 pages ////5746-LH4,5746-CBI,5736-LH2,5736-CB2 and plaming; it is not meant for the COBOL progra_r. Manual ////5736-LH2,5736-CB2 6C28-6431 mi fY!J, AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD gmQJ, COMPILER i l l fBQ§ 5734-CB2. 1 .I..mRARI PLANNING GUIDE Describes the neM features of the program product OS Full American National Standard COBOL Compiler and Library, Version 4. Each is described in a separate chapter. Syst_ considerations and a description of the COBOL object-tin subroutine library are also included. This publication is a plaming aid for system planners and analysts, and for COBOL progra_rs. It is supplelllented by complete reference cIocunentation in other manuals of OS American National Standard COBOL, Version 4, series. Suide, 92 pages ////5734-CB2,5734-LH2 6C28-6396 m! FULL A!:§ COBOL fBQ§ !:!Qli 360S-CB-545 lllli 5734-CBI !:aL. 5734-CS2. ~ ~ PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE This publication describes OS Full American National Standerd COBOL, Versions 2, 3, and 4. It gives the programmer the rules for writing COBOL programs that are to be compi led by one of the above compi lers under the Operating System. It is meant to be used as a reference manual in the writing of COBOL programs. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 484 pages, 12/81 ////5734-CB2,5734-CBI,5734-LH2 ~ SC28-6432 mi 6C28-6402 lH!li ~ A!:§ gmQJ, ~ INFORMATION COMPILER ! LIBRARY' .w; fY!J, A!:§ COBOL COMPILER .I LIBRARY ~ 1 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL. ~ PROD. 5734-CBI Contains system related information needed to make the_t effective use of the Program Product IBM Full American National Standard COBOL Compiler and Library Version 3, under the control of the Operating System. This publication consists of three sections. The first tlfO sections, "Program Product Installation" and "Storage Estimates", are directed to the syst... programmer or planner Mho is responsible for operating system generation and maintenance. The third section, "Operating Instructions," is directed to the console operator. Each section is designed to be used with an existing Operating Systu publ ication. "Program Product Installation" describes the syst_ requi rements for the compi ler and the procedure needed to add the compiler to an operating systu. This section supplements IBM OS 5ystu 6eneration, Order No. 6C28-6554. A module summary is also included "Storage Estimates" defines the storage required by the compiler. This section supplements IBM OS Storage Estimates, Order No. 6C28-6551. "Operating Instructions" describes certain messages the console operator may be requi red to answer and presents infor.... tion on Multiple Console SUpport (MCS). This section supplements IBM OS Operator's Reference, Order No. 6C28-6991. Manual, 8-1/2 x 11, 38 pages ////5734-CBl fBQ§ 573§-csl • This publication provides an introduction to the features of the IBM Subset American National Standerd COBOL Compiler and LibrarY,1 Release 2, a program product that operates under the IBM Disk Operating System. Included are a sUla8ry of the characteristics of the compiler, examples of SOlIN! of the features of the language, and planning information on system requirements and compatibility characteristics. This publication is written for installation analysts and planners. It provides them with a basis for general planning and for evaluating this product in relation to their needs. It is not lIeant to describe the language fully. A complete description is available in the publication IBM DOS Subset American National Standard COBOL, Order No. 6C28-64D3. Manual, 12 pages ////5736-CBI 6C28-6407 m! fY!J, AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARO gmQJ, COMPILER MIl LIBRARY, ~ ~ GENERAL INFORMATION, f!m!i:. !::!Q..,. 5734-CBl Gives general information about the Program Product IBM OS Full American National Standard COBOL Compiler and Library, Version 3, an implementation compatible with the highest level of American National Standard COBOL. Included are brief descriptions of the compiler's features, as well as information on operating systeM requireMents and machine configuration. This publication is intended as an aid in evaluation and planning; it is not meant for the COBOL progra_r. Manual, 20 pages ////5734-CBl !§.!! SC28-6433 6C28-6421 Dm! fY!J, A!:§ COMPILER MIl .I.!I!B!!r! n& ~ INFORMATION, ~ 5736-CB2, =1Hi This publication gives general information about the Program Product IBM DOS Full American National Standard COBOL CoIIIpiler Version 3, an implenlentation compatible with the highest level of American National Standerd COBOL, and its associated COBOL object-time Subroutine library. Included are brief descriptions of the compiler's features and a description of the Subrouti.ne Library, as well as infortHtion on operating syst... requirements and IIIItchine configuration. This publication is intended as an aid in evaluation fBQ§ 488 ~ gmQJ. PROMPTER. Un-Cpl. TERMINAL ~ iYm MIA REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes hoM to use the COBOL Prompter to invoke the Program Products IBM OS Full American National Standerd COBOL Compiler and LIbrary (Version 3 and Version 4) and OS/VS COBOL under OS (T5O). This publication is directed to the COBOL progr. .lII8r, who i. IfOrking at a tilll8 sharing terminal and is familiar with the Time Sharing Option. Section 1 contains procedures for using the prompter and debugging at the terminal as well as a sUlllllary of data set naming conventions and sample terminal sessions. Messages to the terminal user are described. This section supplements OS (TSO) Terminal User's Suide, Order No. 6C28-6763. "Section 2: Reference· Information" describes the COBOL coanand that invokes the prompter. This section is designed to be inserted in OS n5O) Co_nd Language Reference, Order No. 6C28-6732. Manual, 8-1/2 x 11, 54 pages mi 6C28 SC28 Ioes ~le requirements •• nd stor.ge requirements for the Subset COBOL Compiler and Library. The inst.ll.tion procedure needed to .dd the compiler .nd libr.ry to .n existing op.r.ting syst. . is .150 described. This s.ction suppl••ents DOS Syst_ Gener.tion .nd Maintenance. Order No • 6C24-5033. "Op.r.tor Mess.ges" describes the mess.ges to the console that the op.r.tor . .y be required to .ns.... r. This section supplements DOS Mess.ges .nd Coanaunic.tions. Ord.r No. 6C24-5074. PrograM Product Manual. 40 pages ////5736-CBl ////573lt-CPl SC28-643lt .Ill iml. ~ PROMPTER INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL. fRQ& fBQg 5734-CPl This publication contains syst.m related information needed to •• ke the ~st .ffectiv. us. of the COBOL pro.pt.r to invoke the Progr•• Product IBM Full Americ.n Nation.l St.nd.rd COBOL Compil.r. V.rsion 3. The prompter operates under the control of the Ti_ Sharing Option (T5O) of the Oper.ting System. The info..... tion in this manual is directed to the syst_ progr.mmer or pl.nner responsible for oper.ting syst. . gener.tion .nd . . intenance. Each of the three sections is designed to be us.d ... Uh an existing IBM Oper.ting Syst. . publication. "Progr•• Product Inst.ll.tion" describes the syst. . requi rements for the prompt.r .nd the procedure ne.ded to .dd the prompter to .n oper.ting syste.. This section suppl.ments IBM Syst•• S-r.tion. Order No. 6C28-6554. A aodul. s~ary is included. "Stor.g. Esti •• tes" defines the stor.ge required by the prOlllPt.r. This section suppleaents IBM Stor.ge Esti . . tes. Order No. 6C28-6551. . "Syst. . Progr• •ing Techni~ describes a LOGON procedure that con be used to .xpedite compilation of a COBOL program under 150. Instructions on ha... to help the terminal user respond to prompter ...s.ges ar• • lso given. This section suppl_ts IBM Syst. . Progra.er's Suide. Order No. 6C28-6691. Manual. 38 pages ////573lt-CPl ( SC28-6439 .!l.!m Ym !tm ~ COMPILER ! LIBRARY PROGRAMMER'S §Yl!lg Describes how to compile an Allleric.n National Stand.rd COBOL Progr•• using the DOS Subs.t AII.ric.n National Standard COBOL compil.r. It .lso describes haN to link edit the resulting object Modul •• and execute the program. Included is • description of the output frOli .ach of these three steps: caapi Ie. link edit •• nd execute. In .ddition. this publication expl.ins fe.tures of the compiler .nd av.il.ble options of the Disk Op.r.ting Syst... Progr•• Product Manual. 230 pages ////5736-CBl SC28-6441 .!l.!m .E!lIJ. !tm ~ COMPILER .I LIBRARY ~ 1 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE, PR06. PRODUCTS S736-CB2, S736-LM2 Describes haN to compil• • n American National st.nd.rd COBOL prograM using the PrograM Product IBM DOS Full AlIIerican National Standard COBOL Compiler Version 3. It .lso describes haN to link edit the resulting object aoclule. and ex.cute the progra.. Included is a description of the output from each of these three steps: compile. link edit • and execut.. In addition. this publication expl.ins features of the Version 3 Compiler .nd Libr.ry •• nd .v.ilable options of the disk oper.ting systea. Manual. 272 p.ges ////5736-CB2.S736-LM2 6C28-6435 .1m .DIQ ~ PROMPTER. ill .PR.Qi 573lt-CPl. SPECIFICATIONS The Program Product Specific.tions (PPS) describe the .... rrant.d specific.tions of the subject Program Product. Specification She.t. 2 pages ////573lt-CPl SC28-6437 H§ ~ CQtfPIlER !til .I.IU&U ~ .h PROGRAMMER'S fBJlIl 573lt-CBl Describes haN to compil• •n American National Standard COBOL progra.. using V.rsion 3 of the IBM OS Full A_rican National Standard COBOL compiler. It .lso discusses haN to link edit .nd .x.cut. or lo.d the progr... under control of the oper.ting system. Th.r. is a description of the output of •• ch of these steps. for .x.lIPle. link edit. load ••nd .xecute. In .ddition. there .re .xpl.nations of the f •• tures of the compil.r and .vailabl. options of the operating systeM. Manual. 344 pgs ////573lt-CBl .1m f!llJ. SC28-6442 !!l!1 .!l.!m fY.b.!. AMERICAN NATIONAL STAtmARD COBOL COMPILER §Yll!.U fRQ& ~ LIBRARY. VERSION ~ INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL S736-CB2. S736-LM2 This publication cont.ins syst... rel.ted information needed to •• ke most effective use of the PrograM Product IBM Full American Nation.l Stand. I'd COBOL CompHer. V.rsion 3. and its associ.ted COBOL Object-time Subroutine Libr.ry under the control of the IBM Disk Oper.ting Syst_. This public.tion cont.ins two sections. The first section. "Progr•• Product Install.tion." is directed to the syst. . progra_er or pl.nner Nho is responsible for oper.ting systeM gener.tion and .aintenance. It describes the syst. . requirements. work file requirements. IOCS 1IOdu1e requirements. and stor.ge requirements for the Version 3 COIIpiler .nd library. It also describes the inst.ll.tion procedure for adding the collpHer and library to .n existing operating syst... This section supplements DOS Syst. . Generation. Order No. 6C24-S033. The second section. "Operator Messages." is directed to the consol. operator. Each s.ction is designed to suppl....,t an existing IBM Disk Oper.ting Syst_ Publication. Manual. 70 pages ////5736-CB2.S736-LM2 ~ ~ SC28-6438 ~ H§ COMPILER Atm .I.IU&U INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROG ~ 5736-SCl Contains syst. . r.lated infor.tion needed to install the IBM Subs.t Allleric.n N.tion.l st.ndard COBOL Compiler and Libr.ry. a progr•• product that oper.tes IA'lder control of the Disk Operating Syste•• This ..nual consists of t ...o sections. The first section. "Progr.m Product Installation." is directed to the systeM progr...... r or planner Nho is responsible for oper.ting syst... gener.tion .nd Mintenanc.. The second section. "Oper.tor Mess.ges." is directed to the console oper.tor. E.ch section is designed to suppleaent .n existing DOS publication. "Progr•• Product Inst.ll.tion" describes the syst. . requireaents. Nark file requireaents. !!.!m 489 ( Ge28 Ge28-64ft3 .Ilmi .EI!!J. SC28 on Multiple Console Support (MeS). This section suppl_ts IBM Systellll360 Operating System: Operator's Referenc•• Order No. Ge28-6691. The remaining sections of the lIIanual are directed to the syste.. programmer or planner Mho is responsible for operating system generation and maintanance. The installation sections of the ..nual describe the system requirements for the program products and the procedure needed to add the progra. products to an operating system. The OS installation sections supplement IBM Systelll/360 Operating System: Syst. Generation. Dreier No. GC28-6554. A MOdule summary of both the compiler and library is also included in the "Modul. SumIIIary" section. The "Storage Esti.ates" section supplements IBM Systellll360 Operating Syst. . : Storage Esti.ates. Order No. Ge28-6551. Manual. 84 pages mm At§ COMPILER ~ 1 ill .h .I!.!!!i 57M-CB2. SPECIFICATIONS Describes the warranted specifications for the program. Specifications. 2 pages 11115736-CB2 Ge28-6444 rum fYlJ. At§ COBOL OBJECI TIME SueRMINE LIBRARY. VERS fBQIi fBlm 57M-LNg. SPECIFICATIONS Describes the warranted specifications for the program. Specification Sheet. 1 page .h 11115736-LM2 11115734-CB2.5734-LM2 SC28-6454 Dl} DiS! mimi. INTERACTIVE Im!Y§ J ~ PROMPTER • fl!.Q§ 5734-CM. ~ ~ INFORMATION .w; Ge28-6464 Ihis publication is directed to data processing syst_ planners and analysts. It is intended as an aid in evaluation in planning for the use of IBM OS COBOL Interactive Debug anellor the IBM OS IISO) COBOL Pro!llpter. These tNO program products operate under the liMe Sharing Option IISO) of the IBM Operating Syst.. Detailed planning info~ation for ISO can be found in the publication IBM Systetlll360 Operating Syst... : lillie Sharing Guide, Order No. 6C28-6698. Both program products are designed for use with the program products IBM OS Full AMerican National Standard COBOL Compiler. Version 4. and the IBM OS Full AMerican National Standard COBOL Object-tin SWroutine Library. Version 4. The ISO COBOL Prompter can also be used with the progra. product IBM OS Full AMerican National Standard COBOL Compiler and Library. Version 3. The COBOL Interactive Debug program and the COBOL Prompter can be used under any release of the Operating System that supports ISO. Manual, 24 pages fYbb AMERICAN NAIIONAL STANDARD ~ COMPILER ! mw.QtI it. .l.J& fRmi 5734-CB2. :::I.!1tz. SPECIFICATIONS ~ ~ Describes the warranted specUications of the subject program product. PrograM Product Specifications. 4 pages 11115734-LM2.5734-CB2 SC28-6465 smm. INTERACTIVE ~ .l.J& .PRmi 5134-CM. mB.!J iYm AHa REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) lhe text has been revised to describe hoM COBOL Interactive ~ Debug operates under CMS. the Conversational Monitor Syst... Major additions include: o CI1S TESTCOB command o CMS steps prior to entering IESTCOB IlOde o IESTCOB/CMS interface messages o Virtual .achine size estimates under CMS Manual. 166 pages 11115734-CB4 / 11115734-CP1,5734-CB4 SC28-6468 gmQI, INTERACTIVE ~ .l.J& .PRmi 5734-CB4. INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication consists of four sain sections: "Storage Requiretaent Esti . . tes," "Installation Procedure." "Syst... Programmer's Guide." and "Proble. Determination Aids." Each contains system-related information necessary to install and use the IBM OS COBOL Interactive Debug Program Product under the control of the Ti . . Sharing Option (TSO) of the IBM Operating Syst... The follOMing system publications should be used in connection with this . .nual: IBM Systellll360 Operating Syst. . Storage Estimates. Order No. 6C28-6551 Syst. . Generation, Order No. 6C28-6554 Syst. . Progra_r's Guide. Order No. 6C28-6550 The first three sain sections of this publication can be inserted in the corresponding syst. . publication listed above to which it refers, if such an arrangelllent simplifies the use of docUMentation. Manual. 36 pages ~ SC28-6456 fY.!J. AMERICAL NATIONAL SIAI:JlARO gmm, COMPILER .. .I.mBA!U it. .LI!; fRmi 5734-ca2. :::I.!1tz. PROGRAM!1ER'S §!l.mg This publication describes hoM to compile an AMerican ~ ~ National standard COBOL X3.23-1968 program using Version 4 of the IBM Operating Syst. . Full Alllerican National Standard COBOL compiler. It also discusses hoM to link edi t and execute or load the program under control of the IBM Operating Syst... lhere is a description of the output of each of these steps, I.e., compile. link edit. load. and execute. In addition. there is an explanation of the features of the compiler and available options of the operating systelll. Manual. 460 pages 11115734-CB2.5734-LM2 SC28-6458 m! Dl} .EI!!J. AMERIC,," NATIONAL STAtI!ARD .!DQJ. COMPILER AtIIl LIBRARY' VERSION it. INSTALLATION REFERENCE !1ATERIAL. fBmi" 11115734-CB4 ~ 5734-CB2. ~ This publication contains syst_ related infor. .tion needed to install and Hke effective use of the Program Product IBM OS Full Aurican National Standard COBOL Compiler and SC28-6469 Library. Version 4 (Program Nulllber 5734-CB2) and its V!!/370. 5734-CBe, :J.I1U 5740-ca1 , .::.b!!L. 5Z46-CB1. ~ 1m associated COBOL Object-tiM Subroutine Library (Program ~ §!l.mg f.!!B gmru, (CURRENT RELEASE) Intended for the COBOL progra ..... r who i. using or planning Number 5734-LM2). Both program products can be installed under either OS or the Conversational Monitor Syst. . (CMS) to use the swject COBOL program product compi leI'S under of the IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370 (YMl370). control of the CMS component in the virtual . .chine envirorwent of YMl370. It provides COBOL progra_rs with. The section "Operating Instructions" is directed to the console operator. It describes certain MeSsages the console fundaMental understanding of the CMS commands needed to operator . .y be required to ansMer and presents inforRtion invoke the COBOL compiler in use under the CMS component of 490 ( \. SC28 6C28 output froll each of these thr. . steps: compile, link edit, and execute. This publication explains filatures of the DOS/vS Compiler and Library. and available options of the operating systeM. This publication is prilnarily intended for progralllHrs Mho are ruYling COBOL prograll5 compiled on the DOS/VS Compiler, under the control of the Disk Operating Syst. . Virtual 'Storage. Manua 1. 360 pages ////5746-CB1.5746-LH4 VI1I370. Manual. 68 pages //39//5734-CB2.5734-lI12.5746-LH4.5746-CBl.5740-lI11. 5740-CBl GC28-6470 COBOL COMPILER! LIBRARY. ll& fBQ§ 5740-CB1. =1Hl GENERAL INFORMATION Contains information to aid data systems planners and analysts in evaluating and planning for the use of the OSIVS COBOL Compiler and Library Program Product. OS/VS COBOL operates t.nIer control of OS/vSl or OSIVS2 (with or without TSOI. and with restrictions under the CMS component of VI1I370 I it processes COBOL source prograll5 in an OS virtual environntent. OS/VS COBOL includes all eight processing modules of American National Standard COBOL. X3.23-1968 .nd International Standard ISO/R and IBM Progr.lllllling L.nguage COBOLI CODASYL-specified .nd IBMspecified ext_ions are also included. Brief descriptions of Compiler and Library capabilities are prov;'Jed - including as major features support for VSAI1 entry-sequenced and key-sequenced data sets, the MERGE statement. the FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) Flagger. and the Lister Facility (which provides a speci.lly formatted source listing with embedded cross referencesl. System requirements and data set and programming compatibility are described. A complete description of the language illlPlementation is also included. This publication is an aid in evaluation and planning; it is not intended to be used as a specification .... nual. Manual, 60 pages ////5740-CBl,5740-LI11 ~ SC28-6479 DOS/vS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY. lli f!m§ 5746-CBl, .:J.m INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains systeM related inforMation needed to lllake IIOSt effective use of the Program Product IBM DOS/vs COBOL Compiler and its associated COBOL Object-tift Subroutine Library U'lder the control of the IBM DOS/vs Syst.... This publication contains two sections. The first section. "Program Product Installation," is directed to the system programmer or planner Mho is responsible for operating syst... generation and .aintenance. It describes the systell requirellents. work file requirements, lotS 1IOdu1e requirements. and storage requirements for the DOS/vS compiler and library. It also describes the installation procedure for adding the compiler and library to an uisting operating systenl. This section supplements DOS/vs System Generation. Order No. GC33-5377. The second section. "Diagnostic Messages," is directed to the console operator. Each section is designed to supplenrent an existing IBM DOSIVS Syst... publication. Manual. 84 pages ////5746-CBl.5746-LH4 17C28-6472 gmm, COMPILER ! LIBRARY, ill fBQ§ 5740-CBl, -LI11 SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN[ RELEASE) Describes the warranted specifications of these progr.... Flyer. 6 pages ////5740-UHl.5740-CBl ~ 6C28-6473 ~ ~ COMPILER ~ INFORMATION .I LIBRARY, ill f!m§ 5746-CB1, SC28-6481 ~ ~ =J.H!u. This publication contains inforution of interest to data system planners and analysts about the IBM DOSIVS COBOL Compiler and Library Program product. an implementation that allows prograll5 written in Alllerican National Standard COBOL to be processed in a DOS virtual environllent. DOS/VS COBOL is compatible with the highest level of AIIerican National Standard COBOL. X3.23-1968. and with international standard ISO/R 1989-1972 Progra... ing Language COBOL. CODASYL-specified and IBM-specified extensions are also included. Included are brief description of the DOSIVS COBOL Compiler and Library, as well as infor.ation on the implementation levIIl, on compatibility. and on system requi rements. This publication hi intanded as .n aid to evaluation and pl.nning. it is not intended to be used as a specification .anual. Manual, 44 pages ////5746-CBl.5746-LH4 COMPILER ~ ~ INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) Contains infor.ation pertaining to the install.tion. maintenance, and console oper.tion of the IBM OS/VS COBOL compiler .nd/or its associated COBOL object ti . . Subroutine Library t.nIer OS/VS and under VI1I370 (CI1SI. This information includes: the systems requirements .nd procedures needed to add the compiler and/or library to an operating systetll special operator instructionsl cOlllpiler and library module sUllllllaries and storage requirelllents; and storage requirements for using either the symbolic debugging features of the cOtllpi ler or the PrograM Product IBM OS COBOL Inter.ctive Debug. Manual. 88 pages ////5740-CB1.5740-LI11 SC28-6483 gmQ!, COMPILER !till LIBRARY, 5740-ca1 • .:..Y1U PROGRAmER'S SUIDE (CURREN[ RELEASE I Describes haN to compile an OS/VS COBOL program using the OSIVS COBOL prograM product callPiler. It also discusses hoM to link edit and execute or load the progralll U'lder control of OS/VS. There is • description of the output of each of these steps. that is. compile. link edit, load. and execute • In .ddition, there are expl.nations of the features of the compiler and of .vailable options of OS/VS. Manual, 570 pages ////5740-CB1,5740-LI11 ~ SC28-6478 gmgw 5746-CBl, =J.H!u. COMPILER ~ .I.mBM! PROGRA!1MER' !iJ.!mg (CURRENt RELEASE I This publication describes how to compile. COBOL program using the program product Dos/vS COBOL Compiler. It .lso describes hoM to link edit the resulting object IIOdulll, and Uecutll the progra.. Included is a description of the ~ 491 ( 6C28-6485 INtERACTIVE !l9!.IlU. m fB.!!i S734-CBft SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENt RELEASE) Describes the warr.nted specifications of the progr••• Progr•• Product Specifications, 4 pages mI Sl!mI. ./ §C28 GC28 /1//573ft-C84 IEIIt 3270 Inforaation Display Syst.. o *Tradaeark of Teletype Corporation SC28-6486 Dmi Bf!i 11 COtIPILER .. &mZ Bml.f!I FEATURE. The publication is divided into indepeud.,t sectionsJ nch describes one type of terminal. ~ .PB,g§ 5736-RG1 INSTALLATION REFERENCE This publication contains systu-related information needed to install both the DOS RPS II COIIIPiler and its associated Auto Report Feature. program products that operate under control of the IBM DOS and Dos/vs operating syst_. Manual. 82 pages /1//5736-RG1 §C28-6487 An appendix describes the L9§0FF. I.O§ON. PROFILE. and TERMINAL c_nds that a &aer issues to control his terminal session. Manual. 60 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC28-6765 ~ fBg§ 5ill-CB1 • .::.I.M SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN[ RELEASE! This PrograM Product Design Objectives (PPDO) describes the design objectives and provides the estiMated availability date of the subject Prograll Product. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pgs. 8/77 1///5746-CBI.5746-LH4 ImiaJ gmgJ, COMPILER !till LIBRARY' lmaIVI AtlIl ~ lE R!I6 UIILITIES: ~ fi!!!HAI.z. .I.DI .. ~ JmR!li §!.WlI !till REFERENCE. fB.Q!i.. tIL. 5734-UI1 The TSO Data Utilities: COPY. LIST. FORMAT. MERGE is a prograM product designed to augMent the text and data manipulation capabilities of the ISO Co_and Language. This publication describes the syntax and use of the TSO Data Utility _nds: COPY. FORMAT. LIST. and MERGE. This publication is intended for use by terMinal use ... Mhose installation includes this ISO program product. This manual has tNO sections: o "HOM to Use the eo....nds.. describes the operations that can be parfornd by &aing the utility _anels and subc_nds at a terminal. o "Command Descriptions" describes the syntax of the four utility cOlllllands: COPY. FORMAT. LIST. and MERGE. and the tNO subcollllanels of the EDIT COIIIIand. FORMAT and MERGE. Examples of each _and and subcommand are included. Prerequisites and corequisit_ for this publication are: IEIIt SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: TIME SHARING OPTION. COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE (GC28-6732! IEIIt SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: TIME SHARING OPTION. TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (6C28-6763) Manual. 56 pages GC28-6515 fi!B.IlWl rl LANGUAGE. 5m-F02. REFERENCE ! CURRENT RElEASE) Describes and illustrates the use of the FORTRAN IV language for the Operating Syst.. and the Disk Operating Systell. FORTRAN IV is a ... theMatically oriented language useful for Mriting programs for applications that involve ... nipulation of nuoaerical data. The publication is primarily a reference ..nual for progra...rs Mho are familiar Mith the el..ants of the FORTRAN language. Syste.. Reference Library Manual. 128 pages 370.4361.4381.8150.8130.8140.4331.4341.4321//25// 6C28-6758 R!I6 ~ UTILITIES M.P!mI f.llR Mk 11 !fI!I!.Ql fBQL tIL. 5734-UI2 .PB.!2!mA!! ~ wmtf OBJECTIVES 1§H SYSTEH/360 OPERATIH§ ~ This Program Product Design Objectives (PPDO) describe the design objectives and provides the estillated availability date 6f the subject Program Product. Design Objectives. 2 pages 1111573ft-UTI SC28-6767 A!!W .!!M!VL. At:!Il ~ R!I6 .HI UTILITIES IYmIBI filii =m =fBQL tIlL. 573ft-UT2 PPS describes the data set utilities support for This the A.erican National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). This support consists basically of a load MOdule and four utility prograM designed to support data sets Mrittan in ASCII format. PrograM Product Specifications. 2 pages 1/1/573ft-UT2 §dIVI o o o o o o n!B.!!AL..I.DU IEIIt SystM/360 Operating Syst_: Storage Esti ..tas. 6C28-6551 IBM Systee/360 Operating Syst_: Syst_ Generation. 6C28-6554 IEIIt Systelll/360 Operating Syst.. : Ti .. Sharing Option Guide. §C28-6698. Manual. 24 pages ////5734-UT1 GC28-6762 Am ~ ng TERMINALS IWI!W. This publication describes hoM to use the terminals supported by the Ti .. Sharing Option (TSO) U'lder the OS/JtVT and OS/yS2 configurations of the Operating Syst. . (OS). It is intended for all ISO terminal users. The operation and characteristics of the follONing terminals in a TSO anvi~t are discussed: ~ This publication i. for use by system progr....rs Mho are installing the TSO Data Utilities: COPY. FORMAT. LIST. MERGE Progralll Product into an IBM SystM/360 Operating Syst.. lIith the Ti. Sharing Option. This publication describes procedures to be followed for program installation. including sample problenas Nhich ensure that the TSO Data Utilities Program Product has bean properly installed. This publication also contains the storage requirements for this PrograM Product. Prerequisite publications are: GC28-6759 ~ m!lVB m R!I6 UIILITIES: mmI:I INFORMATION ~!tIIl tllB§g 6C28-6794 i!.!IIIl ID ~ 11 The PVS II COIIPiler is a proprietary progra. used by IEIIt to clavelop other progra.. that are ..cia generally avai lable. This provides general inforeation on understanding and interpreting PVS II listings. The book also provides SODS guidelines on hOM to .odify COMpiler generated assembler coda. Reaclars Mill be experienced syst_ progra_rs Mho IEIIt 2741 COIIIIU'Iication Terminal IEIIt 1052 Printer-Keyboard Teletype* Hodel 33 Teletype* Model 35 IEIIt 2260 Display Station IEIIt 2265 Display Station 492 ( 1'-... "'. ( Ge28 SC26 need to !.nIerstand and possible lIocUfy operating syst. . 1IOdu1es. They should know the bas i c assubler language such as PVI. Manual. 56 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC28-6808 A f!.a fm!m.l SC28-6835 I§l:I SYSTEIV360 DSIDDS l!f.t BASIC TERMINAL USER'S ~ ~ ~·5736-RC2. 5734-RC3 This publication provides tutorial infor. . tion and reference lIaterial for users of the BASIC language component of the InteractiYe Terllinal Facility (ITF). a Progra. Product that operates under the SystHl360 Operating Syst. . (DS) or the System/360 Disk Operating System (DOS). The book tells hoM to use ITF. and hoM to Mrite progra. . in BASIC; it also includes detailed descriptions of the BASIC language elements. the ITF systell commands. as llell as error recognition and correction. Saonple program and eKa!lples of the use of ITF:BASIC appear throughout the teKt. This publication is intended for the ITF: BASIC terllinal user. No previous knowledge of prograauaing or of the BASIC language is required. . Prograll Product Ter.inal Users Suide. 165 pages 11115736-RC2.5734-RC3.5736-RC1.5734-RCl rna: publication ~ The purpose of this is to provide tutorial . .teri al not only for the person Mi th some knowledge of computer progra_ing. but also for the novice who knoMs little or nothing about data processing. Student TeKt. 71 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Ge28-6825 SYSTEIV360 DSIDDS Atm DS !m! ITF: f!.a Atm BASIC f!m!! fRQ!l 5734-RCI. .:!!.!6..& =Blli -RC4. 5736-RCI. .:!!.!6..& ~ INFORMATION This publication gives general inforllation about the eKternal characteristics of the PVI feature of the InteractiYe Terminal Facility (ITF). a Prograll Product that operates under the Systeml360 Operating SysteJII or the Systeml360 Disk Operating Syst.... The book includes descriptions of ter.inal COIIIIands. PVI language eluents. and . .chine requirements. This publication is intended as an aid to evaluation and planningl it is not lIeant for the terllinal user. Publications Mill be provided for the terllinal user Mhen ITF:PVI becomes available. Prograll Product Manual. 26 pages 11115736-RC1.5734-RC1.5734-RC3.5734-RC2.5736-RC2.5734-RC4 ( SC28-6836 I§l:I SYSIEM/360 ~ m INSTALlATION REFERENCE MATERIAL .li 5736-RCI. 1 This publication describes the infor.ation required by the central computing installation to run the Interactive Terllinal Facility (ITF). This includes lIachine requi rements. and operator commands. ITF runs as a probl. . progra .. under ei ther the Systelll360 Operating Systell (DS) or the Systelll360 Disk Operating System (DOS). It supports conversational probl. . solving in the ITF:PlII and/or ITF:BASIC languages. Prograll Product Reference Manual. 138 pages 11115734-RC1.5736-RC1.5734-RC3,5736-RC2 fBll§BAl:I ~ 5734-RCl' SC28-6833 I§l:I SYSTEIV360 DSIDOS ITF: PVI INTRODUCTION ~ ~ 5734-RCI. 5736-RCI This publication is an introduction to the IBM Syst8lll'360 Operating Syst. . (DS) and the IBI1 Systelll360 Disk Operating Syst. . (DDS) InteractiYe Terllinal Facility: PVI. It is designed to give a novice progra_r the tools he needs to IIrite elementary prograllS in ITF: PVI and to enable hi. to understand the _re advanced ... terial found in related publications. Because of this li.ited scope. Therefore. tMs publication does not coyer all the capabilities of ITF: PVI nor does it include all the detailed inforlllltion on syst... and terllinal operation. These details . .y be found in the IBI1 SYSTEIV360 OPERATING SYSTEI1 AND IBI1 SYSTEIV360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEI1 INTERACTIVE TERI1INAL FACILITY: PVI TERI1INAL USER'S GUIDE. forll SC286834. Prograll Product Manual. 62 pages 11115734-RC1.5736-RC1.5734-RC3.5736-RC2 SC28-6634 I§l:I SYSTEI1I360 in the publication 1811 SYSTEIV360 DSIDDS ITF: PVI INTRODUCTION. SC28-6833. Manual. 233 pages 11115734-RC1.5736-RC1.5736-RC2.5734-RC3 ~ l!f.t f!.a TERI1INAL ~ JYm ~ 5734-RCI. 5736-RCI This publication provides tutorial inforllllltion and reference . .terial for users of the PlII language component of the Interactive Terllinal Facility (ITFI. a Prograll Product that operates under the Systelll360 Operating Syst. . (OS) or the Systelll360 Disk Operating Syst. . (DOS). The book teUs hoM to use ITF and hoM to IIri te prograM in ITF: PVII it also includes detailed descriptions of the ITF: PVI language e l _ t s . the ITF syst... as _11 as error recognition and correction infor. . tion. SalllPle prograllS and eKallPles of the use of ITF: PVI appear throughout the teKt. This publication is intended for the ITF: PVI terllinal user. Users Mith little or no prograllllling eKperienca should be thoroughly falliliar lIith the concepts presented SC28-6838 I§l:I SYSIEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING l2f!II!l!U INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY; f!.Q. INTRODUCTION PROGRAM ~ 5734-RC2 This publication is an introduction to the IBI1 Systl!lll360 Operating System Time Sharing Option InteractiYe Terminal Facility: PlII. It is designed to give a novice programmer the tools he needs to Mrite elementary prograDlS using ITF: PVI and to enable hi. to understand the IIOre advanced lIaterial found in related publications. Because of this lillited scope. therefore. this publication does not coyer all the capabilities of ITF: PVI nor does it include all the detailed inforllllltion on syst. . and terainal operation. These details uy be found in the 1811 System/360 Operating Syst. . TiMe Sharing Option Interactive Terminal Facility: PVI Terllinal User'. Suide. Order Nuaber SC28-6839. Manual. 72 pages fRQ&RAH 11115734-RC2.5734-RC4 SC28-6839 m! SYSIEMl360 OPERATING lil.!!I.m ill!.1li ~ gmgw INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY; f!.Q. TERMINAL ~ §YIgg _nds. 493 ~~5734-RC2 This publication provides tutorial and reference infor. . tion for users of the PVI language cOtlll)On8l1ts of the InteractiYe Terllinal Facility tITF), an 1811 Prograa Product that operates under the TiMe Sharing Option (TSO) of the Systelll360 Operating Syst... (DS). This guide tells how to use ITF: PVI in the T50 environMent. It includes detailed descriptions of the ITF: PVI language elements. that portion of the TSO SC28 ~nd language that applies to ITFL PVI. and other reference inforMtior" including all of the ITF: PVI error _sages. Sample prograllS and examples appear throughout the text. This publication is intended for the TSO ITF: PVI ter.inal user. Users with little or no progra. . ing experience should be thoroughly familiar with the concepts presented in the publication IBM Systelll/360 OS (TSO) ITF: PVI Introduction. Order Number SC28-6838. Users whose scope of work extends beyond ITF: PVI should consult the T50 publications listed in the preface. Manual. 268 pages 11115734-RC2.5734-RC4 SC28-6841 S/360 OPERATING 1!!rntI .untg mI.!IW:!!i Q!!IIQ!i! INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY INSTALLATION REFERENCE ~ This publication describes the information required by the central computing installation to install and run the Interactive Terminal Facility (ITF). This includes installation procedures. storage esti . . tes. ITF control user functions. and terminal messages. ITF runs as a command processor under the.Ti. Sharing Option (TSO) of Systeall360 Operating Systetll (OS). It supports conversational problem solving in the ITF:PVI and/or ITF:BASIC languages. This publication is intended for the T50 ITF control user who installs T50 ITF. and who adds the ITF ter.inal users to the TSO systell. Manual.· 90 pages 11115734-RC2.5734-RC4 SC28 each step. input to the steps. and output froM the steps. are datailed. In addition. compiler options. features of the operating systell used by the FORTRAN programmer. and practices for coding more efficient FORTRAN programs are discussed. This publication is directed to progra_rs fa.iliar with the FORTRAN IV language. Previous knowledge of the operating system is not required. Manual. 208 pages 11115734-F03.5734-LM3.5734-F03 SC28-6853 n: m! gmji ! 1m f.Q!D!!!:I ! f.Q!D!!!:I !.lW..a. m fIm!ii 5734-FOI. -F02 • .:..bI:I.L. PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) Directed to programmers using either Code and GO FORTRAN or the FORTRAN IV (611 compiler. It explains how to use OS to compile. link edit. and execute progral8S written in the IBM System/360 and System/370 FORTRAN IV language. In addition. it contains inforMtion on processing efficiency, extended error handling. debugging specifications. and assembler language subroutine linkage conventions. This publication is directed primarily to prograMmers familiar with the FORTRAN IV LANGUAGE. Previous knowledge of OS is not required. Manual. 190 pages 11115734-F01,5734-LM1.5734-F02.5734-F01.5734-F02 6C28-685ft n: .!lll PROCESSOR fi!R m! .I ~ !QIllli. m EBQ!ii 5734-F02. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE! Describes the warranted specifications of this progra•• Flyer. 2 pgs 11115734-F02.5734-F02 f.Q!D!!!:I SC28-6842 SYSTEM/36Q m! !.D!Q gmji At!!l §g .Em!.!lWJ PROCESSOR TERMINAL SC28-6855 ~ iYl!lL. fRll:!i fB.Qg 57M-FOI. ::..y!! Provides the inforllation necessary to use the Coda and Go rui JE mmW:I .!.§ll PROCESSOR. JE FORTRAN PROMPTER • .w; FORTRAN Processor for foreground program developed in an OS fBQ§ 573ft-F02. ~ .:..bI:I.L. TERMINAL ~ §Y!gg (T50 environment. This publication describes the use of the FORTRAN IV Code and Go is a compile-and-go processor that cOllpiles (61) compiler and the TSO FORTRAN Prompter fro. a at a fast rate and produces an object progra. directly in T50 Ter.inal. It is intended as a suPPlell!ent to the IBM Min storage. For the T50 foreground. Code and Go was Systeml360 OS TSO Terminal User's 6uide. This book specifically developed for users who place a premiUli on describes the 61 compiler and its features. and methods of quick compilation and execution. and on easy and rapid invoking the cOlllJ)iler. It contains examples of the use debugging. of the 61 compiler and the Prompter. diagnostic lIessages This publication. while priMrily direct", to angil..e .... that a user receives at his ter.inal. and reference .athelltaticians. and others who My not be full-tilne. info...... tion. It makes no attempt to cover general TSO professional programmers. also provides info~ation for operation. which is covered in the TSO Terllinal User's experienced production progra_rs who will be using Code Suide. and Go to write and test components of a large program for The FORTRAN IV (611 compiler is an extended version of the FORTRAN 6 compiler. adapted for more efficient later execution in a batch envirCll'llllent. Readers BlUSt be fa.iliar with the FORTRAN IV Language as described in the use frOll a time-sharing terminal. The Prompter provides publication IBM System/360 and Systeall370 FORTRAN IV the interface between the compiler and the user. creating Language. Order No. GC28-6515. a conversational environment for the 61 prograllllter. This publication is intended for use by FORTRAN Included are explanations of that portion of the TSO COI8IIand language that is directly relevant ot the needs of programmers of all levels. but its approach is essentially toward the inexperienced programmer. It is not a the Code and Go foreground user. a sallPle ter.ina! session. a section on progra_ing considerations. and other reference reference document for the syste. programmer. inforution. Also provided are a discussion of the FORTRAN Co-requisite publications for this book are the IBH syntax checker and its associated _sages. and a listing Systelll360 Operating Syste. T50 Terminal User's Suida. (with explanations) of compiler-related and load IIOdule Order No. GC28-6763. and the IBM Systelll360 Operating execution diagnostic llessages. Syst. . Ti . . Sharing Option ComIIand Language Reference. Progra. Product Manual. 186 pages Order No. 6C28-6732. 11115734-LM1.5734-F01.5734-FOI Manual. 12ft pages 11115734-F02.5734-CP3.5734-LHI.5734-F02 n: ~28-6852 m! fJmllWt Xl !.Ii EXTENDED) COMPILER. 57M-F03. .=.I.I:!h PROGRAMMER'S iYm (CURRENT RELEASE) Describes the steps to compile. link. edit. and execute a FORTRAN IV progra. using the FORTRAN IV (H Extended) COIIpiler. an 1811 Progra. Product that operates under the control of the operating systu. The . .thod. of invoking SC28-6856 mmW:I n: .!lll PROCESSOR At!!l !l!Q f.Q!D!!!:I PROMPTER fi!R 1m 1 ~!mllz. m fBQ§ 573ft-F02. ~ INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL (CURREN[ RELEASE) Describes the information required by the central COIIPUting installation to install and run the FORTRAN IV (61) compiler ( SCt8 Ge28 under OS or the CI1S COlllpOl'\ent of YI1I370 and to install and Ge28-6863 run the TSO FORTRAN Prompter lmCIer os. The information OS FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MOD .I!h. ill .PRQ§ 5734- .LM.l SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) includes installation procedures for each prograM product. storage esti.ates. syste.. inforution. and ..essages produced The Program Product Specifications IPPS) describe the Narranted specifications of the subject Progra .. Product. by the compiler and the prompter. This publication is intended for OS and YM/370 personnel responsible for Systems Reference Library Manual. 2 pages installing the FORTRAN IV (61) compiler alone at an OS or ////5734-LM3 YM/370 installation or the 61 cOtl'piler together .,ith the TSO FORTRAN Prompter at an OS (TSO) installation. It is also intended for the systeM programmer responsible for the SC28-6864 .aintenance of the program product .,ithin the systeM. fPB.TRA!:f D! MATHEMATICAL J SERVICE SlIBPROGRAI1S: SUPPLEMENT Manual. 54 pgs filR .!:!Q!l ! J .!:!Q!l II LIBRARIES. ~ .PRQ§ 5734-LMI. ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) 11115734-F02.5734-F02.5734-CP3 FORTRAN IV MATHEMATICAL AND SERVICE SUBPROGRAI1S: SUPPLEMENT FOR HODS I AND II LIBRARIES. 5734-LMI. -LM3 lCURRENT SC28-6858 RELEASE) publications describe the mathematical and service FORTRAN l3! LIBRARY .1.t!!m 11 f.Q! .1m J ~ ~ INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL. ~ ~ 5734-bMl subprograms in the FORTRAN IV Hod I and Mod II libraries. Describes the information required by the central computing In general. the base publication documents those subprograms that handle single and double precision quantities; installation to install and run the FORTRAN IV L.ibrary (Modell). The information includes installation this supplement documents those subprograms that handle procedures. storage esti.ates. syst_ infor_tion. and extended precision quantities. library-produced Ille5sages. The FORTRAN IV Library lModel 1) Systems Reference Library Manual. 34 pages operates .,ith the FORTRAN E. 6. and H compilers. and .,ith ////5734-LM1.5734-LM3 FORTRAN IV 16Il. and .,ith the Code and 60 FORTRAN compiler. The library supports features not contained in the base FORTRAN IV library. such as list-directed 110. imprOVed data SC28-6865 conversion. and ASCII support. The library also includes .1m .El2fllHAH D! 1H EXTENDED) COMPILER Atm LIBRARY (HOUII!. special interfaces for running in the TSO foreground. 5734-LM3. -F03, MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is intended for personnel responsible Contains a detailed description of the MeSsages generated by for installing the library. as Nell as for the syst_ the FORTRAN IV 1H Extended) CompHer and the FORTRAN IV (Mod II) Library. Both progra .. products operate under programmer responsible for aaintenanca of the library .,ithin the system. control of the IBM System/360 or System/370 Operating s)ist_. Manual. 62 pgs 11115734-LMI Manual. 148 pgs ////5734-F03.5734-LM3.5734-F03 SC28-6859 gm Atm iQ .E!!!!mAH PROCESSOR f.Q! .1m J ~ ~ INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL. ~ ~ 5734-FOI Describes the infor.ation required by the central cOlllpUting installation to install and run the FORTRAN IV Code and Go Compiler. The infor. . tion includes installation procedures. storage estiaates. syst. . inforaation. and Ile5sages produced by the compiler. This publication is intended for OS and YI1I370 personnel responsible for installing the FORTRAN IV Code and Co compiler. as _11 as for the syst_ progra.....r responsible for .aintaining it .,ithin the syst.... Manual. 72 pgs 11115734-F01.5734-FOl SC28-686I FORTRAN l3! !!! EXTENDED) COMPILER Am J.mBW 1l1Q!Ull fi!B .Qlj ~ ~ ~ INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL. 5734-LM3. -F03 ICURRENT RELEASE) Describes the procedures for installing the FORTRAN IV (H Extended) compiler and the FORTRAN IV Library (Mod II) under OS or YI1I370. It is intended for use by syst. . programmers or planners Mho supervise the generation and .aintenance of an installation's operating syst.... Manual. 64 pages 11115734-F03.5734-LM3.5734-F03 SC28-6868 SYSTEM/360 .1m .E!lB!BM:IlY !l1 EXTENDED fJ.Ylll COMPILER Am LIBRARY .PRf.9 USER SUPPLEMENT, .PRQ§ 5799-AAW Contains information describing the use of the FORTRAN IV IH Extended Plus) compiler. and enhancement to the FORTRAN IV IH Extended) compiler prograM product. It supplements the follONing publications: IBM OS FORTRAN IV IH Extended) Compiler Progra_r's Guide. Order No. SC28-6852 IBM OS FORTRAN IV IH Extended) CompHer and Library (Hod II) Messages. Order No. SC28-6865 IBM OS FORTRAN IV Mathematical and Service Subprogra... Supplement for Hod I and Mod II Libraries. Order No. SC28-6864. The supplementary info..... tion for each publication listed above is treated a separate chapter in this publication. Unless other.,ise noted. all infor.ation in the base publications apply to this supplement. publications apply to this supplement. Manual. 32 pages ///15799-AAW Ge28-6878 GC28-6862 SYSTEM/360 .1m mrIBAtI lY 1H EXTENDED) COMPILER ill £Rg§ 5734-F03. SPECIFICATIONS Describes the .,arranted specifications of this progra•• Specifications. 2 pages ////5734-F03.5734-F03 ,.95 ( m EruH PROGRAMMER' S §!l!llg This guide is required by system progra_rs Mho plan. install. and .aintain RES (Remote Entry Services) tn:Ier VSI. The guide describes the facilities and operational requi rements for both the central computer and the NOrkstations. The procedure to be follONed for generating .nd installing RES is explained. Manual. 173 pages //38//5741.5652 ~ SC28 GC28 GC28-6879 ~ W WORKSTATION .!m!!.l! SC28-6885 fIfi!!i 57M-FOS f.QBIIWI INTERACTIVE IW!Y§ f!2! g§ .I n!U. ~ .& REFERENCE !CURRENT RELEASE) This . .nual provides the inforlll.tion required to use FORTRAN Interactive Debug to debug Code and 60 FORTRAN 61 progr... from a TSO or CMS termin.l. FORTRAN Interactive Debug is a conversational. syebolic debugging langu.ge Mith which the FORTRAN programmer c.n dynalllic.lly control the execution of his progr.lII. While using it. he can stop .nd st.rt execution. examine and change v.lues of progr•• v.ri.bles. dynalllically control the Extended Error Handling facility. display execution frequenci es for progra. st.tements. and tr.ce control transfers .s they occur. The intended audience is the TSO or CMS FORTRAN programmer Mho codes in Code .nd 60 FORTRAN or FORTRAN 61. The first section of the book describes FORTRAN Interactive Debug. its invocation. and its use ••nd gives instructions for compiling FORTRAN progr.ms 50 that they can be processed ·under inter.ctive debug. The second section is • reference section containing .11 all the FORTRAN Interactive Debug s~nds. The third section covers progr.llllling considerations. Messages issued by FORTRAN Inter.ctive Debug .re covered in the fourth section. Manual. 116 pages m ~ This pblication is intended for an RES MOrkstation user creates one or IIOr. jobs to be sent. using RES IReIIIOt. Entry Services), to a central CO!DpUter for processing. In addition. it can be used by one who merely operates the RES workstation. sending jobs created by others. The pblication describes input and output queues and hoM the IIIOrkstation user can control thee. The NOrkstation COIIIIHInds available to the user are described according to their function. The par.... ters used for various fol'll5 of the commands are expl.ined. For each type of RES Morkstation. there is a separate chapter that describes its operation. This portion can be tailored to e.ch inst.llation's requirements by removing chapters that pertain to types of workstations not used by that installation. For. user's guide to be used only at one MOrkst.tion. only the pertinent chapter need be retained. Manual. 214 p.ges n //38//5741.5652 GC28-6882 m ~ .!!!!m!H L. fI!!!!i 5746-LM3 SPECIFICATIONS Describes the Marr.nted specifications of the progr••• Specifications. 2 pages Jmli fllB.IR!tI rl 11115734-F05.5734-F05 11115746-1.113 SC28-6886 I!m!§ f!2! g§ .I n!U. US; fBQ§ 573it-FOS INSTALLATION REFERENCE !CURRENT RELEASE! Describes the infor. . tion required by the central COIIIpUting installation to install and run FORTRAN Interactive Debug under OS ITSO) and VI1I370 (CMS). The information includes inst.llation procedures. storage estieates. systee infor. . tion. llessages. and problu deterlllination .ids. FORTRAN Interactive Debug provides a conversational syebolic debugging capability for the T50 and CMS FORTRAN progra_r. Using interactive debug. the Code and 60 FORTRAN or FORTRAN 61 programmer can dyna.ic.lly control the executive of his program. examine and change values of program variables. dynamic.lly control the Extended Error Handling Facility. display execution frequencies for progr•• stataents. and trace control transfers as they occur. This pblication is intended for OS and vnl'370 personnel responsible for installing FORTRAN Inter.ctive Debug, as well as for the systelll progralllll1er responsible for maintaining it within the system. Manual. 80 pgs .EnBI!A!i INTERACTIVE SC28-6883 I!ll! .EnBI!A!i rl .l.m!Wl! mlllU 1 flROfiRAHHER' S ~ suPpLEMENT. EBQ§ .mgg 5746-bM3 Directed to programmers using the FORTRAN IV Library Option 1. a progra. product used Mith the Disk Oper.ting Systu. This publication is • supplement to •• nd should be used in conjunction with. the pblication. Disk Operating Systa: FORTRAN IV Progra...r's Guide. Order No. GC28-6397. Progr....rs .re assUMed to be f •• iliar Mith its contents. The supplelllent contains sections on using and installing the Option 1 libr.ry .nd on running the sample progr... For infor. .tion on hoM to compile. link.ge edit. and execute a DOS FORTRAN IV progr••• the appropriate sections of the progr.mmer's guide s.t-Jld be consulted. Manual. 22 pgs 11115746-1.113 GC28-6884 11115734-FOS.5734-F05 PRODUCTS filB mi .& nllm .I,J;!:Jllli US; !Bmi 5734-F01. =f.QL. .:BI.h =filh ::.LML. =JJIh =2h .!inIWL INFORMATIOIf I CURRENT RELEASE) This public.tion provides g_ral infor.ation about the GC28-6888 functions. c.pabilities. and syst_ requir~ts of the fi!BII!6!:! INTERACTIVE ~ fi!B g§ .I n!U. .PRll§ 573it-F05 follOMing progr•• products: SPECIFICATIONS !CURRENT RELEASE) o Code .nd 60 FORTRAN Processor The Program Product Specifications !PPS) describe the Marranted specific.tions of the subject Program Product. o FORTRAN IV 1611 Processor o FORTRAN IV I H Extended) Processor Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 11/72 o FORTRAN IV Library 1/1od I) 11115734-FOS.5734-F05 o FORTRAN IV Li br.ry 1/1od II) o T50 FORTRAN Prompter o FORTRAN Inter.ct i ve Debug SC28-6891 These products. Mith the exception of the TSO ProIIIpter. fi!BII!6!:! rl ~ flROOUCIS fQR ~ .I,J;!:Jllli US; fBmi oper.te under both OS .nd the crtS coeponent of VMl370. 57M-FOl! =f.QL. -F03. -1.111, .:JJ:!.h TERMINAL ~ GUIDE !CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is intended .s an aid to evaluation and pl.ming and is not .eant for the ter.inal user or This user's guide is intended for FORTRAN progra_rs Mho applications progr....r. Mill be using the 18K Systellll360 OS FORTRAN IV (61) or Code M.nual. 42 pages and 60 FORTRAN IV compiler and the FORTRAN IV Library 1/1od 11 or the FORTRAN IV !H Extended) coepiler and the 1M 11115734-1.I11.5734-F03.5734-F02.5734-F01.5734-FOS.5734-CP3. 5734-1.I13.5734-F03.5734-F02.5734-F01.5734-F05.5748-F03. FORTRAN IV Library 1/1od II) under the control of the 5748-F03 Conversational Monitor System ~t of the Virtual Machine Facility/370. It is assUlled that the reader is familiar with the FORTRAN IV Language and the CMS component of VMl370. B!!!I!iMf lBmiIW! m 496 ( '\ \. .. SC28 SC28 6C28-8302 Hanual. 210 pages 11115734-FOI.5734-LHI.5734-F03.5734-F02.5734-LH3.5734-F03. 5734-F02.5734-FOI Vli 1;(;28-6893 CODE Atm §Q fi!!URA!:t fl!li llli AH!l .YtIaZll FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Oescribes the functional capabilities of the progr••• Flyer. 8 1/2 x II inches. I page. 3/78 11115734-FOI.5734-FOI GC28-6894 FORTRAN Xl .I.mBA!U !.!:!!m Xl f!lB mi i .YtIaZll .wm.L. fRQ!L. ~ 5734-LMl FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION This document contains. functional description of FORTRAN IV Library (Model II whi ch augtllents the FORTRAN IV Li br.ry by supporting the follONing: I. List-directed I/O st.tements 2. Direction of PAUSE .nd STOP st.t_nt _sages to a terllinal 3. More accurat. conversion routines for all data. providing the sa. . results .s conversions by the FORTRAN IV (61) and Code and 60 FORTRAN cOtapll.rs 4. Under OS. tape data sets written in the American National Standard Code for Inforaation Interchange (also referred to as ASCII) Fly.r. 2 pgs 11115748-)0(1 6C28-8303 ~ m fRQ2 5748-XXI. REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes and illustr.tes the us. of the YS BASIC Language. The first part presents language statement in a fU'\Ctlonal .anner. taking the reader through various st.ps in planning a program. The second part is a referane. section and presents VS BASIC language syntax and rules of usage. The pubHcatlon is Intended to be used with an accoapanying Terainal User's Guide or Progralllll.r's Guide for the appropriate operating envirOl1lllel'\t. Hanual. 200 pages Vli 11115734-LHI 6C28-6895 m 1.Im! ( INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILIU: fLa ~ BA§lC.a. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION fBQ§ ~ 5734-RC2! 5734-RC4 This PrograM Product Functional Description (PPFD) describes the functional cap.bilities of the subject PrograM Product. which has a Progralllling Servic. Classification of C. Flyer. 2 pages = 11115748-)0(1 SC28-8304 ~ l1& fBg§ 5748-XXI. m TERMINAL lJlWC.5 §!m!g (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication provides the tutorial and reference infor.. tion necessary to use the VS BASIC language to develop prograllS under the Ti.e Sharing Option (TSOI of VS2. The first part of the bock contains detailed explanations of that portion of the TSO language r.levant to the needs of the typical VS BASIC user. AIIOng the topics discussed are creating and lICCIifying progr..... using str......nd record files In prograllS. the Inter.. ctive debug facility ...nd special implementation conslder .. tlons. The second part of the book contains reference infor.ation for the commands discussed In the first part. Hanual. 148 pages Vli 11115734-RC2.5734-RC4 6C28-6897 Q!! INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILIU: fLa AIm JWW; fmL ~ 5734-RCI. 5734-RC3. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION This Progr .... Product Function.. l Description (PPFD) describes the functional cap.bllities of the subject Progr•• Product. which has a Program.. Ing Service Cl.ssification of C. The OS Interactive Ter.inal Facility (ITFI provides problem solvers with PLII .nd lor BASIC progra. .ing In • tlme-sh.ring environment. Users can build ••odify. save. retrieve. execute. and debug PLII anellor BASIC programs frOll reaot. t.r.inals. lIany of which may be sharing the computer's CPU tiM sl.ult.naously. Flyer. 4 pages = = 11115734-RCI.5734-RC3 11115748-XXI SC28-8306 ~ iIm! IE This book is an elementary text describing. suba.t of the It is Intendad for readers Mho .ra U"Ifa.iliar with basic. with progr. . .ing. and wi th computers. Readers with techni cal backgrounds. 'and readers who are .lre.dy fallili.r with BASIC. should read the VS BASIC Language Reference Hanual. Order No. 6C28-8303. which contains a full description of the language. The technical info..... tion cont.ined in this book is s~rized in. detachable r.ference guide appended to the back cover. Hanual. 150 pgs. 3174 VS BASIC language .s It Is used under TSO. 11115748-XXI 497 ( m ~ .PRmi 5748-XXI. gm TERMINAL !mB..!.!I fiY1mi (CURREN[ RELEASE! This publication provides the tutorial and referanee infor. .tion necessary to use the VS BASIC language to develop progran U'KIer the Conversational Monitor Syst_ (CMS) component of the Virtual Hachine Facllity/370 (YHl3701. It contains d.tailed explanations of that portion of the YHl370 COlllland Language directly r.levant to the needs of the typical VS BASIC user. a sample t.rainal session. a discussion of the int.ractiv. debugging co...neIs. and other ref.rence Inforution. including a description of the batch processing facility. Manual Vli SC28-8300 ~ ll! f!lB ~ Ali INTRODUCTION m XlI l1& fRQ2 5748-XXI (CURRENT RELEASE I m BA§lC.a. fBQ§ 5748-XXI. ~ INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE I This publlc.tion is for install.tion managers and system prograll. .rs responsible for planning an installation of the IBM prograM product VS BASIC under one of the virtual storage operating systellS: YHl370; OSIYS2 with TSO; or the IBM prograM product YS Personal Computi ng (VSPC I. The public.tion aids in evaluating VS BASIC. It provides general Inforaatlon about the characteristics and capabilities of VS BASIC: it lists and discusses the statements. functions. and constants of the language I describes the environunts in which VS BASIC operatesl and summarizes related publications where the reader can obtain more specific product Information. describes the environments In Nhlch VS BASIC operates I and summarizes related publications where the reader can obtain mol'. specific product information. Manual. 39 pages 11115748-)0(1 SC28 6C30 SC28-8308 ~ ~.w; Em!!! S748-XXl, ~.I ~ (CURREIfT RELEASE) This publication is directed to the VS BASIC user programing in the batch environment of OSIVS (VS1 or VS2) or DOSIVS, and describes hoM to cOllpile and execute e program written in VS BASIC, a program product. It contains information about processor options used with the program product, and about job control statements needed to run the product. It is intended to be used with VS BASIC Language, Order No. 6C28-8303, to provide a cOllplete guide to r,,",ing VS BASIC in a batch environment. No previous experience with either Dos/vS or OSIVS is required for use of this publication. Manual, 130 PSIS ~ Warranty and License Agreement for the product are based. It describes the program product functions and capabilities, prograMing syst. . information, compatibility considerations, reference .. terial, and PrograMing Service classification. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 pages, 6/77 PR!l!iRAHMER'S 1111S7ltS-XXl 111157ltS-XXI GC28-8313 VIDEO/370 INCU!)IN6 m ~ ~ ~ INFORMATION This publication gives an overview of IBM'. VIDEO/370 syst... The information herein is intended pri ..arily for managetlK!nt personnel as an aid in planning and evaluation. Publications to assist in the actual operation of VIDE0/370 are listed under "Reference Material" on page 19. Manual, 22 pages 1IIIS734-RC5,5736-RC3 SC28-8309 m f!mIi 5748-XXl, INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL (QURREIfT RELEASE) This publication provides installation personnel with information on hDfll to install the VS BASIC processor uncIer OSIVS, Dos/vS, TSO, CtIS and VSPC. Included with the step-by-step procedure for each environment are storage inforlllation and systell progra....r considerations. This publication is essentially supplemental, in that it assumes the availability or familiarity with other syst. . publications pertaining to the use of the environment under Nhich VS BASIC is to operate. Manual. 132 pages, 1/76 ~ ~ 6C30-1011 m E!H!.w; Em!!! SZS2-VS2, .mml:IlNFQR!tATlON This publicaHon describes the component package TCAH9. It contains a description of its features, an overview of installation considerations. and a list of the publications pertinent to the package. The information in this publication is intended for installation managers, syst_ progra_rs, and IBM Field Engineering personnel. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 12 pages, 2176 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 1111S7ltS-XXI 6C30-2012 § lli BIB m ~ N:!!l ~ 9LIJi CONCEPTS M:m FACILUIES This publication contains infor..ation about Conversation Remote Job Entry (CRJE) under OSIHFT, OSIHVT, and OSIVSI. It describes the systell! concepts, facilities, and points out the responsibilities of those involved in the overall operation of CRJE. An appendix of related publications and a glossary of terminology is included. Hanual, 36 pages l:!lia!fL. SC28-8310 ~ AH INTRODUCTION :rg XlI u.m; .!1m! m! PROS S748-XXI (CURRENT RELEASE) This book is an elellentary text describing a subset of the VS BASIC language as it is used under CtIS. It is intended for readers Mho are unfa.iliar with BASIC, with programming, and with computers. Readers with technical backgrounds, and readers Mho are already falliliar with BASIC, should read the VS BASIC Language Reference Hanual, Order No. 6C28-8303, 11381/5741.5652 Nhich contains a full description of the language, and the VS BASIC CtIS Terminal User's Guide, Drder No. SC28-8306, Nhich contains a IIOre detailed description of haN to use VS 6C30-2014 BASIC under CtIS. ~ ~ N:!!l ~ rug TERHINAL ~ §!Wlg The technical information contained in this book is This publication serves primarily as a guide for the su.arized in a detachable reference guide appended to the inexperienced CRJE (Conversational RellOte Job Entry) back cover. terminal user and as a reference for the experienced Manual CRJE user. This publication describes the functions of CRJE and 11115748-XXI the ter.inal commands that enable the user to perforM these functions. Th8 c_nds and subco.ands are described in detail, and examples illustrate haN they may be used. 6C28-8311 Ter.inal messages are documented with explanations and YJ ~ m fImIi SH8-XXl, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT corresponding system and user responses. RELEASE I The VS BASIC processor, Nhich operates in ti . .-sharing and Manual, 179 pages batch environments, is used for COIIpiling and executing 11381/5741,5652 progra_ written in the BASIC language. With VS BASIC, the user can execute a program i..adiately after co~ilation or 6C30-2016 can store it and execute it later. VS BASIC is designed to operate in virtual .torage l:!lia!fL. mu!flL. Atm ~ 9LIJi JUIm fIR!l!iRAtI!ER' S 1iYIl!1 syst_. It operates in the time-sharing environments: CtIS This publication contains information to .id the syst_ (Conversational Honitor Syst. . ) of VHl370 and TSO (Ti_ progra....r and the central COIIpUter operator in the Sharing Option) under OSIVS2 and VSPC (Virtual Storage installation of. the operation of. and use of Conversational Personal Computing) under OSIVSI, 0SIVS2, and DOSIVS. It ReMOte Job Entry (CRJE). This publication describes CRJE and the faciliti_ it operateil a. a batch compi ler under control of OSIYSI, 0SIVS2, DOSIYS, and CtIS Batch. This publication replaces provides users at reMOte keyboard terminal. attached by the Program Product Design Objectives, 6)(28-8301, at release co-...icationa lines to an IBH System/360 or IBH System/370 time. It i. ailled at custOlller nploy_ and prospective that uses the HFT, 11VT. or VSl options of the operating syst_ (OS). cust_ra responsible for planning and _intaining an installation. It provides info,--tion upon Nhich the IBH Infor. .tion about the CRJE task, its operating / 498 ( \.) ( 6C30 GC30 envirOl'WB1t, systell generation considerations, and the central operator couand facility is included. Central IleSsages are described Nith explanations and suggested operator responses. This publication also includes a discussion of CRJE storage estiMates and offers some perforMance guidelines to aid the systell progranaer in t .... ing hi. CRJE systell. I1anual, 65 pages //38//5741,565e SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION IlHLY 6C30-e047 ~ ~ §.Illi OPERATOR'S LIBRARY The os/ySI TCAM Oper.tor's Libr.ry is a Module in the OS/YS Operator's Library for the operator of teleprocessing systems using the VSl Operating Syst. . and the Telecom...... icatians Access Method ITCAM). It familiarizes the operator Ni th TCAM procedures and commands. .nd provi des • conveni ent reference. A fallili.rity Nith data processing is assumed. however. knoNledge of teleprocessing MOUld be helpful. The material in this publication Nas previously contained in the Operator's Library: OS/YS TCAM. GC30-2037 which Nas • cCltllbination YSl and vse publication. Beginning Nith VSl release 3.1 this publication contains VSl TCAM Operator's Libr.ry inforMation • ..hile vse TCAM Operator's Libr.ry infor. . tion continues in the publication Operator's Library. OS/YS TCAM, GC30-2037. A sUllllllary of the commands has been placed at the beginning of this guide for easy reference. Technical terms used in this publication .re defined in A Data Processing Glossary. GCeO-1699. For MOre details about OS/VS TCAM .nd the operator commands. see the OS/VS TCAM Progr....er·s Guide, GC30-e054. Manual, 30 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION IlHLY m!ml 6C30-2041 .!..l£mJi § .I .il PROGRAmER'S mlm For users of TCAM (TelecoMmUnications Access Method). This book is a coding guide for the progranners Mho IlUSt construct or lIOdify a TeAM llessage control prograM (HCP) or Nrite a TCAM - compatible application progra.. It also explains haN to use a variety of auxiliary service facilities. It contains inforMation that .ight be of use in planning and setting up a teleprocessing systell' incorporating TCAIVVTAM (Virtual Telecommunications Access Method) and SNA (Syst_ NetNOrk Architecture). The reader should be fa.iliar Nith OS/VS TCAM Concepts and Facilities, GC30-2042. Manual, 800 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ 6C30-2042 ~ ~ § J .il CONCEPTS MIll FACILITIES Thi. public.tion is an introduction to the Telec-.roications Access Method ITeAM) for persons requiring either a general knoMledge of TeAM, or a b.sic U"IcIerstanding before studying .are detailed docuaentation. Readers should have • general knowledge of data processing .nd the IBM operating SystellS. I1anual, 60 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m! ( 6C30-2049 E!t! (WlNCp/vs fQR litIA! CONCEPTS! APPLICATIONS This is a new public.tion that introduces the TelecOllllllU"lications Aq:ess Method ITCAM) Nith direct netNOrk control program/virtual storage (NCP/YS) support. This version of TCAM supports IBM's Syst. . Network Architecture ISNA) Nithout the Virtual Telecommunic.tions Access Method IYTAM); it operates with OS/yS1, Multiple Virtual storage (MYS), or Single Virtual storage ISYSJ. This Manual is for persons requiring a general knowledge of TCAM: data processing . .nagers, system programmers, and .pplication progralUllers. It describes hoN TCAM operates Nith an IBM 3704 or 3705 C~ications Controller in network control ~ ClC30-2044 EA!:I IDW i .I i PROGRAMMER'S !i!.!m.t m ill L.L. L.Z For users of TCAH (Tel~ications Access Method), Level 5 and .bove' VSl and YS2. Incorporates TSO (VS2 only). This book is a coding guide for the progra_rs Mho _ t construct or IIOdify a TCAH . .ssage control progra .. ItlCP) or Nrite a TCAH-compatible application progr.... It also expl.ins haN to use a v.riety of auxiliary service f.cilities. It also has information that .ight be of use in pl.nning and setting up • teleprocessing systu incorpor.ting TCAH. The reader should be f.mili.r Nith OS TeAM Concepts .nd Facilities, Order No. 6C30-2022. I1anual, 820 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ .acIe. TCAH can also operate with an IBM 2701 D.ta Adapter Unit. an IBM 2702 or e703 TransMission Control Unit, .n IBM 7770 Audio Response Unit. or Nith an IBM 3704 in eJIIUlation MOde. The reader Mho plans to use TCAM wi th any of these control units or Nith the emulation prograM should refer to the OS/YS TCAM Concepts and facilities. GC30-2042. OS/YS Concepts and Applic.tions includes infor. . tion on: a Basic TCAH concepts. such as buffering and queuing a H_ TCAM and NCP/ys oper.te in a teleprocessing network a SNA sessions and changes . .de to TCAM's structure to .dd SNA support o The message control prograM .nd message handlers a Use of the Time Sharing Option ITSO) in a TSO-only and a TSO/TCAM .i xed envi ronllent o Design consideration for application progr.ms a Network control using application-prograM . .cros and oper.tor commands. o TCAM's service facilities - online tests. oper.tor control. checkpoint/restart, and debugging .ids o HardNare configurations supported. I1anual, 76 pages, 6/76 /C/30//5741,575e,5742,5652 6C30-2045 m!aI IQtI .illYWI § J !la. mm!J iYlI!l The OS/YS TCAM User's Guide is • publication for syst_ analysts and programmers Mho IllUSt design, Nrite and inst.ll a TCAM progr... It is both a guide for diagnosis and a problu deter.ination handbook. M.nual. 350 p.ges SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC30-2046 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: !Ulali& IQtI .l.I.ml.I J .I 11 For users of TCAH ITelea-.nications Access Method). This book f •• ili.rizes the oper.tor Nith TCAI1 procedures and _.nds, and provides. convenient reference. For.are details on Level 8 TCAI1 and the operator ~nds, see the TCAH Progr._r's Guide, order 0s/vs2, No. 6C30-2040. I1anual, 40 pages 6C30-2050 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS fi!R ~ US; fBg§ 5735-RCI. GENERAL INFORMATION This publication introduces Advanced eo-.nicatians Function for the TelecomU"l;c.tions Access Method IACF/TCAM). This 499 ( 6C30 6C30 program product supports IBM's Syst. . Network Architectur. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 626 pgs. 3177 (SHA) and operates with OSIVSI. Hultiple Virtual Storage 1C130115742.5741-602.5752 (HYS). or Single Virtual Storage (SYS). Thi. lIIanual is for persons requiring a general knoNledge of ACF/TCAM: data processing managers. system programmer•• and application GC30-2054 prograllllllers. It describes hew ACF/TCAM operates with an IBM ~ .E!!! ~ .!I .I 11 PROGRAMMER'S l!Y.lQf; OSIVSI TCAH PrograllllDer's Guid. - Program No. 5744-AW2 For 3704 or 3705 Communications Controller in network control us.rs of TeAM (TelecOllllllUnications Access Hethod). Thi. !lOde. ACF/TCAH can operate with an ISH 2701 Data Adapter Unit, book i. a coding guide for the progralDllers who _ t con.truct or lIOCIi fy a TCAM 1II. .5IIge control program (tlCP) or an IBH 2702 or 2703 Translllis.ionControl Unit. an IBM 7770 Audio Respcnse Unit. or with an ISH 3704 or 3705 in write a TCAM-compatible application program. It also eMUlation 1II0de. The reader who plans to use ACF/TCAM with explains how to use a variety of auxiliary .ervice any of these control unit. or with the emulation progralll facilitie.. It contains inforillation that might b. of us. in planning and s.tting up a teleproces.ing sy.tea should refer to the OSIVS TCAM Concept. and Facilities. 6C30-2042. for inforillation on: incorpcrating TCAIVYTAM (Virtual Telecommunications Access l1ethod) and SHA (Systems Network Architectur.). o Line control o Invitation and selection of t.rminals The reader .hould be familiar with OS TCAM Concepts and o Polling and addressing Facilities. Order No. GC30-2042. o Error-recovery procedures. Hanual. 792 pages Advanced Communications Function for TCAM &eneral SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Inforillation include. inforillation on: o Basic ACF/TCAM concepts. such as buffering and queuing o How ACF/TCAM and NCPIVS operate in a teleproces.ing 6C30-2056 network ~ ~ llm 1Jl SELECTABLE Yt!lI ~ INFORMATION. o SNA sessions and SMA support .llY!!l 5752-836 This publication provides general information and storage o How ACF/TCAM operates in a multiple-domain network o The . .ssag. control program and ....age handler. estimates for TCAH L.v.l 10 HYS. TCAM Leyel 10 HYS is o Us. of the Tillie Sharing Option (TSO) in a TSO-only and suppcrted by OSIVS2 Release 3.7. TSO/TCAH lIIixed environment Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pgs. 9177 o Design consideration for application prograMS SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY o Network control using application-program ..cros and operator commands o TCAH's service facilities: online tests. operator 6C30-3001 control. checkpcintlrestart. and debugging aids ~ PROGRAMMER'S iYmli 1.Qh IHlh .I ~ SYSTEMS) o Hardware configurations suppcrted This publication provides system programmers. application Higration considerations. prograll1lllers. and operators with the inforillation they need Manual. 8-1/2 x 11 inches. 90 pgs. 10176 to use ISH 3735 Programillabl. Buffered Terminal facilities 11115735-RCI in a teleprocessing systu. All readers should have a general knowledge of Systellll360 and Systellll370 data processing techniques in a GC30-2051 teleprocessing environMent. Those respcnsible for designing or installing part or all of a syst... that includes IBM ~ .E!!! ~ PROGRAMMER'S l!Y.lQf; EAt! wn 1Jl 3735 terminals should haYe a detailed knowledge of SELECTABLE YHlI ~ IDENTIFIERS: 5141-602 ~ IU lRl1 5742-UY99915 1!2liLm l!;RlJ. 5752-836 ~ .llY l!!l teleprocessing systems. For users of TCAM (Telecommunications Access Hethod). Thi. All users of this book should be familiar with the book is a coding guide for the programmers who _ t information contained in 18/1 3735 Prograllll1labl. Buffered construct or modify a TeAM IlleSsage control program (tlCP). Te... inal Concept and Application. GA27-3043 • ...,ich It also explains how to use a variety of auxiliary service describes the operating characteristics and features of facilities. It contains inforillation might b. of use in the 3735 terminal. planning and s.tting up a teleprocessing syst. . Programmer's Guide. 200 pages incorpcrating TCAM and SNA (Systems Network Architecture). 1130/37351 The reader should be falli 1 i ar wi th OS TCAM Concepts and Applications. Order No. GC30-2049. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 596 pgs. 3177 GC30-3003 ICl30115742,5752,5741 3704/3705 COMMUNICATIONS COHIROLLER ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is a ref.rence ..nual for the syst... 6C30-2052 prograllll1\er. the systelllS engineer and the applications prograillmer coding in the ISH eo-..tications Controller ~ .E!!! f!!gQ REFERENCE !iYllli mil J.m.L 1Jl Assembler Language. !SY lD 5141-602 ~ 5ZS2-8 36) This lIIanual presents detailed infor.. tion on the ..cro The publication i • • imilar to the IBH Systu/360 Operating SysteM ....sembler Language publication. 6C28-6514. instructions used with the T.leco..unications Access Kethod ( TCAM) wi th di rect Network Control Program/Vi rtual Storage The Communications Controller Assembler is si.ilar to the OS Assembler Ileyel F) and the DOS ....sembler (level D). The ( NCP/VS) suppcrt. All of the TeAM and TCAM/TSO macros ar. discussed at the operand level. The appendixes contain the similarity is intended to aid the ComlllUrlications Controll.r TCAM lIIessage error r.cord. internal and transmission coda programmer Ioiho already has OS or DOS Assembler knowledge. charts. and ..cro r.turn codes. Chapt.r 1 introduces the assembler language and This ..nual is a reference guide containing no tutorial describes the .. jor differences bet_ the language and the information. It is assumed that the user is thoroughly OS and DOS ....sembl.r language. Chapter 2 presents basic assembler language concepts. Chapter 3 describes familiar with the TCAM Systea programmer's Guida before using this book for coding. The reader _ t al.o have a instruction alignment . . .chine instruction lIn8tIKX\ics. lIachine forMats and briefly describes the extended basic understanding of .ystems network architecture. The user of this . .nual should be a TCAM system lII'ItIIIOI"Iics. progra_r and _ t be able to coda in Asslllllbl.r language. Chapter 4 discusses the instructions to the asselllbl..... 500 ( Ge30 Ge30 including sYJllbol definition. data definition. progra. NeP 1 - Ge30-3000 sectioning .nd linkages. symbolic linkages. bas. ragist.r NeP 2 - Ge30-3007 instructions. listing control and program control NeP 5 - GC30-3008 instructions. Chapter 5 describes the Mcro language and Manual, 93 pages. 10/76 1/30/3705,37041 the proc.dures for its us •• Appendixes A through E cont.in a su.aary of assembl.r language f.atures and usage. Appendix F describes the job control language and the storage requirements necessary to Ge30-3008 produce an assembly. and Appendix G contains ...sages and ~ .I ~ ~ PROGRAM GENERATION .I UTILITIES ~ .I ~ ~ 5744-ANI. -BA2. 5747-AGI. -AJ2 ICURRENT RELEASE) codes helpful in debugging a prograll. Bafore using this p..blication. the reader slwuld ba Provides the information necessary to III define and fa.iliar Nith basic programming concepts and techniques. generate a NetNork Control Prograa/VS for a local or remota The pr.requisite publication is Introduction to the 1M 3705 1M 3704 or 3705 Communications Controller I 121 load the Communications Controll.r. GA27-3051. Corequisit. to this prograM into the controll.rl and 131 dump the contents of publication is the IBM 3705 CoarIIunications Controll.r controll.r storage. Principles of Op.ration. Ge30-3004. This publication is directed to the systl!lllS analyst or systems programmer responsible for performing the above The contents of this publication apply to both OS .nd DOS us.rs U"Iless noted differently in the text. actions. Manual. 116 pages Pr.requisite to us. of this publication is a basic //30/3705,3704/ U"Iderstanding of teleprocessing and t.leprocessing access . .thods. A g_ral knOlilladge of the purposes of the communications controll.rs MY be obtained froll the Ge30-3004 introduction to the IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controll.rs IGA27-3051). m!& .llH.:..L. M:II! mi::ll CO!!!1!J!:!ICATIQNS C!!t!TROLLERS Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 216 pages. 1/77 PRINCIPLES QE OPERATION This public.tion is the IHIchina ref.rence .anual for the 1M //30/3704.3705/5744-BA2,5747-AJ2,5747-AGl.5744-ANl.5742 3704. 3705-1. and 3705-11 Communications Controll.rs. It provides a direct comprehensive description of the controll.rs' fU"ICtional components, the arithmetic, logical. Ge30-3020 br.nching, status SNitching. and input/output operations. TELEPROCESSING PREINSTALLATI!lN GUIDE fiIIl D!:I ~ A!:I! 3705 .nd the priority interrupt schema. COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS Manual, 4/81 T.leprocessing Pr.installation Guide for 1M 3704 and 3705 //09/3705.3704/ Co...unications Controllers Ge30-3020) This publication lists the equipment characteristics of the teleprocessing netNork and communications controll.r that the user IlUSt specify Nhen coding an emulation progra. Ge30-3005 3704 .I ~ COMMUNICATIONS C!!t!TROLLERS. EMULATION ~ or netNOrk control progra... The p..blication consists of a series of tables, one for each type of station supported by ~ M:II! PERFORMANCE REFERENCE lCURREN! RELEASE) This publication has tNO purposes (1) to assist you in the program and one for each type of line set Nith MIlich the det.r.ining the storage r.quirements for the 1M 3705 controller can be equipped. Each table gives the EMUl.tion Progra•• and (2) to assist you in deter.ining the appropriate values to code for the station or line set 3705 line attachaent capability and proper arrange••nt of represented. For so. . charact.ristics s.veral values are listed. the .ppropriate choice depending on hoN the user's lines on the COtIIIIIUFIications controller'. internal priorities for best EllUlation Progra. parformanc.. The p..blic.tion is station is equipped Ifor instance. Nhich trans .. ission code intended for systeMS analysts and systems programmars it employsl or in Nhich of alt.rnate !lodes h. Nishes the responsible for defining and generating an ElNlation station or lina to operat.. In these cases. accompanying Progra•• and for IBM systellS engineers .nd salesllen. notes suggest Nhar. the us.r My leam the values Chapter 1 sl.llll!Hrizes the contents of the book. Chapt.r appropriate for his installation. A companion p..blication. Teleprocessing Installation 2 defines storage requirements. Chapt.r 3 defines forlNl. . and procedures for establishing line speeds and priorities Record for IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers for bast p.rformance. lGe30-30211. is us.ful for recording the equipment characteristics of a particular t.leprocessing installation You should be fa .. iliar Nith the info...ation contained in The IBM 3705 eo..unications Controll.r Emulation Progra. as a guide for coding progralllS for the cOllllU"lications Gener.tion .nd Utilities. Guid. and Ref.renc. Manual, Ge30controller. 3002. A r.lated publication is the IBM 3705 eo-.,ications Manual. 128 pages Controll.r Principles of Operation. Ge30-3004. //09/3704.3705/ Manual. 30 pages //30/3705.3704/ Ge30-30U TELEPROCESSING INSTALLATION Bml!m fiIIl D!:I ~ A!:I! ~ :>C30-3006 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS This publication provides the user Nith a convenient lIeans ~ ESTIrIAT£S .I PERFORMANCE PLANNING fiIIllZn J 1Zl!!i HCP for recording the details of his 3704 01" 3705 based This publication is • guide to dat.r.ining the stor.ge requirements of the natNOrk control progra•• versions 1. 2. teleprocessing configuration existing or plamad that he !lUSt knoN before coding an ellUlation progl"a. or natNol"k and 5 HICP 1, NeP 2. and NCP 51. It is also. guide to help control progra.. As furnished, the publication consists of in the planning for the NeP's parfo.... nc.. (The natNOrk control program is a control program for the 1M 3704 and a series of fo .... tted charts. each of Nhich as appropriat.ly 3705 Caamunications Controllers. It is generated by the labelled spaces representing the inforllation items pertinent us.r frOll a library of 1M supplied aodulesl. The Mnual is to a particular type of cOlIIIIII.nication li ... Isuch as a IlUltipoint line) .nd the stations associated NUh that line. directed to syst_ analysts. systellS progra_rs. 1M syst_ engina.rs, and IBM salesllen Mho are pl.ming for NeP A chart is also provided for recording the har_r. U"Iits storage estimates and perfo....nce. The INlnuIIl'. us.r should installed in the cOlllllUlications controller. along tlith be thoroughly falliliar Nith the generation .nd utilities r.lated information such as line int.rfac• • nd subchannel INlnual .ppropri.t. for his version of NeP. as foll_= .ddresses us.d. 501 ( SC30 SC30 FrOil the package of charts prov;cled the user selects the number and types appropriate to his teleprocessing configuration. Upon filling in the inforllation indicated andassellbling the cherts into a binder. he has a convenient record of his configuration that gives IlUCh of the information needed to code a prograll appropriate to his installation. (The charts also contain spaces for related inforMation not needed in coding the prograM' for example. common-carrier circuit numbers.) A cOllpanion publication. Teleprocessing Preinstallation Guide for IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers 16C30-30201. provides guidance in selecting Many of the parameters to be doc:uaIented in the installation record. Manual. 20 pages Storagel. This publication 11) explains the concepts of single-daMin networks. and networking; (2) s~rizes the capabilities and functions of Release 2 of ACF/VTAM. Version 2 Release 2 of ACFITCAM. and Release 2 of ACFINCPIVS; (31 explains the further capabilities and functions provided by Release 3 of ACFIVTAM. Version 2 Release 3 of ACFITCAM. and Release 3 of ACFINCPIVSI (41 lists the communication systems and stations supported by the prograll products listed in (3), (51 contains 50lIl8 preinstallation planning considerations for users intending to install or upgrade a network based on the IBM Systems Network Architecture (SNAIl and (61 contains a glossary of terllS and abbreviations used in describing. SNA-based networks. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 10176 1IIIS73S-RC3.S73S-RC2.S735-XX1.5746-RC3 1109/3704.37051 SC30-303S 6C30-3024 !§!:I12!!! SUBSYSTEM 12!!! BllAl.!. STORE SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ill 1.Jl M!!l 1J. fBQ§BA!! PREPARATION ~ .: APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S ~ ~ 5747-BJg i 5744-BQ2 This lIanual is for systems analysts and application programllers Mho use Subsystem PrograM Preparation Support ISPPSI to design and coda user l.WIique applications for the IBM 3650 Retail Store Syst.... Subsystem Prograll Preparation Support consists of an assembler language subset and a group of macros for coding applications. and the Transforllation Definition Language la declarative language used for defining data transfer between the IBM 3651 Subsystell Controller and an IBM 3275 Infor... tion Display Stationl. Detailed specifications for the lIacros. the Transforllation Definition Language. and the translator for the Transfor ... tion Definition Language are provided for the application programner. Manual. 300 pages This publication is a guide for the programller of the IBM 3650 Retail Store System. It supports both Release 3.0 and 3.1 of the IBM 36S0 Retail Store System. It describes the retail environment and the cOll1lllUnication network to the host IBM System/370 virtual storage computer. It is written primary for the system progra....r responsible for the complete host and store system. as well as for the IBM systu engineer and field engineering programlling support representative who may assist in its installation and ... intenance. Also. the store training staff BY find it helpful in U'ICIerstanding more about the retail store syst. . fl.WlCtions. The . . jar areas of this lIanual includes a review of the sales. administrative. and ticketing fl.WlCtions of the retail store systell. how the user BY add his own progra_ing at the store controller to create a set of functions uniquely fitted to his store environment. and how to recognize and diagnose errors in the syst... This _nual tells how to use the progra_ing support available to the retail store system. It emphasizes ways of installing. operating. and Maintaining the whole syst... It suggests . .ans by Nhich the prograllller can coordinate the operation of the syst . . through subsyst. . definition. user progra_ing. operating procedures. and error diagnosis. As a guide. it is not complete in itself but organizes this infor.tion and leads the user to other reference sources available in the retail store syst. . library and IBH Systelll370 publications. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. S12 pages. 3/77 11301IS747-BJ3.S744-BQ3 1130115744-BQ2.5747-BJ2 6C30-3028 1ZZh 1ZZL i 1112 PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION TERMINALS PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE This ... nual contains progra_ing inforllation about the IBM 3773. 3774. and 3775 Prograllmable CoIIIII.WIication Terllinals. It is directed to the application progra_r Mho codes the 3770 prograll5. and to the systell programner who generates the syst. . and installs the 3770 progra_ing capability. SolIe of the descriptions in the lIanual are: a Progralllling characteristics of the terMinal. a Fl.a'lCtions that can be perforlled by the 3770 prograll5. a How to code the 3770 progralll5. including a list of all the progra_ing statallants. a How to code the supervisor (job contrail prograllS. a Host services that are necessary to assemble. validate. test. and prepare the prograM for inclusion .into the 3770 prograM library. The prograllller using this lIanual should have a thorough understanding of the operating syst... access Hthod. and teleprocessing syst. . to Nhich the 3770 is attached. A prerequisite p\blication for this llllnual is IBM 3770 ea..unication Syst... Syst. . Components. GA27-3097. Manual. 450 pages SC30-3036 / wm ill APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S §Ym SUIDS 5741-602' 5752-836. l&B 5742 This lIanual describes how to write application prograllS for the TCAM enyironllent. The TCAM application progralllMing environMent is described in detail. and all the OSIVS and TCAM MCP requiruents are discussed. All of the TCAM application Prograll aacros are presented. and the rational for each lIacro is discussed. This ... nual is both. tutorial and a reference guide. It is organized frOll general to specific. This is so the new progra_r can begin at Chapter 1. and progress through the book as his knowledge of TCAM increases. The progralllller Mho is experienced with TCAM can us. the lIanual as a reference guide by turning directly to the area that he is interested in. The user of this lIanual should be an application progra...er. and IlUSt be able to code prograllS in ei ther Assembler language. COBOL. or PLII. The TCAM syst. . prograMller BY also occasionally Nant to refer to this _nual. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pgs. 2/77 IC/301IS742.S741-602.S7S2 ~ ~ 1130/3773.3774.37751 6C30-3033 INTRODUCTION nI ADVANCED CO!!M!ICATIONS FUNCTION Provides an introductory description of the types of data COIIIIl.Wlication network configurations that are supported by the three principal progra_ing components of Advanced eo-r.ications Fl.a'lCtion: ACFIVTAM (Advanced eo.unications Fl.a'lCtion for Virtual Telecommunications Access Methodl. ACFITCAM (Advanced Cotntaunications Fl.WICtion for Tel8COlllllUnications Access Method. and ACFINCPIVS (Advanced CoIIIIunications Fl.WICtion for Network Control PrograalVirtual 502 1/ I ~ ..../ ( 6C30 Ge30 Ge30-3037 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: ~ IQH illm .l2l.z. SUID 5741-602, 5752-836. !Q! 5742 This manual is primarily a reference guide. It describes how a TCAM telecommunication netNOrk can be controlled through TCAM operator control commands. Since this manual will be used in a telecommunication environment.· a typical telecollllllU'lication netNOrk is described and discussed. Next. the fo~at and syntax of the TCAM operator control COIIIIIIands is discussed and described. llIIIIIediately preceding the detailed discussion of Nhat each cOlllliland does. a discussion on hoM to issue the cOllllllands is given. One chapter is a quick reference guide on hoM to code aach cOlUland. This chapter may be removed frOil the aanual for use at the terminal that has been designated as the operator control terainal. The last chapter is a list of all the operator awareness messages that may be returned as a result of issuing an operator control command. The user of this manual should be familiar ~ith the concept of operator control through a keyboard device. The TCAM system programmer may have need to refer to this aanual occasionally. and If you plan to write a progralllDed operator Ithat is. a TCAM application program that is designed to control your netNOrk by i ssui ng operator control commands I • you should use this lIanual in conjunction with the TCAM Application Programmer's Guide Ge30-3036. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 92 pgs. 2/77 1c/30115742.5741-602.5752 6C30-3046 OSIVSI E!H Yill !l SELECTABLE Yt:!I! SYSTEM INFORMATION. ~ !!l 5741-602 This publication gives a general description of TCAt! Level 10 ITCAM Direct), lists other TCAM publications. and provides storage estimate information. Manual. 8 1/2·x 11 inches. 24 pgs. 4/77 11115741-602 Ge30-3049 ADVANCED Ctlt\!'U!ICATIONS FUNCTION BlB TCAM CONCEPTS AIm PLANNING This publication provides an overvi .... of Advanced Communications Function for the Telecommunications Access Method I ACF ITCAM I. The ACF ITCAM program product supports IBM's systelllS netNOrK architecture (SNAI and operates with OSIVSI. Multiple Virtual Storage IMYS)' and Single Virtual Storage (SVSI. All information in this manual pertaining to multiple-domain configurations and cross-domain operations applies to ACFITCAM systems with the Multisystn NetNOrking Facility. The manual is directed primarily to data processing aanagers and the system programmers who Nill design. install. or maintain a data communication system that uses ACFITCAM. The application programmer can also use the manual to understand the context in which ACFITCAM application programs execute. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 92 pgs. 12/77 11115735-RCI 6C30-3039 E!H INSTALLATION Atm MIGRATION SUIDE ~ !l SELECTABLE YHlI !§Yl IDENTIFIERS; 5741-602 ~ ~ lDl 5742-UY99915 ~ l&Rli 5752-836 ~ ~ !Dl This publication will help shorten the time required to install a TCAMI0 syst. . or to migrata from an existing TCAt! systeM to TCAMI0. This . .nual provides sample aessage control progralllS I tlCPs I and a network control program I NCP I for three system configurations: TCAM only. TSO only. and TCAM aixed operation. These samples are to be used all adjunct information to that contained in TCAM System Programmer's Guide 6C30-2051 and the TCAM Macro Reference Guide Ge30-2052. Both of these manualll all ....11 as the TCAtI 10 Program Directory docunent should be at hand as this guide is read. This manual points to detailed information in the other publications. This manual is intended for syst_ progra_rs and those responsible for installing TCAMI0. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 316 pgs. 3/77 ~ ( IC/30115741-602.5752.5742 6C30-3040 lli ~.li!m! 5741-602. lQR 5742-YY99915 ~ ~ DEBUGGING GUIDE ~ ~ ~ 5752-836. ~ The OSIVS TCAM Debugging Guide NaS written for lIyst... programmers Mho BUSt write. install or aaintain a TCAM program. It is both a guide for diagnosis and a prahl. . determination handbook. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 226 pgs. 6177 1c/30115742.5741-602.5752 Ge3D-3D44 mali I:!mW LIBRARY: !ill ~ ~ In 5741-602 ~ ~ l!! MESSAGES This publication contains the system MeSsages applicable to TCAM Level 10 ITCA/1 DirecU. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pgs. 4/77 1c/30115741-602.5752,5742 6C30-3057 ADVANCED cot!MUtlICATIONS FUNCTION BlB ~ ~ 1L ill fBQ§ 5735-RC3. GENERAL INFORMATION: INTRODUCTION This publication provides an overvi_ of ACFITCAM. Version 2, summarizes the capabilities of Releases I. 2. 3, and 4. of ACFITCAt! Version 2. and provides some migration and planning considerations. including devices and subsystems supported by ACFITCAM. Version 2. The manual is directed primarily to data processing managers. their technical staff, and others Mho Nant ;nfo~ation that will enable them to evaluate the benefits of Version 2 of ACFITCAM. Manual, 8 112 x II inches, 76 pages, 10/81 11115735-RC3 6C30-3058 ACFINCPIVS ~ mmml. ~ n:ruH SUPPORT PROGRAMS. 5735-XXI. -XX3. 5747-CHI. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) Provides a general introduction to the role of ACFINCPIVS IAdvanced Communications Function for Network Control PrograllllVSI in a data communication network and explains the purposes and advantages of Release 2 of ACFINCPIVS. ACFINCPIVS ;5 a licensed program product that is executed in an IBI1 3705 Communications Controller. The program performs many functions relating to transmission of data over coaomunication lines, including routing of message traffic through the network; activating. deactivating, and IIOnitoring resources in the network Isuch as lines and stationsl; performing error recovery actions; translating lllessage data fr_ processing code to transmission code, and vice versal and establishing operating parameters such as timeouts. Each user of ACFINCPIVS defines the configuration and operational requirnents of his network in program generation statements. then generates the ACFINCP/VS frOll a library of IBM-supplied modules.! The user then loads the generated program into the communications controller that is to execute the program. Release 2 of ACFINCPIVS provides capabilities beyond those available in Release 1 that can assist the user in optimizing the manageaent, control. and flexibility of the 503 SC30 Ge30 network. This publication is directed to data processing . .nagars and data communication network designers intending to install or upgrade an ACFIHCP/vs-based network or to consolidate existing networks. Prerequisita to use of this publication is a ~ral knowledge of data communication. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 96 pages. 10/78 1IIIS73S-XX1.S735-XX9.S735-XX3.S735-XXA Ge30-3D73 TECHNICAL OVERVIEW ~ Thill publication provides a technical overview of Systeas Network Architecture (SNA). It explains the Major SNA functions implemented by hardware and software products and network users. This is the basic publication about SNA functions for systea programmers and others who are responsible for defining SNA networks. I1anual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 04/85 IIIIS743-SNA Ge30-3064 llZJ! Bmm .!lI! mmI .!Rill mmI tImI!:lBK ABCHITECJ\lRE 6C30-3074 ISNAI INSTALLATION §YIDS Provides a general description !l) the Network Control Prograa (NCPI aacros. (2) the Remote Job Entry (RJE) parallleters. and (3) the Systea Network architecture (SNA) commands requi red to generate the programs used when the 3770 Data Coammication Systu ill installed. The IBI1 3770 Data eo.munication Systea consillts of .ultipurpOlle keyboard/printer terMinals (fixed-function or prograaaablel and attachable I/O devices. TMII publication emphasizes the NCP Macros. RJE paralleters. and SNA cGmllands that affect the installation and perforaance of the 3776 and 3777 Couunication Terainab. The publication ill written for systea programmers. IBI1 systu engineers. and IBI1 custoHr engineers who have a thorough understanding of the SNA environment in which the 3770 Data COIIIIIIUnication Systetll operates. The purpose of this publication is to assist the reader in installing the 3770 Data CoIInrunication Syst8111 and one of the RJE subsystns in an SNA environment. The RJE parameters described are for the Remote Entry Servic. . subsystea. the Job Entry subsystu. and the POWER subsyst... The inforaation provided is intended to supplement. not replace. the existing docUlllentation for each subsyatea and prograM described. The publication also contains a saaple I1VSIJES2 system generation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 300 pages. 2/80 ~ COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER PRINCIPLES gf OPERATION This publication is the machine reference Manual for the IBM 370S-80 CoIInrunications Controller. It· provides a direct comprehensive description of the controllers' functional components; the arithmetic, logical. branching. status switching. and input/output operationsl and the priority interrupt scheme. It is intended to provide any 370S-80 user with the knowledge of the controller hardware requirements needed to write or .edify a 370S-80 control prograa. The reader is assumed to have a basic knowledge of data processing and data COIIIIIUnication systeas and to have read Introduction to the IBM 370S-80 Communications Controller. 6A27-3304. which provides a brief description of the controller and its available features. l1anual, 160 pages, 06/81 1109/37051 SC30-3078 ~ ~ SWITCHING INTERFACE ~ DESCRIPTION AtIl OPERATION This publication provides the inforaation necessary to define and generate the X.25 NCP Packet Switching Interface IX25NPSI) Release 1, which runs with the saH operating systellS as the prerequisite NCP on which it is installed. that is, DOSIVSE, OSIVS1, OSIVS2 111VS)' or I1VSE. X25NPSI is build on ACFIHCPIVS Version 1 Release 2.1 and. as lIuch, operates with ACFIVTAI1 Version Releases 2 and 3 and with ACFITCAI1 Version 2 Release 3 access methods. X25NPSI runs on both 3705-11 and 370S-80 ComMunications Controllers. It is a Prograa Product that enables the users of ACFINCP Program Products to attach 370S-II or 370S-80 CoIImunications Controllers to data transmission services which support interfaces that coaply with CCITT X.2S recoamendations. This publication is directed to syst. . analysts and syst. . programmers responsible for preparing an ACFIHCP/vs and X2SNPSI syst_ to be used in communication with a Systeal370 in which one or IIOre of the following access I118thods are being executed: ACFITCAI1, ACFIVTAI1, TCAI1, and VTAI1. Prerequisite to use of this publication is a basic understanding of data coamunications and related access . .thods. I1anual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 230 pages, 09/81 lU.2 113813770.3771.3773.3774.3775.3776.37771 Ge30-3071 ~ .u mnm! , fi!!l m lZ!Ii ~ mmmf 1 fllB m f.QB m .ll!i sw:ww. INFORMATION INFORMATION This aanual contains introductory inforMation about the Advanced Co..unications FunctionlNetwork Control Progra. (ACFIHCP) Version 2 for the IBI1 3725. the Advanced Communications FunctionlSystetll Support ProgralllS IACF/SSP) Version 2. and the IllllUlation Progra. for the IBM 3725 I EP/3725). It deals priaarily with ACFIHCP and its role in the network - to route data between the host processor and the attached resources. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 10/81 .ll!i 1IIIS735-XXA.573S-XXB.5735-XX9 11115668-981 Ge30-3072 !t!Il PRODUCTS ~ This publication introduces Syat_ Network Architecture I SNA) to people who need to know about its bas i c concepts. potential benefits and the products it supports. It is the basic publication about SNA for custoaar executives. data prOCBsing aanageMh syst. . designers. progra_rs. and other data processing personnel who are evaluating approach to data processing and communication. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 4/85 CONCEPTS SC30-3079 lU.2 ~ ~ SHITPIING INTERFACE HANDBOOK (CURRENT RELEASE) This handbook provides the syst. . progra_r and the prograa support representative with inforaation about the X.2S NCP Packet Switching Interface Licensed PrograM (Prograa No. 5668-9811. It is designed to provide quick access to inforaation often used in this program. For 1IOr8 detailed information on the subject, the user should refer to the following publications: X.2S NCP Packet Switching Interface PrograM Description and Operation, SC30-3078-0; and X.25 NCP Packet Switching Interface Progra. Logic 11I15743-SNA 504 ( \, ., ../ ( SC30 SC30 Hanual, LY30-3053-D. H.ndbook, 3 31'4 x 6 31'4 incMs, 11115668-981 Ge30-3081 SC30-3114 lm!!lm ESTIHATES MIll PERFOR!WICE PLANNING .f.!lB 150 pages, 09/81 mww. ~ .IIAI6 ~ INFORMATION Thie public.tion describes the fU'lCtions and use of the Network Logic.l D.t. Hanager (NLDI1) progra. product. It axpl.ins the rel.tion.hip of NLDH to other network COIIIPOfl8'lts .nd prov i des an exallPle of hoM NLDH is used in network proble. deter.ination. It cont.ins pl.nning information, including hardw.re, softwar., and stor.ge raquir..ants. It also cont.ins • list of rel.ted publications and a progra. summ.ry. This unual is intended prilDarily for installation •• nagers .nd pl.nnera .nd for .nyone Mho r.quires .n ov.rview of NLDH. Syst8llS Network Architecture (SNA) term .re used in this unual. Re.ders ",f•• ili.r with SNA ehould refer to Systems Network Architecture Concepts & Producte, 6C30-3072. Ge30-3072. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 incMs, 40 pages, 06/82 11115668-971 I:!&!t1llHK ( m 1Zl!!i COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER This •• nual assists the re.der in deter.ining stor.ge esti.des for the network control progra• •nd in planning for the perfor••nce of a d.t. co-.nic.tion eyet... The public.tion is directed to systems analysts. syste. prograners. IBM syste.. engineers. and 1811 salesll8n Mho are planning for ACFINCP/vS storage estimates and perfor.ance. Th. only prerequisite public.tion for this manual is the ACFINCP/vs &eneration and Utilities Referenc. Hanual. SC30-31l6. Hanu.l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pgs. 7/77 1113705/5735-XXI SC30-3117 AD'lANCED cot!I1I.!NICAIlotIS FUNCTION fOR ~ m fRQ§ 5735-RC1, ~ PBOGRAHt!ER'S iYW This book is for users of the telecommunications .ccess eethod ITCAH). It is • coding guide for the syst... progr....r who eust construct or modify. TCAH .....g. control program (MCP) supporting IBH's Adv.nc.d Comaunic.tions Function (ACF). It explains how to write .n ACFIICAH HCP using .s.embler langu.ge coding conventions and hoM to use • variety of auxiliary service facilities. This book contains inforaation that .ight be of use in pl.nning Ge3D-30M .nd .etting up • data cOlllllUnication systea incorpor.ting JHA TRANSACTION PROGRAmER'S REFERENCE IW:IYAJ. f!IB .LIl ~ AtFIICAH .nd systeas network architecture (SMA). The reader Ll This ••nual presents det.iled infor•• tion on the fU'lCtions is expected to be f.-ili.r with ACFIICAtt Concepts and that SMA logical unit type 6.2 provides to .pplic.tion Planning (6C30-3049) .nd to have. basic understanding of progr.... The . .nual is written for individuale that design SMA. .pplic.tion progralll5 for use on .n iepl_tation of SMA W Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 688 pgs. 12177 type 6.2. This ..nual does not describe any specific 1811 11115735-RCI productl it is intended to be used with IBH product public.tions. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches SC30-3118 ADVANCED CDMtMUCAIIONS FUNCTION fOR JgH I:lA£RQ REFERENCE 11115743-SNA §Ylli This publication is • reference guide that contains det.iled infor..tion on the .acro instructions used with the Advanced Comunic.tions FlIICtion for TCAH (AtFIICAtt) with direct network control prograalvirtual stor.ge (NCP/VS) support. It includes the ACFIICAH and TSO ..cro instructions. the .....ge error record. internal .nd tr.nsmission code charts. .nd aacro r.turn codes. This aanual i. for. syst. . progr.Mer ..ho i. thoroughly faailiar with the ACFIICAH Sy.tea Progr._er'. Guide and is ready to code a .....ga control progr •• (MCP). It is assential that the user refer to the ACFIICAH SysteM Prograa. .r's Guide for. fU'lCtional explanation of ACFIICAH; this book is not tutori.l .nd contains only a lower-level explan.tion of the macros with specific operand-coding considerations. The reader should .lso be f.siliar with the contents of the ACFIICAH Installation and Migration Guide. the ACFIICAH Concepts .nd Pl.nning ..nual. and the ACFIICAH Application Progra_r'. Guide. The re.der is also .s.umed to have basic understanding of systetnS natNDrk .rchitecture (SNA). Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 444 pgs, 12/77 11115735-RCl SC30-3112 .wi .IIlllI1lJ t!m!!lB! ABCHITECME fQBl!AI !til flRDIOCOL REFERENCE I:IAI:!YAl.J. ABCHITECMAL.J.Q!W; An in-depth referanee publication intended for use by i!llpl_ters of SNA-defined fU'lCtions. It covers in det.il the for•• ts .nd rules for the .rchitecture. UIIers of this IDanual _ t have • thorough underst.nding of the nature .nd structur. of the .rchitecture. Manual, 460 pages, 6176 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION OHLY SC30-3113 tIm!ORK gmmu, fIROGRAH: STBUCME OVERYIEW.f.!lB START/STOP A!:!Il Uk J.m ~ This .anual describes heN the st.rt-.top .nd BSC line control. work in the netNDrk control progr... It should be used by experienced syst. . progr...ers and .ystems engineers IIIho wi.h to lllderstand in acre det.il the NCP's support of et.rt-stop end BSC tereinals. To thoroughly lllderstand the .t.rt-stop .nd BSC line controls in the NCP, the re.d.r .hould be inti .. tely f •• ili.r with the HCP PLH, SY30-3013 or LY30-30301 the 3705 SC30-3119 Principles of Oper.tions, 6C30-30041 .nd the NCP progra. ADYANCED COI1!1UNICAIIQNS FUNCTION fml JgH APPLICATION levelS .icrofiche li.tings. He .hould .lso underst.nd the PROGRA!1MERS IiYm This guide is intended for the .pplication progr....er whose NCP g_ration process .nd therefor., be f.miliar with the prograas will comnunic.t. with loc.l or reacte st.tions or 3705 Control Progr•• 6enar.tion .nd Utilities manual, other .pplication prograDlS cia ACFIICAtt. It provides the SC30-3016 or 6C30-3008. The Progra. Reference Handbook, SC30-3029 or 6Y30-3012, is .lso necess.ry for .n infora.tion needed by an application programmer to ensure that his progras will interf.ce with ACFIICAH. This guide underst.nding of the data .rea• • nd control blocks discussed does not contain .ny ACFIICAH MCP progra_ing inforaation in this ..nual. except that which is necessary to fully understand the Hanual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 85 pgs, 7177 1C130/3704,37051 interface between .n ACFIICAH HCP and an ACFIICAH application progras. 505 SC30 6C30 Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 162 pgs. 11/77 11115735-RCI SC30-3120 ADVANCED CO!!1UNICATIQNS FUNCTION fi!B ACFITCAM MESSAGES DSIVS ~ PROOUCT 5735-RCI This publication contains the system Messages applicable to ACFITCAM. Users of ACFITCAM can use these pages to replace the corresponding section of their system IleSsages bock. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 104 pgs. 12/77 11115735-RCI hardware configuration. The descriptions of the sample prograllS are in Chapter 3. The JCL associated with the HCPs and the application prograllS are also in this Appendix. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pgs, 12/77 11115735-RCI SC30-3122 ADVANCED CO!1!1UNICATION FWCIION filB ~ ll,!; fR!!!i 5735-RCl! DEBUGGING §Ylgg This manual can be used three ways: as a source of hints for originally coding the ACFITCAM _sage control prograe (HCP) in a eanner that facilitates the detection. handling, and diagnosis .of error conditions that occur while the ACFITCAM network is M.8'1ningl as an aid in diagnosing certain probl_ that occur due to incorrect coding of HCP macrosl and as a guide to the selection and running of ACFITCAH diagnostic aids that facilitate troubleshooting and debugging in a running ACFITCAM network that is experiencing trouble. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 224 pgs. 12/77 11115735-RCI SC30-3121 ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION fi!!l ~ ll,!; fR!!!i 5735-RCl! INSTALLATION ~ MIGRATION §Ylgg This publication provides a general description of the concepts you should be familiar with to install or eigrate to an ACFITCAH systetll. It's purpose is to help reduce the tin required to eigrate to or install an ACFITCAM controlled data communication network. More detailed information about the concepts and topics discussed in this Guide is provided in other publications in the ACFacAH SC30-3123 library. The primary reference source. however. is the ACFITCAM Systetll Progralllllll!r's Guide. ADVANCED COMIUUCATIONS FUNCTION fi!B ~ This Guide i. intended for syst_ progra_rs and IBI1 11& fRQ§ 5735-RCl. OPERATOR'S GUIDE SystellS engineers who have a through knowledge of operating Prograll No. 5735-RCI with base feature No. 9001 and SystellS as _11 as experience in how to install a TCAM networking feature No. 6008. This nnual describes the systu. It is organized in four chapters and four ACFITCAM operator control cOllllllands and how these cOMlHnds appendixes a. follOMS: are used to control and lIDnitor ACFITCAM networks. It is "Chapter 1. Introduct i on" sUlllllari zes the ACFITCAH primarily a comprehensive reference for an experienced OSIVS functions for .ingle-domain and for .ultiple-dOmain syst. . operator who has been designated all the ACFITCAM networks. It also provides a general description of SystellS operator. System progra. .ers and application programmers Network Archi tecture and ACFITCAH as _11 as the ACFITCAH ...y also occasionally use this manual. Multi.ystem Networking Facility. An understanding of the This Manual contains five chapters. Chapter 1 briefly infor... tion contained in this chapter is required to reviews SOMe teleca.munications concepts pertaining to construct a data communication network controlled by ACFITCAH and then describes the physical and logical elements of both single- and multiple-domain ACFITCAM ACFITCAM. networks. Chapter 2 describes how to format and enter "Chapter 2. ACFITCAH Installation Guidelines" describes the channel and device configurations of a sample operator COWIands and how to respond to ACFITCAH reply multiple-donin network that utilizes the program examples messages to operator cOllllllands. Chapter 3 describes the described in Chapter 3. operator cDlllllands, including an explanation of the function "Chapter 3. Sample Program Descriptions" contains the of the commands and their operands. Chapter'" is a sUlllllary descriptions of two _sage control program. three network of the operator coanands. Chapter 5 lists the message control program and five application prograllS that are used I'Y.lIIber and text for ussages that the operator is likely to in the sample .ultipie-dollain network configuration receive after entering one of the operator cOMllands. described in Chapter 2. The source listings for these Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 140 pgs, 12/77 program are in Appendix D. 11115735-RCI "Chapter 4. Migration" contains a s~ry of ACFacAH eigration considerations for singie-dollain and SC30-3124 . .ultipie-dollain network.. This chapter also describes the changes requi red for current TCAM syst_ to mi grate to an ADVANCED CO!!1IJNICATIOtIS FUNCTION Em RAt! Atm tjg! (ACFITCAM ACFITCAM systetll. .: l:!!d!.h. ll,!; fR!!!i 5735-RC1, .::lQU.z. ~ BIBLIOGRAPHY Atm "Appendix A. Macros Required to Define and ACFITCAM !WlnB l!mlI /1essage Control Program" describes the naN or modified This publication is a centralized guide to information contained in the ACFITCAM and ACFINCP/vs libraries. It also ...cros used to define an ACFacAH IleSsage control program. introduces Data Processing Division (DP) publications and "Appendix B. Macro Changes for OSIVS TCAM and ACFITCAH Relea..... describes. in chart forll. the TCAM lIacros and self-study courses that lDay be used to supplement the operands for TCAH release SF through ACFITCAM. This information found in the library manuals. info.... tion may be used as a migration aid. It identifies This bibliography and master index is intended for the the differences in the macros and their operands bet_ one us. of anyone who will plan, install. progra•• operate, or debug a data cOllllllUnication system that uses ACFITCAM and release of TCAH and another. "Appendix C. Storage E.timates" describes the storage ACFINCPIVS. It should be especially helpful to syst_ requirements for an ACFITCAH lIessage control program. progra_rs who _ t code (I) '" TCAM 1185sage control program. IleSsage handler, or application prograe and/or (2) "Appendix D. Program Listings" contains the source listing. for the sample message control programs. network a network control progra. for the IBM 3705 Communications control prograllS and the application prograllll used in the Controller. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 132 pages. 3178 sallPle network configuration described in Chapter 2. The source li.tings represent executable examples of the progr. . 11115735-RCl.5735-XXl.5735-XX3 definition directions described in the ACFITCAM library of manuals. These program may be used as patterns IIhen you code your lIIIS.age control prograll. or they can be installed with the appropriate eodifications·to make thee match your 506 .J Ge30 SC30 GC3D-3131 ACF/TCAK. ~ 1 GENERAL INFORMATION: FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION This publication provides an overview of Advanced COIIIIIIUI'Iications FlrICtion for the TelecOlll1llU'lications Access Kethod. (ACF/TCAK). Version 2. Release 1. The ACF/TCAK program product supports IBM's Systems Net~rk Architecture (SNA) and operates with OSIYSI and OSIYS2 KVS. All information in this manual pertaining to MUltiple-domain configurations and cross-domain operations applies to ACF/TCAK networks .,ith the Multisysta. NetNOrking Facility Ian optional feature). The manual describes ACF/TCAK's operation. in accordance .,ith SNA. ush>g an IBK 3705 Communications Controller loaded .,ith either of the following IBK network control programs: • NCP/VS. Version 5. can be used for single-domain networks only • ACF/NCP/YS. Releases 1 and 2. can be used for both single and multiple domain netNOrks. The manual is directed primarily to data processing managers and system programmers who will design. install. Or maintain a netNOrk that uses ACF/TCAK; application progra ....ers can also use the manual to understand the context in which ACF/TCAK application progralllS execute. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 90 pages. 5/79 ////5735-RC3 ( SC30-3132 ACF/TCAK, ~ .& BASE INSTALlATION iYIllL. .\.II; Bm!i 5735-RC3 This book is for users of the teleco..... ications access lIIethod (TeAK). It is a reference guide for the syst. . progra ....er who IllUSt construct or lIOdi fy a TCAK IIIt!Ssage control program (KeP) support i ng IBK' s Advanced Communications Function (ACF). Version 2. It explains hoM to .,rite an KeP for an ACF/TCAK base syst. . using assembler language coding conventions and hOM to use a variety of auxiliary service facilities. This book contains information that might be of use in planning and setting up a data COIIIIIUnication systl!ll incorporating ACF/TCAK. Version 2 and Syst_ NetNOrk Architecture (SNA). The reader is expected to be familiar with ACF/TCAK Functional Description (6C30-3131l and to have a basic understanding of SNA. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 614 pages. 10/80 ////5735-RC3 SC30-3133 ACF/TCAK RELEASE 1 VERSION L. .\.II; f!m§ 5735-RC3. INSTALLATION REFERENCE This publication is a reference publication that contains detailed information on the .acro instructions used .,ith the Advanced Communications Function for the Telecommunications Access Kethod (ACF /TCAK) .,ith di rect netNOrk control program/virtual storage (NCP/YS) s'-"POrt. This program product s'-"POrts 18K's Systems NetNOrk Architecture (SNA) and operates .,ith OS/ySI and OSIYS2 Multiple Virtual Storage (MYS). This manual is for a system progra_er who is thoroughly falliliar with the ACF/TCAK Installation Guide and is ready to code an KeP. It is essential that the user refer to the ACF/TCAK Installation Guide fora functional explanation of ACF/TCAKI this book is not tutorial and contains only a deleted explanation of the macros with specific oparandcoding considerations. Kanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 840 pages. 10/79 ////5735-RC3 SC30-3134 ACF/TCAK. VERSION 1 INSTALLATION: ~ PROGRAKS. ~ !'ROG 5735-RC3 ~ ! Descri bes the ACF/TCAK sample programs (i ncludi ng KePs. NCPs. and applications) and model KePs. It is intended to reduce the time required for a system prograllllller to design and install ACF/TCAK. Prerequisite publications are ACF/TCAK. Version 2 FlrICtional DesCT'iption. SC30-3131-0 and ACF/TCAK. Version 2 Installation Guide. SC30-3132-0. Kanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 528 pages. 9/79 ////5735-RC3 SC30-3135 ACF/TCAK ~ L. ~ f!m§ 5735-RC3 ~ ASSIGNMENTS AI:!!:! a2lli .!:Il!.li !ZH mlli m 5741 TC221, APPLICATION SC30-3136 ACF/TCAM VERSION 1 OPERATION ASSET ASSI§N!1ENT .2llJU &Ill i!!ll .!:Il!.li 5752-TC221 5741-TC221 This publication describes the ACF/TCAK operator commands and details their use in controlling and monitoring an ACF/TCAK network. It is primarily a comprehensive reference for an experienced OS/YS system operator who has been designated as an ACF/TCAK operator. Syst. . programmers and application progra....ers may also need to refer to it occasionally. And. although this .is essentially a reference publication. its organization. frOll general to specific. enables the reader to use it tutorially. Prerequisite Publication: ACF/TCAK. Version 2 General Information: Functional Description. 6C30-3131. Kanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 265 pages ////5735-RC3 m SC30-3137 ACF/TCAM. VERSION.t;. DIAGNOSIS. ~ fRQ§ 5735-RC3 This lIanual can be used three NaYS: as a source of hints for originally coding the ACF/TCAK message control program (KePI in a manner that facilitates the detection. handling. and diagnosis of error conditions that occur Nhile ACF/TCAK is running; as an aid in diagnosing certain probl... that occur due to incorrect coding of I1CP macros. and as a guide to the selection and r\A'W\ing of ACF/TCAK diagnostic aids that facilitate troubleshooting and debugging in an ACF/TCAK that is experiencing trouble. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 315 pages. 5/79 ////5735-RC3 SC30-3138 ACFGCAK ~ L. gmg FACILITIES. ~ gmg PROSRAMS !HR UTILITIES ACFIICAM 5735-RC3! S741-TC221. IDll! 5752-TC221 This publication describes the ACF/TCAK service facilities. system service programs. and utilities. all of Nhich are auxiliary routines designed to help the _sage control program (KeP) in directing IIIt!Ssage traffic through the network. 507 ( ~ PROGRAMKING This manual is intended for the application progra_r whose programs communicate with channel-attached or link-attached stations. or application programs via ACF/TCAK. The ACF/TCAK Application Programming manual provides the information needed by an application programmer to ensure that his application program interfaces with ACF/TCAK. The ACF/TCAK KeP programming information in this manual is introductory and the information allows the application programmer to fully understand the interface betNeel"l an ACF/TCAK KeP and an ACF/TCAK application progra •• Kanual ////5735-RC3 m SC30 SC30 ACFITCAH .ervice facilities include checkpoint/restart. dynallic accOU'lting ••ecurity and authoriz.tion. lIas.age logging. and .tartup/rastart ......ge generation. Aalong the ACFITCAH .yst8111 .ervice prograllS are b •• ic .nd extended operator control. online retrieval ••ave/restore ..... ge queues. internodal .... renas •••nd internodal sequence nunber synchroniz.tion. ACFITCAH utilities include the mes.aga queue data set praforllatting utility (IEDQXA). COHEDIT print utility IIEDQXB)' _ •• ge queue data .et du.p utility (IEDQXC). Thi. publication includes explanations of these facilities and axa~les of proceduras and techniques. It should be used as a raference for the syst.. progra. . .r responsible for the planning and coordination of a netNOrk .. ith ACFITCAH. tlanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 150 pages. 4/79 11115735-RC3 • A CDMOn trace analysis facility for ACFIVTAH. ACFITCAI1. and ACFINCP trace data. • OUtput report. that shoM SNA and SOLC netNOrk trace data in forut. that are .a.y to re.d and understand. The independent loader utility progr•• i. for use Nhen you .. i.h to load a local net..ork control progr.m into a co.aunications controller before as.igning the controller to the access lIethod. An OSIYS and a DOSIYS version of the independent loader program are available. The independent dump utility programs (OSIVS and DOSIVS) are used to dump the .torage content. of a 3705 communications controller. The dynamic dump utility progra. . (OSIVS and DOSIVS) are used in emulation IIOde only to obtain dynallic dumps of storage or of the emul.tion trace table .nd to start the eMUlation DIOde line trace function • This . .nual is for 1M custOller engineers, program support representatives Mho use ACFITAP and the loader and dump utilities to provide hardware and program . . intenance for customer data communication networks. A general knoNledge of traces, SNA (SOLC and net_rking), VTAH or TCAH access . .thods. and COIIIIunications controllers is a prerequisite for using ACFITAP. the lo.der utilities, and the dump utilities. This publication has no prerequisite publications. tlanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 162 p.ges. 5/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTIOl ONLY SC30-3140 ACF/!CAtI. ~ g tlESSAGES. lJ& fBg§ 5735-RC3 This publication guides recipients of DKJ and lED syst. . .....s.g. . in est.blishing. Hintaining, controlling and responding to an ACFITCAI1 netNOrk. It is part of the OSIVS tlessage Library and contains: • The DKJ and lED .ystem _sages applicable to ACFITCAH • Problem determination (Appendix A) • Routing and descriptor codes (Appendix B) Thi. publication is intended for usa by ACFITCAH SC30-3145 operators and programmers. The Hssages ara listad in ACFtNCPIVS J m m f!m§ 573!i-XX1. ~ tlESSAGES alphanlJlllaric ordar, and each listing includes an explanation (CURRENT RELEASE) of the _sage as ...11 a. a statuent of any resultant The ACFINCPIYS Net_rk Control Program .nd Support PrograllS system action and any necessary progr.....r response and Hessages publication is a reference book for lIessages i.sued operator response. User. of ACFITCAH MY replace the by the follONing systea support progra.. associated .. ith corresponding .ection of their syst. . messages book ..ith Version 1, Release 2 of ACFINCPIVS: these pages. • The Advance Communications FunctionlTrace Analysi. tlanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 270 pages, 5/79 Program (ACFITAP) 11115735-RC3 • The Independent Loader Utility, provided as an NeP syst. . service progr.m, uncIer OSIVS • The Dynamic DUIIp UtiUty. provided as an NeP syst. . SC30-3142 • ervice program. under OSIYS (emulation Mode only) ACFINCPIYS SSP. 5735-XX1, ~ JW.W! L.! INSTALLATION • The 3705 Communications Controller Assembler program This publication provides the inforution necessary to (_sages issued during stage 1 of NeP generation) define and generate an Advanced Communications Function for • The Indepeudent Lo.der Utility, provided as an NeP Net..ork Control ProgralllVS (ACFINCPIYS) for the 1M 3705-1 syst. . service progr.m. under DOSIVS and 3705-11 Communications controllers. • The Dynamic Dump Utility, pl"OYided as an NeP syst. . The publication i. directed to .yst8111 analysts and service program. under DOSIVS syst8111 programmars responsible for preparing an ACFINCPIVS • The Independent DUIIp Utility. provided .s an NeP syst. . to be used in cOIIIIIIUnicating .. ith an IBH System/370 in Nhich servi ce program. under OSIYS and DOSIYS one or more of the follONing access . .thods are being This public.tion is provided for persons Mho operate, executed: ACFITCAH, ACFIVTAH. TCAH, and VTAH. Also in . . int.in. or generate an Advanced CoaaIIunication Function this publication is inforHtion on the partitioned 8IIIulation NetNDrk control program. progra_ing (PEP) extension to ACFINCPIYS, Nhich permit. the tlanual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 93 pages, 5179 3705 to aulate the operation of an IBH 2701. 1702. 9r 2703 11115735-XX1.5735-XX3 transmission control unit for specified ~ication lines. Stations on these lines communicate in emulation DIOde .. ith application prograllS in the Systelll370 via BTAH, QTAH, TCAI1, SC30-3150 or equi valent access . .thods that can be used .. i th the ~ mmmf .L. f!UtWf ~ TERMINAL OPERATORS magg transmission control units lllentioned. Prerequisite .: ACFITCAH. ill fRQ§ 573S-RC3 m Public.tions: ACFINCPIVS Seneral Infor. .tion Manual 5752-!C221 (Ge30-30SS) • ACFITCAH, Version 2, Release 2. supports the Primer subset tlanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 474 pages, 5n9 of II1SIVS functions. This . .nual contains inforution that SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY the . .ster terminal operator (tITO) needs to operate a netNOrk of terllinals connected to the Pri . .r subset of IMSIVS functions via ACFITCAH. SC30-3143 H.nual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 134 pages. 04/80 ACFINCPIVS Il!b 5735-XX1. ~ ~.L.l UTILITIES 11115735-RC3 This publication provides the infor. .tion necessary to use the Advanced C~ications Function Trace Analysi. Program (called ACFITAP)' the OSIVS loader and du.p utilities, and SC30-3152 the DOSIVS lo.der and dump utilities. The Advanced ACF/TCAM. mmmf .& f!I{. Im! SUBSIDEtIS 5735-RC3! CoIIIIIunications Function Trace Analysi. Program (ACFITAP) i. ~ ASSIGNMENT ~ !l!!Z .!!!II i.l!l!l trllI im lklli an 1M service and that increa.es the usefulness of trace Provides an overall vi.,. of the subsyst_ interface. data by providing: describes hoM to coda an HCP to operate .. ith the subsyst... .memu 508 ( ~.j ( SC30 SC30 interface. and describes how to operate a subsyst. . with ACFITCAH. This book tells systeM progranners for IBM subsystems exactly what they IllUSt do in ordar to impletllent the ACF/TCAI1 subsystu interface. IBM subsystellS such as CICS. 111S/VS. and JES may us. the ACF/TCAI1 subsystems interface as the single access method for their networks. This book. describes the job control language. the coding in the HCP, how to initiate and ter.inate a session Nith a subsyst..... the fl .... of . .ssages to a subsystem. the basic operator control comMands that are used. and the MeSsages and codes that are obtained when rWlning Ni th the subsysteJIS interface. Prerequisite Reading: ACFITCAM Version 2. General Introduction: FuncHonal Description. GC30-3131 ACFITCAH, Version 2, Installation: Guide. Ge30-3132 I1anual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 2180 1111S73S-RC3 SC30-31S3 ACFITCAH VERSION L NElloIORKING INSTALLATION GUIDE! ,bI!; .!!Bl2§ S73S-RC3. MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING FACILITY FEATURE ~ This publication is a coding guide for the systeM progra. . .r who !lUst construct or modify an ACFITCAH V.rsion 2. Releas. 3. network wi th MSNF. This publication contains: an overview of basic and .xtended netwo ..king. coding requirements for defining resources. routes. and .essage handlers ina network Ni th MSNF, and infor.ation on operating and . .naging resources in a IlUltiple domain netwo ..k. The ACFITCAH Base Installation Guide, SC30-3132-1. is a prerequisite publication. I1anual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 396 pages. 11/80 probl... how to gather .ppropri.t. documentation about the probleta. and how to report the probl .... to the IBM Support Center. Pr.requisite publications include the ACFINCPIYS Seneral Info .... tion manual. (Ge30-30S8!; and the ACFINCPIYS Installation . .nual. (SC30-31S4!. Control Panel . .nual. (GA27-3087!. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 120 pages. 05/81 1111S73S-XXI SC30-31S8 ACFtNCp/vs ~ S73S-XXI. -)(x3! UTILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides the information necessary to use the Advanced Communications Function T.. ace Analysis Program (called ACF ITAP). the OSIYS loader and duMp uti! it i es. and the DOSIYS loader and dump utilities. The Advanced CO....unications Function Trace Analysis Prog ..am (ACFITAP) is an IBM s.rvic. aid that increases the usefulness of trace data. This . .nual is for IBM custOMe" engineers. program support representatives who us. ACFITAP and the loader and dump utilities to provide hardware and program maintenance for customer data communication networks. A general knowledge of traces. SNA (SDLC and netwo..king), YTAH or TCAM access _thods. and cOtlllKrlications controllers is a pr.requisite for using ACFITAP. the loader utilities and the dump utilities. This publication has no prerequisite publications. I1anual. 8 1/2 )( II inches. 174 pages. 10/80 1IIIS73S-XXI.S73S-XX3 SC30-3162 ADVANCED cot1!1UNICATIOHS FUNCTION fQB I&M! A!:m NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM BIBLIOGRAPHY A!:m MASTER INDEX This publication is • centralized guide to infor... tion in SC30-31S4 the publication libraries of ACFITCAH. Ve ..sion 2. Releas. 31 ACFINCPIYS ilL S73S-XXI. ~ INSTALLATION (CURRENT ACFINCP. Releas. 31 .nd SNA. It is intended for use by RELEASE! .nyone who will plan. install. progra•• operate. or debug a This publication provides the info.... tion necessary to data cOlI\IIU\ication syst. . that uses ACFITCAH and ACFINCP. define and gene ..at. an Advanced Cosmunications Function for This publication consists of two chapters - a Network Control PrograwVS IACFINCPIYS! VIR3 for the IBM bibliog..aphy and a . .ster index. The bibliography contains 370S-1 and 370S-I1 CoaDUnications Controllers. a library chart that classifies .ach publication into one of The publication is directed to system analysts and the fo11_ing categories: gener.l info ..mation. syst. . program. .rs responsible fo .. preparing an ACFINCPIYS installation. application progra_ing. operation. IleSsages. to be used in cOllllllUnicating Nith an IBM Systeml370 in which .nd diagnosis. The bibliography also contains an .bstract· one or more of the foll .... ing access . .thods are being summa .. izing the general contents of .ach publication shown in the library chart. The . .ster index consolidates the executed: ACFITCAH. ACFIYTAH. TCAH, and YTAH. Also in this publication is information on the partitioned emulation indexes of the publications in the ACFITCAH. ACFINCP. and progra_ing (PEP) .xtension operation of an IBM 2701, 2702. SNA libraries. or 2703 trans.ission control unit for specified Manual. 160 pages. 07/81 11301IS73S-RC3.S73S-XXI.S73S-XX3 cOlllllU'lication lines. Stations on these lines coaDUnicat. in ••ulation _de with application prog ..a ... in the Syste.t370 via BTAH. QTAH. TCAH. or .quivalent access . .thods that can be used with the transMission control units .antioned. SC30-3163 P... requisit. Publications: ACFINCPIYS General X.2S ~ PACKET SWITC!IING INtERFACE fQB mr; ll!!i Info .. ntati on I1anual (Ge30-30S8) INSTALLATIIlN A!:m OPERATION This publication t.lls hOM to define. generate. and operate Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 450 pages. 10/80 the X.2S NCP Packet Switching Interface program product. 1IIIS73S-XXI.S73S-XX3 The publication is directed to syst_ analysts .nd syst. . prog.. ammers who preap... the X.2S NCP Packet Switching JC30-3156 Int.rfac. for use in conjunction with Advanced CoMMunications Function for Network Control P..ogra. ADVANCED COI1I1Ut!ICATIONS FUNCTION t!.U!:!!!BK ~ PBOGRAI1IVS (ACFINCP!. DIAGNOSIS §Yill (CURRENT RELEASE! This . .nual contains infor. . tion designed to help custo.er I1anual. 8 112 )( 11 inches. ISO pages. 06/82 diagnosticians and IBM PrograM Se ..vic. Representatives 11115668-981 (PSRs! isolate and define problellS in the Advanced COMmUnic.tions FunctionlNetwo..k Control Progr•• for Virtual Storage SystellS (ACFINCPIYS! R.l.ase 3. Its primary purpose SC30-3164 is to help the ....d.r interact Nith L.v.l I of the IBM ~ ~ ~ SWITCHING INTERFACE DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE This . .nual is designed to help oust_er diagnosticians and Support Cent.r to g.t • fix for his p ..oblem. Procedures in IBM PrograM Support Representatives isol.t. and define the . .nual tell how to assu... that the probl. . is with probl... in the X.2S NCP Pack.t Switching Inte .. face prog.... ACFINCPIYS. how to us. relevant infor. . tion to describe the 1111S73S-RC3 S09 (- SC30 product. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inct.s. SC30 or .nyone di.gnosing NeP or SSP probl_. or diagnosing NeP or SSP proble... Thi. i • • component of SK2T-0913. Manual. 8 112 )( 11 inches. 400 pages. 06/86 80 pages. 06/82 11115668-981 11115735-XX9.5735-XXA.5667-124.5668-854.5665-338.5666-322 SC30-3165 Hb!!.!! INSTALLATlotI !til OPERATIONS (MRENT RELEASE) Thi .....nual tells how to install and operate Network Logical Data Manager (NLDMh an IBM licensed program product. The infoMlation presented here is directed to NLDM users. such as console operators. system prograMmers. and others who need to knoN how to install. operate. and use NLDM. The user of this . .nual should have. basic knowledge of the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) concepts .nd facilities. .s described in SNA concepts and Products. SC30-3072. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 214 pages. 08/82 SC30-3170 ~ :a CUSTO!1ER ~ For a description of this publication. contact l1erle Veasey. Dept. 43/E05. Research Traingle Park. N.C •• TIL 441-6625 or (919) 543-6625. Manual. 112 pages 11115735-XX9 11115668-971 SC30-3171 ACFINCP/SSP ~ .& DIAGNOSIS §!,!mg This publication contains infor. . tion to help custOlller diagnosticians and program support representatives to SC30-3166 isolate and define proble. . in ACFINCP. It. primary purpose !:!!D!QBK .!..!!!Ua!. IlATA ~ DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual helps customer diagnosticians and progr•• i. to help the reader interact with Levell of the Support Center to get • fb for his probl... Procedures in service personnel isolate .nd describe problems in the Neblork Logical Data Manager (NLDI1) program product. It this publication describe heN to determine whether the tells how to classify a problem .s • specific type of probl . . is with ACFINCP. use relevant infor.. tion to probl. . and how to report the problem to personnel .t the describe the probl... gather .ppropriate docUlllent.tion about tt.. probl... .nd report the problem to the Support Support Center. In addition. the manual provides an overvieN of NLDI1 logic. Center. Prerequisite publications include tt.. ACFINCP-SSP This manual tell. Nhat infor. . tion you need to describe your probleM. Before using this ....nual. you should be General Inform.tion public.tion. SC30-3058. and ACFINCP-SSP f.miliar with the concepts and terminology described in tt.. Installation publication. SC30-3167. NLDI1 General Infor... tion . .nual. SC30-3081. You should .lso Manual. 8 112 )( 11 inches. 150 pages. 03/82 be familiar with the Network Communications Control Facility 11115735-XX9.5735-XXA program (NeCF). You should be able to read dunIps and I'U'\ various access eethod or network control program traces. Manual. 8 112 )( 11 inches. 40 pages. 06/82 SC30-3172 11115668-971 ~ GENERATION !til UTILITIES (CURRENt RELEASE) The publication is directed to syst .... analysts. syst. . progra_rs. syst_ engineer•• and program .upport SC30-3167 representatives responsible for defining or eaintaining .n emulation program. The eMUlation prograM allONS • 3725 to ACFINCP/SSP VERSION .& INSTALLATlotI f!m§B!IS !til IUW! m!!!fl!.!U PROGRAMS (CURRENT RELEASE) perform most of the functions of an IBI1 2701 Data Adapter This publication provides the information necessary to Unit. an 1811 2702 Transmi.sion Control Unit. or any combination of the two. The prerequisite publication for define and generate ACFINCP. Version 2. for the 3705-1 3705-II eo-nication Controllers. This publication i. this ..nual is the Advanced Coemunications Function for directed to syst. . analysts and system progra_ers Network Control Program. Version 2 for the 1811 37251 responsible for preparing an ACFINCP to be used in Advanced Coaeunications Function for Syst. . Support cOIIMU"Iicating with a Systee/370 in which one or eore of Progr.... Version 2 for tt.. IBM 37251 Emulation Program for foll_ing access _thods are being executed: ACFITCAI1. tt.. IBM 3725: General Information. ACFIVTAM. TCAM. and VTAM. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inct.s. 226 pages. 02/83 operation of a 2701. 2702. or 2703 transmi •• ion control 11115735-XXB Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 492 pages. 04/84 / 11115735-XX9.5735-XXA SC30-3178 M:!!l ~ .Elm m .uu INSTALLATION A!:!!l RESOURCE DEFINITION !iYill (CURRENt RELEASE) This publication contains information to help custOlll8rs produce an operating NeP. Version 3. for the 3725 Coeeunication Controller. It covers the follONing four major areas: installing. defining. generating. and loading the program. The pri . .ry purpose of the publication is to help custa.ers determine which macros and operands they need to code to define their partiCUlar NePs. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 320 pages. 01183 ~ SC30-3168 ACFlNCptSSP llTIlITIES ~ .& (CURRENt RELEASE) The Version 2 Utilities publication provides the infol"ll8tion necessary to use the Advanced COMMUnications Function Trace Analysis Program. OSIVS Loader and Dump Utilities. and VSE Loader and Dump Ut il i t i as. Infor.... tion .bout the &enar.lized Path Infor. . tion Unit Trace has been added to this publication for Version 2 of the Advanced C-.nications Function Network Control Program. Manual. 8 112 )( 11 inches. 228 pages. 05/84 1113725/5735-XXA.5735-XX9 11115735-XX9.5735-XXA SC30-3179 ~ ~ PEFINITION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides the infor. . tion necess.ry to define .n ACFINCP. Version 2, for the IBI1 3725 c-.nications Controller. This publication is directed to .Yllt.... analysis and syst. . progra_r. responsible for preparing .n ACFINCP to be used in c~icating with an 1M SC30-3169 ACFINCP/SSP m!m!! .& MESSA§ES!tIl s;mu (CWRENT RELEASE) Thi. publication describes ....ages generated by SSP prograes .nd ABEND codes generated by the NetNOrk Control Program. It is used by anyone gener.ting or loading an NeP !SlO ( "'--. / ( SC30 SC30 Systelal370 in Nhich one or IIOre of the foll_;'19 access methods are being executed: ACF/TCAM. ACTIVTAM. TCAM. and The ACFINCP-SSP General Information publication. GC30-30SS. is a prerequisite. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 228 pages. 01/83 1113725/5735-XX9.5735-XXA 3290 Infor. .tion P.nel as they relate to the Report Management .nd Distribution System. It discusses the adv.nt.ges of using the 3290 Info ..... tion P.nel .nd some of the differences bet_en using this terminal .nd IIOdels of the 3270 Information Displ.y System. Familiarity Nith the 3290 Information P.nel is assumed. M.nual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches 1134115665-310 VTAH. GC30-3189 X.25 J::g! PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE GENERAL INFORMATION This publication introduces the X.25 NCP Packet Switching Interface. It is intended for managers. systems designers. or anyone involved in making decisions about data cotlllll\mication in an organization. It presents packet-switched data networks and the X.25 Interface to packet switching. The X.25 NCP P.cket Switching Interface offers SNA users the .bility to use communications facilities that support the CCIrr X.25 Interface (Geneva 19801. Readers of this publication need not be f.miliar with X.25 or packet switching. but should be familiar with SNA concepts and products. as described in Systems Network Architecture Concepts and Products. SC30-3072. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 03/85 11115668-981 SC30-3196 REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ARCHIVE ADMINISTRATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY This reference summary c.rd contains selected inform.tion from the IBM Report Management and Distribution Syst. . Install.tion/Oper.tions M.nual. SC30-3193 •• nd the IBM Report Management .nd Distribution System Archive Administrator's Guide, SC30-3194. Reference Card. 3 112 x 8 112 inches, 12 cards 1/341/5665-310 SC30-3197 .BS!!Q!U MANAGEMENT !HP DISTRIBUTION 1!mlI USER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY This c.rd cont.ins selected inform.tion fro. the Report M.nagement & Distribution Syst. . User's Guide. SC30-3192. Reference Card. 3 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches, 12 c.rds 1/34//5665-310 GC30-3191 .BS!!Q!U MANAGEMENT DISTRIBUTION 1!mlI ~ INFORMATION This publication gives brief ..nagement and technical overviews of the system. Manual. 24 pages. 03/87 11201/5665-310 ( SC30-3199 ACFISSP .EOR II:!! 3705 RESOURCE DEFINITION REFERENCE This public.tion cont.ins detailed descriptions of the •• cro instruction statements used to define an Advanced cOlllllUlic.tions Function for Network Control Progr•• (NCP), Version 3. these detailed descriptions include the requirements for use of e.ch m.cro. as ...11 as of every oper.nd of each m.cro. They also include the li.it.tions of the values that you can specify for e.ch oper.nd. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 320 pages. 12/83 11115667-124. 5735-XXA ~ SC30-3192 .BS!!Q!U MANAGEMENT Am DISTRIBUTION 1!mlI Yli!!C..§ SUIDE This manual introduces the system and contains a self study course for using a terminal and the IBM 6670 Information Distributor (typically requiring less than an hourI. There are brief descriptors of help panels and Messages. Included are a PF key overlay and a glossary of terMS. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches 11341/5665-310 SC30-3193 .BS!!Q!U MANAGEMENT Am PISTRIBUTION 1!mlI INSTALLATION/OPERATIONS This publication provides infor. . tion on hOM to install. customize and operate RHOS. It is intended for systems progra. . .rs responsible for installing and maint.ining the syst. . .nd for the archive .dministrator responsible for controlling the syst... Manual. 388 pages. 02186 1134115665-310 SC30-3194 .BS!!Q!U MANAGEMENT Am DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MQ!M ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE Describes .pplic.tion . .nagement performance by the archive .dministrator and address considerations to be . .de in defining a report to the syst... Included i. a checklist for defining a report and a glossary of data processing te..... Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches 11341/5665-310 SC30-3Z00 &..§ J::g! ~ SWITCHING INTERFACE .E.QH II:!! E § DIAGNOSIS GUIDE This ..nual is designed to help custOll8r di.gnosticians .nd IBM program support representatives to isol.te .nd define problems in the X.Z5 NCP Packet Switching Interface program product running on .n IBM 3725 Communic.tion Controller. The procedures provide. guide through the probl. . deter.ination process. Manual. 8 lIZ x 11 inches. 156 pages, 11/83 1137/3725/5668-981 SC30-3201 &..§ J::g! ~ SWITCHING INTERFACE .E.QH II:!! E § INSTALLATION Am OPERATION This publication tells how to define. gener.te. and operate the X.25 NCP Packet Switching Interface program product. The publication is directed to system analysts and system progr.....rs Nho prep.re the X.Z5 NCP Packet SWitching Interface for use in conjunction Nith Adv.nced Communications Function for Network Control Program (ACFINCP). Manual 1140/3725/5668-981 SC30-3195 Rm!!i! MANAGEMENT !HP DISTRIBUTION mnH lU2 INFORMATION EAtW. ~ REFERENCE This . .nual familiarizes the user Nith the features of the 511 ( SC30 SC30 3C30-3202 &U ~ f!!:KU SWITCHIN§ INTERFACE B!B m processes Nhich include: how to detereine if the probl_ is with ACF/NCP. how to use relev.nt inforution to describe the problem. how to gather appropri.t. documentation about the probl... and how to report the probl.. to the Support Center. This is a coeponent of SK2T-0913. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 225 pages. 04/84 ////5667-124. 5735-XXA 1Z&li REFERENCE ~ This lIanual provides the syst. . progr....r .nd the progra. support represent.tive with. handy reference to information about the X.25 NCP Packet SNitching Interface pragrall product running on a 3725 Co..unication Controller. It is designed to provide quick access to inforllation needed. Manual. 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches. 120 pages. 11/83 //30/3725/5668-981 SC30-3233 ACFaCAM ~ J APPLICATION PROGRAMHING This publication is intended for Application Proga_rs whose .pplication pragrallS COII18IUnicate with resources or other application progra. . through TCAM. It provides the inforution needed by an .pplication progra_r to ensure that the progr.1I interfaces with TeAM • Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 __ • 175 pages. 05/85 ////5665-314 SC30-3224 INSTALLATION At!D RESOURCE DEFINITION IiYlIIf This publication contains information to help users produce • n operating NCP. Version 3. for the 3705 Comllll.lnications Controller. The areas covered are installing the prograe. defining the prograe. generating the pragrae ••nd lo.ding the prograll. It also covers lIigrating froll a previous release of NCP to NCP. Version 3. for the 3705 CoInau'Iications Controller. The prilllary purpose of this publication is to help users deterlline which HCros and operands they need to code to define their particular NCPs. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 340 pages. 12/83 ////5667-124.5735-XXA ~ ~ SC30-3234 ACFITCAH DIAGNOSIS ~ This publication is designed to help custOller syst. . progra_rs and progra. support representatives isolate .nd define TeAM probl.... Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 350 pages. 06/85 ////5665-314 SC30-3225 ACF/SSP B!B !HS .lZl!.!i DIAGNOSIS SUIDE This publication contains infor. . tion to help _tOIler di.gnostici.ns and progra. support representatives isolate and define problel1l5 in ACF/NCP. Its primary purpose is to help the reader interact with the Support Center to resolve his problell. Procedures in this publication describe how to detereine whether the probl. . is with ACF/NCP. use relevant inforution to describe the probl... gather appropriate doc.......,tation about the probl... and report the problell to the Support Center. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 12/83 SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC30-3235 ACF/TCA/1 ~ l GENERAL INFDRtlATION This public.tion is directed priurily to custOller llanagament. data processing managers and their technical staff who want information that will enable thee to evaluate TeAM. Version 3. It is • technical IUrketing tool used to give the prospective customer the information needed to uke the choice of including the TCAM prograe product in the telecoeaunication syst... This public.tion provides a high-level description of an overview of TCAM Version 3. the capabilities of TCAM Version 3 and the considerations and requirelllents of TCAH Version 3. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 04/85 ////5665-314 ~ / SC30-3227 J ~ ~ .& RE!i(UCE DEFINITION REFERENCE B!B II!! m!i This publication contains detailed descriptions of the ucro instruction stataents used to define an Advanced C~ications Function for Net_rk Control Prograe INCP). Version 3 for the 3725 CoIIIII\.nication COntroller. They include the requirements for use of each ucro. as well as of every operand of each eacro. Prerequisite publications include: GC30-3072; GC30-3073; GC27-0657; SC27-0658. Corequisite publications include: SC30-3226; LY30-5558; LY30-5559. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 320 pages. 04/84 ///3725/5667-124.5735-XXA ~ ~ SC30-3228 ACFtNCP/SSP DIAGNOSIS !i!.Im Y This lIanual will help customers and prograe support representatives IPSAs) to isol.te and define probl_ in theAdvanced CoIIMunications Function for Net_rk Control Prograe(ACF/NCP) for the 3725 .nd 3705 CoIIMunications Controllers. It expl.ins sOlDe of the di.gnostic .ids and service .ids .vaHable in the Advanced CoIIIII\.nications Function for Syst_Support Prograll5 (ACF/SSP) used with ACF/NCP and in the Ellulation Prograe for the 3725 ComIIunication Controller (EP/3725) when a Partitioned Emulation Prograe (PEP) is installed. This Hnual contains procedures that guide the user through the probl. . detereination and probl. . definition SC30-3236 ACF/TCAM INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION ~ CUSTOMIZATION REFERENCE This publication is a coding reference for TCAM syst. . pragra. .ers who MUSt code a TeAH ...sage control prograe. This publication describes TeAM IIBCros. option fields reserved for use by TeAH. _ssage error record. TeAH internal and transllission code charts. internal TCAH _cros available to the user. and aids for TCS-brokerage users. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 600 pages. 12/84 ////5665-314 SC30-3237 ACFITCAH INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION CUSTOHIZAIIOH This publication is directed priurily to syst. . progra_rs and their technical steff who are responsible for the inst.llation of the TCAM progra. product. One should be f.eiliar with operating syste115 and the basic concepts of data co..unications. One should also be fa.iliar with YTAH. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 500 pages. 06/85 ////5665-314 512 c ( SC30 SC30 SC30-3238 ACFIICAM SC30-3251 ~ 1 MESSAGES ACFIICAM ~ MIGRATION This publication desc .. ibes hoM to IIOve a TCAM Ve..sion 2 Thi. publication docunant. the .assages and codes for Release 4 envi rOnlllel"lt (TCAM as an access "thad) to a TCAM Advanced CO.lllU'lications Function fo .. TCAM. Ve... ion 3. It i. Version 3 envi ..onllent (TCAM as a VTAM application). intended fo .. TCA/1 .ystem ope..ato ... and 5ystem p..og..ammers Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 150 pages. 06/85 who ..eceive DKJ and lED systeM ..saages when establishing. 11115665-314 llaintaining. cont ..olling. and ..esponding to ACFITCAM lIes5ages. SC30-3252 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 .os. 175 pages. 06/855 11115665-314 ~ VERSIONS l ~ ! Atm ~ MIGRATION VERSION l (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains information to help determine which definition .tateMents and operands are needed to 3C30-3239 update when .igrating froma previous ..elease of the NetlolO..k ACFIICAM ~ 1 OPERATIONS This publication desc .. ibes the TCAM opera to .. cont..ol Control Program (NCP) to NCP Ver.ion 4 Release 2. NCP com.ands and hoM these c_nds a ..e used to cont ..ol and Version 4 Release 1. NCP V4 Subset. NCP Version 3 for the noonito...essages. It also desc .. ibes how to fo .... t and ant ... 3725 Communication Controlle.. and NCP Ver.ion 3 for the initiato... basic and extended ope..ato.. commands. 3705 COIIIIIIU'>ication Controlle... New information in this Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 months. 120 pages. 05/85 edition is information about mig..ating to NCP Version 4 11115665-314 Release 2. Infor.ation about .ig..ating to NCP V4 Subset. Infor.. tion about the 3720 Communication Controller. Information about the NOF standa ..d attacheent facility and SC30-3240 Info ...... tion about the NCPlToken-Ring interconnection (NTHI). ACFITCAM ~ l PLANNING .!iYmi This publication int ..oduces the planning concepts for the This publication is intended for systetllS progra_... who TCAM program product. Planning involves .aking decisions are responsible for .igrating f ..om a previous release of about the options offe..ed by TCAH. NCP to a cu.. rent release of NCP. Users should be familiar This publication is to be used fo .. preli.inary planning as .. ith Systems Netwo..k A..chitecture (SNA) and the functions Nell as fo .. planning the tasks of migration. installation. the NCP provides in an SNA network. The cOtlllllUnication resou ..ce definition. customization. operation. application controlle.. the NCP will ..eside in and the access method or prog..a .... ing. and diagnosis. methods that the NCP will communicate .. ith and the network The IoIOrksheets for planning requir......ts a ..e included and configuration and the definition statements and ope..ands are completed by the user. The completed wo..ksheets can be needed to code to def i Me ..esou..ces to the NCP. used along .. ith othe.. publications to i!lplement TCAM. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 262 pages. 01/86 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 250 pages. 06/85 11115667-124.5668-854.5665-338,5666-322.5664-289 11115665-314 SC30-3241 ACFIICAM VERSION l ~ FACILITIES ~ ~ PROGRAMS ~ UTILITIES This publication desc .. ibes the following TCAM auxiliary routines designed to help the .essage cont ..ol progr•• in directing messages: Service Facilities. SysteM Se..vice Progra.. and utilities. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 700 pages. 12184 11115665-314 SC30-3253 ACFINCP/SSP INSTALLATION ~ RESOURCE DEFINITION ~ (CURREN[ RELEASE) This publication contains information to help use ..s produce .n ope..ating NCP. Version 4 or .n operating NCP. Version 3. It covers inst.lling the prog..am. defining the program. generating the p..og..am. and loading the prog..a •• This public.tion is to help users dete..mine which definition statements and oper.nds they need to code to define thei .. p.rticul... NCPs. In addition this publication cont.ins infor.. tion on how to gene ..ate .nd load the NCP unde .. the ms. VI1ISP ••nd VSE operating systems. Pre..equisite publications include SNA Concepts and P..oducts. Ge3D-3072; SNA Technical Overview. Ge30-3073; NetloIOrk Progr•• Products: Gene..al Info.... tion. Ge23-0108; Netwo..k P..ogr•• Products: Pl.nning, SC23-0110. Corequisite publications include ACFINCP-SSP Resource Definition Reference. SC30-32541 ACFINCP-SSP Migr.tion. SC30-3252. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 330 p.ges. 12184 SC30-3242 EMULATION PROGRAM fQB ]Hg lZ!i GENERATION ~ UTILITIES §Y!Qg REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains information to help users produce an oper.ting emulation program for the 3705 CoIIMunications Controller. It cover. the following five .. jo.. a ..eas: Inst.lling the p..og..... defining the p..ogra•• gene..ating the prog ..a •• loading the p..og..a •• and emulation program 11115667-124.5664-289.5666-322.5668-854.5665-338 utilities. In addition. it covers the resource definition ta.k .. ith listings of all the ..c ..os .nd oper.nds (thei .. for.. ts and SC30-3254 desc .. iptions) users need to produce an ope... ting emulation ACFINCP/SSP ~ 1 RESOURCE DEFINITION REFERENCE p..ogram. (CURRENT RELEASE) When generating the prog..a •• use ..s ..ill now find inforllation This publication contains detailed descriptions of the to help use the NCP/EP Definition Facility (NOF). which i. definition st.tements used to define NeP. Ve..sion 3 for the pa.. t of SSP Ver.ion 3. 3705 0" 3725 .nd NCP. Version 4. The prerequisite publication i. Int ..oduction to the 3704 and These det.iled descriptions include requirements fo .. use of 3705 eo..unications Controllers. 6A27-3051. each definition .tat......t and eve..y ope..and of each definition stat......t. Manual. 250 pages. 08/85 It is intend for system p..ogr._... who define resources to 11115735-XXB the NCP. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 368 pages. 05/86 11115667-124.5668-854,5665-338.5666-322.5664-289 513 ( SC30 SC30 SC30-3287 SC30-3255 ACFINCP/ssP DIAGNOSIS ~ (CURRENT RgLEASE! ~ .!JmIW. Dm ~ INSTALLATION This publication Nill help custODars and Progra. Support For inforation about this publication. contact Representatives (PSRs! to isolate and define problelllll in the Controlling Party. R.f.r to Controlling Party listing in ACFINCP for the 3705 and 3725 c-.,ication controllers. Publications Pric. List. ZZ20-0100. Although it is prhllilrily concerned Nith ACFINCP is also Manual. 208 pages explains some of the diagnostic aids and service aids 11115668-971 avaHable in ACF/sSP and the EllUlation Progra. for the 3725 Ca.munications Controller. It contains procedures that guide the user through the SC30-3288 proble. dater.ination and proble. definition process. ~ .I.O.!iIk!I. Dm ~ HESSAGES !!:!!l ~ Manual. 300 pages. 12/84 This publication describes .usages and cOilpletion codas frOll NLPH and reconmends rasponses are applicabl•• 11115664-289.5665-338.5666-322 Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 140 pages. 12/84 1140115668-971 SC30-3261 ~ mlW!t:I J mwr; ! CONFIGURATION ~ fBQ!iiIW! SC30-33D9 FACILITY USER'S ~ (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication contains the instructions for using the ~ ~ (CIJ!!RgNT RnUSE! CCP facility to create and lIIIiIintain 3710 configurations. It This publication describes the process of installing, also contains the worksheets that are used to collect the defining. end operating a VH SNA network consisting of the data needed to create a 3710 configuration. the validation foll_ing products: VTAH. NCP. SSP. NCCF. NLP" and NPDA. It .essages and the samples of output that ara produced by the als~ contains definitions for a sample netNOrk. It is CCP facility. prillllilrily intended for syst. . progra_rs and adeinistrators. . Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 07/86 11115665-338.5664-289 This publication is a CClllpOl'Wnt of SBOF-lS84. Manual. 270 pages. 09/85 11115664-280.5664-289.5664-175.5667-124,5668-971,5664-190 SC30-3264 I:GE INSTALLATION AN) RESOURCE DEFINITION (C\JI!RENT RELEASE! This publication describes hoM to define the NetNOrk SC30-3333 COlIIIIIUnications Control Facility (NCCF). It describes how to HY!!:I INSTALLATION B1 m! install NCCF. hoM to code the required resource definition This publication describes installation procedures for NLP" statements using the predefined installation code. and how Releas. 2 for VH. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 100 pages. 3/85 to MOdify this coda. Higration considerations are also discussed. 11//5668-971 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 350 pages. 1185 11115664-175 SC30-3338 EHULATION f!U!§!W:I INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION &II SC30-3270 DIAGNOSIS (C\JI!RENT RELEASE! ACFIYTAH VERSION ! LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT fi!! Lll SWITCHED This publication contains inforation pertaining to the installation. resource definition, and diagnosis of the ~~ EllUlation Progra. for the ~ication Controll.... , and it This publication applies to ACFIYTAH V.rsion 2 Release 1 for VSE. It contains diagnosis infor..tion that is naN for covers the 3725 Co-..nication Controller and the 3720 COMMUnication Controller. ACFIVTAH Version 2 R.lease I Support of the X.21 SNitched Interface for the 4300·co.aunication adapter. It is intended for syst... analysts, syst_ progra_... , Suppl. .ents to this publication are ST27-0610. ST27-0614 and syst_ engineers, field engineers, and netNOrk operatol'll STOO-1379. responsible for defining resources to. generating. loading, Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 07/84 or diagnosing probl_ Nith the EllUlation Pragra. for 11115666-280 Con.unication Controllers. This is • cClllpOl'Wnt of 5I<2T-0913. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 260 pages, 01186 SC30-3275 ////5735-)0(8 ACFIYTAH VERSION J HESSAGES &II ~ (CURRENT RUUSE! This publication interprets the text and descriptions of messages is_d by VTAH or VSCS. It is divided into four SC30-3346 parts: Introduction. VTAH I1essages. vscs tlessages. and USS JHA ~ !!:!!l PROTOCOL REFERENCE MANAGEHENT SERVICgS I1essages. This publication provides. co.prehensiv. description of the This publication is a cOlipolient of SBOF-lS84. functions and services associated Nith Syst... NetNOrk Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 416 pages. 03/85 Architecture (SNA! ManageNent Services. It contains foruts 11115664-280 and protocols and is intended for product developers and syst... pragra...rs. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 258 pages, 3/86 SC30-3278 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ImY!I!!!i FACILITY INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION Am CUSIOMlZATION This publication is to be used by syst. . pragra_rs and SC30-3347 netNOrk operators to install. custOilize and define the I::ImIIBK TER"INAL m!Imh INSTALLATION' HIIiRATION &:Il NetNOrking Routing Facility. It contains step-by-step RESOURCE DEFINITION This publicat;on _bles llllilnagaent persannel and syst_ procedures and tested exallPles to help the user ake the progra...... to install the NatNOrk T.r.inal Option (NTO! NatNork Routing facility operational. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 140 pages. 12/84 progr. . product and to define HlO resources to an SMA 1134115668-963 netNOrk. e .wm "'--/ ( ! (i SC30 SC30 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 7/86 ////5735-XX7 SC30-3360 INSTALUTION At!!! ADMINISTRATION ~ This publication describes hON to install NetVi ... for HVS andVH. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 220 pages. 02/87 //34//5665-361.5665-362.5664-204 ~ SC30-3348 SENERATIOtI At!!! LOADING ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains information to help users generate and load an NCP load 1IOdu1e l.R'Ider the I1VS. VMlSP. or VSE operating systeM. Users IlUSt have a thorough knowledge of SystellS Neblork Architecture (SNA) and of the functions the NCP provides in an SNA network. They should have a good understanding of the cOtlHllunication controller the NCP lIi11 reside in and the access method or access methods it lIill communicate lIith. TMs publication also requires a good understanding of the operating system under which the NCP lIill be generated and loaded. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 155 pages. 1/86 ////5667-124.5668-854.5668-754.5665-338.5666-322.5664-289 ~ SC30-3363 NETVIEW OPERATIOtI ~ This publication provides netllOrk operators lIith a findamental understanding of the network management task. Topics include information on hoN to start and stop a netNOrk. control resources. lIIOnitor a network. and gather data necessary to report a problem. Manual. 7 x 8 1/2 inches. 06/86 //40//5664-204.5665-361.5665-362 SC30-3364 ~ OPERATION This publication provides system prograMMers and netllOrk operators Nith a MOre comprehensive explanation of the various cOllOpOnents of NetView that can be used for netllOrk management. Topics include detailed command explanations and panel flONS as _11 as inforMation on how the various CO!llpOnents interact lIith each other. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 06/86 //40//5664-204.5665-361.5665-362 SC30-3349 ~ ( RESOURCE DEFINITION SUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains information to help users produce the follOliing operating NCPs. NCP. Version 3 for the 3725 and 3705 NCPI Version 4 Release 1. NCP. Version 4 Release 2. NCP. V4 Subset and NCP/Token Ring interconnection. It covers the resource definition task. The primary purpose of this publication is to help users determine ..... ich definition statements and operands they need to code to define their particular NCPs. Prerequisite publications include SNA Concepts and Products. &e30-30n. SNA Technical Overvi ..... SC30-3073. NetNOrk Program Products Seneral Information. SC30-3350 and NetllOrk Program Products Planni ng. SC30-3351. Corequisite publications include NCP and SSP Resource Definition Reference. SC30-3254. NCP and SSP 6eneration and Loading 6uide. SC30-3348 and NCP and SSP Migration. SC303252. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 363 pages. 5/86 ////5667-124.5668-854.5665-338.5666-322.5664-289.5668-754 SC30-3376 3C30-3351 ~ SC30-3366 NETVIE" HARDWARE PROBLEM DETERMINATION REFERENCE This publication is designed to help systemprogra...ers whose needs have gone beyond the inforllation supplied on the NetView problem determination panels. It includes formats of trace records sent to NetVi_ from the hardware products NetView supports. Manual. 315 pages. 09/86 //37//5665-321.5664-190.5664-204.5665-362.5668-920. 5665-361 ~ f!U!§l!!H PRODUCTS PLANNING (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication assists in planning a network containing VTAK. NCP. SSP. and NetView. It discusses planning. installation. cust_iation and resource definition for single-c:IoIIain. multiple-domain. and interconnected networks. It complements the Seneral Information manual in that it previ des greater depth on the planni ng tasks and definitions as opposed to the hardware and software interfaces. After reading this publication. systems planners can select the options that best suit the needs of their business. Manual. 450 pages. 5/86 ////5665-313.5665-289.5664-280.5668-854.5667-124.5668-754. 5665-361.5665-362.5664-204 SC30-3352 HmI!BK .I!BQ!!BAH PRODUCTS ~ ~ (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication describes the definition and operation of SNA netllOrk that is operated and llanaged through VTAK. Netview. and NCP/ssP. It contains sallOples that netllOrk planners and system programmers can use as a base for expanding an existing netllOrk or building a neN netllOrk. Manual. 380 pages. 12/86 ////5665-313.5665-289.5665-361.5665-362.5664-280.5664-204 OPERATION SCENARIOS This publication contains scenarios that sholl hoII you can use NetVieN to identify and solve netllOrk probl81115. I t is for natNOrk operators lIhose main responsibilitas are to keep the system running SMOOthly and to solve user problems. Manual. 09/86 //40//5664-204.5665-362.5665-361 SC30-3403 t!m!!QBK ~ PRODUCTS ~ ESTIMATES (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains formulas to determine the storage requirements for Netview. VTAK andNCP. Manual. 50 pages. 6/86 //30//5665-313.5664-288.5665-289.5664-313.5664-204. 5665-362 SC30-3407 NETWORK R!l!lWI§ FACILITY INSTALLATION' RESOURCE DEFINITION At!!! CYSTOHlZATIOtI . This publication is intended for systems progra_rs and netNOrk operators who install. custOlBiza and define the NetNOrk Routing Facility. It contains step-by-step procedures and tasted exaMples to help the user make the Network Routing Facility operational. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 6/86 ////5668-963 515 ( SC30 SC30 SC30-3423 6C30-9510 ~ lC&! ill .llU. 5752-836 SPECIFICATIONS This is the Sy.t. . Control Progra_ing Specific.tions for TCAH NCPIVS Direct ITCAM Level 10). Select.ble Unit 36 (SU3U. Flyer. 8 1/2 x II inches. 2 pages. 7/78 1M ~~.l.DD This publication provides network syst. . progr....r. with the tool. they need to write NetYi .. COlllll.nd U.ts (CLIST.) to enh.nce netMOrk oper.tor t.sk. .nd .utomat. responses to ••ass.ge. for their 0Nn install.tions. It explains the differences between NCCF CLISTs and NetView CLIST. and provides step-by-step instructions for writing si~l. CLISTs. for writing .dv.nced CLIST. and for .igrating fro. NCCF ....ag• •utOll.tion to NetVi.w .....g. auto.ation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 120 pages. 07/86 SC30-9511 ACFITCAt! INCLUDINS A Wll!Bi .BIB MULTISYSTEM NETWORKltIEi SPECIFICATIONS Specifications provide infor•• tion on the warr.nted functions of the licensed progr••• Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 11/86 11115665-361.5665-362.5664-204 11115735-RCI SC30-9507 ADVANCED COI!1Ut!ICATION FI.t!CTION flJl t:IC!ClL SPECIFICATIQNS fRQi fBgg 5735-XXl Thes• • pecification. describe the subject progr•• product. Adv.nced C~ications Function for NCPIVS (ACFINCPIVS). a NetMOrk Control ProgralllVS progr •• product. when ganer.ted .nd loaded. executes in the 3705-1 or 3705-11 COIIIIUnic.tions Controller. Use of ACFINCPIVS requires the concurrent inst.ll.tion of pr.requisite NCPIVS .yst. . control progr..... ing (SCP). Thi. pr.requi.it. SCP .'-'ld be Installed only by ACF/NCPIVS users. Folder. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pgs. 7/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC30-9516 lC&! t:&!!Ll{J RIBEI !.!&61:1 WR ill ml1.1 &P 5741-YSI lC&! .lJl SUPPORT, JYm 5741-602, SPECIFICATIONS Thi. publication provides specifications for w.rr.nty for TCAM NCPIVS Direct (TCAM level 10) Select.ble Unit 2. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 p.ges, 8178 SC30-9519 IY.l1 ADVANCED ctnM!IClTION FUNCTION filB lC&! (ACFacAM! JYlg 5735-RCI. J&P 5741-VSl. ACF(TCAM ~ SPECIFICATIONS Thi. public.tion provides specifications for warranty for Advanced Communication Function for TCAM (ACFITCAM). Selectable Unit Hullber 12. SCP 5741-VSl ACFITCAM Support. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 8/78 SC30-9508 nIIi11 II.IPPS!BI PR06RAMS B!.B ADVANCED CO!1f:WIClTIQNS FUNCTIONIHCP/YS, f&li EIU!D 573!i-XX3, SPECIFICATIONS Thes• •peclfications de.cribe the .ubject prograM product. SysteM SUpport PrograllS for Adv.nced tomunic.tions 6C30-9520 Fwtetlons NCPIVS cOlllpri.es • •et of progr... that oper.te In ADVANCED COI1t'AJNICATION FUNCTION BIB I&AI:I IACFITCAt!! • the host Sy.t..t370. Us. of .y.t. . .upport progr.... for !!BQi 1?3' - RC3. fBl2§B.AH m!tl!:W'U ACFINCPIVS requires the concurrent inst.llation of This is the prograM summ.ry for ACFITCAH Version 2 Release 1 .nd V..... ion 2 Rele.se 2. describing the capabilities in prerequisite Syst. . Support Progr••• systea control progr.MIng (SCP). This prerequi.it. SCP .'-'ld be COIIIbination with te prerequisite syst_ control progr... ing inst.lled by users of Sy.t. . Support Progra.. for lIOCIules. ACFINCPIVS. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 10/78 Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pgs. 7/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .us: 6C30-9525 GC30-9509 ADYANCED CO!1!!UNICATIQN FutlCTION fQB lC&! (ACFacAM! mllIII EMULATOR PROGRAM, EXTENDED FEATURES PI!fL f&li 5799-Am, 1 SPECIFICATIDNS SPECIFICATIONS This publication includes specifications for the ACFITCAH This specification .heet describes warranted specifications Version 2. The feature numbers are 9001 (8ase) and 6003 of the 3705 Extended Fe.tures PRPQ which provides .dditional (Networking F.cility). fwtetions to the 3705 EMUlation Progra.. These additional Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 11/86 functions give the 3705 II user new c.pabilities which .ake 1111573S-RC3 hi. total teleprocessing .yst. . MOr. flexible. These .dditional functions are: 6C30-9526 • Multiple Host .upport (Maxi_ of 4 Type 4 chal'Vl8l adapters) ACFacAM. m .Em!i 5731-RC3. PROGRAM §.!.!t1!:!A!U Thi. publication describes the capabilities of Advanced • Oper.tor Consol. support CollllllU'lications Function for the TelecOlllllUl'lications Access • Stati.tic. Gathering Hathod Version 2 Release 3 (ACFITCAH V2 R3), in coabination • SystulCPU Select for SOlIe STARTISTOP T.r.inal. with the prerequisite syst. . control prograuing aodules. • AutOilatic Speed Selection Flyer. 3 pages. 7/79 • Code ConYer. i on The Extended features .re tot.lly co~tibl. with the /1115735-RC3 Multiple Subchal'Vl81 Line Acces. (HSLA) facility in EP VlHO. The HSLA feature My be used in a MUltiple host environllent to provide line recovery operations in the event of • host 6C30-9527 _lfunction. lI'-'ld one host proces.or go doIora. all or . _ ADVANCED COIfWIClTIQNS FUNCTION BIB ~ (ACFINCPI'IS! of it. teleproces.ing load ny be transferred to a .econd ~ 1... m fIW§ 1735-)0(1. ~ §.!.!t1!:!A!U host proces.or. C-.nication over the .... lines res~ The PrograM SuIIIIIIary describes the objectives and capabilities of the prograM product .entioned in the title via the HSLA paths. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 7/77 .nd provides it. estinted .vailability date. The Ii_ad prograM Advanced eo-.tic.tions Fwtetion for 11115799-Am the Network Control progr.lIIYirtual Stor.ge (ACFINCPIVS) R3. in COIIbination with prerequisite syst. . control progra. . ing 516 / ( GC30 GC30 IIOdules. Nhen generated and loaded. executes in the 1811 3705-1 or II Communications Controller. ACFINCPIVS R3 perforllS a wide range of f~tions for the data communications network. such as transmission control cOlllllUnication control. error recording and recovery. and diagnostics. Certain f~tions are standard. others are optional. selected as part of the prograa generation procedure. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 6/79 11115735-)0(1 GC30-9528 ~ PROGRAMS.EQB ACFtNCPI'iS ~ 1.z. YC fBg§ 5735-XX3. PROGRAM SUMMARY The Prograa SUlllmary describes the objectives and capabilities of the prograa product aentioned in the title and provides its esti .. ted availability date. The systea support prograas for ACFINCPIVS R3 coaprise a set of progralDS that operate in the host Systeall370 and a 3705 Com.unications Controller. Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 6/79 11115735-XX3 mruH GC30-9529 SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS .E2B ACFINCPIVS ,ll.!; fBg§ 5735-XX3 SPECIFICATIONS' ~ L! Specifications provide infor. . tion on the Narranted f~tions of the licensed prograa. Flyer SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC30-9530 ADVANCED cot!!1IJ!:!lCATIONS FUNCTION .EQB ~ (ACFINCPIVS)' ,ll.!; PROG 5735-XXI. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) Specifications provide information on the Narranted functions of the licensed prograa. Flyer, 8 112 x 11 inches. I page. 5/80 11115735-)0(1 GC30-9531 ACFlNCptVS. ~ 5747-CHI. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) Specifications provide infor. . tion on the Narranted functions of the licensed prograa. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 5/80 GC30-9540 PARTITIONED EINLATION PROGRAHtlING !He! EXTENDED FEATIJRES .E.QR !!:!Ii 3705-11 (PROGRAHtlING B.f9 P85032). ill PROG 5799-BAF. SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides specifications for warranty for Partitioned Emulation Programming (PEP) Extended Features for the 3705-11 Programming RPQ 5799-BAF (P85032). Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 1180 11115799-BAF GC30-9541 ACFINCPIVS' ~ 5747-CHI. SPECIFICATIONS Specifications provide inforaation on the Narranted functions of the licensed program. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 i~. 1 page. 11/80 GC30-9542 SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS .E2B ACFINCPIVS. i l l fBg§ 5735-XX3 SPECIFICATIONS. RELEASE 1 Specifications provide infor.... tion on the Narranted functions of the licensed program. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 11/80 11115735-)0(3 GC30-9543 ACFINCPIVS' ,ll.!; fB!!§ 5735-XX3 SPECIFICATIONS. mwf Specifications provide inforlHtion on the Narranted functions of the licensed prograa. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 11/80 11115735-XXI J GC30-9544 t&f mm SWITCHING INTERFACE .PRll§RAlj .!Y:!!!A!U This docuaent describes the objectives and capabilities of the prograa product aentioned in the title and provides its esti .... ted availability date. This prograa product perforllS a wide range of f~tions. such as transaission control. communications control. error recording. error recovery. and diagnostic fU'>Ctions. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 07/81 11115668-981 ~ GC30-9545 PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides infor.... tion on the warranted functions of the X.25 NCP Packet Switching Interface prograa product. and states the aachine. progra_ing. and network requireaents for this program product. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/81 1/115668-981 ~ ~ GC30-9533 ADVANCED COI1!1UNICATION FUNCTION fi!H ~ B!.I,Wg i t!OOIFICATION .L. ill fB!:!!i 5735-RCI. ~ ~ ACFINCPIVS Release 2.1 supports the Link Problea Deteraination Aid (LPDAI for the 1811 3863. 3864. and 3865 aodea. This NCP release also supports the 230.4 KBPS line speed capability of the 1811 3705-II. This publication contains infor. .tion concerning the testing period. prograa services. Narranty. and availability of ACFINCPIVS Release 2.1. Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 7179 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC30-9534 m ACFINCPIVS RELEASE! I1ODIFICATION 1 .PR.Q!iIW! ~ The Prograa Suaaary describes the objectives and capabilities of the prograa product aentioned in the tHle and provides its esti . .ted availabilHy date. Flyer. 2 pages. 7179 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC30-9550 1 CUSTOMER SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) For a description of this publication. contact Merle Veasey. Dept. 43/E05. Research Triangle Park. N.C •• TIL 441-6625 or (9191 543-6625. Flyer. 2 pages 11115735-)0(9 ~ ~ GC30-9551 ACFISSP m.!W!:! ! CUSTOMER SPECIFICATIONS For a description of this publication. contact Merle Veasey. Dept. 43/E05. Research Triangle Park. N.C •• TIL 441-6625 or (9191 543-6625. Flyer. 2 pages 11115735-XXA 517 ( Ge30 Ge30 Ge30-9554 NON-SYSTEMS Hn!!!B!S ARCHITECME INTERCONNECTION SPECIFICATIONS For information about tMs pubUcation. contact Controlling Party. Refer to Controlling Party listing in Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Flyer. 2 pages. 8/83 11115668-951 Ge30-9555 HmmB!S ~ gm ~ B.WW J m ma6 pubUcation i. priearily custOllers. Flyer. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 4 pages. 11/86 1/201/5668-981 6C30-9571 NLPM ~ .2 :Elm nI SPECIFICATIONS Thi. publication provides specifications of the prograM product. Flyer. 8 1/2 lC 11 inches. 4 pages. 11/86 11115668-971 m SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides .pecifications for the Relea•• 3 for 1tVS. ItVSIXl and VSE. Flyer. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 4 pages. 11/86 11115668-971 Ge30-9562 MANAGEMENt DISTRIBUTION ~ SPECIFICATIONS For inforeation about tMs publication contact the controlling party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Flyer. 4 pages Ge30-9573 ADVANCED CQt1!1WICATIONS F~ION B!B m NETWORK CONTROL ~ mnm:l J fQB :mg ~ AtIIl 1m CO!1MlINICATIQN CONTROLLERS SPECIFICATIONS Licensed Program Specifications for ACFINCP Version 3 for the 3705 and 3725. Flyer. 8 112 )( 11 inches, 3 pages, 03/84 11115667-124 ~ 11201/5665-310 Ge30-9564 :Elm J:!g! mnm:I.2:Elm :mg 1m SPECIFICATIONS !CURREN! RELEASE! Licensed PrograM Specifications for ACFINCP Version 2 for the 3725. Flyer. 2 pages ~ 1120115735-lO(9 Ge3D-9574 ADVANCED C!!t1I1UNICATIONS FUNCTION :Elm :mg ~ PRUSHA" ~ ! ~ ! SPECIFICATIONS This brief docunoent provides information on the specifications of the Ucensed program Advanced Communications Function for the System Support Programs !ACF/SSP! Version 2 Release 2. It contains infor... tion on the specified operating envirOlWWlt and serves as basis for the warranty of ACFISSP Version 2 Release 2. The audience for this pubUcation is priearily customers and secondarily personnel. Flyer. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 2 pages, 03/84 .mum 1111573S-XXl 6C30-9565 ADVANCED CO!1!U!ICATIONS FItlCTIQN :Elm IIIl liImH ~ PROGRAMS mlW!!:I.2 SPECIFICATIONS !CURRENJ RELEASE) Licensed PrograM Specifications for ACF/SSP V.rsion 2 Releas. 1.1. Flyer. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 2 pages 112011573S-XXl Ge30-9575 EHUUTION PROGRAM :Elm COMHUNICATIQN CONTROLLERS SPECIFICATIQNS !CURRENJ RELEASE! Licensed Prograe Specifications for EP for Coeeunications Controllers. Flyer. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 2 pages. 03/85 11115735-XXB Ge30-9566 EMULATION PROGRA" :Elm !I:!l 1m SPECIFICATIONS !CURRENt RELEASE! Licensed PrograM Specifications for EP for the 3725. Flyer. 8 112 )( 11 inches. 2 pages 1120115735-XXB Ge30-95n ACFIICAH ~ J SPECIFICATIONS This is the Advanced Communications Function for TCAM Version 3 Licensed Progralll Specifications. It is the Narranty for this progralll product. Flyer. 8 112 )( 11 inches. 2 pages. 11/86 11115665-314 GC30-9567 ~ mlW!!:I .2 Bll.&AH .2 :Elm lflliaZl! ma6 maE SPECIFICATIONS Thi. docUllent i. the warranty for the Network Conuaunications Control Facility !NCCF) Version 2 ReI.... 2. Flyer. 8 112 lC 11 inche. 6 pages. 11/86 Ge30-9S78 ~ :alWJI! ! :Elm VMlSP This publication is the warranty for the Network Co..a"\ications Control Facility !NCCF). Version 2 for YMlSP - 5664-175. Flyer. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 4 pages. 11/86 11115668-947.5665-316.5666-285 11115664-175 Ge30-9569 2U.li J:!g! fAC!SiI SWIICHIN!i INTERFACE Bll.&AH !& !...1.& ~ Y Am SPECIFICATIONS Thi. docueent provides infor... tion on the .peclfications of the licensed prograM X.2S NeP Pack.t S"dtching Interface !X.2S NPSI) Relea.e 4. 4.1. 4.2 and 4.3. It contains inforeation on the .pecified operating envirCll'llltlnt and .erves . . a ba.i. fo .. the war ..anty of X.& NPSI Relea•• 4. 4.1. 4.2 and 4.3. A copy of this publication accoepani_ each .hipeent of X.25 NPSI fl'Oll Wo.. ld Trade di.tribution cent..... The audience fo .. this Ge30-9579 ADVANCED C!l!!M!ICATION FUNCTION :Elm !I:!l li!!Im:I ~ PROGRAMS mm!H J .Em m SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENt RELEASE) Licensed PrograM Specifications for the ACF/SSP. Version 3. R.leas. 2 for 1tVS. Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 12/84 11115665-338 518 (" SC30 Ge31 SC30-9583 ADVANCED CO!!!UNICATIONS FUNCTION fm I!!i !:!In!QBJS ~ .I!BQ§RAtI ~ !t SPECIFICATIONS (CWRENT RELEASE) Licensed Progr•• Specifications for ACFINCP Version 4. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 3 pages, 07/86 11115668-854 VSE/Advanced FW1Ctions Macro User Guide, VSE/Advanced FW1Ctions Hacro Reference. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 14 pages, 6/79 111157%-DCl SC31-0002 VSE/3890 DotuMENT PROCESSOR SUPPORT, oW; PROS 5746-DCl USER'S REFERENCE SUIDE This publication is intended for application and syst. . progra..ars. It provides the necessary infor.ation to read .nd pocket select banking documents using the 3890 DOCUIIent Processor operating I6>C1er VSE/Advanced FW1Ctions (Progra. Nullber 57%-XE8). Sections in this publication provide the reader .. ith introductory infor.ation, overvi_ of the progra., syst. . and storage requirenents, infOrMation on constructing an .pplic.tion program, .nd a sample program. This publication is intended to be used .. ith the IBM 3890 Document Processor Machine and Progra_ing Description, Order No. GA24-3612. Manual. 45 pages, 12/79 111157%-DCl SC30-9584 ADVANCED COMI1UNICATIONS FUNCTION fQB SYSTEH SUPPORT PROGRAMS ~ } fQR ~ SPECIFICATIONS (CWREN! RELEASE) Licensed Progra. Specifications for the ACF/SSP Version 3 for YH. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages, 121M 11115664-289 m SC30-9585 } fl!B m SPECIFICATIONS Licensed Progra. Specifications for the ACF/SSP Version 3 Release 2. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages, 121M 11115666-322 ~ ~ SC30-9588 ~ ~ SC31-0003 VSE/3§90 DOCl!I1EN! PROCESSOR SUPPORT. oW; !!B.Q§ 57%-DCl SPECIFICATIONS The specifications provide a general description of the ...chine. system. storage, and progra_ing requir....,..t. necessary to use the progra. product. They .. Iso describe the Narranty for the program. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 12/79 111157%-DCl llW&m 1 SPECIFICATIONS This publication describes the specifications for the Network PrObI. . Dete~ination Application Version 3 R.I.... 2. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 pages, 11/86 11115666-295,5665-321,5664-190,5668-920 ( SC30-9591 ACFIVTAH VERSION } RElEASE! HOOIFlCATION LEVEL! SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN! RELEASE) This public.tion cont.ins the .... rr.nty for VTAH V.... ion 3 R.leas. 1 l1odification Levell. The associated progr•• I1UIIbers .re 5664-280 (YHlSP), 5665-289 (HVS/XA), .nd 5665-313 (HVS/370). Flyer, 8 112 x 11 inches, 4 pages, 11/86 11115664-280,5665-313,5665-289 6C31-0009 PARAHETER !!!lI& GENERATION FACILITY fi!R 1i!t!t AUTOHAIIC 11m Y!m: !GEN36441. oW; .PRQ§ 5668-998. ~ INFORMATION This .anual, intended for data processing syst. . analysts .nd planners. provides basic infor... tion to use in evalu.ting and planning for the P.r...ter Tabl. Generation Facility for the IBM 3644 AutOllatic Oat. Unit !GEN36441. GEN3644 is a licensed progra. that allONS the user to cust_ize the operation of the 3644 to ...t specific .pplic.tion neads. This manual contains information on fW1Ctions. worksheets, input, processing. output, and stor.ge requir....nt. for GEN3644. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 24 pag_, 05/80 11115668-998 SC30-9596 EMUUTIOH fBQi!WI fQB CO!1I1UNICATION CONTROLLERS SPECIFICATIONS (CWRENT RELEASE) Licensed Progr•• Specifications for EP R.lease 3 and 4. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages. 07/86 11115735-XXB SC31-0500 SC30-9597 LOOP ADAPTER PROGRAMMER'S §y!!!! This . .nual provides inforution for CICSIVS users Mho intend to install a CICS/DOSIVS or CICSIOs/vs Syst. . that co....unicates Nith 3640 terminals, keyboard display ter.inal•• and printer te~inals by Nay of the Loop Adapt.r feature of the 4331 Processor. It is directed to syst. . designers, syst_ progra_rs, and application progra_rs. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 250 pages. 09/81 11115799-BEH ~ !t am SPECIFICATIONS Licensed Progra. Specifications for ACFINCP Version 4 Slbset. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages, 07/86 11115668-754 ~ ~ SC31-0001 VSE/3890 DOCUI1ENT PROCESSOR SUPPORT, oW; fB.!!!i 57%-DC1. ~ INFORHATION This publication provides general inforaation concerning progr....ing support for the IBM 3890 Doc_t Processor operating ~r VSE/Advanced FW1Ctions Release 2. Sections in this IlHlnual provide the re.der .. ith introductory inforaation on the 3890 DOSIVSE support fW1Ctions, operating envir_t, and a COIIIPIIrison .. ith the 3890 DOSIVS Applic.tion/lnstall.tion Support (Fi.ld Developed Progr•• 5798-BDC). Prerequi.it. publications are: IBM 3890 Docunnt Processor' Machine and Progra_ing Description. 61.24-3612' SC31-0503 PARAHETER 519 ( ~ GENERATION FACILITY fQB IHl MD YHI! GEN3644 ~ AUTOMATIC This publication is for the user of the IBM ParaNter Table Genaration F.cility for the IBH 3644 AutOMatic Oat. Unit (GEN3644), Progra. Number 5668-998, to create a table to custOlllize the operation of the 3644. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 80 pages, 05/82 11115668-998 GC31 GC31 E'oC31-0504 AUTOMATIC IlW lmIPROGRAMtIING !till ~ §YI!Il This lIanual contains inforntion about the IBI'I 3644 Aut_tic Data Unit. The publication addresses the needs of the engineer. analyst. or progra_r responsible for selecting the functions that are to be perfor...d by the 3644 and the needs of the application progra ..... r responsible for writing the application prograM that Manages the COtIIIUnication betilleen the 3644 and the controlling syst... I'Ianual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 235 pages. 3/81 ~ 1109/36441 GC31-0505 J.QQf ~ ~ EXTENSION .BIB ~ TERl'lINALS fRl!!i X99909 SPECIFICATIONS This flyer provides the Licensed PrograM Specifications (LPS) for the Loop Adapter CICSIVS Extension for IBI'I 3640 TerMinals PRPQ. It describes four functions: 3640 600d Horning I'I8ssage Routine. Transaction Selection Routine. Error Handling Routine. and 3642 Encode Check Routine of the PRPQ. Also described are the nchine requiretnents. progra_ing requiretnents. and the _rranty for PRPQ. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 07/81 LC31-1504 PARAMETER ~ GENERATION FACILITY .BIB IHl ~ AUTOMATIC ~ UNIT DIAGNOSIS !till .I.Q§!!; The purpose of this book is to help you to diagnose failures in the Paraaeter Table Generation Facility for the IBM 3644 AutOMatic Data Unit (GEN3644). This book sets forth e systematic Nay of selecting keyNOrds to describe a prograa failure. end it provides an introduction to the logic and organization of GEN3644. I'Ianual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 55 pages. 06/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC31-20n At:!!l ATTENDANCE TERMINAL COMPONENt DESCRIPTION &Il OPERATING ~ This aanual contains operating procedures. setup info.... tion. problea deterMination procedures. and general operating inforllation for the 3647 Ti ... and Attendance TerMinal. It also contains 8100 and 4300 related infOrMation. I'Ianual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 82 pages. 9/81 ~ ~ 1116/36471 11115799-BEH GC31-2012 ]l!1g At:!!l ATTENDANCE TERl'lINAL ~ R&fmU The IBI'I 3647 Ti . . and Attendance Terminal Probl. . Report provides the user with a .ethod of recording IBI'I 3647 failures. The IBM 3647 Tin and Attendance TerMinal Probl. . Report is COIIIpleted by the user and gi van to the servi ca representative. Padded forM. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. UIH 25. 3180 ~ GC31-0506 PARAI'IETER GENERATION FACILITY fi!B IHl ~ AUTOMATIC ~ YHl! SPECIFICATIONS This document describes the hardNare end softNare requireeents of the prograM product. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 09/82 ~ 11115668-998 1109/36471 GC31-0507 GC31-2035 l§2l! DOCUMENT PROCESSOR ImlW.J 1 !till f ~ A!!Il PROGRAMMING DESCRIPTIQN 4704 STATION !!!!!!lll ~ DETERI'IINATION This publication provides application and syst. . progra_rs This card describes the SYMPtons and possible lIIith the necessary inforntion to code the Hero corrective action when probleas occur on the 4704 instructions and serves as a source of reference to those Hodel 1 Display Station. It is intended for persons doing SysteMS analysis and perforMing Hchine operators of the display station • . . intenance. The r~der is ass~ to have an U'lderstanding Reference Card. 7 1/2 x 10 314 inches. 2 cards. 09/85 of bank data processing. 1116/47041 This publication contains descriptions of . .china capabilities. storage assigrwents. record fo .... ts. operating principles and controls. and explanations of the channel GC31-2036 attachlllent. item numbering. endorsing. and MicrofilMing. It ~ RECEIPIlVAlIDATIQN ~ ~ DETERI'IINATIQN ~ also contains descriptions and definitions for the data This publication contains probl. . deterMination procedures unagement and devise-depeudent nero" instructions available for the 4710 ReceiptlValidation printer. It i. intended for in assembler language. troubleshooters. I'Ianual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 09/82 Reference Card. 6 1/2 x 10 1/2 inches mew /116/47101 1104/38901 LC31-1500 LOOP ADAPTER ~ EXTENSIONS .BIB ~ TERl'lINALS fB.f! X99909 The PRPQ Loop Adapter CICSIVS Ext_ion for ISH 3640 terMinals is a series of progra_ and exit routines that enhance the support of the ISH 3641. 3642. 3644. 3646. and 3647 terMinals men they are attached to the IBI'I 4331 Processor by the Loop Adapter feature. The functions provided by the PRPQ Loop Adapter CICSIVS Extension are not applicable to the IBI'I 3643 and 3645 terMinals. therefore. the CICSIVS support for these terMinals is not enhanced by this PRPQ. Four functions are addressed by the PRPQ Loop Adapter CICSIVS Extension for the ISH 3640 terainals: terMinal initialization. transaction selection. terMinal reinitialization. and 3642 Check handling. I'Ianual. 07/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. stascRIPTION ONLY GC31-2055 At! INTRODUCTION !!m! This unual intr.oduces the ISH 3694 custoaer to I'Iagnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) equipment operational and perfor. .nce tips and other infor.ation such as ribbons. ink. cleaning transports and eabossing. Manual. 3 5/8 )( 8 112 inches. 50 pages. 01/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. stascRIPTION ONLY :m GC31-2065 520 !llR .PBIt!nB HODELS 1 !t!!ll fBQ!ru!1 DETERMINATION ~ This card provides .. _thod of probl. . deterMination using SYMPtOMS (operator-panel lights and printer characters) and • prescribed actions. It is intended for the end user. Reference Card. 6 314 x 10 314 inches. 2 pages. 08183 1116/47201 ./ ( Ge31 GC33 Ge31-2072 GC31-253ft l!tl::l VALIDATION J!!'il!m! gmm l.m.I DESCRIpTION 1i&!t CONSUMER TRANSACTION FACILITY tlQ!W. .u CUSTOMER !.1!:!1! No abstract available. Manual, 8 112 x 11 ; nches, 72 pages, 4/84 Ba~ This publication contains infortHt;on for cust_r use or the operation and probl. . dateMlinat;on for the 7463-3 Printer. Manual. 8 1/2 K II inches DRIYE-UP !II!gJ. 1114/36241 //14/746 31 GC31-2547 !tl!t fBIHIU OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS GC31-2079 !Z12 !IUtIJlB !I!:!I!.Wi .& !tID ! EB.IlB.W! DETERMINATION Th;s publication contains operator panel inforaat;on and probleM solving inforMation. It contains detailed descriptions of each key and procedures for checking and changing configuraUon options, print tests 300 and 301 and probleM dete,...;nat;on. These descriptions are specific for all coaxial-attached printers. Manual, 10/85 SbSS: ORDER NO. SlBSCRIpTION ONLY ~ Th;s card provides a . .thod of proble. deterMination using symptoms (operator-panel lights and printer charactersl and a prucribed action. It;s intended for the end user. Reference card. 6 3/4 l( 10 3/4 ;ncIws, 2 panels, 08/83 //16/47201 ';(:31-2505 l!W! DOCIMEN! PROCESSOR tI!ml.Il AtIZ f OPERATOR'S !!YIn GC31-2592 !llR=& RECEIPTlVAlIDATION fBIHIU OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Th;s operator's Manual contains information pr;.ar;ly for personnel operating the 3890 Document Procusor Modals E and F. The operating ;nfor.. t;on includes a description of the 3890, functional units, user features, operator panel, . .ch;ne operation, and operator . . ;nt_nce. Manual, 8 112 K 11 inches This publication describes the 4710-2 ReceiptlYal;dation Pr;nter, the operating procedures, the probl. . deterMination procedures. and haN to prepare the printer for cOlllllU!'l;cation wi th the systee. Manual, 8 112 x 11 ;nc"', 06/85 //16/38901 GC31-2593 !llJI.::.& RECEIPTIVALIDATION .PR!t!IIB GC31-2510 ~ DETERMINATION This is a plastic card that will help the custoeer find probl_ or guide th. . where to go ;f they are having probl_ with the printer. Card. 6 3/4 x 10 3/4 ;nc"', 06/85 SlSS: ORDER NO. SlBSCRIpTION ONLY 1i&!t .I.!lmr! ~ 1H!Jl TERMINAL !II!gJ. IW. B.I!!i Kll.UJ KaDI .ru;nn &UZ.& §.G!Wl &2.U!!: &Ym!!:I YH!I DESCRIpTION ( Th;s publication provides depository information (R'" SC0335l for an ex;st;ng ..nual, It;s intended for the persons responsible for pbnn;ng and site preparation, for operating the Modal 001 and for !IOdify;ng the application prograM. Manual SlSS: ORDER NO. SlBSCRIpTION ONLY SC31-3526 l!U Im.IW. l YALIDATION J!!'il!m! IW!Am !W!.W. B.I!!i mllI!! No abstract available. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. PERSONAllA/:!lSlt!!i ~ OPERATOR'S !!1m fiIB FRON[-SERVICED ~ The key operators of a 4730 use the Operator's Guida to do the tasks that are dane every day, such as opening and closing the 4730 and loading docuMent ;ind coin cartridges. Because the inside of the 4730 looks different frOM each service position, there are t_ operator's guides: one for the front-serY;ced 4730 and one for the rear-serviced 4730. The rear-serviced 4730 ;s discussed ;n another operator's guida, the 4730 Personal Bank;ng Mach;ne Operator's Gu;de for Rear-Seryiced Modals, GC31-2520. Manual, 243 pages, 12/84 100 pages. //14174631 GC31-2518 ~ GC31-3630 PERSONAL ~ HACl:W!S HmI HEAyY-DUTY Et!:lOSWE Ba 8V0290 &Ym!!:I UNIT DESCRIPTION This publication contains infor. . tion for those persons who are responsible for planning and site preparation, and describes the basic operations of the heavy-duty enclosure cotabination lock. Manual. 8 x 11 inches. 7185 ~ 1116/47301 GC33-0001 mi !!l.lL. S734-pLl! QpTIMIZING COMPILER GENERAL INFORMATION (CURREN[ RELEASE! This manual introduces and describes the compiler and the associated resident and transient libraries. The infortHtion is provided for use as a planning aid only, and is intended to assist both existing and prospective users of PVI. Topics covered in the . .nual include: o Des;gn philosophy and performance of the CCIIIPilar o OptiMizat;on facilities provided o CoIIparison wi th the PVI (F l Cotnpiler a Machine and syst_ requir..ants of the CCIIIPiler o Slanlary of the PVI language impla.ented a Bibl;ography of related publications The reader ;s assUllled to be faeiliar with PVI and with the Operating Systee. Progra. product '. .nual. 4ft pages GC31-2528 3600 ~ COt!WICATION mEm M!!t .IJI!!r! CASH-ISSUE TERMINAL J:ImW, Wl1 ~ WI! DESCRIPTION Bf9 AklIm A!:Il ~ Th;s publication describes the functions and operations of the 3624 lobby Cash-Issua Ter.;nal Model 002 with or without a depository. It contains a planning and s;te preparations guide and an operator's gu;da. Th;s publication ;s for the people who are responsible for planning, s;te preparation and for operating the Model D02. Manual, 40 pages, 10/83 1114/36241 11115734-Pl3,573ft-Pll 521 \,,--- / 6C33 SC33 library in the batch and tille-sharing environMents of the Operating SysteM. The progra ...... r·s guide is concerned with the relationship between a PVI progral" the checkout compiler. and the operating systl!lll. It explains how to use the checkout compiler to run a PVI prograM in a batch environment. and introduces job control language. the linkage editor. the loader. data Management and other operating syst. . features that .ay be required by a PVI progra_r. Prograllltller's Guide. 216 pages ////5734-PL2.5734-LHS 6C33-0003 111 .aa: CHECKOUT COMPILER • .l.J!O fBQ§ 57M-PL2. ~ GENERAL INFORMATION This Manual introduces and describes the cOlllpiler and the associated resident and transient libraries. The infor.ation is provided for use as a planning aid only. and is intended to assist both existing and prospective users of PVI. Topics covered in the Manual include: o Design philosophy and perfor.ance of the cOllpiler o COMpiler options provided o S..... ry of the PVI language iMpletnented o COIIIparison with the PVI (F) Compiler o Machine and systeJII requirt!lllents of the COMpiler o Discussion of the cOMpletnentary use of the PVI Checkout and PVI Opti.izing CoInpilers o Bibliography of related publications The reader is assUlled to be fa.iliar with PVI and with the Operating Systl!lll. Manual. 58 pages ////5734-LHS.5734-PL2 6C33-0004 Imli .aa: OPTIMIZING COMPILER. .l.J!O fBQ§ S736-PLI. :::!!.I.h .=I.M ::.b!:!L. ~ INFORMATION This Manual introduces and describes the coonpiler and the associated resident and transient libraries. The infoMiation is provided for use as a planning aid only. and is intended to assist both existing and prospective users of PVI. Topics covered in the Manual include: Design philosophy and performance of the compiler Opti.ization facilities provided Comparison with the PVI D Compiler Machine and syst. . requir........ts of the compiler s.....ry of the PVI language iMPleMented • Bibliography of related publications The reader is assUllled to be fa.iliar with PVI and with the Disk Operating Syst... Manual. 4a pages ////5736-LH4.5736-PLl.5736-LHS.5736-PL3 SC33-000a Imli PVI OPTIMIZING COMPILER, 5736-PLI! ~ ::.b!:!L. PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE(CURRENT RELEASE) This Manual is a companion volume to the OS .nd DOS PVI Language Reference Manual. 6C26-3977. The two ... nuals fOrM a guide to the writing and execution of PVI progra... using the opti.izing compiler and the associated resident and transient libraries under the Disk Operating System. The progra ....er·. guide is concerned with the relationships between a PVI program. the opti.izing compiler. and the operating .ystem. It explains how to cOlllpile. link-edit. and execute a PVI progra•• and it introduces job control language. the linkage editor. data .anageJllent. and other operating syst. . features that .ay be required by • PVI progra_er. Manual. a 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages ////5736-PL1.5736-lM4.5736-lHS.5736-PL3 SC33-0019 .aa: OPTIMIZING COMPILER. 5736-PLl. -PL3. ~ .::.LHh EXECUTION LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the object MOdule produced by the DOS PVI Opti.izing Compiler. and explains how the cCllllpiled code uses subroutines frOll the resident and transient libraries of the opti.izing compiler. The topics covered include program initialization. storage ..nage.ent. input/output. error handling. and interlanguage communication. The use of storage duMps for debugging i. also explained. The .anual is intended pri . .rily for progra_rs concerned with Maintenance of the COMpiler and its libraries. It will also be useful for appliC coapt VSE/Advanced Functions. • OLTEP MesS.ges • Subsyst_ SUpport Services llessages • Systee/370 EllUlator lllessages These ....sages can be r ....oved f.-- the application publications and inserted in this . .nual. if required. A tab is provided for these llessages. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 532 pages. 2/79 //40115745-020 SC33-5380 SERVICEABILITY ~ J DEBUGGINS PROCEDURES The eanual provides detailed guide and reference inforMtion. including procedures. for isolating the cause of syst. . .nd prograe . . lfunctions by operators and progra_rs. The Manual recommends when and hOM to use the IBM supplied serviceability aids. Nhich are prograMS designed to collect relevant inforeation about ealfunctions. It includes ~ GC33-5377 um!:I GENERATION The eanual provides infor_tion for installing the IBM Disk Oper.ting SysteaVVirtu.l Storage Extend.d (DOSIVSE) .nd shoMa hOM to generate support for the various functions av.ilable Nith Dos/vsE. ~ 535 ( (~\ \,,---j scn GC33 is axecuted as a problea prograa unde .. control of the Disk Operating SystaalVirtual Storage (DOSIVS) on an IBt1 SysteM/370 equipped Nith the approp .. iate compatibility feature. Using the prograa and the compatibility feature. the Systaa/370 can execute p ..ograllS Nritten for the IBt1 1401. 1440. and 1460 Data Processing Systems. The info.... tion in this publication is intended for installation personnel. prog .. a .....rs. and operators. t1anual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 168 pages. 4/77 //35/1401.1440.1460/5745-010 exallPles of storage duMp printouts that s t - t - to locata ill!pOrtant control blocks in such printouts. The publication assumes that operators using it are faailiar Nith DOSIVSE Operating Procedures. SC33-53781 programmers using H ara fa .. iliar Nith the Principles of Operation .... nual applicable to their installation; the publication DOSIVSE I1essages is alNBYS available for quick reference. 1'/37//5745-020 SC33-5381 .umI! UTILITIES This reference publication describes to progra_rs the use of the IBt1 DOSIVSE Systea Utilities. The prograllS described are: • Assign Alternate Block • Assign Alternate Track • Backup and Restore Systaa • Surface Analysis • Clear Disk • For. . t Emulated Extant • Copy and Restore Diskette • Copy Fila and t1aintain Object t10dula (OBJIfAINT) Printer Train Cleaning • • Fast Copy Disk • Initializa Tape • Initialize Disk • Print Hardcopy File (PRINTL06) • VTOC Display Supplementary inforaation is provided for thosa systaa utilities that can run in stand-alone aoda. t1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 2/79 //32//5745-020 ~ GC33-5388 11 ~ Et1ULATOR mI SYSTEt1/370 REFERENCE This publication describes the p ..ogra.. that eIIulatea the Systaa/360 t10del 20 on the System/370 t10dels 115. 125. 135. 135-3. and 138. The emulator p ..ograa is executed as a problaa prograa under control of the Disk Operating SystemlVirtual Storage (DOSIVS) on an IBt1 Systaa/370 equipped Nith the Compatibility Featu..e #7520. Using the p ..og..aa and the COMPatibility feature. the Systaa/370 can execute prog .. aMS N.. Htan fa .. the systea/360 t10del 20. The info ..mation in this publication is intended fa .. installation pe ..sonriel. p ..og..amme..s. and ope..ators. t1anual. 8 112 x 11 i nchas. 104 pages. 4/77 //35/2020/5745-010 ~ GC33-5405 POWERIVS !!mI RHJ. .lit!A ~ This . .nual contains info.... tion fa .. custOMers Mho intend to use the Remote Job Ent ..y facilities of POWERIVS Nith RJE SNA fa .. IBt1 3770 Coramunication Te ..ainal configurations using Synchronous Data Link cont ..ol (SOLC). PONe..IVS NHh RJE SNA can also be gene ..ated to include Remote Job Entry support fo .. IBt1 2770. 2780. 3741. and 3780 te..ainals. using the BSC aethad of ComMUnication. as Nell as fa .. IBt1 3770 te ... inals in 2770/3780 aode. Prerequisite reading _te.. ial hi foraed by the foll_ing aanuals: DOSIVS System t1anagement Guide. GC33-5371 DOSIVS Syst_ Control Stat_ts. GC33-5376 DOSIVS System Gene..ation. GC33-5377 DOSIVS Ope..ating P..ocedures. GC33-5378 DOSIVS t1assages. GC33-5379 The guide provides inforaation. additional to that contained in these publications. t1anual. 88 pages. 5/76 /C/36//S745-010 ~ GC33-5382 DOSIVS ACCESS t!n!!Qg SERVICES USER'S !iJ.!I!!g This book describes the use of Access t1ethod Services. a group of programs that provide utility functions vital to Virtual Storage Access t1ethod (YSAH). This publication provides all the YSAH info ....ation needed to usa Access t1ethod Services in order to establish and . . intain YSAt1 files. Fa .. coaplete inforaation about YSAH. sea the DOSIVS Data t1anagaaent Guide~ t1anual. 396 pages. 4/77 //30//5745-010 GC33-5383 OLTEP (CURRENT RELEASE) This refarence publication describes the Disk Ope..ating Systaa (DOSI Online Test Executive Prog..aa (OLTEP) that cont ..ols online tesHng of I/O unHs under the DOSIVS supervisor. I t explains the functions of the prograa and gives procedu..es for running the test prograas Nhich are obtained frcm the IBt1 Custo_r Engineer. Supplaaentary inforaation is contained in the follONing publications: DOSIVS Operating Procedures. GC33-5378 DOSIVS Syst_ Generation. GC33-5377 DOSIVS Tape Labels. GC33-5374 DOS/YS DASD Labels. 6C33-5375 DOSIVS I1essages. GC33-5379 t1anual. 56 pages //37//5745-020.5745-030 ~ GC33-6029 Bf§ .u SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) Specifications p ..ovide info.... tion on the Mar..anted functions of the licensed p ..ograow. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 4/79 ////5746-RSI ~ SC33-6031 m fBmi 5746-RGl, mm! ~ (CURREN[ RELEASEl The publication describes RPS II. a problaa-o.. iented language. as illPl.......ted fo .. compilation by the DOSIVS RPS II coapile... RPS II uses a set of specification fa .... on which the user specifies his input data. the calculations to be perfo....d and the desi ..ed output. The DOSIVS RPG II caapi Ie.. uses these specifications to gene ..ate a ..epo.. t p ..og..aa. In addition to a desc .. iption of the language. the aanual provides syst_ ..alated info ..aation needed to cOlllpile an RPS II prog..am. to link-edit that p ..og..aa and to execute it. Debugging aide are also p ..ovided. To use this . .nual. the reader should be faa11 i ar Nith the concepts of the access aethods available to use..s of DOSIVS as discussed in DOSIVS Data t1anaganent Guide. 6C33-5372. I!MlYli RfIi lli GC33-5384 14011144011460 ~ Et\ULATOR mI SYSTEIV370 REFERENCE fBQ§ fBgg 5747-CC3 This publication describes the 1401/1440/1460 Eaulator Prograa for the IBt1 Systaa/370 t10dels 115. 125. 135. 135-3. 138. 145. 145-3. 148. ISS-II. and 158 The emulator prog..a. 536 ( Ge33 SC33 1//15746-XE2 Hanu.l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 424 pgs. 7/77 1///5746-R61 SC33-6032 Bf§ ~ lJ& lBQi 5746-RGI. INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURREN[ RELEASE! The publication prov;':les systl!lll-related inforlHtion needed to install DOS/vS RPS II. a licensed program that operates under DOSIVS. The inforution is presented in separate sections dealing !lith installation requirements and installation planning and !lith the installation procedure. The sa.ple prograns shipped by IBM !lith the licensed program are also described in the llllnual. Hanud. 52 pgs. 5/77 1///5746-RGI ~ SC33-6033 !fi ~ ~ lBQi 5746-RGI. MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication lists and interprets the diagnostic .usages Issued by the DOSIVS RPS II COIIIpUer and Auto Report. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 116 pgs. 5/77 1///5746-R61 ~ 3C33-6034 :m SC33-6043 SUPPLEMENT f2B Af ~ 5746-XE2. linIm ~ STATEMENTS The publication provides replacement and/or supplementary pages for publication DOSIVS Systea Control Statements. These pages • ..men incorporated in the DOSIVS publication. document of use of the facilitiu available !lith Advanced Functions - DOSIVS. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 26 pgs. 4/77 //1/5746-XE2 :m SC33-6044 SUPPLEMENT f2B Af ~ 5746-XE2. OPERATING PROCEDURES The publication provides replacement and/or supplementary pages for the DOSIVS Operating Procedures. These pages. when incorporated in the DOSIVS publication. docunent the use of the facilities available !lith Advanced Functions DOSIVS. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pgs. 4/77 //IIS746-XE2 :m Bf§ ~ .I.E fRII§ 5746-RGI. !1m! !m!!I t!At!.Y!l. (CURREN[ RELEASE! The publication describes the use of Auto Report. !Chich is part of the DOS/vS RPS II COIIIpiler. licensed program 5746-RGI. The Auto Report facility is designed to further simplify the coding of desired calculations and report for. . ts for an RPS progra•• The readar of the .anual should be able to code RPS II prograllS that include basic operations such as the processing of disk filu. listing records on a printer. and doing simple calculations and group totals. A reader lacking this eXPerience .ay acquire it either by attending an appropriate IBM education course or by reading Introduction to RPS II. 6C21-7514. Hanual. 116 pgs. 5/77 ////5746-RGI ~ ( SC33-6042 SUPPLEMENT f2B Af ~ 5746-XE2. SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT §Y!!2! The publication provides replacement and/or supplementary pages for the DOS/vS System Managl!lllent Guida. These pages. !Chen incorporated in the DOS/vS publication. document the use of the facilities available !lith Advanced Functions DOSIVS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pgs. 4/77 ////5746-XE2 se33-6045 SUPPLEMENT f2B M: ~ S746-XE2. MESSAGES This publication provides replacement and/or suppluantary pages for the publication Dos/vs Massages, 6C33-5379-5. These pages. !Chen incorporated in the DOs/vS publication. document the use of the facilities available !lith Advanced Functions - DOSIVS. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 28 pages. 4/77 ////5746-XE2 :m SC33-6035 REi 11 CONVERSION PREPROCESSOR INSTALLATIotI M:Il REFERENCE Provides for Systa./3 users planning to .igrate to Dos/vs the infor.ation needed to install and use the Systu/3 Dos/vs RPG II Conversion Preprocessor. Includes dso a list of possible diagnostic __sagas. the CCP prograM control flON. and a sample conversion. Readars of the publication should be fa.iliar !lith RPSII. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 120 pages. 6/77 ////5735-CVl ~ ~ SC33-6046 SUPPLEMENT fQB !E !Q ~ S746-XE2. SERVICEABILITY !lnJ ~ DEBUGGING PROCEDURE This supplement contains chenged pages to DOS/vs &arviceability Aids and Debugging Procedures. Ge33-5380-3. for Advanced Functions - DOS/VS, Release 34. It describes support for asynchronous operator cOllll1lU1ication. up to seven partitions, and VM linkage enhancements. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 26 pgs, 4/77 II/IS746-XE2 SC33-6041 Af :m ~ 57%-XE2. Elm! INFORMATION Provides the information needed to plan and to install a DOSIVS that includas the functional anhenc_ts available !lith Advanced Functions - DOSIVS. Discusses hOM to invoke the DOS/vs - VlV370 Linkage facility and hOfll to install program temporary fixes at a Dos/vs installation !lith Advanced Functions - DOs/vS installed. Gives an overyi. of the c:Iocunntation for Advanced Functions - Dos/vS. The .anual assumas that the reader i. fa.iliar !lith Advanced Functions - DOS/vs General Infor. . tion. 6C33-60401 it .hould be used !lith Dos/vS publications Syst. . Hanagaent Guide. GC33-5371. and Syst. . Generation. GC33-5377. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pgs. 4/77 GC33-6047 537 ( D.!!!mlll:iI!! WB.:li .I!!W2! (CURREN[ RELEASE) This .anual is a guide to installing and using DOSIVS. It i. for nell users of DOSIVS on Systeml370 Model. 115 or 125. The functions and facilities of DOSIVS ara described in .ufficient datail to install and initially use the system. An introduction to the Virtual storage Access Method (¥SAM) i. included. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 228 pgs. 9/77 4331//34//5745-020 \ 6C33-60lt8 m gERM INSTALWION lii!.!lK AtIl REFERENCE ~ This m.nual i. designed •• a reference source for all DOSM users Interested in using POWERM. prillHlrily in the local ~ "- SC33 6C33 .".,i ronnrent. 6C33-606Z YSEISI3-33lt0 gm IHfQBL. m .I!Im!i 57%-AM3, SPECIFICATIONS Describes the warranted specific.tions of the subj.ct licensed progra•• Single Sheet. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pgs. 217'1 Ch.pter 1 is an introduction to POWERIVS. 111157lt6-AM3 Chapter Z describes the .torage requirements for POWERIVS and the . .cros. options •• nd procedures for the POWERIVS gener.tion. sell-60n Chapt.r 3 li.ts the central operator ca.mends. the JECL vSEIS(3-3340 Q6IA lHEQBI INSTALLATION REFERENCE This .anual gives a general description of the functions .tatement•• and the AUTOS!AR! st.t_ent.. It el.o discuss.. POWER/VS job accCM'lting. output slIgIII8I1t.tion •• nd .y.ilabl. Nith the VSE Syst81113 33ltO D.ta Iaport cross-partition comMUnic.tion. progra.. . Chapter It illustrat.s hoN to use POWERM: to .t.rt .nd The public.tion. in .ddition. discusses custo. .r responsibilities regarding progra. installation and to stop the syst... and to start. control ••nd stop POWERM coapatibility infor. . tion. tasks. The thr_ appendix. . discus. the data comp.ction The public.tion is intended .s .n .id in deciding about .upport. the lID specifications for the RJE. SNA .upport. the prograll's us.fulness at a DOSIVSE inst.llation. and the LOGON BItIJ para. .t.r requi rements for YTAM. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1t2 pages. 2179 Manual. 8 lIZ x 11 inches. 160 p.ges. 1t177 11115746-AH3 11361157lt5-010 6C33-6065 Y!B!lW. lI!!IW!f EXTENDED/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AtIl s:ON:IBm. 6C33-60lt9 POWERM HORKSTATIOH Yl!n!.I iYl!ll This public.tion is intend.d for DOSIVS us.rs Mho Nish to s~it DOSM jobs fro. r.MOt. t.r.inals or NOrk.t.tions. It cov.rs a general ov.rview of POWERM RJE support. general considerations conc.ming remote job entry oper.tions. d.t.iled instructions for .•11 .upported t ....inal. hoM to perfor. I/O operations. to h.ndl• •pecial for. . requireaants .nd to ov.r~ .rror conditions. It .lso cov.rs Remote Operator Control Language (ROCLI CCItIIIUnds. Job Entry Control L.nguage (JECLI statements. .CCCM'It records. YTAH BIND para•• t.rs. SNA sens. data and POWERIVS. RJE and POWERIYS RJE. SNA _sages ( .....ge types lRxx. lQxx. and lVxx). Manual, 8 liZ x 11 inches. 19ft pages. Olt177 11361157lt5-010 ~ FACILITY. 5746-TSl, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides inforllation on the Narranted functions of the Virtual Stor.g. Extended/Inter.ctiv. Computing .nd Control Facility (YSE/ICCFl and describes the .pecified oper.ting enyironnsent. The publication i. intended for r.aders cone.mad Nith install.tion plaming .nd adllinistr.tion. WE/ICCF is an online int.ractiy. computing f.cility that provides local .nd reltOt. t ....inal users Nith convers.tional .cc..s to the cOllpUter resources of a DOSME controlled centr.l processor. It .llONS t.r.inal us.rs to .nt.r. store in libraries. edit .nd retri.Ye data. and .lso to ..rit •• upd.t •• compile. test and debug progralllS Nith the results di.pl.yed b.ck at the ter.inal or directed to a print.r. or both. If WE/POWER is .yailabl. t.r.inal us.rs can .lso submit b.tch jobs for processing in DOSIYSE p.rtitions. T.r.inal ... nagement for VSE/ICCF is handled .ither by the T.rllinal Transaction Facility (TIF) or by CICSIVS. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 1t/79 GC33-6050 AE ]Q ~ 57lt6-XEZ, LICENSED ~ SPECIFICATIONS Provides the progralllllling specific.tions for the licensed progr•• Adv.nced Functions - DOSIVS. Manual. It pgs. 4/77 / 111157lt6-TSI 111157lt6-XE2 6C33-6060 mms !1AINTAIN HIm!!I fI!Q§!W:l !.mII!f! Ymi.!! iYm1 The . .nual gives an ov.r.ll vi ... of the scope and functions of· the tlaintain Syst. . History Progr.1I (MSHP) .nd the progr•• •• oper.ting environaentl it provid.s procedures for installing .nd s.rvicing DOSIVSE and fully describes the MSHP control st.tements. The audience address.d are persons r.sponsible for inst.lling .nd ••rYicing DOSME - for tasks such .s installing progra. packages .nd .aking corrections to a .yst... by . .ans of PIFs .nd local fixes. The progr•••upports the install.tion .nd s.rYicing of IBM progr•• p.ckagesl it .aintains a record of installation and syst. . s.rvic. actiyities in the syst•• history fil •• Fa.ili.rity Nith the concept of DOSME .s described in 'DOSIVSE Syst. . tlanagelKlnt Guide' ••nd Nith the syst. . gener.tion process as dascribecl in 'DOSIYSE Syst. . Generation' is required. M.nuel. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. litO pages. Z179 ~ 6C33-6066 VSE(IN[ERACTIvE COMPUTIN6 AHR ~ FACILITY. i l l fBll§ 5746-TS1. ~ INFORMATION (CURREN[ RELEASE) This public.tion provides general inforllation on the Virtual Storage Extended/Int.ractive Computing and Control Facility (VSE(ICCF). It is intended for r.ad.rs conc.rned Nith installation plaming .nd lIanagellent. syst... operation. technical support .nd .pplication progra_ing. YSE/ICCF is .n online computing f.cility that provides te.... inal user. Nlth conversational acc.ss to computer resources. It allONS us.rs to ent.r. store in libr.rias. edit .nd retrieva text .nd data. and also to Nrit •• change. compil•• test and debug programs Nith the results displ.y.d back at the t.r.inal or directed to a print.r or both. The public.tion discusses the prograll's concepts .nd gives. gener.l description of the progr•• •• •ajor functions. it also includes inforllation on prerequisites for installation and us. of the progra. on a DOSME controlled central processor. Syst. . Library Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 01/79 111157lt6-TSI 113lt1157lt5-020 SC33-6067 .mmm EXTE!f)ED/INIERACTIVE CO!1PUTIN6 !til ~ FACILITY INSTALLATION M:!!l OPERATIONS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) Y!B!lW. 538 (/ ( SC33 SC33 SC33-6074 This IUnual Is Intended for personnel concerned MIth the Installation. operation and maintenance of the VSE/lnteractlve Computing and Control Facility (YSE/ICCF). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 264 pages. 12/79 ////5746-TS1 II ~ ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This lIanual describes the procedures for entering or lIodifying DDSIYS RPS II source prograll statements. or "specifications." interactively. via a ter.inal under Vtl/CHS or VSE/ICCF. Either templates displayed by RSEF. the RPS II Source Entry .Facility. indic.te the required entries. or the user is prompted for each required entry of the various specification types. Syntax diagrallS also Illustrate the required synt.x. Requesting compil.tion frOll the ter.inal is also discussed. Users of this ..nual should be fa.ili.r Ni th DDS/VS RPS II. DDSIYS RPS II Language. SC33-6031. is required for details of the specific.tion entries. Manual. 8 liZ x 11 inches. 80 pages. 4/79 ////5746-R61 ~ Rf§ SC33-6068 mIY!!. STORAGE EXTENDED/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING &!Il ~ FACILITY. 5746-TS1. TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides the infor_tion needed by a ter.inal user to NOrk Mith the YSE/lnteractlva Computing and Control Facility. It introduces the ... in concepts of VSE/ICCF and describes the prograa's ter.Inal user facilities In detail. Including the for.at. parameters and functions of all VSE/ICCF co.mands. job entry language • ...cros. procedures and utilities. VSE/ICCF is an online computing facility that provides terminal users Mith conversational access to the computer resources of an install.tion running Lnder DDSIYSE Mith VSE/Advanced Functions. I t .llONS users to enter. store in libraries. edit .nd retrieve text .nd dat•••nd .lso to Nrite. change. compile. test .nd debug progralllS Nith the results displ.yed back at the ter.inal or directed to a printer. or both. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 458 pages. 6/79 ////5746-TSl ( SC33-6069 VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/INTERACTIYE COMPUTING &!Il ~ FACILITY MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) This public.tion lists and explains the Messages which VSE/ICCF issues to the oper.tor or to the programmer. It enables the oper.tor or progr....r to decide on the .ction that !lay have to be taken In reply to the message received. Each Message Is preceded by an Identifying number so that it can easily be fOU'>Cl in he book. tless.ges that are issued by the salle program .re grouped together. Not included .re Ille&S.ges I ssued by the ICCF COIIIIII8nd processors I they .re docuaented in VSE/lnteractiva Computing and Control F.ci,llty Ter.inal User's 6ulde. SC33-6068 Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 116 pages. 6/79 ////5746-TS1 1iC33-6071 140111440/1460 EMULATOR • .!.I!< f!m!i 5746-SUl. SPECIFICATI!!HS Describes the Narranted specifications of the subject prograll. Single sheet 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pgs, 1/79 ////5746-SUl >:;C33-6072 1401ll4!.0/1460 EMUlATOR' .!.I!< f!m!i 5746-SU1 ! INSTALLATION ~ ! REFERENCE The publication describes hoM to inst.ll the 1M Syst_ 140111440/1460 EllUlator Progr•• In one of the follONing 1M oper.ting .yst_ on .n 1M proces.or Mith extended control prograM .upport for ODS/vsE (ECPS:VSE). The oper.ting syst_ are: DDS/VSE. DDS/VS Rele.se 34 ••nd DDS Release 26. In addition. the publication provides hoM-to information for using this emul.tor progr••• Re.ders of this publication .hould be fa.iliar MIth the functional characteristics of the systea that i. to be UlUlated (1401. 1440. or 1460) and of the processor Mith ECPS:VSE. Manual. 792 pages, 2/79 ////5746-SUl GC33-6077 m ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This ..nual provides infor. . tion on data security aspects of a VSE syste.. Hardware and softNare security facilities are described. including an overview of data security a.pect. of .0IIe VSE related progr•• products. Manual. 8 liZ x 11 Inches. 86 pages. 03/83 //ZO//5746-XE8.5745-030 IlA!.A SECURITY UNDER!!:!! GC33-6080 VSE/FAST COPY ~ ~ SPECIFICATI!!HS (CURRENT RELEASE) The Licensed Progr •• Speciflc.tions (LPS) describe the warranted specifications of the .ubject Progr•• Product. Manual. 8 l/Z x 11 Inches. 2 pages. 10/79 ////5746-AH4 6C33-6081 VSE/FAST ~ ~ HL f!m!i 5746-AtIlt INFORMATION ! CURRENT RelEASE) This . .nual gives. general description of the functions .vailable MIth the VSE/FAST Copy Dat. Set progr••• an extended version of the F.st Copy Disk Utility program that is available .s part of VSE/Adv.nced Functions. The publication. in .ddition. discusses custoaer responsibilities reg.rding progr •• installation .nd provides ti.ing .nd throughput .s _11 a. cOllpatibility info.... tlon. The publlc.tion i. intended as an aid in deciding .bout the progra .. •• usefulness at • ODSIYSE inst.ll.tion. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 16 pages. 1/79 ////5746-AH4 m mww. SC33-6082 VSE/FAST ~ IlA!.A ~ INSTALlATION REFERENCE !CURRENT RELEASE) This .anual describes hoM to install .nd use the YSE/Fast Copy Dat. Set progr.... A corequisite is VSE/Adv.nced Functions ttes.ages. SC33-6098. Nhich includes the .....ges gener.ted by the YSE/Fast Copy Data Set PrograM. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 10179 ////5746-AH4 SC33-6094 539 ~ ~ EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XE8. SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT .§Ymg !CURRENT RELEASEI This manual is a guide for using YSE/Advanced Functions. I t discusses the concepts of this oper.ting syst. . s~rt and describes the functional services .vailable through the support. Systea ••n.geJlMlnt refers not only to the Nay YSE/Advanctld Functions is organized. but .lso to the Nay the user c.n efficiently ...n.ge the sYstea f.ciliti . . at his/ha~ dispos.l. This •• nual. therefore. not only describes the functions and interaction of the oper.ting systea's progr• • SC33 SC33 and routi,.. but also ahoMa hoM the a)'llt_ planner. a)'llt_ progr._r. and applic.tlons progra_r. or oper.tor can use tha operating ay.t. . to your but advant.ga. I1&nual. S 112 x 11 incMs. 292 pages. 10179 /l'34/I'S746-XES progra.. described arel A.. Ign Alternate Block. LISTLOS. Backup .nd Restore Syst... Surf.ce Analysis. Clear Disk. For.at EMU1.ted Extent. Copy .nd Restore Diskette. Copy Fil. and l1&intain Object Hodule (OBJltAINTI. Printer Tr.in Cle.ning. F.st Copy Disk. Initialize Tapa. Initialize Disk. Print Hardcopy file (PRINTLOG). VTOC DIspl.y. Supplementary infor..tion is provided for thea. syst. . utilities that can run in standalone ~. It.nual. S 11'2 x II inches N32NS746-XES SC33-6095 to knoM about the control atatement& that relate to VSEI'Adv.nced Fl.nCtions. the aini_ operating syst_ aupport for a WE inst.llatlon. It.nual. S 112 x 11 inches. 270 pages. 61'S3 N36N5746-XES SC33-6096 VSEI'AQYANCED FUNCTIONS m:mJ SENERATED ~ (CURRENI RELEASE! Thia a.nual provides info..... tion for installing VSEI'Advanced Fl.nCtions .nd shcool how to generate support for the v.rious functions av.il.ble Nith the s)'llt_. I1&nual. S 112 x 11 incm"" 194 pagalh 061'S3 I'I'3/'t/l'S746-XES SC33-6101 YSEIADYANCED FUNCTIONS ItAINTAIN mn!:I IWm!BI fBmiBA!S REFERENCE (CURR.ENT RELEASE) This ..nual contains a coeplete description of all HSHP control St.tH8I'!tS. It la intended .a • reference sourc. for peraons involved in installing a product and applying sarvic. to it. It ia alao intended for IBIt paraannal (product _ r a j when preparing a progra.ing package for ahipaent. Itanual. S 11'2' x 11 inchas. 12S pages. 061'S3 /l'3/'tN5746-XES SC33-6102 .YlR.JlI!I. SC33-6097 ~ XlBllIAI. n2l!A§g EXTENPEDtADYAHCED FUNCTIONS. 5N-XES. OPERATIONS (CUBRENI RELEASE! Thia . .nual contains the inforaatlon required by S)'lltM operators to IV'! joba U'ldar VSEI'Advancad Functiona. It Is intended pri •• rily for systaa oper.tors who have acquired a baalc knoNledga of d.t. processing and coaputer aqulpaent. I1&nual. S 11'2 x 11 inches. 172 pag... 61'S3 NIt0l'I'5746-XES n2l!A§g EXJENDEDIAOVANCED FUNCTIONS' SN-XES. 1.a. SPECIFICATIONS (CUBRENI RELEASE) The Licensed PrograM Speciflc.tlons contain the N.rrantad apacifications for the subject IBIt prograa product. Flyer. S 11'2 x 11 Inches. 2 pages. 111'79 N20N5746-XES SC33-6103 mn!:I k!I!:IIB.!IJ, fROSRAI1HINS SPECIFICATIONS .I!DJS OPERATINS SySTEltl'VIRTUAL !I!2!!.W EXTENDED Describes the progra.ing specificatlOl'l5 for the a\bject systeM control programMing. Single sheet S 11'2 x 11 inchas. 2 PSIS. 21'79 SC33-609S Y.mll!!I. JI.!l!m EXTENDEDI'AQYANCED FUNCTIONS' 571t6-XES. ItESSASES (CURREN! RELEASE! Thia public.tion li.t. and expl.ins tha .....ges which the COIIIPonents of VSEI'Adv.nced Functions is.ue to the operator .nd to the progr.lMlMlr. It enabl.. both to decide on the action they have to take In reply to the .ess.ge received. Each _s.ge is preceded by an identifying number .0 th.t it c.n easily be found in the aanual. This uthod of listing also _uru that _s.ges issued by the .... progr••• re grouped together. Itanual. S 11'2 x 11 inches. 5ItIt pages. 10179 NItON571t6-XES SC33-6105 YSEI'ADVAHCED FUNCTIONS' ~ fB2§ 5746-XES SPECIFICATIONS Describes the Narr.nted specifications of the s\bject progra•• Single Sheet S 11'2 x 11 inchas. 2 pgs. 21'79 N20l'l'5746-XES GC33-6106 VSEl'ADYANCED FUNCTIONS • .bE PROS 5Z46-XES. GENERAL INFORltATION (CURRENI RELEASE) This aanual describes the functions avall.ble Nhen the licensed progr•• VSEI'Adv.nced Fl.nCtiona is inst.lled. I t ; ' FUNCTIONS' ION-XES. m.:! RELEASE! intended prim.rlly for theae Mho need to have an overview of guide. including diagr... VSEI'Advaneed Functions. .nd ex.eples. for operatora and progr....rs who are Involved VSEI'Adv.nced Fl.nCtions is designed to operate Nith the In deterainlng and isolating c.use of syst. . . . lfunctlons. DOSI'VSE SCPo to which it provides a number of fl.nCtional It ShoNS thea when .nd hoM to use the IBI'I-aupplied enhanceaent and perfor_nee ; eproveaents. service.billty .Ids. which .re progr... designed to collect I1&nual. S 11'2 x 1l inchas. 2S pages. 11'79 .11 relev.nt infor•• tlon about ..lfunctlons. It cont.Ins I'I'20N571t6-XES procedures for progr.a debugging. It sholts hoM to locate itellS in a duep. and hoM to .nalyze the data during offline debugging. SC33-6107 I1&nual. S 112 x 11 inches. 290 pages. 10179 VSEl'AQYANCEO FUNCTIONS' U!i .PRmi 5746-XES m:wt INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) N37N5746-XES Thla ..nual provides ;nforaatlon for installing the licensed support pack.ge VSEI'Advanced Fl.nCtions in the DOSI'VSE :lC33-6100 anvi ronment and aho... hO\!l to gener.te support for the various functions .v.il.ble Mith the package. mnw. n2l!A§g EXJENPEDIAO\W!CED FUNCTIONS' S746-XES. -XE9. ~ UTILITIES Topics discuss the Interdependencies bet....... this This reference public.tion ducribes to progra_rs the use support pack.ge and the DOSI'VSE SCP. and the prerequlsi t . . of the VSEI'Advanced Fl.nCtlons SystM Utilitlu. The for the inst.ll.tlon of thispack.ge and its us•• 51t0 ( SC33 SC33 Procedures show how to install the package I the supervisor generation macros as relating to the package are presented in detail. For planning purposes. information is given on processor storage and library requirements. The flllCtions discussed include asynchronous operator communication. operation with ~ to seven partitions. the controlling of shared resources (such as files. libraries. and disk volunes), up to 15 extents for the page data set. and access control. Procedures shipped with the package allow the VSE/Advanced FlA1Ctions supervisors to be initialized with a miniMUM of operator/systeM interaction. The audience addressed are persons responsible for the installation. generation. and availability-of an installation'S operating syst... Use of the manual assumes the reader to be faMiliar with VSE/Advanced FlIICtions General Information. 6C33-61061 it should be used with the DOSIVSE publications: DOSIVSE System Generation. and DOSIVSE Maintain System History Program (IISHP) User's Guide. Manual. 32 pages. 2/79 1134115746-XE8 &e33-6108 VIRTUAL ~ EXTENDED lW!n!h 5746-XE8. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual gives a general discussion of the VSE syst... an operating system whose name is derived fro. Virtual Storage Extended in DOSIVSE. It describes the syst. . as it is available with VSE Syst. . Installation Productivity Option/Extended (VSE Syst... lPO/E). Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 6/83 11201/5746-XE8 ( 6C33-6109 VIRTUAL ~ EXTENDED ~ ~ PROGRAM. !Wi!S OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL ~ EXTENDED. 5745-030. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASEI The System Control Program.ing specifications contain the warranted specifications for the subject 1811 progra_ing • ~rt. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 11/79 6C33-6110 3031 PROCESSOR DOSIVS. §!lm AH!l REFERENCE This . .nual appHes to the independent component reluse (ICRI of programming support for the IBM 3031 Processor I.WIder DOSIVS Release 34. It is an oYerall s~plement to the existing DOSIVS reference library and provides info.... tion in the following areas: syst... generation. console .~rt. and recovery Hnagement support (RIIS). In addition. the . .nual Hsts the pubHcations supporting the ICR. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12 pages. 6179 30311134/15745-010 SC33-6112 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS DIAGNOSIS §!lm (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication helps a user to _ke an initial evaluation of failures in a VSE systeM. and to detel"lline if failure is in IBM code or user code. Procedure for initial analysis and collection of nterial for su!HIi.sion to IBM software support are included. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 68 pages. 03183 1137115746-XE8 6C33-6113 VSEIOCCF. 5746-XC5. ~ INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides an oYerview of the Virtual Storage Extended/Operator Communication Control Facility (VSE/OCCF). It is intended for data processing . .nagel's. systu designers. or anyone involved in ...king decisions about data cOlIIIIII.8'\ication for an installation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 34 pages. 3/84 11115746-XC5 GC33-6114 VSE/pcCF SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides inforlllation on the warranted functions of the Virtual Storage Extended/Operator CetnmUnication Control Facility (VSE/OCCFI and describes the warranted operating environment. VSEIOCCF can be used in the single-system and distributed-data-processing environments to: suppress the display of _sages. reply to .essages aut~tically. route eassages to a remote console. and translate messages. _sage repl i as. and co_ands to another language or enduser terms. The program includes pre-defined control tables that provide specific selections of the above functions. VSE/OCCF always requires VSE/Advanced Functions Release 3 or subsequent releases '-Wtless otherwise stated and. depending on the desired functions. requires the Network Communications Control Facility together with the applicable access . .thod IACFIVTAI1E. ACFIVTAI1. or ACFITCAI1I. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 9/80 11115746-XCS SC33-6115 INSTAllATION §!lm M::!!l REFERENCE VSEIOCCF (CURREN! RELEASE) The publication contains information on how to plan. install. support. and operate VSEIOCCF. It provides. for planning purposes. inforlllation on the VSE/OCCF flllCtions. the requirements for operation. and the control tables) it li.ts restrictions that eust be considered by the application prograllllller. Examples show how to define control tables by .eans of the VSE/ocCF Hcros; the . .cros are described in detail. Operations at the syst... console and NCCF operator station are explained; the VSE/OCCF co_nds and VSEIOCCF IlleSsages are described • The publication includes considerations for operation with the Network Coamunications Control Facility (NCCFI. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 7180 ///15746-XCS 6C33-6116 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 1 PROGRAM ~ This publication provides a summary of the functions and services that will becoee .vailable with Release 3 of the program Productl it states the progr•• product's esti.ated availability date. Program sUIIIIIQry. 4 pages. 4/80 //115746-XE8 SC33-6117 WE/OPERATOR cot!t!!JNICAIION ~ FACIUU, .l.I!C fB!!§ S746-XCS. DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ( CURRENT RelEASE I The publication contains guidelines to assist in . .king an initial ev.luation of program problems with the objective of isolating the cause of the probl... either to IBM code or to user specifications. It describes how to build a problee symptom string for reporting a VSE/ocCF probleM to IBM and how to submit an authorized program analysis report lAPARI to 1811. The publication ••s ....... that the reader is fa.iliar with the operational concepts of a VSE syst. . as discussed in VSE/Advanced Functions Systu Managetaent Guide. SC33-6094. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 7/80 11115746-XC5 541 ( scn SC33 SC33-6119 VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING &:II mtmml. m!!.!II 11' I!Bll!i 5746-TS1 DIAGNOSIS ~ The publication helps the user to identify Nhether a syst_ problu has originated in the VSE/ICCF anvironllent, and whether IBM supplied code is involved. It also describes the procedures that the user should foll_ in obtaining assistance frOM IBM if this is necessary. It explains hoM to sublli t the problem to an IBM support center to find out if the probl_ is alreacly knoNn, and whether a solution is available. If not, the publication describes hotl to subllit the probl_ to IBM via an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APARI. It is assUMed that the reader is familiar tljth the operational concepts of a VSE syst_ as discussed jn VSE/Advanced Functions Syst_ Management Guide. SC33-6094. The publication must be used in conjunction with the VSE/Advanced Functions Diagnosis Guide. SC33-6112. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages, 7/80 111I5746-TSl SC33-6127 DOWNSTREAH .IJ!!g UTILITY INSTALlATION GUIDE &:II REFERENCE Contains a description of the IHjor functions of the DONnStreaa Load Utility !DSWI. Provides infor. . tion on hoM to install the DONnstreaa Load Utility for use under VSE/Advanced Functions or OSlVSlI it shows hoM to prepare the data that is to be loaded by DSLU into an IBM 8775 or 36441 it includes procedures for activating device loading. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 03/81 ////5668-006 SC33-6128 !!.f§ II ADOENOUM 12 DOSIYS !!.f§ II AUTO !m!B.! For users of DS/YS RPG II. this publ1cation indicates hoM that product's Auto Report Program differs in function and use from the DOS/yS RPG II compiler's Auto Report Program. Manual. 16 pages. 12180 1//15740-RGl ~ SC33-6129 !!.f§ .n ADDENDUM 12 ~ !!.f§ .n LANGUAGE Indicates hoM the source language for OS/YS RPG II differs frOM the source language for DOS/vs RPG II. The publ1cation is a companion . .nual of DOS/yS RPG II Language. SC33-6031. This publication together Nith the abeve aentioned cOIIpanion aanual provide the inforution needed to code an RPG II source prograll for generation of an RPG object aodule \a'Mfer OSIVS. Manual. 100 pages, 12/80 1I/15740-RGl GC33-6120 DOS/vs !!.f§ !! AH!l ~ !!.f§ !! INFOR!1ATION INFORMATION !CURRENT RELEASE I This publication is an introductjon to Dos/vs RPGII and OS/VS RPGII. The topjcs djscussed are basjc structure, devjces supported, basic features, performance, COMpatibility, and the functions of Auto Report. The online capability for the DOS/yS version is also discussed. The manual js intended prillNlrily for persons needing an overvi .... of the DOS/vs or DS/VS RPGII programs. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 70 pages 11115740-RG1,5746-RGl ~ mww. SC33-6130 .n Rf§ ADDENOU!1 12 ~ Rei 11 MESSA§£S The publication lists and explains _sages which the DSIVS RPG II compi ler and the DSIVS RPG II Auto Report prograa . .y issue jn addition to those nssages lIIhich are documanted in DOS/yS RPG II Messages. SC33-6033. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 16 pages, 12/80 1I/15740-RGl ~ GC33-6121 OS/VS !!.f§ II SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides Infor. . tion on the Narranted functions of DS/VS RPG II and describes the specified operating envirOl'lllel\t. DS/YS RPG II js based on the DDS/YS RPG II cOlipiler. Flyer. 2 pages, 12/80 11281/5740-RGl,5741.5762.5752 GC33-6131 OSIVS B.!!§ PROGRAM SUI1I1ARY This publication provides a su.ary of the prograa. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages 1/115740-RGl .n SC33-6122 !!.f§ !! INSTALLATION REFERENCE Provides information needed to install OS/VS RPG II on an OSIVSI or DS/VS2 systetll. Describes the sallple prograllS which are included on the distribution tape suppl1ed by I8It as part of the progra.ing package. Manual, 8 112 x 11 jnches y 50 pages, 12180 ///15740-RGl ~ GC33-6132 COMPOSED DOCUMENT PRINTIN§ FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS This dOCUlllellt provides infor. .tion on the .... rranted functions of the licensed program. Flyer. 8 1.12 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 12183 //20/4250/5668-997 GC33-6125 DOWNSTREAH .IJ!!g UTILITY. ~ fR!l§ 5668-006. f!Hl!iiBAI:I ~ The Program ~ry sUllllarizes the functions and provides the esti . . ted availabiljty date of the subject Program Product. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages, 1/83 ////5668-006 GC33-6126 DO!t!SIREAH J.Q!!l YI!.I.Ul SPECIFICATIONS Provides informatjon about the Downstreall Load Utility, a prograM product supported by YSE/Advanced Functjons and YS1. Descrjbes the aain functions of the prograa and the specified operating environMent. Flyer, 8 1.12 x 11 jnches, 2 pages, 03/81 ////5668-006 GC33-6133 COMPOSED DOCUI1ENT PRINTING FACILITY mmw. INEORI1ATION This publication introduces CDPF. tilth knoNledge of text processing and fa.iliarity on an IBM Operating System assumed. It assists in evaluating the applicability of CDPF. est1alating the resources to install and operate CDPF. and planning the tasks to be performed to use COPE. Manual. 8 1.12 x 11 inchB. 32 pages, 02/83 //30//5668-997 SC33-6135 COMposED DOCU!'lENT PRINTING FACILITY INSTALLATION A!:IZ OPERATION Thjs _nual provides the info.... t1on for installing and 542 ( ( SC33 SC33 operating the Composed Document Printing F.cility to print documents on the IBM 4250 Printer. The installation part is intended for the syst. . programmer tIho installs the product; the operation part is intended for the general user. The two appendices list processing options and various diagnosis steps. respectively. A glossary and an index are also included. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 102 pages. 12/83 //40/4250/5668-997 6C33-6137 .Y!Q!! ADAPTER CICS/vs EXTENSIONS fQg 3640 TERMINALS mm PROGRAMMING !!fg This publication provides a s .... ry of the fl.nCtions that • ake up this productl U states the product's esti_ted availability date. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 09/80 ////5799-BEH 6C33-6141 m OLTEP PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) This docUMent provides information on the Narranted functions of the licensed program. Flyer. 8 1/2 IC 11 inches. 06/83 6C33-6143 SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVE/vSE ~ INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication helps readers tmderstand and evaluate the evaluate the Sliall SysteM Executive/VSE (SSX/VSE) program product. an operating systeM for the 4331 overv;'.", of SSx/vSE and has inforaation about related topi cs. such as supported hardware and program products hardware and program products that can be used Nith it • Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 120 pages. 04/84 ////5666-265 SC33-6144 SC33-6138 VSEIINTERACTIVE COMPIITING !til CONTROL FACILITY INTRODUCTION !Q INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING (CURRENT RELEASE) This lIanual offers new users of the VSE/lnteractive Computing and Control Facility a quick. practical introduction to selected facilities of the syst... VSE/ICCF is an interactive. online syst_ that JV'\S IA'\der the control of VSE. It .1lONS users to rim progra. . interactively fro. a ter.inal and display or print the results. Programs can also be rtm as batch jobs in VSE partitions tmder the control of WE/POWER. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 140 pages. 10/81 ////5746-TSI ( SYSTEM EXECUTIVENSE OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual describes hoN to operate the Small System Executive/VSE (SSX/VSE) operating systetll from the operator console. It describes how to perform the system operation tasks. step-by-step procedures are used .....en necessary. It describes the commands used to perform the system operation tasks. A list of the commands used to operate SSx/vSE is included. The lIanual also summarizes hoN to operate an RJE NOrkstation attached to an SSx/vSE system. The . .nual is intended for those who perform the syst. . operation tasks. Kno",ledge of the syst. . hardware is required. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 //40//5666-265 ~ SC33-6139 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XES. ~ fQg 3375 This lIanual describes the WE/Advanced Fl.nCtions support for the 3375 Direct Access Storaga. The .anual is intended for users concerned Nith syst_ planning. generation. and coding application programs in assubler language. For service personnal. the Manual contains. su...ry of the Diagnosis Reference infor_tion needed for analyzing 3375specific problems. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 14 pages. 5/81 //30/3375/5746-XE8 SC33-6140 VSE/PRIORITY I!!l!BlI ~ PROCESSORS !til It!!!!.!! ~ VERSION 1 NETWORKltIlj ~ iY!l!l (CURRENT RELEASE) Thi. aanual contains an introduction to VSE/POWER net_rking; • description of the generation _cros that IlUBt be coded to generate the net_rking fl.nCtionl inforMation about the initialization process of the net_rking ftmctionl • description of how to process net_rk dat •• including control of trans.itters. receivers. and recovery I and general point. !thich should be considered Nhen installing .nd operating VSE/POWER Nith the net_rking function. The . .nual explains disgnostic aids and how to find the source of COIIIBOnly occurring problems. It also includes i nfo.... ti on on VSE/ICCF noti fy support and JES3 support. The Manual is intended for users tIho Nish to subait jobs to. or receive output frOM. other processors Nithin a net_rk. InforMtion in this . .nual is based on the VSE/POWER Installation and Operations Guide. SH12-5329. Manual. 8 1/2 IC 11 inches. 86 pages. 06/83 ////5666-273 SC33-6145 J!lrW:I EXECUTIVE/vSE ADMINISTRATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This _nual describes the administration of the Small Syst. . Executive/VSE (SSX/VSE) operating system. Part 1 of the Manual has inforllation for doing specific administration tasks. These include recording systell infor.... tion. Maintaining files and libraries. and exchanging data in a net_rk environllent. Part 2 has reference information that includes a general system overview and co_and descriptions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 400 pages, 09/83 ////5666-265 ~ SC33-6146 SMALL J!lrW:I EXECUTIYE/vSE MESSAGES !!:!!l CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) TMs manual contains the messages and codes that are issued by the Small Systetll Executive (SSX/VSE) operating syst.... The . .nual lists messages that are unique to SSx/VSE. and _sages issued by programs ..... ich are integrated into SSx/vsE. The lIessages are ordered by prefix. Each message contains the message text. explanation. and a suggested action. The lIanual is intended for the console operator. the SSX/vSE administrator, the application prograMmer. and the application end user. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1150 pages. 09/83 //40//5666-265 SC33-6147 543 ( J!lrW:I EXECUTIVENSE INSTALLATION (CURREHI RELEASE! This manual is a guide for: Installing the S.... 11 Syst... Executive/VSE (SSX/VSE) operating system; Radefining the hardware configuration to Ssx/vSE; Preparing SSx/vSE for telecOllUllU1ication operation; Installing additional application prograllS and optional progra.1 Applying service and Maintenance to SSx/vsE. ~ SC33 It is for thosa who do plannh1g for tha hwtallation of SS)(.IVSE and for thosa who perforlD the installation tasks Usted above. KnoMledge of the syst_ hardwara is required. For redefining the hardware configuration. preparing ssx/vsE for telecolllllMlication operation. and installing applicatdions and optional progra~ basic knowledge of the SSx/vsE syst_ is needed. It is for those who do plaming for the installation of SSXIVSE and for those who perforM tha installation tasks Usted above. Knowledge of the syst_ hardware is required. For redefining the hardware configuration. preparing SSx/vsE for telecommunication operation. and installing applicatdions and optional progralllS basic knowledge of tha SS)(.IVSE syst_ is needed. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 172 pages. 03/83 //Y+//5666-265 6C33 doc...ented in SMall Syst_ Executive/VSE Saneral Information. In addition. it discusses the steps necessary to adapt applications to the ssx/vsE environment and. in particular. the SSx/vsE application installation interface. This Hnual also describes procedures which MOdify or extend SSx/vsE function. The _nual is intended pri_rily for syst. . and application progralllmers who are familiar Mith VSE/Advanced Functions. CICS/DOS/VS and related components. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 292 pages. 01/83 //Y+//5666-265 6C33-6156 VSE/oLTEP INSTALLATION AIm OPERATION (CURREN! RELEASEl This publication tells how to install and use the OLTEP prograll. DLTEP lIanages device online tests to be run by custa.er or service personnel. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 96 pages. 06/83 //37//5656-092 >;C33-6148 SMALL SYSTEM EXEct1TIVEtySE APPLICATION DEVELOPl1ENT (CURREN! RElEASE) 6C33-6157 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS PROGRAM SUMI1ARY (CURREN! RELEASE) Thi 5 lIIanual presents an approach for developi ng appl i cati ons using the facilities and structures available Mith S.all The publication gives a general description of the progra. Systelll Executive/Virtual storage Extended (SS)(.IVSE). It product; it highlights the plamad enhancements and provides includes application development concepts and procedures for the estimated availability date. using Ssx/vSE to illplement application design. The .anual Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 06/83 also explains hoM to use tha SS)(.IVSE full screen aditor and //20//5746-XE8 job creation prompters for compiling. preparing batch jobs. and Marking Mith user test files. The Hnual is intended for application prograuers 6C33-6158 developing online applications in COBOL. The IlHlnual ass\.aa VSE/FAST ~ ll!U m fBll§!ill! ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) a knowledge of COBOL but littla experience Mith developing The publication gives a general description of the progra. interactive programs. The approach taken is a practical one product; it highlights the plamad enhancelllents and provides Milich can be adapted to IIOSt interactive applications the esti_ted availability date. developed using SS)(.IVSE. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 06/83 ///15746-Att4 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 412 pages. 01/83 //40//5666-265 SC33-6149 ~ ~ EXECUIIVE/vsE ~ DETERMINATION (CURREN! RElEASE) This lIIanual is a guide for probl_ deter.ination at an SSx/vsE installation. It describes hoM to interpret error symptoms. handle specific arror situations. use dump and abend information. handle exceptional resource conditions. and use the tools and aids of SS)(.IVSE for probletll deterlllination~ This lIanual addresses anyone doing probl. . deterllination at an SSXIVSE installation. In IIIOSt cases. it Mill be the system administrator. exceptional resource conditions. and use tha tools and aids of SS)(.IVSE for problem determination. This manual addresses anyone doing probl_ deter.ination at an SS)(.IVSE installation. In IIIOSt cases. it Mill be the system administrator. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 108 pages. 01/83 //31//5666-265 6C33-6150 ~ SPECIFICATIONS The publication describes tha M8rranted specifications of the subject prograM produced. Flyer. 6 pages. 08/84 //20//5666-265 6C33-6159 VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING At!!! ~ FACILITY ~ SUMMARY (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication briefly slMWarizes for potential users the .ain facilities that the VSE/Interactive COMputing and Control Facility (VSE/ICCF) offers. VSE/ICCF is the intaractive interface to VSE/Advanced Functions that allONS users to enter. store and edit data frOlll a ter.inal. and to coapile. run and test programs interactively. either locally or at ra.ote nodes. The publication also indicates the Hin changes lIade to VSE/ICCF in the current release. and its operating. service and Narranty conditions. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 06/83 /1//5746-TSI SC33-6160 CDPF 4250 PRINTER SUBSYSTEM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE This publication guides the systell adMinistrator and/or general user of Composed DOCUMent Printing Facility (CDPF) in solving probl... Mith the IBM 4250 Printer Subsystelll. It gives an overvi_ of how to solve problems. lists step-by-step procedures. describes hoM to obtain data set dumps. and lists reference publications for various products in the subsystem. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 58 pages. 12/83 //37/4250/5668-997 6C33-6165 SC33-6152 ~ ~ EXECUIIVEtYSE PRE-GENERATION SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN! RELEASEl This _nual describes tha functions of SSx/vsE beyond thosa fi!NT .I.mBW SERVICE FACILITY. 5668-890. . ~ m.!I:!!:Wr! This publication is provided for inforllation about Font Library Service Facility. It contains. general description of the product and identifies its operating envirONlent. &e33 &e33 The intended aucUence i. the customer'. data proces.ing deci.ion maker (installation ..nager. syst. . prograllllllt!r) and systems engineers and salespersons. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 2/85 1130115668-890 &e33-6168 YSE/POWER ~ m!!:I!!!R! Thi. publication gives a general product description and summarizes the product enhancement. planned to be i~lemented for VSE/POWER 2.2.0. Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches. it pages. 03184 11115666-273 SC33-6184 VSE/SP HARDWARE !!l!2 lr!m!! SUPPORT EXTENSIONS (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication describes the .ystem and hardNare support Nhich has been added to VSE/System Package (VSE/SP) since Version 2 Release 1. It supplements the VSE/SP and VSE/Advanced Functions base publications for VSE/SP refresh lavel 2.1.5 plus SPE PTFs. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 192 pages. 01/86 11115666-316 &e33-6185 SPECIFICATIONS DECISION SUPPQRTtVSE (CURREN! RELEASE) Thi. publication describes the Narranted .pecifications of the .ubject prograM product. Flyer. 2 pages. 3/85 11115666-311 &e33-6169 VSE/ACCESS G!!!:!IBm. Y!!i!m!Ii A!:I! REPORTING PRO§RAMHItf6 ~ (CURREN[ RELEASE) Thi. flyer givlIII a general product description and ....... rizes the product enhancement. planned to be implellented for VSE/Acces. Control - Logging and Reporting 1.2.0. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages, 03/84 111157lt6-XE7 SC33-6187 DIAGNOSIS DECISION SUPPQRTIYSE INSTALLATION pLANNIHS ADIlINISIRATION (CURREN[ RE LEASE) The publication is provided: DSIVSE Planning. Admini.tration. Installation and Diagnosi. infor. . tion. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 38 pages. 3185 11115666-311 "'3C33-6171 VI!H CO!!!UNICqIot! 6!lA!!IU lWf5!!U (CURREN[ RELEASE) Thi. publication provides an overvieN of the feature of ACFIVTAM Ver.ion 2 Relea.a 1. It al.o provides infor.. tion about planning. installing, and oparating the feature. defining the netllOrk. and esti.ating .torage. Thera i. a glossary of common ACFIVTAM and packet-.Nitched data natNOrk te ...s. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 11115666-280 ~ &e33-6172 ~ VI!H CO!1!1UNICqIQN 6!lA!!IU ~ EBll!iB.6!S m!lABI (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication gives a customer DP ..nager the info.... tion needed to evaluata VTAM X.25 Communication Adapter Support feature of ACFIVTAH. It al.o provides a description of the feature. hardotare and soft..are requir.....,t., testing period, Narranty and availability statenants. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 09/84 11115666-280 &e33-6175 VSE/SP SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN[ RELEASE) This publication describes the Narranted .pecifications of the subject program product. Flyar. It pages. 1/85 11201/5666-316 GC33-6176 mm lm!m!l. INFORHATIQN (CURRENT RELEASE) The major purpose of this publication is evaluation and IHrketing support. It allOltS the custo.er to uke a deci.ion to buy and install the licensed progra... It describes VSE/SP. system requiraent. and lic_ed progra. included in VSE/SP. It also provides an overvi . . of the VSE/SP optional licensed programs supported hardware. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 78 pages, 05/87 11201/5666-265.5666-316.5745-030.5666-345 SC33-6188 TERMINAL ~ I!.IlIm DECISION SUPPORTIVSE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains refarence infor.. tion for and user. of the product. It also includes a sa~la session and sUllllllllri zes user messages. Hanual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 3/85 11115666-311 &e33-6189 ySE/ADVNlCED FUNCTIONS f.Ii!l.!iBMI ~ This flyer gives a general product description and .Ullllari zas the product enhancements planned to be i~l..ented for VSE/Advanced Functions 2.1.0. Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches. 8 pages. 03/84 11115666-301 &e33-6190 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS ~ 1 SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN! RELEASE) The publication describes the Narranted specifications of the subject prograM product. Flyer. 4 pages. 08/84 11115666-301 SC33-6191 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT SUIDE ~ This publication is a guide for using VSE/Advanced Functions. It discusses the concepts of this operating syst.. support and describes the functional .arvices available through the support. Systt!tll ... nagament refers not only to the Nay VSE/Advanced Functions ill organized. but also to the Nay the user can efficiently ..nage the system facilities. It not only describes the functions and interaction of tha operating system'. programs and routir_ but also sheM heM the syst_ planner, systems programmer. and applications progra_er. or operator can use the operating system to the best advantage. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 378 pages. 3185 11115666-301 545 j &e33 SC33 &e33-6208 IX/370 ~ INFORMATION This publication describes the Interactive Executive for Systelll/370 IIXl370). It outlines the advantages of the basic and extended syst... lists the hardware and softNare required. and explains the IXl370 publications and hoM to order theM. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4/86 GC33-6200 YSEIINIERACIIYE COMPUTING H:m ~ FACILITY PROGRA" SUtIl1ARY This flyer gives a general product description and sUllllllllrizes the product enhancements planned to be i~lemented for YSE/Interactive Computing and Control F.cility 2.1.0. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 03/84 11115667-126 11115666-302 SC33-6209 INTERACTIYE EXECUTIYE fllB S/370 PUNNING §!lI!2! This publication provides information for plalVling the use of the Interactive Executive for Systelll/370 IXl370. It explains tasks that the planner has to carry out. The guide lists. outlines. and discusses prerequisite knowledge. corequisite publications. IXl370 functions in comparison to UNIX Y functions. hardware and softNare requir. .ents. and device support. IXl370 file systelllS in comparison to UNIX Y file systems. space requirements and .llocation. setting up of IXl370 under VHlSP. factors affecting systeM perfor. .nce and planning for inst.lling and IINInaging IXl370. I t also 1139115666-302 discusses the use of resources. Nhat can and mat cannot be custo.ized. co~atibility between IXl370 and UNIX Y. SC33-6204 transferring programs written in C language. tools that are WE/ICCF TER"ItlAL Jm.B..:1i §!lI!2! (CURRENT RELEASE) .vailable for application progrannning. planning for This publication provides the inforMation needed by • operating Nith IXl370. and plalVling for probl. . diagnosis terMin.1 user to work with the YSE/lnteractive Computing .nd and for servicing IXl370. For an overview of contents. Control Facility (YSE/ICCF). It introduces the lINIin refers to the guide's preface and table of content. The concepts of YSE/ICCF .nd descdbes the prograM's ter.inal guide includes an index for ease of information retrieval. user facilities in detail. including the forMat. paraHters Hanual. 6 x 9 inches. 102 pages. 02/86 and functions of all YSE/ICCF syst. . .nd editor co_ands. 11115666-339.5667-126 the job entry language. and the cUnp commands. It tells the ter.inal user hoM to write procedures and . .cros. outlines the utility prograMS. and describes the facilities that are SC33-6211 needed to build job strea. . for execution in interactive llil l!Ql!LYl! PROSRA" INSTALLATION DIRECTORY partitions. This publication is a guide to install DLII DOSIYS Version Users who are enti rely r.N to YSE/ICCF are reco.aended to 1. Release 7 for use .. ith YSE/Advanced Functions 2.1 or complete the YSE/ICCF Introduction to Interactive VSE/SP 2.1. Progr.... ing. SC33-6202. first. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 68 pages. 11/84 11115746-lOC1 Hanual. 8 112 x 11 incMs. 524 pages. 3/85 SC33-6203 INSTALLATIOf:! HIll OPERATIONS REFERENCE YSE/ICCF (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is intended for persorYI81 concerned with the inst.llation. oper.tion .nd Mintenance of the YSE/lnter.ctive COMpUting and Control Facility (YSE/ICCF). It describes the various installation steps. outlines storage requirements. provides sample initialization jobs. explains the operator commands. and provides a detailed account of the background control programs .nd utilities. Hanu.l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 278 pages. 3/85 / 11115666-302 :lC33-6205 "ESSA6ES YSE/ICCF (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication lists .nd explains the _sages lIhich the YSE/lnter.ctive Computing .nd Control F.cility (YSE/ICCF) issues to the oper.tor or to the progra_r and the return codas lIhich .re cont.ined in SOllIe of the _sages. It enables the operator or progralllller to decide on the action that has to be t.ken in reply to the _sage received. Each .essage is preceded by an identifying number so that it can e.sily be found in the publication. Hessages that are issued by the s . . . progr•• are grouped together. "anusl. 2185 1140115666-302 GC33-6206 1 RWm 1 SPECJFICATIOHS This publication is provided for infor. . tion about Interactive Executive for SystHl370. It contains the description of the required operating awil'Ol'lllent for IXl370. The intended audience is the custCltler's data processing decision . .ker (installation . .nager. syst_ progra_r) and engineers and salespersons. Flyer. 6 x 9 inct.s. 6 pages. 09/85 SLSS: ORDER ND. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SC33-6213 INTERACTIYE EXECUIIVE/370 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIYE fQB SYSTEM/370. 5667-126. INTERACTIYE EXECUTIYE/370 ~ lAN§UA6E REFERENCE This publication i. provided for inforntion about Interactive Executive for Systelll370. It contains a description of C Language as used Nith the IX/370 product. The intended audience is the cust_r's progralllMing st.ff and syst. . engineers. Hanual. 326 pages, 12/85 11115667-126 &e33-6214 INFORMATION DEYELOPMENIIYSE SPECIFICATIONS Information Development/YSE (IDIYSE) i. an application package Nhich runs under either SSXlYSE or YSE/SP. It combines functions for convenient progr•• developMent end queries of YSEIVSAH files. Data extracted through queries can be presented in graphical for. and also b. transferred to Intelligent Workstations. The .ubject publication provides information on the warranted fU'1Ctions of the package and describes the specified operating environMent. Flyer. 2 pages. 6/85 11115666-323 546 ( ./ ( SC33 SC33 SC33-6219 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE fil! S/370 INSTAllATION .!!Ym.Ii This publication provides infor.ation for persons responsible for inst.l1ing IX/370. Ix/370 fe.tures ••nd IX/370 Refresh Rele.ses (preventive service). It expl.ins t.sks tMt the installer MS to c.rry out. and provides step-by-step procedures for the inst.ll.tion tasks. It expl.ins .nd lists required knowledge .nd corequisite publications. and includes an index. It also describes the Ix/370 utilities DA50I (DA5O initi.lis.tion) .nd DUtlP/RESTORE. Depending on the responsibilities of the inst.l1er. he/she needs support frOlll the system .dministr.tors •• nd/or MS to refer to v.rious public.tions that explain .dminlstratlon tasks. M.nu&l. 6 x 9 inches. 80 pages. 04/86 ////5667-126 SC33-6220 ·IX/370 OPERATION WIDE This public.tion provides infor... tlon for operating the Inter.ctlve Executive for Systa./370. The publlc.tion includes procedures for day-to-day oper.tions .t the Ix/370 console. explains hoM to take care of file systtlllS •• nd discusses probl_ .. ith Nhich the Ix/370 oper.tor ... y be confronted. Hanu&l. 6 x 9 inches. 03/86 /-'//5667-126 SC33-6226 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE fil! SYSTEM/37D USING ]Hg INED EDITOR This publication describes the INed Editor and hoM to use it to edit text or other files. It includes both tutori.l .nd reference materi.l. Including examples. Manu&l. 242 pages. 1186 ////5667-126 SC33-6227 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE f!!B SYSTEM/37D ~ ~ This publication describes the VI editor and hoM to use It to edit text or other files. It includes both tutorial and reference . . terlal. Including examples. Manual. 6 x 9 Inches. 3/86 ////5667-126 6C33-6229 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE fQR SYSTEM/37D TERMINAL USER'S WIDE This publication describes definition procedures for ter.inels used with Ix/370. including keyboard differences. Manual. 48 pages. 10/85 ////5667-126 SC33-6230 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE fQR SYSTEM/37D ADMINSTRATION GUIDE This publication provides information for personnel responsible for the .dministration of the Inter.ctive SC33-6221 Executive for Systeal370. It explains tasks that the Ix/370 .dministr.tor h.s to carry out. INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE f!!B !aZ!l DIA6NOSIS §Ym This public.tion is provided for infor. . tion .bout The guide discusses prerequisites. configuring and •• neghl9 the syst... cre.ting .nd IHneging file systellS •• nd Interactive Executive for Systa./370. It cont.ins an controlling access. introduction to Probl. . Di.gnosis. procedures for Probl. . Hanual, 6 x 9 inches. 300 pages, DU86 DeterlBinetion and Probl. . Source Identification • •n OVervi_ of the debugging tools under Ix/370. hints for IX/370 ///15667-126 Resident Supervisor debugging. hints for Ix/370 Kernel debugging. and eX.lIIPles of the v.rious cOllllllands .nd GC33-6231 utilities. The intended audience is the custClller's syst. . adJIinistrator. custOlBer engineers. and systeM engineers. INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE BlB S/370. 5667-126, .bnl!!RI GUIDE This publication is • guide to the org.niz.tion of Hanu&l. 6 x 8 inches. 04/86 -'/-'/5667-126 public.tiona available for IX/370. Manud. 6 x 9 inches. 4/86 ////5667-126 SC33-6222 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE/370 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE fQ! !aZ!l mvxg §!l!Ilg GC33-6232 This publication is provided for inforMation .bout l1ILll!! i.I.Qli For inform.tion .bout this public:ation contact the Interactive Executive for System/370. It contains a description of the preventive and corrective service of the controlling party. Refer to the Controlling P.rty Listing product. The intended audience is the custOMer's syst_ in the Public.tions Price List. ZZ2D-01DO. progra. .r and syst_ engineers and cust_r engineers. Hanu&l, 6/86 ////5667-126 Manual. 80 pages. 12/85 -'///5667-126 1iC33-6224 l&IZlI INTRODUCTION :m m mIS!!lI This publication describes the various editors availabl. .. ith IX/370. Flyer. 6 x 9 incMs. 4 pages. 03/86 -'///5667-126 SC33-6225 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE fllB SYSTEM/370 YmI§ aa. A!:!!l BJl This publication describes the edt sed. and ex editors and hoM to use the. to edit text or other files. It includes both tutorial and reference ... terial. including exalllPles. Manual. 6 x 8 inches. 120 pages. 3/86 -'///5667-126 ma. 6C33-6233 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE/37D INTRODUCTION Atm Yn!:.§ §!.m!g This public:ation is provided for infor. . tion about Inter.ctive Executive for SysteM/37D. It contains an introduction to using the 1x/370 syst... ; i t _ such .5 • login, passNOrd, filesystelllS, shell c .....ands' using the ed editor, and using the shell progra.. It is intended to be used by all users of the Ix/370 syst... Manual. 6 x 9 inches. 4/86 ////5667-126 SC33-6235 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE/37P INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE fQB SYSTEM070. 5667-126. USING S; LAN6!JAGE This public.tion is provided for inforllHltion about Inter.ctive Executive for SysteM/370. It contains a description of special char.cteristics of the C L.ngu;oge as 547 ( SC33 SC33 used Nlth the IlV370 product ••nd • description of hoM to IIrite progr.... that interf.ce lIith the IlV370 product. The intended .udience i. the _tOIler'. progr• • ing staff. "anual. 54 pages. 12/85 ////5667-126 neededto install the hard and softllare. and an explanation of the types of service used. The intended audience is the install.tion planner. syst. . .c:llaini.trator. custOllllr engineer•• and syste. engineers. Hanual. 6 x 9 inches. 88 pages. 10/86 ////5667-126 SC33-6236 SC33-6245 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE fiI! 1!aZA PR06RAmINii §YIgI Thi. publication i. provided for inforlll8tion about l&m ,Ugl ~ UAIY!l DPERATIot! At!!! "ESSAGES Interactive Ex_utive for Syatetll/370. It contains This publication contains infor•• tion of holl to IPL the inforllation .bout syat_ c.lls ••ubroutines. cOlllpilers. link IlV370 ASCII Control feature. hall to run the IlV370 ASCU editor. COMmOn object file formats •• nd .....g.. that .ight control feature utiliti ... and hall to use the error be seen lihUe cOllpiling • progr... It is intended to be recording f.cilities of the feature. It also contains used by the people who lIIi 11 use IlV370 to create progr.... infora.tion on the IlV370 ASCII Control feature utilities cOiipletion codes •• nd • description of the _sages Hanual. 6 x 9 Inches. 4/86 ////5667-126 displayed on the IlV370 ASCII control Feature console. SC33-6237 INTERACTIVE EXECUTlvE/370 ~ ~ ~ ~ This public.tion is provided for inforlll8tion .bout Interactive Executive for Systetll/370. It cont.ins • deacription of v.rious progr.... th.t can be used ••• ids to the develoPllent of IlV370 progr. . . .nd docunnts. The intanded .udience is the custo. .r's progr.l\lllling st.ff .s ....11 .s the gener.l user. "anual. 6 )( 9 i nchet.. 4/86 ////5667-126 GC33-6238 INTERACTIvE EXECUTIvE f.I!B laZl ItrTRDDUCTION m Im PROCESSIN& This public.tion introduces the various text processing f.cilities .vail.ble lIith IlV370 .nd describes briefly their relationship. Flyer. 6 )( 9 inches. 4/86 ////5667-126 The intended audience Is the syst. . ac:llainistrator. syst. . oper.tor. and syst. . engineers. Hanusl. 6 x 9 inches. 88 pages. 3/86 ////5667-126 SC33-6246 mI!!2I. ~ DIAGNOSIS iI.!ml This public.tion contains a list of failure types. their SlflllPtOllll and recovery actions. inforution needed if a failure aust be reported to a Support Center. and a description of IlV370 ASCII Control Feature utilities lIhich are useful for probl. . diagnosis. The intended audience is the syst. . progra...r. syst. . adllini.trator. systall oper.tor. and _toaar engineers. "anual. 6 )( 9 inches. 09/86 ////5667-126 ~ ,Ugl 6C33-6247 m.w. .!1m INTERFACE ~ ttm1l2II !!B06R!!:l ~ The subject publication provides infor.ation on the SC33-6239 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE fill! SYSIEH/370 !.!m!!i t!BllEf At!!! Im!Ef Thi. publication describes use of the nroff .nd troff text proc..sing progr.... in IlV370. It includes a tutorial lIith exa.ples. and reference . .terial. Hanual. 3/86 ////5667-126 SC33-6240 l&m fQRMATTIN§ DOCU!ENTS Thi. publication describ.. the use of the IlV370 _ra~ ..cros (l1li1 and the table (tbll preprocessor to for..t documents for processing lIith nroff or troff. Hanual. 6 x 9 inches. 4/86 ////5667-126 SC33-6241 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE f.I!B SYSTE!V370 CREAJINii §BAptiles This publication describes use of the graphics features of IlV370. including the graphics editor. gad. and the dataplotting feature. stat. It includes tutorial .nd reference infor.. tion. Hanual. 6 x 9 inches. 70 pages. 3/86 ////5667-126 ;5C33-6244 ~ uanm. PLANNINii At!!! This publication contains an introduction ASCII control feature. inforution needed and softll.re installation of the fe.ture. l&m ,Ugl INSTALWION to the IlV370 to plan the hard infor.ation llarranted functions of the product and describes the specified operating environment. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pag... 9/85 ////5666-330 &C33-6248 m.w. OE"I INTERFACE ACCESS "EmOD SPECIFICATION Licensed PrograM Specification (LPS) describes the IIIIrranted specification of the subject Program Product. Flyer. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 2 pages. 9/85 ////5664-201 SC33-62lt9 SERIAL .!W:! INTERFACE ~ Hmll!! Ymi.:.! §!.l!!!f This publication describes the Serial DE" Interface Access I1ethod. The Serial Original Equipllent Hanuf.cturer Interface (SOEHI) provides. Hans of connecting a 4361 host .yst... to an Original EquiPll8nt "anufacturer (DE") .ubsy.t.... allOiling the data to be exchanged bet_ the host .yst. . and the subsystu. The application progra. executing in the host syst. . cOllllUnicates lIith the subsyst. . through the Seriel DE" Interface (SOE"!) Access I1ethod. This Access I1ethod provides a .et of IIOdules end ...cro inatructions that .ay either be executed in-line in Assellbler progra... or called a. subroutines fro. prograllB IIritten in Asst!llbler or ~n a high-level language. This applies to both the vtf and WE envi rOl'lllfmt • The purpose of this publication is to describe the SOE"I Aceess I1ethod as seen frOil the application progra •• giving detailed infor... tion on how to use' the Access I1ethod lIacros. / " ( SC33 GC34 Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 172 pages. 8/85 1///5666-330 introckJction to the netNOrking and cOllllllU"lication facilities as used Nith the IX/370 product. information needed to plan the installation and use of the facilities. information needed by the IXl370 administrator to make the facilities operational and to maintain them, and information needed by the user's of the facilities. The intended audience is the customer's installation planner. systeM administrator. product users, and system engineers Manual. 6 x 9 inches, 03/86 11115667-126 GC33-6253 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENTIYSE SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides a concise description of the warranted f~tions of Docuaent ManageaentlVSE ProckJctivity Facility. Flyer. 2 pages. 2186 11115666-339 SC33-6800 SMALL ~ EXECllTIVEIVSE !!Am! !t!!WS (CURRENT RELEASE I This index helps users find inforHtion in the Mnuals for SSXlVSE. The entries in the index point to manuals, not to specific page numbers. Once referred to a ..nual. a user can check that manual's more detailed index to locate page numbers. Manual, 8 1/2 x II inches, 50 pages. 09/83 1120115666-265 SC33-6269 I&E!! COI1t1AN1l REFERENCE ADMINISTRATIVE COH!1ANDS SERVICE COMMANDS ~ INDEX This publication provides info.... tion about Interactive Executive for Syste1ll370. It serves as a reference for the programmer using 1)(1370. Manual. 6 x 9 inches. 463 pages. 05/87 11115667-126 SC33-6270 I&E!! ~ CALLS At!!l SUBROUTINES This publication is provided for inforllation about Interactive Executive for Systelll370. It contains the descriptions of the 1)(1370 syst. . calls and subroutines. is intended to be used by progra_rs and systeM adMinistrators. Manual. 4/86 11115667-126 It SC33-6271 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE fQ! SYSTEMl370 TECHNICAL REFERENCE FILE fi!!ll!m MISCELLANEOUS FACILITIES SPECIAL FILES At!!l CONFIGURATION FILES This publication provides inforMtion for the Interactive Executive for Systelll370 library. It contains the descriptions of the File ForMts. Miscellaneous Facilities. Special Files. and Configuration Files supported by 1)(1370. Manual. 266 pages. 11/85 11115667-126 GC33-6273 m~PR06RAM~ Besides a general description of the progra•• the publication gives an overvieN of f~tions and services ..Nith the release. It describes the operating environment for this neN release. su.arizes the tel"llS and conditions for taking a license. and the available program service for the release. Flyer. 6 pages. 09/86 11115666-273 SC33-6274 l&lZ! MESSAGES !til mwI ~ 1 ! &!l 1 This publication provides infor_tion about Interactive Executive for Systelll370. It is for the use of the operator Mho is in charge of l"UIV'Iing 1)(1370. and serves as a reference for personnel responsible for diagnostic probl... that ..y occur Nith 1)(1370. Manual. 6 x 9 inches. 04/86 11115667-126 SC33-6279 IXl370 NEllIORKlNEi !Ill CO!!M!ICATION !DIm !t!!l USER INTRODUCTION PLANNING ADMINISTRATION ~ INFORMATION This publication is provided for infor.ation about Interactive Executive for Systelll370. It contains an GC34-0056 DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE ~ ill :PRQ!i 5Z41t-B!(I. 6ENERAL INFORMATION Introductory in nature, this manual serves tNC purposes. First. it explains a Distributed Intelligence Syst... in ..nufacturing terms. to production-line managers and industrial executives. Second, it explains the Syst... in softNare terMS, to programmers and system designers. A Distributed Intelligence Syst. . united all the information-gathering resources of a production-line into one netNOrk, Nith a Systelll370 as its central COMpUter. Manual. 20 pages 1136115744-BKI GC34-0057 DISTRIBUTED INTELLI6ENCE ~ REFERENCE §YlRl Describes the Distributed Intelligence System. It tells t to include the code for Distributed Intelligence System f~tions in Systeel7 01" Systeal370 programs. for user application programmers. and IBM System Engineers. The . .nual includes both introductory and refer_e inforMtion on the ..cros and high-level call stat..ants that are used to transmit infor_tion between the Systeel7 and the Systeel370. Prerequisite Publications: Distributed Intelligence System General InforRtion Ma!"Alal. GC34-0056 Distributed Intelligence Systeta: Operations Manual. GC34-0058. Distributed Intelligence syst. . : Operations Manual. GC34-0058. Manual. 164 pages GC34-0058 DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM. ill f!2i 5794-BKI. OPERATIONS Contains the information and instruction. necessary to install and operate the Distributed Intelligence System on Systelll370 and Systeal7. This inforRtion is required by people responsible for the foll_ing f~tions in Distributed Intelligence Syst_ installations: o Designing and performing an OSIVSI SYSGEN o Installing a Distributed Intelligence System on a SystelDl370 operating under OSIVSI o Coding Distributed Intelligence System nucleus for a Systeal7 o Executing and controlling a Distributed Intelligence System frOID the Systeel370 operator console 549 ( . _•• operation code interpr.tations ••nd . . . . . .ge guide for error _sages issued by DEMF to the user and syst. . operator. Hanusl. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 77 pages. 3179 o Using CustOlltlr Infor. . tion Control Syst_ (CICSI with the Distributed Intelligenc. Syst. . o Using Infor. . tion HanagetHnt SysteM UMSI with the Distributed Intelligence Syst. . o Using Distributed Int.lligence Syst. . tools in prograM debugging The Distributed Intelligence Syst. . is a syst_ control prograll that oper.tes U1CIer OSIYSI. resides in it. own partition in a System/370. and logically comects that Systeill/370 to one or IIOre Systeml7.. Once installed. the Distributed Intelligence System enables all processors in the network to function .5 if they were • • ingle processor. Prerequisite publications: Distributed Intelligence System: PrograM Reference Suide. Ge34-0057. OS/VSl Syst... S-ration Reference. GC26-3791. MSP/7 Inst.llation and Nucleus 6eneration Suide. Ge34-0031. Hanusl. 126 pages 1137//5752.5742.5741.5652 Ge34-2004 m INTERACTIVE ~ &ON!B.Ql, U§mI .l.lfl;llli INFORMATION. ~ 5752-857 This aanusl provides inforaation needed to plan for the installation and use of th OSIYS2 IIVS Interactive Probl. . Control Syst. . UPCS), a Selectable Unit that allONS the user to analyze and . .nage .yst_ software probl811S in a TSO envi rorwent. The . .nusl contains three sections: • Introduction: General infor. .tion about IPCS. • Planning: IPCS hardware and soft.... re requirements. • Supplemental InforMation - Publications and MOdule inforMation. The . .nusl is intended to provide planning infor. . tion for inst.llation . .nagers. syst_ progralDlllers. and 1M field engineering personnel. A basic knowledge of OSIVS2 I1VS and TSO i. assl.lllled. Hanusl. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 19 pages. 3178 ~ ~ 1136115744-BKI Ge34-0534 SERIES/370 HQ!I f!Q§B!H PREPARATION FACILITIES fQ! SERIES/I 5799-BNA fRfg ~ SPECIFICATIONS This docUlllent provides infor.ation on the warr.nted funct i ons of the U censed prograll. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 4/83 1137115752 11115799-BNA Ge34-2005 INTERACTIVE ~ m:!!B.m. .3Xm!! J.!Ig! SPECIFICATIONS. SUID 5752-857 This publication describes the functions. prerequisites. and .yst. . requiMllllents for the OSIYS2 I1VS Interactive Probl. . Control Systu UPCSI Selectabl. Unit. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 3178 SC34-0535 ~ I1VS S/370 !1m PROGRAM PREPARATION FACILITIES .B!! !a .PRf!i mm INSTALLATION !!:!!2 ~ §l!IRg This publication describes the following aspects of the Host PrograM Preparation Facilities for Serieslll system description and installation. assembler. applic.tion builder .nd application load facility. Hanusl. 8 112 x 11 inches. 420 pages. 04/83 1130115799-BNA Ge34-2006 m 1ISL lBWl 5752-857 l.!SER iYm!i &Ill REFERENCE Thi. aanual describes the functions and uses of the Interactive Problu Control Syst. . UPCSI and the syntax of the IPCS .uboomands. The audience is .yst. . prograllller&. custOlll8r engineers. and anyone who needs to exalline duInps or debug theM. IPCS is an online facility for exaMining duIps and for . . intaining centralized inforMation about probl_ and their related data. IPCS operates as a ISO cOlllllland and provides subcollllllands to . .nipulate probleMS and their a.sociated data set. and to exa.ine unfor..tted dunps at the user's terMinal. This . .nusl describes the preparations for an IPCS ••• ion and the control the user has over a session; how to use IPCS .ubcoImnands to unipulate problems and data .ets as.ociated Nith thelll how to exaMine unfortlatted dumps; and the function. syntax, and operands of the subo_nels. Hanual ~ Ge34-2001 IWf.W EXCEPTION I1!lNlTORIN!! FACILITY (DEI1FI .3Xm!! ~ 574ft-Cln This ~t provides specifications for the OSIVS Displ.y Exception Monitoring Facility (DEMFI. It describes the gener.l functions performed. the prerequisites and the Syst. . requirements. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 pgs. 12/77 ~ £Qf:!!!Il!, PROSRAItltINS SPECIFICATIONS. Ge34-2002 IlDI!W EXCEPTION t!!!NITORIN!! FACILITY ill!!El Imm INFORMATION This .anual provides inforaation needed to plan for ;'1Stallation and use of the Display Exception l1onitoring Facility (DEI1FI. a facility that allONS 3270 users to retrieve and display communications error data in an interactive environment. The content consists of a functional ov.rvi .... of DEI1F. DEMF hardware. software ••nd .pplication requirements. and a Ust of the pubucaticins and IIOdules affected. Hanusl. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 3179 ~ 1137115752 Ge34-2007 SU57 1137//5752.5742.5741.5652 Ge34-2003 DISPLAY EXCEPTION tp!ITORIN!! FACILITY JmB..:.lI §!.1m This . .nual provides infor... tion needed to operate the di.play exception lIonitoring facility (DEttFl. a facility that allONS 3270 users to retrieve and display COMIIUnication error data in .n interactive environment. The content of the ••nual consi.ts of • functional overview of DEttF •• description of the logging function. descriptions and operating instructions for the various displ.ys. st.tus. ~ 550 m INTERACTIVE ~ S!f:!!!mI. Imm J.!Ig! MESSAGES 575 2- 857 Thi. publication lists the IM!Ssages and user completion codes produced by the OSIVS2 I1VS Interactive Probl_ Control Syst. . (IPCSI. The _.agas (Nith prefix BLS) are presented in alpha_ric order by category. Each ...saga and code i. explained. and. where .ppropriate. the aCCOMpanying actions by the IPCS COMponent are described and • progra_r response is suggested. ProbleM deterMination actions aCCOllpany probl_ identifying IM!Ssages and codes. Hanusl. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 50 pages, 3178 M:!!l ~ 1140115752 SC34 SC34 re34-2008 .t!f!!A.r. 5Z35-XX8' ~ other user involved Nith the unagelllent of a conuIications network • NPDA provides an orderly process that locates failing parts of a netNOrk by logically displaying error records detected by vari GUS netNOrk components. l1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, lZ5 pages. 8179 ////5735-XX8 1!!I!1m This document dascribes the functions. operating environment and Narranty provisions of IBI1 Network Probl_ Determination Application Program Product. lIhich assists the Ioaer in perfor.ing network problem deter.ination. Flyer. 1 page. 10/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC34-Z01ft ~ !!mAr. 5735-XX8' SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE' The licensed progra. specification (LPS) describes the warranted specifications of the licensed program and identifies the specified operating environ.ant. Flyer. 8 1/Z x 11 inches. 1 page. 7/79 ////5735-lOC8 SC34-2010 NPDA. 5735-lOC8. GENERAL INFORMATION This document provides introductory info,..ation about the 1811 Network Problell Deter.ination Application (NPDA) Program Product. lIhich allONS a Ioaer to record. retrieve and axa.ina COIIIIIIUnication netNOrk error data in an interactive envir~t. The doc\.MIent provides a general description of NPDA as ...11 as initial planning inforution needed for installation. Ma ....... l. 8 1/Z x 11 inches. 18 pages. 10178 ////573S-lOC8 ( SC34-Z0ll NPDA. 5735-lOC8. INSTALLATION !CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides info,..ation needed to plan for. install. and operate the Network Probl. . Deteraination Application (NPDA) Progra. Product. This publication is divided into the follOllling Chapters: • "Planning for NPDA" dascribes the pre-installation planning considerations. • "Installing NPDA" describes cletailad procedures for . installing the progra•• • "Operating NPDA" describes miscellaneous procedures used during no,..al operation. Readers should be fa.iliar Nith the functions and capabilities of NPDA. as explainad in NetNOrk Probl. . Dete,..ination Application: General Information. SC34-2010 and Network Probl. . Dete,..ination Application: Te,..inal Use. SC34-Z013. Manual. 8 1/2 x l i i nches. 25 pages. 9179 ////573S-XX8 mrm SC34-2015 m INTERACTIVE ~ CONTROL SYSTEM. !.!k fBQ§ 5746-SAl. ~ ~ 1 REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) YSE/IPCS can assist in the analysis and eanagement of softNare problems in a DOSIYSE environnnt. This ... nual describes the function and use of YSE/IPCS ~nds and subCOllllllands. Syntax and operands are described. l1essages and ABEND codes and appropriate user response to then! is explained. Example JCL and YSE/ICCF cOlllmands to invoke the YSE/IPCS programs are included. The eanual is intended for people Mho use YSE/IPCS to offload probl. . dumps fro. the DOSIYSE syst... files on SYSDI1P. display the dumps for analysis to deter.ine cause of the problems. and cIoc\Dent the results of their analysis for the use of others at their installation of IBH. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. ZOO pages. 3/79 1I11S746-SAI SC34-2016 SC34-Z0l2 .t!f!!A.r. 5735-XX8. !1ESSA§ES 6t!Il gmg !gRRENT RELEASE) This publication lists the aessagas and Ioaer completion codes produced by the NetNOrk Probl. . Dete,..Ination Application !NPDA) Progra. Product. There are two classes of _sages presented: _sages for the syst. . or authorized terelnal operator. and _sages for the NPDA te,..inal user. The _sages in each class are presented In alpha. .ric order, the codes in .....ric order !hexadeci.al and deciuU. Each _sage and code is explainad. and Nhere appropriate. the aCCCltlpanying actions by the NPDA co.pollent are described and a progra_r response is suggested. Ma....... l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 33 pages. 7179 1///573S-XX8 m INTERACTIVE PROBLE" £!:!!::[!BQ!. SYSTEM. ,b!!; PROS 57ft6-SAl. ~~ The YSE Interactive Probl. . Control Syst... Progra. Suannary is part of the ... rketing support for the product. It is directed primarily to custODIer eanagement and technical staff and secondarily to IBM personnel. Its purposes are to . . .t the requirements of the Program Product Licensing Agreeeent and to serve a. a basis for the Narranty of VSE/IPCS. VSE/IPCS assists the DOSIYSE user in softNare probl. . dete,..ination and manageaent of probl_ information. The Program SUDDary briefly describes these functions. the operating environeent. testing period. reference uterial. license. progra. services. product availability and Narranty. Flyer. 8 lIZ x 11 inches. 1 page. 1178 11115746-SAl Ge34-2017 m INTERACTIVE PROBLE" ~ ~ ill fBg§ 5146-SAI. ~ INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This docueent provides infor. . tion needed to plan for the installation and Ioae of the DOSIYSE Interactive Probl. . Control Syst_ !YSE/IPCS)' • progra. product that all_ the SC34-2013 tI.e!Z& 5735-XX8' TERI1INAL .1m This publication is intended to serve a. a reference IAI'IUIIl and tutorial for the NPDA Pragra. Product. The .a....... l is directed to console operators • •yst. . progra_rs. and any 551 ( m !fgj INTERACTIVE PROBLEM ~ REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD SUID 5752-857 This reference summary card shaMs the syntax of the IPCS commands and subcommands. The audience is syst... prograamers. custODIer engineers. and anyone Mho needs to examine dumps or debug the•• IPCS is an online facility for exa.ining dumps and for uintaining centralized inforeation about problees and their related data. IPCS operates as a TSO coanand and provides subcommands to .anipulate problems and their associated data sets and to axa.ine unfor... tted clumps at the user's ter.inal. The corequisite publication to this reference card is GC34-2006. OSIYSZ I1YS Interactive Probl. . Control Syst. . lIPCS): User's Guide and Reference. Reference card. 8 1/Z x 3 5/8 inches. lZ panels. 8178 //37//5752 '3(;34-2009 user to analyze and . .nage syst. . software probl_ in a DOSIVSE envi rOlWWlt. The docuIent provi des a general description of VSE/IPCS as well as plalV\ing info.... tion needed for installation. ltanual. 8 112 x 11 inclws. 2~ pages. 1179 It is addressed to the systems progra_r and the IBM Program Support Representative (PSR) Nhose job it is to diagnose and track syst. . probl_. and to debug diskres i dent abend dumps. Reference Card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 6 panels. 8179 11115746-SAl 111157~-SAl 6C34-2018 vt1(INTERACIIVE PROBLEM ~ lmm.tI EXTENSION. f!Q!!W! S!H1ARY. J,!!; .PRQ§ 57~-SAl The VlVlnteractive Problell Control Systell Extension (VlVIPCS Extension) Program s..-ary describes the highlights and operating environ.ent of that program product. It is directed to custCllller .anas-tt and technical staff and IBM program support pel"5onnel Nhose job it is to diagnose and track syst. . problenas. and to debug disk resident abend dunps. Flyer. 8 112 x 11 incha. 1 page. 3179 111157~-SAl 6C34-2023 !::!fDAa. 5735-XX8. PROGRAM ~ This document describes the functions. operating envi~t and warranty provisions of the IBM Network Problem Determination Application Program Product. Release 2. which assists the user in performing net_,.k probl. . dete,..ination. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 8/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC34-202~ m INTERACTIVE fRQlillH m::!Ilml. lWW.!1.t. 5746-SAl. REFERENCE ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This ,.eference summa,.y card shows the syntax of the IPCS commands and subcom..ands. The ca,.d is intended to be used by people who use IPCS to offload p,.obl. . dumps fr-om the DOSIVSE syst. . files on SYSDMP. display the dumps for analysis to deter.ine cause of the probl.... and document the results of their analysis fo,. the use of others at their installation 0,. at IBM. The co,.equisite publication to this reference card is VSE Interactive Probl. . Control Syst. . : User's Guide and Reference. 6C34-2015. Refe,.ence Ca,.d. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inclws. 8 panels. 8179 1;1:34-2019 WIPCS. J,!!; m.!!§ 57~8-SAl. ~ INFORMATION (CURREN! RELEASE) This document provides introductory infor.ation about VlVInteractive Probl. . Control SysteM Extension (VlVIPCS Extension. or IPCS)' a program product that al101111 the user to analyze and manage syst... software probl_ in an interactive .ode under the VlV370 Conversational Monitor Syst.... ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inclws. 16 pgs. 3179 111157~-SAl 11115746-SAI SC34-2020 WIPCS. 5N-SAl. ~ !IWI.f; AIm REFERENCE (MREN! RELEASE) (CURREN! RELEASE) Thi. publication is a reference .anual for all users of the VlVlnteractive Probl. . Control System Extension (VlVIPCS Extension. or IPCS) Program Products. It is addressed to the systems progra...r and the IBM program support representative (PSR) whose job it is to diagnose and track systn problUlS. and to debug disk-resident abend duIIIps. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inclws. 1" pages. 8179 11115748-SAl 6C34-2025 VlVIPCS. J,!!; :PRm! 57~-SAl. SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN! RELEASE) The VlVInte,.active Problell Cont,.ol Systell Extension (VlVIPCS Extension) Licensed Progra .. Specifications (LPS) serves as the basis for the ...,.,.anty of that p,.ogra. product. The LPS provides info....ation on the warranted function of the program product and states the Specified Ope,.ating Environment. It is di,.ected to licensees and prospects and IBM prograuing suppo,.t personnel Nhose job it is to diagnose and track syst. . problelllS. and to debug disk resident abend dumps. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 7/79 111157~-SAl 6C34-2021 m INIERACTIVE ~ ~ .!IDmh US; !!m!i 5746-SAl. SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN! RELEASE) SC34-2028 The VSE Interactive Probl. . Control Syst. . Licensed Program INFORMATION/ACCESS USER'S 6UIDE Specifications (LPS) serves as the basis for the warranty of This publication describes how to use the Info/Access VSE/IPCS. The LPS provides infor.ation on the warranted feature of the Information/Syst. . program product to help fU'1Ction of the program and states the Specified Operating identify duplicate probletlS in software. Info/Access runs EnvirOl'1lllent. The audience for the docUlHlnt i. pri.arily under the InformationlManagement feature under TSO or NeeF licensees and prospects and secondarily IBM persOlV\el. on OSIVS2 HVS. InfolAccess provides a teleprocessing link VSE/IPCS processes storage duMps resulting fro. errors to the CustCllller Software Suppo,.t Facility (essF). which is a data base of software probl_ (APARs). detected within the DOSIVSE supervisor. and within subsyst. . and user progra. . l'U'lning under DOSIVSE. It assists the This publication describes how to logon to InfolAccess and user in software probl. . deter.ination and . .nagement of how to create sear-ch a,.guments to send to CSSF to send for probl. . infor. .tion. duplicate probl.... It also explains how to obtain fixes Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inclws. 1 page. 5/79 (PTFs) via CSSF and how to prevent probl_ from occu,.ring by applying upgrades to the syst... 11115746-SAl Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/81 11115735-ou, SC34-2022 yrvINIERACTIVE fI!D.!Wf:J mmmL UJmI EXTENSION • .!.J5: .PRQ§ 5748-5Al. REFERENCE ~ This reference s _ r y is a card showing the syntax of the _ands and .~nds of the VlVlnteractive Probl. . Control Syst_ Ext_ion (VlVIPCS Ext_ion) Program ProcNct. SC34-2029 INFORMATION/SYSTEM. US; mll!i 5735-OZS' INSTALLATION ml CUSTOMIZAIIDN Inforntion/Syst. . is a p,.ogra. product with optional features that enable the USer to collect. retrieve. and 552 ( \ / f SC34 SC34 IHnage ;nforlHltion that i. valuable to the daily operation 6C34-2035 of a data processing installation. ~ PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY. ill fB.l1!i 5668-009. Thhl manual presents detailed procedures for installing SPECIFICATIONS Information/systetll and its features, and describes planning The System Productivity Facility Licensed Program considerations .nd t.chniques to customize the progr.m to Specifications (LPSI s.ryes as • basis for the Narranty of ...t the requirements of each installation. the System Productivity F.cility program product. This This document is intended for the syst.m prograuers .nd document provides Information on the warranted function of the program and states the Specified Operating Enyironment. syst.. administrators Nho define the role of Informationlsyst.. in the installation's system or netNOrk, Thi. publication is intended prilHlrily for licens_ and prospect., and, .econdarily for IBM personnel. install Informationlsystelll, and decide in Nhat WIIYS to Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 1 page, 3/81 customiz. it to their installation. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 175 pages, 10/80 11115668-009 11115735-OZS SC34-2036 PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY. ill fB.Q§ 5668-009. !W.!.Q!ii MANAGEMENT SERVICES Thi. manual .pplies to the us. of Syst_ Productivity Facility (SPF! in both the MYS .nd VH envirOl'llllent•• The manual describes haN to use SPf dialog manageeent .ervices in program., CLISTS, .nd EXEC.. In addition, it includes a gener.l overyi ... of SPF, including its structUrtl .nd function and a sample problem. The .anual is intended for use by applic.tion .nd syst. . progralllllltlrs engaged in develOpllent of interactive progr.... The .anual describes hoN to use SPF dialog .ana~t seryices in progranUh CLISTS, and EXECs. In addition, it includes a general oyeryi_ of SPf, including its structUrtl and function and a sample problem. The .anual is intended for use by applic.tion .nd system programmers engaged in development of interactive progr.... Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inche., 130 pages. 3/81 11115668-009 SC34-2030 INFORMATION/SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Information/System i • • progr.M product Nith option.l features enabling the user to collect, rtltrieY., .nd ..nage information pertinent to the daily oper.tion of • data processing installation. Th. Information/System Licensed Progr.m Specific.tions ILPSI s.ryes a• • ba.is for the Narranty of InformationlSystelll program product. This document provides information on the warr.nted function of the program and .t.tes the Specified Operating EnvirOl'llltlnt. This publication is intended prilHrily for licensees andprospects, and, secondarily for IBM personnel. Also included is the licens.d infor.. tion and inforutlon about provided services. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 11/86 1/l15735-OZS ~ 3C34-2032 5735-lOOI. Ymf ~ Ji!WIl (CURRENT RELEASE! Thi • •anual describes the suggested actions the user .hould take and the most likely causes of an error description displayed by NPDA. The information i. directed to custOll8r netNOrk per.onnel who need to knON Nhat caused an error .nd what to do to find the .pecific error component. The manual consi.t. of an introduction •• crossreference table from error description to user .ction. user action figures •• nd user action descriptions. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 125 pages. 1180 11115735-XX8 ~ ( Ge34-2033 !:!E!2Ar. 5735-)0(8. ~ 1 .I!Im§!!A!j SC34-2037 PROOUCTIVIU FACILITY f!lB I1Vlh m f!g§ 5668-009. INSTALLATION AHa guSTQMIZATIgN This unual contains detailed infor..tion on haN to install and custOllize SysteM Productivity F.cility (SPf! under MYSITSO. It contains a description of haN to: install SPF. lIOdify the di.tributed relea.e of SPf, and extend sPF functions. The .anual includes a s.mple prebl.. to verify proper installation of sPF and a description of the forut of MMUS and _.ages of the predeces.or program product to sPf, the Structured Progra.. ing facility. The unual is intended for .nyone involved in installing or customizing sPF. Prerequi.ite manual i., SPF for MVS: Program Reference, SC34-2038. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 70 pages, 12180 11115668-009 ~ !!.!!:It!!!U This document describes the functions, operating environment and Narranty provisions of the IBH NetNOrk Probl. . DeterMination Application (R.l.... 3! Program Product, which assists the us.r in performing netNOrk probl.. d.t.r.ination. Fly.r, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages, 11/79 11115735-XX8 SC34-2038 mmI PRODUCTIVITY FACILIU fQ! I1Vlh ill f!g§ 5668-009. REFERENCE This .anual describes hoM to use the Syst. . Productivity Facility (SPF! program deYelOpllent facility under HVS/TSO. In addition, the manual describes program development facility features COllllllOrl across various options and includes a sample probleM, description of li.ting foruts, command and quick reference .UIIIIII8ries, and • list of differences in SPF usage in the HVS .nd VH enyironment•• The manual is intended for use by applications or .yst... programmers engaged in program development. A separate docUllent. sPF Dialog Management Servic... SC34-2036, describes hoM to use the SPf dialog mana~t .eryices facility. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 170 pages. 12/80 11115668-009 ~ SC34-2034 NPOA, 5735-XX8. REFERENCE !!.!!:It!!!U Thi. doCUllent provides the NPOA us.r who does net_rk problem det.r.ination Nith both tutorial infor.. tion and explicit instructions for operating this facility. NPOA is a program product that runs as .n applicetion und.r the NetNOrk C~ications Control Facility (NeCF! .nd collects, i nt.rprats, .nd di splays records of .rrors detected Nithin a c~icetions netNOrk. NPDA provides a ••t of COIIIIIands for r.trieving and displaying .rror data and also gives the user structured error tracking logic for an orderly yieN of the accumulated .rror .Yent recorels. Referenc. C.rd, 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches, 10 panels, 12179 11115735-XX8 553 6CYt scYt This manual provides an overvi ... and f~tional description of SPF under the MYS Tille Sharing Option. A separate llanual, GCYt-2046, provides this sa. . inforllation about SPF U'lder VM/370 Conversational Monitor SystelW. The SysteM Productivity Facility replaces the previous Structured Programing Facility PrograM Product (SPFITSO, S7"'0-X(8). It includes significant neN functions that sillPlify the developMent of interactive applications. This manual is intended to provide planning infor_tion for installation and use of the product. l1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 80 pages, 8180 of technical infor_tion pertinent· to the I1VS envir"OlWMt. The inforllation is kept online on the user's system. Users access the data by signing on to InformationlSyst. . through either TSO or NCCF onto a display terminal, such as a 3270. To retrieve the Information/l1VS data. users enter subcolDands that search the data base using specific keyNOrd cOllbinations in a search argument. SubcoIDands can also be used to brONSe the data base. F~tions are also provided to enable data to be printed to output devices. and also to a110M users to add their ~ data to the searchable data base. The InforllationlSyst. . Installation and Custoeization . .nual is a prerequisite document for Infol'lllation/l1VS users. I1anual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 110 pages. 12180 11115668-009 11I15735-OZS 6CYt-2039 ~ PRODUCTIVITY ~ INFORMATION FACILITY fi!! m ~ fB!!§ 5668-009. 6CYt-20"'0 SCYt-20"'S INFORMATIOHIMANAGEI1ENI SCENARIOS At!! ~ f1QH This publication provides information to acquaint the user with the Informationll1anagement protnpting sequence and illustrates specific tasks that he may perfore. These various tasks may be performed by clerical personnel. systell and application progra ....ers' operators, installation eanagers. and other syst_ support personnel. The Infor.ationll1anagement User's Guide. 6CYt-2031, is a prerequisite publication. It describes Inforeationll1anagelllent f~tions and subc_nds. and provides details on the elelllentary operations. "Quick use" scenarios involving predefined stored response chains are also included in the user's guide. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 215 pages. 12/80 l!B! SPECIFICATIONS This publication serves as a basis for Narranty of the 3600 Threshold Analysis and Remote Access Feature of the NetNOrk Problee DeterlWination Application (NPDA) prograe product. It provides infor_tion on the warranted f~tions of the feature and states the Specified Operating Environment. This publication is intended pri_rily for licensees and prospects and secondarily, for internal personnel. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 0.../81 1113600.3601.3602 ....700 .... 701 .... 702/5668-983 ~ SCYt-20"'1 U!!!B& INSTALUTION At!! CUSIll!1IZATION (Cl!RENI RELEASE) This publication provides inforeation on planning for the installation and operation of the 3600/... 700 Threshold Analysis and Remote Access feature of the Network ProbleM Determination Application (NPDAI prograe product on VSElAF, I1VS/370 or I1VS syst... l1anual, 8 .1/2 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 12/84 1113600.3601,3602 ....702 ....700 ....70115668-983.5668-920 ~ ~ 1111573S-OZS 6CYt-2046 f'ROOUCTIYUY FACILIU f!lB ~ m!!Bml 5668-009. GENERAL INFORI1ATION This .anual provides an overview and f~tional description of SPF under VI1I370 Conversational l1onitor Syst... A separate eanual, GCYt-2039, provides this same infor.ation about SPF under the I1VS Ti . . Sharing Option. The Syst. . Productivity Facility replaces the previous Structured Programming Facility Program Product (SPFICI1S. 571f8-XT31. It includes significant naN f~tions that simplify the developeent of interactive applications. This ..nual is intended to provide planning inforeation for installation and use of the product. I1anual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 80 pages, 8180 nmrJ 3CYt-20"'3 INFQRI1ATIPN/SYSTEI1. ~ f!!!!i S735-OZS. MESSAGES Atm gmu This publication lists the _sages and user COMpletion (ABEND) codes produced by InforeationlSystee and its associated features. The _sages described in this publication are those for which online explanations are not available. The _sages and codes are intended for users of the product and for systeM progra_rs Mho install and eaintain the product. The messages are presented in alpha_ric order where possible. COMpletion codes are listed in nuneric order (hexadeci . . l and decillall. Each _sage and code is explained, and. where appropriate. the accompanying actions by InforeationlSystu are described and a user response is suggested. 11115668-009 SCYt-20"'7 neE f!!B VlVSP .PRQ§B!!:I REFERENCE This publication describes hoM to use the Systlllll Productivity Facility (SPFI prograe developMent facility under VI1. In addition, it describes progra. developeent facility features coemon across various options and includes II sample probleM, description of listing foreats, co_and and quick reference summaries and a list of differences in SPF usage in the I1VS and VI1 envir~ts. It is intended for use by applications or syst_ progra.ers engaged in program developeent. SPF Dialog I1anagelllent Services. SCYt-2036. describes hoM to use the SPF dialog .anagement services facility. l1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 46 ... pages, 03/81 This publication describes InfolSystu, Infoll1anagelll!nt, and Infoll1VS. I1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 50 pages, 12/80 1IIIS735-0ZS SCYt-20....... IHFDRI1ATION/J!VS. m fB!!§ S735-OZS' ~ S!l!nI This llanual describes hoM to use the search and retrieval prograe of the Inforeation SysteM Prograe Product to obtain data from the Informationll1VS data base feature. The infor. . tion in the Inforntionll1VS data base is intended priearily for systu progra_rs and syst. . engineers. but can also be used by data processing _nagars and by clerks and prograM librarians. The Inforntionll1VS feature is an organized collection 11115668-009 SCYt-201f8 neE f!lB nt ItfSTALWION all CUSTO!1IZATlON This publication contains detailed information on ' - to install and custoeize Syst. . Productivity Facility (SPFI U'ICIer VM/SP. It contains a description of hOM to install 554 ( SC34 SC3lt SPF. lIOdify the distributed release of SPF and extend SPF functions. It also includes a sample probl. . to verify proper installation of SPF and description of the for.at of ..nus and messages of the predecessor program product to SPF. the Structured Programming Facility. This publication is intended for anyone involved in installing or customizing SPF. Prerequisite publication is SPF for VHlSP Reference. SC34-2047. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 50 pages. 03/81 ////5668-009 ( information needed for installation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 04/81 ///15668-983 6C3It-2062 l:Im!!lI!JS GC34-2053 INFORMATIOH/SYSTEM! J.IS: f!!mi 5735-OZS. ~ JI.IHI:WU Information/Syst811 (Info/System) is a program product that supports systl!lll llllnagement tasks through the fo11OMing set of optional features: • Informationll1VS (Info/l1VS) - an 1M-supplied data base that is updated regularly to provide direct·user access to a broad base of current technical information pertinent to the I'\VS envi ronment. • Infor.ationlManase-ent (InfolHanageMent) - an interactive application that facilitates the Management of data processing probl ... change. and syst_ configuration information. • Inforlllltion/Access Unfo/Access) - an interactive application that extends the software probl. . resolution and change .anagement capabU it i es of InfolHanagement by providing teleprocessing access to the _st current source of information for servicing 1M software. Through online. interactive support of the data processing system or network. InfolSyst811 .nd its fe.tures enable the installation to collect. update. retrieve. display. and report on data processing infor... tion Nith the goal of improving the delivery of syst_ services to the end user. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 pages. 10/80 //1/5735-0ZS GC34-2055 3600/4700 THRESHOLD ANALYSIS A!;!g Jm!QU ~ ~ GENERAL INFORMATION 1f.QR m At!!! ~ This publication provides planning info.... tion for the inst.ll.tion and use of the 3600/4700 Threshold Analysis and Remote Access feature (3600 feature) of the Network Problem Determination Application (NPDA) program product. This feature extends systems .anagement capabUities to the 3600/4700 Finance C.....,ic.tion Syst. . by allOMing online. interactive. centralized control of the syst... Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 12184 ///3600.3601.3602/5668-983 ~ DETERMINATION APPLICATION ~ , fIm!ilf!!l2 SUMl1ARY This public.tion describes the functions. operating anvi I"OI'IIII8nt and Narranty provi s ions of the NetNOrk Probl. . Determination application Version 2. Program Product. which assists the user in perfor.ing netNOrk probl811 deter.in.tion. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 04/81 1///5668-983 SC34-2063 l:!PQA mmIH 1 ~ f!Y!!ZI (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes hoM a Network Probl. . Determination Application (NPDA) tarminal user retrieves networking and other data to locate failing components within a syst8ll. Methods of operating the interactive displays and interpretations of the data vieNed are includad. Instructions for buUding recording and v! ... ing filters are provided as well as COID8and syntax details that cover NPDA and those NeeF _ands that are pertinent to NPDA. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10/81 /1//5668-983 SC34-2064 ~ g RECOMMENDED !Ial!!f §Ym (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication supplements the NPDA User's Guide. SC34-2063 and provides further details about recommended actions presented to the NPDA ter.inal user on a cl.ss of displays. The additional details about the recomMnCled actions are queued by reference nul!lbers that the usel" sees on the recDlllllltlnded action displays and are constructed frOID the description and probable cause of the errors. These detailed instructions also reference other publications designed to furthel" .id the NPDA terminal user in resolving the problea recorded and described by NPDA. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 10/81 ///15668-983 HP.l!A SC3lt-2065 g MESSAGES A!;!g ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication lists the messages and user completion codas produced by the NetNOrk Pl"oblem Determination Application (NPDA) Progr•• Product. the t_ classes of eaS5ages presented are . .ssages for the systea or authorized terminal opera to!" and messages for the NPDA ter.inal user. Each inessage and code is explained and. Nhere appropriate. the accOllp8nying actions by the NPDA c:omponent are described and a progra....r response is suggested. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/81 ///15668-983 ~ ~ ~3It-2056 TARA FEATURE USER'S f!Y!!ZI (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the operation of the 3600/4700 Threshold Analysis and Remote Access feature of the Network Probl_ Deter.ination Application (NPDA) progra.. product. This feature extends systems .anagaent capabUities to the 3600/4700 Finance CCltlllllUnic.tion Syst... by allOMing online. interactive. centralized control of the syst... Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 12184 ///3600.3601.3602.4700.4701.4702/5668-983,5668-920 ~ SC3lt-2066 HP.l!A VERSION g INSTALLATION GC34-2061 tIB!A mmIH 1 mmw. INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides introductory infor... tion about the Network Probl. . Determination Application Version 2 (NPDA) Program Product. Nhich provides alert service and a11_ a user to retrieve and examine c~ication netNOrk error data in an interactive anvirOlW8'lt. It provides a general description of NPDA as Nell as initial planning 555 ( (C~RENT RELEASE) This publication provides information needed to plan for. install and operate the NetNOrk Problem Determination Application (NPDA) Program Product. It is divided into the fo11OMing chapters: Planning for NPDA. describes the pre-installation planning considerationsl Installing NPDA. describes detailed procedures for installing the program I Operating NPDA. describes miscellaneous procedures used during nor... l SC34 SC34 ope... tiol'lI .nd Alte.. ing NPOA. desc.. ibes tecMiques fa .. changing displays and fl.Rltlons. Reade..s should be familia .. with the functions and cap.bllitles of NPDA. as expl.ined in NetNO..k Probl_ Dete..minatlon Application. Gene ..al Info..mation, SC34-2061 and Nebaork Probl. . Determination Application, User's Guide, SC34-2063. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 12/81 ////5668-983 6C34-2067 ~ ! SPECIFICATIONS !CURREN! RELEASE) This publication describes the warranted specifications of the licensed program and identifies the specified operating envi ronllltmt. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 12/81 ////5668-983 HfDA SC34-2068 INFORMAJIOtI/SYSTEM fJlB m !til fB.!!!iBMI mI!I:!W: !CURRENT RELEASE) This publication p ..ovides information that describes the functions .nd environment of the Info....ation/System for YI1 .nd VSE ProgramProduct. Reference material. testing period. program services, war... nty, license .nd avail.bility .... discussed. This publication is intended fo .. _rketing representatives. systems engine.rs and installation m.nage..sand their technical persornel Mho "equir. _rketing .nd evaluating inforntion to introduce them to the product. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 04/81 ////5735-OZS m SC34-2069 INFORMATION/SYSTEM .BlB m !til m 6ENERAL !til PREINSTALLATIQN INFORMATION !CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides introductory infor... tion needed toevaluat. the applicability of Information/System and its features to an installation. It includes an overview of the fl.Rltions of InfoMllatian(System and a description of its data f.atures. publications support and operating envirCll1lllent. This publication is intended fo .. marketing representatives, systems engineers and Installation managers and their technical staff Mho require info.... tion to lllake the leasing decision and pre-installation plans. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 04/81 ////5735-0ZS SC34-2070 INFQRMAJIOtI/SYSTEM .BlB .mazg Am m SPECIFICATIONS This publication serves as the basis for the warranty of the Information/Syst. . Program Product. The infor_tion .ids installation management and marketing personnel in their evaluation of Infor_tion/SysteM'S applicability to the installation by describing the wa ....anted fl.Rltions of Information/System .nd its operating environment. Also included is license infor_tion .nd infor_tion .bout provided s.rvices. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/86 ////5735-OZS data processing personnel who d.fine the role of Info..... tion/Syst. . in the syst. . or network, install Info.... tion/Syste. and custo.ize the progr.m to suit the individual requireMents of the inst.llation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 05/81 ////5735-OZS SC34-2072 INFORMATION/SysTEM fi!B mazg!tll ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes hoM to use the search and retrieval program for Information/System to obtain data from the Information/Y!1-VSE or Info.... tion/MVS data bas. features. It describes IlOIlI to log onto the system and hoM to use c_anda for searching. displaying and printing data. The inforlllation in the data base features is intended pri ... rily for systems programmers and systems engineers. but can also be used by data processing ...nagers .nd by clerks and program librarians. The Inform.tlon/Yl1-VSE and Information/MVS .re organizedcollections of technical information. The inforlDation is kept online on a user's system. User's access the data by signing on to the system through eithe.. VM/370 or YSE onto adisplay terminal, such as a 3270. Users can also se.rch fortheir 0Nn stored data entries. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 05/81 ////5735-0ZS m mwm SC34-2073 INFQRMATI!lN.I!1ANA6EMEN! REFERENCE ~ This reference card provides the user quick access to data helpful in performing problu. change and configuration management. The card lists comlDand-syntax, required information. terminal key definition. search operators. prefixes and pre-defined store response chains. The corequisite publication to this reference card is the Information Management User's Guide, SC34-2031. Reference Summary, 18 1/8 x 8 1/2 inches, 10 panels, 04/81 ////5735-OZS / SC34-2074 INFORMATION/SYSTEM .BlB mazg &!Ill m MESSA6ES !CURREN! RELEASE) This publication lists the lle5sages issued by the BL60ZD search and retrieval program and the utility prograllS of the InformationlSyst. . Program Product. The messages and codes .re intended for users of the product and for systems progralDnaers Mho install .nd m.intain the product. The messages are presented in .lphameric order. Each message is expl.ined .nd. if needed. required actions by us.rs or systl!lllS progra_rs are suggested. Manu.l, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 05/81 ////5735-OZS SC34-2077 l2E f.Im§!Wl mI!I:!W: (CURREN! RELEASE) !his publication contains a brief overvieN of the Interactive Syst. . Productivity FacUity Progr.m Product .nd a description of its operating environonent. It also contains InforlHtion relating to the testing period, progr•• services .vailable. war..anty, license and program availabil i ty. It is intended for marketing and custa.er persornel Mho .re considering the applicability of ISPF and ISPF/POF to • particular install.tion. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages, 01/82 ////5666-281.5668-960,5665-268,5664-172 SC34-2071 INFORMATI!J!:VSYSTEM .BlB maIl! !l:!Q m INSIALWI!!N .6!:fl CUSJOMIZATION !CURREN! RELEASE! This public.tion provides det.iled descriptions of the instaUation .nd custCllllization of the Info.....tion/Syst. . Program Product and its data features. It is intended fo .. 556 ( ~ &C34 SC34 &C34-2078 ISPF M:!!2 ISPF/PPF f!lB maE ~ INfORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE! This pubHcation provides an overvieM of and initial planning inforetion for two related program products, Interactive Systea Productivity Facility (ISPF! and ISPF/Prograll Development Facility (ISPF/PDF or PDF!. These cross-systea prograll products are designed to increase user productivity in developing appHcations on display terminals, Nith special emphasis on developing and using interactive applications called dialogs. The dialog aanagement f~t i ons of ISPF and the program develo~t capabilities of PDF are separate products. They Nere previously combined in the Systea Productivity Facility (SPF! Program Product. This publication is intended for aarketing and custOlllf!r personnel who are assessing the applicability of ISPF and ISPF/PDF to a particular installation. I1anual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 100 pages, 03/85 prospects and secondarily, for internal personnel. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages, 11/86 11115664-172,5665-268,5666-281 SC34-2083 INSTALLATION AtI!l CUSTOMIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE! Thi. pubHcation contains detailed infor.,ation on heN to install and customize Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF! and Interactive Syst. . Productivity Facility (ISPF/PDF) under vtVCI1S. It contains a description of heN to install ISPF and ISPF/PDF, lIOdify the distributed release of ISPF and ISPF/PDF and extend ISPF and ISPF/PDF functions. It includes a description of the format of menus and IleSsages of the predecessor program product to ISPF, the Syst... Programtling Facility. This publication is intended for those involved in installing or customizing ISPF and ISPF/PDF. Prerequisite aanuals are ISPF for VH Dialog I1anagement Services, SC34-2088 and Progra. Reference, SC34-2090. I1anual, 8 11'2 x l1 inches, 05/82 ~ 11201/5666-281,5668-960 SC34-2079 f!U!!i!WI REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE! ISPf(PDF .BIB This publication consists of related program products. They are designed to illprove user productivity in the developllllnt of development, test end use of interactive applications called dialogs. ISPF is a dialog .anager that provides control and services to support execution of dialogs. PDF is a facUlty that aids in the developll8t1t of dialogs and other types of applications. It .aka use of display ter.inals and an interactive environment to assist with Rnyof a progra_r's tasks. This publication is intended to develop applications or systems progr....r progra.. und.r VSE • I1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 05/83 11115664-172,5668-960 m ( 11115666-281 SC3lt-2080 ISPf(PDF .BIB INSTALLATIQN .B CUSTOMIWION (CWRENI RELEASE! This public.tion contains detailed Inforntion on hoN to inst.ll and customize Interactive Systems Productivity Facility (ISPF! and Interactive Syst... Productivity F.cility (ISPF/PDFI under VSE/AF. It contains. description of how to install ISPF .nd ISPF/PDF, lIOdify the distributed rele.se of ISPF and ISPF/PDF and extend ISPF .nd ISPF/PDF m SC3lt-2084 INTERACTIVE !llIlH PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY f!lB ~ INSTALLATION ~ CUSTOMIZATION This publication contains det.iled infor... tion on hoM to install and customize Interactive Syst. . Productivity Facility (ISPF! and Inter.ctiv. Syst... Productivity F.cility IISPF/PDFI und.r MVSITSO. It cont.ins a description of hoN to install ISPF .nd ISPF/PDF, IIOdlfy the distributed relnse of ISPF .nd ISPF/PDF .nd tIlCtMd ISPF and ISPF/PDF f~tlons. It Includes. description of the forut of ~ and _s.ges of the .predecessor progr•• product to ISPF. the Syst. . Progr.... lng Facility. It Is Intended for .nyone Involved In Inst.lling or custDllizlng ISPF .nd ISPF/PDF. Prerequisite Mnu.ls .re ISPF for MYS Dialog H.nageMant Services, SC3lt-2088 .nd Progr•• ReferllnCe, SC34-2089. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 Inches, 03182 11115665-268,5668-960 SC34-2085 1m fill ~ JWJ,.g§ tWIA§EHENT SERVICES ElWIPLES (CURRENT RELEASE) this publication applies to the use of Interactive Syst_ Productivity Facility IISPF) In the 11VS, VM .nd VSE/AF envlronlD8l'lt. It is intended for use by applications .nd syst_ progr.....rs engaged In developnent of inter.ctlve progralllll. This p.m11cation Nhich supplements ISPF Di.log I1ana~t Services, SC34-2088, provides ex.mples of how di.logs Invoke ISPF services. The exallples appear In the context of impluentations of .n employee records .pplicatlon and • telephone book application. Each application Includes. description of the application .nd listings of dialog COIIponents (DI.log f~tlons, selection and d.ta entry panel definitions, 118SS.ges .nd file tailoring skeletons) required to process the application under ISPF. Ex.mple dialog functions .re provided for both applications in the following COIIIIand procedures .nd progra.ing languages: CLIST, EXEC2, COBOL, FORTRAN .nd PV1. Manual, 8 112 x 11 Inches, 136 pages, 03/85 f~tions. I1anual, 8 11'2 x 11 inches, 03185 1134115666-281,5668-960 6C34-2081 1m .BIB maE SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication serves as the basis for the warranty of the Interactive Syst... Productivity Facility PrograM Product. It provides infOrMation on the warranted f~tion of the program product and states the Specified Operating Envh"OOIIM!I'It. This publication is intended pri.arily for 11c_ _ and prospects and, secondarily, for internal personnel. Flyer, 8 11'2 x 11 inches, 4 pages, 11/86 11115668-960 GC3lt-2082 ISPFlPDF fi!R maE SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN! RELEASE! This publication serves a. a basis for the Narranty of the Interactive System Productivity Facility/Program Development Facility Program Product. It provides infortllation on the Narranted f~tion of the prograM product and states the Specified Operating Environnnt. This publication i. intended priaarily for licensees, 11115668-960 SC34-2088 1m fill ~ !l!Y!.§ HANA6EHENI SERVICES (CURRENT RELEASE) this publication applies to the use of the Inter.ctlve 557 ( SC3lt Syst_ Productivity F.cility (ISPF) in the HV$, om .nd VSE/AF environments. It describes hoM to use ISPF Di.log M.n.geMent Services in progr.ms, CLISTS and EXEC's. It also includes. gener.l overvi_ of ISPF including its structure, function .nd s.mple problems. This publication is intended for use by applications and systems progra. .ers engaged in the devel~t of interactive progra... Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 03/85 11115668-960 SC3lt-2089 ISPF/PDF fQB ~ ~ REFERENCE The Interactive Systelll Productivity Facility (ISPF) and the ISPF/Program Development Facility (ISPF/PDF or PDF) .re related progr.m products. Together. they are designed to improve user productivity in the development of applications .nd contain special functions for the development. test and use of interactive applications. called dialogs. ISPF is a dialog ..nagar that provides control and services to support execution of dialogsl PDF is a facility that aids in the development of dialogs .nd other types of applications. It ..kes use of display terminals .nd an interactive environment to assist with .anyof the programmer's tasks. This publication is intended for developing applications for systems progr....r programs U'XIer MVS. The functions of ISPF and PDF Mere previously colllbined in the predecessor program SPF and described in ISPF Seneral Information. 6C34-2078. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 275 pages. 01/82 11115665-268 SC3lt-2090 ISPF/PDF ~ REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) The Inter.ctive Systelll Productivity Facility (ISPF) and the ISPF/Program Development Facility IISPF/PDF or PDF) are related program products. Together. they are designed to improve user productivity in the development of .pplications .nd cont.in speci.l functions for the development. test .nd use of inter.ctive applications. c.lled dialogs. ISPF is • dialog ..nagar that provides control .nd services to support execution of dialogs. PDF is a f.cility that .ids in the development of di.logs .nd other applic.tions. It m.kes use of displ.y terminals and inter.ctive environment to .ssist with m.ny of the programmer's tasks. . It is intended for developing .pplic.tions or syst... progr._rs' programs U'\der VHlSP. The first three chapters provide information pertinent to use of the terminal. for•• t of the displays. a description of prograMing libraries. etc. Succeeding chapters deal lIith the. use of particular PDF functions selectable from the priMary option menu. Appendixes cont.in a usage scenario •• description of listing fo,..ats and command sUllllllaries. The flB'iction of ISPF .nd PDF Mere previously cOllbined in the predecessor program SPF and described in ISPF S-ral Infor.. tion. 6C3It-2078. M.nual. 8 112 )C 11 inches. 312 pages. 04182 11115664-172 SC3lt-2092 INFQRMATION/SYSTEM HESSAGES ~ ~ This publication lists the _sages and user completion (ABEND) codes produced by InforutionlSystem and its associ.ted features. The _sages described in this Plblication are those for Nhich online explanations are not .v.il.ble. The IleSS.ges .nd codes are intended for users of the product .nd for systems progr.mmers Mho install and _int.in the product. The _s.ges are presented in alphanric order Nhere possible. Completion codes .re listed in rKaeric order (hex.decimal and deci ..U. Each _s.ge and code is explained .nd, Nher. appropri.t•• the .ccClllpanying actions SC3lt by Inforution/System are described and a us.r response is suggested. Manual. 8 1/2 11115735-OZS )C 11 inches. 232 pages SC3lt-2093 INFQRMATION/ACCESS INFQRHATIPNISYSTEM INSTALLATION CUSTQMIZATIQN AHn OPERATIQN This publication provides detailed information for inst.lling. customizing and operating the Inform.tionlAccess fe.ture of the Inform.tionlSystem progr.m product. The publication. InformationlSystem Installation and Customization is a corequisite. The Infor_tionlAccess feature lIith its prerequisites. InforutionlSystem and Information/Managemant. enables the user to collect. retrieve and manage information necessary to. the efficient and organized operation of • data processing installation. Specifically. Info/Access providesa teleprocessing connection to the Customer SOft.... r. Support Facility (CSSF). This Plblication is intended for the systems progra_rs .nd administrators Mho define the role of InformationlSystem in the installation's syst_ or netllOrks install InformationlSystem and decide in Nhat NaYS to custa.ize it to their installation. Manual. 8 1/2 )C 11 inches. 120 pages. 01/82 11115735-OZS 6C3It-2096 IHFQRMATIOIVSYSTEM mm.!lt:I .& mmR!!. INFQRI1ATION This·publication provides a general introduction to the InforutionlSystu Progra. Product. Through its associated progra. products. Infor.ationlHVS. Infor.ation/ttanagement and Release 2 of Information/Access. Infol'lllationlSystem aids an install.tion in performing syst_ manageaent tasks. The publication provides a gener.l description of InformationlSystent and its progrant products as wall .s initial planning· information and .igration considerations for Version 1 users. Manual. 8 112 )C 11 inches. 03/83 1120115665-267.5665-952.5665-953.5665-955 _,-I SC3lt-2100 INFQRMATIQN/SYSTEM mm!!:f .& INSTALLATION InformationlSystem Version 2 is a program product lIith optional companion products that enable the user to collect. retrieve and .anage inforution that is valuable to the daily operation of a data processing installation. It presents detailed procedures for installing Infor..tionlSystem. Infonnation/Management. Inform.tionlHVS. and describes planning considerations .nd techniques to customize the program to Meet the requirements of each inst.ll.tion. This Plblication is intended for the systems prograMmers and administrators Mho define the role of Information/System in the installation's systes or netllOrk. install Infor..tionlSystem and decide in Nhat lIays to cust_ize it to their installation. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 200 pages. 09/82 11341/5665-952 SC3lt-2101 INFORMATIotVSYSIEM !!!Il INFQR!!ATI!!I!/!tANAEiEMENT CI/SIOMlZATJON InformationlSystem and Information/Management are program products that enable users to collect. retri eve .nd .anage inforution that is valuable to the daily operation of a data processing installation. It describes planning .nd cust_izing .ctiviti .. that installations _y Nant to consider to tailor the progra. to net their requir_ts. This public.tion is intended for the syst_ progra_rs .nd administrators Mho define the role of 558 ( ~- " , , / ( SC34 SC34 problem. change and configuration records). It describes how to use stored response chains. hON to run reports and it explains the purpose of user profiles. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 250 pages. 09/83 //37//5665-952 InforntionlHanaguent in the installation's system or network and decide in Nhat Nays to custOlllize it to their installation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 //34//5665-952.5665-953 ( SC34-2102 INFORMATIONVHANAGEMENT VERSIgH ! PROBLEM MANAGEMENT SUIDE Information/Hanagement (Info/Management) is a program product that aids the user in the IHnagemmt of probluh change and configuration information Nithin a data processing systell. Infontanagement users can be systelllS administrators. clerks. managers. operators. systems and applications programmers. or other systems or operational personnel. This publication describes how Infontanagement may be used to perform various problem lIanagement tasks. It includes task scenarios (step-by-step and quick-use examples). panel descriptions and report formats. This publication is 1 of 3 that replaces SC34-2031. The other tNC in this group are SC34-2103 and SC34-2104. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 //37//5665-953 SC34-2106 INFQRHATIPN/SYSTEM MESSAGES ~ ~ This publication lists the .assages and user co.pletion (ABEND) codes produced by Information/System and its companion program products. InformationlHanagement and Information/MVS. The Messages described are those for Nhich online explanations are not available. The messages and codes are intended for users of the product and for systems programmers who install and maintain the product. The IleSsages are presented in alphameric order where possible. Completion codes are listed in numeric order (hexadec;'nal and decimal). Each lIessage and code is explained and. where appropriate. the accOllpanying actions by Information/System are described and a user response is suggested. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 144 pages. 09/83 //40//5665-952,5665-953,5665-955 SC34-2103 INFORMATIONntANAGEMENT ~ ! ~ MANAGEMENT §Ylgg Information/Hanagement (Infontanagement) is a program product that aids the user in the management of problem. change and configuration information Nithin a data processing system. Info/Hanagement users can be systems administrators. clerks. IHnagers. operators. systellS and applications programmers. or other systems or operational personnel. This publication describes hoN Info/Hanagement may be used to perform various change IHMguent tasks. It includes scenarios (step-by-step and quick use examples)' panel descriptions and reports. This publication is 1 of 3 that replaces SC34-2031. The other tNO in this group are SC34-2102 and SC34-2104. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 //37//5665-953 SC34-2107 INFORMAUONI!1VS §!I.mg This publication describes how to use the search and retrieval program of the Inforution/Systell Program to obtain data from the InformationlHVS data base program product. The information in the InformationlMVS data base is intended primarily for systems programmers and engineers. but can also be used by data processing IHnagers and by clerks and program librarians. Infor ... tionlMVS is an organized collection of technical information pertinent to the MVS environment. The information is kept online on the user's system. Users access the data by signing on to Information/System through ISO and ISPF onto a display terminal such as 3270. To retrieve the InformationlMVS data. users enter cOllllllanels that search the data base using specific keYNOrk combinations in a search argument. Co_nels can also be used to brONSe the data base. Functions are also provided to enable data to be printed to output devices. and also to 0111_ users to add their own data to the searchable data base. The Information/System Installation manual is a prerequisite document for InforlHtion/HVS users. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 //37//5665-955 SC34-2104 INFORMATIONntANAGEMENT ~ ! CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT GUIDE InforntionlHanagement (lnfontanagement) is a program product that aids the user in the IHnagement of problem. change and configuration information within a data processing system. This publication is 1 of 3 that replaces SC34-2031. The other tNC in this group are SC34-U03 and SC34-2102. Info/Hanagement users can be syst_ administrators. clerks. managers. operators. syst_ and applications programmers. or other systems or operational personnel. This publication describes how Info/Management lAY be used to perform various configuration management tasks. It includes task scenarios (step-by-step and quick-use examples), panel descriptions and report formats. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 //37//5665-953 SC34-2108 Hf!!A :a!m1ON 1 .!ruB REFERENCE SC34-2105 INFORMATIONtSYSIEM ~ ! REFERENCE This publication provides CO\IIPrehensive material needed to exercise the facilities and fln:tions of Information/System and InforlHtionlHanagement. InformationlHanagement is a program product related to the InforlHtion/System program product Nhich is an online conversational tool that can help an installation control and IHnage its problems. changes. syst... configurations and also search for Info/MVS data. This publication describes all Info/System c_nds. It explains hoN to search the Info/MVS data base and the Info/Systlllll Data base (Nhich also contains Info/Hanagement This publication is intended to provide assistance to the help-desk operator. system/netNCrk operator and technical support person in interpreting data presented on "PDA displays. It consists of a general tutorial about error andstatistical data supplied to NPDA and also provides scenarios demonstrating how a user NOuld retrieve and analyze this information for the purpose of proble. determination. A substantial portion of this publication i sdevoted to products supported by NPDA and for each describes the environment under which the product operates. specific error data provided to NPDA and other problem determination information that relates to the product. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 02/83 //37//5668-983 SC34-2109 INTERACTIVE 559 ( ~ mmI PRODUCTIYIU FACILIU REFERENCE l!!.!!!!A!r! This publication iii extracted froll the Interactive System Productivity Facility: Dialog Management Services. 6C34 SC34 Mess.ges are produced for the NetllOrk c-r.ic.tions Control F.cility (NCCF) .uthorized t ..... in.l oper.tor or syst. . console operator .nd for the NPDA ter.in.l user. All _s.ges are shown in numeric order and all return codes displ.yed in NPOA IItISsages are in deci.al forMt. Each _sage is explained and Nhere .ppropriate. the accoapanying actions of the NPOA COMponent are described .nd .ccoapanied by suggested oper.tor responses .nd progranuer actions. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 100 p.ge•• 12/84 //401/5666-295.5668-920.5665-321.5664-190 SC34-2088. The re.der is .ssumed to be fa.iU.r lIith that public.tion NhiCh provides selected syst. . info....ation and presents the syntax rules to be followed Nhen creating the coapanent parts of • di.log. Nhich is .n interactive prograa or command procedure. Reference Card. 3 5/8 x 7 1/4 inChes. 12 panels. 10/82 //39//5668-960 6C34-2110 ~.Imml&!! DETERMINATION APPLICATION ~ J E!H1!iBA!! ~ This public.tion describes the functions. operating environment and Narranty provisions of the HetNOrk Problt!ll Deteraination Application Version 3. Prograa Product. Nhich .ssists the user in perfor.ing netloIOrk and syst. . probl... dete.... ination. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inChes. 06/83 //20//5668-920.5666-295 SC34-2117 HfIl6 mlW!H 1 INSTALWION (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides infor... tion needed to pl.n for. install .nd operate the NetllOrk Probl_ Deteraination Application (NPOA) progra. product on MVS or VSE syst_. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 100 pages. 12184 /134//5666-295.5668-920.5665-321.5664-190 SC34-2111 mnmt J mww. INFORMATION (!:WRENT RELEASE) This publication provides introductory information .bout NetNOrk Probl_ Deter.ination AppUc.tion Version 3 (NPOA) Prograa Product. Nhich provides alert service and a user to retrieve and exa.ina cOlllllU\ication natllOrk .nd syet. . error data in .n inter.ctive environaent. It provides a general description of NPOA .s Nell as initial pl.ming inforaation needed for inst.ll.tion. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 40 pages. 06/83 //20115666-295.5668-920 tIf!l! .11_ SC34-2112 ~ lllBl!..!J §Y1Ill (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the oper.tion of the NetllOrk Probl... D.t.rMin.tion Applic.tion (NPDA) progr.a product. This inforNtion is directed to console operators. syet_ prograannrs .nd others Mho need to knoll .bout NPOA's oper.tion .nd us •• Manu.l, 8 1/2 )( 11 inChes, 200 p.ges. 12/84 11371/5668-920.5666-295,5665-321.5664-190 t!I!U SC34-2113 t!I!U m.!!l!ltI oJ REcot!1EII!ED &;!!!!If iYlIIf (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the recommended .ctions that .re shoNn in displ.ys provided by the NetllOrk Probl. . Deteraination Applic.tion (NPOA) prograa product. The infon.tion presented h.re is intended to .ssist the user in isol.ting the specific resource that caused .n error condition. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inChes. 100 pages. 12/84 //40//5668-920.5666-295.5665-321.5664-190 SC34-2114 t!I!U m.!!l!ltI J ~ REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides technical inforntion .bout the NetllOrk Probl. . Dete.... in.tion Application (NPOA) progr•• product .nd illustr.teS its use in a variety of envi rcnnents. It is intended to be used pri .arily by Level 3 personnel for their 0Nn education .nd reference. It should also be useful in the creation of operation guides .nd training aaterial for Levels 1 and 2 personnel. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 600 pages. 12184 11371/5668-920,5666-295.5665-321.5664-190 SC34-2115 HfIl6 mnm:I J MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication lists the llessages produced by the NetNOrk Probl. . Detereination AppUcation (NPOA) progr.a product. SC34-2118 INEORMAJIONIHAHAGEMENT ~ MODIFICAtION Infor.. tionlManagetlent (InfolMan.gu.nt) is • progr•• product that runs undar Info ..... tion/Syst.. IInfolSyst_1t • progr•• product that provides .n online. inter.ctive . .thod for users to collect. retrieve .nd ••nage infor•• tion that is v.l\Nllble to the data processing inst.ll.tion. P.nel Modification i. intended for people Mho need to t.ilor panels to custOllize InfolManage.ent or other rel.ted InfolSyet. . progr.M product •• This public.tion COMPleMents Infora.tion/Syst....nd InforNtionlMan.gtlllent CustOlliz.tion. It describes PMF .nd deMonstrates its us.ge through field descriptions. t.sk checklists .nd scenarios. Man\NII1. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 500 p.ges. 09/83 1137115665-953 SC34-2119 INFQRMATION(SJSTEM mm!U .& gIASNOSIS This publication provides guidelines for resolving problus that occur lIhile using Inform.tion/Syst_ Version 2 Progr•• Product. or its COMPanion products. Infora.tionlM.nagelllant .nd Inforaation/MVS. It expl.ins procedures for recovering from errors .nd how to loc.te problems in p.nels that a user NY have lIIOdified. The infor.. tion is directed to _tOIler . . intenanee personnel .nd .yst.... progr.mmers Mho need to knoll .bout the Info/Syst. . design. organization .nd data .reas. Man\NII1. 8 1/2 )( 11 inChes. 130 pages 1/37115665-953 SC34-2126 ~ PERFORMANCE PLANNING FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION This publication describes VM Performance Planning F.cility (VMPPF) Progra. Product. VMPPE builds .nd solves. highlevel .nalytic DIOdel of • VM syst... The infor.ation provided is sufficient to deteraine the applicability of VMPPF to a d.ta processing inst.llation. This pubUcation is intended for VM install.tion ..nagers and technical personnel Mho need basic inforntion about VMPPF. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 01/83 1120/15664-179 6C34-2127 ~ PERFORMANCE PLANNING FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS This public.tion serves as the basis for the Narranty of the VM Perfor••nce Plaming Facility (VMPPF) progr•• product. The infor..tion aids inst.llation ..na~t and arketing personnel in their evaluation of VMPPE's applicability to the install.tion by describing the 560 6C31't SC31't Syst. . Productivity Facility !ISPF) and ISPF/Progra. Development Facility !ISPF/PDF and PDF). It is intended for IHrketing and custOller personnel Mho are assessing the applicability of ISPF and ISPF/PDF to a particular installation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 01l8ft 11115665-319 Narranted flmCtions of VI'IPPF and ita operating anvi rONlents. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/86 1120115661't-179 SC3l't-2128 VMPPF GUIDE !tl!l REFERENCE This publication describes hoM to use the VIt Perfor..nce Planning Facility (VMPPF) prograll product. a prograll that builds and solves high-level analytic IIIOdel.s of a VM system. The infor..tion provided is intended for all users of VltPPF. It describes how to use VMPPF within the overall capacity plaming and perfor..nee unagement process of an installation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 01183 113I't115661't-179 SC3l't-ZlZ9 A STRUCTURED APPROACH m DESCRIBIN6 8lIl SEARCHIN6 PROBLEMS This publication provides guidelines on hoM the .ympt~ and resolution sections of the Info/l1anagement prOllPting sequence may be used for problem analysis and duplicat. problem recognition. The prompting sequence defines a proble. definition language used to describa problems Kith all data processing related products. This publication includes general discussions concerning the ...aning and us. of the probl_ language def i ned by the InfolManaguent symptoe and resolution panels. general discussions concerning hoM this problem language ..y be used when conunicating Kith Level One or when using Info/Access. general probl. . analysis steps and guidelines and general search techniques. This pblication is intended for all product developers, syst... engineers, change tea. representatives. prograM support representatives, Level One personnel and systf!lllS progran.rs that cOllllllUnicat. Kith data bases containing APARs. SE CollllllUllication Data and other probl. . description data. Manual, 8 liZ x 11 inches. 100 pages IIZOI15735-OZS.5665-95Z,5665-953 SC3l't-Z130 !!ellA mm!tI J DIAGNOSIS ! CURRENT RELEASE) This plblication provides technical inforlHtion to aid in the evaluation of problns r.lated to the operation of the NetNOrk Proble. Detereination Application INPDA) progra. product. The inforllation presented here is intended for use by personnel responsible for diagnosing and resolving progra. probl_ in the envir~t U'lder which NPDA operates. Manual. 8 liZ x 11 inches, 100 pages. 12/8ft 1137115668-920,5666-295,5665-321,5661't-190 SC3l't-2132 l2f A!l!l ISPF/PDF .Em! mae DIA6t!OSIS !CURRENT RELEASE) This publication applies to the use of the Interactive System Productivity Facility !ISPF) and ISPF/Program Development Facility IISPF/PDF and PDF) in the VSE/AF environment. It contains inforMation that is useful for diagnosing proble... in the operation of these progra. products. It is intended for use by anyone involved loIith probl. . diagnosis and resolution. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 56 pages. 06/83 11371/5666-281.5668-960 6C3I't-2136 INTERACTIVE mmJ PRODUCTIVIU FACILIU mlm!f 1 lmI9!I. INFORMATION This publication provides an ov.rvi .... and initial plaming inforMation for tNO r.lated program products: Interactive SC3l't-2138 INTERACTIVE mimi PRODUCTIVIU FACILIU ~ 1 Il!!YI§ MANAGEMENT SERVICES EXAMPLES This publication supplements ISPF Dialog Management Services SC3l't-2137 and provides exaeples of hoM dialogs invoka ISPF services. It is intended for use by applications and systf!lllS progra_rs engaged in dev.lopment of interactive programs. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 01/81't 11115665-319 6C3I't-211't1 INTERACTIVE mmJ PRODUCTIVIU FAtUIU YlUl!!H 1 SPECIFICATIONS The Interactive System Productivity Facility !ISPF) Licensed progra. Specification serves as a basis for the loIarranty of the Interactive System Productivity Facility Program Product. This publication provides infor.ation on the Narranted flmCtion of the prograM product and states the Specified Operating EnvirOMent. It is intended pri ..rily for licansees and prospects. Flyer, 8 liZ x 11 inches, 01/8ft 11115665-319 6C3I't-21I'tZ ISPF/pgF fQB ~ SPECIFICATIONS The Interactive System Productivity Facility/Progra. Development Facility !ISPF/PDF) Licensed Progra. Specifications I LPS) serves as a basis for the Narranty of the Interactive Syst. . Productivity Facility/PrOgra. Development Facility Progra. Product for MYS. This publication provides information on the Narranted flmCtion of the progra. product and states the Specified Operating Environment. This publication is intended for lic_ _ and prospects. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. OZ/84 11115665-317 SC3l't-211't3 INTERACTIVE ~ PRODUCTIVIU FACILIU YERnQtj 1 INSTALLATIOt! !tm CUSTOMIZATION This publication contains detailed infor_tion on hoM to install and cU5t~ize Interactive System Productivity Facility IISPF), and Interactive System Productivity Facility/Progra. Development Facility IISPF/PDF) under MVS/TSO. It describes hoM to install ISPF and ISPF/PDF. modify the distributed release of ISPF and ISPF/PDF, and extend ISPF and ISPF/PDF functions. The publication is intended for anyone involved in the installation or custOilization of ISPF and ISPF/PDF. Prerequisite plbUcation is ISPF for MVS: Dialog Manageeent Services, SC3l't-2137. Manual, 8 liZ x 11 inches, 1/84 11115665-317,5665-319 SC3l't-Zll't1't COOPERATIVE mIW:I!li F!CILIU ImB.!J iYm This publication describes hoM to use the Cooperative Vi.ing Facility (CVIEW) thet operat_ as a disconnected virtual ..chine under VMlSP and CIIS. CVIEII synchronizes tMO tar.inals in such a way that whatever is shololn on one 561 ( SC34 SC34 .creen i. also .hoNn on the other. Thi. publication i. intended for users of vtI who require assistance frOll design.ted consult.nt• •nd for any two user. who find it. capability useful. It provides .tep-by-step instructions to guide both the user and the consult.nt in the use of CVIEW. User di.gnostic. help and _ •• ge infor•• tion i. includad. I1anusl. 8 112 x 11 inches. 34 pages. 09/83 11301/5664-187 6C34-2149 COOPERATIVE :v.mW:I§ FACmU §!!tiAJ. INFIlRMATIot! Thi. publication describes the prograll for vtI syst_. It contains preinstallation planning infortHtion and • progr•• s.-ary. ttanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10 pages 11201/5664-187 6C34-2150 COOPERATIVE ~ FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS This publication explains machine .nd progr• •ing requirement. and the ... rranty. It is intended for Mrketing purposes. Fly.r. 8 1/2 x 11 inches 11201/5664-187 SC34-2151 COOPERATIVE :v.mW:I§ FACILITY INStALLATION MESSAGES ~ DIAGNOSIS This publication cont.ins the CVIEN installation procedure. • list of lIte.sages generated by CVIEN. cros.-references of .assages to exec•• exec. to _sages. _s.ges to .adulea and .adul.s to ...ss.ges. It is intended both for personnel who will inst.ll CVIEW .nd who will be responsible for di.gnosing and resolving progr•• problema. I1anusl. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 58 pages. 12/83 11401/5664-187 SC34-2153 ~ PERFORMANCE PLANNIH6 FACILITY SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Thi. publication contains previously published .rticl.s concerning c.rtain aspects of the VM Performance Plaming Facility (VMPPF). The inforllation is provided to product users to supplement the information provided in VMPPF Guide and R.f.rence, SC34-2128. It explains the technical details of the lIIOdel portion of VMPPF (PPFMOD) and describes the IIIOdeling approximations in PPFHOD. so.e of which .re inherent in the queueing network IIOCIeling techniques. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 01/83 1'1341/5664-179 (InfolManageHntl Progr•• Products. The inst.ll.tion of InfO/System .nd Info/Management Version 2 is a prerequi.ite to the inst.llation of Info/Acces •• This publication i. intended for the inst.ll.tion ...nage.....yst... progr.-.-. .nd ope ... tors who define the role of Info/Acces. in the inst.ll.tion' • •yst.. or network. inat.llInfo/Acc.... decide in what w.ys to custOllize InfO/Acc... or control the teleproc... ing connection. I1anusl. 8 112 x 11 inches. 130 pages. 05/84 1134115665-267 6C34-2158 INFORMATIQN(AccEss ~ 1 SPECIFICATIONS This public.tion contains the licensing .greeMent infor... tion for the Info.... tionlAcc••• V.rsion 2 progre. p..oduct. Also included i. the lic_e info.... tion .nd info.... tion about provided .ervices. Fly.... 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 11/86 1120115665-267 6C34-2164 n!!e §!!tiAJ. INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) Thi. publication desc .. ibes the Virtual Machine MOnitor Analysi. Program. used to create perfo.... nce report. on vtI .ysttlllS. It i. intended for D.t. Processing .nd InforMtion Syst. . . .nager•• pl.nners end .naly.ts who .re responsible for ••naging the p...formanc. of their current vtI .ystems and fo .. cap.city pl.nning .ctiviti... It includes en overvi. of the product •••lIple product output .nd inst.ll.tion planning inform.tion • Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 26 pages. 10/85 11341/5664-191 6C34-2165 n!!e SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN[ RELEASE) The Virtu.l Machine MOnitor Analysis Progr•• Licensed Progr•• Specific.tions (LPS) .e..ves •• a basi. for the w.rr.nty of the Vi .. tual Machine Monitor Analysi. Proga•• Thi. publication provides info.... tion on the .... rr.nted function of the prog.... and .tates the specifiad oper.ting envi "onIIent. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages, 11/86 11341/5664-191 SC34-2166 n!!e ~ §Ym! Atm REFERENCE (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication desc .. ibes the c.pabilities. ope... ting procedures and us_ of the Virtual Machine MOnitor Analysi. Progra •• It i. e cC>llbination User's Guide .nd Ref.rence I1anual. The User's Guide describes the b•• ic functions of vtlMAP and hoM to use these functions. The Reference Guide describes co...and syntax and p.....t.r files. li.t• • 11 error ....s.ges and provides detailed ..eport descriptions. It i. intended for vtI Syst. . Analysts .nd Progr._r. Mho use the product. This is a component of 5I<2T-0888. I1anua1. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 440 pages. 12/84 11341/5664-191 :;C34-2156 INFORMATION/ACCESS DIA6NPSIS This public.tion provides problem det.rllin.tion for the Infor•• tionlAcce!5s UnfO/Access) Progr•• Product. The infoMl.tion is directed to custOller .. intanance personnel who have to determine the c.use of probll!lllS .nd provide user. Mith bypass and recovery inforMation. I1anu.l. 8 112 x 11 inches. 03/84 1137115665-267 SC34-2157 INFORMATION/ACCESS INSTALLATION CUSIOMIZATION ~! ~ OPERATION This publication describes detailad info.... tion for inst.lling. custOllizing and oper.ting the Information/Aceess IInfo/Access) Progra. Product. Info/Acees. i. used in conjunction with Version 2 of the InfortHtionlSysta IInfolSyst.. ) .nd InforMtion/l1anagennt SC34-2168 VMAP INSTALLATION §Yl!lg (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the inst.ll.tion pl'OCllCll.lr. for the program product Virtu.l M.chine MOnitor Analysi. Progra•• Prerequi.ite hardware .nd soft... re .......11 •• DASO space requir_ts are included. The sanual al.o desc .. ibes how to apply .ervice to the product. This onusl i. intended for Syst.. Progra.........nd theIIe responsible forinstalling and Mint.ining vtlMAP. 562 ( SC34 GC34 This is a cogponent of SK2T-0888. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 25 pages. 12/84 11341/5664-191 GC34-2172 I!!!.U.!lI W lH Iliff (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides inforllat.ion about the improYellenta and enhancements that have been .ade to the Interactive Syst. . Productivity Facility (ISPF) and ISPF Progra. Development Facility (ISPF/PDF) for MVS and VMlSP. These naN features are contained in Version 2 Release 2 of these progra. products. These features apply to applications using the didog . .nager .ervic... or to applications using the dialog .aneger .ervices and the Progra. Development Facility. or to direct use of the Progra. Development Facility. Thi. publication is intended to be read by people Nho are familiar Nith Ver.ion 1 of ISPF and ISPF/PDF. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/84 11201/5665-317.5665-319.5664-282.5664-285 SC34-2173 DeE mnmt .& RIAIJl§ MAHA6EMENI SERYICES fQB ~ (CURREN[ RELEASE) This publication applies to the use of the Interactive Syst. . Productivity Facility nSPF) in the VMlSP envil'OllllNlnt. It describes hoM to use ISPF dialog Hnageeent .ervlces in programs and cOlllllland procedures. In addition. it includes ageneral overvi. of ISPF. including ita .tructure. function and sample probl.... It is intended for use by applications and systeu progra_rs engaged in developlll8nt of interactive progra• • Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 430 pages. 10/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( SC34-2174 Iliff ~ .& Rl!ba§ MANAGEMENt SERYICES EXAMPLES fQB YHQlf! (CURREN[ RELEASE) This publication applies to the use of Interactive Syst. . Productivity Facility (ISPFI in the VMlSP environment. It i. intended for applications and .ystelll!l prograllllllers engaged in developlIMInt of interactive prograll!l. This publication supplement. ISPF Dialog Managelllent Servic. . (SC34-2173) and provides exaaples of hoM dialogs invoke. ISPF .ervices. The exaaples appear in the context ofth.... .... 11 dialogs (Examples 1. 2. and 3) and iaplementations of an "employee records" application and a "tel~ book" appli cat i on (Examples 4 and 5). Examples 1. 2. and 3 are in REXX. Examples 4 and 5 include a description of the application and listings of dialog COllJ)Clnl!nts (dialog functions ••election and data entry paneldefinitions. _sages and file tailoring skeletons) required to process the application I.nder ISPF. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 125 pages. 10/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .;c34-2175 Iliff ~ .& fQB ~ SPECIFICATIONS (!:WREN! RELEASE) This publication serves as a basi. for the Narranty of the Interactive Syst. . Productivity Facility Progra. Product. It provides inforution on the Marranted function of the progra. product and states the Specified Operating SC34-2176 ISPFtPDF YmW!t:I .& ~ REFERENCE fi!B ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is designed to improve user productivity inthe development of applications and contains special functions for the developlHnt. test and use of interactive applications ~alled dialogs. It i. intended to aid applications or .ystems prograllllller. developing programs under VM. The first three chapters provide infor.ation pertinent to use of the ter.inal. fOl"llatof the di.plays and a description of programming libraries. Succeeding chapter. ded Nith the use of particular PDF functions .electable frOID the prilnary option 1HnU. Appendixes contain a usage scenario. a description of listing forots and co.and summaries. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 i nchas. 10/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC34-2178 ISPF/PPF ~ .& SERYICES fi!B ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is designed to improve user productivity in the development of applications and contains special functions for the development. test and use of interactiva applications called dialogs. Varsion 2 of ISPF/PDF enhances the PDF options. especially Edit. as _11 as additional facilities aiding Library Manageeent. This publication describes the Library Access Service and the enhanceatent. to the Edit and BrONSe options of ISPF/PDF. It assunes that the reader is an applications or systems programmer engaged in progra. development and ts fa.iliar Nith the VH environment. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC34-2179 ISPFtPQF WI ~ fi!!l ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is designed to improva user productivity in the development of applications and contains special functions for the development. test and use of interactiva applications called dialogs. It is intended to be used to aid applications or systems progra_r. developing edit macros to be run Nith the ISPF/PDF editor. It provides an introduction to the . .cro facilities and hoM to use thea ..ith sample HcrOll for guidance. It also provides reference infor.ation about eacheacro statement. The reader aust be fa.iliar Nith CMS and the ISPF/PDF editorand .ust have sa.e knotlledge of EXEC coding in EXEC2 and/or REXX. Before reading this publication. the user aust read the ISPF/PDF Progra. Reference for VM (Varsion 21. SC34-2176. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC34-2180 ISPF/PPF VERSION & fi!B ~ SPECIFICATIONS (ClRREtfT RELEASE) This publication serves as a basi. for the Narranty of the Interactive Syst. . Productivity Facility/Progra. Develop.ant Facility Progra. Product for VHlSP. It provides infor.ation on the Marranted function of the progra. product and states the Specified Operating Envirorwent. This publication is intended for lic_ _ and prospect•• Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Envir~t. This publication i. intended priurily for lic_ _ and prospects. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. StIISCRIPTION ONLY GC34-2181 563 ( mmw. ~ 1 fiIB ~ INFORI1ATION ( CURREN[ RELEASE) This publication provides an overvi_ of and initia! plaming inforaation for tNO related progra. products. It is intended for use by urketing and custa.er personnel Nho Iliff 6C34 6C34 are re&p«Wible for assessing a particular installation'. need for these prograM products. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC34-2182 ISPF VERSION g INUALUJION &m CUSIO!1IZATIOt! .Emf ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains detailed infor. .tion about installing and custOMizing the Interactiv. Syst. . Productivity Facility (ISPF) and the Interactive Syst. . Productivity Facility/Prograll Development Facility (ISPF/PDF and PDF) lmder VlVSP. It explains how to install ISPF and ISPF/PDF • .odify the distributed release of ISPF and ISPF/PDF and extend ISPF and ISPF/PDF functions. The following publications provide infor.ation about features of ISPF and ISPF/PDF prograa products: ISPF for YH: Dialog Management Service. SC34-2173 and ISPF/PDF for YH: Reference, SC34-2176. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 10/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC34-2183 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/82 ////5743-NET SC34-2203 nI PRODUCTIVITY JUm.!! USER'S GUIDE This publication is for users of YH Productivity Syst. . products on the Infor. . tion Network. Manual. 393 pages. 07/82 ////5743-NET SC34-2204 nIE§ .ImB.!.li ~ fi!R LINE ORIENTED TERMINALS This publication contains inforaation to help access and use the aids and products of the Virtual Machine Productivity System (YHPS) when using a line-oriented terainal. If a full-screen terainal is being used. refer to Inforaation Network VM Productivity Syst. . User's Guide. SC34-2203. Manual ////5743-NET SC34-2205 nff ~ g fi!R ~ (CURRENT RELEASE! Thi. publication i. designed to help users create interactive applications. called dialogs. ~re efficiently. These products provide special functions that aid in developing. testing and using interactive applications. ISPF. the dialog lIanager. provides services to support dialogs that run under its control. PDF helps users to develop dialogs and other types of applications in an interactive environment. Thi. publication provides information for diagnosing problems in ISPF and ISPF/PDF under YH/SP. The reader _ t be a systems progr._r. involved in prograa maintenance or .odification, who is faailiar with the YH/SP environment. ISPF General Infor.... tion, 6C34-2181. provides a brief overvi ... of ISPF and ISPF/PDF functions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 10/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6C34-2184 AfJ. !lm INTERFACE f!!B !!:!! PERSONAL COHMER !W!!Z§ This publication describes the APLDI/PC product. its advantages, examples of function, hardw.re and software requirements. ordering details and price. It is intended as an .djunct to the announcement doc~tation and to be given to prospects. Brochure. 04/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC34-2193 INFORMATIotV!1VS. 5665-955. INFQR!tATIONCm-VSE. 5668-919. VERSION !.a. .Ell! VlVSP §!.!!!!S This publication is designed to help a user understand the purpose and forllat of the Info/YH-VSE data base. and to provide techniques for searching it. The publication is directed to users of the Info/Vl1-VSE prograa product. It is intended for syst. . progr....rs or syst. . engineers and data processing Nnagetllent Mho need access to the Info/YH-VSE data. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 65 p.ges. 1/85 //37//5665-955.5668-919 IQ ~ LINE-MODE TERMINALS This publicatiOl'! contains information required to set up a terminal for use Nith the IBM/IN. log onto the IBM/IN. use the services available froa the Service Manager and log onto the IBM/IN using a secondary network (Tel_t!. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 44 pages. 08/83 ////5743-NET ~ ~ 6C34-2206 INFORMATION ~ SECURITY BULLETIN A description of data .nd site security . .asures and procedures for users of the IBM Inforaation Network. Manual. 22 pages. 06/82 ////5743-NET ) SC34-2218 INFORMATION I:Im!2!!!S .Im!C§ GUIDE .Emf ~ FULL ~ DEVICES IlH !!:!! INFORMATION NETWORK The Yale ASCII Ter.inal COllllllUnication Syst. . II software is installed by the Inforaation Network to emul.te full-screen. 3270 functions for customers using start/stop devices. This docUlllent provides ter.inal setup instructions for Inforaation Network representatives working with custo..rs and for service adainistrators responsible for customers. It also describes procedures for connecting ter.inals to the netNOrk and keyboard aappings for the end user. Terainal users should consult the manufacturers descriptions of their terainals before attempting to connect to the Infor. . tion NetNork. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 09/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC34-2Z20 !!lW!!i APPLICATION SYSTEM IlH !!:!! INFORMATIIlH NETWORK This public.tion is intended for all InforMation Network Application Users. It explains haN to use the AS product. It also contains examples that shaN how to print data. share files and transfer data between AS and other products on the InforMation Network. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 120 pages. 02/83 1///5743-NET SC34-2202 !1lai PRODUCTIYITY ~ .ImB.!.li §!.!!!!S This publication is intended to provide an understanding of the facilities that compri •• the HVS Productivity Systea (HVSPS). 564 (j ( GC34 SC34 6C34-2221 INFORHATION NETWORK INFORHATION EXCHANGE INTRODUCTION For information about this publication contact the controlling party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List, ZZ20-0100. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 76 pages, 04/84 GC34-2257 INFORHATION ~ ~ SERVICES INTRODUCTION This publication introduces Network Services of the InfoMlation Network. It is written for those individuals who are evaluating how Network Services can supplement and lleet their data processing and commmication needs. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 72 pages, 6/85 11115743-NET 1120115743-NET SC34-2222 INFORHATION ~ INFORMATION EXCHANGE INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS This publication is the reference guide for progra_rs who are creating application interfaces for the Information Network Information Exchange product. Information Exchange was first offered to the insurance industry in 1983. The store-and-forward message service it provides also may prove broadly useful in other industries, including transportation, distribution, warehousing, manufacturing and finance. Users may wish to read Introduction to Information Exchange, 6C34-2221 before using this publication. Hanual, 8 i/2 x 11 inches, 240 pages, 05/84 SC34-2266 INF.ORHATION SERVICES INFORHATION NETWORK elECTRONIC FACILITY GUIDE The Electronic Support Facility (ESFI is an integrated personal computer-to-mainframe application. It can help an organization make information available to a large number of users of the Information Services, Information Network. Hanual, 7 1/2 x 8 1/2, 160 pages, 7/86 11115743-NET 6C34-2277 INSURANCE CDHMUNICATION SERVICE GENERAL INFORHATION This publication gives insurance industry members who are not data processing specialists an overview of the capabilities of the Information Network's Insurance Communication Service and the requirements for using it. It describes the _sage exchange services, called InfoMlation Exchange. the interactive services and the support services provided through IBHlIN. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 64 pages, 06/83 11I15743-NET SC34-2228 INFORHATION t!mIll!lS SECONDARY Hm!!lBJS PBOCEDWES REFERENCE This reference summary card contains the logon procedures for accessing the Information Network through a secondary startlstop network IIITelenal. It raplaces the secondary netlIOrk procedures previously found in the Information Network Guide to Using Line-Hocla Terminals, SC34-2205 and the Information Network Guide to Using Display Terminal., SC34-2201. IITrademark of GTE-Telanat Corporation Reference Card, 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 6 panel., 01/85 1I11S743-NET 11115743-NET SC34-2231 INFORMATION t!mI!B!S PERSONAL CO!1MER INFORMATION EXCHANGE INTERFACE DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS This publication enables Personal Computer user. to create eIata files and mes.ages and to transmit them to the Information Exchange. Thus. the Information Exchange Interface extends the network management featur_ of the Information Exchange to users of the Personal Computer. The Information Exchange Interface IIEIFI described in this publication is ready for use Nithout modification. However, the product MY be custOlllized in response to a unique need by Nriting an application program designed to accommodate the need. The publication is structured to .upport the tllO user groups. The first four chapters are intended for those using the product a. delivered. The retRaining chapters are intended for those writing a customized application. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 108 pages, 1/85 SC34-2278 INSlIANCE CO!!MfICATION ~ INFORHATION EXCHANGE INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS This publication describes the interface standards to Nhich suppliers of agency syst... and insurance company developers MUStprogra.. It includes d.scriptions of both the Information Network interface to the Information Exchange store-and-forward message service and the Insurancelnstitute for Research, Inc. Batch Transmission Standard 110-01 interface. Hanual, 8 1/2 x II inches, 292 pages, 06/83 11115743-NET SC34-2279 INSlIANCE COMMUNICATION SERVICE SERVICE PLANNING §!,!mg This publication offers planning information to help insurance company managers and agency system vendor. decide !!hat sort of support they Nish to offer to agents who become users of the Infor.ation Network's Insurance Communication Service. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 40 pages, 06/83 11115743-NET 11115743-NET GC34-2236 INFORHATION ~ ~ SERVICES INSTALLATION GUIDE This publication provides an overview of the requirements to connect users of the NetlIOrk Services product to the Information Network. It is assumed that systems progrannaers in user companies can provide the supplemental infoMlation needed to assist the support team in the attachment process. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 120 pages, 05/84 11115743-NET SC34-2284 USING m INFQRHATION NETWORK This publication describes the tasks that can be performed when using the Information Network. It assumes familiarity in using a display terminal. Hanual, 7 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches. 68 pages, 08186 11115743-NET SC34-2285 SUPPORTING INFORHATION ~ USERS This publication describes the tasks that can be performed when providing support to the users in an aCCCKA"lt, in g_ra1, the description of the functions address this responsibility. The user uy also be a service 565 ( SC34 SC34 administrator assigned to a group within an account and. as such. responsible only for that group of users. The functions presented also reflect the scope of this responsibility. Manual. 7 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches. 112 pages, 08/&6 SC34-4009 fQR n! DIALOG MANAGEMENT GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains guide level information for learning and using Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISpF) for VHlSP. It is written primarily for application and system programmers who have responsibility for applications that use ISPF. It describes ISPF at an introductory level. It also discusses how to create data elements associated with ISPF, and how to use the dialog services provided by ISPF. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 290 pages, 9/85 llfE 11115743-NET SC34-2286 SUPPORTING USERS QE YOUR PRODUCT m:J m INFORMATION NETWORK This publication describes the tasks that can be performed when providing support to the users of a product on the Information Services. Information Net~rk. In general, the description of the functions address this responsibility. Manual, 7 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches, 76 pages. 08/86 11115664-282 SC34-4010 ISPF VERSION g fQH VH/SP DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES Mm EX,~MPlES (CURREIIT RELEASE) This publication contains reference level information for using Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) for SC34-2295 IBMIIN TRY-COPICS ~ GUIDE VH/SP. It is written primarily for application and system programmers who have responsibility for applications that This publication is intended for anyone using the TRY-COPICS offering of the Information Network. It provides the use ISPF. It provides a detailed description of each of the ISPF dialog services. It also includes examples of information needed to access and use the TRY-COPICS dialogs. It shows hOM to set up the COPICS environment, generate applications for ISPF. written in the programming languages and command procedure languages supported by ISPF. application files. execute COPICS transactions and submit Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 320 pages, 9/85 COPICS batch jobs. It also explains how to print COPICS output and backup COPICS files. 11115664-282 Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages, 10/83 11115743-NET 11115743-NET SC34-2296 RESOURCE ACCESS 9l.t!!B.Q.!. FACILITYI\I!1 SUPPORT ffif9 REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains reference material for the RACF/VMsupport PRPQ. Identification of the differences between thefunctions of RACF on MYS and on VH systems is provided. Theinformation in this publication is intended for the use of systems programmers, installation personna I and operators responsible for installing the RACFIVH support PRPQ and operating the VH system. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 120 pages. 09/84 11115767-002 SC34-4011 ISPF/PDF fQR VH/SP USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication explains the use of the Program DevelopmentFacility (PDF) in the VH/SP environment. It describes how the user can use PDF to simplify many programming tasks. Among these tasks are creating and editing source programs and data, assembling. compiling, and link-editing programs, generating and submitting Job Control language (JCl) for batch assembly, compilation, and link-editing of programs. and testing panels and dialog functions. This publication is intended for application or system programmers who are involved in writing ISPF dialogs. This is a component of SK2T-0897. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 9/85 11115664-285 GC34-2297 INTRODUCTION IQ RESOURCE ~ CONTROL FACIlITYI\I!1 SUPPORT pRF!) RELEASE ! This publication describes the Resource Access Control FacilitylVirtual Machine (RACF/VM) Support PRp!), a special program that provides data security for Virtual Machine environments. The publication shows how the product operates in a VH environment. including the kinds of protection and aids to security it provides the VH systeM. It also suggests how to plan and install the product. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 09/84 m 11115767-002 GC34-2298 RESOURCE ~ 9l.t!!B.Q.!. FACIlITYI\I!1 ~ f!!.f!j f§.l!!!!§ SPECIFICATIONS This publication describes the RACFIVH Support PRI'Q that can be used to provide a common security facility for both MYS and VHlSP operating environments. The RACFIVH Support PRPQ now extends selected security and auditability facilities of RACF to users of VHlSP. Flyer, 2 pages, 10/84 11115767-002 SC34-4012 ISPF/PDF fQR ~ SERVICES (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication explains the use of the Program Development Facility (PDF) services in the VHlSP environment. It includes general usage information for the person who needs to use these services. It also includes detailed descriptions of the BROWSE, EDIT, and library access services. The description for each service includes a syntax diagram for that service. Several example programs illustrating the use of PDF services complete the publication. This publication is ;ntended for application or system programmers who need to write dialogs that involve editing, brows;ng, or accessing ISPF libraries. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 9/85 11115664-285 SC34-4013 ISPF/PDF fQR ~ ~ MANAGEMENT (CURRENT RELEASE) The library Management Facility (LMF) is an extension of the Interactive System Product;vity Facility (ISPF) library facilities. It allONS users to control the contents of their libraries and to lIIanage their development processes. libraries controlled by LMF are called "controlled librar;es". This publication explains hoM to create the LMF library 566 SC34 controls and how the controlled libraries are used in the development process. It assumes the reader is engaged in program development and is familiar Nith PDF operation in the VM environment. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 9/85 11115664-285 SC34 111/5665-317 SC34-4019 ISPF AND ISPF/PDF VERSION g .EQR !ooz INSTALLATION Atm CUSTOMIZATION (ClmRENT RELEASE) This publicatTon contains detailed information on hoN to install and customize Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) and Interactive System Productivity Facility/Program Development Facility (ISPF/PDF) under MVSITSO. It describes how to install ISPF and ISPF/PDF. modify the distributed release of ISPF and ISPF/PDF and extend ISPF and ISPF/PDF functions. It is intended for anyone involved in the installation or customization of ISPF and ISPF/PDF. Prerequisites are ISPF for MVS: Dialog Management Services. SC34-4021 and ISPF/PDF for MVS: Reference. SC34-4024. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/85 liC34-4D14 ISPF IPDF FOR VI1/SP EDIT MACROS (CURRENT RELEASE) The Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) and the ISPF/Program Development Facility (ISPF/PDF or PDF) are related program products designed to improve user productivity in the development of applications. PDF aids in the developll\ent of dialogs and other types of applications. This publication is for application and systems programmers Mho develop edit lIIacros to be used Nith the PDF editor. It introduces the macro cornmands and their uses. and provides /11/5665-317.5665-319 sample macros for guidance. It also provides reference information about the macrO statements. The reader IllUSt be familiar Nith CMS and the PDF editor, and SC34-4020 ISPF M!!l ISPF/PDF VERSION g .EQR m DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT must have some knowledge of EXEC coding in EXEC2 andlor REXX. Prerequisite reading is the ISPF/PDF Program RELEASE) Reference. This publication is for customers and support personnel. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/85 Itas5ists them in diagnosing and resolving program problems /1115664-285 inthe MVS environment. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/85 ////5665-317.5665-319 SC34-4015 ISPF !!m ISPF/PDF .EQR VI1/SP INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SC34-4021 This publication describes the installation procedures for 1m ~ g f.QR DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES both the Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) and This publication explains the use of the Interactive System Program Development Facility (PDF). Productivity Facility (ISPF) dialog management services in the MVS environment. It describes the use of these services It also provides the system programmer with detailed in programs. CLISTs and EXECs. In addition. it includes a information on how to install and customize the ISPF and PDF general overview of ISPF. including ISPF's structure and function and includes sample problems. The publication is under the current VMlSP or eMS release. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 120 pages. 9/85 intended for use by applications and system programmers engaged in the development of interactiveprograms. /1115664-282.5664-285 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/85 m /1//5665-319 SC34-4017 mE !!m ISPF/PDF .EQR ~ f!U!:!m (CURRENT RELEASE) The ISPF and ISPF/PDF Primer is an introduction to using both products. It is Nritten for applications programmers Mho are familiar with VMlSP. CMS. and XEDIT. The Primer shONS hoN to develop an ISPF dialog step-by-step. Manual. 8 112 x 8 1/2 inches. 9/85 SC34-4022 !§ff VERSIQN g fQR !ooz ~ MANAGEMENT SERVICES EXAMPLES This publication gives examples of the use of the Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) Dialog Management Services in the MYS enviroment. It supplements ISPF Dialog Management Services. SC34-4D21. provides examples of holt dialogs invoke these services and includes a description of dialog components (dialog functions. selection and entry panel definitions. messages and file tailoring skeletons) required for processing example applications under ISPF. Applications coded in CLIST. EXEC2. APL. COBOL. FORTRAN. PASCAL. and PL/l are included. This publication is intended for use by applications and systems programmers engaged in the development of interactive programs. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/85 11115664-282.5664-285 SC34-4018 ISPF/PDF VERSION g .EQR !ooz EDIT MACROS (CURRENT RELEASE) The Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) and the ISPF/Program Development Facility (ISPF/PDF and PDF) are related program products. Together. they are designed to improve user productivity in the development of applicationsand contain special functions for development. test and use of interactive applications. called dialogs. Specifically: ISPF is a dialog manager for interactive applications. It provides control and services to permit execution of dialogs. PDF is a facility that aids in the development of dialogs and other types of applications. It makes usa of display terminals and an interactive environment to assist Nith many of a programmer's tasks. This publication describes the edit macro facility. the statements that are available and hoN to code them. It assUllleS that the user is an application or systems programmer. engaged in program development. and is familiar Nith coding CLISTs in the MYS environment and Nith the ISPF/PDF editor. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/85 1///5665-319 SC34-4023 ISPF/PDF. 5665-317. VERSION g fQR SERVICES (CURREN[ RElEASE) The Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) and the ISPF/Program Development Facility (ISPF/PDF or PDF) are related products. Together. they are designed to improve user productivity in the development of applications. and contain special functions for the development. test. and use of interactive applications. called dialogs. Specifically: ISPF is a dialog manager for interactive applications. It m 567 ( SC34 SC34 provides control and services to permit execution of the 6C34-4036 ~ !!:!!! ISPF/PDF GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE! dialogs. PDF is a facility that aids in the development of ISPF and ISPF/PDF Version 2 for VNVSP gives customers dialogs and other types of applications. It lIakes use of information about product functions and system requirements. display terminals and an interactive environment to assist It also assists marlteting personnel in their sales efforts. with many of a programmer's tasks. because it emphasizes the product's time-saving features and This publication describes the Library Management Services relates them to potential user applications. and the enhancements to the Edi t and Browse options of ISPF/PDF. It assumes that you are an application 01" systems Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/85 ////5664-282.5664-285 programmer. engaged in prograll development and are faMiliar with MYS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches ///15665-317 GC34-4039 ISPF ~ , fQB MYS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE I The Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) Licensed Program Specifications (LPS) serves as a basis for the SC34-4024 warranty of the Interactive System Productivity Facility INTERACTIVE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY/PROGRAM Prograll Product. This document provides information on the DEVELOPMENT FACILITY ~ ! f9B ~ 5665-317. Narranted function of the prograll product and states the ~ REFERENCE This publication is intended to aid applications 01" systees Specified Operating Environment. programmers developing progra_ under MYS. The This publication is intended primarily for licenses and prospects and secondarily. for personnel. first three chapters provide information pertinent to use of the Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/85 11//5665-319 terMinal. forllat of the displays. and a description of programming libraries. Succeeding chapters deal with the use of particular PDF functions selectable fro. the primary option menu. Appendixes contain a usage scenario. a 6C34-4041 description of listing formats. and comand sUllllaries. ~ Am ISPflPDF ~ , fi!B m mww. INFORMATION Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/85 (CURRENT RELEASE) ////5665-317 This publication gives customers information about product functions and systell requirements. It a150 assists marketing personnel in their sales efforts. because it emphasizes the products' tille-saving features and relates SC34-4025 thell to potential user applications. ISPF/PDF mmm:f , f9B m WBW MANAGEMENT F6CILIU (CURRENT RELEASE) Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/85 The Library Management Facility (LMF) is an extension of ////5665-317.5665-319 the Interactive System Productivity facility (IfPf) library concepts and options. It a11ol111 users to control the contents of their libraries and manage their developMent SC34-4044 processes. Libraries controlled by LMf are called ImHi lI:II INFORtlATION/FAMIIJ' IW!lm BmlW: F6CUIU f.!m m controlled libraries. This publication tells the user hoM ~ ~ 5665-383. 5664-322 to create the LMF library and how the controlled libraries Using the Information/FaMily Report Format Facility provides are used in the development process. It assumes that the system programmers with the necessary information to Modify standard Information/System and Information/Management user is engaged in prpgra. development and is familiar Nith the operation of the ISPf/PDF in the HVS environment. reports and create neN report•• 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/85 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 1/86 Manual. 11//5665-317 GC34-4034 fQB ~ SPECIFICATIONS (CVRRENT·RELEASEI The ISPF Licensed Prograll Specifications (LPS) serve as a basis for the Marranty of the ISPF PrograM Product. This publication provida information on the ",arran ted function of the program product. and states the Specified Operating Environment. It is intended primarily for licensees and prospects. and secondarily. for personnel. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/85 ~ ///15664-282 GC34-4035 ISPF/PDF f9B ~ SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) The ISPF/PDF Licensed Program Specifications (LPS) serve as a basis for the warranty of the ISPF/PDF Prograll Product. This publication provides information on the warranted function of the program product and states the Specified Operating Environment. It is intended primarily for licensees and prospects. and secondarily. for personnel. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/85 ////5664-285 /1/15665-383.5664-322 6C34-4045 INTRODUCING I!!S INFORMATION/FAMILY VHISP A!I!l m Introducing the InformatiOn/Family presents a high level overview of Information/System. InformationlManagement. Information/Access. InformationIMVS. and Information/VH-VSE for both MYS and VlVSP operating environments. Chapter 1. describe. the functions and relationships of each member of the Information/Family. Chapter 2. gives a visual and a descriptive overvieN of the books in the Information/Family Library. Chapter 3. highlights the new function provided bYVersion 3. Chapter 4. outlines the hardware and software requirements. This publication is a component of SBOF-0017 .nd SBOF-0018. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 01/86 1120115665-384.5664-323 SC34-4046 . PLANNING A!I!l INSTALLING I!!S INFORMATION/FAMILY fQR This publication dascribes the tasks involved in planning for and installing the Information/Family program products. It is intended for product planners. and systetll prograllllllers Mho install the products. and provide procedures for using the products. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 400 pages. 11/66 //34//5665-384.5668-919.5665-383.5665-955.5665-267 m 568 / ( SC34 SC34 SC34-4048 INTERPRETING INFORMATION/FAMILY MESSAGES ~ CODES fQR ~ 5665-364. ~ This publication contains an alphanumeric listing of the Information/Family informational and error messages and abend codes that a user might enc..... ter while using the MYS operating system. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 300 pages. 1186 //40//5665-384 SC34-4054 USING INFORMATION/FAMILY. 5664-322. ~ 5665-383. -384. ~ MANAGEHENT fQR ~ AND VM/SP Information/Management is a program product that aids in the management of problem. change. and configuration information within a data processing system. The change management facility of Information/Management is an online. automated approach to controlling hardware. software. procedural. and documentation changes at an installation. The change process is the procedure used to implement changes. It consists of change entry. technical assessment. business assessment. management approval. monitor testing. monitor installation and report/control status. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 128 pages. 1/86 //34//5665-383.5664-322 SC34-4050 USING ]Hg INFORMATION/FAMILY PANEL MODIFICATION FACILITY. 5664-322. -323. 5665-267. -383, -384, MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE Atm Y!!illlAb MACHIIIE/SYSTEM ~ This pUblication contains instructions. including step-bystep checklists. for creating and modifying the panels that make up Information/System and the Information Management program products. It also contains general information about Information/Family panels and the fields on them. and detailed information about program exists used by Information/Family and available to users. Using PMF is meant for system administrators and system programmers who want to adapt panels to the needs of an individual data-processing installation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 550 pages. 1/86 //34//5665-383.5664-322 SC34-4051 SIMULATING INFORMATION/FAMILY INTERACTIVE SESSIONS fQR ~ AND VM/SP. 5664-322. 5665-383 This publication is a guide to creating and using a terminal simulator panel. a facility that allows a user to simulate interactive sessions on an MYS or YM/SP operating system. It is intended for the experienced system programmer who installs and tailors Information/Family product to the needs of a data processing installation. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 125 pages. 1/86 ////5665-383.5664-322 :;C34-4052 USING ]Hg INFORMATION/FAMILY fQR ~ ANI) VM/SP This publication is divided into 4 parts: Using Guide - an introduction to teach basic tasks used on all Info/Family products. Using Info/MVS and Info/vM-VSE - an explanation of the data bases and how to use them. Reference - reference material that supports the previous 2 parts. and Command Reference - a description of each command and how it is used. It is intended especially for the beginning Info/Family useras well as a reference for all users. This publication is a component of SBOF-OOI7. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 150 pages. 01/86 //20//5664-323.5665-384 SC34-4055 USING INFORMATION/FAMILY ~ MANAGEMENT. 5664-322. -323. 5665-383, -384. fQR MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE l!!:!!l Y!!illlAb MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT This publication describes the problem processing elements of system management and how they relate to Info/Management. Panel flows (step-by-step examples) demonstrate how Info/Management may be used to perform various problem management tasks. This publication is directed to all users of the problem management f~,ction of Info/Management. Users may have any level of data processing skill. ranging from system programmers to clerks and other system support personnel. Manual. 150 pages. 1/86 //37//5665-383.5664-322 SC34-4058 VIDEOTEX/370. 5798-DTW. INFORMATION PROVIDER'S GUIDE This publication is intended for Videotexl'370 information providers who create Videotexl'370 services for end users. It gives general information on designing services for Videotex/370 and specific information on creating two types of services. informational and transactional. using the Videotex/370 utilities. An information provider creating information services does not need CICS/vS programming knowledge. but does need to be able to use an editor or system utility to create a file. An information provider creating transactional services is assumed to be able to write CICS/vS command level applications. Manual. 232 pages. 1/86 ////5798-DTW SC34-4059 VIDEOTEX/370. 5798-DTW. INSTALLATION AHQ ADMINISTRATION GUIDE This publication supports the tasks of installing and administering Videotex/370. The systems administrator tasks are preinstallation planning and administering the Messaging SC34-4053 service (including subscribing users). These tasks may be ~ INFORMATION/FAMILY. 5664-322. -323. 5665-383. ~ performed by different pecple or groups Nithin the support CONFIGURATION MANAGEI1ENT fQR ~ l!!:!!l VM/SP The Configuration Management Guide describes the resource organization of the information system. and data inventory control elements of syst_ management and The installation task assumes that Videotexl'370 is to be how they relate to Info/Management. Panel flows (step-byinstalled on an existing CICS/VS system. The steps in step examples) demonstrate how Info/Management may be used installing Videotex/370 include: unloading the SCL librarYI to perform various configuration management tasks. defining VSAM files! loading Videotex/370 VSAM filesl This publication is directed to all users of the loading Videotex/370 load and source libraries! installing configuration management function of Info/Management. Users the Messaging service; customizing Videotex/3701 installing may have any level of data processing skill. ranging from JCL for informational services; configuring SNA and X.25 system programmers to clerks and other system support networks; defining the CICS/vS environment! and verifying personnel. the installation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 356 pages. 1186 Manual. 218 pages. 1/86 ////5798-DTW //36//5665-383.5664-322 569 SC3lt 6C3It SC3lt-4061 tI.mI!lBK IWmi!:I &!!l ANALYSIS. 5664-202. .EQ!! ENYIRQ!:!I1ENT 1mB..!.! Iiil!.mf m SC3lt-4080 gmgJ, S!1!ucTIJRING FACILITY !mB.!l Iiil!.mf Atm REFERENCE This publication describes the use of COBOL Structuring Facility. Mith reference material included. It is intended for the experienced COBOL progranner Mho Mill be using the COBOL Structuring Facility for prograM Maintenance and evolution. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 328 pages. 11/86 ////5668-786 n'I This publication provides the netMOrk designer Mlth information necessary to design and maxiMize a CO\II1IU'\ications netMOrk. It includes general information. a step-by-step example. and reference information. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 6/85 11115664-202 SC3lt-4064 !§ff... 5664-285. mwm! , IW&!.K , f.!!B ~ ~ mu ~ SUt1I1ARV This card shows the PDF edit Macro c_nd stateMents. It contains a quick reference of syntax for invoking edit . .cro commands. It is for application and systeM progra_rs Nho develop anellor use edit macro instructions to support the ISPF/PDF editor in their installations. Reference card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 9/85 ////5664-285 SC34-4065 1m ~'IW&!.K ~ 1 f.IlB ~ BlU 5664-285. mm!!l This card contains a list of the options that appear on the .. jor selection panels in ISPF/PDF. It also contains a quick reference to PF key settings and general PDF conands. lIember list COMMands. BrONSe c_nds. Edit _ands. file list commands. and dialog test commands. This card is for application or systelllS progra...rs Mho use PDF's services to Mrite dialogs that involve editing. broN5ing. or accessing ISPF libraries. Reference card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 9/85 ////5664-285 SC3lt-4069 INIERPRETING INFQRMATION/FAMILY MESSAGES &!!l ~ .EQ!! ~ This publication contains an alpha_ric listing of the InforllationlFallily inforMational and error llessages and abend codes that a user Might encOU'lter Wille using the VlVSP operating systetll. This publication is a cC>IIIpollent of 58OF-0017. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 300 pages. 03/86 1///5664-323.5664-322 '3C3It-4078 ~ STRUCTURING FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS This publication describes the specified operating anvironllent ( ...chine and progra_ing requir_tsl for the COBOL Structuring Facility. It also includes Narranty inforMation. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 11/86 1/1/5668-786 SC3lt-4079 COBOL STR\JCJ\JRINS FACILITY ~ RE-ENGINEERING CONCEPTS This publication explains the concepts and terMinology used in COBOL Structuring Facility COBOL re-engineering. It is intended for the experienced COBOL prograllllll8r Mho Mill be using the COBOL Structuring Facilty for prograM . . intenance and evolution. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 11/86 SC3lt-4081 INFQR!fATION/FAMILY REFERENCE JiYtI!:WlY f!!B 1M! &!!l ~ The Information/FaMily Reference Summary supplies a quick reference guide for such functions as: COMmands. prefix MOrds. search descriptions. required fields on panels and PFkeys. This reference sUlllllMlry is for all users of Information/Fallily Prograll Products. This publication is a component of 58OF-0017, 580F-0018 and S80F-I0I0. Reference Card. 56 pages. 01/86 //20//5664-323.5665-384.5664-322.5665-383 6C3It-4082 INFQR!fATIONISYSTEM mm!H 1 fi!R 1M! SPECIFICATIQNS This publication is the licensing agreement infor. .tion for the Information/SysteM prograM product. There is a brief description of the prograM and other Information/FaMily prograM products. Also included is license inforMation and inforMation about provided services. Flyer. 11/86 //37//5665-384 6C3It-4083 INFQRHAJIOHIMANAGEMENI ~ J fi!R ~ SPECIFICATIQNS This publication is the licensing agreement inforMation for the Informationll1anagement program product. There is a brief description of the programs and other Infor. . t i on/FaMi ly prograM products. Also included is license infor. .tion and information about provided services. Flyer. 11/86 //37//5665-383 GC3It-408l't INFORHATIOHISvSIEM ~ J fi!R ~ SPECIFICATIQNS This.publication is the licensing agreement inforMation for the Inforllation/Syst. . prograM product. Also. there is a brief description of the prograM and other InforMation/Fallily prograll products. Also included is the license inforation and inforation about provided services. Flyer. 2 pages. 11/86 //20//5664-323 6C3It-4085 INFQRMATION/MANAGEMENI ~ J fQR ~ SPECIFICATIONS This publication is the licensing agreement information for the Infor. .tionlttanagnent prograM product. Also. there is a brief description of the other Inforution /FaMily prograM products. Also included is license information and infor. .tion about provided services. Flyer. 2 pages. 11/86 //20//5664-322 1///5668-786 6C34-4087 mmJ.a. 5668-786. STRUCTURING FACILITY PRESENTATION !iYIK This publication contains foils and script for COBOL Structuring Facility. ." 570 ( \. .. ) 6C34 M.nu.l with foil •• 50 pages. 6C35 1~86 to lessen your install.tion consider.tions Nhen using OSIVS2 Release 2. This book describes! lIthe purpese .nd functions supported by the CVOL Processor. ! 2 1 how to use the CVOL Processor, .nd (3) restrictions .nd limit.tions of the CYOL processor. Manual. 16' pages 11115668-786 SC34-/f088 DIASNOSING INFORMATION/FAMILY PROBLEMS fQR HVS !H2 ~ This publication provides guidelines to individuals who .re responsible for resolving problems that occur Nhile using Information/SysteM and InformationlHanagement. This publication is • component of SBOF-0017 .nd SBOF-0018. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 90 pages. 01/86 1137115665-384. 5665-383. 566/f-323 1130115752 6C35-0014 OPERATORS LIBRARY: ~ 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM ~ UNDER Qlial! This eanual is for the cartridge handler, the console oper.tor, the system oper.tor. This .... nu.. l describes the system and how its components fit together. It describes console ca.aands .nd Nhat to do if .n error should occur. M.nu.l SC34-/fl0l ISPF fQR ~ REFEREIfCE SU1I1ARY !CURRENT RELEASEI This c.rd cont.ins • quick reference of synt.x for invoking .n ISPF .pplic.tion. message definitions. skeleton control st.tements. panel definitions. and dialog service requests. It is for .pplic.tion progr.mmers Mho write progr.ms .ndlor _.nd procedures that invoke ISPF dialog .anagement services. It is .lso for SysteMS .nalysts .nd systems progr.lIIRers. Reference c.rd. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 9/85 1130/3850,3851/5741,5752,5652 6C35-0016 t!l!li SERVICES GENERAL INFORMATION This book contains the general inform .. tion .bout the MSVC functions, the Inventory .nd Journal d.t. sets, .nd the HSS AMS comm.nds that was origin.lly published in 6C35-0012 ..nd GC35-0015. The recovery procedures chapter from GC35-0012 and the general inform.tion section from GC35-0015 h.ve been expanded and revised as: "Checkpointing and recovering the Inventory D.t. Set, "Checkpointing and Recovering the Hass Storage Control Tables," .nd "Recovering Your Dat.... Re.ders of this book .re presumed to have. background in prograning, especi.lly prograning with the Access Method Services commands. The space aanager and the systea programmers are the two audiences. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 200 pages, 7/76 1/30/3850,3851/5741,5752,5652 ~ 111I566/f-282 6C34-/fl0/f m ~ EHVIRON!!ENT. 566/f-202. SPECIFICATIONS This public.tion is intended for aarketing personnel. cont.ins info.... tion .bout the product. the specified operating environment ••nd the warr.nty. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6/85 t!liI!!.!m!S Jm!!§!:I !H2 ANALYSIS fQR It 1111566/f-202 ( 6C34-/fl05 ~ I!!lWi!:I !H2 ANALYSIS. 566/f-202. ~ INFORHATION At!!! PLANNING GUIDE fQR m ~ EHVIRONHENT 6C35-0017 OSIVS ~ SERVICES REFERENCE INFORMATION This book describes the syntax of the Hass Stor.ge Systea Access Hethod Services co_ands, Nhich includes ex.lIPles of how to code the commands. The syntax explanations _re originally published in Ge35-0012 and Ge35-0015. Hanual, 400 pages, 7/76 This public.tion provides the executive with information necess.ry to decide .nd purchase this product. It includes executive overview. product overview. pl.nning infor•• tion .nd ordering infora.tion. Hanual. 8 112 x II inches. 8 pages. 6/85 11115664-202 ~/30/3850,3851/57/fl,5752,5652 SC34-4108 gmgJ. STRUCllJRING FACILITY !!!!m! ~ Index to COBOL Structuring F.cility User's Guide .nd Referllnee. SC34-4080 ••nd COBOL Structuring F.cility COBOL Re-Engineering Concepts, SC34-/f079. M.nu.l, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 25 p.ges. 11/86 Ge35-0018 OSIVSI !H2 ~ MVS ~ ENHANCEMENTS SELECTABLE INFORMATION. SUIDS 5741-60S. 5752-824 This publication cont.ins • general description of OSlVSl MSS EnhanceMents Selectable Unit (5741-6051, and OSIVS2 HVS tISS Enhancements Selectable Unit !5752-82/f). It is intended for installation .anagers, systea progra_rs, and others plaming to inst.ll either or both select.ble U"Iits. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 20 pgs, 12/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ 11115668-786 6C34-4109 HVSIPROGRAmING 1!1 .JJ:!IiW: !MVS/PROlOG) SPECIFICATIONS This publication describes the .... rr.nty. specified oper.ting envionment, .nd the s"""l_tal terllS for the I1VSlProgr.... ing in logic !I1VSlPROlOGl progr.m offering. The audience for this publication i. primarily li~_ .nd prospects, .nd seconderily personnel. Fly.r, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10/86 6C35-0027 11115798-DYL 1;(;35-0010 ~ ill ~ ~ PROCESSOR Ym:IIi HAHA§EMENT!I!I!:I m STORAGE SYSTEM (HSSI SYSTEM IlW ANALYZER This book describes the System Data Analyzer progra. for the IBM 3850 Hass Stor.ge System. Readers.re presumed to have a b.ckground in the progra_ing and hardware of the Mass Storage System. Inform.tion.nd the individual reports, the SOA control statements, that are used to generate the SPA reports, and interpretive infoMlation is included. The prerequisite publications are "Introduction to the IBM 385D Hass Storage System !HSSI," "OSIVS Hass Storage Systea Planning Guide," and "IBH 3850 Mass Storage System !tlSSl Installation Guide." Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 i ncbes, 96 pgs, 11/77 ~ ~ &lmB CATAlOG: This public.tion is intended for the syst_ progra_r inst.lling OSIVS2 Rele.se 2. The CVOl Processor is s"""lied 571 6C35 6C38 Also. the publication describes changes to the DFP NOTE. POINT. and DEVTYPE Mcros. It also describes the added SYNCDEV and HSGDISP DFP .acros. Appendixes describe the DCB symbolic field names and checkpointlrestart codes. Manual. 11/84 1105/34801 1130/3850.3851/5741.5752.5652 Ge35-0028 ~ ~ ~ IW&mm. lrWlH .uml INSTALLATION PbA!!fIN§ Mil This publication describes the steps involved in planning for and installing the Hass Storage Syst.... Included in the description are the procedures that are used to define a 6C38-0005 Hass Storage System Configuration and the configuration as OPERATOR'S LIBRARY' .tlaZ.!l !f!m.L m PROCED\!RES input to the Mass Storage Control Table Create progra •• This manual provides operating and reference inforeatlon for Manual operators of the IBM Systelll370 Hodel 135. and Hodel 135-3 1130/3850.3851/5741.5752.5652 Ii ncludes the performance enhancement feature I. The Hadels 135 and 135-3 operate the sa.e except during Initial MI croprogra. Load (IMPL I procedures. These procedure 6C35-00n differences are explained in the .anual. References in the ..nual .ade to the Hodel 135 also apply to the Hodel 135-3 ~ ~ lW!I!A!i1 m::mtI .wlW tImW Intended for the syste. programmer concerned with recovery unless otherwise specified. of the Mass Storage Syst_. It contains Instructions on hoM The reader is assumed to have a work I ng knowledge of to use the HSVIZAP program Including sallPle HSVIZAP output. "Introduction to IBM Data Processing Syst_. " 6C20-16M. syntax definitions of HSVIZAP _ands. and HSVIZAP error and soee previous data processing exparience. .essages. The manual describes how to operate the following system Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages hardNBre and compatibilUy feature: o IBM 3135/3135-3 Processing unit - the sy.t. . processing 11115799-WPK unit. o IBM 3210 and 3215 Console Printer-Keyboard - tha Ge35-0033 operator's primary link with the syst... o IBM 3277 Display Station - a secondary stand-alone m !m!.!.li §!.IIIlf At!!! REFERENCE .1a!BFW:II RELEASEl This publication describes the Device Support Facilities console. processor and cOllllllandes it also contains inforatlon on o 2314/3340 Compatibility feature - IPL procedure. direct hardNare and operating system considerations as well as access storage devices data yol~ conversion. and planning and Installation. feature description. For operating Infor.ation of I8H inputloutput devices Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 192 pages. 10/81 that attach to the processing unit channels and/or 1130115664-167.5747-DS2.5652.5752.5747-DSl.5655-257 integrated adapters. see "I8H Systeml370 Bibliography." 6C20-0001. Also. see the 8ibllography for prograM operating systen that support the systea. 6C35-0042 Manual. 108 pages ~ IW'!I!!m FACILITIES SELECTABLE Yt!1I .EEl This flyer contains the Systn Control PrograMing 31351/161/ Specifications for the Device Support Facilities Selectable Unit (5752-884 VS21 and 5741-638 VSll. Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches. 1 page. 3179 6C38-0015 J.aZ.!I I!!!W. !!i OPERATING PROCED\!R ES This Syst.. Library Hanual contains inforMation necessary to Ge35-0098 operate the following units of the IBM Systeml370 Hodel 145: IBM 3145 Processing Unit 1m I!A6NETIC D!!Ii SUBSYSIEM PLANNIN6 Mil MIIjRATION §Yl!!g This publication provides descriptions of the control unit. IBM 3210 Console Printer-Keyboards tape drives. and tape cartridgel subsystam configurations, I8H 3215 Console Printer-Keyboards channel attachments, environmental considerations' I8H 3047 Power Unit The reader is assUllled to have basic computer knowledge and differences between full-function and 3420 co~tibllity supportJ syst... generationl system software I application experlenca. or computer operating experience on a .i.Uar softNBre capabilities and architecture' operational systu or other related data processing equipment. The characteri.tlcs, tape cartridge IHintenance, switching information in this manual Is written for all levels of operator experience for training as well as systu considerations' tape drive .essage display. perforanee characteristics, tape library COMpOSition. inventory and operation. This .anual has five .ajor sections: turnover, JCL conversionl and .igration strategy. o Syst. . Control Panel Indicators. Switches. and Appendixes provide a checklist of general installation tasks Keys - Describes the purpose of individual and explanations of the different types of _sages that Indicators. switches. and keys. It does nat appear on the tape drive .essage display. describe the applications of these facilities It provides planning. installation and .igration Infor... tlon within operating procedures. Service-personnel for persons Nho plan for the Installation. progra_rs who usage i. not included. ~itor and control operations and Mho are responsible for o Console File - Contains location. handling. data IHnag_t. flexible disk insertion and retlOval inforeation. and the necessary cautions associated with flexible Manual. 111M 1105/34801 disks. o Console Printer-Keyboards - Contains initial setup and operator adjust.ents. 3210 print element clean6C35-0099 Ing procedures. associated lIIanual PR-K8 operations. and a description of Indicators and oontrols. 1m MAGNETIC D!!Ii SUBSISTEM ~ REFERENCE This publication describes the changes to field 6 (tapa o Operating Procedures - Describes In detaU densityl and field 13 (control unit serial I'IUIIIber and device procedures necessary for .ystee operation. Initialization and error recovery procedures are address or numberl of the standard data set label. It also included. Operating procedures for Syst... Error describes changes to the JCL. the existing DCB para_tar. and the JFCB. It describes changes to DFHSH and DFSORT. Record Editing Program (SEREPI and Syst.. Test 370 572 6C38 6C38 IST3701 are also in this section. Handling AbnorMal Situations - Include text and flowcharts used in analyzing the four IHjor types of abnorMal situations encountered: 1. Cannot power systn on 2. Cannot start any job 3. Cannot continuously run any job 4. Cannot power systn off Manual. 96 pages 3145//16// o 6C38-0016 $1370 ~ 11§ OPERATING PROCEDURES This IHnual contains inforMation for operators of the 18" Systu/370 Data Processing Systell l10del 138. The reader is assUllled to have a working knowledge of Introduction to 18" Data Processing SysteMS. &c20-1684. SOllIe previous operating experience on either a siMilar systell or related data processing equipMent is helpful. The inforlUtion in this lIanual is for all levels of operator experience - for training as well as for systaa operation. The IHnual describes ho.. to operate the follOllling: o 18" 3138 Processing Unit and Console Display-Keyboard o 18K 3046 Power Unit - lIajor source of electrical power for the processing unit o 18K 3286 Printer - the optional console printer o Input/Output devices that are attached to the CPU integrated adapters o 2314/3340 eo.patibility Feature - IPL procedure. data volune conversion. and feature description. Manual. 112 pages. 11/76 3138//16// 6C38-0025 S/370 I:!!1!W. J!§ OPERATING PROCEDURES This "nual introduces the operator to the Hodel 158 display console. Subjects describes frail an operational level include: o Control Panel o Console Display o Keyboard o Console Files o Console Printer Thi. publication should be used in conjunction with Operator's Library: OS/vS2 Consoles. 6C38-0260. and Operator's Library: OS/vs2 Reference. GC38-0210. A knowledge of 18" SysteM/360 Operating SysteM: Operating Procedures. GC28-6692 is considerad a prerequisite. "anual. 52 pages 3158//16// 6C38-0030 I:!!1!W. !i§ OPERATING PROCEDURES This publication describes the basic procedures perforMed by the Hodel 168 operator at the syst .... console. These procedures. in conjunction with corresponding procedures proyided in the appropriate operating systeJII reference and console Nnuals. _bles the operator to power the Machine syst_. load and execute control and problu prograllS. and to receive and issue _sages to coaaunicate with the systu. The anticipated reader is the Hodel 168 operator who receives the prograll job. enters it into the production records. enters the prograll into the systeJII. and returns the completed job to the probl_ prograMMers. The reader is assUMed to have at least a basic understanding of computers and s _ preli.inary experience in operating a si.ilar systu. Manual. 70 pages 3168//16// ~ GC38-0017 ( I:!!1!W. .1!§ OPERATING PROCEDURES This lIanual contains inforMation necessary to operate these units of the 18K SysteM/370 Hodel 148: 18" 3148 Processing Unit Console Display-Keyboard 18" 3286 Printer Console File. The reader is assURed to have bas i c computer knOIIIledga and experience or to have computer operating experience on a sillilar systell or other related data processing equiPMent. The infor. . tion in this _nual is for all levels of operator experience. for training as well as syst_ operation. The five IHjor sections are: o Systell Control Panel Indicators. SNitches. and Keys. describes the purpose of indiyidual indicators. switches. and keys. It does not describe the applications of these facilities beyond noral operating procedures. o Console File. contains procedures for handling. insertion. and reIIOval of IHgnatic disk cartridges. o Console Display-Keyboard. contains D-K8 . .nual operations. keyboard keys and functions. and description of indicators and controls. Also includes 3286 Printer operation. controls. and procedures for for. . insertion and ribbon replaC4lllent • o Operating Procedures. contains procedures for syst. . operation. initialization. and error recovery. o Handling AbnorMal Situations. contains flowcharts and text for analyzing abnoral situations. Manual. 96 pgs. 12/76 3148//16// §LUi 6C38-0031 3033 OPERATOR'S SUIDE This publication describes the operator controls and basic procedures perforMed by the operator of a 3032 Processor Complex using a 3036 Console. The procedures. Nhen used with corresponding procedures in the appropriate operating systell reference and console publications. _ble the operator to power up the system. execute control and probl_ programh and c~icate with the systu. The reader is assUlled to have basic computer knOIIIledga and experience on a si.ilar systell. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 164 pages. 6/84 3033//16// 6C38-0032 ~ OPERATOR'S mmm This publication describes the operator controls and basic procedures parforMed by the operator of a 3032 Processor Complex. The procedures. when used wi th correspondi ng procedures in the appropriate operating systeJII raference and console publications enable the operator to pOIIIer up the system. execute control and probleM progralllS. and CCIIWMInicate with the syst... The reader is assUlIIed to haye basic COIIputer knowledge and experience on a si.ilar syst... Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 5/83 3032//16// l!W PROCESSOR 6C38-0033 1!!.U OPERATOR'S mmm This publication describes the operator controls and basic procedures perforMed by the operator of • 3031 Processor CoIIplex or 3031 Attached Processor CoMplex \Bing a 3036 573 ( SC38 Ge38 Console. The procedu..... lIMn used Nith corresponding procedur. . in the appropriate operating syst. . reference and console publications. enable the operator to PONeI' up the systellh execute control and problu prograllS. and cOllllllUnicate Nith the systetl. The reader is aslluned to have basic computer knowledge and experience on a si.ilar system. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 106 pages. 2/80 3031//16// Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 240 pages. 07/85 3090//00// SC38-0039 =;:;;:_-;--;-;=~J~~~_~~:m!! MESSAGES fi!B ilC38-0034 m SYSTEM ~ (CURRENT RELEASE! This manual provides information that is required for the operation of the systeM console of the 3081 Proc..sor Complex. This _nual is intended for the operator of the syst. . console of the 3081 Processor Complex. The manual contains descriptions of operator controls (display fra .... cOllllllands. function keys. pushbuttons. and SNitches) and task-oriented procedures that are performed at the system console. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 350 pages. 10/81 3081//16// E!U OPERATOR §!llllf fi!B SC38-0040 l!!.!Q PROCESSOR ZAJ!.S ill A!:!!2 l!!lli 3083. Atm GC38-0036 1m OPERATOR'S §!llllf fi!B m ~ I!!IlW .1m m 1m ill !lm ill m nmu ~ OPERATOR CONTROLS fi!B ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication includes descriptions of the controls used by the syst. . console operator and a brief description of each MOdel • The 3180 Display Station is included. The printary user is the systell console operator. The secondary user is the systellS progra_er. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 308 pages. 05/87 3090//16// GC38-0035 ~ MESSAGES fi!B m MmtI ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication lists and defines the Messages displayed during operation of the systeM console for the 3081. 3083. or 3084 Processor CoMplex. It is intended for the operator of the systu console and is to be used in conjunction Nith 3081 Operator's Guide for the Syst. . Console. GC38-00341 3083 Operator's Guide for the Syst. . Console. GC38-00361 or 3084 Operator's Guide for the Systu Console. GC38-0037. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 234 pages. 7/85 3081.3083.3084//16// m m:ma Operator Messages for the Syst. . Console lists and defin.. the .essages displayed during the operation of the Systu Console for the 3090. The pri . .ry user is the Systetl Console operator. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 176 pages. 08/85 3090//16// SC38-D041 l!!.!Q PROCESSOR ~ I!!IW.!i W Am nK OPERATOR I!!iY .fQR m ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This 3090 Processor Complex Models 200 and 200E Operator Tasks for the Systu Console includes descriptions for each task nor.ally performed by a syst. . console operator. A brief description of the 3090 Processor Complex and the 3180 Display station is also included. The primary user is the systu console operator. The systuprogra_r is the secondary user. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 472 pages. 03/87 3090//16// m:ma ~ ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains infor_tion about the operation of the syst8111 console for the IBM 3083 Process CoIIIplex. The operator controls and the basic procedures that are performed at the syst. . console are described. Hanual. 500 pages. 10/82 3083//16// SC38-0049 l!!.!Q PROCESSOR GC38-0037 OPERATOR'S §Y!!lg fi!B m liIIl1H ~ (CWRENT RELEASE) This publication contains infor_tion about the operation of the syst. . console for the 3084 Processor Complex. The operator controls and the basic procedures that are performed at the systu console are described. The 3084 systu console operation in partitioned IIOde are described in the 3081 Operator Guide for the System Console. Ge38-0034. I1essages for 3084 Operations are contained in 3081. 3083. and 3084 Messages. GC38-0035. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 550 pages. 7/84 3084//16// ~ !!!m..I.li .1m m 1m ill !tl!l DB OPERATOR IAmS.li fi!B m SYSTEM ~ (C!J!!RENT RELEASE) This publication includes descriptions of each task nor_lly perforlDed by a syst. . console operator. A brief description of the 3090 Processor Complex and the 3180 Display Station is also included. The pri_ry user is the systu console operator. The syst_ prograllllller is the secondary user. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 456 pages. 05/87 SLSS: ORDER ND. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SC38-0051 1!!.!J! PROCESSOR ~ RECOVERY §Y!!lg (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is a guide to processing on the 3090 Processor Complex after a hardware failure occurs. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 08/86 3090//16// SC38-0107 'ltVSYSTEn ~ !Wi!! PERFORMANCE m!m!!h 5664- 173. IW&m l...! INSTALLATION §!.!mg (CURRENT RELEASE) SC38-0038 l!!.!Q PROCESSOR ~ INMIOIJIPUI CONFIGURATION !I!I!!i!AH Ym!..!J §YI!!! !til REFERENCE This publication is intended for syst_ progra_,.. and service representatives who are responsible for defining. installing. and configuring the channels or the channel paths. control units. and I/O devica on the 3090 Processor Complex. It describes the MVS version. the VM version. and the standalone version of IOCP. 574 This publication is intended for syst. . progra......rs and those responsible for the plaming and installation of a YM/SP HPO systu. This publication consists of the follONing: Part 1 describes the steps required to install vtVSP HPO. TNO separate procedures ara provided: Installing vtVSP HPO using the starter syst_ and product taper s). SC38 SC38 Installing VlVSP HPO using the proc:tJct tape (for exi.ting VM/SP users). Part 2 describes the procedures for verifying CP and CMS, a I8ethod to load and save saved segments, and sallPle files of configurations by device types. Appendices A-N provide reference infor. . tion to .upport parts 1 and Z. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 546, 10/83 //]4//5664-167,5664-173 • Characteristics and use of .ultiple-console configurations • Characteristics and use of display consoles • The function and syntax of each systell COIIIHnd • A glossary of technical ter. . used Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 258 pages, 7/78 //40//5752 Ge38-0251 OPERATION ~ PROGRAM • .w; fB!l!i 5735-)0(2. GENERAL INFORMATION This publication is a general description of the NetMOrk Operation Support Prograe. It is intended for custDller executives, system administrators, system analysts, system progralllllers, application programmers, and terminal operators. The first part of this publication provides an overview of the Network Operation Support prograe in a complex data communications netMOrk. The second part is a functional description of the prograe including its . . jor functions. The remaining sections discuss terllinal and prograe support and compatibility considerations. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 28 pages, 10176 ~ GC38-0110 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: ~ REFERENCE This raference . .nual contains VSl syst. . operator and RES (Remote Entry Services) ComMands. It is part of the Operator's Library and is for the syst. . operator and the operator at the central computer of an RES syst. . , but so.e sections are also of interest to operators at secondary consoles, such as those in the tape or di sk pool. Appanc!i x .A describes procedures for single and MUltiple,console configuration and contains information formerly found in Operator'. Library: OS/VS Console Configurations, Ge380120. This publication docu.ents only operator initiated c_nds. ParaMeters to be issued in response to _sages appear in the Syst_ Hessages . .nual and operator instructions for a particular console are in the applicable Operating Procedures . .nual. Manual, 150 pages //40//5652 ( //115735-)0(2 Ge38-0225 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: ~ REttOIE TERttINALS illlli This guide is for operators and users of JES2 remote workstations Mho enter one or IIDre jobs to be sent, using JES2, to a central cOlllPUter for process i ng. This book describes input/output queues and hoIiII the workstation user can control theM. ThN MOrkstation c_nds available to the user are described according to their function. The parameters used for various forll5 of the COII!IIands are explained. For each type of workstation U130, S/360, S/360 ttodel 20, 2922, S/3, 3780, 2780, 2770) there is a separate chapter that describes its operation. This part of the book can be tailored to each installation's raqui,.....,t. by removing sections that do not apply. Manual, 120 pages /C/38//5752 Ge38-0228 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: ~ ~ TERMINALS ~ This publication consists of a general section and a selfcontained section for each of the remota terminals supported by JES3. Each such section provides infor. .tion necessary to operate the rlllllOte ter.. inal and to recover frOM errors that lIIay occur during operati'on. The publication is designed pri . .rily for the reMOte terminal user. Manual, 72 pages /C/38//5752 Ge38-0229 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: smm1 1M! m:m! CO!!!AtI)S This publication describes ~nds used by a syst_ console operator running a Systul370 under Os/vS2 ItVS. (Subsyst. . _ n d s are documented in separate publications.) The publication is intended for COMPUter operators and syst. . progra. . .rs responsible for controlling and operating an OS/vS2 ItVS syst... The publication includes: • An Overvi8M of .ultiprocessing characteristics and syst_ operation Ge38-0254 ACFIVTAH. 5735-RC2. 5746-RC3. GENERAL INFORMATION This eanual is intended for those Mho will decide whether or not to use ACFIVTAtt (an IBM prograe productl, and is a prelieinary source of info..... tion for installation . .nagers and syst. . progra_rs Mho will install it. It discusses: o Definition of ACFIVIAtt to the operating syst_ o Operation of an ACFIVIAM network o ACFIVIAH ..cro instructions o Reliability, availability, and serviceability features available to ACFIVIAH The reader should be fa.iliar with teleprocessing concepts. System programmers should be fa.iliar with the operating system with which they Nill use ACFIVTAH. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 50 pgs, 10/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6C38-0255 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: QS/VSl DISPLAY CONSOLES Tells syst_ operators hoM to use cathode ray tube (CRT) display devices as operator consoles to run a VSl operating syst... The display devices supported are: o 2250 Display Unit o 2260 Display Station The book sUllllllarizes the basic procedures for operating a systee through display consoles and includes detailed instructions for each device telling: o HOM to start the syst_ o HOM to enter coanands o HOM to delete messages o HOM to control the screen o HOM to use the CONTROL coeeand The book IlUSt be used in conjunction with Operator's Library: OS/vsl Reference, Ge28-1001. Manual, 80 pages //40//5652 SC38-0256 ACF/'lW!, 5735-RC2. 51M-RC3. !!.mIll LAN!jUA6E ~ This publication describes hoM to write an ACFIVIAH application prograe. An ACFIVIAH application progra. is • prograe that contains ACFIVIAH .acro instructions to reqlMSt connection to and coemunicate with tel~ications devices and subsyst_ supported by ACFIVIAH. This eanual should be used with reference publication, ACFIVIAH Macro 17S ( SC38 SC38 Language Reference. SC38-0261. The contents include: - an overview of ACFIVTAI1 application prograllS and their relation to other elements in a teleprocessing netllOrk; - suggestions on hoM to organize an ACFIVTAI1 application prograll' - a discussion of the concepts. facilities, and language for opening and closing a prograll, and for connecting to and communicating with tel"llinals and logical units; - requirements and suggestions on using exit routines, handling errors and special conditions in the network and debugging an ACFIVTAH application prograll. The user is assumed to be familiar with Basic Assembler Language. Prerequisite Publications: None, however; ACFIVTAI1 Concepts and Planning, GC38-0282, _y be helpful in understanding the concepts of an ACFIVTAI1 network. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 276 pgs, 7/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC38-0257 ACFIVTAH. 5735-RC2. 5746-RC3. PROGRAH OPERATOR'S §Y!Qg This book describes hoM to write the Prograll Operator portion of an ACFIVTAH application prograll. It supplements the information on Mriting ACFIVTAI1 application prograllS contained in ACFIVTAI1 lIacro Language Guide, SC38-0256. The priury audience for this book is the ACFIVTAH application programmer Mho is Mriting a Prograe Operator application program. The secondary audience is the systee progra_r Mho requires background information for planning and uintaining an ACFIVTAI1 network. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 88 pgs. 7/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 350 pgs. 7/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC38-0266 ACFIVTAI1. 5735-RC2. 5746-RC3. SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides inforMation on the warranted functions of the licensed prograe, ACFIVTAI1. and describes the specified operating environment. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pgs, 9177 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SC38-0268 ACF/VTAt!. ill .PR.Q§ 5746-RC3. ~ PROGRAHHER'S §Y!Qg Provides the necessary information for defining an ACFIVTAI1 netllOrk in . and expl.ins the use of commands in perfor.ing particul.r oper.tions (Chapter 3-71. The cOIIIIHnds .re presented on the basis of f~tion .nd the SC38-0284 network eleMalts they .ct upon. C_nd for •• ts can be ACF/VTAM. S735-RC2. SZ46-RC3. ~ SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides infor•• tlon on the warr.nted found either where the cOftlllland is first discussed or in Appendix D. lIhich s ...... rizes the _nds .nd their f~tlons of the optional feature. the Multisystu NetNOrklng Facility. of ACF/VTAM. This publication also f~tions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 120 pas. 7/77 describes the specified oper.tlon environment. SLSS: ORDER NO. SlSSCRIPTION ONLY Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pas. 9/77 11115746-RC3.5735-RC2 SC38-0277 OPERATION ~ f!!2!i fB.!m 5735-XX2 SPECIFICATIONS SC38-0285 This specific.tion sheet gives a high-level a.!cription of ACFIVW'/ ENCBYPTIDECBYPT FEAME. fIU!!i fImIl S73S-RC2. the Network Oper.tion Support Progr.m (NOSPI. It describes SPECIFICATIONS . the NOSP syst.. configur.tion .nd prograllllling syst_ This publication provides information about the ... rr.nted requir_ts .nd is intended for .. rketing and sales functions of the optional feature. the ACFIVTAM personnel. EncryptlDecrypt Fe.ture. This publication .150 describes the specified operating environllent. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pas. 9/77 11115735-)0(2 Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 1/78 11115735-RC2 ~ SC38-0278 OPERATION l!IEf!I!I .PRIl§!AtI INSTALLATION M:!!l MAINTENANCE !!!t:!!.!A!. ! OS/\IS!' ill fRQ§ 5735-XX2 This ..nwl describes the plaming. install.tion. definition. and tailoring of the progr•• product Network ~ GC38-0286 ACFtvTAM. S735-RC2. S746-RC3. SYSTEM ~ PROGRAMMING Thi. public.tion constitutes IBM's offici.l published specifications to which the syst.. control progra_ing for 577 f ", I GC38 GC38 "'---/ how to define a DOS/vsE superviso.. fo .. BTAM-ES. conside..ations when incorporating the IBM-supplied tapes into the app ..opriate DOS/vSE Lib ..a .. ies. how to prepare BTAMES for testing. and testing procedu..es using the IBMsupplied sample p..og..ams. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 2/79 ////5746-RCS ACFIVTAI1 is warranted as provided in IBM's agreements for lease. rental. or purchase of IBM machines. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pgs. 9/77 GC38-0289 ACFIVTAM ENCRYPT/DECRYPI FEATURE. fBl:!§ !Em S73S-RC2. DESIGN OBJECTIVES This publication provides information on the design objectives of the ACFIVTAM Encrypt/Decrypt Feature. It also SC38-0295 BTAM-ES. LIC PROS 5746-RCS, MESSASES (CURRENT RELEASE) describes the specified ope..ating envi ..onment and states estimated availability dates. This manual lists and desc .. ibes the messages that BTAM-ES issues to the console operato.. and to the programmer. It Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 11/77 enables both users to decide on the action they have to take in ..eply to the message received. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 2/79 GC38-0290 BASIC TELECIlI1t\lJNICATIONS ACCESS METlfOD EXTENDED SUPPORT ////S746-RCS (BTAM-ES) fRQru!A!l ~ This publication provides info ..mation on the functions of BTAM-ES. It also desc .. ibes the specified ope..ating SC38-0296 envi ..onment. including machine ..equi ..ements and p..og ..amming BTAM SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAI1I1INS Em BTAI1-ES ~ S747-CSI SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) systems needed. This publication desc .. ibes the BTAM system cont ..ol Flye... 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 2/79 ////S746-RCS programming fa .. the p..ogram product. Basic Telecommunications Access Method Extended Support for use with OOS/vSE. Flye... 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 2/79 SC38-0291 EXTENDED SUPPORT, ill PROS S746-RCS. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides info..mation on the wa .. ranted GC38-0297 functions of the licensed program. Basic Telecommunications H!Q SENERAL INFORMATION RELEASES 11 ~ ~ 1 ~ ! Access Method Extended Suppo.. t. This publication also This publication gives an ove..vie.. of the Network Te... inal desc.. ibes the specified ope ..ating envi ..onment. Option (NTO) program product. It is intended prima .. ily fo .. Flye... 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 2/79 installation managers and planners who evaluate NTO fa .. use ////S746-RCS in thei .. data p..ocessing netwo..ks. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 05/86 ////S735-XX7 SC38-0292 BTAM-ES, ll!;; fR!,!§ S746-RCS. ~ INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SC38-0298 This publication gives an overvie.. of the basic NETWORK TERMINAL Qf!lQH INSTALLATION RELEASES 11 1L ~ l TelecolllllMlications Access Method Extended Support (BTAM-ES). This publication is to enable management pe..sonnel and It desc .. ibes the installation p..ocess for BTAM-ES. outlineS system programme..s to install the Network Te ..minal Option hardware and software requirements fo .. its installation and INTO) program product and to define NTO resou..ces to .n SNA use. lists the devices supported by BTAI1-ES and summa .. izes netwo..k. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 1/85 the BTAM-ES .acros. Concepts of Data Communication IV Seneral and BTAM-ES in particular are discussed. and a ////573S-XX7 glossary of Data Communication te ..ms is p..ovided. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 1/79 ////5746-RC5 GC38-0299 NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION SPECIFICATIO~ Licensed P..ogram Specifications for NTO Releases 2. 2.1. 3 ~-lC38-0293 and 4. BTAM-ES. i l l fBl:!§ S746-RCS. PROGRAI1I1INS REFERENCE (CURRENT Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 12/84 RELEASE) ////573S-XX7 This manual describes the facilities and macro inst ..uctions needed to w.. ite an application p..ogram that defines. activates. and controls a data co......... ications system using GC38-0335 the Basic Telecommunications Access Method Extended Support DPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/vsl ~ This public.tion contains info ..mation pe.. tinent to the (BTAM-ES) unde .. the Disk Ope..ating SystemIVi .. tual Storage Extended (OOS/VSE). All BTAM-ES macro inst ..uctions and cent..al compute.. operato.. for sta.. ting. stopping •• nd running Conversational Remote Job Ent ..y (CRJE) unde.. OS/vsl. thei .. ope... nds .re desc .. ibed in detail ••5 a ..e the programming conside..ations fo .. all suppo.. ted devices. It should be used in conjunction with Ope... to.. 's Libra ..y: Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 204 pages. 2/79 OS/vsl Refe..ence. GC38-0110. ////5746-RC5 All the messages ..eceived by the ope... tor as a result of CRJE commands are documented in OS/VS Message Lib .....y: VSl System Messages. GC38-1001. SC38-0294 Manual //38//5741.5652 BTAM-ES. ll!;; fBl:!§ S746-RCS, INSTALLATION ! CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides info.. mation needed to plan fa .. and install .nd Basic Tel~ic.tion Access Method Extended Suppo.. t (BTAM-ES). The bulk of the publication consists of real and .uxili.ry sto...ge information needed to plan fo .. the inst.ll.tion of BTAM-ES. The publication .150 describes 578 ". / ( Ge38 Ge38 GC38-1000 OSIVS MESSAGE LIBRAIlYi MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (t!SS) MESSAGES This publication is part of the OS/VS Message Library. It documents the mass storage system messages (with prefixes ICB and ICG) and the reason codes returned from the mass storage system communicator. "ICB" prefixed messages from the mass storage system communicator (including mass storage volume control messages) are documented. "ICG" prefixed messages from the maSS storage control table create program and the mass storage control trace report programs are documented. Manual. 100 pages //30/3850.3851/5741.5752.5652 Ge38-1001 OSIVS1 SYSTEM MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual is the basic manual of the message library for OSIVS1 systems. It contains messages for most system control program functions. including scheduler. supervisor. data .anagement. system generation. and checkpoint/restart. VS1 System Messages. when used with other appropriately chosen message library publications. enables effective use of VS1 MeSSages. For messages documented. it contains pertinent data about: o an expanded explanation of the message text. o the resulting action of the system. o the response requi red of the operator and/or programmer. o and how to obtain the infor_tion necessary for problem determination. It is written for operators. programmers. system support personnel - anyone Mho responds to system Messages. Manual. 400 pages 1140115652 ( Ge38-1010 OSIVS1 ill RIA!:! AND ~ MESSAGES This book is intended for users of RES (Remote Entry Services) under VS1. The book contains messages produced by RTAM (Remote Terminal Access Method) and by the account facility. The messages are presented in message number order. In addition to the text of the message. an explanation of it is given together with the action the system takes and the expected response, if any. of the operator and/or prograttmer. This book is part of the Message Library and need be included in the library only when RES is used. Manual. 80 pages IC/30115741.5652 Ge38-1011 S/370 SUSSYSTEM ~ SEIlVICES (lEVELS ~ ! Sl MESSAGES This publication is a part of the OS/VS Message Library, it documents OS/VSl and OS/VS2 messages for the subsystem support services component. Associated Publications - The publication that introduces the concepts and terminology relevant to all of the messages is: IBM System/370 Subsystem Support Services User's Guide. GC30-3022 Manual /13013660.3663,3661,3790.3791.3600,3601.3602.3650.3651I 5741.5752.5742,5652.5745-010,5745-020.5747-CC6 GC38-1003 OSIVS1 SYSTEM COIlES This publioation lists the system completion codes and wait state codes for VS1. Each code is explained. and Nhere appropriate. a programmer response is suggested. Problem deterMination actions accompany probleJI identifying codes. Manual. 72 pages 1140115652 GC38-1007 OSIVS LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER MESSAGES This publication lists. explains. and suggests appropriate responses for the messages issued by the OSIVS linkage editor and loader programs. The messages are grouped by component and listed in alphaMeric order. The associated publication isOSIVS Linkage Editor & Loader. GC26-3813 Manual. 21 pages 11311/5741.5652.5752 Ge38-1008 m MESSAGE LIBRARY: SYSTEM COIlES (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication lists. explains. and suggests appropriate responses for the system completion codes and wait state codes issued by IBM-supplied components of OSIVS2 MVS. Release 3.8. The codes are presented in alphaMeric order. This publication includes the following Selectable Unit information: Supervisor Performance 11 VS2.03.805 VS2.03.807 Supervisor PerforMance 12 VS2.03.808 Data Management YS2.03.812 JES3 Release 2 ~ TSOIVTAM Levell VS2.03.813 Service Data Improvements VS2.03.817 JES3 3850 Mass Storage System 5752-818 5752-826 JES3 Release 3 Dumping Improvements 5752-833 TCAM LEvel 10 5752-836 Attached Processor System for Models 158/168 5752-847 Processor Support 5752-851 Hardware Recovery Enhancements 5752-855 TSOIVTAM Level 2 5752-858 Processor Support 2 5752-864 This publication also includes information for the following Program Products: MVS/System Extensions Release 1 5740-XEl MVS/System Extensions Release 2 5740-XEl RMF Version 2 Release 2 5740-XY4 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 98 pages. 11179 1140115752.5740-XYS,5740-XYN Ge38-1012 OSIVS MESSAGE LIBRARY: JES3 MESSAGES ~ ~ 1 Provides all operator messages issued by JES3. Applies to Release 3 (Selectable Unit 10 5752-826). Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 238 pages. 8/78 11115752-826 SC38-1014 OSIVS2 MVS RACF MESSAGES/CODES (CURRENT RELEASE I This publication lists the messages and codes produced by Version 1 Release 2 of the RACF program product. It contains explanations for RACF system operator messages. routing and descriptor codes. completion codes. cO\ft1l\and messages. and other messages issued by RACF. It is intended for system operators and RACF-defined users who issue RACF commands. run RACF utilities. and maintain RACF-protected resources. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pgs. 5/77 1/115740-XXH 579 6C38 6C38-1047 MODIFICATION PROGRAM MESSAGES At!!!. ~ This is a new publication which lists the SMP messages and Return codes for use with the OSIYS System Modification Program Release 4. Included in this publication is the chapter titled "SMP Diagnostic Techniques" formally Chapter 5 of OSIYS SMP System Programmer's Guide GC28-0673-5. This publication is designed to assist the user of the OSIYS System Modification Program. by having all references to problem solving easily accessible within a smaller support manual. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 116 pages. 9/80 //40//5752.5741.5652 ~ ~ lOB3 SC38-2002 VIOEOTEXt370 ~ 1 INSTALLATION J ADMINISTRATION ~ This publication presents a complete. detailed procedure for installing Videotex/370 Version 2 from the PID tape; adequate information for the systems administrator to control and manage the Videotex/370 Version 2 resources and adequate information for the group administrator to create and Mintain end user and information provider profiles and user groups. The installation task assumes that Videotex/370 Version 2 is to be installed on an existing CICS/OSIYS systelR. The steps in installing Videotex/370 Version 2 include unloading the JCL library. defining VSAM files. loading Videotex/370 Version 2 VSAM files. loading Videotex/370 Version 2 load and source libraries. installing the messaging service. custOlRizing Videotex/370 Version 2. installing JCL for informational services. configuring SMA and X.25 networks. defining the CICS/oSIYS environment and verifying the installation. Manual. 254 pages. 09/86 ////5798-DZD 6C38-1101 OS/vsl ROIITINS At!!!. DESCRIPTOR ~ (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication lists the routing and descriptor codes of OSIYSI messages as they are assigned by IBM. Most messages in the systelR are issued by the WTO and WTOR lRacro statements. which have routing and descriptor code parameters. This is a reference publication for a limited and specific audience: those who wish to alter the code SC38-2003 assignments. It can be helpful. for example. to the user VIOEOTEX/370 ~~ 1 INFQRMATION PROVIDER'S ~ whose system has multiple console support (MCS) and who is This publication is intended for Videotex/370 Version 2 rerouting messages to certain consoles. information providers who create and maintain informational In this manual. message identifiers (IDs! are listed in and transactional services for Videotex/370 Version 2 end alphameric order; message texts are not given. Descriptor users. It incorporates both general information on codes appear to the left of the message IDs. and the routing designing services for Videotex/370 Version 2. and specific codes to the right. information on creating informational and transactional For additional information like message texts and services using Videotex/370 utilities. explanations. you must refer to other publications in the An inforMation provider involved in creating an OS/VS Message Library. informational service does not need CICS/OSIYS programming Manual. 30 pages. 11/76 knowledge. but does need to be able to use an editor or //40//5741.5652 system utility to create a file. An information provider creating a transactional service is assumed to be able to write CICS/OS/VS command level applications. 6C38-1102 Manual. 289 pages. 09/86 ////5798-DZD ~ B!!!lIn!§ At!!!. DESCRIPTOR CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication documents the routing and descriptor codes assigned by IBM programming to OS/vs2 MVS messages through WTO/WTOR macro parameters. The ...sage IDs are presented SDB3-0100 in alphameric order. SUPPLEMENT fQR ~ In ~ ~ LISTINGS. SYB8-0606-5 This publication includes the following Selectable lhit Supplement for SYB8-0606 information: Microfiche ////5752-826 VTAM2 VS2.03.801 JES2 Release 4.0 VS2.03.803 Scheduler ImprovellK!nts VS2.03.804 Supervisor Performance 12 VS2.03.807 SDB3-0133 IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem SUPPLEMENT filB ~ ~ PROCESSOR SUPPORT. 5752-864. In gm VS2.03.810 Service Data Improvements ~ LISTIt~GS, SYB8-0606-5 VS2.03.817 MSS Enhancements This publication provides OSIYS2 MVS Data Areas for use in 5752-824 JES2 Release 4.1 debugging user or systeal programs. The user of this 5752-825 3838 Vector Processing Subsystem Support publication should have a working knowledge of OS/vS2 5752-829 System Security Support functions and logic. It is intended primarily for IBM 5752-832 Dumping Improvements Programming Support Representatives. 5752-833 TCAM Level 10 Microfiche. reduced 45x. 1 card. 3/79 5752-836 Processor Support ////5752-864 5752-851 Hardware Recovery Enhancements 5752-855 Processor Support 2 5752-864 This publication includes info.... tion for the following lOB3-0160 Program Products: SUPPLEMENT fQR ~ S740-XEl ~ L. In gm mAlh MVS/System Extensions Release 1 LISTINGS. SYB8-0606-5 5740-XEl MVS/System Extensions Release 2 This publication provides OS/vs2 MYS Data Areas for use in 5740-XEl installing and debugging the program product MVS/System NJE Facility for JES2 Release 3 5740-XR8 Has Extens i ons Extensions Release 2. The user of this publication should 5740-XYG have a working knowledge of OS/vs2 functions and logic. It RMF Version 2 Release 2 5740-XY4 is intended primarily for IBM Programming Support Programmed Cryptographic Facility 5740-XY5 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 11/79 Representatives. //40//5752.5740-XYS.5740-XYN "icrofiche. reduced 45x. 2 cards. 5/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 580 ( LD21 LDB3 ..DB3-0293 MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2 RELEASE ~ nAIA AREAS LISTINGS This publication provides OSIVS2 MVS Data Areas for use in installing and debugging the program product MVSlSystem Product - JES2 Data Areas. The user of this publication should have a working knowledge of OS/VS2 functions and logic. It is intended primarily for IBM Programming Support Representatives. Microfiche. 45x. 2 cards. 12/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lOB3-0296 MVS/SYSTEM PROOUCT-JES3 RELEASE ~ nAIA AREAS LISTINGS This publication provides OS/VS2 MVS Data Areas for use in installing and debugging the prograM product MVSlSystetll Product-JES3 Data Areas. The user of this publication should have a working knowledge of OSIVS2 functions and logic. It is intended primarily for Programming Support Representatives. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 12/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( control. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 26 pages. 2/79 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lO12-S00S SUPPLEMENT fQR VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XE8. !Q ~ LIB~ARIAN LOGIC. SY33-8557-4 VSE/Advanced Functions. Supplement to DOSIVSE Librarian Logic. This supplement contains changed pages for DOSIVSE Librarian Logic. It describes support for Access COntrol and Library Device Independence. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 22 pages. 2/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lO12-S006 SUPPLEMENT f.!m VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. S746-XE8. !Q DOSIVSE ~ UTILITIES. SY33-8558-2 The publication provides replacement pages for publication DOSIVSE Systetll Utilities Logic. These pages. when incorporated in the DOSIVSE publication. document the use of the facilities available with VSE/Advanced Functions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages, 2/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lOU-5000 SUPPLEMENT f.!m VSE/AOYANCEO FUNCTIONS. 5746-XE8. IQ ~ SUPERVISOR LOGIC. SY33-8551-5 This publication provides replaceaent and/or suppla.entary 5012-S007 pages for the DOSIVSE Supervisor Logic. These pages. when SUPPLEMENT fJlB VSE/ADYANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XE8. !Q DDSIVSE incorporated in the DOSIVSE pubHcation. document the USe of OPERATING PROCEDURES. GC33-5378-5 This publication provides replacement and supple.entary the facilities available with VSE/Advanced Functions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 296 pgs. 2/79 pages for DDSIVSE Operating Procedures. It documents the use of the Automated System Initialization (ASI) procedure SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY which is available with VSE/Advanced Functions. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 76 pgs. 2/79 lO12-5001 11115746-XE8 SUPPLEMENT f.!m VSE/AOYANCEO FUNCTIONS. 5746-XE8. !Q ~ LOGICAL TRANSIENTS A DrnlP PHASES LOGIC. SY33-8553-4 This publication provides replacement and/or suppluentary lO12-S009 pages for DDSIVSE Logical Transients and Dump Phases Logic. SUPPLEMENT fQ! VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. S746-XE8. !Q ~ These pages. when incorporated in the base publication. HANDBOOK. Sl33-8571-7 document the use of the facilities available with This supplement provides replacement and supplement pages which. after their insertion into the DOSIVSE Handbook. VSE/Advanced Functions. Manual. 8.S x 77 inches. 94 pages. 2179 SY33-8571-7. update the latter to document a DDSIVSE SCP SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY with VSE/Advanced Functions installed. Manual. S6 pages. 2/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lO12-S002 SUPPLEMENT f.!m VSE/ADYANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XE8. IQ DOSIVSE SERVICEABILITY !Ia§ ~ SY33-8554-4 L021-0002 This System Library Supplement contains the logic updates SUPPLEMENT fJlB ACFITCAM MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING !Q ACFITCAM for VSE/Advanced Functions to the DDSlVSE Serviceability LOGIC. LY30-3036-1 Aids Logic manual. Provides information required for persons involved in keeping the program operational. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 2/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This publication is a reference .anual for the ACFITCAH multisystem networking facility. feature number 6001. It contains an introduction. a method of operation lO12-S003 section. and • program organization section. PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS SUPPLEMENT fJlB VSE/ADVANCEO FUNCTIONS' SZ46-XE8. !Q ~ INITIAL PROGRAM LOAD A.!1m CONTROL LOGIC. SY33-855S-4 Advanced CotIIIIK.rIication Function for TCAM Logic. This supplement contains changed pages for DDSIVSE Initial LY30-3036-0 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pgs. 12/77 Program Load and Job Control Logic. SY33-8SSS-4 for VSE/Advanced Functions. SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 178 pgs. 2179 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L021-0003 SUPPLEMENT fQ! ACFGCAM MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING. S73S-RCI. !Q ACFITCAI1 PROGRAM REFERENCE SUMMARY. LY30-3037-0 lO12-S004 Provides inforlll8tion required for persons involved in SUPPLEMENT fJlB VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS' 5746-XE8. !Q ~ keeping the program operational. LINKAGE EDITOR ~ SY33-8556-3 This supplBtIIBnt contains changed pages for DDSIVSE Linkage This publication is a reference .anual for the ACFITCAH multisystem networking facility. feature number 6001. Editor Logic. SY33-8SS6-3 for VSE/Advanced Functions. It describes support for up to seven partitions. library device It contains data area layouts and a list of ACFITCAM independence. fast linkage editor. and support of access modules by library. 581 LD21 5023 S023-0002 SUPPLEMENT filii ~ 5740-XEl ~ 1& m OEBlJG§INS HANDBOOK ~ 1& GC28-0709-1 This supplement contains changes to data areas supporting the HVS/Syst. . Extensions SUo Manual. 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches. 30 pages. 11/77' ////5740-XEl PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS Advanced C-.nication Fla1Ction for TCAIt PrograM Reference SuaNary. LY30-3037-0. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pgs. 12/77 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SU21-0005 SUPPLEMENT m! ~ ntWl!f 1 fIU!:WU 5735-RC3 lID 5752-TC221. SH20-9145-0 ACF/TCAIt. Version 2. Release 2. supports the Prinr subset of IHS/VS fla1Ctions. This Supplt!llBl'\t. a part of Version 2. Release 2 of ACF/TCAH. provides replacement pages fo .. the base publication. SH20-9148; these replacement pages remain in effect fo .. subsequwtt ACF/TCAIt releases unless specifically altered. The Supplement contains information necessary to operate a terMinal connected to the p.. imer subset of 111S/VS via ACF/TCAIt Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 84 pages. 04/80 ////5735-RC3 5023-0003 SUPPLEMENT fQB mLlli 5740-XEl ~ 1& lmm!! INITIALIZATION J IYHlHi ~ §C28-0681-3 I1VS/Systl!ll Extensions does not support systn activity nasu.--ent facility (MUll and dynaeic support syst. . 10SSI. All references to MF/l including "Pa.. t 4: HON to use Systl!ll Activity l1easuruent Facility ltIF/lI". have bean deleted. In addition. the section. "Changes to Initialization Parameters" found in Pa .. t 2 has bean deleted. For a list of parameters that have changed or that are no longe.. supported. see YS2 Conversion Notebook. §C28-0689-4. The follONing is added in support of I1VS/Syst. . Extensions: 5021-0007 o The ALT pa ..anter is added to identify an SUPPLEMENT FOR 111S/VS VERSION ! ~ !A!1lli LISTINGS. alternate nucleus. 5735-RC3 57S2-TC221. SH20-9149-0 o A neloI -.bel' (IECIOSxx I i . added to ACF/TCAIt. Ve ..sion 2. Release 2. supports the Pri ...r subset SYSI.PARMLIB to provide installation control of 1I1S/VS functions. This Supplnent. a part of Version 2. of channel selection algorithes. Release 2 of ACF/TCAM. provides replac....nt pages fo .. the o Changes to SYSl.PARMLIB aember IEAIPSxx base publication SH20-91491 these replaceMent pages ..... in provide installation control of: in effect for subsequent ACFITCAIt releases unless SRB execution ti . . included in the specifically altered. The Suppl...nt contains listings of service definition. ACF/TCAIt sallPl. jobs. Target eultiprogra. . ing levels by Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 04/80 specifying target cont ..ol keYNOrds. ////5735-RC3 Dispatching priorities including: Autontic Priority group (APS) function. fixed. rotate. and 5021-0008 ean-ti . .-to-Mait groups. and t i . slicing. SUPPLEMENT .!!!!aU §!!lj ~ 1 Q!!!mi ~ This publication is a cOllpanion to the OS/VS BTAH Logic I/O requests that are deferred on a SY27-7246-3. It contains the VSl flOMCharts that llere in logical chamel. o O_nd !logical) s ....pping is added as a the editions of the OS/VS BTAH Logic Manual. SY27-7246. prior to the fourth edition. It is intended for use by resou..ce use fla1Ction of the SRM persons involved in prograM Hint_nce and debug of VSl o Maint_nce changes are included and also for syst. . progra.....s Mho Mant to Make prog..aM th ..oughout the publication. alterations. This . .nual containa no descriptive text only This suppleeent provides updated infor.ation to support HYS/Syst. . Extensions Release 2 as follows: flOMCharts. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 280 pages. 04/82 • A new SYSl.PARMLIB member IEAICSxx. Nhich provides a ////5652 cantral place for assigning perfor. .nce groups. • Addition of .any internal SRM constants to the IEAOPTxx SYSI.PARMLIB member. 5021-0009 • IlIIproveeents in ..esource control: Storage isolation SUPPLEMENT fi!B ~ II&! lW.UK ld gwm .I.Q!Ul;; This publication is • companion to the OS/VS BTAH Logic Selectivity of Storage. CPU. and I/O load balancers ISY27-7246-31. It contains the VS2 flOMCharts that llere in Extended I/O priority queueing the editions of the OS/VS BTAH Logic Manual. SY27-7246. T50 response ti . . objective prior to the fourth edition. It is intended for use by Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 248 pages. 5/79 persons involved in prograM Hintenanee and debug to HVS and ////S71'f0-XEl also for syst. . progra. . .rs Mho Mant to uke prograM alterations. This Hnual contains no descriptive text only S023-0005 flOMCharts. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 incm.. 280 pages. 04/82 SUPPLEMENT fi!B mlXz. S740-XEl ~ 1£ :m Jmm MANAGEMENT FACILITIES ~ §C28-2706-1 ////5752 The changes that support HVS/Syst. . Extensions are as follows: 5021-0010 o Additional fields have bean added to the relocate section for Record Types 4 and 34. ~ 5666-313 .ctX!J. ~ J.Ll!!U!I SUPPLEMENT fi!B o Relocate sections for job related service data have JHW I:I.!Wl !1OQEIt!ULTIPLE fQBI mwnl!!i Thi. publication contains updates to s _ of the Hnuals in been added to Record Types 5 and 35. o Rafarences to the new fields heve bean added to the VTAIt Version 3 library. These updates result free the "Appendix A: Field-io-record Cras-Raference". addition of X.21 Short Hold l1ode/ttu1tiple Port Sharing ISHIVttPSI to VTAH Version 3. o Changes have been . .de to "Appendix C: CPU TI.". Syst. . library suppleeent, 76 pages. 12/85 This suppl_t provides updated infor. .tion to support ////5666-313 HYS/Syst. . Extensions Relea.e 2 as follows: • Addition of four new records m nm m :m x..n :m ( S023 lO23 type 23 - SHF Status Record type 30 - COIII1IIOn Address Spac. Work Record type 32 - T50 Us.r Work Accounting Record type 90 - Syst•• Status Record • Addition of • naN SHS dump progr... IIFASMFDP) • Addition of neN para•• ters to define the us. of sttF (SMFPRMxx) • Addition of the SET SHF .nd DISPLAY SHF =-ancls • Addition of • user-exit routine (IFFU84) • Addition of five new macro instructions to facilitate writing of user-exit routines • Provide. new direction in billing (transaction billing) • SHF recording i. noN done on VSAH d.ta •• ts Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 236 pages. 5179 11115740-XEl ~23-0006 ( SUPPLEMENT fiI!i ~ 5740-XEI lW&W L:m sUPERVISOR' GC28-0608-3 This supplement to SPL Sup.rvisor includes the follONing changes in support of MVS/Syst. . Extensions: a The addition of four new aacro instructions. - INTSECT - Int.rsect with the dispatcher. - PGFIXA - F.st path to fix virtual stor.ge contents o PGFREEA - F.st path to free virtual stor.ge contents o PROTPSA - Disabl. or .nable low .ddress protection o The RPSGNL . .cra instruction has been changed to add the MEMSWT paramet.r. o The SCHEDULE . .cro instruction has been changed to add the LLOCK. FRR, CLEAR. COMPAT. and DISABLED paramet.rs. o The SETLOCK IAcra instruction has been changed to support additional specifications for the TYPE p.ramet.r. o The STATUS aacro instruction has bean changed to support additional specifications for the SRB parameter. o The RESUME IAcra instruction has been changed to support a conditional/unconditional RESUME. o Lacking- changes have b.en mad. in the functions of the Global dispatcher lock (DISP) and the general cross _ r y services lock (CMS). A new lack. ENQIDEQ crass _ r y s.rvices lock (CMSEQDQ)' has been established. This supplellent to SPL Supervisor includes the following changes in support of MVSlSyst. . Extensions R.l••s. 2. • Addition of the SMF cross IH!IIOry s.rvices lack (CMSSHF) • Addition of • description on using the SRM reporting int.rf.ce • Addition of the SYSEVENT IAcra instruction Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 116 pages, 5/79 1/1/5740-XE1 lO23-0010 SUPPLEMENT fiI! ~ 5740-XEl !W&AK L.:m mmrI INITIALIZATION ~ SY28-0623-2 This supple....t cont.ins updates to the Syst. . Initialization Logic supporting the MVS/Syst. . Extensions SUo Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 150 pages. 11/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lO23-0013 SUPPLEMENT fiI! ~ 5740-XEl L. E ~ ~ SY28-0643-4 This supple..,t to 0s/vs2 Service Aids Logic Provides changes to AtlJPRDMP Logic in support of MVS Systea Extensions. w.un AmlI Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pgs 11177 lOU-0015 SUPPLEMENT fiI!i ~ 5Z40-XEl ~ L. :m J&ml: VOLUME L SY28-0714-2 This supplenrent to SLL, Vol. 2 includes the foll_ing changes in support of MVS/Syst ... Extensions: • A naN HIPO diagra. for Syntax Checking the IPS • Changes to SETDt'H C~and Processing HIPO to r.flect keyword changes • Changes to Quiesce processing • Changes to PSA protection and low .ddress protection This infor.ation if intended for use by the PSR or custOMer syst•• programmer r.sponsibl. for .aintaining or lIOdifying MYS. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 35 pages. 11177 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lO23-0016 SUPPLEMENT flm ~ 5740-XEl ~ L :m ~ VOLUME 1L SY28-0715-2 This suppl.m.nt to SLL. Vol. 3 cIocuaents enhanc• ....,ts to the Syst_ Resources Manager (SRM) in support of Syst_ Extensions. This info ..... tion is intended for use by the PSR or custOMer systea pragra...r responsible for lAintaining or lIOdifying MVS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 105 pages. 11177 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lO23-0017 SUPPLEMENT flm ~ 5740-XEl wwg L :m LP6IC VOLUME !L SY28-0716-2 This supplement contains updates to the Tillar Supervisor, Supervisor Control. Progr... Management .nd RecoverylTera.ination Management sections of vol~ for MVS/Syst_ Extensions. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 320 pgs. 10/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lOU-0018 SUPPLEMENT fiI!i ~ 5740-XEl RELEASE L E .!J!§lC ~ iL syg8-0717-2 This supplement to SLL. Vol. 5 includes changes to HlPO diagrallS in support of the following: • Changes to pr.f.rred area steal processing • Hew PFTE counts • Changed page 110 past processing • Changed page invalidation routine This inforlNtion i. intended for use by the PSR or customer systea progr....r responsible for INintaining or lIOdifying MVS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 45 pages, 11/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lOU-0019 SUPPLEMENT flm ~ 5740-XEl RELEASE L E .l,.O6l!; ~ ~ Syg8-0718-g Thi. suppleillent to SLL. Vol. 6 includes changes to IIOClJle flON diagr.1IIS to incorporate the new SRM fast interface path and the aodified RSH IIOClJl. flON. It also includes changes to the IIOdule descriptions for the dispatcher and the trace routine. and new aodule descriptions for the int.rsect service routine. the free locks routine. and the SRM fast interface path. . This inforaation is intenclad for use by the PSR or custa.r syst. . pragra...r responsible for uintaining or lIOdifying MVS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 90 pages, 11/77 583 ( L023 6023 L023-0071 SUPPLEMENT fi!R !!HL. 5740-XY4 ~ , VERSION L. III m m LOGIC. LY28-0023-1 This is • Supplement which describes the logic for RHF Version 2. Release 2. l1VS/Systn Extensions Support Progr•• Product. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 54 pgs. 11/77 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L023-0020 SUPPLEMENT lim ~ 5740-1CE1 ~ L. III JJ!!W; VOLUME ~ sy28-0719-2 This supplement contains updates to the Data Areas and Diagnostic Ahls sections for I1VS/Systn Ext_ions. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pgs. 10/77 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SD23-0036 SUPPLEMENT lim m PROCESSOR SUPPORT. 5752-851. III ~ ~ ~ SY28-0643-4 This supplement contains. in addition to functions available in the initial release of VlV370 Syst. . Extensions. the follONing: • Dynamic SCP Transition To and FrOll Native I10de • Single Processor Ifode in AP and HP Syst_ • CI1S/DOS Uplevel to DOS/vSE • APl/Text Support for 3270 Support for the 3289 Hodel 4 Printer • • Support for the IBH 3310 and 3370 Direct Access Device Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6023-0090 SUPPLEMENT fi!R ~ J PROGRAMMEO CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY. 5740-XY5. III mE ~ GC28-0706-1 This supplement provides updated inforlllltion to support the Programmed Cryptographic Facility Program Product. Hanual. 48 pages. 3/78 ////5740-XY5 m 6023-0097 SUPPLEMENT fi!B ill ~ 1 5752-826. III mEL GC28-0706-1 Sunllllary of Amendments: Changes that support JES3 have been made to SI1F Record types 25. 47. 48. and 49. Hanual. 54 pgs. 8/78 ////5752-826 sun m !'O23-0061 SUPPLEHENT fQR ~ 5740-XEl ~ !.z. III .SY.U£!I COMMANDS. §C38-0229-1 • The DISPLAY R cOlllllland has been changed in support of the action ...sage retention facility. • The DISPLAY SHF COlllll8nd has been added to display the status of SMF data sets or the current SMF options in effect. • The SET co_nd has been changed to allON the changing of SRM specifications and SI1F para_ters. • The Control c ......nd has been changed in support of the action message retention facility. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 72 pages. 5/79 ////5740-XEl L023-0104 5023-0062 SUPPLEMENT fi!B ~ 5740-XEl ~ L. III DIA!iN!!STIC TECHNIQUES. 6C38-0725-2 This suppleMent contains replac_t pages for I1VS Diagnostic Techniques to support I1VS/Syst... Ext_ions. I1VS/Syst. . Ext_ions has the follONing prerequisHes: • Scheduler IlIIProvnents (SU4) • Supervisor Performance .1 (SUS) • Supervisor Perforllllnce .2 (SU7) • Scheduler/lOS Support I SU16 ) • Servi ce Data Improvetllents I SUI7l • EREP l1odifications lSU27) • Dunpi ng IlIIProvements I SU33) Processor Support I SU5l) • • Hardware Recovery EnhancelHl"lts (SU55) Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 184 pages. 1/78 ////5740-XEl 6023-0108 SUPPLEMENT fi!R ~ .. HY.! ACF/VTAH. 5735-RC2. III .l!I:IE.r. GC28-0706-1 Record type 50 ACF/VTAH TWling Statistics is added. Hanual. 6 pages. 10/78 ////573S-RC2 ~ 1 .lJI!W: .I.l!mARI ~ , This Supplement adds infor .... tion for the JES3 SNA/NJE Enhancement which supports I1VS/BDT Version 2. Syst. . Library Supplement. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6/86 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L023-0105 ,lglli 5740-XYN • This Supplement adds information for the JES3 SNA/NJE Enhancement Nhich supports I1VS/BDT Version 2 Syst. . Library Supplement. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6/86 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6023-0109 SUPPLEHENT lim ~ HY.! PROCESSOR ~ 5752-864. !Q .SY.U£!I MESSAGES. §C38-1002-6 This supplement contains the neM and updated syste. _sages issued by the Processor Support 2 selectable unit. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 134 pages. 12/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5023-0065 SUPPLEHENT f.Oll tOO! ACF/VTAI1. 5735-RC2. III IS mIlK III I:!!I!I!'!i A !!:If m k!!z. §C38-0648-3 §YlIlg III I!!Um!§ A !!:If mi This publication has been updated to describe the follONing enhancuents: the NOEDIT subpara_ter of TPUT. additional devices supported by TSD/VTAH. retum codes to support TGET. .nd the use ofTSD/VTAH full-screen IIOde Nith the STFSHODE .nd STLINENO •• cros. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 8/79 ////573S-RC2 ce l.I!!Rm ~ 5740-XYN' J.Q§I!; 6023-0112 SUPPLEMENT .EIlB ~ m PROCESSOR .SYefQ!ll 5752-861; ' III SYlin!! COI1I1ANQS. 6C38-0229-1 This supplellent to Systell Co_nels contains the follONing changes in support of Processor Support 2: • Serviceability level indication processing ISLIP) enhanceMents CONTROL q command • • DISPLAY H=CONFIG COMmand • Dis.bled console COGMUnic.tion • Disabled console communication • Haster trace • Channel set SNitching S84 (' \.~ " ./ 0023 LD23 5023-0123 SUPPLEMENT fi!B J!li! PROCESSOR llYffmI 5752-864. III ~ INITIALIZATION' SY?8-06?3-2 This supplement cont.ins repl.cement pages to support Processor Support 2. Manu.l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 126 pages. 12/78 ////5752-864 • Hot I/O • V.ry range of channels Manu.l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 96 p.ges. 12/78 ////5752-864 m 6023-0114 SUPPLEMENT :ES!B ~ 5152-864 ~ PROCESSOR ~ SUPERVISOR SERVICES 1 HAQRQ INSTRUCTIONS. GC28-0683-2 Descriptor code II h.s been .dded for critical eventu.l .ction II8IIs.ges in support of MYS Processor Support II. M.nual. 6 pages. 12/78 ////5752-864 :m m 5023-0132 SUPPLEMENT filR ~ m PROCESSOR ~ 5752-864. m COl1l1ANDS PROCESSOR .!J!!m; YQ!J!llii h SY28-0652-2 To help the progr......r follolol the internal oper.tion of the OPERATOR cam.nd using the SLIP subpar...eter. It also helps the progralllller to deter.ine the . . lfunctions that .ight be .ssociated loIith this comeand. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 8 pages. 1/79 ////5752-864 0023-0117 SUPPLEMENT fQB ~ !Mi PROCESSOR ~ 5752-864. DEBUGGING HANDBOOK ~ !L &C?8-0709-1 This suppleMent cont.ins updates in support of Processor Support 2 (SU641. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 i nche. 66 pages. 2/79 ////5752-864 :m LD23-0137 JES3. 5740-XYH. L06IC LIBRARY VOLUME 1 This Supplement .dds info .. mation fo .. the JES3 SHA/NJE Enhancement loIhich supports MVS/BDT Version 2. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6/86 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6023-0118 SUPPLEMENT .Elm SU64 PROCESSOR ~ 5152-864. III DEBU6GING HANDBOOK ~ 1L SC28-0710-0 This supplement contains updated inforllation supporting Processor Support 2 (SU641. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 2/79 ////5752-864 m LD23-0138 .Inh 5740-XYH • .!.Q!ill; LIBRARY 6023-01l9 SUPPLEMENT fil! ~ !Mi PROCESSOR m!I!fm.I 5152-864. !Mi INITIALIZATION 1 TUNING ~ SC28-0681-3 The fo11ONing is .dded in support of MVS Processor Support II. • A naN llelllber (CONFlixx) is .dded to SYSI. PARMLIB to .llow .n inst.ll.tion to define. st.ndard configur.tion that is COIIpared loIith the current configur.tion. • Addition of the 1fT kel/MOrd to the COMHNDxx par.lib lIember. . Addition of the expl.nation of the eligible device t.ble • gener.tion (EDTGEH) .nd MUltiple eligible device t.bles (EDTs). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inche. 72 pages. 12/78 ////5752-864 :m ( GD23-0121 SUPPLEMENT fQB ~ PROCESSOR ~ 5752-864 • ~ ~ SC28-0706-1 Record type 22 has been changed to support Processor Support II. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inche. 10 pages. 12/78 ////5752-864 :m m 0023-0122 SUPPLEMENT m ~ 515?-864 PROCESSOR ~ m §C28-0674-3 This supplement cont.ins repl.CHMt pages for Service Aids (&C28-0674) to support OS/vS2 MVS Processor Support 2 (5064). It provides infor. . tion for the serviceability laval indication processing (SLIP) fWlCtion for use loIith 6TF .nd AMDPRDMP. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 2/79 ////5752-864 :ES!B ~ ~ i 5023-0139 SUPPLEMENT fil! ACF/VTAM ~ !L 5735-VC2. no TERMINAL ~ ~ 6C28-0645-4 no TERMINAL ~ ~ §C28-0645-4 This supplement describes suppo .. t fo .. l.rger screen sizes fo .. 3270 Displ.y st.tions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 1/79 ////5735-RC2 :m 5023-0140 SUPPLEMENT fi!B ~ ~ !L 5740-XEl, m DEBU6§IN6 HANDBOOK ~ 1L SC28-0710-0 This supplement contains repl.~t pages in support of MVS/Syst. . Extensions Rele.se 2. Manual, 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches, 570 pages, 5/79 ////5740-XEl 6023-0141 SUPPLEMENT fQB ~ !Mi PROCESSOR .S!JfBlBI 5752-864. III DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES. §C28-0725-2 This supplement contains .. epl.cement pages for MVS Di.gnostic Techniques (&C28-0725) to support OS/vS2 MVS P..ocessor Suppo.. t 2 (SU64). IBM provides info.... tion for the serviceability level indic.tion processing (SLIP) .nd the . .ster trace functions in SU64. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inche, 80 pages. 3/79 ////5752 585 ( ~ This Supplement .dds info..mation for the JES3 SH.VHJE Enhancement loIhich suppo.. ts MVS/BDT Version 2. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6/86 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-0154 SUPPLEMENT BIB ~ IW&AB L. 5740-XEl. m mInI .I.&l!ilC ~ L. 9y28-0714-2 this supplement updates . .thad-of-oper.tions di.g ..... loIith infor•• tion on the .ction IItISs.ge retention f.cility .nd on setting the ;'.t.ll.tion control specific.tion .nd OPT par....ters. lO23 SDn /1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inche. 170 pages. 4/79 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lOn-0155 SUPPLEMENT ml ~ ~ !.r. 5740-XEl. E mn!! ~ ~ SY28-0715-2 This supplement contahlS neM and changed info.... tion pertaining to SRM. SMF and schedules for I1VS Systea Extensions Release 2. /1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 150 pages, 4/79 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ lO23-0156 SUPPLEMENT ml ~ ~ !.r. 5740-XEl. E !r!.UH LOGIC VOLUME !L SY28-0716-2 This supplement contains updates to RTt1 for l1VS/Systea Extensions Release 2. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 200 pages. 4/79 SlSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lO23-0158 SUPPLEMENT f!!! I1VS/SE ~ L. 5Zlt0-XE1. E m:ml! .lJl§lI: ~ 1L SY28-0719-2 This supplement contains ~dates for the SRM control block overvi_. additions to the acronyll list, neM and ~dated system codes issued by l1VS/Systea Extensions Release 2, and a new figure depicting the unit control module structure. /1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. ISO pages. 5/79 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lO23-0159 SUPPLEMENT fi!B ~ ~ 1.t 5Zlt0-XEI. E !r!.UH INITIALIZATION ~ SY28-0623-2 Contains updates in support of OS/vs2 I1VS/Syst_ Ext_ions Release 2. including: • The use of VSAH data sets by St1F • the installation control specification • new paraHters allOMing flexibility in selecting St1F options • neM St1F record types • .dditional keyNOrds in SRM for the OPT PARMLIB Ia8lllbar /1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 134 pages. 4/79 SLSS: IM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lOn-0164 SUPPLEMENT f!!! ~ ~ ~ IW.Wli 1 ~ 1.t 5740-XX4. E ~ LY2S-0923-1 This is a supplement that describes the logic changes in support of RMF Version 2 Rele.se 2 (I1VS/Systea Extensions Support) I1VS/Syst. . Extensions Release 2 Feature. /1anual. 176 pages. 4/79 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ,;023-0167 SUPPLEMENT fQB m .I m CRYPTOGRAPHIC Y!!II SUPPORT, 5740-lCY6. E Bm!:m!!ii .I DESCRIPTOR ~ 6C38-1102-2 os/vsl and OS/vS2 Cryptographic Unit Support: VS2 Routing .nd Descriptor Codes is • suppl_t for VS2 Routing .nd Descriptor Codes, 6C38-1102-2. The suppleMent contahlS routing .nd descriptor codes .ssigned by IM progr• •ing to the new VS2 t1VS ...sages that are issued by the Cryptographic Unit Support progr•• product. /1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inc'-. 7 pages. 1/80 //115740-XY6 SD23-0168 suPPLE!1ENT fQB m .I m CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT supPORT. 5740-XY6. IQ SMF. 6C38-0706-1 This supplement provides support for the Cryptographic Unit Support Progra. Product. Manual. 64 pages. 12/79 11115740-XY6 SDn-0169 SUPPLEMENT l!lR m ! m CRYPTOGRAPHIC SUPPORT. 5740-XY6. E DEBUGGIN6 HANDBOOK ~ 1.t 6C38-0709-1 Provides data .rea document.tion on the OS/vSl .nd OS/vs2 I1VS Cryptographi c Uni t Support product. Manual. 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches. 10 inches. 1/S0 wn 11115740-XY6 lO23-0172 SUPPLEMENT ml I1VS/SE 5740-XEl RELEASE 1 E SYSTEM ~ ~ ~ SY28-0717-2 Provides introductions. control flON diagra... control block overviews. and Method-of-operation diagralllS for the follONing components: task management. prograM management. and recovery ter.ination managellent (RTt1). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 10/79 SlSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6023-0175 SUPPLEMENT fi!B ~ 5740-XYN' =:mI..t. E B.Q!lill§ ! DESCRIPTOR ~ 6C3S-1102-2 This supplement contains new and changed routing and descriptor codes for IleSsages issued by HVSlSystea Product 5740-XYN. -XYS. /1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 18 pages. 4/80 11115740-XYN.5740-XYS 6023-0177 SUPPLEMENT ml ~ 5740-XYN' =:mI..t. E SUPERVISOR' GC28-0628-3 SPL: Supervisor describes s~rvisor functions that can be influenced by a system prograllllller and includes the ...cro instructions used to obtain the functions. This suppleMent contains changes in support of l1VS/Systea Product including new ...cro instructions: INTSECT, P6FIXA. PGFREEA. PROTPSA, SYSEVENT •• nd changed ncro instructions: ESTAE RPSSNL, SCHEDULE. STATUS, RESUME. It .lso includes locking changes. and • description of the SRM reporting interface. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 132 pages. 4/80 11115740-XYN,5740-XYS 6023-0178 SUPPLEMENT ml ~ 5740-XYN. =:mI..t. E ~ AIIIL. 6C28-0674-3 This s~pl_t contains replaceHnt pages for Service Aids (6C28-0674) to s~rt OS/vS2 I1VS Syst. . Product. It provides a list of nallle& Nith equated hexadecinl event identifiers (EIDs) for events traced by the Generalized Trace Facility (6TF). Service Aids is intended to be used by syst.... progr....rs and IBM progra. support representatives. /1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 8 pages. 5/80 11115740-XYN,5740-XYS SD23-0181 suPPlE!1ENT fQB ~ 5Zlt0-XYN. =:mI..t. E DEBUG§It!& HAtIlBOOK ~ !.r. §C28-0709-1 This suppleaent reflects changes to data areas contained in Debugging H.ndbook. (yo1~ 2). 586 / ( S023 S023 Manual. 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches. 236 pages. 4/80 11115740-XYN.5740-XYS S023-0182 SUPPLEI1ENT f.!!R MVS/SP. 5740-XYN. =m.... ll! DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOL~1E ~ GC28-0710-0 This supplement reflects changes to data areas contained in Debugging Handbook (volume 31. l1anual, 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches. 146 pages, 4/80 11/15740-XYN,5740-XYS S023-0183 SUPPLEI1ENT fi!R ~ 5740-XYN. =m.... :m DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIquES. 6C28-0725-2 This supplement contains diagnostic information for the I1VS system control program with an l1VSISystu Product installed. It is intended for system progralDlllers who are involved in debugging I1VS system problems. l1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 240 pages. 7/80 11115740-XYN,5740-XYS lO23-0186 SUPPLEI1ENT .Elm ~ 5140-XYN' =m.... :m ~ ~ ~ 1L SY28-0714-2 This supplement contains MN and updated information to support the COll1ll\A1ic.tions task, cOlllllland processing, region control task, the VARY STOR and VARY CH co_ands. cross system component address space initialization. and the message processing facility for I1VS/Systea Product. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 564 pages. 12180 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY _ry. ( lO23-0187 SUPPLEI1ENT.Elm ~ 5740-XYN. =m....:m .1m !fa!!m!! LOGIC ~ ~ SY38-0715-2 converter/interpreter. allocationlunallocation, System support the Event Notification Facility (ENF), the Systea Resource Management (SRI1), the easter subsystem. initiator/teMDinator. SWA create interface. convertor/interpretor. allocationl\A1allocation. Systea Management Facilities (Sl'tFI. cross IN!IIIOry. and scheduler enhancements for I1VS/System Product. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 410 pages. 12180 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lO23-0188 SUPPLEMENT fi!B 5740-XYN. =m.... ll!.Im !fa!!m!! ~ ~ !L SY38-0715-2 This vol~ contains enhancentents for the ti_r and supervisor con"ollents in support of I1VS/System Product 5740-XYN. -XYS. This publication is intended for the use of systea progralDlllers. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 239 pages, 4/80 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lOn-0190 SUPPLEI1ENT fllB I1VS/SP. 5740-XYN' =m.... TO ~ ~ VOL~E !L SY28-0718-2 This supplement contains updates to Real Storage Management (RSI't" Auxil I ary Storage I1anagement (ASM). and Machi ne Check Handler (HCH) in support of I1VS/System Product 5740-XYN. -XYS. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 5/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lO23-0191 SUPPLEI1ENT fiIR ~ 5140-XYN' =m.... ll! ~ VOL~E lL SY28-0719-2 This supplement contains MN and updated module descriptions for modules added or changed by I1VS/System Product 5740-XYN. -XYS. l1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 i'nches, 5/80 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY mm lO23-0192 SUPPLEI1ENT fllB ~ 5740-XYN' .:lmU :m m:wI INITIALIZATION ~ SY28-0623-2 This supplement documents initialization logic changes required to support the following l1VS/Systu Product (5740-XYNI features: • Iaproved SI1F data selection. collection. and recording; new facilities for f\A1Ctional accO\A1ting • Iaproved SRM control and reporting aechanls. . and easier usage of certain SRI1 capabilities • An action message retention facility • An event notification facility • Dynamic path selection for online devices I1anual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 5/80 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lOn-0203 JES3. 5140-XYN' .!J!!m; .I.n!BA!U ~ Z This Supplement adds inforaation for the JES3 SNA/NJE Enhancement ..... i ch supports I1VSIBDT Vers i on 2. System Library Supplement. 8 1/2 x 11. 6/86 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6On-0204 SUPPLEI1ENT fi!B ~ =m....:m ~ 6128-1030-0 This is a supplement for the item nailed in the title. Manual, 4 pages. 1981 111I5740-AM7 ~ son-0206 SUPPLEI1ENT fi!R ~ ~ PACKA6E. 5740-XT6 :m !!Q TERI1INAL ~ ~ §C28-0645-4 This supplement describes one (1) new control variable l&SYSENVI and one (1) new built-in f\A1Ction (&NRSTR) developed in support of the TSO COMand Package Progra. Product. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6 pages. 10/80 111I5740-XT6 lO23-0189 SUPPLEI1ENT BIB ~ 5140-XYN' =XIh :m JDmS J.!l!IW: ~ ~ SY28-0717-2 This vollae contains enhancements to the task management. program .anagement. and recovery termination aanagement co.poIlelits in support of I1VSlSystea Product 5740-XYN. -XYS. This publication is intended for the use of system progra_rs. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 112 pages. 4/80 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( son-0207 SUPPLEMENT fQB m ~ PACKA6E. 5140-XT6 :m m!W:!Il LANGUASE REfERENCE. §C28-0646-4 This suppleuoent docUlllents the co_nds/s~nds that have been aodifled for the TSO Command Package Progra. Product. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 10/80 111I5740-XT6 587 61123 S023 S023-0208 SUPPLEItENT BIB m s:m:!WII PACKAGE, S740-X!6 .m m !iYI.I!l III t!!!lm!i A TERMINAL !!S!I:lIIQB flU!lilWI J:IB A mmtm PROCESSOR' GC28-0648-3 This .upplelllBl'\t docUlllent. the changes . .de to the follONing Mcros for the TSO Command Package PrograM Product: GETLINE. GTSIZE. IKJPOSIT. and PUTGET. Itanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pages. 10/80 1///S740-y;r6 S023-0209 SUPPLEItENT BIB m ~ PACKAGE, S740-y;r6 III JE ~ PROCESSOR, §C28-0629-3 This suppleunt to 0s/vs2 I1VS SPL: TSO supports the T50 Co_nd Package PrograM Product (S740-y;r61. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10/80 L023-0222 SUPPLEItENT filii Dm FACILIU/DEVICE SUPPORT, S740-M7, III l!llli ~ INITIALIZATION ~ SY28-0623-? This update to the DS/ys2 ItVS Syst. . Initialization Logic Mnual supports the Data Faci1ity/Dev;ce Support prograM product (5740-AM71. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L023-0211 ~ ! For infor.ation about .this publication. contact Controlling Party. Refer to Controlling Party listing in PUblications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Syst. . Library Suppletnent. 10 pages. OUBS SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L023-02l2 SUPPLEMENt fQB 61123-0223 SUPPLEMENT fQB ACFIVTAM S73S-RC2. £OOi 1PL INITIALIZATION AND n.!:I!t!!i ~ Ge28-0681-3 A neN parameter for installations Nith ACFIYTAM Release 3 is expl.ined under the TSDKEYOO par.lib .ember description. The par• •ter affect. hOM confidential text is handled. Manual m IE :m mil DD ~ ~ ~ ~.IJliIli ~.LL SY33-8548-3 This supplement docunents the .odification IHlde to the following EDIT subeollllland processors: ATTRIBUTE. CKPOINT. FREE. SAVE. PROFILE. and the access . .thod servicns in support of TSO Comaand Package PrograM Product. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pages, 10/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GD23-021S SUPPLEItENT 1111S73S-RC2 1111S740-AI17 I:IY.I f.!IB JW:a F&CILIUtDEYICE SUPPORT, ruO-AM7. III !mL iCB -P674-3 ~ Thi. update to the 0s/vs2 ItVS SPL: S.rvice Aids .anual .upports the D.t. Facility/Device Support prograM product ( 5740-AI171. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inch... 6 pages, 10/80 11//5740-AM7 GD23-0218 SUPPLEMENT .BIB JW:a FACILIU/DEYICE SUPPORT. S74P-N!7. III £OOi INITIALIZATION .6I::I!l IYI:WI!i .!iYllIL. GC28-1029 Thi. update to the os/vS2 ItVS Syst. . Progra. .ing Libr.ry: Initi.lIz.tion .nd Tuning Guide describes hOM to .pecify en .lternat. . .st.r cat.log. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10/80 11115740-AM7 L023-0219 ttYIaA DE!!UG!iINi HAtIIBQOK YII.LIIm 1 GD23-0224 SUPPLEMENT .BIB ACFIVTAM SUS-Reg, I:IY.I 1PL INITIALIZATION M:!Il IYlW!§ §!.!mL. SC28-IOn-1 A naN para_ter for installations Nith ACFIYTAM Rele... 3 is .xpl.ined under the TSOKEYOO parlllib .amb.r description. The par._t.r affects hOM confidential text is handled. Manual :m FACILIU/DEYICE SUPPorn , S740-AM7. III ~ GC38-1102-2 Thi • • uppl8lllBl'\t contains n .... and changed routing and descriptor codes for .....ges i •• ued by Data Facility/Devic. Support, S740-AM7. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6 pages, 10/80 .EJm JW:a £OOi B.I!YmIIi .I DESCRIPTOR 6023-0217 SUPPLEMENt GD23-0220 SUPPLEMENT filii JW:a FACILITY/DEYICE SUPPORT. S140-AIt7, III l!llli §lm!:I COMMANDS. GC38-1031-1 Thi. supplement contains inforlllation related to the Data Facility/Device Support prograM product Nith an os/vS2 I1VS systeal control prograat. It is intended for systeal progra...rs Mho are involved Nith debugging I1VS .yst. . probl_. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 5 pages, 10/80 II//S740-AM7 II//S740-y;r6 trl.3aA DEBUGGING HANDBOOK Publications Price Li.t. ZZ20-0100. Syst. . Library Supplement. 56 pages. DUBS SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 11/1573S-RC2 L023-0226 SUPPLEMENt BIB IIYUJE ~ 1 YWW1t11z..:m III B£!fa. SY28-0923-3 This supplement cont.ins infol'lllation for syst... progr._rs in .upport of ItYS/Syst. . Products ReI•••• 2. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 156 pages. 12180 SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 8023-0227 SUPPLEMENt fQB ~ S74P-)(l'N • .::m.t. III D!h iC28-P627-3 D!h SC28-0629-3 This suppl8lllent cont.ins inforatetlon for syst. . progr._rs in support of I1VS/Syst. . Product. R.l. .s. 2. Manuel. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 1/81 IIIIS740-XYN.5740-XYS 61123-0228 SUPPLEMENt .BIB IfllilaP ~ 1 mmIf 1z. .:Xl'N.r. .:m III m ~ LANGUAGE REFERENCE, iC28-D646-lt This suppluent cont.ins infor•• tion for syst. . progra_rs in support of ItYSlSyst. . Product. Rele.se 2. Manuel. 20 pag.s. 1980 1IIIS740-XYH,5740-XYS For inforlletion about this publication. contact Controlling P.rty. R.fer to Controlling P.rty lI.tlng In 588 / ( 6023 SD23 tr.nsmission facility TRANSMIT and RECEIVE coamands. Updates have .lso been added to appendix 0 to describe the processing of TSOIE batch jobs. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1981 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~;o23-0229 SUPPLEMENT fllB ~ IW.!m ! mm!t! 1.1. I!! SUPERVISOR SERVICES ! ~ INSTRUCTIONS. GC28-0646-4 The supplement. in support of HVS/Systl!lll Product Release 2. adds information to the following macro instructions: ENQ. DEQ. LINK. LOAD. SNAP. WTO. XCTL. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 76 pages. 12/80 11115740-XYN.5740-XYS SD23-0244 SUPPLEMENT f.!lR nQ EXTENSIONS (TSO/E). 5665-285 I!! ~ ! OPERATOR COMMANDS. 6C28-0629-3 This supplement reflects technical changes to support ISO Extensions (ISO/E): Installation consider.tions for implementing the Interactive Data Transmission Facility; changes to the LOGON pre-prcmpt exit; execution of the THP in the backgro~ .s • batch job; permanent utility IIoIOrk data sets for EDIT; changes to the SUBMIT exU; and neIoI and changed para_ters on the ADD and CHANGE subc:oamands of ACCOUNT. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/81 SLSS: ORDER ND. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-0230 lll:CiaA DEBUGGING HANDBOOK ~ .Ii For inforution about this publication. contact Controlling Party. Refer to Controlling Party listing in Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Systl!lll Library Supplement. 8 pages. 07/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-0231 .b!!§I!; LIBRARY VOLIJ1E l This Supplement adds infor.... tion for the JES3 SNA/NJE Enhancement Nhich supports HVSIBOT Version 2 Systu Library Suppll!lllent. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6/86 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY illh 5740-XYN' SD23-0245 SUPPLEMENT fllB D!I EXTENSIONS I!! ~ D!I §!.1m I!! Jmm:§ A .QB A ~ This publication contains replacement pages for Guide to Writing. TMP or a CP to support TSO/E. It expl.ins the prompt mode HELP function. how to uke it active for userIIoIrittan subcollllllands •• nd hollol to update HELP . .mbers to t.ke full advantage of the function. System Libr.ry Supplement. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pages. 1981 11/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY me 6023-0236 SUPPLEMENT fllB ~ SORTIHERGE. ~ i I!! III ~ DEBYS6IN6 HANDBOOK ~ 1 This supplement adds support for the OS/VS SortlHerge Progr•• Product. 5740-SH1. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 03181 1/1/5740-Srl1 ( LD23-0246 SUPPLEMENT fllB too! nQ EXTENSION .!.m!LU I!! m III m ~ PROCESSOR ~ ~ lliI This supplement docuIIIents changes to the following EDIT subc_nds in support of OS/vS2 HVS TSO Extens i ens (TSO/E): CKPOINT. FREE(ALLlt RENUI1. and SAVE. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 44 pages. 11/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-0238 SUPPLEMENT fllB too! FACUIU ~ .StJffllBI III mmI INITIALIZATION !Q§J& This update describes the program logic enabling an alternate master (systeJII) catalog. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pages. 03/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .u nw 6023-0240 SUPPLEMENT f.!lR ~ D!I li!.!m rg !!RImf§ A TERMINAL !IIt:!IIQR ~ QR II ~ PROCESSOR This supplement documents the extended .ddressing capability in SP 1.3.0 that enables the te... inal user to reference 26bit real addresses ..... ile NOrking lIoIith TSO. It is intended for system programmers and this featUre is specific.lly for IPCS dunps of real stor.ge. Manual. 46 pages. 05/81 11115740-XYN.5740-XYS m LD23-0248 SUPPLEMENT fi!! ~ D!I EXTENSIONS D!I TERMINAL t!miU.QB gmg .Rll!.!ll!:m .!.Qlli This P\blication docUllents the changes .ada to the THP .nd the service routines (PUTLINE. 6ETLINE. and PUlGE!) in support of the TSO Extensions Progra. Product. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 11/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY fR!!§BAIj 6023-0250 SUPPLEMENT fllB 1m m EXTENSIOtIS rg ~ DEBU§6It!§ HANDBOOK ygym 1: This supplement provides information to support updates ..de to the ECT for TSD/E. progra. number 5665-285. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/81 11115665-285 SD23-0241 SUPPLEMENT III D!I EXTENSIONS III 1m DQ TERMINAL l.IBB.!J li!.!m This public.tion supports Tso/E .nd describes info.... tion needed by terminal users Idho are not experienced TSO users. It can serve .5 an aid to syst_ progr._rs as Nell. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 63 pages. 11/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6023-0251 SUPPLEMENT fllB SD23-0242 SUPPLEMENT fi!! Im EXTENSIONS III kQ!!!6!:!Il REFERENCE This publication describes the TSO Extensions .adifications .nd enhancuents to the GETLINE .nd GTSIZE ucros .nd to thafollowing com.ands: ALLOCATE. ATTRIB. EDIT. FREE. HELP. LOGON. LOGOFF. PROFILE ••nd TERMINAL. In .ddition. a ~ section describes the synt.x of the TSO/E inter.ctive data 589 HANDBOOK m m ~ ~ EXTENSIONS I!! ~ DEBU§§It!§ This publication provides infor.ation to support updates mada to the PSCB for Tso/E program number 5665-285. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1981 11115665-285 S023 LD23 Terminal Monitor Program and Service Routines Logic to MVS/Extended Architecture TSO Terminal Monitor Program and Service Routines Logic; Removed all references to TEST !Testis not supported by MVSIXA unless TSOIE for MVSIXA is installedl; Updated Service Routines documentation to shON which routines are able to execute in 24 or 31 bit addressing mode; Updated references to other publications to reflect MVSIXS titles. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 03/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY S023-0253 SUPPLEMENT fiIB m .l!.Kr.!!R PROCESSING SUBSYSTEMISP (VPSS/SPI. 5665-292. !.EQB 1t!S 3838 ARRAY PROCESSOR) IQ INSTALLATION A!::!ll OPERATION GUIDE. GC24-5124 This supplement contains information for VPSS/SP (Vector Processing SubsystemlSP Program Product). It is intended for system programmers responsible for installing and controlling VPSS. and system operators responsible for operating VPSS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 12/81 11115665-292 :;023-0254 SUPPLEMENT B!R m ~ PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM/SP (VPSS/SPI. 5665-292. !.EQB 1t!S ~ ARRAY PROCESSORl TO SUBSYSTEM PROSRAMtlER'S GUIDE. GC24-5125 This supplement contains information for VPSS/SP (Vector Processing SubsystemlSP Program Product). It is intended for VPSS application programmers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10 pages. 12/81 S023-0263 MVSIXA TSOIE !llQ TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE SUPPLEMENT IQ GC28-1274 This publication is intended for the users of TSO Extensions in a MVS/Extended Architecture Environment. It describes enhancements to the ALLOCATE command and FULL SCREEN LOGON processing. Manual. 8 112 x II inches. 60 pages. 06/82 1139115740-XC6.5665-284.5665-291 11115665-292 LD23-0255 SUPPLEMENT B!R m mIQR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEMISP (VPSS/SP) 5665-292 IQ LOGIC SY24-5173 This supplement describes changes to the VPSS code in support of the OSIVS2 MVS Vector Processing subsystetnlSP Program Product 5665-292. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 88 pages. 12/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-0258 OSIVS2 ~ TERMINAL !:!Q!!!IQB PROGRAM Atm ~ ROUTINES LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic and organization of the terminal monitor program for TSO Extensions Release 2 in an MVS/370 environment. It is for people who maintain or modify TSO and is not necessary for those who use TSO to process programs or who Nrite programs that are processed by TSO. ' Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 02/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 0023-0259 SUPPLEMENT fiIB ~ MVS/SP-JES3 ~ ~ MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION ~ llAIA FACILITY PRODUCT TO COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE This publication creates a base book for MVS/Extended Architecture users. LINK and LOADGO descriptions are updated Nith AMODE and RMODE options. All references to theTEST command are re.eved by this supplement since TEST and its functions are not available Nith MVS/Syst_ Product Version 2 Nithout TSO/Extensions. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 06/82 11115740-XC6.S665-291 LD23-0261 5740-XYN. LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME !! This Supplement adds information for the JES3 SNAItIJE Enhancement which supports MVSIBDT Version 2. System Library Supplement. 8 1/2 x II. 6/86 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ S023-0267 SUPPLEMENT fiIB MVSIXA IQ ~ GC28-1173 For a description of this publication. contact E. Spates. Dept. D58. Poughkeepsie. N.Y •• TIL 296-5115. Manual. 92 pages 1139115740-XC6.S665-291 LD23-0270 SUPPLEMENT fiIB ~ IQ ~ ~ PROCESSOR .I.Q.1ill; ~ ! !QQQYtl! SY28-0651 This publication updates references to other publications to reflect MVS/Extended Architecture titles. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 16 pages. 03/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-0271 SUPPLEMENT fQR ~ MVS/SP-JES3 ~ ~ MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION ~ This publication changes the name of the book to create a neN use for MVS/Extended Architecture users. All references tothe TEST command are removed by this supplement since TEST is unavailable in the MVSIXA environment Nithout TSO Extensions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 14 pages. 06/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-0272 SUPPLEMENT fi!! masA TSOIE IQ ~ ~ PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME ~ This publication supports TSO Extensions in the MVS/Extended Architecture Environment. The follONing EDIT subcommands are supported under TSO Extensions: CKPOINT. FREE (all). RENUM. and SAVE. Updates have been made to attention recovery and cleanup. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 34 pages. 06/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-0286 SUPPLEMENT B!R m SYSl.LOGREC EREP LOGIC. SY28-0678 For information about this publication contact the controlling party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Manual. 28 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-0262 SUPPLEMENT fi!! ~ IQ m TERMINAL!I!t:!m!B ~ A!::!ll ~ ROUTINES .I.ll§I!; This publication made the follONing changes to the IMP and Service Routines Logic: Changed the title frOll OSIVS2 TSO 590 ( LD23 LD23 LD23-0288 SUPPLEMENT f.Im MVS/SP-JES3. MVS/SP-JES2. 5740-XYN. ~ !Q LOGIC !Aill VOLUl'lE L LY28-1063-0 For information about this publication contact the controlling party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Manual. 60 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-0303 SUPPLEMENT f.Im MVSIXA !Q DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME ! LC28-1l67 For information about this publication contact the controlling party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Manual. 4 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-0289 SUPPLEMENT f.Im MVS/SP-JES3. MVS/SP-JESg. 5740-XYN. ~ !Q LOGIC (CNDI VOLl~!E ~ LY28-1071-0 For in-formation about this publication contact the controlling party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Manual SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5023-0308 JES3. 5740-XYN. COMMANDS This supplement is intended for operators. systems programmers. and those Who are responsible for operating JES3. It contains information about controlling the Systems Network ArchitecturelNetworking Job Entry (SNAlNJE) Enhancement. System Library Supplement. 8 1/2 xli. 05/86 1140115740-XYN :.023-0290 SUPPLEMENT fQR MVS/SP-JES3. HYS/SP-JES2. 5740-XYN. ~ TO LOGIC (RSM. Rill VOLUME 1 (LY28-1083-01 This supplement is issued to suppod the MVS/SysteJI Product Version Release 3.3. It contains new and changed information to support device-clepenclent exit routines for DDR. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( LD23-0291 SUPPLEMENT fQR MVS/SP-JES3. HYS/SP-JESg !Q LOGIC (SCTL-SMFI YPlUME iL LY28-1091-0 This volume is the ninth in a set of eleven volumes that comprise the System Logic Library for MVS/System Product Version 1 Release 3.3 (Program 5740-XYN Dr 5740-XYSI. Its purpose is to describe the logic of scheduler JCL facility. supervisor control and system management facilities. This book also contains diagnostic information useful in debugging the three above-mentioned components. This publication is intended for use by system programmers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-0309 MVSIXA. 5665-291. ~ .!J!§I!; .I.mRAB1 VOLUME 1 This Supplement adds information for the JES3 SNAlNJE Enhancement which supports MVSIBDT Version 2. System Library Supplement. 8 1/2 xiI. 6/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-0310 MVSIXA. 5665-291. ~ LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME .? This Supplement adds information for the JES3 SNAINJE Enhancement which supports MVSIBDT Version 2. System Library Supplement. 8 1/2 xli. 6/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5023-0311 SUPPLEMENT f.Im MVSIBULK DATA TRANSFER FACILITY !Q ~ ~ INITIALIZATION i TRAINING §Y!Qg SC23-0059 This publication is for the JES3 system programmer. It explains the SYSID and CONSOLE initialization statements required when adding the MVSIBULK Data Transfer Facility to a JES3 complex. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 08/83 //1/5665-302 SD23-0299 LOGIC ~ ~ ~ PROCESSOR YQb ! This supplement was reissued because of the major rev,s,on to base SY28-0652. The parallel TI1P structure does not apply to the MVSIXA envi ronment wi thout TSO/E. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 4/85 1/1/5665-285 LD23-0300 ,l!lli 5740-XYN. LOGIC LIBRARY _VOLUME 11 5023-0312 SUPPLEMENI fQB MVSIBULK ~ TRANSFER FACILITY TO ~ INSTALLATION PLANNING AND TUNING-SC23-0041 This publication is for the JES3 system programmer. It explains the SYSID and CONSOLE initialization statements required when adding the MVSIBULK Data Transfer Facility to a JES3 complex. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 08/83 111/5665-302 This Supplement adds information for the JES3 SNAINJE Enhancement which supports MVSIBDT Version 2. SysteJI Library Supplement. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6/86 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-0313 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK. ~ Ii This supplement updates the TSVT control block in support of TSO Extensions Release 3 and updates the SPQE control block for maintenance. SysteJI Library Supplement. 8 112 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 08/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LD23-0302 SUPPLEMENT fi!B ~ !Q DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 1 LC28-1166 For information about this publication contact the controlling party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Manual. 8 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY (- LD23-0315 HYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE ~ 1 ~ This publication contains additions to MVS/Extended Architecture JES 3 Logic in support of the JES 3 MVSlBulk Data Transfer Support Feature for MVS/SysteJI Product - JES 3Version 2. 591 (\ I , "'--J 5023 lO23 Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 25 pages, 01184 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lO23-0378 5665-291. illl .I.Q§l!; .I.l!mARI ~ 1 this Supplement adds information for the JES3 SNAlJJE Enhancement which supports tlVSIBDT Version 2. Systell Library Supplement. 8 112 x 11 inches. 6/86 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ lO23-0316 1 LOGIC This publication contains additions to JES 3 Logic in support of the JES 3 HVSlBulk Data Transfer Support Feature for HVS/System Product - JES 3 Version 1. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 25 pages, 01/84 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ lO23-0379 ~ JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME ! This SUpplement adds information for the JES3 SNAINJE Enhancement which supports I1VSIBDT Version 2. System Library Supplement. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6/86 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-0324 5665-291. illl .Yl!W; .I.mRW ~ 1 This Supplement adds information for the JES3 SNAlNJE Enhancement which supports HVSIBDT Version 2. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 6/86 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ lO23-0380 5665-291. illl .!.Q!U!;; .bI!!B!Bl ~ 1 This SUpplement adds information for the JES3 SNAlNJE Enhancement Nhich supports tlVSIBDT Version 2. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 06/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ lO23-0356 5665-291. ~ ~ LIBRARY ~ ! This Supplement adds information for the JES3 SNAlNJE Enhancement which supports I1VSIBDT Version 2. System Library SUpplement, 8 1/2 x 11 Inches, 6/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ lO23-0381 56!5-291. JES3 LOGIC .I.m!AB! ~ .! This Supplement adds information for the JES3 SNAINJE Enhancement which supports I1VSIBDT Version 2. Systell Library Supplement, 8 112 x 11. 6/86 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ lD23-0373 LOGIC .I.m!AB! ~ j This supplement adds information for the JES3 SNAlNJE Enhancement which supports I1VSIBDT Version 2. System Library Supplement, 8 112 x 11 inches, 6/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ lO23-0382 5665-291. illl LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 111 This Supplement adds information for the JES3 SNAlNJE Enhancement which supports tlVSlBDT Version 2. System Library Supplement. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6/86 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SU6SCRIPTION ONLY ~ :.1)23-0374 ml .!.Q!ill; LIBRARY ~ 111 This supplement adds infoMlatlon for the JES3 SNAlNJE Enhancement which supports I1VSIBDT Version 2. System Library Supplement, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY / ~ lO23-0383 5665-291. ~ LOGIC ~ VOLUME 11 This Supplement adds information for the JES3 SNAlNJE Enhancement MIlich supports I1VSIBDT VerSiion 2. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6/86 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ lO23-0375 5665-291. JES3 LOGIC .bI!!B!Bl m!J.!tIg 11 This Supplement adds Information for the JES3 SNAlNJE Enhancement which supports I1VSIBDT Version 2. System Library Supplement. 8 1/2 xli. 6/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 5023-0376 OPERATIONS. 5665-291. ~ COM!1AN!!S ~ this supplement Is intended for operators. syst_ programmers. or anyone who Is responsible for operating JES3. It contains Information about controlling the Syst_ Network Archi tecture/Network i ng Job Entry (SNAlNJE) Enhancement. Mal'lUal. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 5/86 1140115665-291 lO23-0377 5665-291. JES3 .!.Q!Ul; .bI!!B!Bl ~ 1 This Supplement adds information for the JES3 SNAlNJE Enhancement which supports I1VSIBDT Version 2. System Library Supplement. 8 112 x 11 inches. 6/86 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ lO23-0384 ~ SY28-06S0-4; SUPPLEMENT DQ TERMINAL t!QJ:!I!QR ~ ~ LD23-0384-0! OSIVS: M!!l SERVICE ROUTINES .!J2!ill; TSO/EXTENSIONS ~ This publication contains changes to PhaSie 2 CLIST processing. replaces IKJCT438 with IKJCJTBL and adds LISTDSI CLIST statement information. System Library Supplement, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 04/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5023-9000 SUPPLEMENT f.Q!I ~ mEeU 5748-XEl • .m INTRODUCTION' GC20-1800-9 This p\blication serves as an introduction to the VI1I370 System Control prograal. I t is intended for anyone interested in VI1/370. However. readers should have a basic understanding of IBM data processing. This publication briefly describes the four COIIpollehts that comprise the VI1I370 system; namely: .CP (Control Program) .ens (Conversational,Monitor System' .RSCS (Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem' elPCS (Interactive Problem Control System' Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 111I5748-XEl 592 ( 5023 5023 5023-9001 inforHtion about: Support fol' the IBM 3310 and 3370 Direct Access SUPPLEMENT f!lR VM/SE mE!!.L. 5748-XEl. :m PLANNING Is ~ Devices. GENERATION ~ §C20-1801-10 Manual. 8 1/2 )C 11 inches. This Supplement includes information pertinent to VMl370 System Extensions Prograll Product. which includes Shado.. 11115748-XEl table maintenance facility. MVS/System Extensions support. Virtual storage preservation support. Accounting-records-to5023-9006 disk support. Spool-files-to-tape support. CMS tape label processing. Terminal Native Mode. Single Processor Mode in SUPPLEMENT f!lR ~ (SEPPI. 5748-XEl. !Q TERMINAL ~ AP and MP Systems. Interactive Help Facility Under CMS. CMS GUIDE. GCgO-1810-7 This supplement. supporting System Extensions. is for the File System Extensions. CMSIDOS Uplevel to DOSIVSE. Small CP Option. APLlText Support for the IBI1 8809 Tape Unit. and terminal user Mho. in addition to the base publication 6C20-1810-7. needs information about terminal support for Support for the IBI1 3310 and 3370 Direct Access Devices. Manual. S 1/2 x 11 inches. enhanced 327x units. 1111S748-XE1 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 3/78 11115748-XEl 5023-9002 SUPPLEMENT f!lR VM/SE mE!!.L. SZ4S-XEl. :m OPERATOR'S §!.!m RELEASE !L GC20-1806-9 This supplement contains replacement pages for VMl370 Operator's Guide to support VMl370 Systell Extensions. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 136 pages. 6179 11115748-XEl ( 5023-9003 SUPPLEMENT f!lR ~ .!XI!f.h 5Z48-XEh !Q PROSRAI1!!ER'S GUIDE. GC20-1807-7 Provides the detailed information the systell progra_r needs to understand and use Release 2 of the VMl370 Syst_ Extensions Program Product. This publication. which supplements the IBI1 Virtual Machine Facility/370: Syst_ Programmer's Guide. discusses: eHeN VM/370 preserves virtual storage Nhen a virtual machine becomes incperative eChanges the lIethod that VMl370 uses to onage the real processor -Changes to the favored execution performance option eChanges to tlw information that tlw INDICATE COIIIIIand p.. ovides eSuppo.. t for .... iting accCIU'Iting records to disk and spool files to tape eSupport that expands a vi .. tual ochine's capability to control a 3270 display sc..een -Requirements for using CMSIDOS tape lebel processing -Support for fixed-block storage devices eSupport of the small-CP option eChanges to the CMS file syst_ eSupport for the 3289 Model 4 printer eMultiple sh.dow-table support eMVS/System Extensions support eDynamic SCP transition to or froll native IIOde .Single processor mode Prerequisite Public.tion: 1811 Virtuel Machine Facility/370: System Progr....r's Guide. 6C20-1807. Manuel. 8 112 )C 11 inches. I'/I'/S748-XEl 5023-9004 SUPPLEMENT fiIB :mln .L.m!I!h 5748-XEI' :m lIIIl1!! MESSAGES GC20-1806-8 This supplement contains repl.cement pages to support VMl370 Syst.. EXtensions. Manual. 8 1/2 )C 11 inches. 168 pages. 5/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5023-9005 SUPPLEMENT fl2B :mln !.UffJ.z. 5748-XEl. :m II.LIBf! A!Il UJl!lB RECORDING ~ GC20-1809-7 This supplement 5023-9005 corresponds to VKI370 Syst.. Extensions. Release 2 and contains ~ and updated 5023-9008 SUPPLEMENT f!lR ~ (SEPP I. 5748-XEl. !Q Q:gj COM!1ANDS Is MACRO REFERENCE. GC20-1818-3 This supplement in support of VMl370 System Extensions contains n_ and updated information about: e CMS Tape Label Processing Support e Full Screen Support • Interactive Help Facility under CMS • CMS File System Enhancements DMSIDOS Uplevel to DOSIVSE • • Display Control for the 3270 • Support for the IBM 3289 Model 4 Printer • Support for the IBM 8809 Tape Unit • Support for the IBM 3310 and 3370 Direct Access Devices Manual. 8 112 )C 11 inches. 3178 11115748-XE1 5023-9009 SUPPLEMENT f.Q! ~ illffl..t. S748-XEl. I.Q glJi ~ ~ §C?O-1819-2 This supplement. in support of VMl370 Syst.. Extensions. contains new and updated information about: • CMS Tape Label Processing Support • Full Screen Support • Interactive Help Facility under eMS • OMS File System Enhancelnents • Display Control for the 3270 • Support for the IBM 3289 Model ~ Printer • Support for the IBM 8809 Tape Uni t • Support for the IBM 3310 .nd 3370 Direct Ace... Devices Manual. 8 1/2 x Hinch... 11115748-XEl 5023-9010 SUPPLEMENT fl2B :mln !.mPl.z. 5748-XEl. :m §£Hg!W, ~ GC?O-1820-it Thi. supplement corresponds to VMl370 System Extensions. Rele... 2. and contains ne.. and updated information about: • APLlText Support for 3270 • Displ.y Control for the 3270 • Support for the IBM 3289 Model 4 Printer • Support for the IBM 3310 and 3370 Dil'ect Acc..s Devices Manuel. 8 112 x 11 i nche. 11115748-XEl 5023-9011 SUPPLEMENT fiIB ~ mE!!.L. 5748-XEl. :m OPERATING ~ lU A~ MACHINE. GC20-1821-3 This i. the System Extensions Progra. Product Release 2 for the Release 6 base version of VMl370 Operating Systems in a Virtual Machine. This supplement contains. in addition to initial SEPP release functions. the folleNing: • Dynamic SCP Transition to and fro. Native I10cIe 593 ( ,/-'''',,- '\"-.--~ 5023 5023 5023-9018 SUPPLEMENT .El!B ~ unm ExtENSIONS IBSEPP), 5748-XX8 m unm PROGRAM!1ER'S ~ §C20-1807-7 Provides the detaUed information the syst... progra_r needs to understand and use the VHl370 Basic Systee Extensions Prograe Product. This publication. Nhich supp1etaents the IBM Virtual Machi". FacUity/37D: Syst. . Progra_r's Guide. discusses: • HON VHl370 preserves virtual storage Mhen a virtual . .chi". becOllleS inoperative • Changes to the Method that VHl370 uses to . .nage the real processor • Changes to the favored execution perfor. .nce option • Changes totha inforlll8tion provided by the INDICATE cOlllllland • Support for Mriting accounting records to disk and spool Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches • Single Processor tIoda in AP and I1P Syst_ • Support for tha 1M 3310 and 3370 Diract Accass Devi_ Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inchu. 3/78 .m 11115748-XEl LD23-9012 SUPPLEMENT BIB ~ mE!!..U 5748-XU. 111 gm ARm J .l.Q§K.. SY20-°Wt-2 This suppleJllent contains neN and updated info.... tion in support of VKl370 Syst. . Extensions. • ShadON table . . intenance facility • Resource eanagelll8llt facU i t i . • HVS/Syst. . Extensions support • Virtual storage preservation support • Accounting records-on-disk support • Spool files-to-tape support • CMS tape label process i ng • Full screen support .NaN tereinal support For a complete list of publications that support VHl370 Syst. . Extensions see 18/'1 Virtual MacM". FacUity/370 Syst. . Extensions General Infor. . tion Manual. &e20-1827. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2/78 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ II//S748-XX8 5023-9019 SUPPLEMENT .El!B BAn!; ~ EXTENSIONS IBSEPP), 5748-Xl(8 m unm MESSAGES. §C20-1808-9 This suppl....nt of VMl370 Syst. . Messages. SC20-1808. contains naN and updated info.... tion for: • Virtual storage preservation support • Accounting records on disk support • Spool file-to-tape support • CMS tape label processing support • Interactive Help facility under CHS • CHS file systea enhancements • CMS/DOS upleve1 of DOSIVSE • Support for the 1M 3289 Hodel 4 Printer • Support for tha IBM 8809 Tape U,i t • Support for the IBM 3310 and 3370 Direct Access Devi_ in support of VHl370 Basic Syst. . Extensions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inchu .m 5023-9015 SUPPLEMENT f.!l! m JWW; .mmH EXTENSIONS .!mW 5748-XX8, 111 INTRODUCTION. §C20-1800-9 This pubUcation introduces VHl370 and is intended for anyone who is interested in VHl370. HONeYer. the reader should have a basic understanding of IBM data processing. TMs pubUcation is a prerequisite for tha VHl370 syst_ Ubrary. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inchu 11115748-XX8 11/IS748-XX8 / 5023-9016 SUPPLEMENT f.!!B m u.m; mIl!! EXTENSIONS (UEPP). 5748-XlC8 111 PLANNIN§ J ~ GENERATION ~ §C20-1801-10 Thi s supplell\8l\t includes: • Virtual Storage Preservation Support • Accounting - Records-on-Disk Support • Spool - Fi1es-to-Tape Support • CI1S Tape Label Processing Support • Enhanced 3270 Support • Interactive Help Facility Under CHS • CMS FUe Systea Enhancennts • CMS/DOS Up1evel to DOSIVSE • S. .11 CP Option • Support for the IBM 3289 Hodel 4 Printer • Support for tha IBM 8809 Tape U,i t • Support for tha IBM 3310 and 3370 Diract Accass Devi_ • APlIText Support for the 3270 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inchu 5023-9020 SUPPLEMENT 111 .El!B .m ~ unm ExtENSIONS IBSEPP)' 574§-XX8 J IRRQR RECORDING ~ GC20-1809-7 OLTSEP and Error Recording Guide. Order No SC20-1809-7. together Mith Supplement No. 5023-9020. reflect tha follONing anhancement for the IBM Virtual Machine Faci1ity/370 Basic Syst. . Extensions Progra. Product IPrograe No. 5748-XX81: • Support for the IBM 3310 and 3370 Direct Access Devi_ using fixed block architecture. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inchu /1//S748-XX8 11115748-XlC8 3023-9017 SUPPLEMENT f.!l! unc I!lm!! EXTENSIONS (BlEPP)' S74§-XlC8 m OPERAIQR'S ~ §C20-1806-9 Tha 18/'1 Virtual Machine FacUity/370 Basic Syst_ Ext_i_ prograe product provides significant perforaance and fWICHonal enha_ts to tha VHl370 syst. . control prograe. These enhanc_ts ere: • Support for tha IBM 3289 Hodel 4 Printer • Support for tha IBM 3310 and 3370 Direct Accass Devi_. • CI1S File Systea Enha_ts to furthar support the IBM 3310 and 3370 Diract Access Devic. . • CP ..... fo ....nce Iliprove.ents Manual .m ~ 5023-9021 SUPPLEMENT fiI! nI ~ unm EXTENSIONS IBSEPP!z 5748-XX8 ]g TERMINAL ~ ~ 6C20-1810-7 This suppl8llent. supporting Basic Syst. . Ext_i_. is for the tereina1 user Mho. in addition to the base pubUcation. needs info.... tion about tereinal support for enhanced 327x ""i ts. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inchu 11115748-XX8 5023-9023 SUPpLEMENT 1IIIS748-XX8 5M .m unm flIB BAn!; EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 5748-XX8 ~ ~ J ~ REFERENCE. 6C20-1818-3 This suppleaent in support of VKl37D Basic Systea Ext_i_ contains MN and updated infor. .tion about: CHS Tape Label Processing Support Full Screen support Interactive Help Facility under CHS CHS Fi le Syst.. Enhanceealts ]g (5023 LD23 CI1SIDOS UpleYtlI to Dos/vsE Display Control for the 3270 Support for the IBM 3289 Model 4 Printer Support for the IBM 8809 Tape lkIi t Support for the IBM 3310 and 3370 Direct Access Devices. • Full screen support Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. ////5748-lCX8 • Full screen support • Terminal support for enhanced 3270s. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches SbSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-9028 SUPPLEMENT fi!! m BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 5748-XX8 IQ mHl! .IJ!Iil!: ! fB.!ml.m DETERMINATION !B!W mIm L SY20-0887-0 This supplement to vtV370 Syst. . Logic and Probl. . Dete~ination Guide VolUllltl 2. S120-0887. contains naN and updated infor.ation for: • CMS tape label process i ng support in support of YM/370 Basic Systlllll Extensions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches SbSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SD23-9024 SUPPLEMENT fQB ~ ~ IlmtI EXTENSIONS (BSEPPh S748-lCX8 IQ Q:§ USER'S i!.IIQ.&.a. GC20-1819-2 This suppleatent. in support of vtV370 Basic Syst_ Extensions contains naN and updated inforMtion about: CMS Tape Label Process i ng Support Spool-Files-to-Tape Support Enhanced 3270 Support InteractiYtl Help Facility under CHS CMS File Syst. . Enhancements CI1SIDOS Uplevel to Dos/vsE Display Control for the 3270 Support for the IBM 3289 Model 4 Printer Support for the IBM 8809 Tape Uni t Support for the IBM 3310 and 3370 Direct Access Devices Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches ////5748-lCX8 LD23-9030 SUPPLEMENT 5023-9025 SUPPLEMENT fQ! ~ u:w; IDIEtI EXTENSIQt!S (BSEPP). 5748-lCX8 IQ g! &!l!:IIW:I!l REFERENCE fi!B m.ww. Jru!h §C20-1820-4 This doc\DW'lt supports the vtV370 Basic 5yst. . Ext_i_ progra. Product. It contains: • Resource management facilities subset • Virtual storage preservation support • Accounting-record5-on-disk support • Spool-files-to-tape support • Full screen support • Enhanced 3270 support • APb/Text support for the 3270 Device support for 4300 processors • Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches ////5748-lCX8 5023-9026 SUPPLEMENT f!!H ~ u:w; EXTENSIONS (BSEPP!. S7it8-lCX8 !Q g! OPERATINS nI .6 .lWmI!l. MACHINE. 6C20-1821-3 This supplement to V1V370: Operating Syst... in a Virtual Machine. 6C20-1821-2 Mith TNL 6H25-0410. contains raplaceDent pages to support the vtV370 Basic Syst. . Extensi_ progra. product. The suppleatent contains naN and updated infor. . tion about: • Virtual storage preservation support • Accounting recorda-on-disk support • Spool files-to-tape support • Resource . .nagement facilities • Full screan support • Enhanced 3270 support Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches ////5748-lCX8 mmm mr.m LD23-9031 SUPPLEMENT fQB ~ BASIC lmm!! EXTENSIONS (BSEPPJ. 5748-lCX8 !Q DW AREAS 9lt!IRQ!. ~ J.Q!illi S120-0884-3 The IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370 Basic System Extensions program product (Program No. 5748-lC(8) provides significant perforunce and functional enhancnents to the vtV370 syst. . control program. These enhancements are: • Resource Management Facilities Subset • Virtual Storage Preservation Support • Accounting-Records-on-Disk Support • Spool-Files-to-Tape Support • CMS Tape Label Processing Support • Full Screan Support • Enhanced 3270 Support • Addition to Extended Control-Program Support (ECPS) Interactive Help Facility under CMS • • CMS File Syst. . Enhanc. .ents • CMS Tape Command Performance I~rovement • CI1SIDOS lJplevel to Dos/vsE • CMS Use of CP Page Management Interfaces • CP Performance IMprovements • S.all CP Option • APL-Text Support for the 3270 Display Control for the 3270 • • Support for the IBM 3289 Model 4 Printer • Support for the IBM 8809 Tape lkIi t • Support for the IBM 3310 and 3370 Direct Access Devices Manual SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-9032 SUPPLEMENT f!m LD23-9027 SUPPLEHENT fill !B.W .I m Im.c ~ ~ EXTENSIONS IWIklS .IJl§ll;." 5120-0884- 2 ~ I!!lW: .IiDmI EXTENSIONS ! BSEPP!. 57it8-XX8 DETERMINATION liYII!l m!.!.!Ijg L. SY20-0886-1 The IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370 Basic Syst. . Extensions progra. product provides significant perfor. .nce and functional enhancements to the vtV370 syst. . control program. these enhanc_ts are: • APL/Text Support ~or th. 3270 • s..ll cp option • Support for 3310 and 3370 direct access devices III .umtI .I.2!i1C .I !ml!!! .m gm This Basic Syst... Extensi_ suppla.ent contains th. follOMing naN and updated infor. . tion: • Virtual storage preservation support • Resource . .nageaent facilities subset • Accounting recorda-on-disk support • Spool files-to-tape support • CMS tape label procassing ( mr.m fi!B ~ !Mm EXTENSIONS (&SEPPI. 5748-)Q(8 ~ ROUTINES L06IC. SY20-0882-4 This suppl.......t contains c:IocuIIIentation in support of th. follONing IBM vtV370 Basic Syst. . Extensions program product enhancements: • IBM 3310 and 3370 Direct Access Devices • IBM 3289 Printer. Model 4 Manual SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY IQ 595 .emmm LD23 5025 Manual SLSS: lett INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-9033 SUPPLEMENT fi!! .m JWW; nnm EXTENSIONS :m nnm .!.Qill; J LD23-9037 SUPPLEMENT filB LD23-9034 SUPPLEMENT fi!B BAm; ~ EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 574§-)Q(8 :m ~ ROUTINES ~ SUO-0882-4 This supplement contains. in addition to functions av.ilable in the initial release of vtV370 Syst_ Extensions. the follOMing: Support for the 1M 3289 ~del 4 Printer • Support for the lett 8809 Tape Uni t Support for the 1M 3310 and 3370 Direct Access Devices. .m Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. SLSS: lett INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .m WI!; ~ EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 5748-)Q(8 ~ ~ JJI!iIW. SUO-0884-3 In addition to functions .vailable in the initial release of vtV370 Systea Extensions. this supplaaent contains: -Interactiv. Help Facility Under CM -eMS File Syst. . Extensions -CM Tap. Co. .and P.rfor.anca I~rovaaant -CMSIDOS Uplevel,to DOSIVSE -CM Us. of CP P.ge Managaaant Int.rf.ces -CP P.rforaanc. Extensions -APLlText Support for the 3270 -Display Control for the 3270 -Support for the lett 3289 Modal 4 Print.r -Support for the lett 8809 T.pe Unit -Support for the IBM 3310 .nd 3370· Direct Acces. D.vices Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 ineha SLSS: lett INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY :m JW:A A!!.W J LD23-9036 SUPPLEMENT BIB .m IWW: .IImI:I EmtlSIOtIS (BSEPPlr 5Z48-)Q(8 III .IImI:I J.!IlWi J .PB.llIU.m PETERMINATIIIf i!l.Wl ~ 1.a. SX20-0886-1 Thi. suppl_ant cont.iN. in .ddition to functi_ av.nabl. in the initial reI•••• of vtV370 Syst_ Extensions. the following: Dyna.ic SCP TraNition To .nd Free Native Mode Single Proces.or Mode in AP .nd MP Syst_ DMIPOS Upl.vel to DOSIVSE APLlText SUpport for 3270 Support for the 3289 ~el ft Print.r Support for the IBM 3310 and 3370 Direct Ace... Device Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 ineha SLSS: lett INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1!RQW.EM DETERMINATION (BSEPP). 574ft-)Q(8 m!m :iQl..!m L SY20-0887-1 This supplement contains. in addition to fU'ICtions available in the initi.l releasa of vtV370 Syst. . Ext_ions. the following: Inter.ctive HELP Facility Under CMS CM Fila Systea Extensions CM Tapa c-nd Performance I~rov.....t CMIDOS Upleval to DOSIVSE Support for the 1M 3310 .nd 3370 Direct Accasill Devices Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY (BSEPP), 5Z48-)Q(8 fBlm.I.nI DETERMINATION iYm ~ L SUO-0887-1 The IBM Virtual Kachina F.cility/370 Basic Syst. . Extensions prograa product provides significant perforaance and fU'ICtional enhancements to the vtV370 systea control prograa. These enhancetllel'\ts .re: Support for the 3310 and 3370 direct access devices CM File Syst_ enhancements Interactive HELP facility under CM CMlDOS uplevel to DOSIVSE Manual SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD23-9035 SUPPLEMENT BIB .m ~ .mmIj EXTENSIONS :m mIEM .lJ!iIC J SD25-0006 SUPPLEMENT fim.SIJgJ 1nh ~ ~ PROCESSOR SUPPORT. 5741-620 :m ~ IPL ! H!P ~ SY24-5160-4 This aanual is • supplement to OSIVSI IPL and HIP Logic. SY24-5160-4. It docuaants OSIVSl 3031. 3032. 3033 Processor Support. It describes changes to NIP for those processors. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 3178 11115741-620 5025-0007 SUPPLEMENT BlB SUH ill.L. 1IZ1L. nn PROCESSOR SUPPORT. 5741-620 :m ~ RECOVERY MANA6EMENT m!PPORI ~ SY24-5170-0 This supplement. part of VSl SU20 (SU ID 5741-620). cIoc:Iaents changes to the Machine Check. Handler and the Channel Check Handlar in support of the 3031. 3032. and 3033 processors. This suppl. .ant .pplies to OSIVSI Recovery Managl!lllent Support Logic. SY24-5170-0 Nith TNL SN24-5574-0. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 34 pages. 3178 11115741-620 LD25-0012 SUPPLEMENT BlB YSE/ADVANCEP fUNCTIONS' 5N-XE8. III J.IlD ~ 1.a. INFORMATION J IMPERATIYE ~ ~ S133-8552-4 This .upplaaant .pplies to DOSIVSE LIOCS Voluaa 1: Sanar.l Infor.ation and IMPer.tive Macros Logic. S133-8559-4. It doc..--.t. inforaation on the eli.ination of the LBLTYP .tatnant. data .ecurity. and sp.ce llanas-t. Manual. 42 pages. 2179 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY mww. &D25-0013 SUPPLEMENT .Elm .m!U 1IZ1L. au PROCESSOR SUPpoRT. 5741-62Q IP Yil iXIIiU GENERATIQH REFERENCE. §C26-3791-8 Thi • •uppl. .ant. part of VSl SU20 (SUID 5741-620) docuaant. changes in the .tarter ayst_ .nd the following .ystaa generation ..cro iNtructions: CENPROCS. CTRLPROG. DATASET. IODEVICE. SCHEDULR. .nd SECOtISLE. Thi. .upplnant .ppl i_ to as/VSl Sy.t. . Generation Referanee. 6C26-3791-8. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 ineha. 48 pages. 3178 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 596 .nn.. LD25-0014 SUPPLEMENT fg! Yil J HYI PBO§RAMMEP CRyptpGRAPHIC FACILlry. SZ40-XXS. III YillUntlllW MOL. SX28-0605-6 Thi. pUllication auppllllll8l'lts the OSIVSl Sy.t. . Dat. A...... SY28-0605-5. for the OSlVSl Progra..ad Cryptographic F.cility. It docuIIant• • change to the OSIVSI .nd 0SIVS2 C~ Ext_ion of the CVT - • portion of • reserved ..... ia IlOII baing used to contain the Cryptographic CVT .dd...... Kanual. 3 11/16 x 6 314 inches. 8 pages. 5178 SLSS: lett INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( 5025 5025 replacement pages for. OSIVSI Job Managl!lllent Logic Vol~ 2. SY24-5169-1. It documents changes caused by support for OSIVSI Basic Progra.ing Extensions. Progra. Nuaber 5662-257. Manual. S 112 x 11 inches. 24 pages. 6/S0 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5025-0019 SUPPLEMENT fi!B .l!ln !Wi EN!fANCED FUNCTION. 57M-XU. WORKSTATION ~ Ii!WlL. 6C28-6879-3 This publication supplements the OSIVSI RES Workstation User's Guide. GC28-6879-3. for the OSIVSI RES Enhanced Function Progra. Product. It contains the s . . l1 aaount of infor.ation needed by the workstation user. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 12 pages. 1179 ////5740-XYE .m SD25-0020 SUPPLEMENT fQR m ill ENHANCED FUNCTION .unm PROGRAMMER'S ~ GC28-6878-4 This publication supplements the OSIVSI RES Syst. . Prograllllll8r's Guide. 6C2S-6S7S-4. for the OSIVSI RES Enhanced F\n:tion Progra. Product. It provides the inforaation needed by the syst. . progra. for naN SNA W Type 4 clevice support and SNA enhancelllents for LU types I and 4. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 1179 .m 11115740-XYE L025-0021 SUPPLEMENT fi!B m .m S025-0032 SUPPLEMENT fi!B XI! ~ ~ EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. ~ SERVICES. §C24-5100 (CURRENT RELEASE! This . .nual is a supplement to. and provides replacement pages for. OSIVSI JCL Services. GC24-5100-4. It documents changes caused by support for OSIVSl Basic Prograllllling Extensions. Progra. Number 5662-257 • Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 20 pages. 6/80 ////5662-257 .m m ill ENHANCED FUNCTION. 5HO-XU. .m ~ ~ 1 WORKSTATION ~ ~ SY28-6S49-4 This publication supplements the OSIVSI RES RTAM and Workstation Support Logic. SY28-6849-4. for the OSIVSI RES Enhanced F\n:tion progra. Product. It provides the inforaation needed by, those in . . intaining and/or aodifying RES for the naN SNA davica support and SNA enhanc~ts for LY types I and 4. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 92 pages. 1/79 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( 5025-0031 SUPPLEMENT fi!B ~ f!H!§!mI EXTENSIONS. 5662-257 • ..&I..t. 6C24-5099 (CURRENT RELEASE! This . .nual is a supplement to. and provides replacement pages for. OSIVSI JCL Reference. GC24-5099-4. It documents changes caused by support for OSIVSI Basic Progra. . ing Extensions. Progra. Number 5662-257. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 6/80 ////5662-257 L025-0033 SUPPLEMENT filii m ~ ~ EXTENSIONS nmtI IlW ~ SY28-0605 (CURRENT RELEASE! This licensed . .nual is a suppletllent to. and provides replacell8nt pages for. OSIVSI Syst. . Data Areas. SY28-0605-6. It docuoents changes caused by support for OSIVSI Basic PrograMing Extensions. Progra. NUmber 5662257. Manual, 3 314 x 6 314 inches. SO pages. 6/S0 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .m L025-00n SUPPLEilENT fi!B VSE/AQVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XES • ~ ~ ~ .2 ~ ~ SY33-8560- 4 This supplement applies to DOSIVSE LIDeS Vol.- 2 SAM Logic. SY33-S560-3. It docunents inforaation on data security and space . .nagaaant. Manual. 50 pages. 2179 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .m L025-0026 SUPPLEMENT fi!B VSEIADVANCED FUtlCTIONS' 5746-XE8. m .EIml ~ ARCHITECTURE ~ SY24-5ISI-O This supplement applies to OOSIVSE Fixed Block Architecture Logical IDeS. SY24-5181-0. It docwaants inforaation on the DTFCP logic DOdule. Manual. 12 pages. 2/79 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY S025-0034 SUPPlEMENT fi!B m §Am f!H!§!mI EXTENSIONS' 5662-257. iXIIIU GENERATION REFERENCE. §C26-3791 (CURREN[ RELEASE! This . .nual is • supplement to. and provides replaCetllent pages for. OSIVSI Syst. . Generation Reference. GCZ6-3791-9. It documents changes caused by support for OSIVSl Basic Pragra. .ing Ext.... ions. Progra. Number 5662-257. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 68 pages. 6/S0 .m 11115662.-257 L025-0035 SUPPLEMENT fi!B m BAm ~ EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. SY24-5160 (CURRENT RELEASE! This licensed . .nual is a supplement to. and provides raplaceDent pages for. os/vSI IPL and NIP Logic. SY24-5160-4.. It documents changes caused by support for OSIVSI Basic Progra. . ing Extensions. Progra. Nuaber 5662257. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 24. pages. 6/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m i l l &Ill t!lf.I.!!2Kz. L025-0029 SUPPLEMENT fi!B m ~ !B.!!fiB!tI EXTENSIONS' 5662-257. ..lim MANAGEMENT .mJJ!!fg 1 .IJ!IZK.. SY24-516S (CURRENT RELEASE! This licensed aanual is • suppl-.t to. and provides replacement pages for. OSIVSI Job Manageaent Logic Vol~ I. SY24-5168-1. It docUMents changes caused by support for OSIVSI Basic PrograMing Extensions. Progra. Nuabar 5662-257. Manual. S 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 6/S0 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .m S025-0036 SUPPLEMENT :m ~ BIB m BAm ~ EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. !m!.t. §C28-0665 (CURRENT RELEASE! This _nual is a supplement to. and providas replacement pages for. OSIVSI Service Aids. GC28-0665-2. It document. changes caused by support for OSIVSl Basic progra. . ing Extensions. Progra. Number 5662-257 • Manual. S 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 6/80 LD25-0030 SUPPLEMENT .Ell! XI! BAm .I?B.Il§!WI EXTENSIONS' 5662-257. .g MAHAGEMENT mum i .I.Q!iKL Sl24-5169 (CURRENT RELEASE! This licansad . .nual is • suppl_t to. and provides .m 11115662-257 597 LD25 LD25-0037 SUPPLEMENT fiB 6025 lOS Probl. . Determination Area and the lUCY Vector Tabla. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12 pages. 6/80 ////5662-257 m BASIC ~ EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. m ~ !l!m .!..QiKa. SY28-0635 (CURRENT RELEASE) This licensed IHlnual is a supplement to. and provides replacement pages for. OSIVS1 Service Aids Logic. SY28-0635-3. It documents changes caused by support for OSIVS1 Basic Programaing Extensions. Program Nuaber 5662257. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pages. 6/80 SLSS: IBI'I INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5025-0044 SUPPLEMENT fi!B m ~ fRQ!iBAH EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. IQ PLANNING A!:!Il yg .!iY.Illi 6C24-5090 (CURREN! RELEASE) Documents additions to OSIVSl Planning and Us. Guida for Basic Programming Extensions. Release 1. Includes information for Enhanced Dump Facility, Inter-User COIIIIIII.Inications Vehicle. IB1'1 3380 DASD ••nd IBI'I 3263 Printer. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 6/80 ////5662-257 . 5025-0038 SUPPLEMENT fiB ~ PROGRAM EXTENSIONS' 5662-257. m ~ §C24-5115-2 This manual is a supplement to. and provides replacement pages for, OSIVS1 System Management Facilities (SI'IF), 6C24-5115-2. It documents changes caused by support for OSIVS1 Basic Prograuing Extensions. Program Number 5662257. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 60 pages, 6/80 ////5662-257 m LD25-00ltS SUPPLEMENT fi!B m BASIC fRQ!iBAH EXTENSIONS' 5662-257. m SUPERVISOR ~ SY24-5155 (CURRENT RELEASE! Documents additions to OS/vs1 Supervisor Logic for Basic Prograuing Extensions. Includes infoMtation on Enhanced DUIIIP Facil i ty • Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inch..... 44 pages, 6/80 SLSS: IBI'I INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5025-0039 SUPPLEMENT fiB m ~ .PR!l.§!W! EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. m IDI.IiW ESTIMATES. 6C24-5094 (CURREN! RELEASE) . This IHlnual is a sUpplement to. and provides replace.ant pages for. OSIVS1 Storage Estimates. 6C24-5094-7. It documents changes caused by support for OSIVS1 Basic Programming Extensions. Program Number 5662-257. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 80 pages. 6/80 ////5662-257 LD25-0046 SUPPLEMENT fi!B BASIC .PBm!!!H EXTENSIONS III ug SUPERVISOR ~ SY24-5156 (CURRENT RELEASE) Documents additions to OS/vsl I/O Supervisor Logic for Basic Progralll8ing Extensions. Includes infoMtation on the IBI'I 3262 Printer and the lOS Probl. . Determination Area. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12 pages. 6/80 SLSS: IBI'I INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m LD25-0040 SUPPLEMENT fiB m ~ .PRQ§WJ EXTENSIONS m RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUff!!BI .lJ!§Ka. M24-5170 (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is a supplenaent to, and provides replacement pages for, OSIVS1 Recovery Management Support Logic SY24-5170-1. It docuaents changes caused by support for OSIVS1 Basic Programaing Extensions. Releas. 2, Program Nunbar 5662-257. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 16 pages, 03/81 SLSS: IBI'I INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5025-0047 SUPPLEMENT fi!B m ~ fBQ!ZRMI EXTENSIONS SlJPERVISOR SERVICES! MACRO INSTRUCTIONS SC24-5103-2 Documents additions to OSIVS1 Supervisor Services and Macro Instructions for Basic Progra.ing Extensions. Includes Information on the Enhanced Dump Facility. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 04/81 ////5662-257 m 5025-0049 :armw. MACHINE/SYSTEM ~ Em-USER SOfTHARE m.!.PfORI §!mH SUPPLEMENT m ~ §!mH MESSAGES MIll smu This supplement is intended for users of the VM/SP End-User SoftNar8 Support Systea. It contains messages that are naN or changed from VM/SP Rel.... 4. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 5 pages 5025-0041 SUPPLEMENT fiB ~ f!U!§B!H EXTEHSIIltlS. 5662-217. OPERATOR'S REFERENCE. §C38-0110-8 Documents additions to the Operator'. Library: OSIVSI Referane.. for Basic Programming Extensions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12 pages. 6/80 ////5662-257 m m 5025-0042 SUPPLEMENT fi!B IASlC f!U!§B!H EXTENSIONS. 5662- 217 • m PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE ~ §C24-5091 (CURREN! RELEASE) Documents additions to Progra....r·s Referanee Digest for Basic Progra_ing Extensions. Includes sense bytes for the IBI'I 3263 Print.r. SVC 141 for IUCV. and naN operands for the DUMP and SET operator co.anda. Manual. 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches. 16 pages. 6/80 ////5662.,257 m 5025-0043 SUPPLEMENT fi!B IASlC EIU!!iB6l2 EXTENSIot!S. 5662-2!i7. DEBUtjGINS fiIlIlli §C24-50U (CURRENT RELEASE) Documents additions to OSIVSI Debugging Guide for Basic Progra.ing Extensions. Includes sens. bytes for the IBI'I 3263 Printer. SVC 141 for lUCY. and changes to the CVT for m m 5025-0600 SUPPLE"ENT fiB ~ .1m PROCESSOR SUPPORT. 5712-851 m SYS1.lQGREC ~ RECORDING ~ SY28-06Z8-4 This publication is intended for the IBI'I progra.ing service representative. installation prograllllller, and others involved in using EREP. The disk initialization program IIFCDIPOO) reads MCH and CCH edit format infor. .tion. forINts it into I'ICF and CCF ..fra .... records. and writes the records on SYS1.LOGREC. This publication supports 0SIVS2 I'IVS SYS1.LOGREt ERRIlR RECIlRDINS LOGIC. RELEASE 3.7. SY28-0678-04. Manual. 8 1/2 x·11 inches, 32 pages. 11/77 SLSS: IlRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 598 ( GOZS LD26 SOZS-0601 SUPPLEMENT filB 1!.!i.l PROCESSOR SUPPORT. S7SZ-SS1 m SYS1.LQGREC lBRQR RECORDING ~ GCg8-0677-4 This publication is intended for systeM operation. progralllllers and adMinistrators involved in using EREP. The intent of the Processor Support is to allOM lIachine check (HCH) and channel check (CCH) records to be forllatted properly lIIithout EREP having knONledge of the EC level. forMat. or data content logout. This publication supports OSIVSZ KVS SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING. SCZ8-0677-04. Manual. 8 1/Z x 11 inches. ZO pages. 11/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD26-6004 SUPPLEMENT fllB §!ttdz. 5740-AM3. !Q CHECKPQINTIBESTART LOGIC. Syg6-3820-4 This docunent adds info..... tion about OSIVS2 KVS SAM-Extended to the book lIIith the above title and forM number. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 24 pgs. 2178 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m m 5OZ5-060Z SUPPLEMENT filB mwlmL. 1lW..a. 1lW PROCESSOR SUPPORT. 5741-620 !Q ~ SYS1.LOGREC ~ RECORDING. sy28-0669-3 This publication is intended for the IBM prograilining service representative. installation progra_rs. and others involved in using EREP. The disk initialization prograM IIFCDIPOO) reads HCH and CCH edit forMat inforMation. forMats it into HCF and CCF "fran" records. and IIIrites the records on SYS1.LOGREC. Manual. 36 pages. 3/78 11//5741-620 LD26-6005 SUPPLEMENT fllB §!ttdz. S740-AM3. !Q ~ !lID LOGIC. SY26-3834-1 This docuIIIent adds infor. . tion about the Data ManageMent-Extended PrograM Product to the books lIIith the above fOrM numbers and titles. Manual. 8 112 x II inches. 48 pgs. 12177 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5026-6006 SUPPLEMENT fllB §!ttdz. 5740-AM3. IlW MANAGEMENT ~ INSTRUCTIONS. 6C26-3873-1 This doc:unIent adds information about the Data Management-Extended PrograM Product to the book lIIi th the above title and fOrM number. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12 pgs. 1/78 m /1115740-AM3 ( GDZ5-0603 SUPPLEMENT filB mwl 3031. 3032. 1l!ll PROCESSOR SUPPORT. 5741-620 !Q ~ SYS1.LQGREC ~ RECORDING' §C28-0668-3 This publication is intended for systelll operation. programmers and administrators involved in using EREP. The intent of the Processor Support is to allOllil Machine check (HCH) and channel check (CCH) records to be forMatted properly lIIithout EREP having knowledge of the EC level. forMat. or data content logout. Manual. 20 pages. 3178 ////5741-620 LD26-6009 SUPPLEMENT fllB Am CRYPTOGRAPHIC QffiQtU S740-AM8. ~ ACCESS H&!HQQ SERVICES ~ SY2S-0010-3 This supplement adds information concerning the Access Method Services PrograM Product to SY3S-0010. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 5/78 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m LD26-6010 SUPPLEMENT fllB Am CRYPTOGRAPHIC nPTmiL 5740-AM8. ~ ~ H&!HQQ SERVICES ~ SY2S-0018-2 This supplement adds inforMation concerning the Access Method Services PrograM Product to SY35-0008. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 40 pages. 5178 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m 5025-0606 SUPPLEtiENT fllB 1M! PROCESSOR m!fPORI §.!.!g!t 57'U-624 m ~ SYS1.LQGREC lBRQR RECORDING ~ ~ SYZ8-0669-3 Provides Display Exception Monitoring Facility (DEMF) support for teleprocessing devices. Used by IBM progra_ing service representatives. installation progralllllers. and others involved in locating a hardllilare problelll in a c~ications netllilOrk. This is a suppletaent to OSIVS1 SYS1.LOGREC Error Recording Logic. SY28-0669-3. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12 pages. 1178 11115741-624 5026-6011 SUPPLEMENT fllB ~ STORAGE EXTENSIONS fllB 3850 !Q ~ OPTIONS fQ! ADVANCED APPLICATIONS. GC26-3819-4 This suppl..... t adds information on the OSIVS Mass Storage Systelll Extensions. program number 5740-XYG. to the base publication. 6C26-3819. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 4/79 GOZ5-0607 SUPPLEMENT filB 1M! PROCESSOR m!fPORI §.!.!g!t 5741-624 m SYS1.LOGREC ~ RECORDING: DEMF. §C28-0668-3 This publication is intended for isysta operation and programmers. It provides Display Exception Monitoring Facility (DEMF) support for teleprocessing devices. This is a suppl....,t to OSIVS1 SYS1.LOGREC Error Recording. SCZ8-0668-3. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 incha. 4 pages. 1/78 m /1115741-624 LD26-6000 SUPPLEMENT fllB ~ m CHECKpPINTlRESTART ~ SY26-3820-4 This docuIIIant adds infoMl8tion about the OSIVSZ HVS/Syst_ Extensions PrograM Product. SY26-3820-04. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12 pgs. 12/77 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 599 ( ///15740-XYG LD26-6013 SUPPLEMENT filB 11m STORAGE EXTENSIONS fllB ~ 5740-XYG. !Q ~ ~ SERVICES ~ SY35-0010-3 The base book describes the internal logic of OSIVS2 Access Method Services routines and prov;des diagnostic ;nforMat;on. This infOrMation is directed to support personnel IIiIho require a knONledge of the program's design. organization. and data areas. The book is not required for effective use of Access Method Services. Th;s supplement describes Access Method Services Logic Support for the Mass Storage SysteM prograM product. prograM numbar 5740-XYG. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 30 pages. 4179 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m (\ LD26 LD26 LD26-6014 5026-6029 SUPPLEMENT BIB gg§ ELll OPTIMIZING COMPILER :m INSTALLATION SUPPLEMENT BIB HAD EXTENSIONS fi!B ~ 5140-XY&. S133-0020-0 rg ~ ~ H&IHQQ SERVICES ~ SY35-0018-2 This public.tion is pri . .rily for readers Mho are The base book describes the internal logic of the routines of Access Method Services .nd provides di.gnostic responsible for the installation of the DOS PVI Opti.izing Compiler .nd the resident and tr.nsient libraries under DOS inform.tion. This infor. . tion is directed to support or CMS. It describ. . how to install the compiler .nd the personnel Mho req\,;re knowledge of the progr... ·s design. libraries. The inst.ller should .lready be fa.ili.r with organiz.tion. and d.t • • reas. It is not required for the operating systeM used by the install.tion and the job effective use of Access Method Services. You should be f ... iliar with gener.l progr..... ing techniques. OS/VS VSAH control language used. For WFE use only. concepts .nd use. and Systeta/370 before turning to this Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 25 p.ges. 08/80 publication. ////5736-PLl.5736-PL3.5736-LM4.5736-LMS This supplement describes Access Method Services Logic support for the ltass Storage Syst_ progr•• product. prograM LD26-6030 number 5740-XYS. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 4/79 SUPPLEMENT BIB 11m FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPQR! rg ~ SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SL8SCRIPTION ONLY 0PEN/CLOSE/EOV ~ SY26-3827-2 This publication adds info.... tion about the Data Facility/Device Support licensed prograM to the OS/vs2 6026-6017 Open/Close/EOV Logic Manual. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 8 pages. 07/81 SUPPLEMENT BIB !Wi lW ENHANCEMENTS ~ l..J JW:A MANAGEMENT. §C26-3830-3 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Thi s supplement supports the OS/vs2 MYS 3800 Enhanc.......t. for the above title and order number. LD26-6031 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 8 pages. 11/79 SUPPLEMENT BIB !lATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT. 5740-AM7 IQ m Y§!H ~ SY26-3825-1 ! SY?6-3825- 2 6026-6018 This suppl.......t supplies information about the prograM product Oat. F.cility Device Support Enhancements. SUPPLEMENT B!! !Wi E2J! EIfIANCEMENTS a.wm l..J :m JW:A MANAGEMENT HA!dm INSTRUCTIONS. GC26-3873-1 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 24 pages. 12/80 Thi. supplement supports OS/VS 2 MYS 3800 Enha~ts for SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY the above title and order number. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 24 pages. 11/79 LD26-6032 ///3800/5752 SUPPLEMENT fQB !lATA FACILITY EXTENDED FUNCTION IQ !Wi D.Yf ~ SY26-3825-2 t.D26-6025 This publication adds infor. .tion about the Data Facility Extended Function prograM product (5740-XYQ) to OS/vs2 KVS SUPPLEMENT BIB !Wi JW:A FACILITY/DEVICE SUPpoRT. 5740-AM7. ~ OPEN/CLOSE/EOY ~ SY26-3§27-2 VSAM LOGIC. SY26-3825. This suppleMent supports the Data Facility/Device Support Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 90 pages. 02/81 PrograM Product for the above order nuMber. SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 14 pages. 10/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD26-6033 Ami CRYI'IOGRAp!1IC 9PIImf SUPPLEMENT .I.l!!m: This publication .dds infor.ation about the AMS LD26-6026 Cryptographic Option program product (5740-AM8) to D.ta SUPPLEMENT B!! 11m FACILIU/DEYICE SUPPORT. 5140-AM6 B 5740-AM7. IQ ~ UTILITIES ~ SY35-0005-5 Facility Extended Function AMS Logic. LY28-3888. This supplement supports the Data Facility/Device Support ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 50 pages. 02/81 PrograM Product for the above order l'IUIIber. SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 10/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LD26-6034 SUPPLEMENT B!! DATA FACILITY EXTEtI)ED FUNCTIOIt IQ ~ 6026-6027 UTILITIES ~ SY35-0005-5 ~ ~ PROGRAmING .I.D!WiY JiDm! SENERATIOIt This publication adds information about the Data Facility REFERENCE Extended Function prograM product (5740-XYQ) to OS/VS This publication contains infor. . tion on .yst. . gener.tion Utilities Logic. SY35-0005. to support OS/vs2 MVS/Systell Product Release 1 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10 pages. 02/81 enhancements. SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 16 pages. 12/80 ////5740-XYN.5740-XYS LD26-6035 SUPPLEMENT fQB m !lATA FACILITY/DEYICE SUPPORT. 5740-AM7 LD26-6028 IQ Y§1 CHECKPOINTlRESTART ~ SY26-3§20-4 This suppluent supplies infor.ation about the prograM SUPPLEMENT BIB 1M! JW:A FACILITYIDEVICE 2fORI m 0PENICLOSE/EOY ~ SY26-3839-3 product Data Facility Device Support Enhancaeents. This publication supports the D.t. F.cility Device Support Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 12/80 PrograM Product for the above title .nd order nullber. SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SL8SCRIPTION. ONLY Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 8 pages. 03/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SL8SCRIPTION ONLY mmm :m 600 ( f LD26 6E20 LD26-6037 SUPPLEMENT fi!R lOOi I!AD FACILITY/DEVICE SUPfIORT. 5740-AM7 IQ ~ SAKIE ~ SY26-3855-0 This supplell\ent supplies infor.. tion about the progra. product Data Facility Device Support Enh.nceJDents. Manu.l. 8 112 x 11 inches. 24 pages. 12/80 SLSS: 18/1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6E19-5325. Manu.l. 8 1/2 I( 11 inches. 210 p.ges. 06/81 SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GE19-5302 JES3 INSTALLATION ~ INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT This guida was developed by the Job Ent ..y Subsyat. . (JES) tea••• t the 18/1 United KingdOil Inst.llation Support Centra. froll experiences .cquired in .ssisting JES3 .CCCMlts throughout Eu..ope. It is intended pri .... ily fo .. syat. . engineers .nd prog... nnae..s .t JES3 inst.ll.tions. but also contains ;'nfo...ation that . .y be useful fo .. other individuals. for ex.mple. soft... re custo..er engineers 0" ope.. ators. It .ay .lso assist installation st.ff Mho a ..e conside .. ing ch.nging to JES3 f ......nother subsyst... such as. JES2. VS1. 0 .. JESIRES. Manual. 8 1/2 I( II i'nches. 62 pages. 1/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SD26-6038 SUPPLEMENT m! ~ WI!; m TERMINAL ~ .!iY!Il.E SH20-9060-2 For info ..... tion about thia /Xblic.tion contact the cont ..olling p.rty. Refer to the Cont ..olling Party liating in the Public.tions P.. ice List. ZZ20-0100. Manu.l. 64 p.ges. 05/82 /11/5665-283 SD26-6039 SUPPLEMENT fi!R ~ m ~ PERSONAL C!!!1MIN§ ~ fQBlR!H TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE SH20-9062-2 This publication pe.. tains to Version 2. Rele.se 1 of VSPC. It adds info..... tion on defe.... ed execution. 3101 te... inal use ••nd ne.. comm.nds to ..oute output to data files. p .. int files on selected 328x p .. inte.....nd to query outstanding p .. Int ..equests. It .lso ..evises info.... tlon on p .. inting sc ..een contents. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 25 pages. 04/81 11115665-283 :a 6026-6041 SUPPLEMENT 6E19-5325 J.W IQ JES3 CONVERSION iYI!!! OPERATOR ~ STRUCTURE INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT This conversion guide h.s been written to .ssist inst.ll.tion syat. . p ..ogr._rs. operations personnel ••nd account support pe ..sonnel Nhen conve .. ting f .... JES2 to JES3. This m.nual is p ..ovided fo .. guidance only and m.y be used in conj\A"lCtion with the JES2 to JES3 Conversion Guide. GE19-5301Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 134 pages. 08/81 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m tMaZlI INTEGRATED QIAJ.g§ ADMINISTRATION: SERVICES REFERENCE Thi a Is. supple...nt to MVSl370 Integ... ted Catalog Adainiat ... tion: Acce. . Method Services Refe ..enca. &C26-4051. It contains infor. . tion on cacha devlc. ac:hinist ... tion. pa .. ticuhrly the IMIcha c_anels: BINlDATA. lISTDATA and SETCACHE. Systetll library Suppl_t. 40 pagn. 06186 //30115665-295 GE20-0312 ~ ~ ( GE19-5234 nmtIl HANDBOOK This publication is dasiSJ'IIICI to give an appreciation of data processing trends. dl ..ections. and techniql..a. and to provi. first-lavel info.... tion on selected hardware and aoftwara products. It is addresaed to DP .xecut i ves. .anaga.... .nd consultants. Manual. 8 1/2 I( 11 inches. 548 pagn. 03/87 SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION DNLY GE20-0599 .au IImmI pROCESSING lUIl!:I lW!Y.I srsINIB.!lI. p!!OCEDIJRES This publication describes the personnel tr.ining and docuIIant flow activities necessary to achieve opti_ throughput with the IBM 3895 Docunnt Re.der/Inscriber. The ..nual is divided into four parts. • Input Control Raqui r . .ents • Teller Education • l.rg. Commercial Account Education • Input Preparation The appendixes contain a suggestad cl.ss outline for teller training. fo,... for analyzing hrge _ r e i a l accounts. and an input prep.r.tion section. !his . .nual assUlle& the readar hes • basic undarstanding of bank data p ..ocessing operations. Manual. 42 pages. 4178 //04/3895/ (;E19-5265 D.!J JImH!i HmIIBlS ARCHITECME .HtU!L INFQlMATIQt! !til MAINTENANCE AmI HANDBOOK A cond_ed handbook cov... ing Syst_ Net_rk Architectur. (SHA31 organizad in t_ parts: Seneral Infor. . tion and Maint_nce Aids. Handbook. 95 I( 170 .illi.t..... 430 pages. 10178 ////5743-SNAINT-ONlY 6E19-5301 .JUi III .IlU CONVERSION fi!I.mi IHSTALLATION I1AHAljEMENT This conversion guide has been written to a . . ist installation syst. . progr....... and account support personnal Nhen convarting froll JES2 to JES3. It is provided for guidance only and .ay be used in conjla'lCtion with JES2/JES3 Conversion Guida. Ope"ator CoMmand Structure. 601 ( aa III PRQGRAHMING !H SCIENTIFIC COMMINS In a brief and siMPle ... nner. this ••nu.l: -Lists SOllIe probllllllS arising in industry. business. science. and enginee .. ing -Survey the . . them.tic.l. st.tistical. and oper.tions research (OR) by which these problems are solved -Talis how a few of such techniques and aodals .ra progr• ..-d for computers using the PLII language The .. jor portion of the .anual concentrates on PLII. The essentials ara brought out _tly by the ... ny short exaMPles and the s~ry exhibits. Manual SLSS; ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY f!!.Wg ,f' \ j GE20 6622 .!!W Ilm!lW PROCESSING .l!lintI WORKSWIotI PROCEDURES personnel for the correction of progr.e design errors. Microfiche. 37 cards. 5/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GE20-0633 This publication is intended to be used as a guide by those preparing NOrkstation procedures and developing training toob for persorv>el who Mill perfo,.. the deposit processing activities at each MOrkstation. It is organized by task and st-lld be used in conj\mCtion with related prograe product publications ...achine operator guides and user bank ... teriab. The user bank st-lld set up up its 0Mn procedures and publications for the MOrkstation operators and supervisors. since internal bank systeas and proceduras vary frotl bank to bank. ' Manual. 78 pages. 01/79 //04/3895/ LGF6-0102 STORAGE mm! EXTENSIONS' .bI!O fHQ!i 5740-XYG. MICROFICHE LISTIN§S This docueent contains asseabl.r listings for all "Mass Storage Syst. . Extensions" IIIOCIules. A prologue is provided for each IIOdule Mhich describes Nhat the IIOdule does and ' it is done. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of progra. design errors. Microfiche. 40 cards. 4/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ GE20-0731 ORGANIZING A!!!l MAINTAINING A mm! UWBI This publication presents guidelines for setting up. organizing. and ..aintaining IBM system libraries. The intended audience is the custa.er librarian. Mho MY be a .ecretary or other admini.trative person. a progra..Der. or someone with a degree in library science. This guide should also be useful to anyone needing infor.ation on publication ordering and distribution in IBM. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 26 pages. 3/82 370.4361.4381.8150.8130.8140.4331.4341.4321//00// UlF6-0103 HIERARCHICAL ~ MANAGER. ill fHQ!i 5740-XRB. OS/VS m!l! ~ !:AI. LISTINGS This docUlllent contains assembler listings for all HSM eodules. A prologue is provided for each eodule Mhich describes Mhat the MOdule does and how it is dona. Thi. docueent is intended for us. by progr.....rs for the correct i on of progra. des i gn errors. Microfiche. 83 cards. 6/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GE20-0759 L&F6-0104 DOCUI1ENT PROCESSOR: A GUIDE III CREATING WORKSTATION ~ PROCEDURES This .anual provides info,..ation that can be used by 3694 operations personnal in the day-to-day 3694 operation. and al.o serves as a learning tool for naN operators. The docueent attempts to standardize those repetitive steps that are required in running the various 3694 applications (MOrkstation and host) so that a user can ..sily create custotlizad run book procedures. Manual //04/3694/ l!AIA §!liS RECOVERY CONTROL • .bI!O fHQ!i 5740-)Q(2 LISTIN§S (CURRENT RELEASE) This docueent contains assellbler listings for all DBRC IIOdulas. A prologue is provided for each IIOdule ...hich describes Mhat the IIOdule does .nd ' - it i. clone. This docueent i. intended for use by progra_rs for the correction of progra. design errors. Microfiche. 41 cards. 3/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ .ANI! 1I!m OPERATIONS LGF6-0105 ~ FACILIU ~ m!l! 1.JI m? VERSION ! LISTINGS This public.tion contains the progra. listings for the MSSE MYSIXA Facility. A prologue is provided in each IIOdul. ...hich describes what the eodule does and how it does it. This publication is intended for progra_rs for the correction of progra. errors. Microfiche. 25 cards. 12/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY mg GE20-0760 DOC!!1ENT PROCESSOR: A §!.!WI m IMPLEMENTING MIl INSTALLING This .anual contains inforution needed to plan a 3694 installation in either a CHX/&S or a CHlVVS (OS or DOS) environeent. It .t-Ild be utilized during planning .essions to develop the associated plans and tasks for the 3694 installation. Manual //04/3694/ ~ GE20-0765 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR E!II!§ APPLICATIONS ilIm1 This docunIent is intended to help users take advant"ge of the advanced sorting techniques possible Mith the 3694 .yst.... Included in the ..anual ar. concepts and techniques of fine sorting. cycl. sorting. bulk filing. and stat_t • ortingas ....11 as considerations for the iepl_tation of a bulk filing systee using the 3694. Manual. 06/83 //04/3694/ ~ 6622-9018 m .!Q m CONVERSION PLANNING §YmS The installation planning inforeation contained in this bull.tin can be helpful in assisting • VSl account to defineand develop a VS1 to MYS conversion plan. Areas such a. justification. staffing. education. SCP ;ncOllpatibilities. and MYS illpl_tation are .dd....sed. Copies froll tMO foil presentations .ddressing conversion planning are provided Mith the technical bulletin. This publication is • COOlpOn8nt of 6BOF-2208 • Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 68 pages. 02/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9023 L&F6-0101 unm EXTENSIONS • .LIS: .I!lmIi S740-lCY§. MICROFICHE LISTINGS This docuMent contains asseMbler listings for all 'Mass Storage Syst. . Extensions' eocIulas. A prologue is provided for each eocIule Mhich describas ...hat the eocIul. does and ' it is done. This cIocunnt is intended for use by IBM m!aIl twm mIIWiI 602 AH m IYHlH§ PERSPECTIVE There .re .ever.l requireea\t. to be effective in tuning MYS. AIIOng thee .re knOMledge of MYS oper.tion. knoMledge of the particular .yst. . to be tuned. and tuning experienc•• This paper addresses the latter skilll experience. It does 50 by sharing Mith the reader the tuning expari_ of the DP Washington Systeas Center ) &&22 &&22 staff. Specifically this paper is intended to: 1. Provide an approach to tuning an MVS systelll 2. Suggest actions MVS installations can taka to IHlnage perforlllllnce. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 124 pages, 05/80 1/34//5752 &&22-9207 ill,g INTERNAL READER PROCESSING This bulletin is the published version of a user group presentation d ..aling with the JES2 Internal R..ader Facility and its uses. The intended audience is I1VS syst_ prograllllllers. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bull.. tin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/80 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9048 QSIVS ~ RECOVERY GUIDE This document provides a guide to recovery for YSAH catalogs and datasets. The eMphasis is on planning a strategy for backup and recovery so that recovery can be performed ina controlled fashion. Technical IHlnual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 80 pages. 7180 &&22-9209 lQg! AIm CHANNEL CONFIliURATION This publication provides information on the Input/Output Configuration Program IIOCP) and process as it pertains to the 3081 Processor Complex. The purpos .. is to provide material (visuals and script) for us .. in IOCP education and to provide additional information on channel configuration and operation in an MVS op..ration environment. Much of the information in this technical bull.. tin relative to the IOCP program is also applicable to the vtVSP envir_ent. The technical bulletin does discuss. at a high level. the YlVSP copy of the IOCP prograID. It does not address the YI1ISP IOCP program in d .. tail nor does it address YI1ISP operation on a 3081 Processor. O.. tailed information about the YlVSP IOCP program can be found in the Y/1/SP IOCP User' s Sui de and Referenc.. Manual (&C20-1M3). This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bull.. tin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 188 pages. 07182 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY M!ll PROCESSOR !lG22-9050 ~ CAPACITY PLANNING This bulletin is intended to provide technical Wlderstanding of p .. rformance and capacity planning for the I1SS subsyst.... Included are th.. various factors which would b .. monitored. as ....11 as the tools and data which can be used. Also included ar.. appropriate guidelines Mhere applicabl ... Technical bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 6/80 ( 6622-9054 CQNSIDERATIOtIS Em INSTALLING ~ !H At! ~ At!!l JES2IRJE ~ ENVIRONMENT This publication provides information and guidance in the use of Systenll34 in a Distributed Data Processing lOOP) Information Management Syst_ 1I115) and Job Entry Syst... 2 I JES2) network based upon the Systl!lllS Network Archi tecture (SMA). I t identifies considerations and requireJDBnts for network implementation based upon an actual installation experience. It is intended for us.. by those Mho are involved in planning or installing the SystBllll34 in an 1115 and JES2 environment. The information is present ..d fr_ an implelllentation standpoint loIith the intent of consolidating available product specific doe<.mlentation into a s ..lfcontained ref .. r ..nce document. This publication is a component of 6BOF-2207. Technical Bull..tin. 8 112 x 11 inches. 140 pages. 03/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &&22-9210 1!ru !:!f!lAf INSTALLATION NOTEBOOK This bulletin discusses the installation of a 3033 MP/AP planning; recovery; subsyst_ consid..rationsl probl... analysisl and YI1I370 considerations. Tachnical bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1/81 &&22-9217 !lAlm f!lH At:m ~ CONTENTION CONSIDERATIONS This paper discusses the op.. ration of IBM Direct Access Storage Devices. Models and performance iaprovetnnt inforaation are provided. along loIith a set of foil IHIsters. Thi. publication is a component of 6BOF-2208. Technical Bull..tin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 04/81 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &&22-9200 ~A~ This publication is designed to serye as a l ..arning aid for those who have a need to expand thei r knoMledga of JES3 and its relationships to MVS. The most valuable use of this . . terial loIill be a supplem..ntary text for the standard JES3 Courses offered by the Advanced Education Cent.. rs. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 06/80 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9206 ~ RELEASE! PAGING TUTORIAL This pap..r presents a description of MVSISP paging operation. in order to explain how the response of the paging subsyst... affects T50 response. Intended audi-.. is systBIIS progra_rs. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 12/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9220 ll!! ..!W CHECKPOINT MECHANISM This document is derived frOia a presentation by the author to Guide. It discusses the history of the checkpoint function and its impl_tation in JES2. This publication is a cOllpOnent of 6BOF-2208. Technical Bulletin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 01/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9222 I1VS/SYSTE" .PRm!!,!g ~ 1 INSTALLATION ~ The purpose of this document is user guidance in the installation of /1VSISP Release 1 and selected related products. I t suppl....."ts the inforlHltion contained in the progra. directory. Technical bull.tin. 8 112 x 11 inches. 2/81 6622-9224 ~ RECOVERY HANDBOOK This publication contains a description of the I1SS hardNare. I1SS tables and the I15VI dataset. Additionally, there is an I1SS probl. . determination overyi .... a 603 ( G622 discussion of HSS recovery technique .nd • list of tools and technique used for HSS recovery. There is • detailed description of Schedule Queue Blocks and Queue Control Blocks with Many figures. The appendices to this bulletin contain a list of I1SVIZAP exallPl_ that have been used to recover frOll COIlllllOn tlSVI probl_. a collection of control blocks. QCB addresses and HSS order IDs for reference. This public.tion is a component of GBOF-2214. Technical Bulletin. 8 112 x 11 inches. 64 pages. 07/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9225 ~ !UA A PERSPECTIVE INSTALLATION ~ tlIGRATIQN ~ This document discusses siailarities and differences betweenSyst_ Network Architecture (SMA) of 1M and the ISO reference aanual for Ilpen Syst_ Interconnection g§I &622 &622-9234 PERFOR!1At!CE ,Of .lW !!JlTITASKING !mnB m!ffOR.I lU tlVSISP-JES3 This publication provides perforMance data concerning the IlUltitasking writer support in the JES3 component of tlVs/SP-JES3 1.3.1 (referred to as JES3 1.3.1). This data should be used for planning purposes only. All data was collected in • laboratory environeent using a combination of tMO standard job .trea_. While these job strealllS atteMPt to produce an accurately . .asureable and repeatable load. they aay not be typical of a particular installation. The a~t of IlUltiprocessor (tiP) exploitation will depend on user configuration and the nature of the user's MOrkload. This publication is a coaponant of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 02/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY (OSl). This publication is a cOllponent of GBOF-2206. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 4/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9228 RECOVERY QE ~ lU PROTECTED SYSTEMS This publication provides inforlllation on procedures and. techniques to recover froa a situation Mhere the RACF dataset is unavailable for Nhatever reason r.ther than situations Nhere individual RACF profiles are unavailable. Techniques for recovery of individual profiles are covered in the Installation Reference Hanual for RACF. The procedures described in this publication _re tested in a controlled envirDnlllent . .ant to typify a production environment as nearly as practicable. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 44 pages. 06/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY G622-9229 PLAHNING f.QB A tw:I Q!!!J!§ ENlIIROtII!ENT IWlII!W FACILITY EXTENQED FUNCTION This publication prqvides infOrMation and guidance useful in designing and hlpleeenting an ieproved I1VS catalog environlllent using the Integrated Catalog Facility (ICF) of Data Facility/Extended Function (DFEF). It i. structured foll_ing an orderly approach for U'\derstanding and addressing the considerations and tasks associated with inoproving the system cataloging facilitias for an I1VS installation. independent of the products .ctually being used. The facilities of Data Facility/Extended Function in • ddition to ICF. namely the Virtual Storage Access tlethod (VSAtI) enhancements. are not discussed. This publication is • coaponant of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 76 pages. 06/81 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &622-9231 Hm!BI SERVICES ~ IiYml This publication describes the Cross tfaory Services provided by I1VS/SP Release 2. It is priMarily intended for systems progr....rs Mho need to U'1derstand hOM the Cross He.ory Services MOrk. In addition. it will assist syst_ progra...rs plaming to develop s\.ilsyst_ loIhich use cross eeeory functions. This publication is • coeponent of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 148 pages. 06/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ &622-9235 VTAtI/TCAtllNCP TRACE ANALYSIS iYI!!f REFERENCE kA!m This card is a coaapencliUIII of reference tablas and other inforMation free various SRL publications. It is intended as a quick reference for the systems analyst in network troubleshooting situations. Reference Card. 4 x 9 inches. 08/81 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9241 I!Alm ~ I:!mI!Il PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS This publication givas the reader a better U'1derstanding of the operation of Direct Access Storage Devices (DA5O). It describes those Access tlethods which aredirectly usable by application prograllS: sequential. partitioned. direct. indexed sequential (ISAH) and Virtual Storage (VSAH). Technical Bulletin. 116 pages. 08/81 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY G622-9243 Jl!§ / :rm: mn. m ~ ~ mw publication describes an approach to illProve the A lYmt!li This service levels for a coeeunications-based data processing syst. . by using the Teleprocessing Network SillUlator ITPNS) prograa product for syst. . testing. Service level is a _asure of hOM _11 the systee Meets the requi raments of the users. SolIe factors are accuracy. response ti_ and availability. This publication is intended for lIanagers and professionals responsible for achieving service level objectives and perforaing syst. . testing. It is a component of GBOF-2211 • Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 108 pages. 06/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &622-9247 INTRODUCTION ~ !!JLIIfRDCESSIN6 CONCEPTS This publication describes hardware and software concepts associated with eultiprocessing configurations. It is intended for installation Managers. syst_ progra.ers and field support personnel who are falliliar with VKl370 in a uniprocessor environaaent and Mho wish to gain an insight into IlUltiprocessing operation. This publication is a COIIponent of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 68 pages. 09/81 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &622-9250 I1VSl2 .IW&m J INSTALWIQN CONSIDERATIONS This publication is designed to aid in plaming ·for the transition to I1VSISP Release 3. tlVS/SP Release 3 includes all of the I1VSISP Release 2 features. plus additional enha~ts. The publication ~ts the I1VSISP Relea.e 604 ( GG22 2 function as though they were new Nith Release 3. It is not intended to be a complete reference on the features and functions of the MVS/SP Release 3 productl that detail is available in the standard product documents available Nith the product. The publication identifies those features of the product of specific interest in a transition and presents a suggested installation plan Nhich can be tailored to an individual account. This publication is a component of GBOF-220B. Technical Bulletin. 152 pages. OB/Bl SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 0022-9251 GLOBAL RESOURCE SERIALIZATION CONSIDERATIONS This publication assists users Nith the planning and illPlementation of Multi-System Global Resource Serialization (MSlGRS) function of Multiple Virtual Storage System Product ItlVS/SP) Release 3.1. It is not intended to be a complete description of the functions and features of Multi-System Global Resource Serialization. as that inforllation can be found in standard product doc\.Dents. This publication discusses the considerations that should be addressed during the illPlementation of the IlUlti-syst. . function. It also includes a suggested illPl-.ntation plan Nhich can be tailored to an individual account. This publication is a component of GBOF-220B. Technical Bulletin. 100 pages. 0&/B1 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( 6622-9252 tlVSlSYSTEM ~ ~ ! mgm 1 PERFORMANCE §Yl!!1 This publication is intended prillarily for the use of account teams and their customers Mho are planning to install MVS/Syst. . Product-JES2 Version 1 Release 3 or tlVS/Systee Product-JES3 Version 1 Release 3. This publication is a component of GBOF-220B. Technical Bulletin. B 1/2 x 11 inches. 140 pages. 07/&2 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9254 HIERARCHICAL ~ !!A!:IAm ~ U INSTAlUTION iYID5 This publication describes HSM and provides installation tips and guidance. It should be considered a reference tool and not a replacement for standard HSM doc\.Dentation. Readers are presumed to have a gackground in progra_ing. especially progra_ing Nith TSO cOlllllands and in MVS concepts and teres. This publication is Nritten primarily for personnel that Nill be directly involved in the installation. llaintenance and use of HSM. This publication is a component of GBOF-2214. Technical Bulletin. B 1/2 x 11 inches. &4 pages. 0&/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9261 !!:!!l RECOVERY 1!f ACFIYTAM ~ 1 The audience for this publication is syst_ engineers. systees analysts and network planners Nith responsibility for detereining the backup and recovery options of netNOrks designed around ACF Release 3 products and capabilities. It is presumed the reader of this bulletin is fa.iliar Nith basic SNA concepts and tereinology and specifically Nith the Release 3 products Nhich IoHIre a~ in June. 1979 and are generally available today. This publication is a component of GBOF-2206. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. &4 pages. 12/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 6622 6622-9264 m E!§n!I! PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS This publication is divided into tNO parts. The first part deals Nith design for demand paging and the second part describes design for swap activity. Each topic is handled by description of the design para.eters. then design of a .. allPle envil"Ol'lllN!nt. This publication is a componwot of GBOF-220B. Technical Bulletin. B 1/2 x 11 inches. &4 pages. 11/Bl SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9265 12§! QPERATOR TRAINING This publication is a guide for 30Bl operator training. It is intended for individuals Mhose responsibility it is to provide initial operator training for the 30B1 Processor Complex. Comments and suggestions regarding the content and usefulness of this guide are solicited. This publication is a component of GBOF-220B. Technical Bulletin. B 1/2 x 11 inches. 144 pages. 10/B2 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9267 INFDRMATION ~ IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE This publication has been adapted from Infor.ation Centre Implementation Guide Nritten by Enid Squire of IBM Canada. ltd. It provides guidelines for consideration in implementing an Inforeation Center to support end user computing. The illPletllel\tation of an Information Center Nillvary from co!llpany to company. It IllUSt fit into the overall organizational philosophy of the enterprise. These guidelines represent the experience of IBM Canada in creating its own internal Information Center. It is the responsibility of the readers to evaluate the applicability and establish the value of these concepts for their own organization. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 92 pages. 04/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9270 PAI6 FACIUU ~ ~ ~ INSTALLATION EXITS This publication discusses the designing. writing. testing. and illPlementing of Data Facility Device Support DADSM installation exits. Special emphasis is placed on use of the exits for DASD spac. control. This publication is a coqoonent of GBOF-220B. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 112 pages. 01/B2 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9274 ACFIMSNF PLANNING WORKBOOK The eaterial presented in this publication is based on .experience gained from the ACF Release 3 Early Support Prograe (ESP). The basic elements of an ACF/HSNF eigration plan can be docuIIIented using these procedures. This publication is a replacement for a previous Washington SystlOlllS Center Technical Bulletin: ACF Networking Installation Planning Workbook. ZZ05-0074. The .. a!llpl. used herein _s illPleeented ;n the Washington System Center as a machine exercise using ACF/Release 3. This same sallPle _s used in another publication. ACF/MSNF Release 3 NetNOrk Design. 6622-9255. This publication is a COllpOII.lllt of GBOF-2206. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. &4 pages. 01/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SlBSCRIPTION ONLY 605 ( 6622 6622 6622-9285 NETWORK !W!AGEMENT fQbI.C! DEVELOPMENT §:Ilmg This publication describes options in tailoring a netMOrk control systent to particular needs and provides a place to Mrite doNn which options Mill best support the funda..,tal lIission of a particular net_rk. This publication is a ~t of GBOF-2211. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 112 pages. 10/82 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9277 YHaZ! MAINTENANCE !W!l mf.I& There seem to be lIany misconceptions regarding the generation and lIaint_nce of VMlCMS syst_. SilllPlIclty has allAlYS been the hallmark of VMl370. Many of the problellS arise fro. new users ingining that the processes !lUSt contain a certain complexity which simply is not there. Much of the ingined complexity has doubtless been caused by the . .ny procedures and EXEC's ..... ich have been developed over the years in an effort to simplify the generation and .. int_nce process. And ..... Ue they do. indeed. provide valuable and time-saving too1$ to the initiated. they tend to obscure the basic processes fro. the struggling novice. This publication tries to clarify the process. This publication is a component of 6BOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 06/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9287 H!§t! PERFORMANCE nmmf RE.!.EMIl 1 This paper contains information about vtVSP High PerformanceOption Release 1. This release provides enhancellents for the CMS intensive environment through support of the segmentprotection extension on the 3081 Processor Complex. The follOMi ng Mi 11 be addressed: the purpose of the support (shared segments), the new function provided. hoM the neN function is used and what one Sees in using it. the perfor..nce impact. and the new installation procedure. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 08/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ;;G22-9278 fBQlli!I MANAGEMENT mnHli IWimI §:Ilmg This publication provides probl. . lIanaguent implenntation assistance for a broad range of customers. It is .odular in its ability to help in the implementation of a basic systell for a relatively stable environment and is also useful in lleeting the needs of customers having greater requirell8l'lts. This publication-is a component of GBOF-2211. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 76 pages. 04/82 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9288 CAPACIU P!.A!t!ING A!:m PERFOR!1ANCE MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY A lIethodology is presented ..... ich includes calculating service times. using business planning requir8llents. and specifying lIajor MVS controls. The object is to develop • plan that supports the business plan. CPU. real storage. and DASD are discussed. UtUizations and response times areused to evaluate performance. This publication is a component of 6BOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 124 pages. 08/82 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY - 6622-9280 At!D wmt FACILITY fi!n. PRESENTATION This publication is a sample foU presentation Mith aCCOlllPillnying script. which describes the SPOOL Display and Search FacUity (SDSFI. SDSF is a syst_ ..naguent aid for displaying. analyzing and controlling the operation of an MVS/JES2 system. Although this script supplies enough infor.. tion for an overvi_ presentation. the presenter MOUld do ...11 to revi_ the ere detaUed inforntion contained in the Program Description/Operations Manual. SB21-2866. This publication is a component of 6BOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 04/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ 6622-9282 'lI!/sP Hfg 6622-9290 OPERATOR TRAINING GUIDE This is • guide for 3083 operator training. It is intended for USe by those individuals whose responsibility it is to provide initial operator training for a 3083 Processor Cotllplex. This publication is a component of 6BOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 148 pages. 10/82 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ RE.!.EMIl 1 This publication is a reprint of a presentation given at SHARE session 8672 on March 18. 1982 by Robert W. Hopson fro.. DSD Poughkeepsie. N.Y. In adelitior" SOlIe recent Flashes related to VMlSP HPO produced by the Washington Syste.. Center are included in the Appendix. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 05/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9292 .lID 5622-9283 Ana l! ADVANCED ~2E!:!D Specific infor.ation about hoM JES3 unages the MSS. A transcribed presentation contains questions and ans...rs on JES3 Control of MSS. Operational Considerations and Application Progra... ing Considerations. This ptblication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inchM. 84 pages. 10/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ This publication is a set of examples which illustrate the use of ADRS II functions. A prerequisite forusing this Technical Bulletin is the cOlllpletion of the Student Text. A DepartMental Reporting System II. SC20-1893. Global variables. ADRS II syst_ functions and the Central Function FUe are discussed. By understanding the ADRS II structure. the user should be able to produce IIOre efficient ADRS II applications. extend the ADRS II application capabilities and recover from daugecl application MOrkspaces. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inchM. 188 pages. 06/82 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9294 EXTEtIlING AVAILABILITY 2E ~ m!=I.n!l1 OPERATIONS This bulletin Mill describe what has to be planned for in order to reduce the I1UIIIber and length of scheduled and unscheduled outages. The audience for this publication is end users. application designers. progra.... rs data base administrators.COIIputer operators and corporate data processing staff responsible for the overall data processing resource. This publication is • COJDpCnent of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 40 pages. 10/82 606 m ( GG22 GG22 this naN ft.netion. This tutori.l discusses the techniques for Nriting assetabler language progra... that Nill execute in31 bit mode on MVS/XA. The following topics are discussed; when to Nrite 31 bit .ssembler language programs. compatibility Nith MVS/370. coexistence in • mixed MVS/370-MVS/XA install.tion. naN tel'1llinology. naN and changed instructions. linkage conventions, I/O in MVS/XA, and MVS/XA support. This publication is a cOlllpOnent of saOE-2208. Technical Bulletin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 104 pages, 01/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9295 ~ ~ PERFORMANCE §UIDELINES This bulletin provides a set of guidelines which can be usedto illprove the performance of VSAH-based applications. Eachswject area begins ,dth a list of guidelines. An explanation and additional detail for each guideline is thengiven in the following section. While these guidelines .re specUic to the MVS environment, the concepts presented are also applicable to other systems. The reader is expected tohave a basic knowledge of VSAH as .n access _thod. This bulletin should be used to complaent other VSAH publications and education offerings. This publication is a COIIponent of saOF-2214. Technical Bulletin, 84 pages, 12/82 SLSS: OROER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9306 USING ~ FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT ~ fQB DM!l ~ MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE This document discusses use of the DADSM and OPEN exits provided by the Data Facility Device Support (5740-AH7) to assist in a number of specific DASD space management activities. The objective is to automate control over certain DASD space-related JCL and DCB parameters. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technic.l Bulletin, 8 112 x 11 inches, 84 p.ges. 12/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6&22-9297 VM/SP ~ m: OPERATION This present.tion describes the different MOdes of operationNhich .re available for use Nith VM/SP on the whole range ofIBM processors. VM/SP on 41 UP Nill be used .s 41 base since it is the sillplest to understand. It is assuned that the reader is familiar Nith the basic operation of a VM/SP systell. There are so_ limitations to the use of a UP ..nichNill be discussed along Nith s _ alternatives. The emphasis in this presentation is on the operational alternatives Nhen running a guest MVS/SP virtual Machine under VM/SP. This pWlication is a COMpOnent of 6BOF-2208. Technical Bulletin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 128 pages. 10/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9307 NETWORK PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT .E!!l!. PRESENTATION NetNork Performance Management (NPM) is a cyclical process ailled at controlling the perfor. .nce of • cOlllllU'lications netNOrkl it .pplies to the planning, development, and oper.tional ph.ses of network install.tion and use. This document describes an approach to this discipline using st.ndard soft ..... re products, (NPA, NETPARS, VTAMPARS II, TPNS), combined with some suggested techniques based on capabilities of these products. Managers, systee progr.....rs • • nd .nalysts Nho have responsibility for m.nag;ng the performance of a communications network should benefit fr_ this document. This publication is a component of saOF-2206. Technical Bulletin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 88 pages, 3/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 0022-9298 ~ CAPACITY PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS This Technical Bulletin contains a copy of a foil presentation given at SHARE 59, August, 1982, and 41 script whid) closelY approximates the presentation. The presentation discusses MSS Capacity Planning tasks, the collection and .nalysis of a significant RMF and MSS Trace data, MSS performance Guidelines and rules-of-thunb and possible solutions to sa.e MSS capacity probl.... This pWlication is a component of saOF-2214. Technical Bulletin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 64 pages. 12/82 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9308 3380 DASD FEATURES INSTALLATION !till CONVERSION This public.tion is designed to help in installing and using 3380 DASD. It includes sectios on Nhat 3380 is, Nhat is needed to inst.ll it .nd sOllIe ideas on Nhat .nd how to convert data to the 3380. There is also an extensive Nrite-up on Nhat Dynalllic Path Selection is, how it ft.netions and Nhat oper.tional procedures should be follONed in using this feature. This pWlication is a cOllponent of GBOF-2214. Technical Bulletin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 104 pages, 08/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6&22-9302 t!I! §2ll! ~ The need for S/370 Extended Architecture Nill be exa.ined fr_ the perspective of the configuration and oper.ting syste. requirements of the large processor environment of the 1980s. Illustrations Nill be dr..... fr_ the recent evolution of, and trends in, the large systems envirOl1llNlnt. The benefits of an MVS/XA syst. . Nill be discussed. togetherNith the factors that contribute to compatibility, .igrationand coexistence between MVS/370 and MVS/XA. This publication is a COllpOnent of 680F-2208. Technical Bulletin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 88 pages, 12/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9309 1m IMI& !1AINTENANCE fR!!!i!W:I !mR.!li HOOBOQK 6&22-9305 11 lUI ASSEMBLER PROGRAMMIN§ MVS/370 has 16 Megabyte (Mb) .ddress spaces requiring 24 bits of addressability. MVS/XA supports address spaces as large .s 2 gigabytes (2,147,483,648). This requires 31 bitsof .ddress.bility. While 31 bit .ssl!lllbler language progra. . ing is very similar to 24 bit assembler language progra. .ing, SOllll updating is necessary to successfully use ~ 607 ( This Technical Bulletin ;s a republished version of the Washington Systet115 Center Technical Bulletin. MSS Hicrocoda Release 7 and Table Maintenance IUP Update, 6&22-9039. ThisTechnical Bulletin is no longer available. This User's H.ndbook cont.ins the . .me TMP information as the or;gnal, Nith some minor editing. The outdated MSS microcode info..... tion Nas removed. This Bulletin describes the ft.netions cont.ined in the MSS Table Maintenance Progr.m (TMP)' 5796-PHY. I t is intended to be • user's guide for the TMP describing the commands .ndp.raaeters .vailable. and exallples of their use. The bulletin contains MSS microcode release-dependent infor. .tion .bout the MSC Table Maintenance Progr.e, examples of interpret.tion of MSC Tables, and s.mple sessions for MSS problem dete,..ination &&22 &&22 and recovery. Th;. publication ;. a component of GBOF-2208. Techn;cal Bullet;n. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 76 pages. 12/82 ////5796-PHY SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9318 m ~ .QE AVAILABILITY This publication provides a series of ideas and exerci.es to help estiaate the value of Inforution Systeas Availability. Nine exerci.es are included. They are designed to define inforaation syst... services. users. value. outage cos t. and colllpOne/lt cos t. Ccmplet i on of thesetlXerci.es can be dona .everal ....ys. The fir.t . .thad i. using a traditional Mork .ession. Mith appropriate aanagar. and profes.ionals. Another .... y ;. to gain group cons_us us;ng the Delphi Technique of estia.tion. Background ;nforut;on and .uggestions for utilization of this technique .re included. Thi. publication i. a compollent of GBDF-2211. Technical Bulletin. '8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 04/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lm .:a!Y WANT ID ESTI!1ATE GG22-9313 SWITCHING MANAGEMENT §!mH ENHANCEMENTS l.If!llm Th;. bulletin .uper.ede. the previous 3814 Switching Managelllent Systea (SMSI Enhancements bulletin (GG22-93131. The first bulletin Ma. ba.ed on early .pecifications. Thi. one has been Mritten using the aicrocode level that Mas available at General Availability. Host of the changes are in the 3278 panel•• It is less confusing to publish a naN aanual rather than di.tribute updates to all the panel. in the first bulletin. Thi. publication i. a c~t of GBDF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 84 pages. 05/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 0022-9314 ~ FUNCTION .!i!!m The VH Function Guide NaS compiled to aid ;n Arket;ng and supporting VH in Region 11 by providing a SlaRry of INIjor VH enhanceaNll'\ts .ince Release 11 a .umaary of VH/370. Bas;c Systell Enhancements. SysteM Product. High PerforlNlnc8 Option. and YI1/XA Migrat;on Aid features I a .unmary of processor and aicrode assist supportl and. a current reference l;.t of VH features and their availability. and a s ....... ry of VH related prograa products and the function provided. Thi. publication i. a CClllpOnent of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 07/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. S1mSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9319 U!ilt:!§ SG22-9315 lm.t§ AfI. !tn!:I AIWi II Thi. Technical Bulletin illustrates the extensibility of ADRS II through the use of APL. The ADRS II user can uke use of available APL functions as ...11 as Mriting his 0Mn. This publication i. divided into t_ parts. PART I contains tips and techniqws' for developing ADRS II applications by aaking use of APL. PART II contains a .et of APL f~ctions Mhich have general utility value in the ADRS II environeent. These functions are listed along Mith examples shaMing their use. These functions can be considered as candidates for being placed in a public MOrk.pace in an ADRS II installation. thereby aaking thee available to all users in an installation. Thi. public _rkspace could be vieNed as a 'TOOLKIT' accessible to all of the ADRS II users in .n installation. Technical Bullet;n. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 124 pages. 07/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. ~IPTION ONLY GG22-9316 mw. n INSTALUTION HANDBOOK Th;. publication is intended to be used a • • guide through the planning. in.talla:tion. data .election and perfol'lHnce aonitoring pha.es of hipleeenting a 3880 Hodel 13. Thi. publication i • • coeponent of GBOF-2214. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 03/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. S1mSCRIPTION ONLY .l!!§.!l &&22-9317 Am ~ MANAGEMENT YmIIi INFOR!1ATIQNIIW!A&EI!ENT Thi. publication aids the inst.llation Nanting to use the InforAtion/Hanagaeent Feature of the InfortHtion/Syst_ Product as • tool for Syst_ Management. This publication is a coaponent of GBDF-2211. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 104 pages. 04/83 lH ~ The aia of this paper is to explain the paging and real storage aanageaent algor; thas of VH/SP. and to shaM haM to aeasure thee. This paper should leave the reader Mith an understanding of Mhat paging resources are neadad to build a"balanced" VH .ystea. The CPU is but one resource of the YHsysteM and aany tia.. i. constrained by the paging. .torage and Input/Output sy.t... aentionad here. Th;. publication i. a COll!ponent of GBDF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 112 pages. 05/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9322 HYS/sP-JES2 L.Ll MVSISP-JES2 L.L.l .!.W MIGRATION CONSIDERATIONS Thi. technical bulletin i. designed to aid in planning for the installation of. and aigration to. the JES2 coaponent ofHVs/SP Ver.ion 1 Release 3 Modificat;on Level 3. (Thi. ;. al.o the level of JES2 in VHVs/SP JES2 It is not intended to be • coaplete reference on all the features of JES21 that infol'1ll8tion can be f~ ;n the .tandard docUIIent. available Mith the product. This docu.ent identifies those features of specific interest in a transition to the naN JES2 ccmponent froa the previous version of JES2 IHVS/SP 1.3.01. The 1.3.0 version of JES2 i. the .... JES2 found in 1.3.1 and 1.3.2. Included in the appendices are a foil presentation of the naN JES2. plus an overvi ... of the naN Scheduler JCL Facil i ty. Thi. publication i. a coaponent of GBDF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches SLSS: ORDER NO. S1mSCRIPTION ONLY .01.. &&22-9324 MEASURING AVAILABILITY The intent of this bulletin is to define availability • ex.aine ..hat it i. that .hould be aeasured Mhen _a.uring .vailibility. and to present several tools for measuring availability. The aanner in Mhich to report .vailability isalso looked at. The lNIin thrust of the docuaent i. to examine the ....urenaent of availability froa the perspect i veof the end-user. Thi. publication is • c~t of GBOF-2211. Techn;cal Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY fIU!!W!j GG22-9325 CO!1PARISQN m: ~ xmm!t:I 1 ~ 1 mllP xmm!t:I .& ~ L! IHYS/leA l mt 111'/513701 ID m 1W!S Th;s docuaent coapares the perforaance of HVS/SysteM 608 ( SG22 6622 P..ocIuctV.... ion 1 R.l.... 3 (HVSI'SP 1.31 to I1VSI'Syst... P..oduct V.... ion 2 R.l.as. 1 (HVSI'SP 2.1) on a 3081K. Host . . jo...ubsyst _ _ re . .a.u..ed: Batch. CICSI'VS. II1SI'VS. TSO/ISPF. Thi. publication i. e ca.ponent of 6BOF-2208. Tecmical Bull.tin. 8 11'2 x 11 inches. 128 pages. 061'83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9331 TELEPROCESSING ~ SIMULATOR mmlI:I , lW.U3 , FEATURES !EQlL PRESENIATION! Teleproces.ing Network Simul.tor (TPNS) V.r.ion 2 Rel...e 2 includes eaintenenc. for TPNS Version 2 Rele.se 1 as _11 as.ignificant new f . .tures. Thi. document describes these ne..features in foil for •• The foils .re divided into .ections and gener.ted in outline for. for . .se of reading. This document c.n be used for a conceptual underst.nding of the naN functions. The TPNS reference . .nuals specify hoII to cod. the new fe.tures. Thi. public.tion is • component of 6BOF-2206. Tecmicel Bulletin. 8 11'2 x 11 inches. 216 pages. 071'83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9326 SYSTEMlNEIWORK I1ANA§EMENT Il!Q.!.I PwtlING At!!l IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS This docUlllent i. intended to eid in the plenning p ..oces. fo ..Sy.tellllN.t_..k Managearent (S.lNM1 tools. It di.cus.es conside.. ations fo .. defining tool requi ..ements end p ..ovides info.... tion which cen be used in identifying e complementa ..y•• t of tool. which can as.ist in pe .. fo ... ing S.INM ..el.ted activities. The document conteins both planning and tecmic.l lev.l info.... tion. The planning info ..... tion focuses on defining ..equi ..etnents. pe .. foreing tool• •v.luation •• election .nd implementation planning. Tecmical info.... tion i ....lated to tecmi~ fo .. controlling .nd eanaging the .y.telli'network envir_t end descriptions of .pecific product capabilities. This public.tion i. a ~t of 6BOF-2211. Tecmic.l Bulletin. 8 11'2 x 11 inches. 116 pages. 081'83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9332 PLANNING iYm This tecmical bull.tin is designed to aid in pl.nning for the ionpluent.tion of HVSI'Extended Architectu..e (I1VS.IXA). It i. not intended to be • compl.te r.ference on all the f.atures of HVS.lXAI that infoMlation can be found in the standard documents .vailable with the product. This docUlllent i. intended for I1VS systeJll!l p ..ograllllll.rs. systems .nalysts. IBM Syst_ Engineers. or anyone having the project planning responsibility for ionplementing HVS.IXA. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Tecmical Bulletin. 8 11'2 x 11 inches. 116 pages. 051'83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ GG22-9327 ~ INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS Thi. ~t i. designed to provide a •• i.tance to tMs. individual.....ponsibl. for the configur.tion and installetion of the IBM 3088 Multi-.yst. . Channel Ca.eunication Unit. Thi. publication i • • coeponent of GBOF-2208. Tecmical Bulletin. 8 11'2 x 11 inches. 72 peges. 041'83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9333 ..lU1 .L.l...9: ~ .I.U& .LJ....l .ll3 MIGRATION CONSIDERATIONS This document contains an overvi_ of the fe.tures p ..ovided in I1VSI'SP JES2 1.3.4 (or HVSI'SP JES2 2.1.2) and desc.. ibes the consider.tions required to .igrat. to this release free KYSI'SP JES2 1.3.3 (or HVSI'SP JES2 2.1.1). Installations .igrating to this version of JES2 free versions other than JES2 1.3.3 should consult the following .dditional publications: 6622-9250. KYSI'SP Release 3 Installation Consideretions. 6624-1534. JES2 Guide for ·HVS Syst. . Product Rei. 2 and 3 .nd 6622-9322. HVSI'SP JES2 1.3.3HVSI'SP JES2 2.1.1 JES2 Higration Consider.tions. The primary .udience fo .. this publication is assUlled to be HVS syst_ progra_rs responsible for the installation . . . intenance and .igration of the JES2 component of HVSI'SP • This publication is a coonponent of GBOF-2208. Technical Bull.tin. 8 11'2 x 11 inches. 124 pages. 081'84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 6622-9328 ~ ~ , PERFORMANCE VlVSP Release 2 contains eany enhancement•• both in added function and in us.bility. Anyti_ .dditional function end usability enhanceeent. . . . . . .de to a softi•• r. product there i. the possibility that the perfo.... nce of the product lIill • uffer. There has been .n .ffort make to Minimize the effect on perforeance of the addition.l function included inVlVSP rele.se 2. In gener.l. VlVSP Rei.... 2 i. eore .tor.ge const ..ained thenVlVSP Rele.se 1 and lIill degrade in storagel'paging const ..ained environments. Unconstrained environments shouldsholl negligible performance diff.rences b e t _ VlVSP R.leas. 1 .nd VWSP Release 2. Thi. publication i. e COIIIpOMI"It of 6BOF-2209. Tecmical Bull.tin. 8 11'2 x 11 inches SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9329 lAlI.2 I:Il!lW. 1 PRINTING MSYSTEH COHPATIBILITY !1!1!! lONI SELECTION iYm Thi. docueent is intended to e •• i.t the DOCUIII8I'\t CoIIposition Fecility (DCFI us.r in the .election of fonts when directing output to e 3800 Model 3 Printing Subsyst. . ..unning in CoepatibiUty 11od•• Although _rGUS other font..... off.red by IBM for the 3800 Model 3. this docUlllW\t de.cribes only tMs. text fonts used for ordinary c:oeposition that hev. been pack.ged in such a fashion es to be ... ily usebl. by DCF. This pubUcation i. e component of GBOF-2208. Tecmic.l Bull.tin. 8 11'2 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 091'83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9334 8100I'DPPlVPDA If!!l! ~ NETlIORK HANAGEHENT TOOLS This bull.tin provides III description of the Network Probl. . Deter.ination Application (NPDA! Version 2 support .vailabl. for the 8100 DPPX syst. . lIith the DPPlVProbl. . DeteMlination Application (DPPlVPDA. Program 5660-2721. This bulletin is ba.ed on experience with NPDA Ve..sion 2. DPPX level 801. end DPPlVPDA level 100. Hany of the exawoples in this docUIDent sholl sallpl. NPDA scre_: The audience for this bull.tin includes tMs. who .re already using NPDA and need to .dd 8100 capability. or 8100I'DPPX skilled people Mho need to know IIOre about the use of NPDA in enhancing centr.l sit. netloIOrk . .nagearent. Operations staff toIho .r. us.... of NCCF.lNPDA in support of 8100I'DPPX netllork. typically do not need to knoll all of the detailed info.... ation presented in this book. They should howeve... becOll8 fa.ili.r lIith NPDA alerting f.oilities ••creen and ....ource n •• ing conventions. Tecmical Bull.tin. 8 11'2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 081'83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION oHLY 609 ( fl_. _nels. 6622 6622 6622-9337 3880 !:Hl!lll !1 PERFORMANCE MEASU!!EMENIS This publication presents the results of perfor.ance measurements made at five installations with 3880 Hodel 13'sin production. Results frOlll two TSO installations. two IHS/VS installations and one CICSIVS installation are presented. Comparisions of application-level and 1/0 subsystem-level performance are made between periods with and without use of the 3880-13 cache. Although a brief description of the 3880-13 is included. it is assumed that readers of this document are familiar with basic 3880-13 operations. This document is intended for use by customer system programmers. Systems Engineers and other technical personnelfamiliar with 1/0 performance analysis. This publication is a component of 6BOF-2214. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 128 pages. 01/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9343 INFORMATION/ACCESS A!::!!l !!!!i ~.!!An ~ This publication is intended for reference by syst..s programmers who use the Information/Access feature of Infor.ation/Systell Version 1 as a software .aintenance tool. If describes. in relative detail. the data which the user can obtain frOil the remote Customer software Support Facility (CSSF) data base. It is a component of 6BOF-221l. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 136 pages. 10/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9338 SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM EXTENDED MI6RATION CONSIDERATIONS This technical bulletin. which is intended for syst_ programmers with SHP knowledge and/or experience. describes enhancements to System Modification Program (SHP). It is intended to be used in conjunction with "Syst... HodlficationPrograll Extended User's Guide" and "Syst... Modification Program Extended Reference" publications. It is not intended to be a complete reference for all SHP functions. All functions in SMP/E Release 1 or 2 are supported in HVS/370. HVS/XA and VSl Release 7 envir........ts ~less otherwise explicitly expressed. All functions in SMP/E Release 3 are supported in HVS/370 and HVSIXA environments ~less otherwise explicitly expressed. This publication is a component of 6BOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 .112 x 11 inches. 136 pages. 10/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9344 CAPACITY PLANNING ~ HAND ANALYSIS This bulletin presents a simple hand calculator approach to performing a capacity planning analysis using only the data frOil an OSIVS2 HVS Resource Measurement Facility (RMFJ Post Processor Report. This method is intended only as a first cut approximation of the capacity needs in an HVS shop. This publication is a component of 6BOF-2211. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 12/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9345 VM/SP HISH PERFORMANCE .m!!!Qf:! 6REATER !!fM:I J! MEGABYTE PERFORMANCE The purpose of this document is to: provide an understandingof why greater than 16 Megabyte of real storage support for VMlSP HPO is necessary; demonstrate the potential performance benefits an installation may achieve by utilizing the greater than 16M storage support in VMlSP HPO;provide an understanding of how this support was implementedin VMlSP HPO 2.5; provide an understanding of the other enhancements included in VMlSP HPO 2.5. This publication is a component of 6BOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 112 )( 11 inches. 128 pages. 05/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9340 1Z!2 INSTALLATION §!.!I!2! The audience for this publication is anyone having responsibilities for the ordering and installation of • 3725. This includes systems engineers. systems analysts. systelllS progra....ers. first level Managers. ~ications technicians. physical planners and network operators. It is presUMed that the reader of this bulletin is falliliar with 3705 and partially the 3725. Whenever possible. comparisons will be _de between the two cOllllllUnications controllers. The 3725 was announced in March. 1983 and generally available in September. 1983. Enhancements to the 3725 were made in Novetllber. 1983 and in September. 1984. This publication is a component of GBOF-2206. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 212 pages. 11/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9347 • COMPARISON m: lEll A!::!!l m!! Ylim fOR ~ MINIDIS!(S This document examines the use of 33805 for CMS minidisks. Two areas are evaluated: Disk capacity - how MUCh data can the 3380 hold at various blocksizes? Performance - how quickly can the 3380 satisfy an 1/0 request? This publication is a component of 6BOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 68 pages, 12/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9348 MANA6EMENT ~ INFORMATIQNlMANA§EMENI ~ 1 This guide is designed to assist the user in implementing a problem ...nagement syst... using Infor... tionlHanagement. In order to use Infor.ationlManag.......t to illplament a problem .anagement system the user IllUSt have a well defined problem ...nagement system. There are several references which will be of value in defining a problem Management system. Problem Management Syst_ Design Guide (6622-92781; Problem Management Implementation Guide (6E20-075711 Problem I1ilnagement Workbook (6320-8010); Implementation Workshop Reference (6622-92971; Systems Management - Management Planning Guide (6320-8008). This bulletin is intended for use by the person who will have the responsibility for designing the probletn Management system as well as the person who will have the responsibility for impl........ ting that syst.... This publication is a component of 6BOF-2211. Technical Bulletin. 8 112 x 11 inches. 84 pages, 12/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 6622-9341 3084 OPERATOR TRAINING JiYmi This c:Iocunoent is a guide for training operators for the 3084Processor Complex. It is intended for use by those individuals whose responsibility it is to provide initial operator training when upgrading a 3081-K to a 3084 Processor Complex. The emphasis of this docunent is on Single IMage Mode operation with the HVS/XA operating system. Installations that will operate the 3084 only in Partitioned Mode should use the 3081 Operator Training Guide (6622-9265). This publication is a component of 6BOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 276 pages. 02/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 610 / II ( &622 6622 It is designed to be us ..d in a workshop with a companion video tape and proj ..ct guides to addr ..ss availabilty requir..ments. It contains a s .. ri ..s of ex.. rcis ..s designed to identify areas wh.. re management action can improv.. availabilitY,attainm..nt. The output of th....xercises is a list of projects for improving ar ..as of organization, process. and tools/techniques r ..lat..d to .. x..cuting, managing and controlling the I/Sservic.. d..liv.. ry process. The lIorkshop is intended for information systems ..xecutives and managers who have responsibility for planning, controlling and managing the servic.. delivery function of an Information Syst..ms D..partlllent. This publication is a component of GBOF-2211. T..chnical Bull.. tin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 80 pages. 02/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &622-9349 MANAGEMENT USING INFORMATIONIMANAGEMENT VERSION ! This guide is designed to assist the us .. r in impl..menting a chang...anagem..nt syst... using InformationlManag~ment. In ord.. r to us .. InformationlManagement to impl..m..nt a chang.. manag..ment syst... the us ..r IllUSt hav.. a w..l l d..fined probl... management syst.... Ther .. ar.. s ..v.. ral r ..f .. renc..s which will be of value in defining a change lIanagement systel1l. Change Management Impletnentation Guide (GE20-0696); Change Management Workbook (G320-8013); Impl ..m..ntation Workshop R.. f .. r ..nc.. (GG22-92791; Syst..ms Management - Management Planning Guid.. (G320-80081. This bull..tin is intend..d for use by the persons who wi 11 hav.. r ..spons i bi Ii ty for d..signing and implementing the change manag......nt syst.... This publication is a component of GBOF-2211. Technical Bulletin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 104 pages, 12/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ &622-9350 MVS/xA RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILIIT !1!l!:!rmB III This document provides an overview of the capabiHties provided by the RMF Monitor III facilities contained in R..source Measurement FacilityVersion 3 R..leas.. 2, 5665-274. RMF Monitor III, also known as th.. RMF Workload D..lay Monitor, is a new measurement tool design..d to .....t the needs of performance management in the larg.. systems ..nvironm..nt which MVS/XA supports. The pri.ary purpose of Monitor III is to reduce the all/OU'1t of system programmer time and expertis.. required to identify and diagnose systea tuning probl..ms. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 60 pages, 01/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9352 INTERCONNECIION A TECHNICAL OVERVIEW This bulletin is a t ..xted presentation that describes the SNA N.. twork Int .. rconnection ISNII function. It provides a technical overvi .... of the net.lOrk int..rconnection capability and the associated products. It is directed primarily to those who r"quire a detailed introduction the the conc..pts that underlie SNI. It is presumed that the read..r of this bulletin is familiar with Systems Network Architectur.. (SNAI concepts. SNA Network Interconnection was announced in November of 1983. This publication is a component of GBOF-2206. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 112 pages. 12/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ 6622-9353 AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING WORKSHOP LEADERS GUIDE This document d..scribes how to lead an Availability Manage...nt Planning Workshop. The docUllent contains a g..neral description of the workshop, info..... tion on hoM to conduct the workshop, and foil masters used to lead analysis exercises. The workshop i. designed for Infor... tion Systellls (1/5) executives and their i-..diate ... nagHent staff. The workshop focuses on ... nagement, rather than technical issues that affect the ability to provide high quality Infor... tion SystellS services. The workshop mat .. rials ar .. designed to be ...If supporting. This publication is a component of GBOF-2211. Technical Bull.. tin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 76 pages. 02/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9355 AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING PROJECT GUIDE PROBLEM MANAGEMENT This lIanual was dev..loped as part of an Availability Management Planning Workshop. This workshop is conducted using a video tape for content presentations and a workbook. Probl.... management is one of the projects that th.. workshop sp..cifies high lev..l r ..quirements for. To obtain maxi.um value from this manual and the project it specifies, you should have completed the AvaHabilUy Management workshop. This manual was written to improv.. guidance in determining the tasks nec..ssary to build or improve a probl..m management system. Th.. us .. rs of this manual are capacity .anagement system plann.. rs. They are doing work on the impl....entation project conceived in the management planning process. The work product from the first work with this manual is an estimate of the ti ... and resources that will b.. needed to impl......nt or improv.. a problem management syst..m. Later use of this lIanual could be in the Management of th.. problem management system implementation project aft ..r resource allocation by the sponsoring executive. This publication is a cOllponent of GBOF-2211. Technical Bull..tin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 64 pages. 02/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9356 AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING PROJECT ~ ~ MANAGEMENT This ...nual was d..v..loped as part of an Availability Managem..nt Planning Workshop. This workshop is conducted using a video tape for content pr..sentations and a workbook. Chang.. management is one of the projects that the workshop specifies high l ..v ..l r ..quirements for. to obtain llaxi_ value from this manual and th.. project it specifies, you should have completed the Availability Management workshop. This .anual ..as written to improve guidanc.. in det ..r.ining the tasks nec..ssary to build or improve a chang.....nagemant system. Th.. us ..rs of this lIIanual ar.. chang.. management syst_ planners. They are doing ..ork on the impl..mentation project conc.. ived in the .anagement planning process. The work product frOM the first work with this Manual is an estimate of the tiM! and resources that wi 11 b.. ne..ded to implement or improve a change ... nagement syst.... Lat ..r use of this manual could be in the ... nagement of the change management syst... implementation project after resourc.. allocation by the sponsoring ..xecutiv... This publication is a component of GBOF-2211. T..chnical Bull.. tin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 56 pages. 02/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6622-9354 AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING WORKBOOK This document is designed to help managers in planning for availability. The planning focuses on ..valuating current ..nageaent syst.... relating to quality of s ..rvice delivery. 611 ( I .~. 6622 &G22 management system. Later use of this ..nual could be in the management of allocation by the sponsoring executive. This publication is a component of GBOF-221l. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 02/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~22-93S7 AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING ~ ~ RECOVERY MANAGEMENT This manual Mas developed as part of an Availability Management Planning Workshop. This workshop is conc:Jucted using a video tape for content presentations and a Morkbook. Recovery management is one of the projects that the workshop specifies high level requirements for. To obtain ... xi_ value frOll this manual and the project it specifies. you should have completed the Availability Management workshop. This manual was written to improve guidance in determining the tasks necessary to build or improve a recovery ...nagement system. The users of this manual are recovery management systell planners. They are doing work on the implementation project conceived in the management planning process. The NOrk product from the first work Mith this manual is an esti . . te of the tille and resources that Mill be needed to implement or improve a recovery management system. Later use of this manual could be in the management of the recovery ... nagement system implementation project after resource allocation by the sponsoring executive. This publication is a component of 6BOF-2211. Technical Bulletin. 8 112 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 02/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9360 AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING PROJECT ~ SYSTEMS/NETWORK CONTROL CENTER S/NtC This manual was developed as part of an Availability Management Planning Workshop. This workshop is conc:Jucted using a video tape for content presentations and a workbook. S/NCC is one of the projects that the workshop specifies high level requirements for. To obtain maxi_ value from this manual and the project it specifies. you should have completed the Availability Management workshop. This manual was written to improve guidance in determining the tasks necessary to build or improve a system/network control center. The users of this manual are system/network control center planners. They are doing work on the implementation project conceived in the management planning process. The work proc:Juct froll the first work with this manual is an estiMate of the time and resources that will be needed to implement or improve a syste../network control center Later use of this manual could be in the management of the system/network control center implementation project after resource allocation by the sponsoring executive. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 02/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = 0022-9358 AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING ~ ~ CAPACITY MANAGEtlENT This manual was developed as part of an Availability Management Planning Workshop. This workshop is conducted using a video tape for content presentations and a workbook. Capacity management is one of the projects that the workshop specifies high level requirements for. To obtain ... xi_ value from this manual and the project it specifies. you should have completed the Availability Management workshop. This manual was written to improve guidance in determining the tasks necessary to build or improve a capacity ... nagement systell. The users of this ... nual are capacity management system planners. They are doing work on the implementation project conceived in the management planning process. The work product frOll the first work with this ... nual is an estiMate of the tillS and resources that will be needed to implement or improve a capacity management system. Later use of this manual could be in the management of the capacity management system implementation project after resource allocation by the sponsoring executive. . This publication is a component of 6BOF-2211. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 02/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &S22-9361 SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER ~ EXAMPLES ~ TECHNIQUES This document is intended to acquaint the reader with various techniques for writing EXECS and XEDIT MACROS in the restructured extended executor language (REXX) provided by the Systea Product Interpreter in VM/SP Release 3. Examples of both EXECS and XEDIT MACROS are provided that demonstrate the structured programming constructs (IFITHEN/ELSE. SELECT. DOIWHILE). built-in functions. recursive execution. and . .ny other features of the REXX language. Also illustrated are various .... ys to improve the readability of REXX EXECs including indentation styles and .ethods of providing comments. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 76 pages. 02/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9359 AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING ~ WIDE ~ LEVEL MANAGEMENT This manual was developed as part of an Availability Management Planning Workshop. This workshop is conducted using a video tape for content presentations and a NOrkbook. Service level management is one of the projects that the workshop specifies high level requirements for. To obtain ...xi_ value from this manual and the project it specifies. you should have completed the Availability Management NOrkshop. This manual was wri tten to improve the results of planning for service level management. It is intended to provide guidance in determining the tasks necessary to build or improve a service level management syst... The users of this manual are service level management syst. . planners. They are doing work on the implementation project conceived in the management plaming process. The work product from the first work with this . .nual is an estimate of the time and resources that Mill be needed to implement or improve a service level &S22-9362 !H INTRODUCTION !Q too! CUSTOM-BunT IfQ This document is an introduction to the MVS CustOlll-Built IPO (CBIPO). It is arranged in the form of a set of foils and script to match the foils. These notes ara designed to be used along with the foils to make a presentation on the subject of the MVS Custom-Built IPO. This script is not meant to be read word-for-word as apresentation. Instead. it is assumed that the presenter will use these notes as an aid in organizing a presentation tailored to the audience and the situation. This publication is a component of GBOF-220S and SBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 68 pages. 02/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &G22-9363 612 m ~ 3880-23 ~ ~ A balanced systetl requires the right a.O<.nt of processor. storage. and I/O to perform its tasks. Of interest here. isthe role of I/O. Specifically. the capability of the 3380' fa.i ly and 3880 Model 23 (3880-23) and the enhancements of the I/O subsystem provided by MVS/XA. Expectations for !l!lm EXPECTATIONS ( &622 &&22 operate on an 308X or 4381 model group 1 or model group 2 processor unit in extended architecture (370-XA) mode. For the sake of simplicity. hereafter the VH/XA Migration Aid Release 1 will be referred to as the Migration Aid. Although the Migration Aid provides a method to migrate to tlVSIXA. it can also be used concurrently as a testing and maintenance facility. The Migration Aid is a VI1 based product. however its functions may not be equivalent to those in vtVsP. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 05/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY these devices .. ill be developed li\ich reflect the hlProved I/O responsiveness required for good systelll perforllance. This publication is a component of saOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 72 pages. 07/85 •...22-9364 AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING PROJECT GUIOE TOOLS This aanual ..as written to improve the results of planning for tools. It is intended to provide guidance in determining the tasks necessary to build or improve a tools system for obtaining data about the liS environment and producing information for management and control. The users of this manual are analysts and planners. This publication is a component of GBOF-2211. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 72 pages. 03184 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &622-9369 MIGRATION CONSIDERATIONS This publication documents the 3380 migration considerations. to contrast the features of the various DASO Migration Aids. as well as the special migration considerations for DLI and VSAH. It assumes a _rking knowledge of VSAM. DLI and other access _thods. For more specific information. refer to the publications listed in the bibliography of this publication. This publication is a component of GBOF-221ft. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 68 pages. 04/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ GG22-9365 DEVELOPING A MULTI-SITE NETWORK MANAGEMENT PLAN This publication is for acCOU'\t teams who are involved in the development of a net ..ork management plan. The reader should have a basic understanding of networks and products related to networks. This publication is a component of GBOF-2206. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 07/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &&22-9370 3380 BLOCK SIZE CONSIDERATIONS This publication contains the text and foils from a SHARE 62 presentation IIIQde March 10. 1984. It addresses selectingblock sizes for 3380 Direct Access Storage Devices. This publication is a component of saOF-2214. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 06/M SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &&22-9366 HULTI-SITE ~ PLANNING M:!!l DESIGN This publication resulted froM a project to develop a comprehensive network management plan for a large MUlti-function. multi-site net_rk. The prillary objective ..as development of a plan to manage DUlti-site ACF and NJE networks connecting autonomous divisions. each of which had comprehensive systems management plans. The project involved four task teallS. This docunentation describes the activities and deliverables of one of those team. the Network Planning and Design team. This publication is a component of GBDF-2206. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 78 pages. 07/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ &622-9371 VI1IXA HA RELEASE 1 PRESENTATION GUIDE This document provides a high level understanding of the modes of operation in VMIXA Migration Aid Release 1. 5664169. to SEs and Marketing Reps. The discussion .. ill be limited to function and operation of release 1 of VH/XA MA. Performance figures are not discussed in any detail. For that information. refer to WSCFLASH Bft07. Also refer to WSC FLASH Bft02 for E/c requi rell1ents referenced in foil 3. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 04/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9367 ENHANCEMENTS Itt VI1/SP !U!Q M This document explains the changes in the VI1/SP paging subsyst... for VI1/SP HPO Release 3.4. The motivation and thebackground for these paging enhanceMents are discussed. Thedesign of the new paging subsystem is described and contrasted ..ith the old design. Specifically. the followingnew functions are highlighted: logical and physical swapping. pre-paging. disposable page collection. block paging. N-select. tri_ing. and IIOving cursor. The new SET commands and their effects are discussed. The last section of the docuaoent discusses sOlIe of the things learned in running a prototype of the paging enhancements in a CMS interactive environment. It also answers 50118 configuration questions. Note: The material in this technical bulletin was originallyprepared for an oral presentation at SHARE 60.5. Salt Lake City. This publication is a component of G8DF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 05/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY fAlm:!§ &&22-9372 WINNING AVAILABILITY STRATEGIES VIDEOTAPE TRANSCRIPT This bulletin contains the text of a conversation that appears on a videotape of the same name. The tape is available in several different formats. This publication is a component of &8OF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 112 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 06/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 0022-9378 HOW .!§g ~ ~ fQR GG22-9368 VHlXA MIGRATION ~ ~ EXPERIENCES ~ INSTALLATION CONSIDERqIQNS The VH/XA Migration Aid is a licensed program product SCP that provides the capability of running both system 370 and 370/XA operation syste.. concurrently. It is designed to 613 ( / lli M:!!l Wi This publication is a presentation given to describe hoM JES2 uses Systems NetMOrk Architecture (SNA). It concentrates on JES2 design and initialization statements used to control and deHne SNA activity; however. some tuning. performance. and problem determination tips are alsogiven. This description is based on HVS/SP JES2 1.3.ft; processing for other JES2 releases lIay be slightly different. The prima,.y audience for this publication is assumed to be HVS and VTAM systems programmers responsible &G22 &G22 for the installaHon. maintenance. and tuning of I1VS/SP JES2 NJE networks and MVS/SP JES2 RJE devices. Some of the material may be suitable for those wishing a general overview to NJE and RJE processing in HVS/SP JES2 SysteMS. This pUblication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 192 pages. 06/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &G22-9385 ACF/vTAM VERSION 1 ACF/NCP VERSION ~ ACF/SSP ~ 1 OVERVIEW The purpose of this technical bulletin is to familiarize people with ACF/VTAH Version 3. ACF/NCP Version 4. and ACF/SSP Version 3. The proper planning and migration can then be developed for this set of products. The audience for this technical bulletin is anyone having responsibilities for the installation of ACF/VTAH Version 3.ACF/NCP Version 4. and ACF/SSP Version 3. This includes: systems engineers. systems analysts. systems programmers. managers. communications technicians. and network operators.It is presumed that the reader of this bulletin is familiar with previous releases of these products. This publication is a component of GBOF-2206. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 68 pages. 11/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9386 SNA NETWORKING PRDDUCT OVERVIEW The intended audience comprises a wide variety of readers. frOM those thinking about using SNA Networking Products to those who require information about a specific SNA product. Although suitable for reading by MOSt data processing professionals. some descriptions assume the reader has previous SNA understanding. A basic SNA understanding is assumed in many circumstances. This publication is a component of GBOF-2206. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 148 pages. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY other user MOdifications is necessary. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 172 pages. 1/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &G22-9390 HVS/SP JES3 1.3.4 I1VS/SP JES3 ~ ..wil OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS This publication describes the new JES3 Release SP 1.1.4 as it concerns the operational environment. This JES3 release is designed to function with either HVS 370 Operating System(SPl.3.11 or an HVS XA Operating System (SP2.1.21. The HVS BCP versions 1.1.3 and 2.1.2 may coexist in a complex running SPl.3.4 of JES3. This release of JES1 cannot coexist with previous releases of JES3 in the same complex. The JES3 SPl.3.4 is a full product release. It is a complete replacement for the HVS/SPl.3.3 JES3 component. This release of JES3 requires a CDLDSTART for installation. The impact of this can be reduced by using an enhanc_ent shipped with this product called DUIIIp Job Migration Support. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 01/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &G22-9391 SYSTEMS ANALYSIS fi!B HIGH AVAILABILITY. A!:! AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE This publication describes an availability management technique. It is a logical extension of System Dutage Analysis (GC20-18711. which focused primarily on host system outages. The SAHA technique provides a framework and considerable guidance for reviewing. documenting. analyzing. and reporting on system and network outages that affect availability of information services to end users. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 140 pages. 1/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &G22-9392 HfQ PERFDRMANCE TUNING GUIDE YM/SP HPO Release 1.4 has made significant enhancements in the function and control of the VH subsystems. The enhancements provide several new options for improving perfor_nee and allow tuning of each subsystem on an individual basis. The purpose of this publication is to provide Systems Engineers and system programmers with a guide for installing a YM/SP HPO 3.4 system to take the most benefit from the syste. resources. The script and matching foils can be used for presenting the subject of HPO systea configuration and tuning. Technical knowledge of HPO 3.4 and VM are prerequisites to reading this guide. This publication describes the new tuning functions of the YH/SP HPO 3.4 system. The guidelines to constructing an effective system are reviewed with the important llleasurement parameters. Some guidelines and recommendations are discussed for ...asuring and tuning HPO system perforllllnee. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ GG22-9387 A!:! INTRODUCTION !Q m 3084 PROCESSOR COMPLEX This publication is an updated adaptation of an earlier document. An Introduction to the 3084 Processor Complex Structure and capabilities. This updated version has been approved for general distribution. The publication is intended for Marketing Representatives. Systetns Engineers. and customers wanting an understanding of 3084 single-image operation. The publication assumes the reader is familiar with the overall design of the 3081 Processor Complex. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 116 pages. 01/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LG22-9389 JES3 1.3.4 HVS/SP ..wil 2.1.2 ..wil INSTALLATION CDNSIDERATIONS This publication describes the new JES3 Release SPl.3.4. This JES1 release is designed to function with either HVS/370 Operating System (SPl.1.11 or an HVS/XA Operating System (SP2.1.21. The HVS/BCP versions 1.1.1 and 2.1.2 1liiy &G22-9393 coexist in a complex running SPl.1.4 or JES1. This release ~ HfQ RELEASE .l:.! FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW PRESENTATION of JES3 cannot coexist with previous releases of JES1 in the GUIDE sa. . complex. The JES1 SPl.3.4 is a full product release. The purpose of this publication is to provide the Syst_ It is a complete replacement for the I1VS/SPl.3.1 JES3 Engineers with a guide which can be used to create a presentation on the contents of YM/SP HPO Rei. 3.ft. This component. This release of JES1 requires a COLDSTART for installation. The impact of this can be reduced by using an guide is not intended to be presented as is. nor is the enhancement shipped with this product called DUIIIp Job script to be read for the presentation. By knowing the audience for this presentation and having a knoldedge of Migration Support. Installations should carefully review this docu.ant and all JES3 publications associated with this HP03.4 the SE can use this guide a. a base to create an appropriate presentation. The script contains a copy of the release to determine if any recoding of User Exits. DSPs. Or ~ 614 - - -- - ---- ----------- GG22 foi Is used in the presentation. The master copy of the foils is found in Appendix A. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 80 pages, 03/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9397 nyS/xA PROCESSOR ~ ESTIMATES ~ PERFORMANCE This publication is intended to provide account teams and their customers Mith an aMareness of the requirement for andthe value of processor storage for MVS/XA on the 308X and 3090 processors. This report discusses, at a high level, hOM processor storage is used, how to estimate the amount of storage required, and the performance benefits of additionalprocessor storage for various operating environments. This publication is a component of GBOF-2208. Technical Bulletin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 40 pages, 07/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG22-9399 INSTALLATION GUIDE AHQ REFERENCE The intent of this publication is to discuss the things the reader will need to know to approach the 3480 conversion. Much of the discussion Mill provide background material for the 3480. The reader should feel comfortable about developing a conversion plan and executing it successfully. It is assumed that the reader has some general knowledge of tape processing concepts. This publication is a component of GBOF-2214. Technical Bulletin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 108 pages. 05/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ( I.G24-1510 IMS/vS VTAM INTERFACE GUIDE The primary objective of this document is to provide a consolidated source of information on the IMS-VTAM interface. It is aimed at systems administrators, systems programmers and data communications administrators who are involved in illlpl......"ting or maintaining an IMS/vS DC Syst.. using VTAM. This is a COMPQnent of GBOF-2205. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 194 pages. 06/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SlSSCRIPTION ONLY GG24 GG24-1518 IMS/vs VSAM INTERFACE This document was created in response to the needs of new users of INS/vS and those established users Mho are converting their data bases to VSAM. The purpose is to provide a guide and a reference for persons using VSAM as the operating syst.. access method fortheir IMS/vS data base. This is a component of GBOF-2205. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 154 pages, 3/80 /C/30//5740-XX2 GG24-1523 ACF/SNA SYSTEM PROBLEM !!.ETERMINATION GUIDE ~ g The ACF/SNA Systems Problem Determination Guide represents a complete restructured revision of the SNA System Problem Determination Guide (G320-60161, which is still valid for the products it supports. In the revised format, the emphasis has been placed on illustrating the usefulness of the current, state-of-the-art, interactive Problem Determination tools, and Problem Management aids. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 110 pages. 06/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1524 IlQl! !9 MVS MIGRATION 6ENERAL INFORMATION This document is a part of the DOS to MVS Migration Structured Support Plan. DOS is used in this document as a generic term Mhich can signify DOS/vS or VSE. MVS signifies MVS/SP. This publication contains an overvieM of a Structured Support PIan for DOS to MVS migrations. It is intended for the Data Processing Manager, and other installation managers and supervisors Mho are considering the implementation of such a migration. This should be the first ODS to MVS SSP document to be read. Other DOS to MVS SSP publications include the follOMing: DOS to MVS Migration Event Support Material ZZI0-9938 DOS to MVS Sample Migration NetMork 6G24-1525 DOS to MVS Sample Migration Events and Activities SS241526 DOS to MVS Migration Project Manager's Guide GG24-1527 DOS to MVS Sample Conversion Team User's Guide SS24-1528 MVS Standards Design Guide G624-1529 Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 04/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1513 GUIDE VM/SP l!!l.!! This document describes the ilOlpletnentation of a Distributed Data Processing Syst.. using the Programmable Operator Facility of VM/SP Release 2, 4300 Remote Operator console Facility. It also contains installation checklists,implementation concepts and hints. This is a cO!nponent of GBOF-2205. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 162 pages. 10/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1525 NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER OOS/vsE !9 !fll! STRUCTURED ~ PLAN DOS/vSE !9 !fll! SAMPLE MIGRATION NETWORK Fold-out card - no abstract - see title Structured Support Plan". DOS is used in this docUlllent as a generic term which can signify DOS/vS or VSE. MVS signifies MVS/SP. The sample migration network depicts, on a foldout, color-coded card. the logical sequence of activities and events that can be performed to .igrate frotll DOS to MVS. This card can be used as a sample by a DP installation Mhen developing a .igration plan. Other DOS to MVS SSP publications include the fo11OMing: GG24-1514 DOS to MVS Migration Event Support Material, ZZ10-9938; DOS ACF/SNA SYSTEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUI1E 1 The purpose of this document is to assist ACF/SNA Systems to MVS Migration General Information Manual, 6624-15241 DOS to MVS Sample Migration Events and Activities. 6624-1526; Users in Problem Determination. This guide represents a completely restructured revision of the SNA Syst.. Probl.. DOS to MVS Migration Project Manager's Guide 6624-15271 DOS to MVS Sample Conversion Team User's Guide. GG24-1528; and determination guide (G320-60161 Mhich is still valid for the products it supports. In the revised format, the emphasis MVS Standards Design Guide, 6624-1529. has been placed on illustrating the usefulness of the Fold-out Card, 2 cards. 06/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY current state-of-the-art, interactive Probla. Determination tools, and Probl.. Management aids. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 320 pages, 05/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 615 ( 6&24 GG24 GG24-1526 NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER ~ !Q !rili STRUCTURED ~ f.I.!H SAMPLE ~ !tm ACTIVITIES This publication is intended to be used priiNrily by the Migration Project Manager. other project plenners. team leaders. end the syst_ progra_ers or tecmical support staff. The objectives of this publication are to define each event and activity in the semple migration plan in sufficient detail to emoble the installation's 00II'\ project planners to plan and estimate for the project during the first part of the Planning Phase. the eveluation or Initial Planning Phase; provide a base from which a customized set of task descriptions can be tailored during the second part of the Planning Phase. the project definition or Detailed Plenning Phase I provide guidance for identifying kernels for conversion. establishing testing and cutover procedures. customizing the Installation's tlVS Standards Manual from the Sample tlVS Standards Manual. end customizing the Semple Conversion Team User's Guide. Manual. 190 pages. 01/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1537 ill !Q !rili ~ MIGRATION EVENTS AI:!!2 ACTIVITIES This is one of a set of ...nuals describing the VSl to tIVS Migration. The key to reading this manual is the VSl to tlVS Sample Migration Network. The network visually depicts the logical sequence end flow of events and activities. The best way to become familiar with the events end activities is to participate in the Initiel Planning Seminar (EVOOOOOll. Here you should spend some ti_ going through the flow of events and activities in the network. After the Initial Planning Seminar you should be ready to begin customizing this document and the network to reflect the migration activities required for your environ.ent. Manual. 98 pages. 02/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6&24-1538 m !Q !rili CONVERSION ~ ~ This guide is designed to provide specific information for the migration from VSl to tlVS. The guide is organized to permit selected reading and reference by members of the migration team depending on their designated functions. The guide is meant to be directive. Many recommendations have been .ade to support the implementation of tlVS. The recommendations have been made to .ini.ize the time spent in evaluating the initial alternatives. Manual. 144 pages. 02/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1527 NATIONAL !YffQB! ~ ~ !Q !rili STRUClURED ~ f.I.!H pROJECT MANAGER'S GUIDE This publication outlines the steps required to create 41 DOS/vSE to tlVS migration plan. It discusses hOM to docUlllent the plan and how to use it effect i vely throust-lt the migration project. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 68 pages. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &&24-1539 COMMUNICATION ~ MANAGEMENTIHANAGING INTERCONNECTED SYSTEMS This paper s~arizes the results of Raleigh Syst.... Center project in the area of Central Site ManageMent of distributed processing units. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 74 pages. 06/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1528 NATIONAL SUPPORT ~ DOS/vsE !Q !rili STR!.ICJ!mED ~ f.I.!H SAMPLE CONVERSION TEAM USER'S .!Z!m!S This publication is 41 .. ample user's guide for the Conversion Team members. It should be tailored by the migrating organization to provide explicit instructions for performing the implementation phase of the conversion project. . Manual. 116 pages. 01/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1540 COMMUNICATION ~ MANAGEMENTINCCF TERMINAL ~ FACILITY An overview of the Terminal Access Facility of NCCF which resulted fro. the early testing of the product in the World Trade Systems Center in Raleigh. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 68 pages. 02/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1529 NATIONAL SUPPORT ~ ~ !Q!rili STRUCTURED §YPfQB! f.I.!H I:!l!§ STANDARDS DESIGN GUIDE The DOS/vSE TO MVS Migration structured Support Plan consists of 41 ..eries of publications ..... ich support the migration effort. They are described in detail in the DOS/vSE to tlVS Migration General Infor... tion Manual. GG24-1524. and their relationships to the phases of the Dos/vSE to tlVS Migration project are shown therein. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 132 pages. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1546 COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT ~ INFORMATIONIMANAGEMENT This document shows a practical way to use functions of InforeationlHanagement and its interface to NPDA. Manual. 84 pages. 10/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6&24-1535 i l l !Q m MIGRATION GENERAL INFORMATION This publication contains en overview of the Structured Support Plan for a VSl to tlVS migration. It is intended for the Data Processing Manager and other installation .amogers and supervisors Mho are considering the implententation of such a .igration. This .anual should be read first. prior to any other VSl to tlVS Migretion SSP Document. and before participating in the initial planning SeMinar. Manual. 30 pages. 02/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &&24-1547 ADVANCED Cot!!1!JNICATIONS FUNCTION PRIMER This manual provides information to assist in the installation and general understanding of the Advanced CoMmUnications Function SNA products. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 206 pages. 10/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &&24-1549 616 lU.ll ~ VSEIVSAH INTERFACE ~ This is an overview of VSE/vSAH functions as used by DUI DOS/vs and includes some considerations and hints related to VSE/VSAH Datasets Definition and Data Base Definition. j GG24 0024 0024-1561 COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT USING Q!!:! TOOLS Thi s document di scusses how the di fferent cm products can enhance the "help desk" and the operator's ability to manage the network. Manual. 154 pages. 10/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Kanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 126 pages. 02/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m 0024-1550 ~ RelEASE 1 This document describes the contents of MVS/SysteM Product Release 3 and includes lIany topics on both the perforllance and the functional enhancements of this release of MYS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 02/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY JillI!!! !Q GG24-1563 VSAM ~ .EQB INTEGRATED CATALOG FACILIU ill lH At! 1M! ENVIRONMENT This document gives new VSAM users the information required to use VSAH properly. It also includes cOllprehensive infor...tion for the Integrated Catalog Facility. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 310 pages. 09/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 0024-1552 SHALL COI'ItUIICATIQNS SYSTEHS INSTALLATION f!m1E.!! m SYSTEM IPOIE The purpose of this doCUllent is to assist in the installation of sllall cOllllllUl"lications systems including YSE System IPO/E Extended. the 3705-80 Communications Controllers and CICSIVS. Kanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12181 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1554 COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT ~ CUSTOKIZING ~ The purpose of this document is to supplement the NCCF CustOllizing Manual SC27-0433 with further hints. comments and examples for writing CLISTS. Coanand Processors and User Exists for NCCF. Kanud. 1£0 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1557 Ma: PRODUCTS INSTALLATION iYm ( The purpose of this publication is to provided infor. . tion that may help Systems Prograamers in installing SMA Products in either a YSE/SP. VH or MYS environllent. This publication is a component of GBOF-2206. Kanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 650 pages. 03/87 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 0024-1558 &!:!H CENTRAL SITE OPERATION This document shows how a IlUlti-dOIIain (lIUlti-hosU network can be operated from a single control position. Kanual. 88 pages. 01/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1559 ANNOTATED IMSIVS PERFORMANCE ~ This document contains infor.ation on DC Monitor and IHSPARS. The DC Monitor portion covers _suring techniques. the DC Monitor Trace records and the flow of an IMS Transaction as far as DC Monitor is concerned. The IMSPARS section contains infor... tion regarding _asuring techniques. overview of IMS log record types. and the fl_ of an IMS transaction as far as IMSPARS is concerned. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 238 pages. 10/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1560 COMMUNICATION ~ MANAGEMENT ~ BUILDING FULLSCREEN CENTRAL NETWORK .§l!fEQ!U ~ This doCUl\lent gives hints. COIIIIIIeI"Its and examples on the writing and use of a fullscrean lIOnitor in an online envi ronment. Kanual. 63 pages. 11/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 0024-1565 EXPERIENCES INSTALLING JES3/SPl.3.1 The new JES3 facilities provided in MYS/SP.l.3.1-JES3 (5740XYN) are described and compared with those in the previous version of JES3 (i.e •• JES3 Release 3 or SU26). Guidelines for the installation of the product and usage of the new functions are also included. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 186 pages. 01/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1568 X.25 m!A GUIDE The purpose of this publication is to provide guidance for the planning and successful implellentation of SNA to SNA connections over X.25 based packet switched data networks. This is a component of GBOF-2206. Kanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 166 pages. 09/85 GG24-1569 2!.:..tl! NPSI !!A!l INPLEMENIATION iYm This publication discusses connection of ASCII ter.inals via X.3 PAD services to an SNA Host COMpUter via a packet .witched data network. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 112 pages. 08/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1570 VSE/POWER VERSION ! NETWO!!KING ~ GUIDE This guide describes Design and Implellentation of the new job networking function of YSE/POWER Version 2 (PNETl. It contains sample tables and definitions. installation checklists. and usage hints and tips. Manual. 284 pages. 01/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1573 SMALL COI1I1UNICATIQNS SYSTEMS INSTALLATION fBII:!m !ill ACFIVTAM~ GG24-1575 COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT This publication discusses the USe of a central site tea. for the Maintenance of software in a distributed interconnected network. Kanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 79 pages. 05/83 617 ( 1 A guide for installing ACFIVTAH with the Appropriate 3270. 364X and CICS support in a 4331 environllent. Kanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 252 pages. 07/83 SLSS: O!!DER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624 6624 6624-1581 DATABASE ! RELATIONAL CONCEPTS This c/ocl.a8f\t describes the relational approach to dat. basesystellS in general and to IBM DATABASE 2 (DB2) in particular. The relationship between IHSIVS DVI and DB2 applications is also covered. The intended audience is DP professionals who Nish to understand the relational DDdel of data and hoM it is iMpI ....ented in DB2. This is a co.ponent of GBOF-2205. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 08/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1587 6624-1582 DAJABASE 1 CONCEPTS ~ FACILITIES ~ This c/ocUlHl'lt gives a functional overvi_ of the lett DATABASE 2 iDB2) relational data base I118nagement syst_. Itis intended to be read by all DP professionals Mho Nish to obtain a good functional knoNledge of the product. This is a component of GBOF-2205. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 216 pages. 08/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1590 C!!!1tUIICATION I:im!QB!S IWIAGEHENT Ym!i ~ .I.n1L REPORTER A description of hoN to use SLR in a NetNOrk ttanagement envi I"ONIIent. Exallples are provi dad. ttanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 214 pages. 08/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY un DE!!ONSTRATION .!!!.1m This docuaent provides a script to demonstrate all stages of DB2 application developllent using the DB21 TSOIISPF interface to DB2. A set of foils is provided to enable an equivalent foil presentation to be given Nhare a rU"lning DB2 syst. . is not available. The delllOl'lStration is intended for DP professionals. This is a component of GBOF-2205. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 152 pages. 08183 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Jmg INTERACTIVE 6624-1594 !!mm mlW!!I ! RELEASE J .!.!!§lUI:!§ USER'S ~ Guide to illpl.....,t the naN logging environ.ent. Plaming inforMation. I1TO and RecoverylRestart considerations are provided. This is a COtIpOnent of GBOF-2205. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 145 pages. 09/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1583 DATABASE ! m USAGE §YIIUi This cIocuIIent deIIIonstrates the poNer of Structure Query Language (SQL)' a database Management language Nhich pe... itsIBM DATABASE 2 (DB2) users to access and Manipulate data in relational data bases. The c/ocunent is intended for DP professionals Mho Nish to obtain a good functional knoNledgaof SQL. This is a COMpOnent of 6BOF-2205. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 154 pages. 08/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1595 ~ MIGRATION ~ USAGE GUIDE This publication describes .igration betNeen the various releases of DBRC and provides infOrMation about the naN features in DBRC Release 3. This is a COIIpOnent of 6BOF-2205. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 212 pages. 01/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1584 AI:! INTRODUCTION l!I ADVANCED PROGRA!!-TO-rROGRAI1 CO!!1!J!:!ICATION !!!f!; This publication provides an introduction to APPC. lett's archtacture for distributed transaction processing. It looks at the requirements for APPC. provides an overvi. of the underlying logical U"Iit (W 6.2). and describes the W 6.2 protocol boU"Idary Nhareby transaction prograa invoke APPC fWlctions. It is a cotlpollent of GBOF-2206. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 108 pages. 12186 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1585 CO!!1UNICAJION H.m!QB.lS IWIAGEI1ENT !.!IW!Ii I:!mI!!m ~ '6624-1597 ~ INTERFACE ~ This publication provides plaming and usage info.... tion to support the use of VHlVSE Interface Facilities. oriented tONards SystellS Engineering and their cust_r syst_ progra_r. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 132 pages. 10/83 IlAT6 ~ This c/ocUIHI'It contains installation and ease of use guidance for netNOrk logical data I118nager (NLDM). ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 104 pages. 06/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1586 Jmg !J1E ~ .IlK[ PRESENTATION ~ This cIocunent provides a script and eCCOtlpanying foils for presenting an overvi_ of the lett DATABASE 2 (DB2)' query ltanagtlllent Facility (QI1F) and Data Extract IDXT) products toDP professionals. This is a collpollent of GBOF-2205. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 234 pages. 08183 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1599 DATABASE 1 SECURITY ~ AUTHORIZATION §!.W!! This guide describes the authorization IleChanis. that is part of DB2. It discusses it froa the standpoint of Nhat facilities are available. as _11 as looking at hoM it .ight best be put to use. It aCCOllplishes the latter by shoNing exallples of possible scenarios that MOUld be used by various people involved Nith the DB2 installation. The cIocUIHI'It is intended for DP professionals Mho Nish to obtain an overall and COIIpret-siva vi_ of the DB2 security aachanis•• in order to a Make best use of it over the entire installation. This is a ca.ponent of 6BOF-2205. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 106 pages. 11/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1600 DATABASE 1 PERF!IR!W!CE IWWitI ~ lY:IlI§ §!.Img Guidelines on hoM to design tables. DB2 applications and the DB2 s!.bsystu. DB2 syst. . lIlOI1itoring and tU"ling. application aonitoring and tWling. This ;. • COIIpOflent of 6BDF-2205. 618 / ( 6624 6624 tlanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 124 pages. 02/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY tlanual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 302 pages. 12/83 6624-1616 m1 DPERAIOR' S HANIlBOOK f.QB ma6 6624-1602 Q!I OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS fi!B ~ NETWORKS TMs report documents the messages and actions in I"~ing a large netNDl"k and outlines the facilities available to the.. both Manually and autOMatically. tlanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 12/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1605 COM!1UNICATIQNS t!UHl!B!S MANAGEMENI CUSTO!1IZING INFDRMATIowSYSTEM ~ 1 This document is for people responsible for the cust_ization and illlplelllel1tation of Info.... tionlSyst_ and Infol"Mationltlanagement Version 2. tlanual. 8 .1/2 x 11 inches. 178 pages. 12/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1608 B!I.im 1 IMPLEMENTATION fB!!Wl l!1!i ~ VERSION The Manual is an installation PriMer for DBRC Release 2 in JmBl; IMS/OB/DC envirOnMent. It covers the installation of DBRC. the iMpl..antation considerations and Migration strategy. It contains a series of recommendations for these. This is a coaponent of GBOF-2205. tlanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 190 pages. 12/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1609 l!.Wm 1 IMPLEMENTATION fB!!Wl CICS!QSIVS !ru ~ This _nual is an installation Pl"i . .1" for DBRC Releas. 2 in an OS CICSIDLI environMent. It covers the installation of DBRC. the ilipleMentation considerations and Migration strategy. It contains a series of recomaendations for these. This is a coaponent of GBOF-2205. tlanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 188 pages. 12/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 6624-1611 m GENERAL INFORMATION This publication provides an intl"Oduction to the stl"UCtul"tld S~l"t prograM for MVSIXA. It is intended for MVS syst.... progl"a_rs. syst_ analysts. systems engineers. 01" anyone having the project planning responsibility for a HVSl370 to HVSIXA Migration. tlanual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 28 pages. 12/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 6624-1612 J§E POSITIONIHS ACTIVITIES MATERIAL This publication contains the activities S~l"t _tel"ials for us. by the systellS engineer during the cust.....I"/IBM avents . . defined in the positioning phase of the HVSIXA Stl"UCtUl"ed ~I"t PrograM. This docuMent ....y be Ol"del"tld and supplied to custOMers participating in the HVSIXA SSP. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 390 pages. 12/83 ~ This handbook, is designed as a guide to operating the 3081 in Systea/370 E)(tended Architecture Mode. tlanual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 104 pages. 01/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1617 CO!1!1!JNICATIQNS NETWORK MANAGEMENI PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS This document shows users how to optiMize and tuna nat_l"k Rnase-ent products in a cOllllll\A'lications syst... Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 106 pages. 04/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1618 CO!1MUNICATION Hnl!!lR!S I1ANAGEI1ENT ~ ~ 1 The purpose of thi 5 document is to evaluate the . functions and usability enhancetaent. provide installation and cust_ization e)(aillples and assist in the installation of HCCF Vel"Sion 2. tlanual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 120 pages. 04184 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1625 DBRC MIll !!AT6 mIA!m!!i f.QB mg ~ USERS CICS 1.6.1 elCploits DBRC R3 and IMS 1.3 Data Sharing. This publication describes the . - function available for recovery control and sharing DVI data at the data bas. and block levels bet....en CICS and IMS subsyst_ on the sa_ processor 01" on .ultiple local processors. Procedures and recOllllllenclati0n5 are included for installing the software. iMpleoaentation and operational us. in the envil"onIHnt of MUltipl. on-line CICS-DVI and Batch DVI subsyst_ tlithin a single processor under 11VS. This is a cOlllponent of GBOF-2205. tlanual. 8 112 )( 11 inches. 220 pages. 04/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1630 §l:!! Hnl!!lR!S INTERCONNECTION §HI PLANNING ~ ~ This document is intended to serve as a guide Nhen planning. designing and defining an SNI netNDrk. Manual. 117 pages. 05/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1632 DATABASE .& ~ ! RELEASE ! ~ INTERFACE §lJlllg A priMer fOl" installation. operation. lIOnitol"ing. and tuningof the eICS attachMent. Also covers pl"ogl"a. design. preparation and tuning of CICS progl"a. . accessing Databa•• 2. This i. a component of GBDF-2205. tlanual. 8 112 )( 11 inches. 148 pages, 05/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6624-1633 GUIDE ~ :m IMSIVS Jmm FACIUn 6624-1613 J§E ~ 1 ~ 1 gm ~ gm BAH This publication contains infor.ation on the DEDB facility available in II1SIVS Version 1 R.l. . . . 3. It i. intended to be used as a reference guide by syst_ designers. data baseadMinistl"ators. systeM progl"a_1"S and application pl"ogl"a. . .l"S. The guide provides a Mide range of infol".... tionfl"OM ovel"vi ... to a detailed description of the MIGRATION ACTIVITIES HATERIAL This publication contains the activities S~l"t _tel"ial for use by the syst_ engineer during the custOMel"/IBM events as defined in the Migration phase of the MVSIXA stl"UCtul"ed S~l"t prograM. This cIocuoent _y be ordered and supplied to custOMers participating in the MVSIXA SSP. 619 GG24 GG24 The s.~l_ .re of gr.duated ~lexity. going fro. sillPle panels .nd fixed QltF PROCs to ISPF di.log table display/update panels .nd dyna.ically created QHF PROCs. Hanusl. 8 112 x 11 inches. 200 pagtill. 4/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY DEDB f.cility. including consider.tions on inst.ll.tion .nd recovery. This is • co.ponent of &8OF-2205. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 314 pages. 06/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1636 ACFI'ITAI1 ~ 1 fS!B ~ PLNtlII!& fBIm This publication is intended for users Nho .,.. w.luating ACF/VTAH Version 3 for V1VSP. M.nusl. 8 112 x 11 inches. 76 pagtill. 10/84 SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1637 1!:Ili DATABASE m!m:! 1 I!i!.Wl 1 lI!lim INTERFACE liYm This publication cont.ins information on the DB2 .tt.~t facility for IHS/YS. It is to be used as • priaer for first time inst.ll.tion of the .ttac:halent. Hanud. 8 112 x 11 inches. 142 pages. 09/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1642 §!Wlg .m m lYlI .II!mW mmmJ. t!!!IW. GG24-1665 ENGINEERIN&!SCIENTIFIC !!.!ffQ!fi §DllH INSTALLATION .IiYml This publication is intended to assist first-ti . . users of hardNare .nd progra. products Mho are installing the Engineering/Scientific Support Syst. . !E/SIHf3!. It does not .tt8llPt to replace prerequisite courses .nd docu.entation supplied. but should be used .s • suppl8lllf!flt.ry public.tion during the inst.ll.tion and tailoring phase. Hanusl. 8 112 x 11 i nehes. 62 pages. 11/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1673 m:I PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT .nmJ,J This publication is intended for use by the service level control staff in charge of defining and controlling the service level .greMent••• nd for users who are responsible for natNOrk design. It provides infor. . tion for network center personnel . .naging perforunce of the cOlllll\.nications natNOrk. Syst. . progr.Mers Nho .re responsible for the implementation of the natNOrk products .nd for syst_ tuning .re .lso .ddressed. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 96 pages. 3/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY n This publication is intended to .ssist syst. . pl.mers .nd progr._rs and syst. . engineers in pl.ming .nd inst.lling the 3880 Stor.ge Control Hodel 23. It gives .n overview of the hardNare. soft... ,... perforunee ••nd us.ge .spects of the product. Hanusl. 8 112 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 2/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1682 ImL!lS DAD DICTIONARY !W&m i IMPLEMENTATION GG24-1650 ~ This publication contains guidelines for. successful illPlellent.tion of the DB/DC Data Dictionary. The .ain objective of the Primer is to ..ake the illlPluentation both simpler .nd f.ster. It is .i.ed .t the Dat. Base AdIIinistrator lor Dictionary Adllinistr.tor! Mho has to impluent the product in the customer environnaent • This is • ~ent of &BOF-2205. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 219 pages. 3/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY mwm III m B!l!! !IIW. 11 fA!W!!i SUBSYSTEM This public.tion provides planning .nd inst.llation infor•• tion on the 3880 Hodel 21 Paging SU:H;yst... It is designed to give the syst_ progr._r or syst_ engineer • n ov.rvi eN of the hardware. soft... ,.. .nd us.ge .spects of the products. Hanusl. 8 112 x 11 inches. 84 pages. 7/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1653 GG24-1683 lmi CO!1!1UNICATION CONTROLLER fBIm mw. PROCESSORS INSTALUTION .IiYml This revised publication provides. b.sic knoNledge for the inst.ll.tion of the 4381 Dual Processors .nd is intended for syst_ progr..... rs and professionals involved in this .ctivity. It is • COl!pon8nt of 6BOF-2208. Hanusl. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 128 pages. 09/86 SLSS: ORDER NO .• SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ This publication is intended to .ssist Sys.t_ Progr._rs .nd Syst. . Engineers Nho pl.n to inst.ll the 3725 c-rtic.tion Controller or update it .. ith naN f . . tures. It is • COMpcMMH\t of &BOF-2206. Hanud. 8 112 x 11 inches. 168 pages. 02/87 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1655 GG24-1684 llZl INSTALLATION EXPERIENCES fAST fAD:! APPLICATION ~ This publication i. intended for the .pplic.tion designars in the IHS/YS Fast Path .ixed IIode envir_t. IHS/YS F.st Path is .n integr.ted part of IMS/YS and the designer should use the Fast Path and the Full Function ....ources that .re best suited to _ t the .pplication requireMent. It ..ill give guidelines on Nhen to choose Fast Path resources and Nhen to choose Full Function resources. All phas. . of • project .re described based on the "sUlllf)tion that _ t applic.tions in the future .. ill use • • ixture of Fast Path .nd Full Function. It is • COMponent of 6BOF-2208. Hanusl. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 7/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ This public.tion provides .n overvi ... of the 7171 • • s _ r y of inst.ll.tion experi-.. inst.ll.tion hints ••nd ~t references. It is • ca.ponent of &8OF-2206. Hanusl. 8 112 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 09/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GG24-1658 .!i!.Im DEYELQPIt!6 !mE APPLICATIONS !.ImI!i D.I!E !MRENI RELEASE! This publication provides guidana for. syst_ or .pplic.tions developar or Info-Center speci.list to inst.ll. design, .nd illPl_t ISPF di.logs Nhich run under control of QltF. It .lso ~ts concrete ex.mples of three s.lIPle .pplications Nhich can then be t.ilored to .n inst.ll.tion. 62D ( SS24 6G66 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m PROGRAHttINS This publicetion describes early experience in IIIriting prograM for the API in the 3270 PC Control Progra.. Sa.le 6G66-0208 progra. . are included. 1§2!!!AD ~ SUBSYSTEM MIGRATION PLANNING Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 124 pages. 5/85 This publication describes several MSS data migr.tion SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY strategies that can be used to r .....ve an MSS frOM an installation in an orderly .anner. Migration tools to _ _ data and provide reports are covered. along lIIith a ;;&24-1688 discussion of a aethod to help esti . .te the alllOUnt of replaceMent hardlilare required to store the MSS data. 1!Z.'l !!!!!W. §! Am H INSTALLATIDN i\!m This publication provides a detailed description of the This publicetion is a coooponent of 6BOF-2214. fw.ctions of 3179-6. It is for the person responsible for Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 08/85 planning the installation of the 3179-6. An attenopt is . .de SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY to position the 3179-6 lIIithin the graphic .re•• Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 82 pages. 8/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6G66-0213 l!!!!l1!lW. ill PROCESSOR ~ INSTALLATION NOTEBOOK This publication contains inforeation pertinent to the 6624-1696 installation of • 3090 Model 200 Processor Complex. The overall design is for use both as a presentation guide .nd 371P/X.25 IMPLEMENTATION ~ This publication describes the i.l_t.tion proc. .s of atechnical reference . .nual. Use of this dual design .tt.ching the 3710 CoMUnication Adapter to X.25 based pereitsinfo.... tion to be iooported to the general audience, P.cket SNitched D.t. Net_rks (PSON). It describes the lIIhile atthe sa. . tiee assisting those Mhose responsibility characteristics of the X.25 supported functions included in it is to present this infor. .tion. This publication is the nt!IIII .icrocode of the 3710/X.25 and ACF/NCP/NPSI. Syst_ structured into four . . jor sections: hardlilare overvi8lll, progr._rs. syst_ .nalysts .nd net_rk planners of the soft-oare support. installation considerations. and 3710 and X.25 lIIill find in this guide det.iled definitions operational considerations. Full size copies of the visuals and procedures necessary for install.tion .nd oper.tion in used in the hardlilare overvi8111 and operational different test scenarios. considerations sections are provided in appendices A and 8. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 140 pages. 6/85 For those Mho are presenters, two adjacent visuals shown on the sa_ page indicates that both should be displayed SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTIDN ONLY s i sultaneously. This publication is a coeponent of 6BOF-2208. 6624-1721 Technical Bulletin. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 208 pages, 07/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY nz.!l:IS J;!l!J!B GRAPHICS APPLICATIONS ~ This publication contl!ins infoMHtion gained IIIhUe using the 3270-PC/66XA product on /XT-based 3270-PC/6 and /6X. It cont.ins infor. .tion on the inst.ll.tion of the product and 6G66-0216 should .ssist the user in obtaining optilllUlll use of the m:!6 NETWORKS m: m!W. ~ product. This publication discusses SNA/LEN. a possible extension of Syst... Net_rk Architecuture intended to allOlll peer, It is intended for Account SE. End-User • •nd Technical dynamic, .nd easy to use networking functions for. vari.ty Coordinator. of node sizes doNn to .nd including the naN generation of This is • cOlllpouent of 6BOF-2210. personal cosputers. After revi_ing the special Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 8/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY requi ..........ts posed by sll8ll syst_ and the need for including thee as equal partners in networks, the LEN architecture is described. This is done by follOllling a 6624-1723 s~e of steps that begin lIIhen a logical resource at sOllllnOde that . .y not yet be part of the connectivity of an m!m mm!H ! ~ 1 PRESENTATION §!.Wlg existing net_rk requests a session lIIith a r ..... t. logical This publicetion provides notes and foils lIIhich describe the nt!IIII features and functions of IIIS/VS Version 2 Release I. resource of lNnoNn location. After connectivity lIIith the These product enhancelll8nts include: IMS/VS XRF Support preexisting net_rk is established. directory services locates the r ......te object. rout. selection services lIIhich increases the online availability as sean by the end user. higher data .vail.bility for .pplic.tion progra... deter.ines the preferred path, a session is activated, and • dditional virtual stor.ge constr.int relief it.... and deadlock-free flOlll control assures a useful flow of data • enha~ts to Oat. Base Recovery Control and logging Pr.li.inary quantitative results fros a LEN prototype are presented. fe.tures. IMS/VS Version 2 Release I address. . those cust_rs Mho have increased requir_ts for high This publication is a COIIpOI'IImt of 6BOF-2206. .v.il.bility and virtual storage constr.int relief. IMS/VS Technical Bulletin, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 32 pages, 08/85 XRF support is not included in this presentation guide. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY It is • co.ponent of 6BOF-2205. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 328 pages. 8/85 6666-0220 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ R Fut!CTIPNAL OVERVIEW PRESENTATION ~ The VM/XA Syst-. Facility Functional Overvi8111 Presentation SS24-1729 Guide (guide) is pri . . rily intended to provide support personnel and technically oriented custotllar personnel lIIith DaZP INfDRMAU!!N .BIB J:!!If .II.UU This publicetion. Inter.ctive Executive for Systee/370. info.... tion on the . . jor features of t\MI VM/XA Syst_ 1IX(370) is the version of AT&T Bell Labor.tories UNIX. Facility (SF) introduced in February 1985. This guide Syst_ V Operating Syst_. The ~t is for introductory should be used as a basis for a presentation, lIOdified and info.... tion .bout the Ix/370 product. broadened to suit" the audience. This publication is a coepollent of 6BOF-2208. SUNIX is • tr. . . .rk of AT&T Bell Labor.tories. Hanusl, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 74 pages, 10/85 Technical Bulletin, 138 pages, 08185 6624-1687 !iYml XZ2 & 621 stI12 GG66 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GH09-8014 READ ~ FIRST Fo.. info ....ation about this publi ... tion contact the cont ..olling party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Manual. 2/86 ~ SH09-8016 sguos REMOTE RELATIONAL ACCESS SUPPORT GUIDE .E.QB VI1/SP Tne structured Query Language/Data System (SQLIDS) Re..ote Relational Access Support is an enhancement to SQLlDS Release 3.5. It allows the user to .ake use of the Transparent Se..vices Access Facility p..esent in VI1ISyste. Product (VI1ISP) Release 5. With the Remote Relational Access Support. the use.. ...n use an SQUOS data base ........ on the same processo.. as SQLlDS 0.. on a di ffe ..ent SH12-SU8 VSE/POWER. J,!!; PROG S746-XE3. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) Tni s onual introduces VSE/POWER togethe.. wi th the VSE/POWER Remote Job Entry feature. It is intended for users of DOS/VSE wi th VSE/Advanced Functions. After an introduction that acquaints the reader with the concept of VSE/POWER and its applicability, the following topics ara covered in this manual: . • A general description of VSE/POWER • A discussion of the input for the syst... the output produced. and the processing that is done by VSE/POWER • A sUlllmary of the machine and progra.ing envir~t in which VSE/POWER operates "The reade .. of this manual should be familiar with the data processing terminology. In particular. basic knowledge of OOSIVSE or DOSIV~ will be helpful in evaluating the advantages of this program product. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 30 pages 1/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY processor. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 1 yea ... 56 pages. 10/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GH12-S129 S/370 ! PROCESSORS. 1m! ENTRY PROGRAM. ! FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM. LIC PROG S748-XE6. GENERAL INFORMATION This manual introduces the IBM program products Job Entry Progra. and File Transfer Program. These programs are designed to interconnect one 0 .. more decent ..alized computing systems with one or .are central data processing installations. With the Job Entry Progra •• jobs .ay be transfe.. red for processing from one installation. thus enabling the user • for example. to utilize resources such as data bases. progra.... 0 .. peripheral devices available only at the receiying location. The File Transfe .. P..ogram additionally allows the user to transfe.. sequential files on tape 0 .. disk from one installation to anothe... The reader of this manual should be fa.ilia .. with the data p ..ocessing terminology. Additional knowledge of IBM operating systems (DOSIVSE. OSIVS1. and OSIVS2) will be helpful to the reade .. in evaluating the applicability of the Job Ent ..y Prog..am and the File T..ansfer p..ogram. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inChes. 28 pages. 3/80 ////5746-XE6.S748-XE6 ~ J,!!; .I'!B.Q§ 5746-XE6. ';H12-5115 DlII-ENTRY DOSIVS. J,!!; .I'!B.Q§ 5746->0<7. GENERAL INFORMATION This book introduces DlII-Ent.. y DOSIVS to the executive. system programme... or application progra...r and gives a general picture of what DlII-Entry is. The DLlI-Ent .. y data base system makes data handling easier for application p..ograms. and centralizes the data ..equired by more than one application program. Both batch p .. ograms ..unning unde.. DOSIVS and online prog .. a... running under the Customer Inforotion Control System/DOSIVS (CICSIVS) can use DlII-Ent..y. This book explains the advantages of using data bases. gives a gene..al description of DLlI-Entry data bases and of how application programs use the•• and lists .achina configuration ..equi ..ements. Examples a .. e p ..ovided of using DLlI-Entry to control the ordering and distribution of products. to produce a bill of oterials in a onufacturing application. and to provide a complete system for order entry and production planning and control in the p..ocess indust ..y. Pre..equisite to unde ..standing this book is soma familiarity with the use of computers to process data. Manual. 52 pages. 2/76 . 11115746->0<7 GH12-5122 .m1! !lA!A ANALYZER (OSIVS), J,!!; fBQ§ 5740-lO OCT SH19-6095 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION ~ (SDF/CICS), 5664-178. SYSTEM OPERATIotlS ~ This publication contains infor..ation necessary for installing and operating the progra... It provides syst... programmers and customer operators Mith mainly operating system dependent information.such as the job control to install and operate Screen Definition Facility/CICS. For information about this progra... sea abstract for SH19-6102. Manual. 8 1/2 X 11 inches. 88 pages. 6/83 ////5664-178 r.H19-6096 SDF/CICS ~ GENERAL INFORMATION Screen Definition Facility/CICS Small Syst.... Executive/Virtual Storage Extended (SDF/SSX) is an interactive application development tool for the CICS/vs application programmer Mho M.. nts to define or change map sets and ..aps for CICs/vS Basic M.. pping Support (BMS). SOF/SSX provides the applic .. tion programmer Mith a full screen editor and libraries to ..aintain the maps and map sets. This publication contains a general description of the program and its various f...,.,tions. Also included is a list of devices supported. a summ .. ry of user installation requirements. and a sample application. M..nual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 50 pages. 11/82 ////5666-288 SH19-6097 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS SMALL ~ EXECUTIVE/VIRTUAL SJORAGE EXTENDED OPERATIONS GUIDE This publication contains information necessary for operating the program. It provides system administrators and operators Mith mainly operating syst.... dependent SH19-6098 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVE/VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED PROGRAM REFERENCE Screen Definition F..cility/CICS Small System ExecutiveIVirtual Storage Extended (SDF/SSX) is an interactive application development tool for the CICSIVS application programmer Mho Mants to define or change map sets and ..aps for CICSIVS Basic Mapping Support (BMS). SDF/SSX provides the application programmer Mith aa full screen editor and libraries to maintain the .... ps and map sets. This publication contains detailed information about the online and batch use of the program. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 348 pages. 01/83 ////5666-288 SH19-6099 DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS ~ SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED MESSAGES ~ CODES Screen Definition Facility/CICS Sm.. ll System ExecutiveIVirtual Storage Extended (SDF/SSX) is an interactive application development tool for the CICS/vs application programmer Mho Mants to define or change ..ap sets and maps for CICSIVS Basic Mapping Support (BMS). SDF/SSX provides the application programmer Mith a full screen editor and libraries to ..aintain the maps and .. ap sets. This publication lists the ..essages and codes for the batch and online f...,.,tions of Screen Definition Facility/CICS SSx/vSE. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 156 pages. 12/82 ////5666-288 ~ 0019-6100 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITYICICS SMALL ~ EXECUTIVEIVSE SPECIFICATIONS For information about this p<.blication contact the controlling party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 12/82 //20//5666-288 SH19-6102 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION ~ ~ (SDF/CICS). 5740-XYF. 5746-XXI. 5664-178. PRIMER (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains infor ..ation for the inexperienced SDF/CICS user. It is intended as a learning tool for application programmers and system designers. SDF/CICS is an interactive application development tool for the CICSIVS application programmer who wants to define or change map sets. maps. and partition sets for CICSIVS Basic Mapping Support (BMS). SDF/CICS provides the application programmer with a full-screen editor and a library to maintain the maps. map sets. and partition sets. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 130 pages. 6/83 ////5740-XYF.5746-XXT.5664-178 GH19-6103 DATA INIERFILE TRANSFER TESTING ~ OPERATIQNS UTILITY f.Q! ~ ~ ~ 5668-917. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication introduces this general purpose utility program. The progra. can scan. display. list. copy. alter. 632 (GH19 SH19 and create files or parts of files on card, ngnetic tape, disk, and diskette input/output devices under VSE/Advanced Functions and under VMICMS in online and batch environments. The manual also gives information for installation planning and evaluation. It is intended for data processing executives, system planners, system analysts. system progra_e.-s. and application p.-og.-alMle'-S. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 44 pages. 7/83 11115665-366,5664-307 SHI9-6119 DEFINITION FACILITY 11 .f!U!mi fill! 1m PROGRAMS This publication is an introduction for programmers and analysts who define panels with SDF II for use in ISFP programs. It builds on the information given in the Screen Definition Facility II General Introduction, SHI9-6457. Manual, 8 112 x 8 1/2 inches, 80 pages, 12/86 ~ 11115668-917 1/115664-307.5665-366 SH19-6104 DATA INTER FILE TRANSFER illl1!::!i Am OPERATIONS YIl.l.lIl fQB !!l!! .l!!:I PROGRAM REFERENCE M!! OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DITTO is an easy-to-use general-purpose utility program for program testing and file-handling. It can scan, display. list, copy, alter and create files or parts of files on card, magnetic tape, disk, and diskette input/output devices. This publication describes the function of the program and hOM to use the." hOM to install and run the program, and the programming and system requirements. The.-e is a section on error messages. This publication is intended for YSE and VH system programmers and application progranrners and for VSE syst... console operators. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 172 pages. 07/83 m SHI9-6133 fHIB1 LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM (ELIAS), fRQ§ 5799-AYZ, APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE ELIAS is an integrated. pregenerated DBIDC system designed to run on an IBM System/370 Model 115 or 125. ELIAS is derived by systeJII generation from CICSIVS. 0./1. ETSs/II. Sort/Merge/VS, COBOL. and DITTO The Application Design Guide is intended to be used by the application designer. It presents data base (DLlI). data cOlll..... ication (CICS/VS). and other considerations that should be taken into account during the design stage of an application. The Guide complements the ELIAS Design and Impll!lllentation course. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 132 pages. 1/79 11115799-AYZ/WT-ONLY ~ 11115668-917 GH19-6105 !!ill INTERFIlE TRANSFER TESTING Am OPERATIONS YIl.l.lIl fQB ~.£ Am .l!!:I SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ( This document provides information on the warranted functions of the licensed program. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 07183 11115668-917 GHI9-6111 MVSIPAIA INTERFIlE TRANSFER, TESTING, M!! OPERATIONS UTILITY GENERAL INFORMATION MVSlData Interfile Transfer, Testing and Operations Utility is a general-purpose utility program. It can scan. display, list, copy, alter and create files or parts of files on card. magnetic tape and disk input/output devices under MVS/SP Release 1 (MVS/370) and under MVS/SP Release 2 (MVSIXA). This publication describes the progra •• It also gives information for installation planning and evaluation. The reader is assumed to have a general knowledge of data processing. M"nual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 66 pages. 5/86 1/20//5665-370 GHI9-6115 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY 11 SPECIFICATIONS This publication gives the general description and highlights of the program, its operating environment and the warranty applicable to the progra •• Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6 pages, 01/87 //115664-307,5665-366 SH19-6134 ENTRY .l.M1. INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM, i l l ,PRg§ En::Ar GUIDE ELIAS is an integrated, pregenerated DBIDC system designed to run on IBM System/370 Model 115 or 125. ELIAS is derived by system generation from CICS/VS, DLII. ETSS II, Sort/Merge/VS, COBOL. and DITTO. The DBIDC Debugging Guide is intended to be used by the application programmers. It describes techniques for solving problems encountered IOhen testing applications. It does not cover system problem determination. which is treated in ELIAS System Problem Determination Guide. SHI9-6140. Manual, 8 112 )( 11 inches, 94 pages. 12178 11115799-AYZ/WT-ONLY SHI9-6135 ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM. ill:PRQi 5799-AYZ, fBfi ~ ~ HANDBOOK ELIAS is an integrated. pregenerated DBIDC system designed to run on IBM System/370 Model 115 or 125. ELIAS i. derived by system generation from CICSIVS, DLlI, ETSS II, SortlMerge/VS, COBOL, and DITTO. The Samples Handbook assists the user's analysts and progra....ers in system design and in the development of application progran. The manual assumes a thorough understanding of ELIAS and DBIDC progra_ing. Manual, 8 1/2 inches, 204 pages, 12/78 11115799-AYZ/WT-OHLY SH19-6136 SH!Bl ~ SHI9-6118 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY l! RELEASE .L.! .f!U!mi fQB CICSIBI1S PROGRAMS This· publication is an introduction for progra.... rs and analysts who will define panels with SDF II for use in CICS/BMS programs. It builds on the information given in the Screen Definition Facility II General Introduction. SHI9-6457. Manual. 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches. 180 pages. 01/87 ~ INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM IELIAS), PROG 5799-AYZ fBfi X99906: APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S i!!m! ELIAS is an integrated, pregenerated DBIDC system designed to run on an IBM System/370 Model 115 or 125. ELIAS is derived by system generation from CICS/VS, DVI, ETSS II, SortlMerge/VS, COBOL, and DITTO. Addressed to the application progra_r, this . .nual deal. with the principles of Improved Progra.ming Technoogy and describes the process of writing both batch and online progra_. using the facilities of COBOL. DLII. and the 633 Stl19 Stl19 bricb s~liwl by ELIAS. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inct... 134 paga.. 12178 11115799-AYZIWT-ONLY GHl9-61/f3 mw: J&m INTERACTIVE APPLICATION §lmH Atm m:m.tI INSTALLATION PRODUCTIVITY OPTIONS. ill f!!!l§ S799-AYZ. S7S0-AYl cusTOMER INFORMATION BULLETIN EUAS i. designed to provide a siMPlifi. lIet of data las•• data COIIIIIU"Iication. ti ...haring and probl. . analysis fecilities appropriate to us.rs Mho have no previous .xperience of iMPluent;ng DB/DC applicetions. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 11/78 11115799-AYZ.57S0-AYZIWT-ONLY 'Stl19-6137 mw: .um INTERACTIVE ApeLlCATION .IrWIl! PB06RMtlfINi If! KmH..!. .!.IIi P8g§ S799-»l. TERMINAL YBB..:.I iIIlIII EUAS is an integratwl. pregenerated DB/DC syst. . designed to /U'I on an IBM SystBl370 Mod.l 115 or 125. ELIAS is deriftd by SYllt_ gawration f~ CICSIVS. DVI. ETSS II. Sort 1MergeIVS. COBOL. and DITTO. GHI9-611f1f Thtt T....ind u..r's suid. is int.ncted to be iAIIed by thll ETSSICICS t ....in.l u..r. It contaillll _criptions of haM to 1NTBl .Lm.I. INTERACTIVE APPLICATION !lim! ~ MIl llXlD:m u.. ETSS and thll ELIAS tools to chtvelap or .. intain a INSTALLATION PBODUCTIVIU .!lPWII:U .w; .PR.!!!i S799-.ql !.PBP!U.& progra•• subMit thll pragra. to POWERIVS for execution. check S750-AYl .!m!!U. its .tatu. in thll syst_. and r.c.i". thll output lack at thll IBM Licensed Pragra. Specifications deelll with general t ....in.l. description of the Syst_. progra.ing Syst.... and Syst_ ltanual. 8 112 x 11 inct... 70 pagB. 1179 Configuration. It al.o gives the reference .. terial and ccmpatibility. 1IIIS799-AYZIWT-DNLY Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 2/79 11115799-AYl.5750-AYl StlI9-6138 .um INTERACTIVE APPLICATION IXm!:I.& 5799-A¥l fBI!9 nmL. mn!! HAtIlBOOK ll!IBl .we m!I!i ELIAS is an integrat. pregenerated DBIDC SYllt. . _igned to run on an IBM Syst_ 370 Model 115 or 125. ELIAS i. deriftd by SYllt_ gawration frOM CICSIVS. DVI. EISs/II. SortlMergelVS. COBOL. and DITTO. Thtt Syst_ Handbook is a ref.rence publication "cribing thll usege of the various ELIAS fUnctions. It is address. to tM Syst_ AdMinistrating functions to hIIlp thllM: ltaintain tM sYllt_-oriented soft_reI . . intain DLII and CICS us.r-clep.lld.llt partsl _tablish and . . intain procedurw for SYllt. . operation. -YIlt. . . . int_nee and probl. . d.t.... in.tion. ltanual. 248 pagB. 2179 11115799-AYZIWT-ONLY Stl19-6139 ll!IBl J&m INTERACTIVE APPUCAUON' fBI!9 n!2l!.!.t OPERATOR'S ~ .we fmIli S799-AYZ ELIAS is an integrated. pregenerated DB/DC syst. . designed to run on an IBM SystBl370 Hodel 115 or 125. ELIAS is deriftd by .yst_ generation frOM CICSIVS. DVI. ETSS II SortlMergelVS. COBOL. and DITTD. Thtt ELIAS Operator's SUide cont.illll the infOrMation required by the .Yllt- operator to operate an IBM SYllt..,,370 Model 115 or 125. to prepare thll syst... and to /U'I progra. ...-r ELIAS. ltanual. 8 1/2 inches. 88 pages. 12178 11115799-AYZIWT-ONLY GH19-61S7 .iii ELIAS-IIYM ELIAS-IIYM Lic_ed PrograM and its s~rting cIoc:unntation is intended to iMprove productivity of users of CICSIDOSIVS. DVI DOSIVS. and/or VSEIVSAI1. IiIhen /U'I on an IBM SYllt..,,370. IBM 303X or IBM /f300 Processor. ELIAS-IIYM is _igned to run in the environMent provided by the YMlSP Conversational ttonitor SysteM. ELIAS-IIYM provides a series of interactive dialogs celled ..procedur..... which PrOMpt the user to specify the definitions of the data bases and batch and online application progra.. It provides a set of predefined sequences of code called "brick.... Each brick perfor. . a specific end frequently used prograM function. and can be incorporated into the user's application prograM to perfo... that function. Thi ....nual is addressed to the managers responsible for the d.velapMent of COMputer applicati_. It describes the process of iMPluenting a data basaldata ~ications syst_ using the facilities and Methods suppli. by ELIAS-IIYM. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 7/81 /1/15748-lOCK SHI9-6158 APPLICATION §YIRg ELIAS-ItyM ELIAS-IIYM Licensed PrograM and its s~rting docuIentation ill int.ncted to iMprove productivity of users of CICSIDOSIVS. DVI DOSIVS. and/or VSEIVSAI1. IiIhen run on an IBM Syst..,,370. IBM 303X or IBM /f300 Processor. ELIAS-IIYM is designed to StlI9-61/f0 run in the environMent provided by thll YMlSP Conversational ttonitor Systa • .mmI J&m INTERACTIVE APPLICAUON nmtI PBOGRAI!1INi ELIAS-I/VI'I provides a series of interactive dialogs Bf9 2W!!I.h,Wi fBg§ SU9-AlZ. ~ DETERMINATION iYml ELIAS is an integrated. pregenerated DBIDC SYllt. . designed celled "procedures". which prClllpt the user to specify the to run on an IBM SystBl370. Hodel 115 or 125. ELIAS i. definitions of data bases and batch and online application prograMS. It provides a set of predefined sequences of code deriftd by syst_ generation frOM CICSIVS. DVI. ETSS II. SortlMergelVS. COBOL. and DITTO. called "bricks". Each brick perforlllS a specific end Thtt SYllt_ Probl. . D.t....ination Suide i. intended to be frequently used prograM function. end can b. incorporatwl used by the .yst_ operator and the syst. . adMinistrator. into the user's application prograM to perfo... that It presents info.... tion on recaanizing SYllt_ . .1functionsl function. gathering info.... tion to be used for debuggingl analyzing This ..nual presents the illplellentetion at a conceptual the info.... tion to isolate the caus. of the error (hardlO8re. level and is intended to be used for reference ..tIil. designing applications. EUAS soUMer•• or application progr. . 11 and running thll s.rvice aid progra•• level and is intended to be used for ref.rence whil. designing applications. tlanual. 8 112 l< 11 iroehM. 62 pages. 1179 1IIIS799-AYZIWT-oNLY ltanual. 8 112 )( 11 inches. 128 pages. 9/81 11115748-lOCK 63ft 51119 51119 51119-6159 PROGRAMMER'S ~ ELIAS-ItyM ~ APPLICATION ELIAS-IIVM Licensed Prograa and its supporting docu.entation is intended to i.prove productivity of users of CICSIDOS/VS, DVI DOs/vS, and/or VSE/vSAM. when run on an IBM System/370, IBM 303X or IBM 4300 Processor. ELIAS-IIVM is designed to run in the envir...-.t provided by the VlVSP Conversational lIonitor Syst... ELIAS-I/YM provides a series of interactive dialogs called "procedures", which proonpt the user to specify the definitions of the data bases and batch and online ' application prograll5. It provides a set of predefined sequences of code called "bricks". Each brick performs a specific and frequently used prograa function, and can be incorporated into the user's application progra. to perfora that function. This aanual is addressed to the application progra_r responsible for the coding of computer applications in COBOL. It describes the process of coding data base/data COII!IIIUI'Iications progra_ using the facilities supplied by ELIAS-IIVM. Manual, 8 112 )( 11 inches, 264 pages, 9/81 ////5748-)00( 51119-6160 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ELIAS-ItyM fL!l ELIAS-IIVM Licensed Prograa and its supporting docu.entation is intended to ionprove productivity of users of CICSIDOS/VS, DVI Dos/vS, and/or VSE/vsAM, when run on an IBM Syste\ll/370, IBM 303X or IBM 4300 Processor. ELIAS-IIVM is designed to run in the environ.ent provided by the YM/SP Conversational Monitor Syste•• ELIAS-IIVM provides a series'of interactive dialogs called "procedures", .... ich prompt the user to specify the definitions of the data bases and batch and online application prograMS. It provides a set of predefined sequences of code called "bricks". Each brick perforllS a specific and frequently used prograa function, and can be incorporated into the user's application prograa to perfo~ that function. This aanual is addressed to the application progra_r responsible for the coding of cOMpUter applications in COBOL. It describes the process of coding data base/data co..unications progra_ using the facilities supplied by ELIAS-IIVM. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 258 pages, 9/81 ////5748-)00( SHI9-6161 SYSTEH ADMINISIRATOR'S GUIDE ELIAS-IIVM ELIAS-IIVM Licensed Prograa and its supporting docu.entation is intended to i.prove productivity of users of CICSIDOS/vS, DVI Dos/vS, and/or VSE/vSAH, ....... run on an IBM Systa./370, IBM 303X or IBM 4300 Processor. ELIAS-I/vM is designed to run in the envir~t provided by the YM/SP Conversational lIoni tor SystH. ELIAS-IIVM provides a series of interactive dialogs called "procedures", ..... ich prOlllpt the user to specify the definitions of data bases and batch and online application prograas. It provides a set of predefined sequences of code called "bricks". Each brick perforllS a specific and frequently used prograa function, and can be incorporated into the user's application prograa to perfo~ that function. This . .nual provides a reference docuIent for the dab base/data coaaun;cations syst .... administrator. It describes the use of relevant ELIAS-IIVM facilities. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 192 pages, 8/81 ////5748-lOCK SH19-6162 SAMPLES HANDBOOK ELIAS-I/YH ELIAS-IIVM Licensed Prograa and its supporting doclael"ltation is intended to inoprove productivity of users of CICSIDOS/vS, DVI DDS/VS, and/or VSE/vSAH, when run on an IBM System/370, IBM 303X or IBM 4300 Processor. ELIAS-IIVM is designed to run in the envirCKlllent provided by the YM/SP Conversational lIonitor Syst... ELIAS-IIVM provides a series of interactive dialogs called "procedures", which protnpt the user to specify the definitions of the data bases and batch and online application progralllS. It provides a set of predefined sequences of code called "bricks". Each brick perforM a specific and frequently used prograa function, and can be incorporated into the user's application prograa to perfo~ that function. This . .nual contains examples showing how to use scae of the facilities available under ELIAS-I/YH. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 484 pages, 9/81 ////5748-lOCK ~ 51119-6163 fL!l SAMPLES HANDBOOK ELIAS-IIVM (CURRENT RELEASE) ELIAS-IIVM Licensed Prograa and its supporting docu.entation is intended to improve productivity of users of CICSIDOS/vS, DVI DOS/VS, and/or VSE/vSAH, when run on an IBM Syste~370, IBM 303X or IBM 4300 Processor. ELIAS-I/YH is designed to run in the envirOl'llllent provided by the YM/SP Conversational Monitor Syst.... ELIAS-I/YH provides a series of interactive dialogs called "procedures", which prOlllpt the user to specify the definitions of data bases and batch and online application progralDS. It provides a set of predefined sequences of coda called "bricks". Each brick perforllS a specific and frequently used prograa function, and can be incorporated into the user's application prograa to perfora that function. This . .nual contains exa.ples showing how to use scae of the facilities available under ELIAS-IIVM. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 480 pages, 8/81 ////5748-)00( 51119-6165 GERMAN ~ SUPPORT fBf9 ~ ~ PROG 5799-AWN DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This PRPQ allows the EllUlation Prograa (EP) part of the NetlOOrk Control Progra. (NCP) to connect to the IBM 3705 Communications Controller over a special line set provided by PRPQ Y96709) telex lines connected to the Gar"",n Electronic Data Switching (EDS) syst. . , or to the Deutsche Bundesbahn (DBB) syst. . , through the appropriate control units. This version of the PRPQ applies to NCPS and NCP7. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 28 pages, 8/81 ////5799-~ GH19-6168 INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE (ELIAS-I). ll& fRQ§ S746-XXV. SPECIFICATIONS Licensed PrograM Specifications deals with general description of the syst. . , progra_ing systellS, and syst. . configuration. It also gives the reference ..aterial and compati bil i ty. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages, 11/79 ~ ~ 51119-6171 ENTRY ~ INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSIEM-QHEIYM Y§!H§ ELIAS-I UNDER ll& fRQ§ 5748-XXK This aanual is addressed to all users of ELIAS-IIVM, and should be read in conjunction .. ith the ELIAS-I . .nuals referenced herein. 635 ( :m.r. SH19 SH19 utility,Progr_ Reference and Operations Manual. $1119-6073. ELIAS-I i. the collective na. for tMO rtllated Licawed Progra... ELIAS-I (Progra. IfuM)er 5746-XXVI. and ELIAS-IIvtI Referanee card. 21.5 x 9.4 c •• 14 pages. 11/82 (Progr•• Ibwber 5748-l000. These tlllO Licensed Progra. . and ////5746-UT3 their supporting doctaent.tion .re designed to help il!prove the productivity of users of CICSIVS and DVI Mhen run on 61119-6218 selected ISH Systell/370 or IBM 4300 Processors. The tMO products differ in the control prograM INTRI J&m INTERACTIVE SISTEK-ONE .!!nIm6L INFQ!!WIOH environment to .... ich they rel.ta. ELIAS-I is executed in ELIAS-I· Licensed PrograM and i,ts supporting ~tation isintenclecl to il!prove productivity of users of CICS/DOS/VS. the environment provided by the VSE/Inter.ctive Computing and Control Facility. and i. pri.arily intenclecl to be used DVI DOS/VS, and/or VSEIVSAH. Mhen run on a SysteM/370. Nith DOS/vSE Syst. . IPOIE. (Progr•• Nu.ber 5750-AAA. 303X or 4300 Processor. ELIAS-I is designed to run in the environoaent provided by the VSE/Interactive CoIIputingand 5750-AAB. or 5750-AACI. ELIAS-IIvtI is executed in the Control Facility, and is pri . .rily intended to be used .. ith anvi ronlllant provi ded by the Convers.t i onal Honitor Syst_ _ 'of the current VSE Sy.t. . IPO/E. ELIAS-I provides a (ct1SI. and is priurily intended to be used Nith VlVJ)os/vSE Syst. . IPO/E. (Progra. Huleber 5750-AAE or 5750-AAFI. It can series of interactive dialogs called "procedures", ..hich also be used Nith VH Syst_ lPO/E. (Progra. tlullber 5750-AADI prOllPt the user to specify the definitions of the data to provide the jobstre•• cre.tion f.cility. bases and batch and .onlina application progra_. It provides a set of predefined sequences of code called Both progr... provide. series of inter.ctive dialogs called procedures ..... ich prompt the user to .pecify the "bricks". Each brick perfOrM a specific and fr'8Cl\*ttly definitions of data base. and batch and online application used prograM function, and can be incorporated into the progr.... They also provide a set of predefined sequences user's application prograM to perforM that function. This of code c.lled bricks. Each brick perfor. . a specific and . .nual is addressad to the . .n.gers responsible forthe frequently used program function. and c.n be incorpor.ted development of computer applications. It describes the into the user's application prograM to perforM that process of il!pl~ting a data base/data -.a'tications function. syst. . using the facilities and .thods s"""lied by Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 16 pages. 05/80 ELIAS-I. ////5748-lOO< Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 52 pages, 07/81 ////5746-XXV SH19-6173 61119-6219 SWITCHING SYSTEMS ELECTRONIC DOCUt!ENT DISTRIB!1II!!N PRQSRAHHING Bf9 J!Y2ill WI§!:! OBJECTIVES itIIRI .LmJ. INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SISTEK-ONE Deals Nith general description of the syst... progra_ing SPECIFICAIIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) syst... syst. . configuration and progra. . ing .ervic. Entry Level Interactive Application Syst. .-One (abbreviated to ELIAS-II is designed to assist designars and progr....,.. cl.ssification. It also gives the reference . . t.rid and compatibility. ~ are illpluenting data base (OBI, VSE/VSAH. data The licensed progra. ISH SNitching Syst_ Electronic c~ication (DCI or data base/d.ta cOllllllU"lication (DB/DCI Doc.......,t Distribution. ref.rred to as EDD. Nill .1lOM a user applications ..ith CICS/DOS/VS, DVI DOs/vs. and/or VSE/VSAH, to utilize an IBH P.........or and an ISH SNitching Syst_ Nith using COBOL, PVl, or DHS/CICSIVS-DOS. teleprocessing Lina handling ITPLHI. in conjunction .. ith IBM Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages, 08/81 Magnetic Card COMMUnicating TypeNriters and/or Office ////5746-XXV Syste... The result is a .tor. and for ... rd COIBUI'Iication syst. . for sending and receiving letter-quality doc.......,t. internationally. as ...11 as nationally. via the SNitched SHl9-6220 public telephena natNOrk (and/or tie lines ..... r. allONed by lNTB! .LmJ. INTERACTIVE APPLICAIION SYSTEK-ONE APPLICATION PTTI. IlUWI §Ymg (CURRENT RELEASE I Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 1/80 ELIAS-I Licensed Progra. and it. supporting doc~tation ////5799-BBWlWT-ONLY isintended to il!prOve productivity of users of CICS/DOSIVS. DVI DOSIVS. and/or VSEIVSAH • ..hen run on a SysteM/370, '. 303X or 4300 Processor. ELIAS-I is designed to run in the SH19-6187 environment provided by the VSE/Interactive Computingand Control Facility, and is pri . . rily intended to be used .. ith IH!B! ~ INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEK-ONEtyH SPECIFICATIONS ana of the current VSE Syst. . IPa/E. ELIAS-I provides a seri . . of interactive dialogs celled Entry Level Interactive Applic.tion Syst. .-OneIVH (abbreviated to ELIAS-IIvtII i. designed to assist desian-rs "procedures", ..hich prOMpt the user to specify the and progra_rs ~ are impleMenting data base (DB), definitions of the data bases and batch and onlina VSENSAM. data ~ication (DCI or data base/data application progra... It provides a ••t of pl'tldefinec! co.....ic.tion (DB/DCI applications .. ith CICS/DOS/VS. DVI .equences of code called "bricks". Each brick perfOrM a specific and frequently used prograM function, and can be DOSIVS. and/or VSE/vsAH. using COBOL. PVI. or DMS/CICS/vS-DOS. incorporated into the user's application progra. to perfo,.. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 10/81 that function. ////5748-lOO< This . .nual presents the il!pl~tation at a conceptual level and is intended to be usad for rtlferenee ..hile designing applications. SHI9-6211 Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 128 pages. 08/81 VSE/DATA INTERFILE TRANSFER :rn!IIt!!i &!l OPERATIONS YIl.bIII ////5746-XXV REFERENCE .l!!.!!:!l:!m (CURRENT RE LEASE I VSE/Dat. Interfile Transfer. Testing and Operations Utility is a general-purpose utility prograM for card . . .gnatic SH19-6221 t.pe. and disk input/output devices. It provides an 1NTBI .LmJ. INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SISTEM-ONE fIm!i .liDTEI! efficient and easy-to-use tool for testing and ADMINISTRATOR'S ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) file-handlingin both b.tch and console operation. ELIAS-I Licensed PrograM and its supporting ~tation This r.ference sUlllllary contains inforetion fra the isintenclecl to il!prove productivity of user. of CICS/DOS/VS, VSE/Data Interfile Transfer. Testing and Operations DVI DOS/VS, and/or VSE/vSAM, ..hen run on an ISH 636 c/ SHI9 Syat..n70,IM 303X or 1M 4300 P.--.or. ELIAS-I i. _igned to M.I'I in the envi~t provided by the YSE/Inter.ctive CoIIputingand control F.cility, .nd is pri . .rily intended to be !.Bed Nith _ of the current YSE Syat_ lPG/E. ELIAS-I provides • •eries of inter.ctive di.logs c.lled "procedures", Nhich Pl"Olllpt the . .er to .pecify the definiti_ of the data bases .nd batch .nd online .pplication progr.... It provides • •et of predefined .equences of code'called "bricks". Each brick perforMS a • pecific .nd frequently . .ed progr•• fln:tion, and can be incorpor.ted into the . .er' • •pplication progr•• to perfer. th.t fln:tion. Thi . . .nual provides. reference ~t for the data basudat. -.,ication .y.t_ • •ini.tr.tor. It describes the . .e of relev.nt ELIAS-I facilities. ltanual, 8 1/2 X 11 inches, 192 pages, 08/81 ////5746-'ICXV SH19 SH19-6224 ~ ~ INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE ~ SAMPLES HANDBOOK ELIAS-I Licensed PrograM and its supporting docUMentation isintended to illProv. productivity of user. of CICS/DOS/VS, DVI DOS/VS, .nd/or VSE/vSAM, ..hen run on a Systeno/370 303lC or 4300 Processor. ELIAS-I is designed to rill in the environeent provided by the VSE/lnteractive Computingand Control F.cility, and is pri.arily intended to be used Nith one of the currant VSE Syst... IPD/E • ELIAS-I provides. series of inter.ctive di.logs called "procedur.... , !thich PrDlllPt the user to specify the definiti_ of the data bases .nd batch .nd online application progr.... It provides. set of predefined .equences of code called "bricks". Each brick parfor. . . specific .nd frequently used prograM fln:tion, and c.n be incorporated into the user's .pplication prograM to parfor. th.t fln:tion. This . .nual cont.ins eX.lIPles shoNing hoN to use soea of the facilities avail.ble under ELIAS-I. This . .nual is addressed to the syst.....nalyst, the COBOL progr._r, and the data ba•••dministr.tor. ltanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, ft82 pages. 08/81 ////5746-'ICXV SHI9-6222 i!m!l.!.lm INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE ~ APPLICATION PR06RAMMER'S !iYml (CURRENT RELEASE) ELIAS-I Licensed PrograM .nd its .upporting doc~t.tion i.intended to iMprove proc:luctivity of users of CICSIDOS/YS, DVI DOS/YS, .nd/or YSE/YSAM, Nhen M.I'I on a Syst.u370, 303lC or 4300 Proces.or. ELIAS-I is designed to rill in the environMent provided by the VSE/Interective CCllllpUtingand control F.cUity, .nd i. pri . . rUy intended to be used Nith _ of the cur......t YSE Syst_ lPG/E. ELIAS-I provides. seri . . of interactive di.logs c.lled ''procedures'', Nhich Pr:cillPt the . .er to .pecify the definiti_ of the data bases and batch .nd online application progr.... It provides • •et of predefined s~ of code c.lled "brick.... E.ch brick perf_ • .pecific .nd frequently used progr•• fln:tion, .nd can be incorpor.ted ,into the user' • •PPlic.tion progr•• to perfOrM that fln:tion. Thi . . .nusl iii .dd.....ed to the .pplication progra_r responsible for the coding of cOllpUter .pplicati_ in COBOL. It describes the process of coding data ba.udat. cOMMWlicati_ progr... using the facUities supplied by ELIAS-I. Ita....l, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 264 pageS, 08/81 ////5746-'ICXV SH19-6225 mmr J&m INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE fba ~ HANDBOOK (CURRENT RELEASE! ELIAS-I Licensed Program and its supporting docUlllentation i.intended to ieprove productivity of users of CICS/DOS/VS, DVI DOS/vS, and/or YSE/vsAM. Nhen run on a Systa./370, 303X or 4300 Processor. ELIAS-I is designed to rill in the envil'Cll"tlllent provided by the VSE/Interactive CoIIIputingand Control F.cility ••nd is pri . .rily intended to be used Nith one of the current VSE Syst. . IPD/E. ELIAS-I provides a series of interactive dialogs c.lled "procedures". !thich Pl"OlllPt the user to specify the definitions of the data bases .nd batch .nd onHne application progra... It provides a set of predefined sequenc_ of code called "bricks". Each brick perforlllS a specific .nd frequently used progr•• fln:tion ••nd can be incorporated into the user's application progr•• to perform thet fln:tion. This m.nual contains exaeples- shoNing hoN to use SOlIe of the facilities avail.ble under ELIAS-I. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. ft80 pages. 08/81 / ///5746-'ICXV SH19-6223 .!.1m INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SISTEM-ONE fL!l APPLICATION PB06RAMMER'S !iYml (CURRENT RELEASE) ELIAS-I Licensed Progr• • •nd its supporting doclaentation i.intended to iMprove productivity of users of CICS/DOS/VS, DVI DOS/VS, .nd/or VSE/vsAM, Nhen M.I'I on • Systa./370, 303X or 4300 Processor. ELIAS-I i. designed to Ivl in the _i~t provided by the VSE/Inter.ctive COIIpUtingand control F.cUity, .nd i. priMrUy intended to be used Nith _ of the cur ......t YSE Syat. . IPD/E. ELIAS-I provides • •eries of inter.ctive di.logs called "procedur. .", Nhich Pl'OIIIpt the User to .pecify the definiti_ of the d.t. bas_ .nd batch .nd online • pplication progr.... It provides. set of predefined .equences of code called "bricks". E.ch brick perfor. . . speci fic .nd frequently used progr•• fln:tion, .nd can be incorpor.ted into the user's .pplication progr•• to perfor. that fln:tion. This ...... 1 i • •ddres.ed to the .pplication progr._r ....ponsibl. for the coding of coeputer applicati_ in PVI.It _cribes the process of coding data base/data COMMWIicati_ progr_ using the facUiti_ supplied by ELIAS-I. ltanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 258 pages, 08/81 /// /5746-'ICXV ~ SHI9-6236 .m!.!!B.I Hm.Il !'IQ!lg J2f OPERATION !!!!f9 Y96828 DESCRIPTION/OPERATION This public.tion provides the user "ith infor. . tion neces.ary to define .nd generate the lC21 Short Hold Mode (SHM) PRPQ, !thich runs on the s._ oper.ting syste. . as the prerequi.ite NCP on !thich it is installed. This PRPQ enables the users of IBM's ACFINCP Progr•• Products to att.ch IBM 3705-11 or 3705-80 eo..unic.tions Controllers to data tr.nsmission services !thich support interfaces that comply "ith CCITT lC21 recoMMendations • ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 92 pages, 01/82 ////5799-BEKIWT-ONLY ~ ~ SH19-6237 DISPATCHER APPLICATION PROGRAM. f!f9 ~ 5799-8FlC DESCBIprIONIQPERATIQNS This public.tion cont.ins the infor.ation necessary for the user to install and run the VTAM Dispatcher Application Progr.. (VDAP). VDAP provides the VTAM support. in a host DP .yst.... to COIIIIU\ic.t. Nith the 1750 and 3750 SNitching Syst... . VDAP provides the cOMMWlication path and logical control ~ 637 ( / SH19 SH19 services for realti . . transactions batN88n two end-users. I1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 256 pages, 518ft 1130115799-BFXIWT-ONLY SH19-6247 GIf19-6269 ENTRY LEYEL INTERACTIYE APPLICATION mll!! ~ mll!! EXECUTIYEIVSE ~ INFORMATION The ELIAS SSXlYSE Licensed Prograa and its supporting docueentation is intended to iMprove the application development productivity of users of the SSXIVSE syst. . , including CICSIDDSlYS, DlII SSXlVSE, DOSIVS, and/or YSEIVSAH Nhen rl.l'l on selected 4321 or 4331 Processors. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 54 pages, 09/82 m f!llID f!BI 1 REFERENCE INFORMATION This docUIIent is the result of cooperative effort bat_: Installation Support Center, Greenford, U.K. Clcs/vS Developoaent, Hursley, U.K. IHSIVS Development, Santa Teresa, California, U.S.A. Dallas Systems Center, Irving, Texas, U.S.A. • New York Advanced Education Center, New York, U.S.A. The infor. . tion and exallples _re developed .... ile _rking Nith the initial European users of CICSIVS to IHSIVS Intersystea eo-.tication IISC). I1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 110 pages, 05/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ 11115666-291 GIf19-6270 l!:!IB! SH19-6249 CICSIVS IHSIVS .lli,!; f!I!1m PART ] ~ ! This part of this CICSIVS - IHSlVS ISC Primer is selfcontained as to the CICSIVS and IHSIVS application and systea progra. . ing required. HONever the reference section, Part 1, should be referred to before using this section and in fact references are aade back to the reference section. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 138 pages, 05/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 11115666-291 SH19-6271 ~ i!tmB !1:!1 SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIYEIVSE The Entry Level Interactive Application System Seall Syst. . ExecutiveIVSE (ELIAS SSXlVSE), Program Hueber 5666-291, is aprolllpter supported Licensed Prograa for the Seall Syst. . Executive/YSE environeent. ELIAS SSXlVSE and its supportingdocuoentation is intended to iaprove the productivity of users of CICSIVS, VSEIVSAH, and/or DlII SSXlVSE, Nhen run on 4300 Processors supported by SSXlVSE. ELIAS SSXlVSE is designed to rl.l'l in the environeent provided by the YSE/Interactive Computing and Control Facil ity I YSE/ICCF ). This ..nual is addressed to syst. . a"inistrators, application programmers, and systems progralDlllers responsible for the development, aaintenance and support of computer applications. I'Ianual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 320 pages, 09/82 1/115666-291 W!:I§ 3H19-6251 PRIMER f!BI h ~ !t This part of this CICSIVS - IHSlVS ISC Pr1o.er is selfcontained as to the CICSIVS and IHSIVS application and syst. . progra_ing required. H~er the reference section,Part 1, should ba referred to before using this section and in fact references are ..de back to the reference section. This section describes in detail one of the seven subset transactions that are recOlllllleoocled for use as an installation's first CICSIVS to Itr,l1VS ISC effort. Each transaction is covered in a sequential, logical step by logical step, fashion. Each activity in the transaction process is first discussed and then illustrated Nith the recollllefKled coding approach. An index to reference inforaation for each logical step is present. The entire transaction illpleeentation and flON charts are also included. I1anual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 62 pages, 05/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY mn. INTERACTIYE APPLICATION mll!! SMALL mll!! EXECUTIYEtySE SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides infor. . tion on the Marranted functions of the licensed prograa. Entry Level Interactive Application SysteM Seall Syst. . Executive/YSE (abbreviated to ELIAS SSXlVSE) is designed for use in the Seall Syst. . ExecutivelVirtual Storage Extended ISSXlYSE) environaoent. It is intended to provide an easy to use interface for the creation of prograll5 Nritten in either COBOL or PlII. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages, 11/82 ~ ~ ~ SH19-6298 .zng :m BASIC USER SUBROt1fINES ~ trll! P88022 !!m!I PROGRAMMERS §UIDE This publication is intended for application designers and progra_rs NOrking Nith the 7350 Iaage Processing Syst... I1anual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 320 pages, 03/83 11115799-BJP ,5799-BJQ SH19-6254 ~~~ PRIMER PART §~Z This part of this CICs/vS - IHSIVS ISC Pri . .r is selfcontained as to the CICSIVS and IHSIVS application and syst. . progra. . ing required. HONever the reference section, Part 1, should be referred to before using this section and in fact references are made back to the reference section. I1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 92 pages, 05/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SH19-6259 DBIDC IlM! DICTIONARY SAHPLE WB HAtllBOO!( INFORMATION ~ MANAGEMENT The aia of this publication is to aake the DBIDC Data Dictionary easier and quicker to iapleoaent, and eore user friendly, by helping custoeer dictionary specialists to build a comprehensive user handbook. Manual, 210 x 297 _, 96 pages, 03183 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SH19-6328 INSTALLING All It! A m ENYIRON!1ENI This publication describes hoM to install Application Systee (AS) on a YMlSP syst... Application Systea licensed program is an end-user application develop.ant facility ..nich provides business professionals Nith a po.... rful and easy-to-use sat of co.oands and conversational facilities for usa in solving a broad range of business probl_. Previous data processing experience is not essential for end users. The different eodels of the AS licensed prograM provide for acces. by ~ to a specified I'IUIIber of Concurrently Signed-on Terainal Users (CSTUs). A CSTU i. an end-user Mho is currenHy logged on to the host YM syst_ and Mho has coe.enced a session Nith AS and eay or eay not ba actively using AS. Thi. is a coaponent of SBOF-7519. I1anual, 210 x 297 ailli_ters. 56 pages, 09/85 11115767-001.5767-032 638 () ( SHl9 SH19 SH19-6329 INSTALLIN§ ~ lH 6U ~ ENVIRONMENt This plblication is for Administrators and Syst_ Progra_rs IIho lIIill inst.ll Application Syst. . (AS) in an HVS envirOl'llM!nt and should be used in conjunction lIIith the Progr•• Directory shipped lIIith the distribution t.pa. This is a co.ponent of SBOF-7518. tIltnual, 210 x 297 .illi_ters, 82 p.ges, 10"85 """"5767-001,5767-032 61119-6394 DISTRIBIITED mn!m EXECUIIYE .vmnm:t U ~ INFORMATION . This plblication is intended for business executives and for persons responsible for setting up and _intaining a distributed data processing net_rk. It describes DSX by ans_ring a number of basic Cl'MBtions. First. it explains loIh.t DSX is and lllhat it offers. Then it discuss ........ t is needed to install, set up, use, and operate DSX. It also describes lllhat is required at the nodes, and giv. . an overview, of what is involved in .igrating to DSX Version 3 froe a previous version. tIltnual. 8 U2 x 11 inches, 104 pages. lU86 """"5668-915 GlfI9-6335 APPLICATION SYSTEM RELEASE ! SPECIFICATIONS This publication gives a gener.l description and highlights of the progra., its operating environ.ent and the _rranty applic.ble to the progr••• It is a coaponent of SBOF-7518 and S80F-7519. Flyer, 8 1"2 x 11 inches, 4 pages, 11"86 """"5767-001,5767-032 51119-6396 DISJRIBIITED mn!m EXECUIIYE ~ 1 INSTALLATION This plblication is a guide and reference for the parson IIho is responsible for inst.lling the Distributed Syst_ Executive (DSX) Version 3. It also contains infor. . tion to help plan for the installation of DSX Version 3 and info.... tion needed to .igrate to Version 3 froe previous versions of DSX. tIltnual. 8 U2 x 11 inches, 216 pages. OU87 """"5668-915 61119-6339 APPLICATION SYSIEM RELEASE ! SPECIFICATIONS This plblication gives the general description and highlights of the progr.... its oper.ting environment lind the _rr.nty applicable to the progra•• It is a coeponent of S80F-7518 and S80F-0006. Flyer, 8 U2 x 11 inches, 4 pages. lU86 """"5767-001,5767-032 SH19-6350 .uu !mSI ~ ~ SUBRot1!INES f§§!!l m ~ nI FUNCTION PROGRAI1I1ER' S WID E This Progr._r's Guide contains infor_tion necessary for designing and developing User Function PrograM for the 7350 I_ge Processing Syst. . and describes the _cro-Ianguages used. For a description of HBUS interface subroutines, an overvi ... of 7350 architecture, and inforlHtion necessary to use the HBUS subset, refere to 7350 Host Basic User Subroutines Progra_r's Guide, SHI9-6298. For HBUS installation, see 7350 Host Basic User Subroutines Install.tion Guide, 61119-6351. tIltnual. 8 U2 x 11 inches, 102 pages, OV83 """"5799-BJP,5799-BJQ ( 51119-6397 DISTRIBIITED SYSTEMS EXECUIIVE VERSION 1 ADMINISTRATION This plblication is intended for parsons Mho are responsible for the adllinistration of the Distributed Syst_ Executive (DSXI Version 3. It describes hoM to . . intain the resources of DSX after it is installed, and describes hoM to use statistics provided by DSX. tIltnual, 8 1"2 x 11 inches. 318 pages. 01"87 """"5668-915 51119-6398 DISJRIBIITED .!W!!mi EXECUIIVE .vmnm:t 1 OPERATION This plblication is a guide to operating the Distributed SystllllS Executive (DSX) Version 3. It describes hoM to eonitor and control DSX trans.ission activity and hoM to run DSX lIIithout operator control. tIltnual. 8 U2 x 11 inches. 104 pages. 09"85 """"5668-915 !J1119-6351 nn 11m ~ SUBRot1!INES .!H!W. m INSTALUTION §lWl.!i .I!U!I!& nI This plblication is intended for syst. . progra_rs and plamers IIho are responsible for installation and _intenance of 7350 Host Basic User Subrouti ..... ltanual, 8 U2 x 11 inches, 40 pages, 03"83 """"5799-BJP,5799-BJQ SHI9-6353 2U1 ~ HOLDI!1ULTIPLE fQBI ~ fQR :rug mi DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This plblication provides the user lIIith the info.... tion necessary to define and generate the X.21 SH.lMPS PRPQ, lIIhich runs in a 3725 eo-unications Controller, lIIith the sa_ operating syst. . as the prerequisite NCP on loIhich it is installed. This PRPQ enable the user of ACFI'NCP Progr•• Products to attach a 3725 Com.unications Controller to data trans.ission services lIIhich support interfac.. coeplying lIIith CCITT X.21 reconaendations. Manual, 8 U2 x 11 inches, 136 pages, OV87 """"5799-BJTIWT-IINLY 51119-6399 DISTRIBllTED ~ EXECUIIVE VERSION 1 PBEPARIH6 &!l TRACKIH6 TRANSMISSION ~ This plblication is a guide and reference for users of the Distributed Syst... Executive IDSX) Version 3. It describes hoM to prepare trans.ission plans for DSX. hoM to subei t trans.ission plans to DSX, and hoM to check the status and results of trans.ission activities. ltanual. 8 U2 x 11 inches. 408 pages. OU87 """"5668-915 51119-6401 DISJRIBllTED ~ EXECUIIVE ~ 1 MESSA&ES &!l mwi This publication is intended for people using the Distributed Syst. . Executive (DSX) Version 3. While operating DSX the user . .y receive printed or displayed __ sages. soee indicating an acknollll~t and others requiring 'action. The user _ny also receive an abend code issued after end of processing if an abnoreal DSX condition occurs. This public.tion describes __s.ges and codes that can be received loIhile DSX noreaUy operates in its envi~t. Messages issued only during inst.llation of the product are docunnted in DSX Installation. 511196396. 639 ( ' , / SH19 61120 tless.ges .nd .bend codE .re listed in ....... rical order. An expl.nation for each _sage. the .ction taken by the syst.... and ~ operator and progr._r respons_ are included as .ppropriate. ltanual. 8 11'2 lC 11 inches. 296 pages. 011'87 ////5668-915 using the DSX Version 3 Libr.ry. ltanual. 8 11'2 lC 11 inches. 52 pages, 04/86 ////5668-915 SHI9-8107 DEFINITION FACILITYlCUSJQMER INFORMATION ~ SYSTEM MESSAES &!!:! CODES This publication expl.ins Screen Definition F.cility/Customer InfOrMation Control Syst. . (SDF/CICS) as .n inter.ctive .pplication develapllent tool for the CIcs/vs application prosr.....r liIho _nts to define or change "ps, Map sets. and partition sets for CICS/vS Basic Mapping Support (BMS). It provides the applic.tion progra_r .. ith a full screen editor. and • library in which to aaintain the defined objects. This publication lists the Messages and codes for the online functions .nd the utilities. It is designed to be used .s • quick reference lIanual by .pplic.tion progr....ers and terMinal operators. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 178 pages. 01/87 ////5740-XYF,5746-XXT ~ 61119-6402 VERSION 1 RELEASE ! SPECIFICATIONS This public.tion gives the general description .nd highlights of the progra•• its operating envirorwent and the Narr.nty applicable to the progr••• Flyer. 8 1/2 lC 11 inches. 6 pages. 01/85 ////5668-915 ~ 61119-6451 APPLICATION !r§!IH NEWSLETTER ~ 19 APPLICATION ~ 5767-001, !§! FUNCTION !!:!!l ENHANCEMENTS This newsletter det.ils the new function of Application Syst... (AS) Rele.se 3. It covers DRAW - the new AS graphics facility. enhanc. .ents to st.tistics, enhanc.......ts to project control. general changes and enhancements including the new operation of the language editor. and general reference. With the exception of the section concerning DRAII. liIhich is a guide to the new graphics syst... this publication covers only the changes . .de to AS and st-lld be read in conjunction .. ith the relevant user guides and . .nuals. This publication is • COMpOnent of SBOF-7518. SBOF-7519. SBOF-7520. SBOF-7535. and SBOF-7536. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 88 pages. 8/85 ////5767-001.5767-032 SH20-0001 DMS/CICSM USER'S §Ymg (CURREN! RELEASE) This . .nual is • guide to using the Developeent Management System/Customer Inforll.tion Control System/Virtual Storage to develop an applic.tion for the first th.e using the Interactive Application Generator (lAG) facility. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 160 pages, 07/83 //40//5740-XC5.5746-XC4 SH20-0002 DMSICICS/vS APPLICATION EXAMPLES (CURREN! RELEASE) The purpose of this publication is to present examples of sample applications and techniques utilizing DHS/CICs/vs. It .lso docUMents the sallple problee that is supplied .. ith DMS/CICs/vs .nd used to validate its successful install.tion. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 204 pages. 12/84 ////5740-XCS.5746-XC4 SH19-6453 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY 11 flm!m f.IlB ~ PROGRAMS This publication is an introduction for progra_rs .nd .nalysts Mho define panels .. ith SDF I I for use in IMS/HFS progra... It builds on the infOrMation given in the Screen Facility II Gener.l Introduction. SHI9-6457. ltanual. 8 11'2 x 8 11'2 inches. 208 pages. 12/86 ////5664-307.5665-366 SH20-00n DMS/cIcstyS ~ DETERMINATION iIlmli (CURRENT RELEASE) This . .nual describes how to determine and resolve probl... that uy occur during the oper.tion of Developeent Management SysteM/CICS/VS. Manual. 8 11'2 x 11 inches, 200 pages, 12/84 //37//5746-XC4.5740-XC5 SH19-6457 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY 11 GENERAL INTRODUCTION This publication introduces neN users to SDF II. It shaNs the basic steps for defining panels used in CICS/IlHS. CPS/DD, CODM/IIIl. IMS/HFS as ISPF prosr..... It also describes how showed objects .re NOrked on. ltanual, 8 11'2 x 8 11'2 inches. 356 p.ges. 12/86 ////5665-366.5664-307 SH20-0004 DMS/CICS/vS INSTALLATION !!:!!l OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) The purpose of this ...nual is to provide the user .. ith the infOrMation necessary for the installation and generation of the Developeent Managa.ent System/CICS/VS. ltanual. 8 1/2 lC 11 inches. 100 pages. 12/84 ////5740-XCS.5746-XC4 SH19-6459 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY 11 ~ .L.! PRIMER f.IlB §!mI !!:!!l ~ PROGRAMS This public.tion is an introduction for progr._rs .nd .nalysts liIho define panels .. ith SDF II for use in SODM .nd GSP prosra_. It builds on the infOrMation given in the Screen Definition F.cility II General Introduction. SHI9-6457. M.nual, 8 1/2 lC 8 1/2 inches. 164 pages, 01/87 ////5665-366.5664-307 SH20-0005 DMS/CICSIYS MESSAGES ,6tlg ~ (CURREN! RELEASE' The purpose of this ...nual is to provide infor. . tion on the error lIesS.ges and dump codes provided by DHS/CICs/vs. ltanual. 8 1/2 lC 11 ;nches. 205 pages. 12/84 //40//5740-XCS.5746-XC4 SH19-6528 11m! mm.ON 1 !!Alllm 1.I:!!mS This publication directs the user to the specific DSX publication which cont.ins infor. . tion required to perfo.... specific t.sk. The DSX ltaster Index is of interest to people liIho .. ill be 640 () ( 0020 0020 GH20-0006 1I1SADF 11 YERSION ~ RELEASE ! SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides information discussing the functions. features. operating environment. li.itations and unique user requirllllents of the 1115 AppUcation Developllel'lt Facility II Y2 R2. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1£ pages. 12/86 ////5665-348 design through Mintenance .nd reMri teo PSL/PSA uy be used for the follo .. ing: Oetect .issing requirements. detect redundancy. facilitate function and data decomposition. support interf.ce design •• nd .id creation of tlOSt plans and procedures. This .anual describes hoM to use the PSL/PSA in the I1VS/TSO envi ronment. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 244 pages. 07/84 ////5796-BOX GH20-0021 DI15/CICS/yS DOS/ysE OS/YS SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides information discussing the functions. features. operating environment. li.itations and ... i que user requi rements of the Development ltanage.....,t System/CICS/YS (DOS/VSE and Os/yS). Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 12/86 //20//5740-XC5.5746-XC4 ( SH20-0038 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ~ Thill publication is a set of aids designed to help customers install. learn. and make productive use of •• ny systems and net..ork management products. This product contains job stre.... tutorials. help facilitilOS. operational IIcenarios. sample data baslOS and sample procedures. all of .... ich shoN a customer ho.. to .ore effectively use products to man.ge a network. It is built on Net ..ork Communications Control F.cility. 5735-XX6. and USIOS standard command list. command SH20-0025 VSE/JCL CONVERSION Am processor and user exit facilities. This publication assists the syst_ progra...er in converting Thill publication is a reference document which provides instructions for the installation. operation and YSE JCL statements to equivalent I1YS JCL statements. As VSE prograMS are executed. they are ~itored and profiles are custollization of the Network Management Productivity built. Also. YSE batch jobstrea.. are expanded. and the Facility. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 204 pages. 05/85 results are used by a set of dialogs which prompt the user to set specific installation standards. All results are 1134115798-DPC then used by a program which creates I1VS paraeater and procedure libraries equivalent to the original VSE jobstreams. SH20-0041 GENERALIZED CICS/yS APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT ARCHITECTURE Manual. 8 1/£ x 11 inches. 04/85 ////5798-DPH VERSION Y APPLICATIONS PROSRAlt1ERS REFERENCE GUIDE The Generalized CICS/yS Application Development Architecture. developed by the Southern California Edison 0020-00£9 Company. is • system of generalized program modullOS designed to increase the productivity of application programmers DI15/CICS/yS A!:!!l DEBUG 11 DMS/CICS/yS accepts a high level description of an online involved in developing online applications under CICS/OS/yS applic.tion specified vi. parameter entries. then translates and CICS/DOS/VS. The generalized modules are driven by these specifications into tabllOS that are used to execute specification tables .... ich are defined via user-selected the .ppUcation. macro parameters. Debug II is an onUne interactive debugging aid ..... ich allONS This unual provides a syst. . description and is an the application developer to examine the data areas used by application progr.mmer's reference .anual. the application programs and the DHS/CICS/yS management Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 540 pages. 04/84 ////5796-PWJ modules. Brochure. 12 pages. 03/84 ////5740-XC5.5746-XC4 SH20-0080 m RSCS/SNA .EQB SH20-0031 VSE Remote Spooling CC)IIIIU"Iication Subsystem/SMA for Vtt PSL/PSA USER'S GUIDE (VSEIRSCS/SNAI is designed to provide SMA support for a Problem Statement Language/Probl.. Statement Analyzer YM/SP and DOS/ySE environment. As an extension of the (PSL/PSAI ill a cOlllpUter-based tool used by data processing Remote Spooling Communication Subsystem program product professionals and end users to describe. document and (5748-XP11 and an ACFIVTAM application. it allolol5 VI1 to use analyze information systell5. PSL/PSA ill a useful tool for SMA printers. to print color files. and to tr.nsfer files .11 phases of systems develop1ll8nt ..ork. ranging from early to other SMA systems. When combined .. ith VH/YTAH design through m.intenance .nd reNrite. PLS/PSA may be used Communication NetNOrk Applications (VH/YCNA. 5735-RC51. CI1S for the follololing: Detect missing requirements. detect users can noM take advantage more fully of SNA hardlolare and redund.ncy. facilitate function and data decomposition. benefi ts. Users can no.. access CI15 .. ith VH/YCMA and spool support interface design. and aid creation of test plans and the ouptput to either a 328X printer or to another computer procedures. in a multi-system network running VSE RSCS/SMA or JES£ This manual describes hoM to usa PSL/PSA in the YM/CI1S Release 3. envi ronment. This manual is a reference document .... ich provides ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 244 pages. 07/84 instructions for the installation and use of this Program ////5796-BOX Offering. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 72 pages. 11/83 11//5796-PXF :m ~~'H£0-0032 PSL/PSA TERMINAL ~ GUIDE Problem Statement Language/Probl.. St.tement Analyzer (PSL/PSAI is a computer-based tool used by data processing professionals and end users to describe. document and analyze information systems. PSL/PSA is a useful tool for all phaSIOS of systems develop1ll8f\t NOrk. ranging from early GH20-0125 DHS/CICS/ys GENERAL INFORMATION No abstract available. ltanu.l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 04/84 ////5746-XC4.5740-XC5 641 ( SH20 SH20 Part I describes APLl360 as viewed by a user at a typewriter-like terminal. The statements and commands used to describe the operations to be performed by the APLl360 System are sUllllllarized. Part II describes APLl360 as viewed from the central data processing system location. The system features which facilitate the management and operation of aD APLl360 Syst.. are summarized. . Part III descr.ibes the itelllS to be considered in planning for the installation of an APLl360 System. Mini_ ....chine requirements and storage requirements are provided. Manual, 65 pages SH20-0389 CONVERSION !lI!.bm ~ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS Ths CICSIVS Conversion Utility (CICS/CVT) Program Offering is a utility program to aid system or application programmers in the conversion of OS and DOS COBOL and PLII Optimizer source application prograas from CICSIVS Macro Level Language to CICSIVS Command Level Language. It is an automated tool that can help in the conversion process. Manual, 240 pages, 12/84 11115798-DPL ~ 6H20-0400 SYSTEM UTILITIESIDBT SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides information discussing the functions, features. operating environment. limitations and uni que user requi rements of the IHSIVS Syst8111 UtilitieslData Base Tools system. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 12/86 11115734-XM6,5736-XM6 ~ 11115668-856 SH20-0689 APLl360 fB1!:!.lli STUDENT .rg:r This primer provides an introduction to the APLl360 system and to the APL programming language. It discusses the mechanics of using the systelD. and shows how to write representative programs for a variety of applications. The treatment is elementary. and for a discussion of advanced system features and available operations. refer to the APLl360 User'S Manual. Course Manual SH20-0892 GIS/2. ~ fRQ§ 5734-XX1. APPLICATION PESCRIPTION This manual surveys the operational concepts and system capabilities of the Generalized Information System. Version 2. The manual introduces the language of 61512 and describes the file organization and processing actions supported by GIS/2. . The Generalized Information System operates under control of the Operating Syst_ on Systeml360 and Systell/370 and supports a wide variety of applications by providing information-handling capabilities against many typical data base organizations. GIS/2 provides facilities for defining. maintaining. and retrieving data from user files \81der direction of the using installation and its personnel. Program Product Manual. 76 pages 11115734-XXl 11115736-XMl.5734-XMl SH20-0906 APL/360. 5734-XM6 (OSh 5736-XM6 (DOS), USER'S MANUAL This publication provides information necessary to use 6H20-0765 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360. VERSION L. 6ENERAL the APLl360 systelll. It discusses procedures and equipment INFORMATION ~ fROG. PROO. 5734-XX6 required for interacting with the syst..... how to establish The InforlDation Management System/360 is an Operating connection between terminal and central computer. hoM to Systeml360 processing program designed to facilitate the start and end work sessions. and how to apply.system cOntrol implementation of medium to large common data bases in features. Application of the APL language to user probl..... a multiapplication environment. This environment is created is thoroughly discussed, and appendices give both elementary to accommodate both online lDessage processing and and advanced examples of actual terminal sessions. conventional batch processing. either separately or Program Product Manual. 160 pages concurrently. The system permits the evolutionary expansion 1/115734-XM6,5736-XM6.5799-AJF of data processing applications from a batch-only to a teleprocessing environment. This manual includes a general description of the SH20-0910 system and its various facilities and programs. listings INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360, VERSION 1 of typical and minimum configurations. and sample SYSTEM/APPLICATION ~ §YIPS appHcations. ~~5734-XX6 Manual. 112 pages This manual is a guide for the application analyst or 11115734-XX6 system analyst. Its contents will assist him in the design of an IMS/360 system as well as in the design of the application systems which will run under II15/360. SH20-0850 Progra. Product Manual. 300 pages APL/360. 5734-XM6 (OS). 5736-XM6 (DOS), li.ENERAL INFORMATION 11115734-XX6 This publication provides a general introduction to the use. operation. and installation of APLl360. APLl360 is a conversational time-shared terminal system utilizing SH20-0911 APL IA Programming Language), a concise notation which INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360. ~ 1 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING REFERENCE ~ .... kes use of ....11 known mathematical symbols. plus a I1UIIIber of symbols that are used for designating other simple and PROGRAM NUI1l.lER 5734-XX6 powerful functions. Because APL is closely related to This manual provides system programming personnel with mathematical notation. and its functions operate on sets installation considerations and details for generation of information as ...11 as individual data items. the user Idefinition) of an IM5/360 system for the user's data can write effectively"in this language with a minimum of processing environment. The security maintenance progra. instruction. is included and IlleSsage editing capabilities discussed. APLl360 is designed to operate under either la) the An IMS/360 sample problem is also provided. IBM Systeml360 Operating System IOS/360). Multiprogra_ing Progra. Product Manual. 276 pages with a Fixed Humber of Tasks IMFT with subtasking) or 11115734-XX6 Multiprogramming with a Variable Humber of Tasks (HVT) or (b) the IBM Systeml360 Disk Operating SysteJII (DOS/360). The manual is in three parts: 642 SH20 SH20 :lH20-0912 IHS/360 VERSION ~ f!Q§ 5734-XX6 APPLICATION PR06RAHHIN6 REFERENCE This aanual provides the details needed for an application program to be illlPlenrented under IHSl360. Thill manual is directed to the application progra_ing interface !the cocnng techniques necessary for illpl........ tation of a designed application under the IHS/360 control program). The reader should be familiar Nith the SystelDl360 Syst_ Application Design Guide (SH20-0910) before reading this document. Program Product I1anual. 120 pages 11115734-'10(6 utility progra... Part III describes the procedure for incorporating APL into an existing installation. It includes instructions for preparing the HOST system for APL. allocating resources. and restoring the APL distributed library. Common probleMS encO\mtered during system installation are noted and analyzed. Prograa Product l1anual, 80 pages 11115736-xt16 GH20-0940 CSP/AE GENERAL INFORI1ATION (CURRENT RELEASE) The CSP/AD and CSP/AE General Information .... nual provides a general description of the functions provided by the CSP/AD and CSP/AE products. The CSP/Application Development product. Nhich is used to interactively define, test and generate application prograllS. is for CICS/VS. VI1ISP C/1S. DSIVS2 TSO. SSXlVSE (5668-944) and for DPPlVSP (5660-284). Both data processing professionals and neN users can use this program product to develop application programs Nith a mini_ learning period. The CSP/Application Execution product ..... ich is used to execute CSP/AD applications. is for CICSIVS, VI1ISP CI1S. OSIVS2 TSO. SSXIVSE (5668-945) and for DPPXlSP (5660-285). This manual is available by itself or as part of the set of CSP/AD or CSP/AE set of manuals. Nhich are orderable by one number. respectively; SBOF-I023 or SBOF-I024. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 09/83 ~ SH20-0913 INFQRI1ATION I1ANAGEI1ENT SYSTEI1I360. mn!!t U OPERATOR'S REFERENCE MANUAL !!R06RM! IUlBER 5734-XX6 InforlDBtion l1anagement Systelll360 UHSl360) is a processing progra .. (control syst_) designed to facilitate the hlpletaentation of lied.... to large COIIIIon data bases in a ...lti-application envil"Oftllleftt. This environlDent is created to accOllmOdate both on-line message processing and conventional batch processing. either separately or concurrently. The syst_ permits the evolutionary expansion of data processing applications frOID a batch-only to a teleprocessing environnrent. This ..nual provides the operator Nith the inforaation associated Nith operating IHSl360 once the syst_ has been established in a user environnrent. Program Product Manual. 152 pages 11115734-'10(6 ( SH20-0914 INFORI1ATION I1ANAGEI1ENT SYSTEI1I360. ~ U I1ESSAGES ~ ~ REFERENCE ~ fBQ§BAl:I Wl!RR 5734-XX6 InforlDBtion l1anagement Systelll360 (IHS/360) is a processing program (control system) designed to facilitate the implt!lllel"ltation of llediUII to large COlllDOn data bases in a IlUlti-application enviromnent. This environnrent is created to aCCOlllllOdate both on-line llessage processing and conventional batch processing. either separately or concurrently. The system per.its the evolutionary expansion of data processing applications froID a batch-only to a teleprocessing environment. This ....nual lists. explains. and suggests appropriate responses to the COIIIpletion codes. status codes. and IleSsages produced by the IBtt-suppl i ed COIIIponer'Its of the IHS/360 syst.... Program Product Manual. 104 peges /1//5734-'10(6 SH20-0915 INFORI1ATIQN I1ANAGEI1ENT SYSIEM/360 ~ ~ UTILITIES REFERENCE ~ ~ ~ 5734-XX6 This aanual explains how to execute the 1115/360 utilities prograIDS under Operating Systelll360. Described are data base description generation and program specification block generation. data base recovery and data base reorganization. and syst. . log analysis. Program Product Manual. 224 pages 1/115734-'10(6 SH20-0938 . APLl360. 5736-X!16. OPERATIONS INSTALLATION This . .nual is in three parts. Part I giVes instructions for operating the APLl360 ti_-sharing syst_. Suggestions for good practice in ti.-sharing and reDIOte-computing operation are included. Part II gives instructions for operating the APLl360 1120115668-944.5668-945.5660-284.5660-285 SH20-0941 HOW-TD-USE CSP/AD USER'S .!lYI!!! (CURRENT RELEASE) The How-to-Use CSP/AD manual is primarily intended for naN users to CSP/AD. This manual contains an overvi ... of CSP/AD. a step by step guide for hands-on learning of how to define an application using CSP/AD. and information about leaming hoM to test and generate CSP/AD applications and use the other CSP/AD functions. This manual is available by itself or as part of the set of CSP/AD set of manuals. Nhich are orderable under SBDF-I023. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 09/83 1140115660-284,5668-944 SH20-0942 CSP/AD OPERATION DEVELOPl1ENT GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) The eSPIAD APpplication Develcpment Guide presents a single. specific Nay to design and develop application programs using the techniques and structures available Nith SCP/AD. The detail chapters assume that the reader is aNare of the softNare components Nhich .... ke up CSP/AD as described in the How-to-Use CSP/AD manual. l10del eSP/AD definitions are shipped with the CSP/AD product and the use of these definitions is described in this manual. This manual is available by itself or as part of the set of CSP/AD set of manuals. Nhich are orclerable under SBOF-I023. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 235 pages. 09/83 1140115668-944.5660-284 SH20-0943 CSP/AD OPERATION DEVELDPI1ENT GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) The CSP/AD Operation-Development manual describes hOM to use all of the CSP/AD facilities and functions to interactively define data structures. display (map) formats. and define application programs. CSP/AD definitions can be interactively tested and generated into an executable form. This manual is intended as a reference for programmers Mho are using CSP/AD to define application programs. The following tNO products are described in this manual: CSP/AD for CICSIVS. SSXlVSE. VI1ISP CMS. OSIVS2 TSO (5668-944) and CSP/AD for DPPXlSP (5660-284). This manual is available by 643 ( SH20 GH20 itself or as' part of the set of CSP/AD .et of ..nual•• Nhich GH20-0951 are orderable under SBOF-I023. ~ SPECIFICATIONS No abstract available. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 350 pages. 09/83 ////5660-284,5668-944 Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, ////5668-944 2 pages. 06/83 'H20-0944 CSP/AD OPERATION DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS (CURREN! GH20-0952 RliYASE) eSP/AE SPECIFICATIONS The CSP/AD Operation - Syst.. Considerations IHnual i. No abstract available. modularly organized Nith tabbed sections for each supported Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 06/83 CSP/AD .yst..... This Hnual describes systea-specific tasks, ////5668-945 such as defining data sets, and installing CSP/AD options. The user ..ay take the applicable tabbed section for the CSP/AD systo and place it in the back. of the CSP/AD SH20-1007 Operation - DevelopMent Manual. This Hnual is available by INFORMATION MANAGEI1ENT SYSTE!V360 ~ g I:!Alim INDEX itself or as part of the set of CSP/AD set of ..nuals, which PROGRAM tl!!!11!!i!! 5734-XX6 Thi. is a consolidated alphabetic index to all the documents are orderable by one number: SBOF-I023. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 140 pages. 09/83 in the set of eleven 1115/360 Version 2 ...nuals. The titles //40//5668-944.5660-284 and order numbers are: General Information Manual. SH20-07651 System/Application Design Guide. SH20-910; Application Programming Reference Manual, SH20-9121 SH20-0945 CSP/AE OPERATION/EXECUTION §Y!g! (CURRENT RELEASE) Syst. . Programming Reference Manual. SH20-09111 Operator's Reference Manual. SH20-09131 The CSP/AE Operation - Execution Manual describes how to use CSP/AE to execute any application defined and generated Kith Utilities Reference Manual. ,SH20-09151 CSP/AD. CSP/AD applications ... y execute on the CICS/VS l1essages & Codes Reference Manual, SH20-09141 SSlVVSE, VIVSP CI1S. OS/vS2 TSO. and DPPlVSP systet115 as SysteM Manual Volume I Text. LY20-06291 interactive programs. The folloNing tNO products are SysteM Manual Vol\Alle I I Flowcharts, LY20-06 described in this Manual: CSP/AE for CICS/vS, SSlVVSE. Syst. . Manual Volume III DP Microfiche, LY20-06311 VI1/SP CI1S, OS/vS2 T50 (5668-945) and CSP/SE for DPPlVSP Systea Manual Volume IV DC Microfiche. LY20-0632. (5660-285). This Manual is available by itself or as part The reader'S attention is called to the fact that Hny of of the set of CSP/AE set of IHnuals. which are orderable by the commas in the index are used in the SORT prograa and do not necessarily indicate a reversal of NOrd sequence. one number: S60F-I024. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages, 09/83 PrograM Product Manual, 60 pages ////5660-285.5668-945 ////5734-XX6 SH20-0946 CSP/AD CSP/AE MESSAGES Atm ~ (CURREN! RELEASE) The CSP/AD and CSP/AE Messages and Codes Manual lists the llessages. and return codes issued by CSP/AD and CSP/AE. This manual provides advice on what.to do (if anything) after receiving a Message. Hessages for the follotting four products are included in this manual: CSP/AD for CICs/vs. SSX/vSE. VI1/SP CI1S, OS/vs2 TSO (5668-944); CSP/AD for DPPlVSP (5660-284); CSP/AE for CICS/vS. SSlVVSE. VI1/SP CHS, OS/vS2 TSO (5668-945); CSP/AE for DPPlVSP (5660-285). This manual is available by itself or as part of the set of CSP/AD Or CSP/AE Manuals. which are orderable through one number. respectively; SBOF-I023 and SBOF-I024. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 168 pages. 09/83 //40//5668-944,5668-945.5660-284.5660-285 )/120-0947 CSP/AD eSP/AE PROBLEM DETERMINATION SUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) The CSP/AD and eSP/AE Probl.... DeterMination Guide describes hoN to deterMine and resolve problems that lllay occur during the operation of the CSP/AD and CSP/AE products. This aanual is intended for custoaer and 16M personnal Mho are responsible for the Maintenance of CSP/AD and CSP/AE. Application programmers, as Nell as systeM administrators. are involved in probleM diagnosis Kith different areas of interest. This Manual is available by itself or as part of the set of CSP/AD or CSP/AE manuals. which are orderable through one number, respectivelYI SBOF-I023 and SBOF-I024. 35 pages, 09/83 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. //37//5668-944.5668-945.5660-284,5660-285 GH20-1027 STATtBASIC fll!l 1a tm!m. !L l!.E.z. Atm YM/370-CI1S: GENERAL INFORMATION STAT/BASIC is a cocprehensiva set of interactive statistical progralDS for Systeno/3 Hodel 6 and ITF (DOS. OS, or T5O). It consist. of 40 BASIC programs, providing the user Nith procedures for data generation. elementary statistics, regression and correlation analysis, multivariate analysis. analysis of variance. nonparametric statistics, tille series analysis. and biostatistics. The interactive features include instructional messages, flexible control of calculations, extensive error checking, and data editing. This .anual provides an overvieN of STAT/BASIC. describing the program features. usage, maximum probleM sizes. precision. ti.ing. systeM requir....ents. and custoMer respcnsibilities. It also includes a sample probleM to illustrate the use of STAT/BASIC. Manual. 40 pages G1f20-1028 CUSTO!1ER INFORMATION £!!NIRQ.!. SYSTEM ~ DOS-ENTRY (CICS-DOSE) DOS-STANDARD (CICS/DOSS) OS-STANDARP ~ (CIeS/OS), i l l .EB.Q§ 5734-XX7, 5736-XX6, -XX7, GENERAL INFORI1ATION The 1611 Customer Infor.ation Control Syst... (CICS) is a transaction-oriented, aultiapplication data base/data communication interface between a System/360 or System/370 operating syst... and user-Nritten application programs. Applicable to most online systems, CICS provides .any of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications: MeSsage .sNi tching, inqui ry. data collection. order entry, and conversational data entry. CICS i. available in three systems - tHO for DOS users and one for OS users. Because the tNO CICS/DOS systems are compatible Kith each other and Nith the CICS/OS syst.... it 644 SH20 51120 is possible to start Nith a s_ll data base/data communication configuration and IIOve up through DOS into OS. This manual provides infoMlation of interest to persons responsible for the deHnUion. preparation. and execution of CICS. Included is the information necessary to generate and operate CICS. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 82 pages. 7/73 ////5736-XX6.5736-XX7 is possible to start NUh a sll811 DOS data base/data cOllllll\a'lication configuration and IIOve up through DOS to os. This manual is designed for persons interested in a general description of CICS and Us data base/data communication capabilities. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 116 pages. 10/73 ////5734-XX7.5736-XX6.5736-XX7 51120-1030 GIS/2 .l!!m!:! OVERVIEW A!:!!l CONTROL. 5734-XXl. ~ DESCRIPTION VOLUME ! The IBH Generalized Information Syst... Version 2. abbreviated GIS/2. consists of an integrated set of prograllS to provide general-purpose infor... tion handling. User input statements initiate and direct the system functions of creating. querying. and maintaining formatted data files variously structured. GIS routines are completely coded in the Assembler Language and operate under the overall control of OS with MFT or HVT. This ... nual is presented in three volumes. the first of which describes the GIS monitor program and the capabilities associated .. ith it. Data Description (file definition) facilities and Procedural Language facilities are specified in Volumes 2 and 3. respectively. Program Product Manual. 40 pages ////5734-XXl SH20-1032 GIS/2. ill fRml 5734-XX1. OPERATIONS MANUAL This manual addresses operations personnel intending to 1'.... the Generalized Information System. Version 2 (GIS/2). I.rIder the Operating System with Multiprogramming with a Fixed Number of Tasks or Multiprogramaing Nith a Variable Number of Tasks. Contents include SYSGEN procedures. execution procedures. and diagnostic messages available to the syst. . user. Program Product Manual. 160 pages ////5734-XX1 SH20-1033 GIS/2 PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE. ill PROS 5734-XX1. pROGRAM DESCRIPTION VOLUME 1 This manual describes the executive-information handling capabilities of statements written in the procedural language of the Generalized Infor_tion System. Version 2 Generic statement formats. examples. and detailed constraints specify the syntax and use of the various task statements. Althcugh the abbreviated title GI5/2 refers formally to version 2 of an earlier GIS release. the expressions GIS and GIS/2 are synonymous as they may appear herein. PrograM Product Hanual. 148 pages ////5734-XX1 51120-1040 6IS/2 llAIA· DESCRIPTION LANGUA6E I 5734-)QU. ~ DESCRIprIOH VOLUME ~ This volume specifies the format and content of cOllpUter input statements defining data files to be processed. Data description language facilities are discussed in a sequence generally corresponding to a system user's need for those facilities. Descriptive language stateMents are illustrated as input lines in ke~rd format representative of punchedcard fields. PrograM Product Hanual. 148 pages ////5734-XXI 51120-1043 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL .l!!m!:! lliW DOS-ENTRY' DOS-STANDARD. OS-STANDARD l l i ill fRml 5736-XX6. -XX7. 5734-XX7. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE The IBH Customer Information Control syst. . (CICS) is a transaction-oriented. lIIJ1tiapplication data base/data co......,ication interface between a System/360 or Systea/370 operating system and user-Nritten application programs. Applicable to IIOSt online systelllS. CICS provides many of the facilUies necessary for standard terminal applications: message SNitching. inquiry. data collection. order entry. and conversational data entry. CICS is available in three systellS - two for DOS users and one for OS users. Because the two CICS/DOS systl!llS are compatible with each other and with the CICS/OS system. it is possible to start with. saall DOS data base/data conmmication configuration and IIDva up through DOS to OS. This lIanual provides inforonation essential for persons whc have the responsibility to define. prepare. and administer CICS in the environment it supports. Hanual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 246 pages. 1/73 ////5734-XX7.S736-XX6.5736-XX7 51120-1044 CUSTOMER INFORMATIOH ~ SYSTEM (CICS)' DOS-ENTRY' DOS-STANDARD. OS-STANDARD l l i i l l f!mli S736-XX6. -XX7. 5734-XX7. TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE The IBM CUstomer Information Control System (CICS) is • transaction-oriented. MUltiapplication data base/data communication interface between a Systelll/360 or Systea/370 operating system and user-written application prograMS. Applicable to IIDst online systeas. CICS provides aany of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications: 51120-1034 message switching. inquiry. data collection. order entry. CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL .l!!m!:! (CICS) DOS-ENTRY. and conversational data entry. DOS-STANDARD. ill PROG 5736-XX6. 5736-XX7 OPERATIONS ~ CICS is available in three SystellS - two for DOS users The IBM Customer Information Control System (CICS) is a and one for OS users. Because the two CICS/DOS SystellS are transaction-or;ented • .ultiapplication data base/data compatible Nith each other and with the CICS/OS system. it communication interface between a System/360 or System/370 is possible to start Nith a sllall DOS data base/data operating system and user Nritten application prograllS. In cORll.rlication configuration and IIDve up through DOS to OS. addUion to the functions required for inquiry and This manual provides info..... tion of interest to persons conversational data entry. this open-ended. tabledinvolved with tel'tllinal operation. These persons include controlled. event-driven syst. . provides many of the terllinal operators. ter.inal supervisors. "",ster terminal facilities necessary for standard terminal applications such operators. application progra_rs. system progra_rs. and as message switching. broadcasting. data collection. and system administration. order distribution. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 58 pages. 11/73 CICS is available in three systl!llS - two for DOS users ////5734-XX7.5736-XX6.5736-XX7 and one for OS users. Because the two CICS/DOS systellS are ccapatible Nith each other and'Nith the CICs/os system. it 645 ( SH20 &H20 SH20-1047 CUSIOttER INFORIfATION lOlll:m!m. lWI.!m (CICS) DOS-ENTRY. DOS-STANDARD OS-STANDARD ~ m fHQ§ 5736-XX6. =lQiZI. 573ft-XX7. APPLICATION PROGRAmER'S REFERENCE The IBM Custotaer InforlMtion Control SysteM (CICS) is a tr.ns.ction-ori ....ted. llU1tiapplication data base/data c..-..ication int.rface bet...en • System/360 or SysteM/370 operating syst. . and user-written application progra... Applicabl. to _ t online SystelllS. CICS provides Many of the f.cilities necessary for st.ndard t.rMinal .pplications: MeSsage switching. inquiry, data collection, order entry, and conv.rsational data entry. CICS is .v.ilable in three syst_ - two for DOS users and one for OS users. Becaus. the two CICSIDOS systl!lll5 ar. coepatible with .ach other and with the CICS/OS systea. it is possible to st.rt with a slMll DOS data base/data ~ication configuration and MOVe up through DOS to OS. This IMnual provides inforeation of interest to persons defining, designing, and prep.ring application progr.1I5 to execute under CICS. ttanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 304 pages, 11/73 ////573ft-XX7,5736-XX6,5736-XX7 SH20-1069 STAT/BASIC f!lB !a I!!!W. h m..,. MIl YJ1/3Z0-CJ1S: PROGRAM REFERENCE STAT/BASIC is a COMprehensive set of inter.ctive statistic.l progr.ms for System/3 Model 6 and ITF. It consists of 40 BASIC progra. . , providing the us.r with procedures for data gener.tion • •l ......t.ry statistics, regression and corr.l.tion analysis, MUltivariate an.lysis, analysis of v.rianc., non-para. .tric st.tistics, tiMe s.ries .nalysis, .nd biost.tistics. The interactive features includ. instructional ee5sages, flexible control of calculations, extensive error checking, and data .diting. This IMnual provides the det.il. of the STAT/BASIC progr.... It covers scope .nd char.ct.ristics, processing descriptions, terMinal oper.tion, input/output description, progr.M description, syst_ requir......ts, and progr... MOdific.tion .ids. In this IMnual, ITF refers to DOS-ITF, OS-ITF. and TSOITF. ttanual. 220 pages SH20-1070 STATIBASIC f!lB ~ m MIl YM/370-CJ1S: OPERATIONS t:!!.!!:!!mi 573ft-XAl §!W!L. This IMnual provides the inforlMtion needed to generate, run, .nd Maintain STAT/BASIC. Progr.M product Manual, 20 pages &H20-lI28 MATHtBASIC fi!B !a I!!!W. h m ! YM/3Z0-CJ1S GENERAL INFORMATION MATH/BASIC provides easy-to-use poNerful Mathematics probl_-solving tools to the user of BASIC. The prograM operates on the IBM Systetll/3 Model 6 or under the Int.ractive Te...inal F.cility IITF) or under YI1/370-CI'IS for SysteM/360 or SysteM/370. It consists of 44 BASIC routines covering the solution of line.r questions, Matrix eigen problems. polynDllial equations, numeric.l quadr.tur., numeric.l differentiation, int.rpolation, approxieation, SMOOthing, solution of syst.... of ordinary differential equations, fast Fourier transforM, special functions and linear progr._ing. The us.r c.n eonploy any of the progra. . .5 stand-alone or can urge one or MOre of thee into hi 5 own progra... The MOdules of IfATHIBASIC can be applied to IMny proble. . that occur in science, engineering, and rel.ted fields. This . .nual provides an overall view of IfATH/BASIC. It describes the progra.. fe.tures. us.g•• INIxi_ probl. . size, prK1Slon, tilling, systl!lll requir8lll4!nts, and customer responsibilities. Ex.onples are included to illustrate the use of the prograM. ttanual. 21 pages &H20-lI52 = ill EMULATOR llH !aZ!l Ylm:!!i I!OS A!::!!2 ~ l.I!Rf!U TRANSITION ~ This publication presents areas for consideration while planning .nd implementing the transition frOM the RCA 301 to the IBM Systee/370 Modesl 135 .nd 145. It is intended as .n aid to •• nagement in Making. total project plan. The transition plan discusses the objectives and techniques of transition. schedules, file conversion, progr•• conversion, educ.tion .nd inst.ll.tion st.ndards. The guide .150 discusses the use of DOS resources and the differences between .n RCA syst... and an IBM Systet1l/370. Bec.use of the differences .Mong data processing inst.ll.tions, the guidelines in this public.tion should be adjusted to fit the re.der's particul.r oper.ting conditions. ttanual, 40 pages ////5799-ADR ~ &H20-lI53 HONEYWELL SERIES i l l EMULATOR llH SYSTEMl370 Ylm:!!i I!OS MIl ~ !.fBflll TRANSITION §!!Illi PROS. !:IlL. 5799-AOT This public.tion presents areas for consideration while planning .nd implementing the transition frOM the HoneYNell Series 200 to the IBM Systeao/370 Models 135 and 145. I t is intended .5 .n .id to M.n.gement in eaking • tot.l project plan. The transition pl.n discusses the objectives .nd techniques of transition, schedules. file conversion, progra. conversion. educ.tion .nd inst.ll.tion standards. The guide .lso discusses the use of DOS resources and the di ff.rences between a Honeywell syst. . .nd .n IBM Syste./370. Bec.use of the differences .mong d.ta processing'inst.llations. the guidelines in this publication should be adJusted to fit the re.der's particul.r operating conditions. Manual, 40 p.ges ////5799-ADT = SH20-lI57 MATHtBASIC fi!B m .Ii YM/370-CMS. m fB!!§ 573ft-XM8. OPERATIONS GUIDE This Manual provides the infol"lllation needed to install, run, .nd lMintain IfATH/BASIC on System/370. It is .ssl.lllled that the user has .n inst.lled ITF or YI1/370-CMS SysteM. ttanual, 25 pages SH2O-lI58 MATH/BASIC f!lB !a .tKmll ! m MIl YM/3Z0-CMS PROGRAM REFERENCE MATH/BASIC is a libr.ry of 44 conversational routines covering the most frequent eathematical problems in engineering .nd science. This Manual contains sufficient inforlNltion needed to underst.nd and use IfATH/BASIC. ttanual. 244 pages &H20-lI73 ;mt\ SYSTEMl360 At!!l SYSTEM1370 ~ mw!!!:I 1 ASYt!!1ETRIC l!!ll.!l PROCESSING ~ GENERAL INFORMATION MAtIUAL • .fRQ!i.,. !:ilL. 360A-CX-15X Th. ASP systeM is a IlUltiprocessing oper.ting syst. . that provides a comp.tible extension to the Operating Syst... (OS). Desigled for the user with a large computer job shop environment, ASP provides increased automation of the computing oper.tion. The ASP systeM functions .s a 646 I~ ( Ii :r SH20 SH20 progra_ed operator of os. It provides advanced scheduling facilities for optimizing the total installation production. Manual. 52 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY restart capabilities. Operator control cOl\l1llands and co_and responses. including those for the order edit application program. are also provided. Finally. there is a section describing main storage requirements. Manual. 152 pages 11115734-F31 ( GH20-U75 BUSINESS ANALYSISIBASIC GENERAL INFORMATION Business AnalysislBASIC is a comprehensive set of 0020-1222 interactive routines for use on SysteM/] Model 6. Syst";360 INTERACTIVE QUERY FACILITY !l9El INTRODUCTION LANGUAGE GUIDE PROGRAM NUtIBER 5734-XX6 or System/370 with ITF IDOS. OS. or TSOI or VI1/370-CMS. It consists of 30 routines written in the BASIC language. This publication is designed to acquaint the reader with the providing the problem-solving professional with procedures capabilities of the Interactive ~ery Facility (IQFI for data generation and maintenance. spread sheet analysis. language. It is written especially for those personnel who investment analysis. break-even or cost-volume profit need to become familiar with the language so that they can analysis. depreciation analysis. and time series analysis. enter queries against their IMS/360 data bases. It is also The progr;u. is designed 50 that a detailed knDOlledge of provided for data processing management personnel who need programming is not required. Interactive features include to evaluate the benefits of IQF as a tool in their IMS/360 instructional messages. flexible control of calculation. Version 2 installations (Modification Level 2 or higher. with the full Data Base/Oata Communication Systeml. extensive error checking and data editing. This manual provides an overview of Business Manual. 28 pages AnalysislBASIC. describing the program features. data file 11115734-XX6 concepts. usage. maxi.um problem sizes. precision. timing. system requirements. and customer responsibilities. It also includes an "Application Handbook" consisting of a number 0020-1246 DLII DOSIVS GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE I of case studies illustrating use of the routines. This publication presents a fundamental description of DLII Manual. 60 pages DOS/VS (Data Language/I Disk Operating SystemlVirtual Storagel. This book is intended primarily for persons SH20-U77 interested in learning about DLII DOSIVS at the introductory 615/2 I!.bQ; quERY SUPPORT FEATmE. LIC fB2§ 5734-XXI. level to evaluate the applicability of DLII OOSIVS to their PLANNING GUIDE installation. Discussed are DLII highlights and This document describes the use and characteristics of the characteristics. some sample applications. minimum DLII (Data Language II Query Support Feature of the configuration to run DLII DOSIVS. and general progra_ing Generalized Information System. Version 2 (GIS/21. requirements. This feature provides the means by which a person Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 52 pages, 05/84 can employ the GIS query language against DLII data //115746-XXI bases of Information Management System/360. Version 2 (11151. I1anual. 32 pages 0020-1260 11115734-XXI IMSIVS. 5740-XX2. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE I IMS/VS is an OS/VS system prograM designed to facilitate user implementation of data base system in a batch and/or Nl20-1208 onlhw environment supporting a wide variety of applications. TELECOI1t1!JNICATIONS Q2!:!!BQJ. SYSTEM ITCSI. ill PROS 5734-F31. PROGRAMMER'S GUIDEIREFERENCE The purpose of this manual is twofold. First. by This manual tells the user ..mo to construct and MOdify a TCS providing an overview description of the II15IVS product. it message control prograM and TCS-compatible application enables new and prospective users to acquaint themselves programs. It explains the TCS-provided sample I1CP. the with IMSIVS functions and the hardware and software products differences betHeen TCS and TCAM. and any TCAM functional prerequisite to using IMSIVS. This information is restrictions caused by TCS modifications. The TCS retrieval funda ..ental to being able to consider how using IMSIVS can and operator control facilities and the edit application satisfy business needs. Second, it informs current users of program are fully explained and illustrated. The manual new IMSIVS facilities and enables them to consider whether should be used in parallel with the OSIl1FT and OS/l1VT TCAM the new facilities can be applied at their installation. Programmer's Guide (GC30-20241. References in this manual This manual includes a general description of the system to the Customer Information Control System (CICSI are valid and its various facilities and programs. diagrams of typical after December 1972. hardware configurations. sample applications. and a guide I1anual. 320 pages for using the IMSIVS manuals. 11115734-F31 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 124 pgs. 7/77 11115740-XX2 SH20-1209 TELECOI1I1I.JNICATIONS ~ .l!llill!h ill fRQ§ 5734-F31. SH20-1262 OPERATIONS GUIDE BUSINESS ANALYSISIBASIC fQB ITF. 5734-XI18 This Operations Guide provides TCS installation and Business Analysis/BASIC contains 30 routines which permit the user to interact with the computer. All routines are operations inforMation. The installation information includes general information about installing teleprocessing written in the BASIC language for imple~entation on ITF systems and specific considerations for installing the (OS. DOS. TSOI and VI1I370-CMS. The routines are designed TelecOllllllunications Control Syst..... The operations portion to ask the user to enter his problem parameters and data of the manual covers both systems generation and day-to-day and to make decisions at key points in the analysis. operation. Options "re provided for enhanced operating convenience Among the subjects covered in the discussion of day-toand flexibility. day operations are the creation of a securities symbol This I118nual provides the information needed to table. the execution of the TCS lllessage control program. and generate. run. and ..aintain Business AnalysisIBASIC. 647 ( ! SH20 SH20 It i. assumed that the user has an installed ITF syst_. Manual. 31 pages SH20-1264 BUSINESS ANALYSISIBASIC REFERENCE This marketing support manual describes the CALL-OS business Analysis/BASIC program. Manual 0020-1289 ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM. ~ fBg§ 360A-CX-1SX' OPERATOR'S MANUAL This manual contains instructions that enable the computer operator to run the ASP system. ASP console operations are similar in most respects to those of the System/360 and Syst..../370 Operating System (OSI. Therefore. to avoid repetition of documentation. the material in this manual has been prepared with the assumption that the operator i. familiar with the IBM Operating System. Details on OS operations are given in IBM System/360 Operating System: Operator's Reference (GC28-66911. IBM System/360 Operating Syst"",: Operator's Procedures (GC28-66921. Operator's Library OS/vS2 Reference (GC38-02101. and in their prerequisite and recommended publications. Manual. 204 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SH20-1296 FASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY PROGRAM. ~ fBg§ 5740-XXI (CICS/OS/vS I. 5746-XX3 (CICs/DOSIVS I. REFERENCE/oPERATIOtfS The FASTER Language Facility is • feature of CICS/OOS/vs and C:ICS/OS/vS N1ich makes possible the running of _ t FASTER Transaction Processing Descriptions (TPDsI under CICS/vS. The feature consists of a set of language Macros and processing routines designed as a migration .id for user. of the five FASTER sYstems. All language macros present in the FASTER programs .re present in the FASTER Language F.cility. This manual provides a detailed description of the language facilities functions .nd capabilities. In addition. it describes the coding of . .cro instructions and haN to implement. test. and maintain the FASTER Language F.cility. Mantial. 156 pages SH20-1305 .nm!A!! DATA ~ MAPPING PROGRAM' lYE 5796-PBC. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The IMSHAP - Data Base Mapping Progra... are DBl'lAP and PSBl'lAP. DBMAP builds .nd prints maps of INS physical and logic.l data bases; PSBHAP builds and prints ups of INS physic.l and logical data bases associated with progr.m specification blocks. This manual describes the progr.... their install.tion into the user's system. required JCL. map foruts. sever.l examples of each program. and the error messages. Manual. 14 pages ////5796-PBC GH20-1290 ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM. ~ fBg§ 360A-CX-15X. MESSAGES/CODES This manual describes the IlleSsages and codes unique to the ASP system. It is designed to provide. reference for use by both the operator and the system prograMmer. Certain OS Messages have been modified by ASP and those MessageS are contained in this manual. Manual. 202 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 0020-1291 ASYMMETRIC I1ULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM. ~ fRg§ 360A-CX-I5X. APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S MANUAL This manual contains information concerning syst_ concept. progra .... ing considerations. control cards. cleek setup. and output. OS is the primary operating systetll used for ASP; therefore. to avoid repetition of document.tion. the .. terial in this I118nual has been prep.red on the assumption that the programmer is famili.r with OS progr..... ing .nd h.s previously read the ASP Version 3 General InforMation Manual GH20-1173. Manual. 75 p.ges SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SH20-1307 TEST 1m UTILITIES PROGRAM. lYE 5796-PBE. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The test IMS utilities include prograllS to create a tat data base. compare an old and a neN version of ths ••lIIe clltta base. list one or more records from a data base. and create an t.roloaded version of the data base. An integral part of the operation of the utilities is the 5egmen~description IIOdule. Nhich cont.ins a physical description of each field in every segment of • data base. This manual describes the operation and use of the utilities and the generation. format •• nd use of the segment description IIOdule. module. In addition. installation guidelines are provided. including test cases for all the utUities. Manual. 120 pages ////5796-PBE SH20-1358 "H20-1292 lli!ll ! lli.Z2 Ali.P VERSION 1 ASYMMETRIC !1ULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM. ~ PROG 360A-CX-15X. PROGRAMMER'S l!At!YAb The ASP system is • IlUltiprocessing operating system that provides a compatible extension to the Oper.ting System (OSI. Designed for the user with. large computer job-shop environment. ASP provides increased automation of the computing operation. The ASP systeJII functions as a programmed operator of OS. It provides advanced scheduling facilities for optimizing total installation production. This I118nual contains information on how to generate the ASP system from the distributed tape .nd haN to customize the ASP system to fill the needs of each specific installation. It also provides a functional description of the ASP program and its many p.rts. Manual. 368 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 648 lli.Z2 gg m! LINE TEST/DEBU§ S!H ~ lYE 5796-AEF. DESCRIPTION/PPERATIONS CICS On-Line Test/Debug provides ths progranaer with the facilitia to test and debug application progr... or user files N1ile CICS is operating by entering cOllllll8nd statement. via a 3270 Information Display System. The featura include the .bility to display any location in m.in memory of the machine. alter any location within the C:ICS job step bowIdaries. stop the execution of • specific CICS task at • specific address within an application program. display and alter storage records on any data set av.ilabl. to the CICS job step. immediately upd.te changes made to storage records on file. and open or close files on-line. In effect. this program provides a programmer with access to a 3270 the ability to "console debug" progra. . without interrupting the nor. . l operation of your install.tion. Manual. 72 pages ////5796-AEF ( Slt20 SH20-1359 §aZ!l CICS/COBOL 5H20 gy, INTERFACE NATIONAL ~ lYE 5796-AE6. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS .ffort required for successful installation. llanual. 224 pages ////5734-XC4 !I.E DETROIT. Current users of the Customer InforlNltion Control Systl!ll (CICS) IIho are IIriting application programs in ANS COBOL usually IIi th Assembler Language .acros in the .i ddle of their application progra.... This procedure requires the use of the CICS Preprocessor PrograM and tllO compilations of the prograI8. one for the Assembler Language .acros and one for the COBOL. This prograM provides a COBOVCICS interface technique !!hich eli.inates the use of the CICS Preprocessor Program and .akes the IIriting and debugging of ANS COBOVCICS application prograas considerably easier. The syst811 consists of 12 ~dules. one for each of the CICS Mnagement functions. and a Resident Interface Hodule. If>en the COBOL application progra_r requires a CICS service. rather than IIrite an Assembler Language .acro. he simply codes a predefined COBOL CALL statement passing a list of para. .ters depending upon the service requested. The test CICS . .cro is then issued in the subsequently called CICS Service Handler and control is returned to the requesting COBOL prograM upon cOlllPletion of the CICS service. llanual. 178 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SH20-1460 AE!. SHARED VARIABLES f!!fQ NE1l91. ~ USER'S GUIDE This publication is intended for APLSV users and application programmers. It complements the description of APL given in the publication APL Language (GC26-38471. and describes the TSIO auxiliary processor. a program that gives the user at an APL te... inal interactive control of OS/VS Data Management facilities through shared variables. The program.ing RPQ described in this manual and all licen5ed .aterials available for it. are provided by IBM on a special qUotation basis only. ~er the teras of the License Agreement for IBM PrograM Products. Your local IBM branch office can advise you regarding the special quotation and ordering procedures. Manual. 42 pgs ////5799-AJF Slt20-1461 AfL ~ VARIABLES. 5799-AJF. f!!fQ ~ SPECIFICATIONS This manual contains the information necessary to install. operate and maintain APLSV and TSIO. TSIO is an IBM supplied auxiliary processor !!hich provides access to Operating System data sets fro. APLSV terminals. The use of TSIO is optional. The programming RPQ described in this manual and all licensed materials available for it. are provided by IBM on a special quotation basis only. ~r the ter. . of the License Agreement for IBM Program Products. Your local IBM branch office can advise you regarding the special quotation and ordering procedures. Manual. 198 pages ////5799-AJF 61120-1403 l!LWl .I S/370 !lie ~ 1 ASYI1I1ETRIC tlJLTIPROCESSING l!.Il!R!h .us: JE!§ 360A-CX-15X. LOGIC ( The ASP Syst. . is a MUltiprocessing operating system that provides a compatible extension to the Operating System (OS). Designed for the user lIith a large cO\lPUter job-shop environlllent. ASP provides increased autOlllation of the cCIIIIpUting operation. The ASP syst. . functions as a prograamed operator of os. It provides advanced scheduling facilities for optiI8izing total installation production. This ..nwil describes the logic of ASP. It is desi~ for those Mho . . intain and MOdify the ASP syst... llanual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 61120-1502 FASTER LANGUA6E FACILITY fQB THE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL mn!:! ! CICS/VS I , PROG 5740-XX1. 5746-XX3. GENERAL INFORMATION The FASTER Language Facility is a feature of CICS/DOS/YS and CICS/PS/yS ..hich makes ;t possible to run INIny FASTER Transaction Processing Descriptions (TPDs I ~er CICS/VS. The feature consists of a set of language macros and processing routines designed as a conversion aid for users of the five FASTER systems. All language processing macros present in the FASTER programs are present in the FASTER Language Facility. The FASTER Language Facility design utilizes CICS/yS facilities wherever possible (example: CICS/yS paging and ter.inal device independent routines)' thus allowing the user to take advantage of CICS/yS functions. This manual is intended for persons interest in a general description of the FASTER Language Facility and its capabilities. llanulll. 20 pages .us: Slt20-1456 mew I!ANA6EMENI ~ !! .!.!Um ill OS/VS. .us: JE!§ 5734-XC4. OPERATIONS ~ The Display Management SysteM I I is a set of progra... designed to silllplify the implementation of online data processing systt!lllS. This manual is intended for operations personnel concerned lIith the operation of the prograM product. It contains sufficient information to allow the user to generate and incorporate the Display Management System II into a system for subsequent execution ~er control of the IBM Customer Information Control System. InforlNltion is included for syst. . Dintenanee and terminal operation. Error Messages are included. llanual. 64 pages ////5734-XC4 Slt20-1457 mew I!ANA6EMENI ~ !! .!.!Um ill ~ .us: fBQ§ 5734-XC4. REFERENCE The Display Manage.ent Syst. . I I is a set of program designed to simplify the implementation of online data processing SystellS. The display management. file . .nagement. and ...sage handling capabilities of DMS I I . .k. it possible to impl. .ent many nBlol existing applications in an online environlHll"lt lIith little or no user progr..... ing. The manual is intended for syst811 analysts and progra. .rs responsible for installing and using the syst... The purpose of the manual is to provide sufficient infor. .tion to enable the user to ~erstand the functions of the syst... the progra. . constituting the syst... and the 61120-1514 FASTER !Q CICS/yS MIGRATION TECHNIQUES ~ This publication is designed to assist current users of FASTER in converting to CICS/OS/vS or CICS/DPS/YS lIith or lIithout use of the FASTER Language Facility feature of CICs/vS. It provides information for programmers. analysts. and others seeking conversion progra... ing assistance. llanulll. 44 pages 649 ( SH20 SH20 informaHon. This manual contains an IQRP overvi_, a SH20-1539 description of all offline and online modules, sample JeL. IMSMAPIVS. IUP 5796-PCY. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS and a complete list of error messages. The Installed User Program IMSMAPIVS is a documentaHon aid Manual. 166 pages which produces pictorial representations of data base structures. These maps. which are produced on a line 1///5796-PDG printer graphically represent the many characteristics of an IMSIVS data base. In addition to producing maps. IMSMAPIVS can print a detailed report describing the characteristics GH20-1574 of each data base description (DBOI. ~ RE!1OTE ..!QD ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM (PROGRA!1!1ING IMSMAPIVS is an extension of the currently available Rfg ~ GENERAL INFOR~!ATION ~ I'ROG. t!2.:. 5799-WHX IUP. IMSMAP (5796-PBCI. IMSMAP is a prerequisite for This publication. a general description of the DOS/VS Remot. IMSMAPIVS. IMSMAPIVS provides both support for IMSIVS data Job Entry Workstation Program. is intended primarily as an bases and additional features not available in the original aid in evaluating the program and may also serve as a guide in planning the implementation of a DOSIVS workstation. IMSMAP IUP. After listing the program's advantages, the manual preManual ////5796-PCY sents an overview of the program. then discusses its structure and flmCtions. ,the operation of the workstation. and finally the generation and installation of the program. Manual. 26 pages SH20-1550 1///5799-\oIiX VII/SSP STATISTICS GENERATING PACKAGE !Yf 5796-PDD. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VI1/SGP. an Installed User Program is a Statistics Generating SH20-1589 Package for YM/370. It is designed to further reduce the data collected by the VI1/370 Measurement Facility and is DOSIVS REMOTE ..!QD n!!B1 WORKSTATION PROGRAM PROGRAMMING intended to provide information for installation management. Rfg WF0358 OPERATION ! INSTALLATION GUIDE. PROG. t!2.:. system programmers. and users. YM/SGP provides a variety of 5799-.!HX summarization techniques useful for reporting on many This publication describes the operation and installation of aspects of system load and utilization. It may also siMply the DOSIVS Remote Job Entry Workstation Program. It is be used to format and print trace data and thereby intended for use by the system prograrmer responsible for facilitate the inspection and analysis of system bottlenecks installing and maintaining the system and by the operator at the workstation computer. and overloads. This Program DescripHon/Operations Manual provides the The manual explains the use of commands to control prouser with sufficient infor .... tion to understand. install and cessing and lists the messages produced by the program. ,It successfully use the program. also defines the generation parameters and describes heN to Manual install and generate the program. ////5796-PDD Manual. 96 pages ///15799-WHX = = = SH20-1561 INTERACTIVE gyggr ! REPORT PROCESSOR .!.Im.!.z. lYe 5796-POG. TERMINAL USER'S GUIOE Interactive Query and Report Processor (IQRPI is a terminal oriented inquiry system which allows the terminal user to extract meaningful information and reports from stored data sets. The purpose of this manual is to assist the I~RP terminal user in using the system. Terminal operation procedures and the IQRP language are explained. A pocket reference card (GB21-9902) summarizes the IQRP user language. Manual. 60 pages 1I1/5796-PDG SH20-1590 DOSIVS ~ ..!QD ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM (PROGRA!1MING Rfg WF0358 REFERENCE) This publication defi~ and describes the facilities provided by the DOSIVS Remote Job Entry Workstation PrograM and contains the information necessary to plan for utilization and installation. It is intended for use by the system programmer responsible for installing and maintaining the system. Additional information on the operation and use of the DOSIVS Remote Job Entry Workstation Program is directed to computer data center personnel responsible for operation planning. The manual describes the program. explains the internal structure in terms of functions provided. and discusses the operating procedu ..es. It also describes the device support. SH20-1562 storage and prog..a .... ing system requirements, and performance INTERACTIVE QUERY ! REPORT PROCESSOR §Q.Q!S L. !Yf 5796-PDG. considerations. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ! ~ ANALYST ~ Manual. 76 pages The purpose of this manual is to provide the systems analyst /1I15799-WIIX with a detailed guide. set of instructions and format for establishing an IQRP system within the installation. creating the necessary I~RP tables. adding a new data set SH20-1592 and making changes to existing data sets. Prior to using ~ REMOTE ..!QD ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM. LOGIC. this manual. the reader should be familiar with the General PROGRAMl1IHG Rfg WFCl356, PROG. t!2.:. 5799-WIIX Information Manual (0021-9903) and the Terminal Users Guide This publication describes the functions of the DOSIVS Rellote Job Entry Workstation Program and its relationship to (SH20-1561I. DOSIVS and to the operating system used at the central Manual. B6 pages /11/5796-POG computer. It is intended primarily for use in maintaining the program. The manual contains diagrams and supplementary text describing the functional organization of the program. and SH20-1563 INTERACTIVE gyggr ! REPORT PROCESSOR BOOK !L. !Yf 5796-PDG. outlines the key functions of each program module. It also OPERATIONS/INSTALLATION provides a directory to the program code. defines the format The purpose of this manual is to provide those responsible of coot ..ol bytes. and contains information for diagnostic for the installation and operation of I~RP with the required purposes. 650 ( SH20 Manual, 244 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SH20 61120-1628 nJ /, COI1PLEX SYSTEM EHVIRDNtIEHT This docuIIent describes the Methods, techniques and progra. . necessary to test in a complex environment. It also gives a description of the various testipg environments and of the testing methods to be used in each environment. It is intended both as an introduction to testing for executives and lIanagers, and as an in-depth treatise for those responsible for setting up and executing the tests. Manual, 90 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. Sl.6SCRIPTION ONLY /, §Y!QS !Q TESTING $/f20-1610 !!.Ql! !Q !!l!. CONVERSION SYSTEM, 1!lf 5796-AFZ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The DOS to OS Conversion Syst_ IUP automates the conversion process for JCL, COBOL, RPG, SORT and some utility programs. DOS JCL and DOS programs are displayed side by side with their OS equivalents. The OS equivalents are punched with JCL ready for compilation and cataloging for testing. COBOL D programs are processed by the Language Conversion Program to bring them to the ANS COBOL Level before conversion. 61120-1638 COBOL programs with End of Page indicators are modified for TSO-3270 STRUCTURED PROSRAMMIHG FACILITY ~ ill PROG 5740-XT2, GENERAL INFORMATION handling of the carriage control tape. All CALL subroutines are identified for further resolution. DDS RPG FILENAMES The Structured Programming Facility (SPF) is a progra. .ing are converted to OS RPG DDNAMES through the use of cards development tool designed to increase productivity in the provided during the conversion process. All SORT Control TSO environment. I t supports any VS2-TSO user Mho has a 24Cards are handled automatically. A management report is line IBM 3270 display terminal equipped Mith a full EBCDIC provided as part of the process Nhich shoMs the status of keyboard, i ncludi ng 1.2 program f\A'1Cti on keys. It increases the conversion on a dynamic basis. progranaer productivity through: The Envirotech Corporation converted 1,200 routines to o display presentations Nhich prompt the user and OSIVS frOM four geographically separated divisions Mhile si~lify command/data entry consolidating their operations at Salt Lake City, Utah. o thle-saving use of program f\A'1Ction keys for They did this with one system programmer and three part-ti . . commonly performed operations clerical personnel in six Months through the use of the o features that facilitate structured progra_ing in Conversion System. They estimate that two-thirds of all a TSO environment time and effort Mere saved over lIanual alternatives. This manual provides an overvi .... and functional description This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the of SPF. Manual, 24 pages user Mith sufficient information to understand, install and successfully use the program. ////5740-XT2 Manual ////5796-AFZ 61120-1639 ~ ~ SYSTEM, i l l f!!.Q§ 5740-XX/" GENER/,L INFQRMqIOtf 61120-1626 This manual is intended primarily to define the scope of DATA BASE DESIGN !!!U. i l l PROS 5740-XY8. 5746-XXQ, applicability of .the DBIDC Driver Syst_ for customer GENERAL INFORMATION executives, systeM analysts, and prograllllllers. It describes This book, a general description of the Data Base Design the facilities of the DBIDC Driver Syste.. and includes a Aid, is intended primarily to help evaluate the product and general discussion of the DB/DC Driver Syst_ system 1liiy also serve as a guide in planning the illplementation of configuration, ter.inal processing, system structure and control, and syst_ support and maintenance facilities. as DBDA. The benefi ts and features of the product are presented, provided within the DB/DC Driver System PrograM Product. follOMed by highlights of the data base design process, some The DBIDC Driver System provides tools for testing and problems and how DBDA can solve them, a description of the driving data base/data communications application programs. product, its environment, and related IBM productivity aids. It is terminal oriented, thereby per.itting the online Manual development of test cases. A special language is provided ////5746-XXQ,5740-XY8 to aid in the creation of test casesl a ter.inal CDmIIIand language is provided to pe... it lIIOdification of test cases as well as library Management operations. In addition, offline 61120-1627 utilities can be used to build the DB/DC Driver Systelll, ~ BASE DESIGN AID, i l l fB!!§ 5Z40-XY8, 5746-XXQ, initialize it, and Manipulate the driver systelll data base. DESIGNER'S §Y!QS Manual, 30 pages This book, which contains a description of the f\A'1Ctions and ////5740-XXT concepts of the Data Base Design Aid (DBDA), is intended primarily to give the data base designer guidelines for gathering and recording data requirements, and for using the SH20-1651 features of DBDA in his design study. DAT/, ~ ~ AID. i l l f!!.Q§ 5740-XY8, 5746-XXQ. The program is introduced, then the process of data base REFERENCE/OPERATIONS design is presented, follONed by a definition of the conThis book, which describes the prog .. a . . and operations of the Data Base Design Aid (DBDA), is intended priMarily for cepts and terlls of DBDA. Next, an analysis of DBDA phases is discussed, the use of DBDA results in constructing a the data base designer who will use it and for the syst_ physical model of the data base is presented, a description programmer Mho will install it. of the input and output is shown, the use of DBDA features An overview of the syst_ is presented follOlH!d by a is discussed, and finally a case study is included that description of the prograllS in DBDA. Next, the installation illustrates many of the concepts and features previously procedures and alternatives are discussed, and finally the discussed. use of DBDA is described. Manual Manual ////5746-XXQ,5740-XY8 ////5746-XXQ,5740-XY8 651 ( SH20 SH20 SH20-1658 gw. \JHIYERSIU IIlim! fll!l INTERACTIYE CQMMIN9 .lYe 5796-PQA. mueI .IBWi.!.! .!W!!.W. procedures for shutting the syst. . doNn are described. The operator COIIIIIIand language used by the systelll operator is also included along Nith the .e.sages and codes is.ued by the .ystell on the .yste. console. Manual. 144 pages plus 46 page TNL. 7/76 ~ tlUSIC. developed by t1c6ill University of Hontreal. Canada. is an interactive operating system complete Nith a collection of utilities. cOllPiler interfaces and applicationpackages intended to provide a high perf_nee. cost effective and ..nageabla cOllPUting environment. tlUSIC/SCRIPT is a text forlHtting progra. included Nith tMlIC. I t is useful for the production of ..nuals. technical papers and for. letters. This ..nual describes all the features of the tMlIC/SCRIPT facility including its utilities that perfo~ spelling check•• generata indexes. and tables of contents. This i. a compollelit of ZBOF-1002. Kanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 126 pages. 7/81 SH20-1698 ~ This nnual is intended priearily for the t_t supervi.or and the driver te .... inal user. A functional ove ..vie.. of the ter.inal and logical driver command languages is folloNed by a detailed presentation of all the commands. Logical d .. ive .. command consola and t .... inal cOMDand .assages are also included. I1anual 1///5796-PfU. SH20-1669 ystREPACK. 5796-POZ. DESCBIPTION/PPERATIQN VSIREPACK is a set of tools enabling the progr_r to collect and di.play progra• • torage activity data at varying levels of detail and to analyze this data in order to predict and illlProve progra.. perfor_nee or to verify that a progra. i. operating correctly. This IHnual presents detail regarding the installation and operation of the syst_ and guidelines for interpreting the results. I1anual. 160 pages. 3176 me SH20-l699 ~ SH20-1686 TELECO!!!JNlCATIONS ~ tw:!!ml milYJ INIERFACE. ~ fBg§ 5740-XXC. REFERENCE This publication contains d.tailed info...ation necessary to install and use the TCAM-IMSIVS Interface. Befor. using this . .nual. the reader .hould be faeiliar Nith telec_ications. IMSIVS. and TCAM. I1anual I!B.m! ~.w; fB.Q§ 5740-XXI. g m WRITER'S .!i!.lm This eanual is intended p .. ilH .. ily fo .. pe..sonnel responsible for Nriting the .c.. ipts to be used to test DBIPC application p .. og .. ams. The types of script. a ..e defined and the statement. used in the.. a ..e desc .. ibed in detail. Also included a ..e sc.. ipt developaent aids and examples. Thi . . .nual also desc.. ibes the Script Gene ..ation Utility. This utility operates .c.. ipt. fra. telecoMmUnication SysteMS logs. Manual. 108 pages plus 40 pages TNL. 7/76 11115796-POZ Gtl20-1685 TELECO!!1UNICATIONS ~ HmmIl milYJ INTERFACE. .I.l!O fBg§ 5Z40-XXC • .!'WWW. INFORMATION The TCAM-IMSIVS Interface is provided a. a bridge bet_ TCAM and IMSIVS. Thi • •anual includes a genaral description of the program and discusses its facilities and supported IHchine configurations. I1anual I!BllaB .!r!.lim!J. 1.150 fRQ§ 5Z40-XXA. TERMINAL .IBWi.!.! I!A!:!!JAl. 6If20-1702 EXTEtf)ED TELEC!l!1tIUNlCATIQNS !!!!I!llW wmu ~ .L. FEATURE gf CICSIQOSIVS • .w; PROG S746-XXB. GENERAL INFORHATION The Extended Telecommunications Modules (EXTMI Featu..e of CICSIPOS>'VS p..ovides linkage between CICS/DOSIVS 1.1.1 and a telecollltllWlications netNork. It p ..ovides access to the IBH 3600 Finance COIIIIIIU"Iication Systell and functions Nithin the framewo ..k of Systems NetNOrk A..chitectu.. e (SNAI. Data flOM fo .. ce .. tain p ..e-SNA terminals i. also~ ..ovided. The basic function of this program i. to establillh and support a data floN between a CICS/DOSIVS application and a corresponding use .. application in the 1811 3601 Finance Communication Cont ..olle... Thi. Manual includes a gene ..al description of the facilities p..ovided by the Extended Telecommunications Modules F.ature of CICSIPOS/vS. Manual /1//5746-XXB SH20-1696 I!B!!aB Ilmtb. 1.150 fBg§ 5740-XXA. REFERENCE This ..nual describes the facilities provided by the DBIDC Driv.r Syst. . to installation per.onnel Mho are responsible for the ••lection ••valuation. and 1alplementation of the syst... The intended aucBance includes syst. . engineer•• installation progra....rs . . .rk.ting representatives. and custo..er syst_ personnel. The DBIDC Driver Syst_ siaulat_ the activity of .any t .... inal. Nhich process transactions to and free a DBIDC application progra.. These transactions appear to the syst. . as raal tar.inal transactions MOUld appear. I1anual. 236 pages plus 104 pages TNL. 7/76 SH20-1704 EXTENDED TELEC!l!1tIUNICATIQNS mlI!Y.W ~ .L. f!!!YBi gf CICS/DOS/VS. lJ& fBQ§ S746-XXB. REFERENCE The Extended Telecommunications Modules (EXTMI Feature of CICs/VS p ..ovides linkage between CICs/DOSIVS 1.1.1 and a telecommunications netwo ..k. It allows access to the IBM 3600 Finance Communication Syst_ and the 1811 3790 Communication System and functions Nithin the frameNOrk of System NetNO.. k A..chitectu.. e (SMA). Data flOM fo .. c.rtain p ..e-SMA te... inals is also provided. The basic function of this featu ..e is to establish and .. intain data flOM betNeen a CICSIVS application and a co ....esponding user application for the IBM Advanced eo..unication Subsystems. This IHnual contains refe ..enc. infor..tion necessary to SH20-1697 . ~ IUW!U JD:mh .I.l!O fBQi 5740-XXI. OPERATIQHS §!.!ill install . . . intain and operate the Extended This .anu.! is intended for coeputer center per.onnel Telecommunications Modules Featu..e. responsible for the day-to-day operation of the DBIPC Driver Manual 1///5746-XXB Syst_. The procedures for starting the driv.r system. techniqws required during syst. . operation. and the ~ 652 c/ SH20 SH2D SH20-1727 FORTRAN CONVERSION AID. lYf! 5796-PFG. DESCRIPTIONIOPERATION The FORTRAN Conversion Aid IUP assists in converting programs written in certain non-System/370 FORTRAN dialects to Systenl/370 executable code. Conversion is accomplished through translation. hand lIodification. coMpilation. and object-tiMe library simulation. This lIanual gives a general overview of the FORTRAN Conversion Aid and its capabilities with a detailed semantic and syntactical translation description. It describes the components of the IUP and contains instructions for using it. This aanual is also an installation and operations reference document. Manual. 178 pages. 6/76 ////5796-PFG ( SH20-1730 TSO-3270 STRUCTURED PROGRAHHIH§ FACILITY ~ l1& fRQ§ 5740-XT2. REFERENCE The Structured Programming Facility (SPF) is a programaing aid that operates in the Time Sharing Option (TSO) SH20-1749 environment and is designed to increase productivity in ~ SYSTEM DIRECTORY LIST OPTIMIZER. lYf! 5796-PFH. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS developing and modifying programs. SPF supports any VS2-TSO user who has a 24-line IBM 3270 display terminal equipped This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with a full keyboard. including 12 prograa function keys. with sufficient information to understand. install and SPF increases programmer productivity through: successfully use the program. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 16 pages. 7/76 o display presentations which prompt the user ////5796-PFH and simplify command/data entry. o time-saving use of progra.. function keys for commonly performed operations. o features which facilitate structured progra.,.ing SH20-1769 in a TSO environment DOSMAP-DVI !l.m ~ MAPPING PROGRAMS. lYf! 5796-PCN. This aanual provides detailed inforMation on hoM to use and SYSTEMS GUIDE install SPF. The DOSHAP-DVI data base lIapping progralll5 are DBMAP and PSBMAP. DBDMAP builds and prints maps of DVI data bases Manual ////5740-XT2 and descriptive reports of each data base. PSBMAP builds and prints maps of Db/I data bases associated with program specification blocks. This manual describes the programs. SH20-1733 their installation into the user's system. required JCL. map TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM-ADVANCED FUNCTION formats. and includes examples of each program and the error (TCS-AFI OPERATIONS GUIDE IIIe!Isages. The lIanual provides the user of TCS-AF with inforlltation Manual. 14 pages. 12/75 ////5796-PCU necessary for the operation of the TCS-AF product. Among the subjects covered in the discussion of day-to-day operations are the execution of the TCS-AF lIessage control prograa. restart capabilities. and operator control comoaands SH20-1773 and cOlllllland responses. In addition. there is a section SPECIAL RIAb TIME OPERATING SYSTEM. 5799-AHE. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS describing ..ain storage requirements. The level of TCS-AF described in this INlnual functions The Special Real Time Operating SysteM (SRTOSI is a support prograM that makes the VSl operating system a realtiMe Mith TCAH level SF. operating system. SRTDS performs services which support Manual ////S74D-XXD enhanced task management. tiMe .anag~~nt. and data base management to meet the requirements of a realtime enviro,,",ent. This publication provides a description of the prograM and GH20-1735 TCS/AF. 574D-XXD. CONCEPTS M!!l FACILITIES its use. It contains the information necessary to The IBM Telecommunications Control System - Advanced understand. install. use and operate the Special Real Time FU'lCt i on (TCS-AF) program product provi des control for Operating System. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches network syst811S incorporating one or lIore CPU's. each with terminals and/or application progra..... Based on and ////5799-AHE enhancing IBl1's Telecommunications Access Method (TCAHI. TCS-AF controls traffic between terminals and application SH2D-1775 prograll"" message sMi tchi ng between terlli nals. and message transfer between applications. Lines and terminals may be DISK VOLUME MAP. lYf! 5796-PFL. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS shared aMOng applications on the sa_ CPU. or different This manual provides the users with sufficient information CPU's connected by communications lines. Both user to understand. install. and successfully use the Disk Vol.application programs and complex subsystetll environarents such Map Program. as IHS/VS and CICS/vs May be supported. Queuing and The Disk Volume Map PrograM is a data management control priority facilities for handling ixed llessage types aay aid for the syste1115 programmer and provides information such optiaize line and speed delivery of inquiry/response as distribution of data on the disk volume. which data sets messages. should be compressed. and the availability of space. It A TCS-AF II85sage control program (I1CP)' customized by utilizes the DS/VS IEHLIST utility output to graphically the USer Mith TCS-AF and TCAH "",cro instructions and display a schematic map of the entire disk volume. 653 ( assl!llbler language. operates in each network ccmputer. usually in a different storage-protected region or partition fro. application programs. Support facilities include: o operator control for complex networks o online statistics gathering and security/ authorization capabilities. o load-balancing over multiple intercomputer links o alternate path and indirect routing capabilities .essage integrity safeguards o start/stop. binary synchronous communications. and (via VTAM) SNA synchronous data link control device sL~rt equivalent to TCAH's o aids for minimizing application prograM devicecharacteristic dependencies. including extended support for the IBM 3270 Information Display Syst.. o capabilities for interfacing to non TCS-AF systems in .ultiCOllpUter networks Manual ////S740-XXD SH20 SH20 Manual. 8 1/2 X 11 inches. 22 pages. 11/75 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SH20-1780 VSAM ACCESS SUBROUTINES DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This Manual provides the user Nith sufficient infor. .tion to understand. install and successfully use the program. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 01176 SH20-1804 MANA6EMEIIT UTILITIES. l!!!! 5796-PFW. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The IMS Space Management Utilities can iMprove systeM performance and programmer productivity. They are designed to assist in managing OS. OS/VS. IHS/360 and IMS/vS data space. to detect and report IHS H.D. pointer discrepancies and to assist with segment restructuring during data base reorganization. This manual describes the function of the three IHS Space Management Utilities. how to specify input to them. and how to interpret the utility output. In addition. it describes the operating instructions. lists error messages. and provides installation guidelines. This manual is both a system description and an installation and operations reference document. Manual. 56 pages. 1/76 /1//5796-PFW ~ ~ SH20-1813 ~ SYSTEM INFORMATION ROUTINES. IUP 5796-PGB. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This manual describes the function. installation. procedures. operational procedures. and output report formats for the HVS System Information Routines (SIR). SIR consists of two programs Nhich display information about inte ..nal HVS systell operation. One of the programs displays the information on a TSO 3270 display terminal. The other provides batch type output reports based on periodic sampling. Manual. 44 pages. 3/76 /11/5796-PGB SH20-1815 GENERALIZED TRACE FACILITY (6TF) !l2 CONCURRENCY REPORT. l!!!! 5796-PGD. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This Prograll Description/Operations Manual provides the user Nith sufficient inforllation to understand. install and successfully use the program. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 4176 /11/5796-PGD SH20-1837 ~ PERFORMANCE TOOL DESCRIPIIONIPPERATIPNS This Manual provides the user Nith sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the program. For inforMation about this program. see abstract for 6320-5680. Manual. 8 -112 x 11 inches. 156 pages. 07/82 //1/5796-PGL SH20-1844 BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR !lL l!!!! 5796-PGT. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The Batch TerMinal SillUla,tor II allONS IMSIVS batch and online application programs to be tested in an IMSIVS batch environment Nithout the use of teleprocessing hardware. BTS II provides information about each transaction and . .ssage as it progresses through the IHS/VS syst... The facilities inherent in the BTS II design philosophy provide the user Nith a comprehensive lIeans of checking and debugging: o Application prograll logic o Interfaces between application progra. . and IHSIVS o Data base activities o Teleprocessing activity o 3270 format control blocks In addition. BTS II provides a nuaber of debugging aids and application program performance statistics. This publication provides a general description of BTS II and describes in detail the prograMS' functional capabilities and how to use thell. The publication also includes explanations of BTS II Ile5sages and codes. Manual ////5796-PGT SH20-1851 IM!Q! t!Q!:lm!B fi!R ~ Q:!h lYl! 5796-PGZ, DESr~IPTION/OPERATIONS The purpose of this manual is to provide the user Nith sufficient info..... tion to understand. install. and _intain the Batch Monitor IUP. The Batch Monitor IUP is an IBM internally developed programming subsysteM which creates and controls. according to delland. CMS Batch machines. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 48 pgs 11176 11115796-PGZ 61120-1863 SH20-1836 DOS/VS PERFORMANCE TOOL. l!!!! 5796-PGK. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS OOS/vSPT is a software tool that lIOnitors the performance of an existing IBM System/370 rUfV\ing OOS/VS. It uses both dynamic event tracing and periodic statistical sampling to record system status on an output tape or DASO data set. Subsequently. a series of reports can be produced to evaluate hardware performance duri ng ei ther the ent ire monitoring period o~ any portion thereof. This manual describes the capabilities of DOS/vSPT and provides the inforllation necessary to i,nstal! and use the programs. Manual. 140 pages. 9/76 11115796-PGK D.mw MANA6EMEIIT sySTEMS VERSION ! (DHSIVS) GENERAL INFORMATION The Display Management SystBIIIIVS Version 1 (DHS/VS) is a set of prograllS designed to simplify the iMplementation of online data processing operations using the 3270 Infor_tion Display SysteM. The display _nagellent. file manageJlent. and message handling capabilities offered by DMSIVS _ka it possible to ill!plement Many naN or existing applications in an online environonent Nith little or no user progra_ing. Preprogra. .ed facilities are provided to perforll display operations such as paging and panel selection; data base and file operations such as data entry. inquiry. record update. and search; and Dlessage routing betNeen display stations. Application specification is simplified through the use of DI1S/vS forMS on which the user describes data files. designs 3275 or 3277 Display Station i ..ges (panels). and describes the utility operations required by the application. The DMS/VS operates under control of the IBM custa.er Inforlllation and Control SystBIIIIVS (CICSIVS). This lIanual provides an overview of the DMSIVS functions. Statements of customer responsibilities. progra_ing syst_ requirllllBnts. and systeM configuration are included. Manual. 76 pages. 11/76 11115740-XC2,5746-XC2 654 ( "---'/ ( SH20 SH20 SH20-186/'t VERSION !.z. OPERATIONS §!lli!g,z, .I,I!; fBQ§ 57/'t0-XC2 (QSIYS)' 5746-XC2 (DOSIYS) Thi • •anual contains inforution to enable the user to generate and incorporate the Display I1anagement Systl!llllYirtual Storage (DItSIYS) into a .y.tem for .ubsequent execution under control of the 1M Customer Info~ation Control Sy.tem (CICS). Information i. included for syst. . . . intenance and ter.inal operation. All offline and online _sages are described. The intended audience is the programming and operations .taff. I1anual. 120 pgs. 11/76 ////57/'t0-XC2.5746-XC2 ~ SH20-1865 SH20-1883 STORAGE ~ MIGRATION Am (SDMA) I!H! 5796-PHP DESCRIPTION/OPERATION Thi. publication is a guide for installing and using the Storage Device Migration Aid (SOMA) program. SOMA contains • .et of procedures that process and analyze systeM management facilities (SMF) data collected during the operation of 1M OS or VS systems. SOMA is intended for the installation management and for those syste_ programmers Mho plan. impletllent. and track a data .igration to a naN storage device or storage subsystem. The SMF Job Data Compression Aid (JDCA). IBM Installed user PrograM 5796-PHN. is a prerequi.ite to running SOMAl the Base file generated by JDCA serves as input to the SOMA procedures. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 240 pgs. /'t/77 NN5796-PHP = ~ !.z. .I,I!; fBQ§ 57/'t0-XC2 (OSIYS). 57/'t6-XC2 (DQSIYS). PROGRAM REFERENCE Display Management Sy.tealVirtual Storage (DItSIYS) is an SH20-1890 TSO/IQ!!P INTERFACE. I!H! 5796-PHZ. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS application llllnaga.ent offering Mhich simplifies iapl....."ting online inforlllltion .ystems using the 3270 This .anual is designed to provide the necessary infor.ation Inforlllltion Di.play Systl!lll. The DMS/VS DVI data base and for installing and running TSO/IQRP. It is intended to be file .anageaent. display llllnagement. and ...ssage handling used as an addendUII to the Interactive Query and Report capabilities .ake it possible to iapletllent IIIIny neN or Processor Program Description and Operations Manual Book II. Operations and Installation Guide (SH20-1563). A exi.ting applications in the online environment Nith reduced prograDing. Preprogra_ed facilities are provided to prerequisite for the TSO/IQRP Interface is to have IQ!!P for perforM di.play operations such a. paging and panel CICS (IUP • 5796-PDG). CICSIYS itself ill not a prerequisite. selection. data ba.e and file operations (data entry. inquiry. record update. and search). and I1185sage routing I1anual. 32 pages. 1/77 betNeen di.play stations. Application specification is N//5796-PHZ siaplified through the use of DItSIYS forms on which the user describes data files. 3275 or 3277 Display Station i.ages (panels). and the batch utility operations required by the SH20-1906 application. The Custo.er InfoMiation Control Systea ~ RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. fRf9 PD9DD6. fBQ§ 5799-ARQ. Version 1.2 (CICSIYS) is a prerequisite to DItS/VS. INSTALLATION §Y!RS Application lIecurity through use of CICS/VS and DMSIYS This publication contains infOrMation about the scope and lIign-on procedures can be used to control operator access to content of the Resource Management PRPQ for VM/370. It predeter.ined applications. provides planning and impleMentation information for The purpose of this llllnual i. to provide sufficient installation .anagers. system progra ....ers. and 1M system hardNare and software support personnel. This publication inforution to enable the user to under.tand the functions of the .yst... the progra... constituting the systetll. and the describes: effort required for .ucces.ful installation. The _nual o HeN and changed VM/370 features and component. o Modules added. deleted. or Modified for the PRPQ contains a .yst. .-oriented description of DItSIYS. provides guidance in installing the lIystetll. and describes the input Prerequisite publications: and ..... ult•• IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370: Statement. of cust.....r responsibilities. progra_ing Release 3 Guide (Ge2D-1822) .yst... requirements. and system configuration are included. Planning and System Generation. (GC2D-1801) I1anual. 328 pgs. 11/76 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pgs. 7/76 ////57/'t0-XC2.5746-XC2 / N /5799-ARQ Jml!m ( 3H20-1877 TEST/DEBl!6 !L. lYf 5796-AHJ. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CICSlYS Online Test/Debug II i. a facility designed to allON progra. . .r using a 3270 Infor... tion Display Sy.tu to test and debug application programs or MOdules online .mile CICSIYS i. operating in a test or production mode. This _ans that the progralDlller can .tep through programs displaying register. and data. set up data conditions on disk and uke prograM changes .. ithout reasseabling or relink-editing. Thi. publication provides a general description of CICSIYS Online Test/Debug II and describes in detail the progr•• •• functional abilities and hOM to use the.. The publication also includes appropri.te installation and lIOdification infor.ation. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 156 pages. 10/76 NN5796-AHJ ~ ~ SH20-19D9 TSO/IQRP INTERFACE. I!H! 5796-PHZ. TERMINAL ~ GUIDE The purpose of this lI"nual is to enable IQ!!P ter.inal users to use IQRP. its language. and facilities. Ter.. inal operation procedures and the IQRP language are explained. This .anual assumes that the user has a working knDNledge of TSO. and no attempt Nill be lIade to explain functions and/or facilities of TSO. See TSO eo...... nd Language Reference I1anual (GC28-D646). I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 80 pages. 1/77 ////5796-PHZ SH2D-1928 655 !:l!l!li STORAGE CONTROL ~ MAINTENANCE. !y!! 5796-PHY. USER'S GUIDE The Mass Storage Control Table Maintenance PrograM is an interactive set of programs that provide the IBM 3850 (MSS) users .. ith a convenient ...ans to lIaintain and query the I1ass Storage System. This lIanual describes hOM to install and use these programs. All Messages and hoM to specify input commands are described. SH20 SH20 Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 48 pages, 3/77 11115796-PHY 6H20-1941 NETWORK .Hm INTERFACE: PRPQ P09007 (vt1I370 NETWORKING PR06 5799-ATAI, fHf9 P09008 (ASP NEn!O!lKING ffiQ§ 5799-ATBI, PRPQ P09009 ~ NETWORKING PROG 5799-ATC) TMs pubHcation discusses the concept, Network Job Interface (NJI), and its three facilities vt1I370 Networking PRPQ (VNETl, ASP Networking PRPQ, and HASP Networking PRPQ. It is intended for data processing executives and managers, as well as non-data processing executives with an interest in the potential for significantly improved data processing resource utilization implicit in networking. Topics covered include: introduction, use of similar and dissilllilar processors in a unified NJI network NJI Highlights • • Advantages and Potential Uses - Migration - Improved Resource Utilization • NJI input, OUtput functions, RTAt! • vt1I370 Networking PRPQ Enhancements • ASP Networking PRPQ Enhancements • HASP Networking PRPQ Enhancements Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 28 pgs, 4/77 11115799-ATA,5799-ATC,5799-ATB types, including program source uterial, docUlllentation, and data. I t permits users to change portions of the display without program intervention. By placing the cursor on the position(s) requiring change, the user may re-enter the correct character(s). The Display Editing System checks for modifications made to the display image and makes permanent copies of the changes to the file. Users Guide, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 64 pgs, 9/77 //115796-PJP 6H20-1974 TSO-3270 DISPLAY SUPPORT ! STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILIIY (SPF! ~ .u i l l ffiQ§ 5740-XT8, GENERAL IHFO~MATION SPF is " programming aid that operates in the Time Sharing Option (TSO) environment and is designed to increase productivity in developing and IIOdifying programs. SPF supports VS2-TSO users who have a 24-line IBM 3270 display terllinal equipped wi th a full keyboard, including 12 program function keys. SPF increases prograll11ller productivity through: • display presentations which prompt the user and simplify command and data entry. • time-saving use of program function keys for cOllllllOl"lly performed operations. • features which facilitate structured prograMMing in a time sharing environment. This manual provides an overview and functional description of SPF. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 68 pgs, 3177 11//5740-XT8 SH20-1953 DBPROTOTYPE lli lYe 5796-PJK, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The DBPROTOTYPE II Installed User Program consists of a set of programs that provide data base design evaluation support SH20-1975 of Information Management SystemlVirtual Storage (IMSIVS). T50-3270 DISPLAY SUPPORT! 5TRUCTUREO PROGRAt1I1ING FACIU IY DBPROTOTYPE II enables the IMSIVS data base evaluator to VERSION !.:.L. ill PROG 5740-XTB. REFERENCE obtain performance information about a data base and its This publication provides detailed information on how to use Application progralllS before they are implemented. DB the Structured Programming FacilitylTime Sharing Option PROTOTYPE II includes a program .... ich estimates performance which is a prograll development tool designed to take characteristics of the data base from its description. advantage of the characteristics of 3270 display tereinals, Other programs enable the evaluator to create model data and to increase productivity in the Ti .... Sharing environment bases and skeletal application programs to run against for users of both structured and conventional programming these data bases. By analyzing different design parameters, techniques. the user can select the system design best suited to the Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 164 pages. 7/79 needs of the installation. 11115740-XT8 This manual describes the functions and use of the DBPROTOTYPE II programsl hew to specify the characteristics of the system being modeled, andl how to interpret the SH20-1977 vt1I370 NETWORKING. fRf9 P09007, i l l fRQ§ 5799-ATA. resulting performance data. It includes sections on REFERENCE/OPERATIONS modeling methodology, usability, sample problems, installation and operating procedures, program This publication provides the VMl370 systent programmer and descriptions, error I1185sages, and an index operator with the information necessary to install the Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 228 pgs, 5/77 vt1I370 Networking PRPQ (VNETl and operate the VNET virtual machine. Use of the VNET facility by the vt1I370 terminal 11115796-PJK user is described. VNET is a virtual machine subsystem for vt1I370. It manages the transeission and reception of data between a VMl370 SH20-1965 systeRI and other 5/3705 operating in a Networking Job DISPLAY ~ ~ fQ!l ~ 5796-PJP, USER'S ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) Interface (NJII communication network. This guide contains usage and reference information for Topics covered include: Display Editing System for CMS, a full-screen editing systeM o Network Job Interface (NJIl concept that operates under the Conversational Monitor System. (CMS o Descriptions of VNET components and the VNET component of IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VMl3701. virtual machine The Display Editing System Installed User Program is a o VNET installations and operation full-screen editing system for the Virtual Machine o VNET commands and messages Facility/370 Conversational Monitor Systent (YM/370 CMS) o vt1I370 terminal user guide designed to utilize the features of both local and ramote o VNET supported remote terminals and stations terminals. In addition to a comprehensive array of cursor Prerequisite publications: Network Job Interface, General Information Manual, order no. and command oriented data manipulation functions, the IUP (6H20':'1941 ) has direct usability in a wide range of user applications. Display terminals supported are the IBM 3277 model 2 and the Virtual Machine Facility/370: Introduction, order no. (Ge20-1800! IBM 3278 model 2, including both the TEXT PROCESSING and APL keyboardS. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 272 pgs, 4/77 The Display Editing System accommodates CMS files of all 11115799-ATA .. ~ / 656 ( ~ ) SH20 SH20 . . . the OS/vs2 HASP II Version 4 Operator'. Guide (GC27-6993J. In this public.. tion. the first section. What Is NJI? gives an overview of the new c.pabilities of NJI. The next thr. . sections. Extended Control Stat...,t Facilities. Job and SYSOUT Tr.nsmission ••nd Bulk O.ta Transfer. describe -the new capabilities in det.il. They include descriptions of the control stat_ents to be used to take adv.. ntage of these capabilities. and illustrations of hOM to use thu. Appendix A cont .. ins a sUllllllry of the HASP/NJI control statement. and their para_ters. Appendix B cont.ins s.mple job streams that c .. n be used to accomplish. Bulk O.ta Transfer (See Terms Used in This PublicationJ. Appendix C illustrates and explains the error messages that can be produced by HASP/NJI. Appendix D illustrates and explains system NOTIFY .....s.ges that can be produced by HASP/NJI. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 4/77 ////5799-ATC SH20-1978 AlH! NETWORKING. meg P09908 • .!.I!O fBg§ 5799-ATB. ~ 6UIDE This public.. tions i. intended for ..pplication progra_rs using ASP systetllS in which the ASP Networking PRI'Q 5799-ATB h ..s been installed. It describes the additional fo.nctional c .. pabilities that this PRPQ •• kes available to the ..pplic.. tion prog ........r and the _ ..ns by ..... ich the progra_r c .. n ..ake use of the.. It is .ssumed that the user i. f ... ili .. r with the ASP Application Prog .. a ..... r'. Manual. Rel .. ted re..ding: - IBH System/360 .nd System/370 ASP Version 3 Asymmetric Hultip ..ocessing System. Applic.tion Progr....... r's M..nu.l 16H20-1291) - Netwo ..k Job Interface (NJI). Gener.l Infor. . tion M.nu.. l IGH20-1941) - ASP Networking: Progr.m Reference .nd Oper.tions Manu.. l (SH20-1979) M..nu.. l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pgs. 4/77 ////5799-ATB SH20-1979 AlH! NE!1fORKING (PROGRAMMING Ii!!! flWJ§l REFERENCE !tm OPERATIONS fBg§ 5799-AIB This publication is intended for syst. . progra_r. responsible for inst.ll.tion and Mintenance of ASP and for ASP syst. . oper.. to.... It describes h_ to install the ASP Networking PRI'Q 5799-ATB in an existing ASP syst_ and hOM to oper.. te the netNOrk interf.. ce. The syst. . p ..ogrammer should be f.mili.r with the gene .. ation process for ASP. The syst. . operator should be familiar with the operator procedures and comm..nds for ASP This publication is comprised of five .ajor parts and two .. ppendixes. • GENERAL DESCRIPTION contains an overvi_ of the ASP Netwo .. k Job Interface. a discussion of the hardware assumed. and desc .. iption of the form .. t of the dist .. ibution tape. • INSTALLATION PROCEDURE cont.. ins a step-by-step p ..ocedure to be used to install ASP NJI in an exi.ting p ..oduction system. • INITIALIZATIDH describes the new and changed initi .. lization c ....ds to be pl.ced in the ASP .tartup deck. • OPERATOR PROCEDURES describes the procedures .nd COlll1llllndS for starting •• topping. and controlling network ope .... tions. • NJI MESSAGES describes the _sages i.sued by the system. • The two appendixes describe the line logging facility and oper.. tion in RJP mode. Rel .. ted Re.. ding: - System/360 ..nd Systeal370 ASP Version 3 Asy.matric Multiprocessing System. Gener.l Infor. . tion Manual ( GH20-1173) - System/360 and System/370 ASP Version 3 Asy.matric I'Iultiprocessing Syst... System Progr..mmer's Manual (6H20-12921 - System/360 and Systea/370 ASP Version 3 Asy..etric Multip..ocessing Syste... Operator'. Manual (6H20-1289) M.. nual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pgs. 4/77 ////5799-ATB SH2D-2000 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SH20-1980 I!Al!f NETWORKING .mml1& .PRf!i fUJ!lI.h .!.I!O fB!!!i 5799-ATC. USER'S §y!!!! This publication is designed to be both a guide and .. reference for the user of a HASP II Version 4.0 syst_ with the HASP Networking PRI'Q installed (HASP/NJI). It is assumed that the re..der is f .... iliar with the standard HASP II Version 4.0 ..nd the use of HASP control statements. For .. det.iled description of st.. ndard HASP control .tat...nts. = ~ ~ ADVANCED FUNCTION ~ fB!!§ 5740-XXO. t!Q!!ll MESSAGE ~ .PRQ.!i!6!:I 1MODEL !29!l This ...nual cont.ins an assembler listing and a narrative di scuss i on of the Hodel Hassage Control Program (Hodel HeP J that is supplied with TelecOlllll.rlications Control Syst. . Advanced Fo.nction (TCS-AF). The model HeP is intended to facilitate adaptation of TCS-AF to the user's specific requi ..ements and resources by serving as an example for study and as a model containing tested and readily adaptable code. The IIOdel HeP MY .ctually be run if the network definition corresponds (or i. changed to correspond J to the user's resources. Although efforts .re made to keep all TCS-AF aanuals current. the user should refer to the actual assetlbler listing of the model HeP. as received with TCS-AF. when using it to plan. or to aid in _king onodifications to hi. HeP. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 132 pages. 8/77 ////5740-XXO mggN = em SH20-200ft TELECOMMUNICATIONS ~ SYSTEM-ADYANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTIDH • .!.IIi .fB.Q§ 57ftO-XY3. PROGRAMMER'S GYIDEIBEFEREHCE This publication explains. in det.. il. the range of teleprocessing functions provided by TCS-ACF •• nd how to invoke these functions. It tells the user how to write a TCS-ACF/TCAM _sage control program in a single computer network environment. and also how to write TCS-ACFCOIIpatible application progr.. lI5. It is imperatiVe that the re.der use this manual in conjunction with the .ppropriate edition of the TCAH Progr....mer's Guide. This Mnual describes the level of TCS-ACF coda that functions with TCAH Level 10. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 324 pages. 10/77 ////5740-'1fr3 SH20-2005 TCS/ACF, ./.J!S fRQ§ 574D-XY3. m!!W. ~ ~ f!QiR!rI This manual cont .. ins .n assembler listing and • narrative discussion of the Model Message Control Program (Hodel HeP) that is supplied with TeleCOlDllU'lic.tions Control Syst_ Advanced COlllllU'\ications Fo.nction (TCS-ACF J. The lIOCIel HeP i. intended to facilitate .dapt.tion of TCS-ACF to the user's specific requirement• •nd resources by serving as an example for study ..nd a. a model containing tested .nd readily adapt..ble code. The model HeP uy .ctually be run if the network definition corresponds (or i. changed to correspond) to the user'. resources. Although effort. are . .de to keep all TCS-ACF manual • 657 SH20 SH20 _r.nt. the user .hould rafer to the .ctual .s._ler listing of the IIOdeI HCP. a. received Kith TCS-ACF. when using it to plan. or to .id in . .king lIOdifications to hi. I1CP. TCS/ACF IVW on S/370 W\der os/vsl or 0s/vs2. Manual. 116 pages. 6/78 ////5740->rt3 SH20-2006 TELECO!1!1UHICmONS ~ .mmt! ADVANCED CO!1!1UHICATIOtIS FUNCTION !TCS-ACF). ill fB.Q§ 5740-XY3. OPERATIONS ~ Thi. manual provides the user of TCS-ACF Kith inforlllation necessary for the operation of the TCS-ACF product. AIIong the subjects covered in the discussion qf day-to-day oper.tions are the execution of the TCS-ACF message control progralllll. restart capabUities. and operator control _ _nds .nd COlllll.nds responses. In .ddition. there is • section describing lllain storage requir8llK!l'lts. The level of TCS-ACF described in this . .nual fWlCtions Kith TCAtI Level 10. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 136 pages. 10/77 ////5740->rt3 = ////5799-NAP GR20-2020 fRQ!i 5748-Xq. GENERAL INFORMATION DMS/3770. This doCUMent contains inforllation of a general nature concerning Display Manag....ant Syst"""'3770 (DI1S/3770) MIlich provides facilities to aid in the design. hllpluentation. testing. and maintenance of application programs for the IBM 3770 Programmable Communications Terllinal. The basic function is to provide application prograllS that interface Kith the tereinal operator and to provide data collection and . . intenance Kith a variety of I/O support. Manual. 28 pages. 4/78 ////5748-XC3 m SH20-2021 0115/3770 ~ .!...L. m f!m§ 5748-XC3. REFERENCE/OPERATIONS The Display Management SystH/3770 (DI1S/3770) provides facilities to aid in the design. implementation. testing. and . . intenance of application programs for the IBM 3770 Programmable Communication Terminal on S/370. The basic function of this progra.. product is to generate application prograR15 that interface Nith the tereinal operator and to provide data collection and Maintenance Kith a variety of I/O support. This lIanual contains detailed information to be referenced by application progra.....rs. Manual. 204 pages. 7/78 ////S748-XC3 GR20-2007 TELECOt!!1UNlCATIOtIS mmm!. SYSTEM ADVANCED CQ!!!!!NlCATIONS FIlfCTION ITCS-ACF), J,Jl; fBg§ 5740-XY3. CONCEPTS FACILITIES This . .nual describes the IBM TeleceJllllllUnications Control Syst_ - Adv.nced CotIIIU>ications FWlCtion ITCS-ACF) program product. Nhich provides control for single CPU net_rk syst_ incorporating terllinals and/or application progralllll. Based on .nd enhancing IBM's TelecOllllll\mications Access Method (TCAM). TCS-ACF controls traffic bet_en terminals and application prograllS. IleSsage sKitcMng betNlHll"l GR20-2022 te,..inal•• and _sage transfer betNeen applications. Lines AUTOMATED OPERATOR FAgLIU .!!Qfl fJl! ~ VERSION 1 .nd terllinals . .y be shared .!IOng applications. Both user ~ INFORMATION application progra... and complex subsyst. . envir_ts .uch This manual provides a general introduction to the Autoeated .s CICS/ys may be .upported. queuing.nd priority Operator'Facility (AOF) to assist custoller executives. facUities for handling mixed _sage types may optimize installation . .nagel's. data base administrators. and data line use and speed delivery of inquiry/responses llesS.ges. ~ication adllinistrators in determining Nhether they A TCS-ACF ....age control prograe (HCP)' custollized by Nish to add this naN facility to their 111S/ys Data Base/Data Communication System(s). The major items included in this the user Kith TCS-ACF and TeAH lIacro instructions and assembler language. operates in the netNOrk cQIIPUter. ..nual are highlights of ADF functions. a IIDre detailed usually in a different storage-protected region or partition description of those functions. application examples. and froll application programs. installation considerations. Support FacUities include: Manual. 50 pages. 5/78 ////S740->rtD • operator control for COIIplex net_rks • online .tatistics gathering .nd security/authorization capabUities SHU-2024 • alternate path and indirect routing capabUities ~ 5740-XC2, APPLICATION PROGRAM ~ GUIDE • _sage integrity safeguards Display Management System/YS (DI1S/YS) is a set of program • start/stop. binary synchronous co.....ic.tions. and SNA synchronous data link control device support designed to simplify the implementation of online data equiv.lent to !CAH's processing operations using the 3270 Information Display Syst... The display lIanagement, file management. and • aids for minimizing application prograll device-characteristic dependencies. including extended 1185sage handling capabilities offered by DMS/YS lIake it support for the IBM 3270 Information Display Syst. . possible to illplement lIany neN or existing applications in an online envirDnllent Kith little or no user prograllllling. Note: This manual describes tha Basic TCS-ACF program and does not apply to the IlUlticOllPUter Networking Feature. Preprogrammed facilities are provided to perform display operations such as paging and panel selectionl data base and Manual. 8 1/2 x 1l inchas. 116 pages. 10/77 ////5740->rt3 file operations such as data entry. inquiry. record update. and search I and IlleSsage routing bet_en display stations. These preprogralllled facilities Kill tend to simplify the SH20-2008 design process and can lead to adoption of a standardized application design. EXTENDED FULL-SCREEN ill2 ~ INTERFACE fJl! ~ This lIanual present. a number of topics and coding fRE9 r:Y.nih ~ fB.Q§ 5799-AWP. DESCRIPIIONIOPERATIONS examples .... ich Kill help in the design and illlplementation of This . .nual describes hoM this interface progra.. permits a eany DI1S/yS applications. The eanual is intended to be used virtual . .china to control the use of a 3270 display station Kith tha 3270 console support facilities of VKl370. It also as a reference docUlll8l"lt to complement information contained provides information on the installation of the interface in tha DI1S/YS Program Reference Manual (SH20-1865). the progra... DI1S/YS Operations Guide (SH20-1864). and the DI1S/YS Logic Manual (LY20-2266). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 16 pages. 10/77 = am 658 ( ~ / ( SH20 SH20 Manual. 168 pages. 3/78 11115740-XC2.5746-XC2 '*120-2030 Y§ PERSONAL COMPUTING PLII. !Ef 5785-EAB. TERMINAL ~ §Y!Qg This book summarizes the structure of VSPC. the operation of available terminals. and outlines the VSPC cOllllllands needed for developing and running programs. A sample terminal session is given. showing step-by-step the method of constructing a prograM at the ter.inal. Prerequisite to this book is a familiarity Mith the VSPC PLII language as explained in VSPC Pl/I language Reference Manual. SH20-2031. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 116 pgs. 10/77 11115785-EAB SH20-2032 Y§ PERSONAL COMPUTING PLII. !Ef 5785-EAB. INSTALLATION REFERENCE GUIDE This document provides reference inforlliltion for the installation of the VS Personal Computing PLII language processor under to OSIVSI and OSIVS2 host operating systellS. VSPC PLII operates as a Foreground Processor in the VSPC environment under these SysteMS. The processor is a single re-enterable load module ..... ich includes the cOlllpiler and the library of execution time service subroutines. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 16 pgs. 10/77 111I5785-EAB 578S-BAA. provides the VSPC chief administrator with an easy aid to list all enrolled users and their profiles. and to list all file profiles currently in the VSPC library. These are read from either the VSPC directory (SYSLDIRI on disk or a backup tape created by the VSPC Service Progra •• Output consists of four reports: List of users and their profile attributes List of users' files and their attributes List of users' accumulated accounting information list of System. Foreground Processor. and Auxiliary Processor profiles Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pages. 1/78 11115785-EAA SH20-2059 3741 ~ GENERATOR DESCRIPTIDN/OPERATIONS This manual provides the user with sufficient infor... tion to understand. install and successfully use the progra•• Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 01/78 SH20-2067 PRIORITY I!\JEUE AGING PROCESSOR. !Yf 5796-ARG. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user with sufficient infor ..ation to understand. install and successfully use the program. The VS1 Priori ty Queue Aging Processor is designed to ensure a consistent level of service for all jobs processed in a system. Under the VSl Priority Queue Aging Processor all jobs are periodically aged or advanced in priority within the input queue. Thus. low priority jobs will eventually reach the highest dispatching priority and be executed in a timely fashion. Highlights: • Variable. time initiated processing of the job queue • Ages both centrally submi tted (local I and RJE (remote) jobs • Operator query and modification of the scan time period • Executes in a normal batch partition • Employs standard interfaces to the OSIVS1 operating systl!lll Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 24 pages. 5/78 ////S796-ARG ~ SH20-2046 AfJ. COMPUTER AIDED INSllWCTION. 5796-PJN. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This manual is designed to provide the necessary infor... tipn for installing and using the APl COIIIpUter Aided Instruction for 370 Systems. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 96 pages. 5178 11115796-PJW SH20-2047 !!mi.! REMOTE!:!QQg ENTRY SYSTEM. !Yf S796-PJY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASEI This Program Oescription/Operations Manual provides the user Mith sufficient infor..ation to understand. install and successfully use the prograM. The Host Remote Node Entry Systu. Installed User Progra.. (5796-PJYI. provides the capability of ..aking a VS1 system a remote job entry station to any OSIVS2 MVS/JES2 or SVSIHASP systeno or another OSIVSI systeno. (In an OSIVS1 to OSIVSI configuration. HRNES could be installed on both CPUs. but is not required. This prograM. running in a VS1 partition. Mill do the followingl automatically sign on to MVSIJES2 or SVSIHASP. SCAN the specified VSl input queues and send all jobs found there to MVS/JES2 or SVSIHASP for execution. receive all output fro. MVS/JES2 or SVS/HASP and will disperse it to the originator at either a local printer/punch or to an RJE printer/punch. provide all MVS/JES2 or SVSlHASP RJE commands to the VS1 operator. provide commands to the VSl operator. allow sign-off fro. the VSl console. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 1/78 1IIIS796-PJY SH20-2073 INS-APl DATA lINK f!2R VSPC. !Yf 5796-PLA. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This .... nu.. l describes how to install and use the INS-APL Data Link for VSPC. Sections concerning hardware and software prerequisites. sample JCL. and program checkout procedures ... re intended to be used by systems progr .. mmers. Other sections dealing with termin.. l procedures .. re intended for APl terminal users. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 56 p.. ges. 2/78 11115796-PLA SH20-2077 SH20-20S0 LIBRARY f!Yt!L. !Ef '785-EAA. DESCRIPTIONIQPERATIONS This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user Mith sufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the program. The VSPC Library Print Progra.. Installed User Program ~ 659 §l EXAMPLE. lYe 5796-PKT. DESCRIPTION/QPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual is intended for those operations personnel responsible for the installation ...pplication. and ... i ntenance of Query-by-Ex..mple in the end-user envi ronment. It is also intended for the end user who is a data processing professional. The Query-by-Example Installed User Progr.... i. a YM/370 CMS-based facility. It is intended for use with an IBM 3277 (Model 2) Display Station in an interactive mode. It does. hoMever. have a linear syntax for use in batch processing and with non-3277 input ter.. inals. Query-by-Example provides the end user community with a simple and unified ~ !H20 !H20 approach to manipulating data stored on a Query-by-Example data base. The major feature of Query-by-Example is its high-level language which is simple to learn and use Nhile providing a powerful capability for defining. retrieving. updating. inserting. and deleting Query-by-Example stored data. The Query-by-Example language provides for: • Definition of tables. • Definition of access control luser authority). • Retrieval of data from tables via query operations. • Flexible update. insert. and delete operations. • Query storage and recall. • Disk and printer output control. Additional system features include: • A bulk-loading facility for entering data into QBE. • An IMS extract facility Nhich provides a selection capability for incorporating. via the bulk-loading facility. subsets of operational IMS data bases into Query-by-Example. . • A set of utilities for backup. restore. analysis. and compaction of data. • An application programming interface for PLlI and APL progralllS executing in the YM/CMS envirOrlllent. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 144 pages. 9/78 ////5796-PKT ////5796-PKK !H20-2l00 filB!R!tf I:! EXIENIIED OPTIMIZATION ENHANCEMEN[. lYe 5796-PKR. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ~ This manual contains reference information for the"' 1M System/370 Fortran H Extended Optimization Enhancement. The" Optimization Enhancement provides a higher level of optillization for the compilation of Fortran language source prograllS into .executable object progralllS. It also provic!as faster versions of the IIOIIt cOllllllOllly used mathematical subroutines in the Fortran library and of the interpretation and conversion subroutines necessary for fOMlllltted input and output. The Optimization Enhanc...ent requires no changes to Fortran source programs. The Optimization Enhancelllel'lt generally results in object programs Nhich run faster than those executed .under the standard Fortran H Extended compiler and library. The aMOUnt of improvement varies frail program to program and from one System/370 model to another. In general. the best resul ts are observed for larger programs on larger systems. The Optimization Enhancement runs under YM/CMS. os/vsl. and OS/vS2 using the same conventions as the standard Fortran H Extended compiler and library. Manual. 60 pages. 8/78 ////5796-PKR SH20-2078 QUERY III EXAMPLE. 5796-PKT. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURREN[ RELEASE) (CURREN[ RELEASE! !H20-2l03 This m"nual is intended for a Nide range of users. frOll 1m fY!J. SCREEH SUPPORT f!lB gmw, Ylm!Ii !EJ. !IH:! 5796-AT!S. people Nith little or no computer experience to those Mho DESCRIPTIOH/oPERATIQNS know computers well and use thea professionally. Therefore. The 3270 Full Screen Support for COBOL using TSO. Installed the manual is organized into three general areas: User Program 5796-ATK. developed by the University of Hotre introduction. language examples. and reference material. Dame in Indiana. provides the COBOL prograuer Nith the The first tllO sections contain introductory informationl ability to utilize the facilities of the 3270 under TSO and they tell you about computers and t ..ch you haN to use not be concerned Nith the details of formatting the screen. Query-by-Example. The next four sections shoN you haN to This manual describes the capabilities of the syst. . and use all of the facilities of the Query-by-Example language provides installation instructions and prograMing to retrieve. update insert. and delete data froll tables. as information • ...11 as haN to create tables of your ONl'I! authorize others Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4D pages. 9/78 to use your tables. store queries for later use. and ////5796-ATK manipulate your output. The last section contains reference material to be used after you have learned the language. Appendices contain additional reference material. Query-by- SH20-2104 Example is a powerful and flexible language Nhich can be ACF/VIAM ! ~ DEFINITION ~ 5796-PKY used to manipUlate tabular informationl that is. information DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS arranged by rows and columns. This manual is a guide for installing and using the ACF/VTAJ1 Query-by-Example lets you look at. updata. create. add to. and HOSP Definition Aid Installed User Prograll. It is and delete from this data in a convenient and simple marneI'. intended for the systems programmer(s! responsible for For example. you might Nant to obtain the names of all defining and maintaining an ACF/VTAM .ultiple domain employees Mho work second shift in the Chicago area. To netlHlrk. obtain a list of these names. you fill in a blank table by The IUP can be used to generate the cross domain typing in the required information. thus asking Query-byresource (CDRSC) definitions for ACF/VTAH and the resource Example to get the list for you. The list of names appears routing default IRFD! definitions for HOSP. in front of you on a display screen. You can then either Written in System/370 Assembler language and designed to act on this information by updating the data or make a naN operate Ni th Os/vSl Release 6 and OS/vS2 I SVS Release 1.7 request. and MVS Release 3.7). it uses only sequential access Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 212 pages. 9/78 methods. The forllats of the definitions generated are ////5796-PKT compatible Nith ACF/VTAH and the Network Operation Support PrograM I HaSP!. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 7/78 SH20-2088 ////5796-PKY mLb!S DATA TRANSFER. !IH:! 5796-PKK. DESCRIPIIOWOPERATIONS The Bulk Data Transfer IUP provides users of HUE for JES2. HASP/NJI and ASP/NJI"Nith the capability to transfer data !H20-2l05 sets frOla one mode in a network to another. This ~ EMERGENCY J,Q§ TERMINATOR' !IH:! 5796-ATH. requirellent is COIlllllOn to a number of customers Mho Nish to DESCRIPIION/OPERATIONS transmit large data files between geographically separated This Program Description/Operations Manual provides the user systems or co-located systems via the channel-to-channel Nith sufficient information to Wlderstand. install and adaptor. This manual includes operating procedures. successfully use the program. The IMS/vS Emergency Log Terminator prograll is to be installation instructions .....sage fo .... ts. and error conditions for this IUP. used ..men an IMS/VS Syst. . Log Tape cannot be otherNise Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 5/78 closed through nor ... l programs and procedures. This 660 ( SH20 SH20 typically occurs following a catastrophic failure such as a &H20-2141 power failure. ~ APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE Expeditious closing of the IMSIVS Syst_ Log Tape is This document is intended as a guide to basic applications required in order to attempt IMSIVS Ellergency Restart as progralllling under an ACP System. Although sOftIe areas soon as possible after a syst.. failure. This is frequently discussed Mill be helpful to designers. this manual is not successfully done by the existing IMSIVS SysteM Log intended as an application design guide. The intended Te...ination Utility Program (DFSIFLOTOI. When DFSIFLOTO is audience for this document are the basic application not successful. such as oohen the systell dump is not programmers Mho. in practice. are given an overall design available. due to a po_r failure. the log must be closed in and are expected to provide detail design. coding and sOllMl other May before an Ellerseney Restart can be attempted. implementation. The only prerequisite to the use of this In both on-line and batch IMSIVS environments. the properly .anual is a working knowledge of data processing and basic assembler language. closed log is also needed to effect data base recovery. To insure the integrity this requires. use of the IMS Write Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 118 pages. 6/81 Ahead Log feature is a prerequisite for this IUP. ////5799-WKG.5748-TI2 Manual. 8 11'2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 9/78 ////5796-ATN !!H20-2142 TCS-ACF ~ ! NETWORKING LOGIC. i l l f8!!§ 5740-XY3 This publication explains. in detail. the range of SH20-2107 teleprocessing functions provided by TCS-ACF Version 2 ~ SPACE MANAGEMENT UTILITIES. m 5796-f'KF. DESCRIPTION/OPERATION including the TSC-ACF Base Program plus the Networking The DVI DOS/VS Space Managa.ent Utilities can illProve Feature. It tells the user how to write a TCS-ACF/TCAM systeM perfor_nce and prograomner productivity. They are message control program in a single or a multiple computer designed to detect and report DVI HD pointer discrepancies. network environllent. and also how to write TCS-ACF to provide statistics and information for HD tuning and to COIIPBtible application programs. It is imperative that the assist with segment restructuring and reloading during data reader use this manual in conjunction with the ACF/TCAH base reorganization. System Programmer's Guides. This lIanual describes the level Thb ..nual describes the function of the three DVI of TCS-ACF code that functions with ACF/TCAM base feature Space Management Utilities. how to specify input to theM. number 9001 and Networking feature number 6008. The and how to interpret the utility output. In addition. it ACF/TCAM NetMorking Feature is a prerequisite for the describes the operating ;'lStructions. lists error messages. TCS-ACF Networking fe.ture. and provides installation guidelines. This lIanual is both a Manual. 428 pages. 6/78 syst... description and an installation and operations ////5740-XY3 reference dOCUllent. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 180 pages. 8/78 ////5796-PKF SHEO-2144 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION !TCS-ACFl ~ L. i l l fRQ§ 5740-X13. NETWORKING OPERATIONS §YI2S SH20-21l2 This manual provides the user of TCS-ACF for S/370 OSlVSl or ~ COMPATIBILITI f!l! ~ Ylm!I! VTAMaCAM 5796-ATW OS/VS2 Mith information necessary for the operation of The 2260 Compatibility for CICSIVS Us,ing VTAlVTCAM. Installed User Program 5796-ATW. developed by the Public TCS-ACF Version 2 - including the TCS-ACF Base Program plus Service Company of Colorado. provides code and procedures the Networking feature. Among the subjects covered in the which enable II05t CICS application programs written for the discussion of day-to-day operations are the execution of the TCS-ACF Ille5sage control programs. restart capabilities. and 2260/2741 to be easily converted to run in an SNA environment with either VTAM or TCAM. The IUP requires a operator control commands. and commands responses. In 3270 with a 1920 character screen or greater and is designed addition. there is a section describing main storage to reduce the time needed to migrate existing 2260/2741 requirements. CICs/VS applications to VTAM or TCAM by replacing the DFHTC The level of TCS-ACF described in this manual functfons ..cro with a new PSCTC ..cro. with ACF/TCAM Base feature number 9001 and Networking This ..nual provides a systeM overview. installation feature number 6008. The ACF/TCAM Networking feature is a instructions. sallPle probl_ exercise and reco-.nded prerequisite for the TCS-ACF Networking feature. conversion procedures. Manual. 162 pages. 6/78 ////S740-XY3 Manual ////5796-ATW m.a = .B!!! fAH. FORMATTING SERVICES. lYe 5796-AWE. SH20-2145 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION (TCS-ACFI m ! §Mg ~ OPERATIONS GUIDE This manual provides the user of TCS-ACF with information necessary for the operation of the TCS-ACF Version 2 Base Prograll for S/370 OSIVSI or OS/vS2. Among the subjects covered in the discussion of day-to-day operations are the execution of the TCS-ACF Ile5sage control programs. restart capabilities. and operator control cOllmands and cOIImand responses. In addition. there is a section describing lIain storage requirements. The level of TCS-ACF described in this manual functions Mith ACF/TCAH Base feature number 9001 and Networking feature number 6008. The TCS-ACF Networking feature is not described in this manual. Manual. 144 pages. 6/78 //I/5740-'X:r3 = SH20-2125 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The IBM 3800 Page Formatting Services IUP allows an OSIVS user to take advantage of all1est all IBM 3800 features with .ini.,.l education and effort on the part of the applic.tions progralllller. The purpose of this ...nual is to provide the user MUh sufficient inforMation to understand. install and use this IUP. While prillarily a users' guide. it also provides both detail installation info...ation for the systell progr......r and general information for planning purposes. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches. 100 pages. 4/79 ////5796-AWE' 661 ( / SH20 SH20 SH20-2148 IMSIVS AUTOMATED OPERATOR FACILITY I AOF ). ,ll!; f.!!Q§ S740-XYD. REFERENCE/OPERATIONS The Automated Operator Facility IADF) can i~rove the operational environment and the availability of IMSIVS Version 1 by distributing the master terminal operator's responsibilities. by providing an automated procedure for restoration of the status of IMSIVS resources after a restart. and by providing for dynamic command generation. This manual contains detaHed information on the functions of AOF and ho.. to prepare for and use this facility. It is provided for data base and data communication administrators. system programmers. installation managers. and terminal operators. Manual. 256 pages. 2/79 ////S740-XYD GH20-2156 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION ITCS-ACF). NETWORKING. CONCEPTS Mm FACILITIES MANUAL This manual introduces the Networking feature of reS-ACF. Nhich may be ordered with TCS-ACF Base program. The Networking feature enriches the functions provided by ACF/TCAM with the Multisystem Networking Facility. The Networking feature of TCS-ASF: Extends device support provided by ACE/TCAM MSNF Provides enhanced routing capability and traffic management facilities. Provides an integrated inter-host message switching capability. Simplifies network definition in a multi-host network. Provides a structure for incorporation of foreign (non-SMA) hosts. foreign links. or IlUltiple SMA networks into a single network. Provides a Model Message Control Program that can be run without change. or tailored to the user's requirements. Manual. 36 pages. 1/79 ////5740-XY3 Nith the data storage capabilities of IMS. An APl or eMS user may submit IMS transactions and. upon completion of IMS processing. have IMS output available in the users' APL or CMS address space. After processing the data. the user may store results in the IMS system. This publication describes how to install and use the program. Sections concerning hardware and software prerequisites. sample JCL. and program checkout procedures are intended to be used by systems programmers. Other sections dealing with terminal procedures are intended for APL and CMS terminal users. Manual. 88 pages. 1/79 ////S796-PLE SH20-2169 HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL Qf ~ llm Wlli !Ye S787-LAA. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS Many IMSIVS installations run batch DVI jobs which sequentially process large physical DVI data bases. If the installation is an online system. these batch runs may have to be made at night while the data bases are not being updated. In both cases there may be a need to increase the system throughout. High-Speed Sequential Retrieval IHSSR) was designed as a high performance option to improve throughput for sequential processing of IMSIVS physical data bases. The reduction in CPU-time depends on the Data Base envirOl"llllent. but could reach up to 80r. of the CPU-time needed by DVI. With HSSR. an installation may: Reduce the time required for batch processing • • Find that new batch applications are now feasible • Run online for a longer period of time This Installed User Program was developed by. and is l"UYIing at. the Swiss Bank Corporation. Basel. Switzerland. Manual ////S787-bAA SH20-2171 S796-PLQ. DESCRIPIlmtlOPERAIIOHS This publication describes the capabilities of VSE/PT Version 2 Release 2.3 and provides the information necessary to install and use the programs. VSE/PT is a set of programs that monitors the performance of a processor running VSE/AF or VSE/SP. It also produces reports which evaluate system performance of the VSE/AF or VSE/SP system so monitored. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 154 pages. 4/85 ////S796-PLQ ~ 3H20-2161 RACF/CODES UPDATE SYSTEM. !Ye S7?6-PlK DESCRIPTlmtlOPERATIOHS The RACF/Codes Update System Installed USer Program is a fully automated password generation and auditing system. It provides the installation with the ability to update RACF user type passwords and/or audit their users within any desirable time frame. With the use of the system. a RACF installation can centralize the control of the password assignment and change functions which are normally a RACF SH20-2176 user responsibility. ~ MONITORING FACILITY IlL !Yf S796-PLW. The RACF/Codes Update System is de5igned to be used with DESCRIPTImVOPERATIOtlS "snap-out" form-type mailers. Nhich are readily available JES3 Monitoring Facility II IJMF II) is a software monitor from various forms vendors. The program prints the new that provides the ability to ..asure and evaluate the password. name and address. and any user message on the performance of an existing IBM system operating under JES3 cover sheet of the special form. This cover sheet is Release 3. This program DescriptiOn/Operations Manual provides all removed and held as the master listing and is used for the auditing process. The new password and message are printed the material necessary to install and operate the JMF II Installed User Program (IUP). It is intended for the only on the cover sheet and on the inside part of the form. This is accomplished by the arrangement of carbons within systems prograllltller(s) responsible for maintaining and tuning the eiler envelope. The new password is visible only when the JES3IMVS operating system. it is separated frOlll the envelope portion of the multipart An in depth knowledge of JES3 internals is required for form. proper and effective use of this program. This document Manual. 20 pages. 1/79 does not provide that knowledge. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Manual ////S796-PLW SH20-2166 !Hl! ~ DATA.!.I!:!!S fQH ~ IUP S796-PLE. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This program links the power of APL or CMS data manipulation = 662 ( \.. ( SH20 SH20 SH20-2177 !lill EXTRACTION PROCESSING ! RESTRUCTURING SYSTEM. IUP 5796-PLH. DESCRIPTIDN/OPERATIONS This is a generalized data restructuring and extraction progra... It takes sequential files and/or DLII data bases, and restructures them or extracts information from theJa, to form ne" sequential files or different DLII data bases. During the process, validity checking and data translation are performed. The syste.. is driven by two high-level control statentent facilities: Define, for data description, and Convert, for data restructuring. The progra.. consists of three components: a reader, a restructurer, and a "riter. The system is written in PLII and assembler languages. It generates customized PilI Programs and requires PLII compiler and libraries for execution. It operates under OSIVSl, SVS, and I1VS. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 356 pages, 8/79 11115796-PLH SH20-2178 Illli EXTRACTION PROCESSING ! RESTRUCTURING SYSTEM. .ll!!! 5796-PLH. REFEREtiCE The Data Extraction. Processing, and Restructuring Syst_ can access a wide variety of data and translate and restructure it for new uses. It is driven by two control statement facilities: Define, which the user codes to describe the data, and Convert. which the user codes to specify how the data is to be restructured. This manual describes the Define and Convert control statements in detail. provides many examples. and explains techniques for correcting errors. Manual 11115796-PLH ( GH20-2195 DMS/CICSIVS. 5746-XC4. 5740-XC5. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASEI Developnoent Management Systea/CICSIVS (DMS/CICSIVSI is a set of programs designed to simplify the implementation of online data processing operations·using the 3270 Information Display System. The display management. file management, and message handling capabilities offered by DMS/CICSIVS make it possible to ir~lement many new or existing applications in an online environment with little or no user programming. Preprogrammed facilities are provided to perform display operations such as paging and panel selection; data base and file operations such as data entry. inquiry. record update, and search; and message routing between display stations. Application specification is simplified by the application generation facility. The user describes data files, display station images (panelsl, and application processing either interactively fra. a display station or through the use of DMS/CICSIVS forms. Calculation/edit statements may be used to perform arithmetic operations, editing of data fields for validity and movement of data between fields. The DMS/CICSIVS processing flow may be altered through the use of these calculation/edit statements. The number of user exit routines previously needed to perform these functions should be significantly reduced. DMS/CICSIVS operates under control of the IBM Customer Information Control SystemlVS (CICSIVS). This manual provides an overview of the DMS/CICS/VS functions. Statements of customer responsibi li ties, programming system requirements. and system configuration are included. The DMS/CICSIVS online functions and offline maintenance facilities are distributed as part of the DMS/CICSIVS base program products (5740-XC5 and 5746-XC41. The batch and interactive application definition facilities and the batch application generation facility are distributed as the DMS/CICS/VS Application Generation feature. Manual, 92 pages. 2179 11115740-XC5,5746-XC4 SH20-2191 TELECOI1I1UHICATIONS ~ ~ ADVANCED COI1I1UHICATIONS FUNCTION (JCS-ACF) NEn!ORKING i l l PROG 5740-XY3 MODE L MESSAGE COIITROL PROGRAM .!.!:!ll!!.ll MCP) This manual contains an assembler listing and a narrative 6H20-2197 discussion of the Model Message Control Progra.. (Model MCPI ~ ~ DISPLAY SUPPORT STRUCTURED FACILITY (SPE/CMSIr that is supplied with Telecommunications Control SystBII i l l PROG 5748-XT3. GENERAL INFORMATION Advanced Communications Function (TCS-ACFI, Base Program This document contains a description of the Structured "ith Networking Feature. Programming Eacility for VI1/CMS. SPE/CMS is functionally equivalent to the SPEITSO program product, 5740-XT8, Version The model MCP is intended to facilitate adaptation of 2.2. The two products are fully compatible in display TCS-ACF to the user's specific requirements and resources by serving as an example for study and as a model containing formats and operation, except for those features that are tested and readily adaptable code. The IIOdel MCP may explici tly oriented to the VS2ITSO or VI1/CMS envi ronment actually be run if the network definition corresponds (or is (see Appendi x B I. Manual, 60 pages. 2/78 changed to correspond I to the user's resources. Although efforts are made to keep all TCS-ACF manuals 11115748-XT3 current. the user should refer to the actual assembler listing of the !IOdel MCP, as received with ICS-ACF. when using it to plan, or to aid in making MOdifications to his SH20-2198 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL ~ ADVANCED COMMUNICATION MCP. FUNCTION ITCS-ACF) BASE PROGRAM. i l l fE.Q§ 5740-XY3 Manual. 268 pages. 2/79 MODEL ~ CONTROL PROGRAM (MODEL .tJg!! 11115740-XY3 This manual contains an assembler listing and a narrative discussion of the Model Message Control Program (Model MCP) that is supplied with Telecommunications Control System, 6H20-2192 Advanced Communications Functions (TCS-ACEI. Base Program. TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM-ADVANCED COI1I1UNICATIONS The model MCP is intended to facilitate adaptation of FUNCTION (TCS-ACF). i l l PROG 5740-XY3. ~ ~ CONCEPIS At!!!. FACILITIES ICS-ACE to the user's specific requirements and resources by This manual introduces the IBM Telecommunications Control serving as an example for study and as a model containing tested and readily adaptable code. The model MCP may System-Advanced Communications Eunction (ICS-ACEI program product, and describes the facilities provided, and the actually be run if the network definition corresponds (01" is syste.. design structure Used. (Only the TCS-ACE Base changed to correspond) to the user's resources. progra.. is described and not the TCS-ACE Networking feature. Although efforts ara made to keep all TCS-ACF manuals The Networking feature is described in a separate manual. current. the user should refer to the actual assembler Hsting of the MOdel MCP, as received with ICS-ACE, when Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 32 pages, 1/79 11115740-XY3 using it to plan 01" to aid in .aking)DOdifications in this MCP. ' = = 663 ( !H20 !H20 to iepleeent a Mide range of applications Mithout the need for programming. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 700 peges. 12184 nanual. 112 pega. 2n9 11115740-XY3 11115740-XCS.5746-XC4 6H20-2199 mwm B.4 WORKSTATION JW&m 1 INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE! TM. publication •• ganeral description of the DOSIVSE Remote Job Entry (RJE! Workstation Program. i. intended primarily •• an .id in evaluating the progr.m and .ay al.o .erve a. a guide in plaming the 1IlIpl_tation of a DOSIVSE NOrk.tation. After li.ting the progr•• •• •dvantages, the manual present. an overvi ... of the program. then di .cus.es it. .tructure and functions, the operation Qf the work.tation, and finally the generation and installation of the program. nanual, 36 peges, 3/79 ~ !H20-2337 BIH VERSION 1 MODIFICATION ~ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURREN! RELEASE! The VI1 Real Tillie Honitor i. an installed user program that provides online performance analysis and problem .olving facilities of VI1 .ystems. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 9/84 ~ 11115796-PNA SH20-2341 Ae!. EXTENDED EDITOR Mm fY!..!. SCREEN HANAGER. lYe 5796-PLY. OESCRIPTIOtllOPERATIONS Thi. 118nual describes the functional capabilities of the VS APL Extended Editor and Full Screen Hanager. It contains a general overvi ... of the editor. detailed descriptions of the co_nels available. and illustrations of the usage of the cOlll11l8nds. Also included are the instructions neces.ary to install and use the VS APL Extended Editor and Full Screen Manager. The VS APL Extended Editor i. written in S/370 Assembler and i. a replacement for the standard APL del-editor. The Extended Editor supports the hardware editing features of the 3270 display station. and aids the APL progra_er in the creation. IIOditication, and testing of prograllS in a shorter aeount of time. The Full Screen Manager is an auxiliary processor that allows the APL programmer to manipulate the 3270 console in full screen DOde. The auxiliary processor. AP124X, is si.ilar to the APL124 auxiliary processor for VSPC and CICS. AP124X has additional capabilities that are not available in the ver.ions for VSPC and CICS. Some of the eajor features of this IUP are: • Full 'Screen,Support for Editor • Full Screen Support for APL programmer • MUltiple Function Parallel Editing • Execution of APL expressions Mithin the Editor • Context Editing COllmanc:fs • Ability to Edit Character Hatrices and Vector. • Competibility Mith del-editor • Similarity to CHS and TSC Editors Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 144 pages. 8179 11115746-RC9 ~ 6H20-2204 NETWORKIN6 .I!B.I!!J ~ ~ INFQR!1AJION Thi. publication de.cribes the concept., advantages, and requirement. for using the JES3lNetworking PRPQ. Thi. inforeation i. intended for data proces.ing .anagers and .ystu progra_rs IIho are responsible for a •• es.ing the potential for improved resource utilization through job networking. Flyer, 16 pgs, 2/79 ~ 11115799-AZT !H20-2205 DOSIVSE !i.m !!ORKSTATIOlh 5746-RC9. REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE! Thi. publication defines and describeS the facilities provided by the DOSIVSE Remote Job Entry Work.tation Program and contains the information nece.sary to plan for utilization and installation. I t is intended for use by the syst_ progra_r responsible for installing and maintaining the system. Additional information on the operation and use of DOSIVSE Ruote Job Entry Workstation Program i. directed to COMPUter data center personnel responsible for operation planning. The eanual describes the progra•• explains the internal structure in teres of functions provided. and discusses the operating procedures. I t also describes the device .upport. storage and progra.ing .yst. . requireeents. and perforeance considerations. Manual. 112 pages. 3179 .oma 11115796-PLY 11115746-RC9 !H20-2356 !H20-2206 DOSIVSE ill NQRKSTATION. 5746-RC9. OPERATIONS ~ (CURREN! RELEASE! Thi. publication describeS the operation and installation of the DOSIVSE Remote Job Entry Workstation Progra.. It is intended for use by the systee program. .r responsible for installing and Maintaining the syst. . and by the operator at the workstation computer. The manual explains the use of _anels to control processing and li.t. the messages produced by the program. It also defines the generation parameters and describes how to install and generate the program. Manual. 112 pages. 3/79 .wa INFORHATION RETRIEVAL 1!!mH f.!1B QIli DESQRIPTIQNIOPERATIONS Thi. manual is intended for personnel installing and using the JES2 Infor.ation Retrieval System for CHS. IUP 5796-AYD. It describes the .ystu as well a. installation. operation. and checkout procedure•• Hanual 11115796-AYD !H20-2361 11115746-RC9 COMPARE/AUDIT Y!lLI!! DESCRIPIIOHIQPERATIgNS This Program Description/Operations Hanual provides the user Mith .ufficient information to understand. install and successfully use the progra•• Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 88 pages. 09179 ~ 11115796-PLZ. S1f20-2209 DEVELOPHEN! MANAGEHEN! SYSIEMlCUSTDMER INFORMATION ~ SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE (DI1S/CICSIVS!. 5740-XC5. 5746-XC, PBOGRAH REFERENCE (CURREN! RELEASE! The Developeent Manageeent Syst. . (DI1SICICSIVS! can be used 664 ( SH2D &H20 functional capabilities that this PRI'Q ..akes available to li!!!!m!§ OPTION .ll.Z!! DISPLAY SUPPORT HI! STRUCllJRED the application programmer and hoM the programmer can make PROGRAMMING FACILITY. ill fB.Q!U INSTALLATION !tm CUSTOMIZER use of them. GUIDE Manual. 16 pages. 9/79 The Structured Progralll1lli ng Fac U;ty is a prograM development ////5799-AZT tool designed to take advantage of the characteristics of IBM 3270 display terminals. and to increase productivity in the Time Sharing Option environment for users of both SH20-2434 structured and conventional programMing techniques. VSE/3270 BISYNCHRONOUS PASS THROUGH. LIC fRQ§ 5746-AM5. This ..nual provides detaHed information on hoM to install PROGRAM REFERENCE A OPERATIONS and customize the Structured Programming Facility under the The VSE/3270 Bisync Pass Through program product provides a Time Sharing Option of VS2 Release 1.7 (SVS), or VS2 Release host-connect facility for terminals attached to IBM 4300 3.7 or 3.8 (KVS). Processors. System/370. and the IBM 3031 Processors in a distributed environment. Manual. 76 pages. 7/79 ////574D-XT8 This manual provides the technical installation and operation detail for the VSE/3270 Bisync Pass Through program. Manual. 52 pages. 2/80 SH20-2409 // //5746-/IJ15 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY/CONVERSATIONAL ~ SYSTEM PROGRAM REFERENCE The Structured Progral\lllling FacUity is a program development tool designed to take advantage of the characteristics of SH20-2462 IBM 3270 display terminals. and to increase productivity in DOS/VS/AF3 ~ WORKSTATION. ill fRQ!i 5746-RC9. an interactive environment for users of both structured and OPERATOR'S GUIDE conventional programming techniques. This publication describes the operation and installation of The Structured Programming Facility/Conversational the DOS/vSE/AF3 Remote Job Entry Workstation Program. It is Monitor System is functionally equivalent to the Structured intended for the system programmer responsible for Programming Facility/Time Sharing Option program product. installing and maintaining the system and by the operator at 5740-XT8. Version 2.2. The tNO products are fully the NOrkstation computer. compatible in display formats and operation. except for The manual explains the use of commands to control processing and lists the messages produced by the prograM. those features that are explicitly oriented to the Time Sharing Option or the Conversational Monitor Systena. It also defines the generation parameters and describes hoM to install and generate the program. This ..anual provides detailed information on hoM to usa this program product. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 124 pages. 9/80 ////5746-RC9 Manual. 176 pages. 9/79 ////5748-XT3 SH2D-24D2 ll!:!! ( SH20-2415 JOB ENTRY SUBSYSTEM 3/NEIWORKING' ill fRQ!i 5799-AZT. PROGRAM REFERENCE MANUAL This publication is intended for syst.. prograMers responsible for the installation and Maintenance of the Job Entry Subsystem 3/Netlllorking PRI'Q. It describes hoM to install and initialize the Job Entry Subsystllll 3/NetNOrking PRP\! in the existing Job Entry Subsystllll 3 syst... The reader should be familiar Mith the generation process for Job Entry Subsystem 3. Manual. 36 pages. 9/79 ////5799-AZT SH20-2416 SH20-2463 DOS/vsE/AF3 ~ WORKSTATION. ill PROG 5746-RC9. REFERENCE This publication defines and describes the facilities provided by the DOS/vSE/AF3 Remote Job Entry Workstation PrograM and contains the information necessary to plan for. utilization and installation. It is intended for the syst. . progran:mer responsible for installing and maintaining the system. Additional information on the operation and use of OOS/vSE/AF3 Remote Job Entry Workstation Program is directed to computer data center personnel responsible for operation planning. The Manual describes the program. explains the internal structure in terms of functions provided. and discusses the operating procedures. It also describes the device support. storage and programming system requirements, and performance considerations. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 104 pages, 9/80 ////5746-RC9 ENTRY SUBSYSTEM ¥NETWORKING. ill PROS 5799-AZT. OPERATIONS GUIDE This publication is a guide and reference for the operator of a Job Entry Subsyst... 3 Release 3 (SU26) syst.. Mith the Job Entry Subsyst.. 3/NetlllOrking PRPt! installed. It assumes 61120-2479 that the operator is familiar Mith the Operator's Library: ,lg§ NETWORK FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATIot! OS/vS2 Reference (Job Entry Subsystem 3) Manual (6C38-0226). This publication provides a general description of the VSl It presents specific operating techniques and operator Job Networking Facility program. It is intended as an aid commands related to computer networking. The Job Entry in evaluating the program, and is addressed to executives Subsystem 3/Net_rking IlleSsages are defined in terllS of the and managers Mho make data processing decisions. system action and the required operator response. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 20 pages, 11/80 ////5740-XYW Manual, 28 pages, 9/79 ////5799-AZT ,lg§ 6H20-2485 .ul COI1I1UNICATIONS FACILITYIHOST SENERAL INFORMATION This publication describes Communications FacilitylHost, an ,lg§ !!!!R! SUBSYSTEM 3/NETWORKING. ill .PRS!§ 5799-AZT. wm!.:.J IBM licensed program that provides the functions needed to §!!ill route data and programs betMeen a 4300 (or 370/30XX) and a This publication is intended for application progra..... rs using Job Entry Subsystem 3 systems Mith Job Entry Subsyst. . Series/l netNOrk via communication lines. Manual, 20 pages, 12/81 3/NetloIOrking PRI'Q installed. It describes the additional SH20-2417 665 ( SH20 SH20 progra.. plus key additional functions. UDACS can copy, print, alter and/or select records all in only one pass of the file. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 7ft pages, 02/81 1//15796-BAF 1//15668-979 SH20-2486 ItfTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY ~ §YlRf; (CURREN! RELEASE) The Interactive Productivity Facility is a tool designed to assist in the .... nagement and use of computer systems. This manual provides detail reference information which you May need when using this product in a VSE or a VK/VSE environment. Of special interest is the inforllation on problem determination and methods you can use to bypass problems. Also. the Interactive Productivity Facility dialogs are discussed in detail. Manual. 180 pages, 10/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GH20-2492 IlfTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY m WIl!B! GENERAL INFORMATION This manual provides a general overvieN of the Interactive Productivity Facility concepts and facilities. It is intended for executives, system and application programmers, and operations personnel Mho want to learn about the Interactive Productivity Facility and its applicability in their environment. This manual describes the major facilities of the Interactive Productivity Facility, including the unique menu-driven dialogs that assist the user in performing a desired activity. Sample menu, data entry, and explain panels are shown with an explanation of their function and use. There are no prerequisite publications. Manual, 48 pages. 09/81 SH20-2523 VM/370 nBn!Al. LIBRARIAN TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE For inforllation about this publication contact the controlling party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List, ZZ20-0100. Manual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SH20-252ft INTRODUCTION IQ m DATA EXTRACTION PROCESSING !t!!l RESTRUCnJRING SYSTEM TEXTBOOK This course is for individuals Mho need to use the Restructuring System to restructure and manipulate data. The course will be of particular interest to Application Programmers who must create and .... intain files and databases. In addition, it is of value to Database Achllinistrators and any other individuals Mho are confronted with the need to extract, restructure, or edit data files. This course teaches the functions and architecture of the Restructuring Syst.... I t includes detailed instructions in the preparation of control statements used to generate tailor-made READER, CONVERT, and WRITER programs of this syst.... It also explains the operational procedures to fo11011 in order to generate and to execute these prograMS. Manual 11115796-PLH 111/5748-MSl SH20-2503 SOFTWARE liYffQR! §lmt! fRf9 MK6133 OPERATIONS GUIDE This publication presents the basic information an operator needs to run the Software Support System. This progra_ing RPQ is available on special quotation only. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 72 pages /1/15799-BAJ SH20-250ft SOFTWARE SUPPORT §lmt! fRf!t 111<6133 ~ !t!!l MAItfTENANCE This publication presents the basic infor.... tion a syst... programmer needs to install and maintain the Software Support Syst.... This progra_ing RPQ is available only on special quotation. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2ftO pages, 10/80 SH20-2525 ItfTRODUCTION IQ m ~ EXTRACTION PROCESSING MIll RESTRUCTURItl6 SYSTEM EY!U GUIDE This course is for individuals who need to use the Restructuring Syst... to restructure and manipulate data. The course will be of particular interest to Application Programmers Mho DUSt create and maintain files and databases. In addition, it is of value to Database Administrators and any other individuals Mho are confronted with the need to extract, restructure, or edit data files. This course teaches the functions and architecture of the Restructuring System. It includes detailed instructions in the preparation of control statements used to generate tailor-made READER, CONVERT, and WRITER programs of this system. It also explains the operational procedures to fo11011 in order to generate and to execute these prograMS. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 108 pages, 02/81 111/5796-PLH 1/115799-BAJ SH20-2597 !::!ll!:!!mK SH20-2509 ~ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS Network Monitor provides 3270 Display Station users Ni~ • single interface to application subsystems available on • network. The 3270 Display Stations users are presented Nith an installation defined logo on the screen, and enter the 08_ of the application with Nhich a session is desired. NetNOrk Monitor then checks the status of the application and, if the application is active and accepting logons, passes control of the terminal to that application. If the application is not active, or is active but not accepting logons, the user is given an appropriate lIessage. NetNOrk Monitor operates as a VTAM application program, and will operate loIith'VTAH II, and all releases of'ACFIVTAH, in a VS1 or MYS environment. It supports, in Model 2 mode. all models of the 3270 Display Station. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 84 pages, 06/81 90-DEGREE PRINT ~ DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIQNS This program is an extension to the existing IBM 3800 90 Degree Print Programs (5796-ARF and 5796-AWX) Mhich extends the capabilities of these programs. Printing at 5, 6, and 7.5 lines per inch wi th 8, 9.6 and 12 characters per inch are now provided. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 8ft pages, 02/81 ~ /1115796-BAC SH20-2510 UNIVERSAL l!Y!.1f! !l.IliB &QfI !t!!l ~ .!!I!.!.lll DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS Universal Dump Alter Copy and Select is a general purpose file processing utility incorporating into one program all the functions currently available only in several utility 666 ( SH20 SH20 minimua of manual effort. This addition to Total Storage Management provides two key functions: reporting the status of DASD space. and returning underuti Ii zed space to the free space pool. The return of unused space may be controlled at the data set level utilizing a filtering option. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 11/81 11115796-PPN 11/15796-PPB 31120-2608 l!.!!.! fAlm !I:!B2!.!§!:I ~ l!YfeQ!U DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The 3101 Pass Through VHl370 Support product siMUlates 3270 type full screen support via the VHlPass Through Facility Program Product (5748-RC1). Locally attached and di al up 3101 terminals are provided this support on the VHl370 System rU'V"ling the 3101 Pass Through progralll as Nell as on remote VHl370 and TSO/l1VS Systems connected through the VHlPass Through Facility. The 3101 Pass Through VH/370 Support Progralll has been designed to provide as full as possible a subset of 3270 function on the 3101. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 68 pages. 09/81 1/IIS796-PPF SH20-2638 INFORI1ATION PROTECTION SYSTEI1 CRYPTOGRAPHIC PRIlGRAI1S fllB YH/CMS INSTALLATION GUIDE IPS/CHS offers VH/CMS users the ability to protect their data frOlll unauthorized disclosure through encipherDent. IPS/CMS allows a user to encipher or decipher data interactively or as part of application programs. IPS/CHS produces ciphertext that can be deciphered by other Cryptographic products which run in OSIVS1 and OSIVS2 HYS. SUbroutines are provided for Assembler, FORTRAN. and PVI. IPS/CMS Nill also encipher and decipher PROF files. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 08/82 1IIIS796-PPK SH20-2621 INFORMATION PROTECTION ~ CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROGRAMS fllB VH/CM§ USER'S SUIDE IPS/CHS offers YMICHS users the ability to protect their data fra. unauthorized disclosure through encipherlllBnt. IPS/CHS allONS a user to encipher or decipher data interactively or as part of application programs. IPSICMS produces ciphertext that can be deciphered by other IBI1 Cryptographic products which run in OSIVSl and OSIVS2 11YS. Subroutines are provided for Assembler. FORTRAN. and PVI. IPSICHS Nill also encipher and decipher PROF files. Manual. 8 U2 x 11 inches. 168 pages. 09/82 11/15796-PPK SH2D-2652 DA!9:! SUBSYSTEH DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RElEASE) The VH Batch SubSystBIII provides a facility for scheduling. initiating. and monitoring batch jobs Nithin a VHlCMS environment. The subsystem is controlled by a supervisory virtual machine which dispatches and monitors other virtual IIIiIchines in Nhich the batch jobs a .... processed. This is a component of SK2T-0887. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 84 pages. 05/82 .l1Jj 11/15796-BCY SH20-2622 11m!! !W!Qll t:mmi ENTRY SYSTEM !! DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS OSIVS1 Host RelIIOte Node Entry Syst.. I I enables a Systelll370 operating under the control of OSIVSl to function as • reIIIOte ter.inal (NOrkstation) for sub.itting jobs to • central Systeml370 to be executed under any OSIYS envirOl'llllent. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 42 pages. 01/82 /1115796-PPL SH20-2661 SORT/MERGE PERFORHANCE IHPROYEHENTS INSTALLATION GUIDE This publication t ..lls how to install this high-performance disk sort program. The progralll operates in OSIVS1 and OSIVS2 (HYS) environr.lents. and is used in conjunction Nith the OSIVS SortlHerge Program. 5740-SI11. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 16 pages. 07/82 11/15796-PQW ~ SH20-2632 ~ ~ SYSTEM DESCRIPTIOHIOPERATIONS The Tape Library Control Syst .. is a modern automatic tape library syst.. capable of controlling any number of standard-label installation tapes. The program may significantly improve the productivity and security of installations Nith any configuration of systems using 11YS. It also permits the reduction of tape library size and can be used to give information about the tapes. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 130 pages. 11/81 !Af!g SH20-2685 JES3 MONITORING FACILITY !! DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS JES3 Monitoring Facility II (JI1FII) 5796-PLW is a softNare awonitor that provides the HYS/JES3 user Nith infor.... tion on the activities and resource utilization of JES3. This infor.ation can be used to evaluate the performance of an existing MVS/JES3 systelll and to assist in understanding the impact of particular JES3 functions. It Nill operate under JES3 Release 3. JES3 SP3 and JES3 SP3.1. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 05/82 11115796-PLW 1/115785-EAW SH20-2633 TAPE ~ CONTROL SYSTEM ~ §YI!lg The Tape Library Control Syst.. is a modern automatic tape library system capable of controlling any number of standard-label installation tapes. The progralll may significantly improve the productivity and security of installations Nith any configuration of systems using 11YS. It also permits the reduction of tape library size and can be used to give information about the tapes. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 76 pages. 11/81 11115785-EAW m SH20-2637 I!llA AH!! !Rn SPACE HANAGER DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The Data Set and Free Space Hanager. provides HYS users the opportunity to increase DASD space utilization Nith a m SH20-2795 PRESENTATION ENHANCEMENTS USING 6670 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This Progra. Offering assists the user in .aking professional looking presentations on a 6670 I10del 11 or Hodel Ill. This manual is both a SystBIII Description and an Installation and Operations Reference document. I t is intended for the end user when preparing the input and executing the programs and the systems progra_r at installation ti .... Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages, 11/83 1/I/S798-DNQ 667 ( SH20 SH20 SH20-2799 6H20-4376 HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER MAINTENANCEIRECOVERY UTILITIES 3333/3330 !ml!S STORAGE MODEL !! SUPPORT fi!! ~ This manual provides the user with sufficient information to PROGRAM ~ 5799-WHZ .!!Bf9 EF4346 This Program Product Specifications !PPS) describes the understand, install and successfully use the program. For information about this program, see abstract for warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Flyer. 1 page G320-9162. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 56 pages, 10/83 11115799-WIIZ mru 11115796-BDY 6H20-4380 SH20-4083 DLII-ENTRY ~ mlWl!::I L.L. ill fBQ§ 5746-XX7, INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY, ill PROS 5748-HS1. SPECIFICATIONS yg FEATURE, ~ .!iY!Q! Specifications provide information on the warranted The Interactive Productivity Facility is a tool designed to functions of the licensed program. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 12/78 assist in the management and use of computer systems. This manual provides the information necessary to use this 11115746-XX7 product in a VSE environment. The facilities of the product are described in detail. Of special interest are the dialogues which are also covered in detail. 6H20-4391 Manual, 504 pages, 2/81 TCAM-IMS INTERFACE, ill fBQ§ 5740-XXC. SPECIFICATIONS 11115748-MSI This Program Product Specifications !PPS) describes the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specification Sheet. 4 pages 0020-4106 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360 !IHS/360) ~ 1 SPECIFICATIONS pROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-XX6 6H20-4395 The Program Product Specifications !PPS) describe the TELECOMI1UNICATIONS CONTROL ~ ADVANCED FUNCTION !TCS-AF) warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. PROS EBQg 5740-XXO. SPECIFICATIONS Specification sheet, 6 pages This Program Product Specifications !PPS) describes the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specification Sheet, 6 pages GH20-4139 11115740-XXD STATIBASIC, ~ ~ 5734-XA3 SPECIFICATIONS The Program Product Specifications !PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. 6H20-4493 Specification Sheet, 2 pages HASPIMVT/3800 fBf9 ~ ill fBQ§ 5799-ATQ. DESIGN OBJECTIVES This document describes HASPIMVT/3800 which provides additional functions and support for the IBM 3800 Printing SH20-4308 Subsystem for OS/MYT Release 21.8 users. The IBM 3800 MATHIBASIC fQ! ~ MODEL ~ !If J VM/370-~S SPECIFICATIONS The Program Product Specifications !PPSI describe the support uses the HASP output writer. warranted specifications of the supject Program Product. HASPIMVT/3800 operates on IBM Systeml370 Hodels 145 and Specification Sheet, 2 pages up. The IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem may be used with the 11115703-XH2,5734-XM8 optional Burster-Trimmer-Stacker feature. FLYER. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages, 9/77 = = GH20-4326 BUSINESS ANALYSISIBASIC fQ! ~ ~ ~ !If ~ YH/370-CMS SPECIFICATIONS ' The Program Product Specifications !PPSI describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specification sheet, 2 pages SH20-4347 AEb SHARED VARIABLES !APLSV), ill PROS 5799-AJF fBf9 ~ SPECIFICATIONS The Program Product Specifications !PPS) describe the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. Specification Sheet, 8 pages 6H20-4509 ill fBQ§ 5740-XXT. SPECIFICATIONS Describes the warranted specifications of the program. Specification Sheet. 6 pages. 7/76 ~ ~ ~ 11115740-XXJ 6H20-4510 OSIVS DBIOC DATA DICTIONARY SPECIFICATIONS !CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is intended to serve as the basis for the warranty of OSIVS DBIOC Data Dictionary licensed product. and to inform the user of certain supplemental terms related'to the licensed product. It provides information on warranted functions, describes the specified operating systeJI and states the supplemental terms. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10 pages. 12/86 11115799-AJF 6H20-4374 REHOTE ..!g§ mIl!! WORKSTATION PROGRAM ! PROGRAHHING If! 11115740-XXF.5746-XXC WF0358) PROGRAM NUI'lBER 5799-WBX, SPECIFICATIONS This Program Product Specifications !PPS) describes the warranted specifications of the subject Program Product. GH20-4521 Specification sheet. 4 pages :DiQ 3270 DISPLAY SUPPORT ~ STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING 11115799-WIIX FACILITY!SPF) VERSION g SPECIFICATIONS Describes the warranted specifications of the program. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6 pages, 4/77 ~ = 11115740-XT8 668 ( GH20 GH20 6H20-4525 !§f NETWORKING fBfg P09008 fBQ§ 5799-ATB' SPECIFICATIONS Describes the warranted specifications of the prograM. Specification sheet. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pg5. 4/77 //115799-ATB 111I5740-XY3 GH20-4545 HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER IU 1m !1! H,g This publication is required by the licensing agret!lll!nt for licensed programs that are Narranted. It is the basis of the Narranty and states the Specified Operating Environ.ent. Manual. 2 pages. 08/83 1120115740-XRB GH20-4526 HASP NETWORKING fBfg P09009 PROS 5799-AIC. SPECIFICATIONS Describes the warranted specifications of the program. Specification sheet. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pg5. 4/17 //115799-ATC 6H20-4546 !!l!l! SPECIFICATIONS These specifications define the contents of the subject licensed prograll. The audience for this publication is prhtarily licensees and prospects. and secondarily. IBM personnel. Flyer. 1 page. 05/78 11115740-AM3 ~ ~ GH20-4528 EXTENDED TELECOMMUNICATIONS ~ (EXII1!. ill f!m§ 5746-XXB SPECIFICATIONS Describes the warranted specifications of the prograM. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 4/77 //115746-XXB 6H20-4532 ~ RQ! !f§ 11 CONVERSION PROCESSOR SPECIFICATIONS Describes the warranted specifications of the prograM. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 7/77 1///5735-CVl Slf20-4536 !f§ 11 SPECIFICATIONS Describes the warranted specifications of the prograM. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 7/77 ////5746-RGl GH20-4548 CICSIDOSIVS SPECIFICATIONS These specifications define the contents of the subject licensed program. The audience for this publication is primarily licensees and prospects. and secondarily. IBM personnel. Flyer. 6 pages. 08/78 11115746-XX3 ~ ( !iH20-4538 GIS/vS. ill fRQ§ 5740-XX7. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE! Describes the warranted specifications of the program. The Generalized Information SysteMIVirtual Storage. Version I. Release I. Modification Levell (GIS/VS Rl.l!. provides additional functions and enhancements over GIS/vS 1.0. while remaining compatible with and retaining the functional capabilities of GIS/vS 1.0. GIS/vS is designed to support a wide variety of information processing activities by providing the facilities for defining. maintaining. and processing OS/VS and DVI data files required in many application areas. GIS/vS is designed to provide broad. general purpose. processing capabilities by generating tailored processing noodules on the basis of syst..-resident data file descriptions together with user-entered. high-level. procedural l ..nguage statements. The gener.. ted modules are then executed to provide the requested file processing actions. FLYER. 8 1/2 x II inches. 4 pages. 9177 11115740-XX7 GH20-4540 ~ AI!! (DBDA! ~ &.r. ill f!m§ 5740-XY8 5746-XXQ (DOS) SPECIFICATIONS Specifications provide information on the Narr.. nted functions of the licensed progr.... Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 12/77 11115740-XY8.5746-XXQ QA!! BASE ~ GH20-4543 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONJR()L SYSTEM-ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION ITCS-ACF). ill fRQ§ 5740-XY3. SPECIFICATIONS Specifications provide inform.. tion on the warranted functions of the licensed program. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pg5. 1/78 GH20-4551 TCS-ACF BASE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS These specifications define the contents of the subject licensed program. The audience for this publication is primarily licensees and prospects, and secondarily. IBM personnel. Flyer. 2 pages. 08178 1///5740-XY3 6H20-4557 WORKSTATION SPECIFICATIONS These specifications define the contents of the subject Licensed PrograM. The audience for this publication is primarily licensees and prospects. and secondarily. IBM personnel. Flyer. 2 pages. 02/79 11115746-RC9 ~ ~ GH20-4558 IMS/VS AUTOMATED OPERATOR FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS The IMS/vS Automated Operator Facility is a transactiondriven data base/data communication program that runs as an application under IMS/VS Version I. Release I. Modification Level 5. using the automated operator function. This document describes the elements that ..ke up AOF functions. Flyer. 2 pages. 03/79 11115740-XYD GH20-4561 DMS/CICS/VS SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN! RELEASE) DMSICICS/vS simplifies the implementation of online infon.ation systems using the 3270 Information Display Syst.... The DMSICICS/vS DVI data base and file lIanagt!lllt!nt. display management. and message handling capabilities make it possible to implement many new or existing applications in the online environment with little or no user progra_ing. This'document describes the functions of DMS/CICS/vS and details the capabilities of the syst... 669 ( GH20 &H20 facilitates the implelllentation of te... inal-o .. iented applications. This document desc.. ibes the provisions of the program product and the security facilities of CICS/OSIVS. and details the _jor ..elease dependencies fo .. CICS/OSIVS. Flyer. 3 pages. 8179 Flyer. 4 pages. 04/79 ////5740-XC5.5746-XC4 &H20-4564 CICSIVS SPECIFICAT1:QNS (MRENT RELEASE) CICS/OSIVS is a general purpose DBIDC interface b e t _ the operating syst_ and application programs written in COBOL. PVI or Assubler. The user can tailor a CICSIOSIVS syst. . configuration applicable to the needs of the installation and define the environment in which the syst. . is to execute. This document details the syst. . requira.ents. the hardware environment. and the progra_ing systems. I t also describes intersystem communications considerations and terMinal support. Flyer. 4 pages. 05/79 ////5740-XX1 &H20-4641 INTERACTIVE ~ FACILITY !lffl 1.1.0 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS The Interactive P..oductivity Facility is a licensed prograM designed to increase the productivity and simplify the tasks of those Mho use and lIanage IBM computer resources. This document describes the Inte..active Productivity Facility content and provides the machine and progra... ing ..equi "ellents for the prog.. all. Flyer SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 6H20-4593 DMS/3770 ~ OBJECTIVE These design objectives define the contents of the subject licensed progra.. The audience for this publication is prilHrily prospects and secondarily IBM personnel. Flyer. 1 page. 06/78 ////5748-XC3 GH20-4623 CICSIVS. ill f!ll.§ 5740-XXI. 5740-XX3. FASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (CURRENT RELEASE) This PrograM Product Functional Description (PPFD) describes the functional capabilities of the subject PrograM Product. which has a Program.ing Service Classification of C. PrograM product functional description. 2 pgs. 2/77 ///15736-G21.5734-621.5736-G24 . &H20-4642 DLII ~ SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOS/vS is a data base lllanagement control syst_ fo .. SystClll370 DOS/vS users. DVI DOS/vS may be used to write data independent applications and to allow data base . .nag.-ent for the user. The DVI DOS/VS syst. . provides suppo.. t for use.. application programs written in COBOL. PVI. RPS II. 0 .. Assembler language. DVI DOSIVS executes as an application prograll in a virtual storage envi ..onment under DOS/vS 0" DOS/vSE. This document p ..ovides details about the additional functions of this release. Flyer. 5 pages. 07/79 ////5746-XXI &H20-4648 ill 1 NETWORKING. ill PROGRAM 5799-AZT. DESIGN OBJECTIVES JES3 p .. ovides for the communication of jobs fo .. execution and print and punch formatted data streams to othe .. JES3. JES2lNJEsystems' and HASP. VMl370. and ASP systems when running with their respective network job interface support. This document describes JES3 trans.ission. compatible products. store and fo ....ard facility. ~nd routing. which is provided by lIeans of destination tables that a ..e established at syst... initialization. Flyer. 2 pages. 3179 &H20-4627 CUSTOMER INFORMATION ~ SYSTEMIDOS-ENTRY (CICSIDOS-ENTRYI. PROG fRQg 5736-)0(6. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION This Program Product Functional Description (PPFD) describes the functional capabilities of the subject Program Product. which has a Progralllllling Service Classification of C. Flyer. 8 1/2 K 11 inches. 4 pages. 11/77 ////5736-XX6 lilf20-4628 CUSTOMER INFORMATION ~ SYSTEMIDOS-STANDARD (CICS/ DOS-STANDARD). fBQ§ fRQg 5736-)0(7. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION This PrograM Product Functional Description (PPFD) describes the functional capabllities of the subject Program Product. which has a ProgramMing Service Classification of C. Flyer. 8 1/2 K 11 inches. 6 pages. 11/77 1///5736-XX7 GH20-4629 CUSTOMER INFORMATION ~ SYSTEKIPS STANDARD ~ (CICS/OS STANDARD ~ fBQ§ PROD 5734-XX7. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION This Program Product Functional Description (PPFD) describes the functional capabilities of the subject PrograM Product. which has a ProgramMing Service Classification of C. Flyer. 8 1/2 K 11 inches. 6 pgs. 11/77 ////5734-XX7 = = &H20-4634 CICSlQSIVS. l!BQIi 5nO-XX1. VERSION. ~ Ii JlUI§!:I OBJECTIVES This prograM product. with previous releases of CICS/OSIVS Version 1 and the ..eleases of CICSIDOSIVS Version 1. m GH20-4649 SCREEN OEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (SOF/CICS) This licensed prograM is an online application develOpMent tool for the CICS/vS application programmer who Mants to define edit maps and map sets for the CICSIVS basic lllapping support. This docuJIent provides details about the functions and describes the advantages of using this p ..ograM. Flye... 3 pages. 5/9 ////5740-XYF.5746-XXT 0" GH20-5000 EXTENDED TELECOMMUNICATIONS MODULES. ~ fRQ§ 5746-XXB. SPECIFICATIONS The basic function of EKtended TelecOMmunications Modules is to establish and support. in a DOS/vS environment. a data flow between a CICSIDOS/vS application and a corresponding use.. application for IBM advanced communication subsystems and pre-SHA terminals. This document enumerates the basic services performed by this p ..ogram and describes the facilities that provide the functions performed by the program p ..oduct. e.g •• 1/0 Module. Application Program Interface. Linkage Module. Master Terminal Functions. SysteM Services Control Point. Support Service Utilities. RAS 670 c ( GH20 GH20 FU'lCtions, Concurrent Online TelecOllllllU"lication Test, and Preprocessor. Flyer, 4 pages, 12/79 1/1/5746-XX8 GH20-5008 DATA BASE DESIGN i l l OS DOS FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION DBDA is a productivity aid used to record and process the large amounts of inforBation that are manipulated during data base design. Using it, a data base designed is aided in producing a design more rapidly and with more thoroughness than manual Methods per.it, thereby obtaining a mor. consistent and effective design. This document provides a full description of the program and machine requi rements. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages, 12/81 ////5740-XY8,5746-XXQ GH20-5064 CICSIYS, Y!;; l!RQ§ 5746-XX3, DESIGN OBJECTIYES CICS/DOSIVS Version 1 Release 5, together with the previous releases of CICS/DOSIYS Version 1 and the releases of CICS/OS/vs Version 1 form an upward compatible family of data base/data communication products providing a common application interface. This document describes the provisions of the program, lists the logical components needed to support the applications provided, and provides the system requirements and the progra.... ing systems. Flyer, 3 pages, 8/79 GH20-5293 VSE/3270 BISYNCHRONOUS ~ THROUGH. i l l PROG 5746-AM5, SPECIFICATIONS VSE/3270 Bisynchronous Pass Through is a program product designed to allow an IBM processor running under DOSIYSE and CICS/DOS/VS to appear as a remotely attached IBM 3271 Control Unit to a connected host processor. The connection to the host processor is over a binary synchronous communications link. This document provides the machine and progralllllling requirements in the specified operating enyi ronment. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages, 2/80 1///5746-AMS GH20-5304 YH INTERACTIVE fRQO~ FACILITY (IPF) 1.4.0 LICENSED ~ SPECIFICATIONS The Interactive Productivity Facility is specifically designed to assist users of the VM System Installation Productivi ty Option/Extended. This document describes the display panels, the components that comprise the Facility, and lists the programs for which EXECs can perform selected tasks. This document also describes installation and use considerations • Flyer, 2 pages, 7/80 ////5748-MSI GH20-5306 yg INTERACTIVE .!!BQ!l!1!;;! FACILITY I IPF " .L.1.J! LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS The Interactive Productivity Facility is specifically GH20-5281 ,,!.!m ENTRY SUBSET 3/NETWORKING, Y!;; .!E!§ 5799-AZT, ( SPECIFICATIONS This program provides for the communication of jobs for execution and print and punch formatted data streams to other JES3, JES2/NJE systems, and HASP, VMV370, and ASP systems when running with their respective Network Job Interface support. This document provides the highlights of the program's capabilities and describes the programming and system requirements. Flyer, 2 pages, 8/79 ////5799-AZT designed to assist users of the VSE System Installation Productivity Option/Extended IVSE System IPO/El. This document describ~s the visual display panels through which the Interactive Productivity Facility Communicates with the user and lists the programs for which the executable jobstreams perform selected tasks. This document also describes the machine and programming requirements and lists the products with which the Interactive Productivity Facility is designed to operate. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4 pages, 10/80 ////5748-MSI GH20-5313 GH20-5283 VMIYSE IPF SPECIFICATIONS STRUCTURED PROGRAHI'IING FACILITYICQ!:!\/ERSATIONAL MONITOR The Interactive Productivity Facility is specifically SYSTEM, 5748-XT3. SPECIFICATIONS designed to assist users of Release 2.0 of the VMlYSE System The Structured Programming Facility is a progra.. developMent Installation Productivity Option/Extended. This document tool designed to take advantage of the characteristics of describes the panels that compr;se the dialogues, describes IBM 3270 display terminals, and to increase productivity in the components of the facility, and lists the programs for an interactive environment for users of both structured and which the facility performs selected tasks. conventional prograllllDing techniques. This document Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 3 pages, 10/80 describes the four basic types of display presentations, the ////5748-MSI co....only used SPF operations, and the major functions provi ded by SPF. Flyer, 3 pages, 8/79 GH20-5315 /1//5748-XT3 ~ LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE SPECIFICATIONS Entry Level Interactive Application System-One is intended to assist designers and programmers who are implementing '*'20-5292 data base/data communications appl;cations with CICS/DOS/VS INFORMATIONtsYSTEM, lJ& l!RQ§ 5735-0lS. SPECIFICATIONS and/or OL/I DOS/vS using COBOL, PL/I, or DMS/CICS/VS-DOS. INFO/SYSTEM consists of five programs designed to operate This document describes the tasks for which this program with the INFORMATION/I1VS IINFO/MVSI data feature. The product provides interactive dialogs, describes the machine programs are USed to load the INFO/MVS data, insert user requirements in a DOS/vSE env;ronment, and lists the data, and provide access to the data. The INFO/MVS data is programs with which it operates. maintained by a periodic 00-12 per year) distribution tape Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 1 page, 11/80 that completely replaces the INFO/MVS data previously ////5746-XXV distributed. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 2 pages, 1/80 ////5735-OZS 671 61120 61120 6H20-5316 61120-5352 ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONEIYM DMS/CSP EXECUTION gg fQ! ~ SPECIFICATIONS IC!.!!RENI RELEASE) SPECIFICATIONS ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION-ONE/VH IELIAS-I/VH) DMS/Cross-System Product Execution provides the user Nith the ability to execute applications defined and generated provides assistance to designers and programmers who are implementing data base/data communications applications Nith via DMSICross-System Product Definition on an IBM _4300 or 3000 Series processor. This document provides the- machine CICS/oOSIVS and/or DLl1 DOSIVS using COBOL. PLll. or DMS/CICSIVS-DOS. This document describes the tasks for and programming requirements. which ELIAS-I/VH provides interactive dialogs. describes the Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 09/82 ////5668-945 machine requirements in both YM/OOSIVSE and VM environments. and lists the programs with which ELIAS-I/VH operates. Flyer ////5748-XXK 61120-5382 NUMERICAL CONTROL POST PROCESSOR GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS This publication is a product that generates a PostProcessor for a particular machine tool. This naNly GH20-5341 generated PostProcessor Nill read cutter location data INFORMATION/LIBRARY ~ LIBRARY ~ SPECIFICATIONS ICLDATA) frOll a CL file and produce NCDATA to drive a Information/Library is a dialog-oriented program providing search and retrieval functions for a companion data base partiCUlar machine tool controller. product. Library/MVS. Library/MVS is a separately licensed Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 12/86 set of Information/Library optional materials. These SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY optional materials constitute a data base that contains MVS system reference and program logic information. This document provides a functional description of SH20-5521 Information/Library as well as the machine and programming DMS/CICSIVS INSTALLATION ~ OPERATIONS §Y!gg requirements. This manual contains inforlllation to enable the user to Flyer. 2 pages. 01/82 generate and incorporate the Development Managelllent ////5665-277.5665-294 System/Customer Information SystemlVirtual Storage into a system for subsequent execution under control of the Customer Information Control System. Inforlllation is (;If20-S343 included for system maintenance and terminal operation. The ~ ~ TERMINAL SI~ILATOR SPECIFICATIONS intended audience is the progra.... ing and operations staff. This publication provides information discussing the Manual. 144 pages. 12/81 functions. features. operating environment. limitations and ////5740-XC5.5746-XC4 uni que user requi raments of the IMSIVS Batch Termi nal Simulator. Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 12/86 Gtf20-5522 ////5668-948 ~ ~ TERMINAL SIHlJUTOR GENERAL INFORMATION The IMS/VS Batch Terminal Simulator allows e~ecution of IMSIVS data base/data comlllU"Oication applications in a TSO or SH20-5344 batch environment. I t also provides inforllHltion about nch COMMUNICATION FACILIIY/HOST SPECIFICATIONS DLII call and summary information about each transaction. This document provides information on the Marranted This publication provides inforlllation to assist current functions of the licensed program. Communications IMSIVS users in evaluating Batch Terminal Simulator to Facility/Host is a program product that extends the message determine if they want to add this productivity tool to and transaction routing function of the IBM Series/I Event their installation. Driven Executive Communications Facility program product. Manual This document describes the three program IIIOdules. Host ////5668-948 Access Facility. Dynamic Program Dispatcher-Host. and Table Update. It also describes the 12 operational functions that can be performed by the terminal operator at the host site. SH20-5523 and provides the machine and programming requireMents. ~ BATCH TERMINAL SIt'l.ILATOR PROGRAM REFERENCE MIl Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 08/82 OPERATIONS ////5668-979 This publication describes the functional capabilities of the IMSIVS Batch Terminal Shlulator IBTS) and explains hoM to use theta. 61120-5347 Manual. 180 pages. 02/85 VSE/SP SPECIFICATIONS ////5668-948 No abstract available. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 06/83 ////5666-296.5666-297. 7799-DBZ SH20-5526 INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY m GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) 6H20-5351 The Interactive Productivity Facility is a tool designed to DMS/CSP ~ DEFINITION CICS ~ gg OS/VS assist in tha lIanagement and use of cOtlpUter systems. This SPECIFICATIONS Manual provides the inforMation necessary to use this DMS/Cross-Sys tem Product Def i ni t i on is a program product product in a VSE or VMlVSE environment. The facilities of that offers productivity gains in the development of the product are described in detail. This includes hints applications for a CICS/oOSIVS or CICS/osIVS system Nith an and tips. a tutorial for new users •• IIerlU and dialog cross IBM 4300 or 3000 Series processor. This docunent provides reference. .nd sample service dialogs. the machine and programming requirements. Manual. 264 pages. 10/81 Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 09/82 ////5748-MS1.7799-DBS.7799-DBR ////5668-944 672 () ( G1120 G1120 61120-5527 INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY ~ ENVIRONMENT ~ VHIVSE ENVIRONMENT SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) The Interactive Productivity Facility. Release 4.0. is specifically designed to assist users of Release 3.0 of the VSE Syst. . Installation Productivity Option/Extended. This cfocuIIent describes the 1\enU. data entry. and explain panelsJ it describes the ca.ponents of the Interactive Productivity FacilityJ and it provides installation and use considerations .5 Nell •• the . .chine and prograning requi reaants. Flyer. 4 pages. 11/81 ////5748-HSl.7799-D8R SH20-5581 CO!1!1!JNICAIION FACILITY tum fBll§IWI REFERENCE MIl OPERATIONS This Manual describes the fU'lCtions and ilnpl_tation of the eo-.,ications Facility/Host prograM product. which can operate under the s'4M!rvision of an IM 4300 (or SystaM/370 or 30XX) host CPU. and CustOller Infor. .tion Control Syatenl/VS using ACF/VTAM. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 144 pages. 08/82 ////5668-979 SH20-5583 ~~liYlQ! This publication documents the use of YH/IPF Release 4 by giving a su..ary of a~ts and the activities associated lIith it such as syst. . use. systn Mana~t com.and 1IOde. first use tutuorial. user assistance. probleM reporting and . . il facility. It also lists the CHS Modules and EXECS used by it and a sil.plified panel hierarchy. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 123 pages. 03/83 //39//5748-1151 51120-5625 1ff DIA6HOSIIC REFERENCE (CURREN! RELEASE) The Interactive Productivity Facility is a tool designed to assist in the Managuent and use of CDIIIpUter SystHS. This . .nual provides cross reference and dialog manager infOrMation lIhich you May need IIhen using this product in a VSE or VHlVSE enviroment. Special . .age .. apo .. ts and detailed table descriptions a ..e also p ..ovided in this . .nual. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 228 pages. 06/83 ////5666-296.5666-297 GH20-5986 ~ 1 DATABASE ~ fBll§IWI REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This Manual contains a general description. plus illlpl_tation and . .age infor. . tion for fU'lCtions lIithin TPF that control file accessing and integ.. ity including input/output control. device s~po.. t. and file pool lllanagement. The audience comp .. ises . . rketing pe ..sonnel. syst... engineers. and custOlller pe ..sonnel Mho need to understand the general characte.. istics of the fU'lCtion. or Mho are responsible for its illlplementation or ongoing operations. TPF provides a reliable. high performance. operating syst. . for realtiMe. transaction-driven .applications. It is capable of supporting large terMinal netllDrks lIith thousands of terMinals and IllUltiple CPUs. largely due to specialized Mana~t techniques designed to optiMize efficiency in deta c-..ication. data base. and syst.. resources. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/83 ////5748-Tl2 61120-5987 !l!E ml!.mH 1 DATABASE SUPPORT fIU!§B!H REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This Manual contains a general description and inforMation on the preparation for and use of the functions lIithin TPF that assist the user in Maintaining the data base and assuring it. integrity. For further information see abstract for 6H20-5986. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 ////5748-Tl2 G1120-5988 !l!E ml!.mH 1 gg PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This ..nual contains a general description plus illlplament.tion and usage info ..mation for communications-related fU'lCtions lIithin TPF including Message routing. terminal control. 3705 support. and unit record aquiplllant support. For further inforMation. saa abstract for GH20-5986. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 //30//5748-Tl2 GH20-5989 !l!E VERSION 11!AIA .PRQ§B!!:J REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This Manual contains the detailed logic specifications for the data areas used by any fU'lCtional area of TPF. InforMation includes the purpose of the data area. its organization. system residence and access method. and its detailed forMat. Additional info.... tion about hOil a given function uses the data areas May be found in the PRM or PLH for the appropriate function. The audience comprises ma .. keting personnel. systeJI engineers or custOlller personnel lIith a need to understand the function of the data areas or Mho are responsible for initialization or Maintenance of the user's data base. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 //36//5748-Tl2 61120-5990 I!!E ml!.mH 1 DOCUMENTATION AI!ll! (CURREN! RELEASE) This lllanual contains and overviell of the organization and fo .... t of the TPF syst. . documentation. an index for locating CDlllpDnantS. and various functional cross-references. For further inforMation. saa abstract for GH20-5986 • I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 ////5748-Tl2 61120-5992 Iff ~ 1 ~ PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RElEASE) This _nual contains functional descriptions and usage raqui rellents for the macros used by TPF and to be used by customers in developing the appliDiltions that r\A'\ \A'\Cler TPF. For further inforMation. see abstract for 6H20-5986. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 ////5748-T12 !l!E 61120-5993 ~ 1 MAGNETIC !!fi ~ .PRQ§B!!:J REFERENCE This .anual contains a general description and inforlllation on preparation for and use of the Magnetic tape support functions of TPF. For further information. see abstract for GH20-5986. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 ////5748-Tl2 !l!E 673 ( 61120 61120-599lt m LH20 61120-5999 m ~ ! §.t!A DATA C!lt1t!UNICATIONS PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This unual contains a general description plus implementation and usage information about TPF support in the SNA environment. This includes device support for 3270 and 3600 systems. as it applies to the CPU host and a cluster controller. For further information see abstract for 0020-5986. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 //30//5748-T12 ~ ~ SUPERVISOR PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This aanual contains a general description and usage information about main supervisor functions of TPF, including cycle, restart. and error analysis. The audience comprises lIarketing personnel. systell engineers and customer personnel who need to understand the general characteristics of the function. or who are responsible for its implementation or ongoing operations. TPF provides a reliable, high perforllance operating system for realtime. transaction-driven applications. It is capable of supporting large terminal netOIOrks with thousands of terminals and multiple CPUs. largely due to specialized management techniques designed to optimize efficiency in data conmounication. data base and syst_ resources. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 ////5748-T12 61120-6000 Iff VERSION ! Ilm COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES LOGIC IW!!! PERFORtlANCE OPTION FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains detail specifications for the preparation for and generation of a TPF2 operational systeM; a full description of the System Initialization Prograa (SIP) is included. The audience comprises syst... GH20-5995 engineers and customer personnel responsible for m VERSION ! MESSA6ES Am COOES (CURREN! RELEASE) initializing the users program base. data base. network This publication contains Messages and codes sent by a TPF2 configuration, etc., and bring the system up to an operational syst_ and by TPF2 associated utilities. The operational state. TPF provides a reliable. high audience comprises system engineers and customer persOl'V\8l perfor.ance operating system for realtime transaction responsible for online operations and support. TPF provides driven applications. It is capable of supporting large a reliable. high performance operating systeM for realtiMe terminal networks with thousands of terminals and multiple transaction driven applications. CPU's lrgely due to specialized ... nagemerlt techniques Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 433 pages. 12/84 designed to optimize efficiency in data communication. data //40//5748-T12 base and system resources. M,mual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 700 pages. 12/83 ////5748-T12 6H20-5996 m VERSION ! NON-SNA DATA COI1I1UNICATIONS PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) 61120-6001 This manual contains a general description plus Iff ~ ! ~ INSTALLATIOH SUPPORT ~ REFERENCE implementation and usage information about TPF (CURRENT RELEASE) communications control programming for environments other This manual contains a general description. plus than SNA. including airlines line control. binary implementation and usage information about TPF functions sychronous communications. synchronous link control. and that support the user's installation requirements. teletype. including detailed specifications for running the system initialization program (SIP). For further information. see abstract for 61120-5986. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 . For further information. see abstract for 61120-5986. ////5748-T12 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 //34//5748-T12 0020-5997 Iff VERSION ! OPERATIONS .!iYl!!! ~ REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual contains general procedures and detailed instructions for computer room operations for TPF systa. The audience comprises computer room operators. coverage programmers. and systeM engineers responsible for the day-to-day operations of the users' system. TPF provides a reliable. high performance operating systea for realti.e. transaction-driven applications. It is capable of supporting large terminal networks with thousands of terminals and multiple CPUs. largely due to specialized management techniques designed to opti .. ize efficiency in data cOllllllunication. data base and systelll resources. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 //40//5748-T12 61120-6002 Iff VERSION SYSTEM PERFORMANCE MBl MEASUREMENT PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This lIanual contains a general description. plus implementation and usage information about TPF data collection and analysis functions aimed at measuring and improving systeM functions. For further inforMation. see abstract for 61120-5986. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 ////5748-T12 LH20-6006 m ~ 1 NON-SNA DATA COMMUNICATIONS LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual contains the detailed logic specifications for TPF communications control progral\l1lling for environment other than SNA. These environments include airlines line control. binary synchronous cOllllllunications. synchronous link control. and teletype. For further information, see abstract for 61120-5986. Manual •. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ->1120-5998 Iff mlill!!:! ! ~ DEVELOPMEN! ~ ~ REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual contains a general description. plus implementation and usage information about functions with TPF in support of user program development. such as tools. realtime trace. and application message recovery. For further inforaation. see abstract for 6H20-5986. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 //40//5748-T12 674 (j !l 1.1.· LH20 LH20 LH20-6007 LH20-6013 Iff VERSION ! MAGNETIC TAPE SUPPORT PROGRAM LOGIC This manual contains the detailed logic specifications for TPF support of magnetic tape functions. The audience comprises system engineers and customer personnel with. need to ~erstand the internal pfoogram logic. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Iff VERSION ! PROGRAI1 DEVELOPtlEN! SUPPORT .I.!l§!!; This lllilnual contains the detailed logic specifications for functions within TPF in support of user program development such as test tools, realtiMe trace and application .usage recovery. For further inforllliltion, see abstract for 6H20-S986. l1anual, 8 1/2 x II inches, 09/83 SlSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LH20-6014 Iff ygg!!QN ! !!An! SUPERVISOR .bQ!iI!; (CURRENT RELEASE) LH20-6008 Iff VERSION ! SYSTEI1 PERFORMANCE &Ill MEASWEI1EN! (CURREN! RELEASE) This lllilnual contains the detailed logic specifications for TPF data collection and analysis functions aimed at measuring and improving syst8111 perforlllDnce. The audience comprises systems engineers and cust_er personnel with a need to ~erstand the internal program logic. TPF provides a reliable, high performance operating system for realtime, transaction-driven applications. It i. capable of supporting large terminal networks with thousands of terMinals and multiple CPUs, largely due to specialized _nagament techniques designed to optimize efficiency in data communication, data base and syst8111 resources. Manual, 8 1/2 x II inches, 09/83 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This manual contains the detailed logic the main supervisor functions of TPF. The audience comprises systell engineers personnel with a need to understand the logic. For infoMlation about this program, see 6H20-5986 Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 09/83 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6HZO-6009 Iff VERSION ! SPECIFICATIONS This publication contains the program specifications for the Transaction Processing Facility Version 2 Release 2. Flyer, 12184 1IIIS748-T12 specifications for and custo.ar internal program abstract for LH20-6015 Iff VERSION ! SYSTEM INSTAllATION SUPPORT f!!!l!i!A!! .!..!2§!!; (CURREN! RELEASE) This lllilnual contains the detailed logic specifications for TPF functions that support the user's installation reCfldre.ants, including the network initialization program and data base loading. The audience comprises system engineers and customer personnel with a need to ~erstand the internal program logic. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 09/83 SlSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LH20-6016 Iff YERSION ! ~ JW:A CO!!U!ICATIQNS fB06/Wt ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual contains the detailed logic specifications for TPF support in the SNA environment. This includes device support for 3270 and 3600 systetllS as it applies to the CPU host and a cluster controller. The audience comprises system engineers and customer personnel with a need to understand the internal prograM logic. For further inforllliltion, see abstract for 6HZO-5986. Manual, 8 liZ x 11 inches, 09/83 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LH20-6010 Iff VERSION ! DATABASE £Q!.i!!!2!. .I.!l§!!; (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual contains the detailed logic specifications for functions within TPF that control file accessing and integrity including input/output control, device support, and file pool manage.ant. For further information, see abstract for 6H20-S986. Manual, 8 1/2 x II inches, 09/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LH20-6011 Iff VERSION ! DATABASE SUPPORT PROGRAM LWIC (CURREN! RELEASE) This manual contains the detailed logic specifications for functions within TPF that assist the user in lIIiIintaining the data base and assuring its integrity. The audience comprises system engineers and customer personnel with a need to understand the internal prograll logic. For further information, see abstract for 6H20-S986. Manual, 8 1/2 x II inches, 09/83 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LH20-6012 Iff VERSION 1 gm C!JI!tIiICATIONS SERVICES ~ (CURREN! RELEASE) This manual contains the detailed logic specifications for communications-related functions within TPF - including IlleSsage routing, terminal control, 3705 support and unit record equipment support. For further information, see abstract for 6H20-S986. l1anual, 8 1/2 x II inches, 09/83 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LH20-6017 Iff VERSION ! DATABASE CONTROL LOGIC !!!!Q (CURRENT RELEASE) This lIanual contains the detailed logic specifications for functions within TPF that control file accessing and integrity including input/output control. device support, and f 11e pool management. For further infor.ation, see abstract for 6H20-5986. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LH20-6018 Iff VERSION ! DATABASE ~ PROGRAI1 LOGIC !!!!Q ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual contains support for the HPO feature .nd it contains the detailed logic specifications for functions within TPF that assist the user in aaintaining the data base and assuring its integrity. The audience COIIIPrises syst. . engineers and customer personnel with a need to understand the internal prograa logic. For further inforaation. see abstract for GH20-5986. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 09/83 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL suBSCRIPTION ONLY 675 (/ ii II I 61120 Ul20 processors. A TPF2 syst_ Nith the HPO feature is required. This . .nual is intended fill' those responsible for the installation. operation and . . int_nce of the partitioned IlUltiprocessor feature. ltanual SlSS: ISH INTERNAL SUSSCRIPTION ONLY Ul2o-6019 m mJmt & 1!IIIm SENERATIQN iYl!I! J!ImIiUlt REFERENCE ~ IMRENT RELEASEI This . .nual contains the detailed logic specifications for -..ications-related fWlCtions Nithin TPF including _sage routing. tar.inal control 3705 support. and U1.it record equipment support. For further inf_ation. s . . abstract for 61120-5986. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inct.s. 09/83 SlSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SH20-6137 SPOOLED READER DISPLAY SYSTEM fill! ~ lYI! 5796-AYK. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This ..nual is intended for the personnel installing and using the Virtual Spooled Reader Display Syst. . for CMS. IUP 5796-AYK. It describes the system as Nell as installation. operation. and checkout procedure. ltanual ////5796-AYK ~ Ul2o-6021 m mmmf! um fWI:! SUPERVISOR .IJ!Imi lCURRENT RELEASE) This . .nual contains the detailed logic .specifications for the . . in supervisor fWlCtions of TPF. The audience COIIpris. . syst_ engineers and _taer personnel Nith a need to wmrstand the intarnal progra. logic. For infol'lllltion about this progra•• see abstract for 61121)-5986 ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inct.s. 09/83 SlSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Ul20-6022 m Ym.IImI & SH20-611't7 AlL 11m INTERfACE 11 DESCBIPIIONIQPERATIONS This . .nual is intended for those installing and using the APL Data Interface-II IUP. It describes the syst_ as Nell as installation. operation. and checkout procedur... ltanual ////5796-PNG aum INSTALWIQN !W!!!!m fIm.!i!WI .I.I!UI: ueg f.U!Y!ig I CURRENT RELEASE) This . .nual contains the detailed logic specifications for TPF fWlCtions that support the user's installation requlrents. including the natNOrk initialization progra. and data basa loading. The audience COIIpris. . syst_ engineers and _ t _ r personnel Nith a need to U1derstand the internal progra. logic. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inct.s. 09/83 SlSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Ul2o-6023 m ~ & Jt!6 11m C!!t!!1WICATIONS fBl:I§!W! .IJ!Imi Q w:nm ((:WREN! RELEASE) This .anual contains support for the HPO feature and it contains the detailed logic specifications for TPF support in the SMA _il"Ol'\alt!l'\t. This includes device support for 3270 and 3600 syst_ as it applies to the CPU host and • cluster controller. The audience co.pris. . syst_ enghwers and custo.er personnel Ni th a need to U1derstand the internal progra.. logic. For further infor.ation. see abstract for 61120-5986. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/83 SlSS: 1M INTERNAL SUSSCRIPTION ONLY 61120-602~ Iff m.u.!lN & SPECIFICATIONS This pWlication provides a reliabla. high perfor. .nee control progra. for realti . . transaction driven applications. TPF2 is capable of supporting netNOrks Nith thousands of ter.inals and IlUltiple CPUs largely due to specialized . .nageeant techniques designed to opti.ize efficiency in data -..ication. data base and syst_ r ..ource&. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. I't pages. 12/85 ////571't8-T12 Ul20-6025 Iff VD.lWII & PARTITIONED IIILTIPRPCESSQR umm .!iYml DESCBIPIIONtQPERATIQNS This pWlication contains inforution on the installation. operation and internal logic of the partitioned IlUltiproc. .sor feature of TPF2. This feature allaNS .ultiple TPF2 syst... to operate in 3081 and 9081 SH20-6162 PASCAUVS' 5796-PNQ. PROGRAmER'S iiYm !CURREN! RELEASE) Pascal/VS is a Pascal compiler operating in I1VS and Vl1/CMS. Originally designed as a high level programming language to teach computer progra.ing by H. Wirth Icirca 19681. Pascal has _rgee! as an influential and Nell accepted user language in today's data processing environment. Pascal provides the user uith the ability to produce very reliable code by performing . .~ error detection checks autOMti98lly. The COIIPi leI' adheres to the currently proposed ISO standard and includes . .~ important extensions. The language ext_ions include: separate COIIIpilation, dyne.ic character strings and extended I/O cap;tbiUties. The impluentation features include: fast compilation. opti.ization and a syJllbolic terminal oriented debugger that allONS the user to debug a progra. quickly and efficiently. This is • component of SK2T-0902. ltanual . 1///5796-PNQ SH20-6168 PASCALtYS. 5796-PNQ' LAN6YAGE REfERENCE !CURRENT RELEASE) Pascall'VS is a Pascal compiler operating in VSI. I1VS and Vl1/CMS. Originally designed as a high level progra. . ing language to teach computer progra_ing by Professor Niklaus Wirth Icirca 1968). Pascal has a.ergee! as an influential and well aCCt!pted user language in today's data processing environant. Pascal provides the user Nith the ability to produce very reliable code by perfor.ing . .~ error detection checks autoonatically. This pWlication describes the impleentation of the language by this compiler. and is intended as a reference guide for the Pascal progra.... r. This is a cOlllpollent of SK2T-0902. ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 196 pages. 2/85 ////5796-PNQ 61120-6200 Iffmm!lf& No abstract available. ltanual. I'tO pages ///1571't8-T12 676 ( 5H20 -m20-6295 ~ BHE SH20 /1//5665-333 REPORTER DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS The Cache RMF Reporter is an RMF user exit and a post processor report prograll Nhich produces 3880 Models 11 and 13 statistics. This manual is intended for the syste. programmer to learn. install and operate the prograll. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 104 pages. 10/84 11115798-0q[) SH20-6304 6670 USABILITY AID DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This lIanual describes the various components of the product and explains how they are to be installed and tailored for a particular operating environment. Also discussed are design assumptions and potential modification areas. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 76 pages. 04/84 11115798-DQF SH20-6360 HE!:! USER '5 GUIDE M:!!l REFERENCE (CURRENT RElEASE) The Network Performance Monitor is an interactive prograll product designed to aid network support personnel in managing VTAM-based communications networks. NPM collects and reports on data in the host and Network Control Program. This data is used to identify network traffic bottlenecks. display screens showing volume and response times for various resources. generate color graphs of real-time and historical data. and alert users to response tille threshold overages. The Network Performance Monitor is supported on OSIVS2 MYS Release 3.8. I1VS/SP Release 1.3 (and subsequent releases). including tlVS/XA. This publication contains all the information necessary for operating the Network Performance Monitor. It is written as a guide and reference for network operators and systems programmers. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 08/85 SH20-6305 6670 USABILITY Am USER' 5 §Ym ////5665-333 This lIanual describes the capabilities and usage conventions of the program frail the end user perspective and suppleaoents information provided by the on-line help feature. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 04/84 SH20-6361 !!f!:1 INSTALLATION §Ym (CURRENT RELEASE) 11115798-DQF The Network Performance Monitor is an interactive program product designed to aid network support personnel in SH20-6306 managing VTAM-based communications networks. NPM collects CICSIVS ~ ill DESCRIPTIONIDPERATIONS and reports on data in the host and Network Control Program. This data is used to identify network traffic bottlenecks. This publication describes how to install. operate. and display screens showing volume and response times for maintain the CICSIVS 3270-PC File Transfer Prograll. various resources. generate color graphs of real-time and Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 84 pages. 0318'1 111/5798-0QH historical data. and alert users to response time threshold overages. The Network Performance Monitor is supported on OSIVS2 I1VS SH20-6311 Release 3.8. MVS/SP Release 1.3 (and subsequent releasesl. including tlVSIXA. ~ USABILITY FONT REFERENCE GUIDE This manual catalogs the virtual fonts supported by the This publication is written for network personnel who will program. supplementing information provided in the 6670 install NPM and verify the installation. Usability Aid User's Reference (SH20-6305) and via the onManual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 08/85 ////5665-333 line help feature. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 120 pages. 0'1/84 11//5798-DQF SH20-6362 !!f!:1 GRAPHICS SUBSYSTEM ~ GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) The Network Performance Monitor is an interactive program 61120-6350 product designed to aid network support personnel in HE!:! SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides information discussing the managing VTAM-based c~ications networks. NPM collects functions. features. operating environment. limitations and and reports on data in the host and Network Control Program. unique user requirl!lllents for the Network Perforllance This data is used to identify network traffic bottlenecks. Monitor (NPM). display screens showing volume and response times for Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 'I pages. 12/86 various resources. generate color graphs of real-ti_ and /1115665-333 historical data. and alert users to response tille threshold overages. The Network Performance Monitor is supported on OSIVS2 tlVS Release 3.8. tlVS/SP Release 1.3 (and subsequent releases). 61120-6359 HE!:! ~ INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) including 11VS1XA. The Network Perforllance Monitor is an interactive program This publication is ..ritten for network personnel who use product designed to aid network support personnel in the Network Performance Monitor Graphics Subsyst.. to managing VTAM-based coannunications networks. The Network generate graphic displays of network perfor....nc. data. Perforllance Monitor collects and reports on data in the hast Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 08/85 ////5665-333 and Network Control Program. This data is used to identify network traffic bottlenecks. display screens showing volume and response tiDeS for various resources. generate color graphs of real-time and historical data. and alert users to SH20-6363 He!! PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE (CURRENT RElEASE) response time threshold overages. The Network Performance Monitor is an interactive program The Network Perforllance Monitor is supported on OSIVS2 I1VS product designed to aid network support personnel in Release 3.8. tlVS/SP Release 1.3 (and subsequent releases). including tlVSIXA. managing VTAM-based con:munications networks. NPM collects This publication is written for network lIanagers. syst_ and reports on data in the host and Network Control Program. programmers. and network and hast capacity planners. This data is used to identify network traffic bottlenecks. display screens showing volume and response times for Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 08/85 ( SH20 SH20 various resourCes. generate color graphs of real-tia and historical data. and alert users to response tia thrllShold overages. The Network PerfoNHnce Honitor is supported on OS/vS2 HVS Release 3.8. MVS/SP Release 1.3 (and subsequent releases). including HVSIXA. This publication is written for network personnel who need to diagnose. describe. and report an NPI1 prograM failure. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 08185 11115665-333 ////5785-FAZ SH20-6474 YM/SP SQL/EDIT DESCHIPIION/OPERATIQNS No abstract available. Manual. 8··1/2 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 07/84 ////57911-DQY SH20-6396 HEH HESSAGES ~ CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) The Network Performance Monitor (NPM) is an interactive program product designed to aid network support personnel in managing VTAH-based communications· networks. NPI1 collects and reports on data in the host and Network Control PrograM IHeP). This data is used to identify network traffic bottlenecks. display screens showing volume and response times for various resources. generate color graphs of realtime and historical data. and alert users to response time threshold overages. The Network Performance /tonitor is supported on OS/vS2 MVS Release 3.8. MVS/SP Release 1.3 (and subsequent releases). including MVSIXA. This publication is written for network personnel who need to interpret an NPI1 llessage and deter.ine a course of action that will correct an error. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 08/85 11115665-333 SH20-6475 YM/SP SQL/EDIT ~ GUIDE No abstract available. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 144 pages. 08184 ////5798-DQY SH20-6482 EXTENDED EXPONENT RANGE fim ~ USERS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This manual is intended for users of the Extended Exponent Range for FORTRAN Users Program Offering and for syst_ progra...... rs responsible for its installation and lIaintenance. This Manual contains instructions for installing. Modifying. and running progralllS that use this product under YM/CMS. OS/vS1. and OS/VS2. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 05/84 11115796-PKR SH20-6484 tooi J.ms f!QS ~ OPTIHIZER EXTENSIONS DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS This publication describes the functional characteristics. structure and operating environment of the HVS Link Pack Area Optimizer Extensions program. It includes installation instructions. general operating instructions. restrictions and liMitations. a sa!llple probl... and probl. . det.,..ination guidelines. It is intended as both a guide and reference· for those who install the product and for those who use it. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches ////5798-DRD SH20-6402 COBOL CONVERSION Am DESCRIPTIONIPPERATIQNS This publication is a set of programs and cOllllHnds designed to assist the user with the conversion of OS/VS COBOL source code into·VS COBOL I I source code. It is an effective tool in expediting this tedious and error-prone conversion process. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 188 pages. 02/87 11//5785-AAT SH20-6415 RELATIONAL ~ TOOL SQlIDS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIQNS This publication describes the Relational Design Tool. a program offering that serves to recoMmend indexing for cost-effective processing of Structured Query Language (SQL) statements. The publication contents include the inforMation necessary for installation and operation of RDT. and is intended primarily for Data Base Administrators who will be responsible for the performance of the product. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 08185 11I15798-DOL SH20-6444 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR !I!!W. 11 IHAGE PRINTING lr!l!ll!f DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS This publication describes the functional characteristics. structure and operating environment of the 6670 Inforotion Distributor Model II Image Printing System. It includes installation instructions. general operating instructions. restrictions and li.itations. and probl. . determination guidelines. The lIanual is designed as both a guide and reference onual to install the 6670 Info ..... tion Distributor Hodel II loge Printing SysteM and to use the prograll in conjunction with the 6670 Font Editing System. prograM number 5785-FAW. to create 6670 fonts on a host computer system. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 06/84 SH20-6519 tooi RESOURCE UTILIZATION Im!.I. ~ .IiYI!l! The HVS Resource Utilization tool captures and reports the use of resources serialized through the ENQ and RESERVE interfaces in HVS/SP or MVSIXA. The ba.ic element. presented using this tool include the name of the resource. identification of its users. active till8 of request. and scope of serialization. This tool is intended to assist those users planning the h.pleJll8ntation of IlUltiple syst_ global resource serialization (GAS) envi~ts. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 68 pages. 11/84 ///15798-DRF SH20-6537 YM/SP !1fQ Qm ~ filB ~ t!!!!W. Jl &:In ~ !!!l!W. DESCRIPTIQN(OPERATIONS This PrograM Offering allows the installation to designate YM/SP HPO CHS .. inidisks which .ay use the cache in the 3880 Storage Control Model 13 and Hodel 23. This publication describes how to install. use and . . intain this Progra.. Offering. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 80 pages, 11/84 ///15798-DRJ n 678 ( Slf20 SH20 Slf20-6581 Slf20-6541 lIM/PROGRAI'IMING It! LOGIC OESCRIPTION/PPERATIONS VH/PrDgra_ing in Logic is an illplementation of the Prolog progra_ing language. The VH/Progr;uIIDing in Logic Progra. Offering includes an efficient interpl"8ter and facilities for progra. debugging and progra. perfol"8anee iaprovement. The purpose of this publication is to describe how to install and use VH/PrDgra_ing in Logic. lfanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 368 pages, 09/85 ////5785-ABH li!m!! UTILITIES/DBT HEADER POINTER CHECKER USER'S GUIDE This publication is designed for systea programmers, applications progra. .ers, systems analysts, data base adainistrators, and COIIpUter operators Mho require a knowledge of hON to operate the IHS/vS Systeta Utilities/Data Base Tools (DBT) HD Pointer Checker utility. It is a complete reference for the DBT HD Pointer Checker utility. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 03/85 ////5668-856 ~ Slf20-6543 na SYSTEM f2! CrcS/DOSIVS DESCRIPTION/oPERATI!!NS The query DVI progra. Offering perforM queries on operational OVI data bases. Users of query DVI can define a query and have it perforaed, even if they have little 01" no knowledge of data processing in general 01" of OVI in particular. This piblication contains the inforaation needed to install, aaintain and use the query DVI Syst... It is intended to be used by users, user support personnel, evaluators, h.tallers, data base adatinistrators, operators, and syst. . ac:hinistrators of the query DVI Syst... Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 304 pages, 10/85 ////5785-EDA gym SH20-6548 QUERY DVI ( ~ f2! ~ The query DVI Progra. Offering perforM queries on operational DVI data bases. Users of Query DVI can define a query and have it perforlled even it they have little 01" no knowledge of data processing in general, 01" of DVI in particular. This publication contains the inforaation needed to install. aaintain and use the query DVI syst... I t is intended to be used by users. user support personnel, evaluators, installers. data base ac:hinistratol"S, operators, and syst. . ac:hinistrators of the Query DVI syst... Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 308 pages, 10/85 ////5785-ECY SH20-6579 ~ ~ yrILITIESIPBT GENERAL INFQRHATIIlN This piblication is designed to provide aanagers, data base adainistrators, systeas programmers. and application programmers Nith a brief overvieN of IMSIVS Syst. . Utilities/Data Base Tools (DBT). OBT is an integrated package of data base programs and products designed to enhance data integrity. data availability and the fast reorganization of IHSIVS data bases. The purpose of this publication is to enable the user to evaluate DBT. It is intended to provide the user Nith infol"llation loIhich Nill help decicla hoM DBT can increasa productivity. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 48 pages. 02/85 ////5668-856 SH20-6580 ~ ~ li!m!! yrILITIESIPBT INSTALLATION Am MAINTENANCE This publication is designed for syst. . progra.er. IoIho require a knowledge of how to install the II1S/VS Syst. . Utilities/Data Base Tools (DBTI syst... Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 03/85 ////5668-856 SH20-6582 UTILITIES/DBT 1m SEGHENT RESTRUCTURE USER'S GUIDE . This piblication contains complete information about IHS/VS Syst. . Utilities/Data Base Tools (DBTI DB Segment Restructure utility. The publication is for systeta progra.... rs, application progra_ers, syst. . analysts, data base adainistrators. and computer operators Mho need to know how to operate this utility. Hanual, 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 03/85 ////5668-856 ~ ~ Slf20-6583 IMS/VS SYSTEM UTILITIES/DBT PHYSICAL SEQUENCE SORT/RELOAD USER'S GUIDE This publication is designed for syst. . prograllllllers, application programmers, systea analysts. data base administrators, and computer operators Mho will operate the IHS/VS Systetll Utilities/Data Base Tools (DBTI HDAH Physical Sequence Sort/Reload utility. It is addressed to those persons Mho p8rfor. the tasks of designing, illpletaenting. and Mintaining. an IHSIVS data base. It is a reference guide for the operation of the DBT HDAH Physical Sequence SortIReload utility. Hanual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inehes. 03/85 ////5668-856 Slf20-6584 IHSIVS ~ UTILITIES/DBT DATA ENTRY DATA ~ POINTER CHECKER USER'S GUIDE This publication is designed for data base adainistratol"S and technical support personnel involved in data base aanagement. lIaintenance. and perfor.ance tuning who require a knowledge of how to operate the IMS/vS Syst. . Utilities/Data Base Tools (DBTI DEDB Pointer Checker utility. It presents a completa description of the DBT DEDB Pointer Checker utility. It is specifically for people who are monitoring. managing. and tuning IHS/VS Data Entry Data Bases (DEDBs). The DEDB Pointer Checker utility is a comprehensive DEDB integrity verification and data analysis package. "anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 03/85 ////5668-856 SH20-6585 IMS/VS ~ UTILITIES/DBT .!!A!A ~ DATA BASE UNLOADIRELOAD USER'S GUIDE This publication is designed for data base administrators and technical support personnel involved in data basa IAnagellent. Mintenanee. and performance tuning Mho require a knotdedge of hON to operate the IMS/vS SysteDt Utilities/Data Base Tools !DBTI DEDB Unload/Reload utility. It presents a complete description of the progra. . found in the DBT DEDB Unload/Reload utility. I t is for people IoIho are aonltoring. _naging, and tuning IHSIVS Data Entry Data Bases (DEDBs). The DEDB Tuning Aid specifically provides a generalized. high-perfor_nea facility for efficiently unloading and reloading 01" 679 ( SH20 SH20 reorganizing IHS/VS DEDBs. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 03/85 ////5668-856 SH20-6586 ~ ~ ~ GUIDE UTILTIES/DBT H!iH ~ SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL This publication is designed to serve as a reference guide to High Speed Sequential Retrieval (HSSR)' a COIIIponent of IHS/VS System Utilities/Data Base Tools (DBT). It is designed for syst_ programmers. application progra_ers. system analysts. data base administrators. and computer operators who already have a working knowledge of IHS/VS and wish to gain expertise in the use of the High-Speed Sequential Retrieval utility. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 03/85 ////5668-856 SH20-6587 SYSTEM UTILITIES/DBT HEADER ll!!:W!§ Am ~ ~ This publication is designed as a reference guide for users who require a knoNledge of hoM to operate the IHS/VS System Utilities/Data Base Tools HD Tuning Aid utility. It is addressed specifically to system programmers. application programmers. system analysts. data base administrators. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 03/85 ////5668-856 ~ 6H20-6591 IHSADF n mlWlH ! GENERAL INFORMATION This publication will help IMS/VS (InforMation Mana~t Systt!llllVi rtual Storage) DB/DC COata Base/Data Communications) or CICS/OS/vs (Customer Infor... tion Control System/Operating System/Virtual Storage) users to evaluate IHS Application Development Facility II. (IHSADF II. It will also assist users in installation planning. It is directed to customer executives. installation _nagers, data base and data comnrunication administrators, and data processing technical staff. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/86 ////5665-348 SH20-6592 IMSADF 11 VERSION ! USER'S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides inforMation for creating and _intaining a data base for an application systu using interactive and batch procedures. Procedures are given for the experienced and the inexperienced user in the interactive environment. It is to be used by those persons responsible for adding, updating, retrieving. and deleting data for a data base. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 03/85 1///5665-348 SH20-6593 11 VERSION ! INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is a guide to installing the IMS Application Development Facility II (IMSADF II) Version" 2 Release 2. Installation of IMSADF II requires the use of this publication and the IHSADF II Version 2 Release 2 PrograM Directory. which Is part of the Software Distribution package sent to IHSADF II customers. Also, the OS/VS System Modification Progra. (SMP) Syst_ Progralllllling Guide. SMPIE Reference MUSt be available during installation of IHSADF II. This publication assumes that the subsystem under which the reader wants IHSADF II to execute (IHS/vS or CICS/OS/vs) has been previously installation. Manual, 8 1/2 K 11 inches. 11/85 ////5665-348 ~ SH20-6588 ~ SYSTEM UTILITIESIPBT DATA §m DESIGN/PROGRAM SPECIFICATION BLOCKS MAPPER USER'S 6UIDE This publication is designed for systenl programmers, application programmers. system analysts, data base administrators, and computer operators who require a knowledge of how to operate the IHS/VS SysteM Utilities/Data Base Tools (DBT) DBD/PSB Mapper utility. It is a co.plete reference for the DBT DBD/PSB Mapper utility. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 03/85 ////5668-856 :iH20-6589 IHS/VS SYSTEM UTILITIES/DBT VSAM ZAPPER USER'S §!lmg This publication contains complete information about the SH20-6594 IHS/VS Data Base Tools VSAM Zapper utility. The publication IMSADF !! VERSION ! APPLICATION DEYELDPMENT REFERENCE is for systeM progralll/ller5. application programmers, syst_ (CURRENT RELEASE) analysts. data base adalinistrators, and computer operators This publication provides reference data for developing IMSADF II applications. who need to know hoM to operate the DBT VSAM Zapper utility. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 11/86 It is designed specifically for personnel responsible for the task of IMS/vs data base administration. ////5665-348 Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 03/85 ///15668-856 SH20-6595 IHSADF 11 VERSION ! APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT GUIDE (CURRENT SH20-6590 RELEASE) This publication is a procedural guide for the planning and IHS/VS SYSTEM UTILITIES/DBT D!!A !HIRI D!!A ~ !!.I!:!!!:!!i Am USER'S GUIDE development of IHS Application Development Facility II This publication is designed for data base administrators Version" 2 applications. and technical support personnel involved in data base Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/86 nnagement maintenance, and performance tuning who require a ////5665-348 kllONledge of hoM to operate the IHS/VS Syst_ Utilities/Data Base Tools (DBT) DEDB Tuning Aid utility. It presents multiple iterations of the data base tuning process, SH20-6596 allowing the user to select those physical data base ~ 11 VERSION ! RULES DDCltIENTATION ~ GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) attri butes whi ch IIK!et the des ired perfor_nce and space utilization requirements. This publication describes the IHSADF II Version 2 Release It is for peolpe who are lIQftitoring. managing. and tuning 2 Rules Documentation system and hoM to use it. The Rules IHS/VS DEDBs. It specifically provides a comprehensive DEDB Documentation systelD is designed to assist application integrity verification and data analysis package. designers and users in documenting and maintaining Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 03/85 consistency among IMSADF II Version 2 rules. ////5668-856 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/86 680 (\ "'-- -~/ ( SH20 SH20 1///5665-348 1/1/5665-348 SH20-6597 IHSADF n ~.& R!!A DICTIONARY EXTENSION !MRENT RelEASE! This publication provides inforution required to use the DBmC Data Dictionary in the IHS Application Deyelopeent Facility II Version 2 environment. It is not a stand-alone publication and IlUSt be used in conjU1Ction lIith the DB/DC Data Dictionary library. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 03/85 1/1/5665- 348 SH20-6603 n mlSImI .& I!H APPLICATION SPECIFICATION §JWlg (CURRENT RELEASE) This pubHcation is a guide to developing IHSADF II applications that access Database 2 (DB2) data bases. that access DATABASE 2 data bases in an IHS/VS envirorwent. It is designed to be used in conjU1Ction Nith the IHSADF II Version·2 Application Developlllent Guida and the IHSADF II Ve..sion 2 Application Development R.f.renc•• Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/85 /1//5665-348 nmADf SH20-6598 IHSADF n VERSION ! DIA6NQSIS GUIDE This publication supports the diagnosis task for IHSADF II Version 2. It provides uterial for identifying the progra. that is the source of a prograning probl... for describing the probl... for comparing it to other si.ilar knoIIn problenas via the Early Warning Syst. . !EWS) or the Soft... re Support Facility (SSFI. for reporting .. preble. via the Authorized Progra. Analysis Report IAPAR)' and for correcting the probl... It is to be used by the person responsible for identifying the cause of a failure in the IHSADF II Version 2 prograe product. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 03/85 SLSS: ORDER ND. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SH20-6652 VSEINtIPF DESCRIPTION/Of'ERATIONS VSElNetllO..k Management Productivity Facility UI1PF) is .. set of job .treallS. p ..og ..a... and data sets. lIhich can help netNOrk .ysteJIIII and ope ..ations pe..sonnel install. leam ••nd productively us. uny systems and netllOrk ...nag_ent p ..oducts. NPDA. VSE/OCCF. and others. I t supports an enyil'Ol'llllel"lt lIith VSE. ACFIVTAH. and NatNOrk eo-r.ications Cont ..ol Facility (NCCF). Manual. 8 ./2 x 11 inches. 212 pages. 06/85 1/1/5798-DRR SH20-6653 R!!A DICTIONARY ~ INTERFACE DESCRIPIIONIOPERATIOt:!S This publication is a guide to the ope..ation of DD-DB2. It is intended for application· users. da~.--base adeini.trators. data dictionary adllinist ..ators. analysts. and designers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 108 pages. 05/85 /1//5798-DRP ~ ~ SH20-6599 n VERSION .& U!lm!l ~ !CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides an index for the infor... tion in the IHS Application Developeent Facility II Version 2 Release 2 library. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/86 /1//5665-348 l!m!lf ( SH20-6738 ~ BIB CICSIQS/vs DESCBIPIION/PPERATIOtIS This publication contains the infor... tion needed to install. uintain. and use the Que ..y DLII Syst.... It i. intended to be used by users. user suppo .. t p ....onnal. evaluato..s. installers. data bas. adlainistrators. operators. and .pt_ adlainistrators of the Que ..y DLII Syst_. Manual. 8112 x 11 i~. 304 pa~/85 /1/15785-ECZ 9!lER! Il!.a SH20-6601 ~ n VERSIOt:! ! INTRODUCTION IS! YSI!!!i :nil INTERACTIVE !!!f (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication introduces the IHS Application Deyelopeent Facility II Version 2 Release 2 Interactiy. Application Deyelopment Facility (IADF). It does not attempt to document all options available under IADF. For eor. detailed information. refer to the IADF online tutorial. the glossary. and the HELP panels. The publication is intended for applications progra_rs Mho have IHSADF II background and llant to us. IADF in the developeent p .. ocess. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/86 //1/5665-348 :ilf20-6602 n ~ .& INTERACTIVE !!!f ADMINISTRATION !DIm (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication p ..oyides info"alation required to use the InteractiYe Application Deyelopeent Facility (IADF) for IHSADF II Ve..sion 2 Releas. 2. It shells the IHSADF II Adnainist ..ato... TSO/ISPF syst_ p ..og..a_rs. andlo.. the IADF installer holl to set up the enyirorwent fo .. later application developments these individuals. are the intended audience for this publication. The reader should haye experience in the area of TSOIISPF. KnoIIledge of IHSADF II JCL p ..ocedures and tereinology is neces ....y. Installation information is ....,ired so the IMSADF II installer should be consulted. 14734 SH20-6597 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/85 l!m!lf SH20-6752 CSP/AD ~.& OPERATION DEYELOPHENT IMRENT RELEASE) This publication desc .. ibes hoM to use all of the esP/AD facilities and fU1Ctions to interactively define data st..uctures. display lup) foreat •• and define application progra... CSP/AD definitions can be interactiy.ly tested and generated into an executable fo.... It is intended as a refe ..ence for p ..og ..alllll1e"s who a ..e using CSP/AD to define application p ..ogra• • This publication i. available by its.lf or as part of the set of esP/AD unuals. which a ... orde.. able \.hdar SBOF-2258. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 413 pages. 04/85 1/1/5668-824 681 ( SH20-6756 CSP/AD ~ ~.& fBS!!l.!.m DIA6NQSIS §Y!!l!i (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication descroibes hoM to dat.r.ine~nd resolve p ..obl_ that . .y occur during the operation of the esP/AD and CSP/AE products. _ It is intended fo .. custolllers and interonal P!lrsonnal Mho are responsible for the . . intenance of CSP/AD and CSP/AE. Application prog..a _..s. as ~ll as .Yllt- adeinistrators. 61120 SH20 users of possible CICSI'OSI'VS perforlAnce probl_ Nhen userspecified thresholds are exceeded. The eenus. prOllPts, .nd online help that facilitate the use of the online functions are discussed. as ...11 as the fast path option for experienced us.rs. Prerequisite Public.tions .re CICSI'OSIVS Gener.l Info.... tion (61133-0155). CICSI'OSIVS Performance Guide (SC33-0229)' CICSI'OSIVS 1.7 Release Guide (GC33-0132)' or equivalent familiarity lIIith HVS and CICS/OSIVS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 111'85 .... Involved In probl_ di.gnaal. lIIith diff.rent ...... of Int.....t. It i. avail.bl. by its.lf or •• part of the s.t of CSPI'AD or CSPI'AE publications lIIhich ar. order.bl. I.nfer 58OF-2258 (CSPI'AD) or S60F-2259 (CSPI'AE). Manuel. 8 11'2 x 11 Inches. 39 pages, 041'85 1'1'1'1'5668-824.5668-825.5660-285 6H20-6763 mm nAm! .nmlS (CWRENT RELEASE) This publication contains. bri.f bibliography of the Cross Syst_ Product Set libraries CSPI'AD. CSPI'AE and CSPI'Q. The Index provides a listing of topics and the publications in lIIhich infoMDation on these topic. _y be fOU'\Cl. Thi. publication is .vailable by itself or as part of the sets of CSPI'AD. CSPI'AE and CSPI'Q publications ..... ich .... orderabl. by one ~r for each library: SBOF-l047 (CSPI'Q)' S60F-2258 (CSPI'AD), .nd 560F-2259 (CSPI'AE). Index. 8 11'2 x 11 inches. 40 pages. 041'85 1'1'1'1'5668-824,5668-825,5660-285.5668-918 1'1'1'1'5665-355 SH20-6838 ~ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEMIMVS INSTALLATION !I::Il ADMINISTRATION 6UIDE This publication is addressed primarily to the syst. . programlll8r responsible for installing CICSPARSI'HVS. It alsocontains information useful to those involved in planning for a CICSPARS/l1VS installation and managing the use of the product after installation. Knowledge of ms. CICSI'VS. and CICSPARSI'HVS is assuned. The publication describes the prerequisites for installing CICSPARSIHVS and the decisions involved in the installation. It gives step-by-step instructions for installing the product under SMPI'E or SMP4. It .lso describes haN to verify successful installation. Prerequisite Publications are: CICS/OSIVS Installation and Operation Guide. SC33-0071; CICS/OSIVS Performance Guide. SC33-0229; CICSI'OSIVS Custoeization Guide. SC33-0239; CICSI'OSIVS Resource Definition 6uide (Online). SC33-0186; CICS/OSIVS Resource Definition Guide (Macro). SC33-02371 OSIVS2 Syst. . Maintenanc. Program User's Guide. 6C28-0673; Syst. . Maintenenace Program Extended User's Guide. SC281302; Syst_ Maintenance Program Extended Reference. SC281107. or equivalent familiarity lIIith HVS. SMP. and CICSI'OSIVS. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 111'85 6H20-6786 R§! PERFORMANCE ~ SPECIFICATIONS Thi. publication is • concise description of the Narr.nted flnCtions of the liCt!l\Sed progr.m DATABASE 2 Perfo....nc. Monitor. Flyer. 8 11'2 x 11 inchB. 111'85 1'1'201'1'5665-354 6H20-6836 PERFORItANCE ANALYSIS REfIORTIN§ m!ll!S §U!W. INFDRMATION The public.tion describes the online c.pabilities of CICSPARS, including inter.ctive starting .nd stopping of CHF data collection, displ.y of collected data .t • 3270 tereinal ••nd .n .lert lIOftitor to notify users of possible CIcs/vs perfo....nce probll!lll5 ..,., user-specified thresholds .... exceeded. The eenus. ProllPts ••nd online help that facilit.te the use of the online functions .re discussed • • s ...11 •• the fast path option for experienced users. Thl. version i. enhancad by an optional flnCtion called Multiple Syst_ Alert Monitor (MSAM). Its purpose is to display resource inf_tion and .lert conditions froe IlUltipl. CICS regions on a 3270 PC or 3270 PC/AT. In addition. PC gr.phics can be used to ellUl.te CICSPARS GDDM gr.phic displays. The publication .lso describes batch generation of reports .nd graphs that sholl the Nay in ..... ich CICSIVS resources .... being used. including three reports ba.ed on infoMDation collected by CICSPARS. eight t.bul.r reports based on CMF perfo....nce ••CCOU"Iting, .nd exception class data ••nd tNenty different CICSPARS graphic reports based on CMF data. In .ddition. the hardNare .nd softlllare requirMents for CICSPARSIl1VS and CICSPARSl'VSE .r. listed. Prerequisite public.tion is CICSIVS Saner.l Infor_tian. 6C33-0155. Manual, 8 11'2 x 11 inches. 091'85 ~ 1'1'341'1'5665-355 SH20-6839 ~ 1'1'201'1'5665-355.5666-329 at20-6837 CICStQSM CICSPABSMfS ~ §Ymg !I::Il REFERENCE This publication is intended for data processing professionals and other CICSI'OSI'VS support personnel ••nd provides .n overvi ... of the product .nd .ervas ••• learning aid for both naN and infrequent users. For experienced user•• it provides reference infor_tion. The publication describes in d.t.il the use of the online c.pabilities of CICSPARSIl1VS, including inter.ctive st.rting .nd .topping of CMF data collection. di.play of collected data at • 3270 terminal. and an alert eonitor to notify 682 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTIt!6 ~ ~ DETERMINATION This publication guides users through the process of CICSPARS probl. . determination. It discusses the identification and correction of problems due to incorrect use of the product. It also describes the procedures user. need to follOlll ..nan _.-king lIIith system support to isolate and correct problems NithCICSPARS. The publication contains a complete list of the .essages issued by CICSPARS. It also lists the .adules that mak. up the product. giving a bri.f description of the functions performed by each IIOdule. Prerequisite Publications for CICSPARSI'HVS are: CICSI'OSI'VS Performance Guide. SC33-0229; CICSI'OSIVS Custoeiztion Guide.SC33-0239; CICSPARSIHVS Installation and Administration 6uide. SH20-6838. or equivalent familiarity Nith HVS and CICS/OSIVS. For installations that use the 6raphical Data Display Manager. 5748-XXH. the following are also prerequisites: Graphical Data Display Manager User's 6uide. SC33-0101. Prerequisite Publications for CICSPARSIVSE are: CICSI'DOSIVS Perfor.anee Guide. SC33-0134; CICSI'DOSIVS Custoeiztation Guide, SC33-013lS CICSPARSlVSE Installation and Adlainistration Guide. SH20-6808 or equivalent familiarity Nith VIE and CICSI'DOSIVS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 111'85 1'1'371'/5665-355.5666-329 \ ) ( SH20 51120 SH20-6853 functions of DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor. DB2PH. This publication should be used only if the user does not Mish to use the Interactive Report Facility (IRFI. a set of display panels that can be used to request reports. The IRF generates the necessary JCl and DB2PM commands. Using the IRF is easier than typing the cOl'llllands. Use the IFE to generate graphics. If the user decides to use the command lIIod. instead of the IRF, he/she Mi 11 have to type each DB2PH COftllllQnd. Mi th the correct syntax and format, using an editor. In addition. it will be necessary to skim sections 1 and 2 of DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor: User's Guide. 51120-6857 before using this publication. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inc:ha. 150 pages. 07/86 //34//5665-35lt PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING ~ SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides information discussing the functions. features. operating environment. limitations and lAlique user requirements of the CICSIVS Performance Analysis Reporting SystemlHVS. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 12/86 //34//5665-355 ~ GH20-6856 mIHll.!!B GENERAL INFORMATION This publication describes the DATABASE2 Performance Monitor. a program product designed to assist in the assessment of DATABASE2 (DB21 performance. It includes the information necessary for high-level evaluation of the product. and is intended primarily for DP .anagers responsible for purchasing decisions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/85 //20//5665-354 !!,!lg PERFORIIANCE 51120-6857 !!,!lg PERFORMANCE !m!iUQB ( ~ .§!l!!!g This publication describes the pertinent information for plarning and requesting reports using the online and batch mode functions of DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor (DB2PHI. This publication is for the data base administrator or a systems programmer responsible for fine-tuning DB2 and ..no is interested in receiving reports or graphic information about DB2 that deals Mith statistics. accounting or performance data. This publication is an introduction to DB2PH and "walks" the reader through a feM sample procedures using the Interactive Report Facility (IRF) and the IRF help facility. The IRF is a set of display panels that can be used to request reports or graphics. The IRF generates the necessary JCl and DB2PM commands. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 250 pages. 07/86 //34//5665-35lt 51120-6858 !!,!lg PERFORMANCE mIHll.!!B J!gPQR! REFERENCE This publication describes information pertinent to reading the reports created by the online and batch mode functions of IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor (DB2PHI. This publication should be used if the reader is a DB2 user responsible for determining total DB2 system performance and efficiency. tuning DB2. identifying and removing potential bottlenecks. measuring an application's performance and resource cost and lleasuring an application's effect on the other applications and the system. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 210 pages. 7/86 //34//5665-354 51120-6859 !!,!lg PERFQRIlANCE MONITOR INSTAlUTION &!!l MAIHTENANCE .§!l!!!g This publication explains hOM to install the DATABASE 2 PerfoMilance Monitor Progralll Product. It is intended to be used by the systems programmer Mho Mill install DB2PH. Included is inforlllation on verifying the installation and llaintenanca of DB2PM. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inc:ha. 250 pages. 07/86 //34//5665-35lt 51120-6923 MUSIC/SP OPERATIONS This publication describes hoM to install. operate and maintain MUSIc/SP. Additional topics include descriptions of utility programs and supervisory commands. gives detailedstorage estimates. and documents console messages. It is designed for use by hardware and software support personnelloperators. system administrators. and systems programmers. This is a component of ZBOF-I002. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 404 pages. 06/85 ////5664-197 SH20-6924 MUSIC/SP ~ REFERENCE GUIDE This publication is designed for the general user. It includes general introductory chapters as Nell as detailed references for the use of MUSIc/SP. the command language. terminal and batch set-up. and job processing using the various language processors. This is a component of ZBOF-1002. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 608 pages. 06/85 ////5664-197 51120-6933 ~ INFORMIX EQF/COBOl USER'S GUIDE Interactive Executive *INFORMIX Embedded Query Facility for COBOL (IX INFORMIX EQF/COBOLl permits embedding SQl statements in COBOL program to create custom database applications. IX *INFORMIX EQF/cOBOl is designed to Nark on the Interactive Executive for System/370 (IX/370). The IX *INFORMIX EQF/COBOl Programmer's Guide has been written for COBOL programmers who are familiar Mith the structure of IX INFORMIX relational databases. It is a complete guide for builders of specialized database applications. *Registered Trademark. Manual. 6 x 9 inches. 10/85 ////5796-TAY GH20-6963 MUSIC/SP SPECIFICATIONS MUSIC/SP is a multi-user. multi-function. interactive system containing a collection of applications. compiler interfaces and utilities. Users of the system may perform such diverse activities as problem solving. program development. file editing. personal computer support, electronic office functions and job submission. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 06/85 ////5664-197 51120-6860 !!,!lg PERFORMANCE MONITOR COI1I'IAND REFERENCE This publication describes the information for requesting reports using the command mode and background processing 683 ( G1120 SH20 SH20-7220 MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS f!QH ! ~ ~ 5785-EQH. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS Multiple Applications f~ a Single Screen is a general-purpose prograM which allOMB a 3270 terllinal user to access several VTAH applications concurrently. The user is presented with a panel at sign-on which the desired applications can be specified. The user can switch easily froll one to another using PF keys or COIIIIands. This publication is intended for the user and installer of the prograll. It describes product functions. installation procedures. and how to use the product. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 06/86 ////5785-EDH relationship bet....., II'IS/VS and DSIVS; a general description of IMS/VS syst. . and tereinal functions and how they are used; a description of each terminal supported by II1SIVS, a description of the function and use of each II'IS/VS tereinal ccmmand, including examples, suggested procedures for the online execution of IMSIVS. Manual, 8. 112 x 11 inches, 296 pgs, 7177 ////5740-)0(2 SH20-9029 lli J,!!;'fBg§ 5740-XX2. UTILITIES REFERENCE This publication is designed for progra_rs. systell analysts and computer operators and describes how to execute the ·Infor. . tion Management SystetalVirtual Storage (l1'lS/VS) utility progra_ under the operating .yst... Individual Chapters provide inforlllation on U) Data Base Description Generation and the control .tat......t. used as input to DBD6EN; (2) Progra_ Specification Block Generation and the control statement. used as input to PSB6EN, (3) Application Control Block Maint_nce Utility in creating and lllaintaining a consolidated library of data base and prograll descriptions used by the DBIDC Syste., (4) Data Base Reorganization/Load Processing utilities in reorganizing a data base" (5) Data Base Recovery Syst. . utilities in reconstructing a data basel (6) Utility Control Facility and how it ieplnents the functions of the recovery and reorganization utilities, (7) Log Maintenance Utilities and how' to produce a new syst. . log f~ one containing read errors and how to r&Cover log data, (8) Log Data Foreatting utilities that perforll analysis on and print reports f~ the syst_ log tape; (9) Perfor. .nce Reporting utilities for organizing, formatting. and printing performance-related reports; (10) Syst. . Service utilities ....... ich include the SPOOL SYSOUT Print and Multiple Syst811S Verification utilities' (11) Fast Path MSDB offline utilities. which initialize, load. aaintain, and reconstruct MSDBDJ (12) Fast Path DEDB utilities for initializing, eaintaining, and reorganizing DEDBs. ' The reader should be faeiliar with the concepts and tereinology described in IMSIVS General Inf_tion (GII20-1260)' SystllllllApplication Design Guide (SH30-9025). and Application PrograMing Reference Manual (SH20-9026). Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 518 pgs, 7/77 ////5740-XX2 ~ SH20-9025 5740-XX2. ~ 1 DATABASE ADMINISTRATION!iYml (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual provides infol"llllltion required by data base administrators, application planners, and systa prDgra_rs in designing IMSIVS 1 systems. Data base concepts and facilities are described. Information on design of Fast Path and Multiple Systeml Coupling is provided. Inforution appl icable to the II1SIVS Data ColIII!M'\ication Feature is contained in IMSIVS Version 1 Systell Adnainistration Guide, SH20-9178. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 348 pages, 8/80 ////5740-)0(2 ~ SH20-9026 VERSION ! APPLICATION PROGRAt1I1ING DESIGNING !til (CURRENT RELEASE) Thi. retitled edition super.edes the seventh edition, called the IMSlVersion 1 Application PrDgra. . ing Reference Manual. This lIanual contains the application prograning infor. . tion frOll the previous edition, and additional inforeation on designing II1SIVS application progra.... The application progra_ing inforllation froll the previous edition has been separated into a guidance part and a reference part to better support application prograning. programmers. Its contents will assist the design of an IM5IVS systell. It contains progra_ing application inforeation and additional inforllation on designing IMSIVS application prograllS. Guidance and reference inforeation i. separated to better support application progra_ing. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 340 pages, 07/80 SH20-9030 ////5740-XX2 ~ lli J,1l; fR!!!i S740-XX2. HESSAGES s;mu (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication li.ts abend codes, status codes. and SH20-9027 IleSsages produced by the IBM-supplied components of the II1SIVS systee. In addition to the explanation that ~ i!mtI PROGRAmING REFERENCE This publication provides syste. progra...r. with accolI!p8nies each code and IleSsage, the action 'if any) inforllation necessary to install, tune, and . . intain an required of the user is provided. IMSIVS syst. . to be run under either DSIVS1 or 0s/vs2. It The publication is designed to advise progra_rs, describes data base and data conmunications functions, operators, and syst. . support personnel of the .tatus of System/3 and System/7 support, user exits, IqF their progra_ and the action required to correct a problell. ieple..ntation, and IMSIVS storage estillates. It includes Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 324 pgs, 7/77 inforeation concerning the Multiple syst. . and Fast Path ////574D-)o(2 features. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 360 pages, 7/77 ////5740-)0(2 61120-9033 Iill!a EXECUTIVE !MRI REFERENCE. fBg§ 573!t-XX Jr BASIC INTRODUCTION SH20-9028 This aanual is designed to give a sallPling of 6IS/2 IMSIVS lli J,!!; fB!!§ 5740-XX2, OPERATOR'S REFERENCE capabilities and to provide a reference for non-data Provides the infor_tion required to control the online processing users of 6Is/2. It is a basic introduction to execution of IMSIVS and to establish procedures for the &1512 which _y be exallined by those Mho are interested in a systee designed to _ke inforeation readily available to operator of the IMS/VS lUster ter.inal and operators of decision _kers. remote terllinals attached to IMSIVS. The intended audi_ is IMSIVS aachine operations personnel responsible for an Manual IMS/VS installation's operating procedures. ////5734-)0(1 This publication provides: an overvi. of the ~ ~ sm m 684 ( GtlZO SH20 Ri20-9035 .I.l!< f!!!§ S740-XX7, GENERAL INfORItATION This 1NInUa1 surveys the operational concepts and syst. . capabilities of the Generalized Inforlllation SystemlVirtual Storage. 1'hII .anual introduces the language of GISIVS and describes the file orgenization and processing actions supported by GISIVS. The Generalized Inforaation Syst. . operates on Systeal370 Virtual storage Systems and supports a wide variety of applications by providing information handling capabilities against .any typical data base organizations. GISIVS provides facilities for defining • •aintaining. and retrieving data frail user files under direction of the using h .. tallation and its personnel. ltanual. 76 pages ////5740-XX7 SH20-9040 iIliClli ADVANCED !iYIB! FEATIJRE. PLANNING i OPERATION GUIDE ~ m fRQ!!5740-XX7. This document describes the characteristics of the Advanced Query Feature of GISIVS. This feature provides the Means by which a person can employ GISIVS in conjunction with Infor.atlon Itanagement SystemIVS IIItSIVS). The user of this feature must have installed either the Data Base System of IItS or the combined Data BaselData COllllllUnication System of IltS. The discussion is at a level sufficient for planning the installation of the feature. The two aajor sections deal with the AQF Data Base Support and the AQF Terllinal Support. The ter.inal interface is discussed in detail while the _ n d language is only briefly described. Itanual. 80 pages ////5740-XX7 S1120-9036 m f!!!§ 5740-XX7. lm.B!J §Ym The User's Guide contains infor.ation to introduce the progra. to both the technically oriented user and the nontechnical end user and includes instructions for the guidance of both in the use of the Progra. Product GISIVS. ltanual. 84 pages ////5740-XX7 Gtl20-9043 ~ EXECUTIVE ~ !,I!; fRQ!! S740-XX7, REFERENCE This lIanual is designed to give a sampling of GIS/VS capabHities and to provide a reference for non-data processing users of GISIVS. It is a basic introduction to GISIVS which . .y be exallinec:l by those IoIho are interested in a syst... designed to aake information readily available to decision aakers. ttanual. 96 pages ////5740-XX7 ~ SH20-9037 !,I!; f!!!§ 5740-XX7. PROGRAmER'S REFERENCE Designed for systl!lll prograllllers and data base adllinistrators with responsibility for systell and data base planning. design. installation, and details of syst. . operation. Security is discussed in detail. data description for all file types is included. as well as recovery and reorganization techniques. SAttlISAIt to ¥SAlt conversion. and diagnostic aids and techniques to assist in quick diagnosis of probl. . sHuations. ltanual ////5740-XXl ~ ( SH20-9046 I!J.ll DOSIVS LOW-LEVEL CODE/CONTINUITY S1120-9038 !,I!; f!!!§ 5740-XX7, LANGUAGE REFERENCE The LRIt is a reference manual for users. Procedural ~ language utilities. task input parameters. and terllinal language are described. Language syntax and conventions are detailed. and examples are included to illustrate the proper use of the various language functions. ltajor functions, such as QUERY, UPDATE/CREATE. ttOOIFY. DVI. and IttSlYS terminal entry are discussed. ttanual ///15740-XX7 ~nd SH20-9039 GISIVS, m f!iQ§ 5nO-xx7, ItESSAGEs/copES This publication lists completion codes. status codes. and _sages produced by the 18/1 SUPPlied cotnponents of the GISIVS syst... In addition to the explanation that accompanies each code and llessage. the action (if any) required of the user is provided unless this information i. implicit in the explanation. The publication is thus designed to advise progra_rs and system analysts of the status of their progra... and to alert t"- of the action required to correct a probl... The inforaation in this aanual corresponds to parts of the 6Is/2 Operations ttanual. ltanual. 130 pages ////5740-XX7 ~ fi!n!Bi REFERENCE OPERATIONS !CURRENT RELEASE) This . .nual is intended for application programmers who want to use the services of Low-Level Code/Continuity Check in Data LanguagelI DOSIVS (LLC/CC in DVI DOSIVS). It describes the functions and the operation of the syst... and contains all the information required to generate and execute LLC/CC in DVI DOSIVS. LON-Level codes are used primarily in the lIanufacturing industry to indicate the lowest level at which at partiCUlar part number is found in all product structure trees. The product structures IlUSt not contain any loops. Therefore. a continuity check is applied to ensure proper assembly-tosubassembly continuity. The reader is assumed to have a working knowledge of the functions and the facilities of Data LanguagelI Disk Operating SystemlVirtual Storage !DVI DOSIVS). He should be falliliar with the contents of the following publications: o DVI DOSIVS Application Progra_ing Reference ttanual, SH12-S411 o DlII DOSIVS Operator's Reference Itanual and ttessages and Codes SHl2-54l4 o DVI DOSIVS Utilities and Guide for the Syst. . Prograllllll8rs. SHl2-5412 ltanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 05/84 ////S746-XXI SH20-9047 INFORItATION MANA6EltENT SYSTEttlVIRTUAL STORAGE tIltSlVSh LOW-LEVEL CODE/CONTINUITY CHECK !H RAI! LANGUAGE/I. REFERENCE At:m OPERATIONS PROG. mQ!!... S740-XXg LLC/CC in DVI of IMSIVS provides a callable subroutine to assign low-level codK to parts recorded in a parts data base as used in manufacturing industry. Low-level codes indicate the lowest level at which a part number is found in all product structure trees. To prevent loops in product structures. a continuity check is applied to ensure proper assembly-to-subassembly continuity. This .anual is intended for application programmers. It describes the functions and the operation of the syst... and contains all inforllation to generate and execute the = 685 &H20 SH20 progra •• Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 300 pages. 6/80 ////5740-XX2 The reader is assUlleCi to have a work i ng knoNledge of the functions and facilities of IMS/VS. He should be fa ..iliar with the contents of the following publications: IHS/VS System/Application Design Guide. SH20-9025. Gtl20-9056 IMS/vS Application Programming Reference Manual. SH20-9026. ~ SYSTEM/360 ~ OPERATING SYSTEM INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: PUI AND ~ FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION. IMS/vs syst.. Programming Reference Manual. SH20-9027. IHS/VS Utilities Reference Manual. SH20-9029. ~ ~ 5736-RCI ~ 5736-RC2 IMS/VS Messages and Codes Reference Manual. SH20-9030. This document describes the functional capabilities of the subject Program Products • ...hich have a Prograning Manual. 60 pages ////5740-XX2 Service Classification of C. Flyer. 4 pages ////5736-RC1.5736-RC2 f.ti20-9053 lmiali lli ill fRQ!Z 5740-XX2. ~ mwAI ~ ~ GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) &H20-9057 The purpose of this ...nual is to describe the IHS/VS Message ~ ! ~ mll!AIA UTILITIES: COPY. FORMAT. J.!ST.z. MERGE. ill PROG 5734-UT1, FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Format Service (MFS). This ...nual contains information for designers of MFS. and for the personls) responsible for the This document describes the functional capabilities of the administration of all MFS application systems used by the subject Program Product. which has a Prograllllling Service IHS/VS installation. Contents include a description of all Classification of C. Functional Description. 1 page MFS functions. information on application design and ////5734-UTl programming. and descriptions and examples of the MFS language and service utility programs. MFS supports the IBM 2740/2741 Data Communication Terminals. the IBM 3270 Information' Display System. the IBM 3600 Finance &H20-9058 COllllllUnication Systl!lll. and the IBM 3790 COIIIIIIU'lication Syst.... APU360-OS, LIC fHQIi 5734-XH6, Fl!!CTIDNAL DESCRIPTION This Program Product Functional Description (PPFDI describes Prerequisite publication for all readers are: IHS/VS General Information Manual. SH20-1260 (which includes a the functional capabilities of the subject Program Product, guide to other IMS/VS publications II IMS/vS System/ which has a Programming Service Classification of C. Application Design Guide. SH20-9025 (information on the Flyer. 1 page ////5734-XH6 IMS/vS Data Communication feature); IMS/VS Operator's Reference Manual. SH20-9028 (information on operation of devices supported by MFS); Systems Summary and/or component descriptions for devices used that are supported by MFS. &H20-9059 For MFS application programmers: IMS/vS Application APL/360-DOS. ill fHQIi 5736-XH6. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Programming Reference Manual. SH20-9026 (information on This Program Product Functional Description (PPFD) describes the functional capabilities of the subject Program Product. application programming using the IMS/VS Data COlllllM'lication feature). which has a Programming Service Classification of C. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 440 pgs. 4/77 Flyer. 2 pages ////5740-XX2 ////5736-Xt16 SH20-9060 ~ BASIC. ill fRQ!Z !i748-XX1, TERMINAL ~ GUIDE (CURRENT 5740-XX2. ~ ! mi REMOTE ~ ~ PROGRAMMING GUIDE RELEASE) This publication provides the introductory, procedural. and This manual provides planning and reference information for the system analysts and programmers. and application reference information necessary to use the VS BASIC language programmers of Systems Network Architecture (SNA) based to develop programs under VSpc, a program product available networks. The ...nual addresses the network communication with OS/VS1. OS/VS2 HVS. and DOS/vS. It contains detailed protocols required for programmable logical units to explanations of the command language directly relevant to comnrunicate with IMS/VS. It also addresses the Intersyst.. the needs of the typical VS BASIC user. a sample terminal Communication facility of IBH/VS's Multiple Systems Coupling session. a description of batch processing, and a VSPC Feature. Intersystem Communication permits multiple Terminal Quick Reference Chart. cOllllllUnication sessions between IMS/vs and another subsystem Prerequisite Publications: such as another IMS/VS system. CICS/vS. or a user-written VS BASIC General Information. subsysteJII. provided that the other subsyst... also implements GC28-8302 ISC. VS BASIC Language. GC28-8303 Only those areas of IMS/VS that are di rectly affected Related Publications: are addressed. Refer to other IHS/VS manuals for additional The VS BASIC for VSPC: Reference SUmmary. IMS/vS information. A knowledge of IMS/vs. particularly the SX26-3710. is a digest of the VS BASIC Data Communication Feature. is required to understand this language and the VSPC commands presented here. Manual, 150 pages, 4/76 lIanual. Readers should be familiar Mith SNA and VTAH concepts and facilities that govern communication betMeen a ////5748-XXI Prerequisite Publications: Advanced Function for Communications System SUmmary, GA27-3099; IMS/vS General Information Manual. GH20-1260; IMS/vs Installation Guide. GH20-9061 SH20-90811 VTAM Concepts and Planning. GC27-69981 Systems VSPC FORTRAN. LIe fRQ!Z 5748-F02. !illmJ!!!. INFORMATION NetMork Architecture. Concepts & Products. GC30-3072. This manual provides planning information abcut the VSPC CICS/vS: Application Programmer's Reference Manual (Command FORTRAN processors. an IBM program product that runs under Levell SC33-00771 SysteJII Programmer's Reference Manual. the VS Personal Computing prograll products when running SC33-0069; System Programmer's Guide (DOS/vSI. SC33-0070. under OS/vSl. OS/vS2, and DOS/vS. The features and (OS/VS). SC33-0071. capabilities of VSPC FORTRAN are described. along with Prerequisite publications: Advanced Function for infor.ation concerning capability and conversion SH20-9054 ~ 686 ( GH20 GH20 SH20-9066 considerations. operating envirClfllllent. and systetl requirements. The VSPC FORTRAN processor consists of a compiler. together with a library of . . thematical and service subroutines. The VSPC FORTRAN General Information .anual is intended for customer executives. installation managers. and other supervisors. including data processing system planners and analysts who are interested in getting an overvi_ of VSPC FORTRAN as an aid in evaluating it and/or planning for its i nstallati on. Manual. 40 pages. 11/75 lli fi!! ~ TERMINAL USER'S §YI!!g (CURRENT RELEASE) Provides how-to and reference information about the VS APL program product when· operated under the program product OS/vSl VSPC. OS/vS2 VSPC. and DOS/vs VSPC It contains detailed information on the terllinals that support the product and the procedures that IlUSt be followed in starting a ter.inal session. This book also describes the systell commands presented by VS APL and the auxiliary processors and Narkspaces distributed with the product. This bock is directed to general users of VS APL. It assumes a fami 1 i ari ty wi th the APL language but assUllaS no experience with VSPC. Prerequisite Manual: APL Language. GC26-3847. The VS APL Reference Sumaary. SX26-3712. is a digest of the language elements. systu cotlllllands. and syst. . variables. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 11/76 ////5748-APl ~ 111/5748-F02.5748-F02 SH20-9062 VSPC FORTRAN. ,!Jl; fRQ§ 5748-F02. TERMINAL ~ GUIOE This publication provides introductory. procedural and reference information necessary to develop programs using VSPC FORTRAN under the VS Personal Computing (VSPC) program product. It is intended for the FORTRAN probl...-solver Mho will write. compile. run. and store his programs while sitting at a VSPC-supported terminal. The publication provides the necessary ter.inal and VSPC information for the user. and explains the use of the FORTRAN IV language supported by VSPC FORTRAN. Prerequisite Manual: IBM System/360 and Syst811/370 FORTRAN IV Language. GC28-6515. The VSPC FORTRAN Reference Summary. SX26-3711. is a digest of the FORTRAN IV language and the VSPC coanancls presented in this book. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 154 pgs. 6/77 SH20-9067 lli ~ TERMINAL ~ §YI!!g (CURRENT RELEASE) Provides hoM-to and reference inforllation about the IBM program product VS APL when operated under control of the Conversational Monitor Syst. . (CMS) of the Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VMl370). It contains detailed inforll8tion on the terllinals that support the product and the procedures that must be followed in starting a tel"lllinal session. This book also describes the systu co....nc1s presented by VS APL and the auxiliary processors and NOrkspaces distributed with the product. This book is directed to general users of VS APL. It assUlles a familiarity with the APL language but assUlle!l no experience with the Conversational Monitor Syst... Manual. 03/84 /1//5748-APl ~ //115748-F02.5748-F02 :JH20-9063 FORTRAN. ,!Jl; f!m§ 5748-F02. REFERENCE MATERIAL This publication describes how to install VSPC FORTRAN and hoM to perform various system functions. such as defining VSPC FORTRAN users and maintaining public and project libraries. It is intended for installation personnel Mho have responsibility for these functions. It explains the installation of VSPC FORTRAN under the VSPC program product. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 30 pgs. 6/77 ///15748-F02.5748-F02 ~ SH20-9068 lli ~ITIN6 AUXILIARY PROCESSORS ~ &:Ill !l!!U (CURRENT RElEASEl This publication is for syst. . and application progra_rs ......0 plan to wri te auxi 1 i ary processors to be used wi th VS APL for YM/370 CMS and OS/vS2 T5O. It presents auxiliaryprocessor concepts and explains hoM to design. write. and implement auxiliary processors. The reader is assumed to have knowledge of assembler language. Prerequisite publications are APL Language. 6C26-3847 and OS/vs-DOS/VS-YM/370 Assembler Language. 6C334010. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 01/76 ////5748-APl ~ GH20-9064 m ~ INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is equivalent to GH20-9053-08. Manual. 01176 ////5748-APl.5740-XR9 ~ SH20-9065 m INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is for installation managers and system programmers responsible for installing and .aintaining the IBM prograll product VS APL under YM/370 CMS or lW\der the IBM prograll product OS/vSl VSPC. OS/vS2 MVS VSPC. 01" DOS/vS VSPC. It describes hoM to install VS APL and hoM to perform various system management functions such as defining VS APL users. creating and maintaining VS APL public and project libraries. and converting APV360. APLSV. and APVCMS NOrkspaces to VS APL NOrkspaces. The reader is assumed to have a knowledge of VS APL and the syst... 01" program product under ..... ich it runs. Prerequisite publications are VS APL General Information. GH20-9064. and either IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370: Introduction. GC20-1800. or VS Personal Computing (VSPC) for OS/VS and Dos/vS: General Information. GH20-9070. Manual. 80 pages. 01176 ~ GH20-9069 Ilm f!JlI ~ ~ INFORMATION This publication is for customer executives and installation 118""98rs to help thea evaluate the plan for installation of the Fast Path feature. Familiarity Nith IMS/VS is assumed. Facilities described include expedited IleSsage handling and two types of data bases designed for fast retrieval. update and collection of data. Information is provided on progra_ing. syst... and storage requirements. tel"llinals supported. and criteria for suitable applications. Manual. 30 pages. 06/76 ~ ~ //115740-XX2 GH20-9070 11115748-APl 687 ( fi!! miali &:Ill ~ GENERAL INFORMATION This . .nual is for installation INnagers and syst. . prograauners to plan to install and operate VSPC under OS/VS 01" Dos/vS. VSPC is an option of the operating syst. . that ~ 6H20 _bl_ persons Nith no previ_ coaputer 8I ifor. notation. tailored to IBM 3767 eo.-.mication Te,..inel in SOle and solving a great variety of problems interactively at a StartlStop Mode ter.inal. The language was originated to define probleas IBM 2741 Coannu1ication TerMinal concisely using Nell-known syatbols. IBM 3270 Inforllation Display Syst. . functions of the licensed prograll. VS APL is a prograll IBM 3770 Data Communication Syst. . product that interprets statellants IIritten in APL. The APL IBM 1050 Data COIIIIIIUI'\ication Syst. . language has a silllPle and lA1iforM notation. tailored to CPT-TWX Models 33 and 35 solving a great variety of problems interactively at a terainal. The language MaS orignated to define probl_ The publication is divided into indepelldent sectionsJ each describes one type of terainal. TNO appendixes contain concisely using Nell-known symbols. a VSPC Terainal Quick Reference Chart and TerlDinal Flyer Specifications. 11115748-APl ltanual. 8 1/2 inches. 92 pgs. 6177 11115740-XR5.5740-XR6 688 ./ ( SH20 SH20-9087 m SH20 1 HG6282 f!m!i S799-AQC §!!MW! VARIABLES !APLSV) VERSION USER'S GUIDE. PROGRAMMING l!.f!g This publication describf!s the APL Shared Variable Syst_ (APLSV) Version 3. an interactive progra.-ing syst. . that executes state\1lents written in APL. This publication describes the TSIO and auxiliary processor which allows an APL user to perforll input and output operations to disks, II&gnetic tapes, line printing. and other devices. I t also describes how to use a 3270 Infor. . tion Display Terminal in an APLSV Syst_. The infor. . tion in this publication supplements APL language. GC26-3847. which is required for full understanding of the use and facilities of APLSV. This publication is intended for all APLSV users. I1anual. 72 pgs. 7/76 ////S799-Af¥; SH20-9088 m SHARED VARIABLES ~ YJ OPERATIotIS ~ PROGRAI1I1ING Rflj !:l§illL. fBQ§ 5799-AQC This manual contains the information necessary to install. operate. and maintain Version 3 of APLSV. including TSIO (Prograa Humber 5740-l 3H2ft-5056 llH ~ 6H2ft-5065 SQLIDS l.!2! ~ CONCEPTS MIl FACILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication gives a sUIIIIDar-y of the concepts on which the Structul"ed Query Language Data System (SQLlDS) is based and the facilities Nhich it offers. It describes SQLlDS in a VI1ISP environment at a more detailed level than does SQLlDS General Information for VI1ISP 6H2ft-506ft. This publication is for persons who evaluate the applicability of SqLIDS for their business. They may be involved in administration. application design. application pl"ogramming. or system prog...... ing. It can also be used by SQLlDS users and operators who want a .ore detailed look et SqLIDS on a VI1ISP system. This is a component of SK2T-0908 and seOF-3222. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 121 pages. 111M 111157ft8-XXJ 6H2ft-5066 l.!2! WISP SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is the basis for the warranty of the SQLlData Syst... in a VI1ISP environment. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 12/84 111157ft8-XXJ NETWORKING mJW!Ij 1 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) The RSCS Licensed Program Specifications contains the information on the warranted function of the licensed program RSCS. It also states the specificed operating anvi ronmant. The audience for this publication is lieans_. Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 121M 11115664-188 SH24-5057 llH ~ NETWORKING mrumf 1 PlANNING M:!Il INSTALLATION §!W!.g (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains a description of how to plan for and install RSCS Networking Version 2. along with migration considerations for currant RSCS customers. It also describes techniques of implementation for efficient operation and use of RSCS. This is a component of SK2T-0911. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 09/85 1111566ft-188 ~ ./ SH2ft-5067 ~ l.!2! VMlm! TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication provides experienced SQLlData Syst_ (SQLlDS) users with I"efer-ence information for accessing SqLIDS through a ter-minal using ISQL. It provides infol"mation on SqL and ISaL collllllands. ISQL routines. and the system catalogs. Information is organized alphabetically for easy retrieval. This is a component of SK2T-0907 and seOF-l222. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 188 pages. 11/84 111157ft8-XXJ Slf2ft-5068 f!!R ~ APPLICATION fROGRA!1!1ING (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is for application programmers. It tells how to write application progra_ that use the Str-uctured QueI"Y Language ISaL) to access data s~ol"ed in SQLlDS tables. This is a component of SK2T-0909 and SBOF-3222. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 520 pages. 01185 111157ft8-XX-J ~ SH2ft-5058 llH RSCS NETWORKING mrumf 1 OPERATION M:!Il .1m (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication is for virtual machine users and for system. link. and remote work-station operators. It contains three ..ajar sections Nhich explain what RSCS NetNOl"king Version 2 is and what it does. and discusses the roles of the RSCS and remote operatol"s in I"Wlning and using RSCS. discusses procedul"es for controlling data tl"anmlsslon over a netNOrk. and describes how general users and r_te operators can use RSCS to do productive work. This is a component of SK2T-0910. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 280 pages. 09/85 1111566ft-188 Slf2ft-5069 l.!2! VMlm! 1m mm.g .!lIll.Dl (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication is a reference .and guide for users of the sallDs Data Base Services (DBS) utility in a VI1ISP environment. The DBS utility hi an saLIDs application program that is used for processing SaL and OBS utility cOlllllands. It can be used to load and unload data to and fl"(III an SQLlDS data base. The publication describes and explains what the DBS utility is. how it functions and when it should be used. It also pr-ovides descriptions of the ~ 702 SH24 SH30 fOrMat. for ..ch DBS utility comaand and all associated paraDaters. This is a component of SK2T-0909 and SBOF-3222. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages. 12/84 publication contains information that alloNS the reader to evaluate YHlIS's applicability to the reader's particular needs. Manual. 7 1/2 x 8 112 inches. 72 pages. 09/86 11115664-301.5750-ESI 11115748-XXJ Stl24-5070 fQR ~ ItESSA6ES !till gm§ (CURRENT RELEASE) This public.tion lists and explains the messages which the SQVO.ta SysteM issues to the operator and to the progr....er. It _bles both to decide on the action they have to take in reply to the message received. Each message is preceded by an identifying number so that U can easily be found. This Dathod of listing also ensures that messages issued by the sa... prograM are grouped together. This is a component of SK2T-0909 and SBOF-3222. HalUll. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 330 pages. 12184 ~ 11115748-XXJ Stl24-5071 fi!! VHlSP OPERATIONS (CURREN! RELEASE! This publication describes hoM to operate the Structured Query LanguagelData Systa (SQVOS) prograM on • YHlSP syst... It is intended for those Mho operate the SQVOS progra•• others. such as database adMinistrators •• ight find this publication a handy reference for SQVOS initi.lization parameters and for operator co.IIands. This i. a component of SK2T-0908 and SBOF-3222. Hanuel. 8 112 x 11 inches. 85 pages. 12/84 ~ 11115748-XXJ ( !H24-5072 BI4lI nm:mm!!AmB ~ (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication presents an overvietl of the SQVOata Syst.. Library for VHlSyste. Product systems. It also consolidates the indices into one index called the Master Indax. The Master Index directs a reader to one or DOre ..lUlls in Nhich a topic is discussed. NOTE: Persons interested in using SQVOata Systems 'in a VSE environment should refer to SQVOata Systems Haster Index for VSE. Stl24-5027. Thi. is a cOlllPO"ent of SK2T-0909 and SBOF-3222. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 95 pages. 02185 11115748-XXJ SH24-5087 f£aH §Qt!!! PR06RAM!1ER'S §YI!!! (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication describes planning for Pc/VM Bond Users. inst.lling PCIYH Bond on VH/SP and the advanced features of PCIVH Bond. It is intended for the individual responsible for planning .nd/or installing PC/YH Bond on YHlSP and for the PC DOS and YHlSP experi enced user Mho wants to use the • dv.nced features of PCIVH Bond. This is a COWIpOnent of SK2T-0906. Manual. 8 112 xIIi nches. 6 IIIOnths. 12/84 SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 61124-5111 :mmI SPECIFICATIONS (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication contains a brief description of VHlSP Entry. It also outlines the terms and conditions of the warranty of this prograM product. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 05/85 ~ 61124-5124 YH/pc HOST ~ SPECIFICATIONS YHlPC Host Server Licensed PrograM Specifications docUMents the warranty for the YHlPC Host Server product. Flyer. 1 page. 12/85 11115664-319 SH24-5125 YH/PC HOST ~ PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE This publication contains information on planning for YHlPC users and installing YH/PC Host Server on YHlSP. I t is intended for the individual responsible for planning and/or installing VHlPC Host Server on VHlSP. This is a component of SK2T-0906. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 12/85 11341/5664-319 SH24-6000 CSP/Q SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes system-specific tasks for .dministering the CSP/Q program product. Ongoing administrative tasks such as hoN to manage end users and hoM to lIanage files are described in this publication. It is available by itself or as a part of the set of CSP/Q .anuals; which is orderable under SBOF-I047. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 45 pages. 10/81t 11115668-918 61124-6001 UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS fi!! CSP/a A one-page set of unpacking instructions is included in the CSP/Q box containing .anuals and a binder. The user obtains the boxed set of .anuals by ordering the CSP/Q library with one number. SBOF-I047. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 10184 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 61130-0760 ATTACHMENT/370 ATTACHMENTIMVS. ATTACHMENT/YM GENERAL INFORMATION This publication presents general infor.ation about two products for any System/370. 4300 or 30XX processor with HVS or YHlSP installed. and one product for the Personal Computer. Personal Computer Xl. 3270 Personal Computer • 3270 Personal Computer AT. or Personal Computer AT r System. The host products are AttachmentIMVS and AttachDantlYH. The Personal Computer product is Attachment/370+. Attachment/370+ includes these application programs: Personal Decision Series Attachment/370 Edition and Extend/370. These host attachment products allow users of Personal Computers to ComMunicate and take advantage of host capabilities and services. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 05/86 1120115665-336.5664-290 11115664-301 61124-5119 vtVIN!E§RATED :mmI ~ INFORMATION This publication introduces the reader to the Virtual M.chlne/lntegrated System (YH/IS). It is intended for .nyone considering buying YHlIS for his organization. Thi. Stl30-0761 ATTACHMENI/!1VS ATTACHMENTIVH SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE This publication describes progra. characteristic~ and the procedures to install and execute the AttachmentlMVS or AttachmentlVH product. Its primary audience is the systems prograllllll8r responsible for the definition and installation 703 SH30 of AttachmentlMVS or AttachMentlVH. AttachmentlVH. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 06/86 1136115665-336,5664-290 SH30-0762 ATIAC!!I1ENT/MVS ATTACHMENTI'/H §lmH ADMINISTRATOR'S H:t!I HOST USER'S GUIDE This publication contains user reference information for tlOO host products installed on any System/37D, 4300 or 30XX processor (requires HVS or VlVSP). The products are AttachmentlHVS and AttachmentlVM. The audience for this publication is the syst_ administrator of AttachmentlHVS or AttachmentlVH and any host user. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 05/86 SH35 6K35-0007 OS/vS2 ~ DA!A FACILITY HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER: GENERAL INFORMATION This ....nual is an introduction to the Hierarchical storage Manager program product. It is written for data processing lIanagers, system prograllllllers, application programmers, system operators, TSO terminal and batch users, and other data processing personnel involved in data space lllanagellent. This .... nual describes the functional characteristics, hardware considerations, operating system considerations, planning, and the responsibilities that go along with this program product. Manual, 1/84 11115740-l JD2-2205 GRAPHICS ~ METHOD/GRAPHICS f!mIiIWI Microfiche for all users of VSl 7.0. Microfiche, reduced 45)(, 3 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LISTIN§S SJD2-2214 .!ml.Ht! SUPPORT. LISTINGS Microfiche for all users of VSl 7.0. Microfiche, reduced 45)(, 1 card SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-221S SUPPORT. LISTINGS Microfiche for .11 users of VSl 7.0. Microfiche, reduced 4S)( SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LISTINGS !>JD2-2206 OSIVSl GRAPHICS SUBROUTINE PACKAGE. LISTINGS "Microfiche for all users of VSl 7.0. Microfiche, reduced 45)(, 5 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2207 MICR/OCR LISTINGS Microfiche for all users of VSl 7.0. Microfiche, reduced 45)(, 12 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2208 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM .!.!!lW..t. LISTINGS Microfiche for all users of VSl 7.0. Microfiche, reduced 45)(, 82 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY WD2-2209 NETWORK OPERATIQNS ~ PROGRAM. J,Jl; f!D§ 571S-lQ(2, LISTINGS Microfiche for all purchasers of this product to VSl 7.0. Microfiche, reduced 45)(, 16 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2216 LISTINGS Microfiche for .11 users of VSl 7.0 Microfiche, reduced 45)(, 60 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-2217 l2L LISTINGS Microfiche for all users of VSl 7.0. Microfiche, reduced 45)(, 114 cards ~ SJD2-2218 UTILITIES LISTINGS Microfiche for all users of VSl 7.0. Microfiche. reduced 45)(, 19 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2220 VPSS. LISTINGS Microfiche for all users of VSl 7.0. Microfiche, reduced 45)(, 33 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-2221 TELECO!1!1UNICATIQNS ! SNA 11 LISTINGS Microfiche for all users of VSl 7.0. Microfiche. reduced 45)(, IS3 cards ~ 734 SJD2 SJD2-2222 mIY!b TELECOHHUNICATIONS !.l!!:!A 1.1 LISTINGS Microfiche for all users of VSl 7.0. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 33 cards WD2-2223 VIAM ~ 5735-RC2. LISTINGS Microfiche for all purchasers of this product to VSl 7.0. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 150 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2 WD2-4170 ACF/SSP .E!lR 3725. 5735-XXA. ~ No abstract available. Microfiche. 7/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m LJD2-4171 ACF/SSP ~ 1 RELEASE LJ. (CWRENT RELEASE) No abstract available. Microfiche. 29 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY WD2-2224 LISTINGS Microfiche for all purchasers of this product to VSl 7.0. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 14 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LJD2-2225 CRYPTO. 5735-RC2. HllliE LISTINGS Microfiche to all purchasers of this product to VS1 Release 7.0. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 3 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ WD2-2227 OSlVSl ~ ~ .!illill Atm JBAl511. 5662-257 LISTINGS Microfiche prograe listings and index of basic MOdules and ..cros for: OSIVSl BPE4 Release JSA1511 and JBA1511 Microfiche. 45X High Density. 30 cards. 1/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY WD2-416/i WD2-4172 filii 3725 OS/vsEI'/I1 (CURREN! RELEASE) No abstract available. Microfiche. 07/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ WD2-4174 TERMINAL ~ 5735-XX7 No abstract available. Microfiche. 2/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ WD2-4176 NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY. 5668-963 No abstract available. Microfiche. 2/84 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LJD2-4179 RELEASE Y .E!lR m Tape contains .icrofiche for licensed progra. X.25 NPSI Release 4.1 for MYS. 5668-981. used by FE. DevelllplMlnt end licensed customers of this product. Microfiche. 17 cards. 11/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ 3705 ~ .fB.Q!i 5735-XXA LISTINGS Listings for the prograe shown in the title. Microfiche. 27 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LJD2-4165 ACF/SSP ~ 1,llgj ~ 5735-XXA No abstract available. Microfiche. 9/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LJ02-4183 VERSION 1 .E!lR m 3725 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) Contains .icrofiche for 5667-124 used by NSD end licensed cust_ers of this prograe product. Microfiche. 85 cards. 05/84 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ...JD2-4166 ADVANCED COMItUNICATIONS FUNCTION!NEIWORK CONTROL PROGRAMIVIRTUAL STORAGE fQH 3705. 5735-XX9. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) Listings for the progra. shown in the title. Microfiche. 112 cards SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 3JD2-4167 EMULATOR PROGRAM fQH ADVANCED COI1I1UNICATIONS FUNCTION/NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM/SYSTEM SUPPORT f!m!i!B!tI filii 3705. 5747-CH2. VERSION 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) No abstract available. Microfiche. 3/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY WD2-4189 EMULATOR f!m!i!B!tI .E!lR CO!!1UNICATIONS CONTROLLERS (ctI!RENT RELEASE) No abstract available. Microfiche. 06/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4200 1.:.1 SYSTEM CROSS REFERENCE Contains SCP progra. listings for OSIVSI and/or OS/vs2 es specified in the title. Microfiche SlSS: ORDER NO. SlmSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LJD2-4169 ~~1~LJ.~ No abstract available. Microfiche. 28 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4230 LI ill2 57S2-SCI-BH Contains .SCP progra. listings for 0s/vs1 end/or 0s/vs2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche ~ ~ 735 ( (~\ '~---) SJD2 SJD2 SLSS: ORDER NO. StBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4340 SJD2-it240 !lli!S Lll EXTERNAL I!!!m! 5752-SC I - B2 Contains SCP progra. listings for OSIVSl and/or 0SIVS2 as specified in the titl •• Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. StBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-it250 SCHEDULER /WruB! 57S2-SCI-B3 Contains SCP progra. listings for OSIVSI and/or 0SIVS2 as specified in tha titl •• Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. StBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~.b!l m RELEASE!.:.! I!E!!i 5752-SCI-CC Contains SCP progra. li.t;'igs for OS/vSI and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the titl •• Hicroticha SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-43SD OSIYS2 RELEASE !.:.! QBR/EREPIRDE 5752-SCI-CD Contains SCP progra. listings for OS/vSl and/or os/vS2 as specified in tha title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4360 RELEASE!.:.! B!:!l! 5752-SCl-CE Contains SCP progra. listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-it260 ~ ~ !.:.! ALLOC/UNALLOCATE 5752-SCI-84 Contains SCP progra. listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 as specified in tha title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-437D ~ RELEASE !.:.! EXTEND ~ ROUTER 5752-SC1-CF Contains SCP program listings for OS/vSI and/or OSIVS2 a. specified in tha title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-it270 2!A rfANA§ER 5752-SC1- B5 Contains SCP program listings for OSlVSl and/or 0SIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~.b!l SJD2-438D RELEASE !.:.! ~ i l l 5752-SCI-C§ Contains SCP progra. listings for OSIVSI and/or os/vS2 as specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-4280 ~ RELEASE !.:.! INITIATOR TERHINATOR 5752-SCI-B6 Contains SCP progra. listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. MICROFICHE SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-439D ~ RELEASE !.:.! VIRnJAL STORAGE HANAGER 57S2-SCl-CH Contains SCP progra. listings for OSIVSI and/or OS/vS2 as specified in the title. ' Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4300 ~ ~ !.:.! ~ COHHANDS !SVC341 5752-SCI-B8 Contains SCP progra. listings for OS/vSI and/or OS/vS2 a. specified in tha title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. StBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-44DD ~ RELEASE !.:.! CONTENTS SUPERVISOR 5752-SC1-CJ Contains SCP progralll listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4310 .b!l CONVERTER/INTERPRETER 5752-SC1-B9 Contains SCP progra. listings for OSIVSl and/or OSIVS2 a. specified in the titl •• Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. StBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SJD2-4410 ~ ~ SJD2-4320 m Lll ~ 5752-SCI-CA Contains SCP progra. listings for OSIVSl and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. StBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ 5JD2-4330 Lll .I.!!I! ~ m 5752-SCI-CB Contains SCP progra. listings for OSIVSI and/or 0SIVS2 as specified in tha title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. StBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ !.:.! CO!1!t.!NICAIQR ~ S752-SC1-CK Contains SCP progralll listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-442D OSIVS2 RELEASE !.:.! TASK HAl:! 57S2-SCI-CL Contains SCP progralll listings for OS/vSI and/or os/vS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY- 736 ( SJD2 SJD2-4430 SJDZ SJD2-4520 ~ ~ ~ RECOVERY TERMINATIQN 5Z52-SCI-eM Contains SCP program li.th'9. for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microficha SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4440 s.wm L.!! m FLOATING fQ1t:II 5Z52-SCI-CP Contains SCP progr•• li.tings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 •• specified in tha title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-4540 OS/VS2 ~ L.!! OVERLAY SUPERVISOR 5752-SCI-CZ Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4450 OSIVSZ s.wm L.!! m:a 5Z52-SCI-CQ Contains SCP program li.tings for OSIVSI .nd/or OSIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4550 SJD2-4460 SJD2-4560 s.wm L.!! !W. nmwzg H!!:I 5152-SCI-CS Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 .s specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY RELEASE LJl 1Q.3 5752-SCI-C3 Contains SCP program li.tings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 as .pecified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 2Uill ( ~ ~ L.!! ~ 5752-SCI-C4 Contai~ SCP program listings for OSIVSI specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .nd/or OSIVS2 a. SJD2-44Z0 OSIVS2 RELEASE L.!! RERION CONTROL ~ 5752-SCI-CU Contains SCP progr•• listings for OSIVSI .nd/or 0SIVS2 .s specified in tha title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJDZ-45Z0 SJD2-4480 OSIVS2 RELEASE L.!! llHEB SUPERVISION 5Z52-SCI-CV Contains SCP progr•• listings for OSIVSI and/or 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4580 OSIVS2 RELEASE L.!! EXCP 5Z5Z-SCI-C6 Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSI and/or 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4490 OSIVS2 ~ L.!! AUXILIARY STORASE ~ 575Z-SCI-CH Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 .s specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJDZ-4590 OSIVS2 RELEASE L.!! fllQ! 5Z5Z-SCI-C7 Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSl and/or OSIVS2 .s specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4500 SJD2-4600 OSIVS2 RELEASE LJl !m! 575Z-SCI-C8 Contains SCP program listings for OSlVSl and/or OSIVS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L.!! !YmH RESOURCE ItANAGEMENJ 5752-SCI-CX Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SJD2-4510 LJl SUPERVISOR ~ 575Z-SCI-C5 Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVSZ as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SJD2-4610 .IW&lli LJllli 5152-SCI-C9 Cont.ins SCP program listings for OSIVSl and/or OSIVS2 es specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY RELEASE L.!! ~ PARTITION 5752-SCI-CY Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSI and/or 0SIVS2 a. specified in the titl•• Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ 737 ( ue RECQNFIGURATION 575Z-SCI-CZ Contains SCP progr•• listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ ~ ~ SJ02 SJD2 SJD2-4620 OSIVS2 RELEASE L.l! §b!g PROCESSOR 5Z52-SCI-Ql Cont.ins SCP progr•• listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4710 SJD2-4630 OS/VS2 RELEASE L.l! !AH SUBSYSTEM INIERFACE 5Z52-SCI-DB Contains SCP progr•• listings for OSIVSI .nd/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4Z20 SJD2-4640 SJD2-4Z30 ~ mcm ~ LJl ~ HmmD SERVICES 5Z52-SC1-PJ( Cont.ins SCP progr•• listings for OSIVSI .nd/or 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L.l! EM g 5152-SCI - Dl Contains SCP progr•• listings for OSIVSl .nd/or 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ RWm LJl J!I! 5Z52-SCI - DO Cont.ins SCP progr•• li.tings for OSIVSI .nd/or 0SIVS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY illW5 L.l! PASSWORD f!H!Im 5ZS?-SCI - DC ~ Cont.ins SCP progr•• listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 a. specified in the titl •• Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4650 OSIVS2 RELEASE L.l! 3505/3525 READER 5Z52-SCI-DD Contains SCP progr.m listings for OSIVSI and/or 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4Z40 SJD2-4660 SJD2-4Z50 ~ .. LJl OPEN/CLOSE/Eoy 5ZS2-SCI-OI Cont.ins SCP progr.m listings for OSIVSI .nd/or 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ illW5 1..,.q mH 5Z52-SCl-DE 1..,.q e&! S1S2-SCI-D2 Cont.ins SCP progra. listings for OSlVSl .nd/or 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ Contains SCP progra. listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 .s specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY / SJD2-46Z0 SJD2-4ZZ0 ~ ~ mcm ~ LJlIWllH! SZS2-SCI-D4 ~ DOCIMENT PROCESSOR 5752-SCI-DF Contains SCP progr•• listings for OSIVSI .nd/or OSIVS2 a. specified in the titl•• Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1..,.q SJD2-4680 1 m !YlfU 5ZS2-SCI-DS Contains SCP progra. listings for OS/VSI and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the titl •• Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Cont.ins SCP progr•• listings for OSlVSl .nd/or 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4Z80 illW5 .LJ g 5Z52-SCI-DS Cont.ins SCP progr•• listings for os/vSl .nd/or 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SJD2-4690 ~ illW5 L.l! CATALOG CONTROLLER 5Z52-SCI-PH ~ SJD2-4Z90 illW5 .LJ mg 5ZS2-SC1- D6 Cont.ins SCP progr.1II li.tings for OSIVSl .nd/or OSIVS2 •• specified in the title. . l'Iicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ Contains SCP progr... li.tings for OSIVSI .nd/or 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4Z00 • OS/VS2 illW5 L.l! ~ INTERCEPT 51S2-SCI-DJ Cont.ins SCP progr... listings for OSIVSI .nd/or 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4800 RWm 1..,.q B!W! 51S2-SC1- DZ Contains SCP progr•• listings fpr OSlVSl .nd/or 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ Z38 , ( I i~ SJD2 !iJD2-4810 ~ ~ L! D!!:! S7S2-SCI-D8 Contains SCP prograM listings for DS/VSl eneVor OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. stESCRIPTION ONLY !i.lD2-4820 RELEASE L! ~ S7S2-SCI-60 Contains SCP prograM listings for OSlVSl aneVor OSIVS2 es specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NIl. stESCRIPTION ONLY SJD2 SJD2-4900 QS/YS2 RELEASE L! ng SCHEDULER S7S2-ScI-T4 Contains SCP prograM listings for OSIVSl aneVor OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4930 L! UTILITIES DEBPTpcH S7S2-SCI-UA Contains SCP prograra listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. stESCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ ~ SJD2-4940 SJD2-4830 L! IBCDHPRS S7S2-SCI-IO Conta;ns SCP progr. . li.tings for OSIVSI aneVor OSIVS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L! UTILITIES IEHI10YE S7S2-SCI-UC Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSI and/or OS/ys2 es specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ ( ~ ~ SJD2-4840 OSIVS2 RELEASE L! IBCDASDI S7S2-SCI-I! Conte;ns SCP prograM listings for OSIVSI eneVor OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. stESCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-49S0 SJD2-48S0 DSIVS2 RELEASE L! ICAPRIBL S7S2-SCI-I2 Contains SCP prograM listings for OSIVSI aneVor OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER No. stESCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4960 OS/YS2 RELEASE L! UTILITIES IEHSTATR S7S2-SCI-UE Contains SCP prograM listings for OSIVSI aneVor OSIVS2 es specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4860 SJD2-4970 ~ ~ L.Jl ng nn S7S2-SCI - TO L! UTILITIES IEHINITT S7S2-SCI-UD Contains SCP prograra listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ RELEASE L! UTILITIES IEHATLAS S7S2-SCI-UF Contains SCP prograM listings for OSIVSI aneVor OSIVS2 a. specified in the title. Hicrofiche SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ Contains SCP prograM listings for DS/VSI aneVor OSIVS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. stESCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4870 L.Jl ng ~ S7S2-SC I - II Contains SCP prograM listings for OSIVSI aneVor DS/VS2 as specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SJD2-488D ~ ~ SJD2-4980 OSIVS2 RELEASE L! UTILITIES IEBTCRIN S7S2-SCI-US Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSI aneVor OSNS2 a. specified in the title. Hicrofiche SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-4990 L! UTILITIES IEBISAH S7S2-SCI-UH Contains SCP prograM listings for OSIVSI aneVor OSIVS2 a. specified in the title. Hicrofiche SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L! ng UTILITIES S7S2-SCI-T2 ~ ~ Contains SCP prograM listings for OSlVSl aneVor DS/VS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. stESCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-489D L.,g ng UQ!; S7S2-SCI-T3 Conteins SCP prograM listings for OSIVSl eneVor OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. stESCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SJD2-S000 OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES ~ S7S2-SCI-UJ Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSI aneVor OSIVS2 a. specified in the title. Hicrofiche SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 739 ( II !~ 14 :,1 , &JD2 &JD2-S010 mJaU lW&AU U lUIUllES UBC!!!1PR Im-scl-IIS &JD2 SJD2-IIID DBtv.U lW&AU LJl l!mml1!!ABlmJl fW1IU 5752-SC I - OE Cont.ins SCP progr•• li.tlngs for DSIYSI .nd/or 0SIYS2 •• • pecifled In the title. Hi orof I ohe SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-SD2D nwu LJl UTILITIES ~ Cont.l". SCP progr•• li.tings for DSIYSI .nd/or OSIYS2 •• .pecified in the title • Hicrofiche SLUr ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &JD2-IUD DBtv.U lW&AU LJl SCHEgULER mil! Im-SCl-pD Im-SCI-UY Cont.lns SCP progr•• lI.tings for OSIYSI .nd/or 0SIYS2 •• • pecified in the title. Hi crofiche SLSSI ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ·lJD2-SD3D U UTILITIES IEHDAspR IZS2-SCI-ug Contains SCP program lIstinga for OSIYSI .nd/or OSIYS2 .. specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Cont.ins SCP progr•• li.tings for DSIYSI .nd/or OSIYS2 •• .p.cifled in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &JD2-lno IW.&W U &fI!l!§ ~ SZI2-SC1-Pl Contains SCP program listings for OSIYSI .nd/or OSIYS2 .s .pecified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS; ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ ~ &JD2-IDltD nw.m: Im-SCI -U2 Contains SCP program listings for DSlYSl and/or 0SIYS2 •• ~ &JD2-llltO I!Wm U i!:!f 17S2-SCI-02 Contai". SCP progr.m li.tings for DS/VSl .nellor DS/VS2 •• specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS; ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY JW&m LJl UTILITIES ~ specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-S0S0 OSIYS2 I!Wm U lUILITIES IEHPROG!! SZS2-SCI-U3 Contains SCP program listings for OSIYSI and/or 0SIYS2 .s specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-IISO SJD2-SD6D &JD2-1160 I!Wm U ASSE!1BLER S7S2-SCI - 03 Contains SCP program li.tings for OSIVSI .nd/or OSIYS2 .s specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS; ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ / .t..! lUIUTIES ~ S7S2-SCI-U6 Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSl and/or 0SIYS2 •• specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY I!Wm LJ! LINKAGE EDITOR 17SI-SCI-Oft Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSl and/or OSIYS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ ~ SJD2-S07D OSIYS2 RELEASE U UTILITIES IEBGENER S7S2-SCI-U7 Contains SCP program listings for OSlYSl and/or 0SIYS2 as specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-S170 SJD2-IOSO SJD2-SIS0 smtvH I!Wm .t..! S7S2-SCI-06 Cont.ins SCP program listings for OSIYSI .nd/or DSIYS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY JW&m U UTILITIES IEBUPDTE 17,S2-SCI-ua Contains SCP program listings for DSIYSI and/or OSIYS2 a. specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-1090 ~ ~ LJl UTILITIES ll!WW: 1712-SC1- U9 I!Wm LJ! LOADER S7SI-SCI-OS Contains SCP program li.tings for 0SIYS1 and/or OSIYS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ m.m &JD2-S190 I!Wm L.! m USI-SCI-07 Cont.ins SCP program listings for DSIYSI and/or DSIYS2 •• .pecified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS; ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ Cont.ins SCP program listings for OSIVSl and/or 0SIYS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 7ftO ( SJD2 SJD2 SJD2-S200 OSIVS2 ~ L.!I ClfECKPOINT BWW S752-SCI-09 Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSI .nd/or 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-S290 SJD2-S210 OSIVS2 RELEASE L! I!.lilj S752-SCI-IO Contains SCP program listings for os/vSI and/or 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-S300 SJD2-S220 os/vS2 RELEASE L! §If S7S2-SCI-ll Contains SCP program listings for os/vSI and/or os/vS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5320 ~JD2-S230 SJD2-S330 OSIVS2 ~ L! AI1ASPZAP S75Z-SCI-IZ Cont.ins SCP progr•• listings for OSIVSl .nd/or os/vSZ as specified in the title •. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY !lJDZ-SZ40 ~ ~ ( L! AttDPRDMP 57SZ-SCI-13 Contains SCP progralll listings for OSIVSl and/or 0SIVS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .!!!an ~ L.!IIlI!!t S7S2-SCI - 20 Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSl .ndlor 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY L! E!!! SZS2-SCI-21 Contains SCP progra. listings for OSIVSl and/or 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ RELEASE ! m!h S7S2-SCI-23 Contains'SCP program listings for OSIVSl .nd/or 0SIVS2 •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ m m = = ~ S752-SC I - 30 Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSl .nd/or 0SIVS2 . . specified in the title. Microfiche. 7/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-S360 OSIVS2 RELEASE 03.0 ERIC! LISTINGS COMPONENT tm.... 5152-SCI-DN Contains SCP prograM listings for OSIVSl .nd/or 0SIVS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = SJD2-S250 RELEASE L! AI1BLIST S7S2-SCI-14 Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSl and/or 0SIVS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-S380 !!1..! YVIC LISTIN6S COMPONENT f:!Q... S7S2-SCI-DR Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSl and/or 0SIVS2 . . specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SJD2-S260 RELEASE L! AttDSADMP S752-SCI-IS Contains SCP prograM listings for OSIVSI .nd/or os/vS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-S400 !!1..! ~ ~ Rm!Bl LISTIH6S COMPONENT ~ S75Z-SCI-DT Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSl .nd/or OSIVSZ •• specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SJD2-S270 OSIVS2 AMAPTFLE 5752-SCI-16 Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSl and/or OSIVS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-S410 OSIVSZ ~ 03.0 t!U UTILITIES LISTINGS COMPONENT H!!.... 575Z-SCl-DU Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSl and/or os/vSZ . . specified in the title. Microfiche SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = SJD2-5280 OSIVS2 ~ L! AttDPRDMP I!UI 5752-SCI-18 Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSl and/or 0SIVS2 a. specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-S420 741 ( = !!1..! !!lI.IEf LISTINGS C!!t!P!lNENT HIt.. 515Z-SCI- OC Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSl and/or OS1VS2 . . specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SJD2 SJD2-S440 SJD2 SJD2-6005 = IW.UH nJl gmm; LISTINGS COI1PONENT H!L. 5752-SC1- DQ Contains SCP prograM Usth'9S for os/vsl and/or OSIVS2 as specHiad in the title. Hicrofiche SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ m!L!l §!! Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 progra •• Hicrofiche. 34 cards. 12/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-6006 ~ml2Zm SJD2-5450 ~ ~ .n.Jl l:!m .!iY!!BlI!I H!L. 5752-SC1- SS m LISTINGS Contains SCP prograM listings for os/vsl and/or 0s/vs2 as specifiad in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUlSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-5460 = mwg n...! .!!m! IIi!! LISTINGS COMPONENT H!L. 5752-SCI-CI Contains SCP prograM listings for os/vsl and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Hicrofiche SlSS: ORDER NO. SUlSCRIPTION ONLY ~ Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or 0SIVS2 progra •• Hicrofiche. 153 cards. 12/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = COMPONENT SJD2-6007 OSIVS2 ~ LISTINGS. ~ 5752-808 Listings for the above OS/vSI and/or OSIVS2 progra •• Hicrofiche. 28 cards. 12/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6008 §Y.l.l LISTINGS. ~ 5752-817 Listings for the above OS/vSl and/or OSIVS2 progra •• Hicrofiche. 20 cards. 12/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUlSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-5470 l:m!i RECOVERY MANAGEHENT' 5741-SCI-BZ. LISTINGS COMPONENT 5752-SCI-BZ Contains SCP prograM Ustinga for OSIVSI and/or 0SIVS2 as specifiad in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUlSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-6009 n:z m!U LISTINGS Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or 0s/vs2 progra•• Hicrofiche. 39 cards. 12/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-6010 SJD2-6000 ~ ~ LISTINGS. ~ 5752-821 Listings for the above OS/vsl and/or 0s/vs2 program. Hicrofiche. 21 cards. 12/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .m.!!1 W LISTINGS Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or 0SIVS2 progra•• Hicrofiche. 164 cards. 12/77 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-6001 OSIVS2 §llg JiYU LISTINGS listings for the above OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 progra•• Hicrofiche. II cards. 12/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6002 ml!t LISTINGS. JYm 5752-804 Listings for the above OS/vSI and/or 0SIVS2 progra•• Hicrofiche. 22 cards. 12/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-6003 1!.!l!i Hi LISTINGS Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 progra•• Hicrofiche. 15 cards. 12/77 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-6004 ~ m ~ LISTINGS Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 progra•• Hicrofiche. 24 cards. 12/77 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUlSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-60U OS/VS2 ~ ~ LISTINGS Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or 0s/vs2 progra•• Hicrofiche. 8 cards. 12/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6012 OSIVS2 SU25 LISTINGS. SUID 5752-825 Listings for the above OS/vsl and/or OSIVS2 progra•• Hicrofiche, 9 cards. 12/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6013 OS/vS2 ill SUI6. LISTINGS Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or 0s/vs2 progra•• Microfiche. 28 cards, 12/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6014 OS/vs2 SU24. LISTINGS Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 progra •• Microfiche. 49 cards. 12/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m SJD2-6015 OS/vS2 ~ 03.7E. !!M:E LISTINGS Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or 0s/vs2 progra•• Microfiche. 1 card. 10/77 742 SJD2 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6016 OSIVS2 RELEASE 03.7E. Af=! ALTERNATE PATH RECOVERY MICROFICHE LISTINGS Listings for the above OSIVSl and/or OSIVS2 progra •• Microfiche. 2 cards. 11/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6160 ~ ~ 5752-830 ~ LISTINGS Listings for the above OS/VSl andlor OSIVS2 progra •• Microfiche. 7/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6161 LISTINGS. ~!§ ~ m 5752-8181 Listings for the above OSIVS1 and/or OSIVS2 progra •• Microt;che SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SJD2-6162 ~ ~ DlkIPING IMPROVEMENTS. ~ 5752-833. MICROFICHE ~ Contains prograM listings as specified in the title. Microfiche. 5/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6163 158/168 ATTACHED PROCESSOR SELECTABLE YHI! LISTINGS. SUID 5752-847 Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 progra •• Microfiche. 10 cards. 5/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ( SJD2-6164 OSIVS2 SYSTEM SECURITY SUPPORT SELECTABLE YHI! LISTINGS. SUID 5752-832 Listings for the .. bove OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 progra•• Microfiche. 20 c .. rds. 5/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6165 SJD2 SJD2-6168 SMP ICR .EllR L.!U. 3.0. 3.0. 1...! Atm GENERAL INDEX This .icrofiche contains listings of the prograM shown in the title. Microfiche. 27 cards. 10/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m m SJD2-6170 OS/VS2 TCAM. SUID 5752-836. MICROFICHE LISTINGS Listings for the above OS/VS1 and/or OSIVS2 progra•• Microfiche. 118 cards. 9/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6171 OSIVS2 i l l ~ VTAM. ~ 5752-858. LISTINGS Listings for the above OSIVS1 and/or OS/VS2 program. Microfiche. 13 cards. 1/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6172 OSIVS2 SUID 5752-829 ~ ~ ~ MICROFICHE ~ LISTINGS Listings for the above OSIVSI ..nd/or OSIVS2 progr.... Microfiche, 4 cards, 9/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6173 OSIVS2 i l l §!t.!! VTAM Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 program. Microfiche. 54 cards, 1/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6174 OSIVS2 SUID 5752-837 HOST SUPPORT m FICHE ~ LISTINGS Listings for the ..bove OSIVSl and/or OSIVS2 progra •• Microfiche. 24 c .. rds. 8/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6175 OSIVS2 i l l ACFGCAM. ~ LISTINGS Listings for the above DSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 program. Microfiche. 70 cards, 2/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m ~ HARDWARE RECOVERY ENHANCEMENTS SELECTABLE UNIT LISTING ~ 5752-855 Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 program. Microfiche. 15 cards. 5/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6176 OSIVS2 i l l ~ DPENIDADSM/IEHLIST Listings for the above OS/VSl and/or OSIVS2 progra •• Microfiche. 5 cards, 1/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6166 ~ VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM ~ SUID 5744-CK1 COntains program listings as specified in the title. Microfiche. 5/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6177 m SU857 INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM ~ 5752-857 Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 program. Microfiche. 84 cards, 3/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6167 RELEASE 1 LISTINGS ::: SUID 5752-863 Listings for the .. bove OSIVS1 .. nd/or OSIVS2 progra •• Microfiche. 5/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SJD2-6178 OSIVS2 i l l 826 ill ~ RElEASE ~ Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 progra•• Microfiche, 7/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 743 SJD2 SJD2 SJD2-6180 !i!.!ef!lBI FACILITIES. 5m2-VS2. LISTINGS Iticrofiche listings for the progra. nallN!d in the title. Iticrofiche. reduced 45x. 17 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SU8SCRIPTION ONLY J!Wg SJD2-6232 OS/vs2 W. U (GAM-GPS) ~ ~ JiIW!W: PROGRAt!1IHG ~ U!U.!!! Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or 0SIVS2 progra •• Hicrofiche reduced 45x. 5 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY mmm WD2-6207 Elt!l YIll.nX MICROFICHE SJD2-6233 §!tl Listings for the above OS/vSl and/or 0SIVS2 progra•• Iticrofiche. 7 cards. 12/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LJD2-6215 MVS/INfORHATION OISTRIBIITIQN ~ ~ ~ LISTINGS The MVS/Information Distribution Wprk station Support program product provides batch-oriented remote communications functions for the 6670 Infor.ation Distributor with the synchronous data link control (SOle) protocol in the systems network architecture (SNA) environment. The program extends OS/VS 2 ttVS host processor support to the 6670 for document input. process i ng and output. This microfiche contains the program listings. Iticrofiche. reduced 45x. 02/80 SLSS: IBtt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ill 1..§ .!§§f! §!W!I!1.C SYBROlITINE ~ B1B .EQ.R!RAtI h 9m!U.& !!:II f.!.a .wlli 5752-GSI l!'WJ.!!! MICROFICHE LISTING Contains Type I OS program listings as specified In the title. Hicrofiche. reduced 45x. 5 cards SLSS: ORDER HD. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6236 ..lllD 5!:!!!! S!JBSYSTEIt 1 illW Elt!l EtIIAHCE!tEHTS Listings for the above OS/vSl and/or OS/vS2 progra•• Hicrofiche. reduced 45x. 11 cards. 1/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6238 w.gm .ld .Llm! ~ 1 .g mmI MSYSTEH EJSII02 MICROFICHE LISTINGS Listings for the above OS/vsl and/or 0SIVS2 progra•• Iticrofiche reduced 45x. 102 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SU8SCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJ02-6216 OS/vs2 RELEASE U 2SE ASSEHBLER EASll02. ~ fBQ§ 5752-ASI MICROFICHE LISTINGS Listings for the above OS/vSl and/or 0SIVS2 progra •• Iticrofiche reduced 45x. 7 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY l SJD2-6239 RELEASE U Hfl! Microfiche listings for 0s/vs2. Iticroflche. 9 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-6217 ~w.~~~~~ Listings for the above OS/vSl and/or os/vS2 program. Hicrofiche reduced 45x. 316 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SU8SCRIPTION ONLY SJ02-6221 w. ~ ~ ~ (BTAIt) BASIC TELEC!lt!MlJ:!ICATIQN ~ Hn!!QD MICROFICHE LISTINGS Listings for the above OS/vSl and/or 0SIVS2 progra•• Hicrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6223 w. ~ i!m1f! DISPLAY EXCEPTION MONITORING FACILITY EOEII02 HICROFICHE LISTINGS Listings for the above OS/VSl and/or 0s/vs2 program. Iticrofiche reduced 45x. 2 cards, SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-6224 OS/vS2 W. U ~ DATA HAHAGEMENT MICROFICHE .bll!n!I! Get PL OS/vS2 Microfiche reduced 45x. 250 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~D2-6228 U !!Xli ll!IA MANAGEltENI lB!!!f!m !IW.!!!! MICROFICHE .l.l§llNG Listings for the above OS/vsl and/or OS/vs2 progra •• Hicrofiche. reduced 45x. 27 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SU8SCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ ,/ SJD2-6240 OS/vS2 U 5752-Hll (ltICR/OCR) !t!!U.l1 HICROFICHE LISTINGS Listings for the above OS/vS2 progra•• Microfiche reduced 45x, 12 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m SJD2-6242 OS/vs2 ill l.J! !!!lW ~ ~ nImH MICROFICHE LISTINGS Listings for the above OS/vs1 and/or os/vS2 progra•• Microfiche. reduced 45x. 84 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .mu.m SJD2-6244 INOEX §!tl!! COMPONENT LBQF-6244 Specific PTF detail Information is provided In: Order SJD2-6244 free SLSS. Iticrofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m: Index SJD2-6245 OS/vS2 ill ld PROGRAH HANAGEMENT if!1lill f!m!! 5752-PHI MICROFICHE LISTINSS Listings for the above os/vSI and/or 0SIVS2 progra•• Iticrofiche. 45x. 7 Cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY C, j ~\ ( SJ02 LJD2 S.lD2-6249 Microfiche. reduced 1t5l1. 135 c ...da SLSSI ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY smaa Wr.CW 1..1 .LD11 MUSTEM I!.I!E!mlI SERYICE' unw MICROfICHE LISTINGS Llatlngll fa .. the .boye DeIVS! .ndlar- DSlYS2 pr-ag..... MieNfiahe Nduoed itS 110 22 e.rda SLSSI ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY S.lD2-6267 ~ 1 ACfroAM SU5-RC2. .I.lUItI!i Liatlngs for the .bove Os/vSl .ndla.. os/vS2 pragr••• MIc..oflche. 1t5l1. 35 C...ds SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .!lUYU lW.W1 1..1 S.lD2-62S0 smaa IW. 1..1 mIl!! .II:IlfI!IIlI UIl.l!& J!Ui S7S2-STI . MICROFICHE US!!NGS Llatlngll far- the .bave OSIYSI .ndla.. 0SIYS2 progr••• MIeNflche. ItSlI. It C.rda SLISI ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6271 W. 1d 2!HIB .mlW.& 1!Bll!i S7i2-XWI MICROFICHE LISTINGS Listings fa .. the above DSIVSl .ndlo.. 0SIYS2 p ..og..... MIc ..oflche. 45l1. 2 ea..ds SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SJD2-62S1 S1UVI1 Wr.CW LZ BBUI!I:I , lW.W11..1 .1JID!l mII!I MODIFICATIQN ~ ~ MICROFICHE LISIINGS Liatlngs fa .. the .bave OSIYSI .ndlar DSlYS2 progr••• MIc..aflche ..educed 4SlI. 56 c ...da SLSlI ORDER NO. SU8SCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-7200 m m!! !:&I!a1 IIlJ!gg =E!tI l&Y!!. 1.Il This elcroflche contains listings of the p ..og.... shaMn in the title. Microfiche. 700 cards. 3/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-62S6 JW.1..I (TCAM10) TELEcot!UfICAII!!N ~ IWl!Qg MICROfICHE LISTINGS LIstlngll fa .. the .bave OSIYSI andlar 0SIYS2 prog..a •• Microfiche. ItSlI. 130 slides. 1/79 SLSI: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ S.lD2-7205 Im& m.!fI!QU fi!B E!tI 1.Il This eicrofiche cont.ins listings of the prog.... shaMn in the title. MIc ..oflche. 15 ca ..ds. 3/77 SLSI: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-62S7 IW..L! (!CAnU) ACFITCAn m lEl1.!I1 MICROFICHE LISTItIGS Listings fa .. the above OSIYSI .ndlo.. 0SIYS2 prog..a •• Microfiche ..educed 1t5l1. 72 ca ..da. 1/79 SLSI: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ( LJ02-7212 IW. ill ACFITCAM un ~ 5735-RCI Listings fa .. the above OS/VlI andlo.. OSIYS2 prog..... Microfiche ..educed 24l1. ItS c.rds. 4/78 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ S.lD2-6260 ~ l!1I.U.K 1..1 .!.I.mkJ. TERMINAL INMIOUTM CONTROLLER illlJ!A MICROFICHE LISTINGS WD2-7211t m m ill ACFITCAM NETWORKING 5735-RCI Listings fa .. the above OS/VSI·.ndlo.. OSIVS2 prog..a •• Mic..ofiche (law density) 24)(, 4/78 SLSI: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ Listings fa .. the .bove OSIVSl .ndlor 0SIYS2 p ..og..a •• Microfiche ..educed 1t5l1. 1 card SLSI: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SJD2-6262 ill.L! TsotyTAM ml!!!l§ lm!§ 57i2-TVl MICROFICHE LISTINGS Listings fa .. the .bove OSIYSI and/o.. OSIYS2 progra•• Microfiche ...educed 1t5)(. 9 C...ds SLSI: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 8.102-6263 WD2-7222 oSIYSe ACFITCAM ~ In BASE PROGRAM PRODUCT. ~ fBg§ 5735-Rq LISTINGS This document cont.ins .ssembly listings fo .. all TCAM 1IK>CIu1es for this version and release - ACFITCAM V2 R3 Vl2 Base PP. I t can be used in conjt.metion Nith the SCP fo .. ACFITCAM veR3 VS2 ..hich has Mic ..ofiche Identity of SJD2-7220. MIc ..ofiche. 9/80 SLlS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY au. 1..1 UTILI!!ES lYI.l.!.U MICROFICHE LISTINGS Listings for the .bave DSIYSI .nd/or 0SIYS2 p ..og... m. Mic..afiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ WD2-7224 8.102-6265 m... JW,.Wg 1..1 l!m m! mw& MICROfICHE LIS!!NGS Usth'9S for the .bove OSIYSl .ndlo.. OSIVS2 p ..og..... Mic ..ofiche ..educed 1t5l1. 37 c ...ds SLSI: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ S.lD2-6266 3!I!!:I.a. 5735-VII. ~ .L! MlW!§ LISTINGS Cont.ins Type I OS prog.... listings as specified in the title. ~ 745 ( ~ ACF/VTAM ~ B1 MULTISYSTEM ~ fRQ§ 573S-RC3 LISTINGS NETWORKING FACILITY. This .Icrofiche contains listings of the prograM shown in the title. eocIules for this ve ..sion .nd rel..s. ACFITCAM Version e Release 2 MVS Multisystea Netwo ..king Feature and MUSt be used in conjunction Nith ACFITCAH Version e Release 2 MVS Bas. P..ograe Product. Microfiche ...educed 45)(. 24 cards. 3/80 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY UD2 &K35 ~JD2-7227 OSIVSI ACFITCAM ~ ~ WE PROGRAM PRODUCT. ~ PROG 5735-RC3. LISTINGS This document contains assembly listings for all TCAM modules for this version and release. ACFITCAH V2 R3 VSl base PP. I t can be used in conj..,.,tion with the SCP for TCAM V2 R3 VSl which has microfiche identity of SJD2-7226. Microfiche. 1/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY UD2-7228 MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING FACILITY FEATURE. ~ fR9§ 5735-RC3. LISTINGS This document contains assembly listings for all TCAM modules for this version and release, ACFITCAM V2 R3 YSI Multisystem NetloIOrking Facility feature. It can be used in conjunction with the SCP for V2 R3 (SJD2-7226) and base PP for V2 R3 (UD2-7227) microfiche. Microfiche, 1/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ ~ ~ LJD2-7236 OS/VS2 ACFIICAM V2R3 MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING FACILITY FEATURE (6003) 5735-RC3 LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all TCAM modules for this version and release ACFITCAH V2 R3 OSIVS2 Multisystem Networking Facility Feature (6003) and aust be used with ACFITCAM V2 R3 OS/vS2 Base pp. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 9/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY UD3-6000 YSE/DITTO UTILITY. ~ f!Q§ RELEASE) Contains PTFs: DTOAM DTODISK DTOLBACC DTOCDFN DTODSKIO DTOLINKA DTOCDIO DTOGBUF DTOLINKC DTOCFTD DTOGTPRM DTOLINKD DTOCHNG DTOHDPG DTOLINKI DTOCTLCD DTOHEX DTOLINKS DTODATA DTOISFN DTOLltI lications Price List, ZZ20-0100. System Library Supplement ///3850,3851/5740-XYG install the IBM 2914 SNitching Unit Model I. Th. planning requirements of this unit are subject to modification by engineering developments. In any lIU!tiple-equip..ent installation, specifications for the most critical unit _ t be _t. Manual. 22 pages /114/29141 lK35-0214 SUPPLEMENT fQ!! MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS :m OPERATION 15H35-0040-02) For information about this publication contact the controlling party .200. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List, ZZ20-0100. System Library Supplement ////5740-XY6 GL22-6937 SYSTEM/360 ~ SYSTEM/370 ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: 2914 SWITCHING .!I!:!!! MODEL 1 Rf9 880882 This publication describes the organizational, functional, and operational characteristics of the IBM 2914 S"itching Unit Modal 1. ""'ich attaches to the IBM System/360 I10dels 25, 30. 40. 44, 50, ,65, 67, 75, and 85. Attachment to a SystHl360 is via the standard Systam/360 110 intarfac. of a s.lector or multiplexer channel. Manual, 19 pages 1114/2914/ = SK35-0215 SUPPLEMENT fQ!! .I16.U 1IJlBA!il !mIt! EXTENSIONS MESSAGES ISH35-0041-02) For information about this publication contact the controlling party .200. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the PU:>lications Price List, ZZ20-0100. System Library Supplement, 26 pages ////5740-XY6 :m 6L22-7015 !§H 7441-1/1980-9 9.§!P:!! TERMINAL FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS LK35-0216 SUPPLEMENT f.!!B ~ ~ !mIt! EXTENSIONS 1 LH35-0038-0 I ) No abstract available. System Library Supplement. 26 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY OPERATING PROCEDURES ~ PHYSICAL PLANNING This ...nual describes the operations, controls and special featur. . of the IBM 7441 Buffered Terminal Control IModeI 1) and the IBM 1980 Buffered Ter.inal lModeI 9). The cOl\lllU'lication facilities that can be used with the teleprocessing terminal are described. Appendixes containing the physical planning specifications. RPQ number., a glossary of tar... ter.inal service procedures, a probl_ identification chart and charactar coding ar. provided. Manual, 52 pages 1114/7441,1980/ :m I1Di .J.Q!W; SK35-0223 OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORA6E. 5740-XY6 • .I16.U 1IJlBA!il !mIt! EXTENSIONS. !mIt! LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT For information about this publication. contact Controlling Party. Refer to Controlling Party listing in Publications Price List. ZZ20-010D. System Library Supplement. 8 1/2 x II inches, 16 pages ////5740-XYG 6L22-7025 INTERFACE mm:t !mW. 1 !J!!!i m&!!ll DESCRIPTIQN ~ PHYSICAL PLANNING This publication provides systems engineers "ith both introductory and rafarenca information about the IBM 2914. It includes the characteristics, operation, and physical planning inforllation about the 29144, an operator-controlled facility for s"itching storage davices of the IBM Systeml360 Model 195 and System/370 Models 115 through 195. Manual, 28 pages 1114/2914/ 1!J.! 6L21-9071 t!!m.Yi 11.1 §!U!9 FEATURES This publication describes two RPQ features I i.e. second stacker and 51/80 column card features. To use this publication effectively, the reader .ust be familiar "ith the operations of the standard IBM 2501 Models AI. A2. Bl. and B2. The operations of the 2501 Models Al and A2 are described in the publication. IBM SYSTEM/360 MODEL 20. 2501 CARD READER. Form A26-5892. Th. operations of the 2501 Models Bl and B2 are described in the publication. IBM 2501 MODELS Bl AND B2. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES. Form A21-9026. Systems Reference Library Manual. 16 pages SLSS: ORDER ND. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ ~ 6L24-3570 TERMINAL ~ pSYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION A OPERATING ~ This 'reference publication describes the IBM 2946 Te,..inal Control Subsystem used "ith an IBM Progra_ed Airlines Reservations System (PARS). or equivalent. Subsystem CO....,.,..,t5 are: IBM 2946 Te,..inal Control Unit Modell and 2. and 4 IRPQ 810480. RPQ 810491, and RPQ 810555), IBM 4505 Model 22 Keyboard IRPQ 860019). IBM 4505 Model 23 Video Display (RPQ 8GOOI6), and IBM 1980 Model C24 Printer IRPQ 888126). Presented for reservations syst... planners. progra ..... rs. and terminal operators are: unit descriptions, line control, lIessage for. . ts, operator controls, and operating procedures. Manual. 32 pages //14/2946/ ~ GL21-9225 7460-4 STUB CARD READER Bf9 ~ INSTALLATION/PHYSICAL PL',NNING This manual provides the di ..ensions .... ight, po_r requirements. operating and non-operating environment, heat output. and a plan vi_ for the IBM 7460 Model 4 Stub Card Reader. Manual. 4 pages 1/15/7460/ 6L24-3571 = ~ 9.§!P:!! FEATURE: INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING This manual contains physical planning data necessary to 747 ( ~ TERMINAL CONTROL SUBSYSTEM INSTAlWIQN 1W:I!W. pHYSICAL PLANNING This publication provides physical planning ;nfo,...tion for the IBM 2946 Te,..inal Control Unit Models 1, 2, and 4 IRPQ 1m! GL22-6936 1m! !2!!t SWITCHING UNIT MODEL L. Bf9 ~ ~ ~ IL24 "10 810480. R,. 810491 ••nd RPQ 810511) • .rid •••ocl.ted h~ltlO\Itput unite ...ed In .n 11111 progr.MItId AlrllMS R.ervdiDrl Svet. . IPARS). 11111 4505 tIodel II KtI)Iboerd IRPQ 880019), 11111 .lt505 Itodel n VI. DI.pl.y IRPQ 880160. 1811 1980 Itodel CI4 Printer IRPQ 888126), end l1li1 7411 I1adtII , R_te Ter.lnd Control Unit IRPQ 81(0142). lnoluded.re phyelo.l epeolflo.tl_ .nd oeble. el_trlal ••nd _I.....,t.l requlr_t •• 'or rel.ted publlcetl_ . . . . 1M Svetlllll360 .nd SvetHll70 .Ibltogrephy. SA21-68U. Itel'\Ulll. 10 pa... "'9-6207 m£iI!.& 16A!H67' ~ .w..u.u L.l.& .I.lll!IABI iIlJI1I AtII .tI6IIIB (BCI9-AepZ-II Thi. publlcetiDrl I. equiv.lent to GCI9-6107-01. tklnuel. 8 1/2 J( 11 lnoh... 1t50 p.gea. 6181 ILSII ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1114119461 utM-IODI ,ZGI(VS • .J..lI: I!IlQI 'N-'g", "ZIT!" I n At - 3 ppS-, J Thl. Mlcroflohe t. ~1Y8lent to LYAft-IOOI-OI. "Ioroftahe ILlS. ORDER NO. SUElICRIPTION ONLY leU9-6210 m£iI!.& IAA9:-IU. gm LIIER.!.I iIlJI1I fW.WI L..l I!Um!-6Up-II Thl. publlcatlDrl i. equivalent to 1C19-6110-01. "anual. ft88 pagell. 6/82 NI17799-TlT ,"19-6100 11C19-6epp-pll Thl. publication I. ~iv.lent to SCI9-6100-01. 1te1'\Ull1. 64 pa.... 06181 NI17799-TBT ~ "19-6211 mae... IM9:-IU • .GP ~ rw..I.6D L..l ISC19-A2"-1 I BEfERENCI fQB .BtIERA.I. WB.I Thi. publioation i. equivalent to SCI9-6111-01. ltenual. efta pagea. 6/81 leU9-6101 PW!N!H9 _ IXIDJf "N!RAlIII! iIlJI1I IIICI'-620I-PI J Tht. publlc.tion Ie equlv.lent to SCI9-6101-01. 1te1'\Ull1. 8 112 J( 11 inohee. 564 p ..... 09180 11117799-TBT ~ 11117799-TlI "19-6212 .mmw. tw:!Wfl mae... 16Aft-IUt OPERAlZ!fG .IiIli:W2lIltI A 1&1 (GCI9-62111-11 This ..nual i. equivalent to 8C19-6211-01. Manual. 180 pages. 6/82 1/1/7799-TBT ~ SQI9-6102 m£iI! OPERATOR" iIlJI1I 11IC1'-Up2-01! Thl. publloetion I. equiv.lent to SCI9-6202-01. ltenual. 8 1/2 J( II inches. 300 pages. 06/82 N117799-TlT "19-6221 t!mt. S664-173. mmw. INFORMATION (sel9-U2l-0) This publication is equivalent to GCI9-6211-0. Manual. 8 112 IC 11 inoMs. 6 pages. 4/83' ILSI: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ "19-6203 m£iI! !DmJ PROGRN1I1ER" IiYW IIIC19-6203-011 Thi. public.tion i. equivalent to SCI9-6203-01. ltanual. 8 112 J( 11 inoMs. 588 pages. 06/82 11117799-TBT SQIO-088ft ~ &II ~ BJ,!!!;K .!.Q§I!; ill ! (IY20-988ft-2) This ..nual is equivalent to IY20-088ft-02. ltanual. 8 112 IC 11 inches. 336 pages. 11178 ILlS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY la!lm l!m SQ19-6204 mae... 5664-167. mmtt HESSMiEI &II mwi n!.!AU .L.l I seI9-6204-1) This publication is equivalent to SCI9-62Oft-01. ltanual. 420 pages. 6/82 11I/7799-TBT "20-1806 1664-167. IllJW! &Ill DB!lB RECPRDIN!i §!.Wli JW&m .L.l (SC19-620S-1) This publication is equivalent to SCI9-6110S-01. ltanual. 14ft pages. 6/82 111I7799-TBT ~ "20-1818 ~ At!II ~ REFERENCE ill This .anual is equivalent to 8C20-1818-01. Manual. 8 1/2 IC 11 inches. 386 pages. 9/78 ILlS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY la!lm gm "19-61106 166ft-l67 • TERH!NU W!iIl.!J I!.lmI JW&m .L.l (§C19-6206-1) This publication i. equivalent to SC19-6206-01. ltanual. 8ft paga. 6/82 . INI7799-TBT n OPERAJ(]R'I 2Ym B! (§C20-1806-8) This ..nual is equivalent to 8C20-1806-08. ltanual. 8 112 IC 11 inches. 248 pages. 11/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ "19-6205 ~ "20-1819 ! lIiC20-1818-1 i gm!mI!!J liYlIlf ~! (§C20-1819- U This .anual is equivalent to Ge20-1819-01. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. ft20 pages. 10/78 ILlS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 748 c 6Q20 SQ24 SQ23-0065 6Q20-1830 YI1/370 ~ 1§C20-1830-1l This ..nual is equivalent to 6C20-1830-01. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 2/78 m MVS/SP-JES2 ~ ! INITIALIZATION ~ IYHlHi !SC23-0065-01! This publication is equivalent to SC23-0065-01. Hanual. 376 pages. 2/83 ~ "20-1838 YI1/SP. 5664-167. GENERAL INFORMATION ~ L! IGC20-1838-2! This publication is equivalent to GC20-1838-02. Manual. 72 pages. 4/82 ////7799-TBT SQ24-5144 VSEIVSAM CO!1!1ANDS A!:m MACROS RELEASE ! ,ll!; f!m!i 5746-AM2 !SC24-5144-1! This publication is equivalent to SC24-5144-01. Manual ////7799-081'1 ~ "20-1842 5664-167. SPECIFICATIONS RELEASE L! 16C20-1842-3! This publication is equivalent to GC20-1842-03. Hanual. 4 pages. 6/82 ////7799-TBT ~ 6Q20-1874 YI1/SYSTEM PRODUCT m:rnI lPO/E ,ll!; f!!ll§ 5750-AM. PLANtlIN6 GUIDE. ~ ! !GC20-1874-3! This publication is equivalent to 6C20-1874-03. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 340 pages. 7/79 ////7799-TBS (lQ20-1890 'IM/SP SYSTEM !EIUL. 5750-AAK. ~ INFORMATION BULLETIN ! GC20-1890-2 ! This publication is equivalent to 6C20-1890-02. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 9/83 SLSS: ORDER ND. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( 'iQ23-0041 .!1n.t. 5740-XYN. INSTALUTIQN PUNNING ~ mml!i !SC23-0041-3! This publication is equivalent to SC23-0041-03. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 400 pages. 2/81 SQ24-5145 YSE/ySAM ~ 1 ,ll!; f!Q§ 5746-AM2 PRDGRAf'If'IER'S REFERENCE !SC24-5145-1! This publication is equivalent to SC24-5145-01. Manual ////7799-081'1 SQ24-5146 ySEIVSAM ~ 1 ,ll!; .PR.!!§ 5746-AM2 MESSAGES ~ £mWi ISC24-5146-1) This publication is equivalent to SC24-5146-01. Hanual ////7799-081'1 "24-5190 YSEtySAM RELEASE! SPECIFICATIONS !§C24-5190-3! This publication is equivalent to GC24-5190-03. Flyer. 8 1/2 X 11 inches. 2 pages. 9/81 ////7799-DBN &Q24-5207 VlVSP VlVPASS-IHROUGH FACILITY. 5748-RCI RELEASE L. SPECIFICATIONS !GC24-5207-1! This publication is equivalent to GC24-5207-01. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 4/80 ////7799-THQ "23-0044 .!llh 5740-XYN. MESSAGES IGC23-0044-1! This publication is equivalent to 6C23-0044-01. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 254 pages. 2/81 SQ24-5208 ytVPASS-IHRQlIG!f FACILITY. 5148-RCI ~ 11. ! REFERENCE ISC24-5208-1! This publication is equivalent to SC24-5208-1 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 158 pages. 3/82 ////7799-THQ ~ ~ SQ23-0045 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY, 5740-xrN !SC23-0045-1! This publication is equivalent to SC23-0045-01. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 304 pages. 2/81 ~ SQ23-0046 .!S3 INITIALIZATION ~ I!.!!:!I!§ !SC23-0046-02! This publication is equivalent to SC23-0046-02. Hanual. 312 pages 6Q24-5218 OSIVSI BASIC PROGRAf'If'IING EXTENSIONS. ,ll!; :PRQ§ 5662-257. ~ INFORMATION. RELEASE, !GC24-5218-1) This publication is equivalent to GC24-5218-01 • Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 12 pages. 4/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ23-0048 SQ24-5219 ~ ~ &COMMANDS YIU2.&. 5664-167. EXEC 1 REFERENCE ~ Ll !SC24-5219-1! This publication is equivalent to SC24-5219-01. Manual. 124 pages. 6/82 ////7799-TBT !SC23-0048-2! This publication is equivalent to SC23-0048-02. Manual. 184 pages. 2/84 SLSS: ORDER ND. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ23-0064 MVS/XA OPERATIONS JES2 ~ lillII!X !SC23-0064-01l This publication is equivalent to SC23-0064-01. Hanual. 182 pages. 1/83 SQ24-5220 VlVSP. 5664-167. m:rnI ~ w.t2! ~ ~ ! SC24-5220-U This publication is equivalent to SC24-5220-01. Hanual. 176 pages. 11/83 749 ( SQ24 SQ28 ////7799-TBV.7799-HBA SQ26-4028 BASIC/YM. 5668-926. APPLICATION PROGRAMMING ~ SERVICES ! SC26-4028-l! This publication is equivalent to SC26-4028-01. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 92 pages. 7/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ24-5221 VWSP. ~ fB.!l§ 5664-167. ~ J MACRO REFERENCE !SC24-5221-1) This publication is equivalent to SC24-5221-01. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 260 pages ////7799-TBS.7799-TBT SQ26-4063 I1\IS/370 INSTALUTION lr!mH REFERENCE !SC26-4063) This publication is equivalent to SC26-4063-01. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 4/86 SQ24-5228 VWIPF. 5748-MSl. SYSTEM REFERENCE !SC24-5228-1) This publication is equivalent to SC24-5228-01. Manual. 268 pages. 11/83 ////7799-TBH.7799-HBA SQ27-0463 ACFIVTAM. ~ fBQ§ 5746-Rq !POSIYS) ~ L. 5736-RC2 ! OSIYSI. GENERAL INFORMATION: CONCEPTS! GC27-0463-2) This publication is equivalent to SC27-0463-02. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 275 pages. 8/80 ////7799-DBW SQ24-5236 Vlf/SP. 5664-167. gm PRIMER !SC24-5236-1) This publication is equivalent to SC24-5236-01. Manual. 212 pages. 11/83 11//7799-TBV.7799-HBA SQ24-5237 VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 5664-167. INSTALUTIOH GUIDE !SC24-5237-1) This publication is equivalent to SC24-5237-01. Manual, 8/84 /1/17799-TBV.7799-HBA SQ24-5238 VM/SP:SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER ~ 5664-167. ~ 1 Ylill!.!Ji §!!I!'!f; !SC24-5238-1) This pubication is equivalent to SC24-5238-01. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 248 pages. 5/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~! CQ26-3857 REFERENCE ~ COBOL .E!!B ~ !SC26-3857-2) This publication is equivalent to SC26-3857-02) Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 500 pages. 3/84 Manual. 8 112 x II inches. 500 pages. 3/84 "Q26-3954 I2A!A FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT. ~ fRQ§ 5740-AIt6. .:AHZ.z. ~ 1L! ~ INFORMATION (GC26-3954-4) This publication is equivalent to GC26-3954-04. Manual. 8 112 x II inches. 20 pages. 6/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ26-3984 .E.QB.!B!!! COMPILER J LIBRARY. 5748- F03, =W SPECIFICATIONS !GC26-3984-3) This publication is equiValent to SC26-3984-03. Flyer, 8 112 x II inches, 4 pages ~ /11/1799-TAS SQ26-4026 BASIC, 5668-996. APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: UNGUAGE REFERENCE !GC26-4026-1) This publication is equivalent to SC26-4026-01. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 400 pages. 7/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ27-0466 ACFIVTA!!z ~ PROS 5746-Rq !DOSIVS) ~ L. 5735-RC2 (OSIYS). OPERATIONS !SC27-0466-2) This publication is equivalent to SC27-0466-02. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. ISO pages. 4/19 ////7799-DBW SQ27-0470 ACFIVTAM. ~ PROS 5746-RC3 !DOSIVS) ~ L. 5735-RC2 !OSIYS) MESSAGES ~ ~ !SC27-0470-2) This publication is equivalent to SC27-0470-02. Manual. 8 112 x II inches. 172 pages. 8/79 ////1799-DBW SQ28-0673 OSIYS SYSTEM !1ODIFICATION .PROGRA!:I !SMP) ~ 1 (SC28-0673-5) This .anual is equivalent to SC28-D673-05. Manual. 8 112 x II inches. 536 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ28-0920 QSIVS2 m RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FACILITY .!.!/:!:l ~ L. fB.!l§ 5740-XY4. SPECIFICATIONS !GC28-0920-4) This publication is equivalent to SC28-0920-04. Manual. 8 112 x II inches. 2 pages. 7/19 SQ28-1043 OSIYS2 m/SYSTEM PRODUCT ~ 5740-XYN. ~ , !GE28-1043-2) This publication is equivalent to GE28-1043-02. Microfiche. 4 cards. 4/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ28-1048 MVS/SP DEBUGGING HANDBOOK m!!!S 1 574D-XYN' ~ !GC28-1D48-1) This publication is equivalent to SC28-1048-D1. Manual SQ28-1049 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK ~ L. 5740-XYN' ~ !GC28-1049-1) This publication i. equivalent to SC28-1049-01. Manual ~ 750 m ( SQ33 SQ28 SQ28-1136 TSO(E mg WRITING l!!f QB ~ (SC28-1136-D! Thi. publication i. equivalent to SC28-1136-01. I1anual. 384 pages. 1/83 SQ28-6483 OSIYS COBOL BillAli& L.h ill .PRQ§ 5740-(:BI COMPILER ~ LIBRARY PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (S928-6483-1! This publication is equivalent to SC28-6483-01. Hanual. 8 1/2 )( II inches. 600 pages. 10/76 11117799-TAC 6Q28-1147 HVS/SP-JES3 ~ 1 I1VSlSp-JES2 ~ , EXITS (GC28-1147-011 Thi. publication is equivalent to GC28-1147-01. Manual. 68 pages. 1/83 ~ ~ 6Q28-1148 HVSISP-JES3 ~ g I1VSISP-JES2 ~ ! ,tgg CONTROL LANGUAGE (GC28-1148-011 Thi. jKblication i. equivalent to GC28-1148-01. I1anual. 584 pages. 1/83 ~ LQ28-1164 HYSIXA I1VSISP-JES3 VERSION ! HVS/SP-JES2 VERSION ! DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME! (LC28-1164-021 This jKblication is equivalent to LC28-1164-02. I1anual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 490 pages. 3/84 La28-1165 HYS/Sp-JES3 ~ , I1VSlSp-JES2 ~ 1 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME! (LC28-1165-01l Thi. publication is equivalent to LC28-1165-01. I1anual. 392 pages. 1/83 ~ 6Q30-3008 3704/3705 (YTAH USERS IN DOSIYS, YSI. RELEASE 3.0. 3.6. 3.7!. 360H-TX-033. -TX-034. -TX-035. -TX-036. 5744-BAI. -BA? -ANI. 5747-ACI. -AJ2. -AGI. 5735-SC2. CONTROL PROGRAM GENERATION ~ UTILITIES ~ ~ REFERENCE (GC30-3008-3! This publication is equivalent to GC30-3008-3. Hanual. 608 pgs SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m SQ32-5329 YSE/POWER. 5746-XE2 RELEASE !J. i l l INSTALLATION ~ OPERATIONS ~ (SHI2-5329-1! This publication is equivalent to SHI2-5329-01. I1anual. 272 pages 11117799-DBP.5746-XE3 SQ32-5411 DLII DOSIYS. ill PROS 5746-XXI RELEASE 1.:.L. CALL &:Ill RQQ..b! INTERFACES APPLICATIQN PROGRAMMING (5HI2-5411-51 This publication is equivalent to SHI2-5411-05. Manual, 132 pages. S/81 11117799-DBK SQ32-5414 Q.ba DOSIYS. 5746-XXI RELEASE 1.:.L. MESSAGES/CODES LQ28-1166 ( maa I1VS/Sp-JES3 ~ g MVS/SP-JES2 ~ g DEBUGGING HANDBOOK ~ 1 (LC28-1166-011 This jKblication i. equivalent to LC28-1166-01. Hanual. 306 pages. 1/83 LQ28-1167 I1VS/SP-JES3 ~ ! I1VS/SP';JES2 ~ g DEBUGGING HANDBOOK ~ ! (LC28-1167-01l This publication i. equivalent to LC28-1167-01. I1anual. 382 pages. 1/83 ~ (SHI2-5414-71 This publication is equivalent to SH12-5414-07. Hanual. 156 pages 11I17799-DBK SQ32-5520 VSE/POWER. 5746-XE2 BillAli& !J. MESSAGES ( SH12-5520-1I This publication is equivalent to SH12-5520-01. Manual, 98 pages 11117799-DBP.5746-XE3 LQ28-1168 MVSISp-JES3 VERSION ! I1VSISP-JES2 ~ , DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME i IlC28-1168-01l This publication i. equivalent to LC2S-1168-01. I1anual, 504 pages. 1/83 ~ SQ33-0020 ~ PLII ~ OPTIMIZING COMPILER. ill fB.Q§ 5736-PL3. -PL1. -LM5. ! (SC33-0020-6! This publication is equivalent to SC33-00Z0-06. Hanual. 40 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY C>G2S-1174 !HE LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-1174-1) This jKblication is equivalent to GC2S-1174-01. I1anual. 2 pages. 4/83 C>G2S-1206 OPERATIONS mnH CO!1!W!DS (!iC28-1206-011 This jKblication is equivalent to GC2S-1206-01. I1anual, 340 pages, 2/83 ~ SQ2S-6469 ~ 5734-CB2. =.WJ. 5740-CBI • .:.Y1U i746-CBI BillAli& L.L.!U 5746-U15. Q§ USER'S §!.!!!Hi fQB gmm, (SC2S-6469-41 This jKblication is equivalent to SC28-6469-04. Manual 11117799-DCC SQ33-0068 CICSIYS. BillAli& ~ i l l PROS 5746-XX3. 5740-XX1. SYSTEH/APPLICATION DESIGN ~ (SC33-0068-1! This .anual is equivalent to SC33-0068-01. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 382 pages. 5/31 11117799-DBC SQ33-0069 CICSIYS. RELEASE ~ ill fRQ§ 5746-XX3. S740-XXI. SYSTEH PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (SC33-0069-21 This ..nual is equivalent to SC33-0069-02. Hanual. 8 1/2 )( 11 inches. 854 pages. 5/30 11117799-DBC 751 ( SQ33 ~33 SQ33-0070 CICs/ys. ~ !4..L. oW; f!m!i 5746-XX3. RmICa :u.tW! PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (SC33-0070-2! This publication i. equivalent to SC33-0070-02. Manual ////7799-DBC SQ33-0071 CICSM. ~.L.!....L. oW; f!m!i 5740-XXI. ~ PROGRAMMER'S ~ (SC33-0071-1! Thi. publication is equivalent to SC33-007l-01. Manual, 8 1/2 K 11 inches, 210 pages, 8/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SQ33-0073 CICStyS. RELEASE .L.!....L. J.& f!m!i 5740-XX1, 5746-XX3 iYIQi (se33-0073-1! This manual is equivalent to SC33-0073-01. Manual, 8 1/2 K 11 inches, 88 pages, 5/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ33-0095 CUSIOtlER INFORMATION k!lt:I!!mb SYSTEMIIRTUAL STORAGE (CICSI'ISI MASTER ItmEX ~ 1 ~ !t JjQg 1.& lllS .PRQ§ 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3 SC33-0095-1 This publication i. equivalent to SC33-0095-01. Manual. 8 1/2 K 11 inches. 106 pages, 7/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~33-4021 ~ ! ~ ASSEMBLER PROGRAMMER'S §!W!h (GC33-4021-2! This manual i. equivalent to &e33-4021.2. Manual. 168 pages m m .& ~33-4024 E IHl Im.l!/V§ ASSEMBLER ~ 1!t (§CU-4024-2! This manual is equiValent to &e33-4024-02. Manual //211/5745-010 ~ §!!mf ~33-4032 D!I6 FACILITY SORT. 5740-SM1. SPECIFICATIONS (§C33-4032-12) SQ33-0074 CICSI'lS. Blllm .L.!....L. ill .PRmi 5740-XXl. 5746-XX3 3767/3770 ~ (SC33-0074-1! Thi. manual i. equivalent to SC33-0074-01. "",nual, 8 112 K 11 inches. 138 pages. 6/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This publication is equivalent to GC33-4032-12. Flyer. 4 pages. 11/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Gq33-4033 ~ SORT MERGE (GC33-4033-IOI This publication i. equivalent to 6C33-4033-10. Manual. 64 pages. 3/85 §l SQ33-0075 CICSM. RELEASE .L.!....L. J.& mmi 5740-XX1. 5746-XX3 1Z2! ~ (SC33-0075-2! This manual is equivalent to SC33-0075-02. Manual. 8 1/2 K 11 inches. 120 pages, 6/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ33-0077 CICSNS. ~ .L.!....L. oW; mmi 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (COIftlAND ~ (SC33-0077-I! Thi. manual i. equivalent to SC33-0077-01. "",nual. 8 1/2 K 11 inches. 458 pages. 4/80 ////7799-DBC SQ33-0079 CICSM. ~ .L.!....L. oW; f!m!i 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (MACRO ~ (SQ3-0079-I! This manual i. equivalent to SC33-0079-01. Manual. 8 1/2 K 11 inches. 625 pages. 6/80 ////7799-DBC SQ33-0080 CICStyS. ~ .L.!....L. J.& PBmi 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3 OPERATOR'S GUIDE (SC33-0080-1! This manual is equivalent to SC33-0080-0l. Manual. 8 112 K 11 inches. 160 pages. 4/80 ////7799-DBC SQ33-0081 CICStyS. ~ .L.!....L. oW; mmi ruO-XXI. 5746-XX3 MESSAGES! CODES (SC33-0081-1! This manual is equivalent to SC33-0081-01. Manual. 8 112 K 11 inches. 464 pages. 5/31 / / / /7799-DBC SQ33-4034 D!I6 FACILITY ~ 5740-SMI. INSTALLATION t SC33-4034-lQ I This publication i. equivalent to SC33-4034-10. Manual. 8 1/2 K 11 inches. 92 pages. 11/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ33-4035 OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE. 5740-SMI. PROGRAMMER'S ~ (SC33-4035-10! This publication is equivalent to SC33-4035-10. Manual. 344 pages. 6/85 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQ33-4045 SORTIHERGE ~.& IW&m 1& m.PRQ!i 5746-SM2. INSTALLATION (SC33-4045-2! This publication i. equivalent to SC33-4045-02. Manual. 8 112 K 11 inches. 40 pages. 10/79 ////7799-DAS Im.l!/V§ Gq33-5372 JZm MANAGEMENT ~ ~ 1!t (§C33-5372-31 Thi. publication is equivalent to GC33-5372-3. Manual, 8 1/2 K II inches. 308 pages. 12/74 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ Gq33-5383 2ill1! RELEASE ~ (§C33-53§3-2) This manual is equivalent to GC33-5383-2. Manual. 8 112 K 11 inches. 64 pages. 1/79 //37//5745-010 Im.l!/V§ 752 "33 "33-6065 ,,\iIUItfTgRACTIYE CO!1MINS 6lID ~ fACILITY BWAB & \iEeCIFICATIQN§ 11k fBD§ 5746-TSI (SC33-6Q6S-2! Thl. publication I. equivalent tc 6C33-606S-02. Flyer. a 1/2 x II Inche.. 2 pagea. l/aO ////7799-DBf "33-6109 6Q33-6066 "SEtJNII!RACTm CMMINS ,W1 CS!tIIGI. FACILUY (WItICCF I mJm6.L INFORMAugN. !WW 1r. W .I!fmI '746 -UI !SCU-6D66-I ! Thl. publication I. ~Ivalent to 6C33-6066-01. "'anual ////7799-D8P _33-611'+3 mmJ .cJlI:II!lU. "PUWI"" DQ!VY9E. I!f.I.U.B .h SEECIFICATIQN§ !Ge33-61Q9-2) Thi. publication I. ~Ivalent to &C33-6109-02. Flyar ILSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY I!WJ, mmJ I!XEMIyE/Y'E IBSlk'YtIIJe 1666-1'1' IHBAL I~FQBMATIQH BWAB 1 Thl. publloatlon I. equivalent to 1e3'-611'+3-2. tlanual. 101'+ pagea, 10/aZ 1"'33-61" 1ft66-165 • AEIRAIIQN IICU-614ft- I ) Thl. publloatlon I. equivalent to SC33-61"-01. tlanual, a 1/2 x 11 I not-. 1M papa, 9/83 I!WJ, IWltI IISECIlIlylal,. SQ33-6067 "SI!/INTERACT!"E CQMMINS 6lID 2II!llL FACILITY (WItICCP! ItiSTALLAUQN B.WAB & (SCU-6Q6N! Thl. publication I. ~Ivalent to SC33-6067-01. Manual ////7799-DBF "33-6150 I!WJ, IWltI IXICIlIIYIMI I"ISME Ia 1666-26!t. SEECIFICATIQNI B.WAB 1 Thl. publloatlon I. equivalent to 1e33-6150-1. Flyar, 1'+ ,agee. 1'+/83 SGI33-606a lfSE/INIERACTIYE COMMINS 6HR cotmmL FACIblTY (WItICCF!. TERMINAL !.mB.!JI mLW B.WAB 1r. W I!IU!!i 1746-TSI (\iCU-606a-l! This publication Is ~Ivalent to SC33-606a-Ol. tlanual ////7799-DBF ( Gq3l'+-2009 BILIAII , SPECIFICATIONS ISC34-1009-11 Thi. publioatlon I. equivalent to 6C31'+-2009-01. tlanual. a 1/Z x 11 I ncho. 2 paSlU, 7/80 ILSSI ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY UfRA& 1135-XXI , SQ33-6069 "SE/INTERACTIYE COMMINS AHQ mmm.I. fACILITy (WE/ICCf) MESSAGES ~ 1& llC fRQi 5Z46-T\i1 !\iC33-6069-1! This publication is equivalent to SC33-6069-01. tlanual ////7799-DBF SQ3I'f-201l t!I!I!Aa. S13S-XXl. ~ , INSTALWIPN ISC34-101l-3! Thi . . .nual t. equivalent i. SC3l'+-20U-03. Hanual. I 1/2 x 11 Inches. 56 pages. 8/ao SLII: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY "33-6077 m m SYSIEM. ~ , (6CU-6077-J) This manu.l is equivalent to SC33-6077-01. Hanual. a 1/2 x 11 inches. 68 pages. 1/80 ////7799-DBA !llli SECURITY YH!Wf "31'+-2021 INTERACTIVE f!!SI!l!&!I m:II!P.I. !YImI I YSE(lpcs I L. ill fRg§ 5746-S61. SPECIFICATIONS (§C3I't-2021-l) This publloatlon is equivalent to 6C34-2021-01. Flyer. a 1/2 x 11 Inches. 1 page. 2/10 ///17799-DBX ~ ~ SQ33-6096 VSE/ADVANCED FlMCUQNS. ~ fBg§ SZ46-XEa. RELEASE .l.t. !Dl5.!! GENERATION (SC33-6096-11 This publication 15 equivalent to SC33-6096-01. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 Inches. 250 pages. 10/79 ////7799-DB9 SQ3I'+-20aa SQ33-6098 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCUONS' m f!H!§ 5Z46-XE8. ~ 1.a. MESSASE\i (SC33-6098-11 This publication is equivalent to SC33-6098-01. "anual. a 1/2 x 11 Inches. 544 pages. 10/79 ////7799-DB9 Slit34-2117 SQ33-6101 V\iE/ADYANCED FUNCIIONS' ~ fBg§ S746-XEa. ~.l.t. MAINTAIN SVSTE" HISTORY fR!!!iBA!:'I Ym.!J iYm (\iCU-6IQI-I) This publication Is equivalent to SC33-6101-01. Hanual. a 1/2 x II Inches. 160 pages. 10/79 ////7799-DB9 ill! Il!W!!i MANAGE!!ENT \iERVICES, 5668- 960 L.LJl t!I!I!Aa. 5666 -225 • 5668-920. n!W!!N 1 INSTALLATION (SC34-2117-1l This publication Is equivalent to SC3l'+-2117-01. Hanual. a 1/2 x 11 inches, 76 pages, 11/M "31'+-2164 ~ EERFQRIWICE I!lHmIB ANALYSIS flROGRNI. 864-191. ~ INFQRMATII!N (SC34-2164-2 I Thi. publication Is equivalent to &C34-216/'t-OZ. Manual. a 1/2 x II Inches. 32 pages. 12/M SLSS: ·ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .YIB!!W. 753 ( ~ (SC3I't-2018-1I This publication is equivalent to 6C3I'+-20!l8-01. Hanual ////7799-DFF.7799-TBK.7799-HBA SQ4lt Gq34-itD39 !!ff m!!W!H 1 f!!B SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m SPECIFICATIONS (6C34-it039-01 1 This publication is equivalent to 6C34-itD39-01. ltanual. 8 112 IC 11 inches. 11/86 M34-itOitO ISPFtppF ~ 1 f!!B SPECIFICATIONS (SC3it-4040-011 This publication is equivalent to 6C3lt-itOltO-Ol. ltanual. 8 112 IC 11 inches. it pages. 11/86 SQitO-OOOlt DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CUSTOMER INFORMATION &mmmI. SYSTErvyIRTUAL STORAGE. 5746-XC5. ~ ~ L. ~ !.z. MODIFICATION h INSTALLMENT Am OPERATIONS 1SH20-0004-1 1 Thi. public.tion i. equiv.lent to SH20-0004-01. Manual. 160 p.ges. 9/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GQ35-0033 GQ40-1246 m mmi :B.!m!BI FACILITIES SZlt7-PSI. S7!t6-XE8 B.lI.Wf l l!.!.a Il!l!aL ill .PBmi 5746-XXI ~ !.:.L. n!WW. INFORMATION (GH20-1246-81 This publication i. ~quivalent to &H20-1246-08. Manual. 8 112 IC 11 inches. 48 p.ges. 2/81 // //7799-DBK "jC35-0PU-it ) , This publication is equivalent to 6C35-0033-0it. ltanual. 8 112 IC 11 inches. 168 pages. 2/81 ///n799-PB9 M38-0034 lUi OPERATOR Ji!,Wlf f!!B lHl m:mt mmm& (sc3§-OP34-61 This publication is equivalent to GC38-003it-D6. ltanual. 8 1/2 IC 11 inches. 350 p.ges. 10/81 SLS5: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQltO-2209 DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CusTOMER INFQRMATION ~ SYSTEMIYIRTUAL !IORA!!li 1DMSICICSIYS 1 ~ 1 i l l .fBQ!i 5746-XC4 REFERENCE (SH20-2209-1! This publication i. equivalent to SH20-2209-01. M.nual ////7799-DCD GQ38-003S 1Pll1 6 lJIU MESSAGES f!!B lHl !Ilm!:! m:m2IJi (!iC38-PP35-11 This publication is equivalent to 6C38-0035-01. This publication lists .nd defines tha .....ges di.pl.yed during operation of tha .yst. . console for the 3081 or 3083 Procusor CotIpIIllC. It is intended for tha operator of tha sYllt_ c_ole end is to be used in conjunction with 3081 Operator's Guida for tha Systa C_ole. GC38-00341 or 3083 Operator's Guide for tha Systelll Console. GC38-0036. Hanual. 8 1/2 IC 11 inches. 12it pages. 9/82 SLSI: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SQitO-2211 DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CUSTOMER INFQRMATION &mmmI. SYSTErvyIRTUAL mmA§! (DMS/CICSIYS! ~ 1 fB.Q!'i 5Z46-XC4 OPERATIONS ~ (SH20-2211-2! This publication i. equivalent to SH20-2211-02. Hanual ///n799-DCD .we GQ40-910it 12m DICTIONARY B.lI.Wf l .w; fBg§ S7!t6-XXC INFORMATION (GH20-9104-3! Thi. public.tion i. equiv.lent to &H20-9104-03. Hanu.l . ////7799-DED ~ "38-0036 lUl OPERATOR'S !iYl!!i f!!B lHl m:mt mt:§Qll (SC3§-OP36-P This publication is equivalent ot 6C38-0036-01. ltanual. 8 112 IC 11 inches. 550 pages. 8/83 GQ38-0037 ll!!!!t OPERATOR'S iYmIi f!!B m m:mH ~ (6C3§-0037-2 1 This publication is equivalent to GC38-0037-02. tlanual. 8 112 IC 11 inches. 532 pages. 7/84 n!WW. SQ4it-5001 DUI DOSIYS. 57!t6-XXI RELEASE !.:.L. USER'S GUIDE (SH24-5001-31 This public.tion is equivalent to SH24-5001-03. M.nu.l. 320 pages ////7799-DBK GQ38-1007 LItI Ction (ACF) Network Cont ..ol Prog....m/VS (NCP/VS) Release 2 whi ch suppo.. ts aultiple. concu....ent channel .. d.. pte..s in NCP .ada. multipledOlll.. in netwo ..ks ...nd dynamic ..econfigu..ation. P..e ..equisite info .. mation may be obt .. ined in 3704 and 3705 Communications Cont..olle..s H.... dw....e. SR20-4544. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 150 p.. ges. 3/80 ~ 0020-4640 INTRODUCTION IQ CRYPTOGRAPHY SIUDENT ll1I! This text expl .. ins in non-technic .. l te ..ms the function and concepts of c ..yptog .... phy in a d.. t .. communic.. tions envi ..onment. It is assumed. in the discussions of haN a c ..yptog..aphic session is c ..e .. ted. th.. t the ..eade.. unde ..stands the concepts of a physical unit (PUI and a logi c .. l unit (W I • M.. nual. 8/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SR20-4686 TCAM ~ NETWORK DEFINITION SIUDENT TEXT This text is a coding guide fo .. the system p..og...._ .. who must gene.... te 0 .. modify a TCAM Message Cont..ol Progr.. m (HCP) fo .. a Start Stop (SS) and/or Binary synch..onous (BSC) co..munications te..minals. It explains ho.. the HCP is structu..ed ..nd haN to use .. va .. iety of TCAH's f\8'>Ctional and service facilities. The text f .... ilia .. izes the ..e .. de....ith TCAM mac ..os and f ..cilities so that he .. ill knoM ho.. to code ..n HCP. Topics include: ove..vi .... MCP structu..e. buffe.. unit pool ...esou..ce definition ...essage queues . . .ssage h.. ndlers. message h.. ndle.. macros. switched devices. ope.... to.. control. er..or recovery mac ..os. checkpoint ..estart. initializ.. tion and termination. application prog..a .. interf ..ce. TCAM se..vice aids. time sha .. ing option. TeAM logging facility. and Eaulato.. to HCP migration. Manual. 258 pages. 12/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 0029-0296 lll!l! EMULATION REFERENCE CARD This ..eference summa ..y .. ill be updated frO\ll time to time, howeve... the b..sic documentation is the ..uthoritative sou..ce and .. ill be the fi ..st to reflect changes. Inform.. tion GR20-4666 INTRODUCTION IQ mH 4300 Am DOS/vSE FACILITIES SIUDENT ll1I! he..ein is ext ..acted f ..o.. the Guide to Using the IBM 3704 ContlllUnications Controlle.. Control Panel (GA27-3086). Guide This self-study cou ..se is designed fo .. new dat .. p..ocessing pe ..sonnel Mho ..equi ..e .. n underst .. nding of the hardwa ..e .. nd to Using the IBM 3705 Communications Controlle.. Cont ..ol softwa..e components of an IBM 4300 DOS/vSE dat.. processing Panel (GA27-30871. IBM 3704 and 3705 CommUnications Controller Principles of Operation (GC30-3004). and the IBM system. The cou..se desc .. ibes the ha ..dw....e and f\8'>Ctions .. nd fe .. tu..es of DOS/VSE. VSE/POWER. and VSE/ICCf. The student 3704 ..nd 3705 P..ogra .. Refe ..ence Handbook (GY30-30121. is also int..oduced to CICS/vS. DLII DOS/VS. DBIDC Dat.. Refe..ence ca..d. 8 pages Diction....y .. nd DNS/CICS/vS. In ..ddition. the f ..cilities 1109/3704.37051 p ..ovided by DOS/vSE System IPOIE ....e desc .. ibed. Time ..equi ..ed is 24 to 30 hou..s. Student exe..cises .. nd solutions .. re p ..ovided. LSCO-9730 M.. nual. 388 p.. ges. 2/80 OS/VS CICS (MYS) TAPE 8606 COMPONENT .QE LBOf-9240 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SpecHic detail info..mation is p..ovided in the Index-O..de.. SYC8-0975. Mic ..ofiche. 08/86 SR20-4672 SYSTEHl360-370 ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE (DOS) This text has been designed fo .. use in both int..oducto..y ..nd LTAO-0305 ..dv.. nced training. It te.. ches S/360-370 .. sseMble .. l .. ngu.. ge YMIINTERACTIYE ~ CONTROL ~ ExIENSION tYHlIPCS) fo .. the DOS and DOS/vS operating system. Chapte..s 1 th ..ough RELEASE 1L LISTINSS (LJAO-0305-0) 5 p..ovide .. n effective int ..oduction to assemble.. langu.. ge This publication is equivalent to LJAO-0305-00. p ..og .. amming; chapte..s 6 th ..ough 16 p ..ovide g..e .. te .. detail on Microfiche the language including m.. gnetic t .. pe progr.. mming ..nd di ..ect SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ..ccess p..og .... mming. Afte.. the fi ..st five chapters students may continue .. ith .. ny of the othe.. pa .. ts or modules. Students should have a b..sic f .. mili .. rity .. ith d.. t .. LTA9-6133 ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE p ..ocessing components such ..s cards. t ..pe 0 .. direct ..ccess syst.... 5746-XXV. LISTINGS (LYA9-6133-1) M..nulill. 407 pages. 1180 This publication is equiv.. lent to LYA9-61'33-01. Mic ..ofiche SR20-4680 !!1a FUNCTIONS f.Q!! APPLICATION DESIGN SIUDENT TEXT This text is .... itten for the applic.. tion .. n.. lyst as a ..epresent.. tive of the use .. t'o the d.. ta processing specilillists. Objectives: What DlII functions exist ..nd thei .. pu..poses. types of .. pplication processes these functions suppo .. t. how to select options appropri .. te to a specific ..pplication ...nd what the benefits .. nd costs ....e to the applic.. tions. The text is .... nt to be self-expl.. nato ..y and is modula... Each chapte.. is devoted to .. distinct .. re.. of discussion. divided inte..nally into m.. jo.. sections. Each chapte.. includes a b .. ief summa ..y .. nd the time required to complete it. Total estim.. ted time fo .. the text is eight hou..s ... ith possibly two hours for revie... Manual. 300 p.. ges. 4/81 / LTB4-6102 VSEIVSAM RELEASE ~ 5746-AM2 LISTINGS (LYB4-6102) This microfiche is equiv..lent to LYB4-6102-0. Mic ..ofiche. 80 c .. rds SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTB6-0002 DASD LISTINGS. 1J& fRQ§ 5740-UT1. MICROfICHE (LJB6-0002-11 LTB6-0002-0 is equal to LJB6-0002-01 and is fo .. VS1 SU16. Mic ..ofiche 758 (j ---------------- ( LTC7 LTC7 LTC7-0468 VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING Atm COtm!OL FACILITY (YSE/ICCFI RELEASE g ~ PROG 5746-TSI LISTINGS (LYC7-0468-0) This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-0468-00. Hicrofiche. ,.educed 45x SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-201S VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, RELEASE ! ~ fRQ§ S746-XES DISPLAY OPERATOR ~ LISTINGS (LYC7-201S-0) This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-201S-00. Hicrofiche. reduced 45x SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-2010 VSE/ADVANCED FlH:TIONS RELEASE g ~ PROG 5746-XE8 ATTENTION ROUTINES, LISTINGS (LYC7-2010-01 This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-2010-00. Hicrofiche. reduced 45x SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-2019 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE ! ~ f!m§ S746-XES DEVICE ~ FACILITIES LISTINGS (LYC7-2019-01 This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-2019-00. Microfiche, reduced 45x SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-2011 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE g ASSEHBLER LISTINGS (LYC7-2011-01 This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-2011-00. Hicrofiche. reduced 45x SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-2020 VSE/AF RElEASE! SEQUENTIAL !!!mS IOCS. ill fBQ§ 5Z46-XES LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) LISTINGS (LYC7-2020-0) This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-2020-00. Hicrofiche. reduced 45x SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-2012 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RElEASE g ~ PROG 5746-XE8 CHECKPOINT/RESTART LISTINGS (LYC7-2012-01 This Microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-2012-00. Hicrofiche, reduced 45x SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( LTC7-2013 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS ~ g ~ PROG 5746-XE8 DIRECT ~ HETHOD LISTINGS (LYC7-2013-0) This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-2013-00. Hi crofi che , reduced 45x SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-2021 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS ~ ! ~ fRQ!! 5746-XES Hill LISTINGS (LYC7-20?1-0) This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-2021-00. Hicrofiche, reduced 45x SL,SS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-2022 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE ! ~ fBQ§ 5746-XE8 COMPILER lLQ ~ LISTINGS (LYC7-2022-0) This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-2022-00. Microfiche, reduced 45x SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-2014 VSE/ADYANCED FUNCTIONS RElEASE! ill fRQ!! 5746-XES DYNAHIC DUMP UTILITY LISTINGS (LYC7-2014-0) This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-2014-00. Hicrofiche, ,.educed 45x SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-2023 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE ! ~ PROS 5746-XE8 lQ!;! Atm ~ INDEPENDENT lLQ LISTINGS (LYC7-?023-0) This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-2023-00. Microfiche, reduced 45x SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-2015 ¥SE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE ! ~ fRQ§ 5746-XES DISKETTE IOCS LISTINGS (LYC7-2015-0) This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-2015-00. Hicrofiche. reduced 45x SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-?024 VSE/AF i l l ! I!!lffiR LOAD RelEASE ! LISTINGS (LYC7-2034-0) This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-2034-00. Microfiche. reduced 45x, 4 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-2016 YSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIOt§ RELEASE ! ~ PROG 5746-XES DISTRIBUTION PROGRAH LISTINGS (LYC7-2016-0) This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-2016-00. Microfiche. reduced 4Sx SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-2025 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS ~ ! ~ fRQ§ 5746-XES ISAH LISTINGS (LYC7-2025-01 This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-2025-00. Hicrofiche. reduced 45x SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lTC7-2017 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE ! ~ fRQ§ 5746-XES DISK ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES LISTINGS (LYC7-2017-01 This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-2017-00. Hicrofiche, reduced 4Sx SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-2026 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE ! ~ fRQ§ 5746-XES 1Q§ CONTROL LISTINGS (LYC7-2026-0) This microfiche is equivalent to LYC7-2026-00. Microfiche. reduced 45x SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 759 LTC7 STOO LTC7-2027 WElAQVANCED FUNCTIONS IW&m .& J,J!; !!!l!i 5746-XE8 LIBRARIAN LISTINGS (LYC7-2027-01 This .icrofiche is equivalent to LYC7-2027-00. !1icrofiche. reduced 45)( SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-2036 WEtADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE ! m fR!l§ 5746-XES SUPERVISOR LISTINGS (LYC7-2036-01 This .icrofiche is equivalent to LYC7-2036-00. !1icrofiche. reduced 45)( SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LTC7-2028 WE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS lW.Iill .& m !!!l!i 5746-XE8 LItI 746-CBl ~ Qj§ ~ GUIDE f.QR COBOL ISC28-6469-31 This pUblication i. equivalent to SC28-6469-03. Manual G130-3131 ACFITCAM. m fRg§ 5735-RC3. VERSION 1& RWm 1& lW:WW. INFORMATION: FUNCIIDtIAL DESCRIPTION !6C30-3131-0I This publication is equivalent to GC30-313I-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 90 pages. 6/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY S130-3132 ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION f.QR TCAM mlW!I:I , ~ 1& m PR06 5735-RC3. INSTALLATION: GUIDE ISC30-3132-0) This publication is equivalent to SC30-3132-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inche•• 900 pages. 7/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 11117799-TAC.7799-DAC ST30-3133 ACFITCAM. m fR!l§ 5735-RC3. ~, RELEASE 1& INSTALLATION REFERENCE (SC30-3133-II This publication is equivalent to SC30-3133-01. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 840 pages. 11179 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY '.T28-6470 COBOL COMPILER .I.DRA!U ~ INFORMATION I GC28-6470-P Thi. publication is equivalent to 6C28-6470-01. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ S130-3134 ACFITCArh m ST28-6481 ~ gmQ!, RELEASE L1.& ill fR!l§ 5740-CBl COMPILER AHQ LIBRARY INSTALLATION !!::!!2 REFERENCE ISC28-6481-11 GT28-6884 fQ!llIWI ~ !.!ill ~ , m fB.Q§ 57H-F02. !WWW. INFORI1ATION I GC28-6884-1) This publication is equivalent to· 6C28-6884-01. Manual GT28-6888 FOIHRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG fOR .1m .1.Iml ~ L..l SPECIFICATIONS IGC28-6888-1) This publication i. equivalent to 6C28-6888-01. Flyer PROGRAMS. ST30-3145 ACFtyCPtyS mHOR!S CONTROL fBmiRAM ~ li!!!!fIl!! PROGRAMS RELEASE, .ill fRQi 5735-XX1. ~ MESSAGES ISC30-3145-0 This publication i. equivalent ~o SC30-3145-00. Manual 11117799-DAN.7799-DCN.7799-DEN 11117799-TAF 11117799-TDF ~ ! ISC30-3134-0) ST30-3137 ACFITCAM DIAGNOSIS V2R1 .ill fRQ§ 5735-RC3 ISC30-3137-0l This manual i. equivalent to SC30-3137-00. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 244 pages. 5179 11117799-TAC m ~ Thi. manual is equivalent to SC30-3134-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 528 pages. 9/79 Thi. publication is equivalent to SC28-6481-01. Manual ST28-6885 FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG fOR mi (TSO) RELEASE L.l 5734-F05 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (SC28-6885-0) This publication i. equivalent to SC28-6885-02. Manual ~'INSTALLATION: fRQ§ 573S-RC3 fB.Q§ 5130-3165 NLDM. 5668-971. INSTALLATION Ml!l OPERATIONS ! SC30-3165-0I Thi. publication is equivalent to SC30-3165-00. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 224 pages. 4/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 780 ( " .~ . ./ 6T30 ST33 6130-3166 ST33-0006 .I.!!!W;,!I, I!!U ItANAGER. 5668-971. DIA6t!OSIS (6C30-3166-01 This ~lication is equivalent to GC30-3166-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inc"', 44 p;ilges. 4/84 H&!l!!lB!S f!.a OPTIMIZING COMPILER RELEASE hl LIC fRQ§ 5734-PL3. -LM5, -lI14. -PLI. PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SC33-0006-41 This publication is equivalent to SC33-0006-04. Manual 11117799-TAP.7799-TEP.7799-TDP,7799-TCP J;!1i G132-5131 VSE/POWER GENERAL INFORItATION ~ 1 ill fBQ!i 5746-XE3 (GHI2-5131-21 This publication is equivalent to SHI2-5131-02. Manual 11117799-DBP.5746-XE3 5133-0007 f!.a OPTIMIZING COMPILER RELEASE .hh LIC PROG 5734-lI15 TRANSIENT LIBRARY CHECKOUT COMPILER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SC33-0007-3 I This publication is equivalent to SC33-0007-03. Manual 11117799-TEP J;!1i 6T32-5242 VSE/POWER JW!!!g ,mg ENTRY !!:!!l ~ SPOOLING ~ 1 ill fBQ§ 5746-XE3 SPECIFICATIONS (GHI2-5242-11 S133-0020 This publication is equivalent to SHI2-5242-01. !!m! fJ.a OPTIMIZING COMPILER ~ L! ill fBQ!i 5736-PL3. Flyer =fLlL ~ -LM5. INSTALLATION (SC33-0020-51 11I17799-DBP This publication is equivalent to SC33-0020-05. Manual 11117799-DAP. 7799-DCP. 7799-DDP. 7799-DEP.5666-276,5666-277 5132-5328 VSE/POWER IW!!m ~ ~ 1 ill f!!l§ 5746-XE3 ~ GUIDE (SHI2-5328-01 S133-0026 This ~lication is equivalent to SHI2-5328-00. J;!1i f!.a OPTIMIZING COMPILER. ill fBQ§ 5734-PLI, -LI14. ::I.Hli Manual INSTALLATION' ~ ~ (SC33-0026-51 11117799-DBP.5746-XE3 This publication is equivalent to SC33-0026-05. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 164 pages SLSS: ORDER 00. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5132-5329 VSE/POWER ~ 1.t ill fBQ!i 5746-XE3' INSTALLATION!!:!!l OPERATIONS §Ylgf (SHI2-5329-11 ST33-0067 This publication is equivalent to SHI2-5329-01. CICSIVS ~ m h ill fBQ§ 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3 • .I.Q!W; Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 272 pages. 05/79 (SC33-0067-00 SLSS: ORDER ND. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This manual is equivalent to SC33-0067-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 176 pages, 1/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST32-5330 VSE/POWER ~ SPOOLING ~ g ill fBQ!i 5746-Xn ~ §Ylgf (SHI2-5330-01 ST33-0068 This ~lication is equivalent to SHI2-5330-00. CICSIVS VERSION ! RELEASE h ill PROG 5746-XX3. 5740-XXI SYSTEM! APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE (SC33-0068-01 Manual 11117799-DBP.5746-XE3 This manual is equivalent to SC33-0068-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 400 pages, 1/77 SLSS: ORDER 00. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 3T32-5411 DATA LANGUAGE/I .I!!JlIS OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE ~ ~ .LA LIC fRQ§ 5746-XXI APPLICATION ST33-0069 PROGRAI1I1ING REFERENCE (SHI2-5411-41 ~ VERSION ! RELEASE h ill .PR.Q§ 5746-XX3. 5740-XXI REFERENCE (SC33-0069-11 This ~lication is equivalent to SHI2-5411-04. Manual This Manual is equivalent to SC33-0069-01. 11117799-DBD.7799-DBL Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 632 pages, 3/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY a .uu.a S132-5414 .!!AIA LANGUAGE/I .I!!JlIS OPERATING SYSTEMIYIRTUAL ~ IOLII DOSIVSI RELEASE .LA ill fBQ!i 5746-XXI. MESSAGES M:!!l ~ (SHI2-5414-61 This publication Is equivalent to SH12-5414-06. Manual 11117799-DBD.7799-DBL 5132-5435 VSE/POWER. ill fBQ!i 5666-273. REFERENCE ~ (SHI2-5435-11 This ~lication is equivalent to SH12-5435-01. Reference s~ry. 16 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ g ST33-0070 CICSIYS VERSION ! RELEASE h LIC fBQ§ 5746-XX3. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SC33-0070-01 This manual is equivalent to 5C33-0070-00. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 224 pages. 3/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST33-0071 1 SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ( SC33-0071-0 I This Manual is equivalent to SC33-0071-00. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 188 pgs. 3/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~! ~ 781 ( ST33 GT33 ST33-0072 CICSIVS ~ ! RELEASE 1.t l,!l; fBg§ 5Z46-XX3. 5740-XX1 3600/3630 GUIDE (SC33-0072-0) This manual is equivalent to SC33-0072-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 70 pages. 2/77 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST33-0086 ST33-0073 CICSIVS VERSION ! RelEASE 1.t LIC .E!R2§ 5746-XX3. 5740-XX1 3650 GUIDE (SC33-0073-0) This manual is equivalent to SC33-0073-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 46 pages, 2/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT33-0087 CICSIVS VERSION ! RelEASE 1.t l,!l; PROG 5740-XX1 SPECIFICATIONS (&e33-0087-0) This manual is equivalent to GC33-0087-DO. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 22 pages, 5/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST33-0074 ST33-0089 CICSIVS RELEASE .!d:.!.!. l,!l; fRQ§ 5746-XX3, 5740-XX1 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE (SC33-0089-0) This manual is equivalent to SC33-0089-00. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 320 pages, 6/80 11117799-DBC ~ ~ ! RelEASE 1.t LIC fB.Q§ ! f!m§ 5746-XX3, 5740-XX1 3667/3770 GUIDE (SC33-0074-0) This manual is equivalent to SC33-0074-0. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 44 pages, 2177 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST33-0075 ~ VERSION RELEASE ~ ~ (SC33-0075-2) 1.t l,!l; 5746-XX3, 5740-XX1 This form is equivalent to SC33-0075-01. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 86 pages, 1/77 SLSS: oRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST33-0077 CICSIVS ~ ! RELEASE 1.t l,!l; f!m§ 5746-XX3. 5740-)0(1 APPLICATION PROGRAm1ER'S REFERENCE (SC33-D077-0) This manual is equivalent to SC33-0077-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 290 pages. 1/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY RELEASE .!d:.!.!. l,!l; PROG 5746-XX3. ENTRY LEVEL SYSTEM USER'S ~ (SC33-0086-0) This manual is equivalent to SC33-0086-00. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 318 pages. 5/80 11117799-DBC ~ ST33-0141 GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOO/SYSTEM PRODUCT, 5668-978. INSTALLATION. RESOURCE DEFINITION ~ CUSTOMIZATIQN (SC33-0141-0) This publication is equivalent to SC33-0141-00. Manual, 172 pages, 7184 11117799-NBA ST33-0143 GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOO/SYSTEM PROOUCT, 5668-978. MESSAGES Atl2 COOES (SC33-0143-0) This publication is equivalent to SC33-0143-00. Manual, 214 pages. 7/84 11117799-HBA ST33-0079 VERSION ! RelEASE 1.t l,!l; f!Wli 5746-XX3. 5740-XX1 APPLICATION PROGRAm1ER'S REFERENCE (MACRO LEVEL) (SC33-D077-0) This manual is equivalent to SC33-0079-00. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 620 pages, 1/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ST33-0080 CICSIVS ~! ~ 1.t l,!l; f!m§ 5746-XX3. 5740-XX1 OPERATOR'S ~ (SC33-0080-0) This manual is equivalent to SC33-0080-00. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 136 pages, 12/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 3T33-0081 CICSIVS VERSION ! RELEASE 1.t LIC .ffi!l§ 5746-XX3. 5740-XXI MESSAGE'S! CODES (SC33-0081-0) This manual is equivalent to SC33-0D81-00. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 216 pages, 1/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT33-4032 DFSORT. 5740-SM1. LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS (GC33-4032-8) This publication is equivalent to GC33-4032-08. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6 pages, 12/73 GT33-4033 DFSORT. 5740-SMI. GENERAL INFORMATION (GC33-4033-8) This publication is equivalent to &e33-4033-08. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 48 pages. 7/73 ST33-4034 DFSORT. 5740-SM1. INSTALLATION (SC33-4034-7) This publication is equivalent to SC33-4034-07. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 68 pages, 12173 ST33-4035 SORTIMERGE, 5740-SMl, rROGRAm1ER'S GUIDE (SC33-4035-7) This publication is equivalent to SC33-4035-07. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 212 pages, 12/83 ~ ST33-D085 RELEASE .!d:.! l,!l; f!m§ 5746-XX3, APPLICATION PROGRAtmER'S REFERENCE !Bf§ !!! (GC33-6085-0) This manual is equivalent to SC33-0085-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 484 pages, 5/80 11117799-DBC ~ ST33-4044 SORTIMERGE l,!l; PROG 5746-SMg ~ ! PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE. RELEASE! (SC33-4044-1) This publication is equivalent to SC33-4044-01. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 216 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 782 ("'- ---------- ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - ( GT33 5133 ST33-6096 VSE/AOVANCEO FUNCTIONS SYSTEM GENERATION. ~ fRQ§ 5746-XE8 (SC33~6096-01 This publication is equivalent to SC33-6096-00. Manual ////7799-0BA GT33-5374 OOSIVS TAPE LABELS (GC33-5374-0 I 34 This manual is equivalent to GC33-5374-00. Manual. 8 1/£ x 11 inches. 60 pages. 2/79 //30//5745-010 m ~ ill G133-6030 B.E§ II ~ INFORMATION RELEASE This manual is equivalent to GC33-6030-01 Manual. 8 1/£ x 11 inches. 50 pages. 3/77 SLSS: OROER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ IGC33-6030 GT33-6066 VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING ~ CONTROL FACILITY (ICCFI RELEASE .!.L ill fRQ!i 5746-TSI. GENERAL INFORMATION IGC33-6066-01 This manual is equivalent to GC33-6066-00. Manual. 8 1/£ x 11 inches. 1 page. £/79 SLSS: OROER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( ST33-6097 VSE/AOVANCEO FUNCTIONS. lli PROS 5746-XE8 ~ ! .11 OPERATING PROCEOURES (SC33-6097-0! This publication is equivalent to SC33-6097-00. Manual ////7799-0BA.7799-0B9 5133-6098 VSE/AOVANCEO FUNCTIONS MESSAGES. RELEASE 1 lli fBQ§ 5746-XE8 I SC33-6098-0 I This publication is equivalent to SC33-6098-00. Manual ////7799-0BA ST33-6067 VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING ~ CONTROL FACILITY IICCFI RELEASE 1 INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS REFERENCE I SC33-6067-0 I This manual is equivalent to SC33-6067-00. Manual. 8 1/£ x 11 inches. 240 pages. 5/79 SLSS: OROER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST33-6099 VSE/AOVANCEO FUNCTIONS. lli fBQ§ 5746-XE8 RELEASE ! J 1 SERVICEABILITY ~ J OEBUGGING PROCEOURES (SC33-6099-0! This publication is equivalent to SC33-6099-00. Manual ////7799-0BA.7799-0B9 ST33-6069 VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING ~ ~ FACILITY (ICCFI ~ .!.L ill PROG 5746-TSI. MESSAGES (SC33-6069-01 This manual is equivalent to SC33-6069-00. Manual. 8 1/£ x 11 inches. 1 page. 6/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST33-6100 VSE/AOVANCEO FUNCTIONS. lli fBQ§ 5746-XE8 RELEASE ! .I 1 SYSTEM UTILITIES (SC33-6100-0! This publication is equivalent to SC33-6100-00. Manual ////7799-0BA.7799-0B9 GT33-6080 VSE/FAST ~ Qill m ~ 1 ill fBQ§ 5746-AH4 SPECIFICATIONS (GC33-6080-1! This publication is equivalent to GC33-6080-01. Flyer ////7799-0AF ST33-6101 VSE/AOVANCEO FUNCTIONS. lli fRQ§ 5746-XE8 ~ PROGRAM. ill PROS 5746-XE8. ~ ~ GUIOE (SC33-6101-01 This publication is equivalent to SC33-6101-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 160 pages, 1/80 ////7799-0BA 5133-6082 VSE/FAST COPY Qill m RELEASE 1 ill fRQ!i 5746-AH4 INSTALLATION REFERENCE (SC33-608£-0! This publication is equivalent to SC33-608£-00. Manual ////7799-0AF 5133-6094 VSE/AOVANCEO FUNCTIONS. ill fRQ§ 5746-XE8 RELEASE 1 J 1 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT GUIOE (SC33-6094-0! This publication is equivalent to SC33-6094-00. Manual ////7799-0BA.7799-0B9 ST33-6095 VSE/AOVANCEO FUNCTIONS. LIC PROG 5746-XE8 ~ 1 J 1 ~ ~ STATEMENTS (SC33-6095-01 This publication is equivalent to SC33-6095-00. Manual ////7799-0BA.7799-0B9 6133-6102 VSE/AOVANCEO FUNCTIONS. lli fBQ§ 5746-XE8. RELEASE 1 SPECIFICATIONS (GC33-6102-11 This publication is equivalent to GC33-6102-01. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 1/80 ////7799-0BA 6133-6108 INTRODUCTION IQ VSE/AOVANCEO FUNCTIONS RELEASE! ill fRQ§ 5746-XE8 (GC33-6108-0) This publication is equivalent to GC33-6108-00. Manual ////7799-0BA 5133-6112 VSE/AOVANCEO FUNCTIONS. lli fRQ§ 5748-XE8 ~ 1 .11 OIA6NOSIS GUIDE (6C27-6112-0) This publication is equivalent to SC33-6112-00. Manual ////7799-0BA,7799-0B9 783 ( &.I 1 ------------------------------------ ST3It ST33 ST33-6138 VSE/INTERACIIVE CO!1MlN!i AJ:!g mmm!. FACILITY. 5746-TSI. INIROOUCTION Jl! INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING ! SC33-6138-0 I This publication is equivalent to SC33-6138-00. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 140 pages. 12/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. Sl8SCRIPTION ONLY GT3It-2025 VM/INTERACTIVE GT33-6143 Sl'lALL ST3It-2032 NPDA. 5735-XX8. RELEASE USER ACTION GUIDE !SC34-2032-01 This publication is equivalent to SC34-2032-00. lfanual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 108 pages. 5/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY !!nm EXECUTIVEtvSE ! SSxtVSE I. ill fRQ§ 5666-265 .L. GENERAL INFORMATION !6CU-6143-11 ~ This publication is equivalent to 6C33-6143-01. lfanual. 76 pages. 3(82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST33-6144 l!!!IJ. !!nm EXECUTIVEtvSE. ill fI!Qli 5666-265 ~ 1.& OPERATION !SC33-6144-01 This publication is equivalent to SC33-6144-00. lfanual. 152 pages. 3(82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST33-6146 mrm EXECUTIVEtvSE. ,Wi fI!Qli 5666-265 ~ MESSA§ES &Il mwi !SC33-6146 -0! This publication is equivalent to SC33-6146-00. lfanual. 1.016 pages. 3(82 SLSS: ORDER NO. Sl8SCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ EXECYTlVEtvSE. ill ,PRg§ ~ ~ 1 !SC33-6147-01 L. ill II((ZZ99-TBD .u ST3It-2071 INFORMATION/SYSTEM fQR VMV370 ~ ~ INSTALLATION J CUSTQMIZATIQN !GC34-2071-21 This publication is equivalent to SC3lt-2071-01. lfanual. 8 l/2 x 11 inches. 108 pages. 5/81 1((17799-TAZ 1.& ST33-6147 II!!IJ. ~ CON'TROL SYSTEM EXTENSION ! YMtIPCS I PROG 5748-SAI. SPECIFICATIONS !GEM-2025-01 This publication is equivalent to GC3It-2025-00. flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. I page. 6/79 ~ 5666-265. INSTALLATION This publication is equivalent to SC33-6147-00. lfanual. 136 pages. 3(82 SLSS: ORDER NO. Sl8SCRIPTION ONLY ST3It-2074 INFORMATION !l:lmtI filB V!Vm J ~ 5735-OZS ~ MESSAGES !SC34-2074-01 This publication is equivalent to SC3lt-2074-00. lfanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches.5/81 .u ((117799-TAZ . 6T3It-20ZZ INTERACTIVE ~ PRQOUCTIVIIY FACILIIY 5668-009 ~ !SC34-2077-01 This publication is equivalent to 6C34-2077-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 4 pages. 1/82 ~ II((ZZ99-TAX GT3It-2078 61'33-6150 m!!l.I. llfEJ. 5664-172 Rll&lli 1.& 5668-960. 5665-268. mrm EXECUTIVEtvSE. ill ,PRg§ 5666-265. ~ 1 !SC33-6150-01 SPECIfICATIONS ~ This publication is equivalent to 6C33-6150-00. flyer. 136 pages. 3(82 SLSS: OROER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 61'34-2010 t!fIl!L 5735-lQC8. ~ L. GENERAL INfORHATION (SC3lt-2010-1 I This _nual is equivalent to §C3It-2010-01. lfanual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 24 pages. 1/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. Sl8SCRIPTION ONLY 61'34-2017 ~ INTERACTIVE PROBLEM !lillm 1 ,Wi f!Q§ 5746-SAI. ~ SYSTEM ! VSE/IPCS I ~ INFORMATION ! 6CM-2017-2 I· This publication is equivalent to 6C3It-2017-02. lfanual. 8 l/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 2180 Illfl799-DBX 51'34-2020 YlVINtERACIIVE ~ ~ nm.lS EXTENSION ! YlVIPCSI RELEASE .L. ill f!Q§ 5748-SAI. USERS .!i!.!.mS A!:m REFERENCE (SC3lt-2020-01 This publication is equivalent to SC3lt-2020-00. lfanual ~ INFORMATION !GC34-2078-01 This publication is equivalent to GC3It-~078-00. lfanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 1182 1((IZZ99-TAX ST3It-2079 !§ff ~ DEVELOPMENT FACILITY !Q! ~ RELEASE L.L.J! !GC34-2079-01 This publication is equivalent to 6C3It-2079-00. Manual ((IIZZ99-DFF 6T3It-2081 ISPF. 5668-960. SPECIFICATIONS !6C3It-2081-l! This publication is equivalent to SC34-2081-01. Flyer. 8 1/2 x II inches. 2 pages. 4/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GT3It-2082 INTERACTIVE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY/PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FACILITY' 5664-172. 5665-268. SPECIFICAJIONS !6C34-2082-11 This publication is equivalent to 6C3It-2082-01. Flyer. 8 1/2 x II inches. 2 pages. 4/82 II((ZZ99-TAK IllflZ99-TBD 784 ( ST34 GT38 ST34-2085 ISPF. 5668-960 RELEASE 1& ~ MANAGEMENT SERVICES EXAMPLES (SC34-2085-01 This pUblication is equivalent to SC34-2085-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 120 pages. 2/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST34-4018 ISPF/PDF. 5665-317. VERSION! fi1! ~ ~ MACROS (SC34-4018-0) This publication is equivalent to SC34-4018-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 204 pages. 8/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST34-2088 INTERACTIVE llillHl! PROOUCTIVITY FACILITY. 5668-960. !U!l.Q§ MANAGEMENT SERVICES. RELEASE 1 (SC34-g088-01 This publication is equivalent to SC34-2088-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 282 pages. 2/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST34-4019 ISPF. 5665-319. VERSION L. MVS/XA INSTALLATION At!!t CUSTOMIZATION (SC34-4019-1) This publication is equivalent to SC34-4019-01. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 136 pages. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST34-2112 NETWORK ~ DETERMINATION APPLICATION VERSION l USER'S GUIDE (SC34-2112-11 This publication is equivalent to SC34-2112-01. Manual. 172 pages. 7/83 ST34-4020 ~ L. 5665-317. =.ll!& m DIAGNOSIS (SC34-4020-0) This publication is equivalent to SC34-4020-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 7/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1m M:m ISPF/PDF 11117799-0Nl ST34-2113 NPDA. 5666-295. 5668-920. VERSION l RECOMMENDED ~ (SC34-2113-11 This publication is equivalent to SC34-2113-01. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 152 pages. 8/84 ~ 11117799-DNI ST34-2117 NPDA. 5666-295. 5668-920. VERSION l INSTALLATION (SC34-2117-01 This publication is equivalent to SC34-2117-00. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 72 pages. 8/84 11117799-DNI ST34-2130 NPDA. 5666-295. 5668-920. ~ 1 DIAGNOSIS (SC34-2130-0) This publication is equivalent to SC34-2130-00. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 8/84 11117799-DNI GT34-2164 VIRTUAL MACHINE HQl:tUQB ANALYSIS PROGRAM. 5664-191. GENERAL INFORMATION (GC34-2164-0) This publication is equivalent to GC34-2164-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 32 pages. 8/85 11117799-TBP GT34-2165 VMAP. 5664-191. LICENSED ~ SPECIFICATIONS (SC34-2165-01 This publication is equivalent to GC34-2165-00. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 12/84 11117799-TBP ST34-2168 ~ HQH!!QR ANALYSIS PROGRAM. 5664-191. INSTALLATION (SC34-2168-00) This publication is equivalent to SC34-2168-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 44 pages. 12/84 . ST34-4022 ISPF ~ L. 5665-319. fQR ~ ~ MANAGEMENT SERVICES EXAMPLES (SC34-4022-01 This publication is equivalent to SC34-4022-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 148 pages. 7/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST34-4025 ISPF/PDF. 5665-317' VERSION L. MVSIXA LIBRARY. (SC34-4025-0) This publication is equivalent to SC34-4025-00. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6T34-4035 ISPF/PPF fi1! VMlSP SPECIFICATIONS !GC34-4035-00) For information about this publication contact the controlling party 1633. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 07/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6T34-4039 ISPF. 5665-319. ~ ! ~ SPECIFICATIONS (GC34-4039-01 This publication is equivalent to GC34-4039-00. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 8/85 6T34-4040 ISPF/ppF. 5665-317. ~ L. fQR ~ SPECIFICATIONS (GC34-4040-01 This publication is equivalent to GC34-4040-00. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 10/85 6T35-0033 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS DEVICE ~ FACILITIES RElEASE ! !1& fBQ§ 5746-XE8 (GC35-0033-2) This publication is equivalent to GC35-0033-02. Manual 11117799-TBP 11117799-DBA 785 GT38 GT40 GT38-0034 3081 OPERATOR'S GUIDE fQ! SYSTEM CONSOLE ~ 11 1GC38-0034-1I This publication is equivalent to Ge38-0034-01. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 508 pages, 6/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m ST40-0005 DMS/CICS!VS. 5740-XC5. 5Z46-XClt, MESSAGES Am mIWI ISH20-0005-01 This publication is equivalent to SH20-0005-00. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 228 pages, 10/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY tiT38-0036 m GT40-124b QAIA LANGUAGE/I DISK OPERATING SYSTE!1/VIRTUAl !I!lI!A§g !.I!I.a ~ ~ J...2 GENERAL INFORMATION IGHgO-1246-7) This publication is equivalent to GH20-1246-07. Manual ////7799-DBD.7799-DBl,7799-DBL m GT40-2024 HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER 1H5M I, 11& f!U!§ 5Z40-XRB l.Illm COMMANDS REFERENCES SUMMARY ~ ~ IGX20-2024-g1 This publication is equivalent to GX20-2024-.02. Reference card, 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches, 4 panel•• 3/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY OPERATOR'S GUIDE f!!R SYSTEM CONSOLE IGC3§-0036-01 This publication is equivalent to Ge38-0036-00. Manual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lll.§1 ~38-0037 3084 OPERATOR'S §!ll!lg f!!R m:m!:! CONSOLE IGC38-0037-01 The pseudo number GT38-0037 is equivalent to Order Number Ge38-0037-00. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 500 pages, 9/83 ST38-0107 HPO. 5664-173. RELEASE hl INSTALLATION §!ll!lg ISC38-0107-01 This publication is equivalent to SC38-0107-00. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 456 pages, 2/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ST40-2171 PERFORMANCE TOOL ~ .L.l1Yf 5796-PL9 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ISH20-2171-11 This publication is equivalent to SH20-2171-01. Manual ////7799-DAT ~ ST39-6162 ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATIQN SYSTEM-ONE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE/yIRTUAL MACHINE. 11& ST40-2207 PROG 5746-XXV. 5748-XXK, COBOL SAMPLES HANDBOOK DMS/cICS/vS, 5740-SC5, 5746-XC4 RELEASE h APPLICATION ELIAS-I is the collective name for two related Licensed ~ DESIGN SUIDE ISHgO-2207-01 Programs, Entry Level Interactive Application System-One This publication is equivalent to SH20-2207-00. IProgram Number 5746-XXVI, and Entry Level Interactive Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 176 pages. 04/79 Application Systenr One/Virtual Machine IProgram Nunber SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5748-l000. These t .... Licensed Programs and their supporting documentation are designed -to improve the productivity of users of CICS/vS and DVI Nhen run on a selected IBM ST40-2211 System/370 or IBM 4300 Processors. This lllanual contains DMS/cICS/vS. 5740-XC5. 5746-XC4. OPERATIONS §!ll!lg examples showing how to use some of the facilities available ISH20-2g11-51 under ELIAS-I. This publication is equivalent to SH20-2211-0. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 464 pages, 9/82 Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 168 pages, 04/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST40-0002 DMS/CICS/vS, 5740-XC5, 5746-XC4' APPLICATION EXAMPLES ISH20-0002-01 This publication is equivalent to SH20-0002-00. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 210 pages. 10/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST40-0003 DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROLtVIRTUAL STORAGE 1DMS/CICS/vS I. 5740-XC5. 5Z46-xc4. ~ DETERMINATION SUIDE ISH20-0003-1) This publication is equivalent to SH20-0003-01. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 174 pages. 10/83 ////7799-DFE ST40-0004 DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CUSTQMER INFORMATION ~ SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE 1DMS/CICS/vS I. 5740-XC5. 5746-XC4. INSTALLATION ~ OPERATIottS 1SH20-0004-0 I This publication is equivalent to SH20-0004-00. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 156 pages, 10/83 ////7799-DFE / GT40-2492 INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY ~ FEATURE. ~ f!U!§ 5748-MSI ~ h Jill:IgHAJ. INFORMATION IGH20-g492-01 This publication is equivalent to GH20-2492-00. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 44 pages, 9/81 ////7799-0BS GT40-4510 Il!U DICTIONARY ~ l ill f!U!§ 5746-)Q(C SPECIFICATIONS IGH20-4510-21 This publication is equivalent to GH20-4510-02. Flyer ////7799-DEO ~ GT40-4545 HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER; ill f!U!§ 5740-XRB, SPECIFICATIONS ~ ~ 1GH20-4!j4S-2 I This publication is equivalent to GH20-4545-02. Flyer, 2 pages, 2/79 . SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 786 (' ( 6T40 6T40-5304 INTERACTIYE flROOUCTIYITY FACILITY. ~ f!!2§ 5748-MSI RELEASE ~ SPECIFICATIONS ISH20-5304-01 This publication is equivalent to SH20-5304-00. Flyer. 8 1/2 x II inches. 2 pages. 11/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST44 GTltO-9086 ~ !!!!. RELEASE .h SPECIFICATIONS ISH20-9086-5) This publication is equivalent to GH20-9086-5. Flyer. 8 1/2 x II inches. 3 pages ////7799-TAA STltO-9167 !!!!. RELEASE 1 ~ .PRQ§ 5748-API ~ TERttINAL GUIDE ISH20-9167-01 This publication is equivalent to SH20-9167-00. Ma~l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 156 pages. 9/68 ////7799-TAA.7799-TCA 6TltO-6359 NETWORK PERFORItANCE pITOR. 5665-333. §it!Wl. INFORMATION ~ ISH20-6359-01 , This publication is equivalent to &H20-6359-00. ttar~al. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 56 p;lge5. 7/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ STftO-9178 ~ :a ~ L! SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION GUIDE ISH20-9178-0) This publication is equivalent to SH20-9178-00. STltO-6360 NETWORK PERFOR!1ANCE I1ONIlOR. 5665-333. USER'S GUIDE M:m REFERENCE ISH20-6360-0) This publication is equivalent to SH20-6360-00. ttar~al. 288 pages. 7/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SlSSCRIPTION ONLY ~ Ha~al SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ST44-5001 ~ f!!2§ 5746->0<1. GUIDE fi!B US!f USER'S ISH24-5001-0) !l.!.a ~ This publication is equivalent to SH2ft-5001-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 252 pages. 10/77 !l.!.a DDS/YS. :STltO-636I l:!il!!Q!K PERFOR!1ANCE pITOR. 5665-333. INSTALLATION §!.1m I SH20-6361-0 I This publication is equivalent to SH20-6361-00. 76 pages. 7/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Ma~l. ST44-5002 !!All LANGUAGE/! DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/yIRTUAL STORAGE !Q!.a RelEASE 1...2 ~ PROS 5746->0<1 DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE STltO-6362 ~ I SH24-5002-21 This publication is equivalent to SH24-5002-02. PERFQRltANCE ttONITOR. 5665-333. GRAPHICS SUBSYSTEtt I SH20-6362-0 I This publication is equivalent to SH20-6362-00. Ha~al. 68 pages. 6/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SlSSCRIPTION ONLY ~ Ma~l ////7799-DBD.7799-DBl.7799-DBL ST44-5009 !l.!.a ~ ~ fRQ§ 5746->0<1 HIGH LEVEL INTERFACE GUIDE RELEASE ~ ISH24-5009-0! . This publication is equivalent to SH24-5009-00. Ha~al. 8 1/2 x II inches. 104 pages. 5/80 ////7799-DBL STltO-6396 NETWORK PERFORttANCE pIlOR. 5665-333. MESSAGES &II COOES ISH20-6396-01 This publication is equivalent to SH20-6396-00. Ha~l. 104 pages. 6/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SlSSCRIPTION ONLY STltO-9005 CICS/ys. LIC f!!2§ 5740->0<1. 5746->0<3. TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE ISH20-9005-1) This publication is equivalent to SH20-9005-01. Ha~l. 8 1/2 x II inches. 32 pg5. 2/75 SLSS: ORDER NO. SlSSCRIPTION ONLY STltO-9046 IlW LAH6UA6E/I ~ OPERATING SYSTEIVVIRTUAL STORAGE !Q!.a U J.l!; fRQ§ 5746->0<1 OPERATOR REFERENCE ISH20-9046-2) This publication is equivalent to SH20-9046-02. ~ ~ 6T44-5012 SgUDATA SYSTEM. ~ fRQ§ 5748->O O O Xl1-6010 = DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS HAe SPECIFICATIONS ! SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS HAe SPECIFICATIONS ! This Screen Definition Facility/CICS coding form gives the layout and. where appropriate. the possible values or ranges of values that can be coded for the Session Header. tlap Set Identification. tlap Header. and tlap Header device specification. on the front side (-1). and the Hap layout Header. tlap Layout Trailer and Session Trailer on the reverse side (-2). It is for use by programmers preparing batch input for Screen Definition Facility/CICs. Padded form. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 50 utm. 8179 ~ = SXl1-6015 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS REFERENCE ~ (CURREN[ RELEASE) This is a reference summary of the information contained in the Screen Definition Facility/Customer Information Control System Program Reference tlanual. SHI9-6077. Reference Card. 9 x 21.3 cms •• 18 cards. 6/83 11115740-XYF.5746-XXT.5664-178 6Xll-6060 SPECIFICATIONS fQB tlAGNETIC CHARACTER READERS FORti This is a specification form for magnetic character readers. Form 8 1/2 x 11 inches. U/tl 050. 2 sides, 4/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY !§tl 6X1l-6065 REFERENCE SUtItIARY ELIAS-IIVtI GXl1-6011 ELIAS-I1Vt1 Licensed Program and its supporting documentation SCREEN DEFINITION FACllITYICICS HAe SPECIFICATIONS ~ is intended to improve productivity of users of CICSIDOSIVS. SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS HAe SPECIFICATIONS ~ DUI DOSIVS. and/or VSEIVSAM. when rlm on an IBtI System/370. This Screen Definition Facility/CICS coding form gives the IBtI 303X or IBtI 4300 Processor. ELIAS-IIVM is designed to layout and, where appropriate. the possible values or ranges rlm in the environment provided by the VtIISP Conversational of values that can be coded for the tlap Field. Field Data. Monitor Systeta. Group. and Group Subfield specifications. It is for use by ELIAS-IIVtI provides a series of interactive dialogs programmers preparing batch input for Screen definition called "procedures", which prompt the user to specify the Facility/CICS. definitions of the data bases and batch and online Padded form 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 5~ utm. 8/79 application programs. It provides a set of predefined sequences of code called "bricks". Each brick performs a specific and frequently used program function, and can be GXll-6012 incorporated into the user's application program to perform - ~ DEFINITION FACILITIlCICS HAe ~ SPECIFICAIIONS that flmction. SCREEN DEFItlITION FACILITY/CICS fill SPECIFICATIONS This reference card is addressed to the application This Screen Definition Facility/CICS coding form gives the programmer responsible for the coding of computer layout and. where appropriate. the possible values or ranges applications in PUI. of values that can be coded for the Session Header. Hap Set It describes the process of coding data base/data Header. tlap Set Header Devices Specification. and tlap Set cOmmlmications programs using the facilities supplied by Header Tab Specification. on one side of the form (tlAPSET) ELIAS-IIVtI. and the Session Header. Page Header. and Page Layout, on the Reference card. 9 x 21.5 centimeters, 14 pages. 9/81 other (Page). It is for use by programmers preparing batch 11115748-XXK input for Screen Definition Facility/CICS. Padded Form. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. utm 50. 2 pages. 8179 6Xl1-6067 ENTRY ~ INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE. 5746-XXV' REFERENCE SUtItIARY (CURRENT RELEASE) GXl1-6013 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS PROFILE SPECIFICATIONS 1 ELIAS-I licensed Program and its supporting documentation is SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS PROFILE SPECIFICATIONS 1 intended to improve productivity of users of CICS/DOS/VS. This Screen Definition Facility/CICS coding form gives the DUI DOSIVS. and/or VSEIVSAM. when run on a Systellll370. layout and, where appropriate. the possible values or ranges 303X or 4300 Processor. ELIAS-I is designed to run of values that can be coded for the Session Header. Profile in the environment provided by the VSE/lnteractive Computing Header. Profile Library Specification. and Profile Tab and control Facility. and is primarily intended to be used Specification. on one side (-1). and the Attribute Character Nith one of the current VSE System IPO/E. Defaults. on the other (-2). It is for use by programmers ELIAS-I provides a series of interactive dialogs called preparing batch input for Screen Definition Facility/CICS. "procedures". which prompt the user to specify the Padded form. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 50 utm. 8/79 definitions of the data bases and batch and online application programs. It provides a set of predefined sequences of code called "bricks". Each brick performs a specific and frequently used progralll function. and can be incorporated into the user's application program to perform that function. = = = = 794 / GX20 GXll from the MUSIC/SP User's Guide (SH20-69241. This is a component of ZBOF-I002. Reference card. 3 1/2' x 8112 inches. 18 panels. 6/85 Reference card. 21.6 x 9.1 cm. 14 pages. 8/81 11115746-XXV 11115664-197 GXll-6072 ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM SMAll ~ EXECUTIVE/VSE. ~ PROS 5666-291. REFERENCE ~ GX20-0203 This is a Reference Card/Reference Summary for ELIAS MUSIC/sP. 5664-197. TIME. OFFICE M:!l ORGANIZER REFERENCE SSXlVSE. The ELIAS SSx/vSE Licensed Program and its CARD supporting documentation is intended to improve the This card is designed to provide a quick reference to the application development productivity of users of the SSXlVSE Time. Office and Documentation Organizer (TODO) IIK!nU items. system. including CICSIDOSIVS. DVI SSXIVSE. DOSIVS. and/or MUSIC/SP Commands. MUSIC/SP Script control lines. MUSICISP VSEIVSAM when run on selected IBM 4321 Processors. Script options. and Context Editor commands. Reference card. 9.2 x 21.6 cm. 14 panels. 9/82 This is a component of ZBOF-1002. 11115666-291 Reference card. 3 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches. 22 panels. 6/85 11115664-197 SXll-6089 nA!A BASE INTEGRITY CONTROL FACILITY. 5787-LAG. REFERENCE SX20-0207 SUI1tlARY CARD INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE BASIC. 5796-TBA. REFERENCE ~ This publication is designed to be used by the operators and This reference card is a quick and easy-to-use summary of IX system programmers in an IMSIVS Data Base Recovery Control Basic Statements. Commands and Functions and is designed to environment having installed the Data Base Integrity Control be used by a programmer NOrking at his terminal. Facility (DBICF). Reference card. 18 panels. 12/85 It contains basic information about DBICF sumnarized from 11115796-TBA the Data Base Integrity Control Facility Program Description and Operations Manual. SB11-6305 (DBICF POOH). and the Data Base Integrity Control Facility General Information Manual. SX20-0226 6811-6306 (DBICF GIM). INSADF n VERSION ! RELEASE 1 INTERACTIVE Al!f !Ym EFERENCE CARD (CURRENT RELEASE) It also shows hoM all DBICF functions are started and which This card is for use Nith the Interactive Application Development Facility of INS Application Development DBRC commands are generated by which DBICF functions and procedures. thus providing the DBICF user Nith a useful Facility II Version 2 Release 2. It s~rizes IADF quick reference for all his operations. commands and conventions. Reference card. 92 x 184 millimeters. 24 cards. 6/85 Reference Card. 11/85 11115787-LAGIWT-ONLY 11115665-348 SX20-0227 SXll-6106 n mnm! ! ~ 1 llIlE fE W TEMPLATE (CURREN! RELEASE) This template is for use with the Interactive Application Development Facility of IMS Application Development FacilityII Version 2. Release 2. It fits over the PF keys on a keyboard of a 3270-type terminal and displays the PF key settings for IADF in both normal and tutorial mode. One Plastic Template. 11/86 nA!A INTERFILE TRANSFER TESTING Atm OPERATIONS fi!B ~ Atm ~ REFEREI~E &n1MARY 5668-917 DITTO is an easy-to-use general-purpose utility program for program testing and file-handling. It can list. copy. alter. and create files or parts of files on card. magnetic tape. disk and diskette input/output devices. Reference Card 9.50 x 21.50 cm. 14 pages. 7/83 l!l3Al!f 11321/5668-917 11115665-348 GX18-2008 nIH 3767 OPERATOR'S TROUBLE REPORT This form provides a convenient mediun for recording machine condi tions at the time of an error. and for recording the results of testing that the operator is expected to do before requesting service. Pad - 25 pages per pad 1109/37671 GX20-09S0 CROSS SYSTEM PRODUCTIAPPLICATION DEVELOPMENT. 5668-944' 5660-284. REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD (CURRENT RELEASE) The CSPIAD Raference Summary Card provides quick reference information for developing applications with CSP/AD. This card is available by itself or as part of the set of CSP/AD manuals. which are orderable U1der SBOF-I023. Reference card. 8 panels. 9/83 1140115668-944.5660-284 GX18-2055 SCAN!1ASTER ! M!2 ~ ~ FORM This publication is provided for key operators to record the SX20-0953 CSP/AD. CSP/AE. 5668-824. -825. -918. An!!!! ~ condi tion (indicators that are on and SNitch setting) Nhen a (CURRENT RELEASE) failure occurs on Scanmaster 1. The form is filled out before requesting service. A colored binder insert for the cover of the binders which are shipped with the CSP/AD and CSP/AE libraries is Form. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 sides. 7/83 provided. The. binder insert is packaged .. ith the CSP/AD ancl SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY CSP/AE libraries if they are ordered U1der SBOF-1023 and SBOF-I024. Label. 9/83 6X20-0202 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY MUSIC/sP. 5664-197' GENERAL ~ REFERENCE &!1m This card is designed to provide a quick reference to MUSIC/SP commands. including thosa of the Context Editor. The commands and other information presented are summarized 795 &X20 GX20 &X20-1049 &X20-1818 150/10(8 fImfi ~ The U" x 18" chart is printed in green ink and provides 150 printing positions (at 10 positions pel" inch horizontally) for a printer carriage space-setting of 8 lines pel" inch. This form replaces GX20-1778 which allowed for a printing span of 144 characters. Printer charts requiring 150-character spans (3211 with 18 additional print positions) may be prepared using this chart. This chart Bay be reproduced using lIost standard office copying ..chines. The grid and other preprinted infol"ll8tion AY be "dropped-out" using a green filter. Padded For.. II x 18. 25 sheets mn. INTERACTIVE SYSTEM-ONE. m f!HlIi 5Z46-XXY. 5748-XXK. REFERENCE ~ This card provides a ready reference for ELIAS-I and includes edit HACROS. para. .ters. search arguments. PF Key settings. etc •• extracted fro. SH19-6159 and SHI9-6160. and SHI9-6160. Reference card. 3 1/4 x 8 1/2 inches. 6 panels. 2181 11115746-XXV.5748-XXK n!IBl &X20-1701 JiWWW. nmm ~ SItlULATOR ~ FORM J::m.... 5734-XSI. ~ 5736-XSI. ~ 360A-CS-17X. m This forll is used in conjunction with the construction of ~ls with the GPSS III Simulator. It provides the field forll8ts required by the prograll as input. Padded FOrll. 25 sheets. 8 1/2 x 11 fRQ!i,. &X20-1850 S/370 REFERENCE ~ This publication is 'intended priMarily for use by Systeml370 assembler language application programmers. It contains basic Achine infor..ation summarized frotll the Systelll370 Principles of Operation. GA22-7000. about 3081. 3083. 3084. and 3090 Processor Complexes. and the 4381 Processor. It also contains frequently used information froll the Assembler H Version 2 Application Programming Language Reference. GC26-4037. and the System/370 Vector Operations. SA22-7125. SystH Reference Library. 3 5/8 x 8 112. 40 pages. 06/86 370.4361.4381.3090.4331.4341.43211/011/ &X20-1710 .m!:I m! ~ ACCESS STORAGE FACILITY CAPACITY &!!l TRANSMISSION JlHg REFERENCE ~ This reference card provides a convenient reference and several inforllative exallllles for planning and progra_ing purposes. Tables include tilling and capacity with and lIithout keys. Reference Card. 3 folds 3031.3032.3138.3148.3195.3115.3033.3155.3165.3145.3135. 3158.3168.3125.4331.43411107/23141 &X20-1878 m:!!R2l. 1!liU REFERENCE ~ This publication is intended for use by application programmers. The booklet. consisting of tables of EBCDIC and ASCII codes and related graphics for basic data. control functions. addressing. etc •• will be updated from tille to time to reflect system changes. Reference SumMary. 48 pages. 3176 1109/3274.3271.3272.3275.32761 ~ 6X20-1711 JW:mm .\.AIM WORKSHEET Padded for_ sholling double word. word. halfword and byte bou-IcIaries. Bytes ..rked to accollllllOclate packed-deci .. l digits. Provides for tllO records of 256 positions each. both in hexadeci_l and deci .. l numbering. Padded forll. 11 x 6-1/2 inches. 50 sheets pel" pad ~ GX20-1787 DEBUGGING Am ~ EYAWATION Qf FLOATING f!m!I ~ ltI HEXADECIMAL The following tables can be used to evaluate a floating point number represented in hexadeci .. l forll. The technique uses a table lookup in the hexadeci .. l integer table. and a table lookup in the hexadeci.al fraction table. The user unites the integer froll the first table with the fraction frOll the second table. to for. one number. and then pedor.. a calculation to obtain the value of the floating point nunber. Pocket-size Booklet iII15734-FDl.5734-FD2.5734-FD3.5734-F04.5734-F05.5736-FOI. 5748-F02.5760-FOl.5734-F02.5734-F03.5734-F04.5736-FOI. &X20-1920 3330 SERIES ImlK STORAGE • .llll HODELS ! J lli lliR t!Q!!S.bli L. , J li' REFERENCE SutIllARY' This reference summary sUII.arizes device characteristics and provides a capacity table for records with and without keys. Summary. 2 folds 110713330.33331 &X20-1926 5748~F02.5760-FOl.5734-PLl.5734-PL2.5734-PL3.5736-PLI. 5736-PL3.5734-F05 §.g! 5749-010. ~ .!iY!!!S fQR USERS. REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE! The Quick Guide for Users provides a quick reference to the VMl370 syst... for both new and IIIOre experienced users. The book lists CPt CMS. IPCS. and RSCS commands and includes a brief description as well as the cotr.plete syntax of each command. Commands and operands that apply to the Basic Syst... Extensions program product (5748-XX8) and the Systell Extensions prograll product (5748-XE1) are also included. In addition. the Quick Guide describes SOlie of the essential VMl370 operations for the nell user. Manual. 8 1/2 x U inches. 140 pages 1136115749 ~ ~ 6);20-1816 150/10/6 fBlHI ~ This U" x 18" chart is printed in green ink and provides 150 printing posHions (at 10 positions per inch horizontally) for a printer carriage space-setting of 6 lines per inch. This for. replaces 6X20-1776 which allowed for a printing span of 144 characters. Printer charts requiring 150-character spans (3211 with 18 additional 6X20-1927 print position featUre) lIay be prepared using this chart. Al!f ~ 1 ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEHi This chart ..y be reproduced using _ t standard office OPERATORS REFERE~~E BOOKLET ~ ~ 360A-CX-15X copying ..chines. The grid and other preprinted infol"Rtion This publication is a pocket-size reference summary of all ..y be "dropped-out" using a green filter. commands and dynallic support programs (DSP) Miles. descriptions and commands. Padded Forll. 11 x 18. 25 sheets SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Handbook. 14 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = 796 ( 6)(20 GX20 GX20-1961 IPCS commands, selected CMS cOllmanels, and selected servi ce VIRTUAL HACHINE FACILITY/370 REFERENCE. 11& fRQ§ 5749-010 aid statements and commands that system programmers. This reference summary contains CP Class G and Class Any operators. and other specialized VMl370 users can issue. commands. RSCS conanels. selected CMS commands. and selected Card, 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches, 9 panels service aid statements andlor commands that the general user //36//5749 can issue. This reference summary presumes that the user has a working knowledge of VHl370 For VHl370 commands other than the commands listed in GX20-1998 this reference summary. refer to VM/370 Commands (Other than DMS/CICS/vS. 5746-XC4. !lm TRANSFER fQR!:I (CURRENT RELEASE) General User). Order No. GX20-1995. For more extended but Layout form for DMS application indicated above. Padded form, 13 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches, u/m 50. 3/79 condensed information about VMl370 commands. see IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370: Quick Guide for Users. GX20-1926. Summary Card 8-1/2 X 3-5/8 folded. 16 pages 6)(20-1999 1136115749 DMS/CICS/vs. 5746-XC4. fI.!& DESCRIPTION fQR!:I (CURRENT RELEASE) Form used for OMS file description. GX20-1972 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR REFERENCE SUHHARY Padded form. 13 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches. u/m 50, 3/79 This summary card is intended for 3890 users and programmers. Information in this pUblication is extracted fra. the 3890 Document Processor Machine and Programming Description GX20-2000 (GA24-3612). which is the authoritative reference source and DMS/CICS/vS. 5746-XC4. PANEL DESCRIPTION fQR!:I (CURRENT RELEASE) will be the first to reflect changes. Reference Card. 3-5/8 x 8-1/2 inches. 8 panels For use in setup of DMS/vS panels. 1/04/3890/ Padded form, 50 per pad. 10/76 5)(20-1976 m PROGRAM FUNCTION TEMPLATE Program function key template showing location of SPF Default keys. Normal Usage keys. and Tutorial Mode keys. Default keys. Normal Change keys and Tutorial Mode keys. Plastic template. 2 3/4 x 7 1/4 inches. 2 sides. 10/79 ~ //115740-XT8 GX20-1979 3340 Hm!ill l l i l l i l l i ~ MODELS l l i m ~ STORAGE. ~ REFERENCE SUMtlARY This publication gives capacity table. speed. and track capacity for the equipment named above. Card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 6 panels. 4/76 370,4331.4341,43211107/3340.33441 G1<20-1981 m 6)(20-2005 HEXADECIMAL ARITHMETIC REFERENCE ~ This reference card presents one hexadecimal to decimal (or vice versa) conversion table for integers 000 to IFF (hex) (max. 511 decimal); one addition - subtraction table for hexadecimal integers 0 to 17 by 0 to 13; and one multiplication (and limited division) table for hexadecimal integers 0 to 17 by 0 to 13. The card is intended for use as an aid in programming. debugging. etc •• especially by those who have occasion to refer to the "Systetnl370 Reference Summary", GX20-1850. Card. 3-1/2 x 8-1/2 inches. (9 x 21.5 cm) 2 pgs. 1/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = 6)(20-2006 CICS SOURCE PROGRAM MAINTENANCE ONLINE II ~ GOlDE .E9B USERS This reference summary lists control screen fields, available functions and control screen examples for CICS Source Program Maintenance online II. Reference Summary, 8 1/2 x 3 5/8 inches, 12 pages. 5/77 ////5798-CFT 3275/3277 PROGRAM FUNCTION TEMPLATE This transparent plastic template holds a preprinted. removable cardboard insert (also furnished) on which 3275/3277 program function key assignments developed by the user may be recorded. The template and insert have a cutout and will fit around the PF key area on a 3275/3277 keyboard. Ten templates are provided in each package (unit SX20-2008 of measure equals 10 (ten). Also included are 15 (fifteen) VNET COMMANDS (USER !tm OPERATOR) REFERENCE SUMMARY Information contained herein is extracted from Virtual cardboard inserts. Machine Facility/370 Networking: Program Reference and Plastic template. 2 7/8 x 7 1/4 inches (7.3 x 18.2 ~). 6/76 Operations Manual, SH20-1977. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Reference Summary. 21 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches. 12 panels ////5799-ATA 6)(20-1983 3350 DIRECT ~ STORAGE. !:!Q!llli ~ l l i B2F. l l i i l l REFERENCE SUNtlARY GX20-2016 Describes characteristics. formats, features. commands. and VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM VPSS REFERENCE CARD capability MOdes of the IBM 3350 Direct Access Storage Tabular material for users based on complete program Subsystem. These features are described in detail in the information contained in GC24-5125. Reference-Card. 10 panels, 11/77 Reference Manual. GA26-1638. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Reference card. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pgs. 2/77 //0713350/ GX20-1995 VIRTUAL MACHINE/370 (YH/370) COM!1ANDS (OTHER THAN GENERAL USER) REFERENCE SUMMARY This card contains CP Class A. B. C. D. E. and F commands, GX20-2024 HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER .!1!li!!U. 11& fRQ§ 5740-XRB ygg COMMANDS REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) This card provides user commands for HMS. Card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 4 panels. 3/78 797 ( GX20 GX20 Plastic teMPlate. 17 x 2 inches. 7/79 1/115740-XRB GX20-2025 GX20-232S HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER .!lim! ill fBQ.§ S740-XRB. nuE!:I ~ fAl!I 2R!!!H! HA!1!; .lil:!W fBQ§ fB!m S13S-E92 Provides input to the Epic: Fast Program Product. PROGRAt1MER M!!2 OPERATOR COIlMANDS REFERENCE ~ (CURRENT RELEASE! Padded fo .... 2S pgs. 6177 This card provides programmers and operator commands for HSM. Card. 3 S/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 10 panels. 3/78 GX20-2328 11115740-XRB STRUCTURED PROGRAI1I1ING FACILITY (SPFaSO) ~ Llz. ,bI!; fR!!§ S740-XI8. ~ REFERENCE SUI1I1ARY This Quick Reference Summary is an 8-page folder that summarizes SPF commands and program function keys. GX20-2032 QUERY Ir! EXAMPLE: !y.!! 5796-PKT. REFERENCE ~ ~ Folder. 8 pages. 10/78 (CURRENT RELEASE! 1111S740-XI8 Query-by-Example is a powerful and flexible language Mhich can be used to manipulate tabular informationl that is. information arranged by rows and columns. Query-by-Example GX20-2339 IU:§ f!!:mJ. DESCRIPTION (CURRENT RELEASE) lets you look at. update. create. add to. and delete from this data in a convenient and siMple manner. For example. Used Kith the output of the DHXPANG program. this plastic you might Nant to obtain the names of all employees who work overlay assures that position - dependent specifications are second shift in the Chicago area. To obtain a list of these correct. names. you fill in a blank table by typing in the required Form information. thus asking Query-by-Example to get the list 11115740-XC2.S740-XCS.5746-XC2.5746-XC4 for you. The list of names appears in front of you on a display screen. You can then either act on this information by updating the data or make a neN request. GX20-2341 This publication is intended for a Kide range of users. frOll DMSlCICSIVS. S746-XC4. CALCULATION J ~ fOR.!:! (CU!!RENt people Nith little or no computer experience to those Mho RELEASE! know computers Nell and use them professionally. Therefore. Calculation and Edit form for DMS U'lder CICSIVS. ShoIos Test the manual is organized into three general areas: Keywords. Set Keywords. and Operation Keywords. introduction. language examples. and reference material. Padded form. 13 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches. utm 50. 11/79 The flrst two sections contain introductory informationl they tell you about computers and teach you how to use Query-by-Example. The next four sections show you how to GX20-2342 use all of the facilities of the Query-by-Example language INTERACTIVE INSTRUCTIONAL nuE!:I PRESENtATION NORKSHEET to retrieve. update. insert. and delete data from tables. as Presentation worksheet for Interactive Instructional System. Nell as hoN to create tables of your ONn. authorize others Padded form. utm SO. 10/79 to use your tables. store queries for later use. and manipulate your output. The last section contains reference material to be used after you have learned the language. SX20-2346 Appendices contain additional reference material. INtERACTIVE PRODUCTIYITY FACILITY TEMPLATE Card. 3 S/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 8/78 This template provides the user of the Interactive 1IIIS796-PKT Productivity Facility Kith the layout of the program function keys. It mounts directly over the program function keys of a 3277 display terminal. GX20-2040 Template GENERAL ~ 3276/3278 PROGRAM FIKTION TEMPLATE STRIP 1113277/S748-MSl Template insert strip (used Nith plastic template GX20-2043) for user program function key designation for 3276/3278 keyboards. GX20-2347 Paper template. 17 x 2 inches. 7/79 SUPPORT M:!!l STRUCTURAL PROGRAMMING FACILITY CONVERSATIONAL SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY I1!l!:!ll2R SYSTEM. ,bI!; PROG 574S-XI3. ~ REFERENCE SUMMARY !hi·s Quick Reference Summary is an 8-page folder that sUlllmarizes SPF cOtllllands and program function keep. GX20-2041 Folder. 8 panels - 1 fanfold form. 2 mechanicals. 8179 3276/3278 PROGRAM FUNCTION m TEMPLATE .!WIM6.l. yg 1IIIS748-XI3 Outboard PF key template for user coda designations for 3276/3278 keyboards. Paper template. 3 1/4 x S inches. 7/79 GX20-2350 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Me HA!!W: fOR.!:! The SSP matrix for .. is II tool designed to assist members of a Business Systems ..laming study team in the anallisis of '7X20-2043 business and information system relationships. ~ t!Q.!J!H .EQR lEMPLATE INFORMATION ~ Padded for ... 17 x 22 inches. ut.. 20 A plastic holder which fits at top of 3276/3278 keyboard to hold paper inserts for following functions: ATMS/STAIRS SX20-2036 GX20-2351 PLANCODE SX20-2044 Me MATRIX FORM General Purpose PF Keys GX20-2040 The BSP matrix form is a tool designed to assist aeabers of Outboard PLANCODE SX20-2035 a Business Systems Plaming study tea.. in the analysis of. Outboard AIMS/STAIRS SX20-2037 business and inforMation systell relationships. General Purpose PF Keys GX20-2041 Padded form. 17 x 22 inches. utm 10 = = = = 798 ( 6)(20 6)(20-2352 3101 mfW TERMINAL REFERENCE SUI1I1ARY This card contains Code Translation Tables. TransMitted and Received Data Sequences. Installation Settings. and other reference Material for use with the 3101. Reference card. 3 112 x 8 1/2 inches. 6 panels. 11179 GX20 SX20-2384 fE ISS! SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY TEMPLATE STRIP fi!!! 1!1R TERMINALS Program function key template strip for SysteM Productivity Facility. Plastic template strip. ulM 10. 9/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1109/31011 SX20-2355 3276/3278 lff fBQ§BAH FUNCTION TEMPLATE. 5748-MS1 !CURREN[ RELEASE) PrograM function key template for interactive productivity for use with 3276 or 3278. Paper template. 1 x 17 inches. 2 sides 1113276. 3278/5748-MSl 6)(20-2358 1!1R INFQRHAIIQNlSYSTEM fEK TEMPLATE InforMationlSyst.. prograM function key template for use with IBM 3270 terminals having 24-function keys. This template includes basic operating instructions on reverse side. Keyboard template 1137/3275. 3276. 3277. 3278. 3279/5735-OZS SX20-2386 fE ISS! SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY TEMPLATE fi!!! 1!1R TERMINALS Program function key template for 3270 terminals for Syst.. Productivity Facility. Plastic telnplate. ulm 10. 9/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6)(20-2387 REFERENCE SUMMARY VM/SP m (CURRENT RELEASE) This terminal user aid summarizes the logon and logoff procedures. and use of each of the program function keys. the panels generated by service requests. and the panel 105 and other ti tles. A list of annotated references is included. Reference card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 6 panels. 2/81 11115748-MSl 6)(20-2364 :mI!I. SX20-2388 TEMPLATE Jm 3277 fEK fi!!! m l/!:! FEATURE !CURRENT RELEASE) This prograM function key template has been designed for use designed to help the Marketing representative select the right solution for a given storage ManageMent problewa. with the Interactive Productivity Facility - VM Feature on It lists .are than thirty storage management functional 3275 and 3277 terMinals. For details of the program areas relating to data set creation. space and data set function keys. refer to the VMlSP SysteM lPO/E Reference IHnagement. backup and recovery. and IBM aids. Each area is Summary Card. GX20-2387. Template. 3/81 explained in .its relation to performance. availability. 1//3275.3277/5748-MSl capaci ty and envi ronment. as Nell as the IBM Program Products and tools that address the function. Reference card. 3 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches. 6 panels. 7/80 SlSS: ORDER NO. ~CRIPTION ONLY SX20-2389 . TEMPLATE Jlli 3278 fEK fi!!! m l/!:! FEATURE !CURRENT RELEASE) This program function key template has been designed for use 6)(20-2365 with the Interactive Productivity Facility - VM Feature on 3276 and 3278 terminals. For·details of the program PASCALIVS. 5726-PNQ' REFERENCE CARD PascallVS is a Pascal compiler operating in VS1. MVS and function keys. refer to the VMlSP System lPO/E IPF Reference VMlCMS. Orginally designed as a high level programming Summary Card. GX20-2387. language to teach computer progra.. ing by Professor Niklaus Template. 3/81 Wirth !circa 1968). Pascal has emerged as an influential /1/3276. 3278/5748-MS1 and well accepted user language in today's data processing environeent. Pascal provides the user with the ability to produce very reliable code by performing many error 6)(20-2393 detection checks automatically. SUPPORT ~ gyxg REFERENCE This reference summary gives operation-oriented inforllation The colnpi leI' adheres to the current ANSI and ISO ! Level 0) standard (with minor deviations) and includes many important on how to interface effectively "i th the IBM Support Center. Reference summary. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 3 panels. 5/81 extensions. The language extensions include: separate SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY colnpilation. dynamic character strings. and extended lIO capabilities. The implementation features include: fast COInpilation. optiMization and a symbolic terMinal oriented debugger that allONS the user to debug a prograM qui ckly and SX20-2399 CAlIA TEMPLATE WITH ~ QE SELF-ADHESIVE FUNCTION LABELS efficiently. Card. 3 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches. 20 panels. 2/85 This is a plastic keyboard overlay for the 325.1 Graphics Display Terllinal showing functions available for CATIA* 11115796-PNQ !COMPUTER GRAPHICS-AIDED THREE DIMENSIONAL INTERACTIVE Applications). 6)(20-2383 * CATIA is a registered trademark of Dassault Systemes. Plastic template. 7 1/4 x 8 1/4 inches. 11/81 REFERENCE SUMMARY m IPO/E .Y:!!l m (CURREN[ RELEASE) This terMinal user aid summarizes the logon and logoff 11115796-~ procedures. the use of each of the program function keys. the panels generated by service requests. and the panel IDs GX20-2418 and their titles. A list of annotated references is SCANMASTER!l SAMPLE QE TRANSMITTABLE DOCUMENTS included. Illustrative samples for use in demonstrations of Fanfold. 3 3/8 x 8 112 inches. 6 panels. 2/81 Scanllaster to customers. 1139115748-MSl.7799-DBS ~ MANAGEMEN[ PRODUCT MATRIX REFERENCE SUMMARY The Total Storage Management Product Matrix is a tool = 799 6)(21 6)(20 Demonstration for. 111I5796-i'It' 1109/88151 GX20-8020 FLOWCHARTING TEMPLATE This plastic template p..ovides cut-out shapes fo .. draNing ~ !WICK §!!Ill! filii ~ REFERENCE SUI1I1ARY (CURRENT RELEASE) standa ..d symbols used f ..equently in flONcharting computer systems and programs. It is enclosed in an envelope This guide describes some essential VMlSP operations for the new user. It also provides a brief description of all VMlSP outlining definitions of symbols and use of the template. commands for the expe .. ienced user. Only a limited amount of More details are given in the Data Processing Techniques ~nual on FLOWCHARTING TECHNIQUES (GC20-81521. prior VMlSP knoNledge is assumed for the section on VM/SP ope..ations. Prerequisite publications are listed in the Template. 10 to a set "Preface. II SLSS: ORDER ND. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY The user of the "CP. CMS. RSCS. and IPCS Command Descriptions and FormatslService Aids" section should have a thorough understanding of VM/370 command syntax and usage. 6)(20-8021 FLO!4CHARTING WORKSH EEr This is one of th..ee reference summaries that can be Provides space for d..aNing program floNCharts and contains ordered together under order number SBOF-3820. an a ..ea fo .. identification of the job including Manual. 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches. 300 pages. 03/84 application. p..ocedure. data and pagination. 1136115664-167 Padded fo .... utm 25. 16 112 x 11 inches SX20-4400 SX20-4401 VM/SP COMMAI'Il REFERENCE ~ GENERAL ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This reference summary lists the CP Class G and Any commands. the CMS commands for the gene ..al user. RSCS and IPCS commands. and such Se..vice Aids as are useful to the general user. This is one of th ..ee reference summaries that can be ord~ .. ed together unde .. orde .. number SBOF-3820. Manual. 32 pages. 06/84 1/201/5664-167 SX20-4402 COI1l1ANP REFERENCE ~ OTHER THAN ~ USERS (CURRENT RELEASE) This refe ..ence summary lists the CP commands for the Class A. Class B. Class C. Class D. Class E. and Class F userl such CMS commands as are needed by these classes of users; IPCS commands; and Service Aids. This is one of three refe ..ence summaries that can be o..dered togethe .. unde .. orde.. number SBOF-3820. .Manual. 24 pages. 05/84 GX21-5214 TOPIDOWN FLOWCHART TEMPLATE This template includes basic symbols. prog..am processing and sequencing symbols, and system p..ocessing symbols. Plastic template. 4 x 10. 7/80 SLSS: ORDER ND. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX21-9011 .!J!ll PROGRAM TAPE LAYOUT ~ Sheet used to code 1062 P..og..am Tape. Padded Fo.... 8 112 x 11. one side. 50 sheets ~ GX21-9030 1030 ~ COLLECTION SYSTEM. PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE This template gives a scaled representation of the physical planning specifications of the IBM 1030 Data Collection System. Template. 8 1/2 xli. 1 page 1115/1030.1031.10321 1120115664-167 GX21-9096 TRANSLATION TABLE ~ ALTERNATE COLLATING SEQUENCE GX20-4404 &Q!!l!:!§ SHEET DATA BASE RESTRUCTURING SYSTEM. !Yf 5796-PLH. REFERENCE CARD This for. is p..ovided as an aid for the prog..amme .. Nriting The information in this publication is extracted frOM Data an RPS program for the IBM System/3. System/32. System/34. Ext ..action. Processing and Restructuring System Define and System/38. System/360. 0 .. System/371i1 and for the prog .. ammer Conve.. t Reference Manual. SH20-2178. using the Sort Utility on the IBM Systeml3. Systeml32. or Refe ..ence ca ..d. 3 1/4 x 8 1/2 inches. 12 panels. 3/81 Systeml34. 11I15796-PLH This form can be used for the following machine types: 5424. 5320. 5340. 3262. 3410. 3411. 5211. 5424. Pad. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 50 pads. 5/79 GX20-4406 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY !lWill; SCRIPT USERS REFERENCE SUI1I1ARY For information about this publication contact the controlling pa .. ty #693. Refe .. to the Controlling Party GX21-9101 Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. SPECIFICATIONS fQR MAGNETIC CHARACTER READERS This is a component of ZBOF-1002. This specification sheet is used in desc .. ibing the system Reference summa .. y and stacker specifications for magnetic character readers. 11I15796-J'qA It is used by both the IBM 1255 and the IBM 1419 Magnetic characte.. readers. Padded form. 8 1/2 x 13 1/2 inches. 50 sheets. 3/77 GX20-4407 MUSIC GENERAL ~ REFERENCE· SUMMARY For info..mation about this publication contact the GX21-9106 controlling party #693. Refer to the Controlling Party ll§§ DOC!J!1ENT GAUGE B!B HACHm g]y!! Listing in the Publications P.. ice List. ZZ20-0100. An illustrated and descriptive document - ali~t This is a component of ZBOF-1002. and machine-setup instruction folder. Refe ..ence summa..y Reference ea ..d. 2 pages 800 ( GX21 SX22 screen layouts. Padded form. 11 x 17·inches SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 370.4331.4341.43211104/12881 ';X21-9129 Rf§ DEBUGGING TEMPLATE This template is a quick tool for prograllllll8rs debugging RPS. Template SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1:.")(21-9155 3740 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE This template is for those people responsible for the physical planning layout of a 3740 Data Entry System installation. Template 6X22-0001 VMIXA SF QUICK REFERENCE This publication is intended for all users of Virtual Machine/Extended Architecture Systems Facility. It contains information to aid the user in logging on. and logging off VMIXA SF. Included in this publication is a description of all YMIXA SF CPo CMS. and dump vieNing facility cOlllllands. Manual. 3 3/4 x 6 3/4. 260 pages. 1/86 1137115664-169 SX22-0003 VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT !!!§!i PERFORMANCE OPTION COMMANDS REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) GX21-9171 This reference summary contains CP Class 6 and Class Any 3747 !!.W CONVERTER REFERENCE CARD commands. RSCS commands. selected CMS commands. and selected This reference card is provided as an aid to operators when service aid statements andlor commands that the general user an error occurs on the 3747 Data Converter. It contains the can issue. This reference summary presumes that the user message codes for the lIessages which .. ill occur most often. has a working knoNledge of virtual machine systems. Reference Card. 6 pgs. 5/73 Note: RSCS commands are at the VM/370 Release 6 level. 1108/37471 Use the RSCS Networking Program Product (5748-XP1) for compatibility .. ith YMlSP HPO program product. For other YMlSP HPO commands. see YMlSP HPO Commands (Other Than GX21-9172 General User). SX22-0004. or YMlSP HPO Quick Guide for 3741/3742 REFERENCE ~ Users. SX22-0005. This reference card is provided as an aid to the operator Reference card. 16 panels. 5/82 using the 3741 Data Station or 3742 Dual Data Station. It 1140115664-173 contains error codes. program codes. required data set label fields. and status line. Card. 4 pages SX22-0004 1108/3741.37421 VM/SYSTEM f.!!.Q!!.Y!;! HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167 • .:!lli COMMANDS REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) This reference summary contains CP Class A. B. C. D. E. and 6XU-9185 F commands. IPCS commands. selected CMS commands. and selected service aid statements and/or commands that system 3747 DATA CONVERTER RY!! SHEET The IBM 3747 Data Converter RU"I Sheet is used to provide the programmers. operators. and other specialized YMlSP HPO operator .. ith the necessary information for rU"lning a job on users can issue. This reference summary presumes that the the 3747 data converter. It contains a description of the user has a working knoNledge of virtual machine systems. job (disk to tape. etc.). disk 10 numbers. and job Note: IPCS colllllands are at the VM/370 Release 6 level. statistics. Use the IPCS Extension Program Product (5748-SA1) for compatibility with YMlSP HPO program product. For other Padded form. 50 per pad VMlSP HPO commands. see VMlSP HOP Commands (General User). SX22-0003. and VMlSP HPO Quick Guide for Users. SX22-0005. GX21-9186 Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 44 pages. 12185 1140115664-173 3740 .1m! INSTRUCTIONS fi!R!! The IBM 3740 Job Instructions sheet is a two-sided form which is used to provide the operator .. ith the necessary information for rU"lning a job on the 3740 System. The front SX22-0005 side is used for explaining hoM to I"\A"I the job. disposition VM/SP !ifQ mw;K ~ §Ym REFERENCE ~ (CURREN! RELEASE) of documents. what fields are included. The reverse side lists the program codes for the 3740 System and explains This guide describes some essential system operations for the neN user. It also provides a brief description of all their fU"ICtion. cOlllmands for the experienced user. Only a limited aoaount of Padded form. 1 page. printed on both sides prior knowledge is required for the section on operations. Prerequisite publications are listed in the "Preface." The user of the CP. CMS. RSCS. IPCS command descriptions and GX21-9187 3740 SYSTEM f!ill!! Q!A!!! service aids section should have a thorough understanding of The IBM 3740 System Print Chart is used by the operator for command syntax and usage. This publication is part of a set specifying hoN printing is to be perforlll8d on the 3740 of reference summaries that are obtainable as a group U"Ider System. Order No. SBOF-I016. Padded form. 1 page Manual. 8 1/2. x 11 inches. 208 pages. 3/84 1115/3740.3741.3742.3747.37131 11361/5664-173 GX21-9467 3180 MODEL g DISPLAY STATION KEYBOARD TEMPLATE ASSIGtI1ENT SHEET &:m DISPLAY SCREEN .bAlQYI SHEET This form allows the programmerlanalyst to record fU"ICtions assigned to function keys 1 through 241 determine the context of the keyboard template. and to design display SX22-0006 REFERENCE ~ SMP/E (CURREN[ RELEASE) This is a brief description of the SMP/E co_nds. The diagrams show the operands for each. For a list of c_nd operands and their parameters. a list of DO stata.ents that 801 ( 6X22 SX22 uy be used. and the reports that are avai lable. see the eo..and Operand. eo..and DD Stat_ts. and st1P Reports charts. Reference card. 3/83 //371/5668-949 SX22-0008 SUPPORT, 5767-002, mf!i JWWW. ~ ~ REFERENCE ~ Rf!i m.9.t§ This publication describes the RACF _nels to use on YH. Reference card. 12 panels. 12/84 ////5767-002 ~ SX22-0009 RESOURCE MEASUREMENI FACILITY OPERATING PROCEDURES REFERENCE ~ fi!B Hm:!!!QB 1 A!:!!l 11 This reference card provides quick reference to operator c_nels, Monitor I session options. and Monitor II session options. display cCllllllands. and IIC!nJ it_. Reference Card. 6 panels. 01/86 //361/5665-27ct GX22-6858 S/360 J S/370 I!W STORAGE DEVICES. PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE' Equipment templates on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheets. six pages. for planning Mchine roo. layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot. Includes four 2301-1'5. two 2302-3,ct's, four 2303-1'5, two 2305-1.2'5 (shown on two facilities), eight 2311-1'5, one 2312-Al. two 2313-Al's, one 2314-Al. one 2314-81, one 2314-1, two 2319-Al's, (Nith two shoNn 2319-81, two 2319-B2's, four 2321-1'5 (Nith two shown abutted), one 2820-1, two 2835-1.2'5, four 2841-1' •• two 2844's, six 3330'5 (two on one facility and four on another), and two 3830'5. 8-1/2 IC 11 inch acetate templates. six pages //IS/2301,2321.2311,2303,2302,231ct,230S,3333/ 6X22-6859 S/360 ! J.aZJl CONSOLES! TERMINALS' PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment templates on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheets. two pages, for planning machine rOOtB layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot. Includes two 2150'5, tNO 2250-1'5, two 2250-3'5. two 2260's Nith keyboards. two 2260's Nithout keyboards, one 2285, two 2840-2'5, four 2848'5 (two of both types), one 3210-1, one 3210-2, and one 3215-1. 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate templates, two pages //IS/2250,2150/ SX22-0010 RESOURCE MEASUREMENJ FACILITY OPERATING PROCEDURES REFERENCE .m!I!l!!U fi!! I:!QIil!.QB ill This reference card provides a quick reference to Monitor III data gatherer session options. data reporter sessions options. and display caunds. Reference Card. 6 panels. 01/86 //36//5665-27ct 6X22-6860 S/360! J.aZJl MAGNETIC'! OPTICAL CHARACTER READERS, PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment templates on 8-1/2 IC 11 inch acetate sheets, two pages, for planning machine rootI layouts. Scale: 1/ct inch Includes: 1231 Model Nl GX22-68M 1255 Hodels 1. 2, and 3 ~ ~ Am !!fi 1lQ A!:!!l PRINJERS. fi!! SYSTEM/360 Am SmEM/370; 1m:! PHYSICAL PLAtItlINfi TEMPLATE 1259 Moclel 2 Equipment t8lllPlates on 8-1/2 by 11 inch acetate sheets. four 1285 Model 1 pages. for planning aachine rooID layouts. Scale: 1/ct inch 1287 Moclels 1 to S equals one foot. Includes one 1017. one 1018. three lct031288 Models 1 to S 2.3.7's. three lct03-Nl's. one 1404-2. one 14ct2-Nl.N2. one 1412 Models 1 lct18 Hodels 1 to 3 1442 abutted to one 1443. one 1443-Nl or 1445-Nl. one 250181.82. one 2520-81.82.83. three 2540-1's. one 2560-Al. 1419 Moclel 1 1428 Models 1 to 3 one 2671. two 2821-'5. two 2821-3.5'5. one 2822. one 8-1/2 IC 11 inch acetate templates, two pages 2826-1. two 3211' •• two 3505-81.82'5. two 3525-Pl.P2.P3's. //IS/1285,1231, 1418, 1428,1287.1288,1412.1259,1419,1255/ and two 3811' s. 8-1/2 IC 11 inch acetate templates. 4 pages 3031.3032.3138.3148.3195.3115.3033.3155.3165.3145.3135. 3158.3168.3125//15// 6X22-6925 S1360 J J.aZJl .Eill!l ENGINEERING FURNITIJRE J ~ EQUIPMENT. PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Furniture and test equipment teeplates on 8-1/2 IC 11 inch 6X22-6855 acetate sheet, for planning FE rGOlD layouts. Scale: l/ct ~ J J.aZJl MAGNETIC neg !!tim J CONTROLS. inch equals one foot. Includes one clesk, one workbench, one PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE study table. one bookcase, one card file, one .icrofiche Equiplllent t8lllPiate on 1-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet. 1 page for planning achine roolD layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch aquals 1 viewer, one tool and test equipment cart, one BSM cart, one foot. Includes all eodels of follONing agnatic tape units/ FE/DAU, one BSM analyzer, and two shelf cabinets, two parts cabinets, two book carts, and three file cabinets. controls I 2ct02. 2403. 2ct04. MI0. MIl. 8-1/2" x 11" acetate taplate. 4 pages 8-1/2 IC 11 inch acetate templates, one page //15/2402.2403.2404/ SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6X22-6857 ~ J .lil.lllI CO!1t!Ut!ICqIQNS EQUIp!!ENJ. 6X22-6981 S/370 ~ ~ PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipeent templates on 8-1/2 IC 11 inch acetate sheets, 5 pages, for planning .achine roOM layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes one composite 3195 Model J and K. one composite 3195 Model KJ and L, one 3060-1, one 3085. one 3086, three 30805, tNo 28605, two 28705, and four 2880 •• Acetate Template, 5 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment templates on 8-1/2 by 11 inch acetate sheets. two pages. for planning aachine roo. layouts. Scale: 1/ct inch equals one foot. Includes four 2701's. two 2702's. one 2703. one 2711. one 2715-1.2. two 7770-3's. and one 7772-3. 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate templates. 2 pages //15/2701.2702.2703.2711.7770.370ct.3705.7772/ 802 / ( GX22 GX22 GX22-6984 llil!l !1mW. .!lli OPERATOR'S REFERENCE drives and one 3046-1. Acetate template. 8-1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page ~ This reference card highlights necessary operating procedures and abbreviated step-by-step instructions for operating the System/370 Model 165. The information is condensed frOll the IBM System/370 Model 165 Operating Procedures (GA22-6969). Reference card 31351/151/ GX22-7021 S/370 !m!lll 125. PHYSICAL PlAllNUIG TEI1PLATE Equipment template on 8-1.'2 x 11 inch acetate sheet. 1 page for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes configurations of 3125 with 5425 and 3203 and 3125 with 3203. 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate template 31651/161/ GX22-6985 ! S/370 CHANNELS: 1§2JU .2§ZJ! ! 2880. PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment templates on two 8 1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheets. for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot. Includes three 2860's. three 2870's. and four 2880-1.2'5. Acetate Templates. 8-112 x 11 inches. 2 pages 31251/151/ ~ GX22-7022 S/370 MODEL ~ PHYSICAL PLAIINING TEI1PLATE IBM System/370 Model 168. Model 168 Ilultiprocessing. and Model 168 Attached Processor equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheets, for planning machine room layout. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 3168 Processing Unit. 3168-3 Processing Unit. 3062 Attached Processing Unit Modell. 3066 Syst .... Console l1od"ls 2 and 3, 3067 Power and Coolant Distribution Unit Models 2 and 3 (SH below 61000). 3067 Power and Coolant Distribution Unit Models 2. 3. and 5 (SH above 61000). and 3068 I1ultisyst... Communication Unit Modell. Acetate Template. 5 pages. 7/76 1115/2860.2870.28801 GX22-6987 ARRAY PROCESSOR ~ !.=l fi!B SYSTEMl370: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM Physical Planning Template: 3838 Array Processor Models 1. 2. and 3 for Systea/370: Equipment template for planning room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Acetate Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 pg. 1/77 ~ 31681/151/ 1115/38381 GX22-7023 ~ ~ PHYSICAL PLAIINING TEMPLATE Equipment templates on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet for planning machine room layout. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 3158 Processing Uni t. 3158-3 Processing Unit. 3056 Remote System Console. and 3213 Printer. 8 1/2 x 11 inch acetate templates. 3 pages. 11176 5/370 i.X22-7005 S/370 !m!lll llL. PHYSICAL PLANNING TEI1PLATE Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet. 2 pages for planning machine roo. layout. Scale: 114 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 3145 Processing Unit Models GE. GFD. H. HG". I. H2. HG2. 12. IH2. and J2. Also includes 3046 Power Unit 31581/151/ Modell. 3047 Power Unit Modell. 3210 Console PrinterKeyboard 110del 2. and 3345 Storage and Control fro. Models 1 to 5. GX22-7024 Tuplate. 2 pages ~ PROCESSOR PHYSICAL PLAIINING TEMPLATE 31451/151/ IBI1 Physical Planning' Template: IBM 3033 Processor CO!lplex consisting of a 3033 Processor. 3036 Console Modell. and 3037 Power and Coolant Distribution Unit Modell. GX22-7006 Equipment Template for planning machine room layouts. S/370 ~ ~ PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Scale: 1/4 equals 1 foot. Equipment templates on 8-112 x 11 inch acetate sheets. Acetate template, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pgs. 4/77 2 pages. for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 30331/151/ inch equals 1 foot. Includes one 3155 composite of Models H-J. one 3155 composite of Models JI and K. and one 32102. Positioning is also shown for 3210-1 and 3215. GX22-7025 Acetate Template. 2 pages llil PROCESSOR COI1PLEX TEMPLATE INCLUDES .MU POWER Mm 31551/151/ COOLANT DISTRIBUTION UNIT AND ~ CONSOLE IBM Physical Planning Template: IBM 3032 Processor Complex including IBM 3036 Console Model 1 and IBM 3027 Power and Coolant Distribution Unit 110del 1. GX22-7007 For planning machine rOOll layouts. Scale 114 inch llil!l !m!W. .!lli PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment templates on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheets. three equals 1 foot. pages. for planning machine rOOll layouts. Scale: 114 inch Acetate Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pgs 10/77 30321/151/ equals one foot. Includes one composite 3165 Models I and J with 3360'5. one cOllposite 3165 Models JI and K with 3360'5. one composite 3165 Model KJ with 3360'5. one 3066-1. and one 3067. GX22-7026 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate templates. three pages 3031 PROCESSOR COI1PLEX TEMPLATE INCLUDES 3017 fmWi YHII 31651/151/ !m!lll .1 Mm 3036 CONSOLE MODEL 1 IBM Physical Planning Template: IBM 3031 Processor Complex including IBM 3036 Console Modell and IBM 3017 Power Unit GX22-7008 Modell. For planning machine room layouts. Scale 114 inch ~ ~ 112& PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE equals 1 foot. Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet. 1 page. for planning machine rooll layouts. Scale: 114 inch equals Acetate Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages., 10/77 30311/151/ one foot. Includes one 3135 with five attached disk storagil 803 t" 6)(22 &X22 &x22-7038 GX22-7028 JL.llll !I!IW. .l1h PHYSICAL PLlNNIH& TEMPWE WI HAMTIC I!U imI MIl cmIIUI. tmIW..I 1 SYSTEM/37o: l§H PHYSICAL PUNt/ING TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet. 1 page for planning uchine rooll hyout. Scale: 1/4 inch equals foot. Includes Model 115. 3115 Processing Unit. Acetate template. 1 page 3115//15// :m A.t. fill Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet. 1 page for plaming .achine roo. layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 2415 Magnatic Tape !.hit and Control Hodels 1 to 6. Acetate teilplate. 1 page //15/2415/ GX22-7029 ~ Il1Z .u!l!W !Il:!IlW AL. III A!iIl H MIl lH! lWWiI mmm .!mIl1!JI III A!II HE flm SYSTEM/UO .: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment Template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet. for planning ..achine roOll layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 3340 D;'k storage Hodels A2. Bl. and B2 and 3344 Direct Access Storage Hodels B2 and B2F. Acetate t ..plate. 1 page. 7/76 //15/3344.3340/ GX22-7039 ~ &!lJ! MAGNETIC I!U III.U !Im!.WI I MIl L. fill S'tSTEHl370: l§H PUYSI(:AL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet. 1 page fo,. planning ..achine roOil layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 2420 Magnatic Tapa !.hIt Hodels 5 and 7. Acetate t...,late. 1 page /115/2420/ GX22-7030 &X22-70ltl I!U CARTRIDGE Iru!Wl !mIW. L. fi!l SVSlEM/370: § .I JW I!U .cmmmL .MtQ !1AGHETIC I!U YI:!lI I:IQ!!.W J ~ ~ fQR SYSTEM~370: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE l§H PHYSI(:AL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equip.ant template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet. 1 page Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet. 1 page for planning machine rOOll layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 for planning lAchine rOOM layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 3420 Magnetic Tape Unit Hodels 3 to 8 and foot. Includes 2495 Tape Cartridge Reader Modell. 3803 Tape Control Hodels 1 - 3 for Systeal370. Acetate template. 1 page Acetate template. 1 page. 7/76 /116/2495/ //15/3420.3803/ .em :m &X22-7042 iW I!U m:!TR!!.I. !:!!lI!SI.J ! !!! 1& fill! SYSlEM/370: l§H puYSI(:AL PLANNING TEMPLATE GX22-7031 B.ill Qptlll1ENT PROCESSOR: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8-112 x 11 inch acetate sheet. 1 page fo,. plaming uchine roOil layouts. Scde: 114 inch equals foot. Includes 2803 Tape Control Hodels 1 to 3. Acetat. template. 1 page /115/2803/ Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet (2 pages) for plaming ..chine rOOM layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot Includes: Hodels AI-A6 and BI-86 Microfil. Fra_ 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate template. 2 pages //15/3890/ 6)(22-7043 I!U mmmJ. !Im!.WI 1 IQ 1& fQB smEM/370: l§H PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE ~ ;;X22-7032 11!l!! (:ot!t!UNICATIQNS glNTROLLER fi!l SmEHl3Z0: l§H PHYSI(:AL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment tuplate on 8-112 )( 11 inch acetat. sheet, 1 page for planning ...chine rOOM layouts. Scde: 1/4 inch equals foot. Includes 2804 Tape Control Hodels 1 to 3. Acetate template. 1 page //15/28041 Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet. 1 page for planning machine roo. layout. Sale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 3704 Communications Controller Hodel 1. Acetate template. 1 page 1/15/37041 6)(22-7044 !ill SWITCHING !.!!!II I:tQ!W" L. fill! SYSlEM/370: l§H P!1YSI(:AL PLANNING TEMPLATE GX22-7035 I!U YI:!lI lm!WJi 1 !!! 1 MIl llll I1AGt!ETI(: ~ UNIT A!II CONTROL t!mIW 1 :m J .Elm SYSTEHl370: l§H PHYSICAL Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet. 1 page for plaming ..achine roOil layouts. Scale: lilt inch equals 1 foot. Includes 2816 SNitching Unit Hodel 1. Acetate template. 1 page //15/2816/ l!tl.Q MAGNETIC PLANNING TEMPLATE . Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet. 1 page for plaming lIachine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 3410 Magnetic Tape Unit Hodels 1.2. and 3. and 3411 Magnetic Tape Unit and Control Models 1.2. and 3. Acetate template. 1 page 370.4331.4341.4321//15/3410.3411/ &X22-7045 &X22-7037 2401 MAGNETI(: I!U YI:!lI lm!WJi 1 A A!iIl §.a. fI!! SYSTEHl370: !§H PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet. 1 page for planning machine rOOM layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 2401 Magnetic Tape Unit Models 1 to 6 and 8. Acetate template. 1 page //15/2401/ :m QIS!(ETTE INPUTIOUTPUT !.!!!II Iml!ill III At!!l H f!!B. SYSTEM/370: !§H PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8-112 x 11 inch acetate sheet. 1 page for planning .achine rOOll layout. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 3540 Hodels Bl and B2. Template. 1 page. //15/3540/ ~ 804 ( ~ - -~ ~------ --- ./ ( 6)(22 6X22 6)(22-7047 PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: 3330 DISK ~ H!ll!W .L. A!:!!l ill ll1l !WiJS STORAGE .. mrrBm. t!Q.!!.Wi 1 !!:!II 11 f.QB ~ ~ MQBill CONTROL MODELS L. ! M:l!l 1 f.QB S/370 Equipment teMPlate for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes: 3330 Hodels 1. 2 and II 3333 Hodels 1 and 11 for 370 3830 Hodels 1. 2 and 3 for 370 Acetate template. 8-1/2 x 11 inches. 3 pages. 8176 6X22-7059 mmn llh PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMP WE Template for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes IBM 3148 Processing Unit. IBM 3047 Power Unit Modell. and IBM 3203 Printer Hodel 4. 8-1/2 x 11 inch Acetate Template. 10176 ~ ~ 31481/151/ 6X22-7061 3031 ATTACHED PROCESSOR COMPLEX WITH 1l!!! ATTACHED 1115/3330.3333.38301 PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8-1/2 by 11 inch acetate sheet for machine layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot; includes 3705 Cotmnunications Controller and 3705 Expansion Hodule. 8-1/2 x 11 inch acetate template. 1 page PROCESSItIG !!HU .:: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: INCLUDES 3017 PRINTER ! M:l!l ~ CONSOLE HODEL ! .:: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM Physical Planning Template: 3031 Attached Processor Complex Mith 3041 Attached Processing Unit. 3017 Printer Hodel 1 and 3036 Console Hodel 1. Equipment template on 8 1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Acetate Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/78 1115/37051 30411/151/ mmn 6)(22-7051 3705 CO!1!'U!ICATIONS CONTROLLER f.QB SmEHl370: plann;'~ 6)(22-7052 6X22-7062 PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE f.QB 3881 ~ MARK READER 3033 !1!JLTIPROCESSOR ~ TEMPLATE: 3036. ~ 3038 IBM Physical Planning Template: 3033 Multiprocessor Complex MODELS 1=1 ! ~ !!mill CHARACTER ~ !:!m!W 1 .. ! Equipment template on 8-112 x 11 inch acetate page for planincluding 3036 Console Hodel 1. 3037 Power and Coolant ning machine room layouts. Distribution Unit Hodel 1 and 3038 Multiprocessor Scale: 1/4 inch equals one foot. COIIIIIU'ti cati on Unit Model 1. Includes: 3881 Hodels 1 to 3 Equipment template for planning machine room layouts. 3886 I10dels 1 and 2 Scale 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Acetate Template. 1 page 3 Acetate Templates. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 5/78 1115/3881.38861 30331/151/ 6)(22-7053 ( 6X22-7063 FACILITY PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template for planning machine roOll layouts. Scale: 114 inch equals one foot . Includes: 3851 Hodels Al to A4 and Bl to M. Acetate Templatel 1 page ~ 1115/3850.38511 1115/38951 1§21 DOCUMENT READERIINSCRIBER Equipment template on 8 1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Acetate Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 pg. 8178 ~ ~ 6)(22-7054 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM PHYSICAL PLANNING This template is used for planning machine 1"00II floor layouts. Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 template. 05/87 6X22-7064 3896 TAPE DOCUMENT CONVERTER Equipment template on 8 1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Acetate Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 pg. 8/78 1115/38001 1115/38961 CX22-7057 3350 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE Im!l.W AL. ~ §U B!E.L l l i PHYSICAL PlANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8-112 x 11 inch acetate sheet. for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes 3350 Direct Access Storage Hodels A2. A2F. B2. B2F. C2. and C2F for Systeml370. Acetate template. 1 page. 7/76 6X22-7066 3287 PRINTER H!ll!W 1 ! ! PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM Physical Planning Template: 3287 Printer Hodels 1 and ~ ~ 2. Equipment template on 8 1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 20 millimeters equals 1 meter. Acetate Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/78 1115/33501 1115/32871 6)(22-7058 S/310 mmJ. llh PHYSICAL PlANNING TEMPWE Template for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. Includes IBM 3138 Processing Unit. IBM 30% Power Unit Hodel 1. and IBM 3203 Pri nter Hodel 4. 8-1/2 x 11 inch Acetate Template. 10176 6)(22-7067 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY 31381/1511 805 ~ PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE (SCALE 1:481 Equipment template on 8 1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet for planni ng IHchi ne room layouts. Scale: 114 inch equals one foot U:48I. Includes a full configuration of: 3258 control Unit 3255 Display Controls (~ GX22 GX22 3251 Display Stations Plastic template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 pg. 7/78 Acetate template 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 1/79 1115/3310/ 1115/3250.3258/ GX22-7068 ~ GRAPHICS ~ ~ PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE ~1ill.! Equipment template on 8 1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet fo~ planning machine ~ layouts. Scale: 20 .... equals one _te~ (1:50). Includes a full configu~ation of: 3258 Control Unit 3255 Display Controls 3251 Display Stations Plastic Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 eg. 7/78 //15/3250.3258/ GX22-7082 3262 Y!:!.!i f!ill!n! MODELS! Mm !! IBM physical planning template for planning machine room layouts. Both ..tric and English scales: 10 mm = 0.5 MI 1/4 = 1'. Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 5/81 370.4361.4381.4331.4341.4321//15/3262/ GX22-7083 SWITCHING YHII ~ ! TEMPLATE IBM Physical Planning Template: 2914 Switching Unit Model 1. Equipment template on 8 1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet for planning scale: 1/4" = 1'. Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/79 ~ GX22-7070 1114/2914/ X!!l fB.lt!!I!! .t!!l.!W. i PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM physical planning template for planning machine room layouts. Both metric and English scales. (10 me 0.5 ., 114 inch = ·1 foot. Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4/81 = GX22-7084 2lli MULTI-FUNCTION gBQ YHII I:1Q!lill !L. AL I5.L. K.L. &:II g IBM Physical Planning Template: 5424 Multi-Function Card Unit Models AI. A2. Kl. and K3. Equipment template on 8-112 inches x 11 inches acetate sheet for planning machine room layouts. SCALE: 10 .... = 0.5 • Acetate Template. 8-1/2 inches x 11 inches. 1 page. 1/80 1115/3203/ GX22-7074 PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE fQ!l §§l!.! l!mill !Aa. ! Atm 1 ill mm .: !Wi III Physical planning template for 8809 magnetic tape unit models lAo 2 and 3 for 8100 System and 4331 processor (metric scale). Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1/79 8150.8130.8140.4331.4341.4321//15/8809/ 1115/5424/ GX22-7085 CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM Physical Planning Template: 3848 Cryptographic !kIit. Equipment template on 8-1/2" x 11" acetate sheet for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 10_ = 0.5. Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4/80 ~ GX22-7075 ATTACHED PROCESSOR COMPLEX PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE This is an equipment template on 8 1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. It covers physical planning for the 3033 ,Attached Processor Complex. including 3042 Attached Processor Modell. 3036 Console Modell. and 3037 PONer and Coolant Distribution Unit Modell. Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2/79 ~ 1115/3848/ GX22-7087 3081 PRocESSOR COMPLEX TEMPLATE IBM physical planning template for planning machine room layouts. Metric scale: 10 am = 0.5 m Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4/81 30331/1511 3081.3083111511 GX2Z-7076 PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE f!lB 3880 STORAGE ~ This is an equipment template on an 8 1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet used for planning machine room layouts. Metric scale: 10 .... = 0.5 m, English scale: 1/4 inch = 1 foot. Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10/81 GX22-7088 mm ~ STORAGE I:!!lP..Wi AI Mm .IU PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8 1/2 x 11 inches. acetate sheet for planning .achine roo. layouts. Scale: 10 em = 0/5 •• Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1. 6/80 liZ§ 1115/3880/ 1115/3375/ GX22-7079 mm ~ ~ H!mill Al &:II .IU PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE IBM physical planning template for planning machine room layouts. Both metric and English scales. (10 .. = 0.5 .1 1/4 inch = 1 foot. Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4/81 4361.4381.4331.4341.4321//15/3370/ ill!! SX22-7080 PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE f!lB .ll!! I:!QllW A!LA& !t!U IUL:H Physical Planning template for 3310 Direct Access Storage Hodels Al/A2 and Bl/82 for use with 4331 Processor (metric scale) GX22-7089 3380 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE MODEL ML A!tE.z. M!u Mf.z. B!u. !!!Sl ~ TEMPLATE Equipment template on 8 1/2 x 11 inches acetate sheet for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 10.m = 0.5 •• Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 6/80 1115/3380/ GX22-7090 3814 SWITCHING MANAGEMENT ~ H!mill !!::AL. IU.:B!u. &:II ~ TEMPLATE IBM physical planning template for planning .achine room layouts. Both .etric and English scales: 10 me = 0.5 m, 806 ", \_----_// GX22 GX22 = GX22-7102 1/4" I' Acetate te~late. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4/81 //15/3814/ KEYBOARD TEMPLATE .E!lB m 1m DISPLAY ~ This template can be placed over 3278 Program Function Keys that are located on the right side of the keyboard. It contains the nomenclature assigned. to the Program Function Keys when used with the 3814 Switching Management System with the display/printer attachment feature. Plastic OVerlay. 3/83 //13/3814/ 1§1.!! GX22-7091 XH J.ltIg ~ Hmru .!! Equipment template on 8 1/2 x 11 inch acetate sheet for planning machine room layouts. Scale: 10 .. = 0.5 m. Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 7/80 4331//15/3289/ GX22-7103 MAGNETIC IAfg SUBSYSTEM PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE This template incorporates the obsoleted template. GX22-7104 (English Scale). Both ..tric and English scale templates are now included in GX22-7103. combined template. This template is also for use in planning machine room layouts. Acetate Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 panels. 05/86 //15/3480/ ~ GX22-7093 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE ~ This reference card contains the basic cherts. cOMmands. and examples required by the level 1 operator of the IBH 3814 Switching Management System. Reference card. 3 5/8 x 7 1/4 inches. 14 panels. 12/81 //16/3814/ 1§1.!! ( GX22-7095 1Jl.lU PROCESSOR ~ IBM physical planning template for planning ..chine roo. layouts. English scale: 1/4" = I' Acetate template. 8 1/2 x il inches. 4/81 3081.3083//15// GX22-7104 GX22-7096 3088 MULTISYSTEM CHANNEL COMMUNICATION YHII PHYSICAL PLANtIING This is a physical planning template for planning ..chine room layouts. Acetate Templata. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 template. 05/87 //15/3088/ GX22-7105 PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: ill5 PRINTER Hmru 1 Physical planning template for planning ..chine roo. layouts. English and ..tric scales: 1/4" = I" 10 .. = 05 a. Template.8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6/83 //15/4245/ GX22-7098 PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: ~ PROCESSOR COMPLEX Physical planning ter-plate for planning machine room layouts. Metric scale: 10 mn = 0.5 ... Aeetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10/82 3084//15// GX22-7107 1lI!lI PROCESSOR ~ H!!!!W PHYSICAL PWiUNG TEMPLATE Physical Planning Template for planning ..chine room layouts. Metric scale: 10 .. = 0.5 m. Aeetate Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 3 templates. 01/87 3090//15// MAGNETIC IAfg SUBSYSTEM PHYSICAL PlANNING TEMPLATE Physical planning template for planning _chine roo. layouts. English Scale: 1/4" = I' Acetate. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 card. 4/84 //15/3480/ ~ GX22-7099 PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: ~ PROCESSOR ~ IBM physical planning template for planning aachine roo. layouts. Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 10/82 3084//15// GX22-7108 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX MODELS PHYSICAL PlANNING TEMPLATE Physical Planning Template for planning aachine roo. layouts. English scale: 1/4" = 1'. Acetate Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 3 templates. 01/87 3090//15// GX22-7100 3725/3726 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER ~ EXPANSION 11lZ OPERATOR CONSOLE This publication is to be used as a physical planning template for planning machine room layouts. The Metric and English scales are as follows: 10 _ = 0.5 m and 1/4" = I'. Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 board. 2/83 //15/3727.3725.3726/ GX22-7110 PHYSICAL PlANNING TEMPLATE: 3044 FIBER-OPTIC ~ EXTENDER LINK ENCLOSURE Physical planning template for planning eachine roo. layouts. English and Metric Scales: 1/4"=1' 10 _=0.5 a Plastic Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 side. 9/85 //15/3044/ GX22-7101 MAGNETIC IAfg SUBSYSTEM ~ A~ g Physical planning template for planning machine roo. layouts. English and metric scales: 1/4" = l' I 10 l1li = 0.5 m Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4/83 //15/3430/ ~ GX22-7111 PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPlATE: ~ COLOR IWifW ~ Physical planning template for planning ..chine roo. layouts. English and aetric scales: 1/4" = I", 10 .. = 0.5 m Acetate Plastic Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 807 SX22 GX23 ~22-7113 appendix to HVSllnforHtion Distribution Workstation Support Operation: Workstation Controller and Syst. . OWner Guide, SC23-0033. The IDWS COIRIIIands are explained in the guide. They _ble the user to start, stop and run IDWS Nith the 6670 InforHtion Distributor and ~S. Users Nith syst. . OIOI'ltIr authority should be fa.iliar NUh ~S, the job entry subsystell and the SNA communications subsystem used in the installation. Users Nith workstation controller authority should be fa"iliar Nith the 6670 Information Distributor and understand the concepts of networking and remote job processing. Reference card, 8 1/2 x 14 1/2 inches, 8 panels, 02/80 lUll !BAHI JIi FULL-SIZE PHYSICAL PLANNIN§ TE"PLATE This is a full-size plastic tuplate used for . .chine floor layout of optional 3090, fra . . 05/15 Nith optional fra..s 29 and 39. Polyester fU., 3 feat x 5 feet, 03/87 6)(22-7116 PHysICAL PLANNIN§ TE"PLATE: JmI ct:!!!U!ICATION CONTROLLER This Physical PlaMing Template is for plaMing . .chine roo. layouts. CoIIIbined English and _tric scales: 1/4"=1 foot, 10 _ = 0.5. Acetate Teaplate, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, o5/~ SLSS: ORDER NO. SUSSCRIPTION ONLY ////574o-~ 6X23-0001 SERVICE AIDS REFERENCE m!!I1!!U This suanary is intended to be a quick guide to the . . jor or .asf-used functions of the service aids. The JCL and control statements are valid as shown, but they represent only the si~lest for. of the progra_ they illustrate. Reference Card - 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 - 14 panels, 1/75 //37//5741,5652 ~ &X23-0003 :!aZ! REFERENCE SUtI1ARY .IW OPERATOR CO!IW!DS ~ SUPPORT PROGRAMS Contains all JES3 operator co...nds. SUMMarized fro. os/vS2 HVS Operator's Library: JES3 coneands, OS/vs2 SysteM PrograMing Library: JES3 Debugging Guide and 0s/vs2 HVS Syst. . Progra.ing Library: JES3. Kanual, 8 x 9 1/2 inches, 33 pages, 9/78 //40//5752-826 SX23-0007 JES3 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY. REFERENCE ~ (CURREN! RELEASE) This book contains the forMats and summarized descriptions of the operator commands used to control and diagnose errors in JES3 functions. The inforaation is a summary of the console operator commands described in JES3 Operator's Library, SC23-0045 and JES3 System Programming Library: Diagnosis, SC23-o043. This edition applies to the JES3 component of ~S/Syst. . Product - JES3 Release 2 and to all subsequent releases and lIodi1;cations until otherNise indicated in netoI editions or technical neN5letters. Reference summary, 8 x 9 1/2 inches //40//574o-XYN SX23-0008 ~/SYSTE" ~ ~ ~ ~ (CURREN! RELEASE) This card provides the console operator Nith a quick reference to JES2 command syntax. For IIOre in-depth inforllation concerning these COIImands, reference the Operator's Library: JES2 Commands, SC23-0048. Reference card //4o//5740-XYS \. /' SX23-0004 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: .t!.l!; FACILITY .E!lR .wi !.z. .I,lI; fIU!§ 5740-XR8. ~ LANGUAGE REFERENCE SU!1HABl This is a reference card docUlienting the NJE JES2 COMmands SX23-0010 syntax taken fro. the Operator's Library: NetNork Job Entry ~ ~ OPERATIONS C~AND SYNTAX IbJRRENT RELEASE) Facility for JES2, Commands, SC23-0011, Nhich is the first This card provides the console operator Nith a quick to reflect changes. This card is for quick reference to the reference to JES2 command syntax. For IIOre in-depth commands. inforaation concerning these COmMands, reference Reference card, 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches, 10 panels, 1/78 ~S/Extended Architecture Operations: JES2 CoMmands, ////5740-XR8 SC23-0064. Reference card, 8 panels, 03/83 //40//5740-XC6 &x23-0005 9PERATOR'S LIBRARY: ~ ~ ~ ~ LANGUAGE REFERENCE SU!mAR! SX23-0012 This is a reference card docuIIenting the JES2 COIIIIands HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE I~) OPERATIONS: .wi ~ Syntax taken fro. the Operator's Library: 0s/vS2 ~S JES2 ~ !CURRENT RELEASE) c-nds, SC23-0007, Nhich is the first to reflect changes. ~S/XA Operations: JES3 COIIIIIIand Syntax provides a quick This card is used for quick reference to JES2 cOllllllands. reference summary of JES3 commands for operators and syst. . This card obsoletes Operator's Library: OS/VS2 (JES2) prograllltners. It is intended for any complex running ~s/XA COIIIIIIand Language Reference su.llary, GX38-0227. or nrning both ~/XA and HVS/370. Card, 8 x 18 inches, scored, 10 panels, 5/77 "-nual, 8 x 9 1/2 inches, 34 pages ////5752-825 //40//5665-291 SX23-0006 HYS/INFPRMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT OPERATION WORKSTATION CONTROLLER M:!!l .umH l2t!!:!.m ~ REFERENCE m!!I1!!U This card is published for ~Inforllation Distribution Workstation Support IIDWS) users Mho have NOrkstation controller and syst. . ONnar COIRIIIand authority. It lists allIDNS COIaands and their parauters, a brief description of their use and the colll1lland authority required for each para_ter. This infor. .tion is also published as an GX23-0015 TSO/E ~ LAN§UAGE REFERENCE SUI1I1ARY (CURRENT RELEASE) This summary contains an alphabetized list of TSO cOllllllands for the TSO/E user operating in an IfIIS/Extended Architecture envirOl1llent or in an IfIIS/370 environment. It·is intended to serve as a quick reference guide to TSO co_ands. it assues the user has prior knowledge of TSO commands. Reference Summary, 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches, 102 pages, 6/84 ////5665-285 808 (j - ~-~--~~- -------~----------- ---- ( eX23 6X23-0016 INFORMATIQN ~ FACILITY ~ REFERENCE This reference card contains a summary of the information an end USer needs to USe the Inforntion Center Facility. It describes the conanels and PF Keys in the Infor... tion Center Facility. It also lists the products that are available through the Information Center Facility and shaMs how to access those products. Reference Card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 8 cards. 08186 ~ GX24 SX23-0282 VMlSYSTEM ~ Hl§H PERFORMANCE ~ 5664-167. =1ZlL Wi .I.MWi A!.lll INSTRUCTIOIIS I CURRENT RELEASE I This .nvelope has instructions printed on the outside for inserting labels in binders to create a colllbined VMlSP and VMlSP HPO Library. Envelope Mith 2 sheets of labels. 2 pages. 12/83 11391/5664-173 1139115665-285 GX23-0017 TSOIINFORMATION ~ FACILITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REFERENCE ~ This reference card contains a slnlllary of the information an administrator needs to use the Infor.ation Center Facility. It describes the commands and PF Keys in the Information Center Facility. It also shows the functions and services that an administrator can perform in the Information Center Facility. Reference Card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 8 carels. 08186 SX23-0289 yrvSYSTEM J!!fi!!MI tw2I1 PERFORMANCE IH!mI!iJ. 5664-173. JaW A!.lll INSTRUCTIONS ICURRENT RELEASE) This envelope has instructions printed on the outside for inserting labels in binders to create a VM/SP HPO Library. There is one sheet of labels containing five labels. Envelope Mith one sheet of labels. 12/83 11391/5664-173 SX23-0328 ~ fa! ~ MACHINE/EXIEtmED ARCHITECTURE. 5664-169. nmtlJ FACILITY A three-ring binder with transparent sleeves that can be used Mith a set of binder inserts. SX23-0329. This is a component of SBOF-1647 which includas 11 of these binders together Mith the binder inserts. Binder. 8/85 1139115665-285 GX23-0201 327613278 l.I!!l!II!.!.! Bml!U .El!RH This form is used by the customer to report 3276/3278 machine malfunction symptoms to the IBM service representative. Padded Form. 25 sheets per pad. 3 pages. 9177 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 11115664-169 LX23-0347 I:!fQ .m fI!JlJlliH DETERMINATION REFERENCE INFORMATION (CURREN! RELEASE) This reference card is for use in doing problem determination by a system prograllll1!!r on VMlSP HPO. Includas Trace Table entries. command formats of commands useful in problem deterMination. and the Prefix Storage Area IPSA). Reference Card. 8 1/2 x 3 5/8 inches. 03/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ GX23-0202 327513277 ~ mll!U .El!RH This publication provides the operator Mith a check sheet for describing machine proble... Padded Form. 25 sheets per pad. 10/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX23-0203 m:I!BlU. !.!!:!II PROBLEM !!!f!lBI fi!BH Report fo ..m for reporting probll!llS which occur on the 1M 3274 Control Unit. Pad. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches. 15 sheets. 2 sides. 1/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SX23-0351 MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. 5665-342. ~ PLANNING BINDER ~ This is a set of inserts for binder SX23-0328 to be used with MSCM Planning 16C23-0175) and MSCM Planning Worksheets IGC23-01881. Binder inserts. 10 x 11 inches. 3 inserts. 11/85 11115665-342 GX23-0204 3284/3286/3288 TROUBLE REPORT .El!RH This for. is used by the customer to report 328413286/3288 .achine .alfunction SymptOIBS to the 1M service ..epresentative. Padded fo.... 25 sheets pe .. pad. 11/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SX23-0365 YM/DIRECTORY. 5748-XE4. MAINTENANCE ~ This label is to be inse.. ted in a binde... SX24-5129. for the VM/Directo ..y Maintenance lib..ary of books. Label. 8 1/2 x 5 inches. 6/65 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX23-0215 mer B.f9 DISKEUE J.aW .mill!Z.L. mum This .sheet contains four preprinted labels and provides space for 3274 Diskette identification. Sheet. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. containing 4 labels 1m GX23-0230 3270 INFORMATION DISPUY ~ 3278/3279 fHIBI ~ m .!.A!WJi These die cut labels and instructional decal are used for IBM 3270 Information Display Syst.. Entry Assist feature support. Labels. 12182 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX24-3381 1nl! 11m CO!1I1UNICATIONS SYSTEM: PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE This template gives a scaled representation of the· physical planning specifications fo .. the IBM 1050 Data Communication Syste•• Template. 8 1/2 x II. 1 page 1115/1050.1051.1052.1053.1054.1055.1056.10581 GX24-3666 !34l PROCESSORS PHYSICAL PUNNING TEMPUTE !.!.l.!lU Equipment template for planning ..chine ..oom layouts for 1M 4341 P..ocessors. Scale: 114· inch = I foot. Transparent .cetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 11/81 809 ( GX24 GX24 4341//15// and thID 1M 8100 Inforlll!ltion Syst_. For. 6)(24-3670 GX24-3725 4341 PROCESSOR ~ .b2Al1 m:J WORKSHEET This worksheet provides the ~ans to calculate the channel 4321 ! !1ll PROCESSORS PHYSICAL PlANNING TEMPLATE loading on a 4341 byte-llUltiplexer channel. This for. is to !ENGLISH 1:481 be used in conjuncUon with Form GX24-3746. the 4341 ByteEquipment template for planning uchine rOOll layouts for Multiplexer Channel Preliminary Worksheet. 4331 PrOcessors. Scale: 1/4 inch = 1 foot. Transparent acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 11/81 Padded form. U/M 50. 3/80 4361,4331,4321//15// SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX24-3703 GX24-3728 4321.4331.4361 PROCESSORS PHYSICAL PlANNING TEMPLATE ~ 1m! ~ REPORTING TERMINAL. ~ B!fQBI These forms are for use by the custOlDer to record IBM 3641 METRIC 1 :50 1 Equipment template for planning machine rOOll layouts. Reporting Terminal failure indicati.ons and other infoMllation Scale: 50 I11III = 1 _ter. that is useful to the service representative. Pad of 25 forms. 6/78 Transparent Acetate Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 9/83 4361.4331.4321//15// SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY '~24-3704 1m! 3642 PRINTER. PROBLEM REPORT These forms are for use by the customer to record 1M 3642 Encoder Printer failure indications and other inforution that is useful to the service representative. Pad of 25 forms. 6/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ GX24-3729 4341 PROCESSOR PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE lliW Equi~t template for planning ..chine rOOll layouts. Scale: 50 IDa = 1 meter. Transparent acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 1/79 434J//15// 6)(24-3738 fB!!mR mmw ! ! II !!m!.!!Ui Rm!B! B!BH This customer aid is used to record error prObI... in order to have a record to give service personnel to expedite repair of the printer. Padded for •• 8 1/2 x 11 inches. single sheet, U/M 25. 06/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX24-3705 1m! ~ KEYBOARD DISPLAY I PROBLEM REPORT These forms are for use by the customer to record 1M 3643 Keyboard Display failure indications and other inforution that is useful to the service representative. Pad of 25 forms. 6/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX24-3706 1m! ~ AUTOMATIC Wlli .PRn!ru!! B!fQBI film These forDlS are for use by the 3630 Plant Communication Syst.. customer to record IBM 3644 Automatic Data Unit Failure indications and other inforution that is useful to the service representative. Pad of 25 forDlS. 6/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY nm GX24-3707 3645 PRINTER ~ REPORT This form provides a mediu. for reporting prObI... on the IBM 3645 Printer to the appropriate service representative. Corequisite publication is the 1M 3645 Printer Operating Guide. GA24-3711 Form. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 25 sheets per pad. 2/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX24-3708 1m! ~ SCAHHER ~ Wlli ~ BSfQBI These forE are for use by the customer to record 1M 3646 Scanner Control Unit failure indications and other infor.ation that is useful to the service representative. Pad of 25 forllS. 617~ SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX24-3722 nm .IJlQE INSTALLATION FLOOR fI.A!:! 1m!Y! CHART This chart provides a means for layout of a loop configuration for both the loop and the loop accessories for atta~nt to the IBM 3630 Plant CoIDIIUnication Syst.. ~ 6)(24-3746 4341 PROCESSOR BYTE-MULTIPLEXER CHANNEL PRELIMINARY WORKSHEET This worksheet is used in conjunction with the 1M 4300 Processors Channel Load &.. Worksheet, Order No. GX24-3670, to deterlDine satisfactory operation for a given configuration of 1/0 devices on the byte-MUltiplexer channel of the IBM 4341 Processor. The instructions for using the worksheet are in the IBM 4341 Processor Channel Characteristics manual, GA24-3671. Padded for •• 8 1/2 x 11 inches. u/. 50, 8/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX24-3749 !!m!.!!Ui B!fQBI film ~ fBltlnB H!l!W.lI J M:!!l .u This form is to be used by operators of 3262 Printer Hodels 3 and 13 attached to the 3270 Information Display Syst... Using this for• • ini.izes downtime for the customer. A pad of forms in the printer is to be used by the operator to record indicator lights on and the status code displayed when there is an unscheduled printer stop. The for. is to be given to service personnel. Padded form. 8 1/2 x·l1 inches. u/. 25, 8/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY . = GX24-3931 3262 PRINTER lm!!.ll i ~ B!fQBI film This custoeer aid is used to record error prObI_ in order to have. record to give service personnel to expedite repair of th printer. For., U/H 25, 6/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 810 ( "-. 6X24 SX24 6X24-3933 SX24-5104 tI!mJ. n WARRANTY AI::!!l MAIN!ENANCE ~ ~ Thi. publications provides warranty and . . intenance service infor. . tion to 3232 Keyboard Printer Terminal HOdel 51 Cust_rs. It also provides service option checklist and aaintenance agreement worksheet. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 12/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY D..!.a ~ SYSTEH PROGRAMMING (CURRENT RELEASE) This reference sUllllllary is intended for the DL/I DDSIVS user who is responsible for designing and implementing DVI DDSIVS data bases. It provides a quick reference for the data base administrator and syst .... programmer and therefore contains a mini_ amount of guidance or explanatory text. Topics covered are: DBD generaHon for HS and HD data bases. logical relationships. rules for logical relationships. pri . .ry and secondary indexes. PS8 generation. and JCL. Reference Summary. 14 panels. 05/84 1I1/5746-XXI ~ GX24-3951 ~ PROCESSOR PHYSICAL PLANNING TEHPLATE Equipaaent template for ploaming . .chine roo. layouts. Scale: 1:50 (Hatric) Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 card. 9/83 4381111511 SX24':'5119 REFERENCE ~ YH/SP RSCS (CURREN! RELEASE) This card provides RSCS Networking users and operators with a useful reference summary. It contains command syntax. line driver characteristics. examples. and other practical information summarized from VHl370 RSCS Networking Program Reference and Operations Hanual (SH24-5005). Reference card. 3/79 1I1/5748-XPI 6X24-3952 ~ PROCESSOR PHYSICAL PLANNING TEHPLATE Equip.ant template for plaming . .chine r _ layouts. Scale: 1:48 (English) Acetate template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/83 438111151/ GX24-3953 ~ f!W!Im PHYSICAL PLANNING TEHPUTE SX24-5120 ~ ~ ~ HIGH-LEVEL PROGRAMMING INTERFACE REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This summary card provides application programmers with reference information on the DVI DOSIVS high level programming interface. including: A s ......ary of the coaaand syntax. a summary of status codes. link-editing and execuHon job control examples. the DI8. and other miscellaneous topics. The source publication for this infor. . tion is the DVI DDSIVS high level Programming Interface User's Guide. SH24-5009. Reference Card. 8 112 x 25 3/8 inches. 7 panels. 03/80 1I1/5746-XXI 1:50 Q!Ll This tamplate i. for plaming machine room layouts. Hetric 5oale=I:50 Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 Template. 10/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ :;)(24-5101 ~ ( :wg D!ll& mB.W Thi. i. a clear plastic overlay to be used over WI Trace Table printoUts IOhen reading dunIps. It is a debugging aid. It can be used only with dumps printed \A'ICIer DSIVSI Releases 1 through 3.1. When placed OYer the printout. it delimits each of the entries in the trace table and eliminates the need for the user to physically . . rk. on the dump. the start (or end) of each trace table entry. Pla.tic Overlay. 1 page SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SX24-5102 I!mH FIELD LOCATION GAUGE This gauge is intended as an aid in obtaining the coordinates for the AREA keyword of the TRANL. DEPL. and OCR macros of DIDH (program number 5748-FI2). Plastic template. 1 pg. 5/77 1113895/5748-FI2 ~ SX24-5121 TERMINAL ~ REFERENCE sut1I1ARY .EQR m ~ (CURREN! RELEASE) This publicaion is to be used as a quick reference. It contains a brief description of naming conventions. PF keys. data types. sample SQL queries. command syntax and description of SQL. ISQL. and display commands. Hanual. 3 112 x 8 1/2 inches. 40 pages. 11/84 1I1/5748-XXJ SX24-5122 lli!QB COMMAND REFERENCE SUI1MARY (CURRENT RELEASE) This reference card is a summary of the XED IT COIIIIIand and XEDIT subcommands and macros. Reference Card. 14 panels. 03/84 1139115664-167 ~ SX24-5103 ~ ~ APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE ~ (CURREN! RELEASE) . This reference suaaary is intended for the DVI DDSIVS user Mho is responsible for writing and maintaining DVI DDSIVS application progra... It provides a quick reference for the SX24-5123 Vl1ISP EDITOR 1!f. m TEMPLATE (CURRENT RELEASE) experienced user and therefore contains a mini_ amount of guidance or explanatory text. This is a plastic PF key overlay with card insert. The plastic overlay fits over the PF keys on a 3270. The card Topics covered are: COBOL. PVI. and Assembler language insert shows the initial settings of PF keys for the VHlSP entry and return statements for DVI DDSIVS application syst. . product editor. progra... PCB mask. DVI call for. . t. call parameters. 55A Plastic PF key overlay. 7 x 3 inches. 9/80 for.at and usage. COIIIIIIand codes. and JCL. 1139/3275.3277/5664-167 Reference SuaDary. 16 panels. 05/84 111I5746-XXI 811 5)(24-5124 :mal! .wc& LANGUAGE REFEREtlCE .!I!.IImBI (CURRENT RELEASE! This reference summary lists and provides a description of the state~ts In the EXEC 2 language. Reference card. 8 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches. 12 panel•• 9/80 11391/5664-167 SX24-5138 !lIU.e .D!CJ REFERENCE lH!I:II:IW I CURRENT RELEASE I This publication serves a. a reference summary for the YMlSP Interactive Probl.. Control Sy.te. (IPCS) Guide. Reference SUa.ary. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 20 plgU, 1/85 11391/5664-167 5)(2,.-5125 5)(2,.-51lt2 .uLaII .Eml ~ TERMINAL JmB.!J REFERENCE m:lI16I!I This publication i. to be used as a quick reference. It contains a brief ducription of naming conventions. PF key•• data type•• sample S.L queries. command syntax and d.scription of SQL. ISQL and dillplay ComlndS. Thi. publlcltion is a component of S8DF-3222. Manual. 3 1/2 x 8 1/2 inch... ltO plgu. 11/8,. 111157lt8-XXJ UKB.!J TERMINAL TEMpLATE !EX .Eml RELEASE! This plastic overlay fit. around fa.lly of display terminals. It of the PF keye under S~LlDS IS~L Plastic Template (reversible). 6 12/84 11115748-XXJ m aLaI (CIIIRENT the PF keys on the 3270 shaul the default settinge for VlVSP. II,. x 4 Inches. Ullf 10. 5)(24-5126 !lIU.e INTERpRETER REFEREtlCE mI!:IWlI ICURRENT R1!LEASE) This reference summary card is for the VMlSP Syete. Product Interpreter. Information is taken fro. the YMlSP: Syetem Product Interpreter Reference. Reference,Cerd. 31 1/2 x 8 1/2 Inches. 9 panels. 12/83 11391/5664-167 5)(2lt-5143 5748-lQCJ. TERMINAL JmB.!J fB.!!!ilWI F\JI:ICTIQN W TEMPLATE fQR ~ ICURRENT RELEASE) Thie plastic overlay fit. around the PF keys on the 3270 fa.ily of display tereinals. It shaNs the settings of the PF keye under S~VData Sy.tell! ISQL for VSE. Plaetic Template (reversible) lt x 6 3/lt inches. Ullf 10. 12/84 111157,.8-XXJ DJ.l.DL 5)(24-5128 F4CILITytySE. 5666-292. REFERENCE ~ This manual is a list of QMF conmands. S~L statements. and QaE statements for quick referance purposes. This Mill provide only brief explanations of the statamants and parameters and is intended for ganeral users. Manual. 32 pages. 10/83 1140115666-292 ~'MANA&EMENT SX24-5131 ~mmu.I.DW This sheet of labels lists the books in the Virtual Machine/SystH Product library. When inserted in the plastic pockets on the spine of ~ind.rs (SX24-5129). they suggest an organization for the library. The labels are, color-coded to ..tch the graphic design color on each book. Label. 5 x 13 114 inches. 2 pages. 09/83 '5X2,.-5133 .Eml :4UIP (CURRENT RELEASE! These labels are for use in the spina pockets of the VlVSyete. Product 3-ring binders ISX!4-5129) or publication.box 5)(24-5139. They are a COlllpClnent of 58DF-3222 and 58DF-3240. Label. 1 label. 11/85 5)(2,.-5151 3Il1aP ml flU!ml J!!.!t!!W: lIE COMMANDS !CURRENT RELEASE) This reference card i. a sUllllllary of comlUnda presented in the publication. VlVSYSTEM Product CMS Pri.er (SC24-5236). The card i. packeged Mith the IHnual but can be ordered separately. Cerd. 8 panels. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER ND. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5)(24-5159 !lIU.e ml ~ fQ! LINE-ORIENTED TERMINALS REFERENCE ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This card i. a fen-fold cerd that lIill be contained insi.de the back cover of the YMISP CI1S Pr;'lIer for Line-Oriented Ter.inals (SC24-5242-01). The card summarizes all commands that Mere presented in the publication. and shows the page numbers lIhere the information can be found. Cerd. 8 x 3 3/4 inches. 10 panal•• 09/85 ~ 5)(2,.-5135 5)(24-5170 :a.BllW. tlACHINE/SYSTEtI pRODUCT. 5664-16 7 • 2 INTERNAL ~ llm This paster contains the internal Trace Table entri .. for the VlVSP Control Progra. I CP). Poster. 16 x 22 inches. 9/85 11361/5664-167 UCJ NEIHQRKII!!i mJmf .c REFERENCI JYIlWI.X (CURRENT RELEASE! A booklet sumtllariztng theee RSCI topicsi HOM RSCI comands SX24-5171 .PBlmI.1tI BEPQRTING II41I:IW (tWRENT BE LEASI! ! are used. by Nha•• c_and syntax. limitations on use of oommends. link parm oparands. configuration file stat_t•• This paste.. eummarlzu the contents of the vtVSP Prabl.. and RSCS link characteristics. Reporting Guide. Poeter. 11/86 Booklet. 8 1/2 x 3 1/2 Inchu. 25 pegu. 1185 11115664-188 ILSSI DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ :mae 5)(24-5136 ~ I1KI NETWORKltp IJtIWl .L6UJJI ICIIIRINT RILIAII) SXI,.-5171 ~ I!imBl Df ItIIl W IaBI 6tIIl cqt!AIII! (CWUNT BIJ,!6S11 This poster Is intended for .11 end u.ers Mho perfar. the b•• lo t.sks of editing fll ... printing fll ... managing fll ... oommunlo.tlng Mlth athere. deYeloplng .nd debugging progra• •nd exeos, ..king queetl_ about the syst... No abstraot ayallable Binder Lebels, 12/83 812 ( SX26 SX24 custOllizing the systell. using disks. and using tapes. The poster provides quick reference infor.. tion for COIIIIIIOn end use tasks and commands. Poster. 17 x 22 inches. 08/85 6X26-1678 mJI DIRECT ~ ~ REFERENCE SLt1I1ARY This is a quick reference card for the 3380 user. It summarizes the device characteristics and gives the fo~la and tables for determining recor~ sizes and number of records per track based on record sizes. Reference card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 8 panels. 3/83 //07/3380/ 6X24-6599 MULTIPLE CARD ~ .EQB.!:! 80 lli!!!:! Used to Layout Field Headings and Other Infor.. tion for Data Processing Cards. Padded Form. 8-1/2 xii. 25 per pad = 6X26-1587 DECIMALIHEXADECIMAL ~ CONVERSION ~ This chart is used to convert deciol numbers to hexadeci .. l and hexadechml nunbers to decimal. The chart covers the range of integers f~ 0000 to 4095. Additional instructions are provided to convert decimal and hexadecimal numbers beyond this range. Reference Summary. 8-1/2 x 3-5/8" folded. 7 folds. 2 sides SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6XZ6-1679 llZi DIRECT ACCESS ~ REFERENCE SUI1I1ARY This reference summary is based on information in the 3375 Direct Access Storage Description and User's 6uide. 6A26-1666. It is a handy. pinpoint reference for 3375 infor.. tion such as physical and performance characteristics; track and cylinder capacity for.ulas and tables; addressing; operator panel SNitches and indicator descriptions. 14 Cards. 3 1/8 x 8 lIZ inches. 11/83 1/07/33751 SX26-1680 GX26-1588 DECIMALIHEXADECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION CHART This chart is used to convert decimal fractions to hexadecimal and hexadecimal fractions to decimal. The chart covers the range of fractions from 0.00000000 to 0.00075586. Additional instructions are provided to convert dec;'ml and hexadecimal fractions beyond this range. Reference SUllAlary. 8-1/2 x 3-5/8" folded. 7 folds. 2 sides SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY CONDENSED ANALYSIS PROCEDURES MAINTENANCE REFERENCE SUMMARY This publication contains a summary of frequently used maintenance infor.. tion extracted frOll the 3380 .. intenance library. Information includes sense bytes. error codes, card replacement procedures, and configurations. Brochure, 3 5/8 x 8 lIZ inches, 24 pages, 1/84 ~ 6XZ6-3709 Y! mm!. fQB DOS/vsE. f.!2!mU A!!!l RESERVED .I!Q!mlh REFEREtlCE ~ (CURRENT RELEASE! This reference summary applies to Release 3 of Dos/vs COBOL GX26-1637 program product. The general format of a COBOL source .1m! ~ TRDUBLE BIf!l!ll program is illustrated. All of the formats are more fully This is a one page form assembled in a pad of 25 sheets. It is to be filled out by the operator NOrking Nith the IBM documented in VS COBOL for Dos/vSE. SC26-3998-0, Mhich Nill be the first to reflect any changes. The final section 3614 Consumer Transaction Facility. The operator fills in the form to show display codes and lamp conditions as a is a list of reserved NOrds. problem occurs in order that the customer engineer may Manual, 44 pages. 5/81 better analyze problems at a later tift when . .chine 1/1/5746-CB1,5746-lH4 conditions have changed. Padded form. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 25 sheets per pad. 11176 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SX26-3710 ~ ~ .!.IJ; fR!l§ 5748-XXI. ~ REFERENCE ~ (CURRENT RELEASE! 6X26-1663 This is a digest of the VS BASIC Language and of the requireHnts for its use under VSPC. It assumes the reader ~ I!ru! fQB l§ftlI .mmA§g CONTROL DESCRIPTION These divider tabs are to be inserted into the 3880 Storage is familiar Nith the language and system details described in VS BASIC Language. Ge28-8303, and VS BASIC for VSPC: Control Description Manual. Order number 6A26-1661. 10 tabs. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/79 Terminal User's Guide, SH20-9060, respectively. Card 8 1/Z" x 3 5/8". 14 pages, 11/75 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ////5748-XX1 HX26-1669 REFERENCE ~ f.!lB HANDLING Ilm CHECKS ON mL. All! A!!!l 3380 ~ STORAGE I!.liE Summary of handling data checks in a single valu.. on fixed media disk storage using the Device Support Facilities program. Intended for operators. operations personnel. systen programmers. and custOller engineers. This doc~t also may be ordered under GBOF-1205. Other documents included under that number are 6A26-1672. Disk Storage Management Guide - Error Handling. and GA26-1675. Disk Storage Management Guide - Background Reference Information Fanfold Card. 16 pagas. 2/83 370.4361.4381.4331.4341.43211107/3350.3370.3375.33801 SX26-37ll VSPC FORTRAN' .!.IJ; fBQ!2 S748-F02. REFERENCE ~ This card contains quick reference information for using VSPC FORTRAN under VSPC. It includes some cOllllllOnly referred to terminal operating procedures and lists of the use and syntax of the VSPC commands MOst frequently used. Card 8 1/Z" x 3 5/8", 14 pages, 4/76 1/1/5748-F02,5748~F02 SX26-371Z VSAPL • .!.IJ; fBQ§ S748-API. REFERENCE ~ (CURRENt RELEASE) This is a handy guide to the APL language and syst_ commands supported by the IBM program product VS APl. VS APl runs under the IBM program product VS Personal Computing 813 GX26 SX26 SegMnt. The fora is used to collect data to add a naN field SegMent definition to the Dictionary or to add data to an existing definition. Several types of records can be coded. Instructions for the use of this forll are in DB/DC Data Dictionary Ter.inal User's Guide and Command Reference. SH20-9083, for DOS, and OS/VS Terminal User's Guide and Command Reference. SH20-9189. for OS users. Pad of 25 forms, 11 x 17 inches. 25 pgs, 8/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY (os/vsl VSPC. 0s/vs2 VSPC. and Dos/vs VSPCI and I.Wlder the Conversational l1onitor Syst_ (CMSI of the Virtual Hachina Facility/370 (YMV3701. This publication is directed to general users of VS APL. The user is ass~ to be fa.iliar with the APL language. as presented in APL Language. GC26-3847, and syst. . detaUs in the appropriate ter.inal user's guide: YS APL for Ct1S: Ter.inal User's Guide, SH20-9067, or YS APL for VSPC: Terainal User's Guide. Booklet, 8 1/2 x 2 5/8 inches, 20 pages, 1/76 ////5748-API GX26-3718 IH!LllIO IIW DICTIONARY. 5740-XXF, 5746-XXC. TEXT/PATA E!B!! 6)(26-3713 E!I.2 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM, CHARACTER ~§!:U For use with the batch forms input facility of the DB/DC Data Dictionary prograM product. this coding for. provides the _ns for bulk entry of text data (description. user data, and PVI datal. This fora is used to collect data that is to be added to a specific subject definition. Three types of records can be coded: header records. input text records. and end records. Instructions for using this for. are in OS/YS DB/DC Data Dictionary Ter.inal User's Guide and Command Reference, SH20-9189. Padded for., 11 x 17 inches. U/M 050. 1/85 mmf!ii E!B!! This coding fora is for the use of application programmers and syst. . progra_ers Mho design and code user-designed characters to be printed by the IBM 3800 Printing Subsyst... Instructions for using the for. are in any 3800 Printing Subsyst_ progra_r's guide. Padded Fora, 50 sheets, 12/75 SLSS:' ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SX26-3714 Xli ~ !!mB ~ mm!tI L .w; fR!I§ 5665-203, REFERENCE GX26-3720 ~ Xli gmm. fQB ~ REFERENCE SUI1!1ARY: fi!.IWllr. 1iI!I1m W .uJ.!llli &l!l RESERVED tlQRQiz. ill fR!l§ 5740-CBl. - LMI This is a digest of the VS BASIC Language and of the requireaents for its use Ia'lder YSPC, Version 2. It assUllles the reader is fa.Uiar with the language and syst. . detaUs described in VS BASIC Language, 6C28-8303. and VS BASIC for VSPC: Terminal User's Guide, SH20-9060. Reference card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches, 18 panels, 4/81 ////5665-283 This reference summary booklet is a digest of infor.ation contained in IBM VS COBOL for OS/yS. GC26-3857. which will be the first to reflect any changes. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 12/81 ////5740-CB1.5740-LMI SX26-3721 ~ COBOL II REFERENCE ~ This publi9ation sUl!llllarizes the YS COBOL II language for.at. reserved NOrds, return codes. and debugging language in a convenient booklet. However. the principal source of infor.ation should be VS COBOL II Application Progra.ing: Language Reference, GC26-4047. This is a component of SBOF-1191. Reference Summary. 3 5/8 x 7 3/8 inches, 12/84 //40//5668-958,5668-940 SX26-3715 ~ L. ,U,!; J!Bg§ 5665-283, REFERENCE ~ This card contains quick reference inforJllation for using VSPC FORTRAN under YSPC, Version 2. It includes some cOllltlOl"lly referred to terainal operating procedures, VSPC FORTRAN language syntax, and lists of the use and syntax of the VSPC c_nds _ t frequently used by the VSPC FORTRAN user. It assUllleS you are famUiar with the FORTRAN IV language as described in IBM Systea/360 and Systea/370 FORTRAN IV Language, GC28-65!5, and VSPC FORTRAN Ter.inal User's Guide, SH20-9062. ' Reference card, 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches, 18 panals, 4/81 ////5665-283 X35: fi!!UB!If !!t:!Ilm X35: GX26-3724 1 INTE§RATED W!J"g§ AD!1INISTRATION ~ METHOD SERVICES REFERENCE ~ This publication summarizes the commands and parameters detailed in MVS/Extended Architecture Integrated Catalog Adminstration: Access Method Services Reference, GC26-4135. For detaUed infol"llation on access method services. see the above aentioned publication. Reference SUlmlllry. 3 5/8 x 7 1/4 inches. 52 pages. 4/85 //34//5665-XA2 ~ ~ GX26-37:16 IH!LllIO 11m DICTIONARY. 5740-XXF, 5746-XXC, flWl DEFINITION mm This coding fora, for use with the batch input facUity of the DB/DC Data Dictionary prograM product, provides the . .ans for bulk entry of data relevant to the definition of fields (and seglllentsl. This for. is used to collect data to add naN field definitions to the data dictionary or to add data to an existing definition. Several types of records can be coded. Instructions for using this fora are in OS/VS DB/DC Data Dictionary Ter.inal User's Guide and Coeeand Reference, SH20-9189. Padded fora. 11 x 17 inches, U/M 050, 1/85 GX26-3717 smaJ ImLIH: 11m DICTIONARY, oW: l!Blli 5740-XXF , lmWiI DEFINITION mm Used wi th the batch for.. input faci Ii ty of the DB/DC Data Dictionary prograM product, this coding fora provides the _ns for bulk entry of relevant data to the definition of • GX26-3725 DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY. S740-XXF. S746-XXC. flWl DEFINITION .EQ!!I'! fi!B f!,Q; DATA This coding for •• used as an aid to the preparation of batch input for the DB/DC Data Dictionary progra. product, provides the means for bulk entry of data relevant to the definition of fielda (data elements I in a PVI structure. This for. is used to collect data to add a naN PVI field to the data dictionary or to add data to an existing definition. Several types of records can be coded. Instructions for using this for. are in OS/YS ilB/DC Data Dictionary Ter.inal User's Guide and CoIIImand Reference, SH20-9189. Padded for •• 11 x 17 inches. U/M 050. 1/85 814 ) / ( SX26 SX26 SX26-3727 IMSIVS ~ 11. ill fBmi 5740-XX2. APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE SUMMARY This reference summary contains quick reference information for application programmers using IMSIVS. Information is extracted from IMSIVS ApplicaHon Progra.... ing: Designing and Coding. SH20-9026-7. Fanfold card. 8 1/2 x 3 5/8 inches. 14 panels. 7/80 the means for bulk entry of data relevant to the definition of fields (and segments!. This form is used to collect data to add new field definitions to the data dictionary or to add data to an existing definition. Several types of records can be coded. Instructions for using this form are in DOSIVS DBIDC Data Dictionary Terminal User's Guide and Command Reference. SH20-9195. Padded form. 11 x 17 inches. UIM SO. 11/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 11115740-XX2 GX26-3728 GX26-3734 fB!!illR t!Q!lll I ~ m .l..§ SUPPORT INSTALLATION REFERENCE SUMMARY DOSIVS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY. ill PROG 5746-XXC. FIELD DEFINITION fQBH .EQH f.ba DATA (CURRENT RELEASE! This reference card is intended for custOller system programmers. The following 3203 Printer ModelS This coding form. used as an aid to the preparation of batch installation information is included in this reference: input for the DOSIVS DBIDC Data Dictionary program product. provides the means for bulk entry of data relevant to the • List of PTFs which comprise the 3203 Printer ModelS support definition of fields (data elements! in a PLII field to the data dictionary or to add data to an existing definition. • List of prerequisite feature and PTFs Several types of records can be coded. Instructions for • List of publications which were updated for 3203 Printer Model 5 support using this form are in DOSIVS DBIDC Data Dictionary Terminal Reference card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 4 cards. 9/79 User's Guide and Common Reference. SH20-9195. 1130/3203/5752 Padded form. 11 x 17 inches. UIM 50. 11/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SX26-3729 GISIVS. ill fBmi 5740-XX7. USER'S REFERENCE ~ This card contains quick-reference information for using GISIVS. This information is abstracted from SH20-9038. GISIVS Language Reference Manual. and SH20-9036. GISIVS User's Guide. Reference card. 3-5/8 x 8-1/2 inches. 14 panels. 3/80 GX26-3735 DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY. ill fBm! 5746-XXC. TEXT-DATA fQBH (CURRENT RELEASE! This form is used with the batch forms input facility of the DOSIVS DBIDC Data Dictionary program product. this coding form provides the means for bulk entry of text data (description. user data. and PLII data!. This form is used to collect data that is to be added to a specific subject definition. Three types of records. and end records. Instructions for the use of this form are in DOSIVS DBIDC Data Dictionary User's Guide. SH20-9195. Padded form. 11 x 17 inches. UIM SO. 11/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 11115740-XX7 SX26-3731 f.Q!URAtl COMPILER At!!l LIBRARY REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE! This summary contains quick-reference information for using VS FORTRAN. It includes format notation. an outline of data expressions. and the syntax of all FORTRAN statements. It also includes a list of format codes. compile-time options. error-handling subroutines. and service subprograms. Detailed information will be found in SC26-4118. VS FORTRAN Programming Guide. and in SC26-4119. VS FORTRAN Library and Language Reference. SC26-3988. This publication is a component of SBOF-1192. SBOF-1193 and SBOF-1194. Reference Summary. 26 pages. 10/84 ~ SX26-3736 LANGUAGE REFERENCE ~ This card is a listing of IBM BASIC statements and commands. A knowledge of IBM BASIC is assumed; more complete information is contained in IBM BASIC Application Programming: Language Reference. GC26-4026. Card. 7 1/2 x 3 5/8 inches. 18 panels. 11/83 §Aill 11115668-996.5665-948 11115748-FD3.5748-LM3.5748-F03 GX26-3732 DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY. ill fBmi 1746-XXC. ~ DEFINITION fQBH (CURRENT RELEASE! Used with the batch forms input facility of the DOSIVS DBIDC Data Dictionary program product. this coding form provides the means for bulk entry of relevant data to the definition of a segment. The form is used to collect data to add a new field segment definition to the Dictionary or to add data to an existing definition. Several types of records can be coded. Instructions for the use of this form are in DOSIVS DBIDC Data Dictionary Terminal User's Guide and Command Reference. SH20-9195. Padded form. 11 x 17 inches. UIM 50. 11/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ GX26-3733 DOS/VS ~ MIA DICTIONARY. ill fB.!!§ 1746-XXC • .E!&Yl DEFINITION FORM (CURRENT RELEASE! This coding form for use with the batch input facility of the DOSIVS DBIDC Data Dictionary program product. provides SX26-3737 Aru REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication summarizes the APL2 language and related services. It provides condensed information about APL2 primitive functions and operations. system cotr.mands. system functions. system variables. function definition. editors. invocation options. session manager commands. and auxiliary processors. The authoritative source from which this booklet is derived is APL2 Programming: Language Reference. SH20-9227. This is a component of SK2T-0905. Booklet. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches. 100 pages. 8/84 /1221/5668-899 SX26-3738 APL2 REFERENCE ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This card summarizes the information in APL2 Progra.... ing; Language Reference. SH20-9227. which is the authoritat.iva source. Card. 3 5/8 x 7 1/4 inches. 18 pages. 8/84 1/221/5668-899 815 ( 6)(26 LX27 GX26-3739 under 0SIVS2 !!'IS. Reference summary. 7 114 x 3 5/8 inches, 4 pages. 2/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~~~~~,~~~~~ (!!'ISIXAI ACCESS ~ SERVICES ':':::=':=::~_,~:':'::=7 fllB INTEGRATED WAbQi FACILITY. 5665-284 cat on summarizes the commands and parameters in MVS/Extended Architecture Integrated Catalog Adnoinistration; Access Method Services Reference. GC26-4019. l1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 52 pages, 2/84 SX26-3751 ~ FORTRAN ~ g REFERENCE SUI1I1ARY This publication summarizes the commands and their syntax and is 'derived from three publications: VS FORTRAN Version 2 Interactive Debug Guide and Reference - SC26-4223; VS FORTRAN, Version 2 Language and Library Reference - SC2642211 and VS FORTRAN Version 2 Program.ing Guide - SC264222. It is written for FORTRAN application prograMmers. Reference Summary, 7 1/4 x 3 5/8 inches, 36 pages. 02/86 1130115665-284 SX26-3740 PM REFERENCE SUI1I1ARY I CURRENT RELEASE I This publication contains a subset of the .. terial in DATABASE 2 (DB2) Reference, SC26-4078. It is intended as a quick reference for experienced users of DB2. It includes: definitions of Structured Query Language (SQLI syntactic elements (functions, expressions, predicates, search conditions); syntax diagrams and usage examples of statements and cOlllmands, organized alphabetically; SQL return codes and explanations of their meanings; and DB2 catalog table information, Table names are listed in alphabetic order, with their corresponding description and column names. Booklet, 7 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches, 196 pages, 07/84 1140115740-XYR 11115668-805,5668-806 GX26-3756 STORAGE I1ANAGEI1ENT LIBRARY This binder is intended for use for six publications within the MVS/Extended Architecture Storage Management Library: GC26-4260. GC26-4261, GC26-4262, GC26-4263. GC26-4264 and GC26-4265. This binder is a component of GBOF-1755. Binder, 11 x 11 inches, 3-ring, 5/86 ~ SX27-0003 REFERENCE ~ ACFIVTAI1 (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains selected reference information extracted from Advanced Communication Function for VTAI1 (ACFIVTAI1) Programming, SC27-0449 and from Advanced communication Function for VTAI1 (ACFIVTAI1) Operation, SC27-0466. Contents include: network operator commands, RPL return codes, a sUllllllary of the ACFIVTAI1 lIIacro instructions. and SNA (Transmission Service and Presentation Services) profiles as implemented by ACFIVTAI1. l1anual, 3 1/£ x 8 liZ inches, 40 pages, 8179 SX26-3741 I1ANAGEI1ENT FACILITY' 5668-972. REFERENCE ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This ,reference sUlllll8ry contains information derived fl"Oll Query l1anagement Facility: User's Guide and Reference, SC26-4096. Manual, 3 5/8 x 7 114 inches, 36 pages, 11/83 ~ 1140115668-972 11115746-RC3 SX26-3742 ~ FORTRAN. 5668-903. l!ll INTERACTIVE ~ REFERENCE ~ I CURRENT RELEASE I This reference card summarizes the co.mands and their syntax and is derived fl"Ola VS FORTRAN Interactive Debug Guide and Reference, SC26-4116. This is a component of SBOF-1193 and SBOF-1194. Card, 5/84 1125115668-903 GX26-3745 mllll! A!:!li REFERENCE S\JI1I1ARY fllB ill For a description of this publication, contact Barbara Keplinger, Dept. J68, San Jose. California, TIL 543-3645. l1anual, 52 pages 1130115665-295 SX26-3748 !HI INFORI1ATION FACILITY REFERENCE SUI1I1ARY This publication describes the commands and functions available with The Infor.. tion Facility (TIFI. It is a quick reference guida for users of The Information Facility: Reference, SC26-420~. Reference Summary, 5 1/2 x 8 112 inches, 145 pages, 4/86 11115798-DYE,5798-DYF / LX27-0004 ACFIVTAI1 ~ ~ OVERVIEW (CURRENT RELEASEI This publication is a series of diagrams describing frequently used ACFIVTAI1 control blocks. IlIIPOrtant pointers and data fields are shown, along with relationships batNeen the control blocks. Chart - 11 x 17 inches, 5 pages, 6/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SX27-0008 HANDBOOK ACFIVTAM (CURREN! RELEASE I This publication contains selected reference information extracted frOll: ACFIVTAI1 Operation, SC27-0466; ACFIVTAI1 Planning and Installation Reference, SC27-0584; ACFIVTAI1 Programming. SC27-04491 and SNA Reference Summary, GA27-3136. The contents include netNOrk operjltor cOlDlllands, ..cros that define the network .. jor ·modes, TSOIVTAI1 requirements, procedures to establish sessions, a summary of the ACFIVTAI1 macro instructions, and SNA sense code descriptions. l1anual, 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches, 1/81 GX26-3749 INSTALLATION REFERENCE fQR ~ ~ ~ ~ !:!!mill lli Atm m ~ SUPPORT This summary provides information to assist in the ;nstallation of Direct Access Storage Hodels AE4 and BE4 11115735-RC2,5746-RC3 LX27-0009 ACFIVIAI1 ~ .& 9!!TR!U. !il,Q!;K OVERVIEW This publication is a series of diagrams describing frequently used ACFIVTAI1 control blocks. Important pointers and data fields ara shown, along with relati.onships betNeen the control blocks. Chart, 11 x 17 inches, 12/79 SLSS: ~DER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 816 (j ( LX27 6X27 LX27-0013 '.how control black contents .nd r.l.tionships. NhUe the third p.ge .haNS diff.rent R•• ourc. D.finltion T.bl. (ROT) CLIpcHARTS ACFt'YTA" /l1.I..EAJ1 .& mmmL IJ..IlC.IS OVERVIEW Thi. public.tion i • • •eri .. of di.gr... describing .egment. for v.rious lICIde•• frllqUWltly used ACFIVTAM control block.. IlIIPort.nt pointers Menuel. 11 x 17 inch-.. 12 p.ges. 4175 .nd date fields .re .hatorI •• long Nlth r.l.tlon.hlps b.tween 1e/3011S741.S652 control block.. Thl. overvl.N .hould be used In conjl6lCtlon Nith ACFIVTAM D.t. Ar•••• LY38-3030 .nd ACFIVTAM DI.gnostic Techniques. S138-3029 loIhich provide .ddltlonal InforMtlon GX27-0033 .bout control black•• REFERENCE CMIl JmaJ YWI REFERENCE mll:lHABI Chart•• 11 x 17 inch-.. 9/79 Thl. r.f.rence .umm.ry cont.ins Infor•• tion .xtr.cted froe SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY other YTAM public.tions. It describ•• M.cro in.tructions. oper.tor co_nels. RPL r.turn cod. . . .nd the YTAM publlo.tlons .eries. Prl •• ry us.r. NIll b• •ppllc.tlon progr.mm.r•• n.twork op.r.tor•••nd .y.t.. progr.mm.rs. 81<27-0014 R.f.rence c.rd. 8 1/2 x 3 S/8 Inch-.. 16 p.nal•• 9/75 .J.&lJ §HUI 1W INFORMATION D1I!I.AX mmI Thi. l.yout .he.t i • • for. for pl.,..,ing .nd coding 3278-5 IC/3011S74S-010 di.pl.y.. Th. front of •• ch .he.t i • • grid of 3564 positions 127 x 132)1 the beck provides .p.c. for coding .ttribut. . .nd ord.rs. GX27-003lt P.d. 11 x 17 Inches. 2 pages. 7179 SZ41-SC I - 23 ! S7S2-SCI-23 ! gpERAUH6 SmEIVYIRTUAL GX27-0024 YmIllAJ. TELEC0t1l1lJHICAUONS* ~ t!lllIS!U .I&W. .& Thl. ref.r.nc• • umm.ry cont.ins infor•• tion .xtr.cted fro. REFERENCE CMIl nAIf .I&W. L.l :au.mt:I 1 .I!l.I.IW !.a. YUIlO!I other YTAM publications. It describes Rcro instructions • .& .I!l.I.IW 1 Thl. r.f.rence .UIIII.ry cont.ins infor..tion .xtr.cted frOll cOlllll.neIs. return codes .nd the YTAM Publicatlona Library. other YTAM P'blic.tions. It describes ..cro Instructions. It I. designed for applications progr•••• r •• network oper.tor c_neIs RPL r.turn codes ••nd the YTAM oper.tor••• nd .yst•• progr.lIII.r. who naad • handy r.ference P'bllc.tions •• rles. Pri •• ry us.rs will be .pplicatlon c.rd of YTAM infor•• tlon. progr....r •• network oper.tor., .nd .y.t. . progr....r •• R.f.renc. SUMm.ry. 16 pages. 6/76 16 P.nal Cards. 8-112 x 3-518 Inch-. ICl30115741.5752.5652 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .wsm mmw SX27-0039 ( lSf REFERENCE m!!:!!:!!!lI (CURRENT RELEASE! 5)(27-0027 ACF/YTAt1 ~ .& REFERENCE IYIIIWU (CWREN! RELEASE) Thi. public.tion .pplies to the Advanced CoaIIIIunications Fl6ICtion for "YTAM Ver.ion 2 R.lease 2 op.ratlng und.r thel nYS and I1YSIXA oper.tlng .ystetllll. 5665-280 ••nd for YTAM V.r.ion 2 R.l•••• 1 oper.ting under the: I1YS oper.ting • yst .... 5665-280. OS/VSl oper.tlng .yst... 5662-280 ••nd WE op.r.ting syst... 5666-280. Thi. P'blic.tion .hould be used by .y.t_ .nalysts ••yst_ progr••••r • •nd VTAM op.r.tors. I t contains a .UlllllNlry of YTAH V.rsion 2 ref.renc. infor•• tien ..hich i. presented under five .. jar he.dings: Inst.ll.tion. eustOlliz.tion. Oper.tion. Progr• • ing ••nd SNA R.ference D.t •• t1enuel. 8 112 x 11 inches. 250 pages. 6/85 11115662-280.5665-280.5666-280 Thi. refer.nc. sumnaary contains inform.tion alr.ady Included In Network Coannunications Control F.cility. Version 2. Oper.tion. SC27-06641 N.twork Communlc.tlons Control F.cility. Version 2. Di.gnosis. SC27-066S1 and N.twork Conmunlcations Control F.cility. V.rsion 2. Messages .nd Codes. SC27-0663 • The infor..tlen in this pock.t r.ference c.rd provides a quick .UIIIIII.ry for routine oper.tlon of NatloIOrk Com.unlc.tlons Control F.cility (NeCF! Version 2. Syst. . consol. operators. t.rminal operators. and syst•• progr..... rs .ay find this c.rd us.ful .5 a quick r.ference. Menual. 8 112 x 11 Inche.. 8 pages. 12/84 11115668-947.5665-316.5666-285 GX27-0042 ADVANCED cgrtIIMICATI!JNS FUNCTI()tf BIB YWI .rw&m 1 .I.DIBAIU GX27-0029 ~ YmI JmaJ mmmL I.IJD gYERYIEH Thi. P'blication i • •n ov.rvi.w di.gra• •hoMing hoM frllqUWltly used control black. In YTAH rel.t. to each other. Thi. overvi ... c.n be ....d In conjunction Nlth DOSIYS YTAM DATA AREAS. SY27-726S-0. It MY be Ins.rted In • blnd.r or ...ed ••• N.ll chert. The flr.t two p.g-. of thl. ovarvi ....hoM control black content• •nd r.latlonshlp. Nhll. the third p.g• • hoNS different R..aura Definition T.bl. (ROIl .-spaent. for various 1ICId... t1enuel. 11 x 17 Inches. 12 pages ICl30IIS74S-010 11)(27-0030 PUYIl YmI mmmL IJJICIS MRYIEW Thl. publloetlon I • • n ov.rvl .... di.gr•••hOlllng haN Thi •••nuel descrlb.. the library of publlc.tions .v.Ilable for R.l •••• 3 of the Adv.nced Communications Function for YTAH (ACFIYTAM!. It dncrlb.. the Int.nded .udience of •• ch publication In the llbrary.,.umm.riz•• the content of •• ch publlc.tion. and .1.0 provides a ... ter index for the ant'Ire llbr.ry of publlc.tlons. The .anuel I. Intended for .... r • • nd pro.pectlv.....r. of ACFIYTAM •• t both the .dmini.tr.tlv• •nd t.chnic.l l.v.l.. U••r. of •• rll.r ACFIVTAM r.l..... will be partlcul.rly Int.rest.d In • fold-out thet Illustr.t.. the evolution of ACFIVTAM publlo.tion•• which i. helpful In tr.olng the Move••nt of technical Infor.atlon fra _ r.l •••• to the next. Manual. 8 112 x 11 Inches 1IIIS746-RC3.S73S-RC2 fNqUently w.d oontrol blocks In YTAM r.l.t. to ••ch other GXI7-0216 Thl. overvl ... c.n be ....d In conjunction with OSIYSI YTAtt .I:IIIIIlBI5 .!B.IlBA1t "!!DUCTI 'JBLlgtmAptlY At!D !!mu ltIIWS Thl. publlc.tlon cont.lns • bibliography. ll.t of r.l.ted D.ta lor•••• SY27-7266~ It May be Ins.rted In a binder or publloetl_ •• nd ... t.r IndelC for the publloatl_ that used a. a ... 11 ohart. The flr.t two pag-. of thl. overvi ... ( 817 SX27 SX27 SLSS: ORDER 1«1. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY uk. up the NetNO..k Program P..oducts 1 i b.....y: Advanced Communications Function fo .. Virtual Telecommunications Access l1ethod (VTAI1) publicationsl Advanced COIIIIIIU"Iications Function for Network Control progr.m and System Support Prog..ams (NCP-SSP) publicationsl Network Communications Control Facility (NCCF) publications; and NetNOrk Logical Data I!anager (NLDI1) publications. This publication is for anyone who uses the VTAI1. NCP-SSP. NCCF. or NLDI1 libraries. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 225 pages. 11/85 11115735-XXA.5665-280.5667-124.5668-947.5668-971 6X27-2923 3287 .!!!mf!m OPERATOR'S lR!!!.!!Wi REPORT To be fi lled out by the operator oohen a problem occurs on the 3287 printe... This repo .. t form contains diagrams of the operator's panel. on ..... ich the operator llarks which lights Ner. on and any digits that we ..e displayed on the Status Indicator .....en the trouble occurred. This info..mation is used by the service rep ..esentative to help diagnose the problem. Padded form, 25 sheets per pad, 1/78 SLSS: ORDER ND. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6)(27-2900 I§H PHYSICAL PLANNING TEI1PLATE: COMMUNICATIONS TERI1INALS This template gives a scaled representation of the physical planning specifications for the IBI! Communications Terminals. Template. 8 1/2 xii. 1 page 370.5410.5415,5412,5404,5406,5408,4331.4341,43211115/2712. 2845.5496,2265.3286,2780,2740,2760,3735,1013,37801 6X27-2925 J.nm fRIHIIR HQ!ID. ! OPERATOR'S TROUBLE lW!!!!! FORI! This form is used by the printer operator to record pertinent error information. When an .rror or Malfunction occurs that cannot be corrected-by the operator, the 3289 Error Recovery and Probl.... Dete..mination Guide directs the ope..ator to complete the Troubl. Report Form. The operator records the status of the printer when the error occurred, which indicators and switches we..e on, and any other information that may b. helpful to the s.rvice personnel. Related Publications a ..e: • IBI1 3289 Line Printer Hodel 4 Error Recovery and Problem Determination Guide, 6A27-3160 • IBI! 3289 Line Printer l10del 4 Operator's Guide, 6A273159. Padded form, 8 112 x 11 inches, 2 pages, 3179 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ,,;)(27-2909 un W6 COMMUNICATIONS .lWi:Wh PHYSICAL PLANNING TEI1PLATE This equipment template on acetate sheet is for the 2770 Data CotmIunication SysteJII. Its sc.le is 1/4 inch equals 1 inch. Template 1115/2770,27721 6)(27-2917 3770 W6 COMMUNICATION ~ PHYSICAL PLANNING TEI1PLATE This template contains plan views for the machines that make up the 3770 Data Communication System. Included a ..e: 6)(27-2927 o 3771-3773-3774-3775 Communication T.... inals ~ fRIHIIR !l!lIWJi 11 A!:!!1 .!1 .:: OPERATOR'S lR!!!.!!Wi IW!Q!I o 3782 Ca ..d Attachment Unit This publication provides the operator with a check sheet for describing machine problems. o 3784 Line Print.r o 3501 Card Reader Flyer. 8 112 x 11 inches, two pages. 8179 Templat. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1115/3770,3771,3773,3774.3775,3776.37771 GX27-2931 3287 fRIHIIR I10DELS ~ .!!lSI !l; OPERATOR'S ~ IW!!2!U To be filled out by the operator oohen a problem occurs on the 3287 color printer. This report form contains diagrams of the operator's panel. on which the operator marks which lights we ..e on and any digits that were displayed on the Status Indicator when the trouble occurred. This inforMation is used by the se..vice representative to help diagnose the problem. Padded form, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, utm 25 3/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6X27-2918 3770 ll!Uo COI1I1UNICATION m:rm,. ERROR 1!!§ OVERLAY This is an acetate overlay used by customer engineers in more easily inte..p..eting erro.. log printouts resulting from following maintenance information procedu..es given in the IBI1 3770 Data Communication System Maintenanc. Info ..mation Bas. Segments l1anuals. Acetate overlay, 1 page SX27-2922 / fRIHIIR ~ ! ! 1 OPERATOR'S fmil:I ~ ~ ~ BllQ!U 6X27-2937 Used by the p.. inte.. operator to reco ..d pertinent error information. When an error or malfunction occurs that cannot be corrected by the ope..ator. the Error Recovery and Problem Determination Guide di ..ects the ope..ato .. to complete the Trouble Report Form. The ope..ator reco ..ds the status of the printer oohen the error occurred, ..... ich indicato..s and switches we ..e on, and any other info ..mation that llay be helpful to the service personnel. Other publications that should be available for the operator's use are: • IBI! 3289 Line Printer Hodels 1 .nd 2 Ope..ator's Guida, 6A27-3147 • IBI1 3289 Line Printer Hodels 1 and 2 Error Recovery .nd p..oblem Determination Guide. 6A27-3141 • IBI1 3289 Line Printer Hodels 1 and 2 Operator's Reference Summary, 6A27-3148 25-sheet pad. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 8/78 PRINTER HQ!ID. ! A!:!!1 1 TROUBLE ~ fmil:I This is a pad of 25 fo ..ms used by the printer operator to record pertinent er..or inforMation. When an error or malfunction occurs that cannot be corrected by the operator. the error recovery and problem dete ..mination procedures in the 3268 Ope..ator's Guide directs the ope..ator to complete the Troubl. Report Form. The operator records the status of the printer when the error occurred. which indicators and switches were on, and any other inforMation that may be helpful to the service personnel. Padded"form, UII1 25, 7/81 SLSS: ORDER ND. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 818 ( \.. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( SX27 GX27 (ACF/VTAM) Macro Language Raferenca. SC38-0261 and the Advanced COIIIIIIUnication Function for VTAM (ACF/VTAM) NetNOrk Operating Procedures. SC38-0259. Contents include: netNOrk operator co_ands. RPL raturn codes a sUllllllary of the ACF/VTAM .acro instructions. and SNA (FM. TS. and LU) profiles as implemented by ACF/VTAM. Prerequisite Publications: none. Manual. 3 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches. 32 pages. 1/78 SLSS: OI!DER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX27-2950 ll9 .I!Df.W: .IA!Q!l[ ~ Sheet used to plan locations. on 2250 Display screen. of output areas. Padded For•• 17 x 18 1/2. 1 side. 25 sheets GX27-2951 Xl!! INFORMATION ~ ~ !!!!lYI §!!ill Card layout sheet for the 3270 Inforution Display Syst_. Pad. 25 sheets per pad GX27-2990 PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE (ENGLISH MEASUREMENT) 3270 INFOI!MATION WfbAX !lmH The purpose of the Templates is to Provide the Cust_r with Scale Plan View Drawings (English neasure) of Each Unit of the 3270 SysteM to aid in Generating the Syst... Floor Plan. 2 Acetata Templates 9/77 //15/3279.3271.3272.3274.3275.3276.3277.3278.3289.3284. 3286.3287.3288/ GX27-2999 3270 INFOI!MATION ~ !lmH PHYSICAL PLANNING TEMPLATE This publication contains the functional clearances. as Nell as service clearances. for 3270 control units and terminals. The templates can be used for both Metric and English units. This revision obsoletes GX27-2999-05 and GX27-2990-05. Clear Acetate Template. 4 pages. 07/86 //15/3279.3271.3272.3274.3275.3276.3287.3288.3289.3277. 3278.3284.3286/ !( i.X27-3017 ACF/VTAM ~.I.lG.ffiQ§ 5735-RC2. ~ BLOCK OVERVIEW This publication is an overview diagram showing the relationships of frequently used ACF/VTAM control blocks. This overvieN can be used in conjunction with ACF/VIAM Data Areas. LY27-8002. It may be inserted in a binder or used a. a wall-chart. The first three pages of this overview shaN control block contents and relationships • ..nile the fourth and fifth pages sho.. resource definition table (RDT) segments for various nodes. OvervieN diagra •• 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12 pages. 3/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LX27-3018 ACF /VIAM ~ §.!.!lg OVERVIEW. .I.lG fB.Q§ 5735-RC2 .!!!Yli.! This publication ;s an overview diagram showing hoM the _ t frequently used ACF/VTAM control blocks are related to each other. This overvieN can be used in conjunction with ACF/VTAM Data Areas for OS/vS2 MVS. Chart. 11 x 17 inches. 5 pages. 1/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LX27-3019 FLIPCHART ACFIVTAM ~ ~ OVERVIEW This publication is an overview diagram shoMing how the _ t frequently used ACF/VIAM control blocks are related to each other. This overview can be used in conjunction with ACF/VTAM Data Areas for Dos/vS. Chart. 11 x 17 inches. 6 pgs. 9/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SX27-3021 ACFIVTAM REFERENCE ~ This publication contains selected reference infor.ation extracted frOli the Advanced Ca..unication Function for VTAM SX27-3022 REFERENCE ~ ACF/VTAM This publication contains selacted referanee inforution extracted from the Advanced COIIIIIIUnication Function for VTAM IACF/VTAM) Macro Language Reference. SC38-0261 and the Advanced Communication Function for VTAM IACF/VTAM) NatNOrk Operating Procedures. SC38-0273-0. Contents include: network operator c_ands. RPL return codes. a sUllllllary of the ACF/VTAM . .cro instructions. and SNA I EM. TS. and W) profiles as iMplemented by ACF/VTAM. Prerequisite Publications: None Handbook. 3 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches. 32 pages. 9/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SX27-3030 ACFIVTAM .!!!:!A PRoBLEM DETERMINATION This handbook describes a general approach to help isolating SNA network problems to a component (ACF/VTAM. NCP. IMS. eICS. JES2. TSO/VTAM. VSPC. and SSS). Twelve network probl.... and the tools needed to detect these probl_ are presented. Each probleM type discussion describes what should happen. asks questions to deter.ine what did happen. and compares the traces and duIIops used to deterMine where the problem occurred Manual. 8 1/2 x 3 3/4 inches. 100 pages. 4/78 ////5735-RC2.5746-RC3 GX27-3031 .I..m!!W REFERENCE ~ ACFIVTAM This publication contains a sUlllllary of the ACF/VTAM publications. arranged by task. I t also contains an information directory by topic to assist the reader in locating infor.ation in the ACF/VTAM publications. The publication also explains how to use the ACF/VTAM publications and lists IBM publications that are related to ACF/VTAM. Reference SumMary. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 44 pages. 5/78 ////5735-RC2.5746-RC3 SX27-3032 REFERENCE ~ ACFIVTAME (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication lists ACF/VTAME operator com.ands. start aptions. macro instructions. and retum codes. Manual. 3 1/2 ~ 8 1/2 inches. 30 pages. 7/80 ////5746-RC7 SX27-3542 TRACE RECORD TEMPLATE. 5668-983 This template is ,for the custoDIer probl. . . .nager.the person responsible for identifying a Network Routing Facility problem and reporting it to the support center. The template is used to identify the values that appear in the trace records listed as part of the dump output. It is a tool to help in determining whethar it is a Network Routing Facility probleM. Card. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 cards. 2/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 819 ( 8)(27 SX27 8)(27-3547 8)(27-3637 IWD.I twlA§EMENI AtIl pISIRIBDlIQN UImI TEMPWE fill lUI lZU tImISIBJS CON'fERSIQN UtIlI REfERENCE gap fill! I1!m.L m& TERMINAL! Progra. Punction Key byout tellpbt. designed to fit the IBM 3270 DI.pby Syat.. for ~. Nlth RnDS .nd SPPIISO. Teapl.t•• 7 x 4 inches. 4/83 11341/5665-310 ~ m IIG Thi. r.f.renea card li.ts the k.y sequencu that MUSt be us.d for this di.play when a 3708 i. pruent in the n.tNDrk. It also describ.. logon proc.dur_ and additional functions. Refaranee card. 8/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SX27-3549 .H!I INFQBMATIQH !6tW. TEMpLATE fIB BIPQBI MANA§EMENJ .6IIl SX27-3638 lZU tiIIHIlIK CQNYERSION IIIU REFERENCE gap fOB I!Iml. WR.D PISTRIBUTIQN UImI PrograM Function Key l.yout teapl.t. clai,,*, to fit the IBM 3290 Infor.. tlon P.nel for ~. Nlth RIIDS .nd SPFIISO. TeMpl.t.. 3 x 11 Inch.a 11401/5665-310 .equenc_ m IIG Thi. r.ferenc. card li.t. the k.y that MUSt be ~1Id for thl. di.play Nhen a 3708 is pres ... t in the netlfOrk. It also describes logon proceduru and additional functions. Ref.rence card. 8/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTIDN ONLY 8)(27-3570 tiIIHIlIK UlWII FACIUU. 5668-983' lila BGllBP TEMPLATE Thi. CHlrd I. ~ed ••• di.gnosi. tool. It i. pl.c.d a"ainet • conaol• •cr.....0 that .1'1'01' . . . . .ae- c.n be ....d off. R.f.renc. card. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 CHlrda SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 8)(27-3639 lZU I:!mIIlIm CQNIJERSIDtf IIIU REFERENCE gap .EOJl ImIW. m.&.Q SX27-3620 tmmiH m:IWIP II.II:IW!I Thi. r.f.rence CHlrd provides netNOrk oper.tora Nith quick _thod to find the foraat of a HIItVi..,. COMand. R.f.renc. Sullllary. 11 1/2 x 8 inct.s. 6 p.nala. 06/86 11115664-204.5665-362.5665-361 8)(27-3633 lZU tJmI!!lIS CONYERSION wn REFERENCE gap fIB IUlP.W: TERMINAL Jm1W.11b .u.... !!:I!I U m m IIG This reference card li.ts the key sequene.. that _ t be used for this di.play when a 3708 is present in the netlfOrk. It also describes logon procedures and additional functiona. Rafarenee Card. 08/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 8)(27-3640 !:!llHQ!IS CONVERSION UtIlI REfERENCE gap BIB .II:fI HAZELTINE llilBlI I !!:Ill IliP!BlI n This reference card lists the key sequences that _ t be used for this display when a 3708 is present in the natNDrk. It also describes logon procedur_ and additional functiona. Reference card. 8/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTIDN ONLY lZU 1W This reference card Usts the kay sequenc_ that _ t be for this displ.y ....,.., • 3708 is pr.....t in the network. It also describes logon procedures and additional functions. Referenc. card. 8185 SLSI: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTIDN ONLY ~ed IX27-3634 I:!mIIlIm CONYERSIQN 11m REFERENCE gap BIB ASll ~ JIAII!!N JZJl§ m / SX27-3641 lZU umI2BIS CQNVERSIDtf !.!:!II REFERENCE J;AB.!! fQ!f HAZE bTINE .1i.IIJ m This reference card lists the key sequences that must be used for this display wh... a 3708 is present in the netNDrk. It also describes logon procedures and additional functions. Reference card. 8/85 SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTIDN ONLY .nt1 Thi. reference card lists the kay sequences that _ t be used for this display ....,.., • 3708 is present in the natNork. It alao describ_ logon procedur_ and .dditional functions. Reference card. 8185 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTIDN ONLY ~27-363S lZU HiIII!BIS CotNERSlQN 11m REFERENCE gap fIB pERSQNAb COMMER H1III 1W EtBJLATIQN SX27-3642 1WlmRlS CDttVERSION !.I!:!.lI REFERENCE m.!iI.U AI2.tJ 16 J2D TERMINAL 1ZlI.§ IX27-3643 lZU IWlI!m CONVERSION 11m REFERENCE TELEylp~g ~ CQNYIRSIQH RIFIRINGI POI' Information about thl. publication. contaot COntrolling P.rty. R.f.r to Controlling Party ll.tlng In PUbllcatlona Prlo. LI.t. ZZ20-0100. Rafaranca Card. I carda ILIII DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m .I.W 111 ~ .El2R m This rafarence card list. the kay .equenca. that ~t ba used for this display IIhen a 3708 I. prasant In the netlfOrk. It al.o de.cribas logon procedur.. and .dditlonal functiona. Rafaranoa card, 8/85 SLUI ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SX27-3636 lZRI .El2R This referenea card li.ts the key saquences that MUSt be used for this display ...han a 3708 i. prasent in the netNOrk. It also describes logon procedures and additional functions. Reference card. 8/85 SLSSI ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION DNLY m This referenc. c.rd li.t. the kay sequencu that _ t be UIIed for this dl.pl.y Nhen a 3708 i. pruent In the network. It al.o daacribes logon proc.du.... and .ddltlonal functions. R.f.renc. card. 8/85 SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SX27-3644 lZU tIIIIIlBIS CQNYERSlQIj IIIU RI!PERENGI gap fOB IHI TmyIpEQ !Ill Thl. r.fareno. card ll.t. the kay saquanou that 810 ~t be SX27 GX28 used for this display .men a 3708 is present in the nebtork. It also describes logon procedures and additional functions. Reference card. 8/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: ORDER NO. 'SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SX27-3652 m NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD fllB DATA GENERAL DASHER DUO DISPLAY TERMINAL This reference card lists the key sequences that must be used for this display when a 3708 is present in the network. It also describes logon procedures and additional functions. Reference card. 8/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1Z!!.§ SX27-3645 ~ CONVERSION !.!!:!ll REFERENCE CARD fllB m ~ ATL-078 This reference card lists the key sequences that IlUSt be used for this display .....en a 3708 is present in the network. It also describes logon procedures and additional f....,tions. Reference card. 8/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1Z!!.§ SX27-3646 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE CARD fllB TE LETYPE S!.!! ASYtlCHR0I1OUS DISPLAY TERMINAL This reference card lists the key sequences that IlUSt be used for this display omen a 3708 is present in the network. It also describes logon procedures and additional f....,tions. Reference card. 8/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m SX27-3647 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE ~ f.!l!! m TELETYPE ~ BUFFERED ~ This reference card lists the key sequences that MUSt be used for this display .....en a 3708 is present in the network. It also describes logon procedures and additional functions. Reference card. 8/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1Z!!.§ SX27-3648 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION Y!f.U REFERENCE ~ f.!l!! RQ!Jj~ m SX28-0609 OS/vS2 !:Mi RACF. 5740-XXH. GENERAL USER CDMMAND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This card is designed to give the most co~ user (01" "end user") of RACF a quick reference to the RACF commands. The inforMation on the card is extracted from the OS VS2 MVS Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) Command Language Reference. SC28-0733-2. Reference card. 8 1/2 x 3 5/8 inches. 6/79 ////5740-XXH 6X28-0610 MVS/370 !t!!2 ~ 5740-XXN. ~ -XC6. 5665-291 ~ MESSAGES DIRECTORY This reference card contains the titles and order numbers of all books that contain messages issued by system components. of MVS/370 and MVS/Extended Architecture and by IBM programs that can be run on an MVS/370 or MVS/Extended Architecture system. The information is indexed by message 10. Reference card. 8 1/2 x 18 inches. 10 panels. 10/79 //40//5752.5741.5652 6X28-0647 It SX27-3649 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION !.!!:!ll REFERENCE ~ fllB m RQ!Jj illAB This reference card lists the key sequences that _ t be used for this display .men a 3708 is present in the network. It also describes logon procedures and additional f....,tions. Reference card. 8/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5)(27-3650 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION !.!!iII REFERENCE RQ!Jj .!.Yt!!W ~ fllB m This reference card lists the key sequences that IlUSt be used for this display .men a 3708 is present in the network. It also describes logon procedures and additional functions. Reference card. 8/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY >lX27-3651 3708 NETWORK CONVERSION UNIT REFERENCE ~ f.!l!! HEWLETT-PACKARD ~ INTERACTIVE TERMINAL 6X28-1464 COBOL ~ FORM This form is used for COBOL coding. Padded form. 8 1/2 x 13 inches. u/m 50 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m This reference card lists the key sequences that MUSt be used for this display when a 3708 is present in the network. It also describes logon procedures and additional functions. Reference card. 8/85 ( :em CDMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENC~ SUI1I1ARY This booklet is intended for reference use at a terminal. outlines the syntax of TSO commands and is based on OS/vs2 TSO COllll1land Language Reference. 6C28-0646. The booklet applies to OS/VS2 Release 3.7 and subsequent releases until otherwise indicated. and contains information that applies to the following selectable units: TSO/VTAM Levell (VS2.03.813) System Security Support (5752-832) TSO/vTAM Level 2 (5752-858) Since the command descriptions are brief and only the syntax is presented. the user should have an understanding of the TSO co...... nds and of using a terminal. Booklet. 3 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches. 100 pages. 5/78 //39//5752 ~ This reference card lists the key sequences that IlUSt be used for this display when a 3708 is present in the network. It also describes logon procedures and additional f....,tions. Reference card. 8/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 821 6X28-6384 FORTRAN ~ REFERENCE CARD This reference card contains FORTRAN IV inforMation for IBM 1130 System and IBM 1800 System (1130/1800). IBM System/3. IBM System/360 Disk Operating System (DOS). IBM System/360 Operating System (6. H. 61. H Extended. and Code and Go). IBM System/360 Tille Sharing System (TSS/360). IBM Call/360-0S (CALl/360). American National Standard FORTRAN. X3.9-1966, and American National Standard Basic FORTRAN. X3.10-1966. This card is intended to be used as a secondary reference. The basic program docUlllentation is the authori- GX28 tative source and NHI be the first to reflect any changes and improvements to the FORTRAN IV language. Fanfold Card. 8 panels. 3-3/4 x 8-1/2 folded siza 5410.54061/251/ SX28-6385 ~ 8ASIC. J,1!; fB.!l!Z 5748-XX1. TIm REFERENCE ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) TMs is a digest of the VS BASIC language and the requi rements for its use U"Ider the TSO systelll. It assUIHS the reader is fallliliar Nith the language and system details described in VS BASIC Language. Order No. 6C28-8303. and Basic TSO Terlllinal USer's Guide. Order No. SC28-8304. respectively. Reference Summary. 16 panels 11115748-XXl GX33 GX28-7327 FORTRAN £Q!mli FORM TMs is a form for coding FORTRAN statements. Padded Form. 8 1/2 x 14. one side. 25 sheats SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SX28-8193 fllB!!mI INTERACTIVE I!!!n!§ f!!B 1m J Dh .w; f!Q!ii 5734-F05 REFERENCE ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This reference card contains:' Notation conventions for TESTFORT Subco...nds. Instructions for compiling a program for FORTRAN Interactive debug. Requi rements for progralDS used as input to TESTFORT. Instructions for invoking TESTFORT U"Ider CMS or TSO. TESTFORT subcommands and their formats. Reference Summary. 12 panels. fanfold 11115734-F05.5734-F05 SX28-6386 SX28-8194 ill fB.!l!Z 5748-XX1. !;m! REFERENCE ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) Q§ COBOL INTERACTIVE ~ ill fBQ§ 5734-CB4. REFERENCE CARD (CURRENT RELEASE) This is a digest of the VS BASIC language and the requi rements for its use U"Ider the CMS COlllponent of the This card contains reference information for using COBOL VIV370. It assumes the reader is familiar with the language Interactive Debug. and system details described in VS BASIC language. Order No. Card. 12 pages ///15734-CB4 GC28-8303. and BASIC CMS Terminal User's Guide. Order No. SC28-8306. respectively. Reference Summary. 16 panels 11115748-XXl GX33-1500 4331 PROCESSOR l:!Q!W. GROUP! Q!AN!W. LOAD ~ WORKSHEET This form is required for calculation of channel loads on GX28-6400 the IBM 4331 Processor Model Group 2. Explanations and examples how to fill this worksheet are given in "IBM 4331 J1!1g ~ ~ mags GUIDE fQR USERS This booklet is a small. hand-held type. quick reference Processor Model Group 2 Channel Characteristics" form manual on TSS. It provides information on terminals. GA33-1535. commands. FORTRAN. and Assembler. Padded form 11 x 17 inches. UIM 50. 9/80 Booklet (3 1/2 X 8 1/2). 112 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ GX28-6506 / GX33-1502 PROCESSOR l:!Q!W. §!mY!! 11 ~ J.Q!!l li!lII WORKSHEET This form is provided for use when calculating the channel load on the IBM 4331 Processor Model Group 11. Use of this form is explained in detail in the IBM 4331 Processor Model Group 11 Channel Characteristics. GA33-1550. Padded form. 16 1/2 x 11 inches. UIM 50. 2/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ .mt! SYSTEM1360 ~ ASSEMBLER §!:!Q!fi mmI!i FORM This form is designed to assist programmers in coding programs in the IBM System/360 special support basic assembler language. as described in (GC28-6503) Padded Form. 25 to a Pad. 8-1/2 x 11 GX28-6507 ASSEMBLER .!J!t!!i £Q!mli f.!!!!.H This form is designed to assist programmers in coding programs in the IBM System/360 special support basic assembler language. as described in (6C28-6503) Padded Forms. 25 to a Pad ~ ~ GX33-1504 REFERENCE INFORMATION fQR OPERATORS This reference card is for the operation of the 4250 printer. It is to be used if the user is familiar Nith the 4250. Fanfold Card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 14 Panels. 12/84 ~ 1116/4250/ GX28-6509 ASSEMBLER CODING FORM Coding form for entry of source data to be keypunched for GX33-1505 Assembler programs. May be used for PLII or other languages ~ f!WruB !!m.!. 1 REFERENCE ~ filB OPERATORS Padded form. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. utm 50. 2/80 This card is used in the daHy operation of the 4245 printer. Reference Card. 8 1/2 x 3 5/8 inch... 16 panels. 1~/83 SX28-6813 1116/4245/ ~ ~ 1lL. ill fB.!l!Z 5734-RC1. 5736-RC1. fbi REFERENCE ~ . A 12-page folder containing the keys to symbols in formats. GX33-1507 system information and ITF:PLlI Language. ~ .I!!UHUB H ,I!.!!z. .!WI REFERENCE ~ For information about this publication contact ths Program Product Reference Card ///15734-RC1.5736-RC1 controlling party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Reference Summary. 6/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 822 / ( '\ ,/ &X33 SX33 GX33-1508 SX33-6011 CICSIYS. ill fRmi 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3. ~ TERMINAL OPERATOR'S REFERENCE S~~ARY !CURRENT RELEASE) This reference sumaary contains trace table. response codes. transaction abend codes. and storage aanagement infor.. tion. and descriptions of commonly used storage areas that are useful in debugging a CICSIYS application program written at macro-instruction level. For CICSIYS applications written at command level. the EXEC interface trace table and the EXEC interface control block are usually sufficient. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12 pages. 5/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY f!Wru!! !1!!!lW lL. n REFERENCE m.!I!W!l fllB OPERATORS This reference card is for the operations of the 4245 Printar. Hodels 12 and 20. This card should be used only if the users are f.ailiar with the printer. Fanfold Card, 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches, 16 panels, 12/84 //00/4245/ ~ 6)(33-1510 PROCESSING ~ fItm!U ~ !1 No abstract available. ltanual, 8 3/4 x 9 inches, 5/84 SLSS: OROER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SX33-6001 OPERATING SYSTEM/360 REFERENCE CARD fL£l OPTIMIZING COMPILER KEYWORDS This raference c.rd contains infor.ation to readily assist the user of the DOS Pl/I Optillizing Coepiler. Kaywords, their usa and exallPles are included. The infor.. tion is extracted froll the IBM Systelll/360 Disk Operating Syst.... Pl/I Optiaizing eo.piler Language Reference ltanual, Order Number SC33-0005. Reference Card ////5736-PLl,5736-PL3 ~ SX33-6002 i ~ CHECKOUT OPTIHIZING COHPILERS. Y,!; fRmi 5734-pll. ~ KEYWORDS REFERENCE SUMMARY !CURRENT RELEASE) =fL1& Contains a full list of the Pl/I keywords illlPlemented by the OS Pl/I checkout and optiaizing compilers. The keywords ara arranged in alphabetic.l order and each has a Brief Description of its use. Reference Card. 16 sides ////5734-PLl.5734-PL2.5734-PL3 GX33-6012 CICSIYS. 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3. APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY !COMMAND LEVEL! (CURRENT RElEASE) Summarizes the coamands and their options required by an application programmer when preparing programs written in Assembler language. COBOL. Pl/I. or RPG II to be executed on a CICS/DOSIYS or CICS/OS/VS system. Booklet. 8 1/2 x 3 58 inches. 50 pages. 6/83 ////5740-XXl.5746-XX3 6X33-6016 8775 I!n!!W TERMINAL PR08LEM B.SfQBI FORM This document is completed by the customer when a proble. occurs that cannot be solved by reference to the Problem Deter.. ination Guide or to other customer personnel. The completed for. serves as a aaintenance aid to service representatives. Padded fora. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. U/H 25. 2/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX33-6024 f!m:!!gB TROUBLE B.SfQBI FORM This document is cOllPleted by the custoaer when a problea occurs on the IBM 7436 Printer that cannot be solved by reference to the Problea Deteraination Guide. or to other customer personnel. The completed fo ..a serves as a maintenance aid to se..vice rep ..esentatives. Padded for •• 8 1/2 x 11 inches. U/H 25. 2 pages. 1/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION 'ONLY ~ SX33-6005 9l!a!I.a CHECKOUT i OPTIHIZIN6 COMPILERS • .l.lC fRmi 5734-Pbl =P.I.L. =:fbL TERHINAL COMMANDS Atm COMPILER ~ REFERENCE ~ !CURRENT RELEASE) Contains the CHS !Conversational Honitor Systee) and TSO !Ti .. Sharing Option) commands and subcOllllands most likely to be used by a Pl/l programmer when using the OS Pl/l GX33-6032 checkout and opti.izing cOllPilers in conversational 1IOde. 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION BACKLIT FUNCTION SWITCH PANEL It also contains a full list of the options applicabla to TEMPLATE. Bf9 7J0048 This template p..ovides the app..opr;ate legends for the test both COIIPilers. The co_ands. subcDlllllNlnds. and options are arranged in alphabetical order. and each has a brief and control switches of the IBM 3279 Colo.. Display Station Backlit Function Switch Panel !RPQ 7J0048J. description of its use, and in the case of the co...... nds and subc_..nds. exallPles. Template. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1/82 Reference Sullmary (Card). 3-5/8 x 8-1/2. 10 slides SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ////5734-PLl.5734-PL3.5734-PL2 SX33-6010 CICSIYS. 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3 • .PRll§BMI DEBUGGING REFERENCE liY!:lHA!U ! CURRENT RELEASE) This reference summary contains the trace table. responsa codes transaction abend codes. storage managelllel'lt infor.ation • and descriptions of cOllllllOnly used storage areas that are useful in debugging a CICSlYS application program. For .pplications written at cOnmland lavel. the EXEC interface trace table and the EXEC interface control block are usually sufficient. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 123 pages. 6/83 ////5746-XX3.5740-XXI GX33-6047 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL ~ (CICS/OS/VS) VERSION! RELEASE 1 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE SUMM~RY (COt1l1ANO LEVEL! This publication is for Assembler. COBOL. andPl/I application des;gne..s and prog..amme ..s. It summa .. izes the comaands and other info.... tion extracted Mainly frola the CICS/OSIVS Appl;cation Programmer's Refe..ence Manual !Colllland Lavel). Ve ..sion 1 Release 7. Reference summary. 8 1/2 x 3 5/8 inches. 59 pages, 11/85 ////5740-XXI SX33-6048 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIYIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIYS)' 5740-XXI. VERSION! RELEASE 1 PROGRAM DEBUGGING REFERENCE SUMMARY 823 ( GX3lt SX33 This publication sumMarizes trace table entries, transaction abend codas, .elected .torage area., and the BXBC Interface Block.. Manual, 5 112 x 7 114 inches, 92 pages, 11/85 functions and operands. VSE/ICCF is an interactive online coeputing facility that runs in a computing installation under the control of DOSIVSE with VSE/Adv.nced Functions. It allows users to conversationally enter and store data and programs from a terminal, to edit and format text data sets and to caapile, run and test programs .nd have the results displayed back at the terminal and/or printed. either at a terminal-associated printer or at the central installation. Reference Summary, 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches, 40 pages, 6/79 11115740-XXl :3X33-6051 CICS/CMS. 5668-795. ~ 1 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE ~ This public.tion is for Assetnbler, COBOL .nd PVI application designers and programmers using CICS/CIIS for CICS Application Development. It summarizes the commands and other information extracted Minly fr08 the CICSIOSIVS application programmer's reference IlHlnual (Command Level), Version 1 Release 7. Reference Summary, 8 1/2 x 3 5/8, 60 p, 6/86 111I5746-TSI GX33-9007 5146-XE8. REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This booklet is a convenient. pocket-sized guide to the most essential information for those Nho need to know about the control statements that relate to VSE/Advanced Functions. It contains a summary of information from VSE/Advanced Functions System Control Statements, SC33-6095. Reference summary, 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches, 40 pages. 7/80 ~ 11115668-795 SX33-8001 ml!:!ABI (CURRENT RELEASE! Provides a summary of the information needed to prepare program and job control statements for the OSIVS Sortll1erge program product. The information is summarized from the Programmer's Guide, SC33-4035 which is the authoritative QWl! SDRTII1ERliE REFERENCE 111157lt6'-XE8 GX33-9012 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE fQR SYSTEI1I370. $667-126 source. Reference su..ary This insert is provided for the Interactive Executive for Systee/370 library binder. It is to be inserted into the clear plastic covering of the binder .s the front covering. Label (10 insert!, 200 x 240 millimeters, 10/85 11115740-SMI liX33-8002 DOS/yS-ytl/sysIEM .PRQI!.Yg mnON L. .us; fB.!l!i 5146-5112, REFERENCE ~ (CURRENT RELEASE! liX33-9014 This card provides a sUlmllary of the information needed to PERSONAL COI1P!JTER l!l!.! EI1ULATION l!m lJSaZlI It!m KEYBOARD prepare program and job control state.ents for the DOSIVSTEMPLATE VI1ISystem Product Sortll1erge Program Product. The This template is required with the INed Editorl it information is sUllllllarized from the Progr....er'. Guide, SC33illustrates key assignments for the 3101. 3161/3163, and 4044, Nhich is the .uthoritative source. Personal Computer terminals. Reference summary card, 18 panels, 4/81 Template. 290 x 78 em, UtI 5, 3 pages, 10/85 11115746-SM2 ) 11115667-126 GX33-8500 SX33-9800 EXECUTIVEIVSE. 5666-265, APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE! The SSXlVSE Application Development Reference Summary card contains commands described in SSXlVSE Application Development, arranged by function. Short forms .re shown. This Reference Summary card is for the application progra.... r IIIho develops progrms us i ng SSXlVSE. It can be used for quick reference once this person is familiar with the procedures and commands described in SSx/vsE Application Development. Reference card, 3 5/8 x 7 1/4 inches. 7 panels, 9/83 LAYOUT This form covers Record Layout Application Program and Display Screen Layout. Padded form, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, vIm 50, 2/76 -~ ~ ~ GX33-9004 POWERIVS REFERENCE m!!:mBl Intended as quick reference ~or progra_ers ~ operators using POWER and/or POWER RJE. ShoNs the formats and summarizes the functions of all POWER JECL statements and of all POWER and POWER RJE comm.nds. Reference card, 12 panels, 3-5/8 x 8-1/2 ~ 1120115666-265 11361/5745-010 SX33-9801 EXECUIIVEIVSE, 5666-265. OPERATION REFERENCE (CunREHT RELEASE) The SSXlVSE Operation Reference Summary card contains cOIIUIHInds described in SSXlVSE Operation. arranged by function. Each command is followed by a brief description of what it does. Short fol'lllS are shown. This Reference Summary card is for the person who performs the SSXlVSE operation tasks (starting up the system, checking and controlling the system. shutting down the systemi. It can be used for quick reference once this person is familiar with the procedures and commands described in SSX/VSE Operation. Reference card, 3 5/8 x 7 1/4 inches, 8 panels. 9/83 ~ ~ GX33-9006 S~IARY EXTENDED/INTERACTIVE COI1P!JTING Mm ~ FACILITY. 5746-XC5. REFERENCE ~ (CURRENT RELEASE! This booklet is intended as a convenient. pocket-sized guide to the most essential information needed by • tereinal user of the VSE/lnteractive Computing and Control F.cility (VSE/ICCF!. It contains a summary of information fr08 the VSE/Interactive Computing and Control Facility Tereinal User's Guide, SC33-6068. The publication describes the following components of the VSE/ICCF command language: system COIIIIIIands, editor co_nds, job entry st.tements and procedures and lIacros. These cOllllllands, statements procedures and macros are listed alphabetically together with a description of their format, ~ ~ 824 1140115666-265 ( \ ( GX34 &X3S &X34-0022 &X3S-5016 lZ12 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE ~ Bll.! !!IWiI .GI:IARI This r.f.renc. summary is a suppl...nt to the printer section of the ISH 3741 Data Station Operator's Guida, GA21-9131. Common ribbon, forms. and printing probl... ara listad Nith corrective actions. Also Included are ribbon changing. forn loading. and print adjust.ant procedures. It is intended that this summary Mill enable operators to corr.ct ainor aachina proble.. and ainiai.- doNn ti ... Hanual. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inchas. 10 pgs. 4/77 1116/37151 &X35-5017 Bll.! .PIW:II gjA8I nu .I!AIA COLLECTIOH 1IJmI iUl JIIIW. .1 mmoJ& iIWl1 This console guide contains a quick and easy set of instructions for operating the IBM 5231 Model 1 contraller. Ref.rance Card. 8 1/2 x 3 314. 10 panals, 12/75 1116/5230,52311 &X1S-5018 H1!I .PIW:II .GI:IARI mr nu .I!AIA COLLECTION 1IJmI iUl JIIIW. & cot§OI& iIWl1 This console guide contains a quick and easy set of instructions for operating the IBM 5231 Model 2 contraller. R.ferenee Card. 8 1/2 x 3 3/4. 12 pan.ls. 12/75 1116/5230.52311 &X1S-5019 lUA .PIW:II Ii!1ARI nu II!IA COLLECTION mlIm iUl !!.!!W. .I COI:!1Ol& i!Wli This console guide contains a quick and easy .et of instructions for operating the IBM 5231 Mod.l 3 cantroller. Referenee card. 8 1/2 x 3 3/4. 10 panals. 12/75 1116/5230,52311 OPERATgR'S ~ = = 163112/6 OB .l& This i. a print chart used in designing forn for the ISH 3800. Pad. 15 x 17 1/2 inches, u/lll 25 SLSS: ORDER NO. SlaSCRIPTION ONLY &X34-0043 JIIIW. .I = .umJW, .l1 13611 0t1 0 This is a print chart used in designing for_ for the ISH 3800. Pad, 15 x 17 1/2 inches. ula 25 SLSS: ORDER NO. SlaSCRIPTION ONLY GX34-0042 GX35-5010 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM =13611018 This is a print chart used in designing for.. for the IBIt 3800. Pad. 15 x 17 1/2 inches, ula 25 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ';X34-0041 r( = 136/1 0/6 OB .l& Thi. is a print chart used in designing for_ for the ISH 3800. Pad. 15 x 17 1/2 inch.s. ula 25 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &X1S-5020 l§2g fI!HI Ii!1ARI 163/12/8 This is a print chart used in d.signing fOrM for the ISH 3800. Pad. 15 x 17 1/2 inches. ula 25 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = REFERENCE §IlIJlg This document contains sumnoaries of the ... jor operator tasks and presents sUllllllari .. of the intervantion-raquired status codes and their recov.ry actions. Reference SullnHry. 3 314 x 7 112 inches 1103/38001 &X35-50U Bll.! fIWII Ii!1ARI .1!!l!W. 11 = 163/12(10 This i. a print chart used in designing fOrM for the ISH 3800. Pad. 15 x 17 1/2 inches. ula 25 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GX3S-5012 lW PRINTING SUBSYSTEM CHARACTER i:I.I.6B &X1S-5022 BJ!l !l!ltII .GI:IARI IX3S-1I023 .IA2A !l!ltII TAPE-TO-PRINTIIII !I!IBSl'STEM This card summarizes the stltUi cod.. for vlriou. 3800 printer cendi'tlons (including status oodea for the Tapa-ToPrinting Subsyste. featurel. 3800 sanae bytes. 3800 channel co.ends 3410/3411 end 380313420 chennel _nde, end control options for the Tepa-To-Printlng Subsystn feature. It should be used a. e oOMPlnlon publlcetlon Nlth IBM 3800 Printing Subsy.tea Operetor'. &utda, 8A26-1634, OperetorlReference Menual for the IBM 3800 Tapa-To-Printlng SubsYlltea Feeture, &A26-16I4, and Referanee Manuel for the IBM 3800 Printing SubsYlltH, IA26-1635. Reference oerd 1103/38001 ( = ~ 20'(15/8 Thi. I. a print chart used in designing fOrM for the ISH 3800. Pad. 15 x 17 1/2 inches. ula 25 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &X35-5014 .B21 PRINTlt/!i !WBS)'STEM M:II1 WIlIU REFERENCE Ull:IARl = 204115/6 .m:: .u This i. a print chart used in designing fOrM for the 3890. Pad. 15 x 17 1/2 inches. uI. 25 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY The character gauge is a template usad Nith the 3800 Printing Subsystn 'all aodels' to ....ur. space r.quirements and place diff.rant size characters on any of the tan 3800 Printing Sub.ystell Print Charts. Its int.nded .udience is for_ designers. Te.plate SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &X3S-5024 825 = ~ .1.tIIm1l. .l1 1!Q4I11119 Thi. I. a print chart used In designing for_ for the ISH 3800. Pad, 15 x 17 1/2 Inches, uIM 2. SLSSI ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY H1!I .PIW:II 6X35 LYA2 6X35-5025 GX3S-5037 B!Ul EIW:II Q:IMI lli J!!mID ADDRESSABLE ~ I!!&§l! OPERATOR Am mm:I PROGRAMMER ClI1!WI!S REFERENCE ~ (CURRENl' RELEASE) A quick reference card that summarizes the syntax of the DFHSM .Pace ..nager. operator. and syst. . progra_r _nds. I1anual IlEIIlm Thi. i. a print chart usad in desiSP'ling fOrM for the 1M 3800. Pad. 15 x 17 112 inches. uI. 2S SLSS: ORDER NO. SlmSCRIPTION ONLY 1130115665-329 6X3S-5026 mil .ttM3 IIllUH mnH REFERENCE Thi. booklet contains reference infor. . tion for the I1as. Storage Systell and its associated progra... ing. It is intended for .yst_ operators •• yst. . progra_rs. space . .nager•• and service personnel. It contains such infor.ation a. I1as. Stor.ge Control table addresses. HSS • _ e for.ats ••nd reason code eKPlanations. I1anual. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 56 pages. 10/81 SX35-5038 GENERAL LANGUAGE ORIENTATION !!!!ill ~ For infor.ation about this publication. contact Controlling Party. Refer to Controlling Party li.ting in Publications Price Li.t. ZZ20-0100 • Pla.tic Template. 3 cards. 5/85 11115665-308 110713850.38511 6X3S-502~ 1IWl PRINTING SYBSysn;M mmL .I CHARACTER IWWitI Al:m QQQIH§ fQBHl COMPATIBILITY This i • • for. for designing character. to be printed on the IBM 3800 Printing Subsyst. . Model 3 in Compatibility eode. Padded for.. uI. 50 SLSS: ORDER NO. SlmSCRIPTION ONLY '5)(35-5032 gmw tjENERATION LANGUAGE SX36-0001 YIDEOTEXl370, 5798-DTW. Ylm REFERENCE This card summarizes for end users how to connect to Videotex/370 and how to use the Messaging Service and the Videotexl370 navigation aids. It has space to add installation - specific information. Reference card. 8 panels. 1/86 11115798-DTW LYA2-5213 DVI-ENTRY. ~ fB.!!i 5746-)0(7, LISTINGS Contains SCP progra. listings for DOSIVS as specified in the title. Microfiche. 12/75 SLSS: 1M INTER.NAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ REFERENCE Thi. publication s~.rizes the basic inforation required to define an overl.y and generate it. output using OGL. It contains the syntax rules and dra.. ings for OGL collllllands. Also included .re progra. invocations .nd .ymbolics. Thi. publication is directed to the user Mho has basic f •• iliarity Kith OGL .nd wants. quick reference service. The infor... tion included applies to the MYS. MSE and YM operating .yst.... Manual. 3 314 x 8 1/2 incheS. 24 pages. 3186 LYA2-5216 ySE/POWER 11& fBQ§ 5746-XE3 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS (CURRENT 'RELEASE) Listings for the progra. indicated in the titl•• Microfiche. reduced 45x. 20 cards. 11/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 11115665-308.5664-293 SX3S-5033 fBlNT MANAGEMENT FACILITY .§WJ;K REFERENCE m..!I:IHABl Thi. quick reference summary displays printmanagement facility'. task scr.- and help . .ps. giving a user .n overvi .... of both fU1Ctions .nd the structure of PMF. Infor.ation on PMF'. programmed fU1Ction (PF) keys i. al.o given along .. ith other infor.ation helpful to the NEW user. Thi. infor. .tion .... designed for both the ~ user and the experienced user in need of quick reference. Booklet. 3 314 x 8 1/2. 24 pages. 3186 LYA2-5217 VSE/POWER 11& fBg§ 5746-Xn ill ~ ASSEMBLY LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) Listings for the program indicated in the title. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 20 cards. 11/79 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 11115665-307.5664-293 LYA2-5218 VSE/POWER 11& .PR!l!! 5746-XE3 SHARED SPOOLING FEATURE ASSEMBLY LISTINGS (CURREN[ RELEASE) Listings for the program indicated in the title. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 8 cards. 11/79 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SX3S-5034 GENERATION LANGUAGE ORIENTATION .!:!HW. The Overlay Gener.tion Language Orientation Wheel is • .-chanical device to help deter.ine the text orientation entries of the Dr... box ( .. ith text) and Settext COmMands. It also provides scales for . .asuring point sizes. incheS. PELS. and .illi . .ters. Orientation Nheel. 11/84 ~ LYA2-5219 "um .mI!l PROGRAM (JEP I 5746-XE6 !§!t!h LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all JEP _dules and the PLIS source used to generate these listings. This docuIent is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of program design errors. Microfiche. 8 cards SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 11115665-308 6X35-5036 Ylm CQt1!1ANDS REFERENCE lHI!:!!!BI (CURRENT RELEASE) A qui ck reference sUllllllary card that sUllllllari zes the syntax of the DFHSM user ca..ands. Manual. 1 page. 11/84 ~ 1130115665-329 826 . . ._ ------ ._---_ .. --~ .... ~.--------- / ( LYA2 LYA4 LYA2-5220 FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM (FTPI 5748-XE6 (G501. LISTINGS This document contains assembler listing for all FTP 1MIdu1es and the Pl/S source used to generate these listings. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of program design errors. Microfiche. 2 cards SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYA4-3006 CICSIVS. 11& PROG 5740-XX1. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) This docunent contains assembler listings for all CICS OSIVS modules and tables supplied in pre-generated form. This document is intended for use by IBM and customer personnel for the detection and correction of program design errors. Microfiche. 103 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYA2-5221 LYA4-3007 CICS/vS. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! This docunent contains assembler listings for all CICS DOS/vS modules and tables supplied in pre-generated form. This document is intended for use by IBM and customer personnel for the detection and correction of program design TRANSFER PROGRAM 1f!fl 5748-XE6 (A101. LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all FTP modules and the Pl/S source used to generate these listings. This doc....ent is intended for use by ISH personnel for the correction of program design errors. Microfiche. 1 card SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY f]!g LYA4-3001 CICSIVS. ll!;; PROS 5746-XX3. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) This document contains assembler listings for all CICS DOS/VS IIIOdules and tables supplied in pre-generated form. This document is intended for use by IBM and customer personnel for the detection and correction of program design errors. Microfiche. 100 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYA4-3002 CICS/vS. ll!;; fB.Q§ 5740-XXI. LISTINGS (CURREN! RELEASE I This document contains assembler listings for all CICS OS/VS MOdules and tables suppl i ed in pre-generated form. This document is intended for use by IBM and Customer PersOl'Vlel for the detection and correction of Program design errors. errors. Microfiche. reduced 45x SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYA4-3008 CICSIOS/ys LISTINGS Microfiche listings for the itme shown in the title. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 77 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYA4-3009 CICS/OS/vS. LIC fB.Q§ 5740-XX1 ( MYS FEATURE!. LISTINGS This docuaent contains asse.~ly listings of modules supplied in the pre-generated system and listings of macros and samples supplied with CICS/OS/vS Version 1 Release 6 Hodification 0 (MYS Featurel. This document is intended for use by IBH and customer personnel for the detection and correction of program design errors. Microfiche. 136 cards SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Microfiche. 100 cards. 4/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY '.YA4-3003 CICSIVS. ll!;; fRQ§ 5746-XX3. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) This document contains assembler listings for all System/370 CICS DOSIVS MOdules and tables suppl i ed in pre-generated form. This doc....ent is intended for use by ISH and custOlller personnel for the detection and correction of program design errors. Microfiche. 100 cards SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYA4-3004 CICSIVS. ll!;; fRQ§ 5740-XX1. LISTINGS (CURREN! RELEASE) Listings for the above OS/vS1 and/or OS/vS2 program. Microfiche. 100 cards. 8/78 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYA4-3005 CICSIVS. ~ fRQ§ 5746-XX3. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) This document contains assembler listings for all CICS DOSIVS 1IOdu1es and tables supplied in pre-generated form. This document is intended for use by ISH and customer personnel for the detection and correction of program design errors. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 201 cards. 5/79 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYA4-3010 CICS/OSIVS. LIC fRQ§ 5740-XX1 (VS1 FEATURE!. LISTINGS This document contains assembly listings of modules supplied in the pre-generated system and listings of macros and samples supplied with CICS/OS/vS Version 1 Release 6 Hodification 0 (VS1 Featurel. This document is intended for use by IBM and customer personnel for the detection and correction of program design errors. Microfiche. 131 cards SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYA4-3012 CUSTOMER INFORMATION QQH!RQb SYSTEMIDISK OPERATING SYSTEM/vIRTUAL STORAGE. 5746-XX3. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) This document contains ASSEMBLER listings relating to COCSIDOSIVS Version 1 Release 6 samples. tables. pregenerated modules and optional material. It is intended for use by ISH and custo.... r personnel for the detection and correction of program errors. Microfiche. 188 cards SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYA4-3014 CICS/OS/vS VERSION ! RELEASE ~ !1ODIFICATION ! (MYS/370 FEATURE! LISTINGS This document contains assembly listings of 1IOdu1es supplied in the pre-generated system and listings of macros and samples supplied with CICS/Os/vS Versionl Release 6 Hodification 1 (MYS/370 featurel. This document is intended for use by IBM and customer personnel 'for the detection and correction of program design errors. 827 ( LYA4 LYBO l1icrofiche. ISS cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Containa Type I OS progra. listings as specified in the title. l1icroficha SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LlA4-3015 CICSlOS/yS m!mItI 1 B1wn: i ItQQIFICATION 1 !maA FEATURE) LISTINGS This docUlllent contains assembly listings of IIOdul. . supplied in the pre-generated systee and listings of . .eros and saplas .upplied Mith CICS/OSIVS Version 1 Rel. . .e 6 l1ocIification 1 (HVSIXA feature). This docueent is intended for use by IBI1 and custCltler personnel for the detection and correction of program design errors. l1icroficha. 154 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYA4-3030 GRAPHICS ~ I1EDlOD/SYSTEI1 PRODUCT. B1W.§g 1 m.mI.t:I 1.& LISTINGS No abstract available. l1icrofiche. 5 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYBO-0632 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEHl360. nBmIH 1.& mum !.a. QAI6 coMMUNICATION LISTINGS. I1ICROFICHE .PImL .P.B.QIL. 5734-XX6. fUDI.B1 gm Conbins Type I OS progra. listings . . specified in the title. l1icroficha SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY un LYBD-0834 INTERACTIYE JMB.Y WIYB1 .1Dfl III IMSl360: I1ICROFICHE LISTINGS fI!ll§!A!I tIYm9 S734-XX6 Containa Type I OS progra. listings as specified in the title. l1icroficha SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = fIm!i 5660-978 LYA4-3200 LYBO-0864 .IiIill Dam RETRIEVAL 1Xm!h ~ fB.!!ii 5734-XX1. LISTI. Contains Type I OS progra. listings as specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY gg~ l1icrofiche for the prograe eentioned in the title. l1icrofiche. 54 cards LYA4-3201 fB!l§ 5746-XX3. LISTINGS CICStpOS/VS. l1icrofiche for it . . eentioned in title. Version 1 Rel. .se 5. Hicrofiche. 2/81 m LYBO-0865 ~ .I!m!i S734-XX1. LISTINGS Containa Type I OS Progra. Listings as specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY iDa ARIDIMETIC SIAIEI1ENT FEAME. LYA4-3202 CICS/DOSIVS Listings for the prograe indicated in the title. l1icrofiche. 87 carda LYBO-0867 LYA4-3207 CUSTOHER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE. CICSIDOSIVS. 5746-XX3. ~ B1W.§g LJ! No abstract available. l1icroficha. 2/83 '.YA9-6133 LEVEL INIERACTIVE APPLICATIQN SYSTEI1-QNE fQ! ~ (ELIAS-I). fB!l§ 5746-XXV LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) These are 100 IPF source code. asse.bler listings of all ELIAS-I functions. Mith editors. bricks. skeletons. panels and ..essages. Microfiche. 34 carda. 7/81 ~ ~ .I!I!mi 5734-XX1. umNGS Contains Type I OS prograll listings as specified in the title. l1icroficha SLSS: IBH INTERNAl. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .Iillla m:mmJ. SIAIEI1ENT FEATURE. 1 m LYBD-D868 GIS/2 PROCESSING STATEMENT FEATURE • .w.; fBD§ 5734-XXI. LISTINGS Contains Type I OS progra. listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBD-0870 '..YBO-0626 ~ lZIl!l1 HIERARCHICAL f1I& lYfPOR.I FEAME. m fBI!!i 5m-lOCl. LISTINGS Contains Type I OS. progra. listings as specified in the title. l1icrofiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = AQ§ ASSEMBLY LISTINGS. 5736-l(t16. ~ pROGRAM ~ gmg ~ f! SERYICE ~ !l!1!.ill This set of eicrofiche carda contains the asseebly listings of the APV360 - DOS Prograe. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBD-0871 GIS/2 YP!Im ! CREATE FEATURE. fBQ!i 57M-lOCl. LISTIN&S Contains Type I OS progra. listings as specified in the title. Hicrofiche SLSS: .IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m LYBO-0631 INFORI1ATION MANAGEI1ENI ~ (II1S/360) YERS. 1 D.m ~ LISTINGS. ~ :!z. PROG • .PEmL. 5734-XX6 I1AINTENANCE RELEASE OF 1115/360 TO 2.4.1 828 (/ ( LYBO LYBO LYBO-0872 JmiLl mJ.nI FEATIJRE • .I.E LYBO-2010 A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE SHARED VARIABLE LISTINGS ~ fBf9 m!lli (PROGRAM l:!IL. 5799-AJF) Contains Type I OS prograll listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY fBQ§ 5734-XXI. LISTINGS Contains Type I OS prograM listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SlSS: IBtt INTERNAL sum:RIPTION ONLY LYBO-0873 GIS/2 !DII i ~ FEATURE. ill fB!li 57M-lOCl. LISTINGS Contains Type I OS prograM listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SlSS: IBtt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-2385 TCS-ACF ~ LISTItlGS This .icrofiche contains li.tings of the progr•• shoMn in the title. Microfiche. 15 c.rds. 10/77 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = LYBO-0874 JmiLl fill !I!!lID FEATURE. ill fB!li 57M-lOCl. LISTINGS LYBO-2449 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION ITCS-ACF). i l l fBQ§ 5740-XY3. NETWORKING ~ Z SOURCE LISTINGS This lIicrofiche contains the source listings for this prograll for 5/370 using OS/vSl or OS/vS2. Microfiche. 7 cards. 6/78 = Contains Type I OS prograM listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SlSS: IBtt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-0875 JmiLl D.J.a iYW JYfI!QBI FEATIJRE • .I.E fB!li 5734-XXI. LYBO-2472 .!!mI ~ LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) DI1S/CICS/VS Source listings for the DI1S/CICS/vS - DOS Microfiche. Microfiche. 13 cards. 4/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LISTINGS Contains Type I OS progr•• listings ••• pecified in the title. Microfiche SlSS: 1811 INTERNAL sum:RIPTION ONLY LYBO-0876 = iIlli EXTENDED MULTI-FILE .lYm!R! FEATURE • .I.E fBmi 57M-XXI LISTINGS Contains Type. I OS progr•• listings as .pecified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYBO-0900 !§!:I mazlI..;. ~ MICROFICHE PROGRAM ~ 5749-010 This publication is the .icrofiche of the VlV370 Control Progra.. It is divided into four sections: 1. The table of contents .nd index 2. The •••embler li.tings of the Control Progr•• IICdules 3. The label cross reference for CP 4. The PTFs For convenience. os/vSI EREP Assabler listings .re also included. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. sum:RIPTION ONLY = SYBO-0901 D!:I VlV370: gm MICROFIOIE =~ !Mm!! 5749-010 This publication is the VlV370 CMS divided into six sections: I. The T.ble of Contents and 2. The Assembler Listings of 3. The Assembler Listings of 4. The Assembler Listings of 5. The label Cross-reference 6. The PTFs Microfiche SlSS: ORDER NO. sum:RIPTION ONLY .icrofiche. I t is Index the CMS Modules the Syst... Ass_l... VlV370 BASIC for CI1S LYBO-2473 DMSICICSIYS gg§ APPLICATION GENERATION FEATURE. ill fBQ§ 5746-XC4 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) Source listing. for the DI1S/CICs/vS - DOS - Application Generation Feature Microfiche. Microfiche. 1 card. 4/79 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-2474 DI1S/cICSIVS m! APPLICATION GENERATION FEAME. fIU!i 5740-XC5. LISTINGS Source listings for the DI1S/CICS/vs OS Applic.tion Generation Feature Microfiche. Microfiche. 1 card. 4/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m LYBO-2475 .DI1S/CICS/ys ~ ill fBQ§ 5Z40-xc5. LISTINGS Source Listings for the DMS/cIcs/vS - OS Microfiche. Microfiche. 15 cards. 4/79 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-2516 DMS/CICSIYS ~ Thi. is the microfiche for the DMS/CICS/vS - OS/VS Base Progra •• Microfiche. 24 cards. 2/81 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-2517 DllS/CICS/vS OS/FEATURE Thi. is the .icrofiche for the DI1S/CICS/vs - OS/VS Feature Progr" •• Microfiche. 52 cards. 2/81 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 829 ( LYBO LYBO LYBO-2518 DMS/CICSIVS. ill fB.Q§ 5746-XC4. DDSI8ASE. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! This is the Microfiche for DMS/CICSIVS DDSIVS Base. Microfiche. 21 cards. 3/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-8026 LYBO-2519 DMS/CICSIVS. ill fB.Q§ 5746-XC4 ~ APPLICATION GENERATION LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! This is the .icrofiche for the DMS/CICSIVS DOSIVS Application Generation feature. Microfiche, 32 cards, 3/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-8038 IMSIVS ~ ! ~ LISTINGS. 5740-XX2.(CURRENT RELEASE! Listings for the above OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 program. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY UPDATEICREATE FEATURE. ill EBQ!i 5740-XX7. LISTINGS This microfiche publication contains the assembly listings for the Update/Create Feature of GISIVS. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYBO-8040 VSAPL. ill fB.Q§ 5748-APl. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) Microfiche listings for Program Product in title. Available to each licensee under the licensing agreement frOM IBM PrograM Control Center. Available to IBM personnel frOM IBM Distribution Center. Microfiche, 4/76 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-2570 ill f!B.Qli. 5668-948. LISTINGS Contains prograM listings as specified in the title. Microfiche, 2 cards, 8/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY WQI TERMINAL SIMULATOR. LYBO-8016 II1SIVS. 5740-XX2. VERSION L. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Contains SCP prograM listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 .s specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-8042 ill §!:!!Bm VARIABLES fRQ§ 5799-AQC LYBO-8017 IMSIVS ill EBQ!i 5740-XX2 COI1t1UNICATION FEATURE LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Contains Type I OS prograM listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY :a LYBO-8018 :a LYBO-8023 GISIVS BASIC ~ FEATURE. ill fB.Q§ 5740-XX7. LISTINGS This microfiche publication contains the assembly listings for the Basic Query Feature of the GISIVS. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-8024 GISIVS ADVANCED ~ FEATURE. LIC fRQ!i 5740-XX7. LISTINGS This Microfiche publications contains the assembly listings for the Advanced Query Feature of GISIVS. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ .L. LISTINGS. LYBO-8043 YJj PERSONAL COMPUTING ~ LISTINGS. fRQ§ mm 5740-XR5 Contains SCP prograM listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche (updated by 140 cards TNL 6/78! 4/76 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY INTERACTIVE ~ FACILITY LISTINGS. fB.Q§ 5740-XX2 Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSI andlor DSIVS2 as' specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 1!fl.W Microfiche listings for Program Product in title. Available to each licensee under the licensing agreement fro. IBM Program Control Center. Available to IBM personnel fr ... IBM Distribution Center. Microfiche. 4/76 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-8044 VSPC FORTRAN. ill EBQ!i 5748-F02. PROGRAM LISTINGS Microfiche listings for Program Product in title. Available to each licensee under the licensing agreement fro. IBM PrograM Control Center. Available to IBM personnel fr_ IBM Distribution Center. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-8045 VS PERSONAL COMPUTING DSIVS2 fB.Q§ 5740-XB6 Microfiche listings for subject PrograM Product Microfiche, with TNL LNB6-9962, 359 cards, 6/78 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-8046 DOSIVS YJj PERSONAL COMPUTING mru PROG PROD 5746-XB3. 1&B LISTINGS Contains SCP prograM listings for DDSIVS as specified in the title. Microfiche, with TNL LNB6-9961, 405 cards, 6/78 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-8025 GISIVS MODIFY FEATURE. ill EBQ!i 5740-XX7, LISTINGS This microfiche publication contains the assembly listings for the Modify feature of GISIVS. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBO-8048 CROSS REFERENCE A!:II JW:A mM! PROG PROD 5746-XR3 Microfiche contains three cross-reference reports: ~ ~ 830 ( LYBO SYB4 Symbol ...... re used Macro where used Hacro what used and data area descriptions. Microfiche. 10/76 above. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB4-S1S6 llQ SUPERVISOR ~ (MICROFICHE EDITION) Thill is a microfiche copy of a logic manual that i. al.o available .s a printed manual. For. description of it. contents ••ee the abstract for SY24-S1S6-0. lIa.. title •• .bove •. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYBO-8056 ~ !lU! 5740-XR9 This microfiche cont.ins listings of the program .hoNn in the title. Microfiche SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION OtILY LYBO-8061 OS/vS2 ~ SEQUENTIAL ~ METHOD-EXTENDED (SAM-E): Ilm AREAS MICRDFICHE LISTINGS This microfiche lists .nd describes control blocks in Sequential Accesll Method-Extended (SAM-E). The infOrMation provided about each control block. in addition to its name. includes the following .bout e.ch of its fields: • field name • its offllet • itll length • field dellcription Control blocks .re presented in .lphaMeric order of thei r common name .crony... Microfiche. 1 c.rd. 1/78 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB4-S1S9 OS/vSl ~ POINIIRESTART .I.Q!Ul; (MICROFICHE EDITION! This is a microfiche copy of a logic manual th.t is al.o av.ilable •• a printed manual. For a description of its contents ••ee the .bstr.ct of SY24-S1S9 ..... title •• • bove. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB4-S160 1fb ~ HIE ~ (MICROFICHE EDITION) This i •• microfiche copy of • logic manu. 1 that is .1.0 available as • printed manual. For a description of it. contents ••ee the ab.tract for SY24-S160-0. sam. title •• .bove. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYBO-8062 SEQUENIIAL ACCESS METHOD-EXTENDED (SAH-E): SYHBOLIC HA!1E ~ REFERENCE TABLE This microfiche contains. t.ble which lists each symbolic SYB4-S162 name that is accessed by MOre than one IIOdule. For each ~ ~ ~ CHARACTER WM8 .!:!!l!W. 1 .I.Q!U!; (MICROFICHE) lIymbolic name. the 1IOdu1es that acees. it. and the kind of .ccess •• re listed. Symbolic na.....re listed in aiphallleric Thill ill • microfiche copy of a logic Manual that is .1110 .vail.ble a• • printed manual. For. de.cription of it. order. In addi tion. the publication contains another t.ble contents. see the abstr.ct of SY24-S162. s.me title a. which lists each Macro that is used by MOre th.n one MOdule. abov•• For each ..cro. the names of the IIIOdules using it are Microfiche. 2/76 listed. Macros are lillted in .lphameric order. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Microfiche. 3 c.rds. 1/78 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB4-S163 OS/VS En DOCUMENT PROCESSOR LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITIQH! This is • microfiche copy of • logic manual that i. also GYBI-0012 Ql! ~ LOGIC .Elm 1419/1275 (MICROFICHE) .v.ilable .s a printed manual. For a description of its This ill a microfiche copy of a logic manual that i. aillo contents. see the .bstract of SY24-S163. s.me title •• available all • printed manual. For a description of its above. Microfiche. 2/76 contents. llee the abstract of GY21-0012. s.me title as above. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB4-S166 ~ LOGIC fi!B l!lH ~ (MICROFICIIE EDITION! This is • microfiche copy of a logic manual that is also GYBI-0013 available as a printed ..nual. For a description of its Ql! Ilm MANAGEMENT HAQRQ LOGIC .Elm 1285/1287/1288 (MICROFICHE) contents. see the abstr.ct for SY24-S166-0. same title as This is a microfiche copy of • logic ..nual that i ••1Bo above. available as a printed manual. For. description of its Microfiche. 2/76 contents. llee the abstract for GY21-0013. sa.. title .s SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY above. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB4-S168 ~ ..Hm MANAGEMENT .I.Q!Ul; ~ ! (MICROFICHE EDITION) Thill is a microfiche copy of a logic manual that is also SYB4-S1S5 available .s a printed manual. For a description of its ~ SUPERVISOR !J!§!!; (MICROFICHE EDITION) contents. s .. the .bstract for SY24-S168-0. sa.. title •• Thi. i. a microfiche copy of • logic manual that is .lso .bov•• available as a printed manu.l. For a description of its Microfiche. 2/76 contents. see the abstract for SY24-S1SS-0 ••ame title a. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ 831 SYB4 SYB6 fiYB4-S169 OSlVSl .mit !!ANA&EMENT ~ m ! IfICROFICHE EDITION) This is • •icrofiche copy of • logic ..nus! that is .lso available as a printed .anual. For a description of its contents, .e. the .bstr.ct for SY24-S169-0 ..... title a. above. Microfiche, 2/76 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYB4-6109 VSEIVSAH mg MANAGEMENT liAH .EUlYBi LISTINGS Microfiche listings for the prograM Mentioned in the title. Microfiche, 10 cards SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYB4-611 0 VSEIVSAM BACKUP J ~ RELEASE ! LISTINGS Microfiche listings for the prograM Mentioned in the title. Microfiche, 14 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY >JYB4-S170 a .I.!:!!ill: MICROFICHE This is a .icrofiche copy of • logic ..nual that is .lso available a •• printed ..nual. For. description of its contents, s .. the abstract for SY24-S170-0, sa.. title .s above. Microfiche, 2 carda, 5/77 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYB6-3814 LOADER ~ (MICROFICHE EDITION) This is a .icrofiche copy of a logic aanual that is also available as a printed manual. For a description of its contents, sea the abstract of SY26-3814, saee title as above. Microfiche, 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYB4-6101 ~ .w; fI!.Q§ 5746-)0(1. LISTINGS (CURREN! RELEASE) Microfiche prograM listings and index of basic IIOdules and 118cros for Db/I DOSIVS Version 1.5 5746-ZZ1-00, a licensed IBM prograM product. Microfiche, reduced 45x, 28 cards, 6/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Ina SYB6-381S OSIVS .l.!!:!!SMi! ~ (MICROFICHE EDITION) This is a microfiche copy of a logic manual that is also available as a printed Manual. For a description of its contents, .ea the abstract of SY26-381S, same title as above. Microfiche, 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY w.rm LYB4-6102 VSEIVSAM .w; fBQ§ 5746-AH2 ~ LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) Microfiche listings for the prograM named in the titl•• Microfiche, reduced 4Sx, 82 cards, 11179 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB6-3836 ImAM .bQ!!Il; (MICROFICHE EDITION) This is a .icrofiche copy of a logic aanual that is also available as a printed manual. For a description of its contents, sea the abstract of SY26-3836, sa.. title as above • Microfiche, 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYB4-6103 VSEIVSAM H.I.EL. .w; fBQ§ 5746-XXl-80 (CURRENT RELEASE) Microfiche progr•• listings and index of basic MOdules and ..cros for Db/I DOSIVS Version 1.5 HLPI ICR 5746-XXI-00, a 1 i censed IBM prograM product. Microfiche, reduced 45x. 40 c.rds, 04179 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB6-3837 LYB4-6104 VSEIVSAM ~ MANAGEMENT liAH FEAME • .w; fBQ§ 5746-AM2. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) Microfiche progr•• li.tings of MOdules and ..cros for VSEIVSAH Space HanagelNll'\t Sa. Feature 5746-AH2, a licensed IBM prograM product. Microfiche, reduced 45x, 10 c.rds, 11/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY DADSM ~ 'MICROFICHE EDITION) This is a .icrofiche copy of a logic aanual that is also .vailable .s • printed aanual. For a description of its contents, sea the abstract of SY26-3837, same title as above. Microfiche, 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYB6-3838 ~ ~ LYB4-6105 II.l.Ll ~ S746-XXI. mmItI 1 JW&m 1 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) Microfiche PrograM Listings and Index of Basic Modules and Macros for: Db/I DOSIVS Version 1, Rele•• e 7, 5746-XX1 licensed prograM product. Microfiche (45X - High Density), 107 c.rds, 12/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LOGIC 'MICROFICHE EDITION) This is a .icrofiche copy of a logic ..nual that is also available as a printed ..nual. For a description of its contents, see the abstract of SY26-3838, sa.. title as above. Microfiche, 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYB4-6108 HYS/OCCF LISTINGS This .icrofiche prograM contains listings of MOdules .nd .acros for the HYS/Operator eo-..ications Control F.cility. Microfiche, 5 cards, 7/82 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB6-3839 OSIVS1 OPENICLOSE/EOV LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) This is a .icrofiche copy of a logic manual that is also available as a printed .anual. For a description of its contents, s .. the abstract of SY26-3839, sa.. title as above. Microfiche, 2176 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 832 / ( SYB6 SYB6-3840 J!tI .I.!2!Ul; (MICROFICHE EDITION) Thi. i. a microfiche copy of a logic ..nual thet i. al.o available a. a printed .anual. For a description of it. content. . . . . the ab.tract for SY26-3840 ..... title as • bov•• Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYB6-3841 !aIm!Al. m!B!!il ~ Hm!ml ~ .I.!l§IC (MICROFICHE EPITIONI Thi. i. a .icrofiche copy of a logic ..nual that i. al.o avail.bl••s a printed .anu.l. For. description of its content•• sea the .bstr.ct for SY26-3841 ••••• title .s .bov•• Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYB8 SYB7-7256 J.!l!ill: INTRODUCTION IQ m.!:l Thi. i. a microfiche copy of a logic manual that i. also available as a printed .anual. For a description of its contents . . . . the abstract for SY27-7256-0. sa.. title •• .bov•• Microfiche. 2176 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB7-7257 J.!l!ill: ~ mtI This is a microfiche copy of • logic manual that is also available as a printed manual. For a description of its contents ••e. the abstract for SY27-7257-0. sa.. title a. above. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB7-7266 3YB6-3851 ~ m!! PAn ABW This is • microfiche copy of a logic manual that is also avail.bl••s a printed .anual. For a description of its contents. see the abstract for SY27-7266-0. same title as above. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ !f!.:.l J!.I.H lliH! This i. a microfiche copy of • logic manual th.t i •• lso .vailabl••s • printed manual. For. description of its content•••ea the abstr.ct for SY26-3851-0 ..... title as abov•• Microfiche. 2 c.rds. 5/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB7-7271 VTAM EXECUTION SEOOENCES This is a microfiche copy of a logic manual that is also available as a printed manual. For a description of its contents. see the .bstract for SY27-7271-0. same title as above. Microfiche. 2 cards. 5/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB7-7240 ~ GRAPHICS ~ I:!m!QP LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) This is a microfiche copy of a logic .anual that is also available as a printed eanu.l. For a description of its contents ••e. the abstract of SY27-7240. sa.. title .s abov•• Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYB7-7241 GRAPHICS PRPBLEM-ORIENTED ROUTINES J.!l!ill: (MICROFICHE I This is a .icrofiche copy of a logic .anual that is also av.ilabl. as a printed manual. For a description of its contents. see the abstract of SY27-7241. same title as above. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYB8-0605 OSlVSl SYSTEM JlAIA AREAS (MICRPFICHE EDITION) This i. a .icrofiche copy of a logic manual that is also available as a printed .anual. For a description of its contents. see the abstract for SY28-0605-0. same title as above. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB8-0606 SYB7-7242 OSIVS GRAPHIC SUBROUTINE PACKAGE (GSP I B!! FORTRAN rl!. COBOL AtlP PLII LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) This is a .icrofiche copy of a logic .anual that is also available as a printed ..nusl. For a description of its contents. see the abstract of SY27-7242. sa.. title as above. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB7-7246 OS/VS §!AH LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) This is a microfiche copy of a logic manual that is also available as a printed manual. For a description of its contents. se. the abstract for SY27-7246-0. same title as above. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY JlAIA AREAS Contains SCP program listings for DSlVSl and/or DSlVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 6 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYB8-0635 m!Lllli.! SERVICE .AlP.:! J.!l!ill: (MICROFICHE EDITION) This microfiche set is equivalent to SY28-0635-0. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB8-0660 DSIVSl !Wi ACCOUNT FACILITY LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) This is a microfiche copy of a logic manual that is also available as a printed .anual. For a description of its contents. see the abstract for SY28-0660. same title as above. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 833 SYB8 LYB8 LYB8-0915 SYB8-0662 m .nn tOOi EXTENDED mE.W FACILITY .BDlIItI MANAGER: JW:6 ~ fRQ§ fBQll 5740-XE2 Thi. public.tion provides OS/vs2 MYS D.t. Area. for us. in inst.lling .nd debugging the progr•• product. The us.r of this public.tion .hou1d h.ve • MOrking knowledge of 0SIVS2 fU'ICtions .nd logic. It i. intended pri . . rily for IBM Progr.... ing Support Represent.tives. Microf.iche. 1 card. 8/77 SLSS:" IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY OLTEP LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) This is • • icrofiche copy of • logic IHnual that i • • lso .v.ilable .5 • printed .anual. For a description of its contents. see the abstract of SY28-0662 ••••• title as above. Microfiche. 2/76 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SYBS-0664 DOS/vS Am OS/VS TOLTEP LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) This is • • icrofiche copy of a logic manual th.t i. also available as a printed .anual. For. description of its contents ••ee the abstr.ct for SY28-0664-0. s ... title a. .bove. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB8-0669 SYSI. LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC (MICROFICHE .m!!l!!tI Thi. is • • icrofiche copy of a logic manual th.t is .150 .vailable .s • printed manual. For a description of its content•••ee the abstr.ct for SY28-0669-0 ••a . . title •• .bove. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYB8-0672 OS/vSl DYNAMIC SUPPORT SYSTEM ~ (MICROFICHE EDITION) This i • • •icrofiche copy of • logic m.nual that is also .v.ilable as a printed .anual. For. description of its contents. see the .bstr.ct of SY28-0672. sa. . title as .bove. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYB8-0959 OS/vS2 tOOi PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY. ill .!El§ 5740-XY5. JW:6 ~ This public.tion provides 0s/vs2 MVS D.t. Are.s for use in inst.lling and debugging the prograM product. The user of this public.tion should h.ve • working knowledge of 0SIVS2 fU'ICtions .nd logic. It i. intended priRrily for IBM Progr... ing Support Represent.tives. Microfiche reduced 45x. 1 c.rd. 3/78 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYB8-1019 OS/vs2 ~ CRYPTOGRAPHIC Y!:II! ~ DATA A!!W This public.tion provides OS/vS2 Cryptogr.phic Lnit Support D.t. Are.s for use in inst.lling .nddebugging the prograM product OS/vS2 HVS Cryptogr.phic Lnit Support. The user of this public.tion should have. working knowledge of 0SIVS2 fU'ICtions and logic. I t i. intended priIHrily for IBM Programming Support Represent.tives. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 1 c.rd SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYBS-I034 = MVS/SVSTEM ~ ~ ~ IlIAD MW LISTINGS This publication provides OS/vS2 MVS D.t. Areas for use in inst.lling .nd debugging the progr•• produCt OS/vs2 HVS/Sy.tee Product - JES2 Releasa 1. The user of this publication .hou1d hava a working knowledga of Os/vs2 fU'ICtions .nd logic. It is intended pri . . rily for IBM progr._ing Support Represent.tives. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 2 cards. 7/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYB8-0685 OS/VS SYSTEM MODIFICATION fBQ§R!!:l (SMP) LOGIC (MICROFICHE! This i. a microfiche copy of • logic manu.l that is .150 .v.il.ble .5 • printed manual. For. description of its content•••ee the .bstr.ct of SY28-0685 . . . . . title as .bove. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYB8-1038 =.mn HYS/SYSTEM PRODUCT ill I JW:6 ~ This public.tion provides OS/vS2 MYS D.t. Ara.s for use in inst.lling .nd debugging the progr•• product os/vS2 HVS/Syst_ Product - JES2 R.le.... 1. The user of this publication .hould have. working knoNledge of Os/vS2 fU'ICtions and logic. It i. intended pri •• rily for IBM PrograllMing Support Representatives. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 2 c.rds. 7/80 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYB8-0770 RESOURCE ~ ~ FACILITY !BAttla. 5740-1001. ~ ! RELEASE Z DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) . This publication provides MYS/XA data .re... for us. in inst.lling and debugging the prograM product MYSIXA racf 1.7. The user of this publication should hava • working knowledge of I1VS/XA f~tions and logic. It is intended prilHrily for Progr.... ing Support Represent.tives. Microfiche. 45x. 1 c.rd. 11/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYB8-1051 LYB8-0908 tOOi RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY .!B!!fl mlWJ!:I RelEASE !u. ill f!l.Q!i 5740-XY4. IlW ~ LISTINGS ~ ~ ~ HYS/sYSTEM ~ .!El§ 5740-XYS. LISTINGS Thi. public.tion provides OS/VS MYS data .rea. for usa in inst.lling and debugging the progr.m product os/vS2 MYS for IBM Programming Support Represent.tives. The user of this publication should have a MOrking knowledge of OS/vS2 f~tions .nd logic. It is intended priIHrily for IBM Progr.mming Support Represent.tives. Microfiche. 45x. 1 c.rd. 12/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ,u;n ~ 1 JW:6 A!WL ill This· public.tion provides os/vS2 Mils oat. Areas for use in inst.lling and debugging the progr•• product 0SIVS2 HVS/Syst. . Product - JES2 Release 2. The user of this public.tion .hould have a working knowledge of 0s/vs2 fU'ICtions and logic. It is intended priIHrily for IBM Progr.... ing Support Represent.tiveS. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 8 c.rds. 12/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 834 ( ~ \ ( LYCO LYB8 SYCO-9002 VMl370 AI! LIST £!,l; !! R4 This Microfiche contains listings of the program shown in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYB8-1055 !1VS/sYSTEM PRODUCT-JES3. 5740-XYN. -XYS. ~ ! JlA!A ~ LISTINGS (CURREtIT RELEASE! This publication provides OS/VS2 MYS Data Areas for use in installing and debugging the prograM product OSIVS2 MYS/Syst_ Product - JES3 Release 2. The user of this publication should have a working knowledge of OSIVS2 f~tions and logic. I t is intended pri . . rUy for IBM Progra_ing ~rt Representatives. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 12/80 SLSS: IBM ItITERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYCO-9003 VH/370 SEPP LIST LYB8-1119 ng EXTENSIONS !lSO/E!. 566S-28S. It!!! ~ This publication provides OSIVS2 MYS Data Areas for use in installing and debugging the prograM product T50 Extensions !lSOlE!. The user of this publication should have a NOrking knowledge of OSIVS2 f~tions and logic. It is intended pri . .rily for programming support representatives. Microfiche. reduced 45x. I card 11/81 SLSS: IBM ItITERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYB8-6849 LYCO-9004 ~ BSEPP LISTINGS. LIC PROG 5748-XX8 Microfiche listings for Systeml370 VHl370 Basic Syst_ Extensions Program Product (BSEPP). Microfiche (with TNL lHB5-0371). 5/78 SLSS: IBM ItITERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYCO-9005 m i l l fBQ!ii 5748-XX8. LISTINGS (CURREtIT RELEASE) Microfiche for all purchasers of this product. Microfiche reduced 4Sx. 97 cards SLSS: ISH ItITERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY !!.!A!! ! WORKSTATION SUPPORT LOGIC (MICROFICHE! This is a Microfiche copy of a logic . .nual that is also available as a printed Manual. For a description of its contents. see the abstract for SY28-6849-0. same as title above. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ This Microfiche contains listings of the program shown in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY VM/370 BSEPP. LYCO-9006 VM/370 REMOTE SPOOLING COMI1UHICATIONS SUBSYSTEM NETWORKING SYCO-2011 LISTINGS (CURREtIT RELEASE) Microfiche for all purchasers of this product. Microfiche. reduced 4Sx SLSS: IBM ItITERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = ~ !!:!!l ~ CRJE .!.!!m PROG 360-RC-5S1 ! ~ COMPONENT 5741-SCl-08 (MICROFICHE EDITION) This is a Microfiche copy of a logic Manual that is also available as a printed manual. For a description of its contents. see the abstract of GY30-2011. same title as above. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY QliL!:!fL. LYCO-9007 DIRECTORY MAItITENAHCE. 5748-XE4. DMPP LISTINGS (CURRENT RelEASE) Microfiche for all purchasers of this it_. Microfiche. 11 cards SLSS: ISH ItITERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 3YCO-2069 EM! .bQ.§!s; (MICROFICHE EDITION) This h; a Microfiche copy of a logic _nual that is also available as a printed manual. For a description of its contents. see the abstract for SY30-2069-0. same title as above. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYCO-9000 .m!! ~ ~ m.. LYCO-9008 MANAGEMEtIT SYSTEM f.!!R CHS. i l l fBQ!ii 5748-XXB LISTINGS (CURREtIT RELEASE! Microfiche for all purchasers of this product. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 5 cards. 12/81 SLSS: IBM ItITERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LYCO-9009 fllS SHARING fQB CHS. i l l fBQ!ii 5748-XXC. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) Microfiche for all purchasers of this product. Microfiche. reduced 45x SLSS: IBM ItITERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY VH/370 VH/ItITERACTIVE LISTINGS. ~ 5749-010 This publication is for the VMl370 Rl!IIIOte Spooling eo-..,ication Subsyst_. (RSCS). Microfiche Program Listings. Contains SCP prograM listings for VMl370 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYCO-9001 VMl370 ~ MICROFICHE This publication is for the VHl370 Interactive Probl. . Control Syst_ OPeS) Program Listings. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER Hb. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYCO-9010 VH/370 LISTINGS RelEASE ! .!.!!m This microfiche contains listings of the program shown in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ISH ItITERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 835 ( SYC5 LYCO LYCO-9011 LYCO-9029 mnI!l. MACHINE/INTERACTIVE PROOUCTIVITY FACILITY' ASSEMBLY LISTINGS Sourc. listings of asseMble files for PVH Release Level 3.0. Microfiche, 7 1/2 x 3 1/4 inches, 8 cards, 01/87 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYCO-9012 VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT, 5664-167, LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! This document contains AsseMbler Source Listings which Mere used to generate corresponding text files and IIOdulas. Microfiche, reduced 45x. 54 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYCO-9013 VIRTUAL MACHINE/sYSTEM PRODUCT. 5664-167. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! This document contains Assemler Source Listings which Mare used to generate corresponding t.xt files and 1IIOCIuJ.... Microfiche. reduced 45x. 31 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYCO-9014 VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PROOUCT. 5664-167. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! This document contains Assembler Source Listings which Mare used to generate corresponding text files and IIOCIules. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 58 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5748-MS1. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! This docuaent contains ASSEMBLER and PLS Sourc. listings which .... r. used to gen.rate corresponding text files and modules for R.lease 5 of VH/IPF. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 6 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC3-8041 AUg ~ ASSEMBLER 1Q§!C (MICROFICHE EDITION! This is a aicrofiche copy of a logic aanual that is also available as a printed ..nual. For a description of its contents. see the abstract of SY33-8041. sa.. title as above. Microfiche. 2/76 SL5S: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYCS-0003 CATALOG MANAGEMENT 1Q§!C (MICROFICHE EDITION! This is a aicrofiche copy of a logic manual that is also available as a printed aanual. For a description of its contents. see the abstract for SY35-0003. same title as above. Microfiche. 2/76 SL5S: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYC5-0005 UTILITIES LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION! This is a aicrofiche copy of a logic manual that is also available as a printed aanual. For a description of its contents. see the abstract for SY35-0005-0. same title as above. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYCO-9017 mIY!I. MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 5664-167. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! This doCUMent contains Assetllbler Source Listings which Mare used to generate corresponding t.xt files and IIOdules. Microfich.. reduced 45x. 2 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYCO-9018 mnI!l. MACHINE/SYSTEM PROOUCT. 5664-167. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! This dOCUMent contains Assembl.r Sourc. Listings which Mare used to generate corresponding t.xt files and IIOdules. Microfiche, reduced 45x. 3 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYCO-9019 VH/SP Contains aicrofiche listings for the progra. indicated in the titl •• Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ,-YCO-9027 VH/SP !!!li!1 PERFORMANCE OPTION 5664-173. Yl! LISTINGS Contains listings for VH/SP High Perforaance Option. Microfiche. 3/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYCO-9028 VH/SP !!fQ RELEASE 1.J! AP/MP LISTINGS. 5664-173 No abstract available. Microfiche. 3/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC5-0008 SERVICES 1Q§!C (MICROFICHE EDITION! This is a microfiche copy of a logic manual that is also available as a printed manual. For a description of its contents, see the abstract for SY35-0008. same title as' above. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ ~ SYC5-0012 OS/vS1 ~ 1Q§!C (MICROFICHE EDITION! This is a microfiche copy of a logic manual that is also available as a printed manual. For a description of its contents. see the abstract for SY35-0012-0. same title as above. Microfiche. 3/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC5-0014 JJ!Ag !!!fQR!l! LOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION! This is a microfiche copy of a logic manual that is also available as a printed aanual. For a description of its contents. sea the abstract of SY35-0014. same title as above. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SYC5-0015 OS/VS !!.ASl! STORAGE SYSTEM SERVICES 1Q§!C (MICROFICHE! This is a microfich. copy of a logic manual that is also available as a printed ..nual. For a description of its 836 ( ~ .. ( LYC7 SYCS content•••ee the abstract for SY35-0015. sa.. title a. above. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0453 Af rg ~ 5746-E2-AIT. ATTENTION ROUTINES Microfiche Assembly Listings for all Advanced Functions DOSIVS Attention Routine Modules. Microfiche. 3.2 X 7.4 cm. 1 card. 3/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION"ONLY SYC5-DD16 OSIVS ~ TABLE msill tOGIC (MICROFICHE EDITION) This is a microfiche copy of a logic manual that i. also available as a printed manual. For a description of its contents. see the abstract of SY35-0016. sa.. title as above. Microfiche. 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0454 Af rg DOSIVS. 5746-E2-DOC. DISPLAY OPERATOR ~ Microfiche Assembly Listings for all Advanced Functions DOS/VS'DOC Modules Microfiche. 3.2 x 7.4 cm. 1 card. 3/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-D3DO VIRTUAL MACHINE/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE. 5664-169. MIGRATION AIR LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) No abstract available. Microfiche. 6/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0455 Af III JI.Ql!ah 5746-E2-IPL. i l l !til BUFFER .J.QAg Microfiche Assembly Listings for all Advanced Functions DOSIVS IPL Modules. Microfiche. 3.2 x 7.4 ee. 1 card. 3/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0301 LYC7-0456 Af III ~ 5746-E2-JCL • .l!I! S!!fiRQ!. LANGUAGE Microfiche Assembly Listings for all Advanced functions OOSIVS Job Control Modules. Microfiche. 3.2 x 7.4cII. 3 cards. 3/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY FACILITY. 5664-169. gm LISTINGS Thi. publication consists of VH/XA Systems Facility CHS Component Source Listings for custOMer and support use. Microfiche. 6/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LYC7-D457 Af rg DOS/vs. 5746-E2-LBR. LIBRARIAN Microfiche Assembly Listings for all Advanced Functions DOS/vs Librarian .odul... Microfiche. 3.2 x 7.4 cm •• 4 cards. 3/77 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0302 MIGRATION AIlU 5664-169. I!.YHf! ~ FACILITY No abstract available. Microfiche. 6/84 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYC7-0450 = ANALYSIS PROGRAM !.z. LISTINGS ~ COI1PONENT 5745-SC-APC This document contains assembler listings for all DOS/vs analysis program IIOdules. 5745-SC-APC. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYC7-0458 AE rg ~ 5746-E2-lNK. ~ m:mB Microfiche Assembly Listings for all Advanced Functions DOS/vs Linkage Editor modules. Microfiche. 3.2 x 7.4 c ••• 1 card. 3/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-0451 DOSIVS MAINTAIN ~ !!!lml!U .!.m!!!i Microfiche Assembly Li.tings of DOSIVS Maintain Syst.. History. 5745-SC-UTS Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0459 AE rg ~ 5746-E2-PDA. PROBLEM DETERMINATION AI!!.! Microfiche Assembly Listings for all Advanced Functions DOs/vs PDAID modules. Microfiche. 3.2 x 7.4 CII •• 3 cards. 3/77 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-0452 DOS/vs ~ (CARDLESS) INDEPENDENT COMPONENT RelEASE .ll.:..!! This document contains assembler listings for DOSIVS OLTEP (Cardless) Independent Component Release 33.0. "Cardless" refers to a computer system which has no card reader or card punch equipment configuredl but does have a 3540 Diskette I/O unit in lieu of card equipment. T_ manuals support DOSIVS OLTEP "Cardless" R 33.0: 6C33-5383-2. DOSIVS OLTEPI SY33-8568-1. DOSIVS OLTEP Logic. DOSIVS OLTEP (Cardless) R33.0 is intended for use by IBM Customer Engineersl however. the custoller can use it to help isolate syst.. faUures or to periodically check I/O devices. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0460 Af rg ~ 5746-E2-SUP. SUPERVISOR Microfiche Assembly Listings for all Advanced Functions DOSIVS Supervisor Modules. Microfiche. 3.2 x 7.4 CII. 3 cards. 3/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0461 VSE/S/3-3340 ~ IMPORT LISTINGS Microfiche Assembly Listings of VSE Systeal3 3340 D.t. Il!lpOrt. Microfiche. 1 card SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 837 LYC7 LYC7 LYC7-0462 14011144011460 EIllLAIQR 574S-SC-EML 1IilW MICROFICHE LISTINGS The IBM Syst... 1401/1440/1460 E.ulator Progra. - hereafter referred to a. the 1400 EllUlator - alloNS the execution of 1400 progra. on IBM 4331 .achines equipped Nith the 1400 eo.patibiUty Feature and on IBM 4341 Nith the 1400 Si.ulator generated a. part of the 1400 Emulator. The • i.ulation of disk I/O on FBM (Fixed Block Hode) devices is provided. The 1400 EllUlator rU'lS as a probl_ progra. under control of the DOS Releases 26 and 27 or all DOs/vS Releases up to Release 34 and OOSIVSE Nith VSE/Advanced Functions. As a probl_ progra. it i. possible to integrate the 1400 E.ulator into a DOS. Dos/vs or DOSIVSE syst... and to take advantage of the capabiliti .... of such a syst. . . Several 1400 EllUlators. up to the nuaber of partitions available. can run concurrently. Microfiche. 6 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SlESCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0464 INTERACTIVE COMMINS Am ~ FACILITY ill fB.Q§ 5746-TSI. MICROFICHE LISIINSS This docueent contains assembler listings for all VSE/ICCF eodules and the PVS source used to generate these listings. This docueent i. intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of progra. design errors. Microfiche. 44 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ Microfiche. 4 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0470 VSE/vsAH BACKUP/RESTORE FEATURE. ill fBQ!! 5746-AM2. LISTINGS (CURREN[ RELEASE) Microfiche listings for VSE VSAH Backup Features • Microfiche. reduced 45x. 12 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0471 VSE/OPERATOR COI1I1UNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY. mnml L. RELEASE lL MOOIFICATION 1L 5746-XC5 Microfiche listings for progra. indicated in title. Microfiche. 5 cards. 8/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0472 Q§al! RPGII! ill fRQ§ 5740-RGI. LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for .11 OS/RPGII IIDdules and the PVS source to generate these listings. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of program design errors. Microfiche, 18 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0476 DOWNSTREAM LOAD UTILITY 5668-006. LISTINGS This dOcument contains assembler listings for all doNn strea. load IIOdules and the PVS source used to generate these listings. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of progra. design errors. Microfiche, 2 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYC7-0465 VSE/ACCESS ~ LOGGIN§ ! REPORTIN§ .I.I!O f!m§ S746-XE7' LISTINGS (CURREN! RELEASE) This docueent contains Assembler listings for all VSE/Access Control Itodul.. and the PVS source used to generate these U.tings. This d~t is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of progra. design errors. Microfiche 3 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY = SYC7-0466 OOS/vs l2ll PROCESSOR !QB 5745-010 MICROFICHE LISTINGS Microfiche assembler listings for DOSIVS IBM 3031 Processor ICR IIOdules. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUlSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0483 VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/PRIORITY mlI.!!!l! WRITERS. EXECUTION PROCESSORS. ~ INPUT READERS. 5666-273. VERSION! LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) These are assembly listings for VSE power. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0467 A.E lSI !!JmlVL lj746-XE2. llW. PROCESSOR m! LISTINGS Microfiche assembler Ustings for DOSIVS IBM 3031 Processor ICR eodules. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0468 :aBIYAJ. ~ EXTENDED/INTERACTIVE C!l!1MINS Am ~ FACILITY. 5146-TSI. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) Microfiche ASSEMBLY Listings for VSE/ICCF Version 1. Release 3. Hodification levelS. This dOcument is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of progra. errors. Microfiche. 39 cards. 1983 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SlESCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0469 mnw. ~ EXTENOED/APVANCEO FUNCTIONS' 5746-AI14. ~ DATA m ~ LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) fW Microfiche Assembler Li.tings for VSE/AF fast copy data .et IIOdules. ./ SYC7-0482 VSE/ON-LINE TEST EXECUTIVE PR!l6RAM. 5656-092-01 (F23). LISTINGS Microfiche listings for all VSE/OLTEP eodules and basic ..eros. Microfiche, 4 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0484 VSE/POIIER SHARED SPOOLING FEATURE LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) These are asseably listings for VSE/Power Shared Spooling Feature. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0486 VSE/POWER. 5666-273. ~ lL !W,glli lL MOOIFICATION ! Assembly listings - Microfiche fQr VSE/Power Version 2, Release 2, Modification 0 Microfiche. 56 cards. 8/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION" ONLY 838 LYC7 SYC7 :oYC7-0489 DOWNSTREAM LOAD UTILITY' 11k fBQ§ 5668-006 ~ LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all Downstrea. Load aodules and the PL/S source used to generate these listings. This docUlllent is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of program design errors. Microfiche. 2 cards. 4/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0905 I!rui SORT/t1ERGE ~ i l l PROG 5746-SM2 LISTINGS !CURRENT RELEASE) These microfiche cards contain program listings of all modules of DOS/vS Sort/Merge. 5746-SM2. Together .. ith the program logic manual for DOS/vS Sort/t1erge. LY33-8044. they are intended for use by field engineering in support of the program. Microfiche. 38 cards. 10/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0490 OS/vSl DOWNSTREAM .bQ!g UTILITY' 11k fBQ§ 5668-006 ll!!1h. LISTINGS SYC7-1117 SYSTEM/370 ~ MULTIFONT PREPROCESSOR SUPPORT LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all downstreaM load modules and the PS/S source used to generate these PROGRAM NUl'IBER 360A-TX-031 Syste.t370 OS Preprocessor Support assembly listings. listings. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of prograM design errors. Microfiche Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1119 SYSTEM/370 I!rui MULTIFDNT PREPROCESSOR SUPPORT LISTINGS ~ DOWNSTREAM .bQ!g UTILITY. 5668-006. LISTINGS ~ ~ 360A-TX-030 System/370 DOS Preprocessor Support assembly listings. This document contains ASSEtmLER listings for all DONnStrea. Load Modules and the PS/S Source used to generate these Microfiche listings. This document is intended for use by IBM SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY personnel for the correction of prograM design errors. Microfiche. 2 cards. 2/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1932 R!§K OPERATING SYSTEM/vIRTUAl ~ ATTENTION ROUTINES LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-AIT Microfiche assembly listings of DOS/vS Attention Routines. LYC7-0499 SERIAL Qgt! INTERFACE ACCESS METHOD VERSION 1 ~ 1 Microfiche Assembly listings of basic user macros. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This publication is intended for use by custOMers and field engineers for problem determination and .aintenance purposes. SYC7-1933 R!§K OPERATING SYSTEM/vIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD SERVICES Microfiche. 2 cards. 09/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY PROG fR!m 5745-SC-AtlS Microfiche assembly listings of DOS/vS Access Method Svcs. Microfiche LYC7-0500 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SERIAL Qgt! INTERFACE ACCESS ~ !SOEMI). 5666-330. VERSION L. RELEASE 1 Assembly listings of basic user Macros. SYC7-1934 This publication is intended for use by customers and field DOS/vs ASSEMBLER LISTINGS. COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-ASH engineers for the probl.. determination and maintenance Microfiche assembly listings of DOS/VS Assembler. purposes. Microfiche Microfiche. 2 cards. 9/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-0491 = LYC7-0903 SORT/t1ERGE Y LISTING. PROG fR!m 5746-SMI This set of microfiche cards contains program listings of all the modules of DOS/vS SORT/MERGE. 5746-SHI. Together· .. ith the program logic manual for DOS/vS SORT/MERGE Order No. LY33-3038. they are intended for use by field engineering in support of the program. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYC7-0904 m!m SORT/t1ERGE 1::1 LISTINGS. 11k fBQ§ 5740-SHI SYC7-1935 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL ~ §IAH LISTINGS COtlPONENT ~ 5745-SC-BTM Microfiche assembly listings of DOs/vs BTAM. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1936 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/vIRTUAL STORAGE CHECKPOINTIRESTART LISTINGS Cm1PONENT ~ 5745-SC-CKR Microfiche assembly listings of DOS/vS Checkpoint/Restart. Microfiche . SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = The microfiche cards contain program listings of all .adules of OS/vs Sort/t1erge. 5740-SMI. Together .. ith the program logic manual for OS/VS Sort/Merge order no. LY33-8042. They SYC7-1937 are intended for use by field engineering in support of the R!§K OPERATING SYSTEM/vIRTUAl STORAGE ~ ACCESS METHOD program. LISTINGS COMPONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-DAH Microfiche assembly listings of DOS/vS Direct Access Method. Microfiche. 285 cards SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = 839 SYC7 SYC7 SYC7-1938 SYC7-1948 ~ ~ opERATING SYSIEMIVIRTUAL ~ a m::IIl!!U. LISTINGS COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-JCL Microfiche assembly listings of DOSIVS Job Control. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRJUAL ~ ~ lBE LISTINGS C0I1PONENT NUMBER 5745-SC-DKE Microfiche Assembly Listings of DOSIVS Disk ERP. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1939 SYC7-1949 OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE DISPLAY OPERATOR LISTINGS COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-DOC Microfiche assembly listings of DOSIVS Display Operator Console. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL·~ LIBRARIAN LISTINGS COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-lBR Microfiche assembly listings of DOSIVS Librarian. title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ = ~ SYC7-1940 OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE SEQUENTIAL ll!mS 1m;! LISTINGS COMPONENT ~mER 5745-SC-DSK Microfiche assembly listings of DOSIVS Sequenti.l Disk lacs. ~ SYC7-1950 OPERAIING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL ~ .I.lf:!!S!!iiE GmlB LISTINGS COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-bNK Microfiche .ssembly listings of DOSIVS Linkage Editor. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ = Mic ..ofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. = SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1951 IWiK OPERAIING SIUEM/VIRTUAL ~ MAGNETIC CHARACTER READER IQg LISTINGS COMPONENT NLtIBER 5745-SC-HCR Microfiche .ssembly listings of DOSIVS Magnetic Character Ruder IOCS. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SlBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1942 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL ~ ~ LISTINGS COl'IPONENT ~ 5745-SC-ERP Mic ..ofiche .ssembly listings of DOSIVS EREP. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = SYC7-1943 ll!mS OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL ~ MODEL !Jl EtRJLAIOR LISTINGS COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-E20 Mic ..ofiche assembly listings of DOSIVS Model 20 Eaul.tor. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1952 SYC7-1944 DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE COMPILER ug !!!mYW LISTINGS COMPOIIENT !!Yt!!Wi 5745-SC-IOM Mic ..ofiche assembly li .. tings of DOS/VS eo.piler 110 Modules. Mic ..ofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYCZ-1953 IWiK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRIUAL ~ ~ LISTINGS COMPONENT ~ 5Z45-SC-OLT Contains SCP progr•• listings for DOSIVS a••pecified in the titl•• Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SlBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ OPERATING SlSTEM/VIRIUAL ~ ~ CHARACTER ~ ~ LISTINGS COMPONENT ~ 5Z45-SC-OCR = = SYC7-1945 DISK OPERATINS SYSTEM/VIRTUAL ~ ~ !t!Il ~ INDEPENDENCE LISTINGS COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-IOX Mic ..ofiche Assembly Listings of DOSIVS IOCS .nd Deyice Independence. Mic ..ofiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONI,.Y = SYC7-1946 OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE m !til! IYEUB Wll LISTINGS COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-IPL Mic..ofiche as ..embly li .. tings of DOSIVS IPL and Buffer Load. title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SlBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ = = Microfiche .ssembly listings of DOSIVS OCR IOCS. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SlBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1954 OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORASE ~ LISTIH6S COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-PPA Microfiche assembly listings of DOSIVS PDAIDS. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SlBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYCZ-1955 ll!mS OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL ~ fAflB J1fI ~ LISTINGS COMPONENT ~ 5Z45-SC-PTP Microfiche assembly listings of DOSIVS Paper Tepe lacs. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = SYCZ-1956 SYC7-1947 ll!mS OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL .!iIORA§g .!!Wt LISTINGS COIIPONENT I:!Y!:!!W! 5745-SC-ISM Microfiche a....embly listings of DOSIVS ISAM. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRIUAL ~ BII&l LISTINGS COI1PONENT ~ 5Z45-SC-PWR Cont.ins SCP progra. listings for DOSIVS .s specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 840 / ( SYC7 SYC7 SYC7-1957 EW!K OPERATIN§ SYSTEIVYIRTUAL III!!W .iDI! LWIN§S COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-QIM Microfiche asseMbly listings of DOSIVS GrAH. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1966 EW!K PPERATINS SYSTEHlVIRTUAl STORAGE DISKETTE IOCS 5745-SC-DIO Microfiche asseMbly listings of DOSIVS Diskette IOCS. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1958 EW!K OPERATING SYSTEIVYIRTUAL Jm!B6§g Bm! LISTINGS COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-RMS Microfiche asseMbly listings of DOSIVS RMSR. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1968 S:YC7-1959 EW!K OPERATIN& SYSTEIVYIRTUAL III!!W SUPERVISOR LISTIt!§S COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-SUP Microfiche asseMbly listings of DOSIVS Supervisor. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1969 aYC7-1960 EW!K OPERATINIj SYSTEIVYIRTUAl m!HA§l I1A6NETIC Im !DSI LISTINGS :: COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-TAP Microfiche asseably listings of DOSIVS Magnetic Ta~ IOCS. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1972 ~Y!!!J Microfiche AsseMbly Listings of DOSIVS VTAH Routines. 5745-SC-vnt. Microfiche .SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ELnP LISTINGS :: COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-TLT Microfiche assembly listings of DOSIVS TOLTEP Routines. 5745-SC-TLT. Microt;che SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ TELEC!lI!1UNICATIONS ACCESS ~ 8l!l 3600 SYSTEM INDEX Microfiche AsseCbly - Listings Index to be used to locate individual IIOdules and ..cros in the follo .. ing components: 5745-SC-VTAH. 5745-SC-TLT. 5745-SC-SSS. 574S-SC-124. (i.e. For. Nos. SYC7-1968. SYC7-1969. SYC7-1970-1. SYC7-1971 1971 respectively. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYC7-1961 OPERATINS SYSTEMIVIRTUAL ~ I6fl II! LISTIN&S COMPONENT t!Y!mm 5745-SC-TPE Microfiche assaDbly listings of DOSIVS Tape ERP. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ( SYC7-1962 EW!K OPERATINS SmEIVYIRTUAL ~ mm! IITILITI PROGRAMS LISTINGS :: COMPONENT ~ 5745-SC-UJL Microfiche assembly listings of DOSIVS System Utility Progra.... Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1976 DOSIVS pPWERIVS Blli m!A 1m :: ~ COMPONENT 5745-SC-pwR Microfiche asseCbly Ustings of DOSIVS POWERIVS RJE. SNA IC! Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1980 ATTENTION ROUTINES 5745-SC-AIT (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains assembler Listings for all DOSIVSE Attention Routine .adules and the PVS source used to generate these listings. This docUlllent is intended for use by ISH personnel for the correction of progra.. design ~ SYC7-1963 EW!K OPERATING SYSTEIVYIRTUAL ~ mrI LImNSS COMPQNENT ~ 5745-SC-YSM Microfiche asseMbly listings of DOSIVS VSAM. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY errors. Microfiche. 3 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1981 ANALYSIS fIm!i!WI CO!1!'QNENT 5745-SC-APC ilW MICROFICHE LISTINGS This cIocuIunt contains asselllbler Listings for all DOSIVSE Analysis Progra.. Component MOdules and the PVS source used to generate these listings. This document is intended for use by ISH personnel for the correction of progra.. design errors. Microfiche. 2 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYC7-1964 II!m DISTRIBUTION f!!E!!:I LISTINSS !5745-SC-DIS) Microfiche asseMbly listings of DOSIVS DOS Distribution Progra •• Microt;che SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYC7-1965 ~6m~~mwI TMs is the .aster index for DOSIVS and DOSIVSE .icrofiche. Master Index. 12 cards. 12/85 SLSS: ORDER No. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1982 ASSEMBLER 574S-sc-ASH ilW MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains asseMbler listings for all DOSIVSE Assambler IIOdules and the PVS source used to generate these Ustings. This document is intended for use by 1M personnel for the correct i on of progra. des i gn errors. Microfiche. 11 cards ~ 841 SYC7 SYC7 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1989 SEQUENTIAL .Dl.§K !Qg! 5745-SC-DS!( (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all DOS/vsE Sequential Disk IOCS modules and the PL/S source used to generate these listings. This doCument is intended for use by IBM personnel for the co.. rection of p ..ogra. design errors. Microfiche, 5 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SYC7-1983 DOSIVSE CHECKPOINTIRESTART 5745-SC-CKR (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document cont .. ins .. ssembler listhlgS for .. 11 DOSIVSE Checkpoint/Rest.. rt modules .. nd the PL/S sou .. ce used to gener.. te these listings. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of p ..ogr... design errors. Mic ..ofiche, 2 c ....ds SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1984 DOSIVSE DIRECT ACCESS ~ 5745-SC-DAM llill MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document cont .. ins ..ssembler listings for all DOS/vsE Direct Access Method modules and the PL/S source used to gene..ate these listings. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of prograM design errors. Mic .. ofiche. 1 card SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1985 OOSIVSE ~KETTE IOCS 5745-SC-DIO llill MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all DOS/vsE Diskette IOCS modules and the PL/S sou .. ce used to generate these listings. This document is intended for use by IBM pe ..sonnel fo .. the co .. rection of prog ..... design e .. ro..s. Mic ..ofiche, 2 ca ..ds SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 3YC7-1986 DOSIVSE DISTRIBUTION fB.!!!i!RA!:! 5745-SC-DIS llill MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document cont .. ins assembler listings for all DOSIVSE Distribution P..ogr... eodules and the PL/S source used to gene .. ate these listings. This document is intended for use by IBM pe .. sonnel for the co.. rection of p ..og ..... design errors .. Microfiche, 2 c .. rds SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1987 ~ DISK ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES 5745-SC-DKE (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document cont .. ins assemble.. listings fa .. all DOS/vsE DKE IIOdules and the PL/S sou .. ce used to gene ..ate these listings. This document is intended fa .. use by IBM pe ..sonnel for the co ....ection of p ..ogra. design er ..ors. Mic .. ofiche, 1 card SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1988 OPERATOR CONSOLE 5745-SC-OOC llill MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all DOSIVSE DOC IIOdules and the PL/S sou ..ce used to generate these listings. This document is intended fa .. use by IBM personnel for the co.... ect i on o.f program des i gn errors. Mic ..ofiche, 3 c .... ds SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ ·SYC7-1990 DOSIVSE EREP ! DOSIVS INTERFACE 5745-SC-ERl (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all DOs/vsE ERI modules and the PL/S sou..ce used to generate these listings. This document is intended for use by IBtt personnel for the correction of p ..ogram design er ..ors. Mic ..ofiche, 40 ca ..ds SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1991 DOSIVSE CO!1PILER UQ ~ 5745-SC-IOM (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all DOSIVSE Colllpi leI' I/O IIOdules and the PL/S source used to gene ..ate these listings. This document is intended for use by IBM pe..sonnel for the co....ection of p ..og .. am design e ....ors. tticrofiche, 24 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1992 !til ~ INDEPENDENT UQ 5745-SC-IOX (350) ttICROFICHE LISTINGS This document cont .. ins assembler listings for all DOS/vsE lOX eodules and the PL/S sou ..ce used to generate these listings. This document is intended for use by IBtt pe ..sonnel for the co....ection of program design errors. Microfiche, 19 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~!Qg! SYC7-1993 DOSIVSE i l l !til BUFFER LOAD 5745-SC-IPL llill MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document cont .. ins assembler listings for all DOS/vsE IPL and Buffe.. Load modules .. nd the PL/S sou.. ce used to generate these listings. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of p .. ogr.. m design errors. Microfiche, 3 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1994 DOSIYSE ~ 5745-SC-ISIt llill MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document cont.. ins .. ssemble .. listings fa ....11 DOSIVSE ISAIf eodules .. nd the PL/S source used to generate these listings. This document is intended for use by IBtt pe ..sonnel for the cor .. ection of progr... design e .. rors. Microfiche, 2 c .. rds SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1995 J.Q§ CONTROL 574S-SC-JCL llill MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings fo .. all DOSIVSE Job control IIOdules and the PL/S sou ..ce used to generate these listings. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the cor ..ection of prog ..~. design e .. rors. tticrofiche, 5 c .. rds ~ 842 - - - - _ .. _.... _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( SYC7 SYC7 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY personnel for the correction of prograM dt!5ign errors. Microfiche. 1 card SLSS: ORDER NIl. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1996 DOSIVSE LIBRARIAN 5745-SC-LBR (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains assembler Hstings for all DOSIVSE Librarian modules and the PL/S source used to generate these lisHngs. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of prograM dt!5ign errors. Microfiche. 10 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1997 5745-SC-LHK mJ!.! MICROFICHE LISTINGS This doc....ent contains assembler Hstings for all DOSIVSE Lhlkage EdUor IIOdules and the PL/S source used to generate the5e lisHngs. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of program design errors. Microfiche. 1 card SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ ~ SYC7-2003 DOSIVSE RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT 5745-SC-RMS ~ MICROFICHE LISTINGS This docUMent contains asseoobler listings for all DOSIVSE Recovery Management Support IIOdules and the PL/S source used to generate these listings. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of prograM dt!5ign errors. Microfiche. 3 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-2004 DOS/ySE SPECIFIC ~ ~ 5745-SC-SDS ~ MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all DOSIVSE SDS .odules and the PL/S source used to generate the5e Hstings. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of prograM dt!5ign errors. Microfiche. 1 card SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1998 DOSIVSE MAGNETIC CHARACTER READER ~ 5745-SC-HCR (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all DOSIVSE HeR lIodules and the PL/S source used to generate these listings. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of program design errors. Microfiche. 1 card SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-2005 DOSIVSE SUPERVISOR 5745-SC-SUP (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all DOSIVSE Supervisor modules and the PL/S source used to generate these listings. This docUlllent is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of prograM dt!5ign errors. Microfiche. 12 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-1999 CHARACJER READER IQgi 5745-SC-QCR .ua!U MICROFICHE LISTItlGS This document contains assembler listings for all DOSIVSE OCR modules and the PL/S source used to generate the5e listings. This docuaent is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of program design errors. Microfiche. 1 card SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SYC7-2006 DOS/ySE MAGNETIC IAfg IQgi 5745-SC-TAP ilill MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all DOSIVSE TAP IIOdules and the PL/S source used to generate the5e listings. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of prograM design errors. Microfiche. 1 card SLSS: ORDER NIl. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY iYC7-2000 DOS/ySE ONLINE TEST EXECUTIVE 5745-SC-OLT (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all DOSIVSE OLT modules and the PL/S source used to generate these Hstings. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of program design errors. Microfiche. 3 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-2007 ~ IAfg IBRQB RECOVERY 5745-SC-TPE ~ MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all DOSIVSE Tape Error Recovery Procedure modules and the PL/S source used to generate the5e Hstings. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of prograM design errors. Microfiche. 2 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-2001 DOSIVSE PROBLEM DETERMINATION AIDS 5745-SC-PDA (350) MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains asseoobler listings for all DOS/vSE PDAID Modules and the PL/S source used to generate the5e listings. This document is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of prograM design errors. Microfiche. 22 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SYC7-2002 DOS/VSE ~ TAPE ~ 5745-SC-PTP .ua!U MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for all DOSIVSE Paper Tape IOCS modules and the PL/S source used to generate the5e Hstings. This document is intended for use by IBM SYC7-2008 DOSIVSE ~ UTILITIES 5745-SC-UTL ilill MICROFICHE LISTINGS This document contains assembler listings for .11 DOSIVSE System Utility MOdules and the PL/S source used to generate the5e listings. This docUlllent is intended for use by IBM personnel for the correction of prograM design errors. Microfiche. 14 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 843 ( SYC7 SYC7-2009 LYC7 LYC7-2017 IIlmaH ""INTAIN llUIm HImlBI SZ4S-SC-urs JJW YII!!!W. MICROFICHE LISTINGS This docu.ent cont.ins a ••.abl.r li.tings for all Dos/vsE Maintain Syst_ Hi.tory IIOdules and the PVS sourc. used to generate these listings. This c:IocunIent is intended for us. by IBM persornel for the correction of progr•• design . Microfiche asseMbler listings for all YSE/AF DKE IIOdules. Microfiche. 1 card. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ EXTENDED/ADYANCED FUNCTI". S746-XE8. IWIJS UBllB RECOVERY PROCEDURES LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) errors. Microfiche. 26 cards SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYe7-2018 . (CURRENT RELEASE) FUNCTIONS' S746-XE8. !~~~j~~~~j~~~~~"~ ngs all YSE/AF DOC IIOCIules. -!"I...u..~!>! LYe7-2010 m.IlI!L JIl&!iIi EXTENDEDtADVANCED F!l!CTIONS. SN-XE8. mENTION R!lUTINES LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) Microfiche as.eebler li.tings for all VSE/AF attention routines IIOdules. Microfiche. 3 cards. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Lye7-20U· mnw. mlIWii EXTENDEDtADVANCED F!IICTIONS. SN-XE8. ASSEMBLER LISTINIiS (CURRENT RELEASE) Microfiche a.saebl.r li.tings for all VSE/AF a ••..bler IIOdules Microfiche. U Cards. 12179 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-2012 m.IlI!L .IIJIB!B EXTENDEDtADYANCED FlI!CTlONS. S7M-XE8. CHEC!(POINJIRESTABT LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) Microfiche as.embler li.ting for all YSE/AF checkpoint/restart MOdul... Microfiche. 2 cards. 12179 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYe7-2013 mnw. .IIJIB!B EXTENDEDIADYANCED FIIICTIQNS. SN-XE8. IWWOI ggy l1m!.!!!l LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) Microfiche ••• embler li.tings for .11 YSE/AF direct .cees. _thod IIOdules. Microfiche. 1 card. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Microfiche. 3 c.rds. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-2019 VSE/ADYANCED FUNCTIONS' .w; mmi S746-XE8. ~ mlI!!!!2BI FACILITIES. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Microfiche .s.embler listings for all VSE/AF DSF Modules. Microfiche. 21 cards. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-2020 mnw. ~ EXTENDED/ADYANCED FUNCTIONS. S746-XE8. SEQUENTIAL INM/!lUTM CONFIGURATlDN SYSTEM LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Microfiche .ssembler listings for all YSE/AF Sequential Disk IOCS MOdules. Microfiche. 7 cards. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-2021 YSE/ADYANCED F!KIIONS. ill mmi S746-XE8. EREPI LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Microfiche assembler listings for all YSE/AF EREPI Modules. Microfiche. 40 cards. 12/79 SLSS: IBM' INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYe7-2022 mnw. .mmm EXTENDED/ADYANCED FUNCTIONS' S746-XEI;!. COMPILER INPU!/OIJTPU! ~ LISTINSS (CURRENT RELEASE) Microfiche asseMbler listings for all YSE/AF 10M Modules. Microfiche. 22 cards. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYe7-2014 m.IlI!L .IIJIB!B EXTEHDEDtADYAHCED FII!CTIQNS. SN-XE8. ~ IWt1f! UIlLlIX LIST!NSS (CURRENT RELEASE) Microfiche ••••abl.r li.tings for .11 YSE/AF dyne.ic duep ..,tUity IIOdules. Microfiche. 1 c.rd. 12179 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-2023 XIBll!Al. m!I!A!ii EXTENDEDIADYANCED F!KIIONS' S746-XE8 • INMIllUTM CDNFIGURATIQN llUIm At!D ~ INDEPENDENT INPUT(OUTfUT LISTINGS (CUBRENT RELEASE I Microfiche assembler listings for all YSE/AF lOX Modules. Microfiche. 21 cards. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY I.YC7-201S m.IlI!L .IIJIB!B EXTENDED/ADVANCED FlIfCTI". SN-XE8. IWIJS INMIOUTM CONFI§tJ8ATIQN umrJ LISTINIiS (CURRENT RELEASE) Microfiche ••• eebl.r 1i.tings for .11 YSE/AF Di.k.tte IOCS IIOdules. Microfiche. 2 cards. 12179 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYe7-2024 mnw. ~ EXTENDED/ADYANCED FUNCTIONS' SN-XE8. .lI:ilIW. fRmiIWJ .IJ2AIl &:m m!fHR .IJ2AIl LISTINGS (C!J!!RENT RELEASE! Microfiche Assembler Listings for all YSE/AF IPL eodules. Microfiche. 4 cards. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~YC7-2016 . EXTENDEDIADYANCED FUNCI!". SN-XE8. DISTRIBUTION fRl!!iBM:I LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Microfiche ••• aebl.r listings for .11 YSE/AF di.tribution prog. IIOdules. Microfich.. 1 card. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY mnw. mIBm LYC7-202S mnw. ~ EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. S746-XE8. 1tl!WWl SEQUENTIAL ggy IWI:!Q!l LISTINGS (CUBRENT RELEASE! Microfiche assembler Listings for all VSE/AF ISAM eodules. Microfiche. 2 cards. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ./ LYC7 LYC7 LYC7-2026 LYC7-2034 ngs Microfiche. 3 cards. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY IIOdules. Microfiche. 6 cards. 12/79 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-2035 Ym.!Y!l. LYC7-2027 VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XES. LIBRARIAN LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Microfiche Assembler Listings for all VSE/AF Librarian IIOdules. Microfiche. 17 cards. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTI!lI~. 5746-XES. SPECIFIC DEVICE ~ LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Microfiche Assembler Listings for all VSE/AF SDS modules. Microfiche. 1 card. 12/79 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-2036 Y!B.!!.W, STORAGE EXTE'NDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XES. LYC7-202S VIRTUAL SUPERVISOR LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Microfiche Assembler Listings for all VSE/AF supervisor modules. Microfiche. 14 cards. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5Z46-XES. ~ EDITOR LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Microfiche Assembler Listings for all VSE/AF Linkage Editor modules. Microfiche. 1 card. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYC7-2037 Ym.!Y!l. ~ EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XES. MAGNETIC !!fS INPUT/OUTPUT CONFIGURATION SYSTEM LISTINGS (CURREN[ RELEASE! Microfiche assembler listings for all VSE/AF .agnatic tape IOCS 1I0dules. Microfiche. 2 cards. 12/79 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-2029 VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XES. MAGNETIC CHARACTER RECOGIIITION INPUT/O!JTPUT CONFIGURATION SYSTEM LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Microfiche. Assembler Listings for all VSE/AF MeR .adules. Microfiche. 1 card. 12/79 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-203S Y!B.!!.W, ~ EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XES. mg !BRQR RECOVERY PROCEDURES LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Microfiche assembler listings for all VSE/AF TPE eodules. Microfiche. 2 cards. 12/79 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-2030 VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XES. OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION INPUT/OUTPUT CONFIGURATIOH JUm!j LISTItlGS (CURRENT RELEASEI Microfiche Assembler Listings for all VSE/AF OCR modules. Microfiche. 1 card. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-2039 VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XES. JUm!j Y!lI.lll ~ LISTINGS (CURREN[ RELEASE! Microfiche assembler listings for all VSE/AF UTL modules. Microfiche. 13 cards. 12/79 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-2031 VSEIADYANCED FUNCTIONS. ~ fB2!i 5746-XES. ONLINE IUI EXECUTIVE PROGRAM. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Microfiche Assembler Listings for all VSE/AF OLTEP modules. Microfiche. 3 cards. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-2040 VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/AOVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XES. MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Microfiche assembler listings for all VSE/AF UTS modules. Microfiche. 31 cards. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-2032 YIR!YM. ~ EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS fBQW&!! DETERMINATION AIDS LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Microfiche Assembler Listings for all VSE/AF PDA .adules. Microfiche. 25 cards. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-2501 f.I.a OPTIMIZING COMPILER RESIDENT LIBRARY 5736-PL3. ~ LISTINGS (CURREN[ RELEASE! Microfiche of Assembly Listings. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY !lQli LYC7-2033 VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS' 5746-XES. PAPER TAPE INPUT/OUTPUT CONFIGURATION JUm!j LISTINGS (CURREN[ RELEASE! Microfiche Assembler Listings for all VSE/AF Paper Tape IOCS IIOdules. Microfiche. 1 card. 12/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 845 ( LYC7-2502 ~ f!Q!i Il.Qli fLa DPTIMIZING COMPILER TRANSIENT LIBRARY .bIl; fB2!i 5736-PL3. -LM5 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Microfiche of Assembly Listings. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7 c LYC7 LYC7-2503 £ba OPTIMIZINS COMPILER ~ ~ GUIDE ill fBll!i 5736-PL3. -PLI LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Microfiche of Assembly Listings. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYC7-2504 OS PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY. LIC PROS 5734-U14. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! contains program listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-3D25 J£.E ~ 1 ~ 1 .EQR ~ 5668-947 Contains microfiche for licensed program NCCF Version 2 Release 2 for HVS. 5668-947. Used by NSD. DeveloptlBl'\t and licensed customers of this product. Microfiche. 9 cards. 11/84 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-3026 ACF/vTAM VERSION 1 .EQB VI1/SP (CURRENT RelEASE) Contains microfiche used by NSD and licensed custo.ars of the program product. Microfiche. 7 pages. 12/84 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-2505 ~ £ba TRANSIENT LIBRARY. LIC PROs 5734-1I15. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Contains program listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-2506 ~ PL/I OPTIMIZINS COMPILER. ill fRQ§ 5734-PL1. LISTINGS (CURREN[ RELEASE! Contains program listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-3001 tim.! ~ ~ 1 RELEASE !.z. 5668-920 Contains microfiche for use by NSD. developtlBl'\t licensed customers of this product. Microfiche. 63 cards. 10/84 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-5013 = ~ ill fba.I. LISTINGS fBlli... f!2!L& 5736-RC1 This microfiche contains the assembly listings of the aooc:Iules that uke up the DOS ITF Release II. PL/I. program product. Microfiche SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1m! LYC7-5015 ~ ill RELEASE n =I!Am ASSEt'SLY fRQ!L. PROD. 5736-RC2 LISTINGS =MICROFICHE This microfiche contains the aSSeMbly listings of the modules that make up the DOS ITF Release II. BASIC. program product. Microfiche SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-5016 ~ ill £ba LISTINGS. ER!l§... f!2!L& 5734-RC1 Microfiche of program product 5734-RC1 assembly listings. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1m! LYC7-3005 !ABA ~ Q.f NPDA. mnmJ 1 RELEASE !.z. 5668-920. ~ This contains microfiche for TARA feature of NPDA. Version 3. Release 2. 11VS. used by NSD development and licensed customers of this product. Microfiche. 37 cards. 10/84 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-3012 INFORMATION LIBRARY. 5735-XX7 Specific PTF detail information is provided in: Order SYC8-0975 fro. SLSS. Microfiche. 7/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Index LYC7-3013 ROUTING FACILITY. 5668-963 No abstract available. Microfiche. 5/84 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYC7-5017 OS/360 ill SHARED. PROS fHQ!l 5734-RCl. ,:R!;1 Contains program listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-5018 SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY BASIC ~ MICROFICHE LISTINSS PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-RC3 Contains Type I OS program listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = LYC7-5019 = m 1Y. !.!! EXTENDED) COMPILER. f!U!Ii 5734-F03, RelEASE L.1 Microfiche program listings for Release 2.3 (5734-F03). Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYC7-3017 ACF/SSP VERSION 1".EQR ~ 5665-338 Contains microfiche for Licensed Program ACF/ssP Version 3 for HVS. 5665-338. Used by NSD. Development and licensed customers of this product. Microfiche. 222 cards. 10/84 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = LYC7-5020 FORTRAN 1Y. LIBRARY !.t!Q.!!S.L. lUa. ill f!U!Ii 5734-ltI3 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) Contains program listings as specified in the title. Microfiche (j --.----~~------ ( LYC7 LYC7 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~YC7-5021 LYC7-5039 2li FULL COBOL COMPILER ~ ~ A!:I2 I!!2 ~ I'ROHPTER: PROGRAM LISTINGS. ~ ~ 5734-CPl. 5734-CB3 Contains p .. og.. a .. listings as specified in the title. Mic ..ofiche SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m ~ !W COMPILER. !!BQ!i 5734-F02. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) Contains Type I OS Prog.... listh'9S .s specHied in the title. Mic .. ofiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lmI.m!:I LYC7-5040 .1m! SYSTEH/360 OPERATING SYSTEM ;: TIME SHARING OPTION LYC7-5022 2li 360/370 f!lR!B!!! ~ LIBR. !:!!lIl 1 LISTIN6' 1!.J!... t!!l.. 5734-Ul1 Contains p ..og ..a. listings .s specified in the title. Mic ..ofiche SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-5023 SYSTEH/360 OPERATIN6 SYSTEM AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD (ANS) COBOL VERSION ~ LISTINGS ;: PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-CBl This .ic.. ofiche set cont.ins sou ..ce listings fo .. ANS COBOL Ve ..sion 3 on Prog.... Numbe.. 5734-CBl fo .. System/360 OS. Mic ..ofiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY COBOL PROMPTER ;: PROGRAM ~ 5734-CPl. 5734-CB3 Contains p ..og..am listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-5041 DOS SUBSET COMPILER ! LIBRARY LISTINGS ;: PROS. H!L. 5736-CBl Contains prog ..a. listings as specified in the title. Mic ..ofiche SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-5042 ~ .!.!1 EXTENDED fY!lU COMPILER AIm MICROFICHE LISTINGS Mic ..ofiche P..ogra. Listings fo .. 5799-AAW ..elease 023 (PTF UP1l272). Mic .. ofiche SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .1m! fQ!!!RA!:I ~ LYC7-5030 ~ LISTINGS ;: fBQ§ HQ 5736-CB2 Cont.ins p ..og.... listings .s specified in the title. Mic ..ofiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY gg§ FULL AH§ COMPILER ( LYC7-5044 ~ LIBRARY Qf! .L. LISTINGS;: fRQli.. H!L. 5746-LM3 Cont.ins p ..og..a. listings .s specified in the title. Mic ..ofiche SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY gg§ FORTRAN LYC7-5031 ~ LISTIN6S. f!!Q!L. H!L. 5736- LH2 Contains p ..og.... listings .s specified in the title. Mic ..ofiche SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY I!.Qli fY.!..!. AH§ gmJ, .!.n!R!!D: LYC7-5035 I!!2 m (SHARED) LISTINGS. fBQ§.. ~ 5734-RC2. W LYC7-5045 2li AH§ COBOL COHPILER ! LIBRARY LISTINGS. fBQ§.. 5734-CB2 Contains p .. og..a. listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY One .ic.. ofiche listing of this licensed p ..og ..a. is available f ..o. Mechanicsbu ..g to each licensee unde.. the licensing ag......nt. This listing is also available to IBHe ..s on • need-to-knoN basis. Mic ..ofiche SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-5048 2li VIDEO/370 LISTINGS. PROS. fR2!!..:. 5734-RC5 Contains prog ..a. listings as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-5036 Ilm SYSJEH/3601370 LYC7-5050 ~ COBOL COHPILER ! LIBRARY • .ll1; !!BQ!i 5746-CBl • .:..Y1!! LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) , Microfiche p"og .."m listings fo .. all DOS/vs Cobol IIOCIules. Microfiche. 22 ca ..ds SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY A!:!l iQ f.!!!!!!AtI COHPILER ;: LISTIN6S. ~ PROS. PROD. 5734-FOl Contains p ..og.. a. listings as specified in the tHle. Mic ..ofiche SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-5037 ASSEHBLER f PROMPTER MICROFICHE LISTIN6' !!BQ!i fBQ!l 5734-CP2 Contains p ..og..a .. listings as specified in the title. Mic ..ofiche SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-5051 .Ill! BASIC • .ll1; PROS 5748-XXl. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) Mic ..ofiche listings fo .. P.. og ..a .. P..oduct in title. Available to each licensee under the licensing ag ..eeDlent f ..011 ISH P.. og .. ". Cont ..ol Cente... Available to IBM pe ..sonnel froll IBM Dist .. ibution Cente... Mic ..ofiche. 3/76 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYC7-5038 .1m! sySTEH/360/370 OS fY.!..!. AH§ ~ VERSION ~ COHPILER AIm LIBRARY;: LISTIN6S. f!!Q!L. PROD. 5734-CBl Contains p ..og..a. listings as specified in the title. Mic ..ofiche SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 847 LYC7 LYl2 LYC7-5052 OPERATING SYSTEIVVIRTUAL STORAGE gmm. COMPILER AI::!Q LIBRARY. 5740-CBI. =LH!L LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE! Contains SCP program listings for OSIVSI and/or OSIVS2 as specified in the title. Microfiche SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY IHS/VS Utilities Reference Manual. SH20-9029 and IMS/VS SystetalApplication Design Guide. SH20-902S. Hanual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 52 pgs. 12/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~YC8-0975 !mE m!WJ. !!i!mS Thru tape 8106. Microfiche. reduced 45x. 01/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~YC9-8877 DQ CPI1tIAND ~ S740-lCI§ aJll! Contains PTFS. . Microfiche. 3 cards ~ LY09-0012 VANDL-I. ll& fRQ§ S799-AEY. L06IC A Program Logic Manual describes the internal design or logic of the subject program. These manuals are intended for persons involved in program ... intenance and syst... progra ..mers Mho are altering the program design. Program logic infOrMation is not necessary for the operation of th. progra"l therefore. distribution of these publications should be limited to persons Nith ... intenance and alteration requirements. Manual. 221 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYl2-S016 w.a Il2l!lYh 5746-XXI. L06IC (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual is to be used Nith program listings for DVI DOSIVS. It discusses the internal operation of the DVI systell as an application program under DOSIVS. I t is intended for use by persons involved in program ..aintenance and by system progral\llllers Mho are altering the program design. In addition to supporting Version 1.6. in this edition. "Section 2. Method of Operation" information is removed and is noN included in Data Language/I Oisk Operating SystllllllVirtual Storage (DVI DOSIVS) Logic Hanual. VolU118 2. Order Number LY24-S2IS. Manual. 332 pages. 11/73 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYl2-S026 l§!j SYSTEt!/370 IHSIVS fBQ§ fBQ!l 5740-)Q(R Ilm BASE ANALYZER ~ ~ IMS/VS Data Base Analyzer (DB analyzer! is an Infor... tion Hanagelllt!flt SystllllllVirtual Storage (IMSIVS! productivity aid that analyzes the structure of an existing IHSlVS data base Nith hierarchical direct (HDAM or HIDAM! organization. It produces reports on distribution of pointers and free space. to allow monitoring of the efficiency of data base space allocation in storage. It also checks pointer integrity. exa .. ining Nhether recovery procedures have been applied successfully. This ..anual presents an overvi ... of DB analyzer and describes the control flow Nithin the program by _ans of text and flowcharts. It also presents the layout of output records and internal tables. It is intended as an aid Nhen . . intaining the DB analyzer progra.... This publication is intended primarily for data base achinistrators and system analysts. The reader is assURed to be familiar Nith IHSIVS data bases and their pointer structures. Publications providing this background are LY12-5027 VSE/POWER VERSION ! PART 1 LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE! This . .nual is one of three program logic ..anuals Nhich provide information on the internal operation of VSE/POWER. output requests addressed to unit record devices at disk input/output speed. Information provided in this manual is as follo ... : An overvi ... of VSE/POWER and its relationship to VSE/Advanced Functions; the organization of the VSE/POWER program; reference bet...en phases and CSECT names and microfichel data areas and control block layout I debugging hints and floNcharts which recommend a .. ethod of error analysis. The manual is intended for use by persons involved in program ... intenance and by persons Mho intend to alter the program design. The method of operation of VSE/POWER is described in Program Logic Manual Part 2. LYI2S028. The _thod of operation of the VSE/POWER NetNOrking function is described in Program Logic Manual Part 3. LYI25034. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 506 pages. 12/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYl2-5028 VIRTUAL ~ EXTEND EO/PRIORITY .!lY!f!l! WRITERS. EXECUTION PROCESSORS. ~ INPUT READERS. 5666-273. VERSION! fAR! ! ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual is one of three program logic manuals Nhich provide information on the internal operation of VSE/POWER. This program product services input and output requests addressed to unit record devices at disk input/output speed. The manual describes the method of operation of VSE/POWER (including the VSE/POWER Shared Spooling feature) and is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance. The method of operation of the VSE/POWER networking and RJE functions is described in the Program Logic Hanual Part 3. LYI2-5034. The Program Logic Manual Part I. LYI2-5027. contains an overview of VSE/POWER and its organization. cross-reference lists. data area and control block layouts. and debugging hints. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 696 pages. 12/81 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY / LYl2-S031 SYSTEM/370 AH2 4300 PROCESSORS ..!m! I!:!!B! PROGRAM. ll& fRQ§ 5746-XE6. LOGIC The Job Entry Program is a program product designed to assist in interconnecting one or more decentralized computing systems. With the Job Entry Program. jobs may be transferred for processing froll one installation to another. thus enabling the user. for example. to utilize resources such as data bases. programs. or peripheral devices available only at the receiving location. This lIanual provides information on the internal operation of the Job Entry Program. It is intended for use by persons involved in program ..aintenance. The reader of this manual should be familiar Nith the Program Products and publications as shown in the Praface. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 196 pages. 03/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYl2-5032 VSE/ACCESS mmm!. L066ING ~ REPORTING (CURRENT RELEASE) RELEASE! VSE/Access Control - Logging and reporting is part of the data security functions offered for batch users of DOSIVSE. ~ (/ ( LY12 LY19 These securUy functions are designed for auditing purposes of a DOS/VSE data processing installation. Data access. library access. and program access can be checked and lagged for security reasons. This .anual is intended for persons Mho ar• •aintaining. debugging. or _Hying the syst.... It is assUII8CI that these persons are thoroughly f.miliar with DOS/vSE. VSE/Advanced Functions. and VSE/Interactive Computing and Control Facility. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 272. 2/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY12-5350 fIll mANSfER f.B.!!!!B!I:I DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE !!!WAI. This publication is intended for systelll progra_rs and maint_nce personnel Mho are involved Mith diagnosing failures occurring during a ruft of the File Transfer Progra•• Version 2. This publication provides reference infor... tion for use in diagnosing failures occurring during an FTP run. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 il"ches. 394 pages. 04/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY17-5500 = BI:!E f!Wl DESCRIPIION MIl ANALYSIS W&ml LY12-5033 SYSTEM/370 m2 ~ PROCESSORS f1!& mANSFER .PR.I!!iBAtI ill fROG 5748-XE6. LOGIC The File Transfer Program is a program product designed to support the functions of the IBM Job Entry Progra•• Program Number 5746-XE6. enabling tha transfer of files between one or MOre decentralized systems. This manual provides information on the internal operation of the File Transfer Progra.. It is intended for use by persons involved in program IHintenance. The reader of this manual should be fa.iliar MUh the Program Products and publications as showl in tha Preface and the Bibliography. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 03/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~Y12-5034 .em mlIf ~ .I The intent of this document is to provide Syst_ Engineers Mith a description of each Monitor I and Monitor II RMF Field and to explain hoM it is used. For ma"'Y fialds. it explains hoM MYS uses the value to .ake its deci.ions and hoM the System Programmer can use it to lIOIIi tor syst_ perfor.ance. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 322 pages. 5/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTI!IN ONLY LYl8-0113 .u VSE/POWER VERSION ill f!!l!! 5666-273 • .&J!!W; PART l This manual is one of three program logic .anuals ..hich provide infor. . tion on the internal operation of VSE/POWER. This program product services input and output requests addressed to unit record devices et disk input/output speed. The ...nual describes the method of operation of the networking and RJE functions of VSE/POWER and is int...ded for use by persons involved in program llaint_nee. The method of operation of the remainder of VSE/PDWER (including the VSE/PDWER Shared Spooling feature) is described in the Program Logic Manual Part 2. LYI2-5028. The Program Logic Manual Part 1. LYI2-5027. contains an overvi ... of VSE/POWER and its organization. cross-reference lists. date area and control block layouts. and debugging hints. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 432 pages. 12/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY12-5041 INFORMATION/LIBRARY ~ LIBRARY(MVS. ~ !!Q§ 5665-277. .:lliL LOGIC Information/Library is a dialog-oriented retrieval syst. . for MYS information contained in a cOMpanion data base. It operates under OS/vS2 MYS and appropriate data-cOlllllUnication facilities. With Information/Library. users can quickly retrieve all kinds of information pertai.",ing to HVS because extracts of all MYS manuals are contained in the data base. This I118nual is intended for persons Mho are assigned the task of .aintaining Information/Library. Publications related to Infor. . tion/Library are listed in the Bibliography. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 258 pages. 12/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = .wi L 5665-296. lUll PRINTING Sl8Sl1ITEM 2E!!BI PROGRAM PR06RAMMING LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic of the components of the MYs/SP-JES2 3200 Printing su.syst_ Support Progra.. It i. Mrittan for system progra_rs Mho manage and maintain the subject progra_. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inc"", 420 pages. 8/85 ~ LYl8-1155 lI:!liah 5740-XX2. ~ 1 !!Wm f!!RW ~ IWY.l ENHANCEMENT .PB.!!§!W! M!!il!< FEATURE Am This publication describes the IHS/VS Kanji Enhancement Portion. The structure of the publication is consistent Mith the IMS/VS MFS Language Utility and MFS Online Component described in IMS/VS Version 1 Progra. Logic. LY208069. and the description is the ext_ive addition to tha neM function to be supported. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 48 pages. 12/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY18-1160 CUSTOMER INFDRMATION ~ mlW!tIl JW&6K!l iU.II .l.Q!m; SYSTErvys. 5740-XXI. S746-XX3. ~ w:J:YU m:wm ~ This publication is for CICs/vs 5S50 Support Feature. an additional feature to Version 1. Release 6 • ..hich is supported only in Japan and SEAR countri • • It is intended for syst_ progra_rs. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 78 pages. 2/86 SYl8-2092 1£ ~ ANALYSIS Am Thi. manual is a maint_nee aid to be used to analyze 8815 i.age-quality probl..... The intended user is the Cust_r Service Representative (CSR) Mho has COIIpleted the education course for the 881S. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pages. 10/83 //09/8815/ §§.li scAttlASTER SY12-5302 !!llt::I .mI!Em !!m!!BK SUPfIORT. 5665-324.1l1lllU& 5666-308 !.llRL. DIASNQSIS LY19-6049 §Ym! m This publication is a guideline on hoM to diagnose and report a program failure in OSNS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inehes, 40 pages. 6/85 ////5665-324.S666-308/NT-ONLY ~ fBf! SHITCHIN§ mACHMENT mw =B.!!! 2SIl.U!9 mB I::!GI! n!!m!f:f i S797-ARJ. ~ Thi. publication describ. PRPQ ZA4239 required Mith the HeP to connect SMA Host Syst... to the Canadian and French 849 ~ fBQ§ LYl9 LY19 For inforaation about this progra•• sea abstract for SHI2-6102. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 110 pages. 6/83 ////5740-XYF.5746-oo.5664-178 IMIcket sNitching natNOrks. and PRPQ m2060 raquirad Nith the NCP to connect the SNA Host Syst_ to the Nord Rhein Nestfalen private Geraan netNOrk. HaMl. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 374 pages. 02/80 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY19-6116 LY19-60S1 !{J PERSONAL COMMINS fl.a .I:!l§l£r. INTERNATIONAL .EWJl ~ S785-EAB This .anual describes the internal logic of the VS Personal Coonputing PVI (VSPC PVII processor. including the COMpiler. the library. and the interface betNeen VSPC and PVI. It is intended for use by syst... progralltners responsible for the saintenance of the PI,/I processor. It does notcont.in inforaation on the PVI l.nguage itself or it. us.ge. The . .nual begins with a g_ral description of the contents and COIIIpOSition of the PVI processor. Infor.ation fo110105 on the interf.ce bet_en VSPC and PVI. including the jnterfaca services. the directory of routines. the support aacros •• nd the control blocks. Sections on the COMpiler cover coapiler operations. the directory of routines. the compile-time tables and lists •• nd the support •• cros. R....ti . . inforaation fo1101OS. including the directory of routines. the control blocks. and the support "cros. The final section describes the sections of the object progr••• Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 226 pgs 9/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY19-6060 SDF/CICS. 5740-XYF. 5746-00. 5664-178. ~ LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) Screen Definition F.cility/Custaeer Inforaation Control SysteM is an interactive application development tool for the CICS/vs .pplication progra...er Mho wants to define or saps. and IMIrtition sets for CICS/yS Basic Mapping Support (BHS). Screen Definition F.cility/CICS provides the application programmer Nith a full-screen editor and • library to saint.in the aaps. aap sets. and partition s.ts. ill!! SUPPORT. :at! m ~ SPANISH DATA NETWORK. !!f m 2970-5 &I!! 57M-L03 BANKING TERMINALS. !t!!l !!f m 1ill=i BAt~ING TERMINAL DIRECTLY ATTACHED. J.B; fRQ§ 5722-ATE. LOGIC This eanual describes the operation of PRPQ Y96665 which alloNS an IBM 3705 to.munications controller loaded Nith .n NCP to connect an SNA2 Host Syst... to the IBM 2270-5 .nd 5935-L03 Banking Tereinals through the REID. and to the IBM 2970-5 Banking Tereinal directly attached. Hariual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 214 pages. 8/79 SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY19-6121 LOGIC ELIAS-I/YH ELIAS-I/YH Licensed Program and its supporting docuaentation is intended to improve productivity of users of CICS/DOS/YS. DVI DOS/YS. and/or VSE/ySAM. Nhen run on an IBM Systel1l/370. IBM 303X or IBM 4300 Processor. ELIAS-I/YH is designed to run in the environment provided by the YH/SP Conversational Monitor Syst..... ELIAS-I/YH provides. series of interactive di.logs called "procedures". which prompt the user to specify the definitions of the data bases and batch and online application prograllS. It provides a set of predefined sequences of code called "bricks". Each brick perfol"lllS a specific and frequwttly used prograM fU"ICtion. and can be incorpor.ted into the user's application progr.e to perfore that fU"ICti on. This .anu8l provides a reference document for progr•• support personnel. I t describes the prograM organization of .11 relevant ELIAS-I/YM facilities. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 412 pages. 9/81 LYl9-6131 m This .,u.lic.tion cont.ins inforaation on the logic .nd data flOM of Screen Definition Facility/CICS progra. product. I t is intended to be used by system progr.... ing personnel. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 430 pages. 6/83 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY PACKET SWITCHING ATTACHMENT WORKING !!ll!!l!:! ACFIHCPIYS. J.B; fRQ§ 5792-BAK PAP!) ZA4239, XD2060, LOGIC This publication describes the PRPQ required with ACF/NCP/YS. Version 2.0 or higher to connect the SNA Host systelllS to different types of network. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 374 pages. 12/80 SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY19-6061 YSE/DITTD. J.B; fB.!!!i 5746-UT3. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/D.ta Interfil. Tr.nsfer. Testing .nd Operations utility is a gener.l-purpose utility prograM for card • •agnetic tape. and disk input/output devices. I t provides an efficient and easy-to-use tool for testing and file-handling in both batch and console operation. This .,u.lication is intended priaarily for use by persons responsible for servicing the progra.. It describes the logic and control flON of the prograM as _11 as the prograM structure and data areas. and provides diagnostic inforaation. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 190 pages. 6/82 SLSS: ISH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYl9-6214 SY19-6063 ~ ~ DEFINITION FACILIIY/CUSTOHER INFORMATION CONTROL (SPF/CICS). 5Z40-XYF. 5746-00. 5664-178 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains information for maintaining the 'Screen Definition Facility/cICS prograe product. It is intended to be used by progralltning support representatives and system programmers. 850 SHIRl ~ INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-QUE. 5746-XXY, .l.ll§!!; ELIAS-I Licensed Progra .. and its supporting documentation i. intended to improve productivity of users of CICS/DOS/YS. DVI DOS/yS. and/or VSE/ySAM. Nhan run on a Systent/370. 303X or 4300 Processor. ELIAS-I is designed to run in the env;ronment provided by the VSE/Interactive Computing and Control Facility. and is pri.arily intended to be used Nith one of the current VSE System IPO/E. ELIAS-I provides a series of interactive dialogs called "procedures". which prompt the User to specify the definitions of the data bases and batch and online application programs. It provides a set of predefined sequences of code called "bricks". Each brick perfoMlS • specific and frequently used program function. and can be incorporated into the user's application pro51ra.to perfora that function. This manual provides a reference document for program support personnel. It describes the program organization of all relevant ELIAS-I facilities. Manual. 81/2 x 11 inches. 402 pages. 8/81 f LYl9 LY20 LYl'i-6218 X.21 ACF/HCP/vS SHORT I!2!.!l HQ!lI m: OPERATION. S799-BEK fB.eg Y96828. ~ This publication provides the program logic information necessary to define and generate the X.21 ACFINCP/vS Short Hold Mode ISHMI PRpq ..... ich runs .,ith the sallie operating systems as the prerequisite NCP on .... ich it is installed. that is. VSE. OS/vSl. or OS/vS2 IMVSI. Also covered is the information necess.ry to include the Japanese PUlic Network IDDXI. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 152 pages. 4/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Index. 6320-1621. Index. 180 pages. 2/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0630 IMS/360, VERSION L. SYSTEM MANUAL ~ ! FLOWCHARTS. PROS. PROD. 5734-XX6 Information Management System/360 is a processing program designed to facilitate the implementation of ....diu.. to large common data bases in a multi-application environment. This environment is created to accommodate both on-line .essage processing and conventional batch processing. either separately or concurrently. Thi s manual includes a flowchart of each module in the IMS/360 program. Module descriptions are contained in Volume I. Volume III contains listings of the data base I batch I portion of the IMS/360 progra •• furnished as .icrofiche. Volume IV contains listings of the data cooamunications portion of the program. also furnished as .. icrofiche. Program Product Manual. 324 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = LYl9-6219 VTAM DISPATCHER APPLICATION PROGRAM. fB.eg Y96845 5799-BFX. ~ This publication is intended for progra... ing support represent.tives .nd system programmers .,ho maintain VDAP. When used with program listings. this manual gives the information needed to understand the internal operations of VDAP and to change them if necessary. In a host or OP system. VDAP provides the VTAM support necessary to communicate .,ith 1750/3750 Switching System. VDAP also provides the connnunication path and logic control services for realtime transactions between two end-users. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 122 pages. 6/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYl9-6242 1 DUSNOSIS This publication is intended for customer and personnel whose responsibiliHes include probl.... identification within the OSX program product. It describes hoM to diagnose probleMS in the Distributed Systems Executive IDSXI Version 3 program product and hOM to report thBII to the Support Center. For DSX problems already resolved by a program temporary fix IPTFI. this publication explains ....ere to refer to to apply the PTF that solves the probl..... For previously unreported problems. it explains how to submit an authorized program analysis report IAPARI Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 164 pages. 01/87 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ 1Yl9-6247 &ll SHORT HOLD/I1ULTIPLE .fQB.! SHARING .E.QR :rug 3725 !!i!2 3720 ~ LOGIC This publication provides the program logic information for the X.21 SH/MPS PRpq ..hich runs in the 3725 Communications Controller. This PRpq runs .,ith the sa.... operating systems as the prerequisite NCP on Nhich it ;s installed. that is. DOS/vSE or os/VS2 IMVSI. It enables the users of ACFINCP progra.. products to attach the 3725 to data transmissions services which support interfaces that comply Nith CCITT X.21 reconnnendations. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 114 pages. 03/87 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0698 liIill FEATURE §!lli LIC fBQ§ 5734-XXl, SYSTEM MANUAL ~ 1 This three-volume .anual outlines and details the internal logic of the 6eneralized Information Syst..... Version 2. for the benefit of programmers attempting to revise and/or maintain the system. The organization of the manual reflects the system'" design structure of interfacing program units. As applicable. the manual includes diagnostic comments to assist in isolating faulty operation. and contains modification aids to assist in .... king minor changes to the system. Program Product Manual. 400 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0708 61S/2 FILE !!QQ1f! ~ 8127. i l l PROG 5734-XXl. SYSTEM ~ SUPPLEMENT . This manual provides design and internal logic cloc:........t.tion for the above-named feature. These pages replace correspondingly numbered "reserve" pages in the Sysb!1I Manual provided Nith the Basic Retrieval System package. Program Product Manual. 24 pages SY20-00n' CUSTOMER ENGINEERING KWIC INDEX !.Yli!! This catalog indexes the titles and lists the prices of Customer Engineering publications available to those involved in maintaining IBM data processing products. All titles are KWIC Ikeyword in contextl titles. KWIC is an abbreviating retrieval syst.... in Nhich titles ara expressed in no IIIOre than 30 characters and each such title is indexed under each practical keyword. Materials for the use of IBM products and services. in particular those for syste.. libr.ries but including .any other categories. are in the Marketing Publications KWIC LY20-0712 CUSTOMER INFImMATION ~ ~ (DOS-ENTRYI. i l l fBQ§ 5736-XX6. LOGIC The IBM Customer Information Control SysteM (CICSI is a transaction-oriented. multiapplication data base/data communication interface bet..een a System/360 or Systell/370 operating syst... and user-written application programs. Applicable to most online systems. CICS provides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications: Message SNitching. inquiry. data collection. order entry. and conversational data entry. CICS is available in three systems - t_ for DOS users 851 (/ lY20-0678 APL/360-OS !!i!2 APU360-DOS SYSTEM MANUAL FEATURE ~ 8091. §l!1!t i l l f!lll!! 5734-XM6. 5736-XM6 This publication provides general information relating to the design and program logic of the program products. When used as a debugging tool. this manual serves as a guide to the program listings. Program Product Manual. 232 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY20 LY20 and one for OS useMl. Because the t_ CICSIDOS .yst_ are compatible with each other and with the CICSIOS .yst... it i. pos.ible to .tart with a .mall DOS data ba.aIdata ....-mication configuration and move up through DOS to OS. The infor.ation contained in this manual i. of interest to person. mainhining and modifying the operation of the CICSIDOS-ENTRY .ystem. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 272 pages. 7/73 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0MO BUSINESS ANALYSISIBASIC ~ MANUAL Busine•• Analy.i.IBASIC contains 30 routines which par.it the user to interact with the computer. All routines are written in the BASIC language for implf!ll8nt.tion on the Systeml3 Model 6. ITF (OS. DOS. TSO). and VHl370-Cf1S. The routines are designed to ask the user to enter hi. probl.. para_tel'S and data and to ..ke decision. at key points in the analysis. Options are provided for enhanced operating convenience and flexibility. Thi . . .nual provides the logic description. functional flowchart •• nd program li.tings for e.ch routine included in the package. Manual. 208 pages LY20-0713 CUSTOMER INFORMATION ~ lW!m! Wl<1! (DOS-STANDARD). ill f!1.Q§ 5736-XX7. ~ The IBM Customer Information Control Syst .. (CICS) is a transaction-oriented. multiapplication data basaldata communication interface between a System/360 or Systea/370 SY20-0882 , operating system and user-written.application programs. 1!!!! nR!Y!I. ~ FACIlIW370 ~ ROUTINES Applicable to most online systems. CICS provides many of the PROGRAM .bQill facilities neces.ary for .tandard ter.. inal applications: The service routines th.t are described in this public.tions message SNitching. inquiry. data collection. order entry. are: the IBCDASDI Virtual Disk Initialization Program. the and conversational data entry. Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS). the Format Service Program, the DHKDIR Directory Progr.m. the CICS is available in three systems - t_ for DOS users and one for OS users. Because the t_ CICSIDOS .ystems are Install.tion Verification Procedure, the Procedures for compatible with each other .nd with the CICSIOS syst... it Generating and Updating VHl370. the VHl370 Starter Sy.tem. i. pos.ible to start with a small DOS data base/data the 3704/3705 Service Progr..... the ZAP Service Progra.. the cOllllllUnication configuration and move up through DOS to OS. EREP/Error Recording Interface. the MSS Communicator •• nd The information contained in this manual i. of interest the IEBIMAGE Interf.ce. to persons maintaining and MOdifying the operation of the Manual. 118 pgs. 9/77 CICSIDOS-STANDARD syst... SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 282 p.ges. 7/73 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY20-0884 YH/370 DATA AREAS AI:!!! ,!;2!:!I!Q!. .!W!.!;K ~ This publication .long with the IBM Virtual Machine LY20-0728 F.cility/370: System logic and Problem Determination Guide. STATIBASIC fi!R !IE AI:!!! ~ eMS: LDGIC MANUAL. is intended for systetll progr.mmers responsible for updating fiA!l1!!I ~ §ill PROGRAM ~ 5734-XU STAT/BASIC is. a comprehensive .et of interactive .tati.tical VHl370. Thi. publication cont.ins descriptions of the .. jor prDgrams for ITF. It consists of 40 BASIC progr.MS. data areas .nd control blocks used by three of the providing the user with procedures for dah ggneration. component. of VHl370: the Control PrograM (CP) the elementary st.tistics. regression .nd correlation analysi •• Conversational Monitor System (CMS)' .nd the'ReMOte Spooling multiv.riate analysis •• nalysis of variance. nonparametric Communic.tions SubSystBIII (RSCS). statistics. ti .. series .naly.is. and biostatistics. The Manual. 310 pages, 2/76 interactive features include instructional ..ess.ge•• SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBscRIPTION ONLY flexible control of calculations. extensive error checking. end data editing. This manu. I provides program flowcharts. flowchart SY20-0886 narrative. and progra.. li.tings. :a1LU!.l. lW!m! ~ M:!Il ~ DETERMINATION §Ym.g !tID. 1 Program Product Manual. 208 pages This publication i. intended for the IBM sy.tem hardware and .oftware support personnel. It provides the fo1101o1ing information for the CP component of VHl370: LY20-0n5 • Description of prograM logic • Module descriptions .nd cros.-references m!.I 1t1J UTILITIES .PRm!!W:I .lWill.!:!3 §J.!!!!.g l!H! 1:!!11:!!9 5796-PBE • Abend and wai t state codes The test IMS utilities include progr... to create. test PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS data base. compare .n old .nd e new version of the .... data IBM Virtu.l Machina F.cility/370: base. li.t andlor unload all or. part of a data base. and Introduction. Order No. 6C20-1800 form.t the fields in a data ba.e segment for printing. Thi. Operator'. Guide. Order No. 6C20-1806 manual describes the intern.l logic of these progr.ms •• System Programmer's Guide. Order No. 6C20-1807 _11 as the program used to create and print the .egment Terminal User'. Guide. Order No. 6C20-1810 description _dule. which contains. physical description of CP COIIIIII.nd Reference for General User•• Order No. every segment .nd field in • data base. GC20-1820 Manual IBM Systenll360 Principles of Oper.tion. Order No. GA22-6821 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY IBM Sy.teDl370 Principles of Operation. Order No. GA22-7000 IBM OSIVS. DOSIVS. and YH/370 As.embler Language. Order No. GC33-4010 I.Y20-0804 M.nu.l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY MATHIBASIC f!2B .§Q .!!!mn L. !!.E.L Am yrt/370-CMS: ~ ~ !llE AI:!!! YH/370-CMSJ! fiAIlm t!QlL. UJL. IUl Thi. manual contains the source coclG li.tings .nd the description of the computational block. which .re the SY20-0887 ba.is of the MATHIBASIC routines for SysteM/3. Model 6 1!!!! ~ lW!m! ~ J ~ DETERMINATION §J.!!!!.g !tID. .& and System/360 or SysteM/370. Thi. publication i. intended for the IBM syst... hardware and Manual. 268 pages .oftware .upport per.onnel. It provides the fo1101o1ing = = = 8S2 / ( LY2D SY20 updating VM/SP 1.5 used in conjunction with vtV370 Rele.se 6). This publicaHon cont.ins descriptions of the major data .rea• •nd control blocks used by the following components: The Control Progr... ICP). the Convers .. tion.. l Monitor Sy.tena ICMS). and the Renaate Spooling COftIIIUnications Subsyst . . IRSCS). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 640 pages, 4/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY infol'lldion for the CItS COIIJICIIoent of vtV370: • Description of progr•• logic • nodul. descriptions .nd cros.-r.ferenc. . • Abend codes PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS IBM Virtual Machine F.cility/370: Introduction. Order No. &C20-1800 Oper.tor'. Suide. Dreier No. &C20-1806 T.r.inal User'. Guide. Order No. &C20-1810 CItS Coanand .nd Macro R.ference. Ord.r No. Ge20-1818 CI1S User'. Guide. Dreier No. &C20-1819 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 264 pgs. 1/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0892 LOGIC Mm PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLIJI1E ! ~ lCURRENT RELEASE) This publication is intended for those responsible for the eaintenance of the control program (CP) portion of the Virtual Machine/System Product 1.. 5 used in conjunction with vtV370. Release 6). This public .. tion provides: • Descriptions of the m.. jor functions of CP • A c .. t .. log of CP eodul. entry points with brief descriptions • A module-to-l .. bel and l.bel-to-module cross reference This publication requires the following corequisite publications Virtu.. l M.. chine/System Product: Messages and Codes. Order no. SC19-6204 D.. ta Areas .. nd Control Blocks. Order no. LY20-0891 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 396 pages. 10/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SY20-0888 Y1!aZll mrutI .I.Q§!l: J fBQ.!iW! DETERMINATION ~ :im. 1 This publication is intended for the IBM system hardware .nd .oft... r. support personnel. It provides the foU_ing inforeation for the RSCS ca.ponent of vtV370: • Description of prograM logic • Modul. descriptions and cras.-ref.rences PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370: Introduction. Dreier No. &C20-1800 Oper.tor'. Guide. Order No. &C20-1806 T.r.inal Us.r's Guide. Order No. &C20-1810 ReIIOt. Spooling CoIoo\rtic.tions &bsyst. . User's Sui de. Order No. &C20-1816 CP eo..and R.ferenc. for Genaral User., Order No. &C20-1820 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inche•• 12/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( LY20-0889 YM/DIRECTORY MAINTENANCE. 5748-XE4. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) Thi. publication i. intended for use by .ystena progra.ers Mho are responsible for the lINIintenanc. of the CP directory. It provides. description of the prograM logic of the Directory Maintenanc. Program Product, module descriptions and cros.-references. data areas and di.gnostic aids I . . .ages) cros. r.ferences. Manual SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0890 vtVSP ~ ROUTINES.!.Q!ZIl; (CURREN! ~ This publication contains infor.ation about the IBM Virtual Machine/Sy.t. . Product IvtVSP PrograM No. 5664-167). In addition. it provides information about the prerequi.it. vtV370 R.I. . . . 6 SCP IProgra. No. 5749-010). Thi. publication. describes the program logic for the vtVSP service routines (as used in conjunction with vtV370 Relea•• 6). Each .ervice routine lor gl'"Ol47 of routines) i. described in its OW\ chapter. ,Each chapter contains .n introduction, . . .thad of oper.tion .ection • • progr•• organization section. a directory. a data .reas section, .nd • di.gnostic .ids .ection. if the .ection i • •pplicabl•• Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 228 pages. 10/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0893 LOGIC Mm PROBLEM DETERMINATION §Y!!l! ~ g gj (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is intended for the IBM system h .. rdware .nd .oft... re .upport personnel. This manual ..ay .. 150 be used to provide some technical education about the convers .. tional ..onitor syst. . (CMS). This book provides the foU_ing infor.... tion for the CI1S component of VM/SP: • Description of progr... logic • Module descriptions ..nd cross-references • Abend codes Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 272 pages, 10/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY20-0895 VIRTUAL MACHINE/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE MIGRATION AIDS. 5664-169. 9lNIHQ.!. PROGRAM LOGIC Thi .....nu.. l describes the over.. ll design .nd organization of the IBM Virtual Machine/Extended Architecture VMIXA Migration Aid Control Program. Manual. 11/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0896 VM/SYSJEM ~ II!§!:! PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. !lm AREAS Mm 9ill!RQb BLOCK LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) , This publication. together with the VMlSP HPO System Logic .. nd Probl. . Deter.ination Guide - CPt is intended for use by system progr.. mmers responsible for updating the virtual .... ch;ne system. This public.. t;on contains descriptions of the ... jor dat .. area. and conbtrol blocks used by the CP component of VlVSP HPO. Prerequisite public.tions .. re: System/370 Principles of Operation. GA22-7000; and OS/VS. DOS/vSE, .. nd vtV370 Assembler Language. GC33-4010. M.. nual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 366 pages. 10/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0891 I!AIA W§ MIl ~ ~ ~ ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) Thi. public.tion contains infor.ation about the IBM Virtual Machine/Syst. . Product IVlVSP) Program No. 5664-167. In .ddition, it provides information about the prerequi.ite vtV370 Rel. . .e 6 SCP Progr.m No. 5749-010. Thi. publication. together with the vtVSP Syst. . Logic .nd Probl. . Detel'llination Guide. Vol~ I. 2. and 3. i. intanded for use by syst. . progr. . . .r. responsible for 853 LY20 LY20 LY20-0897 YM/SYSTEM ~ !:!!§!! PERFORMANCE ~ 5664-167. ::.lZh VOLUME 1 SYSTEM ~ At!!;! ~ DETERMINATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is intended for the IBM systell hardware and software support personnel. It provides the following information for the CP component of VM/SP High Performance Option: Description of program logic Module descriptions and cross-references CP Diagnostic Aids Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 616 pages. 6/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-0898 VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT !:!!§!! PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. ::.lZh SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC (CURREN[ RELEASE) This publication is intended for system progrannners and operators whose responsibility itis to maintain a VM/SP High Performance Option system. It explains the program logic for each of the VM/SP High Performance Option service LY20-2050 IMSMAP/vS !!H! 5796-PCY! SYSTEM §!!I!2g The Installed User Program IMSMAP/vS is a dOCUllel1tation aid which produces pictorial representations of data base structures. These maps. which are produced on a line printer. graphically represent the many characteristics of an IMS/VS data base. In addition to producing maps. IMSMAP/vS can print a detailed report describing the characteristics of each data base description (DBO). IMSMAP/VS is an extension of the currently available IUP. IMSMAP (5796-PBC). IMSMAP is a prerequisite for IMSMAP/vS. IMSMAP/vS provides both support for IMS/VS data bases and additional features not available in the original IMSMAP IUP. Manual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = LY20-2059 ~ mIn! DBIPC DATA DICTIONARY SYSTEMS GUIDE ~ = DB2 INTERFACE. 5798-DRP This publication is a guide to the. installation modification. and internals of DD - DB2. It is intended for systems personnel. data base administrators. data dictionary administrators. analysts. and designers. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 152 pages. 5/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2043 !!!!i!!!.!r MANAGEMENT ~ II MANUAL, fllilG..... PROD. 5736-XC4 = ~ (DMS ill ~ DMS II is a set of programs to simplify the implementation of online operations using the 3270 Information Display System. Application specification is simplified by means of DMS II forms. Preprogrammed facilities are provided to perform paging and panel selection. file operations. and data routing. This manual is intended primarily for those responsible for maintaining the programs product. It is designed to be used in conjunction with program listings and flowcharts to understand prograM logic. Manual. 230 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2045 CICS/vS. i l l PROG 5740-XXI! 5746-XX3. ~ LANGUAGE FACILITY. ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) The FASTER Language Facility (F.L.F.) feature of CICS/DOS/VS and CICS/OS/vS makes it possible to run most FASTER Transaction Processing Descriptions (TPDs) U1CIer CICS/VS. The F.L.F. consists of a set of language macros and processing routines designed as a conversion aid for users of the five FASTER systems. All language macros present in the FASTER programs are also present in the language facility and are designed in the Program Reference Manual. The logic Manual primarily describes the functions and the interwork i ng of F. L. F. process i ng routi nes. A kno..ledge of those internal details is not ordinarily needed for dayto-day use of the language facility. Manual. 70 pages =!!H! 5726-PDD. VNVSGP. an Installed User Program is a Statistics Generating Package for YM/370. It is designed to further reduce the data collected by the YM/370 Measurement Facility and is intended to provide information for installation management. system programmers. and users. VM/SGP provides a variety of summarization techniques useful for reporting on many aspects of system load and utilization. It may also siMply be used to format and print trace data and thereby facilitate the inspection and analysis of· syst.... bottlenecks and overloads. This systems guide provides the Systems Analyst .. ith the necessary information on the design, logic and coding of the syst.... to enable him to make modifications. diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Manual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY routines. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 290 pages. 5/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-I001 STATISTICS GENERATING PACKAGE §!!I!2g LY20-2072 INTERACTIVE QUERY 1 ~ PROCESSOR .!l9Bf.L. !!H! 5726-PPG. ~ GUIDE The purpose of this manual is to present to the systell programMer the system logic flo .. of IQRP. This manual also presents detail ...,clule descriptions. flows. and linkages. Manual. 212 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2073 VM/370 GRAPHIC MONITOR! !!H! 5796-PDT This Systems Guide provides the systems analyst .. ith the necessary information on the design. logic and coding of the systeoa to enable him to make modifications. diagnose program errors and perform program maintenance. Manual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2085 ll!!A ~ l2!l.l!I§!:! Am... i l l fR.Q§ 5740-XY8. 5746-XXQ. LOGIC This book. which contains information on the systea design and logic flo .. , is intended primarily to help diagnose error situations. make modifications to the program. and do maintenance work on the prograM. An overview of the product is presented. followed by the ..ay the program is organized. the logic flow of the program (shown by HlPO diagrams). descriptions of the VSAM data sets. how to modify the program. and a summary of DBDA program modules and library members. Manual 854 \ ,/ LY20 LY20 will aid the systems progralllller in deterMining the concurrent and overlapping activity of the channels. control units. and devices for I1VS. SVS. OSIVS1 and 11VT. I1anual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 29 pages. 4/76 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION· ONLY :'Y20-2114 AUTOMATED UNIT TEST. lYE! ~ PEC. SYSTEMS §!!!!2! The purpose of this Manual is to provide inforMation on the design. logic and coding of the Automated UnH Test (AUT) productivHy aid. The infor.... tion can be used for dh'gnosing prograM errors. perfor.ing programMing = maintenance and modifications. Manual. 78 pages. 8/75 LY20-2243 . i l l PERfORMANCE TOOL. lYE! 5796-PGL. SYSTEM GUIDE This manual provides information on the design and logic of VS1PT programs. This information can be used by systellS programmers for making progra. Modifications. diagnosing prograM errors. and perfor.ing program maintenance. For infor.ation about this prograM. see abstract for G320-5680. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 7/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2193 EXTENDED TElECOI1I1IJNICATIONS I10DULES mn!Rli m: CICSIDOSIVS PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER: 5746 ~ The Extended Telecommunications Modules feature of CICSIDOSIVS provides linkage bet ....en CICSIVS 1.0.1 and a telecom....... ications network. I t provides access to the IBM 3600 finance Communication Syste. and functions within the framework of System Network Architecture (SNA). Data flow for certain pre-SNA terMinals is also provided. The basic function of the progra. is to establish and Maintain a data flow between a CICSIVS application and corresponding user application for the IBM 3600 finance Communication Syste•• This .anual provides control block layouts. storage Maps. sample dumps. sample traces. and describes an approach to debugging. It presents guidelines. tools. and information needed to assist program systems representatives and syste. programmers. who Maintain the system and the Extended Telecommunications Modules Feature of CICSIDOSIVS. Manual SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( LY20-2249 BATCH tIONITOR fllB VI1I370 Q:IlU lYf 5796-pGZ. ~ §!!!!2! This Manual describes the architecture and processing logic of the Batch Monitor IUP. It is intended for use by Systems PrograMmers who will .... intain and/or Modify the system. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pages. 11/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2268 ~ LY20-2228 !1m SYSTEI1I370 SPECIAL RS!!. Im.!i OPERATING ~ PROGRAI1I1ING B.fQ 206751 SYSTEMS LOGIC. PROG 5799-AHE This publication describes the internal logic and _thod of operation of the Special Real Ti_ Operating SysteM. The purpose of this publication is to provide inforMation for systems analysts. progra .....rs. systellS engineers. and maintenance personnel to facilitate Making Modifications. diagnosing error sHuations. and perforMing maintenance. Manual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY DATA COMPRESSION Am (JDCA) = lYf 5796-PHN. This systems guide is for those systeMS and applications progra_rs who handle progra. Modifications. error diagnoses. and prograM Maintenance for the SI1f Job Data Compression Aid (JDCA). an IBM installed user prograM. This guide is divided into four sections: record foruts. prograM descriptions. prograM Modifications. and error diagnosis. • Record formats are formed of PVl declare statements. with associated ca-ments. • PrograM descriptions are in narrative forM keyed to the labels and comments in the PVl programs. • The program Modifications section describes procedure for correcting or Modifying the source progralaS. • The error diagnosis section describes the techniques for locating 1) an error within the prograMS. 2) selected data items frOM the output of the linkage editor up. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 72 pgs. 4/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2208 DOSMAP-DVI DATA BASE ~ PROGRAMS. lYE! 5796-PCW. SYSTEMS .!ill!!!!i ~ 8093 The DVI data base mapping programs DBOI1AP and PSBMAP build and print Maps of DVI data bases frOM information contained in the data base descriptions (DBDs) and program specification blocks (PSBs). This Manual describes the internal logi c of the DBDI1AP and PSBI1AP prograllS. Manual. 18 pages. 12/75 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2220 T50-3270 STRUCTURED PROGRAI1I1ING fACILIIY LOGIC. PROG PROD 5740-XT2 This Manual contains information for Maintaining the T5O3270 Structured PrograM.ing facility prograM product. It is intended to be used by IBM and custOMer systems engineers and programmers. Manual ..!2§ illll!:!l! GUIDE LY20-2269 STORAGE ~ MIGRATION Am .1E!!Al lYe 5796-ptIp SYSTEMS §!.!!!lg The Systems Guide is for those systeMS and applications programmers who handle prograM Modifications. error diagnosis. and prograM maintenance for the Storage Device Migration Aid (SOMA). an IBM installed user program. This guide is divided into four sections: record forMats. prograM descriptions. prograM Modifications. and = erro~ • diagnosis. Record formats are formed of PV1 declare statements. with associated comments. • Program descriptions are in narrative forM. keyed to the labels and comments in the programs. • The prograM modifications section describes procedure for correcting or modifying the source programs. • The error diagnosis section describes the techniques for locating 1) an error within the prograMS. 21 selected data itelaS frOM the output of the linkage editor up. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 96 pgs. 3/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2240 ill !!.Q CURRENCY REPORT. lYE! 5796-PGO. SYSTEMS i!lnIi This manual is for the system analyst. prograMmer. and operator during the syst.... test and daily operation of the program. It also contains notes to assist in making minor alterations. The GTf 1/0 Concurrency Report 855 Lno LY20 LY20-2273 ISO/IMP INTERFACE. lW! 5796-",Z. ~ .IiYmf The purpose of this . .nuIII i. to provide the .yst_ progra....r in charge of installation and m.intenance of the TSO Interface to IQRP an insight into the .yat_ logic flON a. ....11 a. the IQRP -WI.. changed to acco.lOdate the TSO interf.ce. Thi . . .nuIIl .erv. . a. an aclc:lench.a to the Inter.ctive Query and Report Proces.or Syat... Suide (LY20-2072). The IQRP IUP (5796-PDEU i. a prerequi.ite and IllUBt be ordered either prior to or in conjunction Nith the TSO Interface to IQRP. It i • • trongly recOlllllended that the .for....... tioned guide be first re.d in order to gain. _re thorough under.tanding a. to hOM the IQRP Syat_ operates. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 16 pages. 1/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY '.Y20-2280 f.!!RI!W:I INTERACTIVE SUBROUTINE .I.mB!!U ~§Ymg The Di.play Editing Systee aceOllllOClataa CHS files of all types. including program .ource . . terial. documentation. and d.ta. It permits users to change portions of the displ .. y Nithout progr .. m intervention. By pl .. cing the cursor on the position(.) requiring change. the user ...y re-enter the correct character(s). The Displ.y Editing Systee check. for lIOCIifications made to the display i ..age ..nd .... kes per. .nent copi. of the changes to the file. Syst. . guide. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 64 pga. 9/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY n =l!H! 5796-",T. The FORTRAN Interactive Subroutine LIBr.ry (FISLIB) Inst.lled User Program consi.t. of • •et of FORTRAN callable .ubroutines ""ich can be used by a FORTRAN programmer to give _re flexibility to inter.ctive FORTRAN progr..... FISLIB i. used Mhere the interaction of huMn deci.ion . .king ability Nith the cOtllputer program i. es.ential to permit users to choose betNeen .lternatives at key point. during program execution. The inter.ctive progr.m produced can be rU"l under: VJVCHS'.ny of the TSO options - OS/HVT. OS/sVS or OS/I1VS, VS/PC FORTRAN, or DOS FORTRAN F utilizing the operating console. The .ubroutines Nritten in FORTRAN .re designed to be .yat... independent. They provide a .i.lified method of allONing the terminal program user to: .pecify program functions to be executed, .pacify para_tera to be varied. reset or incremented, use • comprehensive desk calculator ~ for interMediate computations, cre.. te procedures. a .eri. of executable by procedure Syst_ Guide. 24 pga. 2/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY _nda. LY20-2312 PERSONAL COt1PUTItIS fJ.lL. fRmi fBm 5785-EAB. LOGIC Thi . . .nud describes the internal logic of the VS Personal COlllpUting PL/I (VSPC PL/I1 processor. including the compiler. the libr.. ry. and the interface between VSPC .nd PL/I. It i. intended for use by system progr...... rs responsible for the . . intenance of the PL/I processor. It does not contain infOrMation on the PL/I language itself or it. usage. System Guide. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 223 pga. 10/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2339 TSO-3270 ~ ~ !till STRUClVRED PROGRAI1!1ING FACILITY mlm!H L. LOGIC! PROS fRlm 5740-XT8 SPF i. a progra_ing aid that operate. in the Ti_ Sharing Option (TSO) environoaent and is designed to increase productivity in developing and oaodifying programs. SPF support. VS2-TSO user. Mho have. 24-line IBN 3270 display termin.l equipped Nith • full keyboard. including 12 progr.m function key.. SPF increases progr.......r productivity through: • display presentations which prompt the user and .implify command and d.. ta entry. • tille-saving use of program function keys for c--.ly perforMed operations. • features which facilitate structured progra. . ing in • ti_ .haring environeent. This . .nual describes the logic of SPF. It i. designed for those Mho maintain .nd use SPF. • Hanual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 376 pages. 4/77 na_. LnO-2294 STORAGE Slt!!!!lI. TABLE MAINIENANCE l!H! 5796-PIIY, GUIDE Thi ....nu.. l describes the .tructure and progr..mming detail. of the Ha•• Storage Control Table Haintenance IUP. It i. designed to aid those per.ons responsible for Maintaining. updating. lIOCIifying. and exp.. nding the progr.. m. Thi. m..nual includes interface descriptions. a description of the general organization of the program and the functions ,perfor_d by each -wle of the progr.... Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 224 pages. 2/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LY20-2311 Jm!fI,M w:wI!i JIm.!! !ll! ggu lYI! 5796-PJP. JIm.!! .!iY!!!& (CURRENT RELEASE) Thi • •ystl!lllS guide provides the Sy.t.... Analyst Nith the neces.ary inforMation on the design. logic and coding of the • ystem to enabla hi. to lIake modifications. diagnose progr .... error. and perform progr..m maintenance. The Di.play Editing Sy.t_ Installed User Program i • • full-.creen editing syst. . for the Virtual H..chine Facility/370 Conver•• tional Monitor Sy.t_ (VKl370 CHS) designed to utilize the features of both local and rellOte te.-.inals. In addition to a COIIprehensive array of cursor and _ n d oriented data Manipulation functions. the IUP has direct usability in .. Nide r .. nge of user applications. Display terminals .upported are the 3277 ~l 2 and the IBM 3278 - a l 2. including both the TEXT PROCESSING and APL keyboards. LY20-2340 HASP NETWORKING .!.fBfli P09009) ~ fB.Q§ 5799-ATC Thi ..... nual describes the purpose and functions of the HASP Networking PRPQ and its relationship to OS/vs2. Rele.se 1.7 .nd HASP I I Ver.ion 4.0. It does not replace the program li.tingsl it supplement. thee and . .kes the infor. . tion in thee .are accessible. Per.ons interested in determining .ources of error. Nithin or ...king changes to the internal logic of the HASP NetNOrking PRPQ (HASP/NJI) .hould read this public.tion. Readers eust be familiar Nith progra_ing techniques and the oper.ting principles of OS/vS2. Release 1.7 .nd HASP II Version 4.0. This manual a •• uoaes the re.der i. f.miliar with the content. of the HASP Logic Hanual (GY27-7255). Portions of the HASP Logic Hanual .... re used as a base for this ..anual. A vertical rule in the left ..argin indicates NJI additions • Hanual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 200 pages. 4/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 856 LY20-2341 NEn!ORKIN6 !.fB.e.9 fl!!l!J!§l ~ fBQ§ 5799-ATB The ASP NJI Syst . . is a set of pl"ograms that can be inst.lled in an existing ASP syst. . to provide an interface to a job netNOrk interconnecting processors th.t ..ay be operating under ASP. HASP. VKl370. and JES2 .0 that users .t any node can have .cees. to progr..... data files. and ~ / ( LY20 LY20 facilities available at any other node. JES2 installations using the Network Job'Entry prograM product MUSt predefine all connections between ASP installations operating under this NetNOrking PRPQ. This mlnual describes the function and logic of each ASP NUl DDdule and the changes made to ASP. and acts as a guide to the program listings. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 4/77 LY20-2342 Vl1/370 NETWORKING !.I!Bf9 P0900Zl LOGIC. PB2§ 5799-ATA This manual describes the internal functioning of the VKl370 Networking PRPQ (VIIETI. It is intended for use by IBM Program support representatives. and by system program.ers and analysts Mho ara responsible for installation. maintenance. and modification of the PRPQ. This manual assists in isolating VlIET module code. I t gives: • An overview of syst.. operations • Description of vtlET's user functions with reference to the tasks and DDdul... that perf or. them • A description of each module's main routines and linkages • Control flow diagrams of inter-routine inter-task relationships • Data areas: locations and contents • An approach to problem deter.ination • Six appendices with extensive reference material These sections doc....ent the prograM logic sufficiently to point to the module listing that the PLH user needs. Once in a module listing. the user should readily find the logic he is concerned with. using DDdule and subroutine headers (prologues) and the cOtlllllents in the assembler language statements. Related publications Virtual Hachine Facility/370 NetNOrk Job Interface: Saneral Information Hanual. GH20-1941 Virtual Hachine Facility/370 Networking: PrograM Reference and Operations Hanual. SH20-1977 Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 216 pages. 4/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( LY20-2368 S/370 FORTRAN Ii EXTENDED OprIHIZATION ENIlANCEHEHI. !Yl!.5796-PKR. ~ GUIDE This publication describes the internal design of the IBM System/370 FORTRAN H Extended Compiler Optimization Enhancement. It provides a higher level of optimization to the generation of executable object code from FORTRAN source programs. without requiring any changes to the FORTRAN source or control procedures. The optimization enhancements to the Library usually provide for faster execution of the commonly used mathematical FORTRAN subroutines and input/output for.. Uad conversions without changing the arithMetic results produced. The opti.ization enhancements are applied to the 'program 857 ./ LY20-2371 DUI ~ ~ ~ §!!I.!lg HANAGEHENI UTILITIES. !Yl! 5796-PKF. The DUI DOS/vS Space Hanagement Utilities can help improve system performance and programmer productivity. They are designed to detect and report DUI HD pointer discrepancies. to provide statistics and information for HD tuning. and to assist with s~ent restructuring and reloading during data base reorganization. This publication describes the internal logic of the DUI DOS/vS Space Hanagement Utilities program. It is intended for use by persons involved in the maintenance of these utilities. The principal purpose of the publication is to serve as a guide to the program listings with which it is to be used. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 8/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2376 DATA ~ DESIGN Am& i l l PB2§ 5748-XXQ (DOS/VS). LOGIC This book contains information on DBDA program organization and logic flow and it is intended primarily to help the customer system programmer and the IBH system engineer diagnose error situations. make modifications. and do maintenance work on the program. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 418 pages. 12/77 LY20-2377 MIA ~ !!ill§!! AID, i l l PB2§ 5740-SY8 (OS/VS), ~ This book. which contains information on the system design and logic flOM. i. intended primarily to help diagnose error situations. make modifications to the program and do maintenance work on the program. An overvie.. of the product is presented. follONed by the Nay the program is organized. descriptions of the modules. descriptions of the VSAH data sets. haN to modify the program. and a summary of DBDA program modules and library members. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 640 pages. 12/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2367 BULK .ItW TRANSFER. !Yl! 5796-PKK. ~ §!lm The Bulk Data Transfer IUP provides users of NJE for JES2. HASP/NJI and ASP/NJI with the capability to transfer data sets from one mode in a network to another. This requirement is common to a number of customers Mho wish to transmit large data files between geographically separated systems or co-located systems via the channel-to-channel adaptor. This manual includes a functional overvieN. logic flOM. module descriptions and programming considerations required for maintaining and modifying this IUP. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inchas. 20 pages. 5/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( products FORTRAN H Extended 15734-F03) and FORTRAN Library H2 15734-LH3). An understanding of these products is assumed. The Enhanced Compi ler runs under ei ther VH/CHS or I1VS using the same conventions as the regular FORTRAN H Extended compiler and FORTRAN Library H2. This Systems Guide is intended for use by persons involved in the maintenance of systems and program products. The information contained herein is not necessary for the use and operation of the FORTRAN compiler itself. Hanual. 60 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SU!lSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2383 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ~ ~ ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION !TCS-ACF!. i l l fRQ§ 5740-XY3. LOGIC This manual describes the internal program logic and operation of the Telecommunications Control System-Advanced Communications Function ITCS-ACF). The basic TCS-ACF concepts section contains the functional and logical concepts of TCS-ACF and places the program 'in perspective relative to the Operating Syst8lll (OS/VS) and the Telecommunications Access Hethad (lCAH). The ..thod of operation section describes functional flONS of programs in the TCS-ACF environment and also points out those features that are m.jor additions to the TCAH facilities or are deviations from TCAH. The program organization section describes the TCS-ACF modules in the form of a table Nith the information necessary for an understanding of the function of each = Lno Lno MOdule and its place relative to other related .adules. This section also discusses each TCS-ADV ..cro. with a figure of any created parameter list. Note: This manual describes the Basic TCS-ACF program and does not apply to the multicomputer NetNOrking Feature. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 140 pages. 10/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Extended Editor and Full Screen Manager. It contains a general overview of the editor components. the relationship of the editor to the VS APL syst... and the overall flow of the VS APL Extended Editor. The VS APL Extended Editor is written in S/370 Assembler and is a replacement for the standard APL del-editor. The Extended Editor supports the hardwara editing features of the 3270 aisplay station. and aids the APL progra_r in the creatiO!>. lIOdification. and testing of progralll5 in a shorter amount of time. The Full Screen Manager is an auxiliary processor that allotl& the APL progra..... r to manipulate the 3270 console in full screen lIOde. The auxiliary processor. API24X. is similar to the APL124 auxiliary processor for VSPC and CICS. AP124X has some additional c.p.bilities that .ra not available in the versions for VSPC and CICS. Some of the major features of this IUP are: • Full Screen support for Editor • Full Screen support for APL Progr....r • Multiple Function Parallel Editing • Execution of APL expressions within the Editor • Context Editing commands • Ability to Edit Character Matrices and Vectors • Compatibility with del-editor • Similarity to CMS and TSO Editors Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 8/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LnO-2411 PAGE FORMATTING SERVICES. !!l!! 5796-AWE. LOGIC The IBM 3800 Page Formatting Services IUP allows an OSIVS user to take advantage of almost all IBM 3800 features with minimal education and effort on the part of the applications programmer. The purpose of this manual is to provide the syst.. programmer with sufficient information to modify and maintain this IUP. It contains system flowcharts as well as a complete set of HIPO charts describing the detail flow of the components of this IUP. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 4/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY20-2416 IMS-CMS ~ ~ BlB ~ !!l!! 5796-PLE. SYSTEMS §!lIRg This program links the power of APL or CMS data management with the data storage capabilities of IMS. An APL or CMS user may submit IMS transactions and. upon completion of IMS processing. have IMS output available in the user's APL or CMS address space. After processing the data. the user may store results in the INS system. This publication describes the design and processing logic of this program. It is intended to help those involved in making program lIOdifications. diagnosing progralll errors. and performing program maintenance. Manual SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~nO-2418 ~ LnO-2429 Afl. WORKSPACE STRUCTURE ANALYZER. !!l!! 5796-PNB. lr!llit!li GUIOE This IUP consists of a collection of programs in a single workspace mich gathers cross raference information about a collection of APL or FORTRAN progralll5. Additional progralll5 display this information is a number of useful ways. and include output on terminal. syst.... printer. or documentation file. Na ... manipUlation functions help are group the na_ of functions and variables into functional groups for progralll partitioning. or for documentation displays. additional functions are provided that allow ·one to "brONSe" a workspace. looking for specific character patterns. A "revision" function helps make global changes to APL functions and character variables. Manual SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY PERFORMANCE TOOL. !!l!! 5796-PLQ. SYSTEMS GUIDE The performance of an IBM System 4300 operating under DOSIVSE with VSE/Advanced Functions or an IBM Systelll 370 operating under DOSIVSE or DOSIVS depends on many complex and interrelated factors. Manual or theoretical methods cannot adequately evaluate .. chine/system performance. The VSE/PT Installed User Progralll is a software tool that provides the ability to measure and report many performance- LnO-2431 related factors of such a system. BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR !! !.!mi l!h. IUP 5796-PGT. It uses dynamic event tracing and/or periodic SYSTEMS GUIDE statistical sampling to record system status on an output This publication describes in detail the Batch Terminal data file. Subsequently. a series of reports can be Simulator (BTS III. This includes an in-depth description produced to aid in the evaluation of software and hardware of the component MOdules. a discussion of modification aids performance during the entire monitoring period or any and error diagnosis. BTS II queues and tables. and macro portion thereof. instruct ions. Used on a regular basis. VSE/PT can help answer SOll8 key Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 112 pages. 8/79 performance questions. It can measure the changing SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY environment to aid in an understanding of the systelll's internal operations. The measurement detail can be used to identify where changes to the syst.. may produce an LnO-2437 improvement in overall performance. Subsequent analysis can DMS/3770. ill PROG 5748-XC3 verify that the changes produced the desired result. The Display Management System/3770 (DMS/37701 provides Finally. an analysis of the VSE/PT reports can assist in facilities to aid in the design. implementation. testing. determining which resources are available for the future and .... intenance of application progralll5 for the IBM 3770 Programmable Communication Terminal. growth of the syst.... Manual The basic function of this program product is to SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY generate application programs that interface with the terminal operator and to provide data collection and maintenance with a variety of I/O support. LY20-2426 This manual covers the internal logic of the Display Management Syst.. 3770. ~ Afl. EXTENDED ill.IQR ! .E.!l!J. SCREEN MANAGER. Manual. 204 pages. 7/78 !!l!! 5796-PLY. SYSTEMS GUIDE This manual describes the operation and logic of the VS APL SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 858 / Lno LY20 LY20-2451 IHSIVS AUTOMATED OPERATOR FACILITY ~ ~ fBQ§ 5740-XYD LOGIC This _nual provides a basic introduction to the internal design and Method of operation of the Automated Operator Facility. It is provided for IBM service personnel and for custOller ayst_ progra_rs 0Ih0 add their exten5ions to the product. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 5/79 syst... can be used as a "remot.." t .. rminal to another operating system using bisynchronous line protocall. This int ..rface maintains the physical t .. l ..processing line and all int ..rnal CICS message s .. itching. This manual cov.. rs the int .. rnal logic of the VSE/3270 Bisync Pass Through product. Hanusl. 112 pages. 2/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2508 m REMOTE .HID ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM. ~ fBQ§ 5746-RC9. ~ This publication contains information on the int .. rnal op.. ration of the DOSIVSE/AF3 R....ot.. Job Entry Workstation Progra.. It is intended for us .. by persons involved in program maint..nance ,and by systems progra..... rs who ar.. alt .. ring the program design. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 248 pages. 9/80 SLSS: 18K INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2455 DDSIVSE REHOTE 1m! ENTRY WORKSTATION ~ LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains infor.... tion on the internal operation of the DOSIVSE Remote Job Entry Workstation progra.. It is intended for us .. by persons involved in program _intanance and by systems progra.... rs 0Ih0 ar.. altering the program design. Hanual. 256 pages. 06/79 SLSS: 18K INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LnO-2569 ( LY20-2456 DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEH/CUSTQMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIVIRTUAL ~ (DMS/CICSIVS). ~ .Erul§ 5740-XC5 5746-XC4. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual contains detailed infor_tion on the D..v.. lopatent Hanagem..nt SystetlVCICSIVS (DMS/CICSIVS) program logic. All program modules are ..xplained through narrativ.. discussion. This docuIentation is intended to be used in conjunction ..ith the cO"'""'"tary in th.. sourc.. listing header. System tabl ..s and work areas ar .. described. The user of this _nual IlUSt be faml1 i ar .. i th the logi c of the CustOMer Information Control System (CICS). This manual is intended for us.. by syst... progra.... rs and application progra..... rs. Manual. 148 pages. 4/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2480 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY/CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM. ~ fRQ§ ~5748-XT3. LOGIC The Structured Progra.. ing Facility/Conversational Monitor System is a program development tool designed to take advantage of the characteristics of 18K 3270 display terminals. and to increase productivity in an interactive environment for users of both structured and conventional programming techniques. This docu.ent describes the internal logic. program structure. and data areas. It is intended for thos .. 0Ih0 change and _intain this program product. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 464 pages. 11/79 BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR. ~ fRQ§ 5668-948. LOGIC This manual d..scribes the int .. rnal design or logic of the subject program. These manuals are intended for persons involv..d in program maintenanc.. and syst.... programmers who ar.. altering the program design. Program logic info.... tion is not necessary for the operation of the programl th.. refore. distribution of thes .. publications should be limited to persons with maintenance and alteration requi raments. The IMS/vs Batch Terminal sinulator allows ..x..cution of IMS/VS data base/data communication applications in a TSO or batch environment. It also provides infor.... tion about ..ach Dt/I call and summary information about each transaction. This publication describes Batch Terminal Simulator in detail. The _nual includes an in-depth description of the component modules. a discussion of modification aids and error diagnosis. Batch Terminal Simulator queues and tables. and lIacro instructions. Manual. 7/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY20-2585 COMMUNICATION FACILITY HOST, ~ f!!.Q§ 5668-979. LOGIC Communications Facility/Host is a program product that provides a terminal operator at the host site with th.. functions needed to rout .. data and programs between a 4300 (or 370 or 30XX) host processor and a network of Series/! processors via SDLC or BISYNC communication lines. This manual is intended for system programmers 0Ih0 ..ant to modify the system. Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 84 pages, 8/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY :'Y20-2489 .HID ENTRY SUBSYSTEM 3/NETWORKING, ~ fRQ§ 5799-AZT. PROGRAM ~ . This _nual describes the purpos .. and functions of the Job Entry Subsyst_ 3/Networking PRPQ and Hs r ..lationship to Job Entry Subsyst.... 3 Release 3. Th.. information is presented as a supplement to the program listings. Hanual. 92 pages. 9/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-2496 VSE(3270 BISYNCHRONOUS PASS IHROUGH. ~ f!!.Q§ 5746-AM5 LOGIC The VSE/3270 Bisync Pass Through product provides facilities to sinulat.. a '3270 control unit from a CICS/vs partition of a DOSIVSE system. The basic function of this program product is to provid.. an int.. rfac.. frOil which a ter.inal connected to a CICSIVS LnO-6352 I1USIc/SP, 5664-197, l l i l i t § GUIDE This publication describes the internal operation of MUSIC/SP, including data area description, diagnostic aids, and lIOnitoring facilities. It is designed to be used by thesyst .... programmer for support. modi fication, enhancement. orproblem determination activities. This is a component of ZBOF-1002. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 228 pages, 6/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 859 LY20-8010 GIS/VS. ~ PROS 5740-XX7. LOGIC ~ 1 This publication is Volume 1 of a three-volume ..nual. Volume 2 is LY20-8011; Volume 3 is LY20-8012. ~--'\ ~j Lno LY20 FORTRAN prograM product. It describes the interface to the VS Personal Computing (VSPCI program product. the FORTRAN compiler. and the library routines. It also describes the data areas (called rollsl used by the compiler and diagnostic tools and techniquu which can be used in servicing VSPC FORTRAN. To use this book. you must be familiar MUh the IBM Systeml360 and Systeall370 FORTRAN IV Language. Ge28-6515. and VSPC FORTRAN Ter.inal User's Guide. SH20-9062. Distribution is restricted to licensee& with the above IHmtioned requirement since program logic is not required to use the VSPC FORTRAN product. For information about VSPC installation. see VS Personal Computing (VSPCI Installation Reference Material. SH20-9072. Manual. 130 pages. 4/76 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This IHnuIIl outlines and details the internal logic of GIs/vS. The organization of the ....nual reflects the design structure of interfacing program units of the syst... When applicable. the lIanual includu diagnOlltic COIIIlII8nts to assist in isolating faulty operation and also contains lIodification aids to assist the user in IHking .inor changes to the syste•• Hanual. 494 pagu SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LnO-80U GIS/vS. ill fBm! 5740-XX7. LOGIC ~ 1 This publication is Volume 2 of a three-volUMe IHnual. Volume 1 i. LY20-80l0; Volume 3 is LY20-80l2. This lIanual outlines and details the internal logic of GIS/vS. The organization of the .anual reflects the design structure of interfacing program units of the systeM. When applicable. the .anual includes diagnostic comments to assist in isolating faulty operation and also contains modification aids to assist the user in making .inor changes to the systea. Manual. 436 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-80l2 GIS/VS. ill fRg§ 5740-XX7. LOGIC VOLut1E 1 This pUblication is volume 3 of a Three-VolUlle Hanual. Volume 1 is LY20-8010; Volume 2 is LY20-8011. This .anual outlines and details the internal logic of 6ISIVS. The organization of the lIanual reflects the duign structure of interfacing prograM units of the system. When applicable. the manual includes diagnOlltic comments to assist in isolating faulty operation and also contains modification aids to assist the user in Making minor changes to the system. Manual. 410 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-80n ADVANCED QUERY FEATURE. ill fBm! 5740-XX7. LOGIC SUPPLEMENT Thi s .anual supplements the three volume PrograM Logi c Manual (LY20-80l0. LY20-80ll. LY20-S0l21. It is intended for users of the Advanced Query Feature. Manual. 80 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY20-8032 VSAPL. i l l fB.!!§ 5748-AP1. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE I This manual provides information on the design and program logic of VS APL. It includes logic flow and data descriptions. It serves a. a guide to the prograM listings. Hanual. 200 pages. 1/76 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LnO-8037 DBIDC 12m DICTIONARY. i l l fB.!!§ 5746-XXC. DIAGNOSIS: REFEREIICE (CURRENT RELEASE I This publication describes diagnOllis reference inforMation pertaining to the DBIDC Data Dictionary and i. intended priMarily for those involved in Dictionary service. Sufficient information is provided to enable a user to rapidly locate a pertinent point in the prograM code. Together Mith the comments and coding in the DBIDC Data Dictionary program listings. this manual describes the internal concepts of the systea. Prerequisite Publications: DBIDC Data Dictionary General Information Hanual. GH20-9104 DBIDC Data Dictionary Installation Guide. SH20-9084 DBIDC Data Dictionary Application Guide. SH20-9173 DBIDC Data Dictionary Terminal User'. Guide and Co_nd Reference. SH20-90S3 DBIDC Data Dictionary Administration and Customization Guide. SH20-9174 IMS/VS System Programming Reference Manual. SH20-9027 IMS/VS Program Logic Manual. LY20-8069 Manual. S 1/2 x 11 inches. 107 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-80l4 MODIFY FEATURE. ill fRQ§ 5740-XX7. LOGIC SUPPLEMENT Thi s manual supplements the three volume PrograM Logi c Manual (LY20-8010. LY20-80l1. LY20-80l21. It is intended for users of the Modify Feature. Manual. 27 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LnO-8039 PERSONAL COI1PUTIN§ ~ LOGIC fR!l§ fRQ!l 5746-l!R3 This publication is intended for programming support representatives and system programmers Mho service the IBM VS Personal Computing (VSPCI prograM product. It describes the Method of operation of VSPC. the floM of control among the object MOdules. the major data areas used by VSPC. and the diagnostic tools and techniques required to determine and describe problems encountered in the operation of VSPC. Before reading this manual. you should be familiar Nith DOS/vS and its system generation. telecommunications. VSAM. and VTAH. For information on installation proceduru. see VS Personal Computing (VSPCI Installation Reference Material. SH20-9072. Di,stribution is restricted to licensees Mith the above-mentioned requir ....ent since program logic i .. not requi red to use the VSPC product. Manual. 220 pgs. 10/76 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LnO-80l5 UPDATEICREATE FEATURE. ill fB.!!§ 5740-XX7. LOSIC SUPPLEMENT This .anual supplements the three volume PrograM Logic Manual (LY20-8010. LY20-S011. LY20-S0121. It is intended for users of the Update/Create Feature. Hanual. 110 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ :..nO-S031 VSPC FORTRAN. LIC fRQ§ 574S-F02. lOGIC This publication is intended for prograM support representatives and programmers Mho service the IBM VSPC 860 ( SY20 LY20 LY20-8047 breakdoNn as described in the IHSIVS Diagnostic Aids manual. Prerequisite publications are: IMSIVS Diagnostic Aids. LY20-80631 IHSIVS Sy,stelllApplication Design Guide. SH20-9025, IMSIVS System Programming Reference Hanual. SH209027, and IHSIVS Utilities Refepence Manual. SH20-9029. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 400 pages. 9178 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ANALYSIS PROSPAH-l !Af=!l LOGIC, fHQ§ 5799-ARG. PRPQ EG4653 f!lR ll22 ! 3330 tIODEL 11 m:t SYSTEI1I370 This manual is intended for maintenance personnel who require an in-depth knoMledge of AP-l's design. organization. data area and diagnostic information. This manual describes the internal logic of AP-l and contains a Hicrofiche directory and diagnostic information. The microfiche directory should be used Nith the program listings which show which MOdule references the fields of data. The labels used in each MOdule is also presented. OSIMVT Analysis Program-l (AP-l) User's Guide. SH20-9106. is a prerequisite. Hanual. 69 pages. 9176 ~ LY20-8072 .A!!l ~ ~ ~ PERSONAL COtIPUTING ~ .Y!!m; This publication describes the internal logic of VS Personal CoMputing (VSPC). an IBM program product that ..... under OSIVSI and OSIVS2 HVS. I t is directed to.... rd parsons supporting VSPC who require information about the functions performed and the methods used to determine the nature and cause of problelllS encountered when executing the functions. Since program logic is not needed to use VSPC. this publication i. limited to licensees involved in program service. Manual. 128 pages. 12/78 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY20-8050 IHSIVS, 5740-XX2. VERSION ! FAILURE ANALYSIS STRUCTURE TABLE f!lR m!!:1J! ANALYSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication presents Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) that associate abnormal termination conditions encountered in operation of IHS/VS NHh their causes. I t is intended for both IMSIVS users and IBM Field Engineering programming support representatives who define and diagnose probleJIIS encountered in the operation of IHS/VS. Readers of this book should be able to use this book to precisely define a particular IHSIVS failure. Manual. 900 pages. 12/76 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-8073 ~ ~ ~ .l,n; This bock is designed to help define VSPC program failures through the use of keywords. Prerequi.ite publications: • VS Personal Computing (VSPC) Logic SUIII11Iary. LY20-8072 • VS Personal Computing (VSPC) Installation Reference. SH20-9072 Hanual. 8 112 x. 11 inches. 48 pages. 8179 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-8058 3800 IlTILITY. .l,n; fHQ§ 5748-UT2, LOGIC This manual explains the logic of the utility program Nhich controls the Offline 3800 Printer. The purpose of the manual is to help the IBM Programming Service Representative (PSR) to isolate a programming failure as quickly as SY20-8077 possible. Although this manual is primarily Nritten for the ~ ~ 5740-xxF, DAI! DICTIONARY DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE PSR. system progra_ers and others may .lso be interested in (CURRENT RELEASE) some of the infor.... tion presented. This book is intended for use in diagnosing program f.ilu .... in the DBIDC Data Dictionary. Before using this book. the Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pgs. 11/77 program failure should have been analyzed using the SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY diagnostic procedures in OSIVS DBIDC Data Dictionary Diagnosis Guide. SY20-8078. knoMledge of which is LY20-8063 prerequisite to the use of this book. Additional information to assist in the isolation of ~ VERSION L. .l,n; fHQ§ 5740-)0(2. DIAGNOSTIC ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) failures is found in DBIDC Data Dictionary Diagnosis: This book is designed to help IBM PSRs and customer syst_ Reference. LY20-8037. programmers do three things: Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 150 pages. 8/80 • Define programming failures systematically SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY • Find fixes in RETAIN/ENS for IHSIVS programming failures SY20-8078 • Find user-caused progra .... ing failures The book is based on • concept of defining progra_ing OSIVS ~ D!!A DICTIONARY. 5740-XXF DIAGNOSIS failures through the use of "keywords". Keywords are simply GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) This bock is intended for use by people diagnosing program NOrds that identify aspects of a programming failure. such as the aubfunction that failed or the type of failure. The failures in the DBIDC Data Dictionary. It provides book tells how to construct a set of keywords to define a inforllation for systematic selection of "keywords" that programming failure. Once keywords are constructed. they identify aspects of a program failure. such as the function are used to aearch RETAIN/ENS for aimilarly defined that failed or the type of failure. programming failures. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 8/80 111/5740-)O(F Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 90 pgs. 11/77 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ( LY20-8069 IHSIVS ~ L. .l,n; fRll§ 5740-)0(2. J.!!!m; (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is intended for program systeJIIS representatives (PSRs) and system progranomers Mho .re involved in the service .nd/or modification of IHSIVS. Sufficient information is provided to enable a user to rapidly locate a pertinent point in the program code. The structure of the manual ia based on an information organization linked to the IHSIVS function/aubfunction SY20-8079 ~ PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) VERSION ! f!lR ~ !!l!l!z. .l,n; ERQ§ 5665-283. DIAGNOSIS This publication tells how to diagnose failures in 0SIVS2 HVS VS Personal Computing (VSPC). I t aaaumes that it ha. been determined that the suspected failure is not a user error, that ia. it Nas not caused by faulty usage of VSPC. or by an error in the logic of the application program. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 4/81 861 ( PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) DIAGNOSTIC Aml!..a. fR9§ 5740-XR6, LOGIC 111/5665-283 ,f \ \ ~j LY21 LY20 LY20-8081 ~ LY20-9042 DATA m AH!l fBfi SPACE MANAGER. lYE 5796-PPlh .um!!li 6UIDE Tha Data Set and Free Space Hanager. provides MYS users the opportunity to incraase DASD space utilization tlith a aini.ua of aanual effort. This addition to Total Storage Management provides two kay functions: reporting tha status of DASD spaea. and returning ~rutilized space to the free spaca pool. The raturn of unused space May be controlled at the data sat lavel utilizing a filtering option. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 11/81 SLSS: ORDER NIl. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY IIAdH: Il6I6 DICTIONARY DIA!iNDSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This 1Hb1h:ation i. dasigned to be used in conjln:tion tlith Dos/vs DB/DC Data Dictionary Diagnosis: Guide. It describes diagnosis rafaranca inforlll8tion partaining to the Dictionary and is intanded pri_rily for thosa involved in Dictionary service. Sufficient info~tion i. providad to enabla a usar to rapidly locata a pertinent point in the prograa code. Together tlith the coamants and coding in the Dictionary progra. listings. this . .nual describes the intarnal concepts of the systea. Prerequisita and a.sociatad IHblications ara listad in the praface. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 84 pages. 121'81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY20-8082 DOStyS DB(QC !1m DICTIONARY DIAGNOSIS iYm (CURRENT RELEASE! This book providas diagnosticians tlith infor_tion to slflit_tically salect "kayMOrds" that dascriba a suspectad prograa failure in the DOSIVS DBIDC Data Dictionary. KeYMQrds ara NOrds that identify aspects of a prograa failure such as the fln:tion that failad or the type of failura. Raader should hava a basic understanding of: Dictionary concept., dump analysis, Systea Control Prograa (SCP! diagnostic practices, and DBIDC diagnostic practices. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inehes. 50 pages. 12/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-9001 DBPROTOTYPE lL. lYE 5796-PJK. SYSTEMS GUIDE DBPROTOTYPE/II is a sat of programs that provide data basa design support of Inforaation and Managamant SlflitulVirtual Storaga (IMSIVS!. Thesa progralllS enabla the IMSIVS data basa designer to craata a test data basa and skelatal application prograM to r~ against that data base. as _11 as build analytic IIOdels. By analyzing the perfor. .nca data obtained froa these processing sequences. the designer can selact the design best suitad to his needs. This aanual contains infor_tion about the internal logic and organization of the DBPROTOTYPE/II programs. It is intandad to assist prograa .. intenanee and alteration. I1anual SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-9007 !fl,.!Im INTERFACE-II. lYE 5796-Pt!§. SYSTEMS iYm This _nual providas inforllation on the design. logic. and coding of the APL Data Interfaca-II IUP. intended to help those involved in ..king progra. aodifications and documenting prograa errors. I1anual SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY It is LY20-9084 GENERALIZED CICSIVS APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT ARCHITECTURE VERSIDN. 5796-PWJ. ~ ~ ~ Tha Generalized CICSIVS Application Development Architectura. developed by the Southern California Edison Company. is a system of generalized program Modules designed to increasa the productivity of application progra_ers involved in developing online applications under CICS/OSIVS and CICSIDOSIVS. The generalized noodules are driven by specification tables Mhich are defined via user-selected macro paraMeters. This aanual provides a system description and is an installation. operations and progra ....er·s reference ........ l. ""nual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1324 pages. 4/84 SLSS: ORDER NIl. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6Y21-0012 2li ~ LOGIC .E.Q.B l§!:! 1419/1275 TMs IHblication describes the logic of the basic sequential access ... thad (BSAH! routines required to usa the IBM 1419 Magnetic Char. Reader and the IBM 1275 Optical Char. Raader with the MFT. HVT. and VS options of the operating slflitea (DS!. I t is intended for IBM custOlller engineers and for programmars Mho IlUSt understand or aodify 1419/1275 BSAH routines. . A general ~rstanding of OS and data .. nag"""",t and an ~derstanding of how to write 1419/1275 programs is required to usa this publication. Sea OS Data Hanagement Services & Hacro Instructions for IBM 1419/1275. GC21-5006 for inforaation on how to tlrite programs for the 1419 and 1275. I1anual. 74 pages SLSS: ORDER NIl. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY21-00n 2li DATA MANAGEMENT ~ .bQ!ill; .E.Q.B l§!:! 1285/1287/1288 This publication describes the internal program logic for the MFT. MVT. VSI and VS2 support of the IBM 1285. the IBM 1287. and the IBM 1288. The support includes aodules to read dOcuments tlith BSAM and journal tapes with QSAM. This publication is intended for use by IBM progra_ing systeas representatives involved in prograa lIaintenance and by programmers needing inforaation on the logic of the 1285/1287/1288 data aanagecent routines. I1anual. 91 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY20-9040 m!/V!1 !!lm Bmm t!!l!!l iNIB! m:m!S lL. lYE 5796-PPL. LY21-0014 SYSTEMS GUIDE OSIVSI Host R.-ta HocIa Entry Systea II enables a Systaa/370 operating under the control of OSIVSI to fln:tion as a remota terMinal (NOrkstation! for submitting jobs to a central Systaa/370 to ba executed undar any OSIVS envi ronatant. I1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 121'81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 862 ~--- -- -~- --------~ l§!:! 1m! !f§ II LANGUAGE ~ LOGIC.t!At!YAI. ~~5736-RGI This 1Hb1ication describes the internal logic of the RPG II compiler, object program. and forllatted dump prograM. It is intended as a recall MeChanis. and a debugging ai.d. As a debugging aid. this lIanual serves b,..t as a guide to sequences of instructions found in the coding of. the progra•• This aanual is divided into three parts describing the internal logic of the RPG II prograa. The first part describes the RPG II cOllpiler. the second part describes the ( LY21 SY24 object program, and the third part the BPG II fo .... tted dump program. Each part includes the follONing areas: o Introduction. o Method of Operation. o Program Organization. o Directory. o Data Areas. The information necessary to illpl ........t the program is not included in this publication. Manual, 240 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY22-7186 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX INTRODUCTION !!:m SERVICE STRATE6Y (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains information about the 3090 Processor Complex library organization and an introduction to the processors. Manual, 11 x 17 inches, 192 pages, 03/87 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY services and overall operation. 2. Method of Operation: Provides high level HIPO (Hierarchy plus Input-Process-Output) diagrams that describe the operation of the I/O supervisor and guide you into the program listing. 3. Program Organization: Contains functional organization charts of the I/O supervisor. and flowcharts of new or particularly complex routines. 4. Directories: Provides cross-reference lists. 5. Data Areas: Contains descriptions of the data areas that are used primarily by the I/D supervisor. 6. Diagnostic Aids: Contains information to help you interpret the program listing. 7. Appendixes: Supplements both this manual and the program listing. Included are descriptions of SVC routines and optional features, error recording information, error recovery routines. list of abbreviations, and a glossary. Manual. 184 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-5159 OS/vSl CHECKPOINT/RESTART ~ ~ PROCESSOR troDEL l!!!.!!Ye 1 CONSOLE FUNCTIONS Mm I1ESSA6ES Provides a reference to the checkpoint and restart routines This publication has information about the display screens For persons involved in program maintenance. and for system for the 4381 Processor Model 6roup 3. The screen images are programmers Mho are altering the program design. sample displays of typical functions. This information is Sections included give a brief introduction. major primarily for customer engineers and support center functions. control flow. pointers to the listings. data personnel. The reader should be familiar with the display areas used. and messages issued by the checkpoint and console. restart routines. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 410 pages, 1984 Prerequisite Publications: SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY o OS/VS Checkpoint/Restart. 6C26-3784 o OS/vsl JCL Services, 6C24-5100 Manual, 44 pages SY24-5155 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY OS/vSl SUPERVISOR LOGIC This manual describes the purpose and function of the YSI supervisor and its relationship to the control program. The SY24-5160 major areas of the supervisor are identified as interrupt OS/vSl ill Mm .!ill! LOGIC management, task management, contents management, virtual Describes the internal logic of the OS/vSl Initial Program storage management, page management, timer management, and Loader (IPL) and Nucleus Initialization Program (NIP) for overlay management. Each of the routines related to these persons involved in program maintenance. and for syst. . functions, the data areas used by the supervisor, and the programmers Mho are altering the program design. diagnostic aids for maintaining the system are described in Sections included in this reference manual provide the detail. Three appendixes provide inforMation on Program reader with introductory information about IPL and NIP, Fetch, time slicing, shared DASD, extended precision their functions, their routines, cross-references to the floating point decimal simulator, generalized trace listings, data areas used, messages issued, and possible facility, and ECPS (extended control program support) for wait state codes. Prerequisite Publications: VSl. This ...nual does not discuss I/O supervision, o IBM System/370 System Summary. 6A22-7001. checkpoint/restart, or recovery management services. o OS/vsl Planning and Use Guide, 6C24-5090. Program Logic Hanual, 152 pages Persons interested in determining sources of errors SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY within or making changes to the internal logic of the VSl supervisor should read this manual. This manual is also written as a reference tool for educational purposes. Readers must be familiar with programming tecmiques and the SY24-5162 operating principles of VSl. OS/VS 1m:! 3886 ~ CHARACTER READER HODEL ! ~ Prerequisite reading: IBM System/370 Syst. . SuNnary. This publication, when used with program listings. meets the Manual, 432 pages, (release 6) documentation requirements of support personnel who maintain the Operating System/virtual Storage (OS/VS) support for the SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY IBM 3886 Hodel 1 under the Basic Sequential Access Method (BSAH). The publication describes the modules that for. the SY24-5156 IBM System/370 OS/VS support for the IBI1 3886. Manual. 56 pages OS/vsl ug SUPERVISOR LOGIC I1ANUAL This manual describes the internal logic or the OS/VS I/O SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY supervisor. It is intended to be used by program support customer engineers and system programmers who alter program design. SY24-5163 The I/O supervisor starts. MOnitors. and, Nhen OS/YS !!l!:! 3890 DOCU!1ENT PROCESSOR LOGIC necessary. restarts I/O operations. This publication Mhen used with the program listings, provides the documentation requirements of support This _nual is comprised of 7 sections: personnel who service the Operating System/Yirtual Storage (OS/VS) support for the IBM 3890 Document Processor 1. Introduction: Informs you of the I/O supervisor's SY24-4024 863 SY24 SY24 the Queued Sequential Access I1ethod (CISAIU. This publication desc .. ibes the follotdng _elules that fo ... the IBM System/370 OSIVS suppo.. t fo .. the ISH 3890: o OPEN Executo.. fo.. the ISH 3890 o SETDEV module o GET Hodule o SYNCH Module o CNTRL Module ERP (e .. ro....ecove ..y p ..ocedurel .adul. o Manual. 40 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ .. SLSS: ORDER NO. SU5SCRIPTION ONLY SY24-5169 .!.Q§ MANAGEMENT .lJ:!!Zlli ~ ! This publication is Vol....e 2 of • t_ vol. . . s.t. It contains Section 4: C..oss Ref...enc. Di ..ecto..y. Section 5: Data A..eas, .nd Section 6: Diagnostic Aids. An appendix. DirectorY of Abbr.viations. is also included. This vol. . . is to be used in conjunction with its companion vol. . . OSIVSl Job ManageMent Logic. Volunoe 1. SY24-5168. P.....equisite publications a ..e: OSIVSl Planning and Us. Guide. GC24-5090 OSIVSI JCL Reference. GC24-5099 OSIVSI JCL Se..vices. GC24-5100 OSIVSI Superviso.. Services and Macro Instructions. GC24-5103 tt.... l. 336 pages, 2/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SU5SCRIPTION ONLY ~ SY24-5165 ~ DISKETTE ~ PROGRAI1I1ING ~ PROGRAM ~ A p ..ogra .. logic Manual describes the inte..nal design 0 .. logic of the subject prog .. a.. These .... nuals are intended fo .. pe ..sons involved in prograM maIntenance and syst. . prog ..amme ..s Nho a ..e alte.. i.ng the p ..ogra. design. P..og ..a. logic information is not necessa ..y fo .. the ope ..ation of the p .. og.. am; the .. efo ..e. dist .. ibution of these publications should be limited to pe ..sons with maintenance and alte ..ation ..equi ..ements. Manual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-5166 LOGIC fQB 1m:! 3540 DISKETTE INPII!IOUTM .!.!!II This publication documents the internal ope ..ation of the prog ..ams that suppo.. t ope ..ation of the IBM 3540 Diskett. Input/Output Uni t lA'Ide.. OSIVSl. It helps the p ..og.. an".... follow the inte .. nal ope..ation of the program to dat....ine the lOcation of a p ..og..a .. malfunction. Manual. 100 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SY24-5167 OSIVS2 LOGIC fQB 1m:! ~ DISKETTE INPII!IOUTM YHII This publication documents the inte..nal ope..ation of the prog .. aIWS that suppo .. t ope..ation of the ISH 3540 Diskette Input/Output Unit unde .. OSIVS2. I t helps the p ..ograllate.. follow the internal ope..ation of the p ..ograIWS to dete ... ine the location of a p .. og.. a .. malfunction. Manual. 150 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-5170 OSlVSl RECOVERY MANAGEMENT ~ ~ This publication desc .. ibes three recov.ry management p ..og...m thet .... pa .. t of OSIVSI: o The Machine-Check Handle.. (HCH)' a p ..ogra. that processes machine-check inte..ruptions .nd w.. ites diagncstic ..essages .nd ..... 0 ....ecords. o The Channel-Check Handle .. (tcH)' a prog.... that ..aeeiv. cont ..ol afte .. the detection of a channel data check. channel control check. 0 .. int...fac. cont ..ol check. o Dynamic Device Reconfigu..ation (DDRI. a prog..a. that pe... i ts • deaountable vol ..... to be MOVed f .._ one device to anothe .. and ..epositioned. This . .thod is used to bypass 110 e ....o ..s and avoid abno...ally te ... inating the .ffected job 0 ....elo.ding the system. This publication .150 includes appendixes fo .. : o The Missing Interruption Check... (MICI. a p ..og.... that checks to 5 • • that .xpected 1/0 inte.. ruptions occur within a specified time pe.. iod. o The PONe .. Warning F.atu... (PWFI • • prog..a. that p.-.v.nts the loss of infor •• tion in ..eal storage .t the occu....enc. of a utility pow... disturbanc•• This publication is intended to be used .5 • guide to the p ..og..all listings. The intended audience includes custose.. engineers. p ..og..a_ing suppo.. t rep..esent.tives • •nd syst. . prog.. am. .rs. Manual, .pprox. 160.pg5. 8/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-5168 OSIVSl .!Q§ MANAGEMENT .lJ:!!Zlli ~ 1 This publication is Volume 1 of a two vol~ s.t. The t_ SY24-5173 vol ....e set replaces OS/VSl Job l1anagement Logic. SY24-5161. ~ m ~ PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM .lJ:!!Zlli ~ 5752-829 This volume contains Section 1: Job ManageMent Concepts. This publication desc .. ibes the internal logic of OSIVS2 HVS Section 2: Method of Ope... tion. and Section 3: P..ogra. Vecto .. P..ocessing Subsystem (VPSS). I t i. intended fo .. us. Organization. Volume 2 (SY24-51691 contains prog..a. Logic by ISH pe..sonnel Mho provide .aintenanc. fo .. that prog..all. Manual Sections 4. 5. and 6. . Infor. .tion includes a VPSS ov...view .nd functional This manual supplements the prog..a. listings and aakes desc .. iption. p ..og..a. o ..ganization, .adul. di ..ectory. det. the infor ..ation in the listings easier to access. It is fo .. a ....s. and p ..og..all . . intenanc. aids. persons involved with p ..ogra .. changes. and p ..ovides theM wit Manual 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 250 pages. 7/77 a hierarchical ove..view of the job aanagement flA'lCtions SLSS: ORDER NO. SU5SCRIPTION ONLY to show how they ope..ate flA'lctional system flow to illust ..ate the functions perfo....d by the va .. ious job management _elules SY24-5174 Th. use .. of this publication should be fa .. ili ... with OSIVSI ~ PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM ~ ~ 5141-606 OSIVSl concepts and t'e..minology. and have a knowledge of the This publication desc .. ibes the int...nal logic of OSIVSl OSlVSl job management functions. Prerequisite publications Vecto .. P..ocessing Subsyst... (VPSS). It is intended fo .. us. are: by IBM personnel who provide .aintenance fo .. that prog..all. OSIVSl Planning and Use Guide. GC24-5090 Info.... tion includes. VPSS overv;_ •• functional OSIVSl JCL Refe ..enc •• GC24-5099 desc.. iption. prog..... organization .odule di ..ectory. det• OSIVSl JCL Services. GC24-5100 • reas. and p ..ograll .aintenanc• • ids. OSIVSl Superviso.. Services and Macro Instructions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 250 pgs. 9/77 GC24-5103 SLSS: ORDER NO. SU5SCRIPTION ONLY Manual. 540 pages. 2/76 = 864 ( SY24 LY24 SY24-5175 !Yl! SUPPLEMENT !Q !!l!a!U. !!lI SUPERVISOR .bll!i!!O I SY24-51S6-5) This publication supplements the I/O Supervisor Logic manual. SY24-5156-5. for HSS Enhancements. Selectable Unit 5741-605. It describes the specifications for the Start I/O routine for virtual DASD devices. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pgs. 3/77 ////5741-605 SY24-5182 SUPPLEMENT !Q !!l!a!U. SUPERVISOR LOGIC. ~ 5741-606 This manual is a supplement to. and provides replacement pages for OS/vS1 Supervisor Logic. SY24-5155-5. It documents the OS/vSl Subsystl!ll Attachment Support selectable unit impact to the OS/VSl supervisor. tlanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pgs. 8/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-5176 SY24-5183 ~ 5741-606 SUPPLEMENT !Q ~ SYSTEM D!IA ~ SY28-0605-5 This publication supplements the OS/vSl System Data Areas . .nual. SY28-0605-5. for OS/vsl Subsystem Support. It docUlllents new data areas and changes to existing data areas for subsystem support. Manual. 36 pgs. 3/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY !Yl! SUPPLEMENT !Q ~ RECOYERY MANAGEMENT ~ ~ ISY24-5170-0) This publication supplements the OS/vsl Recovery Managaent Support Logic manual. SY24-5170-0. for MSS Enhancements. selectable unit 5741-605. It describes the specification of longer time intervals needed by the Missing Interrupt Checker (MIC) to properly check for missing interrupts from Mass storage Syst_ (HSS) devices. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 16 pgs. 3/77 ////5741-605 SY24-5177 ~ 5741-605 SUPPLEMENT !Q ~ SYSTEH D!!! AREAS. SY28-0605-5 This publication supplements the OS/vSl System Data Areas manual. SY28-0605-5. for OS/vS1 HSS Enhancements. S.U. 5741-605. It dOCUllents the additional MSS flags in the Request Queue Eleftlent IRQE). Hanual. 8 pgs. 3/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 'iY24-5178 !Yl! SUPPLEMENT !Q !!l!a!U. MANAGEMENT J.!l!!lli ~ 1 This manual. on OS/vSl selectable unit 5741-605. provides HSS (Hass Storage Systl!ll) Enhancements information for OS/vsl Job Management Logi c. Volume 1 (SY24-5168). Intended users are cus tOilers and IBM persOl'V\el. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 16 pgs. 3/77 ////5741-605 ..um ( SY24-5179 !Yl! SUPPLEMENT !Q !!l!a!U. ..!Q§ MANAGEMENT LOGIC. VOLUME! ISY24-5169-0) SELECTABLE UNIT 5741-605 SU5 provides HSS enhancements for VSl. This Supplement acids inforMation to the os/vS1 Job Management Logic. Volume 2 ISY24-5169). The intended audience is customers and IBM persOlV'lel. Manual. 20 pgs. 3/77 ////5741-605 SY24-5181 DOS/vSE FIXED ~ ARCHITECTURE LOGICAL IQ!;li This reference publication is the fourth of four logic . .nuals that describe the internal logic of the Logical IOCS IInput/Output Control System) prograllS for the IBM Disk Operation System/Virtual Storage Extended. The four related logic manuals are: • Volume 1: General Infor. . tion and Imperative Macros. SY33-8S59 • Volume 2: SAM. SY33-8560 • Volume 3: DAM and ISAM. SY33-8S61 • FBA Logical IOCS. SY24-5181 This manual is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by systl!ll programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic inforMation is not necessary for the operation of the prograllS described. Manual. 8 1/2' x 11 inches. 532 pages. 2/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-5184 ~ SUPPLEMENT !Q OS/vsl :lQ§ MANAGEMENT LOGIC. VOL!J!1E 1 !§Y ~ 5741-606) VS1 SU6 (Selectable Unit 5741-606) provides a generalized linkage to subsystems. This suppl8laent aids adds SU6 information to OS/vS1 Job Management Logic. VolUble 1 (SY24-5168). Intended users are custOlllers and IBM personnel. Manual. 60 pgs. 3/77 ////5741-606 SY24-5185 SU6 SUPPLEMENT !Q !!l!a!U. ..!Q§ MANAGEMENT LOGIC. VOLUME! (SY24-5169-0) ~ ~ 5741-606 VSl SU6 (Selectable Unit 5741-606) provides a generalized linkage to subsystems. This supplement aids adds SU6 information to OS/vsl Job tlanagement Logic. Volume 2 (SY24-5169). Intended users are customers and IBM personnel. Manual. 64 pgs. 3/77 ////5741-606 LY24-5187 1§tl ~ DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION ~ DESCRIPTION ~ (DIDM) J.!l!!lli .!.Is; PROG 5748-F12 This manual describes the internal logic of DIDM and contains macro descriptions and diagnostic information. It is designed to be used with the program listings. The material contained in this manual includes an overview of DIDM macros. logic flow of the program (flow charts). and a description of the tables used. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 110 pgs. 4/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY24-5191 VSE/vsAH WAH LOGIC. VOLUME 1.l. CATALOG MANAGEMENT. S745-SC-VCM (CURRENT RELEASE) This book describes the internal logic of VSAM and provides diagnostic information for IIIBintenance personnel and development programmers Mho require an in-depth knowledge of the program's design. organization. and data areas. It is not required for effective use of VSAM. Manual. 474 pages. 2/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 865 LY24-5192 VSE/vSAIt VSAM LOGIC. VOLUME.tl ~ MANAGEMENT S74S-SC-VSH • .!.Is; fRQ§ S746-AM2 (CURREN! RELEASE) This book describes the internal logic of VSAM and provides diagnostic information for maintenance persOlV'lel and ---- LY24 LY24 developmwlt progra_rs who require an in-depth knotitledge of the program's design. organization. and data areas. It is not required for effective use of VSAH. Manual. 452 pages. 2/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-5193 ~ 5741-604 SUPPLEMENT !Q ~ ~ DATA AREAS. SY28-0605-5 This publication supplements the OSIVS1 System Data Areas. SY28-0605-5. for the IBM 3895 Document Reader/Inscriber. S.U. 5741-604. It documents changes to the lOB and lICB. Manual. 16 pgs. 3/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-5194 SU-4 SUPPLEMENT !Q ~ :ug SUPERVISOR .!J!!U{; (SY24-5156-5) This publication supplements the 110 Supervisor Logic manual. SY24-5156-5. for the IBM 3895 doCUMent reader/inscriber. Selectable Unit 5741-604. It describes the 3895 error routine. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pgs. 3/77 ////5741-604 LY24-5195 VSEIVSAM' ACCESS ~ SERVICES LOGIC. COMPONENT .m 5745-SC-AHS. ~ fHQ§ 5746-AM2 (CURRENT RELEASE) This book describes the internal logic of Access Method Services and provides diagnostic information for maintenance personnel and developlllent prograoamers who require an indepth knowledge of the program's design. organization. and data areas. It is not required for effective use of Access Method Services. Manual. 500 pages. 2/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY24-5203 VIRTUAL MACHINE/sYSTEM PFlODUCT: REMOTE SPOOLING COI1MUNICATIOtlS SUBSYSTEM NEn:ORKING. ~ PROG 5748-XP1 ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This logic manual describes the internal functioning of the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem Networking program product. It is for IBM Program Support Representatives. system programmers. and system analysts responsible for installation. maintenance. and modification of RSCS Networking. It contains: • An overview of RSCS Networking operations. • Descriptions of RSCS Networking's user functions with reference to the tasks and modules that perform them. • A description of each module's main routines and linkages. • Control flow diagrams. • Location and contents of data areas. • An approach to problem determination. • A description of the RSCS Networking Preloader utility Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 180 pages. 3/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ---- - - - - - LY24-5205 vtVINTERACTIVE f!!,g SHARING fQ! Q!lU. ~ PFlOG 5748-XXC. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual describes the internal logic of vtVInteractive File Sharing for CMS. It contains detailed component descriptions. module interconnecting diagrallS. and module descriptions. The information in this manual is designed to be used Nith program listings. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 110 pages. 4/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY24-5206 VH/370 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM fQ! CHS. ~ fB.Q§ 5748-XXB LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This ..nual contains brief descriptions of the functions. architecture. logic ,flow. and structure of the Display Management Systell for CMS. It also contains an extensive description of each module. a number of cross-reference tables to aid in tracking flow. and depictions of the data areas used. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 3/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY24-5208 VH/SP vtVPASS-THROUGH FACILITY LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This ..nual describes the internal logical organization and function of the vtVPass-Through Facility. It defines program components. explains functional flow within and between components; also includes module. control block. and data area descriptions. It may be used by anyone involved in program maintenance and/or program problem source determination. As a reference for the latter use the final section of the manual contains examples of program-generated full and partial clumps. and internal trace records. It also describes Pass-Through/IPCS support commands and messages. 24257 GY20-0073 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 184 pages. 03/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY24-5209 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ~ VOLUME 1 GENERAL INFORtlATION ls IMPERATIVE MACROS LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This reference publication is the first of four logic manuals that describe the internal logic of the Logical lacs (Input/Output Control System) programs for the IBM Disk Operating SystellllVirtual Storage Extended. The four related Logic Manuals are: 1. VSE/Advanced Functions Diagnosis Reference: LIOCS Volume 1 General Information and Imperative Macros. LY24-5209 2. VSE/Advanced Functions Diagnosis Reference: LIOCS Voluae 2 SAM, LY24-5210 3. VSE/Advanced Functions Diagnosis Reference: LIOCS Volume 3 DAM and ISAM. LY24-5211 4. VSE/Advanced Functions Diagnosis Reference: Direct and Sequential DASD. LY24-5212 This manual is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by systeM programmers who are LY24-5204 altering the program design. Program logic information is VSEIVSAM ~ MANAGEMEN! fQ! ~ FEATURE .!J!!U{; (CURREN! not necessary for the operation of the programs described. RelEASE) Effective use of this publication requires an This book describes the internal logic of the VSEIVSAH Space understanding of IBM System/370 operations and the DOS/vSE Management for SAH Feature and provides diagnostic Assembler language and its associated macro definition information for maintenance personnel and development language. programmers who require an in-depth knowledge of the Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 352 pages, 9/79 program's design. organization. and data areas. It is not SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY required for effective use of the Feature. Manual. 76 pages. 12/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 866 ( LY2't LY2't LY2't-5UO VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. ~ PROS 57't6-XE8. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE LIOCS ~ !L ~ LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This reference publication is the second in a series of four manuals that describe the internal logic of the Logical IOCS (Input/Output Control System) programs of VSE/Advanced Functions. The four related Manuals are: Volume 1: General Information and Imperative Hacros. LY24-5209 VolUMe 2: SAM Logic. LY2't-5210 Volume 3: DAM and ISAM Logic. LY2't-5211 Direct and Sequential DASD. LY2't-5212 This llilnual is intended for persons involved in program .... intenance. It is not necessary for the operation of the programs described. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of 1811 VSE/Advanced Functions operation and of the Assembler language and its associated IIiIcro language. Reference publications for this information .re listed in the front of the manual. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 388 pages. 9179 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SU8SCRIPTION ONLY LY2't-5211 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. ~ fRQ§ 57't6-XE8. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE LIOCS VOLUME 1 l!AH ! ISAM LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This reference publication is the third in a series of four manuals that describe the internal logic of the Logical IOCS (Input/OUtput Control System) programs of VSE/Advanced Functions. The four related .anuals .re: Volume 1: General Infor.ation and Imperative Hacros. LY2't~5209. VolUMe 2: SAM Logic. LY2't-5210. Volume 3: DAM and ISAM Logic. LY2't-5211, and Direct and Sequential DASD. LY2't-5212. This manual is intended for persons involved in program maintenance. It is not necessary for the oper.tion of the program described. Effective use of this llilnual requires .n understanding of IBM VSE/Advanced Functions operation and of the Assembler language and its ..... ociated IIiIcro l.nguage. Reference publications for this infor.ation are li .. ted in the front of the manual. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 352 pages. 9/79 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY2't-5212 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. ~ PROS 57't6-XE8. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE LIOCS VOL!JNE !t l!AH ! ~ LOGIC .E!!B DASD (CURRENT RELEASE) This reference publication is the fourth in • series of four manuals that describe the internal logic of the Logic.l IOCS (Input/OUtput control System) progr.ms of VSE/Advanced Functions. The four related .anuals are: • Volume 1: General Infor•• tion and Il!IpSr.tive Hacros. LY24-S209 • Volume 2: SAM Logic. LY2't-5210 • Volume 3: DAM.nd ISAM Logic. LY2't-5211 • Volume 't: SAM.nd DAM for DASD. LY2't-5212 This ... nual is intended for persons involved in progr•• lllaintenance. It i .. not necessary for the operation of the programs described. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of IBM VSE/Adv.nced Functions operation and of the Assembler Language and its .ssoci.ted m.cro language. Reference public.tions for thi .. information .re listed in the front of the manual. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 670 p.ges. 9/69 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SU8SCRIPTION ONLY LY2't-5213 VSEIVSAM BACKUPIRESTDRE FEATURE. ~ fRll§ 57%-AM2. .b!l!i!!: (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual describes the internal logic of the VSEIVSAM BackuplRestore Feature .nd provides diagnostic information for mainten.nce personnel .nd development programmers who required an in-depth knoNledge of the progr•• 's design .nd organiz.tion. It is not required for effective use of the Feature. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pa~. 2/80 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SU8SCRIPTION ONLY LY2't-5215 Dl/I DOSIVS. 57't6-XXI. VOLUME ! LOSIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual is to be used with the Data language/I Disk Oper.ting SystemlVirtual Storage (DLII DOSIVS) Logic Hanual. Volume 1 .nd program listings for DLII DOSIVS. It cont.ins the HIPO diagrams that illustr.te the program logic described in Volume 1. It is intended for use by persons involved in program ..aintenance and by systeow progr.......... who are altering the progr•• design. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 't88 pages. 6/81 SLSS: IBI'f INTERNAL SU8SCRIPTION ONLY LY2't-5216 SQLlDATA SYSTEM. 57't8-XXJ. LOGIC. VOLUME! (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication (Volume 1 of 3) provides. high-level vi ... of the SQLID.ta System logic. control flOM of the components .nd their ... jor modules • • textual description of all the modules. and • module di rectory. It provides information needed by those people involved in in SQLlData System program diagnosis .nd DOdification. This manu.l is • coonpanion to Volumes 2 and 3. which cont.in data .reas. di.gnostic aids • •nd .ppendices (Volume 3 deals exclusively with the EXTRACT Facility. which is used only on VSE systems). 3 deals exclusively with the EXTRACT F.cility. which is used only on VSE systems). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 616 pages. 9/83 SLSS: IBI'f INTERNAL SU8SCRIPTION ONLY LY2't-5217 SQLlDATA SYSTEM. 57't8-XXJ. ~ VOLUME! (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication (Volume 2 of 3) provides the d.ta areas (control blocks. tables. etc.). layouts. diagnostic .ids • • nd appendices for the SQLID.t. System. It provides infor... tion needed by those people involved in the SQLlData System program diagnosis .nd DOdific.tion. It is designed to be a cOlllpanion to Volumes 1 and 3. (Volume 3 deals exclusively Nith the EXTRACT F.cility. Nhich is used only on VSE Systems). System prograll di.gnosis and DOdification. It is designed to be a companion to Volumes 1 and 3. (VolUllle 3 deals exclusively Nith the EXTRACT Facility. Nhich is used only on VSE Systeows). Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 528 pages. 9/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY2't-5218 MVS/ocCF LOGIC SPECIFICATIONS This publication provides detailed information about the logic of MVS/OCCF. It is intended for persons responsible for prograa .aintenance and for systell progr. . . .rs responsible for altering progr.m design. It contains detailed infor_tion about each of the 1IIOdu1es in the facility .nd describes the architecture. It is .ssumed that the reader is faailiar Nith MVS terainology and concepts and with NCCF. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 120 p.ges. 6/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 867 (/ ~ I LY24 SY24 LY24-S228 LY2lt-522D ~ Dm WAll .6I:Il m:mm.I. ~ LY24-5221 ~ Dm ARm .6I:Il .Ii5!tIIBla I.J..!;gI nI ~ NEDlQRKING ~ , DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURREN[ RELEASE! This publication is for those Mho are responsible for probleM diagnosis and .aintananee of RSes. Version 2. It describes internal logic of the RSCS prograll Ilodules • •ajor data areas. and aids to diagnosing proble... Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 540 pages. 9/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .!J!IW: .Y.O.IJm 1 2 (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication along Nith LY24-5221 replaces LY2D-0891. This publication contains info,...tion about the IBI1 Virtual Hachine/Syslt. . Product (VI1ISP! progra. number 5664-167. This publication. together Nith the VlVSP Syslt. . Logic and Probl_ Deter.inatlon 6uh. Vol...... 1 and 2. are intended for loBe by the Syslt. . progra_r resp_ible for updating VI1ISP. This volume contains descriptions of the .ajor data areas and control blocks used by the Control progra. (CP!. Ha...... l. 8 1/2 x 11 inaha. 315 pages. 09/83 SLSS: 1M INfERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .IJ!!U.!O Y.IZI.!m , gm (CURREN[ RELEASE! This publication along Nith LY24-5220 replaces LY20-0891. This publication cantains infor. . tion about the 1811 Virtual Hachine.fSysltu Product (VlVSP! prograll ftUIIber 5664-167. Thili publication together Nith the VlVSP Syslt. . Logic and Probl_ Deter.ination Suida Volumes 1 and 2. are intended for use by the syst. . progra_r responsible for updating VI1ISP. This volume contains descriptions of the .ajor data areas and control blocks used by the Conversational 110nitor Syslt. . (CI1S!. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inaha. 301 pages. 09/83 SLSS: 1811 INfERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY24-S222 sa VOW .IIm.Ih 5Z48-XX,h .I.!I!U£& 3l2l.!!m l (CURREN[ RELEASE! This publication (VolUie 3 of 3! deals Nith the SQVOata Syslt. . EXTRACT Facility and is of concern to those using VSE Syslt_ only. This volUlle supplies the ... thad of operations. progra. organization. IIOdule and link book directions. data areas. and diagnostic aids that apply to the EXTRACT Facility. SGlVOata SysIt. . Logic. Vol___ 3 provides infor.ation needed by those people involved progra. diagnosis and lIIOCIification. and is designed to be a companion to vol..- 1 and 2. . Ha...... l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 176 pages. 9/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-S229 STRUCDJRED !Ym LANGYAGE/DAIA umtI fiIB mIUAJ. .i.m!!IK EXTENDED. S748-XXJ. DIAGNOSIS §Y!2g (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is for people involved in diagnosing SQVOS or.SGlVOS-related proble.. and Nhat can be done to recover frOil or avoid certain problems. It ineludes directions for collecting infor.ation and reporting problelllS. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 180 pages. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER ND. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-5230 BIB .l!!U.§f DIASNOSIS 6UIDE (CURREN[ RELEASE! This publication is for people involved in diagnosing SQL/DS or SQVOS-related proble.. and what can be done to recover fro. or avoid certain problems. It includes directions for collecting infortllation and reporting problems. This is a component of SK2T-0909 and SBOF-3222. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inehes. 184 pages. 12/84 SLSS: OROER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SY24-S231 STRUCTURED !Ym LANGUAGE/DATA umtI fQ! VIRTUAL §ll!!m EXTENDED. S748-XlCJ. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURREN! RELEASE! This publication is for users involved in SQVOS probl. . diagnosis. It contains .aterial on hoM the components of SQVDS NOrk. a section called the 1IOdu1. d;rectory. the .ajor data areas. and a section on probl. . ;solation and performance tools. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 434 pages. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY24-S232 BIB ~ DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENf RELEASE! This publication is for people involved in SGlVOS probl_ diagnosis. It contains .aterial on how the components of SGlVDS work. a section called the IIOdule directory. the major data areas and a sect;on on problell isolation and performane. tools. This is a component of SK2T-0909 and SBOF-3222. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 406 pages. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SY24-5223 QHF/YSE. 5666-292. DIA6NOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE! This .anual tells hoM to diagnose Query Hanagellent Facility/vsE internal problelllS and how to report thell to 1811. This includes developing a keyboard string. liiagnostic practices. dunp analysis. and searching for sillilar knoNn problems in a soft... re support data base. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 72 pages. 9/83 //37//5666-292 SY24-6000 !fa! JES2 !!t LOGIC Th;s publication provides the Programlling Service Representative and the using Systell Progra_er Nith detailed ;nfor. . tion on the internal organization and logic of JES2 Release 4. The pubUcation contains: Sec. 1 Introduction: describes the general characteristics and funct;ons of JES2. Sec. 2 Method of Operation: contains HIPD diagra_ that summar;ze the operation of JES2. Sec. 3 Prograll Organization: provides descriptions of the operation of each JES2 Module. Sec. 4 D;rectory: provides cross-reference l;sts and describes entry points. Sec. 5 Data areas: depicts and describes JES2 control blocks and data areas. Sec 6 Diagnostic Aids: lists register usage by .. jar ~ SY24-5224 REFERENCE ~ DIA6NOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE! This . .nUIIl aids in isolating probl_ in the Query l1anag....,t Facility/vSE (GlI1F/VSE). It is the cooapanion voluae of GlI1F/vSE Diagnosis Suide. This Diagnosis Reference . .nual contains an overvi_ of GlI1F/vSE. fU'M)t i anal descr i pt i ons of the COIIIpCIneI'Its. a Ilodule directly. critical data areas. and so.e service aids including hoM to use the diagnostic tools. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 264 pages. 9/83 //37//5666-292 868 ~ I ( SY24 LYe5 routines and describes error analysis techniques. Appendix A. JES2 Programmer Macros: describes JES2 macros and their use. Appendix B. Multi-Leaving: describes the basic principles of Multi-Leaving. Appendix C. Remote Terminal Bootstrap: describes the RTPBOOT bootstrap program. Appendix o. External Writer: describes the external writer prograM used for producing SYSOUT data sets on magnetic tape or directaccess devices. Manual. 850 pages, 5/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY IIQre accessible. This manual is intended to aid its users in determining the sources of errors within, or making changes to. the internal logic of JES2. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 848 pages, 3/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY24-6007 HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3, MYS/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES3 ~ L. .!,!!; f!l.Q§ 5665-291. LOGIC This publication describes the logic of Job Entry Subsystem 3 (JES3) and applies to MVS/SP-JES3 Version 2. It is designed primarily for those Mho maintain and modify the IBM distributed JES3 system in an installation using the HVs/Extended Architecture system or the HVS/Extended Architecture and HVS/370 systems. This publication describes each JES3 functional area. In most cases. the functional description is followed by HIPO diagrams of the modules and control flow di agrams. The book acts as a directory into the program listing, it is not intended to act as a program narrative. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 1,171 pages, 3/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY24-6001 NETWORK .!1m Il!!!U FACILITY filB JES2 fl!Q§ 5740-XR8, .I.Q!rn; This manual is for use by IBM PSRs and Customer System Programmers for use in U'lderstanding the logic behind the operation of JES2 NJE. This manual is necessary for use in troubleshooting JES2 HJE, when used in conjlmCtion with the program listings. and for designing user IIOdUications to JES2 NJE. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 642 pgs. 1/78 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY f LY24-6008 LY24-6003 MVS/INFQRMATION DISTRIBUTION WORK ~ SUPPORT DIAGNOSIS This publication is designed to help internal and external program support representatives diagnose a problem in HVS/lnformation Distribution Workstation Support (lOWS). Before using this publication, the diagnostician should complete problem determination and problem source identification to isolate the problem to lOWS. The diagnostician then follONS the procedures in the Diagnosis Guide, Part 1 to diagnose the problem to the level of an lOWS subfunction. The diagnostician uses the keywords selected in the diagnostic procedures to search the FE RETAIN/370 data base for a program fix to a similarly defined problem. If there is no applicable program fix. the diagnostician submits an APAR onthe problem. If a program fix is not available and the problem requires temporary repair. the diagnostician uses the Diagnosis Reference. Part 2. Diagnosis Reference presents sufficient program logic to enable the diagnostician to discuss the probl_ with the FE Change Teall and Nark wi th the team to develop a temporary program repair. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 02/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY MYS/SP-JESg VERSION ! LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides detailed information on the internal organization and logic of JES2 and its relationship to HVS Extended Architecture. JES2 logic supplements the prograM listings and makes the information more accessible. This manual is intended to aid its users in determining the sources of errors within. or making changes to. the internal logic of JES2. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 3/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SY24-6051 SUPPLEMENT .El2B ~ TO !.Wi JES2 ill ! LOGIC: JES2 ill 4.1, 5752-825 This is a supplement to base publication SY24-6000-0. It contains information in support of Release 4.1 of JES2. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 212 pgs. 1/77 ///15752-825 SY24-6052 SUPPLEMENT .El2B SU33: !.Wi DUMPING IMPROVEMENTS. 5752-833 This supplement to SY28-0643-4 includes miscellaneous changes describing the new AtlDPRDMP LOGDATA and SUtlDUMP control statements, and the formatting of data Management, 105, and TRM control blocks by AtlDPRDMP. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 24 pgs, 4/77 ////5752-833 LY24-6005 JES3, .!,!!; PROG 5740-XYN, LOGIC This publication describes the logic of JES3 and applies to HVS/SP-JES3 Release 2. It is designed primarily for those Mho maintain and lIOdify the IBM-distributed JES3 System. This publication explains the JES3 functions and acts as a directory into the program listing. Before reading this publication. you should be familiar with the concepts and terminology introduced in: • JES3 Introduction, GC23-0039 • JES3 Overview, SC23-0040 • JES3 System Progra.... ing Library: Installation Planning and Tuning. SC23-0041 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY24-6006 ~ ~ LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides the Programming Service Representative and the using Syst_ Programmer with detailed information on the internal organization and logic of JES2 and its relationship to the HVS/System Product. It supplements the program listings and makes the information 869 (/ LY25-0002 NPOA, 5735-XX8, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual provides information about the program logic of the Network Problem Determination Application (NPOA) Program Product. It describes the structure of NPDA modules by grouping the IIIOdules into f~tional areas. I t describes the operatiqns used to access NPOA displays. The manual includes a brief description of every NPOA module. and shONS the control flow used in executing the modules. It also includes descriptions of the data sets and control blocks used by NPOA. The manual is primarily a reference manual. The manual enables a user to identify a failing NPO ... component down to the module level. Then Microfiche can be used to examine the module'S code. Readers should be familiar with the functions and LY25 LY26 capabilities of NPOA. as explained in: NetNOrk Probl. . Determination Application: General Inforlllation. GC34-2010. Network Problem Determination Application: Terminal Use. SC34-2013 and Network ProbleM DeterMination application: Installation. SC34-2011. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 300 pages. 9/79 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY25-0008 INFORMATION/SYSTEM. m fBQ§ 5735-0ZS. l.!!!W; Am DIA!iNOSIS This manual describes the internal logic of the InforMation/Syst. . (Info/Systn) Program Product. The infor... tion is directed to IBM and customer Maintenance personnel and system programmers who need to know about the Info/Syst. . design. organization. and data areas. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 125 pages. 12/80 SLSS:· IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY25-0003 INFORMATION/HANAGEMENT. ill PROG 5735-0ZS • .L.!!!m;; Am DIAGNOSIS This manual describes the internal logic of the Information/Management (Info/ManageMent) Licensed Feature of the Information/System Unfo/System) Program Product. The information is directed to IBM and customer maintenance personnel and systet\l programmers.Mho need to knolol about the Info/Hanagement design. organization. end data ereas. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 150 pages. 12/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lY25-0004 ~ INTERACTIVE PRoalEM ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) CONTROL SYSTEM. ill LY25-0010 Am DIGNOSIS mf f!!B ~ This Manual describes the internal logic of the Syst. . Productivity Facility (SPF) PrograM Product for YH/SP. It is intended for the use of _intenance personnel and development programmers who need to knoIoI about SPF's design. organization and data areas. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 464 pages. 4/81 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .LQ§I!; LY25-0012 NETWORK ~ DETERMINATION APPLICATION ~ 1L RELEASE L.!..JU. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is equivalent to LY25-0012-00. Manual SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY fBQ§ 5746-SAI. This manual describes the internal logic of the VSE Interactive Problem Control SysteM (VSE/IPCS) PrograM Product. The information contained in the lllanual is directed to Maintenance personnel and development programmers need to knolol about the design of IPCS. and its organization and data areas. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 5/79 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ""0 LY25-0005 VM/IPCS. ill fB.Q§ 5748-SAlr .LQ§I!; (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual describes the internal logic of the VM/Interactive Problem Control SysteM Extension. (YH/IPCS Extension. or IPCS) Program Product. The information presented here is directed to maintenance personnel and development programmers who need to k...... about the des i gn of IPCS and its organization and data areas. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 140 pages. 8/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY25-0013 INFORMATION/SYSTEM f!!B YH/370 Am ~ ill fRQ§ 5735-OZS' !Q21& j DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual provides i"formation about the program logic of the Information/Syst. . for YH/370 and YSE PrograM Product. The information is directed to system prograllllllers and IBM PSR's Mho need to knOIoI about the design. organization. and data areas. The ...nual describes the BLGOZO search and retrieval prograM and the InfOrMation/System utility progralllS. The Manual is prilllarily a reference lllanual. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 5/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3737 LY25-0006 PRODUCTIVITI FACILITY f!!B 11YS. ill fRQ§ 5668-009. LOGIC Am DIAGNOSIS This manual describes the internal logic of the System Productivity Facility (SPF) Program Product for HVS. It is intended for the use of ma i ntenance personnel and development programmers who need to know about SPF's design. organization and data areas. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 150 pages. 12/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY25-0007 3600 IARA FEATURE. 5735-lQ(8. LOGIC This manual describes the internal logic of the IBM 3600 Threshold Analysis and ReMote Access Feature of the Network Problem Determination Application Program Product. The infor... tion is directed to IBM and customer maintenance personnel and systell programmers who need. to kllClf about the design. organization. and data areas of the 3600 feature. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 225 pages. 5/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY i!!miB~S~Y~ST9E~IVB36iO~O~Pi.ER~A~T~INGr~~ ~ ~ SHARING Df!lON ~!W:!Y!I. assembler prompter. a prograM product that operates only ww:ter the Tift Sharing Option (lSO) of the IBM System/360 Operating SysteM. The assembler prompter consists of tlolO .adules that interact Nith the TSO terminal Monitor program (THP). the parse service routine IIKJPARS). the dynamic allocation interface routine (IKJDAIR). the PUTLINE service routine, and the stack service routine. This .anual discusses hoM the assembler prompter interacts Nith these routines to analyze the ASM command and to allocate data sets required by the asseMbler. It also discuss .... hoM the prOlllPter pass_ control to the assembler. The .... nual a.sUllleS that the reader kl'lONS the ASH ~"nd, its operands. and haN to use the COlII\IIand· as described in the IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: TII1E SHARING OPTION ASSEI1BLER PROMPTER USER'S GUIDE (SC26-3740). The book also assumes that the reader is faM' 1 i ar Ni th the assembler language and the c~epts of TSO as described in: IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE (GC28-6514) IBI1 SYSTEIV360 OPERATING SYSTEM: TIME SHARING OPTION GUIDE (GC28-6698) IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: TIME SHARING OPTION COHI1AND 870 .j ( LY26 SY26 LANGUAGE REFERENCE (GC28-6732) SY26-3820 ~ I1VS CHECKPOINTIRESTART LOGIC This book describes the logic of the OSIVS2 routines that take a checkpoint and resta .. t a job at a checkpoint. The major pa .. ts of this book and the infor.ation in thell are as folloNS: o Introduction - describes the checkpoint/restart routines in general ter... and briefly tells Nhat they do. o l1ethod of Operation - describes the operations perforMed by checkpointlrestart routines and the input to and output fr ... those operation. o PrograM Organization - shows the flow of control between the IIOdules of checkpointlrestart and describes the major operations perforMed by each IIOdule. o Data Areas - sheNS the data areas used by checkpointlrestart routines. o Diagnostic Aids - Lists the llessages, Message codes, and return codes generated by checkpointl restart IIIOdules. o I10dules Directory - lists each checkpoint/restart onodules and refers to a figure in "PrograM Organization" or "l1ethod of Operation" that describes each MOdule. This book is intended for use by progra .... ing syst .... representatives and systell prog..ammers maintaining checkpoint/..esta .. t routines. A general understanding of how the use .. requests that. checkpoint be taken and ..estarts his job is p ..erequisite knowledge for understanding the inforMation in this book. See OSIVS CheckpointIResta .. t, GC26-3784, for this type of information. I1anual, 115 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1M SYSTEtv360 OPERATING SYSTEI1: TII1E SHARING OPTION GUIDE TO WRITING A TERI1INAL tIONITOR PROGRAM OR A COI1I1AND PROCESSOR (GC28-6764 ) This .anual is intl!nded fo .. people involved in p ..ogra. . . intenance, and its dist .. ibution is li.ited to licencees doing .aintenance NOrk. Prog..aM logic inforMation is not necessa ..y to use the prog..am. 1anual, 56 pages SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ·.Y26-3760 ~ ASSEI1BLER !U !,!!; .eB.Q§ 5734-AS1, LOGIC This pl.blication desc .. ibes the inte..nal logic and ope ..ation of Assemble .. H running U1der the IBI1 Systelll/360 Ope..ating Syst... In addition to descriptive text, this pl.blication contains detailed flOOICharts, figu ..es showing the fo .... ts of inte..nal tables and data areas, a Mic..ofiche directo..y, and a numbe.. of appendixes containing ..elated refe..ence doc..-ntation. Prograll Logic I1anuals are intended for 1M CustOller Engineers concerned with prograM . . intenance or alteration, and syst. . progra.... rs concerned with systeM design. The reader should be faMiliar with the IBI1 Systelll/360 Operating Syst. . and with the f\a'lCtions of an assemble... PrograM Logic l1anual, 320 pages SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3814 OSIVS LOADER LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic and organization o,f the OSIVS Loader progra.. It is intended for persons involved in maintaining or IIOdi fyi ng the loade... It is not ..equi ..ed fo .. no....l use .nd ope..ation of the prog.... desc.. ibed. Before using this publication, the reade.. _ t be fa.ilia .. with OSIVS Linkage Edito.. and Loade.. , GC26-3813, and OSIVS and Dos/vS Ass_le.. Language, GC33-4010. Corequisite publications include OSIVSI Sto..age Esti . .tes, GC24-5094 and 0SIVS1 Syst. . Data Areas, SY28-0605 0 .. OSIVS2 Syst. . Data Areas, SY28-0606. I1anual, 167 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUlSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3815 LINKAGE mImf LOGIC This publication describes the internal organization and logic of the OSIVS linkage edito... The linkage editor, a p ..ocessing progra., combines and edits IIOdules to produce a load IIOdule that can be loaded into virtual storage by the control progr••• This publication is intended fo .. persons involved in the uintenance and lIOdification of the link.ge editorJ it is not requi ..ed for the nor. .l use and operation of the p ..og..ams described. The following publications are required for an OSIVS1 Linkage Edito.. and Loade.. , GC26-3813 VS1 Data l1anageMent I1acros, GC26-3872 I1VS Data I1anagellMlnt I1ac..os, GC26-3873 VS1 Oat. I1anaguent Services Guide, GC26-3874 I1VS Data I1anaguent Se..vices Guide, GC26-3875 OSIVS JCL Reference, GT28-0618 OSIVSI Syst. . Data Areas, SY28-0605, 0 .. OS/VS2 Syst. . Oat. A..eas, SY28-0606, desc.. ibes data areas used by the linkage edito... l1anu.l, 232 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SY26-3823 OSIVS2 INPUT1000PUT SUPERVISOR ~ This book is intended as an aid in trouble shooting the OSIVS2 1/0 supe..viso .. , the component ..esponsible fo .. c01lllllunicating with the systetll'S 1/0 devices, and the OSIVS2 EXCP processo.. , the component I'esponsible fo .. transllitting the ..equests of some IBI1 access methods to the 1/0 superviso... This book contains two paths to the Mic ..ofiche listings: a tuto.. ial path, to Make the listings meaningful to the reade .. lacking a basic understanding of the 1/0 superviso .. 's 0 .. EXCP processo .. 's function and design; and a diagnostic path, to get the knowledgeable ..eade.. fr ... a dump, a message, or an e ....o .. code as nea .. the sou..ce of erro .. as possible. The chapte..s that Make up the tutorial path fo .. the 1/0 supe..viso.. name and classify the callers of the 1/0 supe ..viso.. , tell how the callers ask for se~vices, and describe how the 1/0 supervisor perfor. . the services. The chapters that make up the diagnostic path divide the 1/0 supervisor into groups of services, each corresponding to a group of callers, and show how those services are performed. The chapters that .ake up the tutorial path for the EXCP processor list the programs that qualify as acc~ss methods, describe the access _thod interface, and describe the function of EXCP as an interface between the access .... thod and the 1/0 supervisor. The chapters that make up the diagnostic path divide the EXCP processor into services and show how those services are performed. This book contains one appendix that gives an overview of the error recovery processing that is done following an 110 error. Related Publication: OSIVS2 System Logic Library, SY28-0713 through SY28-0719. I1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 244 pages, 01179 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 871 ( SY26 SY26 SY26-3825 ~ SY26-3832 mlJ ~ ~ ~ Hm!.!!Il (VSAM) .b!!!Wi ~~.b!!!Wi This manual is intended for maintenance personnel and development programmers who require an in-depth knoNledge of OS/vs2 VSAM/2 design. organization. and data areas. The Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) is an access method for use tlith OS/VS for data stored on direct-access storage devices. The manual describes the internal logic of VSAM and contains module directories and diagnostic information. It should be used tlith the program listings and tlith the VSAM microfiche cross-reference tables that shON Nhich program lIIOdules reference the fields of data areas. Nhich IIOdules issue the macros used by VSAM. and hoM control flONS between program procedures. OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Progra_r's Guide. 6C26-3838. is a prerequisite. Manual. 300 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This manual contains a general description of the 6et. Put. Write and associated modules for QSAM. BSAM. and BPAM. SAM executors and appendages are also described. The manual is intended for use by persons involved in programlling support and system programmers who are altering the program design. The SAM routines used for optical character readers. and magnetic character readers are discussed in separate publications. in the IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography. 6A22-6822. These are prerequisites for this publication: o VSI Data Management Services Guide. 6C26-3674. o /1VS Data Management Services Guide. 6C26-3875. Manual. 283 pages 5LSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5Y26-3833 ~ IS4M LOGIC . This publication describes the program logic of the tNO index sequential access methods: the queue indexed sequent; al access method (QISAM) and the bas i c indexed sequential access _thod (BlSAM). It also discusses the relationship of indexed sequential access method routines to other parts of the control program. This publication is intended for personnel supporting or modifying ISAM. These publications are prerequisite to this publication: o VSl Data Management Services Guide. GC26-3874. o MVS Data Management Services Guide. 6C26-3875. o V5I Data Management Macro Instructions. 6C26-3872 o /1VS Data Management Macro Instructi ons. 6C26-3873 Manual. 288 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~Y26-3826 OS/vs2 CATALOG MANAGEMEHT LOGIC This manual is intended for maintenance personnel and development programmers who require an in-depth knowledge of OS/vs2 Catalog Management·s design. organization. data areas. and diagnostic information. The manual describes the internal logic of OS/VS Catalog IIIInagement and contains diagnostic information. data area descriptions. and figures and tables that sheM the relationship between various parts of the program. OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Progra.....r·s Guide. GC26-3838. and OS/VS Access Method Services. GC263836. are prerequisites. Manual. 320 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3827 OS/vS2 OPEN/clQSE/EOY LOGIC. ml..l m 1.1. U . HI!!! SN26-0823. This publication is intended for system progralllllH!rs arid people who NIInt to understand the Open/Close/End-of-Voluae (EOY) functions. The reader is expected to be familiar tlith VSl Data Management Services Guide. 6C26-3874. and /1VS Data Management Services Guide. 6C26-3875 Manual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3828 OS/VS2 DADS/1 .b!!!Wi This System Library Supplement provides replacement pages for OS/vS2 DADSM Logic (either SY26-3828-1 for Release 3.7. or SY26-3858-0 for Release 3.7 tlith VS2.03.808) to support the JES3 3650 I1SS Selectable Unit (SUI6). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 26 pgs. 3/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3831 OS/vS2 BDAM LOGIC This book describes the internal logic of the Basic Direct Access Method (BDAM) for OS/vS2. It is intended as a reference book for IBM Programming Support Representatives and system programmers Mho maintain or alter BDAM routines. A general knoNledge of data management is required for ~rstand the information in this book. See VSl Data Management Services Guide. GC26-3874. and /1VS Data Management Services Guide. GC26-3875. for background information. Manual. 140 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3834 OS/vS2 :ag .b!!!Wi This book describes Mhat the VIO processor does and heN it operates. It is intended for IBM programming support representatives and system programmers who are learning about. supporting. or lIIOdifying the VIO logic. They should be thoroughly fa .. iliar tlith the OS/vS2 environment and tlith channel programming. VIO enables system-named temporary data sets to reside in external page storage and to be processed using paging I/O. VIO interprets regular I/O requests and simulates their execution by IIIOving data betNeen a user's buffer and the VIO buffer. VIO uses paging I/O to cause the pages in the VIO buffer to be intermittently paged in or out of main storage as required. To thoroughly understand the logic involved in VIO processing. this book should be used Nith either listings. or microfiche of compiled VIO source code. The folloNing are prerequisite publications: o For information about ASM processing in support of VIO, see OS/vS2 Auxiliary Storage Management (ASM) Logic. SY35-0009 o For an orientation to the OS/VS2 system. see OS/vS2 Planning Guide for Release 2. 6C28-0667 o For information about job management. task management. real storage management (RSM). virtual storage management (VSMJ, and recovery/termination management (RTM) and their support of VIO processing. see OS/vs2 Scheduler and Supervisor Logic. SY28-0621 o For information about I/O appendages. see OS/vs2 System Programming Library: Data Management. GC26-3830. Manual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 872 o ( SY26 SY26 operations can be perfor1lled. This publication is divided into seven sections: Introduction. Method of Operation. PrograM Organization. Module Directory. Data Areas. Diagnostic Aids. and Appendix. . Thi s book uses DCB and ACB as interchangeable teras. Where is i. necessary to refer to both control blocks. they ar. r.farred to as DCB/ACB or DCB or ACB. DCB i. used a. the prefix for all fields within these control blocks (for example. DCBMACRF). The ACB i. used by the job entry subsystem IJES) and by the virtual storage access _thod IVSAM) to logically connect the systea prograM or a user's prograM to a data s.t. in the sa •• way that a DCB is used. Manual. 240 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3836 OSIVS1 BDAM LOGIC This book describes the internal logic of the Basic Direct Access Method lBOAM). It is intended as a reference book for IBM programming support representatives and systea programmers maintaining BDAH routines and for customer system programmers modifying BDAM routines. A general knowledge of data management and OSIVS i. required for understanding the information in this book. See OSIVS Data Management Services Guide. GC26-3783. for background information about data management and OSIVS1 Planning and Use Guide. GC24-5090. for information about OSIVS1. Manual. 110 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3840 SY26-3837 .QWll!l ( This aanual provides detailed infor.ation about the direct access device space management (DADSM) routines. The DADSM routines allocate and release spac. on a direct access volume by altering the volume table of contents. This publication describes how these routines operate and how they relate to each other and the the systell control prograM OSIVSl)1 it also describes data set control blocks Nhich make up the volume table of contents. The intended audience is persons who .upport the DADSM routines and syst8111 programmers who wish to alter the design of these routines. Cross-references to module names and to labels within each .odule of the DADSM routines are provided. as are descriptions of data area •• and . .thoda of diagnosing DADSM problems. Prerequisite publications: VS1 JCL Services 6C24-5100 GC24-5099 VS1 JCL Reference VS1 Data Management Services Guide GC26-2874 MYS Data Management Services Guide 6C26-3875 VSl Planning & Use Guide GC24-5090 OSIVS System Management Facilities ISMF) GC35-0004 OSIVS Utilities GC35-0005 VS1 Data Management for Syst. . Progra_rs 6C26-3837 Manual. 147 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3841 SY26-3838 OSIVSl ISAM LOGIC This publication describes the prograM logic of the two indexed sequential access methods: the queued indexed sequential access . .thod (QISAH) and the basic indexed sequential access method (BISAH). It also discusses the relationship of indexed sequential access method routines to other parts of the control prograe. This publication i. intended for personnel supporting or Modifying ISAH. These publications are prerequisite to this publication. o VS1 Data Management Macros. 6C26-3872 o MYS Data Management Macros. 6C26-3873 o VSl Data ManageMent Services Guide. 6C26-3874 o MYS Data Management Services Guide. GC26-3875 Manual. 288 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3839 OSIVSl OPEN/CLOSE/EOV ~ This publication describes the functions Ilriits of processing) and modules (lriit of code) of the Open/Close/End-of-Volume portion of the operating system. It also describes the relationship of Open/CI05e/EOV to the portions of the operating systell that give control to and receive control from it. Open/Close/EOV modifies system control blocks. and mounts and verifies volU11e5 so that I/O 873 ( W~ The infor.ation in this . .nual i. intended for progra.ing support customer engine.r. and program.er. Mho require specific information about IQSAM) queued sequential ace... method. (SASAH) basic sequential access _thod. and (SPAn) basic partitioned access method routines. A general understanding of data management is prerequisite kllONledge for Wlderstanding the info.... tion in this book. See OSIVS Data Management Services Guide. 6C263783. for background inforlHtion on data management. The Manual is organized into six sections: Introduction. Method of Operation. Directory. Data Areas. PrograM Organization and Flow of Control. and Appendixes. Manual. 232 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY OSlVSl~~ ~ VIRTUAL STORAGE ~ METHOD IVSA") LOGIC This book is intended for .... intenanc. personnel and development programmers Mho requi re an in-depth knowledge of DS/vSl VSAM's design. organization. data areas. and diagnostic infor.ation. The book describes the internal logic of the OS/VSl Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) and contains diagnostic inforaation. data areil descriptions. and figures and tables that show the relationship between various parts of the program. DSIVS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAH) Progra_r's Guide. 6C26-3838. and OSIVS Access Method Services. 6C26-3836. are prerequisite books. Manual. 453 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3850 DATABASE ! DIAGNOSIS GUIOE This publication is for users Mho _ t diagnose a prograM failure in DB2. It assUMes they have already Made an attempt to deter.ine that the suspected failure is not a user error. It explains the keyword concept and identifies the DB2 or IRLM prograM number and release level to be used in the set of keywords. The different procedures for different types of progra. failures are explained. Also explained are hOM to locate and identify the na_ of the, CSECT involved and how to locate and identify a variety of .odifier keywords that precisely describe the proble.. It also provides a procedure for using the set of keywords as an argument for a search of the data base. Information in this edition was previously contained in SY26-3935. Nhich noN applies to Release 1.0 of DB2 only. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 120 pages. 03/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26 SY26-3851 ANALYSIS PR!!GRAtH !AE::ll .I.!!!i.G Thi!! public.tion is intended for . . intenanee parsornel .nd sllSt_ progra_rs Mho require .n in-depth knoNledge of AP-I design. organization. and data areas. AP-l is • progr•• for use Mith the IBI1 3344 .nd 3350 Direct-Access storage Devices. The sllSt. . progra...r Mill need this . .nual to dater.ine Nhich drive test or data Yerific.tion test datected an error on the 3344 or 3350. This publication describes the internal logic of AP-I and contains IIOdule directories and di.gnostic infor. . tion. It should be used with the prograM listings. The prerequisite publication is DSIVS .nd DDSIVS Analysis Progr••-l IAP-l) User'. Guide. 6C26-3855. Manu.l. 3/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SY26-38S2 ANALYSIS PROSRAtH .!Af::l! .!.!2!m< This pUblic.tion is intended for ..aintenance personnel and syst_ progr..... r. Mho require an in-depth knoMledge of AP-I design. organiz.tion. .nd d.t• • reas. AP-l;s. prograM for use Mith the 1811 3344 .nd 3350 Direct-Access Storage Devices. The syst_ progr....r Mill need this ...nual to dater.ina Nhich drive test or data verification test datected an error on the 3344 or 3350. Thi. public.tion describes the internal logic of AP-I .nd contains IIOdule directories and diagnostic infor. . tion. It should be used Mith the progr•• li.tings. The prerequisite public.tion i. OSIVS Analysis Progra.-l IAP-l) User's Guida. 6C26-3855. Manual. 3/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SY26 progr....r f •• ili.r Mith MVS .nd operating conpapts .nd Mho. has obt.ined diagnostic inf"r•• tion for gathering the appropriate di.gnostic infor_tion .s outlined in this public.tion. DATABASE 2 Diagnosis Guide. LY26-3850. is a prerequisite pubHcation. Rel.ted DB2 pubHc.tions are Hsted in the pref.ce. Inform.tion in this edition NaS previously cont.ined in SY26-3934. Nhich noN applies to Release 1.0 of DB2 only. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 300 p.ges. 06/87 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3863 DB2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VOLUME 1 DATA Aill DESCRIPTIONS This publication contains descriptions of the externalized data areas used by DATABASE 2 (DB21. Prerequisite. corequisite. and rel.ted publications .re listed in the preface. Infor_tion in this edition Nas previously contained in SY26-3934. which nON applies to Release 1.0 of DB2 only. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 150 pages. 3/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3866 SUPPLEMENT fQB ~ ~ OPEN/ClOSE/EOV. 5741-606 This supplement contains repl.. cement pages for OPEN/CLDSE/EOV Logic (SY26-3839-3) to support Subsystn Att.chllent Support Selectable Unit. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 10/77 1/1/5741-606 SY26-3873 IEBIMA6E M:m SETPRT LOGIC This •• nual explains the logic of the two progr.._ (IEBIMA6E. SETPRTI which together provide the data needed to control tht! IBM 3800 Printer. The purpose of this Manual is to help the IBM programming service represent.. ti.ve (PSRI to isol.te • progr.. mming failure .5 quickly "5 possible. Although this manu. I is Nritten primarily for the PSR. syst. . progr...... rs and others .ay .150 bII interested in SOlIe of the information presented here. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 72 pgs. 11/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY26-3855 tool SEQUENTIAL METHOO-EXIEtilED 1S.ut-E I. oW; .PRQ§ 5740-.ut3. ~ . The information in this . .nual i. intended for progra.ing support custOller engineers .nd progr._rs Mho require specific infor. .tion about Queued Sequenti.l Access Method IQSAMI. Ba.ic Sequenti.l Access Method IBS»U. and Ba.ic P.rtitioned Acces. . .thod IBPAMI routines that use the EXCPYR interf.ce. A gener.l underst.nding of data _nagell8nt i. prerequisite knoNledge for underst.nding the infor. .tion in this book. See VSI D.t. Management Services Suide. 6C26-3874 ••nd MVS D.t. Manage.ent Services Suide. 6C26-3875. for b.ckground infor•• tion. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 40 pgs. 12/77 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SY26-3860 OSIVS2 ~ PROCESSOR ~ (COLlATED VERSION I Thi. book describes the internal logic of the CVOL Proces.or .nd provides diagnostic infor... tion. Thi. infor... tion i. directed to . . intanance personnel and developllent progra_rs Mho require in-depth knoNledge of the design org.niz.tion and d.t. areas. It i. not required for effective use of the CVOL Processor. This publication also includes infor. . tion .bout the OSIVS2 MVS D.t. Managa.ent Select.ble Unit VS2.03.008. Manual. 122 pages. 8/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3862 DATABASE 1 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VOLUME ! Thi. pUblic.tion i. intended to help the field diagnostician f.ced Mith • •uspected DB2 f.ilure to co.municate effectively Mith DB2 speci.lists to assist the. in isolating the cause. The re.dar is ••sUlted to be .n experienced SY26-3878 DATA FACILITYIQATA SET SERVICES. YJ; .PRQ§ 5740-UT3, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ~ REFERENCE This book tells the user how to diagnose possible f.ilures in the prograM product. It assumes the user has alre.dy Made a preli.inary deter.ination that the suspected f.ilure is not • user error. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 96 pages. 10/80 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3879 BASICIYM, 5668-996, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE This pubHc.tion explains how to di.gnose failures in BASICIVM. It .SSUllles the re.der has .. lready deter.ined that the suspected failure is not a user error; that is, it Nas not c.used by incorrect usage of BASICIVM. or by an error in the logic of the application program. For more inforMation on di.gnosing us.ge errors. see BASIC Progra_ing Guide. SC26-4027. The information in this edition NaS previously· contained in SY26-39D5. which noN .pplies to Release 1 only. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 2/86 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( SY26 LY26 SY26-3880 .!!!!A FACILITYIPEYICE SUPPORT: ll!!lli.tI!tj!l SY26-3884 ~ nQJ;; Rill FACILITYIPEYICE SUPPORT: DIAGNOSIS GUIDE Atl2 REFERENCE. ~ FACILITY DIAGNQSIS GUIDE, ~ fRQ§ 5740-AM6, -AM7 This publication explains how to diagnose failures in the following components of Data FacilitylDevice Support: • Direct Access Device Space Management (DADSM) • COIIIII1on VTOC Access Facility (CVAF) To use this publication effectively, you should have a basic understanding of dump analysis and system control program diagnostic practices. Prerequisite publications are: • Data FacilitylDevice Support: User's Guide and Reference, SC26-3952 • OSIVS1 Data Management for System Progral1lll8rs, SC26-3837 • DSIVS2 Systl!lll Progra_ing Library: Data Management, SC26-3830 Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 50 pages, 10/80 ////5740-AM6,5740-AM7 SY26-3881 DATA FACILITYIDEYICE SUPPORT: DADSM DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE, ~ fRQ§ 5740-AM6. -AM7 This book is designed to assist the user in diagnosing possible program failures in the Direct Access Storage Managl!lllent tDADSH) component of DSIVS1 and OSIVS2. Before using this publication, the user should first have analyzed the failure by following the diagnostic procedures in Data FacilitylDevice Support: DADSM and Common VTOC Access Facility Diagnosis Guide, SY26-3880. This book will assist in communicating with an IBM program specialist if further isolation of the problem is necessary. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 72 pages, 10/80 ////5740-Att6,5740-Att7 ( ~!:!Y.§ MEDIA MANAGER ~ PROG 5740-AM7 This publication explains how to diagnose failures in the media manager. It assumes that you have already determined that the suspected failure is not a user error. To use this publication effectively, you should have a basic understanding of dump analysis and system control program diagnostic practices. Prerequisite publications are: • Data FacilitylDevice Support: General Information, SC26-3954 OS/YS2 MVS SPL: Service Aids, SC28-0674 DSIVS2 MYS Utilities, GC26-3902 OSIVS2 System Progra_ing Library: Debugging Handbook, Volume I. GC28-0708; Volume 2, GC28-0709 • OS/VS2 System Messages. GC38-1015 Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 55 pages, 10/80 ////5740-Att7 • • • LY26-3885 BASICIMVS. 5665-948. DIAGNOSIS GUIDE This publication explains how to diagnose failures in BASICIMVS. It assumes the reader has already determined that the suspected failure is not a user error; that is, it was not caused by incorrect usage of BASIC/MYS, or by an error in the logic of the application program. For more information on diagnosing usage errors, see BASIC Programming Guide, SC26-4027. Information in this edition was previously contained in SY26-3942, which noN applies to Release 1 only. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 36 pages, 2/86 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3882 . SY26-3886 DATA FACILITYIPEYICE SUPPORT: ~ nQJ;; ~ FACILITY ~ FACILITY EXTENDED Flt~TION ~ DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE. ~ PROG 5740-AM6. =A!1Z This book explains how to diagnose failures in the Integrated Catalog Facility of the Data Facility Extended This publication is designed to assist the user in diagnosing possible program failures in the Common VTOC Function program product. Information is also provided on Access Facility (CYAF) component of OSIVS1 and OSIVS2. the YSAtt catalog management systeM for those installations Before using this publication, the user should first have having both ICF and VSAI1 catalogs. This manual helps a analyzed the failure by following the diagnostic procedures diagnostician to understand the design and organization of in Data FacilitylDevice Support: DADSI1 and Co_on VTOC the ICF and the YSAM catalog management system. Note that Access Facility Diagnosis Guide, SY26-3880. This this book is not intended to supply all the information publication will assist in communicating with an IBM program needed for .adule maintenance. specialist if further isolation of the problem is necessary. The prerequisite is Data Facility Extended Function Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 100 pages, 10/80 Diagnosis Guide, SY26-3887. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 200 pages, 2/81 ////5740-AM6,5740-Att7 ////5740-XYQ SY26-3883 .!!!!A FACILITY lliru SUPPORT. 5740-AM6. QliCl§! rm!lA !W:!lli!! DIAGNOSIS §.!llli Al:!!l REFERENCE This book explains how to diagnose failures in the OSIVS1 Media Manager. I t assumes that you have already determined that the suspected failure is not a user error; that is, not caused by faulty usage of Media Manager. The book describes "keywords" that indicate .. suspected program failure and that identify the release level and maintenance level of the Media Manager. There is additional information to assist you in communicating with a program specialist when no correction for a failure is found and the failure is one you _ t continue working on. Prerequisite knowledge for using this book is a basic understanding of dump analysis and diagnostic practices for system control programs. Prerequisite publication is Data Facility Device Support General Information, SC26-3954. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 60 pages, 3/81 1///5740-AM6 SY26-3887 875 .!!!!A FACILITY EXTENDED F~TION. ~ .ffiQ§ 5740-XYQ. CATALOG DIAGNOSIS §.!llli This book explains how to build a set of keywords that are used to describe a failure of the Integrated Catalog Facility. It assumes that you have already determined that the suspected failure is not a user error; that is. it was not caused by incorrect use of the Data Facility Extended Function program product. Prerequisites are: Data Facility Extended Function: Access Method Services Admin;stration and Services, SC26-3966, and Data Facility Extended Function: Access Method Services Reference, SC26-3967. "anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 40 pages, 2/81 ////5740-XYQ LY26-3888 DATA FACILITY EXTENDED F~TION, ~ FROG 5740-XYQ, ~ METHODS SERVICES LOGIC Th;s book descdbes the internal logic of DFEF AMS routines SY26 LY26 and provides diagnostic infor. . tion that is directed to support persomel and developtllent progralllllers Mho requi re in-depth knowledge of the program's design. organization. and data areas. The reader should be familiar Mith general progra. . ing techniques. OSIVS2 VSAH concepts and use. TSO concepts and use. and SysteM/370. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 800 pages. 2/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY blocks and presants a cross-raf.renc. tabla of the aband syst. . codes and the internal codes associated Mith each syst_ coda. The Pr.face contains a list of the prer.quisite publications. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 250 pages. 1183 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3893" MVSaA I!!!M:! LOGIC LY26-3889 MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE. 5665-284. ~ METHOD SERVICES l!:Q.bY!jg ! LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the internel logic of DFP access method services routines and provides diagnostic information di rected to support personnel and development progra_rs who need an i ndepth knoNledge of the program's des i gn. organization. and data areas. The user should be familiar with VSAM and T50 concepts and use. The topics contained in Volume 1 are . .thod of operation. program organization. and microfiche directory. The prerequisite MVS/XA publications are: AMS Logic Vol. 2. LY26-3909. Integrated Catalog Administration: AMS Reference. 6C26-4019. VSAM Catalog Administration: AMS Reference. GC26-4075. and Catalog Administration Guide. 6C26-4041. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 520 pages. 10/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3890 ~ CHECKPQINURESTART SUPERYlSOR RELEASE) This publication describes the logic Architecture Supervisor Call (MVS/XA taka a checkpoint. and restart a job gy, ~ This publication describes the internal logic of the basic direct access m.thod (BDAM) for Data Facility Product (DFP). It is intended as a reference book for progra. . ing support representatives and for system progra...rs who .. intain or alt.r BDAI1 routines. A general knowledge of data management is required for understanding the information in this publication. I1YS/Extended Architecture Data Administration Guide (6C264013 for Version 1 and 6C26-4140 for V.rsion 2). contains background information about data manag_ant. l1anual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 16 pages. 02/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3894 l..!l!iIk (CURRENT of the MVS/Extencled SYC) routines that at a checkpoint. It is intended for use by progra_ing systems representatives and systems programmers . . intaining checkpoint/restart routines. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 84 pages. 2/84 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ DMf This publication describes the program logic of the tMo indexed sequential access . .thods: queued indexed sequential access m.thod (QISAH) and basic ind.xed sequential access . .thod (BISAH). Before reading this book. the user should understand the material presented in: MVS/Extencled Architecture Data Administration Guid. (6C264013 for Version 1 and 6C26-4140 for Version 2) and I1YS/Extended Architecture Data Administration: Macro Instruction R.ferenc. (6C26-4014 for Version 1 and 6C26-4141 for V.rsion 21. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 282 pages. 1/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3895 ~ ~ PROCESSOR LOGIC Th. reader should be familiar with general programming techniques. OS/ys2 concepts and use. general concepts of catalog management. and Syste.t370. The prerequisite manuals are I1YS/Extended Architecture Administration (GC264041 for Version 1 and GC26-4138 for Version 2). processor program and provides diagnostic information directed to personnel .....0 require in-depth knowledge of the program's design. organization. and data areas. It is not required for effective use of the CYOL processor. LY26-3891 MVS/E)(!ENDED ARCHITECTURE (MVSIXA). 5665-284. §&! ~ M The information in this manual is intended for programming support customer engine.rs and programmers who require specific information about queued sequential access . .thod (QSAI1). basic sequential access method (BSAM). and basic parti tioned access . .thod (BPAH) routines. A general understanding of data management is prerequisite knowledge for understanding the information in this book. Sea MVS/Extended Archi tectur. Data Management Servi ces. 6C264013. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 308 pages. 1/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 140 pages. 2/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3896 DADSM !!:!Jl COMI1ON ~ ACCESS FACILITY DIA6NOSIS lilllI!!i (CURRENT RE LEASE) This manual explains hoM to use keyMOrds to describe ~ LY26-3892 MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE (MVSIXA). WA FACILITY PRODUCT! 5665-284. OPEN/CLOSE/EOV ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the internal logic of the open. close. and end-of-volum. component of I1YS/XA Data Facility Product. It is i~tended for people supporting this component who require detailed inforlNlltion about the functions pertormed. the data areas used. and the . .thods used to determine the natura and cause of probl.... encount.red Nhen executing the functions. This manual describes the r.lationship batNeen the DlC/EOV componant and the rest of the op.rating syst. . and lists the O/C/EOV object modules. Ther. ar. diagrams thet show the flow of control among the obj.ct MOdules. This manual also givas a list of the fi.lds of k.y syst_ control 876 failures in the direct access device space management (DADSI1) and connnon YTOC access facility (CVAF) cOnoponents. The r.ader Mill be guided in systuatically selecting a set of keywords. If a solution to a failura is not found. follON the procedure given in subMitting an APAR. To us. this publication .ffectiv.ly. it is necessary to have a b.sic understanding of dump analysis and syst. control progra. diagnostic practices. Pr.requisit. publications ar.: SY26 SY26 6\1i de. 6C26-4041 • HYS/Extended Architecture Syst. .-Data ~inistration. 6C26-4010 HVs/Extended Architecture Diagnostic Techniques. LY28-1159 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 2/84 1137115740-XC6.5665-284,5665-291 This book is designed to be used in conjunction Mith assembled or compiled VIO processor source code • Prerequisite manual is HVS/Extended Architecture System Data Administr.. tion (GC26-4010 for Version 1 .. nd GC26-4149 for Version 2). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 128 pages. 1/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3897 LY26-3901 ~ ~ DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURREN! RELEASE) This manual contains information on the integr .. ted catalog facility IICF) for DFP ..nd on the VSAH cat .. log managellt!nt systeM for those systems having both types of cat .. logs. It is used in conjunction Mith HVs/Extended Architecture Catalog Diagnosis Guide. SY26-3899. and is designed to help a diagnostician understand the design and organization of ICF and the VSAH catalog .... nagement syst... It includes descriptions of the design of each . . jor catalog function and lists the IIIOdules and their functions and callers. I t also identifies and describes the catalog data .. re..s. ~~LOGIC This public.. tion describes the internal org.. nization and logic of the loader. Other publications that Nill assist in the understanding of the lo.. der are: MVS/Extended Archi tecture Linkage Edi tor .. nd Loader (6C264011 for Version 1 and 6C26-4143 for Version 2) and Assembler H Version 2 Application Programming: Language Reference. 6C26-4037. The user should .. lso refer to the following corequisite publication: MVS/Extended Architecture Debugging Handbook. Volumes 1 through 5. LBOF-I015. ttanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 140 pages, 2/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY The prerequisite ... nuals are HVS/Extended Architecture Catalog Adllinistration Guide. 6C26-4041 and HVS/Extended Architecture Integrated Catalog Adnlinistration: Access Hethod Services Reference. GC26-4019. ttanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 272 pages. 02/84 1137115665-284.5665-291.5740-XC6 SY26-3898 !:ImIA ~ DIAGNOSIS §!Wl!i !!:!!l REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication explains hoM to diagnose failures in the media manager after it h .. s been determined that the failure is not c ..used bY a user error. It explains hoM to describe the media .anager program failure using keyMOrds. search the softMare support data base for si.ilar knoMn problems. gather infor. .tion needed to discuss a naN proble•• and gather the docuaentation needed to prepare and submit an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR) on a naN probl... Prerequisite knoldaclge for using this book i. a basic understanding of dump analysis and diagnostic practices for syst. . control prograll5. ttanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 56 pages. 1/83 1137115740-XC6.5665-284.5665-291 ~ ( SY26-3899 QI!!JI§ DIA6NQSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication explains hON to systematically build a set of keywords that are used to describe a failure in the integrated catalog facility (ICF) of the Data Facility Product (DFP) program product. It assUllles that the reader has already deter.ined that the suspected failure is not a user errorl that is. it MaS not c ..used by f .. ulty us ..ge of ICF. ~ The reader should be fa.iliar Mith the integrated catalog facility (ICF) of Data Facility Product (DFP). and Mith virtual storage access method (VSAI1) catalogs. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 32 pages. 2/84 1137115665-284.5665-291.5740-XC6 LY26-3900 ~m LOGIC This publication is intended to _ble progra_ing systees representatives and syst. . progr.. llllllers to .. cquire a general understanding of VIO (virtual input/output) processing and to diagnose logic-level problems by identifying segments of code that are executed under given sets of circumst..nces. The user should be fa.iliar Mith channel progr ..... ing. paging I/O and in general. Mith the virtual stor..ge environment. LY26-3902 MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE LINKAGE EOITOR. 5665-284. ~ This publication describes the internal organization and logic of the linkage editor. The link .. ge editor. a processing progr.... combines ..nd edits modules to produce a load MOdule that c .. n be loaded into virtual stor.. ge by the control prcgram. Other publications required for an U'ICIerstanding of the link.. ge editor are: MVS/Extended Architecture Data Administration Guide. GC26-4013; MVS/Extended Architecture Data Administration: Macro Instructions. GC26-40141 and MVS/Extended Architecture JCL. GC28-1148. The reader should .. Iso refer to the corequisite publications: MVS/Extended Architecture Linkage Editor and Loader User's Guide. 6C26-4011. and MVS/Extended Architecture Debugging Handbook. Volumes 1 through 5. LBOF-I015. ttanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 228 p .. ges. 2/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3903 MVS/EXTENDEO ARCHITECTURE UTILITIES. 5665-284. LOGIC (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication is designed to help the reader to locate specific areas of the utility programs provided for MVS/Extended Architecture Data F.. cility Product (MVS/XA). and to relate those are.. s to the corresponding progr... listings. It is divided into three sections. corresponding to the three types of utility programs: system utilities. d .. ta set utilities. and independent utilities. The reader should be familiar Mith the folloMing publications: MVS/Extended Architecture Date Administration: Utilities. GC26-4018; MVS/Extended Architecture Data Areas JES2. LYB8-1191. or MVS/Extended Architecture O.. ta Areas JES3. LYB8-11951 MVS/Extended Architecture Oata Administration M.. cro InstructionlReference. GC26-4014; MVS/Extended Architecture Data Administration Guide. GC26-4013; MVS/Extended Archi tecture DADSM and COllllllon VTO Access Facility Diagnosis Guide. SY26-38961 MVS/Extended Architecture DADSM Di .. gnosis Reference. SY26-39041 and MVs/Extended Architecture Supervisor Services and Macro Instructions. GC28-1154. M.. nual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 490 p .. ges. 2/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 877 (/ LY26 SY26 VM/SP Introduction. GCI9-6200. The user should also have a good understanding of the assembler language as described in Assembler H Version 2 AppUcation Programming: Language Reference. SC26-4037. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 314 pages. 1/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3904 DADSM DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This pubUcation is designed to help the user diagnose program failures in the Direct Access Device Space Management (DADSM) component. Before ush>g tMs publication. the user should analyze the program failure by using the diagnostic procedures in I1VS/Extended Architecture DADSM and Common VTOC Access Facility Diagnosis Guide. SY26-3896. This publication contains an overvieM of the major· functions of DADSM and gives an external description of each function. It also contains a description of the interface to the controlling module. the syst.. and DADSH data areas used. and a flowchart for each function or subfunction. This book has 1IOdu1e directory. and contains information on data area linkages and layouts and on DADSM return codes. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 75 pages. 2/M //30//5740-XC6.5665-2M.5665-291 ~ a SY26-3905 BASIC. 5668-996. DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual tells you how to diagnose failures in IBM BASIC. It assumes that you have already determined that the suspected failure is not a user errorl that" is. not caused by faulty usage of IBM BASIC or by an error in the logic of the appUcation program. The book provides a procedure to investigate and ensure that the program failure is not caused by user error. This publication also explains how to search a softNare support data base and how to prepare an APAR. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 25 pages. 11/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3906 MVS/xA ISMF DIAGNOSIS GUIDE This pubUcation is for systems programmers responsible for identifying program problenm. It describes procedures to use to diagnose ISHF failures. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 6/86 LY26-3909 tlVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE. 5665-284. ACCESS ~ SERVICES LOGIC .l!!!.!Jl!:!g ! This publication describes the internal logic of DFP access method services routines and provides diagnostic information di rected to support personnel and development programmers Mho need an in-depth knollliedge of the prograll's design. organization. and data areas. The user should be familiar lIIith VSAM and TSO concepts and use. The topics contained in Volume 2 are data areas. diagnostic aids. EXPORT and EXPORTRA commands. and enciphered data sets created by the REPRO command. . The prerequisite MVS/XA pubUcations are: AI1S Logic Vol. - LY26-3889. Integrated Catalog Administration: AMS Reference - GC26-4019. VSAI1 Catalog Administration: AI1S Reference - GC26-4075. and Catalog Administration Guide GC26-4041. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 475 pages. 10/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3910 ~ COBOL III 5668-958. -940. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE This publication describes procedures for diagnosing failures in the VS COBOL II Compiler and Library. It helps the reader determine whether a correction for the defect has been previously documented in software support data base. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 ////5668-958.5668-940 SY26-3911 ~ COBOL II DIAGNOSIS GUIDE. 5668-958. ~ This publication lIIill help programmers communicate neM VS COBOL II program problems in a precise lIIay to a support center representative. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/M LY26-3907 VSAI1. 5665-284. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual describes the internal logic of VSI\I1 and contains diagnostic information directed to'personnel Mho need an in-depth knowledge of VSAI1's design. organization. and data areas. This manual describes how VSAl1 fits into the operating system and how it interacts lIIith the operating syst.. and the user's program. It gives the major components of VSI\I1 and describes their functions. The lllanua! lists the VSAM modules and describes the control blocks used by VSAI1. The prerequisite manuals are MVS/Extended Architecture VSAI1 Administration Guide. GC26-4015. and tIVS/Extended Architecture Administration: Macro Instruction Reference. GC26-4016. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 500 pages. 2/M SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ///15668-958.5668-940 ~ LY26-3908 ASSEMBLER !:! VERSION !.a. .I.Ik fB!!§ 5668-962. LOGIC This pubUcation is intended for customer engineers and system programmers concerned with maintenance of the Assembler H. The publication is a guide to the internal structure and operation of Assembler H and is intended for use in conjunction with program listings. The user should be familiar lIIith the basic concepts and facilities of the operating system as described in OS/vSl Planning and User Guide. GC24-5090; OS/vS2 MVS Overview. GC28-0984; MVS/Extended Archi tecture Overv;'!!.. GC28-11461 or LY26-3912 MVS/370. 5665-295. ~ ~ SERVICES LOGIC VOLUME 1 This publication describes the internal logic of DFP access method services routines and provides diagnostic information directed to support personnel and development programmers who need an i ndepth knowledge of the program's des i gn. organization. and data areas. The user should be familiar lIIith VSI\I1 and TSO concepts and use. The topics contained in Volume 1 are method of operation. program organization. and microfiche directory. The prerequisite MVS/370 publications are: AtlS Logic Vol. 2. LY26-3930. Integrated Catalog Administration: AMS Reference. GC26-4051. VSAI1 Catalog Administration: AI1S Reference. GC26-4059. and Catalog Administration Guide. GC26-4053. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 500 pages. 1/86 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3913 MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT. 5665-295. BDAM LOGIC This book describes the internal logic of the basic direct access .. thod (BDAI1) for DFP. It is intended as a reference book for IBM programming support representatives and system programmers who maintain or alter BDAM routines. There is a description of BOAI1 and of the records and macro 878 (/ ( LY26 LY26 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY instructions assochilted NUh U. The BDAI1 IIOCIules are listed and the flON of control bet_en BDAI1 modules is shown. TMs book shows the major data areas used by BDAIt and Hsts the messages and codes issued by BDAI1. It also describes channel progralllS for BDAM requests. and describes the concept of a "period" .. UMn a DASO extent. Manual, 8 1/2 x II inches. 150 pages, 4/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-392I :iY26-3915 MVS/370 CATALOG DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE, 5665-295 This manual supports the diagnosing of failures in the integrated catalog facility (ICF) of the Data Facility Product (OfP) program product, and on the VSAM catalog management syst... for those installations having both types of catalog. This manual when used in conjunction Nith MVS/370 Catalog Diagnosis Guide, SY26-3914, is designed to help a diagnostician understand the design and organization of ICF and the VSAM catalog management systn. It includes descriptions of the design of each major catalog function and lists the modules and their functions and callers. The manual also identifies and describes the catalog data areas. The prerequisite manuals are MVS/370 Catalog Users Guide, GC26-4053. and MVS/370 Access Method Services Reference for the Integrated tatalog Facility, 6C26-4051. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 230 pages, 4/83 ( LY26-3916 MYS/370 CHECKPOINT/RESTART SUPERVISOR ~ LOGIC, 5665-295 This book describes the logic of the MVS/370 Data Facility Product Supervisor Call (MVS/370 DEP SVC) routines that take a checkpoint. and restart a job at a checkpoint. The routines that restart a job at a step are in OS/vs2 Syst... Logic Library. Volume I, SY28-0713. through Volume 7. SY28-07l9. HoI' a user requests that a checkpoint be taken and restarts a job is prerequisite knONledge for understanding the information in this book. This type of information is in MVS/370 Checkpoint/Restart. 6C26-4054. Additional prerequisite knowledge is contained in MVS/370 VSAM Logic LY26-4928. This book is intended for use by programming systems representatives and syst... programmers maintaining checkpoint/restart routines. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches, 80 pages, 4/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3917 11m FACILITY PRODUCT, 5665-295, CVOL PROCESSOR LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic of the CVOL processor program and provides diagnostic information directed to maintenance personnel and development programmers Mho requi re i ndepth knOIoIledge of the program' 5 design, organization. and data areas. It is not required for effective use of the CVOL processor. Manual •. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 150 pages. 4/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY26-3920 MYS/370, 11m FACILITY PRODUCT. 5665-295, ISAM .!J!§!!; This publication describes the program logic of the tNO indexed sequential access _thods: QISAM (queued indexed sequential access _thad) and BISAM (basic indexed sequential access lIethod). Before reading this book. the user should understand the material presented in: MVS/370 Data Management Services. 6C26-4058. particularly under "Processing an Indexed Sequential Daa Set." and MVS/370 Data Management Macro Instructions, 6C26-4057. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 280 pages. 4/83 DATA FACILITY PRODUCY, 5665-295, ~ I!U!llR JJ!§I This publication describes the internal organization and logic of the linkage editor. The linkage edUor. a processing program, combines and edUs modules to produce a load module that can be loaded into virtual storage by the contrOl program. Other publications that are required for an understanding of the linkage editor are: MVS/370 Data Management Services. GC26-4058; MVS/370 Data Management Macro Instructions. 6C26-4057. and OS/vS2 MVS JCL. 6C28-0692. The reader should also refer to MVS/370 Linkage Editor and Loader. 6C26-4061. and OS/vS2 System Programming Library: Debugging Handbook. Volumes 1 through 3, GC28-1047 through GC28-I049. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 232 pages. 4/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY26-3922 MVS/370 LOADER LOGIC. 5665-295 This publication describes the internal organization and logic of the loader. Other publications that Nill assist in the understanding of the loader are: MVS/370 Linkage Editor and Loader. GC26-4061; OS/vs DOS/vsE VM/370 Assembler Language. GC33-4010; and Assembler H Version 2 Application Prograanaing: Language Reference. GC26-4037. The user should also refer to the following corequisite publication: OS/vS2 System Programming Library: Debugging Handbook. Volumes I through 3. 6C28-I047 through GC28-1049. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 140 pages. 4/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3924 MVS/370 I!lli FACILITY PRODUCY. 5665-295. OPEN/CLOSE/EOV LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic of the open. close and end-of-volume component of MVS/370 DFP. It is intended for people supporting this c~t Mho require detailed information about the functions performed. the data areaS used. and the methods used to dete...ine the nature and cause of problems encountered Nhen executing tha functions. This book describes the relationships bet_en the O/C/EOV component and the rest of the operating system. Also described is the flON of control among the object lIodules. There is a list of the fields of key syst... control blocks modified by each object .adole. Also included is a cross-reference table of the Abend system codes. the internal codes associated Nith each system code. and the message associated with each syste.. code. The prerequisite publications are listed in the preface. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 275 pages. 4/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3925 MYS/370 I!A!A FACILITY PRODUCT. 5665-295' ~ LOGIC ( CURRENT RELEASE! The infor. . tion in this . .nual is intended for progra_ingsupport customer engineers and programmers Mho require specific info ....ation about queued sequential access method (QSAI1J, basic sequential access method (BSAI1!. and basic partitioned access method (BPAM) routines. A general understanding of data management is prerequisite knowledge for understanding the information in this bock. See MVS/370 Oat. Management Services. 6C26-4058. for background information on data lIIanagement. For infor..ation about processing sequential and partitioned data sets. see MVS/370 Data Management Services. 6C26-4058. Other related reading is listed in the preface. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 316 pages. 4/83 879 lY26 SY26 - lY26-3912, Integrated Catalog Administration: AI1S Reference - GC26-4051, YSAH.Catalog Administration: AI1S Reference - GC26-4059, and Catalog Administration Guide 6C26-40S3. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 500 pages, 1/86 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SlSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lY26-3926 mLnIll!AIa FACILI" PRODUCT, 5665-295' UTILITIES .I.!!!mi The purpose of this publication is to enable the user to locate specific areas of the utility prograMS provided for HVSI370 Data Facility Product (HVSI3701, and to relate those areas to the corresponding prograM listings. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 524 pages, 4/83 SlSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3931 ill! DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication is designed to assist the raader in diagnosing failures in the APl2 program product. It guides the reader in the development of a set of keYMOrds that can be used as a search argument in a softNare data base such asthe Soft... re Support Facility (SPFJ. Prerequisite knowledgeis a basic understanding of dump analysis and of MYS or YI1/SP diagnostic techniques. Related publications are listed in the preface. This is a compenent of SK2T-0904. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 76 pages, 8/84 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lY26-3927 m .I.Q§lli 5665-295 This book is intended to enable progra.ing syst_ representatives and syst_ progra_rs to acquire a general understanding of YIO (Yirtual Input/OUtputl processing and to diagnose logic-level problems by identifying segments of code that are executed under given sets of circUIIIStances. The ~er should by familiar Nlth chamel programming, paging I/o, and in general, Nith the virtual storage environeent. This book is designed to be used in conjunction Nith ass.-bled or compiled YIO processor source code. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 128 pages, 4/83 SlSS: 1M INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SY26-3932 ill! DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (C!mRENT RELEASE! This publication is the companion book to the APl Diagnosis Guide. It describes the APl2 diagnostic tools, Nhich shoulcllelp . document problems encountered. To use the reference effectively, first attempt to isolate the probl. . using the Diagnosis Guida. This publication discusses the IMORE and !CHECK syst. . co_nds and the SYSDEBUG option. It also contains discussions on the processor services trace facility, the trace facility output, shared variable processor traces, the Sql trace facility, and the APl2 dumps. The related publications are listed in the preface. This is a component of SK2T-090S. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 70 pages, 12/84 SLSS: ORDER, NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY :'Y26-3928 man gm FACILI" PRODUCT, 5665-295' ~ ~ . This book describes the internal logic of YSAH and contains diagnostic infor... tion. It is directed to ... intenanee personnel and developeent progra.... rs requiring an in-depth knoNledge of YSAM's design, organization, and data areas. It describes the use of YSAM, hoM YSAM fits into the operating systee, hoM YSAH interacts Nith the operating syst_ and the user's prograM, and describes the . . jor CCIIIII)Onents of YSAM. The book also describes the functions daM by YSAH and the information contained in YSAH prograM listings. There is a description of control blocks used by YSAH and of the fo ..... t of YSAH data and index records. The prerequisite . .nuals are 11YS/370 YSAH Users Guida, GC26-4066, and YSAH Reference, GC26-4074. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 500 pages, 4/83 SlSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5Y26-3929 m:!!:I!lH .mzk ~ FACILI" DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE This publication is designed to help the user diagnose program failures in the cotDIIIOI"I volUlltl-table-of-contents access facility (CYAF) COlllPonent. Before using this publication, the user should have analyzed the prograM failure by follOlling the diagnostic procedures in ItYS/Extended Archi tecture DADSI1 and COIlllllOn YTOC Access Facility Diagnosis Guide, SY26-3896. This book Nill assist in ~icating .. ith an 1811 prograM specialist if further isolation of the failure is necessary. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 108 pages, 01/83 //37//5665-284,5665-291,5740-XC6 ~ " \ SY26-3933 1tYS/370. 5665-295. 921:!!::!!!!::1 YrQ!; ACCESS FACILI" DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE This publication is designed to help the user diagnose program failures in the common yolume-table-of-contents access facility (CYAFI component. Before using this publication, the user should have analyzed the program failure by following the diagnostic procedures in 11Ys/370 DADSI1 and Common YTOC AcceSs Facility Diagnosis Guide, SY26-3918. This book ..ill assist in communicating with an 1811 prograM specialist if further isolation of the failure is necessary. l1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 108 pages, 4/83 SY26-3934 DATABASE ~ 5740-XYR. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE. XQ1YHS 1 This publication is intended to help the field diagnostician faced Nith a suspected DB2 failure to communicate effectively Nith DB2 specialists to assist the. in isolating the cause. The reader is assumed to be an experienced lY26-3930 programmer familiar Nith I1YS and operating concepts and Mho 11VS/370, 5665-295, ~ I1ETHOD SERVICES ~ ~ 1 This publication describes the internal logic of DFP access has obtained diagnostic information through preliMinary analysis of the program failure. Method services routines and provides diagnostic information di rected to support personnel and developme"lt progra_rs DATABASE 2 Diagnosis Guide, 5Y26-3935, is a prerequisite Mho need an in-depth knONledge of the program's design, publication. Related DB2 publications are listed in the organization, and data areas. The user should be familiar preface. .. ith YSAH and TSO concepts and use. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 300 pages, 7/84 The topics contained in Yoluae 2 are data areas, diagnostic SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY aids, EXPORT and EXPORTRA C01IIIIIands, and enciphered data sets craated by the REPRO COIIIIIand. The prerequisite HVSI370 publications are: AI1S logic Yolo 1 880 () ( SY26 SY26 SY26-3935 DATABASE .L. 5Z40-XYR. DIAGNOSIS GUIDE This publication is for users who must diagnose a program failura in DB2. It assumes that the user has already ..d. .n .ttempt to deterlline that the suspected failure is not • user error. It explains the keYNord concept and identifies the DBE or IRLH program number .nd release level to be used in the set of keYNQrds. The different procedures for different types of program failures are explained. Also explained .re hoM to locate .nd identify the name of the CSECT involved and hoM to locate and identify a variety of modifier keywords that precisely describe the problem. It provides a procedure for using the set of keywords as .n argument for • search of the data base. !1anlRll. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 120 pages. 5/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3936 l2A!A EXTRACT. 5668-973. DIALOGS DIAGNOSIS (C~RENT RELEASE! This beok is useful for diagnosing prograM failures caused by the Dialogs function of DXT. It assumes the user has already determined that the failure is not a user error. This book explains the keyword concept and procedures .nd hOM to use thetll in diagnosing problems. It also contains a det.iled description of the organization of the Dialogs function and the environtllent in which it operates. The re'ader IlU5t have an understanding of dump analysis; of HVS or VM diagnostic pr.ctic.... ' and of TSO or CI1S .nd ISPF diagnostic practices. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 150 pages. 4/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY It also describes each of qMF'. fU'lCtions along Nith the data areas these functions use. One section. the "Module Directory" briefly describes the main purpose of each module and lists the modules it is called by .nd the 1I0dules it calls. In addition. the book shows data area linkages and explains QIIF's message numbers and the modules issuing the messages. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 250 pages. 11/83 1137115668-972 SY26-3940 DUGtIOSIS §!.!!!l.g fQB !:!l!li 9!:!E (CURRENT RELEASE) This book explains hoM to diagnose internal problems in QIIF (when it is used under HVS! and hoN to report those problems to IBM. Some sections are easier to use if the reader has an understanding of dump analysis and HVS diagnostic practices. The book shows how to organize keYNQrds into a keyword string and ho... to use such strings to search for similar problems (and their solutions! in an IBM software support data base. When sillilar problems .re not found. keyword strings can be used to describe the probletll to the IBM support center or in an APAR. This book need not be read from cover to cover: The reader is guided only to those sections relevant to problem at hand. Related publications are listed in the preface. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 75 pages. 11/83 1137115668-972 SY26-3942 BASICIMVS DIAGNOSIS GUIDE This book explains holll to di.gnos. failures in IBM BASICIMVS. It assumes that the suspected failure is not a user error; that is. it MaS not caused by incorrect usage 5Y26-3937 of IBM BASIClMVS. or by an error in the logic of the DATA EXTRACT. 5668-973. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE . .pplication program. (For more information on diagnosing This beak is intended for people Mho are diagnosing progra. usage errors. 5 •• IBM BASIC Application Programming: failures in DXT. It does not include failures r.lated to Guide!. Related and required publications are listed in the DXT Dialogs program product. This book contains a the prefaca. description of the internal environment that DXT establishes Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 64 pages. 11/83 .nd gives. description of the product's subfunctions. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY There.ar. lists of the major data areas used by each funct i on and subfU'lCt i on and of the modules in DXT. Also shown .r. hOM the data .reas in DXT are linked and hOM to SY26-3943 use the tools that provide information to help diagnose ~ MANAGEMENT FACILITY fQB ~ 5668-972. DIAGNOSIS problems. GUIDE (C~RENT RELEASE! !1anlRll. 8 112 x 11 inches. 350 pages. 4/84 This manual tells how to diagnosis internal problems in the SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY query tlanagement FacH Ity (qMF!. Nhen used under YMlSP and how to report those problems. The book assumes the user is reasonably certain that the suspected problem is not caused SY26-3938 by a user error. A basic understanding of dump analysis and l2A!A EXTRACT. 5668-973. DIAGNOSIS GUIDE of CMSlVM diagnostic practices will be helpful ... ith some This book is useful for diagnosing prograll failures caused sections. by DXT. It assumes that the deterllination of the failure is Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 64 pages. 4/84 not a user error. This book explains the keywork concept SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY and procedures and hoM to use thetll in diagnosing problems. The reader must have an understanding of dump analysis and HVS diagnostic practices. SY26-3944 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 75 pages. 4/84 ~ FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG DIAGNOSIS. 5668-903 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This .anual is designed to assist in the diagnosing of failures in the VS FORTRAN Interactive Debug Program Product. Other manuals are listed in the preface. SY26-3939 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 36 pages. 5/84 ~ MANAGEMENT FACILITY fQB ~ 5668-972. DIAGNOSIS SLSS: ORr;JER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE! This book should be used ... ith it. cotlP.nion. QIIF Di.gnosi. Guid.. It c.n b. us.d in thr.e .... ys: to gain. furth.r SY26-3945 DATABASE 2.5740-XYR. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE. ~ 11 DAI! und.rst.nding of QIIF diagnostiC tools. to help document an APAR. and to aid \n a free-form di.gno.is under .n IBM ~ DESCRIPTIONS This publication contains descriptions of. the externalized .upport represent.tlv.'s direction. Th. book provides a progr.m ov.rvi ..... d.scribing qMF'. dependencies on hardlllare data .reas used by DATABASE 2 (DB2!. Prerequisite. corequi.it•• and related public.tions are listed in the .nd .oft.... r •• the functional unit. of AMF ••nd the preface. flON-of-control through these functions for .ach cOllllland. 881 SY26 LY26 l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 350 pages. 7184 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GC26-3840. are prerequisite books. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 668 pages. 10/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3946 I1ETHOD SERVICES. 5652-VS1. LOGIC This book describes the internal logic of the routines of Access l1ethod Services and provides diagnostic inforMation. This information is directed to maintenance personnel and development programmers who require an in-depth knowledge of the program's design. organization. and data areas. It is not required for effective use of Access Method Services. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 692 pages. 10/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LY26-3947 OSIVSlIOPENICLOSE/EOV. S652-VS1. LOGIC This publication describes the functions (units of processing) and Modules (l.8'Iit of cost) of the Open/Close/End of VolUllle portion of the operating systeM. It also describes the relationship of Open/Close/EOV to the portions of the operating system that give control to and receive control from it. OpenlClose/EOV MOdifies systu control blocks. and MOI.8'Its and verifies VOlUMeS so that 1/0 operations can be performed. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 250 pages. 10/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3951 5665-327. DIA6NQSIS ~ This publication tells hoN to diagnose a Data Facility Data Set Services (DFDSS) failure. It assu.es that the reader has already made a preliminary deterllination that the suspected failure is not a user errol". This publication applies to both syst_ DFDSS and standalone oFDSS. and guides in the selection of a set of keywords to describe a oFDSS program failure. This set of keYNOrds is then used by the Support Center (or the reader. if a search tool such as Info Access is available) to s . .rch the Software Support Facility (SSF) or the Early Warning Syst... CEWS). to deterlline whether an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR) has already been recorded. and obtain information to aid in a fix or a bypass of the probleM. References are made in this publication to Data Facility Data Set Seryices: User's Guide and Reference. SC26-4125. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 5/85 SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY26-3952 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE yoLUME 1 ADVANCED TECHNIQUES This publication is designed to aid those responsible for diagnosis and resolving DATABASE 2 (DB2) problelll5. For inforlDation on diagnosing and resolving internal DB2 problu!.. see DATABASE 2 Diagnosis Guide. SY26-3935. DATABASE 2 Diagnosis Reference Volume 1. SY26-3934. DATABASE 2 Diagnostic Reference Volume 2: Data Area Descriptions. SY26-3945. and DATABASE 2 l1essages and Codes. SC26-4113. Other related and prerequisite publications are listed in the preface. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 07/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY26-3948 ~ UTILITIES. 5652-VS1. LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic of the utility programs provided for OSIVS1. It contains flowcharts of the programs. figures showing the formats of the major tables and records. and an appendix that lists the modules of the utility programs. The manual is intended for persons involved in program lIaintenance. Prograll logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the program. l1anual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 660 pages. 10/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3953 .!::W!aA VERSION ! ACCESS !m!!!m SERVICES LOGIC VOLUME 1 This publication describes the internal logic of Data Facility Product access method services routines and provides diagnostic information directed to support personnel and development programmers Mho requi re an indepth knowledge of the program's design. organization. and data areas. It is not required for effective use of access method services. The user should be familiar Nith general prograllll'4ing techniques. VSAH concepts and use. and TSO concepts and use before reading. I1VS/Extended Architecture Access Method Services Logic Volume 2. LY26-3997. complements this publication. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 539 pages. 04/85 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lY26-3949 OSIVS1 ~ 5652-VS1. LOGIC The information in this manual is intended for programming support customer engineers and progralDllers Mho require speci fic information about (QSAH) queued sequential access method. (BSAI1) basic sequential access method. and (BPAI1) basic partitioned access method routines. A general understanding of data management is prerequisite knowledge for understanding the information in this book. See OSIVS1 Data Management Services Guide. GC26-3874. for backgrmnd information on data management. l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 340 pages. 10/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3955 .!::W!aA m.lm!t! ! CATALOG DIAGNOSIS GUIDE LY26-3950 ~ VIRlUAL STORASE ~!m!!!m This publication is intended for users Mho must diagnose a program failure in the Integrated Catalog Facility'CICF) of the Data Facility Product (DFP) prodr.m product. It assUlDeS the user has already deterllined that the suspected failure is not a user error; that is.· it Nas not caused by faulty usage of ICF. This guide is designed to help develop set. of keYNOrds Nith step-by-step procedures. The reader should be familiar Nith the Integrated Catalog Facility IICF) of Data Facility Product (DFP). l1anual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 4/85 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY (VSAH). 5652-VSh .!J!!i!k This book is intended for Maintenance personnel and development programnlers who require an in-depth knoNl" of OSIVS1 VSAM's design. organization. data areas. and diagnostic inforlllation. The book describes the internal logic of the OSIVS1 Virtual Storage Access l1ethod (VSAH) and contains diagnostic information. data areas descriptions. and figures and tables that show the relationship betNeen yarious parts of the program. OSIVS Virtual Storage Access l1ethod(VSAH) Programmer's Guide. GC26-3838. and OSIVS1 Access Method Seryices. 882 ( LY26 LYZ6 LY26-3961 LY26-3956 ma6 num:I , VERSION 1 !!!!l.m DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE This publication is designed to help the user diagnose program failures in the Direct Access Device Space Itanage.ant (DADSIt) component. Before using this publication. the user should analyze the program failure by using the diagnostic procedures in HVS/Extendad Architecture DADSM and Common VTIIC Access Facility Diagnosis Guide. LY26-3960. This publication contains an overviell of the Major functions of DADSM and gives an external description of each function. It also contains a description of the interface to the controlling IIOdule. the syst.. and DADSM data areas used. and a flowchart for each function or subfunction. It has a module directory. and contains inforaation On data area linkages and layouts and on DADSM return codes. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 75 pages. 04/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ DIA§t!OSIS REFERENCE This publication contains inforMation on the integrated catalog facility (ICF) for DFP and on the VSAK catalog .anagellent systell for those syst_ having both types of catalog. It is used in conjunction lIith I1VS/Extended Architecture catalog Diagnosis 6uide. LY26-3955. and is designed to help a diagnostician understand the design and organization of ICF and the VSAM catalog .anagement systeM. It includes descriptions of the design of each .ajor catalog function and lists the IIOdules and their functions and callers. It also identifi .. and describes the catalog data .rea •• The prerequisite publications are HVS/Extended Architecture Catalog Administration Guide. 6C26-41381 HVS/Extended Architecture Integrated Catalog Administration: Access Hethod Services Reference. 6C26-4135 and HVS/Extended Architecture VSAK Catalog Administration: Access Hethod Services Reference. 6CZ6-4136. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 318 pages. 4/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3963 ~ mru.!!!f 1 ~ !!U!!lB .Y!§Il;; This publication describes the internal organization and logic of the linkage editor. The linkage editor. a processing progranh combines and edits modules to produce a load module that can be loaded in to virtual storage by the cOlltrol prograM. Other publications required for an understanding of the linkage editor are: HVS/Extended Architecture Data Administration Guide. GC26-41401 HVS/Extended Architecture Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference. GC2641411 and HVS/Extended Architecture JCL. GC28-1148. The reader should also refer to the corequisite publications HVS/Extended Architecture Linkage Editor and Loader User's Guide. 6C26-4143 and HVS/Extended Architecture Debugging Handbook. Volumes 1 through 5. L60F-I015. Itanual. 8 liZ x 11 inches. 228 pages. 4/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3957 maa ~ , ( CHECKPOINTIRESIART SUPERVISOR QIJ. .IJl§l!; This publication describes the logic of the HVS/Extended Architecture Supervisor Call (HVSIXA SVC) routines that take a checkpoint. and restart a job at a checkpoint. The routines that restart a job at a step are in HVSIExtended Architecture Systell Logic Library. Volume 1. SY28-1208. through Volume 16. LY28-1270. HOII a user requests that a checkpoint be taken and restarts a job is prerequisite knowledge for understanding the infor.. tion in this publication. This type of information is in HVS/Extended Architecture CheckpointlRestart User's 6uide. 6C26-4139. Additional prerequisite knowleclga is containad in HVSIExtended Architecture VSAK Logic. LY26-3970. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. liZ pages. 04/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYZ6-3958 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ~ ~ ~ ACCESS FACILITY X..! This publication is designed to help the user diagnose program failures in the CCllllllOn volUllle table-of-contents access facility (CVAF) COMponent. Before using this publication. the user should have analyzed the program failure by follOlling the diagnostic procedures in HVS/Extended Architecture DADSM and COMmon VTCIC Access Facility Diagnosis Guide. LY26-3960. This publication lIill assist in COMmUnicating lIith a program specialist if further isolation of the failure is necessary. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 108 pages. 4/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3960 1 DADSM A!:m ~ DIAGNOSIS iYm This publication explains hoi! to use keywords to describe failures in the direct access device space eanagt!lllt!l'\t (DADSM) and COllllon VIOC access facility (CVAF) components. The reader lIill be guided in systel!latically selecting a set of keyNOrds. If a solution to a failure is not found. follOli the procedure given in submitting an APAR. To use this publication effectively. the user should have a basic understanding of dump analysis and syst.. control program diagnostic practices. Prerequisite publications are GCZ6-4138 - HVSIExtended Architecture Catalog Administration Guide. 6C26-4149 HVSIExtended ArChitecture System-Data Administration. and LY28-1199 - HVS/Extended Architecture Diagnostic Techniques. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 4/85 SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LY26-3965 ItVSIXA ItEDIA ~ DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE This publication explains hOIl to diagnose failures in the media Manager after it has been-determined that the failure is not caused by a user error. It explains holl to describe the media manager program failure using kelfllords. search the softllare support data base for similar known problems. gather information needed to discuss a new problem. and gather the documentation needed to prepare and subMit an Authorized PrograM Analysis Report (APAB) on a new problem. Prerequisite knowledge for using this publication is a basic understanding of dump analysis and diagnostic practices for system control programs. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 64 pages. 04/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTIIIN ONLY LY26-3966 883 ( VERSION ! OPENlCLOSE/END-OF-VOLtlME LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic of the open. close and end-of-volume component of MVSIXA Data_ Facility Product. It is intended for people supporting this component Mho require detailed information about the functions performed. the data areas used. and the Methods used to determi ne the nature and cause of problems encountered when executing the functions. This publication describes the relationships between the O/C/EOV cOlllponent nd the rest of the operating syst... and lists the O/C/EOV object modules. There are diagrams that shOll the flow of control among the object modules. It also gives a list of the fields of key system control blocks and presents a cross-reference table of the abend system codes and the internal codes associated lIith each syst... code. ~ LY26 Manual. 8 1~2 x 11 inches. 275 pages. SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26 04~85 LY26-3967 1 SEQUENTIAL ~!!DJ:!.!!!! LOGIC This publication is intended for progralllllling-support customer engineers and programmers who require specific information about queued sequential accesS Method (QSAI1)' basic sequential access ... thod (BSAM). and basic partitioned access method (BPAM) routines. A general understanding of data Mnagellent is prerequisite knowledge for understanding the information in this publication. See MVS~Extended Architecture Data Administration Guide. GC26-4140. Manual. 8 1~2 x 11 inches. 308 pages. 4~85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LY26-3968 VERSION 1 UTILITIES LOGIC This publication is designed to help the reader to locate specific areas of the utility programs provided for MVS~Extended Architecture Data Facility Product (MVSIXA). and to relate those areas to the correspondi ng program listings. Also. reader should be familiar with the following publications: MVS~Extended Architecture Data Administration: Utilities. GC26-41501 MVS~Extended Architeoture Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference. GC26-41411 and MVS~Extended Architecture Data Administration Guide. 6C26-4140. Manual. 8 1~2 x 11 inches. 500 pages. 4~85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY26-3970 SY26-3990 fbl! OPTIMIZING COMPILERS. 5735-PLI. -LM4. ~ 5736-PLI. ~ -LM5 (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is designed to assist in problem determination and in the formulation of Soft",are Search Facility (SSF) Search arguments. It "'ill also assist the reader in determining if the problem is caused by the USer. It is not. however. intended to help the reader fix a compiler or program problem. The result of following the procedure outlined in this publication "'ill be the determination of a user problem. a fix or bypass from the Software Search Facility (SSF). or the submission of an APAR. Manual. 8 1~2 x 11 inches. 3~85 g§ AUg QQ§ ~~29~~5734-PLl,5734-LM4,5734-PLI,5734-LMS,5736-PLl, 5736-PLI,5736-LM4.5736-LMS LY26-3991 5665-332. ~ 1 DIAGNOSIS §!WlJi This publication provides information for the user to systematically select "keywords" that describe a suspected program failure in IMS~ Version 2, Release 1. Keywords identify aspects of a program failure. such as the function that failed or the type of failure. Keywords should be used when completing an Authorized Program Activity Report (APAR). This publication contains Explanation of Keyword Concept. Component Identification Keyword. Type-of-Failure Keyword. Function-That-Failed Keyword. Subfunction-ThatFailed Keyword. Search Argument Procedure. Search Argument Techniques. and APAR Preparation Procedure. Also. Messageto-Module CrOSS-Reference Table and Module-to-Function-toSubfunction List. Manual. 8 1~2 x 11 inches. 150 pages. 3~86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ VERSION 1 ~ LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic of VSAM and contains diagnostic information directed to personnel who LY26-3992 need an in-depth knowledge of VSAl1's design. organization. ~ VERSION 1 FAILURE ANALYSIS STRUCTURE ~ flm I!l.!!H! ANALYSIS and data areaS. It describes how VSAM fits into the This publication assists in definition of problems of IMS~ operating system and how it interacts ",ith the operating system and the user's program. It gives the major abnormal terminations that may be encountered during system componentsof VSAM and describes their functions. It also operation. It is intended for both IMS/VS users and Field Engineering programming support representatives who diagnose lists the VSAl1 modules and describes the control blocks used by VSAM. problems associated with IMS/vS operation. Readers should have a basic understanding of VSAI1 concepts IMS/vS Diagnosis Guide. LY26-3991. contains procedures that should be followed for problem determination before using and VSAI1 macros. Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis. The prerequisite publications are MVS~Extended Architecture This publication contains an introduction. which explains VSAI1 Administration Guide. GC26-4151. and MVS~Extended how to use the failure analysis structure tables (FAST). the Architecture VSAI1 Administration: Macro Instruction failure analysis structure tables themselves. and in Reference. GC26-4152. Manual. 8 1~2 x 11 inches. 500 pages. 04~85 Appendix A the IMOOULE Macro. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 610 pages. 03~86 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SY26-3971 DFSORT. 5740-SMI. DIAGNOSIS GUIDE This publication is for diagnosing a program failure that is caused by using DFSORT. The reader is expected to have an understanding of dump analysis. It contains details on excluding exi t routines. invoking programs and the DFSORT installation as sources of errors. It explains ho", to select each of the keywords of the keyword string. and hoM to use the string in searching the soft",are support data base. Also explained is how to resubmit a job to obtain messages and a dump. The related publications are listed in the preface. Manual. 8 1~2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. lU84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3993 IMS~. 5665-332. ~ 1 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE This publication describes the Information Management Syst8llllVirtuai Storage (IMS/VS) functions and subfunctions to enable a diagnostician to associate problem symptoms with subsets of IMS~VS modules. Sufficient information is provided to lead the reader to a pertinent area of the code to be examined. It also supplies a basis for communication between a diagnostician and a program support representative in the process of examining a problem and attempting to locate the failing code. The structure of the publication follONS the functio~subfunction breakdown described in IMS~ Version 2 Diagnosis Guide. LY26-3991. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 750 pages, Y86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY / f SY27 LY26 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3995 !US INFORMATION FACILITY DIAGNOSIS QH ~ This publication describes how to diagnose problems observed while using The Information Facility (TIF). under VH. by developing a keyword string frOM the symptoms of a probleM. It describes. also. how to report those problems. To help in the diagnosis of ... jor problems. a section on TIF service aids is included. This publication is valuable for novices or IIOre advanced TIF users. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 70 pages. 4/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY26-3996 THE INFORMATION FACILITY DIAGNOSIS QH MVS/TSO This publication describes how to diagnose probleMS observed while using The Information Facility (TIF) under HVS. by developing a keyword string froll the symptoms of a probl... and haN to report those problems. To help in the diagnosis of .ajor problems. a section on TIF service aids is included. This publication is valuable for novices or IIOre advanced TIF users. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 70 pages. 4/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-7230 VIDEO/370 LOGIC ~ ~ ~ 5734-RC5. 5736-RC3 This manual presents the logic of VIDEO/370. Nhich allONS direct data entry through the use of IBM 3270 display stations. It describes the functions of VIDEO/370. the routines that perform the functions. and the data areas used by the routines. Information for diagnosing probl_ with the VIDEO/370 sample prograll is also included. This book is intended for use by IBM program service representatives. Field Engineering education. SOD product prograllllll8rs. DPD system engineers. or custolllers performing similar functions. Manual. 224 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = GY27-7237 l§H SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM; MACHINE-CHECK HANDLER fQ! SYSTEM/370 MODELS ~ Atl2 ~ (lOGIC), ~ 360S-DN-539 This manual describes the internal operations of the Machine-Check Handler (HeH) for the IBM Systelll/370 Hodels 135 and 145. HeH is a standard compcnent of the MFT version of the Systelll/360 Operating System Nhen used with the Hodel 135 or the Hodel 145. This manual is written for persons who maintain the program or who are altering the program's design. Its priory purpose is to serve as a guide to the program listings. Program logic manual. 128 pages LY26-3997 VERSION , ~ METHOD SERVICES VOLltIE 1 ~ This publication describes the internal logic of Data Facility Product access method services routines and provides diagnostic information directed to support personnel and development prograllllllers who requi re an indepth knowledge of the program's design. organization. and data areas. It is not required for effective use of access method services. The user should be familiar with general progra_ing techniques. VSAM concepts and use. and TSO concepts and use before reading. HVS/Extended Architecture Access Method Services Logic Volume 1. LY26-3953. complements this publication. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 593 pages. 04/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ( SY27-7240 ~ §RAPHICS ~ !!U!1Q!l .!.Q!iI.!; MANUAL Describes the internal logic of the Graphics Access Method (GAM) for the IBM 2250 Display Unit. Hodels 1 and 3. and the IBM 2260 Display Station (Local Attachment). Areas of the prograll that perform specific functions are identified and related to the program listings. GAM consists of input/output and control routines that are part of the graphic programming services for the 2250 display unit and the 2260 display station. The GAM routines perform three major functions: o Graphic data management (including buffer management) o Input/output control o Attention handling (both basic and express) This program logic manual is directed to the IBM customer engineer. Mho maintains the program. and to the system progra .....r. who may wish to alter the program design. It should be used in conjunction with. and as a guide to. appropriate program listings. Program logic information is not necessary for program operation and use. Manual. 104 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY26-3998 VIRnJAL STORAGE FORTRAN. 5668-805. -806. VERSION , DIAGNOSIS ~ This publication is designed to help programmers diagnose failures in VS FORTRAN Version 2 program products. using development of keyword strings. It is not designed to diagnose and debug problems in your application programs. It emphasizes prograll product identification numbers to usa in keyword strings. different types of product failures. locating the problem and creating search arguments. preparing an APAR. service aids for debugging. keyword IIOdifiers. and compile-time and execution-time options. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 2186 ////5668-805.5668-806 GY27-7198 l§H SYSTEH/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: MACHINE-CHECK ~ fQR SYSTEH/370 MODELS ~ THRU l!§ (LOGIC). ~ 360S-DN-539 This manual describes the internal operations of the Machi ne-Check Handler (MCH) for the IBM System/370 Hodels 155 and 165. MCH is a standard cotnponent of the MFT and HVT versions of Systell/360 Operating System Nhen used with the Models 155 and 165. This manual is written for persons who .. intain the prograll or who are altering the program's design. Its priMary purpose is to serve as a guide to the program listings. Program Logic Manual. 192 pages SY27-7241 OS/VS GRAPHICS PROBLEM-ORIENTED ROUTINES LOGIC This manual describes the internal logic of the problem oriented routines (PORs) for the IBM 2250 Display Unit. Models 1 and 3. Areas of the program that perform specific functions are identified and related to the program listings. PORs. which are part of the graphic progra...aing services for the 2250 display unit. are generalized routines that generate graphic orders for displaying various images and alphameric information on the 2250 Display Unit. Each POR is described in detail to shaN its internal structure and logic. This program logic manual i5 directed the the IBM customer engineer. Mho maintains the program. and to the 885 SY27 SY27 syst. . progr._r. Mho aay wish to alter the prograa desigrl. I t should be used in conj~tion with •• nd .5 • guide to. the .ppropriate prograa listings. Progra.. logic infor. .tion i. not necessary for prograa operation .nd use. Manual. 52 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTIDH ONLY :;Y27-7242 ~ ~ gmgj, SWROUTIHE mISm !§§fl f!lB B!R!BAH At!Il f.bll M!§!!; ru. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6Y27-7255 OSI'VS2 HASP n ~ !t .b!!§Il; ~ ~ t!!!Imm 370H-TX-001 This manual describes the purpose and f~tion of HASP .nd its relationship to OSNS2 Release 1. It does not replace the program listings; it supplements theM and sakes the information in them more accessible. = This aanual describes the internal logic of the graphic subroutine package (6SP). a program that enables a FORTRAN. CDBDL. or PLI'I progr._er to write graphic progr.ms for the IBM 2250 Dhaplay Unit under the control of ,OS/VS. SSP . .y also be used in an .ssembler language progr.... This program logic manual is directed to the IBH custClller engineer. Mho maintains the program. and to the syst. . programmer. Mho may wish to alter the program desigrl. It should be used in conj~tion with. and as a guide to. the .ppropriate program listings. Progr.m logic information is not' necess.ry for progr... oper.tion and use. Manual. 136 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This publication contains seven sections: Section 1 Introduction - describes the general characteristics and f~tions of HASP II Version 4. Section 2 I1ethod of Operation - contains HlPO (Hier.rchy plus Input-Process-Output) diagrams that describe the operation of HASP II Version 4. The diagrams are. high level and are designed to guide the reader to a particular area of the program listing. Section 3 Program Organization - describes the HASP general program organization and each of the HASP processors. SY27-7246 OSNS BTAH LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic of the Basic Telecommunications Access Hethod (BTAI'l). It is intended for use by persons involved in progr.m maintenance and by syst. . programmers Mho are altering the program desigrl. Program logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the prograa; therefore. distribution of this publication is limited to those with . . int_nee and alter.tion requirements. Manual. 339 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION DHLY Section 4 Directory - provides cross-reference lists. Section 5 Data Areas - contains descriptions of the interrelationship and content of HASP data areas and control blocks. Section 6 Diagnostic Aids - contains information necessary for interpreting the program listing and diagnosing program failures. Section 7 Appendix A HASP Programmer Macros - describes HASP macro instructions and their use. Glossary - defines HASP terms. SY27-7249 ~ m!! M!§!!; !W!!.!!I. This reference public.tion describes the internal logic of the Queued TelecOllarlications Access I1ethod (QTAI'I) under Dos/vs (Disk Operating Syst. . with Virtual Storage). It is intended for persons involved in program maintenance and by systems progra..ars Mho are altering the program desigrl. Program logic information i. not necessary for the operation of the program, therefore. the distribution of this publication is limited to those with maintenance and alteration requirements. Manual. 369 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY27-7251 I!QllalI ImH J.!!!W: !W!!.!!I. This publication describes the internal logic of the Basic TelecOlllllMlications Access I1ethod (BTAH) in Dos/vs (Disk Operating Syst. . with Virtual Storage). It is intended for persons involved in program maintenance and for systelllS programmers Mho are .ltering the program desigrl. It can be used to help locate BTAH application program errors. This publication contains: o An overvi ... of BTAI'I logic o A guide to specific BTAH routines by .lphabetic name of the routine and by f~tion o Routine descriptions and flowcharts This inforaation is designed to be used with the prograa listings. The user should be familiar with hoM BTAI'I is used; this is described in the SRL publication Dos/vs BTAH. 6C27-6989. Hanual. 456 pages Related OS/VS publications are listed in the IBI1 Systeml'360 and Systeml'370 Bibliography. 6A22-6822. Manual. 484 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTIDH ONLY SY27-7257 5741-SCl-?3 !! OPERATING SYSTEHl'VIRTUAL STORAGE 1* ~ TELECOI1l1\JHICATIONS ~ ~ This manual is the second part of a two-part description of the logic of the Virtual Telecommunications Access I1ethod (VTAI'I) for OSI'VS1. The first part is the Introduction to VTAH Logic. SY27-7256. which describes the high-level logic. The tNO .. anuals are intended primarily for IBH ProgralDlDing Support Representatives. to enable thea to quickly locate failures in the access method. Using os/vSl VTAH Logic. the PSR can determine the module that performs a particular function; pertinent information about each MOdule is provided and control flow diagrams show hoM control passes between aodules. The data areas for OSI'VSI VTAH Logic are contained in a separate publication. VTAI'l Data Areas. SY27-7265. Prerequisite publications: none Manual. 992 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY27-7260 OSI'VS2 GRAPHIC ACCESS No abstract available. Manual, 208 pages 886 J LY27 SY27 SY27-7262 5745-SC-VTI1 * VIRTUAL TELECOt1l1UNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD This is the second part of a 2-part discussion of the logic of the virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAtt) for DOSIVS. The 1st part is the Introduction to VTAtt Logic. SY27-7256. which describes the high-level logic. The two manuals are intended primarily for IBM programming support representatives to enable them to quickly locate failures in the access method. Using DOSIVS VTAM Logic. the PSR can determine the module that performs a particular function; pertinent information about each module is provided and control floM diagrams shoM hoM control passes betMeen modules. The data area for DOS/VS VTAM Logic are contained in a separate publication. VTAM DATA AREAS. SY27-7263. Manual. 754 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~Y27-7266 ~~!lArA~ ( LY27-8002 OSIVS ACFIVTAM DATA ~ This manual provides data maps for OSIVS ACFIVTAM. Included are a list of fields by displacement and in alphabetical order. a list of flags and masks. and a list of constants for each data area. The primary users of this aanual are IBM PSRs and customer system programmers. Prerequisites: ACFIVTAM Concepts and Planning 6C38-0282 OSIVS ACFIVTAM Logic LY27-8016 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1100 pgs. 11/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-8003 DOSIVS ACFIVTAM !lArA AREAS This manual provides data maps for DOSIVS ACFIVTAM. Included are a list of fields by displacement and in alphabetical order. a list of flags and masks. and a list of constants for each data area. The primary users of this manual are IBM PSRs and customer system programmers. Prerequisites: ACFIVTAM Concepts and Planning GC38-0282 DOSIVS ACF/VTAM Logic LY27-8018 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1070 pgs. 7/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This manual provides a diagram of each OSIVS1 VTAtt data area. Each data area is documented Mith introductory information. an alphabetical list of fields. an explanation of flags. and a list of constants. Explanations of VTAM components are given Mith emphasis on the data areas used in the components. The primary users of the manual are IBM PSRs and customer system programmers. SY27-8006 Prerequisites: VTAM Concepts and Planning. GC27-6998 DEBUSGIN6 §Ym5 ~ ACFIVTAM This publication describes an approach to debugging ACFIVTAtt Introduction to VTAM Logic. SY27-7256 in OSIVS. It presents guidelines. tools. and other Manual. 400 pages. 11/75 inforaation that the reader can use as ACFIVTAM debugging SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY aids to help determine the cause of an error or failure. It also summarizes serviceability aids described in other publications and directs the reader to detailed descriptions SY27-7269 5752-SC1-T9 ! MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE VTAM TERMINAL of these aids. This manual is intended for IBM program support INPUT/OUTPUT. COORDINATOR ~ TERMINAL CONTROL ADDRESS SPACE representatives and system programmers who maintain systems This publication describes the internal organization and and application programs that use ACFIVTAM. Prerequisites logic of the VTAM terminal 1/0 coordinator (VTIOC) and the publications for this manual are ACF/VTAM Concepts and terminal control address space (TCAS). This publication is Planning. GC38-0282. and ACFIVTAM System Programmer's Guide intended for the IBM programming system representative Mho for OS/VS. SC38-0258., Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 220 pages. 12/77 is involved in maintaining VTIOC and TCAS. and for the system programmer who is involved in modifying VTIOC or SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY TCAS. Manual. 170 pages. 5/76 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY27-8007 DEBUGGIN6 GUIDE DOSIVS ACFIVTAM This publication describes an approach to debugging ACFIVTAM in DOSIVS. It presents guidelines. tools. and other SY27-7270 information that the reader can use as ACFIVTAM debugging ~ ~ LEVEL ! EXECUTION SEQUENCES This publication shows the sequence of execution of VTAM aids to help determine what the cause of an error or failure modules for selected macros and operator commands. It is is. It also summerizes serviceability aids described in other publications and directs the reader to detailed intended to supplement DOSIVS VTAM Logic. SY27-7262 and descriptions of these aids. DOSIVS VTAM Debugging Guide. 6C27-0021. It Mi 11 be used by This manual is intended for IBM program support persons Mho maintain and debug VTAM. Prerequisite publication: Introduction to VTAM Logic. representatives and system programmers who maintain systems and application programs that use ACFIVTAM. Prerequisite SY27-7256. publications for this manual are ACFIVTAM Concepts and Manual. 50 pages. 11/75 Planning. 6C38-0282. and ACFIVTAM System Programmer's Guide SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY for DOSIVS. SC38-0268. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pgs. 7/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY27-7271 OSIVS VTAM .!&ill ! EXECUTION SEQUENCES This publication ShONS the sequence of execution of VTAM modules for selected macros and operator commands. It is LY27-8009 intended to supplement OSIVSl VTAM Logic. SY27-7257. and OSIVS1 ACFIVTAM EXECUTION SEQUENCES This publication describes sample execution sequences of OSIVS1 VTAM Debugging Guide. GC27-0022. It .. ill be used by OSIVS1 ACFIVTAM modules involved in processing selected persons Mho maintain and debug VTAM. Prerequisite publication: Introduction to VTAM Logic. ACFIVTAtt macros and network operator commands. It is intended to supplement ACFIVTAM Logic. LY27-8016 and SY27-7256. Manual. 50 pages. 11/75 ACFIVTAtt Debugging Guide. SY27-8006. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pages. 6/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 887 LY27 LY27 locate failures in the eccess . .thod. The Introduction to ACFIVTAM Logic should be read first to get an understanding of the high-lavel logic. follONed by this HnuIIl for IIOre detailed information. Included in this publication are HlPO diagra ... that describe the Logic of ACFIVTAM components. control flOll diagralllS which shOll the flow of control between modules. end lIodule synopsis infor.ation about each ACFIVTAM module. This information should enable the PSR to deter.ine the .odule that performs a particular function and hOII control passes to and from that IIOdule. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 800 pgs. 12/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-8010 OSIVS2 ~ ACF/YTAM EXECUIION SEQUENCES This publication describes sample execution sequences of ACFIVTAM MOdules involved in processing selected ACFIVTAM lIacros and network operator commands in an OSIVS2 MYS operating system., It is intended to supplement the publications ACFIVTAM Logic. LY27-8016 and ACFIVTAM Debugging Guide. SY27-8006. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 190 pages. 2/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-8018 ACF/YTAM .!..!!!m.z. fBQ§ ~ 5746-RC3 (DOSIVS) This manual is the second part of a two-part description of the logic of the Advanced CO\IIIIU'Iications Function of the Virtual Telecommunication Access Method (ACFIVTAM) for DOSIVS. The first part is the Introduction to ACFIVTAM Logic ...... ich describes the high level logic of ACFIVTAM. This manual describes the lower-level logic. which includes syste.-dependent logic. This manual is intended primarily to help IBM program systems representatives to quickly locate failures in the access . .thod. The introduction to ACFIVTAM Logic should be read first to get an understanding of the high-level logic. follONed by this . .nual for IIOre detailed information. Included in this publication are HIPO diagrallS that describe the logic of ACFIVTAM CClllpOnents. control flOll diagrams which shOll the flOll of control between modules. and module synopsis inforlll8tion about each ACFIVTAM module. This information should enable the PSR to determine the module that performs a particular function and how control passes to and from that 1IOdu1e. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 800 pgs. 7/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-8012 ACF/YTAM EXECl1TION SEQUENCES. &e 5735-RC2 ~ SVS) This publication describes sample execution sequences of ACFIVTAM Modules involved in processing selected ACFIVTAM Macros and Network operator commands ina S/370 OSIVS2 SVS operating systell. Manual. 7/78 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~Y27-8013 LOGIC !!l!ali ~ ACF/YTAM IllbIU Manual describes the internal logic of the Teleprocessing Online Test Executive Program (TDLTEP). TOLTEP operates as a subtask of ACFIVTAM and is the interface betNeen ACFIVTAM and the online test programs (OLTS) that test the hardware characteristics of various terminals supported by ACFIVTAM. This lIanual is intended for IBM personnel Mho are responsible for program maintenance. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages. 7/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-8014 INTRODUCTION !Q ACFIVTA/1 LOGIC PROS ~ 5746-RC3 (DOSIVS). 5735-RC2 ~ This publication is one of a set that describes the logic of ACFIVTAM. This publication describes the high-level logic. which is si.ilar in the DOSIVS and the OSIVS versions of ACFIVTAM. This publication should be read before reading the other logic manuals in the set to get a general understanding of ACFIVTAM logic. The ACFIVTAM logic unuIIls for DOS/VS and for OS/VS describes the lONer-level. system-dependent logic. The intended audience is the 1M program support representative NnO .mintain the aCCess method. This publication contains: o An overview of ACFIVTAM operations o A chapter describing the I\Ost important ACFIVTAM control blocks o A chapter for each ACFIVTAM coaponent that describes the functions 'performed by the component o A list of abbreviations used in the publication ACFIVTAM Concepts and Planning. 6C38-0282. is a prerequisite publication. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pgs. 7/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-8016 LOGIC !!l!ali ~ This .anual is the second part of a two-part description of the logic of the Advanced Communications Function of the Virtual Telecommunication Access Method (ACFIVTAM) for OSIVS Systems. The first part is the Introduction to ACFIVTAM Logic. which describes the high level logic of ACFIVTAM. This .anual describes the lower-level logic ...... ich includes systeM-dependent logic. This .. nual is intended priHrily to help IBM program systeftlS representatives to quickly LY27-8022 LOGIC !!l!ali ~ ACFIVTAM ~ MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING FACILITY ~ PROG PROD 5746-RC3 (DOSIVS). 5735-RC2 (OSIVS) This lIanual describes the logic of the MultisysteM Networking Facility. a feature for ACFIVTAM. This . .nual suppletllents ACFIVTAM Logic. LY27-8018 (for DOSIVS) and LY27-8016 (for OSIVS). This manual describes the logic that is unique for the Multisystea Networking Facility. not the logic of ACFIVTAM. This manual is intended prinrily to help 1M prograM systems representatives to locate failures in the MultisysteM Networking Facility code. The Introduction to ACFIVTAM Logic. LY27-8014. should be read first to get an understanding of the high-level logic. This manual contains detailed information which reletes the components of the MultisysteM Networking Facility to the components of ACFIVTAM. describes the function of each of the Multisysto Networking Facility components. and gives module details which should enable the .reader to identify e particular 1IOdu1e that parfor. . ' a certain function. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 148 pages. 7/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-8024 ~ wnm ACF/YTAM ENCRYPIIDECRYPIMSNF §.!!!ll This aanual describes the logic o.f the EncryptlDecrypt feature of ACFIVTAM and is intended primarily to help programmers to locate failures. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 84 pages. 1/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 888 ( \.,. "', f LY27 LY27 LY27-8026 t!m!!!BK OPERATION !YPP!l!I ill .PI!lI!i 5735-XX2. .lJl!W; LY27-8041 ~ .1I!!mm llt!QS& SYSTEMS FACILITY This .anual explains the prograM logic of the Network Operation Support PrograM (NOSP). NOSP is a prograM product that provides an .lternative to the systeM console as • Deans to controlling complex data communic.tion netNOrks. This .anual is intended for progra. support representatives and others Mho need to kneN the internal logic for NOSP and it is • s\4IPluent to the NOSP Progr•• Listing. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pg5. 7/77 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-8028 ACF/VIAM.!.!2!il£i. !lllQ!;; M:!!l ~ !!B.Q§!MI PRODUCT This .anual describes the internal organization and logic of the ACF/VTAM te,..inal I/O coordinator (VTIOC) and the ter.inal control .ddress space !TeAS). It is intended for people Mho are debugging or .odifying VTIOC Or TeAS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 1/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-8030 BTA!1-ES. 5746-RC5. ~ (CURRENT RELEASE! This ..nual describes the internal logic of the B.sic TelecolllllR.nications Access Method Extended Support (BTAM-ES! progr•• product. !thich works Nith Disk Oper.ting System/Vi rtual Storage Extended (DOSIVSE). overYi ... of BTAM-ES. a list of BTAM-ES routines by naM • • list of BTAM-ES routines by function perfor.ed ••nd detailed flDNCherts of the logic .s Nell .5 descriptions of the contents of various control blocks. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 460 pages. 2/79 SLSS: 1M INTER!fAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~Y27-8032 ACF/VIAM: SUPPLEMENT fi!B m mi ComJNICATION CONTROLLER 5735-RC2. 5665-280. 5662-280. 5666-280 This . .nual suppletllents the ACF/VTAM Version 1 Release 3 and Version 2 libraries for the 3725 Communic.tion Controller. It adds info.... tion to ACF/VTAM Data Areas. and ACF/VTAM ~iagnosis Reference. The added infor.ation docunents ACF/VTAM's support of the 1M 3725 CDIIIIIU"Iication Controller l'UTIing Nith the NCP Version 2 prograM product. The audience of this .anual is any ACF/VTAM Version 1 Release 3 (MYS only) custOll8r and any ACF/VTAM Version 2 (OS/VS. tIVS. VSE) custOller using an IBM 3725 ColftllU"lication Controller. Users of this . .nual _ t heve the base ACF/VTAM publications. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-8042 MYS/BULK DATA TRANSFER VERSION 1 LOGIC This publication describes the logic of MYS/Bulk Data Transfer (BOT) Version 2. It presents an overvieN of BOT logic. sheNs iaodule prologs, and provides a cross reference between the names of BOT macros and symbols and the names of BIOdules that use the.. I t is intended for systems progra_rs. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 1000 pages, 7/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-8047 SMP/E DIA§tIOSIS SUIDE This publication is for anyona Mho experiences a suspected prObl... Nith Systetll Modification PrograM Extended (SMP/E) Or needs to report such a probleM to the Support Center. It suggests Nays to deter.ine whether SMP/E is the cause of the problelft, describes hoM to solve certain problems Nhen calling the center and also provides procedures for reporting SMP/E probletlls. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inche., 60 pages. 10/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-8048 MVS/BULK DA!! TRANSFER VERSION 1 DIA§tIOSIS REFERENCE This publication is a reference for diagnosing problems Nith MYSlBulk Data Transfer (BOT) Version 2. It explains hoN to request and read a BOT for ... tted dump. explains hoM to find and read BOT informat;on ;n an MYS SVC dump. and sheNs the layouts of BOT data areas. It is intended for systems programmers. Manual, 8 1/Z x 11 inches, 200 pages, 7/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-9502 I!.K! VERSION 1 FEATIJRES DIAGNOSIS GUIDE This publication is useful for d;agnosing prograM failures caused by the DXT features. I t assumes the reader has already deter.ined that the failure ;5 not a user error. This publication also explains the keyword concept and procedures and hoN to use the. in diagnosing problems. The reader IlUSt have an understanding of dump analysis and MYS d;agnostic practices. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 70 pages, 07/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-8034 ADVANCED C!!t!MfICATIONS FUNCTION f!l! :lUH LOGIC .!.m ll!:fW This publication applies to the Advanced COIIIIIIUI"Iications Function for VTAM Version 2 Releas. 2. for MYS. and contains logic draNings for the VTAM Version 2 R.leas. 2. This .anual is for syst. . progra. .ers Mho need to analyze a VTAM prObletll. classify the probleM as a specific type of failure. and describe the failure to a Support Center. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 800 pages. 11/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY (- llm AREAS AND ~ ~ This publication is intended for systems programmer. who are responsible for maintaining and updating VMIXA Systems Facility. This is a reference tool that lists the data .reas and control blocks used by the VMIXA Systems Facility Control PrograM (CP). Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 730 pages. 06/87 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY27-9503 889 I!.K! ~ 1 FEATURES OIASNOSIS REFERENCE TMs publication is intended for those who are diagnosing prograM fanures ;n the DXT features. It does net include failures related to the DXT base product. It contains a descr;pt;on of the internal environment that DXT establ;shes and give. ;0 descr;pt;on of the product's subfunct i ens. Before us;ng this publicat;on, analyze the prograM fa lure by foUoNing the procedures outlined ;n the prerequis te publication. Data Extract Version 2: Features Diagnos • Guide. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 ;nches, 150 pages, 07/86 LY27 LY27 Prerequisite publications are MVS/370 Catalog Adeinistration Guide. GC26-4053. and MVSl370 System Data Administration. GC26-4056. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 12/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY27-9504 m , ~ lI!n ~ DIAGt!QSlS iYm M:!l REFERE!!:E This publication is useful for diagnosh19 prograe faUures caused by the DXT base product. It assumes the reader has already detereined that the failure is not a user error. It e! port of the HVS/System Product, (Program No. 5740-XYN, -XYS). This publication is intended for the use of syst. . progra_rs. llanual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 342 pages, 6/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1091 HVS/370, 5740-XYN, -XYS. !!m!:! LIBRARY SUPERVISOR CONTROL ~ MANAGEMENT FACILITY VOLUME .2 LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This vol. .e is the ninth in a set of eleven volumes that comprise the System Logic Library. Its purpose is to describe the logic of the supervisor control and systeM ..nagelllent facilities. This book contains base information as well as nelf and updated inforlHtion in support of the HVs/Syst. . Product, (Program No. 5740-XYN, -XYS). This publication is intended for the use of syst. . progralllllHlrs. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 322 pages, 6/81 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY = LY28-1095 OS/vs2 !!m!:! LOGIC LIBRARY. VOLUl1E lJ! (SRM-VSII) .EQ! 5740-XYN. ~ This is the tenth volUlle in a set of eleven volunes that comprise the Syst. . Logic Library. Its purpose is to describe the logic of the following HVS components: syst. . resource .anager, task management, timer supervision, and virtual storage management. This book contains base information as well as new and l4>dated information in support of the HVS/System Product, (Program No. 5740-XYN, -XYS). This publication is intended for the use of syst_ prograllNrs. . Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 350 pages, 6/81 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-ll10 SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM EXTENDED (SMP/E). 5668-949. LOGIC This publication describes logic and control flow of SIIP/E for Field Engineering and custo...r use. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 3/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-ll33 HVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 5740-XYN. -XYS, HVS DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUeS (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes diagnostic techniques and guidelines for isolating problems on HVS systems. I t is intended for system programmers and analysts who understand HVS internal logic and who are involved in resolving HVS systeM problems. It applies to Version 1 Release 3 and subsequent releases of the HVS/System Products, Program Numbers 5740-XYN and 5740-XYS. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 780 pages, 12/81 //37//5740-XYN,5740-XYS LY28-1137 HVSIXA !SO/E, 5665-285. !lm COMIIAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUM,E 1 LY28-1170 RESOURCE MEASUREMENI FACILITY 1.!!.!:!fh 5665-274. LOGIC VOLUME ! PART ! This publication describes the progra. logic of the MVS/XA RMF. It is intended for persons who are debugging or MOdifying RMF. The publication describes RMF control. Monitor I, Monitor II, and the RMF post processor, and describes the . .thad of operation of RMF control, Monitor I, and Monitor II. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 516 pages 8/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 895 ( !§! The publication describes the internal logic of the TSO TEST command processor. The publication is written for people who .... intain or modify TSO TEST. It is not required by those who use TSO TEST to process programs or who writ. programs that are processed by TSO TEST. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches. 292 pages, 3/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28 SY28 SY28-U88 MYS/XA I!.bnE LOGIC This publication provides customer engineers. PSRs. and other qualified personnel tlith the information on the internal logic of tha Online Test Executive Program. (OLTEPI required for program maintenance. This seven section ..nual describes the internal logic of this program. containing method of operation diagrams depicting the major functions. diagrams of the program organization. directions to the OLTEP and SVC59 MOdules. formats and use of key data areas. and diagnostic aids. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 140 pages. 3/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-117I MYStxA RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY !!HElL 5665-274. ~ VOLUME ! PART g This publication describes the program logic of the MVS/XA RMF. It is intended for persons who are debuggi ng or modifying RMF. The publication describes the method of opeation of Monitor II and the RMF post processor. and describes the data areas. the MOdule flow. and the diagnostic aids for RMF control Monitor I. Monitor II. and the RMF Post processor. Manual. 8 1/2 X 11 inches. 354 pages. 8/83 SL5S: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1172 MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY (RMF), 5665-274, JJlliI,S; VOLUME g This publication describes the program logic of the MVS/Extended Architecture (MYS/XA) Resource Measur_t Facility (RMF). It is intended for persons who are debugging or MOdifying RMF. Volume 2 describes RMF Monitor III functions. the Monitor III data areas. the module flow for the Monitor III data gatherer and data reporter. and the method of operation of the various Monitor III MOdules. Manual. 8 1/2 X 11 inches. 658 pages. 8/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1189 ~ 1 !:!Yl!/SP-JES2 mw.m:f g ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the internal logic and organization of the five IBM service aid programs provided for use in servicing MYS/XA. This publication is intended for IBM programming systems repreSentatives who are involved in maintaining the service aid programs. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 536 pages. 5/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY I:!.YliaA MVS/SP-JES3 !l!!§ .bQ!ill; lY28-1175 OSIVS2 MYS, 5740-XYN, -XVS, SERVICE A!ruI .lJl§l!; This publication describes the components used to help users diagnose problems. The information is presented using HlPOs. delineation of data areas. and detailed explanations of the input. output. and processes involved in dumping data sets and/or records. It is used primarily by the field engineers and system programmers. Manual. 8 1/2 X 11 inches. 4/85 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1184 !:!Yl! INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM .bQ!ill; M:!!l DIAGNOSIS EQB 5740-XYN, -XYS This volume's purpose is to provide the user with the underlying logic for this online viewing and analyzing of machine readable dumps softWare facility. It contains detailed descriptions of the IPCS subcommands and the modules involved in processing the subcommands. This publication is intended for people who debug software problems. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 339 pages. 12/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1187 MYSIXA SYSYS1.LOGREC IRRQR RECORDING LOGIC This publication is for the IBM CE/PSR responsible for servicing and maintaining the system error recording routines for OBRIMDR records and SVC76 and SVC91; and also for the programs used to initialize and maintain the SYSl.LOGREC data set. The publication suppleMents the program listings (microfiche). It describes the internal logic and organization of the IFCDIPOO service aid program and the internal logic and organization of the system recording programs which build and write incident records on SYSl.LOGREC data set. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 94 pages. 03/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1199 MYSIXA DIA6NOSTIC TECHNIQUES (CURREN[ RELEASE) This publication describes diagnostic techniques and guidelines for isolating problems on MVS systems. I t is intended for the use of system programmers and analysts Mho understand MYS internal logic and who are involved in resolving MYS system problems. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 380 pages. 01/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1200 MVSIXA MYS/SP-JES3 VERSION g MYS/SP-JES2 VERSION 1 ~ INITIALIZATION LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the internal logic and organization of the system initialization process. The publication is intended for persons involved in modifying or debugging system initialization programs. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 588 pages, 04/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1205 MYS/EXTENIlED ARCHITECTURE ~ PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM. i l l fHQ§ 5665-301, LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic and organization of the Vector Processing Subsystem (VPSS). VPSS provides the programming support for the IBM 3838 Array Processor when the 3838 is attached to a host Systeml370-Extended Architecture (S/370-XA) under the control of MVS/Extended Archi tecture (MYS/XA). The manual is intended for IBM field engineering programming support representatives who provide program maintenance and who need infor.. tion about the internal logic and organization of VPSS. The manual describes the functional flow of VPSS operations. the operation of various VPSS modules. and VPSS data areas. Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 12/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-1208 I:!.YliaA ~ LOGIC ~ VOLUME! (CURREN[ RELEASE) This volume is the first in a set of seventeen volumes that comprise the SysteM Logic Library for MYS/SysteM Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. It provides a Master table of contents. master figure' list and a master 896 SY28 LY28 Inde)( for the Systetl Logic Library In the I1VS/E)(tended Architecture control progralD. It contains diagnostic InforlDatlon and Is Intended for persons Nho debug or IMIdlfy the control progralD. l1anuill, 8 1/2 )( 11 Inches, 124 pages, 03/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1222 maA SYSTEM ~ LIBRARY VOLUI1E i This volume Is the flHh In a set of seventeen vollaS that comprise the System Logic Library for I1VS/Syst.. Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. It describes the progralllllling logic of the ComlllU1lcatlons Task component In the I1VS/E)(tended Architecture control prograe. It contains diagnostic information and is intended for persons Nho debug or modify the control program. Manual, 8 1/2 )( 11 Inches, 03/83 SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1210 SYSTEM .!Jl§!!; LIBRARY ~ ! This volume ; 5 the second I n a set of .eventeen vol...... that comprise the System Logic Library for I1VS/Systee Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. It describes the programming logic of the Address Space Services and AllocatlonlUnallocatlon components In the I1VS/E)(tended Architecture control progralD. It contains diagnostic Information and 15 Intended for persons Nho debug or modify the control program. l1anual, 8 1/2 )( 11 Inches, 430 pages, 03/83 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY28-1226 maA ~.I.2§I!i WBm mY!:!! i fABI.l (CURRENT RELEASE! This volume Is the sl)(th In a set of .evanteen vollaS that comprise the System Logic Library for I1VS/Syst.. Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. Part 1 describes the progre.lng logic of the Contents Supervision and Converter/Interpreter components In the I1VS/E)(tended Architecture control program. It contains diagnostic Infor.. tlon and I. Intended for persons Nho debug or IMIdlfy the control prograe. Manual, 8 1/2 )( 11 Inches, 03/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1214 I1VSIXA ~ LOGIC WBm mIJ!!!Ii l fABI .1 (CURRENT RELEASE! This volume Is the third In a set of seventeen voll.nH that comprise the System Logic Library for I1VS/Syst.. Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. Part 1 describes the programming logic of the Auxiliary Storage ManageMent and CheckpolntlRestart components In the I1VS/E)(tended Architecture control program. It contains diagnostic Information and Is Intended for persons Nho debug or IMIdlfy the control program. Manual, 8 1/2 )( 11 Inches, 03/83 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( LY28-1227 mum lUllI:I .J.ll!W: J.m!W: i fABI 1 (CURREN! RELEASE! This voll.ne Is the sl)(th In a set of seventeen vollMNlS that comprise the System Logic Library for I1VS/Syst.. Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. Part 2 describes the progra_lng logic of the Dump Analysis and Elleinatlon, Dispatcher, Dumping Services and Event Notification Facility components In the I1VS/E)(tended Architecture control prograe. It contains diagnostic Inforeatlon and Is Intended for persons who debug or IMIdlfy the control program. Manual. 8 1/2 )( 11 Inches. 03/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY28-1215 maA ~ ~ .l.l!!RABl mJ.Y!g l PART ! This volume Is the third In a set of seventeen volUiles that comprise the System Logic Library for I1VS/System Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. Part 2 describes the programming logic of the Availability l1anager component In the I1VS/E)(tended Architecture control program. It contains diagnostic Inforllatlon and Is Intended for persons who debug or modify the control progralD. Manual, 8 1/2 )( 11 Inches, 96 pages, 03/86 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1230 maA SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY ~ Z (CURREN! RELEASE! This volume Is the seventh In a set of seventeen voll.neS that comprise the System Logic Library for I1VS/Sy.t.. Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. It describes 'the progra_lng logic of the Global Resource Serialization and InltlatorlTermlnator components In the I1VS/E)(tended Architecture control prograe. It contains diagnostic Information and 15 Intended for persons who debug or eodl fy the control prograe. l1anual, 8 1/2 )( 11 Inches. 03/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY '.Y28-1218 maA SYSTEM .!Jl§!!; WBm mYI:!.li !! fABI .1 (CURREN! RELEASE! This Is the fourth volume I n a set of seventeen volUlleS that comprise the System Logic Library for I1VS/System Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. It describes the progralllllling logic of the COIIIIIIand Processing component In the I1VS/E)(tended Architecture control prograe. It contains diagnostic Inforllatlon and Is Intended for persons who debug or lIodl fy the control prograe. l1anual, 8 1/2 )( 11 Inches, 03/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1234 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUI1E A PART ! (CURRENT RELEASE) This volUllla Is the eighth in a set of seventeen vol....... that comprise the System logic Library for I1VSlSyst.. Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. It describes the progralllllling logic of the Input/output Supervisor component In the I1VS/E)(tended Architecture control prograe. It contains diagnostic Information and Is Intended for persons Nho debug or IMIdlfy the control prograe. l1anual, 8 1/2 )( 11 Inches, 03/83 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LY28-1219 LIBRARY ~ mJ.Y!g!! PART! (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication describes the logic of IIOSt I1VS control program functions that are performed after easter scheduler Initialization completes. The volume 15 Intended for people Nho debug or IMIdlfy the I1VS control program. Manual, 8 1/2 )( 11 Inches, 4/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ 897 LY28 LY28 Release 2 Vers ion 1.0 through Vers i on 1.7. It descri bes the progralllling logic of the Syst... Hanagement Facilities and Syst... Resource Hanager components in the HYS/Extended Architecture control progra •• It contains diagnostic infor.. tion and is intended for persons Mho debug or lIOdify the control progra •• Hanual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 03/83 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1235 mmt.Ll:l!W; .l.!II!!BI ~ § fABI g (CURRENT RELEASE) This vol~ is the eighth in • set of seventeen volUlU that comprise the Syst. . Logic Libr.ry for KYS/Syst. . Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. It describes the progr.... ing logic of the InputlOutput Supervisor co"pollent in the KYS/Extended Architecture control progra•• It cont.ins di.gnostic infoMlation and is intended for parsons Mho debug or lIOdify the control progra•• Manu.l, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 03/83 SLSS: 18ft INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY28-1254 SYSTEM LOGIC ~ VOLUME II This voluma is the thirteenth in • set of seventeen volUlleS that comprise the System Logic Library for KYS/Syst... Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. It describes the progralllling logic of the Supervisor Control component in the KYS/Extended Architecture control progra •• It contains diagnostic information and is intended for persons Mho debug or modi fy the control progra... Hanual, 8 liZ x 11 inches, 03/83 SLSS: 18ft INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY28-1238 1!mE!!Q!W; ~ ~!l (CURRENT RElEASE) This volume is the ninth in a set of seventeen volumes that comprise the Syst. . Logic Libr.ry for KYS/Syst. . Product Rele.se 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. It describes the progr._ing logic of the ...ster Subsyst8lllSubsyste.. Interf.ce, PCAUTH Service Routines and Recovery Management Support COlllpOnents in the KYS/Extended Archi tecture control progra•• It cont.ins di.gnostic infor... tion and is intended for parsons Mho debug or IIOdi fy the control progra.~ Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 416 pages, 04/85 SLSS: 18ft INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY28-1258 .!.DlRM! LOGIC VOLUtlE !! (CURRENT RElEASE) This is volume fourteen in a set of seventeen volumes that comprise the Systell Logic Library for KYS/Syst. . Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. It describes the progralllling logic of the Task Management and Timer Supervision components in the KYS/Extended Architecture control prograM. It contains diagnostic inforMation and is intended for persons Mho debug or lIOdify the control progra•• Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 03/83 SLSS: 18ft INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LY28-1242 .I.l:HW: ~ ~ !.II fS! 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) This volUie is the tenth in • set of seventeen volUllH!!l that comprise the SysteM Logic Library for KYS/System Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. It describes the progr.Ding logic of the Real Storage Hanager COIIPOnent in the KYSIExtended Architecture control progr.... It contains diagnostic infor... tion .nd is intended for persons Mho debug or lIOdify the control progr••• Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 416 pages, 03/83 SLSS: 11111 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LY28-1262 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME .!2 This volUllle is the fifteenth in a set of seventeen volUlU that comprise the System Logic Libr.ry for HYS/Syst... Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. It describes the programming logic of the Trace component in the KYS/Extended Architecture control prograa. It contains diagnostic infor_tion and is intended for persons Mho debug or lIOdify the control progra•• Hanual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 03/83 SLSS: 11111 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LY28-1243 LOGIC LIBRARY ~ .ll f!!!I g This volume is the tenth in a set of seventeen volUlleS that cQIIPrise the Syst. . Logic Libr.ry for KYS/Syst. . Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. It describes the progralllllli ng logi c of the Re.l Storage Hanagar cOlllpOl'lent in the KYS/Extended Architecture control prograa. It cont.ins diagnostic infor... tion and is intended for persons Mho debug or lIOdi fy the control prograa. Hanusl, 8 112 x 11 inches, 03/83 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LY28-1266 SYSTEM LOGIC .!.DlRM! ~ ~ fS! ! This volUllle is the sixteenth in a set of seventeen volUIIU that comprise the System Logic Library for HYS/Syst... Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. It describes the programming logic of the Virtual Storage Managelllent COIIPonent in the HYS/Extended Archi tecture control progr••• It contains diagnostic inforMation and is intended for persons Mho debug or MOdify the control progra ... Hanual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 345 pages, 03/83 SLSS: 18ft INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ :'Y28-1246 .I.Q!W<.l.l!!!AIr! mYm 11 (CURRENT RElEASE) This volUMe is the eleventh in a set of seventeen volUIIMIII that comprise the SysteM Logic Library for KYS/Syst ... Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. It describes the prograning logic of the Recovery Termination Hanagement COIIf)OIl8nt in the KYS/Extended Architecture control progra•• It contains diagnostic infor... tion and is intended for persons Mho debug or lIOdi fy the control progra •• Hanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 03/83 SLSS: 18ft INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~!mm LY28-1267 ~ SYSTEM .I.Q!W< LIBRARY ~ ~ PART , This volume is the sixteenth in a set of seventeen volUII_ that comprise the SysteM Logic Library for HYS/Syste. Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version. 1.7. It describes the progra_ing logic of the Virtual Storage Managelllent component in the I1VS/Extended Architecture control progra •• It contains diagnostic information and is intended for parsons Mho debug.or aodify the control progra•• LY28-1250 !mm LIBRARY LOGIC VOLUtlE II (CURRENT RELEASE) This is volURe tNelve in a set of seventeen volUMes that cO\lPrise the Syst_ Logic Libr.ry for HYSlSyst. . Product ~ 898 ( LY28 LY28 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 349 pages. 03/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY It is intended for syst_ programmers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1270 MVS/xA SYSTEI1 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUI1E 17 (CURRENT RELEASE) This volume is the seventeenth in a set of seventeen volumes that comprise the SysteM Logic Library for MVS/Syste. Product Release 2 Version 1.0 through Version 1.7. It provides module descriptions for the System Logic Library in the MVS/Extended Architecture control program. It contains diagnostic information and is intended for persons who debug or modify the control program. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 352 pages. 03/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1298 ~ !fgi ~ LY28-1319 MVS/BULK DATA TRANSFER FACILITY. 5665-302! PROGRAM LOGIC ~ill This publication contains detailed descriptions and diagrams illustrating the processing logic of all MVS/BDT modules. Its purpose is to help syst_ programmers help diagnose and fix MVS/BDT problems. It is intended for system programmers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1320 HVS/BDT FACILITY. 5665-302. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE This publication is intended for anyone who is responsible for debugging MVS/BDT. It explains how to read MVS/BDT dumps. describes the format of major MVS/BDT data areas. explains how to use the MVS/BDT trace. and he.. to use commands to collect debugging information. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 8/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY At!!! OIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) This volume's purpose is to provide the user with the underlying logic for this online viewing and analyzing of machine readable dumps software facility. It contains detailed descriptions of the IPCS subcommands and the modules involved in processing the subcommands. This publication is intended for people who debug software problems. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 326 pages. 3/83 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1330 MIGRATION i l l !illlQ!S 3270 DISPLAY OPTION LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic of the VI1/XA Migration Aid Remote 3270 Display Option. Information in this publication applies only to the code added to or altered by the installation of the Remote 3270 Display Option on VI1 Pass-Through facility. It does not describe VI1/Pass-Through facility logic. However. it does begin with a brief description of the VI1/Pass-Through facility structure and operation. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 164 pages. 06/87 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ( LY28-1308 MVS/XA TSO/E TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM At!!! SERVICE ROUTINES ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the internal logic and organization of the terminal monitor programs and the T50 service routines. It is intended for people who lDCdify T50 and is not necessary for people who use TSO. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 138 pages. 06/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1312 TSO EXTENSIONS SESSION MANAGER. 5665-285. LOGIC This manual describes the function and logic for the internal operation of the TSO Extensions (l5O/E) session manager. It contains the program structure and control flow. data flow. data areas. and provides some diagnostic aids. It is intended for system programmers responsible for modifying the TSO/E session manager. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1383 MVS/370 !LQ SUPERVISOR. 5740-XYN. 5740-XYS. 5665-295. LOGIC This publication contains detailed information describing the processing logic of MVS/370 I/O Supervisor. which communicates between I/O devices and the EXCP processor. It is intended to aid in debugging and diagnosing I/O Supervisor Logic. The intended audience is mainly system programmers. Manual. 280 pages. 4/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1317 MVS/BULK ~ TRANSFER FACILITY: 5665-302 PROGRAI1 LOGIC LY28-1502 !.§Q EXTENSIONS. 5665-285. ~ ~ LOGIC MANUAL. VOLUME ! This publication contains an overvi .... of logic of I1VS/BDT HVS/EXTENOED ARCHITECTURE This publication describes the function and logic of the and offers general description of the design and operation TSO/E session manager for MVS/XA. It contains program of MVSIBDT prograM product. Its purpose is to educate system programmers. help syst8111 structure and control flow. data areas and provides some progr.ammer diagnose and fix MVSIBDT problems and help system diagnostic aids. It is intended for system programmers programmers write user exit routines. responsible for modifying the session manager component of TSO Extensions (TSO/E) in an MVS/Extended Architecture It is intended for systems programmers. (MVS/XA) envi ronment. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches Manual. 8· 1/2 x 11 inches SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY tY28-1318 MVS/BULK DATA TRANSFER FACILITY. 5665-302. PROGRAM.bQ§lli Y.Q.bYtJ! II This publication contains detailed descriptions and diagrams illustrating the processing logic of all I1VS/BDT modules. Its purpose is to help system programmers help diagnose and fix MVS/BDT problems. 899 ( LY28-1503 !.§Q EXTENSIONS ~ PROCESSOR LOGIC. 5665-285. VOLUME 1.:. ACCOUNT This publication describes the internal logic and organization of the ACCOUNT command processor. It is designed to help the programmer follow the internal LY28 LYe8 operation of a program and determine the location of a program Malfunction. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 158 pages. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1511 LOGIC LIBRARY ~ l.!. ,!2§ lHM !til !1ANAGEMENI LOGIC. 5740-XYN The JES3.1ogic library is intended primarily for those Mho .. intain and lIOdify the JES3 system in an installation using the HVSIXA systeM or the HVSIXA and HVSI370 systelll5. This volume of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 job processing as it is related to job input and Mana~t. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 12184 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LYe8-1504 J]iQ EXTENSIONS COHMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC. 5665-285. ~ II: EDIT This publication describes the internal logic and organization of the EDIT program. It helps the programmer follow the internal operation of a program and locate a Malfunction. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 116 pages. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1506 HVSIXA TSO/E ~ PROCESSOR LOGIC ~ !t I CURREN! RELEASE) This publication describes prograM internal logic and organization for TSO command processors. It is designed to help the programmer follow the internal operation of a command processor and determine the location of a co_and malfunction. It provides pointers for the specific functions; the programmer can use these pointers to access program listing information without having to scan the listings for the data needed. The commands are described through the use of Method of Operation Diagrams. a Directory. and a Data Area Usage chart. The Directory contains a module cross reference for all of the commands described in this publication. It cross references load modu~e. object Module. entry point, alias, and command nalla. The Data Area Usage chart is organized by the data area acronYM. The macro name and common name are also listed. Under each data name is a list of modules. by command processor, that alter or create the data area. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 264 pages, 12184 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYe8-1513 JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY ~ !t.i. ~ RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ~ 5740-XYN The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those Mho maintain and modify the JES3 system in an installation using the HVSIXA system or the HVSIXA and HVS/370 systems. This volume of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 job processing as it is related to the effective use of system resources. JES3 resource management, cOllllllOl"lly referred to as "setup". ensures the operative use of non-sharable mountable volumes. avoids operator intervention during job execution, and performs data set serialization. It oversees specific types of pre-execution job setup and generally prepares all necessary resources to process the job. The main device scheduler routines use resource tables and allocation algorithms to satisfy a job's requirements through the allocation of volumes and devices. and. if necessary. the serialization of data sets. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LYe8-1515 LY28-1507 JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY ~.!.l LOGIC OVERVIEW. 5740-XXN The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those Mho maintain and modify the JES3 system in an installation using the HVSIXA system or the HVSIXA and HVS/370 systems. This volume of the logic library introduces the user to the terminology, organization, functions. and features of Job Entry Subsystem 3 I JES3). The user need not be familiar with JES3 to read this book, but should have an introductory level background in the Hultiple Virtual Storage IHVS) SysteM. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 12184 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1509 JES3 .b!l!i!{; .!.l!lRAB! VDLUME l.;. INITIALIZATION LOGIC. 5740-XYN The JES3 logic library is intended prilHrily for those Mho maintain and modify the JES3 system in an installation using the HVSIXA system or the HVSIXA and HVS/370 systems. This volume of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 initialization. This involves the JES3 table build program that creates intermediate tables required by the mass storage system. The main section of JES3 initialization documentation explains JES3 start types and the four Phases of initialization processing. This section also addresses the initialization of a functional subsystem. The third chapter describes the initialization of dynamic system interchange. which allows installations to specify a local processor to dynamically assume the role of the global processor. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 900 LOGIC LIBRARY ~ 2l ,!2§ SCHEDULING ~ 5740-XYN . The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those Mho maintain and modify the JES3 system in an installation using the HVSIXA system or the HVSIXA and HVS/370 systems. The volume of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 job processing as related to the group of routines that govern Nhere and Nhen HVS execution of a JES3 job occurs. Job scheduling controls the order and execution of jobs processing within the JES3 complex. This section of JES3 processing comprises the routines invoked by the MAIN lisPs, Nhich are represented by the MAIN scheduler elements on the job control table entry and therefore constitute the focal point of the overall JES3 process. Through the job scheduling routines, the global processor c~icates lIith all other processors. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12184 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ / LYe8-1517 LOGIC .!.l!lRAB! ~ i.i. . .Im! Qll!f!Y! M:m TERMINATION LOGIC. 5740-XYN The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those Mho maintain and modify the JES3 system in an installation using the HVSIXA system or the HVSIXA anet HVS/370 systems. This volunle of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 job processing as related to the final phases of any JES3 job. Output service routines operate in various phases to process sysout data sets destined for print or punch devices. T50 users. internal readers. external IIriters, and IIriter functional subsystems. The three phases of INtput service run in different address spaces. Purge processing rellOves the job structure and records data. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ c; ( LY28 LY28 :.Y28-1S19 JES3 ~ ~ YOLUttE Zl ~ MANAGEMENT ~ SZ40-XXN The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those 1Nho _intain and lIOdify the distributed JES3 system in an installation using the MVS/XA syst. . or the MVS/xA and MVS/370 systems. This volume of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 support processing as related to the group of routines that govern operator communication and various utility functions. Console service routines provide c~ication between the operator and JES3. JES3 inquiry/llOdify routines allON modification of paraDeters that effect one or IDOre jobs and/or JES3 and the abi 1 i ty to obtain inforllation about the processing status of a given job or JES3 function. Utilities handle .any types of special operator services. or enhance the capabilities provided by inquiry functions. General routines provide services cOlllMX\ly used throughout JES3 processing. AbnorHl teMlination and recovery routines govern JES3 processing in the event of an abnor. .l progralD interuption. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 12184 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1S21 ill1 LOGIC LIBRARY YOLUttE §1 ~ DATA MANAGEMENT LOGIC. 5740-XYN The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those 1Nho Hintain and lIOdify the JES3 systeM in an installation using the 11VS/XA syst... or the MVS/XA and MVSl370 systellS. This volUlie of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 support processing as related to the group of routines that govem spool data eanagement. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12184 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( LY28-1523 ill1 LOGIC .!.nBA!I ~ l..l. ill1 COMI1UNICATION ~ 5Z40-XYN The JES3 logic Ubrary is intended priearily for those Mho Hintain and lIIOdify the JES3 system in an installation using the I1VS/xA syst. . or the MVS/XA and MVS/370 systeMs. This volume of the logic library describes the logic of JES3" support processing as related to the group of routines that govem c ........... ication .. ithin JES3 and between JES3 and 11VS. JES3 cOlDlDUnication involves three aspects. The first two deal .. ith MVS-JES3 comm.nications. The third aspect deals .. ith internal JES3 cotmlllrlications and exaMines the routines that provide transfer of information during processing bet_en address spaces. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 12184 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1S25 ~ !!!.l mmg PROCESSING ~ 5740-XXN The JES3 logic library is intended priltarily for those Mho aaintain and lIOdify the JES3 syst. . in an installation using the MVS/XA systeM or the MVSIXA and MVS/370 systems. This volUMe of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 support processing as related to the group of routines that govem all aspects of reMOte and netNOrking processing within JES3. This section explains the topics of JES3 natNOrking. and two reMOte systelll architectures. JES3 support for the interface to I1VSlBulk Data Transfer. a separate product. is also examined in publication. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ill1 .bQ§!!; LIBRARY 901 ( LY28-1527 JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUttE 11: LOGIC REFERENCE. 5740-XYN The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those Mho maintain and modify the JES3 system in an installation using the MVS/XA systelD or the MVS/XA and MVS/370 systear.;. This volume of the logic library offers reference material concerning JES3 logic. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1529 MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291. VOLUI1E ! ~ OVERVIEW The JES3 logic Ubrary is intended primarily for those Mho Hintain and MOdify the JES3 systelll in an installation using the MVS/XA systena or the MVS/XA and MVS/370 systems. This volume of the logi c 1 i brary introduces the user to the terminology. organization. functions. and features of Job Entry Subsystem 3 (JES31. The user need not be familiar with JES3 to read this book. but should have an introductory level background in the Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) System. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 188 pages, 12/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1S31 MYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291. VOLUI1E ! INITIALIZATION LOGIC (CURRENT RElEASE 1 The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those Mho Hintain and MOdify the JES3 systelD in an installation using the MVS/XA systelD 01" the MVS/XA and MVS/370 systems. This volume of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 initialization. This involves the JES3 table build prograa that creates interlDediate tables required by the mass storage system. The ltain section of JES3 initialization documentation explains JES3 start types and the four phases of initialization processing. This section also addresses the initiaHzation of a functional subsystelll. The third chapter describes the initialization of dynamic system interchnage. which allo..s installations to specify a local processor to dynami cally assume the role of the global processor. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 312 pages. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1533 MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE ill1 ~ LIBRARY YOLUI1E 1.;. .!.1m INPUT AND MANAGEMENT LOGIC. 5665-291 The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those Mho Hintain and .odify the JES3 system in an installation using the MVS/XA system 01" the MVSIXA and MVS/370 systems. This volume of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 job processing as it ;5 related to job input and managnent. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches, 12184 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lY28-1S3S MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291 • .!.1m RESOURCE MANAGEMENT .!.ll§I!; .b!!m!Bl VOLUME !t (CURRENT RELEASE 1 The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those Mho maintain and lIIOdify the JES3 system in an installation using the MVS/XA system or the MVS/XA and I1VS/370 systems. This volume of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 job processing as it is related to the effective use of syst. . resources. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28 GY28 LY28-1537 MYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE ~ LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 1;. ,!Qg SCHEDULING LOGIC. 5665-291 The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those Mho maintain and modify the JES3 systea in an installation using the HVS/XA systea or the HVS/XA and MYS/370 systems. This volume of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 job processing as related to the group of routines that govern .....ere and Nhen HVS execution of a JES3 job occurs. Job scheduling controls the order and execution of jobs processing within the JES3 complex. This section of JES3 processing comprises the routines invoked by the HAIN DSPs. which are represented by the MAIN scheduler elements on the job control table entry and therefore constitute the focal point of the overall JES3 process. Through the job scheduling routines. the global processor communicates with all other processors. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1539 HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291. ,.!2§ OIITPlIT &:!II TERMINATION LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those who maintain and modify the JES3 system in an installation using the HVS/XA system or the HVS/XA and HVS/370 systems. This volume 'of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 job processing as related to the final phases of any JES3 job. Output service routines operate in various phases to process sysout data sets destined for print or punch devices. TSO users. internal readers. external writers. and writer functional SUbsystems. The three phases of output service run in different address spaces. Purge processing removes the job structure and records data. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY JES3 cOllllllU"lication involves three aspects. The first two deal with HVS-JES3 communications. The third aspect deals Mith internal JES3 cOlmllUnications and examines the routines that provide transfer of information during processing between address spaces. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 SLSS: ISM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1547 HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291. VOLUME 12 REMOTE PROCESSING ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those who lIaintain and modify the JES3 system in an installation using the HVS/XA system or the HVS/XA and MYS/370 systems. This volume of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 support processing as related to the group of routines that govern all aspects of remote and network processing within JES3. This section explains the topics of JES3 networking and two remote system architectures. JES3 support for the interface to MVS/Bulk Data Transfer. a separate product. is also examined in publication. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 192, pages. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1549 MYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291. LOGIC VOLUME 1 REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those Mho lIaintain and modify the JES3 system in an installation using the HVS/XA system or the HVS/xA and HVS/370 systems. This volume of the logic library offers reference material concerning JES3 logic. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1553 lEa ~ PROCESSOR m ,9; This publication describes program internal logic and organization. It is designed to help the programmer follON the internal operation of a program and determine the location of a program malfunction. It also provides pointers for specific functions; the programmer can use these pointers to access prograll listing information without having to scan the listings for the data he wants. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1541 HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 56'65-291. ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ MANAGEMENT (CURRENT RELEASE 1 The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those who maintain and modify the JES3 systea in an installation using the HVS/XA system or the HVS/XA and HVS/370 systems. This volume of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 support processing as related to the group of routines that govern operator communication and various utility functions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-1543 HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291. VOLUME § SPOOL !!!!A MANAGEMENT LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those who maintain and modify the JES3 syst ... in an installation using the HVS/XA system or the HVS/XA and HVs/370 systems. This volume of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 support processing as related to the group of routines that govern spool data management. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY28-1555 MYSIXA !liQ EXTENSIONS. 5665-285. TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM AND ~ ROUTINES LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic and organization of the terminal monitor program (TMP) and the TSO service routines. This publication is for people who use TSO to process programs or who write programs that are processed by TSO. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 144 pages. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY28-2009 TIME SHARING SYSTEM. SYSTEM LOGIC SUMMARY LY28-1545 This publication describes the logic of the IBM Tille Sharing Syst... (TSSI. The emphasis is on describing the HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291. ~ l ~ cotmtJNICATION LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) interrelationship of system components in performing system The JES3 logic library is intended primarily for those who functions. Where an individual component is described. only maintain and modify the JES3 5ystem in an installation using the highest level of logic is discussed. This program logic the HVS/XA system or the HVS/XA and HVS/370 systells. This manual is directed to the person who is responsible for volume of the logic library describes the logic of JES3 program maintenance. It can be used to determine the support processing as related to the group of routines that interrelationship among the various areas of the systea. and govern communication within JES3 and between JES3 and MYS. it enables the reader to relate these areas to the 902 GY28 LY28 corresponding prograM listings. Systems Reference Library Manual, 311 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Knowledge of both American National Standard COBOL and the IBM Assembler Language is a prerequisite. Reference publications for this info ...... tion are listed in the Preface of this manual. Manual, 168 pgs SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6403 rl !l! EXTENDED) COMPILER .EllR mi M:m VM/370 (CMS). LOGIC PROG PROD 5734-F03 Describes the internal design of the FORTRAN IV (H Extended) compiler program. It is intended for use by personnel involved in prograM maintenance. Program logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the FORTRAN IV (H Extended) compiler. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 660 pgs SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .EQB.!BM:! = LY28-6406 .Ql! (TSO) COBOL PROMPTER LOGIC. fRmi fR!m 5734-CPl Describes the internal logic of the COBOL Prompter program product. It is intended for programmers who are responsible for program maintenance or by system programmers who .ust alter the prograM design. It is not needed for no ...... l use or operation of the subject program product. Manual, 86 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY :'Y28-6408 rl ~ .!lm!2 !l fQR mi .Ii VM/370 (CMS): PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL, ~ NUMBER 5734-LMI This document describes the internal design of the IBM System/360 Operating System FORTRAN IV Library (Model 1), a program product. The modules of the Model 1 library are designed to be combi ned as needed Ni th the object code produced by the Code and 60 FORTRAN or FORTRAN IV (6Il co..,ilers to forM executable load modules. This document is intended for use by persons involved in program Maintenance. Program logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the Modell library. Distribution of this document is limited to licensees of the IBM program product it describes. Program Logic Manual, 154 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .EQB.!BM:! c: LY28-6409 .EQB.!BM:! IV LIBRARY !.!:!!l!m. ill f.!l! mi AND ~ (CMS) 1!G PROG 5734-LM3. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) Describes the internal design of the FORTRAN IV Library (Mod II), a prograM product. This manual is intended for OS and VMl370 personnel involved in program maintenance and for systems programmers who are altering program design. It is not necessary for the use and operation of the FORTRAN Mod II Library. Manual, 174 pgs SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6415 SYSTEM/360 OS FORTRAN IV !l! EXTENDED PLUS) COMPILER !til LIBRARY. PRPQ LOGIC SUPPLEMENT. fRmi 5799-AAW Supplements the IBM FORTRAN IV (H Extended) Ca..,iler for OS and VM/370 (CMS) Program Logic Manual, Order No. LY28-6403. Together these publications provide OS and VMl370 persOlYlel and other technical personnel Nith information describing the internal organization and operation of the FORTRAN IV (H Extended Plus) compiler. Program logic information is not necessary for the operation and use of the compiler. Manual, 108 pgs SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6419 OS FULL ~ COBOL SUBROUTINE LIBRARY VERSION !..a. i l l PROG 5734- LM2, LOGIC Describes the internal design or logic of the subject program. This manual is intended for persons involved in program maintenance and for system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the operation of the prograM • Manual, 252 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6422 ~ BASIC. 1!G fRmi 5748-XXl, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is intended for use by programming support representatives and systu programmers .. ith responsibility for maintaining the VS BASIC prograM product. Each module is described as are the control blocks. Functions are sl.allHlrized visually in lllethod of operation diagrams. Prerequisite to understanding the VS BASIC logic is a knowledge of the language and of the operating systeM. See VS BASIC Language, 6C28-8303, and the appropriate terminal user's guide: VS BASIC TSO TerMinal User's Guide, SC288304. VS BASIC CMS TerMinal User's Guide. SC28-8306. VS BASIC for VSPC: Terminal User's Guide. and VS BASIC OSIVS and DOSIVS Programmer's Guide. SC28-8308. If VS BASIC is rlft'ling interactively under TSO. CMS. or VSPC. the logic of the subsystell/program product st-lld also be understood first. Manual. 187 pages. 3/76 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6423 LY28-6413 RQli FULL ~ COBOL SUBROUTINE LIBRARY ~ .h LOGIC. PROG fRQQ 5736-LM2 Describes the object-time subroutine library used by the DOS Full American National Standard COBOL Compiler, Version 3. It is intended for use by persons involved in library maintenance and by system programmers involved in altering the library for installations requiring such alteration. This publication supplements the subroutine listings and their comments. but it is not a substitute for them. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of IBM System/360 and System/370 operation and of the DOS service programs and macro instructions as well as the DOS Full American National Standard COBOL Compiler, Version 3. 903 ( COBOL COMPILER M:!!l LIBRARY, ~ fRQ§ 5746-cal, .IJ!§lI; (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication describes the internal design of the IBM DOSIVS COBOL Compiler. It is intended for use by persons involved in program support and by system programmers involved in altering the program design for installations requiring such alteration. This publication supplements the compiler listing and its COllllllents, but is not a substitute for thelll. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of the IBM Operating SysteM and of the IBM DOSIVS service programs and macro instructions. Knowledge of both IBM DOSIVS COBOL and the IBM Assembler Language is a prerequisite. Reference publications for this information are listed in the preface of this manual. Manual. 542 pages SLSS: IBt1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY28 LY28-6424 ~ SY30 VlV370 personnel involved in progra• •aintenance. and by syst. . prograllllll8rs involved in altering the progra. design. Progra. logic information i. not necessary for progr•• operation and use. Hanual. 360 pgs gmm, SlIlROUTINE LIBRARY • .I.I!: f!m!i 5746-LM4 • .I.!!§Il; !CURRENt RELEASE! This p\blication describes the object-ti . . subroutine library USH by the 1M DOSIVS COBOL eo.piler. It is intended for use by persons involved in library . . intenanee and by syst_ programaers involved in altering the library for installations requiring such alteration. This p\blication suppl_ts the subroutine listings and their com.ents. but it is not a substitute for them. Effective use of this aanual requires an understanding of the 1M operating syst. . and the DOSIVS Operating Syst. . service prograes and lIacro instructions. as well .s the IBH DOSIVS COBOL COllpiler. KnoIIledge of both DOSIVS COBOL and 1M Assembler Language is a prerequisite •. Reference publications for this inforlllation are listed in the preface of this . .nual. Hanual. 192 pages SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY28-6849 ill R!!!:! !!::Il WORKSTATION SUPPORT .Yl§I!; This p\blication is written for customer engineers and others Mho require infor..ation regarding the internal operation of RTAH (Remote Te .... inal Access Hethod!. which is the access ..ethod used by RES (Remote Entry Services!; RTAH is the . . jo.. component of RES. Other components of RES are described when such infor. . tion is needed for unde ..standing RES. The functions are presented in diagram for. (HIPO diagra. . ! at a relatively high level. The diagrams include reference to labels in the program listing. Mhich is to be used in conjunction with this p\blication. It includes description of data areas used by more than one module. Also included are module descriptions and such diagnostic .ids as cross references of .essages and MOdules.contents of control bytes for record compression and/or interleaving and the storage layout of RES components. Hanual. 240 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY28-6425 mm!. S!JBR!!!.ITINE LIBRARY. i l l fR!!§ 5740-L!l1. ~ (CURRENt RELEASE! Describes the internal design of the 1M OSIVS COBOL library. The . .nual is intended for use by persons involved in prograa support .nd by syst81115 progra_ers involved in .ltering the prograa design for installations requiring such alteration. It suppl...ents the library listing and its comments but is not a substitute for th.-. Hanual. 304 pages SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY28-6856 FORTRAN rl (61) COHPILER .E2B m! ! YH/370 ~ ill fBQli 5734-F02l LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE I Describes the internal logic of the FORTRAN IV (61! compiler. This prog ..am logic manual is intended for use by persons involved in program .aintenance. PrograM logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the FORTRAN (lOll compiler. Progra. Logic Hanual. 248 pages SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6486 OSIVS m!mI. COHPILER .I.!1!rni (CURRENT RELEASE! This publication describes the IBH OSIVS COBOL CoIIpiler. The internal design of the compiler and the object prograa it produces a ..e discussed. This publication is intended fo .. use by persons involved in prograa support and by syst. . p ..og..a .....s involved in altering the COIIpile..s for installations ..equiring such alte ..ation. It suppl8llM!l'lts the cOllPiler listings and its ~ts. but it is not a substitute fo .. th.-. Effective use of this aanual requi ..es an understanding of the 1M operating syst.... KnoIIledge of both 1M OSIVS COBOL and the 1M Assemble.. Language is a prerequisite. Reference publications for this information are listed in the preface of this . .nual. Hanual. 584 pages SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6Y30-1024 LY28-6766 SY30-2040 ! IE DATA UTILITIES: ~ ill f!Q§ 5734-UT1. .b!l§!!; ~ ~ ~ .bIlli TCAM PROGRAH REFERENCE SUI1I1ARY TCAlt Yill lJ!.i. 5741-602 (OSIVS1 SUIDlj 5742-UY99915 (OSt5VS 1&Rll 5752-836 ~ ~ This handbook. provides reference infor.ation about TCAH. provides quick access to often-used diagnostic and debug inforllation. Reference summary. 6 3/4 )( 3 3/4 inches. 320 pgs. 7/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ OSIVS2 !:!llI TCAM Ym § Provides the information required for persons involved in keeping the prograM operational. This p\blication is a reference .anual for OSIVS2 TCAH level 8. the level of TCAH designed to operate with the Virtual TelecOl1lllKA'lications Access Hethod (VTAHI and the naN Systees Network Architecture (SNA!. It contains an introduction. a section on basic TCAH concepts. a . .thod of operation section. a prograM organization section. a diagnostic aids section. and various appendices including one on Ti .. Sharing Support (TSD!. ~ ~ The Progra. Logic Hanual describes the internal design or logic of the subject progra... This ..nual is intended for persons involved in progra. Mintenanee and for systee p ..og ..a ....s who a ..e altering the prog.... design. Prog..a. logic infor. .tion is not necessa ..y fo .. the ope... tion of the prog..a.; therefore. distribution of this p\blication is li.ited to persons Kith . . intenance and alte..ation requi r ...ents. Hanual. 394 pages SLSS: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY28-6846 ! §Q FORTRAN PROCESSOR fBQ§ 57M-F01 • .b!l§!!; ~ ill f9! Jm ! ~ It .!Q1lih Describes the inte ..nal logic of the Code and 60 FORTRAN IV COIIpiler. Progra. Logic Hanuals are intended for use by 1M OS and 904 PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS OSIVS TCAH Concepts and Facilities. 6C30-2042. for general information. OSIVS TCAH Progralllll1er's &uide. 6C30-2041. to learn hoM to construct and lIIOdi fy a TCAH IICP and a TCAH-compatible application progra •• Hanual. 768 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONL.Y ./ ( LY30 SY30 SY30-2069 LOGIC OSIYSl :n;!!I LEVELS § Am j 5741-SCl-21 ! OPERATING SYSTEMIYIRTUAL STORAGE !! TELECOt1lMlICATIONS ACCESS METHOD LEVELS § j ~ The Level 8 OSIYSl TCAM PLM consists of Level 5 OSIVS TCAH plus the changes necessary to incorporate VTAM (Level 7) and the 3600 Finance Communication Systea (Level 8). Most of the data areas included in the OSIYS PLI1s have been oaitted. and data area indexes have been added. System libraries have been omitted free Appendix A except for the SYS1.MACLIB library. HeN HIPO diagraMS and neN aessage inforeation have been added. Manual. 668 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( LY3D-3005 GENERATION Am LOGIC MANUAL .EQR PROGRA!1!1ING Il!!9 P85004. §II TRANSCODE f!lB 3705 EMULATION This document contains information reflecting changes to the current version of the Emulation Prograe. VIM2. required for support of Six Bit Transcode. PRPQ P85004. The document is intended for analysts and programmers responsible for the generation and eaintenance of the Emulation Prograa. and for IBM system engineers and field engineers. These changes affect only the method employed in converting transmitted or received data. rather than the actual functions performed by the Emulation Program. Consequently. only a few changes to the EP PLH. SY30-3001. and EP Generation Manual. GC30-3002. are necessitated by this PRPQ. Only the areas affected by the changes are included in this document. Documentation is divided into three section: Section 1. General description of the Six Bit Transcode PRPQ (P58004) Section 2. Information relating to areas of the Emulation Program Generation Manual. Ge30-3002. that are affected by Six Bit Transcode support. Section 3. Information relating to areas of the Emulation Program PLH. SY30-3001. that are affected by Six Bit Transcode support. Manual. 20 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m GY30-3000 3735 PROGRAMMABLE BUFFERED TERMINAL FORM DESCRIPTION MACRO INSTRUCTIONS ! .EQRl:! DESCRIPTION UTILITY PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL (OS. DOS ! ~ SYSTEMS) This publication describes the internal logic of the OS and DDS programming support for the IBM 3735 Programmable Buffered TerMinal. The 3735 programming support includes both Form Description (FD) aacro instructions and Fora Description utility programs to provide the operating environment for applications using preprinted (fixed-foreat) forms and batch processing. This publication is intended for 1M progranllling syst_ representatives who maintain the 3735 programming support SY30-3006 and for customer system programmers Mho Modify that support. !§1j ~ EMULATION fEQ2!!.AM GENERATION Am LOGIC t!!tlYA!. f!lB To understand the logic of the 3735 prograllllling support. PROGRAM SUPPORT f!lB HARDWARE HEQ M~6099 SABRE LINE CONTROL the reader must have a general understanding of OS or DOS Contains information reflecting changes to the current and of the aacro language facility of the assembler. version of the Emulation PrograM. VIM2. required for support of airlines (SABRE) line control PSHRPQ P85000. It is Program Logic Manual. 180 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY intended for analysts and programmers responsible for the generation and maintenance of the Emulation Prograll. and for IBM systems engineers and field engineers. It is assumed that the reader has a conceptual knoNledge of the current SY30-3001 Emulation Prograe and of the Airlines Line Control supported 3704 ! ~ COMMUNICATION CONTROLLERS EMULATION PROGRAM: PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL by RPQs for the 2703 Transmission Control Unit. This publication is designed to supplement the prograa Oocumentation is divided into three sections: listings for the Emulation Program and to eake access to the Section 1 - General description of the Airlines Lh~ inforMation in the listings easier. Control (ALC) PSHRPQ P8S000. New techniques are used to help in understanding the program and in referring quickly to listings for details on Section 2 - Information relating to areas of the the implementation. The publication relies on aethod of Emulation Program Generation and Utilities Guide and operation diagrams that show hoN the EMulation Prograa Reference Manual. GC30-3002. that are affected by routines operate and that provide fU'ICtional "lIaps" (by Airlines Line Control support. cross-reference) through the listings. Manual. 184 pages Section 3 - Inforeation relating to areas of the SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Emulation Program PLH. SY30-3001. that are affected by Airlines Program PLH. SY30-3001. that are affected by Airlines Line Control support. '.Y30-3004 Manual. 74 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GENERATION !t:!!l ~ MANUAL f!lB PROGRAt1I1ING Bf9 P85007 SPECIAL START-STOP LINE CONTROL f!lB !§1j 3704 ! ~ EMULATION PROGRAM. PROG. ~ 5799-AGKThis document contains information reflection changes to the SY30-3007 current version of the Emulation PrograM. VIM2. required for 3704. ~ ~ mli!!!!:!! LOGIC support of special start-stop devices. A Prograe Logic Manual describes the internal design or Documentation is divided into three sections: logic of the subject program. These Manuals are intended for persons involved in prograM Maintenance and systee Section 1 - General description of the Special Stop Line Control PRPQ (P85007). programmers Nho are altering the prograM design. Prograe logic inforMation is not necessary for the operation of tha Section 2 - InforMation relating to areas of the Emulation Program Generation Manual. GC30-3002-1. that program; therefore. distribution of these publications are affected by Special Start-Stop Line Control support. should be limited to persons Nith maintenance and alteration requi rements. Section 3 - Information relating to areas of the Emulation Prograa PLH. SY30-3001-0. that are affected by Manual Special Start-Stop Line Control Support. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Manual. 30 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 905 SY30 LY30 LY30-30IO 3704 J 370S E!!!ILATION PROGRAM GENERATION J .l.!!§Il; MANUAL E!B .ERE!i PSS003 USASCII TRANSPARENCY ~ .I.I!!!i CONTROL. i l l fBQ§ S799-AFZ This document reflects the changes made to the IBM 370S Emulation Programs for support of PRPQ PSS003. USASCII Transparency BSC Line Control. It is intended for analysts and programmers responsible for the generation and maintenance of the Emulation Program and for IBM systems engineers and customer engineers. The document contains three types of information: (1) a general description of the PRPQ's functionsl (2) information necessary to generate the PRPQ into an Emulation Program, and (3) modifications to the internal logic of the Emulation Program required by the PRPQ. Manual. 20 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-3011 !1m 370S EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION Am .l.Q§I!; MANUAL fQH PROGRAHtIING Rfg PS5009. SELECTIVE CALLING .I.I!!!i CONTROL This document contains information .. bout changes ....de to the IBM 370S Emulation Program for Programming RPQ PSS009. Selective Calling Line Control. The document is intended for analysts and programmers responsible for the generation and maintenance of the Emulation Program. and for IBM syste..s engineers and Field Engineers. The reader should have a conceptual knowledge of the current Emulation Program. The information in this manual is of three types: (1) General information describing the function of the PRPQ: (2) information necessary to generate an Emulation Program with the PRPQI and (3) information about the internal logic of the PRPQ. Manual. 24 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY30-3012 ill! ! 370S PROGRAM REFERENCE HANOBQOK (CURRENT RELEASE) This handbook was formerly titled IBM 3704 and 370S Data Areas SY30-300S. The handbook contains detailed information about the Network Control Program and Emulation Progr.. m data .. reas. It also contains debug and reference information such as command codes. abend codes. responses. MDR record formats. etc. Manual. 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches. 200 pages. 8176 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY CALCOMP SOO.600. and 700 series plotters to the 3705. This IAnual is intended for analysis and progra_rs responsible for generation and maintenance of the Emulation Program and for IBM syst... engineers and IBM customer engineers. This docllllent is intended to be used .. ith the IBM 3704 and 370S Communication Controllers Emulation Program GeneratiOn and Utilities. Guide and Reference Manual (6C303002) and the IBM 3704 and 370S ComlllUnications Controllers Emulation Program &enerationand Utilities. Guide and Reference Manual (6C30-3002) and the IBM 3704 and 370S Communications Controllers EMUlation Program. Program Logic manual (SY30-3001). Manual. 30 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-3016 370S E!!!ILATION PROGRAM GENERATION !!:!l LOGIC ~ fi!B PROGRAMMING Rfg PSSO IS. VIRTUAL :t!! .I.I!!!i SUPpoRT This document contains information reflecting changes to the IBM 370S Emulation Program. version 2 modification 2. required for Virtual SO Una Support. PRPQ PS5015 (Program Number 5799-AKQ). Thi 5 PRPQ allows the attachlllent of up to six high-speed Binary Synchronous Communication lines to the IBM 370S Communications Controller. This document is intended for analysts and progra_rs responsible for the generation and maintenance of the EMUlation Program. and for IBM systems engineers and field engi neers. The reader should have a conceptual knoNledge of the current Emulation Program. The document is divided into three sections: o Section 1 is a general description of Virtual 50 concepts. o Section 2 contains the information needed to generate the Virtual 50 PRPQ into the EllUlation Program. o Section 3 describes the program logic of the Virtual 50 PRPQ. Logic Manual. 20 pages LY30-3023 SY30-3013 LOGIC ~ 370S NCPIVS VERSION :t This publication covers the internal logic of the IBM 3704 and 370S Communications controllers. Network Control ProgramlVS (NCPIVS)' Version 3. which operates under OSIVS VTAM and DOS VTAM. This PUI is designed to supplement the program listings for the NCP and to make access to the information in the listings easier. The NCPIVS PUI is directed to the IBM program support representatives and system engineers who provide program maintenance and who need information on the internal organization and logic of the NCP. Manu.. l. 600 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ Am 1Zl!:i EMULATION ~ GENERATION Am .l.Q§I!; MANUAL .EQB PROGRAMMING Rfg PS5010. TelEGRAPH FULL ~ LINE CONTROL = PROG. I::!!L. S799-AGN This document describes the Telegraph Full-Duplex Line Control Programming RPQ for the IBM 3704 and 370S COllllllU'\ications Controllers Emulation Program. The PRPQ provides support of duplex line control for four telegraph Terminals: The manual is intended for analysts and programmers responsible for generation and maintenance of the ElllUlation Program and for IBM systelll engineers and IBM !1m = customer eng;neers. This document contains three types of inforllation: o Information needed to generate the PRPQ into an Emulation Program. o Information about the internal logic of the PRPQ. o Infor..ation about the line control used for each of four ter.. inal types supported by the PRPQ. Prerequisites for this manual" are: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers Emulation PrograM Generation and Utilities. Guide and Referl!!1Ce Manual (6C30-3002). IBM 3704 and 370S ConomunicationS Controllers Emulation PrograM. PrograM Logic Manual (SY30-3001). Manual. 30 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY :-iY30-30I4 370S EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION! J.!l§lli RE9 8S8663 f.b.!!!!IR ADAPTER. PSHRPQ PSSOOS. i l l fRQ§ S799-WFA This document contains information necess .. ry to generate and SY30-3024 use the Plotter Adapter Program (PSHRPQ PS500S) for the IBM ~ SUBSYSTEM ~ PREPARATION SUPPORT TRANSFORMATION 370S Emulation Program. This program. for use with RPQ DEFINITION LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR ~ SS8663. provides for the attachment of IBM 1627 and/or This publication describes the logic of the Transforntion 906 ( SY30 ( LY30 Definition Language (TDlI of the IBM 3650 Subsyste. progr•• Previous releases of the Eeuhtion Program support the Prepar.tion Support (SPPSI. The transhtor is the code by 3705 I in • configur.tion which allows a single type 1 Nhich TDL statements are converted into formatted output chOlnnel .dapter and either a single type 1 communication records. At a lOIter tiee, certain output records frotl the scanner or up to four type 2 communications scanners. ThOIt tr.nslator are transmitted to the IBM 3650 for usa in configuration is supported by the old base Emulation Progra. oper.ting keyboard/displays and line printers. IIIOdules (the type 1 chOlnnel adapter and the type 1 This publication is a supplement to the progra. listings COII1IIIUI'Iicoation sc.nner .re not supported by the NEW BASEl. of the TDL translator portion of the SPPS. As a logic The EP Syste. Generation selects eithe .. OLD BASE or NEW BASE ..nual, it can be used to diagnose .nd .aintain the existing MOdules depending upon the channel adapter and communication TDL translator; it is not designed to .lter the transl.tor scanner defined. OLD BASE support is described in the IBM to perfor. other functions. The progr.lII1Iing support 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER EMULATION PROGRAM represent.tiva using this publicoation should hOIve a boasic LOGIC MANUAL. knoNledge of the IBM System/370 OS/VS and DOSIVS and use the The EMULATION PROGRAM PLM is directed to the IBM program SPPS Programeer's Guide. support representatives and syste.. enginee..s who p..ovide There ara six sections Nhich ara useful in retrieving program aainternlnce .nd who need infor.ation on the internOll specific kinds of inform.tion: organization and logic of the EP. Manual, 433 pOIges, 8176 o Section 1: An avervi. of the TDl Transl.tor Logic is an introduction to the translator .nd its input, interSLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY nOll logic, output, and additional services. o Section 2: Method of Operation uses chOlrts to illustrate functional relationships in the translator. SY30-3032 o Section 3: Progra. Organization consists of a series of ~ ~ LEVEL 1!! .!.Q!W; SELECTABLE Y!:!!I (SUI figures relating the basic eodules types and their c.llIDENTIFIERS: 5741-602 (OS/VSl ~ lnlL i ng sequences. 5742-UY99915 !OS/SYS ICRI; 5752-836 ~ ~ ~ Provides the information required for persons involved in o Section 4: Directory contains a list of translator eodules, their function, .nd their inputs and outputs. keeping the progr.m operationOll. o Section 5: Data Areas has tNO parts: the first illusThis publication is a reference manual for OSIVS TCAM trates hoM the translator uses tables .nd table entries, level 10, the level of TCAM designed to operate Nith the and the second gives a detailed layout of each table. Network Control Program !NCPI and Systems Network o Section 6: Di.gnostic Aids hOIs three parts: the first Architecture !SNAI. suggests techniques for diagnosing troubles, the second It contains an introduction •• method of operation section, a progr.m organiz.tion section, a data .reas illustr.tes dumps and how to re.d them, and the third cont.ins • list of error _s.ges .nd the modules Nhich section, • di.gnostic aids section, and various appendices. PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS detect thee. In addition, e.ch section can be cross-referenced to the OSIVS TCAM Concepts and Applications, GC30-2049, for other sect i OrIS. As. result, you coan use it in two w.ys: general information. OSIVS TCAM System Programmer's Guide, GC30-2051. to learn how to construct .nd modify. TCAM NCP. first. as a diagnostic aid in going fro. detail problem SymptDII up to the functional description, and second, . . .n Manu.l, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 316 pgs. 3/77 .id to understanding internOlls by progressing fro .. the SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY introductory overvieN doNn to the details of modules and translated input text. Manuoal, 150 pages LY30-3035 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 1m! 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND .!.Q!W; f.!!B PRPQ 805021! f!ljl§ 5799-ATD This manual ;5 intended for the systems programmer responsible for generating the Emulation Progra.. and for LY30-3030 the progr... support representative concerned with progra. 1m! 3705 ADVANCED cot!I1lJNICATIONS FUNCTION f.!!B ~. logic information. The reader is .ssumed to have. CONTROL PROGRAM/VS. !:!Q! m L. ~ PROG 5735-XXI. ~ LOGIC This public.tion covers the internoal logic of the IBM 3705 conceptual knowledge of the current Emulation Progr.... Communicoations Controller, Adv.nced Communications Function MOInual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 100 pgs. 6/77 for Network Control Program/VS (ACFINCP/VSI, Version 6. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Version 6 of the NCP operates under OS ACFIVTAM, DOS ACFIVTAM, and DOS ACFITCAM. This PLM is designed to supplement the program listings for the NCP and to ...ke LY30-3036 access to the infor... tion in the listings easier. ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION f.!!B ~ LOG'IC f!ljl§ PROD 5735-RCI The ACFINCPIVS PLM is directed to the IBM support representatives .nd system engineers who provide progra. Provides the information required for persons involved in keeping the progra.. operational. lIIlIinten.nce and who need info..... tion on the internoal org.nization .nd logic of ACFINCP. This public.tion is • reference manual for ACFITCAM Manuoal, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 812 pgs, 7/77 systea control program .nd base progra... feature number SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 9001. It contains an introduction. a method of operation section •• program organization section. a diagnostic aids section, and various appendices. SY30-3031 PRERE~UISITE PUBLICATIONS 1ZR2 COI'1I1UNICATIONS COtITROLLER EMULATION .!.Q!W; Adnnced Communication Function for TCAM Concepts and (CURRENT RELEASEI Planning. GC30-3049 for general inform.tion. Advanced This public.tion describes the intemal logic of the NEW Communication Function for TCAM Systems Progr.mmer's Guide. BASE Emul.tion P..ogr.m (EPI. Version 3. Version 3 of the SC30-3117. to learn how to construct and aodify a TCAM MCP. Eeuhtion Prog..a. introduces support for the 3705 I I NUh MOInual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 20 pgs. 12177 the type 4 channel adapter and the type 3 cOllllll\.nicoation scanner. Additionally, softNare support of eultiple type 4 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY chOlnnel .dOIpters .nd multi -subchOlnnel li ne .ccess (MS LA lis provided. The EP modules that provide this support .re called NEW BASE. 907 ( LY30 LY30 contains data area layouts, a list of relative priorities in LnO-3037 ACFITCAM, FIDI and FIDO commands and modifiers, operator ADVANCED CQ!!1UNICATION FlJ:!CIION .BIB ICA/h J.l!: fR!!i 5735-RCI. REFERENCE JY!!!!B.X control commands, and ACFITCAM acronyms and abbreviations. Provides information required for persons involved in Manuali 8 1/2 x II inches, 575 pages, 5/79 keeping the program operation.l. SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This publication is a referenee .al'Mll for ACFITCAH systam control program and base progra., feature number 9001. LY30-3043 It contains a section on data area layouts, a section ACE/NCPlVS !:!m!SlBK m!IBID. PHOGRAM. Uk f1m!i 5735-XXI. REFERENCE !l!!IjW (CURRENT RELEASE) containing a list of ACFITCAM modules by library, a section This mal'Mll provides the system programmer and IBM program on ACFITCAM FIDO and FIDI collltllands and eodifiers, a section on system network architecture exception codas, a section on support rapresentat i Ye lIIi th reference i nformat i on about the operator control comands and a section listing common Advanced Communications Function for Network Control ProgramlVS (ACFINCP/VS), Release 2 and the Partitioned ACFITCAM acronyms and abbreviations. PREREquISITE PUBLICATIONS Emulation Progrllllllling (PEP) Extension. The Advaneed Advanced Communication Function for TCAH Logio LY30-3036. Communicationa Function for the Netl40rk Control PrograelVS Handbook. 3 3/4 x 6 314 inehes, 330 pgs. 12/77 controls the transmission of data betl4een the hoat processor SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY and the remote atationa in the network connected to the IBM 3705 Communications Controller. Mlnual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 396 pages, 5/79 LnO-3039 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ADYANCED COM!1UNICATlptI FUNCTION f.I!B ~ ~ This publication is a referance manual for ACFITCAM syst.. control program base program feature number 9001, and LnO-3051 multisystem networking facility feature number 6003. It is lZU GENERATION .6t:!Il ~ !1!l:!l.IA!. .El2B PHOGRAI1I1IN§ m directed to the IBM program support representatives and the m21L. PARTITIONED EMULATION ~ EXTENDED FEATURES systems engineers who provide program maintenanee and who lJ& fRQi S799-BAF need in.formation on the internal organization and logic of This publication describes the changes to the current ACFITCAM. It is a licensed publication available only to versions of the EMUlation Program and Netl40rk Control Program (under PEP) that provide support for the Extended holders of an ACFITCAM license. This manual describes Features Program, PRPQ P85032. The 3705 PEP Extended general ACFITCAH concepts that should be understood before approaching the specifics of the internal logic. The Features Program and ACFINCPIVS Release 2 (under PEP). These additional functions give the 3705 user nelll internal logic documentation covers: capabilities that make a total data communication system • Function.l flOM of ACFITCAM operations more flexible. The additional functions provided are: • Program organization and operation of ACFITCAM Systell Select (EP and NCP applications), Autontatic Speed • Diagnostic aids Selection (EP and NCP connections), Code COnversion (EP • Aids in the use and servicing of ACFITCAM Prerequisite publications for this manual are: lines only), Operator Console Support, EP Multiple Host Support (maximum of four type 4 channel adapters), • ACFITCAH, Version 2 General Information: Functional Description, Ge30-3131, for general information Statistics Gathering (EP lines only). The manual is intended for the systems programmer responsible for • ACFITCAM, Version 2 Installation: Guide, SC30-3132, to learn how to construct and .odi fy a TeAM MCP generating the Emulation Program and for the program support Manual, 8 1/2 x II inehes, 850 pages, 5/79 representative concerned lIIith program logic information. SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY The reader is assumed to have a conceptual knowledge of the current Emulation Program. Manual, 8 1/2 x II inches, 184 pages, 2/80 LY30-3041 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ACFINCP/vS NETWORK ~ PROGRAM. ill .PR!!§ 5735-XXI. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication covers the internal logic of Advanced LY30-3052 Communications Function for Network Control Program/VS ACFIICAM. VERSION .L. LIC fRQ§ 5735-RC3. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (ACF/NCP/VSI. Release 2. ACFINCPIVS operates under OS/VS This publication is a reference manual for ACFITCAM system ACFITCAM, DOS/vS ACFITCAM, and OSIVS ACFITCAM. control program, base program feature number 9001, and Multisystem Netl40rking Facility feature number 6003. It is This logic manual is designed to supplement the program listings for the NCP and to facilitate access to the directed to the IBM prograM support representatives and the information in the listings. systems engineers who provide program maintenance and who The ACFINCP/VS logic manual is directed to the IBM need infor.ation on the internal organization and logic of support representatives and systems engineers who provide ACFITCAM. program maintenance and who need infor.ation on the internal This manual describes general ACFITCAM concepts that organization and logic of ACF/NCP. This manual is a licensed should be understood before approaching the specifics of the publication available only to holders of an ACFINCP/vS internal logic. The internal logic documentation covers functional flol4 of ACF/TCAH operations. program organization license. and operation of ACFITCAM, diagnostic aids, and aids in the Prerequisite Publication: ACFINCP/vS (NetNOrk Control use and servicing of ACFITCAM. Program) Program Referenee Summary, LY30-3043. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inehes, 933 pages, 6/79 Prerequisite publications for this .anual are: SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY • ACFITCAM, Version 2, General Information: Functional Description, GC30-3131, for general information • ACFITCAM, Version 2, Base Installation Guide, SC30-3132, LY30-3042 and ACFITCAM, Version 2, Networking Installation Guide, ACFITCAM. VERSION .L. ill .PR!!§ 5735-RC3. SC30-3153, to learn hoN to construct and .odify an REFERENCE SUMMARY ACFITCAM MCP This publication is a referenee manual for ~CFITCAM syst.. • ACEITCAM, Version 2, Diagnosis Guide, SC30-3155, to lear control program, base program - feature number 9001, and the haN to gather the information de!!cribed by the ACFITCAM, Multisystem Networking Facility - feature number 6003. It Version 2, Diagnosis Reference 908 ( LY30 LY30 Manual, 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches, 590 pages, 10/80 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~Y30-3053 .It..!2 NCP PACKET For information SC30-3078. Manual, 8 1/2 x SLSS: ORDER NO. LY30-3060 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION fi!! SYSTEI1 SUPPORT PROGRAMMERS. 5735-)o(A. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is directed to Program Support Representatives responsible for maintaining system support programs associated with Version 2 of ACFINCP. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 164 pages, 5/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SWITCHING INTERFACE PROGRAM LOGIC !!A!lY!l. about this program, see abstract for 11 inches, 430 pages, 9/81 SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-3061 LY30-30S4 ( fi!! NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM fi!! !!!i 3705. 5735-)Q(9 (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the internal logic of Advanced Communications Function for NetNOrk Control Program for the 3705 Logic (ACF/NCPIVS) version 2. This NCP release can operate in any 3705 DOdell however, a 3705-11 Hodel J, K, or L (storage capacity from 320K bytes to 512K bytes) will run with Release 2 or Release 3 only. Release 1 will not operate in such a controller. ACFINCPIVS operates under OSIVS/ACF VTAI1, DOS/ACF VTAM and OS ACFITCAH. This logic manual is designed to supplement the program listings easier. The logic manual is directed to the support representatives and systems engineers who provide program maintenance and who need information on the internal organization and logic of ACFINCP. Prerequisite Publications: Introduction to the 3704 and 3705 Co.munications Controllers, 6A27-3051. ACFINCPIVS (Network Control Program) Program Reference SumIIIary, LY30-3058. 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers Principles of Operation, GC30-3004. 3705 and 3705 Communications Controllers Assembler Language, Ge30-3003. Synchronous Data Link Control, General Information, 6A27-3093. Systems Network Architecture, General Information, 6A27-3102. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 680 pages, 4/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY g[ PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE. 11& PROG 5668-981. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE This manual is designed to help customer diagnosticians and IBM Program Support Representatives (PSRs) to analyze and solve problems in the X.25 NCP Packet Switching Interface program product. This manual also contains information on the internal logic of the program product. Manual, 250 pages, 6/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ LY30-3057 ACFINCPIVS NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAI1. J.n; .PRmi 5735-)0(1. LOGIC This publication covers the internal logic of the Advanced Communications Function for Network Control ProgramIVS (ACFINCPIVS), Release 3. ACFINCPIVS operates under OSIVS ACFIVTAM, DOS/VS, ACFIVTAM, and OSIVS ACF/TCAM. This logic manual is designed to supplement the program listings for the NCP and to facilitate access to the information in the listings. The ACFINCPIVS logic manual is directed to the IBI1 support representatives and systems engineers Mho provide program maintenance and who need information on the internal organization and logic of ACFINCP. Thi" manual is a licensed publication available only to holders of an ACF/NCPIVS license. Prerequisite publication: ACFINCPIVS (NetNOrk Control Program) Program Reference Summary, LY30-30S8. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 1116 pages, 10/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-3062 ACFtNCPIVS fi!! !!!i ll!!2 VERSION 1L 5735-)0(9. REFERENCE SutlMARY Atm DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) Thi" program reference summary provides the system programmer and program support representative LY30-3058 ACFINCPIVS NETWORK 9lt:!!RQ.!. PROGRAM, J.n; .PRmi 5735-)0(1. reference information about the Advanced Communications RELEASE .l.t. REFERENCE SlJtlMARY Function for Network Control Program for the 3705 This manual provides the system programmer and IBM program Reference Summary and Data Areas Version 2. It is designed support representative with reference information about the to provide quick access to often-used diagnostic and debug information. For a IIOre comprehensive knowledge of a Advanced Communications Function for Network Control subject, refer to the publications listed under "Related Program/VS (ACF/NCP/VS), Release 3.0 and the Partitioned Publications ... Emulation Progra_ing (PEP) Extension. The Advanced Manual, 3 3/4 X 6 3/4, 695 pages. 4/82 Commtmications Function for the Network Control ProgramlVS controls the transmission of data between the host processor SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY and the link-attached stations in the network connected to the IBM 3705 Communications Controller. Manual, 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches, 590 pages, 10/80 LY30-3067 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ll!!2 EMULATION ~ 6ENERATION &:Ill LOGIC MANUAL fi!! .PR2§!!M:! ~ FOR HARDWARE Bf9 V668805. illRA J.Itig CONTROL 5799-ATD LY30-3059 This document contains information reflecting changes to the ACFINCPIVS m:uH SUPPORT PROGRAM, J.n; .PRmi 5735-)0(1. -)0(3. Emulation Program required for support of LICRA Line DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE Control, PRPQ P85027. The document is intended for analysts The purpose of this publication is to assist the IBM program and programmers responsible for the generation and support representative in problBII resolution for the IBI1 lIIiIintenanee of the Emulation Progral" and for IBI1 syst.. 3705 Loader and Dump utilities. engineers and field engineers. It is assumed that the Each program is cIoculIIented with flow of control reader has a conceptual knowledge of the LICRA Line Control diagrams. module synopsis. and with error message to error supported by the RPQ for the IBI1 2701 Trans.ission Control detecting module linkages. Unit. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 136 pages. 10/80 Corequisite Publications: SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY IBI1 3704 and 3705 Ca.munications Controllers Emulation Program Generation and Utilities Guide and Reference Manual. Ge30-3002. 909 I /~ \ V LY30 LY30 IBH 3704 and 3705 ComMunications Controllers EMUlation Progra., Progra. Logic Manual, SY30-3001 (for type I channel adapters), or SY30-3031 (for type 4 cmnnel adapters). Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 58 pages, 2/80 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-3192 ROUTING FACILITY DIA6NOSIS This publication describes procedures to follow when a probl.. occurs wHh the Network Routing FacilHy. It also contains other diagnostic infor..tion in the appendix. The tab for. number is LX27-3605. Manual, 3/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY30-3070 mJ ~ MW REFERENCE (CURREN! RELEASE) For a description of this publication, contact Merle Veasey, Dept. 43/E05, Research Traingle Park, N.C., TIL 441-6625 or (919) 543-6625. I1anual, 816 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY30-3194 TERMINAL ~ RELEASES 1 ~ ! DIAGNOSIS This publication describes how to isolate and diagnose failures that occur in the Network Terminal Option (NTO). Publications Price List, ZZ20-0100. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 200 pages, 07/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ !.Y30-3071 .BIB m 3725. 5735-)0(9. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This .anual describes the internal logic of the Advanced eo..unications Function for Network Control Progra. (ACFINCP)' Version 2. for the lett 3725 COIIIIIIt.rIication Controller. The . .nual supplements the progra. listings of the ACFINCP. This ..nual is directed to the progra. support representatives IoIho provide progra••aintenance and to users IoIho custoeize the NCP and IoIho need infor.ation on the internal organization and logic of ACFINCP. It is a licensed IlNlnual available only to holders of an ACFINCP license. Prerequisite publications include: Systems Network Architecture: Technical OVervieN, GC30-30731 3725 eo.munication Controller: Principles of Operation, GA33-0013. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 702 pages, 8/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. St.eSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LnO-3073 x.!i!fg! ~ SWITCHING INTERFACE filii m mJ DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE This ..nual is designed to help custOlller diagnosticians and IBH progra. support representatives to analyze and solve probl_ in the X.25 NCP Packet Switching Interface progra. product running on an IBH 3725 Communication Controller. This ..nual also contains infor.. tion on the internal logic of the prograM product. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 300 pages, 11/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. St.eSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-3074 REPORT MANAGEMENT M!!l DISTRIBUTION nmJ!z. 5665-310. PROGRAM ~ No abstract available. I1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 1028 pages, 7/81+ SLSS: ORDER NO. St.eSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-3195 EMULATION ~.EQR m 3725. 5735-XXB. VERSION 1 ~ L. .I.!llilli (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the internal logic of the Emulation PrograM for the 3725 (EP/3725). EP/3725 supports the 3725 eom.unication Controller. This publication is directed to the progra. support representatives and system engineers who provide prograM .aintenance and Mho need infor.ation on the internal organization and logic of the EP/3725. Manual, 8 112 x II inches, 600 pages, 9/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-5554 ADVANCED COI1MIJNICATIQNS FUNCTION fQR NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM filii ~ 5667-124. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) For a description of this publication. contact Herle Veasey, Dept. 43/E05. Research Triangle Park. N.C;. TIL 441-6625 or (919) 543-6625. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 860 pages. 12183 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m LY30-5555 ACFINCP .EQR m ~ REFERENCE ~ ~ 12m AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) This reference summary and data areas handbook provides the system programmer and suPport representative with reference infor.. tion about the Advanced COllllllUrlications Function for Network Control progra. for the 3705. This handbook per. its quick access to often-used diagnostic and debug information. For a .are comprehensive knowledge of a subject. refer to the following publications: GC27-0657. SC27-0658. SC30-3224, SC30-3199. SC30-3169. SC30-3225. LY30-5554. LY30-3060. LY30-5556 Manual. 3 3/4 x 6 314 inches, 805 pages. 12183 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-3190 EMULATION I!HQ!iIWI filii m 1Zlli 5735-lQ(B • .!J!§ll; (CURREN! RELEASE) This publication describes the internal logic of Version 3.1 LY30-5556 of the 3705 Emulation PrograM (EP). Version 3.1 of the EP ADVANCED COtII1UNICATIONS FUNCTION fQR NETWORK CONTROL is a licensed prograM product that allONS a channel-attached PROGRAM. 5667-124. VERSION 1 CUSTOMIZATION fQR !HE ~ 3705-11 or 3705-80 with a type 4 channel adapter(s) to (CURRENT RELEASE) operate as a 2701 Data Adapter Unit, a 2702 or 2703 This manual provides information for users who want to Trans.ission Control or any cOllbination of the three. .odify the IBM-provided Advanced Communications Function This .anual i. directed to the progra. support for NetNOrk Control Program (ACFINCP). Version 3. for the 3705 Communications Controller. This manual is intended representatives and syste. engineers IoIho provide progra. for progra_ers who are fa.iliar Nith the internal logic of .. intenanee and Mho need information on the internal organization and logic of Version 3.1 of the 3705 EP. the NCP. Manual, 8 112 x 11 inches, 536 pages, 6/84 The .anual enables the progralll1ller to custOtDize the NCP by adding line control for stations that are not suPported by SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY the NCP. and by adding programmed Syst.. Network Archi tecture (SHA) resOUrCes. 910 c) LY30 LY30 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 550 pages. 12/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-5557 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION B!H NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM FOR THE 3725. 5667-124. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual describes the internal logic of the Advanced Communications Function for Network Control Program (ACF/NCP), Version 3. for the 3725 Communication controller. It supplements the program listings of the ACF/NCP. It is directed to the program support representatives who provide program maintenance and to users who customize the NCP and need information on the internal organization and logic of ACF/NCP. It is a licensed manual available only to holders of an ACF/NCP license. Prerequisite publications include: Ge30-3072. Ge30-3073. and GC27-0657. A corequisite publication is LY30-5558-00. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 712 pages. 4/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( :.Y30-5558 ACF B!H ~ ~ 1 EMULATION ~ FOR m E § REFERENCE SUl1I1ARY M!!! DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) This program reference summary provides the system programmer and program support representative with reference information about the Advanced Ccmmunications Function for Network Control Program (Version 3). Emulation Program for the 3725 and Partitioned Emulation Programming (PEP) Extension. I t provides quick access to often-used diagnostic and debug information. For a more comprehensive description of a subject, refer to the publications listed under "Prerequisite Publications". Prerequisite publications: LY30-5557. LY30-3055, LY30-5559, and GA33-0013. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 800 pages. 4/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-5559 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION fQR ~ CONTROL PROGRAM. 5667-124. VERSION 1 B!H !tlS 3725 (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual provides information for users Mho want to modify the Advanced Communications Function for Network Control Program (ACF/NCP). Version 3. for the 3725 Communication Controller. This manual is intended for programmers Mho are familiar with the internal logic of the NCP. Prerequisite publications for this manual are: Introduction to the 3725 Communication Controller. GA33-0010; Advanced COMmUnications Function for Network Control Program for the 3725: Reference Summary and Data Areas, LY30-5558-0. A corequisite publication is the Advanced Communications Function for Network Control Program, Version 3 Diagnosis Reference for the 3725, LY30-5557-0. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 550 pages. 4/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-5561 ACF FOR ~.Y1 This publication contains the data areas and linkage charts for TCAM Version 3. The audience of this publication is system programmers familiar with TCAM Version 3. Manual. 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches, 700 pages. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION DilLY LY30-5562 NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY (NCCF). 5668-947, 5665-316, 5666-285. DIAGNOSIS This publication helps the user isolate and describe problems in the Network Communications Control Facility (NCCF) Version 2 Release 2 program product. It tells hoM to classify problems into specific categories, and it describes the information needed when reporting a problem to a support center. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 400 pages. 12/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-5564 ACF/SSP ~ 1 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is directed to Program Support Representatives responsible for maintaining the Advanced COllllllU"lications Function for System Support Programs (ACF/SSP). Mhich is used with the ACF Network Control Program (ACF/NCP). The ACF/SSP includes an independent 3720 loader. dump utilities, a trace analysis program, a configuration report program, generation facilities. and assenblers. The generation facilities provided with ACF/SSP include the NCP/EP Definition Facility (NDF) and three assemblers. The assembler used will depend upon the operating system. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 275 pages. 08/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-5566 NCCF DIAGNOSTICS (CURRENT RelEASE) For information about this publication, contact Controlling Party. Refer to Controlling Party listing in Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Manual. 268 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-5567 ACF/VTAM VERSION L. 5666-280. DIAGNOSIS LIBRARY B!H ~ SliITCHED NETWORK ~ This publication applies to ACF/VTAM Version 2 Release 1 for VSE. It contains information that is new for ACF/VTAM Version 2 Release 1 Support of the X.21 switched interface for the 4300 communication adapter. Supplements for this publication are SC27-0630. LY38-3058 and LY38-3059. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 60 pages, 7/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-5568 ACF/VTAM VERSION L. 5666-280. LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT fQR 2S..!i PACKET-SWITCHED DATA NETWORK SUPPORT This publication contains diagnosis information to supplement 'the ACF/VTAM Version 2 Release 1 libraries. The information pertains to X.25 for the VSE operating system. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 52 pages. 8/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-5560 TCAM DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (MVS) This publication covers the internal logic of TCAM. It is directed to program support representatives and system engineers Mho provide program maintenance and need information on TCAM's internal logic and organization. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 500 pages, 07/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 911 LY30 SY32 LY30-5569 ACFINCP VERSION ! (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides the systems programmer and program support representative ... ith reference inforMation about the Advanced Communications Function for Network Control Program Version 4. Advanced COllUlUnications Function for Network Control Program V4 subset. The reference material contains information on the internal organization of HCP. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 660 pages. 05/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Manual. 375 pages. 3185 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-5584 ~ l!.!I6 ~ 1!1l!lil LY30-5591 t!Q! !t:!I! m DIAGNOSIS SUIDE This .publication contains procedures for the customers that ... ill guide them through the problem determination and problem definition processes. These procedures include hoM to determine if the customer's problem is ... ith ACFINCP. hoM to use relevant information to describe the problem. hoM to gather appropriate documentation about the problem. and hoM to report the problem to the Support Center. The procedur... described in this publication are those litich are supported by ACFINCP Version 3 and 4. and HCP/SSP Version 3. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 436 pagas. 1186 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-5571 NETWORK .G.QIfTRQl. PROGRAM CUSTOMIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication explains ho... to customize an NCP and hoM to use the NDF Standard attachment facility Mhen generating an HCP. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 600 pages. 08/86 SLSS: 'ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-5597 NETWORK BQ!lill!!i FACILITY DIAGNOSIS 5668-963 This publication describes procedures to follON Mhan a problem occurs with the Network Routing Facility. It also contains other diagnostic information in the appendix.... It is intended for systems operators and progra_rs. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 500 pages. 03/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY :.Y30-5579 ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION .EQB VTAM VERSION 1l!.!I6 AREAS mu This publication documents the data areas (control blocks) in VTAM V3 for VSE by giving a diagram and other information on each control block. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 985 pages. 12/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY32-5042 3851 ~ mag STORAGE FACILITY !!:W!!I Df OPERATIONS: CARTRIDGE This publication is ...ritten for the customer engineer lito maintains a 3851 Mass Storage Facility. A significant portion of the information in this publication ...as originally included in the Maintenance documentation for the IBM Mass Storage Facility. It describes the coaponents of the cartridge store. their interrelationships. and hoM they locate a specific cartridge and MOve it to the required location. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 125 pages. 3179 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~Y30-5580 ACFIVTAM ~ 1 DATA AREAS (YM) (CURRENT RElEASE! This publication contains diagrams and information about data areas used by ACFIVTAM running under the YMlSP operating system. This includes VTAM and VSCS control blocks. requestlresponse units. parameter lists. tables and Mark areas. Manual. 975 pages. 5/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-5581 ~ ACFIVTAM ~ This publication contains data maps of all data areas used by VTAM in MVS. For each data area. there is a description. a diagram. a cross-reference list of all fields in the data area. and a listing of all constants 'if any). Manual. 1000 pages. 4/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY30-5582 ACF/VIAM VERSION 1 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CYRREIf[ RELEASE) This publication provides reference information for use with the VTAM Diagnosis Guide. It contains ligh-level descriptions of the function and processing of VTAM components. VSCS. and TSOIVTAM. ~ customer personnel diagnosing problems. Manual. 06/86 LY30-5570 ACF INCP VERSION ! REFERENCE SUI1I1ARY &II l!.!I6 AREAS (Cl!REIf[ RElEASE) This publication provides the system progra...r and program support representative ... ith referenee information about the Advanced Communications Function for Network Control Program. Version 4. Release 2. Advanced Communications Function for NetMark Control Program. and the Ewlation Program for Communication Controllers. It provides quick access to often-used diagnostic and debug inforllation. Manual. 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches. 976 pages. 12/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY l!.!I6 f!lB This publi~tion describes all the data areas used by VTAtI. It is intended for progra_ing service representatives and SY32-5043 MASS m!!!m FACILITY !!:W!!I Df OPERATIONS: ~!!l!!!.Y! CONTROL This publication provides a description of the hara.ara operation of the lIasS storage control portion of the 3851 Mass Storage Facility. It is intended for tha IBM Cust_r Engineer Mho Maintains the 3851 Mass Storage Facility. Additional users of this publication are the IBM program support representatives and personnel in the 3850 Mass Storage System support center. Manual. 8 112 x 11 i ilches SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY32-5044 Df OPERAIIONS: DATA RECORDING ~ !t:!I! DATA RECORDING ~ This publication is intended to give its reader. thorough understanding of the data recording control and data recording device portions of the 3851 Mass Storage Facility. It includes both introductory inforlllation and detailed l§ll MASS STORAGE FACILITY THEORY 912 ( SY32 LY33 dascripti_ of these devices. Thi ••anual i. !lritten for the c ... tOlll.r engineer Mho .aintains a 3851 Ha.s Storage Facility. Additional ...ers of this P'blication ar. the program support representative and per.onnel in the 3850 H.s. Storage Syst... support cent.r. It i. expected that all ....r. of this .anual h.v. a general U1der.t.nding of the concept. and operations of the 3850 Ha •• Storage Syst ....nd Syst.Ml370. Hanuel. 8 1/2 x 11 inch... 240 pages. 3/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY32-504S .mmm fgILIU; REFERENCE Thi. P'blic.tion i. intended to giv. it. r ••d.r. concis. Infor.. tion .bout the topic••entimwd belON •• _ of which .r. not .v.il.bl••1••Nher.. It .hould be tr•• ted ••• co.p.nion ••rAlaI to the •• intenance document.tlon for the H••• Stor.g. SysteM. Although this public.tion i. m.inly conc.rned Nith the 3851 Ha.. Stor.ge F.cility. lie hay. incorpor.ted infor•• tion about the St.ging Adapter Nher.ver cirCUlllllt.nca ..d••uch Inclusi_ nec....ry. Th. prh•• ry .udi.nc. i. the IBH custom.r .ngineer Mho .. int.ins the 3851 Ha •• Stor.ge F.cility. Additional us.r. .r. the progr••• upport represent.tiv••nd persotYltll in the 3850 H••• Stor.ge Syst. . .upport cent.r. It i ••xpected that the us.r. of this public.tion h.v•• gen.r.l underst.nding of the concept ••nd oper.tion of both the 3850 Mas. Storage SysteM .nd the SysteM/370. Manuel. 8 1/2 x II inch••• 200 pages. 3179 SLU: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY B1l 6AU ( progra..ers concerned !lith maintenance of the transient libr.ry. It summarizes. under functional he.dings. the intern.l logic of the library subroutines .nd gives brief det.ils of the relationships between them. Hanual. 328 pages SLSS: lett INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-6010 I!.mI fJ.Ll COHPILER. 5736-PL1 • .:fL.'h J.QilSC (CURRENT RELEASE) Th. internal design of the DOS PVl Optimizing Compil.r i. described in this .anu.l. !lhich i. !lri tten for us. by progr....r. r ..ponsibl. for .. inten.nce of the compiler. The manual i. intended primarily .s • guide to an.ly.i. of the progr•• li.tings by people Nho .r. gener.lly f.mili.r with the COMpiler. HONever. over.ll .nd component description•• re provided for us. by re.d.r. Mho hay. no prior knowledge of the compiler design. H.rAI.I. 736 p.g.. SLSS: lett INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-601l LY33-6007 mI fLa 0PIIHIZINi COMPILER ~ (CURREN! RELEASE) The internal design of the OS PVI Optillizing Compiler i. described in this manual. which is Nritten for use by prograllllers reSponsible for uintenanc. of the compiler. The lIanual is intended prillarily as a guide to .nalysis of the program listings by people who are generally familiar !lith the compil.r. However. overall and component descriptions are provided for us. by readers Mho have no prior knONledge of the compiler design. Prograll Logic Hanual. 752 pages SLSS: lett INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-6012 !!m! PVI TRANSIENT LIBRARY • .!.!!< fB.Qli 5736-PL3. -LH5 • .I.QlW; (CURRENT RELEASE) The DOS PVl Transient Library consists of standard subroutines that .re loaded during execution of programs compiled by the DOS PVI Opti.izing Compiler. These subroutines are used in error handling. program management. and input/output. and to provide storage dumps. This publication is intended primarily for use by programmers concerned with the taaintenance of the transient library. It summarizes. under functional headings. the internal logic of the library subroutines. and gives brief details of the relationships betNeen thl!lll. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 152 pages SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lY33-6008 mi fl.lL. 5734-l!llh RESIDENT LIBRARY ~ (CURREN! RELEASE) The OS PVI Resident Library consists of standard swroutines that are link-edited !lith object program generated by the OS Optimizing Compiler. The library is used in prograll.management. input/output. conversion. and interlanguage cotmll\a"lication. and also includes many cOllpUtational subroutines. This publication is intended pri ... rily for use by programmers concerned !lith the maintenance of the resident library. It summarizes. U'lder functional headings. the internal logic of the library subroutines. and gives bri.f details of the relationships betNeen them. Hanual. 388 pages SLU: 1M INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-6014 mi fJ.a CHECKOUT COMPILER. YOLUME g OF L. LIC PROG 5734-PL2. ~ 8002. LOGIC This volume summarizes. under functional headings. the inter-nal logic of the library subroutines. and gives brief details of the relationships between them. The library is used in program management. input/output. conversion. and interlanguage communications. and also includes .any computational subroutines. Hanual. 380 pages SLSS: lett INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-6009 mi all TRANSIEN! LIBRARY. .!.!!< fB.!l§ 5734- L!15. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) The OS PVI Transient Library consists of st.ndard subroutines that are loaded during execution of programs compiled by the OS PVI Optimizing Compiler or the OS PVI Checkout Compil:er. These subroutines are ...ed in error handling. program m.nagement. and inputloutput to provide stor.ge duaps. This P'blic.tion is intended priurily for use by LY33-6028 CICSIVS. .!.!!< fB.!l§ 5746-XX3. LOGIC The IBM Customer Information Control SysteMIVirtual Storage (CICSIVS) is a data base/data communication system that provides an interface between a Systeml370 operating system and user-!lritten application programs. Applicable in most online environments. CICSIVS provides many of the facilities for standard applic.tions: mess.ge switching. inquiry. data collection. order entry. and conversational and batched data 913 ( .IJZ!il.C DQl! all RESIDENT J.miW This publication summarizes the inter-nal logic of the IIOdules contained in the DOS PVI Resident Librar-y .nd .upplements the progr-am listings by providing descr-iptive text and flowcharts. but program struqture .t the aachine instruction l.vel is not discussed. Prerequisite Publication: DOS PL/I Optimizing Compiler: Execution Logic. SC33-0019. Hal"Alal. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 360 pages. 2/73 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY fRll§BA!:I LY33 LY33 entr-y. CICSIVS is aYa ilable as two pr-ograll pr-oducts: CICS/DOSIVS. which executes under- control of the Disk oper-ating System/Virtual Storage (DOSIVS)' and CICS/OSIVS. which executes under- Oper-ating SystemIVir-tual Stor-age OSIVSl or- OSIVS2). Both pr-ogr-am pr-oducts consist of modularcomponents from which a user installation can select and tailor a CICSIVS system to meet particular application processing needs. Because the CICS DOSIVS systell is compatible with the CICS OSIVS system. it is possible to star-t with a sllall DOSIVS data baseldata communication configuration and 1I0ve up thr-ough DOSIVS into OS/VS. The infor-mation contained in this manual is of interest to persons servicing CICS DOSIVS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1330 pages. 7/78 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-6029 CICSIVS. J.l!;; fBQ§ 5740-XXI • .I.!!§ll; The IBM Customer- Infor-mation Contr-ol SystemIVir-tual Stor-age ICICSIVS) is a data-baseldata-communication system that pr-ovides an inter-face between a Systeml370 oper-ating system and user-wr-itten application pr-ograms. Applicable in most online envir-onments. CICSIVS pr-oyides many of the facilities for standard applications: message switching. inquiry. data collection, order entr-y. and conyer-sational and blOtched data entr-y. CICSIVS is available as two pr-ogr-all products: CICS/DOS/VS. which executes under control of the Disk Operating SystemlVir-tual Stor-age IOS/VSl or- OSIVS2). Both prograll pr-oducts consist of lIodular- components fr-oll which a user- installation can select and tailor- a CICSIVS system to meet particular- application pr-ocessing needs. This publication deals with CICS/OS/VS, and all references to CICSIVS in this publication refer- to CICS/OSIVS. The information contained in this manual is of interest to persons servicing CICS/OSIVS. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 9/78 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-6030 CICSIVS. ill PROS 5740-XXI. 1>746-XX3. fR.!m.bS!:! DETERMINATION The pur-pose of this manual is to help IBM Field Engineer-s and customer-·s systell programmers in the debugging of pr-oblems which might be r-elated to CICSIVS. to the way in which CICS/VS is used. or- to the coding of application programs that run under CICSIVS. Part 1 IAppr-oach to Problem Deterllination) is intended for the newcomer to CICS/VS problem debugging. Part 2 deals with aids to pr-oblell determination Isuch as trace & dump). Part 3 summar-izes CICSIVS oper-ation. Part 4 describes CICSIVS i ntedaces wi th other- access methods. Appendi xes cover- APAR documentation and common user- er-r-ors. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 282 pages. 7/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lY33-6032 CICSIYS. l l i fB.Q.§ 5746-XX3 • .I.!!§ll; ICURRENT RelEASE) The IBM Customer- Information Contr-ol Systell/Vir-tual Storage ICICSIVS) is a data-base/data-communication system that provides an interface between a Systeml370 operating system and user--wr-itten application programs. Applicable in 1I0st online environments. CICSIVS provides many of the facilities for- standar-d appljcations: message switching, inquir-y, data collection, or-der- entry. and conver-sational and batched data entry. CICSIVS is available as two pr-ogram pr-oducts: CICS/DOSIVS, which is executed under- control of the Disk oper-ating SystemIVir-tual Stor-age IDOSIVS). and CICS/OSIVS. which is executed under Operating SystemlVir-tual Storage IOSIVSl or OSIVS2). Both progr-all products consist of IIOdular components fl"OM which a user- installation can select and tailor- a CICSIVS systell to meet par-ticular- application processing needs. Because the CICS/DOSIVS system is compatible with the CICS/OSIVS systell. it is possible to star-t with a small DOSIVS data baseldata communication configuration and move up thr-ough DOSIVS into OSIVS. This publication, together with its companion publication CICS/DOSIVS Pr-ograll Logic: Data Areas. deals with CICS/DOSIVS. The information contained in this aanual is of interest to persons ser-yicing CICS/DOSIVS. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 912 pages, 6/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-6033 CICSIVS. 5746-XX3. !l.!!l!IXi .I!AI6 A!W LISTINGS I CURREN! RelEASE) The IBM Customer- Information Contr-ol SystemlVirtual Storage (CICSIVS) is a data-base/data-communication system that pr-oyides an inter-face between an IBM oper-ating systell and user--wr-it.ten application programs. Applicable in most online environments, CICSIVS pr-ovides many of the facilities for- standard applications: message switching. inquir-y. data collection. order- entr-y. and cot'lVer-sational and batched data entr-y. CICSIVS is available as two pr-ogr-aM products: CICS/DOSIVS, which is executed under- contr-ol of Vir-tual Stor-age ExtendedlAdvanced Functions. and CICS/OSIVS. which is executed under Operating Systenl/Virtual Storage IOSIVSl or- OSIVS2). Both prograll pr-oducts consists of modular components from which a user installation can select and tailor- a CICSIVS systeM to meet par-ticular application pr-ocessing needs. This publication deals only with CICS/DOS/VS. and is of interest to persons servicing CICS/DOSIVS. Additional servicing information is contained in the publication CICSIVS Diagnosis Reference. Manual. 5/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY / LY33-6034 CICSIVS. ill fB.Q.§ 5740-XXI • .Y!§I!;; The IBM Customer Information Contr-ol SystemlVir-tual Storage (CICSIVS) is a data baseldata communication syste. that provides an interface between a Systeml370 operating system and user--written application programs. Applicable in most online environments. CICS/VS provides many of the facilities for standard applications: message switching. inquiry, data collection. order- entry. and conversational and batched data entry. CICSIVS is available as two program products: CICS/DOSIVS. which executes under control of the Disk operating SystemlVirtual Stor-age (oOSIVS). and CICS/OSIVS. which executes under Operating SystemlVirtual Stor-age OSlVSl or- OSIVS2). Both program products consist of modularcomponents fr-om which a user installation can select and tailor a CICSIVS systell to meet particular application processing needs. This publication. together with its companion publication CICS/OSIVS Pr-ogram Logic: Data Areas. deals with CICS/OSIVS. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 978 pages. 9/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-6035 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CrnITROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE. 5740-XXl. (CICS/OS/VS) VERSION ! RELEASE Z DATA AREAS LOGIC (CURREIU RelEASE) This publication defines the layout and contents of the contr-ol tables and principal data areas used by CICS/OSIVS. It is useful when interpreting dumps. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 552 pages. 11/85 914 ( \.-./ ( LY33 SY33 and for use with program listing. It i. intended for programmers involved i.n program maintenance and systl!ll programmers Mho are altering the prograll design. (DOS to OS Emulator-Logic. GY20-3741 is now obsolete) USe SY33-7015 for DOS Emulation under OS/VS. Hanual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-7008 1401/144011460 !!Ql! EMULATOR .Qtf SYSTEM/370: ~ fBQ!ir. tmlL. 370N-EU-490 ~ 5745-SC-EHL (POStYS! This publication describes the organization and logic of the program that emulates the 1401. 1440. and 1460 on the Systeml370 Hodels 135. 145. 155. Manual. 342 pages SLSS: OROER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-7009 1410/7010 !!Ql! EMULATOR .Qtf SYSTEM/370 ~ ~ ~ 370N-EU-490 ~ 5745-SC-EML (DOSIVSI This publication describes the internal logic of the 1410/7010 Emulator Program for the Systeml370 Hodels 145 and 155. using the System/360 Disk Operating System. The emulator program is a problem program executed under control of the System/360 Disk Operating System. The emulator program and the appropriate compatibility feature (.4458 for Hodel 145 ••3950 for Model 155) execute 1410/7010 programs on these System/370 .adels. Hajor topics in this publication are the logic of the emulator program. the functions of the compatibility features. and the logic of the tape forlllltting programs used with the emulator. The publication is written to net the needs of the IBM customer engineer who MUSt .aintain the progrem. Manual. 292 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-7021 INTERCONNECTION DIAGNOSIS §Ylgg ~ REFERENCE This publication provides the customer with inforlllation useful in performing problem determination procedures. It aids in the process of gathering sufficient data to determine whether or not the Non-SNA Interconnection prograll product i. the failing component in the network. It also provides the Program Support Representative with control block diagrams. data area relationships. and diagrams .howing the program'. control flow. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 335 pages. 10/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY33-8038 SY33-7011 1401/1440/1460 g§ EMULATOR .Qtf SYSTEMl370 ~ ~ ~ 5744-AHI ~ 360C-EU-735 LY33-8039 This manual describes the internal logic of the 1811 DOS SORT/MERGE! lli .fBQ!! 5743-SM1. LOGIC 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Program for the IBM System/370 This manual is a guide to the internal organization and Hodels 135/145/155/155-11/158. The emulator programs runs logic of program no. 5743-SMI. intended for customer as a problem program under the OS/MFT. OS/HVT. OS/vSl. and engineers. Describes program capabilities and syst.. OS/VS2 control programs. and executes object progralll5 environment. techniques used by the progra•• and specific program COIIIpollehts (us i ng floNChart.). Also includes such written for the IBM 1401. 1440. and 1460 Data Processing Compatibility Feature 144571 the Model 145 with IBH aids as: compatibility Feature .4457 or .44581 the Model 155 with o Microfiche directory IBM Compatibility Feature 13950). Note that OS/HVT and o Table Layout. Register contents at entry to .adules o OS/vS2 do not run on the Hodel 135. In addition. this manual describes the 1401/1440/1460 simulator. Nhich enables o Error-message module cross-reference tables programs to be executed on System/370 Models 135 through 168 o Control statement formats under the control of OS/vSl and OS/vS2. without the need for o Summary of program exits the compatibility feature (the functions of the The user should be familiar with the Disk Operating Syst.. compatibility feature are performed by simulator routines). service programs. assembler language. macro instructions. Described in this manual are the logic of the emulator and sort/merge program specifications. Manual. 316 pages program (including the simulator routines); the interrelationships of the emulator program. the compatibility SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY feature. and the operating system; and the logic of the tape and disk formatting programs used in conjunction with the emulator. SY33-8041 This manual is intended to be a reference manual for ~ ~ ASSEMBLER ~ those responsible for emulator prograll maintenance. Ass~ This program logic lIanual is written for customer engineers is familiarity with the IBH 1401/1440/1460 Data Processing and programmers maintaining the OS/VS - VlV370 assembler. Systems and with the appropriate OS control program. The lllanual describes the structure. logic. and operation of the assembler. Method of operation diagrams highlight Manual. 260 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY the inputs. processing. and outputs of the assembler fU'lCtions. The diagrams are accompanied by text describing the fU'lCtions in lIO,.e detail and cross-references to the GY33-7018 program elements that perform the functions. Detailed charts show how the assembler phases use lIain storage and !!Ql! .!Q .Qli EMULATOR. ill PROS 360C-EU-738. ~ This pUblication describes the internal logic of the DOS the flow of control and data between the assembler phases. Emulator Program under OS/MFT and OS/HVT. The emulator is a The lIanual also contains layouts of data areas. information combination of a software program and the DOS Compatibility designed to be helpful in debugging and information about Feature. The relationship of the program logic to that of error lIessage origin. NCro and copy code usage. meta text the Compatibility Feature is described. flags. internal operation codes. entry points and EXTRN This publication has been written to serve as a guide to symbols. record formats. and the internal character .et. = ( SQRT/MERGE • .I.!!< EBmi 5746-SMl. J.Q!Wi Thi. manual aids Programming Systems representatives and .ystem programmers involved in maintenance circumvent and/or fix faults in the DDS/vS Sort/Merge (5746-SMl). It describes the structure. logic and operation of the sort/merge by means of method-of-operation diagrams. module descriptions. data area descriptions. and various crossreference tables. Manual. 135 pages SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 915 SY33 SY33 SY33-8548 LY33-8042 ZCiJ SQRT/HERIiE. .Ll!i .eBmi !ina-SIn. .Lmi1C D..cribes the funotions of the OSIVS SortlMerge Progr•• Product. including nthod of operation. progne organiz.tlon directori .. of program COllJ)ClMnt•• deta .rea••• nd techniqu.. used by the progra.. Diagnostic aids inclucltl tabl. . .hoNlng the origin of program _.ages •• description of tM progr•• '. debugging .ids .nd fornUed c:kMps ••nd .ome .imple byp...... Manual. 226 p.ges SLSS: I~ INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY m mn ~ PROCESSOR J.mWi :t!UJ.Il:!g 111 This publication describes the internal logic of the TSO EDIT Comlllnd Proceslor prograM. Included in this Manual are di.cus.ions of the organization and "thad of oper.tion of the prograM. tables of data layouts. The EDIT prograM processes the EDIT command and lubcollllllands. which .re • part of the TSO command language. The EDIT coM.and .nd i tI .ubco_nds cre.te and l!Odi fy chit. I.tl. The .ubc_nds .re: ALLOCATE END INSERT RENUM SUBMIT BOTTOM fIND InsertlRapl.celD.lete RUN TABSET CHANGE FORMAT LIST SAVE TOP DELETE HELP MERGE SCAN UP DOWN INPUT PROfILE SEND VERIFY Thil ..nual I. intended for use by parlons debugging the EDIT eom.lnd Proces.or prograe. or by .ystems progrlmmer. who .re .ltering the program design. It i. not intended. nor il it naeded for norMal oper.tion of the prograe. Manual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY mI.Cm. OSIVS - DOSIVS - vtV370 AII._ler lAnguage. Order No. GC33-4010 I~ Syst..,370 Principl.. of Oper.tion. Order No. 6A22-7000 I~ Syste./360 Principl.. of Oper.tion. Order No. 6A22-6821 OSIVS - VMl370 AII • .mbl.r Progr....r'. 6uide. Order No. 6C33-4021 Manual. 276 pages SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-8551 ~ SUPERVISOR J..!!§!!; Thil referenee publication describes the internal logic of the IBM Dilk Operating SystemlVirtual Storage Extended (DOSIVSE) Supervisor and the Attention Transients. It i. for parsons involved in prograM Mint_nee .nd for sy.tee progr.mmers .ltering the program design. Program logic inforMation is not needed for noreal operation of these programs. Thi. publication is • supplement to the program listing. Hanual. 608 pages. 2/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lY33-8044 yrysVSTEM fB.!!II!&I SQRT/MERIiE mIlIII 1& .Ll!i fIm!i 5N-9M2 • .I.!lilC (CURRENT RELEASE) for .ervice par.onnal .nd developunt progr._rs Mho need to knoM .bout the _ign .nd org41niZltion of the DOSIYS Sort/Marga Version 2 PrograM Product (5746-SM211 _cribes its internal logic. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 6Y33-8533 INTRODUCTION III .lJl!Wi mm mml!!I h US; fBQ!ii 370N-CL-453. This reference publication gives an overall vi ... of the Disk Operating Systu (DOS). and it briefly describes the associated control and service prograllS. It is intended for persons Mho are involved in program ... int_nee .nd for systetl progr._rs Mho .re .ltering the prograM design. Program logic infor..tion is not needed for norol use or operation of the syst. . control progra •• Thi. lI.nual i. designed to introduce and to crossreference the six companion Puts of the Disk Operating Syst... These associ.ted PLHs are li.ted in the Preface of this .anual. for titles .nd abstr.cts of other .ssociated pUblications . . . . the I~ Syst..t360 and Systellll370 Bibliography. 6A22-6822. Manual. 52 pages SLSS: OROER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-8552 DOSIVSE ERROR RECOVERY At!!l RECORDIN6 TRANSIENTS ~ This reference publication provides general inforllation and detail flowcharts of the Recovery and Recording Transient Progr... of the IBM Disk operation SysteM/Virtual Storage Extended. The transient programs discus!;ed handle the recovery from and recording of device errors. machine checks and channel checks. This publication. oohich is a supplement to the program listing. is intended for persons involved in prograe .. int_nee and for syst. . programmers Mho .re altering the prograM design. PrograM logic information is not needed for normal operat; on of these programs. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inehes. 364 pages. 2179 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-8553 6Y33-8S47 .I!Q!i ~ !! ~ UTILITIES f.B.!!§UH ~ 370N-UT-!!91 This publication describes the internal logic of the IBM DOS Syst. . Version 4 .Utility progra... It i. intended for use by parsons involved in program Hint_nee .nd by systell! progr....r. who are .ltering the progr•• design. Program logic inforHtion is not nec..sary for the operation of the prograe. Manual. 170 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIP'rION ONLY = 916 LOGICAL TRANSIENTS Am DUMP PHASES LOGIC This reference publication provides general logic inforsation and detail flowcharts of the Logical Transient phases and the Dump routines of the IBM Disk Operating Systee Virtual Storage Extended (OOSIVSE). The transient phases discussed are: The Attention routines. the Terminator routines. the CRT Transients. the Checkpoint/Restart routines. and soee special service programs. This publication. which is a supplelllent to the program listing. is intended for persons involved in prograM service and for system programmers who are altering the program logic. Program logic information is not needed for norMal operation of DOSIVSE. Manual. 300 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ( SY33 SY33 lSY33-855ft Volume 2: SAM. SY33-8560 Volume 3: DAM and ISAH. SY33-8561 Volume 4: VSAM. SY33-8562 This manual is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the operation of the programs described. Effective use of this publication requires an understanding of IBM System/370 operation and the DOS/vs Assembler language and its associated macro definition language. Reference publications for this information are listed in the front of the manual. For titles and abstracts of other related publications. refer to the IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography. GA22-6822. and the IBM System/370 Advanced Function Bibliography. GC20-1763. Manual. 256 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SERVICEABILITY !Wi LOGIC This manual describes the DDS/VSE Serviceability Aids (5OAID) programs. It is intended to help support personnel do problem determination in case of program errors. It contains the logic descriptions of the programs PDZAP. Parser. LSERV and Standalone Dump. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 284 pages. 2/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SY33-8555 DOS/vSE INITIAL ~ LOAD Atm .!1m CONTROL LOGIC This reference publication describes the internal logic of the IBM Disk Operating System/virtual Storage Extended. DOS/vSE. Initial program Load (IPL) and Job Control Programs. It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not needed for normal operation of the IPL and Job Control programs. It is designed to be used as a supplement to the program listing. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of IBM System/370 and IBM 4300 Processor operations and of DOS/VSE control and service programs. macro instructions. and operating procedures. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 392 pages. 2/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-8560 DOS/vsE YQg! ~ ! ~ LOGIC This reference publication is the second of four Logic Manuals that describe the internal logic of the Logical lacs (Input/OUtput Control System) programs for the IBM Disk Operating System/Virtual Storage. The four related Logic Manuals are: Volume 1: General Information and Imperative Macros. SY33-8559 SY33-8556 Volume 2: SAM. SY33-8560 Volume 3: DAM and ISAM. SY33-8561 ~ ~ .mmR LOGIC This publication describes the internal logic of the IBM Volume 4: VSAM. SY33-8562 Disk Operating System/Virtual Storage Extended (DOSIVSE) This manual is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by system programmers who are Linkage editor program. It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by syst_ programmers altering the program design. Program logic information is who are altering the program design. Program logic not necessary for the operation of the program described. information is not needed for normal operation of the Effective use of this publication requires an linkage editor program. It is a supplement to the program understanding of IBM System/370 operation and the DOS/vS Assembler language and its associated macro definition listing. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of IBM SysteM/370 operation and of IBM DOS/vSE language. Reference publications for this information are listed in the front of the manual. control and service programs. macro instructions. and operating procedures. Manual. 436 pages procedures. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Manual. 8 1/2 x II inches. 128 pages. 2/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-8561 DOSIYSE LIOCS VOLUME 1 DAM A!::!R IS4M LOGIC This reference publication is the third of four Logic SY33-8557 Manuals that describe the internal logic of the Logical ICCS DOS/vSE LIBRARIAN ~ (Input/Output Control System) programs for the IBM Disk This reference publication describes the internal logic of Operating System/Virtual storage. The four related Logic the IBM Disk Operating System/Virtual Storage Extended (DOSIVSE) Librarian Organization. Maintenance. and Service Manuals are: Programs. Persons involved in program maintenance and Volume 1: General Information and Imperative Macros. system programmers should use this manual when altering SY33-8559 the program design. Program logic information is not needed Volume 2: SAM. SY33-8560 for normal operation of the librarian programs. but is to be Volume 3: DAM and ISAM. SY33-8561 used as a supplement to the program listing. Effective use Volume 4: VSAM. SY33-8562 of this manual requires an understanding of IBM System/370 This manual is intended for use by persons involved in operation and of IBM DOS/vSE control and service programs. program maintenance and by system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is ..cro instructions. and operating procedures. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 256 pages. 2/79 not necessary for the operation of the programs described. Effective use of this publication requires an SLSS: DRDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY understanding of IBM System/370 operation and the DOS/VS Assembler language and its associated macro definition language. Reference publications for this information are SY33-8559 listed ion the front of the manual. ~ .b1.Ql;li ~ .h ~ INFORMATION Atm IMPERATIVE Manual. 35ft pages MACROS LOGIC This reference publication is the first of four Logic SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Manuals that describe the internal logic of the Logical IOCS (InputlO.Jtput Control System) programs for the IBM Disk Operating System/Virtual Storage. The four related Logic SY33-8562 ~ LIOCS VOLUME ~ VSAM LOGIC Manuals are: descriptions of how DOS/vS open. close. and end of Volume 1: General Information and Imperative Macros. DOS/vs Vi dual Storage Access Method (VSAM). SY33-8559 917 (/ LY33 SY33 maintenance and progra...rs who are .lter-ing the pr-ogra. The intended audience is • person involved in pr-ogr-a. maintenance or- a syst... programmer- Nho is .ltering the design. pr-ogram design. Logic info ..mation is not necessa ..y for the l1anu.l oper-.tion of the p..ogr.ms descr-ibed. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This manual and the listing docUDIent.tion should be viewed .s ••• intenance set. The listings desc .. ibe the intern.l logic of the modules, and the manual shows Nhat the SY33-8572 HANDBOOK ilos/VS POWER/vS VOLUME g functions of DOS/vS VSAI1 ar-e .nd how the modules wo .. k together- to ca ....y out those functions. P..erequisite This ..nual is • supplement to the DOSIVS H.I\CI)ook. SY338571. I t contains info.... tion about POWER/VS and VTAI1. publications: l1anual, 192 pages o DOS/vS Data l1anagement Guide, GC33-5372, Nhich descr-ibes DOS/vS VSAl1 data management. 11201/5745-010 o DOS/vS Superviso.. and 1/0 l1acro Inst ..uctions, GC33-5373, Nhich tells how to code DOS/vS VSAI1 .acr-o instr-uctions SY33-8576 ~ POWER/vS, 5745-SC-PWR, LOGIC PART 1 o DOS/vS LIOCS Volume 1: General Information and Impe ..ative l1acros Logic, SY33-8559 contains br-ief This manual descr-ibes the internal design or logic of the descr-iptions of how DOS/vS open, close, and end-ofsubject progra.. These .... nuals are intended for persons involved in progr-a ••aintenance and syst8111 progr._rs who volume routines interact with DOS/vS VSAI1. l1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 720 pages are altering the progra. design. Progra. logic infor.ation is not necess.ry for the oper.tion of the program I SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTIotI otILY therefore, distribution of these publications should be limited to pe..sons with .. intenaooe and alte ... tion SY33-8564 requirements. ~ ACCESS I1ETHOO SERVICES LOGIC l1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 275 pages. 11/77 This book descr-ibes the internal logic of the routines of SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Access l1ethod Services and provides diagnostic infor.ation. This info .. mation is directed to .aintenance pe..sonnel and development programmers who r-equir-e an in-depth knowledge of LY33-9062 the progra.'s design, organization, and data areas. It is DOSIVS RPS !L. ,bI!; £RQ§ 5746-RGl, .!Jnill; (CURRENT RELEASE) not required for effective use of Access I1ethod Ser-vices. The manual descr-ibes the logic of the DOS/vS RPG II compiler, the generated object progra., the fOMiatted duIIp l1anual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 600 pages. 5/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY program, the Auto Report, the DOS/VS RPS II Transl.tor for batch DVI DOS/vS requests, and the Inter-active Source Entry P.. og.. am. The manual is intended p.. imarily fo .. persons who .re SY33-8566 ~ DOSIVS POWER JE PROGRAI1 LOGIC concerned with p..ogra. service activities for Dos/vS RPS II. The P..og..am ogic l1anual desc";bes the internal design orThe manual is intended p.. i.a .. ily fo .. pe..sons who are logic of the subject p..og .. am. This manua'l is intended for conce..ned with p..ogram se.. vice activities fo .. DOS/vS RPG II. persons involved in p..og ..a ••aintenance and for systo l1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 540 pages, 4179 programmers Nho .re altering the program design. Progr-a. SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY logic information is not necessary for the oper.tion of the progra.; therefore, distribution of this publication is li.ited to persons with .aintenance and .lter-ation LY33-9063 requirements. SUPPLEI1ENT fPB AI. IQ ~ 5746-XE2. SUPERVISOR .I..!2!ill: l1anual, 230 pages The publication p..ovides replacement and/or supplementary SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY pages fo .. the DOSIVS Supervisor- Logic. These pages, Nhen inco ..por.ted in the DOS/vS publication. document the use of the facilities available with Advanced Functions - DOSIVS. SY33-8567 l1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 190 pgs. 4/77 SLSS: IBI1 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ASSE~ .bOGIC This .anual aids Programming Systems Representatives and system prog ..ammers involved in maintenance circumvent and/orfix faults in the DOS/vS Assembler- and the DOS/vS 3705 LY33-9064 Assembler. It describes the structure, logic, and oper.tion SUPPLEI1ENT fPB AI. IQ DOS/vS. 5746-XE2. LOSICAL TRANSIENTS of the assembler. It provides information on how the LOGIC assembler works functionally (this is illustrated through The publication pr-ovides r-eplacement and/or- supplementary method-of-operation diagrams)1 how the prog..am is divided pages for the DOS/vS Logical Tr-ansients Logic. These pages. into units; control and data flow between phasesl allocation when incor-por-ated in the DOS/vS publication. document the of .ain sto..age; detailed layouts of data areasl 1/0 use of the facilities available with Advanced Functions activity and workfile layouts I ..egister usagel debugging DOS/vS. hints; and appendixes with related ..eference .aterial. l1anual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 56 pgs. 4/77 The .odifications .ade to certain phases of the DOS/vS SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Assembler in order to produce the DOS/vS 3705 Assembler are described in Appendix K. l1anual, 390 pages LY33-9065 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SUPPLEItENT fPB AI. IQ ~ 5746-XE2. lWin!:I SERVICEABILITY LOGIC TMs supplement contains changed pages for DOSIVS Ser-viceability Aids Logic, SY33-8554-3 for- Advanced SY33-8568 DOS/vSE Ql,Igf .!Jnill; Functions - DOSIVS, Release 34. It describes suppor-t forThis reference publication describes the inter-nal logic of asynch .. onous oper-ation cOl1ltllUnication and for' up to seven the 18/1 Disk Operation Syste., On-Line Test Executive pa .. titions. P..ogra. (OLTEP). It is for persons involved in program ltanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 50 pgs. 4/77 918 / ( LY33 LY33 logic information is not needed for nor.. l operation of the program. It is a supplement to the program listing. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 456 pages. 2/79 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-9066 SUPPLEMENT fQB AE 10 ~ 5746-XE2. 5746-E2-IPL. 5146-E2-JCL. ill !tm ..lQ§ CONTROL LANGUAGE .!.!!.!ill: This supplement contains changed pages for DOS/vs IPL and Job Control Logic. SY33-8555-3 for Advanced Functions DOS/vS. Release 34. It describes support for up to seven partitions and Library Device Independence. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 38 pgs. 4/77 SLSS: IBtI INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-9067 SUPPLEMENT fi!B !E 10 m.u .l.!!§!!;; ~ LY33-9082 140111440/1460 EMULATOR. i l l PROG 5746-SUI LOGIC The publication describes the organization and logic of the IBM SystelllS 1401/1440/1460 Emulator Program. which can be used to emulate an IBtI SystelD 1401. 1440. or 1460 on a central processor Nith Extended Control Program Support: DOs/vsE (ECPS:VSE). such as the IBM 4331. The progralD operates under control of DOS/vSE. Release 34 of DOS/vS. or DOS Release 26. The publication is intended primarily for persons IIho are responsible for servicing the program. Manual, 360 pages, 1/79 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 5746-XE2. 5746-E2-LNK. J.nIS This suppl...,..t contains changed pages for DDS/VS Linkage Editor Logic. SY33-8556-2 for Advanced Functions - DOS/vS. Release 34. It describes support for up to seven partitions. Library Device Independence. and Fast Linkage Editor. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 26 pgs. 4/77 SLSS: 1811 INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-9083 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, i l l PROG 5746-XE8, ~ DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE: ~ TRANSIENTS !tm $IJBSXXX PHASES (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides information needed for isolating errors, if any, in the component's code. It is designed to serve as a bridge into the component,'s program listings. This publication provides information needed for isolating errors. if any, in the component's code. It is designed to serve as a bridge into the component's program listings. The publication gives an oYeryieM of th logical transients and SIJBSxxx phases documented in this manual. The publication also covers attention routines, terminator routines. various special service programs, and checkpoint/restart routines. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 328 pages, 7/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY I,Y33-9068 SUPPLEMENT fQB AE 10 ~ 5746-XE2. 5746-E2-LBR. LIBRARIAN .l.!!§!!;; This supplement contains changed pages for DOS/vS Library Logic. SY33-8557-3 for Adyanced Functions - DOS/vS. Release 34. It describes support for up to seven partitions. Library Deyice Independence. and YI'I linkage enhancements. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 90 pgs. 4/77 SLSS: IBtI INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY tY33-9069 SUPPLEMENT fQB !E :m ~ 5746-XE2. 5746-E2-11Il. ~ UTILITIES LOGIC This supplement contains changed pages for Dos/vs System Utilities Logic. SY33-8558-1 for Advanced Functions DOS/vS. Release 34. It describes the format of tha Options table and the Hardcopy record for seven partitions. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pgs. 4/77 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-9070 SUPPLEMENT f1!B !E !Q DOS/vs. 5746-XE2 This manual is the first in a series of two YOluoes. The reference infor... tion contained in these two ..nua1s is provided as a DOS/vs serviceability aid and is. therefore. a sUllUllary of other DOS/vS documentation. These manuals are intended for use by persons involved in program support. Contents include: Chapter I: System/370 General Information Chapter II: DOS/vS General Information Chapter III: DOS/vs IDeS (General. SAM. DAM. ISAM) Chapter IV: DOS/vs Superyisor Control Blocks and Areas Chapter V: DOS/vs Seryice Aids Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 38 pgs. 6/77 SLSS: IBtI INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-9079 ~ !!AINTAIN lilmH lIllm!Rl ~ LY33-9084 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE. LIC PROG 5746-XE8, -XE9. INITIAL fB.Q§RA!! .bQAQ !tm :!2§ CONTROL (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides information needed for isolating errors, if any, in the component's code. It is designed to serve as a bridge into the component's progralD listings. The publication presents the information in sections as follows: • The first section is an INTRODUCTION to the IPL and Job control programs summarizing their functions and those of the service programs and phases related to them. • The next two sections ShoN for each program the function-to-phase relationship, a verbal description of their sequence of operation, control,floM and I/O flOM graphs, and the storage layout. • Then follows PROGRAM ORGANIZATION ShOMing oYeryieM charts for each phase, some in pseudocode form, and detailed floMCharts for some. • The next section, DATA AREAS, shONS the layout of those data areas which have more than just a phase-internal significance. • The last section, DIAGNOSTICS, contains label lists, phase-to-module and error-message cross references, LISTIO examples, and error codes. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 430 pages, 10/77 SLSS: IBtI INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ll!l2t!.P.! 5745-020 ~ This publication describes the internal logic of the IBM Disk Operating System/Virtual Storage Extended (DOS/VSE) Maintain SystH History Program IMSHP). It is intended for use by persons involved in progralD .intenance and by system progra_rs IIho are altering the program design. Program 919 LY33-9085 VIRTUAL ~ EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, 5746-XE8, LINKAGE ~ DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication provides information needed for isolating errors. if any, in the component's code. It is designed to LY33 LY33 serve as a bridge into the component's progralll listings. LY33-9090 The publication presents the inforlHtion in sections as m f!liI ~ I!m .Illli 5746-AtI4. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) follows: This publication describes the logic of VSE/Fast Copy Data • Introduction to the Linkage Editor. Set prograM and is directed to persons involved in prahl... • Method of Operation. describing the function. the flOll of the data and of control within the progralll. the deterlllination and prograM development. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 94 pages. 3/83 storage layout. and certain features. SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY • PrograM Organization. describing in general and detailed charts the logic flow of the linkage editor prograM. General charts are identified by two-digit numbers. flowcharts by letters. LY33-9091 • Oata Areas which include the forlllats of library records VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS' ill f!RQi 5746-XE8. COtIPONENT m used by the progralll and of entri es in the control 5745-SC-SUP. -AlT. -DKE. DIAGNOSIS REFEREHCE SUPERVISOR (CURRENT RELEASE) dictionary and in the linkage table and the formats of This logic manual is one of three detailed guides to the the phase BUILOLIST and of the LIFO module stack. logic of the VSE/Advanced Functions Supervisor. It • Diagnostics which include label lists. a phase-to-lIIOdule suppleMents the prograM listings by providing descriptiv. cross reference. and an error lIIessage list. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 112 pages. 10/79 text and charts describing the organization of the SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY supervisor area in real storage. the internal logic of the nucleus routines. the physical input/output control system. and the internal logic of the physical attention transient routines. LY33-9086 Titles and abstracts of other related publications are YSE/ADVAHCEO FUNCTIONS' LIC fRQ§ 5746-XE8. ~ DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE: Amli (CURRENT RELEASE) listed in the Systeml370 Bibliography. Ge20-0001. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 668 pages. 10179 This publication provides information needed for isolating errors. if any. in the component's code. It is designed to SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY serve as a bridge into the component's prograM listings. Effective use of this publication requires an understanding of the IBM serviceability aid programs LY33-9092 provided with VSE/Advanced Functions. Referene. VSE/ADYANCED FUNCTIONS. lli fRQ§ 5746-XE8. -XE9. DIAGNOSIS publications are listed in the preface of the lIIanual. REFEREHCE: iBRQB RECOVERY ~ RECORDING TRANSIENTS (CURRENT RELEASE) Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 300 pages. 10/79 This publication provides information needed for isolating SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY errors. if any. in the components code. It is designed to serve as a bridge into the components program listings. The LY33-9087 publication presents the information in sections as folloNS: Introduction - this section gives an overvieN of the • VSE/AQVANCED F\JI:!CTIONS' ill f!RQi 5746-XE7 COI1PONENT !!l LY33-9088 physical transients documented in this manual. YSEfADVANCED FUNCTIONS DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE. lli f!RQi • Device-dependent error recovery procedures - this 5746-XE8. -XE9. SYSTEM UTILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) section covers the transients that respond to deviceThis publication provides information needed for isolating dependent error situations. errors. if any. in the components ~ode. It is designed to • Machine check and channel check handling - this section serve as a bridge into the components program listings. The covers the transients that respond to machine check interrupts. publication presents he information as follows: • One section for each utility program. • Recovery management support recorder - this section • Each section provides introductory information{" such as covers the transients that write records of the purpose and function of the program. its environmental data on the recorder file for analysis. organization. its storage requirements and environmental • Charts - this section documents the organization and the characteristics. The method of operation is described functions of the various transients on a structural by HIPO diagrams (any of A through Z) which also serve level by using flowcharts as a documentation method. as page number prefixes. These diagrams together with • Appendixes - this section provides supplementary information for the previous sections. such as label the extended descriptions contain the information that supplements the prograM listings. list and cross references. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 360 pages. 10179 • Appendix A. Phase and Module Cross Reference List SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY • Appendix B. List of Referenced Labels • Appendix C. Message Cross Reference List. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 650 pages. 10/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-9094 VSE/POWER HANDBOOK This publication is intended primarily for use by personnel LY33-9089 responsible for servicing the progralll. VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. lli fRQ§ 5746-XE8. DIAGNOSIS It describes the internal logic for VSE/PDWER and should be REFERENCE MAINTAIN ~ HISTORY PROSRAtI (CURRENT RELEASE) used with the program listing for this component. This publication provides information needed for isolating Manual. 95 x 172 lIIillimeters. 231 pages. 6/86 errors. if any. in the VSE/Advanced Functions Maintain SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY System History Program. It is designed as a bridge into the components prograM listings. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 500 pages. 10179 LY33-9095 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY VSE/IPCS HANDBOOK mg.m h lli fRQ§ 5746-SAl This publication provides a summary of VSE/IPCS inforlllation for persons involved in progralll service activities. It contains. among others. a summary of the VSE/IPCS operator commands and explanations of problem definitions and dump types. 920 ( SY35 LY33 Hanual. 24 pages. 7/79 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-!100 BPi 11 APDEtI)lM m ~ BPi 11 .I.QIUk.a. 5740-RG1 For persons doing program service for the product. the publication docunents how the logic of OSIVS RPS II diff.r. frOll the logic of DOSIVS RPG II. This publication is a companion manual of DOSIVS RPS II Logic. lY33-9062. Hanual. 80 pages. 12/80 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ LY33-9096 VSE/ICCF. m !?Bll!i 5746-TS1. HAtI)B!!OK This publication provides a summary of VSE/Int.ractiv. Computing and Control Facility information for persons involved in program s.rvic. activities. It contains. a.ana others: a summary of commands. statements. procedures. and macros accept.d by the product, control blocks .nd ar.as us.d by the product' and an ov.rvi .. of .vail.bl•••rvic. LY33-9101 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIQN .we !Gi 5746-XE8. HANDBQQK (CURRENT RELEASE! This m.nual i. provided a. a YSE/Advanced Function R.I•••• 2 ••rvic.ability aid and i. a .un.ary of other VSE/Advanced Function ReI.... 2 documentation. H.nuel. 3 S/8 x 6 3/4 inches. 426 pages. 7/80 SlSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .ids. Hanual. 3 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches. 80 pages. 2/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-9097 mnw. mmAiIi ( EXTENDED/OPERATOR COI1MlJNICATIotI mmm. FACILITY. 5746-XC5. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication contains information on the design and organization of the VSE/Qp.rator Communication Control Facility (VSEIOCCF), it .upplements the program listings. An overview discusses the VSE/OCCF functions and their r.lationship. showa the partition layout. and outlines the r.quir.ments for operation. The design information gives an int.rnal vi .. of VSE/OCCF. It describes the COllllllUl'lication between the various parts of the program and the interfaces to other programs; it .xplains in detaU the functions of the VSE/OCCF modules. register and data area usage. and flIM of control. Organization information provides. for quick r.ferenc•• a module-to-function cross-reference list. The publication includes various lists and tables. such as a me5sage-tomodule cross-reference. to aid in problem tracing. A detailed description of the VSE/OCCF internal macros is included. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 7/80 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY33-9105 nBIIIAL ~ EXTEtI)EDIONLINE mI EXECUTIVE J!Im!i.UtJ DIAGNOSIS. 5656-092. REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the intern.l logic of the VSE/Online Test Ex.cutive Progr.m (VSE/OlTEP). Hhich i. required for s.rvicing the input/output devic_ of a VSE controlled comput.r .ystem. The publication i. intended for persons involved in s.rvicing the prograM or in altering its design. Hanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inch... 154 pages. 6/83 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-9121 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS HANDBOOK This publication is intended priMarily for use by per501VW1l responsible for servicing the prograM. It describes the internal logic or VSE/Advanced Functions. and should be used with the program li.tings for this component. Hanual. 524 pages. 8/85 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-9098 VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/INTERACTIVE CotIMING !!l!l &.QNTB.!!J, FACILITY. 5746-TSl (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is intended for use by persons who have to do service or maintenance on the licensed program VSE/Interactive Computing and Control Facility (ICCF). The manual is basically a description of ICCF's program logic. Program logic information is not needed for normal operation of ICCF; it is a supplement to the progralll listings. This Diagnosis Reference manual expands on the information given in VSE/ICCF Diagnosis Guide. SC33-6119. Hanual. 8 1/2 X 11 inches. 400 pages. 7/80 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY33-!122 VSE/ICCF. 5666-302. HANDBOOK This publication is provided as a YSE/ICCV. Version 2 Release 1. serviceability aid and is a summary of other VSE/ICCF documentation. Hanual. 75 )( 172 Millimeters. 120 pages. 8185 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lY33-9099 DCJl.INSTREAH .IJl!!l UTILITY. 5668-006. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE This publication contains information on the design and organization of the Downstream Load Utility, it supplements the program listings. The design infor... tion gives an internal vi ... of the Downstream Load Utility. It explains in detail the functions of the DSLU IIOdules. register and data area usage. and flON of control. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 28 pages. 3181 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY34-D01! DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM OSlYSl LOGIC The manual contains the logic of the Distributed Intelligenc. SysteJII program. This program controls SysteMI7s that are sat.llite-connected to a host SysteMI370. This network of systems permits IIIUtUal sharing of Systellll370 resources and SysteMI7 sensor-based control capabUities. The manual is written for progralll support personnel Mho have a working knowledge of HSP/7 and OSIVSl control prograMS. Hanual. 850 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY3S-0003 OSlYSl CATALOG MANAGEHENT J.!!§Is; This publication describes the internal logic of the catalog management routines in OSIVS. This infor.. tion i. directed to maintenance personnel and development progra_rs Mho require an in-depth knowledge of the progr.m's design. organization. and data areas. It is not required for .ffective use of catalog IHnagellBnt facilities. 921 ( SY3S LY35 The reader .hould be f ••ili.r with ganer.l progr...ing tachniqws. OS/VS concepts ••nd the 1811 Systeal370 befora reading this book. Ita... l SLSS: ORDER NO. Sl.8SCRIPTION ONLY .nd d.t • • reaa. Hanual. 21S pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY3S-0013 ~ ~ ~ ~ C!l!1I1UNICATQR ~ ~ This book describes the logic of OSIVS2 Hass Storage Systea ComIIunicator (HSSC) routines and provides diagnostic information. This infol'1llation is for support personnel Mho require an in-depth knowledge of HSSC's design. organization •• nd d.ta areas. Hanual. 234 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY3S-0001t ~ ml ~ PROCESSOR .L!!ilC :m&JIIg 1111. lUI ill 1L .h .Li1 HmI SN28-26 29' m .l..Z Thi. public.tion describes the internal logic of the 0s/vs2 TSO TEST _ n d processor. The TEST COIIIII.nd processor terainal user to test .n .ssembly language probl. . progr••• Thi. publication cont.ins text introduct.ions . . .thod-osoperation di.gr.... flONCh.rts. data area l.yout •• progr•• organization descriptions •• nd • IIOdula directory. Thi. publlc.tion i. written for persons Mho •• int.in or modify TSD. it i. not required by per.ons Mho usa TSD to proeM. progr.. or Mho wri ta progra. thet ara proces.ed .11_ . SY3S-0011t !!AD m!!IAn ~ !t:l&l ~ ~ .LQ!ilC Thi. book describes the internal logic of the Trace Report Programs and provides diagnostic infor.ation. Thi. infor.ation i. directed to Haintenance Personnal and Development Programmers Mho require .n in-depth knowledge of the Progr•• •• Design. Organization. and Dat. Are.s. It ia not required for effective use of the Trace Reports Progra.. Pre-requisite Publications are: Os/VS ltass Storage Systea (HSS) Services for Space H.nagement. GC35-0012. 1811 3850 Ha. . Storage Syst.. (HSS) Inst.llation Guida. H.nual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ by TSD., Ita. . . l. 232 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY3S-000S ~ UTILITIES ~ Thi. publication describes the internal logic of the utility progra.. provided for OSIVS. It cont.ins flONCh.rts of the progr.u. figures shoNing the for •• ts of the aajor t.bles and records. and an appendix that list. the modules of the utility progr.... The .....1 i. intended for persons involved in progr•• .. intenanee ••nd .yst. . progr._rs Mho are .ltering the progr•• design. Program logic infor. .tion i. not necessary for the use .nd oper.tion of the progra•• Ita... l SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY35-0015 .!mea! ~ ~ SYSTEH ~ SERVICES LOGIC This book describes the internal logic of the fU1Ction support routines (FSRs) that support the mass storage syst. . and provides diagnostic inforaation. This infor.... tion is directed at support personnal and development programmers who need an in-depth knowledge of the fU1Ction" support routines «FSRs) design. organiz.tion • • nd data areas. Hanual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY3S-0008 I:ImI.Im SERVICES l.!!lW; This book describes the internal logic of the routines of Acces. ltethod Services .nd provides di.gnostic infor•• tion. Thi. infor... tion i. directed to .. inten.nee personnel .nd development progr....rs Mho require .n in-depth knowledge of the progr•• •• design. org.nization •• nd data .re.s. It is not required for affective use of Access Method Services. You should be f •• ili.r with general progr... ing techniqws. OSIVS VSAl'l concepts .nd use •• nd Systell/370 before tuming to this publication. Logic Ita. . . l. 360 p.ges SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SY3S-0010 ttmlIlIl SERVICES J.Q!!l!i This book describes the intemal logic of 0s/vs2 Access ltethod Services routines .nd provides di.gnostic inforaation. This infor•• tion is directed to support personnel .nd development progr.maoers who require .n indepth knoNledge of the progr•• ·s design. org.niz.tion. and d.ta .reas. The book is not required for effective use of Access Hethod Services. Ha...l. 1t86 pages SLSS: ORDER NO •.SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ~ SY35-0016 OSIYS ~ STORAGE CONTROL (HSC) IA!aS CREATE LOGIC This book describes the intern.l logic of the Hass Storage Control Table Create Progra.. The information in the book is directed to H.inten.nce Personnel and Development progra.... rs who requi re an in-depth knowledge of the progra.·s design. organization. and d.ta areas. It is not required for effective use of the Table Create Progra •• Prerequisite Publication is: OSIYS Hass Storage Control Table Create. GC35-0013. Hanual. 34 pages SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY35-0026 HIERARCHICAL STORAGE HANAGER. ~ mQ§ 5740-XRB. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes the logic of the Hierarchical Storage Hanager (a Program Product). The Hierarchical Stor.ge Hanager is a tool to help lIanage online storage in an OSIVS2 HVS environment. The audience for this publication is support personnel who require an in-depth knowledge of the Hier.rchical Stor.ge Hanager's design. organization. and data areas. Hanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 1t00 pages. 1178 SLSS: IBH INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~.tOO! SY3S-0012 /:!Alili ~ ~ C!!M!1UNICAIOR !Imkl JJ!§ll; This book describes the logic of OSIVS1 Hass Storage Syst. . COIIIIIUnicator (HSSC) routines .nd provides diagnostic information. This inforaation is for support personnel Mho require an in-depth knowledge of HSSC·. design. organization ~ 922 ( / ( LY35 SY37 LY35-0028 LY35-0039 OS/VS MIA BASE RECOVERY ~ FEATURE. ill f!H!§ 5740-XX2 LOSIC (CURRENT RELEASE) This book describes the logic of the programs that comprise the IMS/vs Data Base Recovery Control Feature. The book is intended to be used as a reference book by customer systBIII programmers and IBM programming support personnel who are responsible for maintenance of the feature. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ STORAGE ill:m! EXTENSIONS, ml! SERVICES. ill mJ2§ 5740-XYG. LOGIC ~ This publication describes the internal logic of the function support routines (FSRs) that support the Itass Storage System Extensions and provides diagnostic information. This inforllation is directed to support personnel and development programmers who need an in-depth knowledge of the function support routines design, organization. and data areas. SY35-0029 OS/VS Hlill DATA ANALYZER LOGIC The System Data Analyzer Program uses the SYS1 logic Data Set Information as input and generates statistical Data about Mass Storage System errors. The statistical data is in the form of reports. This Manual contains program logic. Manual, 3/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY35-0030 DEVICE ~ FACILITIES. ~ 5747-DS1. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) Describes the internal logic of the Device Support Facilities Program. The customer engineer uses this IHnual to find where to go in the program listings when he encounters a problem in the program. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 40 pages, 9/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 275 pages, 1/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY35-0052 CHARACTER CONVERSION !lQ DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ~ REFERENCE This publication gives information that helps to diagnose failures in the operation of the character conversion aid and communicate them to an IBIt representative. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY35-0063 PRINT SERVICES FACILITY. 5665-275. DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND REFERENCE No abstract available. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 380 pages, 8/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY35-0074 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODElS 1 &::!!l § SY35-0032 §.!!mg MASS STORAGE SYSTEIt !m:il ~ ~ This book describes the internal organization of t1SVIZAP. The book is directed toward those maintenance personnel and development programmers who need to know about the design, organization, and data areas of MSVIZAP. The book is arranged much like a program logic manual but contains the minimum amount of information needed in order to speed reader reference. Itanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 20 pages, 6/78 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY The 3800 Printing Subsystem Models 3 and 8 System Diagnosis Guide helps the user identify a print job failure as the result of a user error or a logic error in a program product. It should be the first book consulted in the diagnosis procedure. Manual, 46 pages, 10/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ ( LY35-0076 DFHSIt DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VOLUME! (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is for support personnel who need detailed information on the DFHSM design. Itanual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY35-0037 OS/VSl ItASS STORAGE SYSTEIt EXTENSIONS LOGIC: Hlill COI1I1UNICATOR (ltSSC) Describes the logic of the OS/vS1 Itass Storage Syst.. Extensions Communicator routines and provides diagnostic information about them. This information is directed toward support personnel who require an in depth knoNledge of the design, organization and data area routines. Itanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 1/79 SLSS: IBIt INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY35-0038 OS/vS2 t1VS ~ STORAGE EXTENSIONS ml! CO!1!1UNICATQR ("SSC).· LIC PROG 5740-XYG, LOGIC This publication describes the logic of OS/vS2 MVS Mass Storage System Communicator (MSSC) routines and provides diagnostic information. This information is for support personnel who require an in depth knowledge of MSSC's design, organization, and data areas. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 450 pages, 1/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY mm mm DIAGNOSIS LY35-0077 DFHSIt DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VOLUME ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication is for support personnel who need detailed information on the DFHSt1 organization and data areas. Itanual SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY GY37-0001 CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT &::!!l RESOURCE (CLEAR). 5799-BHC. INTRODUCTION This manual is a high-level introduction to the CLEAR systell. It is intended for new and prospective CLEAR users. Manual, 38 pages, 4/82 ////5799-BHC SY37-0002 CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE REFERENCE ~ ill fB!!§ 5799-BHC. USER'S GUIDE This is a user's guide to the background processing capabilities of the CLEAR system, detailed explanations of 923 ( SY37 fln:tions and hoM to use thllll. typical CLEAR user. Manual, 180 pages, 4/82 SY38 It is intended for the SY37-001D .I.mB!!!l ENVIRONMENT &!II RESOURCE (CLEAR), 5799-BUC, SELF-SMY §J.!m This is a guide for new CLEAR users. This guide assists in introducing CLEAR to the user. Manual, 184 pages, 4/82 ~ 11115799-BHC SY37-0003 CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT Atm RESOURCE ~ ~ ill f!!!!!i 5799-BHC. PROGRAMtlER' S §J.!m This is a guide for the system programer Mho acts as an interface between users and development groups. This lllilnual describes CLEAR and provides information regarding the installation and administration of CLEAR. Manual, 116 pages, 4/82 11115799-BHC 11115799-SHC 6Y37-0011 CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT ~ RESOURCE (CLEAR)' 5799-BHC. SPECIFICATIONS This publication contains the licensed prograe specification for the CLEAR syst_. It is intended for new and prospective users. Flyer. 2 pages. 4/82 11115799-BHC LY37-0004 CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIROt!!1ENT Atm RESOURCE (CLEAR" .I.E .!!B.!!§ 5799-BHC. PREPROCESSOR This manual contains detailed description and usage examples for the CLEAR preprocessor fl.a'lCtions. It is intended for technical users such as system progra...ers. Manual, 234 pages, 4/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6Y37-0013 ~ J.mB.AR! ENVIROt!!1ENT &!II RESOURCEtyM (CLEARty!1). ill f!!!!!i 5799-BH6. NETWORKING INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS This document contains the licensed program specifications for the CLEARIVI1 networking interface. It is intended for new or prospective users. Flyer, 2 pages, 4/82 11115799-BH6 SY37-0005 &.Qt{I!Ql. LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT Atm RESOURCE (CLEAR!' ill fIm§ 5799-BHC. LIBRARY MAINTENANCE This is a guide for users Mho . . intain the CLEAR libraries. Manual, 44 pages, 4/82 LY37-0015 J.mB.AR! ENVIRotI!ENT &!II RESOURCE .w&6IU PRESENTATION GUIDE This publication introduces the CLEAR syst_ and is intended for audiences of software developlllent manag_ent. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 104 pages, 1/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 11115799-BHC SY37-ooo6 mmmJ. J.mB.AR! ENVIRONt!ENt &!II RESOURCE (CLEAR!' ill fIm!i 5799-BHC. INTEGRATION This is a guide for new users and a reference manual for experienced users. This guide contains infor. . tion on verbs, data base structure and information data base. Manual, 146 pages, 4/82 SY37-o007 Atm RESOURCE (CLEAR), ill fIm!i 5799-BHC. MESSAGES Atm CODES This is a guide for the user of CLEAR to aid in correcting an error. Manual, 90 pages, 4/82 &.Qt{I!Ql. LIBRARY ENVIROt!!1ENT 11115799-BHC 11115799-BHC LY37-ooo9 CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONt!ENT &!II RESOURCE (CLEAR!' 5799-BHC. INFORMATION DA!A BASE This manual describes hoM to use the CLEAR infor. . tion data base. It is intended for technical users. Manual, 114 pages, 4/82 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ./ (CURRENT RELEASE) This manual describes the program logic of the NetNOrk Com.unications Control Facility, an IBM program product. Users should have a basic knowledge of OSIVS or DOSIVSE, VSAM, and VTAM or TCAM. The manual describes the basic structures and functions of NCCF, eethod-of-operat ion, NCCF 1IOdu1es. ..jor NCCF control blocks, and diagnostic aids. Three appendices discuss the NCCF .acros, NCCF files, and logic differences for NCCF in DOSIVSE. This manual is intended for lett personnel Mho are responsible for program maintenance. System programeers may be interested in parts of the . .nual. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 280 pages. 9/80 SLSS: lett INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .l.Q§l!; 11115799-BHC SY37-0008 CONTROL J.mB.AR! ENVIRONMENT Atm _RESOURCE (CLEAR!' ill f!!!!!i 5799-BHC, INSTALLATION GUIDE This is a guide for the installers of the CLEAR syst_. Manual, 52 pages, 4/82 \ LY38-3010 ~ SY38-3012 DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES ACF/VTAME (CURRENT RELEASE) This publication describes approaches to debugging Nith an ACFIVTAME data collllllUl'lication syst_ •. It presents the guidelines, tools, and information needed to diagnose and correct problems in -application prograllS and data co....... ication networks that use ACFIVTAME. The publication provides information about ACFIVTAME diagnostic aids and summarizes some service aids that are described in other products' publications. Inforeation useful for debugging 110 problems also is included •. Appendixes contain additional inforllliltion about correlated netNOrk component publications, summarize PIU for.. ts, list states found in control-block finite state . .chines, and summarize the procedure for submitting an APAR. The final. appendix contains an easily removed control block overvi_. This publication is intended for use by anyone Mho needs to isolate, diagnose, and fix a problem in an ACFIVTAME 924 ( SY38 LY38 doIHIin. ttanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inchB. 312 pages. 9/79 11115746-RC7 LY38-3021 LOGIC m! ACFIVTAM OVERVIEW (CURRENT RELEASE) This ..nual is intended for maintenance personnel to obtain an overview of ACFIVTAM logic for purposes of maintaining the program product at an operation level. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 125 pages. 3179 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY :.Y38-3013 ~ ACF/VTAME OVERVIEW (CURREN[ RELEASE) This aanual is intended for lIaintenance personnel to obtain an overvi_ of ACFIVTAHE Logic for purposes of Hintaining the prograM product at an operation lev.l. ttanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 125 pages. 6179 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY "Y38-3014 ~ ACFIVIAHE (!:WRENT RELEASE) This Hnual is the second part of e tNO-part description of the logic of the Adv.nced Communications Function for VTAM Entry. The first part is the ACFIVTAHE logic Ov.rvi .... .... ich describes the high l.vel logic of ACFIVTAHE. This aanual describes the lONer level logic. including syst. .dependent logic. This aanual is priHrily intended to help IBM prograM syst8115 representatives quickly locate failures in the access ...thod. Included in this publication .... HlPO diagralllB that describe the logic of ACFIVTAHE COIIpolients. control flow diagraMS which show the relationship betNeen IIIOdules. and a synopsis of each ACFIVTAHE 1I0dule. With this inforllation. a PSR can deterMine what aodule perfor. . a particular function and how control passes to and fro. that 1IOdu1•• ttanual. 8 112 x 11 'nches. 7/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY ( LY38-3016 ACF/VTAME DATA ~ (CURREN[ RELEASE) This aanual describes the data areas used by ACFIVTAHE. It is intended for IBM program syst. . representatives and custOlller personnel Mho diagnose probl_ Nith ACFIVTAHE. This publication contains data . .ps of all data areas used by ACFIVTAHE. ttanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 7/79 SlSS: IBM INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY LY38-3022 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ACFIVTAH (CURREN[ RELEASE) For ACF/VTAH Release 3. this manual replaces the following manuals: ACFIVTAH Logic: Base System. Volume I (LT38-30220)1 ACFIVTAH Logic: Base SysteM. Volume 2 (LY38-3024-0); ACFIVTAH Logic Overview (LT78-3021-1): ACFIVTAH Control Block Overview. This .anual contains a description of ACFIVTAM logic. control blocks. and components. It also contains control flOll5 and method-of-operation diagralllB (HlPOs and module flo .. diagralllS) • A syst. . programmer should use this manual in conjunction Nith the ACFIVTAM Diagnosis Guide to deterMine the failing function and module of the access method. The Diagnosis Reference does not support probl. . deterMination balON the Module level. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1200 pages. 1/81 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY38-3023 LOGIC ACF/VTAM I1SNF ~ ~ This ..nual describes the logic of the Hultisyst. . Netllorking Facility, an optional feature of ACFIVTAH. It should be used in conjunction lIith ACFIVTAM Diagnosis Reference, LY38-3022 (VSE) or LY38-3027 (OS/VS), which describe the high-level logic of ACFIVTAH. This ....nual is intended to help IBM Program Support Representatives and customer system programmers to quickly locate failures in this feature of ACFIVTAM. Included in this publication are diagrams that describe the logic of components of this feature. the floll of control between modules. and module synopses. ttanual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 160 pages, 10/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION. ONLY LY38-3018 TERMINAL OPTION. 5735-XX7. DIAGNOSIS !til ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) This ••nu.l describes the logic of the Network Ter.inal Option (NTO) PrograM Product. This progr•• product resides in the ACFINCP and is used to allow selected START/STOP terMinals to look like SNA devices (PU Type IIW Type 1) to the rest of the netllOrk. This . .nual is to be used by PSRs and Custooner System Programoners to locate and fix NTO problelll5. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 300 pages. 3179 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ SY38-3020 DIA6NOSTIC TECHNIQUES ACFIVTAH (!:WREN[ RELEASE) This .anual contains diagram and other information about data areas. control blocks. parameter lists and work areas used by ACFIVTAH under OSIVS. This information is designed to be used Nith ACFIVTAH logic aanuals. debugging guides. and aicrofiche listings to assist in diagnosing prograa malfunctions. ttanual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 800 pages. 9/79 11115746-RC3 LY38-3024 ACF/VTAM • .bE fRQ§ 5746-RC3. LOGIC VOLUME!l PROGRAM ORGAtlIZATION Ml!! MODULE DIRECTORY (CURRENT RELEASE) This Manual is the third part of a three part description of the logic of ACFIVTAM for DDS/VSE. The first part is the naanual ACFIVTAH Logic: Overview and the second part is the manual ACFIVTAH Logic: Base SysteJII Volume 1, Method of Operation. The three manuals are intended primarily to help IBM prograM systems representatives quickly' locate failures in the access method. This manual contains prograM organization inforMation consisting of control flooo diagramS and module synopses and module directory. that is a cross reference table that lists every ACFIVTAH Module, its phase name, entry point, and the numbers of the He diagralllS in Nhich it appears. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 4/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUlSCRIPTION ONLY LY38-3025 ACF/VTAM I1SNF ENCRYPTIDECRYPT FEATURE RELEASE ,g This lIanual describes the logic of the EncryptlDecrypt Feature of the Advanced Communications Function for the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (ACFIVTAM). This feature can be used in the OSIVSI and OSIVS2 HVS versions of ACFIVTAH and can be used .. ith or Nithout the I1ultisyst. . Networking Facility of ACFIVTAH. This manual suppleJllents ACF/YTAH Diagnosis Reference 925 (/ LY38 LY38 the logic of ACFIVTAM for OSIVSI .nd OS/vs2 ttVS. P.rt one is the .anual ACFIVTAM Logic: Overview and part two is the manual ACFIVTAM Logic: Base System Volume 1, method of Operations. The .anuals are intended to help IBM program syst_ representatives loc.te failures in the access method. This manual contains descriptions of the modules, control flON diagrams, and a list of the IIIOdules, description names, and their load of object modules. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 512 pages, 9/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY (OS). LY38-3027. Which is • prerequisite to this manual. This aanu.l is intended primarily to help IBM progr•• support represent.tives to loc.te f.ilures in the EncryptlDecrypt Feature code. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 9/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY lY38-3026 ACFIVTAM DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE! This manual is intended for maintenance personnel to diagnose or maintain ACFIVTAM Release 2 installed on a DOSIVSE oper.ting systl!lll. The control blocks described used to map areas of ACFIVTAM Release 2. This aanual should be used in conjunction Ifith the Logic Overvielf .nd Base System Logic manuals for the appropri.te oper.ting system (DOS/VSE!. Manu.l. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 550 pages. 3/79 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY .re I.Y38-3027 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ACFIVTAM MSNF ENCRYPTIDECRYPT FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE! For ACFIVTAM Release 3. this manual replaces the following manuals: ACFIVTAM Logic: Base System. Volume 1 (LT78-3027OIl ACFIVTAM Logic: Base System. Volume 2 (LY38-3032-0!1 ACFIVTAM.Logic Overvi ... (LT78-3021-1!1 ACFIVTAM Control Block Overvielf (LX27-0013-0!. The manu.l contains. description of ACFIVTAM logic, control blocks, and components. It also contains control flows and lIIethod-of-operation diagralllS (HlPOs .nd IIOdule flow di agrams ! • A progralll systems representative should use this manual in conjunction Ifith the Diagnosis Guide to determine the failing function .nd module of the access method. The Diagnosis Reference does not support problem determination belON the module level. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 1200 pages. 9/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY SY38-3029 DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES ACF/VTAM ~ ENCRypTIDECRYPT FEATURE This publication describes an approach to diagnosing ACFIVTAM problems and presents guidelines, tools, .nd information needed by program support represent.tives .nd system programmers to maintain system and application programs that use ACFIVTAM. The pri •• ry purposes of this publication .re to: • Provide information to enable the reader to use ACFIVTAM diagnostic facilities • Summarize operating systea serviceability aids described in other publications Prerequisite publications for this manual .re ACFIVTAM 6eneral Information: Concepts, and ACFIVTAM Inst.llation. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 512 pages, 10/82 ////5735-RC2 LY38-3033 LOGIC :mIVT!!:1 VMIVCNA This manual describes the internal logic of the Virtual Machine VTAM Communications Network Application program product. It is intended for IBM prog .. am suppo.. t ..ep ..esentatives and customer pe ..sonnel Who diagnose VM/VCNA problems. This publication includes six sections: a logic ove..view, MOdule floNS showing flow of control and explanation of p..ocessing, module synopsis. A module directory data a ..eas, and diagnostic techniques. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 380 pages, 2/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY38-3051 SUPPLEMENT IQ ~ BTAM ~ fQB m BTAH/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 11& fRQ2 5665-279 The Supplement to OS/VS BTAM Logic fo .. the BTAH/System P..oduct describes changes made to the inte..nal st..uctu..e of OS/vs BTAM for BTAM/SP. The manual, intended primarily fo .. OS/VS BTAM users who have encounte..ed problems after .igrating to BTAM/SP, includes logic charts for each changed OSIVS BTAM routine and briefly desc .. ibes BTAM/SP concepts and oper.ting envi ..onments. In addition, it explains how to use the supplement in conjunction with the OSIVS BlAM Logic manual .nd the OSIVS2 BlAM Cha .. ts manual fo .. OSIVS2 Release 3.8. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 100 pages, 5/82 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY38-3053 ADVANCED COI1I1UNICATIONS FUNCTION fQB VTAM VERSION ! DIAGNOSIS REFEREI1CE. 5665-280. LOGIC This publication describes the logic of the Advanced Communications Function fa .. the Vi .. tual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM! Version 2, Release 1. It is intended fo .. systems p..og..ammers who need to analyze a VTAM problem, classify it .15 a specific type of failu ..e, and describe this failu ..e to a Support Center. classify it as a specific type of failu ..e, and describe this failu ..e to a Support Cente... Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 1650 pages, 6/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY38-3030 ACFIVTAM. J.,n; fRQ2 5735-RC2 • .!1m AREAS This manual contains diagrams and information about data areas used by ACF/VTAM under OSIVS. A prerequisite publication is ACFIVTAM 6eneral Information Concepts. 6C27-0463. Manual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 800 pages, 9/80 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY38-3032 ACFIVTAM 1I!li!i SYSTEM VOLUME ! fBQ2B!l:I OR6ANlZATION AND MODULE DIRECTORY RELEASE ! This manual is the third part of • three part description of ~ LY38-3054 ADVANCED COIf1UNICATIDNS FUNCTION fQB VTAM .!1m ~ 5665-280(ttVS!. 5662-280(OSIVSl!. VERSION 1L LOGIC This publication desc .. ibes the data areas used by ACFIVTAM Version 2. Release 2, for program number 5665-280 (ttVS!. for p.. og .... support representatives and custome.. customer personnel who a ..e diagnosing problems with ACFIVTAM. This publication contains data maps of .11 data areas Used by ACFIVTAM. The data maps ...e divided into four pa .. ts fo .. each ACFlVlAM data ...ea. M.nual, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 756 pages, 1/84 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 926 (' ( LY38 S2CO SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY LY38-3055 ADVANCED COMI1UNICATION FUNCTION FOR VTAI1. 5662-280. 5665-280. LOGIC ENCRYPT/DECRYPT ~ This publication should be read by systems programmers and field engineers who perform diagnosis tasks involving VTAM with the EncryptlDecrypt Feature. The publication contains sections on OvervieM of the Encrypt/Decrypt Feature. Module Flow Diagrams. Module Synopses. and Module Directory. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 43 pages. 7/85 SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( 6120-1816 1m:! SYSTEM LIBRARY StmSCRIPIION SERVICE fim! This form is used to subscribe to the Syste. Library Subscription Service (SLSS) for automatic delivery of IBM publications directly to a customer's .ailing address (or addresses) • ThE! for. has places to indicate the exact type of service required. the major system. and whether cOllllllUnications (teleprocessing) is involved. subjects of interest. progra .. numbers. and .. chine components. An initial library will be received or not. depending on an LY38-3058 indication made on the form. For aid in deter.ining the kinds of publications ADVANCED COMI1UNICATIONS FUNCTION .E.QB Y.!Ml VERSION! m DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE available under SLSS (mainly. those required to plan for. This publication applies to the Advanced COllllllU"lication progra •• install. operate and maintain an IBM data Functions for VTAM (VTAM) Version 2. operating U'lder the VSE processing or information system). consult the bibliography operating system. 5666-280. for the system of interest. The order number for that It is intended for a system prograllUller Nho needs to analyze systelll bibliography can be found in the IBM Harketing a VTAM problem. classify the problem as a specific type of Publications KWIC Index. 6320-1621. failure. and describe the failure to • Support Center. Subscription to SLSS can be made by interest profile or It describes the logic of the Advanced COllllllU"lications by specific order numbers. or both. In either case. the Function for the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method update service is automatic. In the case of subscription by (VTAM) Version 2. Release 1. profile. new manuals are auto-shipped. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1600 pages. 10/85 Bibliographies for systems marketed by DPD show the SLSS SLSS: IBM INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTION ONLY profile for each manual. as used in the profile matching process. For IBM internal subscriptions. publications with Z or L use keys are also shipped. For customer subscriptions. such f.Y38-3059 ADVANCED COI1I'MIICATIONS FUNCTION FOR VTAM ~ DATA items are not made available under SLSS. ~ (CURRENT RELEASE) For a further description of SLSS and the use of this This manual contains maps of the data areas used by ACFIVTAM for •• see "Entering an SLSS Subscription". 6320-1561. in the VSE operating system. It is intended to help IBM Customer authorization for this optional service. billing. program support representatives and customer personnel read etc •• are detailed in the Branch Office Manual. page 16-0501 dumps when diagnosing problems with ACF/VTAM. and following pages. The maps contain four parts. The first is a header that Pad. UIH SO describes the data area. indicates its location. and lists SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY any imbedded data areas. Second is a table that shows the offset of each field and briefly describes its function. Third is a cross-reference. which lists all the fields in S126-0103 3290-2 INFORMATION PANEL A!H!YI YOUR KEYBOARD alphanumeric order and their hexadecimal displacements. Fourth is a list of constant values. if any. for fields in This flyer gives additional information about the keyboard the data area. and types of kits which .ay be ordered. It is designed for Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 650 pages. 12182 anyone Nho has a 3290-2 (from CE's to operators). SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 1 page. 7/85 LY38-3251 MVS/XA TECHNICAL GUIDE This publication provides a technical description of the different components of MVSIXA. It describes the neM Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 264 pages. 7/85 = G126-0139 VIRTUAL ~ FORTRAN EXECUTION ANALYZER. 5798-DX.lz NOTICE This publication contains a product overview of VS FORTRAN Execution Analyzer. with operating system requirements. ordering information and price. It is intended for branch managers and marketing representatives. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 3/86 LY38-3253 RMF. 5665-274. FIELD DESCRIPIION ~ ANALYSIS .E.QB HQH!!QR 11115798-DXJ i l l At:m VIRTUAL STORAGE This publication provides a description of each RMF report field in Monitor III reports and virtual storage reports. S2CO-0021 DOSIVS EARLY WARNING MICROFICHE It also contains comments and discussion on how to use these reports in a tuning process. Early Warning information consists of the IIOSt current This document pertains to MVSIXA Resource Measurement available service information. Wlich has been extracted frOll Facility Version 3 Release 2. the RETAIN system and reproduced on .icrofiche. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 214 pages. 6/85 Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY G111-0200 EUROPE SYSTEM LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE-GENERAL This operating form is used to subscribe to System Library Subscription Service for SLSS items available by order number only. Pad. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. UIH SO. 2 pages. 3/81 S2CO-0031 EARLY HARNING MICROFICHE ~ Early Warning information consists of the .ust current available service information. Wlich has been extracted frOll the RETAIN syste. and reproduced on .icrofiche. = 927 6320 S2CO 6320-0084 DISTRIBl1TED I!A!A PROCESSING WITH SHALL ~ EXECl1TIVEIVSE TECHNICAL ~ !his paper describes the functional capabHities of "Small System ExecutiveIVSE (SSXlVSE)". an operating system based on DOSIVSE. The description covers the U"lique features of SSXlVSE in the area of Installation. Ease-of-Use. and Distributed Data Processing. The paper concludes NHh a discussion of the lIerHs of SSXlVSE as a distributed node in a network Ni th DOSIVSE. ms. or VH as the host system. Manual. 60 pages. 4/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY S2CO-0051 tmH U!I INTERMEDIATE/UR6E ~ For information about this publication contact the controlHng party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY S2CO-0351 WARNING. l.!:!IY l!!B.Yl TRADE. 6ENERAL INFORMATION Early Warning information consists of the .ost current avaHable service informaHon ....... ich has been extracted from the RETAIN system and reproduced on .icrofiche. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ~ 6320-0120 NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER: ~ ~ DIT6EN PARAMETERS EFFECT ON ~ RESOURCES The purpose of this manual is to explain the impact the different VCNA DITGEN ParaDeters have on system resources. Manual. 40 pages. 11/83 11115735-RCS S2CO-2oo3 !R!!!f EARLY WARNING PRD6RAHHIN6 SYSTEMS Early Warning Microfiche consists of the ~st current service information avaHable ...... ich has been extracted from the RETAIN system and reproduced on microfiche. Microfiche SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6320-0137 READER'S GUIDE t§!; ~ !i!:!A This docuIIent is intended as a guide to reading about Systems Network Architecture (SMA) and about the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAH). It Nas created to assist users of the Virtual Machine System Product (VHlSP) in planning for their migration to SNA. Manual. 56 pages. 2184 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY HQ!!.!l 6221-2454 PROCESSOR ~ GROUPS 1L. lli l l i M!l II !his proposal insert is now updated to cover the I10del 6roups 11. 12. 13. and 14. Proposal Insert. 4 pages. 10/84 ~ 6229-2228 ~ ENGINEERING PROGRAMMING ~ 6ENERAL INFORMATION For information on use of this form see Branch Office Manual FE Services section Seneral Subsection Manual. 78 pages. 6-OOle looseleaf and stapled 11361/5741.5652.5745-010.5745-020.5749.5752.5760-010. 5761-DSl.5745-030 6320-0143 NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER SELECTING DUI ~ QB ~ !his presentation contains a fairly detaHed technical description and comparison of DUI DOSIVS and SQlIDS. Both overhead projector visual masters and a suggested text for each visual are included. !his presentation is intended for systems programmers. data base aclnlinistrators and other DP professionals Nith an interest in a detailed technical comparison of DUI and SQlIDS. HONever. the material could also be used for self-study by reading the suggested text and looking at the visuals. Manual. 144 pages. 04/84 11115746-XXl.5748-XXJ _/ 3232-0003 ~ OPERATOR'S §YIl2li This docuMent is a quick reference for operators shoNing operating procedures. failure remedies. reel load procedures. and the like. Card. 3 5/8 x 8 1/2 inches. 6 panels. 4/80 1116/34201 6232-0004 3410/3411 OPERATOR'S §YIl2li This card provides customers and .achine room personnel basic operating instructions and reference data for 3410/3411 lIag>etic tape ... Hs. S.... jects include tape handHng procedures. recovery actions after loading faHures. and functions of indicators and pushbuttons. Reference Card (Summary). 2 pages 1116/3410.34111 6232-0005 l!!!!!.2 MAGNETIC ~ WI! OPERATOR'S GUIDE This guide contains the information needed to operate the IBM 8809 tape ... H. Reference card. 3 5/16 x 8 1/2 inches. 4 panels. 1979 4361.4381.8150.8130.8140.4331.4341.43211116/88091 6320-0149 NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER: INFORMATION MANA6EMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORA6E (ItlSIVS) ~ 1 RELEASE 1 fm fAT!! NOTEBOOK This publication introduces the facHities of IMSIVS 1.3 Fast Path to both the current Fast Path user and the potential Fast Path user. It is organized into four aain sections. or chapters. Nith 50. . additional information contained in the Appendices. They are ItlSlVS 1.3 Fast Path Highlights. Systems and Operations Topics. AppHcation Considerations. Data Base Considerations. Manual. 212 pages. 6/84 1111S740-XX2 6320-0160 NATIONAL.5Uff!QRI gNJlli DATABASE! !Mtl ~ BfiUH 6UIDE Inforaation in this pl.blication has been gathered frOli customer experiences during the DB2IQMFIDXT Introduction Program and from discussions with ,the products"developers. the 6eneral Products Division. It provides steps necessary to do a successful review. seeks to provide spec;fic design infor. . t;on wh;ch may be used during application developllent to achieve a better solution to "the given process;ng 928 C ,i ------ - - - - - ( 6320 6320 requirements. It is llleant to suppluent. rather than replace current user application design review procedures. Manual. 132 pages. 7/84 ////5740-XX2 With this program. installed cache users may monitor cache performance and relate it to other system events. By accessing the subsystem counters in the cache control units. it provides. through a batch reporting program. hit ratios and raad-to-write ratios. This information. in conjunction with RMF data about other devices in the I/O subsystem. provides a means of tuning the cache data set placement and balancing the overall subsystem. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 8 pages. 10/84 ////5798-DQD 6320-0323 VSE/SNA REMOTE SPOOLING CotI1UNICATION SUBSYSTEM, 5796-PXF, RElEASE The VSE Remote Spooling Communication SubsysteM / SNA Support for VM IVSE RSCS/SNAI Program Offering 15796-PXFI is designed to provide SNA support in a VMlSP and DOS/vSE environment. As an extension to the RSCS Release 2 Program Product 15748-XPII and as ACF/VYAM application. it allows VM to use SNA printers. to print color files and to transfer files to other SNA systems. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 12/83 SLSS: OROER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6320-0368 6320-0332 6670 INFORMATION PROCESSOR MOOEL !L. 5785-FAZ, IMA6E PRINTING SYSTEM The 6670 Information Distributor Hodel II Image Printing System Program Offering enables users of the 6670 Hodel II. fitted with the Font Storage Feature. to easily utilize the graphics capabilities offered by this enhanced 6670. The program offering in conjunction with the 6670 Font Editing System. provides a set of utilities to support the creation of 6670 fonts and data streams to print them. The 6670 Information Distributor Model II Image Printing System also provides an interface to a 4250 data stream. provides printing of 6raphical Data Display Manager Release 3 images. and provides printing of Document Composition Facility Release 3 documents. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 6/84 ////5785-FAZ 6320-0369 &320-0345 PERSONAL COMPUTER INFORT ~ ~ 6410971 The INTERACTIVE Fortran Compiler 1IN fort 1 is a Fortran implementation based on the Fortran 77 standard. It produces code compatible with that generated by the C compiler. Fortran and C routines may be combined in a single program. Thus. debugging, tracing and profiling facilities developed for use with C programs are equally useful with Fortran. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 6/84 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY USABILITY AID, S798-DQF The 6670 Usability Aid Program Offering provides an interactive interface that greatly increases the usability of the 6670 Information Distributor in the VN/SP CMS operating systetl environment. The interface enables beginning or infrequent users to define 6670 jobs via fullscreen menus on 3270 family display terminals. or via question-answer dialogues on terminals without full-screen capability. Hore experienced users can supply needed parameters directly. or use the menu to verify and edit the supplied parameters. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 6/84 ////5798-DQ7 ~ CICS/vS 3270-PC ill This program runs as a CICS/vS transaction for transfer of files between the host and PC. The PC environments supported include the 3270-PC and the Personal Computer with the 3278/79 Emulation Adapter and Emulation Control Program. The File Transfer Program allows the user to upload and download data to the PC. providing an important function for distributed data processing. The File Transfer Program provides support for transfer of files to and from a PC at a functional level similar to that provided by the 3270-PC File Transfer Program for VN/SP 15664-281) and MVS/TSO 15665-3111. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 3/85 ////5798-DQH ~ ~ &320-0440 VSE ill CONVER~ON A!ll Announcement 1 tel' for JCA Program Offering Marketing purposes. Announcement letter. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 3/84 ////5798-DPH 6320-0348 VM/SP STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE/EDIT, 5798-DQY 6320-0442 CICS/vS CONy !.II!!. ERQ§ SOFTWARE This Program Offering provides the VH/SP end-user with full For information about this publication contact the screen data entry. update. and delete functions to data stored in the Structured Query Language/Data SysteJ'l ISQVOS. controlling party. Refer to the Controlling Party Listing in the Publications Price List. ZZ20-0100. 5748-XXJI database. The end-user. if authorized. can create and maintain user data without requiring the involvement of Flyer the data processing professional. No application ////5740-)0(1 programming is required by the user to enter. update. delete. or automatically edit data. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 9/84 6320-0445 ////5798-DQY 9l!:lQb CONVERSION AID, 5785-AAT, NOTICE The COBOL-Conversion Aid Program Offering is a set of programS and commands designed to assist the user with the conversion of valid OS/VS COBOL. 5740-CB1 Release 2. source ·.320-0362 code into VS COBOL II. 5668-958. source code. It is an CACHE Bl1E RE~TER' 5798-Doo, RELEASE ~ effective tool in expediting this tedious and error-prone The Cache RMF aporter is an automatic data collection and conversion process. batch reporting tool. It consists of a user exit to the Resource Measurement Facility IRMF) and a Post Processor Flyer. 5/84 Report Program. ////5785-AAT The raports provide 3880 Models 11. 13. 21 and 23 statistics which are useful in system tuning. 929 G320 6320 6320-0457 ~ PERFORMANCE MONITOR. 5665-333. =11lL G320-0579 NATIONAL ~ ~ ADVANCED .I!!m§BAH III .fB.!1liBAH CO!1HUNICATIQN ~ ~ This publication views APPC primarily from. CICs/vs perspective. However. _ t of the inforntion about the reasons for the evolution of this .rchitecture and the functions it provides may be applied to other products implementing support for this LU as well. Manual. 100 pages. 7/85 1///5740-XXl wnm -280. SOfJWARE YfM[g The Sofblare Update is a lllarketing brochure designed to describe the product to customer decision lllaking pers~l. The brochure contains four sections: an Executive Summary. a Product Overview section. a Planning Inforllation section. and an ordering Information section. This brochure is intended for information syst_ executives and Data Processing professional personnel. Marketing Brochure. 8 1/2 x II inches. 7/85 ////5665-333.5665-313.5665-280 G320-0458 IMS APPLICATIQN DEVELOPMENT FACILITY !! ~ 1 ~ IMSADf This publication is designed to describe the product to customer decision personnel. The brochure contains an Executive SUIIIlIIary. a Product Overview section. a Planning Inforllation section ••nd .n Order Information section. flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 8 p.ges. 10/86 ////5665-348 6320-0585 NATIONAL ~ ~ CICSIOSIVS ~ .w.a.! INSTALLATION YERIfICATION This publication is • rewrite of the s.mple applic.tion fro. call level DLII to command level EXEC DLI and • retest of .11 the components of this IVP using CICS/os/vs VIR6.0 and IMS/VS VIR3.0. Manual. 152 pages. 9/85 11//5740-XXl.5740-XX2 1 6320-0587 NATIONAL ~ ~ INTELLIGENT WORKSTATIONS PLANNING AWl REGUIREMENTS This set of script .nd foils was initi.lly prepared and presented to user groups and to CICS Specialist aeatings. The intent of this present.tion is to provide an outline with Nhich the subject of CICS .nd Intelligent Workst.tions IIWS) can be discussed. In the context of this presentation. the Personal ColI!pUter (PC) is considered • representative ex.aple of an intelligent IIOrkstation. Manual. 64 pages. 10/85 ////5740-XXI.5746-XX3 wnm G320-0557 NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER: INTRODUCTION rg SYSTEMS ~ ARCHITECTURE DISTRIBUTION SERVICES ~ CusTOMER MATERIAL This publication is the handout for the Introduction to Systems Network Architecture Distribution Services (SHADS) Routing seminar. It has been provided so the user can follow along and take notes. Manual. 92 pages. 1/85 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6320-0591 NATIONAL ~ ~ DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT CUSTOtIER INFORMATION ~ mnw. ~ (DMS/CICS/VS) STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT 6UIOE: APPLICATION G320-0569 NSC: CICS/vS CONVERSION I1TIlITY This publication was originally presented .t the SHARE 64 CICS Project meeting in Los Angeles. february 27. 1985. It is intended as • sample presentation guide for the Program Offering. CICS/vS Conversion Utility (CICS/CVI). 5798-DPL. Manual. 40 pages. 4/85 ////5740-XXl mrm mrm ill!!Z!:! This publication provides general .nd det.iled infor_tion useful in developing a set of standards for DHSlCIcs/vS Application Design. The standards considered span such topics .s general .pproaches. application flow. screen design. function selection. YSAM .nd DLII us.ge. panel ntrix control • data aanipulation. exception handling. supervisor functicms. calculation/edit services and user progr.... Manual. 148 pages. U/85 ////5740-XCS.5746-XC4 6320-0570 CBIPO EXPERIENCE I!!llH CICS !t:!!l SHP/E The lllaterial contained in this technical bulletin was presented at GUIDE 58. Atlanta. on March 22. 1984. Due to the high interest in the subject and the need for .ore information regarding CICS .nd stIP/E. the original presentation script and overhead foils .re now reproduced ~ 6320-0597 mm IYtm:!!i here ;n an lIa. is" for •• Manual. 112 pages. 5/85 ////5740-XXl.5668-949 G320-0578 NATIONAL SUPPORT ~ CICS/vs TRANSACTION B.!!U!I!:I!i This presentation discusses current methods and considerations for transaction routing using either the Multiple Region Operation (tIRO) or Intersystem ~ication (ISC) facilities of CICS/VS. It also enables the audience to determine the adequacy of current support for transaction routing and accordingly subeit .ny additional user requirements. Manual. 60 pages. 7/85 ////5740-XXI.5746-XX3 COOKBOOK This publication was compiled to help the syst_ st.ff in virtual stor.ge tuning efforts. It .ttempts to describe how each subsystem uses virtual storage. the tools av.il.bl. for lleasuring utilization. rules of-thumb for efficient stor.ge use •• nd tecmiques "or tt.rling the subsystee for efficient storage use. Manual. 340 pages. 07/86 ////5665-291.5740-XEI.5740-XYN.574D-XC6.5740-XYS 6320-0654 STRUCDJRAL HBl LAN6UA§EIDATA !lm.!:I RELATIONAL I!UmI TOOL. 5798-DQL ROT .llows to select a cost effective . .thod for progr...ing a job using SQL/DS data bases. Intended for syst_ programmers .nd data base administrators. flyer. 4 pages. 6/84 //1/5798-DQL 930 \ ( 6320 6320 6320-0656 EXECUTIVE SutltlARY I DI1S/CICSIYS) This publication is designed to c:lascrib. the product to custOller decision personnel. It contains an Executive Brochure. 4/85 SlSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6320-0658 ROUTING TABLE 6ENERATOR IRT6). 5668-815. SOFTWARE UPDATE This publication is designed to describe the product to custolll8r decision making personnel. It contains four sections: an Executive SumMary. a Product Overview section. a Planning Infor.. tion section. and an Ordering Information Section. I t is intended for Infor.. tion Syst_ executives and Data Processing professional personnel. Brochure. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6/85 11115665-280 ( 6320-0815 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE ULTRACALC. 5796-TAW. RELEASE NOTICE IX UltraCalc is a program offering that provides a powerful financial planning and modeling package Nith business graphics. Its easy-to-learn. flexible electronic worksheet has a consistent and powerful command language allowing even the most complex models to be expressed easily. Business graphics include color-bar charting. tables. boxes. and continuous line-draNing and video attributes. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 11/85 11115796-TAW 6320-0892 CICS/CI1S RELEASE 1 PRODUCT OVERVIEW PRESENTATION GUIDE This publication provides .aterials Nhich may be used as an overview of the features and potential benefits of the Customer Information Control SystemlConversational Monitor System ICICS/CMS) Release 1. It is intended for those who have an interest in CICS development aids and techniques. It is also suitable for inclusion in a CICS Concepts and Facilities presentation. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 72 pages. 10/85 6320-0803 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE. 5796-TAY. TBD. ~ INFORMIX. ~ Am EQF/COBOL ~ t!Qlll& Interactive Executive IIX) IHFORMIX* is a relational database manageeent systeM that provides powerful capabilities for both end-users and systelllS integrators. IX 6320-0910 IHFDRMIX Embedded Query Facility for C IIX INFDRMIX EQF/C) 4224 !!Q! ~ f.!!l!:!llB PRESENTATION ~ allONS the use of query language statements to access This publication contains a foil and script presentation to databases from C. EQF/C also includes prograning tools introduce the 4224 Dot Matrix Printer. Its table-top size allONS easy placement of the printer in a variety of office that allOM the user to call C functions and use C library routines Nhile using the IX INFDRMIX relational database environments. The printer can produce all-pointsunagement system. IX INFORMIX EQF/COBOL provides high addressable IAPA) graphics as well as near-letter quality level tools for building custo. database applications in IX text. The 4224 printer uses a serial dot matrix printing COBOL. All three INFORMIX products operate on the process. and is available in three black and white models and one. four or eight color model. It supports printing in Interactive Executive for Systeml370 IIX/370). *INFDRMIX is' a registered trada.ark of Relational Database four pitches and three print quality modes. This Syst .... Inc. presentation guide is intended for use by marketing Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 8 pages and fold out. 1/86 personnel and customers. 11115796-TAY.5796-TBD,5796-TBE Manual. 8 112 xll inches. 60 pages. 1186 6320-0809 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE COBOL. 5796-TAY. SOFTWARE Yf!lm IX COBOL supports the development of multi-user business systems and operates on the Interactive Executive for Syst..t370 IIXl370). It includes support for record and file locking and also takes advantage of the features of interactive data terminals like the 3101. IX COBOL is based on 1974 ANSI standards. It satisfies the provisions of the Federal Infor.. tion Resource Management Regulations IFIRMR) 201-8.107-1. "FIPS PUB 21-1. Federal Standard COBOL." IX COBOL is illlPlemented at the HIGH level. It is not fully compatible Nith DOSIYS COBOL. 5746-CBl. OSIYS COBOL. 5740-CBl. or COBOL VS II. 5668-958. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 11/85 11115796-TAY 6320-0814 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE INTEGRATED HORDIMATH. 5796-TAT. ~ 6320-1244 CATALOG Qf Im! EDUCATION This publication includes an, introduction to Education. It includes information on ordering. class schedules. education centers. terMS and conditions. and price lists. Customers may subscribe to the catalog by contacting their Marketing Representative. Personnel may subscribe using DAPS code 0090. The entire catalog is available on-line through the HONE Education application. Since this application is updated daily. internal users are encouraged to use HONE rather than the printed Catalog. In addition. the Catalog is available to customers on-line via the INFO Express Education application which is also updated daily. See announcement letter 1385-143 for details. Catalog of IBM Education. 04/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 6320-1408 t!Qlll& ~ UNIVERSITY SYSTEM f!lB INTERACTIVE COMPUTING U1USIC) RELEASE II lY.!! S796-AAT NOTICE A new release of the MUSIC Timesharing System is noN available. It contains significant neN system support for S/370 Models 125. 158. 165 and 168. including 3330/3333 Model II. 3704/3705. enhancements to BASIC and APL Norkspace support. In addition. its interface to VM/370 has been improved to provide more efficient operation when running in a virtual .achine under VMl370 control. Programming services have been extended until December 31. 1974. MUSIC offers a high performance and high function timesharing facility previously unavailable to the low entry Systeml370 IX Integrated WORDIMATH is a poNerful. easy-to-use. integrated office auto.ation program offering that features a NOrd processor tightly integrated Nith a table editor. The table edHor uy be used as a financial IIOdeling tool Nith an extensive conand set or Nithin a document Nith • simplified COlllllland set. A full screen editor allows the user to generate and edit text quickly and efficiently providing a Nhat-you-see-is-Nhat-you-get docuDent. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 11/85 S/370 11115796-TAT usel"'. 931 6320 6320 print a detailed report describing the characteristics of each data description (OBD). IMSMAPIVS is an extension of the currently available IUP. IMSMAP (5796-PBC). IMSMAP is a prerequisite for IMSMAPIVS. IMSMAPIVS provides both support for IMSIVS data bases and additional features not available in the original IMSMAP IUP. Flyer ////5796-PCY Notice. 6 pages ////5796-AAT.5796-AJC.5796-AHQ ,;320-1529 3270 FORMATTING FEATURE fi!R BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR IYe 5796-PBO ~ TMs notice is intended to inform the potential user about the program and that is has been released. The 3270 Formatting Feature is an expansion of the Batch Terminal Simulator IUP (5796-PBO); which is described in Availability 6320-1544 Notice G320-1523. BTS allows IMS batch. batch message and message processing programs to be tested without having INTERACTIVE ,gym j REPORT PROCESSOR !.!!mf.!.& lYf 5796-PDG. teleprocessing hardware installed. The addition of the 3270 ~ Formatting Feature provides the ability to test applications This Availability Notice contains complete ordering information for the Program and all its related documenusing the IMS Message Formatting Service (MFS) without the tation. for management and data processing personnel who are use of 3270 hardware. This means that development of new prospective users of the program and others who require online applications. or conversion of batch programs for information concerning it. online use. can proceed while still in the batch only The Interactive Query and Report Processor (IQRP) entest/development mode. ables the end user to interact. fro. a terminal. directly Flyer. 7 pages ////5796-PBO with files of interest to him using a free form set of commands which can be easy to learn. IBM experience with predecessor systems indicates that providing this type of query and reporting facility to the end user potentially G320-1530 constitutes a significant productivity enhancement and can TEST !lA!A GENERATOR FOR S/370. IYe 5796-PBP. NOTICE permit a wide variety of applications to be implemented This notice is designed to inform potential users about the without traditional programming. program and that it has been released. The key to IQRP's value in permitting the end user to Test Data Generator constructs data used in testing an generate interactively his own applications is a simple. application program. The user describes the characteristics flexible. non-procedural. powerful set of commands. Use of of the data and supplies the "seed" for a random nuIIIber IQRP predecessor systems within IBM has demonstrated that generator; the program constructs test files containing randomly generated data and optionally gives the user a data clerks. managers. administrative personnel. technical staff and production workers can quickly learn to use the IQRP for.testing the logic of application programs should provide query terms. savings by not having to prepare test data manually. thus reducing programming time and eliminating the heavy volume Availability Notice ////5796-PDG of keypunching normally required to establish test files. It should also provide less biased data for the actual test. Frequently. it can eliminate or postpone the writing and testing of data file load programs. G320-1561 Release Notice. 16 pages ENTERING ~ ~ SUBSCRIPTION Entering an SLSS (System Library Subscription Service) ////5796-PBP Subscription can help the user become familiar with SLSS. It describes SLSS and how to use the service. It is intended for customers and internal personnel. A IllUSt for G320-1535 anyone who has a need for publications that support IBI1 ru! PROTOTYPEIVS IYe 5796-PCX. ~ ~ products. OBPROTOTYPEIVS is a design evaluation tool which enables the Brief. 48 pages. 12/85 IMSIVS user to create model data bases and skeletal 370.5381.5360.4361.4381.8150.5362.3090.5382.5410.4575.4576. application programs to run against these data bases. By 8130.8140.4331.4341.5525.5280.5285.5286.5288.4321//20// analyzing the performance data obtained from successive runs utilizing different design parameters. the user can select the system design best suited to his needs. The value of this prototype approach to design is that 6320-1621 MARKETING PUBLICATIONS ~ INDEX (USA) it enables the user to study the effects of various design This catalog indexes the titles and lists the prices of alternatives prior to expending resources in implementation. customer publications. including all those for system Programming for new or changing applications and data bases libraries and many other marketing publications. such as can follow with a higher level of confidence for success application briefs. educational and promotional literature. without costly rework caused by poor design. OBPROTOTYPE/VS operates with IMSIVS. It extends the cassettes. videotapes. periodicals and photographs. capabilities of OBPROTOTYPE (IUP 5796-PBB) to support IMSIVS All titles are KWIC (keyword in context) titles. KWIC is an abbreviating retrieval system in which titles are features and incorporates improvements in the existing expressed in no more than 30 characters and each such title functions of OBPROTOTYPE. OBPROTOTYPE is prerequisite for is indexed under each practical keyword. OBPROTOTYPEIVS. Among such keywords is ISUP. which creates a Flyer ////5796-PCX numerically sorted listing of all System Library Supplements (applying to Selectable Units and certain licensed programs) released before the edition date. Conversely. Supplements applying to a given base number G320-1538 and'edition may be found I.A'\der that base number. where it IMSMAPIVS = IYe 5796-PCY. RELEASE tIQ!ru The Installed User Program IMSMAPIVS is a documentation aid appears in the title index as a keyword. Similarly. those requiring the pseudonumbers for which produces pictorial representations of data base strucspecific back editions (supporting prior releases of tures. These lltaps. which are produced on a line printer. graphically represent the many characteristics of an IMSIVS programs) will find them listed in the title index under the actual base order number. data base. In addition to producing maps. IMSMAPIVS can = = 932 / G320 G320 Haterials for the eaintenanee of IBH products are in t .... CUstomer Engineering KWIC Index. GY20-0073. Index. 388 pages. 2/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY E;320-4267 l l i APPLICATION PROORAHS = REFERENCE ~ This reference card lists the available APL application programs and some associated publications. Fanfold card. 3 1/2 x ;8 1/8 inches. 6 panels. 2/78 370.4361.4381.4331.4341.4321//22// ( G320-5537 AUTOHATEO UNIT TEST. !Yf 5796-PEB. 5796-PEC, t!Q!Ig This document contains information about use of AutClHted Unit Test (AUT). a productivity aid which can be used by a programmer to drive test cases through a unit of cede for internal interface testing. monitor execution of the test cases. verify whether the tests Nere successful. and provide G320-5542 diagnostic information about discrepancies. Because it also ~ ~ ASSEMBLER IQ ~ ASSEMBLER CONVERSION ~ provides the capability to simulate uncoded or uncompleted !Yf 5796-PEX. NOTICE ' U'lHs of cede or entire lIodules mile driving the test This document inforllS potential customers about the use of cases. AUT promotes the use of top-dONn design or the RCA TOOS Assembler to OS/VS Assembler Conversion Aid. development - a tecMi que used by eany to help i I!prove the This aid converts RCA TOOS Assembler programs to OS/VS quality and reliability of cede. executable modules Nith a .ini.u. of source stat.-.nt Release notice. 8 pages. 9/75 changes. The convers i on aid uses RCA assembler language ////5796-PEB.5796-PEC source cede as input and. Nith nominal additions directly produces an executable OS/VS assembler prograe eli.inating many errors resulting from manual changes. It minimizes the G320-5539 amOU'lt of application knoNledge required of the conversion VS/REPACK. !Yf 5796-PDZ, NOTICE programmer. An auxiliary .adule. included Nith the aid. is This document contains information about use of the required until future conversion to native OS/VS mode. VS/REPACK Installed User Prograe (5796-PDZ). a tool to help The conversion aid consists of t_ asseebler language in improving the perfor....nee of individual user prograllS progra1llS and a lIacro library. One of these prograllS is for running in a virtual storage environment. In particular. correcting .inor syntactical differences bet....n the t_ Vs/REPACK provides facilities for recording. displaying. and assembler languages. The other progra. is an auxiliary analyzing virtual storage reference data which can enable IIOdule Nith eultiple entry points that _rks in conjunction the user to reduce progra. Norking set size in order to Nith the expansion of the ....cros included in the conversion decrease overall system paging. The VS/REPACK developers aid. The lIacro library consists of llacros that were Nritten have used these facilities to reduce the paging rate of to accept the RCA/DOS syntactical foreat and expand either specific applications in their installation in the range of to their direct OS HACRO equivalent or to a branch and link one-half to two-thirds. The improvements that can be to the auxiliary routine necessary to provide the RCA/TDOS obtained using VS/REPACK lIay vary Nidely depending upon the function. nature of the application and the systetl envirOl'llllellt. Release notice. 4 pages. 7/75 HIGHLIGHTS ////5796-PEX The VS/REPACK syst... can assist the prograllllll!r in: o Reordering the CSECTs for improved progra. performance G320-5547 o Reducing the Masted space SYSTEH DIRECTORY LIST OPTIHIZER. lYE 5796-PfH. NOTICE o Interactive testing of assumptions Nithout This publication describes the Dos/vS System Directory List recording. relinking or rerunning Opti.;zer. which is designed to improve the perforllance of o Graphically displaying prograe activity DOS/vs by opti.izing the Systee Directory List and Systee o Debugging program logic errors related to abncreal Virtual Area of DOS/vs for a given installation or sequencing of storage references application. o Confining a prograe's address space references to Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 1/76 ////5796-PFH fewer pages for extended periods of ti .. SYSTEH DESCRIPTION The VS/REPACK Installed User Program (5796-PDZ) is • progr.e developed and structuring aid used for analysis of a G320-5551 program's execution in a virtual storage environtlent. The ISA" IQ DL/I COBOL TRANSLATOR. i l l 5796-PFB. -PFC. t!Q!Ig use of VS/REPACK involves tMC separate procedures that are This document contains information on use of the ISAH-toDL/I COBOL Progra. Translator Installed User Progra.. ..hich used in conjunction NHh each other to analyze hON to improve perforeance: The Trace session and The Analysis assists the user in his conversion frOll ISAH files to session. integrated data-base ..nage.ent under DL/I. The Translator Release notice. 4 pages. 1/76 converts COBOL source programs that use ISAH into exactly ////5796-PDZ equivalent COBOL programs that use DL/I to access the sa.. data. At the sa.. tille the Translator detects and diagnoses unusual programi ng teehni ques (i f any I that ....y requi I"e G320-5541 revision to operate in an integrated data base environtlent. ASSEI1BLER H/CHS INTERFACE. i l l 5796-PEJ. t!Q!Ig The Translator provides a complete audit listing of this This document contains information about use of the conversion. or. if the user chooses. an exceptions-only Ass_leI' H/CHS Interface Installed User Prograe. which listing at either of tMC levels of detail. 933 ( enables VlV370 users to install and execute OS Assl!IIbler H ",del' CHS. After i!'lStallation is coepleted. a simple co_and. HASH. is used to invoke Assetlbler H to asseable user specified files. A set of options available Nith t .... HASH command provides the CHS weI' Nith the same options as Assembler H under os. HIGHLIGHTS o Provides an interface to OS Assetlbler H under VlV370. o Enables VlV370 CHS users to benefit from AsseBbler H perforllance improvement and language extensions. o Uses a simple CHS command to invoke Assembler H. o Provides for assembly time options Nith the CHS c_nd. o Enables source prograe input frOll CHS files. OS data sets. or OS partitioned data sets. o Permits programs written for Assembler F and the OS/VS Assetlbler to be assembled Nith Asseabler H. Release Notice. 4 pages. 10/75 ////5796-PEJ 6320 6320 R.l. .s. Notice. 6 pages. 1176 ////5796-PFB.5796-PFC 11/15796-AK6 6320-5653 TSOtcOllES l!!!IAn ~ Ill!! 5796-PFR tI!l[Jg This docUHnt cont.ins info.... tion on us. of the TSD/Codes Update Syst. . Installed Use.. P..og..... a p ..oductivity aid loIhich can be used by a TSO System Achinist ..ato .. to auta.atically create unique passNO ..ds fa .. TSO use ..s. 'It can eliainate . .nual updating of the passNO ..ds and help inc....s. the secu .. i ty and ..nagaabil i ty of the TSO passwo..d facilities. Bec.Us. the Tso/codes Update Syst. . uses both the Julian date and the ti . . of day as input to its ..anda.izing routinas. the sa. . s ... ies of passNO .. ds should not be rep..oduced within. 100-y.... cycle. and likely will nav... be ..ep.. oduced. The ISOICodes Update Syst. . is designed to be used with "snap-out" fo ..a-type . . il..... which a ... readily available f ..o. va .. ious fa .... vendors. The p ..og..aa p .. ints the naN pass~ ..d. na. . and add..ess. and any use .. lllessaga on the cove.. she.t of the special fa.... This cove .. sheet is NIIIOVed and held as the . .ste.. listing and is used fa .. the auditing process. The naN passNO..d and .essaga a .. e p .. inted only on the cov... she.t and on the inside pa .. t of the fa .... This is accomplished by the a ..... nge.ent of ca ..bons within the . . ile.. envelope. The naN passNO ..d is visible only IoIhen it is sepa ..ated f ..011 the envelope po.. tion of the multipa .. t fa.... The us. of these fa.... can ..educe the ••ount of handling. helping to incre... secu.. ity. and, potentially. dec ....sing . . intenance costs. Rele.se Notice. 6 pages. 1/76 1///5796-PFR 6320-5660 6320-5670 ttINIttIZE l!!!!l !aJ INTERFERENCE, Ill!! 5796-PGD. HQIIg This publication describes the 6TF 110 Concur .. ency Repo..t. which displays the concu.. rency that exists between devices. control units. or channels within the syst. . and the overlap that exists betNeen devices on the syst.... Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. it pages, 4/76 11115796-PGD 6320-5672 i l l mt.I ml.fUB ANALYSIS This publication desc.. ibes the 6TFVTAI1. which is designed to aid the systems p ..ogrammer in analyzing and imp..oving the perfor.anee of VTAI1 r~ing in an MYS system. Flyer, 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 6 pages. 2/76 IN/5796-PGF t!.QIIg 6320-5674 trill SYSTEM INFORMATION ROUTINES This document desc .. ibes the MYS Syst ... Information Routines Installed User P..ogra. and provides the MYS systeM user with additional insight into HVS systeM operation. With this IUP the use .. is bette.. able to unde ..stand the resources used by specific jobs 0 .. TSO users within his installation and hoN MYS controls the execution of these jobs according to user-provided system pa ..a..-ters. ttanual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 4 pages. 3176 11//5796-PGB G320-5675 ill SUPERVISOR SERVICES ANALYZER. Ill!! 5796-PGE. t!Q!!g This docUient cont.ins info.... tion on us. of the HDAI1 This document describes for potential customers use of the Reorganiz.tion Utility fa .. DVI OOSIVS. 6TF Superviso.. Se..vices Analyzer Program. (6TFSVC). The DVI DOSIVS use.. gene ... lly has the choic. of tNO This internally developed prog..a. is designed to aid the access aethods. HIDAI1 and HDAI1. fa .. implementing online and systems programmer in analyzing and improving the pa.. fo ....nc.-o .. iented systems. The potenti.l pa.. fo .... nce perfor. .nee of the computer system. The 6TFSVC P..og..am can advantages of HDAI1 . .ke it .n att ...ctiv. alte..nativ. to prove valuable as a tool for identifying pe .. fo .... nce HIDAI1. If the application ..equi ..ements c.n be .... t by HOAl1. bottlenecks in the key jobs of an installation. These jobs the us... should conside .. it ave .. HIDAI1 IoIhen selecting an .re frequently the online DBIDC system 0 .. c .. itical-path access . .thod. The HDAI1 Reo..ganization Utility MaS batch production wo..k whe .. e pe.. formanee is essential. developed at Gene..al R.insu ..ance Co ..po..ation in o ..de .. to use The objective of the 6TFSVC program is to identify those HDAI1 .ora effectively. Its pu..pose is to p ..edict and tune jobs and p ..ogram IICdules that are the heaviest users of HDAI1 pe.. fo .... nce du .. ing systems design, and to . . intain that supe ..viso .. se..vices (fa .. example, EXCP. GETttAIN. Ove .. lay pe .. fo ....nce with an optimum ..eo..ganization p ..ocedu..e afte .. Supervision). The execution of many of these systemi!lpl...-ntation. Highlights: p ..ovided se ..vices is both time-consuming and serial c ..eating a Analyzes HDAtt pe.. fo .... nce du.. ing syst. . design bottlenecks with resultant pe.. formanee deg.. adation. a Calculates ave .. aga 1'IUIIIbe.. of lIDs to access root The Gene.. alized T.. ace Facility (GTF) component of the segments ..andomly use.. 's system cont ..ol p ..og ..am provides detailed data on a Requi ..es only one control ca ..d to speci fy a va .. iety of events occur .. ing in a system. including ..anda.ize.. na. . and DBD6EN pe.. fo ..aance pa ..a..-te ..s superviso.. calls. The GTFSVC p ..ogram accomplishes its a Provides a reo ..ganization p ..ocedu... that enhances objective by extracting and summa .. izing GTF t ..ace records pe.. fo ....nc. by loading synonyms last into a useful and manageable format. a Eases conve ..sion to HDAI1 fro. HISAI1 and HIDAI1 Release notice. 6 pages. 2/76 Release Notice. 4 pages. 1176 11115796-PGE I!..!.a H!W:I IlAIA un IYt:W!!i !lIU. Ill!! 5796-AKF. J:III!g 6320-5666 fJ.a f IQ fba OPTlttIZER CONVERSION Am Ill!! 5796-AK6. HQIIg This docUient contains infor.ation on use of the PVI F to PVI Opti.ize.. Conversion Aid which .ccepts syntactically cor ..ect PVI F sou ..c. text and aodifies it 50 that it will cOllPil. under the Opti.ize.. or Checkout COIIPiler Program Product (5734-PLl and 5734-PL2). It perMits lower skilled personnel to perform conversion of PVI program libraries. It can reduce the tin ...qui ..ed .nd adds an orderly aethod to perfo... the tasks. It can assist the user in achieving significant cost reduction in making the conversion. Releas. Notic•• it pages. 1176 6320-5676 ttESSAGE SWITCHING mnt!.z. !!If 5796-A!(P, 5796-AKN, t:!Ql1g This publication describes CICSIVS Message Processing System. which is a p ..ogram designed to facilitate the daily COIMIIJI'Ii cat i on requi ..ements of local and remote users wi thi n a company. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inehes. 4 pages. 4/76 11115796-AKP.5796-AKN 934 (~/ ( 6320 G320 test batch applications as well as those intended to r ... in PERFORMANCE TOOL. !!If 5796-PGK. NOTICE a teleprocessing environment. BTS II supplies information about each transaction or message as it progresses through DOS/VSPT is a software Monitor that measures the perforMance of an existing IBM system operating under DOS/YS. It uses the IMS/YS system. It provides IMS/VS users with a comprehensive means of checking and debugging: both statistical sampling and event tracing to record system o application prograM logic status on an output data file. This data is used later to produce a series of reports on both hardware and software o ItlS/YS interfaces performance during selected tiMe intervals. o teleprocessing activity o 3270 format control blocks HIGHLIGHTS o Reporting includes: o data base activity CPU utilization BTS II is a new product based upon BTS/vs with the 3270 Real Main storage occupancy and paging Formatting Feature and released with an extended support Channel utilization and overlap with the CPU period and significant enhancements. It is fully upwardDevice utilization and queueing compatible with BTS/yS and the 3270 Formatting Feature. DASD seek analysis Release Notice. 6 pages. 5/76 o Analysis by parti tion includes: ////5796-PGT Deactivation Real Main storage occupancy DASD seek analysis 6320-5691 Release Notice BATCH MONITOR FOR VM/370 Q!lL. IUP 5796-PGZ. NOTICE ////5796-PGK This program allows a VM/370 CMS terminal user to direct jobs which do not require conversational supervision to one of four vidual "batch" machines. The major highlights of the program include: ter.inal user inquiry into "batch" G320-5680 m PERFORMANCE I!ml..& !!If 5796-PGL. RELEASE HQllgi Machine workload. class and priority scheduling of batch YS1PT is a software monitor that measures the performance of jobs. system workload balancing. and extensive control and a system running OS/YS1. It uses periodic statistical restart facilities. The major potential benefit to a user sampling. dynamic event tracing and event counting to record of this program is increased CMS terminal user productivity. selected system status information. At requested intervals. Release notice. 4 pgs ////5796-P6Z the acc~~lated information is placed in a monitor output data set which can be DASD or magnetic tape. A database utility is also provided to allow the user to select and G320-5697 combine Monitor output. Subsequently. plots. detailed report. seek analysis. and load module usage reports can be DUI BATCH !:!Q!:illQ!! FOR DOS/yS. !!If 5796-AKY. HQll9i generated frOM the monitor or database utility files. These This Availability Notice contains complete ordering reports can be used to evaluate overall performance or to infOrMation for the Program and all its related analyze in detail specific areas of concern. documentation. for management and data processing personnel Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 12 pages. 7/82 who are prospective users of the program and others who ////5796-PGL require information concerning it. This IUP is a productivity aid which helps the DUI DOS/yS Application Progra_er test and debug DUI batch G320-5684 programs. In addition. it provides the Data Base DISKETTE SORT PROGRAI1. !!If 5796-PGJ. !!QI!g Administrator/Systems Programmer with a means to audit data This document contains information on use of the Diskette base calls issued by these programs. and to evaluate program Sort Installed User Program which enables users of the IBM performance. The objectives of this IUP are to reduce the DOS/yS Sort/Merge Program. 5746-SMI. to sort diskette files time required to implement DUI batch application programs. without first having to copy them onto tape or disk. and to help in tuning the DUI DOS/yS batch system. Highlights: This IUP supports only DUI DOS/yS data bases which use o It provides a generalized Sort/Merge E15 exit VSAM (DUI Entry is not supported). The IUP supports DUI routine to DOS/YS diskette users. application programs written in Assembler. COBOL and PUI. o It provides improved performance to those sort Flyer. 6 pages ////5796-AKY users that need to sort diskette files. since the copying pass from diskette to tape or disk is no longer required. G320-5702 o It will dynamically determine the record length of the diskette records to be sorted. CATALOG QE LANGUAGE Mm .§Q!U PR06RAM PRODUCTS .QlU I!mi o The programming symbolic l.WIit number used in VM/370-CMS This catalog is a quick reference to the IBI1 Program conjunction with this program is determined at installation tiMe and can be chosen such that no Products that provide language and sort/merge processing conflicts occur with the particular installation's support for System/370 and System/360 running the operating standards. systems shown in the title. The language products described Release Notice. 4 pages. 5/76 here include compilers. interpreters. their associated ////5796-PGJ libraries. and various related user productivity aids for COBOL. FORTRAN. PI/I. BASIC. APL. GIS. RPG II and Assembler. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 47 pages. 11/77 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY G320-5686 §ill!! TERI1INAl SIMULATOR !L. !!If 5796-PGT. NOTICE This document contains inforMation on use of Batch TerMinal Simulator II (BTS II). a Productivity Aid for Application 6320-5710 Program Testing under IMS/YS Version 1.1.1 and subsequent TESTING A!:!!l DEBUGGING ONLINE HlllI CICS/yS. releases. BTS II is a terminal simulator that allows online !!If 5796-AHJ. NOTICE 1I1S/yS application programs to be tested in an IMS/yS batch CICS/vS Online Test/Debug provides a programmer with the environment without the use of teleprocessing hardware. facilities to test and debug CICS/YS application prograll5 Extensive debugging facilities enable the BTS II user to under CICS/YS by entering command statements via a 3270 G320-5679 ~ 935 ( G320 G320 placeMant and characteristics JDCA and SOMA, if used together, provide the custOller with many of the functions supported by IBM Marketing Aid I (HAIl). In addition, new reports are included that sieplify detailed .igration planning. Users of these IUPa wi 11 be able to keep all of the reports produced and use the. freely for their own purpas_. These~UPs will enable your custOMer to get involved with 110 configuration studies at an early date and aSS\aa the priMary responsibility for. processing the data and analyzing results. Release Notice, 8 pages, 4/77 ///15796-PIIN,5796-PIIP InforMation Display Systetll. The features include the ability to display any location in .ain memory of the machine, alter any location within the CICSIVS job step boundaries, stop the execution of a specific CICS/vS task at a specific address within an application program, immediately update or display file records (ISAK, BDAK, VSAH and DLlII, and open or close files online. In effect, this prograM allows a programmer with access to a 3270 the ability to "console debug" programs without interrupting normal installation operations. Availability notice ////5796-AHJ G320-5713 JES3 tIONITORING FACILITI .me 5796-PIIR, !:!!!:[Ig The JES3 Monitoring Facility (JMFI Installed User PrograM provides the MVS/JES3 user with infor.ation on the activities and resource utilization of JES3. This information can be used to evaluate the performance of an existing MVS/JES3 systell and to understand the ilOpact of particular JES3 functions on the entire systeM. Used on a regular basis, JMF can assist in identifying changes in the JES3 environment which effect overall JES3 performance. Such information May also be useful in planning for future growth of the syst... Release Notice 11115796-PIIR G320-5718 tIONITORING ~ ~ F!J!:!CTIONS • .me 5796-ALX. lI!.I!Cl This Availability Notice contains COMplete ordering inforMation for the PrograM and all its related doclJlllentation, for ManageMent and data processing personnel who are prospective users of the prograM and others Mho require information concerning it. The DOSIVS Syst.. Programming Aid developed by the City of Garland. Texas, has been released. This aid. developed to increase the productivity of the city's prograMMing and operations staff, provides inquiry under CICSIVS to Dos/vs information on files, VTOCs, libraries, systeM status, partition data and 110 device assignment. Release Notice, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 6 pages, 1178 /1/15796-AUI. 6320-5714 DATA COMPRESSION AID .me 5796-PlfN, ~ gmg MIGRATION !!q .me 5796-PHP. NOTICE G320-5719 This Availability Notice contains coeplete ordering TSO/IQRP INTERFACE • .me 5796-PIIZ. NOTICE information for the PrograM and all its related The TSO Interface to IQRP, Installed User PrograM 5796-PIIZ, documentation, for management and data processing personnel provi des the end user ina TSO anvi ronment wi th access to Mho are prospective users of the prograM and others Mho the Interactive Query and Report Processor UQHP), require information concerning it. IUP 5796-PD6. The Job Data Compression Aid (JDCAI IUP (5796-PPNI and The TSO Interface to IQRP operates as an independent TSD its companion, the Storage Device Migration Aid (SOMA) IUP, transaction. Since each TSO user obtains a unique copy of (5796-PIIPI are tools designed to help OS or OS/VS IQRP, IlUltiple IQHP transactions can be Rl"ocessed installations manage their tape, DASD, and Mass Storage concurrently. Controls have been established to preserve System (MSS) configurations. file integrity when file update transactions are processed. JDCA produces a base file of edited and reduced Syst.. The end user .ay retain reports with or without their Management Facilities (SMF) data. This base file can be headi ngs for subsequent process i ng. used by SOMA. Consequently. JDCA is a prerequisite for Release Notice, 4 pgs, 2177 SOMA. But. the JDCA base file data can also be rearranged 11//5796-PIIZ by sorting and including in detailed or summary reports by IBM personnel using IBM Marketing Aid 1 (MAlliaI' by user written applications. In this latter case, JDCA can G320-5727 silOplify the task of processing SMF's variable length i l l ! GISIVS LIBRARY MAINTENANCE PROGRAM. records. ill fB.!l§ 5796-ANG. NOTICE JDCA provides a number of useful options for controlling This Availability Notice contains complete ordering the data included in the base file. It also provides inforMation for the PrograM and all its related SulllDary reports for estiMating the validity of the SMF data docUMentation, for manageMent and data processing personnel processed. JOCA can process SMF data fro. up to 9 OS or who are prospective users of the prograM and others who OSIVS systems. require information concerning it. The Storage Device Migration Aid (SOMA) IUP generates a The GIS and GISIVS Library Maintenance PrograM Installed series of reports from the base file created by the Job Data User PrograM 5796-ANG, aids an installation in the COI!Ipression Aid (JOCA) IUP (5796-PHN). These reports ManageMent of its GIS library data sets. include information about data sets and jobs. The Many GIS and GISIVS us!,rs have found that .. intenanee of information in the reports can be custom tailored by use of their GIS. LIB data set presents difficulties. The directory one or IIDre filters. The filters enable the installation to of this partitioned data set often gets filled or an study the specific data sets and jobs of interest. excessive numbe~ of I1811bers use the space allocated to the JOCA and SOMA are designed to simplify Migration to a c:l rellOt. job entry (RJE) anvi ronment. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 88 pages. 6/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ( 5544-3025 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBlTTOR: SOLVING FORMATTING PROBLEMS USING A LINE-MONITOR OPERATION It! A ~ ENVIRONMENT This book is intended for those who solve formatting problelllS ..... ile using an IBM 6670 Information Distributor in • binary synchronous communication (BSC) environment. It describes hoM to use a Line-Monitor trac. to solve a formatting probl......... ich My involve the c..-.,ications activity. the job data. or both. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches. 30 pages. 6/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY S544-3040 6670 INFORMATION DI5TRIBlTTOR gg, REFERENCE fQR M! .li!!A ENVIRONMENT This manual contains a description of each command and instruction in the operator control language (OCL) for the 6670 Information Distributor. It is to be used as a source of information during and after 6670 training. Each co_and and instruction is presented as it is used in a systems network archi tecture (5NA) envi ronment by describing it function. operands. and general use. as well as the impact when it is used with other commands and instructions. Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches //30/6670/ S544-3041 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBlTTOR gg, REFERENCE fQR A ~ ENVIRONMENT This manual contains a description of each c~and and instruction in the operator control language (OCL) for the 6670 Information Distributor. It is to be used as a source of info.... tion during and after 6670 training. Each cOlllllland and instruction is presented as it is used in a binary synchronous communications (BSC) environment by $544-3028 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBtlTOR FORMATTING DOCl!1ENTS It! describing its function. operands. and general use. as well as the impact when it is used .. ith other cOlllmands and AN IBI1 i l l ENVIRONMENT This book is written for those responsible for creating and instructions. formatting documents to be printed on the IBM 6670. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches Dev.loping or lIOdifying your data-processing applications to //30/6670/ take advantage of the printing and formatting capabilities of the IBM 6670 I/O. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches S544-3042 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBtlTOR SYSTEM PROGRAMt1ING REFERENCE SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY This publication contains reference information for host-systeM support for the 6670 Information Dist,ributor. It is directed to system programmers and application S544-3029 programmers "ho are responsible for the installation and 6670 SOLVING FORMATTING PROBLEMS USING A LINE-MONITOR operation of the 6670 in a host-system environment. It OPERATION It! M! ~ ENVIROtll1ENT This book is for those who solve for .. tting problelllS ..... il. replaces and obsoletes the Programmer's Guide for Communicating with the 6670 Information Distributor (BSC) using the 6670 Information Distributor in • System network Archi tecture (SHA) envi ronment. Environment. G544-1007. and the Programmer's Guide for Communicating with the 6670 InformaHon Distributor (SNA This book tells hoM to use a line lIonitor trace to solve a for .. tting problem. Environment). &544-1008 by consolidating and reorganizing Manual. 34 pages. 6/83 the information contained in Chapter 4 and Chapter 3 from each publication. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Manual. 8 112 x 11 inches //36/6670/ 5544-3032 PRINTING A DOCl!1ENT It! M! i l l ENVIRONMENT This book is directed to anyone who is responsible for 5544-3064 ~ INFORMATION DISTRIBlTTOR: OVERVIEW.Qf ~ PROTOCOL MOnitoring an IBM 6670 Information Distributor while it is This book is used as an overv;e" of the 6670. It is also. receiving and printing docUlllents that have been submitted backup for those already trained on the 6670. from. terminal in • remote-job-entry (RJE) environment. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 5/83 including Mhat can be seen on the IBM 6670's control panel while it is receiving documents. SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 955 (/ I S544-3065 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 180 pages. 09/86 ////5666-319 S544-3066 S544-3106 Em:: DIA&NOSIS GUIDE ~ REFERENCE filB This publication aids in communicating with the support representatives to help isolate the source of a failure in Print Services Facility (PSF) or Page Printer Communications Component (PPCC). It allo_ for understanding the program organization and flON of control. but it does not give enough detail to correct or change the program logic. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 464 pages. 6/85 ////5666-319 OVERVIEW m: ~ PROTOCOL This book is an overview and reference for binary synchronous communications (BSC). It is a backup source of information during and after training on the 6670. It describes various line controls and sequences. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 42 pages. 5/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 2il!l INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR: 2il!l INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR HODEL i l l ~ m §Y!!!g This publication provides the information required to use the IBM 6670 Information Distributor Hodel III. It describes the differences between the earlier models (Models I and II) and the Medel III along with the effects of the Medel III loIith respect to the 6670 user library. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 24 pages &544-3176 !.f1! FONTS SPECIFICATIONS This licensed program provides a total of thirteen uniformly-spaced fonts for use on the 3800 Printer Subsystem Medels 3 and 8 when supported by Advanced Function Printing Software. These fonts are provided to support the special character set requirements demanded by many APL and APL2 printing applications. They can also be used by any other printing application that is supported by Advanced Function Printing software. Page. 10/84 ////5771-ADB S544-3068 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR READER ~ filB !. ~ ENVIRONMENT This booklet is IoIritten for anyone ..t.o installs or uses an IBM 6670 and needs to consult one or more of the instructional and reference materials that support the 6670. By using' the charts in this booklet. readers loIill be able to identify which 6670 training and reference books they should read based on the activities they perform in their 6670 installations. Booklet SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &544-3177 S544-3074 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR KEYBOARDS ~ fQH!3 SUPPLEMENT This publication is directed to IBM 6670 Information Distributor users in both data-processing and word-process i ng envi ronments. It provi des supplemental information to previously published- documentation on IBM 6670 keyboards and fonts. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 136 pages. 9/83 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY nA!!. 1 FONTS fHIHI MANAGEMENT FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS This licensed program provides a total of four uniformlyspaced. 13 3-pitch fonts for use on the 3800 Printer Subsystem Hodel 3 or 8 when supported by Advanced Function Printing Software. Single sheet. 10/84 ////5771-ADA &544-3179 PSAF/HVS This publication provides the user loIith a convenient easyto-use tool for selecting the appropriate formatting and printing options to print line data. page data. and Kanji shift-out/shift-in data on the 3800 Printer Subsystem and the 3820 Page ?rinter. PSAH/MVS is an interactive program which has four levels of menus. These menus are grouped into tloiO categories: general menus for the new user and special menus for the e~erienced user. Default values are provided for many parameters on the menus and any of the values can be overridden. Manual. 8 1/2 x llinches. 2 pages. 08/86 //20//5665-340 ~CIFICATIONS S544-3103 Em:: SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE filB m This publication provides information about the Print Services Facility (PSF) program product executing under the VSE/AF Operating System. It contains information for syst.. programmers Mho are responsible for establishing a communications network. installing PSF. starting and stopping PSF. providing data security. and reacting to abnormal events. It also contains the system operators command set available to PSF. To use this publication. the reader should have a system-level programming knowledge. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 176 pages. 09/86 ////5666-319 G544-3181 !!!m:!ll!i FORMATTING Am USER' S GUIDE M!!l REFERENCE This publication explains the use of the Page Printer Formatting Aid (PFFA) licensed program in the VSE. HVS and VM environments. It describes the use of the PPFA to create control objects. called page definitions and form definitions. The control objects are used in batch mode to format printed output for Page Printers loIithout requiring significant changes to the user programs. PPFA runs on the 3820 Page Printer and on the 3800 Printing Subsystem. Medel 3 and Hodel 8. The publication is intended for use by document administrators. Advanced Function Printing (AFP) programmers. system programmers and end users. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 176 pages. 8/85 ////5664-199.5665-351.5666-327 f'A§g S544-3104 Em:: ~ PROGRAHHING GUIDE filB m This publication explains the programming for the user of PSF for VSE. It is a guide to provide information about the Print Services Facility (PSF) executing under the VSE/AF Operating System. It contains information for syst.. programmers who are responsible for such tasks as establishing communications netlolork. installing PSF. starting and stopping PSF. providing data security. and reacting to abnormal events. It also contains the system operator command set available to PSF. Readers should have system-level progra.. ing knowledge and experience loIith printers is also helpful. 956 I ''-...J &544 S544 ", G544 G544 Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 200 pages. 09/86 //40//5666-319 G544-3182 PRINTER FORMATTING Am ~ mag REFERENCE This publication Nill help the user of the PPFA. It givas • sUIIIlllary of the commands used in PPFA. Fold out card, tNo-sided panels. 10 p •• 9/85 ////5666-327.5664-199.5665-351 fA§! G544-3323 fffA n!z. PPFA .!flli PPFA m SPECIFICATIONS Page Printer Forlllatting Aid (PPFA) allONS users to specify the form and page definitions necessary to utilize the advance-function printing capabilities of the 3820 Page Printer and 3800 Printing SubsysteM Models 3 and 8. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 08/86 ////5665-351.5664-199.5666-327 G544-3415 ADVANCED FUNCTION PRINTING SOFTWARE GENERAL INFORMATION This publication provides general information about Advanced Function Printing. AFP. It is intended for prople Mho plan for. install. use and maintain AFP software. It includes a description of the functions and the requirements of each product. and hoM each works Nith other AFP softNare products. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 80 pages. 4/86 SLSS: ORDER NO. SUBSCRIPTION ONLY &544-3519 PRINT SERVICES FACILITY f!!B THE ~ PRINTING SUBSYSTEM This publication provides device and resource .anagement support for the 3800 Printing Sub-systell Model 3 and the 3820 page printer in a VSE environment. Flyer. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 2 pages. 6/86 ////5666-319 m S544-3522 flU: OPERATOR'S GUIDE f!!B n! This publication des.cribes hoM the print services facility/VIII commands allow a PSF operator. on a VM host system or on a reMOte VM systell. to control print files for page printers. Manual. 56 pages. 08/86 //40//5664-198 5544-3571 flU: COMMAND mag REFERENCE This card contains the PSF/VM command options and refers the reader to the appropriate publication for details about the command. Reference Card. 3 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches. 8 panels. 08/86 ////5664-198 ~ S544-3511 flU: Ji!lli!:! PROGRAMMER' S ~ f!!B n! This publication contains information for systems programmers responsible for such tasks as installing and custOMizing PSF. establishing a communications network. lIIaintaining data security. reacting to abnor..l events. and coding exit routines. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 256 pages. 09/86 //40//5664-198 S544-3512 .fR!!f! SERVICES FACILITY USER'S PROGRAMMING §!ill!! f!!B n! This publication contains detailed information about using the PSF licensed product on a VM operating systelll to drive advanced function printers. It also contains inforMation about page definitions and for. definitions available Nith PSF. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 224 pages. 08/86 //40//5664-198 S544-3513 PSF MESSAGES Am CODES f!!B n! This publication describes the IlleSsages issued by Print Service Facility (PSF) on the virtual .achine environlllent. It documents the error and informational IleSsages. identifies the systRIII action follONing the error. and suggest the appropriate recovery actions. Return codes are also documented. The intended audience includes PSF/VM users. printer operators. and systems programmers. Manual. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 216 pages. 09/86 //40//5664-198 5544-3518 flU: MESSAGES Am ~ f!!B m This publication describes the IlleSsages issued by PSF in the Virtual Storage Extended (VSE) environment. The information contained is useful to anyone using a 3800 Printing Subsyste. Model 3 or a 3820 Page Printer. It i. assUMed the reader has prior knONledge of .aintenance or operations of printers. This publication documents the error and suggests the appropriate recovery actions. 957 Part 3. Current Editions within Form Number ( ',,< \~ 14 SA09-1600-2 30 GA09-1679-1 30 SA09-1680-0 30 SA09-1681-0 14 14 14 GAll-8632-0 GAll-8635-1 GAl1-8639-2 6N1l-8569 6N1l-8573 16 16 GAI8-2000-3 SAI8-2012-1 6N27-3238 16 SAI8-2014-7 15 14 GAI8-2018-6 SAI8-2019-1 09 16 16 SAI8-2033-2 GAI8-2035-3 GAI8-2036-3 6N18-2178 GN18-2103 6N18-2206 16 SAI8-2040-1 GNI8-2117 6N18-2171 GNI8-2139 09 GAI8-2041-4 16 SAI8-2042-2 13 GAI8-204ft-0 6N18-2100 6N18-2174 6N18-2145 6N18-2189 09 GAI8-2051-3 6N18-2111 GN18-2147 03 09 SAI8-2065-1 GAI8-2081-1 6N18-2136 6N18-2207 6N18-2191 09 09 SAI8-2083-0 GAI8-20M-0 09 GA18-2085-0 09 SAI8-2094-0 15 6A18-2095-1 GAI8-2097-2 09 09 GAI8-2098-2 6AI8-2127-1 09 16 HGAI8-2128-5 14 GAI8-2135-1 14 SA18-2136-1 09 16 GAI8-214ft-0 6AI8-2180-2 09 tHt6A18-2310-0 09 16 09 16 09 16 SAI8-2364-1 6AI8-2365-0 6A18-24ft3-0 SAI8-2454-1 GAI8-2457-1 GA19-0050-1 6N18-2140 6N18-2161 6N18-2201 6N18-2166 6N18-2214 GN18-2292 6N18-2355 6N18-2395 GNI8-2387 GN18-2151 GNI8-2176 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM CUSTott FEATURE DESCRIPTION 129-3270 ATTACHMENT (RPQ 8T0093) DISPLAYWRITER SYSTEM 3277 DEVICE EMULATION RPQ 800098 CUSTOMER FEATURE DESCRIPTION DISPLAYWRITER SYSTEM 3277 DEVICE EMULATION (PRPQ PI0034) 3277 DEVICE EMULATIONIDOCUttENT TRANSFER (PRPQ PI0074) OPERATOR REFERENCE GUIDE DISPLAYWRITER SYSTEM: 3277 DEVICE EMULATION CUSTOMER SETUP GUIDE RPQ 800098 5973-L02 NETWORK INTERFACE ADAPTER (NIA) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 5935-L03 BANKING TERMINAL RPQ Y96695 REFERENCE 5935-L03 BANKING TERMINAL REFERENCE INFORMATION RPQS Y96695 Am Y96750 (VERSION 2) 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL ERROR RECOVERY AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY STATION PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3287 PRINTER PLANNING AND SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL MODEL 2 DUAL DRIVE PINFEED PLATEN RPQ MF6321 USER INFORMATION ADDENDUM 3101 DISPLAY TERMINAL DESCRIPTION 3101 DISPLAY TERMINAL OPERATOR REFERENCE INFORMATION 3101 DISPLAY TERMINAL CUSTOMER PROBLEM ANALYSIS AND RESOLUTION GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY STATION OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY STATION PLANNING AND SETUP GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION FOR 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY STATIONS 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM DESCRIPTION & CONFISURATION APLITEXT FEATURE FOR 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY STATION, 3278 DISPLAY STATION, 3287 PRINTER, AND 3289 LINE PRINTER AN INTRODUCTION TO THE 3101 DISPLAY TERMINAL " 3102 PRINTER DESCRIPTION 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3276 CONTROL UNITIDISPLAY STATION DESCRIPTION AND PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 7486 DISPLAY TERMINAL DESCRIPTION 3104 DISPLAY TERMINAL OPERATOR REFERENCE GUIDE 3104 DISPLAY TERMINAL OPERATOR'S REFERENCE GUIDE SCANHASTER I DESCRIPTION SCANHASTER I PLANNING AND SITE PREPARATION GUIDE SCANHASTER I OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SCANMASTER I 8815 INSTRUCTIONS GN18-2223 3178 DISPLAY STATION DESCRIPTION 3178 DISPLAY STATION OPERATOR REFERENCE GUIDE SCANHASTER I GROUP II COMMUNICATION CAPABILITY, RPQ'S 8J4801, 8J4802, 8J4803, 8J4804, 8J4805, USER'S GUIDE SCANHASTER I 8815 INSTRUCTIONS FOR GIl COMMUNICATION CAPABILITY RPQ FEATURE (SUPPLEMENT TO GAI8-2098) SCANMASTER I 8815 USER'S GUIDE FOR IMAGE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 3179 COLOR DISPLAY STATION OPERATOR REFERENCE AND PROBLEM SOLVING GUIDE &N18-2329 DESCRIPTION 3161/3163 ASCII DISPLAY STATION 6N18-2374 &N18-24ft1 3193 DISPLAY STATION DESCRIPTION 3193 DISPLAY STATION OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3193 PROBLEM SOLVING QUICK CHECK GUIDE 3191 DISPLAY STATION USER'S GUIDE /" 3191 DISPLAY STATION DESCRIPTION ( S/360 S/370 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Am OPERATING PROCEDURES 1287~ OPTICAL READER HODEL 5 958 ) ( (- (/ 14 GA19-5024-1 14 GA19-5029-0* 14 GA19-5031-0* 89 GA19-5039-0* 14 GAI9-5040-0* 14 GAI9-5041-0* 14 GAI9-5042-2 14 GAI9-5052-4 14 GA19-5053-0 14 GAI9-5057-2* 14 GAI9-5059-0* 14 GAI9-5084-0* 14 GAI9-5087-0* 14 GAI9-5089-0* 16 14 GAI9-5099-1 GAI9-5167-0 14 GAI9-5168-1* 14 GAI9-5171-2* 14 GAI9-5173-0* 14 14 GAI9-5181-0* 14 GAI9-5182-0* 14 GAI9-5183-1* 14 89 14 6A19-5187-0* GA19-5188-0* GA19-5189-2* 6N19-6696 14 GA19-5193-1 90119-6727 14 GA19-5197-0* 14 GAI9-5198-1* 14 14 GAI9-5199-0* GAI9-5200-0* 14 GA19-5232-0* 14 GAI9-5233-0 14 GA19-5234-0 GAI9-5178-0~. 6H19-6275 GNU-8333 6H19-6403 6H27-3324 6H19-6694 6H19-6810 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: 5926-B03 OPTICAL SCANNER REFERENCE MANUAL, R~ 780215 & U42416 3740 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM 5926-B03 BAR CODE READER PRINTER DATA STATION CUSTOM UNIT DESCRIPTION RPQS 780215, X64601, 7H0194, X96684, AND X72888 3740 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM SPECIAL SELF-CHECK NUMBER DEVICE (COMPATIBLE WITH HEBREW LANGUAGE FEATURE) CUSTOM UNITDESCRIPTION R~ X15169 (3741 AND 3742. 128-CHARACTER MACHINE 3274 CONTROL UNIT PLANNING. SETUP AND CUSTOMIZING GUIDE WITH RPQS 7H0431 - DUTCH PUBLISHING CHARACTER SET 7H0417 - GERMAN PUBLISHING CHARACTER SET UB4526 - FRENCH PUBLISHING CHARACTER SET 7H0419 - SPECIAL EDITING FEATURE SUPPORT 3278 DISPLAY STATION MODEL 2: CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION WITH RPQS: 7H0418 - SPECIAL EDITING FEATURE. 7H0430 - DUTCH PUBLISHING CHARACTER SET. XC4480 - GERMAN PUBLISHING CHARACTER SET. UB4502 - FRENCH PUBLISHING CHARACTER SET 3287 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 2 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE FOR RPQ 7H0307 RPQ 7H0327 RPQ 7L0556 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION ARABIC KEYBOARDS RPQS 7H0300. 7H0301. 7H0302. 7H0304. 7H03067H0307. 7H0504. 7H0505. 7H0507. 7H0508. 7H0509 5937-501 INDUSTRIAL TERMINAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION R~ 750052, 750058, 750061 1627 PLOTTER FOR 5/370 MODEL 115/125 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION NT RPQ Ul1612 US RPQ EE2553 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE, RPQ X71429, DOCUMENT INSERTION DEVICE WORLD TRADE ADDENDUM TO 3767 MODELS 1 AND 2 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL COt1PONENT DESCRIPTION OPERATOR'S GUIDE RPQ X74189 LARGE CHARACTER PRINT 5230 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE SUPPLEMENT, IN/OUT CLOCKING RPQ X95797 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 5914 DOCUMENT INSCRIBER USER'S GUIDE. RPQS U74485 MODEL U01 & 7U0007 MODEL U02 5230 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM. DIGITAL INPUT ATTACHMENT TO 5235: RPQ XS5062 - WORLD TRADE. RPQ 7S0231 - CANADA. USER'S GUIDE 3843 LOOP CONTROL UNIT, OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM USERS GUIDE FOR FORM LENGTH 2 X 4 1/6 or 8 1/3 INCHES, FORM LENGTH 3 X 4 1/6 or 12 1/2 INCHES. RPQ XA9753 AND RPQ ZA9754 INTRODUCING THE AUTOMATIC DOCUMENT INSERTION DEVICE ON THE 3287 PRINTER, R~ 750251 AND 750252 3287 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 2 USER '5 GUIDE FOR THE AUTOMATIC DOCUMENT INSERTION DEVICE, RPQ 750251. 750283 3287 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 2 WITH THE AUTOMATIC DOCUMENT INSERTION DEVICE RPQ 750251 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 5922 DOCUMENT READER MODEL SII COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM OPERATOR ATTENTION CONTACTS RPQ 750263 USER'S GUIDE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM USER'S GUIDE FOR PRINT 1/3 INCH FROM BOTTOM RPQ YB0029 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM USER'S GUIDE FOR EXTENDED PAPER WEIGHT RPQ XB6128 5922 DOCUMENT READER HODEL Sll SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 3620 PROBLEM REPORT 3287 PRINTER MODELS U AND 12 USER'S GUIDE FOR THE AUTOMATIC DOCUMENT INSERTION DEVICE RPQ 7S0252 AND RPQ 750283 4331 PROCESSOR TELEGRAPH TERMINAL CONTROL - TYPE 2 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS RPQ &50276 3620 PASSBOOK/FORMS PRINTER ATTACHED TO 3270, RPQ 780670 AND7B0671, OPERATING GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: 3620 PASSBOOK/FORMS PRINTER MODELS BOI. B02, AND B03 RPQ 780670, RPQ 780671. REFERENCE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM USER'S GUIDE FOR PROGRAMMABLE FLASH RPQ 3278 DISPLAY STATION PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR GERMAN PUBLISHING CHARACTER SET RPQ XC4480 AND SPECIAL EDITING FEATURE RPQ 7H0418 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY STATION, PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE. 3278 DISPLAY STATION PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR BARCODE READER RPQ ZA2415 3287 PRINTER OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR TRACTOR/FORMS SEPARATOR (RPQ ZB7224) 3274 CONTROL UNIT PLAtliING, SETUP, AND CUSTOMIZING GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR RPQ YB2705 SPECIAL BELGIAN CHARACTER SET 959 14 GAI9-5235-0* 14 GAI9-5236-0 14 GAI9-5248-0 14 GA19-5252-3 14 14 GAI9-5253-0* GAI9-5262-1* 14 GA19-5263-0* 16 GAI9-5265-1 14 GAI9-5300-0* 14 GAI9-5319-0* 14 14 14 15 15 GAI9-5320-0 GAI9-5330-1* GAI9-5381-0* GAI9-5386-2* GAI9-5431-1 06 06 01 07 00 15 GAI9-5433-1 GAI9-5434-0* GAI9-5436-0* GAI9-5438-0* GA21-9001-0 GA21-9010-3 16 16 GA21-9025-4 GA21-9026-3 16 09 16 GA21-9027-4 GA21-9028-2 GA21-9033-3 16 16 GA21-9041-0 GA21-9064-8 16 04 16 16 16 16 GA21-9078-2 GA21-9081-5 GA21-9124-5 GA21-9131-5 GA21-9136-4 GA21-9143-2 16 GA21-9144-0 04 04 GA21-9147-2 GA21-9148-4 16 GA21-9150-1 08 10 GA21-9152-3 GA21-9154-3 16 GA21-9167-1 16 16 08 08 08 GA21-9170-3 GA21-9182-5 GA21-9183-4 GA21-9184-3 GA21-9194-3 30 GA21-9195-1 08 GA21-9196-2 16 GA21-9197-1 6N31-7208 GN24-0848 6N31-7562 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY STATION 3278 DISPLAY STATION PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE FOR SPECIAL BELGIAN CHARACTERS RPQS YB2706. YB2708 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: BARCODE READER ATTACHMENT. RPQ ZA2415 REFERENCE MANUAL -, 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION FOR! " RPQ UV001. 2950 MODEL 3 ATTACHED TO 3276 CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY~j STATION OR 3278 DISP~Y STATION 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL: DATA ENTRY VALIDATION RPQS SU0183 AND SUOI84 CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL MODELS 1 AND 2: RPQ )(04164 USER'S GUIDE 3278 DISPLAY STATION. 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION RPQS: 7H0630 PUBLISHING FUNCTION FOR UK: CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION PUBLISHING FUNCTION FOR UK: CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: CUSTOMIZING GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR 3274 CONTROL UNIT WITH PUBLISHING FUNCTION FOR U.K. RPQ 7H0630 3287 PRINTER MODELS lC AND 2C PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR RIGHT-TO-LEFT RPQS 7H0507. 7H0527, 7L0558 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM USER'S GUIDE FOR FORM LENGTH 8 112 INCHES RPQ 7S0279 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM USER'S GUIDE FOR EXTENDED PAPERWEIGHT RPQ 7S0316 5922 DOCUMENT READER MODEL S02 SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 5922 DOCUMENT READER MODEL S04 OPERATING GUIDE 5922 DOCUMENT READER MODEL S04 SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 4723 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR INSTA~LATj;ON PLANNING 7350 IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING 7350 IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM OVERVIEW 3180 DISPLAY STATION HODEL 1 USER'S GUIDE 3880 STORAGE CONTROL HODEL 21 INTRODUCTION CROSS-SYSTEM 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 23 INTRODUCTION CROSS-SYSTEM 1060 CONFIGURATOR 1060 DATA COHMUNICATIONS SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL. PHYSICAL PLANNING 1442-Nl & N2 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION & OPERATING PROCEDURES 2501 MODELS Bl & B2 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION & OPERATING PROCEDURES 2520-81, B2 & B3 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION & OPERATING PROCEDURES 357/1030/2790 BADGE SPECIFICATIONS S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION & OPERATING PROCEDURES. 2540 CARD READ PUNCH 1035 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION & OPERATING PROCEDURES S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION & OPERATING PROCEDURES. 1287 OPTICAL READER 5486 CARD SORTER OPERATOR'S GUIDE S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, 1288 OPTICAL PAGE READER HODEL 1 3504 AND 3505 CARD READER, 3525 CARD PUNCH SUBSYSTEM 3741 DATA STATION OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3742 DUAL DATA STATION OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3881 OPTICAL MARK READER MODELS 1 & 2 REFERENCE MANUAL AND OPERATOR'S GUIDE 2596 CARD READ PUNCH PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL AND OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER MODEL 1 REFERENCE MANUAL 6N31-7524 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER INPUT DOCUMENT DESIGN GUIDE AND SPECIFICATIONS S/360 & S/370 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION & OPERATING PROCEDURES: 1287 OPTICAL READER MODEL 5 3740 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM, SYSTEM SUMMARY & INSTALLATION PLANNING 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER MODEL 2 COMPONENT REFERENCE MANUAL 5424 AND 5425 MULTIFUNCTION CARD UNITS OPERATOR'S GUIDE AND PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL 3747 DATA CONVERTER REFERENCE MANUAL & OPERATOR'S GUIDE THE IBM DISKETTE: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL 3741 DATA STATION REFERENCE MANUAL 3742 DUAL DATA STATION REFERENCE MANUAL 3741 MODELS 3 AND 4 PROGRAMMING WORKSTATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE PROGRAMt1ER'S INTRODUCTION TO THE APPLICATION CONTROL LANGUAGE FOR 3741 MODELS 3 AND 4 PROGRAMMING WORKSTATION 3741 MODELS 3 AND 4 PROGRAMMABLE WORKSTATION GENERAL INFORMATION 3540 DISKETTE INPUTIOUTPUT OPERATOR'S GUIDE & PROGRAMMER'S ( 960 ( ( 14 GA21-9221-1 14 GA21-9224-0+ 14 GA21-9384-0 09 GA21-9465-1 06 09 09 16 GA21-9468-2 GA22-6846-4 GA22-6864-5 GA22-6877-5 01 01 01 00 16 13 GA22-6935-1 GA22-6942-2 GA22-6943-4 GA22-6944-3 GA22-6954-1 GA22-6955-1 00 00 13 01 13 16 16 16 01 00 00 01 01 01 00 00 13 13 01 GA22-6956-0 GA22-6957-1 GA22-6958-1 GA22-6962-2 GA22-6963-1 GA22-6966-1 GA22-6968-3 GA22-6969-2 GA22-7000-9 GA22-7001-18 GA22-7002-26 GA22-7010-6 GA22-7011-5 GA22-7012-3 GA22-7013-4 GA22-7014-1 GA22-7016-0 GA22-7017-1 GA22-7056-1 01 GA22-7060-8 01 00 00 01 GA22-7061-2 GA22-7062-3 GA22-7065-9 GA22-7066-2 01 00 01 16 GA22-7070-2 GA22-7071-4 GA22-7072-1 GA22-7073-2 GN21-0301 **GN21-0413 GN22-0592 **GN22-0683 GN22-0586 GN22-0620 GA22-7074-0 01 08 **GA22-7075-4 GA22-7076-7 01 01 GA22-7077-4 GN22-0676 16 GA22-7078-2 GN31-1473 01 GA22-7079-1 08 GA22-7081-2 01 GA22-7083-5 01 SA22-7085-1 01 GA22-7088-4 08 **GA22-7090-1 GN31-1550 01 SA22-7091-0 SA22-7092-0 01 01 SA22-7093-0 SA22-7094-1 01 01 **SA22-7095-1 08 **GA22-7097-1 16 **SA22-7099-0 _/ 16 GA22-7108-3 SN22-0692 GN22-0611 REFERENCE MANUAL 3742 DUAL DATA STATION FUNCTION CONTROL FEATURE. REFERENCE MANUAL SUPPORTING RPQ 843866 3740 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM ASC II RPQ REFERENCE MANUAL SUPPORTING RPQS S40064. S40075 & 540081 3741 DATA STATION NCR 250 ATTACHMENT FEATURE REFERENCE MANUAL SUPPORTING RPQ GJ1499 3180 MODEL 1 DISPLAY STATION INTRODUCTION AN) PREINSTALLATION PLANNING MANUAL 3180 HODEL 1 DISPLAY STATION USER'S GUIDE SYSTEM/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: 2702 TRANSMISSION CONTROL 2701 DATA ADAPTER UNIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION SYSTEHl360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS & OPERATING PROCEDURES: 1052 PRINTER-KEYBOARD HODEL 7 WITH 2150 CONSOLE SYSTEHl370 MODEL 165 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 HODEL 155 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS S/360 & S/370 MODEL 195 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS S/360 & S/370 HODEL 195 CONFIGURATOR S/360 & S/370 MODEL 195 OPERATING PROCEDURES SYSTEHl370 SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION: 709/7090/7094/709411 COMPATIBILITY FEATURE FOR S/370 MODEL 165 S/370 HODEL 165 CONFIGURA TOR S/370 MODEL 158 CONFIGURATOR 7070/7074 COMPATIBILITY FEATURE: S/370 HODELS 165. 165II & 168 S/370 HODEL 155 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS 7080 COMPATIBILITY FEATURE: S/370 HODELS 165. 16511 & 168 S/370 HODEL 155 OPERATING PROCEDURES 129 CARD DATA RECORDER OPERATOR'S REFERENCE MANUAL S/370 HODEL 165 OPERATING PROCEDURES S/370 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 5/370 SYSTEM SUMMARY PROCESSORS S/370 INPUTIOUTPUT CONFIGURATOR S/370 HODEL 168 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 158 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 HODEL 158 CH~~EL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 HODEL 158 CONFIGURATOR S/370 MODEL 168 CONFIGURATOR SYSTEHl370 HODEL 165 II DYNAMIC ADDRESS TRANSLATION FACILITY SYSTEHl370 MODEL 155 II DYNAMIC ADDRESS TRANSLATION FACILITY S/370 MODEL 158 HIERARCHICAL MONITORING SYSTEM. FEATURE DESCRIPTION 3033 PROCESSOR COMPLEX & 3033 MULTIPROCESSOR COMPLEX FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 3032 PROCESSOR COMPLEX FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 3032 PROCESSOR COMPLEX CONFIGURATOR 3033 CONFIGURATOR 3031 PROCESSOR COMPLEX AND 3031 ATTACHED PROCESSOR COMPLEX FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 4300 PROCESSORS PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION FOR ECPS:VSE HOOE 3031 CONFIGURATOR S/370 EXTENDED FACILITY & ECPS: MYS 3848 CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES ASSISTS FOR YM/370 3814 SWITCHING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 3081 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 3081. 3083. AND 3084 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS AND CONFIGURATION GUIDE 3814 SWITCHING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OPERATOR SUIDE FOR 3604 SUPPORT 3814 3604 SYSTEHl370 ASSISTS FOR MYS 3088 MULTISYSTEM CHANNEL COMMUNICATION UNIT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 3083 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 3701XA PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 3084 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 3814 OPERATOR'S SUIDE FOR THE DISPLAYIPRINTER ATTACHMENT FEATURE CHANNEL-TO-CHANNEL ADAPTER ASSISTS FOR MYSIXA SYSTEM/370 HIGH ACRITH ARITHMETIC RPQ SYSTEHl370 MATHEMATICAL ASSISTS SYSTEHl370 EXTENDED ARCHITECTUREIINTERPRETIVE EXECUTION 3044 FIBER-OPTIC CHANNEL EXTENDER LINK PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 3044 FIBER-OPTIC CHANNEL EXTENDER LINK: CUSTOMER PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 7406 DEVICE COUPLER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING 961 16 6A22-7112-4 16 6A22-7113-3 01 01 01 16 09 09 SA22-7120-4 SA22-7121-4 SA22-7125-1 GA23-0020-2 GA23-0021-1 6A23-0044-0 09 14 6A23-0046-3 6A23-0049-1 14 09 30 09 6A23-0056-1 6A23-0058-8 GA23-0059-3 GA23-0060-0 09 6A23-0061-2 09 GA23-0064-2 09 **GA23-0065-6 14 GA23-0102-1 **6N31-1505 6N31-1526 6N31-1500 09 GA23-0113-0 85 **GA23-0114-4 09 6A23-0119-1 16 09 GA23-0125-2 6A23-0136-0 09 6A23-0137-0 09 **GA23-0142-2 09 6A23-0171-0 09 **6A23-0176-2 09 GA23-0187-0 09 6A23-0196-0 09 15 6A23-0204-1 GA23-0206-1 09 09 GA23-0217-1 GA23-0236-0 6N31-1494 16 **GA23-0242-0 15 **GA23-0279-0 15 03 04 09 09 15 GA23-0321-0 6A23-1014-1 GA24-1499-8 GA24-3018-5 GA24-3020-4 6A24-3021-5 15 6A24-3022-5 03 GA24-3120-7 16 09 6A24-3125-3 GA24-3203-3 09 03 13 6A24-3266-1 6A24-3312-9 6A24-3342-0 6N20-9773 PROCEDURES 7409 SCANNING COLOR SENSOR PRODUCT DESCRIPTION, OPERATING PROCEDURES, AND INSTALLATION PLANNING 7410 COLOR SENSOR ANALYZER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES 3090 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS AND CONFIGURATION GUIDE 3090 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS SYSTEM/370 VECTOR OPERATIONS 3278 MODEL 2A DISPLAY CONSOLE PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3290 INFORMATION PANEL DESCRIPTION AND REFERENCE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM PROGRAMMING AND COMPONENT DESCRIPTION INFORMATION TRANSFER 3274 CONFIGURATION DATA CARD (CONFIGURATION SUPPORT A, B, C. T) 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM, 3274 CONTROL UNIT ENTRY ASSIST, RPQ SK1147 USER'S GUIDE. 3845/3846 DATA ENCRYPTION DEVICES RPQS SK0987 AND SK0946 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM LIBRARY USER'S GUIDE 3270 DATA STREAM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM - 3271 CONTROL UNIT, 3272 CONTROL UNIT, 3275 DISPLAY STATION - DESCRIPTION AND PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 6N31-1545 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: 3274 CONTROL UNIT DESCRIPTION AND PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM, 3274 CONTROL UNIT SITE PLANNING AND PREPARATION GUIDE MODELS 41A, 41C, 41D AND 61C 3274 CONTROL UNIT CUSTOMIZING GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM COPY RPQ USER'S GUIDE DISKETTE PROCESSING AID RPQ SK1071 DISKETTE DISTRIBUTION ALTERNATIVE RPQ SK1072 3270 -INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM FEATURE DESCRIPTION 3274 CONFIGURATION DATA CARD (CONFIGURATION SUPPORT: D) 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM ENTRY ASSIST USER'S GUIDE 3274 CONTROL UNIT 3290 INFORMATION PANEL CUSTOMER PROBLEM ANALYSIS AND RESOLUTION 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: SUPPLEMENT TO 3274 DESCRIPTION AND PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ERROR MESSAGES FOR 3290 INFORMATION DISPLAY PANEL SUPPLEMENT TO 3274 DESCRIPTION AND PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE: ERROR MESSA6ES FOR 3270 PERSONAL COMPUTER ATTACHMENT 3299 TERMINAL MULTIPLEXER CUSTOMER PROBLEM ANALYSIS AND RESOLUTION _ _ / 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM SUPPLEMENT TO 3274 CONTROL UNIT ,-DESCRIPTION AND PROGRAMMING GUIDE 3274 RESPONSE TIME MONITOR (RTM) FUNCTION 3274 SNA ALERT FUNCTION 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM, 3274 CONTROL UNIT CUSTOMIZING GUIDE, CONFIGURATION SUPPORT P 6N31-1534 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM KEYBOARD DEFINITION UTILITY USER'S GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3180 SUPPLEMENT FOR THE CONTROL UNIT 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM X.25 OPERATION 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM CABLING SYSTEM SUPPLEMENT FOR PHYSICAL PLANNING 3174 SUBSYSTEM CONTROL UNIT HELP DESK REFERENCE 3290 INFORMATION PANEL SUPPLEMENT TO 3290 DESCRIPTION AND REFERENCE 3290-2 INFORMATION PANEL OPERATOR'S GUIDE ROLM 3270 COAX TO TWISTED-PAIR ADAPTER SUPPLEMENT TO 3270 INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING 3194 DISPLAY STATION PREINSTALLATION PLANNING GUIDE 6N20-9774 5210 PRINTER MODELS G01/G02 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE GUIDE 1219 READER SORTER. 1419 MAGNETIC CHARACTER READER 1030 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 1050 REFERENCE DIGEST 1030 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL. PHYSICAL PLANNING 1050 DATA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL. PHYSICAL PLANNING 1443 PRINTER MODELS 1-4 & N1 & 1445 PRINTER MODELS 1 & Nl. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 1050 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3644 AUTOMATIC DATA UNIT - PROGRAM WORKSHEETS FOR DOSIVS (5747-CJ1) AND OSIVS (5744-CR1) 1092 AND 1093 PROGRAMMED KEYBOARDS 2821 CONTROL UNIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION BATCH NUMBERING FEATURE FOR 1241 AND 1419 MA6NETIC INK 962 ( 09 09 09 15 6A24-3403-4 6A24-3415-3 6A24-3426-0 6A24-3435-5 6N27-3164 09 09 03 04 6A24-3471-1 6A24-3474-1 6A24-3488-19 6A24-3542-2 GN31-7526 16 6A24-3543-9 01 01 01 15 GA24-3550-2 GA24-3552-2 6A24-3557-9 GA24-3562-0 01 35 GA24-3573-2 GA24-3594-0 GN24-0496 35 6A24-3595-0 6N24-0497 35 GA24-3604-1 6N33-7051 35 6A24-3605-1 GN33-7052 04 **6A24-3612-7 16 GA24-3619-4 ( ( 04 GA24-3620-1 01 01 oi 01 16 GA24-3632-1 GA24-3633-0 GA24-3634-1 GA24-3635-0 6A24-3638-2 08 09 16 6A24-3639-2 6A24-3653-2 GA24-3656-0 13 6A24-3663-2 16 16 01 01 6A24-3664-1 6A24-3669-4 GA24-3671-4 6A24-3672-5 16 6A24-3679-2 16 16 16 6A24-3680-3 6A24-3681-3 6A24-3682-1 16 6A24-3683-2 04 16 14 6A24-3686-0 6A24-3711-1 GA24-3715-0 08 6A24-3716-1 GN31-7297 GN31-7510 GN24-0859 GN31-7508 GN31-7226 GN24-0820 GN31-7502 GN31-7225 GN3,1-7202 GNII-7581 GN31-7584 03 6A24-3733-2 15 **6A24-3734-7 6N24-0984 16 03 16 16 6A24-3735-1 GA24-3741-1 GA24-3743-2 6A24-3750-1 6N24-0963 GN24-0986 16 6A24-3752-1 15 6A24-3757-0 CHARACTER RECOGNITION READERS 2740 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS MODEL 1 , 2 COttPONENT DESCRIPTION 2741 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL 2712 REMOTE MULTIPLEXOR PLANNIN6 AND INSTALLATION OF A DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM USING IBM LINE ADAPTERS 1050 SYSTEM SUMMARY 1050 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION FORM DESIGN REFERENCE GUIDE FOR PRINTERS 1255 MAGNETIC CHARACTER READER MODELS 1, 2 , 3 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION IBM 3211 PRINTER 3216 INTERCHANGEABLE TRAIN CARTRIDGE AND 3811 PRINTER CONTROL UNIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATOR'S 6UIDE 3215 CONSOLE PRINTER-KEYBOARD COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3210 CONSOLE PRINTER-KEYBOARD COMPONENT DESCRIPTION S/370 MODEL 145 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS IBM 2911 MODEL 14 INTERFACE SWITCH UNIT RPQ 811503 INSTALLATION, PHYSICAL PLANNING S/370 MODEL 145 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS GN24-0498 IBM EMULATOR FOR RCA 301 ON SYSTEMl370 USING DOS AND DOSIVS PLANNING GUIDE - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-ADR GN24-0499 IBM EMULATOR FOR HONEYWELL SERIES 200 ON SYSTEMl370 USING DOS AND DOSIVS (PRPQ): PLANNING GUIDE, PROG. NO. 5799-ADT Et1ULATOR FOR HONEYWELL SERIES 200 ON SYSTEMl370 USING DOS AND DOSIVS (PRPQ)' PROG. NO. 5799-ADT IBM EMULATOR MANUAL FOR RCA 301 ON SYSTEMl370 USING DOS , DOSIVS. PROG. NO. 5799-ADR 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR MACHINE , PROGRAMMING DESCRIPTION GN31-7503 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3895 DOCUMENT READERIINSCRIBER - MACHINE , PROGRAMMING DESCRIPTION S/370 MODEL 138 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 138 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 148 FUNCTIm~AL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 148 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS 3896 TAPE-DOCUMENT CONVERTER MACHINE DESCRIPTION AND KEY OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3838 ARRAY PROCESSOR FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS GN31-7533 3644 AUTOMATIC DATA UNIT, COMPONENT DESCRIPTION GN31-7e98 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR MODELS C & D OPERATOR'S GUIDE GN31-7511 MA6NETIC HAND SCANNER - MAGNETIC SLOT READER REPLACEMENT PROCEDURES 3895 DOCUMENT READERIINSCRIBER OPERATOR'S GUIDE 4341 PROCESSOR OPERATOR'S GUIDE 4341 PROCESSORS MODEL GROUP 1 AND 10 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS 4341 PROCESSOR FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS AND PROCESSOR COMPLEX CONFIGURATOR 3641 REPORTING TERMINAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING GUIDE 3642 ENCODER PRINTER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING GUIDE 3643 KEYBOARD DISPLAY COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING 6UIDE GN31-7532 3644 AUTOMATIC DATA UNIT, OPERATING GUIDE GN31-7211 3646 SCANNER CONTROL UNIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING GUIDE 3896 TAPE-DOCUMENT CONVERTER COPY QUALITY GUIDE 3645 PRINTER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING GUIDE 1287/1288 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER VIDEO IMAGE DIGITIZING RPQ COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES 3838 ARRAY PROCESSOR RESERVOIR MODELING FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS & PROGRAMMING GUIDE 3262 PRINTER MODElS 1 AND 11 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3262 PRINTER MODELS 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 AND 13 SITE PLANNING AND PREPARATION 6UIDE 3262 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 11 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3262 PRINTER MODELS 3 AND 13 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3262 PRINTER MODELS 3 AND 13 OPERATOR'S GUIDE OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS AND STATUS CODES 3262 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 11 3262 PRINTER MODELS 3 AND 13 OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS AND STATUS CODES 3232 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERMINAL MODEL 11 SITE PLANNING AND PREPARATION GUIDE 963 03 15 01 GA24-3759-0 GA24-3761-0 GA24-3763-2 03 03 09 09 GA24-3767-0 GA24-3769-0 GA24-3771-0 GA24-3772-0 6H24-0925 09 15 GA24-3773-0 GA24-3774-0 6H31-7271 16 16 16 01 09 09 09 01 GA24-3777-0 GA24-3778-0 GA24-3779-0 GA24-3780-1 GA24-3781-1 GA24-3782-0 GA24-3783-1 GA'24-3797-2 6N24-0926 6N24-0929 6N24-0928 16 85 03 16 16 03 01 01 16 00 01 15 09 **GA24-3798-1 SA24-392S-0 **GA24-3927-2 GA24-3928-1 H6A24-3929-4 GA24-3936-1 GA24-3947-3 6A24-3948-2 GA24-3949-3 GA24-3950-2 GA24-39S5-3 GA24-4017-1 **6A24-4019-2 09 GA24-4020-0 6N31-7267 6N24-1011 6H24-1018 01 6A24-4021-2 00 **6A24-4022-1 01 07 GA24-4023-2 GA26-1589-5 07 GA26-1592-5 14 GA26-1599-2 15 6A26-1600-1 07 07 07 07 15 GA26-1615-5 GA26-1617-6 GA26-1619-8 GA26-1620-4 GA26-1621-1 16 07 13 03 16 03 07 03 05 13 GA26-162S';'1 GA26-1630-1 GA26-1632-1 GA26-1633-7 GA26-1634-7 GA26-1635-3 GA26-1638-4 GA26-1646-2 GA26-1647-1 GA26-1653-2 13 6A26-1654-1 6H32-0269 03 07 05 07 07 07 07 07 GA26-1656-0 GA26-1657-3 GA26-1659-4 GA26-1660-2 GA26-1661-8 GA26-1666-2 GA26-1672-0 GA26-l675-0 6H26-0363 6N26-0289 6H32-0175 6N26-0372 6H26-0373 3230 PRINTER HODEL 2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 3230 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 2 SITE PLANNING AND PREPARATION GUIDE 4341 PROCESSOR HODEL GROUP 2 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS AND PROCESSOR COMPLEX CONFIGURATOR 3230 PRINTER HODEL 2 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3230 MODEL 2 REFERENCE SUMMARY 3232 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERMINAL MODEL 1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 3232 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERMINAL HODEL 51 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AN) SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 3232 KEYBOARD PRINTER TERMINAL MODEL 11 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 3232 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERMINAL HODEL 1 SITE PLANNING AND PREPARATION GUIDE 6H31-7269 3232 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERMINAL MODEL 1 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3232 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERMINAL HODEL 51 OPERATOR'S GUIDE GN31-7272 3232 KEYBOARD-PRINTER TERMINAL HODEL 11 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 4341 PROCESSORS MODEL GROUP 2 AND 11 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS 3232 HODEL 1 REFERENCE SUMMARY 3232 HODEL 51 REFERENCE SUMMARY 3232 HODEL 11 REFERENCE SUMMARY 4341 PROCESSORS HODEL GROUP 10 & 11, FU«:TIONAL CHARACTERISTICS & PROCESSOR COMPLEX CONFIGURATOR 4248 PRINTER MODEL 1 OPERATOR'S INTRODUCTION AND REFERENCE 4341 PROCESSOR PROBLEM ANALYSIS GUIDE 4248 PRINTER MODEL 1 PRINTER DESCRIPTION 3262 PRINTER MODEL 5 OPERATOR GUIDE 4248 PRINTER HODEL 1 OPERATING PROCEDURES 3262 PRINTER MODEL 5 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 4381 UNIPROCESSOR FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 4381 PROCESSOR CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS 4381 OPERATIONS MANUAL SUMMARY AND INPUTIOUTPUT & DATA COMMUNICATIONS 4381 PROCESSOR PROBLEM ANALYSIS GUIDE 4381 PROCESSOR 434114381 PROCESSORS INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING 7171 ASCII DEVICE ATTACHMENT CONTROL UNIT DESCRIPTION AND PLANNING GUIDE 7171 ASCII DEVICE ATTACHMENT CONTROL UNIT REFERENCE AND PROGRAMMING GUIDE 4381 DUAL PROCESSOR FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 7170 DEVICE ATTACHMENT CONTROL UNIT GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) 4381 PROBLEM ANALYSIS PROGRAM 2835 STORAGE CONTROL AND 2305 FIXED HEAD STORAGE MODULE REFERENCE REFERENCE MANUAL FOR IBM 3830 STORAGE CONTROL AND IBM 3330 DISK STORAGE 2730 MODEL 1 TRANSACTION VALIDATION TERMINAL, 2968 MODEL 9 & 12 RECEIVER-TERMINAL UNIT 2730 HODEL 1, 2968 MODEL 9, AND 2968 MODEL 12: INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING INTRODUCTION IBM 3330 A-SERIES DISK STORAGE - SYSTEM LIBRARY REFERENCE MANUAL FOR IBM 3830 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 2 3340 COMPONENT SUMMARY INTEGRATED STORAGE CONTROL REFERENCE INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM 2984 HODEL 1 CASH ISSUING TERMINAL RPQ 834660 3348 DATA MODULE HANDLING PROCEDURES 3330 SERIES DISK STORAGE MODEL 1-11, CUSTOMER CONVERSION GUIDE 3340 DISK/STORAGE - FIXED HEAD FEATURE USER'S GUIDE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM FORMS DESIGN REFERENCE GUIDE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE REFERENCE MANUAL FOR THE IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM 3350 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE REFERENCE MANUAL 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM REFERENCE: OCR DOCUMENT PREPARATION 3803-3/3420-3, 5 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM INTRODUCING THE IBM 3800 TAPE-TO-PRINTING SUBSYSTEM FEATURE AN) ITS UTILITY, PROG PROD 5748-UT2 OPERATOR/REFERENCE MANUAL FOR THE IBM 3800 TAPE-TO-PRINTER SUBSYSTEM FEATURE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM CHARACTER SET CATALOG 3370 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DESCRIPTION 8809 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT INTRODUCTION 3310 DIRECT ACCESS STORA6E REFERENCE-MANUAL 3880 STORAGE CONTROL DESCRIPTION 3375 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DESCRIPTION AN) USER'S GUIDE 6H26-0375 DISK STORAGE MANAGEMENT GUIDE-ERROR HANDLING DISK STORAGE MANAGEMENT GUIDE-BACKGROUND REFERENCE INFORMATION 964 f\ ~ --~ / C' ( ( 16 GA26-3599-6 16 16 GA26-5756-10 GA26-5893-7 07 06 GA26-5988-7 GA27-2700-5 06 06 6A27-2701-3 GA27-2702-0 09 09 09 06 GA27-2703-2 GA27-2704-1 GA27-2712-1 6A27-2721-1 10 05 15 GA27-2725-3 GA27-2726-1 GA27-2727-1 14 GA27-2737-0 09 14 GA27-2739-21 6A27-2740-0 16 GA27-2742-6 16 GA27-2750-5 14 GA27-2752-0 14 GA27-2753-3 14 GA27-2758-0 01 01 01 14 GA27-2770-1 GA27-2771-1 6A27-2772-1 GA27-2773-1 16 GA27-2774-4 14 GA27-2775-2 15 GA27-2787-10 15 **GA27-2805-4 09 GA27-2827-15 16 09 16 GA27-2830-3 6A27-2837-9 6A27-2839-7 14 6A27-2840-1 00 GA27-2849-8 16 **GA27-2850-7 14 GA27-2862-1 6N31-1014 09 6A27-2865-3 GN31-1290 09 16 6A27-2866-3 GA27-2890-4 09 14 6A27-2895-5 GA27-2896-0 09 16 09 09 15 GA27-2899-2 GA27-3001-1 GA27-3004-2 GA27-3005-3 6A27-3006-9 09 GA27-3011-1 S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS - 2314 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE FACILITY AND 2844 AUXILIARY STORAGE CONTROL IBM DISK PACK AND CARTRIDGE HANDLING PROCEDURES IBM 2560 MULTI-FUNCTION CARD MACHINE: COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, 2841 ASSOCIATED DASD S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, 2260 DISPLAY STATION, 2848 DISPLAY CONTROL S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, 2250 DISPLAY UNIT MODEL 1 S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, 2250 DISPLAY UNIT MODEL 2, 2840 DISPLAY CONTROL MODEL 1 2703 TRANSMISSION CONTROL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, 2711 LINE ADAPTER UNIT 7770 AUDIO RESPONSE UNIT MODEL 3, COMPONENT DESCRIPTION S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, 2250 DISPLAY UNIT MODEL 3, 2840 DISPLAY CONTROL MODEL 2 50 MAGNETIC DATA INSCRIBER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION S/360 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, 2495 TAPE CARTRIDGE READER IBM SYSTEM/360 CUSTOM SYSTEMS UNIT 2909 MODEL 3 - ASYNCHRONOUS DATA CHANNEL R~ F13299 R~ 882045 INSTALLATION BULLETIN PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM 2909-3 ASYNCHRONOUS DATA CHANNEL R~ F13299 CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION AN INTRODUCTION TO THE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM IBM 7412 MODEL 1 CONSOLE, CUSTOM SYSTEMS RPQ AA2846, CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE: 3275 & 3277 DISPLAY STATIONS: 3284, 3286 & 3288 PRINTERS 3270 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE: IBM 3271, 3272. 3275. 3277. 3284, 3286 AND 3288 3284/3286 PRINTER CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION, MARGIN STOP VARIABLE RPQ EB3995 3284/3286 PRINTER CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION, VERTICAL FORMS INDEX CONTROL R~ EB4324 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION, DUAL CASE CHARACTER SET R~ 8K0366 A GUIDE TO 60 HERTZ UPS SELECTION A GUIDE TO 50 HERTZ UPS SELECTION A UPS INSTALLATION PLANNING GUIDE 3284/3286 PRINTER CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION. FORMS TRACTOR RPQ I0I04031 A GUIDE TO USING THE TEST REQUEST FEATURE ON IBM 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEMS: IBM 3271. 3272. 3275. 3277 3284. 3286, AND 3288 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: 3277 CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION, SIGNATURE DISPLAY RPQS 7UOOIO & 8K0438 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM. INSTALLATION PHYSICAL PLANNING ASSEMBLY OF COAXIAL CABLES AND ACCESSORIES FOR ATTACHMENT TO IBM PRODUCTS 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM. 3274 CONTROL UNIT PLANNING SETUP, AND CUSTOMIZING GUIDE OPERATIONS GUIDE FOR THR 3790 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, VERSION 7 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM CHARACTER SET REFERENCE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3278 DISPLAY STATION. PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3790 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM BSC. RPQ 8K0632. INSTALLATION AND PROGRAMMING GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM. CONFI6URATOR 3274 CONTROL UNIT USER'S GUIDE 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: 3277/3272 MULTI-FIELD IMAGE DISPLAY R~ I1F3288 3845 DATA ENCRYPTION DEVICE. 3846 DATA ENCRYPTION DEVICE. GENERAL INFORMATION 3845 DATA ENCRYPTION DEVICE PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3278 DISPLAY STATION OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3276/3278 DISPLAY STATION KEYBOARD REPLACEI1ENT INSTRUCTIONS 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM. CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION I1CST TO 3277 ATTACHMENT FEATURE RPQ 8K0618 3846 DATA ENCRYPTION DEVICE. PRINCIPLES OF INFORMATION 2740/2741 COMMUNICATIONS TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE GENERAL INFORMATION - BINARY SYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS 2780 DATA TRANSMISSION TERMINAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION COMMUNICATIONS TERMINALS INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING COMPONENT DESCRIPTION, 2760 OPTICAL IMAGE UNIT 965 09 09 15 6A27-3013-2 6A27-3015-3 GA27-3017-7 15 09 16 16 16 09 14 6A27-3019-3 GA27-3029-1 GA27-3035-3 GA27-3038-1 GA27-3039-0 GA27-3043-2 GA27-3044-1 09 GA27-3051-5 16 16 16 09 6A27-3058-3 6A27-3061-2 6A27-3062-2 6A27-3063-3 14 6A27-3066-2 14 GA27-3069-0 14 09 6A27-3073-0 GA27-3086-2 09 16 16 09 16 6A27-3087-3 GA27-3091-2 6A27-3092-1 6A27-3093-3 6A27-3094-3 16 09 09 16 6A27-3095-7 6A27-3096-4 GA27-3099-1 GA27-3100-2 16 15 16 16 16 16 GA27-3101-5 GA27-3104-3 6A27-31 06-2 GA27-3107-4 GA27-3108-5 6A27-3113-4 6N27-3264 16 6A27-3114-1 6N27-3206 6N27-3233 15 14 6A27-3120-1 6A27-3123-1 16 16 14 6A27-3124-2 6A27-3125-4 6A27-3126-1 14 6A27-3127-0 16 16 16 16 6A27-3129-2 6A27-3130-4 6A27-3131-0 6A27-3132-1 20 16 09 6A27-3136-7 6A27-3141-0 GA27-3142-1 14 6A27-3143-0 09 09 6A27-3144-1 GA27-3145-2 09 6A27-3146-0 16 16 16 16 16 6A27-3147-1 6A27-3148-0 6A27-3149-0 GA27-3150"'3 GA27-3151-2 6N27-3227 6N27-3130 6N27-3192 6N27-3278 6N27-3308 6N27-3229 6N27-3260 6N27-3239 6N27-3242 6N27-3259 6N27-3265 6N27-3240 6N27-3232 6N27-3245 6N27-3216 6N27-3244 SYSTEM COMPONENTS: ISH 2770 DATA COHMUNICATION SYSTEM 2790 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 2790 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING 2770 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM INSTALLATION PHYSICAL PLANNING (\2721 PORTABLE AUDIO TERMINAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 2790 DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE -,,_/ OPERATOR'S 6UIDE: ISH 2770 DATA COHHUNICATION SYSTEM 2721 PORTABLE AUDIO TERMINAL HANDBOOK ISH 3735 PROGRAHHABLE BUFFERED TERMINAL CONCEPT AND APPLICATION 2976 MOBILE TERMINAL SYSTEM CUSTOM SYSTEM DESCRIPTION OPERATOR'S GUIDE - PHYSICAL PLANNING INTRODUCTION TO THE ISH 3704 AND 3705-11 COMHUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS (CURRENT RELEASE) 3872 MODEM USER'S GUIDE 3735 PROGRAMMABLE BUFFERED TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3872 MODEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION CARD COMPONENT INFORMATION FOR THE ISH 3780 DATA cotI1UNICATION TERMINAL SUPPLEMENTARY OPERATOR'S AND PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE INFORMATION CARD, 3735 WITH 129 CARD DATA RECORDER (RPQ EB1935) SUPPLEMENTARY OPERATOR'S AND PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE INFORMATION ISH 3735 WITH IBM KEYPAD UNIT AND FILE SEARCH (RPQ 1853102) 3735 WITH AUTO FDP EXECUTION RPQ t1B7057 OPERATOR'S CARD GUIDE TO USING THE IBM 3704 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER CONTROL PANEL (CURRENT RELEASE) GUIDE TO USING THE 3705 CONTROL PANEL (CURRENT RELEASE) 3704 OPERATOR REFERENCE SUMMARY 3705 OPERATOR REFERENCE SUMMARY SYNCHRONOUS DATA LINK CONTROL 6ENERAL INFORMATION OPERATING PROCEDURES GUIDE: 3774 AND 3775 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS 3774 & 3775 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS, REFERENCE CARD 3767 MODELS 1 & 2 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ADVANCED FUNCTION FOR COMMUNICATIONS: SYSTEM SUMMARY OPERATING PROCEDURES GUIDE: ISH 3771 AND 3773 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL 3771 & 3773 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS REFERENCE SUMMARY 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL CUSTOMER SITE PREPARATION GUIDE OPERATOR'S INTRODUCTION TO THE 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL OPERATING PROCEDURES GUIDE: IBM 3776 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL / 3776 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL REFERENCE SUMMARY 3773, 3774 & 3775 PROGRAMMABLE COHMUNICATION TERMINALS REFERENCE SUMMARY 3773 PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE 2790 INSTALLER'S GUIDE 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL FRONT DOCUHENT INSERT DEVICE USER'S INFORMATION ADDENDUM (RPQ MF5272) OPERATING PROCEDURES GUIDE: IBM 3777 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL 3777 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL REFERENCE SUMMARY 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL PINFEED PLATEN USER INFORMATION (RPQ EG0314 AND 851142) 3767 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL INTEGRATED MODEM WITH AUTO-ANSWER AND DIAL DISCONNECT (RPQ 853134) USER INFORMATION ADDENDUI1 3777 MODEL 2 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3777 MODEL 2 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL REFERENCE SUMMARY 3771, 3773, AND 3774 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS OPERATOR TIPS 3775 AND 3776 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS AND ISH 3784 LINE PRINTER OPERATOR TIPS SYSTEMS NETWORK ARCHITECTURE FORMATS 3289 MOD 1, 2 ERROR RECOVERY AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3773, 3774 & 3775 PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION TERMINALS PROGRAMMER'S HANDBOOK 3773 & 3774 PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION TERMINALS OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR PINFEED PLATEN RPQ MJ0436 INTRODUCTION TO THE ISH 3770 DATA Cot1t1UNICATION SYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION FOR THE ISH 3776 AND 3777 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS 6N27-3257 3771, 3773, 3774 & 3775 COHttUNICATION TERMINALS COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3289 LINE PRINTER MODELS 1 & 2 OPERATOR'S INSTRUCTIONS 3289 LINE PRINTER HODELS 1 & 2 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY 3842 LOOP CONTROL UNIT OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3287 PRINT~R ttODELS 1 AND 2 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3287 PRINTER ttODELS 1 & 2 PROBLEM DETERMINATION ~IDE 966 (\ ( ( f 03 16 16 6A27-3153-5 6A27-3159-0 6A27-3160-0 GN27-3294 16 16 6A27-3162-0 6A27-3165-1 GN27-3261 16 6A27-3166-2 16 6A27-3170-2 14 6A27-3174-0 03 03 14 6A27-3176-1 6A27-3177-0 GA27-3178-0 GN27-3296 09 15 09 6A27-3185-1 6A27-3198-0 6A27-3200-3 GN27-3251 16 6A27-3216-3 16 03 16 16 14 6A27-3218-2 6A27-3229-2 6A27-3230-2 GA27-3231-0 6A27-3237-1 09 16 15 15 03 03 16 85 09 16 15 16 6A27-3253-0 6A27-3260-0 GA27-3261-0 GA27-3266-3 6A27-3267-0 6A27-3268-2 6A27-3270-3 6A27-3287-2 6A27-3304-0 6A27-3309-0 6A27-3315-1 6A27-3316-0 GN27-3325 14 15 20 6A27-3324-0 6A27-3341-1 6A27-3345-2 GN27-3313 09 09 09 09 15 09 16 09 15 6A27-3428-1 6A27-3430-2 6A27-3433-1 6A27-3434-2 6A27-3606-0 6A27-3620-1 6A27-3643-1 6A27-3644-1 6A27-3722-2 09 09 05 6A27-3745-1 6A27-3869-1 6A32-0006-5 05 05 05 85 16 07 16 07 07 6A32-0020-3 6A32-0021-1 6A32-0022-1 GA32-0023-2 6A32-0031-1 6A32-0035-1 GA32-0036-2 GA32-0037-3 GA32-0038-1 00 HGA32-0039-3 GA32-0040-3 15 05 GA32-0041-3 05 GA32-0042-3 03 8A32-0049-3 GN27-3307 GN27-3357 GN32-0176 GN32-0174 GN32-0018 GN32-0168 3287 PRINTER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3289 LINE PRINTER HODEL 4 OPERATOR GUIDE 3289 LINE PRINTER HODEL 4 ERROR RECOVERY AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3289 LINE PRINTER HODEL 4 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY 3776 MODELS 3 & 4 & 3777" MODEL 3 COMMUNICATION TERMINALS OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3776 MODELS 3 & 4. 3777 MODEL 3 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL. OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY 3774 & 3775 PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION TERMINALS. REFERENCE SUI1t1ARY 3287 PRINTER OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR TRACTOR/FORMS SEPARATOR RPQ MJ3112 3289 LINE PRINTER HODELS 1 & 2 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3289 LINE PRINTER MODEL 4 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION USER'S 6UIDE FOR THE 3278 MODel 2 DISPLAY ATTACHMENT TO THE 1811 3774 PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION TERMINAL RPQ EJ2657 DATA COMMUNICATION DEVICE SUMMARY 3289 PRINTER MODEL 4 SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 3863. 3864. AND 3865 MODEMS INTRODUCTION AND SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 3863 MODEM MODELS 1 AND 2. 3864 MODEM MODELS 1 AND 2 SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND USER'S GUIDE 3865 MODEM MODELS 1 AND 2 SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND USER'S GUIDE 3287 PRINTER MODELS lC & 2C COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3287 PRINTER MODELS lC & 2C OPERATOR'S 6UIDE 3287 PRINTER MODELS lC & 2C PROBLEM DETERMINATION .6UIDE 3287 MODELS 1 & 2 OPERATOR'S GUIDE DOCUt1ENT INSERTION DEVICE (RPQ MK6104) 3843 LOOP CONTROL UNIT INTRODUCTION AND SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 386 7 LINK DIAGNOSTIC UNIT SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND USER'S GUIDE 3867 LINK DIAGNOSTIC UNIT: SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 3268 PRINTER PLANNING AND SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 3268 PRINTER MODEL 1 DESCRIPTION 3268 PRINTER MODELS 2 AND 2C DESCRIPTION 3268 PRINTER MODELS 2 AND 2C OPERATOR'S GUIDE IMPLEMENTATION OF X.21 INTERFACE: 6ENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL INTRODUCTION TO THE 3705-80 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER 3777 MODEL 4 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL OPERATOR'S 6UIDE PROTECTIVE COUPLER, PH 1649100, INSTALLATION AND PLANNING GUIDE PROTECTIVE COUPLER, PH 1649100, SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3287 PRINTER PINFEED PLATEN (RPQ 6L2220) OPERATOR'S GUIDE MULTIUSE COMMUNICATIONS LOOP·PlANNING AND INSTALLATION GUIDE THE X.25 INTERFACE FOR ATTACHING SNA NODES TO PACKET-SWITCHED DATA NETWORKS. 6ENERAL INFORMATION GUIDE 3710 NETWORK CONTROLLER HOST 3710 NETWORK 6ATEWAY INTRODUCTION 3710 NETWORK CONTROLLER PROBLEM REPORT GUIDE 3710 NETWORK CONTROLLER CONTROL TERMINAL GUIDE TO MULTIUSE COMMUNICATION LOOP WITH CABLING SYSTEM USING THE CABLING SYSTEM WITH CO~tuNICATION PRODUCTS 3728 COMMUNICATION CONTROL MATRIX SWITCH OPERATIONS 6UIDE 3728 COMMUNICATION CONTROL SUPPORT PROCESSOR OPERATOR'S GUIDE ROLM PLANNING AND INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR THE 3270 COAX-TO-TWISTED-PAIR ADAPTER 3710 NETWORK CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION REFERENCE 3710 NETWORK CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION WORKBOOK TAPE REQUIREMENTS FOR 1/2 INCH TAPE UNITS AT 556, 800. 1600 AND 6250 BPI 3803/3420 MA6NETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEMS 3803-2/3420 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEMS SUBSYSTEM DESCRIPTION 3410/3411 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION MANUAL 3803/3420 CUSTOMER CONVERSION GUIDE 3850 DATA CARTRIDGE CARE AND HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM MSS OP 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) SENSE INFORMATION Stl32-0278 3850 MASS STORA6E SYSTEM (HSS) INTRODUCTION AND PREINSTALLATION PlANNING 1811 INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICE SUtI1ARY 8809 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PlANNING 3480 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM INTRODUCTION 3480 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM REFERENCE CHANNEL COHHANDS STATUS AND SENSE BYTES AND ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES INTRODUCtNG THE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODEL 3 GN27-3312 967 03 03 &A32-00S0-2 GA32-00S3-1 03 07 07 07 03 16 07 16 OS OS OS 07 07 07 07 07 &A32-00SS-1 GA32-0060-0 &A32-0061-0 &A32-0062-1 GA32-006S-2 GA32-0066-3 &A32-0067-3 &A32-0068-2 GA32-0069-0 &A32-0076-1 &A32-0078-1 &A32-0079-1 &A32-0080-2 &A32-0081-1 &A32-0082-1 GA32-0083-1 &A32-0084-0 07 GA32-008S-0 OS 16 16 09 09 09 &A32-0088-0 &A33-0001-2 &A33-0002-S &A33-0010-3 SA33-0012-S &A33-0013-6 16 &A33-0014-6 os GN33-0016 GN33-7147 16 &A33-001S-1 09 **&A33-0017-2 09 &A33-0018-1 09 &A33-0021-3 SA33-0022-S 09 IS **&A33-0023-3 16 16 &A33-002S-1 &A33-0026-0 14 &A33-0031-0 09 **&A33-0036-0 16 **&A33-0044-0 01 00 00 &A33-1SQ6-3 &A33-1S07-6 &A33-1S08-1 16 01 00 01 &A33-1S09-2 &A33-1S10-2 &A33-1S11-6 &A33-1S12-0 00 &A33-1513-0 16 16 01 &A33-1514-2 &A33-1515-5 GA33-1516-0 16 01 &A33-1519-1 &A33-1520-0 16 00 &A33-1521-0 &A33-1523-5 16 GA33-1525-4 01 GA33-1526-4 01 13 16 16 &A33-1527-2 GA33-1528-2 &A33-1529-2 &A33-1531-2 GN33-1706 GN19-6259 GN33-1616 GN33-1722 GNI9-6258 GN33-1615 GN33-167S GN33-1683 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODEL 3 REFERENCE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODELS 3 AND 8 OCR DOCUMENT PREPARATION REFERENCE INTRODUCING THE IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM HODEL 8 INTRODUCTION TO 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 11 ;-\ 3880 STORAGE CONTROL HODEL 11 DESCRIPTION I , INTRODUCTION TO 3880 STORAGE CONTROL HODEL 13 ~/ 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM HODEL 8 REFERENCE 3480 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3880 STORAGE CONTROL HODEL 13 DESCRIPTION 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODEL 3 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3430 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM INTRODUCTION 3430 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION 8809 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT HODEL lC AND 2C 3430 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE INTRODUCTION TO THE 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 21 3880 HODEL 21 DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION TO 3880 STORAGE CONTROL HODEL 23 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 23 DESCRIPTION 3880 STORAGE CONTROL HODEL 21: INSTALLATION AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 23: INSTALLATION AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE 3422 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM INTRODUCTION 3875 MODEM USER'S GUIDE 3874 MODEM USER'S GUIDE INTRODUCTION TO THE 3725 MODEL 1 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER 3725 HODEL 1 COHNUNICATIONS CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION GUIDE 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER PROBLEM DETERMINATION AND EXTENDED SERVICES (CURRENT RELEASE) 3727 OPERATOR CONSOLE REFERENCE AND PROBLEM ANALYSIS GUIDE 3725 MODELS 1 AND 2 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER'S INFORMATION 7427 CONSOLE SWITCHING UNIT. CUSTOMER INFORMATION MANUAL 3725 HODEL 2 COtl1UNICATION CONTROLLER INTRODUCTION 3725 MODEL 2 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION GUIDE 3866 SYSTEM. 3868 RACK-MOUNTED MODEMS. PLANNING AND SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 3866 SYSTEM 3868 RACK-MOUNTED MODEMS USER'S GUIDE 3866 SYSTEM 3868 RACK-MOUNTED MODEMS CUSTOMER PROBLEM ANALYSIS AND RESOLUTION GUIDE 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER (VHSA) 5865. 5866. 5868 MODEMS DESCRIPTION 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER OPERATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) 5/370 MODEL 125 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 125 CONFIGURATOR 3125 PROCESSING UNIT INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS ADAPTER. CONFIGURATOR OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: SYSTEMl370 MODEL 125 PROCEDURES 5/370 HODEL 115 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 5/370 MODEL 115 CONFIGURATOR GN33-1682 5/370 MODEL 125 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS 3115 PROCESSING UNIT INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS ADAPTER. CONFIGURATOR OPERATOR'S LIBRARY SYSTEMl370 MODEL 115 PROCEDURES 3203 PRINTER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATOR'S GUIDE GN33-1627 S/370 MODEL 115 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS GN33-1681 3203 PRINTER REFERENCE SUMMARY FOR OPERATORS GN33-1721 S/370 MODEL 115 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS FOR SYSTEMS WITH 3115-2 PROCESSING UNIT 3203 MODEL 3 PRINTER REFERENCE SUMMARY FOR OPERATIONS 4321/4331/4341/4361 PROCESSORS SUMMARY AND INPUTIOUTPUT DATA COMtftJNICATION CONFIGURATOR 4321/4331 PROCESSORS OPERATING PROCEDURES AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 4321/4331 PROCESSORS FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION & PROCESSORCOMPL 432114331 PROCESSORS FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION AND PROCESSOR 432114331 PROCESSORS GROUPS 1 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS 4321 AND 4331 PROCESSORS COMPATIBILITY FEATURES ( 3203 PRINTER MODEL 5 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3203 PRINTER HODEL 5 REFERENCE SUMMARY FOR OPERATORS 968 '\ C 89 GA33-1532-3 01 01 GA33-1535-0 GA33-1536-3 16 GA33-1538-3 07 GA33-1539-4 16 GA33-1S40-2 16 GA33-1S45-2 01 GA33-1550-0 16 GA33-1551-2 15 GA33-1552-1 03 GA33-1554-1 01 HGA33-1566-3 01 GA33-1567-2 07 GA33-1569-1 16 GA33-1570-3 09 GA33-1571-3 01 GA33-1572-2 16 GA33-1573-3 03 GA33-1574-1 09 GA33-1575-1 03 GA33-1576-1 15 **6A33-1577-1 09 GA33-1578-3 03 GA33-1579-3 03 GA33-1580-1 09 HGA33-1581-3 16 GA33-1582-0 15 HGA33-1583-1 ( ( 01 GA33-1S85-1 03 01 13 GA33-1586-1 GA33-3005-9 GA33-3007-3 13 GA33-3008-1 13 GA33-3009-3 01 00 14 GA33-3010-2 GA33-3014-4 GA33-3015-2 14 GA33-3016-1 6N33-3050 06 15 GA33-3035-3 GA33-3036-2 GN33-3229 6N33-3228 06 14 GA33-3037-2 GA33-3039-2 6N33-3214 09 09 00 15 09 16 09 16 14 GA33-3040-7 GA33-3041-5 GA33-3042-8 GA33-3043-3 GA33-3044-4 GA33-3045-5 GA33-3049-5 GA33-3051-6 GA33-3052-1 14 GA33-3055-2 09 16 GA33-3056-1 GA33-3057-1 GN33-3208 GN33-3227 GN33-3225 6N33-3210 GN33-3224 GN33-3231 4321/4331 PROCESSORS MODEL GROUP 1: CHAiflEL LOAD sutltARY WORKSHEET 4331 PROCESSOR HODEL GROUP 2 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTIC 4321/4331 PROCESSORS DISPLAY/PRINTER ADAPTER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 4321/4331/4361 PROCESSORS MULTIUSE COHHUNICATIONS LOOP OPERATING PROCEDURE 4321/4331/4361 PROCESSORS DASD ADAPTER FOR 3370 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE REFERENCE 4321/4331/4361 PROCESSORS LOOP ADAPTER PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 4321/4331/4361 PROCESSORS, REHOTE OPERATOR CONSOLE FACILITY (ROCF) 4331 PROCESSOR HODEL GROUP 11 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS 4250 PRINTER OPERATOR'S GUIDE 4250 PRINTER PLANNING AND SITE PREPARATION 4250 PRINTER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND PROGRAMMING INFORMATION 4361 PROCESSOR FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 4361 PROCESSOR CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS 4361 PROCESSOR DASD COMPATIBILITY FEATURE 4361 PROCESSOR OPERATING PROCEDURES 4361 PROCESSOR COMMUNICATIONS ADAPTER REFERENCE MANUAL 4361 PROCESSOR SUMMARY PROBLEM FINDER GUIDE 4361 PROCESSOR 4250 PRINTER QUALITY PROBLEMS 4361 PROCESSOR, DISPLAY/PRINTER ADAPTER, COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 4245 PRINTER MODELS 12, D12, 20 and D20 EIHE/A EDITION PRINT BAND 4321, 4331, 4361 PROCESSORS, INSTALLATION MANUAL, PHYSICAL PLANNING 4361 PROCESSOR WORKSTATION ADAPTER REFERENCE 4245 PRINTER MODELS 12, 20 INFORMATION MANUAL 4245 PRINTER MODELS 12, D12, 20, D20 4361 PROCESSOR SYSTEM EVENT TRACE AND SYSTEM STATUS DISPLAY 4361 PROCESSOR REMOTE OPERATOR CONSOLE FACILITY (ROCF) SYSTEM PRE-INSTALLATION PLANNING 4361 PROCESSOR CUSTOMER INPUT PACKAGE 4361 PROCESSOR SERIAL ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURE INTERFACE DESCRIPTION AND PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE 4245 PRINTER HODELS"DI2 AND D20 INFORMATION S/370 HODEL 135 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 135 TERMINAL ADAPTER TYPE" I MODEL II (FOR ICAl: SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION SYSTEM LIBRARY IBM SYSTEMl370 MODEL 135 TERMINAL ADAPTER TYPE III FOR ICA: SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION SYSTEMl370 MODEL 135 SYNCHRONOUS DATA ADAPTER TYPE II (FOR ICA): SPECIAL FEATURE DESCRIPTION S/370 MODEL 135 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS S/370 MODEL 135 CONFIGURATOR REFERENCE MANUAL FOR IBM 5985 COLOR DISPLAY CONTROL UNIT MODEL H02 AND IBM 5941 DISPLAY CONSOLE, MODEL H02 (SEE ABSTRACT FOR RPQS) 3740 DATA ENTRY SYSTEM SPECIAL SELF-CHECK NUMBER DEVICE CUSTOM UNIT DESCRIPTION AN INTRODUCTION TO THE IBM 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM, COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3277 DISPLAY STATION~ GRAPHICS ATTACHMENT RPQ 7H0284, CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION AN INTRODUCTION TO THE 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL, CHARACTER SET REFERENCE 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL CONFIGURATOR 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL, SITE PREPARATION GUIDE 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL: TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE WITH RPQS SU0090, SU0091, 7JOOOS AND 7JOO14 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM DATA COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY (RPQs SU0090, SU0091, 7J0005, and 7JOOI4) CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM, COLOR & PROGRAMMED SYMBOLS 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION OPERATORS GUIDE 969 09 16 GA33-3067-2 GA33-3071-1 03 16 03 GA33-3072-1 GA33-3073-1 GA33-3074-1 14 GA33-3079-2 14 GA33-3085-1 14 GA33-3086-2 14 GA33-3093-1 16 14 GA33-3094-2 GA33-3096-1 14 GA33-3106-0 14 GA33-3108-0 06 GA33-3110-1 85 85 14 GA33-3111-0 GA33-3112-0 GA33-3119-1 14 GA33-3120-0 14 GA33-3121-0 14 GA33-3123-0 14 GA33-3126-0 13 GA33-3138-0 14 GA33-3146-0 16 08 GA34-0040-3 GA34-0282-0 14 14 14 GA34-1507-3 GA34-1511-1 GA34-1531-1 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 LBOF-0005-0 LBOF-0007-0 LBOF-0411-0 LBOF-0412-0 LBOF-I020-0 LBOF-I02.,1-0 LBOF-I026-0 LBOF-I027-0 LBOF-1028-0 LBOF-I029-0 LBOF-I039-0 LBOF-ll01-0 LBOF-ll03-0 LBOF-1l14-0 LBOF-ll 16-0 LBOF-1117-0 LBOF-1120-0 LBOF-1121-0 LBOF-1138-0 LBOF-1140-0 LBOF-1141-0 LBOF-1142-0 LBOF-1143-0 LBOF-1144-0 6H33-3180 6H33-3179 6H33-3196 6N34-0700 6H34-0890 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION KEYBOARD REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 7436 PRINTER MODEL 1 OPERATORS GUIDE 7436 PRINTER MODEL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 7436 PRINTER MODEL I PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 7436 PRINTER MODEL I SITE PLANNING, PHYSICAL PLANNING, AND CONFIGURATOR GUIDE 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION MODEL 3A, 3B ad 3X: VIDEO OUTPUT CUSTOMER FEATURE DESCRIPTION 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM: CONTINUOUS REFRESH RPQS 7J0024 AND 7J0025 CUSTOM FEATURE USER'S GUIDE 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM: CUSTOM FEATURE SUMMARY FOR RPQ 7J0070. 7J0071. 7J0072. 7J0073 6N33-3198 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL PRINTER ATTACHMENT RPQS 7J0044 AND 7J0045 CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION 3279 MODEL 2C COLOR DISPLAY CONSOLE PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL MODELS I. 2, II, AND 12 WITH PRINTER ATTACHMENT (RPQ 7J0044 OR RPQ 7J0045): PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION MODELS 34 AND 38 BACKLIT FUNCTION SWITCH PANEL RPQS 7J0046. 7J0047, 7J0048. and 7J0049 CUSTOMER FEATURE DESCRIPTION 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION. PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR RPQ, 7J0047, 7J0048. and 7J0049. 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION AND USER'S GUIDE 8775 KEYBOARD REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS 8775 DISPLAY TERMINAL TAPE LOADING INSTRUCTIONS 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: 3278 DISPLAY STATION MODEL 2 GENERAL INFORMATION FOR AUDIO OUTPUT RPQ 7H0661 3250 GRAPHICS DISPLAY SYSTEM: ATTACHMENTS FOR CURSOR CONTROL TABLET AND FOR PLOTTER CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTIONS RPQ'S 7J0070. 7J0072. AND 7J0073 3270 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM, 3278 DISPLAY STATION MODEL 2 WITH AUDIO OUTPUT RPQ 7H0661: PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 3278 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM: IBM 3278 DISPLAY STATION MODEL 2 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR AUDIO OUTPUT RPQ 7H0661 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR RPQ 7J0067 3279 COLOR DISPLAY STATION: PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE FOR 3270 PERSONAL COMPUTER ATTACHMENT PUMPING UP PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTIVITY AT CAMERON IRON WORKS CONTROL TABLET AND PLOTTER RPQs 7J0070, 7J0071, 7J0072. AND 7J0073 (3255 DISPLAY CONTROL UNIT MODEL 2 ONLY) 5230 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE 4994 ASCII DEVICE CONTROL UNIT GENERAL INfORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SI7-360/370 CHANNEL ATTACHMENT: GENERAL INFORMATION RPQ D08112 S/370 SENSOR BASED CONTROL UNIT GENERAL INFORMATION 5275 MACHINE TOOL CONTROL UNIT (tlCU) ACCESSORY RPQ D08286: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL PTF. 5748-F03 PTF 5748-LM3 FICHE PTf 5746-RC3 PTF 5746-RC3 PTFS FOR 5666-264 PTFS FOR 5735-XRl PTFS FOR 5748-XX6 PTFS FOR 5748-XXH PTFS FOR 5668-983 PTFS FOR 5746-AM2 PTFS FOR 5746-RGI PTF, 5666-280 PTFS FOR 5668-006 PTFS FOR 5746-XX3 PTFS FOR 5746-XX3 PTFS FOR 5746-XX3 PTFS FOR 5746-CB1 DOS/vSE VSE/vSAM PTfS FOR 5746-XX3 PTFS FOR 5735-XX8 PTFS FOR 5746-XXC PTFS FOR 5746-CB1 PTFS FOR 5745-030 PTFS FOR 5735-XX6 970 /'. I I I "'--/' ( ( ( / 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 LBOF-1145-0 LBOF-1151-0 LBOF-1l52-0 LBOF-1153-0 SBOF-1154-0 LBOF-1165-0 LBOF-1169-0 LBOF-1l70-0 LBOF-1171-0 LBOF-1302-0 LBOF-1326-0 LBOF-1327-0 LBOF-1328-0 LBOF-1329-0 LBOF-1330-0 LBOF-1331-0 LBOF-1332-0 LBOF-1333-0 LBOF-1334-0 LBOF-1335-0 LBOF-1336-0 LBOF-1337-0 LBOF-1338-0 LBOF-1353-0 LBOF-1354-0 LBOF-1355-0 LBOF-1356-0 LBOF-1360-0 LBOF-1361-0 LBOF-1376-0 LBOF-1377-0 LBOF-1378-0 LBOF-1379-0 LBOF-1380-0 LBOF-1383-0 LBOF-1384-0 LBOF-I385-0 LBOF-I386-0 LBOF-I388-0 LBOF-1389-0 SBOF-1391-0 SBOF-1392-0 SBOF-1393-0 SBOF-1394-0 LBOF-1396-0 LBOF-1397-0 LBOF-1450-0 LBOF-1554-0 LBOF-1576-0 LBOF-1577-0 LBOF-1579-0 LBOF-1580-0 SBOF-1581-0 LBOF-1585-0 LBOF-1586-0 LBOF-1607-0 LBOF-1608-0 LBOF-1609-0 LBOF-1612-0 LBOF-1614-0 LBOF-1616-0 LBOF-1617-0 LBOF-1618-0 LBOF-1625-0 LBOF-1644-0 LBOF-1667-0 LBOF-1668-0 LBOF-1672-0 LBOF-1751-0 LBOF-1752-0 LBOF-1800-0 LBOF-2240-0 LBOF-2241-0 LBOF-2242-0 SBOF-2250-0 SBOF-2251-0 PTFS FOR 5748-XX9 PTFS FOR 5668-989 PTFS FOR 5735-XX9 PTFS FOR 5735-XXA PTFS FOR 5742-CH2 PTFS FOR 5668-981 PTFS FOR 5668-981 PTFS FOR 5735-XX6 PTFS FOR 5747-DS2 PTFS FOR 5666-273 NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER, 5668-971 PTFS FOR LIC PROG 5746-AI12 PTFS FOR LIC PROG 5746-XXE PTFS FOR 5735-XX8 PTFS FOR 5746-XXV PTFS FOR 5668-981 PTFS FOR 5748-XX4 PTFS FOR 5747-052 PTFS FOR 5748-API PTFS FOR 5748-XX9 PTFS FOR 5748-F03 PTFS FOR 5748-LM3 PTFS FOR 5746-AI12 PTF 5746-SAI PTF 5735-XXI PTF 5748-XXH PTF 5748-XXH PTFS FOR LIC PROS 5748-LM3 PTFS FOR LIC PROS 5748-F03 PTF 5746-XC4 PTF 5746-XC4 PTF 5745-030 PTF 5735-XX3 PTF 5746-XXT PTF 5746-RC3 PTF 5746-RC3 PTF 5735-XX7 PTF 5735-RC5 PTF 5746-XC5 PTF 5736-LM5 PTF 5747-CAI PTF 5747-CAI PTF 5747-CAI PTF 5747-CFl DOSIVSE VSE/AF PTF, 5666-263 PTF 5735-XXM PTFS FOR 5746-UT3 DOSIVSE CICSIVSDOS PTF, 5668-986 D05IVSE NLDM D05IVSE SDF/CICS DOSIVSE SCP D05IVSE DMS/CICS/vs DOSIVSE DMS/CICS/vs DOSIVSE ACFINCP DOSIVSE ACF/SSP DOSIVSE EP/3725 DOSIVSE VSE/OLTEP DOSIVSE GODM ANALYZER DOSIVSE DUI ANALYZER DOSIVSE NPDA SSx/vsE D05IVSE NTO PTF, 5746-XXI PTF, 5746-XXI DOSIVSE INFORMATION ACCESS SYSTEM PTF, 5668-986 DOSIVSE VS/FORTRAN LIBRARY PTF 5736-PLl PTF 5736-LM4 PTF 5746-XE7 PTF 5746-AI12 PTF 5746-AI12 PTF 5746-AI14 PTF FOR OSIVS2 SVS PTF FOR OSIVS2 t1VS 971 97 97 97 97 97 97 36 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 LBOF-2255-0 LBOF-2256-0 LBOF-2257-0 LBOF-2909-0 LBOF-2910-0 LBOF-2911-0 SBOF-3802-0 LBOF-492l-0 LBOF-4922-0 LBOF-4923-0 LBOF-4927-0 SBOF-4928-0 SBOF-4929-0 SBOF-4930-0 LBOF-4931-0 LBOF-4932-0 L8OF-4933-0 LBOF-6000-0 SBOF-6375-0 97 SBOF-6376-0 97 97 97 SBOF-6377-0 5BOF-6378-0 SBOF-6379-0 97 97 97 SBOF-6380-0 SBOF-6381-0 SBOF-6382-0 97 SBOF-6383-0 97 97 97 S8OF-6384-0 SBOF-6385-0 SBOF-6386-0 97 SBOF-6387-0 97 SBOF-6388-0 97 SBOF-6389-0 97 SBOF-6390-0 97 97 SBOF-6391-0 SBOF-6392-0 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 SBOF-639l-0 SBOF-6400-0 SBOF-6401-0 SBOF-6402-0 SBOF-6403-0 SBOF-6404-0 SBOF-6405-0 SBOF-6406-0 SBOF-6407-0 SBOF-6440-0 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 680F-7521-0* LBOF-7523-0* LBOF-7524-0* LBOF-7525-0* LBOF-7526-0* LBOF-7527-0* LBOF-7528-0* LBOF-7530-0* LBOF-7532-0* LBOF-7600-0 LBOF-7601-0 LBOF-7602-0 LBOF-7606-0 LBOF-7607-0 LBOF-7608-0 LBOF-7609-0 LBOF-7630-0 LBOF-7631-0 PTF FOR 5746-XE3 PTF FOR 5746-XE3 PTF 5746-XE3 PTFS FOR TAF 5668-983 PTFS FOR TAF 5746-XXT DOSIVSE VSE/POWER VERSION 2 IBM VM/370: PROBLEM DETERMINATION VOLUMES 1 THROUGH 3 PTF 5746-XE6 PTF 5746-XE6 PTF 5746-SAl PTF 5746-XE8 PTF 5747-CHl PTF 5747-CHI PTF 5747-CHl PTF 5735-XXl PTF 5746-XXV PTF 5746-AM2 COMPONENTS IN SUI (SUID 5752-801) PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-AS 465 ASSEMBLER BASIC HODULE5 FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CL-453 SYS. CONT. AtI) BASIC loeS FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CQ-469 BTAM FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CQ-470 QTAM FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-DN-481 ON LINE TEST EXEC. PR06. FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-EU-490 EMULATOR FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-454 DIRECT ACCESS METHOO FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-455 CONSECUTIVE DISK IOCS FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-456 CONSECUTIVE TAPE IDeS FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-457 ISFMS FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-458 CONSECUTIVE PT IOCS FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-476, COMPILER I/O MODULES FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-477 1259/1412/1419 MICR loeS FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-IO-478 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-CQ-493 3735 TERMINAL SUPPORT FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-UT-491 SYSTEM UTILITY PROGRAM FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-UT-492 EREP FOR 370 DOS PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 370N-SV-495 2311/2314/3330 SUPERVISOR FOR 370 DOS M20 EMULATOR (VERSION 4) PTF'S - PROG. NO. 370N-IC-002 PTF LISTINGS FOR OSIVSI DOS PTF - PROGRAM NUMBER 5744-ASl 155, 158/7074 EMUL PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 5744-AJl 165, 168/7080 EMULATOR - PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 5744-ALI 165, 168/7094 EMULATOR - PTF PROGRAM NUMBER 5744-AMI 165, 168/7074 EMULATOR PTF LISTINGS FOR PROGRAM NO. 5744-AKI 1410/7010 EMULATOR PTF LISTINGS FOR PROG. NO. 5744-AGl PTF 5744 EMULATOR PTF PROGRAM 5744-AHl PTFS FOR DOSIVS 14XX LISTINGS, SCP COMPONENTS 5745-SC-EML, 5745-SC-E20 3XXX STORAGE PACKAGE PTF AF, 5746-XE2 PTF 5746-TSI PTF 5746-XE3 PTF 5746-XE3 PTF 5746-SUI PTF 5746-AM2 PTF 5746-RC5 PTF FOR 5746-XE8 PTF DOSIVS ACFIVTAM PTF DOSIVS ACFIVTAM NETWORK PTF DOS/vs ACFIVTAM PTF 5746-SAl PTFS FOR 5668-983 PTFS FOR TAF 5668-983 PTF, 5735-XX8 PTF 5746-RC2 PTF 5746-RC3 972 - - - - -------------- _._----_._-_._----- ( ~-~ , ( " \ ) ( ~.. ( 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 37 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 LBOF-7632-0 LBOF-7644-0 LBOF-7645-0 LBOF-7646-0 LBOF-7655-0 LBOF-7656-0 LBOF-7657-0 LBOF-7658-0 SBOF-7659-0 SBOF-7660-0 LBOF-7675-0 LBOF-7676-0 LBOF-7679-0 GBOF-8211-0 LBOF-9100-0 LBOF-9101-0 LBOF-9102-0 LBOF-9103-0 LBOF-9104-0 LBOF-9105-0 LBOF-9106-0 LBOF-9107-0 LBOF-9108-0 LBOF-91 09-0 LBOF-911 0-0 LBOF-9111-0 LBOF-9112-0 LBOF-9113-0 LBOF-9114-0 LBOF-9115-0 LBOF-9116-0 LBOF-9117-0 LBOF-9118-0 LBOF-9119-0 LBOF-912il-0 LBOF-9121-0 LBOF-9122-0 LBOF-9123-0 LBOF-9124-0 LBOF-9125-0 LBOF-9126-0 LBOF-9127-0 LBOF-9128-0 LBOF-9129-0 LBOF-9130-0 LBOF-9131-0 LBOF-9132-0 LBOF-9133-0 LBOF-9134-0 LBOF-9135-0 LBOF-9136-0 LBOF-9137-0 LBOF-9139-0 LBOF-9140-0 LBOF-9141-0 LBOF-9142-0 LBOF-9143-0 LBOF-9144-0 LBOF-9145-0 LBOF-9146-0 LBOF-9147-0 LBOF-9148-0 LBOF-9149-0 LBOF-9150-0 LBOF-9151-0 LBOF-9152-0 LBOF-9153-0 LBOF-9154-0 LBOF-9155-0 LBOF-9156-0 LBOF-9158-0 LBOF-9159-0 LBOF-9160-0 LBOF-9161-0 LBOF-9162-0 LBOF-9163-0 PTFS FOR 5665-279 PTF 5736-XX6 PTF VS2 5735-XX6 PTF VSl 5735-XX6 PTF 5735-XXI PTF 5735-XXI PTF 5735-XX3 PTF 5735->0<3 PTF 5747-CHI PTF 5747-CHI PTFS FOR 5665-280 PTFS FOR 5665-280 PTFS FOR ACFIVTAM 5662-280 OSIVS2 MVS SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY DEBUGGING HANDBOOK MVS PTF 5740-XY4 IMS PTF DB PTF It1S SVC UTIL 5740-XX2 PTF IMS DC PTF IMS MS 5740-XY2 PTF IMS FP 5740-112 PTF IMS REC CONTROL 5740-122 OSIHVS SAM-E. 5740-AM3. COMPONENT OF LBOF-9107 TAPE 8408 MVS PTF 5735-RCI MVS PTF 5735-RCI MVS PTF 5735-RC2 MVS PTF 5735-RC2 MVS PTF 5735-RC2 MVS PTF 5740-XEl PTF MVS 5740-XE2 PTF 'MVS 5740-XRB PTF MVS 5740-XR8 PTF MVS 5740-XT6 PTF MVS 5740-XXH PTF MVS 5735-XX2 MVS PTF 5740-XY5 MVS PTF 5740-AN8 PTF SVS 5735-RCI PTF SVS 5735-RCI PTF SVS 5735-RC2 PTF SVS 5735-RC2 PTF SVS 5735-XX2 PTF VSl 5740-AM8 VSl PTF 5735-RCI VSl PTF 5735-RCI VSl PTF 5735-RC2 VSl PTF 5735-RC2 VSl PTF 5735-RC2 VSl PTF 5735-XX2 PTF VSl 5740-XY5 PTF 5735-XRl PTF 5735-RC2 PTF 5740-XYG PTF 5735-RC3 PTF VS2 5735-RC3 PTF FOR 5735-RC3 PTF VSl 5735-RC3 PTF FOR 5740-XYG PTF FOR 5740-XXF PTF 5799-AZT PTF FICHE 5740-XX8 PTF FICHE 5735-XX7 PTF 5735-XRl PTFS 5735-XRl PTF 5799-BAF PTF 5740-XYN PTF FICHE 5662-257 PTF 5740-AM7 PTF 5748-XXH SC82 PTFS FOR 5735-RC5 PTFS FOR 5740-XXI PTF 5748-XX9 PTF 5748-XXE PTF 5748-XX9 PTF 5740-AMA PTF 5734-LM4 PTF 5748-API 973 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 LBOF-9164-0 LBOF-9165-0 LBOF-9167-0 lBOF-9168-0 LBOF-9169-0 LBOF-9170-0 LBOF-9171-0 lBOF-9172-0 LBOF-9173-0 LBOF-9174-0 LBOF-9175-0 LBOF-9176-0 LBOF-9177-0 LBOF-9178-0 LBOF-9179-0 LBOF-9180-0 LBOF-9181-0 lBOF-9182-0 LBOF-9183-0 LBOF-9184-0 lBOF-9185-0 LBOF-9186-0 LBOF-9187-0 LBOF-9189-0 LBOF-9191-0 LBOF-9192-0 LBOF-9193-0 lBOF-9194-0 LBOF-9195-0 LBOF-9201-0 LBOF-9202-0 LBOF-9203-0 LBOF-9204-0 lBOF-92 05-0 LBOF-9206-0 LBOF-9207-0 LBOF-9208-0 lBOF-9209-0 LBOF-9211-0 LBOF-9212-0 LBOF-9213-0 LBOF'-9214-0 lBOF-9215-0 LBOF-9216-0 LBOF-9217-0 lBOF-9218-0 lBOF-9224-0 LBOF-9229-0 LBOF-9231-0 LBOF-9232-0 lBOF-9233-0 LBOF-9236-0 LBOF-9238-0 lBOF-9239-0 lBOF-9240-0 LBOF-9241-0 lBOF-9242-0 LBOF-9243-0 lBOF-9245-0 lBOF-9246-0 LBOF-9251-0 lBOF-9252-0 lBOF-9255-0 lBOF-9256-0 LBOF-9259-0 LBOF-9260-0 lBOF-9261-0 L6OF-9267-0 LBOF-9270-0 LBOF-9272-0 lBOF-9273-0 lBOF-9274-0 lBOF-9275-0 58OF-9280-0 S6OF-9281-0 lBOF-9283-0 PTF 5734-Pll PTF 5734-Lt15 PTF 5740-XYS PTF 5740-XYN PTF 5740-UT3 PTF 5740-XR6 PTF 5740-XYS PTF 5740-XYN PTF 5740-XYN. PTF 5740-XYN PTF 5668-009 PTF 5740-XYQ PTF 5740-XR5 PTF 5735-0ZS PTFS 5734-XRl PTFS 5668-002 PTF 5735-0ZS PTF 5748-XXI PTFs 5740-AM6 PTF FOR 5748-XXS PTF FOR 5740-XXF PTF FOR 5735-XX7 OSIYS, 5665-283, VSPC (Ye3) PTFS FOR 5748-LM3 PTFS FOR 5740-XC5 PTFS FOR 5740-XC5 PTFS FOR 5740-DC3 PTFS FOR 5740-SMI PTFS FOR 5740-AM6 PTFS FOR 5665-285 PTF FOR 5665-293 HVS/OS T50 EXTENSIONS PTFS FOR 5740-XYS PTF FOR 5665-274 HVSlOS RNE/SP/SUP ASSEMBLER H. 5668-962 PTF FOR 5740-XC6 HVS/SP PTF FOR 5665-291 HVS/SP PTFS FOR IMSIVS DB 5740-XX2 PTFS FOR NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY 5668-963 PTF FOR 5740-XX2 IMSIYS-HVSIXA-FP PTF FOR 5665-284 tlVS/OS DATA FACILITY PTFS FOR 5740-XT9 PTFS FOR 5668-981 PTF FOR 5668-989 OS/VS 4700 HOST PTFS FOR 5740-AM7 PTF 5668-955 PTF FOR 5668-982 DI5OSS/370 PTFS FOR 5668-966 PTFS FOR TAF 5668-963 OSItlVS OCCF. 5668-288 PTF FOR 5735-XXA OS/ACF SYSTEtI SUPPORT PROGRAM VSl/0S TAP PROGRAM LISTING PTF FOR 5735-XX9 ACFINCP OSIYS SMP/E. 5668-949. TAPE 8307 tlPl .PTF FOR 5740-XXI OS/vs-CICS (VSI) PTF FOR 5740-XXI OSIYS-CICS (t'IVS) OSIVS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY OSIYS COBOL LIBRARY PTFS FOR 5665-295 BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR 5668-948 CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT COMPONENT OF lBOF-9246 PTFS FOR 5740-XYN PTFS FOR 5740-XYS OS/VS IMS DB. 5740-XX2 OSIVS IMS DB OS/VS IMS DC OSIYS IMS DBRC OSIYS IMS LOGSING PTF 5735-0lS OS/vsl SODM. 5748-XXH OSIt'lVS SODM P6F LANG. 5748-XXH OSIVSI SODtI P6F LANG, 5748-XXH OSIYS DMS/CICS BASE. 5740-XC5 OS/VS DMS/CICS FEAT, 5740-XC5 XREF tlICROFICHE - t'IVS XREF tlICROFICHE - VSl NPDA ASSEMBLY LISTINGS. 5668-920 974 '\ ) ( ( 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 38 LBOF-9285-0 SBOF-9287-0 SBOF-9288-0 SBOF-9289-0 LBOF-9290-0 LBOF-9293-0 LBOF-9295-0 LBOF-9296-0 LBOF-9297-0 LBOF-9299-0 LBOF-9305-0 LBOF-9306-0 LBOF-9308-0 LBOF-9315-0 LBOF-9317-0 LBOF-9320-0 LBOF .. 9321-0 LBOF-9324-0 LBOF-9331-0 LBOF-9335-0 SB09-4005-1 50 50 32 SB09-4006-e* GB09-4007-1 GBl1-5011-1* 3e SBl1-5012-0* 30 30 50 6811-5013-1* SB11-5014-0* SB11-5020-3* 50 SBl1-5021-1* 50 LBl1-50ee-1* 29 6811-5025-4* 50 SB11-5070-0* 50 5811-5071-0* 50 LBl1-5072-0* 50 6811-5088-0* 50 5811-5089-0* 34 50 5811-5223-0* 6811-5225-0* 50 5811-5e26-0* 50 5811-5227-0* 50 5811-5228-0* 22 6811-5249-1* 22 SB11-5e50-0* 22 30 LBl1-5251-1* GBl1-5258-0* 30 SBl1-5259-0* 30 LBl1-5260-0* el SBII-5266-1* 2:1 S811-5e67-1* el LBl1-5268-1* 34 S811-5e88-0* CICS OSIVS MVSIXA FEAT, 5740-)0(1 XREF MICROFICHE - IMS XREF MICROFICHE - CICS XREF MICROFICHE - NCP MVSIDOCS AND COVER LETTERS - MICROFICHE DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS EXECUTIVE DSX MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT JES3, 5740-XYN MVS/SP JES3 ACF/NCP ASSEMBLY LISTING OS, 5735-)0(9 ACF/SSP VERSION 3, 5665-338, COMPONENT OF LBOF-9299 VS1IDOCS AND COVER LETTERS - MICROFICHE MVS/370 DFP, 5665-295 TSO/E COMPONENT OF LBOF-9308 OSIVS DATA DIRECTORY ACFINCP FOR 3705 MVSIBDT BULK DATA TRANSFER ACFIVTAM, 5665-280 OSIVS2 NCCF ASSEt1BLY PRINT SERVICE FACILITY, 5665-275, TAPE 8502 OS/VS FORTRAN LIBRARY JES/328X PRINT FACILITY EXTENDED PRINTER SUPPORT FOR RJE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IMS APPLICATION PRODUCTIVITY PACKAGE DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS IMS APPLICATION PRODUCTIVITY PACKAGE NOTICE SYSTEM/370 VSPC LIBRARY PRINT PROGRAM REPORTS All VSPC USERS THEIR FILES AND PROFILES, IFP 5785-EAA, 'NOTICE IBM SYSTEM/370 VIRTUAL STORAGE PERSONAL COMPUTING LIBRARY PRINT (VSPCPRT), DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS, PROG PROD 5785-EAA 3800 PLOTTING PROGRAM, IFP 5785-AAA, NOTICE 3800 PLOTTING, IFP 5798-AAA DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS, HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL OF IMSIVS DATA BASES (HSSR), IFP 5787-lAA, NOTICE SYSTEMl370 HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL OF IMS DATA BASES VERSIONS 1.2, IFP 5787-lAA, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEMl370 HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL OF IMS DATA BASES VERSION 1.2, IFP 5787-lAA, LOGIC SYSTEM/370 OSIVS INTERACTIVE PLII FOR VSPC PLII PROCESSOR FOR VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC), IFP 5785-EAB, NOTICE IBM SYSTEMl370 DOSIVS CICS-IMS ONLINE INTERFACE, INTERACTIVE AND QUEUED EXTEI'IJED 3270 SCREEN SUPPORT, INTERNATIONAL FIELD PROGRAM 5785-DAW, NOTICE SYSTEMl370 CICS-IMS ONLINE INTERFACE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND OPERATIONS, INTERNATIONAL FIELD PROGRAM 5785-DAW IBM SYSTEM/370 CICS-IMS ONLINE INTERFACE SYSTEMS GUIDE, INTERNATIONAL FIELD PROGRAM 5785-DAN DLII PERFORMANCE EtitANCEMENT-DOSIVS & OSIVS, LIC PROS 5785-DAX, NOTICE DLII PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT-DOSIVS & OSIVS, LIC PROS 5785-DAX, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CONVERSION AID SYSTEM 3 TO S/370 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IMSIVS APPLICATION CONTROL SYSTEM, IFP 5787-NAC, GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL IMSIVS APPLICATION CONTROL SYSTEM, IFP 5787-NAC, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE IMSIVS APPLICATION CONTROL SYSTEM, IFP 5787-NAC, SYSTEM PROGRAMMING REFERENCE IMSIVS APPLICATION CONTROL SYSTEM, IFP 5787-NAC, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE SYSTEMl370 VS APL APLVS APL COMPLEMENTARY FUNCTIONS. IFP 5785-DBX, -DBY, NOTICE APL COMPLEMENTARY FUNCTIONS, IFP 5785-DBX. -DBY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS APL COMPLEMENTARY FUNCTIONS. IFP 5785-DPX, -DBY, SYSTEMS GUIDE 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM TRACE INTERPRETATION PACKAGE, IFP 5785-D8W, NOTICE 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM TRACE INTERPRETATION PACKAGE. IFP 5785-DBIoI, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM TRACE INTERPRETATION PACKAGE, IFP 5785-DBW, SYSTEMS GUIDE IBM ASSEMBLER CONVERSION AID FROM SIEMENS ASSEMBLER, IFP 5785-DCA, NOTICE IBM ASSEMBLER CONVERSION AID FROM SIEMENS ASSEMBLER. IFP 5785-DCA, DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS IBM ASSEMBLER CONVERSION AID FROM SIEMENS ASSEMBLER. IFP 5785-DCA, SYSTEMS GUIDE ATTACHED PARTITION PROCESSOR, IFP 5785-EAG, 975 34 50 LBll-5289-0* 5811-5309-0* 24 6811-5315-1* 24 SBl1-5316-0* 31 6811-5318-2* 31 SBl1-5319-1* 39 SBl1-5325-0* 39 SBII-5329-1* 50 SBl1-5332-1* 50 LBl1-5333-1* 32 22 30 30 50 SBII-5335-0* SBll-5337-0* SBI1-5339-2* SBI1-5340-1* 6811-5341-1* 50 30 SB11-5342-1* 5811-5344-1 34 SBll-5351-0* 34 6811-5352-1* 34 5811-5353-0* 34 24 24 LBl1-5354-0* 0011-5358-0* SBl1-5359-0* 35 24 30 24 SBl1-5367-0* 6811-5370-0* SBl1-5385-0* GBII-5402-0* SH19-6726 24 5811-5403-0* SN19-6689 50 6811-5404-1* 50 SBll-5405-0* 50 50 6811-5406-0* SBll-5407-0* 32 32 6811-5408-1 SBl1-5409-1* 50 50 6811-5410-0* 5811-5411-0*" 24 GBl1-5412-0* 24 SBI1-5413-0* 24 6811-5414-0* 24 5811-5415-0* 50 SBl1-5445-0* 30 30 6811-5447-0* SBl1-5448-0* 30 34 34 50 5811-5449-0* 5811-5450-1* SBl1-5451-1* 6811-5452-0* StU9-6508 SH19-6621 SHI9-6856 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ATTACHED PARTITION PROCESSOR. IFP 5785-EAG SYSTEMl370 IMSIVS HDAM GENERALIZED SYNONYMS ANALYZER PROGRAM OPERATIONS. 5785-GAH IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM SIEMENS COBOL UNDER DOSIVS. DOSIVSE. AND OSIVS. IFP 5785-DCB. NOTICE /\ SIEMENS-IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID. IFP 5785-DCB. ~) DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IBM DOSIVSE FILE CONVERSION AID FROM ICl 1900 SERIES FORMAT IFP 5785-EAR. NOTICE SYSTEM/370 OR 4300 PROCESSOR. DOSIVSE CONVERSION AID FROM ICl 1900 SERIES FORMAT. IFP 5785-EAR. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS APPLICATION DISPLAY SERVICES. IFP 5785-AAE. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DISPLAY INPUT/OUTPUT FACILITY, IFP 5785-HAA, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEMl370 NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAMIVS START/STOP SNA TRANSFORM. IFP 5785-EAF. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEMl370 NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAMIVS START/STOP SNA TRANSFORM. IFP 5785-EAF. SYSTEMS GUIDE VS1 UTILITY GENERATOR. IFP 5785-LAG. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VS APl - DL/I INTERFACE. IFP 5785-FAl. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DATA MAPPING PROGRAM. 5785-EAP. -EAQ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DATA MAPPING PROGRAM, 5785-EAP, -EAQ, USER'S GUIDE IMSIVS QUEUE lOADER, S/370 303X PROCESSORS, IFP 5785-GAJ, NOTICE IMS/VS QUEUE LOADER, IFP 5785-GAJ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEMl370 - NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM BUILDER, IFP 5785-EAl DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CONVERSION AID SYSTEMl3 TO DOS/vsE, IFP 5785-KAD, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEMl370 OSIVS1 AND t1VS UP, MP, OR JESI MULTI-ACCESS SPOOL CHAINED JOBS SCHEDULING, IFP 5785-GAK. NOTICE S/370 CHAINED JOBS SCHEDULING. IFP 5785-GAK. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS S/370 CHAINED JOBS SCHEDULING PROGRAM. IFP 5785-GAK. lOGIC IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM NCR COBOL. IFP 5785-DCD. NOTICE IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM NCR COBOL, IFP 5785-DCD. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIot~ SH19-6690 SN19-6691 SH19-6740 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS lOCAL DISPLAY TERMINAL SIMULATOR COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM ICl PLAN 5787-EAC, -EAD, NOTICE TAPE ERROR CONTROL SYSTEM. IFP 5785-EAX, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CONVERSION AID IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM FACOM COBOL. IFP 5785-JAD IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM FACOM COBOL, IFP 5785-JAD. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IMSIVS INTERACTIVE SCREEN IMPLEMENTATION AND TUTORIAL SYSTEM, IFP 5785-GAQ. NOTICE IMS/VS INTERACTIVE SCREEN IMPLEMENTATION AND TUTORIAL SYSTEM. IFP 5785-GAQ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DATA BASE SEGMENTS DISTRIBUTION ANALYZER. IFP 5785-GAR, NOTICE DATA BASE SEGMENTS DISTRIBUTION ANALYZER. IFP 5785-GAR. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CONVERSION AID FOR BATCH JOB STREAMS, IFP 5785-EBF CONVERSION AID FOR BATCH JOB STREAMS. IFP 5785-EBF. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS BATCH TERMINAL FAST PATH SUPPORT. IFP 5785-CAA. NOTICE BATCH TERMINAL FAST PATH SUPPORT, IFP 5785-CAA. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM HONEYWEll COBOL. IFP 5785-JAA. NOTICE IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM HONEYWEll COBOL. IFP 5785-JAA, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM UNIVAC COBOL. IFP 5785-JAC. NOTICE IBM COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM UNIVAC COBOL. IFP 5785-JAC. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IMS/VS APPLICATION CONTROL SYSTEM, IFP 5787-NAC, REl 1. tIODIF 0 MESSAGES AND CODES TAPE lIBRARY CONTROL SYSTEM. IFP 5785-EAW, NOTICE TAPE lIBRARY CONTROL SYSTEM, IFP 5785-EAW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TAPE lIBRARY CONTROL SYSTEM. IFP 5785-EAW, USER'S GUIDE MYS MODULE PACKER, IFP 5785-WAA, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MYS lINK PACK AREA PACKER, IFP 5785-WAB, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CICs/VS DATA ENTRY FACILITY, IFP5785-WAE, NOTICE 976 \ j c-' ". / ( ( (- 50 SBl1-5453-0* 31 6Bl1-5463-0* 24 6BII-5480-0* 24 SBl1-5481-0* 50 6811-5500-2 50 SBl1-5501-2 50 29 29 LB11-5502-1 6BI1-5514-0* SBI1-5515-0* 21 21 6BII-5518-0* SBII-5519-0* 39 50 SBII-5533-0* SBl1-5558-2 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 40 29 29 32 32 85 6B11-5577-1* SB11-5578-0* GB11-5581-2* SB11-5582-2* LB11-5583-2* GB11-5607-2* 5611-5608-2* LBII-5609-2* 6811-5615-0* SB11-5616-0* 6BII-5658-0* GBII-5674-0* S611-5675-0* 6611-5690-0* S611-5691-0* 6611-5703-5* 50 50 50 36 36 6811-5719-0* SBI1-5720-0* SBII-5721-0* 6BII-5727-0* S611-5728-0* 30 30 50 50 6Bl1-5743-0* S611-5744-0* 6BII-5753-0* SBII-5754-0* 50 50 32 6811-5776-0* S611-5777-0* 6811-5787-0* 32 5811-5788-0* 32 6811-5789-0* 32 5811-5790-0* 32 6811-5791-0* 32 SBI1-5792-0* 32 32 30 30 30 30 6811-5794-0* SBI1-5795-0* 6811-5796-0* 5811-5797-0* 6811-5819-0* 5811-5820-0* 20 6811-5826-0 SBI1-5827-0 6811-5828-2* 6811-5829-0* 40 38 50 SNI9-6966 SNI9-6775 SN19-6812 CICSIVS DATA ENTRY FACILITY, IFP 5785-WAE, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEMl370 FILE FORMATTER FOR THE IBM OFFICE SYSTEM 6, IFP 5785-EBH DOSIVSE COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM ICL COBOL, IFP 5785-EBJ, NOTICE IBM DOSIVSE COBOL CONVERSION AID FROM ICL COBOL, IFP 5785-EBJ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS HI6H-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL CHAINED ANTICIPATORY BUFFERING, IFP 5787-LAC, NOTICE HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL VERSION 2, 5785-LAC, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PR06RAM OFFERING LOGIC HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL COBOL & PLII CONVERSION AID, IFP 5785-EBG, NOTICE COBOL & PLII CONVERSION AID, IFP 5785-EBG, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ASSEMBLER MACRO CONVERSION AID, IFP 5785-EBE, NOTICE ASSEMBLER MACRO CONVERSION AID, IFP 5785-EBE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS A RELATED 6ROUP OF ORIENTATIONAL SCREENS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS USER'S GUIDE TO THE HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL BUFFERING SERVICES, IFP 5787-LAC TEST DATA BASE MANIPULATOR NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING IMSIVS TEST DATA BASE MANIPULATOR DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VIDEOTEX TERMINAL FACILITY NOTICE VIDEOTEX TERMINAL FACILITY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VIDEOTEX TERMINAL FACILITY SYSTEMS GUIDE VIDEOTEX TERMINAL MANAGER NOTICE VIDEOTEX TERMINAL MANA6ER DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VIDEOTEX TERMINAL MANA6ER SYSTEMS GUIDE PRINT-SPOOLIN6 SYSTEM FOR CICSIVS NOTICE PRINT-SPOOLING SYSTEM FOR CICSIVS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOSIVSE JOB MONITOR SYSTEM DOS/VSE PLII INTERACTIVE DEBUG FACILITY NOTICE DOSIVSE PLII INTERACTIVE DEBUG FACILITY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SOURCE CODE EXTERNAL REFERENCE SCANNER NOTICE SOURCE CODE EXTERNAL REFERENCE SCANNER DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS INTERNATIONAL SOFTWARE DIRECTORY PROGRAM INFORMATION ACRONYMS ENVIRONMENTS/FUNCTION FUNCTION/ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM NUMBER 1987 EDITION DATA MODEL DESIGN AID NOTICE DATA MODEL DESIGN AID DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DATA MODEL DESIGN AID APPLICATION 6UIDE MYS APPLICATION SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTOMATION TOOL NOTICE MYS APPLICATION SPECIFICATION AND JCL AUTOMATION TOOL DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 6670 FONT EDITING SYSTEM NOTICE 6670 FONT EDITING SYSTEM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VTAM NODE CONTROL APPLICATION NOTICE VTAM NODE CONTROL APPLICATION DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS INTERNATIONAL FIELD PROGRAM IMSIVS OUTBOARD FORMATTER FOR 8100IDPPX NOTICE IMSIVS OUTBOARD FORMATTER FOR 8100IDPPX DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MYS PRODUCTION SHOP SUPPORT PROGRAMS: JOB PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING MVS PRODUCTION SHOP SUPPORT PROGRAMS: JOB PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING MYS PRODUCTION SHOP SUPPORT PR06RAMS: SEQUENTIAL FILE MANA6EMENT NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING MVS PRODUCTION SHIP SUPPORT PROGRAMS: SEQUENTIAL FILE MANAGEMENT DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING MVS PRODUCTION SHOP SUPPORT PROGRAMS: TAPE PREPARATION NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING MVS PRODUCTION SHOP SUPPORT PROGRAMS: TAPE PREPARATION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING VMlSNA PRINT NOTICE VMlSP FILE PRINTING IN AN SNA NETWORK DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS REMOTE MANAGEMENT OF S/1 FROM A VM SYSTEM NOTICE REMOTE MANA6EMENT OF S/1 FROM A VM SYSTEM USERS GUIDE DISPLAY I/O FACILITY VERSION 2 NOTICE DISPLAY INPUT/OUTPUT FACILITY, 5785-HAH, VERSION 2 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING VMlMSS COMMUNICATOR NOTICE VMlMSS COMMUNICATOR DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS JES/328X PRINT FACILITY NOTICE APPLICATION PRODUCTIVITY PACKA6E NOTICE 977 20 40 24 24 50 50 6811-5830-0 S811-5831-0 GBII-5840-0* S811-5841-2* GBI1-5843-0* S811-5844-0* 39 39 GBII-5897-0* S811-5898-0* 39 S811-5899-0* 36 36 6811-5941-0* SBII-5942-0* 50 GBl1-5959-1* 50 5811-5960-0* 50 SBI1-5961-0* 50 SBII-5962-0* 39 32 32 GBII-5969-011 GBl1-5974-0 SBl1-5975-0 30 6811-5978-0* 30 SBII-5979-0* 50 50 50 50 GBl1-6303-0* GBl1-6304-1* SBl1-6305-1* GBl1-6306-1* 50 GBI1-6307-0* 50 SBl1-6308-0* 30 GBl1-6368-1 * 30 5811-6369-0* 39 GBII-6407-0* 39 5811-6408-0* 34 50 30 30 30 SBII-8077-0 LBll-8083-0 LBl1-8084-0 GBI1-8200-0* GBl1-8201-16813-7501-1* GB13-7538-1* GBI3-7566-0GB13-7574-0GBI3-7578-0GBI3-7581-1GBI3-7584-0- 32 30 6813-7593-06813-7595-0- 50 50 34 39 6813-7616-0* 6BI3-7619-0GB13-7620-06813-7628-0* 30 39 34 GB13-7646-0* 6813-7652-0* 6813-7658-0* 25 6813-7661-1- 34 34 30 30 30 34 34 SNI9-6962 3800 8AR CODE PRINT PROGRAM NOTICE 3800 8AR CODE PRINT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS COBOL CONVERSION AID NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING COBOL CONVERSION AID DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING DATA 8ASE TUNING AND DESIGN MODIFICATION AID NOTICE (\ DATA BASE TUNING AND DESIGN MODIFICATION AID DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ~) RESEARCH QUEUEING PACKAGE VERSION 2 NOTICE RESEARCH QUEUEING PACKAGE VERSION 2 TSO USER GUIDE PROGRAM OFFERING RESEARCH QUEUEING PACKAGE VERSION 2 CHS USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM OFFERING CHS MINIDISK 8ACKUP SYSTEM NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING CMS MINIDISK BACKUP SYSTEM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING QUERY.DlII SYSTEM. 5785-EDA. -EDZ. -ECY. NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING QUERY.DlII SYSTEM FOR IHSIVS, 5785-ECY. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING QUERY.DlII SYSTEM FOR CICSIDOSIVS. 5785-EDA. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS QUERY.DlII SYSTEM FOR CICS/OSIVS PROGRAM OFFERING RESEARCH QUEUEING PACKAGE VERSION 2 INTRODUCTION AND EXAMPLES MYS PRODUCTION SHOP SUPPORT PROGRAM MVS PRODUCTION SHOP SUPPORT PROGRAMS: JOB RESUBMISSION DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR MODEL II IMAGE PRINTING SYSTEM. 5785-FAZ. AVAILABILITY NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR MODEL II IMAGE PRINTING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING CICSIVS 3101-3270 COMPATIBILITY NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING DATA BASE INTEGRITY CONTROL FACILITY NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING DBICF DATA BASE INTEGRITY CONTROL FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION PROGRAM OFFERING COUNT TWIN CHAIN AND BLOCK HOPPING STATISTICS NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING COUNT TWIN CHAIN AND BLOCK HOPPING STATISTICS -" DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS FROM A SINGLE SCREEN AVAILABILITY NOTICE , / PROGRAM OFFERING MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS FROM A SINGLE SCREEN. 5785-EDH. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PROGRAM OFFERING NOTICE INTERACTIVE DATA SET LIST AND ACCESS FACILITY PROGRAM OFFERING DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS INTERACTIVE DATA SET LIST AND ACCESS FACILITY PROGRAM OFFERING MVS MIGRATION SYSTEM PLANNING GUIDE MVS MIGRATION SYSTEM INSTALLATION GUIDE MYS MIGRATION SYSTEM CUSTOMlZATION GENERAL TELEPROCESSING MONITOR FOR OSI NOTICE GENERAL TELEPROCESSING MONITOR FOR OSE GENERAL INFORMATION RSCS SNA SUPPORT FOR VtVSP NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING NMPF NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING VH FILE STORAGE FACILITY NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING DHS/CICSIVS DEBUG II NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING HSM MAINTENANCEIRECOVERY UTILITIES NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING VSEIRSCS SNA SUPPORT FOR VH/SP PROGRAM OFFERING 3800 90-DEGREE ROTATE CHARACTER SETS RESCALED FOR THE 3800 MODEL 3 NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING VSE JCL CONVERSION AID NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING PRESENTATION ENHANCEMENTS USING THE 6670 NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING CICSIVS 3270-PC FILE TRANSFER NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING VSE SQlIEDIT NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING CACHE RMF REPORTER NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING TSO HOST SERVER FOR THE PERSONAL COMPUTER XT/370 OR AT/370 WITH VIRTUAL MACHINE/PERSONAL COMPUTER, 5798-DTL. NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING NOTICE 6670 USABILITY AID PROGRAM OFFERING NOTICE MUSIC V INTERACTIVE OPERATING SYSTEM PROGRAM OFFERING APPLICATION PROGRAM PERFORMANCE EXTENDER. 5798-DNL, NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING EXTENDED EXPONENT RANGE FOR FORTRAN, 5796-PKR, NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING ( 978 ,: ( ,{ (- 32 6813-7685-0* 30 6813-7686-0* 50 39 6813-7693-0* GBI3-7695-0* 24 GB21-0493-2 21 6B21-0704-2 50 SB21-0801-2 24 6821-0914-0 24 SB21-0915-0 24 GB21-0999-1 21 50 33 33 33 30 6821-1008-1 6821-1373-2 6B21-1376-3 SB21-1377-1 LB21-1378-0 6B21-1456-1 50 34 30 50 SB21-1508-1 GB21-1513-1 6821-1546-1 6B21-1578-0 50 50 50 6821-1680-1 6821-1696-3 SB21-1697-5 50 SB21-1700-6 36 50 6B21-1773-0 6821-1792-0 50 SB21-1793-2 34 LB21-1794-1 22 30 34 50 39 32 50 50 6821-1804-1 6821-1810-0 6821-1816-1 6821-1862-2 6B21-1877-0 6B21-1936-0 6821-1945-0 5821-1946-0 23 50 6821-1963-1 6821-1978-0 39 39 6821-1987-4 SB21-1988-3 39 30 LB21-1989-3 6821-1996-0 50 50 32 33 30 39 39 6821-2005-1 5821-2006-4 6821-2044-0 6821-2050-0 6B21-2059-0 6821-2069-4 S821-2070-1 39 40 40 LB21-2071-0 6821-2084-1 5821-2085-1 SN20-6315 SN20-6528 LN20-0529 LN20-6555 CONVERSION AID FROM NON-IBM ANS 68 OR 74 COBOL TO IBM ANS 74 COBOL, 5796-PXY, -PYL, -PYN, -PXZ, -PYP, -PYA, -PYQ, -PYR NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING VMlSP HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM FOR 3880 MODELS 13 AND 23, 5798-DRJ, NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING CICSIVS CONVERSION UTILITY, 5798-DPL, NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING VIRTUAL SYSTEM TIME SHARED INPUT/OUTPUT INTERFACE II, 5785-DQE, NOTICE PROGRAM OFFERING RCA COBOL TO ANS COBOL, 5798-AHT, CONVERSION AID FOR SYSTEM/360/370 NOTICE BURROUGHS 100/200/300/500 BASIC ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE TO IBM DOS ALC CONVERSION AID FOR SYSTEM/360, 370 AVAILABILITY NOTICE FDP t-M1BER 5798-AMC SYSTEM/360/370 CPU CONSOLE AS CICS MASTER TERMINAL: FDP 5798-ANK DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IBM ANS COBOL FROM GE-415 COBOL CONVERSION AID FDP 5798-ASY, NOTICE IBM ANS COBOL FROM GE-415 COBOL CONVERSION AID FDP 5798-ASY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOS SOURCE STATEMENT LIBRARY MAINTENANCE FOR ANS COBOL ON S/370 AVAILABILITY NOTICE DOSIVS ASSEMBLER TESTING AID, FDP 5798-AWJ, NOTICE CICS SOURCE PROGRAM MAINTENANCE ON-LINE, FDP 5798-BDT, NOTICE CMS SORT FOR VM/370, FDP 5798-BDW. NOTICE CMS SORT FOR VM/370, FDP 5798-BDW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CMS SORT FOR VM/370, FDP 5798-BDW. SYSTEMS GUIDE EXTENDING SEQUENTIAL DISK FILES FOR DOS/VS, FDP 5798-CBN, NOTICE CICS PLOT, FDP 5798-CCG, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS POWERIVS COST & PERFORMANCE ANALYZER, FDP 5798-CD6 NOTICE 1400 COMPATIBILITY ACCESS ROUTINE, FDP 5798-CDB. NOTICE IMS ON-LINE PROGRAM & JOB DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM, FDP 5798-CDR, NOTICE MTCSIVS, FDP 5798-CFK, NOTICE CICS SOURCE PROGRAM MAINTENANCE ONLINE II CICS PERFORMANCE ANALYZER, 5798-CFP DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS SOURCE PROGRAM MAINTENANCE ON-LINE II - FDP 5798-CFT, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOS DASDI JCL CONVERSION AID - FDP 5798-CHA, NOTICE IMS MONITOR SUMMARY AND SYSTEM ANALYSIS PROGRAM II (IMSASAP II), FDP 5798-CHJ, NOTICE IMS MONITOR SUMMARY AND SYSTEM ANALYSIS PROGRAM II (IMSASAP II) - FDP 5798-CHJ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEM FOR 6ENERALIZED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING (6PAR) FDP 5798-CPR, SYSTEMS GUIDE APL/DATA LANGUAGE, 5798-CHR, NOTICE DOSIVS DASD SPACE UTILIZATION ANALYSIS - FDP 5798-CHW, NOTICE DOSIVS STORAGE & CPU UTILIZATION, FDP 5798-CHY, NOTICE CICS/vs PERFORMANCE ANALYZER II - FDP 5798-CFP, NOTICE CMSERVICE, FDP 5798-CJZ, NOTICE 3770 COMMUNICATIONS UTILITY, FDP 5798-CKZ, NOTICE IMS HISTORY REPORTING SYSTEM, FDP 5798-CLB, NOTICE IMS HISTORY REPORTING SYSTEM, FDP 5798-CLB, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEM/370 VS BASIC CONVERSION, FDP 5798-CLH, NOTICE IMS SOURCE PROGRAM AND JOB DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM II, FDP 5798-CLP. NOTICE TSO PR06RAMMING CONTROL FACILITY-II. FDP 5798-CLW, NOTICE TSO PROGRAMMING FACILITY-II. FDP 5798-CLW. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TSO PROGRAMMING FACILITY-II. FDP 5798-CLW. SYSTEMS GUIDE DOSIVS 3330/3340 DATA SET CONVERSION AID - EXTENSIONS FDP 5798-CNA. NOTICE IMS/VS LOCAL COPY-II. FDP 5798-CLZ. NOTICE IMSIVS LOCAL COPY-II. FDP 5798-CLZ. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3770-P BATCH TRANSMISSION SERVICES, FDP 5798-CNX, NOTICE 3770 SORT. FDP 5798-CNY. NOTICE VIDEO CORRECTION OF OCR DATA, FDP 5798-CPE. NOTICE rtVS/TSD/VTAM DATA SET PRINT. FDP 5798-CPF. NOTICE rtVS/TSOIVTAM DATA SET PRINT. FDP 5798-CPF, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS rtVS/TSOIVTAM DATA SET PRINT - FDP 5798-CPF, SYSTEMS GUIDE CONSOLE SPOOLING UNDER POWERIVS, FDP 5798-CPQ, NOTICE CONSOLE SPOOLING UNDER POWERIVS, FDP 5798-CPQ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 979 34 6821-2091-2 34 SB21-2092-3 34 6821-2100-3 34 SB21-2101-5 50 50 50 GB21-2121-4 GB21-2137-0 GB21-2139-0 50 SB21-2140-3 34 GB21-2142-0 34 SB21-2143-2 39 SB21-2145-0 40 40 6821-2179-1 SB21-2180-1 40 32 32 39 00 50 30 50 50 LB21-2181-0 GB21-2190-1 GB21-2215-0 GB21-2227-0 SB21-2228-0 GB21-2230-0 SB21-2247-1 GB21-2255-0 SB21-2256-1 38 39· 50 50 GB21-2326-0 SB21-2331-0 GB21-2341-1 GB21-2347-0 37 37 50 6821-2350-0 SB21-2356-0 SB21-2381-0 34 34 50 6821-2391-0 SB21-2392-3 SB21-2455-2 30 S821-2460-0 30 LB21-2461-0 37 6821-2478-3 37 5821-2479-4 37 37 GB21-2487-0 5821-2488-2 34 GB21-2491-0 34 SB21-2492-2 50 6821-2494-2 50 SB21-2495-5 SN20-4600 SN20-6522 SN20-6580 SN20-6568 SN20-6577 SB21-2500-1 34 SB21-2512-0 30 SB21-2519-0 50 6821-2521-0 SN20-6709 SYSTEM FOR GENERALIZED PERFORttANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING (GPAR) FOP 5798-CPR, NOTICE SYSTEM FOR GENERALIZED PERFORttANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING (GPAR) FOP 5798-CPR, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 PERFORMANCEIMONITOR ANALYSIS, FOP 3798-CPX, NOTICE YK/370, PERFORMANCEIMONITOR ANALYSIS, FOP 5798-CPX DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/yS KYS PEER ADDRESS SPACES - FOP 5798-CQE. NOTICE GIS/yS 3270 FORKATTING AID, FOP 5798-CQN, NOTICE IMS/yS PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS AND REPORTING SYSTEM (IMSPARS), FOP 5798-CQP, NOTICE IMS/YS PERFORKANCE ANALYSIS AND REPORTING SYSTEM (IMSPARS) DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS GENERALIZED TRACE FACILITY PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS (GTFPARS), FOP 5798-CQQ, AVAILABILITY NOTICE GENERALIZED TRACE FACILITY PERFORKANCE ANALYSIS (6TFPARS) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MANUAL DOS/VS ENTRY TIME SHARING SYSTEM/II (ETSS/II), FOP 5798-CLR, TERMINAL USERS GUIDE MYS SECONDARY OPERATOR, 5798-CRE, NOTICE KYS SECONDARY OPERATOR FACILITY, FOP 5798-CRE, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS KYS SECONDARY OPERATOR FACILITY, FOP 5798-CRE, SYSTEMS GUIDE DOS/oITTO & EXTENSIONS, FOP 5798-ARN, -CAF, NOTICE IBM BRAILLE UTILITIES, FOP 5798-CRZ, NOTICE VSPC FULL SCREEN EDITOR, 5798-CT6, NOTICE VSPC FULL SCREEN EDITOR. FOP 5798-CT6. DESCRIPTION/OPERATION IMS FAST SCAN UTILITY,.FDP 5798-CTP, NOTICE YTAMPARS, 5798-CTW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IMS/YS TIME INITIATED INPUT FACILITY, FOP 5798-CWF, NOTICE IMS/YS TIME INITIATED INPUT FACILITY, FDP 5798-CWF, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SNA/RJE PRINT OUTPUT ANALYSIS, FDP 5798-CXH, NOTICE FULL SCREEN EDITOR FOR FDP 5798-CLR ETSS/II TERMINAL USER GUIDE IMS FAST REOR6ANlZATION RELOAD, FDP 5798-CXT HDAM SEQUENTIAL RANDOMIZER 6ENERATOR EXTENSIONS, FDP 5798-CXN, NOTICE OS/YS DATA SET EDITOR, FDP 5798-CXQ, NOTICE PRINT LOAD ANALYZER, FOP 5798-CXY, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DVI FAST SCAN UTILITY DOS/vs, FOP 5798-CYJ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CAPACITY PLANNING EXTENDED, FOP 5798-CYW, NOTICE CAPACITY PLANNING EXTENDED, 5798-CYW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CICS SOURCE PROGRAM MAINTENANCE ONLINE II (SPH II) FOP 5798-CFT, AUDIT AND ARCHIVE FEATURE, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOS/yS DASD DEVICE INDEPENDENCE OPEN (DI-OPEN) FDP 5798-AWH, PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS KANUAL DOS/yS DASD DEVICE INDEPENDENCE (DI-OPEN), FDP 5798-AWH, SYSTEMS GUIDE NETWORK PERFORKANCE ANALYZER - HOST, FDP 5798-CZR, NETWORK PERFORKANCE ANALYZER - CONTROLLER, FDP 5798-CZT,· NOTICE NETWORK PERFORMANCE ANALYZER - HOST, FDP 5798-CZR, NETWORK PERFORMANCE ANALYZER - CONTROLLER, FDP 5798-CZT, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS NETPARS, 5798-CZX, NOTICE NETWORK PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS AND REPORTING SYSTEM (NETPARS), FOP 5798-CZX, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOS/vs SYSTEM FOR GENERALIZED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING (DOS/6PAR), FOP 5798-DAA, NOTICE DOS/yS SYSTEM FOR GENERALIZED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REP()RTING (DOS/GPAR), FDP 5798-DAA, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CUSTOMER INFORKATION CONTROL SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEM (CICSPARS), FDP 5798-DAB, NOTICE CUSTOMER INFORMATI()N CONTROL SYSTEM PERFORKANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEM (CICSPARS), FDP 5798-DAB, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEM FOR GENERALIZED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING (GPAR), FDP 5798-CPRJ DOS/yS SYSTEM FOR GENERALIZED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING (DOS/GPAR), FDP 5798-DAAJ PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SYSTEM LOG DISPLAY AND SEARCH FACILITY, FDP 5798-DAL, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VSAM AND ACCESS METHOD SERVICES FOR PROGRAMMERS, FDP 5798-DAN, COURSE DESCRIPTION/ADMINISTRATION MANUAL ANI1P, 5798-DAQ, OS/vs/CICS, 5798-DAT, DOS/yS/cICS, NOTICE 980 ( , 50 50 8821-2524-1 SB21-2526-0 50 30 6821-2527-1 SB21-2542-0+ 50 50 39 SB21-2546-0 GB21-2549-0 S621-2552-0 37 30 33 33 30 50 50. 50 6821-2566-1 LB21-2606-0 SB21-2674-0 LB21-2687-0 LB21-2705-0 5B21-2738-0+ 8821-2747-0 5B21-2759-0 50 6821-2778-0 SN20-6579 LN20-6705 SN20-6726 SN20-6727 SN20-6590 30 6821-2786-0 30 **5B21-2787-2 21 6821-2788-0+ SB21-2789-0+ 21 32 6B21-2790-0+ 25 GB21-2796-4 25 SB21-2797-3 50 50 30 40 ( 37 6B21-2836-1 37 SB21-2837-1 37 GB21-2838-1 50 5621-2861-0 39 **GB21-2865-3 39 SB21-2866-1 50 S621-2876-0 50 6B21-2908-1 50 6821-2963-1 50 SB21-2964-1 30 GB21-2974-3 30 SB21-2975-1 50 SB21-2992-1 50 8821-2995-0 34 34 34 22 22 22 34 30 30 30 30 50 50 38 38 38 34 30 GB21-3005-1 SB21-3006-0 6B21-3010-1 SB21-3011-0 SB21-3014-0 8821-3015-0 SB21-3039-0 8821-3045;'0 6821-3048-0 SB21-3049-0 GB21-3050-1 8821-3051-1 6821-3052-1+ SB21-3053-0+ **6821-3059-2+ 5821-3060-0+ LB21-3061-0+ 6821-3084-0 8821-3085-0 50 50 8821-3092-0 6B21-3106-0 30 6821-3121-0 30 8821-3122-0 34 ( 6B21-2805-0 SB21-2806-2 SB21-2817-0 SB21-2829-0 SN20-6713 SN20-6732 SN20-4604 SN20-6740 SN20-6720 SN20-0515 SN20-0500 SN20-4608 SN20-4609 SN20-0532 SN20-4593 SN20-0538 ANMP, 5798-DAT, DOS/vs/cICS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS NETWORK ERROR MANAGEMENT FACILITY, FDP 5798-DAW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS NETWORK ERROR MANAGEMENT FACILITY, FDP 5798-DAW. NOTICE 3850 TRACE INTERPRETATION PACKAGE. FOP 5784-DBW DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ANMP, 5798-DAQ. OSIVS/CICS. 5798-DAT. DOS/vs/CICS ISAM - CICSIVS DLII BRIDGE. FOP 5798-DBH. NOTICE APPLICATION ENABLING FACILITY. FDP 5798-DBF. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS NETWORK ERROR MANAGEMENT FACILITY-IMS. FDP 5798-DBN. NOTICE FILE CABINET OPTION (FCO)IVTAM, FDP 5798-DCG. SYSTEMS GUIDE CMS SORT FOR VM/370. FOP 5798-BDW. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CMS SORT FOR VM/370, FDP 5798-BDW. SYSTEMS GUIDE FILE CABINET OPTION. FOP 5798-CPY. SYSTEMS GUIDE IMSIV5 MASTER TERMINAL OPERATOR TRAINING III STUDENT MATERIALS DATA DICTIONARY UTILITIES DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DATA DICTIONARY LANGUAGE·PREPRDCESSOR. FOP 5798-DEQ. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VSE SYSTEM INSTALLATION PRODUCTIVITY OPTIONS/EXTENDED CICSIVS INSTALLATION AID NOTICE VTAMPARS II NOTICE VTAMPARS II DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ASSEMBLER MACRO CONVERSION AID NOTICE ASSEMBLER MACRO CONVERSION AID DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CONVERSION AID FOR BATCH JOBSTREAMS NOTICE NOTICE FORTRAN UTILITIES FOR VMl370 III FORTRAN UTILITIES FOR VMl370 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ROUTING TABLE 6ENERATOR NOTICE ROUTING TABLE 6ENERATOR DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3800 SIDE-BY-SIDE PAGE PROCESSOR DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VSEITAPE AUTOMATION FOR THE PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEM ERROR MANAGEMENT FACILITY CICSIVS NOTICE SYSTEM ERROR MANA6EMENT 5YSTEM/CICS/VS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SYSTEM ERROR MANAGEMENT FACILITY IMSIVS NOTICE TCAM SU6TASK TRACE ANALYSIS REPORT DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SPOOL DISPLAY AND SEARCH FACILITY NOTICE SPOOL DISPLAY AND SEARCH FACILITY NETWORK INTERFACE MODULE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS FAST SCAN UTILITY II NOTICE CICS/vs FORMATTED DUMP ONLINE II NOTICE CICSIVS FORMATTED DUMP ONLINE II DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 6670 PREPROCESSOR NOTICE 6670 PREPROCESSOR DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS/CAPACITY PLANNING FOR CICS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ENHANCED DATA DICTIONARY UTILITIES (SPECIFY 9546 9547) DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VMl370 RESOURCE LIMITER NOTICE VM/370 RESOURCE LIMITER DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MYS LING PACK AREA OPTIMIZER NOTICE MYS LINK PACK AREA LPA OPTIMIZER DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS APL2 USER'S GUIDE APL2 LANGUA6E MANUAL APL2 INTRODUCTION LOAD MODULE ANALYSIS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3800 3 OF 9 BAR CODE PRINT PROGRAM NOTICE 3800 3 OF 9 BAR CODE PRINT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS RSCS SNA SUPPORT FOR VMlSP NOTICE RSCS SNA SUPPORT FOR VMlSP DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VTAM NODE CONTROL APPLICATION NOTICE VTAM NODE CONTROL APPLICATION DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS JES/328X PRINT FACILITY RELEASE NOTICE JES/328X PRINT FACILITY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS JES/328X PRINT FACILITY SYSTEMS GUIDE VM FILE STORAGE FACILITY NOTICE VMlFILE STORAGE FACILITY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DMS/CICSIVS DEBUG II DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DMS/CICSIVS MODELS BASED APPLICATION GENERATOR 6ENERAL INFORMATION 3800 90-DE6REE ROTATE CHARACTER SETS RESCALED FOR THE 3800 MODEL 3 NOTICE 3800 90-DEGREE ROTATE CHARACTER SETS RESCALED FOR THE 3800 981 50 50 38 6821-3125-0 SB21-3126-0 SB21-9862-1 50 6821-9902-0 50 6821-9903-1 85 30 30 6821-9949-22 GB30-2317-2 SB30-2318-1 30 SB30-7032-0 30 SB30-7033-0 30 SB30-7034-0 20 21 30 SCB4-51 04-1 LCB6-3772-2 SC09-1024-2 30 SC09-1025-1 30 SC09-1037-1 20 20 GC09-1043-0 GC09-1044-0 30 SC09-1075-0 20 6C09-1500-0 16 14 SCl1-6034-0* GCl1-6040-0* 30 **SCl1-6058-1 32 **SCI8-0107-0* 34 **SCI8-0108-0* 37 **SC18-0109-0* 32 **SC18-0110-0* 32 **SCI8-0111-0* 32 **SC18-0112-0* 20 **&C18-0115-0* 30 SCI9-5016-1* 07 GCI9-5021-0* 30 SCI9-5032-1* 50 6C19-5042-0* 30 SCI9-5110-0* 50 SC19-5111-1 16 20 34 40 GCI9-5115-1 GCI9-6200-4 SC19-6201-5 SCI9-6202-4 LNC7-2701 MODEL 3 IHSIVS QUEUE LOADER RELEASE NOTICE IMSIVS QUEUE LOADER PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONIOPERATIONS HOST REMOTE NODE ENTRY SYSTEM GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL. IUP 5796-PJY INTERACTIVE QUERY & REPORT PROCESSOR (IQRP), IUP 5796-PDG. REFERENCE CARD INTERACTIVE QUERY & REPORT PROCESSOR UQRP)' IUP 5796-PDG. GENERAL INFORMATION SOFTWARE DIRECTORY HOST LOADED YALE ASCII COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM HOST LOADED YALE ASCII COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM PROGRAM OFFERING DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) 3800-3 (APA MODE) AND 3820 PRINTER SUPPORT FOR UNIVERSAL PRODUCT CODE VERSIONS A AND E BARCODE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3800 MODEL 3 (APA MODE) AND 3820 PRINTER SUPPORT FOR 3 OF 9 BARCODE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3800-3 (APA MODE) AND 3820 PRINTER SUPPORT FOR HSI/PLESSEY BARCODE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS OSIVSl MASTER INDEX OF SL PUBLICATIONS (MICROFICHE EDITION) LNC7-2706 IBM SYSTEMl360 OS ASSEMBLER H - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-ASI HOST-DISPLAYWRITER DOClJ1ENT INTERCHANGE. PRPQ P09054 USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) HOST-DISPLAYWRITER DOClJ1ENT INTERCHANGE. PRPQ P09054 REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) INTRODUCING THE HOST-DISPLAYWRITER DocuMENT INTERCHANGE GENERAL INFORMATION DISPLAYWRITER 3277 DEVICE EMULATION PRPQ PI0034 SPECIFICATIONS DISPLAYWRITER 3277 DEVICE EMULATIONIDOCUMENT TRANSFER PRPQ PI0074 SPECIFICATIONS HOST-DISPLAYWRITER DOCUMENT INTERCHANGE RELEASE 2 MODIFICATION LEVEL 0 SPECIFICATIONS SAFEIMVS. 5799-CBH. SYSTEM FOR ADVANCED FINANCIAL ENVIRONMENT FOR HVS, GENERAL INFORMATION 3178 DISPLAY OPERATOR REFERENCE GUIDE 3863 MODEM MODEL 2 TWO-WIRE/LEASED LINE RPQ ZC5019 SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND USER'S GUIDE SUPPLEMENT X.25 NPSI FAST CONNECT PRPQ ZD9700 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2. 5665-296, 3200 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM PROGRAmER'S GUIDE MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2. 5665-296. 3200 / PRINTING SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM INSTALLATION AND PlANNING MANUAL MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGEISYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2, 5665-296, 3200 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2. 5665-296, 3200 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM FONT UTILITY (IEBKFONT) USER'S GUIDE MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2 3200 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM OVERLAY GENERATION UTILITY (IEBKOVLY) USER'S GUIDE MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2. 5665-296. 3200 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM MAP GENERATION UTILITY ( IEBKFPDF) USER'S GUIDE MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2. 5665-296. 3200 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS 3704/3705 DOSIVS AND OSIVS COMPATIBILITY AND EXTENDED COMPATIBILITY. PRPQ Y96613 LIC PROG 5799-AQY (DOSIVS)' PRPQ Y96614 LIC PROG 5799-AQR (OSIVS). DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS WORLD TRADE ADDENDUM TO 3350/3344 INSTALLATION AND CONVERSION GUIDE (SC20-1780) IBM 2970-5 BANKING TERMINAL SUPPORT UNDER CONTROL OF 3704/5 NCP. PRPQ X97561 DESCRIPTION/OPERATION - PROG PROD 5799-ARC IBM 5930 SUPPORT UNDER CICSIDOSIVS (CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM DOSIVS) PRPQ DESCRIPTION/ OPERATIONS, PRPQ Y96303, PROG 5799-AJP 3705 SUPPORT VIA THE RETD SPANISH DATA NETWORK OF THE IBM 2970-5 AND 5935-L03 BANKING TERMINALS. AND OF THE IBM 2970-5 BANKING TERMINAL DIRECTLY ATTACHED, LIC PROG 5799-ATE. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS X25 PACKET S~ITCHING ATTACHMENT WORKING WITHIN ACFINCPIVS, LIC PROG 5799-BAK, PROGRAMMING RPQ ZA4239. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 7350 IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM OPERATOR'S &lIIDE. // -"', VMlSP TECHNICAL INTRODUCTION (~RENT RELEASE) ( VMlSP PLANNING GUIDE AND REFERENCE (~RENT RELEASE) \... / VMlSP OPERATOR'S &lIIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) 982 ( 40 SCI 9-6£04-4 37 **SCI9-6£05-3 40 GCI9-6£06-4 £0 GCI9-6£07-4 SCI9-6£09-4 36 39 SCI9-6£10-4 36 SCI9-6£11-4 GCI9-6£1£-4 34 £0 GCI9-6£13-5 £0 **GCI9-6£14-£ 37 **GCI9-6£15-£ 34 **GCI9-6£17-£ 40 **GC19-6U8-£ £0 GCI9-6£U-8 £0 34 36 40 40 36 34 40 37 39 00 00 85 85 GC20-1618-5 SC20-1637-3 SC20-1646-6 85 04 SC20-1651-2 GC20-1686-4 85 SC20-1699-7 01 01 04 01 GC20-1729-4 GC20-1730-4 GC20-1733-0 Ge20-1738-7 04 04 01 01 20 04 13 Ge20-1750-0 Ge20-1751-1 GC20-1754-4 GC20-1755-4 GC20-1756-2 GC20-1760-0 GC20-1767-0 03 07 01 01 GC20-1775-2 GC20-1780-1 Ge20-1781-2 GC20-1785-1 Ge20-1786-0 GC20-1787-1 Ge20-1792-1 GC20-1800-10 S023-9000 5023-9015 GC20-1801-10 5D23-9001 SD23-9016 GC20-1806-10 SD23-9002 SD23-9017 GC20-1807-7 S023-9003 S023-9018 GC20-1808-11 GC20-1809-7 S023-9005 5D23-9020 GC20-1810-9 GC20-1813-5 GC20-1816-3 85 ( 34 01 34 20 34 40 36 40 37 ( GCI9-6£££-1 SCI9-6££3-6 SCI9-6££4-6 SCI9-6££5-6 SCI9-6££6-6 SCI9-6227-6 **GCI9-6££8-4 GCI9-6££9-1 SCI9-6£30-5 **GCI9-6231-2 **Ge£0-OOOI-5 GC20-0370-4 40 20 30 GN20-3746 GN20-3772 GN20-4383 GN25-0756 GN25-0498 GN25-0776 GN25-0778 GN25-0777 GN25-0758 GN25-0500 GN25-0492 GN25-0759 GN25-0750 GN25-0493 GN25-0760 GN25-0751 GN20-3761 GN20-3866 YM/SP SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SP OLTSEP AND ERROR RECORDING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SP TERMINAL REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SP LIBRARY GUIDE AND MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SP CMS COMMAND REFERENCE (CURRENT RE LEASE) YM/SP CMS USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP CP CotIMAND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SP OSIVM (CURRENT RELEASE) VMIXA SYSTEMS FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION VMIXA SYSTEMS FACILTIY INTRODUCTION VMlXA SYSTEMS FACILITY CP COMMAND REFERENCE VMlXA SYSTEMS FACILITY INSTALLATION ADMINISTRATION AND SERVICE VMIXA SYSTEMS FACILITY SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES REFERENCE ANNOUNCING YM/SP HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION RELEASE 5 (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SP HPO INTRODUCTION (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SP HPO PLANNING GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SP HPO SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SP HPO OPERATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP HPO MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SP HPO CP cor1l1AND GENERAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SP HPO OSIVM (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SP HPO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SP HPO OLTSEP GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMIXA SYSTEMS FACILITY CMS COMMAND AND MACRO REFERENCE SYSTEMl370.30xx AND 4300 PROCESSORS BIBLIOGRAPHY SYSTEMl370 AND 4300 PROCESSORS BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INDUSTRY SYSTEMS AND APPLICATION PROGRAMS NUMBER SYSTEMS - STUDENT TEXT A GUIDE TO PLII FOR FORTRAN USERS: STUDENT TEXT A PROGRAMMER'S INTRODUCTION TO IBM SYSTEMl360 ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE: STUDENT TEXT A GUIDE TO PLII FOR Cot1I1ERCIAL PROGRAMMERS (STUDENT TEXT) OCR INPUT PREPARATION GUIDE FOR THE IBM 1287/1288 OPTICAL CHARACTER READERS VOCABULARY FOR DATA PROCESSING TELE-COMMUNICATION AND OFFICE SYSTEMS GUIDE TO S/370 HODEL 155 GUIDE TO S/370 MODEL 165 1287/1£88 OCR ERROR RECOVERY GUIDE GUIDE TO S/370 MODEL 135 3881 OPTICAL MARK READER FORMS KIT 3881 OPTICAL MARK READER SYSTEMS DESIGN GUIDE GUIDE TO S/370 HODEL 158 FOR S/370 MODEL ISS USERS GUIDE TO S/370 HODEL 168 FOR S/370 MODEL 165 USERS DOSIVIRTUAL STORAGE FEATURES SUPPLEMENT 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER FORMS KIT OPTICAL MARK READICARD PRINT APPLICATION SOLUTIONS IBM 3504 and 3505 CARD READERS IBM 3525 CARD PUNCH CONCEPTS OF THE IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM 3350 3344 INSTALLATION AND CONVERSION GUIDE GUIDE TO S/370 HODEL 158 FOR S/360 USERS GUIDE TO S/370 HODEL 138 PLANNING GUIDE FOR THE DOSIVS "CARD LESS" SYSTEM GUIDE TO S/370 HODEL 168 FOR S/360 USERS S/3 TO DOSIVS CONVERSION GUIDE VIRTUAL MACHINE FACI LITY1370: INTRODUCTION GN25-0837 VMl370 SCP 5749-010, PLANNING & SYSTEM GENERATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) GN25-0837 GN25-0837 VMl370 SCP 5749-010, OPERATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) GN25-0829 VMl370 SCP 5749-010. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) GN25-0829 GN25-0829 VMl370 SCP 5749-010. SYSTEM MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 OLTSEP AND ERROR RECORDING GUIDE VM FACILITY/370, 5749-010, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: GLOSSARY AND MASTER ItlJEX YM/370 REMOTE SPOOLING COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM (RSC5) USER'S 983 GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) 37 34 34 20 34 GC20-1818-3 SD23-9008 SD23-9023 GC20-1819-2 SD23-9009 5023-9024 GC20-1820-4 5023-9010 SD23-9025 GC20-1821-4 5023-9011 SD23-9026 GC20-1823-4 GC20-1827-5 GC20-1828-6 GC20-1830-2 GC20-1831-0 34 34 GC20-1832-5 GC20-1833-4 34 34 GC20-1834-1 GC20-1835-1 36 39 36 34 VMl370 SCP 5749-010, CMS COHMAND & MACRO REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMl370 SCP 5749-010, CP COMMAND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS GN25-0449 GN25-0487 GC20-1858-4 GC20-1859-7 34 GC20-1861-6 34 GC20-1866-1 20 34 GC20-1868-2 GC20-1870';.8 85 34 GC20-1871-1 GC20-1873-3 34 34 34 01 01 30 GC20-1874-6 GC20-1875-3 GC20-1876-1 GC20-1877-2 GC20-1878-3 GC20-1879-0 34 34 34 34 34 34 GC20-1889-0 GC20-1890-4 GC20-1933-1 GC20-1935-1 GC20-1936-1 GC20-1937-0 00 34 34 GC20-1951-0 GC20-2003-1 GC20-2004-0 34 34 34 01 85 GC20-2012-0 GC20-2013-0 GC20-2014-0 GC20-2021-2 GC20-8078-0 GN25-0478 GN25-0765 VMl370 SCP 5749-010, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: RELEASE 5 GUIDE VMl370 SYSTEM EXTENSIONS, LIC PROS 5748-XEl, SPECIFICATIONS VMl370 BSEPP, LIC PROS 5748-XX8, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT 34 **SC20-1840-2 01 01 VMl370 INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM (lPCS) USER'S 6UIDE IBM VMl370 SEPP, LIC PROG 5748-XEl, GENERAL INFORMATION VMl370 BSEPP, LIC PROS 5748-XX8, GENERAL INFORMATION GN25-0833 SH25-0832 GC20-1838-5 20 34 **SC20-1839-2 GC20-1842-7 GC20-1844-7 SC20-1845-0 SC20-1846-1 GC20-1854-5 ~ IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: OPERATING SYSTEMS IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE GN25-0762 SH25-0841 GC20-1837-1 20 20 22 22 01 (~\ (CURRENT RELEASE) 34 **GC20-1836-3 34 VMl370 SCP 5749-010, CI1S USER'S 6UIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) GN25-0826 SH25-0828 GN25-0827 GN20-0372 GN20-4087 RELEASE) Vt1/370 RELEASE 6 6UIDE VMl370 DIRECTORY MAINTENANCE, LIC PROS 5748-XE4, DESISH OBJECTIVES Vt1/370 DIRECTORY MAINTENANCE, LIC PROS 5748-XE4, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VMl370 DIRECTORY MAINTENANCE, LIC PROG 5748-XE4, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VMl370 DIRECTORY MAINTENANCE, LIC PROG 5748-XE4, GUIDE FOR GENERAL USERS (CURRENT RELEASE) VMl370 DIRECTORY MAINTENANCE, LIC PROG 5748-XE4, INSTALLATION AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) Vt1/SP HPO SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) APVCMS, 5799-ALK, PRPQ MF2608 INSTALLATION APVCMS, 5799-ALK, PRPQ MF2608 USER'S MANUAL A GUIDE TO THE IBM 3031 PROCESSOR COMPLEX AND ATTACHED PROCESSOR COMPLEX OF SYSTEt1I370 A 6UIDE TO THE IBM 3032 PROCESSOR COMPLEX OF SYSTEt1I370 A GUIDE TO THE IBM 3033 PROCESSOR COMPLEX, ATTACHED PROCESSOR COMPLEX, AND t1ULTIPROCE~SOR COMPLEX OF SYSTEMl370 SYSTEM INSTALLATION PRODUCTIVITY OPTION (lPO) FOR Os/vSl, GENERAL INFORMATION AND PLANNING 6UIDE INTRODUCTION TO DOSIVS SYSTEM INSTALLATION PRODUCTIVITY OPTION (IPO) PROS 5750-AAS SYSTEMS NETWORK ARCHITECTURE: SESSIONS BETWEEN LOGICAL UNITS MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT - SYSTEM lPO GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL AND PLANNING GUIDE SYSTEM OUTAGE ANALYSIS, AN AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE VSE SYSTEM lPO/EXTENDED, Vt1 SYSTEM IPO/EXTENDED, VMlVSE SYSTEM IPO/EXTENDED, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RE LEASE) PLANNING GUIDE VMlSP lPO/E (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE SYSTEM lPO/E RELEASE 2.1 PLANNING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) Vt1IDOSIVSE SYSTEM lPOIEXTENDED PLANNING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) A GUIDE TO THE 4341 PROCESSOR A GUIDE TO THE 4331 PROCESSOR FIXED BLOCK DASD INSTALLATION/CONVERSION 6UIDE, LIC PROS 5746-XE8 (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE SYSTEM lPO/EXTENDED GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL VMlSP lPO/E GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE SYSTEM lPO/E USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE SYSTEM lPO/E USER'S INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE SYSTEM lPO/E PLANNING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE SYSTEM IPOIE RELEASE 3.1 COMMUNICATIONS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) A GUIDE TO 4321 PROCESSOR VSE SYSTEM IPO/E PLANNING 6UIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE SYSTEM lPO/E VSE SYSTEM IPE/F COMMUNICATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE SYSTEM lPO/E INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE SYSTEM lPO/E REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE SYSTEM lPO/E FEATURE GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) A GUIDE TO THE 4381 PROCESSOR FORM AND CARD DESIGN 984 \ / ( '\. / 85 85 30 GC20-8096-1 6C20-8152-1 6C21-500ct-3 28 30 SC21-5005-6 6C21-5006-ct 32 SC21-501ct-l 28 6C21-5021-1 28 28 6C21-5028-5 6C21-5052-0 28 32 SC21-5056-2 6C21-5067-1 30 30 6C21-5071-3 6C21-5097-1 28 6C21-751ct-4 INTRODUCTION TO DATA MANAGEMENT STUDENT TEXT FLOWCHARTING TECHNIQUES OS DATA MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND MACRO INSTRUCTIONS FOR IBM 1285/1287/1288 ( 15 86C22-700ct-14 GC22-7064-10 15 ( 15 15 15 6C22-7067-2 GC22-7068-2 6C22-7069-3 15 15 6C22-7072-1 6C22-7073-1 15 15 30 30 25 36 36 6C22-7074-3 GC22-7075-4 GC22-9062-0 6C22-9063-4 6C22-9194-2 6C23-0001-0 6C23-0002-1 36 36 SC23-0003-2 6C23-0004-0 40 6C23-0007-2 40 36 36 6C23-0008-3 6C23-0010-2 SC23-0011-1 36 36 34 SC23-0012-0 GC23-0015-0 6C23-0018-0 36 36 36 34 3ct 34 30 6C23-0019-0 6C23-0024-1 6C23-0025-1 6C23-0026-0 6C23-0027-0 6C23-0029-0 GC23-0031-1 30 SC23-0032-1 30 SC23-0033-0 30 SC23-003't-0 30 36 6C23-0035-0 6C23-0037-0 36 6C23-0038-0 GC23-0039-2 SC23-00ctO-0 SC23-0041-6 SD23-0312 SC23-0042-1 20 ( 20 3't 36 SN21-5197 GN26-80ct5 GN28-2591 6N22-2336 SH22-233't SH25-0141 GN25-0176 GN25-0185 IBM DOS RPG II LANGUAGE, PROG. NO. 5736-RGI OS DATA MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND MACRO INSTRUCTIONS FOR IBM lct19/1275 as IBM 1288 BASIC UNFORMATTED READ SYSTEM: A DATA CAPTURE UTI LITY PROGRAM, PROG. NO. 573't-UT3 IBM DOS RPG II GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5736-RGI DOS RPG II, LIC PROG 5736-RGl, SPECIFICATIONS DOS RPG II AUTO REPORT FEATURE, LIC PROG 5736-RGl, GENERAL INFORMATION DOS RPG II AUTO REPORT FEATURE, LIC PROG 5736-RGl, REFERENCE PROGRAM PRODUCT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FOR IBM DOS 1288 BASIC UNFORMATTED READ SYSTEM - PROGRAM PRODUCT NUMBER 5736-UTI 37ctO BTAMITCAM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE GN26-8051 as AND OSIVS PROGRAMMING SUPPORT FOR THE 3505 CARD READER AND 3525 CARD PUNCH INTRODUCTION TO RPG II AND RPG III: BATCH PROCESSING WITH PROGRAM DESCRIBED FILES SYSTEMl370 INSTALLATION MANUAL, PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM INPUTIOUTPUT EQUIPMENT: INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING F"OR SYSTEMl360, SYSTEMl370, AND 4300 PROCESSORS 3033 PROCESSOR FLOOR CUTOUT AID 3032 PROCESSOR FLOOR CUTOUT AID INPUTIOUTPUT EQUIPMENT REFERENCE INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING: SYSTEMl360, SYSTEMl370, 4300 PROCESSORS INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING GENERAL INFORMATION FIBER-OPTIC CHANNEL EXTENDER LINK FIBER-OPTIC CABLE PLANNING AND INSTALLATION GUIDE SH22-2337 S/379 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX INSTALLATION AND PHYSICAL PLANNING S/370 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX SITE READINESS CHECKLIST DATA SECURITY THROUGH CRYPTOGRAPHY IBM CRYPTOGRAPHIC SUBSYSTEM CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES MANUAL S/9000 FORTRAN RELEASE 1.2 OSIVS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY JES2 VS2 RELEASE 3.7 SH25-0180 JES2 MYS SYSTEM PROGRAM LIBRARY SN25-0199 SN28-1156 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY NETWORK JOB ENTRY FACILITY FOR JES2 MYS JES2 RELEASE 4 SELECTABLE UNIT SYSTEM INFORMATION SUID 5752-803 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY OSIVS2 MYS JES2 R4 COMMANDS (CURRENT RELEASE) OPERATOR'S LIBRARY OSIVS2 HVS JES3 COMMANDS JES3 RELEASE 3 NJE FACILITY FOR JES2 RELEASE 3 GENERAL INFORMATION SN25-0173 OPERATOR LIBRARY NJE FACILITY FOR JES2 COMMANDS SN25-0187 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL NJE FACILITY FOR JES2 OSIVS2 MYS JES2 RELEASE 4.1 SELECTABLE UNIT SYSTEM INFORMATION OSIVS MYS JES3 3850 HSS SELECTABLE UNIT SYSTEM INFORMATION JES3 RELEASE 2.1 NJE FACILITY FOR JES2 RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS OSIVS2 MYS JES3 RELEASE 3 SYSTEM INFORMATION NJE FACILITY FOR JES2 RELEASE 3 SPECIFICATIONS MYS JES2 RELEASE 4.0 SU 03 SPECIFICATIONS MYS JES2 RELEASE 4.1 SU 25 SPECIFICATIONS OSIVS2 MYS JES3 3850 MSS SU 18 SPECIFICATIONS MYS/INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT GENERAL INFORMATION MYS/INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT ADMINISTRATION CUSTOMIZATION AND INSTALLATION MYS/INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT OPERATION WORKSTATION CONTROLLER AND SYSTEM OWNER'S GUIDE MYS/INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT OPERATION GENERAL USER'S GUIDE HVS/INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT SPECIFICATIONS SCP SPECIFICATION FOR OSIVS2 MVS JES3 RELEASE 3 FOR MYS RELEASE 3.8 OSIVS2 JES3 OVERVIEW JES3 INTRODUCTION (CURRENT RELEASE) JES3 OVERVIEW JES3 INSTALLATION PLANNING AND TlJNING (CURRENT RELEASE) SH28-0M3 SH28-5047 JES3 USER tIODIFICATIONS AND MACROS (CURRENT RELEASE) SH25-0191 SN25-0163 SN25-0181 SH25-0156 985 37 40 40 34 40 20 20 37 37 34 SC23-0043-2 GC23-0044-4 SC23-0045-3 SD23-0308 SC23-0046-5 40 SC23-0048-5 GC23-0049-2 SC23-0050-0 GC23-0051-0 GC23-0058-0 SC23-0059-4 SD23-0311 SC23-0060-1 SC23-0061-1 GC23-0062-3 **SC23-0063-2 SD23-0376 SC23-0064-4 34 SC23-0065-4 36 LC23-0067-3 36 37 40 40 SH28-lI5& SN28-lI59 SN28-1157 GN28-1160 SN28-1155 ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCT PLANNING (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 INSTALLATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 CUSTOMlZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 MESSAGES AND CODES FOR MVS/XA MVS/370 VSE/AF AND YM/SP RELEASE 1.1 (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 PROGRAMMING (CURRENT RELEASE) ", / ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) "INDUSTRY STANDARO PLOTTING COMMANDS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/XA SYSTEMS FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS YM/XA SYSTEMS FACILITY SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR USER'S GUIDE YM/xA SYSTEMS FACILITY SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR COMMAND AND MACRO REFERENCE YM/XA SYSTEMS FACILITY EXEC 2 REFERENCE VM/XA MIGRATION AID REMOTE 3270 DISPLAY OPTION SPECIFICATIONS MVS CUSTOM-BUILT OFFERINGS GENERAL INFORMATION AND PLANNING 3270 PC FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM FOR A TSO SYSTEM 3270 PC FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM FOR A YM SYSTEM INSTALLING SMP/E NPP BIBLIOGRAPHY AND MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) 20 **GC23-0122-2 39 **SC23-0123-2 39 **SC23-0124-2 37 **SC23-0178-0 36 **GC23-0179-0 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 1 INITIALIZATION Am TUNING (CURRENT /-RELEASE) I .~ MVS/SP JES2 COMMANDS (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/XA MVS/SP-JES3 INTRODUCTION (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/xA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 OVERVIEW SUPPLEMENT FOR SU18 TO MVS JES3 DEBUGGING GUIDE JES3 MSS SUPPLEMENT FOR SU29 TO MVS JES3 DEBUG GUIDE 3838 VPSS MVS/XA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 INITIALIZATION AND TUNING (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/XA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 USER MODIFICATIONS AND MACROS MVS/xA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 JES3 DIAGNOSIS MVS/XA JES3 MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/XA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 OPERATIONS JES3 COMMANDS (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/xA MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 OPERATIONS JES2 COMMANDS (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/xA MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 INITIALIZATION AND TUNING (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/xA MVS/SP-JES2 USER MODIFICATIONS AND MACROS (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/xA JES2 USER MODIFICATIONS AND MACROS (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER ACFIVTAM NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) \ 36 LC23-0069-3 50 SC23-0106-0 50 **GC23-0108-1 SD21-0010 50 GC23-0109-3 50 **SC23-0110-2 50 SC23-0111-3 5021-0010 50 SC23-0112-3 5021-0010 50 SC23-0113-3 S021-0010 50 SC23-0114-3 SD21-0010 50 SC23-0115-2 SC23-0116-3 50 SD21-0010 25 GC23-0120-0 39 **SC23-0125-2 20 **GC23-0126-1 34 GC23-0127-5 39 GC23-0128-0 00 GC23-0129-0 37 SC23-0130-2 50 **GC23-0134-0 50 SC23-0135-1 SD21-0010 20 SC23-0137-0 40 **GC23-0138-1 40 **GC23-0139-1 37 **SC23-0140-1 25 SC23-0145-1 25 **SC23-0152-0 25 GC23-0154-1 50 **SC23-0159-0 20 GC23-0166-1 34 **SC23-0167-0 37 **SC23-0169-0 34 **GC23-0173-0 40 **SC23-0174-0 34 **GC23-0175-0 40 **SC23-0176-0 16 **SC23-0177-0 JES3 DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) JES3 MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) JES3 COMMANDS (CURRENT RELEASE) SN31-1546 SH31-1547 SN31-1548 YM/SP HPO 3290 INFORMATION PANEL USER'S GUIDE YM/XA SYSTEMS FACILITY YM OPERATION VM/XA SF REAL SYSTEM OPERATION VM/XA SYSTEMS FACILITY CONTROL PROGRAM DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE FORTRAN LANGUAGE CONVERSION PROGRAM USER'S GUIDE FORTRAN LANGUAGE CONVERSION PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS LANGUAGE CONVERSION PROGRAM GENERAL INFORMATION NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS SAMPLES EXTENDED NETWORKS VM/XA SF LIBRARY USER'S GUIDE AND MASTER INDEX YM/XA SYSTEMS FACILITY VM PLANNING VM/XA SF DIAGNOSIS GUIDE MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MANAGER INSTALLATION MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MANAGER PROGRAMMING MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MANAGER PLANNING MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MANAGER ADMINISTRATION MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MANAGER, 5665~342 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE CARD MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATIOKMANAGER MESSAGES Am PROBLEM DETERMINATION MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MANAGER SPECIFICATIONS 986 C" / 34 20 (--' --~/ SC23-0186-1 6C23-0187-2 34 **GC23-0188-0 20 SC23-0189-2 40 20 GN31-1549 SC23-0190-1 **6C23-0192-0 36 **SC23-0193-0 39 **SC23-0197-0 39 **SC23-0198-0 6C23-020S-0 39 39 37 34 40 40 36 GC23-0206-1 . SC23-0221-1 SC23-0224-0 SC23-0226-0 SC23-0227-0 SC23-0228-0 20 25 25 6C23-0229-0 SC23-033S-0 SC23-0337-0 34 SC23-0339-0 20 GC23-03S1-0 34 SC23-03S2-0 40 6C23-0383-0 SN31-1556 40 6C23-0387-0 30 **6C23-062S-0 (~/ 20 GC23-0626-0 85 GC23-076S-0 30 SC23-0776-0 20 **SC23-0781-0 6C24-3964-3 34 34 37 34 36 37 34 34 36 36 30 36 20 30 30 30 34 (/ GN24-1012 GC24-S082-2 6C24-5086-4 6C24-5090-8 SD2S-0044 GC24-5091-6 S025-0042 6C24-5093-S SD2S-0043 6C24-S094-8 S02S-0039 6C24-S095-3 GC24-S099-S SD2S-0031 6C24-S100-4 SD2S-0032 6C24-5101-0 GC24-S103-3 SD2S-0047 6C24-S104-1 6C24-S109-1 34 30 30 6C24-S110-0 GC24-S111-0 6C24-S11S-2 SD2S-0038 GC24-5116-0 GC24-S119-1 6C24-S120-0 30 6C24-S122-2 30 30 6C24-S123-1 6C24-S124-1 YM/SP HPO SYSTEM DEFINITION FILES (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP HPO RELEASE 3.6 LIBRARY GUIDE GLOSSARY AND HASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) MULTI-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MANAGER PLANNING WORKSHEETS VM/SP HPO RELEASE 4.2 MIGRATION INFORMATION/PLANNING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/SP HPO SYSTEM MESSAGES CROSS-REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP HPO USER'S GUIDE TO PREFERRED MACHINE ASSIST WITH CONTROL SWITCH ASSIST RELEASES 3.0. 3.2 AND 3.4 YM/SP HPO DESIGN CHANGES FOR THE CONTROL PROGRAM SCHEDULER PTF YM21981 RELEASE 3.4. 3.6 AND 4.0 VMIXA SYSTEMS FACILITY SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER REFERENCE YMlXA SYSTEMS FACILITY SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER USER'S GUIDE VSPC-TO-TSO EXTENSIONS MIGRATION PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND CLIST CONSIDERATIONS VSPC-TO-TSO EXTENSIONS MIGRATION PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTING SMP/E PROGRAM PACKAGING GUIDE MVSIBDT VERSION 2 INSTALLATION MVSIBULK DATA TRANSFER VERSION 2 COHHANDS MVSIBULK DATA TRANSFER VERSION 2 MESSAGES AND CODES MVSIBULK DATA TRANSFER VERSION 2 TRANSACTION AND COMMAND REFERENCE SUHt1ARY MVSIBDT VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS VS FORTRAI~ EXECUTION ANALYZER DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DESIGNING AND WRITING FORTRAN PROGRAMS FOR VECTOR AND PARALLEL PROCESSING YM/DIRECTORY MAINTENANCE PROGRAM PRODUCT DIRECTORY HAINTENANCE ENHANCEMENTS MVS SOFTWARE HANUFACTURING OFFERINGS GENERAL INFORHATION SMP/E, CBlPO AND CBPDO MVS CUSTOH-BUILT OFFERINGS PLANNING AND INSTALLATION CBIPO CBPDO VMIXA SF 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODELS 13 AND 23 AND 3380 DASD MODELS AE4 AND B34 SUPPORT SUPPLEMENT YHlDATA COLLECTOR PROGRAM OFFERING PROGRAM 0/0 VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEMIVECTOR FACILITY LICENSED PROGRAM SUMtIARY VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEMIVECTOR FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS OFFICE INFORMATION ARCHITECTURES CONCEPTS NET~~K 3270-PLUS PIM USER GUIDE DOCUMENT INTERCHANGE ARCHITECTURE: TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4381 PROCESSOR INPUT/OUTPUT CONFIGURATION PROGRAM USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE DOSIVS TO OSIVS MANAGEMENT PLANNING GUIDE DOS OLTEP OSIYSI PLANNING AND USE GUIDE OSIYSI PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE DIGEST OSIYSI DEBUGGING GUIDE OSIYSI STORAGE ESTIMATES DOS AND DOSIVS TO OSIYSI IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE OSIYSI JCL REFERENCE OSIVSI JCL SERVICES OSIYS IBM 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER MODEL 1 REFERENCE OSIYSI SUPERVISOR SERVICES AND MACRO INSTRUCTIONS OSIYSI MASTER INDEX OF SL PUBLICATIONS OSIYS DISKETTE COPY PROGRAMMING SUPPORT REFERENCE MANUAL, SCP S744-BJ1.S744-BLl OSIYSI IBM 3540 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE OSIYS2 IBM 3540 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE OSIVSl SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITIES (SMF) GN24-SS69 OSIYSI RELEASE 6 GUIDE OSIYSI VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM RELEASE GUIDE, SUID S741-606 389S DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION & DESCRIPTION MACROS (DIDM), LIC PROG S748-F12, GENERAL INFORMATION VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM (VPSS) PLANNING GUIDE FOR OSIVSl AND OSIYS2 MVS OSIYS2 MYS VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM RELEASE GUIDE OSIVS2 MYS VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM INSTALLATION AND 987 30 5023-0253 6C24-5125-1 SD23-0254 6C24-5126-1 30 6C24-5127-0 36 GC24-5128-0 OPERATION WIDE OS/VSl AND OSIVS2 HVS VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S WIDE OSIVSI VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM INSTALLATION AND OPERATION GUIDE. SUID 5741-606 / OSIVSI SUBSYSTEM ATTACHMENT SUPPORT SUID 5741-606. SYSTEM INFORMATION ~~ SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVSI PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE DIGEST: SUID 34 36 36 40 36 GC24-5129-0 GC24-5130-0 GC24-5131-0 GC24-5132-0 GC24-5133-0 SUID 5741-606 SUPPLEMENT TO OSlVSl SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITIES SUPPLEMENT TO VSl. JCL REFERENCE. GC24-5099 (SUID 5741-606) SUPPLEMENT TO VSl JCL SERVICES FOR SU6 (SUID 5741-606) OPERATOR LIBRARY. OSIVSI REFERENCE SUPPLEMENT, SUID 5741-606 SU5 SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVSI JCL REFERENCE, GC24-5099 (SU 10 36 30 30 30 30 6C24-5134-0 GC24-5138-0 GC24-5139-0 GC24-5140-0 6C24-5142-0 30 30 30 30 30 GC24-5143-2 SC24-5144-2 SC24-5145-2 SC24-5146-2 GC24-5147-1 36 GC24-5148-0 30 30 SC24-5149-0 SC24-5150-0 20 6C24-5151-0 37 GC2~-5152-0 30 GC24-5155-0 30 34 6C24-5158-0 GC24-5171-0 34 6C24-5172-0 30 GC24-5181-0 30 34 30 30 6C24-5182-0 GC24-5183-0 GC24-5190-5 SC24-5191-1 30 SC24-5192-0 38 6C24-5193-1 39 GC24-5195-1 39 SC24-5196-0 39 6C24-5197-1 39 SC24-5198-1 39 GC24-5199-1 39 6C24-5200-2 34 20 GC24-5201-0 GC24-5202-0 38 6C24-5203-0 30 6C24-5204-0 30 GC24-5205-0 30 GC24-5206-5 30 5741-606 5741-605) SN33-9345 SN24-5592 SU5 SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVSI JCL SERVICES (6C24-5100-3) DOSIVSE DATA tlANAGEMENT CONCEPTS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVSE MACRO USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVSE MACRO REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSEIVSAM-EXTENDED, LIC PROG 5746-AM2. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VSEIVSAM GENERAL INFORMATION USING VSEIVSAM COtt1ANDS AND MACROS (CURRENT RELEASE) VSEIVSAM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSEIVSAM. LIC PROG 5746-AM2, MESSAGES & CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION MACROS (DIDM) FOR THE IBM 3895 - SPECIFICATIONS. PROS PROD 5748-F12 SU4 SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVS1 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE DIGEST (SU ID 5741-604) SUPPLEMENT FOR AF TO DOSIVS. 5746-XE2. SUPERVISOR AND MACROS SN31-7507 IBM 3895 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION MACROS (DIDM) USER'S REFERENCE. PROG PROD 5748-F12 OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE 1 (OSIVS1) RELEASE 6 SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS SU4 SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVSI DEBUGGING GUIDE. (GC24-5093-4) SU 10 5741-604 OSIVSl SUBSYSTEM ATTACHMENT SUPPORT SU 10 SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS 3895 OSIVSI PROGRAtt1ING SUPPORT SPECIFICATIONS, SUID 5741-604 OSIVSI 3031. 3032. 3033 PROCESSOR SUPPORT, SUID 5741-620, i SYSTEM INFORMATION / .. SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS FOR OSIVS1 3031. 3032. 3033 PROCESSOR SUPPORT. SUID 5741-620 OSIVS2 MVS VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS OSIVSI VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS OSIVSI RELEASE 6.7 GUIDE VSEIVSAM SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDEDIVIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD, 5746-AM2. DOCUMENTATION SUBSET (CURRENT RELEASE) USING THE VSEIVSAM SPACE MANAGEMENT FOR SAM FEATURE, LIC PROG 5746-AM2, USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVSl INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT GENERAL INFORMATION VMl370 VMlINTERACTIVE FILE SHARING FOR CMS. LIC PROG 5748-XXC, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SN24-5687 VMl370 VMlINTERACTIVE FILE SHARING FOR CMS. LIC PROG 5748-XXC. GUIDE & REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT: DMS/CMS, LIC PROS 5748-XXB GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VMl370 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR CMS. LIC PROS 5748-XXB GUIDE & REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMl370 VMlINTERACTIVE FILE SHARING FOR CMS. LIC PROS 5748-XXC. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VMl370 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR CMS. LIC PROS 5748-XXB SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVSl RELEASE 7 GUIDE OSIVSl RELEASE 7 SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS PROG 5652-VSl OSIVSl INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTATION SUPPORT. LIC PROG 5740-XYE, SPECIFICATIONS OSIVS2 (MVS) VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM (VPSS) SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS /' OSIVSl VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM (VPSS) SYSTEM CONTROL ( PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS ~ ./ VMl370 PASS-THROUGH FACILITY (CURRENT RELEASE) \ SN24-5679 SN24-5650 988 " ( (, " 30 6C24-52 07-5 30 SC24-5208-4 30 GC24-5209-1 30 SC24-5210-1 30 SC24-5211-1 30 SC24-5212-1 30 SC24-5213-1 36 GC24-5215-1 30 SC24-5216-1 36 6C24-5217-3 36 GC24-5218-3 39 39 39 40 40 40 39 39 39 37 39 39 39 20 39 34 39 39 SC24-5219-3 SC24-5220-3 SC24-5221-4 GC24-5225-1 SC24-5226-1 GC24-5227-0 **SC24-5228-2 SC24-5229-0 -SC24-5230-2 SC24-5231-0 -SC24-5232-1 *.SC24-5233-2 **SC24-5234-1 **GC24-5235-1 SC24-5236-3 SC24-5237-3 SC24-5238-3 SC24-5239-2 SC24-5240-0 SC24-5241-0 SC24-5242-2 SC24-5245-0 34 39 39 30 30 SC24-5246-0 40 SC24-5247-2 34 -SC24-5249-1 30 SC24-5250-1 SC24-5254-2 39 34 **SC24-5256-0 30 SC24-5258-0 34 SC24-5259-0 36 -SC24-5260-0 ( 30 SC24-5261-0 34 36 SC24-5262-0 SC24-5263-0 39 34 30 SC24-5264-1 SC24-5267-0 SC24-S270-0 34 SC24-5271-1 40 SC24-5272-1 40 SC24-5273-1 36 SC24-5276-1 36 30 SC24-5277-1 SC24-5280-0 YH/370 YH/PASS-THROUGH FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/SP YH/PASS-THROUGH FACILITY GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED. 5746-XE8. SYSTEM DATA MANAGEMENT COtiCEPTS (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS MACRO USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XE8. MACRO REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. LIC PROG 5746-XE8. TAPE LABELS (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XE8. DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DEVICE LABELS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/vSl BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS. LIC PROG 5662-257. PROGRAM SUMMARY USING VSE/vSAM BACKUP/RESTORE FEATURE. LIC PROG 5746-AM2 USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/vSl BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/vSl BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS LIC PROG 5662-257. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE YH/SP EXEC2 REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/SP EDITOR USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/SP EDITOR COMMAND AND MACRO REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/OCCF GENERAL INFORMATION MVS/OCCF INSTALLATION AND OPERATION SPECIFICATIONS MVS/OCCF OPERATOR COMMUNICATION CONTROL FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS YH/IPF SYSTEM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/IPF OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/IPF ADMINISTRATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/IPF PROBLEM CONTROL (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/IPF GENERAL USE MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/IPF GENERAL USE GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/IPF ADMINISTRATION MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/IPF RELEASE 5 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/SP CMS PRIMER (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/SP INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/SP INTERPRETER USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/SP INTERPRETER REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) GUIDE YH/SP RELEASE 3 (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/SP DISTRIBUTED DATA PROCESSING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/SP CMS PRIMER FOR LINE-ORIENTED TERMINALS (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/SP SUPPORT OF 3088 MULTISYSTEM COMMUNICATION UNIT YH/SP RELEASE 2 YH/SP CMS/VSAM SUPPORT OF 3380 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE YH/SP APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/SP GROUP CONTROL SYSTEM GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/SP GROUP CONTROL SYSTEM MACRO REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/PC USER'S GUIDE YH/SP SYSTEM DEFINITION FILES (CURRENT RELEASE) USER'S GUIDE VMlSP 3290 INFORMATION PANEL YH/SP 4248 PRINTER USER'S GUIDE VMlSP RELEASE 3 YH/SP HPO RELEASE 3.2 YH/SP INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YH/SP SUPPORT OF 4361 MODEL GROUPS 4 AND 5 PROCESSORS AND 4381 MODEL GROUPS 1 AND 2 PROCESSORS YH/SP RELEASES 2 AND 3. 5664-167. HPO RELEASES 3.0 AND 3.2. 5664-173 YH/SP 3370 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE MODELS A2. B2 USER'S GUIDE OS/vS1 SUPPORT OF THE 4248 PRINTER OS/vS1 BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS RELEASE 4 YH/SP SYSTEM MESSAGES CROSS-REFERENCE YH/SP SUPPORT OF THE DASD DUMP RESTORE COMPACT OPTION VMlSP 3800 PRINTER MODELS 3 AND 8 COMPATIBILITY SUPPORT USER'S GUIDE VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-ENTRY PLANNING GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-ENTRY SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-ENTRY. 5664-301. OPERATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-ENTRY. 5664-301. CONTROL PROGRAM COMMAND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT-ENTRY QUICK REFERENCE VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT SUPPORT OF INTERACTIVE 989 EXECUTIVE/370 HANDSHAKE VM/SP 3380 DASD MODEL AE4/BE4 USER'S SUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE), PROGRAMMERS GUIDE TO SERVER-REQUESTER PROGRAMMING INTERFACE FOR VM/SP (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SP A GROWING FAMILY OF SOLUTIONS ,/ VM/SP, 5664-167, SECURITY ENHANCEMENT VM/IPF VERSION 2 OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ~ VIRTUAL MACHINE/INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY ADMINISTRATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/IPF VERSION 2 SYSTEM PlANNING AND INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/IPF VERSION 2 PROBLEM CONTROL (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/IPF VERSION 2 MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/IPF VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SP LOGICAL DEVICE HOST LIMIT RELIEF VM/IPF SYSTEM TAILORING (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SP, 5664-167, SUPPORT OF 3090 VECTOR FACILITY VH/SP CMS CONSOLE FACILITY VM/SP OS SIMULATION STANDARD LABEL TAPE PROCESSING EXITS VM/SP SUPPORT OF ADRP OS TSO ASSEMBLER PROMPTER, LIC PROG 5734-CP2. USER'S SUIDE OS ASSEMBLER H. LIC PROG 5734-AS1, GENERAL INFORMATION OS ASSEMBLER H, LIC PROG 5734-AS1, PROGRAMMER'S SUIDE OS ASSEMBLER H, LIC PROG 5734-AS1, SYSTEM INFORMATION OS ASSEMBLER H, LIC PROG 5734-AS1, MESSAGES OS ASSEMBLER H, LIC PROS 5734-AS1, LANGUAGE OS/vsl SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE 30 **SC24-5281-0 40 SC24-5291-1 20 30 40 34 GC24-5294-0 SC24-5317-0 SC24-5319-0 SC24-5320-0 39 SC24-5321-0 39 40 20 34 39 34 34 34 34 21 21 21 21 21 21 34 SC24-5323-0 SC24-5324-0 GC24-5326-0 SC24-5327-0 SC24-5331-0 SC24-5332-0 SC24-5333-0 GC24-5334-0 SC24-5335-0 SC26-3740-2 GC26-3758-4 SC26-3759-3 SC26-3768-5 SC26-3770-3 GC26-3771-4 GC26-3791-10 SD25-0034 6C26-3792-9 GD26-6027 GC26-3795-3 GC26-3813-6 GC26-3819-4 SD26-6011 GC26-3829-5 6C26-3830-4 34 30 31 30 03 30 OS/vs2 SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE 6N26-8084 GN26-0770 6N35-0169 GN26-8040 30 30 30 30 30 22 GC26-3837-3 6C26-3887 GC26-3838-4 6C26-3840-3 6C26-3841-4 GC26-3842-2 GC26-3846-3 GC26-3847-5 6N26-8096 32 GC26-3855-2 6N26-0952 24 30 6C26-3857-4 GC26-3860-0 30 6C26-3861-0 30 30 30 30 6C26-3864-1 6C26-3872-1 6C26-3873-1 SD26-6006 6026-6018 GC26-3874-1 GC26-3875-1 GC26-3876-1 6C26-3877-1 GC26-3879-0 30 6C26-3887-0 32 6C26-3896-0 30 32 32 30 6C26-3900-0 6C26-3901-1 GC26-3902-1 6C26-3903-0 30 6C26-3904-0 30 6C26-3905-0 30 30 30 36 36 6N26-8120 6N26-0894 6N26-0964 6N26-8119 6N26-8118 6N26-0996 6N26-8121 6N26-8122 6N26-8103 OS/VS TAPE LABELS OS/VS LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER 6N26-0924 OS/VS VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (VSAM) OPTIONS FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS 6N35-0294 INTRODUCING THE IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM AND ITS PROGRAMMING OS/vS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: DATA MANAGEMENT (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/vSl DATA MANAGEMENT FOR SYSTEM PROGRAMMERS OS/VS VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (VSAM) PROGRAMMER'S SUIDE OS/vSl ACCESS METHOD SERVICES OS/vs2 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES PLANNING FOR ENHANCED VSAM UNDER OS/VS 6N35-0208 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S SUIDE VS/APL, 5748-AP1, 5799-AJF, -AQC, lANGUAGE REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/VS AND DOS/vSE ANALYSIS PROGRAM-l UP-I) USER'S SUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS COBOL FOR OS/VS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/vs2 MYS 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM SELECTABLE UNIT SYSTEM INFORMATION. SUID 5752-810 OS/vS2 MYS DATA MANAGEMENT SELECTABLE UNIT SYSTEM INFORMATION, SUID 5752-808 OS/vS2 MYS CVOL PROCESSOR OS/vsl DATA MANAGEMENT MACRO INSTRUCTIONS OS/vS2 MYS DATA MANAGEMENT MACRO INSTRUCTIONS / OS/vsl DATA MANAGEMENT SERVICES SUIDE 6N26-8039 os/vS2 MYS DATA MANAGEMENT SERVICES SUIDE Os/vSl CHECKPOINTIRESTART OS/vs2 MYS CHECKPOINTIRESTART OS/vS2 MYS 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM 12 LINES PER INCH SELECTABLE UNIT SYSTEM INFORMATION, SUID 5752 848 OS/vsl SUBSYSTEM ATTACHMENT SUPPORT - SUID 5741-606, DATA MANAGEMENT SUPPLEMENT SUPPLEMENT FOR SU32 TO OS/VS UTILITIES MESSAGES: HVS SYSTEM SECURITY, 5752-832 DOS/vS IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S SUIDE OS/vSl UTILITIES MANUAL OS/vs2 HVS UTILITIES MANUAL OS/vs2 MYS DATA MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SYSTEM INFORMATION - SUID 5752-860 DOS/vS 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM. SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING (' SPECIFICATIONS '", j DOS/vs PONER/VS IBM 3800 PR1NTING SUBSYSTEM INDEPENDENt 990 30 30 30 GC26-3906-1 GC26-3907-0 GC26-3912-0 30 GC26-3913-0 30 SC26-3916-1 30 GC26-3917-0 32 32 30 30 GC26-3919-1 GC26-3920-2 GC26-3935-1 GC26-3945-0 GN26-8123 30 **GC26-3946-9 32 GC26-3947-4 32 GC26-3948-4 32 **SC26-3949-5 ( 30 30 GC26-3950-3 GC26-3951-4 30 SC26-3952-0 30 GC26-3954-9 30 GC26-3955-0 30 GC26-3956-0 30 GC26-3958-0 30 GC26-3960-1 30 GC26-3961-0 30 30 GC26-3964-0 SC26-3966-0 30 SC26-3967-1 30 GC26-3970-0 29 SC26-3971-1 30 GC26-3972-2 30 SC26-3973-4 30 GC26-3974-3 29 25 GC26-3977-1 GC26-3982-0 25 GC26-3983-4 25 GC26-3984-7 6026-6049 SC26-3985-4 GC26-3986-3 25 25 25 **SC26-3987-5 ( 25 25 SC26-3988-2 SC26-3989-2 25 29 SC26-3990-4 GC26-3991-1 6026-6050 6C26-3992-1 29 SN26-0888 GN26-8313 SN26-8127 COMPONENT RELEASE SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS OSIVS2 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM. SCP 5752-810. SPECIFICATIONS OS/VS2 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM. SCP 5752-848. SPECIFICATIONS OSIVS2 MYS DATA MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SELECTABLE UNIT 5752-860 SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS DOS/VSE IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM INDEPENDENT RELEASE SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING. LIC PROG 5747-CC1. SPECIFICATIONS OSIVS ACCESS METHOD SERVICES CRYPTOGRAPHIC OPTION. LIC PROG 5740-AM8 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES CRYPTOGRAPHIC OPTION. LIC PROG 5740-AM8. SPECIFICATIONS OSIVS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS1 UTILITIES MESSAGES VS2 MYS UTILITIES: MESSAGES 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS SYSTEM INFORMATION OSIVS1 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM Et~ANCEMENTS SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING. SCP 5652-VS1 FEATURE NUMBERS 5311. 5312 DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES STANDALONE SCPo 5747-DS1. 5665-257. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA FACILITYIDATA SET SERVICES. LIC PROG 5740-UT3. GENERAL INFORMATION DATA FACILITYIDATA SET SERVICES. LIC PROG 5740-UT3. SPECIFICATIONS DATA FACILITYIDATA SET SERVICES. LIC PROG 5740-UT3. USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE OSIVS1 DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT SPECIFICATIONS OSIVS2 MYS DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT. LIC PROG 5740-AM7. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT. LIC PROG 5740-AM6 (VS1). 5740-AM7 (VS2 MYS). USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT. LIC PROG 5740-AM6, -AM7, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/vs1 DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT RELEASE I, LIC PROG 5740-AM6. PROGRAM SUMMARY OSIVS2 MYS DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT RELEASE I, LIC PROG 5740-AM7, PROGRAM SUMMARY OSIVS2 MYS 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING, SCP 5752-VS2 FEATURE NUMBERS 5319 5320, 5321, 5322. 5325, 5326 SPECIFICATIONS DATA FACILITY/EXTENDED FUNCTION, LIC PROG 5740-XYQ, GENERAL INFORMATION OSIVS2 MYS DATA FACILITY/EXTENDED FUNCTION RELEASE I, LIC PROG 5740-XY~ PROGRAM SUMMARY DATA FACILITY EXTENDED FUNCTION SPECIFICATIONS DATA FACILITY EXTENDED FUNCTION ACCESS METHOD SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND SERVICES DATA FACILITY EXTENDED FUNCTION ACCESS METHOD SERVICES REFERENCE DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DEVICE (DASD) MIGRATION AID RELEASE 1 PROGRAM SUMMARY OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILERS EXTENDED GRAPHIC CHARACTER SET SUPPORT SUPPLEMENT (CURRENT RELEASE) DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DEVICE MIGRATION AID, LIC PROG 5668-002, GENERAL INFORMATION DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DEVICE MIGRATION AID, LIC PROG 5668-002, USE AND DIAGNOSIS DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DEVICE MIGRATION AID, LIC PROG 5668-002, SPECIFICATIONS OSIDOS PL/I LANGUAGE REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN COMPILER & LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5748-F03, -U13, PROGRAM SUMMARY VS FORTRAN COMPILER & LIBRARY, 5748-F03, -U13, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN COMPILER AND LIBRARY SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN RELEASE 3.0 PROGRAMMING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN, 5748-F03, -U13, APPLICATION PROGRAtt'lING COI1MAJII) REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN COMPILER·AND LIBRARY INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMlZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN APPLICATION PROGRAMMING LIBRARY REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN COMPILER AND LIBRARY DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY SPECIFICATIONS 991 29 29 29 29 24 30 30 30 20 34 30 31 36 30 30 30 30 34 32 30 GD26-6051 GC26-3993-1 6026-6052 GC26-3994-4 GD26-6053 GC26-3995-4 GD26-6054 GC26-3996-4 GD26-6055 GC26-3998-0 GC26-4001-0 GC26-4003-1 GC26-4007-2 GC26-4008-2 GC26-4009-2 GC26-4010-1 GC26-4011-1 GC26-4012-2 GC26-4013-1 GC26-4014-1 GC26-4015-2 GC26-4016-1 GC26-4017-0 GC26-4018-1 GC26-4019-2 40 GC26-4021-0 23 **GC26-4023-4 23 GC26-4024-2 GD26-6058 23 SC26-4025-2 20 GC26-4026-2 20 SC26-4027-2 20 SC26-4028-2 GC26-4029-1 21 GD26-6059 21 SC26-4030-1 GC26-4035-0 21 21 SC26-4036-1 21 GC26-4037-0 30 30 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 20 30 GC26-4040-2 GC26-4041-2 GC26-4042-3 GC26-4044-2 SC26-4045-1 SC26-4046-1 GC26~.4047-3 34 30 36 SC26-4048-1 SC26-4049-1 GC26-4050-3 GC26-4051-1 GD26-6041 GC26-4052-2 GC26-4053-1 GC26-4054-1 20 30 30 GC26-4055-0 GC26-4056...;2 GC26-4057-2 30 30 GC26-4058-1 GC26-4059-1 20 31 GC26-4060-3 GC26-4061-1 20 34 30 GC26-4062-2 GC26-4063-2 GC26-4064-1 32 30 40 40 20 GC26-4065-2 GC26-4066-1 GC26-4067-0 6C26-4068-2 GC26-4069-2 os PlII TRANSIENT LIBRARY SPECIFICATIONS DOS PlII OPTIMIZING COMPILER SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS PlII TRANSIENT LIBRARY SPECIFICATIONS DOS PlII RESIDENT LIBRARY SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VS COBOL FOR DOSIVSE LANGUAGE REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS 3.8 3380/3375 PROGRAMMING RPQ P83000 SPECIFICATIONS MVSIXA MAGNETIC TAPE LABELS AND FILE STRUCTURE DATA FACILITY PRODUCT GENERAL INFORMATION MVS/XA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS MVSIXA INSTALLATION SYSTEM GENERATION MVSIXA SYSTEM DATA ADMINISTRATION MVS/XA LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER USER GUIDE MVSIXA CHECKPOINTIRESTART USER'S GUIDE MVS/XA DATA ADMINISTRATION GUIDE MVSIXA DATA ADMINISTRATION MACRO 'INSTRUCTION REFERENCE MVSIXA VSAM ADMINISTRATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/XA VSAM ADMINISTRATION MACRO INSTRUCTIONS REFERENCE MVS/XA CACHE DEVICE ADMINISTRATION MVSIXA UTI LITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA INTEGRATED CATALOG ADMINISTRATION ACCESS METHOD SERVICES REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/XA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT UTILITIES MESSAGES BASIC GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) BASICIVM BASICIVM INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) BASIC LANGUAGE REFERENCE BASIC PROGRAMMING GUIDE BASICIVM SYSTEM SERVICES ASSEMBLER H VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS 6N26-831S ASSEMBLER H VERSION 2 INSTALLATION ASSEMBLER H VERSION 2. 5668-962. GENERAL INFORMATION ASSEMBLER H VERSION 2 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE ASSEMBLER H VERSION 2. LIC PROG 5668-962. APPLICATION PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE REFERENCE MVSIXA FACILITY PRODUCT PLANNING GUIDE MVSIXA CATALOG ADMINISTRATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS COBOL II GENERAL INFORMATION VS COBOL II SPECIFICATIONS VS COBOL II APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE VS COBOL II APPLICATION PROGRAMMING SAMPLE PROGRAMS VS COBOL II APPLICATION PROGRAtmING LANGUAGE REFERENCE OS COBOL II INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMlZATION VS COBOL II APPLICATION PROGRAMMING DEBUGGING GUIDE MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT GENERAL INFORMATION MVS/370 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES REFERENCE FOR THE INTEGRATED CATALOG FACILITY DATA FACILITY PRODUCT MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT PLANNING GUIDE MVS/370. DATA FACILITY PRODUCT CATALOG USER'S GUIDE MVS/370 CHECKPOINTIRESTART DATA FACILITY PRODUCT (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT READER'S GUIDE MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT SYSTEM DATA ADMINISTRATION MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT DATA ADMINISTRATION MACRO INSTRUCTION REFERENCE MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT DATA ADMINISTRATION GUIDE MVS/370 VSAM CATALOG ADMINISTRATION ACCESS METHOD SERVICES REFERENCE DATA FACILITY PRODUCT MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER USER'S GUIDE MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/370 INSTALLATION SYSTEM GENERATION MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT MAGNETIC TAPE LABELS AND FILE STRUCTURE ADMINISTRATION MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT UTILITIES DATA ADMINISTRATION MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT VSAM USER'S GUIDE MVS/370 LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER MESSAGES ( MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT UTILITIES MESSAGES MVSIXA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT MASTER INDEX 992 /~, . (~- 50 6C26-4070-1 50 H6C26-4071-3 25 SC26-4072-0 50 GC26-4073-2 30 GC26-4074-1 30 50 6C26-4075-1 SC26-4077-2 50 50 SC26-4078-2 SC26-4079-2 50 50 SC26-4080-2 SC26-4081-2 6N26-8319 50 50 SO 50 50 50 GC26-4082-2 SC26-4083-2 SC26-4084-2 SC26-4085-2 SC26-4086-2 GC26-4087-2 6026-6062 SC26-4088-0 50 50 HSC26-4089-2 DATA EXTRACT GENERAL INFORMATION QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) DATABASE 2 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) I1VS/370 VSAM ADMINISTRATION MACRO INSTRUCTION REFERENCE DATA FACILITY PRODUCT I1VSIXA VSAM CATALOG ADMINISTRATION ACCESS METHOD SERVICES DB2 DATA BASE PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DATABASE 2 REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) DATABASE 2 APPLICATION PROGRAI1I1ING GUIDE FOR II1SIVS USERS (CURRENT RELEASE) DB2 APPLICATION PROGRAI1I1ING FOR CICS/OSIVS USERS DATABASE 2 APPLICATION PROGRAI1I1ING GUIDE FOR TIME SHARING OPTION AND BATCH USERS DATABASE 2 SQL LEARNER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DATABASE 2 OPERATION AND RECOVERY GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DB2 INSTALLATION DB2 SYSTEM PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE DATABASE 2 SAMPLE APPLICATION GUIDE DATA EXTRACT SPECIFICATIONS DATA EXTRACT OPERATIONS DATA EXTRACT QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE DATA EXTRACT MESSAGES AND CODES DATA EXTRACT DIALOGS INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY LEARNER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) QI1F SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) HSC26-4091-1 HSC26-4092-3 **SC26-4094-2 **GC26-4095-2 6026-6063 50 HSC26-4096-2 SN26-8184 50 HSC26-4097-2 SN26-8183 SO 50 SO 50 QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE FOR t1VS SO SC26-4098-3 50 HSC26-4099-1 50 HSC26-4100-1 ( SO 6C26-4101-2 23 SC26-4105-1 23 SC26-4106-1 50 HSC26-4107-2 SO GC26-4108-2 6026-6064 23 GC26-4110-1 GD26-6065 50 GC26-41 11-1 SO SC26-4112-0 50 SC26-4113-2 25 H6C26-41 14-3 25 **6C26-4115-3 GD26-6066 25 SC26-4116-1 25 **SC26-4117-2 25 SC26-4118-2 25 HSC26-4119-1 20 5C26-4120-1 29 HSC26-4121-1 29 **SC26-4122-0 20 20 ( 40 50 50 GC26-4123-2 GC26-4124-1 GD26-6067 SC26-4125-2 SC26-4126-0 SC26-4127-0 40 30 SC26-4130-2 GC26-4135-2 34 6C26-4136-1 SN26-8187 QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR I1VS QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE FOR VlVSP (CURRENT RELEASE) QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR VlVSP (CURRENT RELEASE) QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY INTRODUCTION (CURRENT RELEASE) BASICII1VS INSTALLATION AND CUSTOI1IZATION BASICII1VS SYSTEM SERVICES DATA EXTRACT ADMINISTERING AND USING DIALOGS (CURRENT RELEASE) DATABASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS BASICII1VS SPECIFICATIONS DATABASE 2 PUBLICATION GUIDE AND MASTER INDEX DATABASE 2 MASTER INDEX DATABASE 2 MESSAGES AND CODES VS FORTRAN COMPILER AND LIBRARY AND INTERACTIVE DEBUG GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) **SN26-8173 VS FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG REFERENCE GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN PROGRAI1I1ING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN LANGUAGE AND REFERENCE LIBRARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VlVPERSONAL COMPUTER 5/370 LANGUAGE SUPPLEMENT PERSONAL COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT 6936733 OS PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER, 5734-PLl, -ut4, -LMS, INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR t1VS OS PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR ct1S 5734-LM4, 5734-LMS, 5734-PL3, 5734-PLl DFDSS GENERAL INFORMATION DFDSS, 5665-327, LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS DFDSS, 5665-327, USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE DATA EXTRACT MASTER INDEX QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSTALLING AND USING THE UPPER CASE FEATURE DEVELOPMENT GUIDE FOR RELATIONAL APPLICATIONS I1VSIXA VERSION 2 INTEGRATED CATALOG ADMINISTRATION ACCESS METHOD SERVICES REFERENCE I1VSIXA VSAM VERSION 2 CATALOG ADMINISTRATION ACCESS METHOD SERVICES 993 34 34 40 34 34 GC26-4137-0 6C26-4138-2 GC26-4139-0 GC26-4140-1 GC26-4141-1 20 40 20 34 GC26-4142-3 GC26-4143-1 GC26-4144-3 GC26-4145-1 40 34 34 34 32 34 34 6C26-4146-1 GC26-4147-1 GC26-4148-1 GC26-4149-1 GC26-4150-0 GC26-4151-2 GC26-4152-1 50 34 34 50 50 34 50 6C26-4171-1 GD26-6069 SC26-4172-1 SC26-4173-1 SC26-4174-1 SC26-4175-1 SC26-4176-0 SC26-4177-0 50 34 50 50 50 SC26-4178-0 SC26-4179-0 GC26-4180-1 SC26-4181-0 SC26-4183-1 50 34 34 24 25 07 SC26-4185-0 SC26-4186-0 SC26-4187-0 GC26-4189-2 SC26-4190-1 6C26-4193-2 29 **6C26-4196-1 6026-6070 GC26-4197-0 07 20 GC26-4198-0 GC26-4199-0 20 GD26-6071 34 SC26-4200-0 34 40 40 40 34 SC26-4201-1 SC26-4202-0 SC26-4203-0 SC26-4204-1 SC26-4205-0 40 40 07 50 SC26-4206-0 SC26-4207-0 GC26-4208-0 SC26-4209-1 34 SC26-4210-0 34 20 24 24 34 34 40 25 50 36 25 25 34 SC26-4211-1 GC26-4212-0 SC26-4213-1 SC26-4214-1 SC26-4215-0 SC26-4216-1 GC26-4217-0 6C26-4219-3 6C26-4220-0 SC26-4221-1 SC26-4222-1 SC26-4223-0 SC26-4224-1 MVS/XA VERSION 2 CACHE DEVICE ADMINISTRATION MVS/XA VERSION 2 CATALOG ADMINISTRATION GUIDE MVS/XA VERSION 2 CHECKPOINTIRESTART USER'S GUIDE MVSIXA VERSION 2 DATA ADMINISTRATION GUIDE MVS/xA VERSION 2 DATA ADMINISTRATION MACRO INSTRUCTION REFERENCE MVS/XA DFP VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION MVS/XA LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER VERSION 2 USER'S GUIDE MVS/XA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS MVS/XA VERSION 2 MAGNETIC TAPE LABELS AND FILE STRUCTURE ADMINISTRATION MVS/xA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT VERSION 2 MASTER INDEX MVS/xA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT VERSION 2 PlANNING GUIDE . MVS/xA VERSION 2 SYSTEM GENERATION INSTALLATION MVS/xA VERSION 2 SYSTEM DATA ADMINISTRATION MVS/xA VERSION 2 DATA ADMINISTRATION UTILITIES MVS/XA VSAM VERSION 2 ADMINISTRATION GUIDE MVS/xA VERSION 2 VSAM ADMINISTRATION MACRO INSTRUCTION REFERENCE IMSIVS VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS SN26-8193 SN26-8192 SN26-8190 **6N26-8166 SN26-8199 SN26-8200 SN26-8197 SN26-8198 IMSIVS VERSION 2 INSTALLATION GUIDE IMSIVS VERSION 2 UTILITIES REFERENCE IMSIVS VERSION 2 MESSAGES AND CODES REFERENCE IMSIVS, 5665-332, VERSION 2 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE IMSIVS VERSION 2 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION GUIDE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE, 5665-332, VERSION 2 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING FOR CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE USERS IMSIVS VERSION 2 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING IMSIVS VERSION 2 DATA BASE ADMINISTRATION GUIDE IMSIVS VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION IMSIVS VERSION 2 MESSAGE FORMAT SERVICE USER'S GUIDE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUA L STORAGE. 5665-332. VERSION 2 OPERATIONS AND RECOVERY GUIDE IMSIVS. 5665-332. VERSION 2 RELEASE GUIDE IMSIVS VERSION 2 PROGRAMMING GUIDE FOR REMOTE SNA SYSTEMS IMSIVS VERSION 2 CUSTOHIZATION GUIDE VS COBOL II GUIDE TO PUBLICATIONS VS FORTRAN TECHNICAL BULLETIN 3380 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE MODELS AD4 AE4 BD4 AND BE4 GENERAL INFORMATION OS PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER. 5734-PLl, -ut4, -LtlS, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) 3380 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE: MIGRATION THE INFORMATION FACILITY. 5664-194. GENERAL INFORMATION THE INFORMATION FACILITY. 5798-DYE, -DYF. SPECIFICATIONS THE INFORMATION FACILITY INSTALLATION ON VIRTUAL MACHINE/CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM TIF ADMINISTRATION ON VMlCMS THE INFORMATION FACILITY LEARNER'S GUIDE THE INFORMATION FACILITY ADVANCED USER'S GUIDE THE INFORMATION FACILITY CONCEPTS AND FUNCTIONS THE INFORMATION FACILITY, 5798-DYE, -DYF, APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT THE INFORMATION FACILITY REFERENCE THE INFORMATION FACILITY MESSAGES 3380 DAS: PLANNING AND USE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE, 5665-332, VERSION 2 DATA BASE RECOVERY CONTROL: GUIDE AND REFERENCE THE INFORMATION FACILITY: INSTALLATION ON MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE/TIME SHARING OPTION TIF ADMINISTRATION ON MVSITSO MVS/xA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT VERSION 2 READER'S GUIDE INSTALLATION AND CUSTot1IZATION FOR CMS VS COBOL II SUPPLEMENT FOR CMS USERS VS COBOL II APPLICATION PROGRAMMING IMSIVS VERSION 2 INSTALLATION LISTINGS IMSIVS VERSION 2 SYSTEM DEFINITION REFERENCE INTRODUCTION TO THE INFORMATION FACILITY VS FORTRAN VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION DATABASE 2 CALL ATTACHMENT FACILITY USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE VS FORTRAN VERSION 2 lANGUAGE AND LIBRARY REFERENCE VS FORTRAN VERSION 2 PROGRAMMING GUIDE VS FORTRAN VERSION 2 INTERACTIVE DEBUG GUIDE AND REFERENCE VS FORTRAN VERSION 2 INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMlZATION 994 ~~ " -'-~ -,~,/ ( / GC26-4225-1 25 50 **SC26-4227-0 VS FORTRAN VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY. 5668-972. INSTALLING AND ADMINISTERING NATIONAL LANGUAGE FEATURES FOR MVS QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY, 5668-972. INSTALLING AND ADMINISTERING NATIONAL LANGUAGE FEATURES FOR YM/SYSTEM PRODUCT QMF VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION DXT VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION DXT VERSION 2 LEARNER'S GUIDE DXT VERSION 2 BASE PRODUCT PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE DXT VERSION 2: FEATURES PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE DXT VERSION 2 INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR MVS DXT VERSION 2 INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR YM/SP DXT VERSION 2: USER'S GUIDE DXT VERSION 2 REFERENCE DXT VERSION 2 MASTER INDEX DXT VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS 50 **SC26-4228-0 (--~ 20 20 40 34 34 34 34 40 40 40 20 ( ( ._/ 40 30 SC26-4229-1 GC26-4241-1 SC26-4242-0 SC26-4243-1 SC26-4244-0 SC26-4245-0 SC26-4246-0 SC26-4247-0 SC26-4248-0 SC26-4249-0 SC26-4250-0 GD26-6073 SC26-4251-0 GC26-4253-0 34 GC26-4254-0 34 30 34 34 34 GC26-4256-0 GC26-4257-0 GC26-4259-0 GC26-4260-0 GC26-4261-0 34 GC26-4262-0 34 34 34 GC26-4263-0 SC26-4264-0 GC26-4265-0 40 34 50 34 SC26-4266-0 GC26-4267-0 GC26-4294-0 SC26-4305-0 14 50 30 30 30 SC26-4488-0 GC26-4490-0 GC27-0021-1 GC27-0025-2 GC27-0038-1 30 39 39 50 GC27-0043-0 GC27-0046-1 SC27-0048-0 GC27-0427-3 50 50 SC27-0428-3 SC27-0429-8 50 SC27-0431-4 SN31-1385 50 SC27-0432-5 SN31-1384 50 SC27-0433-5 50 50 50 50 50 50 SC27-0436-1 GC27-0437-1 GC27-0438-2 SC27-0439-1 GC27-0440-1 SC27-0441-0 50 50 50 SC27-0442-1 SC27-0443-1 SC27-0444-1 50 50 50 SC27-0449-2 GC27-0450-2 GC27-0451-1 50 SC27-0456-1 GN27-1573 SN31-1392 SN31-1086 SN31-1230 SH31-1394 SN31-1084 SN31-1395 SN31-1253 GH31-1227 DXT VERSION 2 MESSAGES AND CODES MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE THE WTOR INSTALLATION EXIT ISO/ANSI/FIPS LABEL CONVERSION. 5665-284 MVS/xA THE WTOR INSTALLATION EXIT ISO/ANSI/FIPS LABEL CONVERSION MVS/XA EXPORT AND IMPORT BY CIMODE MVS/XA OPEN/CLOSE/END-OF-VOLUME SUPPORT FOR RACF 1.7 MVS/xA VSAM ERASE-ON-SCRATCH MVS/xA STORAGE MANAGEMENT LIBRARY: FOCUS ON STORAGE MANAGEMENT MVS/XA STORAGE MANAGEMENT LIBRARY LEADING AN EFFECTIVE STORAGE ADMINISTRATION GROUP MVS/XA STORAGE MANAGEMENT LIBRARY CONFIGURING STORAGE SUBSYSTEMS MVS/XA STORAGE MANAGEMENT LIBRARY MANAGING DATA SETS MVS/xA STORAGE MANAGEMENT LIBRARY: MANAGING STORAGE POOLS MVS/XA STORAGE MANAGEMENT LIBRARY STORAGE MANAGEMENT READER'S GUIDE MVS/xA ISMF USER'S GUIDE MVS/XA ISMF CUSTOMIZATION GUIDE INTRODUCING THE IMS LIBRARY MVS/xA ISMF LIST PANEL CUSTOMIZATION AND CONSIDERATIONS FOR MIGRATED DATA SETS eMS/SORT COBOL, 5799-CEQ. PRPQ P83002 USER'S GUIDE IMS/vS VERSION 2 LABELS DOS/vS VTAM DEBUGGING GUIDE DOS/vS VTAM. 5745-SC-VTM. NETWORK OPERATING PROCEDURES OS/vS2 MVS VTAM2. SCP 5752-VS2 FEATURES 5066. 5067. 5458, 5459, SYSTEM INFORMATION OS/vSl RELEASE 4, VTAM, 5741-SCI-23, LEVEL 1.1 DEBUGGING GUIDE MVS TSO/vTAM SU58 SYSTEM INSTALLATION TSOIVTAM SCP, SUID 5752-858. SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY (NCCF), LIe PROS 5735-XX6. PROGRAM Sl.t1MARY NCCF RELEASE 2 VSE OS/VS SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY, LIC PROS 5735-XX6, INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY, LIC PROS 573.5-XX6, MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK CottlUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY. LIC PROS 5735-XX6, TERMINAL USE (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY, LIC PROS 5735-XX6, CUSTOMIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/VTAME, 5746-RC7, PROGRAM SUI1t1ARY ACFIVTAME, 5746-RC7. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAME, 5746-RC7, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/vTAME. 5746-RC7. INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SCP FOR ACF FOR VTAME, 5746-RC3, -RC4. (CURRENT RELEASE) SH31-1228 ACFIVTAME, 5746-RC7, PRE-INSTALLATION PLANNING (CURRENT RELEASE) SN31-1393 ACFIVTAME, 5746-RC7, PROGRAMMING (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAME, 5746-RC7, OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SN31-1232 ACFIVTAME, 5746-RC7, MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAME, 5746-RC3, PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION PROSRAM SUMMARY ACFIVTAME, 5746-RC7, CONCEPTS GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) HOST COMMAND FACILITY VERSION I, LIe PROS 5735-XR1, GUIDE & 995 50 50 50 50 6C27-0457-2 GC27-0459-1 GC27-0460-1 GC27-0462-4 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 GC27-0463-3 SC27-0464-1 SC27-0465-0 SC27-0466-3 SC27-0467-1 SC27-0468-1 SC27-0469-0 SC27-0470-3 50 50 50 50 GC27-0500-3 6C27-0501-3 SC27-0502-2 GC27-0503-0 50 SC27-0510-1 50 SC27-0S84-1 50 50 50 50 SC27-0593-3 GC27-0594-3 GC27-0595-4 SC27-0596-1 SO 30 SC27-0598-0 6C27-0599-0 30 6C27-0602-0 SN31-1293 SC27-0604-0 30 50 tHlGC27-0608-2 GC27-0609-2 50 50 HSC27-0610-3 50 **SC27-0611-2 50 HSC27-0612-3 50 HSC27-0613-2 50 **SC27-0614-3 50 50 50 50 50 50 **SC27-0621-1 HSC27-0630-1 **GC27-0657-2 **SC27-0658-2 HSC27-0660-3 50 50 SC27-0661-1 SC27-0662-1 50 50 35 SC27-0663-1 SC27-0664-1 GC27-6948-2 GN27-1460 35 6C27-6952-2 GN33-7086 50 50 50 50 30 SC27-6955-5 SC27-6960-7 6C27-6967-2 GC27-6969-2 GC27-6971-1 30 GC27-6972-1 30 6C27-6973-1 30 6C27-6974-2 30 6C27-6978-2 30 6C27-6980-4 HSC27-0615.~2 SN33-6261 REFERENCE: TCAH & ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAH ACFIVTAH, 5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, PROGRAH SUMMARY ACFIVTAHAND VTAH, 5747-CFl , (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM, 5746-RC3, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM, 5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, INTRODUCTION GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAH, 5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, ACFIVTAM, 5746-RC3, INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) \....j ACFIVTAH, 5746-RC3, PRE-INSTALLATION PLANNING (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAH, 5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAH, 5746-RC3, MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAH, 5735-RC2, INSTALLATION ACFIVTAH, 5735-RC2, RELEASE 2 PRE-INSTALLATION PLANNING ACF/VTAH, 5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, MESSAGES AND COOES (CURRENT RELEASE) PROGRAM SUMMARY Vl'VVTAH CNA GI VMlVTAM CNA INSTALLATION OPERATION AND TERMINAL USE Vl'VVTAH CNA VIRTUAL MACHINEIVTAH COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK APPLICATION LICENSED PROGRAH SPECIFICATIONS VIRTUAL MACHINEIVTAH COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK APPLICATION MESSAGES ACF/VTAM, 5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, PLAtlUNG AND INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY PLANNING NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION CUSTOMIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY DIAGNOSIS BASIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT PROGRAH SUt1t1ARY BASIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVS BTAH FOR BTAM/SYSTEM PRODUCT VTAH VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS ACF/VTAH VERSION 2 PLANNING AND INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAH VERSION 2 PROGRAMMING (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASES 1 AND 2 OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) , / VTAM CUSTOMIZATION VERSION 2 MYS VSE OSIVSI ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASES 1 AND 2 MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) , ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASES 1 AND 2 OSIVSl MYS DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ACFIVTAH VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 MYS DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE NETWORK PROGRAH PRODUCTS GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PROGRAH PRODUCTS PLANNING (CURRENT RELEASE) NCCF VERSION 2 INFORMATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION (CURRENT RELEASE) NCCF CUSTOMIZATION COMMAND LISTS (CURRENT RELEASE) NCCF VERSION 2 CUSTOMER COMMAND PROCEDURES EXITS SUBTASK (CURRENT RELEASE) NCCF MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) NCCF OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) 6N33-7083 7074 OS EMULATOR ON SYSTEMl370 REFERENCE, PROS. NOS. 360C-EU-739, 741 (OS); 5744-AJ1, AKI (VSI. VS2) 7080 OS EMULATOR ON MODELS 165/168: REFERENCE, PROG. NOS. 360C-EU-737 (MFTIMVT), 5744-ALI (VSIIVS2) VIDEO/370. LIC PROS 5734-RC5. 5736-RC3. USER'S GUIDE VIDEO/370. LIC PROS 5736-RC3. 5734-RC5. SYSTEM INFORMATION VIDEO/370 OS. LIC PROG 5734-RC5. SPECIFICATIONS VIDEO/370 DOS, LIC PROS 5736-RC3. SPECIFICATIONS OSIVS GRAPHIC PROGRAMMING SERVICES (GPS) FOR IBM 2250 DISPLAY UNIT OSIVS GRAPHIC PROGRAMMING SERVICES (GPS) FOR IBM 2260 DISPLAY STATION (LOCAL ATTACHMENT) OSIVS GRAPHIC SUBROUTINE PACKAGE (GSP) FOR FORTRAN IV. COBOL. AND PVI OSIVS PROBLEM DETERMINATION AIDS. HESSAGES AND CODES FOR GPS AND GSP DOS VERSION 4 - BASIC TELECOtI1UNICATIONS ACCESS HETHOD MANUAL - (' '. PROGRAH NUMBER 370N-CQ-469 \ OSIVS BTAH ,J 996 (~~ 30 30 30 30 34 36 34 6C27-6985-0 GC27-6986-0 6C27-6989-3 GC27-6994-3 GC28-0607-2 GC28-0608-6 6C28-0610-0 36 36 GC28-0627-3 GC28-0628-4 5023-0006 6023-0177 6C28-0629-4 SD23-0209 6023-0227 5023-0244 GC28-0645-4 S023-0139 S023-0206 5023-0241 6C28-0646-4 39 39 39 5023-0207 G023-0228 S023-0242 37 6023-0259 6C28-0648-4 5023-0065 S023-0208 6023-0240 S023-0245 6C28-0665-3 5025-0036 6C28-0666-2 37 6C28-06~8-3 37 6025-0603 6025-0607 GC28-0673-6 39 37 ( 37 **GC28-0674-4 G023-0122 G023-0178 G023-0217 37 6C28-0675-4 37 **6C28-0677-6 34 6C28-0681-4 S023-0003 6023-0119 6023-0223 36 6C28-0683-3 6023-0114 6023-0229 34 6C28-0689-6 36 GC28-0692-5 37 6C28-0703-3 34 34 37 37 (/ 37 6C28-0706';'2 S023-0005 G023-0090 6023-0097 6023-0108 G023-0121 6C28-0707-2 6C28-0708-3 6C28-0709-2 SD23-0002 S023-0092 6023-0117 S023-0169 5023-0181 6C28-0710-1 6023-0118 5023-0140 6N30-3099 6N25-0167 GN25-0171 DOS/vS QTAM MPPS (MESSAGE PROCESSING PROGRAM SERVICES) DOS/VS QTAM l1CP (MESSAGE CONTROL PROGRAM) DOS/vS BTAM VTAM. 5752-801. LEVEL 2 MACRO LANGUAGE GUIDE INTRODUCTION TO JES3 RELEASE 3 OS/vS2 MYS SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: JES3 SUID 5752-818 OS/vS2 MYS JES3 R2 SELECTABLE UNIT SYSTEM INFORMATION. SUID 5752-812 OS/vS2 SYSTEM PROGRAt1t1ING LIBRARY: JOB MANAGEMENT OS/vS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: SUPERVISOR 6N28-4990 OS/vS2 MYS SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: TOO GN28-1036 6N28-4753 OS/vS2 TOO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE GN28-1037 GN28-1047 GN28-4754 6N28-4753 GN28-4699 OS/vS2 TOO CotIWI) LANGUA6E REFERENCE GN28-4924 6N28-4754 GN28-1042 GN28-4754 GN28-4699 GN28-4699 OS/vS2 TOO GUIDE TO WRITING A TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM OR COMMAND PROCESSOR 6N28-1031 GN28-1032 GN25-0305 0025-0346 0025-0333 GN28-0842 OS/vsl SERVICE AIDS (CURRENT RELEASE) GN25-0332 OS/vSl OLTEP OS/vSl SYSI. LOGREC ERROR RECORDING : REL 5, WITH 6N25-0318, REL 6 OS/VS SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM (SMP) SYSTEM PROGRAMMERS GUIOE SERVICE AIDS OS/vS2 MYS SPL (CURRENT RELEASE) GN28-0965 OS/vS2 OLTEP OS/vS2 SPL SYSI L()GREC ERROR RECORDING (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/vS2 MVS SYSTEM PROG LIBR INITIALIZATION AND TUNING GUIDE 0028-4698 OS/vs2 MYS SUPERVISOR SERVICES & MACRO INSTRUCTIONS GN28-4918 GN28-2931 OS/vS2 OS/VS2 OS/vS2 SUIO OS/vS2 CONVERSION NOTEBOOK MVS JCL SYSTEM PROGRAtt1ING LIBRARY: JES3 DEBUGGING GUIDE GUIDE 5752-826 RELEASE 3 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITIES (SMF) 6N28-2996 GN28-4695 OS/vs2 RELEASE 3.8 GUIDE, SCP 5752-VS2 OS/vS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: DEBUGGING HANDBOOK, VOLlI1E 1 OS/V52 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: DEBUGGING HANDBOOK, VOLlI1E 2 GN28-4725 GN28-4729 GN28-4766 OS/vs2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: DEBUGGING HANDBOOK, VOLUt1E 3 GN28-2972 GN28-4726 997 30 5023-0182 SC28-0722-10 GC28-0725-2 5023-0062 6023-0141 SD23-0183 SC28-0732-10 30 34 39 SC28-0733-7 GC28-0886-2 SC28-0912-0 34 GC28-0920-5 34 GC28-0921-2 34 SC28-0922-4 30 SC28-0942-3 34 34 30 GC28-0948-0 GC28-0953-1 SC28-0956-0 30 GC28-0957-2 20 20 30 20 GC28-0984-1 GC28-0991-0 GC28-1011-0 GC28-1012-0 34 30 GC28-1013-0 SC28-1014-0 30 SC28-1015-2 6N28-4965 30 SC28-1016-0 SN28-4966 34 GC28-1024-0 30 37 GC28-1025-14 20 30 **GC28-1027-5 34 **GC28-1029-4 34 **GC28-1030-4 6N28-4767 6N28-2993 6N28-2963 6N28-4925 SN28-2928 SN28-4963 SN28-4967 **6N28-5080 6N28-1096 40 **GC28-1031-3 20 GC28-1042-10 20 **GC28-1043-10 36 **GC28-1046-2 37 SC28-1047-1 39 34 39 6023-0236 SC28-104S-2 6023-0250 GC28-1049-2 6023-0251 6023-0304 GC28-1060-0 SC28-1061-7 GC2S-1062-1 SC28-1104-1 37 37 40 37 36 SC28-1106-2 SC28-1107-4 GC2S-110S-4 SC28-1109-0 GC28-1114-1 34 SC28-1115-5 30 SC28-1117-0 20 34 39 GC28-1118-9 SC2S-1122-0 6C28-1123-6 37 37 34 6N28-1083 6N28-0939 6N2S-1048 6N28-1049 SN28-0819 6N2S-0864 OSIVS2 t1VS RACF GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: t1VS DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES ( OSIVS2 t1VS RESOURCE ACCESS CONTROL FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS2 t1VS RACF COMt1AND LANGUAGE REFERENCE (CURRENT RE LEASE) OSIVS2 t1VS PERFORMANCE NOTEBOOK OSIVS2 t1VS T50 3270 EXTENDED DISPLAY SUPPORT - SESSION MANAGER, LIC PROS 5740-XE2, REFERENCE AND USERS GUIDE OSIVS2 t1VS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FACILITY (RMF) (CURRENT VERSION), LIC PROG 5740-XY4, SPECIFICATIONS OSIVS2 t1VS RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY (RMF) GENERAL INFORMATION OSIVS2 t1VS RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY (RMF) VERSION 2, LIC PROG 5740-XY4 REFERENCE & USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/VSl & OSIVS2 MVS PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY, LIC PROG 5740-XY5, GENERAL INFORMATION t1VS PROCESSOR SUPPORT SPECIFICATIONS VSl TO t1VS CONVERSION NOTEBOOK OSIVSl & OSIVS2 t1VS PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY, LIC PROG 5740-XY5, INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL OSIVSl & OSIVS2 t1VS PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY, LIC PROG 5740-XY5, SPECIFICATIONS OSIVS2 t1VS OVERVIEW VS2 t1VS SU64 SCP SPECIFICATIONS t1VS/XA MVS/SP VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.7 PROGRAM SUMMARY OSIVS2 t1VS RELEASE 3.8 SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS t1VS/SE PROGRAM SUMMARY, LIC PROS 5740-XEl OSIVSI & OSIVS2 t1VS CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-XY6, SPECIFICATIONS OSIVSI & OSIVS2 t1VS CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT GENERAL INFORMATION OSIVSl & OSIVS2 t1VS CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-XY6, INSTALLATION REFERENCE OSIVS2 t1VS SYSTEM EXTENSIONS RELEASE 2, LIC PROG 5740-XEl, SPECIFICATIONS t1VS/SP VERSION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RelEASE) 3081/3083 IOCP t1VS AND STNL USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE INITIALIZATION AND TUNING GUIDE OSIVS2 SPL (CURRENT RelEASE) 6N28-1 11 1 OSIVS2 t1VS SYSTEM PROGRAM LIBRARY, 5740-XYN, XYS, SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITY (SMF) (CURRENT RELEASE) OPERATOR'S LIBRARY, OSIVS2 t1VS SYSTEM COt1t1ANDS, LIC PROG 5740-XYN, -XYS (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS2 t1VS/SP-JES3 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RE LEASE) OSIVS2 t1VS/SP-JES2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) 6N2S-1113 OSIVS2 SPL SUPERVISOR (CURRENT RELEASE) 6N2S-0993 OSIVS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOlUME 1 t1VS/SP / j ". / i " / OSIVS2 SYSTEM PROGR""'ING LIBRARY DEBU66ING HAN)BOOK VOLUME 2 SUPPORT OSIVS2 t1VS/SP OSIVS2 SYSTEM PROGR""'ING LIBRARY DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 3 SUPPORT t1VS/sP t1VS PlANNING RECOVERY AND RECONFISURATION TSO/E GENERAL INFORMATION OSIVS2 t1VS PlANNING GLOBAL RESOURCE SERIALIZATION TSO EXTENSIONS, 5665-285, INTERACTIVE DATA TRANSMISSION FACILITY USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) SMP/E GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SMP/E REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) SMP/E MESSAGES AND COOES (CURRENT RELEASE) SMP/E TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE 6N2S-1114 OSIVS2 SUPERVISOR SERVICES AND MACRO INSTRUCTIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY VERSION 3 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS2 t1VS VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM/SP (VPSS/SP), LIC PROG 5665-292, SPECIFICATIONS t1VS/XA VERSION 2 t1VS/sP GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RelEASE) t1VS/SP VERSION i CONVERSIoN NOTEBooK TSO EXTENSIONS SPECIFICAT!ONS 998 (\ I \. / / 39 39 ( SC28-1134-0 SC28-1136-5 SN28-0816 34 **LC28-1138-2 **LN28-1115 20 GC28-1139-0 34 GC28-1143-5 20 36 GC28-1144-7 GC28-1147-2 34 GC28-1149-4 36 **GC28-1150-2 36 GC28-1151-3 GN28-1073 GN28-1105 GN28-1082 34 34 GC28-1152-2 GC28-1153-4 GN28-1122 36 GC28-1154-2 40 GC28-11S7-4 GN28-1141 36 GC28-11S8-1 GC28-11S9-2 GN28-1066 37 (~ \ (/ \ 34 GC28-1160-3 37 GC28-1l61-1 37 **GC28-1l62-1 LC28-1164-4 37 LD23-0211 LD23-0325 LD23-03S0 37 LC28-116S-4 LD23-0219 LD23-0326 LD23-03S1 37 LC28-1166-4 LD23-0302 LD23-0327 LD23-0352 37 LC28-1167-4 LD23-0303 LD23-0328 LD23-03S3 37 LC28-1168-4 LD23-0230 LD23-0329 LD23-0354 39 GC28-11 73-1 SD23-0267 34 GC28-1174-S 20 **6C28-1181-4 40 37 GC28-1182-0 GC28-1183-0 40 GC28-1194-4 40 30 SC28-1201-0 SC28-1202-0 30 20 SC28-1203-0 GC28-1204-0 40 39 20 40 GC28-1206-4 GC28-1274-0 SD23-0263 GC28-128S-9 GC28-1286-0 37 20 SC2S-1287-0 GC28-1289-0 GN28-0945 GN28-1069 GN28-0863 1..N28-1046 SN28-1029 f'lVSIXA TSO EXTENSIONS TSO COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE TSO/E GUIDE TO WRITING A TERMINAL tIONITOR PROGRAM OR COMt1AND PROCESSOR (CURRENT RELEASE) f'lVSIXA RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY REFERENCE AND USER'S GUIDE VERSION 3 RELEASE 2 (CURRENT RELEASE) t1VS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE PLANNING: EXTENDED RECOVERY FACILITY OCRF) t1VSIXA t1VS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 t1VS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 CONVERSION NOTEBOOK (CURRENT RELEASE) t1VS/XA t1VS/SP-JES2 2.1.3 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) GN28-0991 f'lVS/XA f'lVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 f'lVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 USER EXITS (CURRENT RELEASE) t1VSIXA f'lVS/SP VERSION 2 INITIALIZATION AND TUNING (CURRENT RELEASE) GN28-1081 f'IVS/XA t1VS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 t1VS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 VOLUME 1 SYSTEM MACROS AND FACILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) t1VSIXA t1VS/SP-JES2 f'lVS/SP-JES3 MACRO FACILITY VOLUME 2 (CURRENT RELEASE) f'lVSIXA SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS (CURR.ENT RELEASE) f'lVS/XA t1VS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 f'lVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 St1F (CURRENT RELEASE) t1VSIXA t1VS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 f'lVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 SUPERVISOR SERVICES AND MACRO INSTRUCTIONS t1VS/XA t1VS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 f'lVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 SYSTEMS CooES (CURRENT RELEASE) t1VS/XA 31-BIT ADDRESSING f'lVS/XA t1VS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 f'lVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 SERVICE AIDS (CURRENT RELEASE) f'lVS/XA PLANNING RECOVERY AND RECONFIGURATION (CURRENT RELEASE) t1VS/XA OLTEP GN28-1101 t1VS/XA SYSI. LOGREC ERROR RECORDING (CURRENT RELEASE) f'lVS/XA f'lVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 f'lVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) 1..N28-0861 f'IVS/XA f'lVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 2 (CURRENT RELEASE) 1..N28-1080 1..N28-1132 f'IVS/XA f'IVSISP-JES3 VERSION 2 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 3 (CURRENT RELEASE) LN28-105S 1..N28-1167 HVS/XA f'lVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 4 (CURRENT RELEASE) 1..N28-1125 HVS/XA f'lVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 5 (CURRENT RELEASE) t1VS/XA SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY TSO GN28-0883 GN28-1126 RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY VERSION 3 RELEASE 1 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDING EDITING AND PRINTING PROGRAM SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAtlMING SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) f'lVS INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES t1VS INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE f'IVS/XA f'lVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 f'lVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 ROUTING DESCRIPTOR CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) HVSIXA VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM OPERATOR COMMANDS t1VS/XA VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE HVS/XA VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE SPECIFICATIONS HVS/XA OPERATIONS SYSTEM COMMANDS (CURRENT RELEASE) I1VS/XA TSO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE 6N28-1038 f'lVSlXA VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) I1VSIXA VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM MESSAGES AND ROUTING DESCRIPTOR CODES I1VS/XA VECToR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM DEBUGGING GUIDE I1VS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS FoR JES3 SNAlNJE 999 39 GC28-1295-0 40 GC28-1296-0 37 HGC28-1297-3 37 GC28-1301-3 SC28-1302-5 37 36 GC28-1303-0 39 SC28-1304-2 39 SC28-1305-0 39 SC28-1306-0 39 SC28-1307-2 39 SC28-1309-0 39 30 30 30 30 30 30 37 34 20 GC28-1310-3 GC28-1313-1 **SC28-1314-1 **LC28-1315-1 GC28-1316-0 HSC28-1321-1 SC28-1322-0 HGC28-1325-2 HGC28-1327-2 HGC28-1328-1 6N28-1076 6N28-1100 I GN28-0959 SN28-1144 6N28-0971 SN28-1142 6N28-1143 34 HGC28-1329-2 39 39 39 GC28-1332-1 SC28-1333-2 GC28-1334-1 30 30 30 30 .20 SC28-1340-3 SC28-1341-1 SC28-1342-3 SC28-1343-2 GC28-1348-0 GC28-1349-2 GC28-1350-2 GC28-1351-2 GC28-1352-2 HGC28-1353-1 HGC28-1354-1 LC28-1369-2 LC28-1370-3 LC28-1371-1 LC28-1372-2 36 36 36 36 40 40 37 37 36 36 30 GC28-1373-0 40 HGC28..!1374-3 40 HGC28-1375-3 40 GC28-1376-4 40 GC28-1377-4 37 HGC28-1378-1 39 SC28-1379-2 39 SC28-1380-2 39 SC28-1381-1 SN28-0992 6N28-1084 6N28-1135 6N28-1136 6N28-1130 GN28-1129 LN28-1150 LN28-1151 LN28-1154 LN28-1153 GN28-4724 **GN28-0955 6N28-1139 GN28-1131 6N28-1140 6N28-5060 GN28-5062 GN31-8000 37 HLC28-1385-0 37 HLC28-1386-0 37 HLC28-1387-0 37 HLC28-1388-0 37 HLC28-1389-0 39 39 39 20 SC28-1390-1 SC28-1391-1 6C28-1392-1 GC28-1393-0 ENHANCEMENT MVSIXA TSO GUIDE TO loRITING A TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM OR A COMMAND PROCESSOR MVSIXA INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES MVSIXA IPCS USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) (' SMP/E SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) SMP/E USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ~-j OSIVS2 MVS SYSTEM PROGRAMMI~~ LIBRARY JOB MANAGEMENT T50/E CLISTS ItfPLEMENTATION AND REFERENCE TSO EXTENSIONS SESSION MANAGER TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE TSO EXTENSIONS SESSION MANAGER PROGRAM REFERENCE TSO/E COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE TSO/E PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE TO THE SERVER-REQUESTER PROGRAMMING INTERFACE FOR MVS/XA TSO/E TERMINAL MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIBULK DATA TRANSFER FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION MVSIBDT FACILITY INITIALIZATION AND NETWORK DEFINITION MVSIBULK DATA TRANSFER WRITING AND INSTALLING USER EXITS MVSIBDT FACILITY MESSAGES AND CODES MVSIBDT FACILITY WRITING AND USING TRANSACTIONS MVSIBDT FACILITY OPERATOR'S GUIDE VMIXA SYSTEMS FACILITY DUMP VIEWING FACILITY VMIXA MIGRATING REMOTE 3270 PROGRAM SUMMARY VMIXA MIGRATION AID REMOTE 3270 DISPLAY OPTION GENERAL INFORMATION VMlXA MIGRATION AID REMOTE 3270 DISPLAY OPTION USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE TSO/E ICF ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) TSO/E USER'S GUIDE TSO/E GUIDE TO GETTING STARTED WITH INFORMATION CENTER FACILITY (CURRENT RELEASE)· RACF SECURITY ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) RESOURCE ACCESS CONTROL FACILITY USER'S GUIDE RACF AUDITOR'S GUIDE SYSTEM REFERENCE LIBRARY (CURRENT RELEASE) RACF SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA OVERVIEW MVS/370, 5740-XYN, -XYS, JCL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/370, 5740-XYN, -XYS, JCL REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ,, MVS/XA JCL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA JCL REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA MESSAGE LIBRARY JES2 MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/370, JES2. 5740-XYS. MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) JES3 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA JES3 DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) JES3 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY USER MODIFICATIONS AND MACROS MVSIXA SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY USER MODIFICATIONS AND MACROS (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIBDT FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS MVS/370 MESSAGE LIBRARY SYSTEM MESSAGES VOLUME 1 AHL-IEA MVS/370 MESSAGE LIBRARY SYSTEM MESSAGES VOLUME 2 IEC-ISG MVSIXA MESSAGE LIBRARY SYSTEM MESSAGES VOLUME 1 ADY-IEB MVSIXA MESSAGE LIBRARY SYSTEM MESSAGES VOLUME 2 IEC-ISG EREP USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) LN28-1079 GN28-1172 6N28-5061 6N28-5063 T50/E SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY INSTALLATION AND PLANNING VOLUME 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) TSO/E SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY USER EXITS AND MODIFICATIONS VOLUME 2 (CURRENT RELEASE) SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY T50 EXTENSIONS COMMAND AND MACRO REFERENCE VOLUME 3 MVS/370 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: 5740-XYN, -XYS. DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 1 MVS/370 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: 5740-XYN. XYS. DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 2 DATA AREAS A-D MVS/370 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: 5740-XYN, XYS, DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 3 DATA AREAS E-M MVS/370 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: 5740-XYN. -XYS. DEBUGGING HAtIDBOOK VOLUME 4 DATA AREAS N-R MVS/370 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY: 5740-XYN, -XYS, DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 5 DATA AREAS S-Z TSO HOST SERVER FOR THE PC XT/370 USER'S GUIDE TSO HOST SERVER FOR THE PC XT/370 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 1/ T50 HOST SERVER FOR THE PC XT1370 NOTICE \. MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.3 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.3 PROGRAM SUMMARY tooo " / / ( ( 20 GC28-1394-0 34 34 34 34 20 GC28-1395-0 GC28-1396-0 GC28-1397-1 GC28-l398-3 GC28-l402-0 36 37 39 20 36 LC28-1404-0 LC28-l405-0 SC28-14l0-0 6C28-l500-0 SC28-l50l-1 LN28-1128 LN28-1152 34 LC28-l556-0 LN28-11l8 34 LC28-1557-0 34 SC28-15S8-0 34 LC28-1559-0 21 36 20 21 31 37 25 36 34 40 36 25 25 37 21 40 32 6C28-2000-5 GC28-2001-9 GC28-2003-6 GC28-2004-6 GC28-2005-4 GC28-2006-1 GC28-2007-4 GC28-2008-5 GC28-2010-7 GC28-2017-5 6C28-2024-4 GC28-2025-5 GC28-2026-4 6C28-2028-0 6C28-2032-6 GC28-2033-8 6C28-2038-5 Ge28-2045-1 Ge28-2046-1 6C28-2048-4 29 29 20 30 38 24 GC28-2049-1 GC28-2056-2 GC28-2057-1 GC28-6394-7 24 6C28-6396-6 24 6C28-6402-4 24 GC28-6407-2 24 6C28-642 1-4 24 GC28-6431-2 24 SC28-6432-1 24 SC28-6433-3 24 SC28-6434-1 24 24 6C28-6435-1 6026-6074 SC28-6437-3 24 SC28-6438-1 24 24 SC28-6439-1 SC28-6441-5 24 SC28-6442-2 29 ( 6N20-3941 6N28-3206 6N20-4106 GN20-3809 6N28-3198 6N28-3207 6N28-3171 6N28-3208 SN20-9168 HVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.3 HVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.3 AVAILABILITY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY HVS/SP 5740-XYN,-XYS, VERSION I RELEASE 3.5 PROGRAM SUMMARY HVS/SP, 5740-XYS, VERSION 1 RELEASE 3.6 PROGRAM SUMMARY HVSIXA HVS/SP VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.5 PROGRAM SUMMARY RMF VERSION 3 RELEASE 3 PROGRAM SUMMARY HVS/SP-JES3 VERSION I PROGRAM SUMMARY FOR JES3 SNAlNJE ENHANCEMENT HVSIXA SPL, 5665-291, JES3 USER MODIFICATIONS AND MACROS HVSIXA, 5665-291, JES3 DIAGNOSIS VMlPC USER'S GUIDE FOR HVS/XA HOST SERVICES HVS/SP VERSION 2 RELEASE 20. GENERAL INFORMATION HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE: 5665-291, JES3 CONVERSION NOTEBOOK RELEASE 1.5 HVSIXA RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY MONITOR I AND II REFERENCE AND USER'S GUIDE HVSIXA RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY MONITOR III REFERENCE AND USER'S GUIDE HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE, 5665-274, RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY (RMF) SYSTEM AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT USER'S GUIDE RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY (RMF), 5665-274, SYSTEM AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT DIAGNOSIS GUIDE IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM COMMAND SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES 6N20-7000 IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM ASSEMBLER USER MACRO INSTRUCTIONS IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM LINKAGE EDITOR TIME SHARING SYSTEM, TIME SHARING SUPPORT SYSTEM IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV LANGUAGE IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE TIME SHARING SYSTEM, SYSTEM GENERATION & MAINTENANCE IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM MANAGER'S AND ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV PROGRAMtlER' S GUIDE! IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM FORTRAN IV LIBRARY SUBPROGRAMS 6N28-321l IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM TEST AND MAINTENANCE USER'S GUIDE IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM ASSEMBLER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM OPERATOR'S GUIDE IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM INDEPENDENT UTILITIES 6N28-3185 IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM PlII lANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUAL IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM PlII LIBRARY COMPUTATIONAL SUBROUTINES TIME SHARING SYSTEM, A PRIMER FOR FOR~AN IV USERS, PROG NO 360G-CL-627 IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM PlII PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM DATA MANAGEMENT FACILITIES IBM TIME SHARING SYSTEM REMOTE JOB ENTRY DOS FULL ANS COBOL PROG NOS 360N-CB-482 (V2), 5736-CB2, -LH2 (V3), 5746-CBI, -lH4, REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS FULL ANS COBOL PROG NOS 360S-CB-545 (V2), 5734-CBI (V3), 5734-CB2, -tN2 (V4), PROGRAt~ER'S REFERENCE DOS SUBSET ANS COBOL COMPILER & LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5736-CBI, GENERAL INFORMATION IBM OS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY, VERSION 3: GENERAL INFORMATION, PROS. NO. 5734-CBl DOS FULL ANS COMPILER AND LIBRARY V3, GENERAL INFORMATION, PROS PROD 5736-CB2, -tN2 OS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER & LIBRARY LIC PROG 5734-CB2, -tN2, PlANNING GUIDE OS FULL ANS COBOL COMPILER & LIBRARY VERSION 3 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL, PROG. PROD. 5734-CBl OS TSO COBOL PROMPTER, 5734-CPI, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS (1S0) COBOL PROMPTER INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROG PROD 5734-CPl OS TSO COBOL PROMPTER, LIC PROG 5734-CPI, SPECIFICATIONS OS FULL ANS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY VERS 3, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE, PROG PROD 5734-CBI DOS SUBSET ANS COMPILER AND LIBRARY INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROG PROD 5736-SCl DOS SUBSET ANS COBOL COMPILER & LIBRARY PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE DOS FULL ANS COBOL COMPILER & LIBRARY VERSION 3 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE, PROG. PRODUCTS 5736-CB2, 5736-tN2 IBM DOS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY, VERSION 3 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL PROS. NOS. 5736-CB2, 5736-LH2 1001 24 6C28-6443-4 24 GC28-6444-3 24 GC28-6454-3 24 SC28-6456-4 24 SC28-6458-2 24 GC28-6464-2 24 SC28-6465-2 24 SC28-6468-3 24 SC28-6469-5 24 6C28-6470-2 24 24 6C28-6472-2 GD26-6075 GC28-6473-4 24 SC28-6478-5 24 SC28-6479-3 24 SC28-6481-2 24 SC28-6483-2 24 GC28-6485-1 GD26-6076 SC28-6486-0 28 24 25 32 6C28-6487-3 6026-6077 6C28-6515-11 6C28-6758-0 32 6C28-6759-2 39 32 GC28-6762-4 SC28-6765-4 32 SC28-6767-2 85 85 29 6C28-6794-0 SC28-6808-1 GC28-6825-3 29 SC28-6833-1 29 SC28-6834-2 23 SC28-6835-2 34 SC28-6836-2 39 SC28-6838-0 39 SC28-6839-1 39 SC28-6841-1 25 SC28-6842-2 25 SC28-6852-2 25 SC28-6853-1 DOS FULL ANS COMPILER VERS 3 REL 3. PROG PROD 5736-CB2. SPECIFICATIONS DOS FULL ANS COBOL OBJECT TIME SUBROUTINE LIBRARY. VERS 3. PROG PROD 5736-LM2. SPECIFICATIONS OS TSO COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG 8: COBOL PROMPTER. LIC PROG (\ 5734-CB4, -CPI, GENERAL INFORMATION OS FULL AMERICAL NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER & LIBRARY VERSION 4. LIC PROG 5734-CB2, -LM2, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE IBM OS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY, VERSION 4. INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROS. NOS. 5734-CB2. LM2 OS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER 8: LIBRARY VERSION 4. LIC PROG 5734-CB2, -LM2. SPECIFICATIONS SN20-9279 OS COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG. LIC PROG 5734-CB4. USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG, LIC PROG 5734-CB4. INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/370, 5734-CB2, -LM2, 5740-CBI. -LMI, 5746-CBI, -LM4, CMS USER'S GUIDE F()R COBOL (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS COBOL COMPILER 8: LIBRARY, LIC PROS 5740-CBI, -LMI GENERAL INFORMATION OSIVS COBOL COMPILER 8: LIBRARY. LIC PROG 5740-CBI, -LMI SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS COBOL COMPILER 8: LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5746-CBI, -lM4, GENERAL INFORMATION DOS/VS COBOL. 5746-CBI. -lM4. COMPILER AND LIBRARY PROGRAMMER' GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS COBOL COttPILER Atl) LIBRARY. LIC PROG 5746-CBI. -lM4 INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS COBOL COMPILER At-ID LIBRARY, 5740-CBI, -LMI. PROGRAMMER '5 GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS COBOL INTERACTIVE DEBUG. LIC PROG 5734-CB4 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS RPG II COMPILER 8: AUTO REPORT FEATURE. LIC PROG 5736-RGl INSTALLATION REFERENCE DOSIVS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY. LIC PROG 5746-CBl. -lM4 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) / --'\ FORTRAN IV LANGUAGE. 5748-F02. REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) IBM SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM DATA SET UTILITIES SUPPORT FOR / ASC II (PPOO) PROG. NO. 5734-UT2 PROGRAM PRODUCT DESIGN OBJECTIVES OSIMFT, OSIl1VT, AND OSIVS DATA SET UTILITIES SUPPORT FOR ASCII - PPS - PROG. NO. 5734-UT2 OSIHVT AND OSIVS2 TSO TERMINALS MANUAL OSII1VT AND OSIVS2 TSO DATA UTILITIES: COPY. FORMAT. LIST 8: MERGE: USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE. PROG. NO. 5734-Un OSIl1VT AND OSIVS2 TSD DATA UTILITIES: COPY, FORMAT, LIST, I1ERGE SYSTEI1 INFORMATION GUIDE TO PLIS II A PLII PRIMER: STIJDENT TEXT SYSTEMl360 OSIDOS AND OS (TSO) ITF: PLII AND BASIC PROS PROD 5734-RCI, -RC2, -RC3, -RC4, 5736-RCl, -RC2, GENERAL INFORMATION IBI1 SYSTEMl360 OSIDOS ITF: PLII INTRODUCTION PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RCI. 5736-RCl IBM SYSTEMl360 OSIDOS ITF: PLII TERI1INAL USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RCI. 5736-RCl IBI1 SYSTEMl360 OSIDOS ITF: BASIC TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBERS 5736-RC2, 5734-RC3 IBM SYSTEMl360 OSIDOS ITF INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC1, 3; 5736-RC1, 2 IBM SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTION·) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: PLII INTRODUCTION PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-RC2 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTION) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: PLll TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-RC2 5/360 OPERATING SYSTEM (TIME SHARING OPTION) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY INSTALLATION REFERENCE MANUAL SYSTEMl360 OS (TSO COOE AtID GO FORTRAN PROCESSOR TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE, PROS PROD 5734-FOI. -LMI (\ OS FOR.TRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER. 5734-F03. -U13, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ~-j OS CODE & GO FORTRAN 8: FORTRAN IV (Gl). LIC PROG 5734-FOI. 0 SN20-9176 SN26-8056 GN30-3075 SN20-9202 1002 25 ( 25 GC28-6854-2 GD26-6078 SC28-6855-2 25 SC28-6856-1 25 SC28-6858-1 25 SC28-6859-1 25 SC28-6861-2 25 25 GC28-6862-2 6026-6079 GC28-6863-2 GD26-6080 SC28-6864-0 25 SC28-6865-2 25 SC28-6868-0 38 25 GC28-6878-4 SD25-0020 GC28-6879-3 SD25-0019 GC28-6882-3 25 SC28-6883-2 25 GC28-6884-2 25 SC28-6885-3 25 SC28-6886-1 SN20-9377 25 25 GC28-6888-3 6026-6081 SC28-6891-1 SN20-9201 25 25 GC28-6893-0 GC28-6894-0 39 GC28-6895-0 29 GC28-6897-0 85 SC28-8300-0 23 GC28-8302-5 23 23 GC28-8303-2 SC28-8304-2 23 SC28-8306-1 23 SC28-8308-1 23 SC28-8309-3 85 SC28-8310-0 23 GC28-8311-3 6026-6082 GC28-8313-0 6C30-1011-0 GC30-2012-2 6C30-2014-2 6C30-2016-2 6C30-2041-3 25 38 ( ( / 50 30 38 38 38 30 SN20-9191 SN24-5583 GN24-5743 GN24-5562 GN26-0902 -F02, -LM1, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN IV (G1) PROCESSOR FOR OS & VM/370 (CMS), LIC PROG 5734-F02, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS TSO FORTRAN IV (G1) PROCESSOR, TSO FORTRAN PROMPTER, LIC PROG 5734-F02, -CP3, -LM1, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE FORTRAN IV (Gl) PROCESSOR AND TSO FORTRAN PRDtlPTER FOR OS & VM/370 (CMS), LIC PROG 5734-F02, -CP3, INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MOD IJ FOR OS & VM/370 (CMS): INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LMl CODE AND GO FORTRAN PROCESSOR FOR OS & VM/370 (CMS): INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, PROG. NO. 5734-FOl FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER AND LIBRARY (MODI!) FOR OS AND VM/370 (CMS): INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL, 5734-LM3, -F03 (CURRENT RELEASE) SYSTEM/360 OS FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER LIC PROS 5734-F03, SPECIFICATIONS OS FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MOD I!), LIC PROG 5734- LM3 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN IV MATHEMATICAL & SERVICE SUBPROGRAMS: SUPPLEMENT FOR MOD I & MOD II LIBRARIES, LIC PROG 5734-LM1, -LM3 (CURRENT RELEASE) OS FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED) COMPILER AND LIBRARY (MOOII) , 5734-LM3, -F03, MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) SYSTEM/360 OS FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED PLUS) COMPILER AND LIBRARY PRPQ USER SUPPLEMENT, PROG 5799-AAW GN24-5742 OS/vSl RES SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE GN24-5742 GN24-5581 OS/vsl RES WORKSTATION USER'S GUIDE DOS FORTRAN IV LIBRARY OPTION I, LIC PROG 5746-LM3 SPECIFICATIONS DOS FORTRAN IV LIBRARY OPTION 1 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SUPPLEMENT, PROG PROD 5746-LM3 FORTRAN PROGRAM PRODUCTS FOR OS & VM/370 (CMS), LIC PROG 5734-FOl, -F02, -F03, -F05, -LMl, -LM3, -CP3, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR CMS & TSO, LIC PROG 5734-F05 GUIDE & REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR CMS & TSO, LIC PROG 5734-F05 INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR CMS & TSO, LIC PROG 5734-F05 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) SN20-9225 FORTRAN IV PROGRAM PRODUCTS FOR VM/370 (CMS), LIC PROG 5734-FOl, -F02, -F03, -LMl, -LM3, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CODE AND GO FORTRAN FOR OS AND VM/370 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MOD I) FOR OS & VM/370 (CMS), PROG. PROD. 5734-LM1 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OS (TSO) INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: Pl/I AND BASIC, FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION - PROG NOS. 5734-RC2; 5734-RC4 OS INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: Pl/I AND BASIC - PROG. NOS. 5734-RC1, 5734-RC3, - FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION B IS FOR BASIC: AN INTRODUCTION TO VS BASIC lHlER TSO LIC PROG 5748-XX1 (CURRENT RELEASE) VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XX1, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XXl, REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XXl, TSO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XXl, CMS TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XX1, OS/vS & DOS/vS PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XX1, INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL (CURRENT RELEASE) B IS FOR BASIC AN INTRODUCTION TO VS BASIC lHlER CMS LIC PROG 5748-XXI (CURRENT RELEASE) VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XX1, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VIDEO/370 INCLUDING THE CICS FEATURE GENERAL INFORMATION OS/vS2 MYS TCAM9 LIC PROG 5752-VS2, SYSTEM INFORMATION OS/MFT, OS/MVT, AND OS/vSl: CRJE CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES OS/MFT, OS/MVT, AND OS/vSl: CRJE TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE OS/MFT. OS/MVT, AND OS/vSl: CRJE SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE OS/vs2 TeAM (LEVELS 8 & 9) PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE 1003 GN30-2593 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 6C30-2042-0 GC30-2044-1 6C30-2045-1 GC30-2046-0 6C30-2047-0 GC30-2049-1 GC30-2050-0 30 6C30-2051-3 30 6C30-2052-2 30 30 GC30-2054-2 Ge30-2056-0 GH30-3048 30 30 Ge30-3001-5 Ge30-3003-2 GN30-3129 09 Ge30-3004-6 30 Ge30-3005-8 30 30 GC30-3006-4 GC30-3008-5 09 6C30-3020-3 09 GC30-3021-3 30 Ge30-3024-4 GN30-3159 30 6C30-3028-4 GN30-3165 50 30 30 Ge30-3033-1 Ge30-3035-2 GC30-3036-1 GN30-3132 GN30-3161 GN30-3137 30 Ge30-3037-0 GN30-3090 30 Ge30-3039-1 GN30-3105 30 Ge30-3040-2 30 Ge30-3044-1 30 Ge30-3046-0 50 50 GC30-3049-0 Ge30-3057-3 50 Ge30-3058-3 38 GC30-3064-0 50 Ge30-3071-0 20 20 09 50 Ge30-3072-3 Ge30-3073-2 Ge30-3074-0 SC30-3078-1 50 SC30-3079-5 50 Ge30-3081-1 20 tf*GC30-3084-2 20 SC30-3U2-2 30 SC30-3113-0 :sO SC30-3U4-0 50 SC30-3U7-1 50 SC30-3U8-1 GH30-2598 GH30-2594 GN30-3032 GN30-3102 GN30-3088 os TCAM (LEVELS 8 & 9) CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES OS/VS TCAM LEVELS 5 & 6 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE: VS2 REL 1.6, 1.7 OS/VS TCAM (LEVELS 8 & 9), USER'S GUIDE OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OSIVS2 TCAM (LEVELS 8 & 9) OS/vSl TCAM (LEVELS 8 & 9), OPERATOR'S LIBRARY OS/VS TCAM UVNCPIVS FOR SNA) CONCEPTS & APPLICATIONS ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FOR TCAM, LIC PROG 5735-RC1, GENERAL INFORMATION OS/VS TCAM SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE TCAM LEVEL 10 SELECTABLE UNIT (SU) IDENTIFIERS: 5741-602 (OS/vSl SU ID)5 5742-UY99915 (OS/SVS ICR); 5752-836 (OSIMVS SU ID) OS/VS TCAM MACRO REFERENCE GUIDE, TCAM LEVEL 10 (SU ID 5741-602 AND 5752-836) OS/vSl TCAM (LEVELS 8 & 9) PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE OS/vS2 TCAM LEVEL 10 SelECTABLE UNIT SYSTEM INFORMATION, SUID 5752-836 3735 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (OS, DOS, & VS SYSTEMS) 3704/3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3704, 3705-1, AND 3705-11 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 3704 & 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS, EMULATION PROGRAM STORAGE AND PERFORMANCE REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) STORAGE ESTIMATES & PERFORMANCE PLANNING FOR 3704 & 3705 NCP 6N30-3126 3704 & 3705 CONTROL PROGRAM GENERATION & UTILITIES GUIDE & SCP 5742, 5744-AN1, -BA2, 5747-AGI, -AJ2 (CURRENT RELEASE) TELEPROCESSING PREINSTALLATION GUIDE FOR IBM 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS TELEPROCESSING INSTALLATION RECORD FOR IBM 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS IBM 3650 SUBSYSTEM PROGRAM PREPARATION SUPPORT - APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE, SCP 5747-BJ2 & 5744-BQ2 3773, 3774, & 3775 PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION TERMINALS PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE INTRODUCTION TO ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION 3650 RETAIL STORE SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE REL 3.0 AND 3.1 OS/VS TCAM (LEVEL 10) APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE SUIDS 5741-602, 5752-836, ICR 5742 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OS/VS TCAM (LEVEL 10), SUID 5741-602, 5752-836. ICR 5742 OS/VS TCAM INSTALLATION AND MIGRATION GUIDE LEVEL 10 SELECTABLE UNIT (SU) IDENTIFIERS; 5741-602 (OS/vSl SU ID) 5742-UY99915 (OS/SVS ICR); 5752-836 (OSIMVS SU ID) OS/VS TCAM DEBUGGING GUIDE LEVEL 10, OS/vSl SUID 5741-602, OSIMVS SUID 5752-836, OS/SVS ICR 5742-UY99915 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VSl TCAM LEVEL 10 MESSAGES OS/vSl SU ID 5741-602 OS/vSl TCAM LEVEL 10 SELECTABLE UNIT SYSTEM INFORMATION, SU ID 5741-602 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAM CONCEPTS AND PlANNING ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAM VERSION 2, LIC PROS 5735-RC3, GENERAL INFORMATION: INTRODUCTION ACFINCP/VS NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS, 5735-XXl, -XX3, 5747-CHl, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) 3770 REMOTE JOB ENTRY (RJE) SYSTEM NETWORK ARCHITECTURE (SNA) INSTALLATION GUIDE ACFINCP VERSION 2 FOR THE 3725 ACF/SSP VERSION 2 FOR THE 3725 EP FOR THE 3725 GENERAL INFORMATION INFORMATION CONCEPTS AND PRODUCTS SNA TECHNICAL OVERVIEW SNA 3705-80 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION X.25 NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION X.25 NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE HANDBOOK (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER GENERAL INFORMATION SNA TRANSACTION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL FOR W TYPE 6.2 IBM SYSTEMS NETWORK ARCHITECTURE FORMAT AND PROTOCOL REFERENCE MANUAL: ARCHITECTURAL LOGIC NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM: STRUCTURE OVERVIEW FOR STARTISTOP AND BSC LINE CONTROL STORAGE ESTIMATES AND PERFORMANCE PlAtfllNG FOR THE 3705 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAM, LIC PROS 5735-RCl, SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR. TCAM MACRO REFERENCE GUIDE 1004 ~ / (: 50 SC30-3119-0 SN30-3138 50 SC30-3120-0 SN30-3108 50 SC30-3121-0 SN30-3112 50 SC30-3122-1 50 SC30-3123-1 SO SC30-3124-0 50 SO 50 GC30-3131-4 SC30-3132-4 SC30-3133-4 50 SC30-3134-5 50 SC30-313S-1 50 **SC30-3136-6 50 SO ( SC30-3137-S SC30-3138-3 SN30-3227 50 **SC30-3140-6 SO SC30-3142-1 SO SC30-3143-1 50 SC30-314S-1 SN30-3171 50 SC30-31S0-1 50 SC30-3152-3 SO SC30-31S3-2 SO 50 SC30-3154-0 SC30-3156-0 SN30-3204 50 50 SC30-3158-0 SC30-3162-0 SN30-3201 50 SC30-3163-3 50 SC30-3164-3 50 SC30-3165-2 50 **SC30-3166-3 50 SC30-3167-0 ( 50 50 50 50 50 50 SC30-3168-1 SC30-3169-6 SC30-3170-0 SC30-3171-0 SC30-3172-1 SC30-3178-0 50 SO 30 34 34 SC30-3179-0 6C30-3189-3 6C30-3191-3 SC30-3192-2 SC30-3193-3 34 SC30-3194-1 34 SC30-319S-1 34 SC30-3196-2 34 SC30-3197-1 50 50 SC30-3199-0 SC30-3200-4 SN30-3230 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAM APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS GUIDE SN30-3115 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR ACFITCAM MESSAGES OSIVS PROGRAM PRODUCT 5735-RCI ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR TCAM, LIC PROG 5735-RCl, INSTALLATION AND MIGRATION GUIDE ADVANCED C0l1MUNICATION FUNCTION FOR TCAM, LIC PROG 5735-RCl, DEBUGGING GUIDE ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAM, LIC PROG 573S-RCl, OPERATOR'S GUIDE ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAM AND NCP (ACFITCAM NCP), LIC PROG S73S-RC1, -XXI, -XX3, BIBLIOGRAPHY AND MASTER INDEX ACFITCAM, VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION: FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ACFITCAM, VERSION 2 BASE INSTALLATION GUIDE, LIC PROG S735-RC3 ACFITCAM RELEASE 1 VERSION 2, LIC PROG S735-RC3, INSTALLATION REFERENCE ACFITCAM, VERSION 2 INSTALLATION: SAMPLE PROGRAMS, LIC PROG 5735-RC3 RELEASE 1 ACFITCAM VERSION 2, LIC PROG 5735-RC3 ASSET ASSIGNMENTS 9001 AND 6003, MYS 5752 TC221, VSl 5741 TC221, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING ACFITCAM VERSION 2 OPERATION ASSET ASSIGNMENT 9001 AND 6003 MYS 5752-TC221 VSl S741-TC221 ACFITCAM, VERSION 2: DIAGNOSIS, LIC PROG 5735-RC3 SN30-3237 ACFITCAM VERSION 2, SERVICE FACILITIES, SYSTEM SERVICE PROGRAMS AND UTILITIES ACFITCAM 5735-RC3; VSl 5741-TC221; MYS 57S2-TC221 ACF/TCAM, VERSION 2 MESSAGES, LIC PROG 5735-RC3 ACFINCPIVS SSP, 5735-XXl, -XX3. RELEASE 2.1 INSTALLATION ACFINCPIVS SSP. 5735-XX1. -XX3. RELEASE 2.1 UTILITIES ACF/NCP/VS & SSP LIC PROG S735-XXI. -XX3. MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS VERSION 1. PRIMER MASTER TERMINAL OPERATORS GUIDE ACFITCAM, LIC PROG 573S-RC3. MYS 5752-TC221 ACFITCAM. VERSION 2 SUPPORT FOR IBM SUBSYSTEMS 573S-RC3; ASSET ASSIGNMENT NUMBERS 9007 and 6003 MYS 5752 TC221 ACFITCAM VERSION 2, NETWORKING INSTALLATION GUIDE, LIC PROG S735-RC3. MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING FACILITY FEATURE 6003 ACFINCPIVS SSP. 5735-XXl, -XX3, INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAMIVS DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCPIVS SSP. 5735-XX1. -XX3. UTILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR TCAM AND NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM BIBLIOGRAPHY AND MASTER INDEX X.25 NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE FOR THE 3705 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION X.25 NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE NLDM INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP/SSP VERSION 2 INSTALLATION PROGRAM AND SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP/SSP UTILITIES VERSION 2 (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP/SSP VERSION 2 MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/NCP V2 CUSTOMER NOTICE ACFINCP/SSP VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE EP/3725 GENERATION AND UTILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP AND ACF/SSP FOR THE 3725 INSTALLATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP ACF/SSP DEFINITION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) X.25 NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE GENERAL INFORMATION REPORT MANAGEMENT DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM GENERAL INFORMATION REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION/OPERATIONS REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ARCHIVE ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 3290 INFORMATION PANEL SUPPORT REFERENCE REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ARCHIVE ADMINISTRATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM USER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY ACFINCP ACF/SSP FOR THE 3705 RESOURCE DEFINITION REFERENCE X.25 NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE FOR THE 3725 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE 1005 50 SC30-3201-4 50 SC30-3202-4 50 50 50 SC30-3224-0 SC30-3225-0 SC30-3227-0 50 SC30-322S-0 50 SC30-3233-1 50 **SC30-3234-1 50 GC30-3235-1 50 **SC30-3236-1 50 SC30-3237-1 50 SC30-323S-1 50 **SC30-3239-1 50 SC30-3240-1 SC30-3241-1 50 50 **SC30-3242-2 50 50 SC30-3251-1 SC30-3252-1 50 **SC30-3253-1 50 SC30-3254-l 50 50 SC30-3255-0 SC30-3261-1 50 50 SC30-3264-0 SC30-3270-0 50 **SC30-3275-1 SC30-3278-0 50 50 **SC30-3287-2 50 SC30-3288-1 50 **SC30-3309-0 SC30-3333-0 50 50 SC30-3338-2 20 50 SC30-3346-0 SC30-3347-0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 SC30-3348-0 SC30-3349-0 SC30-335l-0 SC30-3352-1 SC30-3360-l SC30-3363-0 SC30-3364-0 SC30-3366-0 SC30-3376-0 SC30-3403-1 SC30-3407-0 50 50 SC30-3423-0 GC30-9507-0 50 GC30-950S-0 30 GC30-9509-0 30 50 GC30-9510-1 GC30-951l-1 30 GC30-9516-1 50 GC30-9519-2 50 GC30-9520-1 50 GC30-9525-1 X.25 NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE FOR THE 3725 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION X.25 NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE FOR THE 3725 REFERENCE SUMMARY ACFINCP ACF/SSP INSTALLATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION GUIDE /\ ACFINCP ACF/SSP FOR THE 3705 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE I ACFINCP VERSION 3 ACF/SSP VERSION 2 RESOURCE DEFINITION \ "j REFERENCE FOR THE 3725 ACF/NCP/SSP DIAGNOSIS GUIDE S.3 ACF/TCAM VERSION 3 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING ACF/TCAM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ACF/TCAM VERSION 3 GENERAL INFORMATION ACF/TCAM INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION AND CUSTOMIZATION REFERENCE ACF/TCAM INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION CUSTOMIZATION ACF/TCAM VERSION 3 MESSAGES ACF/TCAM VERSION 3 OPERATIONS ACF/TCAM VERSION 3 PLANNING GUIDE ACF/TCAM VERSION 3 SERVICE FACIL~TIES SYSTEM SERVICE PROGRAMS AND UTILITIES EMULATION PROGRAM FOR THE 3705 GENERATION AND UTILITIES GUIDE REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/TCAM VERSION MIGRATION ACFINCP VERSIONS 3 AND 4 AND SSP MIGRATION VERSION 3 (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP/SSP INSTALLATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/NCP/SSP VERSION 3 RESOURCE DEFINITION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP/SSP DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/SSP VERSION 3 RELEASE 2 CONFIGURATION CONTROL PROGRAM FACILITY USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NCCF INSTALLATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/VTAM VERSION 2 LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT FOR X.21 SWITCHED NETWORK SUPPORT ACF/VTAM VERSION 3 MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION AND CUSTOMIZATION NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER INSTALLATION '\ NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER MESSAGES AND CODES YM/SNA NPP SAMPLES (CURRENT RELEASE) / NLDM INSTALLATION R2 (FOR YM) EMULATION PROGRAM INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION AND DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) SNA FORMAT AND PROTOCOL REFERENCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION, INSTALLATION, MIGRATION AND RESOURCE DEFINITION NCP/SSP GENERATION AND LOADI~ GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NCP/SSP RESOURCE DEFINITION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS PLANNING (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS SAMPLES NETVIEW (CURRENT RELEASE) NETVIEW INSTALLATION AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE NETVIEW OPERATION PRIMER NETVIEW OPERATION NETVIEW HARDWARE PROBLEM DETERMINATION REFERENCE NETVIEW OPERATION SCENARIOS NETWORK PROGRAM PRODUCTS STORAGE ESTIMATES (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY INSTALLATION, RESOURCE DEFINITION AND CUSTOMIZATION NETVIEW COMMAND LISTS ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR NCP/vS, SPECIFICATIONS PROG PROD 5735-XXl SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS FOR ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION/NCPIVS, PROG PROD 5735-XX3, SPECIFICATIONS EMULATOR PROGRAM, EXTENDED FEATURES PRPQ, PROG 5799-ATD, SPECIFICATIONS MVS NCPIVS TeAM LVL 10, 5752-836 SPECIFICATIONS ACF/TCAM INCLUDING A FEATURE FOR MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING SPECIFICATIONS TCAM NCP/vS DIRECT (TCAM LEVEL 10) SU 2; SCP 5741-VSl TCAM 10 SUPPORT, SUID 5741-602, SPECIFICATIONS SUl2 ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR TCAM (ACF/TCAM) SUID 5735-RC1, SCP 5741-VS1, ACF/TCAM SUPPORT SPECIFICATIONS ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR TCAM (ACF/TCAM), LIC PROG (- , 5735-RC3, PROGRAM SUMMARY ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR TCAM (ACF/TCAM) VERSION 2 / 1006 ( ( 50 50 SC30-9526-0 GC30-9527-1 50 6C30-9528-0 50 GC30-9529-1 50 SC30-9530-1 SO 50 6C30-9S31-1 GC30-9533-0 SO 30 GC30-9534-0 GC30-9S40-0 50 SO GC30-9541-0 GC30-9542-0 SO SO 50 SO 50 SO 50 6C30-9543-0 GC30-9S44-0 GC30-954S-1 GC30-9550-0 GC30-9S51-0 GC30-9554-0 GC30-9555-5 20 50 GC30-9562-1 6C30-9S64-1 50 GC30-9565-1 50 50 6C30-9566-1 GC30-9567-3 50 GC30-9569-1 50 SO GC30-9S71-1 GC30-9573-1 SO 6C30-9S74-0 50 6C30-957S-2 SO SO 50 GC30-9577-2 GC30-9S78-1 GC30-9579-2 SO 6C30-9S83-2 50 GC30-9584-2 50 SO SO GC30-958S-2 GC30-9S88-1 6C30-9591-1 50 GC30-9596-1 50 30 6C30-9597-1 GC31-0001-1 30 SC31-0002-1 30 **GC31-0003-1 09 SC31-0009-0 30 30 SC31-0500-0 SC31-0503-0 09 30 GC31-0S04-0 SC31-0505-0 30 GC31-0S06-0 GN31-7513 SPECIFICATIONS ACFITCAM, LIC PROG 5735-RC3, PROGRAM SUMMARY ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR NCPIVS (ACFINCPIVS) RELEASE 3, LIC PROG 573S-XX1, PROGRAM SUMMARY SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS FOR ACFINCPIVS RELEASE 3, LIC PROS 5735-XX3, PROGRAM SUMMARY SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS FOR ACFINCPIVS LIC PROS 573S-XX3 SPECIFICATIONS, RELEASE 2.1 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR NCPIVS (ACFINCPIVS), LIC PROG S735-XX1, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/NCPIVS, SCP 5747-CH1, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR NCP/vS RELEASE 2 MODIFICATION 1, LIC PROG 5735-RC1, PROGRAM SUMMARY SSP ACFINCP/vS RELEASE 2 MODIFICATION 1 PROGRAM SUMMARY PARTITIONED EMULATION PROGRAtlHING (PEP) EXTEt.'DED FEATURES FOR THE 3705-11 (PROGRAMMING RPQ P8S032), LIC PROG 5799-BAF, SPECIFICATIONS ACFINCP/vS, SCP 5747-CH1, SPECIFICATIONS SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS FOR ACFINCPIVS, LIC PROG 5735-XX3 SPECIFICATIONS, RELEASE 3 ACFINCPIVS, LIC PROG 5735-XX3 SPECIFICATIONS, RELEASE 3 X.2S NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE PROGRAM SUMMARY X.25 NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS ACFINCP VERSION 2 CUSTOMER SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/SSP VERSION 2 CUSTOMER SPECIFICATIONS NON-SYSTEMS NETWORK ARCHITECTURE INTERCONNECTION SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER RELEASE 3 MVS MVSIXA VSE SPECIFICATIONS REPORT MANAGEMENT DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS ACF FOR NCP VERSION 2 FOR THE 3725 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR THE SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) EMULATION PROGRAM FOR THE 3725 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) NCCF VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 FOR MVS/370 MVSIXA VSE/AF SPECIFICATIONS X.25 NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE RELEASE 4, 4.1, 4.2 AND 4.3 SPECIFICATIONS NLDM RELEASE 2 FOR YM SPECIFICATIONS ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR THE NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM VERSION 3 FOR THE 3705 AND 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLERS SPECIFICATIONS ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR THE SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS EMULATION PROGRAM FOR COttftJNICATION CONTROLLERS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFITCAM VERSION 3 SPECIFICATIONS NCCF VERSION 2 FOR YMlSP ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR THE SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS VERSION 3 FOR MVS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR THE NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM VERSION 4 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR THE SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS VERSION 3 FOR vtI SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/SSP VERSION 3 FOR VSE SPECIFICATIONS NPDA VERSION 3 RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION LEVEL 1 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) EMULATION PROGRAM FOR COMMUNICATION CONTROLLERS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP VERSION 4 SUBSET SPECIFICATIONS VSE/3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5746-DC1, GENERAL INFORMATION VSE/3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR. SUPPORT, LIC PROS 5746-DCl USER'S REFERENCE GUIDE VSE/3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR SUPPORT, LIC PROS S746-DCl SPECIFICATIONS PARAMETER TABLE GENERATION FACILITY FOR 3644 AUTOMATIC DATA UNIT (GEN3644), LIC PROG 5668-998, GENERAL INFORMATION 4331 LOOP ADAPTER PROGRAtlHER'S GUIDE PARAMETER TABLE GENERATION FACILITY FOR THE 3644 AUTOMATIC DATA UNIT GEN3644 3644 AUTOMATIC DATA UNIT PROGRAMMING AND USER'S GUIDE LOOP ADAPTER CICSIVS EXTENSION FOR 3640 TERMINALS PRPQ X99909 SPECIFICATIONS PARAMETER TABLE GENERATION FACILITY FOR THE 3644 AUTOMATIC DATA 1007 04 6C31-0507-0 30 30 LC31-1500-0 LC31-1504-0 16 6C31-2011-1 6N31-7301 89 6C31-2012-0 16 HGC31-2035-2 GC31-2036-1 16 85 GC31-2055-0 16 HGC31-2065-1 GC31-2072-0 14 16 HGC31-2079-1 16 GC31-2505-0 14 6C31-2510-2 16 GC31-2518-2 14 GC31-2528-1 14 6C31-2534-1 GN31-7299 03 6C31-2547-0 16 **GC31-2592-0 16 **GC31-2593-0 14 SC31-3526-0 14 HGC31-3630-0 29 GC33-0001-6 29 GC33-0003-4 29 GC33-0004-9 29 HSC33-0006-7 29 SN26-8188 SC33-0007-4 29 HSC33-0008-7 29 SC33-0019-2 29 SC33-0020-7 29 SC33-0021-4 SN20-9320 SN20-9410 29 **SC33-0025-3 29 SC33-0026-7 SN20-9335 29 29 SC33-0027-6 SC33-0029-3 29 29 6C33-0030-5 GD26-6083 SC33-0031-5 29 29 SC33-0032-1 SC33-0033-3 SN33-6174 29 29 SC33-0034-2 SC33-0035-2 SN33-6170 SN20-9338 29 29 29 SC33-0037-3 SC33-0047-2 SC33-0051-0 SN33-6165 50 SC33-0068-2 SO SC33-0069-5 50 SC33-0070-5 UNIT SPECIFICATIONS 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR MODELS E AND F MACHINE AND PROGRAMMING DESCRIPTION LOOP ADAPTER CICSIVS EXTENSIONS FOR 3640 TERMINALS PRPQ X99909 PARAMETER TABLE GENERATION FACILITY FOR THE 3644 AUTOMATIC DATA (~~" UNIT DIAGNOSIS AND LOGIC 3647 TIME AND ATTENDANCE TERMINAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND ~j OPERATING GUIDE 3647 TIME AND ATTENDANCE TERMINAL PROBLEM REPORT 4704 DISPLAY STATION MODEL 1 PROBLEM DETERMINATION 4710 RECEIPTIVALIDATION PRINTER PROBLEM DETERMINATION CARD AN INTRODUCTION TO MICR 4720 PRINTER MODELS 1 AND 3 PROBLEM DETERMINATION CARD 7463-3 VALIDATION PRINTER CUSTOM UNIT DESCRIPTION RPQ 8UOI04 4720 PRINTER MODELS 2 AND 4 PROBLEM DETERMINATION CARD 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR MODELS E AND F OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3624 LOBBY CASH ISSUE TERMINAL MODEL DOl RPQ se0333 8C0335 se0371 se0372 8C0373 8C0374 CUSTOM UNIT DESCRIPTION 4730 PERSONAL BANKING MACHINE OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR FRONT-SERVICED MODELS 3600 FINANCE COMtflJNICATIONSYSTEM 3624 LOBBY CASH-ISSUE TERMINAL MODEL 002 CUSTOM UNIT DESCRIPTION RPQ 8C0375 AND 8C0400 3624 CONSUMER TRANSACTION FACILITY MODEL 12 DRIVE-UP MODEL CUSTOMER UNIT 4224 PRINTER OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 4710-2 RECEIPTIVALIDATION PRINTER OPERATIt~ INSTRUCTIONS 4710-2 RECEIPTIVALIDATION PRINTER PROBLEM DETERMINATION 7463 MODEL 3 VALIDATION PRINTER REPAIR MANUAL RPQ 8VOI04 4730 PERSONAL BANKING MACHINE WITH HEAVY-DUTY ENCLOSURE RPQ 8V0290 CUSTOM UNIT DESCRIPTION OS PLiI. 5734-PLI. OPTIMIZING COMPILER GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PLiI CHECKOUT COMPILER. LIC PROS 5734-PL2. -LM5. GENERAL INFORMATION DOS PLiI OPTIMIZING COMPILER. LIC PROG 5736-PLl. -PL3. -LM4 -LM5. GENERAL INFORMATION OS PLlI, 5734-PLl. -LM4. -LM5. OPTIMIZING COMPILER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) " OS PLiI CHECKOUT COMPILER. 5734-PL2. -LM5. PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE " (CURRENT RELEASE) ) DOS PLiI OPTIMIZING COMPILER. 5736-PLI. -LM4. -LM5. PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE(CURRENT RELEASE) DOS PLiI OPTIMIZING COMPILER. 5736-PLI. -PL3. -LM4. -LM5. EXECUTION LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS PLiI OPTIMIZING COMPILER, 5736-PLl. -LM4. -LM5. INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SN20-9332 DOS PLiI OPTIMIZING COMPILER. 5736-PLI. -PL3. MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILER. 5734-PLI. -LM4. -LM5. EXECUTION LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PLiI OPTIMIZING COMPILER. 5734-PLl. -LM4. -LM5. INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PLiI OPTIMIZING COMPILER. 5734-PLl. - LM5 MESSAGES OS PLiI OPTIMIZING COMPILER. 5734-PLl. -LM4. -LM5. TSO USER'S GUIDE OS PLiI CHECKOUT COMPILER. 5734-PL2. SPECIFICATIONS OS PLiI CHECKOUT COMPILER. LIC PROS 5734-PL2. -LM5, INSTALLATION OS PLiI CHECKOUT COMPILER EXECUTION, 5734-PL2. -LM5, LOGIC OS PLiI CHECKOUT COMPILER. LIC PROG 5734-PL2. -LM5. TSO USER'S GUIDE OS PLiI CHECKOUT COMPILER: MESSAGES. 5734-PL2. -LM5 DOS PLiI TRANSIENT LIBRARY. 5736-PL3. -LM5. MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PLiI OPTIMIZING COMPILER. 5734-PLl. CMS USER'S GUIDE OS PLiI CHECKOUT COMPILER. 5734-PL2. -LM5. CMS USER'S GUIDE DOS PLiI OPTIMIZING COMPILER. 5736-PLl. -LM4. -LM5. eMS USER'S GUIDE CICSIVS, 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3, SYSTEM/APPLICATION DESIGN (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS, 5746-XX3. 5740-XXI. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIDOSIVS, 5746-XX3. VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) (\ 1008 ---~---.--.-~ ... - -------------------------------- 50 HSC33-007l-5 ( 50 50 50 SC33-0072-2 SC33-0073-2 SC33-0074-2 50 SC33-0075-4 50 SC33-0077-4 50 HSC33-0079-4 50 50 50 SC33-0080-3 SC33-0081-3 SC33-0082-0 50 50 GC33-0084-4 SC33-0085-2 50 SC33-0086-1 50 HGC33-0087-5 50 SC33-0089-2 50 SC33-0095-4 50 SC33-0096-1 50 LC33-0105-1 30 GC33-0125-2 30 GC33-0128-1 50 GC33-0130-2 50 SC33-0131-1 50 **6C33-0132-2 50 SC33-0133-1 50 SC33-0134-1 ( 50 50 30 SC33-0135-1 SC33-0139-0 SC33-0141-1 30 30 SC33-0142-2 SC33-0143-1 30 50 LC33-0144-0 SC33-0149-2 50 50 50 50 50 50 GC33-0155-3 GC33-0171-1 SC33-0172-0 SC33-0173-0 LC33-0174-0 GC33-0178-0 30 SC33-0183-0 50 HSC33-0186-0 50 HSC33-0202-0 50 SC33-0203-0 50 SC33-0212-1 50 HSC33-0226-0 50 ( SC33-0227-0 50 SC33-0229-0 50 HSC33-0230-0 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS 4700/3600/3630 GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS, 5740-XX1, 5746-XX3, 3650/3680 GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS, 5740-XX1, 5746-XX3, 3767/3770/6670 GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/VS, 5746-XX3, 5740-XX1, 3790/3730/8100 GUIDE, (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS, 5740-XX1, 5746-XX3, COMMAND LEVEL APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS), 5740-XX1, 5746-XX3, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7, APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL (MACRO LEVEL) (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS OPERATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/VS), LIC PROG 5746-XX3, SUBSET USER'S GUIDE CICS/vS, 5746-XX3, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/DOS/VS APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE RPG II (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS, LIC PROG 5746-XX3, ENTRY LEVEL SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OS/vS), 5740-XXI, VERSION 2 RELEASE 7 SPECIFICATIONS SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OS/vS), 5740-XX1, VERSION I RELEASE 7 SPECIFICATIONS CICS/vS PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS, 5740-XX1, 5746-XX3, MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS 3270/8775 GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/VS DIAGN()SIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS CICS/DOS/VS VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 RELEASE GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS CUSTOMIZATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/OS/vS VERSION I RELEASE 7 (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS INTERCOMMUNICATION FACILITIES GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 MODIFICATION 1 PERFORMANCE GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/vS RECOVERY AND RESTART GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/OS/vS VERSION I RELEASE 6 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING PRIMER GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT INSTALLATION RESOURCE DEFINITION AND CUSTOMIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) GRAPHIC ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT DESIGN GUIDE CICS/VS VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 RESOURCE DEFINITION (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) CICS/OS/vS VERSION I RELEASE 6 MODIFICATION 1 RELEASE GUIDE CICS/OS/vS INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS GUIDE CICS/OS/vS MESSAGES AND CODES CICS/OS/vS DATA AREAS CICS/OSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 MODIFICATION I, 5740-XX1, PROGRAM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCTS DIAGNOSIS GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OS/VS), 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 RESOURCE DEFINITION (ONLINE) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OS/vS), 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 FACILITIES AND PLANNING GUIDE CICS/OSIVS, 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 VS COBOL II FOR CICS USERS CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OS/VS) VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 PERFORMANCE DATA (CURRENT RELEASE) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEM/vIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OS/vS), 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 MESSAGES AND CODES CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEM/vIRTUAL STORAGE, 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 MASTER INDEX CICS/OS/vS VERSION I RELEASE 7 PERFORMANCE GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OS/vS), 5740-XXI, VERSION I RELEASE 7 1009 INTERCOMMUNICATION FACILITIES GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 RECOVERY AND RESTART GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL /' STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 3270 DATA ( '\ 50 **SC33-0231-0 50 **SC33-0232-0 CU::~~~ ~~~~~~~:ECONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL\"-~) 50 **SC33-0233-0 50 **SC33-0234-0 50 **SC33-0235-0 50 **SC33-0236-0 50 **SC33-0237-0 50 **SC33-0239-0 50 **SC33-0240-0 50 **SC33-0241-0 50 **SC33-0242-0 50 **LC33-0243-0 50 **GC33-0284-0 SC33-0285-0 50 30 *tfGC33-0386-0 50 50 50 50 50 SC33-0409-0 GC33-0410-0 GC33-0497-0 GC33-0498-0 GC33-0500-0 35 35 35 GC33-2006-3 GC33-2017-1 GC33-2018-0 35 GC33-2019-0 35 35 GC33-2020-0 GC33-2021-0 50 40 GC33-2023-4 SC33-2024-2 GC33-4010-5 GC33-4015-0 6N20-9372 SC33-4018-2 GC33-4020-4 GC33-4021-4 SC33-4023-2 GC33-4024-3 SC33-4026-1 SC33-4028-2 SC33-4029-1 GN26-0960 21 33 33 33 21 33 21 33 33 21 33 33 33 33 33 GC33-4030-3 GC33-4032-14 6026-6084 GC33-4033-13 SC33-4034-12 SC33-4035-12 6N33-7098 . GN33-7096 STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 4700/3600/3630 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 3650/3680 GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 3767/3770/6670 GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 3790/3730/8100 GUIDE CUSTOMER/INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEM/ VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 RESOURCE DEFINITION (MACRO) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 CUSTOMIZATION GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEM/ VIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 CICS-SUPPLIED TRANSACTIONS CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL (COtIMAND LEVEL) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICS/OSIVS), 5740-XX1, VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE CICS/CMS GENERAL INFORMATION CICS/CMS, 5668-795, RELEASE 1, USER'S GUIDE 3270 PERSONAL COMPUTER/G OR /GX: GRAPHICS CONTROL PROGRAM, SUPPLEMENT TO THE PASCAL PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE, SC33-0215 CICS/eMS, 5668-795, RELEASE 1, MESSAGES AND CODES CICS/CMS, 5668-795, RELEASE 1 SPECIFICATIONS CICS/DOSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 5 SPECIFICATIONS CICS/D051VS VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 SPECIFICATIONS CICS/OSIVS 1.6.1 VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 HODIFICATION 1 SPECIFICATIONS HODEL 20 DOS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 REFERENCE (370N-IC-002) 6N33-7100 DOS TO OSIVS EMULATOR - REFERENCE, PROG. NO. 5744-ASI 1401/1440/1460 OSIVS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 - REFERENCE (5744-AH1) 141017010 OSIVS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370, REFERENCE - PROG. NO. 5744-AGI DOS TO OS EMULATOR - REFERENCE PROGRAM NUMBER 360C-EU-738 1401/1440/1460 OSIMFT AND OS/MVT EMULATOR ON SYSTEMl370 (360S-EU-735) REFERENCE NON-5NA INTERCONNECTION GENERAL INFORMATION NON-SNA INTERCONNECTION INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OSIVS, DOSIVSE AND VMl370 ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE (CURRENT RELEASE) S/370 MODEL 155 SORTIMERGE TIMING ESTIMATES PLANNING GUIDE PROG 360S-5M-023 DOS SORTIMERGE, LIC PROG 5743-SM1, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE S/360 DOS SORTIMERGE, LIC PROG 5743-5Ml, GENERAL INFORMATION OS/VS, VMl370 ASSEMBLER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS SORTIMERGE. LIC PROG 5743-SMI. INSTALLATION REFERENCE GN26-0965 GUIDE TO THE DOSIVSE ASSEMBLER (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS SORT/MERGE, LIC PROG 5746-SM1, INSTALLATION REFERENCE DOSIVS SORTIMERGE, LIC PROG 5746-SM1, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE OS T50 ASSEMBLER PROMPTER, LIC PROG 5734-CP2, INSTALLATION REFERENCE DOSIVS SORTIMERGE, LIC PROG 5746-SM1, GENERAL INFORMATION DFSORT SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DFSORT GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) DFSORT PLANNING AND INSTALLATION DFSORT APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE (CURRENT REELASE) 1010 / ( "'--/ ( 33 21 6C33-4036-0 GC33-4038-0 21 33 6C33-4039-0 6C33-4043-5 33 SC33-4044-3 SN26-8107 33 SC33-4045-5 SN26-8108 33 8GC33-4047-5 GD26-6085 33 GC33-4050-0 6C33-5004-0 30 20 34 34 30 30 40 37 32 30 37 35 GC33-5007-1 GC33-5008-1 GC33-5371-7 GC33-5372-4 6C33-5373-5 SC24-5149 GC33-5374-1 GC33-5375-3 GC33-5376-6 6C33-5377-7 GC33-5378-5 SD12-5007 6C33-5379-6 GC33-5380-4 6C33-5381-3 6C33-5382-5 6C33-5383-4 GC33-5384-1 35 6C33-5388-2 36 28 28 6C33-5405-0 6C33-6029-2 SC33-6031-3 28 SC33-6032-2 SN33-9308 28 28 SC33-6033-1 SC33-6034-1 SN33-9257 28 SC33-6035-0 SN33-9258 34 34 36 SC33-6041-0 SC33-6042-0 SC33-6043-0 SN33-9222 40 40 37 SC33-6044-0 SC33-6045-0 SC33-6046-0 34 36 36 34 34 32 32 39 GC33-6047-1 6C33-6048-1 GC33-6049-0 6C33-6050-0 6C33-6060-0 6C33-6062-0 SC33-6063-0 6C33-6065-4 39 6C33-6066-2 39 SC33-6067-4 39 SC33-6068-4 39 SC33-6069-3 35 35 6C33-6071-0 SC33-6072-0 30 30 36 34 40 GN24-5585 DOSIVSE TAPE LABELS DOS/VSE DASD LABELS DOSIVSE SYSTEM CONTROL STATEMENTS DOSIVSE SYSTEM GENERATION OPERATOR'S LIBRARY DOSIVSE OPERATING PROCEDURES 6N33-9267 6N33-9309 6N33-7063 GN33-7071 GN33-71~3 ( ( DOS SORTI11ERGE. LIC PROS 5743-SM1, FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OS TSO ASSEMBLER PROMPTER. LIC PROS 5734-CP2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OS ASSEMBLER H. LIC PROS 5734-ASI. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIoN DOSIVS-VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT SORTI11ERGE VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION DOSIVS-VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT SORTI11ERGE VERSION 2. 5746-SM2. APPLICATION PROGRAtI1ING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS-VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT SORTI11ERGE VERSION 2. 5746-SM2 INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT SORTI11ERGE VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS/VS SORTIMERGE. LIC PROS 5746-SMI. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION SYSTEM/360 DOS PLANNING GUIDE FOR PROGRAtI1ING THE 3330 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE FACILITY SYSTEMl370 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM VERSION 4 - MANUAL DOS VERSION 4 SYSTEM GENERATION DOSIVSE SYSTEM MANAGEMENT GUIDE DOSIVS DATA MANAGEMENT GUIDE DOSIVS SUPERVISOR AND 1/0 MACROS 6N33-9242 6N33-9269 SN33-9285 DOSIVSE MESSAGES DOSIVSE SERVICEABILITY AIDS & DEBUGGING PROCEDURES DOSIVSE SYSTEM UTILITIES DOSIVS ACCESS METHOD SERVICES USER'S GUIDE DOSIVSE OLTEP (CURRENT RELEASE) 140111440/1460 DOSIVS EMULATOR ON SYSTEMl370 REFERENCE PROS PROD 5747-CC3 6N33-7068 MODEL 20 DOSIVS EMULATOR ON SYSTEMl370 REFERENCE 6N33-7091 DOSIVS POWERIVS WITH RJE, SNA GUIDE DOSIVS RPG II SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS RPG II, LIC PROG 5746-RG1, SYSTEM LIBRARY (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS RPG II. LIC PROS 5746-RGI. INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS RPG II, LIC PROS 5746-RG1, MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS RPG II, LIC PROS 5746-RG1, AUTO REPORT MANUAL (CURRENT RELEASE) S/3 DOSIVS RPG II CONVERSION PREPROCESSOR INSTALLATION AND REFERENCE AF TO DOSIVS. 5746-XE2, SYSTEM INFORMATION SUPPLEMENT FOR AF TO DOSIVS. 5746-XE2, SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR AF TO DOSIVS. 5746-XE2. SYSTEM CONTROL STATEMENTS SUPPLEMENT FOR AF TO DOSIVS. 5746-XE2, OPERATING PROCEDURES SUPPLEMENT FOR AF TO DOSIVS. 5746-XE2. MESSAGES SUPPLEMENT FOR AF TO DOSIVS. 5746-XE2. SERVICEABILITY AIDS AND DEBUGGING PROCEDURE DOSIVSE ENTRY USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS POWERIVS INSTALLATION GUIDE AND REFERENCE REL 34 DOSIVS POWERIVS WORKSTATION USER'S GUIDE AF T() DOSIVS, 5746-XE2, LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS DOSIVSE MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY PROGRAM (MSHP) USER'S GUIDE VSEIS/3-3340 DATA IMPORT. LIC PROG 5746-AM3, SPECIFICATIONS VSE/S/3-3340 DATA IMPORT INSTALLATION REFERENCE VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDEDIINTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY. 5746-TSI. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VSEIINTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY. LIC PROS 5746-TSI. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY, 5746-TS1, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDEDIINTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) 140111440/1460 EMULATOR. LIC PROS 5746-SU1, SPECIFICATIONS 140111440/1460 EMULATOR, LIC PR06 5746-501, INSTALLATION GUIDE 1011 28 20 32 32 SC33-6074-0 GC33-6077-3 32 34 SC33-6082-1 SC33-6094-:-1 36 SC33-6095-1 34 SC33-6096-2 40 SC33-6097-1 40 SC33-609S-'2 37 SC33-6099-1 32 SC33-6100"';1 34 SC33-6101-2 20 6C33-6102-4 20 GC33-6103-1 20 20 6C33-61 05-0 GC33-6106-0 20 SC33-6107-0 20 GC33-610S-2 20 GC33-6109-3 34 37 40 40 40 20 40 6C33-6110-0 SC33-6112-1 GC33-6113-3 GC33-6114-2 SC33-6115-2 GC33-6116,..1 SC33-6117-0 39 SC33-6119-0 2S 6C33-6120-1 28 2S 32 32 32 2S 28 2S 28 20 30 40 30 GC33-6121-2 SC33-6122-0 GC33-6125-2 GC33-6126-5 SC33-6127-1 SC33-6128-0 SC33-6129-0 SC33-6130-0 6C33-6131-1 GC33-6132-2 GC33-61U-l SC33-6135-1 GC33-6137-1 39 SC33-6138-1 30 36 SC33-6139,..0 SC33-6140-3 20 20 6C33-6141;"0 GC33-6143-4 40 34 40 34 40 SC33-6144-3 SC33-6145-3 SC33-6146-3 SC33-6147-3 SC33-6148-3 ~33-6080-3 GC33-6081-0 SN33-9343 SN33-9347 SN33-9262 6N33-9273 SN33-9346 & REFERENCE DOS/vS RPG II USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA SECURITY UNDER THE VSE SYSTEM (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/FAST COPY DATA SET SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/FAST COpy DATA SET, LIC PROG 5746-AM4 GENERAL INFORMATION .. (CURRENT RELEASE) ( '" VSE/FAST COPY DATA SET INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ~ j VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, 5746-XE8, SYSTEMS .. MANAGEMENT GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, 5746-XE8, SYSTEM CONTROL STATEMENTS (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS SYSTEM GENERATED SUPPORT (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, 5746-XES, OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, 5746-XE8, MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, 5746-XE8, AIDS AND DEBUGGING PROCEDURES (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, 5746-XE8, -XE9, SYSTEM UTILITIES VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, 5746-XES, RELEASE 2, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATtONS DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROG 574 XES SPECIFICATIONS VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROG 5746-XES, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROG 5746-XES SYSTEM INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED SYSTEM, 5746-XE8, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAM, DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED, 5745-030, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) 3031 PROCESSOR DOS/vS, GUIDE AND REFERENCE VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/OCCF, 5746-XC5, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/OCCF SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) INSTALLATION GUIDE AND REFERENCE VSE/OCCF (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 3 PROGRAM SUMMARY VSE/OPERATOR COMMUNICATION CONTROL FACILITY, LIC PROG 5746-XC5, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY LIC PROG 5746-TSI DIAGNOSIS GUIDE DOSIVS RPG II AND OS/VS RPG II GENERAL INFORMATION INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/VS RPG II SPECIFICATIONS OS/VS RPG II INSTALLATION REFERENCE DOWNSTREAM LOAD UTILITY, LIC PROG 5668-006, PROGRAM sumARY DOWNSTREAM LOAD UTILITY SPECIFICATIONS DOWNSTREAM LOAD UTILITY INSTALLATION GUIDE AND REFERENCE OSIVS RPG II ADDEND~ TO DOSIVS RPG II AUTO REPORT OS/VS RPG II ADDENDUM TO DOS/VS RPG II LANGUAGE OS/VS RPG II ADDENDUM TO DOS/vS RPG II MESSAGES OS/VS RPG II PROGRAM SUMMARY COMPOSED DOCUMENT PRINTING FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS COMPOSED DOCUMENT PRINTING FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION COMPOSED DOCUMENT PRINTING FACILITY INSTALLATION AND OPERATION LOOP ADAPTER CICS/vS EXTENSIONS FOR 3640 TERMINALS PROGRAMMING RPQ X99909 VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY INTRODUCTION TO INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, 5746-XES, SUPPORT FOR 3375 VSE/PRIORITY OUTPUT WRITERS PROCESSORS AND INPUT READERb VERSION 2 NETWORKING USER'S GUIDE JCURRENT RELEASE) VSE OLTEP PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVE/vSE GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVE/vSE OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE ADMINISTRATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVE/vSE MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVE/vSE INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT (CURRENT ' ./ C· 1012 C' ( 37 SC33-6149-3 20 34 GC33-6150-4 SC33-6152-3 37 20 20 39 GC33-6156-1 GC33-6157-0 GC33-6158-0 GC33-6159-0 37 30 36 30 SC33-6160-0 GC33-6165-0 GC33-6168-0 GC33-6169-0 50 50 SC33-6171-0 GC33-6172-0 20 20 20 20 31 GC33-6175-4 GC33-6176-1 SC33-6184-2 GC33-6185-1 SC33-6187-1 31 39 20 SC33-6188-0 GC33-6189-0 GC33-6190-2 34 39 39 SC33-6191-2 GC33-6200-0 SC33-6203-1 39 **SC33-6204-2 37 SC33-6205-1 39 GC33-6206-4 20 GC33-6208-2 30 SC33-6209-2 50 SC33-6211-1 30 SC33-6213-1 20 34 40 37 30 GC33-6214-1 SC33-6219-2 SC33-6220-2 SC33-6221-3 SC33-6222-2 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 30 GC33-6224-2 SC33-6225-1 SC33-6226-2 SC33-6227-1 GC33-6229-3 SC33-6230-3 GC33-6231-1 GC33-6232-0 GC33-6233-3 SC33-6235-1 SC33-6236-2 30 SC33-6237-1 30 30 GC33-6238-1 SC33-6239-1 30 30 SC33-6240-1 SC33-6241-1 30 30 SC33-6244-2 40 SC33-6245-2 30 SC33-6246-2 36 **GC33-6247-0 36 GC33-6248-1 SC33-6249-1 36 20 GC33-6253-1 30 SC33-6269-2 ( 30 30 SC33-6270-2 SC33-6271-3 RELEASE) SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE PROBLEM DETERMINATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SSE/VSE SPECIFICATIONS SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE PRE-GENERATION SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/OLTEP INSTALLATION AND OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS PROGRAM SUf'IMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/FAST COpy DATA SET PROGRAM SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY PROGRAM SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) CDPF 4250 PRINTER SUBSYSTEM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE FONT LIBRARY SERVICE FACILITY. 5668-890. PROGRAM SUMMARY VSE/POWER PROGRAM SUMMARY VSE/ACCESS CONTROL LOGGING AND REPORTING PROGRAMMING SUI1I1ARY (CURRENT RELEASE) **SN33-9351 **SN33-9352 X.25 VTAM COMMUNICATION ADAPTER SUPPORT (CURRENT RELEASE) X.25 VTAM COMMUNICATION ADAPTER SUPPORT PROGRAM SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/SP SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/SP GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/SP HARDWARE AND SYSTEM SUPPORT EXTENSIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) SPECIFICATIONS DECISION SUPPORTIVSE (CURRENT RELEASE) DIAGNOSIS DECISION SUPPORTIVSE INSTALLATION PLANNING ADMINISTRATION (CURRENT RE LEASE) TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE DECISION SUPPORTIVSE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS PROGRAM SUMMARY VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) SYSTEM MANAGEMENT GUIDE VSE/AF VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY PROGRAM SUMMARY INSTALLATION 'AND OPERATIONS REFERENCE VSE/ICCF (CURRENT **SN33-9349 RELEASE) VSE/ICCF TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) MESSAGES VSE/ICCF (CURRENT RELEASE) **SN33-9350 IXl370 VERSION 1 RELEASE 1 SPECIFICATIONS IXl370 GENERAL INFORMATION INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR S/370 PLANNING GUIDE DLiI DOS/VS PROGRAM INSTALLATION DIRECTORY INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE/370 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEM/370. 5667-126. INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE/370 C LANGUAGE REFERENCE INFORMATION DEVELOPMENTIVSE SPECIFICATIONS INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR S/370 INSTALLATION GUIDE IXl370 OPERATION GUIDE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR S/370 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE/370 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR S/370 SERVICE GUIDE IXl370 INTRODUCTION TO THE EDITORS INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEMl370 USING ED. EX. AND SED INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEMl370 USING THE INED EDITOR INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEM/370 USING VI INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEMl370 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEMl370 ADMINSTRATION GUIDE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR 5/370. 5667-126. LIBRARY GUIDE IXl370 GLOS INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE/370 INTRODUCTION AND USER'S GUIDE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE/370 INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEMl370. 5667-126. USING C LANGUAGE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR S/370 PROGRAMMING GUIDE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE/370 USER'S AIDS AND TOOLS INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR 5/370 INTRODUCTION TO TEXT PROCESSING INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEMl370 USING NROFF AND TROFF IXl370 FORMATTING DOCUMENTS INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEMl370 CREATING GRAPHICS IXl370 ASCII CONTROL FEATURE PLANNING AND INSTALLATION IXl370 ASCII CONTROL FEATURE OPERATION AND MESSAGES IXl370 ASCII CONTROL FEATURE DIAGNOSIS GUIDE SERIAL OEMI INTERFACE ACCESS METHOD PROGRAM SUMMARY SERIAL OEMI INTERFACE ACCESS METHOD SPECIFICATION SERIAL OEM INTERFACE ACCESS METHOD USER'S GUIDE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENTIVSE SPECIFICATIONS IXl370 COMMAND REFERENCE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMANDS SERVICE COMMANDS TASK INDEX IXl370 SYSTEM CALLS AND SUBROUTINES INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE FOR SYSTEMl370 TECHNICAL REFERENCE FILE FORMATS MISCELLANEOUS FACILITIES SPECIAL FILES AND 1013 30 30 GC33-6273-1 SC33-6274-2 SC33-6279-3 20 36 SC33-6800-1 GC34-0056-1 36 36 30 GC34-0057-2 GC34-0058-2 GC34-0534-0 30 SC34-0535-0 37 6C34-2001-0 37 GC34-2002-1 37 37 6C34-2003-1 GC34-2004-0 37 GC34-2005-1 37 40 GC34-2006-1 GC34-2007-0 6N28-4564 50 50 50 50 50 50 37 GC34-2008-1 GC34-2009-2 GC34-2010-2 SC34-2011-4 SC34-2012-2 SC34-2013-2 GC34-2014-0 SN28-4581 SN28-4577 37 SC34-2015-1 SN28-4566 37 GC34-2016-0 37 GC34-2017-3 37 6C34-2018-0 37 6C34-2019-1 6N28-4622 37 SC34-2020-2 SN28-4621 tHtSN28-4642 37 GC34-2021-2 37 SC34-2022-0 50 37 GC34-2023-0 SC34-2024-0 37 37 37 6C34-2025-1 SC34-2028-0 SC34-2029-1 37 50 50 50 39 39 GC34-2030-3 SC34-2032-1 GC34-2033-1 SC34-2034-0 GC34-2035-1 SC34-2036-1 39 SC34-2037-0 39 SC34-2038-0 39 6C34-2039-0 50 50 GC34-2040-1 SC34-2041-1 37 37 37 SC34-2043-0 SC34-2044-1 SC34-2045-0 36 6N30-3079 6N30-3124 SN28-4568 SN28-4607 SN28-4571 SN28-4574 SN28-4578 SN28-4627 SN28-4584 SN28-4611 CONFIGURATION FILES VSE POWER PROGRAM SUMMARY IXl370 MESSAGES AND CODES VOLUMES 1 2 AND 3 IXl370 NETWORKING AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND USER INTRODUCTION PLANNING ADMINISTRATION USER INFORMATION SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM. LIC PROG 5744-BKI. GENERAL INFORMATION DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM REFERENCE GUIDE DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM. LIC PROG 5744-BKI. OPERATIONS SERIES/370 HOST PROGRAM PREPARATION fACILITIES FOR SERIES/I 5799-BNA PRPQ P82725. SPECIFICATIONS S/370 HOST PROGRAM PREPARATION FACILITIES FOR 5/1 PRPQ P82725 INSTALLATION AND USER'S GUIDE OS/VS DISPLAY EXCEPTION MONITORING fACILITY (DEMF) SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS, SCP 5744-CMl OS/vs DISPLAY EXCEPTION MONITORING FACILITY (DEMF) SYSTEM INFORMATION OSIVS DISPLAY EXCEPTION MONITORING FACILITY USER'S GUIDE OSIVS2 MYS INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM (IPCS), SYSTEM INFORMATION. SUID 5752-857 OSIVS2 MYS INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM (IPCS) SPECIFICATIONS. SUID 5752-857 OSIVS2 MYS IPCS, SUID 5752-857 USER GUIDE AND REFERENCE SU57 MVS INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM (IPCS) MESSAGES AND CODES, 5752-857 NPDA, 5735-XX8, PROGRAM SUMMARY NPDA. 5735-XX8, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA, 5735-XX8, GENERAL INFORMATION NPDA, 5735-XX8. INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA, 5735-XX8, MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA. 5735-XX8, TERMINAL USE OSIVS2 MYS IPCS INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD SUID 5752-857 VSE INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5746-SAl, USER'S GUIDE & REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5746-SAI. PROGRAM SUMMARY VSE INTERACTIVE .PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM, LIC PR()6 5746-SA1, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlINTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM EXTENSION, PROGRAM SUMMARY. LIC PROG 5748-SAI VMlIPCS, LIC PROG 5748-SA1, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) YMlIPCS, 5748-SA1, USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5746-SAl, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlINTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM EXTENSION, LIC PROG 5748-SAl, REFERENCE SUMMARY NPDA, 5735-XX8, PR()6RAM sutI1ARY VSE INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM, 5746-SA1, REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlIPCS, LIC PROG 5748-SAl, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION/ACCESS USER'S GUIDE INFORMATION/SYSTEM. LIC PR()6 5735-0ZS. INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION INFORMATION/SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS NPDA, 5735-XX8, USER ACCOUNT GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA, 5735-XX8. RELEASE 3 PROGRAM SUtI1ARY NPDA. 5735-XX8. REFERENCE sutI1ARY SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY, LIC PROG 5668-009. SPECIFICATIONS SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY. LIC PROG 5668-009, DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY FOR MYS, LIC PROG 5668-009. INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMlZATION SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY FOR MYS, LIC PROG 5668-009, PROGRAM REFERENCE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY FOR MYS LIC PROG 5668-009, GENERAL INFORMATION 3600 TARA SPECIFICATIONS 3600 TARA FEATURE INSTALLATION AND CUSTottIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATIONISYSTEM, LIC PROG 5735-0lS, MESSAGES AND CODES ( INfORMATIONIHVS, LIC PROG 5735-0lS, USER'S GUIDE \ "INFORMATIONIMANAGEMENT SCENARIOS AND PANEL FLOW 1014 '\ / " J "" ( ( ( 39 6C34-2046-0 39 39 37 50 SC34-2047-0 SC34-2048-0 6C34-20S3-1 GC34-20S5-1 SO 50 SO SC34-2056-1 GC34-2061-1 GC34-2062-0 50 50 SC34-2063-0 SC34-2064-0 SO 50 50 37 SC34-206S-0 SC34-2066-1 GC34-2067-1 6C34-2068-1 37 6C34-2069-0 37 37 6C34-2070-2 SC34-2071-2 37 SC34-2072-0 37 37 SC34-2073-0 SC34-2074-1 39 39 GC34-2077-1 6C34-2078-3 39 34 SC34-2079-1 SC34-2080-1 39 39 39 39 6C34-2081-4 GC34-2082-4 SC34-2083-0 SC34-2084-1 39 SC34-2085-2 39 39 39 37 37 SC34-2088-2 SC34-2089-1 SC34-2090-0 SC34-2092-1 SC34-2093-0 37 34 34 37 37 37 37 37 37 50 39 50 6C34-2096-2 SC34-2100-0 SC34-2101-0 SC34-2102-0 SC34-2103-0 SC34-2104-0 SC34-210S-0 SC34-2106-0 SC34-2107-0 SC34-2108-0 SC34-2109-0 6C34-2110-0 50 6C34-2111-0 50 SC34-2112-3 50 SC34-2113-3 50 SC34-2114-1 SC34-2115-2 50 50 HSC34-2117-4 SC34-2118-0 37 37 SC34-2119-0 34 6C34-2126-1 34 6C34-2127-1 34 SC34-2128-2 37 SC34-2129-0 50 SC34-2130-2 37 SC34-2132-1 39 Gc34-2136-0 SN28-4588 SN28-4590 SN28-4600 SN28-4594 SN28-4609 SN28-4626 SN28-4619 SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY FOR YMl370 LIC PROS 5668-009, GENERAL INFORMATION ISPF FOR YMlSP PROGRAM REFERENCE ISPF FOR YM INSTALLATION AND CUSTOI1IZATION INFORMATION/SYSTEM, LIC PROG S73S-0ZS, PROGRAM SUMMARY 3600/4700 THRESHOLD ANALYSIS AND REMOTE ACCESS FEATURE GENERAL INFORMATION (FOR I1YS AND VSE) 3600 TARA FEATURE USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PROBLEM DETERMINATION APPLICATION VERSION 2 PROGRAM SUMMARY NPDA VERSION 2 USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) SN28-4S95 NPDA VERSION 2 RECOMMENDED ACTION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 2 MESSAGES AND COOES (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 2 INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION/SYSTEM FOR YM AND VSE PROGRAM SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION/SYSTEM FOR YM AND VSE GENERAL AND PREINSTALLATION INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION/SYSTEM FOR YMl370 AND VSE SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION/SYSTEM FOR YMl370 AND VSE INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION/SYSTEM FOR YMl370 AND VSE USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATIONIMANAGEMENT REFERENCE SUMMARY INFORMATION/SYSTEM FOR VMl370 AND VSE MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF PROGRAM SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF AND ISPF/PDF FOR VSE/AF GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF FOR VSE PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF FOR VSE INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF FOR VSE/AF SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF FOR VSE/AF SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/SP INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) INTERACTIVE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY FOR I1YS INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION ISPF FOR VSE/AF DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES EXAMPLES (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF FOR VSE/AF DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF FOR I1VS PROGRAM REFERENCE ISPF/PDF PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION/SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES INFORMATION/ACCESS INFORMATION/SYSTEM INSTALLATION CUSTOMIZATION AND OPERATION INFORMATION/SYSTEM VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION INFORMATIONISYSTEM VERSION 2 INSTALLATION INFORMATION/SYSTEM AND INFORMATION/MANAGEMENT CUSTOI1IZATION INFORMATIONIMANAGEMENT VERSION 2 PROBLEM MANAGEMENT GUIDE INFORMATIONIMANAGEMENT VERSION 2 CHANGE MANAGEt1ENT GUIDE INFORMATIONIMANAGEMENT VERSION 2 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT GUIDE INFORMATION/SYSTEM VERSION 2 REFERENCE INFORMATION/SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES INFORMATIONII1YS GUIDE NPDA VERSION 2 USER REFERENCE INTERACTIVE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD NETWORK PROBLEM DETERMINATION APPLICATION VERSION 3 PROGRAM SUMMARY NPDA VERSION 3 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 3 USER'S GUIDE ,(CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 3 RECOMMENDED ACTION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 3 USER'S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 3 MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) NPDA VERSION 3 INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATIONIMANAGEMENT PANEL MOOIFICATION INFORMATION/SYSTEM VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS YM PERFORMANCE PLANNING FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION YM PERFORMANCE PLANNING FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS YMPPF GUIDE AND REFERENCE A STRUCTURED APPROACH TO DESCRIBING ~ SEARCHING PROBLEMS NPDA VERSION 3 DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF AND ISPF/PDF FOR VSE/AF DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) INTERACTIVE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY VERSION 2 GENERA~ lOIS 39 SC34-2138-0 39 GC34-2141-1 39 39 GC34-2142-1 SC34-2143-0 30 30 30 30 5C34-2144-0 6C34-2149-0 6C34-2150-0 5C34-2151-0 SN28-4616 34 37 37 5C34-2153-0 5C34-2156-1 SC34-2157-1 **SN28-4653 37 GC34-2158-2 GC34-2164-2 34 34 GC34-2165-4 34 **5C34-2166-1 5C34-2168-2 34 39 GC34-2172-2 39 5C34-2173-0 39 5C34-2174-0 39 39 6C34-2175-0 5C34-2176-0 39 39 39 39 39 SC34-2178-0 5C34-2179-0 .6C34-2180-0 GC34-2181-0 5C34-2182-0 39 22 37 5C34-2183-0 6C34-2184-0 5C34-2193-0 20 SC34-2202-4 20 5C34-2203-4 5C34-2204-1 20 20 SC34-2205-2 20 **6C34-2206-4 32 5C34-2218-0 20 20 20 SC34-2220-3 6C34-2221-2 5C34-2222-1 20 20 5C34-2228-0 5C34-2231-2 20 20 20 6C34-2236-4 6C34-2257-1 5C34-2266-0 20 20 6C34-2277-1 5C34-2278-1 20 **SC34-2279-1 20 5C34-2284-0 20 5C34-2285-0 20 5C34-2286-0 20 SC34-2295-2 30 5C34-2296-3 30 GC34-2297-1 30 6C34-2298-3 39 **5C34-4009-0 39 **5C34-4010-0 39 **SC34-4011-0 SN28-4644 5C34-2207 INFORMATION INTERACTIVE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACI~ITY VERSION 2 DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES EXAMPLES INTERACTIVE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACI~ITY VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS ISPF/PDF FOR MYS SPECIFICATIONS ~-\ INTERACTIVE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACII-ITY VERSION 2 INSTALLATION \ , AND CUSTOMIZATION ~ COOPERATIVE VIEWING FACILITY USER'S GUIDE COOPERATIVE VIEWING FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION COOPERATIVE VIEWING FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS COOPERATIVE VIEWING FACILITY INSTALLATION MESSAGES AND DIAGNOSIS YM PERFORtWlCE PLANNING FACILITY SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION INFORMATION/ACCESS DIAGNOSIS SN28-4657 INFORMATION/ACCESS INSTALLATION CUSTOMIZATION AND OPERATION RELEASE 2 INFORMATION/ACCESS VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS VMAP GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VMAP SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) YMAP USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) YMAP INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) WHAT'S NEW IN ISPF (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF VERSION 2 DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR YMlSP (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF VERSION 2 DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES EXAMPLES FOR YMlSP (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF VERSION 2 FOR YMlSP SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF VERSION 2 PROGRAM REFERENCE FOR YMlSP (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF VERSION 2 SERVICES FOR YMlSP (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF EDIT MACROS FOR VMlSP (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF VERSION 2 FOR YMl5P SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF VERSION 2 FOR YMlSP 6ENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF VERSION 2 INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION FOR YMlSP (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF VERSION 2 FOR YMlSP (CURRENT RE I-EASE ) APL DATA INTERFACE FOR THE PERSONAL COMPUTER 6410978 INFORMATIONlMVS, 5665-955, INFORMATIONIVM-VSE, 5668-919, VERSION 2, FOR YMlSP GUIDE MYS PRODUCTIVITY SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE SC34-2267 YM PRODUCTIVITY SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE VMPS USER'S GUIDE FOR LINE ORIENTED TERMINALS IBM/IN 6UIDE TO USING LINE-MODE TERMINALS INFORMATION NETWORK SECURITY BULLETIN INFORMATION NETWORK USER'S GUIDE FOR ASCII FULL SCREEN DEVICES ON THE INFORMATION NETWORK USING APPLICATION SYSTEM ON THE INFORMATION NETWORK INFORMATION NETWORK INFORMATION EXCHANGE INTRODUCTION INFORMATION NETWORK INFORMATION EXCHANGE INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION NETWORK SECONDARY NETWORK PROCEDURES REFERENCE INFORMATION NETWORK PERSONAL COMPUTER INFORMATION EXCHANGE INTERFACE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS INFORMATION NETWORK NETWORK SERVICES INSTALLATION GUIDE INFORMATION NETWORK NETWORK SERVICES INTRODUCTION INFORMATION SERVICES INFORMATION NETWORK ELECTRONIC FACILITY GUIDE INSURANCE COMMUNICATION SERVICE GENERAL INFORMATION INSURANCE COMMUNICATION SERVICE INFORMATION EXCHANGE INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS INSURANCE COMMUNICATION SERVICE SERVICE PLANNING GUIDE USING THE INFORMATION NETWORK SUPPORTING INFORMATION NETWORK USERS SUPPORTING USERS OF YOUR PRODUCT ON THE INFORMATION NETWORK IBM/IN TRY-COPICS USERS GUIDE RESOURCE ACCESS CONTROL FACILITYIVH SUPPORT PRPQ REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) INTRODUCTION TO THE RESOURCE ACCESS CONTROL FACILITYIVH SUPPORT PRPQ RELEASE 1 RESOURCE ACCESS CONTROL FACILITYIVH SUPPORT PRPQ P88028 SPECIFICATIONS ISPF FOR VM DIALOG MANAGEMENT GUIDE ,CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF VERSION 2 FOR YMl5P DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND EXAMPLES (CURRENT RELEASE) . ISPF/PDF FOR YMl5P USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) . ,/ C' " 1016 39 39 39 39 HSC34-40l2-0 HSC34-40l3-0 HSC34-40 14-0 HSC34-40l5-0 39 HSC34-40l7-0 39 **SC34-40l8-l 39 HSC34-40l9-l ( 39 39 39 39 **SC34-4020-1 **SC34-4021-l **SC34-4022-l **SC34-4023-l 39 HSC34-4024-l 39 HSC34-4025-l 39 GC34-4034-l 39 GC34-4035-l 39 HGC34-4036-0 39 GC34-4039-2 39 HSC34-404l-1 ( 37 SC34-4044-0 20 34 40 SC34-4045-0 SC34-4046-l SC34-4048-0 37 SC34-4050-0 37 SC34-4051-0 36 36 SC34-4052-0 SC34-4053-0 37 SC34-4054-0 37 SC34-4055-0 50 SC34-4058-0 50 SC34-4059-0 20 HSC34-4061-0 39 HSC34-4064-0 39 HSC34-4065-0 40 24 24 24 34 36 36 20 20 24 37 39 20 SC34-4069-0 GC34-4078-2 SC34-4079-1 SC34-4080-l SC34-4081-0 GC34-4082-1 GC34-4083-1 GC34-4084-l SC34-4085-1 SC34-4087-0 SC34-4088-0 HSC34-4l0l-0 **SC34-4104-0 20 **SC34-4l05-0 ( ./ 24 20 30 SC34-4108-1 SC34-4109-0 Ge35-0010-0 30 Ge35-001it-it 30 30 30 GC3S-0016-3 Ge3S-0017-2 SC35-0018-0 GN26-0914 6N35-0157 GN35-0303 6N3S-0261 ISPF/PDF FOR VM/SP SERVICES (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF FOR VM/SP LIBRARY MANAGEMENT (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF FOR YM/SP EDIT MACROS (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF AND ISPF/PDF FOR VM/SP INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMlZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF AND ISPF/PDF FOR VM/SP PRIMER (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF VERSION 2 FOR MYS EDIT MACROS (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF AND ISPF/PDF VERSION 2 FOR MYS INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF AND ISPF/PDF VERSION 2 FOR MYS DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF VERSION 2 FOR MYS DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES ISPF VERSION 2 FOR MYS DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES EXAMPLES ISPF/PDF, 5665-317, VERSION 2 FOR MYS SERVICES (CURRENT RELEASE) INTERACTIVE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY/PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FACILITY VERSION 2 FOR MVS, 5665-317, PROGRAM REFERENCE ISPF/PDF VERSION 2 FOR MYS LIBRARY MANAGEMENT FACILITY (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF FOR VM/SP SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF/PDF FOR VM/SP SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF AND ISPF/PDF GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF VERSION 2 FOR MYS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ISPF AND ISPF/PDF VERSION 2 FOR MYS GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) USING THE INFORMATION/FAMILY REPORT fORMAT FACILITY FOR MYS AND VM/SP, 5665-383, 5664-322 INTRODUCING THE INFORMATION/FAMILY YM/SP AND MYS PLANNING AND INSTALLING THE INFORMATION/FAMILY FOR MYS INTERPRETING INFORMATION/FAMILY MESSAGES AND CODES FOR MYS, 5665-384, -383 USING THE INFORMATION/FAMILY PANEL MODIFICATION FACILITY, 5664-322, -323, 5665-267, -383, -384, MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE AND VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT SIMULATING INFORMATION/FAMILY INTERACTIVE SESSIONS FOR t1YS AND VM/SP, 5664-322, 5665-383 USING THE INFORMATION/FAMILY FOR MYS AND VM/SP USING INFORMATION/FAMILY, 5664-322, ~323, 5665-383, -384, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT FOR MYS AND VM/SP USING INFORMATION/FAMILY, 5664-322, -323, 5665-383, -384, CHANGE MANAGEMENT FOR MYS AND VM/SP USING INFORMATION/FAMILY PROBLEM MANAGEMENT, 5664-322, -323, 5665-383, -384, FOR MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE AND VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT VIDEOTEx/370, 5798-DTW, INFORMATION PROVIDER'S GUIDE VIDEOTEx/370, 5798-DTW, INSTALLATION AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE NETWORK DESIGN AND ANALYSIS, 5664-202, FOR THE YM ENVIRONMENT USER'S GUIDE ISPF, 5664-285, VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 fOR VM/SP EDIT MACRO COMMAND SUtIt1ARY ISPF VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 FOR YM/SP PDF, 5664-285, COMMAND Sllt1MARY INTERPRETING INFORMATION/FAMILY MESSAGES AND CODES FOR VM/SP COBOL STRUCTURING FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS COBOL STRUCTURING FACILITY COBOL RE-ENGINEERING CONCEPTS COBOL STRUCTURING FACILITY USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE INFORMATION/FAMILY REFERENCE SUMMARY FOR MVS AND VM/SP INFORMATION/SYSTEM VERSION 3 FOR MYS SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION/MANAGEMENT VERSION 3 FOR MYS SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION/SYSTEM VERSION 3 FOR VMlSP SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION/MANAGEMENT VERSION 3 FOR VM/SP SPECIFICATIONS COBOL, 5668-786, STRUCTURING FACILITY PRESENTATION GUIDE DIAGNOSING INFORMATION/FAMILY PROBLEMS FOR MYS AND VM/SP ISPF FOR VMlSP REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK DESIGN AND ANALYSIS FOR THE YM ENVIRONMENT, 5664-202, SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK DESIGN AND ANALYSIS, 5664-202, GENERAL INFORMATION AND PLANNING GUIDE FOR THE YM ENVIRONMENT COBOL STRUCTURING FACILITY MASTER INDEX MYS/PROGRAMMING IN LOGIC (MYS/PROL06) SPECIFICATIONS OS/vS2 USING OS CATALOG MANAGEMENT WITH THE MASTER CATALOG: CVOL PROCESSOR 6N35-0270 OPERATORS LIBRARY: IBM 3850 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) UNDER OS/YS OS/YS MSS SERVICES GENERAL INFORMATION OS/YS MSS SERVICES REFERENCE INFORMATION OS/VSl AND OS/YS2 t1YS MSS ENHANCEMENTS SELECTABLE UNITS SYSTEM 1017 30 30 GC35-0027-2 GC35-0028-1 GK35-0213 GC35-0031-0 14 30 GC35-0033-11 GC35-0042-1 30 05 GC35-0098-4 05 GC35-0099-2 GC38-0005-7 16 GC38-0015-6 16 16 GC38-0016-1 GC38-0017-1 16 16 GC38-0025-5 16 GC38-0030-3 GC38-0031-9 16 GC38-0032-2 16 GC38-0033-3 16 16 **GC38-0034-7 16 HGC38-0035-8 GN35-0112 GN35-0274 GN22-0591 GN22-0626 16 **GC3S-0036-5 16 HGC38-0037-3 34 SC3S-0038-3 16 SC38-0039-7 16 SC3S-0040-6 16 SC38-0041-S 16 SC38-0049-4 16 34 SC38-00S1-3 SC3S-0107-5 40 50 GC3S-0110-S 5025-0041 GC3S-0225-1 GC38-0228-0 GC38-0229-1 SD23-0061 GD23-0112 GC38-0251-1 50 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 GC3S-0254-4 GC38-0255-4 SC3S-0256-0 SC3S-0257-0 SC38-0258-1 SC38-0261-1 GC3S-0266-1 SC38-026S-0 SC3S-0269-0 SC38-0270-0 SC38-0271-0 50 50 50 50 SC3S-0272-0 SC38-0273-0 GC38-0277-0 SC3S-027S-1 50 SC38-0279-2 50 SC38-0281-2 50 50 50 SC38-0283-0 GC38-0284-0 GC3S-0285-1 50 50 GC3S-0286-1 GC3S-0289-0 30 GC3S-0290-0 3S 3S 40 GN24-5641 GN35-0171 INFORMATION. SUIDS 5741-605. 5752-824 OS/VS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (HSS) SYSTEM DATA ANALYZER OSIVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (M5S) INSTALLATION PLANNING AND TABLE CREATE f··\. OS/VS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) MSVIZAP I DSF USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ",--j DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES SELECTABLE UNIT SCPS 3480 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM PLANNING A~~ MIGRATION GUIDE 3480 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM USER'S REFERENCE OPERATOR'S LIBRARY. 5/370 MODEL 135 PROCEDURES 5/370 MODEL 145 OPERATING PROCEDURES S/370 MODEL 138 OPERATING PROCEDURES 5/370 MODEL 148 OPERATING PROCEDURES S/370 MODEL 158 OPERATING PROCEDURES 5/370 MODEL 168 OPERATING PROCEDURES 3033 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3032 PROCESSOR COt1PLEX OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3031 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3081 OPERATOR GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3081, 3083, AND 3084 MESSAGES FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3083 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3084 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (CURREtfT RELEASE) 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX INPUT/OUTPUT CONFIGURATION PROGRAM USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE 3090 PROCESSOR Cot'lPLEX OPERATOR MESSAGES FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX MODELS 120E 150 150E 180 180E 200 200E 400 AND 400E OPERATOR CONTROLS FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX MODELS 200 AND 200E OPERATOR TASKS FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX MODELS 120E 150 150E 180 AND 180E OPERATOR TASKS FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3090 PROCESSOR COMPLEX RECOVERY GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION, 5664-173, RELEASE 3. 2 INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) GN24-5660 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OSIVSI REFERENCE OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OSIVS2 REMOTE TERMINALS (JES2) OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OSIVS2 REMOTE TERMINALS (JES3) OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OSIVS2 MVS SYSTEM C0I1I1ANDS GN2S-2622 GN2S-2997 GN31-0762 GN24-5637 SN31-0693 SN31-0695 SN31-0834 SN31-0936 SN31-0S76 SN31-0945 SN31-1035 SN31-0823 SN31-0696 SN31-1032 SN31-0S35 SN31-0697 SN31-0939 SN31-0819 SN31-0942 SN31-0S1S SN31-0940 " " / NETWORK OPERATION SUPPORT PROGRAM, LIC PROG 5735-XX2, GENERAL INFORMATION ACFIVTAM, 5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, GENERAL INFORMATION OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OSIVSI DISPLAY CONSOLES ACF/VTAM, 5735-RC2. 5746-RC3, MACRO LANGUAGE GUIDE ACF/VTAM. 5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, PROGRAM OPERATOR'S GUID'E ACF/VTAM, 5735-RC2, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ACFIVTAM, 5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, MACRO LANGUAGE REFERENCE ACFIVTAM, 5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, SPECIFICATIONS ACFIVTAM. LIC PROS 5746-RC3, SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ACFIVTAM, 5735-RC2, OS/VS INSTALLATION GUIDE ACFIVTAM, 5746-RC3, DOSIVS INSTALLATION GUIDE ACFIVTAM, 5735-RC2, OSIVS MESSAGES AND CODES ACFIVTAM, 5746-RC3. DOSIVS MESSAGES AND CODES ACF/VTAM, 5746-RC3, DOS/VS NETWORK OPERATING PROCEDURES NETWORK OPERATION SUPPORT PROG PROD 5735-XX2, SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK OPERATION SUPPORT PROGRAM INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MA~ruAL (OSIVS). LIC PROG 5735-XX2 NETIIORK OPERATION SUPPORT PROGRAM, LIC PROG 5735-XX2. (DOSIVS) INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE NETWORK OPERATION SUPPORT PROGRAM. LIC PROG 5735-XX2, OPERATOR'S MANUAL ACFIVTAM, 5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, TOLTEP ACFIVTAM,5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, MSNF SPECIFICATIONS ACF/VTAM ENCQYPT/DECRYPT FEATURE, PROG PROD 5735-RC2, SPECIFICATIONS ACFIVTAM. 5735-RC2, 5746-RC3, SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING ACF/VTAM ENCRYPTIDECRYPT FEATURE, PROG PROD 5735-RC2, DESIGN OBJECTIVES BASIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD EXTENDED SUPPORT 1018 (-) ( 30 GC38-0291-0 30 GC38-0292-0 30 SC38-0293-1 30 30 30 SC38-0294-0 SC38-0295-0 GC38-0296-0 50 50 50 38 30 GC38-0297-9 SC38-0298-7 GC38-0299-5 GC38-0335-0 GC38-1000-9 GC3S-100l-10 GC38-l003-10 GC38-l007-5 **GC38-I008-10 GC38-l010-5 GC38-l0l1-4 GC38-l0l2-5 SC38-1014-8 GC38-1047-0 GC38-ll01-S **GC38-1102-4 SC38-2002-0 SC38-2003-0 SDB3-0100-0 SDB3-0133-0 40 40 31 40 30 40 40 30 40 40 40 50 50 36 36 ( GN24-5744 GN24-56S9 **GN2S-1063 GN27-1586 GN25-0193 36 LDB3-0l60-0 36 36 36 LDB3-0293-0 LDB3-0296-0 LDI2-5000-0 36 LOI2-5001-0 37 LOI2-5002-0 36 LOI2-5003-0 31 LOI2-5004-0 31 LOI2-5005-0 32 LOI2-5006-0 40 SOI2-5007-0 20 LOI2-5009-0 50 LD21-0002-1 50 L02l-0003-0 50 5021-0005-1 50 S021-0007-1 30 30 50 5021-000S-0 5021-0009-0 5021-0010-0 37 5023-0002-2 SN28-4725 34 5023-0003-2 SN2S-469S 34 5023-0005-2 5N28-2996 36 5023-0006-3 36 L023-0010-1 LN21-0001 LN28-2952 (BTAM-ES) PROGRAM SUMMARY EXTEND EO SUPPORT. LIC PROG 5746-RC5. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) BTAN-ES. LIC PROG 5746-RC5. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) BTAM-ES. LIC PROG 5746-RC5. PROGRAMMING REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) BTAM-ES. LIC PROG 5746-RC5. INSTALLATION (CURREtfT RELEASE) BTAM-ES. LIC PROG 5746-RC5. IIESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) BTAM SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAI1MING FOR BTAM-ES SCP 5747-CGl SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) NTO GENERAL INFORMATION RELEASES I. 2. 2.1. 2 AND 4 NE~lORK TERMINAL OPTION INSTALLATION RELEASES I. 2. 2.1. 3 NETI-IORK TERIIINAL OPTION SPECIFICATIONS OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: OSIVSl CRJE OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: MASS STORAGE SY5TEt1 (MSS) MESSAGES OS/VSl SYSTEM MESSAGES (CL~RENT RELEASE) OSIVSl SYSTEM CODES OSIVS LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER MESSAGES OS/V52 MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS2 SYSTEM CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/VSl RES RTAM AND ACCOUNT MESSAGES GN30-3211 5/370 SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES (LEVELS 4 & 5) MESSAGES OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: JES3 MESSAGES JES3 RELEASE 3 OSIVS2 MVS RACF MESSAGES/CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS SYSTEM MODIFICATION PR06RAtl MESSAGES AND CODES OS/V51 ROUTING AND DESCRIPTOR CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/370 ROUTING A~ID DESCRIPTOR CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) VIDEOTEX/370 VERSION 2 INSTALLATION & ADMINISTRATION GUIDE VIDEOTEX/370 VERSION 2 INFORflATION PROVIDER I S GUIDE SUPPLEtlENT FOR SU26 TO MVS JES3. LISTINGS. SYBS-0606-5 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU64 MVS PROCESSOR SUPPORT. 5752-864. TO DATA AREAS. LISTINGS. SYBS-0606-5 SUPPLEI1ENT FOR MVS/SE. 5740-XEl RELEASE 2. TO DATA AREAS. LISTINGS. SYB8-0606-5 MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2 RELEASE 3.3 DATA AREAS LISTINGS MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES3 RELEASE 3.3 DATA AREAS LISTINGS SUPPLEMENT FOR VSE/ADVANC.ED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XE8. TO DOSIVSE SUPERVISOR LOGIC. SY3~-S551-5 SUPPLEMENT FOR VSE/ADVANCEO FUNCTIO~~. 5746-XES. TO OOSIVSE LOGICAL TRANSIENTS & .OutIP PHASES LOGIC. SY33-S553-4 SUPPLEMEtfT FOR VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XES. TO DOS/vSE SERVICEABILITY AIDS LOGIC. SY33-8554-4 SUPPLE~IENT FOR VSE/ADVANCEO FUNCTIONS. 5746-XES. TO DOS/VSE INITIAL PROGRAM LOAD & JOB CONTROL LOGIC. SY33-8555-4 SUPPLEMEtfT FOR VSE/ADVM~CED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XES. TO DOSIVSE LINKAGE EDITOR LOGIC. SY33-8556-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR VSE/ADVANCEO FUNCTIONS. 5746-XES. TO OOSIVSE LIBRARIAN LOSIC. SY33-S557-4 SUPPLEME~rr FOR VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XE8. TO OOS/vSE SYSTEM UTILITIES. SY33-8558-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XE8. TO DOSIVSE OPERATING PROCEDURES. GC33-537S-5 SUPPLEMENT FOR VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XE8. TO DOSIVSE HA~BOOK. SY33-8571-7 SUPPLEMENT FOR ACFITCAM MULTISYSTEM NETloIORKING TO ACFITCAM LOGIC. LY30-3036-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR ACFITCAM MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING. 5735-RCI. TO ACF/TCAM PROGRAM REFERENCE SillIIARY. LY30-3037-0 SUPPLEMENT FOR IMSIVS VERSION 1 PRIMER. 5735-RC3 MVS 5752-TC221. SH20-9145-0 SUPPLEMENT FOR IMS/VS VERSION 1 PRIMER SAMPLE LISTINGS. 5735-RC3 MVS 5752-TC221. SH20-9149-0 SUPPLEMENT FOR OSIVSI BTAM RELEASE 7 CHARTS TO LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR OSIVS2 BTAM RELEASE 3.S CHARTS TO LOGIC VTAM. 5666-313 (VSE). VERSION 3 LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT FOR X.21 SHORT HOLD MODEIMULTIPLE PORT SHARING SN28-4792 SUPPLEMEtfT FOR t1VS/SE. 5740-XEI RELEASE 2. TO DEBUGGING HA~mBOOK VOLUME 2. GC2S-0709-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS/SE. 5740-XEI RELEASE 2. TO SYSTEM INITIALIZATION & TUNING GUIDE. GC2S-0681-3 SN28-4723 SUPPLEMENT FOR t1VS/SE. 5740-XEl RELEASE 2. TO SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITIES (SMF). GC2S-2706-1 SUPPLEtlENT FOR MVS/SE. 5740-XEl RELEASE 2. TO SUPERVISOR. GC2S-0608-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS/SE. 5740-XEl RELEASE 2. TO SYSTEM INITIALIZATION LOGIC. SY2S-0623-2 1019 37 LD23-0013-0 36 LD23-0015-1 36 LD23-0016-1 36 LD23-0017-1 36 LD23-001S-1 36 LD23-0019-1 36 LD23-0020-2 37 S023-0036-0 40 SD23-0061-3 37 S023-0062-1 39 S023-0065-3 34 L023-0071-0 34 G023-0090-0 34 G023-0097-0 36 34 L023-0104-0 L023-0105-0 G023-0108-0 40 G023-0I09-0 40 . 6023-01l2-0 36 6023-0114-0 37 G023-0117-0 37 G023-0118-0 34 6023-0119-0 34 GD23-0121-0 37 6023-0122-0 36 S023-0123-0 39 SD23-0132-0 36 36 39 L023-0137-0 LD23-013S-0 S023-0139-2 37 S023-0140-1 37 G023-0141-0 36 L023-0154-1 LN2S-4721 36 LD23-0155-1 LN28-4715 36 L023-0156-1 36 L023-015S-1 LN2S-4727 36 LD23-0159-0 LN28-4714 34 LD23-0164-0 40 G023-0167-0 34 S023-0168-0 36 LN28-4703 SN28-2963 SN2S-2994 LN28-2951 GN28-2972 SN28-4726 SUPPLEMENT FOR MYS/SE. 5740-XEl RELEASE 2. TO SERVICE AIDS LOGIC. SY28-0643-4 SUPPLE~lENT FOR MYS/SE, 5740-XEl RELEASE 2. TO LOGIC VOLUME 2. SY28-0714-2 SUPPLEtlENT FOR MYS/SE, 5740-XEl RELEASE 2, TO LOGIC VOLUME 3, (-_" SY28-0715-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR MYS/SE. 5740-XEl RELEASE 2, TO LOGIC VOLut1E 4, .~. / SVZ8-0716-2 SUPPLEtlENT FOR MVS/SE, 5740-XEl RELEASE 2, TO LOGIC VOLUME 5, SY28-0717-2 SUPPLEtlENT FOR MYS/SE, 5740-XEl RELEASE 2. TO LOGIC VOLUME 6. SY28-0718-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR MYS/SE. 5740-XEl RELEASE 2, TO LOGIC VOLUME 7. SY28-0719-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR MYS PROCESSOR SUPPORT, 5752-851. TO SERVICE AIDS LOGIC, SY28-0643-4 SUPPLEMENT FOR MYS/SE, 5740-XEl RELEASE 2, TO SYSTEM COMMANDS, GC38-0229-1 SN28-2970 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS/SE, 5740-XEl RELEASE 2, TO DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES, GC38-0725-2 SUPPLENEtIT FOR MYS ACFIVTAH, 5735-RC2, TO T50 GUIDE TO WRITING A TNP OR CPt GC38-0648-3 GUIDE TO WRITING A TMP OR CP SUPPLEt1ENT FOR RMF, 5740-XY4 RELEASE 2 VERSION 2, TO MYS RMF LOGIC, LY28-0023-1 SUPPLEtlENT FOR VSl & MVS PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY, 5740-XY5, TO SI1F VS2, GC28-0706-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU26 MYS JES RELEASE 3 5752-826, TO SMF, GC28-0706-1 JES3, 5740-XYN, LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 1 JES3. 5740-XYN, LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 2 SUPPLEtlENT FOR VSl & MYS ACFIVTAM, 5735-RC2. TO SMF, GC28-0706-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU64 MYS PROCESSOR SUPPORT 5752-864, TO SYSTEM MESSAGES, GC38-1002-6 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU64 MVS PROCESSOR SUPPORT 5752-864, TO SYSTEM Cotll1AtlDS. GC38-0229-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU64, 5752-864 MYS PROCESSOR SUPPORT TO MYS SUPERVISOR SERVICES & MACRO INSTRUCTIONS. GC28-0683-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU64 MYS PROCESSOR SUPPORT 5752-864, TO DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOL~IE 2. GC28-0709-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU64 tNS PROCESSOR SUPPORT 5752-864, TO DEBUGGING HAHDBOOK VOLUME 3, GC28-0710-0 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU64 MVS PROCESSOR SUPPORT 5752-864, TO MYS INITIALIZATION & TUNING GUIDE, GC28-0681-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU64 MVS PROCESSOR SUPPORT 5752-864. TO MYS SMF, GC28-0706-1 . SUPPLEMENT FOR SU64, 5752-864 MYS PROCESSOR SUPPORT TO SERVICE AIDS, GC28-0674-3 SUPPLEMEI~T FOR SU64 MYS PROCESSOR SUPPORT 5752-864, TO SYSTEM INITIALIZATION, SY28-0623-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU64 MYS PROCESSOR SUPPORT 5752-864, TO COt1MANDS PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME 4. SY28-0652-2 JES3, 5740-XYN, LOGIC LIBRARY VOLWIE 3 JES3. 5740-XYN, LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUtIE 6 SUPPLEtlENT FOR ACF/VTAM RELEASE 2, 5735-VC2, TO T50 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE, 6C28-0645-4 TSO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE, GC28-0645-4 SUPPLEMENT FOR MYS/SE RELEASE 2, 5740-XE1, TO DEBUGGING HAIIDBOOK VOLut1E 3. GC28-0710-0 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU64 MYS PROCESSOR SUPPORT 5752-864. TO DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES. GC28-0725-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS/SE RELEASE 2, 5740-XEl, TO SYSTEM LOGIC VOLUME 2. SY28-0714-2 SUPPLEMEIIT FOR MVS/SE RELEASE 2, 5740-XEl, TO SYSTEM LOGIC VOLut1E 3. SY28-0715-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR ~S/SE RELEASE 2, 5740-XE1, TO SYSTEM LOGIC VOLUt1E 4, SY28-0716-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS/SE RELEASE 2, 5740-XEl, TO SYSTEM LOGIC VOLW1E 7, SY28-0719-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR ~S/SE RELEASE 2, 5740-XEl, TO SYSTEM INITIALIZATION LOGIC. SY28-0623-2 SUPPLEt1ENT FOR MYS/SE SUPPORT SMF RELEASE 2 VERSION 2, 5740-XY4, TO LOGIC. LY28-0923-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl & MYS CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT, 5740-XY6,' \ / TO ROUTING & DESCRIPTOR CODES, GC38-1102-2 -" SUPPLEMENt FOR VSl & MYS CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT, 5740-XY6, /~ GN28-4733 , 1020 ( 37 GC28-0706 S023-0169-0 SN28-4729 36 L023-0172-0 LN28-4704 40 6023-0175-3 GN28-4985 36 GD23-0177-1 GN28-4990 37 GD23-0178-2 37 5023-0181-1 GN28-0965 61',128-4944 SN28-4766 37 5023-0182-1 SN28-4767 37 5023-0183-1 SN28-4925 SN28-4974 36 LD23-0186-1 LN28-4903 LN28-4909 36 LD23-0187-1 LN28-4904 36 LD23-0188-1 LN28-4772 36 L023-0189-2 36 LD23-0190-2 36 L023-0191-2 36 LD23-0192-1 36 34 39 L023-0203-0 GD23-0204-0 5D23-0206-0 39 5D23-0207-0 39 5023-0208-0 39 SD23-0209-0 37 39 LD23-0211-1 LD23-0212-0 40 6023-0215-0 37 6023-0217-0 34 GD23-0218-0 37 40 LD23-0219-1 6D23-0220-0 36 LD23-0222-0 34 6D23-0223-0 34 GD23-0224-0 34 LD23-0226-0 39 GD23-0227-0 39 GD23-0228-0 GN28-4924 36 6023-0229-0 GN28-4918 37 36 37 LD23-0230-1 LD23-0231-0 6D23-0236-0 36 LD23-0238-1 39 GD23-0240-0 GN28-4920 LN28-4905 LN28-4788 LN28-4790 LN28-4964 TO SMF. 6C38-0706-1 SUPPLH1ENT FOR VSl & MVS CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT. 5740-XY6. TO DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOUJl'1E 2. GC38-0709-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS/SE 5740-XEl RELEASE 2 TO SYSTEM LOGIC VOLUME 5. SY28-0717-2 SUPPLEtlENT FOR MVS/SP. 5740-XYN. -XYS. TO ROUTING & DESCRIPTOR CODES, GC38-1102-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS/SP. 5740-XYN. -XYS. TO SUPERVISOR. GC28-0628-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS/SP. 5740-XYN. -XYS. TO SERVICE AIDS. GC28-0674-3 SUPPLEllENT FOR MVS/SP. 5740-XYN. -XYS. TO DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUllE 2, GC28-0709-1 SUPPLE~lENT FOR MVS/SP. 5740-XYN. -XYS. TO DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUlIE 3, GC28-0710-0 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS/SP. 5740-XYN. -XYS. TO DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES. GC28-0725-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS/SP. 5740-XYN. -XYS. TO SYSTEM LOGIC VOLUME 2. SY28-0714-2 SUPPLEI1ENT FOR IWS/SP. 5740-XYN. -XYS. TO JOB MVS SYSTEM LOGIC VOLUlIE 3. SY38-0715-2 SUPPLENENT FOR MVS/SP, 5740-XYN. -XYS. TO JOB MVS SYSTEM LOGIC VOLUtlE 4. SY38-0715-2 SUPPLEtlENT FOR MVS/SP. 5740-XYN. -XYS. TO SYSTEM LOGIC VOL~tE 5. SY28-0717-2 SUPPLEtlENT FOR MVS/SP. 5740-XYN. -XYS. TO SYSTEM LOGIC VOLUME 6, SY28-0718-2 SUPPLE~IENT FOR MVS/SP. 5740-XYN. -XYS. TO SYSTEM LOGIC VOLUME 7, SY28-0719-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS/SP. 5740-XYN. -XYS. TO SYSTEM INITIALIZATION LOGIC. SY28-0623-2 JES3. 5740-XYN. LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 7 SUPPLHIENT FOR MVS/SP. -XYS. TO SMF. GT28-1030-0 SUPPLEMENT FOR TSO COI1MAND PACKAGE. 5740-XT6 TO TSO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE. GC28-0645-4 SUPPLEtlENT FOR TSO COtlMAND PACKAGE. 5740-XT6 TO COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE. GC28-0646-4 SUPPLEtlENT FOR TSO COMf'IAtID PACKAGE. 5740-XT6 TO TSO GUIDE TO WRITING A TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM OR A COI1t'IAND PROCESSOR, GC28-0648-3 SUPPLEtlENT FOR TSO COMI1AND PACKAGE. 5740-XT6 TO TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR. GC28-0629-3 MVSIXA DEBUGGING HA~~BOOK VOLUl1E 1 SUPPLEMENT FOR TSO COt1tIAND PACKAGE TO EDIT TSO COMMAND PACKAGE LOGIC VOLutlE 2. SY33-8548-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT, 5740-AM7, TO MVS ROUTING & DESCRIPTOR CODES. GC38-1102-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT, 5740-AM7, TO MVS SERVICE AIDS. GC38-0674-3 SUPPLEME~IT FOR DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT. 5740-AM7, TO MVS INITIALIZATION AND TUNING GUIDE. GC28-1029 MVSIXA DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLutlE 2 SUPPLEMEtIT FOR DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT. 5740-AM7. TO MVS SYSTEM Cot1t1ANDS. GC38-1031-1 SUPPLEMEtIT FOR DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT. 5740-AM7. TO MVS SYSTEM INITIALIZATION LOGIC. SY28-0623-2 SUPPLEtiENT FOR ACFIVTAM TO 5735-RC2. NVS SPL INITIALIZATION AND TUNING GUIDE. GC28-0681-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR ACF/VTAM TO 5735-RC2. MVS SPL INITIALIZATION AND TUNING GUIDE. GC28-1029-1 SUPPLEtlENT FOR MVS/SP RELEASE 2 VERSION 2. -XYS TO RNF. SY28-0923-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS/SP. 5740-XYN. -XYS, TO TSO. GC28-0629-3 TSO. GC28-0629-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS/SP RELEASE 2 VERSION 2. -XYN. -XYS TO TSO COt1t1AND LANGUAGE REFERENCE. GC28-0646-4 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS/SP RELEASE 2 VERSION 2. TO SUPERVISOR SERVICES & MACRO INSTRUCTIONS. GC28-0646-4 VMSIXA DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 5 JES3. 5740-XYN. LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUtlE 9 SUPPLEMENT FOR OSIVS SORTIMERGE. RELEASE 5 TO TO OSIVS2 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 1 SUPPLnlENT FOR MVS DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT TO SYSTEM INITIALIZATION LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR OSIVS2 TSO TO GUIDE TO WRITING A TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM OR A COMMAND PROCESSOR 1021 39 39 39 5023-0241-0 SD23-0242-0 SD23-0244-0 SN28-1037 SN28-1042 39 SD23-0245-0 SN28-1032 39 LD23-0246-0 39 LD23-0248-1 37 GD23-0250-0 37 0023-0251-0 30 SD23-0253-0 30 SD23-0254-0 30 LD23-0255-0 39 **LD23-0258-1 39 G023-0259-0 36 39 L023-0261-0 LD23-0262-1 39 39 39 5023-0263-1 5023-0267-1 LD23-0270-0 39 LD23-0271-0 39 LD23-0272-1 37 36 LD23-0286-0 LD23-0288-0 36 L023-0289-0 36 LD23-0290-0 36 LD23-0291-0 39 37 37 40 36 36 34 SD23-0299-0 LD23-0300-0 LD23-0302-1 LD23-0303-1 SD23-0308-0 L023-0309-0 LD23-0310-0 SD23-0311-0 34 5023-0312-0 37 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 39 LD23-0313-0 L023-0315-0 LD23-0316-0 LD23-0324-0 LD23-0356-0 LD23-0373-0 LD23-0374-0 LD23-0375-0 5023-0376-0 L023-0377-0 LD23-0378-0 LD23-0379-0 LD23-0380-0 LD23-0381-0 LD23-0382-0 LD23-0383-0 LD23-0384-0 20 SD23-9000-1 36 36 36 40 36 36 36 36 36 LN28-1000 SN28-1038 SN28-0883 SN25-0756 SUPPLEMENT TO TSO EXTENSIONS TO MVS T50 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR TSO EXTENSIOtB TO COMMAND REFERENCE SUPPLEMENT FOR TSO EXTENSIONS (TSO/E). 5665-285 TO ACCOUNT & OPERATOR COMMANDS. GC28-0629-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR TSO EXTENSIONS TO OSIVS2 T50 GUIDE TO WRITING A / - , TMP OR A CP SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS TSO EXTENSION nSO/E) TO MVS TO TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME II EDIT SUPPLEMENT FOR HVS TSO EXTENSIONS TSO TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM SERVICE ROUTINE LOGIC SUPPLEtlENT FOR tlVS TSO EXTENSIONS TO OSIVS2 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 2 SUPPLEMENT FOR HVS TSO EXTENSlotB TO OS/VS2 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 3 SUPP LEtlENT FOR MVS VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM/SP I VPSS/SP ) • 5665-292. (FOR THE 3838 ARRAY PROCESSOR) TO INSTALLATION AND OPERATION GUIDE. GC24-5124 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS VECTOR PROCESSIt,'S SUBSYSTEM/SP (VPSS/SP). 5665-292. (FOR THE 3838 ARRAY PROCESSOR) TO SUBSYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE. GC24-5125 SUPPLEMENT FOR HVS VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM/SP IVPSS/SP) 5665-292 TO LOGIC SY24-5173 OSIVS2 TSO TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM AND SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR HVSIXA HVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 HVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT TO Cot1MAt-.'D LANGUAGE REFERENCE JES3. 5740-XYN. LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 10 SUPPLEMENT FOR HVSIXA TO TSO TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM AND SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC HVSIXA TSO/E TSO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE SUPPLEMENT TO GC28-1274 SUPPLEMENT FOR HVSIXA TO TSO GC28-1173 SUPPLEMENT FOR HVSIXA TO TSO CO~1MAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME 1 ACCOUNT SY28-0651 SUPPLEMENT FOR HVSIXA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 SUPPLEMENT FOR HVSIXA T5O/E TO T50 COt1MAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME 2 SUPPLEMENT FOR HVS SYSl.LOGREC EREP LOGIC. SY28-0678 SUPPLEMENT FOR HVS/SP-JES3. HVS/SP-JES2. 5740-XYN. -XYS TO LOGIC (ALC) VOLUME 2. LY28-1063-0 SUPPLENEtlT FOR MVS/SP-JES3. HVS/SP-JES2. 5740-XYN. -XYS TO LOGIC (CHO) VOLUME 4 LY28-1071-0 / SUPPLEMENT FOR HVS/SP-JES3. HVS/SP-JES2. 5740-XYN. -XYS TO LOGIC IRSM. RSP) VOLUME 7 (LY28-1083-0) SUPPLEMENT FOR HVS/SP-JES3. MVS/SP-JES2 TO LOGIC (SCTL-SMF) VOLUME 9. LY28-1091-0 LOGIC OSIVS2 TSO COMl'1AND PROCESSOR VOL 4 JES3. 5740-XYN, LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 11 SUPPLEMENT FOR HVSIXA TO DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 3 LC28-1166 SUPPLEMENT FOR MVS/XA TO DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 4 LC28-1167 JES3. 5740-XYN. COMMANDS HVSIXA. 5665-291. JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLuttE 1 HVSIXA. 5665-291. JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 2 SUPPLEMENT FOR HVSIBULK DATA TRANSFER FACILITY TO MVSIXA JES3 INITIALIZATION & TRAINING GUIDE SC23-0059 SUPPLEMENT FOR HVSIBULK DATA TRANSFER FACILITY TO JES3 INSTALLATI~~ PLANNING AND TUNING-SC23-0041 HVS/370 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK. VOLUME 5 HVS/EXTENDEO ARCHITECTURE JES 3 LOGIC JES 3 LOGIC HVSIXA. 5665-291. JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLuttE 3 MVS/XA. 5665-291. JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLuttE 6 HVS/XA JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLuttE 9 MVSIXA JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLuttE 10 MVSIXA. 5665-291. JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLuttE 11 OPERATIONS. 5665-291. JES3 COMMANDS HVSIXA MVSIXA. 5665-291. JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 1 HVSIXA. 5665-291, JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLuttE 2 MV51XA JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 6 MVSIXA. 5665-291. JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 7 MVSIXA. 5665-291. JE53 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 9 MVSIXA. 5665-291, JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 10 MV5/XA. 5665-291. JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 11 (BASE: SY28-0650-4; SUPPLEMENT NUMBER: LD23-0384-0J OSIVS2 TSO TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM AND SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC TSO/EXTENSIONS (TSO/E) SUPPLEMENT FOR VM/SE (SEPP)' 5748-XEl. TO INTRODUCTION, C~ 1022 ( ( 34 SD23-9001-2 SN25-0778 40 SD23-9002-1 36 5D23-9003-1 40 SD23-9004-0 37 SD23-9005-1 51'125-0758 SN25-0793 SN25-0759 51'125-0831 51'125-0433 SN25-0460 51'125-0760 40 SD23-9006-0 36 SD23-9008-2 39 SD23-9009-1 36 SD23-9010-2 34 SD23-9011-l SN25-0762 36 LD23-9012-0 LN25-0436 20 SD23-9015-1 51'125-0498 34 SD23-90l6-2 51'125-0777 40 SD23-9017-1 36 SD23-901S-1 SN25-0500 51'125-0792 51'125-0750 SN25-0830 40 SD23-9019-1 37 SD23-9020-1 40 SD23-9021-0 36 SD23-9023-2 39 SD23-9024-1 36 SD23-9025-2 34 SD23-9026-1 SN25-0841 36 LD23-9027-0 LN25-0437 36 LD23-902S-0 37 LD23-9030-0 LN25-0797 36 LD23-9031-0 LN25-0754 36 LD23-9032-0 LN25-0755 LN25-0844 36 LD23-9033-0 LN25-0782 37 LD23-9034-0 LN25-0798 36 LD23-9035-0 LN25-0763 36 LD23-9036-0 LN25-0764 LN25-0845 36 LD23-9037-0 LN25-0783 36 5025-0006-0 37 SD25-0007-0 30 LD25-0012-0 SN25-0828 SN25-0751 SN25-0S27 GC20-18DD-9 SN25-0839 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM/SE (SEPP), 5748-XEl, TO PLANNING & SYSTEM GENERATION GUIDE GC2D-180l-10 SN25-077l SUPPLEMENT FOR VM/SE (SEPP), 5748-XEl, TO OPERATOR'S GUIDE SN25-0836 RELEASE 6, GC20-1806-9 SN25-0786 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM/SE (SEPP), 5748-XEl, TO PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE, GC20-1807-7 SN25-0451 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM/SE (SEPP), 5748-XEl, TO SYSTEM MESSAGES GC20-1808-8 SUPPLEI1ENT FOR VM/SE (SEPP), 5748-XE 1, TO OLTSEP AND ERROR RECORDING GUIDE. GC20-1809-7 SUPPLEtlENT FOR VM/SE (SEPP), 5748-XEl. TO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE. GC20-1810-7 SUPPLEt1ENT FOR VM/SE (SEPP). 574S-XEl. TO CMS COmlANDS & MACRO REFERENCE. GC20-1818-3 SUPPLEtlENT FOR VM/SE (SEPP), 5748-XEl. TO CMS USER'S GUIDE. GC20-1819-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM/SE (SEPP). 5748-XEl. TO GENERAL USER'S GC20-1820-4 SN25-0842 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM/SE (SEPP), 5748-XEl, TO OPERATING SYSTEMS IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE. GC20-1821-3 LN25-0462 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM/SE (SEPP). 5748-XEl. TO DATA AREAS & CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC. SY20-0884-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP) 5748-XX8, TO INTRODUCTION. GC20-1800-9 SN25-0838 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 5748-XX8 TO PLANNING & SYSTEM GENERATION GUIDE. GC20-1801-10 51'125-0767 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 5748-XX8 TO SH25-0835 OPERATOR'S GUIDE, GC20-1806-9 51'125-0785 SUPPLEf1ENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 574S-XXS TO SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE, GC20-1807-7 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 574S-XXS TO SYSTEM MESSAGES, GC20-1808-9 SUPPLEMENT FOR WI BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 5748-XXS TO OLTSEP & ERROR RECORDING GUIDE, GC20-1809-7 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 574S-XXS TO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE, GC20-1810-7 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 5748-XXS TO CMS COf1MAND & MACRO REFERENCE, GC20-1S18-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 5748-XXS TO CMS USER'S GUIDE, GC20-1S19-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 5748-XXS TO CP COt~AND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS, GC20-1S20-4 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 574S-XXS TO CP OPERATING SYSTEMS IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE. GC20-1821-3 LN25-0469 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEtl EXTENSIONS (BSEPP) TO DATA AREAS & CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC. SY20-0884-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 574S-XXS TO SYSTEM LOGIC & PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 2. SY20-08S7-0 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 574S-XXS TO SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC, SY20-0882-4 LN25-07S9 SUPPLENENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 574S-XX8 TO DATA AREAS CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC. SY20-0S84-3 LN25-0780 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIOt~ (BSEPP), 5748-XXS TO SYSTEM LOGIC & PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME I. SY20-0886-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP). 574S-XXS TO SYSTEM LOGIC & PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 2, SY20-08S7-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 5748-XX8 TO SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC, SY20-08S2-4 LN25-0790 SUPPLEtlENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 574S-XX8 TO DATA AREAS & CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC, SY20-0884-3 LN25-07S1 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 5748-XXS TO SYSTEM LOGIC & PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 1, SY20-0886-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR VM BASIC SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (BSEPP), 5748-XX8 TO SYSTEM LOGIC & PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 2, SY20-0887-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU20 3031. 3032. 3033 PROCESSOR SUPPORT, 5741-620 TO VSI IPL & NIP LOGIC, SY24-5160-4 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU20 3031. 3032, 3033 PROCESSOR SUPPORT. 5741-620 TO VSl RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LOGIC. SY24-5170-0 SUPPLEMENT FOR VSE/ADVANCED FUNcTIONS. 5746-XE8, TO LIOCS 1023 34 6025-0013-0 36 LD25-0014-1 38 5025-0019-0 38 5025-0020-1 30 LD25-0021-0 30 LD25-0023-0 30 LD25-0026-0 36 LD25-0029-3 36 LD25-0030-3 36 5025-0031-3 36 5025-0032-2 36 LD25-0033-3 34 5D25-0034-3 36 LD25-0035-3 37 5025-0036-3 37 LD25-0037-3 .34 5025-0038-1 34 5025-0039-3 37 LD25-0040-2 40 5025-0041-2 36 5025-0042-3 37 5025-0043-3 34 5025-0044-3 36 LD25-0045-3 30 LD25-0046-3 36 5025-0047-1 40 5025-0049-0 37 5025-0600-0 37 G025-0601-0 37 5025-0602-0 37 6025-0603-0 37 5025-0606-0 37 6025-0607-0 36 36 LD26-6000-0 LD26-6004-0 30 LD26-6005-0 30 5026-6006-0 30 LD26-6009-0 SN2't-5743 VOLUME 1. 6ENERAL INFORMATION & IMPERATIVE MACROS LOGIC. SY33-8559-4 SUPPLEliENT FOR SU20 3031. 3032. 3033 PROCESSOR SUPPORT. 5741-620 TO VSl SYSTEM 6ENERATION REFERENCE. GC26-3791-8 SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl & MVS PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY. 5740-XY5. TO VSl SYSTEM DATA AREAS. SY28-0605-6 SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl RES ENHANCED FUNCTION, 5740-XYE, TO WORKSTATION USER'S 6UIDE. GC28-6879-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl RES E~IANCED FW~CTION TO SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE. 6C28-6878-4 SUPPLEMEtIT FOR VSl RES ENHANCED FUNCTION. 5740-XYE. TO RES. RTAM & WORKSTATION SUPPORT LOGIC. SY28-6849-4 SUPPLEMENT FOR VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XE8. TO DOS/VSE LIOCS VOLW1E 2 SAM LOGIC. SY33-8560-4 SUPPLEMENT FOR VSE/ADVANCED FUtlCTIONS. 5746-XE8. TO FIXED BLOCK ARCHITECTURE LIOCS. SY24-5181-0 SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. TO JOB MANAGEMENT VOLUME 1 LOGIC. SY24-5168 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEtlENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. TO JOB MANAGEMENT VOLUME 2 LOGIC. SY24-5169 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLHIENT FOR VSl BASIC PROSRM1 EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. TO JCL. GC24-5099 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. TO JCL SERVICES. GC24-5100 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS TO SYSTEM DATA AREAS. SY28-0605 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. TO SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE. GC26-3791 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEtlENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. TO IPL A~ID NIP LOGIC. SY24-5160 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAI1 EXTENSIOt,IS. 5662-257. TO SERVICE AIDS. 6C28-0665 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEI1ENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. TO SERVICE AIDS LOGIC. SY28-0635 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. TO SMF. GC24-5115-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR VS1 BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. TO STORAGE ESTIIIATES. 6C24-5094 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTEtlSIOtJS TO RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LOGIC. GY24-5170 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEI1ENT FOR VS1 BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. TO OPERATOR'S REFERENCE. GC38-0110-8 SUPPLEtlENT FOR VS1 BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. TO PROGRAtll'lER'S REFERENCE DIGEST, GC24-5091 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMEtlT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTEtISlm~S. 5662-257. TO DEBUGGING GUIDE. GC24-5093 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS. 5662-257. TO PLAt~ING AND USE GUIOE. GC24-5090 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSICNS. 5662-257. TO SUPERVISOR LOGIC. SY24-5155 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAtI EXTENSIONS TO I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC. SY24-5156 (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR VS1 BASIC FROGRAM EXTENSIONS TO SUPERVISOR SERVICES & MACRO INSTRUCTIONS GC24-5103-2 VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT END-USER SOFTWARE SUPPORT SYSTEM SUPPLEMEtlT TO VM/SP SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES SUPPLErlENT FOR SU51 MYS PROCESSOR SUPPORT. 5752-851 TO SYS1. LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC. SY28-0678-4 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU51 MVS PROCESSOR SUPPORT. 5752-851 TO SYSI. LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC. 6C28-0677-4 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU20 3031. 3032. 3033 PROCESSOR SUPPORT. 5741-620 TO VSl SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING. SY28-0669-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU20 3031. 3032. 3033 PROCESSOR SUPPORT. 5741-620 TO VSl SYS1. LOGREC ERROR RECORDnIG. GC28-0668-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR HVS PROCESSOR SUPPORT SU24 5741-624 TO VSl SYSI. LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC: DEt1F. SY28-0669-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR HVS PROCESSOR SUPPORT SU24 5741-624 TO VSl SYSI. LOGREC ERROR RECORDING: DEMF. GC28-0668-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR HVS/SE TO CHECKPOINT/RESTART LOGIC. SY26-3820-4 SUPPLEMENT FOR SAM/E. 5740-Att3. TO MVS CHECKPOINT/RESTART LOGIC. SY26-3820-4 SUPPLEMENT FOR SAM/E. 5740-AM3. TO OS/VS2 VIO LOGIC. SY26-3834-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR SAM/E. 5740-AM3. TO DATA MANAGEMEtIT MACRO INSTRUCTIONS. 6C26-3873-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR AttS CRYPTOGRAPHIC OPTION. 5740-At18. TO VS2 1024 ( ( 30 LD26-6010-0 30 5026-6011-0 30 LD26-6013-0 30 LD26-6014-0 30 G026-6017-0 30 6026-6018-0 30 LD26-6025-0 32 LD26-6026-0 34 30 GD26-6027-0 LD26-6028-0 29 SD26-6029-0 30 LD26-6030-0 30 LD26-6031-0 30 LD26-6032-0 30 32 LD26-6033-0 LD26-6034-0 36 LD26-6035-0 30 LD26-6037-0 23 25 SD26-6038-0 SD26-6039-0 30 &026-6041-0 85 20 GE19-5234-12 GE19-5265-0* 85 85 85 GE19-5301-0 GE19-5302-0 GE19-5325-0 85 04 04 85 04 GE20-0312-2 GE20-0599-0 GE20-0633-2 GE20-0731-1 GE20-0759-0 04 **GE20-0760-1 04 GE20-0765-0 30 LGF6-0101-0 (' 30 LGF6-0102-0 30 LGF6-0103-2 50 LGF6-0104-1 30 85 85 85 85 85 LGF6-0105-0 GG22-9018-1 GG22-9023-4 GG22-9048-0 0022-9050-0 GG22-9054-0 85 85 85 85 85 85 GG22-9200-0 0022-9206-1 0022-9207-0 GG22-9209-0 GG22-9210-0 GG22-9217-0 LNF6-0101 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC, SY25-0010-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR AMs CRYPTOGRAPHIC OPTION, 5740-AM8, TO VSl ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC, 5Y25-0018-2 SUPPLEtlENT FOR MASS STORAGE EXTENSIONS FOR 3850 TO VSAM OPTIONS FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIOUS, GC26-3819-4 SUPPLEMENT FOR MASS STORAGE EXTENSIOt~ FOR 3850, 5740-XYG, TO MYS ACCESS METHOO SERVICES LOGIC, SY35-0010-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR MASS STORAGE EXTENSIONS FOR 3850, 5740-XYG, TO VSl ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC. SY35-0018-2 SUPPLEtlEIIT FOR MYS 3800 ENHANCEMENTS RELEASE 3.8 TO DATA MANAGEMENT, GC26-3830-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR MYS 3800 ENHANCEMENTS RELEASE 3.8 TO DATA MANAGEMENT MACRO INSTRUCTIONS, GC26-3873-1 SUPPLEMENT FOR tlVS DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT, 5740-AM7, VS2 OPEN/CLOSE/EOV LOGIC, SY26-3827-2 SUPPLEl1EIIT FOR DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT, 5740-AM6 AND 5740-AM7. TO OSIVS UTILITIES LOGIC, SY35-0005-5 OSIVS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE SUPPLEMENT FOR MYS DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT VSl OPEN/CLOSE/EOV LOGIC SY26-3839-3 SUPPLEMENT FOR DOS PLiI OPTIMIZING COMPILER TO INSTALLATION 5133-0020-0 SUPPLEMENT FOR DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT TO OsIVs2 OPEN/CLOSE/EOV LOGIC SY26-3827-2 SUPPLEtlENT FOR DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT, 5740-AM7 TO VS2 VSAM LOGIC, SY26-3825-1 & SY26-3825-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR DATA FACILITY EXTENDED FUNCTION TO MYS VSAM LOGIC SY26-3825-2 AM5 CRYPTOGRAAiIC OPTION SUPPLEMENT LOGIC SUPPLEtlENT FOR DATA FACILITY EXTENDED FUlICTION TO OSIVS UTILITIES LOGIC SY35-0005-5 SUPPLEMENT FOR MYS DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT, 5740-AM7 TO VS2 CIiECKPOINTIRESTART LOGIC, SY26-3820-4 SUPPLEtlENT FOR MYS DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT, 5740-AM7 TO VS2 SAMIE LOGIC, SY26-3855-0 SUPPLEMENT FOR VS BASIC TO TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE SH20-9060-2 SUPPLEMENT FOR VSPC V2 TO VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) FORTRAN TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE SH20-9062-2 SUPPLEMENT TO MYS/370 INTEGRATED CATALOG ADMINISTRATION: ACCESS METHOD SERVICES REFERENCE SYSTEtlS HAtIDeOOK IBM SYSTEMS NETWORK ARCHITECTURE GENERAL ItfFORMATION AND MAINTENANCE AIDS HAUDBOOK JES2 TO JES3 CONVERSION GUIDE INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT JES3 INSTALLATION GUIDE: INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT JES2 TO JES3 CONVERSION GUIDE OPERATOR COMMAND STRUCTURE INSTAL LA TION tlANAGEMENT PREFACE TO PLiI PROGRAtR1ING IN SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING 3895 DEPOSIT PROCESSING SYSTEM INPUT CmITROL PROCEDURES 3895 DEPOSIT PROCESSING SYSTEM WORKSTATION PROCEDURES ORGANIZING AND MAINTAINING A SYSTEM LIBRARY 3694 DOCUtlENT PROCESSOR: A GUIDE TO CREATING WORKSTATION AND HOST OPERATIONS RUNBOOK PROCEDURES 3694 DOCUtlENT PROCESSOR: A GUIDE TO IMPLEMENTING AND INSTA.LLING 3694 DOCUtlENT PROCESSOR SORTING APPLICATIONS GUIDE OSIVSl MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS, LIC PROG 5740-XYG, MICROFICHE LISTINGS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS, LIC PROG .5740-XYG, MICROFICHE LISTINGS LNF6-0102 HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, LIC PROG 5740-XRB, OSIVS MYS RELEASE 3.8, LISTINGS IMSIVS DATA BASE RECOVERY CONTROL, LIC PROG 5740-XX2 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) MSSE MYSIXA FACILITY OS/VS MYS 3.8 SP VERSION 2 LISTINGS VSl TO MYS CONVERSION PLANNING GUIDE AN MYS TUNING PERSPECTIVE OSIVS VSAM RECOVERY GUIDE M5S CAPACITY PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS FOR INSTALLING S/34 IN AN IMSIVS AND JES2IRJE SNA ENVIRONMENT JES3 A PRIMER MYS/SP RELEASE 1 PAGING TUTORIAL JES2 INTERNAL READER PROCESSING 3081 PROCESSOR IOCP AND CHANNEL CONFIGURATION 3033 MP/AP INSTALLATION NOTEBOOK DASD PATH AND DEVICE CONTENTION CONSIDERATIONS 1025 85 85 85 85 85 85 G622-9220-0 6622-9222-0 GG22-9224-2 G622-9225-0 6622-9228-0 G622-9229-0 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 6622-9231-0 6622-9234-0 6622-9235-1 6622-9241-0 6622-9243-0 6G22-9247-0 6622-9250-0 6G22-9251-0 GG22-9252-0 6622-9254-1 GG22-9261-0 GG22-9264-0 GG22-9265-1 6G22-9267-0 G622-9270-0 GG22-9274-0 GG22-9277-0 GG22-9278-0 GG22-9280-0 G622-9282-0 SG22-9283-0 GG22-9285-0 GG22-9287-0 G622-9288-0 G622-9290-0 6G22-9292-0 6G22-9294-0 6G22-9295-0 GG22-9297-0 6G22-9298-0 GG22-9302-0 G622-9305-0 SG22-9306-0 85 85 30 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 G622-9307-0 6G22-9308-0 G622-9309-0 G622-9313-1 G622-9314-1 SG22-9315-0 G622-9316-0 G622-9317';'0 G622-9318-0 G622-9319-0 G622-9322-0 85 85 G622-9324-0 G622-9325-0 85 SG22-9326-0 85 85 85 6G22-9327-0 SG22-9328-0 G622-9329-0 85 SG22-9331-0 85 6622-9332-0 6622-9333-0 85 85 6622-9334-0 85 G622-9337-0 85 HSG22-9338-1 85 6622-9340-1 85 6G22-9341-0 85 6622-9343-0 85 6622-9344-0 85 SG22-9345-0 GN28-0011 THE JES2 CHECKPOINT MECHANISM MYS/SYSTEM PRODUCT RELEASE 1 INSTALLATION GUIDE tlSS RECOVERY HANDBOOK OSI AND SNA A PERSPECTIYE INSTALLATION AND MIGRATION GUIDE RECOVERY OF RACF IN PROTECTED SYSTEtIS PLANNING FOR A NEW CATAL06 ENVIRONMENT WITH DATA FACILITY EXTENDED FUNCTION CROSS MEMORY SERVICES USER'S GUIDE PERFORMANCE OF JES3 MULTITASKIN6 WRITER SUPPORT IN MYS/SP-JES3 YTAHITCAMINCP TRACE ANALYSIS GUIDE REFERENCE CARD DASD ACCESS METHOD PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS TPNS A SYSTEtIS TEST TOOL· TO IMPROVE SERYICE LEVELS INTRODUCTION VHlSP MULTIPROCESSING CONCEPTS MYS/SP RELEASE 3 INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS 6LOBAL RESOURCE SERIALIZATION CONSIDERATIONS MYS/SYSTEM PRODUCT VERSION 1 RELEASE 3 PERFORMANCE GUIDE HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANA6ER RELEASE 3.1 INSTALLATION GUIDE BACKUP AND RECOVERY IN ACFIYTAM RELEASE 3 MYS PAGING PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS 3081 OPERATOR TRAINING INFORMATION CENTER IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT DADSM INSTALLATION EXITS ACFIMSNF PLANNING WORKBOOK VHl370 MAINTENANCE MADE SIMPLE PROBLEM MANAGEMENT SYSTEtIS DESIGN GUIDE SPOOL DISPLAY AND SEARCH FACILITY FOIL PRESENTATION VHlSP HPO RELEASE 2 ADRS II ADVANCED TOPICS NETWORK MANAGEMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT GUIDE YM/SP HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION RELEASE 1 CAPACITY PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY 3083 OPERATOR TRAINING GUIDE JES3 CONTROL OF MSS EXTENDING THE AYAlLABILITY OF ItlSlt1VS ON-LINE OPERATIONS OSIVS YSAM PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES VHlSP HODES OF OPERATION tlSS CAPACITY PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS WHY 60 TO MYSIXA? MYSIXA 31 BIT ASSEMBLER PROGRAMMING USING DATA FACILITY DEYICE SUPPORT EXITS FOR DASD SPACE MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE NETWORK ,PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT FOIL PRESENTATION 3380 DASD FEATURES INSTALLATION AND CONVERSION tlSS TABLE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM USER'S HANDBOOK 3814 SWITCHING MANA6EMENT SYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS UPDATE YM FUNCTION GUIDE USING APL WITH ADRS II 3880 HODEL 13 INSTALLATION HANDBOOK PROBLEM AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT USING INFORMATIONIMANAGEMENT SO YOU WANT TO ESTIMATE THE VALUE OF AVAILABILITY PA6ING IN YM/SP MYS/SP-JES2 1.3.3 MYS/SP-JES2 2.1.1 JES2 MIGRATION CONSIDERATIONS MEASURING AYAILABILITY COMPARISON OF MYS/SP YERSION 1 RELEASE 3 (MYS/370) TO MYS/SP VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.0 (MYSIXA) ON THE 3081K SYSTEMINETWORK MANA6EMENT TOOLS PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS 3088 INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS YM/SP RELEASE 2 PERFORMANCE 3800 HODEL 3 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM COMPATIBILITY MODE FONT SELECTION GUIDE TELEPROCESSING NETWORK SIMULATOR YERSION 2 RELEASE 2 FEATURES (FOIL PRESENTATION) MYSIXA PLANNING 6UIDE MYS/SP JES2 1.3.4 MYS/SP JES2 2.1.2 JES2 MIGRATION CONSIDERATIONS 8100IDPPXlPDA WITH NPDA NETWORK MANA6EMENT TOOLS 3880 MODEL 13 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM EXTENDED MIGRATION CONSIDERATIONS 3725 INSTALLATION GUIDE 3084 OPERATOR TRAINING GUIDE INFORMATION/ACCESS AND THE CSSF DATA BASE CAPACITY PLANNING BASIC HAND ANALYSIS VI1ISP HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION GREATER THAN 16 ME6ABYTE PERFORMANCE 1026 ~ < "--.-..../ '\ ". / r- ." I .. ( 07 85 85 85 20 85 85 85 6622-9347-0 6G22-9348-0 6622-9349-0 6622-9350-0 GG22-9352-0 6G22-9353-0 GG22-9354-0 6G22-9355-0 85 6622-9356-0 85 6622-9357-0 85 G622-9358-0 85 6G22-9359-0 85 GG22-9360-0 85 GG22-9361-0 85 GG22-9362-0 85 **GG22-9363-2 85 GG22-9364-0 85 GG22-9365-0 85 GG22-9366-0 85 GG22-9367-0 85 GG22-9368-0 85 61722-9369-0 85 GG22-9370-0 GG22-9371-0 85 85 GG22-9372-0 85 **GG22-9378-0 85 G622-9385-0 20 GG22-9386-0 85 GG22-9387-0 85 L622-9389-0 ( 85 6622-9390-0 85 GG22-9391-0 85 GG22-9392-1 85 GG22-9393-0 30 **6G22-9397-1 85 **171722-9399-0 85 GG24-1510-0 85 GG24-1513-0 85 GG24-1514-1 85 GG24-1518-1 85 GG24-1523-1 85 GG24-1524-1 85 6624-1525-1 ( 85 171724-1526-1 85 171724-1527-1 85 6624-1528-1 85 6624-1529-1 85 85 85 85 6624-1535-0 6624-1537-0 GG24-1538-0 6G24-1539-0 85 85 85 85 85 85 6G24-1540-0 6624-1546-0 GG24-1547-0 6624-1549-0 GG24-1550-0 6624-1552-0 85 85 6624-1554-0 6624-1557-3 COMPARISON OF 3380 AND 3350 USED FOR Vl'VCtlS MINIDISKS PROBLEM MANAGEMENT USING INFORMATIONIHANAGEMENT VERSION 2 CHANGE MANAGEMENT USING INFORMATIONIMANAGEMENT VERSION 2 MVSIXA RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY MONITOR III SNA NETWORK INTERCONNECTION A TECHNICAL OVERVIEW AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING WORKSHOP LEADERS GUIDE AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING WORKBOOK AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING PROJECT GUIDE PROBLEM MANAGEMENT AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING PROJECT GUIDE CHANGE MANAGEMENT AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING PROJECT GUIDE RECOVERY MANAGEMENT AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING PROJECT GUIDE CAPACITY MANAGEMENT AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING PROJECT GUIDE SERVICE LEVEL MANAGEtlENT AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING PROJECT 6UIDE SYSTEMSINETWORK CONTROL CENTER - SINCC SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER REXX EXAMPLES AND TECHNIQUES AN INTRODUCTION TO MVS CUSTOM-BUILT lPO DASD EXPECTATIONS THE 3380 3880-23 AND MVSIXA AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING PROJECT GUIDE TOOLS DEVELOPING A HULTI-SITE NETWORK MANAGEMENT PlAN SNA MULTI-SITE NETWORK PLANNING AND DESIGN PAGING ENHANCEMENTS IN Vl'VSP HPO 3.4 Vl'VXA MIGRATION AID USER EXPERIENCES AND INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS 3380 MIGRATION CONSIDERATIONS 3380 BLOCK SIZE CONSIDERATIONS VI'VXA MA RELEASE 1 PRESENTATION GUIDE WINNING AVAILABILITY STRATEGIES VIDEOTAPE TRANSCRIPT HOW JES2 USES SNA FOR RJE AND NJE ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 ACFINCP VERSION 4 ACF/SSP VERSION 3 OVERVIEW SNA NETWORKING PRODUCT OVERVIEW AN INTRODUCTION TO THE 3084 PROCESSOR COMPLEX MVS/SP JES3 1.3.4 MVS/SP JES3 2.1.2 JES3 INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS MVS/SP JES3 1.3.4 MVS/SP JES3 2.1.2 JES3 OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS SYSTEMS ANALYSIS FOR HIGH AVAIlABILITY, AN AVAIlABILITY MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE Vl'VSP HPO PERFORMANCE TUNING GUIDE Vl'VSP HPO RELEASE 3.4 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW PRESENTATION GUIDE MVSIXA PROCESSOR STORAGE ESTIMATES, AND PERFORMANCE 3480 INSTALLATION GUIDE AND REFERENCE IMSIVS VTAM INTERFACE GUIDE GUIDE VMlSP DDP ACF/SNA SYSTEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 1 IMSIVS VSAM INTERFACE ACF/SNA SYSTEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 2 DOS TO MVS MIGRATION GENERAL INFORMATION NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER DOSIVSE TO MVS STRUCTURED SUPPORT PlAN DOSIVSE TO MVS SAMPLE MIGRATION NETWORK NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER DOSIVSE TO MVS STRUCTURED SUPPORT PlAN SAt1PLE EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER DOSIVSE TO MVS STRUCTURED SUPPORT PlAN PROJECT MANAGER'S GUIDE NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER DOSIVSE TO MVS STRUCTURED SUPPORT PlAN SAMPLE CONVERSION TEAM USER'S GUIDE NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER DOSIVSE TO MVS STRUCTURED SUPPORT PlAN MVS STANDARDS DESIGN GUIDE VSl TO MVS MIGRATION GENERAL INFORMATION VSl TO MYS SAMPLE MIGRATION EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES VSl TO MVS CONVERSION USER'S GUIDE COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENTIMANAGING INTERCONNECTED SYSTEMS COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT/NCCF TERMINAL ACCESS FACILITY COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT USING INFORMATIONIMANA6EMENT ADVANCED cot~ICATIONS FUNCTION PRIMER DlII DOSIVS VSEIVSAM INTERFACE GUIDE GUIDE TO MVS/SP RELEASE 3 SMALL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS INSTALLATION PRIMER VSE SYSTEM IPOIE COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT CNM CUSTOMIZING NCCF ACF PRODUCTS INSTALLATION GUIDE 1027 85 85 85 6624-1558-0 6624-1559-1 6624-1560-0 85 85 6624-1561-0 GG24-1563-0 85 6624-1565-0 20 **GG24-1568-1 85 6624-1569-0 85 6624-1570-0 85 G624-1573-0 85 85 85 85 85 GG24-1575-0 6624-1581-0 6G24-1582-0 G624-1583-0 GG24-1584-1 85 6624-1585-0 85 85 85 85 85 85 50 85 85 85 6G24-1586-0 6624-1587-0 GG24-1590-0 GG24-1594-0 6G24-1595-0 GG24-1597-1 GG24-1599-0 6624-1600-0 6624-1602-0 6624-1605-0 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 20 85 85 GG24-1608-0 GG24-1609-0 GG24-1611-0 6G24-1612-0 6G24-1613-0 6624-1616-0 6G24-1617-0 G624-1618-0 6624-1625-0 6G24-1630-0 6624-1632-0 6624-1633-0 85 85 85 85 85 SO 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 20 30 85 20 20 20 SO 50 SO as 6624-1636-0 GG24-1637-0 6624-164a-0 **6624-1650-0 GG24-1653-1 **GG24-1655-1 **6624-1658-1 G624-1665-0 6624-1673-0 6624-1682-0 6624-1683-1 **G624-1684-0 G624-1687-0 **6G24-1688-0 **6G24-1696-0 **6624-1721-0 **6624-1723-0 **GG24-1729-0 **6666-0208-0 **G666-0213-0 **6G66-0216-0 6666-0220-1 GH09-8014-0 SH09-8016-0 6HI2-5115-2 GHI2-5122-0 36 6H12-5128-2 38 GHI2-5129-1 CNH CENTRAL SITE OPERATION ANNOTATED IMSIVS PERFORMANCE REPORTS COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT CNM BUILDING FULLSCREEN CENTRAL NETWORK SUPPORT NCCF COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT USING THE CNM TOOLS VSAM PRIMER FOR INTE6RATED CATALOG FACILITY ICF IN AN HVS ENVIRONMENT EXPERIENCES INSTALLING JES3/SP1.3.1 X.25 SNA 6UIDE X.25 NPSI PAD INPLEMENTATION 6UIDE VSE/POWER VERSION 2 NETWORKING DESIGN GUIDE SMALL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS INSTALLATION PRIMER 4331 ACF/VTAM VERSION 2 COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANA6EMENT DATABASE 2 RELATIONAL CONCEPTS DATABASE 2 CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES GUIDE DATABASE 2 SQL USA6E GUIDE AN INTRODUCTION TO ADVANCED PROSRAM-TO-PROGRAM COttlUNlCATION APPC COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANA6EMENT USING NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER DB2 QMF AND DXT PRESENTATION 6UIDE DB2 INTERACTIVE DB21 DEMONsTRATION 6UIDE COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT USING SERVICE LEVEL REPORTER IMS/vS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3 LOGGING USER'S GUIDE DBRC MIGRATION AND USAGE 6UIDE VMlVSE INTERFACE GUIDE DATABASE 2 SECURITY AND AUTHORIZATION GUIDE DATABASE 2 PERFORMANCE DESIGN AND TUNING 6UIDE CNM OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR LARGE NETWORKS COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK MANAGEMENT CUSTOMIZING INFORMATION/SYSTEM VERSION 2 DBRC RELEASE 2 IMPLEMENTATION PRIMER IMS DB/DC VERSION DBRC RELEASE 2 IMPLEMENTATION PRIMER CICS/os/vs DLI VERSION MVS/XA SSP GENERAL INFORMATION MVS/XA SSP POSITIONING ACTIVITIES MATERIAL MVS/XA SSP MIGRATION ACTIVITIES MATERIAL 3081 OPERATOR'S HANDBOOK FOR MVS/XA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS COMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT NCCF VERSION 2 DBRC AND DATA SHARING FOR THE CICS/VS USERS SNA NETWORK INTERCONNECTION SNI PLANNING AND DESIGN DATABASE 2 VERSION 1 RELEASE 1 CICS/vS INTERFACE 6UIDE GUIDE TO IMSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3 DATA ENTRY DATA BASE DEDB FACILITY ACF/vTAM VERSION 3 FOR vtVSP PLANNING GUIDE IMS DATABASE VERSION 1 RELEASE 1 IMS/VS INTERFACE GUIDE 6UIDE TO THE 3880 STORAGE CONTROL MODEL 23 GUIDE TO THE 3880 tIODEL 21 PAGING SUBSYSTEM 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER 6UIDE 7171 INSTALLATION EXPERIENCES GUIDE DEVELOPING QMF APPLICATIONS USING ISPF (CURRENT RELEASE) ENGINEERING/SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT SYSTEM INSTALLATION GUIDE CNH PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT TOOLS DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY RELEASE 5 IMPLEMENTATION PRIMER 4381 DUAL PROCESSORS INSTALLATION 6UIDE IMS/VS FAST PATH APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE 3270 PC: API PROGRAMMING 3179 MODEL 61 AND 62 INSTALLATION GUIDE 3710/x.25 IMPLEMENTATION PRIMER 3270-PC COLOR 6RAPHICS APPLICATIONS (6GXA) IMS/vS VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 PRESENTATION GUIDE Ix/370 INFORMATION FOR NEW USERS 3850 MASS STORAGE SUBSYSTEM MI6RATION PLANNING 3090 MODEL 200 PROCESSOR COMPLEX INSTALLATION NOTEBOOK SNA NETWORKS OF SMALL SYSTEMS VM/XA SF FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW PRESENTATION GUIDE ES/3 READ ME FIRST SQL/DS REMOTE RELATIONAL ACCESS SUPPORT GUIDE FOR vtVSP DVI-ENTRY DOS/VS, LIC PROG 5746-XX7, GENERAL INFORMATION IMS DATA BASE ANALYZER (OS/VS), LIC PROG 5740-XXR, 6ENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/POWER, LIC PR06 5746-XE3, 6ENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) 5/370 & 4300 PROCESSORS, JOB ENTRY PROGRAM, LIC PROG 5746-XE6, & FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM, LIC PROS 5748-XE6, 6ENERAL 1028 (-~\ ~j "- ( ,-,/ \ ( 30 6H12-5130-1 36 GHI2-5131-3 GHI2-5136-1 GHI2-5140-0 38 **GHI2-5141-2 38 GHI2-5143-2+ 20 38 50 50 GHI2-5145-4* 6H12-5151-0* 50 SHI2-5152-0* 50 20 20 20 20 50 GH12-5153-0* GH12-5160-2 SHI2-5161-1 SHI2-5162-1 GHI2-5174-1 GHI2-5233-0 36 GH12-5235-0 38 GHI2-5240-0 30 6H12-5241-2 36 GHI2-5242-6 38 GH12-5245-0 20 20 50 50 GHI2-5254-2 6HI2-5261-3 GHI2-5263-1+ GHI2-5266-1* GHI2-5272-1* 50 SH12-5317-1 36 36 36 SHI2-5328-4 SHI2-5329-5 SH12-5330-3 38 SHI2-5331-1 30 SH12-5334-0* 30 SHI2-5336-2 50 38 38 SHI2-5338-1 SH12-5342-0 SHI2-5349-3 38 SHI2-5352-2 38 SHI2-5354-4 SH12-5361-1 38 (- 20 20 38 50 SH12-5362-0 SH12-5365-1+ SH12-5373-1 SH12-5374-1* 50 50 50 SHI2-5375-1* SHI2-5376-1* SHI2-5377-1* 50 SHI2-5378-1* 30 30 30 34 SHI2-5390-2 SHI2-5391-2 SHI2-5393-2 SHI2-5399-0 38 (/ SN12-5162 INFORMATION VSE/ACCESS CONTROL LOGGINS AND REPORTING, 5746-XE7, GENERAL INFORMATION VSE/POWER. LIC PROS 5746-XE3, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION/LIBRARY AND LIBRARY/MVS GENERAL INFORMATION FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM GENERAL INFORMATION FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK SUPPORT GENERAL INFORMATION IMS/vS DATA BASE ANALYZER VERSION 2, 5665-349, GENERAL INFORMATION IMS/VS DATA BASE ANALYZER, 5665-349, VERSION 2 GUIDE AND REFERENCE IMS/VS DB ANALYZER, 5665-349. LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS SNA APPLICATION MONITOR GENERAL INFORMATION SNA APPLICATION MONITOR INSTALLATION GUIDE SNA APPLICATION MONITOR OPERATION AND DIAGNOSIS GUIDE DISPLAYWRITE/370 SPECIFICATIONS S/370 IMS/vS DATA BASE ANALYZER (OSIVS), LIC PROS 5740-XXR, SPECIFICATIONS VSE/POWER. LIC. PROG 5746-XE2. REMOTE JOB ENTRY FEATURE SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) JOB ENTRY PROGRAM. LIC PROG 5746-XE6. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) SPECIFICATIONS VSE/ACCESS CONTROL LOGGINS AND REPORTING (CURRENT RELEASE) YSE/PRIORITY OUTPUT WRITERS EXECUTION PROCESSORS AND INPUT READERS REMOTE JOB ENTRY AND SHARED SPOOLING FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE) FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM. LIC PROS 5748-XE6. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION/LIBRARY AND LIBRARYIHVS SPECIFICATIONS FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM VERSION 2 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS FTP VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK. 5665-324. LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK SUPPORT (VSE), 5666-308 (VSE). SPECIFICATIONS SN12-5213 IMS/vS DATA BASE ANALYZER (OS/VS)' LIC PROS 5740-XXR. USER'S 6UIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) YSE/POWER VERSION 2 RJE USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/POWER INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS GUIDE VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/PRIORITY OUTPUT WRITERS. EXECUTION PROCESSORS, AND INPUT READERS. 5666-273. VERSION 2 SHARED SPOOLING REFERENCE GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) JOB ENTRY PROGRAM AND FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM, LIC PROS 5746-XE6, 5748-XE6. REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK TRANSACTION SUBSYSTEM. LIC PROG 5799-BER, PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS PROGRAM REFERENCE USE/ACCESS CONTROL LOGGING AND REPORTING (CURRENT RELEASE) COPICS ONLINE ROUTING FILE TRANSFER PR()GRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM VERSION 2 PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS AND DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) FILE TRANSFER PR()GRAM VERSION 2 PROMPTER USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) FTP VERSION 2 INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION LIBRARY AND LIBRARYIHVS INSTALLATION AND ADMINISTRATION GUIDE INFORMATION/LIBRARY AND LIBRARYIHVS INFORMATION-RETRIEVAL GUIDE FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.1 INSTALLATION GUIDE VSE/YM FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM APPLICATION PROGRAMMING OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK SUPPORT, 5665-324 U1YS), 5666-308 (YSE), OPERATING GUIDE OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK SUPPORT INSTALLATION GUIDE OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK SUPPORT APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK SUPPORT. 5665-324 (MVS), 5666-308 (VSE), MESSAGES AND CODES OPEN SYSTEMS NETWORK SUPPORT (YSE). 5666-308 (YSE). INSTALLATION GUIDE INTERACTIVE PERSONNEL SYSTEM, 5740-AM4. 5746-AMI. IMPLEMENTING INTERACTIVE PERSONNEL SYSTEM. 5740-AM4, 5746-AMI. OPERATING INTERACTIVE PERSONNEL SYSTEM, 5740-AM4, 5746-AM1, CUSTOMIZING FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM, 5664-315, VERSION 2 INSTALLATION GUIDE 1029 50 SHI2-5411-6 50 SHI2-5412-5 SN24-5658 50 50 50 SHI2-5413-4 SHI2-5414-9 SHI2-5417-2 SN24-5631 50 50 SHI2-5418-2 SHI2-5420-1 32 **SHI2-5432-4 36 SHI2-5434-0 SN12-5535 36 SHI2-5435-4 36 **SHI2-5520-5 50 GH 12-60 11-0- 39 SHI8-0007-0 50 SHI8-0080-0 50 SHI8-0083-0 30 SHI8-0249-0 50 50 GHI9-0082-1 GHI9-0084-1 50 50 50 50 50 50 29 SHI9-0086-0 SHI9-0087-0 SHI9-0088-0 GHI9-0094-0 GHI9-6044-0 GHI9-6047-0 SHI9-6048-0 29 SHI9-6049-1 39 SHI9-6050-0* 30 SHI9-6052-1* 23 SHI9-6053-0 85 39 32 32 SHI9-6055-2 SHI9-6069-2 GHI9-6071-2 GHI9-6072-2 32 SHI9-6073-2 50 GHI9-6075-0 50 SHI9-6077-3 SNI9-6358 50 SHI9-6078-1 SN19-6355 50 SHI9-6085-2 50 GH19-6087-2 50 GHI9-6090-2 50 SHI9-6093-2 50 SHI9-6094-2 50 SHI9-6095-0 SN19-6357 FOR VIRTUAL MACHINE DlII DOS/VS CALL AND RooLI INTERFACES APPLICATION PROGRAMMING (CURRENT RELEASE) SN24-5683 DlII DOS/VS UTILITIES GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM PROGRAMMER (CURRENT RELEASE) (~\ SN24-5684 DlII DOSIVS SYSTEM/APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DlII DOSIVS MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) ~ DlII-ENTRY. LIC PROG 5746-XX7. APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE S~~ARY DlII-ENTRY. UTILITIES REFERENCE SUMMARY DlII-ENTRY DOSIVS LOW-LEVEL CODE/CONTINUITY CHECK FEATURE. LIC PROG 5746-XX7. REFERENCE/OPERATIONS INTERACTIVE PERSONNEL SYSTEM. 5740-AM4 (IMSIVS) INSTALLING VSE/POUER REFERENCE SlJtIMARY. REMOTE PROCESSING. REL 1.0. LIC PROG 5746-XE3. FEATURES 6066-6071. REFERENCE CARD VSE/POWER VERSION 2 REFERENCE SumlARY (C~~RENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/PRIORITY OUTPUT WRITERS EXECUTION PROCESSORS AND INPUT READERS VERSION 2 MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) SYSTEM/370 DATA LANGUAGE/I - ENTRY DOSIVS VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION LEVEL 1 PROGRAM PRODUCT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION TSO 3270 PRINTER SUPPORT PROGRAMMING RPQ U946866 DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION MAh~AL PROGRAM NUtmER 5799-ALB IMSIVS. 5740-XX2. VERSION 1 MESSAGE FORMAT SERVICE DBCS ENHANCEMENT DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICSIVS). 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3. VERSION 1 RELEASE 6: 5550 SUPPORT FEATURE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 5550 FILE TRANSFER CICS (FOR PRC: PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA) D/O PRPQ POI092 GIS DOSIVS. LIC PROG 5799-ALX. GENERAL INFORMATION PRPQ 8T0139 GIS DOSIVS. EXECUTIVE QUERY. LIC PROG 5799-ALX. REFERENCE PRPQ 8T0139 GIS DOSIVS. LIC PROG 5799-ALX. LANGUAGE REFERENCE GIS DOSIVS. LIC PROG 5799-ALX. PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE GIS DOSIVS. LIC PROG 5799-ALX. MESSAGES/CODES GIS DOS/VS. LIC PROG 5799-ALX. USER'S GUIDE TERMINAL BUSINESS SYSTEM/VS TO CICS/VS CONVERSION GUIDE TERMINAL BUSINESS SYSTEMIVS TO IMSIVS CONVERSION GUIDE \ INTERNATIONAL FIELD PROGRAM VS PERSONAL COMPUTING PlII. LIC PROG 5785-EAB. USER'S GUIDE , / VIRTUAL STORAGE PERSONAL COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE/ONE LANGUAGE RM IFP VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) FOR DATA CENTER SERVICES: ONLINE CENTRE SERVICES TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE X25 PACKET SWITCHING ATTACHMENT FOR NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAMIVS VERSION 5. 5799-ARJ. PROGRAMMING RPQZA4239 FOR DATAPACITRANSPAC PROGRAtIMING RPQXD2060 FOR NRW. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VS PERSONAL COMPUTING FOR DCS: BASIC LANGUAGE CONVERSION PROGRAM USER'S GUIDE IBM PROGRAMMING PRODUCTIVITY SERVICE USER'S GUIDE VS PERSONAL COMPUTIt~ FOR DCS: CONVERSION GUIDE FOR USERS VSEIDITTO. LIC PROG 5746-UT3. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VSEIDATA INTERFILE TRANSFER TESTING. & OPERATIONS UTILITY LIC PROG 5746-UT3. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VSEIDITTO. LIC PROG 5746-UT3. PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY. LIC PROG 5740-XYF. 5746-XXT SPECIFICATIOHS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM. 5740-XYF. 5746-XXT. 5664-178. PROGRAM REFERENCE 8177 (VSE). 8067 (CMS). PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM. LIC PROG 5740-XYF. OPERATIONS GUIDE SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOtlER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM. 5740-XXT. 5664-178 (CURRENT RELEASE) SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOtIER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL 5746-XXT. 5740-XYF. 5664-178 (CURRENT RELEASE) SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM OS/VS OPERATIONS GUIDE SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATIONS GUIDE // SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUsToMER INFORMATION CdNTROL ( 1030 ( 50 50 GHI9-6096-0 SHI9-6097-0 50 SHI9-6098-0 50 SHI9-6099-0 50 GHI9-6100-0 50 SHI9-6102-0 20 GHI9-6103-1 32 SHI9-6104-0 20 GHI9-6105-0 32 GHI9-6111-0 3D 30 GHI9-6115-0 SHI9-6118-0 30 50 SHI9-6119-0 SHI9-6133-0* 34 SHI9-6134-0* 34 SHI9-6135-0* 34 SHI9-6136-0* 50 SHI9-6137-0* 50 SHI9-6138-0* 34 SHI9-6139-0* 50 SHI9-6140-0* 34 GHI9-6143-0* 50 GHI9-6144-0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 GHI9-6157-3 SHI9-6158-1 SHI9-6159-1 SHI9-6160-1 SHI9-6161-1 SHI9-6162-1 SHI9-6163-1 SHI9-6165-2 50 GHI9-6168-0 50 SHI9-6171-0 30 GHI9-6173-0* 50 SHI9-6187-1 32 SHI9-6211-1 50 50 GHI9-6218-1 GHI9-6219-0 50 SHI9-6220-0 50 SHI9-6221-0 50 SHI9-6222-0 50 SH19-6223-0 (SDF/CICS), 5664-178, SYSTEM OPERATIONS GUIDE SDF/CICS SSXIVSE GENERAL INFORMATION SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED OPERATIONS GUIDE SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS StlALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVIRTUAL STORAGE EXTEtIDED PROGRAM REFERENCE SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CIC~ SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED M~SSAGES A~~ CODES SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS StlALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE SPECIFICATIONS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (SDF/CICS), 5740-XYF, 5746-XXT, 5664-178. PRIMER (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA INTERFILE TRANSFER TESTING AND OPERATIONS UTILITY FOR VSE A~n VM. 5668-917. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA INTERFILE TRANSFER TESTING AND OPERATIONS UTILITY FOR VSE A~~ VM PROGRAM REFERENCE A~~ OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA INTERFILE TRANSFER TESTING AND OPERATIONS UTILITY FOR VSE AND VM SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/DATA INTERFILE TRANSFER. TESTING, A~~ OPERATIONS UTILITY GENERAL INFORMATION SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY II SPECIFICATIONS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY II RELEASE 1.0 PRIMER FOR CICSIBMS PROGRA~'S ( (~-_/ SN19-6767 SNI9-6773 SNI9-6774 SNI9-6729 SN19-6768 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY II PRIMER FOR ISPF PROGRAMS ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM (ELIAS). LIC PROG 5799-AYZ. APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5799-AY GUIDE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5799-AYZ, PRPQ X99906, SAMPLE HANDBOOK ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM (ELIAS), LIC PROG 5799-AYZ PRPQ X99906: APPLICATION PRO:;RAM?IER'S GUIDE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM PROGRAt~lING RPQ X99906: LIC PROG 5799-AYZ, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5799-AYZ PRPQ X99906, SYSTEM HANDBOOK ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION, LIC PROG 5799-AYZ PRPQ X99906: OPERATOR'S GUIDE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM PROGRAt1I1WG RPQ X99906, LIC PROG 5799-AYZ, PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM AND SYSTEM INSTALLATION PRODUCTIVITY OPTIONS, LIC PROG 5799-AYZ, 57S0-AYZ CUSTOMER INFORMATION BULLETIN ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM ELIAS AtID SYSTEM INSTALLATION PRODUCTIVITY OPTION. LIC PROG 5799-AYZ (PRPQ), S750-AYZ (SIPO) GI ELIAS-IIVM APPLICATION GUIDE ELIAS-IIVM PROGRAtmER'S GUIDE ELIAS-IIVM COBOL APPLICATION APPLICATION PROGRA~IER'S GUIDE ELIAS-IIVM PUI SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE ELIAS-IIVM COBOL SAMPLES HMIDBOOK ELIAS-IIVM PUI SAMPLES HAtIDBOOK ELIAS-IIVM (CURRENT RELEASE) GERMAN TELEX SUPPORT PRPQ XA8937 LIC PROG 5799-AWN DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE (ELIAS-I), LIC PROG 5746-XXV, SPECIFICATIONS ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONEIVM USING ELIAS-I UNDER VM, LIC PROG 5748-XXK SWITCHING SYSTEMS ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION PROGRAMMING RPQ SU0166 DESIGN OBJECTIVES ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONEIVM SPECIFICATIONS VSE/DATA INTERFILE TRANSFER TESTIRG Atm OPERATIONS UTILITY REFERENCE S~ARY (CURRENT RELEASE) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE SYSTEM-ONE GENERAL INFORMATION ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE PROG SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE COBOL APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM~bNE PLII APPLICATION i031 50 SHI9-6224-0 SNI9-6771 50 SHI9-6225-0 SN19-6772 50 SHI9-6236-1* 30 SH19-6237-1* 85 85 85 85 50 SH19-6247-0 SHI9-6249-0 SHI9-6251-0 SHI9-6254-0 SHI9-6259-0 50 GHI9-6269-0 50 GHI9-6270-0 50 14 SHI9-6271-0 SHI9-6298-3 34 30 20 30 14 SH19-6328-1 SH19-6329-1 GHI9-6335-4 GHI9-6339-1 SH19-6350-2 14 SH19-6351-1 14 SH19-6353-3* 30 30 30 30 30 GH19-6394-4 SHI9-6396-4 SH19-6397-4 SH19-6398-4 5H19-6399-4 U SN19-6899 30 SH19-6401-4 GHI9-6402-3 30 30 **GHI9-6451-0 30 30 30 SHI9-6453-0 SHI9-6457-0 SH19-6459-0 30 30 SHI9-6528-1 SHI9-8107-1 50 SH20-0001-1 50 SH20-0002-1 50 SH20-0003-2 50 SH20-0004-2 SH20-0005-1 50 50 GH20-0006-2 GH20-0021-3 50 32 **SH20-0025-1 GH20-0029-0 50 37 SH20-0031-0 37 SH20-0032-0 34 **SH20-0038-1 50 5H20-0041-0 30 50 50 50 22 50 SH20-0080-1 GH20-0125-1 SH20-0389-0 GH20-0400-1 6H20-0689-2 GH20-0765-5 22 50 22 50 GH20-0850-2 GH20-0892-1 GH20-0906-1 SH20-0910-4 50 SH20-0911-4 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE COBOL SAMPLES HANDBOOK ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE PLII SAMPLES HAtIDBOOK (CURREtrr RELEASE) /\ X.21 ACFINCP SHORT HOLD MODE OF OPERATION PRPQ Y96828 DESCRIPTION/OPERATION VTAM DISPATCHER APPLICATION PROGRAM. PRPQ Y96845 5799-BFX DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CICS/VS IMSIVS ISC PRIMER PART 1 REFEREt~E INFORMATION CICS/VS IMSIVS ISC PRIMER PART 3 EXAMPLE 2 CICSIVS IMSIVS ISC PRIMER PART 5. EXAMPLE 4 CICSIVS IMSIVS ISC PRIMER PART 8 EXANPLE 7 DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY SAMPLE USER HAh~BOOK INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEtlENT ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE GENERAL INFORtlATION ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE SPECIFICATIONS USING ELIAS UtIDER THE SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE 7350 BASIC USER SUBROUTINES P88021 MYS P88022 VM HOST PROGRAMMERS GUIDE INSTALLING AS IN A VM EUVIRONt!ENT INSTALLIh'G AS IN AN MYS ENVIRONtlENT APPLICATION SYSTEM RELEASE 4 SPECIFICATIot~S APPLICATION SYSTEM RELEASE 4 SPECIFICATIONS 7350 HOST BASIC USER SUBROUTINES P88021 MYS P88022 VM FUNCTION PROGRA~alER' 5 GUIDE 7350 HOST BASIC SUBROUTINES P88021 MYS P88022 VM INSTALLATION GUIDE X.21 SHORT HOLDIMULTIPLE PORT SHARING FOR THE 3725 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS EXECUTIVE VERSION 3.2 GENERAL INFORMATION DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS EXECUTIVE VERSION 3 INSTALLATION DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS EXECUTIVE VERSION 3 AD!lINISTRATION DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS EXECUTIVE VERSION 3 OPERATION DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS EXECUTIVE VERSION 3 PREPARING AND TRACKING TRANSMISSION PLANS DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS EXECUTIVE VERSION 3 MESSAGES AND CODES (" DSX VERSION 3 RELEASE 1 SPECIFICATIONS APPLICATION SYSTEI1 NEWSLETTER NUMBER 70 APPLICATION SYSTEM, "'-, / 5767-001. NEW FUNCTION AND ENHANCEtlENTS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY II PRIMER FOR IMSIMFS PROGRAMS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY II GENERAL INTRODUCTION SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY II RELEASE 1.0 PRIMER FOR GODM AND GSP PROGRAMS DSX VERSION 3 MASTER INDEX SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM MESSAES AtID CODES DMS/CICSIVS USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DMS/CICSIVS APPLICATION EXAMPLES (CURRENT RELEASE) DMS/CICSIVS PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DtIS/CICSIVS INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) CMS/CICSIVS MESSAGES AtID CODES (CURREtrr RELEASE) IMSADF II VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS DIIS/CICSIVS DOSIVSE OSIVS SPECIFICATIONS VSE/JCL COW/ERSION AID DMS/CICSIVS AND DEBUG II PSLlPSA USER'S GUIDE PSLlPSA TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ~PF GENERALIZED CICS/VS APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT ARCHITECTURE VERSION 2.0 APPLICATIONS PROGRAMMERS REFERENCE GUIDE VSE RSCS/SNA FOR VM DMS/CICSIVS GENERAL INFORMATION CICSIVS CONVERSION UTILITY PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IMSIVS SYSTEM UTILITIESIDBT SPECIFICATIONS APLl360 PRIMER. STUDENT TEXT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMl360, VERSION 2, GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL: PROG. PROD. 5734-XX6 APLl360. 5734-XM6 (OS), 5736-XM6 (DOS), GENERAL INFORMATION GIS/2, LIC PROG 5734-XXl, APPLICATION DESCRIPTION APLl360. 5734-XM6 (OS), 5736-XM6 (DOS), USER'S MANUAL INFORUATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMl360. VERSION 2 SYSTEMIAPPLICATION ( \ DESIGN GUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 ~ INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYST.EMl360, VERSION 2 SYSTEM PROSRAMMING . **SN20-8921 **SN20-8924 **SN20-8920 **SN20-8923 SN20-9209 1032 ( ("' 50 SH20-0912-4 50 SH20-0913-4 50 SH20-0914-4 50 SH20-0915-3 22 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 SH20-0938-1 GH20-0940-1 SH20-0941-0 5H20-0942-0 5H20-0943-1 5H20-0944-1 5tI20-0945-1 SH20-0946-1 5H20-0947-1 GH20-0951-2 GH20-0952-2 5H20-1007-2 79 GH20-1027-4 50 GH20-1028-4 50 SH20-1030-2 50 50 SH20-1032-1 SH20-1033-3 50 SH20-1034-2 50 SH20-1040-1 50 SH20-1043-6 50 SH20-1044-4 50 SH20-1047-5 79 SH20-1069-3 79 5H20-1070-3 82 GH20-1128-4 35 GH20-1152-1 GN33-7027 35 GH20-1153-1 GN33-7028 82 SH20-1157-3 82 36 SH20-1158-3 GH20-1173-1 82 50 GH20-1175-2 SH20-1177-1 30 SH20-1208-3 30 SH20-1209-1 50 GH20-1222-0 50 50 82 82 36 GH20-1246-9 GH20-1260-12 SH20-1262-1 SH20-1264-2 GH20-1289-1 SN20-9190 SN20-8644 SN20-9017 SN20-9043 REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 IMS/360 VERSION 2 PROG 5734-XX6 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMl360, VERSION 2, OPERATOR'S REFERENCE MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMl360, VERSION 2, MESSAGES AND CODES REFERENCE MANUAL, PROGRAM Nln1BER 5734-XX6 INFORt~TION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/360 VERSION 2 UTILITIES REFERENCE MANUAL, PROG. NO. 5734-XX6 APLl360, 5736-XM6, OPERATIONS INSTALLATION CSP/AD CSP/AE GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) HOW-TO-USE CSP/AD USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD OPERATION DEVELOPMENT GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD OPERATION DEVELOPMENT GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) C5P/AD OPERATION DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AE OPERATION/EXECUTION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD CSP/AE MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD C5P/AE PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD SPECIFICATIONS CSP/AE SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION MAt~GEMENT SYSTEMl360 VERSION 2 MASTER INDEX PROGRAM t1UMBER 5734-XX6 STATIBASIC FOR 5/3 MODEL 6, ITF, AND VM/370-CMS: GENERAL INFORMATION CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS), DOS-ENTRY (CICS-DOSE) DOS-STANDARD (CIC5IDOSS) OS-STANDARD V2 (CICS/OS), LIC PROG 5734-XX7. 5736-XX6. -XX7, GENERAL INFORt~TION GIS/2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW AND CONTROL, 5734-XX1, PROGRAM DESCRIPTION VOLUNE 1 GI5/2, LIC PROG 5734-XX1, OPERATIONS MANUAL 615/2 PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE, LIC PROG 5734-XX1, PROGRAM DESCRIPTION VOLIJt1E 3 CUSTOtlER INFORtlATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) DOS-ENTRY, DOS-STANDARD, LIC PROG 5736-XX6, 5736-XX7 OPERATIONS GUIDE GI5/2 DATA DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE, 5734-XX1, PROGRAM DESCRIPTION VOLUNE 2 CUSTOt1ER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) DOS-ENTRY, DOS-STANDARD, OS-STANDARD V2, LIC PROG 5736-XX6, -XX7, 5734-XX7, SYSTEM PROGRAtItIER' 5 REFERENCE CUSTOMER INFORI1ATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS), DOS-ENTRY, DOS-STANDARD. OS-STANDARD V2, LIC PROG 5736-XX6, -XX7, 5734-XX7, TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE CUSTONER INFOR~1ATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) DOS-ENTRY, DOS-STANDARD OS-STANDARD V2, LIC PROG 5736-XX6, -XX7, 5734-XX7, APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFEREI~E STATIBASIC FOR 5/3 MODEL 6, ITF, AND VMl370-CtlS: PROGRAM REFERENCE STAT/BASIC FOR ITF AND VMl370-CMS: OPERATIONS GUIDE, PROGRAM "'UlIBER 5734-XA3 MATHIBASIC FOR 5/3 MODEL 6, ITF & VMl370-CMS GENERAL INFORt~TION (' GN20-3146 SN20-3808 GN20-9096 RCA 301 EIIULATOR ON 5/370 USING DOS AND DOSIVS (PRPQ) TRANSITION GUIDE HONEYUELL SERIES 200 EMULATOR ON SYSTEMl370 USING DOS AND DOSIVS (PRPQ) - TRANSITION GUIDE. PROG. NO. 5799-ADT MATHIBASIC FOR ITF & VMl370-CMS. LIC PROG 5734-XM8, OPERATIONS GUIDE tfATHIBASIC FOR S/3 MODEL 6 ITF AND VMl370-C11S PROGRAM REFERENCE IBM SYSTEMl360 AND SYSTEM/370 ASP VERSION 3 ASYMMETRIC MULTI PROCESSING SYSTEM: GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL. PROG. NO. 360A-CX-15X BUSINESS ANALYSISIBASIC GENERAL INFORt1ATION 6IS/2 DLII QUERY SUPPORT FEATURE, LIC PROG 5734-XXI. PLANNING GUIDE TELECOMI'UIICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM (TCS), LIC PROG 5734-F31, PROGRAMMER'S 6UIDEIREFERENCE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5734-F31, OPERATIONS GUIDE INTERACTIVE QUERY FACILITY (IQF) INTRODUCTION LANGUAGE SUIDE PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XX6 DLII DOSIVS GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS, 5740-XX2. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) BUSINESS ANALYSISIBASIC FOR ITF, 5734-XMB BUSINESS ANALYSISIBASIC REFERENCE ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM, LIC PROG 360A-CX-15X, 1033 36 GH20-1290-1 GN20-9094 36 GH20-1291-1 GN20-9095 36 GH20-1292-2 50 SH20-1296-0 50 SH20-1305-0 SN20-2707 50 SH20-1307-1 SN20-3172 50 SH20-1358-2 50 SH20-1359-1 36 GH20-1403-0 50 SH20-1456-2 50 5H20-1457-2 22 22 50 SH20-1460-2 SH20-1461-1 GH20-1502-1 50 50 34 GH20-1514-0 SH20-1539-0 5H20-1550-0 50 SH20-1561-2 50 SH20-1562-2 50 SH20-1563-2 38 GH20-1S74-1 38 SH20-1589-1 38 SH20-1590-1 38 SH20-1592-0 34 SH20-1610-0 30 GH20-1626-2 30 GH20-1627-2 85 39 GH20-1628-0 GH20-1638-1 37 30 GH20-1639-2 SH20-1651-2 GN20-3669 39 5H20-1658-2 SN20-4599 34 50 SH20-1669-1 GH20-1685-0 50 SH20-1686-0 37 37 37 37 50 5H20-1696-1 SH20-1697-0 SH20-1698-0 5H20-1699-0 GH20-1702-2 50 5H20-1704-3 25 39 SH20-1727-0 SH20-1730-0 OPERATOR'S MANUAL A5YMMETRIC MULTIPROCES5ING SYSTEM. LIC PROG 360A-CX-15X. MESSAGES/CODES ASYMtIETRIC t1ULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM. LIC PROG 360A-CX-15X. APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S MANUAL S/360 & S/370 ASP VERSION 3 ASY~n1ETRIC MULTIPROCESSI~~ SYSTEM. LIC PROG 360A-CX-15X. PROGRAMMER'S MANUAL FASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY PROGRAM. LIC PROG 5740-XXI (CICS/OSIVS). 5746-XX3 (CICSIDOSIVS). REFERENCE/OPERATIONS IMSMAP DATA BASE MAPPING PROGRAM. IUP 5796-PBC. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIOf~S GN20-3147 SN20-3416 TEST IMS UTILITIES PROGRAM. IUP 5796-PBE. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 5/370 CICS ON LINE TESTIDEBUS CON EDISON. IUP 5796-AEF. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS S/370 CICS/COBOL CALL INTERFACE NATIONAL BANK OF DETROIT, IUP 5796-AEG. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS S/360 & S/370 ASP VERSION 3 ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM. LIC PROG 360A-CX-15X, LOGIC DISPLAY MANAGEr'IENT SYSTEM II (DMS II) OSIVS. LIC PROG 5734-XC4. OPERATIONS GUIDE DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM II (DMS II) OSIVS. LIC PROG 5734-XC4, REFERENCE APL SHARED VARIABLES PRPQ WE1191. APLlSV USER'S GUIDE APL SHARED VARIABLES, 5799-AJF, PRPQ WEl191. SPECIFICATIONS FASTER LANSUAGE FACILITY FOR THE CUSTOfIER INFORtlATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICSIVS), LIC PROG 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3. GENERAL INFORMATION FASTER TO CICSIVS MIGRATION TECHNIQUES GUIDE IMSMAPIVS. IUP 5796-PCY. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS vtllSGP - STATISTICS GENERATING PACKAGE - IUP 5796-PDD. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIotm INTERACTIVE QUERY & REPORT PROCESSOR (IQRP). IUP 5796-PDG. TERtlINAL USER S GUIDE INTERACTIVE QUERY & REPORT PROCESSOR BOOK I. IUP 5796-PDG. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS & SYSTEM ANALYST MANUAL INTERACTIVE QUERY & REPORT PROCESSOR BOOK II. IUP 5796-PDG. I OPERATlrn~S/INSTALLATION GN20-3700 SN20-3721 DOS/VS REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM (PROGRAMMING RPQ WF03S8) GENERAL INFORI1ATION MANUAL PROG. NO. 5799-WHX DOS/VS REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM - PROGRAMl'lING RPQ WF0358 OPERATION & INSTALLATION GUIDE. PROG. NO. 5799-I>..'HX DOSIVS REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM (PROGRAMMI"''G RPQ WF0358 REFERENCE) DOS/VS REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM, LOGIC, PROGRAMMING RPQ WF0358. PROG. NO. 5799-WHX DOS TO OS CONVERSION SYSTEM. IUP 5796-AFZ. DESCRIPTIOfVOPERATIONS DATA BASE DESIGN AID. LIC PROG 5740-XY8. 5746-XXQ, GENERAL INFORMATION DATA BASE DESIGN AID, LIC PROG 5740-XY8. 5746-XXQ, DESIGNER'S GUIDE A GUIDE TO TESTING IN A COMPLEX SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT TSO-3270 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY (SPF), LIC PROG 5740-XT2. GENERAL INFORMATION DBIDC DRIVER SYSTEM. LIC PROG 5740-XXA. GENERAL INFORMATION DATA BASE DESIGN AID. LIC PROG 5740-XY8, 5746-XXQ. REFERENCE/OPERATIONS MCGILL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FOR INTERACTIVE COMPUTING (MUSIC) IUP 5796-PQA, SCRIPT USER'S MANUAL VSIREPACK, IUP 5796-PDZ, DESCRIPTI~OPERATION TELECOMrIUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD IMSIVS INTERFACE. LIC PROG 5740-XXC, GENERAL INFORMATION TELECOMt1UNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD IMSIVS INTERFACE, LIC PROG 5740-XXC, REFERENCE DBIDC DRIVER SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5740-XXA, REFERENCE DBIDC DRIVER SYSTEM. LIC PROG 5740-XXT, OPERATIONS GUIDE DB/DC DRIVER SYSTEM. LIC PROG 5740-XXA, TERMINAL USER'S MANUAL DBIDC DRIVER SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5740-XXT. SCRIPT WRITER'S GUIDE EXTENDED TELECOMMUNICATIONS MODULES (EXTM) VERSION 2. FEATURE OF CICSIDOSIVS, LIC PROG 5746-XXB. GENERAL INFORMATION EXTENDED TELECOMMUNICATIONS MODULES VERSION 2, FEATURE OF CICSIDOSIVS, LIC PROG 5746-XXB. REFERENCE FORTRAN CONVERSION AID. IUP 5796-PFG, DESCRIPTION/OPERATION TSO-3270 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY (SPF), LIC PROG 5740-XT2. REFERENCE 1034 ----- ~- ------- ~~~------ ~~ -----~-~--~----~- ( ( 50 SH20-1733-1 50 34 GH20-1735-1 SH20-1749-1 50 SH20-1769-0 36 SH20-1773-2 30 30 50 SH20-1775-0 SH20-1780-0 SH20-1804-0 34 SH20-1813-1 30 SH20-1815-0 34 34 37 SH20-1836-2 SH20-1837-4 SIf20-1844-3 34 SH20-1851-0 50 6H20-1863-2 50 SH20-1864-0 50 SH20-1865-3 50 SH20-1877-2 34 SH20-1883-1 39 34 SH20-1890-0 SH20-1906-0 39 30 SH20-1909-0 SH20-1928-1 30 GH20-1941-2 50 39 SH20-1953-4 SH20-1965-0 39 GH20-1974-2 39 SH20-1975-2 30 SH20-1977-0 30 30 SH20-1978-0 SH20-1979-0 30 SH20-1980-1 50 SH20-2000-1 50 SH20-2004-1 50 50 SH20-2005-0 SH20-2006-1 50 GH20-2007-0 30 SH20-2008-0 50 SN20-3897 50 GH20-2020-0 SH20-2021-0 GH20-2022-1 50 29 29 SH20-2024-0 SH20-2030-0+ SH20-2032-0 SN20-3825 SO SN20-3751 SN20-3795 GN20-3611 SN20-4113 SN20-4116 SN20-3766 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM-ADVANCED FUNCTION (TCS-AF) OPERATIONS GUIDE GN20-3718 TCS/AF. 5740-XXD. CONCEPTS AtID FACILITIES DOSIVS SYSTEM DIRECTORY LIST OPTIMIZER. IUP 5796-PFH. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOSIIAP-DUI DATA BASE MAPPING PROGRAMS. IUP 5796-PCW. SYSTEMS GUIDE SPECIAL REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEM. 5799-AHE. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DISK VOLUl'IE MAP. IUP 5796-PFL. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VSAt1 ACCESS SUBROUTINES DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ItlS SPACE MAtiAGEMENT UTILITIES. IUP 5796-PFW. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MVS SYSTEM INFORMATION ROUTINES. IUP 5796-PGB. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS GENERALIZED TRACE FACILITY (GTF) I/O CONCURRENCY REPORT. IUP 5796-PGD. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DOSIVS PERFORI1At,'CE TOOL. IUP 5796-PGK. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VSl PERFORMANCE TOOL DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS BATCH TERMINAL SItlULATOR II. IUP 5796-PGT. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS BATCH MONITOR FOR VMl370 CMS. IUP 5796-PGZ. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEt1IVS VERSION 1 (DMSIVS) GENERAL INFOR/IATIOI'! DMS/VS VERSION 1. OPERATIONS GUIDE. LIC PROG 5740-XC2 (OSIVS). 5746-XC2 IDOSIVS) DMSIVS VERSION 1. LIC PROG 5740-XC2 (OSIVS). 5746-XC2 (DOSIVS). PROGRAM REFERENCE CICS/VS ONLINE TESTIDEBUGII. IUP 5796-AHJ. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIO'~ STORAGE DEVICE MIGRATION AID (SDMA) - IUP 5796-PHP DESCRIPTION/OPERATION TSO/IQRP INTERFACE. IUP 5796-PHZ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VMl370 RESOURCE t1ANAGEMENT. PRPQ P09006. PROG 5799-ARQ. INSTALLATION GUIDE TSO/IQRP INTERFACE. IUP 5796-PHZ. TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE MASS STORAGE CONTROL TABLE MAINTENANCE. IUP 5796-PHY. USER'S GUIDE NETWORK JOB INTERFACE: PRPQ P09007 (VM/370 NETWORKING PROG 5799-ATA). PRPQ P09008 (ASP NETWORKING PROG 5799-ATB). PRPQ P09009 (HASP NETWORKING PROG 5799-ATC) DBPROTOTYPE II. IUP 5796-PJK. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DISPLAY EDITING SYSTEM FOR CMS. 5796-PJP. USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) TSO-3270 DISPLAY SUPPORT & STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY (SPF) VERSION 2. LIC PROG 5740-XT8. GENERAL INFORMATION TSO-3270 DISPLAY SUPPORT & STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY VERSION 2.2. LIC FROG 5740-XTB, REFERENCE VM/370 NETWORKING. PRPQ P09007. LIC PROG 5799-ATA. REFERENCE/OPERATIONS ASP NETWORKING, PRPQ P09908. LIC PROG 5799-ATB. USER'S GUIDE ASP NETWORKING (PROGRAMMING RPQ P09008) REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS - PROG 5799-ATB HASP NETWORKING SYSTEM. PRPQ P09009. LIC PROG 5799-ATC. USER'S GUIDE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM - ADVANCED FUNCTION VERSION 4. PROG PROD 5740-XXD. MODEL MESSAGE CONTROL PROGRAM (MODEL MCP) TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM-ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION. LIC PROS 5740-XY3. PROGRAt~ER'S GUIDE/REFERENCE TCS/ACF. LIC FROG 5740-XY3. MODEL MESSAGE CONTROL PROGRAM TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM - ADVANCED COtIMUNICATIONS FUNCTION ITCS-ACF). LIC PROG 5740-XY3. OPERATIONS GUIDE TELECOMt1UNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM - ADVANCED CO~1MUNICATIONS Fut~TION (TCS-ACF). LIC PROG 5740-XY3. CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES EXTENDED FULL-SCREEN 3270 CONSOLE INTERFACE FOR VMl370. PRPQ MJ3269. LIC PROG 5799-AWP. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DMS/3770. LIC PROG 5748-XC3. GENERAL INFORMATION D"S/3770 RELEASE 1.0. LIC PROG 5748-XC3. REFERENCE/OPERATIONS AUTOMATED OPERATOR FACILITY (AOF) FOR IMS/VS VERSION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION DMS/vs. 5740-XC2. APPLICATION PROGRAM DESIGN GUIDE VS PERSONAL COMPUTING PL/I. IFP 5785-EAB. TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE VS PERSONAL COMPUTING PLII. IFP 5785-EAB. IN~TALLATION 1035 22 SH20-2046-0 SN20-4110 38 SH20-2047-1 32 28 36 SH20-2050-0+ 5H20-2059-0 SH20-2067-0 50 SH20-2073-0 39 5H20-2077-2 39 SH20-2078-3 30 25 5H20-2088-0 SH20-2100-0 39 SH20-2103-0 50 50 SH20-2104-0 SH20-2105-2 50 SH20-2107-1 30 30 SH20-2112-0 SH20-2125-0 50 50 50 6H20-2141-2 SH20-2142-1 SH20-2144-1 50 SH20-2145-0 50 SH20-2148-1 50 &H20-2156-0 30 34 SH20-2161-0 SH20-2166-0 50 SH20-2169-1 34 34 SH20-2171-5 5H20-2176-0 30 SH20-2177-0 30 SH20-2178-0 50 SH20-2191-0 50 GH20-2192-0 50 GH20-2195-4 39 &H20-2197-1 50 SH20-2198-0 38 GH20-2199-0 30 38 38 6H20-2204-0 SH20-2205-0 SH20-2206-0 50 SH20-2209-7 **SN20-8922 34 SH20-2337-5 SN28-4646 SN20-3728 SH20-3955 SN20-3961 SN20-3870 SN20-3887 SN20-3960 REFERENCE SUIDE APL COMPUTER AIDED INSTRUCTION, 5796-PJW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS HOST REMOTE NODE ENTRY SYSTEM, IUP 5796-PJY DESCRIPTImtlOPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) (,\, VSPC LIBRARY PRINT, IFP 578S-EAA, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3741 REPORT GENERATOR DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS '~j OS/vSl PRIORITY QUEUE AGING PROCE5S0R, IUP 5796-ARG, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IMS-APL DATA LINK FOR VSPC, IUP 5796-PLA, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS QUERY BY EXAMPLE, IUP 5796-PKT, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) QUERY BY EXAMPLE, 5796-PKT, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) BULK DATA TRM~FER, IUP 5796-PKK, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS S/370 FORTRAN H EXTENDED OPTIMIZATION ENHANCEMENT, IUP 5796-PKR, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 3270 FULL SCREEN SUPPORT FOR COBOL USING TSO, IUP 5796-ATK, DESCRIPTIOltlOPERATIONS ACF/vTAM & NOSP DEFINITION AID, 5796-PKY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IMS/vS EMERGENCY LOG TERMINATOR, IUP 5796-ATN, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DL/I DOS/vS SPACE MANAGEMENT UTILITIES, IUP 5796-PKF, DESCRIPTION/OPERATION 2260 COMPATIBILITY FOR CICS/vS USING VTAM/TCAM 5796-ATW 3800 PAGE FOR~IATTING SERVICES, IUP 5796-AWE, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS ACP/TPF APPLICATION PROSRAMMING GUIDE TC5-ACF VERSION 2 NETWORKING LOGIC, LIC PROG 5740-XY3 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM - ADVANCED COMt'IUNICATIONS FUNCTION (TCS-ACF) VERSION 2, LIC PROG 5740-XY3, NETWORKING OPERATIONS GUIDE SN20-3877 TELECOI'ttMIICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM - ADVANCED COMI'MfICATIONS FUNCTION (TCS-ACF) VER 2 BASE PROGRAM OPERATIONS GUIDE SN20-3928 IMS/VS AUTOMATED OPERATOR FACILITY (AOF), LIC PROG 5740-XYD, REFERENCE/OPERATIONS TELECOMtRlNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM ADVANCED Cott1UNICATIONS FUNCTION (TCS-ACF)' NETWORKING, CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES MANUAL RACF/CODES UPDATE SYSTEM, IUP 5796-PLK DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS / IMS - CMS DATA LINK FOR VNV370, IUP 5796-PLE, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL OF IMS/vS DATA BASES, IUP 5787-LAA. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VSE/PT, 5796-PLQ, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS JES3 MONITORING FACILITY II, IUP 5796-PLW, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DATA EXTRACTION PROCESSING & RESTRUCTURING SYSTEM, IUP 5796-PLH, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS DATA EXTRACTION PROCESSING & RESTRUCTURING SYSTEM, IUP 5796-PLH, REFERENCE TELECOnMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM - ADVANCED COMf1UNICATIONS FUNCTION (TCS-ACF) - NEllIDRKING LIC PROG 5740-XY3 MODEL MESSAGE CONTROL PROGRAM (MODEL MCP) TELECm'~ICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM-ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION (TCS-ACF), LIC PROG 5740-XY3, BASE PROGRAM CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES DMS/CICS/vS, 5746-XC4, 5740-XC5, GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/CMS 3270 DISPLAY SUPPORT STRUCTURED FACILITY (SPF/CMS), LIC PROG 5748-XT3, GENERAL INFORMATION TELECOt~ICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION (TCS-ACF) BASE PROGRAM, LIC PROG 5740-XY3 MODEL MESSAGE CONTROL PROGRAM (MODEL MCP) DOS/vSE RJE WORKSTATION RELEASE 1 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) JES3 NETWORKING PRPQ P09022 GENERAL INFORMATION DOS/vSE RJE WORKSTATION, 5746-RC9, REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS/vSE RJE WORKSTATION, 5746-RC9, OPERATIONS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (DMS/CICS/vS), 5740-XC5, 5746-XC4 PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) SN28-4649 VM RTM VERSION 1 MODIFICATION 6 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) C~ 1036 ( ( 39 SH20-2341-2 39 SH20-2356-0 SN20-4114 34 SH20-2361-0 SN20-3956 SN20-4443 39 SH20-2402-1 39 SH20-2409-0 30 SH20-2415-0 30 SH20-2416-2 30 SH20-2417-0 30 SH20-2434-1 38 38 38 30 39 SH20-2462-0 SH20-2463-0 GH20-2479-0+ GH20-2485-1 SH20-2486-2 39 GH20-2492-1 36 36 30 32 SIi20-2503-0 SH20-2504-0 SH20-2509-0 SH20-2510-0 34 30 SH20-2523-1 SH20-2524-0 30 SH20-2525-0 30 30 39 SH20-2597-0 SH20-2608-0 SH20-2621-0 38 30 30 30 39 SH20-2622-0 SH20-2632-0+ SH20-2633-0+ SH20-2637-0 SH20-2638-0 34 **SH20-2652-1 33 SH20-2661-1 34 SH20-2685-0 30 SIf20-2795-0 30 **SH20-2799-2 39 SH20-4083-0 (- 50 GH20-4106-5 79 82 82 GH20-4139-2 GH20-4308-2 GH20-4326-1 22 GH20-4347-0 38 GH20-4374-0 30 GH20-4376-0 50 GH20-4380-3 50 50 GH20-4391-1 GH20-4395-2 36 GH20-4493-0 GH20-4509-1 GH20-4510-6 GH20-4521-1 37 50 39 SN20-0402 SN20-0400 SN20-4118 SN20-4086 SN20-4481 VS APL EXTENDED EDITOR AND FULL SCREEN MANAGER, IUP 5796-PLY, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS JES2 INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM FOR CMS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS SN20-3970 SOURCE COMPARE/AUDIT UTILITY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TIME SHARING OPTION 3270 DISPLAY SUPPORT AND STRUCTURED PROGRAtlllING FACILITY, LIC PROG, INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZER GUIDE STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY/CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM PROGRAM REFERENCE JOB ENTRY SUBSYSTEM 3IHETWORKING, LIC PROG 5799-AZT, PROGRAM REFERENCE MANUAL JOB ENTRY SUBSYSTEM 3IHETWORKING, LIC PROG 5799-AZT, OPERATIONS GUIDE JOB ENTRY SUBSYSTEM 3IHETWORKING, LIC PROG 5799-AZT, USER'S GUIDE VSE/3270 BISYNCHRONOUS PASS THROUGH, LIC PROG 5746-AMS, PROGRAM REFERENCE & OPERATIONS DOS/VS/AF3 RJE WORKSTATION, LIC PROG 5746-RC9, OPERATOR'S GUIDE DOSIVSE/AF3 RJE WORKSTATION. LIC PROG 5746-RC9, REFERENCE JOB NETWORK FACILITY GENERAL INFORMATION S/1 COI'iMUNICATIONS FACILITYIHOST GENERAL INFORMATION INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RElEASE) INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY VSE FEATURE GENERAL INFORMATION SOFTWARE SUPPORT SYSTEM PRPQ MK6133 OPERATIONS GUIDE SOFTWARE SUPPORT SYSTEM PRPQ MK6133 SYSGEN AND MAINTENANCE 3800 90-DEGREE PRINT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS UNIVERSAL D~1P ALTER COPY AND SELECT UTILITY DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VHl370 VIRTUAL LIBRARIAN TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE I.NTRODUCTION TO THE DATA EXTRACTION PROCESSING AND RESTRUCTURING SYSTEM TEXTBOOK INTRODUCTION TO THE DATA EXTRACTION PROCESSING AND RESTRUCTURING SYSTEM STUDY GUIDE NETWORK MONITOR DESCRIPTION/OPERATIm~S 3101 PASS THROUGH VHl370 SUPPORT DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS INFORMATION PROTECTION SYSTEM CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROGRAMS FOR VHlCMS USER'S GUIDE HOST REll0TE NODE ENTRY SYSTEM II DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TAPE LIBRARY CONTROL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS TAPE LIBRARY CONTROL SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE DATA SET AND FREE SPACE MANAGER DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS INFORMATION PROTECTION SYSTEM CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROGRAMS FOR VHlCMS INSTALLATION GUIDE VM BATCH SUBSYSTEM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS SORTIMERGE PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS INSTALLATION GUIDE JES3 MONITORING FACILITY II DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PRESENTATION EtlHANCEtlENTS USING THE 6670 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER MAINTENAt~EIRECOVERY UTILITIES SN20-4388 INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY, LIC PROG 5748-MS1, VSE SN20-4614 FEATURE, USER'S GUIDE INFORMATION MANAGEI1ENT SYSTEMl360 (IMS/360) VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS - PROGRAM PRODUCT 5734-XX6 STATIBASIC, PROG. PROD. 5734-XA3 SPECIFICATIONS HATHIBASIC FOR S/3 MODEL 6, ITF & VHl370-CMS SPECIFICATIONS BUSINESS ANALYSISIBASICFOR S/3 MODEL 6, ITF AND VHl370-CMS SPECIFICATIONS APL SHARED VARIABLES (APLSV), LIC PROG 5799-AJF PRPQ WE1191 SPECIFICATIONS DOS/VS REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM (PROGRAMMING RPQ WF0358) - PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-WHX, SPECIFICATIONS 3333/3330 DISK STORAGE SERIES MODEL 11 SUPPORT FOR DOSIVS PROGRAM NUMBER 5799-WHZ PRPQ EF4346 DlII-ENTRY DOSIVS, VERSION 2.1, LIC FROG 5746-XX7, SPECIFICATIONS TCAM-IMS INTERFACE, LIC PROG 5740-XXC, SPECIFICATIONS TELECOt1ttuNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM ADVANCED FUNCTION (TCS-AF) PROG PROD 5740-XXD, SPECIFICATIONS HASP/IWT/3800 PRPQ MJ0792, LIC PROG 5799-ATQ, DESIGN OBJECTIVES DBIDC DRIVER SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5740-XXT, SPECIFICATIONS OSIVS DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) TSO 3270 DISPLAY SUPPORT AND STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY(SPF) VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS 1037 30 30 50 6H20-4525-0 6H20-4526-0 GH20-4528-0 28 28 50 30 6H20-4532-0 6H20-4536-0 GH20-4538-0 6H20-4540-0 50 GH20-4543-0 30 30 50 50 38 50 50 50 50 50 6H20-4545-7 6H20-4546-0 GH20-4548-1 GH20-4551-0 GH20-4557-0 GH20-4558-0 6H20-4561-4 GH20-4564-0 GH20-4593-0 6H20-4623-0 50 GH20-4627-0 50 6H20-4628-0 50 GH20-4629-0 50 GH20-4634-0 39 6H20-4641-2 50 30 50 GH20-4642-2 GH20-4648-0 GH20-4649-0 50 GH20-5000-0 30 50 30 GH20-5008-0 GH20-5064-0 GH20-5281-0 39 GH20-5283-0 20 30 GH20-5292-0 6H20-5293-0 39 GH20-5304-3 39 GH20-5306-1 39 50 50 GH20-5313-0 GH20-5315-0 GH20-5316-1 20 50 30 20 50 GH20-5341-0 GH20-5343-1 6H20-5344-0 GH20-5347-3 6H20-5351-1 50 GH20-5352-1 20 50 50 50 GH20-5382-1 SH20-5521-0 GH20-5522-1 SH20-5523-3 39 39 SH20-5526-2 GH20-5527-1 30 SH20-5581-1 SH20-5583-0 39 39 SH20-5625-0 50 **GH20-5986-2 SN20-4480 GN20-0676 ASP NETWORKING PRPQ P09008 PROS 5799-ATB, SPECIFICATIONS HASP NETWORKING PRPQ P09009 PROS 5799-ATC, SPECIFICATIONS EXTENDED TELECOMMUNICATIONS MODULE (EXTI1), LIC PROG 5746-XXB SPECIFICATIONS S/3 DOS RPG II CONVERSION PROCESSOR SPECIFICATIONS DOS/VS RPG II SPECIFICATIONS GISIVS, LIC PROG 5740-XX7, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA BASE DESIGN AID (DBDA) VERSION 2. LIC PROS 5740-XY8 (OS). 5746-XXQ (DOS) SPECIFICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM-ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION (TCS-ACF). LIC PROG 5740-XY3, SPECIFICATIONS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER R3 MO M1 M2 SAM-E OS/VS2 I1VS SPECIFICATIONS CICSIDOSIVS SPECIFICATIONS· TCS-ACF BASE P~OGRAM SPECIFICATIONS DOSIVSE RJE ~KSTATION SPECIFICATIONS IMSIVS AUTOMATED OPERATOR FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS DI1S/CICSIVS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DI1S/3770 DESIGN OBJECTIVE CICSIVS, LIC PROS 5740-XXl, 5740-XX3, FASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (CURRENT RELEASE) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEI1IDOS-ENTRY (CICSIDOS-ENTRYl. PROG PROD 5736-XX6. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEI1IDOS-STANDARD (CICSI DOS-STANDARD). PROS PROD 5736-XX7. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIOS - STANDARD V2 (CICS/OS STANDARD V2). PROG PROD 5734-XX7, FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION CICS/OSIVS. LIC PROS 5740-XXI. VERSION. RELEASE 5 DESIGN OBJECTIVES VI1IVSE INTERACTIVE PRODUCT FACILITY UPF) 1.1.0 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS DlII DOSIVS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) JES 3 NETWORKING. LIC PROGRAM 5799-AZT. DESIGN OBJECTIVES SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (SDF/CICS) EXTENDED TELECOMMUNICATIONS MODULES, LIC PROG 5746-)0(8, SPECIFICATIONS DATA BASE DESIGN AID OS DOS FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION CICS/VS. LIC PROG 5746-XX3, DESIGN OBJECTIVES JOB ENTRY SUBSE.T 3INETWORKING. LIC PROG 5799-AZT. SPECIFICATIONS STRUCTURED PROGRAI1I1ING FACILITY/CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM, 5748-XT3. SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION/SYSTEM, LIC PROS 5735-0ZS, SPECIFICATIONS VSE/3270 BISYNCHRONOUS PASS THROUGH. LIC PROS 5746-AI15, SPECIFICATIONS VI1 INTERACTIVE PRODUCT FACILITY (IPF) 1.4.0 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS VSE INTERACTIVE PRODUCT FACILITY UPFJ, 1.3.0 LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS VI1IVSE IPF SPECIFICATIONS ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE SPECIFICATIONS ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONEIVH SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION/LIBRARY AND LIBRARY I1YS SPECIFICATIONS IMSIVS BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR SPECIFICATIONS COMMUNICATION FACILITYIHOST SPECIFICATIONS VSE/SP SPECIFICATIONS DMS/CSP SSXlVSE DEFINITION CICS DOSIVSE CICS OSIVS SPECIFICATIONS DMS/CSP EXECUTION CICS FOR DOSIVS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) NUMERICAL CONTROL POST PROCESSOR GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS SN20-4633 DMS/CICSIVS INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS GUIDE IMSIVS BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR GENERAL INFORMATION IMSIVS BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY YSE GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY YSE ENVIRONMENT AND VI1IVSE ENVIRONMENT SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) . COMMUNICATION FACILITY HOST PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS YI1IIPF USER'S GUIDE IPF DIAGNOSTIC REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) GN20-0731 TPF VERSION 2 DATABASE CONTROL PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ·1038 50 **GH20-5987-2 50 **GH20-5988-2 50 **<7H20-5989-2 50 GH20-5990-5 50 **GH20-5992-3 ( 50 GH20-5993-1 50 **GH20-5994-2 50 GH20-5995-3 50 **GH20-5996-2 50 **GH20-5997-4 6N20-0732 6N20-0677 GN20-0734 GN20-0678 GN20-8651 GN20-0736 GN20-0679 TPF VERSION RELEASE) TPF VERSION 6N20-0733 TPF VERSION TPF VERSION GN20-0735 TPF VERSION 6N20-0681 GN20-0682 6N20-0737 GN20-0699 GN20-0738 50 **GH20-5998-3 50 **GH20-5999-2 50 GH20-6000-4 50 **GH20-6001-2 GN20-0684 50 **GH20-6002-2 GN20-0697 50 **LH20-6006-2 LN20-0685 50 50 LH20-6007-2 LH20-6008-2 LN20-0740 LN20-0741 50 GH20-6009-0 50 **LH20-6010-2 50 **LH20-6011-2 50 **LH20-6012-2 LN20-0742 LN20-0688 LN20-0689 LN20-0743 LN20-0744 50 LH20-6013-1 50 **LH20-6014-2 50 LH20-6015-3 LN20-0690 LN20-0745 LN20-0698 50 **LH20-6016-2 ( 50 **LH20-6017-2 50 LH20-6018-4 LN20-0747 50 **LH20-6019-2 LN20-0693 50 LH20-6021-3 50 **LH20-6022-2 LN20-0695 LN20-0749 50 **LH20-6023-2 ( / 50 50 GH20-6024-1 LH20-6025-2 39 SH20-6137-0 39 37 37 50 34 30 30 50 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 24 50 30 SH20-6147-1 SH20-6162-2 SH20-6168-2 GH20-6200-2 SH20-6295-2 SH20-6304-0 SH20-6305-0 SH20-6306-0 SH20-6311-0 GH20-6350-2 **GH20-6359-1 **SH20-6360-1 **SH20-6361-1 **SH20-6362-1 **SH20-6363-1 **SH20-6396-1 SH20-6402-1 **SH20-6415-1 SH20-6444-0 50 SH20-6474-0 SN20-0523 SN20-0533 2 DATABASE SUPPORT PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT 2 2 2 2 DCS PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOCUMENTATION AIDS (CURRENT RELEASE) MACRO PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 MAGNETIC TAPE SUPPORT PROGRAM REFERENCE TPF VERSION MAIN SUPERVISOR PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 NON-SNA DATA COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 OPERATIONS GUIDE PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SNA DATA COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 DATA COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES LOGIC HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SYSTEM INSTALLATION SUPPORT PROGRAM REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AND MEASUREMENT PROGRAM REFERENCE'(CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 NON-SNA DATA COMMUNICATIONS LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT LOGIC TPF VERSION 2 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AND MEASUREMENT (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS TPF VERSION 2 DATABASE CONTROL LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 DATABASE SUPPORT PROGRAM LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 DATA COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 MAGNETIC TAPE SUPPORT PROGRAM LOGIC TPF VERSION 2 MAIN SUPERVISOR LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SYSTEM INSTALLATION SUPPORT PROGRAM LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SNA DATA COI1t1UNICATIONS PROGRAM LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 DATABASE CONTROL LOGIC HPO (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 DATABASE SUPPORT PROGRAM LOGIC HPO FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SYSTEM GENERATION GUIDE PROGRAM REFERENCE L()GIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 HPO MAIN SUPERVISOR LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SYSTEM INSTALLATION SUPPORT PROGRAM LOGIC HPO FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SNA DATA COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM LOGIC ACF FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS TPF VERSION 2 PARTITIONED MULTIPROCESSOR FEATURE GUIDE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS VIRTUAL SPOOLED REAllER DISPLAY SYSTEM FOR CMS. IUP 5796-AYK. DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS APL DATA INTERFACE II DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS PASCALIVS. 5796-PNQ. PROGRAI1I1ER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) PASCALIVS. 5796-PNQ. LANGUAGE REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) TPF VERSION 2 CACHE RMF REPORTER DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 6670 USABILITY AID DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 6670 USABILITY AID USER'S GUIDE CICS/vS 3270-PC FTP DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 6670 USABILITY FONT REFERENCE GUIDE NPM SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT 'RELEASE) NPM GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) NPM USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) NPM INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NPM GRAPHICS SUBSYSTEM USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NPM PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) NPM MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) COBOL CONVERSION AID DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS RELATIONAL DESIGN TOOL SQlIDS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR HODEL II IMAGE PRINTING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS YHlSP SQLlEDIT DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS 1039 SO 25 SH20-6475-0 SH20-6482-0 31 SH20-6484-0 SH20-6519-0 SH20-6537-0 34 30 SN20-0549 34 HSH20-6541-0 SO SH20-6543-0 50 SH20-6S48-0 SO GH20-6579-0 SO SH20-6580-1 50 SH20-6581-0 SO SH20-6582-0 SO SH20-6583-0 SO SH20-6584-0 SO SH20-6585-0 SO SH20-6586-0 SO SO SH20-6587-0 SH20-6588-0 SO 50 SH20-6589-0 SO 50 50 SO 6H20-6591-1 SH20-6592-1 SH20-6593-1 SH20-6594-1 50 SH20-6595-1 50 SH20-6596-1 SO 50 SO 50 SH20-6597-1 SH20-6598-0 SH20-6599-1 SH20-6601-1 50 SH20-6602-1 SO SH20-6603-1 36 50 SH20-6652-1 SH20-6653-V 50 50 SO SH20-6738-0 SH20-6752-0 SH20-6756-0 SO 50 50 GH20-6763-0 GH20-6786-0 HGH20-6836-0 50 50 SH20-6837-0 SH20-6838-1 50 SH20-6839-1 SH20-6590~0 50 6H20-6853-2 50 GH20-6856-0 SH20-6857-0 50 50 SH20-6858-0 50 SH20-6859-0 50 SH20-6860-0 39 SH20-6923-1 39 SH20-6924-1 24 HSH20-6933-0 39 *1fGH20-6963-1 30 SH20-7220-0 SO SH20-9025-10 SN20-4670 SN20-8764 SN20-8765 YM/SP SQLlEDIT USER'S GUIDE EXTENDED EXPONENT RANGE FOR FORTRAN USERS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MYS LINK PACK AREA OPTIMIZER EXTENSIONS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS MVS RESOURCE UTILIZATION TOOL USER'S GUIDE YM/SP HPO CMS SUPPORT FOR 3880 MOOEL 13 AND 3880 MODEL 23 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS YM/PROGRAMMING IN LOGIC DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS QUERY DLII SYSTEM FOR CICS/DOSIVS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS QUERY DLlI SYSTEM FOR IMSIVS IMSIVS SYSTEM UTILITIES/DBT GENERAL INFORMATION IMSIVS SYSTEM UTILITIES/DBT INSTALLATION Atm MAINTENANCE MANUAL IMSIVS SYSTEM UTILITIES/DBT HEADER POINTER CHECKER USER'S GUIDE IMSIVS SYSTEM UTILITIES/DBT DB SEGMENT RESTRUCTURE USER'S GUIDE IMSIVS SYSTEM UTILITIES/DBT PHYSICAL SEQUENCE SORTIRELOAD USER'S GUIDE IMSIVS SYSTEM UTILITIES/DBT DATA ENTRY DATA BASE POINTER CHECKER USER'S GUIDE IMSIVS SYSTEM UTILITIES/DBT DATA ENTRY DATA BASE UNLOADIRELOAD USER'S GUIDE IMS/VS SYSTEM UTILTIES/DBT HIGH SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL USER'S GUIDE IMSIVS SYSTEM UTILITIES/DBT HEADER TUNING AID USER'S GUIDE IMSIVS SYSTEM UTILITIES/DBT DATA BASE DESIGN/PROGRAM SPECIFICATION BLOCKS MAPPER USER'S GUIDE IMSIVS SYSTEM UTILITIES/DBT VSAM ZAPPER USER'S GUIDE IMSIVS SYSTEM UTILITIES/DBT DATA ENTRY DATA BASE TUNING AID USER'S GUIDE IMSADF II VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION IMSADF II VERSION 2 USER'S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSADF II VERSION 2 INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSADF II VERSION 2 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSADF II VERSION 2 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSADF II VERSION 2 RULES DOCUMENTATION USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSADF II VERSION 2 DATA DICTIONARY EXTENSION (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSADF II VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE IMSADF II VERSION 2 MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSADF II VERSION 2 INTRODUCTION TO USING THE INTERACTIVE ADF (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSADF II VERSION 2 INTERACTIVE ADF ADMINISTRATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSADF II VERSION 2 DB2 APPLICATION SPECIFICATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/Nt1PF DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS OSIVS DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY DB2 INTERFACE DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS QUERY DLII SYSTEM FOR CICS/OSIVS DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS CSP/AD VERSION 2 OPERATION DEVELOPMENT (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD CSP/AE VERSION 2 PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP SET MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) DB2 PERFORMANCE MONIT()R SPECIFICATIONS CICS/vs PERF()RMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEM GENERAL INFORMATION CICS/OS/vs CICSPARS/MVS USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE CICSIVS PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEMlMVS INSTALLATION M~ ADMINISTRATION GUIDE CICSIVS PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION CICSIVS PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS DB2 PERFORMANCE MONITOR GENERAL INFORMATION DB2 PERFORMANCE MONIT()R USER'S GUIDE DB2 PERFORMANCE MONITOR REPORT REFERENCE DB2 PERFORMANCE MONITOR INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE GUIDE DB2 PERFORMANCE MONITOR COMMAND REFERENCE MUSIC/SP OPERATIONS MUSICISP USER'S REFERENCE GUIDE IX INFORMIX EQFICOBOL USER'S GUIDE MUSIC/SP SPECIFICATIONS MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS FROM A SINGLE SCREEN, 578S-EDH, DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS IMSIVS, 5740-XX2, VERSION 1 DATABASE ADMINISTRATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) 1040 (\ "'--~ / " ( " / \ / f 50 SH20-9026-10 50 50 50 50 SH20-9027-10 SH20-9028-9 SH20-9029-9 SH20-9030-14 50 GH20-9033-0 50 50 50 50 50 50 GH20-9035-2 SH20-9036-1 SH20-9037-3 SH20-9038-2 SH20-9039-2 SH20-9040-2 50 50 GH20-9043-1 SH20-9046-3 50 SH20-9047-0 50 SH20-9053-8 50 SH20-9054-6 29 GH20-9056-0 32 GH20-9057-0 22 22 GH20-9058-0 GH20-9059-0 SH20-9060-2 SD26-6038 GH20-9061-4 SH20-9062-2 SD26-6039 SH20-9063-2 GH20-9064-8 SH20-9065-4 SH20-9066-4 SH20-9067-4 SH20-9068-2 23 25 25 ( 25 39 22 22 22 22 50 39 39 39 39 39 50 50 22 ( GH20-9069-2 GH20-9070-5 SH20-9071-2 SH20-9072-3 SH20-9073-2 SD26-6042 SH20-9074-2 SH20-9081-8 22 SH20-9085-5 GH20-9086-11 GD26-6087 SH20-9087-0 22 SH20-9088-0 39 GH20-9089-3 25 22 GH20-9101-4 0026-6089 GH20-9102-0 50 GH20-9104-7 32 SH20-91 05-0 32 SH20-9106-0 39 39 SH20-9107-0 GH20-9108-3 GN20-9311 SN20-9313 SN20-9314 SN20-9243 SN20-9143 SN20-9303 SN20-9298 SN20-9380 SN20-9393 GN20-9316 SN20-9317 SN20-9318 SN20-9315 IMSIVS VERSION 1 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING DESIGNING AND CODING (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS SYSTEM PROGRAMMING REFERENCE IMSIVS VI, LIC PROG 5740-XX2, OPERATOR'S REFERENCE IMSIVS VI, LIC PROG 5740-XX2, UTILITIES REFERENCE IMSIVS VI, LIC PROG 5740-XX2, MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) GIS/2 EXECUTIVE QUERY REFERENCE, LIC PROG 5734-XXI. BASIC INTRODUCTION GISIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. GENERAL INFORMATION GISIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. USER'S GUIDE GISIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE GISIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. LANGUAGE REFERENCE GISIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. MESSAGES/COOES GISIVS ADVANCED QUERY FEATURE. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. PLANNING & OPERATION GUIDE GISIVS EXECUTIVE QUERY. LIC PROG S740-XX7. REFERENCE DVI DOS/VS LOW-LEVEL CODE/cONTlNUITY CHECK FEATURE REFERENCE OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (IMSIVS). LOW-LEVEL CODE/CONTINUITY CHECK IN DATA LANGUAGE/I. REFERENCE AND OPERATlm~S - PROG. PROD. 5740-XX2 IMSIVS VI. "LIC PROG 5740-XX2. MESSAGE FORMAT SERVICE USER GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IMS/VS. 5740-XX2. VERSION 1 FOR REMOTE SNA SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING GUIDE IBM SYSTEM/360 DISK OPERATING SYSTEM INTERACTIVE TERMINAL FACILITY: PVI AND BASIC: FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION. PROG. PRODS. 5736-RCI AND 5736-RC2 OS/MVT & OSIVS2 T50 DATA UTILITIES: COPY. FORMAT. LIST. MERGE. LIC PROG 5734-UTI. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION APV360-0S. LIC PROG 5734-XM6. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION APV360-DOS. LIC PROG 5736-XM6. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION VS BASIC. LIC PROG 5748-XXI. TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSPC FORTRAN. LIC PROG 5748-F02. GENERAL INFORMATION SN20-9362 VSPC FORTRAN. LIC PROG 5748-F02. TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE VSPC FORTRAN. LIC PROG 5748-F02. REFERENCE MATERIAL VS APL GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SN20-9327 VS APL INSTALLATION REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL FOR VSPC TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL CMS TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL WRITING AUXILIARY PROCESSORS (CMS AND T5O) (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS VERSION 1 FAST PATH FEATURE GENERAL INFORMATION VSPC FOR OSIVS AND DOSIVS GENERAL INFORMATION VSPC GENERAL USER'S GUIDE AND COMMAND LANGUAGE VSPC INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) TERMINALS PROG PROD 5740-XR5. 5740-XR6. 5746-XR3 VSPC WRITING PROCESSORS. LIC PROG 5740-XR5. 5740-XR6. 5746-XR3 IMSIVS VI. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS. 5740-XX2. MASTER INDEX AND GLOSSARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL. LIC PROG 5748-API. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) APL SHARED VARIABLES (APLSV) VERSION 3 USER'S GUIDE. PROGRAMMING RPQ MG6282 PROG 5799-AQC APL SHARED VARIABLES (APLSV) V3 OPERATIONS GUIDE PROGRAMMING RPQ MG6282. PROG 5799-AQC OSIVSl VIRTUAL STORAGE PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) SPECIFICATIONS. PROG PROD 5740-XR5 VSPC FORTRAN. LIC PROG 5748-F02. SPECIFICATIONS SN20-9265 APL SHARED VARIABLES (ALPSV) VERSION 3.0 SPECIFICATIONS. PROGRAMMING RPQ M66282. PROG 5799-AQC DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY. 5740-XXF. 5746-XXC. GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/MVT 3350 and 3330 MODEL II PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE. PROG 5799-ARG. RPQ EG4653 OS/MVT ANALYSIS PROGRAM-l (AP-I) USER'S GUIDE: PROS 5799-ARS PRPQ EG4653 FOR 3350 & 3330 MODEL 11 ON SYSTEtv370 VS TSIO GUIDE AND REFERENCE. PROG PROD 5740-XR9 OS/vS2 MVS VIRTUAL STORAGE PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) SPECIFICATIONS PROG PROD 5740-XR6 1041 39 GH20-9109-0 32 39 SH20-9111-0 GH20-9114-1 GD26-6093 GH20-9115-0 32 32 50 30 GH20-9116-1 GH20-9117-9 GD26-6094 GH20-9122-1 24 GH20-9131-0 36 36 36 36 32 32 GH20-9132-0 SH20-9133-0 SH20-9134-0 SH20-9136-0 GH20-9137-0 SH20-9138-0 30 SH20-9144-2 50 50 SH20-9145-1 SD21-0005 SH20-9146-0 50 SH20-9147-0 50 22 SH20-9148-0 5021-0006 SH20-9149-0 SD21-0007 SH20-9167-2 22 SH20-9168-0 50 SH20-9174-2 50 22 22 22 SH20-9178-2 SH20-9180-1 SH20-9181-1 SH20-9182-1 22 22 50 SH20-9183-1 SH20-9184-1 SH20-9189-2 50 50 39 50 50 50 SH20-9190-2 SH20-9191-3 GH20-9192-2 GH20-9193-0 GH20-9194-0 SH20-9195-0 50 SH20-9196-0 50 SH20-9197-0 50 SH20-9198-0 22 39 39 SH20-9199-1 SH20-9203-0 SH20-9204-0 39 39 SH20-9205-1 GH20-9206-1 GD26-6095 SH20-9207-1 SH20-9208-0 SH20-9209-1 SH20-9211-1 GH20-9212-0 **GH20-9213-1 GD26-6097 **GH20-9214-2 50 50 50 50 50 50 22 22 SH20-9273 DOS/vs VIRTUAL STORAGE PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) PROD 5746-XR3 SPECIFICATIONS OSIMVT AND OS/VS DA5OR. LIC PROS 5740-UTl. USER'S GUIDE VS TSIO, LIC PROS 5740-XR9. GUIDE & REFERENCE 3350-3330 MODEL 11 t1VT (PRPQ EG 4653) PROS 5799-ARG SPECIFICATIONS DASDR. LIC PROS 5740-UTI. SPECIFICATIONS IMS/vS, LIC PROS 5740-XX2. SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) SH20-9277 SN35-0329 SN20-9357 SN20-9325 SH20-9414 SN20-9359 SN20-9411 OS/vs2 t1VS SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD-EXTENDED (SAM-E). LIC PROS 5740-AMI. -AM3. GENERAL'INFORMATION IBM OS FULL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY VERSION 3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION, PROS PROD 5734-CBl HASPIMVT/3800. LIC PROS 5799-ATQ. SPECIFICATIONS. PRPQ MJ079 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE FOR HASPIMVT/3800 HASPIt1VT/3800 OPERATOR GUIDE. PRPQ MJ0792. LIC PROS 5799-ATQ HASPIMVT/3800 USER'S GUIDE. PRPQ MJ0792 - LIC PROS 5799-ATQ OFFLINE 3800 UTILITY. LIC PROG 5748-UT2. SPECIFICATIONS SH35-0253 OFFLINE 3800 UTILITY. LIC PROG 5748-UT2. MANUAL OSIVS2 MVS SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD-EXTENDED (SAM-E) INSTALLATIONS STORAGE ESTIMATING IMSIVS. 5740-XX2. VERSION 1 PRIMER IMSIVS VERSION 1. LIC PROS 5740-XX2. PRIMER MASTER TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE: BTAM IMS/VS. 5740-XX2. VERSION 1 MASTER TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE: VTAM PRIMER IMSIVS VERSION 1. LIC PROS 5740-XX2. PRIMER REMOTE TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE IMSIVS VERSION 1. 5740-XX2. PRIMER SAMPLE LISTINGS VSAPL, LIC PROS 5748-APl. CICS TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSAPL. LIC PROG 5748-APl. WRITING AUXILIARY PROCESSORS (CICSIVS (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY ADMINISTRATION AN) CUSTOMIZATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) IMS/vs VERStQN 1 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL FOR TSo TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE VS APL FOR CICSIVS INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL VS APL FOR CMS INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL FOR T50 INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL VS APL FOR VSPC INSTALLATION REFERENCE MATERIAL OSIVS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE AND COMMAND REFERENCE OS/VS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY APPLICATIONS GUIDE OSIVS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY INSTALLATION GUIDE VSPC VERSION 2 FOR OS/vs2 t1VS GENERAL INFORMATION DOSIVS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY GENERAL INFORMATION DOSIVS DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS/VS DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY INSTALLATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY APPLICATIONS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY DEMONSTRATION AND CUSTOMIZATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL GRAPHPAK USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSPC VERSION 2 FOR OSIVS2 t1VS WRITING PROCESSORS VSPC VERSION 2 FOR OSIVS2 t1VS GENERAL USER I S GUIDE AND COMMAND LANGUAGE VSPC VERSION 2 FOR OS/vs2 t1VS INSTALLATION REFERENCE VSPC OSIVS2 t1VS VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS IMS/VS VERSION 1 RELEASE GUIDE IMSIVS VERSION 1 PRIMER FUNCTION INSTALLATION GUIDE IMSIVS VERSION 1 OPERATIONS AND RECOVERY OSIVS DATA DICTIONARY MESSAGES AND CODES IMSIVS VERSION 1 SPECIFICATIONS APL2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) APL2 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) 1042 ,/-. 1- \ ~~ ( ( (--j 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 50 22 50 HSH20-9215-1 **SH20-9216-2 HSH20-9217-1 HSH20-921S-1 SH20-9220-2 HSH20-9221-1 HSH20-9222-1 HSH20-9227-1 SH20-922S-1 HSH20-9229-1 SH20-9231-1 50 34 40 34 40 40 34 34 37 50 50 SH20-9245-0 SH20-9605-1 SH20-9606-1 SH20-9607-1 SH20-960S-1 SH20-9609-2 SH20-961S-0 SH20-9619-0 SH21-0001-0 GH23-0500-0 GH23-0510-1 SO GH23-0511-1 50 50 30 30 30 SH24-50.01-4 SH24-5002-4 GH24-5003-4 GH24-5004-4 SH24-5005-2 50 50 50 SH24-5007-1 GH24-500S-1 SH24-5009-2 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 SO 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 SH24-5010-0 SH24-5011-1 GH24-5012-5 GH24-5013-4 SH24-5014-4 SH24-5015-4 SH24-5016-3 SH24-5017-3 SH24-501S-3 SH24-5019-4 5H24-5020-4 SH24-5021-1 SH24-5022-1 GH24-5025-0 GH24-5026-4 SH24-5027-3 SH24-5029-0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 SO SO 50 50 50 50 SO 50 50 50 50 50 20 SH24-5030-0 GH24-5031-1 GH24-5032-0 GH24-5033-0 SH24-5034-0 SH24-5035-0 GH24-5036-0 SH24-5037-0 SH24-503S-0 GH24-5042-0 SH24-5043-2 SH24-5044-3 SH24-5045-1 SH24-5046-1 6H24-5047-3 GH24-504S-2 SH24-5051-2 SH24-5052-2 SH24-5053-2 GH24-5055-2 20 GH24-5056-1 HSN24-5747 APL2 MIGRATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) APL2 PROGRAMMING GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) APL2 PROGRAMMING USING SQL (CURRENT RELEASE) APL2 PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS SERVICE REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) APL2 MESSAGES AND COOES (CURRENT RELEASE) APL2 INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION UNDER CMS (CURRENT RELEASE) APL2 INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION utIDER TSO APL2 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS DATA DICTIONARY REPORT AND FILE GENERAL USER'S GUIDE APL2 INTRODUCTION (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY INTERACTIVE DISPLAY FORMS FACILITY USER'S GUIDE OSIVS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY ISPF USER'S GUIDE EXPERT SYSTEM CONSULTATION ENVIRONNENTIVM INSTALLATION GUIDE EXPERT SYSTEM CONSULTATION ENVIRONMENT USER'S GUIDE EXPERT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT/VM INSTALLATION GUIDE EXPERT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT ENVIROHMENTIVM USER'S GUIDE EXPERT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT ENVIROHMENTIVM REFERENCE EXPERT SYSTEM CONSULTATION ENVIRONMENTIMVS INSTALLATION GUIDE EXPERT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTIMVS INSTALLATION GUIDE AUTOMATED SOFTWARE TEST FACILITY USER'S GUIDE CSP/AD CSP/AE CSP/SP VERSION 3 CSP/AD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CICSIVS, SSXlVSE, VMlSP CMS, AND MVSITSO VERSION 3 (CSP, CSP/AD, CSP/AE) CSP/AE SPECIFICATIONS FOR CICSIVS SSXlVSE VMlSP CMS AND MVSITSO VERSION 3 (CSP CSP/AD CSP/AE) DlII DOSIVS USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DlII DOSIVS DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP RSCS NETWORKING SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP RSCS NETWORKING GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) VMlSP RSCS NETWORKING PROGRAM REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) DlII DOSIVS IMF USER'S GUIDE DlII DOSIVS LIBRARY GUIDE AND MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE DlII DOSIVS HIGH-LEVEL PROGRAMMING INTERFACE APPLICATION PROGRAMMING (CURRENT RELEASE) DlII DOSIVS HIGH-LEVEL INTERACTIVE ICR GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DlII DOSIVS DATABASE ADMINISTRATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS FOR VSE GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS FOR YSE CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION FOR VSE SQLIDS (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS FOR VSE INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS FOR VSE TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS FOR YSE TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS FOR YSE APPLICATION PROGRAMMING (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS FOR VSE MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS FOR VSE OPERATION (CURRENT RELEASE) DlII DOSIVS RESOURCE DEFINITION AND UTILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) DlII DOSIVS APPLICATION AND DATABASE DESIGN (CURRENT RELEASE) DlII DOSIVS SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS FOR VSE SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS FOR VSE MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) DlII DOSIVS INTERACTIYE RESOURCE DEFINITION AND UTILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) DlII DOSIVS RECOVERYIRESTART GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DlII DOSIVS VERSION 1 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) QMFIVSE SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) QMFIVSE GENERAL INFORMATION QMFIVSE PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION (CURRENT RELEASE) QMFIVSE INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) QHF IVSE INTRODUCTION QMFIVSE LEARNER'S GUIDE QMFIVSE USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE SQLlDS GUIDE SQLlDS FOR VMlSP PlANNING AND ADMINISTRATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS FOR VMlSP INSTALLATION (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS FOR VMlSP TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) D8 SERVICES UTILITY FOR SQLIDS VSE (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/Q SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/Q GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/Q USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/Q MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/Q PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) \1M RSCS NETWORKING VERSION 2 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) Vt1 RSCS NETWORKING VERSION 2 SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) 1043 3ft SH24-S0S7-2 40 SH24-5058-2 50 50 50 50 SO 50 SO SO SO 39 36 20 20 3ft 50 50 20 GH24-S064-1 GH24-S065-1 GH24-5066-1 SH24-5067-0 SH24-5068-0 SH24-5069-0 SH24-5070-1 SH24-5071-1 SH24-S072-1 SH24-5087-2 GH24-5111-3 GH24-5119-1 GH24-S124-1 SH24-S125-0 SH24-6000-1 GH24-6001-1 GH30-0760-2 40 40 SH30-0761-1 SH30-0762-1 34 GH30-077S-2 50 SH33-7001-2 14 GH33-7002-1 50 GH33-7005-2 30 GH35-0007-9 50 GH35-0010-2 30 **SH35-0023-8 30 SH35-0024-3 SN35-0311 30 **SH3S-0025-7 SO SH35-0027-4 30 30 GH35-003ft-2 SH35-0035-1 30 SH35-00~-1 30 SH35-0040-2 SK3S-0214 30 **SH3S-0041-3 SK35-0215 30 GH3S-0043-3 50 GH35-0044-2 30 **SH35-004S-3 03 SH35-00S1-0 30 30 30 40 30 30 30 30 03 30 30 30 03 30 30 30 30 GH35-0055-2 GH35-0056-3 SH3S-00S9-2 SH35-0060-1 SH3S-0061-0 SH3S-0073-2 GH3S-0080-3 GH3S-0081-4 SH3S-0082-0 **SH3S-0083-1 **SH35-0084-1 **SH35-0085-1 SH3S-0090-0 **GH35-0092-1 **SH35-0093-1 **SH35-0094-1 **SH35-0095-1 SN35-0264 SN35-0158 SN35-0304 SN3S-0273 SN35-0337 SN35-0 3ft 1 SN35-0338 VH RSCS NETWORKING VERSION 2 PLANNING AND INSTALLATION 6UIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VH RSCS NETWORKING VERSION 2 OPERATION AND USE (CURRENT RELEASE) SQL/DS FOR vtVSP GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) (-\ SQL/DS FOR vtVsP CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) SQL/DS FOR vtVSP SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) i~ SQL/DS FOR vtVsp TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) SQL/DS FOR vtVsP APPLICATION PROGRAMMING (CURRENT RELEASE) SQL/DS FOR vtVSP DB SERVICE UTILITY (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLIDS FOR vtVsP MESSAGES AND CODES (CURRENT RELEASE) SQL/DS FOR vtVsP OPERATIONS (CURRENT RelEASE) SQLlDS FOR VMlSP MASTER INDEX (CURRENT RELEASE) PCIVM BOND PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) vtVSP ENTRY SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) vtVINTEGRATED SYSTEM GENERAL INFORMATION vtVPC HOST SERVER SPECIFICATIONS vtVPC HOST SERVER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE CSP/Q SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION (CURRENT RELEASE) UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS FOR CSP/Q ATTACHI1ENT/370 ATTACHMENTIHVS, ATTACHMENTIVt1 GENERAL INFORMATION ATTACHI1ENTIMVS ATTACHMENTIVt1 SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ATTACHMENTIMVS ATTACHMENTIVt1 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S AND HOST USER'S GUIDE PERSONAL DECISION SERIES ATTACHMENTIMVS ATTACHMENTIVt1 SPECIFICATIONS NDN-SNA INTERCONNECTION FOR 372S/3720 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLERS INSTALLATION AND OPERATION NETWORK EXTENSION FACILITY VERSION 2 PROGRAMMING RPQ P85025 GENERAL INFORMATION NON-SNA INTERCONNECTION FOR 372S AND 3720 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER SPECIFICATIONS OS/vS2 MYS DATA FACILITY HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER: GENERAL INFORMATION IMS/VS DATA BASE RECOVERY CONTROL FEATURE, LIC PROS 5740-)0(2 GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/vS2 MYS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, LIC PROG S740-XRB PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE & OP.ERATIONS 6UIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, LIC PROG 5740-XRB, USER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) / MYS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, 5740-XRB, MESSAGES IMS/VS DATA BASE RECOVERY CONTROL, 5740-)0(2, REFERENCE INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/VS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS GENERAL INFORMATION OS/VS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS SERVICES 6UIDE LIC PROS S740-XYG OS/VS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS SERVICES: REFERENCE, LIC PROG S740-XYG SN35-0271 OS/YS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS, LIC PROS 5740-XYG, OPERATION OSIVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS, LIC PROS 5740-XYG, MESSAGES MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS MSSE SPECIFICATIONS IMSIVS DBRC FEATURE, S740-)O(2, SPECIFICATIONS (CURRENT RELEASE) t1VS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, 5740-XRB, DIAGNOSIS 6UIDE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODEL 3 PROGRAMMER'S 6UIDE: COMPATIBILITY PRINT SERVICES FACILITYIMVS SPECIFICATIONS PRINT MANAGEMENT FACILITY MYS vtVsp SPECIFICATIONS PRINT MANAGEMENT FACILITY USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE PRINT SERVICES FACILITY MESSAGES 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODELS 3 AND 8 PROGRAMMER'S 6UIDE PSF DATA STREAM REFERENCE OVERLAY GENERATION lANGUAGE MVS VSE/SP vtVsP SPECIFICATIONS SONORAN SERIF SONORAN SANS SERIF PI AND SPECIALS SPECIFICATIONS 3800 MODelS 3 AND 8 PREPARING FONTS FOR PRINTING DFHSM SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) DFHSM INSTALLATION AND CUSTOI1IZATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DFHSM SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) ALL-POINTS-ADDRESSABLE PRINTING TECHNOLOGY DFHSM MYS/SP GENERAL INFORMATION (CURRENT RELEASE) , ( DFHSM USER'S 6UIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DFHSM MESSAGES (CURRENT RELEASE) ~_/ DFHSM DIAGNOSIS 6UIDE \ SN35-0336 SN35-03ft2 1044 30 30 40 34 ( ( ( 6H35-0096-2 SH35-0108-0 SH40-0030-0 SH40-0057-0 34 **SH40-0106-0 20 20 30 30 30 30 99 99 6H45-5001-2 SH45-5004-1 SH45-5005-0 SH45-5009-0 SH45-5010-0 SH45-5012-0 SJAO-0300-0 SJAO-0302-0 37 50 99 LJAO-0303-1 LJAO-0304-1 LJAO-0305-1 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 37 50 50 50 50 LJAO-0306-0 LJAO-0308-0 LJAO-0309-1 LJAO-0310-0 LJAO-0311-0 LJAO-0312-1 LJAO-0313-0 LJAO-0314-0 WAO-0315-0 LJAO-0316-0 LJAO-0317-0 LJAO-0318-0 LJAO-0319-0 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 50 50 50 LJAO-0330-0 LJAO-0334-0 LJAO-0338-2 LJAO-0339-1 LJAO-0352-1 LJAO-0353-0 LJAO-0363-0 WBI-0402-0 LJBI-0403-0 WBI-0405-0 99 SJBI-0406-0 30 50 WBI-0407-0 WBI-0408-0 50 WBI-0409-0 50 50 SJBI-0410-0 WBI-0413-0 50 LJBI-0414-0 50 WBI-0415-0 50 LJBI-0417-1 50 WBI-0418-1 50 50 WBI-04l9-l WBl-0421-l 50 50 50 50 50 WBl-0422-0 WBI-0423-0 SJBI-0424-0 WBI-0425-1 LJBI-0426-0 50 WBI-0427-0 50 WBI-0428-0 DFHSH SPECIFICATIONS DFHSM VERSION 2.2.1 WITH THE ISHF HVS/PROGRAMMING IN LOGIC DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS JES3 MONITORING FACILITY II FEATURES 5072 5073 5074 5075 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS JES3 MONITORING FACILITY II FEATURES 5076 5077 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS AS LIBRARY APPLICATION SYSTEM REFERENCE DEVELOPING AS APPLICATIONS CREATING DOCUMENTS WITH APPLICATION SYSTEM BUSINESS PLANNING WITH APPLICATION SYSTEM ANALYZING DATA WITH APPLICATION SYSTEM OS/vS2 REL 868 DEMF SINGLE VIRTUAL SYSTEHIDATA EXCEPTION MONITORING FACILITY PROGRAM. (SVSIDEMF) LISTINGS VSE/IPCS (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK PROBLEM DETERMINATION APPLICATION NPDAIMVS. LISTINGS Lte9-2420 **LNB9-2505 YMlIPCS 5748-SAl LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) LNB9-2927 LNB9-2668 NPDA. 5735-XX8. LISTINGS NPDA. 5735-XX8. VERSION 2. UNIQUE LISTINGS NPDA OS/vSl OSIVS2 COMMON NPDA. 5735-XX8. VERSION 1. UNIQUE LISTINGS NPDAII1VS UNIQUE VSEINPDA LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) 3600 TARA FEATURE HVSIVS1. 5735-XX8. LISTINGS Lte5-0555 NPDA TARA FEATURE VSEITARA RELEASE 1 LISTINGS VSE/IPCS. LIC PROG 5746-SAl. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) TARA VSIIVS2 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1. LIC PROG 5668-983. LISTINGS VSEINPDA 3600 FEATURE VERSION 2 LISTINGS NPDA VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 LISTINGS Lte5-0556 NETWORK PROBLEM DETERMINATION APPLICATION VERSION 2 RELEASE 2. 1.0 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATIONIMANAGEMENT 5735-0ZS REL 1.0 LISTINGS INFORMATION/ACCESS MVS LISTINGS INFO/SYS FOR YMl370 REL 1.2 CaMP AND LVL A12 (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION/SYSTEM VSE LISTINGS (CURRENT RE LEASE) INFO/SYSTEMS HVS LISTINGS INFORMATIONIHANAGEMENT HVS RELEASE 1.1 LISTINGS INFORMATION/SYSTEMS ACFIVTAM. 5746-RC3. 5745-SC-VTM-G03. ASSEMBLY LISTING ACFIVTAM. 5746-RC3. 5745-SC-VTM-G04. MSNF ASSEMBLY LISTING NOSP FOR DOS/vS: NETWORK OPERATION SUPPORT. PROG PROD 5735-XX2. ASSEMBLY LISTING MICROFICHE BTAM SCP FOR DOS/vSE BASIC TELECOMMUNICATION ACCESS METHOD SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING. SCP 5747-GCl MICROFICHE LISTING BTAM-ES. LIC PROG 5746-RC5 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS WBI-0411 ACCESS METHOD MSNF. LIC PROG 5746-RC3 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD. LIC PROG 5746-RC3. MICROFICHE LISTINGS VTAM. 5747-CFl. SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING LISTINGS NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY PROGRAM ID 5735-XX6 LPS GC27-0428 CaMP ID 5745-XX600-G06 NETWORK COMMUNICATION CONTROL FACILITY PROGRAM ID 573S-XX6 LPS GC27-0428 COM ID 5745-XX600-G44 ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3·BASE. LIC PROG 5746-RC3. Lps GC27-0460 PIN G42. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/vSl NETWORK OPERATIONS SUPPORT PROGRAM 5735-XX2 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/vSl VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (SHA3) 5735-RC2 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/vsl VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATION (SNA3) 5735-RC2 LISTINGS OSIVSl VIRTUAL COt1MUNICATION (SHA3) 5735-RC2 MICROFICHE LISTINGS ACFIVTAM PP FOR ASl 6.7. 7.0 5735-RC2 LISTINGS ACFIVTAM NETWORKING FOR ASI 6.7 •• 7.0 LISTINGS ACFIVTAM SCP FOR ASI 6.7. 7.0. LISTINGS ACFIVTAM ENCRYPTIDECRYPT FOR AS 1 6.7 7.0 5735-RC2. LISTINGS NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY LPS GC27-0428 CaMP ED NUMBER 5741-ZZ600-HCSII01 NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY PROGRAM ID 5735-XX6 LPS GC27-0428 COMP ID 5741-XX600-HCS130l ACFIVTAMRELEASE 3 BASE PP 1045 SO SO 50 WB1-0429-0 WB1-0430-0 LJB1-0431-0 50 50 99 50 WB1-0432-0 LJB1-0433-0 SJB1-0434-0 WB1-0435-0 SO WB1-0436-0 50 SJB1-0437-0 50 LJB1-0438-0 50 LJB1-0439-0 50 WB1-0440-0 50 50 SJB1-0441-0 LJB1-0442-0 SO LJB1-0443-0 50 WB1-0444-0 50 WB1-0445-0 50 LJB1-0450-0 50 WB1-0451-0 50 50 SJB1-0452-0 SJBI-0453-0 SO LJBI-04S4-0 50 SO 50 LJBI-0455-0 LJBI-0456-0 LJBI-0457-0 50 SO LJBI-0458-0 SJB1-0459-0 50 WBI-0460-0 99 30 30 50 50 SJBI-0461-0 LJBI-0930-0 LJBI-0940-0 LJBI-0960-7 LJBl-2051-0 50 LJBI-2052-0 50 WBl-20S4-0 50 50 50 LJBl-2072-0 LJBl-2073-0 LJBI-2090-0 50 WBI-2091-0 SO WBI-2092-0 50 SO 50 50 99 99 99 WBI-2095-0 LJBI-2096-0 WBI-2097-0 LJBI-2098-0 SJB2-9004-0 SJB2-9006-0 SJB2-9007-0 LN89-0113 LN89-0084 LNB9-0085 LNC2-6650 LNFl-0001 LNFl-0002 LN89-0111 LN89-0112 YTAM. 5735-RCS. 5741-VAl-23. LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK COMMUNICATION CONTROL FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS NETWORK OPERATION SUPPORT PROGRAM (NOSP) PROG 5735-XX2 LISTINGS FOR os/vS2 HVS COMPONENT 5735-XX200-E74 ACFIVTAM FOR SVS. 5735-RC2, 5742-SCl-23-E02 ACFIVTAM, 5735-RC2, 5742-SCl-23-F03. MSNF FOR SVS ~ VTAM, 5742-017. 5742-SCl-23-571. OSIVS ',,--J ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR VIRTUAL TELECottMUNICATIONS ... ACCESS METHOD BASE PP PROGRAM NUMBER 5735-RC2. LPS SC27-0460 COMP ID 5735-SCI23-H70 ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS (MSNF) PROGRAM NUMBER 5735-RC2, LPS SC27-0461 COMP ID NUMBER 5752-SC123-H71 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD SCP PROGRAM NUMBER 5752-VS2, LPS 6C27-0459 COHP ID NUMBER 5742-SCI23-869 ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATION ACCESS METHOD (ENCRYPT/DECRYPT) PROGRAM 5735-RC2, LPS GC27-0458 COMP 10 5752-SC123-H93 NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY, (NCCF) PROGRAM 5752-XX6 LPS - SC27-0428 COMPID 5752-XX600. LISTINGS NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY PROGRAM ID 5735-XX6 LPS GC27-0428 COMP ID 5752-XX600-HES1302. LISTINGS ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 SCP FMID EYT 1302 LISTINGS NETWORK COMMUNICATION CONTROL FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS 6C27-0428 COHP ID 5741-XX600-HCS1502 LISTINGS ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 BASE PROGRAM ID 5735-RC2 LPS 6C27-0460 FHIO JVT 1312. LISTINGS ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 NETWORKING PROGRAM ID 5735-RC2 LPS 6C27-0460 FHIO JVT 1322, LISTINGS ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 CRYPTO PROGRAM 10 5735-RC2 LPS GC27-0460 FHID JVT 1332, LISTINGS NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION PROGRAM ID 5735-XX7 LPS 6C38-0299 COHP ID 5735-XX700-HNT1200, LISTINGS NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION PROGRAM 10 5735-XX7 LPS 6C38-0299 COHP 10 573S-XX700-GAS, LISTING ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 FOR SCP COHP 10 5735-SC123-EVT1301 ACFIVTAM RELEASE 3 SCP 15747-CF1 LPS SC27-0459 PIN 741, LISTINGS ACFIVTAH RELEASE 3 NETWORKING. LIC PROG 5746-RC3 LPS 6C38-0284 PIN &43, L,ISTINGS \, / ACFIVTAH RELEASE 3 CRYPTO COHP 10 5735-SC123-JYT1331 ACFIVTAH RELEASE 3 NETWORKING COMP ID 5735-SC123-JVT1321 NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION PROGRAM 10 5735-XX7 LPS 6C38-0299 COHP 10 5735-XX700 ACFIVTAHE, 5746-RC7, 5746-SCYTH-Gl1 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCEO COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOO PROGRAM 10 5747-C62, LPS GC27-0437 COMP 10 5747-SCVTM-730, LISTINGS NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION PROGRAM 10 5735-XX7, COHP 10 5735-XX700 LPS - GC38-0299 SVS YTAM ICR-OSIVS, 5742-017, 5742-SCI-23 OOSIVS HCF YTAM PROGRAM ASSEMBLY LISTINGS PROGRAM ASSEMBLY LISTINGS HVS, OSIVS1 TCAM OOSIVS 8100/DPCX HOST PREP. LIC PROG 5731-XR3 TERMINAL ACCESS FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS 6C27-0428 COHP ID 5745-XX600-F24 LISTINGS NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION REL 2 3725 FOR VSE/AF SPECIFICATIONS GC38-0299 NCCF SPECIFICATIONS 6C27-0428 COHP 10 5741-XX600-&44 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 SPECIFICATIONS GC27-0609 ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 CRYPTO SPECIFICATIONS 6C27-0609 TERHINAL ACCESS FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS 6C27-0428 COMP 5741-XX600-JCS1512 , ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 SC27-0609 FHIO HVT 2102 SPECIFICATIONS LISTINGS ACFIVTAH VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 CRYPTO SPECIFICATIONS SC27-0609 FHIO JYT 2112 LISTINGS NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY GC27-0595 COHP 10 96301-HTRII00 NCCF VERSION 2 FOR OS/HVS ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 2, 5665-280 ACFIVTAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 2, 5665-280, ENCRYPT/DECRYPT OSIVS2 RELEASE 03.6- OBR/EREP/ROE ( \ OSIVS2 SVS PROCESSOR SUPPORT. SCP 5742-017, ICR UY99951 ,,-,~ OSIVS2 HVS PROCESSOR SUPPORT 2 1046 ( ( ( 99 99 99 SJB2-900S-0 SJB2-9009-0 SJB2-9010-0 99 34 39 SJB2-9014-0 LJB2-9500-1 WB2-9501-1 30 39 WB2-9505-2 WB2-9506-2 34 LJB2-9507-2 34 97 30 30 LJB2-950S-1 LJB2-9509-1 LJB2-951 0-0 WB2-9511-1 34 20 LJB2-9513-0, WB2-9514-0 LNCS-0017 34 LJB2-9515-0 LNCS-0020 30 30 36 LJB2-9516-0 LJB2-9517-0 LJB2-951S-0 LNCS-0019 36 36 34 30 39 39 LJB2-9520-0 LJB2-9521-0 WB2-9525-1 WB2-9526-0 WB2-9527-1 LJB2-952S-1 36 36 36 39 36 37 36 37 36 36 37 31 37 20 32 LJB2-9529-0 LJB2-9530-0 WB2-9532-0 LJB2-9533-1 LJB2-9536-0 WB2-9537-0 LJB2-953S-0 LJB2-9539-1 LJB2-9540-0 WB2-9541-1 LJB2-9543-0 LJB2-9545-0 WB2-9546-0 WB2-9562-1 WB6-0002-2 50 WB6-0003-6 50 WB6-0004-5 32 32 WB6-0009-1 WB6-0010-0 50 LJB6-0014-4 30 39 LJB6-0015-1 LJB6-0024-1 39 WB6-0025-0 39 LJB6-0034-1 39 WB6-0035-0 50 50 WB6-0036-0 LJB6-0037-3 50 50 LJB6-0038-3 WB6-0039-1 50 WB6-0040-1 SHeS-OOn LNB9-002S LNB9-0066 LNB9-0091 LN89-0077 LNB9-0125 LNCS-0025 LNC8-0022 LNC8-0027 LNCS-0023 LNC8-0024 LNC7-2726 LNC7-2737 LNC8-1025 OSIVS2 MYS PROCESSOR SUPPORT 2 MICROFICHE LISTINGS JES 3 3800 ENHANCEMENT, LISTINGS EREP RELEASE 1.1 OSIVS2 RELEASE 3.S OSIVSI RELEASE 7.0, LIC PROS 5744-ER1, LISTINGS EREP RELEASE 1.5 OSIVS2 RELEASE 3.S OSIVSI RELEASE 7.0 OSIVS2 - RMF - PROS PROD 5740-XXH. LISTINGS LNB9-0043 OSIVS2 DASD TSO COMMAND PACKAGE. PROS 5740-XT6 LNB9-0073 LNB9-0122 LN89-00S7 OS/VS2 RACF, VERSION I, RELEASE 3. LIC PROS 5740-XXH. LISTINGS OSIVS2 MYS TSO 3270 EXTENDED DISPLAY SUPPORT SESSION MANAGER, LIC PROG 5740-XE2, VER I, REL. 2 OS/VS2 - RMF REL 2 VERS 2 POST PROCESSOR UPDATE PROS PROD 5740-XY4 OSIVS2 HVS SYSTEM EXTENSIONS 1.0, LIC PROS 5740-XEl, LISTINGS OSIVS2 853 - RMF VERSION 2 REL 2 SYSTEM EXPANSION SUPPORT VS2 839 PROGRAMMED CRYPTO FACIL, LIC PROS 5740-XY5. LISTINGS OSIVSI PROGRAMMED CRYPTOSRAPHIC FACILITY. LIC PROS 5740-XY5 MICROFICHE LISTING HVS/SYSTEM EXTENSIONS RELEASE 2, LISTINGS HVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT JES 3, LIC PROS 5740-XYN VERSION 1 RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 0 RMF VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 MYS/SYSTEM PRODUCT LIC PROS 5740-XY4 RELEASE 1 SUPPORT OSIVS2 MYS CUSP OSIVSI CRYPTOSRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT HVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT JES 2, LIC PROS 5740-XYS VERSION 1 RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 0 HVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 1 RELEASE 2 MODIFICATION LISTINGS HVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 1 RELEASE 2 MODIFICATION LISTINGS RESOURCE MANA6EMENT FACILITY VERSION 3 RELEASE 2 OSIVS2 VPSS/SP LISTINGS TSO EXTENSIONS FOR HVS/370 LISTINGS TSO EXTENSIONS HVS/370 INTERACTIVE DATA TRANSMISSION FACILITY LISTINGS HVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT, 5740-XYN, -XYS, VERSION 1 RELEASE 3.1 HVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT JES3 , 5740-XYN, VERSION 1 RELEASE 3.1 VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE LISTINGS TSO EXTENSIONS HVS/XA RELEASE 2 MODIFICATION 0 LISTINGS HVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT VERSION 2 LISTINGS HVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT VERSION 2 LISTINGS MYS/SP LIC PROS 5740-XYN LISTINGS SMP/E RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 3 HVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT BCP VERSION 1 RELEASE 3.3 LISTINGS JES2 VERSION 1 RELEASE 3.4 MYS/SYSTEM PRODUCT IPCS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3.3 LISTINGS HVS/SP JES3 BDT SUPPORT FEATURE VERSION 1 RELEASE 1.3 HVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES3 RELEASE 3.4 HVS/SP 2.1.3 AVAILABILITY ENHANCEMENT LNC7-272S DATA MANAGEMENT SUPPORT (DASDRJ. LIC PROS 5740-UTl MICROFICHE LISTINGS IHSIVS, 5740-XX2, VERSION I, FP FEATURE LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) IHSIVS, 5740-XX2, VERSION 1. IHS PSEUDO MODULE LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVSI CITOPS (ARGOT UTILITY) 5748-UT2 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OFFLINE 3800 UTILITY. LIC PROS 5748-UT2. DOSIVS REL 34, LISTINGS IHSIVS. 5740-XX2. VERSION 1. DATA BASE SURVEYOR UTILITY FEATURE LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVSI DATA MANAGEMENT MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 MYS VSPC (VS PERSONAL COMPUTING) DATA AREAS. LIC PROS 5740-XR6. LISTINGS OSIVS2 MYS VSPC SYMBOLIC NAME CROSS REFERENCE TABLE. LIC PROS 5740-XR6. LISTINGS OSIVSI VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) RELEASE 2 DATA AREAS. LIC PROS 5740-XR5. LISTINGS OSIVSI VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (YSPC) REL. 2 SYMBOLIC NAME CROSS REFERENCE TABLE, LIC PROG 5740-XR5, MICROFICHE LISTINGS IHS/VS DB RECOVERY, MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY R5 DATA AREAS AND CROSS REFERENCE, 5740-XXF, LISTINGS OSIVS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY R5. 5740-XXF. LISTINGS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY DATA AREAS AND CROSS-REFERENCE INFORMATION, LIC PROS 5746-XXC, LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY. LIC PROS 5746-XX6 DOSIVS RELEASES. 1047 29 WB6-0050-0 29 WB6-0051-0 29 LJB6-0052-0 29 29 29 30 WB6-0053-0 LJB6-0054-0 LJB6-0055-0 WB6-0056-0 30 WB6-0057-1 30 30 WB6-0058-0 WB6-0059-0 32 30 WB6-0060-3 WB6-0061-0 30 30 30 30 LJB6-0062-0 LJB6-0063-0 LJB6-0064-0 WB6-0065-0 30 LJB6-0066-0 30 WB6-0067-0 39 39 39 25 25 21 LJB6-0069-1 WB6-0070-1 LJB6-0071-2 LJB6-0072-1 LJB6-0073-1 WB6-0074-0 25 22 22 30 30 30 WB6-0075-0 LJB6-0076-0 LJB6-0077-0 LJB6-0078-0 LJB6-0087-0 WB6-ooas-o 30 50 50 50 LJB6-0089-0 LJB6-0090-0 LJB6-0091-0 WB6-0092-0 50 36 LJB6-0093-0 LJB6-0095-0 36 LJB6-0096-0 30 30 30 30 50 30 50 50 36 WB6-0097-0 WB6-0098-0 LJB6-0099-0 LJB6-0I00-0 WB6-0103-0 LJB6-0106-0 LJB6-0110-0 LJB6-0111-0 LJB6-0113-0 LJB6-0114-0 LJB6-0115-0 LJB6-0123-1 WB6-0l24-0 36 36 30 30 30 LJB6-0125-0 36 LJB6-0126-2 25 HWB6-0133-3 30 WB6-0136-1 36 LJB6-0137-0 LNB9-2189 LNB9-2409 LNB9-2890 (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER RELEASE 4 FMID HPL0400 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PLII RESIDENT LIBRARY RELEASE 4 FMID HRL0400 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PLII TRANSIENT LIBRARY RELEASE 4 FMID HTL0400 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS PLII OPTIMIZER COMPILER RELEASE 6 FMID DOSPL60 LISTINGS DOS PLII RESIDENT LIBRARY RELEASE 6 FMID DOSRL60 LISTINGS DOS PLII TRANSIENT LIBRARY RELEASE 6 FMID DOSTL60 LISTINGS OSIVS2 UWS) DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT RELEASE 1 LIC PROS 5740-AM7 LISTINGS OSIVS2 (MVS) DFDS RELEASE 1 SYMBOL NAME CROSS-REFERENCE. LISTINGS OSIVSl DFDS RELEASE 1 LISTING. LIC PROS 5740-AM6. LISTING OSIVSI DFDS RELEASE 1 SYMBOL CROSS-REFERENCE. LIC PROS 5740-AM6. LISTINGS DATA FACILITY DATA SET SERVICES LISTINGS OSIVS2 (MYS) DFDS DATA AREAS FMID JDMll34. JDSll34. JUTl134. LISTINGS OSIVSI DFDS DATA AREAS. LIC PROS 5740-AM6. LISTINGS DASD MIGRATION AID FMID HMA 1100 5668-002. LISTINGS DATA FACILITY EXTENDED FUNCTION.LIC PROS 5740-XYQ. LISTINGS DATA FACILITY EXTENDED FUNCTION CROSS REFERENCE LISTING CROSS REFERENCE 5740-XYQ OS/VS2 (MYS) DFDS RELEASE 1 ENHANCEMENT. LIC PROS 5740-AM7. LISTINGS OSIVS2 (MYS) DFDS. LIC PROS 5740-AM7. RELEASE 1 ENHANCEMENTS DATA AREAS. LISTINGS OSIVS2 MYS VS PERS()NAL COMPUTING VSPC LISTINGS OSIVS2 MVS VS PER5()NAL COMPUTING VSPC DATA AREAS LISTINGS OSIVS2 MYS VS PERS()NAL COMPUTING VSPC SYMBOLIC NAME LISTINGS VS FORTRAN RELEASE 2 PROGRAM LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FDRTRAN PROGRAM LISTINGS LNB9-2344 ASSEMBLER H VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 LISTINGS LNB9-2680 FDRTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG TSO CMS 2.2 LISTINGS VS APL TAPE 7165 VS/APL. 5748-API. VSPC. LISTINGS MYSIXA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT MODULE LISTINGS OSIVS2 MYS DFDS RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 5 DATA AREAS LISTINGS OS/VS2 MYS DFDS RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 5 SYMBOL NAME CROSS REFERENCE LISTINGS OSIVS2 MYS DFDS RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 5 LISTINGS os/vSl DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT DATA AREAS LISTINGS IMSIVS DATA CDMMUNICTIONS. 5740-XX2. MYSIXA SUPPORT IMSIVS MULTIPLE SYSTEMS COUPLING LISTINGS MYSIXA SUPPORT. 5740-XX2 IMSIVS FAST PATH PROGRAM LISTINGS. 5740-XX2. MYSIXA SUPPORT FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG TSO CMS 2.2 LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) MYS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 0 DATA AREAS LISTINGS DATA FACILITIES DEVICE SUPPORT LISTINGS OS/VSl DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT LISTINGS OSIVSl DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT LISTINGS OSIVSl DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT CROSS REFERENCE LISTINGS IMSIVS LOGGING. 5740-XX2 DATA FACILITIES DEVICE SUPPORT SYMBOL CROSS REFERENCE LISTINGS IMSIVS DATA BASE RECOVERY CONTROL. 5740-XX2 IMSIVS RESOURCE LOCK MANAGER DATA AREAS. 5665-332 MYS/XA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT MODULE LISTINGS MYSIXA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT DATA AREAS LISTINGS MYSIXA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT CROSS REFERENCE LISTINGS MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT RELEASE 1.1 MODULE LISTINGS MYS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT RELEASE 1.1 SYMBOL CROSS REFERENCE MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT RELEASE 1.1 DATA AREAS MYS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT MODULE LISTINGS VS FORTRAN COtlPILER AND LIBRARY MODULE LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 2 MODULE LISTINGS MVSIXA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 2 CROSS REFERENCE LISTINGS 1048 / ( 36 WB6-0 138-0 30 LJB6-0147-0 22 HLJB6-0l53-l 22 HLJB6-0154-1 29 **LJB6-l002-0 29 **LJB6-1003-0 29 HWB6-1004-0 99 SJB6-600l-0 99 SJB6-6002-0 (~' ( 99 SJB6-6003-0 99 SJB6-6004-0 99 99 SJB6-6006-0 SJB6-6009-0 99 SJB6-6010-0 99 SJB6-6011-0 99 SJB6-6013-0 99 SJB6-6014-0 99 99 SJB6-6015-0 SJB6-6016-0 99 SJB6-6017-0 99 99 30 22 22 SJB6-6018-0 SJB6-60l9-3 SJB6-6021-0 WB6-6101-1 LJB6-6102-1 22 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 WB6-6l03-1 SJD2-0010-0 SJD2-0020-1 SJD2-0030-0 SJD2-0040-1 SJD2-00S0-0 SJD2-0060-1 SJD2-0070-1 SJD2-0080-1 SJD2-0090-1 SJD2-0100-0 SJD2-0110-1 SJD2-0120-1 SJD2-0130-1 SJD2-0140-0 SJD2-0160-l SJD2-0l70-1 SJD2-0l80-l SJD2-0190-1 SJD2-0200-l SJD2-0210-1 SJD2-0220-l SJD2-0230-1 SJD2-0240-1 SJD2-0250-0 SJD2-0260-1 SJD2-0270-1 SJD2-0280-1 SJD2-0290-1 SJD2-0300-1 SJD2-0310-1 SJD2-0320-1 SJD2-0330-1 SJD2-0350-1 SJD2-0360-1 SJD2-0370-1 LNB9-2628 LNB9-2757 LNB9-2863 SNB6-990S LNB9-27S3 lNB9-275S SNB9-0750 SNB9-0620 SNB9-0630 SNB9-0300 SNB9-0740 SNB9-0700 SNB9-04S0 SNB9-0540 SNB9-0530 SNB9-0330 SNB9-06l0 SNB9-0710 SNB9-0730 SNB9-0600 SNB9-0670 SN89-0660 SNB9-0520 SNB9-0370 SNB9-0320 SNB9-0800 SNB9-05l0 SNB9-0360 SNB9-0820 SNB9-0580 SNB9-0210 SNB9-0220 SN89-0230 SNB9-0240 HVSIXA DATA FACILITY PRODUCT RELEASE 1 HODIFICATION 2 DATA AREAS LISTINGS OS/VSl DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT RELEASE 1 MODIFICATION 2 LISTINGS APL2 VERSION 1 LNB9-27l5 APL2 CMS VERSION 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) lNB9-2843 lNB9-2917 OS PVI OPTIMIZING COMPILER (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PVI RESIDENT LIBRARY (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PVI TRANSIENT LIBRARY (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVSl ANALYSIS PROGRAM 1 (AP-I), SCP 574l-VSl OSIVS2 ANALYSIS PROGRAM 1 (AP-I) PROGRAM LISTING - SCP COMPONENT 5752-SCl-31 DOSIVS ANALYSIS PROGRAM 1 lAP-I) LISTINGS - SCP COMPONENT 5745-SC-APC OSIVSI ANALYSIS PROGRAM 1 lAp-I) LISTINGS - ScP COMPONENT 5741-SCl-31 IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM ICR (uY99914) 5742-017 INDEX DOSIVS POWERIVS IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM ICR PROGRAM LISTING MICROFICHE DOSIVS RE·L 34 IBM 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM ICR PROGRAM LISTING MICROFICHE, 574S-010 DOSIVS REL 3S (S747-CC1) 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM IR MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 (MVS) 3800 ENHANCEMENTS DATA MANAGEMENT S7S2-VS2, LISTINGS OSIVS2 (MYS) 3800 ENHANCEMENTS DATA MANAGEMENT SUPPORT 5752-VS2, LISTINGS OSIVS2 (ttYS) 3800 ENHANCEMENTS UTILITIES 5752-VS2, LISTINGS OSIVSI 3800 ENHANCEMENTS DATA MANAGEMENT 56S2-YSI RELEASE 7.0, LISTINGS OSIVSl 3800 ENHANCEMENTS DATA MANAGEMENT SUPPORT 5652-VSl RELEASE 7.0 LISTINGS OSIVSl 3800 ENHANCEMENTS UTILITIES RELEASE 7.0, LISTINGS DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES, 5747-DS2, LISTINGS DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT 6.0 LISTINGS VS APL, LIC PROG 5748-AP1, FOR OSIVS ENVIRONMENT LISTINGS LNB9-2754 YS APL, LIC PROG 5748-AP1, FOR YI1/Ct1S ENVIRONMENT LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) VS APL, LIC PROG S748-AP1, FOR DOS ENVIRONMENT LISTINGS OSIVS2 SMF (S742-SCI-02) OSIVS2 IEHINITT (S742-SCI-UD) OSIVS2 IEHSTATR (S742-SCI-UE) OSIVS2 TAPE ERPIVES (S742-SCI-CC) OSIVS2 IEBEDIT (S742-SCI-U9) OSIVS2 IEHLIST (S742-SCI-U2J OSIVS2 IEHPROGH (S742-SCI-U3J OSIVS2 CATALOG (S742-SCI-D3) OSIVS2 SMF SCHEDULER (S742-SCI-00) OSIVS2 TSO TRACE (S742-SCI-T9) OSIVS2 PASSWORD PROTECT (S742-SCI-DC) OSIVS2 T50 UTILITIES (S742-SCI-TU OSIVS2 T50 TEST (5742-SCI-Tl) OSIVS2 EXT/PREC/FLT PT SIM (5742-SCI-CP) OSIVS2 IEHMOVE (S742-SCI-UC) OSIVS2 IEBCOPY (S742-SCI-U6) OSIVS2 IEBGENER (S742-SC1-U7) OSIVS2 IEBUPDTE (5742-SCl-US) OSIVS2 IEBPTPCH (S742-SCl-UA) OSIVS2 IEBCOMPR (S742-SCl-UiO OSIVS2 IEBISAM (S742-SCI-UH) OSIVS2 IEBDG (S·742-SCI-W) OSIVS2 T50 EDIT (S742-SCI-TO) OSIVS2 IPL (S742-SCI-Cl) OSIVS2 SUPERVISOR (S742-SCI-CS) OSIVS2 RMS (S742-SCI-CE) OSIVS2 GSP (S742-SCI-07) OSIVS2 GAM (S742-SCI-GO) OSIVS2 DIDoes (S742-SCI-C4) OSIVS2 DSS (5742-SCI-IO) OSIVS2 T50 SUPERVISOR (.5742-SCI-T7) OSIVS2 SYSTEM RESTART (S742-SCI-B3) OSIVS2 ALLOCATION (S742-SCl-B4) OSIVS2 Q MANAGER (S742-SCI-BS) OSIVS2 INITIATOR (S742-SCI-B6) 1049 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 SJ02-0380-1 SJ02-0390-1 SJ02-0400-1 SJ02-0410-1 SJ02-0430-1 SJ02-0440-1 SJ02-0450-1 SJ02-0460-1 5J02-0470-1 5J02-0480-1 5J02-0490-0 SJ02-0530-0 5J02-0540-1 5J02-0550-1 5J02-0560-1 5J02-0570-1 SJ02-0580-0 SJ02-0590-0 5J02-0600-1 SJ02-0640-1 5J02-0650-1 SJ02-0660-1 SJ02-0670-1 SJ02-06S0-1 SJ02-0690-1 SJ02-0700-1 SJ02-0710-1 SJ02-0720-1 SJ02-0730-1 SJ02-0740-1 SJ02-0750-1 5J02-0760-1 SJ02-0770-1 5J02-0780-1 SJ02-0790-1 SJ02-0800-1 5J02-0810-1 SJ02-0820-1 SJ02-0830-1 5J02-0840-1 SJ02-0850-1 SJ02-0860-1 5J02-0870-1 SJ02-0880-1 5J02-0890-1 SJ02-2000-6 SJ02-2001-7 SJ02-2002-7 SJ02-2003-4 SJ02-2009-7 SJ02-2010-6 SJ02-2014-7 SJ02-2015-7 99 99 SJ02-2016-7 SJ02-2017-7 99 SJ02-201S-7 99 99 5J02-2019-7 5J02-2020-7 99 SJ02-2021-7 99 SJ02-2022-7 99 SJ02-2023-7 99 99 SJ02-2024-6 SJ02-2025-6 99 99 99 99 99 SJ02-2026-6 SJ02-2027-5 SJ02-202S-3 SJ02-2030-5 SJ02-2031-5 ste9-0250 SNB9-0260 SNB9-0270 SNB9-0560 SNB9-0S30 SNB9-0S50 SNB9-0S70 51'189-0880 ste9-0790 SNB9-0S90 SNB9-0900 SNB9-0650 5NB9-0390 SN89-0l.70 SN89-0340 SNB9-0380 SNB9-0420 SN89-0440 SN89-0480 SNB9-0490 5NB9-0350 SNB9-0280 SN89-0290 SNB9-0590 SNB9-0550 SNB9-0680 5NB9-0640 5N89-0200 SNB9-0500 SN89-0S10 SNB9-0430 SNB9-0460 SNB9-0570 SN89-0770 5NB9-07S0 SNB9-0860 SNB9-0760 OSIVS2 TERMINATION (5742-SC1-B7) OSIVS2 COMMANDS (5742-SC1-B8) OSIV52 REAOER/INTERPRETER (5742-SC1-B9) OSIVS2 T50 SCHEOULER (5742-SC1-T4) OS/vS2 GTF (5742-SCl-11) OS/vs2 AMASPZAP (5742-SCl-12) OSIVS2 AMDPROMP (5742-SC1-13) OSIVS2 AMDSAOMP (5742-SC1-15) 051V52 AMAPTFLE (5742-SC1-16) OSIVS2 AMDPROMP/EOIT (5742-SCl-1S) OSIVS2 3735 MACROSIUTILITY (5742-SCl-22) 05/vS2 EXTEND EO SVC ROUTER (5742-SC1-CF) OSIV52 MAPPING MACROS (5742-SC1-01) OSIV52 OLTEP (5742-SC1-06) OS/V52 BTAM (5742-SCl-20) OSIVS2 TCAM (5742-SCl-21) OSIVS2 IEBTCRIN (5742-SC1-UG) OSIVS2 3505/3525 (5742-SC1-00) OSIVS2 OCR (5742-SC1-05) OSIVS2 OVERLAY SUPERVISOR (5742-SC1-C2) OSIV52 FETCH (5742-SC1-C7) OS/VS2 SAM (5742-SC1-00) OSIVS2 PAM (5742-SC1-02) OS/vS2 MICR (5742-SC1-D6) OS/vS2 OAM (5742-SCl-07) OS/vS2 lOS (5742-SCl-C3) OS/vS2 DASO ERP (5742-SCl-CA) OSIYS2 UNIT RECORO ERP (5742-SCl-CBJ 05/vS2 T50 SUBROUTINE TCAM (5742-SC1-TS) OSIVS2 TSO DATA MANAGEMENT (5742-SCl-T3) OSIVS2 IBCOMPRS (5742-SCl-IO) OS/vS2 IBCDASDI (5742-SC1-I1J OSIVS2 IEHOASOR (5742-SCI-UOJ OSIV52 IEHATLAS (5742-SCI-UF) OS/VS2 SYSOUT WRITER (5742-SCI-B2J OS/vS2 ICAPRTBL (5742-SCI-I2) OS/vS2 ISAM (5742-5CI-OS) OSIVS2 CHECKPOINTIRE5TART (5742-SC1-09) OS/YS2 OPEN/CL05E/EOV (5742-SC1-Dl) 051V52 DADSM (5742-SC1-04) \. / OS/vS2 LINK lOADGO PROMPTER (5742-SC1-T5) OS/VS2 LINKAGE EDITOR (5742-SC1-04) OSIVS2 LOADER (5742-SCI-05) OSIVS2 AMeLIST (5742-SCl-14) OSIVS2 ASSEMBLER XF (5742-SCI-03J IPL 5741-SCI-Cl VSl LISTING lOS 5741-SCI-C3 VS1 LISTING SUPERVISOR OSIVS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT 5741-SC1-CS MAPPING MACROS OSIYSl COMPONENT NO. 5741-SC1-01 SCHEOULER-SMF 5741-SCI-00 VSl LISTING UNIT RCD ERP 0s/vs1 MICROFICHE LI5TING - COMPONENT 5741-SC1-CB JECS 5741-SC1-BO VS1 LISTING I/P STREAM CTL os/yS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT 5741-SC1-B1 DIP STREAM CTL OSIVS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - PROGRAM 5741-SC1-B2 SYSTEM RESTART OSIYS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-B3 ALLOCATION OSIVS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-B4 SHADS MANAGER 5741-SC1-B5 YS1 LISTING INITIATOR OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-B6 TERMINATION OS/vsl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-B7 COMMANDS OSIVS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-BS INTERPRETER OSIVS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-B9 OS/vS1 RESTART RORIDSDR PROCESSING (5741-SCI-BD) SYSTEM LOG OSIVS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-BE WTP OSIVS1 MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SC1-BF MSI 5741-SCI-BG YSI LISTING (" IMeJOBQD 5741-SCl-17 VSI LISTING \ DIOOCS OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT HUMBER 574l-SCl-C4 ,,-_j GAM OSIVSI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-GO 1050 ( ( ( 99 99 99 99 SJD2-2032-5 SJD2-2033-5 SJD2-2034-6 SJD2-2038-5 99 99 SJD2-2041-5 SJD2-2042-7 99 SJD2-2043-5 99 99 99 SJD2-2045-4 SJD2-2046-5 SJD2-2047-2 99 99 99 99 SJD2-204S-5 SJD2-2049-5 SJD2-2051-5 SJD2-2054-6 99 99 SJD2-2055-7 SJD2-2056-5 99 99 SJD2-2057-5 SJD2-2058-5 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 SJD2-2059-7 SJD2-2060-5 SJD2-2061-5 SJD2-2062-5 SJD2-2063-5 SJD2-2064-5 SJD2-2067-5 99 SJD2-2068-7 99 99 99 SJD2-2069-5 SJD2-2074-5 SJD2-2076-4 99 99 99 99 SJD2-2077-6 SJD2-207S-6 SJD2-2079-2 SJD2-2080-6 99 99 SJD2-2081-3 SJD2-2082-5 99 99 99 99 SJD2-2084-5 SJD2-2085-5 SJD2-2086-5 SJD2-20S7-5 99 SJD2-2088-5 99 99 SJD2-2089-5 SJD2-2090-5 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 SJD2-2091-5 SJD2-2092-5 SJD2-2094-3 SJD2-2096-5 SJD2-2097-5 SJD2-209S-5 SJD2-2099-5 SJD2-2100-4 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 SJD2-2101-6 SJD2-2102-4 SJD2-21 05-6 SJD2-2106-4 SJD2-2107-2 SJD2-210S-4 SJD2-2110-4 SJD2-21U-6 SJD2-2113-3 SJD2-2114-4 GSP OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-07 RMS OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-CE OS/VSl SYSTEM ASSEMBLER COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCI-03 OBR/EREPIRDE OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-CD GTF OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-ll HHASPZAP OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCl-12 HMDPRDMP OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCl-13 HMAPTFLE 5741-SCl-16 VSl LISTING OLTEP OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-06 REL 4,5 EXTENDED SVC ROUTER 5741-SCI-CF VSl LISTING (REL 6 NOW IN SJD2-2002J IEHLIST MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-U2 OS/VSl 8TAM LISTINGS, SCP COMPONENT 5741-SCl-20 OCR OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-D5 CHECKPOINT RESTART OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT 5741-SCI-09 FETCH OSlVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-C7 OVERLAY SUPERVISOR MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-C2 SAM OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-DO OPENICLOSE/EOV OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-Dl PAM OSlVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-D2 DADSM OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-D4 MICR OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-D6 DAM OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUtmER 5741-SCI-D7 ISAM OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-DS JAM OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-D9 DASD ERP OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-CA OSIVSl LINKAGE EDITOR MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-04 LOADER OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-05 JESCOMPATINT 5741-SCI-D8 VSl LISTING HMBLIST OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCl-14 IBCDMPRS 5741-SCI-IO VSl LISTING 18CDASDI MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-Il ICAPRTBL 5741-SCI-I2 VSl LISTING IEHDASDR OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-UO IEHIOSUP 5741-SCI-Ul VSl LISTING IEHATLAS OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-UF CRJE OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-OA IE8COPY 5741-SCI-U6 VSl LISTING OSIVSl COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCI-U7, IE8GENER, LISTINGS IE8UPDTE OS/VSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-U8 IE8PTPCH OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-UA OSIVSl COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCI-UK, IE8COMPR LISTINGS IE8ISAM OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING - COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-UH IE8DG OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING 5741-SCI-UJ IEHMOVE OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING 5741-SCI-UC SMF OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING COMPONENT NUMBER - 5741-SCI-02 OSIVSl COMPONENT, NO. 5741-SCI-U3, IEHPROGM LISTINGS OSIVSl COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCI-UD IEHINITT, LISTINGS OSIVSl COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCI-UE, IEHSTATR LISTINGS CATALOG OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING 5741-SCI-D3 PASSWORD PROTECT OSIVSl MICROFICHE LISTING COMPONENT NUMBER 5741-SCI-DC TAPE ERPIVES 5741-SCI-CC VSl LISTING IEBEDIT 5741-SCI-U9 VSl LISTING RES 5741-SCl-88 VSl LISTING HMDPRDMP EDIT 5741-SCl-18 VSl LISTING RES ACCOUNT FACILITY 5741-SCl-8C VSl LISTINGS 3505 3525 READER PUNCH 5741-SCI-DD VSl LISTING EX F/P SIMULATOR S741-SCI-CP VSl LISTING NIP OSIVSl LISTING, SCP COMPONENT 5741-SCI-CS VTAH, S741-SCl-23, VERSION 1 LISTINGS OSIVSl IDCAHS MICROFICHE ASSEMBLY LISTINGS. S741-SCI-DK 10S1 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 SJD2-2115-4 SJD2-2116-4 SJD2-2118-4 SJD2-2120-2 SJD2-2121-2 SJD2-2122-4 SJD2-2124-2 SJD2-2128-2 SJD2-2129-4 SJD2-2131-2 SJD2-2132-1 SJD2-2134-2 SJD2-2135-0 SJD2-2138-0 SJD2-2139-2 SJD2-2140-4 SJD2-2141-2 SJD2-2142-1 SJD2-2143-2 SJD2-2144-2 SJD2-2145-1 SJD2-2147-1 SJD2-2148-1 SJD2-2149-1 SJD2-2151-0 SJD2-2152-0 99 99 99 SJD2-2154-0 SJD2-2155-0 SJD2-2156-0 99 SJD2-2157-0 99 99 99 99 SJD2-2158-0 $JD2-2159-0 SJ02-2160-0 SJD2-2161-1 99 99 99 99 99 50 SJD2-2162-0 SJD2-2163-0 SJD2-2164-0 SJD2-2165-0 SJD2-2171-1 WD2-2172-1 50 WD2-2173-1 50 SJD2-2174-1' 99 99 99 99 99 99 SJD2-2177-5 SJD2-2178-1 SJD2-2179-0 SJD2-2181-0 SJD2-2182-0 SJD2-2183-1 99 99 99 99 SJD2-2184-0 SJD2-2185-0 SJD2-2186-0 SJD2-2187-0 99 99 SJD2-2188-0 SJD2-2189-0 99 99 99 99 99 99 38 SJD2-2190-0 SJD2-2191-0 SJD2-2192-0 SJD2-2193-0 SJD2-2194-0 SJD2-2195-70 WD2-2196-0 99 30 99 99 SJD2-2197-0 WD2-2198-0 SJD2-2199-0 SJD2-2200-0 99 SNC8-0007 3890 DOC PROC 5741-SCI-DF VSl LISTING 3886 OCR 5741-SCI-DL VSl LISTING OSIVSI VSAH. COMPONENT NO. 5741-SCI-DE LISTINGS HMASHP 5741-SCI-30 VSl LISTING POWER WARNING FEATURE 5741-SCI-0E VSl LISTING ISSP 5741-SCI-BK VSl LISTING TCAM 5741-SCI-21 VSl LISTING SYSGEN 5741-SCl-Sl VSl LISTING It1COSJQD 5741-SCI-19 VSl LISTING OS/VSl 3540 DISKETTE SUPPORT - SCP COMPONENT 5741-SCI-DN MSSC 5741-SCI-DP VSl LISTING TOLTEP 5741-SCI-0C VSl LISTING 3540 DISKETTE 5741-SCI-BL VSl LISTING AP-l 5741-SCI-31 VSl LISTING DSH ERP 5741-SCI-CI VSl LISTING JOB LIST MGR 5741-SCI-BJ VSl LISTING HSCTC 5741-SCI-DQ VSI LISTING HSVC 5741-SCI-DR VSI LISTING HSSDA 5741-SCI-DS VSl LISTING TRACE 5741-SCI-DT VSI LISTING SERV 5741-SCI-DU VSl LISTING COMPONENT INDEX 5741-SCI-ZZ VSI LISTING OSIVSI MSS RECOVERY MANAGEMENT. 5741-SCI-BZ, LISTINGS IEBIHAGE 5741-SCI-UM VSl LISTING OSIVSI ASSEMBLER. SCP 5741-ASI. MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI BASE CONTROL PROGRAM EBAllOI 5741-BAI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI DATA MANAGEMENT 5741-DHI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI DATA MANAGEHENT SUPPORT 5741-DSI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI ENVIRONt1ENT. RECORDING. EDITING AND PRINT PROGRAM 5744-ERI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/GRAPHICS PROGRAM SERVICE MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI GRAPHICS SUBROUTINE PACKAGE SCP 5741-GSI LISTINGS OSIVSI MICR/OCR. SCP 5741-t101. MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSl REL 601 - OBR/EREP OSIVSI TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD VERSION 0 5741-TCI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI SELECTABLE UNIT 3 (SSS R5. SUID 5741-603) LISTINGS OSIVSI SELECTABLE UNIT 604 MICROFICHE SUIO 5741-604 OSIVSI SELECTABLE UNIT 605 MICROFICHE (SUID 5741-605) OSIVSI SELECTABLE UNIT 606 MICROFICHE SUIO 5741-606 OSIVSI TCAM VERSION 1 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD VERSION 1 5735-RCI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD VERSION 1 5735-RCI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI VIRTUAL TELECOHtRJNICATIONS (SHA3) 5735-RC2 MICROFICHE LISTINGS SERVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES. 5652-VS1. LISTINGS OSIVSI VPSS 5742-VPl MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI SELECTABLE UNIT 620 MICROFICHE SUID 5741-620 OSIVSI SELECTABLE UNIT 622 MICROFICHE SUID 5741-622 SHP ICR FOR VSI-5 REL 03.0. SUID 5741-622 OSIVSI DISPLAY EXCEPTION MONITORING FACILITY. LIC PROG 5741-DEI. MICROFICHE LISTINGS ASSEMBLER LISTINGS OSIVSI HASS STORAGE SYSTEM 5741-MSI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 5741-PMl MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/VSl CONVERSATIONAL REMOTE JOB ENTRY SCP 5741-RJl MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI SERVICE AIDS 5741-SAI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSl SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES SCP 5741-SS1 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI SYSTEMS SUPPORT 5741-STI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI SUPPORT 5741-SXl MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI UTILITIES 5741-UTI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVSI VT AM (SHAU. 5742-VT2. LISTINGS BASE SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAM (SCHED/SUP/IOS). LISTINGS OS/VSl GENERAL INDEX REL. 067/070 TAPE 8105 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORKSTAT~ON SUPPORT. LIC PROG 5740-XYE. LISTINGS BASIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD LISTINGS PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY. LIC PROG 5740-XY5 LISTINGS DISPLAY EXCEPTION MONITORING FACILITY (DEMF) LISTINGS DATA MANAGEMENT. LISTINGS 1052 ( (, (' 30 99 32 99 99 99 99 99 50 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 50 50 50 36 50 50 50 WD2-2201-0 SJD2-2202-0 LJD2-2203-0 SJD2-2204-0 SJD2-2205-0 SJD2-2206-0 SJD2-2207-0 SJD2-2208-0 LJD2-2209-0 SJD2-2210-0 SJD2-2211-0 SJD2-2212-0 SJD2-2213-0 SJD2-2214-0 SJD2-2215-0 SJD2-2216-0 SJD2-2217-0 SJD2-2218-0 SJD2-2220-0 SJD2-2221-0 SJD2-2222-0 LJD2-2223-0 LJD2-2224-0 WD2-2225-0 LJD2-2227-3 LJD2-4164-0 WD2-4165-0 WD2-4166-0 50 SJD2-4167-0 50 WD2-4169-0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 WD2-4170-0 LJD2-4171-0 LJD2-4172-0 LJD2-4174-0 WD2-4176-0 WD2-4179-0 LJD2-4183-0 50 WD2-4189-0 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 SJD2-4200-2 SJD2-4230-1 SJD2-4240-2 SJD2-4250-2 SJD2-4260-2 SJD2-4270-2 SJD2-4280-2 SJD2-4300-2 SJD2-4310-2 SJD2-4320-2 SJD2-4330-2 SJD2-4340-2 SJD2-4350-2 SJD2-4360-2 SJD2-4370-2 SJD2-4380-2 SJD2-4390-2 SJD2-4400-2 SJD2-4410-2 SJD2-4420-2 SJD2-4430-2 SJD2-4440-1 SJD2-4450-2 SJD2-4460-2 SJD2-4470-2 SJD2-4480-2 SJD2-4490-2 SJD2-4500-2 SJD2-4510-1 AHS CRYPTO. LIC PR06 5740-AM8, LISTINGS DATA MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LISTINGS DASDR PROGRAM PRODUCT, LIC PROG 5740-UTl, LISTINGS ENVIRONMENT RECORDING, EDITING AND PRINT PROGRAM LISTINGS GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/GRAPHICS PROGRAM SERVICE LISTINGS OSIVSl GRAPHICS SUBROUTINE PACKAGE. LISTINGS MICR/OCR LISTINGS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (HSS), LISTINGS NETWORK OPERATIONS SUPPORT PROGRAM, LIC PR06 5735-XX2, LISTINGS PROGRAM MANAGEMENT LISTINGS CONVERSATIONAL REMOTE JOB ENTRY (CRJE) LISTINGS SERVICE AIDS (INCLUDES ORBIMDR), LISTINGS SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES LISTINGS SYSTEM SUPPORT, LISTINGS VS/I SUPPORT, LISTINGS SMP LISTINGS TCAM 10, LISTINGS UTILITIES LISTINGS VPSS, LISTINGS VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (SNA 2) LISTINGS VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (SNA 3) LISTINGS VTAM BASE, 5735-RC2, LISTINGS VTAM MSNF LISTINGS VTAM CRYPTO, 5735-RC2, MSNF LISTINGS OSIVS1 BPE4 RELEASE JSA1511 AND JBA1511, 5662-257 LISTINGS ACF/SSP 3705 LIC PROS 5735-XXA LISTINGS ACF/SSP VERSION 2 3705 VSE/AF, 5735-XXA ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTIONINETWORK CONTROL PROGRAMIVIRTUAL STORAGE FOR 3705, 5735-XX9. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) EMULATOR PROGRAM FOR ADVANCED COMt1UNICATIONS FUNCTIONINETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM/SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM FOR 3705, 5747-CH2, VERSION 2 (CURRENT RELEASE) LJe9-2302 LNB9-2335 ACF/SSP VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.1 YHlSP LNB9-2422 HLNB9-2483 HLNB9-2555 LNB9-2645 LNB9-2743 ACF/SSP FOR THE 3725, 5735-XXA, OSIVS ACF/SSP VERSION 2 RELEASE 1.1 (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP FOR 3725 OSIVSEIVH (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION, 5735-XX7 NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY, 5668-963 X.25 NPSI RELEASE 4.1 FOR MYS ACFINCP VERSION 3 FOR THE 3725 ASSEMBLY LISTINGS (CURRENT **LNFI-0003 RELEASE) EMULATOR PROGRAM FOR CotI1UNICATIONS CONTROLLERS (CURRENT **LNFI-0005 RELEASE) OSIVS2 RELEASE 3.7 SYSTEM CROSS REFERENCE OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 JES2 5752-SCI-BH OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 EXTERNAL WRITER 5752-SCI-B2 OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 SCHEDULER RESTART 5752-SCI-B3 OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 ALLOCIUNALLOCATE 5752-SCI-B4 OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 SWA MANAGER 5752-SCI-B5 OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 INITIATOR TERMINATOR 5752-SCI-B6 OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 SYSTEM C()HMANDS (SVC34) 5752-SCI-BS OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 CONVERTER/INTERPRETER 5752-SC1-B9 OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 DASD ERP 5752-SCI-CA OSIVS2 RELEASE 2 .• 0 UNIT RECORD ERP 5752-SC1-CB OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 TAPE ERP 5752-SCI-CC OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 OBR/EREP/RDE 5752-SCI-CD OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 RMS 5752-SCI-CE OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 EXTEND SVC ROUTER 5752-SCI-CF OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 SVC 109 5752-SC1-CG OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 VIRTUAL STORAGE MANAGER 5752-SCI-CH OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 CONTENTS SUPERVISOR 5752-SCI-CJ OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 COMMUNICATOR TASK 5752-SCI-CK OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 TASK MAN 5752-SCI-CL OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 RECOVERY TERMINATION 5752-SCI-CH OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 EXT FLOATING POINT 5752-SCI-CP OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 MF/l 5752-SCI-CQ OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 REAL STORAGE MAN 5752-SCI-CB OS/VS2 RELEASE 2.0 REGION CONTROL TASK 5752-SCI-CU OSIVS2RELEASE 2.0 TIMER SUPERVISION 5752-SCI-CV OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 AUXILIARY STORAGE MAN 5752-SCI-CW OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 SYSTEM RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 5752-SCI-CX OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 RADIX PARTITION 5752-SCI-CY 1053 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 SJD2-4520-2 SJD2-4540-2 SJD2-4550-2 SJD2-4560-2 SJD2-4570-2 SJD2-4580-2 SJD2-4590-2 SJD2-4600-2 SJD2-4610-2 SJD2-4620-2 SJD2-4630-2 SJD2-4640-2 SJD2-4650-2 SJD2-4660-2 SJD2-4670-2 SJD2-4680-2 SJD2-4690-2 SJD2-4700-1 SJD2-4710-2 SJD2-4720-2 SJD2-4730-2 SJD2-4740-2 SJD2-4750-2 SJD2-4770-2 SJD2-4780-2 SJD2-4790-2 SJD2-4800-2 SJD2-4810-2 SJD2-4820-2 SJD2-4830-2 SJD2-4840-2 SJD2-4850-1 SJD2-4860-2 SJD2-4870-2 SJD2-4880-2 SJD2-4890-2 SJD2-4900-2 SJD2-4930-1 SJD2-4940-2 SJD2-4950-2 SJD2-4960-1 SJD2-4970-2 SJD2-4980-1 SJD2-4990-1 SJD2-5000-1 SJD2-5010-2 SJD2-S020-1 SJD2-5030-2 SJD2-S040-2 SJD2-S050-2 SJD2-5060-2 SJD2-5070-1 SJD2-5080-2 SJD2-5090-2 SJD2-S110-2 SJD2-5120-2 SJD2-5130-2 SJD2-5140-2 SJD2-5150-2 SJD2-5160-2 SJD2-S170-2 SJD2-5180-2 SJD2-5190-1 SJD2-5200-2 SJD2-5210-2 SJD2-5220-2 SJD2-5230-2 SJD2-5240-2 SJD2-5250-2 SJD2-5260-2 SJD2-5270-1 SJD2-5280-2 SJD2-5290-2 SJD2-5300-2 SJD2-5320-2 SJD2-5330-2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OS/VS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OS/VS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OS/VS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 OSIVS2 RELEASE 2.0 HP RECONFlSURATION 5752-SCI-CZ RELEASE 2.0 OVERLAY SUPERVISOR 5752-SCI-C2 RELEASE 2.0 lOS S752-SCI-C3 RELEASE 2.0 DIDoeS 57S2-SCI-C4 RELEASE 2.0 SUPERVISOR CONTROL 5752-SCI-C5 RELEASE 2.0 EXCP 5752-SCI-C6 RELEASE 2.0 FETCH 5752-SCI-C7 RELEASE 2.0 NIP 5752-SCI-C8 RELEASE 2.0 IPL 5752-SCI-C9 RELEASE 2.0 BLOCK PROCESSOR 5752-SCI-DA RELEASE 2.0 SAH SUBSYSTEM INTERFACE 5752-SCI-DB RELEASE 2.0 PASSWORD PROTECT 5752-SCI-DC RELEASE 2.0 3505/3525 READER 5752-SCI-DD RELEASE 2.0 VSAH 5752-SCI-DE RELEASE 2.0 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR 5752-SCI-DF RELEASE 2 YBP (VIQ) 5752-SCI-DG RELEASE 2.0 CATALOG CONTROLLER 5752-SCI-DH RELEASE 2.0 WINDOW INTERCEPT 5752-SCI-DJ RELEASE 2.0 ACCESS HETHOD SERVICES 5752-SCI-DK RELEASE 2.0 3886 OCR 5752-SCI-DL RELEASE 2.0 SAH 5752-SCI-DO RELEASE 2.0 OPEN/CLOSE/EOV 5752-SCI-Dl RELEASE 2.0 BPAH 5752-SCI-D2 RELEASE 2.0 DADSH 5752-SCI-D4 RELEASE 2.0 OCR 5752-SCI-D5 RELEASE 2.0 HICR 5752-SCI-D6 RELEASE 2.0 BDAH 5752-SCI-D7 RELEASE 2.0 ISAH 5752-SCI-D8 RELEASE 2.0 SAM 5752-SCI-GO RELEASE 2.0 IBCDHPRS 5752-SCI-IO RELEASE 2.0 IBCDASDI 5752-SCI-Il RELEASE 2.0 ICAPRTBL 5752-SCI-I2 RELEASE 2.0 T50 EDIT 5752-SCI-TO RELEASE 2.0 T50 TEST 5752-SCI-Tl RELEASE 2.0 TSO UTILITIES 5752-SCI-T2 RELEASE 2.0 T50 TIOC 5752-SCI-T3 RELEASE 2.0 TSO SCHEDULER 5752-SCI-T4 RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES DEBPTPCH 5752-SCI-UA RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEHMOVE 5752-SCI-UC RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEHINITT 5752-SCI-UD RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEHSTATR 5752-SCI-UE RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEHATLAS 5752-SCI-UF RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEBTCRIN 5752-SCI-UG RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEBISAH 5752-SCI-UH RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEBDG 5752-SCI-UJ RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEBCOHPR 5752-SCI-UK RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEHUCAT 57S2-SCI-UY RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEHDASDR 5752-SCI-UO RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEHLIST 5752-SCI-U2 RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEHPROGM 5752-SCI-U3 RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEecOPY 5752-SCI-U6 RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEBGENER 5752-SCI-U7, RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEBUPDTE 57S2-SCI-U8 RELEASE 2.0 UTILITIES IEBEDIT 5752-SCI-U9 RELEASE 2.0 POWER WARNING FEATURE 5752-SCI-OE RELEASE 2.0 SCHEDULER SHF 5752-SCI-00 RELEASE 2.0 HAPPING HACROS 5752-SCI-Ol RELEASE 2.0 SHF 5752-SCI-02 RELEASE 2.0 ASSEMBLER 5752-SCI-03 RELEASE 2.0 LINKAGE EDITOR 5752-SCI-04 RELEASE 2.0 LOADER 5752-SCI-05 RELEASE 2.0 OLTEP 5752-SCI-06 RELEASE 2.0 SSP 5752-SCI-07 RELEASE 2.0 CHECKPOINT RESTART 5752-SCI-09 RELEASE 2.0 DSS 5752-SCI-IO RELEASE 2.0 6TF 5752-SCI-ll RELEASE 2.0 AHASPZAP 5752-SCl-12 RELEASE 2.0 AHDPRDHP 5752-SCl-13 RELEASE 2.0 AHBLIST 5752-SCl-14 RELEASE 2.0 AHDSADHP 5752-SCI-15 AHAPTFLE 5752-SCl-16 RELEASE 2.0 AHDPRDHP EDIT 5752-SCl-18 RELEASE 2.0 BTAH 5752-SCI-20 RELEASE 2.0 TCAH 5752-SCl-21 RELEASE 2 VTAH. 5752-SCl-23 REL 615 - SHP - 5752-SCl-30 1054' ./ ( ( ( 99 99 99 SJD2-5360-1 SJD2-5380-1 SJD2-5400-1 99 SJD2-5410-1 99 99 99 SJD2-5420-1 SJD2-5440-1 SJD2-5450-1 99 SJD2-5460-1 99 SJD2-5470-1 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 SJD2-6000-0 SJD2-6001-0 SJD2-6002-0 SJD2-6003-0 SJD2-6004-0 SJD2-6005-0 99 99 99 99 SJD2-6160-1 SJD2-6161-1 SJD2-6162-1 SJD2-6163-1 99 SJD2-6164-1 99 SJD2-6165-1 99 99 99 99 99 99 SJD2-6166-1 SJD2-6167-1 SJD2-6168-0 SJD2-6170-1 SJD2-6171-0 SJD2-6172-1 50 99 50 99 99 99 99 32 30 99 SJD2-6173-0 SJD2-6174-1 SJD2-6175-0 SJD2-6176-0 SJD2-6177-0 SJD2-6178-0 SJD2-6180-5 WD2-6207-0 WD2-6215-1 SJD2-6216-0 99 99 SJD2-6217-0 SJD2-6221-0 99 SJD2-6223-0 99 99 SJD2-6224-0 SJD2-6228-0 99 SJD2-6232-0 99 SJD2-6233-0 99 99 SJD2-6236-1 SJD2-6238-0 99 99 SJD2-6239-0 SJD2-6240-0 SJD2-6006~0 SJD2-6007-0 SJD2-6008-0 SJD2-6009-0 SJD2-6010-0 SJD2-6011-0 SJD2-6012-0 SJD2-6013-0 SJD2-6014-0 SJD2-6015-0 SJD2-6016-0 OSIVS2 RELEASE 03.0 ERIC 2 LISTINGS - COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCI-DN OSIVS2 RELEASE 03.0 VVIC LISTINGS COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCI-DR OSIVS2 RELEASE 03.0 t1SS TRACE REPORT LISTINGS COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCI-DT OSIVS2 RELEASE 03.0 t1SS UTILITIES LISTINGS - COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCI-DU OS/VS2 RELEASE 03.0 TOLTEP LISTINGS - COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCI-0C OSIVS2 RELEASE 03.0 DSMTC LISTINGS - COMPONENT NO. 5752-SCI-DQ OSIVS2 RELEASE 03.0 HOST SUPPORT SSS LISTINGS - COMPONENT NO. 5752-SC1-SS OSIVS2 RElEASE 03.0 DSI1 ERP LISTINGS - COMPONENT NO. 5752-SC1-CI OS/VS2 t1SS RECOVERY MANAGEMENT, 5741-SCI-BZ, LISTINGS COMPONENT 5752-SC1-BZ OSIVS2 SU01 801 LISTINGS OSIVS2 802 SU02 LISTINGS OSIVS2 SU4 LISTINGS, SUID 5752-804 OSIVS2 SU05 80S LISTINGS OSIVS2 813 SU13 LISTINGS OS/VS2 SUI0 810 OSIVS2 SU07 807 OSIVS2 SU8 LISTINGS, SUID 5752-808 OSIVS2 SU17 LISTINGS, SUID 5752-817 OSIVS2 827 SU27 LISTINGS OSIVS2 SU21 LISTINGS, SUID 5752-821 OSIVS2 848 SU48, LISTINGS OSIVS2 SU25 LISTINGS, SUID 5752-825 OSIVS2 816 SU16, LISTINGS OSIVS2 824 SU24, LISTINGS OS/VS2 RELEASE 03.7E, RACF LISTINGS OSIVS2 RELEASE 03.7E, AP-1 ALTERNATE PATH RECOVERY MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 SUID 5752-830 MOHAWK LISTINGS OSIVS2 JES3 LISTINGS, SU 18 (SU ID 5752-818) OSIVS2 MYS DUMPING IMPROVEMENTS, SUID 5752-833, MICROFICHE DUMP OSIVS2 158/168 ATTACHED PROCESSOR SElECTABLE UNIT LISTINGS, SUID 5752-847 OSIVS2 SYSTEM SECURITY SUPPORT SELECTABLE UNIT LISTINGS, SUID 5752-832 OS/VS2 HARDWARE RECOVERY ENHANCEMENTS SELECTABLE UNIT LISTING SUID 5752-855 OSIVS2 VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM (VPSS) SUID 5744-CKI OSIVS2 SMP RELEASE 3 LISTINGS - SUID 5752-863 SMP ICR FOR VS2 REL 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.6 AND GENERAL INDEX OSIVS2 TCAM, SUID 5752-836, MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 REl 858 VTAM, SUID 5752-858, LISTINGS OSIVS2 SUID 5752-829 MYS 3838 SUPPORT MICROFICHE SOURCE LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 840 VTAM OS/VS2 SUID 5752-837 HOST SUPPORT SSS FICHE SOURCE LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 859 ACFITCAM, SCP LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 860 OPENlDADSMlIEHLIST VS2 SU857 INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM SUID 5752-857 OSIVS2 REL 826 JES 3 RELEASE 3 DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES, 5752-VS2. LISTINGS 3800 UTILITY MICROFICHE 842 MYS/INFORHATION DISTRIBUTION WORK STATION SUPPORT LISTINGS OSIVS2 RELEASE 3.8 XF ASSEMBLER EASI102. LIC PROG 5752-ASI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 3.8 BASE CONTROL PROGRAM EBBI102 OSIVS2 REL 3.8 (BTAM) BASIC TElECOMMUNICATION ACCESS METHOD EBTI102 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/VS2 REL 3.8 (DEMF) DISPLAY EXCEPTION t1ONITORING FACILITY EDEI102 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 REL 3.8 MYS DATA MANAGEMENT "EDMI102 MICROFICHE LISTING OSIVS2 RELEASE 3.8 MYS DATA MANAGEMENT SUPPORT EDSI102 MICROFICHE LISTING OSIVS2 REL 3.8 (GAM-GPS) GRAPHIC ACCESS METHOD GRAPHIC PROGRAMMING SERVICE EGAI102 OS/VS2 REL 3.8 (GSP) GRAPHIC SUBROUTINE PACKAGE FOR FORTRAN 4, COBOL. AND PlII LANG 5752-GSI EGSI102 MICROFICHE LISfING JOB ENTRY SUBSYSTEM 2 (JES2) 3800 ENHANCEMENTS OSIVS2 RELEASE 3.8 (JES3) VERSION 2 JOB ENTRY SUBSYSTEM 3 EJSI102 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OSIVS2 RELEASE 3.8 MF/l OSIVS2 REL 3.8 5752-MII (MICR/QCR) EMII102 MICROFICHE LISTINGS lOSS 99 SJD2-6242-0 99 99 SJD2-6244-68 SJD2-6245-0 99 SJD2-6249-0 99 SJD2-6250-0 99 SJD2-6251-0 99 SJD2-6256-0 99 SJD2-6257-0 99 SJD2-6260-0 99 SJD2-6262-0 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 50 SJD2-6263-0 SJD2-6265-0 SJD2-6266-0 SJD2-6267-0 SJD2-6271-0 SJD2-7200-0 SJD2-7205-0 WD2-7212-0 50 50 LJD2-7214-0 LJD2-7222-3 LJD2-7213 LN89-0109 LNB9-0083 LND2-7249 50 LJD2-7224-1 LND2-7231 50 LJD2-7227-3 LND2-7246 50 LJD2-7228-2 LN02-7243 50 LJD2-7236-0 LND2-7238 50 LJD2-7237-0 LND2-7247 50 WD2-7244-0 LNl2-7250 99 28 SJD2-9005-0 LJD3-3800-2 24 WD3-3922-0 32 WD3-6000-2 50 50 50 LJD3-6001-4 LJD3-6002-4 LJD3-6017-0 50 50 50 50 30 LJD5-0501-0 LJD5-0503-0 LJD5-0531-0 WD5-0532-0 GK35-0213-0 30 51<35-0214-0 30 SK35-0215-0 30 U<35-0216-0 30 51<35-0223-0 14 15 GL21-9071-1 GL21-9225-0 15 GL22-6936-2 14 GL22-6937-1 LJD3-3812 WD3-3814 OS/vS2 REL 3.8 (ttSS) MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EttSll02 MICROFICHE LISTINGS INDEX 8406 COMPONENT OF LBOF-6244 OS/vS2 REL 3.8 PROGRAM ttANAGEMENT EPttll02 PROS 5752-Pttl MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/vS2 RELEASE 3.8 (SSS) SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES ESSI102 (\ I ) MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/vS2 REL 3.8 SYSTEM SUPPORT ESTlI02 PROS 5752-STl MICROFICHE ~/ LISTINGS OS/vSl RELEASE 6.7 VERSION 2 RELEASE 3.8 (SMP) SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM ES41400 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/vS2 REL 3.8 (TCAMI0) TELEcot1ttUNICATION ACCESS METHOD ETCOI08 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/vS2 REL 3.8 (TCAMll) ACF/TCAI1 SCP ETCll02 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/VS2 RELEASE 3.8 (TIOC) TERMINAL INPUT/OUTPUT CONTROLLER ETIII06 HICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/vS2 REL 3.8 TSO/VTAI1 ETVOI08 PROS 5752-TVI MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/vS2 REL 3.8 UTILITIES EUTII02MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/vS2 RELEASE 3.8 VPSS FOR HVS. EVPII02 MICROFICHE LISTINGS OS/vS2 VTAI1. 5735-VT1. RELEASE 3.8 EVTOI08 LISTINGS OS/vS2 RELEASE 3.8 Ver 1 ACF/VTAM 5735-RC2. LISTING OS/vS2 REL 3.8 XWTR EXWl102 PROG 5752-XWI MICROFICHE LISTINGS SVS TCAM NCP/vS DIRECT - TCAI1 LEVEL 10 TIOC SUPPORT FOR TCAI1 10 LN89-0082 OS/vs2 REL 555 ACF/TCAI1 BASE SCP 5735-RCI LN89-0110 OS/VS2 REL 556 ACF/TCAI1 NETWORKING SCP 5735-RCI OS/vS2 ACF/TCAI1 V2 R3 BASE PROGRAM PRODUCT. LIC PROG 5735-RC3 LISTINGS OS/vS2 ACF /VTAI1 V2 R1 HULTISYSTEM NETWORKING FACI LITY. LIC PROS 5735-RC3 LISTINGS OS/vSl ACF/TCAI1 V2 R3 BASE PROGRAI1 PRODUCT. LIC PROS 5735-RC3. LISTINGS OS/vSl ACF /TCAM V2R3 MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING FACILITY FEATURE. LIC PROG 5735-RC3. LISTINGS OS/vS2 ACF/TCAI1 V2R3 MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING FACILITY FEATURE (6003) 5735-RC3 LISTINGS OS/vSl ACF/TCAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 4. 5735-RC3. NETWORKING FEATURE OS/vS2 ACF/TCAI1 VERSION 2 RELEASE 4. 5735-RC3. NETWORKING FEATURE SU51, OS/vS2 HVS PROCESSOR SUPPORT LISTINGS. 5752-851 WD3-3813 DOS/vs RPG II LIC PROG 5746-RGI. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS F/ANS COBOL COMPILER PTF 35 (UPI5279) LYC7-5030-04. LYC7-5031-04 PROGRAM 10 5736-CB201/LH201 VSE/DITTO UTILITY, LIC PROS 5746-UT3. LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) SDF/CICS VSE MICROFICHE SDF/CICS LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) LNB9-2322 LNB9-236 0 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM LNB9-2399 **LNB9-2554 (SDF/CICS), 5664-178. CHS LISTINGS LN89-2772 LNB9-2802 LN05-0502 X.25 NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE RELEASE 3 X.25 PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE. 5668-981. RELEASE 3.1 NETWORK LOG DATA ttANAGER LISTINGS NETWORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER. 5668-971. RELEASE 1 SUPPLEMENT FOR MASS STORAGE SYSTEM INSTALLATION PLANNING ANl TABLE CREATE (6C24-0028-01) SUPPLEMENT FOR MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS TO OPERATION (SH35-0040-02) SUPPLEMENT FOR MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS TO MESSAGES (SH35-0041-02) SUPPLEMENT FOR MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS TO ttSSC LOGIC ( LH35-0038-01 ) OPERATING SYSTEtt/VIRTUAL STORAGE. 5740-XYG. MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS. SYSTEM LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT 2501 CARD READER. MODELS A & B RPQ FEATURES 7460-4 STUB CARD READER RPQ EE7595 INSTALLATION/PHYSICAL PLANNING IBM 2914 SWITCHING UNIT HODEL 1. RPQ 880882. CUSTOM FEATURE: INSTALLATION MANUAL - PHYSICAL PLANNING SYSTEM/360 AN) SYSTEM/370 CUSTOM FEATURE DESCRIPTION: 2914 SWITCHING UNIT HODEL 1 - RPq 880882 1056 ( 14 GL22-7015-0 14 GL22-7025-0 14 GL24-3570-1 15 GL24-3571-3 50 20 34 40 36 40 LQA4-3005-0 6Q19-6200-0 SQI9-6201-0 SQI9-6202-0 SQ19-6203-0 SQI9-6204-0 SN24-5701 SN24-5735 SN24-5736 SN24-5737 37 SQI9-6205-0 SN24-5738 40 GQI9-6206-0 20 GQI9-6207-0 36 SQI9-6209-0 39 36 SCU9-6210-0 SCU9-6211-0 34 GQ19-6212-0 20 36 GQI9-6221-0 SQ20-0884-0 LD23-9012 LD23-9027 (-. (.,! SN25-0413 SN25-0461 SN25-0436 SN25-0461 SN25-0437 SN25-0461 6N25-0409 GN25-0459 6N25-0416 6N25-0411 40 GQ20-1806-0 36 39 20 20 20 34 GQ20-1818-0 GQ20-1819-0 GQ20-1830-0 GQ20-1838-0 GQ20-1B42-0 GQ20-1874-0 34 GQ20-1890-0 34 40 SQ23-0041-0 GQ23-0044-0 40 34 40 40 34 SQ23-0045-0 SQ23-0046-0 SQ23-0048-0 SQ23-0064-0 SQ23-0065-0 30 SQ24-5144-0 SN24-5690 30 SQ24-5145-0 SN24-5691 30 SQ24-5146-0 SN24-5676 30 30 6Q24-5190-0 GQ24-5207-0 30 SQ24-5208-0 36 6Q24-5218-0 39 39 SQ24-5219-0 SQ24-5220-0 39 SQ24-5221-0 SN24-5715 39 39 SQ24-5228-0 SQ24-5236-0 SQ24-5237-0 SN24-5750 34 GN24-5733 6N25-0200 GN28-0826 SN28-0804 SN28-0853 IBM 7441-1/1980-9 CUSTOM TERMINAL FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OPERATING PROCEDURES AND PHYSICAL PLANNING 2914 STORAGE CONTROL INTERFACE SWITCH HODEL 2 (RPQ 8P0290) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND PHYSICAL PLANNING 2946 TERMINAL CONTROL SUBSYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION & OPERATING GUIDE IBM 2946 TERMINAL CONTROL SUBSYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL PHYSICAL PLANNING CICSIVS, LIC PROG 5746-XX3, LISTINGS (LYA4-3005-1) VKlSP (GCI9-6200-01) SN24-5720 YM/SP PLANNING AND SYSTEM GENERATION GUIDE (SCI9-6201-01) VKlSP OPERATOR'S GUIDE (SC19-6202-01) YM/SP SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SC19-6203-01) VKlSP, 5664-167, SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES RELEASE 2.1 (SCI9-6204-1) YH/SP, 5664-167, OLSEP AND ERROR RECORDING GUIDE RELEASE 2.1 (SCI9-6205-1) VKlSP, 5664-167, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE RELEASE 2.1 ( GCI9-6206-U Vl'VSP, 5664-167, RELEASE 2.1, LIBRARY GUIDE AND MASTER INDEX (GCI9-6207-1) VKlSP, 5664-167, CHS CDMHAND AND MACRO REFERENCE RELEASE 2.1 (SCI9-6209-1) YM/SP, ·5664-167, CHS USER'S GUIDE RELEASE 2.1 (SCI9-6210-1) VKlSP, 5664-167, CP COHHAND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS RELEASE 2.1 (SCI9-6211-1) VKlSP, 5664-167, OPERATING SYSTEMS IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE RELEASE 2.1 (GCI9-6212-1) YH/SP HPO, 5664-173, GENERAL INFORMATION (GCI9-6221-0) SN25-0453 YM/370 DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC REL 4 (SY20-0884-2) SN25-0453 SN25-0453 6N25-0439 YM/370 OPERATOR'S GUIDE VI R4 (GC20-1806-8) VKl370 CHS COHHAND AND MACRO REFERENCE REL 4 (GC20-1818-1) VKl370 CHS USER'S GUIDE RELEASE 4 (GC20-1819-1) VKl370 SYS CONTROL (GC20-1830-1) VKlSP, 5664-167, GENERAL INFORMATION RELEASE 2.1 (GC20-1838-2) VKlSP, 5664-167, SPECIFICATIONS RELEASE 2.1 (GC20-1842-3) VKlSYSTEM PRODUCT SYSTEM lPO/E LIC PROG 5750-AAK, PLANNING GUIDE, RELEASE 1 (6C20-1874-3) VKlSP SYSTEM IPO/E, 5750-AAK, GENERAL INFORMATION BULLETIN (GC20-1890-2) JES3, 5740-XYN, INSTALLATION PLANNING AND TUNING (SC23-0041-3) 6N28-0758 JES3,5740-XYN, MESSAGES (GC23-0044-1) SN28-0852 SN24-5749 SN24-5692 JES3 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY. 5740-XYN (SC23-0045-1) JES2 INITIALIZATION AND TUNING (SC23-0046-02) HVS/SP JES 2 Cot1tIANDS (SC23-0048-2) HVS/XA OPERATIONS JES2 COMMAND SYNTAX (SC23-0064-01) HVS/XA HVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 INITIALIZATION AND TUNING (SC23-0065-01) USING VSEIVSAM CDHHANDS AND MACROS RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-AM2 (SC24-5144-1) YSEIVSAH RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-""2 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (SC24-514S-1) YSEIVSAH RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-""2 MESSAGES AND CODES (SC24-5146-lJ VSEIVSAH RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS (GC24-5190-3) YM/SP YM/PASS-THROUGH FACILITY, 5748-RCl RELEASE 2, SPECIFICATIONS (GC24-5207-1) VKlSP YM/PASS-THROUGH FACILITY, 5748-RCl RELEASE 2, GUIDE & REFERENCE (SC24-5208-1) OSIVSl BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS. LIC PROG 5662-257, GENERAL INFORMATION, RELEASE 2 (GC24-5218-1) YH/SP, 5664-167. EXEC 2 REFERENCE RELEASE 2.1 (SC24-5219-1) VKlSP. 5664-167. SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR USER'S GUIDE (SC24-5220-1) vtVSP. LIC PROG 5664-167. COHHAND & MACRO REFERENCE ( SC24-5221-U VKlIPF, 5748-HS1, SYSTEM REFERENCE (SC24-5228-1) VKlSP, 5664-167, CHS PRIMER (SC24-5236-1) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT, 5664-167, INSTALLATION GUIDE 1057 39 **SQ24-5238-0 24 30 GQ26-3857-0 GQ26-3954-0 25 GQ26-3984-0 20 GQ26-4026-0 20 SQ26-402S-0 34 50 GQ26-4063-0 GQ27-0463-0 GN31-1332 50 SQ27-0466-0 SN31-1320 SO SQ27-0470-0 SN31-1266 37 34 GQ2S-0673-0 GQ2S-0920-0 SN31-0923 SN31-1390 GN2S-2992 20 GQ2S-1043-0 37 37 GQ2S-1048-0 GQ2S-1049-0 GN2S-0S07 GN2S-0840 GN2S-5053 GN2S-5052 GN28-5008 39 36 SQ2S-1136-0 GQ2S-1147-0 36 GQ2S-114S-0 GN2S-0846 37 LQ2S-1164-0 LN2S-0S27 37 LQ2S-1165-0 LN2S-0961 37 LQ2S-1166-0 LN2S-0905 37 LQ2S-1167-0 LN2S-0962 37 LQ2S-116S-0 LN2S-0S29 34 40 24 GQ2S-1174-0 GQ2S-1206-0 SQ2S-6469-0 GN2S-0884 24 SQ2S-6483-0 SN26-0903 SN26-0947 30 GQ30-300S-0 GN30-2591 GN30-2595 36 SQ32-5329-0 50 SQ32-5411-0 50 36 29 SQ32-5414-0 SQ32-5520-0 SQ33-0020-0 50 SQ33-006S-0 50 SN20-9363 SN33-6239 SQ33-0069-0 SN33-6216 SN33-6259 SN33-6217 50 SQ33-0070-0 SN33-6247 SN33-6254 SO SQ33-0071-0 50 SQ33-0073-0 50 SQ33-0074-0 50 SQ33-0075-0 50 SQ33-0077-0 SN33-6248 SN33-6240 SN33-6222 SN33-6242 (SC24-5237-1) YHlSP:SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER GUIDE, 5664-167, VERSION I RELEASE 3 USER'S GUIDE (SC24-523S-1) REFERENCE VS COBOL FOR OS/VS (GC26-3857-2) DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT, LIC PROS 5740-At16, -AM7, RELEASE 1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION (GC26-3954-4) (~, VS FORTRAN COMPILER & LIBRARY, 574S-F03, -Lt13 SPECIFICATIONS \ . . (GC26-3984-3) "---./ BASIC. 5668-996. APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: LANGUAGE REFERENCE (GC26-4026-1) BASICIVt1. 566S-996, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING SYSTEM SERVICES (SC26-4028-1) t1VS/370 INSTALLATION SYSTEM REFERENCE (SC26-4063) ACF/vTAM, LIC PROS 5746-RC3 (DOS/VS) RELEASE 3, 5736-RC2 (OS/VS), GENERAL INFORMATION: CONCEPTS (GC27-0463-2) ACFIVTAM, LIC PROS 5746-RC3 (DOS/VS) RELEASE 3, 5735-RC2 (OS/VS), OPERATIONS (SC27-0466-2) ACFIVTAM, LIC PROG 5746-RC3 (DOSIVS) RELEASE 3. 5735-RC2 (OSIYS) MESSAGES AND CODES (SC27-0470-2) OSIVS SYSTEM t1ODIFICATION PR()GRAM (SMP) RELEASE 3 (GC28-0673-5) OS/vS2 t1VS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FACILITY (RMF) RELEASE 3, LIC PROS 5740-XY4, SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-0920-4) OS/vs2 t1VS/SYSTEM PRODUCT JES2, 5740-XYN, RELEASE 2 (GE2S-1043-2) t1VS/SP DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 2 5740-XYN. -XlS (GC2S-104S-1) t1VS/SP DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 3, 5740-XYN, -XlS (GC2S-1049-1) TSO/E GDE WRITING TttP OR CP (SC2S-U36-0) t1VSIXA t1VS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 t1VS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 USER EXITS (GC28-1147-01) t1VSIXA t1VS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 t1VS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE (GC28-1148-01) t1VSIXA t1VS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 t1VS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME I (LC28-1164-02) t1VSIXA t1VS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 t1VS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 2 (LC28-1165-01) t1VSIXA t1VS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 t1VS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 3 (LC28-1166-01) t1VSIXA t1VS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 t1VS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 4 (LC2S-1167-01) (" t1VSIXA t1VSISP-JES3 VERSION 2 t1VS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 5 (LC2S-116S-01) ~ RMF LICENSED PR()GRAM SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-1174-1) t1VS1XA OPERATIONS SYSTEM COMHANDS (GC2S-1206-01) YHl370, 5734-CB2, -Lt12; 5740-CBl, -Lt11; 5746-CBl RELEASE 1.3.0i 5746-Lt15, CMS USER'S GUIDE FOR COBOL (SC2S-6469-4) OS/VS COBOL RELEASE 2.3, LIC PROG 5740-CBl COMPILER All) LIBRARY PR()GRAMtIER 'S GUIDE (SQ28-64S3-1) 3704/3705 (YrAM USERS IN DOS/vS, VSl, YS2 RELEASE 3.0, 3.6, 3. 7), 360H-TX-033, -TX-034, -TX-035, -TX-036, 5744-BAI, -BA2, -ANI, 5747-ACl, -AJ2, -AGI. 5735-SC2. CONTROL PROGRAM GENERATION AND UTILITIES GUIDE AND REFERENCE (GC30-300S-3) YSE/POWER. 5746-XE2 RELEASE 2. RJE INSTALLATION ~ OPERATIONS GUIDE (SHI2-5329-1) DVI DOS/vS. LIC PROS 5746-XXI RELEASE 1.6, CALL AND RODLI INTERFACES APPLICATION PROGRAMMING (SH12-5411-5) DVI DOS/vS, 5746-XXI RELEASE 1.6, MESSAGES/CODES (SH12-5414-7) VSE/POWER. 5746-XE2 RELEASE 2, MESSAGES (SHI2-5520-1) DOS PVI OPTIMIZING COMPILER, LIC PROS 5736-PL3, -PLI, -Lt15, RELEASE 6 (SC33-0020-6) CICS/vS. RELEASE 1.4.1, LIC PROS 5746-XX3, 5740-XXI, SYSTEt1IAPPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE (SC33-006S-I) CICS/vS, RELEASE 1.4.1, LIC PROS 5746-XX3, 5740-XXI, SYSTEM PROGRAMtIER'S REFERENCE (SC33-0069-2) CICSIVS, RELEASE 1.4.1, LIC PROS 5746-XX3, DOS/YS SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (SC33-0070-2) CICS/VS, RELEASE 1.4.1, LIC PROS 5740-XXI. OS/VS SYSTEM PROGRAMtIER'S GUIDE (SC33-0071-I) CICSIVS. RELEASE 1.4.1, LIC PROS 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3 3650 GUIDE (SC33-0073-1) CICS/vS. RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROS 5740-XXl, 5746-XX3 3767/3770 GUIDE (SC33-0074-1) CICS/vS, RELEASE 1.4.1, LIC PROS 5740-XXI, 5746-XX3 3790 GUIDE (SC33-0075-2) CICS/VS, RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROS 5740-XXl, 5746-XX3 APPLICATI .. ) PROGRAMttER'S REFERENCE (CotI'IAND LEVEL) (SC33-0077-1) mC· ", 10S8 ( 50 "33-0079-0 SN33-6223 50 SCU3-00S0-0 50 "33-00S1-0 SN33-6224 SN33-6260 SN33-6225 50 SQ33-0095-0 21 GQ33-4021-0 21 GQ33-4024-0 33 GQ33-4032-0 33 HGQ33-4033-0 SQ33-4034-0 33 33 SQ33-4035-0 ( 33 SQ33-4045-0 30 GQ33-5372-0 37 39 GQ33-5383-0 GQ33-6065-0 39 GQ33-6066-0 39 "33-6067-0 SN33-9280 39 "33-6068-0 SN33-9281 39 SQ33-6069-0 20 34 GQ33-.6077-0 SQ33-6096-0 40 SQ33-6098-0 34 SQ33-6101-0 20 GQ33-61 09-0 20 GQ33-6143-0 40 20 "33-6144-0 GQ33-6150-0 SO SO 37 GQ34-2009-0 SQ34-20U-0 GQ34-2021-0 39 SQ34-2088-0 50 20 "34-2117-0 GQ34-2164-0 39 39 30 GQ34-4039-0 GQ34-4040-0 GQ35-0033-0 16 16 16 16 31 GQ38-0034-0 GQ38-0035-0 GQ38-0036-0 GQ38-0037-0 GQ38-1007-0 GN22-0649 40 GQ38-11 02-0 GN28-4690 GN28-5012 GN2S-4733 GN2S-5012 GN2S-4985 GN28-5012 GD23-0167 GD23-0175 ( GN33-S200 50 GD23-0215 SQ40-0003-0 GN24-5S42 GN33-91S3 GN25-0319 SN33-9329 GN22-0668 SN33-6243 CICSIVS, RELEASE 1.4.1, LIC PROG 5740-XX1, 5746-XX3 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (MACRO LEVEL) (SC33-0079-1) SN33-6245 CICSIVS, RELEASE 1.4.1, LIC PROG 5740-XXl, 5746-XX3 OPERATOR'S GUIDE (SC33-00S0-1) SN33-6232 CICSIVS, RELEASE 1.4.1, LIC PROG 5740-XXl, 5746-XX3 MESSAGES & CODES (SC33-00S1-1) CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICSIVS) MASTER INDEX VERSION 1 RELEASE 4 MOD 1, LIC PROG 5740-XX1, 5746-XX3 SC33-0095-1 OS/VSl & VMl370 ASSEMBLER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE, VS2 REL 2 (GC33-4021-2) GN33-S227 GUIDE TO THE DOSIVS ASSEMBLER RELEASE 34 (GC33-4024-2) DATA FACILITY SORT, 5740-SMI. SPECIFICATIONS (GC33-4032-12) GI OSIVS SORT MERGE (GC33-4033-10) DATA FACILITY SORT. 5740-SMI. INSTALLATION (SC33-4034-10) OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE. 5740-SMl, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SC33-4035-10) DOSIVS SORTIMERGE VERSION 2 RELEASE 2. LIC PROG 5746-SH2, INSTALLATION (SC33-4045-2) 6N24-5584 DOSIVS DATA MANAGEMENT GUIDE. RELEASE 34 (GC33-5372-3) GN33-91S6 GN25-0323 DOSIVS OLTEP RELEASE 45 (GC33-5383-2) VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS LIC PROG 5746-TSI (GC33-6065-2) VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY (VSE/ICCF) GENERAL INFORMATION, RELEASE 2. LIC PROG 5746-TSI (GC33-6066-1) VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY (VSE/ICCF) INSTALLATION RELEASE 2 (SC33-6067-1) VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTItlG AND CO~OL FACILITY (VSE/ICCF), TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE RELEASE 2, LIC PROG 5746-TSI (SC33-606S-1) VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY (VSE/ICCF) MESSAGES RELEASE 2. LIC PROG 5746-TSI (SC33-6069-1) DATA SECURITY UNDER THE VSE SYSTEM. RELEASE 2 (GC33-6077-1) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROG 5746-XES. RELEASE 3, SYSTEM GENERATION (SC33-6096-1) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROG 5746-XES, RELEASE 3, MESSAGES (SC33-609S-1) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROG 5746-XE8. RELEASE 3, MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY PROGRAM USER'S GUIDE (SC33-6101-1) SYSTEM CONTROL PROGRAMMING. DOSIVSE, RELEASE 3, SPECIFICATIONS (GC33-6109-2) SHALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE (SSXlVSE), 5666-265, GENERAL INFORMATION RELEASE 1 SHALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE. 5666-265. OPERATION (SC33-6144-1) SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE (SSXlVSE), 5666-265, SPECIFICATIONS RELEASE 1 NPDA, 5735-XX8. RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS (GC34-2009-1) NPDA, 5735-XX8, RELEASE 2 INSTALLATION (SC34-2011-3) DOSIVSE INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM (VSE/IPCS) RELEASE 2, LIC PROG 5746-SAl, SPECIFICATIONS (GC34-2021-1) ISPF DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES, 5668-960 RELEASE 1.1.0 (GC34-20SS-1) NPDA, 5666-295, 566S-920, VERSION 3 INSTALLATION (SC34-2117-l) VIRTUAL MACHINE PERFORMANCE MONITOR ANALYSIS PROGRAM, 5664-191, GENERAL INFORMATION (GC34-2164-U ISPF VERSION 2 FOR HVS SPECIFICATIONS (GC34-4039-01) ISPF/PDF VERSION 2 FOR HVS SPECIFICATIONS (GC34-4040-01) DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES 5747-DS1, 5746-XES RELEASE 3 (GC35-0033-4) 30S1 OPERATOR GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0034-6) 30S1 AND 30S3 MESSAGES FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0035-1) 30S3 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0036-1) GN22-0669 30S4 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEK CONSOLE (GC3S-0037-2) OSIVS LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER MESSAGES RELEASE 3.7 (VS2) RELEASE 1.6 (VS1) (GC38-2007-4) GN2S-4752 OS/VS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS2 ROUTING AND DESCRIPTOR CODES, 5752-VS2 (GC38-1102-2) GN28-5024 6N28-4752 GN2S-5024 GN28-4752 GN28-5024 DHSlCICs/vs PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE 5746-XCS, -XC4, VERSION 1, RELEASE 4 MODIFICATION 0 (SH20-0003-1) 1059 so SQ40-0004-0 so so GQ40-1246-0 so SQ40-22U-0 so GQ40-9104-0 SO SO 30 SQ44-S001-0 SQ44-S002-0 GQ44-S003-0 30 SQ44-S00S-0 SO SQ44-S009-0 SO GQ44-S012-0 SO GQ44-S0l3-0 SO SQ44-S014-0 SO SQ44-S01S-0 SO SO SQ44-S016-0 SQ44-S017-0 so SQ44-S018-0 SO SQ44-S0l9-0 so SQ44-S020-0 SO 36 GQ44-S026-0 LQS2-S027-0 36 SO LQS2-S028-0 SQSS-0027-0 37 36 LQ60-0890-0 LQ60-0892-0 39 LQ60-0893-0 SO LQ60-2456-0 22 30 LQ60-8032-0 LQ64-S191-0 30 LQ64-S203-0 30 LQ64-S208-0 36 SQ6S-0031-0 36 LQ6S-0033-0 34 SQ6S-0034-0 37 SQ6S-0036-0 40 SQ6S-0041-0 36 SQ6S-0042-0 34 SQ6S-0044-0 36 SQ68-0713-0 SQ40-2209-0 SN20-40S9 SN35-0206 SN3S-0276 LN24-S739 LN24-5695 LN24-5748 DEVELOPMENT HAHAGEMENT SYSTEKICUSTOHER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEKlYIRTUAL STORAGE, 5746-XCS, -XC4, VERSION I, RELEASE 4, MODIFICATION O. INSTALLMENT AND OPERATIONS (SH20-0004-1) DVI DOs/yS, LIC PROS 5746-XX1 RELEASE 1.6, GENERAL INFORMATION (GH20-1246-8) DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEKICUSTOHER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEKlYIRTUAL STORAGE (DMS/CICSIYS) RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XC4 REFERENCE (SH20-2209-1) DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEKICUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEKlYIRTUAL STORAGE (DMS/CICSIYS) RELEASE 2 LIC PROS S746-XC4 OPERATIONS GUIDE (SH20-22ll-2) DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY RELEASE 3 LIC PROS 5746-XXC GENERAL INFORMATION (GH20-9l04-3) DVI DDSIYS, S746-XX1 RELEASE 1.6, USER'S GUIDE (SH24-5001-3) DVI-DOSIYS DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE (SH24-S002-3) VKl370 REMOTE SPOOLING COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM NETWORKING (RSCS), LIC PROS 5748-XP1 RELEASE 2, SPECIFICATIONS (GH24-5003-1) VKl370 REMDTE SPOOLING COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM NETWORKING (RSCS) RELEASE 2, REFERENCE-AND OPERATIONS (SH24-S005-1) DVI DOSIYS, LIC PROS S746-XXl RELEASE 1.6, HIGH LEVEL PROGRAMMING INTERFACE USER'S GUIDE (SH24-S009-l) SQVOATA SYSTEM, 5748-XXJ, RELEASE 1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION, 6H24-S012-1 SQL/DATA SYSTEM 5748-XXJ RELEASE 1 CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES (GH24-5013-1) SQL/DATA SYSTEM, 5748-XXJ RELEASE 1.1, PLANNING & ADMINISTRATION (SH24-5014-1) SQL/DATA SYSTEM, 5748-XXJ RELEASE 1.1, INSTALLATION (SH24-5015-1) SQL/DS FOR VSE, 5748-XXJ, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (SH24-5016-2) SQL/DS FOR VSE, 5748-XXJ. TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE (SH24-S017-2) SQL/DATA SYSTEM 5748-XXJ RELEASE 1.1, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING (SH24-S018-l) SQL/DATA SYSTEM, 5748-XXJ RELEASE 1.1 MESSAGES & CODES (SH24-S019-1) SQL/DATA SYSTEM, 5748-XXJ RELEASE 1.1, SYSTEM OPERATION (SH24-S020-l) SQL/DS FOR VSE, 5748-XXJ, SPECIFICATIONS (6H24-5026-2) VSE/POWER RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XE3 LOGIC VOLUME 1 (LQ52-S027-l) VSE/POWER RELEASE 2 LIC PROS S746-XE3 LOGIC (LY12-S038-1) SN35-0252 IMSIYS D/B RECOVERY CONTROL REFERENCE (SH35-0027-2) LOGIC VKlSP SERVICE ROUTINES (LY20-0890-l) VKlSP. 5664-167. SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 1 (CP) RELEASE 2.1 (LY20-0892-1) YM/SP, S664-167. SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 2 (CMS) RELEASE 2.1 (LY20-0893-l) DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEKICUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIYIRTUAL STORAGE (DMS/CICSIYS) RELEASE 2 L()6IC (LY20-2456-1 ) VS APL, 5748-APl RELEASE 4, LOGIC (LY20-8032-2) VSEIYSAM LOGIC VOLUME 1 CATALOG MANAGEMENT, OPEN/CLDSE DADSH, ISAM INTERFACE RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-AM3 (LY24-5191-l) VKl370 REMOTE SPOOLING COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM NETWORKING (RSCS),LIC PR()6 S748-XPl RELEASE 2, LOGIC (LY24-5203-1) VKlSP SKlPASS-THROUGH FACILITY, S748-RC1 RELEASE 2, L()6IC (LY24-S208-1) SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS TO DSIYS1 JCL REFERENCE, 5662-2S7, RELEASE 2 (S025-0031-1) SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS, 5662-257 TO DSlYSl SYSTEM DATA AREAS, RELEASE 2 (L025-0033-1) SUPPLEMENT FOR VSl BASIC PROGRAtI1ING EXTENSIONS, S662-2S7 RELEASE 2, TO SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE, 6C26-3791-9 (S025-0034-l) SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAM EXTENSIONS RELEASE 2 TO SERVICE AIDS, 6C28-066S-2 (5025-0036-1) SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS TO OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: DSIYSI REFERENCE, S662-2S7, RELEASE 2; (SD25-0041-1) SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS. S662-257, TO DSIYSI PROGRAMMING REFERENCE. RELEASE 2 (502S-0042-1) SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS. 5662-257, TO COO DSIYSI PLANNING AND USE GUIDE, RELEASE 2 (5025-0044-2) DSIYS2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY RELEASE 1 VOLUME 1 OF 7 1060 '/1 ( 36 LQ68-1099-0 36 36 SQ68-1208-0 LQ68-1214-0 36 LQ68-1226-0 36 LQ68-1230-0 36 LQ68-1234-0 36 LQ68-1235-0 36 39 50 LQ68-1246-0 LQ73-9096-0 LQ78-3027-0 36 SQ83-9023-0 36 SQ83-9025-0 85 85 SR20-4260-1 SR20-4438-1 85 SR20-4482-0 85 SR20-4510-4 85 85 SR20-4513-4 SR20-4546-2 85 SR20-4547-2 85 SR20-4568-2 85 85 85 85 85 85 09 39 37 SR20-4569-2 SR20-4620-2 GR20-4640-1 GR20-4666-1 SR20-4672-0 SR20-4680-0 SR20-4686-0 GR29-0296-6 LSCO-9730-0 LTAO-0305-0 50 LTA9-6133-0 30 32 LTB4-61 02-0 LTB6-0002-0 39 LTC7-0468-0 36 LTC7-2010-0 21 LTC7-2011-0 36 LTC7-2012-0 30 LTC7-2013-0 32 LTC7-2014-0 30 LTC7-2015-0 36 LTC7-2016-0 37 LTC7-2017-0 40 LTC7-2018-0 30 LTC7-2019-0 85 ( .. ( / LN28-0904 LN28-0946 SN25-0752 Lte6-9907 LNC7-2720 LNC7-2725 LNC7-2736 (SY28-0713-5) OSIVS SYSTEM LIBRARY VOLUHE II. 5740-XYN. -XYS. LOGIC (LY28-1099-2) HVSIXA VOLUME 1 LOGIC (SY28-1208-01) HVS/XA HVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 HVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 LOGIC VOLUME 3 (LY28-1214-01) HVSIXA HVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 HVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 VOLUME 6 LOGIC (LY28-1226-01) HVS/XA HVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 HVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 LOGIC VOLUHE 7 (LY28-1230-0lJ HVS/XA HVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 HVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 LOGIC VOLUHE 8 PART 1 (LY28-1234-01) HVS/XA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 HVSlSP-JES2 VERSION 2 LOGIC VOLUHE 8 PART 2 (LY28-1235-01) HVS/XA LOGIC VOLUME 2 (LY28-1246-01) VSE/ICCF. 5746-TSI RELEASE 2 HANDBOOK (LY33-9096-1) ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VTAM. LIC PROG 5735-RC2. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE RELEASE 3 (LY38-3027-1) SUPPLEMENT FOR VHl370 BSEPP 5748-XX8 RELEASE 2. TO CMS CotI1AND & MACRO REFERENCE. GC20-1818 (SD23-9023-1) SN25-0787 SUPPLEMENT FOR VHl370 BSEPP 5748-XX8 RELEASE 2. TO CP COf1HAN) REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS. GC20-1820 (5023-9025-1) INTRODUCTION TO VIRTUAL STORAGE IN SYSTEHl370 STUDENT TEXT CMS FOR PROGRAMMERS -- A PRIMER: (VHl370) TERMINAL-ORIENTED SELF-STUDY TEXT INTRODUCTION TO DATA cotKJHICATIONS NETWORK DESIGN. STUDENT TEXT ADVANCED FUNCTION NCP AND RELATED HOST FUNCTIONS STUDENT TEXT COURSE CODE S3851 ADVANCED FUNCTION NCP DATA FLOW - COURSE CODE S3851 3704. 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS EMULATION PROGRAMMING COURSE CODE G3689. STUDENT TEXT 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS EMULATION DATA FLOW STUDENT TEXT - COURSE CODE 63630 IBM 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS NCP PROGRAMMING STUDENT TEXT COURSE CODE S3850 3704 AND 3705 cotR1UNlCATIONS CONTROLLERS CONCEPTS (SS047) ACFINCP RELEASE 2 PROGRAMMING STUDENT TEXT INTRODUCTION TO CRYPTOGRAPHY STUDENT TEXT INTRODUCTION TO IBM 4300 AND DOSIVSE FACILITIES STUDENT TEXT SYSTEHl360-370 ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE (DOS) DVI FUNCTIONS FOR APPLICATION DESIGN STUDENT TEXT TeAH Bsc/SS NETWORK DEFINITION STUDENT TEXT 3705 EMULATION REFERENCE CARD OSIVS CICS (HVS) TAPE 8606 COMPONENT OF LBOF-9240 VHlINTERACTIVE PROGRAM CONTROL SYSTEM EXTENSION (VHlIPCS) RELEASE 1. LISTINGS (LJAO-0305-0) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE 5746-XXV, LISTINGS (LYA9-6133-1) VSEIVSAM RELEASE 1.0 5746-AM2 LISTINGS (LYB4-6102) LNC7-2717 DA50 LISTINGS, LIC PROG 5740-UTl, MICROFICHE (WB6-0002-lJ LNC7-2721 LNC7-2731 VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY (VSE/ICCF) RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-TSl LISTINGS (LYC7-0468-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XE8 ATTENTION ROUTINES, LISTINGS (LYC7-2010-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 ASSEMBLER LISTINGS (lYC7-2011-0) . VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XE8 CHECKPOINTIRESTART LISTINGS (LYC7-2012-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XE8 DIRECT ACCESS METHOD LISTINGS (LYC7-2013-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XE8 DYNAMIC DUHP UTILITY LISTINGS (LYC7-2014-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XE8 DISKETTE IOCS LISTINGS (LYC7-2015-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XE8 DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM LISTINGS (LYC7-2016-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XE8 DISK ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES LISTINGS (LYC7-2017-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XE8 DISPLAY OPERATOR CONSOLE LISTINGS (LYC7-2018-0) VSE/ADVANCEDFUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XE8 DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES LISTINGS (LYC7-2019-0) 1061 30 LTC7-2020-0 37 LTC7-2021-0 30 LTC7-2022-0 30 LTC7-2023-0 36 30 LTC7-2024-0 LTC7-2025-0 36 LTC7-2026-0 31 LTC7-2027-0 31 LTC7-202S-0 30 LTC7-2029-0 30 LTC7-2030-0 37 LTC7-2031-0 37 LTC7-2032-0 30 LTC7-2033-0 34 LTC7-2034-0 30 LTC7-2035-0 36 LTC7-2036-0 30 LTC7-2037-0 37 LTC7-2038-0 32 LTC7-2039-0 34 LTC7-2040-0 24 LTC7-5050-0 20 36 STOO-0474-0 STOO-0477-0 GN25-0473 34 STOO-047S-0 GN25-0438 31 STOO-048l-0 LY33-9067 GTOO-04S5-0 STOO-0486-1 SC33-6044 STOO-04S9-0 SN33-S7S5 32 40 40 36 34 37 34 36 30 40 SC33-6045 STOO-0490-0 SC33-6043 6TOO-049l-1 SC33-6042 STOO-0492-0 SC33-6046 6TOO-0493-0 6TOO-0497-0 34 6TOO-0498-0 STOO-0509-0 5023-9019 STOO-051O-0 LY33-9070 6TOO-OS12-0 36 30 STOO-0518-0 6TOO-0571-0 20 LJD3-3917 LJD3-3919 LJD3-392l LJD3-3924 GN33-9211 GN33-923l GN33-9260 YSE/AF RELEASE 2 SEQUENTIAL DISK IOCS. LIC PROS 5746-XES LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) LISTINGS (LYC7-2020-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XES EREPI LISTINGS (LYC7-2021-0) VSE/AD.VANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XES COHPILER 110 MODULES LISTINGS (LYC7-2022-0) /~\ VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XES IOCS AND DEVICE INDEPENDENT 110 LISTINGS (LYC7-2023-0) ~j VSE/AF IPL & BUFFER LOAD RELEASE 2 LISTINGS (LYC7-2034-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XES ISAM LISTINGS (LYC7-2025-0) YSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XES JOB CONTROL LISTINGS (LYC7-2026-0) YSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XES LIBRARIAN LISTINGS (LYC7-2027-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XES LINKAGE EDITOR LISTINGS (LYC7-202S-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XES MAGNETIC CHARACTER RECOGNITION IOCS LISTINGS (LYC7-2029-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XES OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION IOCS LISTINGS (LYC7-2030-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XE8 ONLINE TEST EXECUTIVE LISTINGS (LYC7-2035-0) YSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XES PROBLEM DETERMINATION AIDS LISTINGS (LYC7-2032-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS PAPER TAPE IOCS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XE8 PAPER TAPE IOCS LISTINGS (LYC7-2033-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XES RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LISTINGS (LYC7-2034-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS SPECIFIC DEVICE SUPPORT LISTINGS (LYC7-2035-00) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XES SUPERVISOR LISTINGS (LYC7-2036-0) YSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XES MAGNETIC TAPE IOCS LISTINGS (LYC7-2037-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XES TAPE ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES LISTINGS (LYC7-2038-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XES SYSTEM UTILITY LISTINGS (LYC7-2039-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XES MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY LISTINGS (LYC7-2040-0) / LJD3-391S DOSIVS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY RELEASE 2.5 LIC PROS 5746-CBl LISTINGS (LYC7-5050-6) LJD3-3920 LJD3-3923 LNC7-0467 INTRODUCTION TO DOSIVS RELEASE 34 (SC33-5370-5) VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: CP COMMAND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS (SC20-1S20-2) GN25-0470 VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 PLANNING AND SYSTEM SENERATION SUIDE (GC20-1S01-S) SN33-9218 DOSIVS LINKAGE EDITOR LOGIC RELEASE 34 (SY33-S5S6-2) DOSIVS SYSTEM UTILITIES RELEASE/34 (SC33-5381-2J OPERATOR'S LIBRARY DOSIVS OPERATING PROCEDURES RELEASE/34 (GC33-537S-4) GN33-9255 DOSIVS MESSAGES RELEASE/34 (SC33-5379-5) DOSIVS SYSTEM CONTROL STATEMENT RELEASE/34 (SC33-5376-5) GN33-9228 DOSIV.S SYSTEM MANAGEMENT SUIDE RELEASE/34 (SC33-5371-6) 6N33-9232 6N33-9226 GN25-04l2 SN25-0480 6N33-9254 DOSIVS SERVICEABILITY AIDS AND DEBUGGING PROCEDURES RELEASE/34 (SC33-5380-3) 6N33-9230 DOSIVS SYSTEM GENERATION RELEASE/34 (SC33-5377-6) GN25-0445 VMl370: SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S SUIDE (SC20-1807-6) DOSIVS DASD REL 34 (SC33-5375-2) VKl370: SYSTEM MESSAGES (SC20-l808-9) DOSIVS HANDBOOK RELEASE 34 (SY33-8571-6) GN24-5554 6N24-5597 GN24-5S61 OSIVS1 PLANNING AND USE SUIDE REL 6 (SC24-5090) OP LIBRARY: NJE FACIL (SX23-0004-0) R3 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S SUIDE RELEASE 3.7 1062 ( ~ ( (-- ( (6C26-3846-2) OSIVS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VSl (6C38-l003-09) OSIVS MSG LIB: VSl (GC38-ll0l-3) R7 GN24-5603 OSlVSl DEBUG GUIDE (GC24-5093-4) 40 40 37 6TOO-0573-0 GTOO-OS74-0 GTOO-0575-0 34 6C24-5l52 6TOO-0578-0 40 50 GTOO-0583-0 6TOO-0585-0 50 STOO-0587-0 50 STOO-0590-0 50 GTOO-0591-0 50 STOO-0594-1 50 STOO-0595-0 SN20-9302 50 STOO-0596-0 SN20-9284 50 STOO-0597-0 50 STOO-0598-0 50 STOO-0599-0 50 STOO-0600-0 50 STOO-0601-0 22 STOO-0602-0 39 GTOO-0603-0 09 GTOO-0624-0 20 30 STOO-0630-0 LD12-5009 STOO-063l-0 50 STOO-0632-0 33 GTOO-0646-0 39 GTOO-0647-0 50 STOO-0655-0 50 GTOO-0662-0 50 GTOO-0669-0 50 STOO-0671-0 50 GTOO-0672-0 50 STOO-0673-0 50 STOO-0674-0 50 STOO-0675-0 VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 (YM/370) REMOTE SPOOLING COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM NETWORKING RELEASE 1. LIC PROG 5748-XPI. REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX24-5119-0) IMSIVS VERSION 1 LIC PROG 5740-XX2 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE (SH20-9026-6) DOSIVS SORT/MERGE VERSION 2. LIC PROG 5746-SH2. RELEASE 3 & 4. REFERENCE SUMMARY (GX33-8002-0) VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY (VSE/ICCF) REFERENCE SUMMARY RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-TSl (SC33-9006-1) ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR YTAM. LIC PROG 5735-RC2. 5746-RC3 RELEASE 3REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX27-0008-0) IMSIVS GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. RELEASE 1.6 (6H20-1260-9) ADVANCED COt1MUNICATION FUNCTION FOR YTAME ENTRY (ACF /YTAME ) • LIC PROG 5746-RC7. RELEASE 2 GENERAL INFORMATION: INTRODUCTION (GC27-0438-1) IMSIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. INSTALLATION GUIDE RELEASE 1.6 (SH20-9081-5) IMSIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. SPECIFICATIONS RELEASE 1.6 (6H20-9117-6) IMS/YS. LIC PROS 5740-XX2. MESSAGE FORMAT SERVICE USER GUIDE RELEASE 1.6 (SH20-9053-5) IMSIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. DATA BASE ADMINISTRATION GUIDE RELEASE 1.6 (SH20-9025-7) IMS/YS. LIC PR06 5740-XX2. APPLICATION PROGRAI1t1ING DESIGN AND 50 STOO-0676-0 I~~~~lI~E~~E5~4:_~~0~::~:;~~ 50 STOO-0682-0 SN20-4058 50 STOO-0683-0 SN20-4090 GH24-5522 GN24-S638 GN25-0490 SN20-9291 GN27-3252 SN20-9282 YM/370 PLANNER & SYSTEM GENERATION GUIDE RELEASE 6 (6C20-l80l-9) VM/370 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE R6 PLCI (6C20-l8l0-8) CICSIVS RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5740-XXl. 5746-XX3 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY (COMMAND LEVEL) (6X33-60l2-2) CICSIVS RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5740-XXl. 5746-XX3. MASTER TERMINAL OPERATOR REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX33-6011-2) CICSIVS PERFORMANCE ANALYZER 11 FDP 5798-CFP VERSION 1.3 DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (SB21-1697-2) CICSIVS RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5740-XXl. 5746-XX3. GENERAL INFORMATION (6X33-0066-4) INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (lMS/YS) RELEASE 1.1.5. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. SYSTEM PROGRAMMING REFERENCE (SH20-9027-7) INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/YS) RELEASE 1.1.5. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. OPERATOR'S REFERENCE (SH20-9028-6) SN20-9300 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMS/YS) RELEASE 1.1.5. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. UTILITIES REFERENCE (SH20-9029-6) INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (IMSIVS) RELEASE 1.1.5. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. MESSAGES AND CODES (SH20-9030-8) INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (lMSIVS) RELEASE 1.1.5. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. MESSAGE FORMAT SERVICE USER'S GUIDE (SH20-9053-4) INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (lMSIVS) RELEASE 1.1.5. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. ADVANCED FUNCTION FOR COMMUNICATIONS (SH20-9054-3) INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (IMSIVS) RELEASE 1.1.5. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. INSTALLATION GUIDE (SH20-9081-4) CICS/yS RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5740-XX1. 5746-XX3 DEBUGGING REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX33-6010-2) VS APL REFERENCE SUMMARY. RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5748-APl. (SX26-3712-2) SYSTEM IPO/E AND INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD. RELEASE 1 (GX20-2343-0) GN27-3277 INTRODUCTION TO THE 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS (GA27-3051-4) DOS/VSE HANDBOOK. SCP 5745-020 (SY33-8571-7) AND CODES RELEASE 1:6 (SH20-9030-9) DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (DMS/CICS/yS), LIC PROG 5740-XC5. 5746-XC4. PROGRAM REFERENCE RELEASE 2 (SH20-2209-2) SN20-4385 DMS/CICS/YS. LIe PROG S746-XC4 RELEASE 3. 5740-xC5, PROGRAM 1063 SN20-4400· 50 STOO-0685-0 50 STOO-0688-0 50 STOO-0690-0 50 STOO-0691-0 SN33-6268 50 STOO-0707-0 STOO-0710-0 SN24-5657 36 39 39 GTOO-0713-0 STOO-0714-0 22 STOO-0716-0 50 STOO-0721-0 30 GTOO-0726-0 30 GTOO-0830-0 39 GTOO-0833-0 39 STOO-0834-0 39 STOO-0835-0 39 20 50 STOO-0836-0 GTOO-0837-0 STOO-0840-0 40 40 STOO-0846-0 GTOO-0864-1 20 GTOO-0865-0 20 GTOO-0866-0 30 STOO-0871-0 30 GTOO-0872-0 30 GTOO-0873-0 20 20 STOO-0883-0 STOO-0884-0 39 STOO-0885-0 39 STOO-0886-0 40 GTOO-0902-0 39 STOO-0904-0 36 STOO-0910-0 20 GTOO-0912-0 20 STOO-0914-0 34 STOO-0916-0 39 STOO-0917-0 39 39 STOO-0919-0 GTOO-0922-0 30 STOO-0946-0 50 STOO-0949-0 SN33-6267 SN33-9311 GN26-8018 GN24-5671 GN24-S682 REFERENCE (SH20-2209-3) IMSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 1.6. LIC PROG 5740-XX2. APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX26-3727-0) CICSIVS. RELEASE 1.5. LIC PROG 5740-XX1. 5746-XX3 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (SC33-0069-3) CICS/VS. RELEASE 1.5. LIC PROG 5746-XX3 DOS/VS SYSTEM (~\ PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (SC33-0070-3) \'-c/ CICSIVS. RELEASE 1.5. LIC PROG 5740-XX1. 5746-XX3 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (COMMAND LEVEL) (SC33-0077-2) SN24-5659 DLII DOSIVS. 5746-XX1. USER'S GUIDE RELEASE 1.5 (SH24-5001-02) OSIVS2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY - VOLUME 1 RELEASE 3.8 (SY28-0713-6 ) REFERENCE SUMMARY YHlSP ISPF REL1.1. (GX20-2387-1) 3275/3277 PF KEY TEMPLATE FOR IPF VH FEATURE RELEASE 3 (SX20-2388-0) VS APL FOR VSPC. 5748-AP1 RELEASE 3.1. TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (SH20-9066-03) DLII DOSIVS REFERENCE SUMMARY. 5746-XX1 RELEASE 5. HIGH LEVEL PROGRAMMING INTERFACE. (SX24-5120-0) DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES. SCP 5747-DS1 RELEASE 4 GENERAL INFORMATION (GC35-0033-5) DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES STANDALONE SCP 5747-DS1 RELEASE 4. SPECIFICATIONS (GC26-3946-4) VSE/ICCF. LIC PROG 5746-TSI. RELEASE 3. SPECIFICATIONS (GC33-6065-3) SN33-9315 VSE/ICCF. LIC PROS 5746-TS1. RELEASE 3. INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS REFERENCE (SC33-6067-2) VSE/ICCF. LIC PROG 5746-TS1. RELEASE 3. TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (SC33-6068-2) VSE/ICCF. LIC PROG 5746-TS1. RELEASE 3. MESSAGES (SC33-6069-2) DATA SECURITY UNDER THE VSE SYSTEM. RELEASE 3 (GC33-6077-2) CICSIVS. LIC PROG 5746-XX3 RELEASE 1.5. DOSIVS SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SC33-0070-4) JES3 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY: REFERENCE SUMMARY R1 (SX23-007-0) OSIVS MESSAGE LIBRARY: VS2 SYSTEM MESSAGES. RELEASE 3.8 (GC38-1002-7) OSIVS2 HVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES3. LIC PROG 5740-XYS RELEASE 3 SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-1042-3) OSIVS2 HVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES2. LIC PROS 5740-XYN RELEASE 3. SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-1043-3) '\ DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES. SCP 5747-DS1. RELEASE 5. LOGIC / (SY35-0030-04) " DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES REL 5 RELEASE GUIDE & REFERENCE (GC35-0033-6) DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES STANDALONE SCP 5747-DS1. RELEASE 5 (GC26-3946-5) REFERENCE SUMMARY GENERAL USER YHlSP Rl (SX20-4401-0) REFERENCE SUMMARY OTHER THAN GENERAL USER YHlSP Rl (SX20-4402-0) YHlSYSTEM PRODUCT. LIC PROG 5664-167. COtII1AND LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUMMARY SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR. RELEASE 1 (SX24-5122-0) YHlSYSTEM PRODUCT. LIC PROG 5664-167. EXEC 2 LANGUAGE REFERENCE SUHHARY. RELEASE 1 (SX24-5124-0) GN24-5680 OS/vsl SYSTEM MESSAGES. RELEASE 7. MANUAL (GC38-1001-9) 3276/3278 PF KEY TEMPLATE FOR IPF VH FEATURE. RELEASE 3 SN28-4993 SN24-5734 SN33-6286 (SX20-2389-2 ) OSIVS2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY. VOLII1E 1 FOR 5740-XYN. -XYS RELEASE 3.0 (SY28-0713-7) OSIVS2 HVS SYSTEM PRODUCT JES2. LIC PROG 5740-XYN. RELEASE 3.1. SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-1043-5) YHlSP. 5664-167. REFERENCE SUMMARY GENERAL USER RELEASE 2.1 (SX20-4401-1) YHlSP. 5664-167. PLANNING AND SYSTEM GENERATION GUIDE RELEASE 2.1 (SC19-6201-2) YHlSYSTEM PRODUCT. 5664-167. EXEC 2 LANGUAGE REFERENCE sutI1ARY RELEASE 2.1 (SX24-5124-1) YHlSP. 5664-167. PROOUCT EDITOR PFK TEMPLATE (SX24-5123-0) INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY. LIC PROS 5748-MS1 RELEASE 3. SPECIFICATIONS (GH20-5304-2) VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370: REMOTE SPOOLING Cott1UNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM NETWORKING. LIC PROG 5748-XP1 RELEASE 2. REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX24-5119-1) /- " CICSIVS. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. 5740-XX1 RELEASE 1.5. PROSRAtI1ER'S ( . GUIDE (SC33-0071-2) '. / 1064 / ( ( (---/ 50 40 LTOO-0953-0 STOO-0959-0 36 STOO-0961-0 40 16 40 STOO-0985-0 GTOO-0988-0 STOO-0991-0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 STOO-I088-0 STOO-I089-0 STOO-I090-0 STOO-I091-0 STOO-I092-0 STOO-I093-0 STOO-1127-0 50 STOO-1130-0 40 STOO-1132-0 40 STOO-1133-0 34 6TOO-1140-0 16 50 50 6TOO-1141-0 LTOO-1146-0 STOO-I348-0 20 34 40 36 40 40 20 36 39 34 20 20 36 36 6TOO-I349-0 STOO-1350-0 STOO-1351-0 STOO-1352-0 STOO-1353-0 6TOO-1355-0 6TOO-1356-0 STOO-1357-0 STOO-1358-0 6TOO-1360-0 GTOO-1361-0 GTOO-1362-0 STOO-1364-0 LTOO-1366-0 39 LTOO-I367-0 39 39 STOO-I369-0 STOO-1370-0 16 39 6TOO-1374-0 STOO-1375-0 50 16 16 16 STOO-1377-0 GTOO-I380-0 6TOO-I38I-0 6TOO-I383-0 39 STOO-I389-0 33 50 50 50 40 40 40 50 STOO-1392-0 6TOO-1395-0 6TOO-1396-0 STOO-1397-0 STOO-1398-0 STOO-1399-0 STOO-1400-0 STOO-1411-0 30 6TOO-1419-0 40 STOO-1431-0 40 STOO-1432-0 LN31-0896 SH28-0754 &N22-0654 SH20-9352 SN20-9387 LN31-1338 ACFIVTAH. 5735-RC2 RELEASE 3. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (LY38-3027-2) JES2. LIC PROG 5740-XYS. COtI1AND SYNTAX (SX23-0008-0) RELEASE 2 (SX23-0008-0) OSIVS2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY. VOLUI1E I. LIC PROG 5740-XYN. 5740-XYS. RELEASE 3.2 (SY28-0713-8) HVSIXA OPERATIONS JES2 COHMAND SYNTAX (SX23-0010-02) 3081 AND 3083 MESSAGES FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0035-2) SN28-0760 VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION 5664-273 RELEASE 2 OPERATORS GUIDE (SCI9-6225-0) PLANNING AtIJ ADMINISTRATION FOR VSE SQLlDS (SH24-50 14-2) SQLlDS FOR YSE. 5748-XXJ. INSTALLATION (SH24-5015-2) SQLlDS FOR VSE. 5748-XXJ. MESSAGES AND CODES (SH24-5019-2) SQLlDS FOR YSE. 5748-XXJ. OPERATIONS (SH24-5020-2) USER'S TERMINAL TEMPLATE PFK FOR VSE SQLlDS (SX24-5125-1) TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY FOR VSE SQLlDS (SX24-5121-1) DLII DOSIVS. 5746-XXI RELEASE 1.6.0. APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX24-5103-3) DLII DOSIYS. 5746-XXI RELEASE 1.6.0. HIGH LEVEL PROGRAMMING INTERFACE REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX24-5120-1) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION, 5664-173, -167, RELEASE 2, COMHANDS (GENERAL USER) (SX22-0003-0) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION, 5664-173, COMMANDS, REFERENCE SUMMARY RELEASE 2 (SX22-0004-0) YHlSP SYSTEM IPO/E 5750-AAK. RELEASE 2.1. PLANNING GUIDE (GC20-1874-04) 3081 AND 3083 MESSA6ES FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0035-3) DLlI, 5746-XX1, LOGIC (LY12-5016-7) SQLlDATA SYSTEM 5748-XXJ TERMINAL USER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY, RELEASE 1, (SX24-5121-0) YHlSP. 5664-167, INTERACTIVE (SCI9-6200-2) YHlSP. 5664-167, PLANNING GUIDE AND REFERENCE (SCI9-6201-3) OPERATOR'S GUIDE YHlSP (SCI9-6202-2) YHlSP. 5664-167, SYSTEM PROGRAMMER GUIDE (SC19-6203-2) MESSAGES AND CODES YHlSP (SC19-6204-2) YHlSP, 5664-167, TERMINAL REFERENCE (GCI9-6206-2) YHlSP, 5664-167, LIBRARY GUIDE AND MASTER INDEX (GCI9-6207-2) YHlSP, 5664-167, CMS COMMAND AND MACRO REFERENCE (SCI9-6209-2) YHlSP, 5664-167, CMS USER'S GUIDE (SCI9-6210-2) YHlSP OSIVM (SCI9-6212-2) YHlSP, 5664-167, GENERAL INFORMATION (GC20-1838-4) SPECIFICATIONS YHlSP (GC20-1842-4) YHlSP, 5664-167, REFERENCE SUMMARY 6ENERAL USER (SX20-4401-2) SYSTEM L06IC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION YHlSP VOL I ( LY20-0892-2) SYSTEM L06IC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE YHlSP VOL 2 ( LY20-0893-2 ) YHlSP, 5664-167, cott1AND AND MACRO REFERENCE (SC24-5221-2) YHlSYSTEM PRODUCT, 5664-167, COMMAND LANGUAGE REFERENCE sutI1ARY SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR (SX24-5122-0) 3081 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0034-3) VSE/INTERACTIVE CoMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY. 5746-TSI, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (SC33-6068-4) SQLlDATA SYSTEM. 5748-XXJ, RELEASE I, (SX24-5125-0) 3081 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0034-4) 3083 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE 3081, 3083 AND 3084 MESSA6ES FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (6C38-0035-4) VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY, 5746-SA1, RELEASE 3 INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS REFERENCE(SC33-6067-3) OSIVS SORTIHER6E, 5740-SM1, REFERENCE SUI1MARY (SX33-8001-2) SQLlDS CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES FOR VSE (6H24-5013-2) SQLlDS FOR VSE 6ENERAL INFORMATION (GH24-5012-3) SQLlDS FOR YSE, 5748-XXJ, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING (SH24-5018-2) JES3 OPERATORS LIBRARY REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX23-0007-1) JES2, 5740-XYS. cott1AND SYNTAX (SX23-0008-1) HVSIXA OPERATIONS JES2 COHHAND SYNTAX (SX23-0010-01) SH20-9368 IMSIYS VI INSTALLATION GUIDE (SH20-9081-6) SH20-9401 HYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE ACCESS METHOD SERVICES REFERENCE SUMMARY FOR INTEGRATED CATALOG FACILITY, 5665-284, (6X26-3739-1) YHlSP HPO, 5664-173, -167, COMHANDS (6ENERAL USER) REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX22-0003-3) YHlSP HPO, 5664-173, -167, COMtWI)S (OTHER THAN 6ENERAL USER) REFERENCE SUtI1ARY (SX22-0004-3) . 1065 34 40 40 STOO-1438-0 STOO-1440-0 STOO-1441-0 36 STOO-I442-0 37 STOO-1445-0 36 LTOO-1446-0 36 LTOO-I447-0 25 36 STOO-1452-0 STOO-1479-0 16 GTOO-1482-0 GN22-0667 30 16 16 20 GTOO-1484-0 GTOO-1486-0 GTOO-1487-0 GTOO-1495-0 GN22-0665 GN22-0666 50 STOO-1506-0 16 09 GTOO-1512-0 GTOO-1513-0 34 STOO-1531-0 40 STOO-1533-0 37 STOO-1534-0 39 40 **STOO-1536-0 STOO-1538-0 20 34 40 GTOO-1542-0 STOO-I543-0 STOO-1544-0 39 STOO-1546-0 20 GTOO-1549-0 34 **STOO-1556-0 SN28-4747 SN31-1488 37 **STOO-1562-0 36 **LTOO-1564-0 36 50 **STOO-1568-0 STOO-1610-0 LN31-1520 50 STOO-1613-0 34 **STOO-1615-0 34 **STOO-1616-0 SN31-1516 36 **STOO-1617-0 SN31-1522 40 **STOO-1618-0 40 **STOO-1619-0 36 **STOO-1620-0 36 **STOO-1621-0 36 **LTOO-1622-0 SN31-1523 LN31-1525 37 **STOO-1623-0 37 **LTOO-1624-0 36 **LTOO-1625-0 LN31-1524 GN22-0680 VH/SP HPO PLANNING GUIDE AND REFERENCE (SCI9-6223-2) VMlSP HPO, 5664-167, -173, OPERATOR'S GUIDE (SC19-6225-2) WlISP HPO, 5664-167, -173, SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES (SCI9-6226-2) VM/SP HPO, 5664-167, -173, CP COMMAND LANGUAGE FOR GENERAL USERS (SCI9-6227-2) VMlSP HPO, 5664-173, -167, OLTSEP AND ERROR RECORDING GUIDE (SCI9-6230-1) VH/SP HPO, 5664-173, -167, DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC ( LY20-0896-2 ) VH/SP HPO, 5664-173, -167, SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETER~IINATION GUIDE VOLUME 1: CP (LY20-0897-2) VS FORTRAN CmtPILER AND LIBRARY REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX26-3731-4) OSIVS2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME I, 5740-XYN, -XYS, (SY28-0713-10) 3081, 3083 AND 3084 MESSAGES FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC3S-0035-5) OSIVS2 MVS RACF, 5740-XXH, GENERAL INFORMATION (GC28-0722-7) 3083 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE, (GC38-0036-3) 3081 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE, (GC38-0034-5) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT (VMlSP) HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION (HPO) SPECIFICATIONS (GC20-1844-4) DATA LANGUAGE/ONE DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE, 5746-XXl, USER'S GUIDE (5H24-5001-4) 3725 CONttuNICATION CONTROLLER OPERATING GUIDE (GA33-0014-3) 3725 COMttuNICATION CONTROLLER PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION (GA33-0013-3) SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE, 5666-265, INSTALLATION (SC33-6147-2 ) SSXIVSE SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE, 5666-265, APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT (SC33-6148-2) SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE SSXlVSE, 5666-265. PROBLEM DETERMINATION (SC33-6149-2) VM/SP BINDERS LABELS (SX24-5131-0) SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE, 5666-265, OPERATION REFERENCE SUMMARY (SX33-9801-0) SMALL SYSTEM EXECIVS EXTENDED LPS (GC33-6150-2l SSXIVSE, 5666-265. ADMINISTRATION (SC33-6145-3) MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE (MVS/XA), 5665-291. OPERATIONS: JES COtll1AND SYNTAX (SX23-0012-0) OSIVS2 TSO TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM AND SERVICE ROUTINES, 5752-858. -807. -813 (SY28-0650-3) VM/SP HPO, 5664-167. -173, VERSION 1 RELEASE 3 MODIFICATION 4 GENERAL INFORMATION (GCI9-6221-4) VM/SP HPO, 5664-173. RELEASE 3.2 INSTALLATION GUIDE (SC38-0107-2) VMlSP HPO, 5664-167. -173. OLTSEP AND ERROR RECORDING GUIDE (SCI9-6230-3) VH/SP HPO, 5664-167. -173, SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 1 (LY20-0897-3) VH/SP HPO QUICK USERS GUIDE REFERENCE SUMMARY 4700 FINANCE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM HOST SUPPORT, 5668-989. USER'S GUIDE (SC31-0020-3) SQLlDS, VERSION I, RELEASE 2, 5748-XXJ. (SX24-5133-0) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173, PLANNING GUIDE AND REFERENCE (SCI9-6223-4) VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION, 5664-173, RELEASE 3. 2 INSTALLATION GUIDE (SC38-0107-3) VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION, 5664-167. -173. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SCI9-6224-4) VH/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. MESSAGES AtID CODES (SCI9-6226-4) VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION OPERATOR'S GUIDE (SCI9-6225-4) VH/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. CP CO~1AND GENERAL USER'S GUIDE (SCI9-6227-4) VH/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. QUICK USER'S GUIDE REFERENCE SltR~RY (SX22-0005-4) VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC (LY20-0896-4) VH/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. OLTSEP GUIDE (SCI9-6230-3) VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC (LY20-0898-3) VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 1 1066 / ( 50 50 50 50 50 GTOO-1668-0 6TOO-1669-0 STOO-1677-0 STOO-1678-0 GTOO-1679-0 40 **5TOO-1686-0 40 STOO-1687-0 50 **GTOO-1696-0 37 **STOO-1697-0 39 **STOO-I712-0 39 **STOO-1713-0 39 **STOO-1714-0 39 **STOO-I715-0 16 **GTOO-1722-0 20 **GTOO-1737-0 37 LTOO-1741-0 37 STOO-1746-0 36 LTOO-1748-0 37 GTOO-1753-0 GN22-0678 25 **GTOO-1786-0 GTOO-1794-0 33 STOO-1856-0 33 50 LTOO-5501-0 ( ( / 20 GTl9-6200-0 40 STl9-6202-0 36 STl9-6203-0 SN24-5702 SN25-0823 SN24-5698 SN24-5724 40 37 40 20 STl9-6204-l STl9-6205-0 GT19-6206-0 GT19-6207-0 SN24-5723 36 39 36 ST19-6209-0 ST19-6210-0 ST19-621l-0 SN24-5700 34 40 GT19-6212-0 ST19-6226-0 GN25-0820 SN28-0755 36 ST19-6227-0 34 GT19-6228-0 GN28-0759 37 ST19-6230-0 SN28-0756 40 20 6120-1808-0 6120-1838-0 GN25-0485 GN24-5721 34 S120-1839-0 SN25-0802 34 S120-1840-0 SN25-0803 20 34 34 20 6120-1842-0 6120-1890-0 6120-2003-0 6T23-0039-0 GN2S-0198 ( LY20-0897-4) SqLIDS FOR VSE GENERAL INFORMATION (GH24-5012-4) SQLIDS CONCEPTS Atm FACILITIES FOR VSE (GH24-5013-3) SQLlDS FOR VSE. 5748-XXJ. MESSAGES AIm CODES (SH24-5019-3) SQL/DS FOR VSE. 5748-XXJ. OPERATIONS (SH24-5020-3) SQLIDS FOR VSE. 5748-XXJ. LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS (GH24-5026-3) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. CCMflAND5 REFERENCE SUNMARY (5)(22-0003-4) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. COMMANDS REFERENCE stHIARY (5X22-0004-4) GUIDE DEVELOPING qMF APPLICATIONS USING ISPF (GG24-1658-0) SMP/E REFERENCE CARD (SX22-0006-01) VMlSP HPO. 5664-167. -173. LABELS AND INSTRUCTIONS (5)(23-0282-1) VMlSP HPO LIBRARY. 5664-173. LABELS AND INSTRUCTIONS (S)(23-0289-1) VMlSP HPO BASE. 5664-167. -173. LABELS AND INSTRUCTIONS (SX23-0282-2) VMlSP HPO LIBRARY. 5664-173. LABELS AND INSTRUCTIONS (5)(23-0289-2) 3084 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0037-2) VM/SP HPO GENERAL INFORMATION (GCI9-6221-05) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. SERVICE ROUTINE5 LOGIC (LY20-0898-3) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. OLTSEP GUIDE (SC19-6230-4) VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. VOLUME 1 SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE ( LY20-0897-5) Vtl/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. PROBLEM DETERMINATION REFERENCE (G)(23-0347-1) VS FORTRAN COI1PILER AND LIBRARY SPECIFICATIONS (GC26-3984-5) OSIVS DFSORT. 5740-SMI. GENERAL INFORMATION (GC33-4033-11) OS/VS SORT/MERGE. 5740-SMI. REFERENCE SU~MARY (GX33-8001-04) IMSIVS VI RELEASE 1.1.5. LIC PROG 5740-XX2 SYSTEM LISTINGS (LYBO-8016-9) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT. LIC PROG 5664-167 RELEASE 1, INTRODUCTION. (GCI9-6200-0) SN24-5722 OPERATOR'S GUIDE VMlSP R3 (SCI9-6202-2J SN24-5703 SN25-0818 SN28-0824 SN28-0763 GN25-0794 GN25-0816 SN28-0750 SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE VM/SP Rl.1. (SCI9-6203-0) MESSAGES AND CODES VMlSP Rl.l. (SCI9-6204-0) OLTEP AND ERROR RECORDING GUIDE VNlSP Rl.l. (SC19-6205-0) TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE VM/SP Rl.l. (SCI9-6206-0) VMlSP 5664-167. LIBRARY GUIDE AND MASTER INDEX RELEASE 2.1 (GC19-6207-l) CMS COMMAND AND MACRO REFERENCE VM/SP REL1.1. (SCI9-6209-0) CMS USER'S GUIDE VMlSP RELl.1. (SCI9-6210-0) CP COl-UlAND REFERENCE FOR GENERAL USERS VMlSP RELl.1. (SCI9-6211-0) VM/SP REL1.l. OSIVN (GC19-6212-0) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION 5664-167. -173 RELEASE 2. SYSTEM MESSAGES AND CODES (SCI9-6226-0) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664 -173 RELEASE 2, CP COMMAND REFERENCE AND GENERAL USERS (SCI9-6227-0) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION 5664-173 RELEASE 2. OPERATING SYSTEMS IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE (GCI9-6228-0) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMAt~E OPTION. 5664-173. -167. OLTSEP AND ERROR RECORDING GUIDE. 5664-167. CMS PRIMER (SCI9-6230-0) VM/370 SCP 5749-010 RELEASE 6 SYSTEM MESSAGES (GC20-1808-10) VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/SYSTEM PRODUCT. LIC PROG 5664-167. RELEASE 1 GENERAL INFORMATION (GC20-1838-1) VMlDIRECTORY MAINTENANCE RELEASE 1.0. LIC PROG 5748-XE4 GUIDE FOR GENERAL USERS (SC20-1839-0) VMlDIRECTORY MAINTENANCE RELEASE 1.0. LIC PROG 5748-XE4 INSTALLATION & SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS GUIDE (SC20-1840-0) SPECIFICATIONS VM/SP RELl.l. (6C20-1842-0) VMlSP SYSTEM IPO/E. 5750-AAK. 6ENERAL INFORMATION (SC20-1890-4) VSE SYSTEM lPO/E. 5750-AAP. PLANNING GUIDE (GC20-2003-1) JES3 INTRODUCTION (6C23-0039-0) 1067 34 ST23-0041-0 36 ST23-0042-0 37 40 40 ST23-0043-0 GT23-0044-0 ST23-0045-0 34 ST23-0046-0 SN2S-0S50 40 34 ST23-004S-0 5T23-0059-0 SN28-0801 40 GT23-0062-0 GN2S-0S25 40 5T23-0063-0 SN2S-0S05 40 ST23-0064-0 34 ST23-0065-0 36 37 20 LT23-0067-0 LT23-0069-0 ST23-0130-0 GT23-0187-0 20 ST23-0189-0 30 5T24-5144-0 30 ST24-5145-0 30 ST24-5146-0 30 ST24-5191-0 30 GT24-5207-0 30 ST24-5208-0 30 GT24-5209-0 GN33-9291 30 5T24-5210-0 SN33-9292 30 5T24-5211-0 SN33-9293 30 5T24-5213-0 SN33-9295 30 ST24-5216-0 39 39 39 ST24-5219-0 ST24-5220-0 ST24-5221-0 39 39 39 39 20 ST24-5230-0 ST24-5232-0 ST24-5233-0 ST24-5234-0 GT24-5235-0 39 39 5T24-5236-0 5T24-5238-0 39 39 24 ST24-5239-0 5T24-5242-0 GT26-3857-0 30 32 32 GT26-3864-0 6T26-3920-0 GT26-3948-0 30 6T26-3951-0 25 GT26-3983-0 36 SN2S-0851 SN24-5694 SN26-0953 JES3. LIC PROG 5740-XYN. RELEASE 2. INSTALLATION PLANNING AND TRAINING (SC23-0041-1) JES3. LIC PROG 5740-XYN RELEASE 1. USER MODIFICATIot~ AND MACROS (SC23-0042-0) JES3. LIC PROG 5740-XYN RELEASE 1. DIAGNOSIS (SC23-0043-0) JES3, LIC PROG 5740-XYN RELEASE 1, MESSAGES (SC23-0044-0) JES3 OPERATOR'S LIBRARY. LIC PROG 5740-XYN RELEASE I. (SC23-0045-0) JES2, LIC PROG 5740-XYS, INSTALLATION, INITIALIZATION AND TUNING (SC23-0046) JES2. LIC PROG 5740-XYS COMMANDS (SC23-0048-2) SN2S-0S02 HVSIXA, HVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2, 5665-291, INITIALIZATION AND TUNI~~ (SC23-0059-0) HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE (HVSIXA). 5740-XYN. 5665-291, JES3 MESSAGES (GC23-0062-0) HVSIXA. HVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2. 5665-291. OPERATIONS JES3 COt~ANDS (SC23-0063-0) MVS/XA HVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 OPERATIa~S JES2 COMMANDS (SC23-0064-00) HVSIXA HVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 INITIALIZATION AND TUNING (SC23-0065-00) SPL: JES2 USER MODELS AND MACROS (LC23-0067-0) HVSIXA JES2 USER MODIFICATIONS AND MACROS (LC23-0069-00) INSTALLATION SMP/E (SC23-0130-0) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 5664-173, RELEASE 3.6. HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. LIBRARY GUIDE. GLOSSARY. AND MASTER INDEX (GC23-0187-0) VM/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION RELEASE 4.2. 5664-173. MIGRATION INFORMATIDtVPLANNING GUIDE (SC23-0189-0) USING VSEIVSAH CotlNANDS AND MACROS RELEASE 1. LIC PROG 5746-At12. (SC24-5144-0) VSE/VSAM PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE REL. 1. LIC PROG 5746-AH2. (SC24-5145-0) VSEIVSAM MESSAGES AND CODES REL 1. LIC PROG 5746-AM2. (SC24-5146-0) VSEIVSAM. LIC PROG 5746-AM2. DOCUMENTATION SUBSET: RELEASE 2. (SC24-5191-0) VM/370 VM/PASS THROUGH FACILITY. LIC PROG 5748-RCI RELEASE 1. SPECIFICATIONS (GC24-5207-0) / VMl370 VM/PASS THROUGH FACILITY. LIC PROG 5748-RCI RELEASE 1. GUIDE & REFERENCE (SC24-5208-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS DATA MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS. RELEASE 2. RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-XE8 (GC24-5209-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. LIC PROG 5748-XE8 RELEASE 2 & 3 USER'S GUIDE (SC24-5210-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. LIC PROG 5746-XES RELEASE 2 & 3 MACRO REFERENCE (SC24-5211-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUt~TIONS. LIC PROG 5746-XE8 RELEASE 2 & 3 DASD LABELS (SC24-5213-0) USING V5EIVSAM BACKUPIRESTORE FEATURE. LIC PROG 5746-AM2. RELEASE 1.2. (SC24-5216-0) REFERENCE VM/SP RELl.1. EXEC 2 (SC24-5219-0) USER'S GUIDE VMlSP RELl.1. SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR (SC24-5220-0) COMMAND AND MACRO REFEREUCE VMlSP RELl.l. SYSTEM PRODUCT EDITOR (SC24-5221-0) VM/IPF: ADMINISTRATION GUIDE (SC24-5230-1) VMlIPF: GENERAL USE MESSAGES (SC24-5232-0) VMlIPF: 5748-MSI. GENERAL USE (SC24-5233-1) VM/IPF: 5748-M51. ADMINISTRATION MESSAGES (SC24-5234-0) VIRTUAL MACHINE/INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILTY. 5748-MSI. RELEASE 5.0 SPECIFICATIONS (GC24-5235-0) VMlSP5664-167 RELEASE 2.1. EMS PRIMER (SC24-5236-0) VM/SP. 5664-167. SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER USER'S GUIDE (SC24-5238-0) VMl5P: SYSTEM PRODUCT INTERPRETER REFERENCE (SC24-5239-0) VM/SP CMS PRIMER FOR LINE-ORIENTED TERMINALS (5C24-5242-00) OS/VS COBOL RELEASE 2.3. LIC PROG 5740-CBl REFERENCE (GC26-3857-1) OSIV52 HVS CVOL PROCESSOR RELEASE 3.7 (GC26-3864-0) GN26-0977 05IVS2 MV5 UTILITIES MESSAGES RELEASE 3.7 (GC26-3920-0) DATA FACILITY/DATA SET SERVICES. LIC PROG 5740-UT3. RELEASE 1 SPECIFICATIONS (GC26-3948-1) OSIVS2 MVS DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-AM7 RELEASE 1.0, SPECIFICATIONS (GC26-3951-0) ( VS FORTRAN COMPILER & LIBRARY 5748-F03 RELEASE 2, -LM3, GENERAL INFORMATION (GC26-3983-0) 1068 / ( ( 25 GT26-3984-0 25 ST26-3985-0 25 GT26-3986-0 25 ST26-3987-0 25 25 ST26-3988-0 ST26-3989-0 25 29 ST26-3990-0 GT26-3994-0 29 GT26-3995-0 29 GT26-3996-0 30 20 34 30 31 36 30 30 30 30 32 30 23 23 20 20 GT26-4003-0 GT26-4008-0 GT26-4009-0 GT26-4010-0 GT26-4011-0 G126-4012-0 G126-4013-0 G126-4014-0 GT26-4015-0 GT26-4016-0 GT26-401S-0 G126-4019-0 GT26-4023-0 GT26-4024-0 GT26-4026-0 ST26-4028-0 30 30 34 GT26-4040-0 GT26-4041-0 GT26-4063-0 20 50 30 50 50 GT26-4069-0 GT26-4071-0 6T26-4075-0 ST26-4084-0 ST26-4086-0 50 -S126-4089-0 50 -ST26-4107-0 50 50 50 GT26-4108-0 GT26-4111-0 S126-4113-0 ST27-0431-0 50 ST27-0432-0 SN31-1278 50 ST27-0433-0 SN31-1276 50 50 50 ST27-0439-0 ST27-0443-0 ST27-0449-0 SN31-10S5 SN31-10S3 50 6T27-0459-0 50 50 6T27-0460-0 6T27-0463-0 50 50 50 50 50 ST27-0466-0 S127-046 7-0 ST27-0470-1 6T27-0609-2 ST27-0610-0 50 50 50 S127-0611-0 ST27-0612-0 ST27-0614-0 SO ( / GN26-S065 GN26-S053 GN26-S062 GN26-8063 GN26-805S GN26-8059 VS FORTRAN COMPILER AND LIBRARY, 5748-F03 RELEASE 2, -LM3, SPECIFICATIONS (SC26-3984-2) VS FORTRAN, 5748-F03 RELEASE 2, -LM3, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: GUIDE (SC26-3985-3) VS FORTRAN, 5748-F03 RELEASE 2, -LM3, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: COMMAND REFERENCE (GC26-3986-2) VS FORTRAN, 5748-F03 RELEASE 2, -LM3 INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMIZATION (SC26-3987-1) VS FORTRAN APPLICATION PROGRA~mING: SYSTEM SERIES (SC26-398S-1) VS FORTRAN, 574S-F03 RELEASE 2, -LM3, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: LIBRARY REFERENCE (SC26-3989-1) VS FORTRAN, 5748-F03 RELEASE 2, -LM3, DIAGNOSIS (SC26-3990-2) DOS PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER, LIC PROG 5736-PL1, -PL3 RELEASE 6, SPECIFICATIONS (GC26-3994-3) DOS PLII TRANSIENT LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5736-LM5, -PL3 RELEASE 6, SPECIFICATIONS (GC26-3995-3) DOS PL/I RESIDENT LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5736-LM4, -PL3 RELEASE 6, SPECIFICATIONS (GC26-3996-3) MVS/xA TAPE LABELS (GC26-4003-0) MVS/XA DATA FACILITY PRODUCTIVITY LPS DEP (GC26-4008-0) MVS/XA SYSTEM GENERAL REFERENCE (6C26-4009-1) MVS/XA SYSTEM DATA ADMINISTRATION (GC26-4010-0) MVS/XA LItlKEDIT LOADER (GC26-4011-0) MVS/xA CHECKPOINT/RESTART (GC26-4012-0) MVS/xA DATA MANAGEMENT SERVICES (GC26-4013-0) MVS/xA DATA MANAGEt1ENT MACRO INSTRUCTIONS (GC26-4014-0) HVS/XA VSAM USER GUIDE (GC26-4015-0) MVS/XA VSAM REFERENCE (GC26-4016-0) HVS/xA EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE UTILITY (GC26-401S-1) HVS/xA AMS REFERENCE FOR ICF (GC26-4019-0) BASIC, 5668-996, 5665-94S, GENERAL INFORMATION (GC26-4023-2) BASIC, 5668-996 RELEASE 1, SPECIFICATIONS (GC26-4024-0) BASIC APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: LANGUAGE BRIEF (GC26-4026-0) BASIC/VM, 5668-996, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING: SYSTEM SERVICES (SC26-402S-0) MVS/xA DATA FACILITY PlANNING GUIDE (GC26-4040-1) MVS/xA CAT USER GUIDE (GC26-4041-0) HVS/370 SYSTEM DATA FACILITY PRODUCT, 5665-295, 6ENERAL REFERENCE MVS/xA DATA FACILITY MASTER INDEX DFP (GC26-4069-1) Q~IF, 566S-972, GENERAL INFORMATION (GC26-4071-U MVS/XA REF VSAM CATALOG ADMINISTRATION (GC26-4075-0) DATABASE 2, 5740-XYR, INSTALLATION (SC26-4084-2) DATABASE 2, 5740-XYR, SAMPLE APPLICATION PROGRAMMING GUIDE (SC26-4086-2) DATA EXTRACT, 5668-973, USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (SC26-4089-1) DATA EXTRACT, 5668-973, -972, ADMINISTERING AND USING DIALOGS (SC26-4107-1) DATABASE 2, 5740-XYR, SPECIFICATIONS (GC26-410S-2) DATABASE 2, 5740-XYR, GUIDE TO PUBLICATIONS (GC26-4111-1) DATABASE 2, 5740-XYR, MESSAGES AND CODES (SC26-4113-2) NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY, LIC PROG 5735-XX6 MESSAGES (SC27-0431-2) SN31-1301 NETWORK COMMUNICATION CONTROL FACILITY (NCCF), LIC PROG 5735-XX6 TEIUlINAL USE (SC27-0432-2) SN31-1300 NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY, LIC PROG 5735-XX6, CUSTOMIZATION (SC27-0433-2) SN31-1157 ACF/VTAME, 5746-RC7, RELEASE 1 INSTALLATION (SC27-0439-0) SN31-1158 ACF/vTAME, 5746-RC7, RELEASE 1 OPERATION (SC27-0443-0) ACF/vTAM, LIC PROG 5746-RC3 RELEASE 2 & 3, PROGRAMMING REFERENCE (SC27-0449-1) SCP FOR ACF/VTAM, 5747-CF1, RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS (6C27-0459-0) ACF/VTAM, 5746-RC3, RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS (6C27-0460-0) ACF/VTAM, 5746-RC3, RELEASE 2 CONCEPTS 6ENERAL INFORMATION (GC27-0463-0) ACF/VTAM, 5746-RC3, RELEASE 2 OPERATIONS (SC27-0466-1) ACF/VTAM, 5746-RC3, RELEASE 2 MESSAGES AND CODES (SC27-0467-0) ACF/vTAM, 5735-RC2, MSNF MESSAGES AND CODES (SC27-0470-0) ACF/VTAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 SPECIFICATIONS ACF/VTAM VERSION 2 PlANNING AND INSTALLATION REFERENCE (SC27-0610-03) ACF/VTAM VERSION 2 PROGRAMMING (SC27-0611-02) ACF/VTAM VERSION 2 RELEASES 1 AND 2 OPERATIONS (SC27-0612-03) ACF/VTAM VERSION 2 RELEASES 1 AND 2 MESSAGES AND CODES 1069 37 GT28-1001-0 34 20 GT28-1029-0 6023-021S 6023-0224 ST28-1031-0 G023-0220 GT28-1042-0 20 GT28-1043-0 37 GT28-1047-0 37 GT28-1048-0 GH28-0810 GN28-4921 6N28-5045 GN28-5076 GN28-4914 40 36 **GT28-1108-0 GT28-1114-0 GN28-5049 34 GT28-1115-0 39 39 GT28-1123-0 ST28-1136-0 36 GT2S-1147-0 36 GT28-114S-0 34 GT28-1149-0 36 GT28-1150-0 34 36 37 GT2S-1152-0 GT28-1158-0 LT28-1164-0 37 LT2S-1165-0 37 LT28-1166-0 37 LT2S-1167-0 37 LT28-1168-0 34 GT28-1174-0 40 37 GT28-1206-0 6T28-1297-0 36 37 37 24 GT28-1300-0 6T28-1301-0 ST28-1302-0 ST28-6433-0 SN20-9169 24 ST28-6469-0 SN26-0904 24 24 GT2S-6470-0 ST28-6481-0 SN20-9270 25 GT28-6884-0 25 5T28-6885-0 25 GT28-6888-0 30 GT30-3005-0 50 5T30-3079-0 SN30-3214 SO GT30-3131-0 GN30-3164 SO 5T30-3132-0 SN30-3143 SN30-3182 40 GH28-4764 GH28-4902 GN28-4765 SN28-0817 GN28-5099 SN20-9301 GN28-0839 GN28-4952 6N28-5051 (SC27-0614-03) OSIVSl (VSl AND MVS) EREPI RELEASE 3.8 SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-1001-1) KVS/SP INITIALIZATION AND TUNING GUIDE OSIVS2 SPL (GC28-1029-01) OPERATOR'S LIBRARY OS/vs2 HVS SYSTEM COMMANDS R3.8 (GC28-1031-1) OS/VS2 MVS/SYSTEM PROOUCT-JES3 RELEASE 3.8. LIC PROS 5740-XYS. SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-1042-1) OS/VS2 HVS/SYSTEM PROOUCT-JES2 RELEASE 3.8. LIC PROS 5740-XYN. SPECIFICATIONS (SC28-1043-1) OSIVS2 SYSTEM PROGRAt~1ING LIBRARY: DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 1. MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCTS. 5740-XYN. -XYS (6C28-1047-0) OSIVS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY DEBUGGING HANDBOOK VOLUME 2. SUPPORT: OSIVS2 HVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 5740-XYN. -XYS. RELEASE 3.8 (GC28-1048-0) MESSAGES AND CODES SMP/E (GC28-1108-02) OS/VS2 SUPERVISOR. 5740-XYN RELEASE 3. SERVICES AND MACRO INSTRUCTIONS (GC28-1114-0) RESOURCE MEASl~EMENT FACILITY (RMF). VERSION 3, 5665-274. GENERAL INFORMATION (GC28-1115-2) TSO EXTENSION LICENSE PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-1123-4) HVSIXA TSO EXTENSIONS TSO GUIDE TO WRITINS A TERMINAL MONITOR PROSRAM OR A COtmAh~ PROCESSOR (SC28-1136-00) HVSIXA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 USER EXITS (GC28-1147-00) HVSIXA HVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 HVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE (GC28-1148-00) HVSIXA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 INITIALIZATION AND ~fING (GC28-1149-00) MVS/XA t1VS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 MVS/SP-JES2 RELEASE 1 SYSTEM MACROS AND FACILITIES VOLUME 1 (GC28-1150-00) MVSIXA RELEASE 1 SYSTEM MODIFICATION (GC28-1152-00) MVSIXA 31-BIT ADDRESSING (GC28-1158-00) HVS/XA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 DEBUGGING RELEASE 1 VOLUME 1 HANDBOOK (LC28-1164-00) MVS/XA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 HVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 DEBUGGING \ RELEASE 1 HANDBOOK VOLUME 2 (LC28-1165-00) HVS/XA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 KVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 DEBUGGING RELEASE 1 HANDBOOK VOLUi1E 3 (LC28-1166-00) HVS/XA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 DEBUGGING RELEASE 1, HAtIDBOOK VOLUME 4 (LC28-1167-00) MVS/XA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 DEBUGGING RELEASE 1 HANDBOOK VOLUME 5 (LC28-1168-00) RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY (RMF), 5665-274, VERSION 3 RELEASE 1, SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-1174-0) MVSIXA RELEASE 1 OPERATIONS SYSTEM COtmANDS (GC28-1206-00) MVSIXA INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM USER GUIDE AND REFERENCE (GC28-1297-01) MVS/SP JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE (GC28-1300-0) SMP/E SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-1301-01) SMP/E USER'S GUIDE (SC28-1302-03) OS TSO COBOL PROMPTER, 5734-CP1, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (SC28-6433-3) DOSIVS C080L COMPILER AND LIBRARY RELEASE 2.5 LIC PROG 5746~CBl VHl370 CMS USER'S GUIDE FOR COBOL (SC28-6469-3) OSIVS COBOL COMPILER LIBRARY GENERAL INFORMATION (GC28-6470-1) OSIVS COSOL RELEASE 2.3, LIC PROG 5740-CB1 COMPILER AND LIBRARY INSTALLATION AND REFERENCE (SC28-6481-1) FORTRAN IV (GI) RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5734-F02, GENERAL INFORMATION (GC28-6884-1) FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR OS (TSO) RE LEASE 2. 1 LIC PROS 5734-F05 TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (SC28-6885-0) FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG FOR OS (TSO) RELEASE 2.1 SPECIFICATIONS (GC28-6888-1) 3704, 3705 COr'IMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS EMULATION STORAGE AND PERFORMANCE REFERENCE (SC30-3005-7) X.25 NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE, LIC PROS 5668-981, RELEASE 1, HANDBOOK (SC30-3079-1) ACFITCAM, LIC PROG 5735-RC3, VERSION 2, RELEASE 2, GENERAL INFORMATION: FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (GC30-3131-0) SN30-3155 ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR TCAM VERSION 2 RELEASE 2, LIC PROS 5735-RC3, INSTALLATION: GUIDE (SC30-3132-0) 1070 J ,- ( ( ( / 50 ST30-3133-0 50 S130-3134-0 50 50 ST30-3137-0 ST30-3145-0 50 50 36 ST30-3165-0 GT30-3166-0 G132-5131-0 36 G132-5242-0 36 5132-5328-0 36 S132-5329-0 36 SN30-3149 SN30-3184 SN30-3156 SN30-3152 SN12-5154 SN12-5187 SN12-5164 S132-5330-0 SN12-5166 SN12-5188 50 5132-5411-0 SN24-5630 50 5132-5414-0 36 5132-5435-0 29 ST33-0006-0 SN20-9305 29 S133-0007-0 SN26-0900 29 S133-0020-0 SN20-9232 SN20-9334 29 S026-6029 5133-0026-0 50 ST33-0067-0 SN33-6187 50 5133-0068-0 SN33-6188 50 ST33-0069-0 SN33-6233 50 ST33-0070-0 50 ST33-0071-0 SN33-6231 50 ST33-0072-0 SN33-6190 50 5133-0073-0 51'133-6191 50 S133-0074-0 SN33-6192 50 S133-0075-0 SN33-6193 50 ST33-0077-0 SN33-6195 50 ST33-0079-0 SN33-6197 50 ST33-0080-0 SN33-6198 50 ST33-0081-0 SN33-6199 50 5T33-0085-0 SN33-6241 50 5133-0086-0 SN33-6244 50 GT33-0087-0 50 ST33-0089-0 30 ST33-0141-0 30 ST33-0143-0 SN33-6228 SN26-0899 SN20-9297 ACFITCAM. LIC PROG 5735-RC3. VERSION 2 RELEASE 2. INSTALLATION REFERENCE (SC30-3133-1) ACF/TCAH. VERSION 2 INSTALLATION: SAMPLE PROGRAMS. LIC PROG 5735-RC3 RELEASE 1 (SC30-3134-0) ACF/TCAH DIAGtIDSIS V2Rl LIC PROG 5735-RC3 (SC30-3137-0) ACF/VCP/VS NETWORK CONTROL PROSRAM SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMS RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5735-XXl .• -XX3 MESSAGES (SC30-3145-0 NLDM. 5668-971. INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS (SC30-3165-0) NETHORK LOGICAL DATA MANAGER. 5668-971. DIAGNOSIS (GC30-3166-0) VSE/Pm·IER GENERAL INFORMATION RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XE3 (GHI2-5131-2) VSE/PO~IER REMOTE JOB ENTRY AND SHARED SPOOLING RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XE3 SPECIFICATIONS (GHI2-5242-1) VSE/POWER REMOTE JOB ENTRY RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XE3 USER'S GUIDE (5HI2-5328-0) VSE/POWER RELEASE 2. LIC PROS 5746-XE3. INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS GUIDE (SH12-5329-1) VSE/PO~IER SHARED SPOOLING RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XE3 USER' 5 GUIDE (SHI2-5330-0) DATA LANGUAGE/I DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (DL/I DOS/VS) RELEASE 1.5 LIC PROG 5746-XXI APPLICATION PROGRAMMING REFERE~~E (SH12-5411-4) DATA LANGUAGE/I DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (DLII DOSIVS) RELEASE 1.5 LIC PROG 5746-XXI. MESSAGES AND CODES (5HI2-5414-6) VSE/P0I4ER. LIC PROG 5666-273. REFERENCE SUMMARY VERSION 2 (SHI2-5435-1) OS PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER RELEASE 3.1 LIC PROG 5734-PL3, -LM5, -LM4, -PLI. PROGRAMtlER'S GUIDE (SC33-0006-4) OS PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER RELEASE 3.1. LIC PROG 5734-LM5 TRANSIENT LIBRARY CHECKOUT COMPILER PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SC33-0007-3) DOS PLII OPTIMIZING COtlPILER RELEASE 5.1 LIC FROG 5736-PL3. -PLl, -LM4. -Lt5. INSTALLATION (SC33-0020-5) OS PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER. LIC PROG 5734-PLl. -Lt!4. -LMS INSTALLATION. RELEASE 3 (SC33-0026-5) CICSIVS VI REL 3. LIC PROG 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3. LOGIC (SC33-0067-00 CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. 5740-XXI SYSTEM & APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDE (SC33-0068-0) CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. 5740-XXI REFERENCE (SC33-0069-1) CICS/VS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE (SC33-0070-0) SN33-6235 CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3 SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S SUIDE (SC33-0071-0) CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. 5740-XXl 3600/3630 GUIDE (SC33-0072-0) CICS/VS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. 5740-XXI 3650 GUIDE (SC33-0073-0) CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. 5740-XXI 3667/3770 GUIDE (SC33-0074-0) CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. 5740-XXI 3790 GUIDE (SC33-0075-2) CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. 5740-XXl APPLICATION PROGRAt~ER'S REFERENCE (SC33-0077-0) CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. 5740-XXl APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (MACRO LEVEL) (SC33-0077-0) SN33-6236 CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. 5740-XXI OPERATOR'S SUIDE (SC33-0080-0) SN33-6234 CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. 5740-XXI MESSAGE'S & CODES (SC33-0081-0) CICSIVS RELEASE 1.4.1 LIC PROG 5746-XX3. APPLICATION PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (RPG II) (GC33-6085-0) CICS/vS RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. ENTRY LEVEL SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE (SC33-0086-0) CICSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 3, LIC PROG 5740-XXI SPECIFICATIONS (GC33-0087-0) SN33-6250 CICSIVS RELEASE 1.4.1. LIe PROG 5746-XX3. 5740-XXI PRQ6LEM DETERMINATION GUIDE (SC33-0089-0) GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 5668-978. INSTALLATION. RESOURCE DEFINITION AND CUSTOMIZATION (SC33-0141-0) GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 5668-978. MESSAGES AND CODES (SC33-0143-0) 1071 33 33 33 33 33 GT33-4032-0 6T33-4033-0 ST33-4034-0 5T33-4035-0 ST33-4044-0 SN26-0853 SN20-9389 30 28 39 6T33-5374-0 6T33-6030-0 GT33-6066-0 GN33-8778 GN33-9249 39 ST33-6067-0 39 ST33-6069-0 32 GT33-6080-0 32 ST33-6082-0 34 ST33-6094-0 SN33-9284 36 ST33-6095-0 SN33-9279 34 ST33-6096-0 5N33-9314 40 ST33-6097-0 5N33-9288 40 5T33-6098-0 SN33-9278 37 ST33-6099-0 SN33-9289 32 ST33-6100-0 SN33-9275 SN33-9325 34 5T33-6101-0 20 GT33-6102-0 20 6T33-6108-0 GN33-9277 37 ST33-6112-0 SN33-9296 39 ST33-6138-0 20 6T33-6143-0 40 ST33-6144-0 40 ST33-6146-0 34 5T33-6147-0 20 GT33-6150-0 50 37 6T34-2010-0 6T34-2017-0 37 ST34-2020-0 37 6T34-2025-0 50 37 5T34-2032-0 5T34-2071-0 37 ST34-2074-0 39 6T34-2077-0 39 GT34-2078-0 39 5T34-2079-0 39 39 GT34-2081-0 GT34-2082-0 39 5T34-2085-0 GN28-4598 DFSORT. 5740-SHI. LICEN5ED PROSRAM SPECIFICATIONS (GC33-4032-8) DFSORT, 5740-SHl, GENERAL INFORMATION (GC33-4033-8) DFSORT, 5740-SMl, INSTALLATION (SC33-4034-7) SN20-9392 05/VS SORTINERGE, 5740-SMl, PROGRAHlIER'S GUIDE (SC33-4035-7) DOS/vS SORT/MERGE LIC PROS 5746-SM2 VERSION 2 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE, RELEASE 2 (SC33-4044-1) DOS/vS TAPE LABEL5 (GC33-5374-0) REL 34 DOSIVS RPG II GENERAL INFORMATION RELEASE 34 (GC33-6030 VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY (ICCF) RELEASE I, LIC PROS 5746-TSl, GENERAL INFORMATION (SC33-6066-0) V5E/INTERACTIVE CmfPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY (ICCF) RELEASE 1 INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS REFERENCE (SC33-6067-0) V5E/INTERACTIVE COMPUTIN6 AND CONTROL FACILITY (ICCF) RELEASE I, LIC PROG 5746-T51, MES5AGES (SC33-6069-0) VSE/FAST COPY DATA SET RELEASE 1 LIC PROG 5746-AM4 SPECIFICATIONS (GC33-60aO-l) VSE/FAST COPY DATA SET RELEASE 1 LIC PROG 5746-AN4 INSTALLATION REFERENCE (SC33-6082-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROS 5746-XE8 RELEASE 2 & 3 SYSTEM MANAGEt1ENT GUIDE (SC33-6094-0) SN33-9287 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROG 5746-XES RELEASE 2 & 3 SYSTEM CONTROL STATEME~ITS (SC33-6095-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS SYSTEM GENERATION, RELEASE 2, LIC PROG 5746-XE8 (SC33-6096-0) VSE/ADVANCED F~~CTIONS, LIC PROG 5746-XES RELEASE 2 & 3 OPERATING PROCEDURES (SC33-6097-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS MESSAGES, RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XE8 (SC33-6098-0) SN33-9335 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROS 5746-XE8 RELEASE 2 & 3 SERVICEABILITY AIDS & DEBUGGING PROCEDURES (SC33-6099-0) SN33-9290 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROG 5746-XE8 RELEASE 2 & 3 SYSTEM UTILITIES (SC33-6100-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROS 5746-XE8 RELEASE 2 & 3 PROGRAM, LIC PROG 5746-XE8, -XE9, USER'S GUIDE (SC33-6101-0) YSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROS 5746-XE8, RELEASE 2 SPECIFICATIONS (GC33-6102-1) INTRODUCTION TO YSE/ADYANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2 LIC PROS 5746-XES (GC33-6108-0) YSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROS 5748-XE8 RELEASE 2 & 3 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (GC27-6112-0) VSE/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY, 5746-TSI, INTRODUCTION TO INTERACTIYE PROGRAI1MING (SC33-6138-0) SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIYE/vSE (SSXlVSE), LIC PROS 5666-265 RELEASE I, GENERAL INFORMATION (GC33-6143-1) SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVE/vSE, LIC PROS 5666-265 RELEASE I, OPERATION (SC33-6144-0) SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIYE/VSE, LIC PROG 5666-265 RELEASE I, MESSAGES AIm CODES (SC33-6146-0) SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIYEIVSE, LIC PROS 5666-265. INSTALLATION SSX/vSE RELEASE I (SC33-6147-0) SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIYE/vSE. LIC PROS 5666-265. SPECIFICATIONS SSXIVSE RELEASE I (GC33-6150-0) NPDA, 5735-XX8. RELEASE I. GENERAL INFORMATION (GC34-2010-1) DOSIVSE INTERACTIVE PROBLEM COtITROL SYSTEM (VSE/IPCS) RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-SAI. GENERAL INFORMATION (GC34-2017-2) YM/INTERACTIVE PROGRAM CONTROL SYSTEM EXTENSION (YMlIPCS) RELEASE I, LIC PROG 5748-SAI. USERS GUIDE AND REFERENCE (SC34-2020-0) YM/INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM EXTENSION (VMlIPCS) RELEASE 1. LIC PROG 5748-SAI. SPECIFICATIONS (GE34-2025-0) NPDA, 5735-XX8. RELEASE 1. USER ACTION GUIDE (SC34-2032-0) INFORMATION/SYSTEM FOR YM/370 AND YSE INSTALLATION & CUSTOMIZATION (GC34-2071-2) INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR VMl370 & YSE, 5735-0ZS RELEASE 1. MESSAGES (SC34-2074-0) INTERACTIYE SYSTEM PRODUCTIYITY FACILITY 5668-009 PROGRAM SUf1MARY (GC34-2077-0) GN28-4603 ISPF. 5664-172 RELEASE I, 5668-960. 5665-268. GENERAL INFORMATION (GC34-2078-0) ISPF PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FACILITY FOR YSE RELEASE 1.1.0 (GC34-2079-0) ISPF. 5668-960. SPECIFICATIONS (6C34-2081-1) INTERACTIVE SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY/PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FACILITY, 5664-172. 5665-268, SPECIFICATIONS (GC34-2082-1) ISPF, 5668-960 RELEASE 1, DIALOS MANAGEMENT SERVICES EXAMPLES (SC34-2085-0) 1072 '\ J ( 39 ST34-2088-0 50 ST34-2112-0 50 ST34-2113-0 50 50 20 ST34-2117-0 ST34-2130-0 **GT34-2164-0 SN28-4599 34 GT34-2165-0 34 **ST34-2168-0 39 **ST34-4018-0 39 **ST34-4019-0 39 **ST34-4020-0 39 **ST34-4022-0 39 **ST34-402S-0 39 6T34-403S-0 39 **GT34-4039-0 39 **GT34-4040-0 ( 30 6T35-0033-0 16 GT38-0034-0 GN22-0641 16 16 34 6T38-0036-0 GT38-0037-0 ST38-0107-0 GN22-0658 SO ST39-6162-0 50 ST40-0002-0 50 ST40-0003-0 50 ST40-0004-0 50 ST40-0005-0 50 GT40-1246-0 30 GT40-2024-0 34 ST40-2171-0 50 ST40-2207-0 50 39 ST40-2211-0 GT40-2492-0 50 GT40-4510-0 30 GT40-4545-0 39 GT40-5304-0 50 **GT40-6359-0 50 **ST40-6360-0 50 **ST40-6361-0 50 **ST40-6362-0 50 **ST40-6396-0 50 ST40-9005-0 50 ST40-9046-0 SN20-0406 GN24-5656 SN24-5681 SN28-4604 INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY, 5668-960, DIAlOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES, RELEASE 1 (SC34-2088-0) NETWORK PROBLEM DETERMINATION APPLICATION VERSION 3 USER'S GUIDE (SC34-2112-1) NPDA, 5666-295, 5668-920, VERSION 3 RECOMMENDED ACTION GUIDE ( SC34-2113-l) NPDA, 5666-295, 5668-920, VERSION 3 INSTALLATION (SC34-2117-0) NPDA, 5666-295, 5668-920, VERSION 3 DIAGNOSIS (SC34-2130-0) VIRTUAL MACHINE MONITOR ANALYSIS PROGRAM, 5664-191, GENERAL INFORMATION (GC34-2164-0) VMAP, 5664-191, LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS (GC34-2165-0) VM MONITOR ANALYSIS PROGRAM, 5664-191 , INSTALLATION (SC34-2168-00) ISPF/PDF, 5665-317, VERSION 2 FOR MVS EDIT MACROS (SC34-4018-0) ISPF, 5665-319, VERSION 2, MVSIXA INSTALLATION AIID CUSTOMIZATION (SC34-4019-1) ISPF AND ISPF/PDF VERSION 2, 5665-317, -319, MVS DIAGNOSIS (SC34-4020-0) ISPF VERSION 2, 5665-319, FOR MVS DIALOG MANAGEMENT SERVICES EXAMPLES (SC34-4022-0) ISPF/PDF, 5665-317, VERSION 2, MVSIXA LIBRARY, (SC34-402S-0) ISPF/FDF FOR VM/SP SPECIFICATIONS (GC34-4035-00) ISPF, 5665-319, VERSION 2 MVSIXA SPECIFICATIONS (GC34-4039-0) ISPF/PDF, 5665-317, VERSION 2, FOR MVSIXA SPECIFICATIONS (GC34-4040-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XE8 (GC35-0033-2) 3081 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE RELEASE 31 (GC38-0034-1) 3083 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0036-0) 3084 OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR THE SYSTEM CONSOLE (GC38-0037-0) VMlSP HPO, 5664-173, RELEASE 3.2 INSTALLATION GUIDE (SC38-0107-0) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE/VIRTUAL MACHINE, LIC PROG 5746-XXV, 5748-XXK, COBOL SAMPLES HANDBOOK DMS/CICS/VS, 5740-XC5, 5746-XC4, APPLICATION EXAMPLES (SH20-0002-0) DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROLIVIRTUAL STORAGE (DMS/CICSIVS), 5740-XC5, 5746-XC4, PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE (SH20-0003-1) DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (DMS/CICSIVS), 5740-XC5, 5746-XC4, INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS (SH20-0004-0) DMS/CICS/VS, 5740-XC5, 5746-XC4, MESSAGES AND CODES (SH20-000S-0) GN24-5665 DATA LANGUAGE/I DISK OPERATING SYSTEM/VIRTUAL STORAGE (DLII DOS/VS) RELEASE 1.5 GENERAL INFORMATION (G.'20-1246-7) HIERARCIiICAL STORAGE MANAGER (HSlt), LIC PROS 5740-XRB USER COMMANDS REFERENCES Sut~ARY RELEASE 3.7 (GX20-2024-2) VSE PERFORMM~CE TOOL RELEASE 1.1 IUP 5796-PLQ DESCRIPTION/OPERATIONS (SH20-2171-1) DMS/CICSIVS, 5740-SC5, 5746-XC4 RELEASE 1, APPLICATION PROGRAM DESIGN GUIDE (51120-2207-0) DMS/CICSIVS, 5740-XC5, 5746-XC4, OPERATIONS GUIDE (SH20-2211-5) INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY USE FEATURE, LIC PROG 5748-MSI RELEASE 1, GENERAL INFORMATION (GH20-2492-0) DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY RELEASE 3 LIC PROG 5746-XXC SPECIFICATIONS (GH20-4510-2) HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, LIC PROG 5740-XRB, SPECIFICATIONS RELEASE 3.7 (GI'I20-4545-2) INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY, LIC PROG 5748-MSI RELEASE 2. SPECIFICATIONS (GH20-5304-0) NETWORK PERFORMANCE MONITOR, 5665-333, GENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL (GH20-6359-0) NETWORK PERFOR~tANCE MONITOR, 5665-333, USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE (SH20-6360-0) NETWORK PERFORMANCE MONITOR, 5665-333, INSTALLATION GUIDE (SH20-6361-0) NETWORK PERFORMANCE MONITOR, 5665-333, GRAPHICS SUBSYSTEM (SH20-6362-0) NETWORK PERFORMANCE MONITOR, 5665-333, MESSAGES AND CODES (SH20-6396-0) CICS/VS, LIC PROG 5740-XX1, 5746-XX3, TERMINAL OPERATOR'S GUIDE (SH20-9005-1) DATA LANGUA6E/I DISK OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (DLII 1073 22 GT40-9064-0 22 22 GT40-9086-0 ST40-9167-0 50 50 ST40-9178-0 5T44-5001-0 50 ST44-5002-0 50 ST44-5009-0 50 GT44-5012-0 50 ST44-5015-0 50 ST44-5016-0 50 ST44-5017-0 50 ST44-5018-0 50 ST44-5020-0 50 ST44-5021-0 50 ST44-5022-0 50 GT44-5026-0 50 ST44-5043-0 50 50 50 50 ·ST44-5044-0 ST44-5045-0 5T44-5046-0 GT44-5064-0 50 GT44-5065-0 50 GT44-5066-0 50 ST44-5070-0 50 ST44-5071-0 36 36 LT52-5027-0 LT52-5034-0 LN12-5155 30 ST55-0023-0 SN35-0091 30 ST55-0024-0 30 ST55-0025-0 SN35-0092 50 ST55-0027-0 SN35-0142 34 LT60-0889-0 LN25-0S04 37 36 LT60-0890-0 LT60-0892-1 LN24-5714 39 LT60-0893-0 36 LT60-0896-0 LN2S-0765 36 LT60-0897-0 LN28-0766 34 LT60-2418-0 50 LT60-S069-0 SN20-9288 SN24-5677 LN20-92S0 DOSIVS) RELEASE 1.5 LIC PROG 5746-XXI OPERATOR REFERENCE (SH20-9046-2) VS APL, RELEASE 3, LIC PROG 5748-APl, GENERAL INFORMATION (GH20-9064-4) VS APL RELEASE 3, SPECIFICATIONS (GH20-9086-5) VS APL RELEASE 3 LIC PROG 574S-API CICSIVS TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (SH20-9167-0) IMSIVS VI RELEASE 1.6 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION GUIDE (SH20-9178-0) DVI DOSIVS, LIC PROG 5746-XXl, GUIDE FOR NEW USER' 5 (SH24-S001-0) DVI 1.3 DATA LANGUAGE/I DISK OPERATING SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE (DVI DOSIVS) RELEASE 1.5 LIC PROG 5746-XXI DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE (SH24-5002-2) DVI DOSIVS LIC PROG 5746-XXI HIGH LEVEL INTERFACE GUIDE RELEASE 1.5 (SH24-5009-0) S~L/DATA SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5748-XXJ RELEASE I, GENERAL INFORMATION (GH24-5012-0) S~L/DATA SYSTEM, LIC PROG S74S-XXJ RELEASE I, INSTALLATION (SH24-5015-0) S~L/DATA SYSTEM, 5748-XXJ RELEASE, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE (SH24-5016-1) S~LIDATA SYSTEM, 574S-XXJ, RELEASE 1.1, TERMINAL USER'S REFEREtlCE, (SH24-S017-1) SQL/DATA SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5748-XXJ RELEASE I, APPLICATION PROGRAMMING (SH24-501S-0) S~L/DATA SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5748-XXJ RELEASE I, OPERATION (SH24-5020-0) DVI DOSIVS, LIC PROG 5746-XXI RELEASE 1.6, RESOURCE DEFINITION AND UTILITIES (SH24-5021-0) DVI DOSIVS APPLICATION AND DATA BASE DESIGN, LIC PROG 5746-XXI RELEASE 1.6 SQVDATA SYSTEM, 5748-XXJ RELEASE 1.1 SPECIFICATIONS (GH24-S026-1) S~L/DS, 5748-XXJ, PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION FOR VI'VSP (SH24-5043-0) S~L DATA SYSTEM, 5748-XXJ, INSTALLATION (VI'VSP) (SH24-5044-1) SQL/DS, 5748-XXJ, TERMINAL USER'S GUIDE FOR Vl'VSP (SH24-5045-0) DB SERVICES UTILITY FOR VSE S~l/DS (SH24-5046-0) STRUCTURED ~ERY LANGUAGEIDATA SYSTEMS FOR Vl'VSP GENERAL INFORt1ATION (GU24-5064-0) STRUCTURED ~ERY LANGUAGEIDATA SYSTEMS CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES / FOR Vl'VSP (GH24-5065-0) STRUCTURED quERY LANGUAGE/DATA SYSTEMS FOR Vl'VSP, 5748-XXJ, SPECIFICATIONS (GH24-5066-0) STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE/DATA SYSTEMS, 5748-XXJ, MESSAGES AND CODES FOR Vl'VSP (SH24-5070-0) STRUCTURED ~ERY LANGUAGE/DATA SYSTEMS, 5748-XXJ, OPERATIONS FOR VM/SP (SH24-5071-0) VSE/POWER, LIC PROG 5746-XE3, LOGIC, PART 1 REL 1 (LYI2-5027-0) VSE/POWER RELEASE 2 LIC PROG 5746-XE3 LOGIC (PART 3) (LYl2-S034-0) SN35-0099 OS/VS2 MVS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, LIC PROG 5740-XRB RELEASE 3.7, PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE AND OPERATIONS GUIDE (SH35-0023-1) MVS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, 5740-XRB, USER'S GUIDE (SH35-0024-1) SN35-0098 OSIVS2 MVS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER MESSAGES, LIC PROG 5740-XRB, RELEASE 3.7 (SH35-0025-1) IMSIVS DATA BASE RECOVERY CONTROL FEATURE, LIC PROG 5740-XX2 RELEASE 1, REFERENCE INFORMATION (SH35-0027-1) VMIDIRECTORY MAINTENANCE RELEASE 1.0, LIC PROG 5748-XE4 SYSTEM LOGIC (LY20-08S9-0) LOGIC VM/SP REL1.1. SERVICE ROUTINES (LY20-0890-0) SYSTEM LOGIC PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VM/SP RELl.!. VOL 1 ( LY20-0892-0 ) SYSTEM LOGIC PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VM/SP REL!.!. VOL. 2 ( LY20-0893-0 ) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION 5664-173, -167, RELEASE 2, DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC ( LY20-0896-0) VIRTUAL MACHINE/sYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION 5664-173, -167, RELEASE 2, SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUME 1: CP (lY20-0897-0) VSE PERFORMANCE TOOL RELEASE 1.1 IUP 5796-PlQ SYSTEMS GUIDE ('-' (lY20-241S-1) ~ INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEI'VVIRTUAl STORAGE (IMSIVS) RELEASE '- 0 1074 ( 50 36 LT64-5215-0 LT64-5220-0 36 LT64-5221-0 36 36 34 LT64-6006-0 LT64-6008-0 ST65-0034-0 34 34 ST65-0036-0 ST65-0038-0 34 ST65-0039-0 30 LT66-3891-0 30 LT66-3892-0 30 ST66-3896-0 SN26-8060 37 ST66-3897-0 SN26-S064 37 ST66-3898-0 37 ST66-3899-0 32 LT66-3903-0 30 ST66-3904-0 50 LT66-3952-0 36 LT68-1050-0 36 LT68-1063-0 LN28-5016 36 LT68-1099-0 LN2S-4992 37 ST68-1133-0 SN28-5014 34 36 36 LT68-1200-0 ST68-1208-0 LT68-1214-0 36 LT68-121S-0 LN2S-0774 36 LT6S-1222-0 LN2S-0775 36 LT68-1226-0 36 LT6S-1227-0 36 LT68-1234-0 36 LT68-1235-0 36 36 36 LT6S-1246-0 LT6S-1250-0 LT68-1262-0 36 37 39 36 LT68-1270-0 LT68-1298-0 LT68-1308-0 LT6S-1529-0 L023-0309 LT68-1531-0 LD23-0310 LT68-1539-0 LD23-0356 LT68-1545-0 L023-0373 LT68-1547-0 LD23-0374 LT6S-1549-0 L023-0375 36 36 36 36 36 LN25-0194 LN25-0201 LN26-8067 LN28-0783 LN28-5021 1.1.5, LIC PROG 5740-XX2, LOGIC (LY20-S069-0) DLII DOSIVS, 5746-XX1 RELEASE 1.6.0, LOGIC (LY24-5215-0) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 5664-167. DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC VOLutlE 1 (CP) (LY24-5220-0) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 5664-167. DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC VOLlJrlE 2 (CMS) (LY24-5221-0) JES2, LIC PROG 5740-XYS, LOGIC RELEASE 2 (LY24-6006-0) MVS/XA MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 LOGIC (LY24-6008-00) SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAMMII'-IG EXTENSIONS RELEASE 2 TO OSIVSI SYSTEM GENERATION REFERENCE. 5662-257 (S025-0034-0) OSIVSI SERVICE AIDS (GC2S-0665-2) SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAMMING EXTENSIONS RELEASE 2 TO OSIVSI SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITIES. 5662-257 (SD25-0038-0) SUPPLEMENT FOR BASIC PROGRAMtIING EXTENSIONS. 5662-257 RELEASE 1 TO OSIVSl STORAGE SYSTEMS. GC24-5094 (5025-0039-0) MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE (MVS/XA). 5665-284. SAM LOGIC (LY26-3891-1 ) MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE (MVS/XA), DATA FACILITY PRODUCT. 5665-284. OPEN/CLOSE/EOV LOGIC (LY26-3892-1) MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE (MVS/XA) DADSM AND Cot1I1ON VTOC ACCESS FACILITY DIAGUOSIS GUIDE (SY26-3896-0) MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE (MVS/XA) CATALOG DIAGNOSIS, 5665-284. REFERENCE (SY26-3897-1) MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE (MVS/XA) MEDIA MANAGER DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND REFERE~~E. 5665-284 (SY26-3898-2) MVS/EXTEt-.'DED ARCHITECTURE (MVS/XA) CATALOG. 5665-284. DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (SY26-3899-1) MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE (MVS/XA) UTILITIES, 5665-284. LOGIC (LY26-3903-1 ) MVS/EXTENDEO ARCHITECTURE (MVS/XA) DADSM DIAGNOSIS. 5665-284. REFERENCE (SY26-3904-1) DATABASE 2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VOLUME 3. 5740-XYR. ADVANCED TECHNIQUES (LY26-3952-3) OS/vS2 MVS/SYSTEM INITIALIZATION. 5740-XYN. -XYS. LOGIC R3.8 (LY28-1050-0) LOGIC VOLUME 2 (LY28-1063-0), MVS/SP ALLOCATION/UNALLOCATION, 5740-XYN, -XYS OSIVS SYSTEM LIBRARY VOLUME 11. 5740-XYN, -XYS. LOGIC (LY28-1099-0) MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT RELEASE 3 MVS DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES (SY28-1133-0) MVS/xA RELEASE 1 SYSTEM INITIALIZATION LOGIC MVS/xA RELEASE 1 LOGIC VOLUME 1 (SY28-1208-00) MVS/XA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 RELEASE I LOGIC VOLUME 3 (LY28-1214-00) MVS/XA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 SYSTEM LOGIC VOLUME 4 (LY28-1218-00) MVS/xA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 LOGIC VOLUME 5 (LY28-1222-00) MVS/XA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 LOGIC VOLUME 6 (LY2S-1226-00) MVS/xA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 LOGIC VOLUME 6 PART 2 (LY28-1227-00) MVS/XA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 LOGIC VOLUME 8 PART 1 (LY28-1234-00) MVS/XA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 LOGIC VOLUME S PART 2 (LY2S-1235-00) MVS/XA RELEASE 1 LOGIC VOLUME 11 (LY28-1246-00) MVS/xA RELEASE 1 LOGIC VOLUME 12 (LY28-1250-00) MVS/XA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 LOGIC VOLUME 15 (LY28-1262-00) MVS/xA RELEASE 1 LOGIC VOLUME 17 (LY28-1270-00) MVS/XA IPCS LOGIC AND DIAGNOSIS (LY28-1298-00) MVS/XA TSO/E TMP AND SVCS (LY28-130S-0) MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE·JES3. 5665-291. VOLUME 1: LOGIC OVERVIEW (LY28-1529-0) MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3, 5665-291, VOLUME 2 INITIALIZATION LOGIC (LY28-1531-1) MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291, JOB OUTPUT AND TERMINATION LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 6 (LY2S-1539-1) MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291, VOLUME 9 JES3 COMMUNICATION LOG (LY2S-1545-1) MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291. VOLUME 10 REMOTE PROCESSING LOGIC (LY2S-1547-0) MVS/XA JES3. 5665-291. LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 11 (LY2S-1549-1) 1075 50 LT70-3041-0 50 LT70-3043-0 50 50 LT70-3070-0 50 LT73-6035-0 U ST73-8567-0 36 LT73-9083-0 36 LT73-9084-0 31 LT73-9085-0 37 LT73-9066-0 34 LT73-9089-0 32 LT73-9090-0 36 LT73-9091-0 36 40 LT73-9094-0 LT73-9097-0 39 LT73-9098-0 20 LT73-9101-0 30 ST75-0030-0 50 LT76-3010-1 50 ST76-30lt-0 50 LT78-3016-0 50 50 LT78-3022-0 LT78-3023-0 50 50 LT78-3026-0 LT78-30t7-0 50 50 39 LT78-3030-0 LT78-3054-1 ST83-0065-0 37 36 ST83-0140-0 GT83-0179-0 SN28-t940 37 ST83-0163-0 SNt8-4768 36 LT83-0189-0 LN26-4773 36 LT63-0190-0 LNt6-4797 36 LT63-0191-0 LN28-4774 50 14 LVCI-5110-1 GV20-9931-0 39 14 14 30 30 30 SV23-0001-0 GX09-1000-0 GX09-1001-0 SX09-1011-0 SX09-1012-0 SX09-1013-1 LN30-3136 LN30-3t15 LT73-6033~0 SN33-8165 SN33-8178 SN33-8tt8 LN33-9299 SN3l-l082 LN3l-1199 LN30-3147 ACFIVCPIVS NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM RELEASE t LIC PROG 5735-XXI LOGIC (LY30-3041-0) ACFINCPIVS NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM RELEASE t. LIC PROG 5735-XXl. REFERENCE SUMMARY (LY30-3043-1) ACFINCP 37t5 EPIDATA AREAS REFERENCE (LY30-3070-0) (\ CICS/VS RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. DATA AREAS (LY33-6033-0) \---j CICSIVS RELEASE 1.4.1. LIC PROG 5740-XXI. DATA AREAS ( LY33-6035-0) SN33-8169 DOSIVS ASSEMBLER LOGIC RELEASE 34 (SY33-8567-0) SN33-8t09 VSE/ADVANCEO FUNCTIONS. LIC PROG 5746-XE8 RELEASE 2. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE LOGICAL TRANSIENTS AND SIJBSXXX PHASES ( LY33-9083-0 ) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE t DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE INITIAL PROGRAM LOAD AtID JOB CONTROL (LY33-9084-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. LIC PROG 5746-XE8 RELEASE t & 3. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE: LINKAGE EDITOR (LY33-9085-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE t LIC PROS 5746-XE6. -XE9 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE: AIDS (LY33-9086-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE t. LIC PROG 5746-XE8. -XE9. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE: MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY PROGRAM (LY33-9069-0) VSE/FAST COpy DATA SET RELEASE 1 LIC PROG 5746-AM4 LOGIC ( LY33-9090-0 ) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS RELEASE 2. LIC PROG 5746-XE8. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE: SUPERVISOR (LY33-9091-0) VSE/POWER RELEASE 1. LIC PROG 5746-XE3. HANDBOOK (LY33-9094-0) VSE/OPERATOR COMMUNICATION CONTROL FACILITY (OCCF). LIC PROG 5746-XC5. RELEASE 1. DIAGNOSTIC REFERENCE (LY33-9097-0) VSE/ICCF. LIC PROG 5746-TSI. RELEASE 3, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE: LOGIC (LY33-9096-0) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTION, LIC PROS 5746-XE6 RELEASE t HANDBOOK (LY33-9101-0) DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES. SUID 5752-664 RELEASE 2 LOGIC SY35-0030-1 NETlolORK COMMUNICATION CONTROL FACILITY (NCCF), LIC PROG 5735-XX6. LOGIC RELEASE 1 (LY38-3010-1) SN3l-1159 ACFIVTAME, 5746-RC7. RELEASE 1 DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES (SY36-30l2-0) "- .. NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION, 5735-XX7, DIAGNOSIS AND LOGIC ( LY36-30l8-5) ACFIVTAM, 5746-RC3, RELEASE 2 VOLUME 1 LOGIC ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR BTAM (ACFIVTAM) LOGIC: MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING FACILITY LIC PROG 5746-RC3. 5735-RCt, RELEASE 2, FEATURE 6059 (DOSIVS), 6009 (OSIVS) (LY38-3023-0) ACFIVTAM RELEASE t DATA AREAS (DOSIVSE) (LY38-3026-1) LOGIC ACFIVTAM RELEASE t BASE SYSTEM VOLUME 1 METHOD OF OPERATION (LY38-30t7-0) ACF/VTAM DATA AREAS RELEASE t, LIC PROG 5735-RCt. (LY36-3030-1) DATA AREAS ACF/VTAM VERSION 2 (LY38-3054-1) SUPPLEMENT FOR ACFIVTAM TO T50 GUIDE TO WRITING A TMP OR CP, REL 3.8 (SDt3-0065-1) SNt8-2973 SUPPLEMENT FOR VSt DEElUG HANDBOOK (SDt3-0140-0) SUPPLEMENT FOR OS/VS2 MVS VCL RELEASE 3.6 TO MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT, 5740-XYN, 5740-XYS (GD23-0179-1) SUPPLEMENT FOR OSIVS2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING LIBRARY MVS DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES TO OSIVS2 MVS/SYSTEH PRODUCTS. 5740-XYN. -XYS RELEASE 3.8 (SDt3-0163-0) SUPPLEMENT FOR OSIVSt SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY RELEASE 3.8 VOLUME 5 TO MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 5740-XYN, -XYS (LD23-0169-1) SUPPLEMEtrr FOR OSIVS2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY RELEASE 3.8 VOUUHE 6 TO MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT. 5740-XYN. - XYS (LD23-0190-1) SUPPLEMENT FOR OSIVS2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 7 RELEASE 3.8 TO MVS/SYSTEH PRODUCT, 5740-XYN, -XYS (LD23-0191-1) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTIONITCAM 3278 DISPLAY STATION HODEL 2 CASSETTE RECORDING OF OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR AUDIO OUTPUT RPQ 7H0661 TSO/E RELEASE 3 VHlPC Cota~S FOR HOST SERVICES 129-3270 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY 129-2170 OPERATOR'S REFERENCE SUMMARY (RPQ 8TOI05) DISPLAYWRITER 3277 DEVICE EMULATION, LEFT KEYBOARD TEMPLATE ( DISPLAYWRITER 3277 DEVICE EMULATION RIGHT KEYBOARD TEMPLATE HOST -DISPLAYWRITER DOCUMENT INTERCHANGE, P09054 5799-BKE, ~REFERENCE CARD 1076 / '\ ( 89 GXII-6010-1 89 GXll-6011-1 89 GXll-6012-1 89 GXll-6013-1 89 GXll-6014-1 50 SXl1-6015-2 89 50 50 GXll-6060-0 GXll-6065-1 GX11-6067-0 50 GX11-6072-0 50 SXll-6089-0* 32 SX11-6106-0 89 GX18-2008-0 89 GX18-2055-2 39 **GX20-0202-0 39 **GX20-0203-0 20 **SX20-0207-0 50 SX20-0226-1 ( ( 50 SX20-0227-1 50 6X20-0950-0 SO 5X20-0953-0 50 GX20-1049-1 89 GX20-1701-1 07 GX20-1710-2 89 01 6X20-1711-1 GX20-1787-0 89 89 01 09 07 GX20-1816-0 GX20-1818-1 GX20-1850-6 GX20-1878-6 GX20-1920-1 36 GX20-1926-6 36 6X20-1927-1 36 04 39 07 GX20-1961-4 GX20-1972-6 SX20-1976-1 GX20-1979-0 09 07 GX20-1981-0 GX20-1983-0 36 6X20-1995-1 89 89 89 85 50 30 85 30 GX20-1998-1 6X20-1999-1 GX20-2000-4 GX20-2005-0 GX20-2006-1 SX20-2008-0 GX20-2016-0 GX20-2024-3 30 GX20-2025-8 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS MAP SPECIFICATIONS - 1 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS MAP SPECIFICATIONS - 2 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS MAP SPECIFICATIONS - 3A SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS MAP SPECIFICATIONS - 3B SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS MAP SET SPECIFICATIONS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS PAGE SPECIFICATIONS SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS PROFILE SPECIFICATIONS - 1 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS PROFILE SPECIFICATIONS - 2 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS PROFILE SPECIFICATIONS - 3 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS PROFILE SPECIFICATIONS - 4 SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CICS REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) IBM SPECIFICATIONS FOR MAGNETIC CHARACTER READERS FORM REFERENCE SUMMARY ELIAS-IIVM ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE. 5746-XXV. REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE. LIC PRDG 5666-291. REFERENCE SUMMARY DATA BASE INTEGRITY CONTROL FACILITY. 5787-LAG. REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD DATA INTERFILE TRANSFER TESTING AND OPERATIONS FOR VSE AND VM. REFERENCE SUMMARY 5668-917 IBM 3767 OPERATOR'S TROUBLE REPORT SCANMASTER 1 8815 PROBLEM REPORT FORM MUSIC/SP. 5664-197. GENERAL USER'S REFERENCE CARD MUSIC/SP. 5664-197. TIME. OFFICE AND ORGANIZER REFERENCE CARD INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE BASIC. 5796-TBA. REFERENCE CARD IMSADF II VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 INTERACTIVE ADF QUICK EFERENCE CARD (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSADF,II VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 IADF PF KEY TEMPLATE (CURRENT RELEASE) CROSS SYSTEM PRODUCT/APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT. 5668-944. 5660-284. REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD (CURRENT RELEASE) CSP/AD. CSP/AE. 5668-824. -825. -918. BINDER INSERT (CURRENT RELEASE) ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE SYSTEM-ONE. LIC PROS 5746-XXV. 5748-XXK. REFERENCE SUMMARY GENERAL ~~POSE SYSTEMS SIMULATOR CODING FORM PROS. NOS. 5734-XSI. XS2. 5736-XS1. XS3. 360A-CS-I7X. 19X IBM 2314 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE FACILITY CAPACITY AND TRANSMISSION TIME REFERENCE CARD S/360 RECORD LAYOUT WORKSHEET DEBUGGING AID DIRECT EVALUATION OF FLOATING POINT NUMBERS IN HEXADECIMAL 150/10/6 PRINT CHART 150/10/8 PRINT CHART 5/370 REFERENCE SUMMARY 3274 CONTROL UNIT REFERENCE SUMMARY 3330 SERIES DISK STORAGE. 3333 MODELS 1 & 11. 3330 MODELS 1. 2 & 11 REFERENCE SUMMARY VMl370. SCP 5749-010. QUICK GUIDE FOR USERS. REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) ASP VERSION 3 ASYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEM: OPERATORS REFERENCE BOOKLET - PROG. NO. 360A-CX-15X VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 REFERENCE. LIC PROG 5749-010 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR REFERENCE SUJ1MARY SPF PROGRAM FUNCTION KEY TEMPLATE 3340 MODELS A2. B1. B2. 3344 MODELS B2. B2F DIRECT STORAGE ACCESS REFERENCE SUllMARY 3275/3277 PROGRAM FUNCTION KEY TEMPLATE 3350 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE. MOD A2. A2F. B2. B2F. C2. C2F REFERENCE SUMMARY VIRTUAL MACHINE/370 (VMl370) COMMANDS (OTHER THAN GENERAL USER) REFERENCE SUMMARY DMS/CICSIVS. 5746-XC4. DATA TRANSFER FORM (CURRENT RELEASE) DMS/CICS/VS. 5746-XC4. FILE DESCRIPTION FORM (CURRENT RELEASE) DMS/CICSIVS. 5746-XC4. PANEL DESCRIPTION FORM (CURRENT RELEASE) HEXADECIMAL ARITHMETIC REFERENCE SUMMARY CICS SOURCE PROGRAM MAINTENANCE ONLINE II QUICK GUIDE FOR USERS VNET COMMANDS (USER AND OPERATOR) REFERENCE SUMMARY VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM VPSS REFERENCE CARD HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER (HSM). LIC PROG 5740-XRB USER COMMANDS REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RE LEASE) HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER (HSM) LIC PROG 5740-XRB. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER AND OPERATOR COMMANDS REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) 1077 39 GX20-2032-2 09 09 89 89 39 GX20-2040-0 GX20-2041-0 GX20-2043-0 GX20-2325-1 GX20-2328-1 89 89 GX20-2339-1 GX20-2341-1 89 39 39 GX20-2342-0 SX20-2346-0 GX20-2347-0 89 89 09 39 GX20-2350-0 GX20-2351-0 GX20-2352-0 SX20-2355-1 37 85 37 39 39 GX20-2358-1 GX20-2364-0 GX20-2365-1 GX20-2383-3 SX20-2384-0 39 SX20-2386-1 39 GX20-2387-2 39 SX20-2388-1 39 SX20-2389-3 85 **GX20-2393-2 89 SX20-2399-2 09 GX20-2418-0 36 SX20-4400-4 20 20 SX20-4401-4 SX20-4402-4 30 GX20-4404-0 39 GX20-4406-0 39 GX20-4407-0 85 GX20-8020-2 89 GX20-8021-2 89 GX21-5214-0 89 GX21-9011-0 15 GX21-9030-0 89 GX21-9096-3 89 GX21-9101-3 04 GX21-9106-0 89 GX21-9129-9 15 GX21-9155-1 08 GX21-9171-3 08 GX21-9172-1 89 GX21-9185-0 89 GX21-9186-0 89 GX21-9187-0 06 **GX21-9467-0 37 40 GX22-0001-2 SX22-0003-6 40 SX22-0004-6 36 SX22-0005-6 37 30 SX22-0006-3 SX22-0008-1 34 SX22-0009-0 34 SX22-0010-0 15 GX22-6834-8 15 GX22-6855-9 QUERY BY EXAMPLE: IUP 5796-PKT. REFERENCE SUMMARY CARD (CURRENT RELEASE) GENERAL PURp()SE 3276/3278 PROGRAM FUNCTION TEMPLATE STRIP 3276/3278 PROGRAM FUNCTION KEY TEMPLATE - GENERAL USE PLASTIC HOLDER FOR TEMPLATE INFORMATION CARDS EPIC: FAST - GROUP NAME SHEET - PROG PROD 5735-E92 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY (SPF/TSO) VERSION 2.2. 5740-XT8. QUICK REFERENCE SUMMARY OMS PANEL DESCRIPTION (CURRENT RELEASE) DMS/CICS/vS. 5746-XC4. CALCULATION & EDIT FORM (CURRENT RELEASE) INTERACTIVE INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEM - PRESENTATION WORKSHEET INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY TEMPLATE SUPPORT AUD STRUCTURAL PROGRAMMING FACILITY CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM. LIC PROG 5748-XT3. QUICK REFERENCE SUMMARY BSP MATRIX FORM BSP MATRIX FORM 3101 DISPLAY TERMINAL REFERENCE SUMMARY 3276/3278 IPF PR()GRAM FUNCTION TEMPLATE. 5748-MSI (CURRENT RELEASE) 3270 INFORMATION/SYSTEM PFK TEMPLATE TOTAL STORAGE MANAGEMENT PRODUCT MATRIX REFERENCE SUMMARY PASCAL/VS. 5796-PNQ. REFERENCE CARD REFERENCE SUMMARY VSE IPO/E AND IPF (CURRENT RELEASE) PF KEY SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY TEMPLATE STRIP FOR 3270 TERMINALS PF KEY SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY TEMPLATE FOR 3270 TERMINALS REFERENCE SUMMARY VM/SP IPF (CURRENT RELEASE) TEMPLATE 3275 3277 PFK FOR IPF VM FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE) TEMPLATE 3276 3278 PFK FOR IPF VM FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPORT CENTER - QUICK REFERENCE CATIA TEMPLATE WITH SET OF SELF-ADHESIVE FUNCTION LABELS SCANMASTER I: SAMPLE OF TRANSMITTABLE DOCUMENTS VM/SP QUICK GUIDE FOR USER'S REFERENCE SUMMARY (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SP COMMAND REFERENCE SUMMARY GENERAL USERS (CURRENT RELEASE) VM/SP COMMAND REFERENCE SUMMARY OTHER THAN GENERAL USERS (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA BASE RESTRUC~~ING SYSTEM. IUP 5796-PLH. REFERENCE CARD MUSIC SCRIPT USERS REFERENCE SUMMARY MUSIC GENERAL USERS REFERENCE SUMMARY FLOWCHARTING TEMPLATE FLOWCHARTING WORKSHEET TOP/DQWN Fltn 0<2. VERSION 1 MESSAGE FORMAT SERVICE KANJI ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM LOGIC FEATURE 8782 CUSTOMER INFORtlATION CONTROL SYSTEMIVS. 5740->0<1. 5746->0<3. VERSION 1 RELEASE 6: 5550 SUPPORT FEATURE SYSTEMS AND LOGIC 8815 SCANMASTER I. ItlAGE ANALYSIS AID X25 PACKET S~IITCHING ATTACHMENT FOR NCP VERSION 5 PRPQ ZA4239 RPQ XD2060 LIC PROG 5799-ARJ. LOGIC VS PERSONAL COMPUTING PUI LOGIC. INTERNATIONAL FIELD PROGRAM 5785-EAB SDF/CICS. 5740-XYF, 5746-XXT, 5664-178. PROGRAM LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) VSEIDITTO. LIC PROG 5746-UT3. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) SCREEN DEFINITION FACILITY/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (SDF/CICS), 5740-XYF. 5746-XXT. 5664-178 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) 3705 SUPPORT, VIA THE RETD SPANISH DATA NETWORK, OF THE 2970-5 AND 5735-L03 BANKING TERMINALS, AND OF THE 2970-5 BANKING TERMINAL DIRECTLY ATTACHED. LIC PROG 5799-ATE. LOGIC LOGIC ELIAS-IIVM X25 PACKET SWITCHING ATTACHMENT WORKING WITHIN ACFINCPIVS. LIC PROG 5799-BAK PRPQ ZA4239. XD2060. LOGIC ENTRY LEVEL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION SYSTEM-ONE, 5746-XXV. LOGIC X.21 ACFINCPIVS SHORT HOLD MODE OF OPERATION, 5799-BEK PRPQ Y96828. LOGIC VTAM DISPATCHER APPLICATION PROGRAM. PRPQ Y96845 5799-BFX. LOGIC DSX VERSION 3 DIAGNOSIS X.21 SHORT HOLDIMULTIPLE PORT SHARING FOR THE 3725 AND 3720 PROGRAM LOGIC CUSTOMER ENGINEERING KWIC INDEX (USA) IMS/360. VERSION 2. SYSTEM MANUAL VOL. 2 - FLOWCHARTS. PROG. PROD. 5734->0<6 APU360-0S AND APU360-DOS SYSTEM MANUAL FEATURE NUMBERS 8091. 8034 LIC PROS 5734-XM6, 5736-XM6 GIS/2 FEATURE 8117. LIC PROS 5734->0<1. SYSTEM MANUAL VOLUME 3 GIS/2 FILE MODIFY FEATURE 8127. LIC PROG 5734-XX1, SYSTEM MANUAL SUPPLEMENT CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (DOS-ENTRY), LIC PROG 5736-XX6. LOGIC CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM (CICS) (DOS-STANDARD), LIC PROG 5736-XX7. LOGIC STATIBASIC FOR ITF AND VMl370 - CMS: LOGIC MANUAL. FEATURE NUMBER 8100 - PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-XA3 TEST IMS UTILITIES PROGRAM SYSTEMS GUIDE - IUP NUMBER 5796-PBE MATHIBASIC FOR S/3 MODEL 6, ITF. AND VMl370-CMS: LOGIC MANUAL (ITF AND VM/370-CMS); FEATURE NOS. 8017. 8153 BUSINESS ANALYSISIBASIC LOGIC MANUAL IBM VIRTUAL MACHINE FACILITY/370 SERVICE ROUTINES PROGRAM LOGIC VMl370 DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC SN25-0843 VMl370: SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOL 1 SN25-0843 SN25-0843 1093 36 36 34 37 36 36 SY20-0887-1 LD23-9028 LD23-9033 LD23-9037 SY20-0888-0 LY20-0889-3 LY20-0890-3 LY20-0891-1 LY20-0892-4 39 LY20-0893-4 36 LY20-0895-0 36 LY20-0896-6 36 LY20-0897-6 37 LY20-0898-4 50 LY20-1001-0 50 LY20-2043-0 50 LY20-2045-0 50 34 LY20-2050-0 LY20-2059-0 50 LY20-2072-1 34 30 37 50 LY20-2073-0 LY20-2085-0 LY20-2114-0 LY20-2193-3 50 LY20-2208-0 39 LY20-2220-0 36 LY20-2228-1 30 34 34 34 LY20-2240-0 LY20-2243-3 LY20-2249-0 LY20-2268-1 34 LY20-2269-1 39 25 LY20-2273-0 LY20-2280-0 30 LY20-2294-0 39 LY20-2311-0 29 39 LY20-2312-0 LY20-2339-2 30 30 30 30 25 LY20-2340-1 LY20-2341-0 LY20-2342-0 LY20-2367-0 LY20-2368-0 50 LY20-2371-0 30 30 50 LY20-2376-0 LY20-2377-0 LY20-2383-1 30 34 34 39 LY20-2411-0 LY20-2416-0 LY20-2418-2 LY20-2426-1 IBM YKl370 SYSTEM LOGIC & PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOL 2 SN25-0782 SN25-0783 LN24-5717 LN20-3350 LN20-3634 LN20-3962 & PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOL 3 vtVDIRECTORY MAINTENANCE. 5748-XE4. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) VKlSP SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE LN24-5725 DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC YKlSP (CURRENT RELEASE) 'ltt/SP LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUI1E 1 CP (CURRENT RELEASE) VKlSP LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE VOLUI1E 2 CH (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/EXTEtlJED ARCHITECTURE MIGRATION AIDS. 5664-169. CONTROL PROGRAH LOGIC VKlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCK LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) VKlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. VOLUME 1 SYSTEM LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VKlSYSTEM PRODUCT HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION. 5664-167. -173. SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY - DB2 INTERFACE. 5798-DRP SYSTEMS GUIDE DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM II -- DOS/vs (DMS II) LOGIC MANUAL. PROG. PROD. 5736-XC4 CICSIVS. LIC PROS 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3. FASTER LANGUAGE FACILITY. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSMAPIVS - IUP 5796-PCY. SYSTEM GUIDE VM/SGP STATISTICS GENERATING PACKAGE - IUP 5796-PDD. SYSTEM GUIDE INTERACTIVE QUERY & REPORT PROCESSOR (IQRP). IUP 5796-PDG. SYSTEMS GUIDE VKl370 GRAPHIC tIONITOR. IUP 5796-PDT DATA BASE DESIGN AID. LIC PROG 5740-XY8. 5746-XXQ. LOGIC AUTOMATED UNIT TEST. IUP 5796 - PEC. SYSTEMS GUIDE EXTENDED TELECOMMUNICATIONS M()DULES FEATURE OFCICS/DOS/VS PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE PROGRAH NUMBER: 5746 XXB DOSt1AP-DUI DATA BASE MAPPING PROGRAMS. IUP 5796-PCW. SYSTEMS GUIDE FEATURE 8093 TSO-3270 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY LOGIC. PROG PROD 5740-XT2 IBM SYSTEM/370 SPECIAL REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEM PROGRAMMING RPQ Z06751 SYSTEMS LOGIC. PROG 5799-AHE GTF I/O CURRENCY REPORT. IUP 5796-PGD. SYSTEMS GUIDE VSl PERFORMANCE TOOL. IUP 5796-PGL. SYSTEM GUIDE BATCH MONITOR FOR 'ltt/370 CMS, IUP 5796-PGZ. SYSTEMS GUIDE SMF JOB DATA COMPRESSION AID (JDCA) - IUP 5796-PHN. SYSTEMS GUIDE STORAGE DEVICE MIGRATION AID (SOMA) - IUP 5796-PHP SYSTEMS GUIDE TSO/IQRP INTERFACE. IUP 5796-PHZ. SYSTEMS GUIDE FORTRAN INTERACTIVE SUBROUTINE LIBRARY - IUP 5796-PHT. SYSTEM GUIDE LN20-4579 MASS STORAGE CONTROL TABLE MAINTENANCE IUP 5796-PHY. SYSTEMS GUIDE DISPLAY EDITING SYSTEM FOR CMS, IUP 5796-PJP. SYSTEM GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS PERSONAL COMPUTING PUI. PROG PROD 5785-EAB. LOGIC TSO-3270 DISPLAY SUPPORT AND STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY VERSION 2. LOGIC. PROG PROD 5740-XT8 HASP NETWORKING (PRPQ P09009) LOGIC, PROG 5799-ATC ASP NETWORKING (PRPQ P09008) LOGIC. PROG 5799-ATB VM/370 NETWORKING (PRPQ P09007) LOGIC, PROG 5799-ATA BULK DATA TRANSFER, IUP 5796-PKK. SYSTEMS GUIDE S/370 FORTRAN H EXTENDED OPTIMIZATION EtI-IANCEMENT. IUP 5796-PKR, SYSTEMS GUIDE DUI DOSIVS SPACE MANAGEMENT UTILITIES, IUP 5796-PKF. SYSTEMS GUIDE DATA BASE DESIGN AID, LIC PROG S748-XXQ (DOS/VS)' LOGIC DATA BASE DESIGN AID, LIC PROG 5740-SY8 (OSIVS), LOGIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL SYSTEM - ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION (TCS-ACF)' LIC PROG 5740-XY3, LOGIC 3800 PAGE FORMATTING SERVICES. IUP 5796-AWE. LOGIC IMS-CMS DATA LINK FOR YKl370, IUP 5796-PLE, SYSTEMS GUIDE VSE PERFORMANCE TOOL. IUP 5796-PLQ, SYSTEMS GUIDE VS APL EXTEtlJED EDITOR & FULL scR!EN MANAGER, IUP S796-PLY, VKl370 SYSTEM LOGIC 109~ ,'/ ... o \ ./ (~ -- ( (-~, 22 37 LY20-2429-0 LY20-2431-0 50 50 LY20-2437-0 LY20-2451-0 38 LY20-2455-0 50 LY20-2456-2 39 LY20-2480-0 30 LY20-2489-0 30 38 LY20-2496-0 LY20-2508-0 50 30 39 50 50 50 50 LY20-2569-1 LY20-2585-0 LY20-6352-1 LY20-8010-1 LY20-8011-0 LY20-8012-0 LY20-8013-0 50 50 LY20-8014-0 LY20-8015-0 25 22 50 LY20-8031-0 LY20-8032-3 LY20-8037-1 LN20-9250 LN20-9385 39 32 lY20-8039-0 LY20-8047-0 LN20-9200 50 LY20-8050-6 32 50 LY20-8058-0 LY20-8063-5 LN35-0254 50 39 39 LY20-8069-3 LY20-8072-1 LY20-8073-0 LN20-9416 50 SY20-8077-2 50 SY20-8078-2 39 SY20-8079-0 SN20-9366 50 LY20-8081-0 LN20-9383 50 50 39 38 SY20-8082-0 LY20-9001-0 LY20-9007-0 LY20-9040-0 30 50 LY20-9042-0 LY20-9084-0 LN20-0524 30 30 28 GY21-0012-2 GY21-0013-2 LY21-0014-2 LN20-9125 37 SY22-7186-5 01 tHfSY24-4024-2 SY24-5155-7 36 LD25-0045 30 SY24-5156-6 LD25-0046 SY24-5175 SY24-519lt 36 SY24-5159-3 LN20-0401 LN20-8766 LN20-9227 LN20-9228 LN20-9229 SYSTEMS GUIDE APL WORKSPACE STRUCTURE ANALYZER, IUP 5796-PNB, SYSTEMS GUIDE BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR II (BTS II)' IUP 5796-PGT, SYSTEMS GUIDE DMS/3770, LIC PROG 5748-XC3 IMS/VS AUTOMATED OPERATOR FACILITY (AOF). LIC PROG 5740-XYD LOGIC DOS/vSE REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEH/VIRTUAL STORAGE (DMS/CICS/vS). LIC PROG 5740-XC5 5746-XC4. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING FACILITY/CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5748-XT3. LOGIC JOB ENTRY SUBSYSTEM 3/NETWORKIN6. LIC PROG 5799-AZT. PROGRAM LOGIC VSE/3270 BISYNCHRONOUS PASS THROUGH. LIC PROG 5746-AHS LOGIC DOS/vsE AF3 REMOTE JOB ENTRY WORKSTATION PROGRAM. LIC PROG 5746-RC9. LOGIC IMS/VS BATCH TERMINAL SItlULATOR. LIC PROG 5668-948. LOGIC COMMUNICATION FACILITY HOST. LIC PROG 5668-979. LOGIC tlUSIC/SP. 5664-197. SYSTEMS GUIDE GIS/vS. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. LOGIC VOLUME 1 GIS/vS. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. LOGIC VOLUME 2 GIS/vS. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. LOGIC VOLUME 3 LN20-9241 GIS/vS ADVANCED QUERY FEATURE. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. LOGIC SUPPLEMENT GIS/vS MODIFY FEATURE. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. LOGIC SUPPLEMENT GIS/vS UPDATE/CREATE FEATURE. LIC PROG 5740-XX7. LOGIC SUPPLEMENT VSPC FORTRAN. LIC PROG 5748-F02. LOGIC VSAPL. LIC PROG 5748-API. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY. LIC PROG 5746-XXC. DIAGNOSIS: REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOs/VS VS PERSONAL COHPUTING (VSPC) LOGIC PROG PROD 5746-XR3 OS/HVT ANALYSIS PROGRAM-l (AP-l) LOGIC. PROG 5799-ARG. PRPQ E64653 FOR 3350 & 3330 MODEL 11 ON SYSTEM/370 IMS/VS, 5740-XX2, VERSION 1 FAILURE ANALYSIS STRUCTURE TABLE FOR DUMP ANALYSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) LN35-0328 OFFLINE 3800 UTILITY. LIC PROG 5748-UT2. LOGIC IMS/VS VERSION I, LIC PROG 5740-XX2, DIAGNOSTIC AIDS (CURRENT RELEASE) IMs/vS VERSION I, LIC PROG 5740-XX2. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/vSl AND OS/vs2 MVS VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) LOGIC OS/VS2 MVS VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) DIAGNOSTIC AIDS, LIC PROG 5740-XR6, LOGIC OS/VS DB/DC, 5740-XXF, DATA DICTIONARY DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/VS DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY, 5740-XXF DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) SN20-9412 VS PERSONAL COMPUTING (VSPC) VERSION 2 FOR OS/vs2 MVS. LIC PROG 5665-283, DIAGNOSIS DOS/vS DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS/VS DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) DBPROTOTYPE II, IUP 5796-PJK, SYSTEMS GUIDE APL DATA INTERFACE-II. IUP 5796-PNG, SYSTEMS GUIDE OS/vs1 HOST REMOTE NODE ENTRY SYSTEM II. IUP 5796-PPL, SYSTEMS GUIDE DATA SET AND FREE SPACE MANAGER, IUP 5796-PPN. SYSTEMS GUIDE GENERALIZED CICS/vs APPLICATION DEYELOPMENT ARCHITECTURE VERSION, 5796-PWJ. 2.0 SYSTEMS GUIDE OS BSAM LOGIC FOR IBM 1419/1275 OS DATA MANAGEMENT MACRO LOGIC FOR IBM 1285/1287/1288 IBM DOS RPG II LANGUAGE PROGRAM LOGIC tlANUAL PROGRAM NUtlBER 5736-RGI 3090 PROCESSOR COHPLEX INTRODUCtION AND SERVICE STRATEGY (CURRENT RELEASE) 4381 PROCESSOR HODEL GROUP 3 CONSOLE FUNCTIONS AND MESSAGES OS/vSl SUPERVISOR LOGIC OS/vsl I/O SUPERYlSOR LOGIC MANUAL SN24-5588 SN26-8030 os/vsl CHECKPOINT/RESTART LOGIC 1095 36 SY24-5160-it SN24-5555 SH24-5646 30 30 37 S025-0006 L025-0035 SY24-5162-0 SY24-5163-0 SY24-5165-1 SY24-5166-1 SY24-5167-0 SY24-5168-1 L025-0029 SY24-5178 SY24-5184 SY24-5169-2 LD25-0030 SY24-5170-1 SD25-0007 LD25-0040 SY24-5176 SY24-5173-1 L023-0255 SY24-5174-0 SY24-5175-0 SY24-5176-1 36 36 36 SY24-5177-0 SY24-5178-0 SY24-5179-0 30 36 SY24-5181-0 L025-0026 SY24-5182-0 SY24-5183-0 SY24-5184-0 36 SY24-5185-0 30 LY24-5187-0 30 LY24-5191-2 30 LY24-5192-2 36 30 30 SY24-5193-0 SY24-5194-0 LY24-5195-1 30 LY24-5203-2 30 LY24-5204-1 39 LY24-5205-0 39 LY24-5206-1 30 30 LY24-5208-3 LY24-5209-0 LH33-9303 30 LY24-5210-0 LH33-9304 30 LY24-5211-0 LH33-9305 30 LY24-5212-0 LN33-9306 30 LY24-5213-1 50 50 50 40 36 LY24-5215-1 LY24-5216-2 LY24-5217-2 LY24-5218-0 LY24-5220-3 36 LY24-5221-2 30 30 30 30 30 36 36 37 30 36 36 SH24-5502 SN24-5534 SH24-5647 SN24-5602 OSIVSI IPL AN) HIP LOGIC OSIVS IBM 3886 OPTICAL CHARACTER READER HODEL 1 OSIVS IBM 3890 DOCUMENT PROCESSOR LOGIC OSIVS DISKETTE COPY PROGRAMMING SUPPORT PROGRAM OSIVSI LOGIC FOR IBM 3540 DISKETTE INPUT/OUTPUT OSIVS2 LOGIC FOR IBM 3540 DISKETTE INPUT/OUTPUT SH24-5673 OSIVSI JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC, VOLlI1E 1 LOGIC LOGIC UNIT UNIT ( I ~- OSIVSl JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC, VOLUME 2 SH24-5645 OSIVSI RECOVERY MANASEMENT SUPPORT LOGIC OSIVS2 t1VS VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM LOGIC, SUID 5752-829 SN24-5595 SH24-5588 LN24-5711 OSIVSI VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM LOGIC - SUID 5741-606 SU5 SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVSI I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC (SY24-5156-5) SU5 SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVSI RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SUPPORT LOGIC (SY24-5170-0) SU 5741-605 SUPPLEMENT TO VSl SYSTEM DATA AREAS, SY28-0605-5 SU5 SUPPLEMENT TO OSlVSl JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC, VOLUME 1 SU5 SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVS1 JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC, VOLUME 2 (SY24-5169-0) SELECTABLE UNIT 5741-605 DOSIVSE FIXED BLOCK ARCHITECTURE LOGICAL IOCS SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVSI SUPERVISOR LOGIC, SUID 5741-606 SU 5741-606 SUPPLEMENT TO VS1 SYSTEM DATA-AREAS, SY28-0605-5 SU6 SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVSI JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC, VOLUME 1 (SU ID 5741-606) SU6 SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVS1 JOB MANAGEMENT LOGIC, VOLUME 2 (SY24-5169-0) SU ID 5741-606 IBM 3895 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION MACROS (DIDM) LOGIC, LIC PROG 5748-F12 -" VSEIVSAM VSAM LOGIC, VOLUME 1: CATALOG MANAGEMENT, 5745-SC-VCH (CURRENT RELEASE) , ./ VSEIVSAM VSAM LOGIC, VOLUME 2: RECORD MANAGEMENT 5745-SC-VSt1, LIC PROS 5746-AM2 (CURRENT RELEASE) SU 5741-604 SUPPLEMENT TO VS1 SYSTEM DATA AREAS, SY28-0605-5 SU-4 SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVSI I/O SUPERVISOR LOGIC (SY24-5156-5) VSEIVSAM ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC, COMPONENT ID 5745-SC-AMS, LIC PROG 5746-AM2 (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL MACHINE/SYSTEM PRODUCT: REMOTE SPOOLING CotI1UHICATIOHS SUBSYSTEM NETWORKING, LIC PROG 5748-XPI LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) VSEIVSAM SPACE MANAGEMENT FOR SAM FEATURE LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) YtV370 VtVINTERACTIVE FILE SHARING FOR CMS, LIC PROG 5748-XXC, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) YM/370 DISPLAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR eMS, LIC PROG 5748-XXB LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) YtVSP YM/PASS-THROUSH FACILITY LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE LIOCS VOLUME 1 GENERAL INFORMATION & IMPERATIVE MACROS LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) LN33-9338 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROG 5746-XE8, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE LIOCS VOLUME 2, SAM LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROG 5746-XE8, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE LIOCS VOLlI1E 3 DAM & ISAM LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROG 5746-XE8, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE LIOCS VOLUME 4 DAM & ISAM LOGIC FOR DASD (CURRENT RELEASE) VSEIVSAM BACKUP/RESTORE FEATURE, LIC PROG 5746-AM2, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DVI DOSIVS. 5746-XXl, VOLUME 2 LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) SQVDATA SYSTEM. 5748-XXJ. LOGIC, VOLll1E 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) SQVDATA SYSTEM, 5748-XXJ, LOGIC. VOLUME 2 (CURRENT RELEASE) t1YSIOCCF LOGIC SPECIFICATIONS YtVSP DATA AREAS AN) CONTROL BLOCKS LOGIC VOLlI1E 1 CP (CURRENT RELEASE) YtVSP DATA AREAS AN) CONTROL BLOCKS LOGIC VOLlI1E 2 eMS (CURRENT ~ RELEASE) - C" 1096 ( 50 50 50 37 LY2It-5222-0 SY21t-5223-0 SY21t-5224-0 LY24-5228-1 50 SY24-5229-1 50 50 SY24-5230-1 SY24-5231-1 50 36 36 SY24-5232-1 SY21t-6000-1 LY24-6001-1 30 36 36 36 LY24-6003-0 LY24-6005-0 LD23-0316 **Lj24-6006-2 LY24-6007-0 LD23-0315 **LY24-6008-2 SY24-6051-0 37 50 37 37 SY24-6052-0 LY25-0002-2 LY25-0003-0 LY25-0004-1 37 LY25-0005-0 39 LY25-0006-0 50 37 39 50 LY25-0007-0 LY25-0008-0 LY25-0010-0 LY25-0012-0 LN28-4580 LN28-4613 37 LY25-0013-0 LN28-4614 21 LY26-3737-2 21 LY26-3760-3 SY26-3814-1 SY26-3815-1 SY26-3820-4 LD26-6000 LD26-6004 LD26-6035 SY26-3823-6 SY26-3825-2 LD26-6031 LDZ6-603Z SY26-38Z6-3 SYZ6-3827-2 36 36 31 31 36 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 (- / 30 30 50 32 3Z 30 LD26-6025 LDZ6-6030 SYZ6-3828-2 SY26-3831-1 SY26-3832-2 SY26-3833-1 SY26-3834-2 LD26-6005 SY26-3836-0 SY26-3837-1 SY26-3838-0 SY26-3839-3 LD26-6028 SYZ6-3866 SY26-3840-3 SY26-3841-Z LY26-3850-0 SY26-3851-1 SY26-3852-1 LY26-3855-1 SNZ5-0186 LN25-0159 LN25-0174 LN25-0189 LN25-0197 LNZ8-1133 LN28-1134 SN25-0145 SN25-0160 LNZ8-4569 LN28-4570 LN28-4620 LN28-4587 LN33-8218 SN26-0844 "LIDATA SYSTEt1t 571t8-XXJ, LOGIC, VOLUt1E 3 (CURRENT RELEASE) QMFIVSE, 5666-Z92, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) REFERENCE QMFIVSE DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) VH RSCS NETWORKING VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGEIDATA SYSTEM FOR VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED, 5748-XXJ, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS FOR YM/SP DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGEIDATA SYSTEM FOR VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED, 5748-XXJ, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) SQLlDS FOR YHlSP DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS2 MYS JES2 R4 LOGIC LN25-0165 NETWORK JOB ENTRY FACILITY FOR JES2 PROG 5740-XR8, LOGIC LN25-0183 LNZ5-0195 MVS/INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION WORK STATION SUPPORT DIAGNOSIS JES3, LIC PROG 5740-XYN, l(JGIC MVSIXA JES2 LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) MYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3, HVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT-JES3 VERSION 2, LIC PROG 5665-291, l(JGIC HYSIXA HYS/SP-JES2 VERSION Z LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) SN25-0157 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU35 TO MVS JES2 REL 4 LOGIC: JES2 REL 4.1, 5752-825 SUPPLEMENT FOR SU33: MVS DUMPING IMPROVEMENTS, 5752-833 NPDA, 5735-XX8, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATIONIMANAGEMENT, LIC PROG 5735-0ZS, LOGIC AND DIAGNOSIS VSE INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5746-SAl, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) LNZ8-4606 YHlIPCS, LIC PROG 5748-SAl, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) **LNZ8-4650 SYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY FOR MYS, LIC PROG 5668-009, LOGIC AND DIAGNOSIS LN28-4582 3600 TARA FEATURE, 5735-XX8, LOGIC INFORMATION/SYSTEM, LIC PROG 5735-0lS, LOGIC AND DIAGNOSIS LOGIC AND DIGNOSIS ISPF FOR VHlSP LN28-4589 NETWORK PROBLEM DETERMINATION APPLICATION VERSION 2, RELEASE 2. 1.0, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) INFORMATION/SYSTEM FOR VH/370 AND VSE, LIC PROG 5735-OZS, LOGIC a DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) IBM SYSTEMl360 OPERATING SYSTEM TIME SHARING OPTION ASSEMBLER PROMPTER PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-CP2 os ASSEMBLER H, LIC PROG 5734-ASI, LOGIC OSIVS LOADER LOGIC OSIVS LINKAGE EDITOR LOGIC SN26-0908 OSIVS2 MVS CHECKPOINTIRESTART LOGIC OSIVSZ INPUT1000PUT SUPERVISOR LOGIC OSIVS2 MVS VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (YSAM) LOGIC SNZ6-0912 SNZ6-0933 SN26-8038 OSIVS2 CATALOG HANAGEMENT LOGIC SN26-0969 OSIVSZ OPENICLOSE/EOY LOGIC, REL 3, 3.6 WITH SN26-0823, REL 3.7 SN26-0938 OSIVS2 OSIVSZ OSIVS2 OSlVS2 OSIVSZ SN26-0788 SNZ6-0807 SN26-0812 SN26-0918 OSIVSI SN26-0939 OSIVSI OSIVSI SN26-0935 OSIVSI DADSM LOGIC BDAM LOGIC SAM LOGIC ISAM LOGIC VIO LOGIC BDAM LOGIC DADSM LOGIC ISAM LOGIC OPENICLOSE/EOY LOGIC OSIVSI SAM LOGIC OSIVSI VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (YSAM) LOGIC DATABASE 2 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE OSIVS ANALYSIS PROGRAM-l UP-I) LOGIC DOSIVS ANALYSIS PROGRAM-l (AP-I) LOGIC OSIVS2 MVS SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD-EXTENDED (SAM-E), LIC PROG 1097 30 50 50 30 32 32 LD26-6037 SY26-3860-0 LY26-3862-0 LY26-3863-0 SY26-3866-0 SY26-3873-0 SY26-3878-2 37 30 LY26-3879-0 SY26-3880-0 SN26-0780 30 SY26-3881-0 SN26-0781 30 SY26-3882-1 30 SY26-3883-0 30 SY26-3884-0 23 30 30 LY26-3885-0 SY26-3886-0 SY26-3887-0 30 30 LY26-3888-1 LD26-6033 LY26-3889-1 36 LY26-3890-1 30 30 LY26-3891-1 LY26-3892-1 30 30 30 30 LY26-3893-0 LY26-3894-0 LY26-3895-0 SY26-3896-1 37 37 SY26-3897-1 SY26-3898-2 37 30 SY26-3899-1 LY26-3900-0 31 32 LY26-3901-0 LY26-3902-0 LY26-3903-1 30 23 37 30 21 30 SY26-3904-1 SY26-3905-1 LY26-3906-0 LY26-3907-1 LY26-3908-0 LY26-3909-0 31 24 **SY26-3910-2 24 **SY26-3911-1 30 LY26-3912-1 30 LY26-3913-1 SY26-3915-0 37 36 LY26-3916-1 LY26-3917-1 30 30 LY26-3920-0 31 LY26-3921-1 LY26-3922-1 31 30 U26-3924-1 30 LY26-3925-1 32 LY26-3926-2 30 LY26-3927-1 30 LY26-3928-1 30 SY26-3929-0 30 LY26-3930-0 22 **SY26-3931-1 22 **SY26-3932-1 37 SY26-3933-0 SN26-0785 SN26-8098 LN26-8109 LN26-8112 LN26-8111 LN26-8066 LN26-8156 LN26-8114 LN26-8113 LN26-8136 SN26-8110 LN26-8152 LN26-8154 LN26-8153 LN26-8115 5740-AM3. LOGIC OSIVS2 CVOL PROCESSOR LOGIC (COLLATED VERSION) DATABASE 2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VOLUME 1 DB2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VOLUME 2 DATA AREA DESCRIPTIONS SUPPLEMENT FOR SU6: OSIVSl OPENICLOSE/EOV, 5741-606 DOSIVS IEBIMAGE AND SETPRT LOGIC DATA FACILITYIDATA SET SERVICES, LIC PROG 5740-UT3, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND REFERENCE BASICIVM, 5668-996, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT: DADSM AND COMMON VTOC ACCESS FACILITY DIAGNOSIS GUIDE, LIC PROG 5740-At16, -AM7 DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT: DADSM DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE, LIC PROG 5740-AM6, -AM7 DATA FACILITY/DEVICE SUPPORT: COMMON VTOC ACCESS FACILITY DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE, LIC PROG 5740-AM6, -AM7 DATA FACILITY DEVICE SUPPORT, 5740-AM6, OSIVSl MEDIA MANAGER DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND REFERENCE DATA FACILITYIDEVICE SUPPORT: OSIVS2 HVS MEDIA MANAGER DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND REFERENCE, LIC PROG 5740-AM7 BASICIMVS, 5665-948, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE DATA FACILITY EXTENDED FUNCTION CATALOG DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE DATA FACILITY EXTENDED FUNCTION, LIC PROG 5740-XYQ, CATALOG DIAGNOSIS GUIDE DATA FACILITY EXTEt!DED FUNCTION, LIC PROG 5740-XYQ, ACCESS METHODS SERVICES LOGIC HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE, 5665-284, ACCESS METHOD SERVICES VOL~1E 1 LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) HVSIXA CHECKPOINTIRESTART SUPERVISOR CALL LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE (HVSIXA), 5665-284, SAM LOGIC W MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE (MVSIXA), DATA FACILITY PRODUCT, 5665-284, OPENICLOSE/EOV LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) HVSIXA BDAM LOGIC LOGIC HVSIXA ISAM HVSIXA CVOL PROCESSOR LOGIC MVSIXA DADSM AND COMMON VTOC ACCESS FACILITY DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) HVSIXA CATALOG DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/XA MEDIA MANAGER DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) HVSIXA CATALOG DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) HVSIXA VIO LOGIC LN26-8155 MVSIXA LOADER LOGIC HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE LINKAGE EDITOR, 5665-284, LOGIC HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE UTILITIES, 5665-284, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA DADSM DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) BASIC, 5668-996, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) HVSIXA ISMF DIAGNOSIS GUIDE HVSIXA VSAM, 5665-284, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) ASSEMBLER H VERSION 2, LIC PROG 5668-962. LOGIC HVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE, 5665-284, ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC VOLUME 2 VS COBOL II, 5668-958, -940. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VS COBOL II DIAGNOSIS GUIDE. 5668-958. -940 MVS/370, 5665-295, ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC VOLUME 1 HVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT. 5665-295, BDAM LOGIC MVS/370 CATALOG DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE, 5665-295 MVS/370 CHECKPOINTIRESTART SUPERVISOR CALL LOGIC, 5665-295 HVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT. 5665-295. CVOL PROCESSOR LOGIC HVS/370, DATA FACILITY PRODUCT. 5665-295. ISAM LOGIC MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT. 5665-295, LINKAGE EDITOR LOGI HVS/370 LOADER LOGIC. 5665-295 HVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT, 5665-295. OPENICLOSE/EOV LOGIC MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT, 5665-295. SAM LOGIC (~URRENT RELEASE) HVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT. 5665-295. UTILITIES LOGIC HVS/370 VIO LOGIC. 5665-295 MVS/370 DATA FACILITY PRODUCT, 5665-295. VSAM LOGIC HVSIXA COMMON VTOC ACCESS FACILITY DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE MVS/370, 5665-295, ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC VOLUME 2 APL2 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) APL2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/370, 5665-295. COMMON VTOC ACCESS FACILITY DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE 1098 --------------- .. _-_. __ ...._. __ .__.. __ . (-- ~. ., C~ ( 50 **SY26-3934-1 50 SY26-3935-0 50 SY26-3936-0 SO SY26-3937-0 50 SY26-3938-0 50 **SY26-3939-2 **SN26-8176 **SN26-8177 50 **SY26-3940-2 23 SY26-3942-0 50 **SY26-3943-1 25 50 SY26-3944-1 SY26-3945-0 30 30 30 30 30 37 50 30 37 37 36 37 37 37 31 37 30 30 32 30 33 29 LY26-3946-0 LY26-3947-0 LY26-3948-0 LY26-3949-0 LY26-3950-0 SY26-39S1-1 LY26-3952-3 LY26-3953-1 LY26-3955-0 LY26-3956-1 LY26-3957-0 LY26-3958-1 LY26-3960-1 LY26-3961-0 LY26-3963-0 LY26-3965-0 LY26-3966-1 LY26-3967-0 LY26-3968-0 LY26-3970-1 SY26-3971-0 SY26-3990-0 50 50 LY26-3991-0 LY26-3992-0 LN26-8191 50 37 37 30 25 LY26-3993-0 LY26-3995-0 LY26-3996-0 LY26-3997-1 SY26-3998-0 LN26-8194 LN26-8203 LN26-8204 37 GY27-7198-2 50 37 LY27-7230-2 GY27-7237-1 30 30 30 SY27-7240-0 SY27-7241-0 SY27-7242-0 SN27-1389 SN33-3060 SN27-1390 SN33-3094 30 30 30 39 SY27-7246-3 SD21-0008 SD21-0009 SY27-7249-0 SY27-7251-2 GY27-7255-1 SN27-1492 30 SY27-7257-1 SN27-1550 30 30 30 30 SY27-7260-1 SY27-7262-3 SY27-7266-1 SY27-7269-1 SN27-1541 30 30 50 SY27-7270-1 SY27-7271-0 LY27-8002-0 50 50 50 LY27-8003-0 SY27-8006-0 SY27-8007-1 LN26-8124 LN26-8125 LN31-0727 LN31-0814 LN31-0817 SN31-0699 SN31-0944 DATABASE 2. 5740-XYR. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE. VOLUME 1 DATABASE 2. 5740-XYR. DIAGNOSIS GUIDE DATA EXTRACT. 5668-973. DIALOGS DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA EXTRACT. 5668-973. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE DATA EXTRACT. 5668-973. DIAGNOSIS GUIDE QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY FOR VMlSP. 5668-972, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) DIAGNOSIS GUIDE FOR MVS QMF (CURRENT RELEASE) BASICIMVS DIAGNOSIS GUIDE QUERY MANAGEMENT FACILITY FOR VMlSP. 5668-972. DIAGNOSIS GUIDE (CURRENT RELEASE) VS FORTRAN INTERACTIVE DEBUG DIAGNOSIS. 5668-903 DATABASE 2.5740-XYR. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE. VOLUME 2: DATA AREA DESCRIPTIONS OSIVSl ACCESS METHOD SERVICES. 5652-VS1, LOGIC OSIVSI/0PENICLOSE/EOV. 5652-VS1. LOGIC OSIVSI UTILITIES. 5652-VS1. LOGIC OSIVSI SAM. 5652-VS1. LOGIC OSIVSI VIRTUAL STORAGE ACCESS METHOD (VSAM), 5652-VS1, LOGIC DFDSS, 5665-327, DIAGtmSIS GUIDE DB2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VOLUME 3 ADVANCED TECHNIQUES MVSIXA VERSION 2 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC VOLUME 1 MVS/XA VERSION 2 CATALOG DIAGNOSIS GUIDE MVSIXA VERSION 2 CATALOG DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE MVS/XA VERSION 2 CHECKPOINTIRESTART SUPERVISOR CALL LOGIC DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE MVSIXA COMMON VTOC ACCESS FACILITY V.2 MVSIXA VERSION 2 DADSH AND CVAF DIAGNOSIS GUIDE MVSIXA VERSION 2 DADSM DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE MVSIXA VERSION 2 LINKAGE EDITOR LOGIC MVSIXA MEDIA MANAGER DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE MVSIXA VERSION 2 OPENICLOSE/END-OF-VOLUME LOGIC MVSIXA VERSION 2 SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD LOGIC MVSIXA VERSION 2 UTILITIES LOGIC MVSIXA VERSION 2 VSAM LOGIC DFSORT, 5740-SM1, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE OS AND DOS PL/I OPTIMIZING COMPILERS, 5735-PL1, -LM4, -LMS, 5736-PL1, -LM4, -LMS (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS, 5665-332, VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE IMS/VS VERSION 2 FAILURE ANALYSIS STRUCTURE TABLES FOR DUMP ANALYSIS IMSIVS, 5665-332, VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE THE INFORMATION FACILITY DIAGNOSIS ON VMlCMS THE INFORMATION FACILITY DIAGNOSIS ON MVSITSO MVSIXA VERSION 2 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES VOLUME 2 LOGIC VIRTUAL STORAGE FORTRAN, 5668-805, -806, VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: MACHINE-CHECK HANDLER FOR SYSTEMl370 MODELS 155 THRU 168 (LOGIC), PIN 360S-DN-539 VIDEO/370 LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBERS 5734-RC5, 5736-RC3 IBM SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM: MACHINE-CHECK HANDLER FOR SYSTEMl370 MODELS 135 AND 145 (LOGIC), PIN 360S-DN-539 SN33-3059 OSIVS GRAPHICS ACCESS METHOD LOGIC MANUAL OSIVS GRAPHICS PROBLEM-ORIENTED ROUTINES LOGIC ~f3-3061 OSIVS GRAPHIC SUBROUTINE PACKAGE (GSP) FOR FORTRAN IV, COBOL AND PVI LOGIC OSIVS BTAM LOGIC DOSIVS QTAM LOGIC MANUAL DOSIVS BTAM LOGIC MANUAL OSIVS2 HASP II VERSION 4 LOGIC MANUAL - PROGRAM NUMBER 370H-TX-00I SN27-1551 5741-SCl-23 * OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE 1* VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD OSIVS2 GRAPHIC ACCESS 5745-SC-VTM * VIRTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD SN31-0830 OSIVSI VTAM DATA AREAS 5752-SCI-T9 * MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE VTAM TERMINAL INPUT/OUTPUT* COORDINATOR AND TERMINAL CONTROL ADDRESS SPACE DOSIVS VTAM LEVEL 2 EXECUTION SEQUENCES OSIVS VTAM LEVEL 2 EXECUTION SEQUENCES LN31-0801 OSIVS ACF/VTAM DATA AREAS LN31-0937 LN31-0938 DOS/vs ACF/VTAM DATA AREAS SN31-0943 DEBUGGING GUIDE OS/VS ACF/VTAM DEBUGGING WIDE DOS/vs ACF/vTAM 1099 50 50 50 50 50 LY27-8009-0 LY27-8010-0 LY27-8012-0 LY27-8013-0 LY27-8014-0 50 LY27-8016-0 50 50 LY27-8018-0 LY27-8022-1 50 50 LY27-8024-0 LY27-8026-1 50 30 50 LY27-8028-0 LY27-8030-0 LY27-8032-0 LN31-0728 LN31-0731 LN31-1034 LN31-1033 LN31-1001 50 **LY27-8034-1 36 **LY27-8041-0 36 LY27-8042-0 37 LY27-8047-0 37 LY27-8048-0 37 LY27-9502-0 37 LY27-9503-0 37 LY27-9504-0 37 LY27-9506-0 37 LY27-9507-0 37 LY27-9508-0 37 LY27-9509-0 37 LY27-9Sl0-0 37 LY27-9Sl1-0 37 50 50 24 24 36 . LY27-95l6-0 LY27-9519-0 LY27-9520-0 LY27-9522-0 LY27-9523-0 SY28-0605-7 L025-0014 L025-0033 SY28-0612-l SY28-0622-2 SY28-0623-2 LD23-0010 5023-0123 L023-01S'9 L023-0192 LD23-0222 SY28-063S-3 L025-0037 SY28-0643-4 L023-0013 SD23-0036 LD23-0194 SY24-6052 SY28-0650-4 LD23-0248 **LD23-0258 LD23-0262 SY28-0651-2 LD23-0270 SY28-0652-4 SD23-0132 SD23-0299 SY28-0660-0 SY28-0664-2 SY28-0669-3 5025-0602 SD25-0606 SY28-0676-3 SY28-0678-5 LD23-0286 **SY28-0713-11 36 36 36 37 37 39 39 39 38 37 37 37 37 36 SN25-0166 SN28-2952 OSIVSl ACFIVTAI1 EXECUTION SEQUENCES OSIVS2 MYS ACFIVTAI1 EXECUTION SE~UENCES ACFIVTAI1 EXECUTION SEQUENCES. SCP 5735-RC2 (OSIVS2 SVS) LOGIC OSIVS OOSIVS ACFIVTAM TOLTEP INTRODUCTION TO ACFIVTAI1 LOGIC PROG PROD 5746-RC3 (DOSIVS)' 5735-RC2 (OSIVS) LN31-0803 LOGIC OSIVS ACFIVTAM ACF/VTAM LOGIC, PROG PROD 5746-RC3 (DOS/VS) LOGIC OSIVS DOSIVS ACFIVTAM MSNF MULTISYSTEM NETWORKING FACILITY LOGIC, PROG PROD 5746-RC3 (DOSIYS), 5735-RC2 (OSIVS) LOGIC ACFIVTAM ENCRYPTIDECRYPT MSNF FEATURE 6010 NETWORK OPERATION SUPPORT PROGRAM (DOSIVS OSIVS)' LIC PROG 5735-XX2, LOGIC ACFIVTAM LOGIC: VTIOC AND TCAS PROGRAI1 PRODUCT BTAM-ES, 5746-RC5, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM: SUPPLEtlENT FOR THE 3725 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER 5735-RC2, 5665-260, 5662-260, 5666-280 ADVANCED COI1MUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR VTAM LOGIC (MYS ONLY) YMIXA SYSTEMS FACILITY DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCKS MYSIBULK DATA TRANSFER VERSION 2 LOGIC SMP/E DIAGNOSIS GUIDE MYS/BULK DATA TRANSFER VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE DXT VERSION 2 FEATURES DIAGNOSIS GUIDE DXT VERSION 2 FEATURES DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE DXT VERSION 2 BASE PRODUCT DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND REFERENCE MYS/370. 5665-295. CATALOG DIAGNOSIS GUIDE MYS/370, 5665-295, CATALOG DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE MULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE/370 CONtION VTOC DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE MYS/370 DADSM AND COMMON VTOC ACCESS FACILITY, 5665-295, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE MYS/370. 5665-295, DATA FACILITY PRODUCT DADSH DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE MVS/370, 5665-295, DATA FACILITY PRODUCT MEDIA MANAGER DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND REFERENCE VS FORTRAN VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE OSIVS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE OS/VS DBIDC DATA DICTIONARY DIAGNOSIS GUIDE VS COBOL II DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VS COBOL II DIAGNOSIS GUIDE OSIVSl SYSTEM DATA AREAS SN25-0192 OSIVS2 JES3 LOGIC OSIYS2 JES2 LOGIC: VS2 REL 1.6 THROUGH 3.6 OS/vS2 SYSTEM INITIALIZATION LOGIC REL 2, 3, 3.65 WITH SN28-2617, REL 3.7 SN28-4714 SN28-4788 SN24-5672 OSIVSl SERVICE AIDS LOGIC SN28-2912 LOGIC OSIVS2 MVS GTF EREP SERVICE AIDS OS/vS2 TSO TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM AND SERVICE ROUTINES, 5752-807, -813, -858, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) SN28-1000 OS/vS2 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME I: ACCOUNT OSIVS2 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUt1E 4, RELEASE 3 (CURRENT RELEASE) OSlVSl RES ACCOUNT FACILITY LOGIC LOGIC OS/VS DOS/vS TOLTEP OS1VS1. SYSI. LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC OSIVS2 OLTEP LOGIC OS/vS2 SYS1.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC OSIVS2 SYSTE" LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME I. 5740-XVN. -XVS. (CURRENT 1100 --------- ---- \" / 36 ( 30 SY28-0714-2 LD23-001S LD23-01S4 LD23-0186 SY28-0715-2 LD23-0016 LD23-0155 LD23-0187 SY28-0716-2 LD23-0017 LD23-01S6 LD23-0188 SY28-0717-2 LD23-0018 LD23-0l7l! LD23-0189 SY28-0718-2 LD23··OO19 LD23-0190 SY28-0719-2 LD23-0020 LD23-01S8 LD23-0191 **LY28-0730-S 39 LY28-0913-1 34 30 LY28-0923-3 LD23-0226 LY28-0958-0 30 LY28-0986-0 30 30 LY28-1017-1 LY28-1018-0 36 36 36 36 36 HLY28-1050-2 LD23-0238 36 HLY28-1059-1 36 LY28-1063-1 LD23-0288 36 HLY28-1067-1 36 HLY28-1071-2 LD23-0289 36 LY28-1075-0 RELEASE) OS/vS2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY - VOLlI1E 2 OF 7 SN28-4721 SN28-4903 SN28-4722 OS/vS2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY - VOlUME 3 OF 7 SN28-471S SN28-4904 OS/vs2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY - VOLUME 4 OF 7 SN28-4772 SN28-4701 SN28-4703 SN28-4704 OS/vs2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY - VOLlI1E S OF 7 OS/vs2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY - VOLUME 6 OF 7 SN28-4702 OS/vs2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY - VOLUME 7 OF 7 SN28-4727 OSIVS2 t1VS, S740-XXlit RESOURCE ACCESS CONTROL FACILITY, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS2 t1VS TSO 3270 EXTENDED DISPLAY SUPPORT SESSION MANAGER LOGIC OSIVS2 t1VS RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY (RMF) VERSION 2 LOGIC, PROG PROD 5740-XY4 OSIVS2 t'lVS PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY LOGIC, LIC PROG 5740-XYS OSIVSl PROGRAMMED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FACILITY, LIC PROG 5740-XY5 LOGIC OSIVS2 t1VS CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT, LIC PROG 5740-XV6, LOGIC OSIVSl CRYPTOGRAPHIC UNIT SUPPORT PROGRAM LIC PROG 5740-XV6, LOGIC OS/vS2 t1VS SYSTEM INITIALlZATIOth LIC PROG 5740-XYN, -XVS, LOGIC LOGIC t1VS GLOBAL RESOURCE SERIALIZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/vS2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY, VOLUME 2 (ALC) FOR 5740-XVN, -XVS LN28-4786 LN28-4790 36 ( 36 LY28-1079-1 **LY28-1083-1 LD23-0290 36 **LY28-1087-1 36 **LY28-1091-2 LD23-0291 LY28-1095-0 36 LOGIC t1VS/370 SYSTEM LIBRARY ASM CHK VOL. 3 (CURRENT RELEASE) LOGIC t1VS/370 SYSTEM LIBRARY CHO VOL. 4 (CURRENT RELEASE) LN28-0881 LN28-5019 LN28-0878 36 LN28-1059 OSIVS2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY, VOLlI1E 6 (CSV-PCA) FOR 5740-XYN, -XYS LOGIC MVS/370 RSM RSP VOL. 7 (CURRENT RELEASE) LN28-0877 HLN28-1019 LN28-5028 36 **LY28-1099-3 39 LY28-1105-2 37 LY28-1110-1 37 HSY28-1133-2 HSN28-5095 LY28-1137-0 LN28-0818 34 HLY28-1170-1 LN28-1116 LN28-1119 34 HLY28-1171-1 LN28-1117 LN28-1120 34 LY28-1172-2 LN28-1121 36 **LY28-1175-0 37 LY28-1184-0 LN28-4958 37 37 37 LN28-0787 39 (-~ LN28-4977 OS/vS2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY, VOLUME 5 (Corn FOR 5740-XYN, -XVS LY28-1187-0 SY28-1188-1 LY28-1189-3 LD23-0337 LN28-0922 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY OS/vS2 VOL 8 (RTtt) (CURRENT RELEASE) t1VS/370, 5740-XYN, -XVS, SYSTEM LIBRARY SUPERVISOR CONTROL SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FACILITY VOLUME 9 LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OS/vS2 SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY, VOLUME 10 (SRM-VSM) FOR 5740-XVN, -XYS LOGIC t1VS/370 SYSTEM LIBRARY VOL. 11 (CURRENT RELEASE) TSO/E IDTF LOGIC (CURRENT .RELEASE) SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM EXTENDED (SMP/E), 5668-949, LOGIC t1VS/SYSTEM PRODUCT, 5740-XYN, -XYS, t1VS DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES (CURRENT RELEASE) t1VSIXA TSO/E, 5665-285, TOO COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLlI1E 3 TEST t1VS/XA RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACI LITY (RMF), 5665-274, LOGIC VOLUME 1 PART 1 t1VSIXA RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACI LITY (RMF)' 5665-274, LOGIC VOLUME 1 PART 2 t1VS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FACILITY (RMF)' 5665-274, LOGIC VOLUME 2 OSIVS2 t1VS, 5740-XYN, -XVS, SERVICE AIDS LOGIC t1VS INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM LOGIC AND DIAGNOSIS FOR S740-XYN, -XYS t1VS/XA SYSYSl.LOGREC ERROR RECORDING LOGIC t1VSIXA OLTEP LOGIC t1VS/XA t1VS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 t1VS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 SERVICE AIDS LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) 1101 37 34 30 LD23-0366 LY28-1199-3 LD23-0330 LD23-0365 LY28-1200-3 LD23-0367 LY28-1205-0 36 SY28-1208-6 36 LY28-1210-0 36 **LY28-1214-3 36 LY28-1215-0 36 LY28-1218-3 LD23-0355 36 LY28-1219-1 36 LY28-1222-1 36 **LY28-1226-3 36 LY28-1227-3 LD23-0357 36 LY28-1230-4 LD23-0331 LD23-0358 36 LY28-1234-4 LD23-0332 36 LY28-1235-4 LD23-0333 36 LY28-1238-2 LD23-0359 36 LY28-1242-2 LD23-0360 36 LY28-1243-2 36 LY28-1246-2 36 LY28-1250-3 LD23-0335 LD23-0362 36 LY28-1254-2 LD23-0363 36 LY28-1258-2 LD23-0364 36 LY28-1262-1 36 LY28-1266-0 36 LY28-1267-0 36 LY28-1270-3 LD23-0345 LD23-0361 37 LY28-1298-2 LD23-0368 39 LY28-1308-3 39 30 LY28-1312-0 LY28-1317-0 30 LY28-1318-0 30 LY28-1319-0 30 LY28-1320-0 36 **LY28-1330-1 30 LY28-1383-0 39 LY28-1502-0 39 LY28-1503-0 39 LY28-1504-0 39 LY28-1506-1 36 **LY28-1507-1 LD23-0104 36 LY28-1509-1 LD23-0105 36 **LY28-1511-1 LD23-0137 36 **LY28-1513-1 36 **LY28-1515-1 36 **LY28-1517-1 MVSIXA DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES (CURRENT RELEASE) LN28-0773 LN28-0860 LN28-5036 MVSIXA MVS/SP-JES3 VERSION 2 MVS/SP-JES2 VERSION 2 SYSTEM ('\ INITIALIZATION LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE VECTOR PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM, LIC PROG0 5665-301, LOGIC MVS/XA SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) LN28-0923 MVSIXA SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 2 MVSIXA SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 3 PART 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 3 PART 2 MVSIXA SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 4 PART 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA MVSIXA MVSIXA MVSIXA SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM LIBRARY LOGIC LOGIC LIBRARY LOGIC LIBRARY LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME VOLUtlE VOLUME VOLUME 4 PART 2 (CURRENT RELEASE) 5 6 PART 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) 6 PART 2 (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 7 (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 8 PART 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) LN28-1148 MVSIXA SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 8 PART 2 (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 9 (CURRENT RELEASE) LN28-1040 MVSIXA SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 10 PART 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) LN28-0865 MVSIXA SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 10 PART 2 MVSIXA SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 11 (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA SYSTEM LIBRARY LOGIC VOLUME 12 (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA SYSTEM LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 13 MVSIXA SYSTEM LIBRARY LOGIC VOLUME 14 (CURRENT RELEASE) LN28-0784 LN28-0785 MVSIXA SYSTEM LN28-0932 MVSIXA SYSTEM LN28-0933 MVSIXA SYSTEM MVSIXA SYSTEM LOGIC LOGIC LOGIC LOGIC LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME 15 16 PART 1 16 PART 2 17 (CURRENT RELEASE) / MVSIXA IPCS LOGIC AND DIAGNOSIS (CURRENT RELEASE) **LN28-1088 MVSIXA TSO/E TERMINAL MllNITOR PROGRAM AND SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) TSO EXTENSIONS SESSION MANAGER. 5665-285. LOGIC MVSIBULK DATA TRANSFER FACILITY: 5665-302 PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL. VOLUME I MVSIBULK DATA TRANSFER FACILITY. 5665-302, PROGRAM LOGIC, VOLUME II MVSIBULK DATA TRANSFER FACILITY. 5665-302. PROGRAM LOGIC VOLUME III MVSIBDT FACILITY. 5665-302, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VMlXA MIGRATION AID REMOTE 3270 DISPLAY OPTION LOGIC MVS/370 I/O SUPERVISOR. 5740-XYN. 5740-XYS, 5665-295. LOGIC T50 EXTENSIONS. 5665-285. SESSION MANAGER LOGIC MVS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE TSO EXTENSIONS COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC. 5665-285. VOLUME 1: ACCOUNT TSO EXTENSIONS COtIMANO PROCESSOR LOGIC. 5665-285. VOLUtlE II: EDIT MVSIXA T5O/E COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUtlE 4 (CURRENT RELEASE) JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 1: LOGIC OVERVIEW, 5740-XYN JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 2: INITIALIZATION LOGIC, 5740-XYN JES3 LOGIC 5740-XYN JES3 LOGIC 5740-XYN JES3 LOGIC JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 3: JOB INPUT AND MANAGEMENT LOGIC, LIBRARY VOLUME 4: JOB RESOURCE MANAGEMENT LOGIC, C" /"',." LIBRARY VOLUME 5: JOB SCHEDULING LOGIC, 5740-XYN LIBRARY VOLUME 6: JOB OUTPUT AND TERMINATION LOGIC, 1102 ----" -----,- 36 36 LD23-0138 **LY28-1519-1 LD23-0203 **LY28-1521-1 5740-XYN JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 7: COMPLEX MANAGEMENT LOGIC. 5740-XYN JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 8: SPOOL DATA MANAGEMENT LOGIC. 5740-XYN JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 9: JES3 COMMUNICATION LOGIC. 5740-XYN 36 **LY28-1523-1 LD23-0231 36 **LY28-1525-1 LD23-0261 36 **LY28-1527-1 LD23-0300 36 **LY28-1529-2 LD23-0377 36 **LY28-1531-2 LD23-0378 36 **LY28-1533-1 LD23-0324 36 **LY28-1535-2 JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 10: REMOTE PROCESSING LOGIC. 5740-XYN JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 11: LOGIC REFERENCE. 5740-XYN 36 **LY28-1537-1 36 LY28-1539-2 LD23-0379 36 ' **LY28-1541-2 LD23-0380 36 **LY28-1S43-2 39 39 **LY28-1545-2 LD23-0381 **LY28-1S47-2 LD23-0382 **LY28-1S49-2 LD23-0383 LY28-1SS3-2 LY28-1S55-0 36 GY28-2009-2 25 LY28-6403-1 24 25 LY28-6406-2 LY28-6408-1 25 LY28-6409-1 24 LY28-6413-1 25 LY28-6415-0 24 LY28-6419-1 23 24 LY28-6422-2 LY28-6423-2 24 LY28-6424-2 24 LY28-6425-1 24 32 LY28-6486-2 LY28-6766-2 25 LY28-6846-1 30 SN24-5580 25 SY28-6849-4 LD25-0021 LY28-6856-1 30 6Y30-1024-0 6N30-3089 30 SY30-2040-1 30 SY30-2069-1 SN30-3038 SN30-3512 SN30-3051 30 6Y30-3000-1 36 36 36 c (/ GN28-3146 GN28-3219 MYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291. VOLUME 1 LOGIC OVERVIEW MYS/EXTENDED ARCliITECTURE JES3. 5665-291. VOLUME 2 INITIALIZATION LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) MYS/EXTE~~ED ARCHITECTURE JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 3: JOB INPUT AND MANAGEMENT LOGIC. 5665-291 MYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291. JOB RESOURCE MANAGEI'IENT LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 4 (CURRENT RELEASE) MYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3 LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 5: JOB SCHEDULING LOGIC. 5665-291 MYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291. JOB OUTPUT AND TERMINATION LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUl'IE 6 (CURRENT RELEASE) MYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTUREJES3. 5665-291. LOGIC LIBRARY VOLUME 7 COJIPLEX MANAGEMENT (CURRENT RELEASE) MYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291. VOLUME 8 SPOOL DATA MANAGEMENT LOGIC (CURR ENT RELEASE) MYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291. VOLUME 9 JES3 Cot1MUNICATION LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) MYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291. VOLUME 10 REMOTE PROCESSING LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) MYS/EXTENDED ARCHITECTURE JES3. 5665-291, LOGIC VOLUME 2 REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) LOGIC TSO/E COMl'IAND PROCESSOR VOL 4 MYSIXA TSO EXTENSIONS. 5665-285, TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM AND SERVICE ROUTINES LOGIC GN28-3193 TIME SHARING SYSTEM, SYSTEM LOGIC SUMMARY FORTRAN IV (H EXTEt.~ED) COMPILER FOR OS AND VMl370 (CMS), LOGIC - PROG PROD 5734-F03 OS (TSO) COBOL PROMPTER LOGIC, PROG PROD 5734-CP1 FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MOD I) FOR OS & VMl370 (CMS): PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL, PROGRAM NUMBER 5734-LMI FORTRAN IV LIBRARY (MODEL II) FOR OS AND VMl370 (CMS) LIC PROG S734-LM3, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS FULL ANS COBOL SUBROUTINE LIBRARY VER 3, LOGIC, PROG PROD 5736-LM2 SYSTEM/360 OS FORTRAN IV (H EXTENDED PLUS) COMPILER AND LIBRARY, PRpq LOGIC SUPPLEMENT, PROG 5799-AAW OS FULL ANS COBOL SUBROUTINE LIBRARY VERSION 4, LIC PROG 5734-LM2. LOGIC VS BASIC, LIC PROG 5748-XX1, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS COBOL COMPILER AND LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5746-CB1, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DOSIVS COBOL SUBROUTINE LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5746-U14. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS COBOL SUBROUTINE LIBRARY, LIC PROG 5740-LM1. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS COBOL COMPILER LOGIC (CURRENT RE LEASE) OS/MYT & OS/VS2 TSO DATA UTILITIES: COPY. FORMAT, LIST, MERGE. LIC PROG 5734-UT1. LOGIC CODE & GO FORTRAN PROCESSOR FOR OS & VMl370 (CMS). LIC PROG 5734-F01. LOGIC OSIVSl RES RTAM AND WORKSTATION SUPPORT LOGIC LH20-9167 LN20-9195 FORTRAN IV (Gll COMPILER FOR OS & VMl370 (CMS) LIC PROG S734-F02. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS TCAM PROGRAM REFERENCE SUMMARY TCAM LEVEL 10: 5741-602 (OSIVSl SUID); 5742-UY99915 (OS/SVS ICR); 5752-836 (OS/MYS SUID) SN30-3050 LOGIC OSIVS2 MYS TCAM LEVEL 8 SN30-3509 LOGIC OSIVSl TCAM LEVELS 8 AND 9 5741-SCl-21 * OPERATING SYSTEHIVIRTUAL STORAGE 1* TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD LEVELS 8 9 LOGIC 3735 PROGRAMMABLE BUFFERED TERMINAL FORM DESCRIPTION MACRO 1103 30 SY30-3001-2 30 LY30-3004-2 30 LY30-3005-0 14 SY30-3006-2 30 30 SY30-3007-0 LY30-3010-1 30 LY30-3011-1 30 30 14 6Y30-3012-6 SY30-3013-4 SY30-3014-1 30 LY30-3016-0 30 LY30-3023-1 30 SY30-3024-0 SN30-3071 50 LY30-3030-0 LN30-3107 30 SY30-3031-1 SN30-3095 30 SY30-3032-2 30 LY30-3035-0 50 50 50 LY30-3036-1 LD21-0002 LY30-3037-0 LD21-0003 LY30-3039-2 LY30-3041-1 50 50 **LY30-3042-5 LY30-3043-2 30 LY30-3051-0 50 50 50 LY30-3052-3 LY30-3053-0 LY30-3054-3 50 50 LY30-3057-1 LY30-3058-1 50 LY30-3059-0 50 LY30-3060-3 50 LY30-3061-0 50 LY30-3062-1 30 LY30-3067-0 50 50 LY30-3070-1 LY30-3071-0 50 LY30-3073-4 34 LY30-3074-1 50 LY30-3190-0 50 SN30-3072 LN30-3113 LN21-0001 LN30-3178 INSTRUCTIONS & FORM DESCRIPTION UTILITY PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL ( OS, DOS & VS SYSTEMS) 3704 & 3705 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLERS EMULATION PROGRAM: PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85007 SPECIAL /~ START-STOP LINE CONTROL FOR IBM 3704 & 3705 EMULATION ( PROGRAM, PROG. NO. 5799-AGK ~ GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85004, SIX BIT . ' TRANSCODE FOR 3705 EMULATION IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAM SUPPORT FOR HARDWARE RPQ M26099 SABRE LINE CONTROL 3704, 3705 NCP/VS VERSION 2 LOGIC 3704 & 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION & LOGIC MANUAL FOR PRPQ P85003 USASCII TRANSPARENCY BSC LINE CONTROL, LIC PROG 5799-AFZ IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85009, SELECTIVE CALLING LINE CONTROL 3740 & 3705 PROGRAM REFERENCE HANDBOOK (CURRENT RELEASE) LOGIC 3704 3705 NCPIVS VERSION 5 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION & LOGIC, RPQ 858663 PLOTTER ADAPTER, PSHRPQ P8500a, LIC PROG 5799-WFA 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85015, VIRTUAL 50 LINE SUPPORT IBM 3704 AND 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85010, TELEGRAPH FULL - DUPLEX LINE CONTROL - PROG. NO. 5799-AGN 3650 SUBSYSTEM PROGRAM PREPARATION SUPPORT TRANSFORMATION DEFINITION LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR LOGIC IBM 3705 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAHlVS, NCP VER 6, LIC PROG 5735-XXl, XX3, LOGIC 3705 COMtWICATIONS CONTROLLER EMULATION LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS2 TCAM LEVEL 10 LOGIC SELECTABLE UNIT (SU) IDENTIFIERS: 5741-602 (OSIVSI SU ID), 5742-UY99915 (OS/SVS ICR); 5752-836 (OSIMVS SU ID) IBM 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC FOR PRPQ 805021, PROG 5799-ATD ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR TCAM LOGIC PROG PROD 5735-RCI ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR TCAM, LIC PROG 5735-RC1, REFERENCE SlJf1MARY ADVANCED COMtWICATION FUNCTION FOR TCAM LOGIC ACFIHCPIVS NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM, LIC PROG 5735-XXl, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFITCAM, VERSION 2, LIC PROG 5735-RC3, REFERENCE SUMMARY ACFINCPIVS NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM, LIC PROG 5735-XX1, REFERENCE SUt~ARY (CURRENT RELEASE) 3705 GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAMMING RPQ P85032. PARTITIONED EMULATION PROGRAM EXTENDED FEATURES LIC PROG 5799-BAF ACFITCAM, VERSION 2. LIC PROG 5735-RC3, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE X.25 NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL X.25 NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE, LIC PROG 5668-981, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ACFIHCPIVS NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM. LIC PROG 5735-XXI •. LOGIC ACF/NCPIVS NEn.'ORK CONTROL PROGRAM. LIC PROG 5735-XXI. RELEASE 3. REFERENCE SUt1MARY ACFINCPIVS SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM, LIC PROG 5735-XXl, -XX3, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAMMERS. 5735-XXA, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF FOR NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM FOR THE 3705, 5735-XX9 (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/NCP/VS FOR THE 3705 VERSION 2. 5735-XX9, REFERENCE SUMMARY AND DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) 3705 EMULATION PROGRAM GENERATION AND LOGIC MANUAL FOR PROGRAM SUPPORT FOR HARDWARE RPQ V668805, LICRA LINE CONTROL 5799-ATD ACFINCP 3725 EPIDATA AREAS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP FOR THE 3725, 5735-XX9, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) X.25 NCP PACKET SWITCHING INTERFACE FOR THE 3725 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE REPORT MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, 5665-310, PROGRAM LOGIC EMULATION PROGRAM FOR THE 3705, 5735-XXB. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) 1104 ( ( (/ 50 50 50 LY30-3192-0 LY30-3194-1 LY30-3195-0 50 LY30-5554-0 50 LY30-5555-0 50 LY30-5556-0 50 LY30-5557-1 50 LY30-555a-l 50 LY30-5559-0 50 50 50 LY30-5560-2 LY30-5561-1 LY30-5562-1 50 50 50 LY30-5564-1 LY30-5566-0 LY30-5567-0 50 LY30-5568-0 50 50 LY30-5569-1 LY30-5570-1 50 50 LY30-5571-1 LY30-5579-1 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 LY30-5580-0 LY30-5581-0 LY30-5582-1 LY30-5584-0 LY30-5591-0 LY30-5597-0 SY32-5042-0 SN32-0115 07 SY32-5043-0 SN32-0127 30 SY32-5044-0 30 SY32-5045-0 29 29 29 LY33-6007-1 LY33-6008-2 LY33-6009-1 29 29 29 LY33-6010-2 LY33-6011-2 LY33-6012-1 LN33-6180 29 LY33-6014-1 LN33-6178 LY33-6028-1 50 LY33-6029-1 SO 50 SY33-6030-0 LY33-6032-0 50 50 LY33-6033-2 LY33-6034-0 SO 50 **LY33-6035-3 LN33-6252 LN33-6253 35 SY33-7008-0 35 SY33-7009-0 SN33-7019 SN33-7033 SN33-7054 SN33-7020 SN33-7031 35 SY33-7011-1 35 50 33 GY33-7018-0 LY33-7021-1 LY33-8038-0 LX27-3605 SN32-0125 SN32-0279 LN33-6176 LN33-6149 NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY DIAGNOSIS NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION RELEASES 3 AND it DIAGNOSIS EMULATION PROGRAM FOR THE 3725, 5735-XXB, VERSION 2 RELEASE 2, LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED CONtArnICATIONS FUNCTION FOR NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM FOR THE 3705, 5667-124, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP FOR THE 3705 REFERENCE SUMMARY AND DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM, 5667-124, VERSION 3 CUSTOMlZATION FOR THE 3705 (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM FOR THE 3725, 5667-124. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF FOR NCP VERSION 3 EMULATION PROGRAM FOR THE 3725 REFERENCE S\JM1'IARY AND DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM, 5667-124, VERSION 3 FOR THE 3725 (CURRENT RELEASE) TCAM DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (MYS) ACF FOR TCAM V3 NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL FACILITY (NCCF), 5668-947, 5665-316, 5666-285. DIAGNOSIS ACF/SSP VERSION 3 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) NCCF DIAGNOSTICS (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF/VTAM VERSION 2, 5666-280, DIAGNOSIS LIBRARY FOR X.21 SWITCHED NETWORK SUPPORT ACFIVTAM VERSION 2, 5666-280, LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT FOR X.25 PACKET-SWITCHED DATA NETWORK SUPPORT ACFINCP VERSION 4 (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFINCP VERSION 4 REFERENCE SutMARY AND DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM CUSTOMlZATION (CURRENT RELEASE) ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FUNCTION FOR VTAM VERSION 3 DATA AREAS (VSE) ACF/VTAM VERSION 3 DATA AREAS (VM) (CURRENT RELEASE) DATA AREAS ACFIVTAM V3 ACFIVTAM VERSION 3 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) ACF FOR VTA~1 DATA AREAS (MYS) NCP AND SSP DIAGNOSIS GUIDE NETWORK ROUTING FACILITY DIAGNOSIS 5668-963 SN32-0147 3851 MASS STORAGE FACILITY THEORY OF OPERATIONS: CARTRIDGE STORE MASS STORAGE FACILITY THEORY OF OPERATIONS: MASS STORAGE CONTROL 3851 MASS STORAGE FACILITY THEORY OF OPERATIONS: DATA RECORDING CONTROL AND DATA RECORDING DEVICE SN32-0199 3851 MASS STORAGE FACILITY: REFERENCE OS PLII OPTIMIZING COMPILER LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PLII. 5734-LH4. RESIDENT LIBRARY LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) LN33-6182 OS PLII TRANSIENT LIBRARY. LIC PROG 5734-LMS. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DOS PLll COMPILER. 5736-PLI. -PL3. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) PROGRAM LOGIC DOS PLII RESIDENT LIBRARY DOS PLII TRANSIENT LIBRARY. LIC PROG 5736-PL3. -LMS. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OS PLII CHECKOUT COMPILER. VOLUME 2 OF 2. LIC PROG 5734-PL2. FEATURE 8002. LOGIC CICS/VS. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. LOGIC CICSIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XXI. LOGIC CICSIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XXI. 5746-XX3. PROBLEM DETERMINATION CICSIVS. LIC PROG 5746-XX3. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS. 5746-XX3, DOSIVS DATA AREAS LISTINGS (CURRENT RELEASE) CICSIVS. LIC PROG 5740-XX1, LOGIC CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM/OPERATING SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE. 5740-XXI. (CICS/OSIVS) VERSION 1 RELEASE 7 DATA AREAS LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) SN33-7022 1401/1440/1460 DOS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370: LOGIC. PROG. NOS. 370N-EU-490 (DOS), 5745-SC-EML (DOSIVS) SN33-7042 SN33-7023 SN33-7055 1410/7010 DOS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 LOGIC, PROG. NOS. 370N-EU-490 (DOS). 5745-SC-EML (DOSIVS) 1401/1440/1460 OS EMULATOR ON SYSTEM/370 LOGIC - PROGRAM LN33-8189 NUMBERS 5744-AHI AND 360C-EU-735 DOS TO OS EMULATOR, LIC PROG 360C-EU-738, LOGIC NON-SNA INTERCONNECTION DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND REFERENCE LN33-8224 DOSIVS SORTIHERGE. LIC PROG 5746-SM1, LOGIC 11 OS LN33-8243 33 21 33 LY33-8039-1 SY33-8041-2 LY33-8042-6 33 LY33-8044-2 36 32 39 30 30 30 38 21 37 20 36 28 36 36 37 GY33-8533-0 6Y33-8547-0 SY33-8548-3 LD23-0212 LD23-0246 LD23-0271 LD23-0272 SY33-8551-5 LD12-5000 SY33-8552-3 SY33-8553-4 LD12-5001 SY33-8554-4 LD12-5002 SY33-8S55-4 LD12-5003 LY33-9066 SY33-8556-3 LD12-5004 SY33-8557-4 LD12-5005 SY33-8559-4 LD2S-0012 SY33-8560-4 LD25-0023 SY33-8561-2 SY33-8562-5 SY33-8564-4 SY33-8566-1 SY33-8567-1 SY33-8568-2 SY33-8572-4 SY33-8576-1 LY33-9062-2 LY33-9063-0 LY33-9064-0 LY33-9065-0 36 LY33-9066-0 31 LY33-9067-0 31 LY33-9068-0 32 LY33-9069-0 20 34 35 36 LY33-9070-0 SY33-9079-0 LY33-9082-0 LY33-9083-1 LN33-9324 36 LY33-9084-1 LN33-9330 31 LY33-9085-1 37 LY33-9086-1 31 32 LY33-9087-1 LY33-9088-0 LN33-9301 34 LY33-9089-1 LN33-9336 32 LY33-9090-1 36 LY33-9091-1 LN33-9317 37 LY33-9092-0 LN33-9297 36 37 36 37 36 31 31 30 30 LN20-9345 LN20-9397 LN20-9340 DOS SORT/MER6E. LIC PROS 5743-SMI. LOGIC OSIVS. VM/370 ASSEMBLER LOGIC LN20-9390 OSIVS SORT/MERGE. LIC PROG 5740-SMI. LOGIC LN20-9391 DOSIVS VMlSYSTEM PRODUCT SORT/MERGE VERSION 2. LIC PROG 5746-SM2. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) INTRODUCTION TO DOS VERSION 4. LIC PROG 370N-CL-453. LOGIC DOS VERSION 4 SYSTEM UTILITIES - PROGRAM NUtmER 370N-UT-491 OSIVS2 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME II: EDIT DOSIVSE SUPERVISOR LOGIC DOSIVSE ERROR RECOVERY AND RECORDING TRANSIENTS LOGIC DOS/VSE LOGICAL TRANSIENTS AND DUMP PHASES LOGIC DOSIVSE SERVICEABILITY AIDS LOGIC DOSIVSE INITIAL PROGRAM LOAD AND JOB CONTROL LOGIC DOSIVSE LINKAGE EDITOR LOGIC SN33-9266 DOSIVSE LIBRARIAN LOSIC DOSIVSE LIOCS VOLUME 1. GENERAL INFORMATION AND IMPERATIVE MACROS LOSIC DOSIVSE LIOCS VOLUME 2 SAM LOSIC SN33-9165 SN25-0337 SN33-9240 DOSIVSE LIOCS VOLUME 3 DAM AND ISAM LOSIC DOSIVS LIOCS VOLUME 4: VSAM LOGIC DOS/VS ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOSIC DOSIVS POWER RJE PROGRAM LOGIC DOSIVSE ASSEMBLER LOSIC SN33-9272 DOSIVSE OLTEP LOGIC HANDBOOK DOSIVS POWERIVS VOLUME 2 DOSIVS pmIERIVS, 5745-SC-PWR. LOGIC PART 1 DOSIVS RPG II. LIC PROG 5746-RGI. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) SUPPLEMENT FOR AF TO DOSIVS. 5746-XE2. SUPERVISOR LOGIC SUPPLEtlENT FOR AF TO DOSIVS. 5746-XE2. LOGICAL TRANSIENTS LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR AF TO DOSIVS. 5746-XE2. SYSTEM SERVICEABILITY LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR AF TO DOSIVS. 5746-XE2. 5746-E2-IPL. 5746-E2-JCL. IPL AND JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR AF TO DOSIVS. 5746-XE2. 5746-E2-LNK. LINK EDIT LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR AF TO DOSIVS. 5746-XE2. 5746-E2-LBR, LIBRARIAN LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR AF TO DOSIVS. 5746-XE2. 5746-E2-UTL, SYSTEM UTILITIES LOGIC SUPPLEMENT FOR AF TO DOSIVS. 5746-XE2 DOS/VSE MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY PROGRAM (HSHP) 5745-020 LOGIC 1401/1440/1460 EMULATOR, LIC PROG 5746-SUI LOGIC VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. LIC PROG 5746-XE8. -XE9. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE: LOGICAL TRANSIENTS AND $IJBSXXX PHASES (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTI()NS DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE, LIC PROG 5746-XE8, -XE9. INITIAL PROGRAM LOAD AND JOB CONTROL (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. 5746-XE8, LINKAGE EDITOR DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROG 5746-XE8, -XE9. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE: AIDS (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROG5746-XE9 COMPONENT ID LN33-9332 VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE. LIC PROS 5746-XE8. -XE9. SYSTEM UTILITIES (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. LIC PROG 5746-XE8. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE MAINTAIN SYSTEM HISTORY PROGRAM (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE FAST COPY DATA SET, 5746-AM4. DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS, LIC PROS 5746-XE8, COMPONENT IDS 5745-SC-SUP, -AIT, -DKE, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE SUPERVISOR (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS. LIC PROG 5746-XE8, -XE9. DIAGNOSIS 1106 .. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36 **LY33-9094-3 37 LY33-9095-1 39 LY33-9096-2 40 LY33-9097-2 ( 39 LY33-9098-1 32 28 20 LY33-9099-0 LY33-9100-0 LY33-9101-1 37 SY33-9105-0 40 **LY33-9121-0 39 **LY33-9122-0 36 GY34-0019-1 30 SY35-0003-3 39 SY35-0004-2 32 30 SY35-000S-6 LD26-6026 LD26-6034 SY35-0008-2 LD26-6010 LD26-6014 SY35-0010-3 LD26-6009 LD26-6013 SY35-0012-3 30 30 30 30 SY35-0013-4 SY35-0014-3 SY35-0015-4 SY35-0016-4 30 LY35-0026-4 50 LY35-0028-2 30 30 SY35-0029-1 SY35-0030-5 37 30 SY35-0032-0 LY35-0037-0 30 LY35-0038-1 LK35-0216 LY35-0039-1 30 30 (~ 30 30 SY35-0052-0 30 **SY35-0063-1 30 **SY35-0074-1 30 **LY35-0076-1 30 **LY35-0077-1 37 GY37-0001-1 ( / 37 SY37-0002-1 37 SY37-0003-0 37 LY37-0004-1 37 SY37-0005-1 37 SY37-0006-1 37 SY37-0007-1 37 SY37-0008-1 37 LY37-0009-1 6N30-3125 REFERENCE: ERROR RECOVERY AND RECORDING TRANSIENTS (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/pm~ER HANDBOOK VSE/IPCS HANDBOOK RELEASE 1, LIC PROG 5746-SAI VSE/ICCF, LIC PROG 5746-TSl, HANDBOOK VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/OPERATOR COMMUNICATION CONTROL FACILITY, 5746-XC5, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND CONTROL FACILITY, 5746-TSI (CURRENT RELEASE) DOWNSTREAM LOAD UTILITY, 5668-006, DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE OSIVS RPG II ADDENDUM TO DOSIVS RPG II LOGIC, 5740-RGI VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTION LIC PROG 5746-XE8, HANDBOOK (CURRENT RELEASE) VIRTUAL STORAGE EXTENDED/ONLINE TEST EXECUTIVE PROGRAM DIAGNOSIS, 5656-092, REFERENCE (CURRENT RELEASE) VSE/ADVANCED FUNCTIONS HANDBOOK VSE/ICCF, 5666-302, HANDBOOK DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM OSIVSI LOGIC OS/VSl CATALOG MANAGEMENT LOGIC OSIVS2 TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR LOGIC VOLUME III: TEST REL 2, 3, 3.6; WITH SN28-2629, REL 3.7 OS/VS UTILITIES LOGIC OSIVSl ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC SN26-8021 SN3S-0061 SN35-0104 SN35-0184 OSIVS2 ACCESS METHOD SERVICES LOGIC SN35-0071 OSIVSl MASS STORAGE SYSTEM COMMUNICATOR (MSSC) LOGIC SN35-0152 OSIVS2 MASS STORAGE SYSTEM COMMUNICATOR (MSSC) LOGIC OSIVS MASS STORAGE CONTROL (MSC) TRACE REPORTS LOGIC OSIVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) SERVICES LOGIC SN35-0124 OSIVS MASS STORAGE CONTROL (MSC) TABLE CREATE LOGIC SN35-0077 SN35-0256 LN35-0314 **LN35-0327 OS/VS2 MVS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER, LIC PROG 5740-XRB. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) IMSIVS DATA BASE RECOVERY CONTROL FEATURE. LIC PROG 5740-XX2 LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS M55 DATA ANALYZER LOGIC DEVICE SUPPORT FACILITIES, SCP 5747-DSI. LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) OSIVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM (MSS) MSVIZAP LOGIC LN35-0072 LN35-0106 OS/VSl MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS LOGIC: MSS COI1tI\JHICATOR (MSSC) LN35-0154 LN35-0185 OS/VS2 MVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS MSS COMMUNICATOR (MSSC), LIC PROG 5740-XYG, LOGIC OSIVS MASS STORAGE SYSTEM EXTENSIONS. MSS SERVICES. LIC PROG 5740-XYG, LOGIC CHARACTER CONVERSION AID DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND REFERENCE PRINT SERVICES FACILITY, 5665-275, DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND **S544-3508 REFERENCE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM MODELS 3 AND 8 SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS GUIDE DFHSM DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VOLUME 1 (CURRENT RELEASE) LN35-0339 LN35-0340 DFHSM DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE VOLUME 2 (CURRENT RELEASE) CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR), 5799-BHC, INTRODUCTION CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE REFERENCE (CLEAR, LIC PROG 5799-BHC, USER'S GUIDE CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE SYSTEM (CLEAR, LIC PROG 5799-BHC, PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR) • LIC PROG 5799-BHC, PREPROCESSOR CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR) • LIC PROS 5799-BHC, LIBRARY MAINTENANCE CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR), LIC PROS 5799-BHC, INTEGRATION CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR) , LIC,PROS 5799-BHC, MESSAGES AND CODES CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR) , LIC PROS 5799-BHC, INSTALLATION GUIDE CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR), 5799-BHC, INFORMATION DATA BASE 1107 37 SY37-0010-0 37 6Y37-0011-0 37 6Y37-0013-0 37 LY37-0015-0 SO 50 50 50 SO LYl8-3010-3 SY38-3012-1 LYl8-3013-1 LY38-3014-2 LY38-3016-1 50 LY38-3018-6 50 50 50 50 50 SYl8-3020-2 LYl8-3021-1 LY38-3022-1 LY38-3023-1 LY38-3024-0 50 50 50 LY38-3025-1 LY38-3026-2 LY38-3027-3 LH31-0916 50 50 50 SY38-3029-3 LY38-3030-3 LY38-3032-0 LH31-1408 50 30 LY38-3033-1 LY38-3051-0 50 **LY38-3053-2 50 **LY38-3054-2 50 **LY38-3055-2 50 LY38-3058-1 50 LY38-3059-2 **LY38-3251-0 34 **LY38-3253-0 34 89 Glll-0200-2* 89 GI20-1816-20 16 **5126-0103-0 25 G126-0139-1 S2CO-0021-13 95 95 S2CO-0031-21 95 S2CO-0051-2 95 95 S2CO-0351-16* S2CO-2003-0 01 36 16 16 16 85 6221-2454-2 6229-2228-25+ S232-0003-3 G232-0004-6 6232-0005-5 G320-0084-0 50 G320-0120-0 SN31-1396 LH31-1233 LN31-1l98 LH31-1397 SN31-1319 LH31-0902 LH31-1058 CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRotI1ENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR) , 5799-BHC, SELF-STUDY 6UIDE CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR) ~ 5799-BHC, SPECIFICATIONS CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCEIVM (CLEARIVM), LIC PROG 5799-BH6, NETWORKING INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS CONTROL LIBRARY ENVIROtmENT AND RESOURCE (CLEAR) PRESENTATION GUIDE LOGIC NCCF (CURRENT RELEASE) DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES ACFIVTAME (CURRENT RELEASE) LH31-1398 LOGIC ACFIVTAME OVERVIEW (CURRENT RELEASE) LOGIC ACFIVTAME (CURRENT RELEASE) LH31-1236 ACFIVTAME DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) NETWORK TERMINAL OPTION, 5735-XX7, DIAGNOSIS AND LOGIC (CURRENT RELEASE) DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES ACFIVTAM (CURRENT RELEASE) LOGIC OS ACFIVTAM OVERVIEW (CURRENT RELEASE) DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ACFIVTAM (CURRENT RELEASE) LOGIC ACFIVTAM MSNF RELEASE 3 ACFIVTAM, LIC PROS 5746-RC3, LOGIC VOLUME 2: PROGRAM ORGANIZATION AND MODULE DIRECTORY (CURRENT RELEASE) ACFIVTAM MSI~F ENCRYPTIDECRYPT FEATURE RELEASE 2 ACFIVTAM DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ACFIVTAM MSNF ENCRYPTIOECRYPT FEATURE (CURRENT RELEASE) DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES ACFIVTAM MSNF ENCRYPTIOECRYPT FEATURE ACFIVTAH, LIC PROG 5735-RC2, DATA AREAS LOGIC ACFIVTAM BASE SYSTEM VOLUME 2 PROGRAM ORGANIZATION AND MODULE DIRECTORY RELEASE 2 LOGIC VMIVTAM VM/VCNA SUPPLEMENT TO OSIVS BTAM LOGIC ,FOR THE BTAM/SYSTEM PROOUCT, LIC PROG 5665-279 ADVANCED COffi1UNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR VTAM VERSION 2 DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE, 5665-280, LOGIC ADVANCED COt~ICATIONS FUNCTION FOR VTAM DATA AREAS. 5665-280(MVS), 5662-280(OSIVSI), VERSION 2, LOGIC ADVANCED C~nJNICATION FUNCTION FOR VTAM, 5662-280, 5665-280, LOGIC ENCRYPTIOECRYPT FEATURE ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR VTAM VERSION 2 VSE DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE ADVANCED COMl'lUNICATIONS FUNCTION FOR VTAM VERSION DATA AREAS (CURRENT RELEASE) MVSIXA TECHNICAL GUIDE RMF, 5665-274, FIELD DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS FOR MONITOR III AND VIRTUAL STORAGE EUROPE SYSTEM LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE-GENERAL IBM SYSTEM LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE - FORM 3290-2 INFORMATION PANEL ABOUT YOUR KEYBOARD VIRTUAL STORAGE FORTRAN EXECUTION ANALYZER, 5798-DXJ, NOTICE S2CO-2723 DOSIVS EARLY WARNING MICROFICHE S2CO-2725 S2CO-2727 S2CO-2729 S2CO-2731 S2CO-3660 EARLY WARNING MICROFICHE - OSIVS S2CO-3662 S2CO-3664 S2CO-3666 S2CO-3668 S2CO-4944 HDN ElM INTERMEDIATEILARGE SYSTEMS S2CO-4946 S2CO-4948 S2CO-4950 /\ ~ \, "/ S2CO-2722 S2CO-2724 S2CO-2726 S2tO-2728 S2CO-2730 S2CO-3659 S2CO-3661 S2CO-3663 S2CO-3665 S2CO-3667 S2CO'-4943 S2CO-4945 S2CO-4947 S2CO-4949 S2CO-4951 S2CO-1l15 S2CO-1l16 EARLY WARNING, UNIQUE WORLD TRADE. GENERAL INFORMATION S2CO-4608 **S2CO-4609 WORLD TRADE EARLY WARNING PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS S2CO-4610 S2CO-4611 4381 PROCESSOR MODEL GROUPS 11, 12, 13, AND 14 GN25-0025 FIELD ENGINEERING PROGRAMMING SYSTEM 6ENERAL INFORMATION 3420 OPERATOR'S GUIDE 3410/3411 OPERATOR'S GUIDE . 8809 MAGNETIC TAPE UNIT OPERATOR'S GUIDE ( "'. DISTRIBUTED DATA PROCESSING WITH SMALL SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIVSE TECHNICAL REPORT ~j NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER: VM!SP VCNA DITGEN PARAMETERS EFFECT ON 1108 ( 85 50 50 6320-0137-0 G320-0143-0 6320-0149-0 50 30 6320-0160-0 G320-0323-1 30 G320-0332-0 25 G320-0345-0 G320-0348-0 50 34 G320-0362-1 G320-0368-1 30 50 6320-0369-1 32 G320-0440-0 50 G320-0442-0 24 G320-0445-0 50 **G320-0457-1 50 G320-0458-1 20 G320-0557-0 50 6320-0569-0 50 G320-0570-0 50 **G320-0578-0 50 **G320-0579-0 50 **G320-0585-0 50 **6320-0587-0 50 **G320-0591-0 37 50 G320-0597-0 6320-0654-1 50 G320-0656-0 50 **G320-0658-0 20 6320-0803-0 24 **6320-0809-0 20 G320-0814-1 20 **G320-0815-0 50 **G320-0892-0 03 6320-0910-1 87 G320-1244-27 39 6320-1408-3 50 6320-1529-0 37 50 50 50 G320-1530-0 6320-1535-0 G320-1538-0 6320-1544-2 85 85 85 37 34 21 21 G320-1561-5 G320-1621-45+ G320-4267-5 G320-5537-1 G320-5539-3 G320-5541-0 G320-5542-0 34 6320-5547-1 G320-5551-0 G320-5653-1 6320-5660-0 6320-5666-1 G320-5670-1 G320-5672-0 6320-5674-0 24 39 50 29 30 34 34 GN23-1312 GN23-1316 SYSTEM RESOURCES READER'S 6UIDE NSC YM/SP SNA NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER SELECTING Dl/I DOSIVS OR SQLIVS NATIONAL SUPFORT CENTER: INFORMATION MANAGEtlENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (IMSIVS) VERSION 1 RELEASE 3 FAST PATH NOTEBOOK NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER: DATABASE 2 (DB2) DESIGN REVIEW GUIDE VSE/SNA REMOTE SPOOLING COMMUNICATION SUBSYSTEM, 5796-PXF, RELEASE 6670 INFORMATION PROCESSOR MODEL II, 5785-FAZ, IMAGE PRINTING SYSTEM PERSONAL COMPUTER INFORT RELEASE NOTICE 6410971 YM/SP STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE/EDIT, 5798-DQY CACHE RMF REPORTER, 5798-DQD, RELEASE NOTICE 6670 USABILITY AID, 5798-DQF RELEASE NOTICE CICSIVS 3270-PC FTP VSE JCL CONVERSION AID CICSIVS CONV UTIL PROG SOFTWARE COBOL CONVERSION AID, 5785-AAT, NOTICE NETWORK PERFORMANCE MONITOR, 5665-333, -313, -280, SOFTWARE UPDATE IMS APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT FACILITY II VERSION 2 RELEASE 2 IMSADF NATIO~AL SUPPORT CENTER: INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMS NETh~RK ARCHITECTURE DISTRIBUTION SERVICES ROUTINE CUSTOMER MATERIAL NSC: CICS/VS CONVERSION UTILITY NSC: CBlPO EXPERIENCE WITH CICS AND SMP/E NATlm~AL SUPPORT CENTER CICS/VS TRANSACTION ROUTING NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER CICSIVS ADVANCED PROGRAM TO PROGRAM COMMUNICATION (APPC) SUPPORT NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER: CICS/OS/VS IMS/VS ml/IJ INSTALLATION VERIFICATION NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER CICSIVS INTELLIGENT WORKSTATIONS PLANNING Ah~ REQUIREMENTS NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER: DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CUSTOMER INFORMATION C~ROL SYSTEM VIRTUAL STORAGE (DMS/CICSIVS) STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT GUIDE: APPLICATION DESIGN HVS/VS TUNING COOKBOOK STRUCTURAL QUERY LANGUAGEIDATA SYSTEM RELATIONAL DESIGN TOOL, 5798-DQL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (DI1S/CICSIVS) ROUTIN6 TABLE GENERATOR (RTG1, 5668-815, SOFTWARE UPDATE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE, 5796-TAY, TBD, TBE, INFORMIX, EQF/C, AND EQF/COBOL RELEASE NOTICE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE COBOL, 5796-TAY, SOFTWARE UPDATE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE INTEGRATED WORDIMATH, 5796-TAT. RELEASE NOTICE INTERACTIVE EXECUTIVE ULTRACALC, 5796-TAW, RELEASE NOTICE CICS/CMS RELEASE 1 PRODUCT OVERVIEW PRESENTATION GUIDE 4224 DOT MATRIX PRINTER PRESENTATION 6UIDE GN23-1315 CATALOG OF IBM EDUCATION S/370 MC6ILL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FOR INTERACTIVE COMPUTING (MUSIC) RELEASE 2: IUP 5796-AAT NOTICE 3270 FORMATTING FEATURE FOR BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR IUP 5796-PBD - NOTICE TEST DATA 6ENERATOR FOR S/370, IUP 5796-PBP, NOTICE DB PROTOTYPEIVS - IUP 5796-PCX, RELEASE NOTICE IMSMAPIVS - IUP 5796-PCY, RELEASE NOTICE INTERACTIVE QUERY & REPORT PROCESSOR UQRP). IUP 5796-PDG, NOTICE ENTERING AN SLSS SUBSCRIPTION MARKETING PUBLICATIONS KWIC INDEX (USA) APL APPLICATION PROGRAMS - REFERENCE SUMMARY AUTOMATED UNIT TEST, IUP 5796-PEB, 5796-PEC, NOTICE VSIR EPACK , IUP 5796-PDZ, NOTICE ASSEt~LER H/CI1S INTERFACE, IUP 5796-PEJ, NOTICE RCA TOOS ASSEMBLER TO O/S ASSEMBLER CONVERSION AID, IUP 5796-PEX, NOTICE SYSTEM DIRECTORY LIST OPTIMIZER, IUP 5796-PFH, NOTICE ISAM TO Dl/I COBOL TRANSLATOR, IUP 5796-PFB, -PFC. NOTICE TSOICODES UPDATE SYSTEM, IUP 5796-PFR NOTICE Dl/I HDAM DATA BASE TUNING AID, IUP 5796-AKF, NOTICE Pl/I F TO Pl/I OPTIMIZER CONVERSION AID IUP 5796-AKG, NOTICE MINIMIZE DASD 1/0 INTERFERENCE, IUP 5796-PGD, NOTICE NOTICE 6TF VTAM BUFFER ANALYSIS HVS SYSTEM INFORMATION ROUTINES 1109 34 30 34 34 33 37 34 50 20 6320-5675-0 6320-5676-1 6320-5679-2 6320-5680-4 6320-5684-0 6320-5686-3 6320-5691-0 6320-5697-0 6320-5702-1 34 6320-5710-2 6320-5713-0 6320-5714-2 34 39 50 6320-5718-1 6320-5719-0 6320-5727-0 25 30 39 30 50 39 85 50 6320-5729-0 6320-5742-3 6320-5746-1 G320-5747-1 6320-5754-3 G320-5762-0 G320-5774-1 6320-5775-0 50 38 G320-5776-0 6320-5613-3 32 32 26 21 85 G320-5616-0+ G320-5620-0 6320-5823-0 6320-5824-0 G320-5850-1 85 6320-5855-0 85 6320-5858-0 85 85 6320-5863-0 G320-5864-0 85 G320-5868-1 85 G320-5869-0 85 6320-5881-0 85 6320-5884-0 85 6320-5885-0 85 85 6320-5890-1 6320-5891-0 85 6320-5892-0 85 6320-5894-0 85 6320-5896-0 85 6320-5897-0 85 6320-5902-0 85 85 85 85 6320-5903-0 6320-5904-0 6320-5905-0 6320-5906-0 85 6320-5907-0 50 34 G62ft-1517 SH29-1310 6TF SUPERVISOR SERVICES ANALYZER. IUP 5796-PGE. NOTICE MESSA6E SWITCHING SYSTEM. IUP 5796-AKP. 5796-AKN. NOTICE DOSIYS PERFORMANCE TOOL. IUP 5796-PGK. NOTICE VSl PERFORMANCE TOOL. IUP 5796-PGL. RELEASE NOTICE DISKETTE SORT PROGRAM. IUP 5796-PGJ. NOTICE BATCH TERMINAL SIMULATOR II. IUP 5796-PGT. NOTICE BATCH MONITOR FOR VM/370 CMS. IUP 5796-PGZ. NOTICE DLII BATCH MONITOR FOR DOS/VS. IUP 5796-AKY. NOTICE CATALOG OF LANGUAGE AND SORT PROGRAM PRODUCTS. OS. DOS VM/370-CMS TESTING AND DEBUGGING ONLINE WITH CICSIVS. IUP 5796-AHJ. NOTICE JES3 MONITORING FACILITY IUP 5796-PHR. NOTICE SMF JOB DATA COMPRESSION AID IUP 5796-PHN. STORAGE DEVICE MIGRATION AID IUP 5796-PHP. NOTICE MONITORING DOSIYS SYSTEM FUNCTIONS. IUP 5796-ALX. NOTICE TSO/IQRP INTERFACE. IUP 5796-PHZ. NOTICE GIS & GISIVS LIBRARY MAINTENANCE PROGRAM. LIC PROG 5796-ANG. NOTICE FORTRAN INTERACTIVE SUBROUTINE LIBRARY. IUP 5796-PHT. NOTICE MASS STORAGE CONTROL TABLE MAINTENANCE. IUP 5796-PHY. NOTICE TSO/MSS ARCHIVER. 5796-AJK, NOTICE TELPAK COMMUNICATION COST. IUP 5796-PJH, NOTICE DBPROTOTYPEII RELEASE II, IUP 5796-PJK. NOTICE DISPLAY ORIENTED EDITING SYSTEM: IUP 5796-PJP. NOTICE VSAM PRIMER AND REFERENCE IMSIYS VERSION 1 RELEASE 5 FAST PATH FEATURE DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN GUIDE OPERATOR FACILITY (AOF) INSTALLATION GUIDE OSIYSI NETWORKING NODE TO MYS SVS AND VSl - HOST NODE REMOTE ENTRY SYSTEM, IUP 5796-PJY. NOTICE (CURRENT RELEASE) LIBRARY PRINT PROGRAM FOR VSPC. LIC PROS 5785-EAA, NOTICE IMSIYS ONLINE DATA MANA6EMENT UTILITY. IUP 5796-AQZ. NOTICE 3741 REPORT GENERATOR. IUP 5796-ARC. NOTICE GENERAL CROSS ASSEMBLER GENERATOR. IUP 5796-PKD. NOTICE DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN - ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION (ACF) NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAI1 (NCP) USER CODE DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER RUNNING JOB ENTRY SUB-SYSTEI1 2/NETWORK JOB ENTRY (JES2/NJE) ON AN ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTION/VIRTUAL TElECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD (ACFIVTAM) '\ NETWORK \,_ ) DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN: DI1S/cICSIVS PLANNING AND IMPLEI1ENTATION GUIDE NATIONAL SYSTEMS CENTER: ADF USAGE GUIDELINES DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN IMS/VS VERSION 1 RELEASE 1.6 INSTALLATION NOTEBOOK NATIONAL SYSTEMS CENTER: TECHNICAL BULLETIN ADF ADVANCED TOPICS EXAMPLES DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN - INSTALLATION GUIDE SCENARIOS FOR RELEASE 3 - ACF DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN - IMSIVS VERSION 1 RELEASE 2 INSTALLATION NOTEBOOK (NON-DATA SHARING) DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN - LARGE SYSTEI1S: 4300 DISTRIBUTED INSTALLATION ACTIVITIES DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN - BATCH IMS/VS TUNING AND PERFORMANCE PLAN NSC: CICSIYS DIRECTION AND STRATEGY DALLAS SYSTEM CENTER: SAMPLE CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICSIVS) TUTORIAL PRESENTATION DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER: IMSIVS FOR CICS/vs USERS. TECHNICAL UPDATE DALLAS SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN: CUSTOMER INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGE (CICSIVS) TERMINAL MANAGEMENT ARCHITECTURE REFERENCE 4300 VH/SP DISTRIBUTED APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT INSTALLATION NATIONAL SYSTEMS CENTER: APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT USING ADF AT IBM CANADA LTD LABORATORY DALLAS SUPPORT CENTER - CICSIYS MRO FACILITIES.AND PLANNING 6UIDE DALLAS SUPPORT CENTER - CICSIVS MHO SAMPLE TABLES. AND TRACES PERFORMANCE OF 6770 DISTRIBUTOR BASE MACHINE AND t10DEL II VI1/SP PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST PRINTERS ATTACHED TO 327X CONTROL UNITS BASIC PERFORMANCE CONCEPTS CICSIYS VERSION 1 RELEASE 6 BMS ARCHITECTURE AND INTERNAL (j 1110 ( ~ ~ ( (~/ 85 85 85 85 85 G320-5908-0 6320-5911-0 G320-5912-0 G320-5913-0 G320-5914-1 85 85 85 G320-5915-0 G320-5917-0 G320-5918-0 85 a5 G320-5919-0 6320-5926-0 85 G320-5927-0 85 G320-5930-0 85 G320-5935-0 50 G320-5936-0 85 G320-5942-0 85 G320-5943-0 85 6320-5944-0 85 G320-5945-0 39 85 5320-5996-0 G320-6004-3 85 6320-6023-1 85 G320-6035-0 85 36 6320-6043-3 G320-6045-2 6320-6050-0 30 39 25 G320-6060-2 G320-6062-1 6320-6064-1 50 50 50 50 99 30 G320-6069-0 6320-6070-1 6320-6071-0 G320-6072-0 G320-6075-0 G320-6079-0 30 34 50 G320-6083-1 6320-6098-0 6320-6100-1 22 85 34 34 30 6320-6103-0 6320-6131-6 G320-6155-3 6320-6159-4 6320-6160-1 34 34 30 39 85 85 85 39 39 37 30 85 30 30 6320-6163-1 6320-6165-5 6320-6166-1 6320-6168-6 G320-6178-0 6320-6271-1 6320-6300-10 6320-6334-2 6320-6348-1 G320-6387-3 G320-6418-1 6320-6530-1 6320-6628-1 G320-6637-1 as 6N29-1312 STRUCTURE DALLAS SUPPORT CENTER DMS/CICS/vS APPLICATION DEBUGGING 6UIDE IMS/vS 1.2 DBRC AND DATA SHARING USER'S GUIDE CICS/OS/vS IMSIVS DB DLII NEW USER CONSIDERATIONS PLANNING FOR THE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SYSTEM PRPQ NADA, 5668-983, VERSION 2, LINK PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE: NATIONAL SYSTEM SUPPORT C,ENTER RECOVERYIRESTART IN CICS/OSIVS DB DLII ENVIRONMENT 386X MODEM AND NPDA TURORIAL ACFITCAM VERSION 2, 5735-RC3, FUNCTION AND RELEASE REFERENCE GUIDE DATA ACCESS IN DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENTS DALLAS SUPPORT CENTER: COMMUNICATING DISPLAYWRITER RECORDS TO AND FROM HOST COMPUTERS (DALLAS NATIONAL MARKETING SUPPORT CENTER) DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS FACILITIES FOR REMOTE OPERATIONS DALLAS GENERAL & OFFICE SYSTEMS SUPPORT CENTER: 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR MODEL II FONT DATA FORMAT DALLAS NATIONAL MARKETING SUPPORT CENTER: ACF/VTAM VERSION 2: NEW FUNCTIONS DALLAS NATIONAL MARKETING SUPPORT CENTER: DMS/CICSIVS DATA INTEGRITY PLANNING GUIDE DALLAS NATIONAL MARKET SUPPORT CENTER: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT DLlI DOSIVS NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER: PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS FOR IMSIVS 1.2 DATA SHARING NATIONAL MARKET SUPPORT CENTER: IMS/VS RACF IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE NPDA EXTENDED LINK FAULT IDENTIFICATION AND DIAGNOSTIC AID NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER THE APL HANDBOOK OF TECHNIQUES INFORMATION MANA6EMENT SYSTEMIVIRTUAL STORAGEIMULTIPLE VIRTUAL STORAGE (IMSIVSIMVS) PERFORMAt~E AND TUNING GUIDE PALO ALTO SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN SNA 3274/3276 INSTALLATION 6UIDE PALO ALTO SYSTEMS CENTER TECHNICAL BULLETIN IMS/VS AND OS/VS VSAM BUFFER OPTIONS (SHARED VERSUS NON-SHARED RESOURCES) 4300 INSTALLATION PLANNING tlETHOD 4300 INSTALLATION REFERENCE GUIDE OS/vSl PRIORITY QUEUE AGING PROCESSOR, IUP 5796-ARG, RELEASE NOTICE BULK DATA TRANSFER, IUP 5796-PKK, NOTICE QUERY BY EXAMPLE, IUP 5796-PKT, NOTICE FORTRAN H EXTENDED OPTIMIZATION ENHANCEMENT, IUP 5796-PKR, NOTICE ACF DEFINITION AID, IUP 5796-PKY, NOTICE IMS/vS EMERGENCY LOG TERMINATOR IUP 5796-ATN IMS/vS MESSAGE REQUEUER, IUP 5796-ATP, NOTICE DLII DOS/VS SPACE MANA6EMENT UTILITIES, IUP 5796-PKF, NOTICE OSIVSI MICROFICHE FORMATS AND FILING METHODS 2260 COMPATIBILITY FOR CICSIVS USING VTAMITCAM IUP 5796-ATW, NOTICE GLOBAL SHARED ACCESS METHOD (GSAM), IUP 5796-ATX, NOTICE IMS-CMS DATA LINK FOR VMl370 IUP 5796-PLE, NOTICE HIGH SPEED SEQUENTIAL RETRIEVAL FOR IMS/vS, IUP 5787-LAA, NOTICE APL PROG GO: VECTOR OPS APPLICATIONS AND ABSTRACTS VSE PERFORMANCE TOOL (YSE/PT), 5796-PLQ JES3-MONITORING FACILITY II, 5796-PLW, NOTICE DATA EXTRACTION, PROCESSING AND RESTRUCTURING SYSTEM, IUP 5796-PLH, NOTICE SOURCE COMPARE/AUDIT UTILITY IUP 5796-PLZ, NOTICE VMlRTM VERSION 1 MODIFICATION 6 NOTICE 3850 CARTRIDGE OFF-SITE STORAGE, IUP 5796-AWZ, NOTICE VS APL EXTENDED EDITOR AND FULL SCREEN MANAGER NOTICE AN INTRODUCTION TO APLFOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS THE DATA SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENT - CATALOG OF PRODUCTS SYSTEMS AND PRODUCTS 6UIDE JES2 INFORMATION RETRIEVAL FOR CMS, IUP 5796-AYD, NOTICE APL DATA INTERFACE-II FOR VM/370 (CMS), IUP 5796-PkG, NOTICE PASCALIVS, 5796-PHQ, RELEASE NOTICE 3800 90 DE6REE PRINT PROGRAM EXTENSIONS, IUP 5796-BAC, NOTICE SOFTWARE CATALOG - NEW AND REVIEW NETWORK MONITOR, IUP 5796-PPB, AVAILABILITY NOTICE 3101 PASS THROUGH VMl370 SUPPORT, IUP 5796-PPF, AVAILABILITY 1111 39 6320-6638-0 6320-6644-0 38 30 30 6320-6647-0 6320-6652-1+ 6320-6654-1 34 64 6320-6660-1 6320-6663-0 33 85 6320-6669-0 6320-6739-3 85 6320-6785-0 34 30 **6320-6849-2 S320-8025-0 30 85 6320-8046-0 50 6320-8088-0 50 6320-8089-0 32 32 6320-8106-0 6320-8107-0 32 40 6320-8111-0 6320-8120-0 SN35-0295 34 6320-8124-0 33 6320-8138-0 50 6320-8141-0 32 6320-8150-0 30 6320-8155-0 50 G320-8159-0 30 G320-9159-0 30 **G320-9162-2 34 50 G320-9165-1 6320-9168-0 85 50 G320-9177-0 6320-9184-0 34 6320-9202-0 25 6320-9205-0 31 G320-9206-0 30 6320-9225-0 34 **6320-9228-0 34 6320-9229-0 20 6320-9239-1 50 G320-9241-0 50 **6320-9328-0 20 6320-9332-0 34 **6320-9389-0 34 **G320-9390-0 24 6320-9391-0 30 **G320-9392-0 20 50 85 85 6320-9512-0 6320-9541-0 6321-5084-0 G321-5085-0 85 6321-5104-0 09 16 20 G360-0428-1 6360-0434-0 6520-6009-0 NOTICE ONLINE MONITOR. IUP 5796-BCP. RELEASE NOTICE INFORMATION PROTECTION SYSTEM CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROGRAMS FOR VHlCMS (IPS/CMS), IUP 5796-PPK. NOTICE HOST REMOTE NODE ENTRY SYSTEM II. IUP 5796-PPL. NOTICE TAPE LIBRARY CONTROL SYSTEM. FDP 5785-EAW. NOTICE DATA SET AND FREE SPACE MANAGER. IUP 5796-PPN. AVAILABILITY NOTICE VM BATCH SUBSYSTEM. IUP 5796-BCY. NOTICE EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEtVREGISTRATION. IUP 5796-PQR. RELEASE NOTICE OS/vS SORT/MERGE PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS. IUP 5796-PQW. NOTICE ENGINEERING AND SCIENTIFIC APPLICATION PROGRAMS AVAILABLE FROM NON-IBM SOURCES 4300 PROCESSOR FOR DISTRIBUTED APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT JUSTIFICATION 6UIDE RESOURCE ACCESS CONTROL FACILITY (RACF), 5740-XXH CHARACTER CONVERSION AID TENT CARD VS FORTRAN TECHNICAL BULLETIN CICS ON-LINE TEST/DEBUG FOR CICS/OSS. CICS/DOSS & CICS/DOSE: CON EDISON. IUP 5796-AEF NOTICE CICS/COBOL CALL INTERFACE FOR CICS/OSS CICS/DOSS & CICS/DOSE: NATIONAL BAt~ OF DETROIT. IUP 5796-AEG NOTICE 2927 DUAL PRINTER UTILITY PROGRAM. IUP 5796-AFK. NOTICE DOS DBDUMP UTILITY PROGRAM PRODUCTIVITY AID FOR DOS DATA BASE APPLICATION PROGRAM TESTING (VANDL-l OR DLlI) INSTALLED AT SAGNER INC •• FREDERICK. MD. 3525 GENERAL PURPOSE UTILITIES. IUP 5796-AGE. NOTICE VMl370 SYSTEM FOR ONLINE TAPE & DISK LIBRARIES. IUP 5796-AGN. NOTICE DOS TO OS CONVERSION SYSTEM. IUP 5796-AFZ. NOTICE EXTENDED COBOL SORT. IUP 5796-AGZ. NOTICE IMS/VS LOGTAPE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. IUP 5796-AHT NOTICE IMS 3270 LOCAL COPY. IUP 5796-AHL. NOTICE DATA ENTRY CONTROL AND AUDIT SYSTEM. IUP 5796-AKC. NOTICE DOSMAP-DLII. IUP 5796-PCW. NOTICE PRESENTATION ENHANCEMENTS USING THE 6670. 5798-DNQ. NOTICE HIERARCHICAL STORA6E MANAGER. 5796-BDY. MAINTENANCEIRECOVERY UTILITIES RELEASE NOTICE NETWORK MANAGEtlENT PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY. 5798-DPC GENERALIZED CICS/vS APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT ARCHITECTURE VERSION 2.0 RELEASE NOTICE INSTALLED USER PROGRAM OWNER'S 6UIDE VSE STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE/EDIT. 5798-DPJ. AVAILABILITY NOTICE DB2 DATABASE 2. 5798-DPY. PERFORMANCE REPORTING TOOL SOFTWARE UPDATE EXTENDED EXPONENT RANGE. 5796-PKR. FOR FORTRAN USERS RELEASE NOTICE MVS LI~ PACK AREA OPTIMIZER EXTENSIONS. 5798-DRD. RELEASE NOTICE VM/SP HPO CMS SUPPORT FOR 3880 MODEL 13 AND 3880 MODEL 23. 5798-DRJ. RELEASE NOTICE VM PROGRAMMING IN LOGIC. 5785-ABH. RELEASE NOTICE HVS RESOURCE UTILIZATION TOOL. 5798-DRF. RELEASE NOTICE VSEINETWORK MANAGEMENT PRODUCTIVITY FACILITY NOTICE NOTICE OS/VS DB/DC DATA DICTIONARY - DB2 INTERFACE CICS/OS/vS. 5665-355. 5740-XXI. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEM (CICSPARSIMVS) PROFESSIONAL WORK MANAGER SOFTWARE UPDATE VM PERFORMANCE PLANNING FACILITY (VMPPF) SOFTWARE UPDATE VIRTUAL MACHINE MONITOR ANALYSIS PROGRAM (VMMAP) SOFTWARE UPDATE FOR COBOL STRUCTURING FACILITY. 5668-786 INFORMATION/ACCESS. 5665-267. 6IVING YOU A DIRECT ROUTE TO SERVICE INFORMATION AUTOMATED SOFnlARE TEST FACILITY RELEASE NOTICE IMS/vS VERSION 2 RELEASE 1 INSTALLATION VMl370 - A STUDY OF MULTIPLICITY AND USEFULNESS THE CHANGING VIRTUAL MACHINE ENVIRONMENT: INTERFACES TO REAL HARDWARE. VIRTUAL HARDWARE. AND OTHER VIRTUAL MACHINES AUTOMATIC PROGRAMMING FOR ENERGY MANA6EMENT USING SENSOR BASED COMPUTERS (\. MODEM SELECTION GUIDE 3863/3864/3865 3866/3868 4331 VSE SYSTEM PROBLEM DETERMINATION REFERENCE PROGRAMMING IN LOGIC (PROLOG) 6ENERAL INFORMATION All) PLANNING o 1112 -- ------------------------ ( (/ 01 08 6520-6121-0 S544-0554-2 30 08 30 S544-0579-2 6544-1006-3 S544-3004-2 30 S544-3005-2 30 08 08 30 30 40 G544-3012-1 6544-3013-0 S544-3015-0 S544-3016-0 S544-3017-0 5544-3019-0 08 5544-3020-0 08 38 S544-3024-0 37 5544-3025-0 38 S544-3028-0 37 5544-3029-0 38 08 30 S544-3032-0 S544-3033-0 S544-3040-0 30 S544-3041-0 S~44-3022-0 30 S544-3042-0 S544-3064-0 85 S544-3065-0 85 S544-3066-0 08 09 S544-3068-0 30 S544-3074-0 30 S544-3103-1 5544-3104-1 30 30 **S544-31 06-0 G544-3176-4 30 30 G544-3177-4 20 G544-3179-1 03 G544-3181-2 G544-3182-1 03 20 G544-3323-3 20 G544-3415-0 40 S544-3511-0 40 S544-3512-0 40 S544-3513-0 40 S544-3518-0 20 G544-3519-0 40 S544-3522-0 40 S544-3571-0 GUIDE FOR THE MYS AND YM ENVIRONMENTS 4381 PROCESSORS/COMPUTE-INTENSIVE PROCESSING SUPPLEMENTAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR IBM OFFICE SYSTEM 6 INFORMATION PROCESSORS AND IBM 6640 DOCUMENT PRINTER OFFICE SYSTEM 6: 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR 6ENERAL INFORMATION MANUAL FOR IBM 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR 6670 QUICK REFERENCE CARD BINARY SYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS ( BSC I ENVIRONMENT 6670 QUICK REFERENCE CARD SYSTEMS NETWORK ARCHITECTURE (SNAI ENVIROtlMENT 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR FEATURES AND CAPABILITIES 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR PLANNING AND PREINSTALLATION GUIDE INSTALLING THE 6670 SETTING UP COMMUNICATION STORED FORMATS IN A esc ENVIRONMENT SETTING UP COI~ruHICATION STORED FORMATS IN AN SNA ENVIRONMENT 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR: CODES AND MESSAGES FOR A BSC ENVIRONMENT 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR: CODES AND MESSAGES FOR AN SNA ENVIRONMENT 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR: GLOSSARY 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR: SETTING UP TEXT STORED FORMATS IN AN IBM RJE ENVIRONMENT 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR: SOLVING FORMATTING PROBLEMS USING A LINE-MONITOR OPERATION IN A BSC ENVIRONMENT 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR FORMATTING DOCUMENTS IN AN IBM RJE ENVIRONMENT 6670 SOLVING FORMATTING PROBLEMS USING A LINE-MONITOR OPERATION IN AN SNA ENVIRONMENT PRINTING A DOCUMENT IN AN RJE ENVIR0NI1ENT 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR MAKING COPIES 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR OCL REFERENCE FOR AN SNA ENVIRONMENT 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR OCL REFERENCE FOR A BSC ENVIRONMENT 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR SYSTEM PROGRAMMING REFERENCE 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR: OVERVIEW OF SNA PROTOCOL 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR: OVERVIEW OF BSC PROTOCOL 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR MODEL III USERS GUIDE 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR READER GUIDE FOR A esc ENVIRONMENT 6670 INFORMATION DISTRIBUTOR KEYBOARDS AND FONTS SUPPLEMENT PSF SYSTEM PROGRAMtIER' S GUIDE FOR VSE PSF USER'S PROGRAMMING GUIDE FOR VSE PSF DIAGNOSIS GUIDE AND REFERENCE FOR VSE APL2 FONTS SPECIFICATIONS DATA 1 FONTS PRINT MANAGEMENT FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PSAFIMVS PAGE PRINTER FORMATTING AID USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE PAGE PRINTER FORMATTING AID COMMAND QUICK REFERENCE PPFA YM, PPFA MYS PPFA VSE SPECIFICATIONS ADVANCED FUNCTION PRINTING SOFTWARE GENERAL INFORMATION PSF SYSTEM PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE FOR YM PRINT SERVICES FACILITY USER'S PROGRAMMING GUIDE FOR YM PSF MESSAGES AND COOES FOR YM PSF MESSAGES AND COOES FOR VSE PRINT SERVICES FACILITY FOR THE 3800 PRINTING SUBSYSTEM VSE PSF OPERATOR'S GUIDE FOR YM PSFIVM PSF COMMAND QUICK REFERENCE (j 1113 (, , - ../' IBM System/370,30xx,4300, and 9370 Processors Bibliography READER'S COMMENT FORM GC20-0001-6 ( You may use this form to communicate your comments about this publication, its organization, or subject matter, with the understanding that IBM may use or distribute whatever information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. 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