GC20 1601 10_Catalog_Of_Programs_Jan71 10 Catalog Of Programs Jan71
GC20-1601-10_Catalog_Of_Programs_Jan71 GC20-1601-10_Catalog_Of_Programs_Jan71
User Manual: GC20-1601-10_Catalog_Of_Programs_Jan71
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File No. ~40l/1440-20 Form GC20-l60l-l0 Systems Reference Library Catalog of Programs for IBM 1240-1401-14201440-1450 and 1460 Data Processing Systems (January 1971) This Catalog contains a complete listing of all programs for the IBM 1240, 1401, 1420 1440, and 1460 Data Processing Systems available from the Program Information Department, 40 Saw Mill River Road, Hawthorne, New York 10532. Instructions for ordering programs are contained in the section of the Introduction entitled, "Completion of the IBM Program Order Form". TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction Programs Available from PID •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ty'J?E! I and II Programs •.••.•..•.••...•..•..•••.••••..•.•.•..•.•.••••..... Ty'pe III and IV Programs •••••••••..••••••••.••••...•••.•.••.•.••••.•••••• Type III Programs With Service A Classification •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Prior Us e Programs .......•..................•.......•.........•....•..... IBM Catalogs of Programs ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PID Order Processing Turn-Around Times ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Completion of the IBM Program Order Form ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IBM World Trade Us ers •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Keyword-In-Context (KWIC) Index •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Program Classification Codes ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Using the Catalog ....................................................... . New P rograrns ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Program Corrections and Revisions •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Deleted Program.s .•••.....•••.•..•...•••.•.••.•...•.••.....•.•.••.•.••.•.• IBM Program Order Form Example {Figure 1) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• List of New Type III, IV and Prior Use Proqrarns •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• List of Type III, and IV Program Corrections and Revisions ••••••••••••••••• List of Deleted Type I, II, III and IV Programs •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Keyword-In-Context (KWIC) Index •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Abstracts IBM Programs IBM 1240 Data Processing IBM 1401 Data Processing IBM 1440 Data Processing IBM 1450 Data Processing IBM 1460 Data Processing Contributed Programs IBM 1401 Data Processing IBr.i 1402 Data Processi ng IBM 1440 Data Processing III III III III III IV IV IV VIII VIII VIII X XI XI XI XII XIII XIII XIII XV System ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• System ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• System ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• system ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• System ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 001 001 018 028 028 System ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sys tern (Prior Us e) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• System ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 031 061 061 Eleventh Edition (December 1970) Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM branch offices. Address comments concerning the contents of this publication to IBM, Program Information Department, 40 Saw Mill River Road, Hawthorne, N.Y. 10532 ©Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1970 been tested by IBt,i. The user is expected to make the final evaluation as to their usefulness in his own environment. INTRODUCTION The only authorized IBH agency in the United States for the distribution of programs to IBM users is the DP Program Information Department, 40 Saw Mill River Road, Hawthorne, New York 10532. PROGRA~iS IBM MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICUIAR PURPOSE AS TO THE DOCtJ1.1ENTATION, FUNCTION OR PERFORMANCE OF THESE PROGRAMS. AVA lIABLE FR01·1 PID IBM makes available a wide variety of programs for IBM systems. This cataloq contains a list of available programs categorized as Type I, II, III, IV and Prior Use Programs. TYPE III PROGRAMS WITH SERVICE A CLASSIFICATION Type III programs which were given Service A Classification, perform functions which may be fundamental to the operation and maintenance of the user's system. These programs have not been subjected to formal tes t by IBI'1. TYPE I AND II PROGRAMS Type I and II programs are programs which have been subjected to formal testinq. All Type I and II programs have been' assigned a Service Classification. For information concerning Service Classifications, contact your IBH Branch Office. Host Type I and all Type II programs were available for delivery from the Program Information Department prior to June 23, 1969. Until reclassified, IBM will provide for these Type III programs with the following: (a) Central Programming Service including design error correction and automatic distribution of corrections: (b) Field Engineering Progra~ming Service including design error verification, Authorized Programming Analysis Report (APAR) documentation and submission, and application of Program Temporary Fixes or development of an emergency hy-pass when required. TYPE III AND IV PROGRA1·tS Type III programs have been submitted by one or more IBM employees. They are programs of general interest submitted for unrestricted distrihution. Thev have met a basic set of programming and documentation standards but are not nroqram tested in any formal fashion by the iBH Corporation. The user is expected to make the final evaluation as to the usefulness in his own environment. These programs were available for delivery from the Program Information department prior to June 23, IBM does not guarantee service results or represent or warrant that all errors will be corrected. The user is expected to make the final evaluation as to the usefulness of these programs in his own environment. THE FOREGOING 'IS IN LIEU OF ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR H1PLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF r-mRCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 1969. IBM MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRBSS OR IUPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 11-1PLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY AND F ITt-lESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AS TO Tfm DOCUMENTATION, FUNCTION OR PFRFOR14ANCF OF THESE PROGRAMS. PRIOR nSE PROGRAMS There are a limited number of programs that were developed prior to June 23, 1969 which were in the possession of and were being used by customers without restriction, but were not included in the Type III or IV libraries. These programs have been designated Prior Use Programs and are being made available through the Proqrarn Information Department (PIn). - Systems Engineering Service (charge basis) is available from your IBM Branch-Office to assist you with the installation, modification or any technical assistance required for use of,this program. Type IV programs are those contributed for unrestricted distribution by one or more authors of which at least one is an employee of an IBM customer. They are made available by IBM essentially in the author's original form, but conform to published Type IV standards. Im1 exercises no control over the technical content of the documentation but merely assures that the quality of reproduction is satisfactory. Type IV programs have not Prior Use Programs have not been developed or tested in any formal fashion by the IBM Corporation, and, therefore, are available only on an "as is" basis without charge. It is the customer's responsibility to make the final evaluation as to the usefulness of the program in his own data processing and business environment. IBM MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRFSS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED III WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AS TO THE DOCUMENTATION, FUNCTION OR PERFORMANCE OF THESE PROGRru·1S. PID SHIPPING METHOD'S PID uses three methods to ship program packages, depending on destination, weight and urgency. This information may be worthwhile to users who send magnetic volumes to PID. Prior use programs are classified as follows: 360K 360L 1131 1801 - System/360 Model 20 System/360 Models 25 and Above 1130 Computing System 1800 Data Acquisition and Control System 1402 - 1401 Data Processing System 1. 2. IBH CATALOGS OF PROGRru1S Abstracts and ordering instructions for all programs available from PID are found in the IBH Catalogs of Proqrams and their Supplements, published periodically by PID. These Catalogs are available from the Mechanicsburg Distribution Center as follows: CATALOG SUPPLEl1EN", FORM NUHBER FORH NUMBER GC20-1601 GN20-0013 700 Series, 1 410, 7000 Series GC20-1602 GN20-0014 1620/1710 GC20-1603 GN20-0015 System/360 Models 25 and above. GC20-1619 GN20-0030 1130/1800 GC20-1630 GN20-0031 Model 20 GC20-1691 GN20-1852 SYSTEM 1240/1401/1420 1440/1450/1460 3. COMPLETION OF THE IBH PROGRAM ORDER FORH INTRODUCTION The IBM Program Order Form (120-1957) is to be employed for all orders submitted to PID for Type I, II, III, IV and Prior Use programs and for communications with PID relative to the establishment, modification and deletion of PIn user profiles. This is the ONLY form to be used for these purposes. PID ORDER PROCESSING TURN-AROUND TIMES The normal elapsed time which can be anticipated from the time the progra~ order is shipped to PID till the time the order is received may be calculated from the following table: ACTION The IBM Program Order Form is a 3-copy form. Copy 3 is retained hy the user. Copies 1 and 2 should be for\'larded to the IID1 Branch Office. After completing Section 5 (see helow), the Branch should fon-Tard Copy 1 to PID and retain Copy 2 for reference purposes. TIMF. IN DAYS Order sent to PID Average - 4 calendar days in transit Order processed at PID Maximum - 8 working days at PID Order sent from PID Maximum - 4 calendar days in transit United Parcel Service (air and land) is used whenever possible. U.S. Mail is used for destinations beyond United Parcel territories. Fourth Class Special Delivery is the level of service chosen because it provides service comparable to Fi'rst Class (4 days maximum to any location in the continental Uni ted States) at a much lO,"Ter rate. Special Handling Service it should be noted, is not the same as Special Delivery Service, and is not as fast. PID insures Fourth Class Special Delivery shipments to provide a means for tracing shipments. A signature at the destination is a requirement for insured packages. Air Freight service is used for expedited shipments. To metropolitan centers, overnight delivery can usually be expected. Two day delivery to locations more than 50 miles from a major airport is normal. THE IBM PROGRAl<1 ORDER SECTIONS: FOID·! CONTAINS 5 - Section 1, Program Package Identification, is used to describe the program material required. - Section 2, Customer and Order Identification, MUST ALWAYS BE COMPLETED. - Section 3, User Volume Information, is completed when the order Thus, a three-week cycle should be planned for when ordering programs from PID. IV requires the submission of user volumes. - Section 4, User Registration, is completed to register a new PID user, or to modify or delete a user registration. - Section 5, For IBM Use, MUST ALt1AYS BE COMPLETED by an IBH representative. Instructions for the completion of each section are given below. Refer to the sample form (Figure1) presented at the end of this discussion. SECTION 1 should be requested through the IBM Branch Office. PID will honor "documentation only" requests for Type III and IV programs and also requests for multiple copies for Type III and IV program documentation, up to 3 copies. If more than 3 copies are required, the user may reproduce copies locally (provided this material is not copyrighted). PROGRA!·i PACKAGE IDEN'J'IFIC]l,.TION The .exact Program NUMber, as specified in the ordering information portion of the Catalog of Programs abstract should be entered in ~his field. A program is packaged and distributed under one program number (e.g., 7090-PR-130, 1410-PR-155, 1620-01.6.145, 1440-UT-041, etc.) and is fully specified by entries in Columns 1-24 ON ONE LINE of Section 1. A total of ,25 ordering lines have been provided on the order form. If more than 25 lines are required, the order may be continued on a second form and then a third, etc. ENTER the Program Number (e.g., 7040S1141) in columns 4-1' or columns 4-13, as the length requires. Omit all special characters such as decimal p~ints or hyphens. COLUMNS 15-20 BASIC OR OPTIONAL MATERIAL COLUMN 2 B or 0 ENTER as specified in the Catalog of Programs abstract (left justify) • l-mCHINE READABLE The requester specifies, in Column 2, whether or not he wishes the machine readable portion of the program package. ENTER COLUMN 3 PROGRAM NUMBER EXTENSION The Program Number Extension is llsed in conjunction with the PrograM Number to completely and uniquely identify orderable Types I, II, III, IV and Prior Use Programs Program number extensions pertinent to a given program number are described in the ordering information portio~ of the Catalog of Programs abstract for that program. Whenever a prograM number requires a program number extension, IT l1UST BE ENTERED in Columns 15-20. The requester specifies, in Column 1, whether the basic or optional program package is required. If both the basic and the optional program packages are required, they must be described separately, on separate lines of the form. The contents of these program packages are described in the abstracts in this manual. ENTER PROGRAM Nm-.1BER COLUMNS 4-13 This section is used to describe the procrram packages being ordered. The instructions which follow, apply to ordering all programs described in this catalog. COLUMN I , o or 1 for Type I and II Proararns , 2 or 3 for Type III and ENTER 0, IV Programs ENTER COLUMN 14 ACTION CODE (TYPE I AND II BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGES ONLY) Column 14 provides the user with the means to maintain his PID profiles for Type I and II programs in order to make most effective use of the Program Update Service. There are 2 specific actions requirinq an entry in Column 14. COLtn1N 14 SHOPI.. D BE LEFT BrANK IN ALL OTHER CASES. These two acti ons are: Y or N Docu~mNTATION The requester specifies, in Column 3, whether or not he wishes the documentation portion of the program package. PID will send one copy of the basic documentation associated with each Type I and II program ordered, if the documentation is rp.quested. Requests for ONLY the documentation for Type I and II programs, when the machine readable naterial is not ordered, should be sent to the Mechanicsburg Distribution Center, by the IBM Branch Office (use publication Requisition tM02-0618-4). Also, requests for nultiple copies of documentation for Type I and II programs 1. ORDER AN ANNOUNCED 1,1AINTENANCE PACKAGE Users of record receive announcements of the availability of orderahle maintenance packages for programs automatically froJ!1' PIO. Users wishing to order an announced orderable maintenance package may do so as follows: v ENTER M in Column 14 2316 2316 Disk Cartridge. The program number and any applicable program number extension which is identified in the announcement material must be entered in Columns 4-13 and 15-20 respectively. The remainder of Columns 1-24 must also be completed as applicable. NOTE 1: DTR* Card programs will be distributed on DTR's (Distribution Tape Reels) to card users with magnetic tape capability as indicated on the'PID user profile (See Section 4). These programs will be distributed in card form to users with no magnetic tape capability. Whenever possible, multiple card programs ordered together will be stacked on one or more DTR's. A retriever will be placed at the beginning of each DTR, enabling the user to selectively punch out the programs stacked on the DTR. Card programs which will be volume shared as described above are identified by DTR* in the ordering information portion of the Catalog of Programs abstracts. The user may establish or modify the profile entry describing his magnetic tape capability through the use of Section 4 of the Program Order Form. NOTE 2: Types I, II, III, IV and Prior Use program orders require the user to specify a medium code. HO\'lever, in the absence of a medium code, a default option is exercised by PIn under the following circumstances. DELETE A TYPE I OR II PROGRAM FROH THE USER PROFILE 2. Through the Program Update Service, PIn makes extensive distributions of machine readable material and documentation to all users of record of all Type I and II basic programs. It is essential that the PID profiles be kept up to date to facili tate the distribution of this material to active users as well as to avoid the distribution of this material to installations no longer using previously ordered Type I and II programs. A Type I or II program previously ordered, which is no longer being used, may be deleted from the PID profile as follows: ENTER D in column 14 The program number and any applicable program number extension must he entered in Columns 4-13 and Columns 15-20 respectively. No other entries in columns 1-24 are required. COLUMNS 21-22 • All distribution media for the program package in question (Basic or Optional) must be magnetic tape. DISTRIBUTION l1EDIUf·1 CODE (See Table Below) The media on which each Type I, II, III, IV and Prior Use program is available from PID and the codes to be used, in Columns 21-22, to specify the desired media are identified in the Catalog of Programs abstract for each program. • User volume requirements for the program package in question (Basic or Optional) must be the same for all tape types. • The default medium must be one of the recording densities available. ENTER the selected medium code. MEDIUM CODE TABLE TYPE DTR* PT CARDS 7/556 7/800 7DC/800 9/800 9/1600 1316 2316 2315 DESCRIPTION Medium defined by PIO us er profi Ie 8 channel paper tape. 80 column punched cards. l1agnetic tape recorded at 7 track, 556 cpi. Uagnetic tape recorded at 7 track, 800 cpi. Uagnetic tape recorded at 7 track, 800 bpi. Data convert feature required. l1agnetic ~ape recorded at 9 track, 800 bpi. Hagnetic tape recorded at 9 track, 1600 hpi. 1316 'Disk Pack. 2316 Disk Cartridge 2315 Disk Cartridge. 57 The default options are: CODE • For programs available on 7/556 cpi and 7/800 cpi, 7/800 cpi will be supplied. 00 05 15 22 • For programs available on 7DC/BOO cpi, 9/800 bpi, or 9/1600 bpi, 9/800 bpi will be supplied. 24 COLUMNS 23-24 26 USER VOLUMES REQUIRED When the programs ordered require the submission of user volumes (2400' magnetic tape reels and/or disk devices) the number of user volumes for each program, as specified in the Catalog of Programs abstract, is entered in Columns 23-24 and Section 3 of the order form is to he completed. 28 29 52 57 ENTER the number of user volumes required 58 VI by a tape end retainer for the medi urn type s elected. The number should be entered as two digits (01,02, etc.) ~7350600). SECTION 2 CUSTOMER AND ORDER IDENTIFICATION * If multiple Program Order forms are required to complete the program order, enter the preprinted Order Number from the FIRST FORM on all user volume labels. CUSTOMER NUl-1BER Enter the 7-diqit Customer Number in the space provided -ON EVERY IBM PROGRru,l ORDER FORM SUBMITTED TO PID. Do not use dashes. Do not use the shaded area unless previously advised to do so. The Customer Number MUST BE ENTERED CORRECTLY because the user profile maintenance and the address to which the ordered program material will be shipped by PID will be determined from this number for all registered PID users (See Section 4). Once registered with PID, users are not required to enter their name and address on the order form. In lieu of forwarding tape reels to PID, reels may be purchased in conjunction with ordering programs. To purchase magnetic tape reels, Part *7035113 (10 1/2" diameter, 2400' reel, 3200 FCI, total surface testeo, clear front, blue back, solid flanges), contact the IBH representative who can order them directly from PID by sending a completed copy of the Hagnetic Tape Order Form #170-1138 to PID together with Copy 1 of the Program Order Form. Part #7035113 is the only part number PID carries. If different tape reels are desired the IBM representative must send orders for the.m wi th Copy 1 of the Program Order Form to the Boulder Tape Center. The Tape Center will forward the reels and the Program Order Form to PID. This procedure will of course extend total turnabout time and delay receipt of the program. ORDER NUMBER This number is pre-printed on each form. PAGE - OF If only one form is needed to specify the program order, enter "1 of 1". When more than one form is needed, number the forms "1 0 f n" .. 2 0 f n"... "n 0 f n". En ter the CUSTOMER NUMBER ON EVERY FORH, and staple the forms together when sending to PID. SECTION 3 Disk packs and disk cartridges may be ordered from San Jose in conjunction with ordering programs. Contact the IBM representative for assistance. Copy 1 of the Program Order Form should be sent directly to PID. Upon receipt of the volumes, PID will fill the order in the normal manner. USER VOLUME INFORMATION The total number of user volumes (2400' magnetic tape reels, disk packs or cartridges) required to fill .the program order, as identified program by program in Columns 23-24 of Section 1, should be accounted for in this section. These volumes may ei ther be forwarded to PID or ordered from the appropriate IBM location. Complete Section 3 by entering the number of 2400' magnetic tape reels forwarded or ordered, the serial nu~bers of disk devices forwarded, or the plant order number, quanti ty and scheduled shipping dates of the disk devices ordered from San Jose. SECTION 4 DISK PACKS/ CARTRIDGES 1. Customer Number 2. *Order Number (Preprinted 3. Disk serial number It is suggested that tape reels pe of the aluminum 'hub variety and the tape secured Disk packs should be shipped in the standard disk pack containers (Part '7350520) • USER REGISTRATION Section 4 is completed to register a new PID user and to modify or delete previous registrations. Each us~r must be regi~tered with PID prior to, or s1multaneously W1th, his first program order. Once the user is registered Section 4 NEED NOT BE COMPLETED AGAIN until the registration data requires modification or deletion. ACTION CODE Copy 1 of the IBM Program Order Form should accompany user volumes forwarded to PID. User volumes forwarded to PID should be externally labelled as follows: 2400' 14AGNETIC TAPE REELS 1 • Cus tomer Number 2. *Order Number (Preprinted) Disk cartridges should be shipped in the standard cartridge container (Part VII R: REGISTER a new PID user. All blocks of Section 4 must be completed. M: MODIFY a previous registration by changing any or all blocks in Section-4. Each block modified must be completely respecified. Thus, a permanent change in the "Attention To" line of the user's name and address requires re-specification of the entire "Ship To" Information hlock of Section 4. The other blocks are left blank. D: DELETE a previous registration. This action causes the deletion of the KEYWORD-IN-CONTEXT entire user profile (identified by the 7-digi t Cus tomer Number entered in Section 2) from the PID files. No other information is necessary. S: Each search word and each keyword is listed alphabetically in a column of the index. Their respective context words are printed to the right of the search word or keyword. There is an index entry for each search word and keyword. Certain word.s are not accepted as indexing words. They are considered to be too general to be useful for retrieval purposes and are therefore prevented from. indexing. Hyphenated words are treated as one index word, wi th only the first ",ord being significant. Figure 2 illustrates the operation. OP BRANCH OFFICE NUMBER/IBM LOCATION Enter the IBM DP Branch Office number for the IBM customer or DP Branch Office user. Enter the IBM division, location and department codes for IBM users. MAGNETIC TAPE CAPABILITY As stated in Section 1 (Columns 21-22) Card programs will be volume shared for distribution on Distribution Tape Reels (DTR's) to Card users with magnetic tape capability. These DTR's will have a retriever placed at the front to enable the user to punch the programs out selectively. Enter here t.."1e preferred tape recording mode (trackage and density) for these volume shared DTR's. Check "None of These" if not a Card user. Note that the # sign always precedes the first word of the title. An * sign precedes a search ,",ord. Each print line in the KWIC Index contains Q3 positions. A search word group or title that is longer than 43 positions will show only the words that fall to the right of the search word or keyword being highlighted, up to the limits of one line. The remaining words hecome a separate entry on a different line. The + sign at the end of a line indicates there are more words in the search word group or title than are shown. The complete title may be found in the title section of the program abstract. "SHIP TO" INFORMATION SECTION 5 FOR IBM USE IBM CONTACT Enter the last name and telephone number of the IBM representative familiar with the order. If the representative can be reached on the IBM network, enter NET and the correct seven-digit number. PID will call this person should clarification of any of the information on the Order Form be required. IBM MANAGEMENT SIGNATURE Each order should be signed by a member of Branch management or, ill the case of internal IBH users, by the department manager. The order form should be dated {MM DO YY} and the Branch Office/Department number entered. PROGRAM CLASSIFICATION CODES Classification codes represent areas of function of application to which programs apply. Included below is a complete listing of classification codes for all types of programs and for each system included in this Catalog. PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS TYPE I IAD/ IAS/ IAT/ IAU/ ICB/ ICT/ ICV/ IDN/ IFO/ 110/ Im/ IlU/ IPR! IBM WORLD TRADE USERS World Trade users should order proqrams by contacting their IBM representative. INDEX The Keyword-in-Context Index lists all available programs by their search N'ords and keywords. Search words are significant words that describe the program but do not appear in the t i tIe. Keywords are significant words which appear in the program ti tIe. SPECIAL "Ship To" this order only. This action causes a "Ship To" Information substitution for this order only. The "Ship To" Information block must be completely specified. All other blocks are left blank. The permanent user registration data is not affected. Enter the complete shipping address. Do not use only a Post Office Box number since PID uses carrie~s other than the U. S. Mail. The ZIP CODE must be provided. In the "Attention To" line, if at all possible, enter a position title or department namelnumber, rather than the name of an individual. (~vIC) IRG/ /SI/ ISM/ /SP/ VIII Autochart Assembly Systems Automatic Test Autocoder COBOL - Common Bus. Oriented Language Commercial Translator Conversion Programs Diagnostic Programs FORl'RAN - Formula Trans lation Input/Output Library Material Hiscellaneous Processor - Includes AU, CB, I/O, etc. Report Generators Simulator Programs Sort/Merge Symbolic Assembly Programs /SV/ /UT/ Supervisory Systems Utility Programs /SC/ communications APPLICATION PROGRAMMING TYPE II Simulators /CS/ Simulators Distribution /DP/ Publishing /DR/ Retail /DW/ Wholesale Systems Engineering /SE/ Systems Engineering Techniques TYPE III AND TYPE IV PROGRAHS Fabrication and Assembly /CN/ Numerical Control Applications /CX/ Other /EE/ Electrical Engineering /EO/ Optics /EX/ Other /ME/ Electrical Machinery IBM 1401, 1420 and 1460 Data Processing Systems Utility Programs 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Process /MP/ Petroleum and Industrial Chemicals /MT/ Textiles and Paper 1.0 Assembly Sorting - Mergincr Report Generatina Miscellaneous General Purpose Input/Output Data Transmission Service Industries Programming Systems 2.0 Finance /FB/ Banking /FI/ Brokerage and Investment Mathematical Subroutines 3.0 Differential & Integral Equation 4.0 l-iatrix Programs 5.0 Statistical Programs 6.0 Mathematical Routines 7.0 Physical Sciences 8.0 Information Retrieval /CR/ Information Retrieval Insurance /IF/ Fire and Casualty /IL/ Life State and Local Government /UG/ Government, State and Local B.1 General Physics B.2 Nuclear Physics B.3 Geology and Geophysics B.4 Other Transportation /ST/ Transportation Engineering Applications Utilities /SU/ Utilities 9.1 Aeronautical 9.2 Civil 9.3 Chemical Federal Region /GF/ Government, Federal 9.4 Electrical 9.5 Mechanical 9.6 Petroleum Scientific Industries 9.7 Other Aerospace /'MA/ Aerospace Management Science Education /ns/ Secondary Schools 10.0 10.1 Linear Programming 10.2 Simulation 10.3 Other Medical /UH/ 9.0 Hospi tal and Medical Scientific Marketing /CA/ Statistical Applications /CO/ Operations Research /CP/ Critical Path Scheduling /CM/ r·1athematicalApplications /EC/ Civil Engineering /r~/ Fabrication and Primary Metals Demonstration Programs 11.0 Guide 12.0 12.1 Utility 12 • 2 Ass emb ly 12.3 Simulation 12.4 Other Share Cross Indus try 13.1 Utility 13.2 Assembly Conununications IX 13.0 13.3 Simulation 13.4 Other Unclassi fied 9.2 Scheduling 9.3 Information Classification & Retrieval 9.4 Simulators 9.5 Linear Programming 9.6 General Problem Solvers 9.9 Other 14.0 IBM 1440 Data Processing System Programming Systems 1.0 Commercial Industries Applications 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Preprocessing, Editing Uoni toring or Supervisory Assembly compiling IOCS Report Generators Sorting, Merging 1.7 File Organization 1.8 Data Transmission. 1.9 Other Utili ty Programs 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.9 2.0 Disk Tape Duplicators and Listers Input-Output Internal Information Transfer Data Manipulation-Handling Debugging Aids Housekeeping, Documentation, Programming Aids Other Simulators, Translators, & Interpreters Distribution Finance Insurance Other Public Service Industries Applications 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11. 5 11.6 11. 7 11.9 10.0 11.0 Business Services Communications Education Government l-1edical Transportation Utilities Other Manufacturing Industries Applications 12.0 12.1 Aerospace 12.2 Control Systems 12.3 Fabrication and Assembly 12.4 Numerical Control 12.5 Process 12.6 Other 3.0 3.1 Unit Record Simulation 3.2 Computer Simulation 3.3 Translators 3.4 Interpreters 3.9 Other Demonstrations 13.0 Systems Engineering 14.0 Unclassified 15.0 Differential & Integral Equations 4.0 Matrix Programs 5.0 USING TUE CATALOG Statistical Analysis & Probability 6.0 To locate a program begin by thinking of the significant words describing the desired program. Then look in the KWIC, Keywordin-Context, Index for the keyword entry. The page number adjacent to the file number will then direct you to the corresponding program abstract. The reference code is set up as follows: 6. 1 Bas ic Statis ti cs 6.2 Time Series Analysis Correlation Regression Analysis Analysis of Variance Tests 6.9 Other 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 System Mathematical Routines 7.0 7070 1410 7.1 Functional Subroutines 7.2 Floating Point Arithmetic The number of the IBM sys tern for which the program is written. 7.3 Interpolation & Curve Fitting 7.4 Polynomial Solutions 7.9 Other Social & Physical Sciences, Engineering Applications 8.0 Management Information File No. AT-082 11.9.001 The IBM Library code for filinq and ordering aprogram. Now refer back to the illustration in the section entitled, "Keyword-in-Context Index". As you can see, there are t'\oTO kinds of file numbers: The first consists of an alphabetical and numeric reference: 9.0 9 • 1 Inventory Contro 1 x the second is completely numeric in a Dewey Decimal sequence. Type I and II program in the "IBM Programs" Catalog; Type III, IV abs tracts are located Programs" section. DELETED TYPE I, II, III, AND IV PROGRAMS Deleted Types I, II, III and IV programs are announced in each Catalog or Supplement in the table enti tIed "List of Deleted Type I, II, III and IV Programs". abstracts are located section of this and Prior Use program in the .. Contributed Catalogs will contain a list of all deleted programs, including those contained in all previous supplements, that have been deleted since the last published catalog. The page number listed at the end of the KWIC entry line will direct you to the program abstract. Each abstract describes the relevant program in enough detail to help you determine if the program will meet your requirements. LIST OF NEW PROGRAMS This section consists of a list of ne\,1 programs added since the last edition of the Catalog or its Supplements. All new Type III, IV and Prior Use Programs which appear in this catalog were accepted prior to December 31, 1969. PROGRAM CORRECTIONS AND REVISIONS There are two kinds of revisions to programs listed in this Catalog: 1. Changes in the program abstract, 2. Functional changes in the program documentation and/or machine readable material. Abstract changes for all Types of programs are noted in this Catalog and in the Supplement. The following codes appear at the extreme right-end of the title line for each abs tract that is new or has heen revised in this edition: *N - This symbol indicates a new program. *M - This symbol indicates that the text of the abstract has been modified. Functional changes in program documentation and/or decks or tapes for Type III (IBM Contributed) and Type IV (Customer Contributed) programs are listed in a special table preceding the KWIC Index. This data is listed under four headings: machine area; order number; date the correction was effective; and material changed. If a user has received the program data prior to the date indicated and would like to receive the correction, he must reorder the program. See the section entitled, "Completion of the IBM Program Order Form". All corrections and revisions which appear in this catalog were accepted prior to December 31, 1969. Information concerning functional charges in program documentation and/or machine readable material for Type I (Programming Systems) and Type II (Application Programs) can be obtained through your IBH Branch Office. XI IBM PrDgram Order ~ IBMCDrpD.._ pragnm Jafal1llatioA Dept 40 Sa. Mill Bin" Ba.d H• .thD....I, Now YDrk 10532 ToJ. 914-S92-S79DnBM N_ark 8-659-1011 ~~~~~~TD~THIINUMlul€i~A§'.i~ Figure 1 XII LIST OF NEW TYPE III, IV A~m PRIOR USE PROGRAMS All programs which appear on this list were accepted prior to December 31, 1970. PROGRAM NO. PROGRAM TITLE PAGE NO. 1401-10.3.071 1401-10.3.072 1401-10.3.073 1401 UNIVERSITY ADMISSIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION SYSTEM (LOAN SUBSYSTEM) FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION SYSTEM (STUDENT AID SUBSYSTEM) 056 056 057 1402-10.3.075 SOCRATES STUDENT SCHEDULIt-TG - BETA VERSION 061 LIST OF TYPE III AND IV PROGRAM CORRFCTIONS AND REVISIONS This change was requested by the authors. Alphabetic Key To Material Revised: A. B. C. Documentation Machine Readable Catalog Abs tract This correction was accepted prior to December 31, 1969. PROGRAM NO. 1401-10.3.065 PROGRAM TITLE SOCRATES STUDENT SCHEDULING SYSTEM DELETED TYPE I, II, III AND IV PROGRru1S The following programs were deleted because of low usage: PROGRAM NO. 1401-0 1 • 1 .014 1401-01.1.016 1401-01.1.017 1401-01 • 1 .020 1401 -0 1 • 1 .026 1401-01 • 1 .039 1401-01.2.003 1401-0 1 • 2.01 8 1401-01 • 2.024 140 1-0 1 • 2 • 0 25 1401-01 .3.003 1401-01.3.005 1401-01 • 4 .034 1401-01.4.039 1401-01 • 4.067 1401-01.4.068 1401-01.4.102 1401-01.4.121 1401-0 1 • 4. 1 23 1401-01.4.126 1401-01.4.135 1401-01.4.136 1401-01 • 4. 158 1401-01.4.159 1401-01.4.187 1401-01.4.189 1 40 1 -0 1 • 4. 1 9 3 1401-01 .4.211 1401-01.4.226 1401-01.4.228 1401-01.4.231 1401-01.5.002 1401-02.0 .013 1401-02.0.021 1401-02.0.024 PROGRAM TITLE AUTOEDIT - 1401 EDIT FOR 1410 AUTOCODER PROGRAMS ACCELERATOR PACK-SYMBOLIC 4K RAPID ASSEt-1BLY PROGRAM NO. 14043 EDIT - EDITING DATA INPUT FOR VAIJIDITY AUTOCODER PRE-LIST DIAGNOSTIC PRE-LIST FOR AUTOCODER SotlRCE DECK THREE TAPE SORT PROGRAM CARD MERGE ALPHABETIC NAME FILE SFARCHING BASED ON PHONETICS 1401 SORT 7 - 1311 DISK LOAD GENERAL PURPOSE TAB-BACK PROGRAM REPORT PROGRAM GENERATOR PRE-EDIT GENFRAL APPROACH TO AUTOf!ATIC PROGRAMMED ADDRESS CONVERSION MONITOR SYSTEM FOR TAPE UNPACK CONDENSED CARDS REER - REPRODUCE, EMIT, ELIMINATE, REPRODUCE CHECKPOINT AND RESTART PROCEDURE SELF CHECKING NIDiBER CALCULAT ION - MODULOUS 10 TAPE COMPARE ERROR PRINT/DlWLICATE PRINT DECISION TABLES IMPACT SIMULATOR WRITE AND READ TAPE CHECK GENERAL PURPOSE TAPE DUMP 1401/1311 CARD-TO-DISK CONSECUTIVE LOAD PROGRAM 1311 DISK RECORD FINDER 1401/1440/1460 RESEQUENCE AUTOCODER SOURCE PROGRAMS - RASP PAPER AND PROGRA!·1 DOCUMENTAT ION EDITOR 1401-1311 DISK PRINT PROGRAM GENERALIZED TABULATE WITH OR WITHOUT CONTROL FIELDS CPI - CREATE PRINT IMAGES MATCH AND MODIFY FILES PROGRAM DIOS - 1311/1301 INPUT-OUTPUT SYSTEM FOR THE 1401/1440/1460 CARD AUTOCODER PROGRAMMING SYSTE11 (CAnTO) 1401/1311 MONITOR FOR PROGRAMS ON DISK PACKS FLOWCHARTING AND DOCUMENTATION AID PROGRAM XIII CODES A B PROGRAM NO. 1401-02.0.025 1401-02.0.040 1401-02.0.041 1 40 1-0 3 .0 .0 1 9 1401-06.0.005 1401-06.0.007 1401-06.0.010 1401-06.0.013 1401-06.0.018 1401-07.0 .002 1401-10.1.004 1401-10.2.008 1401-10.3.001 1401-10.3.015 1401-10.3.017 1401-10.3.024 1401-10.3.039 1401-10.3.044 1401-10.3.047 1401-10.3.050 1401-10.3.069 1401-13.1.009 1401-14.0.004 1401-14.0.012 1401-14.0.027 PROGRAM TITLE FORTRAN l~ODIFICATION WHICH ELIMINATES THE 11ULTIPLY - DIVIDE SPECIAL FEATURES REQUIREr·1ENTS TYPEWRITER l.m.CROS FOR 1401/1440/1460 DISK AUTOCODER COBOL EXPANDER PROGRAM A SQUARE ROOT SUBROUTINE FOR THE 1401 USING NORMAL EXTRACTION METHOD MULTIPLE CORRELATION - VARIABLES OF IHPORTANCE DETERMINED VOID REGRESSION ANALYSIS Cm!PU'T'ER PROGRAl1 SFASONAL ADJUSTUFNT, CENSUS rreTHOD II, X-9 VERSION, 4K, SHORT PROGRAM DATA TRANSFFR - PROGRAH FOR CP.NSUS METHOD II TRADING - DAY ADJUSTMENT FOR 1401 VERSIONS OF CENSUS METHOD II SELF-CHECKING NUMBER CALCULATION MODULUS II LINEAR PROGRA1$IING REVISED SIMPLEX METHOD GENERAL PURPOSE SIMULATOR-GPSS-2 LESS-LEAST-COST ESTIMATING AND SCHEDULING (4K-SCIIFDULING PHASE ONLY) PIECEWORK-TIMEt~RK PAYROLL LESS PROGR.Ar.1 4K LOT SIZE INVENTORY MANAGEUENT INTERPOLATION TECHNIQUF (LIMIT) THE TRAVELING SALESMAN PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT PHASE I INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL PROGRAM 1401/1311 TRANSPORTATION PROBLFM 1401 AIRLINE AIRCRAFT EVALUATION PROGRAM RGCP - REPRODUCE, GANG PUNCH, COmlT, PRINT FOURTEEN 0 ONE OFFSET REPRODUCING AND GANGPUNCHING OR EMITTING STATE AND LOCAL INCOME TAXES FOR IBf.1 1401 TAPE SYSTFM EXTENDED PERFORMANCE COMPUTER ASSISTED INSTRUCTION OPERATING SYST~1 FOR 1401/1026 1410-03.9.002 SORT TIMING PROGRAM 1440-01.1.001 1440-01.1.002 1440-01.3.002 1440-01.4.002 1440-02.1.002 1440-02.1.003 1440-02.3.001 1440-02.3.002 1440-02.3.003 1440-02.7.002 1440-02.7.003 1440-02.9.003 1440-02.9.005 1440-03.1.001 1440-03.3.002 1440-10.1.001 1440-11.3.001 1440-11.5.003 1440-11.5.004 1440-12.3.001 CONTROLLER PROGRAM TO LOAD PROGRAMS ON DISK MACBADY 8K 1440 FORTRAN RAPID SELECTIVE TRACE 1440/1311 DISK ADDRESS UTILITY 1440/1311 DISK SORT PACKAGE VARIABLE CARD REPRODUCER FOR 1440/1311 ONE CARD 80-80 CARD TO PRINTER PROGRAM WITH BRANCH ON OVERFLOW 1440/1311 80-80 REPRODUCE PROGRAM CORE PRINT CORE DUMP ROUTINE IN ACTUAL FORM PUNCH CORE IN PROGRAM LOAD FORMAT IBl-l 1440 CORE ptmCH PROGRAM REPRODUCE GANG PUNCH SIMULATOR CONVERT 1440 AUTOCODER SOURCE PROGRM1S TO 1401 SM! MEAT SYSTEl-1 TARS - TALLY ANALYSIS REGISTRATION AND SCHEDULING COMPUTER FOR THE IBM 1080 ANALYTICAL DATA ACQUISITION PROGRAM MEDICARE INPATIENT BILLING BILL OF MATERIAL PROCESSOR STRUCTURE FILE ADDRESS REORGANI ZATION MAINTENANCE PROGRAl·1 BILL OF MATERIAL PROG~1S TO LOAD, l~INTAIN AND EXPLODE BM FILES EXTENDED PERFORMANCE COUPUTER ASSISTED INSTRUCTION OPERATING SYSTEM FOR IBM 1440-1448 1440-12.3.003 1440-15.0.001 XIV ABBIDG! PlIOGRAM NO. TITLE lBRIDGE CABD ItEEPUG. 'STACK - STOllAGE OJ+ 1"'8'-8'.4.117 ACCOUJT. 'tJ!IIAJJ: DEPOSIT 1448-PB-'3X ACCOUBTUG sYsnl! 1'011 HOSPITAL. 'PROPJ!BTY 1449-11.5.885 lCCOUJTIlIG. .SAVUGS 144fiJ-FB-85X lCCOUITIIG. 'I!ORTGAGE LOU 14/l9-PB-.41 ACCOUBTIIG. 'OB-LIB! SnUGS 1448-1'B-87X ACCOUITiliG. 'iliSTALLIIJ!JT LOU 1440-18.2.883 ACCOUITIIG. 'I!OTOR 1'REIGHT REVJ!BUE 14~8-ST-82X ACCOUITS PAYABLE. .HOSPITAL 1448-UH-93X 1/l48-UH-82X UCCOUITS RECEIVABLE 1'OR HOSPITALS. lCCOUJTS Bl!CBIVABLE. IBETAIL 1448-DR-82X ADDRESS UTILITY. .148111311 DISK 1481-81.4.176 ADJUS~IIEIT - CENSUS IIETHOD II, X-9 VERSION,+ 1481-86.8.889 ADJUSTIIE.T 01' 1I0NTHLY TlftE SERIES. .SEASONAL 1481-86.8.881 ADJUSTIIEIT, CENSUS IIETHOD II, 1-9 VERSIOI, + 1481-96.8.818 14611J-CX-88X UDIII nSTBA'rIVE TE1!I!INAL SYSTEII. 1440-CX-87X UDIIIBISTBATlVE TERIIIIAL SYSTEII. ADIlISSIOIS IIPORI!ATIOI SYSTEII. 'COOPElIATIVE 1481-18.3.868 ADIUSSIOIS I11'ORIIATIOI SYSTEII • • 1481+ 1481-18.3.871 ALTJ!BATION PROGBAII. 'STANDlllD NAIIE 1481-14.8.819 AIIORlZATION SCHEDULE. 1II0RTGAGE 1491-1fJ.2.1IJ96 ANALYZE TEACHER-lUtE TESTS. ITS88 - SCORE AND 1481-18.3.878 1401-81.4.198 .ANTIC 1 LIST OF CONDENSED CARDS. '!PTCO - lUTOftATIC PROGllAl!lIING, TESTING, AND+ 1481-91.4.894 tASK - INFOJiIlATIOI RETlIIEVAL PROGlIAII FOll THE+ 1481-111J.3.1IJ89 ASSEIIBLER. .SPS SIIGLE PASS 1481-81.1.852 .SPSS - AN IIIPROVED SPS - 1481-81.1.1IJ36 ASSEIIBLEB. ASSEIIBLER. .1481 SPS TO SlSTBII/169 B1SIC 1491-81.4.195 ASSEIIBLY 1'OR THE 1481. ''1110 - TAPE AUTOCODEB 1481-81.1.818 1401-91.1.856 ASSEIIBLY LAIGUAGE • • 1481/1448 EDIT+ ASSEIIBLY PlIOGUII NO. 14843. 'UPl!: 1491-81.1.817 1481-05-892 ASSIsnD INSTRUCTION. .1481/1469 - 1826!tlSSISTED PROJECT EVALU1TIOI liD REVIEII+ 1491-1fJ.2.1IJ11 14611J-CX-88X *ATS tADIIIBISTlIATIVE TElIlllNAL SYSTEII 1448-CX-87X *ATS UDIIINISTRATIVE TERIIIIAL SYSTEI! 14411J-US-84X .ATTENDANCE RECORDIIG 1'OR SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 1491-IF-811 'AUTO RATING FOR 1'IRE AID CASUALTY COIIPABIES. lUTO-TEST 8K. .1491/1311 1491-AT-881 1491-82.8.811 'AUTOBLOCK II. 1491-82.8.831 'AUTOCHART. AUTOCODER (ON DISK). .1411J1/1448/14611J 1481-AU-888 AUTOCODER ASSEIIBLY 1'OR THE 1481. 'TlIO - TAPE 1491-81.1.818 lUTOCODEB CARD 1'OllIlAT. 'CONVElIT SPS CUD+ 1491-81.4.131 AUTOCODER CONVERTER. 'SOPHISTICATED SPS TO 1481-81.4.165 AUTOCODER POR 1411J1I14611J. 'CABD SPS Te 1481-81.4.285 1481-81.1.843 'AUTOCODER PRE-lIST. AUTOCODER PROGRAII LOGIC DIAGRAI!I!1!R. 1481-81.4.128 .AUTOCODER PROGBlIl. 1481-AU-837 AUTOCODER PROGlIAllllntG SYSTEI! (CAUTO). 'CARD 1481-82.8.813 1401-93.8.836 .AUTOCODER SERCH EIIARY SEARCH IIACRO. AUTOCODER SOURCE DECK. 'PRE-LIST POR 1481-81.1.839 1481-81.4.189 AUTOCODER SOURCE PROGRAftS - RASP. AUTOCODER SOURCE. IDISASSEIIBll!lI OF 149111468+ 1481-82.8.035 AUTOCODER 2K. IBASIC 1481-AU-885 AUTOCODER. 'CONVERSION OP SPS TO 1481-81.4.168 1481-82. g. 819 UUTOIIATIC FLOIICHART TECHNIQUE. AUTOI!ATIC PLOTTIIG 01' RESULTS. 'IIANAGEIIENT+ 1481-18.2.887 AUTOIIATIC PROGBAIIIIING, TESTIIG, AND+ 1481-81.4.894 AUTOIIATIC BEPORT GENERATING OPERATION. 1481-RG-845 lUTOIIATIC SCORING TECHNIQUE. Il'AST - FULLY 1411J1-111J.3.B41 lUTOIUTIC SCORIIG TECHNIQUE-PHASE I PlICGRAII+ 1~81-18.3.863 1411J1-CN-83X 'AUTOFROPS II NUIIERICAL CONTROL PROGRAI!. 'IIEIIORY DUIIP II 1411J1-81. 4.863 BAlDS 01' 111J8 POSe 211J CARDS. BANK DATA PROCESSIBG SYSTEII. .IIICR ENTRY+ 1~58-l'B-2n 1481-1'B-82X IBAIK IIUAGEIIENT SIIIULATOR. BAlIK. 'BOND TRADE ARALYSIS 1'OR A 1481-1'B-891 BETA VERSION. 'SOCRATES STUDENT SCHEDULING - 1482-18.3.875 BILL 01' IIATERIAL PROCESSOR. '1448/1311 1448-IIB-82X BILLING. 'HOSPITAL PATIENT 1448-UH-811 BILLING. .CHAIN AND IIHOLESALE 1448-Di-81 x tAUTOCODER SERCH 1481-83.8.836 BINARY SEARCH IIACRO. 1481-1'B-89X .BOND TRADE ANALYSIS 1'OR 1 BUK. BRAILLE - TRAN - TRANSLATE ENGLISH TO GlIADE+ 1411J1-81.4.238 ERAICH 011 OVEll1'LOIi • • ONE CABD 88-88 CARD TO+ 1448-82.3.882 BRIDG-IT ON THE 1481. 'THE GAllI! 1481-11.8.818 1481-1IJ3.8.1IJ11 'CALCULATE NUIIBER 01' DAYS BI!TiEEN TlIO DATES+ CALCULATING AND PRIITING EVERYTHING. 'ESCAPE+ 1411J1-81. 4. 818 1481-18.2.811 'CAPERTSIII - COIIPUTER ASSISTED PROJECT+ 1411J1-18. 3. 816 'CAPITAL INVESTIIENT ANALYSIS (8K). 1411J1-13.1.826 'CARD-TO-TAPE 1'OR THE SHABE LIBRARY. 1481-UT-1IJ27 'CABD-TO-TAPE UTILITY PROGBlII. 1448-18.2.1IJ82 CASH LETTER lIRITING • • 1248/1448 nOOF 01'+ CASUALTY COIlFANIES. nUTO RATING 1'OR l'IRE AID 1411J1-Il'-1IJ1X 1481-86.8.889 CENSUS IIETHOD II, X-9 VERSION, 4K, LONG+ 1481-1IJ6.8.818 CENSUS IIETHOD II, X-9 VERSION, 4K, SHORT+ CENTERIIG QUICK REPOn (QUICKIE). 'SEL1' 1481-1IJ1.3.1IJ18 CENTS DIGITS TO CHECK-FORII 1I0BDS. 1481-14.IIJ.I88 1481-IL-811 C1'O PROGRAII (CONSOLIDATED 1'UNCTIONS+ 1448-DII-811 'CHAIN AID IIHOLESlLl! BILLING. CHARTER. .SYSTEIIS 1'LOII 1481-1IJ2.8.1IJ39 CHECK AND EDIT LISTING. 'PACE - PRE-ASSI!IIBL Y 1448-81.8.881 CHECK AID EDIT. .1481/1468 nCE PRE-'lSSEI!BLY 1411J1-1IJ1.1.851 CHECK. tlIRITE AND READ TAPE 1481-81.4.136 1481-14.8.888 CHECK-FORI! 1I0RDS. 'SUBROUTIIE TO CONVERT+ CHECKING PROGBlI!. 'GENERALIZED TABULATE+ 1411J1-81.4.1IJ56 COBOL EDIT. 'SYSTEII/368 14fiJ1-SE-13X 1411J1-CB-781 'COBOL LAlIGUAGE CONVERSION. COBOL. .1481 1481-CB-1IJ78 COE1'l'ICIENTS PRCGBAII. 'REGAN - 4K REGRESSION+ 1481-86.1IJ.888 COLLATOR SIIIULATOR. .CARD 1481-81.4.212 1481-81.4.221 COLUIINS ON THE IBII 1481. tREPRODUCE OBLY+ 1481-18.2.818 'COIIIIERCIAL AND SAVINGS TELL!B SI!lUtlTION+ 1481-IO-1IJ12 'COII!lUBICATIOIiS IOCS (1926/DDC) FOR THE+ 1440-IO-1IJ12 'COIIIIUBICATIONS IOCS 1826 (DDC) 1'OR THE 14411J. 1481-14.8.824 COIIPATIBILITY 1I0DE. 'COPY 1411J1-AU-888+ 'ANTIC A LIST 01' 1481-81.11.198 CONDENSED CARDS. 1481-81.4.894 COND!NSIBG OPERATION. UPTCO - AUTOIIATIC+ 1481-81.3.824 Cut;SI!CUTIVE IIUIIB!RS ON LABUS. '148111468+ 'CONSOLIDATED 1'UNCTIONS ORDIN1RY DAILY CYCLE+ 1481-IL-82X 1411J1-IL-1IJ3X • CONSOLIDATED FUNCTIONS ORDINARY VALUATIOII+ l'lRGO PAGE 837 828 863 821 821 821 863 824 825 825 819 839 848 847 848 828 818 856 856 869 1159 856 841 836 852 832 831 841 1IJ31 832 831 812 851 1IJ28 fiJ18 827 1/JfJ8 881 843 fiJ44 881 831 838 839 841 1IJ31 1138 882 843 1146 1IJ31 1IJ48 1IJ45 881 839 1IJ44 1IJ58 1136 113 854 1IJ55 803 836 828 1IJ86 886 861 822 824 819 846 1IJ86 843 862 857 1IJ46 834 851 853 858 817 862 888 848 848 834 868 089 819 845 861 832 038 868 835 915 983 882 848 942 942 851 818 022 868 841 ",36 834 889 818 xv TITLE COBTROL PIELDS. 'GBJERAtIZED 'fABULA'fE WITH+ COBTROL 1I0NI'l01l 01 DISK. .1481/11140/11168 JOB COITROL PROGRAII. UUTOPROPS XI JUIIBRICAL IPROJECT COBTROL SYSTEII. COIlTROL SYSTEII. .IBPUT/OUTPUT COBTROL SYSTBII. .IIPUT/OUTPUT COBVERSIOB 01' OTHER PUBCHES. 'SCOOP I & XI -+ 'COBVERSIOB OF SPS TO AUTOCODER. 'DEUBD DEPOSIT COBVERSION PROGRAII. COBVERSIOI PROGRAII. '1'ORTRAB II LARGUAGE COBVERSION PROGRAII. .1481 1'ARGO '10+ COBVERSION. 'COBOL LABGUAGE CONVERT DOLLARS ABD CBNTS DIGITS '10+ 'CONVERT SPS CABD 1'ORIIAT TO AUTOCODBR CARD+ COBVERTER. .SOPHISTICATED SPS TO AUTOCODER .COOPERATIVB ADIIISSIONS IB1'ORII.lTION SYSTEft. 'COPY 1481-AU-888 SYSTEIIS PACK TO TAPE THEN+ .CORE DUIIP ROUTIBE. .CORE DUIIP. .CORL8 THIRTEBN VARIABLE SIIIPLE CORRELATION. CORRELATIOB - VARIABLES 01' IIIPORTANCE+ CORRELATION COE1'1'ICIENTS PROGRAI!. 'RBGAB -+ CORRELATION. 'CORL8 THIRTEEN VARIABLE SIIIPLE COUNT, PRIIT. 'RGCP - REPRODUCE, GARG-PUNCH, CREDIT UIIOl1S. nBDIVIDUAL LEDGER EXTRACT+ CREDIT UNIOIS. IINDIVIDU.AL LEDGER UPDATE+ .CRITICAL PATH LISTING ABD RBSOURCE ABALYSIS. .CRITICAL PATH IIANAGEIIBBT GAilE. .CRITICAL PATH SCHEDULER (BASIC 1481). CURVE 1'1'1 1'OR ECOBOI!IC ANALYSIS AND+ CYCLE PROGRAIIS. 'CONSOLIDATED 1'UNCTIONS+ DAILY CYCLE PROGRAIIS. 'CONSOLIDATBD+ DATES SUBROUTINE-DTClLC. 'CALCULATE NUIIBER+ DAYS BETlIBEI TlIO DATES SUBROUTINE-DTCALC. 'DBCISION LOGIC TRABSLlTOR PROGUI!. DECISION IIAKING LAHORATORY AUTOIIATIC+ DECISION I!AKING LABORATORY • • ,481/1448 DISK+ DECISION TABLBS. .pnlT DBCISIOB-IIAKING LABORATORY. 'IIANAGEIIENT 'DELETE-IIERGE 1'OR THE SHARE LIBRARY. 'DBI!ARD DEPOSIT ACCCUNT. 'DBIIABD DEPOSIT CONVERSION PROGRAII. *DBI!ONSTRATIOB tl'ALLOUT *DEIlOBSTRlTION .IIUSIC-IIUSIC SIIIULlTION 01 A *DEIIONSTRATION ITBE GAilE BRIDG-IT ON THB 1481 DB POSIT ACCOUNT. 'DEIIARD DEPOSIT ABD CASH LETTER WRITING. .1248/1448+ DEPOSIT CONVERSIOII PROGRAII. 'DEIIABD DBSIGl1 DATA • • HIGHlIAY EARTHIIORK QUANTITIES DESIGl1. UNALYSIS 01' VARIUCE, 2 TO THB N+ DIlGRAIII!ER • • 140111418 AUTOCODER PROGRll! DIGITS TO CHBCK-1'ORII 1I0RDS • • SUBROUTINB TO+ 'DISASSBIIBLER 01' 148111468 PROGRA!!S 1'ROII+ DISK ADDRBSS UTILITY. .1411J1/1311 DISK 1'ILE OBGABIZlTICN ROUTINES 148111468. 'DISK PILE ORGUIZATICN BOUTIBES. DISK INPUT/OUTPUT SUBROUTINE. 'RADIO - RARDOII DISK LOAD. .1481 SORT 7 - 1311 DISK IIANAGEIIBNT DECISION IIAKING I.ABORATORY. '1481/1469-1311 DISK PROGBAII LOADl!B. DISK RECORD UNDER. .1311 DISK RBCORD. 'REPAIR DISK RESIDENT. .SORT 54 DISK SORT. IIBII 148111448/1460/1311 DiSK SORT/IIBRGB PROGRAI! (16K). '1481111168+ .DISK UTILITY PROGRAIIS. DISK. .1481148/68 1'ORTRAR IV DISK. 'UTILITY PROGRAI!S 1'OR THE 1481-1311 DISK. .14811144fiJ/1468 JOB CONTROL 1I0NITOR ON DISSEIlIRATION OF IN1'ORUTION SYSTBI!. DISTRIBUTION PROGRlII 1'OR A TAPB 1481. DISTR IBUTION PROGRAII. .GENERAL 'DISTRIBUTION TAPE REEL 1'OR SHARE. DIVIDE SUB-ROUTINB. .148111468 SIIIULTANEOUS+ 'IBII 'DOCUIIENTATICN AIDS SYSTEII. DOLLARS AND CENTS DIGITS TO CHECK-1'ORII+ DUIIP II BANDS 01' 188 POSe 28 CARDS. 'KEIIORY DUIIP ROUTINB. .CORE DUIIP. .CORE DUIIP. tIIODI1'IED DUIIP. 'GENBRAL PURPOSE TAPE DUPLICATION. .TAPE EARTHiORK QUABTITIBS ABD DESIGN DATA. ECONOIIIC ABALYSIS UD FORBCASTING. BDIT LISTING. 'PACE - PRE-ASSBIIBLY CHECK ABD EDIT SYSTEII/368 BASIC ASSBIIBLY LANGUAGE. EDIT. 'SYSTEII/368 COBOL BDIT. .148111468 PACE PRE-ASSEIIBLY CHECK ABD EF1'ORTLESS SYSTBII 01' CALCULATING UD+ ELIIIIIIATE, REPRODUCE. 'REER - REPRODUCE, ELIlllRATES THE IIULTIPLY-DIVIDE SPECIAL+ EI!BOSS ON A 1483 PRINTER • • 1481/1468 BRAILLE+ EIIIT, ELIKlBATE, RBPRODUCE • • REER EIIITTIBG. tl'OURTEEN 8 CIE 01'1'SET REPRODUCING+ 'EIGINEERING SCHEDULIIG SYSTEII. ENGLISH TO GRADB 2 BRAILLE ABD EI!BOSS ON 1+ ENTBY PROGRAII SUPPORTS 1458 BABK DATA+ EQUATIOI ABD !lATRIX INVERSION PROGRlII. .CARD SYSTEII ERROR-DETECTION AIDS. 'ESCAPE - E1'1'ORTLESS SYSTEI! OF CALCULATING+ ESTIIIATING UD SCHEDULING 8K, 12K, and 16K. EVALUATION ABD RBVIElI TECHIIQUE SIIIULATOR. EVERYTHING. iESCAPE - E1'1'ORTLESS SYSTEK 01'+ E1PONENTIAL SIIOOTHING. '1'ORECASTING BY EX'IRACT PROGBAII 1'OB CREDIT UBlONS. 1'ACILITATE ST1TISTICAL UALYSIS. '!!ETHOD OF+ 1'ACTORIAL DESIGN. UNALYSIS 01' VARIARCE, 2+ 'FALLOUT. tl'ABGO - 1'OURTEEN-O-ONE AUTOII1TIC REPORT+ tl'lBGO ONE-SIXTY-G • PIIOGRAM NO. PAGE 1Il81-'1./l.226 842 111'1-"./l.228 842 1411J1-CN-83X 083 1449-I!X-82X 823 11181-10-865 811 1449-10-818 822 1481-81.4.812 835 1411J1-91.4.168 839 12118-PB-12X 881 1481-1'0-711J2 888 1481-82.8.836 845 1481-CB-781 983 1481-14.8.888 868 1411J1-81.4.131 838 1411J1-81.4.165 839 1481-18.3.868 856 14fiJ1-14.8.824 868 1411J1-81.4.871 836 1449-82.7.884 862 14111-86.8.886 848 1411J1-86.8.885 847 1411J1-86.8.888 848 1411J1-86.8.886 848 1481-13.1.889 858 1481-18.3.855 854 1481-18.3.fiJ56 855 1481-18.3.828 853 1481-18.3.1IJ59 855 1481-18.3.813 852 1481-87.8.883 849 1481-IL-82X 889 1481-IL-82X 811J9 1481-83.8.811 846 1481-83.8.811 846 11191-SE-85X 814 1481-18.2.811J7 858 1481-111J.2.812 851 1481-81.4.126837 1II81-CS-fiJ2X 88~ 1481-13.1.827 858 11148-FB-83X 828 1248-1'B-12X 881 1491-11.8.811J7 857 1 1191-11.fiJ.8 12 158 14",1-11.8.",,8 857 11148-FB-83X 8211J 111411-1.1IJ.2.812 862 1248-1'B-12X 881 1491-89.2.811J7 ",49 "''''1-1IJ6.8.812 849 "'91-81.4.128 138 11181-14.8.811J8 868 1481-82.8.835 845 1491-81.4.176 839 1481-UT-852 817 1448-UT-848 827 11148-81.4.881 861 1481-81.2.825 833 1II81-111J.2.812 851 1491-81.4.186 848 1481-81.4.187 848 1481-81.4.1e1 848 1448-81.6.881 861 1491-81.2.823 833 1481-LI!-811 811 1448-UT-841 828 1481-FO-851 1IJ87 1481-UT-853 817 1481-81.4.228 1IJ42 1481-CR-81X 884 1481-Il'-83X 1/JfJ9 1481-11'-821 1IJ88 1481-13.1.832 1IJ59 14111-83.1IJ.841 1IJ46 1~81-SE-12X 814 1481-14.8.811J8 868 1481-81.4.863 1IJ36 1481-81.4.871 1IJ36 1448-82.7.88~ 862 1481-81.4.124 837 1481-81.4.158 839 1481-81.4.188 1IJ37 1481-89.2.fiJ87 849 1481-87.8.1IJ83 1IJ49 1441-81.8.1IJ81 1IJ61 1481-81.1.1IJ56 832 1481-SE-13X 1IJ15 1481-81.1.1IJ51 832 14fiJ1-1IJ1.4.818 fiJ34 1481-81.4.1168 836 1481-82.8.1IJ25 1IJ44 1481-1IJ1.4.238 1IJ43 1481-81.4.1IJ68 836 1481-14.fiJ.1IJ8~ 868 1481-EX-81X 885 1481-81.4.238 843 1458-FB-28X 828 1481-85.IIJ.II83 847 11181-AT-811 811J1 1411J1-1IJ1.1l.1IJ18 834 14111-18.3.fiJIIJ2 851 1481-18.2.1IJ11 851 1481-81.4.818 834 1481-18.3.888 852 1481-18.3.855 854 1481-86.8.fiJ11 849 1481-1IJ6.8.812 849 1481-11.8.1IJ87 857 1411J1-RG-845 813 14fiJ1-1IJ2.1IJ.1IJ18 844 !SUC .l!!!YWORD-III-CONTEXT) INDEX FARGO TITLE FARGO TO SYSTEII/368 RPG 1I0DEL 28 COBYERSIOII+ FEATURES REQUIREIIEIITS. IFORTRAII 1I0DIPICATIOW. FEATURES. 'TRACE THAT llEEDS 110 SPECIAL FIELDS • • GENERALIZED TABULATE liITH OR. FILE ORGAIIIZATION ROUTINES 1481/1468. FILE ORGANIZATION ROUTINES. .DISK 'FINANCIAL AID INPORIIATION SYSTEII. 'FINANCIAL AIl: INFORlIATION SYSTElI. 'FIIiANCIAL ANALYSIS PROGRAII. FINDER. .1311 DISK RECORD FIRE AND CASUALTY COllPANIES. 'AUTO RATIIiG FOR FIT FOR ECONOIIIC ANALYSIS AND FORECAS'IING. .PLOGEN - IBII 1481 FLOWCHART GENERATOR. FLOW CHARTIR. 'SYSTEIIS PLOW CHART GENERATOR. tFLOGEN - IBII 1481 PLOWCHART TECHNIQUE. tAUTOIIATIC IFORECASTING BY EIPONENTIAL SIIOOTHING. FORECASTING. IPOLYNOIIIAL CURVE PIT POR. PORIIAT TO AUTOCODER CARD FORIIAT • •CONVERT. IFORTRAN I I LAWGUAGE CONVERSION nOGRAII. FORTRAN IV DISK. '1481;48/68 FORTRAN IV TAPE. .1481/6" 'PORTRAN 1I0DIFICATION WHICH ELIIIINATES THE. 'FOURTEEII 8 ONE OPFSET REPRODUCING AND+ FOURTEEII-O-ONE AUTOIlATIC REPORT GENERATING+ FREIGHT REVENUE' ACCOUNTING. '1I0TOR FUNCTIOIIS ORDINARY DAILY CYCLE PROGRAIIS. PUNCTIOIIS ORDINARY VALUATION PROGBAlI. .GAIIE BBIDG-IT ON THE 1481. 'THE GAilE. 'CRITICAL PATH IIANAGEIIENT GANG FUNCB POR THE 1481. 'SELECTIVE. GANG PUNCH SIIIULATOR. tREPRCDUCI GANG-PUIICH. COUNT. PRINT. IRGCP - REPRODUCE. GANGPUNCHING OR EIIITTING. 'FOURTEEN 8 ONE. 'GENERALIZED FLOT PROGRAII. 'GENERALIZED TABULATE AND/OR SEQUENCE. 'GENERALIZED TABULATE WITH OR WITHOUT CONTROL GENERATING OPERATION. 'FARGO -+ GENERATOB (ON DISK) 1481;1468 • • 148111311+ GENERATOR 2K. IBEFORT PROGRAII GENERATOR 4K • • 148111468 BASIC REPORT PROGRAII IBEPORT PROGRAII GENEliATOB. .HOGEN - IBII 1481 FLOWCHART GENERATOR. GRADE 2 BRAILLE AND EIIBOSS ON A 1483. 'HIGHWAY EARTHIIORK QUANTITIl!S AND DESIGII DATA. 'HOIIECIINERS RATING PROGRAII. 'HOSPITAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. 'HOSPITAL GENERAL LEDGER. .HOSPITAL INVENTORY PROGRAII. • HOSPITAL PATIENT BILLING. 'HOSPITAL PAYROLL. HOSPITAL. tFliOPERTY ACCOUNTING SYSTEII FOR HOSPITALS. IACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE POB II. UUTOBLOCK II. 1-9 VERSION. 4K. LONG PROGRAII. 'SEASONAL+ II. 1-9 VERSION. 4K. SHORT PROGRAII. IIIPAC'I. .1311 WHOLES ALI IlIpACT. .1311 WHOLESALE INDEX. 'QUICK KWIC *INDEXING .KWIC SYSTEII UNDIVIDUAL LEDGER EITRACT PROGRAII FOR CREDIT 'INDIVIDUAL LEDGER UPDATE PRO GRAil FOR CREDIT. INFORIIATION liETRIEVAL PROGRAII FOR THE 1481. INFORIIATION SYSTEII (LOAN SYSTEII) • • FINANCIAL. INFORIIATION SYSTEII (STUDENT AID SUBSYSTEII). INFORIIATION SYSTEII. .COOPERATIVE ADIIISSIONS INFORIIATION SYSTEII. 'SELECTIVE DISSEIlINATION. INFORIIATION SYSTEII • • 1481 UNIVERSITY. tINFUT FRCGEAII POR 7898/7894 SUPPORT PACKAGES UNPUT/OUTPUT CONTROL SYSTEII. UNPUT/OUTPUT CONTROL SYSTEII. INPU'I/OUTPUT SUBROUTINE. 'BADIO - BANDOII DISK UNSTALLIIENT LCAN ACCOUNTING. INTEGER IIETHOD. 'SQUARE ROOT SUBROUTINE. INTERPOLATION TECHNIQUE (LIIIIT). fLOT SIZE. UNVElITORY IIANAGE!lENT ANALYSIS PROGRAlI. INVENTORY IIANAGEIIENT INTERPOLATION TECHNIQUE. INVENTORY !lANAGEIIENT SIIIULATOH 12K 1481. UNVENTORY IIANAGEIIENT SI!lULATOR. INVENTCRY FROGRAII. 'HOSPITAL INVENTORY SYSTEII. 'SKILLS INVERSION PROGRAII • • IIULTIPLE SIIIULTANEOUS. INVESTIIENT ANALYSIS (8K). 'CAPITAL IOCS (ON DISK). IIBII 1481;1468 IOCS (1826/DDC) FOR THE 1481/1468. IOCS 1826 (DDC) FOR THE 1448. 'COIIIIUNICUIONS JOB CONTROL IIONITOR ON DISK. .1481/1448/1468 KEEPING • • STACK - STORAGE ON TAPE TO ABRIDGE. tKEYWORD-IN-CONTEXT (KWIC) + KEYWORD-CUT-OF-CONTEXT (KWOC). KWIC INDEX. 'QUICK • KWIC SYSTEII. LAEEL CAPABILITY • • 1481 AND 1468 TAPE+ LABELS. t1481;1468 PRINT LARGE CONSECUTIVE. #LABOR AND IIATERIAL PROGRAII. LABORATORY AUTOIIATIC PLOTTING OP RESULTS. LABORATORY. tllA NAGEIIENT DECISION-IIAKING LABORATORY. '1481/1448 DISK IIANAGEIIENT. LAST CARD TEST. tONE OP ONE - 88188. LEAS'I-COST ESTIIIATING AND SCHEDULING 8K. + LEDGER EITRACT PROGRAII FOR CREDIT UNIONS. LEDGER UPDATE FROGRAII FOR CREDIT UNIONS. LEDGER. IHOSPITAL GENERAL #LESS - LEAST-COS'I ESTIIIATING AND SCHEDULING. LETTER WRITING. 11248/1448 PBOOF OF DEPOSIT. LIBRARY. 'CARD-TO-TAPE FOR THE SHARE LIBRARY. IDELETE-IIERGE FOR THE SHARI LIBRARY. ITAPE-TO-CARD FOR THE SHARE LIBRARY. ITAPE-TO-TAPE FOR THE SHARE UINEAR FROGRAIIIIING. PROGRAM NO. PAGE 1481-82.8.836 845 1481-82.8.8i5 844 1481-81.4.133 838 1481-81.4.226 842 1481-UT-852 817 1448-UT-848 827 1481-18.3.872 856 1481-18.3.873 857 1401-FI-851 887 1481-81.4.187 848 1481-IF-81X 888 1481-87.8.883 849 1481-82.8.822 844 1481-82.8.839 845 1481-82.8.822 044 1481-82.8.819 844 1481-18.3.008 852 1481-87.8.883 849 1481-81.4.131 838 1481-FO-782 888 1481-FO-851 887 1481-FO-852 887 1481-82.8.825 844 1481-14.8.884 868 1481-RG-845 813 1448-ST-821 824 1481-IL-821 889 1481-IL-831 818 1481-11.8.918 857 1481-18.3. £59 855 1481-81.4.851 835 1448-83.1.881 862 1481-13.1.889 858 1481-14.8.884 868 1481-14.8.882 859 1481-81.4.856 835 1481-81.4.226 842 1481-RG-845 1113 1481-RG-832 812 1481-RG-833 813 1481-RG-822 812 1481-RG-848 813 1401-82.8.822 844 1481-81.4.238 843 1481-89.2.807 049 1481-IF-85X 089 1449-UH-831 825 1448-UH-851 825 1448-UH-841 825 1440-UH-811 824 1448-UH-86X 826 1448-11.5.885 863 1448-UH-821 825 1481- 843 1481-86.0.889 848 1481-86.8.818 848 1481-DII-831 885 1448-DII-841 828 1481-18.3.835 854 1481-18.3.818 852 141111-18.3.055 854 1481-18.3.856 855 1481-18.3.889 852 1481-18.3.872 856 1481-18.3.873 857 1481-18.3.068 856 1481-CR-811 884 1481-18.3.871 856 1481-UT-938 818 1481-10-865 811 1448-10-818 822 1448-81.4.881 861 1448-18.2.883 863 1481-83.8.814 846 1481-18.3.824 853 1481-18.3.823 853 1481-18.3.824 853 1481-CS-831 885 1481-18.2.883 858 1440-UH-84X 825 1481-18.3.849 854 1481-95.8.883 847 1481-18.3.816 853 1481-10-868 811 1481-10-812 818 1448-10-812 822 1481-81.4.228 842 1481-81.4.107 837 1481-CR-82X 884 1481-CR-821 884 1481-10.3.835 854 1481-18.3.818 852 1481-UT-825 "16 1481-81.3.824 834 1448-12.3.882 063 1481-18.2.887 858 1401-CS-02X 884 1481-18.2.812 851 1481-81.4.188 848 1481-18.3.082 851 1481-18.3.855 854 1481-18.3.856 855 1448-UH-85X 825 1481-10.3.882 851 1448-18.2.882 862 1481-13.1.826 858 1481-13.1.827 858 1481-13.1.828 859 1481-13.1.825 958 1481-11), 1. 882 95111 XVI TITLE LINEAR PROGRAIIIIIlIG. 11488-1311 tLINEAR PROGRAII!lIlIG. REVISED SIIIPLEX IIETHOD. tLINEAR REGRES·SION ANALYSIS. LINEAR REGRESSION ANALYSIS. tllULTIPLE LIST AND PUNCH. 'SHARE ORDER CARD LIST OF CONDENSED CARDS. UNTIC A LIST OVERFLOW. ICARD LIST. tONE CARD 88-88 LISTING AND RESOURCE ANALYSIS. 'CRITICAL PATH LISTING. 'PACE - PRE-ASSEIIBLY CHECK AND EDIT LOAD. 11481 SORT 7 - 1311 DISK LOADER. 'TAPE SYSTEII t1481/1460-1311 DISK PROGRAII LOADER. LOAN ACCOUNTING. '1I0RTGAGE LOAN ACCOUNTING. tINSTALLIIENT LOGIC DIAGRAIIIIER. t1481;1418 AUTOCODER LOGIC TRANSLATOR PROGRAII. 'DECISION tLOT SIZE INVENTORY !UNAGEIIENT INTERPOLATION. IIACRO. UUTOCODER SEIICH EINARY SEARCH IIANAGEIIENT ANALYSIS PROGRAII. IINVENTORY IIANAGEIIENT DECISION !lAKING LABORATORY. IIIANAGEIIENT DECISION IIAKING LABORATORY+ tllANAGEIIEWT DECISION-IIAKING LABORATORY. 'CRITICAL PATH IIANAGEIIENT GAilE. IIANAGEIIENT INTERPOLATION TECHNIQUE (LIIIIT). IIAIIAGEIIENT SIIIULATOR 12K 1481 VERSION. IIANAGEIIENT SIIIULATOR. .BANK IIANAGEIIENT SIIIULATOR. tINVENTORY MATERIAL PROCESSOR. 11448/1311 BILL OF ILABOR AND MATERIAL PROGRAII. IIATRIX INVERSION PROGRAII. tIlULTIPLE. IlEAT SYSTEII. '5111 IIIEIIORY DUIIP IN BANDS OF 188 POS. 28 CARDS. IUNIVERSAL IIEIIORY PRINT. IIIERGE 5. tIIERGE 6. tIIERGE 7. IIERGE. .CARD IIERGE. .8K THREE TAPE .SORT 'IIICR ENTRY PROGRAII SUPPORTS 1458 BANK DATA. 1I0DE. ICOPY 1481-AU-888 SYSTEIIS PACK TO TAPE. IIODIFICATION WHICH ELIIIINATES THE+ .1I0DIFIED DUIIP. 1I0DULAR INVENTORY IIANAGEIIElIT SIIIULATOR 12K. 1I0!lENT REPORTING. tSOIlR - SPUR OP THE IIONITOR ON DISK. .1481/1448/1468 JOB CONTROL .SEASONAL ADJUSTIIENT OF 1I0NTHLY TIllE SERIES. tl!ORTGAGI! AIIORIZATION SCHEDULE. tllORTGAGE LOAN ACCOUNTING. tllOTOR FREIGHT REVENUE ACCOUNTING • tIlULTI-PURPOSE 88-88 REPRODUCING. IIULTIPLY DIVIDE SUB-ROUTINE. '1481/1468. IIULTIPLY-DIVIDE SPECIAL FEATURES. IIIUSIC-IIUSIC SIIIULATION ON A 1481 COIIPUTER. IIABAC IIODEL. 'COIIIIERCIAL AND SAVINGS TELLER. NAIIE ALTERATION PROGRAII. 'STANDARD NUIIBER OF DAYS EETWEEN TWO DATES. NUIIBERS ON LABELS • • 1481/1468 PRINT LARGE. NUIIERICAL CONTROL PROGRA!l. tAUTOPROPS II OBJECT TO AUTOCODER SOURCE. tDISASSEIIBLER OF. ODD INTEGER IIETHOD. tSQUARE ROOT SUBROUTINE. OFFSET REPRODUCING AND GANGPUNCHING OR+ ION-LINE SAVINGS ACCOUNTING. ONE-SIXTY-G. tFARGO 'ONE-WAY ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE. OPERATING SYSTEII COIlPUTER ASSISTED. OPERATING SYSTEII/368 DISK SORT/MERGE PROGRAII+ .OPTRAIN OPERATING TRAINING ON THE 1481. tOPTRAIN - OPERATING TRAINING ON THE 1481. ORDER CARD LIST AND PUNCH. 'SHARE ORDINARY DAILY CYCLE PROGRAIIS. 'CONSOLIDATED. ORDIN ARY VALUATION PROGRAII. 'CONSOLIDATED. ORGANIZATION ROUTINES 148111468 • • 1481/1311+ ORGANIZATION ROUTINES. 'DISK FILE OUTPUT PROGRAII. 17898/94 1481 PERIPHERAL OVERFLOW. .CARD LIST OVERFLOW. tONE CARD 88-88 CARD TO PRINTER+ tFACE - PRE-ASSEIIBLY CHECK AND EDIT LISTING. PACE PRE-ASSEIIBLY CHECK AND EDIT. .1481/1468 PACK TO TAPE THEN TAPE TO 368/2311 IN. PACKAGES FOR IBII SYSTEII/368 • • INPUT PROGRAM+ PASS ASSEIIBLER. 'SPS SINGLE PATH LISTING AND RESOURCE ANALYSIS. 'CRITICAL PATH IIANAGEIIENT GAilE. .CRITICAL PATH SCHEDULER (BASIC 1491). 'CRITICAL PATIENT BILLING. 'HOSPITAL PAYABLE. 'HOSPITAL ACCOUNTS PAYROLL. .HOSPITAL PAYROLL. 'PIECEWORK-TIllE WORK PERIPHERAL OUTPUT PROGRAII. 17898/94 1481 PERIPHERAL UTILITY PROGRAII. 17848/7844 - 1481 tPERT • IPROJECT PROGRESS REPORT PHASE I. tFIECEIiORK-TIIIEIIOBK PjlYROLL. 'GENERALIZED PLOT PROGRAII. PLOTTING OF RESULTS. '!lANAGEIIENT DECISION+ 'POLYNOIlIAL CURVE FIT FOR ECONO!lIC ANALYSIS+ IPORTFOLIO SELECTION PROGRAII. POS. 28 CARDS. tllEIIORY DUIIP IN BANDS OF 188 POWER FACTORIAL DESIGN. UNALYSIS OF+ 'PACEPRE-ASSEIIBLY CHECK AND EDIT LISTING. PRE-ASSEIIBLY CHECK AND EDIT. t1481/1468 PACE IPRE-LIST POR AUTOCODER SOURCE DECK. PRE-LIST. UUTOCODER IPRINT DECISION TABLES. PRINT LARGE CONSECUTIVE NUIIBERS ON LABELS. PRINT PROGRAM. .UTILITY PRINT. 'UNIVERSAL IIEIIORY PRINT. 'RGCP - REPRODUCE. GANG-PUNCH. COUNT. PRINTEl! PROGRAII WITH BRANCH ON OVERFLOW. PRIl'ITI!R PROGRAM NO. PAGE 1481-CO-131 8"3 1401-18.1.084 850 1481-86.8.882 847 1481-86.0.884 847 1481-13.1.829 859 1481-01.4.198 841 1401-81.4.138 838 1481-81.3.811 834 1401-18.3.828 853 1448-81.0.881 861 1481-81.2.825 833 1481-81.1.835 831 1481-81.4.186 840 1448-PB-84X 821 1448-19.2.883 863 1481-81.4.128 838 1401-SE-85X 814 1481-18.3.1124 853 1481-83.0_836 846 1481-18.3.823 853 1481-18.2.012 851 1481-18.2.887 850 1481-CS-82X 884 1481-18.3.859 855 1481-18.3.824 853 1481-CS-83X 885 1481-PB-02X 886 1481-10.2.883 858 1448-IIE-021 822 1448-12.3.802 863 1481-85.0.883 847 1440-18.1.881 862 1481-81.4.863 836 1481-81.4.896 836 1448-SM-031 824 1481-511-863 016 1481-511-861 815 1481-81.2.818 833 1481-01.2.822 933 1458-PB-28X 828 1481-14.8.824 868 1481-82.0.825 044 1481-81.4.124 037 1481-CS-83X 885 1481-81.3.822 834 1481-81.4.228 042 1481-86.8.881 047 1401-18.2.886 058 1448-FB-84X 821 1449-ST-82X 024 1481-81.4.198 041 1481-03.0.841 846 1481-82.8.825 844 1481-11.8.812 858 1481-18.2.818 851 1491-14.8.019 868 1481-83.8.811 846 1401-81.3.824 834 1481-CN-83X 883 1481-82.0.035 845 1481-03.8.014 846 1491-14.8.884 860 1448-FB-07x 821 1401-82.8.818 044 1481-86.8.814 849 1481-05-892 812 1481-LII-811 811 1481-13.4.882 059 1481-13.4.082 859 1481-13.1.829 859 1481-IL-02X 809 1481-IL-331 018 1481-UT-852 817 1448-UT-840 827 1481-UT-158 818 1481-81.4.138 038 1448-82.3.082 862 1448-81.3.881 861 1481-01.1.851 832 1481-14.0.824 968 1401-UT-938 818 1481-81.1.852 832 1481-18.3.828 853 1481-18.3.859 855 1481-18.3.913 852 1449-UH-81x 824 1448-UH-83X 925 1440-UH-86X 826 1481-18.3. £15 853 1481-UT-158 918 1401-UT-157 818 1481-18.3.887 852 1401-18.3.844 054 1481-18.3.915 853 1481-14.8.892 859 1481-18.2.987 858 1481-87.8.883 849 1481-FI-94X 806 1481-81.4.863 836 1481-96.8.812 849 1448-81.8.801 861 1481-81.1.851 832 1481-01.1.839 831 1481-81.1.843 831 1481-81.4.126 837 1481-81.3.824 834 1481-81.4.225 842 1481-81.4.096 836 1481-13.1.889 858 1440-32.3.882 862 !!l£ 1!!JlIORD-I1-COBTEXTl IRDEX PRINTER TITLE PRINTER • • 1491/146/1 BlIULLE - TUI -+ PRINTING EVEBlTHING. IESCAPE - EFFORTLESS+ PROCESSING SYSTEII • • "ICR EITRY PROGRAII+ 'GENERAL PROCESSING UTILITY PROGRAII. '1449/1311 BILL OF IIATERIAL PROCESSOR. 'PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT PHASE I. 'PROJECT CONTROL SYSTEII. PROJECT EVALUATION AND REVIEW TECHNIQUE+ 'PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT PHASE I. PROOF OF DEPOSIT AND CASH LETTER WRITING. 'PROPERTY ACCOUNTING SYSTEII FOR HOSPITAL. PUNCH FOR THE 1491. .SELECTIVE REPRODUCE -+ PUNCH SII!IULATOR. 'REPRODUCE GANG PUNCH. 'SHARE ORDER CARD LIST AND PUNCHES. 'SCOOP I & II - SIIIPLIFIED+ QUANTITIES AND DESIGN DATA • • HIGHWAY 'QUICK KWIC INDEX. QUICK RE!?OBT (QUICKIE). 'SELF CENTERING .RADIO ., RANDOII DISK INPUT/OUTPUT SUBROUTINE. RANDOII DISK INPUT/OUTPUT SUBBOUTINE. IBADIO IBAPID ASSEIIBLY PROGBAII NO. 14943. IBAPID SELECTIVE TRACE. BASP. .1491/1449/1469 BESEQUENCE AUTOCODER+ BATING FOB FIRE AND CASUALTY COIIPANIES. UUTC BATING PROGBAII. .HOIIEOWNERS IBEACTION TIllING PROGRnl FOR IBII 1491. BEAD TAPE CHECK. 'WRITE AND RECEIVABLE FOB HOSPITALS. UCCOURTS BECEIVABLE. tBETAIL ACCOUNTS BECORD FINDEB. .1311 DISK RECORD. .BEPAIB DISK BECORDING COIIPUTER UTILIZATION AND 3 1411,. RECORDING FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS. UTTENDANCE 'DATA ANALYSIS AND BEDUCTION. REEL FOR SHARE. 'DISTRIBUTION TAPE 'REER - REPRODUCE, EIIIT, ELIIIINATE, REPRODUCE. IREGAN - 4K REGRESSION ANALYSIS AND+ REGISTRATION AND SCHEDULING. 'TALLY ANALYSIS REGRESSION ANALYSIS AND CORRELATION+ IREGRESSION ANALYSIS CO!!PUTER PROGRAII. .LINEAR REGRESSION ANALYSIS. REGRESSION ANALYSIS. 'IIULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION PROGRAII. '"ULTIFLE tRELOCATABLE TRACE PROGRAII. IREPAIR DISK BECOBD. REPORT (QUICKIE). 'SELF CENTERING QUICK REPORT GENERATING OPERATION. 'FARGO -+ REPORT PHASE I. 'PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT PROGRAII GENERATOR (ON DISK) + IREPORT !?BOGRAII GENERATOR 2K. REPORT PROGRAII GENERATOR 4K • • 1491/146/1 BASIC 'REPORT !?BOGRAII GENERATOR. .14411/1311 REPORT PROGRAII. REPORTING. .SOIlR - SPUR OF THE IICIIENT tREPRO-RE!?RODUCER SIIIULATOR ROUTINE FCR THE+ RE!?RODUCE - GANG PUNCH FOR THE 1411 1. IREPRODUCE GANG PUNCH SIIIULATOR. IREPRODUCE ONLY CERTAIN COLUIINS ON THE IBII+ REPRODUCE WITH LAST CARD TEST. 'ONE OF ONE -+ REPRODUCE. 'REER - REPRODUCE, FIIIT, REPRODUCE, GANG-PUNCH, COUNT, PRINT. 'RGCPREPRODUCER FOR 1449/1311. IVARIABLE CARD REPRODUCING AND GANGPUNCHING OR El!ITTING. REPRODUCING. UULTI-PURPOSE 89-89 REQUIREIIENTS. 'FORTRAN 1I0DIFICATION WHICH+ RESEQUENCE AUTOCODER SOURCE PROGRAIIS - RASP. RESIDENT. .SORT 54 DISK RESOURCE ANALYSIS. 'CRITICAL PATH LISTING AND 'RETAIL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE. RETRIEVAL PROGRAII FOR THE 14111. USK -+ RETRIEVAL SYSTEII. 'SELECT DATA REVENUE ACCOUNTING. '1I0TOR FREIGHT REVIEW TECHNIQUE SIIIULATOR • •CAPERTSIII -+ REVISED SII!PlEX IIETHOD. 'LINEAR PROGRAIIIIING, .RGCP - REPRODUCE, GANG-PUNCH, COUNT, PRINT. ROOT ROUTINE. .SQUARE ROOT .SUBROUTINE USING ODD INTEGER IIETHOD. ROOT SUBROUTINE. .SQUARE RPG !!ODEL 211 CONVEBSION PROGRAII • • 14111 FARGO+ RPG TO SYSTEII/3611 TRANSLATOR. tIBII 14110 .SAVINGS ACCOUNTING. 'ON-LINE SAVINGS ACCOUNTING. SA VI NGS TELLER SIIIULATION USING NABAC IIODEL. SCHEDULE. .1I0RTGAGE AIIORIZATION 'CRITICAL PATH SCHEDULER (BASIC 1481). *SCHEDULER PROJECT 'PERT SCHEDULING - BETA VERSION. .SOCRATES STUDENT 'ENGINEERING SCHEDULING SY STEil. SCHEDULING SYSTEII. 'SOCRATES STUDENT SCHEDULING 8K, 12K, and 16K • • LESS -+ SCHEDULING. 'TALLY ANALYSIS REGISTR ATION AND SCHOOL PROGRAIIS (GRADE REPORTING). .SECONDARY SCHOOL PROGRAIIS (PAYROLL AND PERSONNEL). SCHOOL PROGRAIIS (STUDENT SCHEDULING) • SCHOOLS. .ATTENDANCE RECORDING FOR SECCNDARY 'SCOO!? I & II - SIIIPLIFIED CONVERSION OF+ SCORE AND ANALYZE TEACHER-IIADE TESTS • • TS811 SCORING TECHNIQUE. 'FAST - FULLY AUTOIIATIC SCORING TECHNIQUE-PHASE I PROGRAII PACKAGE. SEARCH IIACRO. UUTOCODER SERCH BINARY SEARCH PROGRAII. 'TAPE .SEASONAL ADJUSTIIENT - CENSUS IIETHOD II, X-9+ .SEASONAL AtJUSTIIENT OF 1I0NTHLY TIll!! SERIES. 'SEASONAL AtJUSTIIENT, CENSUS !!ETHOD II, X-9+ 'SELECT DATA RETRIEVAL SYSTEII. SELECTION PROGRAII. .PORTFOLIO 'SELECTIVE DISSEIlINATION OF INFORIIATION+ .SELECTIVE REI?RODUCE - GANG PUNCH FCR THE+ SELECTIVE TRACE. IRAPID SEQUENCE CHECKING PROGBAII. 'Gl!REBlLIZED+ PROGRAM NO. 1481-111.4.23/1 1481-/11.4./118 1458-FB-281 1481-81.4.232 1448-IIE-82X 1491-18.3.944 1448-111-92X 1481-18.2.811 1481-18.3.844 1448-18.2.8112 1448-11.5.885 1481-91.4.1l51 1448-83.1.8111 1481-13.1.829 14111-81.4.812 1481-99.2.891 1491-18.3.835 1481-81.3.918 1448-81.4.1l91 1448-81.4.881 14111-81.1.1l17 14111-111.4.281 14111-111.4.189 1491-IF-81 X 1491-IF-85X 14111-11.8.1l85 1481-lll.4.136 1441l-UH-82X 1448-DR-82X 1491-81.4.181 1481-81.4.181 14111-86.8.lll1 1448-US-8IU 14111-CA-84X 14111-13.1.1l32 14111-81.4.1l68 1481-"6.8.1l88 1411 1-14. 8.1l25 14111-86.".1l1l8 14111-86.8.""1 14111-86. 8. 1l1l2 14"1-"6.1l.1l84 1481-96.8.1l1l3 1491-81.4.193 14"1-81.4.181 14111-91.3."18 1481-RG-845 1481-1Il.3.1l44 1491-RG-832 1II91-RG-"33 1481-RG-"22 1481-RG-848 1448-RG-1l21l 14"1-lll.3.1l22 14111-81.4.1l54 1481-"1.4.1l51 1441l-"3.1.lllll 1491-111.4.221 14111-81.4.188 1481-"1.4.1l68 1491-13.1.1l8~ 14QIl-82.3.801 14111-14.1l.81l4 1491-"1.4.198 1481-"2.8.825 14111-81.4.189 1441l-81.6.""1 1481-18.3.828 1441l-DR-82X 1481-19.3.81l9 1481-81.4.145 1441l-ST-82X 1481-1".2.811 1481-1".1."84 1481-13.1.81l9 1481-"3.8.815 1481-"3.8.814 1491-83.8.818 14"1-82. II. "36 1481-RG-'1"" 144"-FB-85X 1441l-FE-81X 1481-19.2."19 14111-1".2.91l6 1481-18.3.813 1481-1Il.3.8"1 1482-18.3.915 14111-EX-8lX 1481-18.3.965 1491-18.3.91l2 1481-14.8.825 1448-US-92X 144"-US-83X 1441l-US-811 1448-US-"4X 1481-81.4.812 1481-18.3.1118 1481-111.3.841 1481-19.3.963 1481-83.".836 1481-111.4.958 1491-86.8.1189 1481-96.8.921 141l1-86. 9. 918 1481-81.4.145 14"1-FI-II4X 1491-CR-911 1481-81.4.1151 1481-81.4.297 1481-/11.4.856 PAGE 1113 834 1128 843 922 854 1123 1151 854 1162 863 935 962 859 835 8119 1154 834 1161 861 831 1141 948 988 1189 851 1138 1125 819 94" 9Q8 1149 1121 1192 1159 1136 848 1161l 848 1148 041 041 1141 1131 941l 034 913 1154 812 813 1112 liB 1123 834 935 1135 862 1142 941l 836 1158 961 861l 1141 944 1141l 861 1153 819 852 839 824 1151 951l 958 846 946 045 845 1113 821 1121 051 1151l 1152 952 861 1105 055 1151 1161l 826 1121 826 821 835 956 854 1155 846 835 848 1141 848 1139 896 894 035 1141 835 TITLE SERCH BINARY SBARCH I!lCRO. tAOTOCODER SERIES. 'SEASONAL ADJUSTIIENT OF 1I0NTHLY TIIIZ SHARE LIBRARY. 'CARD-TO-TAPE FOR THE SHARE LIBRARY. 'DELETE-!!ERGE FOR THE SHARE LIBRARY. 'TAPE-TO-CARD FOR THB SHARE LIBRARY. 'TAPE-TO-TAPE FOR THE .SHARE ORDER CARD LIST AND PUNCH. SHARE. 'DISTRIBUTION TAPE REEL FOR SI!!PLEI IIETHOD. ILINEAR PROGRAII!!ING, REVISED SI!!PLIFIED CONVERSION OF OTHER PUNCHES. SI!!ULATION ON A 1481 COIIPUTER. '"USIC-!!USIC SI!!ULATION USING NABAC 1I0DEL. 'COIIIIERCIAL+ SI!!ULATOR ROUTINE FOR THE IBII 14111. SIIIULATOR 12K 14111 VERSION • • 1481/1620+ SIIIULATOR. 'CARD COLLATOR SI!!ULATOR. 'BANK !!ANAGE!!ENT IIN?ENTORY !!ABAGEIIENT SIIIULATOR. SI!!ULATOR. tBEPRODUCE GANG PUNCH SIIIULATOR. 'CAPERTSIII - CO!!PUTER ASSISTED+ SIIIULTANEOUS EQUATION AND !!ATRIX INVERSION+ SI!!ULTANEOUS !!ULTIPLY DIVIDE SUB-ROUTINE. SIZE INVENTORY IIANAGEIIENT INTERPOLATION+ .SKILLS INVENTORY SYSTEII. 'SIII !!BAT SYSTEII. SIIOOTHING. .FORECASTING BY EXPONENTIAL 'SOCRATES STUDENT SCHEDULING - BETA VERSION. .SOCRATES STUDENT SCHEDULING SYSTEII. 'SO!!R - SPUR OF THE 1I0llENT REPORTING. .SOPHISTICATED SPS TO AUTOCODER CONVERTER. SORT IIERGE. '8K THREE TAPE SORT PROGRAII. 'THREE TAPE 'SORT 5. 'SORT 54 DISK RESIDENT. 'SORT 6. SORT 1 - 1311 DISK LOAD. .1481 .SORT 1. SORT. .TTSRT - TWO TAPE SORT. 'IBII 1481/1448/14611/1311 DISK SORT/IIERGE PROGRA!! (16K) • • 1481/1469 TIIIING+ SOURCE DECK. 'PRE-LIST FOR AUTOCODER SOURCE PROGRA!!S - RASP. '141l1/1448/1468+ SOURCE • • DISASSEIIBLEB OF 1491/1468 PROGRAIIS+ SPS - ASSEIIBLER. 'SPSS - AN I!!PROVED SPS CARD 1'0RIIAT TO AUTOCODER CARD FORIIAT. 'SPS SINGLE PASS ASSEIIBLER. SPS TO AUTOCODEB CONVERTER. 'SOPHISTICATED SPS TO AUTOCODER FOR 1491/1468. 'CARD SPS TO AUTOCODER. 'CONVERSION OF SPS TO SYSTEII/361l EASIC ASSEIIBLER. .1491 'SPSS - AN IIIPROVED SPS - ASSEIIBLER. SPUR OF THE 1I0llENT REPORTING. 'SO!!R .SQUARE ROOT ROUTINE. 'SQUARE ROOT SUBROUTINE USING ODD INTEGER+ 'SQUARE ROOT SUBROUTIlIE. .STACK - STORAGE ON TAPE TC ABRIDGE CARD+ .STANDARD NAIIE ALTERATION PROGRA!!. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS • • "ETHOD OF RECORDING+ STORAGE ON TAPE TO ABRIDGE CARD KEEPING. STUDENT SCHEDULING - BETA VERSION. 'SOCRATES STUDENT SCHEDULING SYSTEII. 'SOCRATES SUB-ROUTINE • • 141l1/1461l SIIIULTANEOUS+ SUBROUTINE-DTCALC. 'CALCULATE NUIIBER OF DAYS+ SUBROUTINES. tCARD SYSTEII SUPPORTS 1458 BANK DATA PROCESSING SYSTEII. .SY!!BOLIC PROGRAIIIIING SYSTE!! 2 (SPS-2). TAB-BACK PROGRAI!. 'GENERAL PURPOSE TABLES. 'PRINT DECISION TABULATE AND/OR SEQUENC!! CHECKING PROGRAII. TABULATE WITH OR WITHOUT CONTROL FIELDS. ITALLY ANALYSIS REGISTRATION AND SCHEDULING. ITWOTAPE AUTOCODER ASS EIIBLY FCR THE 1481. TAPE CHECK. IWRITE AND READ TAPE DUIIP. 'GENERAL PURPOSE .TAPE DUPLICATION. TAPE REEL FOR SHARE. IDISTRIBUTION 'TAPE SEARCH PROGRA II. .8K THREE TAPE SORT !!ERGE. TAPE SORT PBOGRAII. .THREE ITTSRT - TWO TAPE SORT. 'TAPE SYSTE!! LOADER. TAPE THEN TAPE TO 369/2311 IN COIIPATIBILITY+ TAPE TO ABRIDGE CARD KEEPING • • STACK -+ TAPE TO 368/2311 IN COIIPATIBILITY 1I0DE. .TAPE UPDATE UTILITY PROGRAII. TAPE UTILITY PROGRAIIS WITH 128 CHARACTER+ TAPE 1481 • • GENERAL DISTRIBUTION PROGRAII FOR TAPE. .141l1/61l FORTRAN IV 'TAPE-TO-CARD FOR THE SHARE LIBRARY. ITAPE-TO-CARD UTILITY PROGRAII. ITAPE-TO-PRINTER UTILITY PROGRAII. tTAPE-TO-TAPE FOR THE SHARE LIBRARY. TEACHER-IIADE TESTS. 'TS88 - SCORE AND ANALYZE 'TEACHER-IIADE-TEST PACKAGE. TECHNIQUE-PHASE I PROGRAII PACKAGE. 'FAST -+ TELLEB SIIIULATION USING BABAC 1I0DEL. .ADIlINISTRATIVE TERIlINAL SYSTEII. TER!!INAL SYSTEII. .ADIlINISTRATIVE TEST • • ONE OF ONE - 8ex88 REPRODUCE WITH+ TESTING, AND CONDENSING OPERATION. UPTCO -+ TESTS • • TS81l - SCORE AND ANALYZE TEACHER-IIADE THEN TAPE TO 361l/2311 IN CO!!PATIBILITY 1I0DE. THIRTEEN VARIABLE SIIIPLE CORRELATION. 'CORL8 TIllE SERIES. 'SEASONAL ADJUSTIIENT OF 1I0NTHLY TIllING PROGRAII FOR IEII BASIC OPERATING+ TIllING PROGRA!! FOR IEII 14"1. 'REACTION TRACE PROGRAII. IRELOCATABLE ITRACE THAT NEEDS NO SPECIAL FEATURES. TRACE. 'RAPID SELECTIVE TRAD! UALYSIS FOR A BANK. .BOND TRAIlInG ON THE 1491. .OPTRAIN - OPERATING XVII TRAINING PROGRAM NO. PAGE 1481-83.11."36 846 1481-1l6.8.1l81 841 14111-13.1.1l26 "58 1481-13.1.821 858 1491-13.1."28 1159 14111-13.1.825 1158 1481-13.1."29 959 1491-13.1.932 959 14111-18.1.1l84 1159 14111-81.4.1l12 1135 1481"'"11.9.1l12 1158 1491-19.2.lll" 951 1491-"1.4.1l54 1135 14111-CS-83X 985 1491-81.4.212 1142 14111-FB-82X 896 1481-18.2.""3 858 1448-1l3.1."81 1162 14111-1Il.2.811 1151 1481-1l5.9.1l83 1141 14111-1l3.9.1l41 1146 1401-18.3.1l24 853 14111-18.3.1l49 854 1448-18.1.1l91 1162 1491-19.3."98 1152 1482-18.3.1l15 861 1481-18.3.1l65 955 1481-lll.3.1l22 834 1491-81.4.165 939 1481-81.2.822 1133 1491-81.2."83 832 1448-S!!-"39 824 1449-lll.6.881 "61 1491-S!!-862 816 1491-1l1.2.1l25 1133 14111-SI1-861l illS 1481-lll.2.812 £33 1491-81.2.1l23 1133 1481-L!!-811 911 1491-81.1.1139 1131 14111-81.4.189 948 1491-82.8.835 845 1491-"1.1.1136 931 1491-81.4.131 1138 1491-81.1.852 1132 1481-81.4.165 1139 14111-lll.4.285 841 1491-81.4.1611 939 1491-lll.4.195 1141 1491-81.1.1l36 831 1481-81.3."22 934 1491-83.1l.915 1146 14111-83."."14 1146 14111-83.9."11l 1145 1491-91.4.1Il1 1131 1481-14.8.1l19 1169 1491-86.1l.811 1149 14111-91.4.181 831 14112-111.3.1l15 1161 1481-19.3.1l65 "55 1481-93.8.841 1146 14111-83.8."11 846 1481-L!!-""1 811 1458-FB-2"X 828 141l1-SP-831l 816 1491-91.3.81l3 1133 1481-"1.4.126 1131 1481-"1.4.1l56 835 141l1-91.4.226 842 1491-14.9.1l25 961l 1481-81.1.918 1131 1491-91.4.136 1il38 1481-81.4.158 039 1491-111.4.188 1131 1491-13.1.832 059 1481-111.4.958 835 1481-81.2.922 1133 1491-II1.2.1l1l3 032 1481-81.2."12 033 1491-111.1."35 831 1491-14.1l.824 869 14111-91.4.11l1 1131 1491-14.9.824 868 1491-111.4.922 835 14111-UT-825 016 1491-IF-"3X 1199 1401-FO-852 ""1 1481-13.1."28 059 1491-UT-828 1111 1481-UT-926 816 14111-13.1.825 958 1481-18.3."18 1156 1481-19.3.861 1156 141l1-18.3.063 1155 1481-19.2."111 851 1469-CX-88X "28 1449-CX-"1x "18 1481-81.4.188 941l 1491-81.4.994 1136 1491-11l.3.919 1156 1481-14.1l.824 1168 141l1-86.8.986 848 1491-96.8.891 841 1481-LII-"11 911 1481-11.8.985 951 1481-111.4.193 831 141l1-II1.4.133 1138 14"1-81.4.21l1 841 1481-FE-99X 986 1491-13.4.892 859 !IE (UnOIP-Xl-COllTUT) nDn TllAB TITLE TBlll - TBABSLUl! BlGLISB TO GUDI 2 Blll:LLI+ TBlBSLATE 'BlIGLISB TO GIlAD]! 2 BBlILLE ABD+ TBlBSLATOB PBOGBA!!. 'D!CISIOI LOGIC TBlllSLATOB. tIBII 141"" RPG TO SYSTE!!/368 'TS88 - SCORE liD AIlLIZE TEACHl!B-I!ADE TESTS. .iTSBT - TWO TAPE SORT. URIOIS. tINDIVIDUAL LEDGER EITRACT PBOGBAII+ UIIOIS. 'IRDIVIDUAL LEDGER UPDATE PROGRAII+ IUIIVl!BSlL IIEIIOBY PBIIT. UlIIVEBSITY ADIIISSIONS IBFOR!!lTIOll SYSTE!!. UPDATE PBOGBAII FOB CREDIT UIIOIS. UPDATE UTILI'll PROGBAII. ITAPE 'UULITY PHIBT PROGBl!!. UTILITY PROGRA!!. 'TAPE UPDATE UTILITY PBOGRA!!. 'CARD-TO-TAPE UTILITY PBOGRA!!. ''rAPE-TO-CABD UTILITY PBOGBl!!. ITAPE-TO-PBIRTEB UTILITY PROGRA!!. .GElIERAL PROCESSIBG UTILITY PBOGRA!!. 17848/7844 - 1481 Pl!RIPHl!BlI. IUTILITY PROGBlIIS FOR THE 1481-1311 DISK. UTILITY PBOGBl!!S WITH 128 CHARlCTER LlBEL+ UTILITY PBOGBl!!S. IDISK UTILITY PROGRUIS. .CARD SYSTE!! UTILITY. .148111311 DISK ADDRESS VALUATIOB PROGBAII • • COBSOLIDATED FUNCTIONS+ 'VARIAELE ClBD BEPBODUCJ!B FOB 1448/1311. VARIABLE SI!!PLE COBRBLAUON. .COBL8 THIBTEElI VARIABLES OF I!!POBTlBCE DETER!!I!IED VOID. VABIlICE. 'ONE-WAY UALYSIS OF VARIANCE. 2 TO THE N POWEB FACTOBIAL DESIGB. 'VARILIST. VOID • • IIU1TIPLE CORRELATION - VARIIIBLES OF+ WHOLESALE I!ILLIlIG. .CHAIlI liND 11311 WHOLESALE I!!PACT. 11311 WHOLESALE I!!PACT. WORDS. 'SUBBOUTlRE TO connT DOLLIRS IIND+ URITE AIID READ TAPE 'CHECK. °WRITIRG. .1248/1448 PROOF OF DEPOSIT UD+ 1-9 VERSION. 1111. LOllG PROGRA!! • • SEASOllAL+ 1-9 VERSION. 4K. SHORT PROGRAII. 'SEASOIAL+ 1826 (DDC) FOR THE 1448. 'COIIIIURICATIONS IOCS 1826 OPEBlTIRG SIS'lEII COIIPUTER ASSISTED+ .1248/1448 PROOF OF DEPOSIT UD CASH lETTEB+ 1311 DISK LOAD. .1481 SORT 7 .1311 DISK RECORD FIlIDER. .1311 WHOLESALE I!!PACT. .1311 WHOLESALE I!!PACT. lIB II .1488 RPG TO SYSTE!!/368 TRlISLlTOR. '1488-1311 LIlIEAll PROGBAIIIIIlIG. 1481-AU-888 SYSTEIIS PACK TO TAPE THEIl TAPE+ 1481-1311 DISK. 'UTILITY FROGBA!!S FOR THE .148111311 AUTO-TEST 8K. .148111311 DISK ADDRESS UTILITY. .148111311 DISK FILE ORGANIZATION ROUTIlIES+ .1481/1311 REPORT PROGRAII GENERATOR (ON DISK) .1481/1418 AUTOCODEB PROGBl!! LOGIC DIAGRAII!!ER. 1148111448/1468/1311 DISK SCRT. lIB II 1148111468-1311 DISK PROGRA!! LOADER. .148111628 !!ODULlR INVENTORY IIARlGl!IIENT+ .1481/48/68 FORTRAN IV DIS.K. .1481/68 FORTRAN IV TAPE. 1483 PRINTER. 1148111468 BRAILLE - 'IRAN -+ 14843. 'RAPID ASSl!IIBLY PROGRAI! NO. .1448/1311 BILL OP IIlTERIlL PROCESSOR. .1448/1311 REPORT PROGBA!!. 1448/1311. 'VARIABLE CARD REPRODUCER POR 1458 BANK DATA PROCESSING SYSTE!!. '!!ICR+ 2K. 'ElSIC AUTOCODER 2K. .REPORT PROGRAII GENERATOR 368/2311 IN COIIPATIBILITY !!ODE. 'COPY+ 4K • • 148111468 BASIC REPORT PROGRAII GENERATOR 4K. LONG PROGRIIII • • SEASONAL ADJUS'lIlENT -+ 4K. SHORT PROGRAII • • SEIISONAl ADJUSTIIENT. + .7848/7844 - 1481 PERIPHERAL UTILITY PROGRAII. 7898/7894 SUPPCRT PACIUGES fCR IBII+ .7898/94 1481 PERIPHERAL OUTFUT PROGRAII. 8K. .1481/1311 IIUTO-TEST 8K. 12K. and 16K • • LESS - LEAST-COST+ 88-88 CABD '10 PRIRTER PROGRIIII WITH BRlICH ON+ 88-88 LIST. .ONE CUD 88-S8 REPRODUCING. IIIULTI-PURPOSE 88188 REPRODUCE lIITH LAST CIRD TEST • • ONE OP+ an88 PROGRAM NO. PAGE 1481-81.4.238 1481-81.4.238 1481-SE-851 1481-RG-7fJ8 1481-18.3.878 1481-81.2.812 1481-18.3.855 1481-18.3.856 1481-81.4.896 1481-18.3.871 1481-18.3.856 1481-81.4.822 1481-81.4.225 1481-81.4.822 1481-UT-827 1481-UT-828 1481-UT-826 1481-81.4.232 1481-UT-157 1481-UT-853 1481-UT-825 1448-UT-841 1481-UT-881 1481-81.4.176 1481-IL-831 1448-82.3.881 1481-86.8.886 1481-86.8.885 1481-86.8.814 1481-86.8.812 1481-81.4.227 1481-86.8.885 1448-DW-811 1481-DlI-831 1448-DW-841 1481-14.8.888 1481-81.4.136 1448-18.2.882 1481-86.8.889 1481-86.8.818 1448-10-812 1481-05-892 1448-18.2.882 1481-81.2.825 1481-81.4.187 1481-DW-831 1448-DW-841 1481-RG-788 1481-CO-13X 1481-14.8.824 1481-UT-853 1481-AT-881 1481-81.4.176 1481-U'I-852 1481-RG-832 1481-81.4.128 1481-81.2.823 1481-81.4.186 1481-CS-83X 1481-FO-851 1481-PO-852 1481-81.4.238 1481-81.1.817 1448-IIE-82x 1448-RG-828 1448-82.3.881 1458-PE-28X 1481-IIU-885 1481-RG-833 1481-14.8.824 1481-RG-822 1481-86.8.889 1481-86.8.818 1481-UT-157 1481-UT-938 1481-U'I-158 1481-IIT-881 1481-18.3.882 1448-82.3.882 1481-81.3.811 1481-81.4.198 1481-81.4.188 8113 843 814 813 856 833 854 855 836 856 855 835 842 835 817 817 816 843 818 817 816 828 816 839 818 861 848 847 849 849 8°43 847 819 885 828 868 1rl38 862 848 848 822 812 862 833 848 885 828 813 883 868 817 881 839 817 812 838 833 848 885 887 887 843 831 822 823 fil61 828 881 813 868 812 848 848 818 818 818 881 851 862 834 841 848 XVIII IBII PROGRAIIS 1481 1248 PAGE 8111 CONTINUED PROII PRIOR COLUftN 1248-PI!-12X DE!lA!Q DEPOSIT COlVERSIOI PROGRAII !!! DESCRIPTIOI - The IBII 1248 De.and Deposit Conversion Progra. designed to convert IIICR paper docu.ents to disk pack records in the for.at required by the 1448 De.and Deposit Application Progra.. The progra. is used in conjunction with the 1448 De.and Deposit Progra. to do the co.plete demand deposit application on the 1248 Syste •• PEATURES- It allows sorting of paper docu.ents based on an account number limits table prepared by the user. other functions are identical to the 1448 De.and Deposit Conversion run. USE - This progra. is used in place of the 1448 De.and Deposit Conversion run on the 1248 System. It .ay be used without .odification or .ay be easily .odified if user requirements dictate. Two progra.s are furnished which allow the use of a buffered or an unbuffered 1443 Printer. character) • - lIaintain disk labels on the label track of a disk pack. - Load the program to be tested fro. cards. - Print data read fro. or written in disk storage during program execution. - Print data fro. selected areas of core storage at specific ti.es during program execution. - Print core str:rage when progra. execution ter.inates. - List punched card input before test and ou tput following test. Several progra.s .ay be stacked for testing in a single run. A convenient card for.at for patching program decks being tested is provided to facilitate retesting of any progra •• I!IRIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - An 8K 1481 syste. with ••• one 1311 Disk storage Drive ••• 1482 Card Read Punch ••• 14113 Printer !!odel 2 or 14114 Printer ••• Advanced Programming and High-Low-Equal Compare or an 8K 14611 system with ••• one 1311 Disk Storage Drive ••• IBft 14112 Card Read Punch ••• One IBII 1483 Printer ••• Indexing and Store Address Register. PROGRAII REQUIRE liE NT - De.and Deposit Accounting for the IBII Data Processing Syste. (1448-PB-83X). IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - A 1241 Processing Unit, 1I0del A4. 1442 Card Read Punch, 1I0del 1. 1443 Frinter with additional print positions. 1447 Console with Sense switches. Two 1311 Disk Storage Drives, 1I0dels 1 and 2. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Progra. write-up ••• Reference lIanual including program listings. IIACHINE READABLE - Source and program cards. BASIC PROGRAI! PACKAGE DOCUftENTATION - Program write-up, System listings, Specifications and Operating Procedures. IIACHINE READABLE - Auto-Test syste•• Disk Pack: DECKA - initiate program testing. DECKB - restart. DECKC - sa.ple test deck. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUI!ENTATION - syste. flowcharts. IIACHINE READABLE - None. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INPORI!ATION: ORDERING IlfPORIIATION: BASIC OPTIONAL PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE none DTR. none DESCRIPTION - To provide a si.ple 11"J1 System for checking out programs. Equip.ent specifications - 10 special features required. The progra.s will provide a control card method for (patching) a 1481 program with instructions that will either; (1) Halt the progra. at selected ti.es (2) Print selected areas of storage at selected times. !!eans for conveniently re.oving the patches are also provided. BASIC FROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Program write-up ••• Listings ••• Plowcharts ••• Operating procudures. IIACHINE READABLE - Condensed progra •• PROGRAII NUIIBER 1411 UT8 17 DTR· none DTR· none none 1481-AU-885 BASIC AUTOCODER OPTIONAL none 141l1-A'I-II81 148111311 lUTO-TEST USER VOLUIIE REQUIREftENT 118 none none .!!! DESCRIPTION - The 1481 Basic Autocoder 2K Processor accepts source state.ents written in Basic Autocoder 2K language and produces .achine language object progra.s. Basic Autocoder 2K is a 2-pass syste.. The source progra. is processed and the resulting object progra. is converted by one of two special condensing routines fro. oneinstruction-per-card to condensed card for.at. I!INIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREI!ENTS - A 2K 14111 system with ••• 1482 Card R~_d Punch ••• 14113 Printer. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUI!ENTATION - Flowcharts, progra. listing. IIACHINE READABLE - None. PROGRAI! NUI!BER 14111AU885 PROGRAII IUIIBER EXTENSION none !!! Functions can be selectively specified... The Auto-test system resides in disk storage during testing. It ccntrols program tests in which the following functions can be selectively specified. Clear selected areas of disk storage. Load program data fro. cards into disk storage. Print selected areas of disk storage. Create tape files prior to the test of each individual progra •• - Print fi:l:ed or variable-length, blocked or unblocked tape records. - Create and .aintain IB!! standard tape labels (1211'" !!! none DESCRIPTION - An integrated set of utility progra.s ••• Auto-Test is designed to provide docu.entation for program evaluation during a progra. testing run. It can be used on an IBI! 1481/1311 or 14611/1311 system to test progra.s asse.bled by the IBII 1481/1311 Autocoder progra.. Because test runs can be planned to proceed with a .ini.u. of operator intervention, Auto-test is a useful tool for re.ove testing. Auto-test 16K per.its testing of larger progra.s than does its companion 8K syste •• - none "" 11 ORDERING INFORIIATION: BASIC USER VOLUftE REQUIREI!ENT BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Program Write-up, operating Procedures. IIACHINE READABLE - Processor. Pre-list routine. Post list routine. Condensing routines Deck 1 and Deck 2. Sa.ple proble •• OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. none BASIC OPTIONAL ftEDIU!! CODE none !!! DISTRIBUTION I!EDIUII TYPE CODE DIST~IBUTION TYPE none 1481-AT-II17 CARD SYSTE!! ERROR-DETECTION AIDS PROGRAII NUI!BER EXTENSION PROGRAI! NU!!BER EXTENSION USER VOLUIIE REQUIRElIlNT "" none ORDERIlfG IlfPORIlATION: PROGRAI! NUI!BER 14111AT881 PROGRAII NUIIBER 1248PB12X DISTRIBUTION !!EDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none 1481-AU-888 1411111448/1468 !!l!OCODE! JQ! DISK) "" USER VOLUI!E REQUIREI!ENT none none !!! DESCRIPTION - The 1481114411/1468 Autocoder (on disk), 14111AU-II88, syste.... (1) enables a program written in 1481/1448/1468 Autocoder (on disk) Language to be asse.bled on a 1481, 1448 or 1468 Syste •••• (2) Output is used to ~xecute the progra •••• (3) Offers asse.bly speeds up to two-and-one half times faster than existing 1481-1448/1311 Autocoder on syste.s with .ore than 4K storage. The source program is punched in cards or as card i.ages on disk storage and is asse.bled on a 1481/14411, or 1468 Syste.. Input in 14411 Basic Autocoder for.at can be used. The output object program is the 1481, 1448, or 1468 .achine language equivalent. The object program .ay be in condensed cards, or if "load-and-go" is desired, the object program .ay be directly loaded fro. disk storage for i •• ediate execution. Program docu.entation and diagnostic output are printed by the 1483 or 1443 Printer. A stack of several source progra.s .ay be asse.bled at one ti.e. IB!! PROGRA!!S PAGE 1'11112 1491 1491 CONTINUED FRO!! PRIOR PAGE CONTINUED FRO!! PRIOR COLU!!N In addition to the assembly function there are four other separate options - - Accepts card or magnetic tape input. - One or more statistical analyses of tabular reports may be produced from the same input data. - Reports are produced immediately on the 1493 Printer. - The system is user-expandable and may be tailored to meet specific needs by program changes, additions, and deletions. - A library option to add, delete, or modify library routines. - A listing, option to obtain a listing of specified library routines, or of the entire library routines, or of the entire library, or a list of the library routine names. - A system option to create or modify the Autocoder program on the system disk pack. - A library option to relocate the library. The user selects the programs to be run and specifies the action to be taken by each through the use of control cards. PROGRAII!!ING SYSTE!!S - Written in 141111 Autocoder Language. PROGRA!!!!ING SYSTE!!S - Written in Autocoder Language. IIINIIIU!! SYSTE!! REQUIRE!!ENTS - An 8K 1491 system with three magnetic tape units, 1492 Card Read punch, 1493 Printer, !!odel 2, and High-Low-Equal Compare, Advanced Programming. !!ultiply-Divide and Sense Switches to use variable input control program. A fourth tape unit is needed if sorting is necessary. !!INI!!U!! SYSTE!! REQUIRE!!ENTS (1) An IB!! 1491 System with 4K storage, a 1311 Disk storage Drive, a 1492 Card Read Punch, a 1493 Frinter, High-Low-Equal Compare feature or ••• (2) An -IB!! 1449 system 4K storage, a 1391 Disk Storage Drive, !!odel 11, 12, 21 or 22 or a 1311 Disk Storage Drive, a 1442 !!odel I or II Card Read Punch or a 1442 IV Reader and a 1444 Card punch, a 1443 Printer or ••• (3) An IB!! 1469 System with 8K stoJ:age, a 1391 Disk storage, !!odel 11, 12, 21 or 22, or a 1311 Disk storage Drive, a 1492 Card Read Punch, a 1493 Printer. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Application Directory, Sample problem output listing. Application Description H29-111297. Programmers and Operators !!anual H29-9214. !!ACHINE READABLE - Object program and sample problem. OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - System !!anual. IIACHINE READABLE - Source code, and the mixed Autocoder output consisting of the assembly listings and object code. Note - One of the following programs should be obtained to prepare disk storage to store Autocoder system. (1) 1491/1469 Disk Utility Program 141111-UT-953. (2) 1449 Disk Utility progru, 1449-UT-941. ORDERING INFOR!!ATION: BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Program write-up, Autocoder Language specifications. Listings of sample source program. Operating procedures. !!ACHINE READABLE - Autocoder system, IB!! supplied macros, Sample program. OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Flowcharts, listing. !!ACHINE READABLE - None. ORDERING INFORftATION: PROGRA!! NU!!BER 1491CA94X PROGRA!! NU!!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !!EDIU!! CODE TYPE USER YOLU!!E REQUIREIIENT BASIC -------------------------------- ----------none DTR 7/556 22 none OPTIONAL none DTR 7/89111 24, none !!T !!T 7/556 7/8111111 22 24 91 91 PROGRAft NU!!BER 1491AU998 PROGRA!! NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !!EDIU!! TYPE CODE USER YOLU!!E REQUIBE!!ENT BASIC none DTR* none OPTIONAL none none none 1491-AU-937 ---!]!TOCODER PROGRA!! DESCRIPTION - Pr6vides more powerful tools for programmers to enable them to concentrate their efforts on the problems of progralll logic rather than coding. In addition, to pr.ovide an extremely fast assembly system. 1491-CB-S79 1491 ~ DESCRIPTION - 1491 COBOL is a compiler system for the IBII 1491 Data Processing Systems. 141111 COBOL is used in conjunction with 141111 Autocoder. Therefore, a current version of Autocoder containing a library updated with COBOL subroutines is required to obtain a valid assembly after the COBOL run has been completed. IOCS one-for-one instructions normally will be generated by the COBOL processor (which requires less time for the generation). However, the user does have the option of the COBOL Processor outputting IOCS macros. A pre-scan diagnostic run is available for the purpose of diagnosing nameassociated errors and for analyzing the sentence structure of the source program. These diagnostics are far superior to those contained in the system itself and use of the pre-scan run is strongly recommended. PROGRA!!!!ING SYSTE!!S - Written in Autocoder Language. IIINIIIUII SYSTE!! REQDIRE!!ENTS - 8K storage is required if the pre-scan diagnostic run option is used. 1491 with 4K storage ••• 4 magnetic tapes ••• 1492 Card-Read Punch ••• 141113 lIod. 2 or 1443 Printer... Advanced Programming feature ••• Sense Switches. The 1491 system used as the object machine must have at least - 4,991!1 positions of core storage. Input-output units as required by the source program. Advanced Programming feature. High-Low-Equal compare feature, and any features clearly implied by the source program. !!ultiply-Divide feature if either the multiply or divide verb is used in the source program, or if the operator *or/or** is used in an arithmetic expression. IIINI!!Oft SYSTE!! REQUIRE!!ENTS - 4999 core-storage positions, 4 (four) 729 II or IY Tape Units, 1493, Printer !!odel 3 1492 Card Read-punch, Advanced Programming features, HighLow-Equal Compare. BASIC FROG RAil PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Program Write-up, operating procedure. IIACHINE READABLE - System tape and listings. OPTIONAL FROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORftATION: PROGRAft NUIIBEB 149110937 PROGRA!! NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTR IBUTION !!EDIUft TYPE CODE BASIC -----------------------------------------none liT 7/556 91 22 OPTIONAL none none liT 7/891il 24 USER YOLUftE REQOIREIIENT 91 none 1491-CA-1il4X ANA11SIS AND m.l!£IION -----ll!! DESCRIPTION - DARS is a set of programs under its own moni tor control which can be used to - selectively extract records from a file base on a variety of conditions, produce statistical analysis and single and multi-column (matrix) tabular reports, rearrange records to any desired format and make conditional or unconditional insertions into records. All of these functions are obtainable in any sequence by using simple control cards. Note - The need to use these verbs or operators may be eliminated by the use of the enter Autocoder statement, with the user supplying the appropriate subroutine. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Program write-up, Specifications, operating procedures. !!ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATIOH - Object tillle subroutine flow diagram. IIACHINE READABLE - None. ORDERING INFOR!!ATION: BASIC OPTIONAL FEATURES - PROGRA!! NUIIBER 1491CBIil79 PROGHAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION ftEDIO!! CODE TYPE -------------- ------------------- none none none !!T liT 7/556 7/899 22 24 USER YOLO!!E REQUIREIIEHT ----------91 91 none IBII PROGBAIIS PAGE 883 14111 1481 CORTIlIUED PROII PRIOR COLUlIlI BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIEB'rATIOB - Program write-up, Reference lIanual, listings. IIACHIliE READABLE - Object program, sample protlell. 1481-CB-781 COBO!, LUGUAGE COBVERSIOB DESCRIP'rIOli - It aids in the transition to System/368 by converting acceptable current COBOL Languages to either System/368 level E COBOL or level P COBOL. Acceptable Languages -- The COBOL LCP will accept as input 1481/1448/1468 COBOL 7878/7874 COBOL 1418 COBOL 7878/7874 pas COBOL 1418/7818 COBOL 784/7888 COBOL 7848/7844 COBOL 7898/7894 COBOL PEA'rURES - Card or tape input -- both the LCP and the COBOL source .programs can be read from either cards or tape. Single or stacked program conversion -- a single source p~ogram can be processed from one of the three tape units needed in a minimum configuration. stacked progralis can be processed if more than three tape units are used. Replacing the environment division -- a control card option allows the user to replace the original environment division with a new customer-written System/368 environment division. Card-code conversion for dual BCD characters -- a control card option provides automatic conversion from BCD input code to EBCDIC output code, or vice versa. In this way, the LCP can convert the dual BCD characters (for example, two characters with the same card code) into the proper System/368 card codes. Documented listing -- the LCP provides a listing of the source and converted programs. 'rhis listing contains numeric codes that document conversion actions and facilitate analysis of the converted program. Opticnal card output -- when specified, the LCP produces a punched-card deck that contains the converted program. optional output on tape -- the user can specify that printed and/or punched output are to be recorded on tape. Conversion savings - 'rhe COBOL LCP will reduce the amount of reprogramming necessary to convert current COBOL programs into System/368 COBOL programs. Use of the LCP will reduce time and money spent on recoding, clerical activities, and program debugging. Although the savings to be realized will vary for the individual source programs, the hypical savings will be 58 per cent of the total COBOL program conversion effort consisting of statellent conversion, cOllpilation, and debugging. IIINIIIUII SYS'rEII REQUIREIIEBTS - An 8K 1481 system with ••• a 1482 Card Read Punch ••• a 1483 Printer 1I0del 2 ••• three tape units ••• the Advanced Programming feature ••• the HighLow-Equal Compare feature, or an IBII System/368 with 1481 Compatibility and corresponding features and I/O devices. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - None. IIACHINE READABLE - COBOL Language conversion source code. BASIC OPTIONAL 1481-ClI-83X DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII CODE TYPE USER YOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT -------------- ------------------DTR DTR 7/556 7/S89 22 24 none none none liT 1I'r 7/556 7/8118 22 24 81 81 none --~UTO!1!OPS l ! NUIIERICAL PROGRAII NOIIHER 1481CN83X PROGRAII NOIIBER EXTENSION DIS'rRIBOTION IIEDIOII TYPE CODE USER YOLOIIE REQOIREIIENT BASIC none DTR· 88 none OPTIONAL none DTR· 88 none 1491-CO-13X 1488-1111 LINEAR fROGBAlIlIIlIG DESCRIPTION - Linear programming is a mathematical programlling technique for deterllining the optimum solution to a system of linear inequalities. This solution may be an optimum allocation of resources (capital, raw materials, manpower, etc.) to specified activities (investllents, products, jobs) in order to obtain a . particular objective (minimum expense, maximum profit) when there are alternate uses for these resources. Linear programming plays an important role in lIaterial allocation, ingredient blending (feed, flour, gasoline, etc.), production scheduling, and distribution and shipping. The systell is cOllposed of a number of programs stored on disk. The programs are called by procedure control cards known as AGENDOII cards. The sequence of AGENDUII cards defines the solution procedure by calling the processing agenda for an application. FEATURES - Data originates from cards in SHARE standard format. Alternate objective functions and right-hand sides are specified by name for optimization. A modified simplex algorithm with bounded variables is used to maximize or minimize the objective function. Full econollic analysis of the price-activity-cost relationships for structural variables and of the activity-cost relationship for row constraints is provided. Solution can be interrupted t o process higher priority jobs, and continued from the point of interrnption. Storing programs on disk enables the systell to provide comprehensive solution procedures and post-optimal analysis. Optional features can be used to increase solution speed. PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - Source language is IBI! 1481/1449/1468 Autocoder on disk. IIINIIIOII SYSTEII REQOIREIIENTS - PROGRAII BUIIBER 1491CB781 PROGRAI! NUIIBER UTENSIOB ORDERING INPORIIATIOll: The bounded variables algorithm reduces the lIatrix size of many LP problems. Upper and lower bounds on variables are handled explicitly so that no "bound rows" are needed. Rows may have both high and low li.its, further reducing the number of rows required to specify the problem. The problem matrix size .ay have up to 47 rows and 989 columns on a 4K system and up to 97 rows and 988 columns on an 8K or larger system. The nUllber of rows and colullns includes objective functions and right-hand sides. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCOIIEliTATIOli - Program write-up, Program aaterial list, COBOL Transition Aids lIanuaI. IIACHINE READABLE - LCP ( in object code). ORDERING INFORIIATION: OPTIOBAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATIOB - None. IIACHIliE READABLE - Source code. £Qru.£1 PROGRAII DESCRIP'rION - AOTOPROPS II is a 1481 cOllputer program for X-Y axis N/C machine tools to compute points and point arrays used in drilling, boring, tapping, stamping, rivetinq, etc. AUTO PROPS II is expanded to give four decimal output accuracy for machine tools such as jig grinders and jig borers. Anyone having two axes pointto-point N/C machine tools should be interested in the AUTOPROPS II modification resulting frcm enqineering design changes. No new language is necessary to program a part with AUTOPROPS II because the source statements require only simple arithmetical descriptions familiar to everyone. As lIany as 999 positions in a pattern, such as a bolt circle or matrix, can be programmed with a single input statement. Small parts often loaded in a multiple station loading fixture can be programmed as a matrix and programming tille is reduced in many cases over hand methods. A test program and a plot program give the programmer an opportunity to verify his results before machining a part, thereby reducing tille and errors to a minimull. IIIHIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - A 14111 with 4K storage, card read punch and 1483 Printer mdl 2. 1481 -- 4K, High-Low-Equal Compare, Advanced Programlling, 1482 Card Read Punch, 1483 Printer, one 1311 Disk Storage Drive, 14411 -- 4K, Indexing and Store Address Registers, 1442 Card Read Punch, 1443 Printer, one 1311 Disk storage Drive, 1468 -- SK, Indexing and Store Address Registers, 1482 Card Read punch, 1483 printer, one 1311 Disk Storage Drive. optional features - Additonal 4K of core storage increases problem capacity to 97 rows. lIultiply-Divide and Direct Seek features can be used, if available, to reduce solution time. Sense Switches allow the use of the Solution Interrupt feature and provide a lIeans of in-line correction of input data. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Prograll Write-up, Application Description, Users lIanual, Operators lIanual. IIACHINE READABLE - Sallple problem - Option 1 Object code for SK or large 1481, 1448 or 1469 and is specified by using prograll Number Extension OPT1. Option 2 - Object code for 4K 1481 or 1448 and is specified by using Progra. NUllber Extension OPT2. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCOIIENTATION - syste. lIanual. IIACHINE READABLE - Source code for 4K-8K. ORDERING INFORIIATION: PROGRAII BUIIBER 14111C013X PROGRIII BUIIBER EXTEBSION DIS'rRIBOTION IIEDIOII TYPE CODE USER YOLUII! REQUIREIIENT IB! PROGRA!S PAGE II iii 4 14111 11181 COITIIUED PRO! PRIOR PAGE BASIC OPTIOIUL ------------OPT1 ------------------- OPT2 CARDS none !'l cnDS !T 7/556 7/81111 15 ---------none 15 none 22 24 111 iii 1 "'"1-CR-"1X ---SiLiCTIYE DISSE!IBATIOI !!! IBPOR!A'lIOI ~ DBSCRIP'lIOI - The IB! 14111 Selective Dissemination Of Information system acts as an electronic screening and distribution agency for information. Prom the flood of reports, articles and books received by an organization, the new system selects and routes information to people according to their specific interests and needs. 'lhe 141i11 SIll consists of a"series of programs and a comprehensive system description to permit a customer to operate a current-awareness program. Users express their interests by lists of keywords called profiles. Abstracts of material to be disseminated (including the author, title, and source and comments) are typed on the IB! 826 Typewriter Card Punch. The Auto-Indexing Program develops index keywords from the abstract text. The profiles are compared with the .keywords of the abstracts. When a sufficient number of words match between a profile and an abstract, the abstract is printed on the 14113 and addressed to the user. PEATURES - Allows the SDI user full control over his interest profile. Allows a vide combination of logical comparisons. including "weighted" words and multiple profiles for each user. 1-1 makes available many statistical control reports for operating control and for improving the user's interest profile. A new match and print program (SDI 8) which is similar to run 3 except that it will take advantage of 16K memory and Print storage. if available, to overlap print buffer time with processing to produce far greater throughput. The ability to use four line addresses for abstract notices when subscribers are at reaote locations. The ability to index abstracts on aultiple word entries without the need for manual indexing. Lends itself to daily processing with minimull effort. A facility for creating input to KWIC (KeyWord-InContext indexing. The modification of SDI 6 to perai t more user control of the abstract lIerge. SDI 5 now allows processing of cards that are blank in coluans 1 through 68. Programs SDI 8 and 23 through 29 have been added. - Current-awareness prograll for research. engineering. management. and marketing personnel in industry. government banking. universities, publishing. brokerage. trade associations. professional societies. etc. Selective updating service for encyclopedias. journals. law books. etc. Selective communication system to bind the central office of a large chain with local managers. Police modus operandi files - to match details of the crime with the modus operandi file. Employment agencies to match skills available vith employment requests. !IIIIIU! SYSTE! REQUIREIIEITS - An 8K 1481 system vi th ••• Hiqh-Low-Equal Compare. Advanced Programming. and Sense Switches ••• 14112 Card Read Punch ••• 1483 printer. Hodel 2 ••• 4 lIagnetic tape units. Users of this program should obtain the IE! Sort 7. 1481-S!-868. BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!EITA'lIOR - Prograll write-up, Application !anual. User's !anual. Operators Manual. Systems !anual. BACHINE READABLE - Program listing. source prograll object program. sample problem. OPTIONAL PROGRA! PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INPOR!ATIOI: PROGRA! RU!BER 14111CR81X PROGRA! IU!BER EX'lEISIOI BASIC OPTIONAL DIS'lRIBUTIOJ !BDIU! TYPE CODE -------------- ------------------- none !!T 7/556 !!'l 7/8118 none none 22 24 DESCRIPTIOR - This program will produce two basic KWIC or permuted title indexes. The conventional format is illustrated by the index to the Catalog of Programs. The KWOC format provides full title printout with no fragmentation. Bach new keyword is printed in the left hand margin. followed by titles containing that keyword. Keywords may be bold-faced. in both heading and title. utilizing the 14113 over-printing capability. The user enjoys the option of having the program automatically select keywords on the basis of a compare or a no-compare with a pre-assigned list of words. Indexing may be enriched with the addition of manually inserted descriptors and see also references. A statistical count is maintained on all keywords indexed and all words prevented from being indexed. A new type of wrap-around is employed in the keyword entries which saves the maximum amount of context adjacent to the keyword and eliminates undesirable word fragments for increased ease in reading. This program can be used to prepare indexes of published articles. internal reports, special collections (e.g •• photographs. paintings. parts lists). procedure manuals. bibliographies, correspondence files. KWIC indexes have been used on foreign language material to prepare indexes and concordances. All that is involved in the preparation of input to the prograa is the keypunching of cards containing the title to the index. If the user desires. the author's name and source of publication may also be keypunched and would be automatically indexed. These cards can be punched at the rate of 9118-121111 per day. The program also provides for tape input of 88 character card format records. This program can be used to produce KWIC indexes from information placed on tapes from the SDI program. 14111-CR-II1X. !IBI!!U!! SYSTE!! REQUIRE!!EBTS - A 4K 14111 system with ••• 4 magnetic tape units if sorting is done on the 14111. if not. 2 units are required for the basic package... Advanced programming. High-Low-Equal compare. Sense Switches. and Read Release feature. The 2-tape configuration will be of particular interest at installations where the 14111 is used as a peripheral equipment for a larger machine on which sorting can be done. If only 2 tapes are attached to the 14111. and a larger machine is not available. sorting can be done at any other available installation. BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!EITATIOI - Program Write-up. Reference Banual !ACHIIE READABLE - Six source programs. six object programs. and the sample problem. OPTIONAL PROGRA! PACKAGE - None. ORDERING IIPOR!A'lIOI: PROGRA! NU!BER 1481CRIiI2X PROGRA!! NU!BER EXTENSION The program will accept abstracts punched in accordance vith the format outlined in the GI manual. "KeyWord-lnContext n (KWIC) Indexing. E21i1-8891. The abstracts are placed on an abstract history tape which may be used for retrospective searching. Any selected group of abstracts up to a limit of 1811 lIay be selected from the history tape for the SDI notice printing run. Some SDI application areas are: - 11f111-CR-.2X KBYWORD-II-COB'lBU (KWIC) KEYWORD-OUT-OP-COITBX'l (KWOC) USER YOLU!!E REQUIRE!!EIT 112 82 none DISTRIBUTION !!EDIU!! CODE TYPE -------------- ------------------- BASIC none !T !T OPTIOIAL none none 7/556 7/888 22 24 USER VOLU!!E REQUIRE!ENT ----------1f1 81 none 14111-CS-82X BAUGE!E!! 1!ECISIOI-!AKING LABORATORY DESCRIPTIOI - The !!anagement Decision-!aking Laboratory. often referred to as the .anagement gaae. is a simulation of a general business economy requiring competitive decisions on the part of the participants. It is designed to provide. in a short period of time. planning and decision-making similar to that normally experienced over a period of several years in actual business practice. The mathematical model is incorporated in a program executed on a 14111 Data Processing System. The administrator of the laboratory briefs the partiCipants on features of the model. The participants decisions ar.e then processed by the 14111 system. period by period. producing output on the 14113 Printer (or on aagnetic tape) to be used in the next decision period. !III!U!! SYSTEM RIQUIRE!!ENTS - A 4K 14.1 systea with. 1482 Card Read Pnnch. 14113 Printer mdl 2. three magnetic tape units (four. if aagnetic tape output is desired). card punch. preferably 26 Printing Card Punch. Advanced Prograaming. High-Low-Equal co.pare and !!ultiply-Divide special features. BASIC PBOGRI!! PACKAGE DOCUBENTATION - Program ftaterial List ••• Operation. Reference and participants !!anuals. !!ACHINE READABLE - Object code program. saaple data which may be used to generate equal starting reports. Autocoder assembly listing and output. OPTIOIAL FROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!!BNT1TION - lone. !!ACHIIE READABLE - Source progra •• 88 character records. unblocked. IBII PROGRlI!S 1481 1481 ORDIBIIG IIPCRlllTIOI: PROGRlll BOIIBIR 1481CS821 PROGRlll BOIIBER EXTIBSIOII DISTRIBUTIOI IIIDIUII CODI TYPI USER VOLUIII BlQUIRIIlEIiT B1SIC ----------------------------------------81 7/556 none 11'1 22 OPTIOlilL none 11'1 7/888 24 81 11'1 11'1 7/556 7/8'" 22 24 81 81 1481-CS-831 ---1iiii/1628 IIODULlR IRVIIITORY 1!!!!GEIIIIIT SIIIULlTOR 1481 VlRSIOIi m DESCRIPTIOI - 1 aodular Inventory lIanageaent Siaulator to provide pre-testing of inventory control systea. Designed for use of understanding, use of aodification. Simulator includes first, and third order exponential saoothing. PROGB11IIIIIIG SYSTEIIS - Written in PORTR11I. IIIIIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIRE!EITS - lpproxiaate1y 9,588 positions on 12K-16K 1481 that will accept PORTRlII. Hi-Lo-Equal Coapare, lIu1tiply-Divide-ldvanced Progra.ming. Running tiae - 2 seconds per deaand transaction. B1SIC PROGR1! P1CK1GE DOCU!ERT1TIOR - Prograa write-up ••• Listings. Plowcharts. 1I1CBIRI RE1D1BLE - Condensed deck. OPTIOIIAL PROGR1! PACKAGE - Rone. ORDERIIiG IIPCR!ATIOR: PAGE 885 COITIIIUED PROII PRIOR COLU!I COITIIUID PROII PRIOR P1GI PROGR11I RUIIBER 1481CS831 PROGR1! BU!BER EXTEIISIOII DISTRIBUTIOB IIIDIUII TYPE CODE ElSIC none DTR· OPTIOIIAL none none 88 USER VOLU!E REQUIREIIEBT none none 1481-DW-831 1111 WHOLESALE IIIFACT - DESCRIPTIOB - The IBII IIIP1CT (Inventory lIanageaent Prograa And control Techniques) systea of scientific inventory aanageaent provides the warehouse distributor (or any organization with the saae inventory control characteristics) with the inforaation of "when" and "how auch" to buy for each inventory itea controlled by the system. It does this through the aeans of probability science in conjunction with the aany factors influencing the distributors inventory control decisions. Factors considered include- lead tiae. lead tiae variability, forecast deaand, forecast error, service desired, inventory, carrying costs, purchasing/receiving costs, discount structures, ainiauas, aaxiauas, shelf life, and pack sizes. The "when" and "how auch" answers are designed to find the aost efficient balance between the cost of carrying inventory, cost of purchasing and receiving, discounts realized, and custoaer service requireaents. The 1311 IIIPACT computer prograa library is designed to provide the distributor who has an IBII 1481114681311 systea with the aeans to sucessfully impleaent an I!FACT Inventory lIanageaent systea with a ainiaua of effort and expense. Prograas are included that perfora in the following functional areas- editing, file initialization, estiaating, and the control of independent and joint replenishment ordering. FEATURES - The 1311 Prograa Library perforas in the same functional areas as the existing 1481-1485 IIIPACT Coaputer Prograa Library. Edit all input for foraat. - Deteraine the forecast aodel (horizontal, trend, horizontal-seasonal, or trend-seasonal). - Deteraine the ordering strategy to be used and calculate order quantity or order frequency as appropriate for strategy selected. - Calculate the safety factor required for a prescribed level of custoaer service. - Calculate initializing values required for forecast and order aodels selected. - Istiaate results to be expected fro a applying the ru1es and values developed. - Deteraine when to order itea groups to aeet service objectives after the systea is operational. - Calculate the product aix to be ordered within an itea group that will neet both service objectives and liaitations on total size of order. In addition, the 1311 prograas incorporate iaproveaents over existing proqraas including - Work flow and record foraats streaalined. - Historical deaands screened for proaotions. - Base index technique used for forecasting seasonal items. Itea discounts considered, in addition to vendor discounts, in determining ordering strategies and order quantities. Different lead tiae aay be specified for each vendor breakpoint. Service aay be specified by itea for both independent and joint ve.ndors. Seasonality considered in ordering both independent and joint vendors. A service point and allocation program (S1A) that will take advantage of 8K aeaory to produce greater throughput. An option to force a predetermined order quantity for any i tea through the SVl program. The facility for expressing a conversion factor of 1.8 to the SVl prograa. Printing of the slope and intercept of the least squares lines has been included in the IIADP prograa. punching of the cost strategy records in the OGCL prograa has been eliainated. Provides safety factor (K) based on a lead time plus review time for iteas in a point vendor. When the peak point option is not satisfied. The prograa library includes both initializing programs and operating programs. Initializing prograas are designed to be used once to set up an I!PACT system, then periodically (at least once a year) or as required to meet changing conditions. A complete set of programs is provided to perfora necessary initializing functions. Operating programs are used in the day-to-day control of the III PACT systea (forecasting and ordering). Library programs are provided to control the ordering of both independent and joint vendors. Instruction and block diagrams are available to help the user in programming the remaining operating programs with a cllinimum of effort (Implementation Reference lIanual) • PROGR11IIIIIIG SYSTEIIS - Programs in the IIIPACT computer program library are written in 1311 Autocoder and 1311 IOCS. IIIRI!UII SISTE! REQUIREIIERTS - 1481--4K 1481 system with 1482 Card Read Punch 1I0del 1 ••• 1483 Printer 1I0del 2••• two 1311 Disk Storage Drives ••• Advanced Prograa.ing, BighLow-Equal coapare. Two 1316 Disk Packs aust be fully available during the operation of 1311 Library programs. 1468--8K 1468 System with 1447 Console 1I0del 1••• 1482 Card Read Punch 1I0del 3 ••• 1483 Printer 1I0del 2 ••• Two 1311 Disk Storage Drives ••• Indexing and Store lddress Register. Two 1316 Disk Packs .ust be fully available during the operation of 1311 Library programs. BASIC PROGRAII PACK1GE DOCUIIERT1TIOI - Program write-up. Users lIanual. Operation lIanual. IIACHIRE READABLE - Object code, saaple problem. OPTIOBlL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIEIITATIOB - Systems aanual which contains the assembly listings of. all the 1481/1468 - 1311 IIIPACT prograas. IIACHIRE READABLE - Bone. ORDERIBG IRPORIIATIOR: PROGRAII BUIIBIR 1481DWIiI3X PROGRA! RUIIBER EITEISIOII DISTRIBUTIOR IIEDIUII TIPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIOBAL none none 88 USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIEBT none none 1481-EX-811 EIIGIIIEERIBG SCBEDOLIIG SISTEII DESCRIPTIOB - The systea contains a series of fourteen 1481 prograas to autoaatically perfora the dating, loading, and perforaance evaluation functions of scheduling. It is developed priaarily for high voluae, short-cycle operations as found in a custoa engineering environment; techniques will also be applicable to many other types of project planning and control. The systea emphasizes siaplified input requireaents and presents work-load information in foraats designed to be most useful to individual supervisors. lIajor outputs, under selective control of the user, include - - Pacility load by tiae period. - Order status listings (full, or by exception). - Order listing in custoaer name sequence. - Perforaance evaluation by facility. - Order history report. Prepunched turn-around docuaents for work reporting. PEATURES - Skeleton file for retrieval of coamon work routines. - lutoaatic calendar allows user coaaunication using Gregorian dates. - lutoaatic start-date calcuation allows use of external constraint dates. IB!! PROGR1!!S PAGE 11116 14111 14111 CONTINUED PRO!l PRIOR PAGE CONTINUED FRO!! PRIOR COLU!!N - Data entry ~ogs and errata listings. - System handles up to 1, filllll events per project, up to 26fi1 common routings. - Flexibility in organization of work force. - !lonitor centrol and a special three-tape sort minimize operator intervention. Common routings are defined and used to prepare a skeleton file. A new order can then be entered into the work-inprocess file with only one card. During the system run, all work is rescheduled to reflect developments since the proceding run. Output reports then present the work load to facility supervisors in clear, concise form for decisions in work dispatching. PROGRA!!!!ING SYSTE!lS - written in Autocoder/locS. !!INI!!U!! SYSTE!I REQUIRE!!ENTS - A 16K 14fi11 system with Advanced Programming, High-Low-Equal Compare, !lultiplyDivide, Sense Switches, and Additional Print Control ••• 14fi12 Card Read Punch ••• 14113 Printer !lDL 2... and four magnetic tape units. The Bond Trade Analysis is designed to help the banker in the following areas - BASIC FROGRA!I PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Program write-~p. Application Directory. Application Description. Programmer !lanual. Operator !!anual. Sample Problem !!anual. !!ACHINE READABLE - Source code, object code, sample problem, and assembly listings. - OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - system !!anual !lACHINE READABLE - !!agnetic tape containing Autochart block diagrams. ORDERING INPOR!!ATION: BASIC OPTIONAL - PROGRA!I NU!!BER 14fi11EXll1X PROGRA!! NU!!BER EXTENSION -------------none none DISTRIBUTION !!EDIU!I TYPE CODE - --------- --------- USER VOLU!!E REQUIRE !lENT !IT !!T 7/556 7/80fi1 22 24 III !!T !!T 7/556 7/811fil 22 24 III 01 fill DESCRIPTION - The Bank !!anagement Simulator is an exercise which simulates the effects of management decisions in a $5fi1 million commercial bank. Each team's objective is to make decisions in the most profitable use of its assets. In one day, the players make decisions similar to those which weuld be made over a period of several years. This exercise was designed because of the difficulty of exposing officers to asset management decisions in any other way. The computer applies the decisions against a mathematical model of the bank, calculates their effect based on the state of the economy at the time, and calculates changes in the economy that might take place during the particular quarter of play. The results are presented to the participants so they may see the interaction of their various decisions. One to nine teams may participate at cne time. Teams do not compete against each other, but rather against the economic climate established in the game. OPTIONAl PROGRA!! PACKAGl DCCU!lENTATION - None !lACHINE READABLE - Assembly Listings EASIC OPTIONAL 14ll1-FB-ll9X none none ---~Q!m TRA!1~ ANALYSIS ~!! !lINI!!U!! SYSTE!I REQUIRE!lENTS - An 8K 1401 with ••• Advance Programming, High-Low-Equal Compare, !!ultiply-Divide ••• 141il2 Card Read/Punch ••• 14fi13 Printer. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Write-up, Operating instructions, Reference !lanual, listing. !lACHINE READABLE - Object code, Source program, Sample program. PROGRA!! NU!!BER 1401PBfil9X PROGRA!I NUI!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !lEDIU!I TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none llll USER VOLO!!E BEQUIRE!!FNT none none 14ll1-PI-ll4X EQ!!TPOLIO 1iELEgION PROGRA!I PROGRA!I NU!!BER 14ll1PBll2X PROGRA!! NU!!BER EXTENSION The input to effect a single analysis is two cards containing data relevant to a bond presently owned by the bank, which the bank anticipates selling, and one card containing the pertinent data concerning the bond the bank contemplates purchasing. !lultiple presently owned bonds may be analyzed against from one to ten contempla ted purchases in a single uninterrupted processing. Each individual analysis requires from 2 to 3 seconds of machine processing and printing time. At the end of a sequence of analyses, a recap ef the various analyses may te printed if desired. It is significant to note that the cards representing bonds presently owned by the bank would ordinarily be available in the form of the banks security inventory and control program. Therefore, only the card representing the contemplated purchase may have to be prepared. In addition to using the bond trade analysis program on the banks own portfolio, application may be found in the management of large bank trading accounts and as a sales device for additional and new services to correspondent banks. ORDERING INPOR!!ATION: BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!lENTATION - Program write-Up. Operators Guide. Players and Examiner Instructions !lACHINE READABLE - Card Decks - Initializer phase object program deck. Initializer data deck. Sample problem deck. On tape - Calculation phase ebject program. -------------- Improving the overall yield of the security portfolio. Utilizing tax provisions designed especially for banks. Reinvesting funds of near maturities. Converting present coupon income to future capital gains. Converting future capital gains to present coupon income. Comparing alternate trade possibilities. Realigning the maturities of the security portfolio. Avoiding capital gain and capital loss off-sets. Preventing inadvertent short-term sales. Accounting for security trades. OPTIONAL FROGRA!I PACKAGE - None. !!INI!!U!! SYSTE!! REQUIRE!lENTS - A 4K 14111 System with, three tape drives, Card Read/Punch, High-Low-Egual, Advanced Programming and !!ultiply-Divide Special features. CRDEBING INPOR!lATION: designed especially for banks. The Analysis computes the net effect, after tax, of a proposed bond trade in the banks own portfolio. The Analysis program computes time factors, coupon interest income, premium amortizations, capital gains, ordinary and capital gain taxes or tax savings, and sale proceeds applicable to the bonds being considered. Various logical decisions are also made in the program which are related to such items as the type of tax year being experienced by the bank, the type of bonds being considered, and whether or not a call date is involved. The result of these computations and decisions is set forth in terms of dollar return which may be easily interpreted by the banker. This program is designed to provide a comprehensive variety of results which will permit the banker to see the effect of alternate courses of action, and enable the banker to avoid common errors in bond investment planning and execution. The speed and precision of computation, the depth of analysis, and the number of alternatives provided by the program are not available to the banker today. This omission restricts his trading and thereby his profits. DISTRIBUTION !!EDIU!! TYPE CODE ------------------- USER VOLU!!E REQUIRE!!ENT !IT !!T 7/556 7/8ll0 22 24 fill fil1 !IT !!T 7/556 7/8llll 22 24 fil1 fill ! nM DESCRIPTION - The Bond Trade Analysis is a management tool DESCRIPTION - The 14111 Portfolio Selection Program (14fi11FI-ll4X) is valuable to banks, mutual funds, trust and insurance companies, estates, and investment department of institutions both public and private. The program determines optimally diversified portfolios from a given group of securities. These optimal portfolios minimize risk for given levels of return. The program uses a mathematical technique called quadratic programming to minimize the risk for any level of return associated with a security portfolio. It selects optimally diversified portfolios from groups of up to 75fi1 securities, including cash investments. Constraints, such as a maximum holding or a fixed holding, may be applied to any or all of the securities being considered. Output consists of - 1. A set of portfolios -- each with minimum risk for its level of return -for as many levels of return as the user requests. 2. The individual security parameters -- such IBI! PROGRAI!S 14e1 14111 as return and risk -- that were used in the computation. 3. The expected return and associated risk for a portfolio consisting of current holdings. FEATURES - Uses the Index or Linear I!odel, which assumes a linear relationship between return and some single economic indicator. Eliminates the need for the user to provide estimates of covariance or correlation betwe~ pairs of securities. Using the Index I!odel, these correlations are derived implicitly by the program from the given input data and are used by the program to minimize risk through the principle of diversification. Includes a special subprogram called Data Transformation p.rogram, which allows the user to specify any linear function relating security return to the chosen index. Includes a standard least-squares technique for fitting a linear function through nine price estimates for each security. Furnishes all of the individual security parameters necessary for the quadratic programming portion of the program. 14e1 Autocoder programs, six of which may be run independently and are under the control of one executive program. Ccntrol cards indicate the program requested and the companies and industries to be analyzed. As many companies as desired may be processed in a single run. PROGRAI!IIING SYSTEIIS - written in Autocoder. IIINII!UI! SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - An 8K 14111 with four magnetic tape units ••• 14e3 Printer mdl 2 ••• 14112 Card Read Punch ••• Advanced programming, High-Low-Equal Compare, lIultiplyDivide, Sense Switches, Additional Print Control. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAG! DOCUIIENTATION - Program write-up. Application Description I!anual. Operation lIanual. IIACHINE READABLE - Object code, Source code, and Assembly listings. OPTIONAL PRCGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORI!ATION: BASIC PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - The source language used is 14111 Autocoder. OPTIONAL I!INIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - An 8K 14111 with Advanced Programming, Sense switches, lIultiply-Divide (optional) ••• 14112 Card Bead/Punch mdl 1 ••• 14113 Printer mdl 1 ••• four magnetic tape units. The use of the lIultiply-Divide feature will reduce considerably processing time. BASIC PROGBAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Program write-up, Application Directory. Beference lIanual. System lIanual. IIACHINE READABLE - self-loading object program. Source program. Assembly listings. The source and object code for the auxiliary program DTP maintenance procedure. SamFle Froblem. PROGRAII NUIIBER 14e1FI04X PROGRAII NUIIB:EB EXTENSION EASIC none CPTIONAL none DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII CODE TYPE ------------------liT MT 7/556 7/8e0 22 24 14111-FO-1I51 14e1{40{60 -------------- DISTRIBUTION I!EDIUII TYPE CODE ------------------- none liT liT none none !~ 7/556 7/81111 22 24 USER VOLUI!E REQUIREIIENT ----------111 111 none !X DISK DESCRIPTION - FORTRAN IV for IBM 1401, 1448 and 146e, broadens IBM's FORTRAN language. It provides a FORTRAN IV level Language for the 1401/146e and the first FORTRAN system for the 1440 user. with the powerful FORTRAN IV, 1481, 1440 and 14611 users can easily combine both business and scientific data processing in one low-cost system. Available as a separate program is a tape resident system (NO. 14e1-FO-e51) for 1401/60 system. MINI MUll SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ~ 12K 1401 ••• one 1311 Disk Storage Drive ••• one 14e2 Card Read/Punch ••• one 14e3 Printer Model 2 ••• Advanced Programming feature. OPTIONAL nOGRAII PACKAGE - None. -------------- PROGRAII NUI!BER 14111Fle5X PROGRAI! NUI!BER EXTENSION A self-loading program tape is provided. The user provides the data on punched cards in the specified formats, and all reports are automatically produced. OBDERING INFORIIATION: PAGE ee7 CONTINUED FROII PRIOR COLQI!N CONTINUED FROI! PRIOR PAGE USEE VOLUIIE REQUIBEIIENT ----------- none 01 01 OB A 12K 14411 ••• one 1301 Disk Storage, or one 1311 Eisk Storage Drive ••• one 1442 Card Reader ••• one 1443 Printer ••• Indexing and Store Address Register feature. OR none 14e1-l'I-1I5X ---lINANCIAL !!!,!,YSIS FR0lli! DESCRIPTION - The Financial Analysis program consists of a series of programs which give the Frofessional financial analyst easily accessible, detailed, and analytical information about industrial ccrporations. Tbe program utilizes the information handling and computational ability of the IBII 1401 to provide the professional financial analyst with tools to help him in screening and appraising industrial common stocks. The main input for the program is a magnetic tape containing historical balance sheet, income statement, and market data for a large number of industrial companies. This tape may be prepared by the user or obtained from the organization which makes it commercially available (Standard & Poors Corporation). By using the program, the analyst may obtain reports providing him with 1. A list of companies meeting certain standards specified by the analyst. 2. Past financial data and ratios. 3. Comparisons between a company's sales and earnings and GNP FRE index of industrial production. 4. Compound growth rates and stability measures. 5. Comparisons between individual companies and industry performance. 6. Financial and market information for up to five companies on a single report. FEATURES - Provides the analyst with timely information that has previously been impractical to obtain consistently. Frees the analyst for more creative tasks by eliainating much of the clerical work he must now perform. Allows an analyst to follow closely more companies than is now practical. Selects companies which are worthy of further study based on the specified criteria. Separate programs allow the analyst to examine only those reports which interest him. The Financial Analysis program consists of seven separate A 12K 14611 ••• one 1301 Disk Storage, or one 1311 Eisk Storage Drive ••• one 14e2 Card Read/punch... one 1403 Printer Model 2 ••• Indexing and Store Address Begister feature. BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUI!ENTATION - Program write-up. Language Specifications. Program Specifications. Operating Procedures Manual. IIACHINE READABLE - The System control program, FORTRAN Compiler, the Relocatable Loader, FORTRAN Subroutine Library, Card Bootstraps, sample source program and various system generation utilities needed to build and operate a disk-resident system. OPTIONAL PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Source listings. MACHINE READABLE - None. ORDERING INFORIIATION: PROGRAM NUIIBER 1401FOe51 USER VOLUIIE REQUIREMENT PROGBAM NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION MEDIUM TYPE CODE BASIC none DTB* none OPTIONAL none none none ._--------1401-FO-852 14e1{60 !m!ll!.!! IX ll~ DESCRIPTION - FORTRAN IV for IBII 1401, 144e and 1468, broadens IBl!'s FORTRAN language. It provides a FORTRAN IV level Language for the 1481/146e and the first FORTRAN system for the 1449 user. With the powerful FORTBAN IV, 1401, 1440 and 1460 users can easily combine both business and scientific data processing in one low-cost system. Avai1able as a separate program is a disk resident system (NO. 14e1-FO-051) for 1401/48/60 systems. IIINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - A 12K 1401 or 1468 system with ••• 14e2 Card Read/Punch ••• 1483 Printer I!odel 2 ••• Four 733e or 729 I!agnetic Tape units. On the 1401 - BighLow-Equal and Advanced programming ••• On the 1468 - Indexing IBII PIOGllIIS PAGE 888 1481 1481 CONTINUED PICII PIIOI PAGE CORTIRUED PRO!! PRIOR COLUIIN and store Address legister. overall savings to a custo.er .ust be deter.ined on an individual basis. BASIC PIOGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATIOIi - Program write-up. Language Specifications. Program Specifications, and Operating Procedures Banual. IIACHIIiE IEADABLE - A tape loader program which will punch the sa. pIe program deck. The card boot deck, the system control, POITIAIi co.piler, the POITIAR loader decks and the PORTIAN subroutine library decks. BINIIIUII SYSTEB REQUIREBERTS - An 8K 1481 system with ••• a 1482 Card ReadjPunch ••• a 1483 Printer 1I0del 2••• three Tape units ••• the Advanced progra ••ing feature... the High-Low-Equal Co.pare feature (or an IBII Syste./368 with 2481 co.patability and corresponding features and I/O devices) • OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENT ATION - Source listings. IIACHINE IEADABLE - None. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIERTATION - program lIaterial List. Language Conversion lIanual. IIlCHIIiE READABLE - LCP object code. ORDERING IRPORIIATIOR: PIOGIAII NUBBER 1481P0852 PROGBAB NUIIBER EXTENSION BASIC OPTIONAL -------------none none DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE ------------------D'IR DTR 1/556 7/888 22 24 none USER VOLU!!E REQUlREIIERT 1481-PO-782 ---PORTElli !! LANGUAGE CONVERSION gROGBAII DESCRIPTION - The PORTRAN II Language Conversion program aids in the transition to Systell/368 by converting acceptable current PORTRAN II source prograas into PORTRAN IV source progra.s for the Syste./368. The PORTRAR II LCP accepts as input1481 PORTRAN, 1418 PORTRAN II, 1628 PORTRAN, 1628 PORTRAN II, 1628 PORTRAN with format, 16211 1I0nitor I PORTRAN II-D, 1628 !!onitor II PORTRAN II-D, 1628 PORTRAN II for auto.atic floating point, 1818 Series PORTRAN (basic and full), 7818 POS PORTRAR, 111115 PORTRAR, 1888 Processor PORTRAN and 18911/1894 PORTRAN II. The source programs can be converted to any of the following levels of syste./3611 PORTRAN -- OPTIORAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIERTATION - Rone. IIACHIIiE READABLE - LCP source code. ORDERIRG IRPORIIATIOIl: none none none Operating systell/368 PORTRAN IV (level H). Operating Systell/3611 PORTRAN IV (E level subset). System/3611 Basic prograalling Support PORTRAN IV (tape)_ Systelll 3611 Basic Prograllming support fORTRAN IV (card). Basic Operating Systell/368 with DOS/368. Basic operating Systell/368 with TOS/368. PEATURES - The PORTRAN LCP has - Card or tape input -- both the LCP and the PORTRAN II source progra.s can be read fro. either cards or tape. - Single or stacked program conversion -- a single source prograll can be processed froll one of the three tape uni ts needed in a .iniau. configuration. Stacked progralls can be processed if 1I0re than three tape units are used. - Card-code conversion for dual BCD characters -- a control card option provides autollatic conversion from BCD input code to EBCDIC output code, or vice versa. In this way, the LCP can convert the dual BCD characters, i.e., two characters with the salle card code, into the proper Syste./368 card codes. The dual characters are - plus and a.persand ••• equal sign and pound sign ••• apostropbe and the comllercial iii sign ••• left parenthesis and percent sign ••• right parenthesis and the lozenge. - Documented listing -- the LCP provides a listing of the converted program. This listing contains lies sage codes and tables that document conversion actions and facilitate analysis of the converted program. A listing of the source program is optional. - Optional card output -- when specified, the LCP produces a punched-card deck that contains the converted prograll. - Optional output on tape -- the user can specify that printed and, or punched output are to be recorded on tape. - Replacement of tape refer. -- The user can specify that tape constants in I/O state.ents are to be replaced by a variable nalle or another tape constant. - Resolution of COli lion-equivalence interaction -- the user can specify that variables in coamon state.ents are to be reordered so that a System/368 compiler will allocate COli lion storage and establish equivalencies in the salle lIanner as the current PORTRAR II co.piler. The PORTRAN II LCP will reduce the allount of reprogralllling necessary to convert current PORTRAN II progralls into Syste./368 PORTRAN IV proqralls. Use of the LCP will reduce time and lIoney spent on recoding, clerical activities, and program debugging. Although the savings to be realized for a single program may be as great as 65 per cent, the PORTRAR II PROGRAII RUIIBER 1481P0182 BASIC PROGBAII BUIIBER EXTEBSIOB ------------none DISTRIBUTIOR liED lUll CODE TYPE ------------------DTR 7/556 22 DTR 7/888 24 OPTIORAL none !!T liT 7/556 7/888 USER VOLUIIE BEQUIREI'Il!RT ----------- none none 81 81 22 24 1481-IP-81X AUTO BATI!!! POR TIll! !!!! CASUALTY CO!!PANIES DESCRIPTION subroutines involved in auto.obiles - The Auto Rating prograll is a series of designed to perform the rating calculations issuing a policy covering private passenger and pickup trucks. Provision is .ade for calc~ating such coverages with the Ii. its of liability and deductibles as are published by the national rating organizations. By using a .odular progra •• ing technique, it is easily adapted to individual require.ents. Base rates and factors are utilized, which reduces core storage require.ents. Use of tables and a special table lookup technique .akes .aintenance, caused by rate changes, .uch si.plier. The user selects the routines for the desired coverages, discounts, deviations, etc., coabines these with his own I/O routines - adds the desired base rate tables and processes, using either SPS or Autocoder, to produce an object deck. Nor.ally, a separate program is produced for each state, although usually the only change is the base rate tables. Routines are supplied for the states that vary froll standard for.ulas. PROGRA!!!!ING SYSTE!!S - written in SPS. !!INIIIUII SISTEII REQUIREBENTS - A 11K 1481 system with Advanced Progra.ming and High-Low-Equal COllpare features - 1482 and 1483 mdl 1. Storage require.ents vary with systells considerations such as coverages, size of state tables, users deviations, and I/O require.ents. The normal requirellent for rating, policy issue, and statistical coding is 8888 positions of core storage. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!EIfTATIOR - preli.inary Reference lIanual. program write-up. Program listings. !!ACHINE READABLE - SPS Source program, object prograa and sa. pIe program. OPTIOIfAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE - Rone. ORDERING INPOR!!ATION: PROGRA!! NUIIBER 1481IP81X PROGRA!! NU!!BER EXTEIfSIOIf DISTRIBUTION !!EDIO!! TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none USER VOLU!!E REQUIRE!EIfT 88 none none 1481-IP-82X GENERAL DISTRIBOTIQ! PROGRAII DESCRIPTION - The General Distribution Program for a card 1481 Data processing System accomplishes su •• ary reporting without resequencing an input card file. The 1481 General Distribution Program fulfills its purpose by building a table of extracted control fields and respective algebraically added allounts. Specified fields on specified cards can be su.marized for selective report writing. When an input file has been exhausted, output cards are punched reflecting the data amassed in the table. Output cards are then used for sUllmary report writing either in the sequence produced or any other sorted sequence desired. If table space is exhausted before the end of input file, an extracted item table is punched out. Overflow iteas are processed upon completion of the initial run. In addition to property and casualty insurance for which IBII PROGBlIIS 1481 1481 PAGE 889 CONTINUED PROII PRIOR COLUIIN CONTINUED PRO! PRIOR PAGE the program was developed, there are numerous imaginative uses for the General Distribution Program including multiple summarization and selective file searching. A significant flexibility is built into this program giving the user multiple control field designation with a range from 1 to 72 accumulators for each control field in the table. Report writing becomes a relatively simple use of sorted output with no alteration to input file sequence. BINI!UII SYSTEB REQUIREBENTS - An SK 1481 (some states require 12K) with Advanced Programming and High-Low-Equal Compare features. Input/output devices are determined by users requirements. Use of random access (14115 or 1311) can reduce storage requirements to 4K. Rating in form sequence can also appreciably .reduce core storage requirements. !INI!U! SYSTE! REQUIRE!ENTS - A 4K, SK, or 16K 1481 with High-Low-Equal Compare, Advanced programming, a 1482 Card Read punch, and a 1483 Printer. BASIC PROGRAB PACKAGE DOCU!ENTATION - Program write-up ••• Reference manual (including tables and program listings). BACHINE READABLE - Source code. Object code. sample problem. BASIC FROGRAB PACKAGE DOCUBENTATION - Program write-up, Reference Banual, including program listings. BACHINE READABLE - Program deck, sample problem. OPTIONAL PROGBA! PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INPORBATION: OPTIONAL nOGRAB PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INPORBATION: DISTRIBUTION BEDIUB TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none 88 none The program employs the techniques of building tables in core storage, doing an internal sort, and a 3 tape merge. Detailed instructions for punching the control cards are given in the reference manual. These cards are placed behind the program deck, the input reel mounted on a tape drive, and the job is ready to run. !IIIIBU! SYSTEB REQUIRE!ENTS - 4K, SK, or 16K 1481 with High-Low-Equal Compare, Advanced Programming, and Sense Switches. A 1482 Card Read Punch, 14113 Printer, and 3 tape drives. none ------------------!T !T !T !T 7/556 7/SIIIil 7/556 7/S88 22 24 22 24 1481-IF-85X !!.!!!1!~ ~ none none 1481-IL-81X I!!]! ~ QQ PROGR!!! jCONSOLIDATED FUNCTIONS OBDIBl.!lIl USER YO LUBE REQUIREBENT ----------111 81 OPTIONAL PROGRAB PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INPORBATION: 111 111 !! DESCRIPTION - The IBB 14111 Homeowners Rating Program is a series of subroutines which provides a valuable tool to insurance companies that desire to rate new or renewal policies. It requires as input those factors from which an undervriter would rate the r olicy. The program has provision for allowing credit for existing insurance, increased or decreased limits, non-standard coverage amounts (interpolation), and rating of many standard endorsements. FEATURES - Reduces clerical effort in the rating, coding, and policy typing areas. - Flexible, modular program allowing modifications and ease of adaption. - Provides an important step in the implementation of an insurance information system. PROGRAB NUBBER 1481ILII1X PROGRAB NUBBER EXTENSION BASIC --HciiiiiiiNEB S 88 BASIC PROGRAB PACKAGE DOCUBENTATION - Program Write-up. 62 CPO Volumes I and II. BACHINE READABLE - Bagnetic tape containing program cards ••• 1I0rtality tables ••• Selected twenty-pay life premiums ••• Selected adjusted life premiums. Card Decks - Tape-to-Card Program ••• Sample problem. PROGRAB NUIIBER 1481IFII3X none none none IIINIBUII SYSTEB REQUIREBENTS - 12K 14111 tape system with, 1482 Card Read Punch mdl 1, 14113 Printer mdl 2. four tape drives, Advanced Program.ing, Expanded Print Edit. HighLow-Equal Compare. Bultiply-Divide, Print Control Additional. and Sense Switches special features. OPTIONAL PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCUBENTATIOII - None. BACHINE READABLE - Source code. DISTRIBUTION BEDIU! TYPE CODE DTR. none PROGRA!BING SYSTEBS - This series of programs was written and assembled using 1481 SPS. BASIC PROGRAB PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Program write-up. Reference material, Flowcharts, Program Listings. BACHINE READABLE - Sample problem input... Source code ••• Object -------------- none DESCRIPTION - This series of fourteen programs is designed to compute net premiums and terminal reserves for most plans of insurance. Computes adjusted premiums and minimum cash values for those plans requiring such values. Stores computed results on master rate tapes for use in the computation of legal reserves or non-forfeiture benefits. Prints the computed results in report form for visual reference and other purposes. Binimum input is required for most plans of insurance. (A whole life plan requires twenty-six columns of data.) 62 CPO terminal reserve. net premiums. and minimum cash value programs provide extreme flexibility in the calculation of terminal reserves and minimum cash values. They have been used to duplicate correctly the values for hundreds of plans cr insurance using a wide variety of benefits, mortality tables. interest rates, and methods of valuation. Use of these prcgrams viII provide an economic means of preparing consolidated files for conversion to 62 CFO daily cycle. Each plan of insurance must be described using standard forms. The input data is punched from these forms and processed through the appropriate CPO programs. Initial output is in the form of magnetic tape containing the structure of the plan, the premiums. and related policy values. A print program is provided which generates descriptive information and prepares a complete report on each plan of insurance. ! TAPE 1481 :~~~~:g~r ~~m::r! :~~!~t!n!r~~n a t;:~e p~~!~a:i !~~~~ r~eactivated by simple control cards. Por most jobs only four control cards need, to be Funched. Thus, from random tape records, either blocked or single, it viII extract control fields and amount fields, summarize, sequence, and write out these extracted summarized records. The program was developed especially for the property and casualty industry, but it will have wide application in all industries. PROGRAB NUBBER EXTENSION BASIC OPTIONAL none DESCRIPTION - The General Distribution Program for a Tape 14111 Data processing System (14111-IP-83X) provides file OPTIONAL USER YOLUBE REQUIRE!ENT USER YOLUBE REQUIREB~IIT 1481- IP- 113X -~~]!RAL DISTRIBUTION PBOGR!!! fQ!! BASIC DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUB TYPE CODE PROGRA! IIUIIBER 1411lIPII2X PROGRAB NU!BER EXTEIISION ORDERING INPORBATION: PROGRAII NUBBER 14111IPII5X PBOGRA! NUBBER EXTENSION OPTIONAL -------------none none DISTRIBUTION BEDIUB TYPE CODE ------------------BT BT 7/556 7/888 22 24 USER YOLUBE REQUIREIIENT ----------- none 81 81 none 1481-IL-82X -co.SOLIDATED f!!~ ORDINARY DAILY CYC!]! PROGRAI!S DESCBIPTION - The 62 Daily Cycle Programs, 14111-IL-II2X. are 31 programs with accompanying actuarial tables designed to meet data processing requirements for ordinary life insurance companies in the fo'llowing areas - (1) Input preparation to the daily cycle (balance. sort, edit) ••• (2) Daily cycle Frocessing for all policies contained in the master file (file maintenance, accounting, commission. billing. loan or nonforfeiture calculations and terminations) • •• (3) Preparation of daily accounting journals... (4) Periodic file updating runs (dividends. cash values, and renewable term premiums). The total system provides for automatic processing of all scheduled transactions and for requested processing of all non- IBII PROGRAI!S 1491 PAG:rt: 9U 1491 CONTINUED FROI! PRIOR PAGE CONTINUED FRO I! PRIOR CCLUI!II scheduled transactions involving ordinary life contracts. Exceptions will occur only when the policy is issued under extremely unusual arrangements. The system is based upon consolidation of all policy information into a single magnetic tape record and integrates all processing functions within a single computer system. Processing comaences with the first premium payment and continues through maturity, expiry, or any other form of termination. Accounting and commission records as well as policy exhibit transactions are generated automatically and brought forward under program control for month-end processing or for valuation purposes. FEATURES- /62 CFO Daily Cycle programs will provide life insurance companies using this system with exceptional operational efficiency. The major features of this system are - (1) Daily analysis of all policy records for any form of activity ••• (2) Continuous control of the policy master file ••• (3) Policy information for accounting journals, commission statements, notification, policyholder service and valuation reports from a single source... (4) Organization of output from the system into meaningful printed reports. with each policy record only at· the time of .valuation, thus eliainating the need to store excessive valuation information as a part of each policy record. The major features of the overall approach are (1) Using the daily cycle programs (1491-IL-92X), control of the policy master file is maintained on a current daily basis for the nuaber of policies, impairments, all foras of deposits, and suspense iteas, thus eliminating the need for preparatory work prior to the beginning of a valuation. (2) All eleaents other than legal reserves are carried as ledger items. Each detail item needed for a valuation is extracted from the policy master file on an individual basis for reporting purposes, allowing complete flexibility in reporting technique. (3) Reserves are computed for premium paying policies, all forms of paid-up policies, and for each of the various types of supplemental benefits and extra life premiums. (4) Deferred a~d uncollected preaiums are computed on both a gross and net basis. In addition, gross advance premiuas are calculated. USE - /62 CFO Daily Cycle assumes the development of a complete policy aaster file by each user. To help in the data gathering necessary for a consolidated file, programs are available (1491-IL-91X) to generate reserve, net premium and miniaum cash value rate tapes. Rate tape philosophy has been incorporated into the overall system to facilitate the handling of any type of updating required and in many cases eliminate the necessity for data gathering. (5) In-force aaounts of the entire master policy file are coaputed, maintained, and reported as a part of the valuation procedure. User Responsibility includes the following major areas - (1) Gathering all data necessary to establish a policy master record... (2) Preparation of conversion programs which will convert gathered data into an acceptable format... (3) Preparation of new business programs which will convert new issue data into an' acceptahle format ••• (4) Preparation of a print program for premium and anniversary notices ••• (5) preparation of cash value and dividend rate tapes, renewable term premium rate cards, agents control records, and coamission tables. USE - Each valuation may be taken on either a partial basis or a complete basis as of any month end. lIinimum results will involve - (1) Loan balances with either accrued or unearned interest adjustments ••• (2) Amounts on deposit with accrued interest... (3) Suspense totals of unapplied cash or returned items... (4) Life reserves and corresponding premium adjustments ••• (5) Policy exhibit changes within the reporting period... (6) Summary reports of each of the above items. Daily Cycle Programs may ,be used as they are or with slight modification to facilitate auditing newly converted policy records. Dividend, cash value and renewable term updating programs can also be used as conversion programs. Daily Cycle Programs will operate upon any properly converted block of policies on either a daily or periodic schedule. Additional results from a full valuation will include all of the above as well as - (1) Deficient reserves ••• (2) Totals for annual statement page 15 and state policy exhibits, and a detail listing of Changes ••• (3) Reserves released and tabular net premium adjustments... (4) Either summary or detail reports of all valuation items. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREI!ENTS - 12K 1491 system with 1492 Card Read Punch mdl 1 ••• 1493 Printer mdl 2 ••• five tape drives ••• Advanced Programming, Expanded Print Edit, HighLow-Equal Compare, lIultiply-Divide, Print control Additonal, and Sense Switches special features. eINIIIUII SYSTE!! REQUIREIIEIITS - 12K 1491 system with ••• 1492 Card Read Punch mdl 1... 1493 Printer mdl 2 ••• five tape drives ••• Advanced programming, Expanded Print Edit, HighLow-Equal Compare, lIultiply. Divide, Print Control Additional, and Sense switches special features. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Program write-up ••• /62 CFO Policy lIaster Record Code Book (Volume 9) and Volumes 3 through 11. IIACHINE READABLE - Card decks - Cbject deck designed to add or alter programs on the /62 CFO program tape. Magnetic tape - one reel containing all decks in source program card form ••• and mortality tables. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Program write-up ••• /62 CFO Volumes 12 through 16. !!ACHINE READABLE - Card decks - Object deck designed to add or alter programs on the /62 CFO Program Tape. lIagnetic Tape - one reel containing source program cards for the 15 componen t programs. (6) Reports are available as a detail listing of each item, by valuation cell, by plan, and by met'hod of valuation, mortality table, and interest rate. OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE - None. OPTIONAL FROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORIIATICN: ORDERING INFCRIIATION: PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION -------------BASIC none OPTIONAL none PROGRAII NUIIBER 14911L1l3X PRO GRAil NUIIBER 1411 1IL92I DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE ------------------liT !!T 7/556 7/8119 22 24 none PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION USER VOLU!!E REQUIREIIENT ----------- BASIC -------------none III III OPTIONAL none DISTRIBUTION IIEDIU!! TYPE CODE ------------------liT liT 7/556 7/8119 USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT 22 24 none III 91 none none 14111-IL-93X -----CONSOLIDATED FUNCTIONS ORDINARY !!1~ATI~ gEOGRA~ DESCRIPTION - The 62 CFO (Consolidated Functions Ordinary) valuation Programs, 1491-IL-1l3X, are a series of 15 programs designed to operate eXClusively in the area of valuation and in the preparation of the policy exhibit for ordinary life insurance companies. All of the programs in this series assume a standard 62 CFO record format. Processing may be performed on a standard annual basis or at any more frequently desired cycle such as semiannually, quarterly, or monthly. All information furnished by these programs comes exclusively from paid for business in the file on the valuation date and does not pertain in any way to supplementary files. Policy exhibit and reserves released are based on activity to the policy master file during the reporting period. FEATURES - The valuation procedures were designed to conform to standard valuation practices and to furnish the maximum amount of information available from a current consolidated policy master file. All reserves and net premiums are stored on machine-generated rate tapes and are associated 14111-IO-012 -COIIIIUNICATI.Ql!~ Ioq (1926/D~ FOR TI!~ 1491/1469 .!.!! DESCRIPTION - This IOCS facilitates the generation of programs to centrol 1926 communication with 111311, 19511, and 111611. It is compatible with the 1491/1460-1440 communications IOCS for the 1448, thus requiring a minimum of re-programming for growth from 11126 Transmission Control Units to a 144B. Applications can range from single inquiries to sophisticated real-time data operations. Its functions are - Control of the 1447 Console User control of polling, addressing and receiving Error detection Operation with existing IB" programs for DDC Time of day recording with the 1932 Digital Time Unit The 1401/1460 Communications IOCSS (11126/DDC) will operate with point-to-point or multi-point common carrier leased or customer-owned communication lines. In addition, the programs will support the Automatic Answering feature and the Automatic Calling feature. IBII PROGRAIIS 11191 111£11 CONTINUED PROII PRIOR PAGE PRCGBAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - Communications IOCS (1926/DDC) consists of a set of library routines which, when called for in an Autocoder source program by macro instructions, are selected, tailored, and included in the object program. The routines perform the functions necessary to handle basic input/output files, to transmit information to and receive information from remote locations and remote processors, and to provide linkage to users programs. The specific routines generated at assembly time depend largely on the particular specifications contained in the user's source programs. The library routines for this IOCS is to be placed in the Autocoder system through a library run, using Autocoder (on disk) for 11191, 111119, and 11169, No. 11191-AU-£I£18. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - Por program assembly - same as those for the assembly of any program using 111£11/111119/11169 Autocoder (on disk) program. The Autocoder (on disk) program should be ordered concurrently unless otherwise available. For object programs - A 11K 111£11 with ••• Advanced Programming and High-Low-Equal Compare features ••• 111£19 Console Auxiliary mdl 2 ••• 1926 Transmission Control Unit attachment feature ••• 1926 Transmission Control Units (one for each communication line)... I/O units (as required). OR An 8K 11169 with ••• Indexing and store Address Register feature ••• 111117 Console mdl 1... 1£126 Transmission Control Unit attachment feature ••• 1£126 Transmission Control Units (one for each communication line) ••• I/O units (as required) • In addition - direct Data Channel feature ••• Interrupt ••• 111117 Console mdl 2 for 11111£1 and 11169, mdl 3 for 11191 ••• 1032 Digital Time Unit may be present, as desired. EASIC CPTIOIiAL DTR* none USEB VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT ,-------------11191-10-068 IBII .1!!91/111§! IOCS jQ! DISK) DESCRIPTION - The IBII 11101/11169 IOCS, (on disk), version 2, NO. 11181-10-868, (previously named 11191/1311 IOCS) is available to be used on 11181 and 1469 systems with 111911111118/11169 Autocoder (on disk), No. 111£11-AU-998. The new version consists of a set of library routines which, when called by macro instructions are selected, tailored and included in the object program. For 11191 and 1116£1 systems, these routines perform I/O functions and housekeeping associated with 1311 Disk Storage, 1381 Disk Storage, magnetic tape, card reader, card punch, and printer. They also provide linkage to the user's object program. The specific statments generated at assembly time depend completely on the particular specifications contained in the user's source program. The 11191/11169 IOCS library routines are to be placed in the 1491/111118/11168 Autocoder (on disk) System through a library run. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIBEIIENTS - For assembly -- programs incorporating I/O macro instructions for 11191 and 11168 systems may be assembled on - a 11K 11181 system with ••• one 1311 Disk Storage Drive ••• 11192 Card Read Punch·••• 11103 Printer IIdl 2 or 111911 Printer ••• High-LOW-Equal Compare, OB An 8K 11169 system with... one 1311 Disk Storage Dri ve or one Disk Storage Array... 11192 Card Read Punch ••• one 11193 Printer OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Plowcharts. IIACHINE READABLE - 1I0ne. ORDERIIiG INPORIIATION: 99 none BASIC PBOGBAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATIOIi - Program Write-up, Library listings ••• operating Procedures. IIACHINE READABLE - Library ••• Sample source program for test purposes. PBOGRAII NUIIBEB 1119110£1 12 none none 1 or 2 or 111112 Card reader mdl II and 1111111 Card Punch ••• 11143 Printer. OPTIONAL fBOGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Program flowcharts. IIACHINE READABLE - None. DISTRIBUTIOIi IIEDIUII TYPE CODE none A 11K 11149 system with ••• one 1311 Disk Storage Drive or one 1391 Disk Storage Array... 111112 Card Read Punch mdl EASIC fHOGBAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up. Operations Instructions. IIACHINE BEADABLE - Library of macros. PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTEIiSION OPTIONAL OR NOTE - Use of DDC with 1£126 should specify the Interrupt feature (available on 111£11 only as RPQ) for optimum performance. ORDERING INPCRIIATION: PAGE 911 CONTIBUED FRO II PRIOR COLUIIN PROGRAII NUIIBER 1119110968 none none PROGRAII IIUIIBER EXTENSION none 11191-10-965 ----jIlPUT/OU1PUT CONTROL SYSTEII DESCRIPTION - The 11191 IOCS consists of a set of library routines which, when called for in a 11191 Autocoder source program by macro instructions, are selected, tailored and included in the object program. These routines perform I/O functions and provide linkage to the users object program. The specific statements generated at assembly time depend completely on the particular specifications contained in the user's source program. Use of program the 11191 IOCS library routines are to be placed in the 11191 Autocoder System (version 3 or later version) through a librarian run. DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none 99 USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT none none DESCRIPTION - To provide a few frequently used arithmetic subroutines. This 11191 program provides lIultiply I (for storage space economy) lIultiply II (for speed economy) divide dozens-to-units conversion units-to-dozens conversion. Note-closed subroutine linkage instructions provided. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - The 11191 IOCS will perform the I/O functions and associated housekeeping for tape, card reader, card punch and printer. The object machine must have, in addition to any of the above I/O units, Advanced Programming features and the High-Low-Equal Compare feature. The amount of core storage required varies widely from program to program and must be determined at assembly time. EASIC fROG RAil PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Program write-up ••• Documentation of the 11191 IOCS system including language specifications ••• Plowcharts ••• Sample problem. IIACHINE READABLE - lIagnetic tape - 11191 1I0del statements in card image form. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Program write-up ••• Listings ••• Flowcharts. IIACHINE READABLE - Object code. OPTIONAL PRCGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORIIATION: PROGRAII NUIIBER 1401LII907 PROGRAII IIUIIBER EXTENSIOIi DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none 9£1 USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT none none OFTIONAL PBOGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERIIiG INFORIIATION: EASIC PROGRAII NUIIBEB 1119110965 PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE none liT liT 7/556 7/8£19 22 211 USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT 91 91 11191-LII-911 14111L11169 1IIII!Q .f!!Q~RAII 1Q1! 1M BASIC ~ERATING SYSnoW§! Jln~ 2.QY/IIERGE PROG~~ J..1§!U. DESCRIPTION - The IBII 111£11111169 Timing Program provides timing estimates for the Disk Operating System/3611 Disk Sort/llerge program (16K disk) when operating on a System/368 lIodel 2939 or lIodel 2849 with a maxi.um of 256K bytes of IBB PROGRlI!S PAGE 812 1481 1481 CONTINUED PROB PRIOR PAGE CONTINUED PROII PRIOR COLUIIN aain storage, a channel configuration of one aultiplexor or selector channel and up to 8 IBB 2311 Disk storage Drives. Tiaing estiaates for the Bodel 2838 assuae a 1.5 aicrosecond cycle tiae. This prograa will provide sort tiaing estiaates for sorting fixed length records with a single control field. Ti.ings can be obtained for specific record voluaes designated by the user, or for a spread of record vcluaes predeterained by the tiaing prograa. In addition, aain storage utilization and .axi.ua file size are included in -the program output. Control cards are used to supply a description of the co.puting systea, file configuration and record definition for which estiaates are required. lIultiple record/file cards aay be used with one system definer card to estillate tiaes for aany file configurations on the saae system. Also, aany systea definer cards .ay be used with one record/file card to estiaate the time for sorting one file on several different systeas. lIultiple control card sets can be stacked to provide aultiple estiaates at the salle time. BIHII!UI! SISTEI! REQUIREIIENTS - A 16K 1481 system with ••• a 1482 Card Read Punch I!odel 1••• a 1483 I!odel 2, or 1484 Printer ••• High-Low-Equal coapare feature ••• Advanced Progra.aing feature ••• I!ultiply-Divide feature ••• Sense Switches ••• second disconnect. This feature is to be used with the text tiae-out suppression of the 1851 Control unit -- 1858 Data Coallunication Systell -- as lIany as four system aaxillua, each consisting of a 1051 control Unit 1I0dei 2 and a 1852 Printer-Keyboard with the 1st Printer feature. (when the text tiae-out suppression is specified on the 1026 Coaponents, it must be ordered on the 1851). Por 1460/1026 CONPIGURATION - ;441 processing Unit !odel B5 with Disk Storage Control, direct Seek, Indexing and Store Address Register, Bit Test, Transllission Control Unit attachllent... 1447 !odel 1 with Sense Switches ••• 1461 !odel 1 ••• 1482 1I0dei 3 ••• 1483 !!odel 2 ••• 1311 !!odels 1 and 2 with direct Seek ••• 1826 -- as aany as four lIodel 1. The first 1826 Transllission Control Unit IIUSt have the expanded line feature and as lIany as three additional 1026 !odel 1 each with the additional line feature. One IIUSt specify text tiae-out suppression to disable the timer froll operating at the normal 9-18 second disconnect. This feature is to be used with the text time-out suppression on the 1851 Control unit... 1058 Data coaaunication systea -- as .any as four systeas each consisting of a 1851 Control Unit I!odel 2 and a 1852 Printer-keyboard with the 1st Printer feature. When the text time-out suppression is specified on the 1826 Components, it aust also be ordered on the 1851. OR A 16K 1468 system with ••• a 1482 Card Read Punch lIodel 3... A 1483 I!odel 2 Printer ••• I!ultiply-Divide feature ••• Indexing and Store Address Register features ••• Sense switches. BASIC FROGRAI! PACKAGE DOCUI!ENTATION - Program I!aterial List ••• Tilling Program I!anual, C24-3445 ••• Disk operating System Sort/!!erge I!anual, C24-3444. I!ACHINE READABLE - Object code. BISIC PROGRAI! PACKAGE DOCUI!ENTATION - Prograll Write-up. Author and Proctor I!anual. Coursewriter Description I!anual. I!ACHINE READABLE - Systell Control Prograll. Instruction Function, Initial Load, Utility Prograll. OPTIONAL PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Plowcharts. Program Listings. I!ACBINE READABLE - None. ORDERING INPOR!!ATION: OPTIONAL PROGRAI! PACKAGE - None. ORDERiliG INPORBATION: PROGRAI! NU!!BER 148105092 PROGRA!! NU!!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !!EDIU!! TYPE CODE USER VOLUI!E REQUIRE!!ENT PROGRAI! NU!!BER 148U!!811 PROGRAI! NUI!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION I!EDIUII TIPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none 80 USER VOLUI!E REQUIREI!ENT BASIC none DTll* OPTIONAL none none 00 none none none none 1481-RG-822 1401L1460 !lASIC REP2!cr PROGRn GENERATOR .!l! DESCRIPTION - The Coursewriter Language is a special user language with which a teacher (i.e., "Author") can prepare his course material to accomllodate the range of student abili ties. The Operating System consists of - A I!onitor to supervise writing and instructing siaultaneously. An Asse.bler which enables the course author to ccmmunicate with the computer when writing and revising courses. - Utilities for preparing student and course reports. It provides the ability - - - For authors to write and correct course material while students are taking courses. Por a "proctor" who operates the system, to undertake essential administrative routines. To collect data on student responses for later analysis. Por authors or prograll.ers to add new functional capability to the coursewriter. To operate simultaneously up to five courses per 1316 Disk pack. To service up to twelve 1858 point-to-point lines with a 1448 or up to four lines with four 1826 Transmission Control Units. The word assisted in the term computer assisted instruction is important. This new methodology is not intended to replace the important role of the teacher in the educational process. Instead, it is a new science for assisting the teacher in adllinistering course aaterial and taking fullest advantage of the benefits of CAl. I!INII!U!! SISTE!! REQUIRE!!ENTS - For 1481/1826 configuration - A 12K 1481 I!odels B, C, or l with disk Storage Adapter, High-Low-Equal coapare, Advanced progra.aing, Bit Test, Console Auxiliary Adapter, Sense switches ••• 1482 Card Read/Punch I!odel 1... 1483 Printer 1I0del 1... 1486 Storage !!odel 2••• 1489 Console Auxiliary lIodel 2 ••• 1311 Disk Storage Drive 1I0deis 2 and 4 with Direct Seek ••• 1826 Ransmission Control Unit -- Up to !!odel 1 maxillull. The first 1026 must have the expanded line feature and as many as three additional 1026 lIodel 1, each with the additional line feature. One lIust specify test time-out suppression to disable the tiaer froll operating at the noraal 9-18 DESCRIPTION - IB!! 1481 Basic Report Program Generator 4K enables a program written in 1481/1468 Basic RPG Language to be compiled on either a 1481 or 1468 system. The output is used to execute the application on a 1401 or 1468 system. The source program in the 1401/1468 Basic RPG Language, punched in cards, is compiled on either a 1481 or 1q68 system. The output object program is in the 1481/1468 machine language. The source program may be compiled directly to condensed card output, and/or if load-and-go is desired, it may be directly executed. Additional features included in this program are Automatic Decimal Alignment and Extensive Diagnostics. The program listing, documentation and diagnostic output are recorded on the printer. !!INII!UII SISTE!! REQUIRE!!ENTS - A 4K 1q81 or 8K 1468 system with ••• 1482 Card Read/punch one 1483 Printer. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Program write-up. Specifications. Operating Procedures. !!ACBINE READABLE - Program deck. Sample problem source program and data. OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Plowcharts. Listings. !!ACnINE READABLE - None. ORDERING INPOR!!ATION: PROGRA!! NU!!BER 1481RG822 PROGRA!! NU!!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !!IEDIU!! TIPE CODE USER VOLU!!E REQUIRE!!BNT BASIC none DTR* none OPTIONAL none none none 1481-RG-832 1401/1111 !!ll.2l!~ gROGRAII .§ID!ERATO!! 12! Q!~H J.I!!UL1.'!.2!! !! DESCRIPTION - IB!!I 1481/1q69 Report Program Generator (on disk), 1481-RG-832, enables the RPG processor to have 1381 Disk Storage system residence at compile time and provides for input, output, or for files on a 1391 Disk Storage !!Iodule at object time. Version 1, called "1481/1311 RPG" will not be available since its functions are included in the new version. Version 2 increases the power of the RPG Language through the implementation of disk update function. Included with 1401/1460 RPG (on disk) is a 1q81 RPG Translator program enabling a prograll written for the IBII PROGRl.IIS CONTlIOID FROII PRIOR COLUU CONTIRUID FRO II PRIOR PAGB 1481 RPG Program to be punched in a for. that can be co.piled on a 1481/1311 Syste., a 1481/1311 syste., or a 1468/1381 syste.. This system enables a program written in 1481/1448/1468 RPG Language to be co. piled and asse.bled on a 1481/1311, 1468/1311 or 1468/1381 syste.. The output is used to execute the application on a 1481 or 1468 system. Object program input is a card file, .agnetic tape file, or disk storage file. The output report can be printer and/or punched into cards and/or written on either mangetic tape of disk storage. The source program in the 1481/1448/1468 RPG Language punched in cards is co.piled and asse.bled on a 1481 or 1468 syste.. The output object program is either the .achine language equivalent program or the Autocoder (on disk) Language equivalent progra •• The .achine language equivalent object program can be in the for. of condensed cards, or it "load-and-go" is desired, the object program can be directly loaded fro. the system pack or module. The program listing, docu.entation, and diagnostic output are recorded on the printer. report data cards, and the report is begun when the first detail card is read. (1) List or tabulate with or without su •• ary punching. (2) Pring one full line of report heading on the 1st line of each page of the report. (3) Print 1 or 2 full lines of colu.nar or filed headings on each page. (4) Control on a .axi.u. of four fields of any length. (5) Group indicate a .axi.u. of four fields on the first line of each minor control group. (6) Recognize up to 18 types of detail cards by any single colu.n character. If more than one card colu.n .ust be tested to identify a given type of a card, a patch is required. Note- lach of the 18 types .ay be in separate card colu.ns. (7) Add, subtract, .ultiply, divide operations .ay be perforned on detail or total lines. These operations require lIultiply/Divide feature. (8) Print .ultiple lines fro. one card (IILP). BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCU II Elf TAT ION - Program write-up. Listings. IIACHINE READABLE - Condensed system deck. OPTIOBAl PRCGRAII PACKAGE - None. BUIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIRBI!EHTS - A 4K 1481 system with ••• 1482 Card Read/Punch ••• 1483 Printer 1I0del 2 ••• one 1311 Disk storage Drive ••• High-Low-Equal Compare feature. ORDBRING 11IFORIIATI01l: An 8K 1468 system with ••• 1482 Card Read/punch ••• 1483 Printer... one 1311 Disk storage Drive or one 1381 Disk storage 1I0dule. BASIC FROGRAII PACKAGB DOCUIIERTATION - Program write-up. Operating Procedures. IIACHINE READABLE - system deck, sample deck. 1481 RPG Translator Prograll. OPTIONAL PROGRIII PACKAGE DOCOIIERTATI0N - Flowcharts, listings. IIACHI1IE READABLE - 1Ione. PRO GRAil NOIIBER 1481RG832 PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTI01l IIEDIUII TYPB CODE EASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none USER VOLUIIE REQOIREIIBNT none 88 none 1481-RG-833 ---!!]POR! ~M! illERATOR ~ DESCRIPTION - The 1481 Report Program Generator 2K system enables a program written in 1481 RPG 2K Language to be compiled on a 1481. The output is used to execute the application on a 1481 syste.. The source program in the 1481 RPG 2K Language, punched in cards, is compiled on a 1481 system. The output object program is on condensed cards in 1481 machine language. The program listing, docu.entation, and diagnostic output are recorded on the printer. DISTRIBUTION IIBDIOII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCOIIENTATION - Program write-up. Operating Procedures. IIACHINE READABLE - Program deck, sample problem source progra., sa. pIe problem data. DESCRIPTI01l - Purpose 1481 RPG is a progra •• ing system which generates report writing progra.s which are specified by the user in the RPG Language established for IEII 1488series .achines. The generated report program will accept source data contained in either a card file, .agnetic tape file or disk storage file. The language facilitiates specifying the classic report writing functions of heading and detail lines, total lines controlled by control field breaks, offset total printing, su ••ary punching, crossfooting and calcualtion, page and serial nu.bering, etc. The output report can be obtained at the printer, on cards, on tape, or on any co.bination of the three. Ose of program report specifications, punched on cards, are entered into the 1481 DPS together with the RPG system deck. The output is a punched deck containing the generated report program in sy.bolic (1481 SPS) language. This deck is further processed by one of the 1481 Asse.bly Syste.s (SPS-l, SPS2, or Autocoder) to obtain the machine language report writing program ready for loading. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCOIIENTATION - Program write-up, listings, flQvcharts. IIACHINE READABLB - Condensed progra •• OPTIOBlL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORIIATION: PROGRAII NOIIBER 1481RG833 DISTRIBUTION IIEDIOII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* CPTIONAL none none OSER VOLOIIE REQOIREIIElfT 88 none none 1481-RG-845 *11 ---FAR~~= FOORTEEN-O-ONE AOTOIIATIC REP OR! ~ENERATIN~ QgERATIQ! DESCRIPTION - Provides a simple-to-learn, easy-to-use method of converting accounting reports from unit record equipment (682A - 482 - 514 - 684 - 487 - 519 types) to an IBII 1481 Data processing Syste.. Program.ing language 1481 Sy.colic Progra.ming system, .ethod nload and go". intermediate symbolic asse.bly operations. This .eans that the FARGO condensed program decks with the inserted control cards containing the report specifications are read into the 1481 followed by the none none 1481-RG-848 REPORT nOGRA,!! GEHEBATOR OPTIONAL FROGRAII PACKAGE DOCOIIBNTATIOlf - Flowcharts, listings. IIACHIRE READABLE - None. PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTElfSION 88 USER VOLOIIE REQUIREIIENT 1111111011 SISTBII REQOIREIIENTS - For Report Program Generation: 1 4B88 core storage positions; 1 1482 Card Read/Punch; 1 1483 Printer. For Report Program execution: 1 1483 Processing Onit (any .odel - core storage size required depends upon co.plexity of report); 1 1482 Card Read/punch; tape units (llodel 729 II, 729 IV, 729 V, 729 VI, or 7338). 1483 Printer lIode1 1 or 2; 1485 Disk Storage Unit - Only as required for input data file and output report media. lIultiply-Divide special feature - .ay be used if installed. Sense switches special feature - .ay be used if installed. IIINIIIOII SYSTBII REQUIREIIENTS - A 2K 1481 system with ••• 1482 Card Read/Punch ••• 1483 Printer. Although the HighLow-Equal COllpare feature is not needed, RPG 2K can use it to advantage if it is installed. The 1481 2K System will take advantage of an additional 2K core storage. ORDERING UFORIIATIOlf: PROGRAII 1IUIIBER 1481RG845 PROGRAII NOIIBER BXTIRSION OR CRDBRING INFORIIATI01l: PAGI 813 1481 1481 PROGRAII NUIIBER 1481RG848 PROGRAII NOIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION liED lUll TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIORAL none none 1481-RG-788 1~ 1488 RPG !Q ~§A]1I/368 8" OSER VOLOIIE REQUIREIIENT none none TRANSLATOR DESCRIPTI01l - This program operates on a 1481 or 1468 Data Processing syste.. The Translator converts source progra.s written for any of the processors listed below to si.ilar source progra.s acceptable to Syste./368 1I0del 28 RPG, Syste./368 Basic Progra •• ing support RPG, Basic Operating Syste./368 RPG, or Operating syste./368 TPG. 1488 RPG Processors to be translated include: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 14Bl RPG (2K) 11181 Basic RPG (4K) 14Bl RPG 148V146B BPG (on disk) 1448 RPG (2K) 1448 Basic RPG (11K) IBII PROGRAI!S 1481 11181 PAG! "14 CONTINUED PROI! PRIOR COLU!N CONTINUED PROI! PRIOR PAGE PROGRAI! NUI!BER EXTENSION 144" RPG (on disk) (S) 141111 sterling Basic RPG (4K) (9) 144" Sterling RPG (1311) (7) BASIC The 1481 RPG processor will be handled after the program has first been translated to 11181/14611 RPG (on disk) using the 14111 RPG Translator program. Program input is 14"" series RPG source program cards; output is System/36" RPG source . program cards for input. calculation. and output specifications. Non-translatable conditions will be flagged as they are detected by the translator. I!INII!UI! SYST!I! REQUIREI!ENTS - An SK 14"1 or 146" with 14"2 Card Read Funch ••• 14"3 Printer, I!odel 2 or I!odel 3 (on 1468) ••• three 7338 or 729 Tape Units or one 1311 Disk Storage Drive or one 1381 Disk Storage Unit (on 146") ••• Advanced Programming and Righ-Low-Equal Compare Register feature (on 146"). PROGRA! NUIIBER 14"1RG711" DISTRIBUTION I!EDIUI! TIPE CODE EASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none !T !T USER YOLU!E REQUIREI!ENT none 7/556 7/S110 22 24 81 81 --------------------------------------- ----------DESCRIPTION - The Decision logic Translator Program is valuable in the implementation of automated design engineering systems, as well as in other areas in which program logic can be effectively expressed in tabular form. The tabular approach to solution of complicated logical problems facilitates the breakup of a prograll into small, discrete, readily understood units of conditions and actions. This approach fosters modularity of program design which will be of increasing importance with the more widespread use of direct-access storage. Situations not yet anticipated can be introduced into existing programs with a minimum of effort through construction of additional tables. Existing condition-action tables can be easily altered, either as operationsl procedures change or to study the effect such changes would have on a business environment. Areas of application of decision tables and 14"1 Decision Logic Translator include: - All types manufacturing operations which produce a wide variety of products froll a relatively small pool of components including - electrical parts, motors, turbines, assemblies and sub-assemblies. - Inventory control programs. - Pinancial analysis and control applications. - Special purpose simulation models. - Quality control planning. - Cost determination. - Production control and planning. - Real-time applications of information retrival and decision making. The 14111 Decision Logic Translator accepts as input 'decision tables written in a PORTRAN-oriented language. The Translator program sorts the rules to produce as output an efficient PORTRAN II source program. The use of this program can result in savings of up to 511 percent in irplementation time and substantial reduction in cost in installation of applications that exhibit complex conditionaction relationships. PROGRAII!!ING SISTE!!S - written in PORTRAN. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREI!ENTS - A 16K 14111 system with HighLow-Equal Compare, lIultiply-Divide, and Advanced Programming ••• a 14"2 Card Read/Punch ••• 1483 Printer ••• 2 tape units. BASIC FROGRA!! FACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Prograll write-up ••• Reference !!anual. IIACHINE READABLE - Sample problem ••• Program cards. OPTIONAL FROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Systems lIanual. !!ACHINE READABLE - Translator source code. ORDERING INPOR!!ATION: PROGRAII NUIIBER 1481SE85x DTR* none 14"1-SE-12X IBII DOCUIIENTATION liT liT !1~ 7/556 7/S88 USER YOLU!!! REQUIREIIENT ----------- 80 none 22 24 81 01 SISTE! The DA System processes programs written in System/360 Assellbler Language, Symbolic Programming System (SPS), Autocoder, I!acro Assembly Program (!!AP), PORTRAN Assembly Program (PAP), or Symbolic Plowchart Language (SPL) for the System/36", 1401/1448/11168. 1628. 141"/7010, 7048/7844, 7078/7072/7974. 785/7880/and 7898/7094. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUI!ENTATION - None. IIACHINE READABLE - Translator source code. PROGRAI! NU!BER EXTENSION none DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE ------------------- DESCRIPTION - The DA system provides machine-generated documentation aids to users who program in the IBII supported assembly-languages listed below. It provides an accurate, effiCient, and inexpensive computer process for producing and maintaining up-tp-date program documentation. The DA System consists of four programs and a system controller. They are highly modular and are integrated into a total systell so that each program performs certain functions which may be required by other programs operating within the system. BASIC PROGRAI! PACKAGE DOCUI!ENTATION - Program write-up ••• Program I!aterial List ••• Sample program translation listing ••• System/3611 RPG Translator I!anual ••• Logic I!anual. IIACHINE READLABE - Card decks for Translator object program. sail pIe program system/36" RPG source. ORDERING INPORIIATION: OPTIONAL -------------- The source language used in the implementation of all DA system programs is 1401 Autocoder. The DA system objectives are to assist an installation in converting existing progralls to System/368: to encourage the user to reprogram in higher level language, e.g., PORTRAN, COBOL, and PL/I. To allow the computer to assume many clerical and routine functions associated with documentation and conversion. To improve and update the documentation of existing progralls, thereby reducing maintenance effolOts. To improve prograllming efficiency by the standardization of documentation techniques. FEATURES - The DA System operates directly upon Assembly Language source statements. No modification is required by the user before using DA System programs. Through scanning, the numerous symbolic languages are converted to a standard DA system record format. Processing of the DA formatted tape is thus largely language-independent. Each program within the DA system has its own control cards and is processed in sequence from the DA System tape, providing advantages normally found in a monitor system. The systems concept enables the user to submit a source program deck to the DA System and receive any or all of the source outputs of the system in one processing run. Source programs can be sequence checked, resequence numbered and updated. corresponding listings can be produced. Cross-reference listings, both in program and in label table sequence, as well as analysis of operation type, indexing and operation code usage, are provided by the system. A storage map of an object program useful in detecting differences bet'ween the source and object programs is available. Overlay patches are identified and listed immediately after the instruction that they 1I0dify. The flowchart produced is a detailed logic flow of the source program. Flowchart symbols conform to the IB!! Corporate Standard and the proposed American Stand art Association Standards on flowchart symbolE for information processing. The Symbolic Plowchart Language provides a machine independent, easy-to-use language which may be used in application design and documentation of new and existing programs. Implementation of the DA System on the 1401 gives the user the opportunity to document assembly programs for any current large-scale system without tying-up that system. The function of the system controller is to start and end all DA runs as well as provide maintenance capability for the DA System programs. After identifying the machine type and language to be processed, the controller calls in the following programs in the sequence listed: - An Update Program which allows insertion, deletion, and replacement of Assembly Language statements to bring the source prograll up to date. - An Analysis Program which scans Assembly Language programs and produces pertinent information about the program scanned. Including cross references. - A Plowchart Program which scans Assembly Language programs and produces flowcharts of program logic of designated areas. - A Verification Program which produces a storage map of an object deck, noting overlay patch areas. Each program in turn proceeds as requested by DA System Control Cards, transferring control through the system IBII PROGRlIIS 1481 1481 PAGE 815 CONTINUED PRO II PRIOR PAGE and p~ocessing Ca~ds have been the data until all DA System 1481-SI!-868 SORT 1 Cont~ol p~ocessed. PROGRA!!IIING SYSTEIIS - All DA System programs 1481 Autocoder. a~e written in !!INI!!UII SISTEII REQUIREIIENTS - An 8K 1481 or 1468 system with fou~ 729 or 7338 lIagnetic Tape units .,. Advanced Programming ••• High-Low-Equal Compare... 1482 card Read/Punch 1I0del 1••• 1483 printer 1I0del 2 or 3 with 132 Print positions. A 1419-, 7919, or System/369 1I0del 39 or 49 can be used when ope~ating in 1481 compatibility 1I0de. BASIC FROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - Application Directory ••• Program Reference Manual, H28-8177. IIACHINE READABLE - Systems tape. DESCRIPTION - SORT 7 is a generalized tape sorting program designed for use on an IBII 1481 tape system with at least 8,888 positions of core storage. This program provides label processing capabilities for the IBM Standard Tape Label (129 character). A tape-loadable option is available and when used 198 positions of storage a~e used. This program sorts fixed length or variable length, blecked or unblocked records into either ascending or descending sequence. sorting can be controlled by as .any as ten control data fields containing a total of up to 999 characters. Por four-tape systems on which fixed length records are being sorted, SORT 7 provides an additional capability in the form of a Multiphase Procedure, 15 to 25 percent overall ti.e saving .ay be realized as co. pared with the balance merging technique. Interrupt and Restart capabilities a~e provided in the progra •• OPTIONAL FROGRAM PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INPORMATION: PROGRAM NUIIBER 1481SE12X PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION BASIC CPTIONAL DISTRIBUTION !!EDIUM CODE TYPE -------------- ------------------- none none none liT liT 7/556 7/898 22 24 USED VOLUIIE REQUIRE!!ENT ----------91 81 none BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Program write-up ••• Specs ••• and Operating Procedures ••• Plowcharts. IIACHINE READABLE - Object code and assembly listing for both Tape Load and Sort progralls. 1481-SE-13X ----§!gEM/368 COBO!, EDIT DESCRIPTION - COBOL Edit operates on a 1481 and will diagnose System/368 COBOL statements for syntactical errors. This will ~educe System/368 test time by allowing debugging on the current system. The system/368 COBOL Edit will accept as input S/369 COBOL D or E scurce programs in EECDIC on card or on 7-track tape in card image. It prints a listing of the source prog~am and identifies sequence errors, group .a~ks and ~eco~d marks. It also flags input characters punched in codes having dual representation in current systems. A dictionary of names is prepared and p~inted. It will indicate any names that are multi-defined, any COBOL reserved words incorrectly used as names and any undefined names. The program will scan the statements for syntax errors and print diagnostic messages if any sentence structure errors are found. Editing is for syntax only; the data att~ibutes a~e not checked. BASIC OPTIONAL MINI!!UII SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - 8K 1481, 3 tape units, 1482 Card Read/Punch, 1483 Printer with 132 print positions, High-Low-Equal compare, Sense Switches and Advanced Programming. Additional core will be utilized by the prog~am. If a fourth tape drive is available, input can be on tape. BASIC CPTIONAL none none DTR DTR 7/556 7/888 22 24 !IT MT 7/556 7/888 22 24 MT !IT 7/556 7/888 22 24 none MT MT 7/556 7/888 22 24 none USER VOLU!lE REQUIREI!EBT ----------81 81 81 81 1481-SM-861 URGE 1 DESCRIPTION - MERGE 7 is a generalized tape merge program designed for use on IBI! 1481 tape systems with at least 8,988 positions of co~e storage. The user lIay specify lIerging input files in either ascending or descending order to an output file of the salle order. The pregram provides label processing capabilities for the IB!I Standard Tape Label (129 character). The program will merge fixed length and variable length blocked o~ unblocked reco~ds. I!erging can be controlled by up to ten centrol data fields of total length as large as 999 characters. MERGE 7 also provides the additional features of reblccking single files and perferlling a sequence check on a single file or on the output file of nor.al me~ge operation. The program Frovides a wrong length record check for unblocked fixed length, blocked fixed length, and blocked variable length records. BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUI!ENTATION - Program write-up ••• Specs, and Operating Procedures ••• Plowcharts. MACHINE READABLE - MERGE 7 object code and the MERGE 7 program listing. PROGRAM NUMBER 1491SE13x DISTRIBUTION MEDIUM CODE TYPE ------------------- MERGE 7 requires from three to six tape units and will use 12K or 16K core storage capacity, if available. OPTIONAL PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - None. !lACHINE READABLE - Sou~ce code and pro grail listings ------------------- DISTRIBUTION MEDIU!! TYPE CODE -------------- MINIMUM SYSTE!! REQUIRE!!ENTS - An 8K 1491 or 1468 tape syste •••• 1482 Card Read/punch... 1483 Printer md12 (or 1484 Printer - 1491 only). Plus fo~ 1481 - High-Low-Equal Co. pare and Advanced Program.ing. Por 1469 - Indexing and Store Address Register. BASIC FROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - Appl ication Directory ••• Program Reference Manual, H28-8217. !lACHINE READABLE - Object code and sallple program. -------------- PROGRAM NUMBER 1481SM868 PROGRAII NUMBER EXTENSION PROGRAMMING SYSTE!!S - To obtain listings or cards from the tape, the following utilities will be required- IBM 1481 Tape-To-printer Utility (1481-UT-826) ••• IBII 1481 !!u1tiple Utility (1481-UT-839). PROGRAM NUIIBER EXTENSION OPTIONAL PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUI!ENTATION - None. MACHINE RElDABLE - Symbolic program. ORDERING INPCRIIATION: PEATURES - Gives the user the ability to pre-edit System/368 COBOL source p~ogralls on the IBM 1481 at his own installation, thus providing hill with better utilization of his S/368 test time. - Input programs can be stacked by the addition of an END card between programs. - May be used in conjunction with the IEM S/368 COBOL Language Conversion Program (H81-CB-781). The output of LCP will be accepted as input. ORDERING INPOR!lATION: MINIMUM SYSTEII REQUIREMENTS - An 8K 1481 or 1468 tape syste •••• At least four IBM lIagnetic tape units (729 II, IV, or V, or 7338) ••• 1492 Card Punch ••• 1483 Printer md12 (or 1484 Printer - 1481 only) High-Low-Equal Compare, Advanced Programming and Sense Switches. An additional tape unit is needed if the Tape-Loadable option is used. The 1468 requires Indexing and Store Address Register and the Sense Switch feature. SORT 7 can also use, if available, five or six tape units and or 16K co~e storage capacity. USER VOLUME REQUIREMENT ----------none none OPTIONAL PROGRAM PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INPORMATION: PROGRAII NUMBER 1481S11861 PROGRAII NU!!BER EXTENSION 81 91 BASIC OPTIONAL DISTRIBUTION MEDIU!I TYPE CODE -------------- ------------------- none none none DTR DTR 7/556 7/898 22 24 USER VOLU!!E REQUIREMENT ----------- none none none IB! PBOGRl!S 1491 PAGE "16 1481 1!"1-S!-962 SORT .§ 14"1-SP-93" ~ DESCRIPTION - SORT 6 is a generative sort program designed for generation and use on an IB! 1491 or 1469 with at least one IB! 1311 Disk Storage Drive, and a .ini.um of 4"99 positions of core storage (89"9 for 146"). SORT 6 object programs will sort fixed length, blocked or unblocked, records in Bove Bode into either ascending or descending sequence. Sorting can be controlled by as many as ten control data fields of total length up to a maxi.um of 194 characters. SORT 6 can generate an object program through use of the Autocoder !acro-Generator and para.eter cards. It is further classified as a Generalized Program because it can modify itself at object run ti.e according to infor.ation punched in control cards by the users. BINI!U! SYSTE! REQUIRE!ENTS - Generation and object time use of the 14"1 SORT 6 are: 4K 14"1 or 8K 146" syste •••• One 1311 Disk Storage Drive ••• 1492 Card Read/punch ••• One 14"3 Printer !odel 2, or 14"4 Printer (14"1 only) ••• High-Lov-Equal Compare feature (14"1 only). The object program can use, if available, up to 5 disk storage drives and SK, 12K, or 16K core storage capacity. The following progra.s are required to impele.ent 14"1 SORT 6 1491/144"/1469 Autocoder (on disk) 114"1-AU-9S8. PROGRA!!ING SYSTE! 1 lSPS-2) DESCRIPTION- Provides a symbolic language processor for machines vith greater than 4888 positions of core storage. !IBI!U! SYSTE! REQUIRE!ENTS - 4""" positions of storage, 1482 Reader/Punch, 14"3 Printer, !odel 1••• BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGI! DOCUMENTATION - Listings ••• Operating Procedures. !ACHINE READABLE - Condensed progra •• OPTIONAL PROGRAM PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFOR!ATION: DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR. OPTIONAL none none 14"1-U,T-991 £ABD SYSTE! !r!!11!! 14"11146" IOCS Version 2 114"1-10-"68. 14"111311 Disk Utility Programs, 11491-UT-"53. PROGB!! NU!BER 1481 sp" 39 PROGRA! NUBBER EXTENSION USER VOLU!E REQUlRE!ENT none "" none ~ DESCRIPTION - Utility progra.s to load or to output programs and data. Programs provided clear storage, card loader, print storage, punch storage, punch-list-sequence check equipment specification. BASIC PROGRA! PACKA~E DOCV!ENTATION - SORT 6 specifications ••• Operating Procedures... Flowcharts... Listing for library program ••• Listing for prephase progra.s. !ACHINE READABLE - Library rout,ine decks... Prephase decks. BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!ENTATION - Listings ••• Flowcharts. !ACHINE READABLE - Condensed program. OPTIONAL FROGRA! PACKAGE - None. OPTIONAL PROGRA! PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFOR!ATION: PROGRA! NU!BER 1481S!962 OBDERING INFORIUTION: PROGRA! NU!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! TYPE CODE EASIC none CARDS OPTIONAL none none USER VOLU!E REQUIRE!ENT PROGRA!! NU!BER 1481UT881 PROGRA! NU!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! TYPE CODE none 1481-S!-"63 !I!RGE § DESCRIPTION - IB! 14"1 Berge 6, (1491-S!-"63, is a generative program for 14" 1/1311 or 1468/1311 systems. Used with 1491/1311 Autocoder and IOCS, Berge 6 will generate specific object programs that are fitted to the users particular merging applications. The object programs generated by Berge 6 are generalized in that they can be modified according to information supplied by the user in control cards. With object programs the user can merge pre-sorted, fixed lenght, blocked or unblocked records in the move mode in to ei ther ascending or descending sequence. The input and output can be on either disk or tape. A one-, two-, three-, or four-way merge can be performed. If specified by the user at generation time, options such as label checking, additions from cards, sequence check and hash total, deletions or selections by class can be incorporated into the object program. !INI!U! SYSTE! REQUIRE!ENTS - Object program generationsame as for 14"1/1311 Autocoder on 1491 or 1468 systems. Object program execution- a 4K 1491 system or a 8K 1468 system, each with sufficient core storage to utilize the object program options ••• a 1482 Card Read/Punch ••• and, depending upon the object program require.ents, a 1483 Printer or 14"4 Console Inquiry Station (1481 only) or a 1447 Console mdl 2 (146") or 3 (14"1) ••• one to five 1311 Disk Storage Drives and/or one to six .agnetic tape units (733" or 729 II, IV, or V) in comb ina tion to provide a minimum of two input files and one putput file ••• High-lowEqual Compare (14"1 only). BASIC FROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!ENTATION - Specifications... Operating Procedures •• Flowcharts ••• Library listing... Frephase assembly listing. MACHINE READABLE - Library program ••• Pre phase program. BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none PROGRA!l!IING SYSTE!S - Written in 1481 Autocoder. BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - Program write-up ••• Listings ••• Program specifications ••• Operating procedures. ftACHINE READABLE - Object code. OPTIONAL PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - Flowcharts. !ACHINE READABLE - None. OBDERING INFOR!ATION: PROGRAM NU!BER 1481UT825 PROGRA! NUMBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !EDIUM TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· none none EASle none DTR* OPTIONAL none none 8" USEB VOLUME BEQUIRE!ENT ----------none none !! !INI!U! SYSTE! REQUIRE!FNTS - 4K 1481 or 8K 1468 system ••• 1482 Card Read Punch... one 1483 printer, Model 2 or 3, or 1484 Printer ••• One 729 or 7338 !agnetic Tape Unit ••• Sense Svitches feature (1481 only). If binary tape records or column binary cards a're to be processed, the Column Binary Transfer feature (146") is required. OPTIONAL DISTRIBUTION !EDIUM TYPE CODE none DESCRIPTION - These three programs, for 1481 and 146" tape systems, transfer data files from card to tape, from tape to card, and from tape to printer. Output format flexibility is provided through field-selection and exception-record procedures. The programs have the capability of proceSSing the IB! standard tape label (128), using procedures similar to the available from IOCS. These are generalized utility programs, supplied by IB! as condensed card object decks. The programs mcdify themselves to fit a specific application through the use of control cards. ORDERING INFORI'lATION: Program Number 14"lS!963 none "" 1481-UT-"25 1481 AND 146" TAPE UTILITY PROGRA!S WITH 12" CHARACTER LABEL-CiPAjiLITY --- ---- -- ----- OPTIONAL PROGRA! PACKAGE - None. PROGU! NU!BER EXTENSION USER VOLU!E REQUIRE!ENT none 15 8" USER VOLUME REQUIRE!!NT none none 14"1-UT-"26 - - TAPE-T.Q=PRINTER .!!I!LITY .RROGRA! DESCRIPTION - The purposes of this program are - 1. To enable the printing of various tape configurations in many print configurations without the need for specific programs. 2. To simulate the 717, 728 and 738 Off-Line Printers for IBII PROGRAMS 1491 1491 CONTINUED FROM PRIOR PAGE tapes prepared on 799-7999 series computers. OPTIONAL PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - None. MACHINB READABLE - Source code. PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS - Written in Autocoder. MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIRBMENTS - 1491 Model C3 1493 !!odel 2 Printer 1 (one) 729 Model II or IV (1492 Card Read Punch High-Low-Equal Compare) may run on Model D3 if System Tape produced on !!odel C3. Timing varies according to record types (i.e., fixed length or variable length), and according to spacing and skipping requirements. Fixed length records which are single spaced obtain maximum speed (699 lines/minute). 1. Maximum block size allowable is 1496 characters without editing, 1279 with editing. 2. !!ultireel files and multi-file reels may be handled. 3. Sequence checking and exception testing are provided. Ol'TION AL FROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - None. MACHINE READABLE - Source code. PROGRAM NUMBER 141111UTIII26 PROGRAM NUMBER EXTENSION DISTRIEUTION !!EDIU!! TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* none CPTION AL none DTR* none USER VOLUME REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION - The Card-To-Tape Program provides for writing information contained in punched cards onto magnetic tape. !!INI!!UM SYSTEM REQUIRE!!ENTS - 14l!J1 Model C3, High-Low Equal Ccmpare, 1492 Model I Card Reader-Punch, one 729 !!odel II or IV 1493 Model 2 Printer. (Additional Remarks) 1. Input record in from 1 to 99 cards. 2. Rearrangement of input prior to output is allowed. 3. up to 16 fields may be selected for output. 4. Elocking of 1499 characters of BCD records and 1599 characters for column binary records. 5. Sequence checking of cards and records can be performed. 6. An exception record procedure is provided. 7. Header and trailer labels may be inserted. 8. Column binary records and intermixed column binary and BCD records can be written on tape if the 141111 system being used has the column Binary device. 9. A count of the number of data cards read and of the records written, exclusive of header and trailer cards and records, is printed out at the end of each file. BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - Program write-up ••• Listings ••• Flowcharts. !!ACHINE READABLE - Object code. OPTIONAL PROGRAM PACKAGE tOCU!!ENTATION - None. !!ACHINE READABLE - Source code. ORDERING INFCR!!ATION: PROGRAM NU!!BER 1401UT927 PROGRA!! NUMBER EXTENSION BASIC OPTIONAL -------------none none DISTRIBUTION !!EDIUM TYPE CODE ------------------DTR* l!J0 DTR* 00 ORDERING INFORMATION: USER VOLO!!E REQUIRE!Il!NT DISTRIBUTION MEDIU!! TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none DTR* USER VOLUME REQOIRE!!l!NT none l!Jl!J none !1! DESCRIPTION - 1491-UT-l!J52, supports 1391 and 1311 Disk Storages and the 1491/146l!J's Console Printer. The package incorporates the additional features of 13l!J1 Disk Storage and Console Printer capabilities, requires 1401/144l!J/1460 Autocoder (on Disk) for generation of object programs, and provides two complete sets of routines. One set generates object programs for a random file; the ether, object programs for a control sequential file - Random file - The object programs for loading and maintaining a random file use the chaining method to load records into disk locations determined by control fields within the records. Records whose control data convert to the same address are linked together by a chain of addresses. Object programs can be generated by the routines to add records or delete them. Control sequential files use a sequence line to add records to the file or delete them, without destroying the sequence. A distribution index built by the programs makes possible quick access to any record. In both techniques, records may be loaded from or unloaded to cards, tape, or disk. The user's file organization routines are generated by 141111/144l!J/1460 Autocoder (on Disk) from a series of 1401/1460 IOCS (on disk) Version 2 Library routines and the Disk File Organization Library routines. By control cards, the user supplies the appropriate parameters for generation. !!INIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS GENERATION REQUIREMENTS - Requirements for generation of the user's file organization object programs are the same as those for 14l!J1/144111/1460 Autocoder (on disk, and 1401/1460 IOCS (on disk), Version 2. EXECUTION REQUIREMENTS - 4K 1401 system for 1311 usage or 8K 146l!J System for 1311 or 1301 usage with ••• 1402 Card Read Punch ••• 1311 Disk Storage Drive or 1391 Disk Storage Array ••• 1493 Printer or (1469) 1477 Console mdl 2 or 4 or (1401) 1407 Console Inquiry station or 1477 Console mdl 3 (if a log is to be kept during file loading, additions, or deletions, the 1403 Printer is required., in that case, a console with printer is not required) •• , Magnetic tape unit (required only if tape I/O is used). BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Program write-up, Program listing, Disk File Organization Routines and Operating Procedures. !!ACHINE READABLE - Option 1 - Common and random, and is specified by using Program Number Extension OPT1. Option 2 - Common and control seqUential, and is specified by using Program Number Extension OPT2. Option 3 - common, random and control sequential, and is specified by using Program Number Extension OPT3. none OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - Flowcharts. !!ACHINE READABLE None. none ORDERING INFOR!!ATION: ----------- - ------------------------BASIC DESCRIPTION - Transfers information recorded on magnetic tape into punched cards, with a variety of output column deSignations. !!INIMUM SISTE!! REQUIRE!!ENTS - 14l!J1 Bodel C3, 1483 Model 2 Printer, 729 Model 2 or 4 Tape Drive, 1402 Card ReaderPunch, High-Low-Equal Compare. Additional Remarks: timing varies from 200 to 250 C.P.ft., depending upen the number of options desired by the user. 1. Maximum block size allowable is 1197 characters. 2. Additional informa tiOD not contained within the record may be punched. 3. Field sequence checking and field selection is permitted. 4. Multiple file reels are processed according to the users specifications. 5. Exception record processing and card sequence numbering is allowed. 6. Header and trailer labels are optionally treated. PROGRA!! NU!!BER 14010T052 PROGRA!! NUMBER EXTENSION 1401-UT-928 ---:!!fl=:!O-CA!!I! UTlLIU R.!Qm!!J! EASIC FROGR!M PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - Frogram write-up ••• Listings ••• Flowcharts. "ACHINE READABLE - Object code. PROGRAM NUMBER 1491UTl!J28 PROGRAM NOMBER EXTENSION 14l!J1-UT-III52 149111311 DISK FIL!; ORGANIZATION !!.Q!!llRES .19111111469 BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGB DOCUMENTATION - program write-up ••• Listings ••• Flowcharts. MACHINE READABLE - Object code. ORDERING INFORMATION: PAGE 917 CONTINUED FROM PRIOR COLUMN OPTIONAL 1401-UT-053 UTILITI -------------OPT1 DISTRIBUTION MEDIU!! TYPE CODE ------------------DTR* 80 OPT2 DTR* 00 OPT3 CARDS 15 none none ~ROGRA~ Kg!! :!!!~ USER VOLU"E REQUIRE!!ENT ----------- none none none none 1481-13.11 gg DESCRIPTION - This system is designed to perform certain frequently required operations without programming effort on the part of the user. The system consists of: ClearDisk-Storage Program, Disk-to-Tape Program, iape-to-Disk Program, Disk-to-Card Program, Card-to-Disk Program, copyDisk Program, Print-Disk Program, Disk-Record-Load Program, and Disk-Label Program. Each of the programs is generalized, modifying itself to IBII PROGBAIIS PAGE 1118 14"1 144" CONTINUED FROII PBIOR COLUIIN CONTINUED PBOII PRIOR PAGE perform specific operations by information received through ccntrol cards. Each of the programs includes an optional disk label checking routine. The programs are designed for use on 4K or larger Systems - 8K or greater is necessary when processing Disk data for which the track record special feature is required. These programs perform such functions as clear-disk and generate addresses, supply output for file protection purposes, display disk storage on the printe~, change data or addresses in disk storage, create the la-bel track or remove the label track, and enter, delete. change. display. and punch disk labels. IIINIIIUII SISTEII REQUIREIIENTS - A 4K 14"1 system (8K required if track record format is used) with ••• 141!12 Card Bead/Punch ••• 14"3 Printer 1I0del 1 or 2 ••• one 1311 Disk Storage Drive ••• and one IBII lIagnetic Tape On it (729 II. IV. or v. or 733") required for tape programs only. BASIC PROGBAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Program write-up ••• Operating Procedures ••• Preliminary Specifications. IIACHINE READABLE - Object code. The distribution of this program is restricted to users of the 7"9"/7"94 IBSIS Processor. Prograll Number, 7"9"PR-13". ' BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Program write-up ••• IIACHINE READABLE - Print/punch object code ••• Card-to-tape object code ••• Print/punch symbolic code ••• Card-to-tape symbolic code. OPTIONAL PROGBAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING IHFORIIATION: OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENT ATION - Listings... PJ.owcbarts. IIACHINE READABLE - None. ORDERING INPORIIATION: programming feature, High-Low-Equal Compare feature. Sense Switch feature. one IBII 141!12 Card Read/Punch with Column Binary feature. one IBII 1493 Printer with 132 print positions and the Print Control feature. PROGBAII NUIIQER 14"1UT1!I53 PROGRAII NOIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TIPE CODE EASIC none DTR* none CPTIONAL none none none USER VOLOIIE REQUIBEIIENT PROGRAII NUIIBER 14"lUT158 PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION liED lUll TIPE CODE BASIC none CARDS OPTIONAL none none USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT 15 none none ------------------------- 14"1-UT-938 INPUT PROGRAII !Q] 1!'!9"/7"~ SUPPORT PACKAGES FOR IBII SIS~36" 14"1-U'1-157 ---1!iiii/'?"44 = 14"1 PERll!ll!!!!! OTI111I R~]ll DESCRIPTION - The 14"1 peripheral Otility Program.' using information supplied bY,a single control card and-the sense switches. performs. on an off-line 14"1 Data Processing System. The basic peripheral operations associated with the 7"4"/71!144 8K operating System, thereby saving 7"4"/7"44 machine tille. DESCRIPTION - The 14"1 Input Program is used to read card decks in one form and then prepare an input tape for use by the 7"9917"94 support package. The tape will consist of card-image records. some of these will be in Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) representation, others in binary mode. IIINIIIUII SISTEII REQUIREIIENTS - Restricted to users of the 7"9"/7"94 support package for the IBII System/36". file number 7"99-51-162. BASIC PROGRAI'I PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Pro grail write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Input program object code. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. IIINIIIUII SISTEII REQUIREIIENTS - Restricted to users of the 7"4"/7"44 8K Operating System, file number 7"4"-PR-154. ORDERING INFORIIATION: BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Program write-up ••• Prograll listing. IIACHINE READABLE - Object code ••• Symbolic code. OPTIONAL FROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFCRIIATION: DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TIPE CODE BASIC none CARDS CPTIONAL none none USER VOLOIIE REQUIREIIENT 15 none none ----------14"1-U'1-158 DISTRIBUTION IIEDIOII TIPE CODE BASIC none CARDS OPTIONAL none none USER VOLUI'IE REQUIREI!ENT 15 none none PROGRAII NUIIBER 1401UT157 PROGRAII NOIIBER EXTENSION ---l!i:2!iT19 PROGRAII NUIIBER 14"1UT938 PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTEIISION ~ PERIPHMll QJ!:ll.!l1 RROGRAII DESCRIPTION - The 14"1 Peripheral Output Program is a combined tape-to-printer/punch routine utilizing the IBII 14"1 Data Processing System. This program reads the system output tape and produces a listing on the IBII 14"3 Printer or a deck of column-binary cards on the IBII 14"2 Card Read/Punch. If a deck of column-binary cards is punched, it is not necessary that the control cards have a 7. 9 punch in column 1. Select 3 is used for output from this program. This program acts on data of the following types(1) Print-line images (on magnetic tape) in even-parity mode, blocked by a record mark in the last character position of each print-line. or cclumn-binary card images in odd-parity mode. blocked with a record lIark or unblocked. 144"-CX-"7X --a:DIIIlII~TI!ATIVE ll!HUHAL SISTE~ DESCRIPTION - The primary concept of this system is to support a typewriter-like terminal for text processing. Information is entered from the terminals in either free or fixed form. It can be corrected. modified. or rearranged. Output formats are flexible and may be specified from the terminal. output may be transmitted to any terminal. stored on disk or tape. printed by an on-line printer. written as card images on tape, or punched. Stored information may be recalled for further processing. FEATURES - Data correction, modification, and rearrangement by backspacing and retyping during entry ••• Betyping beginning with a particular word ••• Replacing a word or phrase ••• Adding to a line or text unit ••• Deleting a line or other text unit ••• 1I0ving of groups of lines or text units ••• Gathering of stored data in any sequence ••• Copying of information by transmission to the originating terminal. Storage and retrieval of data from disk files or tape. Transmission of data to any terminal. (2) Output from the IBJOB processor consisting of either of the following- (a) Print-lines (with a maximum of 132 characters including the carriage-control character) with characters translated by the 14"1 Data Processing system into characters accepted by the 14"3 printer. (b) Columnbinary card images. Output format controlled from the terminal by- limiting free-form text line length ••• Justification of right-hand margin ••• Intermix of free-form text with fixed format information ••• Placing specified heading and footing lines on all pages of a document ••• Automatic Page numbering ••• Controlled vertical s!,acing ••• Halting to allow operator intervention for text insertion or change of print elements. The distinction between these types of data is concerned with the presence or absence of the block control word. If the block control word is present, logical control words are written. if the block control word is not present. the mode is recorded on tape. Desk calculator functions - addition ••• subtraction ••• multiplication ••• division ••• roots ••• powers ••• factorials ••• evaluation of simple algebraic eXFressions. IIINIIIUII SISTEII REQUIREIIENTS - 4,""" positions of core storage. one 729 or 733" lIagnetic Tape Unit, Advanced Users may add programs to do simUltaneous peripheral operations such as simple tape-to-printer and card-to-tape functions. An improved disk storage organization scheme IBII PROGRAIIS 11148 111118 CONTINUED PROII PRIOR PAGE will give improved terminal response on requests involving permanent disk storage. 1381 Disk file implementation significantly increases permanent storage capacity. Iaproved storage reporting facilities. Principal application areas of the Administrative Terminal System are technical manual preparation, proposal writing, test report preparation, financial credit reporting, statistical typing, and similar areas. The system may also be used for source data entry, capturing data directly from a typewriter keyboard. This has particular significance in the computer programming area where program deck control cards and test decks may be selected, mOdified, combined and made available for running directly from a terminal. The system, when properly instructed, can save every keystroke made by the operator. To alter the text.i the operator directs the system to locate the characters to be changed and instructs it in what manner these are to be altered. If a copy of a document is requested, the system will produce and transmit it to the terminal. PBOGBAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - The source program language is 11181/1448/1468 Autocoder (on disk). IIINIIIUII 11148 SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - A 16K 1448 with- Bit Test, console attachment, Direct seek, Disk Storage control, Indexing and Store Address Register, Transmission Control unit attachment on the 1441 Processing Unit lIodel A6 ••• One 1311 Disk Storage Drive 1I0del 1 with Direct Seek ••• 1447 Console lIodel 1 with Sense Switches ••• 11147 Console 1I0del II ••• 1448 Transmission Control unit with 1858/1868 attachment and RPQ E38485 and, as required, common carrier adapter sets or line adapter sets ••• either a 1442 Card Read/Punch 1I0del 1 or 2 or a 1442 Card Reader 1I0del 4 is required unless another 1481/1448/1468 system is available to load the program on a 1316 Disk Pack. OPTIONAL 1448 SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - Translate feature on the 1441 ProceSSing unit ••• one to four 1311 Disk Storage Drives lIodel 2 with Direct Seek and Seek Overlap features (at least one 1311 1I0del 2 is strongly recommended) ••• one to five modules of 1381 Disk Storage (one 1311 lIodel 2 is required) ••• either a 1.442 Card Read/Punch lIodel 1 or 2 or a 1442 Card Beader 1I0del 4 and/or a 1444 Card Punch lIodel 1 ••• either a 1443 Printer lIodel 1 or 2 with 24 additional print positions, Printer Control, and Print Storage or a 1483 Printer 1I0dels 2, 3, or 5 with a 1446 Printer Control ••• 7335 lIagnetic Tape Unit 1I0del 1 or 2 ••• line group features and RPQ 811398, as required, to attach more than 18 lines to the 1448 Transmission Control unit. If uppercase and lowercase printing with 128 characters of Courier type (matching the Courier 72 printing element on the terminals) is desired using a 11183 Printer 1I0dei 2, add-RPQ'S 813148 and 818829 on the 1446 Printer Ccntrol ••• BPQ'S 812833, 812834, 898858, 33 each of RPQ E33255, and part 823388 (the chain) on the 1483 1I0del 2 ••• RPQ 818019 on the 1441 processing Unit. TERIIINAL REQUIREIIENTS - 2741 Communication Terminals (up to 48), with Courier 72 standard SELECTRIC printing elements, and line adapters if required. ATS supports only the correspondence Code 2741 Terliinals without the Interrupt feature. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGl! DOCUIIENTATION - Application Directory ••• Application Description, H28-8129 ••• Terminal Operators lIanual, H28-0185 ••• Programmers lIanual, H28-8228 ••• Console operators lIanual, H28-8227. IIACHINE READABLE - Object code. refinements to parameters of these routines can be made to have them apply to a specific store. The system is designed to accommodate four types of charge accounts. These are- (1) 38-day charge account ••• (2) flezible revolvi~g account--a monthly payment based on a percentage of the balance (includes option accounts) ••• (3) fized revolving account--a fixed monthly payment based on the credit limit of the account... (4) contract account, or deferred payment account--a one time purchase with fized monthly payments. Any given store will probably not have all four types of accounts. However, runs can be mOdified to delete those types of accounts which are not needed. Transactions are entered into the system in the form of punched cards. Edit and accounting control functions are performed, and the following major outputs are produced by the system. Adjustments listing, service charge adjustments listing, charge-offs listing, credits listing, cash batch balance listing, transaction register, signal messages, customer statements, delinquent account listing, aged trial balance (ATH), and control balance listing. FEATURES - Diagnostic aged trial balance designed specifically for authorization purposes. Delinquent listing to autoaatically select for review and follow-up those accounts requiring credit action. Up to 28,888 master accounts can be stored on each disk pack. Signal messages prepared as a by-product of file maintenance when special action is required on an account. Automatic aging of customer accounts to 158 days. Automatic posting of transactions. Operable with either internal or ezternal account numbers. IBII punched card customer statements printed two up. Automatic re-entry of cash payments through prepunching of the customer statement stub. Preparation of labels for promotional mailings on a selective basis. Complete and automatic controls. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - A 4K 1441'1 system with ••• 1442 Card Read/Punch ••• 1443 Printer ••• 1311 Disk Storage Drive ••• Indexing and Store Address Register, Selective Stacker, 24 additional print positions, Selective Character Set, 39 Character Set. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGl! DOCUIIENTATION - Program write-up ••• Reference lIanual including listings. IIACHINE READAELE - Object code and sample problem. OPTIONAL PRCGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - None. IIACHINE READABLE - Source code. ORDERING INPORIIATION: PROGRAII NUIIBER 1441'1DR82X PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE USER VOLUIIE REQU IRE II nT BASIC none DTR* 1'10 none OPTIONAL none DTR* 811 none 1448-DW-I'I1X CHAIN AND !1!QLESAL,l; BILLING OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Systems Banual (program flowcharts) • IIACHINE READABLE - 1481/1448/1468 Autocoder (on disk) output file on two 1316 Disk Packs from which source decks and program listings can be created using 1481/1448/1468 Autocoder (on disk) (1481-AU-888). ORDERING INFORIIATION: PAGE 819 CONTINUED FROII PRIOR COLUIIN PROGRAII NUIIBER 1448CX87X PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIl!NT EASIC none DTR* 88 none OPTIONAL none 1316 52 82 1448-DR-82X ----BETA!!. ACCOUNTS RECElVABg DESCRIPTION - This program is a system of sixteen 1448 runs designed to automatically perform receivables maintenance and billing in medium-sized department or specialty stores. The program has been designed as a series of routines which perform specific functions. By selecting and co.bining these routines, specialized programs for a particular store are developed. lIodifications and DESCRIPTION - The 1448 Chain and Wholesale Billing program uses either the IEII card order plan or the permanent item code plan for placing orders. Three phases of the billing program result in a customer invoice. Phase 1 sets up order quantities, warehouse numbers, and disk pack addresses. Phase 2 sorts iteas into warehouse location sequence. phase 3 prints customer's name and address, analyzes and updates stock availability, prices items according to price zones, etc., prints item lines, and stores desired analysis data for subsequent use. Intermediate totals are printed where necessary. Sales analysis and back-up records are provided as a by-product of the billing routine. Although this program was developed for the grocery distributor, it is equally applicable (in total or in segments--purposely designed this way) for other distributors, i.e., drug, hardware, rack jobber, liquor, auto parts, etc. The Chain and Wholesale Billing program is designed to help install 1448 systems by providing concepts on which a system may be designed and by providing certain programs Which may be modified and used in that system in whole or in part. This program provides a main line billing routine plus 6 supporting routines for each type of input (page and line or permanent item code). The billing portion of the program is broken into three phases. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII Rl!QOIREIIENTS - 4K 1448 system with ••• 1447 Console 1I0del 2 ••• 1442 Card Read/punch ••• 1443 Printer ••• two 1311 Disk Storage Drives ••• lndezing and Store Address Registers, Selective Character Set and Sense Switches features. (Card Image and Bit Test features are optional IB! PROGRlIIS PAGE 11211 14411 CONTINUED FRO! PRIOR PAGE CONTINUED PRO! PRIOR COLU!N with card crder plan input). BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!ENTATION - Prograa write-up ••• Reference !anual. !ACHIBE READABLE - Source prograa. OPTIONAL FROGRA! PACKAGE - None. ORDERING IBFOR!ATION: PROGRA! BU!BER 1441lDW81X PROGRA! BU!BER EXTEBSION DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! TYPE CODE EASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none USER VOLU!E REQUIRE!ENT liS USE - The program Library includes both initializing programs and operating programs. Initializing prograas are designed to be used once to set up an I!PACT systea, then periodically (at least once a year) or as required to meet changinq conditions. A complete set of programs is provided to perform necessary initializing functions. Operating programs are used in the day-to-day control of the I!P1CT system (forecasting and ordering). Library programs are provided to control the ordering of both independent and joint vendors. Instruction and block diagrams are available to help the user in programming the reaaining operating programs with- a minimum of effort (Iaplementation Heference Banual). none none DESCRIPTION - The IB! I!PACT (Inventory !anagellent Program and Control Techniques) systea of scientific inventory aanagement provides the warehouse distrihutor (or any organization with the saae inventory control characteristics) with the inforaation of "when" and "how much" to buy for each inventory item controlled by the system. It does this through the aeans of probability science in conjunction with the many factors influencing the distributors inventory control decisions. Factors considered include- lead time, lead time variability, forecast delland, forecast error, service desired, inventory carrying costs, purchasing/receiving costs, discount structures, miniauas, ma][illums, shelf life, and pack sizes. The "when" and "how much" answers are designed to find the most efficient balance between the cost of carrying inventory, cost of purchasing and receiving, discounts realized, and custoaer service requirements. The 1311 I!PACT Computer Prograa library is designed to provide the distributor who has an IB! 14411-1311 Data Processing systea with the means to successfully implement an I!PACT inventory management systea with a ainiaum of effort and e][pense. Programs are included that perforll in the following functional areas: editing, file initialization, estimating, and the oontrol of independent and joint replenishment ordering. FEATURES - The 1311 Prograa Library performs in the same functional areas as the existing 14111-14115 I!PACT computer Program Lihrary- Edit all input for format. - Determine the forecast model (horizontal, trend, horizontal-seasonal, or trend-seasonal). - Determine the ordering strateqy to be used and calculate order quantity or order frequency as appropriate for strategy selected. - Calculate the safety factory required for a prescribed level of customer service. - Calculate initializing values required for forecast and order models selected. - Estimate results to be expected from applying the rules and values developed. - Determine when to order item qroups to meet service objecti ves after the system is operational. - Calculate the product mix to be ordered within an item group that will meet both service objectives and limitations on total size of order. In addition, the 1311 programs incorporate improvements over existing programs including- Work flow and record formats streamlined. - Historical demands screened for promotions. - Base inde][ technique used for forecasting seasonal items. - Item discounts considered, in addition to vendor discounts, in determining ordering strategies and order quantities. - Different lead time may be specified for each vendor breakpoint. - Service may be specified by item for both independent jCint vendors. - seasonality considered in ordering both independent and joint vendors. - A service point and allocation program (SVA) that will take advantage of 8K memory to produce greater throughput. - An option to force a predetermined crder quantity for any item through the SVA program. - The facility for e][pressing a conversion factor of 2.11 to the SVA program. - Printing of the slope and intercept of the least squares lines has been included in the !ADF program. - punching of the cost strategy records in the OGCL program has been eliminated. - Provides safety factor (K) based on a lead time plus review time for items in a joint vendor. When the peak point option is not satisfied. PROGRA!!ING SYSTE!S - Programs in the I!PACT computer Program Library are written in 1311 Autocoder and 1311 IOCS. !INI!U! SYSTEB REQUIRE!ENTS - 1441l-4K 14411 system with 1447 Console !odel 1 ••• 1442 Card Read/Punch... 1443 Printer ••• two 1311 Disk Storage Drives ••• Indexing and Store Address Register. Two 1316 Disk Packs must be fully available during the operation of library programs. BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!ENTATIOB - Program write-up ••• Users !anual ••• Operators !anual. BACHINE READABLE - Object code and Sample problem. OPTIONAL PReGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!ERTATION - systems manual which contains the assellbly listings of all the 1449-1311 I!PACT programs. !ACHINE READAELE - None. ORDERING IRPOR!ATIOR: PROGRA! RU!BER 1441lD1lIl4X PROGRA! RU!BER EXTEBSION DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none USER VOLU!E REQUIRE!ENT 1111 none none !ll 1441l-PB-1l3X !!E!AN!! !!EP02! ACCOU!! DESCRIPTION - This application program is designed to accomplish the demand deposit accounting function in a commercial bank. The application is divided into the following program runs- conversions, IB! 14411 SORT 5, stop pay and hold edit, short list and ledger control, transaction journal, posting, statements, exception statements and exception reports. FEATURES - The user has the option of producing a separate trial balance non-sufficient fund notices are prepared automatically input can be magnetically encoded checks and deposit slips and/or punched cards. Summary as well as detailed statements can be provided; detail statements may be printed either singly or two-up; !ICR checks and deposit slips and/or punched cards are transaction input to the system. Raster records, 1111111 characters in length, are posted daily with all items affecting account balances from a transaction file which is under ledger control. A punched card file is maintained to satisfy stop-pay orders and hold requests. Statement writing may be cycled. All accounts within any sequential range of ledger numbers are printed. Users will write the following for insertion to the appropriate run; service charge routines for the posting run; a ledger control table for the conversion run; a utility program to create the master file (an IB! card to disk utility program can be used). Program requirements users of this program should obtain the IB! 14411 SORT 5 program (1441l-S!-1l31l) which constitutes run 113 of subject program. UNI!U! !ACHINE REQUIRE!ENTS - 8K 14411 system with ••• Indexing and Store Address ••• two 1311 Storage Drives ••• a 1442 Card Read/Punch ••• a 1443 Printer with 24 additional print positions ••• a 1447 Console with Sense switches. If magnetically encoded checks and or deposit slips are used, a 1412 !agnetic Character Reader with Serial I/O Adapter 711811 for !ICR conversion is required. Print Storage and Selective Character Set features, although not required, will improve data throughput. BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!ENTATION - Program write-up ••• Listings ••• Sample problem listings. !ACHINE READAELE - Object Program ••• sample problem. OPTIONAL PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCUBENTATION - Bone. !ACHINE READABLE - Source code. ORDERING INPOR!ATION: PROGRA! NU!BER 1441lPBIl3X PROGRA! NU!BER DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! USER VOLU!E IBII PBOGRAftS 1448 14411 EX'lEJISIOB EASIC OPTIOBAL TYPE CODE CARDS 15 none CARDS 15 none -------------- ------------------- none none BEQUIREIIEBT 14411-PB-II4X -----1I0BTGAG! !Q!! ACCOUBTING DESCRIPTIOB 1. Daily processing- Pile ftaintenance processes and lists new loans, changes and deletioJls. Proof listing is produced fro. debit and credit transaction cards created fro. pay.ent coupons, journals and advices. Posting of transaction eards to the lIaster Account Balance Pile is perfor.ed and special conditions are recorded on a report file. Reports of transaction and ledger recap, unprocessed ite.s, payoffs (Final Payments) , exceptions and excess itells are produced. 2. Delinquency processing- Late notices, delinquency notices and delinquency reports are produced 1I0nthly or as desired. 3. Periodic reporting- Trial balance reflecting indicative infor.ation, date of last transaction, paid-through date, total paYllent allount, principal, escrow, late charge, and .ortgage life balance for each aortgage is lIade. Statellents are produced selli-annually frolll the old balance file and excess itea cards produced by the daily report run. Coupon books are produced froa payaent changes, new account cards, and the .aster balance file. Investor reporting produces collection, past due, prepaid, variation, and paid-off loan reports on those investors specified by the user. 4. Escrow processing- Enco.passes periodic escrow file lIaintenance, escrow analysis and custolller advice notifying customer of any monthly payaent change resulting fro. escrow analysis. The prograa provides the user wi th- Effective centrol ••• Delinguent account inforaatien ••• Efficient daily processing... Escrow analysis ••• Complete detail on daily activity ••• Loan servicing reports. IIIHIIIOII SYS'lE!! REQUIREIIEHTS - A 4K 11141 Processing Onit, !!odel A3 with Indexing and Store Address Register, Printer Attachaent, Disk Storage control ••• 1442 Card Read/Punch, 1I0del 1, Card Read/Punch Adapter... 1443 Printer, !!odel 1, Printer control, Selective Character Set, 13-Character Print Bar, 52-Character Print Bar... 1447 console, 1I0del 1, Sense Switches ••• 1311 Disk Storage Drive, 1I0del 1••• 1311 Disk Storage Drive, 1I0del 2. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATIOB- Prograll write-up ••• Reference lIanual ••• Listings. IIACHIBE READABLE - Object code and sallple problem. CPTICBAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIEBTATIOB - Bone. IIACHIBE READABLE - Source code. ORDERIBG IBPORIIATIOB: PAGE 1121 COBTIBUED PRO!! PRIOB COLU!!B COBTIROED PBCII PBIOB PAGE PROGRAII BU!!BER 1448PBII4X PROGRA!! BUIIBER BXTEBSIOB DISTRIBOTIOB !!BDIOII TYPE CODE USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIEBT BASIC none CARDS 15 none OPTIONAL none CARDS 15 none 1448-PE-85x --~!VIB.!i'§ ACC~ DESCRIPTIOB - IBII now offers financial institutions a co.prehensive 1448 Savings Accounting pregrall. Savings accounting functions are accomplished through the use of twelve 1448 processing runs. lIaster Acceunt balance records on all savings accounts are stored and maintained daily in disk packs. lIaster records contain balance data, dividend data, and other significant data on each savings account. Daily transactions--deposits, withdrawals, and share loans (passbook Loans)--are posted to the balance record, and a daily transaction ·register is produced. Reports on zero balance accounts, passbook differences, and unprocessed transactions are prepared daily. A trial balance is also prepared daily. At the end of a dividend period, dividends are calculated, a dividend period activity report is prepared, aail dividend checks are prepared for selected accounts, and statements are printed. At the end of the year, dividend reporting is acco.plished. In addition to the lIaster account balance file, a na.e and address master file is lIaintained. This file is used in the preparation of mail dividend checks, statements, and annual dividend reporting. FEATURES Preparation of transaction cards by conversion of paper tape fro II window machines or by key-punching from source. Ability to condense .aster account infor.ation and store up to 75,IiIIiIIiI accounts per disk pack. - Verification of account balances to ledger control totals - Provision for printing uncollected funds, thus presenting an available funds balance for reference. - Detailed savings journal including previous and new account balances and anticipated dividend. - Exception report indicating activity on dor.ant accounts, passbook differences, zero balance accounts, etc. - Print four accounts to a line on daily trial balance. - Period-by-period itemization of unreported interest on dividends for teller window posting to passbooks. - Co.prehensive dividend period activity report. - Autollatic preparation of ready-to-aail dividend checks. - Custo.er state.ent of activity econollical1y prepared, which details as well as su •• arizes activity of the period. IIIBIIIOII SYSTE!! REQOIREIIEBTS - A 4K 1441 Processing Unit, 1I0del A3 with ••• Indexing and Store Address Register feature, Printer Attach.ent feature, Disk storage Control feature ••• 1442 Card Bead/punch, 1I0del 1, Card Bead/Punch Adapter feature ••• 1443 printer, 1I0del 1, Printer Control feature, Selective Character Set feature, 13-Character Print Bar, 52-Character Print Bar... 1447 console, 1I0del 1, Sense Switches ••• 1311 Disk storage Drive, 1I0del 1 ••• 1311 Disk Storage Drive, 1I0del 2. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIEBTATION - Progra. write-up ••• Reference lIanual ••• Listings. !!ACHINE READABLB - Source code. OPTIOBAL PBeGBA!! PACKAGE DOCUIIBB'lATIOB - Bone. !!ACHIBB BEADABLE - Source code. ORDBRIBG IRPORIIATIOB: PROGRAII BUIIBER 14411PB1iI5X PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTEBSIOB DISTRIBOTIOB IIEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none CARDS OPTIOBAL none DTR* USEB VOLU!!E REQUIREIIEBT 15 none none 1441i1-PE-1iI7X -----ON-LIU '§ll1l!~'§ !££Q1!NTIHSi DESCRIPTIOB - The program offers to savings banks, cOII.ercial banks, and Savings and Loan Associations a realtille systell for use with the 1862 Teller Terminal. The prograll provides the user with an on-line teller systell. It has a capacity, with minor modification, for thirtyfour l1i162 terminals on seventeen lines, one 1852 system Ter.inal per line, or cOllbinations of both; and the lIaxi.um lIachine capability of five 1311 Disk Drives. Pive drives will typically store aore than 488,8118 account records. The prograll, as currently assellbled, provides for seven lines and fourteen terllinals. so.e features are: A unique progralllling technique which develops an 88 per cent increase in rated Disk Pile capacity ••• A design which permits one or two l1i162 terminals or one 18511 Systell Terminal per line ••• lIaxillu. file packing froll the use of a variable length for.at (or unposted and .ellorandull records)... An efficient .odel and lIachine-oriented file organization which keeps 1311 activity and 1441 processing at a .ini.u•••• A disk record structure and file arrangement which usually allows .ore than 18811,881i1 account records to a 1311 pack ••• A co.pletely prograll.ed analysis of disk drive usage relieving the custo.er of the need to give attention to either the quantity of drives or the place.ent of a pack on a specific drive ••• The option of continuing to operate on line at reduced efficiency without the i •• ediate access pack (degraded service). To facilitate understanding, it is possible to divide the program into these parts -Line Control (.ultiplexing) for terminal service ••• Lines and terninals de.and core ••• Users who require fewer than the maxi.ulI nu.ber of ter.inals have a proportionate share of core released for additional programlling or storage. Pile control ••• This service supplies the usual I/O instructions plus the features of flexibility noted above. Becord processing ••• Data from transactions affect account records ••• in addition, they are the sources for messages to the terllinals. As a supplement to the on-line routines, the package includes progralls to help the user in his original conversion and in subsequent reorganizations. IIINIIIU8 SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - A 16K 1448 system configuration as follows: 1441 Processing Unit !!odel A6 with Disk storage Control, Expanded Print Edit, Indexing and Store Address Register, Console Attachment, Transmission IBII PROGRAIIS 1441il 1448 PAGE 822 CONTINUED FROII PRIOR COLUIIN CONTINUED PROII PRIOR PAGE Control unit Attachment, Direct Seek, Eit Test, 1447 Console 1I0del 4. 1311 Disk Storage Drive 1I0del 1 for Pirst Drive, 1I0del 2 for Second Drive (additional 1I0del 2's as required). 1448 Transmission Control unit 1I0del 1 vith attachment feature, Pixed Time-Out, and as required, Line Group, Line Adapter Set, Common Carrier Adapter Set. 1861 Control Units, lIodel 1 or 2 with Line Adapter, Off-Line feature. 1862 Teller Terminal, 1I0del 1 or 2. 1442 Card Read/Punch lIodel 1 with Card Read/punch Adapter. Recomme~dations for potential printing needs: Printer Attachment on 1441 Processing Unit. 1443 Printer 1I0del 1 or 2 with Print Storage and Printer Control. To improv the time requirements for the off-line runs -- Print positions (24 Additional) and Selective Character Set (13 Character set, 39 Character set). 1446 Printer Control Unit with the appropriate attachment feature number 1325, 1326, 1327, or 1328. 1483 Printer 1I0del 2,3,5, or 6. If a 1483 1I0del 3 is selected, a 1416 Interchangeable Train Cartridge is an additional requirement. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INPORIIATION: PROGRAII NUIIBER 1449FB97X PROGRAII NU!!BER EXTENSION TYPE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none DISTRIBU~ION IIEDIUII CODE USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT 88 none none 1448-IO-811il --:!iP0T20UTPUT CONTROL SYSTEII Communications IOCS for the 1448, thus requiting a minimum of re-programming for growth from 1926· Transmissicn Control Units to a 1448. Applications can range from single inquiries to sophisticated real-time data operations. Its functions are - Control of the 1447 Console - User control of polling, addressing and receiving - Error detection - Operation with existing IBII programs for DDC - Time of day recording with the 1932 Digital Time Unit. The 1441il communications IOCS/1826 (DDC) viII operate with point-to-point or multi-point common carrier leased or customer-owned communication lines. In addition, the programs will support the Automatic Answering feature and the Automatic Calling feature. Communic.ations IOCS (1926/DDC) consist of a set of library routines Which, when called for in an Autocoder source program by macro instructions, are selected, tailcred, and included in the object program. The routines perform the functions necessary to handle basic input/output files, to transmit information to and receive information from remote locations and remote processors, and to provide linkage to user's programs. The specific routines generated at assembly time depend largely on the particular specifications contained in the user's source programs. The library routines for this IOCS is to be placed in the Autocoder system through a library run, using Autocoder (on disk) for 1481, 1448, and 1469, No. 1481-AU-908. System requirements for program assembly - Same as those for the assembly of any program using 1481/1441il/1461il Autocoder (on disk) program. The Autocoder (on disk) program should be ordered concurrently unless otherwise available. PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - Written in 1441il Autocoder. DESCRIPTION - The IBII 1448 ICS, 1441il-IO-818 (previously :::e~e~4~:~~;~~4~~~t6!SA!~0~~d::e~0~nd1:::,s~::~~:u!!!~. 1448 ICS consists of a set of library routines which, when called for by macro instructions in a 1481/1449/1468 Autocoder (on disk) source program, are selected, tailored and included in the object program. Por 1448 systems, these routines perform I/O functions and housekeeping associated with 1311 Disk Storage, 1381 Disk Storage, 7335 lIagnetic Tape, 1442 Card Read/Punch, 1442 Card Reader, 1444 Card Punch, and 1443 Printer. They also provide linkage to the user's object program. The specific statements generated at assembly time de~end completely on the particular specifications contained in the user's source program. The 1441il Ies library routines are to be placed in the 1491/1448/1468 Autocoder (on disk) system through a library run. IIINI!!UII SYSTEII R~QUIRE!!ENTS - Por assembly - programs incorporating I/O macro instructions for 1448 systems may be assembled on- a 4K 1448 system vi th... one 1311 Disk Storage Drive or one 1381 Disk storage Array ••• 1442 Card Read Punch mdl 1 or 2 or 1442 Card Reader !!odel 4 and 1444 Card/punch ••• 1443 Printer, or a 4K 1491 system with ••• one 1311 Disk Storage Drive... 1482 Card/Read Punch ••• 1483 Printer lIodel 2 or 1484 Printer ••• High-Low-Equal Compare feature, or An 8K 1468 system with ••• one 1311 Disk Storage Drive or one 1381 Disk Storage Array ••• 1492 Card Read/punch ••• one 1483 Printer. Por execution - The 1441il ohject machine must have any I/O units required by the user's program. The amount of core storage required varies widely from program to program, and must be determined when it is assembled. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Program vrite-up ••• Library listings ••• Operating Procedures. IIACHINE READABLE - Object code and sample problem. OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Flowcharts. !!ACHINE READABLE - None. CRDERIRG INFORIIATION: IIINI!!UII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - Written in A 4K 1440 with ••• Indexing and Store Register feature... 1826 Transmission Control unit Attachment feature ••• 1447 Console mdl 1 ••• 1926 Transmission control Units (one for each communication line) ••• I/O Units (as required). In addition - Direct Data Channel feature ••• Interrupt... 1447 Console mdl 2 for 1440 and 1460, mdl 3 for 141il1 ••• 1932 Digital Time Unit may be present, as desired. Note - Use of DDC with 1026 should specify the Interrupt feature (available on 141il1 only as RPG) for optimum performance. BASIC PROGRAft PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-Up ••• Operating Instructions. !!ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Flowcharts. IIACHINE READABLE - None. ORDERING INPORIIATION: PROGRAII NOIIBER 144910912 PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION liED lUll TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none 1449-IIE-1il2X l!!U1JllllILL .Qf .!!ll]!!1.!1 1il0 USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT none none ~.Q!! DESCRIPTION - 1I0st fabrication and assembly manufacturing organizations are required to maintain large volumes of records that describe the structure or makeup of their products. Product structure records are referenced by various nomenclature, such as bills of material, parts lists, and where-used lists, depending upon individual organization preferences and the arrangement of the data. The requirements for maintaining product structure records are sufficiently similar to allow development of standard systems approaches. PROGRAII NUIIBER 144810818 PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE EASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none USER VOLU!!E REQUIREIIENT 1il8 1449-10-912 ---!;Q1!1!UNIClllQ!E IOCS 1826 ~l f.Q!! THE 1449 DESCRIPTION - This IOCS facilitates the generation of programs to control 1926 communication with 1939, 11il58, and 1868. It is compatible with the 1481/1469-1448 none none The 1449/1311 Bill of lIaterial Processor package includes(1) Generalized programs that organize and maintain product structure data on 1311 Disk Files and (2) LogiC diagrams explaining the use or retrieval of the product structure information in fundamental applications. FEATURES - This package can be used in a wide range of lIanufacturing industries where product structure records are maintained - Product structure records are linked with part number master inventory type records on disk storage. - Disk chaining is used to organize product structure data in two inherent sequences (1) Assembly or Bill of lIaterial sequence (i.e., linking the components of an assembly). The user determines IBI! PROGRAI!S 1440 1448 maintained sequence of components within the assembly. Typical sequences might be component part number or engineering drawinq item number. (2) where-used sequence (i. e., linking the usages of a part number on higher level assemblies). This cross-referenced sequence eliminates the need to (a) maintain a duplicate file in where-used sequence for listing purposes. - Raw material can be included in the pJ:oduct structure file, providing complete where-used cross reference of each raw material numbeJ:. - Oser designs his own disk record layouts by incorporating his own information plus certain required data into part number master inventory and product structure records. - Low level coding is automatically maintained. - Assembly to sub-assembly continuity is verified. This feature guarantees that the product structure records can be "exploded." . - Oser builds his own engineering change procedure into the file organization and maintenance programs. This is a disk-oriented concept that requires a part number master inventory type file (i. e., one record per unique part number) and the product structure file to be on-line simultaneously. The part number master inventory records and an associated part numbeJ: index file are loaded, added, and deleted using the IBI! 1449 Disk-File Organization Routines. The product structure data (J:ecorded as a series of single level assemblies) are loaded, added, deleted, or changed using a single comprehensive file organization and maintenance program. This program simultaneously updates the assembly and where-used sequence chains. All programs are user modified at source level and then assembled, providing an object program tailored to the user's J:equirements. The package includes logic diagrams for six fundamental classifications of retrieval programs. They are - (1) One level bill of material OJ: parts list, (2) Next assembly where-used listing, (3) Indented parts list, (4) Idented where-used list, (5) Summarized explosion and (6) summarized illplosion. The package is designed so that the logic diagrams can be used by any customer as a guide in the pJ:eparation of his own set of pJ:ograms. PROGRAI!I!ING SISTEI!S 1. 1491/1449/1468 Autocoder (on Disk), 1491-AO-998 Version 1) 2. 1440 IOCS, 1449-IO-fl19 (Version 2) 3. 1449 Disk File Organization Routines, 1449-0T-848, Group C - Common Random and contJ:ol Sequential (Version 2) 4. 1449 Disk Otility PJ:ograms, 1440-0T-041. The 1449 Disk-Pile OJ:ganization Routines (Group C - CommonRandoll and Control Sequential) must be ordered independently of the Bill of I!aterial Processor. BASIC FROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCOI!ENTATION - Program write-up ••• Application Directory ••• Programmer !!anual ••• Operator !!anual ••• System I!anual. !!ACHINE READABLE - Source code for product structure file organization and maintenance program ••• sample problem source, data and object material. OPTIONAL FROGRAI! PACKAGE - None. PROGRA!! NU!!BER 14401!E82X PROGRA!! NOI!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBOTION I!EDIOB TIPE CODE BASIC none DTR· CPTIONAL none none OSER VOLOI!E REQUIREI!!NT 88 none OSE - The system, written in Autocoder and IOCS, operates under its own monitor. The master systems pack, containing the thirty-system programs and any customer programs, resides on one disk drive; the project master file pack resides on a second disk drive. The u~er specifies processing sequence and output desired through control cards allowing batched processing of a number of projects without operator intervention. PROGRAI!BING SYSTEBS - Basic Autocoder for 1449. I!INI!!OI! SISTE!! REQOIREI!ENTS - An 8K 1448 system ••• two 1311 Disk Storage Drives ••• 1442 Card Read/Punch ••• 1443 Printer ••• Indexing and Store Address Register; Dir~ct Seek, additional print positions ••• 1447 Console with Sense Switches. BASIC PROGRAB PACKAGE DOCOBENTATION - Program write-up ••• Application Program Bulletin ••• Osers !!anual ••• Operators Banual... Systems I!anual. I!ACHINE READABLE - Object program. OPTIONAL PROGRAB PACKAGE DOCOI!ENTATION - None. I!ACHINE READABLE - Source code. ORDERING INFORI!ATION: PROGRA!! NU!!BER 14481!Xl!J2X PROGRAI! NOIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBOTION liED lUll TIPE CODP OSER VOLOIIE REQOIREII!NT BASIC none DTR. 88 none OPTIONAL none CARDS 15 none DESCRIPTION - 1449/1311 RPG enables a program written in 1491/1448/1468 RPG Language to be compiled and assembled on a 1448/1311 system. Instead of writing a specific program for a report, the user states his problem on fixed form specifications sheets in 1481/1448/1469 RPG Language. The RPG Processor operates on the punched specifications, generating a program to do the specific job. By relieving the user of the machine coding and program testing, RPG permits him to concentrate his efforts on the solution to his particular problem. RPG will generate programs to produce reports of a variety of formats from source data contained in a card file or disk storage file. The output report can te obtained at the printer, on cards, on disk storage, or any combination of the three. With the RPG and Autocoder (with IOCS Library Routines) in disk storage, the problem specification cards are loaded at the card reader. The compilation and assembly are completely automatic. The output object program is either the Bachine Language Equivalent Program or the 1448/1311 Autocoder Equivalent Program. The Bachine Language Equivalent object program may be in the form of condensed cards, or if (load-and-go) is desired, the object program may be directly. loaded from the system pack for immediate execution. The program listing, documentation and diagnostic output are recorded on the printer. none ------------------------~!i~I!X-0l! ,f!OJECT CONTRO! SISTE!! DESCRIPTION - The 1448 project Control System, 1448-1!%02X, is oriented to the specific needs of a construction company and will provide the backbone for a sales program that can result in net 1440 sales. The Project Control System provides a basic capa1:ility related to the planning, scheduling, and centrol of a project rhough the use of the critical path method. In the basic system, the user can initially plan aproject, update and modify the project schedule, monitcr progress, and investigate alternate approaches. The basic system can be expanded by the user to include such related project functions as Estimating and Cost Control. FEATORES A basic system framework is provided that includes 1440 programs for planning, scheduling, and control of construction projects. - All programs, including those added by the user, operate under the control of a systems monitor. Planning accomplished through conventional arrow diagramming or the new, highly efficient and easier to use precedence diagramming. Each project can contain up to 2,889 activities. Output in terms of project or calendar days can be displayed as bar charts, exception reports, and progress listings in terms of quantities set, percent complete, or remaining duration. 1449-RG-928 1449/1311 !EPOEJ; PROGRAB IIINII!OI! SIST!I! REQOIREI!ENTS - An 8K 1440 with Indexing and Store Register, 1447 Console I!odel 2, 1442 Card Read/Punch I!odel 1, 1443 Printer I!odel 1, and enough 1311 Disk Storage Drives to contain the paJ:t number masteJ: invent cry J:ecords and product structure records on line. ORDERING INFOR!!ATION: PAGE 023 CONTINOED FROB PRIOR COLO!!N CONTINOED PROI! PRIOR PAGE PROGRAIIBING SYSTEIIS - written in 1448 Autocoder. BINIBOI! SISTEB REQOIREIIENTS - Por Report Program generation11K 1448 system with ••• one 1442 Card Read/punch ••• 1443 Printer ••• one 1311 Disk Storage Drive. For Report Program Execution-1448 system with core storage capacity depending on co.plexity of report ••• one 1442 Card Read/Punch ••• 1443 Printer and/or 1311 Disk Storage as required by report. Reference material - 1449/1311 Autocoder, '1448-AO882;1448/1311 IOCS, 11449-10-919; 1448/1311 Disk Otility Programs, '1448-0T-841. BASIC PROGHAI! PACKAGE DOCO!!ENTATION - Program write-up ••• Listings ••• Specifications and Operation Procedures. BACBINE READABLE - Object code ••• RPG system card deck •• Sample source program for test purposes. OPTIONAL PROGHAB PACKAGE DOCOIIENTATION - Listings and flowcharts. IBII PROGRAIIS PAGE 124 1448 CONTINUED FROII PRIOR PAGE CONTINUED FROII PRIOR COLUIIN IIACHINE READABLE - None. ORDERING INFORIIATION: OPTIONAL none none none PROGRAII NUIIBER 1448RG828 PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none USED VOLUIIE BEQUIREIIENT none 18 none ----------------------------------------------------1448-SI1-838 ----SOBn DESCRIPTION - Sort 5 is a generative sort prograa designed for generation and use on an IBII 1448 with at least one IBII 1311 Disk Storage Drive, and a ainiaua of 4888 positions of core storage. The prograa now has the ability to use 7335 lIagnetic Tape for input/output files and the option to relocate phase four output to the beginning of the work area. It is a generative sort prograa (also needs 144810-818) • FEATURES - Sort 5 object prograa will sort fixed length, blocked or unblocked, records in 1I0ve lIode into either ascending or descending sequence. Sorting can be controlled by as many as ten control data fields of total length up to a maxiaua of 1S9 characters. Sort 5 can generate an object prograa through use of the Autocoder lIacro-genera tor and paraaeter cards. It is further classified as a generalized progra. because it can aodify itself at object run ti.e according to inforaation punched in control cards. PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - The progra. requires 1481/1448/1468 Autocoder on disk. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - 4K 1448 syste.... one 1311 Disk storage Drive ••• 1442 Card Read/punch... 1443 Printer. The object prograa can use, if available, up to 5 disk storage drives and SK, 12K, or 16K core storage capacity. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up ••• Specs. and Operating Procedures ••• Library deck listing ••• Prephase prograll listing. IIACHINE READABLE - Prephase deck. 1448-ST-821 1I0TQ! PREI!!!!! !!J!!ru ACCOUNTING DESCRIPTION - Accounting and control of aotor freight revenue is one of the largest clerical proble.s in the aotor freight industry. Ever since the industry began extending credit, inte~lining shipaents, and expanding to larger networks serving aore and aore points, revenue accounting has grown aore difficult, aore tiae-consulling, and aore costly. Faster, aore efficient revenue accounting and control is vitally needed. To .eet this need IBII has developed the 1I0tor Freight Industry Revenue Accounting Prograa, which perfor.s the following functions- Editing of daily transaction data. - Preparation of daily transaction register with siaultaneous posting of revenue by freight bill nuaber. - Preparation of custoaer stateaents with siaultaneous posting to custoaer accounts receivable balance. - Editing of cash re.ittance source data. - Application of cash by stateaent, freight bill nuaber, and custoaer account nuaber. This prograa is adaptable by aotor freight carriers who use either centralized stateaent and collection aethods or decentralized ter.inal level aethods. Effective control of freight bills is provided regardless of billing method. PROGRA!!IIING SYSTE!!S - Written in 14411 Autocoder. Users of this prograa should obtain IB!! 1141 Sort 5 (1448-511831) • IIINIIIU!! SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - A 4K systea with two 1311 Disk Storage Drives ••• 14112 Card Read Punch ••• 1443 Printer ••• Indexing and Store Register, Print Control, and Scan Disk. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Prograa write-up ••• Application Description lIanual ••• Prograa Inforaation lIanual ••• Operators lIanual ••• Detailed prograa documentation. IIACHIBE READABLE - Object prograa decks ••• Saaple problea. OPTICNAl FROGRA!! PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORIIATION: OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIEBTATION - Bone IIACHINE READABLE - Source code. PRO GRAil NUIIBER 1448S11131 PROGRAII NUIIBER EITENSIOR DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE ElSIC none CARDS OPTIONAL none none USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT 15 ORDERING IBFORIIATION: PROGRAII NUIIBER 14111STII21 PROGRAII BUIIBER EITENSIOR DISTRIBUTIOB IIEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR. II none OPTIONAL none DTR· III none none none USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT 14118-SI1-II31 ---:Ull~2 DESCRIPTION - IBII 1441 !!erge 5, 1448-S!!-831, is a generative prograa for an IBII 1441/1311 systea. lIerge 5 will generate specific object progra.s that are fitted to the users particular lIerging applications. The object prograas generated by lIerge 5 are generalized in that they can be modified according to inforaation supplied by the user in control cards. With object prograas the user can aerge pre-sorted, fixed length, blocked or unblocked, disk records in the 1I0ve 1I0de into either ascending or descending sequence. A one-, two-, three-, or four-way aerge can be perfor.ed. If specified by the user at generation tiae, options such as label checking, additions fro a cards, sequence check and hash total, deletions or selections by class can be incorporated into the object prograa. PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - The Frograa requires 1441/1311 Autocoder and IOCS. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIEBTS - A 4K 1448 systea with sufficient core storage to utilize the object prograa options ••• One 1442 Card/Read Punch ••• And, depending upon the object prograa reguirements, a 1442 Printer or 1447 Console mdl 2, and one to five 1311 Disk Storage Drives. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Prograll write-up ••• Specifications ••• Operating procedures ••• Flowcharts ••• Library listing ••• Asseably listing. IIACHINE READABLE - Library prograa deck ••• Prephase deck. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - Rone. ORDERING INFORIIATION: ElSIC PRO GRAil BU!!BER 14411511131 PROGRA!! BUIIBER EITERSIOR DISTRIBUTION IIEDIU!! TYPE CODE none DTR· III USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIEBT none 1 441-UH-II1 I - - HOSPITAL ~!g!IT !!lllING DESCRIPTIOB - The application program for Patient Billing consists of fourteen IBII 14411 processing runs to Frovide for the accounting and control of services rendered to patients of a hospital. processing is done under a sonitor which allows for prograa interrupt to satisfy interis reports such as discharge/deaand bills or patient balances. FEATURES - Processing prograas are kept in disk storage and are called in, as needed, by a unique call card. Processed data is punched into input cards, thus preserving basic and resultant data. Running prograas can be interrupted froa the console to obtain the status of an account. USE - at the tiae a patient is adaitted, a aaster record is created and entered to disk storage. Through-out the patients stay in the hospital, all charges, credits, etc. are accrued to the aaster file. Interill reports such as census and in-house bills are created. Upon disc.harge, bills can be issued. Final and insurance bills are prepared following the custoaary three day allowance for late changes to be received at the data processing center. Revenue distribution is available froa data retained in disk storage. PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - Written in 14411 Autocoder. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIEBTS - 11K 1 41! 1 Processing Unit, lIodel 1.3 with: - Indexing and Store Address Register feature. 1443 Printer Attachaent feature. Disk Storage control feature. Console (1447 1I0del 2) Attachsent feature. 1442 Card Read Punch. 1443 Printer, with Printer Control feature. 1447 console, 1I0del 2, with Sense Switches. IB!! PROGRl1!S 144fiIJ 1448 Note - These programs run under the monitor contained in the IE!! 1448 Hospital Patient Eilling (144fi1J-UH-filJ1X) application program. - 1311 Disk storage Drive. !!odel 1. EASIC FROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!EBTATION - program write-up ••• Program !!anual ••• listings. !!ACHINE READAELE - Routine decks for reassemblies. PROGRAMMING SYSTE!!S - Written in 1448 Autocoder. OPTIONAL PROGRAM PACKAGE - None ORDERING INFORMATION: PAGE 825 CONTINUED FRO!! PRIOR COLU!!N CONTINUED FRO!! PRIOR PAGE PROGRA!! NU!!EER 1448UH81X PROGRAM NUMEER EXTEBSION DISTRIEUTION !!EDIUM TYPE CODE EASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none USER VOLU!!E REQUIREMENT none 88 none !!INI!!OM SYSTE!! REQUIRE!!ENTS - A 4K 1441 Processing Unit. !!odel A3~ with- Indexinq and Store Address Register. Printer Attachment. Disk Storage Control, Console Attachment (1447, !!odel 2) ••• 1442 Card Read Punch ••• 1443 Printer, with Printer Control ••• 1447 Console, !!odel 1, with Sense switches and a 1447. Model 2 ••• 1311 Disk Storage Drive, Model 1. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Program write-up ••• Program manual including listings. !!ACHINE READABLE - Source code. OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE - None 1448-UH-filJ2X ---!f£Q]NTS RECElVAELE FOR !!Q~ ORDERING INFORI!ATION: DESCRIPTION - The program accomplishes all functions ncrmally required by hospitals to maintain a well controlled accounts receivable operation. It includes establishment of new accounts. cash posting of receipts. aged trail balance reports. inquiry into account status. statement wri tinq and file lIaintenance to close accounts. Processing programs are kept in disk storage and are called in. as needed. by a call card. They can be interrupted for inquiry and exception reports. Information necessary to construct the accounts receivable record in disk storage is automatically created by the Patient Eilling Procedures (1448-UH-81X) when a patient is discharged. or by keypunched data obtained froll out-patient accounting PJ:OCt:!UUL·4::::S. Cash Lc::c.:=ipts aL'::: post.ed as ·r~c~iv~a. Statements are written at the discretion of the user. This is accomplished by specifying to the system what portion of the accounts receivable file statements are to be written from. Aged trial balance can be written at any desired interval to provide uniform load distribution. Accounts may be sequenced to provide selective aging analysis. Note - This program runs under the 1I0nitor contained in the IB!! 1448 Hospital Patient Billing (No. 1448-UH-81X) application program. EASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUMENTATIOB - Program write-up ••• Program !!anual ••• Listings. !!ACHINE READABLE - Source code. FROGRA!! NUMEER 1448UH82X DISTRIEUTION !!EDIUM TYPE CODE EASIC none DTR· CPTIONAL none none 144fi1J-UH-83X --~SPITlL 88 EASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none USER VOLU!!E REQUIRE!!ENT none 88 none 1448-UH-84X HOSNTlL .!!VENTORY PROGRA]! DESCRIPTION - A perpetual inventory provides for a cc~ti:~c~s rec~r~ ~£ 5~pp!y receipts, issues, and stock on hand. Itells requiring management attention are listed on exception reports. On a periodic basis. transactions posted to the inventory records are transferred tc general ledger accounts Which reflect the aggregate cf receipts and issues posted to individual inventory ledger records. A 1311 Disk Storage Drive with a 1316 Disk Pack is used for storage of all inventory item and open purchase order records. The file is organized and controlled sequentially, and because disk packs are interchangeable, there is virtually no limit to the number of itells it can handle. Note - These programs run under the !!onitor contained in the IB!! 1448 Hospital Patient Eilling (1448-0H-filJl1) application programs. OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE - Bone FROGRAM NU!!EER EXTENSION DISTRIEUTION MEDIO!! TYPE CODE FEATURES - Comprehensive external and internal control with audit trail. Sequential inventory file organization with 5288 items in 48 cylinders. Programs on disk under the control of a monitor. Automatic flagging of items below minimum inventory levels or out of stock. !!eaningful reports for stock status, purchase order, transaction register, general stores invoice. item distribution, and control units. Inquiry to inventory item and purchase order records. !!IRI!!UM SYSTEM REQUIRE!!ENTS - 4K 1441 Processing Unit. !!odel A3. with: - Indexing and Store Address Register feature. - 1443 Printer Attachment feature. - Disk storage control feature. - Console (1447 !!odel 2) Attachment feature. - 1442 Card Read Punch. - 1447 Console. !!odel 2. with Sense switches. - 1311 Disk Storage Drive. !!odel 1. ORDERING INFCR!!ATICN: PROGRAM NUI!BER 1448UH83X PROGRA!! NU!!EER EXTENSION USER VOLU!!E REQUIRE!!ENT none none jgOURTS .fAYAELE DESCRIPTION - Hospital Accounts Payable consists of nine 1448 processing programs to provide for accounting and control of the accounts payable of a hospital. A 1311 Disk Storage Drive with a 1316 Disk Pack is the medium used for storage of all account payable and distribution records and is organized to record an unlimited nUllber of entries for each payable account. When a payable invoice is received. it is posted to the master payable file until managements decision to pay the invoice. At this time. a check run is made against the master payable file and the invoice is flagged as paid. At a later time. the paid invoice record is removed from the master payable file. and the amount of discount taken on the invoice is punched into the initial invoice card which has been keypunched from the original invoice. Included in Hospital Accounts Payable are the following programs: Create New Accounts Payable Records. Create New Account Records. Create Vendor Index Table. Edit Invoice and Distribution Records. Post Vendor Invoices. Print Cash Requirement Report. Print Trial Ealance. Print Check and Admittance Advice. Close Vendor Invoices. 1!INIMU!! SYSTE!! REQUIREMENTS - A 4K 1441 Processing onit !!odel A3 with - Indexing and Store Address Register, 1443 Printer Attachment, Disk Storage Control, 1447 Console Attachment !!odel 2 ••• 1442 Card Read Punch ••• 1443 Printer with Printer Control ••• 1447 Console !!odel 2 with Sense switches. •• 1311 Disk Storage Drive 1!0del 1. EASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - Program write-up ••• Reference !!anual including program listings. !!ACHINE READAELE - Source program. OPTIONAL FReGRA!! PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFOR!!ATION: PROGRA!! NU!!BER 1448UHfilJ4X PROGRA!! NU!!EER EXTENSION DISTRIEUTION !!EDIUM TYPE CODE EASIC none DTR. none OPTIONAL none none none 144fi1J-UH-85X HOS.Ellll GENE.!!ll USER VOLU!!E REQUIRE!!EBT l.!M~ DESCRIPTION - The 144fiIJ Hospital General Ledger program (1448-UH-85X) package reduces the time and effort required by hospitals to program and install a general ledger application. Seven programs are provided which result in three major reports and a uniform chart of accounts. The programs are; Load !!aster Ledger Accounts, Add and Delete !!aster Records, General Ledger Posting, Trial Ealance Run. Income and Expense Report, General Ledger Inquiry and Cost Analysis Program. processing programs are retained IBI! PROGRAI!S 1448 1448 PAGE 826 CONTINUED PROI! PRIOR PAGE CONTINUED PROI! PRIOR COLUIIB in disk storage and called in. as needed. by unique call cards. GEneral ledger account aasters are kept and aaintained in disk storage with the l=rovision. through the inquiry prograa. to be displayed on the console typewriter. of sections based on one fixed factor. Only one factor is used for all courses. The Conflict lIatrix prograa deteraines the number of potential conflicts for a"aaximua of 188 single and double section courses. A lIatrix is printed showing this inforaation. Note - ,The prograas in this package run under the I!oni tor contained in the IBI! 1448 Hospital Patient Billing application prograa (1448-U8-811). The Student Scheduling Program is divided into two phases. PROGRAI!I!ING SYSTEIIS - written in 1448 Autocoder IIIRII!UII SYSTEII REQUIREIIEHTS - 1441 Processing Unit adl A3 with Indexing and Store Address Register. 1443 Printer Attachaent. Disk storage Control. Console (1447 adl 2) Attachment ••• 1442 Card Read Punch ••• 1443 Printer with Printer Control ••• 1447 Console adl 2 with Sense Switches ••• 1311 Disk storage Drive adl 1. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Prograa write-up ••• Reference lIanual including prograa listings. !ACHINE READABLE - Object code and saaple problea. OPTIONAL PROGRA! PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INPORI!ATION: PROGRA! NUBBER 1448UH851 PROGRAII NUI!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION BEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none USER YOLUE REQUlREII lHT 88 none none 1!!48-UM=86X .rul~ITAL Phase 1 processes the student request cards against the lIaster schedule stored in the disk file to deteraine conflicts. Student conflicts are printed showing student inforaation. the course causing the conflict and all courses requested by the student. scheduled inforaation for students is written into the disk file. At this point. depending on the nuaher of conflicts. the pro grail aay go to phase 2 or be terainated. Phase 2 writes the detail course inforaation for each scheduled student into the student aaster record area. It schedules lunch for the fourth or fifth period and study halls. The Schedule Printing Prograa prints the student and course inforaation froa the disk file onto the schedule. It will print and total course fees where applicable. PEnURES - will handle 799 courses. 4 sections per period or 3288 sections lIaxillum. (Expandable with aore disk storage). Uses eight period day and seven student requests 3888 students per disk pack. Prints schedules and punches grade ca'rds at eight to ten students per ainute--can schedule lunch and study halls balances the classes and fills classes to specified seat capacity. Prints a coaplete conflict message to provide analysis of the reason for a student conflict. PROGRAI!IIING SYSTEIIS - Written in 1448 Autocoder • EAYBOLL DESCRIPTION - Hospital payroll is designed to accoaplish tasic payroll functions of a hospital. Recognizing that there are substantial variations in payroll policies among hospitals. the systea can be easily aodified to specific requireaents. Two file data load progra.s- Eaployee Load Prograa and Departaent Load Prograa- are used to initialize the payroll disk pack and to set up two-sector eaployee records for each eaployee. Three progra.s are included which perfora payroll calculations and printed output. The payroll Register Prograa calculates pay for salaried eaployees. paid bi-aonthly. and hourly e.ployees. paid weekly. This prograa prints the payroll register showing the Duaber of hours worked. gross pay. extra earnings. PICA. FIT. total deductions. and new pay. Departmental totals are printed and punched as desired. The Check and Statement Prograa prints checks and statellents while calculating and checking centrol totals held in disk storage froll the payroll register run. The third prograa prints a deduction register reflecting eaployee name and nuaber. current gross. current net. and all deductions taken for the payroll period. I!INIIIUI! SYSTEII REQUIREIIENST - A 4K 1448 systea with Indexing and Store Address ••• 1442 Card Read Punch ••• 1443 Printer with Print Control ••• 1447 Console with Sense Switches ••• 1311 Disk Storage Drive. BASIC none DTR· 88 none Bote - These progralls run under the aonitor contained in the HB 1448 Hospital Patient Eilling (1448-UH-811) application prograa. OPTIONAL none DTR· 88 none IIINIIIU! SYSTEB REQUIREIIENTS - A 4K 1441 Processing Unit. Bodel A3. with- Indexing and Store Address Register. Printer Attachment. Disk storage Control. Console Attachaent (1447. Bodel 2) ••• 1442 Card Read Punch ••• 1443 Printer. with Printer Control ••• 1447 Console. 1I0del 1. with Sense Switches and a 1447. aodel 2 ••• 1311 Disk Storage Drive. Bodel 1. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Prograa write-up ••• Program Banual including listings. BACHINE READABLE - Source prograa. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None PROGRA! NUIIBER 1448UH861 PROGRAB NUI!BER EITENSION DIS'IRIBUTION BEDIUII TYPE CODE EASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none 88 OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUI!ENTATION - None. BACHIBE READABLE - Source code. ORDERING INPORIIATICN: USER YOLUI!E REQUIRB!BBT none none --------_. 1448-US-81X ---~iCOND&BY SCHOOL E!!OGRA1!1:! .11:!TUDEll 1:!~LIHG) DESCRIPTION - Student Scheduling consists of five prograasCourse Request Tally. conflict lIatrix. Scheduling. Schedule Printing. and Utility. The Course Request Tally and Conflict Batrix Prograas are an aid to the school administrator in building his .aster schedule. The Tally Program counts the student requests and coaputes the nUllber PROGRA! BUI!BER 1448US81X PROGRAII NUBBER EXTENSION 1448-US-821 SECONDAIIY SCHO!!!: PROGRA!I!ING SYSTEI!S - written in 1448 Autocoder. ORDERING INPORI!ATIOB: BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Prograa write-up ••• Reference lIanual including prograa listings. !ACHINl! READABLE - Object prograa ••• Saaple problem. ~ DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUB TYPE CODE USER VOLO!E REQUIRE!1!HT (GRADE IIEPORTIRG) DESCRIPTION - Grade lIeporting consists of four prograas to aid school personnel in preparing grade reports and' in coapilation of statistics from the grades received by students. Grade cards are used to prepare the grade reports. update student grade records on disk pack and print an honor list. Grade distribution reports are printed reflecting totals of letter grades given by a teacher as received in a course. Pailure lists indicating student and course are printed using those grade cards with failing grades. PEATURES - Will handle up to seven course per student. Honor list is autoaatically available after grade report run. 6688 students per disk pack. Can print parents naae and address on the grade report. Prints grade reports at 18 to 15 students per ainute. Grade distributions speed at 388 cards per ainute. Pailure list printing at up to 158 lines per lIinute. PROGRABIlING SYSTEI!S - Written in 1448 Autocoder. 1I1NIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREI!ENTS - A 4K 1448 system with Indexing and Store Address ••• 1442 Card Read Punch ••• 1443 Printer with Print Control ••• 1447 Console with Sense Switches ••• 1311 Disk Storage Drive. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUBENTATION - program write-up ••• Reference lIanual including prograa listings. IIACHINE READABLE - Object prograll... Saaple problell. OPTIONAL PROGRAI! PACKAGE IB!! PROGRA!!S 1448 144S IIINIIIU!! SYSTE!! BEQUIRE!!ENTS - A 4K 144S system with Indexing and Store Address ••• 1442 Card Read Punch ••• 1443 Printer with Print Control ••• 1447 Console with Sense Switches ••• 1311 Disk storage Drive. DOCUIIBBTATION - None. !!ACHINB READABLE - Source code. ORDERING INPOR!!ATION: PAGE S27 CONTINUED FROII PRIOR COLU!!N CONTINUED FRO!! PRIOR PAGE PROGRAII NUIIBER 144S0SS2X PROGRA!! NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIU!! TYPE CODE EASIC none DTR· S8 none BASIC PROGBA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Program write-up ••• Reference Kanual ••• Program listings. IIACHINE READABLE - Sa.ple proble •••• Program decks. CPTIONAL none DTR· 88 none OPTIONAL FBCGRAK PACKAGE - None. USER VOLU!!E REQUIREIIEBT ORDERING INPORIIATION: DESCRIFTION - Payroll and Personnel Frogra.s are an aid to school personnel in preparing the .onthly salaried. payroll, writing payroll checks, printing deduction register and check reconciliation. The Teacher Contract Program prints pertinent teacher data on contract for.s. The Teacher List Program provides school principals with a list of teachers in the school. PEATURES - will handle up to 1S,SSS personnel payroll records per disk Fack. Print payroll register and deduction register at sFeeds of 59 to 6S employees per minute. Print payroll checks at the rate of 35 to 48 per .inute. prepare reconciliation report at the rate of approximately 3SS checks per minute. Prepare teacher contracts at the rate of 3S to 35 per .inute. Prepare teacher lists at the rate of 159 teachers per minute. Sense switch control determines if a pre-payroll or payroll register is desired. If a person resigns, his finder card can be held out of the payroll runs to delete hi. fre. the payroll. The record will re.ain on the disk for end of year report wri ting and can be accessed by replacing the finder card. PBOGBA!!!!ING SYSTE!!S - Written in 144S Autocoder. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIRE!!ENTS - A 4K 144S system with Indexing and Store Address ••• 1442 Card Read Punch ••• 1443 Printer with Print Control ••• 1447 Console with Sense Switches ••• 1311 Disk Storage Drive. EASIC FROGBA!! PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Program write-up ••• Reference !!anual including program listings. IIACHINE READABLE - Object program ••• Sa.ple proble •• DISTRIBUTION !!EDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR. OPTIONAL none none PROGRA!! NUIIBER 1449US93X DISTRIEUTION IIEDIU!! TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· SS none CPTICNAL none DTR. SS none H4S-US-S4X none none 144S-UT-S48 DISK ! i l l .QBGARI!.tl!Q! ~ DESCBIPTION - These routines will load and .aintain 13S1 or 13 11 Disk Storage piles on a 144S system. The new version incorporates the additional features of .agnetic tape input/output, 13S1 Disk Storage and 1444 Card Punch output capabilities. There are two co.plete sets of routines one set generates object programs for a random file; the other set generates object progra.s for a control sequential file. The User's File Organization object progra.s are generated by the 14S1/144S/146S Autocoder (on Disk) lIacro-Generator fro. a series of 1448 IOCS, Version 2, Library Routines and the Disk Pile Organization Library routines. The user supplies the appropriate parameters for generation by means of control cards. The object programs for loading and maintaining a random file use the chaining .ethod. By this technique, records are loaded into a disk location deter.ined by a control field within the record. Records whose control data convert to the sa.e disk address are linked together with a cha.in of addresses. The routines can generate object programs to add records to and delete records fro. a file. Records .ay be loaded or unloaded fro. or to cards, tape, or disk storage. The object progra.s for loading and .aintaining a control sequential file add records to and delete records fro. the fil.e without destroying the sequence. A sequence-link is used for this purpose. A distribution index is built by the programs. This index .akes possible quick access to any given record in the file. Becords may be loaded or unloaded from or to cards, tape, or disk storage. PROGRA!!IIING SYSTEIIS - Written in 144S Autocoder. FROGRA!! NUIIB1!B EXTENSION ---nn!Duq SS USER VOLUIIE REQUIRE!!ENT The require.ents for generation of the User's File Organization object progra.s are the same as those for 14S1/144S/146S Autocoder (on Disk), No. 1491-AU-S£8, and 144S IOCS, Version 2, No. 244S-IO-S18. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - None. IIACHINE READABLE - Source code. CBDEBING INFOBIIATION: PROGRA!! NUKBER 144SUSS4X PROGRAII NU!!BER EXTENSION 144S-us-1il31 gCONDARY g;HOOL .E.!!CGRA!!S illYRog ABD ~m USER VOLUIIE REQUIRE!!!NT .!l~ POR SECQNDA!!! ~ DESCBIPTION - Attendance Recording consists of an Attendance Register Writing Program which will aid school personnel in the preparation of attendance registers and in compilation of attendance statistics for state and federal agency report require.ents. The Attendance Recording Program uses attendance cards, which are marked by the teacher or attendance clerk and then mark sense punched, to prepare an attendance register and calculate attendance totals and percentages. It will also update the student master record on the disk pack. FEATURES - will handle up to 25-day attendance period. Will handle either half day or whole day attendance recording. will update student .aster record on the disk pack with year-to-date absences and tardies. Cards are not marked when students are present. will handle up to 95 attendance cards per .inute. Automatically calculates - aggregate attendance, aggregate me.bership, average daily attendance, average membership, percent of attendance. These calculations are perforlled for .ale students, fe.ale students, and overall student population. Calculates attendance figures for each school and for the entire school district. PROGBA!!IIING SYSTEIIS - Written in 144S Autocoder. KINIIIUII SYSTE!! REQUIRE!!ENTS - a 4K 144S system for 1311 usage of 8K 144S system for 13S1 usage with ••• one 1442 Card Bead Punch .dl 1 or 2 or 1442 Card Reader mdl 4 ••• One 1311 Disk Storage Drive or 1381 Disk Storage Array ••• 14S3 Printer mdl 2, 3, 5, 6, 1443 Printer or 1447 console mdl 2 or 4 (if a log is to be kept during file loading, additions, or deletions, the 1443 Printer is required; in that case, a 1447 Console .dl 1 may be used) ••• one 1444 Card Punch (required only if punched output is used on a system with 1442 Card Beader .dl 4) ••• one 7335 lIagnetic Tape Unit (required only if tape input or output is used). Note: The following programs are required - 1481-AU-SS8; 144S-10-818; 144S-UT-S41. BASIC PROGRAK PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Program write-up ••• Listings ••• Operating Procedures, c24-3134. !!ACHINE READABLE - Option 1 - Co.mon and Bando., and is specified by using Program Extension Number OPT1. Option 2 - Co.mon and Control sequential, and is specified by using Program Extension Nu.ber OPT2. option 3 - Co •• on, Rando. and Control Sequential, and is specified by using Program Extension Number OPT3. OPTIONAL PROGBA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATIOll' - Program flowcharts. IIACHINE READAELE - None. ORDERING INPORIIATION: BASIC PBOGBA!! NUIIBER 144SUTS48 PBOGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !!EDIU!! TYPE CODE USER VOLU!!E FEQUIBEIIENT OPT1 DTR· SS none OPT2 DTR· 88 none IBII PROGRAIIS PAGE il28 144il 1460 CONTINUED PROII PRIOR PAGE OPTIONAL CONTINUED PROII PRIOB COLUIIN OPT3 cnDS none none 15 none lIodel 6 and one 1I0del 7. none BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Application Directory ••• Prograll Description lIanual (H28-0551) ••• Operations lIanual (H28-0552). !!ACHINE READABLE - Source Code. 144il-UT-il41 ---nISK~TILI.ll PROGRAIIS OPTIONAL PROGR)II PACKAGE - None. DESCRIPTION - This system is designed to perform certain frequently required operations on 144il systells with 1311 or 13il1 Disk storage, without programming effort on the part vf l:be user. The programs provided are Clear-Disk-Storage Print-Disk Card-to-Disk Tape-to-D\sk Disk-Labell ORDERING INFCRIIATION: Disk-to-Card Disk-to-Tape Disk-Becord-Load copy-Disk Each program is generalized, modifying itself to perforll specific operations by information received through control cards. Each program includes an optional disk label checking routine for use with 1311 Disk Storage. They are designed for use on 4K or larger systems; 8K or greater is necessary when processing disk data for which the Track Record special feature is required. These programs perform such functions as clear disk and generate addresses, supply output for file protection purposes, display disk storage on the printer, change data or addresses in disk storage, and on 1311 Disk storage create the label track or remove the label track, and enter, delete, change, display, and punch disk labels. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - A 4K 1440 system (8K required if Track Becord format is used) with... 1442 Card Bead Punch 1I0del 1 or 2 or a 1442 Card Reader IIdl 4 and a 1444 Card Punch ••• 1443 Printer ••• one 1311 Disk Storage Drive or one 1301 Disk Storage Array ••• and one 7335 lIagnetic Tape Unit (tape programs only). BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up ••• Specifications ••• Operating Instructions. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL nOGRA!! PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Listings and flowcharts. !!ACHINE READABLE - None. ORDERING INFORIIATION: PROGBAII NU!!BEB 14110UT041 PROGBAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIU!! TYPE CODE EASIC none DTB* CPTIONAL none none USER VOLUIIE REQUIBEIIENT 00 none none 1450-PB-2aI ----uCaENTBY PROGRAII SUPPOBTS 1450 PANK DA'IA PROCESSING ~!~TI~--- PROGRA!! NUMBER 145ilFB20X PBOGBlII tIUIIBEl< DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII EXTENSION TYPE CODE ~ ----- ------- ---- ---- ---- ------ DESCRIPTION - This program supports the 1450 Bank Data Processing System, which is a product entry for the small bank industry. The 11150 uses the 1259 Eleven Pocket Reader/Sorter. The 1440 Mortgage Loan Accounting (144,IJPB-il4X), 1440 Savings Accounting (1440-FE-85X), and 1114il Delland Deposit Accounting (14110-FB-83X), Pinancial Applicaticn Programs, are availal:le for use on the 1450 Bank Data Processing System. (1450-PB-82X) • The program is to be used in conjunction with the 144il Demand Deposit Program (14I1e-I'f-03X) to convert IIICE paper documents to <1 isk records in f:he forma t required to accomplish the complete Demand Deposit Application on the 1450 system. FEATURES - Establishes and maintains control over all items that enter the processing operation. Proves each batch of items with its batch control slip. Sorts good IIICR items into predetermined pockets. segrega tes rejected items for subsequent correction and re-entry. Segregates (no on-us) items. Verifies account numbers. Verifies transaction codes. Captures valid !!ICR i tell information on disk packs. Prepares batch proof listings. BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none USER VOLUIIE REQUIREMENT 99 none none DESCRIPTION - The primary concept of this system is to support a type~riter-like terminal for text processing. Information is entered from the terminals in either free or fixed form. It can be corrected, modified, or rearranged. Output formats are flexible and may te specified from the terminal. Output may be transmitted to any terminal, stored on disk or tape, printed by an on-line printer, written as card images on tape, or punched. Stored inforllation may be recalled for further processing. FEATURES - Data correction, modification, and rearrangement by backspacing and retyping during entry ••• retyping beginning with a Farticular work... replacing a word or phrase ••• adding to a line or text unit ••• deleting a' line or other text unit ••• moving of groups of lines or text units ••• gathering of stored data in any sequence ••• copying of information by transmission to the originating terminal. storage and retrieval of data froll disk files cr tape. Transmission of data to any terminal. output format controlled from the terminal by - limiting free-forll text line length... justification of righthand margin ••• intermix of free-form text with fixed format information ••• placing specified heading and footing lines on all pages of a document ••• automatic page numbering ••• controlled vertical spacing ••• Halting to allow operator intervention for text insertion or change of print elements. Desk calculator functions - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, roots, powers, factorials, evaluation of simple algebraic expressions. Users may add programs to do simultaneous Feripheral operations such as simple tape-to-printer and card-totape functions. An improved disk storage organization scheme will give improved terminal response on requests involving permanent disk storage. 1301 Disk Pile implementation significantly increases permanent storage capacity. Improved storage reporting facilities. Prinoipal application areas of the Administrative Terminal System are technical manual preparation, proposal writing, test reFort ~Ieparation, financial credit reporting, statistical typing, and similar areas. The system may also be used for source data entry, capturing data directly from a typewriter keyboard. This has particular significance in the computer programming area where program deck control cards and test decks may l:e selected, modified, combined and made available for running directly from a t~~minal. !he system, when properly instruc+ed, can s~ve every keystroke made by the operator. To a~ter tbe text the operator directs the system to locate the characters to be chany~u dnd ~nstructs it in What manner these are to be altered. If a copy of a docume'nt is requested, the system will produce and transmit it to the terminal. PROGRAIIMING SYSTE!!S - The source program language is 1401/11148/1469 Autocoder (on disk). PBCGBAIIIIING SY STEMS - IBII 144il Sort 5 (111110-SM-03il). !!INI!!UM SYSTEM BEQUIRE!!ENTS 16K 1469 with - Bit Test, Console Attachment, Direct Seek, Disk Storage Control, Indexing and Store Address Register, Transmission Control Unit Adapter on the 1441 Processing Unit !!odel B6 and an appropriate !!odel 11161 Input/Output Control ••• One 1311 Disk Storage Drive !!odel 1 Direct Seek... 1447 Console Model 1 with Sense Switches ••• 1447 Console 1I0del 4 ••• 1448 Transmission Control unit with the 1050/1060 Attachment feature and RPQ E38485 and, as required, COllmon carrier Adapter Sets or Line Adapter Sets ••• a 111il2 Card Read Punch !!odel 3 is required unless another 1491/1440/1460 system is available to load the program on a 1316 Disk Pack. 1I1NIIIUM SYSTEII REQUIBE!!ENTS - 1441 Processing unit Model C4 with catle connected 1259 Beader/Sorter ••• 1442 Card Bead Punch !!odel 1 ••• 14113 Printer Model 3 or II with additional Frint positions ••• 1447 Console Model 1 or 2 with sense switches ••• two 1311 Disk Storage Drives, one OPTIONAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - Translate feature on the 1441 Processing Unit ••• one to four 1311 Disk Storage Drives Model 2 with Direct Seek and Seek Overlap (at least one 1311 !!odel 2 is strongly recommended) ••• one to five modules of 1391 Disk storage (one 1311 !!odel 2 is USE - The program is to be used in place of the 1440 Demand Deposit Conversion run when using the 1450 Bank Data Processing System. IBM PllOGllAMS PAGE 1129 1461l CONTINUED FBOM PBIOB PAGE required) ••• one to six 729 lIagnetic Tape units Model 2, 4, 5, 6 or 7331l I!agnetic Tape units ••• 14112 Card Bead Punch 1I0del 3••• 14113 Printer I!odel 2 or 3 with the Print Storage feature on the 1461 Input/Output ContUll and BPQ 1!13491l ••• line group features and llPQ 811391l, as required to attach more than 11l lines to the 1448 Transmission Control unit. If uppercase and lowercase printing with 121l characters of Courier type (matching the courier 72 printing Element on the, terminals) is desired using a 14113 Printer I!odel 2, BPQ'S 813148 and 8181129 on the 1461 Input/Output Centrol ••• BPQ'S 8121l33. E12934. 898~59. 33 each of BPQ E33255. and part 823381l (the chain) on the 14113 I!odel 2 ••• BPQ 8181119 on the 1441 processing Unit. TEBI!INAL BEQUIBEIIENTS - 2741 Communication Terminals (uP to 49), with Courier 72 Standard Selectric Printing Elements, and line adapters if required. ATS supports only the correspondence code 2741 Terminals without the Interrupt feature. BASIC FBOGRAII PACKAGE DOCUI!ENTATION - Application Directory ••• Application Description, H21l-1l129 ••• 1:erminal Operators I!anual, H21l-~185 ••• Programmers Manual, H21l-1l228 ••• Console Operators Manual, H21l-1l227. I!ACHINE BEADABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTICNAL FEOGEAI! PACKAGE tOCUI!ENTATION - Systems lIanual (Frogram Flowchart~. I!ACHINE BEADABLE - 141l1j1441l/1461l Autocoder (on Disk) output file. CBDEEING INFOEI!ATION: PROGBAII NUIIBER 1469CI98I PROGRAI! NUMBER EXTENSION DISTRIEUTION IIEDIU!'! TYPE CODE USER YOLUIIE REQUIBEMENT BASIC none DTR* 1'1111 none CPTIONAL none 1316 52 92 PAGE 030 This Page Intentionally Left Blank COlIITRIBUTED PROGRAIIS 14lill 14lil1 PAGE 831 CONTINUED FROII PRIOR COLUMN DOCUIIEliTATIOli - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. AUTHOR: OPTIOliAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATIOlll - None. IIACHINE READABLE - Source code. C.L. Borstad C.H. Williams u.s. Bureau of Public Roads 61lil East Fifth Street vancouver, Washington ORDERING INFORIIATION: DESCRIPTION - RAP was written primarily to eliminate the intermediate punching of cards when assembling SPS II programs on a card input-output 14lil1 system. Provision was made to obtain an object listing, with or without an object one-per-card deck and with or without a condensed deck, at the time the program is being assembled. Duplicate labels are detecte·d and printed during the first pass and at conclusion of the second pass a dump of labels and addresses and uUl:eferenced labels is made. The one-per-card object deck may be asselDbled as a source deck and may be listed without assembly. A mnemonic of EQU has been added to equate a label to a label previously defined. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - 14lill card system with Advance Programming ·package, Print Control Additional, High-LowEqual compare and Sense switches. EASIC FROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATIOli - Write-up on lIicrofiche only. IIACHIliE READABLE - 1I0ne. ORDERING IliFORIIATIOll: PROGRAII NUMBER 14lil1911935 PROGRAII NUIIBER EITENSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* 9lil none OPTIOliAL none DTR* 88 none 14lil1-91.1.1iJ36 SPS~ !! !1!E!!Q!IDJ = AUTHOR: ~1i USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT = !1i~.ll1rn1M H. J. Koekkoek DIRECT TECHNICAL IliQUIRIES TO: H. J. Koekkoek IBII 14lil1 Users Club Systems Dept. P.O. Box 9999 Amsterdam, The Netherlands DESCRIPTIOli - Two pass assembly of source prcgrams directly into condensed cards. Pre-and postlist included. No restrictions. extended error checks. Undefined, etc. labels printed after pass 1. PRO GRAil lIUIIBER 14lil1811lil17 Indicate liE 11 1" in columns 1-3 and the Program lIumber in columns 4-13 on the IBM Program Order Form. PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - Written in SPS Language. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - 4K affords possibility for usage of over 25lil labels per iteration, SK of over 89lil. No special features needed. 4K-SK-12K-16K, 14lil2, 1493. AU~HOR: R. B. Rosenberger BASIC PROGRAK PACKAGE DOCUIIEliTATION - write-up. IIACHIliE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: E. E. Rosenberger IBII Corporation 52lil Boylston Street Boston 16, lIass. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORKATION: DESCRIPTIOli - This program will assemble source programs with restrictions outlined below, on 1481 systems with only two tape units. It provides for unlimited reiterations, and produces an assembly listing and a program deck in the Autocoder condensed format. PROGRAK NUKBER 14lil1lil11lil36 PROGRAII NUIIBER EITENSIOli DISTRIBUTIOli IIEDIUK TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* none OPTIONAL none none none PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - Written in 1481 Autocoder. IIINIKUK SYSTEK REQUIREIIEliTS 1. 14lill with 4K or larger storage. 2. 1492. 3. 14lil3 with 132 print positions. 4. Two tape units (729 or 733lil). 5. High/Low/Equal Compare feature. 6. Advanced Programming feature. PROGRAK NUIIBER 1491911918 PROGRAII lIUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION KEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* CPTIONAL none liT liT 7/556 7/S99 Robert Stern DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: Robert Stern ' IBII Corporation 4lil Saw lIill River Road Hawthorne, New York 111532 OPTIONAL FROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUKEliTATION - None. lIachine Readable - Source code. ORDERING INFORIIATION: 1491-91.1.939 - - PRE-LIST !Q!! !!!TOCill!.ll!! SOURCE DECK AUTHOR: EASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIEliTATION - Write-up. IIACHIN! READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. USER VOLUftE REQUIREII!NT USER VOLUKE REQUIREKENT 99 none 22 24 91 III DESCRIPTION - This program will make a thorough check on an Autocoder source deck listing each statement and printing any errors found in that statement on the same line. In addition the program will print at the end of the listing a symbol table indicating undefined operands unreferenced and duplicable labels. It will check for page/line out of sequence, invalid label, invalid operation, column 19, flag all non-standard mnemonics as macros, test for all logical errors in the operand and compare columns 73 75 to blank. PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - Written in Autocoder. 1491-lil1.1.lil35 ---1U.ll g111.ll12 LOADER AUTHOR: R. A. Pescevich DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: R. A. Pescevich IBII Corporation 24lil Broadway Paterson, New Jersey DESCRIPTION - The Tape system Loader perllits the 14lill user to place several programs on one system tape. The system loader can-select a program for loading, add a new program to the system from condensed cards or from Autocoder loadable tape, delete a program from the system, list all the header control records of the programs on the the system, place itself on the system tape, and duplicate the system ontc another tape. IIINIIIUII SYSTEK R!QUIREMl!lITS - Requires 8K storage, Advanced Programming and High-LOW-Equal Compare. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIEN~ATION - Write-up. IIACHIliE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL FROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUKENTATION - None. IIACHINE READABLE - Source code. OBDERING INFORIIATICN: PROGRAII NUIIBER 141119111139 PROGRAM NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUM TYPE CODE BASIC none CA.RDS OPTIONAL none DTR* PROGRAIIMING SYSTEIIS - Written in 1491 tape Autocoder. MINIIIUM SYSTEII REQUIREMENTS - SK system with the features and equipment for tape Autocoder. However, it can be easily modified for a 4k 14lil1 by changing several modify address instructions. BASIC FROGRAM PACKAGE 11191-91.1.943 -~UTOCODiR R!!.ll=!1111 AOTHOR: H. A. lIiller, Jr. DIRECT TECHNIClL INQUIRIES TO: 15 USER VOLUME REQUIREIIENT none none COBTRIBUTED PROGRAIIS 1491 14111 PAGE 1132 COBTIBUED PROI! PRICR CCLUIIN COBTIBUED FRCII PRIOR PAGE B.A. I!iller, Jr. IBII Corporation 1129 Connecticut Avenue, N. W. Washington, D. C. DESCRIPTION - Audits basic Autocoder stateaents for pageline sequence, identification, valid anemonic or actual operation including standard Autocoder/IOCS macros, valid symbolic or actual operands including valid D-modifier to mnemonic relationship, logical instruction length, blanks in card columns 73 - 75, and duplicate or undefined labels within the limits of storage. The source deck being assembled is read tvice. The first reading sets up an internal label table, the second time through a ccndensed deck is punched and the listing printed. A label table is also printed vith unreferenced and duplicate labels indicated as such. IIA, SAR, SBR, IIIZ, I!CII, BBE, and indexing cannot be assembled with this program. Tape, disk, and drum instructions of any type cannot be assembled. There is a maximum number of labels that can be processed and this varies from 224-252. DSA. DS, DC and DCW cards are placed in memory vhere they appear in the source deck. PROGRAIIIIIBG SYSTEI!S - Written in SPS. PROGRAI!IIIBG SYSTEIIS - Written in Autocoder. I!INIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREI!EBTS - A 4K 14111 (any model). 14112, and 1493 with no special features is required. 1I1NIIIUII SYSTEI! REQUIREIIEBTS - Requires 4K 14111, 1492, 14113 lIod. 1 or 2, High-Lov-Equal Compare. and Advanced Programming. Label capacity is 666 for 8K, 1333 for 12K and 211011 for 16K. Program has 887 Autocoder source statements occupying 3976 positions of storage. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATIOB - Write-up. IIACHIBE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. ORDERING IBFORI!ATIOB: OPTIONAL PRCGRAII PACKAGE - None. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIEBTATION - None. MACHIBE READABLE - Appropriate .aterial delivered. ORDERING IBFORI!ATIOB: PROGRAII BUIIBER 1401011043 PRCGRAII BUI!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTIOB IIEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT ----------none OPTIONAL none DTR* none 1401-01.1.051 ---l'iiilL1!!§~ PACE PRE-ASSEIIBL Y CHEC! AND AUTHOR: !.!!ll 931115 PROGRAIII!ING SYSTEIIS - Written in Autocoder. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - 1491/1460 system with a minimum storage of 4,990 positions, 1-1311, High-Lo-Equal Compare and Advanced Prograllliing. BASIC FROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. PROGRAII NUIIBER 1401011051 DISTRIBUTICB IIEDIUI! TIPE CODE BASIC none CARDS 15 none CPTIOBAL none DTR* 09 none AUTHOR: PAS1j none DTR* none none 1401-111.1.956 -~4111/14.!!! AUTHOR: 1111 none none lH!ll ~YSTEII/36! BAS1£ AESEIIBLY 1!!!GUAGE W. H. Barbee 27603 USER VOLUIIE REQUIRElIlBT !~gIlBLER Robert E. "arden DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TC: Robert E. lIarden The Putnam I!anagement Co. 60 Congress Street Eoston, I!assachusetts 02101 DESCRIPTION - This program was designed specifically for 4K card systeas, and completely eliminates the card for card punching normally associated with card assemblers. No special features are required to use this program. PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - Written in Basic Assemtly Language. IIINIIIUI! SIS TEll REQUIREIIENTS - A 4K 1401/1440 vith indexing and Store Address registers, 1402/1442 Card Reader. 1403/1443 Printer, and one (1) 1311 Disk Drive. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up. IIACHIBE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORIIATION: PROGRAII NUftBER 1401011056 PROGRAII BUIIBER EXTENSIO',lI DISTRIBUTION liED lUll TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT 00 none none 1401-01.2.003 THRll 1!El:! SORT E!!£2!!ll AUTHOR: PROGRAII BUIIBER EXTENSION 1401-01.1.052 BASIC OPTIONAL USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIEBT R. Zuidhof DIRECT TECHBICAL INQUIRIES TO: R. Zuidhof Bataafse Inter. Petrol. lIaatschappij Data Processing Center The Bague Netherlands OFTICNAL FROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - None. IIACHINE READABLE - Source code. -----ill-~INGL! DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE DESCRIPTIOB - This program edits System/360 Basic Assembly Language on 1401/1440. It produces a program listing, literal listing, and label listing. The program processes BAL statements; it lists BOS and DOS IOCS macros and job control stateaents as comments. Error messages are interspersed in the program listing_ DESCRIPTION - PACE brings to the 1491/14611 user an efficient and meaningful diagncstic program. It viII check and edit 1401 Autocoder and Autocoder/IOCS source programs by detecting undefined labels, format and parameter errors, coding errcrs and key punch errors. The printed output provides a label table in alphabetical order followed by a listing of the source program with errors underlined by significant special characters. An edit is also performed on DIOCS and DTF entries for acceptability and spelling. There are three checks of Autocoder statements pertaining to labels, operation codes and operands. The checking results are equal to an Autocoder assembly. Printed output options are available with sense switches. PACE viII allow programmers to become more productive by minimizing program testing. Since it averages betveen 195 and 265 cards per minute depending upon the machine configuration, it will also eliminate a substantial amount of machine time previously used for assembly and program testing. ORDERING IBFCRIIATION: PROGRAII NUI!BER EXTENSION DIRECT TECHBICAL INQUIRIES TO: W. B. Barbee IBI! Corporation P. O. Box 9266 Raleigh, Borth Carolina E. N. Averkamp DIRECT TECHNICAL IBQUIRIES TO: B. N. Averkamp IBI! corporation 23 Hitchcock way Santa Barbara, California PROGRAII BUIIBER 149111111152 DESCRIPTION - To provide a sort program for 1401 systems using 3 magnetic tape units. The program consists of four phases and may also be used for merging two tape files which are already in ascending order. IIINIIIUII SYSTEI! REQUIREIIENTS - 41100 positions of core storage, Advanced Programming feature, High-Low-Equal Compare feature, Sense Switches feature. three (3) tape units (7330 or 729 II or IV). BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up on lIicrofiche only. IIACHIBE READABLE - None. ORDERING IBFORIIATION: PROGRAI! NUIIBER 1401012003 Indicate "B N 1" in columns 1-3 and the Program Bumber in columns 4-13 cn the IBII Program Order Form. CONTRIBUTED PROGRAMS 11181 1481 PAGE 833 CONTINUED FROft PRIOR COLUftN AUTHOR: A. C. Forlenza DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: A. C. Forlenza IBft Corporation 228 Church Street New York 13. New York EXTENSION TYPE BASIC none DTR· CODE REQUIREI!ENT none OPTIONAL none none none 11181-81.2.823 -----"IBII 1481t1448.l.1mL1lli DISK SORT DESCRIPTION - This prograa will sort fixed length. fixed blcck records on a two-tape 1481 provided the control fields are numeric only. Input and output are on tape. User specifies his record size. control fields. etc •• on a single control card. Portion of documentation of program is built into listing using comaents and coaaents cards. Up to 5 numeric control fields are allowed. Maximum input volume is one reel of tape. therefore. actual number of records which can be sorted will vary with block size and record length. ftaximum input block size is 1288 characters. PROGRAftMING SYSTEftS - written in SPs. MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREftENTS - 4K memory size is needed and sense switches are desireable for use of an operating option in the read error routine. No other special features are required. AUTHOR: A. E. Seymour DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: A. E. Seymour IBft Corporation 2888 S. W. First Portland. Ore. 97281 DESCRIPTION - This program is a generalized disk sort and will run on 1448/1468/1481. Darts-2 will sort fixed length hlocked or unblocked records in sector mode and fixed length records in track mode. Darts-2 will sort ascending or decending alpha or numeric. Darts-2 will provide exits for job to job linkage. monitor linkage. inquiry linkage. can reside on disk or tape. and uses a very small work area. Input and output areas may be physically the same or addressed the saae. BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUI!ENTATION - Write-up. I!ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. PROGRA!!ftING SYSTEMS - Written in 1481-1448 Autocoder and consists of 2 Programs. OPTICNAl PROGRAft PACKAGE - None. ftINlftUM SYSTE!! REQUIREMENTS- 8K. Advanced Programming. Hi-Lo-Eqaul. 1311. 14112-1482. ORDERING INFORftATION: PROGRAI! NUftBER 1481812812 PROGRAft NUI!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION I!EDIUI! TYPE CODE USER VOLUftE REQUIREftENT EASIC none DTR· none CPTIONAL none none none BASIC PROGRAI! FACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - Write-up. ftACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIOlUl PROGRAI! PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORMATION: PROGRAM NUI!BER 1481812823 PROGRAM NUMBER EXTENSION 11181-81.2.818 --£!j]~Y§l AUTHOR: P. B. ftayo USER VOLUIIE REQUIREI!ENT BASIC none DTR· none OPTIONAL none none none --------- . - - - - - - . DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: P. B. ftayo 5622 7th Road South Arli ngton. virginia 1481-81.2.825 - - ~!1 ~ORT 1 ::. .D.11 111.§! LOA11 AUTHOR: DESCRIPTION - This is a card collating program designed to sequence check. sequence check with selection. merge. merge with selection. match. and match with selection. A maxiaum of 16 parameter controlled fields may be utilized. PROGRAMI!ING SYSTEI!S - Written in Autocoder. ftINIMUM SYSTEI! REQUIREI!ENTS - A 1481 with 11K. Hi-Lo-Eq Ccmpare and Advanced Programming features. a 1482 with Punch Feed Read and Read Feed Stacker Delay features and any model 1483. BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUI!ENTATION - Write-up on lIicrofiche only. IIICHINE READABLE - None. CRDERING INFORIIATION: DISTRIBUTION I!EDIUft TYPE CODE F. P. Welch DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: University of California Group A8-7 Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory P. O. Box 1663 Los Alamos. N.I!. 875411 DESCRIPTION - Sort 7 may be loaded from disk as well as from tape or cards. In this way. a disk drive can be used in place of a fifth tape unit. and Sort 7 may reside on the same disk pack with other programs. I!INIftUI! SYSTE!! REQUIREMENTS - Saae as for Sort 7. except an IBft 1311 Disk Storage DriVe is used instead of fifth tape unit. PROGRAM NUI!BER 1481812818 Indicate "E N 1" in coluans 1-3 and the Program Number in columns 11-13 on the IBft Program Order Form. BASIC PROGRAI! PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - write-up on fticrofiche only. I!ACHINE READABLE - None. ORDERING INFORftATION: PROGRAft NUftBER 11181812825 11181-81.2.822 ---~! THREE !APE ~!IT I!ERGE AUTHOR: Indicate "B N 1" in columns 1-3 and the Program Number in columns 11-13 on the IBI! Program Order Form. F. Oberembt DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: F. Oberembt St. Joseph Indian School Chamberlain. S.D. 11181-81.3.883 GENERA! ~~Q~J;; :!}B-B!f! PROGRA~ AUTHOR: DESCRIPTION - The purpose is to provide an alphanuaeric sort program for 1481 system using three magnetic tape units. It is a modification of 1481-£1.2.883. Input is fixed length blocked unblocked records. output is ascending sequence cnly. PROGRAftllING SYSTEftS - Written in Autocoder. I!INII!UM SYSTEI! REQUIREftENTS - Advanced Prograllming. HighLow-Equal Compare sense switches. three tape units (7338 or 729 II or IV.) and 8888 positions of core. BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUI!ENTATION - Write-up. I!ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. DIRECT TECHNICAL INCUIRIES TO: B. T. Smith The Warner Brothers Company 325 Lafayette Street Bridgeport 1. Conn. DESCRIPTION - To provide tabulations or listings of summary cards or initial data cards for control and verification purposes. This prograa may have the following 1. Card A up to ten. eights coluan add field descriptions. 2. Card B A/uP to ten positive. ten coluan add fields. or up to ten negative. eight column add fields. Bj up to three classes of comparing of not Bore than ten columns for each class of comparing. Cj up to four classes of totals. 31179 core positions are required for this program. OPTIONAL PROGRAM PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORMATION: ftINII!Uft SYSTEII RI!QUIREftEHTS - 4K. 1481 card system. with the Advanced Progra.ming package. and 1483 Printer. PROGRAI! NUftBER 11181812822 PRCGRAft NUMBl!B DISThIBU:(i.jN ftEDIUM USER VOLUME BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE CO.TRIBUTED PROGRAMS PAGE 834 1481 1481 CO.TINUED FRCM PRIOR PAGE CONTIN~ED I:OCUMENTATION - Write-up on Microfiche only. MACHINE READABLE - None. ORDERING INFORMATION: FROM PRIOR COLUMN each job instead of an entire program. This program can tate the place of many programs for listings and tabulations. Listing, tabulating, and group indicating fields cannot be greater than fourteen fields. Maximum counter size is ten digits in all cases. Minor, intermediate and major breats are each controlled by one field of thirty columns maximum. PROGRAM NUMBER 1481813883 Indicate "E N 1" in columns 1-3 and the Program Number in columns 4-13 on the IBM program Order Form. PROGHAMMING SYSTEMS - Written in SPS. AUTHOR: MI.IMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - A 1481 with 4,888 positions of storage and Hi-Low-Equal Compare, 1482 and 1483 Model 1 or 2. Uses 3,988 positions of storage. 275 lines per minute output during a listing job and 488 cards per minute during a tabulate job on a 1481 system without print storage. B. Bardin DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: B. Bardin New Yort University Enginee'i:ing Research Division Data Processing & Computation Lab 233 Fordham Landing Road Bronx 68, New Yort BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - Write-up. MACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAM PACKAGE - Bone. DESCRIPTION - To provide a compact card listing program for use on a 188 or 132 position printer, with the carriage being restored at the start of the job and on forms overflow. Operating procedures place dect to be listed behind program card in read hopper. Load program. To bring. last card, press start. ORDERING INFORMATICN: MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - Any 1481 Model with 3 index registers. BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE I:OCUMENTATION - Write-up. MACBINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. PROGRAM BUMBER 14B1813822 PROGRAM NUMBER EXTENSIOB DISTRIBUTION MEDIUM TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· none OPTIOIAL none none none 1481-81.3.824 --1!!!~&! PBI!! HRGE fONSECUTIVB BUI!BERa .QJ! 1!!!')g~ OPTIONAL PROGRAM PACKAGE - None. AUTHOR: CRDERING INFCRMATION: DIRECT TECHNICAL INCUIRIES TO: Paul K. Duerr IBM Corporation Dept. 317 owego, New York 13827 PROGRAM NUMBER 1481813811 PROGRAM NUMBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION MEDIUM TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· CPTIONAL none none 1481-81.3.818 ----~iLF CENTERING AUTHOR: USER YOLUME REQUIREMENT 88 USER YOLUME REQUIRUENT Paul K. Duerr none none 2!!ill REP!!!!:! .12.!!lCKIEl N. T. Redfern DESCRIPTION - The program was designed specifically to explode the size of consecutive numbers to be printed on inch high labels, but any numbers of from one to nine digits may be printed. The numbers printed are all slightly less than 7/8 inch in height. Only digits "8 n through "9" and blanks may be printed. A control card is needed for each application. User routines may be easily included. !lIBIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMEBTS - The program may be run on any 1481 or 1468. Core size is 1329 locations and no special features are required. DIRECT TECHNICAL IRQUIRIES TO: N. T. Redfern Pactage Machinery company 338 Chestnut Street East Longmeadow, Mass. 81828 BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUMENTATIOB - Write-up. MACHIBE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. DESCRIPTION - Produce quict geometrically spaced printed report without designing a sFecific layout, as a listing or tabulation, with or without summary punching, onto one of three specified sizes of paper widths (8 1/2 in., 18 5/8 in., 14 7/8 in.) according to field definition and field control established by preparation of simple control cards. OPTIONAL PROGRAM PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORMATION: PROGRAM BUMBER PROGRAM BUMBER EXTEBSIOB 1481813~24 DISTRIBUTIOB MEDIUM TYPE CODE USER YOLUME REQUIREMENT B1SIC none DTR· none OPTIOBAL none none none AUTHOR: W. J. Teagarden PROGRAI!!ING SYSTEMS - Written in SPs. MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMEBTS - A 1481 with 4K storage. Bo special features required, bowever, equipment with less than 132 Frint Fosi tions cannot specify use of 14 7/8 in. width paper. BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUIIEBTATION - Write-up. MACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIOBAl FROGRAII PACKAGE - Bone. ORDERIBG IBFORMATION: PROGRAM BUMBER 1481813818 PROGRAM BUMBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTIOB MEDIUM TYPE CODE EASIC none DTR· CPTIONAL none none 1481-81.3.822 -----~"Q.!!!l = ~PUR AUTHOR: 88 USER YOLUME REQUIREUBT none none Q! !!!~ '!!Q!!EBT REPORTING G. W. Junkin DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: G. W. Juntin IBM Corporation 6988 Fannin Street Houston, Texas 77825 DESCRIPTIOB - Provides an easy and quick means of producing a printed report from card input. This permits a short response time for one-time requests and provides a stopgap program to allow additional time for programming a specific job. Saves program storage space for it is only necessary to retain a maximum cf eight setup cards for DIRECT TECHNICAL INCUIRIES TO: W. J. Teagarden Southern Permanente Services 143 South Alvarado Street Los Angeles 57, California DESCRIPTION - A utility program which provides rapid conversion of 684, 602, and 528 jobs to the 1481. This load and go program also may be used to reprcduce cards as well as gang punching, selective reproducing, sequence numbering, listing or combinations of these operations. Two card routines and end-of-file routine may be developed. The effective working storage of the object program is comprised of 28 counters and 28 Storage Units of ten positions each. Multiplication and division can be executed only from counters. Approximately 1888 positions of core are available to build the three routines of 1,888 positions, 588 positions and 388 positions. MIIIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMEBTS - 4K 1481. Punch Feed Read, Multiply-Divide and High-Low-Equal Compare features are required if prcgram is co.pletely used. BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUMENTATIOB - Write-up on Microfiche only. MACHINE READABLE - None. ORDERING INFORMATICN: PROGRAII BUMBER 1481814818 Indicate nB B 1" in columns 1-3 and the Program Number CONTRIBUTED PROGR1IIS 1481 nl1 OPTIOBAL in columns 4-13 on the IBII Program Order Porm. 1481-81.4.812 -----SCOOP 1 ! AUTHOR: 11 PAGE 835 CONTIBUED PROII PRIOR COLUIIN CONTINUED PRCII PRIOR P1GE !1! =SIIIFLIPIED COIVIRSIOI Q! fTHER RYICHES 1481-81.4.854 REPRO-REPRODUCER AUTHOR: Louis P. Poulin none none ~IMULlTOR none ROUTINE FOR TIH! 11l!! .1'i!1 R. Weber DIRECT TECHNICAL IBCUIRIES TO: R. Weber IBII corporation 1933 W. Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee 3, Wisconsin DIRECT TECHNIC1L INQUIRIES TO: Louis P. Poulin California-Western State Life Insurance Co. 2121 1 Street Sacramento 4, California DESCRIPTIOI - To provide a simple method of converting 98 column cards in descending sequeliCe to 88 column cards (or lIagnetic Tape) in ascending sequence. PROGR11IIIING SYSTEIIS - Written in RPG. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - 1481 with 4,888 positions of storage and Column Binary device. Scoop 11 requ~res the ldvanced 'programming package. The Interchangea~le Brush Block (RPQ 10. 899287) is not requ~red when using SCOOP. DESCRIPTIOB - T~is program simulates the 514 Reproducer by assembling within core a program to do such operations as (1) Adding Holerith information to the card; (2) Reproducing and shifting fields of information; (3) Skipping over columns; (4) sequentially numbering cards; (5) Moving zones from one column to another; and (6) Adding of zones to the desired columns. PROGRAMIIING SYSTEIIS - Written in SPS. IIINIMUM SYSTEII REQUIREMENTS - 1481 Model B, with 1482 Reader punch, no special features. B1SIC PROGR11I PACKAGE DOCUIIENT1TION - Write-up. 1I1CHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUIIENT1TION - Write-up. MACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL FROGR11I PACKAGE - None. OPTIOBAL FReGRAII PACKAG'E - Bone. ORDERING INPORIIATION: PROGR11I BUIIBER 1481814812 FROGRAII NUIIBIR EXTENSIOB DISTRIBUTIOB IIEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPT;[Ol'lAL none none ORDERING IBFORMATIeN: USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIEBT 88 Jerry Kimball DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE none BASIC none DTR* none OPTIONAL none none USER VOLUME REQUIREIIEBT none 81l none 1401-81.4.856 GENERALIZED !ABULATE AND/OR SEQUENCE CHECKING !,ROGRlM 1481-81.4.1122 1J1'] UPDAll UTILITY 1'!!lGRAII AUTHORS: PROGRAII BUIIBER 1481814854 PROGRAII BUMBER EXTENSIOB lIarvin Bader AUTHOR: L. R. Debuys III DIRECT TECHNICAL INCUIRIES TO: L. R. Debuys 111 IBII Corporation P. o. Eox 19627 2648 canal Street Bew orleans, Louisiana DIRECT TECHBIC1L IIQUIRIES TO: Jerry Kimball U. S. lrmy Strategy & Tactics Anal. Group 4815 Rugby Avenue Bethesda 14, lIaryland DESCRIPTION - To update a BCD tape of B files, whose records are less than 888 characters. Entire files, or individual records within a file may be deleted, changed, or inserted by the use of control cards and the sense switches. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIRBI!ENTS - lIemory 4K 1I0del C 1481 with two Tape Units, 1483 Printer, Advanced programming, Multiply-Divide, and High-Low-Equal Compare. DESCRIPTIOB - To eliminate the necessit'y for many individual programs required at a 1481 installation to take control and balance totals. To provide a rapid means of checking sequence of a file of cards prior to a long 1481 program run. PROGRAIIMING SYSTEMS - Written in SPS. BASIC FROGR1M PACK1GE DOCUMEBT1TIOB - Write-up on lIicrofiche only. 1I1CHIIE READ1BLE - None. IIINIIIUII SYSTEM REQUIREIIEBTS - 1481-1.4K, 1482, 1403 Model 1 or 2. ORDERING IBPCRIIATION: BASIC PROGRlII PACKAGE DOCUIIEBTATION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. PROGRAII BUMBER 1481814822 Indicate "E N 1n in columns 1-3 and the Program Number in columns 4-13 on the IBII Program Order Porm. OPTIO,BAL PROGRAII PICKAG! - Bone. ORDERING IBPORIIATION: 1481-81.4.851 ---~j1.!CTIvE REPRODUCE AUTHOR: = GUI~ PROGBAII NUIIBER 1481814856 PROGRAII NUMBER EITENSIOB PUBf!! POR IJ!] 1481 R. G. Harmon DIRECT TECHNICn IHQ01BIES TO: R. G. Harmon D. C. Government Pinance Division Municipal Center 3rd & Indiana Avenue N. W. Washington, D. C. DISTRIBUTION MEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none USER VOLURE REQUIBEIIENT 88 none none 1481-81.4.858 TAPE~~!! AUTHOR: DESCRIPTION - SELRP is a card to card reproduce/gang punch routine with provisions for column splitting. The master gang punch card must be placed behind the program deck whether gang punching or not. IIINIMUII SYSTEII REQUIREMENTS - 1488 core storage positions, no special features required. G. Estep DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: G. Estep American Airlines M&E Center Management Research Division 2888 Borth Ringo Road Tulsa, Oklaboma DESCRIPTIOB - To search tape files for specific records, and emit via printer, card and/or tape any or all such data contained within the selected records in an organized usable format. BASIC FReGRAII PACKAGE tOCUIIEl'ITlTIOB - Write-up. MACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL FROGRAII PACKAGE - Bone. PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEMS - Written in SPS. CRDERING INPCRIIATICB: BASIC PROGRAII NUMBER 1401814051 PROGBAII NUIIBEB EXTENSION DISTRIBUTIOB KEDIUII TYPE CODE none DTR* 88 USER VOLUIIE REQUIREMENT none IIINIIIUM SYSTEM REQUIREIIEBTS - 8-16K, 2 tapes, Hi-Lo-Equal Compare, Advanced Program.ing. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIEBTATION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. COBTRIBUTED PROGRA!S 1481 1481 PAGE 836 CONTINUED lRO!! PRIOR COLU!!N COBTINUED lRO! PRIOR PAGE !!ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRA! PACKAGE - None. ORDERING IN10R!ATION: PROGRAII NU!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none AUTHOR: OPTIONAl PROGRA! PACKAGE - None. PROGRA! NU!BER 1481814858 USBR VOLU!B REQUIREIIENT none BASIC none DTR* none none AUTHOR: DESCRIPTION - This program will print-out the whole meaory in bands of 188 positions, with numbering of locations. The printout format is easily readable and well suited for debugging. !!INIIIU! ·SYSTE! REQUIREIIENTS - 4K, 1482, 1483 !odel 1. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRA! PACKAGE - None. PROGRAII NU!!BER 1481814863 DISTRIBUTION IIEDIU!! TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none n!~~ USER VOLU!E REQUIRE!EBT 88 none none TESTING. AND CONDEliSING lrank T. Boy DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: lrank T. !oy Raytheon Co. Equipment Division Surface Radar and Navigation Operation Wayland, !assachusetts DESCRIPTION - APTCO is a load-and-go program designed to minillize programaing, testing. and debugging time required for business programs and yet provide the flexibility to handle a wide variety of problems for a card systea 1481, from siaple listings. reproductions and gangpunchings to coaplicated reports requiring extensive use of logic operations. APTCO will autoaatically handle up to 5 heading lines. 9 total levels. and 198 syabolic labels. In one pass. APTCO will print a listing of the control cards with error indications. print a core duap if desired. and test generated program or run actual details. APTCO will autoaatically generate multiply/divide subroutine when required and will handle punch feed read problems. PROGRAII!ING SYSTE!!S - Written in actual (condensed). PROGRA! NU!!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !!EDIU! TYPE CODE OPTIONAL 1481-81.4.894 ll!£Q _ AUTO!ATI£ QPERlTION DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: Uri J. Shafir IBII Israel Ltd. P. O. Box 2881 Tel-Aviv, Israel PROGRA! NU!!BER 1481814871 PROGRl!! NU!BER EXTENSION none 88 Uri J. Shafir ORDERING IN10R!!ATION: ORDERING IN10R!ATICN: USER VOLU!E ~EQUIRE!ENT 88 !INI!U! SYSTE! REQUIREIIENTS - 4K storage - Additional storage capacity is entirely available for object prograll. none none BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!ENTATION - Write-up. !ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate aaterial delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRA! PACKAGE - None. 1481-81.4.868 !U!.frulDUCE, E!IT, ]1I!!I1!!I!L M.flillmlQ ---jjl! = AUTHOR: DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TC: Evan J. Staudt E. I. du Pont de Neaours Film Departllent Programming Group Brandywine Bldg. Wilmington 99, Delaware & PROGRA!!!ING SYSTEIIS - Source language is 1481 SPS. !INIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIRE!!ENTS - High-Lov-Equal Compare, Advanced Programming package. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE £OCU!ENTATION - Write-up on lIicrofiche only. !ACHINE READABLE - None. ORDERING IN10RIIATION: PROGRA! NU!BER 1481814868 Indicate liE N 1" in columns 1-3 and the Program Number in columns 4-13 on the IB! Program Order lorll. 1481-81.4.871 -----£Qi!--~~ rul~TIN~ Robert J. Speck DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: Robert J. Speck IB! Corporation Civil Progralls, FSD 1111 Connecticut Avenue Washington 6, D. C. DISTRIBUTION !!EDIU!! TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none 1481-8'.4.896 UNIVBRSAL AUTHOR: 88 none none !E!!Q~ g~1!! DIRECT TECHNICAL lNQUIRIES TO: Louis J. Copi ts IBII Corporation 378 W. 1st Street Dayton, Ohio DESCRIPTION - This prograa is designed to provide a legible (DOT) memory print. It will autoaatically modify itself to run on a 1481 of any memory size. Only the 88 bank must be printed from the console. Core from 881 to the upper limit of the object machine is then printed. PROGRAII!ING SYSTE!!S - Written in Absolute and SPS. 8INI!!I!! SYSTE!! REQUIREIIENTS - 1481, any model. 1492. 1493, 80del 2. No 1481 special features are required. contains 322 SPS instruction and cOllment cards in 1 per card format. The condensed object deck contains 96 cards. Checked out on 4K, 8K and 16K systems of varying configurations. A single high order core position (i. e. 3999 on 4K system. 15999 on a 16K system) is destroyed. but a work mark there is unchanged. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Write-up. !ACHIBE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE - None. ORDERING IN10R!ATION: PROGRA!!!ING SYSTE!!S - Source - written in SPS. IIINIIIU!! SYSTE! REQUIRE!ENTS - 1481 with Advanced prograaaing and High-Low-Equal Compare. USER VOLU!!E REQUIREIIENT Louis J. Copits DESCRIPTION - This is a subroutine which enables the user to take core dumps under program control while testing his program. Thus, a special prograa does not have to be loaded into the machine each tiae a core dump is needed, nor is it necessary to aanually duap the read and punch areas. Test time is thereby aore efficiently utilized. BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Write-up. PROGRAII NU!BER 1481814894 PROGRA!! NU!!BER EXTENSION Co. DESCRIPTION - This program will reproduce cards, emit characters into output card colullns, eliminate input card columns from output car.d columns, and re-arrange input card columns to output card columns. AUTHOR: ORDERING IN10R!!ATION: Evan J. Staudt PROGRA!! NU!!BER 1481814996 PROGRA! NU!BER BXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !!EDIU! TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none 98 USER VOLU!E REQUIRE!!ENT none none COB'lRIBUTED PROGRAIIS 1481 1481 PAGE 837 CONTINUED PRO II PRIOR COLUBN R. J. Hoynes IBII Corporation 285 Whitney Avenue New Haven 18, Connecticut 1481-81.4.183 RELOCATlBLE ~ ~ AUTHOR: J. L. Bannasaith DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: J. L. Bannasaith IBB corporation 188 south Wacker Drive chicago, Illinois DESCRIPTION - The prograa traces tape, card RABAC, binary and standard 1481 commands. It shows steps, data, address registers and index registers. Output is printed on t.he 1483 with one line per program step executed. This line contains 1. The location of the step being executed, 2. The actual step, 3. Up to 15 characters of the B field before taking the step, 4. The B field after taking the step,S. The contents of the A and B address registers after the step, 6. The contents of index registers 1, 2, and 3 at the tiae of eXEcution. The trace prograa follows an object program one step at a time by extracting your steF, placing it in the appropriate trace analysis routine and actually executing your step within the area occupied by trace. PROGRAIIIHNG SYSTEIIS - Written in machine language. DESCRIPTION - To duplicate BCD or binary tape records from 13 to 2388 characters in length. with the setting of sense switches it will duplicate single or multiple files, and write a trailer label. The tape to be duplicated is mounted on unit 1 and file protected. The output tape is mounted on unit 2 with a Pile Protect ring. Sense switches are set for the oFtions desired. Tape one is read into core, tested for size, headers, trailers and noise records and written on tape two. The program will not copy records greater than 2388 characters or less than 12 characters. PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - written in 1481 Autocoder. IIIII:IIIU!! SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - A 1481 !!odel C, 4K systemwith two tape units, 1482, 1483, Advanced Programming and binary features (optional). BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAB PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INPOR!!ATION: IIINIBUB SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - 1. 8888 positions of core, 2. Advanced Programming, 3. Any features or devices called for in the object program. BASIC PROGRUI PACKAGE J)OCUBEB'llTION - Write-up. BACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. PROGRAB NU!!BER 1481814188 PROGRA!! NU!!BER EXTENSION· DISTRIBUTION BEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OFTIONAL none none USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT 88 none none OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORBATION: PROGRAB NU!!BER 1481814183 PROGRAB NUBBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION BEDIUB TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none 1481-81.4.124 !!ODIPI~ DU!!P USER YOLU!!E REQUIRE!!ENT 88 none none 1481-81.4.187 ---STA£! ~!ORAGE Q! TAPE !!l ABRIDg £ARD KEEPING = AUTROR: AUTHOR: W. A. Delchamps DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: W. A. Delchamps General Electric Co. Apollo Support Department P. O. Eox 294 Huntsville, Alabama DESCRIPTION - This routine is the standard IBB 1481 DUIIP modified to provide the following additional conveniences- I. A. Epp 1. Logic indicators included in printout. 2. All group .arks are changed to lozenges. 3. Blank blocks of memory (X88-X99) are not printed. DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: I. A. Epp IB!! corporation 3424 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles 5, California IIINIIIU!! SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - positions 1-88 initially and 81-399 after contents have been printed. DESCRIPTION - A set of three prograas designed to a1n1m1ze punched card storage by stacking card files on aagnetic tape. Size and format of card files are virtually unlimited. The equivalent of up to ten cases of cards .ay be placed on one 2488-foot reel of tape at 556 cpi. The set consists of1. Card to Tape program (CTTAP). 2. Update program (updat). In addition to adding, deleting, or replacing files, this program will copy the input tape and will furnish a list of the file-titles with the nu.ber of records in the files. 3. Search program (SERCH) to retrieve files in punched and/or printed form. BASIC PROGRAB PACKAGE DOCUBENTATION - Write-up. BACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAB PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORBATION: PROGRAB NUIIBER 1481814124 PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !!EDIUB TYPE COtE USER YOLUIIE REQUIRE!!ENT BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none 88 BINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREl!ENTS - Update - 1481 8K, 2 tapes. Search and Card-to-Tape - 4K, 1 tape. All 3 programs require 1482, 1483, sense switches, Advanced programming and High-Low-Equal Compare features. AUTHOR: R. J. Evans BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up. IIACHINE REAJ)ABLE - AppropriatE material delivered. DIRECT TECHNICAL INCUIRIES TO: R. J. Evans lIedical Service Association of Pennsylvania Camp Hill, pennsylvania 17811 none none PROGRABIIING SYSTE!!S - Autocoder with IOCS. OPTIONAl PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUBENTATION - None. IIACHINE READABLE - Source code. ORDERING INPORIIATION: PROGRAB NUIIBER 1401814187 PROGRAB NUl!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE USER YOLUIIE REQUIRE!!ENT BASIC none DTR* 88 none OPTIONAL none DTR* 88 none AUTHOR: B. J. Hoynes DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: DESCRIPTION - To print decision tables on 1483 Printer. The principle benefits of this method are the ability to quickly update and produce decision tables which are suitable for photographic reproduction. The input cards (one or two per line) identify the line as a title, setup, condition or action line. The decision table to be printed aay contain any number of lines and allows for 15 rules and an else rule. If less than 9 entries are all that are needed, only one card need be prepared per line. Extended or limited entry may be used. PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - written in 1481 Autocoder. BINIBUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - This program uses 1485 positions of core storage. 4K 1481, Hi-Lo-Equal Compare, Advance Programming features, 1482 Card Reader punch, 1483 Printer with 132 positions. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - write-up on lIicrofiche only. IIACHINE REA tABLE - None. CORTRIBUTED PROGRA!S PAGE 038 1401 1401 CONTINUED PRO! PRIOR PAGE ORDERING INPOR!ATIOR: CONTINUED PROII PRIOR COLUIIN PROGRA! RUSEER 1481814'26 required for this program. A m1n1mum of 4K 1481 card systell with the Advanced Programming package and 1483 Printer. Indicate liE N 1" in columns 1-3 and the Program Number in columns 4-13 on the IBS Program Order Forll. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up. MACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAM PACKAGE - None. AUTHOR: T. o. Hiltabidle ORDERING INFORSATION: DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: 'I. O. Hiltabidle IB! corporation 2330 St. Paul Street Baltimore 18, Saryland DESCRIPTION - This program will machine docullent the logic of a 1481 or 1418 symbolic program written in the Autocoder Language. The diagrammer consists of two passes. Pass 1 builds up a symbol table from the source cards, pass 2 prints the diagram. The maximuK number of labels in the source program being diagramlled varies according to object machine size, from a minimum of 125 labels for 1 4K machine to a maximum of 875 labels in a 16K machine. The program analyzes mneumonic OP codes only. !acro instruction analysis cannot be guaranteed correct. PROGRASSING SYSTESS - written in 1481 Autocoder. SINIftUS SYSTES REQUIRESENTS - This program lIay be run on any 1401 or 1418 card system with a minimum of 4K storage and one tape drive. Also necessary are the Advanced Programming, Bigh-Low-Egual Compare, Expanded Print special features. Sense switches are required to process 1418 source cards. The program will use all of the available memory space in the object machine. BASIC PROGRAS PACKAGE DOCUSENTATION - Write-up. SACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. CPTIONAL PROGRAS PACKAGE DOCUSERTATION - None. SACHINE READABLE - Source code. ORDERING INPORSATION: PROGRAII NUMBER 1481814131 PRO GRAil NUMBER EXT EllS ION DISTRIBOTION SED IUS TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none 1481-81.4.133 TRAg !.!!!! AUTHOR: NEE~ !li! ~~H!1 USER VOLUIIE REQOIREIII!NT none 88 none nATURES !.N. David DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: II.N. David IBM Ireland Ltd. 28 Pitzwilliam Place Dublin 2, Ireland DESCRIPTION - This track program is an aid for debugging programs. It can be used on a basic 1481 system, through a program using lIost special features can be traced. It is specifically lIeant for systems without Advanced Programming, as there is no other trace program for these systems. It will print out the I address, instruction, the contents of the a field, and the contents of the B field both before and after every instruction in the program to be traced. Procedure description the methed involves placing each working area, and printing out the contents of the A and B fields for every prograll involving data transfer. PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - written in SPS. directly in machine language. It can also be used PROGRAS NUSBER 1401814128 FROGRAM NUMBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION SEDIUM TYPE CODE OSER VOL USE REQOIREMENT EASIC none CARDS 15 none OPTIONAL none CARDS 15 none IIINIMOII SYSTE! REQOIREIIERTS - Basic 1481 DPS; no special feature required. Requires 788 to 1,380 core locations depending on refinements. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-Up. MACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAS PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INPORMATION: AUTHOR: DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUM TYPE COD! BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none H. E. Thompson DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: H. E. Thomt:son Beacon Sanufacturing COllpany Swannanoa, North Carolina DESCRIPTION - This one card program will list 88 column cards, test for overflow conditions and skip forms to carriage channel 1 if a 12 has been sensed in the carriage tape. SINIMUS SYSTES REQUIREMENTS - Any 1481 configuration will accomplish these results. BASIC PROGRAS PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - Write-up on Sicrofiche only. ftACHINE READABLE - None. ORDERING INPORSATION: PROGRAS NUSBER 148'014130 Indicate "B N 1" in columns 1-3 and the Frogram Number in columns 4-13 on the IBS Prograll Order Porm. 1481-01.4.131 ---f~!!ID!I-g~ g.@ FORIUT I!l !.lIT.Q!;!l!!.!l.!! CARl: FORMAT AUTHOR: OSER VOLUIIE REQUIRE!ENT 80 none none 1481-81.4.136 WRII.!! AND ill!! :Ill! CHECK AUTHOR: PROGRASMING SYSTESS - (This one program, of necessity, was written in actual language utilizing no present program procedures or packages.) The user must press HALT key to stop the 1481. PROGRAS NUMBER 1481014133 PROGRAII NOIIBER EXTENSION Perry Pasquale DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: Perry Pasquale 8888. Pirst Avenue Horth Bergen, N.J. DESCRIPTION workability reading and tape drives - This program may be used to classify the of tapes and/or give an indication of the writing temperament of a tape unit. 1 to 6 lIay be used. It will- 1. Ilea sure tape from reflective spot to reflective spot. 2. Print errors in feet and inches from load point. 3. Print tape nUllber-3 position-and unit number cn which errors has cecurred. 4. Store 15 errors for each reel. If there are lIore than 15 errors, they will print out as they occur. 5. Print out as they occur with sense switch B on before 15 errors. 6. Print a listing of errors at the end of each reel. 7. Rewind after writing and halt. Rewind and unload at the end of reading. Richard A. Powers DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: Richard A. Powers 325 Lafayette Street The Warner Brothers Co. Bridgeport 1, Conn. DESCRIPTION - TO convert programs previously punched in SPS to Autocoder. Similar routines. IBII 4 tape Autocoder. !.!! The program will begin by writing a record of 1807 characters - part of which will be the program and the remainder in periods A8821. High density reads or writes 556 characters per inch. Inter-record gap is 3/4 inch. 556 x 3 1/4 inches is 1887 characters plus 3/q inch interrecord gap. Thus each time a record is read or written it passes 4 inches of tape making it possible to measure tape and indicate position of error. PROGRAIIMING SYSTEMS - Written in 1481 eard Autocoder. !!INIIIOM SYSTE!! REQUIREIIEHTS - 1481 .. 808 core positions min. Sense switches, High-Low-Equal Compare; indexing. MINIMUII SYSTEII REQUIREMENTS - 4K 1481 with the Advanced Progralllling package. 2,088 positions of storage are BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCUS!NTATIOR - write-up on !!icrofiche only. CONTRIBUTED PROGRlllS 1481 CONTINUED PRO!! PRIOR COLU!!N 1I1CRINE READ1ELE - None. ORDERIBG INFORlllTION: IBII Corp. 1512 Genesee Street Utica, N.Y. PROGRAII NUIIBER 1481814136 Indicate nE N 1" in columns 1-3 and the Program Number in columns 4-13 on the IB!! Program Order Form. DESCRIPTION - A program designed to convert 1481 symbolic programs to the Autocoder format. Input-output commands and DSA'S will nct be converted. Special attention should be paid to SS and CC commands to see that their format is acceptable to the Autocoder for a specific machine. output maybe printed only, or printed and punched. All special nop" codes will be converted so that the output should be ready for an Autocoder assembly once the I/O commands and DSA's are changed. The program should take care of about 98 percent of the conversion effort. This program was designed primarily for 1481 card systems, but should be helpful in the conversion of tape and RA!!AC systems if the programs were written in SPS. 1481-81.4.145 ---g1J!!;I .Il!.n RETRIEVAL SYSTE!! AUTHORS: R.A. Regan K.P. Swallow DIRECT TECHBICAL INQUIRIES TO: R.A. Regan Organization & !!ethods Div. Standard oil Co. of California 225 Bush st. San FranCisco, Calif. 94128 PROGRAftllING SYSTB!!S - Written in SPS. !!INI!!U!! SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - 1481-A3, 1482, 1483 (!!odel 2 for full printout), sense switches. DBSCRIPTION - Retrieve information from magnetic tape files. It will (s) earch, (e) xtract and sort, (1) ist, (e) dit, (c) ount and (t) otal. seafch,. extract and sort, list, edit, count and total. It ~mpiles an ~xtract program and a report writing program and mbines the~ with sort to form a complete system. Permit up to nine reports from one pass of tape file with up ·to 5,£88 characters in the input record. Peatures- English language specification statements, multiple re~orts per pass, automatic editing, fast compiler, unlimited levels of criteria, multi-reel files, single or blocked record, with or without labels, good diagnostics, automatic security check, restart procedures, users exits. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. BASIC none !!INI!!U!! SYSTE!! REQUIRE!!ENTS - An IB!! 1481 with 8K memory, Adv. Prog., HI-LO-EQ, and 4 tape units. DTR· OPTIONAL none none BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. PROGRA!! NU!!BER 1481814145 BASIC ------------------- OPTIONAL none DTR DTR DISTRIBUTION IIEDIU!! CODE TYPE 88 7/556 7/888 USER VOLU!!! REQUIREIIENT ----------- 22 24 none none none ------------------------------------------!! 1481-81.4.158 ----GENERAL gURPOSE TAPE DU!!P AUTHOR: ORDERING INPOR!!ATION: PROGRAII NUIIBBR 1481814168 PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION AUTHOR: PROGRAII NU!!BER l!XTl!BSION ------------none DTR· BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCU!!ENT1TION - Write-up. !!ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. DISTRIBUTION IIEDIU!! TYPE CODE USER VOLUIIE REQUIRE!!ENT none 88 none 1481-81.4.165 --.§QfHISTICAT!!l SPS !Q AUTOCODE~ £Q.!!VERTER OPTIONAL FROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATIOB - None. IIACHINE READABLE - Source code. ORDERING INFORIIATION: P1GE 839 1IJ81 CONTINUED FROII PRIOR P1GE D. L. Weimer C.F. Wilkes DIRECT TECHNICAL INCUIRIES TO: C.F. Wilkes 1558 Elmsford AVenue La Habra, Calif. 98632 DESCRIPTION - Two programs are included. SPSAC is deSigned to convert a program in the SPS source language tc a program in the Autocoder source language, which is compatible with the basic Autocoder produced by the IB!! Dallas Data Center. An extremely sophisticated Autocoder program is produced, designed to be as close as possible to a program originally written in Autocoder. CONAC is desig~ed to reproduce an SPS condensed card format object program into an Autocoder condensed card format object program, when no source language program is available, and it is desirable to have all object programs in only one format. PROGRA!!!ING SYSTE!!S - Written in SPS source language. tIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: D.L. Weimer E. S. Preston & Assoc., Ltd. 1628 E. Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43283 !!IHI!!U!! SYSTEII REQUIRE!!ENTS - 1481 4K, card system. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!BNTATION - write-up. !!ACHINB READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. DESCRIFTIOB - This operation will print in a highly legible format the contents of BCD tape records. A maxi mUll of a hundred characters on a line are printed with periods defining left and right margins. The core capacity of the computer is determined at object time and a maximum of (memory size) 959 characters can be dumped from each tape record. Tbe character count of each record is displayed alongside the printed record and a record count is displayed upon each end-of-file. Sense switch options permit arbitrary suppression of printing and halts on endof-file. Parity error diagnostics are very complete. When a record cannot be correctly read after a cleaning procedure has been utilized, it is printed as it read into core along with an error warning message. OPTIONAL PROGRl!! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - None. !!ACHINE READABLE - Source code. ORDERING INFOR!ATION: PROGRA!! NUIIBER 1481814165 PROGRA! BUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE USER VOLU!!E REQUlREI!ENT BASIC none DTR· Ii' none OPTIONAL none DTR· 88 none PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - written in Autocoder. _ IIINIIIUII SYSTE!! REQUIRE!!l!BTS - One magnetic tape drive ••• 1483 Printer - (132 positions) ••• 1482 Card Reader ••• additional Sense Switches ••• High-LOW-Equal Compare ••• 4K or greater core ••• Advanced Program.ing ••• !!odify-Add Instruction ••• 1487 Inquiry station (optional). EASIC FROGRAII PACKAGE tOCUIIl!BTlTION - Write-up on lIicrofiche only. IIACHINE READABLE - None. ORDERING IBPOR!!ATION: PROGRAII NUftBER 1481814158 Indicate "B N 1" in columns 1-3 and til. Program Number in columns 4-13 on the IBII Program Order Porm. AUTHOR: 1481-81.4.176 1!!!1L1111 !!ISK !.Il.Ilg.§.§ !!TILITY AUTHOR: R.J. Taylor DIRECT TECHNICAL IHQUIRIES TO: R.J. Taylor IBII Corp. 1776 John F. Kennedy Blvd. Philadelphia, Pa. 19183 DESCRIPTION - This program was written to handle 1311 disk maintenance requirements not covered heretofore in any library program, but which occur in most 1311 installations. With the use of this program, it is nov possible to change the addressing structure of a disk pack to any natural or unnatural range without altering the data written on the pack. Unnaturally addressed packs, such as the system pack for Autocoder, 1481-AU-888 may now be copied; label tracks may also be copied. The standard disk utility programs do not provide these operations. James W. Harper J:InCT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: James W. Harper Options elected by control cards are·- Change addresses without disturbing data, - Change addresses and clear data,- Copy one disk pack to another, and- Compare one CO!TRIBUTED PROGRA!S 1491 1481 PAGE 848 CONTINUED FRO! PRIOR COLU!! CONTINUED FRO! PRIOR PAGE PROGRA! NU!BER EXTENSION disk to anothe:r. PROGRA!!ING SYSTE!S - W:ritten in Autocode:r. !INI!U! SYSTE! REQUIREBENTS - 14K system with High-Low-Equal Compa:re and Advanced Programming featu:res and will copy a full pack in app:roximately six minutes. BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU~ENTATION - W:rite-up. !ACHINE READABLE - App:ropriate aaterial delivered. ORDERING INFCR!ATION: DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! TYPE CODE none DTR* none none AUTHOR: PROGRA! NU!BER 1481814176 PROGRA! HU!BER EXTENSION BASIC OPTIOBlL 1491-81.4.187 .!ll1 mg RECQru1 OPTIONAL PROGR!! PACKAGE - None. USER YOLU!E REQUIRE!ENT EASIC none DTR* none CPTleNAL none none none AUTHOR: Sidney Wald DISTRIBUTION !EDIUS TIPE CODE USER YOLU!E REQUIRE!ENT 98 nODe none mm S. Wald DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: S. Wald 1826 Spring Avenue Elkins Park, Pa. 19111 DESCRIPTION - To search an IB! 1311 Disk File for records whose control field matches a search argument punched in a control card. Each such record, together with its disk sector address, is printed in block style. Records must be fixed length, multiples of 5 characters and up to 125 characters long. The control field may range in length from 1 to 64 consecutive characters. PROGRA!!ING SISTE!S - Written in Fixed/Float Language. ftINI!U! SISTE! REQUIRE!ENTS - Approximately 5,989 positions. An IB! 1491 with 1493 Printer, 132 print positions. one 1311 Disk Drive with Direct Seek feature. DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: Sidney Wald Fischer and Porter Co. 7826 Spring Avenue Elkins Park, Pa. 19117 BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCUftENTATION - Write-up on !icrofiche only. !ACHINE READABLE - None. DESCRIPTION - To alter the contents of a 1311 Disk Sector, using a .control ca:rd which contains -a The disk address of the sector, -b The low o:rder position of the portien of the sector to be changed, -c The number of characters to be altered~ and -d The replacement data. Any number of such changes may be made with one loading of the program. Control cards may be in any order. PROGRA!!ING SISTE!S - Written in Fixed/Float Language. OPTIONAL FROGRA! PACKAGE - None. PROGRA! NU!BER 1481814181 DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! TYPE CODE AUTHOR: = 88188 REPRODUCE !ll!! LAST CARD lli1 T. J. Carney DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: T. J. carney 9th D.P.P. H & S Co. 2nd Serv. Bn. 2nd Bar. Div. Camp LeJeune. North Carolina BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!ENTATION - Write-up. !ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. PROGRA! NOBBER EXTENSION· PROGRA! NU!BER 1491914181 Indicate "B N 1" in cclumns 1-3 and the Program Number in columns 4-13 on the IB! Program Order Form. 1491-"1.4.188 Q!1i! Q£: ORE !INI!U! SISTE! REQUIRE!ENTS - 1688 position, IB! 1481 with 1483 Printer, 1402 Card Reader and 1 - 1311 Disk Drive. ORDERING INFOR!ATION: ORDERING INFOR!ATION: USER YOLU!E REQUIRE!l!BT BASIC none DTR* none CPTIONAL none none none DESCRIPTION - This one card program reads a card and moves the data into the punch area before it punches insuring that the first card out is a valid reproduction of the first data card in. The program does not have to be reloaded if more reproducing is desired. This one card program contains a list card test that will process the last card and give a program halt, eliminating the continous cycling of the 1492. !INI!U! SYSTE! REQUIRE!ENTS - NO special features required Speed is 192 cards ::~ :~::t~~lY 499 p,0sitions of storage. AUTHOR: !. A. !oore DIRECT TECBNICAL INQUIRIES TO: !. A. Boore IB! Corp. 286 !ain St. Johnstown, Pa. DESCRIPTION - The Disk Loader provides the user with means of storing his programs on disk and calling them into core for execution with one card. This card is a one card program which brings in the Loader from disk, which in turn brings in users program from disk. The Loader is almost identical to the Condensed Card Loader except that the Loader reads disk records in the condensed format instead of cards, also it is not relocatable. Ove:rlays are handled the same as with the Condensed Card Loader. Approximately 9 sectors of disk storage are needed for every 809 core positions of program. P:rograms and Loader need not be on the same pack. Loading is 25 percent faster than with Card Loader. one call ca:rd replaces object deck. Leader uses core lccations 1-339 and read, punch and print a:reas can be cleared after program has been loaded. There is no group mark wo:rd ma:rk :restriction. Call card is compatible with job stacking because a seldom used special character, card code 8-6-8, is in column 89. PROGRA!!ING SISTE!S - Written in 1481-1311 Autocoder. !IBI!U! SYSTE! REQUIRE!ENTS - 1491 with !odify Address instruction - at least one 1311 - Printer - 1492 Reader Punch. If !odify Address feature is not available, program modification is necessary. BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!ENTATION - Write-up. !ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRA! PACKAGE - None. CRDERING INFOR!ATION: PROGRA! NU!BER 1491914186 BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!ENTATION - Write-up. !ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRA! PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORftATION: PROGRA! NU!BER 1491914188 PROGBA! NU!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! TIPE CODE USER VOLU!E REQUIRE!ENT BASIC none DTR* none OPTIONAL none none none 1491-91.4.189 149111449L1!§! RESEQUENCE AUTOCODER SOU!£~ fRQGRA~ AUTHOR: *! =!!llf- U. Sinclair DIRECT TECHNICAL INCUIRIES TO: U. Sinclair programmer-Data Processing Division Pocket Books. Inc. One West 39th Street New York. New York 19818 DESCRIPTION - At various times. it becomes necessary for a resequenced source program deck to be obtained. RASP was devised to permit resequencing before. and competely independent of. valuable assembly processing time. RASP uses 31 core storage positions for actual prog:ram operation as well as the read and punch storage areas. The resultant output deck contains the original source card information from column 6 through 12 and the new sequence numbers in columns 1 through 4. starting with "9181" in the first. or "job". COBTRIBUTED PROGRAIIS 1481 MIBnUB SYSTEM REQUIREMEBTS - 1481/144111 or 1468 with no special features. EDB-Centralen Gyldenloevesgade 15 Copenhagen K, Denmark BASIC PROGRAIl PACKAGE DOCUMEBTATIOB - Write-up on Microfiche only. MACHIBE READABLE - Bone. ORDERIBG IBPORMATIOB: PAGE 841 1481 CONTINUED PROIl PRIOR CCLUMB COBTINUED PROM PRIOR PAGE DESCRIPTIOB - ABTIC translates condensed cards of either Autocoder or SPS into Single-instruction print. Constants are - to a high degree - separated fro. instructions. OP-Codes are translated into Autocoder or SPS mnemonics, addresses converted to indexed number and - in Autocoder - some digit modifiers are built into the mnemonics - BCV, BW, BSS, BPCB, A. S. o. PROGRAM BUMBER 1481814189 Indicate "B B 1" in columns 1-3 and the Program Bumber in columns 4-13 on the IBM Program Order Porm. PROGRAIl!!ING SYSTE!!S - Written in Autocoder. 11181-81.4.198 ---BuiTi=PiiRPOSE 88-88 REPRODUCIBG AUTHOR: MIBIIIU!! SYSTE!! REQUIREIIEBTS - 4K 1401 1I0dei 3, 1482 Reader, 1403. BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATIOB - IIrite-up. IlACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. R. E. Descheneaux DIRECT TECHNICAL IBQUIRIES TO: R. E. Descheneaux IBIl company Ltd. 1255 Laird Blvd. Ilontreal, P. Q. Canada OPTIOBAL PROGRAI'I PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INPOR!!ATION: PROGRA!! BU!!BER 11101014198 PROGRA!! BU!!EER EITENSION DESCRIPTIOB - This 88/88 Reproducing Program will reproduce each input card into one, twc, or three output cards and staker select the output cards. This is an advantage over single card reproducing programs since the handling time for getting several copies out of an input card deck is considerable reduced. Execution time is 73 CPM read in when triple reproducing, 1811 CPM read in when double reproducing and 288 CPM read in when single reproducing. DISTRIBUTIOB !!EDIU!! TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIOBAL none none USER VOLU!!E REQUIRE!!ENT 88 none none 1401-01.4.205 SPS !Q !!!~ POR 148111468 --CABO PROGRAIlMIBG SYSTEIlS - Language used - Absolute. AUTHOR: ftINII'IUM SYSTEM REQUIREftENTS - Any size 1481 central processing unit with Sense switches and a 1482 Card Read Punch. BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - Write-up. MACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAM PACKAGE - None. CRDERIBG INPOR!!ATION: PROGRA!! NUIlBER 1481914198 PROGRA!! BU!!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !!EDIU!! TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none N. E. Patton DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: N. E. Patton IB!! Corporation 1330 Sum.it Avenue Port Worth, Texas USER VOLUI'IE REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION - This progrma will convert 1401 SPS source statements to 11101, 14110, or 1460 full Autocoder. SPS source must be in standard SPS source format. It prints a source listing of the SPS statement and the new Autocoder statement side by side, and punches the Autocoder statement with a new sequence no. PROGRA!!!!ING SYSTE!!S - IIritten in 1481 Autocoder. 88 none none !!INI!!U!! SYSTE!! REQUIREMENTS - 4K 1481 or 8K 1468, 1402, 14113 with no special features. Program occupies 3285 positions. There are 576 source statements. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!EBTATIOB - Write-up. MACBIBE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. AUTHOR: OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE - None. II. J. Barry ORDERING IBFORMATIOB: DIRECT TECBNICAL INQUIRIES TO: II. J. Barry IBM corporation Seven Penn Center Plaza Philadelphia, Pa. PROGRAM BU!!BER 1481814285 PROGRA!! NU!!BER EITEBSION DESCRIPTION - A program designed to assist in the reprogramming of 1481 SPS symbolic programs into 5/368 Basic Assembler Language. DISTRIBUTION !!EDIUM TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIOBAL none none PROGRA!!!!ING SYSTEIlS - Written in 1481 Autocoder. AUTHOR: I!:INI!!U!! SYSTE!! REQUIREMENTS - 111111 or 11168 ••• 811011 positions ••• Advanced Prog ••• Hi-Lo-Equal... Sense switches ••• 1402 Card Read/Punch ••• 1483 Printer. DIRECT TECHBlCAL lNCUIBIES TO: L. E. Cohen IB!! De !!exico, S.A. Insurgentes Sur 100 !!exico, D.P. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE tOCU!!ENTATION - IIrite-up. IlACHINE READABLE - App~opriate material delivered. PROGRAIl NU!!BER 141111114195 DISTRIBUTION MEDIU!! TYPE CODE USER VOLUME REQUIRE!!ENT EASIC none DTR* 80 none OPTIONAL none DTR* 00 none 1401-01.11.198 ----iNTIC-!l1TI QI £Q!DENSE!; CARDS AUTHOR: B. Enemark DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: B. Enemark none none L. E. Cohen DESCRIPTION - This is a powerful debugging, documentation and teaching aid that accurately simulates the functioning of the 11191 under control of any object program and p~ints out complete information about what the program is doing in an easy-to-read format. OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - None. !!ACHIBE READABLE - Source code. PROGRAIl NU!!BER EXTEBSION 08 ---------------------------------------------- Translation is made of common 111111 statement into their 5/368 equivalent, with flags inserted if generation is questionable. ORDERING INPORMATION: USER VOLU!!E REQUIREMENT The instruction address, A and B address register contents at the beginning of the execution phase, the instruction, index register contents and up to 18 positions of the Afield and the E-field both before and after instruction execution are given on a single print line. RST operates more rapidly than other similar programs by calculation the A-address only when necessary. !!inimum restrictions apply to the traced program. Loaders supplied permit use of trace object program in standard load card or tape formats. PROGRA!MING SYSTE!!S - Basic Autocoder 2K. processor can be used for assembly. Any Autocoder MINI!!UIl SYSTE!! REQUIREMENTS - 1385 core positions, HighLOW-Equal and Advanced programming. Can be used with 4K machines. COBTRIBUTED PROGRABS 1481 1481 CONTINUED PROft PRIOR PAGE 1481-01.9.221 RBPRODru;;ll .2.!!1l £m!!! BASIC FROGRAft PACKAGE 1l0CUftENTATION - Write-up. ftACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. AUTHOR: OPTIOBAL PROGRAft PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INPORftATION: PROGRAM BUftBER 1481814287 PROGRAM BUftBlR EXTENSIOB DISTRIBUTIOB nDIUft TYPE CODE EASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none AUTHOR: J. E. Cain USER VOLUftE REQUIREftEBT none 8 iii none DIRECT TECHBICAL IBQUIRIES TO: D. E. Erickson 189 Fercliff Lane Henersonville. North Carolina DESCRIPTION - To reproduce only certain card columns using the 1482 as a versatile auxiliary card reproducer. There are no restrictions on this program. Any nUllber of columns up to and including 88. adjacent or non-adjacent. can be reproduced by using a control card. This prograll is set up so that you can reproduce a series of decks. When one deck has been reproduced. place another deck with the proper header card in the read hopper and press start. OPTIONAL PROGRAft PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORftATION: DESCRIPTION - This program will perform the collator functions of sequence check. straight merge. lIerge selecting equals. merge replacing equal. lIerge equals only. match equals. or pull equals. The control field is designated by a lead card. It may be broken down into 18 sub-fields which may contain 81i1 columns of a card in any order. Both files are sequence checked. and the control fields may be alphabetic. ftIBlftUft SYSTEB REQUIREftENTS - 3.244 positions of storage. Hi-Lo-Equal Compare. Punch Feed Read. and the Read Stacker Select Delay device. RPQ No. W92218. BASIC FROGRAM PACKAGE 1l0CUftEBTATION - Write-up. ftACHIBE READABLE - Appropriate lIaterial delivered. OPTIONAL FROGRAft PACKAGE - None. PROGRAft NUBBER 1481914212 PROGRAM NUftBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION BEDIUM TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* none OPTICNAL none none none 1491-91.4.229 ---1.!!!1ii'iiii1!L1.!!~ JOB ~ 1!0BIT.Q] !l1! PROGRAII NUMBER 1481814221 PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTEBSIOB DISTRIBUTION BEDIUII TYPE CODE USER VOLUftE REQUIREftENT BASIC none DTR* none OPTIONAL none none none 1491-1i11.4.225 ]TILITY- R!!!!IT f!!Q!!ll.!! PROGRAftMING SYSTEftS - Written in Basic Autocoder 2K. AUTHOR: !l1! THE IBft .1.!!!.1 BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUftENTATION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. DIRECT TECHBICAL INQUIRIES TO: J. E. Cain IBft Corporation Box 3467 Santa Barbara. Calif. 93195 ORDERING INFORftATION: ~ D. E. Erickson USER VOLUME REQUIREMENT mE.! AUTHOR: J. s. Williams DIRECT TECHBICAL INQUIRIES TO: J. S. iilliaas Bemorial Sloan-Kettering 444 E. 68th Street New York. New York 18821 DESCRIPTION - This prograa allows the user to detail list any card file in any desired print format. print edit any or all card fields, accumulate any or all printed fields for: (a) Totaling on control break. (b) overall totals at end of job. including a card count. sequence check input file. print headings on page overflow. extra space after printing. bypass detail list and print minor summary totals on control break and page overflow on control break. Print capacity - no more than 99 positions of output per line. Card field capacity - maximum of eight (8) fields of printing from card. any number of card columns per field. Sequence checking requires Hi-LOW-Equal Compare feature and control break on one of eight fields. BINlftUII SYSTEM REQUIREIIENTS - 4K 1491 with High-LOW-Equal Compare. N. E. Patton BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUftENTATION - Write-up. ftACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: N. E. Patton IBM Corporation P.O. Box 1939 Fort Worth. Texas OPTIONAL PROGRAft PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION - .lOBCO is a program that resides on 1311 Disk Storage. .lOBCO can monitor user program execution by the use of control cards. .lOBCO loads user programs on disk in core-image form in the area assigned by the user and can control 1311 Disk Drive on the system and uses file protected addresses to prevent destruction of user programs on disk. JOBCO uses the high order 689 positions of core storage for permanent and transient routines. These routines have the ability to load programs on disk. call programs from disk. delete programs on disk. simulate the load button for execution of card deck programs. and print a core dump as directed by the user. Cylinder overflow is handled by JOBCO. .lOBCO allows stacked jobs to be executed as directed by the user. PROGRAMMING SYSTEBS - Written in Autocoder. BINIMUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - 1491/1449/1460 systems that have 8. 12. or 16K with Hi-La-Equal. indexing. store registers with at least 1 card reader. 1 printer. and 1 1311 Disk Drive. BASIC FROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORI!ATION: PROGRAII NUIIBER 1491014229 PROGRAft NUMBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION ftEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none 99 USER VOLUftE REQUIREMENT none none PROGRAM NUftBER 1481014225 PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION MEDIUI! TYPE COilE USER VOLUIIE REQUIREftENT BASIC none DTR* none OPTIONAL none none none AUTHOR: E. Staudt DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: E. Staudt Avisun Corporation River Road New Castle. Del. 19729 DESCRIPTION - The purpose of the program is to eliminate the necessity for many individual programs required at a 141i11 installation to tabulate control and balance totals and to provide for up to three control fields total indications as well as a final total. A maximum of five fields per any given card file can be tabbed with or without control field totals and a final total. The user may specify up to three control field levIes. The user may also list each card (control fields) with the associated tab fields. PROGRAftllING SYSTEIIS - written in Basic Autocoder for 4K 1491. compiled with AU-985 with Condense 2. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATIOB - Write-up on Microfiche only. I!ACHINE READABLE - None. CONTRIBUTED PROGRABS 14111 14111 ORDERING INFORMATION: PAGE 1143 CONTINUED FROM PRIOR COLUBN CONTINUED FRCB PRIOR PAGE PROGRAM NUMBER 141111114226 MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - 8K. 12K or 16K 14111 or 14611 with at least one. and up to five. tape drives. a 14112 Card Reader and Punch. a 14113 Printer with 132 print positions, and High-Equal-Low Compare. Indicate "B N 1" in columns 1-3 and the Prograa Nuaber in columns 4-13 on the IBM Program Order Form. BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - Write-up. MACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIOBlL PROGRAM PACKAGE - None. AUTHOR: E. Giegler ORDERING INFORMATION: DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: G. Kinble Director of Data processing Carleton College Northfield, Minn. DESCRIPTION - VARILIST - A load and go processor for generating fast running listing programs. Uses a single contol card plus heading cards. = AUTHORS: T. Reifsnyder !Q GRADE l J. T. Ferro tIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: T. Reifsnyder IBM Corporation 9945 Lincoln Blvd. Los Angeles. Calif. 99945 DESCRIPTION - Description of a set of two 1491 programs which require only 4K of core and no special features. The first program takes input from edited English text punched into cards· and produces an intermediate deck. The second program uses the intermediate deck as input and embosses Grade 2 Braille directly on a 1493 which has had the ribbon removed and the hammers covered with a strip of soft material. If editing and keypunching are correct, perfect Grade 2 Braille is produced wi thout post-edit. Once a translation has been made, any number of copies of translating and embossing books of text. PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS - IIritten in SPs. MINHUM SYSTEM REQUIREMEliITS - IBM 14111/1469 with 4,9911 positicns of core storage. 1492 Card Read/punch. 1493 with 132 print positions. BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUMENT ATION - IIrite-up. MACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL nOGRAM PACKAGE - None. ORDERIBG INFORMATION: PROGRAM NUMBER 14919142311 FROGRAM NUMBER EXTENSION BASIC OPTIONAL 1491-01.4.232 ----~ENERAI. AUTHOR: DISTRIBUTIOB MEDIUM TYPE CODE DTR* none none AUTHOR: PROGRAM NUMBER 14111914227 = none 1111 USER VOLUME REQUIREMUT DESCRIPTION - To assemble', condense, and list programs written in Autocoder Language in one compact and speedy routine. Comparison to SPS 1 & 2- after loading CAUTO. two passes of the symbolic source program (the first. at up to 8110 cards per minute. to load the label table - the second. at up to 31111 cards per minute. to punch condensed cards and print a program listing) take the place of five passes with SPS 1 & 2. (The first. at up to 31111 cards per minute. to edit the source program about tp be assembled. The second, at up to 259 cards per minute. to create intermediate cards which will be discarded after pass three. The third, at up to 250 cards per minute. to punch single instruction absolute cards. The fourth, at up to ,31111 cards per minute, to print a program listing. The fifth. at up to 61111 cards per minute, to condense the absolute program). Comparison to Autocoder AssemblyCAUTO takes from 1/2 to 3/4 for the time required for an Autocoder Assembly, and supplies all the diagnostics supplied by Autocoder with the exception of the alphabetic label sort and the unreferenced label listing. CAUTO has the advantage of not requiring any tape drives to assemble Autocoder programs. PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS - Written in 1491 SPS. MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - SK 1401 with the Advanced Programming package for assembly of up to 268 labels. in programs up to 15.999 core positions. 12K 14111 with the Advanced progra.ming package for assembly of up to 713 labels, in programs up to 15,999 core positions. 16K 140 1 with the Advanced Programming package for assembly of up to 1157 labels. in programs up to 15.999 core positions. A minimum of 7,999 positions of storage are required for this program. A minimum of 8K. 14111 card system, with the Advanced Programming package and 14113 Printer. This program gives to the 14111 card system user an assembly prbgram with the flexibility and speed of a 14111 tape system assembly program. BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - write-up on Microfiche only. MACHINE READAI!LE - None. ORDERING INFORMATION: none Indicate nB N 1" in columns 1-3 and the Program Number in columns 4-13 on the IBM program Order Form. PROCESSING UTILI!.! !,ROGRAM none Bernard T. Smith -----------------------------------------none CARDS 15 none none none DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: Bernard T. Smith Warner Brothers compo 325 Lafayette Street Bridgeport 1. Connecticut Indicate nB N 1n in columns 1-3 and the Program Number in columns 4-13 on the IBM Program Order Form. 1491-91.4.2311 BASIC OPTIONAL USER VOLUME REQUIREMENT 14111-112.11.1113 ---ciiinmOCODBB PROG~!i SYSTEM (CAUTO) BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUBENTATION - IIrite-up on Bicrofiche only. MACHINE READABLE - None. ----TIlli}!§! ]ll!AILLE !!!!1! !!!!NSLATE ENGLISH !!lll.!.!.'! AI!!l EMBOSS Q! ! 1493 fRINTER DISTRIBUTION MEDIUM TYPE CODE ------------------ BINIMUB SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - 4K 1491 with sense switches, Expanded Print Edit. and 129 print positions. ORDERING INFORMATION: PROGRAM NUMBER 14111014232 PROGRAM NUMBER EXTENSION none .!!! W. Buffa PROGRAM NUMBER 1411102111113 1401-02.0.1117 AUTOBLOCK II AUTHOR: 11. C. Milihoff DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: W. Buffa IBM Corporation 112 E. Post Road White Plains. New York 196111 DIRECT TECHNICAL INeUIRIES TO: W. C. Milihoff IBM Corporation 1955 The Alameda San Jose. California DESCRIPTION - The General ProceSSing Utility Program performs many simple utility jobs often called for in a computer installation and is intended to reduce the number of individual utility programs that have to be maintained, each of which performs only one or a few of these jobs. It does card to card, card to printer. card to tape, tape to tape, tape to printer. and tape to card operations in a total of twenty-six options each of which is called for by a combination of sense switch settings. The program is card or tape loadable and is self-initializing between jobs without re-Ioading. DESCRIPTION - AUTO BLOCK II automatically produces crossreference tables and a documented block diagram. using new symbols in accordance with AS II standards. It provides three different tables. one of which is the branch-from table, and accepts an unlimited number of branch points. since the program takes full ~dvantage of core size. In addition to the common instructions. AUTOBLOCK II handles IOCS. Macros. Overlays. and the execute instruction. AUTOBLOCK II is an extension and revision of AUTOBLOCK I. PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS - Written in Autocoder. PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS - Written in 1491/1460 Autocoder Language and has been assembled on the 14611 Disk Autocoder Processor. MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - 4K minimum. four-tape. Advanced Programming. High-Low-Equal-Compare. CONTRIBUTED PROGRA!S 1481 1481 PAGE 844 CONTINUED FRO! PRIOR COLU!N CONTINUED FRO! PRIOR PAGE BASIC PROGBA! PACKAGE DOCUBENTATION - Write-up. !ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCUBENTATION - None. BACBIN! READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OBDEliING IBFOR!ATION: DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! TYPE CODE EASIC none DTR* CPTIONAL none DTR* AUTHOR: none DTR* none DTR* USER VOLUIIE REQUIRB!ENT none none J. R. Euchert, Jr. DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: J. R. Buchert, Jr. IBB Corporation 112" Connecticut Avenue, N. W. Washington, D. C. 2"836 DESCRIPTION - This 14"1 program will produce a printed flowchart with block text, cO.lents, block labels, and decision block connector conditions. The program processes single card entries for each block and is capable of producing successive charts of fifty (5 by 18) blocks. A simplified coding systel is elployed which produces flew charts of ASA approved sy.bols for any programming system in a form lIuch like 7074 Autochart. PROGRA!IIING SYSTEBS - Written in 14"1 Autocoder. D. L. Pernandez DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: D. L. Fernandez IB! corporation Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, California IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - An 8K with 1I0dei and Advanced Programming feature is required. DESCRIPTION - FARGO One-Sixty-G for the 1481, 1468, and 1481G is a greatly expanded new version of a load and go report generator which gives all the capabilities of Basic FARGO plus - (a) Up to six header lines which can be modified at any time within object time. (b) !ultiplyDivide with or without the feature. (c) !ultiple and/or if/not conditions in defining up to ten card types. (d) Sequence check of input file at any level (if High-LowEqual is installed). (e) Up to four split control fields with or without stripped zones for defining each of four total level. (f) Total force heading or heading force total, divorced minor and supress co.pare of a card type at any total level. (g) And lore ••••• the program is fully compatible with the FARGO-porty program by C. P. Doolittle, the latest version of FARGO for the 1448. BASIC PReGRA! PACKAGE DOCUBENTATION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFOR!ATION: PROGRAII NUIIBER 1481828822 PROGRA! NU!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none AUTHOR: ORDERING INPOR!ATION: FROGRAII NU!BER 14"182""18 DISTRIBUTION !EDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none !T !T USER VOLUIIE REQUIRE!!NT 88 none 22 24 81 81 1481-02.0.819 ---AUTO!ATIC ll..!l!9!!!!! TECHNIQUE AUTHORS: F. D. Lewis !.!! W. N. Boll I:IRECT TECBNICAL INQUIRIES TO: f. D. Lewis IBII corporation Dept. 867 Neighborhood Road Kingston, New York R. Steffanson, Jr. DESCRIPTION - By inserting this change into the 1481 FORTRAN II Compiler, programs coded in FORTRAN may be compiled and run on 1401 machines not having the lIultiply-Divide special feature. The only programming consideration necessary is that the address in the parameter card should be approximately 1800 positions less than the machine core capacity. Operating convenience is not seriously affected. These advantages of the FORTRAN Compiler are retained: Rapid compile time (around 2 minutes) ••• Diagnostics ••• Compile-ang-go capability ••• Optional punched object deck (ready to use) ••• Compiler may be on cards or tape. Core required for the subroutine reduces by approximately 1808 IIINIBUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - PORTRAN with this change requires 8K, Hi-Lo-Equal Compare, Advanced Programming, reader-punch, and printer. BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up on lIicrofiche only. IIACHINE READABLE - None. ORDERING INFORIIATION: PROGRAII NUIIBER 1481828025 Indicate "B N 1" in celumns 1-3 and the Prograll Number in columns ij-13 on the IBB Program Order Form. 1481-92.8.031 AUTOCHART IIINI!UII SYSTE! REQUIREIIENTS - 1481 4K, two magnetic tapes and Advanced Programming feature. AUTHORS: BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUBEN'IATION - write-up. IIACHIN! READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. DIRECT TECHNICAL IHeUIRIES TO: Josephine S. Carter IBII Corporation 40 Saw Bill River Road Hawthorne, New York OPTIONAL PRO GRAil PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - None. !ACHIN! READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. PROGRAII NU!BER 14"182"819 DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! TYP! CODE none none PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - written in FORTRAN. PROGRA!!ING SYSTE!S - written in Autocoder. PROGRA! NU!BER EXTENSION 88 positions the core available for compiling the source program. DESCRIPTION - A program which produces flowcharts from a language similar to 1400 series Autocoder. All information pertaining to one symbol is contained on one keypunch form line. Free form coding of text information is used. The program floats and centers the text within the symbol, thus relieving the writer of this tedious task. Page and connector numbers are aSSigned automatically by the program. Twelve unique symbols are available, all of which have been approved by the American Standards Association. Flowcharts produced are machine independent. By use of special comment cards, line text information may be produced with options for centering, left, right a full justification. ORDERING INFOR!ATION: USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT 1401-82.0.025 .!1! FORTRAN-!ODIFICATION WHICH ELIBINATES THE BULTIPLl-DIVIDE SPECIAL FEATUR~UIRiiiiN~-- ------- DIRECT TECHNICAL IN~UIRIES TO: R. Steffanson, Jr. Potlatch Forests, Inc. Lewiston, Idaho PROGRA! NUIIBER EX'IENSION Printer BASIC PROGRAB PACKAGE DOCU!ENTATION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Listings. IIACHINE READABLE - Source code. 7/556 7/8"1l "Il = AUTHOR: 88 none none 14"1-82.8.822 FLOG EN l1H! 1481 FLOWCHART Q!BERATOR PROGR!! NU!BER 148182"817 PROGRAB NUIIBER EXTENSION BASIC OPTIONAL USER VOLU!E REQUIRE!ENT Josephine Carter Peter Fondis William Johnson Hedy Stoy DESCRIPTION - This program gives 1481 users the atility to produce flowcharts similar to those which currently can only be produced on the IBB 7870/7ij. The program has ten phases plus a supervisor. It will also accept input prepared for the IBII 7878/74 Autochart programs. File maintenance of the input has not been included in the programs. Initial timing runs indicate that the production COR~RIBU~ED PROGRABS 1481 CON~INUED PAGE 845 148' CONTINUED PRO!! PRIOR COLUBN FROB PRIOR PAGE of each flowchart takes approxillately one~half minute. including printing. Restart procedures are included so that the program can be interrupted at the end of any phase :~:o c~:~~:::g. at ~:e l;;~~r!!m:;es si:!e:u~~~:a~~e~!!~:a!: for input. It is an easily learned language and is machine independent. ~he output is a printed chart. standardized for clarity and readability and suitable for reproduction. ~his is a tool to help the user maintain better program documentation by providing flowcharts which conform to both IBB Corporate Standards and to the proposed American Standards lssociation Flowchart Standards. It is also very useful in producing various types of graphics and other charts. This program can be of great value when converting from 1481 to IB!! System/36". Input may be any Fargo program which conforms to the specifications in Fargo for IBII 1481 (C24-1462). output consists of System/36" !!ode1 28 RPG specification cards and a listing of Fargo specifications which were not converted by the programs. PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - Written in 14"1 Autocoder. !!IRIBU!! SYSTEB REQUIRE!!ENTS - The object program requires 16K. Advanced Programming feature. and 2 tape units. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Write-up. BACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. PROGRABBING SYSTEBS - Written in Autochart Language. OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE - Rone. BINIBUB SYS~EB REQUIREBEN~S - It requires an 8K 1481 with four tape drives, 1482, 1483. Advanced programming pack,age. Sense Switches. High-Low -Equal compare. and Bultip1yDivide features. BASIC PROGRAM PICKAGE DOCUBEN~ATIOR - Write-up. BACHIRE READABLE - Assellbly output for object deck and listing. sample problem input data. and source code. ORDERING IRFOR!!ATION: PROGRAB NU!!BER 148'828"36 PROGRAM NU!!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !!EDIU!! ~YPE CODE BASIC none !!T BT OPTIONAL none none 7/566 7/8"8 USER VOLU!!E REQUIREBENT 22 24 8' 8' none OPTIONAL FROGRAB PACKAGE - Rone. ORDERING INFORBITION: PROGRIB RUBBER 1481828831 PROGRA!! NU!!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBU~ION ~YPE !!EDIU!! CODE -------------EASIC none ------------------- OPTIONAL none none AUTHOR: liT liT 7/556 7/888 22 24 1481-82.0.839 SYSTEBS f!,Q! USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT ----------81 81 none AUTHOR: ~HARTE!! Br. D. L. Fisher DIRECT TECHNICAL INCUIRIES ~O: Br. D. L. Fisher IB!! Corporation !!onterey & Cottle Roads Bldg. 851 San Jose, California DESCRIPTION - The program is a '6K 1481 systems flow charter. The machine must have (1) Index Registers. (2) Hi-Lo-Eq Compare. (3) Advanced Programming (4) 1402. (5) , 483 and (6) , Tape (using card program) or 2 tapes using loadab1e tape. The program will draw systems flow charts. create a nSystems table and program-file cross-reference n • The symbols drawn are Clerical operation. Storage Bin. Wide Program. Off-Page Connector. Adding Bachine. Transmittal Tape. Bultiple Card File. ~ape. Random File. Card. Document. Graphic Display, Terllinal. Keyboard. Paper Tape. Comments and Sequence of File. The program has been successfully emulated on an IBB 5/368 Model 38. Easic '4'" Autocoder was used execpt for the TOVL Y macro. The program is tape loaded using the tape generated by the Autocoder Assembler. IIr. R. Backinnon DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: IIr. R. A. lIackinnon IBII corporation 112 East Post Road Whi te Plains. New York 18681 DESCRIPTIOR - This group of 4 programs was written to assist documentation and conversion efforts where the user hasonl! an object deck from which to work. It converts an object program into meaningful Autocoder source statements. suitable for assembly or flowcharting. PROGRA!!IIING SYSTEKS - Written in Autocoder. KINIKUII SYSTEB REQUIREMENTS - program requires a '481 with '6K !!emory. Advanced programming. SBR and indexing, sense switches. two tapes. a '483 Printer and 1482 Card Reader. The final output is a listing (a punched deck is optional) in which the statements are labelled as required in the form BX-BXXXXX for instructions. referencing the OP Code location. and CX-CXXXXX for constants. referencing the units position. The instruction operands reference these labels. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUBENTA~ION - Write-up. KACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. PROGRAII!!ING SYSTEIIS - Source - written in Autocoder. OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE - None. MINI!!UB SYSTE!! REQUIREIIENTS - An 8K 1481/1468 with 4 tape drives, Sense Switches, Advanced Programming. High-Low -Equal Compare. a 1482 Card Read/Punch. and a 1483 Printer with 132 print positions. If a larger machine is available. the fourth program (Phase III) can be reassembled to take advantage of the larger core. thus cutting down the processing time. The program will Utilize a 1487 if one is on line. but does not require it. BASIC PROGRAB PACKAGE DOCUBERTATION - Write-up. MACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL FROGRA!! PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFOR!!ATION: ORDERING INFORMATION: BASIC none BT !!T OPTIONAL none none AUTHOR: DISTRIBUTION !!EDIUII TYPE CODE -------------- ------------------- EASIC none BT !!T OPTIONAL none none 7/556 7/888 22 24 USER VOLU!!E REQUIREMENT ----------81 81 none '481-82.8.836 ---I!ii1 FARQQ 1Q g~ML368 RPG !!OD!1l! ~!VERSIQ! PROGRAl! AUTHORS: Fred II. Haney S. Edmonston DISTRIBUTION !!EDIUB CODE ~YPE 7/556 7/888 USER VOLUBE REQUIREIIENT 22 24 8' 8' none 148'-83.8.818 ~~~ !!QQ1 §J!!!!!QUTI.!1l PROGRA!! NU!!BER 1481828835 PROGRAB NUBBER EXTENSION PROGRAM NUBBER '48'828039 PROGRAM RU!!BER EXTENSION Stephen II. Lichter DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: !!r. Gus Conoscente IEB Corporation 338 Badison Avenue New York. New York Richard C. Barker DIRECT TECHRICAL INCUIRIES TO: Richard D. Barker ITEK corporation Lexington. Bassachusetts DESCRIPTION - This program will calculate the square root of any six-digit number. !!INI!!U!! SYSTEB REQUIRBBENTS - 688 positions are required to store the prograll. 483 of these positions are used to store the divide subroutine. '48' - Any lIodel. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTA~ION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRIII PACKAGE - Rone. ORDERING INFORIIATION: PROGRAII NUIIBER 148'830818 NUMBER EXTENSION PROGRA~ DESCRIPTION - This program converts IB!! 1481 Fargo control cards to System/368 lIode1 2" RPG specification cards. .!~ DlSTRIBUTION BEDIU!! TYPE CODE USER VOLU!!E REQUIREBENT CONTRIBUTED PROGRA!S 14111 PAGE 1146 141111 CONTINUED FROB PRIOR PAGE CONTINUED FRO! PRIOR COLU!N EASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL nC'lne none none 111111 none irrespective of where decimal point is located in the number. Routine has been used on sample problems and a wide range of customer data. PROGRAftllING SYSTEI!S - 1Iritten in SPs. 14111-113.11.1111 *! -gLCULATE NU!BER QI DAYS !!ET1IEEN TIIO DlTE~ SUBROUTlNE-DTCALC AUTHOR: lIilliam B. !organ !INIIIUB SYSTJ!II REQUIREftENTS -,262 positions of core. Operates on any 14111. BASIC PROGRAB PACKAGE DOCUftENTATION - 1Irite-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: lIilliam B. !organ IBII corporation 99 Park Avenue New York, New York OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - Bone. ORDERING INFORIIATIOB: DESCRIPTION - This subroutine calculates the number of calendar days between two dates providing accurate accounting for leap year day. Dates may be in separate adjacent centuries, but cannot be more than 199 years and 365 days apart. PROGRAII NUIIBER 1481113111115 PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none USER VOLUIIE REQUIREItENT none 11111 none PROGRAB!IBG SYSTE!S - Source language is SPS. !INI!U! SYSTE! REQUIREIIEBTS - 395 positions plus 24 positions for each time a subroutine is used. 14111 - Any model, no special features are required. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE tOCU!EBTATION - 1Irite-up. !ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. DISTRIBUTION !EDIUB TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none 14111-113.11.1114 AUTHOR: ~RCH R. T. Steffanson PROGRAII BU!BER 14111113111111 PROGRA! BUIIBER EXTEBSIOB ---~UAR1! !!.QQ:! SUBROUTIBE n!!!!! SEARCH ftAC!!Q AUTru;ODER AUTHOR: DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: R. T. SteffansoD Potlatch Forests, Inc. Lewiston, Idaho 83581 OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - Bone. ORDERIBG IBFOR!ATION: 1481-~3. 111. 1136 USER VOLUIIE REQUIRE!ENT none 1111 none !!Elli ODD INTEGER !ETHOD Burr Preston DIRECT TECHNICAL INCUIRIES TO: Eurr Preston IBII Corporation 5211 North Dearborn Street Chicago 111, Illinois DESCRIPTION - Binary Search is a highly efficient method of table look-up and has nothing to do with column binary or binary arithmetic. Search ftacro generates an open subfoutine to conduct a binary search of a table. Search does not set up the table, it merely searches the table and exits to the next sequential instruction if the data record is matched, or exits to an address supplied as a parameter if the data is not matched. Index register 3 contains the address of the table entry which compared equal. Emphasis is on ease of use. Search uses a lIacrogenerateci address table to divide the table of entries into successively smaller halves and does not require the ftultiply-Divide special feature. All entries must be of same length and in ascending sequence. Size and number of entries in the table is restricted only by core storage available. PROGRAft!ING SYSTE!S - Written in Autocoder. DESCRIPTION - This generalized, closed subroutine extracts the square root of any non-negative number. If the argument is negative, the square root of the absolute value of the argument is generated, and control transfers to the main program via an error return. The argument size is variable and limited only by available core. The root contains half an many digits as the argument. An extremely general and easy to use linkage allows the programmer to have no knowledge of the work areas or symbolic labels used by the subroutine. IIINI!O! SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - 285 positions are required for a 111 digit argument. In general, 255 & 31 positions are required for an argument of length 1. Advanced programming (index registers, !ove Record, Store A and E Registers), High-LOW-Equal Compare, and 1I0dify Address. The latter two features may be eliminated by minor program modifications. ftINIIIUft SYSTEII REQUIREBENTS - Storage requirellent=: - varies. Typical requirements are 187 positions for 31 entry table, 149 positions for 4895 entry table. 8 additional positions if ftodify Address is not available. Equipment specifications - Advanced programming, Hi-Lo-Equal Compare. Assembly requires 1481 Autocoder system. BASIC PROGRAft PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - 1Irite-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRA! PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORftATIOB: PROGRA! BUftBER 14111838836 PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTIOB liED lUll TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none USER VOLUIIE BEQUIREftl!NT 811 none none BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCU!ENTATION - 1Irite-up. !ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. 1481-83.8.1141 14111L1468 g1!ULTANEQ.!!.§ .!!J!LTIPL! DIVID]! m!!!::!lQUTINJ! OPTIONAL FROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFOR!ATION: PROGRAII NUBBER 1411111311814 FROGRlft NU!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! TYPE CODE EASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none AUTHOR: II. oJ. 1111 AUTHOR: USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIENT none E. D. Spraker DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: E. D. Spraker IBft corporation 1439 Peachtree Street, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia none Kenny DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: II. oJ. Kenny IBII Corporation 7321 Lake Street River Forest, Illinois DESCRIPTION - A closed SPS square Root Routine using no execution time estimated at 211 to 3111 mille seconds depending on the sum of digits in radicand. Bethod of successive subtractions based on formula S (N) equals (N. N & N) 2. Fixed point arithmetic giving a six significant digit answer. Range, largest number is 9999988111111111136, DESCRIPTIOB - This programmed sub-routine provides the ability to multiply and divide simultaneously in one operation with algebraic sign control and decimal control up to five additional places. Both the multiplication and division in any combination is accomplished in approximately half the time it takes to use two separate multiply and divide routines. This routine allows use of either multiplication, or division or the combination with complete linkage to users program. It provides for the multiplicand, divisor and multiplier/dividend to be up to 18 positions each and supplies a 28 position signed answer and 18 position remainder. BIBIRU! SYSTEft RJ!QUIREBEBTS - Oses less than 268 Fositions of any 1481-1468 with Advanced Programming. BASIC PROGRAft P ACKAGI! DOCUftElI'.rATIOB - Write-up. RACBINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. COBTRIBOTBD PROGBlIIS 1481 1111il1 DESCRIPTIOB - A Two Pass 1481 FORTRAB Program that will accomodate eight independent variables. OPTIOBAL FROGRAII PACKAGE - Bone. ORDERIBG IBFORIIATIOB: PAGB 847 CONTIBUED FROII PRIOR COLUIIB COBTIBUED PROII PRIOR PAGE PROGRAII BUIIBER 1481838841 PROGRAII BUIIBER EXTEBSIOB DISTRIBUTIOB IIEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIOBAL none none USER VOLUIIE REQUIREIIEBT none 88 none 1111111011 SYSTEII REQUIREIIEBTS - 14111 8K syste.. Easily modified to increase the nu.ber of variables for use on a larger syste. 14111 8K. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIEBTATION - Write-up. IIACHIBE READABLE - Appropriate .aterial delivered. OPTIOIAL PRCGRAII PACKAGE - Bone. 1481-115.8.883 ;:~!!!;E AUTHOR: ORDERIBG IBFORIIATION: SIIIULTABEOUS EQUATIO! H.~. !!~ IlATRIX IBURSIOB PROGRAII BUIIBBR 1411111681182 PROGRAII BUIIBER EXTEBSIOB DISTRIBUTIOI liED lUll TYPE CODE lIyers DIRECT TECHBICAL IBQUIBIES TO: H. J. lIyers IBII corporation 2338 st. Paul Street B.altimore 18, lIaryland BASIC none DTR. OPTIOBAL none none USER VOLUIIE REQOIBBIIEBT none 1111 none 1481-86.8.883 DESCRIPTIOB - Up to 37 si.ultaneous equations are solved. lIatrices up to 38 x 38 .ay be inverted as will be the coefficient matrix of the simultaneous equations. All calculations are carried out in eight-digit precision. No rounding is performed. PROGRAIIIIIBG SYSTEIIS - written in Autocoder. IIIBIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - The program requires the High-Low-Egual Compare, lIultiply-Divide and Advanced Progra •• ing features and 4, 8, 12 or 16K positions of core storage. BASIC FROGRAII PACKAGE DOCOIIENTATION - Write-up. IIACRIBE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. PROGRAII BUIIBER 1481858883 PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTEBSION DISTRlllUTIOB IlEDIUII TYPB CODB BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none USER VOLUIIB REQOIREIIENT 118 Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City DIRECT TECHBICAL IBtUIRIES. TO: Research Department Pederal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Pederal Reserve P. O. Station Kansas City 6, lIissouri DESCRIPTION - A multiple regression analysis designed to handle up to 111 variables. co.putes partial regression and standardized partial regression coefficients, standard errors, T values, partial and .ultiple correlation coefficients, and the Durbin watson ratio. BASIC. PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATIOB - Write-up. IIACHIBE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. none OPTIOIAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. none ORDERING INFCRIIATION: PROGRAII NUIIBBR 141111169£113 PRO GRAil NOIIBER EXTEISIOB 1481-116.11.8111 --- .§EASOUL ADJUSTIIEBT .Q! IIOBTHLY lIIIE .§ERIES AUTHOR: J!!QU.§ilQ! PROGBAII IIIIIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - 14111 card system with 8K memory, lIultiply-Divide, Indexing, Store AddreSs Register, Hi-Lo-Equal Compare, Expanded Print Edit. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDEBlBG IBPORIIATIOB: IIOL~ AOTHOR: Fabio Tomchinsky EIRECT TECHBICAL INQOIRIES TO: Pabio Tomchinsky IBII Corporation 238 S. 15th Street Philadelphia, pennsylvania DISTRIBOTIOB IIEDIOII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIOBAL none none OSER VOLUIIE REQOIREIIEBT none 1111 none 1481-86.8.1184 IIULTI:PLE !.1!!!! REGBESSIQ! !IALYS.!.§ DESCRIPTIOB - Computes a preliminary seasonally adjusted series following the conventional ratio to .oving average technique. Then it utilizes a weighted fifteen-.onth .oving average as the esti.ate of the trend cycle curve used to obtain the final seasonally adjusted series. Computes the irregular, cyclical and seasonal co.ponents. The progra. will handle up to 15 years of .onthly data with one data card for each year. Bach card .ust have information for all 12 months of a calendar year. PROGliAlIlIIBG SYSTEIIS - Written in SPS. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQOIRBIIEBTS - Card 1481-4K; no special device; SHISKIB .ethod. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCOIlEBTATIOB - Write-up. IIACHIBE READABLE - Appropriate .aterial delivered. AUTHOR: lIary Ann Fisher DIRECT TECHNICAL IBQUIRIES TO: Charles Yurasek IBII Corporation 578 Broad Street Newark, lew Jersey DESCRIPTION - This program is designed to acco.plish a regression analysis of up to 14 independent variables on the s.allest 1481 with PORTRAN capabilities. It sacrifices speed and elegance to acco•• odate larger problems than any other such progra. now available. Easily .odified by user with PORTRAI knowledge. The method used is least squares and statistics ate calculated for the evaluation of overall fit and individual components. Data format may be modified by user. PROGRAIIIIIBG SYSTEIIS - written in FORTRAN. OPTIOBAL FROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIlEBTATION - Bone. IIACHINE READABLE - Source code. IIIBIIIOII SYSTEII REQUIREIIEITS - Requires 8K 14111 with FORTRAB features. ORDERIBG IBPORIIATIOB: BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIlf!ITATION - write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. PROGRAII BUIIBER 14818681181 PROGRAII BUIIBER EXTEBSIOB DISTRIBUTIOB IIEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none DTR· 1!!.ft1::.ftb.L..@..@l 1IBEAR REGRESSIO! !!.!1.ll!.§ AOTHOR: 88 OSER VOLUIIE REQOIREIIEBT none OPTIOIAL PReGRAII PACKAGE - lone. ORDERIBG IBPORIIATIOB: none PROGRAII BUIIBER 14811161111114 PROGRAII BUIIBER EXTEBSIOB DISTRIBOTION IIEDIOII TYPE COtE BASIC none DTR. OPTIOBAL none none 1111 USER VOLUIIE REQOlREIIEBT none none II. Turoff DIRECT TECHBICAL IBQOIRIES TC: II. Turoff IBII Corporation 528 Boylston Street Boston 16, lIassachusetts 14111-86.8.1185 IIULTI:PLB CORRELATIOB !Q!1! AUTHOR: = VARIABLES Dr. J. R. Johnson !1l .Q! IIIPORTABCE J)ETE1lIlIBE~ COB~RIBU~ED PAGE "48 14"1 CONTINUED PR08 PRIOR PAGE DIREC~ PROGRA8S 14"1 CONTIIUED PR08 PRIOR COLU8B TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: Dr'. J. R. Johnson Industrial Engineering Dept. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Winston-Salea, Borth Carolina DOCU8ENTATION - Write-up on lIicrofiche only. 8ACHINE READABLE - Bone. ORDERIBG IRPOR8ATIOB: DESCRIPTI~B - To deteraine the order of iaportance of the independ.ent variables in a aultiple correlation problea, to find the coefficients of aultiple correlation for the variables as they are introduced, to find p-tests of significance of these coefficients, to find the coefficients of the regression equation for the variables selected, and (if deserved) to calculate predicted values of the dependent variable. Wherry-Doolittle 8ethod. This progra •. is intended to replace a siailar prograa of identical title dated June, 1963. Up to 1"S variables with 22" observations, where the nuaber of observations aust exceed the variables. By changing the diaension stateaent in phase 1, one can add tvo observations for every variable not needed. 8IBI8U8 SISTE8 REQUIREBEITS - Storage requireaents - 16,S"S positions. Bodulus is 5 and 8antissa is B. Equipaent Specifications - IB8 14"1, 16K with the following features: Advanced Prograa.ing, High-Low-Eq¥al Coapare, and 8ultiplyDivide, three tape drives, 14"2 Card Reader and Punch, 14"3 Printer, and high-speed sor~er. I card reproducer is helpful. PROGRA8 RU8BER 14B1B6SS"7 Indicate "B R 1" in coluans 1-3 and the Prograa Ruaber in coluans 4-13 on the IB8 Prograa Order Porll. L. E. Hanneaan AU~HOR: DIREC~ TECHNICIL INQUIRIES TO: L. E. Hanneaan IB8 Corporation 2116 Grand Avenue Des 80ines 12, Iowa DESCRIP~ION - REGIR cOBputes siaple correlation coefficients and perforas a linear regression analysis utilizing a ainiaua aaount of core space. The prograa handles up to one hundred observations, and accepts up to eight independent variables and one dependent variable. PROGRAII8IRG SISTE8S - Written in SPS. BASIC PROGRA8 PACKAGE DOCU8EB~ITIOI - Write-up on 8icrofiche only. 81CHIBE BEADABLE - Bone. ORDERIBG INPOR8ATIOI: 8IRI8U8 SISTE8 REQUIRE8ERTS - A 4K 14S1 with Advanced PrograaBing is required. The prograa instructions occupy core positions S1BB-3S98. ~he lIatrix occupies positions 31"B-3999. positions B1SS-"132 are cleared before printing occurs. PROGRA8 IU8BER 14S1S6S"S5 Indicate "E I 1" in colu.ns 1-3 and the Prograa Buaber in colullns 4-13 on the IB8 Progra. ·Order Pora. BASIC PROGRI8 PACKAGE DOCU8ERTITIOR - Write-Up. 8ICHIR! READABLE - Appropriate aaterial delivered. 14S1-S6.S.11116 OPTIOBIL PROGRA8 PACKIGE DOCU8ERTATION - Rone. BACHIR! READABL! - Source code. ---~RLB TH:lBUll VlRUBLE ~illll CORREL!!!£! AUTHOR: Rupert J. Lissner ORDERIRG IRPOR8ATIOR: DIRECT TECHBICAL IBQUIRIES TO: Rupert J. Lissner Post Office Box 7256 Stanford University Stanford, California BASIC DESCRIPTION - CORLB vill correlate up to thirteen variables and print the correlation coefficients along with headings specified by the user. Through header cards, the user specifies nUliber of variables (12-13), title of each variable (for identification on printed report), and data card location of variables. An optional header card viII print up to 7B coluans of inforaation at the top of the report. lUBber of data cards cannot exceed 99,999. If input data is not on cards, the' SPS language source deck should be requested, as aodifications vill be necessary. PROGRI88Il1G SISTE8S - Written in SPS. 811118U8 SISTE8 REQUIREBEBTS - !B8 14"1 with 8ultiply-Divide. 14S1 Card Reader/Punch, 14S3 Printer. 4K core storage. EASIC PROGRAB PICKIGE i:OCU8EBTATION - Write-up. 8ACHIIE READIBLE - Appropriate material delivered. DISTRIBUTION BEDIU8 TYPE CODE none ------------------ DTR* n none DTR* 14"1-"6. i.SS9 ~ll !!h!~~!!! 1m!§ PROGRI8 AU~HOR: = USER VOLUIIE BEQUIREftEBT ----------none SS none ~ ~ 8ETHOD !.h X-9 VERSI.Q!... ~ E. C. Christ DIRECT TECHNICAL IRQUIRIES TO: E. C. Christ Pederal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Departaent of Research Philadelphia, pennsylvania USER VOLU8E REQUIRE8ENT PROGRA8 NU8BEIl 14S1S6SSS6 PROGRA8 NU8BER EXTENSION OP~IORIL DISTRIBUTION ftEDIU8 TYPE CODE -------------- DESCRIPTION - To adjust seasonally monthly time series and to provide additional lIeasures as aids to analyzing the data. The basic procedure aay be found in Electronic coaputers and Business Indicators by Julius Sbiskin, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research as Occasional Paper 57. The X-9 Version is generally described in Business cycle Developments, !larch 1962, published by the Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Congress. 8aximum of 15 years of monthly data. Each year must be coaplete, with no ainus or zero values. 80nthly values not to exceed 6 digits. Any consecutive 12 aonths must total less than 1B,SSS,SSS. OPTIOIIL FROGRA8 PACKAGE DOCU8EBTATION - None. BACHINE READABLE - Source code. ORDERING INPOR8ATION: PROGRIB BUBBER 14S1S6S"SB PROGRAII RU8BER EXTERSION BASIC none DTR* SS none PROGRA811ING SISTE8S - Written in Pixed/Ploat Relocatability. OPTIONAL none CARDS 15 none 8IWI8U8 SYSTEB R!QUIRE8ERTS - 4K, 132 Print Positions, card system, no special feature. 14S1-S6.S.SS7 -REGR!~1Q!f ANALIS~ COBPUll!!! ~ AUTHOR: Joseph J. ott DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: Joseph J. Ott U. S. Department of COlilierce Bureau of Public Roads Washington 25, D. C. BASIC PROGRI8 PACKAGE DOCU!lEBTITION - Write-up. 8ACHIR! READABLE - Appropriate aaterial delivered. OPTIONIL PROGRI8 PACKAG! - Wone. ORDERING INPOR8ATION: BASIC DESCRIPTION - To provide a program for the solution of siaple and lIultiple regression equ'.ltions involving froa 2 to 26 variables and from 2 to 9999 observations. Data to be entered aust be in 1S digit form with the decimal point assumed to be between the fifth and sixth digits. No Check is aade of the matrix to see if there are identical rovs or coluans IIIBI8U8 SISTE8 REQUIREIIENTS - 16S"S positions of core storage. IB8 14S1 (or with Co.patibility Switch). Advanced Prograaming package. Pour tape units. BASIC PReGHAII PACKAGE OPTIORAL ~YPE none DTR* -------------none 14S1-"6. S.S1S DISTRIBUTION 8EDIU8 CODE ------------------SB USER VOLU8E REQUIRE8ENT ----------- none none none .!.§ ~ll IDJUSTI!!!U SHORT f~!.!1 AUTHOR: PROGRA8 NUBBER 14S1S6"SS9 PROGRI!I RU8BER EXTENSIOR CENSUS IIETHOD l!.L X-9 Vl!RSIOl!.& .!L. E. C. Christ DIRECT TECHNICAL IRQUIRIES TO: E. C. Christ COBTRIBUTED PROGRl!S 1481 1481 CONTINUED PRO! PRIOR PAGE PAGE 849 CONTINUED PRO! PRIOR COLO!N Pederal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Departaent of Research Philadelphia. Pennsylvania OPTIONAL PROGRAB PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INPOR!ATIOR: DESCRIPTION - To seasonally adjust aonthly tiae series and to chart the original and the seasonally adjusted data. The basic Frocedure aay be found in Electronic Coaputers and Business Indicators by Julius Shiskin. published by the National Bureau of Econoaic Research as Occasional Paper 57. The X-9 Version is generally described in Business Cycle Developaents. !arch 1962. published by the Bureau of the Census. U. S. Departaent of Congress. !axiaua of 15 years of aonthly data. Each year aust be coaplete. with no ainus ox: zero values. !onthly values not to exceed 6 digits. Any consecutive 12 aonths aust total less than 111.1Ul8.81111. PROGRA! NU!BER 14111868812 PROGRA! NU!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! TYPE CODE USER VOLOI!E REQUIREI!ERT BASIC none DTB* none OPTIORAL none none none 1481-116.8.814 .2!!=!!! AOTHOR: lHlLYS~ Q! .!!n!!9 !. !. Johnson PROGRA!!!!ING SYSTE!!S - Written in Pixed/Ploat Relocatability. DIRECT TECHnClL INQUIRIES TO: !. !!. Johnson The Bendix Corporation PioneeX:-Centx:al Division Hickox:y Gx:ove Road Davenport. Iowa !!INI!U! SYSTE! REQUIRE!ERTS - 4K. 132 Print Positions. card systea. no special features. BASIC PROGRlI! PACKAGE DOCU!ERTATIOR - Write-up on !icrofiche only. !ACHIR! READABLE - None. ORDERING IRPOR!ATION: DESCRIPTION -Coaputation of "P Rati0 8 for One Way Analysis of Variance. The px:ogx:aa is designed for both variable and constant saaFle sizes per coluan. PROGR1!! NU!BER 1411186811111 Indicate 8B R 1" in coluans 1-3 and the Prograa Nuaber in coluans 4-13 on the IB! Prograa Order Pora. PROGRA!!IRG SYSTE!S -' written in PORTRAN. !!INI!UM SYSTEB REQUIRE!!ENTS - The prograa is liaited to a aatrix of 99 coluans and 999 x:ows. Equipaent specifications - 8K 1481 card systea with a 132 position printer. and standax:d PORTRAR configuration. AUTHOR: BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!ENTATION - Write-up. !ACHIRE READABLE - Appx:opriate aaterial delivered. J. W. Syrotchen DIRECT TECHRICAL INQUIRIES TO: J. W. Syrotchen IB!! Corporation 771111 Second Boulevard Detroit. !!ichigan OPTIONAL PROGRAB PACKAGE - None. ORDERIRG INPOR!lTION: DESCRIPTION - This prograa explains in detail the basic concepts and requireaents of a console operations loq. specifically oriented to 14111-14111 systeas. but is general enough to be adapted for any installation. To suppleaent the method outlined. three 14111 4K prograas are provided to enable a aeans of analyzing the cards punched fro a the log. Eight reports are illustrated. PROGRA!MING SYSTE!S - Written in Basic SFS. !INI!UM SYST!! REQUIRE!!NTS - No special features or devices are used except sense switches and 132 print positions. Basic systea configuration necessary to utilize prograas. 4K 1481. 14112 and 1483. BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATIOR - Write-up. MACHINE READABLE - Appropriate aaterial delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Rone. MACHINE READABLE - Source code. CliDERING INPOR!!ATION: PROGRU NU!!BER 14"18681111 PROGRA! RU!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !!EDIU! TYPE CODE USER VOLUME REQUIRE!!ERT EASIC none DTR· 88 none CPTIONAL none DTR. 88 none 1481-86.8.1112 ---INALYSI~ S1l: !lRUNCE. 1 1Q I.!ll! ! ~ PACTORIAL DESIGN AUTHOR: Dr. J. Robert Jchnson. Jr. DIRECT TECHnCAL INQUIRIES TO: Dr. J. Robert Johnson. Jr. Industrial Engineering Departaent R. J. Reynolds Robacco Coapany Winston-Salea, North Carolina DESCRIPTION - Analysis of variance of data for a 2 to the N power factorial design. As given in aanual of Experi.ental Statistics by Preund, Liveraore. and !!iller, Prentice - Hall, 19611. Por N. the nuaber of factors. 2 less than N less than 5. The Dumber of replications must be aore than one and less than 26. (Thex:e is aaple rooa in storage for expanding the li.its on the x:estrictions.) 93811 positions. !odulus is 5, aantissa is 8. ~ PROGRA!! NU!BER 14811168"14 PROGRA! NU!BER EXTENSION ~ISTRIBUTION BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none TYPE !EDIU! CODE 118 EASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCO!!ENT1TIOR - Write-up. !!ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate aaterial delivex:ed. none none 14111-117.11.883 *! POLYRO!IlJ, £!!l!!1l XlI POR ECOROBIC !!~ lRD !QRECASTINGAUTHOR: Lawrence Salzaan DIRECT TECHRICAL IN~UIRIES TO: Lawrence Salzaan IBB Corporation 598 !adison Avenue Rew York, Rew York 18822 DESCRIPTION - This prograa is written in PORTRAN for a 16K-1481 and is coapatible with the 16K-1481 version of the Data Transfer Prograa for Census !ethod II. No. 116.11.813. These two prograas in conjunction with the 4K1481 versions of Census !ethod II No. 86.8.889 fora an autoaated package for forecasting. This prograa takes time-series data and fits a first. second and/or third degree polynoaial to the series. It coaputes the function. fitting points to the eguation and subtracting and dividing the fitted froa the observed data. This gives the deviations about an assuaed trand which tends toward the cycle for those series that have a cycle. As an option. the trend can be projected 24 tiae periods into the future. i.e •• if aonthly data are used this gives a 2-year projection. The coefficients are coaputed by the least squares technique. The calculations utilize PORT RAN Ploating Point. Arithaetic. A modified Gaussian eliaination technique is used to solve the resulting set of linear equations. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!ENTATION - 1Iri te-up. !ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate aaterial delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INPOR!ITION: PROGRA!! NUMBER 1481878883 PROGRA!! RUBBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* none OPTIONAL none none none PROGRA!!ING SYSTE!!S - written in PORTRAN. !!IRI!U!! SYST!! REQUIRE!!ENTS - 1481. 12K or 16K. with the following features - Advanced Prograaaing. High-Low-Equal Compax:e. and !ultiply-Divide - cax:d reader and punch 14113 Printer. USER VOLU!E REQUIREI!ERT 1481-89.2.887 !!IGHWlY ~Q!!! AUTHOR: ~ANTITIES lRD DESIGN DATA David Denzer DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: David Denzer State of Illinois Division of Highways USER VOLU!E REQUIRE!!ENT COB'lRIBUTBD PIIOGIIAIIS PAGB 858 1481 COITIIUBD PIICII PIIIOIi PAGB COITIIUED PIIOB PJlIOB COLUIIB Eureau of Besearch & Planning State Office Building springfield. Illinois in colu.ns 4-13 on the IBII progra. Order Por •• DBSCBIl'TIOI - The purpose of the progra. is to co.pute cut an4 fill quantities. aass diagra. ordinates. and critical tea plate offsets and elevations. for such projects as hig •• ays. levees, and channels, fro. ground cross sections expressed either by rods and offsets or by elevations and offsets, a profile grade line. and a roadway te.plate of not aore than 28 points on each side of centerline. Two cut slopes and three fill slopes of any selected rate of slope aay be used. All teaplate points are difined by vertical and horizontal offsets fro. the preceding point, so that the di.ensions of any point aay be changed at any cross section station without affecting the relative position of other unchanged points on the teaplate. The pr~raa aay be used for .ultiple roadways ~~ !~:~l:~e o:~~~i!: width can be defined by not aore than BIIIBUB SISTBII IIEQUIBBIIEITS - IBII 1481 coaputer systea with 16K lIeaory. AUTHOR: K. Ki.ball Bolland DIRECT TECHIIClL IIQUIRIBS TO: K. Kiaball Ro-lland Barrows Ball Oberlin College Oberlin, Ohio DESCRIPTION - 1491 Inventory lIanage.ent Siaulator is a s.all size basic inventory manageaent siaulator which offers an easy aethod of siaulating the behavior of various inventory policies using historical sales data. lIany different policy options are available and the routines are easily .odifiable. IIINIBOII SIS TEll REQUIRE!BBTS - !eaory 4K 1481 processor; 1482 Card Reader/Punch; 1493 (132 Print Positions). BASIC PBOGRIII PACKIGE DOCUIlEITITIOI - Write-up on lIicrofiche only. BACBIIE ilEA DIBLE - Bone. ORDEBING IIPOB8ATIOI: 1481-18.2.883 IIVERTOIII BUIGEIIE,!! SnULITOR BA,SIC PROGlIl1I PICKAGE DOCU!EITlTI1l1 - Write-up. BACHIIE REIDIBLE - lppropriate aaterial delivered. PIiOGIIlB BUUEII 1481892887 OPTIOBAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - lone. Indicate "'B B 1" in colu.ns 1-3 and the Prograa Buaber in coluans 4-13 on the IBB Prograa Order Pora. ORDBlIIIG INPOR!ITIOR: PROGRIII 10llBER 1491182883 PlIOGRl1l 10llBBR E%TEBSIOB AUTROII: II. Cabell DIRECT TECIiIICAL IBQUIRIES TO: S. Cabell EBB Corporation 6218 Borth Atlantic Avenue Cocoa Beach, Plorida DISTRIBUTIOB IIEDIUB TIPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIOIlL none none 1491-18.2.886 1I0RTGAGE Ill0RIZlTIOR AUTROR: OSER VOLOIIE BEQOIREBENT 88 none none ~ Bartley Predrickson DBSCBIPTIOI - The prograa aaxiaizes a linear objective function of B variables, subject to II constraints. The values for II & I aust be specified by the user for each prablea. The Siaplex aethod is used, l:ut is revised to perait the hasis to be carried as only a coluan aatrix. DIRBCT TBCHIICIL INQUIBIES TO: Hartley Predrickson IBII. CQrporation 348 East South Teaple Salt Lake City, Utah PBOGRABBIBG SISTEIIS - written in SPS-2. DESCRIPTION - This prograa will be written to aaortize a mortgage and print a schedule of this a.ortization. The printed iteas for a given date would include - date of each payment, and nuaber of reaaining payaents. It the end of the prograa is will print the a.ount of principal and interest paid. The variables that the user can specify will be - principal aaount- interest rateaaount of payaent, and date of first pay.ent. The prograa will have the abili ty to stop it on a certain date, after a certain a.ount of pay.ent is reached. Or until the aortgage is co.pletely aaortized. Extra principal pay.ents .ay be included is desired. BIBIBUII SISTBII REQUIREIIEITS - The progra. requires 1588 positions. 1481 CPU 2K, 4K. BK, 12K, or 16K. 1482 Card Beader, 1483 1I0del I or 1I0del II Printer. Bo special features are required. EISIC PJI0GRlII PACKAGE DOCUIIBI!ITIOB - Write-up. IIACHIBE RBIDIBLE - lppropriate .a.terial delivered. OPTIOBIL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIEI!ITIOB - lone. IIACHIBE BBADIBLE - Source code. ORDEBIBG IIlPORIIATIOB: !IIII!IOB SISTBB RBQUIREIIEBTS - 4K 1491 High-Low-Equal Co.pare, lIult. & Divide and 132 print positions. PIiOGlIllI BUIIBBlI 1481181882 osn VOLOIIE REQUIREIIEBT BASIC PROGIIAII PICKAGE DOCUIIEITlTIOB - Write-up. BICHIBE READABLE - lppropriate aaterial delivered. PiOGBAB BUIlBER BtTEISIOB DISTRIBUTIOB liED lUll TIPE CODB BISIC none DTR. 88 none OPTIOIIL PROGBIII PACKIGE - Bone. OPTIOBlL none DTR. 88 none ORDERIBG IBPORlIlTIOB: IUTROII: Dr. J. Robert Jchnson, Jr. DIRECT TECH,ICAL IBQUIRIES TO: or. J. Robert Johnson, Jr. lndustrial Engineering Departaent a. J. Reynolds Tobacco Coapany 1inston-Salea, Borth Carolina DESCRIPTIO. - To solve a general linear prograaaing problea. REvised Si.plex aethod, prcduct fora of the inverse. POIITRAB. Op to 188 equations with any nuaber of unknowns. Storage re~uireaents 16888 positions. 1I0duius is 5 and aantissa is 8.83 ainutes or 21 equations in 53 unknowns the nuaber of variables involved and of the nuaber of iterations than of the nuaber of equations. 811IIIUII SISTEII REQUIIIEIIElTS - 1481. 16K with the following features: Advanced prograaaing. 8igh-Low-Bqual Coapare, and lIultip1y Divide- three 7338 Tape Drives - card reader and punch - 1483 Printer. 1482 Card Bead/Punch. BISIC PBOQkAII PACKAGE DOC08:PTlTIOI - Write-up on IJicrofiche only. Bl¢BltE IIB1DlBLE - Bone. ORDEBIIG IIPOII1I1TIOB: PIIOGB11I IpllBBIi 1481181 •• 4 Indicate "E I 1" in colu.ns 1-3 and the Prograa luaber PROGBlII IUIIBER 1481192986 PlIOGRl1I BOIIBBR E%TERSIOI DISTRIBUTIOB IIEDIUII TIPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIOBIL nODe none OSER VOLUBE REQOIREBEBT 99 1481-18.2.887 !U1GEBEBT DECISIO!! 1I1KIBG LlBORITOR! IUTOIllTIC PLO!!IBG ~ AUTROB: none none .8 !iF" Stephen B. Lucas DIRECT TECRIICIL IIQUIRIES TO: Stephen B. Lucas IBII Corporation 529 B. Dearborn Chicago, Illinois DESCRIPTION - IIIDIIAP is a prograa utilizing history and decision cards fro. each period of play to auto.atically generate nine graphs of laboratory results on the 1493 Printer. By using this progra., the Decision Baking Laboratory Ad.inistrator eli.inates the need for personnel to aanually graph results. Any co.bination of graphs can be selected by sense switches and additional copies aade without reloading the progra. or data. 1481 requireaents are the sa.e as those for the IBB 1481 Banageaent Decision lIaking Laboratory. The object prograa can be on cards or tape. Graphs available are-- price by area, .arketing by area. total aarketing, total dollar sales and unit COITRIBUTED PROGRIIIS 1481 1481 sales. research and develop.ent and unit cost. production quantity and production as percent of capacity, inco.e, assets and return on assets. In addition. a su ••ary report of inco.e, assets, and return is also lIritten for the use of the adainistrator. PROGRAIIIIIBG SYSTEIIS - written in Autocoder IIIIIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIRBIIEBTS - 1481 Processing Unit lIith 4111111 positions of storage, Advanced prograa.ing feature, Hi-Loll-Bqual Co.pare feature, Sense Switches feature, "ultiply-Divide feature. 14112 card-Read/Punch; 14113 Printer - 729 or 73311 lIagnetic Tape units (2). BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIEITATIOB - Write-up. IIACRIBE READABLB - Appropriate .aterial delivered. OPTIOIAL PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIEBTATIOB - Bone. IIACRIB! READABLE - Source code. ORDERIBG I.PORIIUION: PROGRAII NUIIBEB 14111111211117 DISTRIBUTION "EDIU" TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· 1111 none CPTIOBAL none DTR· IiJIiJ none OSER VOLU"E REQUIREltEBT 141iJ1-HI.2.1111iJ .11 COIIIIERCIlL !1!1l SAVINGS :!ELLER gllULlTION USI!Q HABAC .!rn!H!!J. V. Spikes. Jr. Robert Sykoba DIRECT TECHNICAL IlIQUIRIES TO: J. V. Spikes. Jr. IBII corporation 112 East Post Road White Plains. Nell York 11iJ681 DESCRIPTION - Prograa si.ulates teller operation. providing suaaary statistics lIhich reflect levels of custoaer service and teller utilization. 1I0del lias developed by lIABAC. The si.ulator utilizes lIonte Carlo technique of rando. selection in the assignaent of transaction type and processing tiae to si.ulated custo.ers. custoaer arrivals are generated assu.ing arrival lIithin tiae period fits a poisson distribution function. The user is allolled a aaxiau. of 5 lIindoll types, total windows not to exceed 31iJ. and .axi.u.s of 29 tiae periods. 21iJ transaction types, queue length of 9. Progra. reguires IIABIC'S Teller Perfor.ance Standards to deteraine process inC} ti.e for each custo.er by transaction type. It is suggested that data on custoaer arrivals and transaction aix be gathered by a separate prograa. Teller Si.ulation Data Conversion and Su •• arization Progra. for IBII 141iJ1. PROGRAIIIIIBG SYSTEIIS - Written in 14111 Autocoder IOCS. IIIUIIUII SYSTFII REQUIREIIUTS - 8K. 1481. 2 tape drives, 111112. 111113. Advanced Progra.aing, H-I-E. lIultiply Divide. RINIIIUII SYSTEII RFQOIREIIENTS - IBII 8K 1481 with Advanced Progra •• ing. lIultiply/Divide. 141iJ2 and 141iJ3. BASIC PROGRlII PICKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up. "ACRINE RBADABLE - Appropriate aaterial delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORIIATICN: CPTIOIllL nOGRAII PACKAGE COCU"ENTITIOIi - lIone. IIACHIB! READABLE - Source code. PROGRAII BURBER 11111111iJ21111iJ PROGRAII BUI!B!R EXTENSION DISTRIBUTIOB IIEDIUII TYPE CODE USER VOLUIIE REQOIRBIIEIT ElSIC none DTR· IiJIiJ none OPTIONAL none DTR· IiJII none DISTRIBUTION IIBDIUII TYPE CODB BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none AUTHOR: 141iJ1-111.2.1iJ11 .11 TECHBIQU! gllOLlTOR AUTHOR: ----- - - - ------ - ~ !ANlGEIIBE! --- R. L. Risley DIRECT TECBBIClL INQUIRIES TO: R. L. Risley l1liFon Division General Rotors Corporation Dept. 8895 Indianapolis. Indiana USER VOLUn REQUIBEltUT 81iJ none none DEC~ IIUIBG LlBOFlTCRY S. B. Lucas DIRECT TBCHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: S. B. Lucas IBII Corporation 521iJ N. Dearborn Street Chicago. Illinois DESCRIPTION - This progra. aakes available the lIanage.ent Decision lIaking Laboratory on a 14111/1311 or 111111iJ/1311 disk systea. The prograa uses .the saae econo.ic aodel and generates the saae reports as the present 141iJ1 tape version. In addition. para.eters and initial history are stored on disk. Prograa and running histo~ycan be stored on disk or run lIith card input/output. Change card foraats are used to easily alter paraaeters and history on disk. The business index can be increased or decreased and additional industry and confidential reports can be writtea by sense switch selection. At the end of any decisioll run. results stored on disk can be plotted, eli.inating the need for post-laboratory graphing. PROGRARlIIlIG SYSTEIIS - written in SPS. IIINIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREIIENTS - The .ini.ua 1311 Syste. consists of an 8K 141iJ1 or 1441iJ with Advanced progra •• ing. High-LOll-Equal Coapare. and Sense SlIitches. One 1311 Disk Drive and one 1316 Disk Pack for laboratories in progress are required. 2569 source stateaents. BASIC PROGRlft PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up IIACHINB READABLB - Appropriate aaterial delivered. OPTIOIIAL PROGRAR PACKAGE DOCUIIEBTATION - lone IIACHINE READABLB - Source code. PROGRAII IIUIIBBR 141iJ111iJ21iJ12 PROGRAII NUIIBBR EXTBBSIOI DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC none DTB· IiJIiJ none OPTIONAL none DTR. IiJIiJ none USER VOLUIIE RBQUlBEnrr 14111-1 II. 3. 1iJ1iJ2 LESS - LEAST-COST BSTIIIATIIG ABD SCHEDULIBG ~ .11&!~ AUTHORS: ----~illBTSIII - COIIPUTER ASSISTED PROJECT BY ALUlTIOll UD REVUW PROGRAII NURBER 14811821111 PROGRlII NURBER BXTENSION ORDERING INFORIIATION: BASIC PROGRlII PACKAGE DOCUIIElITATIOB - Write-up. IIACRIBE READABLB - Appropriate aaterial delivered. ORDERIBG IBFORIIATION: PROGRAlIlIIlIG SYSTEIIS - written in SPS. 1481-1Iil.2.1iJ12 141iJ1I1441iJ PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTEBSIOB AOTHORS: PAGE 851 COBTINUED FROII PRIOR COLORN COITIIUBD PBOII PRIOR PAGE ill Lou Granato Jia I!orden - Joe Rose DIRECT TECHlIICAL INCOIRIES TO: Lou Granato IBII Corporation 631 Cooper Street Caaden 2. lell Jersey DESCRIPTION - This progra. is a high speed .ethod of deteraining critical path and related infor.ation (float ti.e etc.) for proble.s where scheduling is i.portant. The prograa will .handle 8K .e.ory - 985 events (12K aemory - 1555 events and 16K .eaory - 2125 events). Any nu.ber of jobs (arrolls) can be handled. Length of the critical path cannot exceed 7 digits (9999999). will handle 1111iJ1I arrows in approxiaately 12 .inutes including card handling ti.e. This is a three (3) phase. two (2) pass prog·ra •• PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - written in SPS II. DESCRIPTION - To train personnel in the use of PERT network as (1) A planning and control device fer co.plex projects. (2) To ena1:le students to experience the siginificance of ti.e-ccst trade-offs. (3) To acquaint students with the use of the co.puter as an aid to .anage.ent. IIETBCD - A PERT network is read in followed by control card follclIed by the student changes to the PERT network. Analysis of the student changes is .ade. the PBRT network is updated. the change in cost is co.puted and the network is PBRTed and a negative slack sort is printed. !! ----- RINIIIUII SYSTEI! REQUIREIIEIITS - 1481 card systea with 8. 12 or 16K .eaory. lIultiply Divide feature. Hi-Lo-Equal Co.pare. BASIC PROGRAI! PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up. "ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate aaterial delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING IIFORIIATICN: PROGRAII BURBER 148111iJ3111iJ2 CONTRIBUTED PROGRA!S 1481 PASE 852 1481 CONTINUED FROB PRIOR COLOBN CONTIRUED FROB PRIOR PAGE PROGRAB NUBBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION BEDIUB TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none Washington, D. C. USER VOLUBE REQUIRE!!NT none 88 none 1481-18.3.887 - - PERT - DESCRIPTION - ASK is an inforaation retrieval prograa. It will select records froa tape that satisfy ranges, and, and not, or, or not, conditions. Free form inquiry format is used and multiple inquiries may be processed with one pass of the master tape. Significant features are the ability to aake multiple inquiries, the use of free fora inquiry, and the oaission of any necessity for control cards. PROGRABBING SYSTEBS - Written in SPS. AUTHOR: J. F. Borden BINIBOB SYSTEB REQUIREBENTS - 4K, 1481, two tape drives, Advanced prcgramaing package, Hi-Low-Equal Compare feature, 1482 Card Reader, 1483 Printer. DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: J. F. Borden IB! Corporation Philadelphia Education Center 238 South 15th Street Philadelphia 2, Pa. BASIC PROGRAB PACKAGE DOCU!'IENTATION - Write-up. BACHINE READABLE - Appropriate aaterial delivered. DESCRIPTION - To aid in the planning, coordination and control function of projects where schedules are iaportant. Evaluates and sequences jobs within the overall project with respect to their effect on the overall project and other jobs within the project. Siailar to the LESS prograas for 1481 and also the existing PERT prograas. Provides for the use of three (3) tiae estiaates hut does not calculate PR, i.e., the probability associated with meeting predeterained schedule dates. OPTIONAL pROGRAB PACKAGE - None. ORDERING IlIIFORBATION: pROGRAB NUBBER 1481183889 PROGRAB NUBBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION BEDIUB TYPE' CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none USER VOLUBB REQUIREftElIIT 88 none none pROGRA!BING SYSTE!S - Written in SPS; assembled with Autocoder. !INI!U! SYSTE! REQUIRE!ENTS - 1481 Bodel C-3,4,5 or 6 with, Bultiply-Divide feature, Hi-Low-Equal coapare feature, 1482 Card Read/ Punch, 1483 Printer !odel 2, 729 !odel II or IV Tape Units. BASIC pROGRA! PACKAGE DOCUBERTATION - write-up. !ACHIn .READABLE - Appropriate aaterial delivered. AUTHORS: C. B. Lobron D. H. Byers DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: C. B. Lobron IBB Corporation 238 s. 15th Street Philadelphia, Pa. OPTIONAL FROGRAB PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORBATION: 1481-10.3.818 !l!!!; SYST:U PROGRA! NUBBER 1481183887 USER VOLUBB REQUIRE!ENT DESCRIPTION - The six prograas, runs 1 through 6, together with a prograaaing systems sort package, will permit the preparation of a publication consisting of a bibiography, KWIC Index, and Personal Author Index. pROGRlII NUBBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !EDIUB TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· none pROGRABBING SYSTEBS - Written in sps II. CPTIONAL none none none BINIBUB SYSTEB REQUIREBElIITS - IBB 1481 system - 4K memory, 6 Sense Switches, 2 tape drives, Hi-La-Equal Compare feature, Advanced programming feature (Indexing, !!ove Record, Store A and B), 1402 Card Read/Punch, and 1403 Printer. 1481-18.3.888 ---iORiCiSTING II ~pOHEBTIl!. SBOOTHING Jack F. Biess BASIC pROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCOBElIITATICN - Write-up BACHIlIIE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: Jack F. Biess IBB Corporation 1'. O. Box 1688 3411 W. Washington Avenue !adison, Wisconsin OpTIOlIIAL FROGR!B pACKAGl DOCUlIENTATION - None BACHIBE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. AUTHOR: ORDEBIlIIG INFORlIlTION: DESCRIPTION - This prograa is used to find the correct saoothing parameter for each of a firas products and then used to forecast monthly deaand for one, two, three, and four months in advance for these products. The exponential saoothing aethod of forecasting is used with optional features of adjustments for seasonal variation and varying number of days in a aonth. pROGRAB NUBBER 1481183810 PROGBl! lIIUIIBER EXTERSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUB TYPE CODE BASIC none DTH· OPTIONAL none DTR· BINIBUB SYSTEB REQUIREBENTS - 1481 with 4K storage 14112 Bodel 1 14113 !'Iodel 2 (132 printing positions) no other special features are required. AUTHOR: Henry II. Steele BASIC PROGRAB PACKAGE DOCUBENTATION - Write-up. BACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: Henry II. Steele IBB Corporation 2838 Victory Parkway Cincinnati 6, Ohio USER VOLUBE REQUIREIIEHT 80 none none pROGRAB!ING SYSTEBS - written in 1481 Symbolic Language and Fixed Point Arithaetic was used throughout. OPTIONAl FROGRAB PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFCRBATION: pROGRAB NUBBER 1401103888 pROGRAB NUBBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION BEDIUB TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none 80 1401- HI. 3.889 ----~!=iiiF.QRftlTION RETHIE!!!. pROG!!!.!! fQ!! 1!!! AUTHCR: Donald Heraan DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: Donald Heraan Coapu ting Center IBB Corporation 1120 Connecticut Avenue, N. W. USER VOLUBE REQUIREBENT none none .1!J1 DESCRIPTION - A program for critical path scheduling on any 1481 system with a 1402 and 1483. purpose was to use a card input format compatible with the 1620 LESS program and to expand and improve upon the 1481 LESS program. Some of the aany changes to 1401 LESS include - Bissing node numbers permitted, elimination of memory to nines card preparation for ~hase 1. Elimination of header and trailer cards for job card input decks, and many report format changes. A four phase program. Phase 1 computes late finish time. Phase 2 computes early start time. Phase 3 computes early finish time. late start time, total float, free float, and the critical path. Phase 4 accumulates project cost and edits fields into report format. 'Restrictions and range critical path may not exceed 99,,999 time units. The maximum event of node number is 711 on a 4K system, 311 on 2K, and 191 on 1.4K. PROGRAIIBIlIIG SYSTEI!S - written in sps. BINIIIUII SYSTEB REQUIREBENTS - 1402 and 1483 on system. special features are used. Written for a 4lt system, but requires only four patches to phase 1 to operate on 1110 CONTRIBUTED PROGRAftS 141111 PAGE 11153 14"1 CONTINUED PROft PRIOR PAGE 2K or 1.4K system. Program requirements uses all storage available on 1.4K. 2K. and 4K systems. BA'SIC PROGBAft PACKAGE tOCUftENTATION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. AOTHOR: OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INPORtUTION: PROGBAII NUftBER 1411111111311113 PROGRAft NUBBER EX7ENSION DISTRIBUTION BED lUll TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none USER VOLUIIE REQUlREBIBT III" none none Hll-ll11.3."15 !IECEWCB!::1!Y!Q!!! PlYROg AUTHOR: Charlotte Scott DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: Charlotte Scott IBII Corporation 425 Park Avenue New York, New York DESCRIPTION - The Inventory lIanagement Analysis Program provides analysis and classification by investment value and profit standing. Also. the program provides for the calculation of EOQ, number of orders per year based on order quantity. fixed order points and projected turnover ratios. Individual analysis is made for each inventory type, i.e., finished goods. purchases parts, manufactured parts and raw material. This program provides a means for selecting data for inventory management simulation. by defining the area of greatest potential return. stratification of inventory items may he made by correlating demand, cost and net profit. There are many other factors which should be considered for a complete analysis such as storage capacity, obsolescence. shelf life, movement inventory and seasonal demand. lIarilyn II. Jensen DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: lIarilyn ft. Jensen IBII Corporation 3223 Wilshire Boulevard Santa 1I0nica, California PROGRAl!!!ING SYSTEIIS - Written in Autocoder. !!INIIIUII SYSTE!! REQUIREIIENTS - IBII 14"1 card system, 4K, l!ult./Divide. 132 print positions. DESCRIPTION - The Piecework-Timework Payroll Program, Phase 1, comFutes employee earnings to first gross, and prints a preliminary payroll register for supervisory audit. It provides for an emFloyee working a combination of piecework with a special rate for every job, and timework with either a special rate for every job. or with either a special or regular time rate. Shift differentials are calculated if the work was perfox:med on cther than first shift- total hours worked (piecework plus timework) are adjusted if unequal to timecard hours- and lost labor is computer if productive earnings are less than guaranteed earnings. Phase 2 produces the error register. Remaining core may be used to develop more sophisticated error diagnostic routines. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. PROGRABIIING SYSTEIIS - lIri tten in Autocoder. IIINlftUII SYSTEft REQUIREftENTS - lIithout modification, the program requires a 111"1 system with 8K. 2-7338 Tape Drives. 141115. 1487, lIultiply-Divide, H-L-I Compare. and Advanced program.ing. Phase 1 requires 6643 positions of core and 111115 source statements. Phase 2 requires 2211 positions of core with 369 source statements. PROGRAII NUl!BER 1411111"3815 PROGRAl! NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTIOB IIEDIUB TYPE CODE EASIC ------------------------ ------------------none none DTR· III" OPTICNAL none none USER VOLU!!E REQUIRElIlNT none 11101-18.3.816 URECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: P. A. Christopher IBII Corporation 'H!Jl Grand Avenue Oakland 18, California PROGRAIIl!ING SYSTEIIS - program is Written in Autocoder. IIINI!!UII SYSTE!! REQUIREIIENTS - lIritten fox: an 8K 1401 with I!ultiply-Di vide, Advanced programming and Sense Switches. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up. !!ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTICNAL FROGRAl! PACKAGE - None. PROGRAl! NUIIBEl< 1491183016 DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUl! TYPE CODE EASIC none DTR· none none none DTR. none none none none ~NTO!!! IIlBAGEl!EBT J. D. Harty O. W. Wight !!1~Q! %E!!!~ G. 11. Plossal w. J. Abramson DESCRIPTION - Lot-siZe Inventory lIanagement Interpolation Technique (LIl!IT) is a prograll which attacks the problem of inventory carrying cost found in the classical EOQ formula by distributing a departaent or plants setup hours in a more reasonable manner. output is the best order quantity for all tiaes withing the liaitation of a prescribed setup cost and matrix for graphing showing the relationshit: of inventory to set up cost for various points. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCUl!ENTATION - Write-up on l!icrofiche only. !!ACHINE READABLE - None. DESCRIPTION - A 1401 program to calculate the rate of return of an investment based on the discounted cash flow method. This program provides a standard technique for ranking proposed capital expenditures, ox:, the rate of return may be compared with a minimum acceptable rate to heop determine whether or not a proposed project should be undertaken. OPTIONAL BASIC OPTIONAL 14"1-18.3.824 1Q! SIZE (LIl!ITI. USER VOLO!!E REQUIREl!ENT IIINlItUl! SYSTEl! REQUIREl!ENTS - 4K, 1I0del 2 1483, lIultiplyDivide, Advanced Programming, and Hi-Low-Equal. Reference Apics Research Project No. 1 for lIore details. F. A. Christopher PROGRAII BUl!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !!EDIUII TYPE CODE PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - written in symbolic language. ----cipl1ll1NVE~ENT !l!ill~ ~ ORDERING INPCR!!ATION: PROGRAl! NUIIBER 14"118311123 PROGRA!! NUIIBER EXTENSION DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: J. D. Harty Stanley Tools 111 Elm Stx:eet New Britain. Conn. OPTIONAL PROGRAl! PACKAGE - None. AUTHOR: ORDERING INFORl!ATION: AUTHORS: BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE £OCUBENTATION - write-up. ftACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. ORDERING IHFORIIATION: BASIC PROGRAl! PACKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. 8" USER VOLUl!E BEQUIREIIENT ORDERING INFORIIATION: PROGRAK NUIIBER 14"11"3824 Indicate "B N 1" in columns 1-3 and the Program Buaber in columns 4-13 on the IB!! Program Order Forll. 14111-18.3.11128 .£!!!TICll R!%!! AUTHOR: 11~!!!! !l!!! Y;SOURCE DIRECT TECHNICAL INCUIRIES TO: R. J. Blair IB!! Corporation 925" Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, Calif. DESCRIPTION - This prograa performs two major functions. First, it lists critical path output in any card fox:mat. Second, it t:erforms preliminary analysis of resource requirements prior to resource siaulation. This anlaysis determines the reasonableness of the resource requirements. These requirements may be revised as a result of this analysis before proceeding with resource simulation. none none !.!~ R. J. Elair The program has four options: CONTRIBUTED PROGRAftS PAGE 854 1481 1481 CONTINUED FROft PRIOR PAGE (a) (b) (c) (d) CONTINUED PROft PRIOR COLUftN Include total float, free float, resource analysis. Include total float, resource anlaysis. Include total float, free float. List input cards. OPTIOBlL none none none 1481-18.3.8114 The program options and data field locations are specified by a control card. The program can handle stacked networks. ~~ ~ AUTHOR: PROGRAftftING SYSTEftS - Source language is SPS II. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCU!ENTATION - Write-up. !ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate .aterial delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAft PACKAGE - None. PROGR!! NU!!BER 14811831128 PROGBA! NU!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !EDIUII TYPE CODE I!lSIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none USER VOLUIIE REQUIREftENT none 1111 Done .£ DESCRIPTION - This program evaluates the progress of projects by individuals with totals for individualS, groups and the entire report. Completed projects can be entered for history and man-days early or late are computed. Puture projects can be entered for inforaation and are picked up as current projects when the start date is passed. Current projects are checked, warnings printed on condi tion,\ and prOjected co.pletion dates and aan-days deviation from the scheduled coapletion date and calculated and printed on another condition. Six monthly projections of man-day work load are coaputed for current and future projects for each individual. PROGRAftftING SYSTE!S - written in Autocoder. !INlftUft SYSTEft REQUIREftENTS - 14111 8K, ftultiply-Divide, Advanced Program.ing package and High-Low-Equal Compare. program uses 591111 positions of core. 14112 Card Reader; 132 position 14113 Printer. 14111-111.3.1135 --- ,Q!!ICK KWIC INDEX AUTHOR: ~ DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: !!r. E. E. Lambert Computer Coordinator Deere & Company Boline, Illinois 61265 !INI!U! SYSTER REQUIRE!!ENTS - IBft 4K 1481 with Advanced Progra •• ing, ftultiply/Divide, and a 1483 with 132 print positions. Prograa storage requirements 3569 positions of core used. ORDERING INFOR!ATION: !!EPO!rr !!r. B. E. Lambert BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUftENTATION - Write-up on fticrofiche only. ftACHINE READABLE - None. J. II. Bain DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TC: J. ft. Bain IBft Corporation 1123 Beaver Hall Bill !ontreal, Quebec, Canada ORDERING INPORftATION: PROGRA!! NUftBER 1411111131144 Indicate liB N 1" in columns 1-3 and the Program Number in columns 4-13 on the IB!! Prograa Order Form. DESCRIPTION - This is a one pass program to produce a si.ple KWIC Index fro. cards using only one card for each entry to the index. Previous progra.s have generally required several .achine runs to produce a KWIC Index. PROGRA!!!!ING SYSTEftS - The program is written in Autocoder and uses the full 4111111 .eaory positions. BASIC PROGRA! PACKAGE DOCU!ENTATION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL FROGRAft PACKAG! - None. ORDERING INFORIIATION: PROGRA! NU!!BEE 1411111131135 PROGRA!! NU!!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION !EDIU! TYPE CODE EASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none AUTHOR: !!rs. B. K. Pavelle DIRECT TECHRICAL IH(;UIRIES TO: S. !!. Bailes IB!! Corporation ASDD 2651 Strang Blvd. Yorktown Heights, New York !INIIIU!! SYSTE!! REQUIRE!!ENTS - The program requires a 4K 14111 with 14112 and 14113 and 4 tape drives. Advanced Prograaming and High-Low-Equal Compare features are required. USER VOLUftE REQUIRE!ENT DESCRIPTION - The Skills Inventory System is an information retrieval system which allows access to precoded data concerning employee skills and background. The system has the ability to select employees meeting the qualifications for available positions. Statistical analyses may also be perforaed. A file coded employee inforaation is built which can be updated, searched and retrieved in uncoded form (English rather than codes) • none 1111 none IIINI!UII SYSTEII R!QUIREftENTS - 8K 4-tape 14111 with Advanced Prograaming package and High-Lo-Equal Coapare. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCUftENTATION - Write-up. !ACHINE READABLE - Ap.propriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRA!! PACKAGE - None. AUTHOR: !!r. C. F. Wilkes ORDERING INl'ORIIATION: DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: IIr. C. P. Wilkes 15511 Elasford Avenue La Habra, California 911632 DESCRIPTION - A complete system of test scoring and reporting. The system uses the IH!! 1481 Card Data Processing Systea. The input source document is a marksense test answer card. !!ethod- basically, table lookup and computation. Will score up to ten different tests for an individual student, using all normal formulas or scoring techniques. Up to sixteen raw score pOints summarized into a single output card per student. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. BASIC PROGRA!! NUIIBER 1411111131141 none DTR* 1111 none ftT 1/556 liT 1/8111l CARDS OPTIONAL none none AUTHOR: BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE rOCU!!ENTATION - Write-up. !!ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE BASIC 14111-1 11.3.1155 !!INI!!U!! SYST!II R!QUIREIIENTS - 4K storage, card systea, Column Binary, Advanced programming, High-Low-Equal Coapare, Sense switches, 14113 Printer lIodel 2, 1482 Card Read Punch. PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE USER VOLU!!E REQUIREIIENT none USER VOLUftE REQUIREIIENT 111 111 none 22 24 15 --INDrvliiUll LEDGER 1!TRACT PROGRlII POR CREDIT PROGRAIIIIING SYSTEIIS - Written in card Autocoder (Basic). ORDERING INFORIIATION: PROGRAII NUIIBER 141111831149 PROGRAII NUIIBER EXTENSION none UNIO~ J. A. Atkinson DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: J. A. Atkinson IBft Corporation lIonterey and Cottle Roads San Jose, California DESCRIPTION - This program produces member's statements covering dividend accounting periods. At the start of a new dividend period a new record is started for each account with share and loan balances carried forward. Dividents are calculated and posted. Insurance preminuas are calculated. Program occupies 13141 positions and locations 111113 to 184111 and 111666 to 111140 are used for input - output. There are 1183 source statements. This program should be used in conjunction with individual !1! COBTRIBUTED PROGRAftS 1481 1481 OPTIONAL PROGRIII PACKAGE - None. ledger update prograa for credit unions. PROGRAftllIBG SISTEIIS - Written in 1481 Autocoder. ORDERING INFORftATIOB: IIIBlftUII SISTEft REQUIREIIEBTS - The prograa requires 16K, 1481 Processor, 1482 Card Reader, 1483 Printer (132 positions), 3 tape units, High-Low-Equal Coapare, Advanced programaing and Sense Switches. BASIC PROGRlft PACKAGE DOCUIIEBTATIOB - Write-up. IIICHINE REIDABLE - Appropriate aateria1 delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRlft PACKAGE DOCUIIEBTATIOB - Bone. ftACHIBE REIDABLE - Source code. ORDERING INFCRIIATION: BASIC none DTR* OPTIOBAL none none IUTHOR: USER VOLUIIE REQUIBEIIUT BASIC none DTR* 88 none OPTIOBAL none DTR* 88 none J. A. Atkinson DIRECT TECHBICAL INQUIRIES TO: J. A. Atkinson IBft Corporation 1I0nterey and Cottle Roads San Jose, California DESCRIPTION - This prograa will post all transactions to each aeaber's account. will automatically calculate interest to prinCipal for loans repaid monthly. Provides f.or share to share transfers if accounts involved have the same basic serial nuaber. Prograa occnpies 12831 positions and locations 1514 - 1648 and 1138 11138 are used for inpnt - output. There are 1183 source statements. This prograa should be used in conjunction with individual ledger extract program for credit unions. PROGRlftftING SYSTEIIS - written in 1481 Autocoder. IIIBIIIUII SYSTEII REQUIREftEBTS - Program requires 16K 1481 processor, 1482 Card Reader, 1483 printer, 132 positions), 3 tape units, High-Low-Equal Compare, Advanced Programming and Sense Switches. OFTIOBAI FROGRIII PICKAGE DOCUIIENTITION - None. ftlCHINE READABLE - Source code. AUTHOR: none none IIINlftUII SYSTER REQUIREftENTS - Can be run on 1481, 1448 or 1468 systeas, with 8K, two 1311 Disk Drives, Idvanced Programaing, High-Low-Equal COllpare, Bit-Test, any 1481/48/68 I/O hardware, Coluan Binary or card Image feature. BISIC PROGRlft PICKAGE DOCUftENTITION - Write-up. IIACHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRlft PICKAGE - None. OPTIONAL FBOGBlII BUftBER 1481183856 DISTRIBUTION ftEDIUII TYPE CODE none DTR* USER VOLUIIE REQUIBEIIUT 88 1481-18.3.865 88 none D. G. Douglas, Jr. DIRECT TECHNICAL INCUIRIES TC: D. G. Douglas, Jr. IBft corporation 518 Broad Street Newark, New Jersey 81182 DESCRIPTION - The critical Path lIanageaent Game consists of three prograas which can l:e used for teaching and deaonstrating the technigues of less critical path scheduling. At selected stages during the game participants vary activity durations by manipulation of resources. The objective is to complete project with minimum expenditure. Phase I prepares a master tape used by Phase III. Phase II computes project schedules with output siailar to that produced by less programs. Phase III simulates the gaae project and reports on the status of all activities. The gaae project is restricted to 188 activities and ainor restrictions on node numbering and maximua duration. PROGRARRING SYSTERS - Written in FORTRIN. IIIliIRUR SYSTEII REQUIREftENTS - Requires 12K, 1481 with Advanced Programaing, ftu1tip1y-Divide, High-Low-Equal Coapare, 1482 Card Reader, 1483 Printer and at least two magnetic tape units. Phase III requires 11,152 positions. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE IOCUIIENTITION - Write-up. IIACHIBE READABLE - Ippropriate aateria1 delivered. PROGRIII NUIIBER 1481183863 PROGRAII BUftBER EXTENSIOR DISTRIBUTION ftEDIUR TYPE CODE none ftT ftT -------------none ------------------1/556 1/888 22 24 USER VOLUIIE REQUIREftnT ----------- none 81 81 none ------------------------------------STUDENT SCH.!!DULI!§ SISTEII none AUTHORS: DTR* ftr. C. F. Wilkes PROGRAllftING SYSTERS - Written in lutocoder. BISIC PROGBAII NUftBER EXTENSION none 88 DESCRIPTIOB - FAST programs accept FAST test answer cards, vertically oriented one or two co1uan per side mark-sense cards, on whiCh a test subject aarks his responses. These will be scored within the. coaputer. Other input including responses, such as the IBft 1238/31/32 must be interfaced by a user prograa. In addition, keypunched or IBft 1238/534 punched raw scores can be used if item analysis not desired. Regardless of input method, raw scores are converted to derived scores, listed in various sequences, printed on pressure-sensitive labels, and profile cards produced. Statistical output includes a unit and a five point frequency distribution, and a matrix of covariance produced in three groupings-total group, plus upper and lower 2' groups. ~ OPTIONAL USER VOLURE REQUIREIIENT DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: IIr. C. F. Wilkes IBII corporation 11141 Georgia Ivenue Wheaton, lIaryland ORDERIBG INFORIIATICN: BASIC nOGRAft PICKAGE DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up. IIICHINE READABLE - Appropriate aateria1 delivered. EASIC DISTRIBUTIOB REDIUR TYPE CODE PROGRAII BUftBER 1481183855 DISTRIBUTIOB IIEDIUII TIPE CODE ORDERING INFORIIATION: PROGRAII BURBER 1481183859 PROGRAR BUftBER EXTEBSIOB 1481-18.3.863 - - PAST - PULLY IUTOftlTIC SCORING TECHliIOU~ ! ]B~RAII PACKAGE---- -------- ------ PROGBAft NUIIBER EXTEBSION IUTHOR: PAGE 855 COBTINUED FROft PRIOR COLUftB COBTIBUED FRCft PRIOR PAGE C. F. Wilkes J. R. Cottrell J. B. Kesselman B. J. Nevil II. N. Samuel DIRECT TECHNICAL IHCUIRIES TO: Charles F. Wilkes IBft Corporation 11141 Georgia Avenue Wheaton, Raryland DESCRIPTION - Socrates provides an in-house systea for scheduling secondary school students into classes of grades seven through twelve. The system schedules periods zero through ten for two regular semesters simultaneously, or one split-week semester. Features include ability groupings. teacher selection, grade range selection, sex selection, alternate course requests, study hall scheduling, blocked courses, and aaximull class balancing consistent with ainimull rejects. Includes a coaplete series of programs to sillp1ify data collection, corrections, scheduling and analysis. Pile maintenance prograas permit individual or mass changes. Output reports include verification listings, simple tally, conflict matrix, analysis of rejects, class load analysis in sequence by room, tEacher, period and course, and students schedule listing with card output option. PROGRIR!ING SYSTEIIS - Autocoder on disk. RIRIIIU! SYSTER REQUIRE!ENTS - Biniaum 8K 1481/48/68 with Bit Test, High-Low-Equal Co.pare, Advanced prograaming, one 1311 Disk Drive, and any I/O configuration. BASIC PROGRAft PACKAGE DOCUBENTATION - Write-up. !ACHINE READABLE - Appropriate lIateria1 delivered. OPTIORAL PROGRIR PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORIIITION: PROGRAB BURBER 1481183865 COlTaIBUTED PBOGBAIIS PAGE B56 14B1 14B1 CONTINUED FROII PRIOR PAGE CONTIIUED FROII PRIOR COLUIIN PROGBlII NUIIBER EXTERSIOI BASIC DISTRIBUTIOI IIEDIUII TYPE CODE -------------------------------none 22 11'1 7/556 7/88B 11'1 OPTIOBlL none USER VOLUIIE REQUlBEl!l!BT 81 81 24 none none I!T 81 = .ar. C. G. Badner DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: I!r. C. G. Badner Nev Trier Tovnship High Schools 385 Winnetka Avenue Win'netka, Illinois 68893 l.9J.1::.1B. 3.1167 I!ACHER-IIADE-Tl!ST EACKlGE I!r. D. W. Taylor 24 1481-18.3.B78 TS88 SCOR! 1IID ANALYZE TEACHER-UDE TESTS AUTHOR: AUTHORS: 7/8BB I!r. C. W. Cozad DIRECT TECHIICAL INQUIRIES TO: I!r. D. W. Taylor IBI! corporation 525 So. Flover Street Los Angeles, California 98817 DESCRIPTIOB - The purpose of this program is to take punched responses from tests scored on an IBI! 1238 Test Scoring lIachine and analyze and evaluate the test by .eans of a 1481 computer. Responses extracted are stored on disk, then analyzed and evaluated. DESCRIPTION - The Teacher-llade-Test program provides a simple and accurate vay for the teacher to make use of data processing facilities for the scoring and analysis of tests administered in the classro.o.. The program not only accollplishes the scoring function, but also the preparation of meaningful test result analyses to aid the teacher in determining individual and class needs. I!ultiple choice and/or true-false types of objective tests of up to 1118 questions can be processed. Input consists of one lIark-sense test ansver card per student. Output consists of 1. Score listing vith right or vrong response record, 2. Ite. count, and 3. Unit-point frequency distribution. Program can also be used to analyze results of opinion surveys and class elections. Restrictions are- no .ore than 88 ite.s, .aximu. veighted score - 7BB; speed - approxi.ately 1888 tests per hour. PROGRAI!I!ING SYSTEIIS - written in IIIBII!UI! SYSTEI! REQUIREI!ENTS - 1481 8K, 1482 Reader, 1483 printer, one 1311 disk, Indexing, and High-Lov-Equal Co.pare. BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCUI!ENTATIOB - Write-up. I!ACHIBE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIOBAL PROGRAI! PACKAGE ORDERING INFORI!ATION: Autocoder. 14B1~48/68 IIINIIIUI! SYSTEI! REQUIREIIENTS - 8K, 1481/48/68 vith Coluan Binary or Card Image, High-Lov-Equal Compare, Advanced progra.ming, and one 1311 Disk Drive. No~e. PROGRAI! NOIIBER 1481183878 PROGRAII NUI!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION I!EDIUI! TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· OPTIONAL none none USER VOLUI!E REQUIREI!!BT none 88 none BASIC PReGRAII PACKAGE ))OCUIIENTATION - Write-'up. IIACHIBE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. 1481-18.3.871 1.9!1 !!NIVERSIT! OPTIONAL FROGRAI! PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFCRI!ATION: PROGRAI! NUIIBER 14111183867 PROGBAI! NUIIBER EX'lENSION DISTRIBUTION I!EDIUI! TYPE CODE BASIC none CARDS OPTIONAL none none AUTHORS: USER VOLUIIE REQUIREI!EBT none 15 none INFORIUTIOB SYSTE~ R. H. Glover DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: R. H. Glover College Entrance Examination Board 475 Riverside Drive New York City, Nev York 18827 DESCRIPTION - The 1481 University Admissions Information system (UAIS) provides an effective and comprehensive means of assembling applicant information, of retrieving information in standardized report formats, obtaining detailed descriptions of applicant qualifications, assembling su.mary data, co.municating ad.issions and financial aid decisions and records of college achieve.ent to secondary schools, automatically sending notifications of .issing information and decisions to applicants, and furnishing access to applicant and class infor.ation for longitudinal and comparative studies. Included in the system is a generalized information retrieval program that provides record selection and field selection to punch a card, print a listing, or prepare a copy of formated tape. The system has tvo update runs, creating an applicant master file and a transcript master file, and seven report runs which produce the outputs previously described. 1481-18.3.868 ----!;Q9RllATIVE ADIIISSIO~ llFORIIATION 2YSTE~ AUTHOR: !!1~ AOTHOR: IIr. R. H. Glover DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: IIr. R. H. Glover College Entrance Examination Board 475 Riverside Dr. Nev York, Nev York 18827 DESCRIPTION - The system provides an effective and comprehensive means of assembling applicant information, retrieving the information in standardized report formats, obtaining detailed descriptions of applicant academic qualifications, assembling su.mary data, communicating admissions and financial aid decisions and records of college achievement to secondary schools, and furnishing access to applicant and class information for logitudinal and comparative studies. The system includes two update runs, creating an applicant master file and a transcript master file, and six report runs which produce the reports previously described. PROGRAI!IIIBG SYSTEI!S - Written in Autocoder language. MINIMUI! SYSTEII REQUIREMENTS - 8K storage capacity, 1481 processing Onit, 1486 Core Storage Unit, Model 2, 4 - 729 or 733" lIagnetic Tape Units, 1 - 1483 printer, !!odel 2 688 lpm, 132 characters, 1 - 1482 Card Read Punch, Model 1. PROGRAI!I!ING SYSTEI!S - The programs are written in Autocoder Language. FEATURES - Indexing ••• Storage Address Register ••• !love Record ••• High/Lov/Equal compare ••• Sense Svitches. IIINIIIO!! SYSTEII REQUIREII!NTS - 12K or 8K (depending on Data Precessing runs) 1481 vi th Indexing, Storage Address Register, 1I0ve Record, High-low-Equal Compare features ••• 14116 Core Storage unit, lIodel 2 ••• 4-729 Tape Units ••• 1483 Printer, lIodes 2 6811 LPII, 132 characters ••• 14B2 Card Read Punch, I!odel 1. BASIC PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUI!ENTATION - Write-up. !lACHINE READABLE - Object code, source code and sample problell. OPTIOBlL PROGRAII PACKAGE - None. ORDERING INFORMATION: EASIC PRCGUI! PACKAGl! DOCUIIENTATION - Write-up. IIACHIN! READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. PROGRAI! NOI!BER 141'11183071 PROGRAII NUI!BER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION MEDIUII TYPE CODE none USER VOLUI!E REQUIRE!!ENT OPTIONAL PROGRAM PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION - None. I!ACHIBE READABLE - Source Code. BASIC -----------------------------------------none DTR 7/556 none 22 ORDERING INFORI!ATION: OPTIONAL none PROGRAI! NUI!BER EXTENSION BASIC CPTIONAL -------------none none DTR PROGRAII NUMBER 1401183868 DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUI! CODE TYPE DTR 7/888 24 USER VOLUIIE REQOIREI!J!NT ----------none none !!T 7/556 22 81 ------------------DTR 7/556 22 7/888 24 1481-18.3.872 PIUNC!M, AID l!!1QjMATIQ! ~YSTEI! (LOAN gglll AUTHORS: AUTHOR: R. H. Glover none none CORTRIBUTED PROGRAftS 1481 14111 CORTIRUED FROB PRIOR PAGE PAGE 857 CONTI RUED FBO!! PBIOB COLUftli tIRECT TECHBICAL IBQUIRIES TO: DIRECT TECHRICAL IRgUIRIES TO: R. H. Glover College Entrance Exa.ination Board 475 Riverside Drive Rew York City, Bew York 1111121 BASIC PROGRI!! PICKAGE DOCU!!ENTITIOR - Write-up. ftACHIRE READABLE - Object code, source code and sample proble •• OPTIONII PReGRA!! PACKAGE - None. DESCRIPTIOR - The Financial Aid Infor.ation System provides colleges with an effective .eans of i.proving the student personnel aspects of student aid progra.s, increasing the utilization of student aid resources, and expanding the .anagerial capabilities of those responsible for the ad.inistration of student financial aid. The system consists of two major seg.ents; the Loan Subsystem and the Student Aid subsyste.. Since each subsystem is designed to. operate independently of the other, the docu.entation for each subsystem has been prepared separately. The basic functi.ons perfor.ed by the Lean Subsystem include the gathering of data on student borrowers and their loans; the pr.oduction of periodic state.ents for students su •• arizing their total borrowing; the generation of periodic invoices for each borrower wh.o has a payment due; the printing of a lean register detailing all loans outstanding; the recording of pay.ents, cancellati.ons and defer.ents and the pre duct ion of vari.ous supporting docu.ents necessary for the ad.inistration, auditing, and reporting of loan activitites. ORDERING INPOB!!ITION: PROGBA!! RU!!BER 141111831113 PROGBA!! NUftBER EXTERSION DISTRIBUTION ftEDIU!! TYPE CODE -------------- ------------------- BASIC none !!T ftT OPTIONAL none none 1/556 1/81!J11 USER VOLUftE REQUIREftENT 22 24 111 111 none 14111-11.8.885 ~!! AUTHORS: TI!!I!!§ fROG!!!1! FOR !ID! L. R. Debuys .1!!1 J. F. Naughton DIRECT TECHRICAL INQUIRIBS TO: L. R. Debuys IBft Corp.orati.on 2648 Canal. Street New Orleans 19, L.ouisiana PROGRA!!ftIRG SYSTEftS - The progra.s co.prising the system al:e written in Autocoder progra •• ing Language. The progra.s have underg.one extensive syste.s testing but have not been used in an operati.onal environment as of the date .of this release. DESCRIPTION - The Reaction Timing Program for the IBft 1481 is designed pri.arily as a demonstration. Howevel:, the pr.ogra. can be used to measure reaction time as a function of waiting time. !!IRIIIUII SYSTEft REQUIREI!!NTS - 8K storage capacity, 14111 Pl:ocessi~g Unit, 14116 Core Storage Unit, ftodel 2. 4129 or 73311 ftagnetic Tape Units, 1 - 14113 Printer, !!odel. 2 6118 l.p., 132 characters, 1 - 1482 Card Read Punch, ftodel ftINI!!UII SYSTE!! REQUIRB!!ENTS - 1481 - 1. desirable), 1482, 1483 !!odel 1 or 2. PROGRAft!!ING SYSTEftS - Written in SPS. 4K (Sense .Switches 1. BASIC PROGBAII FICKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Write-up. IIACRINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. FEATURES - Indexing ••• High/Low/Egual Co.pare ••• st.orage Address Register ••• ftove REcord ••• Sense Switches. BASIC FROGRAft PACKAGE tOCUI!!BTATIOB - Write-up. ftACHIRE BEADABLE - Object code, source code and sa. pIe preble •• OPTIONAL FROGRAII PlICKAGl - ·None. ORDERING INFORIIATIOB: DISTRIBUTION IlBDIU!! TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none OPTIORU FROGBA!! PACKAGE - None. ORDEBIRG INFOBftATION: PBOGB!! NUIIBER 14811831112 PROGBA!! NUIIBEB EXTENSIOIi DISTRIBUTION ftEDIUft TYPE ~ CODE BASIC none DTR DTR OPTIONAL none none 1/556 7/8118 USER VOLUftE REQUIREftJ!llT 22 24 n.one n.one AUTHOB: ill!M (STUDElIT AID SUBSYST!ft) W.D. Van Dusen DIRECT TECHNICAL IIIQUIRIES TO: A.G. Sidar, Jr. Director - Coll.ege Scholarship Service 415 Riverside Drive New Y.ork City, Rew York 111827 DESCRIPTION - The Financial Aid Informati.on provides colleges with an effective .eans of i.proving the student personnel aspects .of student aid pr.ogra.s, increasing the utilization of student aid resources, and expanding the managerial capabil.i tes of those responsible for the adminstration of student financial aid. The system consists of two .aj.or seg.ents; the Student Aid Subsystem and the Loan subsyste.. Since each subsystem is designed to operate independently of the other, the docu.entation fer each subsystem has been prepared separatel.y. The basic functions performed by the student Aid Subsystem includE the coll.ection and recording .of acade.ic, pers.onal, and financial data on financial. aid appl.icants, the collection and recording of infor.ation concerning student aid funds and res.ources, the generation of student data cards for use in deter.ining financial aid awards and in counseling students, the generation of student rosters fOI: applicants wh.o meet various selection criteria, the generation of fund reports showing available funds and funds co •• itted, the recording of financial. aid award decisions, the genel:ation .of notification and reply letters to be sent t.o aid recipients, and the production of vari.ous su •• ary and statistical reports. 88 n.one none 14111-11.8.11111 ~ALLOUT Thomas P. Callahan DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: Tho.as P. Callahan IBII corp.oration 181 West Broad Street Bethlehe., Pennsylvania DESCBIPTION - FALLOUT is a package .of demonstration programs designed to e.phasize audience participation and visual i.pact whil.e de.onstrating 1481 capabil.ities. FALLOUT is designed to de • .onstrate 14111 capabilities to anyone, particularly persons with no data precessing kn.owledge whatsoever. So.e capabil.ities de.onstrated are output printing speed, internal st.orage capacity, internal arithmetic speed, decision-.aking ability, c.o.puter logic, and co.puter flexibility. PROGRAII!!ING SYSTEIlS - Source language - SPS. IIINIRUII SYSTB!! BEQUIREIlENTS - 4K card 1481 with Sense Switches required for basic package. BASIC PBOGBAII PACKAGE DOCU!!ENTATION - Write-up. RICHINE READABLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAII PACKAGE - N.one. ORDERING INFOR!!ATION: PROGRA!! BUIlBER 1411111""87 PROGRIII NUIlEER BITERSION DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE IIIRIIIUI! SYSTEft RlQUIREftENTS - 8K storage capacity, 1481 Precessing Unit, 14116 Cere Storage Unit, !!.odel. 2, 4 - 129 or 7338 ftagnetic Tape Units, 1 - 14113 Printer, ftodel 2 688 lp., 132 characters, 1-14112 Card Read/punch, ftodel 1. USER VOLUftE REQUIREIIENT BASIC none DTR* none OPTIONAL none n.one none AUTHOR: Gunter Wenzel PROGRAft!!ING SYSTEftS - The programs c.o.prising the system al:e written in Aut.oc.oder progra •• ing Language. FEATURES - Indexing ••• High/Low/Equal C.o.pare ••• storage Address Register ••• ftove Rec.ord ••• Sense Switches. USER VOLU!!E REQUIREft!NT none AUTHOB: 14111-18.3.1173 ---iiRUCIA1 !~ IRFOB!!ATJO!! PROGRA!! NUIlBER 1481118885 PROGBAII BUftEER EXTERSION DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: Gunter Wenzel IB!! Deutschland DP Basic Research Internationale Buero !!aschinen GIlBH Sindelfingen/Wurtte.herg, Germany COITRXBUTED PROGRlIIS P1GE 858 1481 1481 COITIIUED FRO! PRIOB COLU!! COBTIIUED FRO! PRIOB P1GE DESCRIPTIOB - This de.onstration program plays the ga.e Bridg-it. It .ust have the first move and viII then succeed in every case against the opponent. The winning strategy is fro. Oliver Gross, Rand Corporation. !INIBU! SYSTEB BEQUIBE!EBTS - 1481, 4K, no special features reguired. The input choice betveen 1482 and 1487 is possible. B1SIC PROGR1! PACK1GB DOCU!ElTATIOI - Write-up. !ACHIBE RB1DABLE - lppropriate material delivered. DESCRIPTIO. - Update SHIRE program tapes starting with reel number 5. SHARI members may build tape 5 by -duplicating distributions disseminated from the library. The user is referred to the memorandum to SHIRE members dated lovember 14, 1962. This program is the third in a The tape to be updated is .ounted on unit two with a file protect ring. This tape should be either blank or contain the most current SHARE distributions. The input tape containing the new -distributions is file protected and mounted on unit one. Tape two is searched for a tape mark, backspaced over the tape mark, and a tape to tape operation is initiated. Tape one is input. Tape tvo is output. OPTIOB1L PROGRA! P1CK1GE - Bone. PBOGR1!IIIIG SYSTEIIS - SPS assembled vi th lutocoder. CBDEBIBG IBFOB!lTIOB: PROGR1! IU!BER 1481118818 PROGB1! BU!BER EXTEBSI~I DISTRIBUTIOI !EDIU! TYPE CODB B1SIC none DTR* OPTIOB1L none none USER VOLUIE REQUIRE!EIT none 88 none !IBIIIU! SYSTEK BEQUIRE!IITS - 1481 4K, tvo tape units, 1482. 1483, column binary, sense svitches, and location 3981 is the last core position used. BISIC PBOGRAII PICKAGE DOCUnlT1TIOI - Write-up. !lCHIIE BE1D1BLE - Appropriate material delivered. OPTIOI1L PRCGBI! P1CKlGE - lone. 1!!!1=1..h!~ BUSIC-BUSIC SUULlTIOB ill! ! .1!!..1 lUTHO!! : OBDERIBG IIPORII1TIOB: CIBECT TlCHBIC1L IIQUIRIES TO: B. J. Peskin The Bi tre Corporation Eox 288 Bedford, !assachu5etts DESCRIPTIOB - BUSIC is a 1481 program which demonstrates a technique for producing music on the 1483 Printer. The distributed deck is set up to play Ravel's Bolero. This write-up describes the procedures by which any desired lIusic may be produced. none C1RDS none none AUT~ORS: ElSIC none DTR* none none none none B.J. Hoynes .*. IIIHI!UII SYSTEII Rl!QUIREI'IEBTS - 1481 4K, one tape unit, 1482 Card Reader, 1483 Printer, colulln binary, advanced programming and sense switches. The prograll uses the block of storage frail 333 to 1874 plus 1681 locations for a record area. B1SIC PROGR1! P1CK1GE DOCUIIEBTlTIOIi - Write-up. !lCHIBE READ1BLE - lppropriate material delivered. 1481-13.1.889 ---aGCP REPRODUCE, GUIG-PUN£!!.L ~.!!!1.L ~ = OPTIONAL PReGBAII PICKAGE - Bone. ORDERING IBPOR!lTION: E. J. !anring &IRECT TECHNICAL IIQUIRIES TO: B. J. !anring 8621 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, !aryland PROGR11I BU!BER 1481131826 PBOGR1!! NUIIEER EXTENSION DESCRIPTION - To reproduce cards, performing operations which would otherwise entail wiring a separate reproducer board, to list cards where a reformating of the card image is desired, and to serially DUllber cards and/or lines on a page. BIBIIIUII SYSTE! REQUIREIIEBTS - 4K 1481, 1482, 1483 1I0del 2, Sense Switches B-D, Advanced Progra •• ing feature, HighLow-Egual Compare. B1SIC PROGB11I P1CKlGE toCUIIEBT1TIOB - Write-up on lIicrofiche only. !lCHIBE RE1D1BLE - Bone. PROGRl! BUIIBBR 1481131889 DISTRIBUTION IIEDIUII TYPE CODE B1SIC none DTR* OPTION1L none none 88 USER VOLU!E BEQUIREIIEIT none none 1481-13.1.827 DELETE-~ll.§! ~Q!! lUTHOR: Ilm SB1R~ ll~!ll I.E. Blossom DIRECT TECHBIC1L IBCUIRIES TO: A.E. Blossom IB! Corporation IC 115 Dept. 649 115 1133 Westchester lvenue White Plains, Nev York 18684 .*. Indicate "E I 1" in columns 1-3 and the Program Bumber in columns 4-13 on the IBII Program Order Forll. A.E. Blossom THE SRI!! !.lBRlRY I.E. Blossom PROGRIII!ING SYSTE!S - SPS lssembled with lutocoder. USER VOLUBE BEQUIREIIENT CPTIONAL CRDEHIlIG IBPOR!1TIOI: none DESCRIPTION - TO load source and object program card decks, submitted through the SHIRE organization on magnetic tape in blocked format. PROGB1B NU!BER 1481118812 DISTRIBUTIOB BEDIUB TYPE CODE none 15 .*. OPTIONAL !'BOGRI! PlCK1GE - Bone. PROGBI! IU!BER EI7ENSION USER VOLUIIE REQUIRE!EIT DIRECT TECHIIC1L IICUIRIES TO: A.E. BlOSSOm IB! corporation IC 115 Dept. 649 AAS 1133 Westchester Avenue White Plains, lew York 18684 B1SIC PROGB1! PICKAGE COCU!EITATION - Write-up. !ACHINE REI DIBLE - Appropriate material delivered. .*. DESCRIPTION - Permits users of the SHIRE library tapes to maintain card decks on these tapes in a current status. The delete and merge methed used is straight forward and can be accomplished with a one-phase program on a 1481 Tape System. The only special feature used is colu.n binary. This prograll is a three tape operation. Unit 1 contains the master reel, unit 2 is the change tape, and unit 3 is the output. The program does not rewind tapes, therefore, the change tape can contain more than one file. Each file is devoted to particular library tape. Is written, this program viII not add new programs, i.e., if the program does not exist on the master tape (Unit 1), then it cannot be placed on the change tape (Unit 2). Only a direct swap is valid. R. Hoynes DIRECT TECHBICAL IBQUIBIES TO: A. E. Blossom IB! Corporation IC 115 Dept. 649 115 1133 Westchester Avenue White Plains, Bev York 18684 *.* BASIC OPTIOI1L ~~ ~Q!! BIBI!U! SYSTE! BEQUIBB!EBTS - BUSIC viII load and operate in 14815 of any size. The object machine, however, must have sense Svitches and ldvanced Progra •• ing. lUTHOBS: DISTRIBUTIOI !EDIU! TYPE CODE 1481-13.1.826 PROGB1!BING SYSTE!S - Written in Autocoder. IUTHOR: PROGR11I IUKBER EXTEISIOI !. J. Peskin CBDERING INPORBITION: PROGR1! BUIIBER 1481131825 CO!PUT~.!! •** PROGR11IIIING SYSTE!S - lutocoder • COBTRIBUTED PROGRllIs 141111 1481 IIIBIIIUII sYSTEII BEQOIBBIIEBTs - 1481 4K, 1482, three (3) tape units, and coluan binary. BASIC PBOGBA! PACKAGE DOCUIlI!BTA'.rXOB - write-:up. IIACBIBE BBADABLB - Appropriate aaterial delivered. OPTIOBAL PBOGBA! PACKAGB - Bone. OBDERIIG IIFOBIIATIOB: PROGIA! BUIlB!R 148113111127 PBOGBAII BU!B!R EX'lEBsIOB DIs'lBIBUTlOB !EDIUII TUE CODB BASIC none D'lR* OPTIOIIAL none none 141111-13.1.828 TAPE-TO-CABD 12! 'lB! AUTBORs: UsBB VOLU!B BEQUIBE!!BT none 88 none DBsCBIPTXOI - 'lhis prograa writes aagnetic tape with SHARE Catalog, order and prograa decks. together with 1481 retrieval. routines. 'lhe created tape contains an entire SHAR! distribution of card aaterial and is duplicated to saall 288 foot reel.s of aagnetic tape cal.led a D'lRdistribution tape reel. The distribution tape reel (DTR) was the principle reason for writing this package of prograas. Together. they provide a convenient and efficient aeans of disseainating card distribution aaterial to sHAR! aeabers. The DTR is a 288 foot reel. of aagnetic tape used as a.distribution aediua. lIagnetic tape is written with 141111 core l.oads and data cards to create a 141111 tape loadabl.e retrieval. systea with five job options - (1) List and punch catalog and order cards. (2) List and punch catalog cards. (3) List and punch order cards. (4) Tape to card retrieval for prograa card decks. (5) Selective updation for SHAR! Library tapes. !lBIIIUII SYS'lE1I B!QUIBI!II!JTs - A 4K 1481 with three (3) units, sense switches, 1482, 1483, coluan binary. advanced prograaaing, and HI-LO-I!Q. ~!!]J 11~ A.E. Bl.os50a BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGI! DOCUIIBNTATION - write-up. IIACHINI! BBADABLE - Appropriate aaterial delivered. R.oJ. Hoynes DIRECT TECHBICAL lBQUXBIBs TO: A.E. Blossoa IB! corporation IC 115 westchester Avenue White Pl.ains, Bew York 18684 *** OPTIOBAL PROGBAII PACKAG! - None. OBDBBIBG IBFORIIlTIOI: A* DEsCRIPTIOB - To retrieve ,rograa card decks froa the SHARE Prograa Library tapes. Designed for use with SHARE Prograa Library tape only. IIIBIIIUII sYsTE! RBQUIREIIEBTs - 1481 4K, one tape unit. 1482, coluan binary feature. 1483 Printer - used only for aessages to .the operator. DIsTRIBUTXOIi IIBDIUII TYPI! COD! BASIC none DTR* OPTIOIIAL none none 1481131828 PROGRlII NUIIB!R BI'lElisIOB DISTRIBUTION IIBDIUII TYPE CODB EAsIC none DTR* OPTIONAL none none Usl!B VOLUIlI! BEQUIREII!IIT none 88 = .QPEB~ USER VOLUIIE BEQOIBBII!NT none 88 none lli!!!!!§ .Q! TIl! 1481 sy Berlin DIRECT TBCHIIICAL IIQUIBIEs TO: sy Berlin Research Analysis Corp. 6935 Arlington Road Bethesda 14, lIaryl.and OPTIOBAL l'BOGRlII PACKAGE - None. IBFOBIIlTIOB: 1481-13.4.882 OPTBAI:! IUTHOR: BASIC PROGRAII PACKAGE DOCU!EBTATIOB - Write-up. IIACBIII! READABLE - Appropriate aaterial delivered. PBOGBAII IIUIlBEB 1481131832 PHOGBAII BUIIBEB EITBISION *** II ORDERII~ PAGB 859 COBTlBUED PROII PlXOR COLUIIB COBTIBUED PBOII PBIOB PAG! none Dl!sCRXPTXOB - This prograa thru a randoa selection of 6 subroutines, puts the operator thru aost situations which are prograaaable. It atteapts to aake the operator alert on the peripheral gear and tests his knowledge of bit configurations on the console. It is our belief that a good foundation on this coaputer will be advantageous and expedite training on larger coaputers where required. PROGBABIIIIIG sYsTl!lIs - written in Autocoder. IIIIIIIIU! sYSTEII BEQUIBEIIBJTs - 8K 1481 with Indexing. Sense Switch B and two tape drives. AUTHORS: A.E. Bl.ossoa B.J. Boynes BASIC PBOGBAII PACKAGE DOCOIIElTATION - Write-up. IIACBIIiE BEADABLE - Appropriate aaterial delivered. DIRECT TJ!CBBICAL IBQUIRIBs '10: A.l. Blossoa IBII corporation XC 115 Dept. 649 AAs 1133 Westchester Avenue White Plains. Bew York 18684 *** qPTIOBAL PBOGBAII PACKAGE - lone. ORDBRIIiG IIFORIIATIOII: DBsCBIPTION - Provide users of the sBABI! Prograa Library Tapes with a listing and/or the order cards preceding each deck on the tape. Designed for use with sBARB Prograa Library Tapes only. PBOGBlll BUIIBER 141111134882 PBOGBAII IUIIBBR EITENSION DIsTRIBUTIOB IIEDIOII TYPE CODE BASIC none CUDS OPTIOlilL none none .** B USER VOLUBE REQUIREII!NT 15 none none IIIBIIIUII SYS'l!1I RBQOIBI!III!BTS - 1481 4K, one tape unit. 141113 printer, 1482 Card Punch. coluan binary. 1481-14.8.8112 illlllLXZBD lLOT !!.Q§!!l! BASIC PBOGBAII PACKAGE DOCOIIl!B'llTIOB - Write-up. !ACBIB! BBADABLB - Appropriate aaterial delivered. AUTHORS: OP'lIOIiAL PBOGBAII PACKAGB - 1I0ne. ORDBRIBG IBl'ORIIlTIOB: PlOGRlII BUIlBER 148113111129 PBOGUII IIUIIBEB BITElsIOB DIsTBII!UTIOB IIBDIUII TYPE CODB BASIC none D'lB* OPTIOIIAL none none 1911-13. 1.832 ll~~2! AUTHOB: nf! !ll! FOB sHABE 8111 usn VOLUIIB BlQUXBEIIUT none none H. W. Van less R. D. Waring DIBECT TECHBICAL IBQUIRIEs TO: H. W. Van less IBII Corporation 1212 s. W. 6th Avenue portl.and. oregon DEsCRIPTIOI - The 1481 Generalized Plot prograa has been written to take data froa cards. and prepare a graphic representation of that data. It pl.ots to linear scales for both axes with dependent variable (Y-axis) being plotted parallel to the print chain of the 1483. Up to five pieces of data .ay be plotted on one run and can be taken ~roa nuaerous configurations of data on the card. Control cards are prepared for the prograa .to indicate scales. origin values. increaents data field locations on the card, and heading inferaation. A.l. Blossoa DIRBCT TlCHIICIL IIQUIBIBS '10: A. E. Bl.0850a IBII Corporation IC 115 Dept. 649 US 1133 Westchester Ave. White Plains. lew York 18684 PBOGBAIIIIIIIG SYSTE8s - The prograa is written in sPs. and utilizes the Divide subroutine. 8IIIIIUII sYsTB! BEQUIBElliBTs - A basic 1481 with 488111 positions of core storage and 132 print positions on the 1483 is required. Provision ha13 been aade for plotting at 18 l.ines to the inch if this special feature is ayailable. prograa requireaents- Phase 1 uses 38 2q COITRIBUTED PROGRABS P1GE 868 11181 1481 COBTINUED PRO! PRIOR COLUBB COBTIBUED FROB PUOR P1GE Jacksonville, Plorida locations: Phase 2 uses 3916 locations. B1SIC PROGR1B P1CK1GE DOCUBEBT1TION - Write-u,. B1CHIN! R!lD1BLE - lppropriate .aterial delivered. OPTION1L PROGR1B P1CK1GE DOCUIIElIIT1TION - Bone. B1CHIB! RE1D1BLE - lppropriate .aterial delivered. ORDERING IBPORB1TION: PROGR1B BUBBER 11181148882 PROGRl! NUBBER EXTENSIOII B1SIC OPTIOHlL DISTRIBUTIOII BEDIOII TIPE CODE -------------- ------------------cnDS 15 none C1RDS 15 none USER VOLUBE R!QUIREIIEBT ----------- none none PROGR1IIBING SISTEBS - utilizes Autocoder. IIIBIBU! SYSTEB REQUIREBENTS - 11181 with 11K High-Low-Equal co.pare and Advanced Progra •• ing. BASIC PROGRAB P1CK1GE DOCUlIENT1TION - Write-up. B1CHIBE RE1DABLE - lppropriate .aterial delivered. 1481-111.8.lIlJII ----FOURTEEl! ! QH QFPSE! REPRODUCING UD GUGP!!!£!!lli Q!! OPTIONAL PROGRl! P1CK1GE - None. UllY!Q lUTHOR: DESCRIPTION - This subroutine will convert na.es that are last na.e first or last na.e last in a free for.a t to -any configuration in a fixed format. The user is given the addresses of the areas which contain the first name, first initial, .iddle initial, last name, and suffix. 111 output is left justified in the respective areas. The subroutine will acco •• odate eight of the .ore co ••on prefixes to last na.es and fourteen of the .ore co ••on suffixes. The option exists to place the suffix one position to the right of the last na.e. The subroutine is easily .odifiable to insert any extra suffixes or prefixes which are desired. ORDERING INPORB1TIOB: 1. H. Toreson DIRECT TECHBIC1L INQUIRIES TO: 1. H. Toreson lerojet Generai corporation Ni.bus, California DESCRIPTION - To provide a generalized program for the following functions, Straight 88-88 offset reproducing, straight or offset reproducing with gang punching, producing predetermined quantities from single .asters. The progra., as written, utilizes Bodulus 16 artth.etic for address modification. Bodels with onli 11,888 positions of storage will have to make several program changes, explained in the write-up, to satisfy the require.ents of Bodulus II arith.etic. The program will not acco •• odate processing involving selection or interspersing. PROGR1B BUBBER '1181148819 PROGRlB NUBBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION BEDIUB TYPE CODE B1SIC none DTR* OPTION1L none Done 11181-14.8.824 £Qll 1lli::!!!=lli llSTElIS ng !! COBP1TIBILITY lIOD] lUTHOR: !Q USER VOLUlIE REQUIREBENT none 88 none nE! !!!!!! !ill !Q !1! 368/2311 J. A. Winger DIRECT TECHNIC1L IBeUIRIES TO: J. 1. Winger IBB Corporation 1211 South Harrison Street Fort Wayne, Indiana PROGR1IIBIlIIG SISTEBS - written in lutocoder. BIBIBU! SYSTEB REQUIREBENTS - 11888-16,888 position core storage. High-Low-Equal Co.pare, Sense switches. B1SIC PROGR1B P1CK1GE DOCUBENTATIOB - Write-up on Bicrofiche only. B1CHIBE REI DIBLE - Bone. Indicate "B B 1" in columns 1-3 and the program lIu.ber in columns 11-13 on the IBB program Order Porm. DESCRIPTIOB - This progra. will copy a '"81-1U-888 Autocoder syste.s pack to tape in odd parity on a '11118 or 11181, and by changing sense switch settings, will copy tape to disk on either 11188 series or any 368 equipped with co.patability. Records are read and written on disk in the track sector for.at. BOVE .ode records are written onto tape without modification. L01D mode records are written onto tape in BOVE mode with an additional record which indicates word .ark locations. Because the syste.s pack contains word-separator characters, current IBB utility progra.s will not work. There are many different combinations of information on a 11181-1U-888 syste.s pack; therefore. the author has made the program general enough to handle any situation. AUTHOR: PROGR1BlIIBG SYSTEBS - 1118'-lU-888 lutocoder and 14118-108'8 IOCS. ORDERING INPORB1TION: PROGR1! BUBBER 111811488811 P. B. Edwards DIRECT TECHlIIIClL IlIIQUIBIES TO: F. B. Edwards IBB Corporation 215 West State Street Trenton, lIew Jersey BIBIlIUB SISTEB REQUIREBENTS - Program requires 8K, ldvanced progra •• ing, Sense switches, 128 print positions, 1 disk and 1 tape. Direct Seek is used if available. DESCRIPTION - 1 subroutine which converts numerical values of dollars and cents to the traditional spelled-out check form. Values up to and including $9999.99 can be converted. PROGl1lBBIIIG SISTEBS - Subroutine is written in 1481 Autocoder and could be included in the syste.s tape library as a closed subroutine. BINI BUB SISTEB REQUIREBENTS - The subroutine requires 11181 with ldvanced progra.ming and High-Low-Equal co.pare. The program utilizes 735 positions of core storage (sta tements) • B1SIC PROGR1B P1CK1GE DOCUBEBT1TION - Write-up. BACHIBE READABLE - lppropriate material delivered. OPTIONAL PROGRAB P1CK1GE - None. ORDERING IBPORlI1TIOB: PROGRAlI NUBBER 111811QS8211 PROGR1B BUlIBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION lIEDIUB TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* OPTION1L none none 88 USER VOLU!!E REQUIREBENT none none BASIC PROGRAB PACKAGE DOCUBENT1TIOII - Write-up. B1CHIIIE READ1BLE - lppropriate material delivered. '"81-14,S.825 TALLY lBALYSIS OPTIOB1L FROGRAB PACK1GE - Bone. ORDERIBG INPCRBATICII: lUTHOR: PROGR11I IIUBBER 111811118888 PROGRAB NUBBER EXTENSION DISTRIBUTION BEDIUB TIPE CODE BASIC none DTR* CPTION1L none none 88 USER VOLUBE REQUIREBENT none II. P. Lynds DIRECT TECHBIClL IlIIQUIRIES TO: B. P. Lynds IBB Corporation 1187 Byra Street ABD SCBEDULIBG DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: llice D. Peters IBlI Corporation 158 Grand Street White Plains, Bew York none ---------AUTHOR: !~!'§!M!!Q! llice D. Peters DESCRIPTION - Tally, lnalysis, Registration, and Scheduling (TARS - 1481). The progra.s produce aids to master schedule building (Tally and Conflict Batrix) and, using a .aster schedule prepared by the school, process student course requests to create student schedules and an updated master schedule. PROGR1IIBING SYSTEBS - written in Autocoder. 5IBIBUB SYSTER REQUIRElIEBTS - Designed for an 8K, 1 disk, 1118' syste •• COBTRIBUTED PBOGUItS 1448 1481 PROGRAB BUBBER EITJ!BSIOB BASIC FRCGRAB PACKAGE DOCUBEBTATIOB - Write-up. IIACHIBE READABLE - Appropriate .aterial delivered. -------------- BASIC OPTIOBAL PROGBAB PACKAGE DOCUBEBTlTIOB - Bone. BACHIBE READABLE - Appropriate .aterial delivered. ORDERIBG IB.ORBATIOB: none OPTIONAL none 1448-81.4.881 DISTRIBUTIOB BEDIUB TYPE CODE USER VOLUn REQUIREBEBT !.!Y!.Q = UB!!Q1! AUTHOR: BASIC none DTR* none CPTIOHAL none DTR* none AUTHOR.: T. J. Vyskocil DIRECT TECHBICAL IBQUIRIES TO: T.J. Vyskocil IBB Corporation 11141 Georgia AVe. Wheaton, Baryland 28982 B *** DESCRIPTIOB - Socrates provides an in-house systea for scheduling students into classes of grades five through fourteen. The syste. schedules periods zero through twentynine for two regular se.esters. Features include ·ability grouping, teacher selection, grade range selection, sex selection, location selection, alternate course requests, study hall assign.ents, course substitution, and .axi.u. semester and class balancing consistent with .ini.u. rejects. Includes a co.plete series of progra.s to si.plify data collection, corrections, scheduling and analysis. File • aintenance prograas permit individual or aass changes. Output reports include verification listings, si.ple tally, conflict .atrix, reject analysis, roo. and teacher utilization, student schedules and class lists. PROGRABBIBG SYSTEBS - Written in 1481-AU-888. BIBI!!U!! SYSTEB REQUIREftEBTS - 12K storage, 14B1/48/68 with bit test, high-low-equal co.pare, advanced progra ••ing, two 1311 Disk Drives, and any I/O configuration. BASIC PROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCUftEBTATIOB - Write-up. BACHIBE READABLE - Source code and sa. pIe proble •• DTR* 88 DTR* B8 none none DISTBIBUTIOH BEDIU!! CODE TYPE ElSIC none BT BT OPTIOBAL none -------------- ------------------1/556 1/8B8 22 24 OSER VOLUBE REQUIREBEBT B1 B1 none none 1448-81.8.881 -----PACE PRE-ASSEBBLY CHECK !!!! IDlll ~ = AUTHOR: DIRECT TECBBICAL INQUIRIES TO: B. B. Awerka.p IBB Corp. 23 Hitchcock lIay Santa Barbara, Calif. mg UPU'r/OUTPUT ~~ J. W. Weaver DIRECT TECHBICAL IBQUIRIES TO: J.W. Weaver Gateway Data syste.s 5BB Bo. 1 Gateway Center Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222 DESCRIPTIOB - An Autocoder Library macro which handles 1311 Disk I/O functions and error routines. It can handle cyl. overflow and use Direct Seek, Scan Disk, and Track Record, if available, on up to five drives. The subroutine is generative, providing only the routines called for. It is intended to replace IOCS rando. giving the user greater ease of progra •• ing and flexibility. The routine was patterned after the PAL IIholesale Grocery .acro UFPIO to include special features, Cylinder ·Overflow, Sa.e. Cylinder Test, and IOCS Type Coded Halt. The routine does not do any label checking. The disk control field .ust be set by the user and is restored after the operation. The SCAB routine can scan 999 sectors in one operation. Storage require.ents - fro. 369 pos. to 841 depending on features used. UBIBUB SYSTEB R1!QUlREBEBTS - 4K-1'448 1442-Bodel 1 1443 Bodel 1, one 1311 Disk Drive Indexing and Store Address RRegister special feature. BASIC PROGRAB PACKAGE DOCUBEBTATIOB - Write-up on Bicrofiche only • BACHIBE BEAD ABLE - Bone. OBDERIBG IBFORftA'rIOB: PROG·UB BUItBER 144B814881 Indicate "B B 1" in coluans 1-3 and the Progra. BUllber in colu.ns 4-13 on the IBB Prograa Order For •• 144B-81.6.881 SORT ~ DIS! RESIDEBT IUTHOR: PROGRU BUBBEB 1482183815 PROGRAB BU!!BER EITEHSIOB Richard S. Heiser DESCRIPTIOR - A .odified SORT 54 is resident on 1311 Disk Storage. The SORT is stored in the load .ode in a selfloading for.at. It required 154B consecutive sectors on any drive, and can be file-protected. The prograa loader resides in th highest 4K of core. progra. loading is acco.plished in about 15 seconds. The SORT is a tailored version of· SORT 5 for disk-to-disk sorting without disk label checking. This i.proves perfor.ance 28 to 3B percent. BIHI!!O!! SYSTEB REQOIREBEBTS - Coapatible with 1441 Controller. 12K .e.ory, 1311 Disk Drive, Direct Seek, console typewriter, Sense switches. BASIC PROGRAB PACKAGE DOCU!!EHTATIOB - IIrite-up. !!ACHIBE READABLE - Appropriate .aterial delivered. OPTIOHAL PBOGRA!! PACKAGE - Rone. 93195 DESCRIPTIOB - PACE brings to the 1448 user an efficient and .eaningful diagnostic prograa. It will check and edit 1448 Autocoder and Autocoder/IOCS source progra.s by detecting underfined labels, format and paraaeter errors, coding errors and keypunch errors. The Frinted output provides a label table in alphabetical order followed by a listing of the source progra. with errors by significant special characters. An edit is also perfor.ed on DIOCS and DT. EBTRIES FOR ACCEPTABILITY ABD SPELLIBG. There are three checks of Autocoder state.ents pertaining to labels, operation codes and operands. The checking results are equal to an Autocoder Asse.bly. ORDERIBG IH.ORBATICN: PROGRAB BUBBER 1448B168B1 PROGRA!! HUBBER EXTEHSIOR DISTRIBOTION !!EDIOB TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR* none none none none 144B-'2.3.IB1 VARIABLE Q!!! llRllQ1lUCER !ill! 144B/1311 FBOGRABBIBG SYSTEBS - written in Autocoder. AUTHOR: DIRECT TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO: John F. Cole IBB Corporation 2911 Cedar springs Road Dallas, Texas 15219 BASIC PROGBA!! PACKAGE DOCO!!EBTATIOB - IIrite-up. IUCHIBE READABLE - Object code. OPTIOBAI FROGRA!! PACKAGE DOCOBEBTATIOH - Bone. !!ACHIRE READABLE - Source code. PROGRAI! HU!!BER 1448818881 USER VOLUBE RBQUIREItJ!BT OPTIOHAL BIBIBU!! SYST!!! BEQUIRE!!EBTS - 1448 4K, one 1311 and Indexing and Store Address Register. Printed output options are available with Sense switches. ORDERIRG INFORUTIOR: USER VOLUItE REQUIREBEBT ----------- DIRECT TECHBICAL UCUIRIES TO: Richard S. Heiser IB!! Corporation 69B8 Fannin Houston, Texas 11825 OPTIOBAL PROGRAB PACKAGE - Bone. ORDEBUG IBFOR!!ATIOB: DISTRIBUTIOB BEDIUB TYPE CODE ------------------- PROGRAB HUBBER 14£114B825 PROGUB BUBBER EXTEBSIOB *** PAGE 861 COBUBUED .ROB PRIOR COLUn COBTIBUED .ROB PRIOR PAGE John F. Cole DESCRIPTIOB - A Load-and-Go control card oriented program for reproducing cards on a 1448 disk syste. which has only one card read-punch. Card i.ages are first written on disk, then read fro. disk and punched into blank cards. Siaple control card provision allows for relocating fields, o.itting fields, and/or eaitting characters. Optional print control card provides printed analysis of control COlorRIBUTED PROGBAIIS PAGE 862 1448 14118 COBTIBUED PReB PBIOB PIGE COBTIIOED PROB PRIOR COLUBB cards, listing input deck and/or listing output deck. Deck listings inclued card counts and coluan-nuaber headings. PROGRIBBIBG SYSTEBS - Source language is lutocoder. BIBIBUB SYSTEB REQUBIEBEITS - One IBB 1442 Card Read-Punch. One IBB 1443 Printer. If the reproducing phases are desired the object prograa also requires one IBB 1311 Disk storage Drive. BISIC PBOGHIB PICKIGE DOCUBEBTITIOB - Write-up. BICHIBE REI DIBLE - Ippropriate aaterial delivered. BISIC PROGRIB PICKIGE DOCUBEITITIOI - Write-up on Bicrofiche only. BICHIBE REIDIBLE - lone. OPTIOBIL PHOGRIB PICKIGE - lone. ORDERIIG IIPORBITIOI: PROGRIB lUBBER 1448823881 ORDEBIIG IJPOBBITIOII: PROGRIB lUBBER EXTEBSIOI DISTRIBUTIOR BEDIUB TYPE CODE USER YOLUBE REQUIRBBENT BISIC none DTR· none CPTIOBIL none none none PROGRl! IIUIIBER 1448831881 Indicate nB N 1" in coluans 1-3 and the program luaber in coluans 4-13 on the IBB Program Order Pora. 1448-18.1.881 SIIIDll~ lUTHORS: lUTHOR: Br. B. Sharer Br. R. Grottke DIRECT TECHIICIL IlgUIRIES TO: Br. R. Sharer lrthur Indersen and Co. 69 W. Washington st. Chicago, Ill. 68682 J. G. 0 Reilly DIRECT TECBNICIL IBgUIRIES TO: J. G. 0 Reilly 155 Honey Lane Walthaa Ibbey, Essex England DESCRITPIOI - This prograa lists cards and branches to channel one on sensing channel twelve. storage requireaents are 181 positions. DESCRIPTIOI - This systea prepares aanageaent reports containing cost, sales distribution and efficiency inforaation of retail aeat departaents in a super.arket chain. The systea also prepares reports for purchasing and profit planning. There are about 39 object decks in the syste •• PROGRIBBIIG SYSTEBS - Written in lutocoder. BIJI!UB SYS'rl!B REQUIRE!l!ITS - 1"448 with 1443 and 1442/1482. BIIIIIOII SYSTEB REQUIREIIEITS - 8K 1448, 1442, 1443 or 1483/ 128 print positions, console typewriter, 2-23115, Idvanced prograaaing features; no lIul tiply-Di vide. BISIC PBOGBAII PICKAGE COCUBEBTITIOB - Write-up on Bicrofiche only. BICHIIE BEl DIBLE - Bone. ORDERIIG IBPORBITICB: BISIC PROGBIB PICKAGE DOCUBEITITIOI - Write-up oil Bicrofiche only. BICHIIE REIDIBLE - Bone. PROGRIB lUBBER 1448823882 Indicate "B B 1" in columns 1-3 and the Prograa Bumber in coluans 4-13 on the IBB Prograa Order Pora. OBDERIIG IBPORIIITIOB: PROGR11I BUIIBER 1448181881 Indicate "B B 1" in coluans 1-3 and the Program Bumber in coluans 4-13 on the IBB Program Order Por •• .!! lUTHOR: W. C. Worthington 1448-18.2.882 1248/1.!l!U! RBOOP Ql DEPOS!! IBD 9SH LETTER ll.B.llll!.!i DIRECT Tl!CBBICIL I1QUIlIIES TO: W. C. Worthington IBB Corporation 188 South Bain Street Providence, R. I. 82983 lUTHOR: DESCRIPTIOI - This prograa gives a core duap for 4K, 8K, 12K or 16K 1448 systeas. It was designed because aost of the existing aemory duaps destroyed a part, or parts, of storage as they were loaded. This prograa uses only the first eighty initially and prints all reaaining positions of storage. Word marks are printed as "ones· on the line following each data bank of storage. Group aarks are printed as GiS in the data line and W or B in the word aark line depending on the presence or absence of an associated word aark. There are two decks available - a 4K deck and one for 8K and larger systeas. EISIC PBOGRIB PICKIGE DocuUlorlTIOIl - Write-up. BICHIIE REIDIBLB - Ippropriate aaterial delivered. OPTIOIIL PROGR!! PICKIGE - None. PROGRIB lUBBER 1448827884 PBOGBlB BOBBER EXTEBSIOI DISTBIBUTIOB BEDIUII TYPE CODE BISIC none DTR. OPTIOBIL none none 88 lUTHOR: USER YOLUBE REQUIREBl!BT none none 1!!ft=83.1 .881 REPRODUCE GIBG POle.!! SI!ULITOR J. L. Brooks DIRECT TECHNICAL I1gUIRIES TO: J. L. Brooks IBII Corp. 618 S. Bichigan Ive. Chicago, Ill. DESCBIPTIOB - Deposits, checks, cash slips, control slips and substitute docuaents are entered into the 1412 or 12411. In in-proof journal is prepared, a priaary distribution of the docu.ents is perforaed, and good data recorded in disk storage. The data recorded in disk storage is then read and cash letters for kill-pockets prepared. There are 1944 source stateaents. PROGRIBBIBG SYSTEIIS - For correct cOBpilation of the source programs IBB 1448-1U-888 lutocoder must be used. PROGBIBBIIG SYSTEB - To facilitate the loading of the prograa and the conservation of core used, the prograa has been written in self-loading, machine language. ORDERIIG I.PORBITIOI: .!!! .!!! IIIBIIIOB SYSTEB REQUIRl!BEBTS - 1448 - 1 1441-14 8K CPU with no. 4631 Index Registers and store Registers ••• No. 5561 Printer Ittachaent ••• Bo. 3321 Disk Storage Control ••• BO. 7888 Serial I/O Idapter ••• Bo. 2268 Console Ittachment. I 1442-1 or 2 Card Read Punch with Bo. 1632 Card Bead Punch Idapter. 1 1443-2 Printer with BQ.~ 5567 Printer control ••• Bo. 5559 Print Positions, 24 additional ••• lIlo. 5585 Print storage ••• Bo. 6481 Selective Character Set ••• 1 1447-1 Console with lIlo. 7688 Sense Switches ••• 1 1412 lIagnetic Character Beader with 1311-1 Disk Storage Drive... 13112 Disk Storage Drive. IIIl1lIIIO!l SYSTEB BEQUIREBEITS - 1248 - 1 1241 14 8K CPU with 10. 4631 Index and Store REgisters ••• Bo. 5561 Printer Ittachaent... Bo. 3321 Disk Storage Control ••• Bo. 2268 Console Ittach.ent. 1 1442 1 or 2 Card Read Punch with Bo. 1632 Card Read Punch Idapter. 1 1443 2 Printer with Bo. 5567 Printer Control ••• Bo. 5559 Print positions Idditional 24 ••• 10. 5585 Print storage... Bo. 6481 Selective Character Set. 1 1447-1 Console with Bo. 7658 Sense Switches. I 1311-1 Disk Storage Drive 1311-2 Disk storage Drive. Dennis P. Lee DIRECT TECHBICIL IIQUIRIES TO: Dennis P. Lee C/O Coaaodi ty Service Co. 7-9, Harbour Street Kingston, Jaaaica BISIC PROGBIB PACKIGl! DOCUBEBTITIOI - Write-up. 1I1CHIIE REIDIBLE - Ippropriate aaterial delivered. (Ja.) ltd. OPTIOBIL PROGR11I PICKIGE - lone. ORDBRING IBPORBITIOB: DESCRIPTIOB - This prograa ahs been desi9ned to perf ora any/all of the functions of an IBB 519 without prograaaing effort on the users part. The systea on which the object prograa is to be run aust have at least 4888 positions of core storage with no special features. BISIC PROGRIB IUIIBER 1448182882 PROGH11I BUBBER EXTEISIOB DISTRIBUTIOB BEDIUB TYPE CODE none DTR· USER VOLOIIE REQOlREBEBT none COITRIBUTED PROGRIBS 1qq8 1q411 OFTIOIAL none none none IBSULLBEB! .!&!! ICCOUB'UIG Br. Ernest Wong DIRECT TECHIICAL IIQUIRIES TO: Br. Ernest Wong IBB corp. 421 Bontgo.ery St. San Francisco. Calif. 9418/1 tESCRIPTIOI - The co.plete install.ent lean accounting ~~! ;B:a;!~11 t~a::d!;~c:!!~:g I:;;:t~:n W:~h a~~~:p!!~~l:e o~f 15 progra. runs. The runs are in 3 .ain categories. and consist of new loan. daily. and periodic processing. The handling of new loans is done is 4 runs which edit and convert fro. card to file. print a new lcan journal. print an alphabetic reference card. and produce coupons and covers. Daily processing involves .aster file .aintenance. batcb proof. posting to .aster and dealer files. and report output. Periodic (weekly and .onthly) runs are .ade on dealer file .aintenance. and print-out of delinquency notices. trial balance. and weekly and .onthly reports. Interest rebates are co.puted by the 78ths .ethod and accrual of unearned inco.e is done by the straight line • ethod. PROGRIBBING SYSTEBS - Written in 1441 Autocoder with disk IOCS. BIIIBUB SYSTEB REQUIRE BElTS - Requires 8I. Indexing and store lddress Register feature, 1442, 1443 with 1qq print positions. Sense Switches. and 2 - 1311 Disk Drives. There are 91167 source state.ents. BISIC PROGRIB PICKIGB DOCUBERT ATION - lone BACHIIiE REIDABLE - Appropriate .aterial delivered. OPTIOBlL PROGR-lB PACKAGE DOCUBEITATIOIi - lone. BlCHIIiE READIBLE - Source code. ORDERIIiG IIFORBATION: PROGRAB lUBBER 14481121113 nOGUB IUBBfB EXTBBSIOI DISTRIBUTIOI BEDIUB TYPE CODE BASIC none DTR· II none OPTIORAL none DTR. II none 1441-11.5.885 nOPEBTY ACCOOIlTIBG AUTHOR: ~ USER VOLUBB BEQUIREBUT FOR ,!!Q.gI!ll Br. D. R. Statha. DIRECT nCBIIIClL IBQUIRIES TO: Br. D. R. Statha. 1615 I. 25th st. Bir.ingha., Ala. 35234 DESCRIPTIOR - To depreciate and list all property equip.ent .onthly, while providing for deletions and additions to the file and checking and handling separately ite.s that would over depreciate. PROGRABBIIG SYSTEBS - Progra •• ed using Autocoder and IOCS. BIIlIBUB SYSTEB REQUIREBEIiTS - qK-1441 with Indexing and Store Register. a 1442 Card Read Punch, a 1443 Printer, 2-1311 Disk Drives, a 1447 Console. BISIC PROGRAB PICKAGE DOCUBEBTATIOIi :- Write-up. BACHII! REAIABLE - Appropriate .aterial delivered. OPTIOIAL FROGRAB PACKAG! - lone. ORDBRIIG IIPORBATIOI: PROGRAB lUBBER 14q81151185 PROGRIB RUBBER EXTEISIOI DISTRIBUTIOI BEDIUB TYPE CODE ElSIC none DTR· CPTICIAL none none USER VOLUBE REQUIREB!IT 18 J. D. CalIon Patricia Roche J. witt R. L. Fritch DIRECT TECHIilCAL IRQUIRIES TO: J. D. CalIon IBB corporation 3424 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, California none none 1!!!8-12.3.ln !,ABOR IBD BATERIlL PROGRlB AUTHORS: an extension of the 1448 Bill of Baterial Processor. includes - It • Loading and .aintenance of inventory and product structure records. • Loading and .aintenance of work center and routing records. Gross to net ti.e series planning report with require.ents offset by lead ti.e. • Gross work center loading by ti.e period. • Retrieval reports (explosion and i.plosions). • Calculation and laintenance of low level codes. 1!11l1J-1j.sblli IUTHOR: PIGE 1163 COBTINUBD FROB PRIOR COLUBI COITIIUED FROB PRIOR PIGE 9111115 DESCRIFTIOR - This is a de.onstration progra. which is This progra. offers .anufacturing co.panies an excellent base for developing .echanized production control progra.s. By taking advantage of these standardized routines the user can benefit fro. earlier i.ple.entation as well as .ini.ization of planning and progra •• ing expenses. The package.akes eight progra.s available to the user, which enable hi. to load and .aintain his part nUlber and .achine group laster files with rando. indexes to these files. PROGRABBIIG SYSTEBS - Written in lutocoder. BIIIBUB SYSTEB REQUIREBEBTS - 8K 1448 CPU ••• 1442 Card Read Punch ••• 1443 Printer, 128 print position ••• 1447 Bodel 2 Console with Sense Switches ••• (2) 1311 Disk Drives ••• Indexing and Store Address Register feature. BASIC PROGRAB PACKAGE DOCUBEBTATIOI - write-up • BACHIRE RBADABLE - Appropriate .aterial delivered. OPTIORJ.L PROGRJ.B PACKAGE DOCUBEITATIOR - lone. BACHIRE READABLE - Source code. ORDERIIG IIFORBATIOB: PROGRAB IOBBBR 1q411123182 usn VOLUBE REQUIBEBERT PROGRAB BUBBER EXTBBSIOB DISTRIBUTIOR BEDIUB CODE TYPE BASIC none DTR· lIS none OPTIONIL none DTR· .,,' none IBM (!) Technical Nawsletter Fie Number 1401/1440-20 Re: Order No. GC20-1601-10 This Newsletter No. GN20-0013-22 Date December 1971 Previous Newsletter Nos. GN20-0013-21 CATALOG OF PROGRAMS FOR IBM 1240, 1401, 1420, 1440,1450 and 1460 DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS - December 1971 Supplement © IBM Corp. 1970 This publication is a Supplement to the "Catalog of Programs for IBM 1240, 1401, 1420, 1440 and 1460 Data Processing Systemsn , GC20-1601-10. Complete instructions for using the KWIC Index and for ordering programs are included in the Catalog. Programs will not be supplied by authors and should not be requested from them. List of Program Deletions These programs will be deleted because of low usage IBM Corporation, Program In/ormation Department, 40 Saw Mill River, Hawthorne, N. Y. 10532 Printed in U.S.A. GN20-0013-22 PLANNED DELETIONS The following list of Type I programs will be d~leted by the Program Information Department on March 31, 1972, because of low usage. Until that date, orders for these programs "vill he acceptec'! hy the Program Infornation Department. 1401-AT-017 1401-10-012 CARD SYSTEr-1 ERROR - DET:F'CTION AIDS COl1MUNICATIONS IOCS (1026/DOC) FOR THE 1401-LM-011 1401-RG-033 1401/1460 TIMING PROGRAM FOR IBM BASIC OPF.~TING SYSTFr1/360 DISK SORT/MERGE PROGRAM (16K) . 1401/1460 -1026 OPEPATING SYSTEM C01.fPUTER ASSISTED INSTRUCTION REPORtt' PROGRMI GENERATOR 2K 1410-PR-155 1410/7010' OPERATING 1401/14~O 140 1-0S-09 2 SYS~F.M ..... § The following lis t of Type II Applications Prograrns~"'ill be deleted by the Program Information Department on March 31, 1972, because of low usaqe. Until that date, orders for these programs \vill be accepted hy the PrograJ'l'l Information Department. o ! a"n I:; c en -< 1401-CN-03X 1401-CO-13X 140 1-CR-01 X 1401-DW-03X 1-401-EX-01X 140 1-IF-01 X 1401-IF-02X 1401-IF-03X 1401-IF-05X 1401-SE-05X AUTOPROPS II NmmRICAI, CONTROL PROGRAM 1400-1311 LINEAR PROGRru1MING SELECTIVF DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION SYSTEH 1311 WHOLFSALE IMPACT ENGINEERING SCHEDULING SYSTEM AUTO RATING FOR FIRE AND CASUALTIES C011PANIES GENERAL DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM GENERAL DISTRIBUTION PROGRN1 FOR A TAPE 1401 HOMEOWNER RATING PROGRAH DECISIO?-T LOGIC TRANSLATOR PROGRM1 1440-DR-02X 1440-DW-01X 1440-DW-04X 1440-FB-03X 1440-FB-05X 1 440-FB-0 7X 1440-ME-02X 1440-l<1X-02X 1440-UH-02X RETAIL ACCOtmTS RECEIVABLE CHAnT A~m WHOLFSAJ,F, BILLING 1311 WHOLESALE IMPACT DEMAND DEPOS IT ACCOt1!'-lT SAVINGS ACCOUNTnTG ON-LINF SAVINGS ACCOTTNTING 1440/1311 BILL OF UATFRIAIJ PROCESSOR PROJECT cm~TRorJ SYSTEM ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FOR HOSPITALS 1450-FB-20X MICR ENTRY PROGRAM SUPPORTS 1450 BANK DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM International Buslne.. Machin.. Corporation Data Proceulng DIY.lon 1133 W...ch....r Avenu., White Plains, New York 10804 (U.S.A. only) IBM World Trad. Corpordon 821 United Nation. Plaza, N•• York, New York 10017 (lnternalionaO i; 3en o I3 0" CD ~ cD ..... ..... READERIS COMMENT FORM Catalog of Programs for IBM 1240, 1401, 1420 GC20-1601-10 1440 and 1450-1460 Data Processing Systems January 1971 Please comment on the usefulness and readability of this publication, suggest additions and deletions, and list specific errors and omissions (give page numbers). All comments and suggestions become the property of ffiM. If you wish a reply, be sure to include your name and address. COMMENTS fold fold fold fold • Thank you for your cooperation. No postage necessary if mailed in the U.S.A. FOLD ON TWO LINES, STAPLE AND MAIL. GC20-1601-10 YOUR COMMENTS PLEASE ••• Your comments on the other side of this form will help us improve future editions of this publication. Each reply will be carefully reviewed by the persons responsible for writing and publishing this material. Please note that requests for copies of publications and for assistance in utilizing your mM system should be directed to your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your locality. fold fold ...................................................................................................................... FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 62 HAWTHORNE, N. Y. BUSINESS REPLY MAIL NO POSTAGE STAMP NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES I POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY .•. I BM Corporation 40 Saw Mill River Road Hawthorne, New York 10532 Attention: Program Information Department, Catalog of Programs ..................................................................................................................... : fold International Business Machines Corporation Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road, White Plains, N.Y.I06ot [USA Only] IBM World Trade Corporation 821 United Nations Plaza, New York, New York 10017 [International] fold GC20-1601-10 - o International Business Machines Corporation Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road, White Plains, New York 10601 (USA only) U3M World Trade Corporation 821 United Nations Plaza, New York, New York 10017 (International)
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