GC20 1807 3_VM370_System_Programmers_Guide_Rel_2_Jan75 3 VM370 System Programmers Guide Rel 2 Jan75
User Manual: GC20-1807-3_VM370_System_Programmers_Guide_Rel_2_Jan75
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File No. S370-37 Order No. GC20-1807-3 IBM Virtual Machine Facility /370: System Programmer's Guide Systems Release 2 PLC 13 This publication is intended for VM/370 system programmers. A debugging section describes the procedures, commands, and utilities useful in debugging and provides guidance in dump reading. A Control Program (CP) section describes how CP works and tells how to modify or better utilize CPo A Conversational Monitor System (CMS) section describes how CMS works, and describes in detail some special features of CMS. The last two sections describe teleprocessing support for VM/370: one section describes the IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers and the other describes the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS). For the titles and abstracts of related publications, refer to the latest IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography, GA22-6822, and its Virtual Storage Supplement, GC20-0001. GC20-1807-3 Paqe Modified by TNL GN2U-2662, March 31, This edition, together with Technical Newsletter GN20-2662 dated March 31, 1975, is a major revision of GC20-1807-2 and makes that edition and Technical Newsletter GN20-2643 obsolete. This edition corresponds to B~l~~~~ l R1~ 11 (Program Level Change) of IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370 and to all subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new editions or technical newsletters. Changes are periodically made to the specifications herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest l~~ ~I~!~~L1§Q ~nQ ~I~!g!L11Q ~iQliQg~~EhI, Order No. GA22-6822, and its Yi~!Y~l ~!QE~~~ ~~EE1~!~n!, Order No. GC20-0001, for the editions that are applicable and current. Technical changes and additions to text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical bar to the left of the change. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. IBM A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation, VM/370 Publications, 24 New England Executive Park, Burlington, Massachusetts 01803. Comments become the property of IBM. © Copyright International 1974, 1975 Business Machines Corporation 1972, 1973, 1975 Preface This publication describes how to debug VM/370 and how to modify, extend or implement Control Program (CP) and Conversational Monitor System (CMS) functions. This information is intended for system programmers, system analysts, and program personnel. This publication consists and two appendixes. of five parts "Part 1: Debugging with VM/370" discusses the CP and CMS debugging tools and procedures to follow when debugging. This part is logically divided into three topics. The first section "Introduction to Debugging" tells you how to identify a problem and lists guidelines to follow to find the cause. The second section "Debugging with cpu describes the CP debugging com.ands and utilities, debugging CP in a virtual .achine, the internal trace table and restrictions. A detailed description of CP dump reading is also included. The third section "Debugging with CMS" describes the CMS debugging commands and utilities, load maps, and restrictions and tells you what fields to examine when reading a CMS dump. "Part 2: Control Program (CP)" contains an introductory and functional description of CP as well as guidance in implementing some CP features. "Part 3: \~n~J" Conversational contains dll Monitor System introductory "Appendix A: System/370 Information" describes the System/370 extended PSi and extended control register usage. "Appendix B: MULTI-LEAVING" provides a detailed description of MULTI-LEAVING1, a computer-to-computer communications technique developed for use by the HASP system and used by the RSCS component of VM/370. In this publication, the term 3330 series is used in reference to both the IBM 3330 Disk Storage, Models 1, 2, and 11, and the IBM 3333 Disk storage and Control, Models 1 and 11. The term 2305 series is used in reference to the IBM 2305 Fixed Head storage, Models 1 and 2. Also, any reference to the IBM 2741 Terminal is also applicable to the IBM 3767 Communications Terminal unless noted otherwise. The Glossary has been eliminated from this publication. An expanded glossary is available in the IBM virtual Machine Faci!illn70: Gl.Q§sar,!-!nd Masti!: -!J!de!, Order No. GC20-1813. Knowledge of Asse.bler Language and experience with programming concepts and techniques are prerequisite to using this publication. References to a standalone dump occur in several places in this publication. One such program is the BPS Storage Print program, Program No. 360P-UT-056. dUU functional description of CMS including how CMS handles interrupts and SVC calls, structures its nucleus and its storage, and manages free storage. Information on saving the CMS system and implementing the Batch Facility is also included. "Part 4. IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers" describes the functions and uses of these programmable units. Information is included on loading, testing, and updating the control program. PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS IBM Q..§L.!.§ !J!,g VML37.Q Guid§, GC33-4021. IBM OSLVS, ]OS/VS, and GC33-4010. l~gy!g~, "Part 5. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS)" describes the functions and uses of the component of VM/370 that handles the trans.ission of files between VM/370 users and remote programmable and non-program.able stations. AS2~!!2!~ Pr2gra!!u!:~ !l1L37.Q !2§~!~ler Knowledge of the co.mands and system functions of CP, CMS, and RSCS is corequisite. 1 IBM Unregistered Trademark COREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS f!~nni~ ~~g ~2!~! Co •• ~n~ 1~~gy~g§ Data ~~naqe.ent Order No. GC26-3793. Ge]~~!!~] Order No. GC20-1801 ~2§!2' g~L!~ ~yid~ !£! ~~fI~ lB2!!Yfti~n2' ~~id~, Ge~~!~! Order No. GC20-1804 QE~~!Q!~2 ~uide, Terminal (;C20=1810 Order No. GC20-1806 Y~~2 Order 111~ ~2~I!2 ~uid~, IBM 3211 Printer, Train-~artr~gg§, No. J~l~ ~nd 3811 Printer Control unit ~2~EQ!l~! Descript!Q!l and gperatQI's Gui~§, Order No. GA24-3543. 1~~ Q~L!~ Lin!~g§ Idit~£ Order No. GC20-1812 InteI£ha!lg~~~le ~]g 1~~g~!, Order Introduction to the IBM 3704 and CommunIcations-- contro!!er§-,---Order GA27=3051:---- 1105 No. GC26-3813. £~n!!~! R!Qgf~~ (£R) Order No. SY20-0880 Re!Qte IBM 3704 controllers "(;127==3055: ~EQQ!~ng £~!~yni£gtiQn2 ~ybsY2!§! (RS~~) RIQgf~ 1Qqic, Order No. SY20-0883 !~te: No. References in text to titles coreguisite VM/370 publications will given in abbreviated form. of be If the IBM 3767 Communication Terminal is used by the system programmer as a virtual machine console, the IBM 3767 Q~§!~!£!!§ ~~id§, Order No. GA18-2000~s also a coreguisite publication. GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 Summary of Amendments for GC20-1807-3 VM/370 Release 2 PLC 13 !~!: A Program Feature new expa~sion commmand (INDICATE) and an Transmission Control Unit, or a 3704/3705 Communications Controller in emulation mode. The remote 3270 user also has the capability of copying an entire screen display on a 3284, 3286, or 3288 printer at the remote location. of the MONITOR command provide a way to dynamically measure system performance. The general user can have displayed, at his terminal, certain certain system load conditions and his virtual system's usage of system resources. The system analyst can sample and record a wide variety of system load data, I/O activity, resource utilization, response data and simulation data. The followinq changes to reflect this new support: A new section, "Performance Observation and Analysis" has been added to "Part 2: Control Program (CP)." • !~~: • • • A new operand, PFnn COPY is added to the CP SET command in "Part 1: Debugging with VM/370." The section on "CP Restrictions" is updated to include restrictions to this new support. "Figure 11. CP Control Block Relationships" is updated. "Part 4: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers" is updated to include remote 3270 support. !~!: requirements of the other. ~n~ following changes to this manual reflect this support: • • • A new operand, PAGEX, is added to the CP SET command in "Part 1: Debugging with VM/370." A new section, "VM/VS Handshaking" is added to "Part 2: Control Program (CP) ." A new Diagnose code 0 is added to the "Diagnose Instruction in a virtual Machine" section in "Part 2: Control Program (CP)." !~!: Program Feature A virtual machine user may now initiate the punching of an accounting card containing up to 70 bytes of data, the content and format of which he can determine. The fcllowing changes to this manual reflect this support: Program Feature • VM/370 now supports the IBM 3270 Information Display System as a remote virtual machine console attached via nonswitched point-to-point lines to a 2701 Data Adapter Unit, 2703 Program Feature Two new operands to the SET command described in "Part 1: Debugging with VM/370" allow the virtual machine user ~u ~naD~e and disable ~ne ECMODE and/or ISAME options, dynamically. • !~~: manual Program Feature The VM/VS Handshaking feature is a communication path between VM/370 and OS/VS1 that makes each system control program aware of certain capabilities and this "Accounting Records for Virtual Machine Users" in "Part 2: Control Program (CP) " is updated to describe the implementaticn of this support. The section "Diagnose Instruction in a Virtual Machine" in "Part 2: Control Program (CP)" is updated to expand the function of Diagnose code X'4C' to include this new support. Summary of Amendments for GC20-1807 .. 3 VM/370 Release 2 PLC 11 !~!: Program Feature The 3340 Direct Access storage Facility is now supported by VM/370. This support includes: • • • 3348 Data Module, Models 35 and 70 Rotational position Sensing Fixed Head Feature • Remote stations and remote type batch systems. • Remote stations virtual machine. • !~: Batch The Spooling Functions" section in "Part 2: Control Program (CP)" has been updated to include the remote spooling capabilities of RSCS and the addition of the spool file tag field to all output spool files. • The "Diagnose Instruction in a virtual Machine" section in "Part 2: Control Program (CP)" has been updated to include a new subfunction code X'OFFF' to Diagnose code 14. RSCS uses this new option to retrieve spool file block and tag data for files that it is to process for transmission. • The "CMS Batch Facility" section in "Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) has been updated to include remote job entry via RSCS. • "Part 5: Remote Spooling Communications SubsJste. CRSeS)" bas been added to provide the system programmer with pertinent information on the new component of VM/370. The INPUT AND OUTPUT control statements for the DASD Dump Restore Program, described in "Part 2: Control Program (CP)," are changed. Documentation Only VM/370 support for the IBM 3767 Communications Terminal (at 300bps) as an IBM 2741 Communications Terminal is reflected in an update to "Figure 12. CP Device Classes, Types, Models and Fea tures". CMS • CP Device Classes, "Figure 12. Types, Models and Features" is updated. !~: a The addition of this new component is reflected in the following changes and additions to this publication: This device support is reflected in the following changes to this publication: • and HASP/ASP Program Feature The Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) has been included as a component of the VM/370 system. Together with the Control Program (CP) of VM/370, it manages telecommunication I/O devices and lines used to automatically transfer files between: • VM/370 users and remote stations. • Remote stations stations. • VM/370 users and remote HASP/ASP type batch systems. and other remote !§!: Program Feature CMS now supports the reading of DOS files as well as OS data sets. This support is described in the "OS Data Management Simulation" section of "Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) ". The "VM/370: Restrictions" section in "Part 1: Debugging with VM/370" is updated to remove the restriction against reading DOS files. Be!: Program Feature £A~~E~g: Programs such as DOs/Vs, Vs1 and Vs2 that use block multiplexer channel operations can now be run under VM/370 in virtual block multiplexer mode. The .ode of operation for all channels, except channel 0 and any channel to which a channel-to-channel Adapter (CTCA) is attached, is selectable via a DIRECTORY option or the DEFINE Command. This new feature is described under "Functional Information" in "Part 2: Control Program (CP)". Documentation Only Information on planning considerations and generation of the 3704/3705 control program, formerly in "Part 4: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers" has been moved to the !ML37Q: Pl~nni~E and §~§!~! Ge~~£~tio~ Gu!g~. The information about generating and testing the standalone program that controls the 2780 formerly in "Part 5: IBM 2780 Data Transmission Terminal" has been moved to the !~Ll1Q: PI~~ni~g and ~I§!~~ Gene~!io~ 2~!~~. ]~!~!~~~~£~: Program and Documentation Two new ABEND codes, PGT008 and PRG019, have been added to "Figure 10. CP ABEND Codes". Many other changes, to numerous to detail, have also been included in this publication. Summary of A.endments for GC20-1807-2 as updated by TNL GN20-2643 VM/370 Release 2 PLC 4 IBM 3704/3705 COftftUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM (NCP) AND PARTITIONED EMULATION PROGR1~ ,IDVD\ ......... I • The considerations for the use of the ftultiple Terminal Access (MTA) feature with a PEP control program are updated in Step 4 of the "Generating and Loading the 3704/3705 Control Program" section. • The "Special Considerations for the stage 1 Assellbly" section of "Step 6. The stage 1 Generation Procedure" is updated. this • • The Preface is updated. • A new CP ABEID code, NLDOOi, ~~ added to "Figure 10. CP ABEND Codes" in "Part 1: Debugging with Vft/370". A new section, "Special Considerations for Loading the EP 3704/3705 Control Program", is added to step 10 of the "Generating and Loading the 3704/3705 Control Program" section. • A new step, "step 11. Logging On Through the 3704/3705", is added to the "Generating and Loading the 3704/3705 Control Program" section. • The "Testing the 3704/3705 Control Program" section is updated to add information about using the NETWORK cOllmand. VM/370 now supports all three of 3704/3705 control programs: • • • the Emulation Program (EP) Network Control Program (NCP) Partitioned Emulation program (PEP) The following support: changes reflect The following changes to "Part 4: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers" also reflect this support: • A new section, "VM/370 Support of the 3704/3705" is added to the "Planning Considerations" section. This new section describes the extent to which Vft/370 supports the three 3704/3705 control programs. • The NAMENCP macro is updated in the "Planning Considerations" section. MISCELLANEOUS • The required options for the SYSCNTRL macro are updated in Step 4 of the "Generating and Loading the 3704/3705 Control Program" section. £h!ng~~: Documentation only A new section "CMS Interface for Display Terminals", is included in "Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CftS)." The index is corrected. Summary of Amendments for GC20-1807-2 VM/370 Release 2 PLC 1 !~~: program Feature The following supported: IBM ~~!: devices are now • IBM 3330 Disk storage, Model 11 • IBM 3333 Disk Model 11 • IBM 3420 Magnetic 4, 6, and 8 • IBM 3272 Control unit, Model 2 (local attachment) Storage and Program Feature A new section, "storage Protection," in "Part 2: Control Program ~P)," describes both store and fetch storage protection. Control, Tape Units, Models !~!: • IBM 3277 Display station, (local attachment) Model • IBM 3066 System Console, Model 2 2 This device support caused the following changes to this pUblication: Program Feature The virtual machine assist feature is a combination of a CPU feature and VM/370 programming which improves the performance of VM/370. The discussion, "virtual Machine Assist Feature," in the "preferred Machines" section of "Part 2: Control Program (CP)," describes this feature. • CP Device Classes, "Figure 11. Types, Models and Features" is updated. Changes for this feature appear in "Part 1: Debugging with VM/370" in the descriptions of the following CP commands: • The SET command described in "Part 1: Debugging with VM/370" contains support for the 3270 program function • • • 1r,.. ... ~ 1\.<:;;1~· • The INPUT AND • OUTPUT control statements for the DASD Dump Restore program, described in "Part 2: Control Program (CP)," are changed. • The "DIAGNOSE Code 58 -- 3270 virtual Console Interface" section of "Part 2: Control Program (CP)" describes the DIAGNOSE interface for a 3270. • ADSTOP SET TRACE QUERY The "Program States" section of "Part 2: Control Program (CP) " is also updated. !~!: Program Feature All virtual machines that issue an SVC 76 to record errors signal VM/370 to do the recording for them. SVC 76 support caused changes to "Part 2: Control Program {CP)II in !~!: Program Feature A new section, "OS/VS2 Release 2 Uniprocessor under VM/370," in "Part 2: Control Program (CP)," describes this support. • The "svc Interrupts" section • "Figure 20. SVC Interrupt Handling" New: considerations, guidelines for generating and loading the 3704/3705 control program, and a description of the co.mands used for testing the 3704/3705 control prograll. Program Feature All terminal input and output (not just the input and output from the virtual machine operating system) is now spooled. This spooling change is described in the "Spooling Facilities" section of "Part 2: Control Program (CP) ." Ne~: Documentation Only Four CMS lIacros, previously docullented, are described in pUblication: not this • DMSABI is described in the "CMS ABEIDs" section of "Part 1: Debugging with VM/370." • DMSFREE, DMSFRET, and DMSFRES are described in the "Free Storage Managellent" section of "Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) ." !~!: Program Feature This publication is updated to describe the 3704/3705 control program under the control of VM/370. The changes are: • Two new abnormal teraination codes (BIBOOl and BIB002) are described in "Figure 9. CP ABEID Codes." • "Figure 11. CP Device Classes, Types, Models, and Features" is updated. • A new DIAGNOSE code is described in the "DIAGBOSE Code 50 -- Save the 3704/3705 Control Program Image (Privilege Class A, B, or COnly)" section of "Part 2: Control Prograll (CP) • " Program Feature CMS now supports the reading of OS data sets. This change is described in the "OS Macro Siaulation under CMS" section of "Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS)." The restriction list in "Part 1: Debugging with VM/370" is also updated to remove the restriction against reading OS data sets. !~!: • A new chapter, "Part 4: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers," contains an introduction, planning !~!: Program and Documentation Programaing changes have caused control block changes for both CP and CMS. The changes to the CP control blocks are described in: • The "Virtual and Real Control Block Status" section of "Part 1: Debugging with V~/310." • "Figure 10. Relationships." • "Figure 11. CP Device Classes, Types, Models, and Features." The changes to the are described in: Control CMS control Block blocks • "Figure 15. CMS Control Blocks." • "Figure 36. CMS Storage Map." For CP, the abnormal termination codes have changed. "Figure 9. CP ABEND Codes" reflects the following changes: • Codes CFM001, CNSOOl through CNSOOS, PTR006, QCN001, QCN002 and VATOOl have been deleted froll CP. • Codes PRG016, PRG017, PRG01S, PTR011, PTR012, RNB001, and RNB002 have been added to CP. For CP, the internal trace table now traces machine checks, entry to the scheduler, and the unstacking of IOBLOKs and TRQBLOKs. "Figure S. CP Trace Table Entries" reflects these changes. !~!: Program and Documentation Attention handling has been revised. Not all terminals have "attention" keys. The number of attention interrupts required depends on command settings and the environment of the virtual machine. Consequently, the phrase "signal attention" is used instead of "press the attention key [onceltwice]." ~hgng~g: • The VDUMP command has been the VMFDUMP command. • The description of the PAGING operand of the QUERY command contains more detailed information. ~!lg!!g~§ (£~) ": ~h~ng~~: ~!~n~~~: 1Q iifgrt ~: £ont~QJ: renamed fIQgIg! • The description of the PRIORITY operand of the SET command described in the "Preferred Machines" section contains more detailed information. • The KINIDASD command is no longer supported. The IBCDASDI Virtual Disk Initialization program replaces MINIDASD. • The Set Page Boundary (SPB) card is no longer required for every page boundary in the loadlist. See the "CP Loadlist Requirements" section. • A new section, "Removing Optional support from the CP Nucleus," has been added. • ~Pigure 37. CMS Command (and Request) Processing" has been redrawn to include more detail. • The "BATEXIT2: Processing the Batch Facility /JOB Control Card" section contains additional information. Program and Documentation Several CP commands have additional operands and features. The commands (DCP, DISPLAY, DMCP, and DUMP) are described in "Part 1: Debugging with VK/370." Also, "Figure 6. Summary of VK/370 Debugging Tools" is updated to reflect the command changes. Program and Documentation Documentation Only Information about the Assembler virtual storage requirements and overlay structures has been added to "Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) ." This information was in the VKL37Q: ~Q!!Ang 19n9yg~ §y~g~ !Q~ §~~~~gl Q~~§ previously. The information about generating and testing the standalone program that controls the 2780 has been moved from the .!~L11Q : f.!gnni!!9 ~n~ ~I§!~! Generation Guide to the "Part 5. IBM 2780-Dati-TraiiSiission Terminal" section of this publication. GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 Contents PART 1: DEBUGGING WITH VM/370. • 11 INTRODUCTION TO DEBUGGING • • • How To start Debugging • • • • • • Does a Problem Exist? • Identifying the Problem~ Analyzing the Problem. • • How 10 Use VM/370 Facilities to Debug. • ABEND. • • • • • • • • • • • CP ABEND • • • • • • • • • • • • CP Termination without a Dump. • CMS ABEND • • • • • • • • • Virtual Machine ABEND (Other Than CM S). • • • • • • • • • • • • Unexpected Results • • • • • • • Unexpected Results in CP • • • Unexpected Results in a Virtual Machine • • • • • Loop • • • • • • • • • CP Disabled Loop • • Virtual Machine Disabled Loop. • Virtual Machine Enabled Loop • • WAIT • • • • • • • • ••• • CP Disabled Wait • • • • • CP Enabled Wait • • • • • • Virtual Machine Disabled Wait. • virtual Machine Enabled Wait • • RSCS Virtual Machine Disabled Wait • RSCS virtual Machine Enabled Wait. • Summary of VM/370 Debugging Tools • • • • Comparison of CP and CMS Facilities for Debugging • • • • • • • • • • • 13 13 14 16 22 26 26 26 27 28 31 32 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 39 44 Function Statement • • • • • • • • • PRINT/TYPE Function Statement • • • • Debugging CP on a Virtual Machine.. CP Internal Trace Table • • • • • • • • • CP Restrictions. • • • • • • • • • • Dynamically Modified Channel Programs. • Minidisk Restrictions. • • • • • Timing Dependencies. . . • • • • • . • • Q"7 :7, CPU Model-Dependent Functions • • • • 98 Virtual Machine Characteristics. • • 98 CMS Restrictions • • • • • • • • 101 Miscellaneous Restrictions • • • .102 ABEND Dumps. • • • • • • • • • • • 103 Using the VMFDUMP Command • • • • 103 How to Print A CP Abend Dump From Tape. • • • • • • • • • • .104 Reading CP ABEND Dumps • .104 Reason for the ABEND • .105 Collect Information • • • • .120 Register Usage • • • • • • 120 Save Area Conventions. • • • 121 Virtual and Real Control Block Status. 122 VMBLOK • • • 122 VCHBLOK. • • 125 VCUBLOK. • • 125 VDEVBLOK • • • 126 RCHBLOK. • .127 RCUBLOK. • • 128 RDEVBLOK • • 128 Identifying a Pageable Module. • • 133 DEBUGGING WITH CMS • • • CMS Debugging Commands • DEBUG. • • • • • • • SVCTRACE DEBUGGING WITH CPo • • • • • • CP Commands Used To Debug in the Virtual Machine •••• • • • • • ADSTOP • • • • • • BEGIN. • • DISPLAY. • •••• DUMP • • • • • • • • • • • SE T. • • • • • • • STORE. • • SYSTEM • • • • • • TRACE. • CP Commands for System Programmers and System Analysts • • DCP. • • DMCP • • • LOCA'IE • • MONITOR. • QUERY • • • SAVENCP. • SAVESYS. • STCP • • • DASD Dump Restore Program (Standalone Version). • • • • • • • • • • • DDR Control Statements • • • • • • I/O Definition Statements • • • • INPUT/OUTPUT Control Statement • SYSPRINT Control statement • • • 45 45 46 48 49 54 57 62 65 67 • • • • • • 86 86 86 86 87 • • 134 • • 134 • • 135 • • • 160 DASD Dump Restore Service Program and How To Use It • • • • • • • • • • • • • 164 Invoking DDR under CMS • • • • • • • • 164 Invoking DDR as a Standalone Program • 164 Nucleus Load Map. • • • • • .165 Load Map. • • • • • • • • • .165 Reading CM S AEEND Dumps. • • • 167 Reason for the ABEND. • .167 Collect Information. • .171 Register Usage • • • • • • • • • • • • 173 PART 2: CONTROL PROGRAM 72 73 76 79 81 82 83 84 85 88 92 93 93 96 96 96 (CP) • • 175 VM/370 • • • • • • • • • • • • .177 Introduction to the VM/370 Control Program • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 177 Virtual Machine Time Management • • • • 178 Virtual Machine Storage Management • • 178 Virtual Machine I/O Management • • • • 180 Spooling Functions • • • • • • 181 CP Commands. • • • • • • • • • • 182 PROGRAM STATES • .183 USING CPU RESOURCES. • Queue 1 • • • Queue 2 • • • • • • • • • • 184 • • 184 • • 184 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 INTERRUPTION HANDLING • • • Program Interrupt. • • • Machine Check Interrupt. SVC Interrupt. • • • • • External Interrupt • • • • 186 • 186 .186 • 186 .187 FUNCTIONAL INFORMATION. • • • • .188 Performance Guidelines • .200 General Information. • • • • • .200 Virtual Machine I/O. • • • • • • 201 Paging Considerations. .202 Preferred virtual Machines • • • • • .204 The Virtual Block Multiplexer Channel Option • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 210 PERFORMANCE OBSERVATION AND ANALYSIS .210.1 Load Indicators • • • • • • • • • • • • 210.1 The Indicate Command • • • • • • • • 210.1 The Class G INDICATE Command • .210.2 The Class E INDICATE Command • • • • 210.4 The MONITOR Command. • • • • • • 210.8 Implemented Classes. • • 210.12 VM Monitor Response to Unusual Tape Conditions. • • • • • 210.14 VM Monitor Considerations. 210.14 VM Monitor Data Volume and Overhead. • • • • • • • .. • 210.15 Load Environments of VM/370. 210.16 ACCOUNTIN G RECORDS ••••• Accounting Records for Virtual Machine Users • • .. • • • ••• • • • • • Accounting Records for Dedicated Devices • • • • • ••••• User Formatted Accounting Records. Operational Notes. • • • •••• • User Accounting Options • • • • • • .211 GENERATING NAMED SYSTEMS • • • • • Configuring the NAMESYS Macro (Module DMK SN T) • • • • • • • • • • • • • Using the SAVESYS Command . . . . . . . . . .. Determining When To Save a System • • Special Considerations for Shared Segments. • • • • • • • • Saving OS. • • • • • • • ••• .214 VM/VS HANDSHAKING • • • • Closing CP Spool Files • Pseudo Page Faults • • • • • VS 1 Nonpaging Mode • • • Miscellaneous Enhancements .211 .211 .212 .212 .213 .214 .215 .216 .216 .216 • .218.1 • .218.2 • • • 218.2 • .218.2 • .218.3 S pooling Consider ations. . • • • • • .225 An Example of VM/370 Running under VM/370. • • • • • • • • • • • .225 TIMERS IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE. Interval Timer • • CPU Timer • • • • • TOD Clock. • • • • • • • Clock Comparator • • • • • Pseudo Timer • • • • • • • Pseudo Timer Start I/O Pseudo Timer DIAGNOSE. • • .236 • • • • 236 • .236 • .237 • .237 • .237 • .238 • .238 DIAGNOSE INSTRUCTION IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE. • • • • • • • • • • • • .239 DIAGNOSE Code 0 -- Store Extended-Identification Code.. • .239 DIAGNOSE Code 4 -- Examine Real Storage.240 DIAGNOSE Code 8 -- virtual Console Function • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 240 DIAGNOSE Code C -- Pseudo Timer • • • • 240.1 DIAGNOSE Code 10 -- Release Pages • • • 240.1 DIAGNOSE Code 14 -- Input Spool File Manipulation • • • • • • • • • • • • • 240.2 DIAGNOSE Code 18 Standard DASD I/O • • 241 DIAGNOSE Code lC Clear I/O Recording.242 DIAGNOSE Code 20 General I/O. • • .242 DIAGNOSE Code 24 Device Type and Features • • • • • .243 DIAGNOSE Code 28 -- Channel Program Modification. • • .244 DIAGNOSE Code 2C -- Return DASD Start of LOGREC • • • • .245 DIAGNOSE Code 30 -- Read One Page of LOGREC Data • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 245 DIAGNOSE Code 34 -- Read System Dump spool File • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 245 DIAGNOSE Code 38 -- Read System Symbol Table • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 246 DIAGNOSE Code 3C -- VM/370 Directory • • 246 DIAGNOSE Code 4C -- Generate Accounting Cards for the Virtual User • • • • • • • 246 DIAGNOSE Code 50 -- Save the 3704/3705 Control Program Image. • • • .247 DIAGNOSE Code 58 -- 3270 Virtual Console Interface. • • • • • • • .247 DIAGNOSE Code 5C: Error Message Editing.248 CP CONVENTIONS • • • • • • CP Coding Conventions. • • CP Loadlist Requirements • • • • 249 • .249 • .251 HOW TO ADD A CONSOLE FUNCTION TO CPo • • 253 OS/VS2 RELEASE 2 UNIPROCESSOR UNDER VM/370. • • • • • • • • .219 DOS UNDER VM/370 System Generation. • • • • • Standard Label Cylinder. System Residence • • • • • • 220 .220 .220 .220 VM/370 OPERATING IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE ENVIRONMENT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 221 VM/370 Directory Definition. • • • • • .221 Virtual Machine Configuration • • • • • • 222 virtual System Residence Considerations.222 Virtual IPL and Operation. • • .223 Accessing Devices. • • • • • • • • • .224 PRINT BUFFERS AND FORMS CONTROL • • • Adding New Print Buffer Images • ues Buffer Images • • • • • • • USCB Buffer Images • • • • • • Forms Control Buffer • • • • • • .254 .255 .255 .257 .260 PART 3: CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM (CM S) • • • • • • • • • .263 INTRODUCTION TO CMS • • • The CMS Command Language • The File System • • • • Program Development • • • • • • • • .265 .265 .266 .268 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 INTERRUPT HANDLING IN CMS. SVC Interruptions • • • • • • • Internal Linkage SVCs. • • at her SVCs • • • Input/Output Interruptions Terminal Interruptions • • Reader/Punch/Frinter Interruptions User Controlled Device Interruptions • Program Interruptions • • • • • • • • • External Interruptions • • • • Machine Check Interruptions • • • • • • FUNCTIONAL INFORMATION • Register Usage • • • • • structure of DMSNUC. . USERSECT (User Area) DEVTAB (Device Table) • • • structure of CMS Storage • Free Storage Management • • GETMAIN Free Storage Management. DMSFREE Free storage Management. Releasing Allocated storage. • • DMSFREE Service Routines • • • • Error Codes from DMSFRES, DMSFREE, and DMSFRET • • • • • • • CMS Handling of PSW Keys • • • • • • CMS SVC Handling • • • • • • • • • • SVC Types and Linkage Conventions • • Search Hierarchy for SVC 202 • • User and Transient Program Areas • • Called Routine Start-up Table. • • • Returning to the Calling Routine • • CMS Interface for Display Terminals • • .269 .269 .269 .269 .270 .271 ~271 .271 • 271 .272 • 272 .273 .273 .273 .274 .274 .275 .278 .278 .279 .284 .284 .286 .287 .288 .288 .290 .291 .294 .295 .297 HOW TO ADD A COMMAND OR EXEC PROCEDURE TO CMS. • • • • • • • • • .299 OS MACRO SIMULATION UNDER CMS • • • OS Data Management Simulation. • Handling Files that Reside on CMS Disks • • • • • • • • • • Handling Files that Reside on 05 or DOS Disks • • • • • • Simulation Notes • • • • Access Method support • • Reading OS Data Sets and DOS Files • The FILEDEF Command. .300 .300 SAVING THE CMS SYSTEM • • • Saved System Restrictions for CMS. .312 .312 .300 .301 .303 .307 .309 .311 CMS BATCH FACILITY. • • • • • • • .313 Resetting Batch Facility System Limits .313 Writing Routines To Handle Special Installation Input • • • • • • • • • • • 313 BATEXIT1: Processing User-Specified Control Language • • • • • • • • • • • 314 BATEXIT2: Processing the Batch Facility /JOB Control Card • • • • • • 314 EXEC Procedures for the Batch Facility Virtual Machine • • • • • • • • • • • • 314 Data Security under the Batch Facility .315 IPL Performance Using a Saved System • • 315 AUXILIARY DIRECTORIES • • • • • • • • • • 316 How To Add an Auxiliary Directory • • • • 316 Generation of the Auxiliary Directory.316 Initializing the Auxiliary Directory .316 Establishing the Proper Linkage • • • • 317 An Example of Creating an Auxiliary Directory • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 318 ASSEMBLER VIRTUAL STORAGE REQUIREMENTS Overlay structures • • • • • Prestructured Overlay. • • Dynamic Load Overlay • • • • .320 .320 .320 .322 PART 4: IBM 3704 AND 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS. .323 INTRODUCTION TO THE IBM 3704 and 3705 COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLERS. • .325 VM/370 support of the 3704 and 3705 • • • 325 Emulation Program (EP) with VMj370 • .326 Network Control Program (NCP) with VM/370 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 326 Partitioned Emulation Program (PEP) with VM/370 • • • • • • • • • • .327 Generating a VM/370 System that Supports the 3704 and 3705 • • • • • • • 327 LOADING THE 3704/3705 CONTROL PROGRAM • • 328 Save the 3704/3705 Control Program Image on Disk • • • • • • • • • • • • • 328 The SAVENCP Command • • • • • • • • • • 328 Execution of the SAVENCP Program • • • 329 Load the 3704/3705 Control Program • • • 330 The NETWORK LOAD Command Line • • • • • 330 Execution of the NETWORK LOAD Command.330 Special Considerations for Loading the EP 3704/3705 Control Program • • • 331 special considerations for Loading the NCP and PEP 3704/3705 Control Programs. • • • • • • • • • • • .331 Logging on Through the 3704/3705 • • • • 332 Turn the Power On • • • • • • • • • • • 332 Check for an Online Message • • • • • • 332 Follow the special Sign-on Procedures for 3704/3705 Lines that Are in NCP Mode and also Have the MTA Feature • • 333 Logging on After an NCP Control Program Has Abnormally Terminated • • 334 Applying PTFs to the 3704/3705 Load Library. • • • • • • • • • • • • .334 The ZAP Service Program. • • • .334 ZAP Input Control Records • • • • • • • 336 Special Considerations For Using The ZAP Service Program • • • • • • 336.6 TESTING THE 3704/3705 CONTROL PROGRAM. NETWORK. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bow to Use the NETWORK Com.and • NCPDUMP Service Program and How to Use It. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Using the NCPDUMP Command. • • • .337 .337 .337 .345 .345 PART 5: REMOTE SPOOLING COMMUNICATIONS • .347 SUBSYSTEM (RSCS). • • INTRODUCTION TO RSCS Locations And Links • • Remote Stations • • • VM/370 Spool System Interface • • RSCS Command Language • • • • • • • • • • • .349 .349 .349 .350 .350 STRUCTURE OF RSCS VIRTUAL STORAGE • • • • 352 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 RSCS Supervisor • • • • • • • • • • • • su perv isor Queue Extension • • • • • • Free Storage • • • • • • • • • • • • • System Control Task. • • • ••• • Free Storage and Line Drivers • • Line Allocation Task • • • Spool File Access Task • • • • • • • • • 353 .353 • 353 .354 .354 .354 .354 FUNCTIONAL INFORMATION • • • • Virtual Storage Management Page Allocation. • • • • • • Queue Element Management File Management. • • • • • • • Tag slot Queues • • • • • • • Spool File Access. • • • Task-to-Task Communication • • RSCS Command processing. RSCS Message Handling • • Interruption Handling. • • • • External Interruptions SVC Interruptions. I/O Interruptions. • • .355 .355 .355 • 355 • 356 .356 .356 .357 .357 .358 .358 .358 .358 .359 LeGGING I/O ACTIVITY • • .360 AFPENDIX A: SYSTEM/370 INFORMATION • . . 363 Control Registers. • • • • • .363 APPENDIX B: MULTILEAVING MULTI-LEAVING in VM/370. • MULTI-LEAVING Philosophy • • MULTI-LEAVING Control specification. Record Control Byte (RCB). • • Sub-Record Control Byte (SRCB) • • String Control Byte (SeB). • • • • Block Control Byte (BCB) • • • • • Function Control Sequence (FCS). • • • • • • • • • • AFPENDIX C: VM MONITOR TAPE FORMAT AND CONTENT • • • • • • • Header Record. • Data Records • .374.1 .374.1 .374.2 INDEX. • • • • .377 .367 .367 .367 .369 .370 .371 .373 .373 .374 FIGURES Figure Figure Figure Figure 1. 2. 3. 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. ABEND Messages ••••••••••••••• 14 VM/370 Problem Types ••••••••• 18 Does a Problem Exist?====~==23 Debug Procedures for Waits and Loops •••••••••••••••••••• 24 Debug Procedures for Unexpected Results and an ABEND •••••••••••••••••••••••• 25 Summary of VM/370 Debugging Tools •••••••••••••••••••••••• 39 Comparison of CP and CMS Facilities for Debugging ••••• 44 Annotated Sample of Output from the TYPE and PRINT Functions of the DDR Program •••••••••••••••••••••• 92 CP Trace Table Entries ••••••• 95 CP ABEND Codes •••••••••••••• 106 CP Control Block Relationships ••••••••••••••• 124 CP Device Classes, Types, Models, and Features •••••••• 131 Summary of SVC Trace Output Lines ••••••••••••••••••••••• 163 Sample CMS Load Map ••••••••• 166 CMS Control Blocks=~e.e= •••• 168 CMS ABEND Codes ••••••••••••• 169 CP Initialization ••••••••••• 189 Real I/O Control Blocks ••••• 190 Virtual I/O Control Blocks •• 191 SVC Interrupt Handling •••••• 192 External Interrupt Handling.193 Program Interrupt Handling •• 194 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Figure 28. Figure 29. Figure 30. Figure 31. Figure 32. Figure 33. Figure 34. Figure 35. Figure 36. Figure 37. Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Figure 43. Figure 44. Paging •••••••••••••••••••••• 195 Virtual Spooling •••••••••••• 196 Real Spooling ••••••••••••••• 197 Virtual Tracing ••••••••••••• 198 Virtual-to-Real Address Translation ••••••••••••••••• 199 storage in a Virtual=Real Machine ••••••••••••••••••••• 207 Formats of Pseudo Timer Information ••••••••••••••••• 237 UCSB Associative Field Chart ••••••••••••••••••••••• 258 eMS File System ••••••••••••• 267 Devices Supported by a CMS Virtual Machine ••••••••••••• 275 CMS Storage Map ••••••••••••• 277 CMS Command (and Reques~ processing ••••••••••••••••• 293 PSW Fields When Called Routine Starts •••••••••••••• 294 Register Contents When Called Routine Starts ••••••• 294 Simulated OS Supervisor Calls ••••••••••••••••••••••• 302 An Overlay Structure •••••••• 321 RSCS Command Summary •••••••• 351 RSCS Storage Allocation ••••• 352 Control Register Allocation.363 Control Register Assignments ••••••••••••••••• 364 The Extended Control PSW (Program status Word) ••••••• 365 A Typical MULTI-LEAVING Transmission Block •••••••••• 368 Part 1: Debugging with Vr-ll./370 This debugging section contains the followi~g information: • • How to star~ debugging How to use VM/370 facilities to debug results, loops, and waits summary of VM/370 debugging too~s comparison of CP and eMS debugging tools • • • • • • • • Debugging CP on a virtual machine Commands useful in debugging DASD Dump Restore program Internal trace table Restrictions ABEND dumps Reading CP ABEND dumps Control block summary • • • • • Debugging commands DASD Dump Restore Program Nucleus load map Reading CMS ABEND dumps Control block summary • • ABE8Ds, unexpected Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 11 Introduction to Debugging The Vft/310 Control Program manages the resources of a single computer such that multiple computing systems appear to exist. Each "virtual computing system," or virtual machine, is the functional equivalent of an IBft System/310. Therefore, the person trying to determine the cause of a Vft/310 software problem must consider three separate areas: 1. The Control Program machine. (CP) which controls the resources 2. The virtual machine operating system running under CP, such as CftS, RSCS, OS, or DOS. 3. The problem program, which executes under machine operating system. of the real the control of the control of a virtual Once the area causing the problem is identified, the appropriate person should take all available information and dete.rmine the cause of the problem. ftost likely, the IBft Pield Engineering program systems Representative or system programmer handles all problems with CP, CftS, and RSCS; information that is helpful in debugging CP and CftS is contained in this publication. The application programmer handles all problem program errors; techniques for application program debugging are found in the !~L1IQ: ~Q!.a~~ La~~y~~ ~yig~ fo~ ~~~~~al Us~!§. If the problem is caused by a virtual machine operating system (other than CftS and RSCS), refer to the publications pertaining to that operating system for specific information. However, use the CP debugging facilities, such as the CP commands, to perform the recommended debugging procedures discussed in that other publication. The IBft Pield Engineering Program systems Representative or system programmer most likely handles problems with virtual machine operating systems. If it becomes necessary to apply a PTP (Program Temporary component of Vft/310, refer to the !ALllQ: PI~~i~~ ~!~ ~yste~ iY!~§ for detailed information on applying PTFs. Fix) to a Gen~~!i~! Before you can correct any problem, you must recognize that one exists. Next, you must identify the problem, collect information and determine the cause so that the problem can be fixed. When running Vft/310, you must also decide whether the problem is in CP, the virtual machine, or the problem program. A good approach to debugging is: 1. Recognize that a problem exists. 2. Identify the problem type and the area affected. 3. Analyze the data you have available, collect more data if you need it, then isolate the data that pertains to your problem. 4. Pinally, determine the cause of the problem and correct it. Part 1: Debugging with Vft/310 13 DOES A PROBLEM EXIST? There are four types of problems: 1. 2. 3. 4. Loop wait state ABEND (Abnormal End) Incorrect results The most obvious indication of a problem is the abnormal termination of a program. Whenever a program abnormally terminates, a message is issued. Figure 1 lists the possible ABEND messages and identifies the type of ABEND for these messages. Message (Alarm rings) DMKDMP9081 SYSTEM FAILURE CODE xxxxxx CP ABEND, system dumps to disk. Restart is automatic. DMKDMP90SW SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; PROGRAM CHECK DMKDMP906W SYSTEM FAILURE; MACHINE CHECK, RUN SEREP DMKDMP907W SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; FATAL I/O ERROR If the dump program encounters a program check, machine check or fatal I/O error, a message is issued indicating the error. CP enters the wait state with code 3 in the PSW. DMKCKP900W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; PROGRAM CHECK DMKCKP901W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; MACHINE CHECK, RUN SEREP DMKCKP902W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; FATAL I/O ERROR - NUCL CYL - WARM CYL DMKCKP904W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; INVALID WARM START DATA DMKCKP910W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; INVALID WARM START CYLINDER DMKCKP911W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; WARM START AREA FULL If the checkpoint program encounters a program check, a machine check, a fatal I/O error or an error relating to a certain warm start cylinder or warm start data conditions, a message is issued indicating the error and CP enters the wait state with code 7 in the PSW. DMKWRM902W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; FATAL I/O ERROR DMKWRM903W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOLID xxxxx ALLOCATION ERROR CYLINDER xxx DMKWRM904W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; INVALID WARM START DATA DMKWRM909W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOLID xxxxxx NOT MOUNTED If the warm start program encounters a severe error, a message is issued indicating the error and CP enters the wait state with code 9 in the PSW. Figure 14 Type of ABEND 1. ABEND Messages (Part 1 of 3) IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide r--------------------------------------------------------------·----------~ Message Type of ABEND DMKDMP9081 SYSTEM FAILURE, CODE xxxxxx ICP ABEND, system dumps to DMKCKP960! SYSTEM WARM START DATA SAVED' tape or printer. The system DMKCKP961W SYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE stops; the operator must IPL the system to start again. DMKDMP905W SYSTEM DUMP PROGRAM CHECK DMKDMP906W SYSTEM DUMP MACHINE CHECK, RUN DMKDMP907W SYSTEM DUMP I/O ERROR FAILURE; If the dump program encounters a program check, a machine check or fatal I/O error, a message is issued indicating the error. CP enters the wait state with code 3 in th~ PSi. FAILURE; SEREP FAILURE; FATAL If the dump cannot find a defined dump device and if no printer is defined for the dump, CP enters a disabled wait state with code 4 in the PSW. CP termination with automatic restart. DMKMCH6101 MACHINE CHECK SUPERVISOR DAMAGE The machine check handler encountered a nonrecoverable error with the VM/370 control program. DMKMCH6111 MACHINE CHECK SYSTEM INTEGRITY LOST The machine check handler encountered an error that can-I not be diagnosed; system I integrity, at this point, I is not reliable. I L-_____________________________________________________________________________ ~I Figure 1. ABEND Messages (Part 2 of 3) Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 15 Type of ABEND CP ter.ination without automatic restart. DMKCCH603W CHANNEL ERROR, RUB SEREP, RESTART SYSTEM There was a channel check condition from which the channel check handler could not recover. CP enters the wait state with code 2 in the PSW. DMKCPI955W INSUPPICIENT STORAG! FOR The generated system requires more real storage than is available. CP enters the disabled wait state with code OOD in the PSW. 'M/370 DMSABN148T SYSTEM ABEND xxx CALLED PRO" xxxxxx IC"S ABEND, system will accept I commands from the terminal. I Enter the DEBUG command and I then the DUMP subcommand to I have C"S dump storage on the I printer. others Refer to OS and DOS publication for the abnormal termination messages. IWhen OS or DOS abnormally I terminates on a virtual I machine, the messages issued I and the dumps taken are the I same as they would be if OS I or DOS abnormally terminated I on a real machine. Figure 1. ABEND "essages (Part 3 of 3) Another obvious indication of a problem is unexpected output. If your output is missing, incorrect, or in a different format than expected, some problem exists. Unproductive processing time is another symptom of a problem. This problem is not as easily recognized, especially in a time sharing environment. IDENTIFYING THE PROBLE" Two types of problems are easily identified: abnormal termination is indicated by an error message, and unexpected results become aFparent once the output is examined. The looping and wait state conditions are not as easily identified. When using V"1370, you are normally sitting at a terminal and do not have the lights of the CPU control panel to help you. You may have a looping condition if your program takes longer to execute than you anticipated. Also, check your output. If the number of output records or print lines is greater than expected, the output may really be the same information repeated many times. Repetitive output usually indicates a program loop. 16 IBM '"1370: System Programmer's Guide Another way to identify a loop is to periodically examine the current PSW. If the PSW instruction address always has the same value, or if the instruction address has a series of repeating values, the program probably is looping. The wait state is also difficult to recognize when at the terminal. Again, the console lights are unavailable. If your program is taking longer than expected to execute, the virtual machine may be in a wait state. Display the current PSW on the terminal. periodically, issue the CP command QUERY TIME and compare the elapsed processing time. When the elapsed processing time does not increase, the wait state probably exists. Figure 2 helps you to identify problem types and the areas where they aay occur. Part 1: Debugging with V8/370 17 ~.-----------------------------------------------------------------------, IProbleml Where I I Type IABBND Occurs I Distinguishing Characteristics 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------The alarm rings and the message ABBND CP ABBND DMKDMP9081 SYSTBM FAILURB, CODE xxx xxx appears on the CPU console. In this instance, the system dump device is a disk, so the system dumps to disk and automatically restarts. If an error occurs in the dump, checkpoint, or warmstart program, CP enters the wait state after issuing one or more of the following messages: DMKDMP905W SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; PROGRAM CHECK DMKDMP906W SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; MACHINE CHECK, RUN SERBP DMKDMP907W SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; FATAL I/O ERROR DMKCKP900W SYSTBM RBCOVERY FAILURE; PROGRAM CHECK DMKCKP901W SYSTBM RECOVERY FAILURE; MACHINE CHECK, RUN SEREP DMKCKP902W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; FATAL I/O ERROR DMKCKP904W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; INVALID WARM START DATA DMKCKP910W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; INVALID WARM START CYLINDER DMKCKP911W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; WARM START AREA FULL DMKWRM902W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; FATAL I/O ERROR DMKWRM903W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOLID xxxxxx ALLOCATION ERROR CYLINDER xxx DMKWRM904W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; INVALID WARM START DATA DMKWRM909W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOLID xxxxxx NOT MOUNTED CP ABEND igure 18 2. The following messages appears on the CPU console DMKDMP9081 SYSTEM FAILURE, CODE xxxxxx DMKDMP9601 SYSTEM WARM START DATA SAVED DMKDMP961W SYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE The system dumps to tape or printer and stops. The operator must IPL the system to restart. If an error occurs in the dump or checkpoint programs, CP enters the wait state after issuing one or more of the following messages: DMKDMP905W SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; PROGRAM CHECK DMKDMP906W SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; MACHINE CHECK, RUN SEREP DMKDMP907W SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; FATAL I/O ERROR DMKCKP900W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; PROGRAM CHECK DMKCKP901W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; MACHINE CHECK, RUN SEREP DMKCKP902W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; FATAL I/O ERROR DMKCKP910W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; INVALID WARM START CYLINDER DMKCKP911W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; WARM START AREA FULL VM/370 Problem Types (Part 1 of 5) IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide Problem Type Where ABEN D Occurs Distinguishing Characteristics CP terminationlAn unrecoverable machine check error has with autoI occurred. One of the following messages: i matic start I DMKMCH610I MACHINE CHECK SUPERVISOR DAMAGE I DMKMCH611I MACHINE CHECK INTEGRITY LOST I appears on the CPU console. The system is I automatically restarted. ABEND (Cont. ) CP termination IAn unrecoverable channel check error has without auto-I occurred. The message: matic restartl DMKCCH603W CHANNEL ERROR, RUN SEREP, RESTART SYSTEM I appears on the CPU console, and CP enters wait state. I IVirtual I Machine I ABEND (CM S) I I "I I IThe CMS message I DMSABM148T SYSTEM ABEND xxx CALLED FROM I xxxxxx I appears on the terminal. The system stops I and waits for a command to be entered on I the terminal. In order to have a dump I taken, issue the CMS DEBUG command and then the DUMP subcommand. "" When OS or DOS abnormally terminates on a Virtual Machine ABEND virtual machine, the messages issued and the dumps taken are the same as they would (other than be if OS or DOS abnormally terminated on a CMS) real machine. VM/370 may terminate or reset a virtual machine if a nonrecoverable channel check or machine check occurs in that virtual machine. One of the following messages: DMKMCH616I MACHINE CHECK; USER userid TERMINATED DMKCCH604I CHANNEL ERROR; DEV xxx; USER userid; MACHINE RESET to the system operator at the CPU console. Also, the virtual user is notified that qis machine was terminated or reset by one of following messages: DMKMCH6191 MACHINE CHECK; OPERATOR TERMINATED DMKCCH606I CHANNEL ERROR; OPERATOR TERMINATED IIf an operating system, other than CMS, executes properly on a real machine, but I not properly with CP, a problem exists. I Inaccurate data on disk or system files I (such as spool files) is an error. Unexpected I CP Results I I I I 1-----------------------------------------------------------IIf a program executes properly under the Iyirtual I Machine I I I Figure 2. V~/370 I I I I control of a particular operating system on a real machine, but does not execute correctly under the same operating system with VM/370, a problem exists. Problem Types (Part 2 of 5) Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 19 Problem Type Where ABEND Occurs I Distinguishing Characteristics 1 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------1 wait Disabled CP The CPU wait light is on. Also, pressing I wait I I Enabled CP 1 wait the REQUEST key on the operator's console, 1 or the equivalent action, leaves the 1 REQUEST PENDING light on. If the message 1 D"K"CB612W "ACHINE CHECK TI"ING FACILITIESI DAftAGE, RUN SEREP 1 appears on the CPU console, a machine check (probable hardware error) caused the CP disabled wait state. If the message D"KCCB603W CHANNEL ERROR, RUN SEREP, RESTART SISTE" appears on the CPU console, a channel check (probable hardware error) caused the CP disabled wait state. If the message D"KCPI955W INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR V"/370 appears on the CPU console, the control program has entered a disabled wait state with code OOD in the PSW. Either the generated system is larger than the real machine size, or a hardware machine malfunction prevents V"/370 from using the necessary amount of storage. If the message D"KPAG415E CONTINUOUS PAGING ERRORS FROft DASD xxx appears on the CPU console, the control program (CP) has entered a disabled wait state with code OOF in the PSW. Consecutive hardware errors are occurring on one or more V"/370 paging devices. IThe CPU console light is on, but the system I accepts interrupts from I/O devices. Disabled IThe V"/370 Control Program does not allow a virtual I virtual machine to enter a disabled wait machine wait I state or certain program loops. Instead, CP I issues one of the following messages: I D"KDSP450W CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSi I DftKDSP451W CP ENTERED; INVALID PSW I D"KDSP452W CP ENTERED; EXTERNAL INTERRUPT I LOOP I DftKDSP453W CP ENTERED; PROGRA" INTERRUPT I LOOP Enabled virtual machine wait Figure 20 2. A PSi enabled fer I/O interrupts is leaded. Nothing happens if an I/O device fails to issue an I/O interrupt. If a program is taking longer to execute than expected, periodically issue the CP command, QUERY TlftE. If the processing time remains unchanged, there is probably a virtual .achine enabled wait. C"S types a blip character for every 2 seconds of elapsed processing time. If the program does not end and blip characters stop typing, an enabled wait state probably exists. Vft/370 Problem Types (Part 3 of 5) IBft V"/370: System Programmer's Guide Problell Type wait (cant. ) Where ABEND Occurs Disabled RSCS wait Distinguishing Characteristics The RSCS operator is notified of the wait state by CP issuing the message DMKDSP450W CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSW If, in addition, the message DMTINI402T IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR appears on the RSCS console, an unrecoverable error has occurred while reading the RSCS nucleus from DASD storage. RSCS enters a disabled wait state with a code of 011 in the PSW. If a program check occurs before the program check handler is activated, RSCS enters a disabled wait state with a code of 007 in the PSW. If a prograll check occurs after the program check handler is activated, Rses enters a disabled wait state with a code of 001 in the PSW. One of the following messages may also appear on the RSCS console: DMTREX090T PROGRAM CHECK IN SUPERVISOR RSCS SHUTDOWN DMTREX091T INITIALIZATION PAILURE -- RSCS SHUTDOWN Loop Enabled Rses wait IRSeS has no task ready for execution. A I PSW, enabled for external and I/O I interrupts, is loaded with a wait code of I all zeroes. CP disabled loop IThe CPU console wait light is off. The i problem state bit of the real PSi is off. I No I/O interrupts are accepted. CP enabled loop IThere is no such condition. I Virtual IThe program is taking longer to execute than machine I anticipated. Signalling attention from the disabled loopl terminal does not cause an interrupt in the I virtual lIachine. The virtual machine opera-I I tor cannot communicate with the virtual I I machine's operating system by signalling I I attention. I, Pigure 2. VM/370 Problem Types (Part 4 of 5) Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 21 Problem Type Where ABEND Occurs Loop (cont.) Distinguishing Characteristics ,Virtual ,Excessive processing time is often an indi, machine cation of a loop. Use the CP QUERY TIME , enabled loop command to check the elapsed processing time. In CMS, the continued typing of the blip characters indicates that processing time is elapsing. If time has elapsed, I periodically display the virtual PSW and check the instruction address. If the same I instruction, or series of instructions, continues to appear in the PSW, a loop I probably exists. ,, , , , Figure 2. VM/370 Problem Types (Part 5 of 5) ANALYZING THE PROBLEM Once the type of problem is identified, the cause of it must be determined. There are recommended procedures to follow. These procedures are helpful, but do not identify the cause of the problem in every case. Be resourceful. Use whatever data you have available. If the cause of the problem is not found after the recommended debugging procedures are followed, it may be necessary to undertake the tedious job of desk-checking. The section, "How To Use VM/370 Facilities To Debug," describes procedures to follow in determining the cause of various problems that can occur in the Control Program or in the virtual machine. (See the !~Lll~: ~2!!2~~ 12~~Q~~~ §~ig~ !2~ §~~~~~! Q§~!§ for information on using VM/370 facilities to debug a problem program.) If it becomes necessary to apply a Program Temporary Fix (PTF) to a VM/370 component, refer to the VMLl1Q: ~la~~ing ~!g EY2i~~ Generation §~ig~ for detailed information on applying PTFs. Figure 3, Figure-4; and Figure 5 summarize the debugging process from identifying the problem to finding the cause. 22 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide r- Is there an ABEND condition? - - - - - -.. II t If the message DMKDMP9081 SYSTEM FAILURE, CODE XXX XXX aPP6ar:; vii the CCr1i50:6 iiild the alarm rings, this is a CP ABEND. The system dumps to disk and automatically ~ performs IPL. • Is there a wait or Loop? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. a ~ II If the messages DMKDMP9081 SYSTEM FAILURE, CODE XXXXXX DMKCKP9601 SYSTEM WARMSTART DATA SAVED DMKCKP961W SYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE appear on the console, this is a CP ABEND. The system dumps to tape or printer and stops. ~ II rs;;l V If pressing the REQUEST ke\' on the operator's console leaves the REQUEST PENDING light on, a CP disabled wait state exists. The CPU console light will be on. _ _ ~ II If the CPU console wait light is on, the system is in a CP enabled wait state. __ ~ II If the real PSW problem bit is OFF, II If the message DMSABNI48T SYSTEM ABEND XXX, CALLED FROM YYYYYY appears on the terminal, this is a CMS ABEND.---C5J II , If an ABEND message from the virtual machine appears on the terminal, this is an ABEND in the operating system controlling ~ If any of the following messages DMKDSP450W CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSW DMKDSP451W CP ENTERED; INVALID PSW DMKDSP452W CP ENTERED; EXTERNAL INTERRUPT LOOP DMKDSP453W CP ENTERED; PROGRAM INTERRUPT LOOP appears on the terminal, there is a disabled wait or an interrupt loop in the virtual machine. - - - - - - - -.... '\ Unexpected R e s u l t s ? - - - - - - - - -... II li lt processi~g has ceased in the virtual machine without reaching end-of-job, the virtual machine is in an enabled wait state and no I/O interrupt has occurred. If an operating system which executes properly on a real machine fails to execute properly under VM/370, there are unexpected results in CPo - - - - - -...- II In II the virtual machine. - - - 'V If the program's output is maccurate or mlssmg, there are unexpected results in the problem program. _ _ _ _ _ _ _' -_ _ If the output is redundant check for a loop. - - - II rs:J V If a program which executes under the control of an operating system on a real machine fails to execute correctly with the same operating system under VM/370, there are unexpected results ~ C5J II If pressing the ATTN key once does not cause an Interrupt, there is a disabled loop in the virtual machine. ) Otherwise, an ABEND condition does not exist, GO TO=) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.J (0 • No problem exists this virtual machine. ~C5J II thtre is a CP loop. II ~ .~ If processing time exceeds normal expectations, the virtual machine may have an enabled loop. ) f4al II Otherwise,~ (0 V ____ ____________ Refer to the IBM Vir.tual Machine Facility/370: Command Language Guide for General Users GC20-1804. ' r::'\ \.!J Otherwise, check for a wait or ~___IO_OP_.~---------------------J (0 Figure 3. Does a Problem Exist? Part 1: Debugging with V"/370 23 Debug Procedures for a Wait CP Disabled Wait - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , •• • • Use ALTER/DISPLAY console mode (if available), to display real PSW and CSW. Also, display general and extended control registers and storage locations X'OO'-X'l00'. Press SYSTEM RESTART button to cause a CP ABEND dump to be taken. IPL. CP Enabled Wait ----------------------------------4 Press SYSTEM RESTART button to cause a CP ABEND dump to be taken. Use the dump to check the status of each VMBLOK. Also, check RCHBLOK, RCUBLOK, and RDEVBLOK for each device. Virtual Machine Disabled Wait ----------------------------1 Use CP commands (CMS users may use the CMS DEBUG command) to display the PSW, CSW, general registers, and control registers. Use the CP DUMP command (or CMS DUMP subcommand) to take a dump. Virtual Machine Enabled Wait ----------------------------1 Take a dump. Debug Procedures for a Loop CPLoop---------------------------------------------------------------, •• •• • •• Use ALTER/DISPLAY console mode (if available) to display real PSW, general registers, control registers, and storage locations X'OO'-X'100'. Press SYSTEM RESTART button to cause a CP ABEND dump to be taken. Examine the CP internal trace table to see where the loop is. Virtual Machine Disabled Loop Use the CP TRACE command to trace the loop. Display the general registers and control registers via the CP DISPLAY command. Take a dump using the CP DUMP command. Examine the source code. Virtual Machine Enabled Loop Figure 24 4. ----------------------------1 ----------------------------1 Trace the loop. Display the PSW, general registers, and extended control registers. Take a dump. Examine source code. Debug Procedures for waits and LOOps IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide Debug Procedures for Unexpected Results Unexpected Results in CP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , •• • •• Check that the program is not violating any CP restrictions. Check that the program and operating system running on the virtual machine are exactly the same as those that ran on the real machine. Use the CP TRACE command to trace CCWs, SIOs, and interrupts. Look for an error in CCW translation or interrupt reflection. If disk 1/0 error, use the CP DDR (CASe Dump Restore) program to print the contents of any disk. Unexpected results in a virtual machine -------------------------4 Check that the program executmg on the virtual machine is exactly the same as the one that ran on the real machine. Make sure that operating system restrictions are not violated. Use CP TRACE to trace all I/O operations. Debug Procedures for an ABEND CPABEND--------------------------------------------------------, •• • Find out why CP abnormally terminated. Examine the PROPSW, INTPR, SVCOPSW, and CPABEND fields in the PSA from the dump. Identify the module that caused the ABEND. Examine the SAVEAREA, BALRSAVE, and FREESAVE areas of the dump. If liO operation, examine the real and virtual I/O control blocks. CMSABEND--------------------------------------------------------~ Determine reason for ABEND from code in ABEND message DMSABN148T. Enter debug environment or CP console function mode to use the commands, to display the PSW, and to examine low storage areas: LASTLMOD and LASTTMOD LASTCMND and PREVCMND LASTEXEC and PREVEXEC and DEVICE Look at the last instruction executed. Take dump if need be. Virtual Machine ABEND (other than CMS) -----------------------1 Examine dump, if there is one. Figure 5. •• Use CP commands to examine registers and control words. Use CP TRACE to trace the processing up to the point where the error occurred. Debug Procedures for Unexpected Results and an ABEND Part 1: Debugging with V8/370 25 Once t~e prcblem, and the area where it occurs, is identified, you can gather the information needed to determine the cause of the problem. The type of information you want to look at varies with the type of problem. The tools used to gather the information vary depending upon the area in which the problem occurs. For exa~ple, if the problem is looping, you will want to examine the PSW. For a CP loop, you have to use the operator's console to display the PSW, but for a virtual machine loop you can display the PS~ via the CP DISPLAY command. The following sections describe specific debugging procedures for the various error conditions. The procedures will tell you what to do and what debug tool to use. For example, the procedure may say dump storage using the CP DUMP command. The procedure will not tell you how to use the debug tool. Refer to the "CP Commands to Debug the virtual Machine" and "CMS Debugging Commands" sections for a detailed description of each debug tool, including how to invoke it. AEEND When a system does not know how to continue, it abnormally terminates. When the VM/370 Control Program abnormally terminates, a dump is taken. This dump can be directed to tape or printer or dynamically allocated to a direct access storage device. The output device for a CP ABEND dump is spec~fied by the CP SET command. See the "ABEND Dumps" section for a description of the SET and VMFDUMP commands. Use the dump to find what caused the Contrel Program to terminate. First, find why the system abnormally terminated and then see how the condition can be correc~ed. See the "Reading CP ABEND Dumps" discussion for detailed information on reading a CP ABEND dump. REASON FOR 1~~ ABEND: CP will terminate teriI~atIon dump under-three conditions: 1. and take abnormal Program Check in CP Examine the PROPSW and INTPR fields in the Prefix determine the failing module. 2. an Storage Area to Module Issuing an SVC 0 Examine the SVC old PSW (SVCOPSW) and ABEND code (CPABEND) fields in the Prefix Storage Area to determine the module that issued the SVC 0 and the reason it was issued. CPABEND contains an abnormal termination code. The first three characters identify the failing module (for example, ABEND code TRCOO~ indicates DMKTRC is the fuiling module). ~. Operator Pressing SYSTEM RESTART Button on CPU Console Ex~mine the old PSW at location X'08' to find the location of the instruction that was executing w~en the operat~r pressed SYSTEM 26 IBM VM/370: S~stem Programmer's Guide RESTART. The operator presses disabled wait state or loop. SYSTEM RESTART when CP is in a ~!!MIB] 1Q! ~lQ!!§~ !!~!E: The information in low storage tells you the status of the system at the time CP terminated= status information is stored in the Prefix storage Area (PSA). You should be able to tell the module that was executing by looking at the PSA. Refer to the appropriate save area (SAVEAREA, BALRSAVE, or FREESAVE) to see how that module started to execute. The Prefix Storage Area is described in the !~37Q: ~2n~I2! RIQgI~! (CP) RIQEI~~ 1QEi£ publication. Examine the real and virtual control blocks to find the status of I/O operations. Figure 11 shows the relationship of CP Control Blocks. Examine the CP internal trace table. This table can be extremely helpful in determining the events that preceded the ABEND. The "CP Internal Trace Table" description tells you how to use the trace table. The values in the general registers can help you tc locate the current IOBLOK and VMBLOK and the save area. Refer to "Reading CP ABEND Dumps" for detailed information on the contents of the general registers. If the program check old PSi (PROPSi) or the SVC old PSi (SVCOPSi) points to an address beyond the end of the resident nucleus, the module that caused the ABEND is a pageable module. Refer to "Reading CP ABEND Dumps" to find out how to identify that pageable module. Use the CP load map that was created when the VM/370 system was generated to find the address of the end of the resident nucleus. Two types of severe machine checks to terminate: • • can cause the VM/370 control program An unrecoverable machine check in the control program A machine check that cannot be diagnosed A machine check error cannot be diagnosed if either the machine check old PSi or the machine check interrupt code is invalid. These severe machine checks cause the control program to terminate, but no dump is taken since the error is recorded on the error recording cylinders. The system is automatically restarted and a message is issued identifying the machine check error. If an unrecoverable machine check occurs message in the control program, the DMKMCH610I MACHINE CHECK SUPERVISOR DAMAGE appears on the CPU console. The automatically restarted. control program is terminated and If the machine check handler cannot diagnose a certain machine check, the integrity of the system is questionable. The message DMKMCH6111 MACHINE CHECK SYSTEM INTEGRITY LOST appears on the CPU console, the restarted. control program is terminated and automatic~lly Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 27 Hardware errors are probably the cause of these severe aachine checks. The system operator should run the CP!REP program and save the output for the installation hardware aaintenance personnel. When CftS abnormally the terminal: terminates, the following error message appears on DftSABR148T SYSTEft ABERD xxx CALLED FROft yyyyyy where xxx is the ABEND code and yyyyyy is the address of the instruction causing the ABERD. The DftSABR module issues this messag~. Then, CftS waits for a command to be entered from the terminal. Because CftS is an interactive system, you will probably want to use its debug facilities to examine status. You may be able to determine the cause of the ABEND without taking a dump. The debug program is located in the resident nucleus of CftS and has its own save and work areas. Because the debug program itself does not alter the status of the system, you can use its options knowing that routines and data cannot be overlaid unless you specifically request it. Likewise, you can use the CP commands in debugging knowing that you cannot inadvertently overlay storage because the CP and CftS storage areas are completely separate. REASON FOR THE ABEND: First determine the reason CftS abnormally termInated: There are-four types of CftS abnormal terminations: 1. program Exception control is given to the DftSITP routine whenever a hardware program exception occurs. If a routine other than a SPIE exit routine is in control, DftSITP issues the message DftSITP141T xxxxxxxx EXCEPTION OCCURRED AT xxxxxx IN ROUTINE xxxxxxxx and invokes DftSABN (the ABEND routine). The ABEND where x is the program exception number (O-F). programming exceptions are: £od~ o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 28 ~~~!~g Imprecise Operation privileged operation Execute Protection Addressing specification Decimal data Fixed-point overflow Fixed-point divide Deciaal overflow Decimal divide Exponent overflow Exponent underflow Significance Floating-point divide IBft Vft/370: System Prograa.er's Guide code is OCx, The possible 2. ABEND ftacro control is given to the DftSSAB routine whenever a user routine executes the ABEND macro. The ABEND code specified in the ABEND macro appears in the abnormal termination message DftSABN148T. 3• Halt Ex ecution (HX) Whenever the virtual machine operator signals attention HX, CftS terminates and, types "CftS". 4. and types System AEEID A CftS system routine can abnormally terminate by issuing the DftSABN macro. The first three hexadecimal digits of the system ABEND code type in the efts ABEND message, DftSABN148T. The format of the DftSABN macro is: [ label] DftSABN code (reg) r r" L L II IBALR II I,TYPCALL=I~!£ .... label is any valid assembler language label. code is the abnormal appears in the message. (reg) is the register containing code. TYPCALL=SVC TYPCALL= BALR specifies how control is passed to the abnormal termination routine, DftSABN. Routines that do not reside in the nucleus should use TYPCALL=SVC to generate CftS SVC 203 linkage. Nucleus-resident routines should specify TYPC1LL=BALR 50 that a direct branch to DftSABN is generated. termina tion DftSABN149T code (0-111) that system termination the abnormal termination If a CftS SVC handler abnormally terminates, that routine can set an ABEND flag and store an ABEND code in NUCON (the CMS nucleus constant area). After the SVC handler has finished processing, the ABEND condition is recognized. The DMSABN ABEND routine types the ABEND message, DMSABN148T, with the ABEND code stored in NUCON. WHAT TO DO ~HI] £ftS A~!QRMALLY TERMINATES: After an ABEND, two courses of-actlon- are available in CMs.--In-addItion, by signalling attention, you can enter the CP command mode and use CP's debugging facilities. Two courses of action available in CftS are: 1. Issue the DEBUG command and enter the debug environment. After using all the DEBUG subcommands that you wish, exit from the debug environment. Then, either issue the RETURN command to return to DMSABN so that ABEND recovery will occur, or issue the GO command to resume processing at the point the ABEND occurred. 2. Issue a CMS command other than DEBUG and the ABEND routine, DMSABN, performs its ABEND recovery and then passes control to the DMSINT routine to process the command just entered. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 29 The ABEID recovery function performs the following: 1. The SVC handler, DMSITS, is areas are released. re-initialized, and all stacked save 2. "FINIS * * *" is invoked by means of SVC 202, and to update the master file directory. 3. If the ElECTOR module is in real storage, it is released. 4. All link blocks allocated by DMSSLB are freed. 5. All FCB pointers are set to zero. 6. All user storage is released. 7. The amount of system free storage which computed. This figure 1S compared to the that is actually allocated. 8. The console input stack is purged. to close all files, §~QY1~ be allocated is amount of free storage When the amount of storage actually allocated is less than the amount that should be allocated, the message DMSABN149T xxxx DOUBLEWORDS OP SYSTEM STORAGE HAVE BEEN DESTROYED appears on the terminal. If the amount of storage actually allocated is greater than the amount that should be allocated, the message DMSABN150W nnn (HEX xxx) RECOVERED DOUBLEWORDS OP SYSTEM STORAGE WERE NOT appears on the terminal. A DEBUGGING PROCEDURE: When a CMS ABEND occurs, you will probably want to-use--the DEBU~subcommands or CP commands to examine the PSW and certain areas of low storage. Refer to "CMS Debugging Commands" for detailed description of how to use the CMS DEBUG subcommands. See "CP Commands Used to Debug the Virtual Machine" and "CP Commands Used to Debug CP" for a detailed description of how to use the CP commands. Also refer to Pigure 7 for a comparison of the CP and CMS debugging facilities. The following procedure CMS ABEND: 1. may be useful in determining the cause of a Display the PSW. (Use the CP DISPLAY command or CMS debug PSW subcommand.) Compare the PSW instruction address to the current CMS load map trying to determine the module that caused the ABEND. The CMS storage-resident nucleus routines reside in fixed storage locations. Also check the interruption code in the PSW. 2. Examine areas of low storage. The information in low tell you more about the cause of the ABEND. !igl~ LASTLMOD LASTTMOD 30 Contents contaIns the name of the last module storage via the LOADMOD command. Contains the name transient area. of the last module IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide storage can loaded into loaded into the 1!~Jg contains PREVCMND Contains issued. LASTEXEC Contains the name of the last EXEC procedure. PREVEXEC Contains the name of the next to last EXEC procedure. DEVICE Identifies interrupt. LASTCMND contents the name of the last ccmmand issued. the name the of the device next to that the last caused the command last I/O The'low storage areas examined depend on the type of ABEND. 3. Once you have identified the module that caused the ABEND, examine the specific instruction. Refer to the listing. 4. If you have not identified the problem at this time, take a dump by issuing the debug DUMP subcommand. Refer to "Reading CMS ABEND Dumps" for information on reading a CMS dump. If you can reproduce the problem, try the CP or CMS tracing facilities. The abnormal termination of an operating system (such as OS or DOS) running under VM/370 appears the same as a like termination on a real machine. Refer to publications for that operating system for debugging information. However, all of the CP debugging facilities may be used to help you gather the information you need. Because certain operating systems (OS/VS1, OS/VS2, and DOS/VS) manage their virtual storage themselves, CP commands that examine or alter virtual storage locations should be used only in virtual=real storage space with OS/VS1, OS/VS2, and DOS/VS. If a dump was taken, it was sent to the virtual printer. Issue a CLOSE command to the virtual printer to have the dump print on the real printer. If you choose to run a standalone dump program to dump the storage in your virtual machine, be sure to specify the NOCLEAR option when you issue the CP IPL command. At any rate, a portion of your virtual storage is overlaid by cpts virtual IPL simulation. If the problem can be reproduced, it can be helpful to trace the processing using the CP TRACE command. Also, you can set address stops, and display and alter registers, control words (such as the PSi), and data areas. The CP commands can be very helpful in debugging because you can gather information at various stages in processing. A dump is static and represents the system at only one particular time. Debugging on a virtual machine can often be more flexible than debugging on a real machine. VM/370 may terminate or reset a virtual machine if a nonrecoverable channel check or machine check occurs in that virtual machine. Hardware Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 31 errors usually cause this type of virtual machine the following messages: termination. One of D"KMCH6161 "ACHINE CHECK; USER userid TERMINATED DMKCCH6041 CHANNEL ERROR; DEV xxx; USER userid; "ACHINE RESET appears on the CPU console. UNEXPECTED RESULTS The type of errors classified as unexpected results vary from operating systems improperly functioning under V"/370 to printed output in the wrong format. If an operating system executes properly on a real machine but does not execute properly with VM/370, a problem exists. Also, if a program executes properly under the control of a particular operating system on a real machine but does not execute correctly under the same operating system with V"/370, a problem exists. First, there are conditions (such as time-dependent programs) that CP does not support. Be sure that one of these conditions is not causing the unexpected results in CP. Refer to the "CP Restrictions" section for a list of the restrictions. Next, be sure that the program and operating system running on the virtual machine are ~~~ctlI the same as the one that ran on the real machine. Check for • • • The same job stream The same copy of the operating system (and program) The same libraries If the problem still is not found, look for an I/O problem. Try to reproduce the problem, this tiae tracing all CCWs, SIOs, and interrupts via the CP TRACE command. Compare the real and virtual CCWs from the trace. A discrepancy in the CCWs may indicate that one of the CP restrictions was inadvertently violated, or that an error occurred in the Control Program. When a program executes correctly under the control of a particular operating system on a real machine but has unexpected results executing under the control of the same operating system with V"/370, a problem exists. Usually you will find that something was changed. Check that the job stream, the operating system, and the system libraries are the same. If unexpected results occur (such as TEXT records interspersed in printed output), you may wish to examine the contents of the system or user disk files. Non-CMS users may execute any of the utilities included in the operating system they are using to examine and rearrange 32 IB" VM/370: System Programmer's Guide files. Refer to the utilities publication for the operating system running in the virtual machine for information on how to use the utilities. eMS users should use the DASD Dump Restore (DDR) serV1ce program to print or move the data stored on direct access devices. The Yft/370 D1SD Dump Restore (DDR) program can be invoked by the CftS DDR command in a virtual machine controlled by CftS. The DDR program has five functions: 1. DUKP dumps magnetic tape. part, or all of the data from a D1SD device to 2. RESTORE -- transfers data from tapes created by DDR DUftP to a direct-access device. The direct access device that the data is being restored to must be the same type of device as the direct access device originally containing that data. 3. ~OP! 4. E~!!~ 5. ~I~~ -- copies data from one device to another device of the same type. Data may be reordered, by cylinder, when copied from disk to disk. In order to copy one tape to another, the oriqinal tape must have been created by the DDR DUftP function. selectively prints the hexadecimal and EBCDIC representation of DASD and tape records on the virtual printer. selectively displays the hexadecimal and representation of DASD and tape records on the terminal. CKS users should instructions on using contains information virtual machine and a EBCDIC refer to the "Debugging with CftS" section for the DDR command. The "Debugging with cpu section about executing the DDR program in a real or description of the DDR control statements. LOOP The real cause of a loop usually is an instruction that sets or branches on the condition code incorrectly. The existence of a loop can usually be recognized by the ceasing of productive processing and a continual returning of the PSi instruction address to the same address. If I/O operations are involved, and the loop is a very large one, it may be extremely difficult to define, and may even comprise nested loops. Probably the most difficult case of looping to determine is entry to the loop from a wild branch. The problem in loop analysis is finding either the instruction that should open the loop or the instruction that passed control to the set of looping instructions. The CPU operator should perform the following sequence information to find the cause of a disabled loop. when gathering 1. Use the alter/display console mode to display the real PSi, general registers, control registers and storage locations X'OO' - X'100'. 2. Press the SYSTEM taken. 3. Save the information collected for the system programmer Field Engineering Program Systems Representative. RESTART button to cause an ABEND dump to be or IBK Part 1: Debugging with YM/370 33 After the CPU operator has collected the information, the system programmer or Field Engineering representative examines it. If the cause of the loop is not apparent, 1. Examine the CP internal trace table to determine may be involved in the loop. the modules that 2. If the cause is not yet determined, assume that a wild branch caused the loop entry and search the source code for this wild branch. When a disabled loop in a virtual machine exists, the virtual machine operator cannot communicate with the virtual machine's operating system. That means tpat signalling attention does not cause an interrupt. Enter the CP console function mode. 1. Use the CP TRACE command to trace the entire loop. Display general arid extended control registers via the CP DISPLAY command. 2. Take a dump via the CP DUMP command. 3. Examine the source code. Use the information just gathered, along with find the entry into the loop. listings, to try to !21~: You can IPL a standalone dump program such as the BPS Storage Print to dump the storage of your virtual machine. If you choose to use a standalone dump program, be sure to specify NOCLEAR on the IPL command. Also, be aware that the CP IPL simulation destroys a page of storage in your virtual machine and the standalone dump alters your virtual storage while the CP DUMP command does not. However, if the operating system in the virtual machine itself manages virtual storage, it is usually better to use that operating system's dump program. CP does not retrieve pages which exist only on the virtual machine's paging device. The virtual machine operator should perform the following sequence when attempting to find the cause of an enabled leop: 1. Use the CP TRACE command to trace the entire loop. and the general registers. 2. If your virtual machine has the Extended Control (EC) mode and the EC option, also display the control registers. 3. Use the CP DUMP command to dump your virtual storage. CMS users can use the debug DUMP subcommand. A standalone dump may be used, but be aware that such a dump destroys the contents of some areas of storage. 34 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide Display the PSW 4. Consult the source code to search for the faulty instructions, exam1n1ng previously executed modules if necessary. Begin by scanning for instructions that set the condition code or branch on it. 5. If the .anner of loop entry is still undetermined, assume wild branch has occurred and begin a search for its origin. that a WAIT No processing occurs in the virtual machine when it is in a wait state. When the wait state is an enabled one, an I/O interrupt causes processing to resume. Likewise, when the Control Program is in a wait state, its processing ceases: A disabled wait state usually results from a hardware malfunction. During the IPL process, normally correctable hardware errors may cause a wait state because the operating system error recovery procedures are not accessible at this point. These conditions are recorded in the current PSW. CP may be in an enabled wait state with channel 0 disabled when it is attempting to acquire more free storage. Examine EC register 2 to see whether or not the multiplexer channel is disabled. A severe machine check could also cause a CP disabled wait state. If a severe machine check or channel check caused a CP disabled wait, one of the following mesSages will appear: DMKMCH612W MACHINE CHECK TIMING FACILITIES DAMAGE; RUN SEREP DMKCCH603W CHANNEL ERROR, RUN SEREP, RESTART SYSTEM If the generated system cannot run on the real machine because of insufficient storage, CP enters the disabled wait state with code OOD in the PSW. The insufficient storage condition occurs if: 1. The generated system is larger than the real machine size 2. A hardware malfunction occurs which reduced the available amount of real storage to less than that required by the generated system. g~ The message DMKCPI955W INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR VM/370 appears on the CPU console. If CP cannot continue because consecutive hardware occurring on one or more VM/370 paging devices, the message DMKPAG415E errors are CONTINUOUS PAGING ERRORS FROM DASD xxx appears on the CPU console and CP code OOF in the PSW. enters the disabled wait state with Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 35 If more than one paging device is available, disable the device on which the hardware errors are occurring and IPL the system again. If the VM/370 system is encountering hardware errors on its only paging device, move the paging volume to another physical device and IPL again. Rote: This error condition may occur if the VM/370 paging volume was not properly formatted. The following procedure should record the needed information. be followed by the CPU operator to 1. Using the alter/display mode of the CPU console, display the real PSW and CSW. Also, display the general registers and the control registers. 2. Press the dump. 3. IPL the system. SYSTEM RESTART button in order to get a system ABEND Examine this information and attempt to find what caused the wait. If you cannot find the cause, attempt to reconstruct the situation tha~ existed just before the wait state was entered. If you determine that CP is in an enabled wait state, but that no I/O interrupts are occurring, there may be an error in CP routine or CP may be failing to get an interrupt from a hardware device. Press the SYSTEM RESTART button on the operator's console to cause an ABEND dump to be taken. Use the ABERD dump to determine the cause of the enabled (and noninterrupted) wait state. After the dump is taken, IPL the system. Using the dump, examine the VMBLOK for each user and the real device, channel, and control unit blocks. If each user is waiting because of a request for storage and no more storage is available, there is an error in CP. There may be looping in a routine that requests storage. Refer to "Reading CP ABEND Dumps" for specific informaticn on how to analyze a CP dump. The VM/370 Control Program does not allow the virtual machine to enter a disabled wait state or certain interrupt loops. Instead, CP notifies the virtual machine operator of the condition with one of the following aessages: DMKDSP450W CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSi DMKDSP451i CP ENTERED; INVALID PSW DMKDSP452i CP ENTERED; EXTERBAL INTERRUPT LOOP DMKDSP453W CP ENTERED; PROGRAM INTERRUPT LOOP and enters the console function mode. Use the CP commands to display the following inforaation on the terainal. 36 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide • • • • PSW CSW General registers Control registers Then use the CP DUftP command to take a dump. If you cannot find the cause of the wait or loop from the inforaation just gathered, try to reproduce the problem, this time tracing the processing via the CP TRACE command. If CftS is running in the virtual machine, the CftS debugging facilities may also be used to display information, take a dump, or trace the processing. The CftS SVCTRACE and the CP TRACE commands record different information. Figure 7 compares the two. If the virtual machine is in an enabled wait state, try to find out why no I/O interrupt has occurred to allow processing to resume. The Control Program treats one case of an enabled wait in a virtual .achine the same as a disabled wait. If the virtual machine does not have the "real timer" option and loads a PSW enabled only for external interrupts, CP issues the message DftKDSP450W CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT STATE since the virtual timer is not decremented while the virtual machine is in a wait state, it cannot cause the exter~al interrupt. A "real timer" runs in both the problem state and wait state and can cause an external interrupt which will allow processing to resume. Three disabled wait conditions can occur during the operation of the RSCS component of Vft/370. They can result from either hardware malfunctions or system generation errors. CP notifies the RSCS operator of the wait condition by issuing the message DftKDSP450W CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSW to the RSCS operator's console. Using CP commands, the operator can display the virtual machine's PSW. The rightmost three hexadecimal characters indicate the error condition. ~!!I ~I!I~ £~~~ !~QQ1~: If no RSCS message was issued, a program check interrupt occurred during the execution of the program check handler. A programming error is the probable cause. If the RSCS message DftTREX091T INITIALIZATION FAILURE -- RSCS SHUTDOWN was issued, RSCS operation has been terminated due to an error in the loading of DftTAXS or DftTLAX. A dump of virtual storage is automatically taken. Verify that the CftS files 'DftTAXS TEXT' and 'DftTLAX TEXT' are correctly written and resident on the RSCS system-residence device. Part 1: Debugging with Vft/370 37 If the RSCS message DMTREX090T PROGRAM CHECK IN SUPERVISOR -- RSCS SHUTDOWN was issued, the program check handler has terminated RSCS due to a program check interrupt in other than a dispatched line driver. 1 dump of virtual storage is automatically taken. 1 program.ing error is the probable cause. The wait state code is loaded by DMTREX automatically during program check handling. If neither of the last two command to dump the contents of Load to restart the system. installation support personnel. at RSCS termination or messages was issued, use the CP Duep virtual storage. Do an Initial Program If the problem persists, notify the IAIT ~I!I~ £~~~ !~QI~: A program check interrupt has occurred during initial processing, before the program check handler could be activated. This may be caused by a programming error or by an attempt to load RSCS into an incompatible virtual machine. The latter case can occur if the virtual machine has (1) an incomplete instruction set, (2) less than 512K of virtual storage, or (3) does not have the required Ve/370 DIAGNOSE interface support. The wait state code is loaded automatically during the initial loading and execution of the RSCS supervisor, DeTIII, DeTREX, DeT1IS or DeTLAI. verify that the RSCS virtual machine configuration has been correctly specified and that the "retrieve subsequent file descriptor" function of Diagnose code 1'14' is supported. Dump the contents of virtual storage via the CP Duep command. If the problem persists, notify the installation support personnel. WAIT STATE CODE 1'011': An unrecoverable error occurred when reading the -nncleus-fro;--nAsD storage. This may be caused by a hardware malfunction of the DASD device. It may also be the result of an incorrect virtual DASD device definition, an attempt to use a system residence device unsupported by RSCS, incorrect RSCS system generation procedures, or the subsequent overwriting of the RSCS nucleus on the system residence device. The wait state code is loaded by DeTINI after an attempt, successful or not, to issue the message: RSCS DeTINI402T IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR Verify that the RSCS system residence device has been properly defined as a virtual DASD device and that the real DASD device 1S mounted and operable. If the problem persists, dump virtual storage via the CP Duep command and notify the installation support personnel. The RSCS system residence device may have to be restored or the RSCS system may have to be regenerated. Whenever Rses has no task ready for execution, DeTDSP loads a masked-on wait state PSi with a code of hexadecimal zeroes. This occurs during normal Rses operation and does not indicate an error condition. An external interrupt due to command entry or an I/O interrupt due to the arrival of files automatically resumes processing. 38 IBe VM/370: System Programmer's Guide Figure 6 summarizes the VM/370 commands that are useful commands are classified by the function they perform. r- , Function comments CP Command Stop execu- Set the adtion at a dress stop specified before the location. program reaches the specified address. CMS allows 16 address stops to be active while CP allows only one The CP and CMS CMS Com Bland ADSTOP hexloc DEBUG BREAK id {symbol} {hexloc} Resume ,Resume BEGIN execution. I execution , where pro, gram was , , interrupted I I I Continue BEGIN hexloc I execution I I at a speci-I I fic loca- I I tion I , , ,, in debugging. I Dump data. IDump the I I contents oflDUMP { hexlocl } specific {Lhexloc 1 } I I storage I I I locations I I I I I I I [ *dumpid] I I I ,, , DEBUG GO DEBUG GO {symbol} {hexloc} IDEBUG I r ,DUMP I symbolll L I hexloc11 I I , I I Q I I r L I{.}I bytecount , , I II I I I~!!Q L L [ ident] I I r r I{ -}I hexloc2" I{ : }I~!!Q II , " ., .... , . r , Isymbol21 Ihexloc2, I * I I 11~ , L . L Figure 6. Summary of VM/370 Debugging Tools (Part 1 of 5) Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 39 -, Function Display data. CP Command Comments IDisplay I I contents oflDISPLAY I storage 10-1 I cations (in I I hexadeci- I I mal) I I I I I I I Display I I contents oflDISPLAY I storage I I locations I I (in hexa- I I decimal andl I EBCDIC) I I I I IDisplay I storage keYIDISPLAY I of specific I I storage I I locations I I in hexaI I decimal I I I I I Display I IDISPLAY I general I registers I I CMS Command "IDEBUG r r hexloc1 I{ - }lhexloc211lX I{ : } I]!] III L J II I , II I r I{.}I bytecount I I I III I lEND L L JJ I , r ! r I I 40 L { r , L J { I n I {hexloc I ~ I { , DEBUG GPR reg1 [reg2 ] ! DEBUG PSW '-- 6. { r r " I Khexloc 11{ -}I hexloc2111 I{ : } I]!] III L J II I , II I r l{.}1 bytecount I I I III I lEND L L JJ I Greg11{ -} [re g 2] I{ :} ~!!! Summary of VM/370 Debugging Tools (Part 2 of 5) IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide , r r r " I Thexloc 11 { - } I hexloc21 I I I{ : } I~!!! III L J II I , II I r I{.}I bytecoun t I I I I lEND III L L JJ I I{ • } I regcount II I I lEND I I II I L JJ L I I I , I Display r I I floating- I DISPLAY Yreg 11{ - }[re g 2] I I { : } ~!Q I point I I , I I registers I I r l{ • } I regcount I I I I I I I II I~!!! JJ L L I I I , I Display I r I DISPLAY Xreg 11 {- }[re g 2] I control I I{ :} ~!!! I registers I I , I I I I r I{ • } I regcount I I I I lEND I I I II L JJ L I I I PSW I Display IDISPLAY I contents ofl I current I I virtual PSWI I in hexaI I decimal I I format I Figure { } { symbol I n I } { I !!H!91h I } J } } } } } I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, CftS Coaaand Coallents CP COllmand Function Display data (cont.) IDisplay IDISPLAY 1 contents ofl 1 CAW 1 CAW DEBUG Cli 1---------------------------------------------------------------------DEBUG CSW I Display IDISPLAY CSW 1 contents ofl 1 CSW I store data. store I specified ISTORE Shexloc hexdata ••• inforllatio n I into con- I secutive I storage I locations I without I alignment I DEBUG STORE {syabol } hexloc hexinfo[hexinfo[hexinfo]] store specified I STORE {heXIOC } I Lhexloc words of inforllationl into con- I {hexword1[hexword2 ••• ]} secutive I fullword I storage I locations I store ISTORE Greg hexword 1 [ hexword2 ••• ] specified I words of I inforllationl into con- I secutive I general I registers I IDEBUG ISET GPR reg hexinfo[hexinfo] I I I I I I store I STORE Yreg hexword 1 specified I [ hexword2 ••• ] words of i information 1 into con- I secutive 1 floating- I point I I L-____________.registers ________________________________________________________________________ Figure 6. ~ Sumaary of V8/370 Debugging Tools (Part 3 of 5) Part 1: Debugging with V8/370 41 Function comments store data (cont. ) CP Command store ISTORE Xreg hexword1 [ bexword 2 ••• specified I words of I data into I consecutive I control I registers I CMS Command )I store ISTORE PSW [hexword1] bexword2 information I into PSW I store I information I in CSW I I I I I I I I DEBUG ISET PSW hexinfo [hexinfo] I I DEBUG ISET CSW hexinfo [hexinfo] I store I information I in CAW I I DEBUG I SET CAW hexinfo I Trace ITrace all TRACE execution. 1 instrucI tions, I 1 interrupts, 1 I and 1 1 branches 1 ALL 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SVCTRACE ON TRACE SVC ITrace SVC 1 interrupts 1 ITrace I/O 1 interrupts TRACl I/O ITrace 1 program 1 interrupts TRACE PROGRAM Trace external interrupts TRACE EXTERNAL Trace privileged instructions TRACE PRIV Trace all user I/O operations TRACl SIO I Figure 42 6. Summary of VM/370 Debugging Tools (Part 4 of 5) IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 r Function Trace comments ! Tr'::ior=.-.. I execution I virtual andl (cont. ) I real CCws I I ITrace I all user I interrupts i and sucI cessful I branches I ITrace I all inI structions I lEnd all. I tracing I activity I~.LU."'~ CP Command TRACE SIO TRACE CCW CMS Command TRACE BRANCH TRACE INSTRUCTION SVCTRACE OFF TRACE END Trace real ITrace MOBITOR START CPTRACE machine I events in events I real I machine I Istop tracingl MONITOR STOP CPTRACE I events in I I the real I machine L-____________ __ I .________________________________________________________ I Figure 6. Summary of VM/370 Debugging Tools (Part 5 of 5) Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 43 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 If you are debugging problems while running CMS, you can choose the CP or CMS debugging tools. Refer to Figure 7 for a comparison of the CP and CMS debugging tools. 1 Function 1 address 1 stops. CMS CP 1------------------------------ICan set only one address ISetting 1 at a time. stoplCan set up to 16 address stops at a time. I 1 IDumping 1 contents 1 of stor1 age to 1 the 1 printer. 1 1 IThe dump is printed in hexa- IThe dump is printed in hexadecimal format with EBCDIC I decimal format. The storage translation. The storage ad-I address of the first byte of dress of the first byte of I each line is identified at each line is identified at I the left. The contents of the left. The control blocksl general and floating-point are formatted. I registers are printed at the I beginning of the dump. DisplayinglThe display is typed in hexa- The display is typed in hexadecimal format. The CMS comthe con- 1 decimal format with EBCDIC mands gg ~g! display storage tents of 1 translation. The CP command keys, floating-point regisstorage I displays storage keys, and I floating-point registers and ters or control registers as the CP command does. control 1 control registers. registersl at the I terminal. 1 storing information. The CMS command stores up to The amount of information 12 bytes of information. CMS stored by the CP command is stores data in the general limited onl~ by the length registers but not in the of the input line. The infloating-point or control formation can be fullword registers. CMS stores data aligned when stored. CP in the PSW, CAW, and CSW. stores data in the PSW, but not in the CAW or CSW. However, data can be stored in the CSW or CAW by specifying the hardware address in the STORE command. CP also stores the status of the virtual machine in the extended logout area. Tracing information. CP traces: • All interrupts, instructions and branches • SVC interrupts • I/O interrupts • Program interrupts • External interrupts • Privileged instructions • All user I/O operations • Virtual and real CCW's • All instructions CMS traces all SVC interrupts. CMS displays the contents of general and floating-point registers before and after a routine is called. The parameter list is recorded before a routine is called. The CP trace is interactive. You can stop and display other fields. Figure 44 7. Comparison of CP and CMS Facilities for Debugging IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide Debugging with CP This section contains information you may want to refer to while debugging and a discussion of when and how to use the CP debugging tools. Also included is a discussion of how to read a CP ABEND dump •. The first section, "Introduction to Debugging," described the debugging procedures to XOllOW ana ~n1S section tells you hew to use the debugging tools and commands mentioned in that first section. The following topics are discussed in this section. • • • • • • • • Debugging CP in a v1r~ual maCD1ne CP commands useful for debugging DASD dump restore program CP Internal Trace Table CP restrictions ABEND dumps Reading ABEND dumps Control block summary The VM/370 Control Program has a set of interactive commands that control the VM/370 system and enable the user to control his virtual machines and associated control program facilities. The virtual machine operator using these commands can gather much the same information about his virtual machine that an operator of a real machine gathers using the CPU console. The CP commands are eight characters or less in length. The commands can be abbreviated by truncating them to the minimum permitted length shown in the format description. When truncation is permitted, the shortest acceptable version of the command is represented by capital '~~~~r~wi~h thpoptional nart renresented bv lower case letters. B~t~: h~we;;~~ -that you can ~~t~r-a~y CP command with any mixture of upper and lower case letters. The operands, if any, follow the command on the same line and must be separated from the com.and by a blank. Lines cannot be continued. Generally, the operands are positional, but some commands have reserved words and keywords to assist processing. Blanks must separate the command from any operands and the operands from each other. several of these commands (for example, STORE or DISPLAY) examine or alter virtual storage locations. When CP is in complete control of virtual storage (as in the case of .DOS, MFT, MVT, PCP, CMS, and RSCS) these commands execute as expected. However, when the operating system in the virtual machine itself manipulates virtual storage (OS/VS1, 05/V52, or DOS/VS), these CP commands should not be used. Each CP user has one or more privilege classes as indicated in his VM/370 directory entry. Class G commands useful for debugging are discussed in the following paragraphs. For a discussion of all the CP Class G commands and the CP command privilege classes, refer to the !~LJIQ: £Q!!~~g l~~gy~gg §Yi~~ ior §en~~~l M§~£§. The remainder of this section discusses the CP Class G commands that provide material and techniques that are useful in debugging. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 45 Use the ADSTOP command to halt execution at a virtual instruction address. Execution halts when the instruction at the specified address is. the next instruction to be executed. When execution halts, the CP command mode is entered and a message is displayed. At this point, you may invoke other CP debugging co.mands. To resume operation of the virtual machine, issue the BEGIN command. Once an ADSTep location is set, it may be removed by one of the following: • • • • Reaching the virtual storage location specified in the ADSTOP command Performing a virtual IPL or SYSTEM RESET Issuing the ADSTOP OFF command Specifying a different location with a new ADSTOP hexloc command The format of the ADSTOP command is: ADSTOP { hexloc } OFF hexloc is the hexadecimal representation of the virtual instruction address where execution is to be halted. The specified address cannot be in a storage segment shared with other users, since the ADSTOP function modifies storage. OFF cancels any previous ADSTOP setting. 1. Since the ADSTOP function modifies storage (by placing a CP SVC X'B3' at the specified location) your program should not examine the two bytes at the instruction address. CP does not verify that the location specified contains a valid CPU instruction. 2. Address stops may not be set in an OS/VS or DOS/VS virtual machine's virtual storage; address stops may only be set in the virtual equals real partitions or regions of those virtual machines. 46 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide 3. If the SVC handling portion of the virtual machine assist feature is enabled on your virtual machine, CP turns it off when an address stop is set. lfter the address stop is removed, CP returns the assist feature SVC handling to its previous status. ADSTOP AT xxxxxx The instruction whose address is xxxxxx is the next instruction scheduled for execution. The virtual machine is in a stopped state. Any CP command (including an ADSTOP command to set the next address stop) can be issued. Enter the CP command BEGIN to resume execution at the instruction location xxxxxx, or at any other location desired. Use the ADSTOP command to stop the execution of a program at a specific instruction location. The address stop should be set after the program is loaded, but before it executes. When the specified location is reached during program execution, execution halts and the CP environment is entered. The message ADSTOP AT xxxxxx appears on the terminal indicating that program execution has halted. The virtual machine operator may issue other CP commands to examine and alter the status of the program at this time. set an address stop at a location in the program where an error is suspected. Then display registers, control words, and data areas to check the program at that point in its execution. This procedure helps you to locate program errors. You may be able to alter the contents of storage in such a way that the program will execute correctlv. The detected error is then corrected and the program is compil~d, if necessar1, and executed again. lote: In order to successfully set an address stop, the virtual Instruction address must be in real storage at the time the ADSTOP command is issued. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 47 Use the BEGIN co •• and to continue or resu.e execution in the virtual machine at either a specified storage location or the location pointed to be the virtual aachine's current PSi. The format of the BEGIN command is: I• Begin [hexloc] L ______- - - - - - - - - - - -________________________________________________________ hexloc ~ is the hexadecimal storage location where execution is to begin. ihen BEGIN is issued without hexloc, execution begins at the storage address pointed to by the current virtual machine PSi. Unless the PSi has been altered since the CP command mode was given control, the location stored in the PSi is the location where the virtual machine stopped. ihen BEGIN is issued with a storage location specified, execution begins at the specified storage location. The specified address replaces the instruction address in the PSi, then the PSi is loaded. None. The virtual machine begins execution. Use the BEGI) command to continue or resume program execution. When BEGIN is issued without an operand, execution begins at the storage address pointed to by the current virtual machine PSi. Unless the PSi has been altered since the CP environment was given control, the location stored in the PSi is the location where the virtual machine stopped. ihen BEGIN is issued with a storage location specified, execution begins at the specified storage location. The specified address replaces the instruction address in the PSi, then the PSi is loaded. 48 IB" V"/310: System Programmer's Guide Use the DISPLAY components: • • • • • • command to examine the following virtual machine Virtual storage locations Gener~l reg~sters . ~'~~+~ft~_~~1ft+ ~~va~~u~~v~u~ Control Program Channel Channel ~~~1~+~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ registers status word (PSW) address word (CAW) status word (CSW) If a command line with an invalid operand is entered, the DISPLAY command terminates when it encounters the invalid operand; however, any previous valid operands are processed tefore termination occurs. storage locations, registers, and control words can be displayed using a single command line. The format of the DISPLAY command is: , r Display I hexloc11 I Khexloc11 ILhexloc 11 I Thexloc 11 Q I I L .J r I{ - }I hexloc2 I I I : I1BH2 L .J I I r I{ • }I bytecount I I I 11l!~ , L r ,, r L r .J \ hexloc1 Lhexloc1 Thexloc1 Khexloc1 Q Psw CAW CSW L .J , , Greg1 I { -} I reg21 Yreg1 I : IJl!J2 I L .J Xreg1 I I r I { • } I regcount I I I IJ!!~ L I I I I I I , I I I I I I .J .J } is the first, or only, hexadecimal storage location whose contents are to be displayed at the terminal. If L is specified, the storage contents are displayed in hexadecimal. If T is specified, the storage contents are displayed in hexadecimal, with EBCDIC translation. If K is specified, the storage keys are displayed in hexadecimal. If hexloc1 is followed by a period and is not fullword boundary, it is rounded down to the lowest fullword. on a next If hexloc1 is not specified, the display begins at storage location O. If L, T, or K are entered either Part 1: Debugging with V"/370 49 without any operands, or followed immediately by a blank, the contents of all storage locations are displayed. If L, T, or K are not specified and this is the first operand, then the default value of zero is assumed. The address, hexloc1, may be one to six hexadecimal digits; leading zeros are optional. -}heXlOC2 { : 1112 { ·lbytecount ~!~ is the last of the range of hexadecimal storage locations whose contents are to be displayed at the terminal. Either or: must be specified to display the contents of more than one location by storage address. If hexloc2 is not specified, the contents of all storage locations from hexloc1 to the end of virtual storage are displayed. If specified, hexloc2 must be equal to or greater than hexloc1 and within the virtual storage size. The address, hexloc2, may be from one to six hexadecimal digits; leading zeros are optional. is a hexadecimal integer designating the number of bytes of storage (starting with the byte at hexloc1) to be displayed at the terminal. The period, ., must be specified to display the contents of more than one storage location by byte count. The sum of hexloc1 and bytecount must be an address that does not exceed the virtual machine size. If this addres~ is not on a fullword boundary, it is rounded up to the next highest fullword. The value, bytecount, must have a value of at least one and may be from one to six hexadecimal digits; leading zeros are optional. Greg1 is a decimal number from 0-15 or a hexadecimal integer from O-F representing the first, or only, general register whose contents are to be displayed at the terminal. If G is specified without a register number, the contents of all the general registers are displayed at the terminal. Yreg1 is an integer (0, 2, 4, or 6) representing the first, or only, floating-point register whose contents are to be displayed at the terminal. If Y is specified without a register number, the contents of all of the floating-point registers are displayed at the terminal. xreg1 is a decimal number from 0-15 or a hexadecimal number from O-F representing the first, or only, control register whose contents are to be displayed at the terminal. If X is specified without a register number, the contents of all of the control registers are displayed at the terminal. If Xreg1 is specified for a virtual machine without extended mode operations available, only control register 0 is displayed. -}reg2 { : 1112 50 is a number representing the last register whose contents are to be displayed at the terminal. Either or : must be specified to display the contents of more than one register by register number. If reg2 is not specified, the contents of all registers from reg1 through the last register of this type are displayed. IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide The operand, reg2, must be equal to or greater than reg1. If Greg1 or Xreg1 are specified, reg2 may be a decimal number from 0-15 or a hexadecimal number from O-F. If Yreg1 is specified, reg2 may be 0, 2, 4, or 6. The contents of reqisters reql throuqh reg2 are displayed at the terminai. -{ • }regcount ].!!] is a decimal number from 1 to 16 or a hexadecimal number from 1 to F specifying the number of registers (starting with reg1) whose contents are to be displayed at the terminal. If the display type G or X is specified, regcount can te a decimal number from 1 to 16 or a hexadecimal number from 1 to F. If display type Y is specified, regcount must be 1, 2, 3, or 4. The sum of reg1 and regcount must be a number that does not exceed the maximum register number for the type of registers being displayed. PSW displays the current virtual machine status word) as two hexadecimal words. CAW displays as one hexadecimal word the contents hexadecimal location 48 (channel address word). CSW displays as two hexadecimal words the contents of the channel status word (double word at hexadecimal location 40) • PSW (program of When multiple operands are entered on a line for location or register displays, the default display type is the same as the previous explicit display type. The explicit specification of a display type defines the default for subsequent operands for the current display function. Blanks are used to separate operands or sets of operands if more than one operand is entered on the same command line. Blanks must not be used to the right or left of range or length delimiters (: ~): unless it is intended to take the default value of the missing operand defined by the blank. For example: display 10 20 T40 80 G12 5 L60-100 displays the following: hexadecimal location 10 hexadecimal location 20 hexadecimal location 40 with EBCDIC translation hexadecimal location 80 with EBCDIC translation general register 12 general register 5 hexadecimal locations 60 through 100 One or more of the following operands specified. responses is displayed, depending upon the Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 51 xxxxxx word1 word2 word3 word4 [key] *EBCDIC TRANSLATION* This is the response you receive when you display storage locations; XXXIXX is the hexadecimal storage location of word1. Word1 is displayed (word-aligned) for a single location specification. Up to four words are displayed on a line, followed, optionally, by an EBCDIC translation of those four words. Periods are printed for unprintable characters. Multiple line are used (if required) for a range of locations. If translation to EBCDIC is requested (Thexloc), alignment is made to the next lower 16-byte boundary; otherwise, alignment is made to the next lower fullword boundary. If the location is at a 2K page boundary, the key for that page is also displayed. xxxxxx TO XXXXXX KEY = kk This is the response you receive when you display storage keys; xxxxxx is a storage location and kk is the associated storage key. GPR n = genreg1 genreg2 genreg3 genreg4 This is the response you receive when you display general registers; n is the register whose contents are genreg1. The contents of the following consecutive registers are genreg2 and so on. The contents of the registers are displayed in hecadecimal. Up to four registers per line are displayed for a range of registers. Multiple lines are displayed if required, with a maximum of four lines needed to display all 16 general registers. FPR n = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx E xx This is the response you receive when you display floating-point registers; n is the even-number floating-point register whose contents are displayed on this line. The contents of the requested floating-point registers are displayed in both the internal hexadecimal format and the E format. One register is displayed per line. Multiple lines are displayed for a range of registers. 52 IBM VM/370: Systea Programmer's Guide ECR n = ctlreg1 ctlreg2 ctlreg3 ctlreg4 This is the response you receive when you display control registers; n is the register whose contents are ctlreg1. The contents of the following consecutive registers are ctlreg2 and so on. The contents of the requested control registers are displayed in hexadecimal. Up to four registers per line are displayed. Multiple lines are displayed if required. PSW = xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx The contents of the PSW are displayed in hexadecimal. CAW = xxxxxxxx The contents of the CAW (hexadecimal hexadecimal. CSW = xxxxxxxx location 48) are displayed in xxxxxxxx The contents of the CSW (hexadecimal hexadecimal. location 40) are displayed in Press the Attention key (or its equivalent) to terminate this function while data is being displayed at the terminal. When the display terminates, another command may be entered. Use the DISPLAY co.mand to display the contents of various storage locations, registers, and control words at the terminal. By examining this type of information during the program's execution, you may be able to determine the cause of program errors. Usually, an address stop is set to stop the program execution at a specified point. The system enters the CP environment and you may then issue the DISPLAY command. The DISPLAY command terminates if an invalid operand is specified however, all operands preceding the invalid operand are processed before DISPLAY terminates. To intentionally terminate the DISPLAY console function, signal attention. The display terminates and another command may be entered. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 53 Use the DUMP co •• and to print the contents of various components of the virtual machine on the virtual spooled printer. The following items are printed: • virtual program status word (PSi) • General registers • Floating-point registers • control registers (if you have the VM/370 directory entry) • storage keys • virtual storage locations ECMODE option specified in your The DUMP com.and prints the virtual PSi and the virtual registers (general, floating-point, and control) • If only this information is desired, at least one virtual address must be specified, such as: DUMP 0 The output format for the virtual storage locations is eight words per line with EBCDIC translation on the right. Each fullword consists of eight hexadecimal characters. All the rest of the information (PSi, general floating-point and storage keys) is printed in hexadecimal. If you have the ECMODE option in your VM/370 directory entry, the control registers are also printed. To print the dump on the real printer, a CLOSE command must be issued for the spooled virtual printer. The format of the DUMP command is: DUMP r , r r , ILhexloc111{-}lhexloc2 I IThexlocll I : lEI] I I he xl 0 c 1 I I L .I I .Q II r , L .I I{. 11 bytecount I I IlUH! I , I I I I I I [*dumpid] L L .I .I L-____________________________________________ .____________________________~ Lhexloc1 Thexloc1 hexloc1 Q is the first or only hexadecimal storage location to be dumped. If you enter L or T without operands, the contents of all virtual storage locations are dumped. The address, hexloc1, may be one to six hexadecimal digits; leading zeros are optional. If hexloc1 is not specified, the dump begins at storage location O. If hexloc1 is followed by a period and is not on a fullword boundary, it is rounded down to the next lowest fullword. 54 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide -}heXlOC2 { : EN~ is the last hexadecimal storage location whose contents are to be dumped to the printer. The operand, hexloc2, must be equal to or greater than hexloc1 and within the virtual storage size. To dump to the end of storage, you can specify END instead of hexloc2 or you can leave the field blank, since the default is END. If you specify :END or -END, the contents of storage from hexloc1 to END are dumped. The contents of storage locations hexloc1 through hexloc2 are printed with EBCDIC translation at the printer. The operand, hexloc2, may be from one to six hexadecimal digits; leading zeros are optional. { • }bytecount is a hexadecimal integer designating the number of bytes of storage (starting with the byte at hexloc1) to be dumped to the printer. The period, ., must be specified to dump the contents of more than one storage location by byte count. The sum of hexloc1 and bytecount must be an address that does not exceed the virtual machine size. If this address is not on a fullword boundary, it is rounded up to the next highest fullword. The value, bytecount, must be one or greater and can be no longer than six hexadecimal digits. Leading zeros are optional. ]1!~ *dumpid can be entered for descriptive purposes. If specified, it becomes the first line printed preceding the dump data. Up to 100 characters, with or without blanks, may be specified after the asterisk prefix. No error messages are issued, but only 100 characters are used, including asterisks and embedded blanks. Normally, you should following manner: define beginning and ending dump dump Lhexloc1-hexloc2 dump Lhexloc1.bvtecount dump Lhexloc1-hexloc2 hexloc1.bytecount locations in the * dumpid If, however, a blank follows the type character (L or T) or the character and the hexloc, the default dump starting and ending locations are assumed to be the beginning and/or end of virtual storage. Blanks are used to separate operands or sets of operands if more than one operand is entered on the same command line. Blanks must not be used to the right or left of range or length delimiters ( : - • ), unless it is intended to take the default value of the missing operand defined by the blank. Thus, all of the following produce full storage dumps: dump dump dump dump dump dump dump dump dump dump dump dump dump dump dump dump 1 t . 1t1: t: 1. t. 00: O. I-end 't-end dump dump dump dump dump dump dump O-end l:end t:end O:end l.end t.end O.end The following produces three full dumps: dump 1 dump .. t : Part 1 : Debugging with VM/370 55 DUMPING LOC hexloc As the dump is processing, the following message is displayed at the terminal indicating that the dump is continuing from the next 64K boundary: where hexloc is the segment (64~ boundary address for the dump continuation, such as 020000, 030000, or 040000. If you press the Attention key, or its equivalent, on the terminal while the message is being displayed, the dump function is terminated. COMMAND COMPLETE This response indicates normal completion of the dump function. Use the DUMP command to dump to the virtual spooled printer the contents of the specified storage locations. Issue the CLOSE command to the spool printer to have the dump print at the real printer. When debugging, issue the DUMP command to print information you want to look at after the program executes. Because the real printer may be at a different location than your terminal, you cannot always look at the printed output while the program is executing. When you must examine large portions of storage, use the DUMP command rather than the DISPLAY command. Because the terminal operates at a much slower speed than the printer, only limited amounts of storage should be printed (via the DISPLAY command) at the terminal. The CP DUMP command executes in an area of storage separate from your virtual machine storage and does not destroy any portion of your storage. 56 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNt GN20-2662, March ..J.,1 I , Use the system. SET command to control various functions within The format of the SET command is: SET 10"7C 1.7 I..J your virtual ACNT MSG WNG IMSG RUN 1,1 NEDi t ECmode ISAM NO TRans PAGEX EMSG ON } OFF { CODE , TEXT, TIMER Q! OFF } { REAL , , r r ION I ISVC I I INOSVCI I ASsist L 1 l 1~~1~Y!!Q PPnn L J ( OFF r PFnn IIMMed L J , I [pfdata1#pfdata2# ••• pfdatan] I J [TAB n1 n2 ••• PFnn COPY [resid] L-___________________________________________________________ __ J ACNT {ON } OFF controls whether accounting information is displayed at the terminal or not (ON and OFF respectively) when the operator issues the CP ACNT command. When you log on VM/370, ACNT is set on. MSG {ON } OFF. controls whether messages sent ~y the MSG command from other users are to be received at the terminal. If ON is specified, the messages are displayed. OFF specifies that no messages are received. When you log on VM/370, MSG is set on. WNG {ON } OFF controls whether warning messages are displayed at the terminal. If ON is specified, all warning messages sent Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 57 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 via the CP WARNING command from the system operator are received at the terminal. If OFF is specified, no warning messages are received. When you log on VM/370, WNG is set on. IMSG {ON } OFF controls whether certain informational responses issued by the CP CHANGE, DEFINE, DETACH, ORDER, PURGE, and TRANSFER commands are displayed at the terminal or not. The descriptions of these CP commands tell which responses are affected. If ON is specified the informational responses are displayed. If OFF is specified, they are not. The SET IMSG ON or OFF command line has no effect on the handling of error messages set by the SET EMSG command. When you log on VM/370, IMSG is set on. RUN {ON } OFF controls whether the virtual machine stops when the Attention key is pressed. ON allows you to activate the Attention key (causing a read of a CP command) without stopping your virtual machine. When the CP command is entered, it is immediately executed and the virtual machine resumes execution. OFF places the virtual machine in the normal CP environment, so that when the Attention key is pressed, the virtual machine stops. When you log on VM/370, RUN is set off. LINEDIT {ON } OFF controls the line editing functions. ON specifies that the line editing functions and the symbols of the VM/370 system are to be used to edit virtual CPU console input requests. This establishes line editing features in systems that do not normally provide them. OFF specifies that no character or line editing is to be used for the virtual machine operating system. When you log on VM/370, LINEDIT is set on. ECMODE controls whether the virtual machine operating system may use System/370 extended control mode and control registers 1 through 15. Control register zero may be used with ECMODE either ON or OFF. When you log on VM/370, ECMODE is set according to the user's directory option; ON if ECMODE was specified and OFF if not. Note: Execution of the SET ECMODE {ONIOFF} command always causes a virtual system reset. ISAM controls whether additional checking is performed on virtual I/O requests to DASD in order to support the use of the as Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM). When you log on VM/370, ISAM is set according to the user's directory options; ON if ISAM was specified and OFF if not. NOTRA NS {ON } OFF controls CCW translation for CP. NOTRANS can be specified only by a virtual machine that occupies the virtual=real space. It causes all virtual I/O from the issuing virtual machine to bypass the CP CCW translation. To be in effect in the virtual=real 58 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1q75 environment, SET NOTRANS ON must be issued after the virtual=real machine is loaded via the IPL command. (IPL sets the NOTRANS option to an OFF condition.) PAGEX {ON } OFF controls the pseudo page fault portion of the VM/VS Handshaking feature. PAGEX ON or OFF should only be issued for an OS/VS1 virtual machine that has the VM/VS Handshaking feature active. It can only be specified for a virtual machine that has the extended control mode (ECMODE) option. PAGEX ON sets on the pseudo page fault portion of handshaking; PAGEX OFF sets it off. When you log on to VM/370, PAGEX is set OFF. "'If~ro controls error message handling. ON specifies that both the error code and text are displayed at the terminal. TEXT specifies that only text is displayed. CODE specifies that only the error code be displayed. OFF specifies that no error message is to be displayed. When you log on VM/370, EMSG is set to TEXT. ~nuu { VI' "I., \, OFF \ CODE' TEXT' Note, CMS recognizes EMSG settings for all error (E), information (I), and warning (W) messages, but ignores the EMSG setting and displays the complete message (error code and text) for all response (R), severe error (S), and terminal (T) messages. controls the virtual timer. ON specifies that the virtual timer is to be updated only when the virtual CPU is running. OFF specifies that the virtual timer is not be updated. REAL specifies that the virtual timer is to be updated during virtual CPU run time and also during virtual wait time. If the REALTIMER option is specified in your VM/370 directory entry, TIMER is set to REAL when you log on; otherwise it is set to ON when you log on. TIMER {ON } OFF REAL ASSIST ~ '? I rION , I rISVC I I INOSVC I L ( .J OFF L .J ) controls the availability of the virtual machine assist feature for your virtual machine. The assist feature is available to your virtual machine when you log on if (1) the real CPU has the feature installed and (2) the system operator has not turned the feature off. The SVC handling portion of the assist feature is invoked when you log on unless your VM/370 directory entry has the SVCOFF option. Issue the QUERY SET command line to see if the assist feature is activated and whether the assist feature or VM/370 is handling SVC interrupts. All SVC 76 requests are passed to CP regardless of the SVC and NOSVC operands. for handling, If you issue the SET ASSIST command line and specify SVC or NOSVC while the virtual machine assist feature is turned off, the appropriate bits are set. Later, if the feature is turned on again, the operand you specified while it was off becomes effective. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 59 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 eN sets the assist feature on for the virtual machine; OFF turns it off. SVC specifies that the assist feature handles all SVC interrupts except SVC 76 for the virtual machine; NOSVC means VM/370 handles the SVC interrupts. See the "Virtual Machine Assist Feature" discussion in "Part 2: Control Program (CP)" for information on how to use the assist feature. r , PFnn IIMMED I [pfdatal.pfdata2 •••• pfdatan] IDELAYED I L defines a program function for a program function key on a 3277 Display Station and indicates when that function is to be executed. See the Y~Lll~: 1~!~!n~1 Q§~!~§ §~!Q~ for a description of how to use the 3277 program function keys. The value, nn, is a number from 1 (or 01) to 12 that corresponds to a key on a 3277. The program function is a "function", or programming capability, you create by defining a series of VM/370 commands or data you want executed. This series of commands executes when you press the appropriate program function key. IMMED specifes that the program function is executed immediately after you press the program function key. DELAYED specifies that execution of the program function is delayed for a display terminal. When the program function is entered, it is displayed in the input area and not executed until you press the Enter key. DELAYED is the default value for display terminals. pfdatal.pfdata2 •••. pfdatan defines the VM/370 command or data lines that constitute the program function. If more than one command line is to be entered, the pound sign (I) must separate the lines. If you use the pound sign (') to separate commands that you want executed with the designated PF key, you must precede the command line with ICP, turn line editing off, or precede each pound sign with the logical escape character ("). For further explanation, see the "Examples of setting Program Function Keys" section that follows. If no command lines are entered, PFnn is a null command. Program functions cannot be embedded within one another. PFnn TAB nl n2 specifies a program function number to be associated with tab settings on a terminal. The number of the PF key, nn, can be a value from 1 (or 01) to 12. See the !~LJ1Q: ~~!1 §~!g~ for examples of how this feature is used. TAB is a keyword identifying the tab setting function. The tab settings may be entered in any order. PFnn COPY [resid] specifies that the program function key, numbered nn, performs a COpy function for a remote 3270 terminal. nn must be a value of 1 or 01 to 12. The COpy function produces a printed output of the entire screen display at the time the PF key is actuated. The output is printed on an IBM 3284, 3286 or 3288 printer connected to the same control unit as your display terminal. 60 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Modified by March 3 i, i975 The resid operand may be specified if more than one printer is connected to the same control unit as your display terminal. It is a three-character hexadecimal resource identification number assigned to a specific printer. If resid is entered, the printed copy is directed to a specific printer; if not, the copy is printed on the printer with the lowest resid number. The resid numbers of the printers available to your display terminal can be obtained from your system operator. If only one printer is available, resid need not be specified. If the command is invalid or if the designated or default printer is not free (other display terminals may be using it) or is not connected to the same control uuit a~ your display terminal, a NOT ACCEPTED message appears on the screen, If the printer was busy, retry the operation until the printer honors your request. You may include your own identification on the printed output by entering the data into the user input area of the screen before you press the PF key. The identification appears in the lower left of the printed copy. This example shows you how the SET PFnn command is processed if you do not turn line editing off or use the logical escape character. Enter one of the following commands while in CMS mode: SET PF02 IMMED Q RDR'Q PTR'Q PUN or CP SET PF02 IMMED Q RDR'Q PTR'Q PUN Now press the ENTER key: 1. The ENTER key causes immediate execution, 2. Only the Q PTR and Q PUN commands execute, and 3. Q PTR and Q PUN are stripped from the PF02 key assignment leaving Q RDR, which was not executed. The following examples problem. demonstrate two methods for avoiding the Enter one of the following commands while in CMS mode: Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 60.1 ICP SET PF02 IMMED Q RDRIQ PTRIQ PUN -- or CP SET PF02 IMMED Q RDR"'Q PTR"IQ PUN or SET PF02 IMMED Q RDR"'Q PTR"'Q PUN Now press the ENTER key. CP assigns the three QUERY commands as functions of the Pressing the PF02 key executes the three QUERY commands. PF02 key. Enter the following command while in CMS mode: SET LINEDIT OFF and press the ENTER key. Then enter: SET PF02 IMMED Q RDR'Q PTR'Q PUN or CP SET PF02 IMMED Q RDRIQ PTRIQ PUN and press the ENTER key. CP assigns the three QUERY commands as functions of the PF02 key. Then enter: SET LINEDIT ON and press the ENTER key. pressing the PF02 key executes the three QUERY commands. * PFnn UNDEFINED This response appears in the user area of the screen on Display station if a PF key that is undefined is pressed. a 3277 Use the SET command to control various systems options. In particular, The messages set the MSG, WNG, and EMSG options ON when debugging. printing at the terminal may provide information that 'is immediately helpful. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 61 Use the STORE co •• and to alter the contents of specified registers and locations of the virtual aachine. The contents of the folloving can be al tered: • • • • • Virtual storage locations General registers Floating-point registers Control registers (if available) program status vord The STORE command can also save virtual machine data in lov storage. The operands may be combined in any order desired, separated by one or more blanks, for up to one full line of input. If an invalid operand is encountered, an error aessage is issued and the store function is terminated. Hovever, all valid operands entered, before the invalid one, are processed properly. Storage locations, registers, the PSW, and status can be stored using a single command line. When you combine the operands for storing into storage, registers, the PSi, or the status area on a single command line, all operands must be specified; default values do not aFply in this case. The format of the STORE command is: STore hexloc Lhexloc hexvordl [hexvord2 ••• ] Shexloc hexda ta ••• Greg} { Yreg Xreg Psv hexvordl [hexvord2 ••• ] [ hexvord 1] hexvord2 STATUS hexloc Lhexloc hexvord 1 [hexvord2 ••• ] stores the specified data (hexvordl [hexvord2 ••• ]) in successive fullvord locations starting at the addres~ specified by hexloc. The smallest group of hexadecimal values that can be stored using this form is one fullvord. Alignment is made to the nearest fullvord boundary. Either form (hexloc or Lhexloc) can be used. The operands (hexvordl hexvord2 ••• ) each represent up to eight hexadecimal digits. If the value tein9 stored is less than a fullvord (eight hexadecimal digits), it is right-adjusted in 62 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide the word and the high order bytes of the word are filled with zeros. If two or aore hexwords are specified, they must be separated by one or more blanks. Shexloc hexdata ••• stores the data specified (hexdata ••• ) in the address specified by hexloc, without word alignment. The shortest string that can be stored is one byte (two hexadecimal digits). If the string contains an odd number of characters, the last character is not stored, an error message is sent, and the function is terminated. The operand, hexdata, is a string of two digits with no embedded blanks. or more hexadecimal Greg hexword 1 [hexword2 ••• ] stores the hexadecillal da ta (hexword 1 [hexword2 ••• ]) in successive general registers starting at the register specified by reg. The reg operand must be either a decimal number from 0-15 or a hexadecimal digit from O-F. The operands (hexword1 [hexword2 ••• ]) each represent up to eight hexadecimal digits. If less than eight digits are specified, the string is right justified in a full word and left-filled with zeros. If two or lIore hex words are specified, they must be separated by one or more blanks. Yreg hexword 1 [hexword2 ••• ] stores the hexadecimal data (hexword1 [hexword2 ••• ]) in successive floating-point registers starting at the register specified by reg. The reg operand must be a digit from 0-6. If reg is an odd number, it is adjusted to the preceding even number. The operands (hexword1 [hexword2 ••• ] each represent up to eight hexadecimal digits. If less than eight digits are specified, the string is right justified in a fullword and left-filled with zeros. If two or more hexwords are specified, they must be separated by one or more blanks. Xreg hexword1 [hexword2 ••• ] stores the hexadecimal data (hexword 1 [hexword2 ••• ]) in successive control registers starting at the register specified by reg. The reg operand must either be a decimal number from 0-15 or a hexadecimal digit from O-F. If the virtual machine is in basic control mode, you can store data in register 0 only. The operands (hexword1 [hexword2 ••• ]) each represent up to eight hexadecimal digits. If less than eight digits are specified, the string is right justified in a fullword and left-filled with zeros. If two or more hexwords are specified, they must be separated by one or more blanks. PSi [hexword1] hexword2 stores the hexadecimal data ([hexword1] hexword2) in the first and second words of the virtual machine's program status word (FSi). If only hexword2 is specified, it is stored into the second word of the PSi. The operands hexword1 and hexword2 must be separated by one or more blanks. They represent up to eight hexadecimal digits. If less than eight digits are specified, the string is right justified and left-filled with zeros. Part 1: Debugging with '"/370 63 STATUS stores selected virtual machine data in certain low storage locations of the virtual machine, siaulating the hardware store status facility. These locations are peraanently assigned locations in real storage. To use the STATUS operand, your virtual machine must be in the Extended control Mode. The STATUS operand should not be issued for CftS virtual machines or for DOS virtual machines generated for a CPU smaller than a Systea/360 Model 40. The STATUS operand stores the following data in low storage: Deciaal Hexadecimal Length !gg!~§§ !gg!~§§--- in~I1~§ 216 224 256 352 384 448 D8 EO 100 160 180 lCO 8 8 8 32 64 64 Data CPU-Timer clock Comparator Current PSW Floating-point registers 0-6 General registers 0-15 Control registers 0-15 STORE COMPLETE Use the STORE command to alter the contents of virtual storage locations, registers, and the PSi. ihen debugging, you may find it advantageous to alter storage, registers, or the PSi and then continue execution. This is a good procedure for testing a proposed change. Also, you can make a temporary correction and then continue to check that the rest of execution is trouble-free. With the STORE command, data is stored with fullword boundary alignment or in alignment. either in units of one word units of one byte without The STORE STATUS command stores data in the extended logout area. The STORE STATUS command stores CPU Timer and Clock Comparator values that may then be displayed at the terminal via the DISPLAY co.mand. The procedure is the only way to get timer information at the terminal. One debugging use of STORE STATUS would be as follows: 1. Issue the STORB to debug. 2. When execution stops (because an address stop was reached or because of a failure) display the extended logout area. This area contains the status that was stored before entering the routine. 3. Issue STORE STATUS again and display the extended logout area again. You now have the status information before and after the failure. This inforaation could help you solve your problem. 64 STATUS co.mand before entering a IBM VM/370: Systea Programmer's Guide routine you wish Use the SYSTEM command to simulate the action of the RESET and RESTART buttons on the real computer console, and to clear storage. The RESET function and the CLEAR function leave the virtual machine in a stopped state. An IPt command must be issued after a SYSTEM CLEAR command. After a SYSTEM RESTART, the virtual machine is automatically restarted at the location loaded into the PSi from tbe doubleword at virtual location zero. The format of the SYSTEM command is: System CLEAR } RESET { RESTART CLEAR clears zeros. virtual storage and virtual RESET clears all machine. RESTART simulates the hardware system RESTART function by storing the current PSi at virtual location eight and loading, as the new PSi, the doubleword from virtual location zero. Interrupt conditions and storage remain unaffected. pending interrupts and storage keys to conditions in binary the virtual STORAGE CLEARED - SYSTEM RESET This response is given if the com.and SYSTEM CLEAR is entered. SYSTEM RESET This response is given if the command SYSTEM RESET is entered. If the command SYSTEM RESTART is entered, no response is given; the virtual macbine resumes execution at the address in the virtual PSi loaded from virtual storage location zero. Use the SYSTEM command to simulate the Reset and PSi Restart buttons on the computer console. Also, use the SYSTEM command to clear storage and its associated storage keys. It is a good practice to clear storage to binary zeros before you IPL a system. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 65 After issuing the SYSTEft com.and with RESET or CLEAR specified, either STORE a PSi and issue EEGIN or issue EEGIN with a hexadecimal storage location specified, to resuae operation. The virtual machine automatically restarts at the location specified in the new PSi (which is loaded from the doubleword at location zero) after the SYSTEM RESTART co •• and is processed. 66 lEft V8/370: System Programmer's Guide Use the TRACE command to trace specified virtual machine activity and to record the results at the terminal, on a virtual spooled printer, or on both terminal and printer. If trace output is being reccrded at the terminal, the virtual machine stops execution and CP command mode is entered after each output message. This simulates the single ~yc~e function. To resume operation at the virtual machine, the BEGIN command must be entered. If the RUN operand is specified, the virtual machine is not stopped after each output message. If trace output is being recorded on a virtual sPooled printer. a CLOSE command must be issued to that printer in order for the- trace" output to be printed. Successful branches to the next sequential instruction and branch-to-self instructions are not detected by TRACE. Instructions that modify or examine the first two bytes of the next sequential instruction cause erroneous processing for BRANCH and INSTRUCT tracing. When tracing on a virtual machine with only one printer, the trace data is intermixed with other data sent to the virtual printer. To separate trace information from other data, define another printer with a lower virtual address than the previously defined printer. For example, on a system with OOE defined as ~ne only printer, define a second printer as OOB. The regular output goes to OOE and the trace output goes to OOB. When operation of a options cannot be used: traced, the following I/O operations for virtual channel-to-channel adapters, with connected to the same virtual machine, cannot be traced. both ends • • • shared system is being BRANCH INSTRUCT ALL The format of the TRACE command is: TRace , r 1 I Printer ,SVC I/O I r PROgram I 111~~inall EXTernal I IBOTH I J PRIV I L SIO I CCW I OFf L BRanch INSTruct ALL CSW , , I I I I I I r I!Q~Y~I IRUN L J I I J END 1More than one of these activities may be traced by using a single TRACE command. For example: TRACE SVC PROGRAM SIO PRINTER Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 67 GC20-1807-3 Paqe Modified by TNL GN20-266L, March 31, 1975 SVC traces virtual machine SVC interrupts. 1/0 traces virtual machine 1/ 0 interrupts. PROGR~M traces virtual machine program interrupts. EXTERNAL traces virtual machine external interrupts. PRIV traces all virtual machine non-I/O privileged instructions. SIO traces TIO, CLRIO, HIO, HDV and TCH instructions to all virtual devices. Will also trace SIO and SIOF instructions for non-console and non-spool devices only. CCW traces virtual and real CCWs for non-Spool/non-Console device I/O operations. When CCW tracing is requested, SIO and TIO instructions are also traced. BRANCH traces all virtual machine interrupts, all and all successful branches. INSTRUCT traces all instructions, successful branches. ALL traces all instructions, interrupts, successful branches, privilege instructions, and virtual machine I/O operations. CSW provides contents of virtual and 1/0 interrupt. END terminates all tracing PSW instructions, machine virtual interrupts and real channel status words at activity and prints a termination message. PRINTER PRT directs tracing output to a virtual spooled printer. ±]B~l!!~ directs tracing console). BOTH directs tracing output the terminal. OFF halts tracing of the specified and terminal. output to the terminal to both a virtual (virtual machine spooled printer and activities on both the printer stops program execution after the trace output to the terminal and enters CP command mode. lig~~: If a Diagnose code X'008' is being traced, NORUN has no effect and program execution does not stop. RUN continues the program execution after the trace output to the terminal has completed and does not enter CP command mode. Notes: -1:--If your virtual machine has the virtual=real option and NOTRANS set on, CP forces CCW translation while tracing either SIO or CCW. When tracing is terminated with the TRACE END command, CCW translation is bypassed again. 2. 68 If the virtual machine assist feature is enabled on your virtual machine, CP turns it off while tracing SVC and program interrupts IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-i807-3 page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 (SVC, PRIV, BRANCH, INSTRUCT, or ALL). After the tracing is terminated with the TRACE END command line, CP turns the assist feature on again. The following symbols are used in the responses received from TRACE: .§.Y!!£21 vvvvvv tttttt rrrrrr xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ss ns zz zzzzzzzz type V vadd R radd mnem int code CC n IDAL *** ==) ~g~!!!!!g virtual storage address virtual transfer address or new PSW address real storage address virtual instruction, channel command word, CSW status real instruction, CCW argument byte (SSM-byte) for SSM instruction new system mask after execution of STOSM/STNSM low order byte of Rl register in an execute instruction (not shown if Rl register is register 0) referenced data virtual device name (DASD, TAPE, LINE, CONS, RDR, PRT, PUN, GRAF, DEV) virtual device address real device address mnemonic for instruction interrupt type (SVC, PROG, EXT, I/O) interrupt code number (in hexadecimal) condition-code number (0, 1, 2, or 3) Indirect data address list virtual machine interrupt privileged operations transfer of control TRACE STARTED This response is issued when tracing is initiated. TRACE ENDED This response is issued when tracing is suspended. I/O vvvvvv TCH xxxxxxxx type vadd CC n I/O vvvvvv mnem xxxxxxxx type vadd CC n type radd CSW xxxx I/O vvvvvv mnem xxxxxxxx type vadd CC n type radd CSW xxxx CAW vvvvvvvv CCW vvvvvv xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx rrrrrr yyyyyyyy yyyyy-!yy CCW IDAL vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv IDAL OOrrrrrr OOrrrrrr CCW SEEK xxxxxxxx xxxxxx SEEK yyyyyyyy yyyy Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 69 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 The IDAL or SEEK line is included only if applicable. The virtual IDAL is not printed if the real eew opcode does not match the real eew. !!!.§1!B!£1!Q1! 1~!£!1!'§: ~£!!!l~g~g .!!!§~!:'!!£~.!.Q!!: · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. vvvvvv vvvvvv vvvvvv vvvvvv vvvvvv vvvvvv vvvvvv vvvvvv vvvvvv SSM SSM STOSI! STOSI! STNSM STBSM LPSW LPSW mnem xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ss ss ns ns ns ns ==) (normal SSM) (switch to/from translate mode) (normal STOSI!) tttttt (switch to translate mode) (normal STNSM) (switch from translate mode) tttttt tttttttt tttttttt (WAIT bit on) tttttttt tttttttt (WAIT bit not on) (all others) tttttt vvvvvv EX xxxxxxxx zz vvvvvv mnem xxxx xxxxxxxx For an executed instruction, where zz (see preceding explanation of symbols) is nonzero, the mnemonic for the executed instruction is given as if the zz byte had been put into the instruction with an OR operation. vvvvvv mnem xxxxxxxx xxxx vvvvvv mnem xxxxxxxx *** vvvvvv int code !LQ l!Il!!Hi.Q~1 ==) tttttt ==) t t t t t t (First line given only if "esw" was specified): esw V vadd xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx R radd yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy *** vvvvvv I/O vadd ==) tttttt esw xxxx ]~!!£] IR!£l!: (ALL option selected) Entry for 'branch from' instruction vvvvvv mnem xxxxxxxx tttttt Entry for 'branch to' instruction ==) vvvvvv mnem xxxxxxxxxxxx 70 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide Use the TRACE command to trace specified virtual machine activity and to record the results at the terminal, at a virtual printer r or at both. This command is useful in debugging programs because it allows you to trace only the information that pertains to a particular problem. When the terminal is used for the trace output, the virtual machine stops executing after each output message is printed and the system enters the CP environment. At this time, other commands may be issued to display, dump, or alter storage. Using the terminal for trace output thus simulates the single cycle execution function of the computer console. To resume execution, the BEGIN command must be issued. When the virtual printer is used for trace output, a CLOSE command must be issued to the virtual printer in order for the trace information to print at the real printer. A successful branch to the next sequential instruction and a branch to self instruction are not traced. Any instruction that modifies or examines the first two bytes of the next sequential instruction causes erroneous processing for BRANCH and INSTRUCT tracing. Part 1: Debugging with ,"/370 71 CP real machine debugging is reserved for Class C users (system programmers) and Class E users (system analysts). CP has facilities to examine data in real storage (via the DCP and D"CP commands) and to store data into real storage (via. the STCP co •• and). There is no facility to examine or alter real machine registers, PSi, or storage words. Remember, real storage is changing even to examine and alter it. as you issue the CP commands system programmers and analysts may also want to use the CP internal trace table. This table records events that occur on the real machine. 72 IB" V"1370: System Programmer's Guide Use the DCP command to display the contents of real storage locations at the terminal. If an invalid argument is entered, the DCP command terminates however, any previous valid arguments are processed before termination occurs. The format of the DCP command is: r---------------------------------.---------------------------------------, r DCP ,r r " L L .J ILheXIOC111{-}1 hexloc2 I IThexlocll I : 1 ~!~ 1 1 hexloc 11 1 L .J .Q 11 1 L .J 1 1 r , I{. }Ibytecount 1 1 IEN~ 1 Lhexloc1 Thexlocl hexloc1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I .J is the first or only storage location to be displayed in hexadecimal. If hexloc1 is not specified, L or T must be specified and the display begins with storage location O. If hexlocl is specified and L or T is not specified, the display is the same as if L were specified. If T is specified, an EBCDIC translation is included with the hexadecimal display. o If hexlocl is followed by a period and is not on a fullword boundary, it is rounded down to the next lower fullword. r , 1hexloc21 I ~!Q I L r .J specifies that a range of locations is to be displayed. To display the contents of one or more storage locations by specified storage address location the "-" or ":" must be used. The hexloc2 operand must be 1 to 6 hexadecimal digits; leading zeroes need not be specified. In addition, The hexloc2 operand must be equal to hexloc1 and it should not not exceed the size of real storage. If END is specified, real storage from hexlocl through the end of real is displayed. If hexloc2 is not specified, END is assumed by default. Note that this occurs only if "-"or";" follows the first operand. , {. }Ibytecountl is a hexadecimal integer designating the number of 1 j!~ 1 the number of bytes of real storage (starting with L .J the byte at hexloc1) to be displayed on the terminal. The sum of hexloc1 and the bytecount must be an address that does not exceed the size of real storage. If this address is not on a fullword boundary, it is rounded up to the next higher fullword. The bytecount operand must be a value of 1 or greater and may not exceed 6 hexadecimal digits. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 73 Normally, a user will or should define the locations of storage in the following aanner: dcp dcp dcp dcp. dcp beginning and ending Lhexloc1-hexloc2 Thexlocl-hexloc2 hexloc1:hexloc2 hexloc1.bytecount hexloc1:hexloc2 hexlocl.bytecount lote that no blanks can be entered between the liait or range symbols (:, -, or.) or any of the operands except for the blank or blanks between the coaaand name and the first operand. 1 blank is also required between each set of operands when more than one set of operands are entered on one coaaand line. If, how~ver, a blank imaediately follows the designated type character (T or L) DCP displays all of real storage. If the next operand is either a colon (:), a hyphen (-), or a period (.) followed by a blank character, the system again defaults to a display of all storage locations as this operand assuaes a second set of operands. !2te: Blanks separate operands or sets of operands if more than one operand is entered on the same co.aand line. Blanks should not occur on the right or left of range or length syabols, unless it is intended to take the default value of the missing operand defined by the blank. The following are displays. dcp dcp dcp dcp dcp dcp dcp 1 t - examples of DCP entries that dcp dcp dcp dcp dcp dcp dcp • 11: The following eabedded blanks: t: 1. t. 00: 1-end t-end displays all dcp dcp dcp dcp dcp dcp produce full storage O-end t:end t:end O:end I.end O.end of storage three times because of the dcp 1 • t Requested locations are displayed in the following format: xxxxxx = wordl word2 word3 word4 [key] *BBCDIC trans1ation* where xxx xxx is the real storage location of wordl. "word1" is displayed (word aligned) for a single hexadecimal specification. Up to four words are displayed on a line. If required, multiple lines are displayed. The EBCDIC translation is displayed aligned to the next lower 16-byte boundary if Thex10c is specified. Nonprintab1e characters display as a ".". If the location is at a 2K page boundary the key for that page is also displayed. The output can be stopped and the command terminated by pressing the 1TTN key (or its equivalent). 74 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide Use the DCP command to display real storage locations at the terainal. The requested locations are typed in the following format: xxxxxx = WORD1 WORD2 WORD3 WORD4 [EBCDIC translation] where XXX XIX is the real storage location of WORD1. WORD1 is displayed (word aligned) for a single hexloc specification. Up to four words are displayed on a line. If required, multiple lines are printed. The EBCDIC translation is displayed if Thexloc is specified. Part 1: Debugging with V"/370 75 Use the DftCP co •• and to print the contents of real storage locations on the user's virtual spooled printer. The output format is eight words per line with EBCDIC translation. ftultiple storage locations and ranges may be specified. To get the output printed on the real printer, the virtual spooled printer must be terminated with a CLOSE co •• and. The format of the DMCP com.and is: r DftCP , r ILhexloc1 I Thexloc 1 I hexloc1 I .Q L Q L .I .I , is a range of real storage locations to be dumped. To dump to the end of real storage, hexloc2 may be specified as ERD or not specified at all, in which case END is assumed by default. I hexloc21 11!!~ I r I [*dumpid] I I I I I I I is the first or only storage location to be dumped. If hexloc1 is not specified, L or T must be specified and dumping starts with location O. If hexloc1 is specified and L or T are not specified, an EBCDIC translation is included with the hexadecimal dump contents. If hexloc1 is followed by a period and is not on a fullvord boundary, it is rounded down to the next lower fullword. Lhexloc1 Thexloc1 hexloc1 L ,, , L r r II{ - }I hexloc2 I I I : I ~I~ I L .I II II .I I I r I{. Jlbytecount I IERD I I .I , {. }Ibytecountl is a hexadecimal integer designating the number of IEN~ I bytes of real storage (starting with the byte L .I at hexloc1) to be typed at the printer. The sum of hexloc1 and the bytecount must be an address that does not exceed the size of real storage. If this address is not on a fullword boundary, it is rounded up to the next higher fullword. If the "." is used for a range, hexloc2 is defined as the number of hexadecimal storage locations (in bytes) to be dumped starting at hexloc1. If hexloc2 is specified as a length, it must have a value such that when added to hexloc1 it will not exceed the storage size. *dum~id 16 is specified for identification purposes. If specified, it becomes the first line printed preceding the dump data. Up to 100 characters with or without blanks may be specified after the asterisk prefix. If dumpid is specified, hexloc2 or bytecount must be specified. The asterisk (*) is required to identify the dumpid. IBM Vft/310: System Programmer's Guide Normally, a user would define beginning and ending dump locations in the following manner: dmcp Lhexloc-hexloc or dmcp hexloc.bytecount Note that there are no blanks between length or range symbols (-,:, or.) or between any of the operands except for the blank(s) between the command and the first operand. A blank is also required between each set of operands when more than one set of operands are entered. Hote, only one ., :, or - or no delimiter may be used within each set of operands. If, however, a blank immediately follows the designated type character, the default dump starting and ending locations are assumed to be the beginning and/or end of virtual storage. similarly, if the range or length symbol separates the first character from a blank or END, all of real storage is dumped. Blanks separate operands or sets of operands if more than one operand 1S entered on the same command line. Blanks should not occur on the right or left of the range or length symbol, unless it is intended to take the default value of the missing operand defined by the blank. Thus, all of the following produce full storage dumps. !Q!~: dmcp 1 dmcp t dmcp dmcp dmcp . dmcp dmcp dmcp dmcp dmcp 1- t1: t: 1. Each of the following embedded blanks: dmcp dmcp dmcp dmcp dmcp dmcp dmcp dmcp dmcp dmcp t. 00: O. 1-end produces three full t-end O:end l.end l.end O.end dumps because of the dmcp 1 • t dmcp In cases where multiple storage ranges or limits are specified on one command line and the line contains errors, command execution successfully processes all correct operands to the encountered error. The encountered error and the remainder of the command line is rejected and an appropriate error message is displayed. !Q!~: As the dump proceeds, the following message appears at the terminal indicating that the dump is continuing from the next 64K boundary: DUMPING LOC hexloc where "hexloc" is the segment (64K) address for such as 020000, 030000, 040000. the dump continuation, If the user signals attention on the terminal !hi!g the above message is displayed, the dump ends. COMMAND COMPLETE indicates normal completion of the dump. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 77 Use the DMCP command to dump the contents of real storage locations to your virtual spooled printer. The output format is eight words per line with EBCDIC translation. If a du.pid is used, it aay be up to 100 characters, including blanks. In order to print the output at the real printer, the virtual spooled printer must be terminated with a CLOSE. 78 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide com.and to find the addresses of CP control a particular user, a user's virtual device, or The control blocks and their use are described Pro~l:!! (~f) fl:~gl:!! 1~g!£. The format of the Use the LOCATE associated with system device. !~nl.Q: ~~1!!l:~.! blocks a real in the LOCATE command is: ! userid LOCate lraddr [vaddr] \ J userid is the user identification of the logged on user. The address of this user's virtual machine block (V~BLOK) is printed. vaddr causes the virtual channel block (VCBBLOK), virtual control unit block (VCUBLOK), and virtual device block (VDEVBLOK) addresses associated with this virtual device address to be printed with the VMBLOK address. raddr causes the real channel block (RCBBLOK), real control unit block (RCUBLOK), and the real device block (RDEVBLOK) addresses associated with this real device address to be printed. V~BLOK = XXXXXX VMBLOK VCBBLOK VCUBLOK VDEVBLOK XXXXXX xxxxxx XXX XXX xxxxxx RCBBLOK RCUBLOK RDEVBLOK xxxxxx XXX XXX XXX XXX Use the LOCATE command to find the addresses of the system control blocks associated with a particular user, a user's virtual device, or a real system device. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 79 Once you know the location of the system control blocks you can exaaine (dump or display) the block you want to see. When you want to examine specific control blocks, use the co.mands LOCATE and DOftP or DISPLAY to examine the control blocks, instead of taking a dump. A discussion of the most important fields of the VftBLOK, VCHBLOK, VCOBLOK, VDEVBLOK, BCHBLOK, BCOBLOK, and BDEVBLOK are included in the "Beading CP ABEND Dumps" section. 80 IBft Vft/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-i807-3 Page Hodified by TNL GN20-2662, Harch 3i, i975 Use the MONITOR command to initiate or terminate the recording of events that occur in the real machine. This recording is always active after a VM/370 IPL (manual or automatic). The events that are recorded in the CP internal trace table are: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • External interruptions SVC interruptions Program interruptions Machine check interruptions I/O interruptions Free storage requests Release of free storage Entry into scheduler Queue drop Run user requests start I/O Unstack I/O interruptions storing a virtual CSW Test I/O Halt device Unstack IOELOK or TRQELOK NCP BTU (Network control Program Basic Transmission Unit) Use the trace table to determine the events that preceded a CP system failure. Refer to the "CP Internal Trace Table" section of this manual for information on finding and using the internal trace table. The format of the MONITOR command for tracing events in the real machine is: I r---------------·--------·----------STArt CPTRACE'l I I MONitor { STOP CPT RACE f I I I L START CPT RACE starts the tracing of events that occur on the real machine. The events are recorded on the CP internal trace table in chronological order. When the end of the table is reached, recording continues at the beginning of the table, overlaying data previously recorded. I STOP CPTRACE terminates the internal trace table event tracing. Event recording ceases but the pages of storage containing the CP internal trace table are not released. Tracing can be restarted at any time by issuing the MONITOR START CPTRACE command. COMMAND COMPLETE The MONITOR command was processed successfully. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 81 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 Use the QUERY command to request system status and machine configuration information. (For 3704 or 3705 Communication Controllers see also the NETWORK command.) Not all operands are available in every privilege class. Operands available to the specified privilege classes are given below. The format of the Class A and E QUERY command is: Query I {PAGing } I PRIORity use rid I SASsist PAGING displays the current system paging activity. PRIORITY userid displays the current priority of the specified userid. This is established in the VM/370 directory but can be overridden by the SET PRIORITY nn command. SASSIST displays the current status of the virtual Machine Assist feature for the VM/370 system. PAGING nn, SET mm, RATE nnn/SEC INTERVAL= xx:xx:xx 82 nn specifies the percentage of time the page wait during this time interval. mm is the system paging activity index (threshold value). This value affects the paging rate and degree of multiprogramming that VM/370 tries to attain. The value mm is normally 16. nnn/SEC is the current CP paging rate in pages per second. xx:xx:xx is the time interval PAGING commands. IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide between the system was issuance of in QUERY userid PRIORITY = nn nn is the the assigned priority of the lower the value, the higher the priority. ON or OFF is indicative that specified user. The the virtual ftachine Assist feature is enabled or disabled from the system. The QUERY comJand tells you the value of the paging activity index and the priority. This information ca~ be useful in evaluating the usefulness of the perforJance options and in examining dispatching functions. See "Part 4. IBft 3704 and description of this command. 3705 Communications Controllers" for Part 1: Debugging with Vft/370 a 83 Use the SAVESIS command to save a virtual machine storage space wi th registers and PSi as they currently exist. The format of the SAVESIS com.and is: SAVESIS systemname systemname must be a predefined name representing a definition of installation requirements of the named system. The definition indicates the number of pages to be saved, the DASD volume on which the system is to be saved, and the shared segments (if any). Refer to the discussion of named systems in Named systems" section of for further information concerning saved systems. SISTEft SAVED See the "Generating Named Systems" section of "Part 2. Control Program (CP)" for a complete discussion of when and how to save a named system. 84 lBB Vft/370: System Programmer's Guide Use the STCP command to alter the contents of real storage. The real PSi or real registers cannot be altered with this command. The format of the STCP command is: r-======~~~--------------------------------------------------------------~ STCP heXIOC} { Lhexloc { Shexloc hexword1 [hexword2 ••• ] } hexdata L hexloc Lhexloc stores the data given in hexword1 [hexword2 ••• ] in successive fullword locations starting at the address specified by hexloc. The saallest group of hexadecimal values that can be stored using this specification is one fullword. Data is aligned to the nearest fullword boundary. If the data being stored is less than a fullword (eight hexadecimal digits), it is right-adjusted in the word and the high order bytes of the word are filled with zeros. Either specification (hexloc or Lhexloc) may be used. Shexloc stores the data given in hex data in the address specified by hexloc without word alignment. The shortest string that can be stored is one byte (two hexadecimal digits). If the string contains an odd nuaber of characters, the last character is not stored. An error message occurs and the function ends. hexword specifies up to eight hexadecimal digits. If less than eight digits are specified, the string is right justified in a fullword and left-filled with zeros. If two or aore hexwords are specified, they must be separated by at least one blank. hex data specifies a string embedded blanks. of two or aore hexadeciaal digits with no STORE COMPLETE Use the STCP command to alter the contents of real storage. PSi or real registers may !2! be altered by this command. The real Part 1: Debugging with V"/370 85 The DASD Dump Restore (DDR) program can be run standalone in the real or virtual machine. To run DASD Dump Restore standalone, IPL an input device that contains all the necessary control statements. The centrol statements necessary to run the DDR program are: • • I/O Definition statements Function statements DDR CONTROL STATEftENTS Control statements describe the processing that is to take place and the I/O devices that are to be used. I/O definition statements must be specified first. All control statements may be entered from the system console or a card reader. Only columns 1 to 71 are inspected by the program. All data after the last possible parameter in a statement is ignored. An output tape must have the DASD cylinder header records in ascending sequences; therefore, the extents must be entered in sequence by recorded cylinders. Only one type of function - dump, restore, or copy may be performed in one execution, but up to 20 statements describing cylinder extents may be entered. The function statements are delimited by detection of an input or output statement, or by a null line if the console is used for input. If additional additional functions are to be performed, the sequence must be repeated. Only those statements needed to redefine the I/O devices are necessary for subsequent steps. All other I/O definitions remain the same. To return to CftS, enter a null the prompting message (ENTER:). line (carriage return) in response to The PRINT and TYPE statements work differently in that they operate on only one data extent at a time. If the input is from a tape created by the dump function, it must be positioned at the header record for each step. The PRINT and TYPE statements have an implied output of either the console (type) or system printer (print). Therefore, PRINT and TYPE statements need not be delimited by an input or output statement. The I/O definition statements describe the tape, DASD, and devices used while executing the DASD Dump Restore program. An INPUT or OUTPUT statement describes each The format of the INPUT/OUTPUT statement is: 86 IBft VM/370: System Programmer's Guide tape and DASD printer unit used. r INput OUTput ccu type , Ivolserl laltape I L [ (options ••• ) ] 2Elio!!§: .J r , r , IMOde 6250 I I LEave I I SKip nn I IMOde 1600 I I REWind I laIiE Q I IMOde 800 I I!!Nl~~ I r , L .JL .JL .J cell is the unit address of the device. type is the device type (2314, 2319, 3330, 3330-11, 3340-35 (3340 access device equipped with a 3348-35 megabyte disk pack), 3340-10 (3340 access device equipped with a 3348-10 megabyte disk pack), 2305-1, 2305-2, 2400, 2420, or 3420). There is no 1 track support. volser is the volume serial number of a DASD device. If the keyword 'SCRATCH' is specified instead of the volume serial number, no label verification is performed. altape is the address of an alternate tape drive. If multiple reels of tape are required and "altape" is not specified, DDR displays the following at the end of the reel: "END OF VOLUME CYL xxx HD xx, MOUNT NEXT TAPE." After the new tape is mounted, DDR continues automatically. !gl~: SKIP nn forward spaces nn files on the tape. nn is any number up to 255. The SKIP option is reset to zero after the tape has been positioned. MODE 6250 causes all output tapes that are opened for the first time MODE 1600 and at the load point to be written or read in the specified MODE 800 mode. All subsequent tapes mounted are also set to the specified mode. If no mode option is specified, then no mode set is performed. REWIND rewinds the tape at the end of a function. UNLOAD rewinds and unloads the tape at the end of a function. LEAVE leaves the tape positioned of a function. at the end of the file at the end Use the SYSPRINT control statement to describe a printer device that is used to print data extents specified by the PRINT statement for the standalone version of DDR. It is also used to print a map of the cylinder extents from the DUMP, RESTORE, or COPY statement. If the SYSPRINT statement is not provided, the printer assignment defaults to OOE. The SYSFRINT control statement is used by the standalone version of DDR to define the printer device if it is other than OOE. DDR, Part 1: Debugging with VM/310 81 running under the control of the C~S printer is OOE. The is: SYsprint ccu C~S, ignores this control statement since format of the SYSPRINT control statement ccu specifies the unit address of the device. The function statements tell the DDR program what action to perform. The function commands also describe the extents to be dumped, copied, or restored. The format of the DU~P/COPY/RESTORE control statement is: , r DUmp COpy REstore Icyl1 [To] ICPvol IAL! INUcleus L [cyl2 [Reorder] [To] [cyI3]]1 I I I ~ requests the program to move data from a direct access volume onto a magnetic tape or tapes. The data is moved cylinder by cylinder. Any number of cylinders may be moved. The format of the resulting tape is: DU~P Record 1: a volume header describing the volumes. record, consisting of data Record 2: a track header record, consisting of a list of count fields to restore the track, and the number of data records written on tape. After the last count field the record contains key and data records to fill the 4K buffer. Record 3: track records packed truncated. data into records, consisting of 4K blocks, with the key and data last record Record 4: either the end of volume or end of job trailer label. The end of volume label contains the same information as the next volume header record except that the ID field contains EOV. The end of job trailer label contains the same information as record 1 except that the cylinder number field contains the disk address of the last record on tape and the ID field contains EOJ. 88 IB~ V~/370: System Programmer's Guide COpy requests the program to copy data from one device to another device of the same or equivalent type. Data may be recorded on a cylinder basis from input device to output device. A tape-to-tape copy can be accomplished only with data dumped by this program. RESTORE requests the program to return data that has been dumped by this program. Data can be restored only to a DASD volume of the same or equivalent device type as it was dumped from. It is possible to dump from a real disk and restore to a minidisk. cyll [TO] [cyl2 [REORDER] [TO] [cyI3] Only those cylinders specified are moved, starting with the first track of the first cylinder (cyll), and ending with the last track of the second cylinder (cyI2). If cyl2 is not specified, only the first cylinder (cyll) is operated on. The REORDER operand causes the output to be reordered, starting at the specified cylinder (cyI3) or at the starting cylinder (cyll) if (cyl3) is not specified. The REORDER operand may not be used with the CPVOL, ALL, or NUCLEUS operands. CPVOL specifies that cylinder 0 and all active directory and permanent disk space are to be copied, dumped, or restored. This indicates that both source and target disks should be in CP format, that is, they must have been formatted by the CP Format/Allocate program. A~~ specifies that cylinders. NUCLEUS specifies that record 2 on cylinder 0, track 0 and the nucleus cylinders will be dumped, copied, or restored. the operation is to be performed on all 1. Each track must contain a valid home address, cylinder and track location. 2. Record zero must characters. 3. For the IBM 2314, 2319, and 2305, flagged tracks will be treated as any other track , that is, no attempt will be made to substitute the alternate track data when a defective primary track is read. In addition, tracks will not be inspected to determine whether they were previously flagged when written. Therefore, volumes containing flagged tracks should be restored to the volume from which they were dumped. The message DMKDDB115E is displayed each time a defective track is dumped, copied, or restored, and the operation continues. 4. For the IBM 3330, flagged tracks are automatically handled by the control unit and should never be detected by the program. However, if a flagged track is detected, message DMKDDR115E is displayed and the operation terminates. not contain more than containing the real eight key and/or Part 1: Debugging with VM/310 data 89 INPUT 191 3330 SYSRES OUTPUT 180 2400 181 (ftODE 800 SYSPRIIT OOP DUftP CPVOL INPUT 130 3330 ftIIIOl DUftP 1 TO 50 REORDER 51 60 70 101 This example sets the mode to 800 bpi, then dumps all pertinent data from the volume labeled 'SYSRES' onto the tape that is .ounted on unit 180. If the program runs out of room on the first tape, it continues dumping onto the alternate device (181). While dumping, a map of the cylinders dumped is printed on unit OOP. When the first function is complete, the volume labeled 'ftIII01' is dumped onto a new tape. Its cylinder header records are labeled 51 to 100. 1 map of the cylinders dumped is printed on unit OOP. lext, cylinders 60 to 70 are dumped and labeled 101 to 111. This extent is added to the cylinder map on unit OOP. When the DDR processing is complete, the tapes are unloaded and the program stops. If cylinder extents are being defined from the console, the following is displayed: ENTER CYLINDER EXTENTS ENTER: For any extent after the first extent, the message ENTER NEXT EXTENT OR NULL LINE ENTER: is displayed. The user may then enter additional extents to be dumped, restored, or copied. A null line causes the job step to start. 90 IBft Vft/370: System Programmer's Guide AI-_-__in hexadecimal format re Record 1 --+--____- Cylinder, head, and record numbers in decimal 7rth;:;:;a length field is : ; z e : - - I / Record ID (hexadecimal) . . .__________ / X y ___ ~ / • • l A heading is printed containing the data length from the count field first in decimal, then in hexadecimal The data is then printed in hexadecimal with graphic interpretation to the right ~tshownhere). I I J ____ ~ 04096 1000 DATA LENGTH ..... 00000 0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 SUPPRESSED CHARACTERS SAME AS !1.BOVE ... IstHalfof-+---~CYL Record 2 Note: Data Length field repeated in heading. 019.HD 00 REC 002 COUNT 0013000002 00 09A8 02472 09A8 DATA LENGTH 00000 0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 SUPPRESSED CHARACTERS SAME AS ABOVE ... ABOVE RECORD WRITTEN USING RECORD OVERFLOW e f":::j--------, statement indicates that this portion Ie ofThisRecord 2 was written using the Write I I IL Special Count, Key, and Data command. The remainder of Record 2 is found on the next track _ as the first record after_ Record_ O. _ _ _ ...J Home Address +---.._. CYL 019 HD 01 HOME ADDRESS 0000130001 RECORD ZERO 0013000100 00 0008 00000000 00000000 Record 0 CYL 019 HD 01 REC 002 COUNT 0013000102 00 0 6 5 8 - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / 2nd Half of Record 2 01624 0658 DATA LENGTH 00000 0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 SUPPRESSED CHARACTERS SAME AS ABOVE ... re--If t~y length ~ is-;: z;;;: - - - - - - -, I I Record 3 _--+_____- eYL 019 HD 01 REe 003 COUNT 0013000103 001280080 KEY 4! OF80 • ~• / ; / A headmg IS printed containing the key length first in decimal, then in hexadecimal. The key is then printed in hexadecimal WIth lU"aphic mterpretatJon to the right (not shown here)' _0- -- - - __ 0 - - ' I I .J LENGTH~-------7 00000 0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 SUPPRESSED CHARACTERS SAM6 AS ABOVE ... 03968 OF80 DATA LENGTH 00000 0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 SUPPRESSED CHARACTERS SAME AS ABOVE ... Record 4 ---i-------- CYL 019 HD 01 REC 004 COUNT 0013000104 00 0000 END OF FILE RECORD r:::-------..., I II~ I Whenever the data length field is zero an end-of-file prints next. L Figure 8. Annotated Program Sample of Output from the TYPE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .....J and PRINT Functions of the DDR Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 91 Use the PRINT and TYPE function state.ent to print or display a hexadecimal and EBCDIC translation of each record specified. The input device .ust be defined as direct access or tape. The output is directed to the system console for the TYPE function, or to the SYSPRIIT device for the PRINT function. (This does not cause redefinition of the output unit definition.) The format of the PRIIT/TYPE control state.ent is: PRint TYpe cc 1 [hh 1 [rr 1 ]] QE!ions: [Hex] [Graphic] [TO cc2 [hh2 [rr2 ]]] [(options)] [Count] ccl is the starting cylinder. hh1 is the starting track. If present, operand. The default is track zero. rr1 is the starting record. If present, it must follow the hhl operand. The default is home address and record zero. [TO] cc2 is the ending cylinder. If more than 1 cylinder is printed or displayed "TO cc2" must be specified. hh2 is the ending operand. The cylinder. rr2 is the record ID of the last record to print. the last record on the ending track. HEX prints or displays a hexadecimal representation of each record specified. GRAPHIC prints or specified. displays COUNT prints or specified. displays only it must track. If present, it must default is the last track an EBCDIC the translation count follow the The default is of each record field for each record Prints all of the records from cylinders 0, 1, 2, and 3. PRINT 0 1 3 Prints only one record, from cylinder 0, track 1, record 3. 92 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide to be follow the cc2 on the ending PRINT 0 TO 3 PR IN T 1 10 3 TO 1 15 4 ccl prints all records starting with cylinder 1, ending with cylinder 1, track 15, record 4. track 10, record 3, and The example in Pigure 8 shows the information that would be displayed at the console (TYPE function) or system printer (PRINT function) by the DDR program. The listing has been annotated to describe some of the data fields. "any CP problems can be isolated without standalone machine testing. It is possible to debug CP by running it in a virtual machine. In most instances, the virtual machine system is an exact replica cf the system running on the real machine. TO set up a CP system on a virtual machine, use the same procedure that is used to generate a CP system on a real machine. However, remember that the entire procedure of running service programs is now done on a virtual machine. llso, the virtual machine must be described in the real V"/370 directory. See the "V"/370 Operating in a virtual Machine Environment" section of "Part II. Control Program (CP)" for directions for setting up the virtual machine. CP has an internal trace table which records events that occur real machine. The events that are traced are: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I. in the External interruptions SVC interruptions program interruptions Machine check interruptions I/O interruptions Pree Storage requests Release of free storage Entry into scheduler Queue drop Run user requests Start I/O Unstack I/O interruptions storing a virtual CSW Test I/O BaIt Device unstack IOBLOK or TRQBLOK RCP BTU (Network Control Program Basic Transmission Unit) The size of the trace table depends on the amount of real storage available at IPL time. Por each 256K bytes (or part thereof) of real storage available at IPL time, one page (4096 bytes) is allocated to the CP trace table. Each entry in the CP trace table is 16 bytes long. There are 17 possible types of trace table entries; one for each type of event recorded. The first byte of each trace table entry, the identification code, identifies the type of event being recorded. The trace table is allocated by the main initialization routine, D"KCPI. The first event traced is placed ~n the lowest trace table address. Each subsequent event is recorded 1n the next available trace table entry. Once the trace table is full, events are recorded at the lowest address (overlaying the data previously recorded there). Tracing continues with each new entry replacing an entry from a previous cycle. Part 1: Debugging with V"/370 93 Use the trace table to determine the events that preceded a CP system failure. An ABEND dump contains the CP internal trace table and the pointers to it. The address of the start of the trace table, TRACSTRT, is at location X'OC'. The address of the byte following the end of the trace table, TRACEND, is at location X'10'. And the address of the next available trace table entry, TRACCURR, is at location X'14'. Substract 16 bytes (X'10') from the address stored at X'14' (TRACCURR) to obtain the trace table entry for the last event completed. The CP internal trace table is initialized during IPL. If you do not wish to record events in the trace table, issue the MONITOR STOP com.and to suppress recording. The pages allocated to the trace table are not released and recording can be restarted at any time by issuing the MONITOR START com.and. If the VM/370 system should abnormally terminate and automatically restart, the tracing of events on the real machine viII be active. After a VM/370 IPL (manual or automatic), CP internal tracing is alway active. There are 17 possible types of trace table entries, each uniguely identified by the value of the first byte. Figure 9 describes the format of each type of trace table entry. 94 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide Module Identification Code (hexadecimal) External interrupt DMKPSA 01 X'OOOOOOOOOO' SVC interrupt DMKPSA 02 GR 15 SVCOld PSW Program interrupt DMKPRG 03 First 3 bytes ofVMPSW Program Old PSW I DMKMCH 04 Address of VMBlOK 1/0 interrupt DMKIOS 05 Free Storage (FREE) DMKFRE 06 Return storage (FRET) DMKFRE Enter Scheduler Type of Event Machine Check !~'!c:-:-i..iPt Format of Trace Table Entry External Old PSW Machine Check Old PSW I/O Old PSW +4 CSW Address of VMBLOK GR Oat entry GR 1 at exit 07 Address of VMBLOK GR 0 at entry GR 1 at entry DMKSCH 08 Address of VMBLOK Queue drop OM KSCH 09 Address of VMBLOK Run user DMKDSP OA Start 1/0 DMKCNS DMKIOS DMKVIO OB Unstack 1/0 interrupt DMKDSP OC Address of VMBLOK Virtual CSW Virtual CSW store DMKVIO OD Address of VMBLOK Virtual CSW Test 1/0 DMKCNS DMKIOS DMKVIO OE Address of 10BLOK CAW ForCe= ~.CS~"':+'; otherwise this field is not used Halt Device DMKCNS DMKIOS DMKVIO OF Address of 10BLOK CAW For CC = 1. CSW +4 otherwise this field is not used Unstack 10BLOKor TROBLOK DMKDSP 10 NCP BTU (see note) DMKRNH 11 Note: Figure 9. X'OOOOOO' Value of VI\o1RSTAT, VMDSTA T. VMOSTAT. andVMOSTAT Value of VMOLEVEL. VMCLEVEL. VMTlEVEl. RUNUSER value fromPSA RUNPSW value from PSA Address of 10BLOK CAW 12 Address of IOBLOK or TRQBLOK ForCC = 1. CSW +4 otherwise this field is not used Interrupt Return Address Bytes 2 through 15 of a code 11 trace record represent a Basic Transmission Unit, sent or received by a 3704/3705. If CONSYSR!CONEXTR are zero, the BTU was transmitted to the 3704/3705. If they are non·zero, the BTU was received, If CONTCMD equals X'7700', this is an unsolicited BTU response. CP Trace Table Entries Part 1: Debugging with V"/370 95 ~R BESTBICTI01~ 1 virtual aachine created by '8/310 is capable of running an IBB Systea/360 or Systea/310 operating systea as long as certain '8/310 restrictions are not violated. If your virtual aachine produces unexpected results, be sure that none of the following restrictions are violated. In general, virtual aachines aay not execute channel prograas that are dynaaically aodified (that is, channel prograas that are changed between the tiae the ST1BT 1/0 (510) is issued and the end of the input/output occurs, either by the channel prograa itself or by the CPO). Bowever, soae dynaaically aodified channel prograas are given special handling by CP: specifically, those generated by the Indexed seguential lccess 8ethod (lSI!) running under OS/PCP, OS/8PT, and OS/B'T: those generated by 1518 running in an 05/'5 virtual=real partition: and those generated by the 05/'5 Telecoaaunications lccess Bethod (TCI8) LevelS, with the '8/310 option. The self-modifying channel prograas that 151ft generates for soae of its. operations receive special handling if 'B/310 is generated with the 1518 option and if the virtual aachine using 1518 has that option specified in its 'B/310 directory entry. There is no such restriction for DOS lSI!, or for 1518 if it is running in an 05/'5 virtual=virtual partition. If 151ft is to run in an 05/'5 virtual=real partition, you .ust specify the 151ft option in the 'ft/310 directory entry for the 05/'5 virtual aachine. 'irtual machines using 05/'5 TC18 (LevelS, generated or invoked with the '"/310 option) issue a DI1GNOSE instruction when the channel prograa is modified. This instruction causes CP to reflect the change in the virtual CCI string to the real CCI string being executed by the channel. CP is then able to execute the dynaaically aodified channel prograa properly. The restriction against dynaaically aodified channel prograas does not apply if the virtual aachine has the virtual=real perforaance option and the NOTBIIS option has been set on. The following restrictions exist for ainidisks: 1. In the case of Bead Boae lddress with the skip bit off, '8/310 modifies the hoae address data in user storage at the coapletion of the channel prograa because the addresses aust be converted for minidisks: therefore, the data buffer area aay not be dynaaically modified during the input/output operation. 2. On a .inidisk, if a CCI string uses aultitrack search on input/output operations, subseguent operations to that disk aust have preceding seeks or continue to use aultitrack operations. There is no restriction for dedicated disks. 3. OS/PCP, ftPT, and ft'T 151ft aay be used with a ainidisk only if the ainidisk is located at the beginning of the physical disk (that is, 96 IBft '"/310: System Programaerts Guide GC20-1807-3 page at cylinder zero) • ISAM. M~dified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 There is no such restriction for DOS or OS/VS 4~ VM/370 does not return an end of cylinder condition to machine that has a virtual 2311 mapped to the top half tracks 0 through 9) of 2314 or 2319 cylinders. 5. If the user's channel program (CCWs) for a minidisk do not perform a Seek operation, then to prevent accidental accessing, VM/370 inserts a positioning Seek operation into the user's CCWs. Thus, certain channel programs may generate a condition code (CC) of zero on a SIO instead of an expected CC of one, which is reflected to the virtual machine. The final status is reflected to the virtual machine as an interrupt. 6. DASD channel programs directed to minidisks on 3330 or 3340 devices may give different results than on dedicated drives if the channel program includes multiple-track operations and depends on a Search ID High or a Search ID High or Equal to terminate the program. This is because the record 0 count fields on the 3330 and 3340 must contain the real cylinder number of the track on which they reside; therefore, a Search ID High based on a low virtual cylinder number may terminate prematurely if a real record 0 is encountered. This restriction does not apply to minidisks with a relocation factor of zero. This restriction does apply to minidisks with a VTOC greater than one track that are used with OS (Release 20.6 and later) or OS/VS (any release), since the VTOC Locate function uses a Search ID High to stop at the end of the VTOC. a virtual (that is, !Q~~: If the 'R' byte of 'CCHHR' is equal to zero at the time a virtual Start I/O is issued, but the 'CCHHR' field is read in dynamically by the channel program before the SEARCH ID CCW is executed, then the real SEARCH ID CCW uses the relocated 'CCHHR' field instead of the 'CCHHR' field that was dynamically read in. This causes erroneous results. To avoid this problem, the virtual machine should not default the'R' byte of 'CCHHR' to binary zero if the search arguments are to be read in dynamically and a SEARCH ID on Record RO is not intended. 7. The IBCDASDI program cannot assign alternate tracks for a 3330. Timing dependencies in input/output devices function consistently under VM/370: 1. or programming do not The following telecommunication access methods (or the designated option) violate the restriction on timing dependency by using program-controlled interrupt techniques and/or the restriction on dynamically modified channel programs: • OS Basic Telecommunications dynamic buffering option. Access Method (BTAM) • OS Queued Telecommunications Access Method • DOS Queued Telecommunications Access Method (QTAM). • OS Telecommunications Access Method (TCAM). • OS/VS Telecommunications Access Method (TCAM) earlier, and LevelS if TCAM is not generated or the VM/370 option. with the (QTAM). Level 4 or invoked with Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 97 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 These access methods may run in a virtual=real machine with CCW translation suppressed by the SET NOTRANS ON command. (OS BTA" can be generated without dynamic buffering, in which case no virtual machine execution violations occur. However, the BTA" reset poll macro will not execute under V"/370 if issued from third level storage. For example, a reset poll macro has a NOP effect if executed from a virtual=virtual storage under VS1 which is running under V"/370.) 2. Programming that makes use of the PCI channel interrupt for channel program modification or processor signalling must be written so that processing can continue normally if the PCI is not recognized until I/O completion or if the modifications performed are not executed by the channel. 3. Devices that expect a response to an interrupt within a fixed period of time may not function correctly because of execution delays caused by normal VM/370 system processing. An example of such a device is the IB" 1419 Magnetic Character Reader. 4. The operation of a virtual block multiplexer channel is timing dependent. For this reason, the channel appears available to the virtual machine operating system, and channel available interrupts are not observed. However, operations on virtual block-multiplexing devices should use the available features like Rotational Position Sensing to enhance utilization of the real channels. On the System/370 Model 158 only, the virtual Machine Assist feature cannot operate concurrently with the 7070/7074 compatibility feature (Feature t7117). Programs written for CPU model-dependent functions may not execute properly in the virtual machine under VM/370. The following points should be noted: 1. Programs written to examine the machine logout area do not have meaningful data since VM/370 does not reflect the machine logout data to a virtual machine. 2. Programs written to obtain CPU identification (via the Store CPU ID instruction, STIDP) receive the real machine value. When the STIDP instruction is issued by a virtual machine, the version code contains the value 256 in hexadecimal ("PP") to represent a virtual machine. 3. Programs written to obtain channel identification (via the Store Channel ID instruction, STIDC) receive information from the virtual channel block. only the virtual channel type is reflected; the other fields contain zeroes. 4. No simulation of other CPU models is attempted by V"/370. Other characteristics that exist for a as follows: 98 virtual machine under V"/370 are IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 1. If the virtual=real option is selected for a virtual machine, input/output operations specifying data transfer into or out of the virtual machine's page zero, or into or out of storage locations whose addresses are greater than the storage allocated by the virtual=real option, must not occur. The storage-protect-key mechanism of the IBM System/370 CPU and channels operates in these situations but is unable to provide predictable protection to other virtual machines. In addition, violation of this restriction may compromise the integrity of the system. The results are unpredictable. 2. VM/370 has no multiple path support and, hence, does not take advantage of the two-channel switch. However, a two-channel switch can be used between the IBM system/370 running a virtual machine under V!/370 and another cpu. 3. The DIAGNOSE instruction cannot be issued by the virtual machine for its normal function. VM/370 uses this instruction to allow the virtual machine to communicate system services requests. The Diagnose interface requires the operand storage addresses passed to it to be real to the virtual machine issuing the DIAGNOSE instruction. For more information about the DIAGNOSE instruction in a virtual machine, see the !~LllQ: ~I§!~! ~!Qy!~!me~~§ ~~!g~. 4. A control unit normally never appears busy to a virtual machine. An exception exists when a forward space file or backward space file command is executed for a tape drive. Subsequent I/O operations to the same virtual control unit result in a control unit busy condition until the forward space file or backward space file command completes. If the real tape control unit is shared by more than one virtual machine, a control unit busy condition is reflected only to the virtual machine executing the forward space file or backward space file command. When a virtual machine attempts an I/O operation to a device for which its real control unit is busy, the virtual machine is placed in I/O wait (non-dispatchable) until the real control unit is available. If the virtual machine executed a SIOF instruction (rather than SIO) and was enabled for block-multiplexing, it is not placed in I/O wait for the above condition. 5. The number of pages used for input/output must not exceed the total number of user pages available in real storage; violation of this restriction causes the real computing system to be put into an enabled wait state. 6. The CP IPL command cannot simulate self-modifying IPL sequences off dedicated unit record devices or certain self-modifying IPL sequences off tape devices. 7. The VM/370 spooling facilities do not support punch-feed-read, stacker selection, or column binary operations. Detection of carriage control channels is supported for a virtual 3211 only. 8. VM/370 does not support operator's console. 9. Programs that use the integrated emulators function only if the real computing system has the appropriate compatibility feature. VM/370 does not attempt simulation. The DOS emulators are not supported. 10. The READ DIRECT and WRITE DIRECT instructions are not supported for a virtual machine. 11. The system/370 SET CLOCK count control instruction on the cannot be virtual simulated Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 1052 and, 99 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 hence, is ignored if issued by a virtual machine. The System/370 STORE CLOCK instruction is a nonprivileged instruction and cannot be trapped by VM/370; it provides the true TaD clock value from the real cpu. 12. The 1050/1052 Model 2 Data Communication system is supported only as a keyboard operator's console. Card reading, paper tape I/O, and other modes of operation are not recognized as unique, and hence may not work properly. This restriction applies only when the 1050 system is used as a virtual machine operator's console. It does not apply when the 1050 system is attached to a virtual machine via a virtual 2701, 2702, or 2703 line. 13. The pseudo-timer (usually device address OFF, device type TIMER) does not return an interrupt from a start I/O; therefore, do not use EXCP to read this device. 14. A virtual machine IPL with the NOCLEAR option renders one page of the virtual machine invalid. The IPL simulator uses one page of the virtual machine to initiate the IPL function. The starting address of the invalid page is either the result of the following formula: virtual machine size starting address of invalid page 2 or the hexadecimal value 20,000, whichever is smaller. 15. To maintain system integrity, data transfer sequences to and from a virtual system console are limited to a maximum of 2032 bytes. Channel programs containing data transfer sequences that violate this restriction are terminated with an interrupt whose CSW status indicates incorrect length and a channel program check. !2~~: A data transfer sequence is defined as one or more read or write CCWs connected via chain data. The introduction of command chaining defines the start of a new data transfer sequence. 16. If you intend to define more than 73 virtual devices for a single virtual machine, be aware that any single request for free storage in excess of 512 doublewords (a full page) will cause the VM/370 system to abnormally terminate (ABEND code PTR007) if the extra storage is not available on a contiguous page. Therefore, two contiguous pages of free storage must be available in order to log on a virtual machine with more than 73 virtual devices (three contiguous pages for a virtual machine with more than 146 virtual devices, etc.). Contiguous pages of free storage are sure to be available only immediately after IPL, before other virtual machines have logged on. Therefore, a virtual machine with more than 73 devices should be the first to log on after IPt. 17. When an I/O error occurs on a device, the System/370 hardware maintains a contingent connection for that device until a SENSE channel command is executed and sense data is recorded. That is, no other I/O activity can occur on the device during this time. Under VM/370, the ~ontingent connection is maintained until the SENSE command is executed, but I/O activity from other virtual machines can begin on the device while the sense data is being reflected to the virtual machine. Therefore, the user should be aware that on a shared disk, the access mechanism may have moved during this time. 18. The mode setting for 7-track tape devices is maintained by the control unit. Therefore, when a virtual machine issues the SET 100 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 MODE channel command to a 7-track tape device, it changes the mode setting of all 7-track tape devices attached to that control unit. This has no effect on virtual machines (such as OS or DOS) that issue SET MODE each time a CCW strinq is to be executed. However, it can cause a problem if a virtual-machine fails to issue a SET mode with each CCW string executed. Another virtual machine may change the mode setting for another device on the same control unit, thereby changing the mode setting of all 7-track tape devices attached to that control unit. 19. OS/VS2 is supported in uniprocessor mode only: 20. For remote 3270s, VM/370 supports a maximum of 16 binary synchronous lines, minus the number of 3704/3705 Communications Controllers in NCP mode minus one (if there are any 3704/3705 Communications Controllers in emulation mode). 21. If an I/O device (such as a disk or tape drive) drops ready status while it is processing virtual I/O activity, any virtual machine users performing I/O on that device are unable to continue processing or to log off. Also, the LOGOFF and FORCE commands are not effective because they do not complete until all outstanding I/O is finished. The system operator should determine which I/O device is involved and make that device ready once more. The following restrictions apply to CMS, the conversational subsystem of VM/370: 1. CMS executes only on a virtual IBM system/370 provided by VM/370. 2. The maximum sizes of CMS minidisks are as follows: Qi~! 2314/2319 3330 Series 3340 Model 35 3340 Model 70 ~~~i~g~ ~y!igQ~£~ 203 246 349 682 Unit record equipment cannot be dedicated facilities of VM/370 must be used. 4. Only those OS facilities that are simulated by CMS can be used to execute OS programs produced by language processors under CMS. 5. Many types of object programs produced by CMS (and OS) languages can be executed under CMS using CMS's simulation of OS supervisory functions. The following functions, although supported in DOS and OS virtual machines under VM/370, are not supported under CMS: 6. to CMS; the spooling 3. • The execution of DOS object programs. Although DOS programs can be assembled under CMS (using the VM/370 Assembler), DOS object programs cannot execute under CMS. • The writing or updating of OS data sets and DOS files. CMS can read sequential and partitioned OS data sets and sequential DOS files, by simulating certain OS macros. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 101 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 The following restrictions reside on OS disks: apply when CMS reads OS data sets that • Read-password-protected data sets are not read. • VSAM, BDAM, and ISAM data sets are not read. • Multi-volume data sets are read as single-volume data sets. End-of-volume is treated as end-of-file and there is no end-of-volume switching. • Keys in read. • User labels in user-labeled data sets are bypassed. data sets with The following restrictions reside on DOS disks: keys are ignored apply when and only the CMS reads data is DOS files that • No DOS macros are simulated. • Only DOS sequential files can be read. CMS options and operands that do not apply to OS sequential data sets {such as the MEMBER and CONCAT options of FILED!F and the PDS option of MOVEFILE} also do not apply to DOS sequential files. • The following types of DOS files cannot be read: --DOS VSAM, DAM, and ISAM files. --DOS core image, relocatable, source statement and procedure libraries. --Files with the input security indicator on. --DOS files that contain more than 16 user label and/or data extents. (If the file has user labels, they occupy the first extent; therefore the file must contain no more than 15 data extents.) read as as single-volume end-of-file. There files. is no • Multi-volume files are End-of-volume is treated end-of-volume switching. • User labels in user-labeled files are bypassed. • Since DOS files do not contain BLKSIZE, 'RECFM, or LRECL parameters, these parameters must be specified via FILEDEF or DCB parameters, otherwise, defaults of BLOCKSIZE=32760 and RECFM=U are assigned. LRECL is not used for RECFM=U files. If you intend to run VM/370 Release 1 and Release 2 systems alternately, apply Release 1 PLC 14 or higher (APAR Vl179) to your Release 1 system, to provide compatibility and to prevent loss of spool files in case of a warm start. 102 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNl GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 There are three kinds of abnormal termination dumps possible when using If the problem program cannot continue, it terminates and in some cases attempts to issue a dump. Likewise, if the operating system for your virtual machine cannot continue, it terminates and, in some cases, attempts to issue a dump. In the VM/370 environment, both the problem program and the virtual machine's operating system dumps go to the virtual printer. A CLOSE must be issued to the virtual printer to have either dump print on the real printer. CP. The third type of dump occurs when the CP system cannot continue. The CP abnormal termination dumps can be directed to a printer or tape or be dynamically allocated to DASD. If the dump is directed to a tape, the dumped data must fit on one reel of tape. Multiple tape volumes are not supported by VM/370. The historical data on the tape is in print line format and can be processes by user created programs or via CMS commands. Specify the output device for CP ABEND dumps with the CP SET command. The format of the SET command used is: r- I I Set ! I I DUMP }, { AUTO raddr , r I £~ I ALL I L I J L AUTO automatically directs the ABEND dump to disk. raddr directs printer device, support CP dumps only the CP storage area. ALL dumps all of real storage. the ABEND dump to the specified unit address (either a or a tape unit). If the address specifies a tape the dump data must fit on one reel; VMj370 does not multiple tape volumes. I USING THE VMFDUMP COMMAND When the CP ABEND dump is sent to a disk, use the CMS VMFDUMP command to print the dump on the real printer. The format of the VMFDUMP command is: r ,. , I I I I VMFDUMP I I I I I DUMPxx I I I I I .J I I L I I I I , r I I I I I L ERASl NOMAP NOHEX NOFORM NOVIRT I I I I I .J , I I I I I I I .J L- Part 1: Debugging with VMj370 103 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 DUMPxx specifies the name of the CP dump file to be formatted and printed. xx may be any value from 00 to 09. Class 0 spool files will contain only CP dump files. These files are searched for the indicated dump file. When the file is found, it is used to create a CMS file which, in turn, is formatted and printed. ERASE specifies that the CMS file which is being formatted printed is to be erased at the conclusion of the program. NOMAP specifies that a load map is not to be printed. NOBEX specifies that a hexadecimal dump is not to be printed. NOFORM specifies that no formatted control blccks are to be printed. NOVIRT specifies that only the real machine control blocks are to be formatted. This option is ignored if NOFORM is also specified. Use the VMFDUMP command to format and VM/370 system ABEND dump. specify print a current and or previous VMFDUMP to obtain a complete formatted, hexadecimal printout. When the dump has been printed, one of two messages will be printed. DUMP FILE - DUMP xx - PRINTED AND KEPT -- or -DUMP FILE - DUMP xx - PRINTED AND ERASED. BOW TO PRINT A CP ABEND DUMP FROM TAPE When the CP ABEND dump is sent to a tape, the records are 133 characters long, unblocked, and contain carriage control characters. To print the tape, first make sure the tape drive is attached to your system. Next, define the printer and tape file. FILEDEF ddname1 PRINTER (RECFM F LRECL 133) FILEDEF ddname2 {TAP2} (9-track DEN 1600 RECFM F LRECL 133 BLOCK 133) TAP1 Then use the MOVEFILE command to print the tape: MOVEFILE ddname2 ddname1 Two types of printed dumps occur when CP abnormally the options specified in the CP SET DUMP command. 104 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide ends, depending on When the dump is GC20~1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 3i, i975 directed to a direct access device, VMFDUMP must be used print the dump. VMFDUMP formats and prints: • • • • • • • to format and control blocks General registers Floating-point registers Control registers TOD (Time of Day) Clock CPU Timer storage Storage is printed in hexadecimal notation, eight words to the line, with EBCDIC translation at the right. The hexadecimal address of the first byte printed on each line is indicated at the left. If the CF SET DUMP command di~e~ted the dump to tape or ~ne printer, the printed format of the dump is the same as with VMFDUMP, except that the control blocks are not formatted and printed. When the Control Program can no longer continue and abnormally terminates, you must first determine the condition that caused the ABEND, and then find the cause of that condition. You should know the structure and function of the Control Program. "Part 2: Control Program (CP) " contains information that will help you understand the major Part 1: Cebugging with VM/370 104.1 functions of CP. The following discussion on reading CP dumps includes many references to CP control blocks and control block fields. Refer to !~L]70: ~~!~2! frOqI~~ (~f) fI2g~~! 12g!£ for a description of the CP control blocks. Pigure 11 shows the relationships of the CP control blocks. Also, you will need the current load map for CP to be able to identify the .odules from their locations. REASON POR THE ABEND Determine the immediate reason for the ABEND. You need to examine several fields in the PSA (prefix storage Area) which is located in low storage, to find the reason for the ABEND. 1. Examine the program old PSi and program interrupt code to find out if a program check occurred in CP. The program old PSi (PROPSW) is located at X'2S' and the program interrupt code (INTPR) is at X'SE'. If a program check has occurred in supervisor mode, use the CP system load map to identify the module. If you cannot find the module using the load map, refer to "Identifying a pageable Module." Pigure 43 in "Appendix A: System/370 Information" describes the format of an Extended Control PSi. 2. Examine the SVC old PSi, the SVC interrupt code, and the ABEND code to find out if a CP routine issued an SVC O. The SVC old PSi (SVCOPSi) is located at X'20', the SVC interrupt code (INTSVC) is at X'SA', and the ABEID code (CPABEID) is at X'374'. The modules that may issue an SVC DMKBLD DftKCPI D8KCVT DftKD.RD Dft«DSP DMKPRE DHKHVC DMKIOS DftKPGT DMKPRG DftKPSA DMKPTR DMKRNH DftKRPA o are: DMKSCH DftKTDK DftKTRC DftKUDR DftKV DB DftKVIO DHKVSP The ABEID code (CPABEND) is a fullword in length. The first three bytes identify the module that issued the SVC 0 and the fourth byte is a binary field whose value indicates the reason for issuing an SVC O. See Pigure 10 for the possible values of CPABEID. Use the CP system load map to identify the module issuing the SVC O. If you cannot find the module using the CP system load map, refer to "Identifying a Pageable Module". Pigure 43 in Appendix A describes the format of an Extended Control PSi. 3. Examine the old PSi at X'OS'. If the operator has pressed the System Restart button on the CPU console, the old PSi indicates the instruction executing when the ABEND (caused by pressing the System Restart button) was recognized. Pigure 43 in Appendix A describes the for.at of an Extended Control PSi. 4. Por a machine check, examine the machine check old PSi and the logout area. The machine check old PSi (MCOPSi) is found at X'30' and the fixed logout area is at X'100'. Also examine the machine check interrupt code (IITHC) at X'ES'. Part 1: Debugging with V8/370 105 ABEND Code Reason for ABEND Action BLD001 Register 8 should contain Verify that general register 8 a pointer to the points to a RDEVBLOK for a RDEVBLOK for the user's terminal. If it does not, there is terminal. This routine probably an error in the calling (DMKBLDVM) attempts to program. Identify the calling create and partially program by means of the return initialize a VMBLOK for address and the base register in a user. DMKBLDVM the save area pointed to by abnormally terminates if general register 13. Then, attempt general register 8 does to identify the source of the not contain a pointer to incorrect RDEVBLOK address. the user. CPI001 The RDEVBLOK for the DASD Verify that the volume serial on which the SYSRES number on the SYSRES volume from volume is mounted cannot which the IPL was attempted, is be located, or the IPL the same as that specified in the volume is not the SYSRES field DMKSYSVL. If the volume volume. The SYSRES serial number is not the same, it volume is specified in may have been altered by the CLIP the SYSRES macro in the utility. Or, the image of the same DMKSYS module. nucleus saved on the SYSRES may have been partially destroyed and the SYSRES specification altered. Load or restore the nucleus from a backup copy to the SYSRES volume and attempt to IPL again. CPI002 A valid system directory file could not be located. CPI003 IThe system TOD clock is I not operational. Display the volume labels for all owned volumes. If the volumes de not contain an active directory pointer, run DMKDIR (the standalone directory program) to recreate the system directory on an owned volume. If an active directory pointer is present in at least one volume label, verify that the device on which the volume is mounted is online and ready before attempting to IPL the system. ICall your IBM FE representative to I fix the clock. -----------------------------------1 CVT001 IThe system TOD clock is 1 I in error or is not I operational. Figure 10. 106 I I CP ABEND Codes (Part 1 of 14) IBM VM/370: Syste. Programmer's Guide ABEND Code Action Reason for ABEND DRD001 IThe device code index in the compressed DASD address for the system dump file points to a RDEVBLOK for an invalid DASD. The valid DASDs are 2305 series, 3330 series, or 2314/2319. IVerify that the contents and order I of the owned list have not been I altered since the dump was taken. I If these fields have not been I altered, the SPBLOK for the dump I file may have been destroyed. The I owned list is specified by the SYSOWN macro 1ll the DMKSYS module. IThe integrity of the user's virtual DSP001 IDuring I/O Interrupt I Unstack and Reflection, I I/O configuration has probably been violated. The unit addresses DMKSCNVU could not or indexes in the virtual control locate all of the virtual control blocks blocks are in error, or the virtual configuration has been for the interrupting unit. altered by ATTACH/DETACH w~ile I/O was in progress. Check for a device reset failure in DftKCFPRD. DSP002 IThe dispatcher (DMKDSP) IMost likely, a free storage violation has occurred. First look I is attempting to at the DMKPRi and DMKiAT modules. dispatch a virtual relocate user whose Examine the real, virtual, and shadow segment tables orl shadow translation tables for virtual extended controll consistency of entry size and register 0 are invalid. I format. Also compare page and I segment size. ICheck the timer fields in real DSP003 IThe interval timer was storage. The value of the real not incremented properly. This is most interval timer is at real storage likely a hardware error.1 location X'SO'. The dispatcher The dispatcher tests fori loads the value of the real interval timer errors I interval timer in real storage and abnormally I location X'S4' when a user is terminates if such errorl dispatched. The value of the real occurs. Results would bel interval timer is loaded into real. unpredictable if CP i storage location X'4C' when an continued when the I interrupt occurs. If the value interval timer was in I stored at X'4C' is not less than error. I the value stored at X'S4', the I dispatcher abnormally terminates. I Check the routines that control I the value of the time fields at I X'4C', X'SO', and X'S4'. DSP004 IWhile tracing SIOs or I/OIExamine the operator's console interrupts, the virtual I sheet and the user's terminal device was detached. I sheet to see who detached the Now, the VDEVELOK cannot I device. Warn the person be found. I responsible that devices should I not be detached during I/O I tracing. Figure 10. CP ABEND Codes (Part 2 of 14) Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 107 ABERD Code Action Reason for ABERD FRE001 IThe size of the block IUsing FR!!R14 and FBEER12 in the being returned (via GR 1 PSA, identify the CP module 0) is less than or equall releasing the storage. Check for to o. I an error in calculating the size I of the block or for a .odification 1 to the stored block size for 1 variable-size blocks. FRE002 IThe address of the free 1 storage block being 1 returned matches the 1 address of a block I already in the free I storage chain. I ,I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 Identify the program returning the storage by means of the return address and base registers stored (FREE14 and FREE12 in DftKFRE's save area in PSA). The most co.mon cause of this type of failure is a module that returns a free storage block but fails to clear a pointer to the block that has been saved elsewhere. All modules that return blocks via a call to DftKPRET should first verify that the saved pointer is nonzero; then, after returning the block, any saved pointers should be set to zero. PRE003 A free storage pointer may have been destroyed. Also, the module releasing the lower (overlapped) block may have returned too much storage. Examine the lower block and determine its use and former owner. Or, identify the program returning the storage by means of the return address and base registers stored (PREER14 and PREER12 in DftKFRE's save area in PSA). The most co •• on cause of this type of failure is a module that returns a free storage block but fails to clear a pointer to the block that has been saved elsewhere. All modules that return blocks via a call to DMKPRET should first verify that the saved pointer is nonzero; then, after returning the block, any saved pointers should be set to zero. The address of the free storage block being returned overlaps the next lower block on the free storage chain. FRE004 IThe address of the free IA free storage pointer may have 1 storage block being I been destroyed. Also, the module 1 returned overlaps the I releasing the higher (overlapped) 1 next higher block on thel block may have returned too much 1 free storage chain. I storage, or the module may be I I attempting to release storage at l i t h e wrong address. igure 10. 108 CP ABEND Codes (Part 3 of 14) IBft VM/370: system Programmer's Guide AB!ND Code Reason for ABEND Action FRE005 IA module is attempting tolA module is probably attempting to release storage in the I release location o. Check for the resident VK/370 nucleus. I module picking up a pointer to a I free storage block without first I testing the pointer for O. Use I FREER14 and FRBER12 in the PSA to I identify the .odule. FRB006 IA module is requesting a I Using FREER14 and FREER12 in the block of storage whose I PSA, identify the module. Check size (contained in GR 0) I for an error in calculating the is less than or equal tal block size. Improper use of the zero. I halfword instructions ICK and STCK I can cause truncation of high order I bits that results in a calculation I error. A module is atte.pting to Kost likely, a free storage pointer release a block of has been destroyed. Attempt to storage whose address identify the owners of the free exceeds the size of real storage blocks adjacent to the one storage. containing the pointer that was destroyed. Check for moves and translation where initial counts of zero have been decremented to minus 1, thus generating an executed length code of X'FF', or an effective length of 256 bytes. FRE007 FRE008 IThe address of the free I storage block being I returned matches the I address of the first I block in the sub pool I for that size. I Identify the program returning the I storage by means of the return I address and base registers stored I (FREER14 and FREER12 in DKKFRE's I save area in the PSA). The most I common cause of this type of failure is a module that returns a I free storaqe block but fails to i clear a pointer to the block that J has been saved elsewhere. All I modules that return blocks via a I call to DKKFRET should first I verify that the saved pointer is I nonzero; then, after returning the I block, any saved pointers should I be set to zero. ------------------------------------1 FRE009 IThe address of the free I I I I I I I I storage block being returned matches the second block in the subpool for that size. FRE010 IA program is attempting I Examine the EITSAVE save area in to extend free storage I DKKFREE to determine which module while storage itself is I requested an excessive amount of L-________________________________________________________________________ being extended. I storage. Figure 10. ~ CP ABEND Codes (Part 4 of 14) Part 1: Debugging with VK/370 109 ABEND Code FRE011 Reason for ABEND Action A CP module has attempted Identify the ~rogram returning the to return a block of storage by means of the return storage that is in the address and base registers stored user dynamic paging (FREER14 and FREER12 in D"KFRE's area. save area in the PSA). The most common cause of this type of failure is a module that returns a free storage block but fails to clear a pointer to the block that has been saved elsewhere. All modules that return blocks via a call to D"KFRET should first verify that the saved pointer is nonzero; then, after returning the block, any saved pointers should be set to zero. BVC001 IThe user pointed to by GRIThe RDEVBLOK for the SYSRES device I 11 issued a DIAGNOSE I was probably destroyed, or a I instruction while I volume with the same serial number I attempting to format thel as the SYSRES volume was mounted. I I/O Error or Channel I If a volume with the same serial I Check/Machine Check I number was mounted"check the I recording areas: the I ATTACH processing in the DMKVDB I SYSRES device type is I routine. I unrecognizable. I 105001 IThe caller is attempting I to reset an active I IOBLOK from the RCHBLGK I queue, but that IOBLOK I contains an invalid I address. The IOBLOK may have been returned (via DMKFRET) or destroyed. Verify that the IOBLOK was valid and use the IOBLOK and RDEVBLOK to determine the last operation. 105002 IDMKIOS is attempting to I restart an IOBLOK from I the RCBBLOK queue, but I that IOBLOK contains an I invalid address. 105003 ID"KIOS is attempting to I remove an IOBLOK from a I queue, but that IOBLOK I contains an invalid I address. I I I Figure 10. 110 IRegister 2 points to the RCHBLOK, I RCUBLOK, or RDEVBLOK from whose I queue the IOBLOK is being removed. I Register 10 points to the IOBLOK. I Use the CP internal trace table to I determine which module called I DMKIOS twice to start the same I IOBLOK. CP ABEND Codes (Part 5 of 14) IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide ABBND Code NLD001 Action Reason for ABBND During execution of a ICorrect the RDBVICB macro specifyNBTWORK DUMP command, orl ing the 3704 or 3705, reassemble during an automatic dumpl the DMKRIO module, and regenerate of a 3704 or 3705, I the V8/370 CP nucleus with the VM/370 detected that it I corrected module. had not allocated suffi-I cient spool DISD space I .- --".. '-v ~" ,",V",-Q.LII .~'-11'1:: ~--\,lUlU):' ~.LU- . I formation from the 3704 I or 3705. The MODBL oper-I and on the RDEVICB macrol describing the 3704 or 3705 was not specified correctly. VM/370 determines the storage size of a 3704 or 3705 by the model specified on the RDBVICB macro. PGT001 The number of cylinders Inspect the chains of paging and in use stored in the spooling allocation blocks allocation block anchored at RDBVPIGE and RDEVRECS on the RDEVBLOK for the device in (ALOCBLOK) is less than the maximum but the qUestion, and verify that a DMKPGT module was unable cylinder allocation block (RBCBLOK) exists for each cylinder to find available marked and allocated in the cylinders. lLOCBLOK. If RBCBLOKs for some cylinders are missing, it is possible that the bit map in the ALOCBLOK has been destroyed. If all cylinders are accounted for, the updating of the count field is in error. PGT002 IThe count of pages in usellf the RBCBLOK is question is in I in a page allocation I use for paqinq, then locate a I block (RBCBLOK) is less I SWPTABL!-entry for each page allo-I I than the maximum but thel cated on the cylinder. However, if I I D8KPGT module was unablel the cylinder is in use for spool- I I I to find available pages.1 ing, it is possible that the I I RECBLOK itself has been destroyed, I I I I or that the updating of the use L-______________________________________________ I I count is _faulty. I Figure 10. CP ABBND Codes (Part 6 of 14) Part 1: Debugging with V8/370 111 ~----------------------------------------------------------------------, lBEID Code Beason for lBllD lction I I -----------------------------------------------------------------1 PGT003 The D1SD page slot being Identify the aodule atteapting to I released is not aarked allocated. release the page by aeans of the I caller's return address and base I register stored in B1LB14 and I B1LB12 in the B1LBS1'1 saye area I in PSI. Locate the source (controll block or SWPT1BLI entry) of the I D1SD address being released and I yerify that they haye not been I inadYertently destroyed. If the I D1SD page is in a spool file, it I is possible that the file or the I BECBLOK chain haye been incorrectly checkpointed and warastarted after a systea shutdown or a systea crash. PGT004 IThe duaay RBCBLOK indi- IThe spool file pOinters aay haye I been destroyed while the file was I cating the spooling I D1SD pages on the I being processed, or the allocation I cylinder that are to be I chain aay be in error. I cold I released contains a pagel start will probably be necessary. I count greater than the I If feasible, use the D1SD Duap I nuaberof pages alloI Restore prograa to print the D1SD I cated on the cylinder. I areas containing the affected I I file, and try to locate the I I incorrect pointers. PGTOOS 1 aodule is atteapting to Use B1LB14 and B1LR12 in the release a D1SD page slot B1LBS1VI area of the PSI to on a cylinder for which identify the aodule atteapting to no page allocation block release the page. Verify that the (BECBLOK) exists. D1SD cylinder address is yalid fori the deyice in question. If it is, I and the rest of the D1SD address I is yalid, yerify that the cylinder I is in the dynaaically allocatable 1 area. If these restrictions are I .et, the D1SD page slot aust haye I been used by aore than one user. I -------------------------------------------------·-----------------1 PGT006 IThe last D1SD page slot lLOCBLOK has probably been I I~he I I I I I I I I I Pigure 10. 112 in a BBCBLOK has been I destroyed, or the chain pointer inl deallocated but the bit I the RDEVBLOK is in error. I representing the cylin- I I der in the cylinder I I allocation block I I (lLOCBLOK) is not cur- I I rently set to one, indi-I I cating that the cylinderl I was not allocated. I I CP lBBID Codes (Part 1 of 14) IBft Vft/310: System Programmer's Guide I ABEID Code I Reason for ABEID Action I -----------------------------------------------------------------------1 PGT001 A module is attempting to Use BALR14 and BALR12 in the I release a page of virtual storage being used by the V"/310 control program that has not been marked allocated. PGT008 IThe system's virtual I storage buffers have I been exhausted because I of an excessive number I of open spool files. BALRSAVE area of the PSI to iden- I tify the module attempting to re- I lease the page. Locate the control I block containing the virtual page i address that is being released. It is possible that the address has been destroyed, or a pointer to a virtual page has been retained after the page was destroyed. IRequest users to close all spool I files that are no longer active. I I I PRG001 IProgram check (operation) Examine the ABEID dump. In particI in the control program. ular, exa.ine the old PSi and identify the module that had the PRG002 IProgram check (privileged program check. I operation) in the I control program. PRG003 Iprogram check (execute) I in the control program. PRG004 IProgra. check (protecI tion) in the control I program. PRGOOS IProgram check (addressI ing) in the control I program. PRG006 IProgram check (specifiI cation) in the control I program. PRG001 IProgram check (data) in I the control program. PRG008 IProgram check (fixedI point overflow) in the I control progra •• PRG009 IProgram check (fixedI point divide) in the I control program. PRG010 IProgram check (decimal I overflow) in the control I program. PRG011 IProgram check (decimal divide) in the control program. Figure 10. CP ABEID Codes (Part 8 of 14) Part 1: Debugging with V"/310 113 r------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I ABEND I Code Action Reason for ABEND 1------------------------------------------------------------------Examine the ABERD dump. In particI PRG012 IProgram check (exponenI tial overflow) in the I control program. I I 1--------------------------------- ular, examine the old PSi and identify the module that had the program check. I PRG013 IProgram check (exponenI tial underflow) in the I I control program. I PRG014 I program check (signifiI cancel ,in the control I program. PRG015 IProgram check (floatingI point divide) in the I control program. PRG016 IProgram check (segment) I in the control program. PRG017 IProgram check (paging) I in the control program. PRG018 IProgram check (translaI tion) in the control I program. PRG019 IProgram check (special I operation) in the I control program. PRG254 IA translation specificaI tion exception has been I received for a virtual I machine that is not in I Extended Control Mode. I I IIf the set of translaticn tables I pointed to by RUNCR1 is correct, a I hardware failure has occurred, I possibly with Dynamic Address I Translation. Otherwise, call your I IBM FE representative for software I support. PRG255 IA PER (Program Event IRetry the program causing the Recording) has been re- I error; if the problem persists, ceived for a virtual I call your IBM FE representative. machine that is running I with PER disabled in itsl virtual PSi. I PSA001 INo free storage is avail-I Try to identify the extreme load able for save areas. condition that caused the problem. Verify that a routine has not requested an inordinate amount of storage. If the storage requests are valid and the problem occurs regularly, alter the DMKCPI module to allocate more than six pages of free storage per 256K bytes of storage. Figure 10. 114 CP ABEND Codes (Part 9 of 14) IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide ABEND Code Action Reason for ABEND PSA002 IThe 'PSi Restart' key on !Examine the resulting ABEND dump I the console was activa- I for a dynamic picture cf the sysI ted to cause this ABBND.I tem's status. I This action is normally I I taken when an unusual I I system condition occurs, I I such as a system loop orl I a slow-running machine. I PSA003 IA fatal DASD I/O error I on a paging device i occurred. I I ICheck the unit address in the I/O I old PSi to find the paging device I in error. This is a hardware I error. Call your IBft PB RepresentI ative for service. PTR001 IA segment exception or a translation specification has occurred while executing a LRA (Load Real Address) instruction in the DftKPTR .odule. I Inspect the contents of Control I Registers 0 and 1, and the format I of the Segment Table pointed to by I CR 1. One or more of these tables I &nd registers may contain invalid I data. If CR 1 is invalid, check I the contents of the V8BLOK pointed I to by GR 11, especially the adI dress in the VftSEG field. PTR002 IA program is attempting to unlock a page frame I whose address exceeds I ~he size of real I storage. IUse BALR14 and BALR12 in the BAL~SAVE area of the PSA to idenI tify the module attempting to I unlock the page frame. Check for I the sourCE of the invalid address. I ----------~--------------------I PTR003 IA program is attempting I I to unlock a real storagel I page frame whose I I CORTABLE entry is not I I flagged as locked. I PTR004 IThe lock count in the I COR TABLE entry for the I page frame being unI locked has been decreI mented to a value that I is less than O. igure 10. ICheck the routines that update the I lock count field and CORTABLE I entry. I I I CP ABEND Codes (Part 10 of 14) Part 1: Debugging with Vft/370 115 t ABEND Code Reason for ABBND Action 1 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------1 PTB007 DBKPRE requested a page Exa.ine the dump for one of the I for fixed free storage but DBKPTR deter.ined that there were no pages left in the dyna.ic paging area. PTR008 IA CORTABLE entry on the I free list points to a I valid PTE (Page Table I Entry), but the page is I allocated. I following conditions: 1 1. Excessive a.ounts of free storage have been allocated by CP and not released via DBKPRBT. Look for blocks of identical data and deter.ine which .odules built that data. 2. A block of storage greater than 4096 bytes was requested. Requests for large blocks of free storage require contiguous pages from DB'fTR and as a result have a higher probability of failure than requests for one page or less. If possible, change the application to reduce the size cf storage requests. otherwise, schedule the application when storage is less fragmented. IPages on the free list should not I contain valid PTEs. Examine the I dump to determine which module I called DBKPTRPR. The mcdule that I called DBKPTBPR probably contains I an error. PTR009 IThe count of the number IThe field DBKPTRSC contains the I of resident shared pagesl number of resident shared pages I was incorrectly decre- 1 and the field DBKDSPNP contains I· mented so that the countl the number of pageable pages. I is now less than zero. 1 DBKDSPNP must always be greater 1 I than DBKPTRSC. If ABEND PTR009 I 1 occurs, check the routines that I I update these two count fields. PTR010 IThe count of the number 1 of resident reserved 1 pages was incorrectly I decremented so that the I count is now less than I zero. I PTBOll IA CORTABLE entry to be placed on the free list points to a valid PTE (page table entry), but the page is allocated. An ABEND occurs trying to honor a deferred request. Pigure 10. 116 IThe field, DBKPTRRC, contains the I number of reserved pages. DBKPTRRC I must always be less than DBKDSPNP. I If ABEND PTR010 occurs, check the I routines that update these two i count fields (DBKDSPNP and I DBKPTRRC). IPages to be put on the free list I should not contain valid PTEs. I Examine the dump to determine why I the page was not marked invalid I before the call to DBKPTRPT. I I I CP ABEND Codes (Part 11 of 14) IBB V"/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL f'lJ'1"_'1CC'1 \.JI1.1LV LUVL, March ... 1 .) I , r-------------------------ABEND Code Reason for ABEND PTR012 IA CORTABLE entry to be I placed on the free list I points to a valid PTE (page table entry), but the page is allocated. RGF001 Action IPages to be put on the free list I should not contain valid PTEs. I Examine the dump to determine why i the page was not marked invalid I before the call to DMKPTRFT. The reflected device IPL to restart the system. If the status in the CSW is not problem persists, call your IBM FE supported for certain representative. 3270 remote device and line protocol I/O operations. Specifically, the returned CSW contains a device status other than CE, DE, and UE; and, the ending CCW contains an embedded teleprocessing code of 02, 03, or 06. I RGF002 IThe status flag (BSCFLAG) I I in the ESCBLOK indicatesl a condition that is net valid for a 3270 line reset function (teleprocessing code 09). RNH001 IA fatal I/O error IRetry. If the problem persists, I occurred during read or ensure that the 3704/3705 and I write for the 3704/3705.1 channel hardware are functioning I Status indicates programl correctly. I failure. I RNH002 IA response that should I not occur was received I from the 3704/3705 I control program. RPAOOl IVerify that the 3704/3705 NCP is I operating correctly. Use the I NETWORK TRACE command to determine I the exact cause of the response. IThe virtual address I supplied to DMKRPAGT is I outside of the virtual I storage being I referenced. RPA002 Figure 10. IThe virtual storage belengs either I to the user whose VMBLOK is I pointed to by GR 11 or, if GR 2 in I the SAVEAREA indicates a PARM of I SYSTEM, to the system VMBLOK. Identify the calling program by means of the return address and The virtual address base register saved in the supplied to DMKRPAPT is SAVEAREA pointed to by GR 13. If outside of the virtual the virtual address was obtained storage being from the system's virtual storage, referenced. examine the virtual page allocation routine, DMKPTRVG. If the virtual page refers to a user's storage, attempt to identify the routine that has generated the incorrect address. Verify that the VMSIZE in the relevant VMBLOK reflects the correct storage size for the system or user being referenced. CP ABEND Codes (Part 12 of 14) Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 117 GC20-1807-3 Page Modlfled by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, ., n -,r I ;1 , .J r ABEND Code RPA003 IThe user page count in I the VMBLOK became I negative. I I SCH001 Action Reason for ABEND IA module has attempted to release more pages than it originally received. The module that last called DMKRPA is probably the module in error. IThe total number of userslThe field SCHN1 is the count of (interactive users plus I the number of interactive users batch users) in the I and the field SCHN2 is the count scheduler's queue is I of the number of batch users. less than zero. A I Check the routines that update counter was probably I these two count fields (SCHN1 and decremented incorrectly. I SCHN2) to determine why their sum I was negative. TDK001 IA program is attempting IVerify that GR 8 points to a to deallocate a cylinderl RDEVBLOK for a CP-owned volume. If of T-DISK space for I it does not, the error probably which no cylinder I originated in the calling program. allocation block I Identify the caller by means of (ALOCBLOK) exists. I the return address and base register in the SAVEAREA pointed TDK002 A program is attempting to by GR 13, and attempt to to deallocate identify the source of the cylinder(s} of T-DISK incorrect RDEVBLOK address. If the space that are not RDEVBLOK is valid, it is possible marked allocated. that the cylinder number passed is incorrect. The VDEVBLOK for the device for which the T-DISK was defined may have been destroyed. If the cylinder number appears valid, examine the allocation record on the real volume by running DMKFMT (VM/370 FORMAT program), invoking the ALLOCATE option without allocating any new space. If the output indicates the deallocated cylinder falls within an area defined for T-DISK allocation, the ALOCBLOK chained to the RDEVBLOK may have been destroyed. I I UDR001 IThe user directory modulelUse the DASD Dump Restore program I is looping trying to I to print the UDIRBLOK page buffers I I read all of the UDIRBLOKI from the directory device. I I page buffers from the I Determine if the chain pointers I I directory device. Or, a I are valid. I I directory containing I I lover 10,816 users was I I I loaded. I I I I VDB002 IThe system-owned list haslIPL to restart. If the problem I an invalid format. persists, check the SYSOWN macro I I in DMKSYS for validity. If the I I I macro is good, print the dump and I I I examine it. I I L Figure 10. 118 CP ABEND Codes (Part 13 of 14) IBM VM/370: system Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 r , ABEND , Code , ,,, VDR003 Action Reason for ABEND ,The DASD link chain is IIPL to restart. If the problem persists, examine the RDEVSYS invalid. In the case of flag. If the RDEVSYS flag is off, minidisks, attaching a minidisk that points to the problem is especially serious: an RDEVBLOK whose count , print the dump and examine it. of users is already zero, Examine the VDEVBLOK and RDEVBLOK causes this ABEND. I checking the link chain. VI0002 DMKSCNVU was unable to locate all of the virtual I/O contrel blocks for the virtual unit address associated with the interrupt just stacked. VI0003 IDMKIOS has returned an I IOBLOK indicating a I condition code of 2 was , received from the start I I/O for the operation. I I verify that the unit address in the field IOBVADD in the IOBLOK pointed to by GR 10 is valid for the user who initiated the I/O. The field IOBUSER contains the address of the user's VMBLOK. If the address is valid, the integrity of the user's virtual I/O configuration has probably been destroyed. If the address is not valid, the IOBLOK has been altered, or was built incorrectly in the first place. ICondition code 2 should never be I returned to the virtual I/O I interrupt handler. Its presence I indicates either a failure in the I I/O Supervisor (DMKIOS), or that I the status field in the IOBLOK I (IOBSTAT) has been destroyed. VSP001 IThe virtual spooling IVerify that the unit address manager could not locatel (IOBVADD) in the IOBLOK is valid. all virtual control I If the address is valid, the blocks for an interI integrity of the virtual I/O rupting unit. I configuration has probably been I destroyed. If the address is not I valid, the IOBLOK has been alteredl I or was built incorrectly. I Figure 10. CP ABEND Codes (Part 14 of 14) Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 119 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 COLLECT INFORMATION Examine several other fields in the PSA to analyze the status of the system. As you progress in reading the dump, you may return to the PSA to pick up pointers to specific areas (such as pointers to the real control blocks) or to examine other status fields. The following information. 1. areas of the PSA may contain useful debugging CP Running status Field The CP running status is stored in CPSTAT at location X'34S'. The value of this field indicates the running status of CP since the last entry to the dispatcher. Value of _~R'§1!1_ X'SO' X'40' X'20' 2. Comments cp-Is-In wait state CP is running the user in RUNUSER CP is executing a stacked request Current User The PSi that was most recently loaded by the dispatcher is saved in RUNPSi at location X'330', and the address of the dispatched VMELOK is saved in RUNUSER at location X'33S'. Also, examine the contents of control registers 0 and 1 as they were when the last PSi was dispatched. See RUBCRO (X'340') and RUNCRl (X'344') for the control registers. Also, examine the CP internal trace table to determine the events that preceded the abnormal termination. start with the last event recorded in the trace table and proceed backward through the trace table entries. The last event recorded is the last event that was completed. The trace table is at least one page (4096 tytes) long. One page is allocated to the trace table for each block of 256K bytes of real storage available at IPL time. !ach trace table entry is 16 bytes long. The TRACSTRT field (location X'OC') contains the address of the start of the trace table. The TRACEND field (location X'10') contains the address of the byte following the end of the trace table. And, the address of the next available trace table entry is found in the TRACCURR field (location X '14') • Subtract 16 (X'10') bytes from the value at X'14' (TRACCURR) to find the address of the last trace table entry recorded. Figure 9, earlier in this section, describes the format of each of the 16 possible types of trace table entries. REGISTER USAGE In order to trace control blocks and the CP register usage conventions. modules, it is necessary to know The 16 general registers have many uses that vary depending upon the operation. The following table shows the general use of some of the general registers. 120 IBM VM/370: system Programmer's Guide !!§.9!§.!§f GR 1 GR 2 GR 6,7,8 GR 10 GR 14, 15 Contents The-vIrtual address to be translated. The real address or parameters. The virtual or real channel, control unit, control blocks. The address of the active IOBLOK. The external branch linkage. and device The following general registers always contain the same information. Contents The-address of the active VftBLOK. The base register for the module executing. The address of the current save area, if the module was called via an SVC. !!§.91§.!§! GR 11 GR 12 GR 13 use these registers along with the CP contrel blocks and the data in the Prefix storage Area to determine the error that caused the CP ABERD • .SAVE AREA CONVENTIONS There are three save areas that may be helpful in debugging CP. If a module was called by an SVC, examine the SAVEAREA. SAVEAREA is not in the PSA; the address of the SAVEAREA is found in general register 13. If a module was called by a branch and link, the general registers are saved in the PSA in an area called BALRSAVE (X'240'). The DftKFRE save area and work area is also in the PSA: these areas are only used by the DftKFREE and DftKFRET routines. The DftKFRE save area (FREESAVE) is at location X'280' and its work area (FREEWORK) follows at location X' 2CO ' • Use the executed. 1. save areas to trace backwards and find the previous module SAVEAREA An active save area contains the caller's return address in SAVERETN (displacement X'OO'). The caller's base register is saved in SAVER12 (displacement X'04'), and the address of the save area for the caller is saved in SAVER13 (displacement X'08'). Using SAVER13, you can trace backwards again. 2. BALRSAVE All the general registers are saved in BALRSAVE after branching and linking (via BALR) to another routine. Look at BALR14 for the return address saved, BALR13 for the caller's save area, and BALR12 for the caller's base register, and you can trace module control backwards. 3. FREESAVE All the general registers are saved in FREESAVE before DftKFRE executes. Use this address to trace module control backwards. Part 1: Debugging with Vft/370 121 lig.!g FREER15 FREER14 FREER13 FREER12 FREER1 FREERO Contents The-entry point (DMKFREE or DMKFRET). The saved return address. The caller's save area (unless the caller was called via BALR). The caller's base register. Points to the block returned (for calls to DMKFRET) • Contains the number of doublewords requested or returned. VIRTUAL AND REAL CONTROL BLOCK STATUS Examine the virtual and real control blocks for more informaticn on the status of the CP system. Figure 11 describes the relationship of the CP control blocks; several are described in detail in the following paragraphs. The address of the VMBLOK is in general register 11. Examine the following VMBLOK fields: 1• The virtual machine running status The value of (displacement X'5S'). running status: is contained in VMRSTAT this field indicates the Value of l].!t~I!!_ X'SO' X' 40' X'20' X '1 0 ' X' OS' X' 04 • X'02' X' 01 ' 2. ~Q!!~H!i~ waiting executing console function Waiting page operation Waiting -- scheduled IOBLOK start Waiting -- virtual PSW wait state Waiting -- instruction simulation User not yet logged on User logging off virtual machine in idle wait state The virtual machine dispatching status is (displacement X'59'). The value of this dispatching status: contained in VMDSTAT field indicates the value of !~12§!!!_ X'SO' X'40' X'20' X' 10' X'OS' X'04' 122 Comments iIrtual-machine Virtual machine virtual machine virtual machine virtual machine Virtual machine is dispatched RUNUSER is compute bound in-queue time slice end in TIO/SIO busy loop runnable in a queue IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide ...... ...... Cl n I\J C) I ~ .ern IT O CBLOK RCUBLOKs RCUCHA _ / GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 3. Examine the virtual instruction. The (displacement X'A8') instruction is saved 4. Find the name of the (displacement X' 148') • 5. Check the status of I/O activity. pertinent information. a. PSW and the last virtual machine privileged virtual machine PSW is saved in VMPSW and the virtual machine privileged or tracing in VMINST (displacement X'98'). last CP command that executed in The following VMCOMND fields contain VMPEND (displacement X'63') contains the interrupt pending summary flag. The value of VMPEND identifies the type of interrupt. Value of _!~R1B!!L X'40' X'20' X' 10' X'02' X'Ol' b. Comments vIrtual-PER (Program Event Recording) interrupt pending virtual program interrupt deferred Virtual SVC interrupt deferred Virtual I/O interrupt pending virtual external interrupt pending VMEXTINT (displacement X'68') contains the external interrupt pending flags. The value of the flag identifies the external interrupt. Value of YJt~!:!:!!:!: X'08' X'04' Comments Clock-comparator interrupt pending CPU timer interrupt pending Value of !11~!I!!I_.!l X'80' X'40' X'2F' c. Comments Interval timer interrupt pending Operator's external button interrupt pending External signals pending VMIOINT (displacement X'6A') contains the I/O interrupt pending flag. Each bit represents a channel (0-15). An interrupt pending is indicated by a 1 in the corresponding bit position. Value of !~!Q!!:!:- d. 124 10000000 00000000 01000000 00000000 Interrupt pending channel a Interrupt pending channel 1 00000000 00000001 Interrupt pending channel 15 VMIOACTV (displacement X'36') active channel is indicated position. is the active channel mask. An by a 1 in the corresponding bit IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide The address of the VCBBLOK table is found in the V"CHSTRT field (displacement X'18') of the VMBLOK. General register 6 contains the address of the active VCBBLOK. Examine the following fields: 1. The virtual channel address is contained in VCHADD (displacement X'OO'). 2. The status of the virtual channel is found in the VCHSTIT field (displacement 1;06;;. The value of this field indicates the virtual channel status: Value of VCBSTIT i'80'-X' 40' X'Ol' 3. COllllents iIrtual-channel busy virtual channel class interrupt pending virtual channel dedicated The value of the VCHTYPE field (displacement virtual channel type: X'07') indicates the value of .Y~HI.!.f~ X'80' X'40' Comments Virtual-selector channel virtual block multiplexer The address of the VCUBLOK table is found in the VCUSTRT field (displacement X'lC') of the VMBLOK. General register 7 contains the address of the active VCUBLOK. Useful information is contained in the following fields: 1. The virtual control unit address (displacement X'OO')~ is found in 2. The value of the VCUSTAT field (displacement status of the virtual control unit: the VCUADD field X'06') indicates the Value of !~J1~l!I X'80' X' 40' X' 20 ' X' 10' X '08 3. ' Com.ents iIrtual-subchannel busy Interrupt pending in subchannel Virtual control unit busy Virtual control unit interrupt pending virtual control unit end pending The value of the VCUTYPE field (displacement type of the virtual control unit: X'07') indicates the Value of .Y~.Ylli~ X'80' X' 40 ' Comments vIrtual-control unit on shared subchannel virtual control unit is a channel-to-channel adapter Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 125 The address of the VDEVBLOK table is found in the VMDVSTRT field (displacement X'20') of the VMBLOK. General register 8 contains the address of the active VDEVBLOK. Useful information is contained in the following fields: The value of the VDEVSTAT field (displacement X'06') describes the status of the virtual device: X'80' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04 ' X'02' X'Ol' 3. found in field 2. Value of is VDEVADD The virtual device (displacement X'OO'). !Q!!~I!I address the 1. Comllents iIrtuiI-subchannel busy virtual channel interrupt pending Virtual device busy Virtual device interrupt pending Virtual control unit end Virtual device not ready virtual device attached by console function VDEVREAL is dedicated to device RDEVBLOK The value of the VDEVFLAG field (displacement X'07') indicates the device dependent information: Value of VDEVFLAG i'80'--X'SO' X'40' X '40' X'40' X '20' X' 10' X '10' X'08' X '02' X' 0 l' Comments nAsn-==-read/only device virtual 2701/2702/2703 device line enabled DASD -- TDISK space allocated by CP virtual 2701/2702/2703 device line connected Console -- activity spooled DASD -- 2311 device simulated on top half of 2314 DASD -- 2311 device simulated on bottom half of 2314 Console and spooling device -- processing first CCw DASD -- executing standalone seek RESERVE/RELEASE are valid CCW operation codes. virtual device sense bytes present 4. The VDEVCSW field (displacement X'OS') contains the virtual channel status word for the last interrupt. 5. The VDEVREAL field (displacement X'24') contains the pointer to the real device block, RDEVBLOK. 6. The VDEVIOB field (displacement X'34') active IOBLOK. 7. For console devices, the value of the VDEVCFLG field (displacellent X'26') describes the virtual console flags: contains the pointer to the Value of !Q!!~l~§ X'SO' X'40' X'20' X' 10' X'OS' 126 COllments User-signalled attention too many times Last CCW processed was a TIC Data transfer occurred during this channel program virtual console function in progress Automatic carriage return on first read IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide 8. For spooling devices, the value of the VDEVSFLG field (displacement X'27') describes the virtual spooling flags: Value of .!~E.!~1.L2 X'80' X'80' X'40' X'20' X' 10' X'08' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'02' X' 0 l' 9. Comments Spool-reader last command was a feed Spool output transfered to VSPXXUSR Spool device continuous operation Hold output -- save input Spool output -- for user and distribution Spool input -- set unit exception at EOF Terminal output required for spooled console Device closed by console function Spool output -- purge file at close Spool input -- device opened by DIAG~OSE Spool output -- DMKVSP entered via svc For output spooling devices, the VDlVEXTB field (displacement X'10') contains the pointer to the virtual spool extension block, VSPXBLOK. The address of the first RCHBLOK is found in the ARIOCH field (displacement X'3B4') of the PSA (Prefix storage Area). General register 6 contains the address of the active RCHBLOK. Examine the following fields: 1. The real channel address is found in the RCHADD field (displacement X'OO') • 2. The value of the RCHSTAT field (displacement status of the real channel. R~!L~!!! X'80' X'40' X'20' X' 0 l' 3. X'04') describes the Com.ents Channel-busy lOB scheduled on channel Channel disabled Channel dedicated The value of the RCHTYPE field (displacement real channel type: X'OS') describes the value of R~1!!!f~ X'80' X' 40' ' X'20' X' 01' 4. Comllents selector channel Block lIultiplexer channel Byte multiplexer channel S/370 type channel (S/370 instruction support) The RCHFIOB field (displacement X'08') is the pointer to the first IOBLOK in the queue and the RCHLIOB field (displacement X'OC') is the pointer to the last IOBLOK in the queue. Part 1: Debugging with Vft/370 127 The address of the first RCUBLOK is found in the ARIOCU field (displacement X'3BS') of the PSA. General register 7 points to the current RCUBLOK. Exaaine the following fields: 1. The RCUAtD field (displacement unit address. 2. The value of the RCUSTAT field (displacement status of the control unit: Value of RCUSTAT i18o'-'X'40' X'20' X' 0 l ' 3. X'OO') contains the real control X'04') describes the Com.ents Control-unit busy lOB scheduled on control unit Control unit disabled Control unit dedicated The value of the RCUTYPE field (displacement type of the real control unit: X'OS'} describes the Value of !!~!!%!f~ X'SO' X' 0 1 ' X'02' X'03' 4. Com.ents ThIS-control unit can attach to only one subchannel TCU is a 2701 TCU is a 2702 TCU is a 2703 The RCUFIOB field (displacement X'OS') points to in the queue and the RCULIOB field (displacement the last IOBLOK in the queue. the first IOBLOK X'OC') points to The address of the first RDEVBLOK is found in the ARIODV field (displacement X'3BC') of the PSA. General register 8 peints to the current RDEVBLOK. Also, the VDEVREAL field (displacement X'24') of each VDEVBLOK contains the address of the associated RDEVBLOK. Examine the following fields of the RDEVBLOK: 1. The RDEVADD address. 2. The values of the RDEVSTAT (displacement X'04') and RDEVSTA2 (displacement X'45') fields describe the status of the real device: Value of RDEVSTAT X'80'--X'40' X'20' X' 10' X' 08' X'04' X' 0 l' Value of RDEVSTA2 i'80'--X'40' X'20' 12S field (displacement X'OO') centains the real Comments DevIcebusy lOB scheduled on device Device disabled (offline) Device reserved Device in intensive error recording mode Device intervention required Dedicated device (attached to a user) Comments Active-device is being reset Device is busy with the channel Contingent connection present IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide device 3. The value of device flags. Value of RDEVFLIG i'80'--X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'80' X'40' X'20' X'10' X' 08' X '04' x'02' X'Ol' X' 80' X'40' X'20' X '10' X'08' X '04 ' X'02' X '01 ' X'80' X '40 ' X' 20' X '10 ' X'08' X '04 ' X'02' X' 01 ' the BDEVFLAG field (displacement X'OS') These flags are device dependent. indica tes ~.Q.!.!!!nt.§ DASD ascending order seek que?ing DASD volume preferred for pag1ng DISD volume attached to system DISD CP owned volume DASD volume mounted but not attached Console terminal has print suppress Console terminal executing prepare co •• and Console IOBLOK pending; queue request Console 2741 terminal code identified Console device is enabled Console next interrupt from a halt I/O Console device is to be disabled Console 3704/370S ICP resource in EP mode spooling device output drained spooling device output terminated Spooling device busy with accounting Spooling force printer to single space spooling restart current file Spooling backspace the current file Spooling print/punch job separator Spooling UCS buffer verified Special network control program is active Special 2701/2702/2703 e.ulation program is active Special 3704/370S is in buffer slowdown mode Special automatic dump/load is enabled Special IOBLOK is pending; queue requests Special emulator lines are in use by system Special automatic dump/load process is active Special basic terminal unit trace requested 4. The value of the RDEVTYPC field (displacement X'06') describes the device type class and the value of the RDEVTYPE field (displacement X'07') describes the device type. Refer to Figure 12 for the list of possible device type class and device type values. S. The RDEVAIOB field (displacement X'24') contains the address of the active IOBLOK. 6. The RDEVUSER field (displacement X'28') points dedicated user. 7. The BDEVITT field virtual address. 8. The BDEVIOEB field (displacement X'48') contains the address of the IOERBLOK for the last CP error. 9. For spooling unit record devices, the RDEVSPL X'18') points to the active RSPLCTL block. 10. (displacement X'2C') to the VMBLOK for a contains the attached field (displacement For real 3704/370S Communications Controllers, several pointer fields are defined. The RDEVEPDV field (displacement X'lC') points to the start of the free BD!VBLOK list for EP lines. The RDEVRICL field (displace.ent X'38') points to the network control list and the RDEVCKPT field (displacement X'3C') points to the CKPBLOK for re-enable. Also, the RDEVMIX field (displacement X'2E') is the highest valid ICP resource name and the RDEVICP field (displacement X'30') is the reference name of the active 370S RCP. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 129 11 • For terminal the RDEVTFLG flags: devices, additional flags are defined. The value of field (displacement X'3E') describes the additional Value of ~J1~!Ill~ X'SO' X'40' x'20' X'SO' X' 40' X'20' X' 10' X'OS' X' 04' X' 02 ' 12. Comments TeriIiiiI Terminal Teraina1 Graphic Graphic Graphic Graphic Graphic Graphic Graphic logon process has been initiated terminal in reset process suppress attention signal screen full, in held status screen full, more data waiting screen in running status read pending for screen input last input not accepted timer request pending CP command interrupt pending For terminals, an additional flag is RDEVTMCD field (displacement X'46') translation to be used: Value of !!DE!I~£J1 130 Coaments X' 10' uisci~=- S level X'OC' X'OS' X'04' X'OO' APL correspondence APL PTTC/EBCD Correspondence PTTC/EBCD IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide defined. The value of the describes the line code r-------------------------------------------------------------------------, DEVICE CLASS CODES (COLUMN 33 IN ACCOUNTING CARD) ~Qg~ X'80' X' 40' X'20' X' 10' X'08' X' 04' X'02; Device Class TermInal-Device Graphics Device unit Record Input Device unit Record Output Device Magnetic Tape Device Direct Access storage Device Special Device DEVICE TYPE CODES (COLUMN 34 IN ACCOUNTING CARD) 1. For Terminal Device Class £QQ.~ X' 40' X'40' X' 20' X '20' X' 10' X' 18 ' Xii 8 i X '14 ' X' lC' X'OO' X'OO' X'OO' X' 00' X'OO' 2. J2!!!i~ !IE~ 2700 Binary synchronous Line 2955 Communication Line Telegraph Terminal Control Type II Teletype Terminal IBM Terminal contro1 Type I IBM 2741 Communication Terminal IBM 3767 Communication Terminal IBM 1050 Data Communication System Undefined Terminal Device IBM 3210 Console IBM 3215 Console IBM 2150 Console IBM 1052 Console IBM 7412 Console For Graphics Device Class ~.Qg~ X'80' X' 40' X'20' X' 10' X'08' X' 04' X '02' X' 02' igure 12. J2~!.!£~ lI.E!! IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM 2250 2260 2265 3066 1053 3277 3284 3286 Display Display Display Console Printer Display Printer Printer Unit station station station CP Device Classes, Types, Models, and Features (Part 1 of 3) Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 131 3. Por unit Record Input Device Class Code ~evice ~ X'Sl' X'S2' X'S4' X'SS' X'90' X'40' X'20' X'21' X'22' X'24' Card Reader IBft 2501 Card Reader IBft 2540 Card Reader IBft 3505 Card Reader IBft 1442 Card Reader/Punch IBft 2520 Card Reader/Punch Tiaer. Tape Reader IBft 2495 ftagnetic Tape Cartridge Reader IBft 2611 Paper Tape Reader IBft 1011 Paper Tape Reader i,so' 4. Por Unit Record output Device Class ~~ice Ill~ ~Qg~ Card Punch IBft 2540 Card Punch IBft 3525 Card Punch IBft 1442 Card Punch IBft 2520 Card Punch Printer IBft 1403 Printer IBft 3211 Printer IBft 1443 Printer Tape Punch IBft 101S Paper Tape Punch X'SO' X'S2' X'S4' X'SS' X'90' X'40' X'41' X'42' X'44' X'20' X'24' 5. Por ~agnetic Code I'eo' X'40' X'20' X' 10' X'OS' 6. ~~.!ice Ta:E~ IBft IBft IBft IBft IBft 2401 Tape 2415 Tape 2420 Tape 3420 Tape 3410/3411 Drive Drive Drive Drive Tape Drive Por Direct Access Storage Device Class Code i'so' X'40' X'40' X'20' X' 10' X' 10' X'OS' X'04' X'02' X'Ol' Figure 12. 132 Tape Device Class ~~!ic~ I:l.E~ IBft IBft IBft IBft IBft IBft IBft IBft IBft IBft 2311 2314 2319 2321 3330 3333 2301 2303 2305 3340 Disk storage Drive Disk storage Facility Disk storage Facility Data Cell Drive Disk storage Facility Disk Storage and Control Parallel Drum Serial Drum Fixed Head storage Device Disk Storage Facility CP Device Classes, Types, ftodels, and Features (Part 2 of 3) IBft Vft/310: System Programmer's Guide r-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ 7. For Special Device Class Code X'80' X'40' X' 01' ~evi£~ ~IE~ Channel-to-Channel Adapter (CTCA) 3704/3705 programmable-Communications Controller Device unsupported by VM/370 MODEL CODES (CCLUMN 35 IN ACCOUNTING CARD) As specified in the RDEVIC! macro at system generation. FEATURE CODES (COLUMN 36 IN ACCOUNTING CARD) 1. For printer Devices 2. For Magnetic Tape Devices £Q~~ X'SO' X '40 ' X' 20' X '1 0 ' 3. Dual Density Translate Data Conversion For Direct Access Storage Devices Code X'8Q' X' 20' X '1 0 ' X' OS' X'04' X' 02' 4. Feature 7=Track Feature RotatIonal position Sensing (RPS) installed (3340) Top Half of 2314 Used as 2311 Bottom Half of 2314 Used as 2311 35MB Data Module (mounted) 70MB Data Module (mounted) Reserved/Release are valid CCi operation codes For special devices £Q~~ X' 10' X'20' Figure 12. Feature rype-i-channel adapter for 3704/3705 Type II channel adapter for 3704/3705 CP Device Classes, Types, Models, and Features (Part 3 of 3) IDENTIFYING A PAGEABLE MODULE If a program check PSi or SVC PSi points to an address beyond the end of the CP resident nucleus, the failing module is a pageable module. The CP system load map tells you where the end of the resident nucleus is. Go to the address indicated in the PSi. Backtrack to the beginning of !!~! page frame. The first eight bytes of that page frame (the page frame containing the address pointed to by the PSi) contains the name of the failing module. If multiple modules exist within the same page frame, identify the module using the load map and failing address displacement within the page frame. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 133 Debugging with eMS This section describes the debug tools that CMS provides. These tools can be used to help you debug CMS or a problem progra.. In addition, a CMS user can use the CP commands to debug. Information that is often useful in debugging is also included. The following topics are discussed in this section: • • • • • CMS debugging commands DASD dump restore program Load maps Reading CMS dumps control block summary CMS provides two commands that are useful in debugging: SVCTRACE. Eoth commands execute from the terminal. DEBUG and The debug environment is entered whenever: • • • The DEBUG command is issued A breakpoint is reached An external or program interrupt occurs CMS will not accept other commands while in However, while in the debug environment, the cOllmand can: • set breakpoints (address specific locations. • Display the contents of the CAW (channel address word), CSW (channel status word), old PSW (program status word), or general registers at the terminal. • Change the contents general registers. • Dump all or part of virtual storage at the printer. • Display the terllinal. • store data in virtual storage locations. • Allow an origin or base address to be specified for the program. • Assign symbolic names to specific storage locations. • Close all open directory. • Exit from the debug environment. 13q stops) of the contents of files and which the debug environment. options of the DEBUG stop program control words up to 56 bytes of I/O devices IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide (CAW, CSW execution and PSW) virtual storage and update the master at and at the file The SVCTRACE command records information for all SVC calls. When the trace is terminated, the information recorded up to that point is printed at the system printer. In addition, several CftS commands produce or print load maps. These load maps are often used to locate storage areas while debugging programs. nt:lDnr jJJjjJU U The DEBUG command provides support for debugging programs at a terminal. The virtual machine operator can stop the program at a specified location and examine and alter virtual storage, registers, and various control words. Once CMS is in its debug environment, the virtual machine operator can request the various DEBUG options. However, in the debug environment, all of the other CMS commands are considered invalid. Any DEBUG subcommand may be environment and if the keyboard is to DEBUG subcommands: entered if CMS is in the debug unlocked. The following rules apply 1• No operand should be longer than eight characters. longer than eight characters are left justified and the right after the eighth character. 2. The DEFINE subcommand must be DEBUG symbol table. 3. The DEBUG subcommands can be truncated. The following is a list of all valid DEBUG subcommands and the1r minimum truncation. create all entries in the Minimum .'E!:!!!!£!tio!! BR CAW CSW DEF DU GO GPR HX OR PSW RET SET ST .§Y~£.Q!!g!!g BREAK CAW CSW DEFINE DUMP GO GPR HX ORIGIN PSW RETURN SET STORE X One way to enter command. The message used to All operands truncated on X the debug environment is to issue the DEBUG DMSDBG7281 DEBUG ENTERED appears at the terminal. Any of the DEBUG subcommands may be entered. To continue normal processing, issue the RETURN subcommand. Whenever a program check occurs, the DMSABN routine gains control. Issue the DEBUG command at this time if you wish CMS to enter its debug environment. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 135 Whenever a .essage breakpoint is encountered, a program check occurs. The DEBUG ENTERED BREAKPOINT II AT XXXXX D~SDBG7281 appears on the terminal. Pollow the same procedure to enter subco.mands and resume processing as with a regular progra. check. An external interrupt, which occurs when the CP EXTERNAL co •• and is issued, causes CftS to enter its debug environment. The message D~SDBG7281 DEBUG ENTERED EXTERNAL INTERRUPT appears on the console. Any of the DEBUG subco.mands may be issued. exit from the debug environment after an external interrupt, use GO • To • While CMS is in its Debug environment, the control words and low storage locations contain the Debug program values. The Debug program saves the control words and low storage contents (X'OO' - X'100') of the interrupted routine at location X'CO'. The following subcommands. is a detailed discussion of the possible DEBUG The format of the BREAK subcommand is r----------------------------------------------------------------------------, I BReak id { Symbol} I hexloc L ____- -____________________________________________________________________~ id is a decimal breakpoint. symbol is a name assigned to the storage location where the breakpoint is set. The symbolic name must be previously assigned to the storage address using the DEP subcommand of the DEBUG command. hexloc is the hexadecimal storage location (relative to origin) where the breakpoint is set. number, from 0 to 15, which identifies the the current Use the BREAK subcommand to set breakpoints which stop execution of a program or module at specific instruction locations, called breakpoints. Issuing the BREAK subcommand causes a single breakpoint to be set. A separate BREAK subcommand must be issued for each breakpoint desired. A maximum of 16 breakpoints (with identification numbers 0 through 15) may be in effect at one time; any attempt to set more than 16 breakpoints is' rejected. Breakpoints should be set after a program is loaded, but before it executes. When a breakpoint is encountered during program execution, 136 IBM VM/370: system Progra.mer's Guide execution stops and the debug environment is entered. The virtual aachine operator can then use the other DEBUG subco •• ands to analyze the prograa at that particular point. Registers, storage, and control words can be examined and altered. After the virtual machine operator finishes analyzing the program at this point in its execution, he issues the GO subcommand to resume program execution. Breakpoints are set before the program executes. They are set on instruction (halfword) boundaries at locations that contain operation codes. After setting all the desired breakpoints, issue the RETURN subcommand to exit from the debug environment. Then issue the efts START command to begin program execution. The first operand of the BREAK subcom.and (id) assigns an identification number (0-15) to the breakpoint. If the identification number specified is the same as a currently set breakpoint, the previous breakpoint is cleared and the new one is set. The second operand of the BRBAK subcommand (symbol or hexloc) indicates the storage location of the breakpoint~ If the operand contains any nonhexadecimal characters, the DEBUG symbol table is searched for a matching symbol entry. If a match is found, the breakpoint is set at the storage address corresponding to that symbol, provided that the storage address is on an even (halfword) boundary. If no match is found in the DEBUG symbol table (and the operand is a valid hexadecimal nuaber), the second operand is treated as the hexadecimal representation of the storage address. When the second operand is a valid hexadecimal number, this number is added to the program origin. If the resulting storage address is on a halfword boundary and is not greater than the user's virtual storage size, the breakpoint is set. When the debug program sets a breakpoint, it saves the contents of the halfword at the location specified by the second operand of the BREAK subcommand. This halfword is replaced by B2EX, where x is the hexadecimal equivalent of the identification number, specified in the first operand of the BRBAK subcommand. The storage location specified for a breakpoint must contain an operation code. It is the user's responsibility to see .that breakpoints are set only at locations containing operation codes. After breakpoints are set and during program execution, the value B2EO through B2BP is encountered at a location where an operation code should appear. A program check occurs because all values B2EO through B2EP are invalid operation codes and control is transferred to the debug environment. DEBUG recognizes the invalid operation code as a breakpoint. The original operation code replaces the invalid operation code, and a message D"SDBG728I DEBUG ENTERED BREAKPOINT yy AT xxxxxx appears at the terminal. "yy" is the bre~kpoint identification number and xxxxxx is the storage address of the breakpoint. After the message is typed, the keyboard is unlocked to accept any DEBUG subcommands except RETURN. A breakpoint is cleared when it is encountered during program execution. Part 1: Debugging with V"/370 137 It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that breakpoints are set only at operation code locations. Otherwise, the breakpoint is not recognized; data or some part of the instruction other than the operation code is overlaid. Thus, errors may be generated if breakpoints are set at locations that do not contain operation codes. The following subcommand. error messages may appear while entering the BREAK INVALID OPERAND This message indicates that the breakpoint identification number specified in the first operand is not a decimal number between 0 and 15 inclusive, or the second operand cannot be located in the DEBUG symbol table and is not a valid hexadecimal number. If the second operand is intended to be a symbol, a DEF subcommand must have been previously issued for that symbol; if not, the operand must be a valid hexadecimal storage location. INVALID STORAGE REFERENCE The location indicated by the second operand is uneven (not on a halfword boundary) or the sum of the second operand and the current origin value is greater than the user's virtual storage size. If the current origin value is unknown, it may be reset to the desired value by issuing the ORIGIN subcommand. MISSING OPERAND The minimum number of operands has not been supplied. TOO ~ANY OPERANDS The user entered more than two operands. HEXLOC 'hexaddr' IN SHARED STORAGE A shared system was loaded (via IPL) and an attempt was made to modify a storage location between X'10000' and X'20000', the shared storage. To set a breakpoint in this address range, IPL a nonshared system. 138 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide The format of the CAW subcommand is: I __________________________________________________ CAW I L - -______________________~ The CAW subcommand has no operands. The ~AW subcommand may be issued whenever the debug environment is entered. Issuing the CAW subcommand causes the contents of the CAW (channel address word), as it existed at the time the debug environment was entered, to appear at the terminal. The CAW located at storage location X'48' is saved at the time the debug environment is entered and displayed on the terminal whenever the CAW subcommand is issued. If the subcommand is issued correctly, the contents of the CAW are typed in hexadecimal representation at the terminal. The format of the CAW is: KEY I 0000 I o 3 4 Command Address 7 8 31 Contents The-protection key for all commands associated with start I/O. The protection key in the CAW is compared to a key in storage whenever a reference is made to storage. 4-7 This field is not used and must contain binary zeros. 8-31 The command address field contains the storage address (in hexadecimal representation) of the first CCW (channel command word) associated with the next or most recent start I/O. The three low-order bits of the command address field must be zeros in order for the CCW to be on a doubleword boundary. If the CCW is not on a doubleword boundary or if the command a6dress-specifies a location protected from fetching or outside the storage of a particular user, start I/O causes the status portion of the CSW to be stored with the program check or protection check bit on. In this event, the I/O operation is not initiated. Issue the CAW subcommand to check that the command address field contains a valid CCW address, or to find the address of the current CCW so you can examine it. The following subcommand. error message may appear while entering the CAW TOO MANY OPERANDS An operand was entered on the command line; the CAW subcommand has no operands. Part 1: Debugging with V8/370 139 The format of the esw subcoamand is: esw The esw subcommand has no operands. The esw subco.aand aay be issued whenever the debug environment is entered. Issuing the esw subcommand causes the contents of the esw (channel status word), as it existed at the time the debug environment was entered, to appear at the terminal. The esw indicates the status of the channel or an input/output device, or the conditions under which an I/O operation terainated. The esw is formed in the channel and stored in storage location X'40' when an I/O interrupt occurs. If I/O interruptions are suppressed, the esw is stored when the next start I/O, Test I/O, or BaIt I/O instruction is executed. The esw is saved when DEBUG is entered. If the subcommand is issued correctly, the contents of the displayed at the ter.inal in hexadecimal representation. esw are The format of the esw is: I status Command Address IKEYIOOOOI 03478 31 32 Byte Count 47 48 63 Contents The--protection key is moved to the esw from the elW. It indicates the protection key at the time the I/O started. The contents of this field are not affected by programming errors detected by the channel or by the condition causing termination of the operation. 4-7 This field is not used and must contain binary zeros. 8-31 The command address contains a storage address (in hexadecimal representation) eight bytes greater than the address of the last eew executed. 32-47 The status bits indicate the conditions channel that caused the esw to be stored. 48-63 The residual count is the difference between the number of bytes specified in the last executed eew and the number of bytes that were actually transferred. When an input operation is terminated, the difference between the original count in the eew and the residual count in the esw is equal to the number of bytes transferred to storage; on an output operation, the difference is equal to the number of bytes transferred to the I/O device. in the device or Whenever an I/O operation abnormally terminates, issue the esw subcommand. The status and residual count information in the esw is very useful in debugging. Also, use the esw to calculate the address of the last executed eew (subtract 8 bytes from the command address to find the address of the last eew executed). 140 IBft VM/370: System Programmer's Guide The following subcommand. error message may appear when you enter the CSW TOO ftANY OPERANDS An operand was entered on the command line; the CSW subcommand has no operands. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 141 The format of the DEFINE subcommand is: r DEFine symbol hexloc , lbytecountl I ~ I L symbol is the name to be assigned to the storage from the second operand, hexloc. hexloc is the hexadecimal storage location, in relation to the current origin, to which the name specified in the first operand (symbol), is assigned. bytecount is a decimal number, between 1 and 56 inclusive, which specifies the length in bytes of the field whose name is specifed by the first operand (symbol) and whose starting location is specified by the second operand (hexloc). When the bytecount operand is not specified, a default bytecount of 4 is assumed. address derived Use the DEFINE subcommand to assign symbolic names to a specific storage address. Once a symbolic name is assigned to a storage address, that symbolic name can be used to refer to that address in any of the other DEBUG subcommands. However, the symbol is valid only in the debug environment. The first operand (symbol) may be from one to eight characters long. It must contain at least one nonhexadecimal character. Any symbolic name longer than eight characters is left-justified and truncated on the right after the eighth character. The second operand (hexloc), a hexadecimal number, is added to the current origin established by the ORIGIN subcommand. The sum of the second operand (hexloc) and the origin is the storage address to which the symbolic name is assigned. In order to assign the symbolic name to the correct location be sure to know the current origin. The existing DEBUG symbol table entries remain unchanged when the ORIGIN subcommand is issued. The third operand (bytecount), a decimal number between 1 and 56 inclusive, specifies the length of the field whose name is specified by §I~~Q! and whose starting address is specified by ~~~l~f. Issuing the DEFINE subcommand creates an entry in the DEBUG symbol table. The entry consists of the symbol name, the storage address, and the length of the field. A maximum of 16 symbols can be defined in the DEBUG symbol table at a given time. When a DEFINE subcommand specifies a symbol that already exists in the DEBUG symbol table, the storage address derived from the current request replaces the previous storage address. Several symbols may be assigned to the same storage address, but each of these symbols constitutes one entry in the DEBUG symbol table. The symbols remain defined until a new DEF is issued for them or until an IPt request loads a new copy of c~s. 142 IBM V~/370: system Programmer's Guide The following issued: error messages may appear when the DEFINE subcommand is INVALID OPERAND This message indicates that the name specified in the first operand contains all numeric characters, the second operand is not a valid hexadecimal number, or the third operand is not a decimal number between 1 and 56 inclusive. INVALID STORAGE ADDRESS The sum of the second operand and the current origin is greater than the user's virtual storage size. If the current origin size is unknown, reset it to the desired value by issuing the ORIGIN subcommand and then reissue the DEF subcommand. 16 SYMBOLS ALREADY DEFINED The DEBUG symbol table is full and no new symbols may be defined until the current definitions are cleared ~y obtaining a new copy of eMS. However, an existing symbol may be assigned to a new storage location by issuing another DEF subcommand for that symbel. MISSING OPERAND The DEFINE subcommand requires at least two were entered. two operands and less than TOO MANY OPERANDS Three is the maximum number of operands for the DEFINE subcommand and more than three were entered. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 143 Q~~f The format of the DU"P subcommand is: rI I I I I I DUmp r I I I L , sy.boll hexlocl ~ I I I J , r I I I I L symbo12 hexloc2 * 11 I I I I [ident] J L- symboll is the name assigned (via the DEFINE subcommand) storage address that begins the dump. to the hexlocl is the hexadecimal storage location, current origin, that begins the dump. relation to the symbo12 is the name assigned (via the DEFINE subcommand) storage address that ends the dump. to the hexloc2 is the hexadecimal storage location, current origin, that ends the dump. to the * indicates that the dump storage address. ident is the name (up to particular printout. ends at in in relation the user's eight characters) last virtual that identifies this Use the DUMP subcommand to Frint part or all of a user's virtual storage on the printer. The requested information is printed offline as soon as the printer is available. First, a heading: ident FRO" starting location TO ending location is printed. Next, the general registers 0-7 and 8-15, and the floating-point registers 0-6 are printed. Then the specified portion of virtual storage is printed with the storage address of the first byte in the line printed at the left, followed by the alphameric interpretation of 32 bytes of storage. The first and second operands specify the starting and ending addresses, respectively, of the area of storage to be dumped. If DUMP is issued without the first and second operands. 32 bytes of storage are dumped starting at the current origin. If DUMP is issued without the second operand, 32 bytes of storage are dumped starting at the location indicated by the first operand. The first and second operands, if specified, must be either valid symbols or hexadecimal numbers. When a symbol is specified, the DEBUG symbol table is searched. If a match is found, the storage location corresponding to that symbol is used as the starting or ending address for the dump. When a hexadecimal number is specified, it is added to the current origin to calculate the starting or ending storage address for the dump. The first and second operands must designate storage addreSses that are not greater than the user's virtual storage size. 144 IBM V"1370: System Programmer's Guide Also, the storage address derived from the second operand must be greater than the storage address derived from the first operand. An asterisk may be specified for the second operand. In this case, all of storage from the starting address (first operand) to the end of storage is dumped to the printer. The following subcommand. error messages may appear when you issue the DUftP INVALID OPERAND This message is issued if the address specified by the second operand is less than that specified by the first operand, or if the first or second operands cannot be located in the DBBUG symbol table and are not valid hexadecimal nu.bers. If either operand is intended to be a symbol, a DBlINB subcommand must previously have been issued for that syabol: if not, the operand must specify a valid hexadecimal location. INVALID STORAGE ADDRESS The hexadecimal number specified in the first or second operand, when added to the current.or~g~n, is greater than the user's virtual storage size. If the current origin value is unknown, reset it to the desired value by issuing the ORIGIN subcommand and then reissue the DUMP subcommand. TOO ~ANY OPERABDS Three is the maximua number of operands for the DUMP subcommand; aore than three operands were entered. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 145 The format of the GO subcommand is: r---------r , I I symbol I I GO I hexloc I I L IL-__________________________________________________________________________ ~ symbol is the name, already assigned by the DEFINE storage location where execution begins. subcommand, to a hexloc is the hexadecimal location, in origin, where execution begins. to relation the current Use th~ GO subcommand to exit from the debug environment and begin execution in the CMS environment. The old PSW for the interrupt that caused the debug environment to be entered is saved and later loaded to resume processing. Issuing the GO subcommand loads the old PSi. When the GO subcommand is issued, the general registers, CAW (channel address word), and CSW (channel status word) are restored either to their contents upon entering the debug environment, or, if they have been modified while in the debug environment, to their modified contents. Then the old PSi is loaded and becomes the current PSW. Execution begins at the instruction address contained in bits 40-63 of the PSW. By specifying an operand with the GO subcommand, it is possible to alter the address where execution is to begin. This operand must be specified whenever the GO subcommand is issued if the debug environment is entered by issuing the DEBUG command. The operand may be a symbol or a hexadecimal location. When a symbol is specified, the DEBUG symbol table is searched. If a match is found, the storage address corresponding to the symbol replaces the instruction address in the old PSW. ihen a hexadecimal number is specified, it is added to the current origin to calculate the storage address that replaces the instruction address in the old PSW. In either case, the derived storage address must not be greater than the user's virtual storage size. Further, it is the user's responsibility to make sure that the address referred to by the operand of the GO subcommand contains an operation code. If the debug environment was entered due to a breakpoint, external interrupt, or program interrupt, then the GO subcommand does not need an operand specifying the starting address. The following subcommand. error messages may appear while entering the GO INVALID OPERAND An operand specified in the GO subcommand cannot be located DEBUG symbol table and is not a valid hexadecimal number. 146 IBM VM/370: system Programmer's Guide in the If the operand is intended to be a symbol, a DEFINE subcommand must have been previously issued for that symbol; if not, the operand must specify a valid hexadecimal storage location. INVALID STORAGE ADDRESS The address at which execution is to begin is not on a halfword boundary (indicating that an operation code is not located at that address) or the sum of the GO operand and the current origin value is greater than the user's ~irtual storage size. If the current value is unknown, it may be reset to the desired value by issuing the ORIGIN subcommand. INCORRECT DEBUG EXIT The GO subcommand without an operand has been issued when DEBUG had not been entered due to a breakpoint or external interrupt. The RETURN subcommand must be issued if DEBUG had been entered via the DEBUG command. TOO MANY OPERANDS The GO subcommand has a maximum of one operand; more than one operand was entered. Part 1: Debugging with V"/370 147 The format of the GPB subcommand is: I GPB I reg1 [reg2] L ______- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -______________________________________________ ~ reg1 is a decimal number (from 0-15 inclusive) indicating the first or only general register whose contents are to be typed. reg2 is a decimal number (from 0-15 inclusive) indicating the last general register whose contents are to be typed. This operand is optional and is only specified when more than one register's contents are to be printed • . Use the GPB subcommand to print the contents of one or more general registers at the terminal. When only one operand is specified, only the contents of that general register are typed at the terminal. When two registers are specified, the contents of all general registers from the register indicated by the first operand through the register indicated by the second operand are typed at the terminal. Both operands must be decimal numbers from 0-15 inclusive, and the second operand must be greater than the first. The following error messages may subcommand is entered. appear on the terminal when the GPR INVALID OPERAND The operand (s) specified are not decimal numbers between 0 inclusive, or the second operand is less than the first. and 15 KISSING OPEBAID The GPR entered. subo.mand requires at least one operand, and none was TOO KANY OPERANDS The GPR subcommand has operands vere entered. 148 a maximum of two operands, and IBK VK/370: System Programmer's Guide more than two The format of the HX subcommand is: HX The HX subcommand has no operands. Use the HX subcommand to close all open files and I/O devices, and to update the master file directory. This subcommand may be issued whenever the keyboard is unlocked in the debug environment, regardless of the reason the debug environment was entered. The following error message may appear the HX subcommand. on the terminal while entering TOO BANY OPERANDS The HX subcommand has entered. no operands, and one or more operands were Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 149 The format of the ORIGIN subcommand is: oRigin I { Symbol} I hexloc symbol is a name that was previously subcommand) to a storage address. hexloc is a hexadecimal virtual storage. assigned location within (via the limits the DEFINE of the user's The ORIGIN subcommand sets an origin or base address to be used in the debug environment. Use the ORIGIN subcommand to set the origin equal to the program load point, then in all debug subcommands you can specify instruction addresses in relation to the program load point, rather than to O. The hexadecimal location specified in DEBUG subcommands then represents a specific location within a program, the origin represents the storage location of the beginning of the program; and the two values added together represent the actual storage location of that specific point in the program. When the ORIGIN subcommand specifies a symbol, the DEBUG symbol table is searched. If a match is found, the value corresponding to the symbol becomes the new origin. When a hexadecimal location is specified, that value becomes the origin. In either case, the operand cannet specify an address greater than the user's virtual storage size. Any origin set by an ORIGIN subcommand remains in effect until another ORIGIN subcommand is issued, or until you obtain a new copy of eMS. Whenever a new ORIGIN subcommand is issued, the value specified in that subcommand overlays the previous origin setting. If you obtain a new copy of eMS (via IPL), the origin is set to 0 until a new ORIGIN subcommand is issued. The following error su bcommand. messages may appear while you enter the ORIGIN INVALID OPERAND The operand specified in the ORIGIN subcommand cannot be located in the DEBUG symbol table and is not a valid hexadecimal number. If the operand is intended to be a symbol, a DEFINE subcommand must have been previously issued for that symbol; if not, the operand must specify a valid hexadecimal location. INVALID STORAGE ADDRESS The address specified by the user's virtual storage size. 150 ORIGIN IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide operand is greater than the MISSING OPERAND The ORIGIN subcommand requires one operand, and none vas entered. TOO MANY OPERANDS The ORIGIN subcommand requires only one was entered. operand, and more than one Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 151 The format of the PSi subcommand is: , PSi I The PSi subcomaand has no operands. Use the PSi subcommand to type the contents of the old PSi (program status word) for the interrupt that caused DEBUG to be entered. If DEBUG was entered due to an external interrupt, the PSi subcommand causes the contents of the external old PSi to be typed at the terminal. If a program interrupt caused DEBUG to be entered, the contents of the program old PSi are typed. If DEBUG was entered for any other reason, the following is typed in response to the PSi subcommand: 01000000 xxxxxxxx where the 1 in the first byte means that external interrupts are allowed and xxxxxxxx is the hexadecimal storage address of the DEBUG program. The PSi contains some information not contained in storage or registers but required for proper program execution. In general, the PSi is used to control instruction sequencing and to hold and indicate the status of the system in relation to the program currently executing. Refer to Figure 43 in "Appendix A: System/370 Information" for a description of the PSi. The following subcommand. error message may appear while entering the TOO MANY OPERANDS The PSi subcommand has no operands and one or more was entered. 152 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide PSi The format of the RETURN subcommand is: RETurn The RETURN subcommand has no operands. Use the RETURN subco.mand to exit from the debug environment to the CftS command environment. RETURN should be used only when DEBUG is entered by issuing the DEBUG command. When RETURN is issued, the information contained in the general registers at the time DEBUG was entered is restored or, if this information was changed while in the debug environment, the changed information is restored. In either case, register 15, the error code register, is set to zero. A branch is then made to the address contained in register 14, the normal CftS return register. If DEBUG is entered by issuing the DEBUG command, register 14 contains the address of a central C~S service routine and control transfers directly to the CftS command environment. The Ready message followed by a carriage return and an unlocked keyboard indicates that the RETURN subcommand has successfully executed and that control has transferred from the DEBUG environment to the CftS command environment. The following subcommand. error messages may appear while entering the RETURN TOO ftAIY OPERANDS The RETURN specified. subcommand has no operands, and one or more were INCORRECT DEBUG EXIT If DEBUG is entered due to a program or external interrupt, a breakpoint or an unrecoverable error, this message is displayed in response to the RETURN subcommand. To exit from the DEBUG environment under the above circumstances, issue GO. Part 1: Debugging with Vft/370 153 The format of the SET subcommand is: r---------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I SET I I I CAW CSW { PSW GPR hexinfo hexinfo hexinfo reg [ hexinfo] [hexinfo] hexinfo [bexinfo 1 I ! CA W hexinfo indicates that the specified information (hexinfo) is stored in the CAW (channel address word) that existed at the time DEBUG was entered. CSW hexinfo [hexinfo] indicates that the specified information (hexinfo [hexinfo]) is stored in the CSW (channel status word) that existed at the time DEBUG was entered. PSW hexinfo [hexinfo] indicates that the specified information (hexinfo [hexinfo]) is stored in old PSW (program status word) for the interrupt that caused DEBUG to be entered. GPR reg hexinfo [hexinfo] indicates that the specified information (hexinfo [hexinfo]) is stored in the specified general register (reg). Use the SET subcommand to change the contents of the control words and general registers which are saved when the debug environment is entered. The contents of these registers are restored when control transfers from DEBUG to another environment. If register contents were modified in DEBUG, the changed contents are stored. The SET subcommand can only change the contents of one control word at a time. For example, the SET subcommand must be issued three times: SET SET SET CAW CSW PSW hexinfo hexinfo [hexinfo] hexinfo [ hexinfo] to change the contents of the three control words. The SET subcommand can change the contents of one or two general registers each time it is issued. When four or less bytes of information are specified, only the contents of the specified register are changed. When more than four bytes of information is specified, the contents of the specified register and the next sequential register are changed. For example, the SET subcommand: SET GPR changes only su bcommand: SET GPR 2 xxxxxxxx the contents register 2 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx changes the contents of 154 of general general registers 2 and 3. IB" V"1370: System programmer's Guide 2. But, the SET Each hexinfo operand should be from one to four bytes long. If an operand is less than four bytes and contains an uneven number of hexadecimal digits (representing half-byte information), the information is right-justified and the left half of the uneven byte is set to zero. If more than eioht hexadecimal dioits are specified in a sinqle operand. the information-is left-justified and truncated on the right after the eighth digit. The number of bytes that can be stored using the SET subcommand varies depending on the form of the subcommand. with the CAW form, up to four bytes of information may be stored. with the CSW, GPR, and PSW forms, up to eight bytes of information may be stored, but these bytes must be represented in two operands of four bytes each. When two operands of information are specified, the information is stored in consecutive locations (or registers), even it one or both operands contain less than four bytes of information. ' The contents of registers changed using the SET subcommand are not displayed after the subcommand is issued. TO inspect the contents of control words and registers, the CAW, CSW, PSW, or GPR subcommands must be issued. The following subcommand. error messages may appear while entering the SET INVALID OPERAND The first operand is not CAW, CSW, PSW, or GPR, or the first operand is GPR and the second operand is not a decimal number between 0 and 15 inclusive, or one or more of the hexinfo operands does not contain hexadecimal information. MISSING OPERAID The minimum number of operands has not been entered; TOO MANY OPERAIDS More than the required number of operands were specified. Part 1: Debugging with V8/370 155 The format of the STORE subcommand is: II STore I {Symbol} I hexloc hexinfo [hexinfo [hexinfo]] symbol is the name assigned (via the DEFINE subco.mand) to the storage address where the first byte of specified inforaation is stored. hexloc is the hexadecimal location, relative to the current origin, where the first byte of information is stored. hexinfo is any hexadecimal information, length, to be stored. four bytes or less in Use the STORE subcommand to store up to 12 bytes of hexadecimal information in any valid virtual storage address. The information is stored starting in the location derived from the first operand (symbol or hexloc). If the first operand contains any non hexadecimal characters, the DEBUG symbol table is searched for a matching symbol entry. If a match is found in the DEBUG symbol table, or if thE first operand contains only hexadecimal characters, the current or1g1n is added to the specified operand and the resulting storage address is used, provided it is not greater than the user's virtual storage size. The information the second through one to four bytes an operand is less hexadecimal digits is right-justified If more than eight the information is eighth digit. to be stored is specified in hexadecimal format in the fourth operands. Each of these operands is from (that is, two to eight hexadeciaml digits) long. If than four bytes long and contains an uneven number of (representing half-byte information), the information and the left half of the uneven byte is set to zero. hexadecimal digits are specified in a single operand, left-justified and truncated on the right after the The STORE subcommand can store a maximum of 12 bytes at one time. By specifying all three information operands, each containing four bytes of information, the maximum 12 bytes can be stored. If less than four bytes are specified in any or all of the operands, the information given is arranged into a string- of consecutive bytes, and that string is stored starting at the location derived from the first operand. Stored information is not typed at the terminal. To inspect the changed contents of storage aftQr a STOBE subcommand, issue an X subcommand. The following error messages may the STORE subcommand. a~pear on the terminal while entering INVALID OPERAND The first operand cannot be located in the DEBUG symbol table and is not a valid hexadecimal number, or the information specified in the 156 IB" V"1370: System Programmer's Guide second, third, or fourth operands is not in hexadecimal format. If the first operand is intended to be a symbol, a DEFINE subcommand must have been previously issued for that symbol; if not, the operand must specify a valid hexadecimal storage location. INVALID STORAGE ADDRESS The current origin value, when added to the hexadecimal number specified as the first operand, gives an address greater than the user's virtual storage S1ze. If the origin value is unknown, reset it to the desired value using the ORIGIN subcommand and reissue the STORE subcommand. MISSING OPERAID Less than two operands were specified. TOO MANY OPERA IDS More than four operands were specified. HEXLoe 'hexaddr' II SHARED STORAGE A shared system has been loaded (via IPL) and an attempt was made to modify a storage location between X'10000' and X'20000'. To store into this address range, IPL a nonshared system. Data was stored up to the point where the address violation was detected. Shared storage remains the same. ~2i~: Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 157 The format of the X (examine) subcommand is: symbol X r I n I len~!! L hexloc r I n I ~ L , I I ~ , I I ~ symbol is the name assigned (via the DElINE subcommand) storage address of the first byte to be examined. to hexloc is the hexadecimal location, in relation origin, of the first byte to be examined. current n is a decimal number from 1 to 56 inclusive, that specifies the number of bytes to be examined. If a symbol is specified without a second operand, the length attribute associated with that symbol in the DEBUG symbol table specifies the number of bytes to be examined. If a hexadecimal location is specified without a second operand, four bytes are examined. to the the Use the X subcommand to examine and display the contents of specific locations in virtual storage. The information is displayed at the terminal in hexadecimal format. The first operand of the subcommand specifies the beginning address of the portion of storage to be examined. If the operand contains any nonhexadeciaal characters, the DEBUG symbol table is searched for a matching symbol entry. If a match is found, the storage address to which that sy.bol refers is used as the location of the first byte to be examined. If no match is found, or if the first operand contains only hexadecimal characters, the current origin as established by the ORIGIN subcommand is added to the specified operand and the resulting storage address is used as the location of the first byte to be examined. The derived address must not be greater than the user's virtual storage size. The second operand of the X subcommand is optional. If specified, it indicates the number of bytes (up to a maximum of 56) whose contents are to be displayed. If the second operand is omitted and the first operand is a hexadecimal location, a default value of four bytes is assumed. If the second operand is omitted and the first operand is a symbol, the length attribute associated with that symbol in the DEBUG symbol table is used as the number of bytes to be displayed. The following error messages may subcommand is entered. 158 appear on IB! V!/370: system Progra.mer's Guide the terminal when the X INVALID OPERAND The first operand cannot be located in the DEBUG symbol table and is not a valid hexadecimal number, or the second operand is not a decimal number between 1 and 56 inclusive. If the first operand is intended to be a symbol, it must have been defined in a previous DEFINE subcommand; otherwise, the operand must specify a valid hexadecimal number. INVALID STORAGE ADDRESS The hexadecimal number specified in the first operand, when added to the current origin, is greater than the storage size of the machine being used. If the current origin value is unknown, reset it to the desired value by issuing the ORIGIN subcommand and reissue the X subcommand. 8ISSING OPERAND No operands were entered; at least one is required. TOO !ANY OPERANDS 80re than the maximum of two operands were entered. Part 1: Debugging with V8/370 159 SiCTR1CE The SVCTR1CE co •• and traces internal transfers of inforaation resulting from SiC (supervisor call) instructions. Issuing the SVCTR1CE co.mand causes switches to be set. These switches, in turn, cause inforaation to be recorded at appropriate times. When the trace is ter.inated, the recorded infor.ation is printed at the syste. printer. The infor.ation recorded for a normal SVC call is: • • • • • • storage address of the SVC calling instruction Bame of the program being called contents of the SVC old PSi storage address of the return from the called program The general registers and floating-point registers The parameter list at the time the SVC is issued. The for.at of the SVCTRACE co.mand is: ISVCTrace I l ON indicates tracing for all SVC calls. OFF discontinues all SVC tracing. The trace information is: • The general registers both before the SVC-called program control and after a return from that program. • The floating-point registers both before the SVC-called given control and after a return from that program. • The parameter list, as it existed when the SVC was issued. is given program is To terminate tracing set by the SYCTRACE command, issue the HO or SVCTRACE OFF command. Both SYCTRACE OFF and HO cause all trace information recorded up to the point they are issued to be printed at the system printer. SYCTRACE OFF can be issued only when the keyboard is unlocked to accept input to the CftS command environment. To terminate tracing at any other point in system processing, HO must be issued. If a HX subcommand to the DEBUG environment or a logout from the control program is issued before terminating SVCTRACE, the switches are cleared automatically and all recorded trace information is printed at the system printer. A variety of information is printed whenever the SVCTRACE OB command is issued. 160 IBft Vft/370: System Programmer's Guide The first line of trace output starts with a -, +, of the first line of trace output is: lS -: fl N/D :; xxx/dd naae FROl! Icc OLDPSW = ps.l or *. The format GOPSW = ps.2 [He -- rc J !!!!~I~: indicates information recorded before processing the SVC. + indicates information recorded applies. after processing the SVC, unless * * indicates information recorded after processing a CftS SVC whicb had an error return. I/D is an abbreviation for SVC lumber and Depth (or level). xxx is the number of the SVC call (they are numbered sequentially). dd is the nesting level of the SVC call. name is the macro or routine being called. loc is the program location from which the SVC was issued. psw1 is the PSi at the time the svc was called. psw2 the PSi with which the routine (e.g. BDBUF) being called is invoked, if the first character of this line is a minus sign (-). If the first character of this line is a plus sign or asterisk (+ or *), PSi2 represents the PSi which returns control to the user. rc is the return code passed from the svc handling routine in general register 15. This field is omitted if the first character of this line is a minus sign (-), or if this is an as svc call. For a CftS SVC, this field is zero if the line begins with a plus sign (+), and nonzero for an asterisk (*). Also, this field equals the contents of Register 15 in the "GPRS AFTER" line. The next two lines registers when control output is identified at is: eGPRSB =h =h of output are the contents of the general is passed to the SVC handling routine. This the left by "eGPRSB". The format of the output h h h h h h h *dddddddd* h h h h h h h *dddddddd* where h represents the contents of a general register in hexadecimal format-and ~ represents the EBCDIC translation of the contents of a general register. The contents of general registers 0-7 are printed on the first line, with the contents of registers 8-F on the second line. The hexadecimal contents of the registers are printed first, following by the EBCDIC translation. The EBCDIC translation is preceded and followed by an asterisk (*). The next line of output is the contents of general registers 0, 1 and 15 when control is returned to the user's program. The output is identified at the left by neGPRS AlTER :". The format of the output is: -GPRS AFTER: RO-R1 =h h *dd* R15 =h *d* where h represents the hexadecimal contents of a general register and ~ is the- EBCDIC translation of the contents of a general register. The Part 1: Debugging with Vft/370 161 only general registers that C"S routines alter are registers 0, 1, and 15 so only those registers are printed when control returns to the user program. The EBCDIC translation is preceded and followed by an asterisk (*) • The next two lines registers when the SVC output is identified at is: -GPRSS =h =h of output are the contents of the general handling routine is finished processing. This the left by "-GPRSS". The format of the output h h h h h h h *dddddddd* h h h h h h h *dddddddd* where E represents the hexadecimal contents of a general register and g represents the EBCDIC translation of the contents of a general register. General registers 0-7 are printed on the first line with registers 8-P on the second line. The EBCDIC translation is preceded and followed by an asterisk (*). ' line of output is the contents of the caller's The next floating-point registers. The output is identified at the left by "-PPRS." The format of the output is: -PPRS = f f f f *gggg* where! represents the hexadecimal contents of a floating-point register and ~ is the EBCDIC translation of a floating-point register. Each floating-point register is a doubleword: each ! and g represents a doubleword of data. The EBCDIC translation is preceded and followed by an asterisk (*). ~he next line of output is the contents of floating-point registers when the SVC-handling routine is finished processing. The output is identified by "-PPRSS" at the left. The format of the output is: -PPRSS = f f f f *gggg* where! represents the hexadecimal contents of a floating-point register and ~ is the EBDCIC translation. Each floating-point register is a doubleword and each i and g represents a douhleword of data. The EBCDIC translation is preceded and followed by an asterisk (*). The last two lines of output are only printed if the address in Register 1 is a valid address for the virtual machine. If printed, the output is the parameter list passed to the SVC. The output is identified by "-PARM" at the left. The output format is: -PARM = h h h h h h h h *dddddddd* = h h h h h h h h *dddddddd* where h represents a word of hexadecimal data and ~ is the EBCDIC translation. The parameter list is found at the address contained in register 1 before control is passed to the SVC-handling program. The EBCDIC translation is preceded and followed by an asterisk (*). Pigure 13 summarizes the types of SVC trace output. 162 IB" VM/370: System Programmer's Guide Identification I comments f( ~* ~ HID The SVC and the routine which issued the SVC. ) -GPRSB Contents of general registers when control passed to the SVC handling routine. - GPRS APTER Contents of general registers 0, 1, and 15 when con6 __ 1 ~LU~ ~~ ~~ __ 6"_n_~ ~~~u~u~u +_ ~u +~o "~O~ ~UV W~~~ "rnnr2m r~~~.~~. -GPRSS contents of the general registers when the SVC handling routine is finished processing. -PPRS contents of floating-point registers before the SVC-called program is given control and after returning from that program. - PPRSS contents of the floating-point registers when the SVC handling routine is finished processing. The parameter list, when one is passed to the SVC. Figure 13. Summary of SVC Trace Output Lines Part 1: Debugging with V"/370 163 Use the DASD Dump Bestore (DDB) service program to dump, restore, copy, display, or print Vft/370 user .inidisks. The DDB program .ay run as a standalone progra., or under CftS via the DDR co •• and. IBVOKING DDR UNDER CftS The format of the DDR command is: r DDR , [filena.e [filetype I file.ode I I I L * ] .J filename filetype [file.ode] is the identification of the file containing the control statements for the DDR program. If no file identification is provided, the DDR program attempts to obtain control statements from the console. The filemode defaults to • if a value is not provided. INVOKING DDR AS A STANDALONE PROGRAft To use DDB as a standalone program, the operator should IPL it from a real or virtual IPL device as he would any other standalone progra •• Then indicate where the DDR program is to obtain its control statements by responding to prompting messages at the console. See the "DDB Control Statements" discussion in the "Debugging with CP" section. The control statements for running standalone and under CMS are identical, except that CftS ignores the SYSPRINT centrol statement. 164 IBM VM/370: System Progra.mer's Guide Each time the CftS resident nucleus is loaded on a DASD, and an IPL can be performed on that DASD, a load map is produced. Save this load ma~. It lists the virtual storage locations of nucleus-resident routines and work areas. Transient modules will not be included in this load map. When debugging CftS, you can locate routines using this map. The load map may be saved as a disk file and printed at any time. A copy of the nucleus load map is contained on the system with file identification of 'filename BUCftApl. Issue the LISTF * NUCftAP S command to determine the filename. Then issue PRINT filename NUCftAP to obtain a copy of the current nucleus load map. Figure 14 shows a sample CftS load map. Notice that the area (DBGSECT) and DftSIN! module have been located. DEBUG work The load map of a disk resident command module contains the location of control sections and entry points loaded into storage. It may also contain certain messages and card images of any invalid cards or replace cards that exist in the loaded files. The loadmap is contained in the third record of the !ODULE file. This load map is useful in debugging. When using the Debug environment to analyze a program, use the. program's load map to help in displaying information. There are several ways to get a load map. 1. When loading relocatable object code into storage, make sure that the ftAP option is in effect when the LOAD command is issued. since !AP is the default option, just be sure that NO!AP is not specified. A load map is then created on the primary disk each time a LOAD command is issued. 2. When generating the absolute image form of files already loaded into storage, make sure that the MAP option is in effect when the GENMOD command is issued. Since MAP is the default option, just be sure that IOMAP is not specified. Issue the MODMAP command to type the load map associated with the specified MODULE file on the terminal. The format of the !ODMAP command is: MODmap filename I filename is the module whose map is to be displayed. be MODULE. The filetype must Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 165 FILE: LOAD CMSMAP INVALID CARD ••• :READ DMSNUC DMSNUCU NUCON SYSREF lEIBM CMNDLINE SUBFLAG IADT DBVICE DBVTAB CONSOLE ADISK DDISK SDISK YDISK TABEND lDTSECT lFTSTART BXTSECT EXTPSW IOSECT IONTABL PGMSECT PIE SVCSECT DIOSECT * * * *000000 AT AT 002800 AT 000000 AT 000600 AT 000274 AT 0007AO AT 0005E9 AT 000644 AT 00026C AT 000C90 AT 000C90 AT OOOCAO AT OOOCDO AT 000D10 AT 000D20 AT OOODFO AT OOODFO AT 001200 AT 001500 AT 0015A8 AT 0015DO AT 001610 AT 001660 AT 001668 AT 0016F8 AT 001998 FVS AT 001A88 ADTFVS AT 001E48 KXFLAG AT 001C2F UFDEUSY AT 001C2E CMSCVT AT 001C80 DBGSECT, AT 001D~Q DMSERT AT 002098 DMSlRT AT 002208 DMSAEW AT 002258 OPSECT AT 002800 DMSERL AT 002935 TSOELKS AT 0029BO SUESECT AT 002A40 USERSECT AT 002AD8 INVALID CARD ••• :READ ABBREV AT 003000 USABRV AT 0030DO INVALID CARD ••• :READ CMSTIMER AT 003200 GETCLK AT 003200 DMSINM .......... AT 003200 INVALID CARD ••• :READ TAPBIO AT 003308 DMSTIO AT 003308 Figure 14. 166 CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM C DM SN UC UPLIB CMSLIB OSMACRO DMSNUC TEXT MACLIB MACLIB MACLIB ASSEMBLE C1 D1 D1 Y2 C1 CMS191 CMS191 CMS191 CMS19E SOURCE 9:01 9/21/72 9/21/72 8:47 9/21/72 8:44 7/19/72 18:11 9/18/72 23:09 DMSINA TEXT C1 CMS191 9/19/72 15:37 DMSINM TEXT C1 CMS191 9/18/72 20:36 DMSTIO TEXT C1 CMS191 9/19/72 10:33 Sa.ple ces Load eap IBft Vft/370: Syste. Progra.mer's Guide ihen CMS abnormally terminates, the terminal operator must enter the DEBUG co.mand and then the DUMP subcommand if an ABEND dump is desired. The DUMP formats and prints the following: • • • • • • General registers Extended control registers Ploating-point registers storage boundaries with their corresponding storage protect key Current PSi selected storage storage is printed in hexadecimal representation, eight words to the line, with EBCDIC translation at the right. The hexadecimal storage address corresponding to the first byte of each line is printed at the left. ihen the Conversational ftonitor system can no longer continue, it abnormally terminates. yOU must first determine the condition that caused the ABEND and then find why the condition occurred. In order to find the cause of a eftS problem, you mu~t be familiar with the structure and functions of CftS. Befer to "Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) " for functional information. The following discussion on reading CftS dumps will refer to several CftS control tlocks and fields in the control blocks. Refer to the VftL11~: ~2n!~~!!ional !~~i!2! Syste~ (~) R~gg~~~ 12g!£ for a description of each CMS control block. Pigure 15 shows the relationships of CftS control blocks. You will also need a current CftS nucleus load map in order to analyze the dump. REASON POR THE ABEND Determine the immediate reason for the ABEND and identify the failing module. The ABEND message DMSABN148T contains an ABEND code and failing address. Figure i6 lists all the eMS ABEND codes, identifies the .odule that caused the module to ABEND, and describes the action that should be taken whenever CftS abnormally terminates. You may have to examine several fields in the (NUCON) of low storage. Nucleus Constant Area 1. Examine the program old PSi (PGMOPSi) at location 1'28'. Using the PSi and current CMS load map, determine the failing address. 2. Examine the SVC old PSi (SVCOPSi) at location 1'20'. 3. Examine the external old PSi (EXTOPSi) at location X'18'. If the virtual machine operator terminated CftS, this PSi points to the instruction executing when the termination request was recognized. 4. For a machine check, examine the machine check old PSi (MCKOPSi) at location X'30'. Refer to Figure 43 in "Appendix A: system/370 Information" for a description of the PSi. Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 167 DMSNUC USERSECT SUBSECT OPSECT SYSREF DMSABW 600 CMSCB 608 DMSFRT 610 DMSERT 618 620 DBGSECT (Debug work areal 628 Some fields are filled in 630 638 FVS 640 648 DCB DIOSECT 650 658 DECB SVCSECT 660 PGMSECT 668 670 IOSECT 678 680 EXTSECT 688 AFTSECT (Create when the file is opened. There is room for 5 AFTs in DMSNUC, others are in free storage. 690 698 ADTSECT (Space is allocated when DMSNUC is assembled, fields are filled in when ACCESS command is issued. There is one ADT entry for each of the 10 possible disks.) 6A8 6BO 688 DEVTAB 6CO 6C8 Terminal Buffers and Saveareas 600 NUCON Figure 15. 168 CMS Control Blocks IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide I CMSAVE I B Cause of ABEND ABENDI Module Code I Action 001 DMSSCT IThe problem program encoun- IMessage DMSSCT120S tered an input/output error I indicates the possible processing an os _acro. I cause of the error. Either the associated DCB I Examine the error did not have a SYNAD routinel message and take the specified or the I/O error I action indicated. was encountered processing I an OS CLOSE macro. I OCx DMSITP IThe specified hardware excep- Type DEBUG to examine I tion occurred at a specified the PSW and registers at the time of the I location. "x" is the type exception. I of exception: I x ~~ I '0 IMPRECISE I 1 OPERATION I 2 PRIVILEGED OPERATION J 3 EXECUTE 4 PROTECTION 5 ADDRESSING 6 SPECIPICATION 7 DECIMAL DATA 8 PIXED-POINT OVERPLOW 9 PIXED-POINT DIVIDE A DECIMAL OVERFLOW B DECIMAL DIVIDE EXPOIENT OVERPLOW C D EXPONENT UNDERFLOW E SIGIIPICAICE FLOATING-POINT DIVIDE P OP 1 DMSITS IAn invalid halfword code is I associated with SVC 203. IEnter DEBUG and type GO. I Execution continues. OF2 DMSITS IThe CMS nesting level of 20 I has been exceeded. I INone. ABEND recovery I will take place when I the next command is I I " ........ " ~u'"~ ... ..... .... ,...;1 ~ OP3 DMSITS ICMS SVC (202 or 203) instruc-JEnter DEBUG and type GO. tion was executed and no I Control will return to provision was made for an I point to which a normal error return from the I return would have been routine processing the SVC I made. call. I OF4 DMSITS IThe DMSKEY key stack overI flowed. I I IEnter DEBUG and type GO. I Execution will continue I and the DMSKEY macro I will be ignored. ----------------------------------------------1 OF5 DMSITS IThe DMSKEY key stack under- I I flowed. Pigure 16. I CMS ABEND Codes (Part 1 of 2) Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 169 ABENDI Module Code I Cause of ABERD Action OF6 DMSITS IThe DMSKEY key stack was not IEnter DEBUG and type GO. empty when control returned control will return from a co •• and or function. from the command or function as if the key stack had been empty. OF7 DMSFRE 10ccurs when TYPCALL=SVC (the lIn the case of a system I default) is specified in thel ABERD, the user .ay I DMSFREE or DMSFRET macro. I employ DEBUG to attempt I I recovery. OF8 DMSFRE 10ccurs when TYPCALL=BALR is lIn the case of a system I specified in the DMSFREE or I ABEND, use DEBUG to I DMSFRET "acro devices. I attempt recovery. 101 D"SSVN IThe wait count specified in I an OS WAIT macro was larger I than the number of ECB' s I specified. 155 D"SSLN IError during LOADMOD after ani See last LOAD MOD (DMSMOD I OS LINK, LOAD, ICTL, or error message for error I ATTACH. The compiler switch description. In the I is on. case of an I/O error, I recreate the module; if I the module is missing, I create it. 15A ISee last LOAD error DftSSLN ISevere error during load (phase not found) after an message (D"SLIO) for the error description. OS LINK, LOAD, ICTL, or ATTACH. The compiler switch In the case of an I/O error, recreate the is on. text deck or txtlib. If either is missing, create it. 240 DMSSVT INO work area was provided in ICheck RDJFCB specifiI the parameter list for an OSI cation. I RDJFCB macro. I 400 DMSSVT IAn invalid or unsupported I form of the OS XDAP macro I has been issued by the I problem program. AOA DftSS"B IAn OS GET"AIN or FRlE"AIN IExamine the error I macro has been issued. I messages and take the Either there is not enough t action indicated. storage to satisfy the I request, or the free chain I has been destroyed, or the I parameters passed to GET"AINI or FREE"AIB were invalid. I Figure 16. 170 C"S Abend Codes (Part 2 of 2) IBM V"/370: System Programmer's Guide IExamine the program for I excessive wait count I specification. I IExamine program for I unsupported XDAP macro I or for SVC O. I COLLECT INFORMATION Examine several other fields in NUCON to analyze the status of the CMS system. As you proceed with the dump, you may return to NUCON to pick up pointers to specific areas (such as po~n~ers to file tables) or to examine other status fields. The complete contents of NUCON and the other CMS control blocks are described in the !~LJIQ: £~~~~£§~tio~~J ~Qni!Q£ ~I§!~! (£~~) R£Qg£~! 1Q9if. The following areas of NUCON may contain useful debugging information. • Save area for low storage. Before executing, DEBUG saves the first 160 bytes of low storage in a NUCO! field called LOWS!VE. LOWS!V! begins at X'CO'~ • Register save area. DMSABN, the ABEND general registers. li~!g FPRLOG GPRLOG ECRLOG • Location i'160"-X'1S0' X'1CO' routine, saves floating-point and Device. the last I/O interrupt is in the Last Two Commands or Procedures Executed. l!~!g L!STCMND PREVCMND LASTEXEC PREVEXEC • user's contents user-floating-point registers User general registers User extended control registers The name of the device causing DEVICE field at X'26C'. • the 1Qcat.i~~ X'2AO' X' 2AS' X'2BO' X' 2BS ' Contents Last-cis command issued Next to last CMS command issued Last EXEC procedure invoked Next to last EXEC procedure invoked Last module load into free storage and transient area. The name of the last module loaded into free storage via a LOADMOD is in the field LASTLKOD (location X'2CO'). The name of the last module loaded into the transient area via a LOAD MOD is in the field LASTTMOD (location X'2CS'). • Pointer to CKSCB. The pointer to the CMSCB is in the FCBT!B field located at X'SCO'. CMSCB contains the simulated OS control blocks. These simulated OS control blocks are in free storage. The CMSCB contains a PLIST for CMS I/O functions, a simulated Job File Control Block (JFCB), a simulated Data Event Block (DEB), and the first in a chain of I/O Blocks (lOBs). Part 1: Debugging with VM/370 171 • The Last Co •• and. The last command entered from the terminal is stored in an area called CMNDLINE (X'7AO'), and its corresponding PLIST is stored at CMNDLIST (I'S4S'). • External Interrupt Work Area. EXTSECT (X'1550') is a vork area It contains: for the external interrupt handler. The PSW, EXTPSW (X'15FS') Register save areas, EXSAVEl (X'15BS') Separate area for timer interrupts, EXSAVE (X'1550') • I/O Interrupt Work Area. IOSECT (X'1620') is a vork area for the I/O interrupt handler. The oldest and nevest PSW and CSW are saved. Also, there is a register save area. • Program Check Interrupt Work Area. PGMSECT (X'16BO') is a vork area for the program check interrupt handler. The old PSW and the address of register 13 save area are stored in PGMSECT. • SVC Work Area. SVCSECT (X' 174S') is a vork area for the SVC interrupt handler. It also contains the first four register save areas assigned. The SFLAG (X'175S') indicates the mode of the called routine. Value of _§Il!!~ __ X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'Ol' Descri.pti~l! SVC protect key is zero Transient area routine lucleus routine Invalid re-entry flag Also, the SVC ABEND code, SVCAB, is located at X'175A'. • Simulated CVT (Communications vector Table) • The CVT, as supported by CMS, is CVTSECT (X'lCCS'). supported ty CMS are filled in. • Active Device Table and Active File Table. For file system problems, examine the ADT (Active AFT (Active File Table) in NUCON. 172 Only the fields IBM VM/370: System Progra.mer's Guide Device Table), or REGISTER USAGE In order to trace control blocks and the C~S register usage conventions. B~~ist~~ GR1 GR12 GR13 GR14 GR15 modules, it is important to know contents Address-of the PLIST Program's entry point Address of a 12-doubleword work area for an svc call .Return address Program entry point or the return code The preceding information should help you to read a c~S dump. If it becomes necessary to trace file system control blocks, refer to Figure 31 in "Part 2: Conversational ~onitor System" for more information. with a dump, the control block diagrams, and a c~S load map you should be able to find the cause of the ABlID. Part 1: Debugging with V~/370 173 GC20-i807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 Part 2: Control Program (CP) Part 2 contains the following information: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Introduction to VM/370 Program states Using CPU Resources Interruption Handling Functional Information Performance Guidelines Performance Observation and Analysis Accounting Information Generating Named Systems and Saving Systems VM/VS Handshaking OS/VS2 Release 2 Uniprocessor under VM/370 DOS under VM/370 Running VM/370 in a Virtual Machine Timers DIAGNCSE Instruction CP Conventions How to Add a Console Function How to Add a New print or Forms Buffer Image Part 2: Control Program (CP) 175 VM/370 The V8/370 Control Program manages the resources of a single computer in such a manner that multiple computing systems appear to exist. Each "virtual" computing system, or virtual machine, is the functional equivalent of an IBM System/370. A virtual machine is configured by recording appropriate information in the VM/370 directory. The virtual machine configuration includes counterparts of the components of a real IB8 System/370: • • • • A virtual operator's console virtual storage A virtual CPU virtual I/O devices CP makes these components appear real to whichever operating system is controlling the work flow of the virtual machine. The virtual machines techniques. CP overlaps execution in another. operate the idle concurrently time of one via multiprogramming virtual machine with Each virtual machine is managed at two levels. The work to be done by the virtual machine is scheduled and controlled by some System/360 or System/370 operating system. The concurrent execution of multiple virtual machines is managed by the control program. A virtual machine is created for a user ,when he logs on V8/370, on the basis of information stored in his V8/370 directory entry. The entry for each user identification includes a list of the virtual input/output devices associated with the particular virtual machine. Additional information about the virtual machine is kept in the V8/370 directory entry. Included are the VM/370 command privilege class, accounting data, normal and maX1mum virtual storage sizes, dispatching priority, and optional virtual machine characteristics such as extended control mode. The Control Program supervises the execution of virtual machines by (1) permitting only problem state execution except in its own routines, and (2) receiving control after all real computing system interrupts. CP intercepts each privileged instruction and simulates it if the current program status word of the issuing virtual machine indicates a virtual supervisor state; if the virtual machine is executing in virtual problem state, the attempt to execute the privileged instruction is reflected back to the virtual machine as a program interrupt. All virtual machine interrupts (including those caused by attempting privileged instructions) are first handled by CP, and are reflected to the virtual machine if an analogous interrupt would have occurred on a real machine. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 177 VIRTUAL KACHINE TIKE MANAGEKENT The real CPU simulates multiple virtual CPUs. virtual machines that are executing in a conversational manner are given access to the real CPU more frequently than those that are not; these conversational machines are assigned the smaller of two possible time slices. CP determines execution characteristics of a virtual machine at the end of each time slice on the basis of the recent frequency of its console requests or terminal interrupts. The virtual machine is queued for subsequent CPU utilization according to whether it is a conversational or nonconversational user of system resources. A virtual machine can gain cbntrol of the CPU only if it is not waiting for some activity or resource. The virtual machine itself may enter a virtual wait state after an input/output operation has begun. The virtual machine cannot gain control of the real CPU if it is waiting for a page of storage, if it is waiting for an input/output operation to be translated and started, or if it is waiting for a CP command to finish execution. A virtual machine can be assigned a priority of executicn. priority is a parameter affecting the execution of a particular virtual machine as compared with other virtual machines that have the same general execution characteristics. priority is a parameter in the virtual machine's VM/370 directory entry. The system operator can reset the value with the Class A SET command. VIRTUAL MACHINE STORAGE MANAGEMENT The normal and maximum storage sizes of a virtual machine are defined as part of the virtual machine configuration in the VK/370 directory. You may redefine virtual storage size to any value that is a mu1tiple of 4K and not greater than the maximum defined value. VM/370 implements this storage as virtual storage. The storage may appear as paged or unpaged to the virtual machine, depending upon whether or not the extended control mode option was specified for that virtual machine. This option is required if operating systems that control virtual storage, such as OS/VS1 or VK/370, are run in the virtual machine. Storage in the virtual machine is logically divided into 4096 byte areas called pages. A complete set of segment and page tables is used to describe the storage of each virtual machine. These tables are updated by CP and reflect the allocation of virtual storage pages to blocks of real storage. These page and segment tables allow virtual storage addressing in a System/370 machine. storage in the real machine is logically and physically divided into 4096 byte areas called page frames. only referenced virtual storage pages are kept in real storage, thus optimizing real storage utilization. Further, a page can be brought into any available page frame; the necessary relocation is done during program execution by a combination of V6/370 and dynamic address translation on the System/370. The active pages from all logged on virtual machines and from the pageable routines of CP compete for available page frames. When the number of page frames available for allocation falls below a threshold value, CP determines which virtual storage pages currently allocated to real storage are relatively inactive and initiates suitable page-out operations for them. If an Inactive pages are kept on a direct access storage device. inactive page has been changed at some time during virtual machine 178 IBK VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20~1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1915 execution, CP assigns it to a paging device, selecting the fastest such device with available space. If the page has not changed, it remains allocated in its original direct access location and is paged into real storage from there the next time the virtual machine references that page. A virtual machine program can use the DIAGNOSE instruction to tell CP that the information from specific pages of virtual storage is no longer needed; CP then releases the areas of the paging devices which were assigned to hold the specified pages. Paging is done on demand by CP. This means that a page of virtual storage is not read (paged) from the paging device to a real storage block until it is actually needed for virtual machine execution. CP makes no attempt to anticipate what pages might be required by a virtual machine. While a paging operation is performed for one virtual machine, another virtual machine can be executing~ Any paging operation initiated by CP is transparent to the virtual machine. If the virtual machine is executing in extended control mode with translate on, then two additional sets of segment and page tables are kept. The virtual machine operating system is responsible for mapping the virtual storage created by it to the storage of the virtual machine. CP uses this set of tables in conjunction with the page and segment tables created for the virtual machine at logon time to build shadow page tables for the virtual machine. These shadow tables map the virtual storage created by the virtual machine operating system to the storage of the real computing system. The tables created by the virtual machine operating system may describe any page and segment size permissible in the IBM System/370. VM/370 provides both fetch and store protection for real storage. The contents of real storage are protected from destruction or misuse caused by erroneous or unauthorized storing or fetching by the program. Storage is protected from improper storing or from both improper storing and fetching, but not from improper fetching alone. When protection applies to a storage access, the key in storage is compared with the protection key associated with the request for storage access. A store or fetch is permitted only when the key in storage aatches the protection key. When a store access is prohibited because of protection, the contents of the protected location remain unchanged. On fetching, the protected information is not loaded into an addressable register, moved to another storage location, or provided to an I/O device. When a CPU access is prohibited because of protection, the operation is suppressed or terminated, and a program interruption for a protection exception takes place. When a channel access is prohibited, a protection-check condition is indicated in the channel status word (CSW) stored as a result of the operation. When the access to storage is inhibited by the CPU, and protection applies, the protection key of the CPU occupies bit positions 8-11 of the PSi. When the reference is made by a channel, and protection applies, the protection key associated with the I/O operation is used as the comparand. The protection key for an I/O operation is specified in bit positions 0-3 of the channel-address word (CAW) and is recorded in bit positions 0-3 of the channel status word (CSW) stored as a result of the I/O operation. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 179 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 To use fetch protection, a virtual machine must execute the set storage key (SSK) instruction referring to the data areas to be protected, with the fetch protect bit set on in the key. VM/370 subsequently: 1. Checks for a fetch protect violation nonprivileged instructions. in handling privileged and 2. Saves and restores the fetch protect bit (in the virtual storage key) when writing and recovering virtual machine pages from the paging device. 3. Checks for a fetch protection violation spooling or console devices). on a write CCW (except for The CMS nucleus resides in a shared segment. case for storage protection since the nucleus still shared among many CMS users. To protect shared segment, user programs and disk-resident different key than the nucleus code. This presents a special must be protected and the CMS nucleus in the CMS commands run with a The system operator may assign the reserved page frames option to a single virtual machine. This option, specified by the SET RESERVE command, assigns a specific amount of the storage of the real machine to the virtual machine. CP will dynamically build up a set of reserved real storage page frames for this virtual machine during its execution until the maximum number "reserved" is reached. Since other virtual machines' pages are not allocated from this reserved set, the effect is that the most active pages of the selected virtual machine remain in real storage. During CP system generation, the installation may specify an option called virtual=real. With this option, the virtual machine's storage is allocated directly from real storage at the time the virtual machine logs on (if it has the VIRT=REAL option in it's directory). All pages except page zero are allocated to the corresponding real storage locations. In order to control the real computing system, real page zero must be controlled by CP. Consequently, the real storage size must be large enough to accommodate the CP nucleus, the entire virtual=real virtual machine, and the remaining pageable storage requirements of CP and the other virtual machines. The virtual=real option improves performance in the selected virtual machine since it removes the need for CP paging operations for the selected virtual machine. The virtual=real option is necessary whenever programs that contain dynamically modified channel programs (excepting those of OS ISAM and OS/VS TCAM Level 5) are to execute under control of CP. For additional information on running systems with dynamically modified channel programs, see "Dynamically Modified Channel Programs" in "part 1: Debugging with VM/370." VIRTUAL MACHINE I/O MANAGEMENT A real disk device can be shared among multiple virtual machines. Virtual device sharing is specified in the VM/370 directory entry or by a user command. If specified by the user, an appropriate password must be supplied before gaining access to the virtual device. A particular virtual machine may be assigned read-only or read/write access to a shared disk device. CP checks each virtual machine input/output 180 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide operation against the parameters in the virtual machine configuration to ensure device integrity. The virtual machine operating system is responsible for the operation of all virtual devices associated with it~ These virtual devices may be defined in the VM/370 directory entry of the virtual machine, or they may be attached to (or detached from) the virtual machine's configuration while it remains logged on. Virtual devices may be dedicated, as when mapped to a fully equivalent real device; shared, as when mapped to a minidisk or when specified as a shared virtual device; or spooled by CP to intermediate direct access storage. In a real machine running under control of as, input/output operations are normally initiated when a problem program requests as to issue a START I/O instruction to a specific device. Device error recovery is bandIed by the operating system. In a virtual machine, os can perform these same functions, but the device address specified and the storage locations referenced will both be virtual. It is the responsibility of CP to translate the virtual specifications to real. In addition, the interrupts caused by the input/output operation are reflected to the virtual machine for its interpretation and processing. If input/output errors occur, CP records them but does not initiate error recovery operations. The virtual machine operating system must handle error recovery, but does not record the error (if SVC 76 is used). Input/output operations initiated by CP and spooling), are performed directly translation. for its own purposes (paging and are not subject to SPOOLING FUNCTIONS A virtual unit record device, which is mapped directly to a real unit record device, is said to be dedicated. The real device is then controlled completely by the virtual machine's operating system. CP facilities allow multiple virtual machines to share unit record devices. since virtual machines controlled by CMS ordinarily have modest requirements for unit record input/output devices, such device sharing is advantageous, and it is the standard mode of system operation. Spooling operations cease if the direct access storage space assigned to spooling is exhausted, and the virtual unit record devices appear in a not ready status. The system operator may make additional spooling space available by purging existing spool files or by assigning additional direct access storage space to the spooling function. Specific files can be transferred from the spooled card punch or printer of a virtual machine to the card reader of the same or another virtual machine. Files transferred between virtual unit record devices by the spooling routines are not physically punched or printed. with this method, files can be made available to multiple virtual machines, or to different operating systems executing at different times in the same virtual machine. Files may also be spooled to remote stations via the Remote spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS), a component of VM/370. For a description of RSCS and the remote stations that it supports see "Part 5. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS)." Part 2: Control Program (CP) 181 CP spooling includes .any desirable options for the virtual machine user and the real machine operator. These options include printing aultiple copies of a single SFool file, backspacing any number of printer pages, and defining spooling classes for the scheduling of real output. Each output spool file has, associated with it, a 136 byte area known as the spool file tag. The information contained in this area and its syntax are determined by the originator and receiver of the file. For example, whenever an output spool file is destined for transmission to a remote location via the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem, RSCS expects to find the destination identification in the file tag. Tag data is set, changed, and queried using the CP TAG command. It is possible to spool terminal input and output. All data sent to the terminal, whether it be from the virtual machine, the control program or the virtual machine operator, can be spooled. Spooling is particularly desirable when a virtual machine is run with its console disconnected. CP COMMANDS The CP commands allow you to control the virtual machine from the terminal, much as an operator controls a real machine. virtual machine execution can be stopped at any time by use of the terminal's attention key (for 3066 and 3270 terminals, the ENTER key is used); it can be restarted by entering the approFriate CP command. External, attention, and device ready interrupts can be simulated on the virtual machine. Virtual storage and virtual machine registers can be inspected and modified, as can status words such as the PSi and the CSi. Extensive trace facilities are provided for the virtual machine, as well as a single-instruction mode. Commands are available to invoke the spooling and disk sharing functions of CP. CP commands are classified by privilege classes. The VM/370 directory entry for each user assigns one or more privilege classes. The classes are primary system operator, system resource operat?r, system programmer, spooling operator, system analyst, serV1ce representative, and general user. Commands in the system analysts class may be used to inspect real storage locations, but may not be used to make modifications to real storage. Commands in the operator class provide real resource control capabilities. System operator commands include all commands related to virtual machine performance options, such as assigning a set of reserved page frames to a selected virtual aachine. For descriptions of all the CP commands, see the VM/370: fQ!!~Bg 19B9ygg~ Gu!g~ !Q~ g~B~!~! ~§~§ and the !~L37Q: Operator'§ 2Yig~. 182 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide Program States When instructions in the Control Program are being executed, the real computer is in the supervisor state; at all other times, when running virtual machines, the real computer is in the problem state. Therefcre, privileged instructions cannot be executed by the virtual machine. Programs running on a virtual machine can issue privileged instructions; but such an instruction either (1) causes an interruption that is handled by the Control Program, or (2) is intercepted and handled by the CPU, if the virtual machine assist feature is enabled and supports that instruction. CP examines the operating status of the virtual machine PSi. If the virtual aachine indicates that it is functioning in supervisor mode, the privileged instruction is simulated according to its type. If the virtual machine is in problem mode, the privileged interrupt is reflected to the virtual machine. Only the Control Program aay operate in the supervisor state on the real machine. All programs other than CP operate in the problem state on the real machine. All user interrupts, including those caused by attempted privileged operations, are handled by either the control program or the CPU (if the virtual Bachine assist feature is available). Cnly those interrupts that the user program would expect from a real machine are reflected to it. A problem program will execute on the virtual machine in a manner identical to its execution on a real system/370 CPU, as long as it does not violate the CP restrictions. See the "CP Restrictions" discussion in "part 1: Debugging with CP" for a list of the restrictions. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 183 Using CPU Resources CP allocates the CPU resource to virtual machines according to their operating characteristics, priority, and the system resources available. virtual aachines are dynamically categorized at the end of each tiae slice as interactive or noninteractive, depending on the frequency of operations to or from either the virtual system console or a terminal controlled by the virtual machine. Virtual machines are dispatched from one of two queues, called Queue 1 and Queue 2. To be dispatched from either queue, a virtual machine must be considered executable (that is, not waiting for some activity or for some other system resource). virtual machines are net considered dispatchable if the virtual machine: 1. Enters a virtual wait state after an I/O operation has begun. 2. Is waiting for a page frame of real storage. 3. Is waiting started. 4. Is waiting for CP to simulate its privileged instructions. 5. Is waiting for a CP console function to be performed. for an I/O operation to be translated by CP and 2Y1YJ 1 Virtual machines in Queue 1 (Q1) are considered conversational or interactive users, and enter this queue when an interrupt from a terminal is reflected to the virtual machine. There are two lists of users in Q1, executable and nonexecutable. The executable users are stacked in a first in, first out (FIFO) basis. When a nonexecutable user becomes executable, he is placed at the bottom of the executable list. If a virtual machine uses more than 50 milliseconds (ms) of CPU time without entering a virtual wait state, that user is placed at the bottom of the executable list. virtual machines are dropped from Q1 when they complete their time slice of CPU usage, and are placed in an "eligible list". virtual machines entering CP command mode are also dropped from Q1. When the virtual machine becomes executable again (returns to execution mode) it is placed at the bottom of the executable list in Q1. Virtual machines in Queue 2 (Q2) are considered noninteractive users. Users are selected to enter 02 from a list "of eligible virtual machines (the "eligible list"). The list of eligible virtual machines is sorted on a FIFO basis within user priority (normally defined in the USER record in the VM/370 directory, but may be altered by the system opera tor) • 184 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide A virtual machine is selected to enter Q2 only if its "working set" is not greater than the number of real page frames available for allocation at the time. The working set of a virtual machine is calculated and saved each time a user is dropped from Q2 and is based on the nu.ber of virtual pages referred to bi the virtual machine during its stay in 02, and the number of its virtual pages that are resident in real storage at the time it is dropped from the queue. If the calculated working set of the highest priority virtual machine in the eligible list is greater than the number of page frames available for allocation, CP continues through the eligible list in user priority order. There are two lists of users in 02, executable and nonexecutable. Executable virtual machines are sorted by "dispatching priority". This priority is calculated each time a user is dropped from a queue and is the ratio of CPU time used while in the queue to elapsed time in the queue. Infrequent CPU users are placed at the top of the list and are followed by more frequent CPU users. When a nonexecutable user becomes executable, he is placed in the executable list based on his dispatching priority. When a virtual machine completes its time slice of CPU usage, it is dropped from Q2 and placed in the eligible list by user priority. When a user in 02 enters CP command mode, he is removed from Q2~ When he becomes executable (returns to virtual machine execution mode) he is placed in the eligible list based on user priority. If a user's virtual machine is not in 01 or 02, it is because: 1. The virtual machine is on the "eligible list", waiting to be put on 02, or 2. The virtual machine execution is suspended because the CP .ode executing CP commands. user is in To leave CP mode and return his virtual machine to the "eligible list" for 02, the user can issue one of the CP commands that transfer control to the virtual machine operating system for execution (for example, BEGI., IPt, EITERIAt, and RESTART). In CP, interactive users (Q1), if any, are considered for dispatching before noninteractive users (Q2). This means that CftS users entering co.mands which do not involve disk or tape I/O operations should get fast responses from the VM/370 system even with a large number of active users. An installation may choose to override the CP scheduling and dispatching scheme and force allocation of the CPU resource to a specified user, regardless of its priority or operating characteristics. The favored execution facility allows an installation to: 1. Specify that one particular virtual machine is to receive specified percentage of CPU time. up to a 2. Specify that any number of virtual machines are to remain in the queues at all times. Assignment of the favored execution option is discussed in the "Preferred virtual Machines" section. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 185 Interruption Handling Input/output interrupts from completed I/O operations initiate various completion routines and the scheduling of further I/O requests. The I/O interrupt handling routine also gathers device sense information. Program interrupts can occur in two states. If the CPU is in supervisor state, the interrupt indicates a system failure in the CP nucleus and causes the system to abnormally terminate. If the CPU is in problem state, a virtual machine is executing. CP takes control te perform any required paging operations to satisfy the exception, or to simulate the instruction. The fault is transparent to the virtual machine execution. Any other program interrupt is a result of the virtual machine processing and is reflected to the machine for handling. When a machine check occurs, the CP Recovery Management Support (RMS) gains control to save data associated with the failure fer the Field Engineer. RMS analyzes the failure to determine the extent of damage. Damage taken: assessment results in one of the following actions • System termination (with automatic restart) • system termination (CP disabled wait state) • Selective virtual user termination • selective virtual machine reset • Refreshing of configuration • Refreshing of damaged information removed from further systems use. • Error recording only for certain soft machine checks damaged information with with the no effect on defective storage being system page The system operator is informed of all actions taken by the RftS routines. When a machine check occurs during VM/370 startup (before the system is sufficiently initialized to permit RftS to operate successfully), the CPU goes into a disabled wait state and places a completion code of X'OOB' in the high-order bytes of the current PSW. When an SVC interrupt occurs, the SVC interrupt routine is entered. If the machine is in problem mode, the type of interrupt (if it is other 186 IBft VM/370: System Programmer's Guide than an SVC 76 or ADSTOP SVC) is reflected back to the pseudo-supervisor (that is, the supervisor operating in the user's virtual machine). Control is transferred to the appropriate interrupt handler for ADSTOP SVCs and all SVC 76s. ~L the machine determined, and a handler. is in supervisor mode, the SVC interrupt code is branch is taken to the appropriate SVC interrupt If a timer interrupt occurs, CP processes it according to type. The interval timer indicates time slice end for the running user. The clock comparator indicates that a specified timer event occurred, such as midnight, scheduled shutdown, or user event reached. The external console interrupt invokes CP processing the 3210 or 3215 to an alternate operator's console. tc switch from Part 2: Control Program (CP) 187 Functional Information The functional diagraas that follow describe the prograa logic associated with various control program functions. lot all CP functions are described. These functional diagraas are aeant to describe the CP functions about which you may want more detailed inforaaticn if you are debugging, aodifying, or updating CP. Figure 17 describes CP initialization process. Figures 18 and 19 describe the used by CP in its I/O control. real and virtual I/O control blocks Figures 20, 21, and 22 show how CP handles SVC, external, and prograa interrupts. The CP paging function is described in Figure 23. The CP spooling function Figures 24 and 25. (both virtual and real) is described in Figure 26 shows how virtual tracing is performed. Figure 27 shows the steps involved in translating a virtual address to a real address and gives an example of address translaticn. The functional information contained in these diagrams is intended for system programmers and IBft Field Engineering program support representatives. 188 IBft Vft/370: System Programmer's Guide I PL IT OM"" () ~ H I:' PROCESS '0 "'00' INPUT--------------- ..... c+ ..... DMKCKP For a warm start RCHBLOK u'II- GI .... ..... N GI checkpoint active file chains >CJ (j) (") '"o ,,"",m ,»"m '''' m."~.· ---y-"-----" I co c+ ..... o ..,J o -----_._- HOM"" I:' OUTPUT----- I W SEGTABLE INPUT-------------- SEGPAGE ~MKSAV (DMKSAVRS entry POint) ead copy of D "0'<0' mOM"" I-----.:.=-~-..- ~ GI t1 INPUT DMKCPI c+ '" (") ~~t~~I~Z~e:ti:~:ge IDW.D""I c+ .... ~ t1 0 I.Q t1 GI S ( ") ~ ~ CO 1.0 and check TOO clock Log on operator Allocate Dump File If warm start, perform that function'-.J----,..------- 0 I:' t1 0 PAGT.~~B~L~E~---------- nucleu~ 'CU"'j-[] RCUBLOK RCUBLOKs t'Dc,eo'l RDEVBLOKs B Go to Dispatcher Wait for work w ~ e H ttl ~ 1-" I.Q j:l H It) 3: < CD 3: "e VJ --.I til t< Ul MIt) s ~ It) ~ .... H " 0 Relationship of Real I/O Control Blocks - - - - - - - - , The real machine configuration is represented by a set of related control blocks. These blocks are: • in the VM/370 nucleus • built from macros during system generation • loaded at system IPL and initialized then for operation. There is one control block per channel, per control unit, and per device. The characteristics of VM/370 real I/O control are: • Block multiplexing (BMPX) with RPS (Rotational Position Sensing) is used . • Multi·path scheduling is not used. • All I/O operations are handled by VM/370 scheduling and interrupt handling. DMKRIOCT (part of DMKRIO) RCUBLOKs n n 0 t:I It:! H 0 I.Q H ~ S S It) H Ul MH 0 .... .... 0 ttl 0 X' RDEVBLOKs DMKRIOCT - real channel table 1 11111~x Ul -negative value (FFFF) ~ indicates that no channel exists - positive value is an index to the RCHBLOK .". en j:l 1-" Q.. It) RCHBLOK - real channel block 1 Channel identification Scheduling Control XXXX ) Control Unit Index Table XXXX Control Unit identification Scheduling Control XXXX XXXX ~--+----+----+----I XXXX XXXX ~-~'----7~------~ if negative (FFFF), no control unit exists if positive, that value is an index to the RCUBLOK 1 See IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370: Control Program (CP) Program Logic publication, SY20 - 0880, for a complete description of CP control blocks. if positive, that value is an index to RDEVBLOK ) Device Index Table RDEVBLOK real device block 1 Device identification Scheduling Control Terminal Control Spooling Control Dedicated Control Error Recovery Allocation Control Part of the RDEVBLOK pertains to functions that ar e device independent; that part of the RDEVBLOK is used in the same way for all devices. However, some of the fields in the RDEVBLOK have mUltiple uses, depending on the device type and function. ....H< c+ ~ I» ...... H "no Relationship of Virtual I/O Control Blocks - - , - - - - - - - - , - - - - - The virtual machine configuration is represented by a set of related control blocks. These blocks are: • built by VM/370 at LOGIN from data in directory • modified by user commands (for example, DETACH, LINK, DEFINE) There is one control block per channel, per control unit, and per device. The characteristics of VM/370 virtual I/O control are: • BMPX (block multiplexing) is supported • RPS (rotational position sensing) is supported • the virtual machine operating system performs scheduling • VM/370 uses virtual I/O control blocks to simulate real hardware interface • virtual unit record devices use VM/370 Spooling • virtual console is simulated on terminal • minidisks simulate DASD • dedicated devices are supported VCUBLOKs n VDEVBLOKs o t:S c+ H o ...... tJ:t ...... o n VMCHTBL - virtual channel index table ~ Ul VCHBLOK - virtual channel block 1 VDEVBLOK - virtual device block 1 VCUBLOK - virtual control unit block 1 Control unit identification status Channel identification status XXXX XXXX XXXX XXX~ XXX X XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Device idimtification Status pending Positioning Terminal control Spooling control Device Index } Table RDEVBLOK Pointer n Part of the VDEVBLtJK contains device ind','pendent information and is us,ed identically in all VDEVBLOKs. However, some fields of the VDEVBLOKs have multiple uses, depending on the device type. o t:S c+ H o if negative (FFFFI. no control unit exists tU if positive, the value is an index to the VCUBLOK ...... H o IQ H I» Iii .... .... \0 if negative (FFFFI. no device exists if positive, the value is an index to the VDEVBLOK ~ the IBM Virtual Machine racility/370: Control Program rCP) Program Logic publication, SY20 - 0880, for a detailed description of the CP control blocks 1 See "'IiI ..... I IQ ~ 11 en N 0 SVC Interrupt 1--------- Process--------...... ..--INPUT VI < n I GR 1 H t:S I I GR 2 en If PROBLEM MODE FOR SVC 76 .-- c+ SVC OLD PSW tIl L-- ~ 't:I I» t:S 0. ..... ..... 0 • And ADSTOP SVC, simulate 'ADSTOP' to virtual machine • And an SVC 76, verify the parameters and call DMKVER to build the error record." And virtual machine is in e)(tended mode and/or Page 0 is not in storage, reflect interrupt to virtual machine Otherwise, fetch Page 0, move CP PSW to virtual SVCOPSW, and move SVCNPSW to the CP PSW If supervisor mode, run user·LPSW • v • VMBLOK t:S • IQ WI' ~> v [] I A (CALLED ROUTINE) I / SVCOLD PSW ..... .I If SVC 8 (Link Request), _ _ .---INPUT------,~ PSA V SVC NEW PSW If SVC 0 (Impossible condition or fatal error), dump the machine GR15 User Page VMBLOK I c+ 11 11 r--OUTPUT pass control from one module to another ..... E=J v I If SVC 12 (Return Request), return control to calling module ~ GR 1 3 ' I 1 RUNPSW Caller's return address and V base regIster SAVE AREA OF MODULE CALLED SAVE AREA OF CALLING MODULE I---'" If SVC 16, release Save Area _ If SVC 20, get next save area for calling module • .., If DMKPSA determines that the SVC 76 parameters are valid, it calls DMKVER to budd the error record. If the parameters are not val id or d DMKVER cannot build the errOr record, DMKPSA reflects the SVC back to the virtual machIne. If the error record is recorded, DMKVER gives control to the dispatcher with the user's running status set to return to the next sequential instruction followll1g the SVC 76. A new save area is acquired and passed on. The caller's addressability register (R 12), the save area address (R 13), and the return address (SVCOPSW) are saved in the new save area. Control is returned to module issuing SVC 16, rather than to calling module as in SVC 12. e Return is to module issuing SVC 20. External Interrupt Process----------------------------------------~ OUTPUT - - - -..... INPUT----------------------~ PSA (Prefix Storage Area) If TOO clock comparator interrupt • unchain from TOO clock comparator • queue the re,lated TRQBLOK GO TO • place on dispatch queue • set new clock comparator request . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ DISPATCHEFI If CPU timer interrupt .........;..------• flag running user to be dropped from queue If a Timer interrupt VMBLOK VMGPRS VMFPRS Timeelr:i:n~te:r:rL::IP:t~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~=~>F;V~M~PSW VMOSlf'AT • if supervisor mode, ignore • otherwise, save machine status: VMBLOK VMTERM ~ RDEVBLO K (for operator) If interrupt from the Console Interrupt Button (External) • Set the disconnect flag in VMBLOK • Halt any outstanding I/O • Clear any outstanding console requests • If the running user was not interrupted, resume where left off by LPSW of External old PSW . . . . .~ • Otherwise --_ _ _ _ _ _ GO TO DISPATCHER n o I:' r+ 11 o ~ tt:I 11 o IQ 11 ~ EI • External interrupt from control panel is used to disconnect the system operator's terminal. The system operator may reconnect at any other terminal via the LOGON command. VMBLOK VMOSTAT X'lO' VMTERM X'OO' 1.0 -'= "'Id 1-" I ~ ~ H 1-1 tx:I 3: < (I) Program Interrupt IV IV ~-,----------.----- Process 3: " W -J 0 INPUT-----------, tU H 0 Program Old PSW ~ CIl '"< Determine machine mode and cause of interrupt H III a Ul ~ (I) H I:' a ~ (I) 't! H H H 0 ~ ~ (I) I:' H P- Ul G"l ------r------------....... PSA ~ If invalid operation, go to DMKPRGHF routine . . . . . . . . . .,~ '"tj H III a a If in supervisor mode, go to DMKDMPDK to take CP dump GO TO DMKPRGRF '------- ::.t: I» If recognizable privileged instruction, simulate it _ _ _ _ _ _ _'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _-,...... ..... OUTPUT-------------------, Virtual Storage 1-" I:' ~ VMPSW ~ 1-" If privileged instruction is not recognized, issue SVC 0 and dump CP --.::..--..:.-=:..---------~ P- (I) VMBLOK • If paging exception, call DMKPTRAN to bring page with requested address into real storage. If program interrupt occurs in virtual problem mode, reflect the interrupt back to the virtual machine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ VMINST D SWPTABLE OUTPUT-------------------, User's Page 0 • e. This is the entry point to reflect SVC interrupts (when DMKPSASV could not reflect it) and to reflect privileged instructions that cannot be simulated by DMKPRVLG Invalid operation code is in GR O. The VMINST field of the VMBLOK contains the image of the privileged instruction that caused the interrupt VMPSW VMINST • Request For Real Storage INpUT------------------------------~ GPRl GR 2 REQUEST I Virtual Address ~---------------~~--------------PROCESS------ ------------> Translate address CORTABLE SWPTABLE YES •~ Is requested page already in storage? PAGTABLE NO Determine page selection PAGCORE real page address ,• r- r - - - -__-Is page available from lists? FREELIST INPUT----~ FLUSHLIST USER LIST OUTPUT -.,--------_ YES. /' PAGII\~G Release p a g e s . . . . . . ~~---~--.---L--"'~~ Allocate DASD space ' .......... Schedule page I/O Mark page free PAGING DEVICE _.- ....... NO _________ DEVICE I Lock - if requested Form address Return to requester • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GR 2 r-- Real Address .~: (') o ==' r+ 11 o ~ ~ 11 o \Q 11 I» a 1.0 U1 _. • Bits defined for CORFLAG • Bits defined for SWPFLAG SWPTRANS EQU X'SO' Page in transit SWPRECMP EQU X'40' Page permanently assigned SWPALLOC EQU SWPSHR EQU X'20' X'10' Page enqueued for allocation Page shared SWPREFl EQU X'OS' 1st half page referenced SWPCHGl EQU X'04' 1st half page changed EQU EQU X'02' 2nd half page referenced X'Ol' 2nd half page changed CORIOLCK EQU X'SO' Page locked for I/O CORCFLCK EQU X'40' Page locked by console function CORFLUSH EQU X'20' Page is in flush list CORFREE EQU X'10' CORSHARE EQU X'OS' Page is in free list Page is shared CORRSV EQU X'04' Page is reserved CORDISA EQU X'Ol' Page disabled - not available SWPREF2 SWPCHG2 I ~ 0'1 ....toll! I.Q c: 1-1 ~ (t) Il' til N <: ~ til "W -..J .... <: 0 11 til ~ ~ ~ SIO From Virtual Machine rt- c: ____________ PROCESS ________________ ~ OUTPUT--------------------~ DMKVSP Ul rt- til (t) "1:j EI 0 0 tt:I ~ .... Real Storage INPUT Free Storage Area ~ 1-1 0 :::s \Q \Q GR 2 1-1 Virtual CAW ~ EI EI (t) 1-1 If spool file not open, create VSPLCTL get virtual buffer save data in VSPLCTL VYORK Ul (j') c: .... If Printer, Punch, or Console • get a work buffer get virtual CCW move logical record I[CCW and data) from spool buffer to work buffer move data to user's data area post 'interrupt' pendiing and return to virtual machine Q" (t) Virtual Storage VDEVBLOK VDEVSPL VDEVCSW • If a Card Reader get a work buffer get virtual CCW move logical record (CCW and data) from spool buffer t() work buffer move data to virtual data area post 'interrupt' pending and return to virtual machine . Virtual console spooling is the same as printer spooling except that: • A skip to channel one CCW is inserted every 60 lines of output • The operator's virtual console spool buffer is written for every 16 lines of output • The Virtual spool buffer is written to the allocated spool device when the first CCW is placed in the Virtual buffer. The buffer is kept in a pseudo closed state so that checkpoint saves the buffer in the event of a system failure. DMKDSPCH User's virtual machine page containing the Data Area • Interrupt From Spool Device INPUT FOR PUNCH/PRINTER - - . - - PROCESS - - - - - - - - - - , 1+J , . . . - - - - - - OUTPUT FOR PUNCH/PRINTER . - - - - - . . , RDEVBLOK RDEVBLOK 10BLOK Find nonbusy unit record device Find SFBLOK for that device type RDEVSTAT RDEVTYC RDEVSPL .... ~ Create RSPLCTL block and chain it to RDEVBLOK Remove SFBLOK from chain and chain it to RSPLCTL SPUNK Get virtual Duffer and read DASD page Reconstruct CCWs in data page Create 10BLOK and chain CCWs to 10BLOK ~_C.....;C.....;W....:.s_[I§ Data CCWs TIC C=:J OR Data Schedule I/O operation When there is an interrupt from the unit-record device, get next DASD page -from chain INPUT FOR READER 10BLOK ~ n o ::s r+ H o I-' I't:l H o \Q H ~ S 1------------ OUTPUT FOR READER -------------i Real Stor.lge DASD Auxiliarv Storage SPOOL BUFFER .... \D:Jl1LV-LUUL, ("loT '1 , , _ '1 March ..J......I , 1975 Due to the algorithm used by the scheduler in determining entry to the active queues, the value of STORAGE can exceed 1001. The scheduler contention ratio, RATIO, is a smoothed measure of the contention for real storage, and is defined as: E+M RATIO M M is the number of users in queuel and queue2 E is the number of users waiting to be allocated real storage by the scheduler and therefore temporQ~ily resident in the scheduler's eligible lists. Thus, RATIO is the ratio of active users to users being serviced, and is 1.0 for optimum response. Optimum response occurs when enough real storage is available to accommodate all active users, assuming the CPU can process their commands. If E and M are both zero, the value of RATIO is set to 1.0. Given the value of RATIO and M, (Ql+Q2) the eligible list can be computed as: the number of users in E = M (RATIO-l) * INDICATE USER allows a user to determine the resources used and occupied by his virtual machine, and the I/O events that have taken place. The following two line response is returned: PAGES: RES-nnnn WS-nnnn READS=nnnnnn WRITES=nnnnnn DISK-nnnn DRUM-nnnn VTIME=nnn:nn TTIME=nnn:nn SIO=nnnnnn RDR-nnnnnn PRT-nnnnnn PCH-nnnnnn The first line of the response displays the data from the user's VMBLOR that is relevant to his virtual machine's paging activity and resource occupancy. RES is the current number of the user's virtual storage pages resident in real storage at the time the command is issued. WS is the most recent system set size. estimate of the user's working READS is the total number of page reads for this user since he logged on or since the last ACNT command was issued for his virtual machine. WRITES is the total number of page writes for this user since he logged on or since the last ACNT command was issued for his virtual machine. DISK is the current number of virtual pages system paging disk for this user. allocated on the DRUM is the current number of virtual pages system paging drum for this user. allocated on the Part 2: Control Program (CP) 210.3 GC'20-1807-3 Page Modified bV TNL GN20-2662, March j 1, 1'1 The second line of the response gives the user his accumulated I/O activity counts since logon or since command was issued for his virtual machine. I':) CPU usage and the last ACNT VTIME is the total virtual CPU time for the user. TTIME is user. the total virtual CPU and SIO is the total number of the user. simulation time for the non-spooled I/O requests issued by RDR is the total number of virtual cards read. PRT is the total number of virtual lines printed. PCH is the total nUIDber of virtual cards punched. I THE CLASS E INDICATE COMMAND The format of the class E INDICATE command is: r , r INDica te ILOAD I IUSER I I \Queues I , I II I userid II L J I I iI/O I IPAGing I r I~!!~ IALL , I II II L L JJ r I~ I I INDICATE LOAD -provides the same output as the INDICATE 1Q!~ option described under "The Class G Indicate Command." INDICATE USER * reflects activity of the system analyst's own virtual machine. The output of this option is the same as that of the INDICATE USER.! option described under "The Class G Indicate Command." INDICATE USER userid allows the system analyst to determine the activity of other virtual machines in terms of the resources used and occupied and events that have taken place. Users with class E authority can access data from the VMBLOK of any user currently logged onto the system in their attempts to understand an overload or poor performance situation. The output of this option is the same as that of the INDICATE USER.! option described under "The Class G Indicate Command". 210.4 IBM VM/370: system Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 3i, i975 INDICATE QUEUES displays the active users, the queues they are in, the storage ~her are occupying, and the status. th:yare.in. The display lndlcates those users currently domlnatlng maln storage. Users waiting in eligible lists are included in the response because they are contending for main storage and it is only by chance that they were not occupying main storage at the time of the command. The response to the INDICATE QUEUES command is as follows: userid1 aa bb ssslttt userid2 ••• (up to 3 userids per line) useridn is the user identification. aa is the eligible list or queue that the user cccupies. bb is one of the following status indicators: RU PG IO EX PS the user is currently running. the user is not running because CP is attempting to bring in a page from a paging device. the user is in 1/0 wait because access to the device is not available at the moment. the user is waiting for the completion of an instruction simulation. the user is in an enabled wait state for high speed 1/0 devices. waiting to be redispatched !g!~: In cases where a virtual machine may be in more than one of the above states, only one state is displayed. The state displayed is the first one encountered in the order of priority indicated above. sss ttt is a hexadecimal number indicating the number of pages resident in real storage is a hexadecimal number indicating the working set size INDICATE 1/0 provides information about conditions leading to possible I/O contention within the system. The response gives the userids of all the users in I/O wait state at that instant in time, and the address of the real device to which the most recent virtual SIO was mapped. Because the response indicates only an instantaneous sample, use the command several times before assuming a condition to be persistent. If it is persistent, run the SEEKS option of the MONITOR command to conduct a thorough investigation of the suggested condition. The response to the INDICATE 1/0 option is as follows: userid1 cuu userid2 cuu ••• (up to 5 userids per line) useridn is the user identification cuu indicates the real device address. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 210.5 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNt GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 In the case where a virtual machine may have issued multiple SIOs, the response indicates the real device address corresponding to the most recent one issued. INDICATE PAGING WAIT is provIded for installations that have 2305s as primary paging devices and other direct access devices as secondary paging device. A full primary device and subsequent allocation of paging space on the slower device may be responsible for degradation in system performance. Use the INDICATE PAGING WAIT option when the INDICATE QUEUES option shows that a significant proportion of the users in queue1 and queue2 are persistently in page wait. The response to the command gives the userids of those users currently in page wait and the numbers of page frames allocated on drum and on disk. The response to follows: the INDICATE PAGING userid1 nnn:mmm userid2 nnn:mmm ••• WAIT option is as (up to 4 userids per line) useridn is the user identification. nnn is the hexadecimal number of pages allocated on drum for these users. mmm is the hexadecimal number of pages allocated on disk for these users. !2!~: Consider, for example, the following response: usera 010:054 userb 127:000 If the two users were to execute programs of similar characteristics, then usera would be expected to experience more pagewait than userb. Also, if the level of multiprogramming were to be low during the execution of usera's program, then more system page wait would occur than during the execution of userb's program. If users appear to have most of their pages allocated on disk, it would be useful to know which users are occupying most of the primary paging device space, and whether or not they are still active. (That is, a virtual machine that is running a large operating system may have been allocated large amounts of primary paging device space at IPL time but then may have become inactive. Consequently, the machine is occupying a critical resource that could be put to better use. INDICATE PAGING ALL displays the page residency data of all users of the system (including the system nucleus and pageable routines). The response is identical to that of the INDICATE PAGING !!!! option. The following appropriate: response is issued for the NO USERS IN QUEUE 210.6 IBM VM/370: system Programmer's Guide INDICATE QUEUES option when GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 The following response appropriate: is issued for the INDICATE 1/0 option when NO USERS IN I/O WAIT The following response is when appropriate: issued for the INDICATE PAGING WAIT option NO USERS IN PAGEWAIT Part 2: Control Program (CP} 210.7 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 VM Monitor collects data in two ways: 1. By handling interruptions caused instructions. 2. By using timer interruptions to sampling routines. by executing give control MONITOR CALL periodically (MC) to MONITOR CALL instructions with appropriate classes and codes are presently emtedded in strategic places throughout the main body of VM/370 code (CP). When a MONITOR CALL instruction executes, a program interruption occurs if the particular class of MONITOR CALL is enabled. The classes of MONITOR CALL that are enabled are determined by the mask in control register 8. For the format and function of the MONITOR CALL instruction, refer to the System/370 Principles of Operation manual, Order No. GA22-7000. The format of control register 8 is as follows: I r I I I I I I I I I I I xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0123 4567 89AB CDEF I I I I I I I I I I L I x indicates unassigned bits O-F (hexadecimal) indicates the bit associated with each possible class of the MONITOR CALL. When a MONITOR CALL interruption occurs, the CP program interruption handler (DMKFRG) transfers control to the VM Monitor interruption handler, (DMKMON) where data collection takes place. sixteen classes of separately enabled MONITOR CALL instructions are possible, but only eight are implemented in the VM Monitor~ Monitor output consists of event data and sampled data. Event data is obtained via MONITOR CALL instructions placed within the VM/370 code. Sampled data is collected following timer interruptions. All data is recorded on the output tape as though it were obtained through a MONITOR CALL instruction. This simplifies the identification of the ta pe records. The following table indicates the each Monitor class: Monitor Class £!~~~ !~.!!!~ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 210.8 PERFORM RESPONSE SCHEDULE Reserved USER INSTSIM DASTAP SEEKS SYSPROF type of collection Collection Mechanism "TImer-requests MC instructions MC instructions Timer requests MC instructions Timer requests MC instructions Collected via class 2 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide mechanism for GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 Another function, separate from the VM Monitor, is also handled by the MONITOR command. The MONITOR command can stop and start CP internal trace table data collection, which is g21 initiated by MONITOR CALLs. !21g: The VM Monitor tape record format and the contents of record are shown in Appendix B in this manual. the tape The MONITOR command: ; e I. I I !. I. I stops and starts CP internal trace table data collection. Displays the status of the internal trace table and each implemented class of VM Monitor data collection. Enables one or more classes of MONITOR CALL. starts and stops data collection recording by VM Monitor onto tape: Specifies what interval is to be used for timer driven data collection. I The format of the class A and E MONITOR command is: -, r- MONitor Display ENable PERForm RESPonse SCHedule USER INSTsim DAStap SEEKs SYSprof INTerval nnnnn 1 , r I~~~I IMINI L STArt CPTRACE STArt TAPE J r L STOP rOO}' raddr IMODE 1600 I 6250 I I J { CPT RACE } TAPE lSelect one or more of the classes subject to the restrictions below. L-___________________________ -----------------~ DISPLAY displays the status of the internal trace table and the implemented classes. A separate line of output for the internal trace table and each class of MONITOR CALL indicates the class and its status (enabled or disabled). Part 2: Control Program (CP) 210.9 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 ENABLE PERForm RESPonse SCHedule USER INSTsim DAStap SEEKs SYSprof enables the specified classes of MONITOR CALL. Each successful completion of this command creates a new mask for control register 8. The function of each class is described in the section "Implemented Classes." The effect of the MONITOR ENABLE command depends on whether data collection is active or inactive when the command is issued. If data collection is active (MONITOR START TAPE has been issued), the new mask is moved directly into control register 8, replacing the previous mask, and the new mask takes effect immediately. Collection then continues with the classes just entered. If data collection is not active at the time the command is issued, then the mask is saved until the MONITOR START TAPE command is issued. Restrictions exist on issuing the MONITOR ENABLE command while the VM Monitor is collecting and recording data on tape. Every MONITOR ENABLE command yields a example, if PERFORM and USER classes collected, and you enter MONITOR ENABLE and USER classes are stopped and INSTSIM new mask. Thus, for are currently being INSTSIM, then PERFORM is started. Thp DASTAP operand in the MONITOR ENABLE command must be specified prior to the MONITOR START TAPE command. DASTAP may be disabled at any time by respecifying the MONITOR ENABLE command with DASTAP absent from the class list. The SYSPROF class cannot be activated unless and SCHEDULE classes are also active. both the DASTAP If data collection is in progress when you issue a MONITOR ENABLE command and an error occurs in the command line during processing, no change is made to the monitoring status. Unrecognizable keywords, conflicting or missing operands generate appropriately different error messages. Due to the security exposure which potentially exists with collecting terminal input and output data, the RESPONSE class of data collection does not occur unless the system programmer sets the TRACE (1) bit in the LOCAL COPY to 1 and reassembles the CP module DMKMCC. If this is not done, the RESPONSE class is considered an invalid operand of the MONITOR ENABLE command. r INTERVAL nnnnn , I~~£I IMINI L J specifies the time interval to be used for the three timer driven data collection classes: PERFORM, USER, and DASTAP. The value specified by nnnnn is the number of seconds or minutes between data collections. If no interval is specified on the MONITOR INTERVAL command, an error message occurs. If 210.10 IBM VM/370: system Programmer's Guide GC20-i807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 you give an interval but enter neither SEC nor MIN, the default is SEC. The maximum allowatle interval is 9 hours (540 minutes or 32,400 seconds). The minimum is 30 seconds. If the MONITOR INTERVAL command is not issued, the default interval is 60 seconds. The MONITOR INTERVAL command can be issued at any time; however, if data collection is already in progress, the new interval does not take effect until the current interval has elapsed. The MONITOB interval is reset to ~ne whenever any of the following occurs: • • • default of 60 seconds the user issues MONITOR STOP the because of an unrecoverable I/O error the end of tape is reached !g!~: The information regarding the INTERVAL operand of the MONITOR command, contained in this publication, supersedes that found in the Y~LJ1Q: QE~£~!Q£~~ g~iQ~. START CPTRACE starts the tracing of events that occur on the real machine. The events are recorded in the CP internal trace table in chronological order. When the end of the table is reached, recording continues at the beginning of the table, overlaying data previously recorded. r , START TAPE raddr :MODE{l:gg}: I 6250 I L J starts the data collection by VM Monitor on to a tape. Specify "raddr" as the real hexadecimal address of the tape drive that you want to use. It activates data collection for those classes of MONITOR CALL previously specified in a MCNITOR ENABLE command. The mask that was saved by the MONITOR ENABLE command is moved into control register 8. The data is collected in two buffer pages in real storage. These pages are separate from the internal trace table pages. As each data page is filled, it is written onto the tape. When the VM Monitor is started, CP followed by a Set Mode command for density. issues a REWIND command the reset value of tape The user can request a different mode setting by specifying the MODE option 1n the MONITOR START TAPE command. Mode values of 800, 1600, or 6250 BPI may be specified. ]2!~: If a user specifies density mode that the tape cannot handle, the control unit may not return an error conditon; in this case the mode setting is ignored and the default control unit setting is used. STOP CPTRACE terminates the tracing of events occurring on the real Event recording ceases but the pages of storage machine. containing the CP internal trace table are not released. Tracing can be restarted at any time by issuing MONITOR START CPTRACE. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 210.11 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662. March 31, 1975 STOP TAPE stops data collection by VM Monitor on to tape. A zero mask is immediately stored in control register 8, thus disabling MCNITOR CALL interruptions. The last partially filled page is written out, two tape marks are written, and the tape is rewound and unloaded. The two buffer pages, which were obtained at the time the MONITOR START TAPE command was issued, are released. The CPTRACE and TAPE operands of the MONITOR command completely separate functions. Commands affecting the status of function have no effect on the other. !Q1~: are one The following response occurs if you issue the MONITOR DISPLAY command: !~X~Q~Q ~1~ PERFORM RESPONSE SCHEDULE USER INSTSIM DASTAP SEEKS SYSPROF CPTRACE 0 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 The following response occurs for DISPLAY, that successfully execute: ~1A1~~ (ENABLED or DISABLED) MONITOR commands, except MONITOR COMMAND COMPLETE I IMPLEMENTED CLASSES The following MONITOR CALL classes correlate with the corresponding classes in control register 8. Refer to the System/370 ~£!~£!£!~§ Qf Q£~~~!iQQ, Order No. GA22-7000 for details of the MC instruction and the bits in control register 8. Monitor ~!~§§ Zero PERFORM Samples system resource usage data by accessing system counters of interest to system performance analysts. One RESPONSE Collects data on terminal I/O. simplifies analyses of command usage, user and system response times. It can relate user activity to system performance. This class is invalid and no data can be collected for it unless the system programmer changes the LOCAL COPY file and reassembles DMKMCC. Two SCHEDULE Collects data about scheduler queue manipulation. Monitors flow of work through the system, and indicates the resource allocation strategies of the scheduler. Three 210.12 Reserved IBM VM/370: system Programmer's Guide Page ml.1T ..L. 11.J." r'l.l')(\~_')CC,) ~ 11 £ V - L U U L , u,~_t.. nUJ,.\.-ll -') 1 ..J I , 10"71: 1.:11-1 Four USER Periodically scans the chain of VMBLOKs in the system, and extracts user resource utilization and status data. Five INSTSIM Records every virtual machine privileged instruction handled by the control program (CP) • Because simulation of privileged instructions is a major source of overhead, this data may lead to methods of improving performance. If the VMA feature is active, the number of privileged instructions that are handled by the control program is reduced for those virtual machines that are runnino with the feature acti va ted. - six DASTAP Periodically samples device I/O activity counts (SIOs), for tape and DASD devices only. It is possible that the number of DASD and tape devices defined in DMKRIO exceeds 291 (the maximum number of MONITOR DASTAP records that fi t in a MONITOR buffer) • The following algorithm determines which devices are monitored: Seven SEEKS 1. If the total number of DASD and tape devices that are online is less than or equal to 291, all online DASD and tape devices are monitored. 2. If the online DASD devices total less than or equal to 291, all online DASD devices are monitored. 3. Otherwise, the first device are monitored. 291 online DASD Collects data for every I/O request to DASD devices. Reveals channel, control unit, or device contention and arm movement interference problems. HIO No data is collected for TIO or data is operations. For SIC operations, collected when the request for the I/O operation is initially handled and again when the request is satisfied. This means that a single SIO request could result in two Monitor Calls. For example, if the request gets queued because the device is already busy, then a Monitor Call would be issued as the request is queued. Later, when the device becomes free and is restarted, a second Monitor Call is issued. In general, the data collected is the same except that in the first case there will be non-zero counts associated with queued requests. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 210.13 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 If the request for I/O is satisfied when it is initially handled, without being queued v only one Monitor Call results. In both this case and the second of the two data collections mentioned above, the count of I/O requests queued for the device is zero. Eight SYSPROF Collects nata complimentary to the DASTAP and SCHEDULE classes in order to provide a more detailed "profile" of system performance through a closer examination of DASD utilization. I VM MONITOR RESPONSE TO UNUSUAL TAPE CONDITIONS When I/O to the tape is requested, the device may still be busy from the previous request. If this occurs, two data pages are full and data collection must be temporarily suspended. Control register 8 is saved and then set to zero to disable MONITOR CALL program interruptions and timer data collection. A running count is kept of the number of times suspension occurs. The current Monitor event is disregarded. When the current tape I/O operation ends, the next full data page is scheduled for output. MONITOR CALL interruptions are re-enabled (control register 8 is restored), a record containing the time of suspension, the time of resumption and the suspension count is recorded and data collection continues. The suspension count is reset to zero when the MONITOR STOP TAPE is issued. When an unrecoverable error occurs, DMKMON receives control and attempts to write two tape marks, rewind and unload the tape. The use of the tape is discontinued and data collection stops. The operator is informed of the action taken. Whether or not the write-tape-marks, rewind and unload are successful, the tape drive is released. When an end-of-tape condition occurs, DMKMON receives control. A tape mark is written on the tape and it is rewound and unloaded. The VM Monitor is stopped and the operator is informed of the action taken. I VM MONITOR CONSIDERATIONS The system programmer may want to set the TRACE(1) bit to 1 in the LOCAL COPY file and reassemble DMKMCC to allow RESPONSE data (MONITOR class 1) to be collected. See the information about security exposure in "MONITOR ENABLE Restrictions" in the MONITOR command description. 210.14 IBM VM/370: system Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL f"~'')(\ Ul'~V _')c C ') LUUL, U~_~L na.L.vu I, '") 1 J MONITOR START CPTRACE is active after real system IPL (manual automatic). The VM Monitor tape data collection is off after IPL. 1n...,c: I :7 , .J or System shutdown implies a MONITOR STOP TAPE command. Normal command processing for the MONITOR STOP TAPE function is performed by the system. If the VM/370 system fails and data collection is active, an attempt is made to write two tape marks, rewind and unload the tape. If the tape drive fails to rewind and unload, be sure to write a tape mark before rewinding and unloading the tape. VM Monitor data collection is terminated by the system failure. A supported tape drive must be dedicated to the system for the duration of the monitoring. For accounting purposes, all I/O is charged to the system. I VM MONITOR DATA VOLUME AND OVERHEAD Use of the VM Monitor requires that three pages be locked in storage for the entire time the VM Monitor is active; this reduces by three the number of page frames available for paging. This significantly affects the performance of the rest of the system when there is a limited number of page frames available for paging. PERFORM This class of data collection is activated once every 60 seconds (or as defined by the MONITOR INTERVAL command), and records system counters relevant to performance statistics. It is, therefore, a very low overhead data collection option. RESPONSE This class collects terminal interaction data and, because of the human factor, has a very low rate of occurrence relative to CPU speeds. Consequently, this class causes negligible overhead and produces a low volume of data. SCHEDULE This class records the queue manipulation activity of the scheduler and generates a record every time a user is added to the eligible list, added to queue1 or queue2, or removed from queue. The recording overhead is very low. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 210.15 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 USER This class of data collection is active once every 60 seconds (or as defined by the MONITOR INTERVAL command). Data is extracted from each user's VMBLOK, including the system VMBLOK. The overhead incurred is comparable with that of the statistical data of the PERFORM class; however, it increases with the number of users logged onto the system. INSTSIM This class of data collection can give rise to large volumes of data because of the frequency of privileged instructions in some virtual machines. This may incur significant overhead. It should be activated for short periods of time and preferably, though not necessarily, when other classes of data collection are inactive. If the virtual Machine Assist feature is active for the virtual machine, the data volume and consequently the CP overhead may be reduced. DASTAP This class of data collection samples device activity counts once every 60 seconds (or as defined by the MONITOR INTERVAL command), and is a very low source of overhead, similar to the PERFORM and USER classes. SEEKS This class of data collection can give rise to large volumes of data because every start I/O request to DASD devices is recorded via a MONITOR CALL. SYSPROF This class of data collection is complementary to the SCHEDULE and DASTAP classes and results in a small amount of additional overhead. It obtains more refined data on DASD resource usage. For daily monitoring, to generate a data tape suitable for analyzing utilization and performance trends, use the PERFORM class only. If performance bottlenecks are suspected, run the RESPONSE and SCHEDULE classes to relate user activity to system scheduling decisions in terms of demands on system resources. If particular users are suspected of dominating the system, or if I/O activity is suspected of being concentrated on particular devices, then run the USER and DASTAP classes. If the DASTAP class does not give enough information to resolve possible I/O contention questions, activate the SEEKS class for a short period of time, for instance, ten minutes. The SYSPROF class can be enabled along with SCHEDULE and DASTAP to give an additional breakdown of I/O device activity as it relates to queue manipulation by the scheduler. The INSTSIM class can be enabled to determine which users are incurring high amounts of system overhead due to instruction simulation. I LOAD ENVIRONMENTS OF VM/370 Two distinct uses of VM/370 can be readily identified, and consequently some differences in criteria for acceptable performance may occur. The system may be required to time share multiple batch-type virtual machines with interactive machines performing minor support roles; or, the system may be primarily required to provide good interactive time-sharing services in the foreground, with a batch background absorbing spare resources of real storage and CPU. 210.16 IBM VM/370: system Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662. March 31; 1975 First you must determine how many similar users can be run concurrently on a given configuration before the throughput of individual users becomes unacceptable. After determining this, you can perform external observations of turn-around time on benchmarks and specify a point beyond which the addition of more users would be unacceptable. However, when that point is reached, more sophisticated internal measurement is required to determine the most scarce resource and how the bottleneck can be relieved by additional hardware. Several possible conditions different bottlenecks. They are: can be identified resulting from I • I I I Real storage is the bottleneck; levels of multiprogramming are low compared with the number of contending users. Hence, each user is dispatched so infrequently that running time or response time may become intolerable. I. I I storage may be adequate to contain the working sets of contending users, but the CPU is being shared among so many users that each is receiving inadequate attention for good throughput. I. I I I I I Real storage space may be adequate for the CPU, and a high speed drum is used for paging; however, some virtual storage pages of some users have spilled onto slower paging devices because the drum is full. with low levels of multiprogramming, user page wait can become a significant portion of system wait time. Consequently, CPU utilization falls and throughput deteriorates. I. I I I I storage, CPU, and paging resources are adequate, yet several users are heavily I/O bound on the same disk, control unit, or channel. In these circumstances, real storage may be fully committed because the correct level of multiprogramming is selected, yet device contention is forcing high I/O wait times and unacceptatle CPU utilization. Estimates of typical working set sizes are needed to determine how well an application may run in a multiprogramming environment on a given virtual storage system. A measure of the application's CPU requirements may be required for similar reasons. Measurements may be required on the type and density of privileged instructions a certain programming system may execute, because, in the virtual machine environment, privileged instruction execution may be a major source of overhead. If the virtual machine environment is used for programming development, where the improvement in programmer productivity outweighs the disadvantages of extra overheads, the above points may not be too critical. However, if throughput and turnaround time are important, then the converse is true, and the points need close evaluation before allocating resources to a virtual machine operation. High levels of multiprogramming and overcommitment of real storage space leads to high paging rates. High paging rates can indicate a healthy condition; but, be concerned about page stealing and get evidence that this rate is maintained at an acceptable level. A system with a high rate of page stealing is probably thrashing. Par~ 2: Control Program (CP) 210.17 GC20-1807-3 Page Mcdified by TNL GN20-2662, ~arch 31, 1975 Most of the conditions for good performance, established for the time-shared batch systems, apply equally well to mixed mode systems. However, two major factors make any determination more difficult to make. First, get evidence to show that, in all circumstances, priority is given to maintaining good interactive response, and that non-trivial tasks take place truly in the background. Second, background tasks, no matter how large, inefficient, or demanding should not be allowed to dominate the overall utilization of the time-sharing system. In other words, in mixed mode operation, get evidence that users with poor characteristics are discriminated against for the sake of maintaining a healthy system for the remaining users. A number of other conditions are more obvious and straightforward. You need to measure response and determine at what point it becomes unacceptable and why. Studies of time-sharing systems have shown that a user's rate of working is closely correlated with the system response. When the system responds quickly, the user is alert, ready for the next interaction, and thought processes are uninterrupted. When the system response is poor, the user becomes sluggish. For interactive environments, a need exists to analyze command usage. Average execution time of the truly interactive commands can provide data for validation of the queue1 execution time. 210.18 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March ~1 .oJ • , 1975 Accounting Records Accounting cards are punched and selected to pocket 2 of any class C card punch when a user logs off of the system, detaches a dedicated device or T-disk or lssues a Diagnose code x'4C' instruction. (If the real punch is a 2540, the accounting cards are put in pocket 3.) These records should be kept for system accounting purposes. The information on the accounting card is as follows (columns 1-28 contain character data; all other data is in hexadecimal form, except as noted): Column -'=-89-16 17-28 Conten ts UserIa:-Account number Date and Time of Accounting (mmddyyhhmmss) 29-32 Number of seconds connected to VM/370 System 33-36 Milliseconds of CPU time used, including time for VM/370 supervisor functions Milliseconds of virtual CPU time used Number of page reads Number of page writes Number of virtual machine SIO instructions for nons pooled I/O Number of spool cards to virtual punch Number of spool lines to virtual printer (this includes one line for each carriage control command) Number of spool cards from virtual reader Reserved Accounting card identification code l (01 or Cl) 37-40 41-44 45-48 49-52 53-56 57-60 61-64 65-78 79-80 Accounting cards are punched and selected to pocket 2 of any class C card punch when a previously dedicated device is released by a user via DETACH, LOGOFF, or releasing from DIAL; or, by a user lssuing a Diagnose code x'4C' instruction. A dedicated device is any device assigned to a virtual machine for that machine's exclusive use. These include devices dedicated by the ATTACH command, those being assigned at logon by directory entries, or by a user establishing a connection (via DIAL) with a system that has virtual 2702 or 2703 lines. The information on 1 The accounting card identification code is one of the following: co xl x2 x3 ~}~;~~ (' = C User User User User formatted accounting card virtual machine accounting card dedicated device accounting card temporary disk space accounting card. if the card is initiated via CP command processing if the card is initiated via a DIAGNOSE code x'4C' Part 2: Control Program (CP) 211 GC20-1807-3 Page Mcdified by TNL GN20-2662, ~~rrh 11, 1Q7S the accounting card is as follows (columns 1-28 contain character data; all other data is in hexadecimal form, except as noted): f2!!!!!!!! 1- 8 9-16 17-28 29-32 33 34 35 36 37-38 39-78 79-80 f.2!!!~!!.!~ Userid Account number Date and Time of Accounting (mmddyyhhmmss) Number of seconds connected to VM/370 system Device class Device type Model (if any) Feature (if any) Number of cylinders of temporary disk space used (if any). This informa tion appears only in a code 03 or C3 accounting card. Unused Accounting card identification code. (02, 03, C2, or C3) The device class, device type, model, 33-36 are shown in Figure 12. and feature codes in columns A virtual machine user can initiate the punching of an accounting card that contains up to 70 bytes of information of his own choosing. To do this, he issues a DIAGNOSE code x'4C' instruction with the following operands: I • I I The address of a data area in virtual storage containing the information, in the actual format, that he wishes to have punched into columns 9 through 78 of the card. I • A hexadecimal function code of x'10' I • The length of the data area in bytes The information on the accounting card is as follows: ~2!!!!!!!! 1-8 9-79 79-80 contents Useri"a:-- User formatted data Accounting card identification, "CO" A complete description of the DIAGNOSE code x'4C' instruction can be found under "DIAGNOSE Instruction in a Virtual Machine" in this section. If a punch is started for two classes with NOSEP specified, accounting cards are not uniquely separated from data decks. If started with NOSEP specified, the operator is prompted when a user has a deck to be punched. The operator can thus remove any accounting cards before starting the punch. After data is through punching, accounting cards may be punched. 212 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 If the amount of free storage (available page frames) is relatively small and the card punch is not periodically assigned to punch out CP's accounting cards, it is possible for CP's accounting routine to progressively use up a significant percentage of the available page frames and cause a page thrashing condition to occur in VM/370. This is because the accounting routine creates and updates accounting records in real storage, and does not free that storage space until the accounting records are punched out on the real system card punch. This situation is further aggravated when the accounting option for a batch virtual machine is in effect. due to the increased number of accounting records generated. To eliminate this problem, it is recommended that one punch pocket be permanently dedicated to this accounting function, or if that is not feasible, to punch out all the accumulated accounting records every 1 to 2 hours. You may insert your own accounting procedures in the accounting routines. See the "CP Conventions" section for information on CP coding conventions and loadlist requirements. Operator responsibilities in such cases should be defined by the installation making the additions. When designing such accounting procedures, you should understand that: 1. The accounting routines are designed to be expanded. The entry point provided in the accounting module for installation use is called DMKACON. If you want to perform additional accounting functions, you should modify the following copy files: ACCTON (account on) -- for action at logon time. This is provided as a null file. It can be expanded to provide additional functions at logon time. The ACCTON routine can request the system to force the user off by returning a nonzero value in SAVER2. However, if the operator is automatically logged on during system initialization, the nonzero return code has no effect. !Q1~: The ACCTON COpy file distributed with VM/370 contains the basic logic required to enhance system security based on the 3277 Operator Identification Card Reader feature. Additional checking may be added to examine or validate the data read from the identification card. ACCTOFF (account off) -- for action at logoff time. This section contains the code that fills in the account card fields. It does not reset any internal data. This file exists in both DMKACO and DMKCKP (checkpoint). If the ACCTOFF copy file is changed, both modules should be reassembled. 2. CP has no provision for writing the accounting records to disk. 3. In addition to CP accounting, your installation can use the accounting routines to supply virtual machine operating system accounting records. This provides a means of job accounting and operating system resource usage accounting. 4. If no punch is generated in the VM/370 system, accounting records are not queued for punching. The ACCTON and ACCTOFF copy files are still called, however. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 213 Generating Named Systems By taking advantage of the SAV!SYS command, system resources are not committed to perform an IPL each time a saved system is requested. Instead, the named system is located and page tables are initialized according to its system name table entry. The named system is not automatically loaded at IPL time; however, its pages are brought into storage on demand as the virtual machine operating system executes. In addition to saving time by avoiding an IPL, a saved system can share segments of reenterable code, thus making more efficient use of real storage. This technique is especially valuable when using CMS. When adding, changing, or deleting, the DMKSNT module must be reassembled. The GENERATE EXEC procedure has a facility to reassemble only the DMKSNT module. See the description of the GENERATE EXEC procedure in the !~LllQ: Rlg~ni~~ g~g §I§!~! §~!~!~!!Qn Guig~. The procedure for generating a named system consists of two steps: 1. Configuring and assembling the NAMESYS macro (DMKSNT). 2. Loading the system command. to be saved and then invoking the SAVESYS When allocating DASD space for named systems, provide an extra page for information purposes; do not overlay this area with subsequent named systems. The NAMESYS macro is assembled by the installation system programmer and is used to describe the location of the saved system. Shared segments may be specified, but they must consist of reenterable cede, with no alteration of its storage space permitted. A DMKSNT ASSEMBLE module supplied with the system contains a dummy NAME TABLE. Either edit or update this module to include the NAMESYS macros describing your installation's named systems. Note that this module may contain a PUNCH SPB card, which is used by the loader to force this module to a 4K boundary when the CP system is built (a 12-2-9 multipunch must be specified in column 1 of an SPB). The format of the NAMESYS macro is: label NAMESYS SYSSIZE=nnnK,SYSNAME=cccccc,VSYSRES=cccccc, VSYSADR=ccu,SYSVOL=cccccc,SYSCYL=nnn, SYSSTRT=(cc,p) ,SYSPGCT=nn, SYSPGBM=(nn,nn,nn-nn, ••• ), SYSHRSG=(n,n, ••• ) label is any desired user label. SYSSIZE is the system. 214 minimum storage size K must be specified. IBM VM/370: system Programmer's Guide needed to operate the saved SYSNAME is the name given the system to be used for identification by SAVESYS and 1PL. The name selected must never be one that could be interpreted as a hexadecimal device address (for example, 'A' or 'E'). VSYSRES is the real volume serial number of the DASD volume containing the virtual disk that is the system residence volume ~or the system to be saved. VSYSADR is the virtual address of the virtual disk that is the system residence volume for the system to be saved. SYSVOL is the volume serial number of the DASD designated to receive the saved system. This must be a CP-owned volume. SYSCYL is the real starting cylinder of the virtual disk (specified by VSYSRES and VSYSADR) that is the system residence volume for the system to be saved. SYSSTRT designates the starting cylinder and page address on SYSVOL at which this named system is to be saved. During the SAVESYS and 1PL processing, this will be used to make up the "cylinder page and device" address for the DASD operations. These numbers are to be specified in decimal. SYSPGCT is the total number of pages to be saved. SYSPGNM are the numbers of the pages to be saved. Specification may be done as groups of pages or as single pages. For example: if pages 0, 4, and 10 through 13 are to be saved, use the format: SYSPGHM (0,4,10-13). SYSHRSG are the segment numbers designated as shared. The pages in these segments will be set up at 1PL time to be used by any user loading by this name. All segments to be shared must be reentrant. For example, a DMKSNT module to create follows: DMKSNTBL CSECT FSTNAME NAMESYS a named CMS could be coded as SYSS1ZE=384K,SYSNAME=CMS,VSYSRES=CPDSK1, VSYSADR=190,SYSCYL=100,SYSVOL=CPDSK2, SYSSTRT=(400,1) ,SYSPGCT=35, SYSPGNM= (0-34) , SYSHRSG= (1) x X X END The system to be saved must first be loaded by device address in the traditional manner. The system to be saved must have its execution stopped before its page-format image can be saved. The point at which the operating system is stopped should be determined by the installation system programmer. Then, the command "SAVESYS name" must be issued, where name corresponds to the identification of the saved system. The user must have a CP privilege class of E to issue the SAVESYS command. Hext, you should 1PL the saved system. The virtual machine will attempt to resume execution and immediately encounter a page fault. The required page is brought into storage and execution continues. As execution continues, subsequent page faults will bring the required pages into storage. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 215 A system should be saved as soon after IPL as possible. All pages to be saved must be resident at the time the SAVESYS command is issued. Also, before issuing the SAVESYS command, be sure that the system is stopped. CMS was designed to run under CP and it was also designed 50 that it could easily be saved by CP. See "saving the CMS System" in "Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS)" of this publication. I SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FO~ SHARED SEGMENTS When a saved system containing one or more shared segments is again saved, a problem can occur if the following conditions are present: 1. The previous system has been loaded by name before was saved, and is still in use. the new system 2. The unshared segments contain at least one address pointing to data in a shared segment that has moved as a result of a change. 3. The new system has been loaded by name. The problem is that when the new system is loaded, it will use the old system's shared segaents if one or more users of the old system are still logged on. Therefore, new versions of named systems containing shared segments (for example, CMS) should not be saved as long as the above conditions exist. SAVING OS Since OS varies with system, release, and system generation options, it is impossible to outline a detailed Frocedure to save OS. The following considerations are only guidelines. It is up to you to determine when to save your installation's os. The following steps should be performed: 1. Make the os system residence volume read-only. Some modification to OS is required. Consider the following modifications to OS for a saved OS system: .. 216 Uncatalog SYS1.DUMP -- if needed, CP dumps can be taken. If your installation wants to have a shared OS system, SYS1.DUMP must be cataloged on a scratch disk. • Modify the RDR SYS1.PROCLIB entry to allocate only a amount of space for IEFDATA (5 cylinders are adequate). • Eliminate the disk. • Eliminate LOGREC recording; CP does its own error recording. • If 2314s are used, eliminate alIOS standalone seeks, and turn off all shared 2314 DASD bits (UCDTYP field, byte 2, bit 2). writing location of SYS1.PROCLIB IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide on the small system For a 2314, if the first CCW in a channel program is a command chained seek, CP executes a split seek before starting the actual given CCW commands. This technique renders the OS standalone seek redundant. A shared DASD is a problem because OS prefaces data transfer CCW command sequences with a release command. As a result, CP does not do its split 2314 seek but just executes the given CCW commands. Thus for a shared DASD, since the CP split seek and the OS standalone seek both have been eliminated, the actual 2314 CCW commands always tie up the real channel for the duration of the seek (including arm movement). 2. Use the IBCDASDI program to initialize a virtual scratch disk. 3. IPL OS in the usual manner and then save job queue, the VTOC of the scratch disk, in addition to the contents of storage reload a saved OS system. The following it can be saved. The job also causes a when the saved OS system is started no required. consider using moment: the following FOS FASTOS 'SUPPORT FAST START OF SYSTEM UNDER VM370' TITLE CSECT USING B ORG STM ST ST LR SPACE WTO WTO WTC WTO WTO WTO WTO WTO WTO WTO SPACE job to help it. You must save the os and the working data set in order t? successfully job will sp1n OS so that reader interrupt so that operator intervention is you save OS at the right FASTOS,13 USE R13 AS BASE FOR FASTOS 72(,15) BRANCH TO START OF PROGRAM FASTOS+72 SAVE AREA 14,12,12 (13) SAVE ALL REGISTERS BUT R13 15,8(,13) SAVE START ADDRESS IN CALLERS SAVE AREA 13,4(,15) SAVE ADDRESS OF CALLERS SAVE AREA 13,15 SET BASE 'AFTER SPINNING IS TYPED - ENTER CP AND DISPLAY PSW' 'NEXT, STORE A NEW PSW USING ST PSW XXXXOOOO OOYYYYYY' 'WHERE XXXX is 0004,FOR OS, OR 040C FOR VS' 'AND YYYYYY IS ADDRESS IN DISPLAYED ORIG PSW +4' 'NEXT, BITER SAVESYS ZZZZZZZZ' 'WHERE ZZZZZZZZ IS A SAVESYS NAME IN DMKSNT' 'LAST, IPL CMS AND SAVE 1ST FEW CYL OF' 'SCRATCH PACK' 'SPINNING' B * SPIN, GO INTO CP AND SET SUPR MODE EJECT *ENTRY TO SAVE OS PROGRAM AFTER IPL ZZZZZZZZ HAS BEEN GIVEN SPACE LA 1,=C'READY OOC' SET UP TO READY C LA 2,10 DC X'83120008' ISSUE DIAG COMMAND FOR READY C SPACE SR 15,15 NORMAL RETURN CODE L 13,4(,13) GET CALLER'S SAVE AREA ADDRESS RETURN ( 14, 12) , T, RC = (15) EXIT SPACE END After the 'SPINNING' message types, issue the SAVESYS command. Then, enter CMS and use the DASD Dump Restore program to copy the job queue, VTOC of scratch disk, and working data set to a master scratch disk. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 217 Several steps are system. You must: also required to restart or activate a saved OS 1. Build an identical configuration. 2. Use the D1SD Dump Bestore program to copy the master scratch disk to your working scratch disk. This ensures that the job queue, VTOe, and working data set are identical to those of the saved OS system. 3. Load the job reader. 4. IPL the named system. The job run in step 3 of "Saving OS" will cause an interrupt from the reader and allow OS to process the jobs placed in the virtual reader without additional user action. 218 stream you wish to execute into IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide the virtual card GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 VM/VS Handshaking iM/iS Handshaking is a communication path between the VM/370 Control Program and a virtual machine operating system (OS/VS1) that makes each system control program aware of any capabilities or requirements of the othpT_ VM/V~ H~nn~h~kinn ron~i~+~ OT· - ------.-,.- -------_._---;] --------- --. I • I Closing CP spool files when VS1 and output writer is completed I • Processing VS1 pseudo page faults I. I Providing an optional nonpaging mode for VS1 when it is run under the control of VM/370 I. Providing miscellaneous enhancements for VS1 when it is run under the control of VM/3JO J job output from its DSO, terminator, The handshaking feature improves the operational characteristics of VS1 with VM/370 and yet allows the same iSi operating system to run without change in either (1) a real machine or (2) a virtual machine under the control of VM/370. When the VM/VS Handshaking feature is active, the operation of VSl with VM/370 more closely resembles the standalone operation of VS1. lhere is less need for virtual machine operator intervention because VSl closes its CP spool files so they can be processed by VM/370 when the job output from the VSl DSO, terminator, and output writer is complete. Also, one VSl task can be dispatched while another is waiting for a page to be brought into real storage if the pseudo page fault handling portion of handshaking is active. with nonpaging mode, duplicate paging can be eliminated. Although handshaking is a system generation feature for VS1, it is active only when VS1 is run under the control of VM/370; it is disabled when that same VS1 operating system is run on a real machine. The VM/VS Handshaking feature is not active unless: I • VSl is generated with the VM/370 option. I. I VSl is run under the control of a version of VM/370 that supports the feature (VM/370 supports handshaking with Release 2 PLC 13.) The pseudo page fault portion of the handshaking feature is not active unless it is set on. It can be set on, and later set off, with the CP SET PAGE X command line. When a VS1 virtual machine with the handshaking feature is loaded, its initialization routines determine whether the handshaking feature should be enabled or not. First, VSl checks to see if it is running under the control of VM/370 by issuing an STIDP (Store Processor ID) instruction. STIDP returns a version code; a version code of X'FF' indicates VSl is running under VM/370. If VSl finds a version code of X'FF', it then issues a DIAGNOSE code X'OO' instruction to store the VM/370 extended-identification code. If an extended-identification code is returned to VS1, VSl knows that VM/370 supports handshaking; if nothing is returned to VS1, VM/370 does not support handshaking. At this point in the VS1 initialization process, VM/VS Handshaking support is available. If VSl is running in the nonpaging mode and if the virtual machine operator issues the CP SET PAGEX ON command, full VM/VS Handshaking support is available. Pa rt 2: Control Program (CP) 218.1 GC20~1807~3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 When the handshaking feature is active, VS1 closes the CP spool files when the job output from the VS1 DSO, terminator, and output writer is complete. Once the spool files are closed, they are processed by VM/370 and sent to the real printer or punch. With the VM/VS Handshaking feature, virtual machine operator intervention is not required to close CP spool files. During its job output termination processing, VS1 issues DIAGNOSE code X'OS' instructions to pass the CP CLOSE command to VM/370 for each CP spool file. A page fault is a program interrupt that occurs when a page that is marked "not in storage" is referred to by an instructicn within an active page. The virtual machine operating system referring to the page is placed in a wait state while the page is brought into real storage. without the handshaking feature, the entire VS1 virtual machine is placed in page wait by VM/370 until the needed page is available. However, with the handshaking feature, a multiprogramming (or multitasking) VS1 virtual machine can dispatch one task while waiting for a page request to be answered for another task. VM/370 passes a pseudo page fault (program interrupt X'14') to VS1. When VS1 recognizes the pseudo page fault, it places only the task waiting for the page in page wait and can dispatch any other VS1 task. Thus, when VS1 uses pseudo page faults, its execution under the control of VM/370 more closely resembles its execution on a real machine. When a page fault occurs for a VS1 virtual machine, VM/370 checks that the pseudo page fault portion of handshaking is active and that the VS1 virtual machine is in EC mode and enabled for I/O interrupts. Then, VM/370 reflects the page faults to VS1 by: I. I I. I • Storing the virtual machine address, that caused the page fault, at location X'90', the translation exception address Reflecting a program interrupt (interrupt code X'14') to VS1 Removing the VS1 virtual machine from page and execution wait When VS1 recognizes program associated task in wait state. interrupt code X'14', it places VS1 can then dispatch other tasks. the When the requested page is available in real storage, VM/370 reflects the same program interrupt to VS1, except that the high order bit in the translation exception address field is set on to indicate completion. VS1 removes the task from page wait; the task is then eligible to be dispatched. When VS1 is mode if: I. I I. run under the control of VM/370, it executes in nonpaging Its virtual address space is equal to the size of the VM/370 virtual machine Its virtual machine size is a least one megabyte 21S.2 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 I. The VM/VS Handshaking feature is available When VS1 executes in nonpaging mode, it uses fewer privileqed instructions and avoids duplicate paging. The VS1Nucleus Initialization Program (NIP) fixes all VS1 pages to avoid the duplicate paging. Note, that the working set size may be larger for a VS1 virtual machine in nonpaging mode than for one not in nonpaging mode. When OS/VS1 is run in the VM/370 environment without the handshaking feature, some duplication results. VS1 must perform certain functions when it is run on a real machine; it continu~s to perform all those functions in a VM/370 virtual machine even though VM/370 also provides services. However, with the handshaking feature, VS1 avoids many of the instructions and procedures that are redundant or less efficient in the VM/370 environment. For example, VS1 avoids: I I I! I • • •• ISK (Insert storage Key) instructions and instead uses a key table Seek separation for 2314 direct access devices The ENABLE/DISABLE sequence in the VS1 I/O Supervisor (lOS) T ,n\ TCH (Test Channel) instructions preceding SIO (start .L/ v J instructions Part 2: control Program (CP) 218.3 OS/VS2 Uniprocessor Under VM/370 'M/370 simulates five System/370 instructions required by OS/VS2 Release 2 operating in uniprocessor .ode. These instructions included three privileged instructions and two nonprivilegEd instructions. The three privileged instructions are: . CLEAR I/e (CLRIC) INSERT PSW KEY (IPK) SET PSW KEY PROft ADDRESS (SPKA) The two nonprivileged instructions, system/370 ftodels 135 and 145, are: which are optional on the COMPARE AID SWAP (CS) COMPARE DOUBLE AND SWAP (CDS) The compare instructions are executed normally, that is, CP does not simulate them, when the machine is equipped with the appropriate hardware feature. However, V8/370 simulates the compare instructions (CS and CDS) if OS/VS2 Release 2 is run under the control of V8/370 on a System/370 machine without these instructions installed. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 219 DOS Under VM/370 The following guidelines .ay be helpful if you wish to share a saved DOS system between users. The guidelines that follow ought to he considered when you are planning to share a DOS system. If at all possible, generate DOS with a minimum options that support multiprogramming. supervisor without the In general, a DOS system which is to run in a virtual machine should have as few options as possible. very often, options that improve performance on a real machine have no effect (or possibly an adverse effect) in a virtual machine. For example, seek separation, which improves performance on the real machine, is redundant in a V"/370 virtual machine: CP itself issues a standalone seek for all disk I/O. If you plan to share the saved DOS system among users, you should specify Private Core Image Library support. If you intend to share the DOS system among virtual machines, you must provide a unique standard label cylinder for each such virtual DOS user. The individual standard label cylinders are at the end of the system residence volume (following the normal standard label cylinder). Some modification to label cylinders: DOS is necessary to support unique standard • The communication region in each DOS virtual machine must point to the appropriate label cylinder for each user. The IPL communication routines can be modified to do this. • $JOBCTLA updates the co.munication region pointer to the nor.al standard label cylinder at the end of each job. This procedure should be bypassed. When users share a DOS system, you have several users writing to the system residence disk since it contains a standard label cylinder for each user. The system residence volume must be in "write multiple" mode to support a shared DOS system. Then, each user can write on its own label cylinder. Bach user should have his own permanently assigned read/write private core image library where he can catalog his own programs. The relocatable and source statement libraries can be on virtual disks as well. 220 IB" VM/370: System Programmer's Guide VM/370 Operating in a Virtual Machine Environment You can update and test a VM/370 system in a virtual machine. This procedure allows you to do all the time consuming work in processing for other users. After you are through testing, use the DASD Dump Restore (DDR) ....... ::iI::iLt:=w ---- ..... -- to tape. restore l.ua. l. program to dump the virtual \"1:' virtual CP system to the real system disk and you are ready to execute the new version of VM/370 with a minimum amount of real comFuter time. I'I"IL _ _ ·~Dt=ll, ~L_~ First, there must be a VM/370 directory entry for a VM/370 virtual machine. Assume TESTSYS is the userid for this virtual machine. TESTSYS contains the options RBALTIMER and BCMODl, and would normally be used to check a new CP nucleus before moving that nucleus to the floor system. It contains two MDISKs, 330 and 331. These disks would normally be mirror images of the real SYSRES and SYSWORK volumes. They would be formatted and allocated so that the real system could speol and page on these disks. Any additional disks needed should be linked to before issuing IPL for the virtual system. A sample VM/370 directory entry for TESTSYS would be: USER TESTSYS PASSWORD 512K ACCOUNT NUMBER BIN11 OPTION BCMODB RBALTI8ER CONSOLE 01F 3215 SPOOL C 2540 RBADER SPOOL D 2540 PUNCH SPOOL B 1403 LINK CMSSYS 190 190 R MDISK 330 3330 1 15 SYSWRK WR RPASS WPASS MDISK 331 3330 16 20 SYSWRK WB RPASS WFASS This user ID has the options and configuration necessary to minimally define a system that can IPL V8/370 in a virtual machine. The minimum storage required is 240K, but in a virtual machine environment any reasonable amount can be defined; in this example 512K is used. A 512K virtual machine is required to do a virtual VM/370 system load. The OPTION card specifies ECMODE and REALTIMER, which is required for the virtual machine to operate in extended control mode. The console and spool device addresses must match the same addresses as the real machine configuration, or if that is not used for the virtual system operation, they must match whatever configuration is specified in the DMKRIO module. The LINK card is specified so that this virtual machine may operate CMS, although special considerations have to be used for this function. The minidisk cards for 330 and 331 define disks that are used for CP system residence, paging, and spooling. Note that in this configuration no other user disks are defined, nor are there any definitions for teleprocessing lines or tape drives. All additional devices required for testing in a virtual machine environment can be specified in the virtual machine by the proper use of the ATTACH, LINK, and DEFIlE commands. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 221 If the virtual machine that can run CP is also going to be used to run CMS, the configuration may be modified, once logged on. The spooling unit record equipment must have addresses that are recognized by CMS. A LINK card can be specified for the CMS system residence or a link can be made to the C8S system residence disk, and a link can also be made if passwords are provided to other user's disks so that they can be used as primary disks by the C8S system. It is possible, for instance, under this one ID that can run V8/370 in a virtual machine, to link to all the disks necessary to do a virtual system VMFLOAD or any other similar function. The V8/370 nucleus to be run in a virtual machine must be loaded onto the corresponding minidisk that represents the virtual system residence volume. Once this has been done, before IPL, the configuration of the virtual machine should be carefully set up and verified. This involves setting the console to the correct address, making sure that sufficient unit record equipment is available at the proper addresses and attaching or linking to enough disks so that a reasonable test can be made. In setting up the virtual machine configuration, links can be made to other user disks so that the V8/370 system can use these disks in its virtual operation. Be careful to ensure that links to other disks are made with the correct addresses. For instance, if the VM/370 system has 2314s defined as 130 to 137, then links to user disks that are 2314s must be in this range. 3330 or 3340 links should be in the range of 330 to 337, for example, or whatever is required to match the real machine configuration to 3330/3340 addresses. If a user disk is linked to as a 2314 address when it is actually a 3330 or 3340 device, errors will be encountered when trying to process that user disk. It is probably not necessary to have a 2305 paging device in the configuration unless the test specifically addresses that area. If this is required, and if the real configuration allows it, the user may define temporary 2305 space fer a paging volume. Depending upon the nature of virtual machine testing, one or more teleprocessing lines can be defined so that users may DIAL into the VM/370 system in a virtual machine. In most cases, simple tests do not require teleprocessing lines to be defined or enabled at the virtual machine level. Most testing can be performed by the operator's virtual machine from the virtual console. Before any of the CP disks can be used in a virtual machine environment, they must be properly formatted and set up. This includes formatting and allocating the disks, and creating a virtual directory and a virtual nucleus. The virtual disks to be used for virtual system residence, paging, and spooling must be formatted using the CP FORMAT program. This program can be run in a virtual machine environment, but does not operate under CMS. To run the FORMAT program, make it available in the virtual machine's spool card reader and IPL it from that reader. Remember that it is a virtual disk that is being formatted, and hence the specification for the number of cylinders should reflect the size of the virtual disk that is being used. 222 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide In the sample directory for TESTSYS, virtual device 330 is only 15 cylinders; thus only 15 cylinders can be formatted. The label written on the virtual disk should match the label in the installation-owned list if you are going to use the same DMKSYS module that the installation is using. In other words, if your installation has two volumes in the owned list (for instance, CPDSK1 and CPDSK3), then those must be the labels that are placed on the minidisks that are going to be used in a virtual machine. Once the volumes are formatted, you must also allocate space on these volumes. Space must be allocated to hold a virtual directory, to allow for nucleus cylinders, warm start and error recording cylinders, and temporary space for paging and spooling. All space that is not accessible to the virtual CP system because it is beyond the bounds of the virtual disk must be assi.gned as permanent space or else the virtual system attempts to access temporary space beyond the size of the virtual disk and the real CP system reflects seek checks back to the virtual system. The installation's allocation for permanent space to hold the directory, CP nucleus, error recording area, and warm start cylinder should be organized so that all these cylinders are in the first available cylinders on the disk. If the real installation system residence volume is organized in this fashion, then the same DMKSYS and DMKRIO modules can be used in a virtual machine configuration. If, for example, the real configuration specifies that one of the areas is beyond the range accessible by the virtual disk, then a special DMKSYS module has to be generated. It is preferable that the same installation modules are used when operating in a virtual machine environment in order to ensure that the testing environment matches the one to be used in the real machine configuration. The only exception to this rule is the directory that appears on the virtual disk. The directory on the virtual disk cannot be the same as the real system directory because none of the labels nor displacements for the user disks match. A special directory must be created to handle the virtual Vft/370 environment. The virtual directory need only specify a m1n1mum number of users, sufficient to perform testing. It is usually beneficial to define an operator's virtual machine that is large enough and varied enough to perform all necessary functions. This will allow most virtual testing from one userid without requiring several userids to dial into this system to accomplish a test. The virtual directory that is to be placed on the virtual system residence volume can be created by running CMS in the same virtual machine. This is accomplished by setting up a CMS fil~ on one of the virtual disks to which the user linked with the desired filename and the filetype of DIRECT. This file contains sufficient entries for testing in the virtual machine environment. The DIRECT program that is invoked under CMS will use this file to create the virtual system's directory. Once you have verified (by using a QUERY VIRTUAL command) that the virtual machine configuration matches the one that you wish to test, you can perform a virtual IPL of the virtual disk containing the CP nucleus. In this example it is disk 330. Remember that a terminal is handled like a simulated virtual console. In this example a 2741 terminal is used. Each exclamation point (!) appearing in the sample terminal output indicates the Attention key has been pressed. The operation of the Attention (ATTN) key on the terminal remains the same as it weuld Part 2: Control Program (CP) 223 have been if running any other system, but the operation of the virtual console is as though the device were an online console (3215) and not a 2741. !gte: Attention handling varies with the type of terminal used. See the !~Lll~: l~!~in~l ~§~!~§ Qyjg~ for a description of the terminals supported by V"/370. Proceed through the virtual machine IPL in the normal fashion, responding where required. You are not able to set the time-of-day clock, so always reply "n6" to the change time-of-day-clock question. Under most circumstances, it is advisable to perform a cold start unless some specific function requiring a warm start is to be tested. Once the IPL is successfully completed, one of the first things you should do is specify that the dump go to the virtual printer. It is sometimes difficult to obtain a listing of a virtual machine dump once it has been placed on the virtual spool disk. In this example, SET DU"P OOE causes virtual machine dumps to go to the CP spool printer. This, of course, will be much faster than if on the real machine they went to an online printer. Once you IPL the virtual machine and logon the operator's virtual machine, you are free to operate virtual operating systems under this userid or to enable any virtual teleprocessing lines so that other users may dial into this system, log on to V6/370 in a virtual machine, and perform whatever actions they require. ACCESSING DEVICES Rote that once you IPL the virtual machine, the devices that were not accessible to that machine at IPL time are considered offline. It is possible to attach more devices to this machine and have them placed online, if required. For instance, tape drives can be attached by the real machine operator to the virtual machine configuration at the required address that matches the configuration of the virtual CP system. The same procedure can be used for teleprocessing lines, unit record equipment, or other devices. Remember that teleprocessing lines (virtual 2701/2702/2703 for DIAL) and spool unit record devices can be created using DEFINE. Before these can be attached by the virtual CP operator to a virtual machine user in that environment, they aust first be placed online at the virtual machine level. Once they have been placed online they can be attached and used by virtual machines in the virtual CP system. Note also that in the virtual machine environment there are two ways of displaying and storing into real storage. The user can use the virtual CP system and perform DCP and STCP co.mands or, as a much faster approach, he can use the real CP system and use the functions of display and store. Remember that display and store are operating on virtual storage, which is in reality the real storage of the virtual CP system. Operating DCP and STep at the virtual level appear to that machine to be operating on real storage, when in fact it is virtual storage managed by the real CP system. The virtual machine operating in the virtual CP system can, of course, do its own display and store function, which displays and stores into the third level virtual storage. As was mentioned before, most testing can be accomplished if you IPL and run tests from the operator's virtual machine without enabling any virtual teleprocessing lines. Note also that teleprocessing lines, if required, can be attached directly to the virtual CP system for testing in that environ.ent without using DIAL. Remember that disks that were linked to before this system IPL appear to the virtual system as disks 224 IBM VM/370: Systea Programmer's Guide with a zero cylinder relocation factor; therefore, them via C~S in the operator's virtual machine, you the virtual CP level to the operator so that he though they were dedicated disks. In reality.they but yeu will not normally access beyond your disk. CP system will present I/O errors in the form of virtual CP system, which will, in turn, reflect them operating system. in order to access must attach them at may access them as are virtual disks, If you do, the real seek checks to the back to the virtual It is possible to use virtual disks in the virtual CP system; however, their setup is complex and requires careful consideration to coordinate it with the real directory of the real system. If the real directory of the real system is changed, and a virtual disk is moved and the virtual directory is not changed, serious operating errors can occur; therefore, this practice is not advised unless a specific test of that function is required. SPOOLING CONSIDERATIONS If the virtual machine performs any spooling operations, recognize that the virtual CP system is also doing spooling operations unless it has dedicated unit record equipment. This double spooling operation is not a problem; however, certain operational peculiarities exist. Por instance, when the virtual system specifies that a printer is producing output, the output is in fact being spooled. The user cannot easily determine when this spooling operation is complete. One way 1S to specify a DRAIN on the particular output device, and when the virtual CP system reports that the device is drained, the output has indeed stopped. It is now necessary to specify a CLOSE for that device to the real CP system to See the real spooled ou~put. also be aware that double separators will occur. Por instance, the separator page on virtual printed output will include one page for the virtual CP system, and another page for the separator of the virtual machine the virtual CP system is running. The operation of virtual machines at this level is, to say the leas~, complex. There is no easy way of describing how to do all the functions. It requires careful study and analysis, and at all times an awareness of what level of virtual machine is operating, and what function you are trying to perform. If you keep all these things straight you will have no problem testing and operating virtual .achines and systems themselves operating in a virtual machine environment. The following sample terminal session is taken directly from a system that was used to run a virtual CP system in a virtual machine environment, and is annotated to point out some of the considerations that have been previously outlined. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 225 vm/370 online Ijh359 <---- 8 bytes MM/DD/II > MM/DD/II HH:MM:SS HH:MM:SS or VIRTCPU TOTCPU VIRTCPU TOTCPU Figure 29. Formats of Pseudo Timer Information Part 2: Control Program (CP) 237 The first eight-byte field is the date, in EBCDIC, in the fora Month/Day-of-Month/Year. The next eight-byte field is the Time of Day in Hours:"inutes:Seconds. The VIRTCPU and TOT CPU fields contain virtual CPU and total CPU time used. The units in which the CPU ti.es are expressed and the length of the fields depend upon which of two methods is used for interrogating the pseudo timer. PSEUDO TIMER START I/O The pseudo timer can be interrogated by issuing a START I/O to the pseudo timer device, which is device type TIMER, and is usually at device address OFF. No I/O interrupt is returned from the SIO. The address in virtual storage where the timer information is to be placed is specified in the data address portion of the CCW associated with the SIO. This address must not cross a page boundary in the user's address space. If this method is used, the virtual CPU and the total CPU times are expressed as fu11words in high resolution interval timer units. One unit is 13 microseconds. PSEUDO TI"ER DIAGNOSE The pseudo timer can operation code of C, Virtual Machine." If times are expressed as 238 also be interrogated by issuing DIAGNOSE with an as described under "DIAGNOSE Instruction in a this method is used, the virtual and total CPU doub1ewords in microseconds. IBM VM/370: system Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 DIAGNOSE Instruction in a Virtual Machine The DIAGNOSE instruction cannot· be used in a virtual machine for its normal function. If a virtual machine attempts to execute a DIAGNOSE instruction, a program interrupt returns control to CP. Since a DIAGNOSE instruction issued in a virtual machine results only ,n returning control to CP, and not in performing normal DIAGNOSE functions, the instruction is used for communication between a virtual machine and CP. The machine language format of DIAGNOSE is: <------------r------I 83 4 bytes I R1 I R2 I -------> CODE (There is no Assembler language mnemonic for X'83') The operand storage addresses, passed to the DIAGNOSE interface in Rl and R2, must be real addresses to the virtual machine issuing the DIAGNOSE. The Code is a two-byte hexadecimal value that CP uses to determine what function to perform. The codes defined for the general VMj370 user are described in this section. The code must be a multiple of 4. Codes X'OO' through X'FC' are reserved for IBM use, and codes X'100' through X'lFC' are reserved for users. Because DIAGNOSE operates differently in a virtual machine than in a real machine, a program should determine that it is operating in a virtual machine before 1ssu1ng a DIAGNOSE, and prevent execution of a DIAGNOSE when in a real machine. The Store CPU ID (STIDP) instruction provides a program with information about the CPU in which it is executing, including the CPU version number. If STIDP is issued from a virtual machine the version number will be 'FF', in the first byte of the CPUID field. A virtual machine issuing a Diagnose instruction should run with interrupts disabled. This prevents loss of status information pertaining to the Diagnose operation such as condition codes and sense data. Execution of DIAGNOSE code 0 allows a virtual machine to examine the VMj370 extended-identification code. For example, an OS/VSl virtual machine issues a DIAGNOSE code 0 instruction to determine if the version of VMj370 it is running with supports the VMjVS Handshaking feature. If the extended-identification code is returned to VS1, VMj370 supports handshaking; otherwise, it does not. The register specified as Rl contains the doubleword aligned virtual storage address where the VMj370 extended-identification cede is to be stored. The R2 register contains the number of bytes to be stored. If the VMj370 system currently running does not support the DIAGNOSE code 0 instruction, no data is returned to the virtual machine. If it does support the DIAGNOSE code 0 instruction, the following data is returned to the virtual machine (at the location specified by Rl) : Part 2: Control Program (CP) 239 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, Harch 31, 1975 System Name "VH/370" 8 bytes, EBCDIC version Humber The first byte is the version number, the second byte is the level, and the third byte is the PLC (Program Level Change) number. 3 bytes, hexadecimal Version Code VH/370 executes the STIDP (Store CPU ID) instruction to determine the version code. 1 byte, hexadecimal HCEL VH/370 executes the STIDP instruction to determine the maximum length of the HCEL (Machine Check Extended Logout) area. 2 bytes, hexadecimal Processor Address VM/370 executes the STAP (store CPU Address) instruction to determine the processor address. 2 bytes, hexadecimal Userid The userid of the virtual machine issuing the DIAGNOSE. 8 bytes, EBCDIC If VH/370 is executing in a virtual machine, another 24 bytes, or less, of extended identification data is appended to the first 24 bytes described above. Up to five nested levels of VH/370 virtual machines are supported by this Diagnose instruction resulting in a maximum of 120 bytes of data that can be returned to the virtual machine that initially issued the Diagnose instruction. Upon return, R2 contains its original that were stored. No completion unchanged. code is returned, and value less the number of bytes the condition code remains Execution of a DIAGNOSE Code 4 allows a user with command privilege class C or E to examine real storage. The register specified as R1 contains the virtual address of a list of CP (real) addresses to be exaained. The R2 register, which cannot be register 15, contains the count of entries in the list. R2+1 contains the virtual address of the result field. The result field contains the values retrieved from the specified real locations. The execution of DIAGHOSE with code 8 allows a program executing in supervisor mode in a virtual machine to perform a CP command. The register specified as R1 contains the address, in virtual storage, of the data area defining the CP command and parameters. The R2 register 240 IBH VH/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 contains the length of the associated command input, which may be up to 132 characters. The following example illustrates how DIAGNOSE Code 8 would be issued to perform the CP command, QUERY, to determine the number of input and output spool files: LA LA DC CMMD CMMDL 6,CMMD 10,CMMDL X'83',X'6A' ,XL2'0008' DC EQU C'QUERY FILES' *-CMMD The output of the command is at the user's terminal. A completion code is returned to the user as a value in the register specified as R2. In the example above it would be register 10. A comFletion code of 0 signifies normal completion. If there is an error, the completion code is the binary value of the numeric portion of the error message. For instance, the error message DMKCFM045E userid NOT LOGGED ON returns '045' unchanged. in the R2 register. The condition code remains Execution of DIAGNOSE with Code C causes CP to store four doublewords of time information in the user's virtual storage. The register specified as R1 contains the address of the 32 byte area where the time information is to be stored. The address must be a doubleword boundary. The information returned is as shown in Figure 29. The first eight bytes contain the Month/Day-of-Month/Year. The next eight bytes contain the time of day in Hours:Minutes:Seconds. The last 16 bytes contain the virtual and total CPU time usea Dy the virtual machine that issued the DIAGNOSE. These times are expressed as doubleword, unsigned integers, in microseconds. No completion code is returned, and the condition code remains unchanged. Pages of virtual storage can be released by issuing a DIAGNOSE with Code 10. When a page is released it is considered all zero. The register specified by R1 contains the address of the first page to be released, and the R2 register contains the address of the last page to be released. Both addresses must be page boundaries. A page boundary is a storage address whose low order three digits, expressed in hexadecimal, are zero. No completion code is returned, and the condition code remains unchanged. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 240.1 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 Execution of DIAGNOSE Code 14 causes DMKDRDER to perform input spool file manipulation. Depending on the value of the function subcode, the register specified as R1 contains a buffer address, a copy count, or a 240.2 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide spool file identifier. The R2 register, which cannot be register 15, contains either the virtual address of a spool input card reader or, if R2+1 contains X'OFFF', a spool file ID number. R2+1 contains a hexadecimal code indicating the file manipulation to be performed. The codes are: ,g.Qg~ 1.Y!!£!!2!! Read next spool buffer (data record) Read next print spool file block (SPBLOK) Read next punch spool file block (SFBLOK) Select a file for processing Repeat active file ~~ times Restart active file at beginning Backspace one record Retrieve subseOquent file descriptor 0000 0004 0008 OOOC 0010 0014 0018 OFFF On return R2+1 may contain returned condition code of 3. Condition Code --'0---1 2 3 3 3 3 4 8 12 16 error codes which further define a Error Data-transfer successful End of file Pile not found Device address invalid Device type invalid Device busy Patal paging I/O error Input/output operations to a direct access device of the type used by CftS, can be performed from a virtual machine using DIAGNOSE with Code 18. No I/O, interrupts are returned by CP to the virtual machine; the DIAGNOSE instruction is complete only when the Read or Write commands associated with the DIAGNOSE are completed. The R1 register contains the virtual device address of the direct access device. The R2 register contains the address of a chain of CCWs. The CCW chain must be in a standard format that CP expects when DIAGNOSE Code 18 is used, as shown below. Register 15 must be loaded by the user with the number of reads or writes in the CCW chain. A typical follows: CCW string to read or write two 800-byte records is as SEEK,A,CC,6 SET SECTOR (needed only for 3330) SRCB,A+2,CC,5 TIC,*-8,0,0 RD or WRT,DATA,CC+SILI,800 SEEK BEAD,B,CC,6 (omitted if BEAD number unchanged) SET SECTOR (needed only for 3330) SRCB,B+2,CC,5 TIC,*-8,0,0 RD or WRT,DATA+800,SILI,800 A B SEEK and SRCB arguments for first RD/WRT SEEK and SRCH arguments for second RD/WRT Part 2: Control Program (CP) 241 The Condition Codes and Completion Codes returned are as follows: cc=O I/O complete with no errors cc=1 Error condition. Register 15 contains one of the following: R15=1 Device not attached R15=2 Device not 2319, 2314, or 3330 R15=3 Atteapt to write on a Read-only disk R15=4 Cylinder number not in range of user's disk R15=5 Virtual device is busy or has an interrupt pending cc=2 Error condition. Register 15 contains one of the following: R15=5 Pointer to CCW string not doubleword aligned. R15=6 SEEK/SEARCH arguments not within range of user's storage R15=7 READ/WRITE CCW is neither Read (06) nor Write (05) R15=8 READ/WRITE Byte Count=O R15=9 READ/WRITE Eyte Count greater than 2048 R15=10 READ/WRITE buffer not within user's storage R15=11 The value in R15, at entry, was not a positive number from 1 through 15; or, was not large enough for the given CCW string. R15=12 Cylinder number on seek head was not the same number as on the first seek. cc=3 Uncorrectable I/O error: R15=13 CSW (8 bytes) returned to user Sense bytes are available if user issues a SENSE command Execution of DIAGNOSE Code 1C allows a user with privilege class F to clear the I/C error recording data on disk. The D~KIOEF~ routine performs the clear operation. The register specified as R1 contains a code value: Function Clear-and reformat all I/O error recording Clear and reformat all machine check error recording Clear and reformat all error recording (I/O and machine check) with DIAGNOSE Code 20, a virtual machine user can specify any valid CCW chain to be performed on a tape or disk device. No I/O interrupts are reflected to the virtual machine; the DIAGNOSE instruction is complete only when all I/O commands in the specified CCW chain are finished. The register specified as R1 contains the virtual device address. The R2 register contains the address of the CCW chain. The eei string is processed V1a full virtual I/O in a synchronous are not permitted, however) to any returns to the virtual machine only 242 IB~ D5KCCWTR through DMKGIOEX, providing fashion (self-modifying CCW strings virtual machine specified. Control after completion of the operation or VM/370: System Programmer's Guide detection of a fatal error condition. EREP support is provided for tape and DASD devices only; all other devices will present an error condition in the PSW to the virtual user. Condition codes and error codes are returned to the virtual system. The Condition Codes and Completion Codes returned are as follows: cc=O I/O complete with no errors cc=l Error condition. Register 15 contains the following:. R15=1 Device is either not attached or the virtual channel is dedicated. R15=5 Virtual device is busy or has an interrupt pending. cc=2 Exception conditions. Register 15 contains one of the following: R15=2 unit Exception bit in device status byte=1 R15=3 Wrong Length Record detected. cc=3 Error Condition: R15=13 A permanent I/O error occurred or an unsupported device was specified. The two low-order positions of the user's R2 register contain the first two sense bytes. CP maintains control blocks describing each virtual device and each real device. DIAGNOSE Code 24 causes CP to return to the virtual machine certain information from the virtual device block (VDEVBLOK) and the real device block (RDEVBLOK) associated with a given virtual device address. The R1 register from the caller contains a virtual device address or a value of -1, indicating that the device is a virtual console and its address is not known. If the console is found, control returns to the caller with the virtual device address in the low order 2 bytes of the R1 register. The R2 register and the R2+1 register, on return, contain the following one-byte fields: R2 VDEVTiPe VDEVTYPE VDEVSTAT VDEVFLAG R2+1 RDEVT;YPC RDEVTYPE RDEVMDL RDEVFTR - or RDEVLLEN The meanings of these fields are as follows: R2 ~~g!§!~! VDEVTYPC VDEVTYPE VDEVSTAT VDEVFLAG Virtual Device Information iirtuiI-devIce-type-clissVirtual device type virtual device status virtual device flags R2+1 !~gi2!~I RDEVTYPC RDEVTYPE RDEVMDL RDEVFTR RDEVLLEN Real Device Information ReiI-devlce-type-class- Real device type Real device model number Real device feature code, for a device other than a virtual console Current device line length, for a virtual console Part 2: Control Program (CP) 243 Note: If B2 is register 15, returned to the caller. only the virtual device information is A condition code of 3 indicates that the virtual device address specified was invalid, or that the virtual device does not exist. A condition code of 2 indicates the virtual device exists, but there is no real device associated with it, and therefore no real device information was provided. Spooling devices and Pseudo Timers are examples of such devices. A condition code of 0 indicates normal completion. DIAGNOSE Code 28 allows a virtual machine to correctly execute some channel programs modified after the Start I/O (SIO) instruction is issued and before the input/output operation is completed. The channel command word (CCi) modifications allowed are: • A Transfer in Channel (TIC) CCi modified to a No Operation (NOP) CCi • 1 TIC CCi modified to point to a new list of CCis • A NOP modified to a TIC CCi ihen a virtual machine modifies a TIC CCi, it is modifying a virtual channel program. CP has already translated that channel program and is waiting to execute the real CCis. The DIAGNOSE instructicn, with Code 28, must be issued to inform CP of the change in the virtual channel program, so CP can make the corresponding change to the real CCV before it is executed. In addition, when a NOP CCW is modified to point to a new list of CCis, CP translates the new CCWs. To be sure that the DIAGNOSE instruction is recognized in time to update the real CCW chain, the virtual machine issuing the DIAGNOSE instruction should have a high favored execution value and a low dispatching priority value. The CP SET command should be issued: SET FAVORED xx SET PRIOBITY nn where xx has a high numeric value and nn has a low numeric value. The virtual machine issuing the DIAGNOSE Code 28 must be in the supervisor mode at the time it issues the DIAGNOSE instruction. When DIAGNOSE Code 28 is issued, the R1 register contains the address of the TIC or NOP CCW that was modified by the virtual machine. The B2 register contains the device address in bits 16 through 31. Rl and R2 cannot be the same register. The addresses specified in the Rl register, the new address in the modified TIC CCV, and the new CCV list that the modified TIC CCi points to must all be addresses that appear real to the virtual machine: CP knows these addresses are virtual, but the virtual machine thinks they are real. The condition codes (cc) and completion codes are as follows: cc=O The real channel program was successfully 15 contains a zero. modified; register cc=l There was probably an error in issuing the DIAGNOSE instruction. Register 15 (R15) contains one of the following completion codes: R15=1 The same register was specified for Bl and R2. 244 IBK VK/370: System Program.er's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 R15=2 The device specified by the R2 register was not found. R15=3 The address specified by the Rl register was not within the user's storage space. R15=4 The address specified by the Rl register was not doubleword aligned. R15=5 A CCW string corresponding to the device (R2) and address (Rl) specified was not found. R15=6 The CCW at the address specified by the R1 register is not a TIC or a NOP, or the CCW in the channel program is not a TIC or a NOP. R15=7 The new address in the modified TIC CCW is not within the user's storage space. R15=8 The new address in the modified TIC CCW is not doubleword aligned. cc=2 The real channel program cannot be modified because a channel end or device end already occurred. Register 15 contains a 9. The virtual machine should restart the modified channel program. Execution of DIAGNOSE Code 2C allows a user with privileqe class C, E, or F to find the location on disk of the error-recording area. The register specified as Rl, on return contains the DASD location (in VM/370 control program internal format) of the first record of the system I/O and machine check error recording area. Execution of DIAGNOSE Code 30 allows a user with privilege class C, E, or F to read one page of the system error recording area. The register specified as Rl contains the DASD location (in VM/370 control program internal format) of the desired record. The R2 register contains the virtual address of a page-size buffer to receive the data. The DMKRPAGT routine supplies the page of data. The condition codes returned are: Condition __ fQg~ o 1 2 __ _ ~~~~i~g Successful read, data available End of cylinder, no data Invalid cylinder, outside recording area A user with privilege class C or E can read the system spool file by issuing a DIAGNOSE Code 34 instruction. The register specified as Rl contains the virtual address of a page-size buffer to receive the data. The R2 register, which cannot be register 15, contains the virtual address of the spool input card reader. R2+1, on return, may contain error codes: Part 2: Control Program (CP) 245 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 Condition __ fQgg __ _ o R2+1 ~££Q£_fQQg 1 2 3 4 3 3 3 8 12 16 ~~!~!~g Data transfer successful End of file File not found Device address invalid Device type invalid Device busy Fatal paging I/O error The DMKDRDMP routine searches the system chain of spool input files for the dump file belonging to the user issuing the DIAGNOSE instruction. The first (or next) record from the dump file is provided to the virtual machine via DMKRPAGT and the condition code is set to zero. The dump file is closed via VM/370 console function CLOSE. Execution of DIAGNOSE Code 38 causes the routine DMKDRDSY to read the system table into storage. The register specified as Rl contains the address of the page buffer to contain the symbol table. Execution of DIAGNOSE Code 3C allows a user to dynamically update the VM/370 directory. The register specified as Rl contains the first 4 bytes of the volume serial label. The first two bytes of R2 contain the last 2 bytes of the volume serial label. The routine DMKUDRDS dynamically updates the directory. This code can be issued only by a user with the account option (ACCT) his directory. in Rl contains the virtual address of either a 24-byte parameter list identifying the "charge to" user, or a variable length data area that is to be punched into the accounting card. The interpretation of the address is based on a hexadecimal code supplied in R2. If the virtual address represents a parameter list, it must be doubleword aligned; if it represents a data area, the area must not cross a page boundary. If Rl is interpreted as pointing to a parameter list and the value in Rl is zeroes, the accounting card is punched with the identification of the user issuing the DIAGNOSE instruction. R2 contains a hexadecimal code interpreted by DMKHVC as follows: Code 0000 0004 0008 OOOC 0010 !Qi~: 246 Rl ~g!~!§ !g: a parameter list containing only a userid. a parameter list containing a userid and account number. a parameter list containing a userid and distribution number. a parameter list containing a userid, account number, and distribution number. a data area containing up to 70 bytes of user information to be transferred to the accounting card slarting in column 9. If R2 contains X'0010', R2 cannot be register 15. IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide March GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNt 1975 R2+1 contains the length of the data area pointed to by Rl. If Rl points to a parameter list (R2 not equal to X'0010'), R2+1 is ignored. DMKHVC checks the VMACCOUN flag in VMPSTAT to verify that the user has the account option and if not, returns control to the user with a condition code of one. If R2 contains checks: a code of X'0010', DMKHVC performs the following I. I If the address specified in R1 is negative or greater than the size of the user's virtual storage, an addressing exception is generated. I. I I If the combination of the address in Rl and the length in R2+1 indicates that the data area crosses a page boundary, a specification exception is generated. I. I If the value in R2+1 is zero, negative specification exception is generated. or greater than 70, a If both the virtual address and the length are valid, DMFREE is called to obtain storage for an account buffer (ACNTBLOK) which is then initialized to blanks. The userid of the user issuing the DIAGNOSE instruction is placed in columns 1 through 8 and an accounting card identification code of "CO" is placed in columns 79 and 80. The user data pointed to by the address in Rl is moved to the accounting card starting at column 9 for a length equal to the value in R2+1. A call to DMKACOQU queues the ACNTBLOK for real output. If a real punch is available, DMKACOPU is called to punch the card; otherwise, the buffer is stored in main storage until a punch is free. DMKHVC then returns control to the user with a condition code of zero. If R2 contains other than a X'0010' code, control is passed to DMKCPV to generate the card. DMKCPV passes control to DMKACO to complete the "charge to" information; either from the User Accounting Block (ACCTBLOK), if a pointer to it exists, or from the user's VMBLOK. DMKCPV then punches the card and passes control back to DMKHVC to release the storage for the ACCTBLOK, if one exists. DMKHVC then checks the parameter list address for the following conditions: I. I If zero, zero. I. If invalid, an addressing exception is generated. I. I If not aligned on a doubleword boundary, a specification exception is generated. control is returned to the user with a condition code of For a parameter list address that is non-zero and valid, the userid in the parameter list is checked against the directory list and if not found, control is returned to the user with a condition code of two. If the function hexadecimal code is invalid, control is returned to the user with a condition code of three. If toth userid and function hexadecimal code are valid, the User Accounting Block (ACCTBLOK) is built and the userid, account number, and distribution number are moved to the block from the parameter list or the User Machine Block belonging to the userid in the parameter list. Control is then passed to the user with a condition code of zero. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 246.1 (Privilege Class A, B, or C Only) DIAGNOSE Code 50 invokes the CP module DeKSNC (1) to validate the parameter list and (2) write the page~format image of the 3704/3705 control program to the appropriate system volume. When a 3704/3705 control program load module is created, the CMS service program SAVENCP builds a communications controller list (CCPARM) of control information. It passes this information to CP via a DIAGNOSE Code X'0050'. The register specified as R1 contains the virtual address of parameter list (CCPARM). The R2 register is ignored on entry. the upon return, the R2 register contains the following error codes: £~~~ 044 171 178 179 435 ]~~ni~g 'ncpname' was not found in system name table. system volume specified not currently available. Insufficient space reserved for program and system control information. System volume specified is not a Cp-owned volume. Paging error while writing saved system. Execution of DIAGNOSE Code 58 allows a virtual machine to display large amounts of data on a 3270 in a very rapid fashion. The interface can display the entire 3270 screen with one write operation instead of 22 writes (one for each line in the output area of a 3270 screen). The register specified as R1 contains the address of the console CCW string. The R2 register contains (in bits 16-31) the device address of the virtual console. The format of the special display CCi is! CCW 1'19' ,dataddr,flags,ctl,count dataddr is the beginning address of the data to be displayed. flags is the standard CCW flag field. ctl is a control byte that indicates the starting output display line. If the high-order bit is on, the entire 3270 output display area is erased before the new data is displayed. A value of X'FF' clears the screen, but writes nothing. count is the number of bytes to be displayed. bytes is 1760. The maximum number of When the DIAGNOSE is executed with a valid CCW string, a buffer (whose length is the number of bytes specified by fQYn!) is built in free storage. The data pointed to by g~!~~~! is loaded into the buffer. Data chaining may be specified in the CCW to link noncontiguous data areas; however, command chaining is an end of data indication for the current buffer. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 247 Using the starting output line (ctl) and the number of bytes of output (count), CP checks that the data will fit on the screen. CP then does the display. A zero condition code indicates the I/O operation completed successfully; a nonzero condition code indicates an I/O error occurred. Execution of DIAGNOSE Code SC causes the editing of an according to the user's setting of the EMSG function: E! contains the address of the message to te edited. EI contains the length of the message to be edited. DMKHVC tests the VMMlEVEl field of the with !! and El modified as follows: VMBlOK and returns to the caller Registers on Return VMMlEVEl VMMCODE error message V""TEXT ~.! E.I ON ON no change 01 OFF no change 10 (length of code) OFF ON pointer to text part of message length of text alone OFF OFF N/A no change 0 DIAGNOSE Code X'SC' does not write the message; it merely rearranges the starting pointer and length. For CMS error aessages, a console write is performed following the DIAGNOSE unless E.I is returned with a value of O. !Qi~: 248 IB" VM/370: System Programmer's Guide CP Conventions The following are coding conventions used by CP modules. This information should prove helpful if you debug~ modify~ or update CP~ 1. FORMAT: ~Ql!!!!! ~Q!!!~'!!!§ 1 10 16 31, 36, 41, etc. 2. Labels. Op Code Operands Comments (see Item 2) COMMENT: Approximately 75 percent of the source code contains comments. sections of code performing distinct functions are separated from each other by a co •• ent section. 3. CONSTANTS: Constants follow the executable code and precede the copy files and/or macros that contain CSECTs or system equates. Constants are defined in a section followed by a section containing initialized working storage, followed by working storage. Each of these sections is identified by a com.ent. Wherever possible for a module that is greater than a page, constants and working storage are within the same page in which they are referenced. 4. No program modifies its own instructions during execution. 5. No program uses its own unlabeled instructions as data. 6. REGISTER USAGE: For CP, in general !t~gist~~ 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 Us~ RCBBLOK, VCBBLOK RCUBLOK, VCUBLOK RDEVBLOK, VDEVBLOK IOBLOK VMBLOK Base register for modules called via SVC SAVEAREI for modules called via SVC Return linkage for modules called via BILR Base address for modules called via BILR For virtual-to-Real address translation: ]~gist~! 1 2 Use iIrtual address Real address Part 2: Control Program (CP) 249 7. When describing an area of storage in mainline code, a copy file, or a macro, DSECT is issued containing DS instructions. 8. eeaningful naaes are used instead of self-defining terms, for example 5,X'02',C'I' to represent a quantity (absolute address, offset, length, register, etc.). All labels, displaceaents, and values are symbolic. All bits should be syabolic apd defined by EQO. lor example: veSTATUS EQU X'02' To set a bit, use: 01 BYTE, BIT Where BYTE = name of field, BIT is an EQU symbol. TO reset a bit, use: II BYTE,255-BIT To set mUltiple bits, use: 01 BYTE,BIT1+EIT2 etc. All registers are referred to as: RO, R1, All lengths V"BLOK is: .. ., R15 • of fields or blocks veBLOKSZ EQU are symbolic, that is, length of *-veBLOK 9. Avoid absolute relative addressing in branches and data references, (that is, location counter value (*) or symbolic label plus or minus a self-defining term used to form a displacement). 10. When using a single operation to reference multiple values, specify each value referenced, for example: Le CON1 CON2 CON3 R2,R4,COIT DC DC DC SET R2=COI1 SET R3=CON2 SET R4=COI3 F'1' F'2' F'3' 11. Do no use PRINT NOGEN or PRINT OFF in source code. 12. eODULE IAeES: Control section Names and External References are as follows: Control Section or eodule Name The first three letters of the code. Example: 250 name are DMK IBe VM/370: System Programmer's Guide the assigned component The next three letters of the ftodule Name identify must be unique. Example: the module and DSP This three-letter, TITLE card. unique module identifier is the label of the Each entry point or external reference must be prefixed by the six letter unique identifier of the module. Example: 13. DftKDSPCH TITLE Card: DSP TITLE 'DftKDSP Vft/370 DISPATCHER VERSION v LEVEL l' 14. PTF Card Example: CP/CftS: PUNCH 'xxxxxxxx APPLIED' Where xxxxxxxx = APAR Number Response 15. EaROR ftESSAGES: There should not be any insertions into the message at execution time and the length of the message should be resolved by the assembler. If insertions must be made, the message must be assembled as different DC statements, and the insert positions are to be individually labeled. 16. For all RX instructions use I,' to specify the indexing is not being used, that is: L 17. base register when R2,AB(,R4) To determine if you are executing in a virtual machine or a real machine, issue the Store CPU ID (STIDP) instruction. If STIDP is issued from a virtual machine, the version number (the first byte of the CPUID field) returned will be X'FF'. The CP load list EXEC contains a list of CP modules used by the VftFLOAD procedures when punching the text decks that will make up the CP system. All modules following DftKCPE in· the list are pageable CP .odules. Each 4K page in this area may contain one or more modules. The module grouping is governed the order in which they appear in the loadlist. An SPBI (Set Page Boundary) card is a loader control card which forces the loader to start this module at the next higher 4K boundary. An SPB card is required only for the first module following DftKCPE. If more than one module is to be contained in a 4K page, only the first can be assembled with an SPB card. The second and subsequent modules for a multiple module 4K page must not contain SPB cards. If changes are made to the loadlist, care must be taken to ensure that any modules loaded together in the pageable area do not exceed the 4K limit. Page boundary crossover is not allowed in the pageable CP modules. IA 12-2-9 multipunch must be in column 1 of an SPB card. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 251 The position of two following D!KCPE must constants referring to the last module in the 252 .odules in the loadlist is critical. All .odules be reenterable and must not contain any address anything in the pageable CP area. D!KCKP must be loadlist. IBft V8/310: System Programmer's Guide How to Add a Console Function to CP You can add your own command to your installation's VM/370. First, code the module to handle the command processing. You should fellow the CP coding convention outlined in an earlier section of this book. Second, you must add an entry for your command in the CP DMKCFM module. DMKCFM has two entry points: one for logged on users and another for non-logged on users. If your command is for logged on users, be sure its entry is beyond the label COMRBEG1. TO place an entry for your command in line with the following format: the DMKC1M module, insert a r'--------------·--------------------------------------------------------------, I [label] I COMND I commandname,class,min,entrypt[,RCL=1] commandname is a one- to eight-character name. class is the command privilege class (up to four classes allowed). 0 is coded for non-logged on user commands. min is the number truncation. entrypt is the entry point of the new command. RCL=1 is specified only when class is "0". of characters allowed as module you write to the are minimum process the After you have inserted the above entry in the DMKCPM module, you must reload DMKC1M as a resident module being sure it does not cross a page boundary_ You must also load your own module which mayor may not be a resident module. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 253 Print BuHers and Forms Control Buffer images are supplied for the UCS (Universal Character Set) buffer, the UCSB (Universal Character Set Buffer), and the PCB (poras Control Buffer). The V!/370 supplied buffer images are: UCS - POR THE 1403 PRINTER l~!~ AN HI PCAN PCHI QN QIC RN II TN PI SN JJ~~!!!!!g Normal AN arrangement lormal HI arrangement Preferred character set, AI Preferred character set, HI PL/I - 60 graphics PL/I - 60 graphics PORTRAN, COBOL commercial High speed alphanumeric Text printing 120 graphics PL/I - 60 graphics Text printing 84 graphics UCSB - POR THE 3211 PRIITER !!!§ All Hll Gll P 11 Tll PCB - !1~~!!!!!g Standard COllmercial Standard Scientific ASCII PLl Text Printing POR THE 3211 PRINTER There is only one name provided for an FCB image. !!!~ PCBl !1~~!!!!!g Space 6 lines/inch Length of page 66 lines Line ]~E!~§~!!1~~ 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Refer to the following buffer images: 254 IB~ V~/370: Channel Skip .§E~!!if!1!~!! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 10 21 23 11 64 9 12 publications for the System Programmer's Guide exact contents of the If you find that the supplied buffer images do not meet your needs, you can alter a buffer image or create a new buffer image. Be careful not to violate the VM/370 coding conventions if you add a new buffer image; buffer images must not cross page boundaries. In order to add a new print buffer image to VM/370 you must: a buffer 1. Provide load. 2. Provide the exact image of the print chain. 3. Provide a means to print the buffer the LOADBUF command. 4. Reload the changed CP modules. Macros are available relatively easy. image na lie and 12 byte header for the image if VER is which make the process of buffer specified on adding buffer images UCS EUFFER IMAGES The UCS buffer contains up to 240 characters and supports the 1403 printer. To add a new UCS buffer image, first code the ucs macro. This creates a 12-byte header for the buffer load which is used by the CP module DMKCSO. The format of the UCS macro is: ucs ucsname I ucsname is a one- to buffer load. four-character name which is assigned to the Next, supply the exact print image. The print image is supplied by coding DCs in hexadecimal or character format. The print image may consist of several DCs, the total length of the print image cannot exceed 240 characters. The UCSCCW macro must immediately follow the print image. This macro creates a CCW string to print the buffer load image when VER is specified by the operator on the LOADBUF command. The format of the UCSCCW macro is: ucsccw I ucsname[, (print 1, print2, ••• , print 12) ] ucsname is the same as the "ucsname" specified on the UCS macro. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 255 [ (print 1, ••• , print 12) ] is the line length (or number of characters to be printed by the corresponding CCW) for the verify operation. Each count specified must be between 1 and 132 (the length of the print line on a 1403 printer) and the default line length is 48 characters. Op to 12 print fields may be specified. However, the total number of characters to bE printed may not exceed 240. Finally, insert the macros just coded, OCS and OCSCCW, into the DMKOCS module. This module must be reloaded. D"KOCS is a pageable module (with no executable code) that is called by DMKCSO. DMKOCS must be on a page boundary and cannot exceed a full page in size. 1: You do not have to specify the line length for verification of the buffer load. Insert the following code in DMKOCS: ]~~!~!~ OCS EX01 DC 5CL'1234567890A ••• Z1234567890*/' UCSCCW EXOl The buffer image containing: • • • is 5 representations of a 48 character string The alphabetic characters The numeric digits, twice The special characters: * and / since the line length for the print verification is not specified on the OCSCCW macro, it defaults to 48 characters per line for 5 lines. I!!!E!~ ~: Insert the following code in DMKOCS: OCS NUM 1 DC 24CL'1234567890' OCSCCW NUM1,(60,60,60,60) The NO"l print buffer consists of 24 10-character entries. DKKUCS is reloaded, the com.and LOADBUF OOE UCS 10Kl If, after VEB is specified, 4 lines of 60 characters (the 10-character string repeated 6 times) are printed to verify the buffer load). I!!!E!~ J: ThE print image can be specified in character or hexadecimal notation, or a combination of the two. The code in DMKOCS to support the preferred character set, AI, is as follows: OCS DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC UCSCCW 256 PCAN C'1234567890,-PQB'$i/STOVWXYZ',X'9C' C'.*1234567890,-JKL"NOABCDEFGHI+.*' C'1234567890,-PQB&&$I/STOVWXYZ',X'9C' C'.*1234567890,-JKLKBOABCDEFGHI+.*' C'1234567890,-PQR'$i/STUVWXYZ',X'9C' C'.*1234567890.-JKLMBOABCDEFGHI+.*' C'1234567890,-PQR&&$I/STUVWXYZ',X'9C' C'.*1234567890,-JKLMBOABCDEFGHI+.*' PCAN,(60,60,60,60) IBM V"/370: System Programmer's Guide The DCs are coded in both character and hexadecimal notation. The hexadecimal code for the lozenge (X'9C') follows the character notation on 4 of the DCs. The DCs, when taken in pairs, represent 60 characters. When print verification of a buffer load is requested, 4 lines of 60 characters are printed. USCB BUFFER I~AGES The UCSB buffer contains up to 512 characters and supports the 3211 printer. To add a new UCB buffer image, first code the UCB macro. This .acro creates a 12-byte header record for the buffer load which is used by the CP module, DMKCSO. The format of the UCB macro is: r-------------------------------------------------------------------------~ UCB I I ucbname L,______________ •__________________________________________________________~ ucbname is a one- to buffer load. four-character name which is assigned to the Next, supply the exact print image. The print image is supplied by coding DCs in hexadecimal or character notation. The total length of the print image cannot exceed 512 characters. The format of the UCB buffer is: ~Q§i!iQ~ Contents PrInt-train image. 433-447 Reserved for IBM use. 448-511 Associative field. See Figure 30 for an explanation of the contents of this field. The associative field is used to check (during print line buffer (PLB) load1ng) that each character loaded into the PLB for printing also appears in the train i.age field of the USCB and, therefore, is on the print train. Any character loaded into the PLB without its associated code in the train image field of the USCB is unprintable, and causes a 'print data check' to be set immediately. The associative field also contains dualing control bits. 1-432 512 Reserved for IBK use. Must be all zeros. Kust be z~ro. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 257 HexaUCSB Address decimal 00 448 01 449 02 450 03 451 04 452 453 05 06 454 07 455 456 08 457 09 OA 458 459 OB 460 OC 00 461 462 OE 463 OF 464 10 11 465 466 12 467 13 14 468 469 15 470 16 471 17 18 472 473 19 lA 474 18 475 476 1C 477 10 478 1E 479 IF 20 480 481 21 22 482 483 23 24 484 25 485 486 26 487 27 488 28 489 29 490 2A 491 2B 492 2C 20 493 494 2E 495 2F 30 496 497 31 498 32 499 33 500 34 501 35 502 36 37 503 504 38 505 39 506 3A 507 38 508 3C 509 3D 3E 510 3F I 511 Bit 0 Graphic & Control Symbols EBCDIC NUL PF HT LC DEL Hexadecimal 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Bit 1 Graphic & Control Symbols EBCDIC SP 48 CU2 49 4A 4B 4C 40 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 50 5E 5F 60 / BYP LF E08 PRE 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 CU1 RES NL BS IL CC e <( + I & ! $ * ) ; -, 68 69 SM CU3 6A 6B 6C 60 6E 6F 70 71 % - > ? 72 PN RS UC EOT 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 70 7E 7F 84 # @ = Figure 30. UCSB Associative Field Chart 258 Hexadecimal 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 80 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 90 9E 9F AO A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF BO B1 B2 B3 IBM VK/370: system Programmer's Guide B5 B6 87 B8 B9 BA BB BC BO BE BF Bit 2 Graphic & Control HexaSymbols EBCDIC decimal CO C1 a b C2 c C3 d C4 e C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CO CE CF DO 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA DB DC DO DE OF EO E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA E8 EC ED EE EF FO F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FO FE FF f 9 h i { ~ ( + j k I m n 0 p q r } lJ ) ± • 0- s t u v w x y z L r[ ~ • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .J ""1 1 -! Bit 3 Graphic & Control Symbols EBCDIC A B C 0 E F G H I J1 y J K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z rl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The UCBCCW macro must immediately follow the print image. This macro creates a CCW string to print the buffer load image when the operator specifies VER on the LOADBUF command. The format of the UCBCCW macro is: , I I UCBCCW I ucbnalle[, (print 1, print2, ••• print 12) ] l ucbname is the same nalle specified on the corresponding UCB macro [ (print i, ••• ,print i2j j specifies the line length of each line (up to 12) printed to verify the buffer load. The line length must be between 1 and 150 ~he length of a print line on a 3211 printe~. The default specification for verification is 48 characters per line for 9 lines. The total number of characters to be printed must not exceed the size of the print train image, 432 characters. Finally, insert the two macros just coded, UCB and UCBCCW, into the DMKUCB module. This module must be reloaded before the new buffer image can be used. DMKUCB is a pageable module (with no executable code) that is called by DMKCSO. DMKUCB must be on a page boundary and cannot exceed a full page in size. The code for the All UCB buffer is as follows: UCB DC All STANDARD COMMERCIAL 48 GRAPHICS 3211 All 9C'l<.+IHGFEDCBA*$-RPQONMLKJI,&&ZYXWVUTS/~'098765432' X'OOOOOO' 433-435 DC X'000000000000000000000000101010' DC X'101010101010100040404240004010' DC X' 101010101010101000404041000040' DC X'401010101010101010004040000000' DC X'101010101010101010100040404448' DC X'OOOO' 511-512 UCBCCW All,(48,48,48,48,48,48,48,48,48) EJECT DC 436-450 451-465 466-480 481-495 496-510 Note that the DC specification contains 49 characters and the UCBCCW macro specifies 48 characters. The ampersand, &, has to be coded twice in order to be accepted by the assembler. The single quote, " must also be specified twice in order to be accepted. It would have been acceptable to code the UCBCCW as: UCBCCW All since the default is what was coded. Part 2: Control Program (CP) 259 It is possible to have a foras control buffer with both a virtual and real 3211 printer. 1 virtual 3211 file can be printed on a real 1403; in fact, one way to provide forms control for a 1403 is to define it virtually as a 3211. There is an FCB macro is: FCB FCB .acro to support forms control. The for.at of the I fcbname,space,length, (line, channel ••• ) ,index fcbname is the name of the forms control buffer. to four alphameric characters. "fcbname" can be one space is the number of lines/inch. Valid specifications are 6 or 8. This operand may be o.itted, the default is 6 lines/inch. When the space operand is omitted, a comma must be coded. Spacing has no .eaning for a virtual printer. length is the 180). number of print lines per page or carriage tape (1 to (line,channel ••• ) shows which print line (line) prints in each channel (1 to 12). The entries can be specified in any order. index is an index value (from 1 to 31). "index" specifies the print position which is to be the first printed position. (The "index" specification can be overridden with the LOADBUF command). One standard FCB image is supplied, FCB1. You will find FCBl in the module DftKFCB. DftKFCB is a pageable module which is called by DftKCSO. It aust start on a page boundary and cannot exceed a full page in size. As long as you follow these conventions, you can add additional forms control buffer images to DMKFCB. !2te: The GEIERATE EXEC procedure has a facility to reassemble only the DftKFCB module. See the description of the GENERATE EXEC procedure in the !11L37Q: R!!!!!!ing !nd ~I§te!! Ge~~io!! ~.!!id~. ~!!!12!~ 1: If you wanted your printer to print: • • • • • • 8 lines/inch 60 lines/page , print line 3 in channel 1 print line 60 in channel 9 print line 40 in channel 12 print position 10 the first print position you would code the FCB macro (with a name, SPEC) as: FCB SPEC,8,60, (3,1,40,12,60,9) ,10 260 IBft VM/370: System Programmer's Guide If you want another forms control buffer, called LONG, to be exactly the same as SPEC (except that only 6 lines print per inch) you could code either of the following: FCB LONG,6,60, (3,1,40,12,60,9) ,10 FCB LONG,,60, (3,1,40,12,60,9) ,10 ].!~.!!!.EJ:~ ~: You could have your special forms control buffer (SPEC) loaded for either a virtual or real 3211 printer. The LOADVFCB command is for the virtual 3211 and the LOltBUF command is for the real 3211. If INDEX is not specified on these commands, no indexing is done. If INDEX is specified without a value, the value coded in the FCB macro is used and if INDEX is specified with a value, the specified value overrides the value coded in the FCB macro. If you specify INDEX for the virtual 3211 printer and real 3211 printer, the output is indexed the sum specifications minus 1. For example, the command again for the of the two LOADVFCB OOF FCB SPEC INDEX indexes the virtual print file 10 positions because 10 was specified in the FCB macro for the SPEC forms control buffer. When this file is sent to the real printer, the command LOADBUF OOE FCB SPEC INDEX 20 indexes the file an additional 20 positions. The value specified on the command line (20) overrides the value 1n the FCB macro (10). The output will start printing in print position 29 (10+20-1=29). Part 2: Control Program (CP) 261 Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Part 3 contains the following inforaation: • Introduction to CftS • Interrupt Handling • Functional Information (How CftS works) Register usage DftSBUC structure storage structure Free storage management SVC handling • How To Add a Command or EXEC Procedure to CftS • os Macro simulation • Saving the CftS system • Batch Monitor • Auxiliary Directories Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) 263 Introduction to eMS The Conversational Monitor System (CMS), the major subsystem of VM/370, provides a comprehensive set of conversational facilities to the user. Several copies of CMS may run under CP, thus providing several users with their own time sharing system. CMS is designed specifically for the VM/370 virtual machine environment. Each copy of CMS supports a single user. This means that the storage area contains only the data pertaining to that user. Likewise, each CMS user has his own machine configuration and his own files. Debugging is simpler because the files and storage area are protected from other users. Programs can be debugged from the terminal. The terminal is used as a printer to examine limited amounts of data. After examining program data, the terminal user can enter commands on the terminal which will alter the program. This is the most common method used to debug programs that run in CMS. CMS, operating with the VM/370 Control Program, is a time sharing system suitable for problem solving, program development, and general work. It includes several programming language processors, file manipulation commands, utilities, and debugging aids. Additionally, CMS provides facilities to simplify the operation of other operating systems in a virtual machine environment when controlled from a remote terminal. For example, CMS capabilities are used to create and modify job streams, and to analyze virtual printer output. Part of the CMS environment is related to the virtual machine environment created by CP. Each user is completely isolated from the activities of all other users, and each machine in which CMS executes has virtual storage available to it and managed for it. The CP commands are recognized by CMS. For example, the commands allow messages to be sent to the operator or to other users, and virtual devices to be dynamically detached from the virtual machine configuration. The CMS command language offers terminal users a wide range of functions. It supports a variety of programming languages, service functions, file manipulation, program execution control, and general system control. The CMS commands that are useful in debugging are discussed in the "Debugging with CMS" section of "Part 1: Debugging with VM/370." For detailed information on all other CMS commands, refer to the !11LJ.IQ: £Q.!!.!~nd !!~'!!.9'y~.9~ Gu!de £.2£ Q~.!!~al Us~!:§. Figure 34 describes CMS command processing. Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) 265 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1Y75 The Conversational Monitor system interfaces with virtual disks, tapes, and unit record equipment. The CMS residence device is kept as a read-only, shared, system disk. Permanent user files may be accessed from up to nine active disks. Logical access to those virtual disk~ is controlled by CftS, while CP facilities manage the device sharing and virtual-to-real mapping. User files in CMS are identified with three designators. The first is filename. The second is a filetype designator which may imply specific file characteristics to the CftS file management routines. The third is a filemode designator which describes the location and access mode of the file. The compilers available under CMS default to particular input filetypes, such as ASSEftBLE, but the file manipulation and listing commands do not. Files of a particular filetype form a logical data library for a user; for example, the collection of all COBOL source files, or of all object (TEXT) decks, or of all EXEC procedures. This allows selective handling of specific groups of files with minimum input by the user. User files can be created directly from the terminal with the CMS EDIT facility. EDIT provides extensive context editing services. File characteristics such as record length and format, tab locations, and serialization options can be specified. The system includes standard definitions for certain filetypes. CMS automatically allocates compiler work files at the beginning of command execution on whichever active disk has the greatest amount of available space, and deallocates them at completion. Compiler object decks and listing files are normally allocated on the same disk as the input source file or on the primary read/write disk, and are identified by combining the input filename with the filetypes TEXT and LISTING. These disk locations may be overridden by the user. The size of a single user file is limited to one virtual disk. The file management system limits the number of files on anyone virtual disk to 3400. All CMS disk files are written as 800-byte records, chained together by a specific file entry that is stored in a table called the Master File Directory; a separate Master File Directory is kept for, and on, each virtual disk. The data records may be discontiguous, and are allocated and deallocated automatically. A subset of the Master File Directory (called the User File Directory) is made resident in virtual storage when the disk directory is made available to CMS; it is updated on the virtual disk at least once per command if the status of any file on that disk has been changed. virtual disks may be shared by CMS users; the facility is provided by VM/370 to all virtual machines, although a user interface is directly available in CMS commands. specific files may be spooled between virtual machines to accomplish file transfer between users. Commands allow such file manipulations as writing from an entire disk or from a specific disk file to a tape, printer, punch, or the terminal. Other commands write from a tape or virtual card reader to disk, rename files, copy files, and erase files. Special macro libraries and text or program libraries are provided by CMS, and special commands are provided to update and use them. CMS files can be written onto and restored from unlabeled tapes via CMS commands. Caution: results. 266 Multiple write access under CMS can IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide produce unpredictable GC20~1807~3 Page Modified by TNL GN20=2662, March ~1 J I , 1975 Problem programs which execute in CMS can create files on unlabeled tape in any record and block size; the record format can be fixed, variable, or undefined. Figure 31 describes the CMS file system. Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) 266.1 ~ .... DMSNUC Area of Storage I.Q Free Storage Disk Storage C H (1) W n tJr AFT DMSNUC tn .... "'II ..... (1) tn loci en t+ (1) EI AFT continued AFTS to I» H ADTSECT t+ w n 0 t:S > > < < When issuing a variable length GBTMAIN, six and a half pages are reserved for CMS usage; this is a design value. A user who needs additional reserved pages (for example, for larger directories) should free up some of the variable GETftAIN storage from the high end. DMSFREE FREE STORAGE nANAGEnENT The DftSFRBE macro allocates CftS free storage. macro is: r [label] DftSFREE The format of the DMSFREE , DWORDS={ n } l,ftIN={ n }' (0) I ( 1) I .J L r r "r r " I I I I,ERR=lladdrl I I ! II I NUCLEUSII I L L .J.J L .J.J I,TYPE=IUS!~ L I, AREA= I LOW II I IBIGBII r r" I ,TYPCALL=I~!£ I I I I BALRII r r" L L.J.J L L.J.J Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) 279 label is any valid assembler language label. DWORDS={ n } (0) is the number of doublewords of free storage requested. DWORDS=n specifies the number of doublewords directly and DVORDS=(O) indicates that register 0 contains the number of doublewords requested. MIN={ n } indicates a variable request for free storage. If the exact nuaber of doublewords indicated by the DWORDS operand is not available, then the largest block of storage that is greater than or equal to the minimum is returned. MIN=n specifies the minimum number of doublewords of free storage directly while MIN=(1) indicates that the minimum is in register 1. (1) r , TYPE=IY~!~ I indicates the type of CMS storage with which this request INUCLEUSI for free storage is filled: USER or NUCLEUS. ~ L r , is the return address if any error occurs. "laddr" is any address that can be referred to in an LA (load address) instruction. The error return is taken if there is a macro coding error or if there is not enough free storage available to fill the request. If is specified for the return address, the error return is the same as a normal return. ERR=lladdrl * I L I ~ * r , AREA=ILOW I indicates the area of CMS free storage from which this request for free storage is filled. LOW indicates the low storage area between DMSNUC and the transient program area. HIGH indicates the area of storage between the user program area and the CMS loader tables. If AREA is not specified, storage is allocated wherever it is available. IHIGHI ~ L r , TYPCALL=I~!~ I indicates how control is passed to DMSFREE. Since DMSFREE IBALRI is a nucleus-resident routine, other nucleus-resident L ~ routines can branch directly to it (TYPCALL=BALR) while routines that are not nucleus-resident must use linkage SVC (TYPCALL=SYC). The pointers FREEUPPR and FREELOWE in NUCON indicate the amount of storage which DMSFREE has allocated from the high portion of the user program area. These pointers are initialized to the beginning of the Loader Tables. The pointer FREELOVE is the "low-e~tend" pointer of DMSFREE storage in the user program area. As storage is allocated from the user program area to satisfy DMSFREE requests, this pointer will be adjusted downward. Such adjustments are always in multiples of 4K bytes, so that this pointer is always on a 4K boundary. As the allocated storage is released, this pointer is adjusted upward. The pointer FREELOWE can never be lower than MAINHIGH, the "high-extend" pointer for GETMAIN storage. If a DMSFREE request cannot be satisfied without extending FREELOWE below MAINHIGH, then DMSFREE will take an error exit, indicating that insufficient storage is available to satisfy the request. Figure 33 shows the relationship of these storage areas. 280 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide The FREETAB free storage table is kept in free storage, usually in low-storage, just below the Master lile Directory for the System Disk (S-disk). However, the FREETAB may be located at the top of the user program area~ This table contains one byte for each page of virtual storage. Each such byte contains a code indicating the use of that page of virtual storage. The codes in this table are as follows: Code US ERCODE-1x I 01 1 ) The page is assigned to user storage. IUCCODE (X I 02 I) The page is assigned to nucleus storage. TRNCODE (X I 03 1 ) The page is part of the Transient Program Area. USARCODE (X I 041) The page is part of the User Program Area. SYSCODE (X I 05 1 ) The page is none of the above. The page is assigned to systell storage, system code, or the Loader Tables. J1~!!i!!g other DMSFREE storage pointers are maintained in the DftSFRT CSECT, in BUCON. The four chain header blocks are the most important fields in DftSFRT. The four chains of unallocated elements are: • • • • The The The The low-storage nucleus chain low-storage user chain high-storage nucleus chain high-storage user chain For each of these chains of unallocated elements, there is block consisting of four words, with the follo~ing format: i 0(0) i a control i POINTER -- pointer to the first free element on the chain, or zero, if the chain is empty. -------I 1 1------- NUft -- the number of elements on II III \ .... , .... I 1---1 MAX -- a value equal to or greater 8 (8) than the size of the largest element. 1 I FLAGS- 1 SKEY 1 TCODl -I Unused 12 (C) Flag IStorage IFREETAB I byte 1 key 1 code 1 I .L I POINTER points to the first element on this chain of free elements. If there are no elements on this free chain, then the POINTER field contains all zeros. NUM contains the number of elements on this chain of free elements. If there are no elements on this free chain, then this field contains all zeros. ftAX is used to avoid searches which will fail. It contains a number not exceeding the size, in bytes, of the largest element on the free chain. Thus, a search for an element of a Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (eMS) 281 given size will not be made if that size exceeds the "AX field. However, this number may actually be larger than the size of the largest free element on the chain. FLAGS The following flags are used: FLCll (XISO') -- Clean-up flag. This flag is set if the chain must be updated. This will be necessary in the following circumstances: • If one of the two high-storage chains contains a 4K page which is pointed to by FREELOVE, then that page can be removed from the chain, and FREELOVE c~n be increased. • All completely unallocated 4K pages are kept on the user chain, by convention. Thus, if on~ of the nucleus chains (low-storage or high-storage) contains a full page, then this page must be transferred to the corresponding user chain. FLCLB (XI401) destroyed. -- Destroyed flag. FLHC (XI201) -- High-storage chain. and user high-storage chains. set if the chain has been Set for both the nucleus FLBU (X'10') -- Nucleus chain. set for and high-storage nucle~s chains. both the low-storage FLPA (X'OS') -- Page available. This flag is set if there is a full 4K page available on the chain. This flag may be set even if there is no such page available. SKEY contains the one-byte storage key assi9ned to storage on this ch~in. TeODE contains the one-byte chain. FREETAE table code for storage on this When DMSFRBE with TYPB=USER (the default) is called, one or more of the following steps are taken in an attempt to satisfy the request. As soon as one of the following steps succeeds, then user free storage allocation processing terminates. 1. Search size. 2. Search the size. 3. Extend high-storage user storage downward into Area, modifying FREELOVE in the process. 4. For a variable request, put all available storage in the User Program Area onto the high-storage user chain, and then allocate the largest block available on either the high-storage user chain or the low-storage user chain. The allocated block will not be satisfactory unless it is larger than the minimum requested size. 282 the low-storage user chain high-storage user for a block of the required chain for a block of the required IB" V!/370: System Programmerls Guide the User Program When DMSFREE with TYPE=BUCLKUS is called, the following steps are taken in an attempt to satisfy the request, until one succeeds: 1. Search the size. low-storage nucleus chain for a block of 2. Get free pages from the low-storage user chain, if available, and put the. on the low-storage nucleus chain. 3. Search the high-storage size. 4. Get free pages from the high-storage user chain, if they available, and put them on the high-storage nucleus chain. S. Extend high-storage nucleus storage downward Area, modifying FREELOWE in the process. 6. For variable requests, put all available pages from the user chains and the User Program Area onto the nucleus chains, and allocate the largest block available on either the low-storage nucleus chains, or the high-storage nucleus chains. nucleus chain for a block the required DMSFRET are of the required are into the User Program The DMSFRET macro releases free storage previously allocated DMSFREE macro. The format of the DMSFRET macro is: [label] any with the DWORDS= { n }' LOC={laddr } (0) (1) r .. "r .." L L .J.J L.J.J !#ERR=lladdr!! I.TYPCALL=!§!£ !! I I * II I IBALR II label L is any valid assembler language label. DWORDS={ n } is the number of doublewords of storage to be released. DWORDS=n specifies the number of doublewords directly and DWORDS=(O) indicates that register 0 contains the number of doublewords being released. LOC={laddr } is the address of the block of storage being released. "laddr" is any address that can be referred to in an LA (load address) instruction. LOC=laddr specifies the address directly while LOC=(1) indicates the address is in register 1. (0 ) (1 ) Part 3: Conversational Menitor System (CMS) 283 r , is the return address if an error occurs. "laddr" is any address that can be referred to by an LA (Load Address) instruction. The error return is taken if there is a macro coding error or if there is a problem returning the storage. If is specified, the error return address is the same as the nor.al return address. EBR=lladdrl I I L * J * r , TYPCALL=I§!~ I indicates how control is passed to DMSFRET. Since DMSFRET IBALRI is a nucleus-resident routine, other nucleus-resident L J routines can branch directly to it (TYPCALL=BALR) while routines that are not nucleus-resident must use SYC linkage (TYPCALL=SYC). When DMSFRET is called, the block being released is placed on the appropriate chain. At that point, the final update operation is performed, if necessary, to advance FREELOVE, or to move pages from the nucleus chain to the corresponding user chain. similar update operations will be calls to DMSPREE, as well. performed, when necessary, after RELEASING ALLOCATED STORAGE Storage allocated by the GETMAIN macro any of the following ways: instruction may be released in 1. A specific block of such storage may FREE!!IN macro instruction. be released by means 2. The STRINIT macro instruction releases any previous GETMAIN requests. 3. Almost all CMS commands issue a STRINIT macro instruction. Thus, executing almost any CMS command will cause all GET MAIN storage to be released. all storage of the allocated by Storage allocated by the DMSFREE macro instruction may be released in any of the following ways: 1. A specific block of such storage may DMSPRET macro instruction. be released by means of the 2. Whenever any user routine or CMS com.and abnormally terminates (so that the routine DMSABN is entered), and the ABEND recovery facility of the system is invoked, all DMSPREE storage with TYPE=USER is released automatically. Except in the case of ABEND recovery, storage allocated by the DMSPRE! macro is never released automatically by the system. Thus, storage allocated by means of this macro instruction should always be released explicitly by .eans of the DMSFRET macro instruction. DMSPREE SERYICE ROUTINES The DMSPRES macro instruction is used by the system free storage .anagement services. 284 IBM YM/370: System Programmer's Guide to request certain The format of the DMSlRES macro is: DMSlRES IllT1 r r" IllT2 I,TYPCAtL=I~!~ II CHECK I IBALR II L L ~~ CKOI CKOll UREC L-__________________________________________________________________________ CAtOC ~ [label] .!l!~: label is any valid assembler language label. IllT1 invokes the first free storage initialization routine, so that free storage requests can be made to access the system disk. Before this routine is invoked, no free storage requests may be made. After this routine has been invoked, free storage requests may be made, but these are subject to the following restraints until the second free storage management initialization routine has been invoked: • All requests for USER type storage requests for IUCLEUS type storage. are changed to • Error checking is limited before initialization is complete. In particular, it is sometimes possible to release a block which was never allocated. • All requests that are satisfied in high storage must be of a temporary nature, since all storage allocated 1n high storage is released when the second free storage initialization routine is invoked. When CP's saved system facility is used, the CMS system is saved at the point just after the A-Disk has been made accessible. It is necessary for DMSlRE to be used before the size of virtual storage is known, since the saved system can be used on any size virtual machine. Thus, the first initialization routine initializes DMSFRE so that limited functions can be requested, while the second initialization routine performs the initialization necessary to allow the full functions of DMSFRE to be exercised. IHIT2 invokes the second initialization routine. This routine is invoked after the size of virtual storage is known, and it performs initialization necessary to allow all the functions of DMSFRE to be used. The second initialization routine performs the following steps: • Releases all storage high-storage area. which has been allocated in the • Allocates the FREETAB free storage table. This table contains one byte for each 4K Fage of virtual storage, and so cannot be allocated until the size of virtual storage is known. Part 3: Conversational Monitor system (CMS) 285 • The FREETAB table is initialized, protection keys are initialized. and all storage • All completely unallocated 4K pages on the low-storage nucleus free storage chain are removed to the user chain. Any other necessary operations are performed. CHECK invokes a routine which checks all free storage chains for consistency and correctness. Thus, it checks to see whether any free storage pointers have been destroyed. This option can be used at any time for system debugging. CKON turns on a flag which causes the CHECK routine to be invoked each time a call is made to DftSFREE or DftSFRET. This can be useful for debugging purposes (for example, when you wish to identify the routine destroying free storage management pointers). Care should be taken when using this option, since the CHECK routine is coded to be thorough rather than efficient. Thus, after the CKON option has been invoked, each call to DftSFREE or DftSFRET will take much longer to be completed than before. CKOFF turns off the option. UREC is used by DftSABN during release all user storage. CALOC is used by DftSABN after the ABEND recovery process has been completed. It invokes a routine which returns, in register 0, the number of doublewords of free storage which have been allocated. This number is used by DHSABN to determine whether ABEND recovery has been successful. flag which was turned on by the the ABEND recovery CKON process to ERROR CODES FROH DHSFRES, DftSFREE, AND DftSFRET A nonzero return code upon return indicates that the request could not this return code, indicating which codes apply to the DftSFRES, DftSFREE, from DftSFRES, DftSFREE, or DftSFRET be satisfied. Register 15 contains error has occurred. The following and DftSFRET macros. Error (DMSFREE) Insufficient storage space is available to satisfy the request for free storage. In the case of a variable request, even the minimum request could not be satisfied. 2 3 (DHSFREE or DHSFRET) User storage pointers destroyed. (DMSFREE, DftSFRET, destroyed. or DMSFRES) Nucleus storage pointers (DHSFREE) An invalid size was requested. This error exit is taken if the requested size is not greater than zero. In the case of variable requests, this error exit is taken if the m~n~mu. request is greater than the maximum request. (However, the latter error is not detected if DftSFREE is able to satisfy the maximum request.) 5 286 (DHSFBET) An invalid size was passed to the This error exit is taken if the specified positive. IBft Vft/370: System programmer's Guide DMSFRET macro. length is not 6 (DMSFRET) The block of storage which is being released was never allocated by DMSFREE. Such an error is detected if one of the following errors is found: The block does not lie entirely low-storage free storage area or the between FREELOiE and FREEUPPR. either the User Program Area • The block crosses a page boundary which separates a page allocated for USER storage from a page allocated for NUCLEUS type storage. • The block overlaps storage chain. another block already the block being on the free 7 (DMSFRET) The address given for not doubleword aligned. released is 8 (DMSFRES) An invalid request code was passed to the DMSFRES routine. since all request codes are gen~rated by the DMSFRES macro, this error code should never appear. 9 (DMSFREE, DMSFRET, or DMSFRES) Unexpected and error in the free storage management routine. unexplained CMS HANDLING CF PSi KEYS The purpose of the CMS Nucleus protection scheme is to protect the CMS nucleus from inadvertent destruction by a user progra.. iithout it, it would be possible, for example, for a FORTRAN user who accidentally assigns an incorrectly subscripted array element to destroy nucleus code, wipe out a crucial table or constant area, or even destroy an entire disk by destroying the contents of the Master File Directory. In general, user programs and disk-resident CMS commands run with a PSi key of X'E', while nucleus code runs with PSi key of X'O'. There QL~, however, ~um~ exceptions to this rule. certain disk-resident CMS commands run with a PSi key of X'O', since they have a constant need to modify nucleus pointers and storage. The nucleus routines called by the GET, PUT, READ, and iRITE macros run with a user PSi key of X'E', to increase efficiency. Two macros are available to any routine that wishes to change its PSi key for some special purpose. These are the DMSKEY macro and the DMSEXS macro. The DMSKEY macro may be used to change the PSi key to the user value or the nucleus value. The DMSKEY NUCLEUS option causes the current PSi key to be placed in a stack, and a value of a to be placed in the PSi key. The DMSKEY USER option causes the current PSi key to be placed in a stack, and a value of X'E' to be placed in the PSi key. The DMSKEY RESET option causes the top value in the DMSKEY stack to be removed and re-inserted into the PSi. It is a requirement of the CMS system that when a routine terminates, the DMSKEY stack must be empty. This means that a routine should execute a DMSKEY RESET option for each DMSKEY NUCLEUS option and each DMSKEY USER option executed by the routine. Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) 287 The DMSKEY key stack has a current maximum depth of seven for each routine. In this context, a "routine" is anything invoked by an SVC call. The DMSKEY LASTUSER option causes the current PSi key to be placed in the stack, and a new key inserted into the PSi, determined as follows: the SVC system save area stack is searched in reverse order (top to bottom) for the first save area corresponding to a user routine. The PSi key which was in effect in that routine is then taken for the new PSi key. (If no user routine is found in the search, then LASTUSER has the same effect as USER.) This option is used by OS .acro simulation routines when they wish to enter a user-supplied exit routine; the exit routine is entered with the PSi key of the last user routine on the SVC system save area stack. The NOSTACK option of DMSKEY may be used with NUCLEUS, USER, or LASTUSER (as in, for example, DMSKEY NUCLEUS,NOSTACK) if the current key is not to be placed on the DMSKEY stack. If this option is used, then no corresponding DMSKEY RESET should be issued. The DMSEXS ("execute in system mode") macro instruction is useful in situations where a routine is running with a user protect key, but wishes to execute a single instruction which, for example, sets a bit in the NUCON area. The single instruction may be specified as the argument to the DMSEXS macro, and that instruction will be executed with a system PSi key. Whenever possible, CMS commands run with a user protect key. This protects the CMS nucleus in cases where there is an error in the system command which would otherwise destroy the nucleus. If the command must execute a single instruction or small group of instructions which modify nucleus storage, then the DMSKEY or DMSEXS macros are used, so that the system PSi key will be used for as short a period of time as possible~ CMS SVC HANDLING DMSITS (INTSVC) is the CMS system SVC operation of DMSITS is as follows: handling routine. The general 1. The SVC new PSi (low-storage location X'60') contains, in the address field, the address of DMSITS1. The DMSITS module will be entered whenever a supervisor call is executed. 2. DMSITS allocates a system and user save area. The is used as a register save area (or work area) routine. 3. The called routine is called (via a LPSi or BALR) • 4. Upon return from the called routine, the save areas are released. 5. Control is returned to made the SVC call). the caller (the routine user save area by the called which originally SVC TYPES AND LINKAGE CONVENTIONS SVC conventions are important to any discussion of CMS because the system is driven by SVCs (supervisor calls). SVCs 202 and 203 are the most common CMS SVCs. 288 IBM VM/370: System Progra.mer's Guide SVC 202 is used both for calling routines written modules). calling nucleus resident routines, and for as commands (fer example~ disk resident A typical coding sequence for an SVC 202 call is the following: LA SVC DC R1,PLIST 202 AL4(BRRADD) Whenever SVC 202 is called, register 1 must point to a parameter list (PLIST). The format of this parameter list depends upon the actual routine or command being called, but the SVC handler will examine the first eight bytes of this parameter list to find the name of the routine or command being called. The "DC AL4 (address)" instruction following the SVC 202 is optional, and may be omitted if the programmer does not expect any errors to occur in the routine or command being called. If included, an error return is made to the address specified in the DC. DMSITS determines whether this DC was inserted by examining the byte following the SVC call inline. A nonzero byte indicates an instruction, a zero value indicates that "DC AL4(address) " follows. SVC 203 is called by CMS macros to perform various internal system functions. It is used to define SVC calls for which no parameter list is provided. For example, DMSFREB parameters are passed in registers 0 and 1. A typical calling sequence for an SVC 203 call is as follows: SVC DC 203 H'code' The halfword decimal code following the SVC 203 indicates the specific routine being called. DMSITS examines this halfword code, taking the absolute value of the code by an LPR instruction. The first byte of the result is ignored, and the second byte of the resulting halfword is used as an index to a branch table. The address of the correct routine is loaded, and control is transferred to it. It is possible for the address in the SVC 203 index table to be zero. In this case, the index entry will contain an 8-byte routine or command name, which will be handled in the same way as the 8-byte name passed in the parameter list to an SVC 202. The programmer indicates an error return by the sign of the halfword code. If an error return is desired, then the code is negative. If the code is positive, then no error return is made. The sign of the half word code has no effect on determining the routine which is to be called, since DMSITS takes the absolute value of the code to determine the routine called. Since only the second byte of the absolute value of the code is examined by DMSITS, seven bits (bits 1-7) are available as flags or for other uses. Thus, for example, DMSFRBB uses these seven bits to indicate such things as conditional requests and variable requests. Part 3: Conversational Monitor system (CMS) 289 When an SVC 203 is invoked, DMSITS stores the halfword code into the NUCON location CODE203, so that the called routine can examine the seven bits made available to it. All calls made by means of SVC 203 should be made by macros, with the macro expansion computing and specifying the correct halfword code. The programmer may use the HNDSiC macro to specify the address of a routine which will handle any SVC call other than for SVC 202 and SiC 203. In this case, the linkage conventions user-specified SiC-handling routine. CMS supports selected SVC calls generated the effect of these macro calls. are as required by as macros, by the by simulating The proper linkages will be set up by the as macro generations. DMSITS does not recognize a "normal" or "error" return from an as macro simulation SVC call. There are several types of invalid SiC calls recognized by DMSITS. 1. Invalid SiC number. If the SVC number does not fit into any of the four classes described above, then it is not handled by DMSITS. An appropriate error message is displayed at the terminal, and control is returned directly to the caller. 2. Invalid routine name in SVC 202 parameter list. If the routine named in the SVC 202 parameter list is invalid or cannot be found, DMSITS handles the situation in the same way it handles an error return from a legitimate SiC routine. The error code is -3. 3. Invalid SiC 203 code. If an invalid code follows SiC 203 inline, then an error message is displayed, and the ABEND routine is called to terminate execution. SEARCH HIERARCHY FOR SiC 202 When a program issues SiC 202, passing a routine or command name in the parameter list, then DMSITS must be searched for the specified routine or command. (In the case of SVC 203 with a zero in the table entry for the specified index, the same logic must be applied.) The search algorithm is as follows: 290 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide 1. First, a check is made to see if there is a routine with the specified name currently occupying the system Transient Area. If this is the case, then control is transferred there. 2. Second, the system function name table is searched, to see if a command by this name is nucleus-resident. If successful, control goes to the specified nucleus routine. 3. Next, a search is made for a disk file with the specified name as the filename, and MODULE as the filetype. The search is made in the standard disk search order. If this search is successful, then --~ ~n~ specified module is loaded (via the LOAD MOD comaand), auu control passes to the storage location now occupied by the command. 4. If all searches so far have failed, then DMSINA (ABBREV) is called, to see if the specified routine name is a valid system abbreviation for a system command or function. user-defined abbreviations and synonyms are also checked. If this search is successful, then steps 2 through 4 are repeated with the full function name. 5. If all searches fail, then an error code of -3 is issued. When a command is entered from the terminal, DMSINT processes the command line, and calls the scan routine to convert it into a parameter list consisting of eight-byte entries. The following search is performed: 1. DMSINT searches for a disk file whose filename is the command name, and whose filetype is EXEC. If this search is successful, EXEC is invoked to process the EXEC file. If not found, the command name is considered to be an abbreviation and the appropriate tables are examined. If found, the abbreviation is replaced by its full equivalent and the search for an EXEC file is repeated a 2. If there is no EXEC file, DMSINT executes SVC 202, passing the scanned parameter list, with the command name in the first eight bytes. DMSITS will perform the search described for SVC 202 in an effort to execute the command. 3. If DMSITS returns-to DMSINT with a return code of -3, indicating that the search was unsuccessful, then DMSINT uses the CP DIAGNOSE facility to attempt to execute the command as a CP command. 4. If all these searches fail, then UNKNOWN CP/CMS COMMAND. DMSINT displays the error message See Figure 34 for a description of this search for a command name. USER AND TRANSIENT PROGRAM AREAS Two areas can hold programs which are loaded from disk. These are called the User Program Area and the Transient Program Area. (See Figure 33 for a description of CMS storage usage.) Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) 291 The User Progra. Area starts at location X'20000' and extends upward to the Loader Tables. Generally, all user programs and certain system commands (such as EDIT, and COPYFILE) run in the User Program Area. Since only one program can be running in the User Program Area at any one time, it is impossible (without unpredictable results) for one program running in the User Program Area to invoke, by means of SVC 202, a module which is also intended to be run in the User Program Area. The Transient Program Area is two pages long, running from location X'EOOO' to location X'PllF'. It provides an area for system com.ands which may also be invoked from the User Program Area by means of an SVC 202 call. The Transient Program Area is also used to handle certain OS macro simulation SVC calls. If DMSITS cannot find the address of a sUFPorted OS SVC handling routine, then it loads the file DMSSVT MODULE into the transient area, and lets that routine handle the SVC. A program running in the Transient Program Area may not invoke another program intended to run in the Transient Program area, including OS macro simulation SVC calls which are handled by DMSSVT. For example, a program running in the Transient Program Area may not invoke the RENAME command. In addition, it may not invoke the OS macro iTO, which generates an SVC 35, which is handled by DMSSVT. 292 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide C_r----" No Expand Line by inserting the command name EXEC to: EXEC name Pass control to the routine (in the nucleus, transient area, or user area) to execute the command Display UNKNOWN CP/CMS COMMAND Ves Notes: 1. If the terminal line was actually from an EXEC file, or if the command SET IMPEX OFF has been executed, implied EXEC is not in effect. 2. A -3 return code indicates SVC 202 processing did not find the command. 3. If the terminal line was actually from an EXEC file, or if the command SET IMPEX OFF has been executed, implied CP is not in effect. Figure 34. CMS Command (and Request) Processing Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) 293 DMSITS starts programs running in the User Program Area enabled for all interrupts but starts programs running in the Transient Program Area disabled for all interrupts. The individual program may have to use the SSM (Set System Mask) instruction to change the current status of its system mask. CALLED ROUTINE START-UP TABLE Figures 35 and 36 show how called routine is entered. the PSi and registers are set up when the --, r- I "Called" Type I ISVC 202 or 203 I - Nucleus I resident I ISVC 202 or 203 I - Transient I area MODULE I ISVC 202 or 203 I - User area I I User-handled 1 lOS - Nucleus I resident I lOS - in DMSSVT Figure 35. System Mask storage Key Problem Bit Disabled System Off Disabled User Off Enabled User Off Enabled User Off Disabled System Off Disabled System Off PSi Fields When Called Routine Starts I Registers RegisterslRegister Register Register Register 15 12 13 14 2 - 11 I I o- 1 1 1 SVC 2021Same as Address Unpredic-IAddress User Return or 2031 caller save address of table I of to called area I I called routine DMSITS I I routine 1---I Other ISame as Same as I Address User Same as Return address caller save caller I of I caller area to I I caller DMSITS I I Type Figure 36. 294 Register Contents When Called Routine Starts IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide RETURNING TO THE CALLING ROUTINE ihen the called routine finishes processing, control is returned DftSITS, which in turn returns control to the calling routine. The return is accomplished by loading vas at saved the time D~SITS vas the original SVC old first entered)~ after to PSi (which possibly modifying the address field. The address field modification depends upon the type of SVC call, and on whether the called routine indicated an error return. For SVC 202 and 203, the called routine indicates a normal return by placing a zero in register 15, and an error return by placing a nonzero code in register 15. If the called routine indicates a normal return, then DftSITS makes a normal return to the calling routine. If the called routine indicates an error return, DftSITS passes the error return to the calling routine, if one was specified, and atnormally terminates if none was specified. For an SVC 202 not followed by "DC AL4 (address)", a normal return is made to the instruction following the SVC instruction, and an error return tauses an ABEID. For an SVC 202 followed by "DC AL4(address)", a normal return is made to the instruction following the DC, and an error return is made to the address specified in the DC. In either case, register 15 contains the return code passed tack by the called routine. For an SVC 203 with a positive halfword code, a normal return is made to the instruction following the halfword code, and an error return causes an ABEND. For an SVC 203 with a negative halfword code, both normal and error returns are made to the instruction following the halfword code. In any case, register 15 contains the return code passed back by the called routine. For OS macro simulation SVC calls, and for user-handled SVC calls, no error return is recognized by DftSITS. As a result, D~SITS always returns to the calling routine by loading the SVC old PSi which was saved when D~SITS was first entered. Upon entry to DftSITS, all registers are saved as they were when the SVC instruction was first executed. Upon exiting from D~SITS, all registers are restored from the area in which they were saved at entry. The exception to this is register 15 in the case of SVC 202 and 203. Upon return to the calling routine, register 15 always contains the value which was in register 15 when the called routine returned to D~SITS after it had completed processing. If the called routine storage protect key of Save Area. has system status, so that it runs with a PSi 0, then it may store new values into the System Part 3: Conversational ~onitor System (C~S) 295 If the called routine wishes to modify the location to which control is to be returned, it .ust .odify the following fields: • For SVC 202 and 203, it must modify the IUMRET and ERRET (normal and error return address) fields. • For other SVCs, it must modify the addr~ss field of OLDPSW. To modify the registers that are to be returned to the calling routine, the fields EGPR1, EGPR2, ••• , EGPR15 must be modified. If this action is taken by the called routine, then the SVCTRACE facility may print misleading information, since SVCTRACE assumes that these fields are exactly as they were when DMSITS was first entered. Whenever an SVC call is made, DMSITS allocates two save areas for that particular SVC call. Save areas are allocated as needed. For each SVC call, a system and user save area are needed. When the SVC called routine returns, the save areas are not released, but are kept for the next SVC. At the completion of each command, all SVC save areas allocated by that command are released. The system Save Area is used by DMSITS to save the value of the SVC old PSi at the time of the SVC call, the calling routine's registers at the time of the call, and any other necessary control information. Since SVC calls can be nested, there can be several of these save areas at one time. The system Save Area is allocated in protected free storage. The User Save Area contains 12 doublewords (24 words), allocated in unprotected free storage. DMSITS does not use this area at all, but si.ply passes a pointer to this area (via register 13.) The called routine can use this area as a temporary work area, or as a register save area. There is one User Save Area for each System Save Area. The field USAVEPTR in the System Save Area points to the User Save Area. The exact for.at of the System Save £B~~~§!!io~!J ~BnitQ~ ~~~!!! (~A~) Area can be found in the VM,37~: 199if. The most important f~Qg~!! fields, and their uses, are as follows: CALLER (Fullword) The address in this call. CALLEE (Doubleword) Eight-byte symbolic name of the called routine. For OS and user-handled SVC calls, this field contains a character string of the form SVC nnn, where nnn is the SVC number in decimal. CODE (Balfword) For SVC 203, this field contains the halfword code following the SVC instruction line. OLDPSW (Doubleword) entered. IRMRET (Fullword) The address of the calling routine to which control is to be passed in the case of a normal return from the called routine. 296 The SVC of the SVC instruction old PSW IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide at the time which resulted that DMSITS was GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 ERRET (Fullword) The address of the calling routine to which control is to be passed in the case of an error return from the called routine. EGPRS (16 Fullwords, separately labeled EGPRO, EGPR1, EGPR2, EGPR3, ••• , EGPR15) The entry registers. The contents of the general registers at entry to DMSITS are stored in these fields. EFPRS (4 Doublewords, separately labeled EFPRO, EFPR2, EFPR4, EFPR6) en~Ly floating-point registers. The contents of the floating-point registers at entry to DMSITS are stored in these fields. ~ne SSAVENXT {Full word} The address of the next System Save Area in the chain. This points to the System Save Area which is being used, or will be used, for any SVC call nested in relation to the current one. SSAVEPRV (Fullword) The address of the previous system Save the chain. This points to the System Save Area for call in relation to which the current call is nested. USAVEPTR (Fullword) Area in the SVC Pointer to the User Save Area for this SVC call. CMS has an interface that allows it to display large amounts of data in a very rapid fashion. This interface for display terminals is much faster and has less overhead than the normal write because it displays up to 1760 characters in one operation, instead of issuing 22 individual writes of 80 characters each (that is one write per line on a display terminal). Data that is displayed in the screen output area with this interface is not placed in the console spool file. The DISPW macro allows you to use this display terminal interface. It generates a calling sequence for the CMS display terminal interface module, DMSGIO. DMSGIO creates a channel program and issues a DIAGNOSE The format of the eMS DISPW instruction macro is: ,.-----I I [label] I I I r DISPW , r , bufad I,LINE=nl I,BYTES=bbbbl ILb!!~::.Q1 I L !!!1:§.§::11'§QI L .J L [ERASE=YES] .J [CANCEL=YES] L- where: label is an optional macro statement label. bufad is the address of a buffer containing the written to the display terminal. r , ILINE=nl ILINE=OI L .J is the number of the line, display terminal that is to number 0 is the default. o be to data to 23, on written. Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) be the Line 297 GC20-1807-3 Paqe Modified bV TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 r , I BY TES=bbbb I 1!!.!1~~=lI§QI L is the on the number of bytes display terminal. (0 to 1760) to be written 1760 bytes is the default. .I [ERASE=YES] specifies that the display screen is to be erased before the current data is written. The screen is erased regardless of the line or number of bytes to be displayed. Specifying ERASE=YES causes the screen to go into "MORE" status. [CANCEL=YES] causes the CANCEL operation to area is erased. 298 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide be performed: the output How to Add a Command or EXEC Procedure to CMS You can create a module or EXEC procedure which executes in the user area and resides on disk. To execute such a comsand or EXEC procedure, you only have to enter the filename from the terminal. However, be aware of the C~S search order for terminal input. Once a match is found, the search stops. The search order is: 1. EXEC file on any currently accessed disk. 2. Valid disk. 3. Nucleus resident or transient area command. 4. Command on any currently accessed disk. s. Valid abbreviation area command. 6. Valid abbreviation for disk resident command. abbreviation for an EXEC file or synonym on any currently for nucleus resident or accessed transient For example, if you create an EXEC file with the same name as a disk resident command, the CftS search will always find the EXEC file first. Thus, the disk resident command will never get executed. C~S has a fUnction table containing the names of C~S functions. C~S reserves the following names, all entries in the CftS FUNCTAB (found in DftSFNC), for its own use: ATTN CARDPH CARDRD C~STI~E CONREAD CONWAIT CP DEBUG DESBUF DftSCIOSI DftSERR D~SLADAD D~SPIOCC D~SPIOSI ERASE EXEC FIllS GEN~OD INCLUDE LOAD LOADftOD POINT PRIIiTIO PRINTR RDBUF RETURN START STATE STATEW SUBSET SVCFREE SVCFR!T TAPEIO TRAP TYPLIN WAIT WAITRD WRBUF Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CftS) 299 OS Macro Simulation Under eMS When a language processor or a user-written program is executing in the C"S environment and using os-type functions, it is not executing as code. Instead, C"S provides routines that simulate the as functions required to support as language processors and their generated object code. C"S functionally simulates the as macros in a way that presents equivalent results to programs executing under C"S. The as macros are supported only to the extent stated in the publicaticns for the supported language processors, and then only to the extent necessary to successfully satisfy the specific requirement of the supervisory function. The restrictions for COBOL and PL/I program execution listed in "Executing a Program that Uses as "acros" in the !ALl1.Q: Pla]]ing ~]g ~I~~~! §~~g!g~!2] ~y!gg exist because of the limited siaulation by CftS of the as macros. Figure 37 shows the as macro functions that completely simulated, as defined by SVC number. are partially or The disk format and data base organization of C"S are different from those of as. A CMS file produced by an as program running under C"S and written on a CftS disk, has a different format than that of an OS data set produced by the same as program running under as and written on an as disk. The data is exactly the same, but its format is different. (An as disk is one that has been formatted by an as program, such as IBCDASDI.) Because DOS macros are not simulated by CMS, DOS programs cannot run under C"S. Therefore, DOS files cannot be written on a C"S or as disk. I HANDLING FILES THAT RESIDE ON C"S DISKS C"S can read, write, or update any as data that resides on a CMS disk. CMS simulates the following access methods so that as data organized by these access methods can reside on C"S disks: direct identifying a record by a key position within the data set. or by partitioned seeking a named member within the data set. sequential accessing a record in a sequence relative or following items in the data set. its relative to preceding Refer to Figure 37 and the "Simulation Notes", then read Method Support" to see how CMS handles these access methods. "Access since CftS does not simulate the indexed sequential access method (ISAM), no as program which uses ISAft can execute under C"S. Therefore, no program can write an indexed sequential data set on a C"S disk. 300 IBK VM/370: System Programmer's Guide I HANDLING FILES THAT RESIDE ON OS OR DOS DISKS CftS can read, but not write or update, OS sequential and partitioned data sets that reside on OS disks. The OS macros simulated by CftS read ~ne OS data. uS1ng ~ne same simu~a~ed os macros, efts can read DOS sequential files that reside on DOS disks. No DOS macros are simulated, but the OS macros handle the DOS data as if it were OS data. Thus a DOS file can he used as input to an OS program running under CftS. CMS cannot write or update any OS data set that resides on an OS disk. Such a data set can be written or updated only by an OS program running in a real virtual OS machine. The same restriction applies to DOS files that reside on DOS disks. For more information, see "Reading OS this section. Data Sets and DOS Files", in Part 3: Conversational Menitor System (CMS) 301 r--------------·----------------------------------------------------------~ svc ftacro li!!~ RU!B~!: XDApl WAIT POST GETftAIR FREEftAIR GETPOOL FREEPOOL LINK XCTL 00 01 02 04 05 06 07 LOAD DELETE GETftAIN/ FREEftAIR TIft El ABEND SPIEl 08 09 BLDL/FINDI 18 OPEN CLOSE STOWI OPENJ TCLOSE DEVTYPEI 20 21 22 23 10 11 13 14 19 24 TRKBAL WTO/WTORI EXTRACTI IDENTIFy1 A'ITACH I CHApl T'IIftERI STlftERI DEQI SNApl ENQI FREEDBUF STAE 25 3S 40 41 42 44 46 47 48 S1 S6 S7 60 DETACHI CHKPTI RDJFCBI 62 63 64 SYNADI BSPI GET/PUT READ/WRITE NOTE/POINT CBECK TGET/TPUT TCLEARQ STAX RETURN 68 69 93 94 96 Function Read or-write-direct access volumes Wait for an I/O completion Post the I/O completion Conditionally acquire user storage Release user-acquired storage Simulate as SVC 10 Simulate as SVC 10 Link control to another phase Delete, then link control to another load phase Read a phase into storage Delete a loaded phase ftanipulate user free storage Get the time of day Terminate processing Allow processing program to handle program interrupts ftanipulate simulated partitioned data files Activate a data file Deactivate a data file ftanipulate partitioned directories Activate a data file Temporarily deactivate a data file Obtain device-type physical characteristics NOP communicate with the terminal Effective NOP Add entry to loader table Effective LINK Effective NOP Access or cancel timer Set timer Effective NOP Dump specified areas of storage Effective HOP Release a free storage buffer Allow processing program to decipher ABEND conditions Effective NOP Effective NOP Obtain information from FILEDEF command Handle data set error conditions Backup a record on a tape or disk Access system-blocked data Access system-record data ftanage data set positioning Verify READ/WRITl completion Read or write a terminal line Clear terminal input queue Create an attention exit block Return from a linked or attached routine ISimulated in the transient routine "DftSSVT". routines reside in the nucleus. Figure 37. 302 Simulated OS Supervisor Calls IBft Vft/370: System Programmer's Guide Other simulation SIMULATION NOTES Because CMS has its own file system and is a single-user system operating in a virtual machine with virtual storage, there are certain restrictions for the simulated OS function in CMS. For example, HIARCHY options and options that are used only by OS multitasking systems are ignored by CMS. Listed below are descriptions of all the OS macro functions that are simulated by CMS as seen by the programmer. Implementation and program results that differ from those given in Q~LVS Da!! ~!~~~~~! fta£!~ Instructions and CSLVS Su£ervisor Services and !acrc Instructions are stated:--HIARCHY options-and those used--only-by os-iultitasking-systems are ignored by efts. validity checking is not performed within the simulation routines. The entry point name in LINK, XCTL, and LOAD (SVC 6, 7, 8) must be a member name or alias in a TXTLlB directory uuless the COMPSWT is set to on. If the COMPSWT is on, SVC 6, 7, and a must specify a MODULE name. This switch is turned on and off by using the COMPSWT macro. See the !~Ll1Q: ~Q~~~!~ 1!~Y!E~ ~Y~~~ !~ g~ne~gl Us~~§ for descriptions of all CftS user macros. Q!!!~!~B~E-~~-I~le~entat!~B The TYPE option must be R or W; the V, I, and K options are not supported. The BLKREF-ADDR must point to an item number acquired by a NOTE macro. Other options associated with V, I, or K are not supported. WAIT-SVCl All options of WAIT are supported. The waits for the completion bit to be specified ECBs. POST-SVC2 All options of POST are supported. POST sets a completion code and a completion bit in the specified ECB. GETMAIN-SVC4 All the options of GETMAIN gets blocks of free storage. are supported. GETMAIN FREEMAIN-SVCS All the options of FREEMAIN are supported. frees blocks of storage acquired by GETMAIN. FREEftAIN WAIT routine set in the I LINK-SVC6 The DCB and HIARCHY options are ignored by CftS. All other options of LINK are supported. LINK loads the specified program into storage (if necessary) and passes control to the specified entry point. XCTL-SVC7 The DCB and HIARCHY options are ignored by CftS. All other options of XCTL are supported. XCTL loads the specified program into storage (if necessary) and passes control to the specified entry point. LOAD-svca The DCB and HIARCHY options are ignored by CMS. All other options of LOAD are supported. LOAD loads the specified program into storage (if necessary) and returns the address of the specified entry point in register zero. However, if the specified entry point is not in core when SVC a is issued, and the subroutine contains VCONs which cannot be resolved within that TXTLIB member, CMS will attempt to resolve these references, and may return another entry point address. To insure a correct address in register zero, the user should bring such subroutines into core either by the CMS LOAD/INCLUDE commands or by a VCON in the user program. Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) 303 Macro-SVC No. GETPC0 Lj----FREEPOOL ~~1!~f~g£~§_~]_!!]1~!~n!~!i2n All the options of GETPOOL and FREEPOOL are supported. GETPOOL constructs a buffer pool and stores the address of a buffer pool control block in the DCB. FREEPOOL frees a buffer pool constructed by GETPOOL. DELETE-SVC9 All the options of DELETE are supported. DELETE decreases the use count by one and if the result is zero frees the corresponding virtual storage. Code 4 is returned in register 15 if the phase is not found. GETMAIN/ FRFEMAINSVC10 All the options of GETMAIN and FREEMAIN are supported. Subpool specifications are ignored. TIME-SVC11 All the options of TIME except MIC are supported. TIME returns the time of day to the calling program. ABEND-SVC13 The completion code parameter is supported. The DUMP parameter is not. If a STAF request is outstanding, control is given to the proper STAE routine. If a STAE routine is not outstanding, a message indicating an ABEND has occurred is printed on the terminal along with the completion code. SPIE-SVC14 All the options of SPIE are supported. The SPIE routine specifies interruption exit routines and program interruption types that will cause the exit routine to receive control. BLDL-SVC18 BLDL is an effective NOP for LINKLIBs and JOBLIBs. For MACLIBs, item numbers are filled in the TTR field of the BLDL list; the K, Z, and user data fields, as described in Q~L!~ ~~!~ ~~n~g~!~~! ~~£Q !~!!ycti2~' are set to zeros. The 'alias' bit of the C field is supported, and the remaining bits in the C field are set to zero. FIND-SVC18 All the options of FIND are supported. FIND sets the read/write pointer to the item number of the specified member. STOW-SVC21 All the options of STOW are supported. The 'alias' bit is supported, but the user data field is not stored in the MACLIB directory since CMS MACLIBs do not contain user data fields. OPEN/OPENJSVC19/22 All the options of OPEN and OPENJ are supported except for the DISP and RDBACK options which are ignored. OPEN creates a CMSCB (if necessary), completes the DCB, and merges necessary fields of the DCB and CMSCB. CLOSE/TCLOSESVC20/23 All the options of CLOSE and TCLOSE are supported except for the DISP option, which is ignored. The DCB is restored to its condition before OPEN. If the device type is disk, the file is closed. If the device type is tape, the REREAD option is treated as a REWIND. DEVTYPE-SVC24 All the options of DEVTYPE are supported. DEVTYPE moves device characteristic information for a specified data set into a specified user area. 304 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide ftacro-SVC 10. WTO/iTOi=sVC35 Diffe~~~~~!~_I.ple~~1~1!~B All options of WTO and WTOR are supported except those options concerned with multiple console support. WTO displays a aessage at the operator's ccnsole. iTOR displays a .essage at the operator's console, waits for a reply, moves the reply to the specit~ed area, sets a co.pletion bit in the specified ECB, and returns. EXTBACT-SVC40 The EXTRACT routine in CftS is essentially a NOP. The user provided answer area is set to zeros and control is returned to the user with a return code of 4 in register 15. IDENTIFY-SVC41 The IDENTIFY routine in CftS the load request chain for address. ATTACH-SVC42 All the options of ATTACH are supported in CftS as in OS PCP. The following options are ignored by CftS: DCB, LPftOn, DPftOD, HIARCHY, GSPV, GSPL, SHSPV, SHSPL, SZEBO, PURGE, ASYNCH, and TASKLIB. ATTACH passes control to the routine specified, fills in an ECB co.pletion bit if an ECB is specified, passes control to an exit routine if one is specified, and returns control to the instruction following the ATTACH. adds a RPQUEST block to the requested name and Since CftS is not a multitasking system, a phase requested by the ATTACH .acro must return to CftS. CHAP-SVC44 The CHAP routine in CftS is to the user. TTlftER-SVC46 All the options of TTlftER are supported. STlftER-SVC47 All options of STIftER are supported except for TASK and WAIT. The TASK option is treated as if the REAL option had been specified, and the WAIT option is treated as a NOP; it returns control to the user. DEQ-SVC48 The DEQ routine to the user. SNAP-SVC51 All the options of SNAP are supported except for the DCB, SDATA, and PDATA options, which are ignored. SlAP always dumps output to the printer. The dump contains the PSW, the registers, and the storage specified. ENQ-SVC56 The EIQ routine to the user. FRElDBUF-SVC57 All the options of FREEDBUF are supported. FREEDBUF returns a buffer to the buffer pool assigned to the specified DCB. STAE-SVC60 All the options of STAE are supported except for the XCTL option, which is set to XCTL=YES; the PURGE option, which is set to HALT; and the ASYICH option, which is set to NO. STAE creates, overlays, or cancels a STAE control block as requested. STAE retry is not supported. DETACH-SVC62 The DETACH routine in control to the user. a NOP. in CftS is a NOP. in CftS is a NOP. CftS is It returns control It returns control It returns control a NOP. It returns Part 3: Conversational ftonitor System (CftS) 305 ftacro-SVC No. ciiiPT-SVC63-- ~iii~~~gf~2_i]_!!]le!gB!~!!2B RDJFCB-SVC64 All the options of RDJFCB are supported. RDJFCB causes a Job File Control Block (JFCB) to be read from a CftS Control Block (CftSCB) into real storage for each data control block specified. CftSCBs are created by FILEDEF commands. SYNADAF-SVC68 All the options of SYNADAF are supported. SYNADAF analyzes an I/O error and creates an error message in a work buffer. SYNADRLS-SVC68 All the options of SYNADRLS are supported. SYNADRLS frees the work area acquired by SYNAD and deletes the work area from the save area chain. BSP-SVC69 All the options of BSP are supported. the item pointer by one block. TGET/TPUTSVC93 TGET and TPUT operate as if EDIT and WAIT were coded. TGET reads a terminal line. TPUT writes a terminal line. TCLEARQ-SVC94 TCLEARQ in CftS clears the input returns control to the user. STAX-SVC96 Updates a queue of CftTAXEs attention exit level. NOTE All the options of NOTE are supported. NOTE returns the item number of the last block read or written. POINT All the options of POINT are supported. POINT causes the control program to start processing the next read or write operation at the specified item number. The TTR field in the block address is used as an item number. CHECK All the options of CHECK are supported. the I/O operation for errors and conditions. DCB The following fields of a DCB may be specified, relative to the particular access method indicated: Q.E~!:~.!!.9 BFALN BLKSIZE BUFCB BUFL BUFNO DDNAftE DSORG EODAD EXLST KEYLEN LlftCT LRECL ftACRF OPTCD RECFM SYNAD NCP 306 The CHKPT routine is a NOP. user. BDA!1 F,D n (number) a (address) n n s (symbol) DA a n n R,W A,E,F,R F,V,U a It returns centrol to the BSP decrements terminal queue each of which defines an CHECK tests exceptional J1g!!1 J12!~ 22111 n R,W It n R,W, P G,P,L,ft F,V,U a n F,V,B,S,A,ft,U a n F,V,B,U,A,ft,S a F,D n a n n s PO a a F,D n a n n s PS a a n IBft Vft/370: System programmer's Guide and F,D n a n n s PS a a ACCESS METHOD SUPPORT The manipulation of data is governed by an access method. To facilitate the execution of OS Code under eMS; the processing program must see data as as would present it. Por instance, when the processors expect an access method to acquire input source cards sequentially, CMS invokes specially written routines that simulate the OS sequential access method and pass data to the processors in the format that the OS access methods would have produced. Therefore, data appears in storage as if it had been manipulated using an OS access method. For example, block descriptor words (BDi), buffer pool management, and v~riable records are updated in storage as if an OS access method had processed the data. The actual writing to and reading from the I/O device is handled by CMS file management. The essential work of the Volume Table of contents (VTOC) and the Data set Control Block (DSCB) is done in CMS by a Master Pile Directory (MFD) which updates the disk contents, and a File Status Table (PST) (one for each data file). All disks are: formatted in physical blocks of 800 bytes. CMS continues to update the OS format, within its own format, on the auxiliary device, for files whose filemode number is 4. That is, the block and record descriptor words (BDi and RDi) are written along with the data. If a data set consists of blocked records, the data is written to, and read from, the I/O device in physical blocks, rather than logical records. CMS also simulates the specific methods of manipulating data sets. To accomplish this simulation, CMS for the following access methods: supports certain essential macros • BDAM (direct) -- identifying a record by position within the data set. • BPAM (partitioned) -- seeking a named member within data set. • SAM (sequential) -- accessing a record n~o~o~;nn r~~~~u~u~ np V~ ~~"n~~~~ ~v~~v.~"~ a key or by its relative in a sequence relative to ~~~~~~~ ~~~v~u~. CMS also updates those portions of the OS control blocks that are needed by the OS simulation routines to support a program during execution. Most of the simulated supervisory OS the following two CMS control blocks: control blocks are contained in CMSCVT simulates the Communication Vector Table. the address of the CVT control section. Location 16 contains CMSCB is allocated from system free storage whenever a FILEDEF command or an OPEN (SVC19) is issued for a data set. The CMS Control Block consists of a File Control Block (FCB) for the data file, and partial simulation of the Job File Control Elock (JPCB), Input/Output Block (lOB), and Data Extent Block (DEB). The Data Control Block (DCB) and the Data Event Control Block (DECE) are used by the access method simulation routines of CMS. Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) 307 The GET and PUT .acros are not supported for use with spanned records. READ and WRITE are supported for spanned records, provided the file.ode number is 4, and the data set is Physical sequential (BSAM) format. GET (OSAM) All the OSAM options of GET are supported. Substitute mode is handled the sa.e as .ove mode. If the DCBRECPM is PB, the file.ode number is 4, and the last block is a short block, an EOP indicator (X'61PPPP61') must be present in the last blo~k after the last record. GET (OISAM) OISAM is not supported in CMS. PUT (OS AM) All the QSAM options of PUT are supported. Substitute mode is handled the same as .ove mode. If the DCBRECPM is PB, the file.ode number is 4, and the last block is a short block, an BOP indicator is written in the last block after the last record. PUT (QISAM) OISAM is not supported in CMS. PUTX PUTX support is provided only for with simple buffering. data sets opened for QSAM-UPDATE READ/WRITE (BISAM) BISAM is not supported in CMS. READ/WRITE (BSAM and BPAM) All the ESAM and BPAM options of READ and WRITB are supported except for the SE option (read backwards). READ (Offset Read of Keyed EDAM dataset) This type of READ is not supported spanned records. because READ/WRITE (BDAM) All the EDAM and BSAM (create) options supported except for the Rand RU options. it is of only used READ and WRITB for are The four methods of accessing EDAM records are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Relative Block R~~ Relative Track TTR Relative Track and Key TI!ey Actual Address MBECCBBR The restrictions on those methods are as follows: • Only the EDAM identifiers underlined above can be used to records, since CMS files have a two-byte record identifier. • CMS BDAM files are always created with 255 records cn the first logical track, and 256 records on all other logical tracks, regardless of the block size. If BDAM methods 2, 3, or 4 are used and the RECPM is U or V, the BDAM user must either write 255 records 308 IBM VM/310: System Programmer's Guide refer to on the first track and 256 records on every track thereafter, or he must not update the track indicator until a NO SPACE FOUND message is returned on a write. For method 3 (WRITE ADD), this message occurs when no more dummy records can be found on a WRITE request. For methods 2 and 4i this will not occur i and the track indicator viII be updated only when the record indicator reaches 256 and overflows into the track indicator. • Two files of the same filetype, which both use keys, cannot be open at the same time. If a program that is updating keys dces not close the file it is updating for some reason, such as a system failure or another IPL operation, the original keys for files that are not fixed format are saved in a temporary file with the same filetype and a filename of $KEYSAVE. To finish the update, run the program again. • Once a file is created using keys, additions to the file must not be made without using keys and specifying the original length. • The number of records in the data set extent must be specified using the FILEDEF command. The default size is 50 records. • The minimum LRECL for a CMS BDAM file with keys is eight bytes. READING OS DATA SETS AND DOS FILES CMS users can read, but not write or update, OS sequential and partitioned data sets that reside on OS disks. The CMS MOVEFILE command can be used to manipulate those data sets, and the OS QSAM, BPAM, and BSAM macros can be executed under CMS to read them. The CMS MOVEFILE command and the same OS macros can also be used to manipulate and read DOS sequential files that reside on DOS disks. No DOS macros are simulated; the OS macros handle the DOS data as if it were OS dat a. The following os Release 20.0 BSAM, BPAM, and QSAM wacros can with CMS to read OS data sets and DOS files: BLDL BSP CHECK CLOSE DEQ DEVTYPE ENQ FIND GET NOTE POINT FOST _ Ut::l .. _ _ _ .!I U:::it::lU RDJFCB READ SYNADAF SYNADRLS WAIT CMS supports the following disk formats sequential and partitioned access methods: • • • • L for the OS and OS/VS split cylinders user labels track overflow alternate tracks As in OS, the CMS support of the BSP macro produces a return code of 4 when attempting to backspace over a tape mark or when a beginning of an extent is found on an OS data set or a DOS file. If the data set or file contains split cylinders, an attempt to tacks pace within an extent resulting in a cylinder switch, also produces a return code of 4. Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) 309 Before CMS can read an OS data set or DOS file that resides on a non-CMS disk, you must issue the CMS ACCESS command to make the disk on which it resides available to CMS. The format of the ACCESS command is: ACCESS cuu moder/ext] You must not specify options or file identification when accessing an OS or DOS disk. you then issue the FILEDEF command to assign a CMS file identification to the OS data set or DOS file so that CMS can read it. The format of the FILEDEF command used for this purpose is: r-------------------------------------------------------------------------, , r r r FILEDEF {dd;:me} " I DISK fn ft I fmll IDSN ? I I IA111 IDSN q1 [q2···]1 L L .J.J L .J r r " L L .J.J DISK Ifn ft Ifm II IFILE ggJ}~'!!!~ IAjl1 DUMMY r ~~1~1ed ~E!i9~: , IMEMBER membernamel ICONCAT I L .J If you are issuing a FILEDEF for a DOS file, note that the OS program that will use the DOS file .ust have a DCB for it. For "ddname" in the FILEDEF command line, use the ddname in that DCB. with the DSN operand, enter the file-id of the DOS file. Sometimes, CMS issues the FILEDEF command for you. Although the CMS MOVEFILE command, the supported CMS program product interfaces, and the CMS OPEN routine each issue a default FILEDEF, you should issue the FILEDEF command yourself to be sure the appropriate file is defined. After you have issued the ACCESS and FILEDEF commands for an OS sequential or partitioned data set or DOS sequential file, CMS commands (such as ASSEMBLE and STATE) can refer to the OS data set or DOS file just as if it were a CMS file. Several other CMS commands can be used with OS data sets and DOS files that do not reside on CMS disks. See the VMLll~: ~Qm!~g b~~g~~g~ Q~!g~ !Q! §~~~!~1 Q§~!§ for a complete description of the CMS ACCESS, FILEDEF, LISTDS, MOVEFILE, QUERY, RELEASE, and STATE commands. For restrictions on reading OS data sets and DOS files under eMS, see the "VM/370 Restrictions" in "Part 1. Debugging with VM/370". 310 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide THE FILEDEF CCMMAHD The CMS FILEDEF command allows you to specify file characteristics to be used by a program conjunction vith the OS simulation scheme, functions of the Data Definition JCL statement. FILEDEF functions. filedef may be used For example: filel disk only proga with data programs the I/O device and the at execution time. In FILEDEF simulates the using OS macros and al After issuing this command, your program referring to FILEl would access PROGA DATA on Jour A-disk. If you wished to supply data from issue the command: your terminal for FILE1, you could filedef filel terminal and enter the data for your program without recompiling. fi tapein tap2 (recfm fb lrecl 50 block 100 9track den 800) After issuing this command, programs referring to TAPEIH will access a tape at virtual address 182. (Each tape unit in the CMS environment has a symbolic name associated with it.) The tape must have been previously attached to the virtual machine by the VM/370 operator. The AUXPROC option can only be used by a program call to FILEDEF and not from the terminal. The CMS language interface programs use this feature for special I/O handling of certain (utility) data sets. The AUXPROC option, followed by a fullword address of an auxiliary processing routine, allows that routine to receive control from DftSSEB before any device I/O is performed. At the completion of its processing, the auxiliary routine returns control to DMSSEB signalling whether I/O has been performed or not. If not, DMSSEB performs the appropriate device I/O. GPR15 is used by the auxiliary processing routine to inform to DMSSEB of the action that has been or should be taken with the data block as follows: GPR15=0 Ho I/O performed by AUXPROC routine; DMSSEB will perform I/O. GPR15(0 I/O performed by AUXPROC routine DMSSEB will take error action. GPR15)O I/O performed by AUXPROC routine with residual count in GPR15; DMSSEB returns normally. and error was encountered. Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) 311 Saving the eMS System Only named systems can be saved. The BAMESYS macro must be used to name a system. A discussion on creating a named system is found under "Generating Bamed System" in "Part 2: Control Program (CP)". The DMKSBT module must have been configured (by coding the BAMESYS macro) when CP was generated. The DMKSNT module contains the system name, size of the system, and its real disk location. The CMS system aay be saved by entering the command 'SAVESYS name' as the first command after the IPL command (that is, after the CMS version identification is displayed), where 'name' is the name to be assigned to the saved system. The CMS S, D, and Y disks (and, optionally, the A disk) should be mounted and attached to the virtual machine creating the saved system before the SAVESYS command is issued. This ensures that the CMS file directory is saved correctly. The status of the saved system proceeds, upon a subsequent IPL, as if an IPL of a specific device had occurred, with the single exception that the file directory for the system disk is part of the nucleus. There are several coding restrictions that must is to run as a Saved system. he imposed on CMS if it The first and most obvious one is that CMS may never modify segment 1. The shared segment runs with a real storage key of 0, although the virtual storage key equals F. A less obvious, but just as important, restriction, is that CMS may never modify, with a single machine instruction (except MVCL), a section of storage which crosses the boundary between two pages with different storage keys. This restriction applies not only to SS instructions, such as MVC and ZAP, but also to RS instructions, such as STM, and to RX instructions, such as ST and STD, which may have nonaligned addresses on the System/370. It also applies to I/O instructions. If the key specified in the CCW is zero, then the data area for input may not cross the boundary between two pages with different storage keys. It is not advisable to use the CMS DEBUG command or the CP commands to debug a named system with shared pages because it is impossible to: • • store into shared pages. Address stop in shared pages. IPL a CMS system with no shared pages and then tools while executing. use the VM/370 debug If you intend to modify a shared eMS system, be sure that all code that 1S to he shared resides in the shared segment, CMS Nucleus (X'10000'-X'20000'). To make room for additional code in the CMS Nucleus, you may have to move some of the existing code. You can use the USERSECT area of DMSNUC to contain nonshared instructions. 312 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide eMS Batch Facility The CftS Batch Facility is a Vft/370 programming facility that runs under the CftS subsystem. It allows Vft/370 users to run their jobs in batch mode by sending jobs either fro. their virtual machines or through the real (system) card reader to a virtual machine dedicated to running batch jobs. The Batch Facility then executes these jobs, freeing user machines for other uses. If both CftS Batch Facility and the Remote spooling Communications subsystem (RSCS) are running under the same Vft/370 system, job input streams can be transmitted to the Batch Facility from remote stations via communication lines. Also, the output of the batch processing can be transmitted back to the remote station. For additional information, see "Remot~ Job Entry to CftS Batch" in the !1!Ll1Q: .!!~~2~ .§2QQ!!!!g ~2~!~i~~ti~!§ ~!bSI§!~! (R~£~) Us~£~ Q~!de. The Batch Facility virtual machine is generated and controlled on a userid dedicated to execution of jobs in tatch mode. The system operator generates the "batch machine" by loading (via IPL) the CftS subsystem, and then issuing the CftSBATCB command. The CftSBATCB module loads the DftSBTP TEXT S2 file which is the actual Batch processor. After each job is executed, the Batch Facility will IPL itself, thereby providing a continuously running batch machine. The Batch Processor will IPL itself by using the PARft option of the CP IPL command, followed by a character string which CftS recognizes as peculiar to a batch virtual machine performing its IPL. Jobs are sent to the batch .achine's virtual card reader from users' terminals and executed sequentially. When there are no jobs waiting for execution, the Batch Facility remains in a wait state ready to execute a user job. See the !1!L.J1.Q: Q.E~~!!.Q~..!.§ §!i,g~ for more information about controlling the ba tch machine. The Batch Facility is particularly useful for compute-bound jobs such as assemblies and compilations and for execution of large user programs, since interactive users can continue working at their terminals while their time=consu.ing jobs are run in another virtual machine. The System Programmer controls the Batch Facility virtual machine environment by resetting the Batch Facility machine's system limits, by writing routines that handle special installation input to the Batch Facility, and by writing EXEC procedures that make the Batch Facility facility easier to use. Each job running under the Batch Facility is limited by default to the maximum value of 32,767 seconds of virtual CPU time, 32,767 punched cards output, and 32,767 printed lines of output. You can reset these limits by modifying the BATLIftIT ftACRO file, which is found in the CftSLIB macro library, and reassembling DftSBTP. The Batch Facility can handle user-specified control language and special installation Batch Facility /JOB control cards. These handling Part 3: Conversa tional ftoni tor System (CftS) 313 mechanisms are built into the system in the form of user exits from Batch; you are responsible for generating two routines to make use of them. These routines must be named BATEXITl and BATEXIT2, respectively, and must have a filetype of TEXT and a filemode number of 2, if placed on the system disk or an extension of the system disk. (See the !ftL37Q: ~Q!!~n~ 1~ngy~g~ ~Y!~~ !Q£ ~~n~~!! ~~I§ for infor,ation on how to write and use Batch Facility control cards.) The routines you write are responsible for saving registers, including general register 12, which saves address ability for the Batch Facility. These routines (if aade available on the system disk) are included with the Batch Facility each time it is loaded. BATEXIT1: PROCESSING USER-SPECIFIED CONTROL LANGUAGE BATEXITl is an entry point provided so that users may write their own routine to check non-CftS control sta~ements. For example, it could be written to scan for the OS job control language needed to compile, link edit, and execute a FORTRAN job. BATEIITl receives control after each read from the Batch Facility virtual card reader is issued. General register 1 contains the address of the Batch Facility Read Buffer, which contains the card image to be executed by the Batch Facility. This enables BATEXITl to scan each card it receives as input for the type of control information you specify. If, after the card is processed by BATEIIT1, general register 15 contains a nonzero return code, the Batch Facility flushes the card and reads the next card. If a zero is returned in general register 15, the Batch Facility cQntinues processing by passing the card to CftS for execution. BATEXIT2: PROCESSING THE BATCH FACILITY /JOB CONTROL CARD BATEXIT2 is an entry point provided so that users can code their own routine to use the /JOB card for additional information. BATEXIT2 receives control before the VK/370 routine used to process the Batch Facility /JOB card begins its processing, but after CftS has scanned the /JOB card and built the parameter list. When BATEIIT2 is processing, general register 1 points to the CftS parameter list buffer. This buffer is a series of a-byte entries, one for each item on the /JOB card. If the return code found in general register 15 resulting from BATEXIT2 procesing of this card is nonzero, an error message is generated and the job is flushed. If general register 15 contains a zero, normal checking is done for a valid userid and the existence of an account number. Finally, execution of this job begins. You can control the Batch Facility procedures. For example, you can use: virtual machine using EXEC • An EXEC to produce the proper sequence of CP/CftS who do not know CftS com.ands and controls. • An EXEC to provide the sequence of commands needed to execute the most common jobs (assemblies and compilations) in a particular installation. 314 IBK Vft/370: System Programmer's Guide commands for users For information on how to use the EXEC facility to control the Batch Facility virtual machine, see the !ALJIQ: ~!~~ y§~~!§ GU~g~. After each job, the Batch Facility will IPL itself, destroying all nucleus data and work areas. All disks linked to during the previous job are detached. At the beginning of each job, the Batch Facility work disk is accessed and then immediately erased, preventing the current user job from accessing files that might remain from the previous job. Because of this, execution of the PROFILE EXEC is disabled for the Batch Facility machine. YoU may, however, create an EXEC procedure called BATPROF EXEC and store it on any system disk to be used instead of the ordinary PROFILE EXEC. The Batch Facility will then execute this EXEC at initialization time. Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) 315 Auxiliary Directories When a disk is accessed, each module that fits the description specified on the ACCESS command is included in the resident directory. An auxiliary directory is an extension of the resident directory, containing the name and location of certain CftS modules that are not included in the resident directory. These modules, if added to the resident directory, would significantly increase its size, thus increasing the search time and storage requirements. An auxiliary directory can reference modules that reside on the system (S) disk; or, if the proper linkage is provided, reference modules that reside on any other read-only CftS disk. To take advantage of the saving in search time and storage, modules that are referenced via an auxiliary directory should not also be in the resident directory. The disk on which these .odules reside should be accessed in a way that excludes these modules. To add an auxiliary directory to CftS, the system programmer must generate the directory, initialize it, and establish the proper linkage. Only when all three tasks are completed, can a module deicribed in an auxiliary directory be properly located. GENERATION OF THE AUXILIARY DIRECTORY An auxiliary directory TEXT deck is generated by assembling a set of DftSFST macros, one for each module name. The format of the DftSFST macro is: , I DftSFST modulename [,aliasname] I .odulename is the name of the module whose File information is to be copied. status Table aliasname is another name by which the module is to be known. (FSi) INITIALIZING THE AUXILIARY DIRECTORY After the auxiliary directory is generated via the DftSFST macro, it must be initialized. The CftS GENDIRT command initializes the auxiliary directory with the name and location of the modules to reside in an auxiliary directory. By using the GENDIRT co.mand, the file entries for a given module are loaded only when the module is invoked. The format of the GENDIRT command is: 316 IBft Vft/370: System Programmer's Guide GENDIRT directoryname [targetmode] wh~I~: directoryname is the entry point of the auxiliary directory. targetmode is the mode letter of the disk containing the modules referenced in the auxiliary directory. The letter is the mode of the disk containing the aOdules at execution time, not the mode of the disk at the initialization of the directory. The default value for targetmode is S, the system disk. It is your responsibility to determine the usefulness of this operand at your installation and to inform users of programs utilizing auxiliary directories of the proper accesses. ESTABLISHING THE PROPER LIIKAGE The CMS module, DMSLAD, entry point DMSLADAD, must be called by a user program or interface to initialize the directory search order. The subroutine, DMSLADAD, must be called via an SVC 202 with register 1 pointing to the apropriate PLIST. The disk containing the modules listed in the auxiliary directory must be accessed as the mode specified, or implied, with the G!IDIRT command before the call is issued. If it is not, the user will receive messages indicating either 'file not found' or 'error reading file'. The coding necessary for the call is: LA SVC DC R1,PLIST 202 AL4(error return) This call must De eXecuted Defore the call to any be located via an auxiliary directory. module that is to The PLIST should be: PLIST DS DC DC DC OF CLS'DMSLADAD' v (directoryname) F'O' The auxiliary directory is copied to nucleus free storage. The Active Disk Table (ADT) for the targetmode expressed or implied with GENDIRT is found and its file directory address chain (ADTFDA) is modified to include the nucleus copy of the auxiliary directory. A flag, ADTPSTM, in ADTFLG2 is set to indicate that the directory chain has been modified. The address of the nucleus copy of the auxiliary directory is saved in the third word of the input parameter list and the high order byte of the third word is set to X'80' to indicate that the directory search chain was modified and that the next call to DMSLADAD is a clear request. Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) 317 To reset the directory search chain, a second call is made to O"SLADAO using the modified PLIST. D"SLADAD removes the nucleus copy of the auxiliary directory from the chain and frees it. DMSLADAD does not, however, restore the caller's PLIST to it initial state. An error handling routine should be coded to handle non-zero return codes in register 15. When register 15 contains 1 and the condition code is set to 2, the disk specified by the targetmode operand of the GENOIRT command was not accessed as that mode. When register 15 contains 2 and the condition code is set to 2, the disk specified by the target mode operand of the GENOIRT command has not previously had its file directory chains modified, therefore a call to D"SLADAD to restore the chain is invalid. Consider an application called PAYROLL consisting of several modules. It is possible to put these modules in an auxiliary directory rather than in the resident directory. It is further possible to put the auxiliary directory on a disk other than the system disk. In this example, the auxiliary directory will be placed on the Y disk. First, generate the auxiliary directory TEXT application using the D"SFST macro: PAYDIRT DIRTBEG DIRTEND START DC DC EQU DMSFST DftSFST DMSFST D"SFST DMSFST DftSFST DMSFST D"SFST DMSFST D"SFST DMSFST DC EQU END deck for the payroll o F'40' LENGTH OF FST ENTRY A (DIRTEND-DIRTBEG) SIZE OF DIRECTORY * PAYROLL1 PAYROLL2 PAYROLL3 PAYFICA PAYFEDTX PAYSTATE PAYCITY PAYCREDU PAYOVERT PAYSICK PAYSHIFT 2A(0) POINTER TO NEXT FST BLOCK * In this example, the payroll control program (PAYROLL), the payroll auxiliary directory (PAYDIRT), and all the payroll modules reside on the 194 disk. In the payroll control module (PAYROLL), the subroutine D"SLADAD must be called to establish the linkage to the auxiliary directory. This call must be executed before any call is made to a payroll module that is in the PAYDIRT auxiliary directory. 318 IB" V"/370: System Programmer's Guide PLIST LA SVC DC R1, PLIST 202 AL4(ERRTN) DS OP CLS'DMSLADAD' V (PAYDIRT) P'O' DC DC DC Next, all payroll modules must have their absolute core-image files generated and the payroll auxiliary directory must be initialized. In the example, the payroll control module (PAYROLL) is given a mode number of 2 while the other payroll modules are given a mode number of 1. When the PAYROLL program is finally executed, only the files on the 194 disk with a mode number of 2 will be accessed. This means only the PAYROLL control program (which includes the payroll auxiliary directory) will be referenced from the resident directory. All the other payroll modules, because they have mode numbers of 1, will be referenced via the payroll auxilary directory. The following sequence of commands will create the absolute core-image files for the payroll modules and initialize the payroll auxiliary directory. ACCESS 194 A LOAD PAYROLL PAYDIRT (now the auxiliary directory is included in the GENMOD PAYROLL payroll control module, but it is not yet initialized.) LOAD MOD PAYROLL INCLUDE PAYROLL1 (this sequence of three commands is repeated for GENMOD PAYRCLL1 each payroll module called by PAYROLL.) LOADMOD PAYROLL INCLUDE PAY SHIFT GENMOD PAYSHIFT LOAD50D PAYROLL GENDIRT PAYDIRT Y GENMOD PAYROLL MODULE A2 When it is time to execute the PAYROLL program the 194 disk must be accessed as the Y disk (the same mode letter as specified on the GENDIRT command). Also, the 194 disk is accessed in a way that includes the PAYROLL control program in the resident directory but not the other payroll modules. This is done by specifying a mode number of 2 on the ACCESS command. ACCESS 194 Y/S ** Y2 NOw, a request for a payroll module, such successfully fulfilled. The auxiliary directory PAYOVERT will be found on the Y disk. as PAYOVERT, can be will be searched and Note: A disk referred to by an auxiliary directory must be accessed as a read-only disk. Part 3: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) 319 Assembler Virtual Storage Requirements The minimum size virtual machine required by the assembler is 256K bytes. However, better performance is generally achieved if the assembler is run in 320K bytes of virtual storage. This size is recoamended for medium and large assemblies. If more virtual storage is allocated to the assembler, the size of buffers and work space can be increased. The amount of storage allocated to buffers and work space determines assembler speed and capacity. Generally, as more storage is allocated to work space, larger and aore complex macro definitions can be handled. You can control the buffer sizes for the asseabler utility data sets (SYSUT1, SYSUT2, and SYSUT3) and the size of the work space used during macro processing, by specifying the BUlSIZI assembler option. Of the storage given, the assembler first allocates storage for the ASSEMBLE and CMSLIB buffers according to the specifications in the DD statements supplied by the FILEDEF for the data sets. It then allocates storage for the modules of the assembler. The remainder of the virtual machine is allocated to utility data set buffers and macro generation dictionaries according to the BUlSIZE option specified: BUlSIZE (STD): 37 percent is allocated to buffers, and 63 percent to work space. This is the default chosen, if you do not specify any BUFSIZE option. BUFSIZE(MIN): Each utility data set is allocated a single 790-byte buffer. The remaining storage is allocated to work space. This allows relatively complex macro definitions to be processed in a given virtual machine size, but the speed of the assembly is substantially reduced. An overlay structure can be created in CMS although CMS has no overlay supervision. in See the !AL.J70: ~.Q!!!.!!g l!!.!!g'y~~ 2'y!g!! !Q! descriptions of all the CMS commands mentioned. two different Q!!!!!t~! y~!:§ ways, for PRESTRUCTURED OVERLAY 1 prestructured overlay program is created using the LOAD, INCLUDE and GENMOD commands. Each overlay phase or segment is a nonrelocatable core-image module, created by GENMOD. The phases may be brought into storage with the LOIDMOD command. 320 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide A (Root Phase) ~------------------_I(-------------Location xxxxxx I I IC III au I I I Figure 38. -------1 (.----Location rei ID yyyyyy I IE I An overlay structure The overlay structure shown in Figure 38 could be prestructured using the following sequence of commands (Programs A, B, C, D, and E are the names of TEXT files; the overlay phases will be named Root, Second, Third, etc.): LOAD GENftOD GENftOD LOADftOD INCLUDE GEliftOD GEliftOD LOADftOD INCLUDE GENftOD AB ROOT SECOND ROOT C D THIRD FOURTH THIRD E FIlTH (FROft A TO B STR) (FROft B) (FROft C TO D) (FROft D) (FROft E) The programmer need not know the storage address where each phase begins. A TEXT file can be made to load at the proper address by reloading earlier phases. In the foregoing example, the command sequences, "LOADftOD ROOT/IRCLUDE C D" and "LOADftOD THIRD/INCLUDE E," cause TEXT files C, D, and E to load at the proper addresses. If the root phase contains address constants to the other phases, one copy of the root must be kept in storage while each of the other phases is brought in by LOAD or INCLUDE without an intervening GENftOD. The root phase is then processed by GENftOD after all address constants have been satisfied. In this case, the programmer must know the address where nonroot phases begin (in Figure 38, locations xxxxxx and yyyyyy). The following sequence of commands could be used: LOAD GENftOD INCLUDE GENftOD GENftOD INCLUDE GENftOD LOAD INCLUDE INCLUDE GENftOD AB SECORD C D THIRD FOURTH E FIFTH AB C D E ROOT (FROft B) (ORIGIN xxxxxx) (PROft C TO D) (FROft D) (ORIGIN IYYYYY) (FROft E) (ORIGIN xxx xxx) (ORIGIN yyyyyy) (FROft A TO C STR) Part 3: Conversational ftonitor System (CftS) 321 The ORIGIN option of the INCLUDE command is used to cause the included file to overlay a previously loaded file. The address at which a phase begins must be a doubleword boundary. For example, if the root phase were X'2BD' bytes long, starting at virtual storage location X'20000', then location xxxxxx would be the next doubleword boundary, or X'202CO'. The STR option, which is specified in the GENMOD of the root phase, specifies that whenever that module is brought into storage with the LOADMOD command, the storage Initialization routine should be invoked. This routine initializes user free storage pointers. At execution time of the prestructed overlay program, each phase is brought into storage with the LOADMOD command. The phases can call LOADMOD. The OS macros LINK, LOAD, and XCTL normally invoke the INCLUDE command, which loads TEXT files. These macros will invoke LOADMOD if a switch, called COMPSWT, in the CMS Nucleus Constant area, NUCON, is turned on. with COMPSWT set, overlay phases that use LINK, LOAD, be prestructured MODULE files. and XCTL must DYNAMIC LOAD eVERLAY The dynamic load method of using an overlay structure is to have all the phases in the form of relocatable object code in TEXT files or members of a TEXT library, filetype TXTLIB. The os macros, LINK, LeAD, and XCTL may then be used to pass control from one phase to another. The XCTL macro causes the calling program to be overlayed by the called program except when it is issued from the root phase. When issued from the root phase, CMS treats XCTL as a LINK, adding the new code at the end of the root phase. The COMPSWT flag in OSSFLAGS must be off when the dynamic load method is used. 322 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide Part 4: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers Part 4 describes the procedures a system programmer must follow to load, test and run a 3704/3705 control program with Vft/370. Part 4 includes the following information: • • • Introduction trMJ"l,() .u,~.v c::.,nn,..r+ ~wr~v~~ ,..~ ~4 +'-0 ~u~ "l,()IIJ"l,()~ v'V~'J'VJ Loading the 3704/3705 Control Program Testing the 3704/3705 Control Program Part 4: IBft 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers 323 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 Introduction to the IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers The IBM 3704 units. One of storage: and 3705 Communications Controllers are programmable three programs can be generated to execute in 3704/3705 1• The Net work Control Program (HCP) performs ma ny of the teleprocessing line control and line servicing functions previously performed by the central processing unit. 2. The Emulation program (EP) permits existing teleprocessing systems, including VM/370, that use the IBM 2701, 2702, or 2703 Transmission Control units or the Integrated Communications Adapter (ICA) of the System/370 Model 135, to run without change on the 3704/3705. 3. The Partitioned Emulation Program (PEP) allows the 3704/3705 to be divided so that both the NCP and EP can execute in one 3704/3705. In this publication, the term "3704/3705 control program is used to refer to any of the three types of control programs: NCP, EP, or PEP. VM/370 supports both the: • • IBM 3704 Communications Controller, Models A1-A4 IBM 3705 Communications Controller, Models A1-D8 when attached to an IBM System/370 Model 135, 145, 155 II, 158, 165 II, or 168. Four terminals are supported: 1050, 2741, CPT-TWX 33/35, and 3270. You can generate any of three kinds of 3704/3705 control programs (NCP, EP, or PEP) to run under VM/370. The 3704/3705 must use emulation mode for the 3270 Information Display Systems. The minimum amount of 3704/3705 storage required for a NCP or PEP control program is 48K and the minimum required by an EP control program is 16K. The IBM 3704/3705 Communications Controllers can support: • • • • • • Up to 352 low-speed start-stop lines Up to 60 medium-speed synchronous lines Line speeds from 45.2 baud to 50.0K baud Modem capability within the 3704/3705 Limited-distance "hard-wire" capability. 16K to 240K internal storage VM/370 supports all three versions of the 3704/3705 control programs: • • • Emulation Program (EP) Network Control Program (NCP) Partitioned Emulation Program (PEP) VM/370's support of the 3704/3705 does not include: • Remote 3704/3705 Communications Controllers Part 4: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers 325 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662; March 31, 1975 I. I Bisynchronous terminals if attached to mode. lines in other than emulation EMULATION PROGRAM (EP) WITH VM/370 The EP 3704/3705 control program under VM/370: • • • • Emulates Attaches supports supports 2701, 2702, and 2703 operations to a System/370 byte-multiplexer channel up to 255 start-stop lines up to 50 medium-speed sychronous lines This support is equivalent to that provided in Release However, Release 2 of VM/370 provides additional support: 1 of VM/370. • Service programs and special CMS commands allow you generate the EP control program in a CMS virtual machine. • The CP NETWORK command allows you to load or dump the 3704/3705 and provides for automatic dumping and reloading if a fatal error occurs. NETWORK CONTROL PROGRAM to easily (NCP) WITH VM/370 The NCP 3704/3705 control program under VM/370 provides: • A device-independent EBCDIC interface • Communications line control handling • Attachment to a selector channel • Block and character checking • Block and message buffering • Assembly and disassembly of multiple-block transmissions • Line error recovery procedures • Checkpoint/restart switching to a back-up processor • User-written message processor routines However, when an of VM/370: System/370 byte-multiplexer, block-multiplier, NCP 3704/3705 control program is or under the control • The CP DIAL command is not supported. • The CP TERMINAL APL ON or APL OFF command line is not supported. If you issue the TERMINAL APL ON command at a terminal that is connected to VM/370 on a 3704/3705 line in NCP mode, you will not be able to execute your program and may have to IPL again to continue. • (the Control Program) NCP resources cannot be shared between VM/370 and the virtual machines. A virtual 3704/3705 or 2701/2702/2703 is not supported. 326 IBM VM/370: system Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 • Special sign-on procedures are required (1) if you have the Multiple Terminal Access feature generated for your NCP control program and (2) if you have a 2741 terminal on an NCP-mode line. These procedures are described 1D "step 11. Logging un Through the 3704/3705 Control Program" of the "Generating and Loading the 3704/3705 Control Program" section. A VM/370 nucleus that supports the NCP version of the 3704/3705 control program is smaller than one that supports the EP or PEP versions. Each line in NCP mode requires 48 bytes of free storage while each line in ewulator mode requires 80 bytes of nucleus storage. PARTITIONED EMULATION PROGRAM (PEP) WITH VM/370 The PEP 3704/3705 control program under VM/370: • Combines the 2701/2702/2703 Emulation Program and the Network Control Program • Allows for the concurrent use of NCP and emulator interfaces • Provides for programmable switching emulator mode of lines between NCP mode and If you execute a PEP control program under the control of VM/370, you should know that: • The CP DIAL command is supported for lines generated as emulator lines and lines generated to vary between emulator mode and NCP mode. If the DIAL command is issued for a line that may be varied (and, if that line is currently in NCP mode), that line is automatically varied to emulator mode. • The TERMINAL APL ON or APL OFF command lines currently in emulator mode. • Only 3704/3705 lines in emulator mode may be dedicated. The VM/370 system that will run generated with: line is supported the 3704/3705 control program • An RDEVICE macro describing the 3704/3705. • One or more entries for the 3704/3705 control program Name Table (DMKSNT). • Space reserved on a CP-owned 3704/3705 control program. volume for only for must be in the system a page-format copy of the A detailed discussion on coding the RDEVICE macro, creating an entry in the system name table, and reserving DASD space for the 3704/3705 control program image can be found in the !~Lll~: g!~nning ~ng ~I21~! g~~~!~1iQn ~~ig~· Part 4: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers 327 Loading the 3704/3705 Control Program There are several commands and EXEC procedures to generate and load the 3704/370S control program. These commands and EXEC procedures run in a CMS virtual machine. The commands are a part of the VM/370 system and are distributed with it. A special version of the IBM 3704/370S Network Control Program support Package for OS/VS, Order No. S744-EA1, is available from PID for use under VM/370. This version of the 3704/370S package contains two CMS EXEC procedures for generating and loading the 3704/370S control programs that are ~Q! available in the standard OS/VS 3704/370S support package, Order No. S744-AN1. A step-by-step procedure for generating the 3704/370S control program can be found in the !~L~lQ: E!~~~!~g ~~g §I2!~! ~~~~!~!l2~§ Guig~. Each EXEC procedure and command is described as it is used. The action required at each step is first summarized and then explained in detail. If the SAVE operand on the GEN370S command was specified during system generation, the SAVENCP command is automatically executed for you. If you did not specify SAVE on the GEN370S command, you must issue the SAVENCP command yourself. Note: The VM/310 command privilege class A, the-SAVENCP command. S, or C is required to use THE SAVENCP COMMAND Use the CMS SAVENCP command to read a 3704/37C5 control program load module created by the LKED command, and to load it into virtual storage in the CMS user area. Once the load has been performed, SAVENCP scans the control program image and extracts the control information required by CP. The control information is accumulated in one or more 4096-byte pages in the CKS user area. When all of the necessary control information has been extracted, SAVENCP builds the Communications Controllers Parameter List (CCPARK) and issues the DIAGNOSE X'SO' instruction to create the page-format copy of the control program on a CP-owned volume. The format of the SAVENCP command is: 328 IBK VM/370: System Programmer's Guide r-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ SAVENCP fname [ (options •• [) ]] .QE!!Q!l§: r L ENTRY ... co . . . " ' " ... ~lrI1!!I [ BAftE fna.!~ ~_...,v [ LIBE fname ncpnallel , J ] librarynalle I I!l!]!!! ] is the filename of the LOADLIB file where the 3704/3705 control program load module resides; unless LIBE is specified, in which case, it specifies the mellber name of the illage within the LOADLIB. This name is used as the 'ncpnaae' for the DIAGIOSE instruction, unless the IAftE option is also specified. ENTRY sYllbol is the external symbol of the entry point in the 3704/3705 control program load module. The default, CXFINIT, is the entry point of the standard NCP or PEP control programs. (The standard entry for the Eaulation prograll is CYASTART.) If the SAVE option of the GEN3705 command is specified, this symbol is set in the output EXEC file according to the Stage 2 input file. BAftE ncpnalle is the 'ncpnalle' to be used when the DIAGNOSE parameter list is built. The ncpname specified IIUSt match an entry in the systea nalle table. These entries are created with the IAftEICP macro when Yft/370 is generated. LIBE librarynaae is ~De filename of LOADLIB, which 'fname' • a load module library contains the control file, program image filetype as member EXECUTION OF THE SAVEICP PROGRAft The DIAGNOSE X'50' instruction invokes the CP aodule DftKSIC to: • Interpret the parameter list (CCPARft) built by SAVEICP. • Check the paralleter specifications against 3704/3705 control program. • write the page-format image appropriate CP-owned volume. of the the NAftENCP aacro for the control program onto the The paraaeter list for the DIAGNOSE instruction must start on a 4096-byte boundary. See the Yft/l1Q: ~~I!!£!! jQY!!!l~ Rrogr~ 1Q3~~ for a description of the CCPARft control block. Part 4: IBft 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers 329 When the DIAGBOS! X'50' instruction is executed, the module D~KSBC searches the DMKSBT module for a NAMENCP macro of the same 'ncpname' as the one in the CCPAR~ parameter list. The values specified in the parameter list are compared to those specified in the BAMENCP macro. If any parameters conflict, an error message is displayed at the terminal. If no error conditions are detected, DftKSNC starts to transfer the control program image from CMS virtual storage to the CP-owned volume specified in the NAMENCP macro. Successful completion of this process completes the generation of a 3704/3705 control program for Vft/370 use. The 3704/3705 control program is automatically loaded each time the VM/370 system is loaded, if the CPBAft! operand was specified on the RDEVICE macro when VM/370 was generated and if the 3704/3705 is online. If the CPBA~E operand was not coded, you must issue the CP BETWORK LOAD command line to load a 3704/3705 control program into the 3704/3705 Communications controllers' storage. THE NETWORK LOAD COMMAND LINE Use the NETWORK LOAD command to initiate the loading of an NCP, PEP, or EP control program into a 3704/3705 Communications Controller. The format of the BETWORK LOAD command line is: NETwork LOAD raddr ncpname LOAD initiates the control program load operation. raddr is the real address of the 3704/3705 to be loaded. ncpname is the name, defined by a control program image to specified by 'raddr'. NAftENCP macro, of the be loaded into the 3704/3705 3704/3705 EXECUTION OF THE BETWORK LOAD COMMAND The NETWORK LOAD command accesses the control program image using the information in DMKSBT created by the BAMENCP macro. If the 3704/3705 specified in the co.mand is not in an "IPL Required" state at the time the command is issued, the message: DMKNET461R CTLR raddr IPL NOT REQUIRED; ENTER "YES" TO CONTINUE: appears at the terminal. If the reply to the message is other than "YES", the command terminates without loading the 3704/3705. Otherwise, the loader bootstrap routines are written to the 3704/3705 and loading starts. Vft/370 does not run the "bring-up" test routines as a part of the load process. If these tests are to be made they must be run from a virtual machine with the 3704/3705 dedicated. 330 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 When the load of the control program image is complete, the command processor verifies that the 3704/3705 configuration described by the control program can be serviced by the VM/370 CP control blocks in storage. In the case of CPTYPE=NCP (or PEP), this involves creating (or refreshing) the control list associated with the 3704/3705 RDEVBLOK. The information necessary to do this is contained in the system pages at the beginning of the control program image on secondary storage. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR LOADING THE EP 3704/3705 CONTROL PROGRAM If a 3704/3705 Emulation Program is automatically reloaded after a 3704/3705 failure, the system may loop after the restart. The message DMKRNH463! CTLR raddr UNIT CHECK; RESTART IN PROGRESS and two responses CTLR raddr DUMP COMPLETE CTLR raddr ncpname LOAD COMPLETE indicate that the 3704/3705 has been reloaded. If the system loops after tbe second response, you must reset all emulator lines from the 3704/3705 control panel. If the automatic dump feature is not enabled, one of the messages DMKRNH462I CTLR raddr UNIT CHECK; IPL REQUIRED DMKRNH464I CTLR 'raddr' CC=3; DEPRESS 370X "LOAD" BUTTON indicates a 3704/3705 abnormal termination. The 3704/3705 Emulation Program must be reloaded via the NETWORK LOAD command. If the system loops when an attempt is made to enable the lines, you must reset all emulator lines from the 3704/3705 control panel. The IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers QE~~~!2f~ ~B1Q~ describes-the-procedure-for-resetting--emulator-lines-from the 3704/3705 control panel in its "Generating Channel End/Device End with Emulator Program" section. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS PROGRAMS FOR LOADING THE NCP AND PEP 3704/3705 CONTROL While the 3704/3705 Emulation Program may be loaded at any time, special care must be taken when loading a Network Control Program or Partitioned Emulation program. The NETWORK LOAD command should not be used to load either an NCP or PEP except at VM/370 system IPL time, unless that same 3704/3705 control program was active just prior to the load (that is, unless it is reloaded immediately). A VM/370 system abnormal termination (code PTR007) may result if the 3704/3705 is loaded, for the first time, during normal operation with an NCP or PEP program. However, if an NCP or PEP 3704/3705 control program must be loaded during system operation, all resources must first be freed. If there are active resources, the resources must be disabled and the NETWORK SHUTDOWN command must be issued before the operator can successfully issue the NETWORK LOAD command. Part 4: IEM 3704 and 3705 communications Controllers 331 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 Because a 3704/3705 can support emulator-mode lines, NCP-mode lines, and lines that can be varied to either mode, and can also suppcrt a variety of terminals, the procedure for logging on is sometimes complicated. Use the following procedure to log on to VM/370. TURN THE POWER ON First, turn the power on for your terminal and wait 15 to 30 seconds. CHECK FOR AN ONLINE MESSAGE Second, look for an online message at your terminal. If one of the following messages appears at your terminal vm/370 online xxxxxx xxxxxx or xxxxxx xxxxxx vm/370 online your terminal is a 2741 connected to VM/370 via a 2701/2702/2703 line or via a 3704/3705 line in emulation mode. You can then proceed with the normal logon procedure for your type of terminal, as described in !~L1IQ: !~~~i~~l Us~£~§ ~~i£g· If the messsage vm/370 online appears at your terminal, it is a 2741 connected to VM/370 via a 3704/3705 line in NCP mode without the Multiple Terminal Access feature, or it is a 1050, or CPT-TWX (Model 33/35) terminal in EP mode. You can proceed with the normal logon procedure for your terminal type. This procedure is described in the !~L1IQ: 1~~~iD~1 Q2~~~§ QYi~~· If you receive a message at your terminal in the form xxxxxx xxxxxx where the XiS indicate that the message is unintelligible, your terminal is most likely connected to a 3704/3705 line in NCP mode that is defined for a different terminal type. For example, you may have an EBCD terminal on a line defined for Correspondence terminals. Use the m (at sign) character to determine what kind of terminal you are using. If the m character is an uppercase 2, your terminal is a Correspondence 2741; otherwise, it is an EBCD 2741. If a 2741 terminal is connected to VM/370 via a 3704/3705 line in NCP mode, you must press the Return key before the "vm/370 online" message will appear at the terminal. If a terminal is connected to VM/370 via a 3704/3705 line in NCP mode, and with the Multiple Terminal Access (MTA) feature, the "vm/370 online" message does not appear at the terminal and, after approximately 15 seconds, the terminal locks and unlocks. You must perform a special sign-on procedure tefore continuing with the normal logon procedure. 332 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 The sign-on procedures for the terminals supported for use with the 3704/3705 under the control of VM/370 are summarized in the following paragraphs. If you have any further difficulties accessing VM/370 throuah a 3704/3705. see the VM/370~ Terminal User's Guide and the 3704 and 3705 Gener~tion'andUtiiitI;s-~~lg~-for-complete-descrIptions of-the procedures-summarized-here:------ SPECIAL SIGN-ON PROCEDURES FOR LINES IN NCP MODE WITH MTA FEATURE Three sign-on procedures are described: the 2741, 1050, and TWX sign-on procedures for terminals on lines with thp MT! feature. Once the sign-on procedure is completed, the message vm/370 online should appear at your terminal. logon procedure described in the You can then proceed with !~L]l~: the normal !er~lB~l Q~~!~~ ~~lg~. 1. Dial the telephone number of the communicating with the controller. 2. When the keyboard unlocks, enter 3. Press the Return key. MTA line to be used for I". If the "vm/370 online" message appears at your terminal, you have signed on successfully and may proceed with the normal logon. If no message appears at your terminal but your terminal unlocks, press the Return key in an attempt to get the "vm/370 online" message. However, if the type element moves back and forth, the sign-on procedure was unsuccessful; you must repeat steps 2 and 3 of the sign-on procedure. 1. Dial the telephone number of the communicating with the controller. MTA 2. When the Proceed light comes on, enter I". 3. Press the Return key. 4. Enter EOB. line to be used for If the "vm/370 online" message appears at your terminal, you have signed on successfully and may proceed with the normal logon. If no message appears at your terminal but your terminal unlocks, press the Return key in an attempt to get the "vm/370 online" message. However, if the type element moves back and forth, the sign-on procedure was unsuccessful; you must repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 of the sign-on procedure. Part 4: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers 333 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 1. Dial the telephone number of the communicating with the controller. 2. Press the WRU (Where Are You) audible data tone begins. MTA line to be key within three seconds used for after the If the typing mechanism does not "jump" within a few seconds, you have signed on successfully and may proceed with the normal logon. If the typing mechanism does jump, the sign-on procedure was unsuccessful; press the WRU key again or repeat both steps of the sign-on procedure. LOGGING ON AFTER AN NCP CONTROL PROGRAM HAS ABNORMALLY TERMINATED If an NCP 3704/3705 control program (with the automatic dump and reload options previously set) abnormally terminates but VM/370 continues to run, VM/370: 1. Disconnects all the 3704/3705 users 2. Dumps the contents of 3704/3705 storage 3. Reloads the 3704/3705 control program 4. Enables the lines again At this point, each user must log on again. Any user that does not log on within 15 minutes is logged off the system. If necessary, it is possible to apply Program Temporary Fixes (PTFs) directly to the 3704/3705 load library using the VM/370 ZAP Service Program. I THE ZAP SERVICE PROGRAM ZAP is a CMS command that modifies or dumps MODULE, LOADLIB, or TITLIB files. It is for use by system support personnel only. Input control records control ZAP processing. They can be submitted either from the terminal or from a disk file. Using the VER and REP control records, you can verify and replace data or instructions in a control section (CSECT). Using the DUMP control record, you can dump all or part of a CSECT, or an entire member of a LOADLIB or TITLIB file, or an entire module of a MODULE file. The format of the ZAP command is: 334 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March .J......I , 1975 r---------------------------------------------.-----------------------------, , '{ MODULE } ,ZAP , LOADLIB [libname 1 ! \. TXTLIB ; ,,, , I ,,, ••• libname 3 ][ , , (option ••• [) ]] options: r , r , 'I~~~ "PRINT , IINPUT filename, I NOPRINT I ,I L J L J --------' L MODULE LOADLIB TITLIB jnd'cates the type of file that is to be modified or dumFed. libname is the library name containing the member to be modified or dumped. You can specify one to three library names. The libname is valid only for LOADLIB and TITLIB files. r IJHH1 , I RR!!I , I NOPRINT I L J indicates that input to the ZAP service program is submitted through the terminal. If you specify TERM, the prompting message ENTER: is issued, and you can then enter input control records up to 80 characters long. If you specify PRINT with TERM, all output prints on the printer, but only error messages display at the terminal. If you specify NOPRINT with TERM, nothing prints on the printer. All output except control records displays at the terminal. r INPUT filename , !PRJ!l ! ,NOPRINTI L J specifies filename. must be a accessible that input is submitted from a disk file, This file must have a filetype of ZAP, and fixed 80-byte sequential file residing on any device. If you specify PRINT with INPUT filename, all output produced by the ZAP service program prints on the printer. In addition, commands and control records in error and error messages display at the terminal. If you specify NOPRINT with prints on the printer. All terminal. INPUT filename, output displays nothing at the Part 4: IEM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers 335 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662. March 31. 1975 The following combinations: IOPTIONS I I I IINPUT I I I I I ITERM I ,I table shows the resulting output of valid option NOPRINT PRINT Commands and control records in error and error messages on the terminal. Everything to printer. Everything on the terminal. Nothing on the printer. Only error messages on the terminal. Everything on the printer. Everything except control records on the terminal. Nothing on the printer. I ZAP INPUT CONTROL RECORDS Seven types of ZAP control records VERIFY, REP, comment, and END. exist: NAME, DUMP, BASE, VER or ZAP control records are free form and need not start in position one of the record but the ZAP program can accept only 80 characters of data for each control record. Separate all information by one or more blanks. All address fields including disp (displacement) fields in VER and REP control records must contain an even number of hexadecimal digits, to a maximum of six digits (OD, 02C8, 014318). Data fields in VER and REP control records must also contain an even number of hexadecimal digits, but are not limited to six digits. If you wish, you example, 83256482 or opera tion. may separate the data anywhere by commas (for 8325,6482). The commas have no effect on the The program sets the NOGO switch on if a control record is found to be in error. A file cannot be modified once the NOGO switch is turned on. The next valid NAME record turns the NOGO switch off. This means that if the control record is the NAME record, all succeeding records are ignored until the next NAME, DUMP, or END record. For any other error, only REP control records that follow are ignored. The DUMP control record resets the NOGO switch off. The DUMP control record must not immediately precede a BASE, VER, or REP control record. A NAME control record must precede the BASE, VER, and REP control records (if any) that follow a DUMP control record. The DUMP control record allows you to dump a portion or all of a specified control section, or the complete member or module. The format of the output of the dump is hexadecimal with an EBCDIC translation of the hexadecimal data. The DUMP control record is optional. record is: 336 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide The format of the DUMP control GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 r------------------------- I I r IDUMP {membernamet Icsectname [startaddress [endaddress]] lmodulenamef IALL I L I I , I I ~ L membername is the name of the member to be dumped, or the member that contains the CSECT(s} to be dumped. This member must be found in one of the libraries specified in the ZAP command line. However, if the library is a CMS TXTtlB, its directory does not contain member names. Therefore, the program ignores the member name (although you must specify it), and the program searches for the csectname (which you must specify). modulename is the name of the module to be dumped, or the module that contains the CSECT(s) to be dumped. If you specify a module that has no loader table, the program dumps the entire module. csectname is the name of the control secticn that is to be dumped. If you do not specify csectname, the program dumps only the first CSECT. The csectname is required for CMS TXTLIBs, optional for OS TXTLIEs, LOADLIBs, and MODULE files. (See the discussion of csectname under "Name control Record.") You must not specify csectname the NOMAP option. for a module created with ALL specifies to the program to dump all CSECTs within the specified member or module. You can specify ALL for MODULE files, LOADLIBs, and OS TEXTLIBs, but not for CMS TXTLIBS. If you wish to dump all the CSECTs in a member of a CMS TXTLIB, you must issue a separate DUMP control record for each CSECT. startaddress is the location within the specified CSECT where the dump is to begin. This must be two, four, or six hexadecimal digits. The start address is the displacement from the beginning of the CSECT. For example, if you wish to start dumping at address 08 in a CSECT that begins at location 400, you specify start address or 08, not 0408. endaddress is the last address to be dumped. This must be two, four, or six hexadecimal digits. If you specify no address, the program dumps the rest of the CSECT. Note that start and end addresses apply only when you specify a csectname. If the file to be dumped contains undefined areas (such as a DS in a TXTLIB member), the hexadeGimal portion of the dump contains blanks to indicate that the corresponding positions are undefined. Part 4: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers 336.1 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 The NAME control record specifies the member or module and CSECT that contain the data to be verified or replaced by the ZAP operation. The format of the NAME control record is: r I I I I NAME membername } [csectname] { modulename L membername } { modulename is the member or module that you want to be searched for the desired CSECT. csectname is the name of the desired control section. You must specify csectname if the CSECT you wish to modify is in a CMS TITLIB (that is, TITLIB created by the TITLIB command from CMS TEIT decks that do not have a NAME card following the END card). The directory of a CMS TITLIB contains only CSECT names and no member names. The CSECT name specified in the NAME record is compared with CSECT names in the directory. If a CSECT match is found and no member name match is found, the member selected is the one that contains the CSECT name. The csectname is optional if the CSECT you wish to modify 1S a LOADLIB or an OS TITLIB (that is, a TITLIB created by the TITLIB command from CMS TEIT decks that have a NAME card after the END card). The dictionaries of the specified libraries are searched for the member name and the member is then searched for the CSECT name, if you specified one. If you do not specify csectname for a LOADLIB or an OS TITLIB, the program uses the first control section. The csectname is optional for a MODULE file. The module named in the NAME control record is located and, if you specified csectname, the first record is read to determine the number of records in the module and the availability of a loader table, which the program can then search for the csectname. If you do not specify csectname, the program uses the beginning location of the module. You are not allowed to specify csectname if the module was created with the NOMAP option. The NAME control record must precede the EASE, VER, and REP control records. If it does not, the program sets the NOGO switch on. The BASE control record adjusts displacement values for subsequent VER or REP control records for a CSECT whose starting address is not 336.2 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 location zero record is: in an assembly listing. The format of the BASE control r----------------------------------------- I I I address BASE '------- address is the starting address of the CSECT. two, four, or six hexadecimal digits. The -..::11..::11---- d.UU!"~::>::> must be For example, for a CSECT starting at location 400, you would specify the BASE 0400 in the BASE control record. If a subsequent VER card requests verification of location 0408, the BASE of 0400 is subtracted from 0408, and the program verifies lecation 08 in the CSECT. This example applies if you specify TITLIB, LOADLIB, or MODULE and the module map is present. However, if no module map is present for a MODULE file (that is, the module was generated with the NOMAP option), then all operations are performed as if the BASE address is location O. For example, if you specify a BASE of 400 and the address you wish to inspect or modify is 408, then you must specify 08 and not 408 in REP and VER control records. The address in this case is from the start of the module. If you do not specify csectname in the NAME control record, you cannot specify any BASE value other than 00. The BASE control record is optional. See the discussion under "VER or VERIFY Control Record." If specified, the BASE control record must follow the NAME record, but it need not follow the NAME record immediately. For example, you could have the following sequence of control records: NAME, VER, REP, BASE, VER, REP. The VER control record requests verification of instructions or data within a CSECT. If the verification fails, the program does not perform a subsequent REP operation until it encounters another NAME control record. The VER control record is follow a single NAME record. optional. More than one VER record can The format of the VER control record is: r- I I I I ------------------------------- ------------,I VERIFY} { VER disp data '------_. Part 4: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers I I I 336.3 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 disp is the hexadecimal displacement of the data to be inspected from the start of the CSECT, if you did not submit a BASE control record for this CSECT. If you did submit a BASE control record, then disp is the actual location of the data. The disp must be two, tour, or six hexadecimal digits. This displacement does not have to be aligned on a fullword boundary. If this displacement value is outside the limits of the CSECT specified by the preceding NAME control record, the VERIFY control record is rejected. data is the data against which the data in the CSECT is to be compared. This must be an even number of hexadecimal digits. For example, if the location you wish to verify is 3CC, and the CSECT begins at location 2BO, you can either issue: BASE 02BO VER 03CC data or you can omit the BASE control record, subtract the CSECT start address from the address of the data, and issue: VER 011C data This also applies record. to the disp operand of the REP control The REP control record modifies instructions or data at the specified location within the CSECT that you specified in a preceding NAME control record. The data specified in the REP control record replaces the data at the CSECT location specified by the disp operand. This replacement is on a "one-for-one" basis; that is, one byte of data defined in the control record replaces one byte of data at the location that you specified. If the replacement fails, the program does not perform additional REP operations until it encounters another NAME control record. The REP control record is follow a single NAME record. 336.4 optional. More IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide than one REP record can GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 The format of the REP control record is: , I I II REP disp I I ! data L _____________ -J disp is the hexadecimal displacement of the data to be replaced from the start of the CSECT, if you did not submit a BASE control record for this CSECT. If you did submit a BASE control record r then disp is the actual location of the data. The disp must be two, four, or six hexadecimal digits. This displacement need not address a fullword boundary. If this displacement value is outside the limits of the CSECT being modified, the program does not perform the replacement operation. data is the data that is to replace the data in the must be an even number of hexadecimal digits. ~Q!g: Although you do not have to aata, you should do so to make sure you expect it to be. CSECT. This verify a location before replacing that the data being changed is what The ZAP program ignores comment control records. If the PRINT option is in effect, the program prints the comments. The format of a comment record is: r---------- I I * comment You must follow the asterisk with at least one tlank. The END control record ends ZAP processing. The END record is required and must be the last control record. The format of the END control record is: r---------- I I END IL-__________ Part 4: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers 336.5 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 I SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR USING THE ZAP SERVICE PROGRAM Before you use the ZAP command against MODULE files, you can MODMAP command to determine whether a module map exists and contains. use the what it When a ZAP input file has more than one pair of VER and REP control records and a VER control record (other than the first) fails, you must remove the records prior to the failing record and correct the error before you 1ssue the ZAP command again. Otherwise, the file being modified returns to its original status. If you issue REP control record against a file that contains an undefined area (for example, a Define storage area) within the REP data field and do not issue a VER control record prior to the REP control record, the bytes prior to the undefined area, if any, are modified and all the bytes after the undefined area are not modified. The program prints warning message DMSZAP248W. 336.6 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide Testing the 3704/3705 Control Program After you have generated a 3704/3705 control program, loaded it, and logged on, you aay want to test the 3704/3705 control program. Several CP commands are provided to control the operation, check the status, and dump the contents of the 3704/3705. The NETWORK command loads and dumps any 3704/3705 control program. It also controls the operation of NCP and PEP 3704/3705 control programs, while the existing CP commands (ENABLE, DISABLE, QUERY, DISPLAY, VARY, and BALT) provide similar support for EP 3704/3705 control programs. The NCPDUMP command formats and prints a dump of 3704/3705 storage. ijse these commands to test the 3704/3705 control program. The CP NETWORK command loads, dumps, and controls the operation 3704/3705 control program in the VM/370 environment. NETWORK: • Causes 3704/3705 dump operations • Initiates 3704/3705 load operations • Enables or disables terminal resources • Varies resources on or offline • Alters the resource operating mode of a Partitioned Emulation of a Program line = Halts a particular resource • Ceases all 3704/3705 operations • Queries and displays 3704/3705 resource status and storage • Traces line activity to and from a 3704/3705 resource BOW TO USE THE NETWORK COMMAND When using the NETWORK command to control the operation of the 3704/3705 Network Control Program (ICP), or the NCP portion of the Partitioned Emulation Program (PEP), the operator must be aware of the different classes of resources which are defined at generation time for the 3704/3705 control program. When operating with a 2701/2702/2703 or an Emulation Program (EP), there is only a single reference for each logon device, and that is the physical subchannel address for the telecommunications line. When operating with the NCP, the line is a separate entity, and the actual logon device is the terminal, which is also separately addressable. For Part 4: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers 337 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 a simple leased line configuration, there is one resource 10 for each line, and one resource ID for each terminal (one terminal per line), alternating in numeric value. The majority of the NETWORK command operations are performed for terminal resources. For example, NETWORK ENABLE, DISABLE, QUERY, HALT, VARY ONLINE, and VARY OFFLINE all operate for terminals. The NETWORK QUERY command line can be used to display the status of a line resource, but only when the 'NETWORK QUERY resource' command format is used. The possible states of a line resource are: • • • OFFLINE (that is, inactive) ACTIVE EP-MODE (PEP only) While the NETWORK VARY ONLINE and VARY OFFLINE command lines may be used for a line resource, they are primarily intended for use with terminal resources, because the state of the line changes automatically if the terminal is enabled or disabled. Also, NETWORK VARY EP and VARY NCP are valid only for line resources, and in this case the terminal resources change state when the line changes state. The only way to tell which resources are lines and which are terminals is to examine the output from the first stage of the 3704/3705 control program generation. The installation system programmer (or whoever performs the 3704/3705 control program generation), should prepare a cross-reference list of resource IDs and their characteristics (such as, line or terminal, type of line, location, and so on) for the operations personnel. In summary, use NETWORK NETWORK NETWORK NETWORK NETWORK NETWORK ENABLE DISABLE QUERY ACTIVE QUERY FREE QUERY OFFLINE QUERY ALL for terminals only. Use NETWORK VARY EP NETWORK VARY NCP NETWORK TRACE resource for lines only. NETWORK NETWORK NETWORK NETWORK And, use QUERY resource HALT VARY ONLINE VARY OFFLINE for lines or terminals. The format of the class A NETWORK command is: ---, r I NETWORK I I I I 338 HALT resource r , SHUTDOWN Iraddrl I !11 I L J IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide I I I I I GC20-1807-3 HALT resource r by March 31, i975 attempts to terminate any active channel prcgram on the specified resource (line or terminall _ "resource" 1S a 4-digit hexadecimal identity of a 3704/3705 resource. The last three digits are the actual NCP resource ID. The first digit is a device sequence number associated with a particular 3704/3705. This device sequence number designates the relative position of the device in the DMKRIO module: the first 3704/3705 listed has a device sequence number 0, the second listed has a device sequence number 1, and so on. , SHUTDOWN Iraddrl I !11 I ceases all telecommunications on 3704/3705 Communications Controllers. "raddr" is the real address of a 3704/3705. When "raddr" is specified, telecommunications are stopped on only the specified 3704/3705. When ALL is specified, telecommunications are stopped on all 3704/3705s. No attempt is made to preserve line status or messages in the 3704/3705. Any virtual machines that depend on a 3704/3705 for which the SHUTDOWN command is issued are placed in a disconnected state. The normal response is: DEVICE HALTED This response indicates that VM/370 has halt the device. attempted to reset status and The normal response is: COMMAND COMPLETE Part 4: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers 339 GC20-1807-3 Page Mooified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 The format of the class A and B NETWORK command is: r- NE'IWORK LeAD raddr ncpname DUMP raddr r , I!~~~~I 10FF I IAUTO I .J L r ENable , 1!11 1 Iresource [resource ••• ]1 L J r , DISAble IALL I Iresource [resource ••• ]1 L .J , r 1!~l!Y~ Query I I I I 1OFF line IFREe IALL Iresource [resource ••• ]1 .J L r r " Display raddr hexloc 1 I{ -} I hexloc 2 I I : I]!!] I L I r VARY l I{ • I .J , 11 bytecount I I I]!!] L L I I I I I I I .J .J resource [resource ••• ] ONline ) OFFline) EP NCP r POLLdlay nnnn , I Iraddrl 1!11 L L-. _ _ _ __ .J LOAD raddr ncpname loads an NCP, PEP, or EP 3704/3705 control program. "raddr" is the real address of the 3704/3705 to be loaded. "ncpname" is the name, previously defined by a NAftENCP macro and saved on a CP volume, of the 3704/3705 control program image to be loaded into the 3704/3705 specified by "raddr". DUftP raddr r , I!~~~]I 10FF I IAUTO I L .J dumps the contents of 3704/3705 storage for NCP, PEP, or EP 3704/3705 control programs. "raddr" is the real address of the 3704/3705 to be dumFed. IMMED specifies that the 3704/3705 is to be dumped immediately. See the "NETWORK Dump Operations" section 340 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by in the !~LJ1Q: information. Q~~I~!QI~§ ,.,.,')(\_')!t:!t:') Ul1LV-LUUL, March for "l1 oJ I, 1975 additional OFF specifies that the 3704!170S is not to be dumped automatically if the 3704/3705 control program abnormally terminates. AUTO specifies the automatic dumping and reloading of the 3704/3705 if the 3704/3705 control program abnormally terminates. r , ENABLE IALL I ,resource [resource ••• ]1 L J activates 3704/3705 resources (terminals only) and remote 3270 resources for use by VM/37C. ALL enables all the available resources. Resources may be enabled selectively by specifying the 4-digit hexadecimal identity of the terminal resource to be enabled. The last three digits are the actual KCP resource ID. The first digit is a device sequence number associated with a particular 3704/3705. This device sequence number designates the relative position of the device in the DMKRIO module: the first 3704/3705 listed has a device sequence number 0, the second listed has a device sequence number 1, and so on. The resource specified must be a terminal device and formats the display station screen for remote 3270 terminals. The NETWORK ENABLE command first ensures that the associated line resource is activated, and then enables the terminal device. Response from the enabled terminal devices causes the "vm/370 online" message to appear on the terminal. r , DISABLE 1!11 I ,resource [resource ••• ], L J disables 3704/3705 resources (terminals only) and remote 3270 resources. ALL disables all 3704/3705 terminals. To disable selective resources, specify the 4-digit, hexadecimal identity of the terminal resources to be disabled. The last three digits are the actual NCP resource ID. The first digit is a device sequence number associated with a particular 3704/3705. This device sequence number designates the relative position of the device in the DMKRIO module: the first 3704/3705 listed has a device sequence number 0, the second listed has a device sequence number 1, and so on. If any of the resources specified on the NETWORK DISABLE command are in use at the time the command is issued, they are not immediately disabled. However, as scon as the resource becomes free (usually after a LOGOFF command is issued), the resource is automatically disabled. Part 4: IEM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers 341 GC20-160,-3 Pdy~ MoJified Ll TNL GN20-2662, MarcL ...... J I , , r QUERY 1!£1!!1 IOFFLINE IFREE IALL Iresource [resource ••• 1 1 1 1 ]1 .J L displays the status of 3704/3705 resources (lines terminals) and remote 3270 resources. or ACTIVE displays only the resources (terminals, display and printer staticlls) that are active (those being used by VM/370 users). OFFLINE displays only resources (terminals, display and pr inter stations) tha t a r e not available to VM/370 users. FREE displays only resources (terminals, display printer stations) that are not offline and also currently in use. and not ALL displays all the resources (terminals only) of all the 3704/3705s and all the resources (display and printer stations) of all the 3271/3275 control units. "resource" displays only the resources (lines or terminals) whose 4-digit, hexadecimal identity is specified. The last three digits are the actual NCP resource ID. The first digit is a device sequence number associated with a particular 3704/3705. This device sequence number designates the relative position of the device in the DMKRIO module: the first 3704/3705 listed has device sequence number 0, the second listed has device sequence number 1, and so on. r " }I hexloc21 1 1 : I]ND 1 1 r DISPLAY raddr hexloc1 1{1 L 1 r I .J , 1 1{. }1bytecount 1 1 1 L I~!~ L I I .J .J displays the contents of 3704/3705 storage. The data is displayed in full words. No EBCDIC translation is provided. "raddr" is the real address of the 3704/3705 whose storage is to be displayed. "hexlocl" specifies the hexadecimal address of the start of the display and must be specified. To display more than one fullword, -, : or • must be specified. "hexloc2" specifies the hexadecimal location of the end of the display. "bytecount" specifies the number of bytes to be displayed. END indicates that the display will continue until the end of storage is reached and is the default if "hexloc2" or "bytecount" are not specified. 342 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807~3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 \ VARY \ ONLINE resource [resource ••• ] OFFLINE ( ):~p ( \ ) varies the status of specified 3704/3705 resources or changes the operational mode of a PEP 3704/3705 control program. ONLINE places a resource (line or terminal) online; OFFLINE places a resource (line cr terminal) offline. EP changes the operational mode of the PEP 3704/3705 resource (line only) to emulation mode. NCP changes the resource (line only) to NCP mode. operational mode of the PEP 3704/3705 "resource" is a 4-digit hexadecimal identity. The last three digits are the actual resource ID~ The first digit is a device sequence number associated with a particular 3704/3705. This device sequence number designates the relative position of the device in the DMKRIO module: the first 3704/3705 listed has a device sequence number 0, the second listed has a device sequence number 1, and so on. POLLDLAY r , nnnn IALL 1 jraddrj L .J changes the duration of the polling delay interval for the bisync line to the value of nnnn. The address of the bisync line is raddr and nnnn is the decimal number in tenths of a second (not to exceed 9999) for the polling delay interval. If ALL is specified, the polling delay interval is set for all the 3270 remote lines. The polling delay interval that generation is two seconds. is defined at system !Q!~: The polling delay interval is that period of time from the time a bisync line receives a negative response from a general polling sequence until the polling delay interval expires, or a message is sent to the station on the bisync line. The polling delay interval minimizes unproductive polling and CPU meter time. In general, if no data or other communications is being received from the stations on the bisync line, the polling delay interval is started and control is given to the dispatcher. Part 4: IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers 342.1 !~!l!QBK I!Q!~ CTLR raddr ncpname LOAD CO"PLETE The 3704/3705 'raddr' program 'ncpname'. was successfully loaded with the control !~!]QBK ~JHH~ CTLR raddr DUMP COMPLETE The 3704/3705 'raddr' was successfully dumped. The normal response is: The normal response is: DEVICE HALTED !~!j.Q!L~ .2.!!I~.! DEV DEV DEV DEV rid rid rid rid LOGON AS userid DISABLE ENABLED OFFLINE LINE rid ACTIVE LINE rid EP-"ODE raddr LINE rid OFFLINE DEV ridl ENABLED, DEV rid2 ENABLED, DEV rid3 ENABLED, ••• ... ..: 1 .L..L.U I DEV rid2 DISABLE, DEV rid3 DISABLE, ••• DEV ridl OFFLINE, DEV rid2 OFFLINE, DEV rid3 OFFLINE, ••• DEV ~ n'T~"''"''"r.I JJ..L~alJJ...D, LOGON indicates that the resource is in use as machine operator console, by 'userid'. DISABLE indicates that the resource is available for access to V"/370. ENABLED indicates that the resource is to V"/370. ACTIVE indicates that the line resource is online and has been activated. Terminals on the line mayor may not be in use. EP-MODE indicates that the line resource is a PEP line currently in emulation mode at real address 'raddr'. OFFLINE indicates that for use. rid is the real resource identifier. online a but virtual is not available for user access the resource is inactive and unavailable Part 4: IB" 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers 343 userid is the user identifier. raddr is the real device address. The for.at of the class F NETWORK command is: NETwork TRICE {BTU raddr} resource L-________________________________________________________________________ _ END TRACE BTU raddr formats (in hexadecimal) each BTU (~asic Iransmission ~nit) sent to the specified 3704/3705, and each one received 1n response. The trace output is spooled to a virtual printer on the virtual machine of the user issuing the command. Each BTU is tiae-stamped at the time when it is traced, and the trace record consists of the 14-byte BTU header plus the first 4 bytes of the BTU data area. "raddr" is the real address of the 3704/3705 to be traced. TRACE resource activates the BCP line trace facility for the specified resource (lines only). This facility provides a response BTU to the host whenever I/O activity for the specified resource exists. These responses are formatted in a manner similar to the BTU trace output, and they are likewise spooled to a virtual printer. "resource" is a 4-digit hexadecimal identifier of a specific telecom.unication line. The last three digits are the actual resource ID. The first digit is a device sequence number associated with a particular 3704/3705. This device sequence number designates the relative position of this device in the DMKRIO module. The first listed 3704/3705 would be designated as 0, the second 3704/3705 listed in the DMKRIO module would be designated as 1, and so on. TRICE END terminates the trace operation. Note: NETWORK TRICE can be 3704/3705 at anyone time. set active for only a single physical TRACE STIRTED is the response given to the BTU and the resource operand. COMMIBD COMPLETE is the response given to the END operand (trace termination). 344 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide BCPDUftP is a CftS com.and that processes CP spool reader files created by 3704/3705 dump operations. The NCPDUftP command: • • • • creates the CMS NCPDUMP file from the spool file. Formats the dump. Prints the dump. Erases the eMS BCPDUftF file (if specified) after printing it. Although NCPDUftP is a CMS command, its effective use is restricted to a specific user identified by the SYSDUftP operand of the SYSOPER macro in DMKSYS. The operation of NCPDUftP is similar to VMFDUMP operations. A general description of the NCPDU~P operation follows the command description. The NCPDUMP command has the following format: NCPDUMP r [DUftPxx] I I I L r , IERASE I INOFORM I IMNEMONICI L ~ , I I I ~ DUMPxx is the filename of the CMS file containing a 3704/3705 control program dump. This dump was created by a previously invoked NCPDUftP command with the ERASE option not specified. ERASE erases the current dump file or file (DU ftPxx) • NOFORft suppresses the formatting of the control block. MNEftONIC includes the 3705 Assembler mnemonic printed output. a previously created CMS dump This command is also described in the VM/370: operation codes in the Oper~!~!§ §yi~~. USING THE NCPDUftP COMftAND The NETWORK command invoked with the DUMPxx operand produces CP files. These CP files contain the 3704/3705 storage dump and are spooled reader input assigned to a system-designated user. The CMS NCPDUftP command invoked by this user formats (optionally) and prints the contents of these files. A CftS file, with a filename DUMPxx, and a filetype of NCPDUftP, is created and the original spooled dump reader file (created when the NETWORK DUftP com.and was issued) is deleted. If ERASE was specified on the NCPDUftP command line, the CftS dump file is also erased; otherwise, it is saved. Part 4: IBft 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers 345 A maximum of ten dumped spooled files can be processed and saved, and later recalled if necessary, by the system assignment of the xx suffix to the CftS-created DUftPxx filename. 'xx' is a decimal number from 00 to 09, depending on any existing files of similar name. For example, if the files 'DUftPOO BCPDUftP' and 'DUftP01 BCPDUftP' already exist, the new file is called 'DUftP02 NCPDUftP'. The file thus created is retained for later use unless the ERISE option is specified, in which case the file is erased immediately following the dump printing. 346 IBM VM/370: system Programmer's Guide Part 5: Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Part 5 contains the following inforaa tion: • Introduction to Rses • structure of Rses virtual storage • • Functional inforaation Logging I/O activity Part 5: Reaote Spooling eoa.unications Subsystem (RSeS) 347 Introduction to RSCS The Remote Spooling Communications subsystem (RSeS), a component of Vft/370, provides telecommunication facilities for the transmission of bulk files between Vft/370 users and remote stations. Rses is a single purpose operating system for a virtual machine, dedicated to the management of files spooled to it by Vft/370 users or transmitted to it by remote stations via communication lines. Remote stations can submit files to a Vft/370 user or efts Batch facility for processing and receive printer and punch output in return. Vft/370 users can submit job streams to a remote HASP- or ASP-type batch processor. Remote stations can send printer and punch files to other remote stations. Under RSeS, all remote locations as well as the local Rses virtual machine are assigned a one- to eight-character alphameric location identification. The transmission path between the Rses virtual machine and any single remote station is defined as a link. A link has certain attributes that make up a link definition and these attributes are assigned at system generation time or dynamically via the Rses DElINE command. A link definition consists of a linkid (the location identifier of the remote station), the type of remote station, the line address to be used or transmission, the class of files to be processed, and other information unique to the link. Rses maintains a table of link definitions (link table) in the module DftTSYS. A maximum of 64 links may be defined of which any 16 may be active at anyone time. ! remote station, in the context of RSCS, ~s QUI ter.inal or system on the other end of the link from the Rses virtual machine. The Rses virtual machine is also referred to as the local Rses station. Rses supports two general types of I/O configurations used as remote stations. Nonprogram.able remote terminals, such as the configurations where the line protocol necessary for remote stations is provided by the hardware. These by the Nonprogrammable Terminal (NPT) line driver of IBft 2780, are I/O them to function as devices are managed Rses. Programmable remote stations, such as the IBft system/3 and System/360, are IBft processing systems with attached binary synchronous communications adapters. These systems must be programmed to provide a ftULTI-LEAVIIG line protocol necessary for their devices to function as remote stations. For a detailed description of ftULTI-LEAVING, see "Appendix B: ~ULTI-LEAVING." This programming support is provided by a Remote Terminal Processor (RTP) program generated according to HASP workstation protocol and tailored to the system's hardware configuration. certain programmable remote stations like the System/3 can only be programmed to function as remote terminals. Others, like the System/360 and System/370, can function either as remote terminals or as host batch systems using Rses as a remote job entry workstation. Both of these types of remote stations are managed by the spool ~ULTI-LEAVING (SftL) line driver of Rses. Part 5: Remote Spooling communications Subsystem (RSeS) 349 Rses uses the VM/370 spool system to interface with V"/370 users. When a user generates a file to be transmitted to a remote location by RSeS, he aust coaply with two require.ents. The file must be spooled to the Rses virtual machine and the spool file tag associated with the file must contain, as the first entry, the linkid (location identifier) of the remote station to which the file is being transmitted. When a remote station transmits a card file to RSeS, the file must be preceded by an ID card containing the userid of the virtual machine that is to receive the file. Rses punches the file on a virtual punch and spools it to the appropriate virtual machine. If the userid is that of the Rses virtual machine and the ID card also contained valid tag data, Rses will retrieve the file from the VM/370 spool system and forward it to the remote station designated by the linkid in the tag data. The RSeS command language provides the with the following capabilities: Rses virtual machine operator I. I Manipulate the status, transmission priority, files owned by the Rses virtual machine. class I. I Initialize, suspend or terminals or stations. of I. Reposition or restart files currently being transmitted. I • I Send or forward stations. I • Query file, link or system information. I. Monitor link activity for any remote location. terminate transmission messages and commands to remote and order files to of remote terminals and A summary of the RSeS commands is shown in Figure 39; for a full Remote Spooling description and format, refer to "Appendix A: Communications Subsystem Commands" in the VM/370: Re~~e ~E~~~~~~ Communications SubsjL~t~~ l~SS~l g~~~~ Q~i_de. ------ 350 IBM VM/370: Syste. Prograaaer's Guide Command lame Function BACKS PAC Restart Qr reposition in a backward direction the file currently being transmitted. CHAIGE Alters one or more attributes of a file owned by RSCS. CMD Control certain functions performed by a remote system, or control the logging of I/O activity on a specified link. DEFINE Temporarily add a new link definition to the RSCS link table or temporarily redefine an existing link. DELETE Temporarily delete a link definition from the RSCS link table. DISCONN place RSCS in disconnect mode and optionally direct output to another virtual machine. DRAIN Deactivate an active communication link. FLUSH Discontinue processing the current file on the specified link. FREE Resume transmission on a communication link previously in HOLD status. FWDSPACE Reposition in a forward direction the file currently being transmitted. HOLD Suspend file transmission on an active link without deactivating the line. MSG Send a message to a local or remote station. ORDER Reorder files enqueued on a specific link. PURGE Remove all or specified files from a QUERY Request system information for a link, a file, or for the system in general. START Activate a specified communication link. TRACE Monitor line activity on a specified link. Figure 39. RSCS Command Summary A subset of the RSCS commands is available to the remote station operators. In general, the remote operator can issue only these commands that offset his specific link. The commands are punched, one per card, and entered at the remote card reader. Commands from remote stations are only accepted before the ID card of an input card file or after the file has been completely processed (end-of-file generated). Part 5: Remote spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) 351 I Structure of RSCS Virtual Storage RSCS virtual storage is made up of fixed address storage areas, supervisor service routines, syste. service .odules, line driver modules, and available free storage for active tasks. Figure 40 shows how RSCS storage is allocated. Or,---------------------------------, Df!TVEC 1 10000 1 2701-------------------------------Df!TfUP 1 Df!TREX Df!TCf!X 1---------------------------------Df!TEXT 1 Df!Tf!GI Df!TSVC Df!TCRE Df!TIOf! Df!TCOf! Df!TCRQ Df!Tf!SG Df!TSYS Df!TDSP Note 1 Df!TINI (Note 2) Df!TilT Free Storage Df!TPST Df!TASK Df!TSTO / / Df!TASY / / / / Df!TSIG Df!TGIV / Df!T1KE 1000 Supervisor Queue Extension 2000 / / / / / / /, / / / / / / / Free Storage (allocatable) Note 1: The Df!TSYS module can vary in when the RSCS system was generated. following the end of Df!TSYS. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 700001 1 740001 1 780001 1 7COOOI 1 7DOOOI t 80000' Third Line Driver Second Line Driver First Line Driver Df!TLlX Df!T1IS I size depending on the number of macros specified Free storage starts on the first page boundary Bote 2: The Df!TINI module is loaded at the beginning of the free storage area. initialization, the storage it occupied is freed and becomes part of free storage. Figure 40. RSCS Storage Allocation 352 IBft Vft/310: System Programmer's Guide After The first 4K bytes of storage contain hardware constants, control areas. and supervisor service and supervisor-defined routines~ DftTVEC - The first 512 bytes of DftTVEC are defined by System/370 architecture and contain hardware-defined constants. This area is initialized by the DftTIRI routine at initial program load time. The rest of DKTVEC, 112 bytes, contains supervisor-defined addresses and constants used for dispatching, storage mapping, queue management, and task management. DftTftAP - The supervisor storage area contains the main the first extent of the supervisor queue. storage map and The main storage map is a table comprising one byte for each page in accessible main storage. Each byte displacement in the table implies an associated main storage number. The supervisor queue is a chain of 16 byte elements, formatted during initialization, maintained by the DKTORQ routine, and containing the status information for all system tasks running or waiting to be dispatched. The length of this chain is such that-the service routines that follow are located at the end of the page of storage. supervisor service Routines - the rest of the supervisor contains The service routines that provide services to other system tasks. thirteen routines and their functions are: DftTEXT DftTSVC DftTIOft DKTORO DftTDSP DKTWAT DftTPST DKTASK DHTSTO DKTASY DKTSIG DKTGIV DftTAKB - Handle external interruptions Handle SVC interruptions Handle I/O interrupts and requests Manage the supervisor status queue Dispatch eligible tasks Suspend task execution Signal completion of an event create and delete system service tasks Reserve and release main storage ~Qy~~ Provide asynchronous task-to-task exits Interrup~ a task, immediately, for an ALERT request Enqueue a GIVE request element for another task Process a GIVB request element The supervisor queue extension is a chain of 16 byte elements provide an extension to the supervisor queue located in DKTftAP. that This area of free storage is managed by the DKTSTO module. System tasks reserve and release virtual storage in full page increaents as required. Part 5: Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) 353 The system control task consists of five non-executable modules. Their functions are: executable and two DftTREX - Handle console I/O; process request elements for service routines; terminate system service and line driver tasks. DftTCRE - start a line driver task and create the DftTIXS and DMTLIX tasks during initialization. DftTCftX - Handle all console functions. DftTftGX - Build and forward message request elements. DftTCOft - Perform miscellaneous system service functions. DftTftSG - Table of message texts and codes. DftTSYS - Link table, file tag storage switched line port table. area, tag queue pointers, and This area of free storage is also managed by DftTSTO. In addition to providing storage for system tasks, it is used for line driver storage. For each active link that is initialized by DftTCRB, a copy of a DftTSftL or DftTNPT line driver is brought into virtual storage~ Line driver storage is assigned downward from X'7COOO', in four-page increments. Free storage for system tasks is assigned upwards from the page boundary following DftTSYS, in one-page increments. The DftTLAX module allocates a line port to a link when its line driver task is started. If a line address has been previously assigned in the link definition or is specified in the START command, D"TLAX verifies that the line is for a valid device type and is not already in use. If a line address has not been previously assigned and is not specified in the START command, DMTLAX scans the table of switchable line ports for an available line and assigns it to the link's line driver task. If a line is not available or is incorrectly specified, an error message is issued to the RSCS operator. The DftTAXS module accepts files from the Vft/370 spool system and maintains the queues of main storage file tag slots; executes the ORDER, CHANGB, and PURGB commands; and opens and closes input and output V"/370 spool files. 354 IBM Vft/370: System Programmer's Guide Functional Information The RSCS virtual machine performs certain basic functions as it manages the transmission of files between the host VM/370 and remote locations. These functions include: • • • • • • Virtual storage management File management Task-to-task communication RSCS co •• and processing RSCS message handling Interruption handling The RSCS supervisor controls virtual storage in blocks of either 4096 bytes (page size) or in 16 byte queue elements. Tasks running under the supervisor obtain their working storage area in page size blocks and then allocate variable size blocks as their functions require. I PAGE ALLOCATION Page allocation is performed by the supervisor service routine, DMTSTO. A storage allocation map, 256 bytes in length, is located in the supervisor area and is pointed to by MAINMAP in the DMTVEC data area. Each byte represents a page of virtual storage and contains X'OO' if the page is free. MAINSIZE, also in DMTVEC, contains the total number of pages defined for the particular RSCS virtual machine. When a task requires a page of storage, it first searches the storage allocation map for a free page (X'OO'). The page number is placed in register 1 and a call to DMTSTO reserves the page. DMTSTO replaces the storage map byte with the one-byte TASKID assigned to the calling task by the supervisor. To release storage, a task has only to clear the appropriate bytes in the storage map. QUEUE ELEMENT MANAGEMENT with the exception of a few words of low address storage used by the dispatcher, the rest of the supervisor status information is stored in chains of 16-byte queue elements managed by DMTQRQ. The first extent of these queues is in the supervisor and occupies the area between the main storage allocation map and DMTEXT. A supervisor queue extension area, one page in length, is located at X'1000'. Queue elements are dequeued from the free element queue pointed to by FREEQ in DMTVEC and enqueued on one of the active queues (TASKQ, MPXIOQ, SELIOQ, IOEXTQ, EXTQ, ALERTQ or GIVEQ). When the queue element is released, it is returned to the free element queue. Part 5: Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) 355 RSCS uses the V~/370 spool file system to interface with V~/370 users. A user who generates a file intended for transmission to a reaote location must spool the file to the RSCS virtual machine via the CP SPOOL com.and. In addition, he must also enter the identification of the remote location into the spool file tag area via the CP TAG command. A remote station submitting a file to RSCS for transmission to another remote location must meet the same requirements as a V~/370 user. The ID card that precedes the input card file being transmitted to RSCS must include the userid of the RSCS virtual machine and a tag field containing the location identifier of the remote station that is to receive the file. A remote station submitting a file destined for a only specify that user's use rid on the ID card. V~/370 user need When the BSCS virtual machine is initially logged on, one of the first tasks that is started is the Spool File Access task, D~TAXS. Two main functions of D~TAXS are: to provide access to the VM/370 spool file system, and to manage the queues of tag slots used by RSCS to control the status and flow of files through the system. TAG SLOT QUEUES The D~TAXS task in RSCS manages a file tag storage area pointed to by TTAGQ in D~TVEC. This area is made up of a fixed number of tag slots, each containing iOa bytes. The total nuaber of slots is determined, at the time RSCS is generated, by the value specified in the GEBTAGQ macro. The number of slots reserved for each link is part of the link definition stored in the RSCS link table. The contents of each file tag include file attributes from the file's SFBLOK and transmission destination and priority from the associated spool file tag. File tags are chained on one of four types of queues: I. I I The active input queue, pointed to by TAGACIN in TAGAREA, contains the tags for those files that are currently being processed for transmission to remote locations. I • I I The active output queue, pointed to by TAGACOUT in TAGAREA, contains the tags for those files that are currently being received from remote locations. I • I I I An inactive file queue exists for each link that has one or more files waiting to be transmitted. Each link's file tag queue is pointed to by the LPOINTER field in the corresponding link table entry. I. I The free slot queue, pointed to by TAGAFREE in TAGAREA, is made up of all the slots not currently on any of the other tag slot queues. SPOOL PILE ACCESS The Spool File Access task, DMTAXS, uses the "retrieve subsequent file descriptor" option of the CP DIAGNOSE X'014' command to access the spool 356 IBft VM/370: System program.er's Guide file block (SFBLOK) and spool file tag for each of the files enqueued on the RSCS virtual reader. Using the location identifier in the spool file tag, DftT1IS interrogates the link table entry for the specified link to determine if a tag slot is available. If so, a tag is built, using information in the SFBLOK and spool file tag, and then enqueued on the link's chain of inactive files pointed to by LPOINTER in the link table entry. If a tag slot is not available, the file is placed in a pending status and the link table entry count of pending files (LPENDING) is incremented by one. Pending files are added to the inactive file queues as slots become available. When a line driver task is started for a link via the RSCS START command, the highest priority file on that link's inactive queue (LPOINTER) is dequeued and placed in the system's active input queue (TAGACIN). The file's tag and first spool buffer are then passed to the line driver task for transmission. Any additional spool buffers for that file are directly obtained by the line driver task. RSCS provides two methods of requests, and ALERT requests. task-to-task communications: GIVE/TAKE GIVE/TAKE requests are issued by lower priority tasks, such as line drivers, to request a service from a higher priority task, such as a supervisor service routine. The requesting task builds a request table containing the name of the task that is to perform the service, along with pointers to a request buffer containing the data required for the service. If appropriate, a pointer to a response buffer is also supplied. This information is passed to the DftTGIV module. DftTGIV builds a GIVE element that points to the requestor's request table and chains it on the GIVE element queue for execution. Service tasks pass control to DftTAKE whenever they coaplete the execution of a particular service. DftTAKE locates the GIVE element for the service that was just completed: passes any response data back to the requestor via the response buffer, locates the next GIVE element for that service task, and passes the corresponding request table data to the service task for execution. ALERT requests are issued by high priority tasks for services to be performed by a lower priority task. These requests are not queued; the lower priority task is executed as soon as it is received. ALERT requests are handled by the DftTSIG module. The primary command processor in RSCS is the DftTCMX module of the system control task. DMTCMI receives commands either as a result of a ccnsole read started by the DftTREI module in response to attention interruption from the RSCS operator console, or through a GIVE request pointer to a command element, provided by an active line driver task. The DEFINE, DELETE, DISCONN, QUERY and START commands are processed entirely by the system control task, as they may involve the referencing and updating of the system status tables (DMTSYS). Part 5: Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) 357 For the CHANGE, PURGE and ORDER commands, DMTCMX builds a formatted table called a command element and passes it, via an ALERT request, to the £MTAXS task for execution. The BACKSP1C, CMD, DRAIN, FLUSB, FREE, Pi£SPACE, BOLD, MSG, and TRACE commands are passed to the line driver task for the associated active link via a command element and ALERT request. Messages can occur in response to a command or of a system malfunction. ~pontaneously as a result The task that originates the message passes the message number and the variable portion of the message text to the message handler, DMTMGX. DMTMGX obtains the fixed portion of the message text and routing information from the DMTMSG module and issues the message to the appropriate operator. Messages can be addressed to the local RSCS operator, remote station operator, local VM/370 virtual machine, VM/370 system operator, or combinations of these. Messages directed to the VM/370 system operator or VM/370 user are issued via the CP MSG command using the Virtual Console Function of the Diagnose interface. Messages for the local RSCS operator are enqueued for output by DMTREX. Messages for the remote station operator are presented to the line drivers for the associated links via an RSCS MSG command element and ALERT request. Three types of interruptions are handled routines: external interruptions, SVC interruptions. by the supervisor service interruptions, and I/O I EXTERNAL INTERRUPTIONS External interruptions are handled by the DMTEXT module. Each bit of the external interruption code (bytes 16-31 of the external old PSi in low storage) is inspected. ihen a bit is set to one, a scan of the external exit request queue is made to locate the first requested exit for the bit that was set. If one is found, the exit is taken; otherwise, processing continues until the entire interruption code has been inspected. I SVC INTERRUPTIONS The DMTSVC module receives control directly on an SVC interruption. RSCS uses the SVC interruption to "freeze" the execution of a task while it is waiting for the results of some service that it has requested of another task. The left half of the SVC old PSi is moved to the left half of the resume PSi in the task's save area; the right half is loaded 358 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide with the contents of register 14 (resume PSi address). The register contents at interruption time are also stored in the task's save area. D"TSVC returns control to the caller by setting register 14 to the address of the task element of the "frozen" task and loading a PSi with all mask bits set off (except machine eheekj and execution address as stored in the SVc old PSi. I/O IBTERRUPTIOBS I/O interruptions are handled by the D"TIO" module at entry point D"TIC"IN. D"TIOft first searches for an active I/O request element on the appropriate queue (ftPXIOQ or SELIOQ). If one is found, the I/O request table is updated to reflect the new status. If this is net the final interruption, control is immediately returned to the dispatcher. If the I/O has completed without unit check, ,the synch lock in the I/O table is posted; and, if there is no further I/O enqueued for that subchannel, control is passed to the dispatcher. If I/O is enqueued for that subchannel, it is started. If the I/O has completed, but there was a unit check and automatic sense was requested, the sense channel program is built in a new element and the new element is chained to the request element. The sense operation is started and if not completed immediately, control is passed to the dispatcher. If an active I/O request element was not found, the asynchronous I/O exit queue (IOBXITO) is scanned for a matching device address. If found, the asynchronous exit is taken. If neither an active I/O request element nor an asynchronous exit request element is found, the interrupt is ignored and control is passed to the dispatcher. Part 5: Remote Spooling communications subsystem (RSCS) 359 I Logging I/O Activity The RSCS component of V"/370 contains a facility for logging all I/O activity on a particular teleprocessing link. This logging feature can be utilized if a problem arises where tracing I/O activity on a line becomes a necessity. The RSCS operator can turn the feature on and off by issuing the RSCS C"D command with the LOG or BOLOG operand. The format of the CftD command, when used to control logging, is as follows: CftD linkid { LOG } BOLOG linkid is the location identifier for the link on which logging is to be perforlled. LOG is the keyword that starts the logging of I/O activity. BOLOG is the keyword that stops the logging of I/O activity. The logging output is a printer spool file containing a one-line record for each I/O transaction on the teleprocessing line. A transaction is defined as any read or write of a teleprocessing buffer. When logging is turned off, the output is automatically spooled to a printer. The distribution code on the printer output is the linkid that was specified in the CftD cOllmand. The output log record is printed in hexadecimal notation except for the rightmost field which is an alphabetic character. The contents of the log record are as follows: 21 bytes The first 21 bytes of the teleprocessing buffer, including BSC bytes, ftULTI-LE1VIBG bytes (for SftL only), and enough initial bytes of data to fill the field. 7 bytes For read I/O: the last seven bytes of the CSW. For SftL write I/O: The first seven bytes of the S"L buffer header that is used internally by S"L but not transmitted. For BPT write I/O: Bot applicable. 3 bytes The first three bytes transaction. 3 bytes The first three sense bytes, if any. 1 byte "R" for read I/O; "W" for write I/O. of the RSCS I/O synch lock The fields of the record are separated by blanks. sa.ples of read and write log records for SftL: 360 IBft Vft/3JO: System Programmer's Guide for this The following are 1070808FCFOOC161SCD2C9C7DSD6DS404040404040 0346!80EOOPDE6 800000 020000 R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- BSC and ftULTILEAVING Bytes ........ ----...... -----....."... --- '-v-'" Data t '-v-" ~ '-v-" t Addr Count Synch Sense Read Status Lock Bytes Bytes ---........ --~~ TP Buffer ~ --~~ - ----------CSW 1070808FCPOOC161SCE2C9C7DSD6DS404040404040 00037338000602 000000 000000 i .... BSC and ftULTILEAVING Bytes ~~---- --- ------------ Data .... --~~~---TP Buffer SftL Internal Buffer '-v-'" Synch Lock '-v-'" t Sense Write Bytes --~~ Part 5: Remote Spooling Communications Subsystea (RSCS) 361 Appendix A: System/370 Information The control registers are used to maintain and manipulate centrol information that resides outside the PSi. There are sixteen 32-bit registers for control purposes. The control registers are not part ef addressable storage. At the time the registers are loaded, the information is not checked for exceptions, such as invalid segment-size or page-size code or an address designating an unavailable or a protected locaticn. The validity of the information is checked and the errors, if any, indicated at the time the information is used. Figure 41 is a summary of the control register allocation and Figure 42 lists the facility associated with each control register. Figure 43 is a description of the EC (Extended Control) PSi. <--------------------------o 32 bits SYSTEM CONTROL ITRANSL. CONTROLI SEGM-TBL LENGTHI -----------------------------> EXTERNAL-INTERRUPTION MASKS SEGMENT-TAELE-ORIGIN-ADDRESS CHANNEL MASKS 2 3 4 5 6 7 MONITOR MASKS 8 9 PER EVENT MASKSI PER GR ALTERATION MASKS 10 PER STARTING ADDRESS 11 PER ENDING ADDRESS 12 13 14 ERROR-RECOVERY CONTROL & MASKSI 15 Figure 41. MCEL ADDRESS Control Register Allocation Appendix A: System/370 Information 363 Name of Pield WordlBits o 0 IBlock-Multiplexing Mode 1 155M Suppression 8-9 IPage Size 1 o I 101 Reserved o 111-12lSegment size 1 o I 20lClock Comparator Mask o I 211CPU Tiaer Mask o I 241Interval Timer Mask o I 251Interrupt Key Mask o I 261External Signal Mask o o 1 1 0-7 ISegment Table Length 8-25lSegment Table Address I 2 Initial Value IBlock-Multiplexing Control IExtended Control IDynamic Addr. Translation IDynamic Addr. Translation IDynamic Addr. Translation IClock Comparator I CPU Timer IExternal Interruption IExternal Interruption IExternal Interruption IDynamic Addr. Translation IDynamic Addr. Translaticn I 0-31lChannel Masks 1 o 10 o 00 1 o 1 1 o ISet by CP. Value varies with the type of virtual machine. PPPPPPPP 11/0 Interruptions 8 I 16-31 I Monitor Masks I I I Monitoring I IValue depends on I virtual machine. 9 I 0-7 IPER2 Event Masks 9 116-311PER GR Alteration Masks IProgram-Event Recording IProgram-Event Recording IValue depends on I virtual machine. IProgram-Event Recording IValue depends on I virtual machine. 10 8-311PER starting Address I 11 I 8-311PER Ending Address I 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 o 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 IProgram-Event Recording I ICheck-Stop Control I Machine-Check ISynchronous MCEL3 Control IMachine-Check 11/0 Extended Logout Control I Channel-Check IRecovery Report Mask I Machine-Check IDegradation Report Mask I Machine-Check IExternal Damage Report Mask I Machine-Check IWarning Mask I Machine-Check I Asynchronous MCEL Control IMachine-Check IAsynchronous Pixed Log Ctrl.IMachine-Check 8-28IMCEL Address I Value depends on I virtual machine. Handling Handling Handling Handling Handling Handling Handling Handling Handling Value depends on machine check handler for the virtual machine. IMachine-Check Handling ~xpla.!!~!io.!!: IThe fields not listed are unassigned. IThe initial value of unassigned register positions is unpredictable. I 11 I 12 13 The initial value varies depending on whether virtual storage is supported in the virtual machine. PER means program-event recording. MCEL means machine-check extended logout. I Pigure 42. 364 Control Register Assignments IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide I ISystem Mask I I o I Key I EftWP I I I I 7 8 11 12 cc o 15 16 17 18 I Program I I Mask I 19 20 o 23 24 3i r-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I 0 Instruction Address I 32 33 63 The fields of the PSW are: o 1 2-4 5 6 7 8-11 12 13 14 15 16-17 18-19 20-23 24-32 33-63 Figure 43. Must be zero. PER (Program Event Recording) enabled. Must be zero. Address translation. Summary I/O mask. Summary extension. The protection key determines if information can be stored or fetched from a particular location. Extended control mode. The machine check flag is set to 1 whenever a machine check occurs. The wait state flag is set to 1 when the CPU is in the wait state. The problem state flag is set to 1 when the CPU is operating in the problem rather than the supervisor state. Must be zero. The condition code reflects the result of a previous arithmetic, logical, or I/O operation. The program mask indicates whether or not various program exceptions are allowed to cause program interrupts. Must be zero. The instruction address gives the location of the next instruction to be executed for program interrupts or of the instruction last executed for external interrupts. The Extended Control PSi (Program Status Word) Appendix A: System/370 Information 365 Appendix B: MULTI-LEAVING MULTI-LEAVING is a term that describes a computer-to-computer communication technique developed for use by the HASP system and used by the RSCS component of VM/370. MULTI-LEAVING can be defined as the fully synchronized, pseudo-simultaneous, bidirectional transmission of a variable number of data streams between two or more computers using binary synchronous communications facilities. The following sections outline the specifications of a ccmprehensive, MULTI-LEAVING communications system (as is used in HASP/ASP). While the VM/370 support for programmable BSC remote stations is completely consistent with the MULTI-LEAVING design, it does not use certain of the features provided in MULTI-LEAVING: • The transmission of record types other than console, and control is not supported. • The only control. • Only SCB count units of 1 are used. • No support is included for column binary cards. general control record type used print, punch, is the input, terminal sign-on The basic element for multileaved transmission is the character string. One or more character strings are formed from the smallest external element of transmission, the physical record. These physical records are input to MULTI-LEAVING and may be any of the classic record types (card images, printed lines, tape records, etc.). For efficiency in transmission, each of these data records is reduced to a series of character strings of two basic types: 1. A variable-length nonidentical series of characters. 2. A variable number of identical characters. An eight-bit control field, termed a String control Byte (SCB), precedes each character string to identify the type and length of the string. Thus, a string of nonidentical characters (as in 1 above) is represented by an SCB followed by the nonduplicate characters. A string of consecutive, duplicate, non blank characters (as in 2 above) can be represented by an SCB and a single character (the SCB indicates the duplication count, and the character following indicates the character to be duplicated). In the case of an all-blank character string, only an SCB is required to indicate both the type and the number of blank characters. A data record to be transmitted is segmented into the optimum number of character strings (to take full advantage of the identical character compression) by the transmitting program. A special SCB is used to indicate the grouping of character strings that compose the original physical record. The receiving program can then reconstruct the original record for processing. Appendix B: MULTI-LEAVING 367 r----------------------------------------------------------------------------, control Characters DLE STX BCB FCS FCS RCB SRCB SCB DATA SCB DATA SCB RCB SRCB SCB DATA SCB RCB OCE ETB Figure 44. Usage BSC Leader (SOH if no transparency feature) BSC Start-of Text Block Control Byte Function Control Sequence Function Control Sequence Record Control Byte for record 1 Sub-Record Control Byte for record String Control Byte for record 1 Character String string Control Byte for record Character string Terminating SCB for record 1 RCB for record 2 SRCB for record 2 SCB for record 2 Character string Terminating SCB for record 2 Transmission Block terminator BSC Leader (SIN if no transparency feature) BSC Ending Sequence A Typical MULTI-LEAVING Transmission Block In order to allow multiple physical records of various types to be grouped together in a single transmission block (see Figure 44), an additional eight-bit control field precedes the group of character strings representing the original physical record. This field, the Record Control Byte (RCB), identifies the general type and function of the physical record (input stream, print stream, data set, etc.). A particular RCB type has been designated to allow the passage of control information between the various systems. Also, to provide for simultaneous transmission of similar functions (that is, multiple input streams, etc.), a stream identification code is included in the RCB. A second eight-bit control field, the Sub-Record Control Byte (SRCB), is also included immediately following the RCB. This field is used to supply additional information concerning the record to the rece1v1ng program. For example, in the transmission of data to be printed, the SRCB can be used for carriage control information. For actual MULTI-LEAVING transmission, a variable number of records may be combined into a variable block size, as indicated previously (that is, RCB,SRCB,SCB1,SCB2, ••• ,SCBn, RCB,SRCB,SCB1, ••• ,etc.). The MULTI-LEAVING design provides for two (or more) computers to exchange transmission blocks, containing multiple data streams as described above, in an interleaved fashion. To allow optimum use of this capability, however, a system must have the capability to control the flow of a particular data stream while continuing normal transmission of all others. This requirement becomes obvious if one considers the case of the simultaneous transmission of two data streams to a system for immediate transcription to physical I/O devices of different speeds (such as two print streams). To provide for the metering of the flow of individual data streams, a Function Control Sequence (FCS) is added to each transmission block. The FCS is a sequence of bits, each of which represents a particular transmission stream. The receiver of several data streams can temporarily stop the transmission of a particular stream by setting the corresponding FCS bit off in the next transmission to the sender of that stream. The stream can subsequently be resumed by setting the bit on. 368 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide Pinally, for error detection and correction purposes, a Elock Control Byte (BCB) is added as the first character of each block transmitted. The BCB, in additional to control information, contains a hexadeciaal block sequence count. This count is aaintained and verified by both the sending and receiving systems to exercise a positive control over lost or duplicated transmission blocks. In addition to the normal binary synchronous text control characters (STX, ETB, etc.) ftULTI-LEAVIIG uses two of the BSC control characters, ACKO and NAK. lCKO is used as a "filler" by all systems to maintain communications when data is not available for transmission. N1K is used as the only negative response and indicates that the previous transmission was not successfully received. This section describes the bit-by-bit definitions of the various ftULTI-LEAVIIG control fields and includes notes concerning their use. lppendix B: MULTI-LE1VING 369 RECORD CONTROL BYTE (RCB) ------- OIIITTTT o 7 M§~E~: To identify each record type within a transmission block OIIITTTT --or-- 00000000 o 1110000 III 000 001 010 011 100 101 111 o lon-EOT RCB III is control information: Reserved Request to initiate a function transmission (prototype RCB for function in SRCB ) Permission to initiate a function Transmission (RCB for function contained in SRCB ) Reserved Reserved Available for location modification General control record (Type indicated in SRCB) --or-1 IIITTTT TTTT 370 End of transmission block 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000-1100 1101-1111 Non-EOT RCB III is used to identify streams of multiple identical functions (such as multiple print streams to a multiple printer terminal). TTTT is the record type identifier. Operator message display request Operator command Normal input record Print record Punch record Data set record Terminal message routing request Reserved Available to user IBK VK/370: System Programmer's Guide SUB-RECORD CONTROL BYTE (SRCB) To provide supplemental information about a record Y§~E~: ~!i~: The contents of this control block depend upon the record type. Several types are shown below • •• CHAR •• 7 o ~§~g~: To identify the type of generalized control record ~!!§: CHARACTER A B C D E F G H I-R S-Z Initial terminal sign-on ,inal terminal sign-off Print initialization record Punch initialization record Input initialization record Data set transmission initialization System configuration status Diagnostic control record Reserved Available to user OMCCCCCC o 7 ~§~E~: o M To provide carriage control information for print records 1 o 1 CCCCCC 000000 000011 01NINN 1000 II 111HHN Normal carriage control Reserved Suppress space Space nn lines after print Skip to channel nnnn after print Space immediate nn spaces Skip i.mediate to channel nnnn Appendix B: MULTI-LEAVING 371 -----OfU!BBBSS o Y2~~: 7 To provide additional information for punch records 1 00 01 10 11 B o BR SS 00 II 1 SCB count units = 1 SCB count units = 2 SCB count units = 4 Reserved EBCDIC card image Column binary card image Reserved stacker select information OftftBRBBR o 7 us~~~: To provide additional information for input records ~!i2: o 1 00 01 10 11 0 1 0000 ftM B RRRR SCB count units = 1 SCB count units = 2 SCB count units = 4 Reserved EBCDIC card image Column binary image Reserved OTTTTTTT o Y2~g~: 7 To indicate the destination of a terminal message Bit§: 372 o 1 TTTTTTT 0000000 IIIIIII Broadcase to all remote systems Remote system number (1-99) or remote system group (100-127) IBft VM/370: System Programmer's Guide STRING CONTROL BYTE (SCB) OKLJJJJJ o 7 ~§~g~: Control field for data character strings ~i!§: OKLJJJJJ --or-OKLJJJJJ --or-o 00000000 End of record 10000000 Record is continued in next transmission block 1 Non-EOR SCB Duplicate character string Duplicate character is blank Duplicate character is nonblank and follows seB Duplicate count o o K L 1 NNNNN JJJJJ --or-- o 1 1 K LJJJJJ NNNNN Non-EOR SCB Nonduplicate character string Character string length Note: Count units are normally 1 but may be in any other units. the units used may be indicated at function control sign-on or dynamically in the SRCB. BLOCK CONTRCL BYTE (BCB) oxxxccce o ~§~3~: ~ii2: o xxx CCCC 7 transmission block status and sequence count 1 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 NNNN Reserved Bypass sequence count validation Reset expected block sequence count to ecec Reserved Reserved Available to user Available to user Reserved Module 16 block sequence count Appendix B: MULTI-LEAVING 373 FUNCTION CONTROL SEQUENCE (FCS) ---------------OSRRABCDORRRWXYZ o Us~~~: 7 8 15 To control the flow of individual function streams O ••• 0 S 1 ••• 1 o 1 RR ••• RRR ABCD WXYZ 00 ••• 000 NNBN NNNN Normal processing Suspend all stream transmission (wait-a-bit) Reserved print or input stream identification punch stream identifiers Note: These function stream identifiers are oriented only to the recipient. Presence of a bit indicated that function transmission is to be continued; its absence indicates that function transmission is to be suspended. 374 IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, 1975 Appendix C: VM Monitor Tape Format and Content Each time a monitor call interrupt occurs, VM Monitor receives control and collects data appropriate for the particular class and code of MONITOR CALL. (Or, for USER, PERFORM or DASTAP classes, VM Monitor gets control at periodic intervals to collect data.) The data is formatted into records which are collected sequentially in the order that each interrupt occurred. The tape data format is standard Variable Blocked (VB) format. Data is written at the default tape drive density. The formats and contents of all the kinds of data records for the currently implemented classes and codes of MONITOR CALL are listed below. All values described otherwise noted. I in the following records are binary unless lIndicates that the field is EBCDIC. 2Indicates that the field is in special timer format described below. 3See CP PLM for field format definition. Every data record is preceded by the following 12 byte header: Total bytes ~n record Zeros (standard V format record) MONITOR CALL class number MONITOR CALL code number Time of Day Number Of DSECT Variable ].Y!~'§ !!!.!!~ ') MUUD1U"C''7 u LJ &'1,U Ll.&.;l'- tJ L. 2 1 2 MNHCLASS MNHCODE MNHTOD 5 !2!~: Time of day occupies 2 full words in storage, with the right hand 12 bits zeros. The right hand 2 bytes and the leftmost byte are ignored giving 16 microsecond accuracy instead of 1 microsecond. The first 4 bytes of this record-length field. header are the standard variable-format Appendix B: MULTI-LEAVING 374.1 GC20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, Mdrch 3i, Monitor Code 97 98 99 Data Item Tape header record CPU serial/model number Software version number 1 Date of data collection session 1 Time of data collection session 1 USERID of monitor controller 1 CR8 mask of enabled classes Tape trailer record USERID of user shutting down monitorl Tape write suspension record TOD at suspension 2 Count of write suspensions 1~75 DSECT Variable Name Number of Bytes CP Variable Name 8 4 CPUID DMKCPEID tod clock tod clock VMUSER DMKPRGC8 MN097CPU MN097LEV MN097DAT MN097TIM MN097UID MN097CR8 8 VMUSER MN098UID 8 8 8 8 MN099TOD MN099CNT 5 4 Class Zero - PERFORM Monitor Code 00 374.2 Data Item Interval statistics Total system idle time 3 Total system page wait 3 Total system time I/O wait 3 Total system problem time 3 Total paging start I/O's Total page I/O requests Current page frames on free list Pages being written, due for free list Total pages flushed, but reclaimed Number of reserved pages Number of shared system pages Total number of times free list empty Total number of calls to DMKPTRFR Total pages stolen from in Q users Number of pages examined in stealing pages Number of pages swapped from the flush list Number of full scans done in stealing pages Total real external interrupts Total calls to DMKPRVLG Total calls to DMKVIOEX Total calls to CCWTRANS from DMKVIO Total Virt Interval Timer Ints reflected Total Virt CPU Timer Ints reflected IBM VM/370: System Programmer's Guide Number of Bytes CP Variable Name DSECT Variable Name 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 IDLEWAIT PAGEWAIT IONTWAIT PROBTIME DMKPAGPS DMKPAGCC DMKPTRFN DMKPTRSW DMKPTRPR DMKPTRRC DMKPTRSC DMKPTRFO DMKPTRFC DMKPTRSS DMKPTRFF MNOOOWID MNOOOWPG MNOOOWIO MNOOOPRB MNOOOPSI MNOOOCPA MNOOONFL MNOOOPSN MNOOOPRC MNOOORPC MNOOOSPC MNOOOFLF MNOOOCPT MNOOOSS MNOOOPFF 4 DMKPTRRF MNOOOPRF 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 DMKPTRC S DMKPSANX DMKPRVCT DMKVIOCT DMKVIOCW DMKDSPIT DMKDSPPT MNOOOPCS MNOOONXR MNOOOCPR MNOOOCVI MNOOOCCW MNOOOITI MNOOOPTI ~~20-1807-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2662, March 31, Data Item Monitor Code Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Virt Clock Comparator Ints reflected virtual SVC interrupts simulated virtual program interrupts handled I/O interrupts handled calls to dispatch (main) fast reflects in dispatch dispatches for new PSi's calls to schedule COUll of virtual machine SSK'& simulated Count of virtual macnine SKiS simu:~ted Count of virtual machine S3M's simulated Count of virtual machine LPSW's sim~lated Cndnt CO~Lt of virtuaJ machine f3iagnose in.st of ~irtual machine SIO's simulated count of virtual machine SIOF's simulated Count of virtual machine TIO·s simulated Count of virtual machine CLElO's simulated Count of virtual machine HIO's simulated Count of virtual machine HDV's simulated Count of virtual machine TeH's simulated Count of virtual machine STNSM's simulated Count of virtual machine STOSM's simulated Count of virtual machine LRA's simulated Count of virtual machine STIDP's simulated Count of virtual machine STIDC's simulated Count of virtual machine SCK's simulated Count of virtual machine SCKC's simulated Count of virtual machine STCKC's simulated Count of virtual machine SPT's simulated Count of virtual machine STPT's simulated Count of virtual machine SPKA's simulated Count of virtual machine IPK's simulated Count of virtual machine PTLB's simulated Count of virtual machine RRB's simulated Count of virtual machine STCTL's simulated Count of virtual machine LCTL's simulated Count of virtual machine CS's simulated Count of virtual machine CDS's simulated Count of virt machine diagnose disk I/O's Number of users dialed to virtual machines Number of users logged on Number of page reads Number of page writes Number of system pagable pages Sum of working sets of in-Q users Number of users in interactive queue (Q1) No. of users in compute bound queue (Q2) Number of users eligible to enter Q1 Number of users eligible to enter Q2 Monitor sampling interval (seconds) Count of cylinders allocated on primary paging device Cylinder capacity of primary paging device 1975 Number of Bytes CP Variable Name DSECT Variable Name 4 4 4 4 DMKDSPCK PSASVCCT DMKPRGCT DMKIOSCT DMKDSPCC DMKDSPAC MNOOOCKI MNOOOCSV MNOOOCPG MNOOOCIO MNOOOCDS MNOOOCDA MNOOOCDB MNOOOCSC MNOOOEK 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 DMKDSPRC DMKSCHCT DMKPRVEK DMKPI:'(VIK DMK P Ify f'13 i '0' • :::I ·tC : -i .;r • iii' :r ·3' YOUR COMMENTS PLEASE . .. • III This manual is one of a series which serves as a reference source for systems analysts, programmers, and operators of I BM systems. 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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c043 52.372728, 2009/01/18-15:56:37 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 9.13 Paper Capture Plug-in Modify Date : 2009:09:09 19:03:24-07:00 Create Date : 2009:09:09 19:03:24-07:00 Metadata Date : 2009:09:09 19:03:24-07:00 Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:89d8448d-ba26-4a7f-9889-b520e2c52dda Instance ID : uuid:888d55c4-499c-4799-9f66-85a815a3cf5d Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseOutlines Page Count : 437EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools