GC20 1808 11_VM370_System_Messages_Rel_6_PLC_17_Apr81 11 VM370 System Messages Rel 6 PLC 17 Apr81
User Manual: GC20-1808-11_VM370_System_Messages_Rel_6_PLC_17_Apr81
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File No. 8370-40 Order No. GC20-1808-11 Systems I BM Virtual Machine Facility /370: System Messages Release 6 PLC 17 This publication contains messages and codes that may be encountered when using IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370). Conditions which generate these messages and codes are explained, the resulting system action is described, and appropriate responses are suggested. In addition, this publication contains information on VM/370 Basic System Extensions Program Product, Program No. 5748-XX8, and VM/370 System Extensions Program Product, Program No. 5748-XE1. - -.....- ----=- -- _.==-~ ------~~ - -= I.!elfth Editi21! (lpril 1981) This is a major revision of, and obsoletes GC20-1808-10 and applies to Service Level 617 of the IB! virtual Machine Facility/370 and to all subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Technical changes and additions to text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical bar to the left of the change. Changes are periodically made to the information contained herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IB! systems, consult the I~ system/370 Bibliography, Order No. GC20-0001, for the editions that are applicable and current. It is possible that this material may contain reference to, or information about, IB! ~roducts (machines and programs), programming, or services which are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IB! intends to announce such IBM products, program.ing, or services in your country. Publications are not stocked at the address given below; requests for copies of IB! publications should be made to your IB! representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. 1 form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this publication; if the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM programming publications, Dept. G60, P.O. Box 6, Endicott, New York, U.S.l. 13760. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation whatever. You may, of course, continue to use the information you supply. © Copyright International Business Machines corporation 1971J, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1919, 1981 1972, 1913, Preface This publication is a reference manual designed for all users. It contains both messages and codes produced by the IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370 ('M/370). • This publication contains four sections: Introduction, Codes, Messages, and Appendixes. The use of display terminals is applicable to VM/370 supported system consoles used in display mode only. The "Introdllction" contains: • • • • • • • • • Information pertaining to the IBft 3284 or IBft 3286 printers includes any printers used for the display terminal copy function unless otherwise noted. The format of messages V8/370 generates Syntax conventions this publication uses CP problem determination procedures The codes catagories: are divided into the following Return codes CP wait state codes Loader wait state codes RSCS wait state codes CP abend codes CMS abend codes The message section of divided as follows: this publication Control Program (CP) Messages • Conversational ftonitor System (CftS) Messages • Remote Spooling (RSCS) Messages • Interactive Messages ~ IBCDASDI Virtual Disk Messages Communication Control Subsystem System • "3330" refers to the IBft 3330 Disk storage, Models 1, 2, or 11i the IBft 3333 Disk Storage and Control, Models 1 or 11; and the IBft 3350 Direct Access Storage operating in 3330/3333 ftodel 1 or 3330/3333 ftodel 11 compa tibili ty mode. • "370x" refers to IBft 3704 Communications Controllers. • "3705" refers to the 3705 I and unless otherwise noted. • "FB-512" refers to the 3310 and the 3370 Direct Access Storage Devices. These devices are only supported by the Vft/370 System Extensions Program Product. and IBft 3705 is • Problem "3270" refers to a series of display devices, that are supported as Vft/370 terminal display stations. A specific device type is used only when a distinction is required between device types. (IPCS) the 3705 II PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS Initialization Program The appendixes contain: • Co.mand-to-Message Cross-Reference • Message Summary Identifier • Message-to-Module Cross-Reference • Message Text-to-ftessage Cross-Reference • 'ft/370 Restrictions Alphamerically by ftessage CP Command Reference No. GC20-1820 !g~ Geng~~! y§er§, Order Operator's Guide, Order No. GC20-1806 Identifier • Spooling Communicati9~§ Use~~ Guig~, SUbsystem Order No. GC20-1816 Interactive Problem Con!~Q! ~~§!gI Users Guide, Order No. GC20-1823. References to a standalone du.p occur in various messages in this publication. One such program is the BPS Storage Print program, Program No. 360P-UT-056. The following terms in this defined as follows: Reao!g (RSCS) aPCS) COREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS publication are "270x" refers to IBft 2701, 2702, and 2703 Transmission Control units or the Integrated Communications Adapter (ICA) on the System/370, Model 135. ~l§!g! Programmer's Order No. Preface iii GC20-1807 Also corequisite are programmer's guides to the various language processors. For anyone who uses the CMS ESERV command under CMS/DOS, the iuide to !£~ ~OS/V§ Assembler, Order No. GC33-4024, is a corequisite because it contains all the ESERV error messages. The access method services (IDC-prefix) messages, the access method services return and reason codes, and the VSAM error codes are contained in the DOS/VSE Messages, Order No. GC33-5379. Error messages issued by the OS/VS and DOS/VS Analysis program-1 (AP-1) are described in the Q~VS and DOSLVS Analysis program-1 (!P-l) Q2§r's Guid!. Order No. GC26-3855. iv IBM VM/370 System Messages Messages received at the operator's cODsole of the OS/VS virtual machine used in support of the Mass Storage System (MSS) are documented in the OS/V~ Message Library: ~~ ~j:9,Ia~! nstn (MSS) ~~§~g~, Order No. GC38-1000. The OS/VS EREP messages that are issued in the V"1370 CBS environment are documented in the Q.§LVS, ,gOSL!SE, VK/37,Q !REf ~!sS!g~§, Order: No. GC38-104S-1. Messages issued by the DOS/VS Sort/fterge Version 2 program product, 57.6-S"2 are described in DOS/V~ Sor1lBe~g! !!~si~ ~ Prog~a.m~~ iuide, Order No. SC33-4044. ~ ~HIS PUBLICATION This publication contains messages for the following: • VM/370 System Control program, Program Number 5749-010 • V8/370 Basic 574S-XXS • VK/370 System Extensions Program product, Program Number 514S-XE1 System Extensions Program Product, Program Number significant information pertaining to the program products is identified by the following delimiters. r-------------------------------------------------------------------, I I - - - (Basic System Extensions) - - This is an example. - - - (System Extensions) This is an example. !essaqe text not carrying System Control program. any qualifiers is part of the base V8/370 Note to !~LJ70 ~vste~ Extensions Program Product Users: Information identified as VK/370 Basic System Extensions information is also part of the VK/310 System Extensions Program Product. Preface v vi IBM VM/370 System Kessages Contents SUMMARY OF AMENDMENTS. .U INTRODUCTION • • • • • .. 1 VM/370 Message Format. • • • •• • .1 Unnumbered Responses • • • • • • .1 Displaying Messages At The Terminal. • • .2 special Message Fa~ility • • • • • • • .2 Syntax Conventions • • • • • • • • .2 CP Problem Determination • • .3 General User Action. • • .0 3, System Operator Action .... 3 SYSTEM CODES • • • • • • .5 Return Codes • • • • • • • • .5 Return Codes Produced by the CP DIRECT Command • • • • • • • • • ••••• 6 Sample Return Code from a CP Command •• 6 Return Codes Produced by the CMS DDR Command. • • • • • • • • ••••• 6 Return Codes Produced by IPCS. • • .6 CP Wait State Codes. • • • .7 Loader Wait State Codes. 10 RSCS wait State Codes. • • 12 C P Abend Codes • • • • • 13 System Operator Action • • 13 System Programmer Action • • 13 CMS Abend Codes. • • 35 User Action. • • • • 35 CONTROL PROGRAM (CP) MESSAGES. • 41 CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTE! (C!S) MESSAGES. • • EDIT Messages. EXEC Messages. DEBUG Messages .105 .176 .180 • 181 REMOTE SPOOLING COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM CRSCS) MESSAGES •• •• 183 IBCDASDI VIRTUAL DISK INITIALIZATION PROGRAM MESSAGES • • • • • • • • • • • • 201 INTERACTIVE PROBLEM CONTROL SYSTEM (IPCS) MESSAGES. • • • • • • • •• 207 APPENDIX A. COMMAND-TO-MESSAGE CROSS-REFERENCE • • CP Message Summary • CMS Message Su.mary •• RSCS Message Summary • IPCS Message Summary • .213 .213 .227 .243 .2'0 APPENDIX B. MESSAGE SUMMARY ALPBAMERICALLY BY MESSAGE IDENTIFIER •• 249 CP Messages Summary. .249 CMS Message Summary. • •• 263 RSCS Message Summary • .278 .281 IPCS Message Summary • APPENDIX C. !ESSAGE-TO-MODULE CROSS-REFERENCE • • CP Message Summary • CMS Message Summary. RSCS Message Summary • IPCS Message Summary • .283 • • • • 283 .288 •• 293 .294 APPENDIX D. MESSAGE TEXT-TO-MESSAGE IDENTIFIER CROSS-REFERENCE. .295 .295 CP Message Summary • • CMS Message Summary. • • • • • 311 RSCS Message Summary • • • • • 328 IPCS Message Summary • • 10 .331 APPENDIX E. V~/370 RESTRICTIONS.. ..333 Dynamically Modified Channel Programs •• 333 Minidisk Restrictions. • • • • • • • .333 Timing Dependencies. • • • • • • • • .335 Processor Model-Dependent Functions • .336 Channel Model-Dependent Functions. .337 Virtual Machine Characteristics. • • •• 337 MSS Restrictions • • • • • • • • • • •• 339 CMS Restrictions • • • • • • •• 340 Miscellaneous Restrictions .342 INDEX. • • • • • • • • • • .345 Conte nts vii FIGURES Figure 1. Figure 2. Fiqure Figure 3. 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. !ig'!!:,~ .., Figure 8. viii Types and Meanings of Severity Codes •••••••••••••••• 1 Syntax Abbrieviations Used •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 CP Error Message Nu.bers •••••• 3 Return Codes Produced by the CP DIRECT Co •• and ••••••••• 6 Example of a CP IIIK Co •• and •••••• ~ •••••••••••••••• 6 Return Codes Produced by the CMS DDR Co •• and ••••••••••• 6 ('P !BF!lL' ('"..:t~~. _ •... , 1t~ CKS ABEND Codes •••••••••••••• 36 IBK VM/370 System Messages Su.aary of Aaendaents for GC20-1808-11 V!/370 Service Level 617 !ISCELLAREOUS Chan~: Documentation only This aajor revision incorporates technical and editorial changes. minor Su.aary of lliendaents ix' Su •• ary of Amendments for GC20-l808-10 as Updated by GN25-079Q V!/370 Service Level 609 V!/PASS-THROUGH FACILITY I~: Existing Messages Issued by New Module Program and Documentation DKSPRE002E FILE 'fn ft fll' NOT FOUND V!/370 supports the V"/Pass-Through Facility which allows a user to interactively access rellote systems. D!SPRE109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED New Messages DKSPBE183E INVALID CONTROL FILE CONTROL CARD D!KDIA206E CANNOT CONNECT TO HOST VIRTUAL !ACHINE ruSCELLANEOUS D!KLOG206E CANNOT CONNECT TO HOST VIRTUAL filACHINE D!SPRE234E ERROR IN LOAD LIST FILE 'fn ft fn' NO INPUT DfilSPRE235E ERROR 'n' IN INPUT TEXT FILE 'fn ft [f.)' DMSPRE236E UNRESOLVED EXT!RNAL REFERENCE(S) ENCOUNTERED DfilSPRE237E DUPLICATE EXTERNAL SY!BOL(S) ENCOUNTERED D!SPRE238E PRELOADER PROC!SSING ERROR x IBM V!/370 System Messages !~: Documentation only New Message DMSZAP2491 DUMMY LOG ENTRY IN FILE 'fn ZAPLOG fm' Su=.ary of Amendments for GC20-l808-10 As Updated by GN25-0485 VM/370 Release 6 PLC 4 CP DUHP SERVICES FOR VIRTUAL MACHINES !ew: Program and Documentation V!/370 supports the V!DUMP command to dnmp the virtual machine storage. The dUllp must process the VM/370 Interactive Problem Control System Extension Program Product, or it can be processed by a user written routine. New Kessages DMKVHD038E New 8essage D8KMCT623I CHANNEL SET PROCESSOR nn CORNECTED TO Changed Message D8KCPU192E VARY PROCESSOR COMMAND FAILED New CP Wait State Code 016 Channel-set switching inactive. PARAKETER parameter FOR option OPTION KISSING OR INVALID MULTIPLE SERVICE RECORD FILES DMKVHD1~61 DUMP FAILED: SPOOLING ERROR !~: Program and Documentation Existing Messages Issued by New Module DMKVMD009E DMKVMD013E DMKVMD020E DMKVMD033E DMKVKD053E DMKVMD160E INVALID RANGE - range CONFLICTING OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC KISSING OR INVALID userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE New CP Command VMDU!!P New support is provided to allow V8/370 initialization processinq to read frames from II ul ti pIe SR F devices.• Changed 8essages D8KIOH559W DMKIOH56OW DMKIOH561W SRF cuu NOT ACCESSIBLE; FRAMES NOT ON ERROR CYLINDERS ERRORS ON SRF cuu: FRAME NOT ON ERROR CYLINDERS MORE THAN 50 MCH OR CCH FRAMES WERE READ FROM SRF cuu New Abend Code Module Splits V!D001 DMKIOG splits into DMKIOG and DMKIOH CHANNEL-SET SiITCHING MI SC ELLA NEO US !ew: Program and Documentation Changed: Documentation only V8/370's use of Channel-set switching increases processor recoverability and availability. Channel-set switching permits a set of channels to be switched from one processor to another. Several messages have been added and altered to support APARs. In addition, several minor literary and editorial changes have been made. Summary of Allendllents xi xii IBH V"/370 System !essages Introduction This section describes: Routine • • • The format messages VM/370 generates. syntax conventions used in this publication. CP problem determination procedures. VM/370 Message Format CMS I Commandsl VM/370 generates messages from the Control Program (CP), the Conversational Monitor System (CMS), the Bemote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS), and the Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS). consist of a message identifier and message text. The identifier (for example, DMKCQG020E) uniquely identifies the message. The text is a short phrase or sentence describing a condition that has occurred or requesting a response from the user. ~essages The message identifier consists of four fields: a com?onent code, a module code, a message number, and a type code. The format of the message identifier is: is the component code. prefixed as follows: • • • • I I I I I BSCS I Comllandsl I I I I IPCS I Commandsl I I Service I Routines I I xxxmllllnnns xxx I Code I 1--1 CP I A I Commandsl I I I i I I E I Messages are I I Heaning Immediate physical action Information Warning 2£ System Wait Error R I W E S T Besponse Information warning Error Severe error Terminal (unrecoverable) error B I E S T Besponse Informa tion Error Severe error Terminal (unrecoverable) error B I E S Besponse Information Error Severe Error A D E I Immediate physical action Immediate decision Eventual action In forma tion System wait W Figure 1. Types and Meanings of Severity Codes CP messages -- DHK CMS messages -- DRS BSCS messages -- DMT IPCS messages -- IPCS UNNUBBERED RESPONSES mmm is the module code, three letters that indicate which module generated the message. This field is usually an abbreviation of the name of the module in which t he error occurred. nnn is the message number, three digits are associated with the condition caused the message to be generated. s is the that that type code, a letter that indicates what kind of condition caused the message. The definition of the type codes depends on the nature of the routine producing the message, as shown in Figure 1. All normal, unnumbered responses indicating the successful completion of a command (such as ready message, B;) are included in the VBL11Q CBS Commgnd and Bacr,Q Ref~, the V!V370 £.f Com.and BeferY.£.!.!2!: General !l§!;§, and the VB/370 Ql!!rator's Guide. Unnumbered responses can also be the result of executing system generation macro instruction or service programs. These responses, referred to as BNOTES, are documented in logic listings only. Introd.uction 1 Displaying Messages at the Terminal Short Form Meaning ' ... Alphameric information addr Storage address bbcchh Bin, cylinder, and head callee Routine called by another executing routine caller Routine doing the calling caw Channel address word cc Cylinder number char Character col Column csw Channel status word cuu Virtual device address cyl Cylinder dasd Direct access storage device device name IInemonic name for c uu device type IBM device type fileid fn ft fm filemode fn filename ft filetype mode 1I0de letter or mode letter and mode number nn Decimal information Anything within braces { .•• I .•. } indicates alternate text and/or information selected at execution time. nnnnnn Block numbers psw Program status word Anything within brackets [ ••• ] optionally left out, depending condition arising. raddr Real storage address rc Return code rid Resource information rr Record number svc Supervisor call number ucs universal character set vaddr Virtual storage address xx Hexadecimal inforBla tion When you log on to V"/370 at your terminal, the default setting for the display of messages is TEXT. This lIeans that only the text portion of the message appears when the message is displayed. The message identifier is not be displayed. since this book is organized by message numbers within component codes, it will be difficult for you to find the explanations of messages if you search through the book for the message text. Therefore, you should issue the CP co.mand SET E!SG ON after you log on. This command causes the message identifier to be displayed alonq with the text. If you do not use the SET EMSG ON command, refer to "Appendix D: MessagE Text-to-Message Identifier cross Reference" for the first line of the message. Not~: SPECIAL !ESSAGE FACILITY The Special Message Facility is a method of transferring special messages from a user to a specially programmed receiving virtual machine. The CP SET SftSG ON command is issued to allow a virtual machine to receive special messages. Syntax Conventions The syntax used in the messages and com.ands in this publication is as follows: 1. 2. 3. Anything within quotes and/or in lowercase letters is replaced at execution time with information ~n the format described within the quotes. may be on the See Figure 2 for a list of abbreviations used in this publication. r fll] ...J igure 2. 2 IBM VM/370 System Messages Syntax Abbreviations Used CP Problem Determination 2. CP error messages are divided into several categories according to the number (nnn) of the messaqe. See Figure 3 for a complete list of message numbers and related functions. Attempt to reproduce the problem, making sure that the full error message function is in effect by issuing the CP command: SET EKSG ON 3·. Obtain the virtual machi net s current configuration by issuing the CP command: QUER Y VIRTUAL i Numbers Related Function I =-------------------------------------------1 CP cOlllmands and console functions 001-349 350-399 Nucleus loading 400-424 paging· 425-449 Spoolinq 450-474 Dispatching and service routines 475-499 Directory routine 500-549 Input/output error recovery 550-599 Input/output error recording 600-649 Machine check recovery 650-699 Reserved for IBB use only 700-729 DDR (dump restore) service progralll 4. Where appropriate, and depending upon conditions, obtain a virtual storaqe dump by issuing the CP command: DUBP O-END SYSTEB OPERATOR ACTION System operators (classes A, B, C, and D) who observe problems with CP commands should do the following: 1. Keep the console output the problem. sheet identifying 2. Attempt to reproduce the problem with full error message by issuing the CP co••and: SET EBSG ON 730-749 FKT (format) service progralll 150-799 DIR (directory) service program 800-849 Reserved for IBB use only 850-899 DB! (VRFDUKP) service routine 900-999 Checkpoint, war. start, dump initialization 3. Obtain the real machine's confiquration status by issuing the CP command: QUERY ALL 4. igure 3. CP Error Message Numbers The general user (class G) and other users receive error messages in the range 001 to 349. Bessages ranging from 350 to 699 are for the primary system operator only. Messages ranging froa 700 to 999 cover CP service routines and are usually observed only by system support personnel. GENERAL USER ACTION If in the norllal use messages in the range of user should perforlll the contacting your system programming assistance. 1. Reissue the CP command that has been causing the errors. If the problem recurs, force a CP abend dump by pressing the RESTART key (not RESET). This technique automatically -su.ppresses tracing while storage is being dumped: When the system restarts, use the VMFDURP commana to for.at and print the dump. Caution: This will cause a system restart and all users must log on again. The advantage of using this technique is that it provides you with a ~Q~ma!!!~ dump. If it is too disruptive to log off all users, you can obtain a dump using the CP command DBCP, which allows all users to dump goes remain logged on. Such a and is not directly to the printer formatted. Note: You must veigh the advantages disadvantages of both techniques. of CP co.mands error 001 to 349 persist, the following steps before support personnel for Keep the terminal sheet that identifies the problem. and If you use the DRCP command, first reissue the CP command causing the problem. Then enter "alter/display" mode and display the following: (a) (b) ec) D P - PSi D G - General registers D C - Control registers Introduction 3 Next. use the class 1 CP command HONITOR STOP CPTRACE to turn off tracing. otherwise. the dump would show the dumping activity in the trace table. Then obtain the dump by issuing: DKCP O-END 4 IB! V!/370 System !essages Last. turn tracinq back on by issuing the CP co •• and !ONITOR START CPTRACE. 12!~: If you do not have privilege class A, you can stop tracing by issuinq the class C command STeP to store X'OOOO' at location X'400'. and resume tracing by storing X'FFFF' at location X'400'. System Codes Return Codes 8 A return code of zero is passed to register 15 if no warning messages, error messages, severe error messages, or terminal error messages are generated during execution of a command. a command. If however, during execution of a command, a condition arises that results in the display of a warning messaqe, error message, severe error message, or terminal error messa~e, the command passes a nonzero return code in register 15. Commands that invoke proqram products pass a nonzero return code to the user. However, this return code has been redefined by the proqram product or compiler in operation. 12 Errors were found in the input file. 20 There is an invalid character in the fileid. Valid characters are: 0-9, A-Z, $, j , I, and a-z. 2q The user did not command line. 28 An error occurred while trying to access, or manipulate, a user's files; for example, file not found. 32 The user's file is not in the expected format, or the user's file does not contain the expected information or an attempt was made to execute a LOADftOD command while in CftS subset mode. This would cause the module to be loaded in the user area. 36 An error occurred in the user's devices. For example, a disk is in read-only status, and needs to be in write status in order to write out a file. qO A functional error by the user occurred during execution of the command, or the user failed to supply all the necessary conditions for executing the command, or an end of file or end of tape was reached (where applicable). 41 Insufficient storage execute the command. 1 Note: The following list does not contain all return codes. Other return codes are shown in the descriptive text of the issuing messaqe. Code =0001 -0002 -0003 ftea!ling No CP command with this name was found. (The CP error code of +1 is converted by CHS to -0001 for commands entered from the virtual console.) An attempt was made to execute a CftS cOllllland while in eMs subset mode, which would have caused the module to be loaded in the user area {LOADHOD error code 32j. No CftS command issued from EXEC was found with this name, or an invalid function occurred when issuing the SET or QUERY co.mand from EXEC with I!PCP active. -0004 The LOAD80D failed (for example, was an error in the module). there 88 -0005 A LOAD!OD was attempted in the wronq environment (for example, the module was generated by the GEN80D command with the as option and LOIDftOD was attempted'with DOS=ON specified). 100 q The user did not specify all the conditions to execute the co•• and as intended. Execution of the co.mand continues, but the result mayor may not be as the user intended. Device errors occurred for which a Warning message is issued, or errors were introduced into the output file. correctly specify was available the to CftS system restriction prevented execution of the command, or the function requested is an unsupported feature, or the device requested is an unsupported device. Input/output device errors. A functional error for which the system is responsible occurred during execution of the command. 256 An unexpected error -for which the syst~ is responsible (Terminal Error) occurred during execution of the command. System Codes 5 RE~URN CODES PRODUCED BY THE CP DIRECT COftftAND Return codes produced by the CP are listed in Figure 4. ipl ems CKS VERSION n.n mm/dd/yy DIRECT command cp link to r-----------------------------------------------, fteaning I Code 1-------------------------------------------Invalid filename or file not found I I , 2 Error loading the directory 3 Invalid option from CMS 4 Directory not swapped, user not class A, B, or C 5 Directory not swapped, system (old) directory locked Directory not swapped, the directory in use by the system is not the directory updated 6 lxx Error in the CftS ReBUP routine 2xx Error in the CMS TIPLIN routine Figure 5. * vaddr1 as vaddr2 r Example of a CP LINK Command Return codes can be used by system programmers in the DEBUG subcommand and also in EXEC procedures. See the !!L370 CR~ Com.and and Macro Reference for a description of the SRETCOD~special variable. RETURN CODES PRODUCED BY THE CMS DDR COMftAND The CftS DDR command produces several return codes. These return codes, along with their meanings are listed in Figure 6. Code fteaning xx is the CftS routine return code Invalid filename or file not found Pigure 4. Return Codes Produced by the CP DIRECT Command SAMPLE RETURN CODE FROM A CP CO~!lND An example of the CP LINK command invoked while in CMS mode is shown in Figure 5. Commands or functions of commands passed to CPr in turn, pass the return code (via CP) to register 15. The user has entered the CP LINK com.and to userid *. The user's own directory will be searched for dev ice vaddr1. Vaddr2 is the virtual address assigned to the device for this virtual machine. Read-only access is requested. No password is required because the user has linked to one of his own disks. 2 Error running the program 3 Flagged DASQ track 4 Permanent tape or DASD I/O error 1xx Error in PRINTIO routine 2xx Error in CORREAD routine 3xx Error in RDBUF routine 4xx Error in TYPLIN routine xx is the CMS routine return code Figure 6. Return Codes Produced by the CftS DDR Command The result will be one of the following: RETURN CODES PRODUCED BY IPCS R; a successful eXEcution. R(nnnnn); indicating an error. If nnnnn contains a CKS return code, the error occurred in CKS. However, if nnnn contains a CP message identifier, the error occurred in There are two return codes produced by These return codes are as follows: Code 4 IPCS. 'l1~ilHI An incorrectly entered parameter. CPo 8 6 IBK VM/370 System Messages System failure; a read/write invalid internal parameter. error or an CP Wait State Codes 001 Explanation: The machine check handler has unrecoverable failure. encountered an Probable hardware error. Issued by module DHKHCH and D8KHCT. Hote: This wait state is also loaded on the malfunction alert occurred processor. if a main Operator Action; Reload (via IPL) the system. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 006 Explanation: This is a normal wait when a system shutdown is completed. Issued by module DHKCPI. ~at2!: Action: procedures. Follow normal operating ~or ActioB: Run the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program before restarting the system. To restart, clear storage and IPL the V8/370 system, specifying CKPT start. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 002 ~~ation: The channel check handler has encountered an unrecoverable failure. Probable hardware error. Issued by module DHKCCH. Operator Action: Run the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program before restarting the systemQ To restart, clear storage and IPL the V8/370 system, specifying CKPT start. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 003 occurred Expl@~tiQ.!!: A system failure before a valid warm start was performed. Issued by module DHKDHP. operator Action: Reload (via IPL) the system. ~~he error persists, clear storage before attempting another IPL. If the oroblem persists after the second IPL with' cleared- storage, a cold start is probably required. Save the dump produced on the prespecified dump device for your system support personnel. Refer to the message description for possitle causes. 007 Expl~~atioB: A program check, a machine check, a permanent I/O error, invalid warm start data, an invalid warm start cylinder, or a full warm start cylinder was encountered by the checkpoint program. Issued by module DHKCKP. ~a!or !ction: For message DHKCKP901W, run SEREP to document the machine check, then contact your system support personnel. For message DHKCKP902W, an indication of an unrecoverable I/O error, move the SYSRES volume if possible and try to checkpoint the system. For message DftKCKP910W, if more than one SYSRES volume is mounted, check to see that the correct volume is loaded (via IPL) and try a checkpoint operation. If the operation fails again use the following procedure. This. procedure is to be used for all other DHKCKP messages as well. 1. Dump the first 3000 hexadecimal storage locations. 2. Dump the warm start cylinders. 3. Contact program support personnel. 4. To restart, clear storage and IPL the Vlt/370 system, specifying CKPT start. The following storage locations contain information related to wait state 007. Hexadecimal 004 Explanation: A console or an output device is not operational, or a console or output device has produced an inexplicable error status. Probable hardware error. Issued by module Dl!KDHP. Location ----"10110 118 808 operator Action: Reload (via IPL) the system. To restart, clear storage and IPL the VM/370 system, specifying CKPT start. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 816 818 81C 005 ~lanation: The CP initialization module (D~KCPI) could not find an operational primary or alternate console. Probable hardware error. Issued by module DMKCPI. 82LJ 800-17FF 1800-3000 Contents Sense data up to 24 bytes Channel status word (8 bytes) Channel address word (4 bytes) Pointer to error message (4 bytes) Cylinder address of the first nucleus cylinder (2 bytes) Cylinder address of the last nucleus cylinder (2 bytes) BBCCHHR of the DHKSAV module on disk (7 bytes) Current seek address BBCCHHR (7 bytes) Checkpoint program (DftKCKPl Checkpoint work area and 1I096-byte buffer System Codes 7 - (Basic System Extensions} - - 820 828 8q8 Device class of SYSRES device (RDEVTYPC) BBCCHHR of the DHKSAV module on disk--7 bytes (countkey-data) or locate block number (FB-512) Current seek address BBCCHHR 7 bytes (count-key-data) or locate block number (FB-512) If the SYSRES device is FB-512 (RDEVTYPC=CLASFBA), the contents of the following hexadecimal locations are changed: 816 822 Page address of page of th~ CP bytes) If warll start errors persist, force a system dump to the printer by pressing the system console RESTART key, and save the results for the installation support personnel. If the message is DHKWRK920W, restart the system using CKPT start. Otherwise, use a FORCE or COLD start. 001 Explgnatign: A machine check occurred While DKKSAV was attempting to save or restore a page image copy of the nucleus on a SYSRES de.vice. Probable hardware error. Issued by module DKKSAV. the first nucleus III ,-1' Page address of the last page of the CP nucleus (4 bytes) Operg!~ the Syst~1I Environment (SER!P: proq~a= h~forc reloading. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Rccc~d a~d Pri~t OOB ExplanatiQn: A machine check error occurred during system initialization. Probable hardware error. Issued by module OMKCPI. An error message preceding the wait state mayor may not be displayed, depending upon the status of the console. If the error message is not displayed, hexadecimal location 808 contains the address of the error message (60 bytes in length). 008 ExplanatiQn: Checkpoint and system shutdown are complete or system recovery has failed. Issued by module DHKCKP. Action: Run ~dit Action: Run the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEFEP) program before performing another IPL. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. ~gtor OOC Explanation: An IPL was performed on a V8/370 volu~e that had never had a nucleus written on it. ~gto~ Action: Follow normal operating procedure. Operat~ lction: If messages preceded the wait, follow normal operating procedures prescribed by your installation after shutdown. If messages did not precede the wait, either: 1. 2. 009 The console printer was unavailable for some reason. Before initializing a new system, make sure the console printer has been made operational, or The system is running from the alternate console. Hessages DftKCKP910I, DftKCKP911W, DftKCKP960I, and DftKCKP961W do not appear on the alternate console. Follow normal operating procedures prescribed by your installation after Shutdown. ~1AJ!atj,2n: An error which prevents a warm 1I0dule DHKWIH!. condition occurred start. Issued by Operatg~ Actj,.sm: If the message is DHKWRft90QW or DHKWRft921W, immediately retry warm start system initialization. If the error message recurs, move the VH/370 SYSRES pack to another location and try a war. start again. If message DHKWRK903W or DHKWR!912W is encountered, ensure that all system volumes (no duplicate labels) are correctly mounted, and then attempt a warm start. 8 IBM V8/370 System Kessages OOD The generated system is larger than the real machine size, or else a hardware malfunction has occurred which inhibits VK/370 from using the necessary storage. Issued by module DHKCPI. J~gnatiQ~: Operator Action: Take a standalone dump and notify the system programmer. OOE Explanatign: An error condition prevents a CKPT start. Issued by module DHKCKS. Action: If message DHKCKS915E is issued, try CKPT start again. If the error persists, move the V!/370 SYSRES pack to another DASD device and try aqain. If message DftKCKS916E is issued, reload (via IPL) the system, using the FORCE option of the START command. If message DHKCKS903E or DHKCKS912E is issued, ensure that all system volumes (no duplicate labels) are correctly mounted, and then attempt a CKPT start. If message D8KCKS917E is issued, reload (via IPL) the system via a COLD start. ~ato~ OOF Jxp!§n§!i2,n: Hardware errors are received on V8/370 paging device(s}. by module OHKPAG. being Issued Action: This wait state is preceded by message ~r§!g~ D~KPAG415E CONTINUOUS PAGING ERRORS FROK DASD xxx If there are multiple paging devices on the system, disable the device causing the error condition and reload (via IPt) the system. Or, move the paging volume pack to another physical device. This error condition results if the Vft/370 paging volume has not been formatted correctly. 013 Follow normal • Rl = SIGP status information when SIGP condition code is 1 • R2 the Processor address that was signalled Action: If hardware errors are present, run the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program before retrying. If the status information indicates an operator intervention, clear the condition on the attached processor and reinitialize CP. If the status indicator of the required microprogram is not loaded, load the microprogram and reinitialize CP. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. error 016 012 ExplanatiQD: This is a normal wait state on completion of a nucleus load. Issued by module DHKSAV. OperatQ£ lcti£a: procedure. order code ~ato~ Operator ActioA: This wait state is preceded by either the message DftKSAV350i or D8KS1V351W. Correct the problem stated in the message and present an external interrupt to initiate a retry. OperatQ£ Action: This wait state is preceded by message DftKSAV352W or D8KSAV353W. Correct the problem stated in the message and load (IPt) the tape again. RO Note: The wait state PSi will contain the condition code returned from the SIGP. The PSi is in the BC format. Refer to the IBH Principles of .QB~ll!iOB for-a ~!~mil70 functional description of the SIGP instruction. 010 Explanation: A recoverable error occurred during a system nucleus save operat ion. Issued by module DftKSAV. 011 ExplanatiQn: An unrecoverable I/O occurred. Issued by module DftKSAV. = SIGP • operating J1Rlanati~: (1) The CP initialization module (D8KCPI) could not connect the channel set to the main processor or the IPL device is not accessible through any available channel set. Probable hardware error. Issued by DHKCPI. (2) A hardware error occurred on the I/O processor or the I/O processor was being varied offline. An attempt to disconnect, then connect the channel set to the attached processor failed. Probable hardware error. Issued by D!!KCPU. Operation Action: Run the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program before restartinq the system. If the problem persists, - contact your system support personnel. ExplanatiQ~: The machine check handler encountered an unrecoverable error on the attached processar. probable hardware error. Issued by module D8KftCT. Note: This wait state is also loaded if a malfunction alert occurred on the attached processor and CP was in control. To restart, clear storage and initialize the V8/370 system, specifying checkpoint start. Operat2[ Actio~: Run the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program before restarting the system. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 018 ExplanatioB: Invalid TOD clock. The clock must be set before an IPL can be completed. Issued by module D!!KCPI. ~gtor Action: Kanually do a clock set; if that fails, call your system support personnel. To restart, clear storage and IPL the 'H/370 system, specifying CKPT start. Note: VM/370 cannot checkpoint and warm start after a machine check error on System/370 !odels 165 and 168. The inability to warm start is caused by running the 165 or 168 SEREP program. 027 ~lanati~: An unrecoverable occurred or system input is Issued by module DHKSSP. I/O error incorrect. Action: Correct the input/output error or the system input, and reload (via IPL) the starter system. ~ator 015 A SIGP issued to the attached processor during system initialization by DKKC PI or DHKAPI was unsuccessful. The following information is made available: Explanatio~: System Codes 9 loader Wait State Codes reference. This may be the result of a duplicate text deck in the input stream, or of having the same label in two different text decks in the same input stream. The loader (DMKLDOOE) is a service program that loads a CP. CMS, or RSCS nucleus, and produces a load map. The loader loads the object modules (TEXT files) supplied with it, resolves CCW addresses, and resolves address constants. If the loader is terminated, one of following wait conditions is indicated in instruction counter: ~ator Action: Close the printer to get the load map printed. Look at the load map to see which text deck and which entry are causing the problem. If you can correct the problem. do so; otherwise, contact your system support personnel. the the 61 Code X'111111' 'V' A •- "rt "" ""''''' -"'. "-~I!.4.4,.~ Meaning A program check occurred. Operator Action: Verify that the name in the LDI statement is correct; ~t i t is, make sure that it is defined as an entry point in the program to be loaded. A ~nit check occur~€a .U~~~ Lh~ bootstrap routine was reading in the loader. X' 999999' An SVC was issued. X' BBBBBB' A machine check occurred. X'CCCCCC' An I/O error occurred reader. X'PPFFFF' An I/O error occurred for the console (1'00' contains the message UNRECOVERABLE EBROR). or the control card for changing the default I/O addresses for the printer or terminal is invalid (X'OO' contains the message BAD DEVICE CARD or INVALID DEVICE SPECIFIED). on the Explanation: The "name" in the LDT (Loader Terminate) statement is undefined. 68 card Expl~tio~: The control section named in the ICS (Include Control Section) statement was not found by end of file. ~atQ!: Action: Verify that the con trol section name in the ICS statement is correct; if it is, make sure that the control section is defined in the program to be loaded. 69 counter contains If the instruction X'999999', indicating an SVC wait state, examine the interruption code (the third and fourth bytes of the supervisor old PSW). The interruption codes (shown in hexadecimal below) indicate the error condition. 64 Operator Action: Increase the size of the reference table by changing the ftlXREF equate field in the source code for the loader program, reassembling it, and then reexecuting the loader. Once the size of the reference table has been increased, error code 6A may occur. In that case, define a larger storage size for the virtual machine. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Explanati~: An error occurred during conversion of a value from hexadecimal to binary format. This can be caused by invalid input in one of the loader statements, or by an error in the loader. Actio~: Validate the copy of the loader you are currently using against the copy on the original distribution tape. If the current copy is no longer valid, replace it. If the input in the statements is invalid, correct it~ If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. ~rator 65 Explanati2n: There is no more available for the loader. 66 10 Explanation: 1 duplicate type ESD (External Symbol Dictionary) entry has been encountered. The loader cannot resolve this IBM V!/370 System Messages 61 Expl!~!!iQ~: The object modules being loaded are about to overlay the loader. Opera12~ Action: Define a larger storage size for the virtual machine. To see which module was about to overlay the loader, close the printer to get the load map printed. The last line of the load map indicates the last mod ule that was loaded. free storage Operat2~ Action: Define a larger storage size for the virtual machine and reexecute the loader. Explanati2~: The loader attempted to add another entry to the reference table, which would have caused the table to overflow. Since the reference table supplied by V"/310 is large enough to allow the CP nucleus to be generated, it must be assumed that the inclusion of local additions to the CP nucleus have caused the excessive references to be generated. 6B Expl!~ti~: The object modules being loaded are about to overlay an address between 0 and 100 (hexadecimal). This can occur if the address at which loading was to start was changed by an SLC card. Operat2~ Actio~: Check the SLC card to make sure it does not specify an address between o and 100. If you must place data at an address in that range, do not do it with the loader, but use a proqram to place the data there with a Hove Character instruction after the loaded system has started execution. It is the responsibility of the loaded program to initialize that part of storage. 6D Explanation: The loader is trying to release storage that is not on a double word boundary. This is an internal loader error. ~stor Action: Reexecute the copy of the loader that is in your reader. If the problem persists, regenerate the system to be loaded and try to execute it aga1n. If the problem still persists, the current copy of the loader itself may be damaged; replace it with the loader on the distribution tape. If the problem still persists, contact your system support personnel. System Codes 11 RSCS Wait State Codes When RSCS enters a wait state, the RSCS operator is notified via the CP message: DMKDSP450W CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSW issued to the RSCS operator's console. Using CP commands, the operator can display the virtual machine's PSi. The three rightmost hexadecimal characters indicate the error condition. 001 Explanation: If no RSCS message was issued, a program check interrupt has occurred durinq the execution of the program check handler. The probable cause is a programming error. If the RSCS message DMTREX091T INITIALIZATION FAILURE -- RSCS SHUTDOWN was issued, RSCS operation has been terminated because of an error in the loading of DMTAIS or DMTLAX. A dump of virtual storage is automatically taken. Verify that the CMS files DMTAXS TEXT and D!!TLAI TEIT are correctly written and resident on the RSCS system residence device. If the RSCS message DMTREX090T PROGRAM CHECK IN SUPERVISOR -RSCS SHUTDOWN was issued, the program check handler has terminated ascs due to a program check interrupt in other than a dispatched line driver. The probable cause is a programming error. The wait state code is loaded by DKTREI at RSCS termination or automatically during program check handling. OperatQ~ Action: If neither of the above two aessages was issued, use the CP DUMP coamand to dump the contents of virtual storage. IPL to restart. If the problea persists, notify your system support personnel. 12 IBM ,"/370 System Messages 007 Explanation: A program check interrupt has occurred during initial processing, before the program check handler could be activated. This aay be caused by a programming error or by an attempt to load RSCS into an incompatible virtual machine. The latter case can occur if the virtual machine (1) has an incomplete instruction set, (2) has less than 512K of virtual storage, or (3) does not have the required V8/370 Diagnose interface support. The wait state code is loaded automatically during the initial loading and execution of the RSCS supervisor, DMTINI, DMTREX, DMTAXS, and D!TLAI. Q~s!Q~ Action: Verify that the RSCS virtual aachine configuration has been correctly specified and that the "retrieve subsequent file description" function of DIAGNOSE code X'14' is supported. Duapthe contents of virtual storage via the CP DUMP command. If the problem persists, notify your system support personnel. 011 Explanation: An unrecoverable error has occurred during the reading of the RSCS nucleus froa DASD storage. This may be caused by a hardware aalfunction of the DASD device. It aay be the result of (1) an incorrect virtual DASD device definition, (~ an attempt to use a systea residence device unsupported by RSCS, (3) incorrect RSCS systea generation procedures, or (4) the subsequent overwriting of the RSCS nucleus on the system residence device. The wait state code is loaded by DMTINI after an attempt, successful or not, to issue the aessage: DMTIHI4021 IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR ~sto~ Action: Verify that the RSCS system residence device has been properly defined as a virtual DASD device and that the real DASD device is aounted and operable. If the problem persists, dump virtual storage via the CP DUMP command and notify your system support personnel. The RSCS system residence device may have to be restarted or the ascs system may have to be regenerated. CP Abend Codes ROUTE LOAD ~AP TO PRINTER OR READER? -RESPOND (RDRIPRT) SYSTEM OPERATOR ACTION This sends to your virtual reader a copy of the load map, which can be read in as a CftS file named, for example, LOAD MAP. When an abend occurs, the system operator must follow several steps to enable the error to be corrected. When it is desirable to take a dump to tape and send the dump to another location (for example, when submitting an APAR by mail), use the following procedure: i. Collect information about the error. 2. Collect status. 3. Recover from continue. 1. information about the Allow the dump to file by issuing be written to a spool SET DUMP CP the abend so processing can 2. Forllat this spool file and CMS disk by issuing write it onto a VMFDUftP NOPRT Collect~ Information 3. Unless the operator has issued the SET DUMP command and changed the default (which he should not do, generally), the system is set for SET DUMP AUTO CPo When an abend occurs, this causes the dump to be written on disk as a spool file. This spool file is automatically spooled to the virtual reader of the operator who was designated at system generation time to receive all dumps. This operator should then IPL CftS and issue the VftFDUPIP comlland (see the Vll/370 Operator's Guidg). This formats the dump and prints it. This procedure should be followed for every abend. For problell determination, should save and submit: 1. The formatted dump. 2. The console sheet, as far IPL of the system. 3. The output of any Monitor at the time. the operator back as the last Write this disk file on tape by issuing the CMS COil. and TAPE DUftP You can then send this tape to another location, where the file can be recreated on disk using the TAPE LOAD com.and. Recovering !~ the Abend The system usually reloads (via IPL) itself. If it does not, attellPt to warm start. You may get errors from which you can recover; if so, correct the cause of the error and try again to warm start. If unrecoverable errors occur, clear storage and try to checkpoint (CKPT) start. If this fails. trv to force start. If this also fails, as last resort you IlUSt cold start the system. a prograll running SYSTEft PROGRAMMER ACTION If an !PAR (authorized program analysis report) is to be submitted, the documentation provided with it should include, in addition to the above, a load map showing applied updates and resolved locations. You can obtain as many copies of the load map as you need if, at system qeneration time, you respond "RDR" to the prompting message: Figure 3 describes the reasons for each of the CP abend codes and discusses what the system prograllmer should do to locate and correct the error that caused the abend. System Codes 13 Abend Code Action Reason for Aberid , , -----------------------------------------------------------------1 APIOOl The global system lock I Check DMKLOKSY·. If the attached I or the system operator's, VMBLOK lock could not bel obtained by the main I processor during IPL. , , , ,, I I I I processor owns the system lock r I check R12 value in DMKLOKSY+4 to I determine who obtained the lock. I If the global system lock is held I by the main processor r check the , system operator's VMBLOK to see if I the VMaLOK is locked by the I attached processor. If sOr I V!LOCKER contains the base address of the obtainer at the lock and can be used to determine why the lock was obtained. ATSOOl DMKITS was called to make a shared named system unshared. However, the SHRTIBLE associated with the shared page that was changed could not be located. The SHRTIBLE may have been overlaid or the shared page that was changed was altered by another virtual machine. If the SHRTABLE was not overlaid, find out which virtual machine altered the shared page and why it was not detected. ATS002 A shared page was changed and the corresponding 'MABLOK could not be found. 1 shared page was altered by another virtual machine without being detected. Investigate the system routines that could allow an undetected alteration of a shared page. ITS003 During the unshare of a user from a shared named system, DMKSNTBL was brought back in to reconstruct the SWPTABLE of the violator. The named system could not ce found in D!KSNTBL. The SHRTABLE, SAVEWRK2 and SlVEiRK3 area of DMKITSs savearea (R13 contains address of savearea) or DMKSNTBL (R4 contains its address) have been altered. I Investigate the routine that would allow alteration. ATS004 During the unshare of a user from a shared named system, the system volume containing the named system could not be found. The system name table entry (R4 contains its addres~ r the SYSOiN list or the RDEVBLOKs have been altered. Investigate the routine that would allow alteration. ATS005 During the unshare of a user from a shared named system r a shared CORTABLE entry (R7 contains its address) was found with the I/O lock bit on. The CORTABLE r SHRTIBLE r PIGTABLE r or lCORETBL have been altered. Investigate the routine that would allow alteration. ATS006 The resident page count in the VMBLOK (VMPAGES) does not match the num- I ber of CORTABLE entries., ATS007 The flushlist counter is! reduced to a negative I value while returning a I page to FREE storage. I Inspect modules that update '!PAGES for the virtual machine. Check the routine to determine why it is inconsistent with the I number of CORTIBLE entries I assigned to this virtual machine. Check the CORTABLE entry (R7). Try to determine why the flushlist I count does not match the number I of flushlist entries. I I igure 7. 14 CP Abend Codes (Part 1 of 21) IBM V"/370 System Messages Abend Code Action Reason for Abend BLD001 RB should contain a pointer to the RDEVBLOK I for the user's terminal., DMKBLDV~ attempts to I create and partially , initialize a V~BLOK for I a user. D~KBLDVH abnor- I mally terminates if I R8 does not contain a I pointer to the user. I BLD002 Pages are being released but the page invalid bit is not on in the page table entry. Verify that R8 points to an RDEVBLOK for a terminal. If it does not, there is probably a~ error in the calling program. Identify the calling proqram by means of the return address and the base register in the save area pointed to by R13. Then, attempt to identify the source of the incorrect RDEVBLOK address. , , I Examine the dump and determine 1 1 vhy the page was released without , the page invalid bit turned on. I I ---------------------------------------------------------------1 A request was made to R13 points to a save area. SAVER12 BLD003 build a page table for more than 16 pages. contains the base address of the module issuing the request. SlVER1 contains the beginning and ending address range of the page table being built. Examine the calling module to determine why R1 is invalid. BLD004 The routine calling ELD has not cleared all the segment table activity before calling BLD. Examine R6 to ensure that it contains the address of a segment table entry. If it contains the address of a segment table entry, R13 contains the address of the module calling BLD. Examine this module to determine vhy this segment table entry has not been cleared. BLDOOS An attempt is being made to release a segment whose page table has been migrated. Examine R6 to ensure that it contains the address of a segment table entry. If it contains the address of a segment table entry, R13 contains the address of a save. area. SAVER12 contains the base 1 address of the module calling BLD. I Examine this module to determine I why the page table vas migrated or why the migration bit was not reset. CFG010 DMKCFGCL was called to perform an unsupported function. Supported values are: X'01' LOAD SYS X' 02' FIND SYS X'Oq' PURGE SYS Identify the caller by the retJ!rn address and base register in the SAVEAREA pointed to by R13 to identify the source of the unsupported function request. CFP001 An I/O task is waiting for a RELEASE and the I CPEXBLOK for the waiting, task cannot be found on I the VRRCPEX queue. I Check the storage dump Y. Determine why the virtual device block is marked as vaiting for access to the device, but not CPEXBLOK exists on the VRRCPEX. I Queue to resume the task. , I call to entry points , 1 1 I 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------1 CKS001 The map for dynamic' The map should be allocated via a I DHKCKSIN or from DHKWRH. Check I DHKWRH for called entry points L __________________________________________________________________________ I and that they do allocate a map. checkpoint was not allocated prior to call to DHKCKSPL. Figure 7. a 1 DHKCKSW~ I I ~, CP Abend Codes (Part 2 of 21) System Codes 1S r------------------------------------------------------------------------, , Abend I Code Reason for Abend Action 1----------------------------------------------------------------, CKS002 The spool file identi(1) DftKCKSiM or DMKCKSIN did not fication in the map and in the checkpoint area do not match. I I , set up the llaP properly, (2) a call to DftKCKSPL caused the mismatch, or (3) the SFBLOK was released but the map was not updated. No function was specified in the call to DBKCKSPL. Check SAVERTN in the save area pointed to by R13. This indicatesl which routine called DftKCKSPL I with insufficient data. I ----------·----------------------------------------------~-------I 1 spool file to be deCKS004 The SFBLOK for the file should I leted cannot be found have been queued previously on I CKS003 on the syslew punch, or chains. file by DKKCKSio start. logic. whell. pe:dOl:Dlillg a CKP'I'i Check for an error in this CLK003 The system TOD clock is not operational on the main processor or attached processor. The wait state can only be received when it is configured with an attached processor. Examine the CPIBBRD code in each processor's PSA to determine the unit receiving the clock error. Call your system support personnel. CPI001 The RDEVBLOK for the D\SD on which the SYSRES volume is mounted cannot be located, or the IPL volume is not the SYSRES volume. The SYSRES volume is specified in the SYSRES macro in the DftKSYS lIIodule. Verify that the volume serial number on the SYSRES volume from which the IPL was attempted, is the same as that specified in the field DftKSYSVL. If the volume serial number is not the same, it may have been altered by the CLIP utility. Or the image of the same nucleus saved on the SYSRES been partially demay have stroyed and the SYSRES specification altered. Restore nucleus to the SYSRES volume frolll a backup copy and try to IPL. CPI002 A valid system directory file could not be located. Display the volume labels for all owned volumes. If the volumes do not contain an active directory pointer, run DftKDIR (the standalone directory program) to recreate the system directory on an owned volume. If an active directory pointer is present in at least one volume label, verify that the device is online and ready before trying to IPL the system. Verify that a valid allocation record is present on the volume containing the directory. CPI003 The system TOD clock is not operational. Call your system support personnel to fix the clock. CPU001 The user page count in the VI!IBLOK was incorrectly decreased so that the count is now less than zero. Examine the storage dump. The VMBLOK has probably been overlaid. Figure 7. 16 printer, reader CP Abend Codes (part 3 of 21) IS! V"/370 System Messages Abend Code Action Reason for Abend CPU002 During the VARY procesExamine the storage dump. The sor offline function, SHRTABLE or DKKSNTBL has probably DKKSNTBL was brought been overlaid. back in to reconstruct I the attached processor's I SWPTABLE for shared I pages. The named systeml could not be found in, DKKSNTBL. I """r. vv, The resident paq~ count in the VKBLOK (VKPAGES) I is reduced to a negative I value. I r"nt1'(\1\1 Inspect modules that update VKPAGES for the virtual aachine. Check the routine to determine why it is inconsistent with the number of CORTABLE entries I assigned to this virtual machine. , CQP001 DKKSCNRA was called and I Examine the storage dump. DKKSNRA unable to determine the I returns an error if it cannot device address in cuu I format from real device I block address in B6, B7,1 and BS. I I find the address of the real control unit block from the real device block. The control unit block address in register 7 is probably invalid. CVTOO 1 The system TOD clock is in error or is not operational. Call your system support personnel to fix the clock. DRD001 The device code index in the compressed DASD address for the system duap file points to an BDEVBLOK for an invalid DASD. The valid DASDs are 2305, 2314/2319, 3320, 3330, 3340, 3350, and 3370. Verify that the contents and order of the owned list have not been altered since the dump vas taken. If these fields have not been altered, the SFBLOK for the dump file may have been destroyed. The owned list is specified by the SYSOWN macro in DKKSYS. n __ DSP001 ~__ U~L~lly :_~ ~'v _____ _ ~ll~~~LU~- tion, unstack, and reflection, DKKSCNVU could not locate all of the virtual control blocks for the interrupting unit. The integrity of the user's V1r~ tual I/O configuration has probably been violated. The unit addresses or indexes in the virtual control blocks are in error, or the virtual configuration has been altered by ATTACH/DETACH while I/O wa~ in progress. . Check for a device reset failure in DMKCFPRD. DSP002 The dispatcher (D!KDSP) is attempting to dispatch a virtual relocat e user whose shadow segment tables or virtual extended control register 0 are invalid. Most likely, a free storage violation has occurred. First look at the DKKPRV and DftKVAT modules. Examine the real, virtual, and shadow translation tables for consistency of entry size and format. Also compare page and segllent size. DSP003 The interval timer was not incremented properly. This is most likely a hardware error. The dispatcher tests for interval timer errors and abnormally terminates if such an Check the timer fields in real storage. The value of the real interval timer is at real storage location X'SOl. The dispatcher loads the value of the real interval timer in real storage location X'S4' when a user is dispatched. The value of the real Figure 7. CP Abend Codes (Part 4 of 21) System Codes 17 Abend Code Reason for Abend Action DSP003 I (cont.)I I I I I I I I I error occurs. Results would be unpredictable if CP continued when the interval ti.er was in error. interval timer is loaded into real storage location X'4C' when an interrupt occurs. If the value stored at X'4C' is not less than the value stored at X'S4', the dispatcher abnor.ally terminates. Check the routines that control the value of the time fields at X'4C', X'SO', and X' 54'. DSP004 While tracing SIOs or the interrupts, I/O virtual device was deliow, tht:: tached. cannot VDEVBLOK be found. Examine the operator's console sheet and the user's terminal sheet to see who detached the l:E!ial:Il pt=;(i>Oll ut:!V let::. lht:: sponsible that devices should not be detached during I/O tracinq_ DSPOOS Durinq extend, a block R1 contains the VMBLOK address at is found to be unstackthe time of the abend. Check ed, but the lock for V!LOCK to see if the V!BLOK is the associated V!BLOK locked by the other processor. If is not available, or this is the case, V!LOCKER gives count of priority CPEXthe base address of the obtainer of the lock and can be used to BLOKs in a V!BLOK is less than 0, but no determine why the lock was not priority CPEXBLOK is released. If the V!BLOK is not found for the virtual locked by the other processor, machine, or during check VMPRRCT, (the count of post-extend p~ocessing, priority CPEXBLOKs). If this is either the expected nonzero but there are no priority processor-related CPEXBLOKs on the dispatcher's priority CPEXBLOK is stack, this field has probably not found or the lock been overlaid and other .ethods for the associated I must be used to determine the V!BLOK is not available. I cause of the overlay. DSP006 DMKDSPRU, the run-user entry to the dispatcher vas entered when the syste. was not is attached processor .ode. I use the trace table to help I determine the caller of I D!KDSPRU. I I I EXT001 A serial signal request has been received and the global system lock is not held. In the PSI of the abending processor, the work/save area SIGSAVE contains the return address of the caller of D!KEXTSP, this address is at offset X'8' into SIGSAVE. At offset 0 into SIGSAVE is the base address of the caller. FRE001 The size of the block being returned (via RO) is less than or equal to o. Using FREER14 and PREER12 in the PSA, identify the CP module releasing the storage. Check for an error in calculating the size of the block or for a .odification to the stored block size for variable-size blocks. The address of the free storage block being returned matches the address of a block already in the free L, _ _ _ _ __ storage chain. Identify the program returning the storage by means of the return address and base registers (FREE14 and FREE12 in D!KFRE's save area in P SA) • The most common cause of this type of failure FRE002 Figure 1. 18 IB~ CP Abend Codes (Part 5 of 21) VM/370 system Messages Abend Code Reason for Abend FRE002 I (cont.) I I I I I I I I I Action is a module that returns a free storage block but fails to clear a pointer to the block that has been saved elsewhere. All modules that return blocks via a call to DftKFRET should first verify that the saved pointer is nonzero; after returning the block, any saved pointers should be set to zero. FRE003 The address of the free storage block being returned overlaps the next lower block on the free storage chain. A free storage pointer may have been destroyed. Also, the module releasing the lower (overlapped) block may have returned too much storage. Examine the lower block and determine its use and former owner, or identify the program returning the storage by means of the return address and base registers stored (FREER14 and FREER12 in D!KFRE's save area in PSA). The most common cause of this type of failure is a module that returns a free storage block but fails to clear a pointer to the block that has been saved elsewhere. All modules that return blocks via a call to DftKFRET should first verify that the saved pointer is nonzero; after returning the block, any saved pointers should be set to zero. FRE004 The address of the free storage block being returned overlaps the next higher block on free storage chain. A free storage pointer may have been destroyed. Also, the module releasing the higher (ove rlapped) block may have returned too much storage, or the module may be attempting to release storage at the wrong address. FREOOS A module is attempting to release storage in the resident V8/310 nucleus. A module is probably attempting to release location O. Check for the module picking up a pointer to .the free storage block without first testing the pointer for O. Use FREER14 and FREER12 in the PSA to identify the module. FRE006 A module is reguesting a block of storage whose size (contained in R O) is less than or equal to zero. Using FREER14 and FREER12 in the PSA, identify the module. Check for an error in calculating the block size. Improper use of the halfword instructions ICft and STC! can cause truncation of high order bits that results in a calculation error. Figure 1. CP Abend Codes (Part 6 of 21) System Codes 19 r--------------------------------------------------------------------------, Abend Code Reason for Abend Action FRE007 A module is attempting to release a block of storage whose address exceeds the size of real storage. free storage pointer may have been destroyed. Attempt to identify the owners of the free storage blocks adjacent to the one containing the pointer that was destroyed. Check for moves and translation where initial counts of zero have been decremented to minus 1, thus generating an executed length code of X'FF', or an effective length of 256 bytes. FREooa The address of the free hloc~ being returned matches the address of the first block in the subpool for that size. program returning qeans of ~be rF.turn address and stored base registers (FREER14 and FREER12 in DKKFRE's save area in the PSA). The common cause of this type of failure is a module that returns a free storage block but fails to clear a pointer to the block that has been saved elsewhere. 111 modules that return blocks via a call to DftKFRET should first verify that the saved pointer is nonzero; after returning the block, any saved pointers should be set to zero. 1 Ident ify FRE009 The address of the free storage block being returned matches the second block in the subpool for that size. FRE010 A program is attempting to extend free storage while storage is being extended. This can be caused by I/O interruptions or channel programs involving channels other than channel o. FRE011 A CP module has attempted to return a block of storage that is in the user dynamic paging area. FRE012 An extend was entered while extending. The free storage extend buffer is unavailable. the the storaae bv ~~oraae If the storage requests that caused the abend are due to channel activity, place the device involved on channel 0, which is disabled during free storage extension. I I I I , I I I I I I I I I t I I dent ify the program returning the storage by means of the return address and stored base registers (FREER14 and FREER12 in DftKFREE's save area in the PSA). The common cause of this type of failure is a module that returns a free storage block but fails to clear a pointer to the block that has been saved elsewhere. All modules that return blocks via a call to DftKFRET should first verify that the saved pointer is nonzero; after returning the block, any saved pointers should be set to zero. The system workload requires more free storage than is available. Either: (1) Reassemble DftKSYS withl a larger value for FREE in the I SYSCOR s~atement and reinstall thel CP nucleus, (2) Restrict the I number of users on the system, or I (3) Add more real storage. I ! Figure 7. 20 CP Abend Codes (part 7 of 21) IBM VM/370 System Messages Abend Code Reason for Abend Action FRE014 DKKFRE must defer satisfying a free storage request when it is necessary to call DKKPTRFR and the global supervisor lock cannot be obtained. The free storage extend buffer reserved for this purpose is not available. Examine the internal trace table and storage dump to determine why the free storage extend buffer was not previously replenished. FRE01S Attempt to recursively set CPFRESW in absolute PSA. DKKFRE is attempt- , ing to transfer process-I ing from the main I processor following a I successful call to D!K- i PTEFR to extend free I storage. I Examine the internal trace table and FREESIVE in each real PSI in the storage dump to identify the error during extend processing. HVDOOl The user pointed to by Rll issued a DIlGNOSE instruction while attempting to format the I/O error, channel check, or machine check recording areas; the SYSRES device type is unrecognizable. The RDEVBLOK for the SYSRES device was probably destroyed, or a volume with the same serial number as the SYSRES volume was mounted. If a volume with the same serial number was mounted, check the 1~~lCH processing in the DKKVDB routine. IOSOO 1 The caller is trying to reset an active IOBLOK from the RCHBlOK queue, but that IOBI0K contains an invalid address. The IOBLOK may have been returned (via DKKFRET) or destroyed. Verify that the IOBLOK was valid and use the IOBLOK and RDEVBLOK to determine the last operation. 105002 DMKI05 is attempting to restart an IOBlOK from the RCHBlOK queue, but that IOBLOK contains an invalid address. 10S003 DftK10S is attempting to remove an IOBLOK from a queue, but that 10BLOK contains an invalid address. Register 2 points to the RCHBLOK, RCUBLOK, or RDEVBLOK fro. whose queue the 10BLOK is being removed. Register 10 points to the 10BLOK. Use the CP internal trace table to determine which module called DKK10S twice to start the same 10BLOK. IOS004 DKKIOSHl was called to halt I/O associated with an IOBLOK pointed to by register 10. However, register 10 points to an IOBLOK that is marked as a mini-lOB. I mini-lOB is not allowed to exist outside the control of DKK10S. Examine the trace table in the storage dump and determine what routine built and called DKK10SHA with IOBLOK marked as a mini-lOB That routine is in error. Figure 7. CP Abend Codes (part 8 of 21) System Codes 21 Abend Code Reason for Abend Action 105005 D!!KIOS was called to perform I/O for a device using fixed path I/O. lOS is to bypass using any alternate path to the device. The real device block address that was passed in R8 is not the real device address in the IOBIADD field. Examine the trace table and determine who called lOS requesting the fixed path I/O. Either an incorrect call was made to D!!KIOS, R8 did not point to the correct real device block, or the lOB that is pointed to by R10 was overlaid. IOS006 D!!KIOS was called to perform I/O for a device where no available path was found. D!KlOS returns the lOB to the caller with an indication of condition code 3 and fatal I/O. The lOB that was pointed to by R10 is marked as a mini-lOB, and minilOBs are not allowed to exist outside DHKIOS. Examine the trace table and storage dump to determine what routine built the lOB and marked it as a mini-lOB and then passed it to D!!KIOS. IOS007 In attempting to start an I/O request, lOS must remove all alternate path lOBs that exist on paths to the device except the one that is about to te started. In scanning the chain of these lOB's, two were not marked as mini-lOB, indicating two real requests for the same I/O. , I I I I I I I I I Examine the trace table to determine the sequence of events that led to two lOBs being passed to lOS and then having both lOBs occur on the same request chain. , , I Examine the dump to determine what During I/O restart (restarting the device, caused the current channel block control unit, or chan(R6) and/or control unit block nel that caused the (R7) to be chained for a restart. interrupt), the "findpath" routine was called to find an availatle path to the device. However, the findpath routine found an available path different from the one that caused the I/O interrupt. In this situation, lOS chains the new control unit and/or channel L-_______________________________________________________________________ IOS008 ~ Figure 7. 22 CP Abend Codes (Part 9 of 21) IBM VH/370 System Kessages lbend Code Reason for Abend lction IOS008 (cont.) block to the one that caused the interrupt I and remembers to restartl before exiting to the I dispatcher. I new cban-I nel or control unit was I already chained for a I restart condition. If I allowed to proceed, tbe I blocks to which it was I chained would be lost, I queued I/O request wouldl not be restarted. I LOKOOl An OBTAIN request has been made for a lock that is held by the requesting processor. B1 contains the lockword address at the time of the abend. In the PSI of the abending processor, the savearea LOKSAVE contains the return address of the caller at offset X'38' and the entry point address into DBKLOK at offset X'3e'. LOK003 1 RELEASE has been issued for a lock that is not owned by the requesting processor. DMKLOK does not get control for a RELEASE request. Use the supervisor old PSW in the PSI of the abendinq processor to identify the module where the error occurred. Bl contains either the lockword address (in the case of a global lock) or the address of the YBBLOK (in the casel of a VftBLOK lock) at the time of I the abend. I ----------------------------------------------------------------------1 MCTOOl Automatic Processor Check DftKLOKSY to determine if thel Recovery (DftKftCTPR) has received control on the main processor without the global system lock and the lock could not be obtained. system lockword has been overlaid.1 If the attached processor owns thel lock, check the R12 value in I DftKLOKSY+4 to determine who I obtained the lock. The system I should not be in automatic I processor recovery if the attached processor was in supervisor state. NLE001 During execution of a Correct the RDEVICE macro speciNETWORK DUMP com.and, fying the 3704 or 3705, reassemor during an automatic ble the DftKRIO module, and regendump of a 370Q or 3705, erate the Yft/370 CP nucleus with VM/370 detected tbat it the corrected module. had not allocated sufficient DASD spool space to contain the information from the 3104 or 3705. The MODEL operand of the RDEVICE macro describing tbe 3704 or 3705 was not specified correctly. VK/370 determines the storage size of a 3704 or 3705 by the model specified on the RDEVICE macro. L ____________________________________________________________ ~------------~ Figure 7. CP Abend Codes (part 10 of 21) System Codes 23 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, Abend Code Action Reason for Abend PGS001 The resident page count in the VMBLOK (V!PAGES) I is reduced to a negativel value. I I I PGT001 The number of cylinders in use stored in the allocation block (ALOCBLOK) is less than the maximum but the DMKPGT module was unable to find available cylinders. Inspect module that update V!PAGES for the virtual machine,. Check the routine to determine why it is inconsistent with the number of CORTABLE entries assigned to this virtual machine. For FB-512 devices (DKKPGT is allocating on on an FB-512 device) the number of pages in use (ALOFUSED) is less than the maximum (ALuF!AX), but DKKPGT could not find a RECBLOK containing an available page. PGT002 The count of pages in a page allocation block (RECBLOK) is less than the maximum but the DKKPGT module was unable to find available pages. PGU001 The DASD page slot being released is not marked allocated. If the RECBLOK in question is in use for paging, then locate a SWPTABLE entry for each page represented by this RECBLOK. FB-512 RECBLOKs describe the rangel of page numbers in fields RECSTRT I and RECEND. However, if the pages are in use for spooling, it is possible that the RECBLOK itself has been destroyed or that the updating of the use count is faulty. Identify the module attempting to release the page by means of the caller's return address and base register stored in BALR14 and BALR12 in the BALRSAVE save area L________________________________________________________________________ ~ Figure 7. 24 CP Abend Codes (Part 11 of 21) IBK VK/370 System Kessages r----------------------------------------------------------------------~ I Abend I Code Reason for Abend Action 1--------------------------------------------------------------in PSA. Locate the source I PGU001 ,, (cont.) (control block or SWPTABLE entry) of the DASD address being released to verify that they have not been destroyed. If the DASD page is in a spool file, it is possible that the file or the RECBLOK chain has been incorrect~ ly checkpointed and warmstarted after a system shutdown or a system crash. I 1 ,, I PGU002 The dummy RECBLOK indicating the spooling DASD pages on the cylinder that are to be released contains a paqe count greater than the number of pages allocated on the cylinder. The spool file pointers may have been destroyed while the file was being processed, or the allocation chain may be in error. A cold start may be necessary. If feasible, use the DASD dump/ restore program to print the DASD areas containing the affected file, and try to locate the incorrect pointers. PGU003 A module is trying to release a DASD page SlOL on a cylinder or FB-512 extent for which I no page allocation blockl (RECBLOK) exists. l 1 Use BALR14 and BALR12 in the BALRSAVE save area of the PSA to identify the module attempting to release the page. For count-keydata DASD, verify that the DASD cylinder address is valid for the device in question. If it is and the rest of the DASD address is valid, verify that the cylinder iSI in the dynamically allocatable I area. For FB-512 DASD, verify I that the page number is valid and I in the dynamically allocated area., If these restrictions are met, the the DASD page must have been used by more than one user. I I I I t I 1 I I PGU004 The last DASD page slot in a RECBLOK has been deallocated but the bit representing the cylinder in the cylinder allocation block (ALOCBLOK) is not currently set to one, indicating that the cylinder was not allocated. The ALOCBLOK has probably been destroyed, or the chain pointer in the RDEVBLOK is in error. Note: Because allocation-of pages on an FB-512 device does not use this bit map, this code is not applicable to FB-512 devices. ----------------·---------------------------------------------------1 PGU006 A module is trying to Use BALR14 and BALR12 in the I release a page of virtual storage in use by the VM/370 control program that bas not been marked allocated. BALRSAVE save area of the PSA to I identify the module attempting to I release the page. Locate the con-I trol block containing the virtual I page address that is being re- I L ________________________________________- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -__ Figure 7. ~ CP Abend Codes (Part 12 of 21) System Codes 25 Abend Code Reason for Abend Action leased. It is possible that the address has been destroyed, or a pointer to a virtual page has been retained after the page was destroyed. PGU006 1 (cont.)1 1 I 1 --------1-----------------------------------------------------------PGU005 I The systea's virtual Request users to close all spool I 1 I I storage buffers have been exhausted because of an excessive nuater of open spool files. files that are no longer active. PRGOOl prograa check tion) in the prograa. Examine the abend duap. In particular. exaaine the old PSW and identify the aodule that had the prograa check. PRG002 prograa check (privileged operation) in the control program. ~GOO3 Prograa check (execute) in the control program. PRG004 Prograa check (protection) in the control prograa. ~GOO5 Prograa check (addressing) in the control prograa. ~GOO6 program check (specification) in the control program. PBG001 program check (data) in the control program. PBG008 Program check (fixedpoint overflow) in the control program. PRG009 Program check (fixedpoint divide) in the control prograa. PRG010 program check (deciaal overflow) in the control program. PRG011 Program check (aecimal divide) in the control prograa. PRG012 program check (exponential overflow) in the control program. PRG013 Program check (exponential underflow) in the control program. PBG014 program check (significance) in the control proqraa. Figure 1. 26 (operacontrol CP Abend Codes (Part 13 of 21) IB" V"/370 System Messages Abend Code Reason for Abend Action PBG015 Program check (floating-point divide in the control program. PBG016 Program check (segment) in the control program. PRG017 Program check (paging) in the control program. PBG018 Program check (translation) . in the control program. PRG019 Program check (special operation) in the control program. PBG254 A translation specification exception has been received for a virtual machine that is not in extended control mode. If the set of translation tables pointed to by RUNCR1 is correct, a hardware failure has occurred, possibly with dynamic address translation. Otherwise, call your system support personnel. PBG255 A PEB (program event recording) has been received for a virtual machine that is running with PER disabled in its virtual PSi. Retry the program causing the error; if the problem persists, call your system support personnel. PSA002 The "system Restart" Examine the resulting abend dump console key was pressed., for a dynamic picture of the The operator normally system's status. takes this action when an unusual system condition occurs, such as a system loop or slow machine operation. PSA003 An unrecoverable DASD error occurred on a I paging device. Or pagingl device is offline. I Check the trace table for a start I/O in the paging device with a condition code 3 to verify device is offline. If offline, vary I paging device online. Or check the unit address at hex 'a9' in the PSA to find paging device in I error. This is a hardware error. ,, PSl004 I CPU timer interruprt occurred either while the system was in a wait state or when an enable window was opened. Check CPSTATUS in the PSI to determine whether the interrupt occurred while in a wait state or during an enable window. If the interrupt occurred while in a waitl state (CPiAIT on in CPSTITUS), thel timer value at the time of the r interrupt is stored in the PSAs , iIITEND. If the interrupt occurred I during an enable window (CPEX on , in CPSTATUS), the timer value is I stored in the first two words of , the PSis TEftPS1VE. If the timer , value is negative, it is probably , a programming error. Try to I L ______________________________________________________________________ ~ Pigure 7. CP Abend Codes (Part 14 of 21) System Codes 27 Abend Code Reason for Abend Action I I ---------------------------------------------------------------1 determine why the timer was set 1 PSA004 I to a negative value. If the timerl value is positive, obtain hardware support to determine why the interrupt occurred. (cont.) I I I I Use register 12 and register 14 at the time of the abend to identify the module attempting to unlock the page frame. Check for the source of the invalid address. PTR002 A program is attempting to unlock a page frame whose address exceeds real storage size. !»TR003 A program is attempting to unlock a real storage page frame that is in a VLR region whose CORTABLE entry is not flagged as locked. PTR004 The lock count in the CORTABLE entry for the page frame being unlocked has been dEcremented to a value that is less than O. Check the routines that update the lock count field and COR TABLE entry. PTR001 DKKPBE requested a page for fixed free storage but DKKPTR determined that there were no pages left in the dynamic paging area. Examine the dump for one of the following conditions: 1. Excessive amounts of free storage have been allocated by CP and not released via DftKFRET. Look for blocks of identical data and determine which modules built that data. 2~ A block of storage greater than 4096 bytes was requested. Requests for large blocks of free storage require contiguous pages from DKKPTR and as a result have a higher probability of failure than requests for one page or less. If possible, change the application to reduce the size of storage requests. Otherwise~ schedule the application when storage is less fragmented. PTR008 A COBT1BLE entry on the free list points to a valid PTE (page takle entry), but the page is allocated. Pages on the free list should not contain valid PTEs. Examine the dump to determine which module called D!KPTRFR. The module that called DftKPTRPB probably contains an error. PTR010 The count of the number of resident reserved pages vas incorrectly decremented so that the count is now less than zero. The field D!KPTRRC contains the number of reserved pages. DKKPTRRC must always be less than D!KDSPIP. Check the routines that update these two count fields (D8KDSPIP and D!KPTRRC). Figure 1. 28 CP Abend Codes (part 1S of 21) IB! V8/310 system Kessages Abend Code Reason for Abend Action PTR011 A CORTABLE entry to be placed on the free list points to a valid PTE (page table entry), but the page is allocated. An abend occurs trying to honor a deferred request. Pages to be put on the free list should not contain valid PTEs. Examine the dump to determine why the page was not marked invalid before the call to D!KPTRFT. PTR012 A CORTABLE entry to be placed on the free list points to a valid PTE (page table entry), but the page is allocated. Pages on the FRBELIST should not contain valid PTEs. Examine the dump to determine which modulel called D!KPTRFT, it probably I contains an error. I put a page on the lRBELIST that is already on the FREELIST. FREELIST should not be specified I in a call to D!KPTRFT. Check the I FREELIST and flush list for validity. Restart the system and, if the problem persists, call your system support pe~sonnel. PTR015 The core table entry fori a flush list page does I not contain a page tablel pointer. I I I Examine the storage dump to determine either how the page was placed on the flush list without a PTE pointer or what module subsequently modified the core table entry. PTR016 DMKPTR is about to steal, Examine the storage dump to identa changed shared page ify the error in shared segment and calls D!KV!ASH to processing. scan for all shared pages changed by LASTUSER. DMKV8A is unable to locate any changed shared pages. PTB017 D8KP~RAN has identified a call with processor affinity set on the attached processor for a equal to zero. D8KPTRAN may only be , called with affin.i.ty set, on the main processor. , Examine the savearea pointed to by R.13 to determine vhy PTR was called with affinity set to the attached processor for a page with SiPDPIGE equal to zero. PTR018 The resident page count , in the V!BLOK (V"PAGES) I is reduced to a negative I value. , I Inspect modules that update V!PAGES for the virtual machine. Examine the routine to determine vhy it is inconsistent. with the number of CORTABLE entries assigned to this virtual machine. -------------------=---------------------------------------------1 D!KPRTFT was called to A page that is already on the I PTR01~ , PTR019 The flused count page in, Examine the CORTABLE entry for thel the VMBLOK (V8FLPAG) is I page frame being removed from the I negative. I flush list. Also, inspect aodulesl I I that update V!FLPAG. --------------------------------------------------------------1 PTR020 The system flushed page Examine the CORTABLE entry for thel count (DMKPTRUC) negative .. iqure 7. is page frame being removed from the I flush list. Ilso, inspect modulesl that update D!KPTRUC. ,I CP Ibend Codes (Part 16 of 21) System Codes 29 Abend Code Reason for Abend Action RGA001 The reflected device status in the CSW is not supported for certain 3270 remote device and line protocol I/O operations. Specifically, the returned CSi contains a device status other than CE, DR, and UE; and the ending CCi contains an embedded teleprocessing code of 02, 03, or 06. RGA002 The status flag BSCFLAG in the BSCB10K indicates a condition that is not valid for a 3270 line reset function (Teleprocessing code 09). RNB001 An unrecoverable I/O error occurred during read or write for the 3704/3705. Status indicates program failure. Retry. If the problem persists, ensure that the 3704/3705 and channel hardware are functioning correctly. RRH002 A response that should not occur was received from the 3704/3705 control program. Verify that the 3704/3705 RCP is operating correctly. Use the NETWORK TRACE command to deteraine the exact cause of the response. RPAOOl The virtual address supplied to DKKRPAGT is outside of the virtual storage being referenced. RPA002 The virtual address supplied to DKKRPAPT is outside of the virtual storage being referenced. The virtual storage belongs either to the user whose VKBLOK is pointed to by R11 or, if R2 in the SAVEAREA indicates a PARK of SYSTEM, to the system VMBLOK. Identify the calling program by means of the return address and base register saved in the SAVElREA pointed to by R13. If the virtual address was obtained from the system's virtual storage, examine the virtual page allocation routine, DMKPTRVG. If the virtual page refers to a user's storage, attempt to identify the routine that generated the incorrect address. Verify that the VMSIZE in the relevant VMBLOK reflects the correct storage size for the system or user being referenced. RPA003 The user page count in the VMBLOK hecalle negative. IPL to restart the system. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. A lIodule has attempted to release more pages than it originally received. The module that last called DMKRPA is probably the module in error. L--____________________________________________________________________ --J Figure 7. 30 CP Abend Codes (Part 17 of 21) IBM VH/370 System Messages Abend Code Action Reason for Abend SCH001 The total nu.ber of interactive users plus batch users in the scheduler's queue is less than zero. 1 counter was probably decremented incorrectly. The field SCHBl is the count of the number of interactive users and the field SCHN2 is the count of the nuaber of batch users. Check the routines that update these two count fields (SCHB1 and SCHN2) to determine why their sua vas negative. 1 SCN001 The VDEYLIHK chain is invalid. A VDEVB10K has a link field that points to another YDEYBLOK associated with the same real device. The first VDEVBLOK is not pointed to by any other link field in the chain. IPL to restart. If the problem persists, examine the fDEfBLOKs in the link chain as well as the one whose link field points into the chain but is not in the chain. Determine what the owner of the VDEVBLOK was doinq at the time. D!KSTK was attempting tol stack an IOBLOK, a TBQ- , BLOK, or a CPEXBLOK for I a particular virtual I machine and the counter I in the V!BLOK overflowed its half-word boundary makinq the counter appear negative. Since this will happen only when the counter exceeds 32,767, the probable cause of this error is either a proqram loop that includes the stacking of a CPEXBLCK, IOBLOK or TBQBLOK, or an overlay of the V!BLOK. verify that the counters in the V!BLOK reflects the correct number I of BLOKs stacked for this virtual I machine. If they do not, determinel who has overlaid either V!STKCHT I (the count of IOBLOKs, TRQBLOKs, 1 and normal CPEXBLOK~ or V!PBBCT I (the count of processor related I CPEXBLOKs). If the VBBLOK counters I are accurate, identify the caller I of D!KSTK by looking in SITHSAVE I in the PSA of the abendinq proces-I sore The R14 value in the saveareal contains the return address of the caller of DBKSTK~ STKOOl - - - (System Extensions) - - STROOl LRA gets a translation 1 If the problem persists, obtain a or length condition code 1 dump and call your system support for a valid page. I personnel. ---------------------------------1 An attempt is being madel STR003 to migrate a table into t storage for a segment 1 that is already valid. 1 ---------------------------------1 An atteapt is being madel STR004 to bring a page into storage that does not exist. I I I ---------------------------------1 STR007 The save area stack 1 , chain is invalid or the specific request could I not be found on the I chain. I - - - (End Systea Extensions) igure 7. CP Abend Codes (Part 18 of 21) System codes 31 Abend Code Reason for Abend 1 1 Action -------------------------------------------------------------------1 No free storage is SVC001 Try to identify the extreme load 1 available areas. for save condition that caused the prob- 1 lem. If the storage reguests are 1 valid and the problem occurs 1 regularly, alter the DftKCPI modulel to allocate more than six pages 1 of free storage per 256K bytes I of storage. 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------1 Use the supervisor old PSi in the 1 A supervisor state SVC SVc002 was issued without the global system lock. PSA of the abending processor to identify the module that issued the SVC without the system lock. 1 1 I ----------------------------------------------------------------------, In most cases, location X B9' willi An unrecoverable DASD SVC003 I I/O error occurred on a paging device. contain the unit address of the I failing device. On certain types I of errors, it may be necessary to I scan the trace table from the cur-I rent entry, back, looking for an I I/O interrupt from a paging device with an error CSW, to determine the device in error. Call your system support personnel. TDK001 A program is att€~ptin9 to deallocate a cylinder or FB-512 extent(s) of T-disk space for which no cylinder allocation block (lLOCBLOK) exists. For FB-512 devices, the allocation control block is called ALOFBLOK. TDK002 A program is attempting to deallocate cylinder(s) of T-disk space that are not marked allocated. Verify that R8 points to a RDEVBLOK for a CP-owned volume. If it does not, the error may originate in the calling program. Identify the caller by the return address and base register in the SAVEAREA pointed to by R13, and try to idenify the source of the incorrect RDEVBLOK address. If the RDEVBLOK is valid, it may be that the cylinder number passed is incorrect. The VDEVBLOK for the device for which the T-disk was defined may have been destroyed. If the cylinder number appears valid, examine the allocation record on the real volume by running DftKFftT (Vft/370 Format program), invoking the ALLOCATE option without allocating any new space. If the output shows that deallocated cylinder falls within an area defined for T-disk allocation, the ALOCBLOK or ALOFBLOK chained to the RDEVBLOK may be destroyed. UDR001 The user directory module is looping trying to read all of the UDIRBLOK page buffers from the directory device, or a directory containing over 10,816 users was loaded. Use the DASD Dump Restore program to print the UDIRBLOK page buffers from the directory device. Determine whether the chain pointers are valid. L---------------___________________ -__________________-________________ Figure 7. 32 CP Abend Codes (Part 19 of 21) IBM VM/370 System Messages ~ r----------------------------------------------------------------------~ Abend Code Reason for Abend Action UDR002 The resident page count I in the VMBLOK (VMPAGES) I is reduced to a negativel value. I I I Inspect modules that update V"PAGES for the virtual machine. Check the routine to determine why it is inconsistent with the number of CORTABLE entries assigned to this virtual machine. VDA002 The system-owned list has an invalid format. IPL to restart. If the problem persists, check the SYSOiN macro in DMKSYS for validity. If the macro is good, print the dump "and examine it. VDR003 The DASD link chain is invalids In the case of minidisks, attaching a minidisk that PQints to an RDEVBLOK whose count of users is already zero causes this abend. IPL to restart. If the problem persists, examine the RDEVSYS flag. If the RDEVSYS flag is off, the problem is especially serious; print and examine the dump. Examine the VDEVBLOK and RDEVBLOK checking the link chain. VDS001 A virtual device definition has been requested for a minidisk that is already defined to the system (either as a different device to the user or a device to another user on the system). The directory indicates that the minidisk uses the virtual reserve release logic, but there is no existing VRRBLOK. Examine the virtual blocks for the existing links to the minidisk and determine why the existing virtual device block pointed to by R3 does not point to a VRRBLOK. VI0002 DKKSCNVU was unable to locate all of the virtual I/O control blocks for the virtual unit address associated with the interrupt just stacked. verify that the unit address in the field IOBVADD in the IOBLOK pointed to by R10 is valid for the user who ~n~t~ated the I/O. The field IOBUSER contains the address of the userls V"BLOK. If the address is valid, the integ~ rity of the userls virtual I/O configuration has probably been been destroyed. If the address is not valid, the IOBLOK has been altered, or was built incorrectly in the first place. VI0003 DMKIOS has returned an IOBLOK indicating a condition code of 2 was received from the START I/O for the operation. Condition code 2 should never be returned to the virtual I/O interrupt handler. Its presence indicates either a failure in the I/O supervisor (DKKIOS), or that the status field in the IOBLOK (IOBSTAT) has been destroyed. VMA008 The resident page count Inspect modules that update in the VMBLOK (VKPAGES) I V!PAGES for the virtual machine. is reduced to a negativel Check the routine to determine value. I why it is inconsistent with the I number of CORTABLE entries L ______________________________________________________________________ I assigned to this virtual machine. ~ Figure 7. CP Abend Codes (part 20 of 21) System Codes 33 I Abend I Code Reason for Abend Action D!KRSPDP has lost the , in process V!DU!P. If the problea persists, notify I the systea program.er. ,--------------------------------------------------------------,V!D001 The duap chain anchored Initialize the systea to restart. I I 1-----------------------------------------------------------------~---- , VSP001 t The virtual spooling I I aanager could not 10, I cate all virtual con, , trol blocks for an inI I terrupting unit. I I I I I I , Figure 7. 34 I I I I I I I I Verify that the unit address (IOBVADD) in the IOBLOK is valid. If the address is valid, the integrity of the virtual I/O configuration bas probably been destroyed. If the address is not valid, the IOBLOK bas been altered or vas built incorrectly. CP Abend Codes (Part 21 of 21) IB! V!/370 System !essages eMS Abend Codes command in your PROFILE EXEC. Then if a problem does arise, a copy of your terminal activity is available for reference. If the session is uneventful, the resulting printer file can be purged. USER ACTION When a CMS abend occurs, you can either: 1. mode Enter DEBUG subcommand, or the DUMP 2. Get a CP read on your terminal, or Icp, and issue the DUMP cOllmand. type and issue Either of these actions causes a dump of storage to be performed. Do not issue the DUMP command in CMS mode, because abend processing will take place before the dump is performed and the indications of the error will be lost. 3. Save the console sheet. If you are using a display terminal as your virtual console, it is a good idea to spool your console output to the printer by issuing the CP command SPOOL CONSOLE START Either at the start of the session or by having the 4. After the DUftP command is executed, the system automatically initiates recovery procedures, so it should not be necessary to re-IPL CMS. If, however, an error message is displayed indicating that error recovery has failed, you should reinitialize (via IPL) CMS. 5. To report a CftS problem, give the dump, the console sheet (or printed console file, if it was spooled), and copies of the CMS files involved to systell support personnel. Figure 8 lists the CftS abend codes and the modules that issue them, the cause of the abnormal termination, and the action the user should take to recover and continue. System Codes 35 Abend I !odule Code I Nalle Cause of Abend 001 D!SSCT The problem program encountered an input/output error processing an OS lIacro. Either the associated DCB did not have a SYNAD routine specified or the I/O error was encountered processing an OS CLOSE macro. !essage D!SSCT120S indicates the possible cause of the error. Examine the error aessage and take the action indicated. 034 D!SVIP ~he problem program encountered an I/O error while processing a VSA! action macro under DOS/VS for which there is no OS equivalent. An internal error occurred in a DOS VSA! routine. Refer to the DOS/VS !essages Refer~, Order No. GC33-S379, to determine the cause of the VSA! error. OCx D!SITP The specified hardware exception occurred at a specified location. "x" is the type of exception: Type DEBUG to examine the PSW and registers at the time of the exception. & o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I B C D E F ~ I!PBECISE OPERATION PRIVILEGED OPERATION EIECUTE PBOTECTIO B ADDRESSING SPECIFICATION DECI!AL DATA FIlED-POINT OVERFLOW FIlED-POINT DIVIDE DECI!AL OVBRFLOW DECI!Al DIVIDE EXPONENT OVERFLOW EIPONENT UNDBRFLOW SIGNIFICANCE FLOATING-POINT DIVIDE OFO D!SITS Insufficient free storage is available to allocate a save area for an SVC call. If the abend was caused by an error in the application prograa, correct it; if not, use the CP DEFINE command to increase the size of virtual storage and then restart C!S. OF1 D!lSITS An invalid halfword code is associated with SVC 203. Enter DEBUG and type GO. Execution continues. Figure 8. 36 Action C!S Abend Codes (Part 1 of 4) IBH V8/370 System !lessages Abend, Sodule Code I Nalle Cause of Abend Action OF2 DSSITS The CMS nesting level of 20 has been exceeded. None. abend recovery takes place when the next command is entered. OF3 DSSITS C~S SVC (202 or 203) instruction was executed and prov1s1on was made for an error return froll the routine processing the SVC. Enter DEBUG and type GO. Control returns to the point to which a normal return would have been made. OF4 DSSITS The DSSKEY flowed. Enter DEBUG and type GO. Execution continues and the DSSKEY macro is ignorede OFS DftSITS The DKSKEY key stack underflowed. OF6 DMSITS The DMSKEY key stack was not empty when control returned froll a command or fUnction. Enter DEBUG and type GO. Control returns from the command or function as if the key stack had been empty@ OF7 DftSFRE Occurs when TYPCALL=SVC (the default) is specified in the DMSFREE or DKSFRET macro. When a system abend occurs, use DEBUG to attempt recovery. OF8 DSSFRE Occurs when TYPCAIL=BALR is specified in the DKSFREE or DKSFRET Sacro devices. When a system abend occurs, use DEBUG to attempt recovery. 101 DHSSVN The wait count specified in an as WAIT macro was larger than the number of ECBs specified. Examine the program for excessive wait count specification. 104 DKSVIB The as interface to DOS/VS VSA! is unable to continue execution of the problem program. See the additional error message accompanying the abend message, correct the error, and reexecute the program. Figure 8. key stack over- CMS Abend Codes (part 2 of 4) System Codes 37 r------------------------------------------------------------------------, Abend, Module Code, Cause of Abend Name Action 155 DHSSLN Error during lCADMOD after an OS LINK, LOAD, ICTL, or ATTACH. The compiler switch is on. See the last LOADHOD (D!S!OD) error message for error description. In the case of an I/O error, recreate the module. If the module is missing, create it. 15A DMSSLN Severe error during load (phase not found) after an OS LINK, LOAD, ICTL, or ATTACH. The compiler switch is on. See last LOAD error mes sage (D!SL IO) for the error description. In the case of an I/O error, re-create the text deck or TITLIB. If either is missing, create it. 174 DKSVIB The as inter ace to DOS/VS VSA! is unable to continue execution of the problem proqram. See the additional error message accompanying the abend message, correct the error, and reexecute the program. 177 D!SVIB DKSVIP The as interface to DOS/VS VSAK is unable to continue execution of the problem program. See the additional error message accompanying the abend message, correct the error, and reexecute the proqram. DKSSVT No work area vas provided in the parameter list for an as RDJFCB macro. Check RDJFCB cation. D!SSVT An invalid or unsupported form of the OS IDAP macro was issued by the problem proqram. Examine program for unsupported IDAP macro or for SVC O. 400 - - DKSTLB 500 specifi- (Basic System Extensions) - A block count error was I detected when reading a SL I tape. User replied 'cancel'l to message 425R or the I user's program contained a I block count error routine I that returned a code of 0 I under OS simulation. I Find out what caused the block count error. Then reload CMS and rerun the job. (End Basic System Extensions) DHSSKN 704 Figure 8. 38 An as GET MAIN macro (SVC 4) was issued specifying the LC or LU operand. These operands are not supported by CMS. CMS Abend Codes (part 3 of 4) IBM V8/370 System Messages Change the program so that specifies it allocation of only one area at a time. Abend I Kodule Code I Name Cause of Abend Action 705 DKSSKB An OS FR!EKAI! macro (SiC 5) was issued specify1ng the L operand. This operand is not supported by CKS. Change the program so that it specifies the release of only one area at a time. 804 80A DKSSKB An OS GET8AIN macro (804SiC 4, 801 SVC 10) was issued that requested either zero bytes of storage, or more storage than was available. Check the program for a valid GETKAI! reque~t. If more storage vas requested than vas available, increase the size of the virtual machine and retry. 905 901 DKSSKB An OS FREE8AIN macro (905 SiC 5, 90A - SVC 10) was issued specifying an area to be released whose address vas not on a doubleword boundary. Check the program for a valid FREE!lI! request; the address may have been incorrectly specified or modified. 105 lOA DKSSK! In OS FREE8AI) macro (A05 SiC 5, lOA SiC 10) was issued specifying an area to be released which overlaps an existing free area. Check the program for a valid FREEKII! request; the address and/or length may have been incorrectly specified or modified. igure 8. C"S Ibend Codes (Part 4 of 4) Control Program (CP) Kessages 39 40 IBM VM/370 System Messages DKK Control Program (CP) Messages 001E ?CP: command • If the NOT READY command is issued for a device other than a spooled unit record or console device. • If the device specified with a READY command is a virtual channel-to-channel adapter that has not yet been attached via the COUPLE command to another device. The virtual CTCA can be made ready only by issuing the COUPLE command. ~~ElaQ~tiQn: The command specified is not a valid CP command, or a valid CP command was entered prior to logging on to VK/370. User Action: Reissue the command in full, or-rn-the-proper abbreviated form. 002E INVALID OPERAND - operand EXplgQgtiQn: One of the operands was incorrectly specified. This message is also displayed if a MONITOR STOP command is issued while data collection is inactive, or if a MONITOR START command is issued and data collection is already in progress. User Action: Reissue valid operand. the command with • (Basic System Extensions) The user has issued a SET VKSAVE command for a DASD device type with the volid specified in the NAMESYS macro. Module DMKSNT is not supported for this function. a User Action: Reissue the command; specify a valid-device type. 003E INVALID OPTION - option EXElan~tiQn: One of the options was incorrectly specified or is invalid with the particular variation of the command. The option may be shorter than the minimum abbreviation reguired. User A£tiQn: Reissue valid option. - - - the command with a 004E INVALID BEXLOC - operand ~lgngtion: The userid eight characters. User Action: Reissue Valid userid. contains more than the command with a OOBE INVALID SPOOLID - spoolid ~xplan~liQn: The hexadecimal location is incorrect because of nonhexadecimal data in the operand or the operand is longer than six characters. If the operand was not a hexadecimal location, it was misspelled. User Action: Reissue the the-operand correctly. 007E INVALID USERID - userid ~lanatiQn: The spoolid a valid decimal number, than four digits. User Action: Reissue Valid spoolid number. specified was not or it was larger the command wi th a command; specify 009E INVALID RANGE - range 005E INVALID BEXDATA - hex data ~lanatiQB: ~~lanatiQ~: The hexadecimal data supplied either contains nonhexadecimal characters or is longer than eight characters. User Action: Reissue the the-hexadecimal data. command; specify OOGE INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr The range of addresses or registers specified is incorrect. For instance, the end address may be smaller than the starting address, too many ranges were specified, or the nUlBber of pages to be locked may be equal to or greater than the number of pages aVailable in the dynamic paging portion of real storage. User Action: the-range:- Reissue the command; specify ~~P1gn~liQD: The device type specified is not recognized as a valid CP device, or it is incorrect for the function requested. Examples of conditions that cause this message to be displayed are: • If a teletypewriter terminal user issues a TERMINAL APL ON command. 010E INVALID REGISTER - register ~lanation: The register specified is not in the range 0 through 15 or hexadecimal 0 through P, or the register specified is not 0, 2, 4, or G for a floating-point registerc Control Program (CP) Kessages ~1 DIIK User Action: Reissue the command; specify a valid-register. 011E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr Action: The tape is file marked at the last complete spool file, the tape is unloaded, and the command is terminated. ~.!g Ose~ !~~: Use a larger tape reel or dump by spool class or type. Explanation: The device type is invalid. If this is a DIAL command, the device specified is not a virtual low speed line. If this is the COUPLE command, the device that was specified is not a virtual channel-to-channel adapter. 020E USERID RISSIIG OR IIVALID The userid is either aissinq or invalid. It may be lonqer than eiqht characters. This message is al~o issued if a user who does not have privileqe class D issues the command QUBRY FILES CLASS x userid~ because the userid operand is valid only for class D users. ~lanation: yser Action: Ensure that the device is the correct type for the function, and reissue the command. 012E INVALID PSi - psw The PSi (program status word) specified by the STORE command is invalid. An invalid PSi is one where: ~lanatio!l: • • The virtual machine is operating in extended control mode and some of the bits that are defined by the architecture to be zero have been turned on, or The virtual machine is operating in basic control mode, and the extended control mode bit has been specified. us~~ ActiQ!l: Change the PSi to a valid format for the mode of the virtual machine. If this is not done, attempting to run the virtual machine with an invalid PSi causes an invalid PSi message to be issued from the CP dispatcher. 013E CONFLICTING OPTION - option Explaa§tio!l: This message occurs when: User Action: Reissue valI~ use rid. the command with a 021E RADDR KISSIIG OR IIVALID The real device address is either missing or invalid. In invalid device address is more than three characters long or contains nonhexadeciaal characters. ~laRati2!: User Action: Reissue the valId r;ay-aevice address. co.mand with a 022E VADDR KISSIIG OR IIVALID The virtual device address is either missing or invalid. In invalid virtual device address either: ~lanati2A: • Is longer than three characters, or • Contains nonhexadecimal data, or • The same option is specified twice the same command, or in • Is qreater than X'SFF' for a virtual machine running in basic control mode, or • The function reguired by the given option is incompatible with a previously specified operand. • Is associated with an unsupported device type (specified in the command IPL vaddr) • • • DSS was specified in a VIIDURP command but no discontiguous segments exist. The function requested is with the system. User Action: Reissue the command with valId virtual device address. a incompatible 023E VOLID IIISSING OR IIVALID !£1i2!l: Consult the Vllt370 CP Co.mand Reference for General Users for the correct specifIcation ~--the--Command and the allowed options, and reissue the co.mand. 1!Rlanation: The volume identification is either missing or invalid. 1 volid lonqer than six characters is considered invalid. - - - (Basic System Extensions) - - - User Action: Reissue the co •• and with valId vOluae identification. Use~ a 014E TAPE raddr DUIIP TAPE CAPACITY EXCEEDED EX~s!l~1io!l: On the SPTAPE c~mmand with the DUMP option, the tape defined by raddr has reached end-of-reel before all spool files were dumped. 42 IB~ VK/370 System Ressages 024E {CYLSIBLKS} RISSING OR INV1LID The number of cylinders (or blocks if FB-S12) must be specified with the co.mand, but it is lIissinq or invalid. 11R1~ation: DMK An invalid cylinder specification is one that is four or more characters, or larger than the maximum number of cylinders available on the device type specified. An invalid block number specification is one that is seven or more characters, or larger than the maximum number of blocks on the device type specified. Reissue the command; specify Act!.Q!l: the number of cylinders or blocks correctly. 030E COPIES MISSING OR INVALID ~lanatiQB: The operand that specifies the number of copies is either missing or invalid. An invalid copy specification is nondecimal or greater than 99. Use~ !ctiQ!l: Reissue the command; specify the required number of copies. ]~ o25E 031E BUFFER MISSING OR INVALID The required buffer name is eIther missing or invalid. An invalid buffer name is longer than eight characters. ~lanation: STORAGE MISSING OR INVALID Ex~gatio!l: The amount of storage is either missing or invalid. An invalid storage specification contains invalid digits or does not end with the letter K or User Action: Reissue valId buffer name. the command with a M. ]~er the A£1!Q!l: Reissue the storage requirement. command; specify 032E DISTCODE MISSING OR INVALID distribution code is The either missing or invalid. An invalid distribution code is longer than eight characters. ~lanatiQB: 026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID Ex21sasiiQn: A required operand missing or invalid. User Action: Reissue valid-operand. the command is either User Action: Reissue the valId distribution code. with command with a a 033E HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID 027E SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID Expl~gsi!.Q!l: The command requires that a spoolid be supplied, but it is either missing or invalid. An invalid spoolid is one that contains nondecimal characters. User Action: Reissue Valid spoolId. the command with 1nlanatiQB: The hexadecimal location is either missing or invalid. An invalid hexadecimal location is one that contains non hexadecimal characters or is longer than six characters. User Action: Reissue the command with valId hexadecimal location. a a 034E CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID ~lggatiQg: 028E CLASS MISSING OR INVALID ~~P1g!ls1!.Q!l: The class value is either missing or invalid. An invalid class is one that is not in the range A through Z or 0 throuqh 9. User Action: Reissue valid class:- the command with The channel number is either missing or invalid. An invalid channel number either is longer than one character or is nonhexadecimal. User Action: Reissue valId channel number. the command with a a 035E DEVICE TYPE MISSING OR INVALID 029E FHAME FTYPE MISSING OR INVALID ~xplanatio!l: The filename and/or filetype is missing or invalid. An invalid t1lename is larqer than 24 characters. An invalid filetype is larger than eight characters if the filename is eight characters or less. ~!anati.Q!l: The command requires that a valid CP spool device type be entered as an operand, but it is either missing or invalid. Valid device types are READER (R, RDR), PR INTER (P, PRT), and PUNCH (PU, PCH) • User ActiQn: Reissue the valId spool device type. command with a User Action: Reissue the command; specify t~required filename and/or filetype. 036E INDEX MISSING OR INVALID If INDEX MISSING is the condition, the reguested FCB (forms control ~!anatiQg: Control Program (CP) Messages 43 DMK buffer) image in DMKFCB does not have an index value, therefore one must be supplied in the command. If INDEX INVALID is the condition, nn was not a number from to 31, where nn corresponds to the number of the first print position. 042E SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST ~lanation: The spoolid number specified does not exist within the specified device type. User AciiQ~: Supply the value for INDEX in the FCB image or ensure that nn is a number from 1 to 31, whichever is appropriate. Reissue the command. If the spoolid specified is an open reader file (in use by the virtual machine), it cannot be changed or purged. A CLOSE command will purge an open reader file unless SPOOL RDR HOLD is in effect. - - - User Action: Reissue the command: specify only known-and valid spoolids. (Basic System Extensions) - 037E TAPE raddr INVALID FOR SPTAP! COMMAND ]~~~siiQ~: On the SPTAPE command with the LOAD/SCAN options r the tape specified by raddr was not generated by SPTAPE commands and has and invalid tape format. ~Y§te~ ActiQ~: The tape is unloaded and the command is terminated. Qser actiQ~: Have the operator verify that the tape was created by the SPTAPE command. 043E BUFFER name DOES NOT EXIST ~lanati~: The buffer name supplied with the command is not known to the CP system. The buffer does not exist if it cannot be found in one of the following CP modul~s: DHKFCB DHKUCB DMKUCS DMKPIA 3211 3211 1403 3289 Forms Control Buffers UCS Buffers UCS Buffers Font Offset Buffers User Action: Reissue the command; specify a valId-buffer name. 038E PARAHETEF parameter MISSING OR INVALID FOR option OPTION 044E SYSTEH name DOES NOT EXIST Explanaiio~: FORMAT was specified in a VHDUMP command without an operand, the operand was longer than 8 characters, or the parameter for the named option of a CP reguest was missing or longer than allowed. ~!SAati~: The system name specified does not exist in the V8/370 system. User Action: Reissue the co.mand; specify a valId- system name. Q§er AciiQn: Reissue the correct command. 045E userid NOT LOGGED ON 040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST ~lanation: Explanation: The device address specified does not exist, or a TIO to that device resulted in condition code 3. If the device address is a real device, it is not configured in the CP system, or the device is configured in CP but is not operational; if it is a virtual device address the virtual device is not configured in the virtual machine. If the specified device address is valid, this message mav indicate a problem with the Network Control Program and/or the 370x. User Action: Reissue the the -requIred real or address. command; specify virtual device 041E LOGMSG nn DOES NOT EXIST The userid specified is not logged on. The command cannot execute properly unless the user specified is logged on. User !ctiQD: Reissue the command; specify only users who are cUrrently logged on. 046E {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE ~lanation: The specified device or resource is offline and is considered not available to the CP system. Use~ Action: If this message was issued for DEV rid, issue the NETWORK VARY command to vary the resource online, and then reissue the command. If the message was issued for type raddr, issue the VARY command to vary the device online, and then reissue the command. 1xpla~giiQ~: The SET LOGMSG command has been issued requesting a specific log message line, and the log message line does not exist. User Action: Reissue the command; specify the requIred log message line. 44 IBM VM/370 Svstem Messages 047E userid vaddr DOES NOT EXIST ExplSAati~: The device specified for the particular userid does not exist in that user's virtual machine configuration. If the message is issued for the DIAL or DMK COUPLE command, the particular specified with those commands defined in the rece1v1ng user's machine configuration. device is not virtual User Action: Reissue the command; specify only existinq virtual device addresses for the receivinq virtual machine. 048E CHANNEL x DOES NOT EXIST ~planaiig~: The channel specified in the ATTACH CHANNEL command is net configured in the CP system. 054E ALREADY LOGGED ON {LINEIGRAF} raddr ~la~ation: The userid supplied in the LOGON command is already logqed on at the given line address. (LINE indicates a typewriter terminal; GRAF indicates a display terminal.) User Acti~: Log on specifying a different userid, or send a message to the operator or the logged-on user requestinq information on the logon status. 055E LINE(S; NOT AVAILABLE ON userid USg£ Actio~: Reissue the command; specify only valid and defined real channel addresses. 049E type raddr IN USE ExplgnsiiQ~: An attempt was made to vary an active teleprocessing line or graphic device offline. Qser ActiQ~: Deactivate the line by issuing the DISABLE command; then reissue the VARY command. ~!~ati~: The DIAL command issued to a userid and either: • • • has been That userid has no 270X lines, or The lines are not enabled, or The lines are all busy. User Action: Reissue the DIAL specifying a userid that has virtual 270X lines that are not servicing a user. command enabled already 056E LINE vaddr BUSY ON userid 050E PASSWORD INCORRECT ~lanatiQg: Expla~giiQB: The password supplied with the LOGON command is incorrect. User ActiQB: Reissue the LOGON command, and supply the correct password when prompted. The virtual 270X line specified in the DIAL command is busy. User Action: Reissue the DIAL command at a later-time-when the line becomes available. 057W userid NOT RECEIVING; {DISCONNECTEDIMSG OFFISMSG OFFINOT AUTHORIZEDIWNG OFF} 051E MAXIMUM USERS EXCEEDED Ex2!g~giiQ~: The maximum number of users specified by the system operator would have been exceeded if the logon were allowed to proceed. User Action: Loqon is not allowed and the line Is~isabled. Try to loq on at a later time. If necessary, send a message to the operator before logging on to inquire about the status of the maximum number of users. The userid specified in a MESSAGE, SMSG, or WARNING command is not rece1v1ng because 1:he user is disconnected, not authorized, or has set messages (or special messages or warnings) off usinq the SET comlland. ~lanation: Use! !cti~: No further action is required. 058E CTCA vaddr BUSY ON userid 052E ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY ~~~atiQB: The link or logon cannot be accomplished because of a permanent I/O error encountered while reading the VM/370 directory. User Actio~: Send a message to the system operator stating that you cannot complete your link or loqon because of an error in the VM/370 directory. The userid supplied was found in the VM/370 directory. User Action: Reissue the co.mand; specify an--available virtual channel-to-channel adapter. 059E AUTOLOG FAILED FOR userid MISSINGI IPL FAILEDI ACCOUNTING ERRORS] {IPL ~!anat!Qg: OS3E userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY Explanaiio~: Explanation: The virtual channel-to-channel adapter specified in the COUPLE command is busy on the receiving userid's virtual machine. not An lUTOLOG command was issued for a user, but the command could not be executed for one of the following reasons: 1. User Action: Reissue the command; specify a validuserId. IPL MISSING - there was no IPL record in the user's directory entry. Control Program (CP) Messages 45 D l!K 2. IPL FAILED - the successfully. IPL did not complete 3. ACCOUNTING ERRORS the logon accounting routine returned a nonzero return code. Systg~ !ction: The user the system. is not logged onto No!~: If virtual machine assist available, the STFIRST option must specified in the user's directory. §I§!~~ Action: The highest address is set to zero. is be virtual=rea 1 User Action: Use the SET STBYPASS command only after-the virtual relocate system has been reloaded and is running. ]2er ActiQn: For reason 1, have your system administrator place an appropriate IPL record in the specified user's directory. (System Extensions) For reason 2, log onto the userid in the usual manner to determine the cause of the IPL failure. 064E SHADOW TABLE BYPASS; RESET ~J,g~a·U.Q!l: For reason 3, contact your system programmer for specific requirements of your local accounting procedures. Virtual=Real user: The virtual system was running--vith---'SET STBYPASS VR'. The virtual machine attempted to run with translation tables resident in the first 4K of storage. 060E DUMP FAILED; VIRTUAL PRINTER UNAVAILABLE Explanati2n: The virtual printer does not exist or is not ready. either User Action: If a virtual printer exists, issae-the-CP READY command for it and then reissue the DUMP command. If a virtual printer does not exist, use the CP DEFINE command to create one and reissue the DUftP command. 061E DUMP FAILED; VIRTUAL PRINTER ERROR ]xp!~n~tiQn: Either an I/O error occurred while the dump was being spooled to DASD, or spool space has been filled. Virtual=Virtual ~: Either the virtual operating-SYstem attempted to map a virtual address, not equal to its real address, to an address below the highest virtual=real address in the virtual address space or the virtual machine loaded a BC mode PSW or the virtual system was reset. ~te~ Action: The SET STBIPASS ca.mand has been SET OFF. Virtual machine execution will continue. User Action: Use the SET STBYPASS command only - when running a virtucil reloca tion operating system that does not violate the shadow table bypass restriction. ]2er !cti2n: Notify the system programmer. (System Extensions) - (System Extensions) 065E HIGHEST ALLOWABLE HIGH-WATER xxxxxK MARK VALUE IS 062E EC MODE NOT SET ON ~!anati~: ]xplan~ti9n: A SET STBYPASS was issued to a virtual machine without the !CHODE option being in effect. syste~ The value specified by the 'SET STBYPASS nnn' command exceeded the highest allowable high-water mark value. The high-water mark value will be set only if it is not higher than the following: Acti9n: The command is terminated. User Action: Issue the SET ECHODE ON command--Which will reset the virtual machine. Then IPL the virtual system and reissue the command. (System Extensions) 063E SHADOW TABLE BYPASS; NO~ • • the virtual machine size a high-water mark value determined from the virtual machine's page and segment tables. The highest allowable high-ma rk val ue ma y not be the true water mark value because the virtual translation tables may have several pageable' page frames contiguous with the true high-vater mark. SET ~§!gm ]~R1~n~ti2n: The virtual machine is not running in extended control mode or the virtual control register 1, or segment or page table entries are not architecturally valid. 46 IBM VM/3 7 0 System Messages Ac!ion: The high-water mark value is set to zero, turning off the function. User jcti2~: Deteraine the true high-water aark value froa the virtual systeas configuration. Then reset the SET STBYPASS nnn command with the high-water aark value. 071E DEVICE lOT ACCESSED 066E ST!ULTI OPTION CSEG RESET Explanatio~: The previously defined value of the CSEG option of the ST!ULTI coaaand has been reset to zero because the virtual machine has been reset. (Systea Ext ensions) Action: The CSEG option of the ST!ULTI COiiiid has been reset to zero. • The coaaunicator virtual aachine has not been logged on. • The VS systea has not yet been initialized in the virtual aachine. • The D!K!SS prograa has not been started in the virtual aachine. ~te. Explanation: The LOGON password was entered on the same line as the LOGOI coaaand or a valid option was misspe~led. 072E DEVICE ROT TYPE ~tea Action: The operation failed. lOT PROPER attach or dedicate User Action: Reissue the co.aand with the correct 'raddr' or if the 'raddr' was specified correctly, request that the systea operator use the DEFIRE coaaand to reset the 3330Vs characteristics. 070E shared-status !SS DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE This message is i ••ediately followed the current D!!lWI108E message specifying the referenced 'vaddr' and 'volid' • AVAILABLE - 'raddr' Explanation: A dedicate or attach operation is in process for device 'raddr': device 'raddr' is a 3330V. The 'raddr' is not the proper type (VIRTUAL or SYSVIRT). Note: with the PROTECT option on, the LOGON password may not be entered on the saae line as the LOGON co.aand. Enter the password as a response to the REITER PASSWORD" messaqe. Ho1~: Action: The operation failed. User Action: Request that the systea operator aakes the coamunicator virtual .achine available or wait until the coaaunicator virtual aachine can be initialized. 067E CO!!AND FOR!AT NOT VALID ExplaD~1ioD: User is logged on with a minidisk defined on a systea voluae that is not mounted. When attempting to find an !SS volume with the correct vOlid, an ass 3330V is required. There are no ass 3330Vs of the proper type available to try a volume mount. 'shared-status' will be SHARED, IONSHARED, SHARED/NONSHARED, or SHARED (SDGxx) depending on the type of V!S requested. BE iote: This message will always be followed by a aessage froa the specific control program routine that needed ass activity. User Action: Issue the SET ST!ULTI coaaand with ~e-- desired value of the CSEG specified. Reenter the LOGO I coaaand omitting~be password or reenter the LOGON comaand with the correctly spelled option. CAIIOT This aessage can be issued during execution of any operation that initiated ass .ount or deaount activity. ~yste. Action: ass Explanation: The control prograa has atteapted an operation that requires ass access. The routine to coaaunicate with the ass (D!!!SS) is not active because of one of the following reasons: (Systea Extensions) User AVAILABLE 073E ass DEVICE lOT AVAILABLE - REASOH CODE xx ~lanati2D: The control program has determined that the only possible way to satisfy a request for a virtual device is to issue an ass aount request. The ass accepted the request, but later generated an error indication. by User Action: Deter.ine whether the 'volid' required--Is an ass volu.e or standard 3330-1. If it is a standard 3330-1, follow the actions for message lOSE. If it is an KSS volume, notify the system operator so that the volume may be made accessible. ~!~ Action: The control program com.and that initiated the ass request will produce a aessage to indicate the result of the !SS error. User Action: The REASOI CODE appended to the error aessage is the ERROR CODE which is presented to the D!!!SS central server application as a result of issuing an ass request. Explanations of each of the reason codes are documented in QS/VS Control Prograa (CP) !essages 117 DMK Me§§~gg~ 1.!.££~n: ,H,g.§.§ '§tQ~A9~ System (MS.§) GC38-1000. Contact the V8/370 system operator to ensure that action is underway to correct the MSS error. Reissue the command when the error has been corrected. Messag~.§, Use£ !ction: The QUERY command can be used to determine the exact status of 'nnn'. The operator can either issue the DEFINE with a different address command specification or wait until the status of 'nnn' has changed. 074E MISSING INTERRUPT - DEVICE 'vaddr' 0781 MSS MOUNT PROCEEDING FOR VOLUME 'volid' Ex£lans!.!Qn: The virtual machine started I/O to its device' vaddr', that is an MSS 3330V in the control program. A cylinder fault occurred on the 3330V but the corresponding attention interruption was not received in th~ specified time interval. ]~~!,gnation: The control proqram mounted the system volume 'volid' while processing an MDISK or OED directory statement or a LINK or ATTACH command. The MSS is now mounting the volume. ~!em ~Y.§te~ !~1~on: Tne orig1nal I/O operation is restarted to the device so that if the cylinder fault is satisfied, the request will complete normally. User Action: If the message recurs, it may indicate--an error in the MSS staging adapter. The pending I/O request can be cleared by issuing the RESET 'vaddr' command. 075E DEVICE 'raddr' IS NOT AVAILABLE Ex£!sna!iQn: An ATTACH command has been processed to attach a 'raddr' to the system. However, the 'raddr' is a SYSVIRT 3330V and that volume is mounted and its serial is not the same as that specified on the 'volid' parameter. Action: RC=160. The allocation of the virtual device is queued, pending the completion of the mount. Any SIO instruction issued by the virtual machine to the virtual address corresponding to the MSS volume is trapped by VM/370 and queued until the volume is mounted. Control is not returned to the user until the volume is mounted and the SIO has been passed to the volume. User Action: None. However, if a SIO is issued--to-the virtual device before the mount is complete, that SIO will be queued by VM/370 and the virtual machine processing will be suspended pending the completion of the mount. The user can cancel the SIO, rather than waiting for the mount, by getting into CP mode and issuing the RESET command for the virtual address. This will cause CP to dequeue the SIO and generate a condition code 3. ~te~ Action: The specified 'raddr' is not attached. User Action: Choose an available SYSVIRT traddr'-and-reissue the command. The QUERY command can be used to find an available 'raddr' • 076E THE 'volid' PARAMETER IS INVALID ~lanai'!Qn: The 'volid' parameter was specified with a range or multiple of real addresses on the ATTACH command. This not a valid combination. Syst~~ !~iiQn: No addresses are attached. User Action: Reissue the command with valId combInation of operands. a - - - (Basic System Extensions) 080E NO PREALLOCATED VMSAVE AREA ~!anation: The VMSAVE option was specified in the directory at logon, or a SET VMSAVE ON command was issued, and there is no entry in DMKSNT with a USERID= specification for this user. .§Y§!~ Action: The VMSAVE option is not enabled. Use~ !ction: Verify that the NAMESYS macro defining the target area is specified correctly. If none is present, add a NAMESYS macro defining the target area in module DMKSNT. Issue the SET V"SAVE ON or SET VMSAVE area-name to enable the option. 077E INVALID REQUEST FOR DEVICE 'nnn' (Basic System Extensions) Ex£1snati2n: A DEFINE command was issued with the VIRTUAL or SYSVIRT parameter for device 'nnn'. Device 'nnn' cannot be defined because it is already the specified type or it is active in its current state. ~Y.§te~ !~tiQn: The status of the dev ice is not changed. No further DEFINE command processing occurs. 48 IBM VM/370 System Messages 081W VMSAVE AREA CONTAINS A SAVED USE SET CmUUND ~!,gnatiQn: SYSTE~, MUST The VMSAVE option is specified in the directory but a valid saved VMSAVE system already exists in the DASD target area. ~i~~ !ctio~: The VMSAVE option is not enabled. Us~£ !£iiog: Verify that the NAMESYS macro is specified correctly for this VMSAVE target area. Use the QUERY VMSAVE command to determine when the system was saved. Use the IPL command to load the system or the SET VMSAVE ON command to clear the area. 091E DASD vaddr AVAILABLE 082E MORE THAN ONE VMSAVE AREA SPECIFY AREA NAME The VMSAVE option is specified in the directory or the user has issued a SET VMSAVE ON command when he has more than one target V~SAVE area available to the user. !£iio~: The VMSAVE SPACE NOT The virtual device has not been defined in the virtual machine configuration because the temporary space requested is not available. Temporary space is considered not available if: • No space has been allocated by the installation for temporary use, or The number of cylinders (or blocks if FB-512 device) requested cannot be satisfied from the available space remaining. ALLOCATED, MUST ~lanatiQ~: ~te~ TEMP ~lanati~: • (Basic System Extensions) NOT DEFINED; option is not User Action: The space cannot be defined if it-has--not been allocated. If space has been allocated, issue the DEFINE commana requesting fewer cylinders (or blocks if FB-512 device.) 092E DEV vaddr DEFINED NOT DEFINED; type vaddr ALREADY enabled. ~lanation: User Action: to-determIne then issue a to enable the Issue a QUERY VMSAVE command what areas are available and SET VMSAVE area-name command VMSAVE option. (Basic system Extensions) OB3E VMSAVE IBEA DOES NOT CONTAIN A VALID SYSTEM The virtual device specified has not been previously defined within the virtual machine's configuration, or that address is already defined within the virtual machine's configuration. Use~ !ction: Reissue the command; specify a virtual device address that is not already defined within the virtual machine configuration, or detach the conflicting virtual device address before reissuinq the command. ~~~g~iiQg: The user has issued an IPL command to a VMSAVE target DASD area. The DASD area specified does not contain a valid system. ~i~~ !ct!Qg: terminated. The IPL command is User Action: Verify that the correct name was-specified on the IPL command. Ensure that the NAMESYS specification points to the correct DASD area. Reissue the IPL command. 090E DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; NOT AVAILABLE DEV {raddrlvolser} Ex~g~iiQ~: The virtual device has not been defined in the virtual machine's configuration because the real device described in the directory DEDICATE card is not available. A real device is considered not available if it is: • • • Already attached to another user, or In use by the CP system, or Offline. User Action: Ask the system operator about t~ status and availability of the real device. The operator can attach the required device or an alternate device to the virtual machine. 093E DEV vaddr DIRECTORY NOT DEFINED; ERROR IN CP ~l~ation: The requested virtual device has not been defined within the virtual machine configuration because of an error in the CP directory. An example of this condition is a dedicated 2305 device which did not specify the first exposure address for both the virtual and real addresses on the DEDICATE statement. User Action: Send a message to the system operator-stating the problem so that the error in the CP directory can be corrected. 094E STORAGE EXCEEDS ALLOWED MAXIMUM ~1anati.Q!l: The storage specified in the DEFINE command exceeds the maximum allowable as specified in the CP directory. User Action: Reissue the DEFINE specifying a smaller storage size. 095E DEV vaddr NOT STORAGE command DEFINED; INSUFFICIENT FREF ~l~ati.Q!l: Sufficient free storage could not be acquired to define a virtual device as a result of the logon process or a DEFINE command. Control Program (CP) Messages 49 D!fK User Acti~n: Reduce the number of virtual devices 1n the user configuration. The system programmer may want to allocate more free storage to the system. are linked to the saae device with read-only access. If only one user has read-only access, that user's userid is displayed at the terminal. User Action: This is a warning message for inforaation only and no further action is required. 098E DEV rid !fODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE Explanation: If this message was issued in response to the DIAL command, it indicates that the DIAL command was issued from a terainal connected to a 370~/3705 that is running the Network Centrol Program (NCP) or the Partitioned Emulation Program (PEP), and the terminal cannot be switched from network control mode to emUlation mode. 102W DASD vaddr FORCED USERSI userid} • The resource is already in emulation mode. No RDEVBLOK is available for addressing the line when it is in emulation mode. • Command execution 103W DASD vaddr FORCED R/O; R/W BY {nnn USERSI userid}; R/O BY {nnn USERSI userid} Explanation: The given virtual device has been forced into read-only status because the disk is in read/write use by some users and read-only use by other users linked to the same disk area. If the number of users having read/write or read-only access is one, the single userid is displayed at the terminal. User Action: This is a warninq message for information only and no further action is reguired. is 10~E User Action: For the DIAL command, verify that the-correct 370~/3705 control program is active, and that the specific resource in use was generated with the mode switch capability. Note that the DIAL command cannot be used with the NCP, because the Rep does not support the mode switching function. For the NETWORK VARY command, check the operands specified when the 370~/3705 control proqram was generated and correct any in error. Check that the RDEVICE macros in the D!fKRIO module were specified correctly, according to the real machine and 370~/3705 configurations. If errors are discovered in the 370~/3705 control program qeneration, reqenerate the 370~/370S control program. If errors are discovered in the D!fKRIO module, regenerate the CP nucleus. userid vaddr USERSI userid} NOT LINKED; RIO BY {nnn ~lanation: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because that disk area is already in read-only use by one or more users. If the number of users is one, the single userid is displayed at the terminal. US~~ Action: Reissue the LINK command, specifying the appropriate alternate access to obtain a link to the desired area in read or write mode. 10SE userid vaddr USERSI userid} NOT LINKED; R/i BY {nnn ~!angtiQA: {nnn The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because that disk area is·already in read/write use by one or more users. If the number of users is one~the single use rid is displayed at the terminal. The virtual device specified has been forced into read-only status because other users on the system already Us~~ Action: Reissue the LINK command, specifying the appropriate alternate access to gain a link to the device in the reguired mode. 101W DASD vaddr FORCED USERS I userid} R/O; ~xpla~atio~: 50 {nnn User Action: This is a warning messaqe for information only and no further action is required. The resource is already in network control mode. No RDEVBLOK exists for the emulator subchannel address associated with the specified resource. Syste!. Action: terminated. BY The virtual device specified has been forced into read-only status because other users on the system already have access to the saae disk area in read/write mode. If only one user has read/write access, that user's userid is displayed at the terminal. For the NETWORK VARY NCP co.mand line, the mode switch cannot be performed if: • R/W ~lanation: otherwise, this message indicates that the NETWORK VARY cOllmand was issued with either the EP or NCP operand, requesting a.ode switch that cannot be performed. Either the specified resource does not have the mode switch capability or the switch could not be performed. For the NETWORK VARY EP command line, the mode switch cannot be performed if: • R/O; IBM VM/370 System Messages R/O BY DMK 106E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; R/W BY {nnn USERSluserid}; RIO BY {nnn USERSluserid} EXplang~ion: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because the disk is in read/write use by some users and read-only use by other users. If the number of users is one, the single userid is displayed at the terminal. User Action: Reissue. the LINK, command, specifying the appropr~ate alternate access required to disk area. gain the correct link to the Us~± Action: Reissue the LINK command requesting a different virtual device address, detach the device with the conflicting virtual address from the virtual machine, and then reissue the LINK command. 111E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO READ PASSWORD ~lanati~: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because nc read access to it is allowed. Us~~ Action: Contact your system programmer to request a directory change. 107E userid vaddr DIRECTORY NOT LINKED; NOT IN CP 112E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO WRITE PASSWORD ~xplanation: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because that virtual device address is not defined in the VH/370 directory for the specified userid. ~lAnati~: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because no write access to it is allowed. User Action: Contact your system programmer User Action: Reissue the LINK command, specify!ng--the correct virtual device address or the correct userid. ~regues~a directory change. 113E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO MULT PASSWORD 108E userid vaddr MOUNTED NOT LINKED; VOLID volid NOT ~~gnatiQn: The link to the user's virtual device address has not been accompl!shed because the virtual device is defined on a volume that is not currently mounted on the CP system. User ~ction: Send a message to system operator-asking that the specified volume be mounted and attached to the CP system. Reissue the LINK command when the operator confirms that the correct volume has been mounted. ~lgnati~: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because no multiple-access password is specified for the user's minidisk. Use! !cti~: Contact your system programmer to request a directory change. 114E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; PASSWORD INCORRECT ~~!gnatiQn: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because an incorrect password was entered. User Action: ReiSSUe the LINK specify-the correct password. 109E userid DEVICE vaddr NOT LINKED; INVALID LINK ~!Blgng~iQn: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because the virtual device defined in the user's CP directory entry is not a minidisk to which a link can be accomplished. User Action: Reissue the LINK command with a-valid-userid and virtual device address. 110E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED ~xplang~iQn: command and The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because this virtual machine already has a device with the same address defined in its configuration. 115E {AUTOLOGILINK} INVALID; EXCESSIVE INCORRECT PASSHORDS ~lanation: The AUTOLOG command issued from a virtual machine by a DIAGNOSE instruction is now invalid because the user has entered four incorrect passwords associated with the AUTOLOG command during the current terminal session. The LINK command issued from a virtual machine by a DIAGNOSE instruction is now invalid because the user has entered ten incorrect unprompted passwords for access to minidisks during the current terminal session. User Action: The command can still be the CP command mode by signaling attention and reissuing the command. The AUTOLOG command can be issued from the virtual machine environment if yon do not enter the password as part of the entere~-from Control Program (CP) Messages 51 DMK input line but allow the CP system to prompt you for it. This error condition from the AUTOLOG or LINK command is designed to prohibit password quessing by repetitive calls to the command from within the virtual machine. 116E userid xxx NOT LINKED; CP DIRECTORY IN USE Expla~s1io~: The userid to which you are linking is either logging on the system, or someone else is attempting a link to the same userid at this time. ~~at~ Action: Reissue the ATTACH command specifying a different virtual device address for the user. You should first send a message, via the MESSAGE com.and, to the user requesting what action should be taken and what virtual device should be assigned. The user may wish to detach the conflicting virtual device from his machine configuration and ask the operator to reissue the ATTACH command. 121E type raddr NOT ATTACHED TO userid ~lanatiQB: Us~ Action: Reissue the LINK command. 1" IE USERID user~d NOT LINKED; VOLID volid The real device has not been detached from the specified use rid because it was not attached to that user. Either the real device or the userid has been incorrectly specified. CONFLICT User Expla~s1iQn: The volume label in the user's directory entry matches the volume label on the real device, but the device class and device type are not the samE. Action: specifying~he Reissue the DETACH command correct device address for the userid. 122E type raddr ALREADY ATTACHED TO userid User Action: Correct the error in the VM/370-directory for the device that cannot be linked. 118E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; COP.!AND FOR!AT NOT VALID ~xpla~s1iQn: The LINK password was entered on thesaae line as the LINK command or a valid option was misspelled. ~l~atiQn: The requested real device is already attached to another userid. The operator has probably specified an incorrect real device address. Opers!~ Action: Reissue the ATTACH command, specifying the correct real device address. 123E DASD raddr CP OWNED User Action: Reenter the LINK command omitting-the password or reenter the LINK command with the correctly spelled option. Note: with the PROTECT option on, the LINK password may not be entered on the same line as the LINK command. Enter the password as a response to the "ENTER PASSWORD:" message. 119E userid vaddr NOT STORAGE LINKED; INSUFFICIENT FREE Expla~1ion: sufficient free storage could not be acquired to satisfy the link reguest for a virtual device. User Action: Reduce the number of virtual devices--rn the user configuration or in other user configurations. The system programmer may want to allocate more free storage to the system. 120E type raddr NOT ALREADY DEFINED ATTACHED; userid IBM VM/370 System !essages The command has not been processed for the requested use rid because that device is owned by the CP system. A CP-owned device is one that is defined in the system-owned list and is in use for paging or spooling space. User Action: The command cannot be specified for the real device because that device must remain owned and in use by the CP system. 12qE DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS has not been The co.mand executed because the device is in use by the stated number of users. ~ls1!ati21!: User Action: The command cannot be executed for- the-specified real device until all users who have lIinidisks in use on that device detach them. vaddr ExP!s~1iQn: The real device has not been attached to the specified userid because that userid has already defined a virtual device of the specified virtual address. 52 ~!anation: 125E DASD raddr VOLID volid SYSTEM ~!anati21!: ALREADY ATTACHED TO The volid is already mounted and attached to the system. D!K ~~to£ Actign: ReissuE the ATTACH command specifying the correct volid. It may be necessary to detach the real device from the system that contains the duplicate volid before attempting the ATTACH command aqain. 126E DASD raddr ERROR READING V01ID Explanatigg: The specified device could not be attached to the system because of an error in reading the volume latel. processing is accomplished but no virtual devices are available in the user's configuration. User Action: Reduce the amount of storage being-requested by reducing the number of virtual devices beinq attached or logqed on. The system programmer may want to allocate more free storage to the system. 132E CHANNEL x ALREADY DEFINED BY userid ~lanation: Check that there are no equipment-~Ilures; reissue the ATTACH command. ~~tQ~ Action: The userid's virtual machine already has a channel .ith the sa.e address defined in the virtual machine. ~~ator 127E DASD raddr V01ID volid DOES NOT KATCH Explang~igg: The real device has not been attached to the system because the volid read from the label does not match the one specified with the command. ~£~to£ Actign: ReiSSUE the ATTACH command specifying the correct volid. Action: Request that the user detach all devices from the requested virtual channel and then reissue the command specifying the correct channel address. 133E DASD raddr NOT READY ~!anation: An attempt has been made attach a DASD device that is not ready. ~~i~ 128E DASD raddr ERROR READING AllOCATION RECORD Action: !ake the reissue the command. to device ready and ~K~natiQg: The volume, which is a CP-owned volume, has not been allocated for CP use because the allocation record could not be read. ~~~tor !ction: Detach the device from the system and reattach it to the system, after checking that there are no equipment failures. 134E type vaddr NOT ATTACHED; CHAN x DEDICATED ExplanatiQg: The command has not been executed for the reguested use rid because the user has attached a dedicated channel with the same channel number as the virtual channel number specified in the ATTACH command. ~ra1or Action: Verify that the vaddr in the ATTACH co.mand is correct. 129E CHANNEL x DEVICES IN USE Ex~natign: The ATTACH CHANNEL command has not been executed because the devices on that channel are already in use. 135E type vaddr NOT DETACHED; CHAN x DEDICATED The command has not been executed because the device was attached via the ATTACH CHANNEL command. ~lanatiQn: Action: Detach devices from users and the system before reissuing the ATTACH CHANNEL command. Qp~tor Operat~ Action: If the longer needed, issue the command. 130E CHANNEL x NOT ATTACHED iO userid Explana~ign: The DETACH CHANNEl command has not been accomplished because that channel is not attached to the specified userid. channel is no DETACH CHANNEL 136E DEY vaddr NOT DEFINED; CHAN x DEDICATED ~lanation: ~~tor Action: Reissue the command with the correct channel for the userid. 131E INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE {ATTACHI10GON} REQUEST AVAILABLE FOR Explana~ion: An attempt was made to acguire storage for virtual device/control unit/channel blocks from free storage. The storage request could not be satisfied. In the case of ATTACH, no devices are attached. In the case of lOGON, loqon The channel number appearing in the error message is a dedicated channel. Users of dedicated channels are not permitted to define devices in which the virtual channel address equals the real dedicated channel address. The virtual address (vaddr1) being redefined has active I/O pending. User Action: Reissue the DEFINE co.mand using-a-different virtual channel address. Quiesce active I/O for the virtual addr@ss being redefined. Control Program (CP) ftessages 53 DMK 137E DASD vaddr NOT LINKED; CHAN X DEDICATED Explg~atiQn: Channel x is dedicated to this virtual machine. The vaddr appearing in the error message has a virtual channel that is equal to the real dedicated channel. Users of dedicated channels are not permitted to link to DASD device(s) where the virtual channel equals the real dedicated channel. User Action: Reissue the LINK command using a-dIfferent virtual channel address. 142E type raddr NOT DRAINED Jxp.!Anati~: has not been The command executed because the device speci fied was not in a drained status. ~~g!~ Action: Drain the specified device via the -DRAIN command, and reissue the command. 143E type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM ExplAnati~: 138E CHANNEL STORAGE x NOT ATTACHED; INSUFFICIENT FREE Explanation: sufficient free storage could not be acquired to satisfy the attach channel request. The request cannot be satisfied unless all devices on the channel can be attached. User Action: Reduce the number of virtual devices--in the user configuration. The system programmer may want to allocate more free storage to the system. • Is attached to the system, or • Is performing I/O activity, or • Is a 3704 or 3705 that is loaded with ~n active EP, NCP, or PEP, or that is the active address for the automatic DUMP/lOAD process. ~!~ Mass Storage (KSS) deviceb cannot be attached to the and used to contain minidisks. 3330V system USg£ Action: This message identifies a restricted function. Mass Storage (MSS) 3330V devices can only be dedicated to a virtual machine user. 140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid ExP1g~lion: The device specified is not under CP control but is attached to the specified userid for its exclusive control. User Action: Reissue the co.mand; specify only -~evIces under CP control. The operator must detach the device from the specified user in order to make it available to another user. 141E type raddr NOT ACTIVE Explana1ion: The command has not been executed because the device specified was not performing any spooling function. ]ser !£lion: Reissue the command; specify the correct real device, if necessary. Action: The command is not executed. • For any device other than a 3704 or 3105, detach the device if possible, or wait for the I/O activity to cease, and then reissue the command. • For an active 3104 or 3105, the command cannot be executed. • If a NETWORK DUMP is required, use the 3704/3705 LOAD button to activate VM/370 automatic dump and reload procedures. • If a NETWORK LOAD of a 3104/3705 control program other than the active one is required, use the NETWORK DUMP command with the OFF operand to suppress automatic recovery, and then use the subsequent NETWORK LOAD command. NETWORK SHUTDOWN can also be used to terminate the V8/370 Network Con trol Program. 139E DASD addr NOT {LINKEDIATT1CBED}; 3330V NOT ACCEPTED 1S SYSTEM VOLUME ~la~liQn: 144W type vaddr RESET BY userid ~.!Anati~: The HALT command was used to terminate an active channel program and that channel program vas associated with a specified virtual device. ~!~~ Action: The real device is halted and all pending interrupts are cleared from the specified virtual device. The virtual machine then enters CP command mode. Pro~A~~~ Actio~: Ensure that channel program vas started specified virtual device. User Action: 'COntinue.-- 54 IBM VM/370 System Messages The specified device either: IPL the virtual a valid to the system to DKK 1451 USERID:userid AT term-raddr WITH INVALID HAS PASSwORD NO. xxx (psvdj VIOLATED THE LIMIT OF yyy [,A=auserid] {lINKILOGO~ ~planat!QQ: The installation defined threshold for invalid passwords has been reached by "userid". term-addr - address of terminal being used. xxx - current invalid password count. pswd - invalid password. IIY - current limit. When the current limit is met, Use~ Action: Use the IOBSTAT with the IOBCSij4 status byte to find the possible cause. IOBSTIT STATUS 70 IOBSTAT STATUS 10 IOBSTAT 2 STATUS 00 Short control unit busy. Busy device or control unit. Check for a possible shared control unit or reserved device. Channel or subchannel busy. message DKKJRL1q5I is sent. 160E HEILOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE If the optional information "[,A=auserid]" is present, the message is the result of an AUTOLOG command. In this case "userid" is the userid specified in the AUTOLOG command, and "auserid" is the userid of the issuer of the AUTOLOG. .Q2grator !ction: None. User Action: Each installation will have to define--the specific action they wish to take when this situation arises. Since the situation is a possible attempt to penetrate the system, it should not be ignored. The system supply the necessary spool the VMDUMP. The hexadecimal location specified exceeds the storage size. If the hexadecimal location was a virtual address, the address was beyond the range of the virtual machine storage size; if i t was a real address, then the address vas beyond the range of the real storage size • Note that the storage created by a virtual operating system running under VM/370 is beyond the range of the virtual machine storage size. Thus, the virtual region of a VS operating system running under YK/370, for example, cannot be displayed. Us~~ 1461 DUMP FAILED: SPOOLING ERROR ~lanai!on: ~lanation: was unable to file blocks for Action: Reenter the command, using only valid hexadecimal locations within the range of the real or virtual storage size. 161E SHARED PAGE hexloc ALTERED BY-userid User !ction: Do not reissue the until spool space is available. Syst~~ !ctio~: canceled freed. and The VMDUMP any specl file command request blocks is ~-ro 148E type raddr BUFFER LOAD name FAILED ]~~nat!on: The buffer load accomplished because of an I/O the specified device. cannot be failure on User Action: Reissue the command, attempting-to load the buffer as before. If the problem persists, there is probably a hardware error. Call your system support personnel for assistance. 1511 DASD (addr) NOT ATTACHED, BUSY IOBSTAT=xx, IOBCSW+4=yyyy PERSISTS, Explanat!~: The operator has issued an STCP (store CP) command for the shared page at hexadecimal location 'hexloc l • This page has just been altered by the currently dispatched user, 'userid', and it therefore will belong solely to 'userid'. Another copy of the shared page will be created at another location for the other users sharing the page before the next user is dispatched. Since it is assumed that the opera tor wishes to change the con tents of the shared page, not the individually-owned page, the STeP COllmand is not executed. Action: If you want to change the contents of the shared seq me nt, use the class A LOCK CO.lland with the MAP operand to determine the real address of the page, and then reissue the STCP cOllmand with the corrected shared page address. If you want to change the contents of the altered, individually owned paqe, reissue the STCP command; this time it will be executed. ~rator EX~Qat!QQ: the DASD persists. 256 TIO's have been issued to (addr) and a busy condition Control Program (CP) Kessages 55 DMK ~!em 162E INVALID ECR x - hexdata Expla~g1iQn: The user has specified an extended control register with invalid hexadecimal data. Invalid hexadecimal data in an extended control register can mean that either certain bit combinations not allowed by the architecture have been specified, or addresses have been named that would cause specification or addressing exceptions in the virtual machine. User Action: Reissue the command, specifying-valid hexadecimal data for the control registers specified. 162W !NVALID ECR x - hexeata Explgna1iQn: The virtual machine is running in extended control mode and an attempt has been made to store a reset value 'OOOOOOEO' into control register zero (x). The store is completed. User Ac1ion: Verify your intention to reset control register zero before continuing in extended control mode. 163E STORE EXCEEDS MAXI"UM REGISTER Expla~1i~: The STORE command has been specified for registers with a number of operands to be stored in contiguous registers, and the number of operands specified would place the store beyond the valid register range. Syste~ Actign: The system has stored up to and including the maximum register allowed for the store function. Q2~ A£1ign: Verify that the STORE command entered correctly and that the was beginning register was correctly specified. If they were not, reissue the STORE command, specifying the correct registers and operands. 164E HEXLOC hexloc NO~-ADDRESSABIE The hexadecimal address specified with the command lies within a nonaddressable storage range. Nonaddressable storage is storage created by named systems such as VSAM. User Action: Reissue the command, specifying-i-valid hexadecimal address. 1651 PAGE hexloc NOT LOCKED; SHARED PAGE The page user at hexadecimal location "hexloc" cannot be locked because it is a shared page. 56 IBM VM/370 System Messages User Action: I f more pages are to be locked-,--the user must reissue the LOCK command specifying unshared pages. 166E CHANGED SHARED AUXILIARY STORAGE PAGE NOT WRITTEN TO ~!anation: The store into a shared page has been made, but a copy of the change has not been written to backup storage. The recompute bit is on and no page slot is available. The change may be lost if it is assigned later as a private page. User !cti~: Provide more paging space. 170E 3YSTE" name EXCEEDS STORAGE Explanati~: If this message was issued in response to the SAVESYS, or IPL command, the system name specified uses a virtual storage size larger than that defined for the virtual machine. (For Basic System Extensions, this message is applicable for SET V" SA VE comman d. ) If this message was issued in response to a NETWORK co.mand, the specified 3704/3705 control program is larger than the 3704/3705 storage (as specified by the RDEVICE macro), and the control program image cannot be loaded into the specified 3704/3705. User Action: For any of the above commands, reissae--the command, specifying a system name that will fit within the virtual machine storage size. Or redefine the virtual machine storage size using the DEFINE command, and then reissue the command. For NETWORK, reissue the command specifying another control program that will fit in the 3704/3705. STORAGE ~la~ation: Expla~g1ign: Action: The system skips this page and continues to lock any remaininq unshared pages in the range specified in the LOCK command. 171E SYSTEK name VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED ~!g~ati~: If this message was issued in response to the SAVESYS (or Basic System Extensions SET VKSAVE) command, the system name cannot be saved because it reguires a volume that is not mounted. This may be the volume on which the named system was to be saved or the volume that the saved system needs in order to properly execute once loaded. If this message vas issued in response to the IPL command, the system name cannot be loaded because it requires a volume that is not mounted. This may be the volume that contains the saved system, or the volume that the saved system needs in order to properly execute once loaded. DMK If this message was issued in response to the SAVENCP command, the volume specified by SYSVOL in the NAMENCP macro in DMKSNT is not currently available to the VM/370 system. If this message was issued in response to a NETWORK command, the Network Control Program cannot be loaded because the volume on which it resides is not mounted. User Action: Send a message to the system operator--statinq which volume is not mounted, and request that he mount the desired volume and attach it to the sy5tem~ Reissue the command once the operator has verified that the correct volume is mounted and attached. 172E SYSTEM name DASD vaddr INCOMPATIBLE SYSRES ExE1&natign: The cannot be saved or the direct access within the virtual does not match location specified CP system. system name soecified loaded (via IPL)-because storage device address machine's configuration the DASD address and in the name table of the usg£ !ctign: No action can be directly taken by the user. Verify that the system name you are trying to save or IPL contains the correct virtual device address and that that virtual device address matches the extent on the required owned volume for that system. ~lsnati£n: The FAVORED or RESERVED operand specified in the SET command, or the NETWORK TRACE facilities specified in the NETWORK command, cannot be applied to the specified user because that function is already in use by the userid identified in the error message. User Action: For DMKCFS, FAVORED or RESERVEo-turn off the FAVORED or RESERVED operand for the user specified in the error message, and reissue the SET command specifying the new userid for the desired function. For DMKNES, reissue the NETWORK TRACE command after the identified user has completed his tracing and has issued the command NETWORK TRACE END. (For Basic System Extensions: for name, the VMSAVE area named is in use. Send a message to the other user asking him to release the area or issue the QUERY VMSAVE command to find out if any other areas are available.) 176B VIRT=REAL AREA IN USE BY userid ],!Elanation: The UNLOC K VIRT=REAL function could not be executed because the given userid is logged on and occupying the virtual=real area. y~~ Action: Request that the user log off, or force the user to log off, and then reissue the command specifying the virtual=real area. 173E SYSTEM name REQUIRES DASD vaddr ~~21ans~iQn: The system name specified with a SAVESYS or IPL command requires that the virtual machine be using a direct access storage device with the specified virtual address. Usg~ !ctiQn: In the virtual machine configuration, define the required DASD address. Then reissue the command, specifying the correct system name. 177E PARM EXCEEDS 64 CHARACTERS EXDlanation: There are more than 64 CharacterS-in the PARM field being passed to the virtual system by the IPL command. Use~ Action: Reissue the command with no more than~4 characters in the PARM field. 178E SYSTEM name EXCEEDS AVAILABLE DASD SPACE 174E PAGING I/O ERROR; IPL FAILED An I/O error occurred while attemptinq to read a page from a direct access storage device. ~~E!sns~iQn: User Action: faIlure operator. the Reissue the IPL command. If persists, notify the system 175E {FAVOREDIRESERVEDINETWOEK TRACE} ALREADY IN USE BY userid - (Basic System Extensions) - - - 175E {FAVOREDIRESERVEDINETWORK TRACElname} ALREADY IN USE BY userid ~lanation: The amount of DASD space reserved by the NAMENCP macro ~s insufficient to contain both the 3704/3705 control program image and the system control information. Use~ !cti~: Increase the amount of DASD space reserved by the NA8ENCP macro, and reissue the command. Verify that the extra pages required for the system control information were included when the DASD space was assigned. 179E SYSTEM name VOLID volid NOT CP OWNED ~lSAatiQn: The DASD volume specified by SY5VOL in the NA8ENCP or NA8ESYS macro is currently attached to the V8/370 system, but it is not a CP-ovned volume, and Control program (CP) 8essages 57 DMK therefore is not a valid residence voluae for the saved system image. User Action: Ensure that the correct DASD volid--ViS- specified in the RAKERCP or RAKESYS macro in DKKSRT. and that the physical DASD volume mounted is the correct volume. Verify that the specified volid is included in the SYSOWR macro in DRKSYS. and reissue the SAVENCP diagnose or the SAVESYS command. 180W TRACE NOT IN EFFECT Explanation: The TRACE END function has been specified and the TRACE function was not in effect. User Action: This is a warning message for information only and no further action is required. 184E VK ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE addr} {ON PROCESSOR proc ~lanati~: A SET ASSIST or a SET SASSIST command vas issued but the VR/370 hardware assist feature is not available on the indicated processor address. In an Attached Processor system, the response with an optional parameter indicates the assist is not a va ilab Ie on ei ther processor. The opt ional parameter is provided for the SET ASSIST command only if the user has affinity set on. and the assist feature is not available on the affinity processor. ~!~ Action: If the assist feature is not available on any processor, execution of the command is terminated. If the assist feature is available on the other processor, the user VRBLOK is updated to use the assist feature when the user resets his affinity. 181E SHARED SYSTEK name REPLACED WITH ROR-SHARED COPY Ex£!anatign: The virtual machine has issued the CP commands STORE. ADSTOP or TRACE and the address targeted by the command is referencing a shared named system page. The shared named system is released and a replacement of the named system is made with a nonshared copy. 185E ECPS LEVEL xx DOES NOT HATCH CP LEVEL yy Explanation: When VR/370 was loaded, VH/370 detected a mismatch between the hardware assist level and the software. Errors might result if the CP assist or the extended virtual machine assist feature were used. ]~ Action: The virtual machine continues to run but is now running the shared named system in nonshared mode. The user should be aware that total system efficiency decreases as the number of users running with nonshared copies of a shared named system increases. When the user no longer needs his own copy of a nonshared system he should attempt to replace it with a shared copy. In most instances this would mean reload (via IPL) of the shared named system. 182E (reserved for IBK use) Syst~.! Action: unavailable. CP assist is set Use~ Action: Update the processor or software support to an equivalent level. 186E CP ASSIST HOT AVAILABLE ];ll!anation: A SET CPASSIST command was issued but Extended control-Program Support is not available on the processor, or there is a mismatch between the hardware assist level and the software. 183E VB ASSIST NOT ACTIVE ~xpla~atign: A SET ASSIST ON or a SET ASSIST SVC command was issued. However, the operator deactivated the assist feature for the whole machine. On an Attached Processor system, this message indicates that the assist is not active on any processor, unless the user has affinity set on. If the user has affinity set on, then the message describes the state of the assist for the affinity processor only. ~yste~ Action: The user description is updated the assist feature when the operator activates it for the system. 58 to-use IBM V8/370 System Messaqes 187E TIRER ASSIST HOT AVAILABLE ~!~~ati~: A SET ASSIST TftR command was issued on a processor that does not have VK/370 Extended Control-Proqram Support, or on a CPU on which virtual machine assist has been temporarily disabled by the operator. ~!~.! Action: I f the processor does not have this support, no further action is taken. If the support is disabled. the bit VKFVTKR is set, so that if the sunport is enabled at a later time the timer assist will be used (provided the user has issued SET TIMER ON or SET TIBER REAL and does not have TRACE EXT active). DMK 188E SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE ExplanatiQn: A processor address specified on the SET command for SET AFFINITY or SET If the command ASSIST is unavailable. issued was SET AFFINITY ON, the processor in the user directory entry is not available. Syste~ !£iiQn: System operation continues. • The multiprocessor installed. • The system is processor mode. ~j:n already The Action: processed. feature is in command not attached is not Operator Action: None. 1931 PROCESSOR nn ONLINE 1891 AFFINITY MODE NOT SET; SYSTE~ IN UNIPROCESSOR Explanation: The specified processor is nOw online and qperational. ExplanatiQn: The requested proces:or is in use. Since only one processor 1S being used, the requestor is always executed on that processor. ~1~ Action: None. Operator !ction: None. 194I PROCESSOR nn OFFLINE ~lanation: The specified processor is now offline and not being used. 1901 NO AFFINITY SPECIFIED IN THE DIRECTORY ]xplan~iion: The SET AFFINITY ON command could not be executed. The user's directory was checked and no affinity specification was found. No affinity was set for the user. Us~ !ctiQn: Reissue the command with an explicit processor address, or update the directory entry for the user to include AFFINITY. 191E PROCESSOR nn DOES NOT EXIST ]~P1!natiQn: Numerous attempts were made to bring processor nn online and it was found that processor nn was not available to the system. ..§ystel!!. !ction: processed. The ccmmand is ~1em Action: None. ~!:ator ActiQn: Hone. (System Extension~ 195A 370E FEATURE UNAVAILABLE O~ PROCESSOR nn ~lanatiQn: Processor nn has been varied online. (The system has gone from attached processor mode to uniprocessor mode.) The attached processor does not have the 370E hardware feature. System Action: The user console function mode. is placed in User Action: If the 370E feature is needed, a-class A-User should do the following: not ~grato~ Action: Reissue the command with the required processor number. a. Issue the QUERY PROC command to obtain the addresses of the processors online. b. Set affinity to the processor with the 370E feature (the address appearing first in the QUERY PROC response). c. Key in "begin" to continue. 192E VARY PROCESSOR COMMAND FAILED ]~plan~iion: A VARY PROCESSOR OFFLINE command was issued and one of the following occurred: • The system is in uniprocessor mode. • The processor is not online. • The processor is the main processor and the channel set switching feature was not installed or did not work. A VARY PROCESSOR ONLINE command was issued and one of the following occurred: • The system is not generated for attached processor mode. All other users should notify the system operator if the 370E feature is still needed. Otherwise, key in "begin" to continue. 200E VIRT=REAL AREA NOT {userid I SYSTEM} AVAILABLE; IN USE BY ~l~ation: The virtual=real (V=R) area is not available to the user logging on because another user (identified in the error message), or the system, already has that area. The user logging on is permitted to run as a virtual machine without the use of the virtual=real area. Control Program (CP) Messages 59 DMK User Action: If the priority of the user logging--on warrants the use of the V=R area, the user now occupying the area should log off. The user logging on can then get the virtual=real area by LOGOFF and LOGON or by issuing the DEFINE STORAGE nnnnnk command. However, if the area is in use by SYSTEM, the V=R area has been unlocked and is unavailable for V=R use until VM/370 is reloaded. which a nonshared resides. version of the system 204E INVALID PAGE(S) SPECIFIED, V=R AREA ~!~ati~: The user is attempting to use the UNLOCK command to unlock paqes that are within the V=R region. ~1g~ Ac!ion: Execution of terminated. the command is 201E VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; DAMAGED PAGES Expla~~~iQn: The virtual=real area is not available to the user logging on. Machine checks have occurred which identified damaged pages within the V=R area. The user logging on is permitted to run as a standard virtual machine without the use of the virtual=real area. Use£ Action: Reissue the UNLOCK command with t~VIRT=REAL operand or specify pages not within the V=R region. - (Basic System Extensions) 206E CANNOT CONNECT TO HOST VIRTUAL MACHINE User attempted to DIAL or LOGON through a logical device to a virtual machine that has created a loqical device. ~lanation: User !cti2n: Notify the system operator that this message has occurred. The system operator can issue the UNLOCK VIRT=REAL command so that CP can use the area for paging, or he can issue the SHUTDOWN command to allow users with the virtual=real option to reclaim the area. Hotg: System support personnel should be notified that machine check record(s) have been recorded that identify the system's hardware malfunction. ~!em Action: The com.and is ignored. User Action: DIAL virtuar-iachine. or LOGON to a valid 211E MONITOR TAPE IS ALREADY ACTIVE ~lanation: 202E VIRT=REAL AREA NOT STORAGE AVAILAELE; INSUFFICIENT Explanat!gn: The virtual=real area is not available to the user logging on because: • The virtual=real area was not generated at system generation time, or • The virtual=real area is not large enough to contain the virtual machine size defined in the directory for the user logging on. User Action: If the virtual=real area was no~ generated, no action can be taken. Otherwise, issue the DEFINE STORAGE coamand to redefine the virtual machine storage size equal to or smaller than the actual virtual=real size that was generated. The MONITOR START TAPE command was issued while monitor data collection was already active. ~1~ Action: Processing continues. User Action: None required; alreadyacti vee the Monitor is 212E MONITOR TAPE IS NOT ACTIVE ~!anation: The MONITOR STOP TAPE command was issued while monitor data collection was not active. ~!~ Usg~ Action: Processing continues. Actj,Q.!!: None required. 213E MONITOR CPTRACE IS ALREADY ACTIVE 203E V=R AREA REQUIRES IPL EY DEVICE ADDRESS EX~~~~!Qn: A shared system or one that uses discontiguous saved segments cannot be loaded (via IPL) into a virtual machine running in the virtual=real area. This message is also issued if you issue a Diagnose code x'64' to attach a discontiguous shared segment to a virtual=real machine. ~!anatiQn: The MONITOR START CPTRACE command was issued while the internal trace table was already active. ~!~ Action: Processing continues. Use£ !ctiQn: None required. 214E MONITOR CPTRACE IS NOT ACTIVE ~!~atiQ1!: User Action: Reissue specifying--the address 60 the IPL command, of the device on IBM VM/370 system Messages The MONITOR STOP CPTRACE command was issued when the internal trace table was not active. DMK ~§1em Q~g£ Ac~iQ~: Action: Two tape marks are written, the tape is rewound and unloaded, and the tape drive is released. Data collection stops and all classes are disabled. None required. 215E MON+TOR ACTIVE, DASTAP DYNAMICALLY CANNOT BE ENABLED jxpla~£~io~: The MONITOR ENABLE command was issued with the DASTAP class when monitor data collection was active. ~~£!or Action: If you are not the user who issued the MONITOR command, consult with the person who did. The user may want to mount another tape. If so, reissue the MONITOR ENABLE and MONITOR START TAPE commands. Rou1ing: To primary system operator. User Action: The DASTAP class cannot be enabled-dynamically. If the DASTAP class is required, stop the monitor, enable the DASTAP class, and then restart the monitor. Otherwise, reissue the command without the DASTAP class. 2201 ERROR ON SYSTEM MONITOR TAPE, MONITOR STOPPED BY ~!anation: An uncorrectable I/O error occurred on tape durinq data collection. ~1~ 216E SYSPROF CLASS REQUIRES SCHEtULE AND DASTAP Action: An attempt is made to write a tape mark. The tape is released and data collection stops. j~P1s~tiQ~: The MONITOR ENABLE command was issued with the SYSPFOF class, but without the SCHEDULE and DASTAP classes. Q~ !~~io~: Both the SCHEDULE and DASTAP classes must be speci fied with the SYSPROF class. 217E MONITOR TAPE NOT STARTEt, NO CLASS ENABLED Explgna~iQ~: A MONITOR START TAPE command when no classes of data was issued collection were enabled. ~yste~ Action: The is not started. data collection process ~~ator Acti~: If you ar~ not the user who issued the MONITOR START command, consult with the person who did. The user will probably want to mount another tape. If so, reissue the MONITOR ENABLE and MONITOR START TAPE commands. Routigg: To primary system operator. 221E MONITOR TO SPOOL IS ALREADY ACTIVE ~!~ation: A MONITOR START SPOOL command was issued when the monitor was already running. It may have started automatically according to the SYSMON macro specifications in DMKSYS. ~1~ User Action: Issue the MONITOR ENABLE command--specifyinq the desired class or classes, and then reissue the MONITOR START TAPE cOllmand. Action: None. User Action: Review the current automatic monItoring- specifications in DHKSYS as defined by the SYSMON macro and make sure that they still meet the daily monitorinq needs. 218E MONITOR NOT STOPPED, OUTSTANDING TAPE I/O ~la~£~io!!: A MONITOR S'IOP TAPE command was issued when the data collector was attemptinq to recover from an I/O error or was handling an end-of-tape condition. ~yste~ -!ctio~: The command is rejected; however, the monitor tape is stopped by the system because of either the tape I/O error or the end-of-tape condition. User !~~io~: TAPE, MONITOR STOPPED ExplagatiQ~: An end-of-tape condition occurred on the monitor tape. A MONITOR TIME command was issued when the specified sta rt or stop time did not conform to the required syntax. ~lg~ati.Q1!: Note: The midniqht. stop time cannot be later than Syst~ Action: MONITOR automatic start and stop times remain unchanged. None required. 2191 END OF MONITOR SYSTEM 222E TIME PARAMETER SPECIFIES INVALID TIME BY User Action: Review format co•• and .. - of MONITOR TIME has 223E START TIME MUST PRECEDE STOP TIME The forllat of the start and times, as issued in a MONITOR TIME Expl~ation: stop Control Program (CP) Messages 61 DMK command, was correct. However, the start time was not earlier than the stop time. 228E FOR OPTION INVALID WITH MONITOR ON ~lanatiQn: Note: stop midnight. time cannot be later than SysteA Acti~: Monitor automatic start and stop times remain the same. y~£ Aclion: Reissue the cOEmand. If monitoring is currently active, data has already been collected for some time. The MONITOR TIME FOR command in effect says monitoring should be starten now and run for the specified time. Therefore, the use of the FOR option when monitoring is already active would give performance data for an unexpected period of time. ~!~A 224E LIMIT MUST BE BETWEEN 10 and 50000 Action: unchanged. Ex~nati2n: A MONITOR LIMIT command was issued specifying a spool file maximum record count that was not within the allowed ranqe. ~~ Acti~: Monitoring Review your and resolve the conflicts specifications. sta tus is monitoring needs in your previous ~teA Action: Monitor automatic spool file record count limit remains unchanged. User Action: Reissue the command correct-LIMIT specification. 225E INVALID MONITOR STARTED with the USERID SPECIFIED, 'ION NOT Expla~atiQn: A MONITOR START SPOOL command was issued using the TO USERID option. However, the specified user was not in the directory. Syste~ !ctio~: The automatic monitorinq recipient userid specification is unchanqed and the monitor is not started. User Action: Reissue the valid-UsiRID. command using a 226E FOR VALUE SPANS MIDNIGHT - COMMAND INVALID 229E MONITOR OUT OF DASD PAGES, IS SHUTTING OFF ]~lanation: Monitor cannot continue monitoring due to lack of spool file space where monitor data would be placed. ~!em Action: Monitor is shut off. User Action: Free needed spool and-restart monitor. file space 230E IPL 510 ERROR ~!anati~: The START I/O instruction for the initial IPL sequence to the specified device received an unexpected condition code, so the device could not be properly started for the IPL. Use~ ActiQn: Verify that the device type is valid for an IPL simulation and that no unexpected status conditions exist in the device, and reissue the IPL command. ~xpla~ation: A MONITOR TIME FOR command was issued specifying a period of data collection that, when added to the current time, will exceed midnight. 231E IPL TIO ERROR ~~anation: ~ste~ !ctio~: The automatic monitorinq start and stop times remain unchanged. Us~ Action: Reissue the command with a smaller FOR specification, or manually start and stop the monitor as needed. The IPL simulator encountered an unexpected condition code when executinq a TEST I/O instruction on the specified virtual device. US~~ Action: Verify that the device is valid for IPL operation and that no unexpected status conditions exist in the device, and reissue the IPL comman~. 227E FOR OPTION INVALID WITH AUTCDISK OFF Expla~atiQn: The MONITOR TIME FOR command assumes that automatic monitoring is in effect. (AUTO=YES has been specified in the SYSMON macro or the MONITOR AUTODISK ON command has been issued.) Syste~ Action: The TIME specification is iqnored and the automatic monitoring start and stop commands remain unchanged. User Action: Issue a MONITOR TIME command an~reissue the MONITOR TIME FOR command. 62 IB~ VM/370 System Messages 232E IPL UNIT ERROR; CSW csw SIS sense ~l~ati~: During the IPL simulation process, the specified IPL device received an I/O interrupt with a unit check condition. Us~~ Action: Examine the CSW and sense bytes ~-a;termine the possible cause of the simulation failure. If no equipment checks are present, reissue the IPL comman~ to the specified device. D!lK 233E IPL OVERLAY ERROR xxx CODE cc 2421 PRT Explanation: The IPL simulator was about to perform a loading sequence that would have overlaid the simulator itself. In this particular case, the IPL simulator cannot function in the specified virtual machine at its current storage size. User Actio~: Increase the size of the virtual machine so that the IPL simulator viII load in an area where it will not be overlaid. Then reissue the IPL command. ~m1lim"c .::J.I.,a'&'U.;J ~lanation: This message includes all situations where the operator must intervene in the 3800's operation. These situations include, but are ~~! limited to the following: • • • • End of for liS Stacker full Toner supply empty Replace developer All relevant status codes are described in the 3800 Refereuce Manua!, GA26-l635. 234E IPL SENSE ERROR on the ExPl~~~!ion: A unit check occurred IPL device. A SENSE operation vas used to get the sense bytes and an unusual condition occurred. User ActiQ~: Verify that the device is not malfunctioning and then reissue the IPL command for the required device. ~!~ Action: printing is suspended. Qp~~ator Action: Correct the printer condition by examining the status code or indicators on the printere Correct the condition and press the START button on the printer. 243E FLASH MISSING OR INVALID 240E PRT xxx, FCB-FOR"S {HELDI PURGED} "IS"ATCB, FILEID nnnn ExplanatiQ~: There is a mismatch betveen the forms control buffer (FCB) and the forms in the 3800 printer. ~§t~~ Action: printing is held suspended. The file is held or purged. or User Actio~: If held, specify correct FCB and release the HOLD on the file. If the file is purged, reenter the correct matching information. 241E PRT xxx, INVALID lOAD "ODULE SPECIFIED, FILE nnnn {HELDIPURGEDJ An invalid load module has been specified and the 3800 printer file is either HELD, PURGED, or remains in the same HOLD status it had before printing was attempted. Action: printing is held and file is either held or purged. ~!y Action: Rone. User Action: Reissue the valId FLASH specification. command with a 244E IMAGE LIBRARY MISSING OR INVALID ~!anation: the IMAGE For 3800 printer operations, operand in the START com.and is missing or invalid~ mmmll ~la~ation: ~te~ Explanation: For 3800 printer operations, the FLASH operand in the CP SPOOL or CHANGE command is missing or invalid. the User Action: Reissue the valid IMAG~specification. command with a 245E CHARS MISSING OR INVALID ~lanati~ For 3800 printer operations, the CHARS operand in the CP SPOOL, CHANGE, or START co.mand is miSSing or invalid. ~~iQ£ Action: If HELD vas indicated, specify correct load module and release the user HOLD on the given spool file. If either HELD or PURGED vas not indicated, the load module specified for the separator paqe is invalid and remains the same. Specify the correct load module (via the CHARS parameter on the START command) for the separator page. User Action: Reissue the vaild CHARS:specification. command with Control Program (CP) Messages a 63 DMK 370E feature is machines. 246E FCB MISSING OR INVALID not enabled for virtual Expla~~tion: For 3800 printer operations, the FCB operand in the CP SPOOL, CHANGE, or START command is missing or invalid. ~!~.! User Action: Reissue the valid FCB-Specification. User Action: Notify a class A user in order that a-sE~S370E ON command can be issued command with a Action: The feature is enabler! for the virtual machine. However, CP will not support 370E until a SET S370E ON command is issued. 247I 3800 NAMED SYSTEM imag3800 CREATED Expla~~~!Q~: The data has been successfully placed in the specified imaqe library. 2521 PRT xxx, FILE nnnn REQUEUED AND HELD ~lanation: This message is preceded by message D~KRSE2551 and information from DMKRSE255E must be used by this message. User Action: None. ~!~.! ~~ator 248E SPECIFIED IMAGE imag NON-EXISTENT Explanat!Q~: The specified file was not found. ~te!. 'image Action: printing is suspended. TEXT' !ction: None. User Action: Correct the erroneous 'image TEXT'~Ie-and reissue the command. Action: Using the backup page count qiven in messaqe DMKRSE2551 and the size of the files just requeued, determine how much to backspace the current file: use the BACKSPACE command to do this. Also, determine whether or not to replace the requeued files for printing. The BACKSPACE cOlllmand, with the EOF option, can be used to reprint the end of any regueued file. Issue the CP START command to reinitiate printing operations. 249E ERROR LOADING IMAGE imag ~xpla~~ioD: The 'imag TEXT' file caused a 253E MODIFY MISSING OR INVALID LOAD error. ~1~nation: ~te.! Action: None. USer Action: Correct the problem tha t caused--the- LOAD error and reissue the command. (System Extensions) - For 3800 printer operations, the MODIFY operand in the CP SPOOL, CHANGE, or PURGE command line is missing or invalid. User Action: Reissue the command with valid MODIFY specification. a 250E 370E IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) Expla~ation: System/370 Extended feature or the Extended facility is not installed on the processor. • 254E ERROR SAVING image 3800 - RC A SET S370E ON command was issued. • A SET 370E ON command was issued. An error occurred while saving the named system. Reason Thenamed found. 8 ~y§t~.! !£tion: Normal processing continues. erc) ~lanatiQ~: The 370E parameter was indicated in the user's directory via an OPTION control statement. • = system The named system active. was not is currently nallle~ 12 The volume for the system is not CP-owned. 16 The volid is not mounted. 20 The size of the imagelib being generated is too larqe for the named system. 24 A paging error occurred while processing this reguest. (System Extensions) 251E 370E IS NOT ACTIVE Ex~~~ti2n: The System/370 Extended feature of the Extended facility feature is installed on the processor. However, the 64 IBM VM/370 System Messages DMK 256E INSUFFICIENT VIRTUAL STORAGE E!E!anation: The defined virtual storage is insufficient. Explanation Use another nam€d system that has been generated. 8 DRAIN any 3800 printers that are using the named system and reissue the command. 12 Check with the installation manager to find out why the volume is not CP-owned. ]llianatiQ!! 16 Have the correct volid mounted and reissue the command. 20 Make the image smaller or put it into a larger named system. 24 Check the named system to determine that it is defined in DMKSNT and that the cylinder actually exists on the volume. Also verify, that it has been previously formatted by CPo Reissue the command. If the problem persists, see your system support personnel. 2551 PRT xxx, PAGE BUFFER DESTROYED, BACKUP PAGE COUNT = nnnn ~xpla!!s1iQ!!: The page tuffer destroyed on the 3800 printer. ~Y§1g~ has been ActiQ!!: Printing is suspended. ~ergto~ ActiQ!!: See message DMKRSE252I. (System Extensions) 255W 370E FEATURE NOW DISABLED ExPlgnatiQ!!: A class A user has issued a SET 310E OFF command to disable the 370E feature, or the system operator has varied the processor with the 310E feature offline. ~yste~ Action: All 310E users will enter console function mode on receipt of the message. User ActiQ!!: Await availability of the 370E feature. Attempts to continue will result in the user being dispatched without the 370E capability. No-t~; If the 310E feature is no needed, key in "begin" to continue. longer User Action: machine,-IPL command. Define a larqer virtual CMS again and reissue the 257E RESIDUAL BYTE COUNT = nnnnnnnn (HEX) ~!~ati~: This message is preceded by message DftKNftT254E and is issued when the return code in message DMKNMT254E equals 20. User Action: Either define the named system with a--iarger byte count or decrease the imagelib byte count. 2811 MSS VOL $ RETRY ~~!~ation: 3330V VOL $. processinq. NOT LINKED; DEMNT IN PROCESS, A LINK has been reguested for That volume is in MSS demount Use~ Action: Allow time process to complete and again. for the demount issue the LINK 300E SAVE REQUEST BEYOND VIRTUAL MACHINE SIZE the SAVESYS Expl~ation: When issued, one or more designated were in the SYSPGNM operand of macro. These pages are beyond t~e virtual machine used. command was saved pages the NAMESYS the size of User Action: Check the numbers of the pages designatea- to be saved in the NAftESYS macro. If they are correct, increase the size of the virtual machine before reissuing the SAVESYS command. 310E DATE date INVALID; NOT CHANGED Explanation: The system date in CP low storage contains invalid data and hence cannot be updated for the midnight date change. The invalid date indicates a possible software system failure since the date is automatically set by the system initialization routine. Action: The date in low storage is not changed; however, the day of the week is changed and the clocks are set to change the date at midnight in 24 h?urs. ~1~ control Program (CP) Messages 65 DIIK OperatQ!: Action: Contact the system programmer at once. Careful use of the STCP command can correct the date set in storage. Notify your system support personnel of the problem and supply a dump of CP storage if possible. Syst~ Action: The system enters a state (wait state code = 011). User wait Action: Verify that the operands SYSRES macro in module DIIKSYS define valid system residence device characteristics. specified-~n the 350W DASD raddr SYSRES VOLID NOT volid 4001 SYSTEII {TEIIP SPACEICHECKPOINT AREA} PULL Explanation: The volume latel on the pack mounted on drive raddr does not agree with the volume label specified during system generation. ~lanati~: SPAC~ or ~yste~ ~tem Actio~: The system enters a state (wait state code = 010). wait All temporary disk space (TEIIP checkpoint space (CHECKPOINT AREA) is in use. Action: If temporary disk space is full, the system attempts to continue but performance User Action: Check the SYSRES macro in module DIIKSYS to ensure that the disk address and volume label specified are valid. Operator Action: Ensure that the correct volume is mounted on disk drive raddr and present an external interrupt to initiate a retry of the operation. 351W DASD raddr SYSRES NOT READY Explanation: The disk drive specified by raddr is not ready. Disk raddr was specified as the SYSRES device in the SYSRES macro in module DIIKSYS. Syste~ !ctio~: The system enters a state (wait state code = 010). wait Operator Action: ftake the device ready and present an external interrupt to initiate a retry of the operation. is severely aegra~ed. If temporary disk space becomes full while putting VIIDUIIP pages out to temporary space, the dump is purged. If the checkpoint area is full, the syste. continues without checkpointi ng. This improves performance, but if the syste .. abends, spool files are lost. Message DIIKCKS919E is issued after DftKCKS400I. User Action: If the message resulted from processing a VIIDUMP command, purge unwanted dumps on the user reader queue and retry. If still unsuccessful, request the system programmer to free temporary disk space. ~~ator Action: Review system usage and take steps to reduce the system load. Spool files should be reviewed. Additional printers may be started to reduce print spool backlog; if a reader backloq exists, users should be requested to read their files. In addition, you may be able to determine other spool files that can be selectively purged. Logging off inactive users reduces temporary disk space usage. 352W FATAL DASD I/O ERROR Explanation: The system nucleus written. Probable causes are: • • • • cannot be The disk pack is not formatted properly. The disk pack is defective. A disk hardware error has occurred. The disk is in read-only mode. ~Y§te~ Action: The system enters a state (wait state code = 011). wait ~~tor Action: Use the FORMAT program to reformat the pack. Attempt to do a new system load. If the trouble persists, try another pack on a different drive. If the trouble still persists, call your system support personnel. 353W SYSRES DEVICE TYPE INVALID Expla~1iQ~: The device type specified in the SYSRES macro in module DMKSYS is not valid for system residence. 4011 SYSTEM {TEftP PERCENT FULL 90 of all Ninety percent temporary disk space (TEMP SPACE) or checkpoint space (CHECKPOINT AREA) is in use. ~tell Action: System operation continues. ~~g!or Action: Review system usage an~ take steps to reduce the system load. Spool files should be reviewed. Additional printers may be started to reduce print spool backlog. If a reader backlog exists, users should be requested to read their files. In addition, you may be able to determine other spool files that can be selectively purged. Logging off inactive users reduces space usage. 410W CP ENTERED; PAGING ERROR paging. IBM VM/370 System Messages AREA} ~lanation: ]~!gnation: 66 SPACEICHECKPOINT An I/O error occurred during Probable hardware error. ~~ Action: System operation continues. The virtual machine enters CP command mode. If the virtual machine was running disconnected, it is logged off the system. 425A PUN cuu ACCOUNTING DATA; FATAL I/O ERROR ~!anati~: An unrecoverable input/output error occurred on the card punch at real address cuu. Accounting data was saved. User Action: Reload the virtual system to continue:--If the problem persists, notify the system operator. Syst~ Actions The failing device is varied offline and system operation continues. ~~tor Action: Vary the device cuu online and restart the punch. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 411W CP ENTERED; TRANSLATION EXCEPTION; WHILE IN NON-Ee KODE Ex~natio~: While running an EC mode virtual machine, a translation exception occurred. Probable CP error. - (Basic System Extensions) 425E I/O ERROR DURING ACCOUNTING System Action: System operation continues. The virtual machine enters CP command mode. If the virtual machine was running disconnected, it is logged off the system. ~!~ation: 1 spooling I/O error occurred while the system vas writing accountinq data to the spooling device. ~!~Action: User Action: Reload the virtual system to continue:--If the problem persists, notify your system support personnel. If the accounting spool file has been previously checkpointed, the fil~ is closed and a new file started. Other.wise, the file is written using a different spool page. 415E CONTINUOUS PAGING ERRORS FROM DASD xxx User Action: The closed accountinq spool file shoura-be processed. If the I/O error persists, call your system support personnel. ~~la~g1iQn: Unrecoveratle errors are being received from the paging device (xxx). This condition is caused by failure of either the paging volume or the paging device. This condition can occur if the paging volume has not been formatted properly. 426E {R DR I TAPE} PURGED raddr SPOOL SPACE FULL; FILE ~te~ Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code = OOF). ~rator Actign: Try to determine whether the errors are being caused by the paging device or by the paginq volume. If the device is failing, disable it and reload (via I PL) the system; call your system support personnel. If the volume is failing, try reformatting it. If the error condition recurs, discontinue using that volume and call your system support personnel. 424E RDR FILE SPOOL ERROR; FILE UNCHANGED ExE1gnatiQ~: A paging I/O error occurred while reading or writing a spool file recoLd on a CP spooling device, for the purpose of querying or updating TAG infoLmation associated with that spool file. ~tem !£iiQ~: If the error was encountered while readinq, no change has resulted from the user's previous TAG command. If the erroL was encountered while writing, the results are unpredictable. User Action: Reissue the command. If the problem-persists, regenerate the spool file that is in error or call your system support personnel. System input spooling space for the reader or tape at real device address raddr is full. ~!anation: ~!~!~!ion: The file just read is purged and system operation continues. ~rat~ Action: Review system usage and take steps to reduce the system load. Inactive users should be logged off the system. Spool files shoUld be reviewed. Additional printers may be started to reduce print spool backlog. If a reader backlog exists, request that users read their files. In addition, you may be able to determine other spool files that can be selectively purged. After reducing spool file usage, read the file again. 4211 {CONIPRTIPUN} vaddr FULL; FILE CLOSED SYSTEM SPOOL SPACE ~lanation: System spoolinq space on the device at virtual device address vaddr is full. If the message refers to the console, the console spool file has been closed. If it refers to the printer or punch, the printer or punch output file has been closed. ~!~ Action: If the console spool file is closed, virtual console spooling stops. The virtual machine continues to execute but without console spooling. Control Program (CP) Messages 61 DMK If the printer or punch output file is closed, an intervention-required unit check condition is returned to the virtual machine, the virtual device is made not ready, and the system continues. If it is a reader file spool error, a unit check condition is sent to the virtual machi ne to stop the read operation. The file is held. System operation then continues. User !£i!Qn: Inform the system operator. An attempt must be made to reduce the paging and spooling load on the system as soon as possible. When spool space is available, issue the SPOOL CONSOLE START command to resume console spooling, or issue the READY command to resume printer or punch spooling. Use£ !cti~: For a console file, issue a SPOOL CONSOLE START command and retry the output operation. After ten unsuccessful retries, the entire opened spool file is purged. 428E {PRTIPUNIRDRl raddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE fH ELD! PURGED} - - - (Basic System Extensions) 428E {PRTIPUNIRDR,TAPE} raddr SPOOL {HELDI PURGED} ERROR; FILE ~xplanatio~: A paging I/O error occurred on the device at real address raddr. system jctiQn: If the file that was being processed at the time the I/O error occurred is a printer or punch file, the file is put in HOLD status and system operation continues. For a printer or punch file, issue READY command to the virtual device retry the output operation. For a file, reader file, try again to the and read the In any case, if the problem persists, inform the system operator of the incident. The error is probably due to a hardware malfunction. The system operator may advise you to purge the file or may decide to turn the machine over to your system support personnel, depending on the impact of the problem. 430A {PRTIPUN} raddr FATAL OFFLINE, FILE HELD I/O ERROR; NOW Explanati~: An unrecoverable I/O err~r occurred on the printer or punch device at real address raddr. If the file is a reader file, it is purged. Action: The failing device is varied offline, the file being processed is put in hold status, and system operation continues. ~!~ Action: If the file is a printer or punch file, try to print or punch it again when spooling activity on the printer or punch is low. The system operator must first take the file out of HOLD status. Qp~tor If the file is a reader file, file in the reader and retry. reload the ~£ator Action: Vary the device raddr online and restart. To process the file that failed, take the file out of hold status. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. If the file is a tape file, reposition the tape and reissue the command. 431A RDR raddr ID CARD MISSING OR INVALID If the problem persists, call support personnel. 4291 {CONI PRTIPUNIRDR} vaddr {HELD I PURGED} your system SPOOL ERROR; FILE ~~g~i!Q~: A paging I/O error occurred on the device at virtual address vaddr. System Action: If it is a console spool file error, virtual console spooling stops. The virtual machine continues to execute but without console spooling. If it is a printer or punch spool file error, a unit check condition is sent to the virtual machine to stop the write operation, the file is purged, and the virtual device is made not ready. 68 IBM VM/370 System Messages Expl~atiQD: The card just read in the reader at real device address raddr was not a valid ID card. Two formats are acceptable: • • ID userid USERID userid Separator or blank cards are accepted before an ID card; any other card preceding the ID card is invalid. ~£g12!: Acti.Q1!: • Run out the cards in reader raddr. • Correct the ID card error. • Make the reader ready with the deck in the hopper. correcte~ DEK 432A RDR raddr DIRECTORY ID CARD; userid NOT IN CP ~~21s~~tion: The 'userid' specified on an ID card in the reader at real device address raddr is not in the nI/370 directory. ~te~ !£tiQ~: System operation continues. • Run out the cards in reader raddr. • Correct found. • Make the reader ready with the corrected deck in the hopper. • Make the reader ready. If the problem persists, call support personnel. your system 435E PAGING ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM ~!anatiQQ: A paging error occurred while writing the system to be saved, or the 3704/3705 control program imaqe to be saved, to a DASD volume. ~iem the ID card error if one is If the 1D card appears valid, check with the system programmer to determine why the userid does not exist in the VM/370 directory. 433A RDR raddr ID CARD; INVALID DATA - data ~~~~si!Qn: The class specified on the ID card in the reader at real device address raddr is incorrect or the name specified is invalid. The 'data' is the information in error on the ID card. If a class is specified, it must be one character, A through Z or 0 through 9. If no class is specified, the default is A. If a name is specified, it must be a 1to 8-character filename and a 1- to 8-character filetype, or a 1to 24-character data set name. The fields of the ID card are free form as follows: ID userid •• CLASS n NAME filename filetype ~ygi~~ Action: System operation continues. ActiQ~: Execution of the command terminates. The system or control program image is not saved. User Action: Be correcteommand sure you entered the IPL nnn SAVESYS CKS where: nnn is the 3-digit number A-disk. Try the command again. of your If the problem recurs, check the DASD space allocated to receive the saved system or control program image. This space must be formatted with the CP format program (DKKFKT) and allocated as PERK space. 436E INTERRUPT PENDING. TO PROCEED, TYPE YES. TO END, TYPE NO. ~lanation: In processing command, the system detected interrupt is pendinq. the SAVESYS tha t an I/O ~!~ Action: If you enter YES, the SAVESYS -command continues to save the system but the pending I/O interrupt(s) are lost. If you enter NO, SAVESYS processing terminates. Use± Action: Enter YES or NO. • Run out the cards in reader raddr. • Correct the ID card error. • Make the reader ready with the corrected deck in the hopper. - - - (Basic System Extensions) 437E NO DASD SPACE AVAILABLE-IPL TERMINATED ~!anation: The IPL command attempted to get a DASD page but none was available. ~!em Action: The command is tp.rminated. 434A RDR raddr FATAL I/O ERROR; FILE PURGED ExplaQ~iiQn: An unrecoverahle I/O error was encountered on the reader at real device address raddr. The input file was purged. Syste~ User Acti~: verify that the proper volumes required for paging and spooling are mounted. Reissue the command. !ction: System operation continues. 438E DEVICE IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR ATTACH • Run out the cards in reader raddr. • Put the cards back in the hopper, making sure the first card is a valid ID card. ~!anation: The control program nas determined that the device is offline, already dedicated, selected for MSS mount, has minidisk allocated, or volume is already attached to the system. Control Program (CP) Messages 69 DMK ~te~ Aclion: The control program command that initiated the ~SS reguest produces a message to indicate the eventual result of the MSS error. Prog,Iamn.I Action: Determine the cause of the program interrupt and ensure that the program new PSi is valid. User Action: User Action: contact the system operator to ensure--that action is being taken to correct the MSS error. Reissue the command when the error has been corrected. Restart the virtual system the IPL via-t~BEGIN command, or reissue command to continue. 4541 {LINE addr I DEV rid} DISAB LED ~lanation: The virtual machine loaded a disabled wait PSi, identified by 'psw'. The line or device has been disabled due to a permanent I/O error, or the operator issued a command that disabled the line. ~1~~ ~!~·Action: 450i CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSi 'psw' Expla~ation: AcliQn: System operation continues. The virtual machine enters console function mode. If the virtual machine was running disconnected, it is logged off the system. gr~~~~~ Action: Examine the PSW portion of the message. Ensure that the program running in the virtual machine has a valid LPSi halt. If not, determine why the PSW loaded was not masked for interrupts. System operation continues. Operator Action: If the message was issued due to a permanent I/O error on the line, to reacti vate t he line issue the ENABLE or NETWORK command. You may have to issue the VARY ONLINE command for some device types before CP will accept the ENABLE command. 4551 LINE addr CC=3 NOT OPERATIONAL User Act ion: to cont inue. IPL the virtual system again ~!anati~: 3 (NOT Condition code OPERATIONAL) was received when a START I/O was issued to line 'addr'. 452w CP ENTERED; EXTERNAL IN~ERRUPT LOOP System Ac!ion: System operati on con tin ues. ExplanatiQn: The user's virtual machine external new PSi is enabled for an interrupt condition that will not be cleared upon acceptance. It is possible to receive an interrupt condition from the CPU Timer and the TOD Clock Comparator that produces this loop. ~te~ Actign: System operation continues. The virtual machine enters CP command mode. If the virtual machine was running disconnected, it is logged off the system. PrQg£~~£ Action: Determine why the external interrupt new PSi is enabled for an interrupt condition that will not be cleared upon acceptance (that is, the Timer is not expected to contain a negative value) • User Action: toeo n t Iiiue . IPL the virtual system again 453W CP ENTERED; PROGRAM INlERRUPT LOOP Explanslion: A program interrupt occurred at the address specified in the virtual program new PSi while the virtual machine was in basic control mode. Systg~ Action: System operation continues. The program interrupt is reflected to the virtual machine and the virtual machine enters console function mode. If the virtual machine was running disconnected, it is logged off the system. 70 IBM VM/370 System Messages ~.IstO,I Action: Verify that the terminal control unit or transmission control unit is enabled for use. If the control unit is properly enabled, but trouble persi sts, call your system support personnel. 456i CP ENTERED; ALTERED name SHARED PAGE hexloc ~!~~!ion: The named system has been altered by the virtual machine. The hexloc is the first changed page detected by the control program. The changed page will be returned to free storage. No other users on the system are affected by this error. User Action: The user may con tin ue by entering-the CP command BEGIN. The virtual machine is now operating in nonshared mode. 460E CTLR raddr CHECK {LOAD I DUftP} FAILED: PROGRAM ~!anatiQB: During execution of the loader or dump bootstrap routines in the 3704/3705, a 3704/3705 program check occurred, setting the 'IPL Required' sense bit. Use!: Action: Reissue the command. If the error----persists, notify the system programmer of a possible 3704/3705 problem. DMK 46iR CTLH raddr 1PL NOT 'YES' TO CONTINUE: Explanation: A NETWORK LOAD cOlllland or a NETWORK DU~P command was issued for a in the 'IPL 3104/3105 that was not Required I state. User Ac1iQ~: Reply YES to continue the load or dump process. Any other response causes immediate command termination. 462I CTLR raddr UNIT CHECK; !PL BEQUIRED Expl~natio~: The 3104 or 3105 at real address raddr has reguested a dump or reload by presenting a unit check to the host processor, and the automatic dump and restart facility is currently off. ~~iQ~ Action: If the 3104/3105 was active before the failure, issue the NETWORK DU~P command with the IMMED operand to obtain documentation of the failure. Use the NETWORK LOAD command to reload the 3104/3105 with an appropriate 3104/3105 control proqram. The CMS service program NCPDUHP should be used to print the dump file created by NETWORK DUMP. 4631 CTLR raddr UNIT CHECK; RESTART IN PROGRESS CO!l1rol-Panel describe the emulator lines panel. ~uide~ Order No. GA21-3081, procedure for resetting froll the 3104/3105 control 4641 CTLR raddr CC=3; DEPRESS 310X "LOAD" BUTTON Explanation: The 3704 or 3705 at real address raddr has entered the "Hard Stop" condition, indicating a 3704/3705 hardware or software failure. Svstell Action: lone. ~rator Action: Press the LOAD button on the 3704/3705 control panel. This permits execution of the normal V1V370 recovery mechanism. 4651 LINE TRACE TERMINATED DUE TO ERROR ~lanation: A IETWORK TRACE cOllmand has been issued and errors have occurred during the trace process. ~!~ Action: The trace is terminated~ User Action: Close the virtual printer to get-the trace output. Reissue the command if you need aore information. If the failure recurs, call your system support personnel. ~l~nation: The 3104/3105 at real address radar has requested a dump or reload by presenting a unit check to the host processor, and the automatic dump/restart facility has been initiated. ~§tem_Actig~: If the 3104/3105 was active before the failure, a dump is automatically taken. The 3704/3705 is reloaded (or loaded). Any previously enabled lines or resources are automatically reenabled. 465W CTLR raddr EMULATOR LINES IN USE BY SYSTEM Explanation: The operator dedicated the native address of a 3704/3705 running a PEP systell, and one or more of the EP lines is in use by VM/370 got logon terminals. raddr is the real address of the 3704/3705. ~1em Action: The ATTACH cOll.and completed; processing continues • is .9P.grato£_.!ctiQ~: Use the CMS service proqram NCPDUMP to format and print the 3104/3105 dump if one was created. When a 3104/3105 Emulation Program is automatically reloaded after a 3104/3105 failure, the system may loop after the restart. The message: ~~~1~ Action: None is necessary. This message is a warning that the EP lines in use by VM/370 may be affected by the virtual machine to which the 3704/3705 was dedicated. 4661 CTLR cuu IN BUFFER SLOWDOWN MODE D~KRNH4631 CTLR 'raddr' UNIT CHECK; RESTART IN PROGRESS and two responses: CTLR xxx DaMP COMPLETE CTLR xxx ncpname LOAD COMPlETE indicate that the 3104/3105 has been reloaded. If the system loops after the second response, you must reset all emulator lines from the 3104/3105 control panel. The IBM 3104 Control Panel Guide, Order No. GA21-3086,-aidthe IBM-3105 Explanation: This message is issued in addition to the response to a QUERY cOllmand if the 3704 or 3705 control proqram has entered buffer slowdown 1I0de. Buffe-r slowdown 1I0de is entered if the 3704/3705 control program has less than 12-1/2 percent of its buffers available, indicating a temporary overload. ~tea Action: Processing continues. Use~ Action: None is necessary; however, if this situation occurs frequently, the storage requirements of the 3704/3705 configuration should be reexamined. Control Program (CP) Messages 71 DMK 4681 CTLR cuu COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER FAILURE EXpl~~~iiQg: During NCP initialization the scanner did not properly enable. The device is left "not ready". ~Y§tem 5001 type 'addr' CMD REJECT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= 'userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'] !ctiQn: processing continues. 469E CTLR raddr {LOADIDUMP} FAILED: NOT AVAILABLE TEMP SPACE ~xplanatiQ~: There was not enough temporary space available on the CP system packs to satisfy the spool space request for the 3704/3705 dump processor. ~se~ ACiiQn= Ensure that enough teoporary CP spool space is available and reissue the DUMP command. 470E CTLR raddr ERROR {LOADIDUMP} FAILED: If the problem persists after the directory has been reformatted and rewritten, call your system support personnel. PAGING I/O Explanation: An unrecoverable I/O error occurred while reading the page-format image of the 3704/3705 control proqram (LOAD), or while writing the dump spool file (DUMP) onto a system volume. User Action: Notify the system programmer of a possible error on CP paging packs or DASD device. Reissue the command. - - - (Basic System Extensions) 5001 type 'addr' CMD REJECT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= 'userid' [{BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'} ] Explanat~~: fi:p~ LINE CONS,GRAF DASD PRT,PUN,RDR TAPE e~ror recovery routine Error Recov~I line terminal disk spooling tape BQ~!ine The other variables in the message are: addr - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condi tion. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the Channel Comma nd Word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSW), in hexadecimal. - the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. - the block nu.ber where the error occurred. sense cm 471E CTLR raddr {LOADtDUHP} UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR ~n found an unrecoverable command reject I/O error. The "type" in the message indicates which error recovery routine it was: FAILED: Explan~tiQn: During execution of NETWORK LOAD or NETWORK DUMP, a unrecoverable I/O error occurred on the 3704/3705 channel adapter. csw Qser !ctiQ~: Reissue the coamand. If the error persists, notify the system programmer of a possible problem with the 3704/3705 control unit. nnnnnn bbcchh .§y§!em Action: System operati on con tin ues. ~!:~lQI 4751 FATAL 10 ERROR TRYING TO READ DIRECTORY ~lElansiiQ~: The VM/370 directory currently in use by the system could not be read because of an unrecoverable input/output error. .2Ist~m. jction: The system tries to continue. .9P.erai2!: Action: Try to rewrite the directory as soon as possible using the Directory program (DHKDIR). If the failure still exists after rewriting the directory, the area may have to be reformatted usinq the Format/Allocate program (DHKFMT). The error recording area on SYSRES will contain information on the unrecoverable read errors. 72 IBM VM/370 System Messages Action: For all types except DASD, none. For DASD, if this message occurs during IPL ftom 3330, .ake sure the read/write switch on the drive is in the write position. If the messaqe occurs after IPL, no action can be taken. 501A type 'addr' INT REQ [CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= 'userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh'] - - - (BaSic System Extensions) 501A type 'addr' INT REQ [CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= 'userid' {BBCCHH=' bbcchh' I BLOC K=' nnnnnn'} ] ~x:p!anati2n: An error recovery routine encountered an intervention-required condition on the device specified. - The iitype ii in tne message indicates which error recovery routine it was: ~E~ LINE DASD PRT, PUN, RDR TAPE Error Reg2.!.§il ]Q!!tine line disk spooling tape - - - - the unit address of the failing device. the sense bytss, hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the Channel Command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSW), in hexadecimal. the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. - the block number where the error occurred. sense J,.U cm csw bbcchh nnnnnn §Y2~~~ Action: System operation continues. ~eratQ£ Action: For a line error condition, no-a-ction can be taken. For all other devices, take appropriate action to make the device ready. If the printer or punch cannot be made ready, to retrieve the active file on the device do the following: 1. Use the FLUSH command to flush device. (The FLUSH command will issue a response.) the not Use the the DRAIN command to drain Actioj!: For the console, none; for the reader, printer, or punch, take appropriate action to make the device ready. 5021 type 'addr' BUSOUT CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID= 'userid' [BBCCH='bbcchh'] The other variables in the message are: addr Qj2~!:gtiOil device. The system varies the device offline and requeues the file on the system printer or punch queue. The file has a system hold status if the HOLD operand was used on the FLUSH command. (Basic System Extensions) 5021 type 'addr' BUSOUT CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID= 'userid' [(BBCCH='bbcchh'!BLOCK='nnnnnn'} ] Explanation: An error found an unrecoverable error. recovery routine bus-out check I/O The "type" in the messaae indicates which error recovery routine it was. Er~ fi!?~ DASD CONS, GRAF LINE PH T , P UN , R DR TAPE Reg.Q.!ery disk terminal line spooling tape ].Q~.!ine The other variables in the messaqe are: addr - sense - cm - csw - bbcchh - nnnnnn - the unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the err or condi tion. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCil being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (C Sil i in hexadecimaL the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. the block number where the error occurred. §:i.§.!:ea !gtion: System operati on con tin ues. 5011 {CONSIPRTIPUNIRDR} 'addr' INT BEQ [CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid'] ~xpla~~tiQn: The routine (CONS), recovery routine an unrecoverable error. terminal error recovery or the spooling error (PRT, PUN, or RDR) found intervention-required I/O ~ratQ~ Action: For CONS, DASD, GRAF, LINE, and TAPE, none. For RDR, purge the file and try to read it again. For printer or punch, take appropriate action to correct the problem. If the printer or punch is to be made ready, do the followinq to retrieve the active file on the device: 1. addr cm sense csw - the unit address of the failing device. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. §~tel!! Action: System operation 2. Use the FLUSH command to flush the device. (The FLUSH command will not issue a response.) Use the DRAIN command to drain the device. The system varies the device offline and requeues the file on the system ~rin-t~·~ punch queue. ~e file has a system hold status if the HOLD operand was used on the FLUSH cOlllland. If the problem persists, call support personnel. your system continues. Control Program (CP) Messages 73 DMK 503A {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' EQUIP CK CKD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID='userid' 504A {RDRIPRT} 'addr' DATA CK CftD='c.' SRS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= 'userid' Explanation: The spooling error recovery routine found an unrecoverable equipment check I/O error. Explanation: The spooling error recovery routine found an unrecoverable data check I/O error. addr sense cm csw ~yste~ - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) beinq executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSi) in hexadecimal. Act!on: System operation continues. Operato£ ActiQn: Take appropriate action to correct the problem. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. - the unit address of the failinq device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCil being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. addr sense cm csw ~!em Action: System operation continues. Operator Action: Spool printer devices with Universal Character Set must have the Block Data Check set on. Two procedures are available: 1. To continue make the not-ready and then ready. 2. 5031 type 'addr' EQUIP CK CKD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID='userid' [(BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'} ] To reload the UCS Buffer using the L01DBUF command, which sets the Block Data Check automatically, flush the printer (using the FLUSH command with the HOLD operand), make the printer not-ready, and then ready. Vary the printer online, and load the buffer. Explanation: An error recovery routine found an unrecoverable eguipment check I/O error. The "type" in the message indicates which error recovery routine it was: Rote: On the 3211, make the printer not ready, press the cancel key, and make the printer ready. A 3211 data check could be caused by FCB. 5031 type 'addr' EQUIP CK CftD='cm' SRS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh] - - - (Basic System Extensions) - - - fip§1 CORS,GRAF LINE DASD PRT,PUN,RDR TAPE ErrOl: Recov€n Routine terminal line disk spooling tape The other variables in the message are: addr sense cm csw bbcchh nnnnnn - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSi) in hexadecimal. - the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. - the block numter where the error occurred. 504D {DASDITIPE} 'addr' DATA CK SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= [BBCCHH='bbcchh'] addr - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condi tion. - the co.mand code, in hexadecimal, of the channel co.mand word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel sta tus wora (CSW) in hexadecimal. - the address (bin, cylin~er, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. sense cm csw bbcchh Action: System operation continues. !ct!Qn: System operation continues. ~l:g1or 74 IB~ CKD='cm' 'userid' error recovery ExplS!!atiQ!!: The disk tape error recovery routine (DASD) or routine (TAPE) found an unrecoverable data check I/O error. ~Y§!em ~1~~ printer VM/370 System Messages Action: Reply "retry" or "cancel." DKK ~nhT' JV ....... type 'addr' DATA CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='CSW' USERID='userid' [BECCBB='bbcchh'] - - - laddr' OVERRUN 505D {DASDI TAPE} CK SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= [BBCCHH='bbcchh'] C!D= 'em' 'userid • (Basic System Extensions) - - - - - (Basic System Extensions) - 5041 type 'addr' DATA CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='CSW' USERID='userid' r {BBCCHH=' bbcchh' ,BLOCK=' nnnnnn'} ] An error recovery routine found an unrecoverable data check I/O error. The "type" ; n th~ message indicates which error recovery routine it was: 505D {DASDITAPE} 'addr' OVERRUN CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= 'userid' [ {BBCC HH=' bbcchh' I BLOCK=' nnnnnn'} ] Expla~atiQn: nEg CONS,GRAF LINE DASD PRT,PUN,RDR Error Re,foveD ]Qutine terminal line disk spooling error recovery jn.!anatism: The disk routine iDASDl or tape error recoverv r~utine (TAPE) found an unrecoverable overrun check I/O error. addr - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the err or occ urred • - the block number where the error occurred. sense cm The other variables in the message are: addr - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. ~ the command code, in hexadecimal, of t he channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. - the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. - the block number where the error occurred. sense cm csw bbcchh nnnnnn ~ig~ csw Dbccnh nnnnnn ~!~ Action: System operation continues. ~~~tor Action: Reply "retry" or "cancel". 5051 type 'addr' OVERRUN CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'] A£iiQn: System operation continues. - - - (Basic System Extensions) - - - Qperator Action: None r or take appropriate action to correct the problem. If the problem perSists, contact your system support personnel. 505A RDR 'addr' OVERRUN CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' The spooling error routine found an unrecoverable check I/O error. ]xpla~atiQn: addr overrun - the unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. sense cm csw ~~~ recove~y !ction: System operation continues. 5051 type 'addr' OVERRUN CK CMD='cm' SNS=' sense , USERID='userid' CSW='csw' r {BBCC BB= , bbcchh' I BLOC K=' nnnnnn'} ] The disk error recovery jn.!anatiQ1!: unrecoverable overrun routine found an check I/O error. The "type" in the message indica tes which error recovery routine it was. 1.I.P~ CONS DASD LINE ]9~!i~ The other variables in the message are: addr sense cm ~tor Action: Take appropriate action to correct the problem. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Error Recovery terllinal disk line csw - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status vord (CSW) in hexadecimal. Control Program (CP) Messages 75 D!K bbcchh nnnnnn - the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. - the block nu.ter where the error occurred. ~teA !cti~: addr sense cm System operation continues. Operato!: !ction: Bone. csw bbcchh 5061 DASD 'addr' TRKCOND CK C!D='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' Expla~~tion: The disk error recovery routine found an unrecoverable track condition check I/O error. addr sense cm csw bbcchh ~Y§.te.!! - the unit address of the failinq device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. - the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. Syst~ Explg,natj,Q!!: The disk error recovery routine found an unrecoverable track overrun check I/O error. addr sense cm csw bbcchh 507D DASD 'addr' SEEK CK C!D='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' Expla~~tio~: addr sense cm csw bbcchh ~te.!! The disk error recovery an unrecoveratle seek check - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. - the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. Reply "retry" or "cancel". 5081 {DASDIPRTIPUNIRDR} 'addr' PER! ERROR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='btcchh'l Ex~n~tiQn: The disk error recovery routine (DASD) or the spooling error recovery routine (PST, PUB, or RDR) found an unrecoverable permanent error condition. 76 ~tem IBM VM/370 system Messages - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the co ••and code, in hexadecimal, of the channel comma nd word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. - the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. Action: System operation continues. 5101 TAPE 'addr' CONVERT CK C!D='cm' SBS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' Jillg,natj,Q!!: The tape error recovery routine found an unrecoverable data convert check I/O error. addr sense cm !ction: System operation continues. .Q2~to!: !cti~: Action: System operation continues. 5091 DASD 'addr' TRKOVERUN C!D='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' !ction: System operation cont'inues. routine found I/O error. - the unit address of the failinq device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. - the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. csw ~t~ - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condi tion. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel comma nd word (Cew) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status vord (CSW) in hexadecimal. Action: System operation continues. DPIK 5111 TAPE 'addr' COMPAT CK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW=iCSW i USERID=iuserid i ]xplan~iiQn: The tape error recovery routine found an unrecoverable compatibility check I/O error. bbcchh nnnnnn ~!em addr sense em csw ~yste~ - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSi) in hexadecimal. Actign: System operation continues. - the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. - the block number where the error occurred. Action: System operation continues. ~rator 514D DASD 'addr' ADDftRK CK CPlD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' OSERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' ~lanation: addr cm addr sense cm csw The tape error recovery an unrecoverable load point csw bbcchh - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSi) in hexadecimal. 0'1"'1- ..... '1" recovery missing System Action: System operation continues. Q~!:gtor Action: Reply "retry" or "cancel". 5161 type 'addr' BAD SENSE CPlD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' OSERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'] - - - ~te~ disk - the unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condi tion. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSi) in hexadecimal. - the address (bin, cylinder, and headj, in hexadecimal, wher~ the error occurred. 5121 TAPE 'addr' LOAD POINT CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID='userid' routine found I/O error. The routine found an unrecoverable address marker I/O error. sense ]xplan~tion: Action: None. (Basic System Extensions) - - - Action: System operation continues. 5161 type 'addr' BAD SENSE CftD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [ {BBCC HH= , bbcchh ' I BLOC K= , nnnnnn'} 1 513! {DASDITAPE} 'addr' FILE SNS='sense' CSi='csw' [BBCCHH='bbcchh' ] - - - PROT Cl'lD= 'cm' USERID='userid' (Basic System Extensions) - - - 513! {DASDI TAPE} 'addr' FILE PROT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID='userid' r {BBCCHH='bbcchh'l BLOCK='nnnnnn'}] Explan~iiQn: The disk error recovery routine (for DASD) or the tape error recovery routine (for TAPE) found an unrecoverable file ~rotect I/O error. ~lanation: An error recovery routine encountered an error on a sense operation. The "type" in the message indicates which error recovery routine it was: 1:iP~ DASD LINE TAPE sense cm csw - the unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadeciaal, of the channel command word (CCi) beinq executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSi) in hexadecimal. Recover~ ~Q~!ine The other variables in the message are: addr sense addr Error diSk line tape cm csw bbcchh - the unit address of the failing device. ". - the sense bytes, ""'1n hexadecimal, for the error condi tion. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when th~ error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSi) in hexadecimal. - the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. Control Program (CP) Messages 77 DMK nnnnnn - the block number occurred. Syste~ Acti~: where the error 5181 {DASDI TAPE} 'addr' RECV SIS=' sense' C SW= 'csw' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'] ERROR CMD= 'ca ' USERID='userid' System operation continues. ~lanatiQn: 51?E DASD 'addr' NOT/KNOiN CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCBB='bbcchh'] - - - (Basic System Extensions) - - - 51?E DASD 'addr' NOT/KNOiN CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [{BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'} ] ~xplanati~: The disk error recovery routine encountered an error that is considered an impossible condition and must be reported as such. addr sense cm csw bbcchh nnnnnn ~tem - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel co.mand word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSi) in hexadecimal. - the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. - the block number where the error occurred. Action: System operation continues. 5171 {LINEITAPE} 'addr' NOT/KNOWN C!D='cm' SIS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID='userid' Explana1ion: The line error recovery routine (for LINE) or the tape error recovery routine (for TAPE) encountered an error that is considEred an impossible condition and must be reported as such. addr sense cm csw - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadeciaal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSi) in hexadecimal. While attempting recovery, the disk error recovery routine (for DASD) or the tape error recovery routine (for TAPE) encountered an error not associated with the original error. Error recovery cannot be contin ued. addr sense cm csw bbcchh ~1~ ~lanati~: The tape error recovery routine found an unrecoverable phase encode burst I/O error. addr - the unit address of the failing device. sense - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. em - the com.and code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. csw - the failing channel status word (CSi) in hexadecimal. ~1~ Jxplanati~: The spooling error recovery routine found an unrecoverable error condition. addr sense Action: System operation continues. ~1em IB~ VM/3?O System Messages Action: System operation continues. 520A {RDRIPRTIPUR} 'addr' PERM ERROR CMD='cl' SRS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID='userid' csw 78 Action: System operation continues. 5191 TAPE 'addr' PE BURST C!D='cm' SRS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID= 'userid' cm ~Y2te~ - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel comma nd word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSi) in hexadeciaal. - the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (Cei) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSi) in hexadecimal. Ac1ion: System operation continues. DftK Operato£ Action: Take appropriate action to correct the problem. If the problem your system support persists, contact personnel. cm - - - (Basic System Extensions) - - - 5201 type 'addr' CHAN ERROR C!D='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [(BBCCH~=1bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn') ] Explanatio~: An error recovery routine encountered an unrecoverable channel I/O error. The "type" in the message indicates which error recovery routine it was: LINE DASD PRT,PUN,RDR TAPE Error Re~ov~I~ Routine line disk spooling tape 5221 TAPE 'addr' ERASE CK C!D='cm j SNS=isense i CSW='csw' USERID='userid' 1ll1anatiQ1l: The tape error recover y routine found an unrecoverable erase check I/O error. addr cm csw sense cm csw bbcchh nnnnnn - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. - the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. - the block numter where the error ~!~ The routine found an check on a tape. addr sense cm Explanation: An error recovery routine received a reported error from a device that is not in the system configuration. The "type" in the message indicates which error recovery routine it was: 1I~ GRAF PRT,PUN,RDR TAPE Error ReSQveI~ Routine terminal spooling tape The other variables in the message are: addr sense - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. Action: System operation continues. ~lanation: System operation continues. 5211 type 'addr' NO DEVICE C!D='Cft' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condi tion. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. 5231 TAPE 'addr' CONTROL CK CftD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' occurred~ ~Y§1~~ !ctio~: System operation continues. Operator Action: None. The other variables in the message are: addr (CeW) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. ~!em-Action: sense 1Y~ the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel cO!!!!and word csw 5201 type 'addr' CHAN ERROR C!D='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'] - csw ~!em tape error recovery unrecoverable control - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the errorcondi tion. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. Ac!ion: System operation continues. 5241 {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' LOAD CHECK CftD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' ~lanatiQn: The spooling error recovery routine received an error when loadinq the UCS (universal character set) buffer or the FCB loaded has an invalid channel code; such as multiple channels on one print -line. addr sense - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. Control Program (CP) Messages 79 Dl'!K - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. cm csw ~~te~ !ct~Qn: 5271 {lINEICONS} 'addr' lOST DATA CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID='userid' ~!gnation: The line error recovery routine (for LINE) or the terminal error recovery routine (for CONS) found an unrecoverable lost data I/O error. System operation continues. addr ~erato~ !ctiQn: Retry the operation. sense 5251 {GRAFIRDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' CMD='CM' SNS='sense' USERID=' userid' FORMAT CK CSi='csw' ~xplang1~Qn: The terminal error recovery routine (for GRAF) or the spooling error r~covpry rOQtine (for PDB 1 PRT, or PUN) encountered a format error on a write RCE (Read Column Eliminate) command. - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hex~decimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel com.and word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the failinq channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. addr sense cm csw cm csw ~I§1em Act~on: ~!gnatiQn: The line error recovery routine (for LINE) or the terminal error recovery routine (for CONS) determined that problems causing a timeout condition exist on communication lines. System operation continues. sense Qperato~ Act~on: Retry the operation. cm - - - (Basic System Extensions) 5261 TAPE 'addr' DSE FAIlEt CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID='userid' Ac1ion: System operation continues. 5281 {lINEICONS} 'addr' TIMEOUT CMD='cm' SHS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' addr ~~te~ - the unit address of the failinq device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. csw - the unit address of the failing device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel co.ma nd word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. ~xplang1ion: A data security erase operation has failed to complete successfully. causing a timeout condition exist on communication lines. addr - the unit device. address of ~~em Ac~ion: ~rator System operation continues. Action: Hone. the failing sense - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. cm - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. csw - the failing channel status (CSi) in hexadecimal. 5291 {GRAFIRDRIPRTIPUH} 'addr' CMD='cm' SNS='sense' USERID='userid' PARITY CK CSW='csw' ~!gnatiQn: word The terminal error recovery routine (for GRAF) or the spoolinq error recovery routine (for RDR, PRT, or PUN) found an unrecoverable parity check I/O error. addr cm ~te~ !£i~Qn: ~~iQ~ System operation continues. Action: Activate the reset and on the failing device and restart the job. load-rewind~uttons sense csw - the unit address of the failing device. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. ~.t~1!! continues. 80 IBM VM/370 system Messages Action: System operation DKK csw None. - - - (Basic System Extensions) - the failing channel status (CSii; in hexadecimal. ~1em word Action: System operation continues. 5301 DASD 'addr' CHECK DATA CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BICCK='nnnnnn' Ex~~atio~: The FB-512 error recovery routine encountered an unrecoverable check data error. 5321 GRAF 'addr' OP CHECK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USER1D='userid' ];;llla~atiQ1l: addr ~onco cm csw nnnnnn - the unit address of the failing device. the ~oneo bytes, ,n hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSi) in hexadecimal. - the block number where the error occurred. The terminal error recovery routine found an unrecoverable error. The control unit has received a valid command or order that it cannot execute. addr - the unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSi) in hexadecimal. sense em csw ~tem Act!Qn: System operation continues. ~te~ 5301 GRAF 'addr' UNIT SPEC CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' ~xplana~~Qn: The terminal routine found an device-detected error. addr sense cm csw ~yste~ error recovery unrecoverable - the unit address of the failinq device. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. - the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCil being executed when the error occurred. - the failing channel status word (CSi) in hexadecimal. !ct!on: System operation continues. - Action: System operation continues. (Basic System Extensions) 5361 cuu REPORTS DISABLED = ecce; NOTIFY CE INTERFACE; FAULT CODE J~lanatiQ~: Unit check has occurred on an FB-512 or count-key-data I/O reguest to a Director Module indicatinq that a permanent error has occurred on the companion Director Module. The sense data indicates Alternate Interface Disabled. (Sense byte 1, bit 3.) The substitutions in the message are as follows: cuu device reported. address on which the error was cccc fault symptoms code obtained from the sense data that will be used by your loca te the service representative to failing component. ~tem 5311 GRAF 'addr' CNTRL CHECK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' ExElgnatiQn: The terminal error recovery routine found an unrecoverable error. The addressed device failed to perform a specified operation or respond to the control unit within a specified period of time. addr sens-e cm - the unit address of the failing device. t-he sens-e byt€S, in hexa~ecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCi) being executed when the error occurred. Action: The system loqs the error and retries the I/O request. Thi s retry should succeed since it is another control unit that failed. Use£ !cti~: Notify your service personnel. 550E ERROR RECORDING CPEREP AREA 90 PERCENT FULL; RUN ~cording area The err~ specified in the message is 90% full. This message is a warning to prevent loss of error records. ~laBatiQl!~ ~~~ Ac1ion: System operation continues. Control Program (CP) KessalJEs 81 DMK Operato£ Action: Run the CPEREP program to print the records on the affected area, and then clear the area. Save the printed output for your system support personnel. 559W SRF cuu NOT ACCESSIBLE; FRAMES NOT ON ERROR CYLINDERS ~!anati.Q.!!: One of the following conditions has occurred on a 3031, 3032, or 3033 processor: 551E ERROR RECORDING AREA FUlL; RUN CPEREP ~xpla~1iQB 1. 2. Syste~ 3. The error recording area specified in the message is full. Further errors of that type cannot ce recorded. Action: System operation continues, but no I/O errors, or machine check and channel check errors, are recorded. Syst~ Action: Processinq continues. System -vI~ run, EREP data is collected. Reports are unforaatted. gperator Action: Run the CPEREP program to print the error records that are on the error recordi:;,g area that is full, and then clear the area. Save the printed output for your system support personnel. 1. 5521 FORMATTING ERROR RECORDING AREA ~xplanation: The recording area specified in the message is not in the proper format. The area is rewritten in the correct CP format at this time. This should only occur at the first IPL of a new system with a new error recording area. If this message appears at other times, it is probably due to a hardware error. ~te~ !ctio~: 2. System operation continues. ~erato£ ActiQB: If you did not expect this formatting to take place, ensure that the allocation of the system volume does not overlap cylinders or disk space and then call your system support personnel. 5531 ERROR RECORDING AREA CLEARED; USER 'userid' Explanation: DMKIOG has been invoked by user 'userid' to clear the error recording area specified in the messaqe. Error recording in that area is reenabled. Syste~ Ac1ion: SRF is not included in DMKRIO. The service support console is configured for diagnostics, remote hook-up, or program frame. The console is not in SFF mode. The system is running in degraded mode. (only one console station is operational. ) 3. 560W User Action: Reassemble DftKRIO with the proper address for the 7443 devices and include "SRF=" on the FIOGEN macro, refer to the VM/370 ~!an~ing ~nd System Generation Guide. Wait until the service support console is available. Enable the I/O interface. Select SRF mode from the Cl frame by activating the SRF (A2). (On the 3032, the SRF appears disabled until it is accessed.) VlRY ON the SRF. Attach the SRF. Rerun CPEREP CLEARF. Refer to the 3033 Processor Complex Operati~ ---i~QCedure~; GC38-003l. Rerun CPEREP when both console stations are operational, qenerate reportE then run CPEREP CLEARF to clear and obtain the frame records. ERRORS ON CYLINDERS - - - SRF cuu: FRAME NOT OR ERROR (Basic System Extensions) 560W ERRORS ON SRF cuu: FRAME NOT IN ERROR AREA System operation continues. ~lanation: 5581 UNRECOVERABLE DISABLED I/O ERROR; ERRCR RECORDING Expla~atiQ~: Unrecoverable input/output errors were encountered while trying to read or write in the error recording area at system initialization time. Error recording has been disabled. Probable hardware error. A permanent I/O error was encountered during an I/O operation with SRF cuu. The SRF cuu frames are not placed on the error recording cylinders or in the error recording area. ~!~ Action: Processing continues. ~~~~!or Action: After the cause of the error has been corrected, run CPEREP with the CLEARF parameter specified to clear the area. This will cause the frames to be placed in the error recording area. ~te~ Action: System operation continues but error recordinq is not being done. ~erato£ Action: SYEtem operation without error recording is not recommended. Whenever possible, try to restart the system, with the system disk on another drive. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 82 IBM VM/370 System Messages 561W MORE THAN 50 MCH FROM SRF cuu OR CCH FRAMES WEEE READ The maximum number of one type has been exceeded. of frames ~xp!~~atiQB: DKK • • There is an error in the Service Processor when responding to I/O requests to the SRF, or The last engineering change has provided a set of frames larger than the maximum number expected. 603W CHANNEL ERROR; RUN SEREP, RESTART SYSTEK ~lanatiQ1!: A channel check condi tion occurred from which the channel check handler could not recover • ~!:!tl!! Action: The system enters a state (wait state code = 002). wait ~te~ Action: The first 50 frames read will be accepted as valid and will be written to the error recording area. Operato£ Actism: Processing of KCH or CCH recor ds .by 50 frames may result in an incomplete OL erroneous edit of logout Call your system support information. personnel. ~~s1Q! Action: Probable hardware error. Run the SEREP program to document the error condition before restarting the system. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. To restart, clear storage and IPL VK/370 system, specifying CKPT start. 6051 CHANNEL CHECK RECORDING FAILURE 5751 I/O ERROR ADD=raddr, USERID=userid Expla~1!2n: The V!/370 error recording interface has determined that a permanent or temporary I/O error has occurred on a virtual machine. This message also appears when VK/370 error routines are invoked for recording counter and tuffer overflow statistics for various devices. for recording demounts, and for recording general statistical data. J~lanatiQ1!: !ction: System operation continues. ~to£ Action: Run CPEREP to document the error. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. CHECK 6011 CHANNEL CONTROL 'userid' tEV xxx; This message appears: • When an unrecoverable I/O error is encountered while recordinq on the error recording cylinder, or • When the channel cylinder is full. ~teDl ~~tem the check Systell Action: recording operation continues. ~~ator Action: Run the CPEREP program to write out the error records and clear the channel recording cylinder. If the error recurs, contact your system support personnel. USER 610W MACHINE CHECK; SUPERVISOR DAMAGE cpuid Explanat!gn: A channel control check occurred on the channel specified by device xxx, where: ~lanation: The machine encountered an check handler has unrecoverable error .ithin This message is also issued if a malfunction alert occurs on the attached processor and CP was in control. CP. xxx systg~ - Channel, control unit, and device address of the failing unit. Actign: System operation continues. ~te~ Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code = 001 or 013). ~~to£ Action: protatle hardware error. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 6021 INTERFACE 'user id' CONTROL l!xplanati2n: occurred on xxx,. where: xxx ~te~ CHECK DEV xxx; USER An interface control check channel specified in device - Channel, control unit, and device address of the failing unit. !ction: ~~tor System operation continues. !ctign: Probable hardware error. If the problem persists,. call your system support personnel. Q~rator Action: Probable hardware error. Run the SEREP program to document the error. Restart the system. If the problem recurs, contact your system support personnel. 611W MACHINE CHECK; SYSTEM INTEGRITY LOST cpuid ~lanation: The machine check handler has encountered an error that cannot be diagnosed because of an invalid machine check old PSi or invalid machine check interrupt code (MCIC). The integrity of the system at this point is not reliable. ~!:em Action: The state,. code 001. system Control Program (CP) enters a Messages wait 83 DMK ~peraiQ£ ActiQn: Probable hardware error. Run the SEREP program and save the output for your system support personnel. Restart the system. 612W MACHINE CHECK TIMING FACILITIES DAMAGE; RUN SEREP cpuid 6161 MACHINE CHECK; USER userid TERMINATED cpuid ~!!il!ation: The user identified by userid has encountered a machine check error and the user's virtual machine has been reset. Probable hardware error. ~.!:g.!!! System Action: opera tion continues. Explanatio~: timing error. An error has occurred in the facilities. Probable hardware System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code = 001). OperaiQ£ 1£tion: Run the SEREP program to document the error. Restart the system. If the problem recurs, contact your system support personnel. Q~~atQ!: Action: Run the CPEREP program to document the error. If the problem recurs, contact your system support personnel. 6171 MACHINE CHECK; BUFFER OR DLAT DAMAGE cpuid ~!!il!atiQn: The Machine Check Handler has encountered a buffer storage or DLAT partially disabled. 6131 SOFT MACFINE CHECK RECORDING DISABLED cpuid Expla~giiQ~: The error reporting interrupt mechanism for soft machine checks has been disabled. Syste~ System Action: operation continues. System Systtl Action: continues. operation ~~gtor Action: Run the CPEREP program to document the error. If the problem recurs, contact your system support personnel. None. 6141 MACHINE CHECK; DAMAGED cpuid PAGE NOW DELETED 6181 {INSTRUCTION RETRYIMAIN STORAGE} {RECORDIQUIET} MODE cpuid ~lanatiQn: Explgnati~: The machine check handler has deleted a page of storage as a result of storage data failures. Probable hardware error. placed the specified. ~~g.m NOW IP The SET MODE command has processor in the mode that is System Action: operation continues. Syste~ Action: System operation continues. None. Opera!.Q!: Action: The system operator should note that the system is operating with 4K bytes less storage each time this message appears. If the problem recurs, run the CPEREP program to document the error, then contact your system support personnel. 6151 MACHINE CHECK RECORDING FAILURE cpuid ~~Plgngiion: 6191 MACHINE CHECK; OPERATION TERMINATED cpuid ~!!il!atiQn: The user has encountere~ a machine check error and the user's virtual machine had been reset or terminated. If the virtual machine was reset, the user must reinitialize the system to commence operation. If the virtual machine was termina ted, he must log on again to commence operation. ~.!:~.!!! This message appears: Action: System operation continues. • If an unrecoverable I/O error is encountered while recording on the error recording cylinder, or • When the machine cylinder is full. ~te~ continues. !£!iQn: check System recording operation ~rator Action: to document the recurs, contact personnel • RUn the CPEREP program error. If the problem your system support 6201 MACHINE CHECK; ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT BEING USED ~!~ation: ~g£gtQ£ 1£tion: Run the CPEREP program to print the error records and clear the MCH recording cylinder. If the problem recurs, contact your system support personnel. 84 IBM VM/370 System Messages The attached processor is no longer being used by the system because: • A malfunction alert was the attached processor, receive~ from DHK • The machine check handler received an unrecoverable error on the attached processor while in problem state, • An instruction processing error was detected for the attached processor. ~te~ Action: uniprocessor mode. System operates in ~erato£ Action: Run the CPEREP program to document the error and save the output for your system support personnel. ~1em Action: System operation continues; 700E INPUT UNIT IS NOT A CPVOL ~1anati~ The CPVOL operand was specified for a DUMP or COPY statement, but the last INPUT control statement did not describe a device that had been initialized with the VM/370 Format/Allocate proqram. ~.:!:el! 6211 MACHINE CHECK; AFFINITY SET OFF Explanatio~: The attached processor is no longer being used by the system because of a malfunction alert, or an unrecoverable machine check. Affinity for the attached processor is no longer valid. Syste~ ActiQ~: System operates in uniprocessor mode. The user is put in console function mode (if user was not disconnected) with affinity turned off. User Action: Resume processing. without attached affinity, if possible. ~operate continue processor Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the correct statement is solicited from the console. Us~~ Acti~ Describe the proper DASD device with the INPUT control statement. If the proper input device is defined. use the ALL operand or the explicit cylinder operand for the DUMP or COpy function. 701E INVALID OPERAND - operand ~1~ation: The spec ified operand is invalid. ~tem Explana1io~: During a machine check interruption, a group of channels is unavailable. The channels will not be available until the system is reset. Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the card image is printed above the message, and the program is terminated after scanning the re.a~n~ng statements for syntax. Otherwise, the correct statement is solicited from the console. ~i~~ User 622W MACHINE CHECK; MULTIPLE CHANNEL ERRORS ~ctio~: VM/370 is terminated by loading a disabled wait PSi. The wait code in the PSi is X'00000001'. ~~to£ ActiQ'!!: IPL SEREP VM/370 via IPL. and then reload Action: Correct resubm~the job. the operand and 702E CONTROL STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR ExplA.!!ation:· The control in the proper sequence. statement is not 6231 CHANNEL SET CONNECTED TO PROCESSOR nn Expla.!!ation: A processor failure occurred on the main processor and automatic processor recovery succeeded in connecting the channel set to the attached processor; or the operator issued a VARY OFFLINE CPU command for the I/O processor and the offline process succeeded in connecting the channel set to the attached processor. ~yste~ Action: Processing continues on the attached processor in uniprocessor mode. QQeratiQ'!! occurred, personnel resolved, Action: When a processor failure --Call your system support for support. When the problem is issue the VABY ONLINE command. Syst~ Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the card image is displayed above the error message. The program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the correct statement is solicited from the console. Note that all DUMP, RESTORE, or COpy statements must be delimited by an INPUT or an OUTPUT control statement. When multiple, explicit cylinder extents are defined, the DUMP, COPY, and RESTORE statements must not be intermixed. user !ctiQB: Place the control statements the proper sequence, or correct the error, and resubmit the job. ~n 703E OPERAND HISSING 6241 MACHINE CHECK; EXTERNAL DAMAGE cpuid ~lanation: ~~P!g~ation: A machine check external damage has occurred. causing The above control state.ent contains insufficient information. Control Program (CP) Messages 85 DMK Syste~ A£tiQnI If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the card image is displayed before the message. The program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the correct statement is solicited from the console. User Action: Provide the a~resubmIt the job. Use~ !ctiQn: Determine whether or not the error was valid. If it was not valid, resubmit the job. If the error persists, call your system support personnel. 7051 I/O ERROR LINE=addr RESID=resid STATUS=status missing operand ~lanation: For DMKRGA, an unrecoverable I/O error has been detected on the remote display station or the remote printer. 704E DEV cuu NOT OPERATIONAL resid 1xplanatioB: cuu is the device address of the unit that is not operational. AciiQB: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the next statement is solicited from the console. status ~ste~ addr - three bytes, in hexadecimal, of the real resource identifier. - two bytes, in hexadecimal, of status and sense data describing the error. - the unit address of the line to which the remote station is attached. §l§~~ User Action: Either attach the proper device--to--your system or redefine the device in error. In either case, the function control statement must be reentered. 70SE 10 ERROR cuu CSW csw SENSE sense bbcchh OuTPUT bbcchh CCW ccw - - - INPUT 706E LINE addr NOT ENABLED Explanation: The cOlllmand could not be executed because the line address specified was not enabled. (Basic system Extensions) 70SE 10 ERROR cuu CSW csw SENSE sense bbcchh OUTPUT {bbcchhlnnnnnn}CCW ccw Action: System operation continues. The system operator is notified. The user receives "NOT ACCEPTED" at the display terlllinal. INPUT User Action: Enable the reissue-the cOlllmand. line address and 1~laBatioB: An unrecoverable I/O error has been detected on the input or the output device, where: ccu sense csw bbcchh nnnnnn ccw - the unit address of the device in error. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, describing the error. - channel status word from the error. - the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred on the input or output cylinder. - the block number where error occurred. - the channel command word from the error. 707A DIAL FUNCTION NOT AVAILABLE lnlA!!atiQn: The DIAL command cannot issued from this station or terminal. ~~~~ !!~~ be Action: System operation continues. !cti.Q]l: None. 707E MACHINE CHECK RUN SEREP AND SAVE OUTPUT FOR CE ~lanatiQB: A hardware error has occurred while running in standalone mode. ~~em ~te~ A£tion: The jot step is terminated. If the output device is tape, an attempt is made to write a trailer label closing the output device. A cylinder map is printed describing all valid data that was dumped, restored, or copied to the point of error. Noi~: This may be a valid condition if a virtual user attempts to dump, restore, or copy past the cylinder extents of the minidisk with which he is working. 86 IBM VM/370 System Messages Action: The program loads a disabled wait state PSW after attempting to print the message. User Action: Run the standalone SERFP program-provided by the customer engineer to document the hardware error for fUrther analysis of the problem. Attempt to rerun the job. If the error persists, call your system support personnel. In either case, all output should be saved to show to the service representative. 708E INVALID INPUT OR OUTPUT DEFINITION volid2 Explanation: The INPUT and/or OUTPUT statement is not defined or is defined as the wrong device type. For example, the DUMP statement must have the input unit defined as a DASD device and the output unit defined as a tape device. Syste~ Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the correct statement is solicite'd from the console. User Action: Redefine the input or output definition; or use the proper function control statement. 709E WRONG INPUT TAPE MOUNTED jxplan~1iQ~: The tape is invalid of the following reasons: • There is no volume tape. for one ~te~ - The volume ser;~l number from the VOL1 label on the DASD device specified by the control statement. Action: waits for response. If you respond continues. "yes", the operation If you respond "no", and the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the rema1n1ng statements for syntax. Otherwise. the next statement is solicited from the console. If you respond "reread", specified is read again. the Note: A new volume may have in the interim. been mounted User Action: "rerea~ Respond "yes", volume "no", or header record on the 712E NUMBER OF EXTENTS EXCEEDS 20 • The volume header record cylinder identifier is higher than the cylinder being searched for. If the tape was produced from FB-512 data, the volume header bloc kid is higher than the block being searched for. • The volume header record time stamp is different 'from the preceding volume trailer label time stamp. Explanation: The DUMP or COpy control statement has explicitly defined B10re than 20 extents, or if CPVOL was specified, the input unit has more than 20 physical extents defined. Syst~Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is termi~ated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the next control statement is solicited from the console. ~yste~ Action: The system rewinds and unloads the~ape; then it attempts to read the next tape's volume header record. If the ,wrona input tape is mounted. the svstem rewinds and unloads the tape, regardless of whether the REWIND, UNLOAD, or LEAVE option was specified in the INPUT control statement of the DASD Dump Restore program. Q~ Use~ ActiQD: Use the DUKP ALL or COpy ALL statement, or perform the job specifying no more than 20 extents. and repeat DUKP or COpy if necessary to complete the task. 713E OVERLAPPING OR INVALID EXTENTS ~lanati2!!: !ctiQn: Mount the proper tape. The DUKP, RESTORE, or COP Y statement contains invalid or overlapping explicit cylinder or block extents. 710A DEV cuu INTERVENTION REQUIRED ~!~ the Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the correct statement is solicited from the console. specified device User Action: Enter the proper cylinder or block extent information. 711R VOLID READ IS volid2 [NOT volid1] WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES REREAD: DO YOU NO OR Expla~1i~: cuu is the unit address of the device that has become not-ready. ~ystem Action: The program waits for specified device to become ready. User Action: ready. Make the 714E RECORD bbcchh NOT FOUND ON TAPE - - - (Basic System Extensions) 714E RECORD (bbcchhlnnnnnn} NOT FOUND ON TAPE Exillnati~ volid1 : - The volume serial number from the input or output control statement; volid1 1S displayed only if it was entered. ExplanatiQ!!: The given record vas not foun d on the tape. Control Program (CP) Messages 87 DMK bbcchh nnnnnn - the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, of the missinq track header record. - the decimal tlock number of the missinq block. ~te~ Acti2n: The jot step is terminated. All data restored or copied to that point is valid. If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanninq the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the next control statement is solicited from the console. Q~ A£ii2n: Use the COpy ALL or RESTORE ALL statement, or use the correct explicit cylinder operand. The volume serial number is displayed only if specified in the INPUT or OUTPUT control statement. (For Basic System Extensions FB-512 devices, block 1 on the device could not be read.) ~!em Action: response. The system If you respond "yes", with the job steps. waits for a the system continues If you respond "no" and the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remainina ~tate~e~ts fc~ syntax. Otherwise, ~he next statement is solicited from the console. 715E LOCATION bbcchh IS A FLAGGED TRACK ~lanati2n: The DASD device has a flagged If you respond "reread", the program attempts to reread the specified device. track. bbcchh - the address (bin, cylinder, head), in hexadecimal, of flagged track. and the ~Y§.te1! Act ion: RC = 3. For the IB" 2314, 2319, and 2305, the job step continues; for the IE! 3330 and 3350, the job is terminated. All data dumped or copied to that point is valid. The input and output devices are closed, and a cylinder map of the data dumped or copied is printed. For the IBM 2305, 2314, 2319, and 3340, flagged tracks are treated as any other track; that is, no 'attellpt is lIade to substitute the alternate track data when a defective primary track is read; tracks are not inspected to determine if they were previously flagged when written. It is therefore recommended that volumes dumped containing flagged tracks be restored to the same volume. DKKDDR715E is displayed each time a defective track is dumped, copied, or restored, and the operation continues. For the IBM 3330 and 3350, flagged tracks are autollatically handled by the control unit and should never be detected by the program. However, if a flagged track is detected DMKDDR715E is displayed and the job step is terminated. User Action: Use the DU!P or COpy statellents--With the explicit cylinder operand to dump or copy around the flagged track. User Action: indicated:- Respond to the message as 717R DATA DUMPED FROM volid1 TO BE RESTORED TO volid2. DO yOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES NO OR REREAD: volid1 volid2 - The volume serial number of the input tape. The volume serial number of the output DASD device that is to receive the data from voli~1. ~!~ Action: response. The systea If you respond "yes", continues. waits for a the restore function If you respond "no" and the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statement for syntax. Otherwise, the correct statement is solicited from the console. If you respond "reread", the input tape is backspaced to the start of the file, and the volume header label is reread. User Action: If the wrong input tape is mounted, replace the tape and respond REREAD. Otherwise, respond in the appropriate manner. 718E OUTPUT UNIT IS FILE PROTECTED 716R NO VOL1 LABEL FOUND FOR volid DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES NO OR REREAD: Explangii2n: For count·key-data, the program was unable to find a record with the key of VOL1 on cylinder 0 track 0 and was not able to read record 3 on cylinder 0 track 0 for the specified volume serial nUllber (volid). 88 IBM VH/3 7 0 system !essages ~!anatiQ1!: written on. The output tape cannot be DKK Action: BC = 1 The program terminates. The tape device is rewound and unloaded; the system waits for the device to become ready. When the unit is ready, the system writes a volume header record on the tape, and the operation continues. ~ysteJ!! User Action: Replace the file security ring in the tape reel, or mount the proper tape. nnnnnn - the FB-512 block number of the bloek described by the PRINT or TYPE fUnction. ~.:!:em Action: PRINT or TYPE continues with unaffected. User Action: The system terminates the function in process and the remaining job steps For count-key-data, if the is not known, print or type on a cylinder or track basis. explic~-record identifier 719E INVALID FILE NAME OR FILE NeT FOUND For FB-512, correct the number and retry. This message can appear only if DMKDDR is running under CMS. A filetype was not entered from the CMS command line, or the filename and filetype entered could not be found on the CMS files currently logged in. ExplanatiQ~; Q~er ActiQn: Either omit all operands on the eMS command line, defaulting to console input, or enter the proper filename, filetype, and/or filemode for the CMS file containing the input control statements. 722E OUTPUT UNIT NOT PROPERLY CP NUCLEUS Explgnation: The CP nucleus cannot be restored or copied for one of the following reasons: • The output volume was not formatted using the Format/Allocate program. • The volid of the original nucleus volume is different from the volid of the new nucleus volume. • The cylinders or pages on which the nucleus will reside are not allocated as permanent space in the allocation record on the input device. 720E ERROR IN routine ~xplanatiQn: routine is the name of the CMS routine in error from the first eight characters of the CMS parameter list. The CMS return code generated ty the error is returned in the following manner: FORMATTED FOR THE ~.:!:~ Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the next control statement is solicited from the console. PRINTR--the CMS return code plus 100 WAITRD--the CMS return code plus 200 RDBUF--the C~S return code plus 300 the Format/Allocate Action: Use program to prepare the output disk as indicated above, and resubmit the jobQ Us~.!: TYPE or TYPLIN--the GMS 400 return code plus ~teJ!! A£tion: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program terminates after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the program is immediate ly terminated. User Action: Correct the error as indicatea-bY-the return code, and resubmit the job. 723E NO VALID CP NUCLEUS ON THE INPUT UNIT ~!anation: If the input unit is tape, then the tape does not contain a DDR nucleus dump. If the input unit is disk, then a CP nucleus was never loaded onto that disk. ~tem 721E RECORD cchhr - - - NOT FOUND (Basic System Extens ions) 721E RECORD {cchhrlnnnnnn} NOT FOUND Ex£lg~gtiQn: The record was not found. cchhr indicated by cchhr the address (cylinder, head, and record) of the record explicitly described by the PRINT or TYPE function. Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the correct statement is s olici ted froll the console. User Action: Mount the and-resubait the job. proper input unit 724E INPUT TAPE CONTAINS A CP NUCLEUS DUMP Explanation: The user isatt.e.ptinq to restore a tape dump using the NUCLEUS parameter by specifying ALL or explicit extent parameters. ~.:!:em or a Action: If the input is from cards CMS file, the program is terminated Control Prograa (CP) Messages 89 DMK after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the next control statement is solicited from the console. User Action: Use the RESTORE stateme~or mount the proper tape. User Action: To restore the perform initialization using IBCDASDI. U;able---~ndition, disk a to a disk NUCLEUS 730E DEV cuu NOT OPERATIONAL OR NOT READY The device at address cuu is not operational (SIO gave cc=3) or not ready (intervention required indicated in sense data). j~~atiQn: 725R ORIGINAL INPUT DEVICE WAS (IS) LARGER THAN OUTPUT DEVICE. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES OR NO: ~xplanation: RESTOR~ FUNCTION--The number of cylinders or blocks on the original DASD input unit is compared with the number on the output device. Action: If the input is from cards, the card in error is printed and the job step is terminated. If the input is from the console, the proper device address is requested from the user. COpy FUNCT!ON--!he input more cylinders or blocks device. user Action: Ready the device, attach the proper device to the system, or specify the proper device in the control statement. ~!em dev ice contai.ns than the outout Operato£ Action: Determine if the restore function is to continue; either "yes" or "no". copy or respond 726E MOVING DATA INTO ALTERNATE CYLINDER (5) IS PROHIBITED TRACK 732E MACHINE CHECK RUN SEREP AND SAVE OUTPUT FOR CE ExplanatiQA: A machine check hardware error has occurred. Action: The program loads a disabled wait state PSW after attemptinq to print the message. ~!~ Expla~tio~: An extent statement was encountered that attEmpted either to RESTORE or to COpy a cylinder of data into the alternate track cylinder. This is not permitted. The alternate track cylinders of disks (except 2314 and 2319) are to be used only for alternate tracks and not as a primary data area. The program attempts to read another control statement, or to read another extent statement. User Action: Run the standalone SEREP program to--document the hardware error so that further analysis can be done. Then attempt to rerun the job. If the error persists, save all output and notify your system support personnel. ~Y§te~ !ction~ User Action: If the extent statement contains-i-typographical error, correct it. Otherwise, find some other cylinder(s) to RESTORE or COpy the data to. The REORDER operand of the extent statement can be used to move an entire minidisk to different cylinders. 727E FLAGGED TRK xxxxxxxxxxxx HAS ALTERNATE; SKIPPING THIS TRK NO PROPER An attempt was made to read from or write to a track that is flagged as defective, but it has no alternate track assigned; or it has an alternate assigned improperly. (AlternatE does not point back to defective track, alternate has defective flage set, etc.) 733E VOLID READ IS volid1 NOT volid2 ExplgnatiQ»: The wrong volume is mounted on the device described by the ALLOCATE control statement. volid 1 volid2 - the volume serial number as read from the DASD device. - the volume serial numbE>r from the ALLOCATE control statement. Note: If volid1 "none", no record found on cylinder 0, track o. 3 was ]~langiion: systg~ Action: In the case of DUMP, RESTORE, or COpy the defective track is skipped and processing continues with the next track. In the case of PRINT or TYPE, the home address and the record zero from the defective track are displayed. 90 IBM VM/370 System Messages ~!~~ Action: If the input is from cards, the card in error is printed and the jot step is terminated. If it is console input, the proper volume serial number is requested from the user. User Action: Correct the ALLOCATE control statement-or mount the proper volume on the device described by the ALLOCATE control statement. If "none" was given for volid1, the pack must be formatted. DKK cchhr 734E TYPE OR CYL INVALID - - - (Basic System Extensions) sense 734E TYPE OR {CYLIPAG} INVALID nnnnnn Expla~ation: While attempting to allocate cylinders or extents, an invalid control statement was encountered or an invalid extent was specified. For count-key-data devices,.an invalid cylinder or extent is any extent with a starting location greater than the end~ng location or grsater than the maximum n~mber of cylinders for that device type. (For Basic System Extensions FB-512 devices, the extents are specified by page numbers. An invalid extent is one in which the starting number exceeds the highest page on the volume. The valid control statements are TEKP, PERK, TDSK, DRCT, or END.) syste~ ActiQ~: If the input is from cards, the card in error is printed and the job step terminated. If it is console input, the proper control statement is requested from the user. ]§er AcliQn: Correct the control statement or extent information and resubmit the statement. It should be noted that the allocation data overlays the existing data within the allocation record. Therefore, overlapping extents are valid and any errors may be corrected by resubmitting the proper extents. If the END control statement immediately follows the ALLOCATE statement, the allocation table is printed without any alterations. 735E FATAL DASD 10 ERROR ];~lanation: encountered formatted. An on unrecoverable error was the tASD device being syste~ Action: The job step is terminated immediately and the next control statement is read. User Action: Check message DKKFKT736E, displaye~just prior to this message, to determine the extent and type of failure. 736E 10 ERROR cuu CCHHR = cchhr SENSE = sense - - - (Basic System Extensions) - - - 736E 10 ERROR cuu {CCHHR SENSE sense ExplaBgliQ~: An = cchhrIBLOCK=nnnnnn} I/O error bas been detected. cuu - The cylinder, head, and record identification of the record in error. - the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, describing the error condition. - the block number of the block error. ~1~~ Action: The job step is terminated and the next control statement is read. User Action: Resubmit the job. If the error persi~ call your system support personnel. 737E INVALID OPERAND Explsnation: An operand is in error; it can be seen in the card image displayed following the message. ~!~~ Action: A card image containing the error is printed following the message, and the job step is terminated. Use! !ctiQB: Correct the invalid operand in the control statement and resubmit the job. 738A DEV cuu INTERVENTION REQUIRED ~lanat!on: Intervention is the device at address cuu. required on ~tem Action: The system waits for an interrupt from the card reader or console. When an interrupt is received from either the card reader or the console, that unit is solicited for the next control statement. User Action: Correct the error as indicated on--the card reader and make the device ready, or switch to console input by signaling attention. 739E FLAGGED PRIKARY TRACK HAS ASSIGNED; 10 ERROR FOLLOWS BO ALTERNATE ~lanation: An I/O operation was attempted on a track that is flagged defective, but has no alternate track assigned to it. Or an improper alternate assignment exits as follows:. The ceHH pointer in record zero of either the defective or the alternate does not point to the other track of the pair. Or one of the two tracks has bits 6 and 7 of the home address flaq byte improperly set. ~!~ !ction: Error messages DKKF!T736E and DKKFKT735E follow immediately. The eCHHR address given in message DKKF!T736E identifies the defective track. User Action: To restore the usable----COndition, perform initialization using IBDASDI. disk a to a disk The unit address of the device in error. Control Program (CP) Kessages 91 DMK 740E PACK MOUNTED IS 3340-35, MOUNT ANOTHER OR RESPEC1FY NOT 3340-70. ExplaQgiioQ: The user indicated that the device is a 3340-70, tut the sense data indicates that a 3340-35 disk pack is actually mounted. A 3340-35 pack has fewer cylinders than a 3340-70 and cannot be formatted as a 3340-70. However, a 3340-70 can be formatted as a 3340-35. ~!em Action: The card image is displayeo above the error message. The program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Use£ Acti~: Provide the missing operand in the control statement and resubmit th~ job. 754E DEV cuu NOT OPERATiONAL Syste.!!!. ,ActioQ: If the input is being entered from a console, the user 1S prompted to reenter the device address and device type. If the input is from cards the card in error is printed and the job step is terminated. Use~ Action: Correct the unit address or device-iVpe. Or mount a 3340-70 disk pack in place of the 3340-35. Explanation: The not operational. device at address cuu is ~!~ Action: The program is terminat~d after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. User Action: Either attach the proper devIce~~e system, or specify the proper device in the DIRECTORY control statement. 751E INVALID OPERAND - xxxxxx 755E 10 ERROR cuu CSi csw SENSE sense ExplaQation: invalid. The specified operand is ~.!gnatiQQ: An I/O error has been detected. Syste~ Action: The card image is displayed above the message, and the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Use£ !ctiQ~: Correct the invalid operand in the control statement and resubmit the iob. 752E STATEMENT user SEQUENCE ERROR FOLLOWING USER ~pla~atiQ~: A USER definition control statement was determined to be out of seguence following the specified user. Systg~ !£~ion: The statement that is out of sequence is displayed after this message. Directory processing is terminated after the remaining statements are scanned for syntax. cuu csw sense the unit address of the device in error. - the channel status word from the error. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, describing the error con IIi tion. System Action: If the error is from the card reader, the program waits for the reader to become ready again. If the error is from the directory volume, the program no longer attempts to write on that volume. In either case, the program attempts to scan the remaining cards for syntax and then is terminated. User Action: Resubmit the job. If the error persists;-- call your system support personnel. 756E PROGRAM CHECK PSi Note: The USER control statement delimits each virtual machine directory description. Therefore, the USER statement must follow the last device description statement, and each OPTION, ACCOUNT, or 1PL statement must fall between the USER statement and the first statement descriting a device. = psw ~.!,gnati~: A progra. check has occurred in the program, where psw is the program check old PSi. Action: The program goes into a disabled wait state after attempting to display the message. ~i~~ With the exception of dummy (NOLOG) users, all users in the directory must have at least one device. Use£ Acti~: Take a standalone dump, call your system support personnel. User Action: place the control statements In--the--Proper sequence or correct the error, and resubmit the jot. 757E MACHINE CHECK RUN SEREP AND SAVE OUTPUT FOR CE and A hardware error has occurred while running in standalone mode. ~.!anation: 753E OPERAND MISSING ~~lanaiiQ~: Insufficient information contained in the control statement. 92 IBM VM/370 System Messages is ~Y§!g~ Action: The program loads a disabled ~ait-State PSi after attempting to print the message. DMK Run the standalone SEREP program to document the hardware error, so further analysis can be done. Then attempt to rerun the job. If the error persists, save all output and call your system support personnel. The program is terminated after scanninq the remaining statements for syntax. User Action: Correct the DIRECTORY control statement~or mount the proper volume on the device described by the DIRECTORY control statement. 758E DUPLICATE UNIT DEFINITION ExQlgnai!QB: The control statement is defining a device with a device address that was previously defined for the same user. 762E DIRECTORY STATEMENT fHSSING ~1~atiQn: The first control statement detected by the program was not a DIRECTORY control statement: ~~te~ !ction: The card image is displayed above the message. The program is terminated after scanning the rema~n~ng statements for syntax. Note that checking for duplicate devices may be suspended for an individual user after the first 90 device control statements. ~iem Action: The program is terminate~ after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. User Action: Place the DIRECTORY statements in front--of the other control statements, and resubmit the job. User Action: Remove or correct the duplicate-definition, and resubmit the job. 763E INVALID FILENAME OR FILE NOT FOUND 760E NOT ENOUGH SPACE ALLOCATED FOR DIRECTORY Expla~~iion: There is insufficient space on the directory volume to continue building the directory. ~te~ !ction: The program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. writinq is suspended on the directory device. The message is reissued for each additional cylinder of count-key-data space needed by the directory program. For Basic System Extensions it is not reissued for FB-512 devices. User Action: Using the VM/370 Format/Allocate program, allocate more space on the directory volume. Note that the Directory program always starts buildinq a new directory on a fresh cylinder or separate extent and does not overlay an existing directory written on the directory volume. After the directory is successfully updated, the space used by the old directory is marked as available for use by the next directory to be created. 1~anatiQn: This message appears only if running under CMS. The filename and/or file type and/or filemode specified on the CMS command line could not be found on the CMS files currently logged in. The default filename, filetype, and/or filemode is USER DIRECT *. ~.i~ Action: RC = 1 Execution terminates. User Action: Reenter the CMS command; describe the proper CMS file containing the DIRECTORY control statements. 764E ERROR IN routine ~lanatiQn: routine is the name of the CMS routine in error from the first eight characters of the CMS parameter list. The CMS return code generated by the error is returned in the following manner: RDBUF TYPLIN - the CMS return code plus 100. the CMS return code plus 200. ~i~!! Action: The program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. 761E VOLID READ IS volidl NOT volid2 User ExplanaiiQ~: The wrong volume is mounted on the device described by the DIRECTORY control statement. Action: indIcated~ the resubmit the job. Correct the CMS return error code, as and (System Extensions) volid1 volid2 - the volume serial number from the directory volume. - the volume serial number described by the DIRECTORY statement. aOOE COMMAND REJECTED, OTHER LOGGED ON VIRTUAL MACHINES ~1~ation: Virtual machines, other than the V=R machine and the VM/370 system operator's, were logged on. Control Program (CP) Messages 93 DMK ~erato~ !£!ion: Reissue the command after establishing that only the two valid machines are logqed on the system. (System Extensions) - - - 80SE SINGLE PROCESSOR MODE OFF REJECTED ExplanatiQn: Single processor mode has n~t been reset because the V=R virtual machine has a nonzero prefix value. (System Extensions) 801E FREE STORAGE PAGE IS NOT AVAILABLE ~lanation: Free storage cannot be obtained for saving the CP PSA, therefore, the transition was not made. Q~Igtor Action: Use the SPMODE OFF command only if the proper conditions are satisfied. (System !ctiQ.B: Reissue the command when more free storage is available. ..9E.erato~ Extension~ 806E COMMAND REJECTED, VIRTUAL ADDRESS NOT EQUAL TO REAL ADDRESS ~l~ation: The virtual device address was not the same as the real device address. (system Extensions) 802E COMMAND REJECTED, DEVICES NOT DEDICATED ~Igtor Expla.ag!ion: All devices (except the console and virtual spooling devices) must be dedicated devices. ~te~ Action: Reissue the command after this condition is corrected for the V=R virtual machine. Action: None. (System Extensions) ~rato£ A£tiQn: Reissue the command after verifying that all devices are dedicated. 807E COMMAND REJECTED, V8/370 ATTACHED PROCESSOR MODE ~lgnation: (System Extensions) 803E COMMAND REJECTED, SPOOL DEVICES NOT DRAINED ~~~na!iQ~: All CP spool devices have not been drained. ..QE,eraiQ£ Action: Reissue the command after all CP spool devices have teen drained. VM/370 was not in uniprocessor mode. ~!~~ Action: None. ~Ig!QI !cti~; Issue the QVM command when the VM/370 system is in uniprocessor mode • (System Extensions) 8081 SINGLE PROCESSOR MODE ACTIVE ~lanatiQn: (System Extensions) Whenever single processor mo:ie is turned on, the value loaded into the prefix register by VM/370 is disnlayed. 804E SINGLE PROCESSOR MODE ON REJECTED Explan~iiQ~: established followinq: 1. 2. 3. single processor mode was not because of one of the VM/370 is not in uniprocessor mode. There is no V=R area. There is no multiprocessor hardware feature. (System Extensions) 809E COMMAND REJECTED, TRACE/ADSTOP IN EFFECT ~l~atiQn: ~raiQ~ A£tion: Use the SPMODE ON command only when the proper conditions are satisfied. 94 IBM VM/370 system Messages The transition cannot be made for the V=R virtual machine if tracing or adstop is being used. §I§!em Action: None. DMK Operato~ Actign: Turn off tracing or adstop for the V=~ virtual machine and reissue the QVM command. US~I Action: Take corrective action to bypass the I/O error. Then reissue the command requesting to print the dump previously loaded onto the disk. 861E DUMP FILE 'filename' NOT FOUND 8501 UNABLE TO READ DUMP FECK READER jxplanation: The VMFDUMP command was unable to read the 3104/3105 dump or the system abend dump from the CP spool file through the CM~ card reader. This could be because: • • • The reader is not at address OOC, The reader at OOC is already in open status from a previous operation, or The device in the virtual machine at OOC is not a CP spool card reader device. Explanation: The command was specified requesting a printout of a specific dump file, and that file could not be found on the CMS disks that were currently accessed. User !ctiQn: Verify that the correct dump file wa~ specified ana ~na~ the correct disks are accessed by CMS. Then reissue the command, requesting the specified dump file. 863E INVALID PARAMETER - parameter User A£iiQ~: verify that the virtual machine configuration is correct for performing a VMFDUMP operation and that the card reader at OOC is a spool card reader in closed status. ~lgnation: The command was specified with a list of options, one of which is not recognized by the command. ~!~ Action: The command is not executed. Use~ 8521 FATAL I/O ERROR WRITING DUKP Expla~iiQg: An unrecoverable I/O error occurred during the writing of the 3104/3105 dump or the system abend dump on the CMS disk being accessed. The message is preceded by CMS error messages for the disk function. User Action: Reissue the command after taking-actIon to bypass the I/O errors on the C~S disk being accessed. 8531 NO DUMP PILES EXIST jKplanatiog: The VMFDUMP command was specified, and the return from the CP interface indicates that no dump files exist for this user. Usg~ !£tiQn: verify that the dump files produced by the CP system have the userid and the class required, and that this user's userid and class on the card reader match that of the dump, so that a dump file can be read. If no dump files exist, VMFDUMP does not have to be issued. If the dump file exists under a different userid, have the operator transfer that file to the required userid, so that it can be accessed. Also, verify that the input class of the spool card reader at OOC is class D, so that it can read the dump file. B60I FATAL 1/0 ERROR READING DUMP !ctiQn: Reissue the only valid options as command syntax. comma nd; specif y defined in the 900W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; PROGRAM CHECK Expl~ati~: The system ·checkpoint routine encountered a program check while trying to checkpoint or warm start the system. ~!~ Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 001). No!~: The qeneral registers, old program PSi, ana ~ne program interrupt code are restored to the values at the time of the program check, before entering the wait state. ~Ig!or Action: This message usually indicates severe system problems with the spooling files, system accounting data, or other system data needed for warm start. It is usually impossible to continue system operation without clearing storage and performing a checkpoint start. If a system dump to printer or tape preceded this message, the system programmer has enough information to determine the cause of the failure and the resultant program check during system recovery. The first 12000 bytes (hex 3000) of storaqe contain the checkpoint module (DKKCKP), work ~rea and a 4096-byte buffer used by checkpoint. This area should be dumped using a standalone dump. If a system dump to printer or tape did not precede this message, do a complete storage dump. Explanation: During the reading of the dump from the eMS disk, an unrecoverable 1/0 error occurred. This message is preceded by a CMS messaqe indicating the disk failure. Control program (CP) Messages 95 DMK 901W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; MACHINE CHECK, RUN SEREP EX~B~iign: During the system recovery checkpoint or warm start phase, a machine check occurred. Q~~tor Action: IPL the system to retry the checkpoint or warm start function. If this is unsuccessful, move the IPL volume, if possible, to another drive and retry the IPL. If the problem persists, dump the first 1200 bytes (hexadecimal 3000)of storage using a standalone dump. ~~te~ A£iigB: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 007). Operato£ Action: IPL the system to retry the checkpoint function. If the failure persists, it usually indicates hardware problems. Keep the SEREP output and call your local representative for assistance. 1. 2. If the failure occurred during the checkpoint phase (system shutdown, system crash or an IPL with an active system in storage), a CKPT start is required if storage is cleared or overlaid. If the failure occurred during an attempt to warm start, CKPT start, or force start, the warm start data or the warm start cylinder(s) remains intact. 902W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; ERROR-{NUCL CYLIWARM CYL} FATAL I/O - - - (Basic System Extensions) - If the problem persists, dump the first 38912 bytes (hexadecimal 9800) of storage using a standalone dump. Notify your system programmer to determine the proper nucleus or warm start area specit1ed in modu~e OMK~iS (Si~htS statement) at system generation time. The nucleus or warm start area can be dumped to tape or printed to the system printer by using DDR (DASD Dump Restore program) with the DUMP or PRINT option. The output should be available before calling for hardware or program assistance. The following storage loea tions contain information on the fatal I/O error: Hexadecimal Location ---10 40 - - - (Basic System Extensions) 48 902W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; ERROR-{NUCL AREAl WARM AREA} FATAL I/O 808 816 EX~BatigB: During the system checkpoint or warm start phase, an unrecoverable input/output error occurred on the system residence volume. NUCL CYL WARM CYL The warm start phase had an I/O error on the system residence device trying to read module DHKSAV from one of the nucleus cylinders. The checkpoint phase had an I/O error on the system residence device trying to read from or write to the warm start cylinder(s). 818 81C 824 800-15FF 1800-3000 (Basic System Extensions) 820 828 (Basic System Extensions) NUCL AREA The warm start phase had an I/O error on the system residence device trying to read module DMKSAV from the nucleus area. WARM AREA The checkpoint phase had an I/O error on the system residence device trying to read from or write to the warm start area. ~§.t~1!l A£tig!l: The system enters a d.isabled wait state (wait state code 007). 9F IBM VM/370 System Messages Contents Sense data up to 24 bytes Channel status word (8 bytes) Channel address word (4 bytes) Pointer to error message (4 bytes) Cylinder address of the first nucleus cylinder (2 bytes) Cylinder address of the last nucleus cylinder (2 bytes) BBCCHHR of the DMKSAV module on disk (5 bytes) Current seek address BBCCHHR (5 bytes) Checkpoint program (DfIIKCKP) Checkpoint work area and 4096-byte buffer 848 800-9800 Device class of SYSRES device (RDEVTYPE) BBCCHHR of the DMKSAV module on disk (count-key-data) or locate block number (FB-512) Current seek address BBCCHHR (count-key-data) or locate block number (FB-512) Checkpoint program (DMKCKP), checkpoint work areas, and I/O buffers. DPIK device l..S FB-512 the SYSBES (RDEVTYPC=CLASFBA) , the contents of the following hexadecimal locations are changed: If 816 Page address of the first page of the CP nucleus (4 bytes) 822 Page address of the last paqe of the CP nucleus (4 bytes) due to a software +_.:, ... __ • m1....! _ message, however, could be issued if the volume identified as being a spooling volume is invalid. Verify that all system spooling volumes are correctly mounted before attempting another warmstart or CKPT start. If all else fails, force a CP abend dump to the printer by pressing the RESTART key. IPL the system again, specifying CKPT start. LQ..L..LU..l.~ .J.n~:;:, 904W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; INVALID WARM START DATA ~!ru!ation: 1. It may be necessary to cylinder in error using service program. format the the Format 2. If the nucleus cylinder (s) reformatted, the CP nucleus must restored to the system volume. is be During a system warm-start procedure, the warm start module encountered invalid warm start data from the warm start area on the system residence volume. ~!~~ Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 009). Action: This message indicates that severe problems have been encountered with the warm start information in the warm start area on the system residence volume. You may IPt the system again to retry operation. It is likely that a software failure has occurred and that retrying the operation will result in the same error. When this happens, the only alternative is to IPL the system and specify a CKPT start. If the problem persists, do the following: Q£g~ator 3. The status of the console can prevent the displav of message DMKCKP960I and DMKCKP961W. 903W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOLID 'volid' ALLOCATION ERROR CYLINDER 'cylinder' - - - (Basic System Extensions) - - - 903W SYSTEM RECOVERY ALLOCAiION ERROR 'page) FAILURE; VOLID 'volid' {CYLINDER 'cylinder'IPAGE • • ~xplaggiiQn: During a system warm start or CKPT start phase; one of the warm start or CKPT start data records indicates allocation on a cylinder (count-key-data) or page (FB-512) on a system-owned volume that either: Force a CP abend dump to the printer by pressing the RESTART key. Print the contents of the warm start area located on the system residence volume using the DASD Dump Restore program with the PRINT option. Save this output and give it to your system support personnel to analyze. 905W SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; PROGRAM CHECK • Is not specified in the allocation table as belonging to the system temporary spool space allocation, or • Is already marked as allocated. During the process, the dump routine program check. system abend encoun tered a System state. enters a The possible causes are: • ~~.E:tor • A change in the system-owned list. (New volumes must be added to the end.of the SYSOWN list when vou define the SYSOWN MACRO. ) A change to the allocation record on a spooling volume from TEMP to PERM, TDSK or DRCT (Format/Allocate program). ~!.E:.nation: Action: The system wait Action: The dump has failed, and must IPL the system again after the abend dump and go throu~h normal system initialization and warm start procedures. you 906W SYSTEM SEREP DUMP FAILURE; MACHINE CHECK, Jilia-natien: Du~i~ theSyst-eil ABBNDprocedure, a machine check occurred. RUN d\llll~ ~te~ !ction: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 009). ~!em Action: The system enters the wait state. ~ergtQ£ !ction: IPL the system again to attempt another warmstart or CKPT start. ~he start cannot complete if the allocation ~~.E:tor Action: Run the SEREP program and keep the output before calling your system Control Program (CP) Messages 97 DMK support personnel; reload the system and go throuqh normal initialization and warm start procedures. 907W SYSTEM DUMP FAIL~RE; cold or warm start against the in-storaqe value saved in DMKRSPCV. If the values do not agree: ~~~g~g~iQn: During the system abend dump procedure, an unrecoverable I/O error occurred on the system residence volume that is holding the disk dump. The system dump is unable to continue. ~Y2te~ Action: • The IPL volume is not the correct volume to checkpoint the in-storaqe system, or • The warm start cylinder or area has be~n altered since the last cold or warm start, or • The value located at DMKRSPCV in storaqe has been altered since the last cold or warm start, or • The warm start cylinder or area address at DMKSYSWM has been altered since the FATAL I/O ERROR The system enters the wait state. ~gtQ£ ActiQ~: No action can be taken at point to ~ecover the system dump data. last cold 0= warm sta=t. this You should reload the system, go through the normal initialization procedures, and perform a system warm start. ~~!em Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 007). QBg~ator Action: If more than one V~/370 system residence volume is mounteo, make sure the correct volume is loaded (via IPL) to checkpoint the in-storaqe system. If the problem persists, the followinq shoul~ be done: 9081 SYSTEM FAILURE; CODE - code ~lang~iQn: The CP system has encountered a severe software failure, which caused a system dump. (See "CP Abend Codes" for a description of why a system dump has been caused.) Syste~ !£tion: This messaqe is immediately followed by a system abend dump to the dump device, and then automatic or normal restart procedures are initiated. • A dump of dump. • A • To restart, clear storage and IPL the V"/370 system, spec ifyi nq checkpoint start. storage usinq a standalone printout of record one of the warm start cylinder of all VM/3 7 0 system residence volumes mounted (use the DDR PRINT function). ~~ralQ£ Action: Otherwise, save the failure code printed at the console; including the documentation of activity prior to the problems with system operation, and call your system support personnel. 9llW SYSTE~ RECOVERY FAILURE: WARM S~ART AREA FULL 909W SYSTEM DUMP DEVICE; NOT-READY Durinq a system checkpoint phase, the warm start area could not contain all the warm start data. ~!~natiQR: EX~~g1ion: It is not possible to write on the system dump device because it is not in a ready state. ~!~ ~Y2tem !ction: The system enters a wait !ction: Make the system device ready; the dump operation continues. dump then Action: The system enters a disableo wait state (wait state code 007). state. ~~atQ£ Q2~tQ£ Action: indicates either: 1. 9l0W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE: INVALID WARM START CYLINDER 2. - - - (Basic System Extensions) - - - 9l0W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE: INVALID WARM START AREA ~~~~atiQn: During a system checkpoint phase, the checkpoint module reads record one of the first warm start cylinder or area and compares the tight-byte clock value written by the previous successful 98 IB~ VM/370 system Messaqes This messaqe usually A system problem with the spoolinq files, system accountinq data, allocation records and other system data needed for the warm start ar~a, or An inSUfficient number of cylinders assigned for warm start (specified in the DMKWRM option of the SYSRES macro) • It is usually impossible to continue syste, operation without clearinq storage and performing a system checkpoint start. If a system dump to printer or tape prece~ed this message, it should give the system programmer enouqh information to determine the cause of the failure and the resultant checkpoint failure. The first 12000 bytes DMK (hexadecimal 3000) of storage contain the module, work area, and a checkpoint buffer used by checkpoint 4096-byte (DMKCKP) • - - - (Basic System Extensions) - - - issued. The RDEVBLOK/RCUBLOK/RCHBLOK ~s marked available and processing continues with the next device. The message notifies the user that DMKCPI does not chain the 3330V RDEVBLOK into the preferred list for paging or spooling. The first 38912 bytes (hexadecimal 9800) of storage contain the checkpoint modules, work areas, and I/O buffers. 915E PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON CHECKPOINT CYLINDER If the problem persists, call support personnel. your system - - - (Basic System Extensions) - 915E PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON CHECKPOINT AREA 912W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; MOUNTED VOLID 'volid' NOT ~lanation: ]xplanatiQn: During the system warm start or checkpoint start procedures, the warm start or checkpoint start data indicates that spool files are allocated on a system volume and that the reguested volume is not mounted. An I/O error has occurred while trying to read or write the checkpoint cylinder or. area. ~!em 1. The possible causes are: e • Volume not mounted. Allocation record (record invalid. 2. 4) missing or ~te~ !£iion: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 009). Operato£ Ac!iQn: Mount the specified volume required for CP warm start or checkpoint start procedures and IPL the system again. If this is unsuccessful, you may IPL the sfstem again and specify a cold start. If the problem persists, do the following: • Force a CP abend dump to the printer by pressing the RESTART key. • print the contents of the warm start or checkpoint start cylinder(s) or area located on the system residence volume, using the DDR (DASD Dump Restore)" proqram with the PRINT option. The address of the warm start cylinder(s) or area can be located by the system programmer in the SYSWRM operand of the SYSRES macro; the address of the checkpoint start cylinder(s) or area is in the SYSCKP operand. Save this output support personnel. and call your Action: If this occurs during a warm or CKPT start, the system issues message Dr!KCKS919E and enters a wait state with wait state code X'OOE'. If it occurs while the system. is operating normally, dynamic checkpointing is terminated. Q~±stor 1. Action: If this is the first time you have initialized this system, check the DMKRIO deck to make sure you have specified the proper device type for the VM/370 system residence volume. 2. If this is not the system, try to IPL If this fails, move volume to another (via IPL). If this a cold start. first IPL of this the system again. the VM/370 SYSRES device and reload IPL fails, perform 3. At this point, checkpointing has been terminated, so the system is running without a dynamic checkpoint capability. Quiesce the sfstem and issue a normal SHUTDOWN command, then attempt a warm start. If the error persists, reformat the checkpoint cylinders or area with the FORMAT service program and try aqain to warm start. If this fails, a cold start is required. system 916E ERROR ALLOCATING SPOOL FILE BUFFERS 9131 CP O~NED VOLID xxxxxx INVALID FOR 3330V ];Elan£iiQ~: 3850 support makes no provision for using 3330V volumes for CP-owned volumes. 3330V volumes cannot be used for paging or spooling. ~lanati2n: In attempting to follow tne chain of DASD buffers for a spool file, an error was encountered in tryinq to read one of the buffers. ~.i~ 1. Systg~ !£iion: After a 3330V volume label has been read and determined to be CP-owned, an informational message is Action: If CKPT was specified, the system enters a disabled wait state, with wait state code X'OOE'. Control Program (CP) Messages 99 DKK 2. If FORCE was specified, the file on which the error occurred is deleted and the system continues to recover from the checkpoint cylinder or area. .Qperator ,ActiQ.n: 1. If the system enters the 'OOE' wait state, attempt an IPL with the FORCE option. the system residence volume has no warm start data. This message is usually issued when an IPL is performed on a new CP system for the first time, or when the last checkpoint was not successful • ~!em Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 009). ~rat~ 2. If FORCE was specified, no action is required, but you should note that at least one spool file was not recovered properly. 911E CHECKPOINT CYLINDER AND COLD START - INVALID; CLEAR STORAGE (Basic System Extensions) 911E CHECKPOINT AFEA INVALID; COLD START CLEAR STORAGE AND Action: Try to reinitialize system with the CKPT start option. 921W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; ERROR the UNRECOVERABLE I/O ~!anatiQ!!: During the system warm start phase, an unrecoverable input/output error occurred on the system residence device while the system was either trying to wri te record one of the first warm start cylinder or area or trying to read ~arm start information from the warm start area. ~!~ Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 009). Explanation: The CKPT cylinder or area contains no valid information for recovery. Syst~~ ,Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code OOE). User Act ion: data and~f storage must performed. There is no valid checkpoint there is no warm start data, be cleared and a cold start 919E CHECKPOINT CYLINDER TERMINATED - - 919E INVALID; CHECKPOINTING (Basic System Extensions) - - - CHECKPOINT TERMINATED AREA INVALID; CHECKPOINTING Expl~.n~1iQ.n: The CKPT cylinder or area has been invalidated and checkpointing will no longer be performed. The reason should have appeared in a previous message. Q~~~i~ Action: IPL the system again to retry the warm start function. If this is unsuccessful, the IPL volume, if movable, could be moved to another drive and the IPL retried. warning: A volume should never be moved if it is visibly damaged; discontinue use of this volume and device and call IBM for hardware support. If this second IPL is unsuccessful, you may IPL the system again and try a CKPT, FORCE or COLD start, in that order. The DftKDAS5xxI error message preceding this message gives the command op-code, device address, sense data and channel status word associated with this error. If the problem persists, force a CP dump to the printer by pressing the system console RESTART key. Save the output and call your system support personnel to determine whether the problem is hardware or software. Then call your system support personnel. Not~: Syste~ Action: checkpointing cannot resume until the system is reloaded (via IPL). OperaiQ~ Action: with knowledge that a CKPT start will fail, the operat~r should follow installation procedure in this matter. Probably, the safest procedure is to quiescE the system and perform a normal shutdown. Then, a subsequent warm start will reinitialize the CKPT cylinder or area so that checkpointing can resume. Note that continued system operation and a subsequent failure to shut down normally makes a cold start mandatory. The warm start cylinder(s) or area(s) may have to be reformatted using the FORMAT service program to prevent unrecoverable I/O errors during the next system checkpoint. subsequent 920W NO WARM START DATA; CKPT STAFT FOR RETRY Ex~.n~1iQ.n: warm start 100 The operator has and the warm start IBM VM/310 System Messages specified a cylinder of 922W SYSTEM RECOVERY DATA FAILURE; INVALID SPOOLING ~lanation: During the system checkpoint phase, the checkpoint module encountered an invalid spool allocation record in storage. ~stg~ Ac!ion: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 001) • QE~~~iQI Actio!: This message usually indicates severe system problems with the system spooling allocation records. It is usual11 impossible to continue system DMK operation without clearing storage and performing a checkpoint start. If a system dump to printer or tape preceded this message, it should give the system programmer enough information to determine the cause of the failure and the resultant checkpoint failure. The first 12000 bytes (hexadecimal 3000) of storage contain the checkpo int module, work area and a 4096-byte buffer areas, and I/O buffers used by checkpoint (DftKCKP). This area should be dumped using standalone dump procedures. - - - (Basic System Extensions) The f.irst 38912 bytes (hexadecimal 9800) of storage containe the checkpoint module, work areas, and I/O buffers used by checkpoint (DMKCKP). This area should be dumped using standalone dump procedures. If a system dump to printer or tape did not precede the message, the complete storage should be dumped. 950A AUTO lOGON FAILED; EXPLICIT LOGON REQUIRED ~~gnatiQn: The automatic logon of the operator has failed. The reason for the failure is given in one of the logon failure messages that preceded this message. System Action: The system enters a normal wait state while waiting for the operator to reply to the console and perform a normal logon. Operato~ Action: Perform a normal logon as specified in the X~llQ Operatoris Guide, entering the required password. The system can then resume normal operation. 9511 CP VOlID volid NOT MOUNTED 9521 nnnnnK SYSTEK STORAGE Explanatign: During the system procedure, the system determined that amount of real storage available is not same as the amount of storage specified the system at system generation time. §y§!em Action: The operation. system continues IPL the the for nor.~l Q~ratorAction: Determine that no unusual hardware reconfiguration has taken place, and bring the message to the attention of your system programmer so that he can verify that normal system operation is in effect. He should also verify that the RKSIZE operand, specified in the SYSCOR macro of the DKKSYS module during system generation, is correct. If it is not, regenerate the system with the correct storage size, so that this message will not be issued during normal operation of the system. If the RftS1ZE operand is correct, real storage may have been damaged due to a hardware problem; call your system support personnel. 9531 UNABLE TO ALLOCATE SYSTEft AUTO DUftP Explanation: During the system 1PL procedure, the CP system vas unable to find enough contiguous disk space to hold a possible CP abend dump. System Action: The operation. system continues normal ~~g!or Action: No action on the part of the operator is necessary. The system dump has been set to the default of the system printer. The operator may change the dump to another printer or tape ori ve but may not specify AUTO since it has not been allocated. 954E DASD raddr VOLID volid DUPLICATE OF DASD raddr NOT MOUNTED; ~langtiQn: One of the volumes specified in the system-owned list is not mounted at system initialization time. ~tem Action: Q2eratQ~ ~ystem processing continues. !ction: No operator action is explicitly required at this time; however, you may have to mount and make ready specified system volumes later during system operation and attach them to the system for normal CP usage. This message usually indicates that a normally required volume for paging or spooling either is not formatted or is not available at IPL time. Make sure that all volumes are mounted and ready before loading the CP system. It may be necessary to bring the system to an orderly shutdown, remedy the situation, and IPL the system again, using normal initialization and warm start procedures. ~lanatiQn: During the system 1PL procedure, duplicate volume IDs were identified on two disk volumes. The message indicates that it vas a duplicate of a previous volume label read on an earlier device. ~tem Action: The operation. system continues normal ~ratQ! Action: Immediately verify ~hat the correc~volume is mounted as the one accepted on the specified device. If it is not, severe system errors could occur since CP may perform incorrect allocation on the voluae specified. Immediately stop tlie system, bring it to an orderly shutdown, and remove the incorrect duplicate volume from the system. This .essage and the duplicate volumes usually occur after a system restart when users have attached and mounted on the system volumes with labels Control Program (CP) ftessages 101 DMK similar to those of other users or similar to the CP system volumes. This should be avoided wherever possible. 955W INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR V8/370 Exlli,!!atiQ1!: The generated ~ystem is larger than the real macbine S1ze, or a hardware malfunction bas occurred which inhibits V8/370 from using the necessary storage. Syste~ 9581 ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOW OPERATIONAL ~l~atiQ1!: The real machine initialization routine, DMKCPI and DMKAPI, have completed the necessary processing to support the attached processor. This message will only be received when the installation has requested attached processor support via system generation. ~!~~ Action: The system begins utilization of the attached processor. The system enters the wait Acti.Q!!: state. OperatQ~ A£tiQ'!!: Take a standalone dump and notify the system programmer. 956A DASD cuu OFFLINE VOLID vo1id NOT MOUNTED; NOW Exllin~1ion: A DASD volume was swapped while in use by the system (CP owned or attached to the system), and the volid on the new volume is different from the volid of the previously mounted volume, or the volid could not be read. Systg~ ActiQ'!!: The ~navailab1e offline. DASD device is made Any I/O activity to the device results in a condition code of 3 being reflected to the caller. OperatQ~ Ac!iQD: Mount the and issue the CP command ONLINE operand. 9571 STOR sssssK, NUC nnnk, .DYN tttk, FREE FFFFK, V=R vvvvvK desired volume VARY with the ddddd~, TRA Exels.!!atiQ~: This message is issued at system initialization time by D!KCPI and provides a general map of V!/370 system storage. This map is accurate to within one page (4K) and is rounded to page boundaries. STOR is the amount of storage being used. NUC is the amount of storage being used by the VM/370 nucleus including real page Note: If this message is received, the 8K required for system prefixing will not appear in the storage map of message 957I. 959W ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT ONLINE Expl~ati2.!!: The installation requested attached processor support during system generation. D!KCPI determined during IPL, that the unit was not online. Syst~~ Action: Processing continues without the attached processor. Opera!~ Action: Reinitia1ize CP attached processor is required. if the Note: Since the intent of this message is a warning to the attached processor user, it will only be issued when the multiprocessing feature is installed. ~provide If the system is generated with attached processor support and this feature is not installed, no message is issued. 9601 SYSTEM WARM START DATA SAVED ~lanation: For DMKCKP, this message indicates that the warm start data has been successfully saved on the system residence volume and is ready for a system warm start. For DMKCPI, this message indicates that since warm start has not been performed, the warm start information on the warm start cylinder or area from previous shutdown is still valid. O. DYN is the area. size of the VM dynamic paging TRA is the size of the trace table. This message is immediately message D!KCKP961W. followed by ~!~ FREE is the size of area. V=R the fixed free storage Action: The system enters the wait state after issuing message DMKCKP961W. Q~~!or Action: None. This information purposes only. message is for is the size of the virtual=real area. 961W SYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE ~te~ !ctiQ~: The system continues normal operation. ~l~nati2n: The system has been brought to a successful orderly shutdown. ~to~ A£tiQ'!!: None. This message is for information purposes only. ~!~~ state. 102 IBM VM/370 system Messages Action: The system enters the wait D"K ~erato~ Action: No explicit action is necessary. You may now or at a later time reload for reinitialization of the CP system. You should normally specify a warm start; however, if errors are encountered in the warm start procedure, a cold start must be issued. - - - (Basic System Extensions) - - - ~ratQr Action: If the volume is to be used by V"/370, a valid allocation record must be written with the Format/Allocate Service Program. 970W TOD CLOCK SYNC CHECK RECEIVED Explanation: The synchronization. 9651 CP OWNED DASD cuu ALLOCATION RECORD VOLID volid !ction: The volume is Operation continues. are out of INVALID ~~e. Action: The system resynchronizes the clocks and continues processinq. Explanation: No valid allocation was found on the CP-owned volume indicated. ~te~ TOD clocks Qp~~tor Action: Press the TOD Enable Set key when instructed by the system. not mounted. Control Program (CP) Messages 103 104 IBM VM/370 system Messages DMS Conversational Monitor System (CMS) !Vlessages 001E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED EXElanaliQn: The command requires that you specify at least one filename. For the EXEC command, specify the the EXEC file. name of For the STATEW command, the file may exist, but it is not on any of the user's read/write disks. For the ZAP command, either none of the libraries specified for a TXTLIB or LOADLIB could be found, or the INPUT filename could not be located via the STATE macro. For the MACLIB command, specify at least one filename in addition to the library name. For the ZAP command, specify a LOADLIB or TXTLIB file you must specify one to three library names. - - - - For the PRELOAD command, either the loadlist EXEC, the CNTRL file, or one of the input text files could not be found. (Basic System Extensions) VM/370 CM§ Comm~~Q ~~Q ~acro for a description of the file identification required by each command and the search procedure used. For the ASM3705 and ZAP commands, see the !~LJ1Q Planning and Syste!!! Generation Guide. See For the PRELOAD command, specify of the loadlist EXEC file. the name ~te!!! !£tion: RC 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: Reissue the command and specify-the-filename(s) or library name(s). 002E [INPUTIOVERLAY] {FILEIDATA SET} [fm1]'] NOT FOUND - - - (Basic System Extensions) - - ['fn §y§tem Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. For Dr!SLIO, some loader information fields have been initialized, but they should not interfere with a subsequent LOAD command. [ft User Action: Find or create the desired file. ~--;ake sure that the file exists, issue STATE fn ft * or LISTFILE fn ft *. Correct and reissue the command. ['fn For a DMSROS TEXT file, ensure that the file is accessible and reissue the command. (Basic system Extensions) - - - 002E [INPUTIOVERLAY] {FILE[ (S) llDATA SET} [ft [fm]]'] NOT FOUND the Ref~~~ 0021 FILE Ifni TXTLIB NOT FOUND ~~E1gnsliQn: The specified file was not found on the accessed disk(s). Either the file does not reside on this disk, the file identification was misspelled, or incomplete identification was provided to cause the appropriate disk to be searched, or system disk vas not accessed as a read-only extension of the A-disk. For a DMSROS TEXT file, either the file does not have a filemode number of 2, or the file does not exist on the system disk. For the HELP facility (DMSHLP), when the command line specifies only one operand, HELP does not know if the request is for a CMS command or message. Therefore, HELP firs_t searches fora valid command and if it finds none, searches for a valid message. If it finds neither, the error messaqe lists the filenames and filetypes of both searches as not found. ~lanatiQB: The specified TXTLIB file was not found on the accessed disk(s). Either the file does not reside on this disk, the file identification was misspelled, or insufficient identification was provided to cause the proper disk to be searched. This message will also occur in tile following situations: a user issues a GLOBAL command for a TXTLIB and then erases or renames the TXTLIB, or releases the disk on which it resides then enters the command SET SYSNAME, or if the eMS segment is not available when the user accesses an OS disk or DMSSVT. Ac1:ion: RC = 0 Execution of the command continues. .§I§.t~Ul User Action: If 'fn TITLIB' is required for command execution, make sure that-it exists and is on a disk that is accessed. Otherwise, ignore the message. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) ftessaqes 105 DftS 002W FILE 'fn ft [fm]' NOT FOUND ExplanatiQ~: The specified file was not found on the accessed disk(s). Either the file does not reside on this disk, the file identification was misspelled, or incomplete identification was provided to cause the appropriate disk to be searched. (See the V8/370 ~MS CO.llang and Mac~ Refer~B£~ for a description of the file identification required by each command and the search procedure used.) Systell Action: DMSGLB issues RC = 28; all other modules issue RC = q. Execution of the command continues. For D~SGLB, the old ~!Cl!E or TITLlE list is cleared and the new list contains all specified libraries except those that are not found. For DMSGND, there will be no entry directory for the file not found. in the For DBSLBB, the file not found will not be in the MACLIB. Pt:'ocessing continues with the next filename if one exists. For DMSLIO, some option processinq may have caused user storage to be cleared or the location counter set, etc. This should not interfere with a subsquent LOAD cOllmana. User lction: cOlliancr.----- Correct and reenter the OOq.E {BOOK 'subl.book'IBODULE 'lIodule'IPBISE 'phase'IPROCEDURE 'procedure'} NOT FOUND Explanation: The specified book, module, phase, or procedure was not found on the accessed disk(s} as a result of a FETCH (SVC 1 or SVC 2). System Actio::.: RC .", 28 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: To make sure the file exists, issue-the-command DOSLIB MAP aqainst all DOSLIB files. If the file resides on a DOS-formatted disk, a DSERV will help locate it. 004W WARNING BESSAGES ISSUED For DMSLBT, processing continues next filename if one exists. with the For DBSZAP, if a library name was specified, the next library name (if one is present) is used. If a BODULE file was specified, all control records encountered until the next NABE, DUBP, or END control record are iqnored. User Action: To make sure the file exists, issue-sTATE fn ft * or LISTFILE fn ft *. Make sure that the disk on which the file resides is accessed. For DftSGND, if you must bave the file not found in the directory, take steps to supply the file. Correct and reenter the command. For D8SLBB, if the MICLIB exists after execution of the comlland, use the MICLIB ADD command to add the file to the library. For DMSLBT, supply the necessary file using the TXTLIB ADD command. 003E INVALID OPTION 'option' ~~la~gtiQn: The specified option is invalid. It mav have been misspelled or, if the option is truncatable, it may have been truncated improperly, or it may conflict with another option in the command line. !£tion: RC = 2q. Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. §.y§.te~ 106 IBM V"/370 System Messages ~l~ati~: The languaqe returned completion code 4. process:>r ID:§.!Y Action: RC = 4 The system status remains the salle. User Action: Look for additional messaqes that lIay have been issued by the compiler. OOSE NO 'option' SPECIFIED ~lanation: The indicated option entered in an incomplete form. vas ~!~ Action: RC = 2q Execution of the command is terminated. The systell status remains the same. User Action: specifyingthe option. Reenter required 006E NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ft'] the data cOllmand, for the ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ~lgnati~: The user does not have access to a read/write disk on which the command can write its output ~r utility files. If the message displayed 1S NO READ/WRITE 'A' DISK ACCESSED, the co.mand, in order to be executed, requires that the !-disk be accessed in read/write mode. Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~t~~ DMS User !ctiQ~: Access a read/write disk and reissue the command, or issue the CP LINK command to reset the A-disk to read/write mode, access the A-disk again, and reissue the command. User Action: Use the CP DEFINE c 011 II an d to provi~;- suitable virtual device and reissue the command. 008W ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED 007E FILE 'fn ft fm' RECORDS [IS] NOT FIXED, ao CHAR. Expla~~iiQg: The specified file must have fixed-length, 80-character records in order for the .command to be executed. System Acti~: He = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. The language returned completion code 8. ~lanation: processor Systgm Action: RC = 8 The syste: status remains the same. Use~·ActiQn: Look for additional lIessages that may have been issued by the compiler. C09E COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH For the UPDATE command, the have occurred: • • following may ~lanati.Q!!: If a file with the fileid lI$fname ftype" existed on the output disk before the command was entered, this file may have been erased. If the DISK option was in effect and a file with the fileid "fname UPDLOG" existed on the output disk before the command was entered, this file may have been erased. outside the file. The colulln specified lies loqical record length of the .§y§in Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the sallie. User Action: Reissue the specifying the correct column. command, 010E PREMATURE EOF ON FILE 'fn ft [fm,' • • If the CTL option was in effect and a file with the fileid "fname UPDATES" existed on the output disk before the command was enterE'd, this file may have been erased. If UPDATE processing began before the error was detected, any or all of the followinq files may have been created on the output disk: UPDATE CMSUTi $fname ftype fname UPDIOG fname UPDATES - if in - if in the DISK option was effect the CTL option was effect User Action: It is possible that an incorrect--fileid was specified in the command line. In this case, reissue the command. If, however, the fileid was correct but the file is in the wrong format or does not contain aO-character records, change the file's format and/or record length with the COPYFILE or EDIT command. For DMSCKP, an end of file occ urred on one of the files bei ng compared before the end of file was received on the other. ~lanatiQn: For DMSTPE, a tape mark was encountered on the file before the file was completely loaded. .§y§tem Action: RC = 40 Execution of ~ne co.mana is terminated. The system status remains the salle. For DMSTPE, a temporary file called "TAPE CMSUT1" containing the data has been created on the A-disk or on the disk specified by the user. "TAPE CMSUT1" cOutains fixed-length, aOO-byte records. Use~ction: For DKSCMP, this nor.ally indicates that the files being compared had an unequal number of records. If the command was properly specified, no action is necessary. For DKSTPE, the file may to tape again. ooaE DEVICE 'cuu' ~O~EXISTENT'UNSUPPORTED {INVALID DFVTCE TYPE} OR Ex~gg~iQg: The virtual machine does not have a virtual 1Q03 or 3211 printer, punch, or reader. Action: BC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains '!" ~!e salle. ~Y.§.~~'!!! have to be dumped 010W PREMATURE EOF ON FILE 'fn ft NUMBER ••••••••• , NOT FOUND fm' -- SEQ ~lanati.Q!!: The update file contained an error. 1 control card specified a search for a sequence number which exceeded the value of any sequence nuaber in the file Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 107 D!S being updated. As a result, a premature end of file occurred on the input file beinq updated, before the sequence number specified in the control card could be found. Action: PC = 12 Update -processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, additional update passes are made. ~te~ If several warning messages are generated during the updating process, the final return code when the UPtATE command has finished processing is the maximum of all return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the generated warning messages. The REP option, if it was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid '$fname ftype'. See the explanation of message D!SUPD1771 for further information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. Us~ Action: Correct the invalid control card in--the update file, and reenter the UPDATE command. 013W {ME!BERIPHASE} 'fn ft fa' 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY Explanation: The member or phase specified was not found in the specified library. If REPLACE was specified, the new member is added. Action: RC = 4 Processing continues filename. ~tem with the next User ActiQ!!: None. 014E INVALID FUNCTION 'function' 1U!A1!ati,Q!!: The function sisspelled or invalid. specified is Syst~~ Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions: For D!SOVR, SVCTBACE is was previously on. turned off if it For D!STPE, if the DE., TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1, 2, 3, 4,) or TAP1. 011E CONFLICTING FILE FORMATS ~xplanation: The filetypes specified do not have the same record format; that is, one is fixed-length and one is variable-length, or the record lengths differ. Aclim!: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~Y§te~ Qser Action: Change the theCOPYFILE co.mand. Expla~liQ!!: The language returned completion code 12. IIIVAtID UNKIOW. CP COMMAID indicates that I!PCP (implied CP) was OD so the command was passed to CP, but no CP command could be found with the name entered. processor UIKNOW. CBS CO!MAND indicates that no CMS command, CMS or user EXEC file, or user !ODULE file exists by the name entered. !ction: RC = 12 The system status remains the same. ~te.!! Qser Action: Look for additional messages that may-have been issued by the compiler. IN LIBRARY ['fn ft EXplang!.ion: The specified member found in the library. !ctiQn: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system remains in the same status as before the command was entered. User Action: Use the !AeLIB !AP or TITLIB M~Co.mana to display the names of library members. IB! VM/370 System Messages UNKNOWN CP/CMS COMMAID indicates that no CP or CMS command could be found with the name entered. IIVALID CMS COMMAND indicates that an error has LOADMOD. occurred in was not ~yg~.!! 108 015E {UNKNOWN {CP/C!SIC!SICPl {C!S I SUBSET}} COlnlllD cOilmand, record format with 0121 SEVERE ERROR !ESSAGES ISSUED 013E !EMBER 'name' NOT FOUND fa' ] User Action: Reenter the specifying a valid function. INVALID SUBSET CO!MAND indicates that the loader has triea to load a routine at an address equal to or higher than X'20000'. The command Y'u issued may be a valid CMS command, but not a valid subset command. DMS System Action: A positive return code is passed if an error occurs in CP processing. A negative return code is passed if the command entered is considered an invalid CMS command. The system status remains the same. User Ac~ion: Enter a command. Explanation: The private Core Image Library called does not exist on the accessed disk, or the DLBL was incorrect. User Action: Access the alter the invalid DLBL. ~lanation: The file ids specified command line are identical. in the ~~em Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: Reissue the specifying two different fileids. 016E NO PRIVATE CORE IMAGE LIBRARY FOUND Syste1!! Action: RC = 28 Execution is terminated. remains the same. 019E IDENTICAL FILEIDS 020i INVALID PDUKP ADDRESS laddress l OPERATION PERFORMED command, NO DUMP ~lanation: System proper status disk or 016i TERMINAL ERROR KESSAGES ISSUED ExP!gBatiQ~: The language returned completion code 16. • • • • 'processor Syste.l ,lctiQB: RC = 16 The system status remains the same. ]ser Action: Look for additional messages that may-have been issued by the compiler. add2 must be greater than add1. add1 cannot be negative. add1 cannot be greater than poend (the end of the virtual partition) • add2 cannot be negative. ~!~ Action: The macro results in no operation. No dump is provided; processing continues. 021E ENTRY POINT Iname l NOT FOUND ExplanatiQJ!: For DMSGND, the specified directory name was not found in the loader tables. 017E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS ICUU' Explanation: The device address was not specified correctly, or the device was not accessed. Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~Istem USer Action: Check the specified address-ana-reissue the command. device Bote: For a virtual machine with ECKODE on, a--Valid cuu is within the range X1 001' through XIFFF'. Otherwise, a valid cuu is within the range XI 001 1 through XISFFI. 018E NO LOAD KAP AVAILABLE Expla~tio~: The module file was created with the NOKAP option of GENKOD or is a transient area routine. SysteI!! Action: Re == 40 Execution of the command is terainated. The system status remains the same. User Action: Regenerate the with the KAP option and command. The address specified in the PDUMP macro is invalid for one of the following reasons: module file reissue the For DMSLIO and DMSNCP, an entry point name specified either with the START command or on an LDT card could not be located in the loaded TEXT files. For DKSMOD, the name used with the FROM or TO option of the GEBMOD command does not occur in the currently loaded files. rotem Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. For DMSLIO and DMSBCP, no execution takes Loader place for LDT. Loading stops. clean-up has been processed for the loaded files. A subsequent START command should not be affected. For DKSMOD, the module is not created. User Action: For DKSGND, reload auxiliary---airectory and reiss~e command. the tl:.1? for DKSLIO and DKSNCP, reissue the START command with the proper entry point or control section name, or asterisk (*). Correct the LDT card with the CMS Editor. For DKSMOD, correct the GEHMOD command line or add the requested name as an external name in the files being generated. Conversational Monitor System (CKS) Messages 109 DMS 021W NO TRANSIENT DIRECTORY Exlli,!!g1iol!: A request was made to display a transient directory, but neither a private core image library nor a system residence library was assigned. !ctiQl!: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues until all specified directories are processed. ~Y§te~ User Action: libraries-are command. Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues until all specified directories are processea. ~tem Ensure that assigned and the proper reissue the User Action: Ensure that either the proper assigned or that active relocatable entries are available in the directory and reissue the command. library-~s 024E FILE 'fn ft fm' 'REPLACE'] ~lanatiQB: The ALREADY EXISTS specified r-- file SPECIFY already exists. 022E NO DIRECTORY NAME SPECIFIED ~ directory entered with the cOllmand. ~xpla~atiQ1!: name was not !£tiol!: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. Syste~ User Action: Reissue the directoryname. command with a For DHSEDI, the Editor work file, EDIT CMSUT1 t al re(!t'ly I?xists as th~ result of a previous edit session ending abnormally. For DMSUPD, a file with the fileid 'UPDATE C!SUT1' already exists. This usually indicates that the UPDATE command was executed previously and and was terminated abnormally, and that it left a work file on the output disk at t~at time. Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command The system status remains the following exception: ~!~J! 022W NO CORE IMAGE DIRECTORY A request was made to display a core image directory, but neither a private core image library nor a system residence library was available. is terminated. the same, with ~la,!!g1iol!: System !ctiQ1!: RC = 4 Execution of the cOllmand continues until all specified directories are processed. !£tiQ1!: Ensure that the proper library is assigned and reissue the command. ~ For D!SCPY, if you were creating multiple output files, several output files may have been created before the error was discovered. User Action: You can use the TYPE comlland the existing file. If you decide you want to keep it, use the RENA!E command to give it a new fileid. If the file is invalid or incomplete, erase it and reissue the command; or for DBSCPY, reissue the cOllmand and specify the REPLACE option. ~-examine 023E NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED Explang1iQl!: The command requires that you specify both filenalle and filetype. For the DLBL command, both are required if you specify the CftS operand. 024i NO PROCEDURE DIRECTORY ~lanati2n: A request was made to display a procedure directory but no system residence library was assigned. Syst~! Acti~: RC = 24 Execution of the cOllmand is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~teJ! For DftSTPE, if the DEN, TRTCH, 1TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the 1I0deset byte has been set for the specified device (T APi, where: i = 1, 2, 3, 4) or TAP1. User Action: Ensure that the system residence library is assigned and reissue the command. User Action: Reenter the command, specifying-the filename and filetype. Action BC = 4 Execution of the command continues until all specified directories are processed. 025E IRVALID DATA IR 310X CONTROL PROGRAM One of conditions has occurred: ~lanati2.n: the following 023W NO RELOCATABLE DIRECTORY A request was made to display a relocatable directory, but either no private or system relocatable library was available or no active entries were present on the appropriate directory. ~~plang1ion: 110 IBM VM/370 System Messages For specified EP or PEP -- The implied or channel vector table was not found. For RCP or PEP -- The maximulll exceeds 4086 bytes. resource ID DHS For NCP or PEP -- The first resource is not the 370X. Syste~ Action: RC = 16 Execution of the command is terminated. User Action: Hake sure that the 370X control program has been generated with the correct parameters and that the correct CAHOD operand value was used on the SAVENCP command. For the correct parameters for 370X control program generation, refer to the VHL170 Planning and System Generation Guide. User Action: Reissue the command, specifying a valid device name. Or, for DHSERV, use the command LISTIO SYSxxx to verify the device to which the logical unit is assigned. Reassign the logical unit to a valid device and reissue the command. 027W NO PRIVATE CORE IHAGE LIBRARY Explanation: A request was made to display the core image directory of a private core image library, but no entries were present. 025i NO SOURCE STATEHENT DIRECTORY Explanation: A request was made to display a source statement directory, but either a private source statement library or a system residence library was not available or there were no source statement entries in the library available. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the com.and continues until all specified directories are processed. User Action: Ensure that either the proper library-is- assigned or that active source statement entries are present in the directory and reissue the command. 026E INVALID PARAHETER 'function' FUNCTION Action: RC = 24, except for DSF-RV, which issues RC = 28. Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~tem , parameter' FOR ExplanatiQ~: The data specified for the gi ven fu nction is misspelled, missing or incorrect. Aciion: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues until all specified directories are processed. 028E NO {DEVICEILOGICAL UNIT} SPECIFIED Explanation: The command requires that y.>u specify a device address or logical unit. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the com.and is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: specifying a logical unit. command, Reissue the valid device address or 028W NO {PRIVATE I SYSTEH} ENTRIES TRANSIENT DIRECTORY ~stem User Action: Reissue the command, specifying valid data for the function. io directory entries were present on the specified transient library. Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues until all specified directories are processed. ~tem J!~ 026i 'phase' NOT IN LIBRARY Explanation: A request was made to display a certain entry or entries in a core image directory but the entry or entries were not in the library. Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues until all specified directories are processed. Syste~ User Action: Reissue the speCifyIng-the proper phase name. 027E INVALID DEVICE {'device 'SYSxxx t } ~lanatiQg: command I name'I'device' FOR Explanation: The device specified is invalid, or, if the message is INVALID DEVICE 'device' FOR 'SYSxxx', the device associated with the specified logical unit is not supported by the processor. Action: None. 029E INVALID PARAHETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD Explanation: The data entered following the specified option was invalid. Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The s!stem status remains the same. ~!~!! For D8SLIO, some option processing may have altered loader information. This should not affect a subsequent load. User Action: Check the format of the field and- reisSUe the command, specifyinq the data after the option. Conversational 8onitor System (CftS) ftessaqes 111 DMS 030E FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY ACTIVE Correct reenter the command. ]xplaQat!Qn: A file could not be referenced because it was already active. For example, this message appears if you try to append a file to itself, or if you try to rename the EXEC file you are executing. !£i!on: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions for DMSCPY: ~yste~ • • • If the APPEND option was specified, and if the copying process had begun before the error was discovered, then records are appended to the output file. If the NEWFILE (the default), REPLACE or OVLY option was specified, and if the copying process had begun before the error was discovered, then COPYFILE CMSUT1, on the output disk, contains the records copied so far. In multiple output file mode, several output files may have been created before the error was discovered. User Action: Use another method of eiecutro~-or close the file and reissue the command. the filetype and 033E FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT A LIBRARY ~~lanatiQQ: For DBSSVT, the file specified in the message cannot be updated or read because the file is either a CP-67/CMS 3.1 MACLIB or an invalid MACLIB. For DMSPRT, DBSPUN, and DMSTYP, the BEMBER option is invalid because the file specified is not a library. .§.I.§j:em Action: For DMSSVT, the following issued: RC RC return code is 8 (if the FIND macro was issued) 10 (if the STOW macro was issued) The return code is passed to program and the program executing. the user continues For.DMSPRT, DBSPUN, and DMSTYP, a return code of 32 is issued. Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. us~~ Acj:ion: For DMSSVT, check for an invalid MlCLIB or an invalid fileid specification in the FILEDEF command. 031E LOADER TABLES CANNOT BE MOtIFIED !xpla~gi!Q~: If you are trying to increase the number of loader tables, the system storage below the loader tables is in use. If you are trying to decrease the number of loader tables, either the loader is using more tables than you specified, or the system storage below the loader table is in use. Act!on: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. For DMSPRT, DMSPUN, and DMSTYP, specify a library or omit the MEMBER option. If the file is a CP-67/CMS 3.1 MACLIB and your program is trying to update it, you must first convert the file to a !M/370 MACLIB using the MACLIB command with the COMPACT operand. 034E FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT FIXED LENGTH ~yste~ User Action: The number of loader table pages--shoald be modified before other storage is allocated. The command should be issued immediately after IPL. Noi~: If you have exceeded storage on the A-disk, reload (via IPL) without accessing the A-disk. ~lanation: The specified file must have fixed-length records in order for the command to be executed. Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~§j:~.!! Us~~ ActiQQ: You may change the record format of the file by usina the COPYFILE command with the RECFM option. Then reissue the command. 032E INVALID FILETYPE eft' 035E INVALID TAPE MODE Ex2!gQgiiQ~: The filetype entered valid for the command. was not For DMSMOD, the filetype must te BODULE. For DMSSYN, the filetype must be SYNONYM. !£i!on: HC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~§.te~ 112 IBM VM/370 System Messages ~!anati~: An invalid combination of tape options was specified. For example: 9TRACK, DEN 200. .§.I.§!em Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: Correct the tape reissue-the command. options and D~S 036E OPEN ERROR CODE Inn' ON 'ddname' Exp1a~ation: An error occurred during an OS OPEN. The possible error codes are descr ibed below: Code ~eani!!g --1-- The DSORG option of the specified DCB (data control block) is not PO, PS, or DA (partitioned organization, physical sequential, or direct access, respectively) .. The program continues executing, but the DCBFLGS U~~N bit is not turned on and the DCB is not initialized. Us~~ Action: Noting the error code and ddname displayed in the message, check the associated FILEDEF command and DCB macro for invalid or lIissinq DCB options. 037E [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [cuu]' IS READ/ONLY Explanation: The fi1emode of the output file specifies a read-only disk, which cannot be written on. 2 The default FILEDEF for the DCB =ddname= displayed in the iiiessage failed. 3 The RECFM of the specified DCB does not aqree with the format of the existing file, that is, one RECF~ is variable-length and the other is fixed-length. For DKSUPD, there was no read/write disk available for the UPDATE output files. The following steps are taken to determine the disk on which the UPDATE output files are to be placed (the search stops as soon as one of the following steps is successful): A DCB, BLKSIZE, LEECL, is missing or inva1idQ • If the disk on which the oriqina1 source file lies is read/write, the ontp1lt files are placed on that disk. • If that disk is a read-only extension of a read/write disk, the output files are placed on that particular read/writp disk. • The output files are placed A-disk, if it is read/write. 5 6 or BUFL option The input DCB BLKSIZE is not a correct multiple of the DCB LRECL, or the output DCB specifies writing blocked output, but only unblocked output is permitted. RECFM is fixed-length and LRECL does not agree with the record length of the existing file or, if the fi1emode is 4, the BLKSIZE does not agree with the record length of the existing file, or RECF! is variable-length and BLKSIZE is not 4 bytes great er than the record length of the existing file, ••• , or BLKSIZE is not a multiple of LRECL whether the filemode is equal to 4 or not. 7 RECF! is variable-length spanned, and either the access lIethod is not BSA! or the filemode is not 4. 8 An error occurred saving the BPA~ directory for update, or an error occurred while doing a FIND for the member name specified in the FILEDEF command or C~SCB macro. 9 The DCB specifies output, BDAK or a key length for an OS data set or DOS file. 10 An error occurred while attellpting to position a tape with label type specified as BLP or NL. 11 I/O option 'UPDATE' is invalid file found on read-only disk. for 12 A tape which was specified as NL contained an IBM standard VOLl label as its first record. 80 The file is an unsupported OS data set or DOS file, or an I/O error occurred accessing an OS or DOS disk. on the If all three of the above steps fail, and the A-disk is read-only, then the message DISK 'A' IS READ/ONLY is displayed. If this message occurs during VSA~GEN EXEC processinq, it indicates that the c~s A-disk is accessed in read-only mode. But the VSAKGEN EXEC procedure reguires that the CMS A-disk be accessed in read/write lIode so that the eMS DOSLIB files can be wri tten on it. Also, for an OS 'I NSTALL' , the VSA~ and Access ~ethod Services object modules will be copied to i t for future updating. In a KAINT run for both DOS and OS users, the PTF decks read from the reader are also written on the CMS A-disk. Systea Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. If this message occurs during VSAKGEN EXEC processing, the VSAMGEN EXEC procedure terainates and the systea returns to the CKS command environment. For DKSCPY, in aultip1e output file mode, several output files may have been created before the error was discovered. For DKSDSK, the reader is closed HOLD option. For DMSKOD, loader cleanup performed on loaded files. with the has Conversational Monitor System (CKS) Messages been 113 D !IS For D!lSTPE, if the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1, 2, 3, 4) or TAP1. User Action: Issue the CP cemmand LINK to status. Then disk aqain and reissue the reset~e--disk to read/write access the command. User Action: Load files via the L01D or LOADMOD command. If a KODULE file is to be loaded, issue the BOD!lAP command to verify that a load lIap is available. 041E INPUT lND OUTPUT FILES ARE THE SAKE ~lanati~: One of the foliowinq errors was detected: For DKSBDP, ensure that the appropriate disk is being associated with the DTF being opened, and reissue the command. 038E FILEID CONFLICT '{ASM3705IASSE!lBLE}' The same ddname was and output. • The input ddname and output specify the same disk file. ddname • The input ddname and output specify the same tape unit. ddname DDNA!lE FOR Explanatioll! The file specified with an AS!l3705 (or ASSEMBLE) command has been previously defined by a FILEDEF command, but its filetype vas not defined as 'ASK3705' (or as 'ASSEMBLE'), or you have issued a FILEDEF com.and for a reader or tape input file and specified a filename that is already defined as a disk file with the filetype ASM3705 (or ASSEMBLE). Action: RC = 40 The command is not executed. The status remains the same. • specified for input Action: BC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the salle. ~tem User Action: Reissue the !lOiiFI~co;mands correctly. FILEDEF and 042E NO FILEID[ (S) ] SPECIFIED ~.I§tem system ~lanation: User Ac~ion: Verify that you have specified the correct filename with the AS!l3705 (or ASSE!lBLE) command. If it is correct, in the first case above, issue a FILEDEF ddname CLEAR command for the file, or issue a FILEDEF command that sets the filetype correctly. In the second case, either use a different filename for the input file, or erase the existing disk file. At least one file identification is required in order for the command to be executed. System Action: Re = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: Reissue the specifyinq at least one fileid. co.mand, 043E 'TAPn{cuu)' IS FILE PROTECTED 039E NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' Explanation: The tape cannot be written on. Explanati~: The library specified contains no me.bers, probably hecause all members were deleted using the MACLIB DEL command. ~te~ Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command to terminated. The system status remains the same. RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. If the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPn, where: .B = 1, 2, 3, 4). §y§!~~Action: User ActiQn: Send a message to the operator to insert the write enable ring in the tape and retry the com.and. 040E NO FILES LOADED Explanation: This message can occur for any of the following reasons: • The user has not previously issued LOADMOD or LOAD com. and. a • A C!lS transient area module specified in a LOADMOD command. • The loaded module was generated with the NO!lAP option. was !£tion: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~.I§te1! 114 IBM VM/370 System Messages For DMSCLS, verify that the correct tape is mounted. 044E RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAIIBUM Explanation: The record length given exceeds the maximum record length allowed. The lIaximum record length allowed by the EDIT command is 160 characters; by the PRINT command, 151 characters; and by the PUNCH comlland, 80 characters. ~!em Action: Re = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. OMS User Action: For DMSEDI, reissue the command-with an acceptable record length. • The mode number, if between 0 and 5. For DMSPRT and DMSPUN, you can change the record length with the COPYFILE command, and then reissue the command. • 80re than two for the mode. • A null line was entered as the first specification with the MULT option of the DLBL command. • The mode specified with a LISTDS command was not the mode of an OS or DOS disk. • The mode specified with a LISTFILE command was not the mode of a C8S-formatted disk. 045E UNSUPPORTED 370X CONTROL PROGRAM TYPE The 3705 control program type not an Emulation Program (EP), Partitioned Emulation Program (PEP) or Network Control Program (NCP). Exp1a~ation: is Syst~.!! l:ction:RC = 16 Execution of the command is terminated. specified, is not characters were specified Action: Re = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~!§!y User Action: 8ake sure that 370X control program-~as been generated with correct parameters. For the correct parameters for the 370X control program generation, refer to the V8/370 Rlgnnin,g and Syst~ Generatiml Guide. 046E NO LIBRARY NA8E SPECIFIED ~xp1ana1iml: The call man d without a library name. was For D8STPE, if the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1, 2, 3, 4) or TAP1. User Action: Reissue the command file mode specified correctly. with the entered Action: RC = 24 Execution of the cOllmand is terminated. The system status remains the same. 049E INVALID LINE NUMBER 'line number' ~1~!!l User Action: Reenter the specifying the library name. command, ~!gnation: either file. zero The specified line nUllber is or outside the limi ts of the Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~!~ 047E NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED ~~lanatiQ1l: A function must be specified in order for the command to be executed. Either ON or OFF must be specified with the SVCTRACE command. For the ZAP command, you must specify LOADLIB, HODULE, or TXTLIB. User Action: Examine the file and reissue the-command with a correct line number. 050E PARAMETER MISSING {DDNA8EISYSxxxlfunction} AFTER Syste!!l Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. ~lanation: For SVCTRACE, SVCTRACE is was on. turned off if it For the ASSGN command, the disk 1I0de must be specified for the SYSxxx logical unit. For D8STPE, if the DEN, TRTCR, 7TRACK or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where:.1 = 1, 2, 3, 4) or TAP1. Otherwise, the system status remains the same. For the DLBL command, the disk mode or DUM8Y or CLEAR must be specified after the ddname. User Action: Reissue the command desired function. with the A parameter that is required by the command was not specified. For the FILEDEF command, the device name or DUM8Y or CLEAR must be specified after the ddname. For the SET command, a required paramater that must follow a function-is missing. 048E INVALID MODE 'mode' Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~!~ Explanation: This message can occur for any one of the following reasons: • The mode was not specified correctly • • For most CMS cOlllmands, fi1emode an invalid !!lode .. User Action: com mana.--- Correct and reissue the 's' is Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 115 DMS 051E INVALID MODE CHANGE Explanati~~: The filemode letter specified for the old fileid is not the same as the filemode letter specified for the new fileid. Syste.!!!. Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. Us,gr A£1ion: command. Correct and reissue the 052E MORE THAN 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED Explanation: The maximum number of that can be used to specify options for this command is 100. More than 100 characters were used. characters Action: RC = 24 The command is not executed. status remains the same. This message is also issued if a START command (or FETCH command with the START option) is issued following a SET DOSPART command, resetting the size of the DOS partition. Redefining the partition size causes storage to be reinitialized and any previous loads or fetches must be reissued. Action: RC = 40 Execution of the comlland is terminated. Loader cleanup has been performed on loaded files. This should not interfere with a subsequent START command. ~.!~ User Action: If no file was previously loaded;issue the LOAD command specifying the files to be loaded. If files are loaded, check ~he. for incorrect Sl~ or entry cards. ·056E FILE 'fn ft {fm]' CONTAINS INVALID {NAMEI1LIASIENTRYIESD} RECORD FORMATS ~yste.!!!. The system Explsnatig.n: For DMSLBM and DMSNCP (GEN, REP), the specified file is not in the expected format (that is, it is not in fixed-length, SO-byte for.at). MACRO and MEND cards must be included in the MACRO files, and the prototype card must be specified with a name that does not exceed eight characters. If an *COPY statement appears, it must contain a name. 1 MACLIB must contain 'LIE' in columns 4-6 of record one. ADD~ User Ac1ion: Reissue the command, using 100 or fewer characters to specify the options. Use abbreviations if necessary. 053E INVALID SORT FIELD PAIR DEFINED Explanatio~: Either an ending character position was not specified for a sort field, the starting position is greater than the ending position, the fields contain nondecimal characters, or the sort field exceeds the maximum of 253 characters. Syste.!!!. Act ion: BC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User ActiQ.n: command. Correct and reissue the OS4E INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED Expla~1iQ.n: You must specify the filename and filetype in order for the command to be executed. In addition, for some commands you must specify the filemode. Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. For DMSLBT, the specified file has more than 255 entry points (ESD only), or has records which are incompatible or missing. For DSSLIO, all TITLIB files must "LIB" in columns 4-6 of record one. have For DMSSYN, the specified file is not in the expected format. The SYNONYM file must contain 80-byte records in free form format, with columns 73-80 iqnored. The data consists of a command name followed by a blank and the user synonym. This may optionally be followed by a count which is preceded by at least one blank. For DMSZAP, either the header record for TITLIB or L01DLIB was invalid, or the pointer to the directory or module map was in error. ~te~ ~.!~ Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminateil. The system status remains the same. ~~ ActiQ~: Check the description of the command, correct the command line, and reissue the command. User Action: For DMSLBM and DMSNCP, issue the- iACLIB COMP command, then check the MACLIB with a MACLIB MAP command. Correct the format error. OSSE NO ENTRY POINT DEFINED ]~lli.ng1iQ.!!: For the SiARi command or the ST!RT option of the FETCH, LOAD, or INCLUDE command, either the initial execution address is zero, or there is no executable code at the execution address, or nothing has been loaded. 116 IBM VM/370 System Messages For DMSSYN, file. correct the format of the For DMSLIO, recreate the TXTLIB. For DMSLBT, if the message specifies ESD, check for more than 255 entry points for a DKS member. otherwise, missing records. check for invalid or For DMSCLS, rewind and reposi ti on the tape and reissue the command. For DMSZAP, recreate the litrary or module. 059E 'cuu' ALREADY ACCESSED AS READ/WRITE 'mode' DISK. Then reissue the command. 056W FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS INVALID {NAHEIALIASIENTRYIESD} RECORD FORMATS ~xplana1ion: The specified file is the expected format. ~te~ not in Aciion: Processing continues. Explanation: You are trying to access the specified device in read-only mode, but you have already accessed it read/write mode. You cannot have a disk accessed as both read=only and read/write, because the read-only file directory would not reflect any updates you made until the next time you accessed the disk. Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~j;,em 057E INVALID BECORD FORMAT Expla~iion: For the TAPE command, a record that was read was not in TAPE DUMP format. For the TAPEMAC command, the tape was not in the IEHMOVE unloaded PDS format, or the PDS logical record length is not 80. User Action: Release the disk by issuing the-RELEASE command and then reissue the ACCESS command. 060E FILE(S) 'fn [ft [fm]]' NOT FOUND. 'mode (cuu) , WILL NOT BE ACCESSED DISK ~ste1! Action: RC :; 32 Execution of the command is terminated. For the TAPE command, if the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1, 2, 3, 4) or TAP1. . User Action: For the TAPE command, rewrite the- file-onto tape using the TAPE DUMP command. For the TAPEKAC command, recreate the file on tape using the OS IEHKOVE utility program. Then reissue the command. 058E END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE [ON 'TAPn'] Explanation: The was reached. end of the file Explanation: The files requested were not on the specified disk; or, if the disk contains no files and you accessed it as an extension, your access fails. If another disk was already accessed as mode "fm", it is released. .§.y§!em Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. The system remains in the same status as before the command was entered. User Action: Check to see that the fileid is-speCified correctly, and reenter the command. or tape 061E NO TRANSLATION CHARACTER SPECIFIED For DKSTPE, an end-of-tape condition was encountered while doing a write, iTK (write tape mark), or ERG (erase gap) operation. ~lanatiQn: A SET INPUT or command was issued without a character. Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. For DMSTPE, the last operation is not completed. The tape is positioned at the end. If the DEN, TRTCH, 7TBACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1,2,3,4) or TAP1. .§.y§j;,~ ~te!! Us~ A£iion: For DKSTPD, you may space the tape forward and continue, or rewind the tape and quit; this can be an information message rather than an error condition, depending on the circumstances. For DMSTPE, if the position of the tape is not as expected, use the appropriate TAPE control function to reposition it. For DMSBOP, ensure that the proper tape has been mounted. If so, rewind and reposition the tape and retrYe SET OUTPUT translation Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is termina ted. The translate table remains unchanged. User Action: Reissue the command with the appropriate translation character. 062E INVALID [CHAR] '[=I*lchar]' FILEID [ 'fn ft [ fm]'] IN [OUTPUT] ~lanatiQn: The character specified whether an asterisk (*), equal sign (=), or other was invalid in the fileid in which it appeared. Syst~ Action: RC = 20 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions for the COPYFILE cOllmand: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 117 DMS • If the APPEND option was specified and the copyinq process began before the error was discovered, then records were appended to the output file. • If the NEWFILE (the default), REPLACE, or OVLY option was specified, and the copyinq process began tefore the error was discovered, then COPYFlIE CMSUT1, on the output disk, contains the records copied so far. • In multiple-out put-file mode, several output files may have been created before the error was discovered. Use£ !£iiQn: Check the description of the command format and reissue the command. Some of the errors that can cause this messaqe to appear in conjunction with the TRANS option are the following: • An invalid entered. • • An odd number of characters was entered. hexadecimal number was The continuation code (++) was entered in the middle of a character pair. ~in Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status.remains the same. User Action: Reissue the command and enter the-correct specification list when it is requested. 063E NO rTRANSLATIONISPECIFICATION] LIST ENTERED 065E 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE Expla~atiQ.!1: A list was requested in response to the SORT command, or to the SPECS option or TRANSLATE option of the COPYFILE command, but a null line was entered in response. !ction: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~Y§.tem Explanati~: The option was specified more than once in the co.mand line. ~.!~·Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. command, User Action: Reissue the specifying the option only once. Us~ Action: Reissue the cemmand, and enter the list when it is requested. 066E 'option' OPTIONS 064E INVALID [TRANSLATE] NEAR 'list' SPECIFICATION AT • ARE CONFLICTING ~lAnati~: A source specification was entered with no tarqet specification. An invalid decimal number was for an input or output column. 'option' OR ExplanatiQn: An invalid specification was included in the list enter£G vh€n ~ither the SPECS option or th~ TRANS option was specified. "list" is the portion of the list you entered that is in error. Some of the errors that can cause this message to appear in conjunction with the SPECS option are the followinq: • AND The specified options mutually exclUsive and must not specified in the same command. are be Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~.!.!t! User Action: C'Oi.and:--- 067E COftBINED INPUT UNPACK OPTIONS Correct and reissue FILES ILLEGAL WITH the PACK OR entered ~lanati2n: An attempt was made to combine several files at the same time that the PACK or UNPACK option was used. This message appears if there is more than one input fileid, or if there is an asterisk in the first fileid in single output file mode. • An input file specification of the form "nn-mm" was qiven, but mm was smaller than nne • A string was specified without an ending delimiter. • A zero length string was specified. Action: RC = 24 Execution of the cOllmand is terainated. The system status reaains the saae. • An invalid hexadecimal number was specified, or an odd number of hexadecimal digits followed the "H" of such a specification. User Action: Correct the command reissue-the cOllmand. ~tell • 118 The continuation code (++) was specified in the middle of a specification, rather than at the beginning of one. IBM VM/370 System Messages line and 068E INPUT FILE 'fn ft fa' NOT IN PACKED FORMAT ExplanatiQn: The specified input file is not in packed format, and was specified in an UNPACK operation. DKS ~I.§te~ Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, except that in multiple output file mode, several output files may already have been created before the error was discovered. User Action: Correct the command reissue-the command. line and Explanation: The spe,cifie.d disk has not been accessed. POL Dl!,$PS:i., the l=disk iiUst be accessed when the DOSLIB KAP function is performed and the output is directed to disk. For DKSVGN, note that the YSAKGEN EXEC procedure requires that you have a read/wr ite CKS disk accessed as your A-disk. System Act ion: BC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. specified disk and 0691 [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED Explantion: The disk specified in FILEDEF co.mand has not been accessed. syste!! Action: information only. FILE NOT FOUND Be = 801 The specified file was not found on the accessed disks. This message ca n be issued when you try to invoke an EXEC from within another EXEC. &SKIP OR &GOTO ERROR RC = 802 A request was made to move to a statement above the beginning of the file, or to a nonexistent label. BA D FILE FORIU T RC = 803 The file is not in the required format. For instance, it is packed ratbeL than unpacked, or the record length is greater than 130. the This message is for Execution continues. 070E INVALID {PARAMETER 'argument'} 072E ERROR IN EXEC FILE fn, LINE nnn - message Explanation: The EXEC interpreter has found an error in file "fn", at line "nnn"; "message" may be anyone of the following: 069E DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED User Action: Access the reissue-the command. User Action: Issue the FORKAT command to erase all files on a disk, or use the ACCESS command with the ERASE option (all files on the disk are erased the first time you write a new file on the disk). 'parameter',ARGUKENT TOO KANY ARGUKENTS RC = 804 A maximum number of 30 passed to an EXEC file. arguments can KAX DEPTH OF LOOP NESTING EXCEEDED RC = 805 No more than four nested loops specified. may be be ERROR READING PILE Explanation: An invalid operand, or too many or extraneous operands, were specified in the command line or EXEC statement. RC = 806 An I/O error occurred was being read. Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exception for the TAPE command: INVALID SYNTAX RC = 801 The syntax of the invalid. If the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1, 2, 3, 4) or TAP1. INVALID FORK OF CONDITION RC = 808 This can occur from previously unassigned variablese The final result after the line is interpreted is syntactically invalid. ~I.§te!! User Action: Correct the command reissue-the command. while an EXEC file indicated statement is line and 071E ERASE * * [fml*] NOT AlLOWED Expla~iion: You cannot erase all files on all disks using the ERASE command. You can enter ast-erisks for the filename and filetype, but you must specify the filemode letter and number. Syste.! Action: RC = 24 Execution of the com.and is terminated. The system status remains the same. INVALID ASSIGNKENT RC = 809 An atteapt was made to assign a value to an unspecified field; for example, = 42 alSUSE OF SPECIAL VARIABLE RC = 810 Incorrect use of a special variable was attempted. For example, an attempt was made to assiqn a value to SEIEe or to &TYPEFLAG. Conversational Konitor System (CKS) Kessaqes 119 DMS ERROR IN &ERROR ACTION RC = 811 An &ERROR control statement specified a CMS command that also resulted in an error. CONVERSION ERROR RC = 812 A variable in the line must be converted, but cannot be, because it is a character value, it is not in the proper format, or it has not been initialized. For example, Not~: For a tutorial description of the EXEC facility, see the !!LJ70 ~~~ ~§er'§ Guide. For a description of the EXEC control statements, see the !!LJ1Q CM~ Command ~nd MacrQ ~~. 073E UNABLE TO OPEN FILE ddname Explanation: CMS was unable to open the specified ddname. An explanatory message should appear along with this message. '&IF &FLAG EO 944' ~Y.§tem If &FLAG was not previously initialized, it is "null" or blank and will cause a conversion error when being converted to decimal. This message is also issued if a uuuh~xadecimal number is spec1t1ea aiter the characters "x'" on the right-hand side of an assignment statement (for example, &A = X'12AG'); or if a nondecimal number is specified after the characters "X'" in any statement other than an assignment statement (for example, &TYPE X'120AO'). TOO MANY TOKENS IN STATEMENT RC = 8~3 ~ore than 19 tokens appeared in &READ VARS statement. a single MISUSE OF BUILT-IN FUNCTION RC = 814 One of the EXEC buil t-in funct ions example, &CONCAT, &DATATYPE, etc.) used incorrectly. (for was INVALID CONTROL WORD RC = 816 An invalid control word was encountered in the input deck and cannot be read. EXEC ARITHMETIC OVERFLOW RC = 818 A positive arithmetic variable digits. exceeded 8 exceeded 8 120 !ctio~: The file is executed up to the point where was detected. logically the error User Action: reexecute-It. file IBM VM/370 System Messages EXEC 074E ERROR [RE]SETTING AUXILIARY DIRECTORY ~!anati~: The auxiliary directory could not be set or reset. This can occur, for example, if the disk on which the auxiliary directory resides is not accessed when the command is issued, or if it is accessed as a filemode other than the one specified for it with a previous GENDIRT command. Action: RC = 40 If the error occurred on an attempt to set the auxiliary directory, execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. If, however, the error occurred on an attempt to reset the auxiliary directory, the assembly has already been done, and execution continues. UseE Action: Consult the syste~ prcgra~=er to find out what disk the auxiliary directory is on and what filemode that disk should be accessed as. (It should have the filemode that was specified for it with the GENDIRT command.) Access the disk with the proper filemode and reissue the command. 075E DEVICE devicenaae {INPUTIOUTPUT} INVALID FOR The device specified for the input or output ddname is invalid. This message will appear if the input device specified is DU"MY, PRINTER, or PUNCH, or if the output device specified is READER. ~!~~ A special character was used in a variable symbol. Only alphameric characters are to be used. The asterisk in the special variable &* is an acceptable character. correct the Verify the ddname and reissue ~!gnati~: SPECIAL CHARACTER IN VARIABLE SYMBOL RC = 819 ~Y§1g~ User Action: the-command. ~te~ EOF FOUND IN LOOP RC = 815 An end of file occurrEd before the command completed the requested operation. EXEC ARITHMETIC UNDERFLOW RC = 817 A negative arithmetic variable digits including sign. Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. Action: Re = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: and- -specify device. Reissue the FILEDEF com man d input/output the correct 076E ACTUAL RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS THAT SPECIFIED and ~!~~atiQ~: An existing file has a recorn length greater than the record length entered in the command line. DMS syste~ Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains tbe same. 080E INVALID CYLINDER NUMBER - REENTER User Action: Reissue specifying-a-larger record LRECL option. 080E INVALID {CYLIBLKJ NUMBER - REENTER the command, length with the - - - (Basic System Extensions) - ~lanation: The value entered valid decimal number. 077E END CARD MISSING FROM INPUT DECK EX~~21iQ~: Since the end card is missing, the input file is not complete. The deck is probably invalid. dY§~!El! ! ction: Message DMSINI609R a is reissued. 'I"'It. ... Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The card file is lost from the reader. was not ,-.oor lJO;:>.I.. 'laT'T ~ nnn L't~OV7L\. ~te~ 081E INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" ~ls.natiQJ!: User Action: The DISK DUMP command must be issue~o-recreate the file. 078E INVALID CARD 'cardimage' J IN READER ~!g!! {DECKIFILE Action: Message DMSINI610R is reissued~ ~xplaBs~iQn: For DMSDSK, a card that was not punched by DISK DUMP was encountered in the input deck. The deck cannot be read by DISK LOAD. The only valid response to the or "no". Neither vas "yes" guery is entered. DMSINI607R or User Action: See DMSINI607R or DMSINI610R. 082E IPL DEVICE ERROR - REENTER For DMSGRN, an invalid card was encountered in the input deck. The deck cann.ot be processed by the GEN3705 command. ~lanation: Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~te!! The device is not currently defined, or i t is not in read/write status, or it is an unsupported device type. ~te~ Action: Message DMSINI608R is reissued. User ActiQJ!: See DMSINI608R. For DMSDSK, the READER file closed with the HOLD option. 083E NUCLEUS WILL OVERLAY CMS FILES - RECOMPUTE User Act ion: For DHSDSK, reissue the comMand in case there are valid DISK DUMP cards following in the file. If the same error occurs, either retry, use the READCARD command to load the file, or use the CP PURGE command to erase the reader file. ExplanatiQE; The specified nucleus cylinder number was not greater than the number of cylinders indicated in the Master File Directory for the 1PL device~ ~!g!! Action: Message DMSINI609F is reissued. For DMSGRN, use the card image in the error message to correct the card, and reenter the com.and. Use~ Action: Respond to DMSINI609R with a larger cylinder number, or IPL CMS and format the specified IPL device with the RECOMP option .. 079E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS - REENTER ExplanatioB: The device address entered was specified incorrectly, that is, it is not a valid hexadecimal character or is not in the range of X'001' to X'6iF'. ~yste~ Action: Message DMSINI608R is reissued. User Ac~ion: DMSINI606R or 083E (Basic System Extensions) - - - NUCLEUS {CYLI BLK} UNACCEPTABLE ERROR 'X' SPECIFICATION Explanation: The cylinder or FB-512 block number specified for the nucleus start address does not meet the requirement indicated by the error code. See DMSINI606R or DMSINI608R. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Kessaqes 121 DMS ~~aning The nucleus will overlay CMS files on the lIinidisk. 2 The nucleus start address all formatting. 3 The starting FB-512 block number is not on a 256-block boundary. 4 A total of 256 FB-512 blocks are not available, including the starting block number. Action: Syste~ is beyond DftSINI609R Message Action: If BC 1, respond to cylinder value or FB-512 block number. If RC = 2, specify a sllaller value. If RC 3, specify a lIultiple of 256. If RC 4, specify a lower location for the nucleus. In any event, use of the FORftAT comaand with the RECOMP option may be necessary. uKSINI609R with a larger 084E INVALID USE OF 'FROM' AND 'TC' OPTIONS Explanation: The 'FROM' location exceeds or is equal to the 'TO' location. Syste.! Action: RC = 24 Execution of the cOllaand is terainated. The systea status rellains the salle. User Ac:ti2n: cOlllland. Correct and reissue The OS user is a DUftMY VSAM data do so will cause at OPEN tiae. An the program product User Action: Reissue the DLBL coaaand specifying a mode for this ddnaae, and then restart the prograa that caused the error. 087E INVALID ASSIGNMENT OF 'device' 'SYSxxx' TO DEVICE is reissued. User error code X'11'. restricted froa using set. An attempt to unpredictable results additional aessage from being used lIay follow. the 086E INVALID DDNAME 'ddnaae' Explanation: The ASSGN coaaand that was entered violated a restriction on the assignaent of SYSxxx to a virtual device. The ASSGB coa.and restricts the assignaent of logical units to virtual devices as follows: J&gj,cal Units SYSOOO-SYS241 Valid Assignaen! to any device as specified by the ASSGN coa.and. to terainal and printer to printer, disk, and tape to reader, disk and tape to punch, disk, and tape to reader, disk, and tape to disk to disk to disk to disk to reader, tape, and disk to tape SYSLOG SYSLS1' SYSIPT SYSPCH SYSRDR SYSCAT SYSCLB SYSRLB SYSSLB SYSIN SYSOUT RC = 24 the coaaand is terainated. The syste. status reaains the saae. ~!ell Action: Executi~n of User Action: Reissue the ASSGN coamand, specifying a valid coabination of logical unit and virtual device. Explanation: The ddnaae specified with the comaand is invalid. 08BE UBSUPPORTED DTF TYPE 'dtftype' Syste.! Action: RC = 24 Execution of the coa.and .is terminated. The system status remains the sa.e. Us~ !ction: Reissue the coaaand with a valid ddna.e. With the DLBL coa.and, use a ddname of seven characters or less. If you are an OS user, enter the first seven characters of your prograa's ACB ddna.e. If these seven characters are not unique within the prograa (that is, the eighth character distinguishes two ICBs in the same program), recompile the program usinq different ddnaaes. ~lanation: close a DTF by CftS. An atteapt was aade to open or table of a type not supported Action: RC = 24 Execution of the coamand is terminated. The system status reaains the salle. ~.!~ Usg! Action: None; CMS/DOS only supports those DTF types identified in the CMS/DOS publications. oa9E {OPENICLOSE} ERROR {fnl SYSxxxl TAPn} CODE 'nn' ON 086W DLBL 'ddname' DUMMY INVALID FOR VSAft ~!anatiQA: ExplanatiQn: The ddname in the ACB being opened was specified in a previous DLBL command with the DUMMY operand, which is invalid for VSAM. !cti.Q.!!: RC = 8 This message accompanies a DOS/VS VSAM open ~Y§te~ 122 IBM V8/370 System Messages The error code in the aessaqe identifies the error situation. Code Mean!Ag -1-- The logical unit (SYSxxx) in the DOSCB does not aa tch the logical unit in the DTF table. DKS Code Meani~ CMS/DOS does not support writing to as or DOS disks. All files must be written to CBS disks. 2 3 An attempt was made to open or close a sequential disk file, VSAB file, or private source statement library, but no DLBL command was issued with the DLBL ddname equal to the DTF ACB filename. CMS/DOS requires a user-issued DLBL for all sequential disk files, VSAM input and output files~ and private li£raries. 4 An attempt was made to open or close a DTFCD or DTFPR with ASOCFLE/FUNC operands specified in the DTF macro. These operands are not supported under CMS/DOS. An attempt was made to open sequential disk file from an but no extent information was the OSFST associated with the 5 an input as disk, found in file. 6 An attempt was made to open a sequential disk file for input, but the file was not found on any of the accessed disks. 7 The device type in the DTF being opened or closed is incompatible with the PUB device type for the specified unit. 8 The system or is unassigned X I FFI) • 9 There is no CMS/DOS support for reading tapes backward. When the operand READ=BACK is specified on the DTFMT macro, a flag is set in the DTF at compilation time indicating this condition. CMS/DOS supports tape processinq only in a forward direction. 11 An attempt was made to open or close a DTFMT (tape data file) and 'ASCII=YESI was specified in the DTF macro. This operand is not supported. 12 An attempt was made to open a DTF!T (tape data file) and IFIIABL=STDI was specified. However, no VOL1/HDR1 was encountered. - 12 13 programmer logical unit (PUB pointer in LUB (Basic System Extensions) - - An attempt was made to open a DTFCP or DTFDI tape file with IFILABL=STDI specified. However, no VOL1/HDR1 was encou n teredo PUB information for the tape logical unit beinq opened (track mode indicator or density) is incompatible with the tape drive. 14 The tape is a 3420 tape drive but an invalid tape drive model number (valid model numbers are 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) • 15 While opening a DTF associated with a file on an OS or DOS disk, an I/O error occurred while reading the extent informat~on for the specified data set. 16 SYSIPT/SYSRDR is assigned to tape and the record length is not' 80 or 81 bytes. 17 An unexpected error situation was encountered while performi nq a tape I/O operation. - 21 (Basic System Extensions) An attempt failed to open a DTF which specified a SA! data set on an FB-512 device. The FILEDEF for Ifn' must specify RECFM and BLOCK parameters. For a fixed block RECF!, the l~ECL must be specified also. ~!~ Action: RC= 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: Correct the the-command. 090E INVALID DEVICE 'device l CLASS error and reissue Ideviceclass l FOR Explanation: The device class information returned from the CP DIAGNOSE request (code 24) conflicts with the deviCE> being assigned. ~tem Action: RC = '36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: Reissue the command. If this fails~-call your system support personnel. 091E SAVEAREA ADDRESS IN PARTITION PIB EQUIVALENT TO LTA SAVEAREA ADDRESS NOT ~lanation: The current savearea address in the PIB (Partition Information Block) is not tne same as the sa vearea in the LTA (Logical Transient Area). ~!tl Action: RC = 100 Execution of the COllUlland is ternna ted. User Action: Reissue the command; if the problem-persists, call your system support personnel. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 123 DftS 092E STXIT SAVEAREA ADDRESS INVALID beginning of the file LOAD coa.and .. and reissue the TAPE ~xplana~ion: The specified savearea address in a STXIT operation is not within the address ranqe of the virtual machine. 096S UNSUPPORTED FUNCTIOI II A LIOCS ROUTIRE Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the saae. EXplAnati211: A Logical IOCS routine called to perform a function which routine was not generated to perf ora. ~~£ !£~ion: ~!y ~Y.§te~ Verify the save and reissue the comaand. 093E HVCOH HACRO ATTEMPT TO POSITION 12-23 OF COMREG area address ALTER OTHER THAI Explanation: The specified ~VCQH macro is attemptinq-to alter a position other than the allowed positions 12 to 23 of the communications region. was the = Action: RC 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: Verify that all logical functions to b9 perforaed are supported by the Logical loeS routine linked with your program. 097E 10 'SISRES. VOLUME ACTIVE ~te~ Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status reaains the saae. Explanation: No system residence disk (SISRES) is active; therefore, no procedure library or relocatable library is active. User Action: CorI'ect t be specification of the HVCOM-.acro and retry. ~tea 094E FROH ADDRESS ON MVCOM MACRO INVALID Explana~ion: The address specified in the ftVCOH macro is not within the range of the virtual machine. Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains tbe same. Action: RC = 36 Execution of the coamand is terminated. The system status reaains the saae. User Action: Use the "SET DOS ON aode" coiian~ activate a SYSRES disk, and reissue the coaaand. 098E 110 {PHISE I PROCEDURE} JAftE SPECIFIED ~i~~ user Action: Correct and retrY:- ~lanation: The comaand reauires the specification of a phase name or procedure name. the aaaress specified Systea lction: RC = 24 Execution of the coamand is terainated. The system status reaains the saae. 095E INVALID ADDRESS 'address' Expla~atiQ~: The specified 'address is not within the range of the virtual machine, is not a valid storage address, or is not equal to or greater than X'20000'. Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~tel!! Use£ Action: Reissue valid address. 096E FILE 'fn ft' the command with DATA BLOCK COUIT INCORRECT The number of data blocks read from tape (for file 'fn ft') does not aatch the number in the model file status table written on the tape when the file was dumped. ~igl!! Action: Execution of tbe command is terminated. The portion of the file 'fn ft' loaded exists on disk as tape CMSUT1. User Action: To ensure that the file is properly-roaded, reposition the tape to the IBH VM/370 System Messages 098S CHS OS SIHULATIOli NOT IVIILlBLE Explanati211: In OS SVC was issued and a CMS saved segment is not available. OS simulation text is not loaded in free storage. Hessage DHSIIS099W or DHSSET099W was previously issued. a Expla~~~iQ~: 124 User Action: Reenter the coamand supplying a-phase-naie or procedure naae. ~teJ! Action: The systea is terminated abnormally, with an abend code of X'OF9'. User lction: -,:Access a disk containing the proper text for OS siaulation and issue the command SET SISIAME CMSSEG naae, where "naae" is invalid (in order to get the OS simUlation text loaded into free storage), or 2. Issue the command SET SISNAHE CHSSEG name, with a valid name (in order to be able to use the OS si mula tion text in that saved segment). DKS 098W CKS OS SIKULATION NOT AVAIlABLE ~!em !ction: For Processing continues. DBSNCP, RC 99. jxplan~iion: DMSINS098W is displayed if, during CMS initialization, it is determined that a CMS saved segment is not avadlable or cannot be loaded, and the OS simulation text could not be loaded into free storage. (Basic System Extensions) - - Note: This message also indicates that tape label processing cannot be used in CMS. 100E NO BATCH PROCESSOR AVAILABLE Expl~ati~: The CBSBATCH module could not find the DBSBTP TEXT S2 file (Batch processor) on any system disk. System Action: At this point, the operator has a normal CMS interactive machine, not a batch aachine. DMSSET098W is displayed if, after it was determined that the CBS saved segment was not available, an attempt to load the OS simUlation text was unsuccess ful. DKSSET098W is preceded by message DMSSET1 OOW. Actio~: If the message is DMSSET098W, RC 4. If the message is DBSINS098W, no return code is passed and initialization proceeds normally. Any issuance of an OS SVC that follows either of these messages causes the message DMSITS098S to be displayed and the system to terminate abnormally. User Action: Contact person~ your system support Routing: This message is displayed Batch Facility console at initialization time. at the Batch ~te. User Action: Access a disk containingthe proper text for OS simUlation or, using the SET command, specify a valid CBS saved seqment. 100W {CKSSEG} SISTEK NABE 'name' NOT AVAILABLE - - - {Basic System Extensions} 100W {CKSSEGIC!SZER} SISTE!!! NA!!!E 'name {SSTATI ISTITj (NOT AVAILABLE/INITIALIZED) I Exp1anatiQn: The CKS saved segment name indicated in the message is not available, or an error occurred when a LOADSIS DIAGNOSE was issued for it. 099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONBENT {NOT} ACTIVE Explanation: If the message is CBS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE, the CKS/DOS environment must be active in order for the command to execute. If the message is CBS/DOS ENVIRONKENT ACTIVE, the CBS/DOS environment must not be active in order for the co •• and to execute. System Action: RC = 40 Execution of the co.mand is terminated. The system status remains the same. (Basic System Extensions) The CKS saved segment name indicated in the message is not available, or initialized, or the 55TAT or ISTAT portion of the C!SZER . was not usable. Possible causes are: --lamed segment is nonexistent. --1 LOAD5Y5 error occurred. --The segment or portion named was at an incorrect level for the system. --The text decks were not loaded into the segaent or were incorrectly loaded into the segment. User Action: Use the SET DOS com.and to activate or deactivate the CBS/DOS environment and reissue the com.and. Action: For DK55ET, RC = 4. For D!5115, no return code is issued. The command is not executed. The system status remains the same. ~!y 099W GENERATION VK/370 PARAMETEBS INCOKPATIBLE WITH Explanation: The parameters specified on the HOST macro in the stage one input streaa for an NCP or PEP control prograa were not equal to the values required by VK/370. The control program may not operate correctly if used by V~310. (This message does not prohibit saving or loading the control program. It may not indicate an error if the VB/370 generation and load procedures are used for a 3704/3105 control program intended for use by a virtual aachine systea other than VK/370.) the command, User Action: Reissue specifyir:.g a val!.d nalle. If the problem support system persists, call your personnel. 101E BATCH NOT LOADED 1. The CM5BATCH co.mand was issued after the first carriage return followinq 1FL, or Conversational Konitor System (CBS) Bessages 125 DMS 2. 3. The CMSBATCH module encountered errors trying to load the DMSBTP TEXT S2 file (Batch processor). See the LOAD command for possible errors, or The CMSBATCH module could not locate the DMSBTPAB entry point in DMSBTP while searching the loader tables. At this point DMSBTP has already been loaded. ~te~ Acti~: At this point, the operator has a normal CMS interactive machine, not a batch machine. User !ctio~: If the explanation is (1) follow start-up procedure (starting with 1PL) • If it is (2) or (3). contact your system support personnel. Routi~g: This message is displayed Batch Faci1itv console at initialization time. 101S 'SPECS' TEMP STRING at the Batch STORAGE EXHAUSTED AT ~xp1a~1ion: A specification list was so long that the storage area reserved for storing specification strings was exhausted. Action: RC = 88 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~I.2te~ Q~ A£1iQ~: Copy the file twice, possibly using the OVLY option a second time, so that less string storage is needed each .L': _ _ 104S ERROR DISK FROM Code Meaning -1- The specified file was not found. The buffer area is not within user 2 storage 1i.its. A permanent disk read error occurred. 3 This lIayoccur if you link to and access another user's disk, and try to read a file that was refi1ed by its owner after you issued the ACCESS commando.- Reissue the ACCESS command and try to read the file again. The number of records is less than 5 zero or more than 32768. 1 The fixed/variable flag in the file status table entry is not F or V. 8 The given storage area was smaller than the actual size of the records read. (This error is valid if reading the first portion of a large record into a small buffer. It does not cause the function to terminate.) 9 The file is open for writinq and must be closed before it can be read. Only one record can be read for a 11 variab1e--1ength file. In this case, the number of records is qreater than 1. 12 An unexpected end of file occurred (the record number specified exceeds the number of records in the file). 13 A variable-length file has an invalid displacement i~ the active file table. An invalid 15 25 input fi1eids ft fml An unrecoverable error eccurred while reading the file from disk. nn indicates the nature of the error; it may be one of the following: 102S TOO MANY FILEIDS Too many FILE Ifn ~!~nati~: l.,.I..t::. ~lanation: Inn' READING were specified. 26 RC = 88 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. 21 Us~£ ActiQ~: To correct this situation, use two COPYFILE commands, specifying the APPEND option with the second one. ~!e. ~yste~ ActiQ~: character WaS detected in the filename. An invalid character was detected in the fi1etype. Insufficient virtual storage is available. Requested item number is negative, or item number plus number of items exceeds file system capacity. An attempt vas made to update a variable-length item with one of a different length. Action: RC = 100 Execution halts. The system remains in the same status as before the command vas entered. 103S NUMBER OF SPECS EXCEEDS MAX 20 Exp1a~tion: More than 20 specifications were entered. RC = 88 Execution of the co.mand is terminated. The system status remains the same. For DftSEDI, the edit session is terminated. If the error occurred during a RENUM operation, the vorkfi1e is erased and the file being edited remains unchanged. ~yste!! Acti~: User Action: Use more than one COPYFILE coiiand;-possib1y specifying OVLY after the first one. For DMSDSL, the condition file is unpredictable. of the DOSLIB For DMSLBM, the condition file is unpredictable. of the !ICLIB For the TAPE co.mand, if the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRICK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the mode set byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1, 2, 3, 126 IBM VM/370 System Messages D!S 4} or T!P1 ~ So.e records written on tape. .ay have been JIIIean;nq An attempt has been made to skip over an unwritten variable-length i tell. The number of bytes was not specified. The file is already active for reading. The maxillull number of CMS files (3400) has been reached. The fixed/variable flag is not F or V. The disk is not a CBS read/write disk. The disk is full (recoverable error). The number of bytes to be written is not integrally divisible by the number of records to be written. The length of this record is not the same as that of the previous record. The fixed/variable flag is not the same as that of the previous record. A variable-length record is greater than 65K bytes. The number of records is greater than 1 for variable-length file. The maximum number of data blocks per file (16060) has been reached. An invalid character has been detected in filename. An invalid character has been detected in filetype. Virtual storage capacity has been exceeded. Insufficient virtual storage is available. Attempt to update a variable length item with one of another len~th. Cod~ 7 User ActioA: If you can determine the problem from the "Explanation" and remedy the condition, reissue the command. If not, retry the command and if the problem persists, call your system support personnel. For D!SDGL, verify DOSLIB integrity the DOSLIB !AP command. with For D!SLBM. verify !I1CI.IB integrity the MAC LIB IUP comman d';" with 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 For D!SLIO and D!SMOD, reissue the entire LOAD/INCLUDE sequence after checking the error conditions. 16 For error code 109 1 , issue an FSCLOSE macro for the file. If a permanent disk read error occurs (code 3), it may be the result of the user having detached a virtual disk without releasing it. CBS, not realizing that the disk is no longer part of the virtual machine, assumes that the disk is still active and encounters an error when it tries to read or write the file: 18 If a permanent disk read error occurs (Code 3), it may be the result of the user having detached a virtual disk without releasing it. CBS, not realizing that the disk is no longer part of the virtual machine, assumes that the disk is still active and encounters an error when it tries to read or write the file. 17 19 20 21 22 25 26 26 (Basic System Extensions) - - Requested item number is negative, or item number plus number of items exceeds file system capacity. 105E NO JOB CARD PROVIDED Explanation: The first record of job was not a /JOB card. the user ~j:y System Action: The batch facility has flushed the user job and continued with the next user job. User Action: Resubmit the job to the batch facility with the first record of the job in batch facility /JOB format. Bouting: This message is displayed at the Batch Facility console during user job execution. 105S EBROR DISK Innl WRITING FILE Ifn The For DftSDSK, the reader file is saved. The status of the output file is unpredictable. For DftSEDI, the edit session termina tes. The status of the file is as it was before the edit session or at the execution of the last SAVE subcommand or automatic save. The RENUft workfile is erased. A workfile, EDIT C!SUT1, may have been created on the input disk. ON For DftSDSL, the condition file is unpredictable. of the DOSLIB Explanation: An unrecoverable error occurred while writing on disk. nn indicates the nature of the error; it may be one of the following: For DMSLBft, the condition file is unpredictable. of the KACLIB ft {fm} I Action: BC 100 Execution of the command terminates. system status remains the same. Code Beaning -2- The virtual storage address is o. 4 The first character mode is invalid. The second character mode is invalid. 5 6 The number of records in the file is too large; it cannot exceed 65,533. For DftSLBT, D!SLST, DftS!OD, DMSSRT, D!STPD, and D!SUPD# the status of the output file is unpredictable~ For DftSRDC, the reader is closed with HOLD status to preserve the file. a For D!STPE, if the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the lIodeset Conversational Monitor system (CMS) Messages 127 D8S byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1, 2, 3, 4) or TAP1. The status of the output file is unpredictable. The tape may not be in the same position as before the command was entered. displayed. If it is a CP LINK command, more than ten LINK commands have been issued without compensating DETACH commands or a possible error has occurred in the LINK command itself. User !£!ion: If you can determine the problem from the "Explanation" above and remedy the condition, reissue the command. If not, reissue the command and if the problem persists, call your system support personnel. ~!emAction: For DMSDSL, use the DOSLIB "AP function to verify DOSLIB integrity. For DMSLBK, use the "ACLIB KAP function to verify MACLTB integrity. For DMSLIO, reissue the LOAD/INCLUDE seguence from the beginning, after checking the above error conditions. CKS continues command in the user job. with the next User Action: Do not resubmit this command with any ~atch job. If this was a LINK command reject, check to be sure the LINK command is correct or not more than ten LINK commands have been issued without compensating DETACH commands. Reissue the LINK command after detaching another disk. Routing: This message is displayed at the batch facility console during user job execution. It will appear on the spooled console output sheet. 107S DISK 'mode {(cuu)}' IS FULL 106E JOB CARD FORMAT INVALID Explanati~: There is not enough space on the specified disk to write the file. ~xplana!iQ!!: 1. 2. 3. The batch facility detected a missing or invalid userid or missing account number on the user /JOB card, or The userid (if provided) does not exist in the V"/370 directory, or A user IJOB card exit routine (B1TEXIT2) returned a nonzero return code in general register 15. Action: RC = 100 Execution of the co.mand is terminatea. Some records of the output file may have been written out. ~!em User Action: Erase some files from the disk and reissue the command. ~te~ !ction: The batch facility flushes the user job and continues with the next user job. 10BE /SET CARD FORMAT INVALID ~!§J!ation: ~~ A~~~2B; Restihmit the JUD ~u the hatch facility with a valid userid and an account number in the batch facility /JOB card. ]Quting: This message is displayed at the batch facility console during user job execution. 106S NUMBER OF MEMBER NAMES FILE 'fn ft' NOT ADDED ~~ns!iQ!!: dictionary 1000. EXCEEDS MAl 'nnnn'. The number of entries in the has exceeded the maximum of !£iiQn: RC = 88 The system tries to write the dictionary up to and including the previous text deck; then it terminates execution of the cOllmand. ~Y2te~ User Action: Either delete unnecessary members--from the library and retry, or start another library. invalid The batch information on facility detected user=s /SET card. Possible errors include: • No blank delimiters between entries • Invalid keywords • Noninteger values for settings • Values for settings installation limits. greater than ~!~ Action: The user job is flushed and the next batch job is started. Us~~ Action: Correct the /SET card and resubmit the job to the Batch Facility. Rou!ing: This message is displayed at the batch facility console during user job execution. It appears on the spooled console out'put sheet. 108S KORE THAN 8 LIBRARIES SPECIFIED ~!S!!atiQ!!: NOT Only eight KICLIBs (macro libraries) or TITLIBs (text libraries) may be specified with a GLOBAL command. Ex£1sns!iQ!!: The named CP or CMS command is not allowed under the CKS batch facility. If it is a CP command, the device is also System Ac!ion: RC = 88. Execution of the command is terminated. The old M1CLIB or TITLIB list is clearea. 107E CP/CMS COMMAND ALLOWED 128 'command, IBM VM/370 System Messages {dev ice} , DMS User ActiQ~: Regenerate the MACLIBs or members from other TITLIBs to include KACLIBs or TXTLIBs, thereby reducing the required for this number of libraries terminal session. - (Basic System Extensions) For PRELOAD, either the initial request for a large block of storage failed, or storage was exhausted during suballocation of the block while processing normally. 109E {CPUIPRINTERIPUNCH} lIKIT EXCEEDED ~xplanation: A user job exceeded the named limit during execution. The limit was determined either by the user job through a /SET control card or by default to the installation settings. ~tem Action: The user job is flushed and the next batch job is started. User Action: If the results are unexpected, debug--the-job before resubmitting it to batch. Routing: This message is displayed at the batch facility console during user job execution. It will appear on the spooled console output sheet. 109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED Explanation: There is no more space available in your virtual machine to successfully complete execution of the command. Subsequent execution of certain CMS commands may cause the same problem. For DMSACC, insufficient free storage remains to access the specified disk. For DMSAMS, Access Method Services was unable to obtain free storage for the terminal buffer to read the tape ddnames. For DMSBWR, a write buffer operation attempted to write beyond the limits of the virtual machine's storage. For DKSFCH, either the phase being fetched would exceed FREELOWE, or in the case of fetchinq a $$B transient phase, the transient routine would exceed the end of the transient area. For DKSHlP, not enough storage was available to either load the DKSHlD communication module or acquire buffer space to format the HELP text file. ~!em Action: DKSBWR passes a return code of 22 to the program that called it, which then passes a return code of 104. DMSSMN is terminated abnormally with abend code X'804' or X'80A'. DMSVIP abends with CMS abend code X'177'. All other modules that issue this message pass a return code of 104; execution of the command is terminated, and the system status remains the same. For DKSACC, the disk is not accessed. Any disk already accessed at the specified point in the search order is released, but not detached. For DMSOVR, was on. For DMSLIO, the loading of text files has caused either the transient area or user area limit to be exceeded. Text file sizes are determined by the length fields of ESD statements. An incorrect value in the length field of an ESD statement may cause this condition. For DKSSOP, the storage to be used for saving the original DCB is not available. turned off if it For DMSLBM, if additions were beinq made to the MACLIB (GEN, ADD, or REP functions), it contains all successful additions made before storage was exceeded. For DMSSOP, terminated. opening of the file is User Action: You can use the CP DEFINE comman~ increase the size of the virtual machine, or issue the CMS command RELEASE for any disk no longer needed, to free some of the virtual machine storaqe. 1PL CPlS again and reenter the command. Alternatively, you can do the followinq: For DKSARN, DKSSKN, and DMSTPD, reduce the size of the program and retry. For DKSDLB, clear old definitions that are no longer needed, and retry. For DMSLBM, issue the KACLIB PlAP command to determine the contents of MACLIB. Define additional storage with a CP DEFINE command. Continue processing with the remaining additions. For For DMSLBK, not enough virtual storage was available to contain the MAelIB dictionary. SVCTRACE is DPiSLIO, redefine loading locations virtual storage DEFINE. Reissue the entire LOAD/INCLUDE sequence. (?rigin~ or redefine the s~ze us~ng the CP command 109T VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED Explanat!~! There is insufficient virtual storage available for file management control blocks. ~!~~ Action: The virtual machine is placed ~n a disabled wait state and the disk is not updated. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 129 DMS User Action: Issue the CP command DEFINE to size of the virtual machine, IPL CKS again and reenter the command. increi~~-the 110E CORRECT FORM IS: (SEGNAME) - - - In some cases, Loader messages may precede this message. If this occurs, refer to the Loader message and follow the user action given. {DOSGENICKSXGEN} LOCATION (Basic System Extensions) - - - 110E CORRECT FORK IS: {DOSGENICKSXGENICKSZGEN} LOCATION (SEGNAKE) Expla~gliQn: An invalid form of the DOSGEN or, CKSXGEN command was specified. (For Basic svstem Extensions, an invalid form of CKSZGEN command was specified. Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~te~ 111S ERROR WRITING 'TAPn (cuu) , A permanent I/O error occurred when writing the specified tape. ~l~ation: System Action: RC = 100 If the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set ~. for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1, 2, 3, 4) or TAP1. The tape may not be in the same position as before the command was entered. User Action: Reissue the command. If the error persists, contact your system support personnel. 112S 'mode (cuu) , DEVICE ERROR User !ction: Correct and reissue the command. 'segname l is optional; if you do not specify it, it defaults to CKSDOS for DOSGEN and to CKSSEG for CKSXGEN. (For Basic system Extensions, DKSZGEN default to CKSZER. ) An error was encoun tered in trying to access the disk, either because it is an unsupported device, or because an I/O error occurred while reading in the master file directory from the device. ~!anati.QJ!: Action: RC = 100. Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same unless another disk was replaced by this access, as indicated by message DftSACC724I. ~!~ 110S ERROR READING 'TAPn {(cuu)}' A permanent I/O error occurred while reading the specified tape, or the tape is not attached. ~xplanation: Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. For the TAPE commanu, if the DEN, TRTen, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1, 2, 3, 4) or TAP1. The tape may not be in the same position as before the command was entered. ~tem User Action: If the tape is attached, make sure that it is the correct tape; rewind the tape via the TAPE REW command, position the tape, and retry. If the error persists, check the format of the tape for parity errors, missing tape marks, etc. For the TAPEKAC command, if the problem persists, use the OS utility IEHKOVE to create the PDS again on another tape. 111E {DOSGENICKSXGENICKSZGEN} FAILED DUE TO LOAD ERRORS Expla~tiQn: Errors occurred when trying to load (using the Loader) CKS text decks into the discontiguous saved segment. System !ctign RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. y~ ActiQn: Print or display the file on the A-disk with filename and filetype 'LOAD KAP', which contains diagnostic messages. 130 IBM VM/370 System Kessages User Action: If this is the first time that you are using this CKS disk, use the FORMAT command to format it. Reissue the command. If ~ne prOD~em pers~s~s, contact your system support personnel. 113S {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRIRTERIPURCHIREADERITAPnl TAPIR I TAPOUT} (cuu) ROT ATTACHED Explanation: The specified device is not attached to the virtual machine. If the message is issued for a tape, it also may mean that the tape has not been mounted or the device is not ready. ~!~ Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same unless another disk was replaced by this access, as indicated by message DKSACC724I. User Action: If the specified device is a disk, issue the CP command LINK to attach the disk to the virtual machine, or ask the system operator to attach the disk to yoor virtual machine. If the specified device is a printer, punch, or reader, use the CP com.and DEFINE to attach it to your virtual machine. If the specified device is a tape drive, ask the system operator to attach or mount the tape and ready the device. Then reissue the command. OMS 114E 'fn ft fml NOT {NOT} ACTIVE LOADED; CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT 116S LOADER TABLE OVERFLOW Explanation: There are too many entry-point or control-section names in the loader table built during loading. Explanation: Either the CMS/DOS environment is active and you are trying to load a program that uses OS macros, or the CMS/DOS environment is not active and you are trying to load a program that uses DOS macros. Neither of these situations is allowed. Systg Action: RC = 104 Loading is terminated. User Action: IPL CMS again, redefine the tables with the SET command, and issue the LOAD/INCLUDE sequence (for DMSLIO) or the LOADMOD command (for DMSMOD). number--o~ loader Action: BC = 40 or -0005 The command is not executed. ~tem User Action: Use the eftS command SET to set DOS onoroff, _and reissue the command. 117S ERROR WRITING TO DISPLAY TERMINAL 114S 'cuu' IS AN UNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE Explanati.Q1!: An I/O error occurred when a DIAGNOSE command was issued to wri te to a display terminal during an EDIT session. (Basic System Extensions) - 1145 vcuu IS AN UNSUPPORTED DEVICE, OR REQUESTED BLKSIZE IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR THE DEVICE Systg Action: RC = 100 The EDIT session is terminated. The virtual machine is placed in CMS mode. i User Acti.Q1!: Retry the EDIT session. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Explanati~n: VM/370 does not support either the attached device or the requested block size. .ayste!. Acti.Q1!: RC = 88 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. 118S ERROR PUNCHING FILE {'fn ft fm'} itn!!anati.Q1!: An input/output error while punching the file. occurre~ Action: RC = 100 Some of the file may have been punched. The file being read is closed anc an attempt is made to close the punch before terminating the command. User Action: Attach a device that is supported-by V8/370, or issue the command with a valid block size for the device. ..§.I§!~ 115E PHASE LOAD POINT LESS THAN 'address' User Action: Reissue the command. problem--persists, contact your support personnel. Explanation: The phase load p01nt is less than the beginning of the user area. syste}! Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system remains in the same status as before the routine was entered. 119S UNSUPPORTED FORM OF 'macro' MACRO ~!anation: AIi unsupported or invalid form of the macro listed in the messaqe has been executed by a user program. User Action: Ensure that the phase load point -is--qreater than or equal to the beginning of the user area by altering linkage-editor control statements. Action: CMS is terminated abnormally with an abend code of X'400'. ..§.I§!~.!! Us~~ Action: Check your program for an invalid or unsupported form of the macro listed in the message. 115S {CONVERSIONI {7191-TRACKI {80016250} BPII TRANSLATIONIDUAL-DENSITY} FEATURE NOT SUPPORTED ON DEVICE 'cuu' Exlli~:ti.Q!!: The us-er has specified a tape mode setting that requires a feature not supported by the attached real device. Systej! jction: RC = 88 The system remains Unchanged; the device has not been repositioned. If the system 120S !INrOIT~PUT ERROR CODF 'nn' ON 'ddname' Expl~ati.Q1!: returned from PUT macro. The indicated error code was an OS READ, WRITE, GET, or tape User jcti.Q1!: Reissue the command using mode options (nTFACK, DEN, TRTCH) appropriate for the attached device; or attach a device with the appropriate features. The error code in the message is supplied only if the error was an INPUT or OUTPUT error, not if it was a FIND, POINT, BSP, or some other type of operation error. Error Conversational Monitor system (eMS) Messaqes 131 DMs codes differ for the various types of devices. Error code meanings are listed below. Cod~ 255 For DKssCT, CKs issues this message if an I/O error is encountered by an as CLOSE macro or if an I/O error is encountered by an as CHECK, GET, or PUT macro and a sYNADAF routine is not specified by the user. For DMssVT, this message is built by the simulation routine for the sYNADAF macro; it is issued by a user sYNAD routine. If the message is printed by an as program product sYNAD routine, the sYNAD routine usually places a message number of its own in front of the message number listed above and append some information of its own to the end of the message. syst~!!! Act ion: For DKSsCT and DKsSBS, CKS is terminated abnormally with an abend code of 1. For DKSSVT, execute. the program continues For DKSFCH, FC 100 and execution command is terminated. to of the User Action: Use the error code to determine the correct message and possible cause of the error. Code 1!~~!!i!!g 254 BSAK, BPAM, or BPAK-CHECK was called with an unposted FCB specified. Note: All errors except 8 (above) cause execution of the command to terminate. Error 8 is valid if reading the first portion of a large record into a small buffer. Code li~lli filetype was not 1 The filename or specified, or is invalid. 2 The virtual storage address is zero. 4 The first character mode was invalid. 5 The second character mode was invalid. The number of records in the file is 6 too large; it cannot exceed 65,533. 7 An attempt was made to skip over an unwritten variable-length item. 8 The number of bytes was not specified. 9 The file was already active for reading. 10 The maximum number of CKs files (3500) was reached. 11 The fixed/variable flag was not F or v. 12 The mode is 5 read-only disk. 13 The disk is full. 14 The number of bytes to be written is not integrally divisible by the number of records to be written. The length of this item is not the same as the previous item. The fixed/variable flag is not the same as that of the previous record. A variable-length item is greater than 65K bytes. The number of items is greater than 1 for variable-length file. The maximum number of data blocks per file (16060) was reached. An invalid character was detected in the filename. An invalid character was detected in the filetype. BDAM or BSAM (CREATE) - either: 1. A specification error occurred, or 2. An I/O error occurred while reading or writinq KEYS, or 3. The XTENT option was not specified in the FILEDEF command, or the XTENT was too small. BPA! - An I/O error occurred while reading in or writing out the directory of a MACLIB file. 1!g~ing 3 5 7 8 9 11 12 13 80 132 The file was not found. The virtual storage area was not within the limits of the virtual machine. A permanent disk error occurred. The number of items was zero. The fixed/variable flag in FsT entry was not F or V. The given storage area was smaller than the actual size of the item read. (Recoverable error; the number of bytes corresponding to the size of the buffer have been read.) The file is open for writing; it must be closed before it can be read. The number of items is greater than 1, for a variable-length file. An unexpected end of file occurred (the item number specified exceeds the number of items in the file). A variable-length file has an invalid displacement in the active file table. An I/O error occurred while readinq an as data set or DOS file. - IBM VM/370 System Messages lieanlli BDA! or BSA! (CREATE)- either: 1. A specificat ion error occurred, or 2. An I/O error occurred while reading or writing KEYS, or 3. The XTENT option was not specified in the FILEDEF command, or the XTENT was too small. BPA! - An I/O error occurred while reading in or wri ti ng out the directory of a !ACLIB file. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 255 (system) or other • SVC 202 (XICAI) and SVC 203 (XICB') are always recognized by thp c~s SVC handler, since these SVCs are used to specify CMS system functions and commands. • A program may specify an SVC handling routine by means of the HNDSVC function. Until cleared, these SVC numbers are recognized by the SVC handler. • certain SVC numbers are supported by the OS macro simulation routines. There are two types of these simUlation routines. The SVC numbers supported by the storage-resident CMS nucleus are always recognized by the SVC handler. Those supported by the disk-resident transient library are recognized by the SVC handler only if the file DMSSVT module can be found. • Certain SVC numbers are supported by the DOS lIacro simUlation routines. The SVC numbers supported by the shared segment resident routine are "always recognized by the SVC handler. Code l1eani.!!.9: 2 Invalid code - no read was issued. 12 A nu 11 line or end-of-file condition was encountered. CONSOLE OUTPU1 None. Code Meaning --1- An invalid function or option list was encountered. A permanent I/O error occurred. An invalid device identification was 4 specified. 5 The tape was not attached. Code Meaning -"6 The tape is file protected. 7 A serious tape error occurred. 8 Incorrect length error. end-of-file or end-of-tape 12 An condition was encountered. 3 --, COde Meaning The buffer size is too large. 2 Channel 12 was sensed (virtual 3211 only). 3 Channel 9 was sensed (virtual 3211 only). 5 An unknown error occurred. 100 The device is not attached, or intervention is required. code Meaning -2- The file was not read. 3 An unknown error occurred. 4 The device is not operational. was not egual to the 5 The count reguested count. 8 The given storage area was smaller than the actual size of the item read. (Recoverable error; the nUllber of bytes corresponding to the size of the buffer have been read.) 12 End of file was reached. 100 The device is not attached. System Action: After the error message is displayed, no further action is taken. Control returns to the routine that made the SVC. For DMSDOS, RC 100, and execution of the command terminates. User Action: To stop execution of the program, type HX. You can remove the specified SVC call from the caller's program, or use the CMS SVC handler function (HNDSVC) to provide your own routine to handle the specified SVC. 122S ERROR IN C1LL TO routine FROM CODE nnn (HEX XXXIXX) addr, ERROR ~lanation: A CftS SVC (202 or 203) instruction was executed, and no provi sion was made for an error return from the routine processing the SVC. Nonetheless, an error occurred. "nnn" is the return code, in decimal, issued by the routine given in the message; "xxxxxx" is the same return code, in hexadecimal. ~!~ Action: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X I OF3 1 • Code Meaning An unrecoverable unit check occurred. 3 An unknown error occurred. 4 The device is not operational. 100 The device is not attached. -2 121S UNSUPPORTED SVC addr svc (HEX xx) CALLED FROM Expla~ation: The caller issued an SVC, specifying a number that was not recognized by the CMS or CMS/DOS SVC handler. The CKS SVC handler following SVC numbers: recognizes the Use~ Acti~: If you enter DEBUG and type GO, control returns to the point to which a normal return would have been made. Register 15 contains the error code. 123S ERROR Innl PRINT PUNCHING FILE Ifn ft fill Explanation: An I/O error vas encountered while attempting to print or punch a record. Refer to message DftSxxx120s for an explanation of error codes. Action: RC = 100 The output device is closed and execution of the cOlllland is terminated. ~!~ Conversational ftonitor System (CftS) ftessages 133 DMS User Action: Use the error code to determi;;-possible cause of error. Reissue the command, and if the error persists, contact your system support personnel. Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~~em User Acti~: Correct the condition causing the I/O error, and reissue the command. 124S ERROR READING CARD FILE j~la~~!iQn: A permanent input/output error occurred when reading a specified file. 129S I/O ERROR ON OUTPUT WRITING RECORD HUMBER nnnn: OUTPUT ERROR code ON ddname The SYNAD exit was taken in response to an OPEN, PUT, or CLOSE macro on the DCB for the specified ddname. The meaning of the error code can be found in the explanation of message DMSxxx120S in this manual. ~I2i~! ~lanation: User Action: Reissue the command. If the error-Perslsts, contact your installation support personnel. ~!~~ ActiQn: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The reader is closed with the HOLD option to attempt to preserve the file. !ction: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. 125S PERMANENT UNIT CHECK ON DISK 'mode(cun)' An unrecoverable occurred on the specified disk. ~xplanation: I/O error Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. Some cylinders may have been formatted. If so, the nqmber is indicated by message DMSFOR732I. ~2te.!!! User Action: Contact personner:-126S ERROR {RFADIWRIT}ING 'mode (cuu) , your system LABEL An unrecoverable occurred on the specified disk. jxplangii~: support ON DISK I/O error ,Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: Correct the condition causinq the I/O error, and reissue the command. 130S BLOCKSIZE ON THAN 9 V FORMAT FILE ddname IS LESS Explanation: The FILEDEF for the ddname specifies a record format (RECF!) of V, but the specified blocksize (BLOCK) is less than nine. Note: A block of a variable length (V-format) file begin~ with a four byte field giving the S1ze of the block. Furthermore, each logical record within the block begins with a four byte field specifying the size of that logical record. For that reason, a V-format file cannot have a blocksize less than nine. ~I.§.te! User !ctiQn: Contact personnel. your system ~Y§tem!£tionz RC = 88 Execution of the co.mand is terminated. The system status remains the same. support Use~ !cti~: Specify a blocksize of nine or greater, and retry. 127S UNSUPPORTED DEVICE FOR ddname 131S IPL DEVICE WRITE I/O ERROR The command does not support the device specified for the given ddname. Explanati~: Action: RC = 100 Execution of the com.and is terminated. The system status remains the same. An uncorrectable I/O occurred while writing the nucleus. ~lanation: error ~I.2te.!!! User Action: Reissue the FILEDEF command, specifyIng- the correct device type, and retry the command. If the error persists, call your system support personnel. 128S I/O ERROR ON INPUT AFTER READING RECORDS: INPUT ERROR code ON ddname ~te1! Action: The system continues as if the user had responded "no" to D!SIHI607R. User. Action: Bake sure that the nucleus cylInder-IiUiber is not larger than the size of the disk. If it is, perform an IPL and specify the correct cylinder number. If it is not, call your system support personnel. nnn 132S FILE 'fn ft fm' TOO LARGE ~lan~iiQn: The SYNAD exit was taken in response to an OPEN, GET, or CLOSE macro on the DCB for the specified ddname. The meaning of the error code can be found in the explanation of message DMSxxx120S in this manual. 134 IBM VM/370 System Messages ExplanatiQn: The specified file is large for the user's virtual machine. too D!S svstem Action: RC = 88 Ex~~~tion of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: Split the file, or use the CP com.and DEFINE to increase the size of the virtual machine, and reissue the command. 133S INVALID GETHAIN OR FREEHAIN SPECIFICATION Explanation: Either the user passed invalid parameters or the GETHAIN or FREEHAIN chain has been destroyed. System Action: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X'704', X'70S', X'804', X'80A', i'90S', X'90A', X'A05', or X'AOA'. possible GETHAIN or errors in the user User Action: Check for FREEHAIN specification program. 134S UNSUPPORTED addr. SVC 203 CODE nn CALLED User Action: Verify whether sufficient virtual storage is available to run Access Hethod Services under CHS/iSA!. If not, define a larger virtual machine, IPL CHS again, and reissue the command. If sufficient storage was available, contact your system support personnel. 136T SVC CALL FROH addr INTSVC. RE-IPL CHS ILLEGALLY RE-ENTERS Explanation: The CHS nucleus has failed. An SVC instruction was executed unexpectedly by the CHS nucleus before interpretation of the preceding SVC call had been completed. System Action: The system is terminated by loading a disabled wait state PSi. User Action: Issue the CP DU!P command to get a dump of virtual storage, save the output, and call your system support personnel. Then IPL CHS again. FRO! 137S ERROR nn ON STATE FOR fn ft Explanation: SVC 203 was executed, and the halfword code following it was not recognized by the system. System Actio~: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X' OF1' • User Actio~: If you enter DEBUG and type GO, control returns to the point following the SVC call. 13SS !AXIHU! SiC DEPTH 20 HAS BEEN EXCEEDED iITH CALL AT addr Expla~!io~: SiC recursion occurs when one SiC handling routine executes an SVC instruction which invokes another SVC handling routine which, in turn, executes an SiC instruction. This can happen, for example, when EXEC files make nested calls to other EXEC files. The CBS system does not allow the nesting level of SVCs to exceed 20, or the nesting level of EXECs to exceed 19. system Action: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X'OF2'. User Action: Type in the next command; this will cause abend recovery to take place. 136S UNABLE TO LOAD 'IDCAHS' Explanation: The command has not been executed because Access Bethod Services could not successfully load the DOS/VS IDCABS Access Bethod Services program. System Action: RC = 104 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to determine if a 'fn ft' exists that must be erased before continuing to load the tape. nn indicates the nature of the aay be one of the following: error; it Code Heaning ~ An invalid 36 character appeared fileid. The disk is not accessed. Systg Action: RC = 100 The tape is positioned file. within in the the data User Action: If you can determine the probleifroiii the "Explanation" and remedy reissue the command. the condition, Otherwise, reissue the command and if the contact your system problem persists, support personnel. 137T CALL TO routine FRO! addr DESTROYED SYSTEM SAVE AREA. RE-IPL CBS Explanation: A critical system control block was found to contain invalid information upon return from a function or command. ~tem Action: The system is terminated by loading a disabled wait state PSi. Use~ Act~~n: IPL eHS again. 138S ERROR nn ERASING fn ft BEFORE LOADING TAPE Explanati,Q!l: After determininq that there vas a file named 'fn ft' on the A-disk, an attempt vas made to erase it before Conversational Monitor System (CBS) Messages 135 D!S continuing the PDS load from tape. However, the erase failed for the specified reason. Explanation: CMSIDOS does not support the FEOVD, SEOV, or FEOV macros. l1~i!ning 28 36 140S {FEOVDISEOVIFEOV} MACRO NOT SUPPORTED The disk is read-only, or the option, parameter ,mode, or fileid is invalid. Erase is not allowed. The file was not found. The disk is not accessed. jction: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The tape is positioned within the data file. ~yste~ User Action: Access the A-disk in mode and-reissue the command. write Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. ~j:~ User Action: Eliminate the unsupported program and reissue ;acros~O;- the user the command. 140T routine ROUTINE CALLED FROM addr DID DMSKEY WITH NO RESET. ~!~ation: 138T 'DMSKEY' CALL FRO! addr STACK, WITH !AX DEPTH 7 OVERFLOWS KEY Expla~i!~~Qn: The t!SKEY key stack overflowed. For a complete description of the DMSKEY key stack, see the description of the D!SKEY macro in the V!t370 System ~~~J!!gr 's Guide. Syste~ Action: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X'OF4'. User A£tiQ~: If you enter DEBUG and type go, execution continues and the D!SKEY macro is ignored. 139S TAPE FILE EXCEEDS 9 C!S MACLIBS ~~la~atiQ~: been created on the tape. Nine CMS MACLIBs have already and there is still more data USg[ A£~ion: If possible, increase the ITE!CT value in order to create larger CMS files. If this is not possible, it may be necessary to use the TAPPDS command to load each member as a different file on the disk and then create the !ACLIBs from the individual files using the 8ACLIB command. RESET' FROM addr UNDERFLOWS Action: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X·OF6'. User Action: If you enter DEBUG and type "go",-control returns from the function or command as if the key stack were empty. 141S {DOSGENICMSXGENICMSZGENIDMSZES} FAILED TO SAVESYS ERRORS The DMSKEY key stack was empty and a program routine tried to delete one more key from it. For a complete description of the DMSKEY key stack, see the description of the DMSKEY macro in the ~11.Q ~y§!em Proll~.!!'!!!'§£"§ .@uide. ~!~.!! jct~Qn: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X'OF5'. User Action: If you enter DEBUG and type "goll,--execution continues and the DMSKEY macro is ignored. IEM VM/370 System Messages DUE ExplanatiQn: Errors occurred while tryinq to issue the CP SAVESYS command to save the discontiguous shared segment. Action: RC = 100 . ---~--.I,.-!I Execution of the co ••and is .'-"'.LDU.llCL The \..ot::'u. system status remains the same. Use~ Action: A CP error message was issued before this message. Locate the CP error message and follow the user action given. 141T exception EXCEPTION ROUTINE callee Explanation: The exception occurred location. OCCURRED AT specified at the addr IN hardware specified KEY ~xplana!~Qn: 136 ~Y§j:em ~j:~~ Syst~~ Action: RC = 104 Execution of the command is terminated; the tape is positioned within the data file. 139T 'DMSKEY STACK When control returned from a command or function, the DMSKEY kev stack for that command or function was not-empty. For a complete description of the DMSKEY key stack, refer to the description of the DMSKEY macro in the 111L170 Syst~! Programmer' s Guide. ~j:~.!! Action: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X'Oen', where n depends on the type of exception: ~ o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C ~ Imprecise Operation Privileged operation Execute Protection Addressing Specification Decimal data Fixed-point overflow Fixed-point divide Decimal overflow Decimal divide Exponent overflow DMS n D E F 143T exception EXCEPTION OCCURRED AT addr SYSTEM ROUTINE callee. IPL CMS again 1Y.2~ Exponent underflow Significance Floating-point divide User Action: Enter DEBUG the Psw--and registers at exception. in ~1anation: The specified hardware exception occurred in a CMS system routine. mode to examine the time of the Syst~1!! Action: The CMS system halts loading a disabled wait state PSi. by U~~ 142S SAVED SYSTEM NAME 'name' INVALID ~la~lj,.Q!!= The name specified with the SET command was not the same as one of the labels in the 5Y5NAME5 table; that is, it was not CMSSEG, CMSDOS, CMSA~S, or CMSVSAM. .§y§tem Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. User Action: Reissue specifying a-valid name. the Acti.Q!!: You may continue processinq (with DEBUG) by using the CP command STORE PSW to turn off the wait state bit in the virtual PSi, leaving the address field unmodified; then type BEGIN. Note, however, that the exception may have occurred in a vital system function, and so the system may no longer function properly • You may even lose your read/write disks~ If this happens, IPL eMS again. command, 1445 REQUESTED FILE IS IN ACTIVE STATUS 142T exception EXCEPTION OCCURRED AT addr IN ROUTINE routine DURING 'SPIEl EXIT ROUTINE Explanatj,on: The exception occurred routine. specified during a hardware SPIE exit Syste1!! Action: The system abends with abend code X'OCn', where!! depends on the type of exception. !! o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F fi~ Imprecise Operation Privileged operation Execute Protection Addressing specification Decimal data Fixed-point overflow Fixed-point divide Decimal overflow Decimal device Exponent overflow Exponent underflow Significance Floating-point divide User Action: Enter DEBUG the-P5W--and registers at exception. ~lanation: The fileid specified in the EDIT command line is that of a file currently in use, or in active status. Th~ read pointer for the file may be at any record in the file, which would cause that record to be read into storage by the Editor as the first record in the file. A subsequent FILE or SAVE command would result in loss of records prior to the first record read into storaqe. This problell could exist if an EXEC is being executed which includes an EDIT command specifying the fileid of the EXEC. ~!em Action: Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: Ensure that the file is not active when the EDIT comlland is issued. In the EXEC example, change the EXEC and issue the EDIT command separately. 144T exception EXCEPTION OCCURRED AT ROUTINE callee WHILE 'UFDBUSY' = CMS AGAIN mode to examine the time of the addr IN xx. IPL Explanati.Q!!: A program exception occurred in a routine that updates the user file directory for a read/write disk. The UFDBUSY flags are defined in the FVSSECT of the VM/370 Data Areas and £.Qn.!.~.Q1 Bloc~ Logic man ual. 143S UNABLE TO LOAD SAVED SYSTEM OR LOAD MODULE ~!g1!! ]xpla!!atj,.Q!!: Neither a CMS segment EDHAIN load module is availatle. nor an Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~tem Access a disk with an EDHAIN the SET command to ensure that the CMSSEG entry in the SYSNAMES table contains the name of an available CMS segment. Action: The CMS system halts loading a disabled wait state PSi. by User Action: You can continue processing by using the-Cp command STORE PSi to turn off the wait state bit in the virtual PSi, leaving the address field unmodified; then type BEGIN. User Action: MODUL~-or-use Note, however, that the exception may have occurred in a vital system function, and so the system lIay no longe r functi on properl y. You may even lose your read/write disks. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 137 D!S 149T nnn (HEX xxx) DOUBLEWORDS OF SYSTE! STORAGE HAVE BEEI DESTROYED. RE-IPL CftS 145S INTERVENTION REQUIRED ON {PRINTERIPUNCH} Explanation: This message is issued if: • • The punch or printer is not ready. Spooling space is exhausted while a file is being punched or printed. Syste~ }ction: Re = 100 If the punch or printer was not ready, the system status remains the same. If spooling space was exhausted, the file has been punched or printed up to the point where the space ran out, and the system operator has been notified of the condition. Q~ !cti2D: Ready the punch or printer via the CP READY co.mand. If spooling space was exhausted, ask the V!/370 system operator when spooling space will be available for punching or printing the file again. - - - (Basic System Extensions) - - - 147R IS THE SHARED S-DISK Y-DISK DIRECTORY TO BE USED WITH THIS SYSTE!? YES NO ExplanatioB: Since the shared directories are copies of the current in-storage UFDS, the segment must be generated on the same level system to use the segment. System Action: lone. User If the currently generated wrong level or the shared directory feature is not wanted, reply '10'. A reply of 'YES' causes the current in-stoLage S-STAT OL i-STAT to be copied into the C!SZER segment and saved with the named seqment. If you reply '10' to this S-DISK message, the system will also bypass erasing the Y-DISI. Explanation: In attempting to recover from a system abend, the abend recovery routine discovered invalid data in some critical system storage area. ~Y2!~ Action: The C!S system halts loading a disabled wait state PSi. by User Action: If you wish to continue abend recovery, use the CP STORE command PSW to turn off the wait state bit, leaving the address field unmodified; then type BEGIN. However, the system may be unable to continue operating properly, and, in the worst case, you may destroy your read/write disks. 150i nnn (HEX xxx) DOUBLEWORDS OF SYSTE! STORAGE WEB E lOT RECOVERED Explanation: In attemptin~ to recover from a system abend, not all system storaqe was recovered. System Action: Abend recovery proceeds as if storage recovery had been successful. Use~ Acti~: You may continue processing; your program should be executed correctly. lote, however, that the amount of storage available to your program is reduced by the amount shown in the message. Action: system--rs~he 152T SYSTE! ABEID xxx CALLED FRO! addr 'UFDBUSY' = xx. RE-IPL C!S WHILE Explanation: A system abend occurred in a routine that updates the user file directory for a . read/write disk. The UFDBUSY flags are defined in the FVSSBCT of the V8/370 Data Areas and ~.2.Dtrol Block Logic. ~tem 148T SYSTE! ABE~D Action: The system is terminated by loading a disabled wait state PSi. xxx CALLED FRO! 'addr' Expla~!.iQn: The system detected condition that made it impossible continue execution of your program command. a to or Syste~ }ction: The system clears any stacked input lines and allows you to enter your next co.mand. If you enter the DEBUG command, DEBUG mode is entered with the PSi and registers set as they were when the abend occurred. If you enter any other command, the abend recovery routine releases all your virtual storage and reinitializes the command handling mechanism before executing your next command. User }cti2B: Enter a valid command. 138 IB! '!/370 System !essages User Action: If you wish to continue abend recovery, use the CP command STORE PSW to turn off the wait state bit leaving the address field unmodified, and type BEGII. However, the system may be unable to continue operating properly, and, in the worst case, you may destroy your read/write disks. 153i 'HX' DURING ABEND PROCESSIIG WAS IGIORED ~lanati~: 'HX' was typed while the abend processing routine was in progress. System Action: The system ignores the 'HX' and continues abend processing. DMS 154T SAVE AREA FOR SVC CALL ALLOCATED FRO! addr CANNOT BE 157E LABEL 'label' NOT FOUND IN FILE 'fn ft fa' Expl~ation: EX2l!nation: Insufficient free storage is available to allocate a save area for an SVC. Syste~ Action: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X'OFO'. User Action: If the abend was caused by an (such as an unending loop;, fix the program and retry. If not, use the CP DEFINE command to increase the size of your virtual storaqe, IPL CMS again, and reissue the command. error~he application program The FRLABEL option was specified in the command line, but the given label was not found in the specified input file. RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions: ~.:tem·Action: • • 155T USER ABEND nnnn CALLED FROM addr Expla~tion: An abend macro was executed at the specified location. Syst~~ ~ng User Action: The system clears any stacked -Input lines and allows you to type in your next command. If you enter the DEBUG command, DEBUG mode is established with the PSi and registers set as they were when the abend occurred. If you enter any other command, the abend recovery routine releases all your virtual storage and reinitializes the command handlinq mechanism before executing your next command. 156E 'FROM nnn' NOT FOUND ONLY 'nnn' RECORDS FILE 'fn ft fm' HAS Ir toe APPEND option was specified and the copying process began before the error was discovered, records have been appended to the output file. If the NEWFILE (the default), REPLACE, or OVLY option was specified and the copying process began before the error was discovered, then COPYFlLE CMSUT1, on the output disk, contains the records copied so far. User Action: Reissue specifying a valid label. 157S MACLIB LIMIT EXCEEDED {, WAS '.embername'} the command, LAST KEMBER ADDED ~!anati2n: While files were beinq added to a MACLIB, either the maximum CMS file size (65533 items) was exceeded or the MACLIB disk space was filled. If the error was detected while writing the first member to a MACLIB, the last part of the messaqe is omitted and message D!SLBM213W is also issued. Otherwise, the member name of the last successful addition is displayed. Explanati2n: The FROM option was given in the command line to specify the starting record of the copying operation, but the specified input file does not contain that many records. ~tem·Action: Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions: User Action: Issue the LISTFILE command to determine if the number of MAC LIB items is approaching 65533. If so, no more macros may be added to the MACLIB: it is at the CMS file size liait. Generate another MACLIB. ~ste~ • • If the APPEND option was specified and the copying process began before the error was discovered, records have been appended to the output file. If the NEiFILE (the default), REPLACE, or OVLY option was specified and the copying process began tefore the error was discovered, then COPYFILE CMSUT1, on the output disk, contains the records copied so far. RC = 88 Execution of the command is termina t.ed. All successful additions made before the limit was exceeded are contained in the MACLIB. Issue the QUERY command to see if the MACLIB disk is approximately 97 percent full. If so, more disk space must be found. Issue the !ACLIB MAP command to determine the contents of MACLIB. 158E NO CMS/DOS PROCEDURE LIBRARY SUPPORT ~lanation: • If in multiple-out put-file mode, several output files may have been created before the error was discovered. CMS/DOS does not support he reading or writing of the DOS/VS procedure library from the user program. Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. ~stem User Action: . Reissue the command, specifying-a-valid starting record. Us~~ Action: Correct the ten-byte field passed to DMSOPL ($$BOPNLB) to indicate source library processing. Then reissue the command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 139 DMS 159T INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE TO DMSFREE REQUEST FROM addr SATISFY suddenly fails available. ) when less storage is jxpla~:tio1!: A DMSFREE request from the specified location could not be satisfied. If the request was variable, then even the minimum request could not be satisfied. ~!y !ctiQ1!: The system makes no further attempt to allocate storage, and takes further action depending on the type of DMSFREE call that was made: • If the call was conditional (the ERR= option was specified), a return is made to the caller with a return code of 4. • If the call vas unconditional and made via SVC 203, a system abend OF1 occurs. • If the call vas unconditional and vas made by specifying TYPCALL=BALR in the DBSFREE macro, a system abend OF8 occurs. ~yste~ • If the call was conditional (the ERR= option was specified), a return ~s made to the caller with a return code of 1. • If the call was unconditional and .ade via svc :203, ~ ~yst~t!I abend occurs. • If the call was unconditional and was made by specifying TYPCALL=BALR in the DMSFREE macro, abend OF8 a system occurs. was OF7 the case of conditional programmer has presumably anticipated an error situation, and ·no further action is required. In the case of a system abend, issue the DEBUG command to attempt recovery from the situation. Us~ Action: The system makes no fUrther attempt to allocate storage, and takes further action depending on the type of DMSFREE call that was made: User Action: In the case of conditional requests, the programmer has presumably anticipated an error situation, and no further action is required. In the case of a system abend, use the DEBUG command to attempt a recovery from the situation. Action: In reguest~-the 160S JOB CANCELED DUE TO PROGRAM REQUEST The job has been canceled either by a CANCEL macro issued from the user's program, or from the CBS/DOS routine when an error was encountered during execution. ~lana:tiQn: Action: RC = 100 The return code is given if CBS initiated the cancel. otherwise, the appropriate return code, from 0 to 255 (not 100) will be passed back to the user. (This is the return code passed from the user to DMSDOS.) If the return code passed to DBSDOS is greater than 255, DMSDOS passes a special RC = 101. 161S UNEXPECTED ERROR CODE 'nn' ON 'SYSxxx' An error occurred during an EXCP (SVC 0) request. The error code indicates the type of error that occurred: ~lanation: Code Beaning 1 No channel program(s) (CCW) vas specified in the CCB. 2 The logical unit specified is unassigned. 3 The device specified for the logical unit in the CCB is unsupported. 4 An invalid CCW command code was founa. 5 The loqical unit specified in the CCB is assigned to an unknown disk. 6 An attempt has been made to write to a DOS-formatted disk. 1 A specified CCW co ••and is unsupported in CBS/DOS. a An attempt has been made to read from a disk not in CBS, DOS, or OS format. ~!.§tem User !ction: If the cancel was initiated by the user's request, no action is needed. If an error message precedes this message, follow the user action of the preceding message. address in the CCB Action: RC = 100 Execution of the routine is terminated. ~!y 160T INVALID DMSFFEE CALL FROM addr An invalid DBSFREE request was One of the following has occurred: Expl~1!atiQn: made. 140 • The number of doublewords requested was zero or negative. • For variable requests, the minimum request was greater than the maximum. (Note that this error is never detected if the maximum request can be satisfied. This point can be important where a program that has run successfully IBM VM/370 System Messages User Action: Use the error code to determine and correct the possible cause of error. 161T INVALID DBSFRET NURBER nn CALL FROB addr, FRROR An invalid DMSFRET request was made from the specified address. The error number indicates the type of error that occurred: ~lanati~: OMS Error ]o~ Use~ ActiQn: 1Ft eMS again. 1i~aning 5 The number of doublewords was zero or negative. specified 163T {LOW I HIGH} -CORE USER CHAIN HAS DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn) The block of storage being released was never allocated by DMSFREE. Such an error is detected if one of the following is found: 6 The block does not lie entirely within those sections reserved for DMSFBEE storage. • The block crosses a page boundary that separates a page allocated for TYPE=USER storage from a page allocated for TYPE=NUC1EUS storage. • The block overlaps another block already on the free storage chain. Explanation: The chain of all storage elements, from which DMSFREE storage with TYPE=USER (the default) is allocated, has been destroyed. Since these storage pointers are unprotected, a user program may inadvertently destroy the: without gettinq a protection violation. The "internal error coden in the error messaqe is for error analysis by system programmers. Action: The message DMSFRE165T. ~tem 7 The address given for the block being released is not doubleword aligned. Syste~ Action: The system makes no further attempt to release the storage block, and takes further action depending on the type of DMSFRET call made: • If the call was conditional (the ERR= option was specified), a return is made to the caller with a return code of 5, 6, or 7. • If the call was unconditional and made via SVC 203, a system abend occurs. was OF7 BEEN system first displays Next, the system attempts to recover sufficiently so that processing can continue at least to the point where abend recovery can be performed. It does this by zeroing Qut the chain header pointers for the destroyed chain. This effecti vel y "loses" any storage that is on that particular chain, but it allows processinq to continue. (Note that abend recovery will later recover all "lost" TYPE=USER storage.) Further system action depends on the type of DftSFREE or DftSFRET call that was made: • If the call was conditional (the ERR= option was specified) , a return is made to the caller with a return code of 2. • If the call was unconditional and was made via SVC 203, then a system abend OF7 occurs. the case of conditional programmer has presumably anticipated an error situation, and no further action is required. • If the call was unconditional and was made by specifying TYPCALL=BALR in the a system abend OF8 DMSFREE macro, occurs. In the case of a system abend, use DEBUG to attempt to recover from the situation. the case of conditional programmer has presumably anticipated an error situation, and no further action is required. • If the call was unconditional and was made by specifying TYPC1LL=B1LR in the DMSFREE macro, a system abend OF8 occurs. User Action: In requestS:-~he 162T VITAL FREE STORAGE POINTERS DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn), RE-IPL CMS jxplanation: A free storage management pointer in NUCON has been destroyed. The system cannot continue. The error code indicates the type of error that occurred: Code Meani}!.q current low EXTEND value (FREELOWE) is greater than VMSIZE. ~ The User Action: In reqQests,~he In the case of a system abend, use the DEBUG cOllmand to attempt a recovery from the sit ua tion. 164T {LOWIHIGH}-CORE NUCLEUS STORAGE POINTERS DESTROYED (IITERIAL ERROR CODE nn). RE-IPL CMS 85 The current low EXTElJD value is beloy the beqinning user of the area. of free-storage Explanation: The chain ,}lellents, from which DMSFREE storage wi th is allocated, bas been 'fYPE=ltUC LEUS destroyed. 86 Bytes in FREETAB are valid range. Syst~ Action: The system is terminated by loading a disabled wait state PSW. not within the j&tiQD: The system is terminated by loading a disabled wait state PSW. ~Iste. Conversational Monitor System (CftS) Messages 141 DMS User Action: Issue the CP DUMP command to get-a~;p-of virtual storage, and save the output for your system programmer. Then IPL CMS again. 165T CHAIN HEADER AT addr: xxxxxx 4 xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx ~!E1a~iiQn: This message appears in conjunction with messages DMSFRE163T and DMSFRE164T. It indicates the contents of the DMSFRE chain header block for the destroyed chain. 5 6 12yg~.! .A£iiQn: See "System Action" messages DMSFRE163T and DMSFRE164T. for ErrQ!: (DMSFREE, DMSFRET, or DMSFRES) Nucleus sorage pointers destroyed. (DMSFREE) An invalid size was requested. This error exit is taken if the requested size does not exceed zero. For variable requests, the minimum request exceeds the maximum request. (However, the latter error is not detected if DftSFRE is able to satisfy the maximum reguest.) (DMSFRET) An invalid size was passed to the DMSFRET macro. The specified length is not positive. (DMSFRET) The block of storage that is being released was never allocated by DMSFREE. One of the following errors occurred: User Action: See "User Action" for messaqes DMSFRE163T-and DMSFRE164T. • 166T UNEXPECTED ERROR IN FREE STORAGE MANAGEMENT ROUTINE (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn). RE-IPL CMS. The block was not within either the low storage free storage area or the user proqram area (between FREELOWE and FEEUPPR) • • The block crosses a paqe boundary that separates a page allocated for user storage from a page allocated for nucleus type storage. • The block overlaps another block already on the free storage chain. ~pla~siiQn: The DMSFRE routine had an unexpected internal error. Furthermore, a check showed that all internal free storage pointers were valid. ~te.! .Action: The system is terminated by loading a disabled wait state psw. User Action: Issue the CP DUMP command to g~a-aump-of virtual storage, and save the output for your system programmer. Then IPL CMS aqain. 167S PREVIOUS ~ACLIB FUNCTION NOT FINISHED A MACLIB GEN, ADD, REP, or DELETE function issued for this MACLIB was ended (for example via a HI command) prior to normal completion. User Action: The MACLIB unpredictable. Use the MACLIB to reconstruct the MAClIB. 8 9 Expl~~ati2n: §ysteJ.l! Action: RC = 88 The current command is not executed. system status remains the same. 7 The status is GEN command (DMSFRET) The address given for the block being released is not double word aligned. (DMSFRE S) An invalid request code was passed to the DMSFRES routine. Since all request codes are generated by the DMSFRES macro, this error code should never appear. (DMSFREE, DMSFRET, or DMFRES) Unexpected and unexplained error in the free storage management routine. ~!~.! Act~: The system begins to check all free storage pointers for consistency to see if any have been destroyed. The system displays further diagnostic messages when inconsistencies are discovere~. Use!: Action: Check the the further diagnostic produced. "User Action" messages that for are 168S PSEUDO REGISTER TABLE OVERFLOW 167T FREE STORAGE ERROR CODE nn MANAGEMENT ERROR, INTERNAL Exp1anaiiQ~: An error occurred in the free storage management routine that handles DMSFRES, DMSFREE, and DMSFRET requests. -,- Code Error (DHSFREE) Insufficient storage space is available to satisfy a free storage request or the minimum request could not be satisfied on a variable request. 2 (DMSFREE or D~SFRET) User storage pointers destroyed. 142 IBM VM/370 System Messages ~l.Blsnati~: (START or LOAD/INCLUDE START). The pseudo register index table is full. There are too many pseudo registers (external dumay sections) in the loaded files. This is a system restriction. 12n!em Action: RC = 104 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: Correct and-tryagain. the Assembler program DBS 1695 E5DID TABLE OVERFLOi 113E NO RECORDS ft fs' Explanation: An external symbol dictionary identification table overflow has occurred. The maximum number of external naaes per text deck (START or first CSECT to end card) is 255. This is a system restr ict ion. Systea Action: RC = 104 Loading stops. The system the saae. status remains User Action: Divide your saaller units and try again. 170S DISK 'mode (cuu) FILES I HAS program BAX1BUB NUKBER into System Action: BC = 10 The file is not written. remains the same. User Action: disk. FILE 'fn Explanation: The options specified for the input files caused no records to be copied. This will happen, for exaaple, if the FRLABEL label appears in the first record of each (or the only) input file being copied to the output file. . ~!~. Action: RC = 40 Execution of the com.and is ter.inated. The systea status remains the same, with the followinq exceptions: • If the APPEND option was specified and the copying process began before the error was discovered, records have been appended to the output file. • If the NEiFILE (the default), REPLACE, or OVLY option was specified and the copying process began before the error was discovered, then COPYFILE CMSUT1, on the output disk, contains the records copied so far. • If in aultiple output file mode, several output files may have been created before the error vas discovered. OF ExplaBati~: 3400 files have been written. If any additional files were written, the disk area that contains the file status table blocks would overflow. iERE COPIED TO OUTPUT The systea status Erase soae files from the User Action: COiian-d-.-- Correct and reissue the 111T PERMANENT CONSOLE ERROR. RF-1PL CBS. Explanation: Either the- terainal is not operational (for example, Start I/O trouble has occurred) or the status of the terminal is unexpected (for example, channel errors, or bad interrupt sequence). .§nteI Action: The system is terainated by loading a disabled wait state PSi. The wait state PSi contains the CMS nucleus address where the error occurred. User Action: IPL CBS again. 112E TO LABEL 'label' {EQUALSIIS SUBSTRING OF} FRLABEL 'label' AN INITIAL Explanation: The TO lABEL and FRLABEL options were specified. Either both labels were equal, or the TOLABEt was an initial substring of the FRLABEt label (as nABCn is an initial substring of "ABCnn). This is an error condition because it implies that no records whatsoever are to be copied to the output file. SysteA Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the saae. User Action: couana:--- Correct and reissue the 114i SEQUENCE ERROR ' •••••••• ' TO INTRODUCED II OUTPUT FILE: ••••••••• , Explanation: The updating procedure caused a sequence error to be introduced into the output file. That is, in the output file there were two records (with the sequence numbers shown in the warning message) such ~nat the sequence nuaber .u the first record was equal to or exceeded the sequence number in the second. syst~ Action: RC = 8 The invalid sequence numbers are left in the records, which are written to the output file. Update processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, additional update passes are made. If several warning messages are qenerated during the updating process, the final return code passed by the UPDATE co •• and will be the hiqhest return code (4, 8, or 12) associated vith the warninq messages. The REP option, if it was specified, will be ignored, and the final update deck viII have the fileid "$fna.e ftype". See the explanation of message D"SUPD111I for further information on the meaninqs of the UPDATE warninq return codes. User Action: probably, the reseqnencing field following the "sa in the last update control card contained invalid data. Correct the invalid control card in the update file, and reissue the UPDATE command. Conversational Bonitor System (CMS) Messages 143 DMS 176W SEQUENCING OVERFLOW FOLLOWING SEQ NUMBER ~xpla~~i!Q~: When the resequencing increment was added to the sequence number shown, the result overflowed the maximum sequence number. If the SEQ8 option is in effect, the maximum sequence number is 99999999. If the NOSEQ8 option is in effect, however, the maximum sequence number is 99999. Action: RC = 8 The new sequence number is truncated on the left to 8 or 5 digits (depending on the status of the SEQ8 option). A sequencing error is introduced into the output file. ~te.!! command. In addition, if the REP option was specified in the command line, it is ignored, and the updated source file has the fileid "$fname ftype", as if the REP option had not been specified. User Act!QD: Refer to the warninq messages that were issued and correct the errors. 1781 UPDATING {'fn ft fm'} Expl~atiQn: The specified update file is being applied to the source file. This message appears only if the CTL option has been specified in the command line. ~~.~~~ updat~ processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, additional update passes are made. If several warning messages are generated during the updating process, the final return code passed by the UPDATE command is the highest of the return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the warning messages. WITH 'fn ft fm' ~£tjon: The updi'l.tinq prt::'caess continues. 179E MISSING OR DUPLICATE 'HACS' CARD IN CONTROL FILE 'fn ft fm' ~lanation: The REP option, if it was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid "Sfname ftype". The CTL option was specified, but the control file did not contain exactly one 'HACS' control card. Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the salle, with the following possible exceptions: ~1Y See the explanation of message DMSUPD177I for further information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. User !ct!Q~: probably, the resequencing field followinq "$" in the last update control card contained invalid data. Correct the invalid centrol card in the update file, and reissue the UPDATE command. 1771 WARNING MESSAGES ISSUED {'REP' OPTION IGNORED.} (SEVERITY Warning messages were issued during the updating process. The severity shown in the error message in the "nn" field is the highest of the return codes associated with the warning messages that were generated during tbe updating process. The warning return codes have the following meanings: ~QQg ~~~~ing 4 sequence errors were detected in the original source file reing updated. 8 Sequence errors tbat did not formerly exist in the oriqinal source file being updated were introduced in the output file during the updating process. Any other nonfatal error detected during the updating process has a return code of 12. Such errors include invalid update file control cards and missinq PTF files. ~y§tem !£iiQ~: back 144 as the The severity value is passed return code from the UPDATE IBM VM/370 system Messaqes If a file with the fileid n$fname ftype" existed on the output disk before the command was entered, this file lIay ha ve been erased. ~ If the DISK optiou was in effect, and if a file with the fileid "fname UPDLOG" existed on the output disk before the command was entered, this file may have been erased. • If the CTL option was in effect, and if a file with the fileid "fname UPDATES" existed on the output disk before the command was entered, this file may have been erased. • If update processing had begun before the error was detected, any or all of the following files may have been created on the output disk by the U~DATE command: nn) • ~PlS~~1io~: 12 • UPDATE CMSUT1 Sfname ftype fname UPDLOG if the DISK option was in effect fname UPDATES - if the CTL option was in effect User fIle Action: Correct the invalid control ana-reissue the UPDATE command. 1791 COMPARING 'fn ft fm' WITH 'fn ft fm' Explanat!Q~: compared. The specified files are being DMS Syste~ !ction: Processing continues. 180W MISSING PTF FILE Ifn ft fml ]xpla~~1iQ~: An AUX file indicated that the specified PTF file was to be applied as an update file, but the file could not be found. Either the AUX file contains invalid data, or a PTF file is missing. !ction: RC = 12 Application of the YTr r~~e is skipped. Update processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, additional update passes are made. syste~ If several warning messages are generated during the updating process, the final return code passed by the UPDATE command is the highest of all return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the warning messages. The REP option, if it was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid "$fname ftype". See the explanation of message DMSUPD177I for further information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. User !£1iQ~: Correct the invalid data in the AUX file, or use the ACCESS command to access the disk containing the missing PTF file. invalid data in the control file. Either correct the invalid data or recover the missing files, and reissue the command. 182W SEQUENCE INCREMENT IS ZERO Explanatio~: A sequence increment of zero was specified either in a "./ S" control card, or in the "$" field of a ".1 I" or "./ R" control card. Action: RC = 8 Although the warning message is issued, the sequence increiiient of zero ~s actually used, in case that was what the user wanted. Update processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, additional update passes are made. ~1em If several warning messages are qenerated during the updating process, t~e final return code issued by the UPDATE command is the maximum of all return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the generated warning messages. The REP option, if it was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid "$fname ftype". See the explanation of message DMSUPD177I for further information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. User Action: Unless you intentionally specified--a sequence increment of zero, correct the invalid update control card and reissue the UPDATE command. 181E NO UPDATE FILES WERE FOUND ExE1s~~1iQ~: The CTL option was specified, of the update and PTF files spec~r~ea oy the control file and the AUX file(s) were found. !s a result, no updates at all were applied to the original source file. but 183E INVALID {CONTROLIAUX} FILE CONTROL CARD none Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated, since no updating can be performed. If the STK option was specified, the two lines of stacked data were placed on the stack before this error, so that they will still be available to an EXEC that invoked the UPDATE command. ~te.m This situation mayor may not be an error situation. The return code, 40, is unique in that no other UPDATE error message has that value as a return code. Thus, the same EXEC can be used to assemble source files that have updates against them, and those that have no updates against them. The latter situation can be detected by testing for a return code of 40, and by assembling tlie "fname" file rather t nan the ff$£nalllei' file. ]§er !ctio~: If this is not an error condition, no action need be taken. If this is an error condition, it is the result of either missing update or PTF files, or ~1anatiQM= An invalid control card was found in an AUX file or a control file. Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following possible exceptions: ~te.!! • If a file with the fileid "$fname ftype ll existed on the output disk before the command was entered, this file may have been erased. • If the DISK option was in effect, and if a file with the fileid "fname UPDLOG" existed on the output disk before the command vas entered, this file may have been erased. • If the CTL option was in effect, and if a file with the fileid "fname UPDATES" existed on the output disk before the command was entered, this file may have been eraseu. • If update processing had begun before the error was detected, then any or all of the following files may have been created on the output disk: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 145 D!!S UPDATE C!!SUT1 $fnaae ftype fname UPDLOG if the DISK option was in effect. fnaae UPDATES - if the CTL option was in effect. User Action: Correct the invalid control card and reissue the UPtATE command. - - - (Basic Systea Extensions) - - - For PRELOAD, correct the invalid control and reissue the PRELOAD command. 184. 1./ 5 i NOT FIRST IGNORED CARt IN The REP option, if it was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid "Sfname ftype". See the explanation of message DMSUpn177I for further information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. Use~ Action: Correct the invalid control card in the update file, and reenter the UPDATE com.and. card UPDATE FILE 186W SEQUENCE NUMBER ••••••••• , NOT FOUND Explanati~: A sequence number specified by an update file control card could not be found in the input file. An input seauence number higher than the one specified was found. Explanation: A "./ sn control card was encountered in the update file, but it was not the first noncom.ent card in the update control file. System-Action: RC = 12 The input file is positioned at the record whose sequence number exceeds the sequence number being searched for. !ct.!2n: RC = 12 The invalid card is ignored. Update processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, additional update passes are made. If several warn1ng messages are generated during the updating process, the final return code issued by the UPDATE command is the maximum of all return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the generated warning messages. The REP option, if it was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid "$fname ftype n • See the explanation of message D!!SUPD177I for further information on the meanings of the OPDATE varninq return codes. • ~tem • ]§e~ Action: Correct the update file by mov1ng the "./ S" control card to the beginning of the update file. Then reissue the UPDATE command. 185W INVALID CHAR IN SEQUENCE FIELD •••••••••• Explanation: An update file control card specified a sequence nuaber that contained an invalid character. Only the digits 0 through 9 .ay be used to specify a sequence number. Act ion: RC = 12 The invalid update control card is ignored. Furthermore, any cards following it, up to the next "./" card in the update file, will be ignored. Update processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, additional update passes are made. syste~ If several warning messages are generated during the updating process, the final return code issued by the UPDATE command is the maximum of all return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the generated warning messages. 146 IBM YM/370 System !!essages • If the invalid sequence field was the first argument of a "./ R", "./ I", or "./ D" operation, all records encountered up to that paint were copied to the output file. If the invalid sequence field was the second arguaent of a "./ R" or "./ n" operation, records encountered up to that point were not copied, and so were, in effect, deleted. In any event, no further deleting or inserting takes place for that control card, and any cards following this card, up to the next n./" card in the update control file, are ignored. Update processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, additional update passes are made. If several warning messages are generated during the updating process, the final return code issued by the UPDATE command is the aaxiaum of all return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the generated warning messages. The REP option, if it was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck bas the fileid "Sfname ftype". See the "Explanation" of message D"SUPD177I for further inforaation on the aeanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. User Action: Correct the invalid control card in the update file, and reenter the UPDATE command. 187E OPTIOI 'STK' IIVAL1D WITHOUT leTL' Explanation: The STK option was specified with the UPDATE com.and. This option requires the CTL option, but CTL was not specified in the coa.and line. DMS Syste~ Action: H~ ~q Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: Reissue specifying-the CTL option. the 1945 BOOK 'subl.book' CONTAINS BAD RECORDS ExR!g~~ion: Either the input control record was invalid or the NO GO switch was previously set. If the NO GO switch was previously set, the previous error message was the "User Action" for that cOlllland, 190W INVALID CONTROL RECORD CR NO GO SWITCH SET not user iction: A issued:--check message. input record is invalid, and this causes GO switch to be set at this time. Explanation: The book being copied contains invalid source statement library records. ~!~-Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. control the NO Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All REP control records are ignored until the next NAME or END control record is encountered. User Action: Recataloq the book on the system-or-private source statement library and reissue the command. ~te.!! Us~ Action: Determine error -and--correct it; command. the cause of then reissue the the 194W CSECT NOT FOUND IN 'mellbername'IMODULE 'modulename'J GO SWITCH {MEMBER SET NO ]Dlanati.Q!l: The specified CSECT was not found in a library member or a module loader table. ~!em i9ii PATCH OVERLAPS - SET NO GO SiITCH j~la~gti2n: The VER or REP displacement, or the DUMP start or end address, did not fit completely within the CSECT or MODOLE. systeL1ction: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All REP control records are ignored until the next NAME or END control record is encountered. Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All control records are ignored until the next NAME or END control record is encountered. User Action: The control record with the invalid CSECT name has been printed at the printer or displayed at your terminal. Check the member or module f or the proper CSECT name and reissue the comma nd. 195W BASE VALUE INVALID - SET NO GO SWITCH User Action: Correct the displacement field or the-start or end address of the control record and reissue the command. 192W ERROR SWITCH. ODD NUMBER OF DIGITS - SET NO GO jxplanat!gn: Either an address or a data field of a control record had an odd number of digits. RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All REP control records are ignored until the next NAME or END control record is encountered. ~teLAct!Q!!: User Action: Enter an even number of digits and reIssue the command. 193W PRECEDING CONTBOL RECORD FlUSHED ExP!gnation: The NO GO switch was set by a previous control record and bas not been reset. RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. ~ste.!!-ActiQ~: ]D1ABati.Q!l: The BASE address did not matcb the CSECT address. System Action: HC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All REP control records are ignored until the next NAME or END control record is encountered. User Action: Insert the proper address in the BAS~ontrol record and reissue the command. 200W VERIFY REJECT - SET NO GO SWITCH Explanati.Q!l: For DftSZAP, the data on the VER or VERIFY control record is not exactly the same as the data at the specified location in the specified file. Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All REP control records are ignored until the next NAft-B or END c-ontrol record is encoun teredo ~tem User Action: Determine the proper control information and correct the VER control record. Delete froll the input stream any other VER-REP pairs that were processed successfully, and then reissue the command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 147 DMS 201W THE FOLLOWING NAMES ABE UNDEFINED: 206W PSEUDO BEGISTER ALIGRMEHT EBBOB ~xpla~~ti~ ~lanation: Action: RC = 4 Loading is completed. Systell Action: RC = II Processing continues. All references to the particular pseudo register will have the less restrictive alignment. User Ac~ion: None; or obtain access to the files containing the unresolved references and issue the INCLUDE command. User Action: Rone. A list of names of unresolved external references is displayed. 1 name entered with the command is considered an unresolved external reference if no text file with that name can be located. ~ste.! A pseudo register with the same name as a previous pseudo register but with more restrictive alignllent was encoun teredo 207W IHVALID UPDATE FILE COHTROL CABD 202W DUPLICATE IDENTIFIER 'identifier' Explanation: A CSECT or entry point name was encountered more than once in the input stream to the loader. Action: RC = 4 Only the first CSECT is loaded. Program execution may not proceed as expected. All references are resolved to the first name. ~tem Explanation: In invalid control card was found in the update file. Some of the errors that cause this message to be issued are: • The first card in the update not a control card. • The first card following a "./S" or a "./D" or a ".1." was not a control card. • The operation field invalid, or contained character. 'name' • The label field of a "./S" card contained more than three characters. ExplanatiQn: A name was specified on an SLC card in the loader input stream and that name had not yet occurred as an external name in the loader text file. • An invalid sequence field was specified, or a required sequence field was missing. • In a n .I'nn "'...... .Ion the d~lGt~ V~ replace ~~ding-;pe~ifi~ation was smaller than the starting specification. User Action: Reassemble the program with a different--identifier substituted for the duplicate. 203W "SET LOCATION UNDEFINED COUNTER" BIME ~ste.!!L!ction: RC 4 The card is ignored. User Action: None; or check the name on the SLCcard:-- 20SW BEADER EMPTY OB NOT READY Explgna~iQn: Either the card reader contains no files, files are being held, or the reader is not ready. The card reader may contain a file spooled from a virtual punch or printer that contains CCws only, and no data. Thus, this message is issued even though the file contains no data. RC = 8 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~I.§te.!! !£~i.Qn: User Action: Close the card reader and reissue~e-command, if the reader contains any files. In the case when files are being held, change their status to NOH and then read thelll. was more file vas missing, than one ~!n Action: RC = 12 The invalid sequence fields are ignored, and processing continues. However, an incorrectly sequenced source file cannot always be properly updated. Update processinq continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, then additional update passes are made. If several warning messages are generated during the updatinq process, the final return code when the UPDATE command has completed all processing is the maximuIII of all return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the qenerated warning messages. The BEP option, if i t was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid "Sfname ftype". See the "Explanation" of message DMSUPD177I for further information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. User Action: Correct the invalid control in--the update file, and reenter the UP DA TE command. card 20BE FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT VARIABLE BECORD FORMAT ~!~nation: The specified file have a variable record format. 148 IBM VM/370 System MEssages did not DMS Syste.!LAction: BC=24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the salle. See ~ne nExplanation" of message DMSUPD1771 for fUrther information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. Us~ ActiQ~: Verify that • fn ft' is the desired file. If it is, use the COPYFILE command to change the record format of the file. User Action: Correct the invalid so Ilrce file and reissue the UPDATE command. 211E COLUMN FIELDS OUT OF SEQUENCE ~!anati~: COMPARE 209W One of conditions has occurred. the following Ixpla~ati~: The two files the user requested compared on a line-for=line, column-for-column basis, do not match. Syste]! Action: BC = 4 The comparison of the files The lines that do not match at the terminal. is completed. are displayed {LlaBABY I FILE} • fn DISK. ft' IS ON A • Column number entry overflows eight-position option field. the !.£tion: RC = 24 Execution of the cOllmand is terminated. The system status remains the sa1De~ User Action: coiiand.'"--- Correct and reissue the 212E MAXIMUM NUMBER OF RECORDS EXCEEDED syste~ A£tion: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: verify that the correct file or~ibrarY- was specified in the command. If it was, either access the disk in read/write mode, or erase the existing file or library with the same name. Reissue the command. FILE SEQUENCE end column number exceeds READ/ONLY Expla~1iQ~: The specified file or library is on a read-only disk and must be on a read/wr ite disk. - 210W INPUT start column number. ~1ll User Action: You can correct the file containlng--the incorrect lines using the EDIT comlland. 210E ~ :BEROB: ......... . Explanation: The storage size of the virtual machine is not large enough to contain the size and nUllber of sort files specified. ~1em Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: COllpute the storage 51 ze requirea-~r this sort using the format given in the description of the CMS SORT command in the V8/370 CME Com~~nQ gnd ~ac£Q Beference~ Redefine storage as large as necessary using the CP DEFINE command, and issue the SORT command again. TO 213W LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' NOT CREATED ~xplang1ion: In reading the input source file, two records were found, with the displayed sequence fields, such that the seguence number in the first was equal to or greater than the sequence number in the second. Syste~ Action: RC = 4 The invalid sequence fields are ignored, and update processing continues. However, an incorrectly seguenced source file cannot always be properly updated. Explanation: lone of the files to be included in the library file could be found, or a library to be compressed appears to have no active members. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the salle. The new library is not created. Also, for DMSDSC, the old library is erased. ~~~ If the CTL option was specified, then additional update passes are made. If several warning messages are generated during the updating process, the final re'tUrn codevhen th-e U-P-n-ATEco.-m--and has completed all processing is the max ilium of all return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the generated warning messages. The REP option, if it was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid "$fname ftype". Action: Far DMSLB8 and DMSLBT, obtain access to the desired file and/or correct the spelling of the nalles and reissue the cOllmand. For DMSDSL, no action is necessary. 214W CANNOT RECOMPUTE CHAIGE WITHOUT LOSS OF DATA. NO Explanation: The number of cylinders specified in the FORMAT command cannot contain all the data on the disk. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 149 DMS Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. §ystem_!ctiQn: RC = 8 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~1em User Action: Either erase some of the files on--the--aisk or increase the number of cylinders to be formatted and reissue the command. User Action: Reissue valId dataset name. 222E 1/0 ERROR READING {lfmIIOSIDOS} DISK the command with Idatasetname' a FROM 21ST NO VIRTUAL CONSOLE ATTACHEt. RE-IPL CMS ~lanaiiQn: The user virtual console. has disconnected his Action: The CMS system uses a special Interface with CP to display this :essagG. It is then t~rminat€d by loading a disabled wait state PSW. ~tem User ,ActiQn: Redefine a virtual console with the CP DEFINE command, and IPL CMS again. - - - Expl~ation: An I/O error occurred while reading the specified as data set or DOS file from an OS or DOS disk. For DMSLDS, an 110 error occurred while reading the member directory in DKSROS. Action: Re = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~.!:em User Action: Correct the cause of error-and-reissue the command. the I/O (Basic System Extensions) 223E NO FILEMODE SPECIFIED 216E INSUFFICIENT BLOCKS ON DI SK STR UCTUR E DISK TC SUPPORT CMS ~!~ati2n: A filemode was in the command line. ~~lanatiQn: The user has requested the forma tt ing of a minidisk area that is not large enough to contain the essential CMS disk structure. !ctiQn: BC = 100 Execution of the command The disk is unchanged. ~te~ is terminated. Q~£ Ac1iQ~: Acquire a larger minidisk and reissue the command; or if the disk is large enough, specify a larqer nuaber of blocks to be formatted in the FORMAT command. not specified Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~!n User Action: Reissue specifying a filemode. the command, 224E fileid ALREADY IN USE ~!~ati2n: A dataset name exists in an outstanding FILEDEF with a different ddname but with the same fileid, or a dataset name was specified for a fileid previously defined under a different ddname. Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~tem 220R ENTER DATA SET NAKE: Explans1iQn: A command was entered with the ? or DSN ? operand. The command expects an as data set name or DOS fileid to be entered. ~Y2te~ ,Action: response. The system waits for User Action: Clear the existing filei~ before-reissuing the command or specify a different fileid. a Action: Enter an as data set name exactly as it appears in the data set (in the form g1{.q2.qn} where q1, q2, and qn are the qualifiers of an as data set name). Or enter a DOS fileid exactly as it appears in the file. Q~£ 221E INVALID DATA SET NAME Explanat!Qn: An invalid as data set name or DOS file-id was specified in the command line. 2251 PDS MEMBER 'membername' MOVED The specified member of an os PDS (partitioned data set) has been moved successfully to a CMS file. ~!snati~: ~I§!~ Action: MOVEFILE continues PDS members to CMS files until the the file is reached. User Acti.Q1l: moving end of None. 226E NO DATA SET lAME ALLOWED WITH FREE OPTION name must not be Expl~ill.Q!!: A data set specified with the FREE option of the tISTDS command. 150 IBM VM/370 System Messages DKS syste]! Act ion: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: retry. Correct the command line and 2261 END OF PDS HOVE Explanation: The last member (partitioned data set) has successfully to a CMS file. Syste~ Action; Execution terminated. same. UL The system of the PDS been !!oved the co ••and is 2281 USER LABELS BYPASSED ON name' DATA SET 'data set Explanation: The specified OS data set or DOS file has a disk user label. The user labels are automatically skipped and the DCBEILST routine, if specified, is ignored. This message is issued when the as File Status Table (FST) is created. This occurs during the execution of the first FILEDEF command defining the as ddname. Reissuing the same FILEDEF comaand without reaccessing the disk does not create a new as FST, and the message is therefore not issued agal.n. status remains the System Action: Execution continues. User Action: None. 229E UNSUPPORTED OS DATA SET, ERROR 'code' 2271 PROCESSING VOLUME set name' Inn' II DATA SET 'data Explanation: The specified as data set or DOS file is multivolume. The number of the volume beinq processed is specified in the error messaqe. End of volu.e is treated as end of file and there is no end-of-volume switching. The specified os data set or DOS file is not supported by CMS OS access routines. The error code meaninqs are: ~l~ation: Code Reaning An I/O error occurred while an as data set or DOS file was being read or an OS or DOS disk was detached without being released. -so81 The file is an OS read-password-protected data set or a DOS file with the input security indicator on. 'datasetname' ON 82 The OS data set or DOS BPAR, BSAft, or QSAft. Explanation: The high extent for the subject data set indicates a relative track number lower than that for the low extent of the data set. 83 The OS data set or DOS file has more than 16 user labels or data extents. System Action: Execution continues. 227W INVALID EITENT 'fll' DISK FOUND FOR ~tem Action: RC = 4 Execution continues. 228E NO DDNAKE EITEFED Explanation: When prompted for the ddname corresponding to the "dname" entry for the tape dataset in the Access Kethod Services control statement, the user entered a null line. Syste1! Action: RC = 24 AftSERV does not execute the Access Method Services job. The system status remains the same. User !ction: Find the "dname" entries for the tape uataset(s) in the Access Method Services jobstream and reissue the AKSERV command. not System Action: RC = 80, 81, 82, or 83 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: If User ActiQn: For further investigation, use the CKS command DDR to locate and dump the DSCB containing the invalid extent. file is the error code is 81, 82, or-83~-YOU-cannot use CKS OS access to read the as data set or DOS file. If the error code is 80, make sure the accessed OS or DOS disk is attached, or determine the cause of the error. If the OS data set or DOS file is valid, reissue the command. 2291 NO RERBERS FOUND Explanati.Q!!: No lIembers partitioned data set. exist in a User Action: Determine whether the data set you specifIed is the correct one and if so, why it contains no members. Correct the condition and reissue the command. 230E NO. OF VSAM EXIT ROUTINES HAS EXCEEDED HAl OF 128 - UNABLE TO CONTINUE ~lanati.Q!!: for VSAM The number of exit routines data sets (both active and Conversational Monitor System (CftS) ftessages 151 DMS inactive) has exceeded the maximum for the run unit. of 128 ~£iion: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X11771. Syst,g]!! Action: RC = 8 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~1g~ User Action: Reduce the number of exit routines-for VSAM data sets and reexecute the proqram. 230W OS DISK - FILEID AND/CR ARE IGNORED Us~~ Action: If you can determine the problem from the "Explanation" above and remedy the condition, reissue the command. If not, reissue the command and if the problem persists, call your system support personnel. OPTIONS SPECIFIED (Basic system Extensions) ExplanatiQg: The specified OS or DOS disk has been accessed, but the specified fileid and/or options are not valid and have been ignored. .§Y§te.!!! !£iiQn: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. 235E ERROR Inl IN INPUT TEXT FILE 'fn ft [fm]1 ~~lanatiQD: An error was detected within the data contained in the input text file. Inl indicates the nature of the error; it may be one of the follovinq: Cod~ 231E I/O ERROR DISK READING VTOC ]~plag£1iQg: An while reading disk. FROM {lfmIIOSIDOS} I/O error was encountered the VTOC from the specified .§Y§1g.!!! !£i~Qn: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. Usg£ !£iiQn: Correct the cause of error and reenter the command. the I/O All tracks disk are allocated. on the specified User Action: If the disk is an OS or DOS disk,-use-one of the OS or DOS utilities to reformat the disk (if you no longer need any of the data on it) or delete some data sets. If it is a VSAM disk, use Access Method Services to delete some clusters and da ta spaces. - - - LIST FILE Ifn Action: RC = 12 Execution of the command is terminated • The system status remains the same. Syst~ Us~~ Action: If you can determine the problem from the "Explanation" above and remedy the condition, reissue the com.and. If not, reissue the command and if the problem persists, call your system support The error may have been caused by invalid output from the Assembler. Reassemble the source for the text file in error and reissue the PRELOAD command. Errors also may result from the input text file having been incorrectly modified by the user through EDIT or other CMS commands. (Basic System Extensions) 236E UNRESOLVED ENCOUNTERED (Basic System Extensions) 234E ERROR IN LOAD INPUT] No valid ESD. Invalid ESD type code. Invalid RLD record. Invalid ESD LD 10. ESD LD entry precedes its position entry. 6 Invalid TXT record ESD 10. personnel. 2331 NO FPEE SPACE !V!!L!BLE ON Ifml DISK ]~~ngiiQn: Mean~.n.g 1 2 3 4 5 ft fm' [NO ]xplaggiiQg: During processing of the load list EXEC file, an invalid statement was encountered. Input must consist of valid EXEC control words (that are ignored) and names of input text files in the form EXTERNAL REFERENCE (S) ~~!anation: Unresolved external references have been encountered. These are listed in the MAP file. Action: RC = 4 The PRELOAD command has completed processing. Program execution of the output text file may not proceed as expected. ~tem &1 &2 filenam8 [filetype) Correct Filename and filetype (if specified) must not be more than eight characters in length. A "NO INPUT" condition exists if after the scan of the load list, no filename filetype entries were found. 152 IBM VM/370 system Messaqes necessary. the input, if DKS - - - (Basic system Extensions) - - - 237E DUPLICATE EXTERNAL SYMBOL(S) ENCOUNTERED ~~lanation: A CSECT or entry point name was encountered more than once in the input stream to the preloader. The duplicate symbols are listed in the MAP file. System Action: RC = 8 command has completed The PRELOAD processing. Program execution of the output text proceed as file lIay not expected. User Act ion: Reassemble text f i l e in error identifier sUbstituted and reissue the PRELOAD the source for the with a different for the duplicate command. (Basic Systell Extensions) 238E PRELOADER PROCESSING ERROR Codg ~eani]!g 4 5 100 An intervention is required. An unknown error occurred. The printer is not attached. Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The output files contain all changes made up to the last control record operation. ~!~~ User Action: If you can determine the problem -from the above information and correct the condition, reissue the command; otherwise reissue the command and if the error persists, contact your system support personnel. 246W NO LOADER TABLE PRESENT FOR MODULE SET NO GO SWITCH 'fn'- ExplanatiQg: A CSECT name was specified for a module that was generated with the NOMAP option. Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All REP control records are ignored until the next NAKE or END control record is encoun tered. ~tem Expla~ation: An internal error was detected during preloader processing. This may have been caused by invalid input. Action: RC = 16 Execution of the cOllmand is terminated. The system status remains the same with the exception that partial output files may have been created. ~te!!l User Action: Reissue the command, ensurinq that a--valid load list file (and optional CNTRL file) are specified. Insure that the input files contain valid data. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 240S ERROR LOADING READ OS ROUTINE 'DMSROS TEXT' Ex£lgnaliQn: Either the user did not provide a read/write A-disk for use by the CMS loader, or some other error was encountered while loading the READ OS routine DMSROS TEXT. System ActiQn: Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: Access a read/write A-disk if Is----not already accessed. If a read/write A-disk was provided, correct the cause of the I/O error on the system disk or A-disk. Then reissue the command. one- 245S ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER User Action: Either reqenerate the module with the-KAP option, or do not use a CSECT name; then reissue the command. 247W MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND - SET NO GO SWITCH ExplanatiQn: The found. specified member was not System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All control records are ignored until the next NAKE or END control record is encountered. User Action: Reissue valid member name. the command with a 248W INVALID VERjREP DISP - SET NO GO SWITCH ~l~atiQn: The displacement specified in a VER or REP control record includes an area that is undefined, for example, a Define Storage (DS) area. Syste~ Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All REP control records are ignored until the next NAME or END control record is encountered. If the operation is REP, the file being operated on may be modified. User_Action: Verify that instructions or data are at a specific displacement and reissue the commande An unrecoverable error occurred when writing a line to the printer, and an error code was passed to the callinq module from DMSPIO. nnn indicates the nature of the error; it may be one of the following: ~xplanalion: Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messaqes 153 DHS (Basic System Extensions) - - - 807 HELP has calculated a negative space count based on the format words contained in the test file. ExplanatiQD: Under the ZAP command, a successfully completed REP was not followed bV a LOG control record. In lieu of a user-defined entry, a dumay log entry 'NONAME' was written. 808 A number outside the permissible limits for a HELP forma t word was found. The limits are based primarily on 80 characters/ line in HELP .. ~yste~ Systn Action: RC = 12 Execution of the command continues and the line in question is iqnored. 2q91 DUMMY LOG ENTRY IN FILE 'fn ZAPLOG fm' !ctiOD: continues. Execution of the command User Action: lone at execution time, however you should correct the file in question to prevent future messages or (Basic System Extensions) errors. 250s I/O ERROR OR DEVICE ERROR EXplangiion: AN I/O error has occurred on the user terminal trying to display a HELP text file. Am error message should have been issued by CMS or CP to describe the condition. (Basic System Extensions) 252E VALID OPTIONS ARE: DESC FORM PIRM ALL Explanation: This message informs the user of the proper options to use the HELP facility.. The message is issued with message DKSHLP003E (IIVALID OPTION 'option') • Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system remains in the same status as before the command was entered. ~te~ Systg Action: RC lone. User !ctioD: Take appropriate action as described by the CMS or CP error message. 24 User Action: Issue the command again with a proper option. (Basic System Extensions) 251E HELP PROCESSING 'description i EFROR, CODE nnn (Basic System Extensions) 253E Expla~~iiQD: An error occurred during the formatting of a HELP text file, indicating an error in the file text. Code Meg!!ill 80'- An output line longer than 132 characters was formatted. Long output lines usually result when you neglect to set the format mode back on after it is set off. 802 15q An alphabetic paramater was found for a HELP format word that requires a numeric parameter. 803 A line was read that started with a period, but could not be recognized as a valid HELP format word. 804 You omitted a required parameter for this format word. 805 HELP does not recognize the parameter specified on the format word line displayed. 806 The execution of a .IN,.IL, or .OF HELP format word would cause the left margin to move to the left of character position one. IBM VM/370 System Messaqes FILE fn ft fm CAIIOT SUPPLIED PARAMETER LIST BE HAIDLED WITH Explanation: The specified file resides on a disk that can be handled with a STATE extended parameter list only. That means the specified file contains more than 65536 items. Systn Action: RC = 88 Execution of the terminated. user program User Action: Change the user parameter--list to entended-parameter-list format. is program the 299E INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO COMPLETE UPDATE. Explanation: The update is being performed in storage but there is insufficient storage to insert the next update line. System Action: RC = 41 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. OKS User Action: Issue the command again, specifying NOSTOR on the command line. This causes updates to be performed on disk. 300E INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO BEGIN UPDATE Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, except when the EXEC option was specified and there was an existing $LISTIO EXEC file. In this case, the $LISTIO EXEC file is erased. ~teI! ~lanatiQn: An update is £eing performed in storage, but there is insufficient storage available to contain the entire input source file. Syste.! Action: RC = 41 If the keyword STOR was specified on the command line, execution of the command terminates. The system status remains the same. If the keyword STOR was not specified, the update continues and is performed on disk. No Be = 41 is issued in this case. User Action: If RC 41, issue the command again-,--specifying NOSTOR in the command line. This causes updates to be performed on disk. Otherwise, no action is necessary. 301E 'SISxxx' NOT ASSIGNED FOR DISK 'fm' ExplanatioB: No ASSGN command was issued prior to the DLBL command associating the named DOS logical unit with a CMS disk. Syste,!! Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The definition does not take effect. User Action: Issue an ASSGN command for each of~he-DOS logical units specified in the DLBL, and then reissue the DLBL command. 302E NO SISXXX OPERAND {ENTEREDISPECIFIE~ ExPlaBatiQB: No SISxxx operand was entered to associate the specified disk mode with a DOS logical unit, or in the case of DTFCP, the DEVADDR operand was missing from the DTFCP macro and no SISxxx was specified with the DLBL command. This message appears only if the user is in the CKSIDOS environment. Syste,!! Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The definition does not take effect. User Action: Reenter the DLBL command specifyIng-a DOS logical unit for each disk specified. In the case of DTFCP, specify a DEVADDR operand with the DTFCP macro and with the associated DLBI command. User Action: Ensure request has been made. that the correct 304E INVALID OPERAND VALUE 'value' ExplAnation: The value specified is not valid for one of the following reasons: • It is larger than ten digits. • It is a nonnumeric value. • The number is track numbers. • The number is greater BUFSP size. greater than 2 31 -1 for than 999999 for This message is also displayed if a null line is entered as the first specification for the EXTENT option of the DLBL command. Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The definition does not take effect. ~1~J! User Action: specifying the entries. command, Reissue the appropriate values for all 30UI UPDATE PROCESSING WILL BE DONE USING DISK ExplAnation: An update is being performed in storage, and there is insufficient storage available to contain the entire input source file. The keyword STOR was not specified on the command line. The update processing continues with the update being performed on disk. The ~!~~ lcti.QD: continues. updating process User ActiQD: None. 30SE INCOMPLETE EXTENT RANGE Expl,gnation: Only the starting relative track number was specif ied f or an extent range. The number of tracks must also be specified. Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The definition does not take effect. ~!em 303E NO SISXXX SATISFIES REQUEST ~xplana1ion: A request was made for LISTIO A or LISTIO UA, but no logical units satisfied the request. User Action: Reissue the command with the proper extent specifications including the number of tracks. Conversational ~onitor System (eKS) ~essaqes 155 D!S Use~ 306E SYSxxx NOT ASSIGNED FOR 'IGNORE' When the DU!!Y operand is used for a data set, the logical unit address must have teen assigned with the 1GB operand before the DLBL command was issued. Action: None. ~~la~gtion: A£iion: RC = 36 No new definition for the data set is created. If one already exists, it remains unchanged. Syste~ User Action: Eith9r reissue the DLBL COiiana-usIng a valid disk mode, or issue "ASSGN SYSxxx IGN" followed by the original DLBL com.and using the DU!!Y operand. 3211 MAlIMU! lUMBER OF EXTEITS RECORDED ~!ADati~: Sixteen (16) extents have been specified for a VSA! data set. This is the maximum number of data set extents allowed. Syst~ Action: Execution of the command is terminated successfully and the data set definition is stored, including the 16-extent specification. User Action: Rone. 3221 DDRA!E 'ddna.e' EXECUTED 307E CATALOG DDNAME 'ddname' NOT FOUND lOT FOUID; 10 CLEAR ~xpla~giion: ~!~~atiQ!: Actj.on: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The definition does not take effect. ~!em User Action: Reissue the command, speCifyIng-the CAT option with a previously defined ddname, or issue a DLBL command for the user catalog ddnamE and then reissue the DLBL co.mand for the subject data set. User Action: I f the ddname was entered incorrectly, reenter the command wi th the correct ddname. The user catalog 'ddname' referenced by the CAT option has not been defined by a previous DLBL ccmmand. ~ste~ 30BE '.ode' DISK IN [NON-JCMS FOR!ATj FOR [NON-1CMS DATASET INVAL~D 10 previous definition for 'ddname' had been specified. This includes the condition of a DLBL IJSYSUC CLEAR with no previous job catalog ddname (IJSYSUC) defined. Action: Execution of the com.and is terminated. All definitions remain unchanged. 3231 {JOBI!ASTER} CATALOG DLBL CLEARED ~lanation: ]xpla~atiQn: The user has specified a C!S fileid {"eMS fn ft"} but references a disk that is in non-CMS (for example, OS or DOS) for.at. Or the user has spEcified a non-C!S fileid (tlDSN datasetname ll ) but references a CKS disk. The references to disk include not only the disk mode in the command line but also the mode in MULT and EXTENT specifications. This message is also issued if the user specifies CMS for file identification but uses one of the VSAM options (for example, CIT or BUFSP) with it. RC = 24 The command is terminated with no change to the current definition of DLBL since the new definition does not take effect. for the catalog The DLBL referred to has been cleared and is no longer active. Action: If the JOB catalog is cleared, all other definitions foraerly flagged as using the JOB catalog are no longer flagged as such. The message can be the result of a DLBL CLEAR rather than a DLBL IJSYSOC CLEAR or DLBL IJSYSCT CLEAR, when the PER! option is not used when defining the catalogs. ~!~~ * User Acti~: lone. ~te~ A£iiQ~: User Action: Reissue the command with disk mode-appropriate for thE data set. a 3241 10 USER DEFIlED xxxxxx's II EFFECT Explnati~: 10 definition is in effect for the requested LABELDEFs. DLBLs, ~!em FILEDEFs, Action: 10 further action The system is terminated. or occurs. 3201 KAXIMUM NUMBER OF DISK ENTRIES RECORDED Use~ Action: lone. ~xplanaiiQn: Nine disks haVE been specified for a multivolume VSAM data set. This is the maximum permitted sinCE the allowable CMS disk modes are A-G, Y and Z. The system (S) disk cannot be a user disk. ~ig~ A£1iQg: Execution of the command is terminated and the data SEt definition is stored including thE nine-volume specificatio:"l. 156 IBM VM/370 System Messages 330R EITER VOLU!E SPECIFICATIOIS: ]n!g~atiQ1!: The system expects you to enter the VSA! data set volume specifications because you specified the MULT option. DMS Syste~ Action: Execution of the com.and waits -until you respond to the specification request. If a null line is the first response, an error message (DMSDLB048E) is displayed and the DLBL com.and has no effect. Otherwise, a null response after one or more lines of data siqnifies the end of the specifications. User Action: Enter data set voluae specificatIons either on one line separated bV com.as or on separate lines. The final comma at the end of the line is op~10nal and may be omitted. You must enter the filemode and, in the DOS environment, the DOS loqical unit associated with that disk. Do not repeat the filemode specified in the command line. 331R ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: Explanation: The system expects you to enter the VSAM data set extents because you specified the EXTENT option with the DLBL command. Syste~ Action: Exec~tion of the co••and waits -until you respond to the specification reauest. If a null line is the first response, an error message (DMSDLB304E) is displayed and the DLBL command has no effect. Otherwise, a null line means the end of the specifications. User Action: Enter dataset extent specifications on the same line separated by com.as or on separate lines with or without commas. You must enter the starting relative track number, number of tracks, filemode and, if in DOS environment, the DOS logical unit associated with that filemode. The extents must be in ascending order for each volume grouping in order for the command to execute properly. 333E nnnnnK PARTITION TOO LARGE FOR THIS VIRTUAL MACHINE jxplanation: The specified number of bytes exceeds the size of the largest partition possible with this virtual machine. System Act io,!!: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. The old DOS partition size remains unchanged. User Actio~: specify a smaller value. If the partition size is not an important factor in this particular session, issue SET DOSPART OFF and allow the system to compute its own partition size. 360E INVALID RESPONSE 'response' Explanation: After prollpting you for information, VSAMGEN determined that your reply was invalid, either because you did not enter one of the choices given you in the prompting .essage (INSTALL or UPDATE) or because you entered a value not valid for the entry being processed (that is, the storage location of the named system). If the message is issued after the storage location value is entered, the val ue violates one of the followinq rules: • • • Must be a valid hexadecimal value. Rust be less than 16 megabytes. Must be greater than X 1 20000 1 • !.s:tion: RC = 24 If this is the first time this message is issued for this prompt, VSAMGEH reads from the terminal after issuing the message, thereby giving you another chance to enter the correct information. If it is issued for the second time for the same prompt, VSA!GEN terminates, and the system returns to the CBS cOllmand environment. ~j:em User Action: If it is the first time the message is-issued, reexalline the prollptina message and enter the correct information. If it is 'the second time the message is issuea for this prompt, VSAMGEN has terminated, so you must restart the VSA"GEN 1;:XEC. , 3601 CftS/VSA! TEXT FILES CREATED ON DISK 'A' ExplanatiQR: During an INSTALL run for an OS user, VSAftGEN copies all the VSAM and Access ftethod Services object decks from the DOS system relocatable library onto the CBS disk as TEXT files. This message is issued at the completion of the operation. Use~ Action: None. 360R ENTER 'INSTALL', 'UPDATE', OR 'RESTART' Explanation: The VSAftGEN EXEC can be used for initial installation of VSAlI under CftS, for updating of VSAft under CftS by using PTF card decks to replace originally distributed modules or to restart after ensuring that the DOSLIBs are available. ~!em Action: VSAMGEN issues a read to the terminal and waits for the user's response. User Action: Reply INSTALL if you wish to generate both the VSA" under ClIS and the Access Method Services systems using the DOS System Relocatable Library (SRL) as the source. For an OS installation, INSTALL also results in all VSAft and Access Method Services modules being copied to the CftS A-disk. Reply UPDATE if you wish to generate a new version of either VSAM under CMS or Access Bethod Services, or both, by placinq the Conversational Bonitor System (CMS) Messages 157 DMS replacement modules in the virtual reader. For the as installation, the DOS System Relocatable Library is not used as source, but the C~S disk is used. Thus, no DOS disk need be accessed for the OS user. Reply 'RESTART' if you wish to resume generating the system(s) after creating the appropriate DOSLIB(s). 362E INVALID STORAGE PROTECT KEY 'key' ~lnati~: The storage protect specified was not decimal, 0 to 15. key mj:n Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Action: Reissue the command, specifying-;-va1id storage protect key. 361E DISK 'mode' IS NOT A {CMSIDCS} DISK ExplanAtion: VSAMGEN requires that the A-disk be a read/write CMS disk, and that the disk you specified as containing the DOS SRL be a DOS disk. ~g~ !£1iQE! Be = ~6 VSAMGEN has terminated. to CMS command mode. User Action: If the VSAMGEN is in the process of link-editing the modules that make up the named system in order to create a CMS OOSlUI ftll;' with the s~m ... na'!!e. message concerns m i n Action: None. the mode as the A-disk and reissue VSAMGEN. If the message concerns the DOS disk, either access t he DOS disk and use t hat mode letter to answer the prompt during the next VSAMGEN attempt, or enter the correct mode of the DOS disk containing the DOS SRL during the next VSAMGEN attempt. C~S ~lanati~: The system returns C~A=dIsk: access a CMS disk in read/write 3611 CREATING 3621 LINK-EDITING sysname ••• Use! ActiQn: None. 362R ENTER MODE OF LIBRARY DISK: DOS SYSTEM RELOCATABLE Ex~lAnatiQn: The VSAMGEN EXEC procedure requires a DOS disk containing the DOS system re10catab1e library for both DOS and as users during an INSTALL run and for the DOS user during an UPDATE run. TEXT FILES ••• ~~~natiQn: VSAMGEN is in the process of copY1ng all the VSAM and Access Method Services object modules from the DOS system relocatable library to the CMS disk during an INSTALL run for an as user. m i n Acj:ion: VSAMGEN issues a read to the terminal and waits for your response. User Action: Enter the mode letter of the accessed -aisk containing the DOS system re10catab1e library. The disk must be in DOS format. 363E INVALID STARTING ADDRESS 'startadr' Explan~iiQn: Expl~ation: The start address specified in the command line is not a hexadecimal address within the load range of the specified system. ~te~ System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is t~rminated. The system status remains the same. 361R ENTER EITHER 'DOS' or 'OS': The VSAMGEN EXEC distinguishes between DOS and as installations at both installation time and updating time. Actign: VSAMGEN issues a read to the terminal and waits for your response. User Action: Reply DOS if you have a DOS installatIon and, therefore, do not want all VSAM and Access Method Services modules copied to a CMS disk during an INSTALL run, and you do want the DOS system relocatable library used as a source during an UPDATE run. Reply as if you are an as installation and therefore do want all VSAM and Access Method Services modules copied to the CMS disk during an INSTALL run, and you want the CMS disk used as source during an UPDATE run rather than the DOS system relocatable library. 158 IBM VM/370 System Messages User Action: Reissue the vaiId starting address. command with 3631 sysname DOSLIB CREATED ON DISK ~lanation: a 'A' VSAMGEN creates a CMS DOSLIB file from the object modules that make up the named system. llij:n Action; None. User Action: None. Dl!S 363R EITER LOCATIOI WHERE sysnaae WILL BE LOADED AND SAVED: Explanation: VSAftGEI requires a hexadecimal address for fetching the VSAft and/or Access Method Services systeas into storage so that the systems can be saved on a CP volume. System Action: VSlftGEI issues a read to the terainal and waits for your response. User Action: Enter the hexadecimal address corresponding to the starting relative page nuaber in the SYSPGRUM field of the NAftESYS .acro entered in the D!KSIT aodule for the named system. Use~ Action: Reissue valid system name. ~planation: The virtual aachine's storage aust be large enough to allow SSK instructions to be issued for the coaplete load range of the saved systea. Syste. Action: RC = 24 Execution of the coa.and is terminated. The systea status remains the same. User lction: Use the CP coaaand DEFINE to redefine the virtual aachine's storage to a value large enough to contain the saved system, and IPL CftS again. command with a 3651 SYSTEM sysname SAVED Explanation: VSA!GE! saves the named system on a CP voluae for subsequent use by user programs. The DOSLIB file used in creating the new copy of the system is erased at this point. ~tem Action: lone. 365R ENTER ftODULE IAftE 'EID' : 364E V! STORAGE NOT L1RGE ENOUGH TO CONTAII SYSTEft L01DIIG AT startadr TO endadr the (8 CHARS. OR tESS) OR Explanation: VSA"GEI will assign the name entered by the user to the PTF object file when it reads the file from the virtual reader onto the CftS disk as a TEXT filetype. The file remains on the CftS disk to be used in subsequent system generations until replaced by another object file of the same name. Syst~ Acti~: VSAftGEB issues a read to the terminal and waits for your response. Use~ Action: Enter the name(s) of the VSAft or Access Method Services module(s) in the same order the deck(s) were placed in the reader. To terainate reading from the reader, enter EID. 3641 FETCHING sysna.e ••• Explanation: VS1MGEN is in the process of fetching the phases that make up the named system from the CftS DOStIB file of the saae name. The phases are fetched into storage in order to be saved (written; on a CP volume. System !ct,iQ!!: None. 3661 STARTING TO READ PTF DECKS FRO! READER ••• ~!anati2B: VSA!GEN is starting the 'UPDA TE' procedure, during which the user is prompted for the names of the PTF decks to be applied to the new system. System Action: Hone. User Action: Bone. 364R EITER 'CMSVSlft' OR 'CftSA!S' OR GENERATION OF NEi SYST~!(S) 'BOTH' FOR Explanation: The message gives you the choice of regenerating either one or both of the named systeas. Syste~ Action: VSAftGEN issues a read to the terminal and waits for your response. 366R ENTER NA!E OF SYSTEM TO BE SAVED: Expl~ation: VSA!GEN has link-edited the is Aft or Access ftethod Services system and fetched it into virtual storage and is about to issue the CP SAVESYS command for that system. ~!ea Action: response. The system waits for a of the VSA~ or Qser lct!2n= Enter a valid response. User Action: Enter the name iccess~thod Services system. 365E SYSTEM IAftE lOT SPECIFIED Expla~atio~: The System name included in the com.and line. was not System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. 3671 ·.odulename TEXT' WRITTEN ON DISK tAt ExplanatiQn: If the message was issued by DMSVGN, VS1!GEN has read a reader file and written it on the CBS disk with the given name. The file is used in creating a new named system. Conversational Monitor System (CftS) Messages 159 DMS If the message was issued by D"SVPD, D"SVPD (called from VSA"GEN EXEC) has read the named replacement module from the DOS/VS PTF tape and has written it on the userls A-disk for subsequent application in the new VSAM or Access Method services system. 367R ENTER TAPE {INPUTIOUTPUT} tDNAMES: ~!~ Action: RC = 24 VSA"GEN is terminated and the system returns to the C"S command environment. User Action: If the release number is incorrect, restart the VSAMGEN EXEC procedure and enter the correct number. Otherwise, see the description of CMS VSAM and Access Method Services in the VM/37Q PlaBninq and ~tem GeneratioB ~'yid~. 370R ENTER IGOI IF SAVED SYSTEM CREATED, OTHERWISE IQUITI IS TO BE ~xplanat!Qn: You must supply the ddname of the tape input or output data sets to be used in the Access Method Services jobstream. The ddname in each case must mat co l:he iiddname il operand in the Access Method Services control statement being executed (EXPORT, IMPORT, or REPRO). ~!anation: The VSAMGEN EXEC has created the specified DOSLIB as stated in message DMSVGN363 I and now requires whether i t is to continue processing the DOSLIB or is to be terminated. ~tem ~~g~ !ctiOB: response. The system waits for a User Action: Enter the ddname of the tape Input-or-output data sets to be used. Action: response. The system waits for a Use~ Act!~: If you desire to temporarily halt the creation of the saved system, enter IQUITI; if IGO' is entered, the saved system will be built. 3681 count NEW PTF DECKS WIll BE APPLIED Explanatjon: VSAMGEN reads from the reader or from the DOS/VS PTF tape the number of files specified by "count". You can use this count to verify the number of PTF decks to be applied to build the new VSAM or Access Method Services system(s). This message appears once for each tape file read. Accordingly, if the user reads three tape files from the DOS/VS PTF taoe. the total number of replacement modules' i~ the total from the counts specified in the three DMSVPD368I messages. 3711 sysname IS LOADED, ENTER CP MODE ZAPS, ELSE INULLI ~!anatiQA: It is possible at this point to apply ZAPs to the loaded system by entering CP mode. All text is now in storage and the DISPLAY and STORE co.mands may be used to make changes. System Action: VSAMGEN issues a read to the ~p.r.inal and waits for a response. Use~ Acti~: If ZAPs are desired, enter CP mode. Make the desired changes, return to CMS READ via BEGIN co ••and. Enter null line to cause the VSAMGEN to continue. 369R ENTER RELEASE SYSTEM: 368R ERASE INOI: sysname DOSLIB? •• FNTER I YESI NUMBER OF DOS/VS STARTER OR ~!anatiQA: ~lang~!Qn: The C"S DOSlIB file created during execution of the VSAMGEN EXEC (see message DMSVGN363I) can be erased at this time. This message prompts you to indicate whether or not you want the file erased. ~§te~ !ctjQB: response. !!§.gr TO APPLY !£~jQn: The system waits for a The VSAMGEN EXEC requires the release number of the DOS/VS starter system in order to use the associated CMS installaion files. ~!gJ Action: VSAMGEN issues a read to the terminal and waits for your response. Us~~ Acti£n: Enter the DOS/VS release number of the restored system (must be 31 or later) • Enter either "yes" or "no". I TAPE I 380R ENTER APPLICATION: OR ICARDS' FOR PTF 369E INVALID - RELEASE 31 OR LATER REQUIRED ~!s~atjQA: EXp!£nstjQn: The release number entered in response to message DMSVGN369R is an earlier release than the one supported for VSAM and Access Method Services. 160 IBM VM/370 System Messages It is possible to apply DOS/VS VSAM and Access Method Services PTFs either by applying individual replacement object decks through the reader or by stripping the appropriate modules from a DOS/VS PTF tape. This message prompts you to specify which method you will use. OMS, Svste~ Actio~: The system waits for a response. OR 'ALL' FOR EXCEED 'sysname' ]zp!anati~: User !£tion: Enter TAPE or CARDS. 381R ENTER 'SELECT' APPLICATION: 401S VM SIZE (size) CANNOT START ADDRESS (address) TAPE PTF The user's virtual machine storage size as currently defined is of such a size that the named system (when loaded) would overlay part of the user's virtual storage. This could have occurred in either of the followinq ways: ~lan£tion: Assuming the PTF tape is 181 and positioned at the correc~ ~ape file, VSAMGEN orrers the user the choice of applying all the VSAM and Access Method Services PTFs or choosing individual replacement files. This message prompts you to specify what you wish to do. attached as ~te~ Action: response. The system waits for 1. The named system was sa ved below the user's current virtual machine size, or 2. The named system was saved at an appropriate address, but the user's current virtual machine storage size is so large that it would be partially overlaid by the named system. a ~!~~ User Ac!iQn: Enter SELECT or ALL. 382R ENTER NUMBER OF TAPE FILES TO BE PROCESSED: Action: For DMSVIB, CMS abends with an abend code of X'104'. For DMSSET, RC = 40. For all other modules, RC 104. Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~xplanatiQn: VSAMGEN must know how many PTF tape files to scan for the VSAM and Access Method Services replacement modules. Syste~ !ctio~: The system waits for a response. User Actio~: Enter a decimal number showing the number of tape files to be processed startinq with current tape position. User Action: Contact the system programmer, who must create a new copy of the named VSAM or Access Method Services system at an address that is high enough not to conflict with any virtual machine size permitted for VSAM users, or 1.- 2. Enter CP mode and define a smaller virtual machine storage size for this VSAM user so his virtual storage is not overlaid by the named system, and then reload {via IPL) CMSIDOS. 383R APPLY 'filename'? ••• ENTER 'NO' OR EOB: ~xplanatiQn: The user has requested selection of PTF replacement modules during VSAMGEN EXEC execution. - (Basic System Extensions) - - - 402S GETVIS FAILED IN DOS/VS BAM OPEN/CLOSE §ygte~ Action: response. The system waits for a User !£tion: If you do not want to apply the PTF contained in the named file, enter "no". If you do want the file, indicate an EOB by pressing ENTER on a 3211 display terminal or RETURN on a 2141 terminal. 400S SYSTEM 'sysname' DOES NOT EXIST Ex~!~ation: The DOS/VSE FB-S12 OPEN/CLOSE routines have returned with an error indicating that the DTF currrently beinq processed could not be opened because of a lack of virtual storaqe. System Action: The OPEN or CLOSE is canceled. System status remains the same. User Action: Redefine a larger amount virtual storage and IPL CMS again. of ~xplanation: The subject system has not been defined in the Control Program module DMKSNT. (Basic System Extensions) §yste~ Action: For DMSVIB, CMS abends with abend code X'044'. For all other modules, Re = 44. Execution of the user program is terminated. The system returns to the state it was in before the start of the user program. User !£tiQn: contact the system programmer, who will generate the saved system for the correct system name. 403S filename SHARED RELOA D Cl."ISDOS SEGMENT NOT AVAILABLE ~!anation: An OPEN has been issued for a file that resides on an FB-512 DASD, but the CMSBAM shared seqment has not been generated. §I§!em Action: The OPEN is System status remains the same. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) canceled. Messages 161 DKS User Ac~ion: The CftSBAft shared segment must be generated and saved with the VSAftPP EXEC and the SET DOS ON command reissued. Code Meaning --1-- A line was too long. 5 An unknown error occurred. (Basic Systell Extensions) 404S filename LOGIC SHARED SEGMENT MODULE NOT FOUND Code A~ill --3-- A permanent I/O error occurred. IN CKSBAft ]xp1a~~~ion: An OPEN has teen issued for a file residing on an FB-512 DASD but the appropriate 10qic could not be located. This indicates that the CftSBAM shared segment has been generated incorrectly. Syste~ ~ction: The OPEN is System status remains the same. User Action: Have the Code --2-3 13 Aeaninq A unit exception occurred. A wrong-length record was detected. A permanent I/O error occurred. can~~l~d, programmer map for unresolved external references. The modules that are unresolved must be obtained froll the DOS/VSE PID tape and VSAMPP EXEC must be rerun to generate the CKSBAM shared seqment. ~!n Action: RC = 100 Execution of the com.and is terllinated. system examine~he- CftSBAft linkage editor User Action: Use the error code to determine and correct the possible cause of error. ~12S CftSXGEN FAILED DUE TO SETKEY ERROR - - - 410S CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'retcode' Ex~natiQn: An unexpected error occurred while the Control Program was processing a request froll CMS to find or load the specified saved system. ~Y2te~ 412S (CHSIGENICftSZGEH} FAILED (SETKEYIDIRECTORY BUILD} ERROR DUE TO Explanation: Errors occurred while trying to issue the SETKEY command to set storaqe keys or while executing the DftSZES command in the case of a directory build error. Action: For DKSVIB, CKS abends with abend code X'177'. For other modules, RC = i77. In both cases, i77 is the actual error code from the Control program, indicating that paqinq I/O errors have occurred. ~1~iction: User Action: The QUERY SYSNAHES command displays the names of the saved segments for the CHS virtual lIachine. Any reguested segment must have been saved via procedures documented in the VH/37Q Planning ~nd ~ste~ Ge~ation .§J!ide. contact the installation systell proqrammer for assistance. Use~ Action: A message was issued by DftSSSK before this message wa s issued. Use the explanation and user action for the DftSSSK message to correct the error. If this is a directory build error, a message was issued by DftZSES before this message was issued. Use the explanation and user action of the DftZSES message to correct the error. 411 S (I NPUT I OUTPUT} ERROR CODE 'nn' ON • SYSxxx' Exp1aB~~!Qn: An unrecoverable input or output error occurred while reading from or writing to SYSxxx. SYSxxx is the card reader, the printer, a tape drive, or the logical unit assigned to the specified OSor DOS-formatted disk. The Inn' code indicates the nature of the error; it may be one of the following: Code Heaning 3 An unknown error occurred. 162 (Basic System Extensions) IBK VM/370 system Kessages RC - iOG Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. 413S STORAGE NOT INITIALIZED FOR VSAft PROCESSING Explanation: The program has issued a CDLOAD (SVC 65), but the DOS VSAM environment under CHS is not acti vee A CDLOAD requires VSAft storage initialization to have taken place, but this has not been done. ~!n Action: RC = 104 The job is terminated. remains the same. The system status User Action: Issue the CftS command SET DOS the VSAft option in order to initialize storage properly, and then reexecute the proqram. ~with DPIS ~!~Action: An OS file is not opened. A C!S/DOS job is cancelled and the TAPESL macro gives an error return code of 32. 420E NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The filename specified for user-written, nonstandard label processing routine must be the name of a TEXT or No file could be found that MODULE file. had a filetype of TEXT or MODULE with the specified name. ~te~ Actio~: The command or program User Action: Be sure the tape is positioneo properly and that the correct tape is mounted. If necessary, reposi tion the tape and then reissue the job or command. is not executed. (Basic System Extensions) User Action: specify the name of a valid NSL exit routine and reissue the command. - - 421E 4231 (Basic System Extensions) - - - 'TAPn (cuu) , 'filename' HDR1 LABEL MISSING Expl~ation: This message occurs when you respond to message DMSTLB433R by requesting that a new volume label be written on a tape. An OS simulation SL tape has been requested with a specified positional parameter indicating the file is not be the first on the tape. FOR ExP1gnati~: A tape specified as standard label does not have a HDR1 label. Filename is dtfname for eMS/DOS or ddname for OS simulation. The message will also occur for a tape that has HDR1 labels but is not positioned correctly for input label processing. Syste~ \ction: The tape the record that was read executed. 'TAPn (cuu) , POSITION PARAMETER IGNORED. OUTPUT FILE WILL BE WRITTEN IMMEDIATELY AFTER NEW VOL1 LABEL ~!y Action: The positional param.eter is ignored and the new label file is written immediately after the new VOL1 label. is positioned at when the HDB1 was For eMS/DOS, message DMSTLB43SR is issued. (Basic System Extensions) For OS simulation, an OPEN error occurs. 424E 'TAPn (cuu) , NOT POSITIONED AT EOF1 LABEL The TAPEMAC and TAPPDS commands are terminated without reading any tape data. The TAPESL 32. macro returns an error ~lanation: The eMS TAPESL macro was issued with the fUnction EIN but the tape was not positioned at an EOF1 or EOV1 label. code of ~!g~ Action: No label is processed. The macro returns a code of 32 and the tape is left positioned to the same record it was positioned at when the macro was issued. yser Ac!iQn: Verify that the proper tape is mounted. ReDlv to messaae DMSTLB43SR if issued. If the" wrong tape is mounted, try again with the correct tape. If labels are not expected on the tape, respecify label type as BLP or LABOFF and try again. User reissue the you do not processed. (Basic System Extensions) 422E 'TAPN ~uu}' 'filename' POSITIONED Act ion: posItione~t WRONG Space the ta pe so it is the EOF1 trailer label and macro or ignore the error if want the tape trailer label FOR (Basic System Extensions) ExPlA~atiQn: A tape was not positioned correctly for label processing to occur. For output tapes, an attempt was made to write a new label when the tape was not positioned at an existing HDR1 label or tapemark. For CMS/DOS input tape, the message is issued when the file sequence number on the tape label is larger than the one specified in the LABELDEF cOJlm.and. The filename is the symbolic name in the DTFMT for the file. 42SR 'TAPn (cuu) , BLOCK COUNT ERROR 'filename' ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'CANCEL' FOR ~!anatiQB: The block count in an EOF1 record does not match the number of blocks actually read. Filename is dtfname f0r CMS/DOS or ddname for OS simulation. For OS simulation, the message is onl y issued when you do not have a block count exit routine specified in the DCB EXIT list. For CMS, the filename is LABDEFid. For OS simulation, the filename is ddname. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messaqes 163 DMS For the TAPESL macro the message is issued only when you have not specified an error return (by the ERROR=parameter) that is different from the normal return. ~st~~ Actio~: The system waits for a reply. User Action: Enter 'IGNORE' to continue processing--normally or 'ERROR' to cancel the job in CMS/DOS, or to cause an abend with code 500 in either OS simulation or when processing the CMS TAPESL macro. For OS simulation, the program abnormally terminates with a code 001 if you are using QSAM or if you use a CHECK macro in B5AM. If you are using BS1M with no CHECK macro, your program continues to try to write on the tape. The tape is always rewound and after this message is issued. unloaded User !cti2n: The operator must mount a new tape to continue the file. If possible, reorganize the output data to fit on a single tape reel. (Basic System Extensions) 426R 'TAPn (cuul' UNEXPIRED OR 'ERROR' For CMS;nOS, the job is then cancelled and the tape is rewound and unloaded. FILE ENTER 'IGNORE' (Basic System Extensions) Expla~giion: The system is trying to write over a HDR1 record on tape cuu that has an expiration date that has not yet expired. Syst~~ Actio~: The system waits for a response. User Action: Enter 'IGNORE' to write over record and disregard the expiration date. Enter 'ERBOR' to cancel the job in CMS/DOS or to prevent the file from being opened in OS simulation. t~ exIstIng (Basic System Extensions) 4291 'T1Pn (cuu) , EOT ON OUTPUT Expl~ation: End-of-tape was encountered while the system was writing a tape file with CftS/DOS or OS simulation I/O macros. The tape file was not defined to have IBM standard labels. ~!~ ~tion: 1 tape mark is written after the last data record. If the file has nonstandard labels and a user exit has been specified, control is transferred to this nonstandard label routine. See message DMSTLB4281 for a description of tape positioning and user program action when this message is issued. 427R 'TAPn (cuu) , EOV1 LABEL READ Expla~ation: While processing trailer labels for an input ~Q~~ file, QU EOV1 label was read instead of an EOF1 label. User Action: No response is necessary. However;-if- you want to mount a new tape and continue reading the file, you must send a message to the operator requesting that a new tape be mounted. The data on the new tape must be processed as a new file by CMS. (Basic System Extensions) 4281 'TAPn ~uu)' EOV1 LABEL WRITTEN ~~P!g~~iion: End-of-tape was encountered while writing an output file on a tape with IBM standard labels under CMS/DOS or OS simulation. This message is also issued when TAPESL is used to write an EOV1 label. ~Y§te~ A£ti2n: are written end-of-tape. 164 A tape mark and EOV1 label after detecting the IBM VM/370 System Messages User Acti2n: The operator must mount a new tape to continue the file. If possible, the operator should reorganize the data so each file viII fit on an individual tape. (Basic System Extensions) 430E 'TAPn (cuu) , LABELDEF FOR FILE 'filename' INFORMATION MISSING Expl!natiQD: Under CMS/DOS or CMS you must specify a LABELDEF statement for every labeled tape file. One was not found for DTFMT or labeldefid with the specified filename. The message may occur for OS simulation files if you have inadvertently cleared the FILEDEF or LABELDEF for the specified filename. ~!~ Action: The job is canceled for CMS/DOS, the file is not opened for OS simulation and the T1PESL macro returns an error code of 28. User Action: Specify a LABELDEF statement for the-£ile and execute the job again. DMS or (Basic System Extensions) 431E 'TAPn (cuu) , VOL1 LABEL MISSING Ex2!gnation: This message occurs when you request that a tape have its VOL1 label checked or displayed. The tape does not contain a VOL1 label as its first record. Syste!. Action: terminated. The TAPE OS/VS operating system allows a VOL1 label to be written. It is never issued unless either message DlISTLB431E or DlISTLB432E is also issued. command Syst~ Action: The system waits for a reply. User Action: You may enter 'REJECT' to reject the tape or rewrite the VOL1 label on the tape by entering WRITE followed by a left parenthesis and, with no intervening blanks, a one- to six-character volume serial number to be written in the label. No owner field may be specified. To write a VOL 1 label with an owner field you must use the WVOL1 function on the TAPE command. is For CMS/DOS input files, message DMSTLB435R is issued. For as input files, an OPEN error occurs. User Action: Be sure the operator has mounted-the- correct tape. Respond to any further messages that are issued. If necessary, reissue the command or program. (Basic System Extensions) 434E 'TAPn (cuu) , INPUT LABEL ERROR IN 'fieldnalie' FILE 'filena me' FIELD (Basic System Extensions) 432E 'TAPn. (cuu) , VOLID volid DOES NOT LABELDEF VOLID FOR 'filename' lIATCH Expla~ation: The volume serial number (volid) on a tape VOL1 label is not the same as the volume serial number specified on a LABELDEF or FILEDEF com. and. Filename is dtfname for CMS/DOS or ddname for OS simulation. The volid displayed in the message is the one found on the tape label. ~Y§teI! Actio.B: CBS/DOS DBSTLB435R is issued. CftS commands beinq read. files, ~tem Action: For DMSTLB435R is issued. message ClIS/DOS, CMS commands and TAPESL macro without reading any tape data. terminate message For as simulation, the file is not opened. terminate without For CMS TAPESL macro for input, code of 32 is returned. For as simulation input not opened. Explanation: A field in a tape HDR1 label did not agree with the field specified on a LABELDEF command for the file. Filename is dtfname for CMS/DOS or ddname for OS simulation. 'fieldname' identifies the field causing the error. any data an error User Action: Be sure the LABELDEF statement for-the file is correct. If it is, the wrong tape may be mounted or i t may be positioned at the wrong file. Reply to message DftSTLB435E if issued. files, the file is (Basic System Extensions) For as simulation or TAPESL output files, message DftSTLB433R is issued. User Action: Be sure the correct volume serial-number is specified on the co.mand. If it is, the correct tape was not mounted. Ask the operator to mount the proper tape. Reissue the command or program. (Basic System Extensions) 435R ENTER 'IGNORE' or 'CABCEL' Explanation: This message is never issued alone. It always follows another CMS/DOS message that identifies a tape label error. This aessage gives the CMS/DOS user the choice of ignoring a label processing error and continuing the job or cancelling it. ~1~ Action: The system waits for a reply. 433R ENTER 'WRITE (volid)' OR 'REJECT' Use~ Action: Enter 'IGNORE' or 'CANCEL'. Explanati0.B: This message is issued when an output OPEN routine finds a tape has a VOL 1 volid that does not match the one specified or if an output tape has teen specified as SL and no VOL1 label is on it. The .essage is issued only in situations where a DOS/VS Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messaqes 165 DMS - - - 601R ENTER SPECIFICATION LIST: (Basic System Extensions) - - - 4361 'TAPn (cuu) , MISSING FOR 'ddname' USER STANDARD LABEL This message is issued when the OS simulation user reguest SUL tape label processing on a F1LEDEF command. The user also has a user exit in the DCB exit list for the file identified by ddname. However, the tape did not contain a user UHL or UTL label. IDrn!~nati.Q.!!: The specification list tha tis to be entered in conjunction with the SPECS option is requested. ~xplana~iQn: Action: response. The ~!em Use! Acti~: system waits for a Enter the specification list. 602R ENTER THAN SLA TION LIST: Action: If a tape mark is read instead -of--the expected user standard label, the tpae is positioned at the record immediately after the tape mark. Otherwise, the tape is tackspaced so it is positioned at the record that-was read when a user standard label was expected. ~Y§tem User Ac~ion: None, if the tape file was not expected to contain a user label. If one was expected, halt the program execution and be sure the correct tape is mounted. (Basic System Extensions) 4371 'TAPn (cuu)' NSL FOUTINE RETURNED CODE 'nnnnnn' FOR 'filename' ERROR This message is issued when you execute a nonstandard tape label processing routine that returned a nonzero return code of 'nnnnnn' in register 15. 'filename' is the ddname for the file that caused the code for OS simulation; for the TAPEMAC and TAPPDS commands, it is the id parameter specified by the user. Explana~!Qn: System Action: The nonzero return code prevents-an--os file from being opened or causes the TAPEMAC or TAPPDS commands to be terminated without processing any tape files. ~ser A£~iQn: Examine your NSL routine to be sure you wanted to return a nonzero code. If you did, then you probably have the wrong tape mounted or you anticipated this condition. IDrn!~nat!.Q.!!: The translation list that is to be entered in conjunction with the TRANS option is requested. Syst~ Action: response. The 603R FORMAT WILL 'mode (cuu) '. (YES I NO) : ERASE ALL FILES DO YOU WISH TO a ON DISK CONTINUE? Expl~nati~: This message is a reminder that the formatting process erases existing files. Syst~ Action: response. Use! Acti~: The system waits for a Enter "yes" or "no". 604R ENTER SORT FIELDS: ExplAMati~; The command reguires a list JI sort fields on which to perform a sort. Action: response. ~!~ The system waits for a Action: Enter pairs of numbers, separated by a blank, defining the starting and ending character positions of sort fields within the records. Us~! 60SR ENTER DISK LABEL: ~§!~ ~tem !£~!Qn: label-for~he disk. If Action: response. The User Action: Enter a IBM VM/370 System Messages for Use! ActiQn: Enter the translation list. Explan~~iQn: The disk specified by the mode operand of the SET DOS ON command is not a DOS/VS system residence volume. RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. 166 waits IDrn!anati.Q.!!: You are requested to enter a label for the disk being formatted. The label will be written on the disk at cylinder 0, track 0, record 3. 444E VOLUME 'label' IS NOT A DOS SYSRES User !£~iQn: Reissue the command correct mode. system with the system waits for a one- to six-character you enter less than six characters, the label is left-justified and padded with blanks. If you enter a null line, the system displays the message DISK REKAINS UNCHANGED. DMS 606R SYSTEM DISK ADDRESS := you message If CUll Explanati.Q1!: "cuu" designates the device address of the system disk (S-disk). On this disk CMS expects to find all CMS system information and programs not contained within the CMS nucleus, such as the disk-resident command modules. If the CMS nucleus is written on this disk, then cuu is also the IPL device address. Syste~ Actio~: response. address~ The system waits for a :f you enter an invalid device the message an invalid device address, DMSINI079E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS REENTER is issued. Messa~e DMSINI608R is reissued and you may enter a valid device address. If the IPL device designated is not currently defined, is not in read/write status, or is an unsupported device type, message DMSINI082E IPL DEVICE ERROR - REENTER DMSINI079E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS REENTER is issued. Kessage DMSINI606R is reissued, and you may enter a valid device address. If you enter a null line, 190 is assumed to be the system disk address. Once the system disk address entered accepted, message DMSINI615R is issued. Use£ !£~iQ~: Enter a valid or a null line. is device address is issued. Message DMSINI608R is then reissued. At this time, you may enter CP mode by signaling attention, and determine the status of the designated device by entering the CP command QUERY VIRTUAL cuu Then take the corrective action necessary to define the device for your virtual Ilachine or to access it in read/write status. Reenter CMS mode by issuing the CP cOllmand BEGIN 607R REWRITE THE NUCLEUS? (YESINC) You must then reenter the device address. ~xplana~ion: Your response to this message determines whether or not a copy of the CMS nucleus is written onto disk. Once the IPL device address is message DMSINI609R is issued. System Action: response. User Action: Enter a valid or a nUllline. The system waits for a User Action: Enter either "yes" or "no." If youenter "no" a copy of the CMS nucleus is not written onto disk. The remaining guest ions in generating a new CMS nucleus are skipped and control is passed to the CMS initialization routine. If you enter "yes", message issued. If you fail to enter the message either "yes" or "no", is issued. ~essage DMSINI607R is reissued and you may enter a valid response. = cuu Explanation: "cuu" designates the device address on which the CMS nucleus is to be written. If the system disk and the IPL device are to be the same, you need only enter a null line. System Actio~: response. The system - - - device address = nnn (Basic System Extensions) 609R NUCLEUS {CYL I BLK} ADDRESS nnn DMSINI608R is DMSINI081E INVALID REPLY. - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" 608R IPL DEVICE ADDRESS 609R NUCLEUS CYL ADDRESS accepted, waits for Inlanation: "nnn" designates the cylinder address (on the device entered in response to message DMSINI608R) on which the CMS nucleus is to be written. (For Basic System Extensions, "nnn" designates the FB-512 block number (on the device entere~ in response to message D!INI608R) on which the CMS nucleus is to be written). nnn must be between 001 and m-1 where.! eguals the number of cylinders or blocks on the disk, the cylinders or blocks on a disk being numbered from 0 to~. nnn must be entered in decimal. (For Basis System Extensions, if an FB-512 device, the FB-512 block number must be a multiple of 256 and 256 blocks must be available at that location to form an FB-512 extent.) a ~!em Action: response. The system waits Conversational Monitor system (eMS) Messaqes for a 167 DMS If you do not enter a valid decimal cylinder or block number, the message DHSINI080E INVALID {CYLIEIKJ NUHEER REENTER is issued, messaqe DHSINI609R is reissued, and you may enter a valid cylinder number (For Basic System Extensions, FE-512 block number) • If the cylinder or FE-512 block(s) specified is not greater than the number of cylinders or FE-512 block(s) already in use on the device (as indicated in the file directory), the message If you enter "yes", the initial 1PL text is written on cylinder or block 0 as well as on the cylinder or block designated in response to message DMSINI609R. If you enter "no" the initial IPL text is written only on the cylinder or block designated in response to messaqe DMSINI609R. If you enter either "yes" or "no", message DMSINI611R is issued. ,Yser Action: Enter "yes" or "no". = 611R VERSION IDENTIFICATION D"SIWtOA3E wnct~ns WTL~ OVERL~Y PT~R~ - RECOHPUTE - - - (Easic System Extensions) DHSINI083E NUCLEUS {CYLIELKJ SPECIFICATION UNACCEPTAELE, ERROR 'X' Explanation: Thirty-two bytes :> f information, including blanks, can be entered to specifically identify the version and level of CMS; this information is displayed or printed out wben an IPL CMS is executed. The default identification (specified by a carriage return) is: CMS VERSION n.n - IIm/dd/yy is issued. Hessage DHSINI609R is reissued. You may respond with a larger cylinder or block number, or IPL the CMS system and format the specified IPL device witb the RECOHP option. Once the nucleus cylinder or block address is accepted, message DHSINI610R is issued. - - - (Easic System Extensions) CMS VM/ESE 2 6xx - am/dd/yy User Action: address:--- Enter 610R ALSO IPL CYLINDER 01 - - - a valid CMS VM/SE 2 6xx - mm/dd/yy (YESINO) (Basic System Extensions) 610R ALSO IPL {CYLIELKJ 01 (System Extensions) - cylinder where 6xx is the current Service Level and mm/dd/yy is the month, day, and year tbe CMS nucleus was created. (yESINO) Syst~ Action: response. Explana~ion: (For Easic System Extensions, tbe terms "FE-512 extent", "block" and "block number" are applicable) • The initial TPL text is always written on the same cylinder or FE-512 extent as the CKS nucleus, that is, the cylinder or FE-512 extent designated in response to message DMSINI609R. (The initial IPL text is a bootstrap program that reads in the nucleus from the designated cylinder or block.) If it is not also written on cylinder or block 0, you must enter the cylinder or block number whenever an IPL is issued for the system being generated. For more information, see the IPL command in the VHL}lQ ~g ~Q~and Eei~£~ for General Us~~~. 12Y§~~U! !£~ion: If you do not enter "yes" or "no", the messaqe DMSIN1081E INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" is issued. Message DHS1NI610R is reissued and you may enter a valid response. 168 IBM VM/370 System Messages Tbe system User Action: Enter version information or a null line. 612R INSTALLATION HEADING waits for a identification = EXl!!.anati.Q!!: Sixty-four bytes of information, including blanks, can be entered to serve as an installation standard beading at the beginning of each output file. The default heading (specified by a null line) is: CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM ~§~em Action: response. The system waits for a Use! Action: Enter up to 64 characters of identifying information, or a null line. 615R Y - DISK ADDRESS ~!.l!nati.Qll: address of = cuu "cuu" designates the device tbe system disk e xten sion DKS (Y-disk). On this disk, CKS expects to find all CMS system information and programs not contained within the CMS nucleus and not on the S-disk, such as disk-resident command modules. If the CMS nucleus is written on this disk, then cuu is also the IPL device address. (It is not required that you have a Y-disk.) §yste~ Actio~: The system waits for Use~ Action: If the file has been rea~ in as READCARD CKSUT1 A1, rename it to a desired fileid. 7031 FILE 'fn ft [fm]' COPIED Explanat!on: The named copied from tape to disk. file has been a Syst~ response. Action: None. If you enter an invalid device address, the message DSHINI079E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS REENTER is issued. Message DMSINI615R is reissued, and you may enter a valid device address. If you enter a null line, "19E" is assumed to be the system disk extension address. If you do not want a I-disk, then do not have a disk 19E in your directory entry, and enter a null line. 7041 INVALID CLEAR REQUEST Explanation: A CLEAR for a file definition No action took place. ~!~ request was entered that does not exist. Action: None. User Action: Correct the file specified in the CLEAR request. definition 7051 DISK REMAINS UNCHANGED once the system disk extension address is accepted, message DMSINI607R is issued. ~!anat!on: The reply to DHSFOR605R was not "yes". User Action: Enter a anufl1ine. valid disk address or ~Y§!em Action: unchanged. 7011 NULL FILE Explanat!~: disk remains User Action: Enter the next command. There were no records in the file. 7061 TERM INPUT DATA For DKSRDC, two READ control cards were encountered, but there were no cards available to be placed in the first file. For DMSTPE, an end-of-CMS-file found, but there were no other the file. syste~ The None. Act!Q~: record was records in -- TYPE NULL LINE FOR END OF ~!~nation: The input ddname in the KOVEFILE command refers to a terminal. This messaqe requests the input da ta to be copied to the output device or file. ~tem Action: response. The system waits for a processing continues. User ActiQD: Enter data or a null line. User Action: If records were expected, the file should be resubmitted. 707I TEN FILES COPIED 7021 :READ fn ft fm Explanation: This message is displayed for every READ control card encountered during a READCARD operation. When there are no READ control cards, the following messages ar e displayed: READ CONTROL CARD IS KISSING. ASSUMED: :READ READCARD CMSUT1 A1 This indicates that the file READCARD CKSUT1 A1. ~Y§te~ Expl~natiQa: Ten members have been copied from tape to disk as a result of the MAXTEN option. System Action: None. User ActiQD: None. FOLLOWING is read in as Action: Processing continues. 7081 DISK FILE 'FILE ddname DDNAME 'ddna.e' A1' ASSUMED FOR Expl~ation: No FILEDEF command was issued for a ddname specified in the ftOVEFILE command. As a result, the HOVEFILE command issues a FILEDEF for that ddna.e. If this is the input ddna.e, the disk file must exist on disKe The block size and Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Kessages 169 DMS record format are taken from the characteristics of the input disk file. If this is the output ddname, the disk file is created on the A-disk. Its characteristics depend on the format of the input file. Syste~ 7101 PHASE xxxxxx Action: Processing continues. 'phase' ENTRY POINT Expla~1ion: The phasE locat~~ at location xxxxxx. AT entry Use~ name of is the input file and ActiQn: None. 7221 FILE 'fname2 OUTPUT LOCATION point indicates the output file. LISTING fm' WILL HOLD A!SERV Explanation: The Access Method Services output viII be placed on the qi ven disk (other than the user's A-Disk) • This information message is omi tted if the output file is placed on the user's read/write A-disk. System Action: Processing continues. User User Action: Issue begin execution. the START command Acti~: 7231 mode (cuu) 7111 NO SYSTEM SYNONYMS IN EFFECT ~xpla~ation: No system synonyms are in effect because you previously issued a SYNONYM command with NOSTD specified as an option. Syste~ None. to {R/O I R/W} (-OS I-DOS 1 Explanation: The specified CMS-formatted disk is accessed in read-only mode. -OS indicates the disk is OS-formatted. -DOS indicates the disk is DOS-formatted. Note: A read/write OS or written on only by VSA!. DOS disk can be ActiQn: None. ~tem-Action: User Action: If you vant to have system synonyms in effect, iSSUE the SYNONYM command with the STD option. Use~ processing continues. Action: lone. 7241 'cuu' REPLACES 'mode (ccu) , 7121 NO SYNONYMS. (DKSIBA NOT IN NUClEUS) The routine that handles synonym processing is not in this system; therefore, no synonyms are in effect. Explanation: The disk that was accessed replaces the disk specified in the search order. The disk it replaces is released, but is not detached. ~te1!. System Action: processing continues. Expla~1ion: Action: None. User Action: None. User Action: Bone. 7151 {DOSGENICKSIGEN} CO!PLETE - - - 7251 cuu ALSO = 'mode' [-OSI-DOS] DISK (Basic System Extensions) Explanation: The specified disk is also accessed as the 'mode' disk. The -OS indicates that the disk is an OS disk; Th~ -DOS indicates that the disk is a DOS disk. 7151 {DOSGENICMSIGENICKSZGEN} COMPLETE ~tem Action: Processing continues. ~xplanatiQn: The CKS text decks have been successfully loaded into the discontiguous shared segment and the CP SAVESYS command has been issued to save the system. 7261 'cuu mode' RELEASED device has been Expl~ati~: The specified released since the user has specified another disk for that mode. User Acti.Q.n: None. 7211 COpy 'fn ft fm' [{TOIAPPEBDIOVLY} 'fn fm' {OLDINEW} FILE] ft ~~~ Action: Processing continues. ~~ Acti~: Expla~1iQn: conjunction 170 This message vith the TYPE IBM YM/370 System Messages appears option. in It None. DMS 7281 DEBUG ENTERED AT xxxxxx] [EXTERNAL INT!BREAKPOINT nn 7511 "EMBER FOUND IN LIBRARY 'fn' ~l~atiQ.!!: If more than one LOADLIB or TITLIB was specified, this messaqe tells you which library the member was found in. Expla~lign: The system has entered the DEBUG environment. For a full description of DEBUG, see the VM/370 ~~~ User's Guide and the VML170 ~~~ Com~,g .snd Macro Syst~ Action: Processing continues. Refere.!!£~. User Action: None. ~t~~ Actio.!!: The next command. system waits for the 7775 DOS PARTITION FETCH REQ UEST User Actign: Enter a DEBUG sutcommand. TOO SMALL TO ACCOMMODATE ~lanation: 7321 'nnn' {CYLINDERSIFB-512 BLOCKS} ON DISK 'mode (cuu) , The virtual DOS partition is too small to accommodate the FETCH request. If the module or phase requested were fetched into user storage, i t would exceed PPEND. FORMATTED Explan~lign: This message tells you how many cylinders (or for Basic System Extensions, FB-512 blocks) have been formatted on the specified disk. ~te~ System Action: RC = 104 Execution of the command is terminated. User Action: Redefine the size of the virtuar--partition using the SET DOSPART command and reissue the command. Note that redefining the partition size causes storage to be reinitialized, and therefore any previous loads or fetches must be reissued. Actign: processing continues. 7331 FORMATTING DISK 'mode' Expla.!!atiQ.!!: The FORMAT command formatting the specified disk. is 825E ~stem Action: Processing continues. 7381 RECORD LENGTH IS 'nnn' BYTES ~xplanation: The message indicates the length of records read in when it is not 80 bytes. ~te~ Action: processing continues. 7401 EXECUTION BEGINS ~xplanalign: The user has requested execution of a program under CMS. ~te~ Action: The program has been prepared ior--execution by the CMS loader and control is now passed to the program • .!!§.g Actign: None. 'CLEAR' IS ITSELF VALID ONLY WHEN SPECIFIED BY ExplanatiQ.!!: CLEAR, CLEARALL, CLEARIO, or CLEARMC was specified along with other parameters. This is prohibited. The CLEAR parameter must be specified by itself, with no reports requested. No report is printed. System Action: RC = 12 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. No clearing takes place. No report is printed. User Action: Reissue the CPEREP command requesting--the report without the CLEAR parameter. After the report is genera ted, issue CPEREP again with only the CLEAR parameter, or use the ZERO parameter with other parameters (where compatible) to generate a report followed by immediate clearing. 826E EREP TITLIBS NOT FOUND ~lanation: EiE? 7XT~IBs, In atteapting to search the DMSIFC found that the pointer to the first TITLIB contained zeros. 75CI ZAP PROCESSING COMPLETE ~xplanatign: An END control record was encountered and processing is terminated. Syst~~!£tion: All· files are control returns to CMS. Q~~Actio.!!: closed and ~!em Action: RC = 56 Execution of the co.mand is termina ted. The system status remains the same. None. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messaqes 171 DMS Qser ActiQn: Issue a GLOBAL TXTLIB co.mand listing the applicable EREP TXTLIBs in the proper search order. If no local libraries exist, the command should be: reconstruction process is successful, initiate the CPEREP operation aqain. If the error recurs, call your system support personnel. GLOBAL TXTLIB ERPTFLIE EREPLIB 831E MORE THAI 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED Reissue the CPEREP command. If the error persists, support call your system personnel. The maximum number of characters that can be used to specify options for this command is 100. More than 100 characters were used. ~lanation: 8281 CPEREP ZERO OR CLEAR HAS BEEN COMPLETED Action: RC = 62 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. ~tem· Explanation: CLEAR or ZERO was specified by the user or other parameters caused ZERO to be requested by default. The VK/370 error recor<1 i ng cylint'lerl=; havE been erased j except that only the I/O error recording cylinder vas erased if CLEARIO was specified; or only the machine and channel check error recording cylinder was erased if CLEARMC was specified. Action: RC = 0 Control returns to CMS. User Action: Check the valid command com.and usinq less than 100 characters to specify the options. optIonS:-~eissue the 832S SOFTWARE INCOMPATIBILITY AT THE CPEREP-EREP INTERFACE. CODE=nnn ~ystem Q§er Ac~iQn: None required. 829W ATTEMPTED 'ZERO' WAS PRIVILEGE CLASS F SUPPRESSED. REQUIRES ]xplanation: CLEAR or ZERO was specified by the user; or other parameters caused ZERO to be requested by default. The VM/370 error recording cylinders were not erased because the user was not authorized. Only class F users have authorization to erase the error recording cylinders. A£tion: RC = 88 or RC = 0 If the CLEAP function failed, the return code will be 88. If the ZERO function failed, the return code will be O. Reports (if requested) have already been generated. Control returns to CMS. ~yste~ User Action: None required if ZERO was requested--by mistake or default. If you need to erase the error recording cylinders, see your system support personnel to get a class F directory entry. 830E I/O ERROR READING A BLeCK CF THE ERROR RECORDING CYLINDERS RECORDS FROM Exp!g~~iQn: DMSREA, the CPEREP read module, encountered a permanent input/output error while attempting to read a 4K block of records from the error recording area. probable hardware error. Syst~~ !£tion: RC = 60 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. Usgt Action: Execute the DDR service program--to- obtain a dump of the error recording cylinder on which the input error occurred. Reconstruct the data on the error recording cylinders. If the 172 IBM VM/370 system Messages Explanation: CPEREP is OS/VS EREP runninq under CMS with CPEREP providing interface code between OS/VS EREP and CMS. Some change has been made to OS/VS EREP (via PTF, or a new release, etc.) that has made it i.compatible with the interface provided by CPEREP. Code Meaning -1-- An EXCP was attempted with a DCB other than tbat of the SYS1.LOGREC data set. 2 OS/VS EREP is expected to use only one lOB and one channel prog ram when it uses EXCP to access the SYS1.LOGREC data set. But it has attempted to use IOBs or channel programs at more than one location in storage. 3 The expected read/write command in the channel program for accessing SYS1.LOGREC contains an unexpected op code. 4 While readinq error records (with EICP) from (simulated) SYS1. LOGREC, OS/VS EREP made an attempt to read nonsequentially prior to completion of the sequential reading phase. S An attempt was made to read record 2 of SYS1.LOGREC (the time stamp record), which CPEREP does not simulate. 6 The first EXCP to SYS1.LOGREC was not the expected read of the SYS1.LOGREC header record. 7 The channel program for accessing SYS1.LOGREC does not have the expected format. 8 An invalid disk address (CCHHR) was used while attempting to access SYS1.LOGREC. 9 There are no error records and yet OS/VS EREP attempted to read error records. 10 An invalid record length was encountered while reading SYS1.LOGREC. This may be due to error records being overlaid on the error cylinders. Dl!S Svs~em Act!on: RC = 104 Execution of the command is terminated with EREP message(s} IFC1351 or IFC149I. User Ac~iQn: Reissue the command, or have your system proqrammer try it. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 15 16 17 901T UNEXPECTED ERROR AT 'addr': PLIST 'plist fn 18 ft fmc AT addr, BASE: addr, Be nn 19 Explanation: An unexpe~ted error occurred in COPYFILE processing. The ~plist~ indicates one of the following CMS functions: RDBUF, iRBUF, FINIS, ADTLKP, or RENAHE. The return code "nn" indicates one of the following conditions: 20 21 l!eaning The number of bytes to be written is not integrally divisible by the number of records to be written. The length of this record is not the same as that of the previous record. The characteristic (F or V) is not the same as the previous record. A variable-length record is greater than 65K bytes. The number of records is qreater than 1 for a variable-length file. The maximum number of data blocks (16060) had been reached. An iuvalid character appears ~u the filename. An invalid character appears in the filetype. 'plist' = FINIS 'plist' = RDBUF Code lIeaninq 6 The tile is not open. Code Meani.ng --2-- The address of the buffer was not within virtual storage limits. 3 A permanent disk error occurred. This may occur if you link to and access another user's disk, and try to read a file that was refiled by its owner after you issued the ACCESS command. Reissue the ACCESS command and try to read the file again. 5 The number of records is less .than 0 or greater than 32768. 7 The fixed/variable flag is not F or V. 8 The record read is longer than the buffer. 9 The specified file is open for writing; it must be closed and opened for reading. 11 The number of records is greater than 1 for a variable-length file. 12 The end of the file was reached. 13 An invalid displacement appears in the AFT for a variable-length file. 14 An invalid character appears in the filename. 15 An invalid character appears in the filetype. Code !lean lng ~ The mode is invalid, or the fileid is incomplete. 28 The file was not found, a new file already exists, fileids are identical, or the file is inactive. 36 The disk is not read/write. • If the APPEND option was specified and the copying process began before the error was discovered, records have been appended to the output file. 'plist' = iRBUF • If the NEiFILE (the default), REPLACE, or OVLY option was specified, and the copying process began before the error was discovered, then COPYFILE CMSUT1, on the output disk, contains the records copied so far. • If multiple-output-file mode, several output files may have been created before the error was discovered. COde Meaning --1-- An attempt was made to write a null file. 2 The virtual storage address equals zero. 4 The first character of the filemode is invalid. 5 The second character of the filemode is invalid. 6 The record number or number of records is too long. 7 An attempt was made to skip over an unwritten variable-length record. 8 The number of bytes was not specified. 10 The IICI.ximum number of CPlS files (3400) was reached. 11 The fixed/variable flag is not F or V. 12 The disk is read-only. 13 The disk is full. 'plist' = ADTLKP Code l!eaning --1-- The matching ADT block was not found. 'plist' = RENI!lE Action: RC = 256 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions: . ~!:m! User Action: Refer to the "plist" parameter and-theRC "nn" parameter to determine if an input/output error occurred. If i t did, try to reissue the command. Otherwise, contact your system support personnel for assistance. 902T IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR Explanati~: An uncorrectable I/O error occurred while reading a Cl!S nucleus. Conversational !lonitor System (CMS) Messages 173 DMS ~t~~ !ct!Qn: The system enters a wait state. User Action: Call your installation support personnel:-- Use~ Action: Notify the system operator to reset the switch; then IPL CMS again. 907T I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' ~!~ation: The system tried to close a file that had not been opened or could not find a file that should exist. 903T IMPOSSIBLE PHASE CODE 'xx' ~xpla~tiQn: A phase code larger than the maximum was detected during the file copying operation. This error should never occur. For DMSHLP, an error occurred while attempting to read from the requested HELP text file. Action: RC = 256 Execution of the command is terminated. is For DMSLBM, the lUCilB condi tion unpredictable. Syste!!! !ction: RC = 256 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions: ~!:~ • User Action: For DMSLBM, issue M~CLIB MAP to-Check-the validity of the library name. • If the NEWFILE (the default), REPLACE, or OVLY option was specified, and the copying process began before the error was discovered, then COPYFIIE CMSUT1, on the output disk, contains the records copied so far. In multiple output file mode, several output files may already have been created before the error was discovered. User Action: Call forassIstance. your support personnel For DMSLIO, if the error is in a TITLIB, check the integrity of the dictionary. Reissue the command and if the problem persists, contact your installation support personnel. 90aT FILE SYSTEM ERROR DETECTED. VIRTUAL 'cuu'. REASON CODE Inn' ADDR ~lanation: 904T UNEXPECTED 'addr' UNPACK ERRCR AT 'addr', BASE ~lgngt!Qn: An error condition was detected during the process of unpacking a file. probably, the file was not in PACK format, or it was modified after it was packed. An error has been detected indicating that the CMS file system may have become disoriented with respect to the disk having virtual address 'cuu'. Inn' indicates the nature of the error; it may be one of the following: Meaft; "'". = = An error was detected in trying to read from or write on a disk. Probably the disk was detached (via the DETACH command) without having been released (via the RELEASE command) , or the disk is an unsupported device. Error detected in module DKSDIO. ~te!!! !£tion: RC = 256 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions for DMSCPY: • • If the NEWFILE (the default), REPLACE, or OVLY option was specified, and the copying process began before the error was discovered, then COPYFIIE CMSUT1, on the output disk, contains the records copied so far. - A deallocation was attempted on a nonallocated DISK block, or a MARK operation was attempted on a block already allocated. The error was detected in DMSTRK, or a RDTRK/WRTRK operation was attempted to a DISK block number zero. The error was detected in module DMSDIO. In multiple output file mode, several output files may have been created before the error was discovered. ~~~~ !~tiQn: contact your installation support personnel for assistance. 4 905S WRITE-INHIBIT SWITCH SET ON DRIVE ••• NOTIFY OPERATOR ~~E!gngtiQn: CMS tried to write on a virtual disk that resides on a disk whose "write-inhibit" switch was set. Action: DMSDIO returns to with a code-6': "FILE IS READ-CNLY." ~Y§t~!!! 174 IBM VM/370 System Messages caller (Basic System Extensions) - - - 5 The cylinder number as calculated in CMS is not within range of user's disk, or an attempt was made to write on the system disk (MODE=S). Error detected in module DMSDIO. The cylinder number received by the Control Program is not in the user's range or an attempt was made to access file record zero. Error detected in module DMSDIO. DKS 8 C 13 18 19 1C 24 25 28 4i 42 45 81 82 Meaning An attempt was made to write on a read-only disk. Error detected in module DKSDIO. A channel programming error occurred. Error detected in module DKSDIO or a deallocation was attempted on a block outside the range of the DISK structure. The error was detected in module DMSTRK, or a RDTRK/iRTRK operation was attempted with a byte count of zero. The error was detected in module DKSDIO. An I/O error occurred while writing the volume label to comait an ACCESS ERASE operation. The error was detected in DKSTRK. An I/O error occurred during a RDTRK/iRTRK operation to an FB-512 device. The error was detected by DHSDIO. A plist error was encountered during a truncate operation. The error was detected by DKSERS. A storage error occurred during a truncate operation. The error was detected by DMSERS. The file or ADT for a truncate operation was not found. The error was detected by DKSERS. The file to undergo truncation vas located on a R/O disk. The error vas detected by DKSERS. A storage error occurred during a RDTR/iRTRK operation. The error was detected in module DKSDIO. A FINIS error occurred during a truncate operation. The error was detected by DKSERS. Inconsistent V-Format pointers were detected during a truncate operation. The error was detected in module DMSERS. No free block is available for allocation. Error detected in module DMSTRK. You may recover files from this disk if you access it as read-only and copy the desired files to another disk. A parameter list error occurred. Error detected in module DKSTRK. The cylinder numter received by the Control program is not in the user's range, or an attempt was made to access file record zero. Error detected in module DKSTRK. No free block is available for allocation. Error detected in module DMSTQQ. A parameter list error occurred. Error detected in module DKSTQQ. Syste~ Aciion: The system enters a disabled wait state. The user file directorv is not updated. - User Act ion: IFL eKS again. If data on the pack ~-still good, reissue the command. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 909T PERM I/O ERROR ON 'cuu'. CSW cccccccc SENSE ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss. cccccccc ssssssss ~lanation: An uncorrectable I/O error has occurred on virtual device address 'cuu'. The CSW bytes at the time of the error are indicated at the lowercase "c" positions and sense data appears at the lowercase "s" positions. Syst~ Action: The system enters a disabled wait state. The user file directory is not updated. User Action: IPL CMS again. Reissue the command. -rf the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. - - - (Basic System Extensions) 995E UNABLE TO OBTAIN FREE STORAGE FOR PROCESSING. REDEFINE STORAGE SIZE DKSBOP Explanati~: A program executing under CKSDOS tried to open a DTF. Not enough free storage was available to satisfy requests issued by the DMSBOP routine (OPEN). The DTF is not opened. Action: RC = 104 The program is cancelled. ~.tn User Action: Redefine the storage size of your virtual machine, or return free storage that is not required. (Basic System Extensions) 99GE NO LOGIC 'filename' KODULE POINTER IN DTF FOR A program executing under CMSDOS issued an OPEN for a DTF called 'filename'. Since the DTF is type SD, the program must pass the pointer to the logic module. OPEN checks the DTF for this pointer if the DTF device is not FB-512, and if the pointer is zero, the DTF is not opened. ~!anation: ~!y Action: RC = 104 The program is cancelled. User Action: Update the program inItialize the logic module pointer. to 999E NO ft PROCESSOR FOUND ~lanation: The processor module appropriate to the filetype was not found. Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. ~.t~~ User Action: Correct reissue-t~command. the filetype Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages and 175 EDIT EDIT Messages EOF REACHED The followinq messaqes are issued by the CMS Editor in response to the EDIT command and its subcommands. nnn LINE(S) CHANGED [, nnn LINE(S) TRUNCATED) Ex~~~1io~: A CHANGE subcommand caused nnn lines to be changed and/or nnn lines to be truncated. SAVED ~lanatiQn: An automatic save (AUTOSAVE) was just performed on the file currently being edited. AVAILABLE STORAGE IS NOW FULL Expl~atiQn: The number of lines beyond the starting line specified in a GETFILE SUbcommand exceeded the end of the indicated file. The lines from the starting line to the end of the file were inserted in the file. When verification is on, the last line inserted is displayed at the terminal. FILE IS EMPTY Explanat!QD: An attempt to SAVE or AUTOSAVE a null file was detected. If the subcommand was FILE, the Editor exits and is erased; if it was SAVE or AUTOSAVE, control returns to edit mode. In either case, the file is not stored on your disk. FILE NOT FOUND Explanation: The size of the file cannot be increased. Any attempt to add lines produces the message Ne ROOM. other commands are unaffected. Use the FILE subcommand to store what you have already edited on disk. To continue editing, you may temporarily increase the size of your virtual machine by issuing the CP command DEFINE, or split the file into two smaller ones. ~!anation: The file identification specified in a GETFILE subcomma nd was not found on an auxiliary storage device. GET FILE IS INCOKPLETE 1XP!anation: The available storage was exceeded while attemptin9 to execute a GETFILE subcommand. The last line inserted into the file is displayed at the terminal. EDIT: ~lanatiQn: This message indicates entry to edit mode. During initialization, if the file identification specifi~u in the EDIT co~~and is fonnd on disk r this is the first response; otherwise, the file is new and the message NEW FILE: precedes the message EDIT: • This message is also displayed: • When you enter a null 1 ine in edit mode. C~S • When you return from mode. subset to edit • If verification is on when you null line in input mode. enter a • If verification is on when subcommand completes execution. a GIVEN STARTING LINE IS BEYOND EOF Explanation: The starting line specified in a GETFILE sunco.=and points beyona the last line of the indicated file. INPUT: Expl~atiQ.n: lines entered of the file. Indicates entry to in put mode; at the terminal become part INVALID LINE NURBER REFERENCE IN STMNT nnnnn ~lanation: SAVE END ZONE SET TO 72 ~XP1~~~1iQn: The SERIAL subcom.and was issued when the zone setting was within the serialization field. The end zone is reset to column 72. This message occurs for VSBASIC files only. The line number referenced in statement nnnnn is invalid (not numeric). The old line number is nnnnn. The RENU" subcommand is terminated by the Editor without renumbering the file. To continue, correct statement nnnnn and reissue the subcommand. INVALID SYNTAX IN STMNT nnnnn ~!~atiQn: EOF: ~X£la~g1iQ~: The line pointer is positioned after the bottom line of the file or, if the file is empty, after the null line at the top of the file (subject to the setting of the VERIFY subcommand). 176 IBM VM/370 System Messages This message occurs with VSBASIC files only. RENUM cannot convert the line number operand in statement nnnnn because of incorrect language usage. The old line number is nnnnn. The RENUM subcommand is terminated by the Editor. To continue, correct the statement in line nnnnn and reissue the command. EDIT NON-NUMERIC CHARACTER IN LINE NUMBER COLUMNS INVALID $name PARAMETER LIST 'Exp1anat.iQn: The indicated edit macro was invoked with one or more errors in the subcommand line. ~lS!lation: A nonnumeric character was found in the columns reserved for line numbers. The line pointer identifies the line in error. You should correct or delete the line in error. LINE xxxxx REFERENCED IN STKNT nnnnn, NOT FOUND Ex~~1!Qn This messagE occurs for VSBASIC files only. The line numter specified as an operand in statement nnnnn was not found. The old line number is nnnnn. The RENUM subcommand is terminated by the JSQl.1:or. To continue, correct the .U.llt'! number operand xxxxx in statement nnnnn and reissue the command. NOT FOUND The search operand specified in the ALTER, CHANGE, FIND, or LOCATE encountered in the subcommand was not deli.ited range (current ZONE setting), V~ before the end of the file was reached. ~!anation: OVERFLOW AT STATEMENT nnnnn MAXIMUM LINE NUMBER EXCEEDED ~lanati~: ]xp1ana1!Qn: The RENUM subcommand specified values for !lstrtno" and "incrno" that would result in a line number that exceeds 99999 for VSBASIC files or 99999999 for FREEFORT files. The RENUM subcommand is terminated by the Editor. To continue, reissue RENUM with proper strtno and incrno values. This message is also issued for other serialized files if the line number exceeds 99999. The file must be reserialized. NEW FILE: ]xplanat!Qn: The message is issued durinq Editor initialization if the file identified in the EDIT command is not found on the specified disk. If no filemode was specified with the EDIT command, CMS searches only the A-disk and its extensions. NO LINES MOVED ];.~ng1!Qn: invoked with equal to o. The edit number of macro SMOVE was lines to be moved NO ROOM ExP15!nat!Q!l: An attempt to enter additional lines to a file was detected after the message AVAILABLE STORAGE IS NOW FULL was displayed. Any stacked lines are cleared to avoid multiple error messages or improper SUbcommand execution sequences. Use the FILE subcommand to store what you have edited so far on disk. To continue editing, you must either split the file into two smaller files or temporarily increase the storage size of your virtual machine via the CP DEFINE STORAGE command. The maximum virtual storage permitted is determined by the MSTOR value in your directory entry. This message occurs with VSBASIC files only. The conversion of the line number operand in statement nnnnn would produce a record exceeding the logical record length. The old line number is nnnnn. The RENUM subcommand is terminated by the Editor; to continue, correct the state.ent at old line number nnnnn and reissue the subcommand. READ ERROR - GETFILE IS INCOMPLETE Explanation: An unrecoverable error was encountered during the execution of a GETFILE subcommand. The last line inserted into the file is displayed at the terminal. RECORD LENGTH OF FILE TOO LARGE ]xElanatiQn: The file identification of a GETFILE subcommand indicates a file with a record length greater than the file being edited. The GETFILE subcommand is not executed. RENUM MODULE NOT FOUND ]xElanati~: The RENUM subcomaand requires that there be a RENUM module on the system disk. The RENUK subcommand is terminated by the Editor. Your installation system programmer must place the RENUM module on the system disk. RENUMBER LINES ExplS!lat.i~: 1. The line number prompter cann~t proceed because therE are no more numbers between the current line number and the line number of the next line already in the file (that is, they differ by one). In LINEMODE RIGHT, the user can turn LINEMODE OFF, issue a SERIAL subcommand, SAVE the file on disk (reserializing it), and finally turn LINEMODE RIGHT on and continue with the editing session. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messaqes 177 EDIT 2. The next line number, 100000, is too large. 3. If you are editing a VSBASIC or FREEFORT file, you can use the RENUM subcommand to renumber your file. 100000000 or This message is also issued if you use FMODE subcommand specifying an access-mode letter not in the range A-G, S, Y, or Z, or an access-mode number that is qreater than 5. SET NEW FILENAME AND RETRY RESERIALIZATION SUPPRESSED ~!anation: During the execution of a SAVE, AUTOSAVE, or FILE subcommand, an error occurred while alterinq the name of the CMS work file. You can -now institute recovery procedures, since the Editor returns to edit mode. The work file remains. It should be erased, and a different file identification for a subsequen t SA VE, AUTOSA VE, or FI LE subcommand should be specified. Explanati2n: Peserialization on a SAVE, AUTOSAVE, or FILE subcommand is suppressed when LINEMODE RIGHT is set so that the numbers used during the editing session are retained. To reserialize, repeat the SAVE, AUTOSAVE, or FILE with LINEMODI OFF set. SAVED (See "_SAVED".) STACKED LINES CLEARED SERIALIZATION IS INCOMPLETE Expl§Aation: Multiple subcommands were detected after a failure to increase the file size when the Editor had indicated NO ROOM. This message is also displayed when an abnormal exit from edit mode occurs (to preserve the CMS command environment from stacked EDIT subcommands), or when an error is encountered in executing an edit macro. Explanation: During the execution of a SAVE, AUTOSAVE, or FILE subcommand that is serializing a file, the disk becomes full before the last line is written. The partial file is erased and the user is notified of the condition. SET NEW FILEMODE, OR ENTER SOME SPACE eMS SUBSET AND CLEAR STACKED LINES CLEARED BY Sname ~!anatiQn: When the named edit macro (such as SMOVE) is invoked, any stacked lines are cleared by the macro before its execution. This message also occurs when an edit macro is issued when the current line pointer is at the top of the file or the end of the file. When an edit macro is issued with the current line pointer at any other point in the file, the message does not occur unless lines are stacked in the console stack. Explanali2n: During t he execution of a SAVE, RENUM, AUTOSAVE, or FILE subcommand, the disk becomes full before writinq the last line of the file. The Editor erases the partial file. To continue: eith~r (1) alter the destination of the edit file with the FMODE subcommand, or (2) enter CMS subset and erase unneeded files to make more room available. SET NEi FILEMODE AND RETRY STRING NOT FOUND, NO DELETIONS MADE Explanati2~: An attempt was made to SAVE, AUTOSAVE, or FILE a file on a disk that is read-only or not accessed. You may reissue the subcommand specifying the filemode of a read/write disk; or, if you do not have a read/write disk active, you may enter the eMS subset environment by issuing the subcommand eMS, then issue the ACCESS command to gain access to a disk in read/write status, and then return to the edit environment by issuing the RETURN command. If you are using a VSBASle file and issued a RENUM subcommand, you must access the disk you specified in read/write status for the subcommand to operate. The RENUM subcommand is terminated by the Editor without renumberinq the file. To continue, use the FMODE subcommand to direct the file to a read/write disk and reissue the RENUM subcommand. 178 IBM VM/370 System Messages Explanation: The specified character string has not been found by the end of the file. No deletions have been made, and the current line pointer remains unchanged. TOF: ~lanation: The current line pointer is positioned at the null line at the top of the file. This message appears either after the TOP subcommand has been issued or after any other EDIT subcommand has positioned the line pointer at the null line at the beginning of the file. TOO MANY LINES TO MOVE Explanati.Q!!: The SMOVE invoked with the number moved greater than 25. edit macro was of lines to be EDIT TOO MANY LINES TO STACK ~xpla~slio~: During initialization, the parameter of the STACK subcommand implies a storage requirement in excess of that reserved for the execution of the subcommand. The limit is 25 lines. WRONG FILE FORMAT FOR SERIALIZATION ~!anatiQD: The SERIAL subcommand was issued for a variable-length file or for a file that does not have a fixed record length of 80. ZONE ERROR TRUNC SET TO 72 subcom!l!land was Explanati.QD.: The SERIAL issued and the truncation column was set within the serialization field. The truncation column is reset to column 72. Explanation: The string specified in a CHANGE subcommand is too long for the current zone specification. The file is not changed. TRUNCATED ~!anatiQn: Explans1io~: The current line has exceeded the truncation column. If verification is on, the truncated line is displayed, followed by the message INPUT: (if in input mode) • WRONG FILE FORMAT FOR LINEMOtE RIGHT ExplanatiQ~: The LINEMODE RIGHT option is not compatible with variahle-length L1~es or files that have a fixed record length other than 80. Same as ?EDIT:, but the input line is not displayed because the SHORT subcommand is in effect. Explanation: Same as ?EDIT:, but displayed when an invalid edit macro issued and the SHORT subcommand is effect. is is in ?EDIT: ~!~atiQD: WRONG FILE FORMAT FOR RENUM ExplanatiQn: The filetype of the file you are editing is not VSBASIC or FREEFORT, or the Editor detected an invalid line number. For VSBASIC files, the line number must be the first five characters of the record. For FREEFORT files, the line number must be the first eight characters of the record. The RENUM subcommand is terminated by the Editor without renumbering the file. To continue, correct the line number or filetype and reissue the RENUM subcommand. An unrecognizable EDIT subcommand or invalid subcommand operand was encountered. The input line is displayed for inspection. This form is used if the LONG subcommand is in effect. DMSBWR170S DISK 'mode (cuu) I IS FULL ~lanatiQD: CMS issues this message if the output disk becomes full during execution of a FILE, SAVE, RENUM, or AUTOSAVE subcommand becomes full. The subcommand is terminated by the Editor, erases the work file (which is incomplete), and requests the user to specify a new filemode or make more room on the disk. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Kessages 179 EXEC EXEC Messages The EXEC interpreter generates two error messages, the descriptions of which are found in the "Conversational !oni tor System (C!S) Messaqes" section. DMSEXC001E NO FILENA!E SPECIFIED DHSEXT072E ERROR IN EXEC FILE error description 180 IBM VM/370 Systell Messages fn, LINE nn DEBUG DEBUG Messages I NCORRECT DEBUG EX IT For the GO subcommand, this message indicates that the subcommand was issued without an operand, but an operand was required because the debuq environment was entered by issuing the DEBUG command. For the RETURN subcommand, this message indicates that RETURN was not the proper subcommand to use, ~ecause the debug environment was entered due to a breakpoint, a program or external interrupt, V~ an unrecoverable error. To exit from the debug environment under these circumstances, issue the GO subcommand (no operand is necessary). For the SET subcommand, the first operand is not CAW, CSW, PSi, or b~tt, or the r~rst operand is GPR and the second operand is not a decimal number between 0 and 15 inclusive, or one or more of the hexinfo operand.s does not contain hexadecimal information. For the STORE subcommand, the first operand cannot be located in the debug symbol table and is not a valid hexadecimal number, or the information specified in the second, third, or fourth operands is not in hexadecimal format. If the first operand is intended to be a sjmhol, a DEFINE subcommand must ha~e been previously issued for that symbol; if not, the operand must specify a valid hexadecimal storage location. Issued by: GO, RETURN INVALID OPERAND For the BREAK subcommand, this message indicates that the breakpoint identification number specified in the first operand is not a decimal number between 0 and 15 inclusive, or the second operand cannot be located in the debug symbol table and is not a valid hexadecimal number. If the second operand is intended to be a symbol, a DEFINE subcommand must have been previously issued for that symbol; if not, the operand must be a valid hexadecimal storage location. For the X SUbcommand, the first operand cannot be located in the debug symbol table and is not a valid hexadecimal number, or the second operand is not a decimal number between 1 and 56 inclusive. If the first operand is intended to be a symbol, i t must have been defined in a previous DEFINE subcommand; otherwise, the operand must specify a valid hexadecimal number. Issued by: BREAK, DEFINE, ORIGIN, SET, STORE, X DUMP, GO, GPR, INVALID STORAGE ADDRESS For the DEFINE subcommand, this message indicates that the name specified in the first operand contains all numeric characters, the second operand is not a valid hexadecimal number, or the third operand is not a decimal number between 1 and 56 inclusive. For the DUMP subcommand, this message is issued if the address specified by the second operand is less than that specified by the first operand, or if the first or second operands cannot be located in the debug symbol table and are not valid hexadecimal numbers. If either operand is intended to be a symbol, a DEFINE subcolIIRan d must previously have been issued for that symbol; if not, the operand must specify a valid hexadecimal location. For the GO or ORIGIN subcommand, a specified operand cannot be located in the debug symbol table and is not a valid hexadecimal number. If the operand is intended to be a symbol, a DEFINE subcommand must bave been previously issued for that symbol; if not, the operand must specify a valid hexadecimal location. For the GPR SUbcommand, the operand(s) specified are not decimal nU1lbers b-et-v-een 0 and 15 inclusive, or the second operand is less than the first. For the DEFINE, DUMP, GO, STORE, or X subcommand, the sum of the current origin and the hexadecimal location specified in the subcommand is greater than the user's virtual storage size. If the current oriqin size is unknown, reset it to the desired value by issuing the ORIGIN subcommand, and then reissue the subcommand. For the GO subcommand, this messaqe may also indicate that the address at which execution is to begin is not on a balfword boundary (indicating that an operation code is not located at that address). For the ORIGIN subcommand, the address specified is greater than the user's virtual storage size. Issued by: DEFINE, DUMP, GO, ORIGIN INVALID STORAGE REFERENCE The location indicated by the second operand is uneven (not on a halfword boundary) or. the sum of the second operand and the current or~g~n value is greater than the user's virtual st-o-raqe size.. If the cur~nt ociqin value is unknown, it may be reset to the desired value by issuing the ORIGIN subcommand. Issued by: BREAK Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 181 DEBUG 16 SYMBOLS ALREADY DEFINED MISSING OPERAND The user did not enter the minimum number of operands required by the sUbcoFmand. Issued by: STORE, X BREAK, DEFINE, GFR, ORIGIN, SET, The debug symbol table is full and no new symbols can be defined until the current definitions are cleared by obtaining a new copy of CMS. However, an existing symbol can be assigned to a new storage location by issuing another DEFINE subcommand for that symbol. TOO MANY OPERANDS Issued by: DEFINE The user entered more subcommand required. operands than the Issued by: BREAK, CAW, CSW, DEFINE, GO, GPR, ORIGIN, HX, ~SW, RETURN, SET, STORE, X 182 IBM VM/370 system Messages D"T Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 070E I/O ERROR cuu SIOCC cc CCW ccw 0001 RSCS (VER v, LEV 1, mm/dd/yy) READY This message signals the completion of RSCS initialization, including the activation of the AXS and LAX tasks. VER v and LEV 1 specify the version and level of RSCS that is in use. mm/dd/yy specifies the date on which the RSCS in use •• __ ___ ___ CSW csw SENSE sense wa.,;::, I : : . . _ ~ ~xp1anation: yCllC.La.,,",~U. Explanation: This message is issued by any task in RSCS that detects an uncorrectab1e hardware or system error durinq the processing of an I/O operation. The causes of such an error vary, depending on the particular device type and command code • Syst~~ Actio~: The system begins normal processing by accepting files and commands. cuu OperaiQ~ Action: Normally, one links are activated at this time. cc 0011 FREE STORAGE or more csw nn PAGES ExPlgnation: The amount of available storage .has increased as the result of normal system processing. The new number of available free pages is given as "nn". ~te~ ~ctiQ~: Normal processing continues. OperaiQ~ !£tion: You may use this information in deciding whether to activate a previously inactive link. sense ccw 0021 LI NK 1inkid DEACTIVATED ~la~ation: The link ident ified by "linkid" has been deactivated as a result of the execution of a previous DRAIN command, or as the result of an orderly shutdown followinq a terminal line-driver error. The link remains inactive until it is activated again by an explicit command. ~Y§i~ ~ction: The link's line-driver task is deleted from the system, all storage allocated to the task is made free, and the link table entry is updated. - the virtual device address of the I/O device on which the error occurred. - the condition code resulting from the issuing of the SIO command on the device for the operation which was in error& - the composite CSW associa ted with the operation in error. The composite CSW is a logical OFinq of the CSW information associated with the SIO or the interrupts from the device while the I/O operation was active. - the sense information associated with the I/O operation in error if the I/O operation ends with uni t check set on. - the first CCW of the I/O operation in error if i t failed to start, or the last CCW fetched by the channel before the I/O operation terminated with an error indication. §~!~1!! Action: The error is logqed, and appropriate recovery procedures are taken. The exact effect of the I/O error condition depends on the existing conditions when it occurs. The system may continue processing normally, the link may be automatically deactivated, or RSCS may shut down. ~~stor Action: This message indicates a serious system or hardware error. Call your support personnel. 091T INITIALIZATION FAILURE -- RSCS SHUTDOWN 0031 LINK 1inkid EXECUTING: (command line text) ~!snation: Exp1anatiQ~: The RSCS command described by (command line text) has been forwarded by a remote station for local execution. The link for the remote station forwarding the com.and is identified by '1inkid l • ~Y§te~ Action: The command is executed, and the resulting response is returned to the originating link, to be sent back to the remote station. An unrecoverable error occurred during the initial loading of the supervisor components, "SUP, REX, AXS, and LAX. ~X~!~! !~!ion: A virtual storaqe dum? is automatically taken, and a masked-off wait state PSW is loaded, system operation is terainated. ~~stor Action: serious error. personnel. This message indicates a Notify system support Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messaqes 183 DMT 1011 FILE spoolid ENQUEUED ON LINK linkid ExplanaiiQn: This message is issued when the file identified by "spoolid" has arrived at the RSCS virtual machine, and has been successfully accepted and enqueued on the link identified by "linkid". This message is also issued when a previously pending file is accepted after a tag slot has become available. §yste~ Action: The newly accepted file is made available to the link's line driver for future transmission. If the line driver is waiting for a file to transmit, it is notified that the new file is available. 1021 FILE spoolid PENDING FOR LINK linkid Explanation: The file identified by "spoolid" has arrived at the RSCS virtual machine, but has not been engueued on the link "linkid" to which it is addressed, because no tag slot is available. date mm/dd/yy - the of origination at location. hh: mm: ss - the time of day origination at location. the the file's remote of the the file's remote ~!~ Action: The virtual output device used to process the file is detached and normal processing continues. ~rator Action: None. 1051 FILE spoolid PURGED ~lyation: The file identified by "spoolid" has been purged from the system as a result of normal processing. Syst~. Action: The file's virtual storage tag is degueued and its slot is freed. If another file is pending, it is accepted. All system tables are updated, and normal processing continues. ~ste~ Action: The link's pending count is incremented, and the file is accepted when a tag slot becomes available. Operator Action: None. 103E FILE spoolid REJECTED DESTINATION ADDRESS INVALID ~xplan~iion: The file identified by "spoolid" has arrived at the RSCS virtual machine with a missing or invalid destination address in the file's tag. 1061 FILE spoolid !ISSING -linkid DEQUEUED FRO! LINK ExplanatiQn: The file identified by "spoolid" could not be located in the RSCS virtual machine spool input file queue during an attempt to open the file for the link identified by "linkid". This situation usually results from users retrieving files that had previously been spooled to the RSCS virtual machine and accepted by the spool file access routine. ~!~~ Systg~ !ction: The improperly addressed file is automatically purged from the system, and the originating virtual machine user is notified. ~tQt Action: The file to be transmitted must be regenerated with a correct destination address in the file tag settinq. Action: The file's virtual storage tag is dequeued and its slot is freed. If another file is pending, it is accepted. The link table entry is updated, and normal processing continues. Operator Action: No action is necessary. This message does not indicate an error condition. 1071 nn PENDING PILES POR LINK linkid MISSING 1041 FILE SPOOLED TO userid2 (name1) mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss ORG locid1 ~~lan~iiQn: A file has been received from a remote location, acknowledged, written to the VM/370 spool system, closed, and spooled to the local virtual machine to which t he file was addressed. userid2 locid1 name1 184 - the ID of the local virtual machine to which the file has been spooled. - the ID of the location of the file's originator. - the name of the file originator's system or dev ice at the remote location. IBM VM/370 system Messaqes ~lanatiQn: A number (nn) of pending files for the link identified by 'linkid' have been found to be missing from the RSCS virtual machine spool input queue during an attempt to accept a pending file. This situation usually results from users retrieving files that had been previously spooled to the RSCS virtual machine and left pending on the link. ~!~ Action: The link table entry is updated to reflect the proper pending file status, and normal processing continues. Qp~~~!or Action: No action is necessary. This message does not indicate an error condition. DKT 108E SYSTEM ERROR READING speOl FILE spoo1id ~xp1anatiQn: A return code reflecting a VM/370 system error has been received in response to a read to the file identified by "spoo1id". SY§1em !ction: Normal link processing begins. If a file queue exists on the link, and if there are files eligible for transmission, the file transmission begins automatically. File receiving from the remote station begins automatically. ~Y§te~ Action: The error is logged and the fai1inq operation is retried up to ten times. If a retry is successful, normal processing continues. If the error persists, an attempt is made to purge the file and a message to that effect is issued to the operator and to the originating virtual machine. ,Action: This message indicates a VM/370 system error. Call your system support personnel. ..QQ.~to£ 1411 LINE vaddr READY linkid FOR CONNECTION TO LINK ~K£la~g1i2n: This message is issued by a line driver to inform the operator that the line ident;ified by "vaddr" is being enabled for communications processing to the link identified by "linkid". Normally, t his is the first message issued by a line driver after link activation, and it may be issued during active processing after a line becomes disabled. Syste~ Action: The line driver begins an enable operation on the line and waits for completion, signaling a completed connection. If the line identified by "vaddr" is a nonswitched line, the connect ion comp1et es au tomat ica11y. Normal processinq continues. ~erato£ Acti9n: No response is needed if the line identified by "vaddr" is a nonswitched line, or if it is a switched line with auto-answer and the remote station is to complete the connection. If the line is a switched line, the operator should ensure that the necessary steps are taken to complete the connection to the link identified by "linkid" (for example, manual dialing of the associated data-phone) • 1431 LINK 1inkid LINE vaddr DISCONNECTED ~lanation: The virtual line port address identified by "vaddr" and associated with the active link identified by 1f1inkid" was connected and is now disconnected. This may be the result either of an apparent line disconnection due to line errors, or of the remote station hanqinq up, or of the execution of a disabling sequence by the local line driver. This message does not mean that the associated link has been deactivated, but the message is normally issued during the process of link deactivation. ~!.rul Action: I f the link is not in th e process of deactivating, an attempt is made to re-establish the line connection. File processing is halted on the link until a line connection is reestablished. 1441 RECEIVING: FILE FROPI locid1 locid2 (userid2). Explanation: This message signals completion of the line connection for the link identified by "linkid" on the line port address identified by "vaddr". This message is issued automatically when a nonswitched line is enabled, and it is issued when a connection is completed for a switched line. This message does not necessarily mean that any successful interaction with the remote station has taken place on the connected line. FOR Explanation: Reception of a new file from the remote loea tion identified by "locid 1" and the system or device name at that location identified by "name1" (if any) has begun. The file being received is destined for the location identified by "locid2" and the virtual machine at that location identified by "userid2" (if any). ~1eBAction: File processing and the new file is written to spool system as it is received. 1451 RECEIVED: FILE FROPI locid2 (userid2) 1421 LINK 1inkid LINE vaddr CONNECTED (name1) locid1 contin ues, the VPI/370 (name1) FOR ~lanatiQB: A new file has been completely received and acknowledged from the remote location identified by "locid1" and the system or device at that location named "name1". The file received is destined for the location identified by "locid2" and the virtual machine at that location identified by"userid2". ~!~~ Action: If the file is destined for the local location, and for a particular virtual machine at the location, it is automatically spooled to that virtual machine. Normal file processing continues. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) PIessages 185 DMT 1461 SENDING: FILE nnnnnn spoolid ON lINK linkid, REC ~x£la~s~iQ~: Transmission of the file identified by "spoolid" on the link identified by "linkid" has begun during normal file processing. The identified file contains nnnnnn records, and the file has become active. ~~te~ Action: Transmission of the file continues--to-completion, or until it is stopped by some other event. 1601 LINE vaddr DISABLED FOB LINK linkid Explanation: Line processinq by the link identified by "linkid" on the line identified by "vaddr" has been terminated, and the line has been disconnected if it is a switched line. This message may be issued during normal processinq as a result of a spontaneous ~ine disconnection. It is always issued during the process of link deactivation. ~!~ Action: If link deactivation is in process, it continues normally. Otherwise, an attempt is made to reconnect the line. File processing for the link is suspended. 1U7I SENT! FTLE spoolid ON LINK linkid Explanation: Transmission of the active file identified by "spoolid" on the link identified by "linkid" has been successfully completed and acknowledged by the remote station. ~~~g~ ActiQn: Disposition of the identified file follows, according to the status of the file. The file may be purged, repeated, or held for future retransmission. Normal link processing continues. 1701 FROM linkid: (ftSG message text) ~!anation: The character strinq included in the message as (BSG message text) has been received on the link identified by 'linkid' as the operand of a remote MSG cOilmand. ~!g~ Action: continues. Normal link processing Qpgfator Action: A response may suggested by the MSG character string. 1491 LINK lin kid LINE ACTIVITY: nnn; TMOUTS= ppp TOT= mmm; ERRS= ~~pla~s~iQ~: This messaqe is issued occasionally when trace mode has been set for the link identified by "linkid". The message is issued .hen one of the trace values reaches the predefined incremental threshold, depending on the active trace option setting. mmm - the total number of communication line transactions that have taken place since the last similar message was issued, or since the trace mode was set. - the total number of communication line transactions that have ended with a line error indication since the last similar message was issued, or since the trace mode was set. - the total number of time-outs that have occurred while waiting for response from the remote station since the last similar message was issued, or since the trace mode was set. A time-out is not counted as a line transaction. nnn ppp 190E INVALID SPOOL BLOCK FORMAT 01 FILE spoolid Explanation: VK/370 spool control or data information associated with the file identified by "spoolid" has been found to be in error at the local installation. Action: The error condi tion is logged, ~ identified file is automatically purged from the system, and link processing continues. ~!~ ~fgtor Action: This message indicates a system error at the local installation. lotify system support personnel. 2001 RSCS ExplanatiQn~ A null line was entered as a console command. A null line is a line that contains no characters. If a line containing characters is edited to a null line, this message is not issued, and another read is automatically started on the console. ~§!~ Action: lormal processing continues. Opera!or Action: lone. ~Y§te~ !£iion: Normal processing continues. ~eraiQ£ Actign: Depending on the data reported in the message, you may choose to intervene with a command to deactivate the link, or you may try to hang up the line and reestablish it to reinitialize communication. 186 IBM VM/370 System Messages be D!!T 201E INVALID COMMAND command jxplagation: The specified command is not a valid RSCS command. Syste~ Action: The command is ignored, and normal processing continues. OperaiQ~ Action: Correct and reissue format of RSCS commands, including valid keyword-and-option combinations, can be found in the !!lJ70 Re~9!§ ~Qoligg Communications Subsystem (~~£~) US~£~2 Guide. - - - ~tem Action: The command is ignored., and normal processing continues. the ~ratQ£ command. Action: Correct and reissue the command. 202E INVALID LINK linkid 207E CONFLICTING OPTION keyword option ~xplagation: The specified linkid was not in the proper format for RSCS link IDs (one to eight alphameric characters). ~te~ ~ctiog: The command is ignored, and normal processing continues. Q2erator Acti~: Reissue the with a valid linkid. command line ~!~atiQg: The specified keyword and option conflict. Another keyword or keyword-and-option combination 1D the same command may have invalidated the specified keyword-and-option combination. ~1~ Action: The command is iqnored, and Dormal processing continues. ~ratQ£ 203E INVALID SPOOL FILE ID spoolid Action: Correct and reissue the command. Explanation: The specified spoolid was not in the proper format for VM/370 spool file IDs (one to four decimal digits fro II 1 throuqh 9910). 208E INVALID USER 10 userid ~!ggation: ~te~ Action: The command is ignored, and normal processinq continues. The specificed virtual machine use rid is invalid. ~1~ Operato~ 1£tion: Reissue the command with a valid spoolid. Action: The command is ignored, and normal processing continues. ~~ator Action: Reissue the command with a valid userid. 204E INVALID KEYWORD keyword ~xplana1iQn: The specified keyword is not a valid keyword for the command issued. The correct format of Rses console commands, including valid keywords, can be found in the !.HLJ1Q .R~te ~Q.Qlin.9 £2!U!unications Sub§'y2te~ (RS£~) User~.§ GUj..9~. ~te~ 1£iion: The command is ignored, and normal processing continues. Q2erator Action: Reissue the command with a valid keyword. 205E CONFLICTING KEYWORD keyword jxplagation: The specified keyword was used in an invalid way. It may have been entered more than once in the same command line, or it may conflict with another keyword. ~~tem Act~Qn: ~he command is ignored, and normal processinq continues. Q2~iQ£ Action: Correct and reissue the command. 20GE INVALID OPTION keyword option ExElgna1iQn: The specified keyword and option combination is not a valid combination for the command issued@ The 3001 ACCEPTED BY TASK task ~!gnatiQg: The preceding console command has been processed by the CMI syntax scanner and first level semantic processor, and a command element has been built. That command element has been made available to the task named "task", and that task has accepted the command element for second level semantic processing. Action: Command semantic processing task named "task". continues at the Further response to the command is issued The c cmmand processor is from that task. another console then ready to accept comlland. ~1~ 301! REJECTED BY ACTIVE TASK task -- ?REVI~rrs CO~MAND ~lanation: The preceding console command has been processed by the CMI syntax scanner andf£rst level semantic processor. A command element was built ana maae available to the task named 'task', but that task was unable to accept the command element for further processing because a previously issued command is still being processed. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 187 DKT Syste~ Act~QD: The command execution is terminated, the command has no effect, and normal processing continues. Operator Action: Reissue the command when the active command processing has completed. 302E LINK linkid IS NOT DEFINED ~~lanaiion: The specified linkid is syntactically valid, tut no such link is defined with that ID and the co.mand issued reguires a defined linkid. !ctioD: The command execution is terminated, the command has no effect. and normal processing continues. ~ig~ ~eraiQ£ Act~on: Check to see if the linkid specified is valid. If it was incorrectly typed, reissue the command with a correct linkid. If it was correctly typed, you must define the specified link before the command can be executed. 406R SYSTEK DISK ADDRESS = cuu ~!anatiQ!!: "cuu" designates the device address of the RSCS system disk. If the RSCS nucleus is written on this disk (which will occur if you respond "yes" to message DKTINI407R), then cuu is also the IPL device address. Action: The system waits for a response~ you enter an invalid device address, message ~!~ DKTIRI479E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS REENTER is issued. Kessage DKTINI406R is reissued and vou mav enter a valid device ad.dres~ If you press carriage return, 191 is assumed to be the system disk address. If the system disk designated is not currently defined, is not in read/write status, or is an unsupported device type, message DKTINI482E SYSTEK DISK ERROR REENTER 303E LINK linkid IS NOT ACTIVE Expla!!~iiQ!!: The link ident ified by "linkid" was specified in the preceding command, but the link is inactive and the command requires specification of an active link. is issued. Kessage DKTINI406R is then reissued. At this time, you may enter CP mode by signaling attention, and determine the status of the designated device by entering the CP com.and QUERY VIRTUAL cuu !£i!QD: The command execution is terminated, the command has no effect, and normal processing continues. Syste~ and take the corrective action necessary to define the device for your virtual machine or to access it in read/write status. Reenter the CnS environ.ent by issuing the CP command BEGIN 304E REJECTED BY TASK task -- NOT RECEIVING You must then reenter the device aadress. ~XP1~~at!Qn: processing of the preceding command could not be completed, because the second level processing task named "task" failed to accept the command service request. Once the system disk address message DKTINI407R is issued. Us~ !ct~QB: is accepted, Enter a valid device address. ~~te~ Action: The command is ignored, and normal processing continues. Qpgrai2£ !ct~on: Repeated occurrences of this message indicate a system error. Notify system support personnel. 407R REWRITE THE NUCLEUS? {YESI NO} 1XPlanatiQB: This message prompts you to specify whether or not the copy of the RSCS nucleus is to be written onto disk. ~!~A 402T IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR An uncorrectable I/O error occurred while reading the BSCS nucleus from a DASD. ~u!s~siiQ!!: Action: A wait state PSI is loaded a--wait state code of X'40C9DSC9' (C' I NI .) • ~~ig1!! with User Action: personneI:- 188 Action: response. The system waits for a Use!: A,ctj,QB: Enter "yes or "no." If you enter "yes", message DKTINI409R is issued, prompting you to specify the cylinder on the system disk on which the RSCS nucleus is to be written. The system disk is the disk you specified in response to message DKTINI406R. call your installation support IBM VM/310 System Messages If you enter "no", the in generating a new re.aini~q RSCS questions nucleus are D~T skipped and control is passed to the RSCS initialization routine. A copy of the RSCS nucleus is not written onto disk. If you fail to enter the message either "yes" or "no", DMTINI481E INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" is issued. Message DMTINI407R is reissued and you may enter a valid response. 409R NUCLEUS CYL ADDRESS = nnn EXpla1!s1i,21!: "nnn" desi gna tes th e cy linder on the device entered in response to message DMTINI406R on which the RSCS nucleus is to be written. nnn must be between 001 and m-l, where m equals the number of cylinders on the disk, the cylinders on a disk being numbered from 0 to ~. nnn must be entered in decimal. ~!~.!B. Action: If you do not enter "yes" or "no", the message DMTINI481E INVALID REPLY OR "NO" - ANSWER "YES" is issued. Message DMTINI410R is and you may enter a valid response. ~issued If you answer "yes," the initial IPL text is written on cylinder 0 as well as on the cylinder designated in response to message DMTINI409R. If you answer "no," the initial IPL text is written only on the cylinder designated in response to message DMTINI409R. 431S IPL DEVICE WRITE I/O ERROR Explanation: An uncorrectable I/O occurred while writing the nucleus. error ~Y§te~ Action: If you do not enter a valid decimal cylinder number, the message DMTINI480E INVALID CYLINDER NUMBER REENTER is issued, message DMTINI409R is reissued, and you lIIay enter a valid cylinder number. If the cylinder specified is not greater than the number of cylinders already in use on the device (as indicated in the Kaster File Directory), then the message DMTINI483E NUCLEUS WILL OVERLAY FILES RECOMPUTE is issued. Message DMTINI409R is reissued. You may respond with a larger cylinder number, or IPL the RSCS systelll and format the specified IPL device with the RECOMP option. ~tem Action: The system continues as if the user had responded "no" to DMTINI407R. User Action: Make sure that the nucleus cylInder-nuiber is not larger than the size of the disk. If it is, perform an IPL and specify the correct cylinder number. If it is not, call your installation support personnel. 479E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS - REENTER ~ls1!ation: The device address entered was specified incorrectly; that is, it is not a valid hexadecimal character or is not in the range of X'OOl' to X'6FF'. ~!,g~ Action: Message DMTINI406R is reissued. User Action: See DMTIHI406R. Once the nucleus cylinder address accepted, message DMTINI410R is issued. is 480E INVALID CYLINDER NUMBER - REENTER User Action: address-.--- Enter a valid cylinder Explanation: The value entered valid decimal number. 410R ALSO IPL CYLINDER 01 (YESINO) Systg Action: reissued. Message was not DMTINI409R a is ~lanation: The initial IPL text is always written on the same cylinder as the RSCS nucleus, that is, the cylinder designated in response to message D!TINI409R. (The initial IPL text is a bootstrap program that reads in the nucleus from the designated cylinder.) If it is not also written on cylinder 0, you must enter the cylinder number whenever an IPL is issued for the s-yst ell being generated. -For more inforllation, see the IPL co.mand in the VM/370 CP ~ommand .E§!~ !2!: §eneral Use~ Acti~: See DnTIII409R. 481E INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR '·NO" Explanati.Q1!: The only va lid re spon se to th e query is "yes" or "no". Neither was entered. ~!§!. Actionz !lessage DMTINI410R is reissued. DMTINI407R or Messages 189 Q§,grs. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) DMT 482E SYSTEM DISK - REENTER 5211 FILE spoolid HELD FOR LINK 1inkid !XElaQatiQn: Either the device is not currently defined, it is not in read/write status, or it is an unsupported device type. ~§te!!!. ,Acti.Q.n: DMTINI406R Message is reissued. ]§g£ Ac1iQn: ~!~natiQn: The file identified by 'spoo1id' has been placed in hold status as the result of processing of the preceding command. The file remains in hold status and is not transmitted until it is explicitly removed from hold status by a command. Syst~ Action: The file's virtual storage tag is updated, and normal processing continues. See DMTINI406R. 483E NUCLEUS WILL OVERLAY CMS FILES - RECOMPUTE ExElanation: The specified nucleus cylinder number was not greater than the number of cyl in f!.l"r s :i.flt'! it:'~t E'Q i~ -+:h"? Mas-+: er File 5221 FILE spoolid RELEASED FOR LINK linkid Directory for the IPL device. ~!anatiQn: ~21g!!!. Acti,Q.n: Message DMTINI409R is reissued. User !£1i.Qn: Respond to DMTINI409R with a larger cylinder number or IFL RSCS and format the specified IPL device with the RECOMP option. The file identified by "spoo1id" and enqueued on the link identified by "linkid" has been released from hold status as a result of the processing of the preceding command. The file is now eligible for transmission on the link. ~!~ 5101 FILE spoolid BACKSPACED ~lanation: The file identified by "spoolid" has been backspaced according to the request in a preceding command. Action: The file's virtual storage tag is updated, and the link's line driver is asynchronously notified of the file's availability for transmission if the line driver had been waiting for a file to transmit. Normal processing continues. QEg~ator Action: None. Syste!!!. !£iion: File transmission continues, beginning from the new file posit ion. 5231 LINK linkid QUEUE REORDERED 511E NO FILE ACTIVE ON LINK 1inkid EXElaQg!!Qn: A command was issued that operates on a file being actively transmitted on the link identified by "linkid", but no file was being actively transmitted on the link. ~Y§ig!!!. !ction: Normal link processing continues, and the command has no effect. Explanation: The file tag queue in RSCS virtual storage for the link identified by "linkid" has been reordered in response to execution of a command. The new order of the queue defines the order of file transmission on the link. Action: The files reordered to the beginning of the queue are automatically given a priority of zero (hiqhest), and normal processing continues. Syst~ 524E FILE spoolid ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN 5201 FILE spoolid CHANGED ~~~~1iQn: The file identified by liS poo1id" has been altered as requested 1n the processing of the preceding command. The new file status remains in effect until it is changed again through an explicit request. Explanati.Q1!: The file identified by "spoolid" is actively being read and transmitted on a link, and the action requested in the preceding co •• and cannot be performed on active files. ~!~ Ac!ion: The preceding command has no effect, and normal processing continues. ~yste!!!. !ction: All appropriate action implied by the changed status is performed. This might include reordering a link queue if a file priority was changed, notifying a waiting line driver if a file class was changed, and so on. Normal processing continues. 190 IBM VM/370 System Messages Act ion: If you wish, you can deactivate the file by means of a FLUSH command with the HOLD operand, and reissue the command when that has been accomplished. Q:egn!~ DKT 525E FILE spoolid ACTION TAKEN IS FOR LINK linkid NO Expla~ation: The file identified by "spoolid" is enqueued on the link identified by "linkid", which is different from the linkid specified in the preceding command. ~te~ Action: The action requested in the preceding command is not performed, and normal processing continues. 5411 LINK linkid REDEFINED Explanati~: The previously defined linK, identified by "linkid", has had its definition changed as the result of command processing, according to the specified keyword options. Syst~ Action: The changes in the link definition become effective immediately. ~erator Action: Verify that the specified spool file id and link id are correct. If an error is found, reissue the preceding command. 526E FILE spoolid NOT FOUND -- NO ACTION TAKEN Expla~iiQ~: The file identified by "spoolid" has not teen accepted and enqueued by RSCS. The action requested by the preceding command could not be performed. System Action: The preceding command has no and normal processing continues. effect~ Operato£. Acti~: verify the spool file ID used in the preceding command. If it was incorrect, the command may be reissued with a correct spool file ide If it was correct, and the file is pending at the RSCS virtual machine, the file may be manipulated through the use of VK/370 spooling commands. Ex~nation: In response to a command, a character string has been transmitted as a remote command on the link identified by "linkid" • !ctio~: Normal link Explanation: The previously defined lin~, identified by "linkid", has not been changed because the link was active at the time of command processing. ~!em Action: The command execution is terminated, the command has no effect, and normal processing continues. ~£gtor Action: Reissue the command after the link has been deactivated. 543E LINK lin kid REACHED NOT DEFINED LINK LIMIT ~!anati~: An attempt was made to define a new link, but the maximum allowable number of defined links had already been reached. System Action: The comma nd execution is terminated, the command has no effect, and normal processing continues. ~~~tor 5301 COKMAND FORWARDED ON LINK linkid ~iru! 542E LINK linkid ACTIVE -- NOT REDEFINED processing continues. Action: Check the command line to see if it was accurately typed. If an existing link definition was to have been altered, correct and reissue the command. If a new link was to be defined, another link must be temporarily deleted from the list of valid linkids (via the RSCS DELETE command) before the command can be successfully retried. Operator Action: None. 544E LINK linkid SPECIFIED NOT DEFINED TYPE NOT 5401 NEW LINK linkid DEFINED Ex~natiQn: The link identified by "linkid" is now defined as the result of command processing, according to the specified keyword options. Syste~ Action: The newly defined link may l:.a ve s pool files enqueued on b: automatically, and can be activated to begin remote processing. ~erator Action: Users can tegin to address files to the newly defined link for future transmission. Explanati~: The preceding DEFINE command failed because a default line driver type was not specified. Syst~~ Action: The command is ignored, and normal processing continues. ~~~~!.or Act.ion: Reissue the command, specifying a default line driver type. 5501 LINK linkid NOW DELETED ~!anatiQn: The previously defined link, identified by "linkid", is DOW tem poraril y deleted as a result of command processing. ~~~~ !£tion: Spool files addressed to the deleted link's location ID are no longer Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Kessages 191 DMT accepted, and are rejected addressed. The deleted link be activated. as invalidly can no longer ..Q2~ratQ£ Action: Users can no address files to the deleted link. longer console with a secondary virtual machine ID identified by "userid" specified to receive RSCS console output messages. The specified virtual machine either was not receiving messages or was not logqed on at the time of command processinq. ~!~ 551E LINK linkid ACTIVE -- NOT DELETED EXEla~~iiQn: An attempt was made to temporarily delete the link identified by "linkid" from the list of valid linkids (via the RSCS DELETE command). The attempt was unsuccessful becausE the specified link was act ive at the time of command processinq. Action: The command processing is terminated, the command has no effect, and normal processing continues. Q2~~~!or Action: The command can be reissued wi~-different virtual machine ID specified, or with no virtual machine ID specified. The same virtual machine ID can be specified after it has been logged on and set to receive messages. ~stem Aciion: The link remains defined and active, the command has no effect, and normal processing continues. 5101 LINK linkid NOi SET TO DEACTIVATE ~lanation: ~~to£ !£tiQn: Reissue the the link is deactivated. command when 552E LINK linkid HAS A FILE QUEUE -- NOT DELETED EXElanatiQn: An attempt was made to temporarily delete the link identified by "linkid" through a console command. The attempt was unsuccessful because the specified link had at least one file enqueued on it at the time of command process inq • ~Y§ig~ ~ction: The link remains defined, the command has no effect, and normal processing continues. In response to the DRAIN command, the link identified by 'linkid' has set drain mode and is deactivated. If the RSCS operator issues the START command before the link is deactivated, processing continues on the link. ~!~ Action: The line driver takes appropriate action to guiesce line activity. This includes the finishing of transmission for an active file if one exists, and it may include the siqnaling to the remote station of an impending termination. No new files are activated while the link is in drain mode. When line activity is quiesced, the link is deactivated. ~rat~ Action; Before ~n~ link can be deleted, all-~iles Enqueued on it and pending for it must be purged, either by console command execution or by normal file transmission. Action: None. ~gralQ~ 511E LINK linkid ALREADY SET TO DEACTIVATE ExplanatiQn: The link identified by "linkid" was in drain mode when it received a new command to deactivate. 5601 RSCS DISCONNECTING ~!em machine l!x:elanaiion: The RSCS virtual console is disconnected as a resu It of command execution. If an alternate virtual machine was specified to receive RSCS output messages, that virtual machine messages begins receiving the console If no through the VM/370 MSG function. alternate virtual machine was specified to messages, those receive RSCS console messages are discarded. ~y§te~ ~ction: RSCS continues processing normally without a main operator console. !ction: The line driver continues the deactivation process, and the command has no effect. 5801 FILE spoolid PROCESSING TERMINATED ~!~atiQn: In response to the FLUSH command, transmission of the active file identified by "spoolid" was terminated before the completion of file processing. ~!~~ ..Q2eratQ£ !£1ion: The RSCS main virtual machine console can be reinstated by issuing a console attention and performing the loqon routine. 561E USERID userid NOT RECEIVING Action: Disposition of the identified file is made according to the status of the file. The file may be purged from the system, or the file may be held for future retransmission. The next copy of the file ma y begin tra nsmi ssion if multiple copies remain and ALL was not specified. Normal file processing continues. ~lanatiQn: An attempt has been made to disconnect the main RSCS virtual operator 192 IBM VM/370 System Messages Q~~~ior Action: None. DMT 611I LINK linkid FILE TRANSMISSION SUSPENDED 581E FILE spoolid NOT ACTIVE ~xplanatiQn: The file identified by "spoolid" was not active when a command was processed that specified that file, and the command requires an active file as its object. ~te~ Action: The command has no effect, and normal link processing continues. ~tor A£tion: Check the status of the the QUERY FILE named file by issuing command. 5901 LINK 1inkid RESUMING FILE TRANSFER ExP1g~g!iQn: The active link identified by "linkid" was in hold status, and has been removed from hold status in response to command processing. Syste~ Action: File transmission on the identified link resumes immediately if the line is connected and there is a file eligible for transmission enqueued on the link. ~!anatiQn: The link identified by "linkid" has entered hold status, and file transmission has been halted as a result of command processing. Either no file was being actively transmitted at the time of command processing, or the link had been in hold status and its active file transmission has completed, or an active file was being transmitted and the NOW operand was specified. ~~e~ Action: The link remains in hold status, -and - file transmission remains suspended, until the link is explicitly freed from hold status. If active file transmission was interrupted, the transmission of the active file resumes from the point at which transmission was interrupted when the link is removed from hold status. The link continues to process files received from the remote station normally while in HOLD status. 612E LINK linkid ALREADY IN HOLD STATUS ~!anat!Qn: 591E LINK 1inkid NOT IN HOLD STATUS ~lang!iQn: ident ified by The link "linkid" was not in hold status when a command was processed that requested that the link leave hold status. The active link identified by "linkid" was in hold status when it received a new command to enter hold status, with the same options specified as in the preceding command which caused the link to enter HOLD status. ~!em Action: The link remains in HOLD status, and the command has no effect. ~Y§iem Action: The command is ignored, and normal link processing continues. 6401 nn FILE(S) PURGED ON LINK linkid ~!snation: 6001 FILE spoo1id FORWARD SPACED ExPlgnatiQn: The file identified "spoo1id" has been forward spaced requested by a preceding command. by as ~yste~ Action: File transmission continues, beginninq from the new file position • The number of files denoted by "nn" tha t were enqueued on the link specified by "linkid H have been purqed from the system in response to a PURGE command. ~.!:em Action: The "file (s) " virtual storage tags are dequeued and the tag slots are freed. The link table is updated, and pending files are accepted if any exist. .Qperato£ Action: None. 6101 LINK 1inkid TO SUSPEND FILE TRANS"ISSION by Explanation: The link identified 'ilinkid" nas entered hold status. File transmission has not been suspended because at the time of command processing a file was being actively transmitted, and the NOW option was not specified. 6511 LINK linkid INACTIVE Explanation: This message is issued in response to a QUERY linkid STAr command. The link identified by "linkid" was not active at the time the command was processed. Systell Action: None .. ~te~ Action: The link remains in hold status. File transmission is suspended when the processing of the active file is complete. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) "essages 193 DMT 6521 LINK linkid ACTIVE task type vaddr {HOINOH} {DRINOD} {TRAITREINOT} Q=m P=n c m - the number of virtual storage file taq slots reserved for exclusive use by this link. Expl~na1iQn: This message is issued in response to a QUERY linkid STAT command. The link identified by "linkid" was active at the time the command was processed. task type vaddr c - is the task name of the line driver task. is the ID of the line driver in use by the active link. - is the virtual device address of the line port in use by the act ive link. - is the class or classes of files that may be processed by the act i v"," ::. HO NOH DR NOD TRA TRE NOT m n in k 65qI LINK linkid Q=m P=n ~!anation: This message is issued in response to a QUERY linkid QUEUE command. The status of the file queue for the link identified by "linkid" is described. m - the number of indicates that the active link is in hold status. indicates that the active link is not in hold status. indicates that the active link is in the process of draining, and will terminate when line activity is quiesced. - indicates that the active link is not in the process of draining. indicates that the active link is tracing all line activity. indicates that the active link is tracing line errors. indicates that the active link is not tracing line errors or activity. - is the number of files accepted and enqueued for transmission on the link. - is the number of files pending but not yet accepted for the active link. n task type vaddr c 194 - the default task name to be associated with the defined link's line driver task when the link is activated. - the ID of the default line driver defined for the link. - the default virtual device address of a line port to be used by the link when it is activated. - the default class or classes of files that can be processed by the link when it is active. IBM VM/370 System Kessages on the link. - the number of files pendinq but not yet accepted for the active link. ~!~~ Action: An additional message (DftTCftX655I) is issued for each file accepted and enqueued on the link, describinq the status of each such file. 6551 FILE spoolid locid userid nnnnnn {A I I} CL a PR m. REC ~lanation: A message of this form is issued for each file accepted and enqueued for transmission on the link specified by 'linkid' in the preceding QUERY linkid QUEUE command. spoolid locid - userid - a am - nnnnnn - A - I - 6531 LINK linkid DEFAULT task type vaddr c R=m ExplanatiQn: This message is issued in response to a QUERY linkid DEF command. The link identified by "linkid" was defined at the time of command processing, and the default attributes listed in the message pertain to that definition. The message does not indicate whether the link was active or inactive at the time of command processing, and the default attributes listed may be different from those actually in use with the link if it was active. files accepted and enqueued for transmission 1 the V8/370 spool file ID for the file to be described. the destination location ID to which the originating user addressed the file. the destination virtual machine ID (if any) to which the originating user addressed the file. the spool file class. the file's current transmission priority. the number of records in the file. indicates that the described file is active. indicates that the described file is inactive. ~!em Action% This llessaqe is each file in the link queue. issued for 6601 FILE spoolid INACTIVE ON LINK linkid ~!anati..Q1!: This message is issued in response to a QUERY FILE "spoolid" STAT cOllmand. At the tiae of command processing, the file identified by "spoolid" was inactive, and was enqueued for transmission on the link identified by "linkid". DMT 664E FILE spoolid NOT FOUND Operato;: Acti.Q1!.: None. 6611 FILE spoolid ACTIVE ON LINK linkid Explanation: This message is issued in response to a QUERY FILE spoolid STAT command. At the time of command processing, the file identified by iispoolid" was active, and was being transmitted on the link identified by "linkid" • 6621 FILE spoolid ORG 10cid1 userid1 hh:mm:ss TO locid2 userid2 Explanati.Q1!.: This message is issued in response to a QUERY FILE spoolid command. The file identified by "spoolid" could not be found in the RSCS virtual storage queues, meaning either that the file is not owned by the RSCS virtual machine, or that the file is pending and has not yet been accepted by RSCS. Operator Action: Verify that the soool file ~-was-correctly typed. If i t was not, retry the command with the correct spool file ID. If it was correctly typed, retry the command after a file tag slot becomes available and the specified file is accepted and enqueued by RSCS. mm/dd/yy 6701 LINK linkid ACTIVE LINE vaddr (HOI NOH) ExPls~atiQn: This message is in response to the RSCS command QUERY FIlE spoolid. The RSCS control-related attributes of the file identified by 'spoolid' are described. locid 1 userid 1 mm/dd/yy hh :mm :ss 10cid2 userid2 the location ID of the location at which the file originated. - the virtual machine ID of the originator of the file. - the file creation date. the file creation time of day. - the destination location ID to which the originating user addressed the file. the destination virtual machine ID (if any) to which the originating user addressed the file. ~lanatiQB: This message is issued in response to a QUERY SYSTEM command. One such message is produced for each active link in the RSCS facility at the time of command processing= The active link described by the message is identified by "linkid". vaddr HO NOH - the virtual device address of the line port in use by the acti ve link. indica tes that the active link is in hold status. indica tes that the active link is not in hold status. ~!~ Action: This message is each active link in the system. Oper~ior issued for Action: None. 6711 LINK linkid INACTIVE 6631 FILE spoolid PR mm CL a CO distcode, NA {fn ftldsname} nn {HOI NOH} DI ~xpla~giiQB: This message is issued in response to the CP command, QUERY FILES spoolid. The VM/370 spool system-related attributes of the file identified by "spoolid" are described. ]xplanatiQB: This message is issued in response to a QUERY SYSTEM command. One such message is produced for each inactive link in the RSCS facility at the time of command processing. The inactive link is identified by "linkid". ~!~~ mm - the file's transmission priority. a - the file's spool file class. nn - the number of copies of the file requested by the file creator. He indicates that the file is in hold status. NOH indicates that the file is not in hold status. distcode - the file's distribution code. fn ft - the file's filename filetype. dsname - the file's data set name. Action: This message is issued for each inactive link in the system. 672i NO LINK ACTIVE ]~lanation: This message is issued in response to a QUERY SYSTEM ACTIVE command. No link defined in the RSCS facility was active at the time of command processing. ~.£ator Action: None. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 195 DMT 6731 NO LINK DEFINED 702E LINE vaddr IS IN USE BY LINK linkid1 LINK linkid2 NOT ACTIVATED ~la~gtiQ~: This message is issued in response to a QUERY SYSTEM command. No link was defined in the RSCS facility at the time of command processing. 7001 ACTIVATING LINK linkid task type vaddr c ~lanation: An attempt was made to activate the link identified by "linkid2". The line-port virtual device address specified in the request to activate the link, identified by "vaddr", was found to be in use by another active link, identified by" linkid 1", at the time of command processing. Syst~ Action: The com.and processing is terminated, the co••and has no effect, and normal processing continues. ~xplanation: The link identified by "linkid" was inactive and has becolle active as a result of cOllmand processinq. The message describes the variable attributes in effect for this active link. - the task name associated with the activated link's line driver. the ID of the line driver in use by the activated link. - the virtual devicE address of the line port in use by the activated link. - the class or classes of files that can be processed by the activated link. task type vaddr c ~Y§te~ Act!on: The activated link remains active, and the listed attributes remain in effect, until the link is deactivated or the attributes are explicitly lIodified. The link is activated whether or not a line connection to the remote location is complete. If no line connection exists, the line driver establishes a connection, with operator int€rvention if necessary. When a connection exists, file transmission begins automatically if a file gueue exists for the link. 701E NO SWITCHED LINE AVAILABLE -NOT ACTIVATED LINK linkid Q~~~1QI Action: The command can be retried with a sl»ecified line port address that is not in use by another active link, or it can be retried with no line port address specified, in which case an attellPt will be made to reserve and utilize a valid line port. 703E DEV cuu IS NOT A LINE PORT NOT ACTIVATED -- LINK linkid was made to Explanati.Q.!l: An attempt activate the li~k identified by "linkid" with a line-port address identified by "cuu". A virtual device at address "cuu" exists, but it is not a usable line-port device. ~!em Action: The cOllmand processinq is terllinated, the link remains inactive, and normal processing continues. ~~gtor Action: The command can be reissued with a-Specified 1ine~port address that is valid and available, or i t can be reissued with no line-port address at all, in which case an attempt is lIade to reserve and utilize a valid line port. 704E LINE vaddr CC=3 NOT linkid NOT ACTIVATED OPERATIONAL -- LINK ~lanation: EX~~~giiQ~: An attempt was made to activate the link identified by "linkid" with no specified line port virtual device address. The link had no defined default line-port address, and no co.mon switched line ports were available at the time of command processinq. An attempt was made to activate the link identified by "linkid" with a line-port address identified by "vaddr". Either no device was defined for the RSCS virtual lIachine at virtual address "vaddr", or the device at that address vas completely nonoperational. ~!~ §Y§ig~ Act!Qn: The command processing is terminated, the link remains inactive, and normal processinq continues. Action: The command processinq is terminated, the link rellains inactive, and norllal processing continues. ~ratQ~ ~g~iQ£ Action: The command can be reissued with--a specified line port address, or it can be reissued when a switched line port becomes common available. 196 IBM V~/370 System Messages Action: The command can be reissued wi~specified line-port address that is valid and operational, or it can be reissued with no line-port address at all, in which case an attempt is made to select and reserve a valid line port. DKT ~I§!g~ 705E DRIVER type NOT FOUND ON DISK vaddr -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED Exmnati.Q!!: An attellpt was made to activate the link identified by "linkid" with a driver 10 identified by "type". The identified line driver could not be located on the disk used for driver task loading, identified by "vaddr". Action: The command processing is terminated, the link remains inactive, and normal processing continues. 709B TASK NAKE task ALREADY IN linkid NOT ACTIVATED §Y21g~ !ctio~: The command processing is terminated, the link remains inactive; and normal processing continues. Actic~: Verify that the driver ID used was correctly typed. If it was not, reissue the command, specifying a correct driver 10. If the command was correctly typed, notify a person responsible for system support. ERROR LOADING FROM linkid NOT ACTIVATED vaddr §I2te~ Action: Loading is abandoned, the error is logged, the command processing is terminated, and the link remains inactive. ~rator Acti.Q!!: Reissue the command. If the error condition persists, notify operations or system support personnel. 707E DRIVER type FILE FORMAT linkid NOT ACTIVATED ~!g.!! Action: The STAFT command is ignored, and normal processinq continues. ~±at~ Action: Reissue the START command specifying a different task nalle, or reissue the START command after the task with the conflicting nalle terminates. LINK Expla.!!S!io~: An attempt was made to actiVate the link identified by "linkid". In the process of loading the link's line driver from the disk identified by "vaddr", an uncorrectable 1/0 error was encountered. INVALID -- 710E KAX (nn) ACTIVATED ACTIVE LINK linkid NOT ~!anatiQ!!: An attellpt to activate the link filinkid", in reponse to a START cOlllland, failed because the maximum allowable number "(nn)" of concurrent active links had already been reached. System Action: The START cOlilland is ignored, and normal processing continues. QEgrat.Q± Action: Reissue the START command after one or more links become inactive. LINK 750E LINK linkid ALREADY TAKEN Exllination: An at tEmpt vas .ade to activate the link identified by "linkid", with a driver 10 identified by "type". In the process of reading the driver file and loading the driver into virtual storage, the loader detected an invalid data format in the driver file. syste~ Action: Loading is abandoned, command processing is terminated, norllal processing continues. LINK ExplanatiQD: An attempt to activate the link "linkid", in response to a START command, failed because the task name "task" specified for use was in use by another task in the system. ~~to~ ?06E FATAL USE the and ACTIVE -- NO ACTION ~lanati2!!: A START cOllmand was issued specifying the link identified by "linkid". The link was already active at the time of cOllmand process1ng, and no modifiable attributes were changed from their previous settings. ~!~ Action: None. Qpgntor Action: None. ]2grai.Q~ Action: Verify that the proper driver 10 has been used. If an improper driver ID was used, reissue the co••and with a correct driver ID. If the proper driver ID was used, notify a person responsible for system support. 708E VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED linkid NOT ACTIVATED -- LINK E~p-la!tati2!!~ An attempt was made to activate the link identified by illinkid tl • During the activation process, a virtual free storage requirement could not be met because there was not enough unclaimed virtual free storage in the system. 7511 LINK linkid ALREADY ACTIVE -- NEW CLASS (ES) SET AS REQUESTED ~lanati..Q.D: A START command wa s issued specifying the link identified by "linkid". The link was already active at the tim~ o~ command processing, and the new class specification for the link has been accepted. Action: The link autollatica11y begins processing files bearinq the newly specified class or classes, if any are enqueued on the link. §:mj:ell ~at.Q± !ction: None. Re.ote Spooling COII.unications Subsystea (RSCS) ftessages 197 DMT 7521 LINK linkid RESET STILL ACTIVE -- DRAIN STATUS 811E LINK linkid TRACE NOT ACTIVE ~!Anati~: ~~~la~g1iQn: A START command was issued specifying the link identified by "linkid". The link was active at the time of command processing, but it was in the process of terminating as the result of a previous DRAIN command. The link remains active, and the attributes remain as previously set. The link identified by "linkid" was not in trace mode when it received a command to set trace mode off. ~!~ Action: Trace mode remains off f.,r the link, the command has no effect, and normal link processinq continues. ~~gtor Action: None. 901E INVALID SML MODE SPECIFIED -NOT ACTIVATED 8011 LINK linkid EBROR TRACE STARTED ExplanatiQll: The RSCS operator specified an invalid SML (Spool MULTI-LEAVING) mode opliou in t.he FARM field ~xplanatiQ~: As a result of command processinq, the link identified by 'linkid' has set its trace mode to trace line errors. Syste~ Actio~: A message describing line activity is displayed each time the number of line errors reaches the predefined threshold. LINK linkid of lhE: R5CS ST:'RT cOllmand. ~!em Action: The specified activated. linkid is not Operator Acti~: Reissue the the correct SML mode. command with 902E NON-SIGNON CARD READ ON LINK linkid ~!snati~: The first record received from a remote station was not a SIGNON card. 8021 LINK linkid TRACE STARTED ExJU.g1!g1ion: As a result of command processing, the link identified by "linkid" has set its trace mode to trace all line activ ity. Syst~ Action: The sign on of the remote station on the specified linkid is not allowed. ~~g!~ Action: Correct the problem repeat the sign on procedure. and ~Y§1~~ A£1ion: A message describing line activity is displayed each time the number of line-transactions reaches the predefined threshold. 903E PASSWORD SUPPLIED ON LINK linkid IS INVALID ~lanation: An invalid sign on attempt occurred. ~!em Action: The sign on is not allowed. 8031 LINK linkid TRACE ENDED ExplanatiQn: As a result of command processing, the link identified by "linkid" has set its trace mode off. ~1~~ Action: No further trace messages will be---displayed, and normal link processing continues. Remote Qperator Action: Correct the SIGNON card~ reload the station, and sign on again. 904E SIGNON PARA!ETER=parameter INVALID ~!snation: An invalid entered on a SIGNON card. ~!~ 810E LINK linkid TRACE ALREADY ACTIVE parameter was Action: The sign on is not allowed. QR!~g1~ Action: and try again. Correct the SIGNON card, ~xpla~ation: The link identified by "linkid" was in trace mode when it received a new command to enter trace mode, with the same options specified as had teen active. ~te~ A£ti~: The link mode with the previous command has no effect, processing continues. remains in trace options set, the and normal link 9051 SIGNON OF LIN KID linkid COMPLETE Explanati~: A valid SIGNON card has been received from the link serving linkid and the initialization of the SIGNON parameters is complete. System Action: The transfer files. 198 IBM VM/370 System Messages system now begins to DMT Operator Act!~: If only output files are to be handled, no action need be taken. If you want to transfer input to V!/370, follow the operator procedure for initiating card input. 906E INVALID S!L BUFFER PARA!ETER -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED 935E LINK lin kid IN spoolid PURGED RJE MODE PRINT FILE Explanation: When DMTS!L is operating as an RJE (Remote Job Entry) station to a remote batch system, it is unable to transfer print files. Syst~ Action: The specified file is purged. Explanation: The RSCS operator specified an invalid SMt buffer size option of the PAR! field cOIIBland. ~te~ Action: activated. in the buffer User Action: The file must over a different link. The specified Qperator Action: Reissue the the correct S!L buffer size. link is comlland with on the Q2erator Action: Correct the SIGNON card, reload the station, and sign on again. ON LINK linkid -- Syst~.! Action: The specified file is purged. The signon is not allowed. 934E ID CARD MISSING FILE PURGED 936E NO REMOTE PONCH AVAILABLE ON LINK linkid -FILE spoolid PURGED ExplanatiQ»: The remote station operatinq on this link has no remote punch available; therefore, punch files destined for this link cannot be processed. Expla»ati2n: The TYPE parameter SIGNON card was omitted. Actio~: be trans.itted not 90?E SIGNON TYPE PARA!ETER MISSING System Operator Action: Bone. of the RSCS START INPUT ~rator Action: None. Use~ Action: The file must over a different link. 937E DECO!PRESSION DUCTIVA TED ERROR ON be transmitted linkid ~xpla»~1i2n: A file was entered at a remote station without an ID card identifying the destination. ~!anati~: ~te~ Systn Action: The link is deactivated. Action: The input file is flushed. Re.ot~ QE~i~ Action: place an ID card on the front of the input deck and reenter the input file. The rellote transmitted data that decom pressed correctly. station cannot LINK has be ~rator Action: Follow operator procedure to restart link after followinq local corrective procedure. Remote spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messaqes 199 200 IBM VM/370 System Messages IBC IBCDASDI Virtual Disk Initialization Program Messages 101W INVALID CARD CODE. CORRECT INTERRUPT KEY. ~xpla~~iQn: the above card. ERROR. DEPRESS An invalid code appears Probable user error. ~rator Action: Enter the following statement from the console typewriter: INP UT=dddd ,cuu in User Action: Check for keypunch or multipunch-errors. Correct and rerun the job. If the problem peLsists, have ~ne console log and input card deck available before contacting your system support personne1@ where dddd is the device type and cuu is the channel and unit address of the input device. 106A THE VOLID IN CONTROL STATEMENT DOES NOT AGREE WITH ID IN VOL LABEL WHICH FOLLOWS. VOLID=xxxxxx. 102A CONTROL STATEMENT ERROR JOB TERMINATED statement contains an incorrect keyword, parameter, or name field. probable user error# ExplanatiQn: The VOLID parameter in the control statement did not match the volume serial number found on the receiving volume (xxxxxx). Probable user error. User Action: Check for keypunch errors. Correct-invalid keyword, parameter, or name fields. Rerun the job. If the problem peLsists, have the console log and input card deck available before contacting your system support personnel. Operator Action: Correct the statement or mount the correct volume and restart the program. If the problem persists, have the console log and input deck available for reference before contacting your system support personnel. ~xpla~iiQn: A control • If the device referenced on the control statement was a tape unit, have the tape available. • If the device referenced on the control statement is a direct access device, use the DDR service program to print track 0 and have the output available. 103A STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR. JOB TERMINATED. Ex~na~ion: The control statements are not in the proper sequence, or unnecessary utility statements are present. Probable user error. Us~ Action: Correct the control statement sequence or remove unnecessary statements and rerun the job. If the problem persists, have the console log and the input card deck available before contacting your system support personnel. i07i TRACK ZERO BAD. JOB TERMINATED. ~l~ation: The device cannot be initialized as a systems residence volume due to a defective surface on cylinder 00, track 00. 104W SVC INTERRUPT. JOB TERMINATED. Us~~ ExE!~~~iiQn: An unknown SVC interrupt occurred. This program does not issue SVcs. ~~to£_Action: If the problem persists, have the console log and input card deck available before contacting your system support personnel. • • If running under CMS, or standalone under CP, use the CP DUMP command to dump all of virtual storage and the virtual registers to the printer. Save the dump output. If runninq standalone on a bare machine, take a standalone dump and save the output. Action: This volume cannot contain IPt te~-as track 0 is defective. Mount another volume and rerun the job. If the problem perSists, have the console log and input card deck available before contacting your system support personnel. Caution: Move suspect volume once to ascertain fault. Indiscriminate moonting and demounting of desk packs may cause the destruction of packs and drives. 108A HA OR RO FIELD BAD. JOB TERMINATED. ~lanation: The device cannot be initialiZed due to a bad surface area in the home address or track descriptor record areas. 105A DEFINE INPUT DEVICE. ~xp1anatiQn: The input device must be identified to the system by the operator. User Action: Mount another pack and rerun the j~f the problem persists, have the console log and input card deck available IBCDASDI Virtual Disk Initialization Program Messages 201 IBC before contacting personnel. your systell support caution: Hove suspect volume once to ascertain fault. Indiscriminate 1I0unting and demounting of desk packs may cause the destruction of packs and drives. 1081 HA OR RO FIEL D BAD. The hOlle address or record zero was defective and has been moved down the track (on a 2314 or 2319 disk). The defective track and the alternate track assigned are listed. ~pla~atiQ~: 113W IMPFOPER VTOC TERfHNATED. BEGIN ADDRESS. JOB ~!~ation: The starting address for the VTOC (volulle table of contents) cannot be track 0 for any direct access device or track 1 for the 2311 i f IPL text is written by the prograll. Probable user error. Use± Action: Change the STRTADR parameter on the VTOCD statement to use another track. If the problell persists, have the console log, input card deck and prograll listing available before contacting JOur system support personnel. Note: The VTOC cannot occ upy track occupy track 1 on 2311, or start on alternate track. 0, an 1091 TRACK CHK INDICATES TRACK IS GOOD. Explanation: The track in question is good and no alternate was assigned. y~ Actio,!!: Rone. 1101 BAD TRACK cccchhhh. ExplanatiQ!!: A defective track was found at the specified location, where cccc is the cylinder number and hhhb is the head nUllber. User Action: Make sure that the alternate track--assiqnllent message was issued for each bad track. 1111 ALTERNATE cccchhhh. Explanation: An alternate track at the specified location is assigned to replace the defective track (cccc is the cylinder nUllber and hhbh is the head nUllber). If no location is specifi~d with this lIessage, either the defective track is in the alternate track area or the applicable device is a drull device. 153A TYPEWRITER FAILED TO READ DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. LAST MESSAGE. Explanation: The console typewriter failed to read the input lIessage. Operator Action: Press the consolE' interrupt key and attempt to enter the input lIessage again. If the problell persists, contact your system support personnel. 154A READY READER cuu. DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. The reader has a card jam, a transport jail, or is out of cards. ~lanation: Operator Action: Correct the faulty condition, ready the reader, and press the console interrupt key to continue the prograll. If the card or transport jail occurs again, reproduce the jalllled cards and try again. If the problem persists, contact your systell support personnel. 155A READY PRINTER cuu. DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. Explanation: The printer is not ready due to a forlls check, an open interlock, or a pressed stop key. Not~: If an alternate track is bad and another alternate is assigned the second alternate will not indicate cchh. 112W ALT TRACKS DEPLETED. JOB TERMINATED. Explanation: The nUllber of alternate tracks assigned has Exceeded the lIaxillUII nUllber for this device. Operator-Action: Correct the faulty condition, ready the printer, and press the console interrupt key to continue. If the problell persists, and the printer has becolle not-ready without a faulty condition apparent, contact your system support personnel. 156A READY TAPE cuu. DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. User Action: Mount another volulle and rerun the--job. If thE problell persists, have the console log and input card deck available before contacting your systell support personnel. Caution: Move suspect volume once to ascertain fault. Indiscriminate mounting and dellounting of disk packs may cause the destruction of packs and drives. 202 IBM VM/370 System Messages ~!~at!QB: The tape drive unit uu is not ready. on channel c, 2.P!!rat2,L.Action: Correct the faulty condition, ready the tape drive, and press the console interrupt key. If the problell persists, and the tape drive had become not ready for no apparent reason, contact JOur system support personnel. IBC 157A READY DASD cuu. DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. Explana~io~: The direct access channel c, unit uu is not ready. device on Operato£~cti~: Correct the faulty condition, ready the direct access drive, andp.ress the console interrupt key. If the problem persists, and the direct access drive has become not ready for no apparent reason, contact your system support personnel. cccchhhh is the track address of the direct access device being used when the failure occurred 201W COMMAND REJECT. Explanation: The specified channel has rejected an incorrect channel command word (CCi) list= The job i~ terminated .. ~rator 1591 READER CHECK. INTERRUPT KEY. Explanati~: ERROR. CORRECT DEPRESS A reader check has occurred. ~~to£-Action: Correct the faulty condition and clear the reader check. Ready the reader and continue the program by pressing the console interrupt key. If reader checks occur frequently, check the input cards with a card guide for off punched cards. If the cards are punched correctly and are in good condition and reader checks continue, contact your system support personnel. Action: Rerun the job. If the preblem persists, uv ~n~ following before contacting your syste. support personnel; • If running under CMS, or standalone under CP, issue the CP dump command to dump all of virtual storage and the virtual registers to produce a storage dump to a printer. Save the dump output. • If running standalone on a bare machine, take a standalone dump and save the outputo 202A INTERV. REQUIRED. 160A PRINT CHECK. INTERRUPT KEY. CORRECT ERROR. DEPRESS Explanati~: The specified device is not ready. ~.rator ~rator_Action: Clear the print check by pressing check reset on the printer. Press the interrupt key on the console to continue processing. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Action: The specified device requires operator intervention to make it ready. If the device becomes not ready for no apparent reason, contact your system support personnel. 203W BUS. OUT CHECK. ~lanation: A bus out check has occurred on -~~--specified channel. Job is terminated. Probable hardware error. 163A END OF JOB. Explanation: occurred. A normal end of job has Q~rat~Action: If the problem persists, have the console log and input card deck available before contacting your system support personnel. 204W EQUIPMENT CHECK. Diagnostic format: messages appear in the following ~!anatiQn: occurred. number (16-byte text) cuu xx ssss YVyyyYVyyyyy mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm cccchhhh c is the channel of the device in error uu is the unit xx is the command code ssss designate status bytes from the csw yyyyyyyyyyyy designate the first six sense bytes mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm designate the rema~n~ng sense bytes for direct access devices An equipment failure The job is terminated. has ~.r~!or Action: If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 205W DATA CHECK. ~!anation: A solid data check has occurred on the specified device. The job is terminated. Probable hardware error. ~.rat~Action: If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. IBCDASDI Virtual Disk Initialization Program Messages 203 IBC 214W TRACK OVERRUN. 206W OVERRUN. ~xpla~at!2n: An overrun check has occurred on the specified channel. The job is terminated. .Rr~g,m mg£J£1ion: problem persists, support personnel. Rerun the job. contact your If the system Explanation: A track overrun condition has occurred. The job is terainated. Operator Action: Rerun the job. If the problem persists, do the following before contacting your system support personnel: • If running under CftS, or standalone under CP, issue the CP DUl!P command to dump all of virtual storage and the virtual registers to a printer. Save the dump output. • If running standalone on a bare machine, take a standalone dump and save the output. 208W DATA CONV. CHECK. Expla~g,1ion: A data converter check has occurred on the specified device. The job is terminated. ~gra~Q~_!£tiQn: Kove data to another device and rerun the job. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 21SW FILE PROTECTED. Explanati~: protected. 209W END OF CYLINDER. ~~~ns1!2n: An unusual end-of-cylinder condition has occurred on the specified device. The job is terminated. Rroqr~.!!g£J£tion: problem persists, support personnel. Rerun the job. contact your If the system The specified device is file The job is terminated. Operator Action: If the volume is to be read only, no response is necessary. If the volume is to be written on and the device is a tape unit, install a write-enable ring. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 217W NO RECORD FOUID. 210W INVALID ADDRESS. ~xplans1ion: Explanation: The indicated condition has occurred on the specified direct access device. The job is terminated. Pro~am~g~!ction: contact your systea support personnel: An invalid address has been issued to the specified device. The job is terminated. Operator Action: Detereine if the cccchhhh address shown in the message is valid for the device indicated. If the problem persists, have the console log and associated output availatle before contacting your system support personnel. ~lanati~: An invalid error return h:l s The job is terminated. ~rator 211W NOT AVAILABLE. Ex~nati2n: problem persists, 218W INVALID ERROR. occurred. attached to terminated. If the The specified device is not job is the system. The Rerun the job. Action: contact your problem persists, support personnel. If the system 219W WRONG ERROR. ~erato£_!cti2n: Ensure that the ENABLE/DISABLE switch on tbe device and/or control unit is in the ENABlE position. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. ~lanation: The error return is valid but is not associated with the specified device. The job is terminated. Probable hardware error. ~rator 212W READ DATA CHECK. Rerun the job. Action: contact your problem persists, support personnel. If the system ~~PlangiiQn: A permanent read data check has been detected on the specified tape unit. The 10b is terminated. Qp~~2~_!cti2n: Clean tape unit read/write heads and rerun the job. If the error persists, contact your system support personnel. 204 IBM VM/370 System Messages 220W CHAN. CTRL. ERROR. ~!~ati~: A channel control check has occurred on the specified channel. The job is terminated. Probable hardware error. IBC ~erat£r Action: Rerun the job~ T~ the error persists, execute the SEREP program and have the output available before contacting your system support personnel. ~!ator Action: Rerun the job. If the problem persists, do the following beforp contacting your system support personnel: • If running under CMS, or standalone under CP, issue the CP DUMP command to dump all of virtual storage and the virtual registers to a printer. Save the dump output. • If running standalone on a bare machine, take a standalone dump a nd save the output. 221W INTERFACE ERROR. ExplaAation: An interface control check has occurred on the specified channel. The job is terminated. Probable hardware error. ODerator Action: Rerun the job. If the error-Persists, execute the SEREP program and have the output available before contacting your system support personnel. 226W UNIT EXCEPTION. ~lanation: 1 unit exception has occurred on the specified unit. The job is terminated. 222W CHAN. DATA CHECK. ~xplaDatiQn: A channel data check has occurred on the specified channel. The job is terminated. Probable hardware error. 221i INCORRECT LENGTH. Rerun the job. If the error persists, execute the SEREP program and have the output available before contacting your system support personnel. Operato~_ActiQ!l: ~!anatiQA: The indicated condition has occurred on the specified unit. The job is terminated. ~rator Rerun the job. Action: problem persists, contact your support personnel. 223W DASD OVERFLOW. Explanati2n: An "overflow incomplete" condition has occurred on the specified direct access device. The job is terminated. probable hardware error. Operator Action: Rerun the problem persists, contact support personnel. job. your If the system If the system 228i CHAINING CHECK. ~lanation: A chaining check has occurred on the specifie~ channel. The job is terminated. Probable ha rdware error. ~rator Acti2D: Do the following before contacting your system support personnel: 224W PROGRAM CHECK. • If running under CMS, or standalone under CP, issue the CP DUMP command to dump all of virtual storage and the virtual registers to a printer. Save the dump output. • If running standalone on a bare machine, take a standalone dump and save the output. Explanation: A program check has occurred due to an incorrect channel command word (CCW). The job is terminated. Operator_ActiQ!l: Rerun the job. If the problem persists, do the following before contacting your system support personnel: • Have the associated control cards output listing available. and • If running under CMS, or standalone under CP, issue the CP DUMP co.mand to dump all of virtual storage and the virtual registers to a printer. Save the dump output. 229i COMMAND SEQ. ERR. • If running standalone on a bare machine, take a standalone dump and save the output. Explanation: An invalid sequence ~f channel command words (CCiS) was issued. The job is terminated. Probable hardware error. Q~!ator ActioD: Rerun the job. If the problem persists, do the following before contacting your system support personnel: • 225W PROTECTION CHECK. Explanation: A protection check has occurred on the specified device. The job is terminated. If running under CftS, or standalone under CP, issue the CP DUftP command to dump all of virtual. storaae and the virtual registers to a printer. Save the dump output. IBCDISDI Virtual Disk Initialization Program Messages 205 IBC • If running standalone on a tare machine, take a standalone dump and save the output. 230W SEEK CHECK ERROR. 237W 3 BLANK STRIP S. ExplanatiQ!!: Three blank strips have been encountered within one subcell. ActiQ.!!: Probable hardware Call your support personnel. ~rator error. ~xplanatiQn: An invalid SEEK address was issued, or a unit malfunction caused a SEEK check. The job is terminated. Probable hardware error. Rerun the job. If the problem persists, have the console log and input deck available before contacting your system support personnel. ~to£_ActiQn: Note: This message usually indicates that a 2321 failed to "pick" a strip. 238w 3 BLANK SUBCELLS. Explanat!Qn: Three blank subcells have been encountered within a cell. Action: Probahle hardw~re Call your support personnel. 2~atnr 231W WRITE DATA CHECK. A permanent write data check has occurred on the specified tape unit. The job is terminated • ~xplang1iQn: .QE~rato£_.!£tiQn: Clean the read/write heads of the indicated tape unit and rerun the job. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. erro~. Note: This message usually indicates that a2321 failed to "pick" a strip. 239W 3 BLANK TRACKS. Explsnation: Three blank tracks have been encountered within one cylinder. Action: Probable hardware error. If the problem persists, call your support personnel. ~rator 232W TAPE -- LOAD POINT. Explanation: A "tape at load point" condition has occurred on the specified tape unit. The job is terminated. Note: This message usually indicates that a2321 failed to "pick" a strip. 242W INVALID TRK FMT An attempt was made to write data exceeding track capacity on the specified device. The job is terllinated. ~!~atiQ!!: 234W MISSING ADR-MARK. ~lanati2.n: A "missing address marker" condition has occurred on the specified device. The job is terminated. .QE~tor_Actism: persists, contact personnel. None. If the your system problem support yoar Action: Check specification and retry. If the persists, contact your system personnel. ~rator input problem support 243W WRITE INHIBITED 235w BLANK TRACK. Ex£1gns1i2.n: A blank track has been encountered on the specified data cell. !ction: None. persists, contact your personnel. ~~raiQf. The WRITE INHIBIT switch is probably set ON in the 3330 control unit to inhibit execution when the WRITE command is encountered. ~!snatiQn: If the system problem support Action: Check WRITE INHIBIT switch: ~.f.ator • 236W 3 BLANK CYLINDERS. ~la!!giiQ!!: Three blank cylinders been encountered during the analysis strip. have of a • the status of the If the WRITE INHIBIT switch is set ON to intentionally inhibit execution of WRITE commands, follow procedures established at your installation. If the WRITE INHIBIT switch is set off to allow execution of WRITE commands, rerun the job. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel • Probable hardware error. Call your support personnel. .QE~~iQf._!ctiQn: 249W I/O ERROR, JOB TERMINATED. No1g: This message usually indicates that a 2321 failed to "pick" a strip. jll!~ati.Q1!: messages that conditions. 206 IBM VM/370 System Messages This message follows all describe input/output error DIU! Interactive Problem Control System (I pes) Messages Use~ Action: Check the macro description to what type of failure nnn indicates. Correct the error and retry. 100S ERROR 'nnn' READIWG FILE 'filename filetype fm' Explanatio~: An error occurred during the execution of an FSREAD macro against file ifilename filetype fm.i For a description of error 'nnn', see the FSREAD macro in the VM~lQ CMS Command ~g ~a~ Reference, GC2o-1818. see 500S ERROR ; nnn; WRITING TO VIRTU! L PRI NTER ~lanation: An error occurred during the execution of a PRINTL macro to the virtual printer. For a description of the return code, see PRINTL Macro in VM/370 CMS Com~A!!g and MacrQ Ref~~ .. GC20-1818. Syste~ Action: RC = 8 Processing stops and returns to CRS. ~!~ User Action: Check the macro description to see what type of failure Dnn indicates. Correct the error and retry. Use~ Action: Processing continues. !cti~: Check the macro description to type of failure 'nnn' indicates. Correct the error and retry. see what 2005 ERROR 'nnni WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' Explanation: An error occurred during the execution of an FSWRITE macro against file 'filename filetype fm.' For a description of error 'nnn', see the FSWRITE macro in the !~L370 CMS cOllllang and ~acro Reference, GC20-1818. Syste!! Action: RC = 8 processing stops and returns to 5015 INVALID PARM 'badparll' SUMMARY UPDATE PROGRAM ON FSSTATE The program or EXEC that called SUMMARY passed an invalid request or a problem number not in the format PRBnnnnn, where nnnnn must be numeric. If a user program or EXEC was being executed, correct the parameter being passed to SUMMARY and retry. C~s. Syst~~ Action: RC = 8 Execution of the comlland is terminated. The system remains in the same state as before the command was issued. Use~ Acti~: If PROB .. PRB .. or VMFDUMP was being executed, collect the console log and call your support personnel. If a user program or EXEC was being executed .. correct the parameter being passed to SUMMARY and retry. 'filename filetype ExplgBAtio~: An error occurred during the execution of an FSSTATE macro against file 'filenalle filetype fm.' For a description of return code 'nnn', see the FSSTATE macro in the VM~70 CMS COllma,Bg and ~ac!:.Q RefereD£~, GC20-1818. System Act ion: RC = 8 Processing stops and returns to CMS. User Action: Check the macro description to see what-~ype of failure 'nnn' indicates. Correct the error and retry. SYMPTOM ~!anati~: User Actio~: Check the macro description to see what type of failure nnn indicates. Correct the error and retry. 3005 ERROR 'nnn' fll' PASSED TO 5025 PROBLEM 'PRBnnnnn' SUMPIARY NOT FOUND IN SYMPTOR ~!~nation: Problem nnnnn was not found in the symptom summary file. systn Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command is terminated. The system remains in the same state as before the cOllmand was issued. 4005 ERROR 'nnn' CLOSIWG 'filename filetype fm' Explanation: An error occurred during the execution of an FSCLOSE macro against file 'filename filetype fm.' For a description of return code 'nnn', see the FSCLOSE macro in the llilio -CMS ~ommaD.g and Macro Refer~~, GC20-1818. User Action: Retry the commani! the correct problem number. supplyinq 2I§tell Action: Processing stops and returns to CRS. IPCS PIessaqes 207 DMM 6011 OPERAND 'operand' NOT RECOGNIZED Qse~ !ctiQn: Correct the input and retry. ~~lansiiQ~: The system received a search argument that was not recognized by the STAT command. 705E ERROR IN ITEM TABLE Re = 4 Execution of the command is terminated. The system remains in the same state as before the command was issued. Expl~ati~: While counting entries in the item table, the indicator for the end of the table was not found. Indicates that CP was unable to write the dump correctl y or the dump has been damaged. Q2~ AciiQ~: ~te~ ~yste~ !ctig~: Retry the the correct operand(s). command specifying Action: Processing continues. Us~ Action: Some DUMPSCAN functions may still ~vailable. Beware of unlikely results. 7001 TYPE 'HELP' OR ENTER ~~~la~si!Q~: You have the opportunity to bypass a display of the DUMPSCAN subcommand summary. ~te~ Actig~: processing continues. Us~ !£iion: If you wish to display a summary of DOMPSCAN commands, type HELP. otherwise, press the ENTER key or its equivalent. 7061 'entry name' NOT FOUND IN THE LOAD MAP Explanation: The name displayed was entered to request a load map search and display function. However, the name was not found in the load map. ~tem Act~: Use! ActiQn: Make sure that the entry point or module name is correct and retry the subcommand supplying the correct module name. 701R ENTER DOMP NOMBER AND MODE Explanation: You are required to the dump number and mode. specify 7071 'module' ~te~ 7021 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN COUNT - RETRY Explanaiig~: The count field in the input line contains a non-hexadecimal character. !£tign: processing continues. User Action: Make sure the count field containS--only hexadecimal characters and reenter the subcommand. 7031 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN ADDRESS - RETRY ~~snsiign: The address field non-hexadecimal character. ~i~~ Q2~ contains a !ctign: processing continues. Aciign: Correct the input and retry. 7041 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN ADDRESS - RETRY ~~plansiiQn: The address field non-hexadecimal character. ~Y2te~ 208 'page' PAGE NOT VALID Action: processing continues. Qser Action: Enter the numeric part of the dump file name, followed by the disk mode. Leading zeros are not required, so for PRB00056 on the A-disk, enter 56 A. If the mode is owitted, A is assumed unless you are changing dumps within a session, in which case the previous mode is used. ~te~ Processing continues. contains a AciigQ: processing continues. IBM VM/370 System Messages Explanation: The page table entry for the virtual address page where 'module' was initially loaded was marked invalid and so could not be displayed. ~~em Action: Processing continues. 7081 PAGE 'page' NOT FOUND IN DUMP ~~anation: This virtual address was not represented by an entry in the item table. This means it was not dumped at the time the dump vas taken. ~Y2!~ Use~ Action: processing continues. ActiQn: Try another address. 7091 NO VALID SCROLL ADDRESS ~!anati~: A SCROLL or SCROLL U request must follow some other request that qenerates a display that has an address associated with it. This has not happened yet in this DUMPSCAN session. Note that SCROLL will scroll from the last address that was displayed. ~!~ Action: processing continues. User Action: Enter an address in wish -to examine by using hexloc' • yOii- the are a 'DISPLAY 7161 STRING 'string' {NOT FOUNDINOT FOUND BEFORE END} 7101 NON-NUMERIC COUNT CHARACTER - RETRY Explang~iQn: The count field non-numeric character. ~te~ Ac~ion: Q~g£ A£~iQE: contains a ~lanati~: The requested string was not found within the limits given or, if indicated, before the end of dump was reached. processing continues. Correct the input and retry. ~~em Action: Processing continues. User Action: 7111 LOOP IN VMBLOK CHAIN Check that the string is as you-intended, and retry the subcommand. ~~P!g~g~iQE: While searching through the VMBLOK chains for entries no End was found to the chain. Note: This message will occur if more than 256-users were logged on thE system at the time of dump. ~Y2te~ 7171 INVALID FORM OF LOCATE COMMAND ~!anati~: The input on a LOCATE command was not in the proper format; that is Locate string [ increment 1 ActiQE: processing continues. Us~£ A£~iQE: May indicate an overlay problem. Other DUMPSCAN functions may still be available. Continue. string fromhexloc request, found. the On a real or virtual device specified device was not tohexloc increment ~te~ Action: Processing continues. User !£~iQ~: Make sure the specified device is included in the system that produces the dump. Retry the subcommand. ~~em tohexloc is up to 16 hexadecimal digits is an address up to six significant digits in length not higher than tohexloc is an address up to six digits that is higher tha.n fromhexloc is an optional hexadecimal number from 1 to 1000 7121 DEVICE 'cuu' NOT FOUND ~xpla~atiQE: fromhexloc Action: Processing continues. User Action: Correct the input retry-the subcommand. format and 7131 USER 'userid' VMBLOK NeT FOUND ExP!g~atiQ~: found so honored. ~tem The specified 'userid' was not the VIO request could not be Expla~ation: DMMHEX nonhexadecimal character. NO~-HEX ExplanatiQ~: Us~ SEE MAP Action: RC = 4 Processing continues. detected a Correct the input and retry. Us~~ Action: You may continue to use DUMPSCAN except for the DMK? subcommand and the D!Kmmmee subcommand. If there is a valid CP nucleus load map available and if the dump is on the A-disk with write access, you may use the MAP subcommand to add the LOADMAP to the dump. CHARACTER IN STRING of valid asterisks. ~tem MAP ~!:~ Syste! Action: processing continues. 7151 NO LOAD The compressed load map was not found at the end of the dUmp, possibly because NUC MAP was not available to VMFDUMP or was invalid. All DUMPSCAN functions except DMK1 and DMKmmmee are still valid. Action: Processing continues. A£~iQ~: HAS ~!gnati~: 7141 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN INPUT - RETRY Mser 7181 THIS DUMP SUBCOMMAND The input string must consist hexadecimal characters or Action: Processing continues. 7191 ERROR 'nnn' filetype fll' IN FSSTATE FILE 'filename Explanati~: FSSTATE macro failed to fina the dump file specified by your reply to DlUmSC701R. A£tion: Correct the input and retry. ~tem Ac!i~: Processing continues. IPCS Messages 209 DMM Q~ A£1i2~: Consult the V"/370 CMS £~nd and ~g£~Q Reference, GC20-1818, for a description of error nnn in the FSSTATE macro. Correct the problem and retry. 800s DATA EXTRACTION FAILURE Necessary portions of the dump file (PSA, sYllbol table, etc.) cannot be read. control is returned to DMMEDH and processing halts. ~lanati~: 7201 LOAD HAP ALREADY PRESENT The HAP subcommand was issued against a dump that already had a LOAD HAP appended. ~xplanatio~: ~te~ Action: processing continues. User Action: None. §y§tell Action; IPCS processing Control is returned to CHS. The report is not created. hal ts. problem Us~ Action: Retry the cOlllland when the cause of the READ failure is determined. 8011 NUC MAP 'filenalle filetype f.' IS HOT VALID FOR THIS DUftP 7211 SHAHE TABLE IS FULL You have run out of space in the SNAME table. The table can hold up to 32 tokens, either SNAMEs or subcommand operands. Explanation: The DftKCPEND address found in the dUllp and the one found in the load map (file IOC MAP) were not the salle, indica ting a back level load map. Processing in D!ftftAP continues. System Action: Processing continues. ~tem User Action: You may replace a long SNAHE entry--vith a shorter one or you may terminate the session and restart. This procedure clears out the table. User Action: Respond to lIessaqe D!"MAP806R. Explg~1i2~: 8021 PROCEEDIIG •••• 7221 INVALID ENTRY INTO SNAME TIBLE Explanati~: The SNIME subco.mand has found an invalid operand. See restrictions in the usage notes for DUftPSCIN. Syste~ Action: ftessaqes D!ft!AP8021 and Dftft!AP806R are subsequently issued requesting the nalle and location of the nucleus load lIap. ExplAnati~: This lIessage follows a previous error message indicating that even though an error vas encountered, further processing will be attellpted. Action: processing continues. User Action~ Reissue the the correct operand. sUbcoaaand usinq System Action: Processing Message D!!!!P806R follows. Use~ lcti~: 7231 THE DUHP IS NOT ON THE A-DISK The MAP subcom.and the dump to be on the A-disk. ~xplanatio~: ~te~ Acti~: continues. Respond to message Dft!ftAP806R. 803S ERROR 'nnn' I TTEftPTIIG TO LOIDftOD VMPDUMP2 requires Processing continues. User Action: Copy the dump to the A-disk of your vIrtual machine before issuing the ftAP subcomlland. 7241 {API HP} REGISTER REQUESTED FOR UNIPROCESSOR DUMP The subcom.and AREGS or MREGS was issued against a dump taken on a machine running in uniprocessor mode. Explanation: VftPDUftP exceeds 64K in size; thus, it must be loaded in two sections. DftMIHI is responsible for loading the second section (called VftFDU!P2) as soon as D!ftEDft makes the first call to DRMIHI. §y§tem Action: If the LOAD!OD is not successful, VftFDU!P processing is halted immediately. User Action: For support instructions refer to V8/370 IPCS User's Guide, GC20-1823. ~xplanation: ~i~A Action: Processing continues. Use~ Acti~: Verify that you are exall1n1ng the correct dump. To see the registers, the PSW, etc., issue the REGS command. 210 IBM VM/370 system Messages 8041 ERROR II DATA EXTRACTION ~~ati~: The text portion of the problem report may not be complete due to the absence of supporting information (for example, IUC HIP A1 does not match the system). This message is also issued if subroutines, such as DMHGRC, encounter an error reading from the dumpfile, or D!KCPA cannot recognize the abend code. Syste~ !ct!Qn: 1PCS processing continues to extract as much data as possible. This message occurs on the terminal as well as in the text portion of the problem report. Expl§nation: An address passed to the dump record read routine could not be found in the dump. Probably caused by a storage overlay or an invalid register address in the dump. ~!~~ 8051 xxxxxx ABEND CODE NOT DOCUMENTED Explanation: This message is issued in module DMMCPA if the akend code in the dump does not compare with any atend code in the looku p tabl e. ~te~ 8091 REQUESTED ADDRESS NOT IN DUMP Action: IPCS data extraction continues to gather dump information on a limited basis depending on the nature of the error. User Actio~: None. Action: processing continues. User Action: Either the atend code in the dump Is--overlaid or an unknown abend code has been generated. Call your support personnel. 806R ENTER 'filename filetype fm' LOAD MAP OR NULL LINE OP NUCLEUS ExPlAngtiQn: This message is issued after it is determined that file NUC MAP A is not found or invalid. Syste~ Action: processing halts system waitS-for a reply. and the User Action: Enter the filename, filetype, an~fileiOde of the nucleus load map that corresponds to the level of the dump being processed. If the information is not available, a 'null' entry will cause processing to continue on a limited basis. If a null entry is made, the sorted, compressed load map will not be appended to the dump. 80n UNABLE TO filemode' LOCATE 'filename After you responded to message DMMMAP806R, DMHMAP was unatle to locate the filename entered. ActiQn: Processing DMMMAP806R is reissued. ~!anati2n: An error occurred trying to read either NUC MAP or the file you specified in reply to message DMMMAP806R. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Por an explanation and detailed description of error nnn see the FSREAD macro in the VM/370 ~~~ ~g~~~~g and Kac~Q Reference~ GC20-1818. Correct error and reply to the following DMMMAP806R message with the fileid or nUll. the 8501 UNABLE TO READ DUMP FROM READER ~!anati~: The V~DUMP command was unable to read the 3704/3705 dump or the system abend dump from the CP spool file through the CMS card reader. This could be because: • The reader is not at address OOC, • The reader at OOC is already in open status from a previous operation, or • The device in the virtual machine at OOC is not a CP spool card reader device. filetype ]xplang~iQn: ~Y21g~ 8101 ERROR 'nnn' READING PILE 'filename filetype fm' continues. User Action: Respond to message DMMMAP806R with name-and location of the nucleus load map. the virtual Usg! Acti~: Verify that machine configuration is correct for performing a VMFDUMP operation and that the card reader at OOC is a spool card reader in closed status. 8511 TEN DUMP PILES ALREADY EXIST ~l~ation: 8081 NUCLEUS MAP filemode' INVALID 'filename filetype Explanation: Issued after you respond to message DMMMAP806R and the address of DMKCPEND in the dump does not correspond to the address of DMKCPEND in the load map. ~stg~ Action: Processing Message DHMMAP806R is reissued. continues. The command has not been executed because ten dump files with nameE DUMPOO through DUMP09 already exist on thp eMS disk being accessed. ~!~ A£tion: The command is terminated. User Action: purge one or more of til EO unwanted dump files or rename any of the existing dump files using the CMS RENAME command. Reissue the command so that the dump file can be automatically created. USg£ !£1i2n: Respond to DHMHAP806R with name and location of the nucleus load map. IPCS Messages 211 DMM 8521 FATAL I/O ERROR WRITING DUMP ~~~ns~iQn: An recoverable I/O error occurred during the writing of the 3704/3705 dump or the system abend dump on the CMS disk being accessed. The message is preceded by CMS error messages for the disk function. User Action: Reissue the command after taking-actIon to bypass the I/O errors on the CMS disk being accessed. 8531 NO DUMP FILES EXIST ~xplanation: The VMFDUMP command was specified, and the return from the CP interface indicates that no dump files exist for this user. US§~ Action: Take corrective action to bypass the I/O error. Then reissue ~e command requesting to print the d~p previously loaded onto the disk. 861E DUMP FILE 'filename' NOT FOUND ]XRlanation: The co.mand vas specified requesting a printout of a specific dump file, and that file could not be found on the CftS disks that were currently accessed. Use~ Action: Verify that the correct dump file was specified and that the correct disks are accessed by CKS. Then reissue the command, requesting the specified dump file. 863E INVALID PARAMETER - parameter Us~ !~tion: Verify that the dump files produced by the CP system haVE the userid and the class required, and that this user's userid and class on the card reader match that of the dump, so that" a dump file can be read. If no dump files exist, VKFDU!P does not have to be issued. If the dump file exists under a different userid, have the operator transfer that file to the required userid, so that it can be accessed. Also, verify that the input class of the spool card reader at OOC is class D, so that it can read the dump files. 860r FATAL I/O ERROR READING DUMP ExP!sna~ion: During the reading of the dump from the eMS disk, an unrecoverable IIC error occurred. This message is preceded by a CMS message indicating the disk failure. Explanatign: The co•• and was specified with a list of options, one of which is not recognized by the command. System Action: The command is not executed. User Action: Reissue the only -valid options as command syntax. commandi specify defined in the 8641 PAGE REFERENCED NOT AVAILABLE WHILE EDITING xxxxxxxx Explsnatign: During the format dump phase of the VKFDUKP command, a page was referenced in one of the CP control blocks (identified by 'xxxxxxxx'), and that page is not available because it ~~ beyond the range of the CP nucleus. ~!~ Action: VKFDUKP attempts to continue formatting at the next valid control block. User Action: No action can be taken on the of the user to circumvent this problem since it usually indicates CP system software failures that caused the addressing of unreferenced pages. part 212 IBM VM/370 system Messages •4nnAndix -1""1""------- -A. -- Command-to-Messaae Cross-Reference - - Below is an alpabetical listing of CP, CMS, RSCS, and IPCS commands and VM/370 service programs, together with their associated messages. under each command, the messages are listed in message-number sequence within module code. Note: These messaqes are Dot prefixed by progra. fiu.hers, refer to the message section of this book to establish ownership. CP Message Summary ICNT DMKAC0425E DMKCPV003E DMKCPV007E DMKCPV020E DMKCPV045E DMKCPV143E I/O ERROR DURING ACCOUNTING INVALID OPTION - option INVALID USERID - userid USERID MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM ADSTOP DMKCFD004S DMKCFD026E DMKCFD160E DMKCFD164E DMKVMA181E INVALID HEILOC - hexloc OPERAND HISSING OR INVALID HEILOC hexloc EICEEDS STORAGE HEILOC hexloc NON-ADDRESSABLE STORAGE SHARED SYSTEM name REPLACED WITH NON-SHARED COPY ATTACH DMKSSS071E DMKSSS072E DMKSSU074E DMKSSS075E DMKSSS0781 DMKSSS438E DMKSST070E DMKSST072E DMKSST073E DMKSST078E DMKVDA003E DMKVDA006E DMKVDA020E DMKVDA021E DMKVDA022E DMKVDA023E DMKVDA034E DMKVDA040E DMKVDA045E DMKVDA046E DMKVDA120E DMKVDA121E DMKVDA122E DMKVDA123E DMKVDA124E DMKVDA125E DMKVDA126E DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - MSS CANNOT BE ACCESSED DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - 'raddr' NOT PROPER TYPE MISSING INTERRUPT - DEVICE 'raddr' DEVICE 'raddr' IS NOT AVAILABLE MSS MOUNT PROCEEDING FOR VOLUME 'volid' DEVICE IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR ATTACH shared-status MSS DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - 'raddr' NOT PROPER TYPE ASS DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - REASON CODE xx MSS MOUNT PROCEEDING FOR VOLUME 'volid' INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr USERID MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID raddr VADDR MISSING OR INVALID vaddr VOLID MISSING OR INVALID CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON type raddr OFFLINE type raddr NOT ATTACHED; userid vaddr ALREADY DEFINED type raddr NOT ATTACHED TO userid type raddr ALREADY ATTACHED to userid DASD raddr CP OWNED DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS DASD raddr VOLID volid ALREADY ATTACHED TO SYSTEM DASD raddr ERROR READING VOLID Dl!KVDA127E DASD raddr VOLID volid DOES NOT PlATCR DMKVDA128E DMKVDA131E DHKVDA133E DMKVDA134E DMKVDA139E DMKVDA142E DMKVDA143E DMKVDA1511 DASD raddr ERROR READING ALLOCATION RECORD INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR ATTACH REQUEST DASD raddr NOT READY type vaddr NOT ATTACHED; CHAN x DEDICATED DASD raddr NOT ATTACHED; 3330i NOT ACCEPTED AS SYSTEM VOLUME type raddr NOT DRAINED type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DASD (addr) NOT ATTACHED, BUSY PERSISTS, IOBSTAT=xx, IOBCSW+4=yyyy Appendix A. Co••and-to-Message Cross-Reference 213 DMK ATTACH CHANNEL DMKVCH034E CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID DMKVCH048E CHANNEL X DOES NO~ EXIST DMKVCH129E CHANNEL x DEVICES IN USE DMKVCH132E CHANNEL X ALREADY DEFINED BY userid DMKVDA020E USERID MISSING OR INVALID DMKVDA045E userid NOT LOGGED ON AUTOLOG DMKALG059E AUTOLOG FAILED FOR userid {IPL MISSINGIIPL FAILEDIACCOUNTING ERROR} DMKALG115E AUTOLOG INVALID; EXCESSIVE INCORRECT PASSWORDS BACKS PAC DMKCS0003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKCS0006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr DMKCS0021E RADDR MISSING OR INVALID O~KCS0040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKCS0046E type raddr OFFLINE DMKCS0140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKCS0141E type-raddr NOT ACTIVE DMKRSE240E PRT cuu, FCB-FORMS MISMATCH, FILEID nnn {HELDIPURGED} DMKRSE241E PRT cuu, INVALID LOAD MODULE mmmm SPECIFIED, FILE nnnn {HELDIPURGED} DMKRSE2421 PRT cuu (3800) INTERVENTION REQD, STATUS CODE cc DMKRSE252I par cuu, FILE nnnn REQUEUED AND HELD DMKRSE255I PRT cuu, PAGE EUFFER DESTROYED, BACK UP PAGE COUNT nnnn BEGIN DMKCFC004S INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc CHANGE DMKCSU003E DMKCSU006E DMKCSU008E DMKCSU013E DMKCSU026E DMKCSU027E DMKCSU028E DMKCSU029E DHKCSU030E DMKCSU032E DMKCSU035E DMKCSU042E DMKCSU243E DMKCSU245E DMKCSU246E DMKCSU253E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID SPOOLID - spoolid CONFLICTING OPERAND - operand OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID FNAME FTYPE MISSING OR INVALID COPIES nISSING OR INVALID DIST CODE MISSING OR INVALID DEVICE TYPE MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST PLASH MISSING OR INVALID CHARS KISSING OR INVALID PCB MISSING OR INVALID MODIFY MISSING OR INVALID CLOSE DMKCSP003E DKKCSP006E DKKCSP013E DMKCSP022E DMKCSP029E DMKCSP032E DMKCSP040E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr CONFLICTING OPERAND - operand VADDR MISSING OR INVALID FNAME FTYPE MISSING OR INVALID DIST CODE MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST COUPLE DMKDIA006E DMKDIA011E DMKDIA020E DMKDIA022E DMKDIA040E DMKDIA045E DMKDIA047E DMKDIA058E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr USERID MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON userid vaddr DOES NOT EXIST CTCA vaddr BUSY ON userid DCP DMKCDB003E DMKCDB004S DMKCDB009E DMKCDB010E 214 INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID OPTION - option HEXLOC - hexloc RANGE - range REGISTER - register IBM VM/370 system Messages DIU DCP (continued) DHKCDB026E OPERAND HISSING OR INVALID DHKCDB033E HEXLOC ~ISSING OR INVALID DMKCDB160E HEXLOC hexloc EXClEDS STORAGE DDR DHKDDR700E DHKDDR701E DHKDDR702E DMKDDR703E DMKDDR704E DRKDDR70SE DMKDDR705E DHKDDR707E DMKDDR708E DHKDDR709E DMKDDR1101 DHKDDR111R DMKDDR112E DHKDDR713E DMKDDR114E DHKDDR115E DMKDDR116R DHKDDR111R DMKDDR118E DHKDDR119E DHKDDR120E DMKDDR121E DMKDDR122E DMKDDR123E DHKDDR724E DHKDDR125R DMKDDR126E DMKDDR127E DMKDDR756E DEFINE DMKDEF003E DftKDEF022E DHKDEF024E DMKDEF024E DMKDEF025E DHKDEF026E DMKDEF040E DMKDEF091E DHKDEF092E DMKDEF094E DMKDEF095E DMKDEF136E DETACH DMKVDD006E DMKVDD020E DMKVDD021E DMKVDD022E DftKVDDO~OE DHKVDD045E DMKVDD046E DMKVDD121E DMKVDD123E DKKV1>D124E DMKVDD135E DMKVDD140E DMKVDD142E DDMKVD143E INPUT UNIT IS NOT A CPVOL INVALID OPERAND - xxx xxx CONTROL STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR OPERAND HISSING DEV cuu NOT OPERATICNAL 10 ERROR cuu CSW csw SENSE sense INPUT bbcchh OUTPUT bbcchh CCV ccw 10 ERROR cuu CSV csw SENSE sense INPUT bbcchh OUTPUT {bbcchhlnnnnnn} CCV ccw HACHINE CHECK RUN SEREP AND SAVE OUTPUT FOR CE INVALID INPUT OR OUTPUT DEFINITION WRONG INPUT TAPE HOUNTED DEV cun INTERVENTICN REQUIRED VOLID READ IS volid2 {NOT volid1} DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES NO OR REREAD: NUMBER OF EXTENTS lXCEEDS 20 OVERLAPPING OR INVALID EXTENTS RECORD bbcchh NOT FOUND ON TAPE LOCATION bbccbh IS A FLAGGED TRACK NO VOLl LABEL FOUND {FOR xxxxxx} DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES OR NO CR REREAD: DATA DUMPED FROM volid1 TO BE RESTORED TO volid2. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES NO OR REREID: OUTPUT UNIT IS FILE PROTECTED INVALID FILE NAME OR FILE NOT FOUND ERROR IN routine RECORD cchhr NOT FCUND OUTPUT UNIT NeT PROPERLY FORMATTED FOR THE CP NUCLEUS NO VALID CP NUCLEUS ON THE INPUT UNIT INPUT TAPE CONTAINS A CP NUCLEUS DUMP ORIGINAL INPUT DEVICE VAS (IS) LARGER THAN OUTPUT DEVICE. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES OR NO: MOVING DATA INTO THE ALTERNATE TRACK CYLINDER(S) IS PROHIBITED FLAGGED TRK xxxxxxxxxx HAS NO PROPER ALTERNATE; SKIPPING THIS TRK PROGRA~ CHECK PSV = psw INVALID OPTION - option VADDR MISSING OR INVALID CYLS MISSING OR INVALID {CYLSIBLKS} MISSING OR INVALID STORAGE MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DASD vaddr NOT DEFINED; TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED STORAGE EXCEEDS ALLOWED MAXIMUM DEV vaddr NOT DEFINE; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; CHAN x DEDICATED INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr USERID MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID raddr VADDR MISSING OR INVALID vaddr DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON type raddr OFFLINE type raddr NOT ATTACHED to userid DASD raddr CP OWNED DA5D radar IN USE BY nnn USERS type vaddr NOT DETACHED; CHAN x DEDICATED type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT DRAINED type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM Appendix A. Coamand-to-Kessage Cross-Reference 215 DMK DETACH CHANNEL DHKVCH034E CHANNEL HISSING OR INVALID DHKVCH048E CHANNEL x DOES NOT EXIST DMKVCH130E CHANNEL X NOT ATTACHED TO userid DHKVCH138E CHANNEL X NOT ATTACHED; INSUFFICIENT STORAGE DMKVDD020E USERID MISSING OR INVALID DHKVDD034E CHANNEL HISSING OR INVALID DIAL DMKDIA011E DMKDIA020E DMKDIA022E DMKDIA045E DMKDIA047E DMKDIA055E DMKDIA056E DMKDIA098E DMKnIA206E DMKDIA707A INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr USERID MISSING OR INVALID VADDR HISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON userid vaddr DOES NOT EXIST LINE(S) NOT AVAILABLE ON userid LINE vaddr BUSY ON userid DEV rid MODE SWITCH NeT POSSIBLE ~A"OT CONNECT TO ROST VIRTUAL MACHINE DIAL FUNCTION NOT AVAILABLE DIRECT DMKDIR751E DMKDIR752E DMKDIR753E DMKDIR754E DMKDIR755E DMKDIR756E DMKDIR757E DMKDIR758E DMKDIR760E DMKDIR761E DMKDIR762E DMKDIR763E DMKDIR764E INVALID OPERAND - xxxxxx STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR FOLLOWING USER user OPERAND MISSING DEV cuu NOT OPERATIONAL 10 ERROR cuu CSW csw SENSE sense PROGRAM CHECK PSW = psw MACHINE CHECK RUN SEREP AND SAVE OUTPUT FOR CE DUPLICATE UNIT DEFINITION NOT ENOUGH SPACE ALLOCATED FOR DIRECTORY VOLID READ IS volid1 NOT volid2 DIRECTORY STATEMENT MISSING INVALID FILENAME OR FILE NOT FOUND ERROR IN routine DISABLE DMKCPV003E DMKCPV006E DMKCPV021E DHKCPV026E DMKCPV040E DMKCPV046E DMKCPV140E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr RADDR HISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEy addr DOES NOT EXIST type raddr OFFlINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DISCORN DHKUS0003E INVALID OPTION - option DISPLAY DMKCDH003E DMKCDM004S DMKCDM009E DHKCDH010E DMKCDM026E DMKCDH160E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID RANGE - range INVALID REGISTER - register OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE DMCP DMKCDM003E DMKCDM004S DMKCDM009E DMKCDM033E DMKCDM160E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID RANGE - ranqe HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE DRAIN DMKCS0003E DMKCS0006E DHKCS0021E DMKCS0040E DMKCS0046E DMKCS0140E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST type raddr OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid 216 IBM VM/370 system Messages DKK DUMP DKKCDM003E DKKCDM004S DMKCDM009E DKKCDM033E DKKCDM060E DKKCDK061E DMKCDM160E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID RANGE - range HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID DUMP FAILED; VIRTUAL PRINTER UNAVAILABLE DUMP FAILED; VIRTUAL PRINTER ERROR HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE ECHO None. ENABLE DMKCPV003E DMKCPV006E DKKCPV021E DMKCPV026E DMKCPV040E DMKCPV046E DMKCPV140E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST type raddr OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED to userid EXTERNAL DMKCPB005E INVALID HEXDATA - hexdata FLUSH DMKCS0003E DMKCS0006E DMKSC0013E DKKCS0021E DMKCS0040E DMKCS0046E DMKCS0140E DMKCS0141E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr CONFLICTING OPERAND - operand BlDDR MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST type raddr OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT ACTIVE FORCE DMKUS0003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKUS0020E USERID MISSING OR INVALID DMKUS0045E userid NOT LOGGED ON FREE DMKCSP006E DMKCSP007E DMKCSP020E DMKCSP053E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID USERID - userid USERID MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY HALT DMKCPS021E RADDR MISSING OR INVALID DMKCPS040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKCPS144W type vaddr RESET BY userid HOLD DMKCPI9581 DMKCPI959W DMKCSP006E DHKCSP007E D8KCSP020E DMKCSP053E DMKTCS240E DMKTCS241E INDICATE DMKTHI002E DMKTHI003E DMKTHI026E DKKTHI045E ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT OPERATIONAL ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT ONLINE INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALIDUSERID - userid USEFID MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY PRT cuu, PRT FCB-FORMS MISMATCH, FILEID nnnn {HELDIPURGED} PRT cuu, INVALID LOAD MODULE mmmm SPECIFIED, FILE nnnn {HELDIPURGED} INVALID OPERANt - operand INVALID OPTION - option OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON IPL DMKCFG002E DMKCFG003E DKKCFG013E DKKCFG022E DMKCFG026E INVALID OPERANt - operand INVALID OPTION - option CONFLICTING OPTION - option VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND HISSING OR INVALID Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 217 DMK IPL (continued) DMKCFG040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKCFG044E SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST DMKCFG083E VMSAVE AREA DOES NCT CONTAIN A VALID SAVED SYSTEM DMKCFG110E SYSTEM name EXCEEDS STORAGE DMKCFG111E SYSTEM name VGIID volid NOT MOUNTED DMKCFG112E SYSTEM name DASD vaddr INCOMPATIBLE SYSRES DMKCFG113E SYSTEM name REQUIRES DASD vaddr DMKCFG114E PAGING I/O ERROR; IPL FAILED DMKCFG111E PARM EXCEEDS 64 CHAFACTERS DMKCFG203E V=R AREA REQUIRES IPL BY DEVICE ADDRESS DMKCLK431E NO DASD SPACE AVAILABLE - IPL TERMINATED DMKCLK910W TOD CLOCK SYNC CHECK RECEIVED DMKCPI185E ECPS LEVEL xx DOES NOT MATCH CP LEVEL yy DMKCPI9131 CP OWNED VOLID xxxxxx INVALID FOR 3330V DMKCPI9581 ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT OPERATIONAL DMKCPI959W ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT ONLINE D~KVMI022~ VhDDR ~ISSING OR INVALID DMKVMI230E IPL SIO ERROR DMKVMI231E IPL TIO ERROR DMKVMI232E IPL UNIT ERROR; CSW xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx SNS xxxxxxxxxxxx DMKVMI233E IPL OVERLAY ERROR DMKVMI234E IPL SENSE ERROR JOURNAL DMKJRL1451 USERID: userid AT term-raddr WITH INVALID PASSWORD NO. xxx (pswd) HAS VIOLATED THE lIMIT OF yyy (,A=auserid] LINK DMKLNK020E DMKLNK022E DMKLNK052E DMKLNK053E DMKLNK101W DMKLNK102W DMKLNK103W DMKLHK104E DMKLNK105E DMKLNK106E DMKLNK101E DMKLNK108E DMKLNK109E DMKLNK110E DMKLNK111E DMKLNKl12E DMKLNK113E DMKLNKl14E DMKLNKl15E DMKLNKl16E DMKLNKll1E DMKLNK118E DMKLNK119E DMKLNK131E DMKLNK139E DMKLNK2811 DMKSSS011E DMKSSS013E DMKSSS0181 DMKSST010E DMKSST012E DMKSST013E DMKSST018E USERID MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY DASD vaddr FORCED R/O; R/O BY nnn USERS DASD vaddr FORCED R/O; R/W BY nnn USERS DASD vaddr FORCED R/O; R/W BY nnn USERS; R/O BY nnn USERS userid vaddr NOT LINKED; R/O BY nnn USERS userid vaddr NOT LINKED; R/W BY nnn USERS userid vaddr NOT lINKED; R/W BY nnn USERS; R/O BY nnn USERS userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NOT IN CP DIRECTORY userid vaddr NOt LINKED; vOLID volid iOT BOuiTED userid vaddr NOT lINKED; INVALID LINK DEVICE userid vaddr NOT LINKED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED userid vaddr NOT LINED; NO READ PASSWORD userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO WRITE PASSWORD userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO MULT PASSWORD userid vaddr NOT LINKED; PASSWORD INCORRECT LINK INVALID; EXCESSIVE INCORRECT PASSWORDS USEFID xxx NOT LINKED; CP DIRECTORY IN USE USERID USERID NOT LINKED; VOLID volid CONFLICT userid raddr NOT LINKED; COMMAND FORMAT NOT VALID USERID vaddr NCT LINKED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE DASD vaddr NOT LINKED; CHAN x DEDICATED DASD addr NOT LINKED; 3330V NOT ACCEPTED AS SYSTEM VOLUME MSS VOL $ NOT LINKED; DEMNT IN PROCESS, RETRY DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - "SS CANNOT BE ACCESSED DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - MSS ERROR MSS MOUNT PROCEDDING FOR VOLUME 'volid' shared-status MSS DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - 'raddr' NOT PROPER TYPE MSS DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - REASON CODE xx MSS MOUNT PROCEEDING FOR VOLUME 'volid' LOADBUP DMKCSB003E DMKCSB006E DMKCSB013E DMKCSB021E DMKCSB026E DMKCSB031E DMKCSB036E DMKCSB046E DMKCSB040E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr CONFLICTING OPERAND - operand RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID BUFFER HISSING OR INVALID INDEX MISSING OR INVALID type raddr OFFLINE DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST 218 IBM V8/370 System Messages 10ADBUF (continued) DKKCSB043E BUFFER name DOES NOT EXIST DKKCSB140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DKKCSB142E type raddr NOT DRAINED DKKCSB148E type raddr BUFFER lOAD name FAILED LOADVFCB DKKCSB006E DKKCSB022E DKKCSB026E DKKCSB031E DMSCSB036E DKKCSB040E DKKCSB043E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr VADDR KISSING OR INVALID OPERAND KISSING OR INVALID BUFFER KISSING OR INVALID INDEX MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST BUFFER name DOES NOT EXIST LOCATE DMKCFD021E DMKCFD022E DMKCFD026E DMKCFD040E RADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST LOCK DMKCPV004S DMKCPV009E DMKCPV020E DKKCPV033E DKKCPV045E DKKCPV160E DMKCPV165I INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID RANGE - range USERID KISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE PAGE hexloc NOT 10ClED; SHARED PAGE LOGON DKKLOG003E DMKLOG020E DHKLOG050E DKKLOG051E DHKLOG052E DHKLOG053E DMKLOG067E DMKLOG054E DKKLOG080E DKKLOG081W DMKLOG082E DHKLOG090E DMKLOG091E DKKLOG092E DKKLOG093E DMKLOG095E DKKLOG131E DMKLOG188E DMKLOG189I DHKLOG206E DMKLOG250E DKKLOG251E DKKSSS071E DKKSSS072E DKKSSS073E DMKSSS078I DKKSST070E DKKSST072E DKKSST073E DMKSST078E INVALID OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID PASSWORD INCORRECT KAXIMUM USERS EXCEEDED ERROR IN CP tIRECTORY userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY COHH AND FORMAT NOT VALID ALREADY LOGGED ON {LINEIGRAF} raddr NO PREALLOCATED VMSAVE AREA VKSAV! AREA CONTAINS A SAVED SYSTEM, MUST USE SET COKMAND MORE THAN ONE VKSAVE AREA ALLOCATED, HUST SPECIFY AREA NAKE DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; DEV {raddrlvolser} NOT AVAILABLE DASD vaddr NOT DEFINE~; TEHP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR LOGON REQUEST SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE AFFINITY NOT SET; SYSTEK IN UNIPROCESSOR MODE CANNOT CONNECT TO HOST VIRTUAL MACHINE 370E IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) 370E IS NOT ACTIVE DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - KSS CANNOT BE ACCESSED DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - 'raddr' NOT PROPER TYPE DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - KSS ERROR KSS MOUNT PROCEEDING FOR VOLUME 'volid' shared-status KSS DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - 'raddr' NOT PROPER TYPE KSS DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - REASON CODE xx KSS HOUNT PROCEEDING FCR VOLUME 'volid' LOGOFF DMKUS0003E INVALID OPTION - option MONITOR DMKMCC002E DKKMCC003E DKKKCC006E DKKMCC021E DHKMCC026E DKKMCC040E DMKMCC046E INVALID OPERANt - operand INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr RADDR KISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST type raddr OFFLINE Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 219 DMK MONITOR (continued) DMKMCC140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKMCC143E type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEB DBKMCC211E MONITOR TAPE IS ALREADY ACTIVE DMKMCD212E MONITOR TAPE IS NOT ACTIVE DMKMCC213E MONITOR CPTRAC! IS ALREADY ACTIVE DMKMCD214E MONITOR CPTRAC! IS NOT ACTIVE DMKMCC215E MONITOR ACTIVE; DASTAP CANNOT BE ENABLED DYNAMICALLY DMKMCC216E SYSPROF CLASS REQUIRES SCHEDULE AND DASTAP DMKMCC217E MONITOR TAPE NOT STARTED, BO CLASS ENABLED DMKMCD218E MONITOR HOT STOPPED, OUTSTANDING TAPE I/O DMKMCD002E INVALID OPERAND - operand DMKMCD021E RADDR KISSING OR INVALID DMKMCD026E OPERAND KISSING OR INVALID DMKMCD040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKMON2191 END OF MONITOR TAPE, MONITOR STOPPED BY SYSTEM DKKMON2201 ERROR ON MONITOR TAPE, MONITOR STOPPED BY SYSTEM D~KMCC221! MONITOR TO SPOOL IS ALREADY ACT!V! DMKMCD222E DMKMCD223E DMKMCD224E DMKMNI225E DKKMCD226E DMKMCD221E DMKHCD228E DMKMIA229E TIME PARAMETER SPECIFIES INVALID TIME START TIME MUST PRECEDE STOP TIME LIMIT MUST BE BETWEEN 10 and 50000 INVALID MOBITOR USERID SPECIFIED, BON NOT STARTED FOR VALOE SPANS MIDNIGHT - COMMAND INVALID FOR OPTION INVALID WITH AOTODISK OFF FOR OPTION INVALID WITH MONITOR ON MONITOR OOT OF DASD PAGES, IS SHUTTING OFF DMKHSG003E DMKMSG020E DMKKSG045E DMKMSG051W INVALID OPTION - option USERID KISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON userid NOT RECEIVING; DISCONNECTED MSG NCPDOMP DMKRND8501 DMKRND8521 DMKRND8531 DMKRND8601 DMKRND861E DMKRND863E UNABLE TO READ DUMP FROM READER FATAL I/O ERROR WRITING DUMP NO DOMP FILES EIIST FATAL I/O ERROR READING DUMP DUMP FILE 'filenaae' NOT FOUND INVALID PARAMETER - paraaeter NETWORK DMKNES002E DMKNES004S OMKNES006E DMKNES009E DMKNES021E DMKNES026E DMKNES040E DMKNES046E DMKNES049E DMKNES098E DMKNES140E DMKNES160E DMKNES115E DMKNES106E DMKNET002E DMKNET003E DMKNET004S DMKNET006E DMKNET009E DMKNET021E DMKNET026E DMKNET033E DMKNET040E DMKNET046E DKKNET049E DMKNET098E DMKNET140E DMKNET160E DMKNLD002E DMKNLD006E DMKNL0021E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID HEILOC - hexloc IP.VALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr INVALID RANGE - range BADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NO~ EIIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr IN USE DEV rid MODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE CTLR raddr ATTACHED TO userid HEILOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE {NETWORKITRACE} ALREADY IN USE BY OSERID LINE addr NOT ENABLED INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option INVALID HEILOC - bexloc INVALID DEVICE TYFE - raddr INVALID RANGE - range BADDB MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID HEILOC MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EIIST (DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr IN OSE DEV rid MODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE type raddr ATTACHED TC userid HEILOC hexloc EXCEEtS STORAGE INVALID OPERANt - operand INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr RIODR MISSING OR INVALID 220 IBM VM/370 system Messages DMK NETWORK (continued) DHKNLD026E OPERAND HISSING OR INVALID DHKNLD040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DHKNLD044E SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST DHKNLD046E CTLR raddr OFFLINE DHKNLD140E CTLR raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKNLD143E CTLR 'raddr' IN USE BY SYSTEH DHKNLD411E CTLR raddr LOAD FAILED: UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR DHKNLD110E SYSTEM name EXCEEDS STORAGE DMKNLD111E SYSTEM name VCLID volid NOT HOUNTED DHKNLD460E CTLF raddr LOAD FAILED: PROGRA! CHECK DHKNLD461R CTLR raddr IPL NOT REQUIRED; ENTER 'YES' TO CONTINUE DKKNLD410E CTLR raddr LOAD FAILED: PAGING I/O ERROR DHKNLE003E INVALID OPTION - option DSKNLE006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr DKKNLE021E RADDR HISSING OR INVALID D!KNLE040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DHKNLE046E CTLR raddr OFFLINE DMKNLE140E CTLR raddr ATTACHED TC userid DKKNLE143E CTLR 'raddr' IN USE BY SYSTEM DKKNLE460E CTRL raddr DUKP FAILED: PROGRA! CHECK DKKNLE461R CTRL raddr IPL NOi REQUIRED; ENTER 'YES' TO CONTINUE DMKNLE4641 CTRL raddr CC "" 3; DEPRESS 370X "LOAD" BOTTON DHKNLE469E CTRL raddr DUHP FAILED; TEHP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE D!KNLE410E CTRL raddr DUHP FAILED: PAGING I/O ERROR DHKNLE411E CTRL raddr DUHP FAILED: UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR NOT READY DHKCPB006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr DMKCPB022E VADDR KISSING OR INVALID DHKCPB040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST ORDER DHKCSU003E DMKCSU006E DHKCSU008E DHKCSU026E DKKCSU021E DKKCSU028E DHKCSU035E DHKCSU042E PURGE DHKCSU003E DMKCSU006E DHKCSU008E DHKCSU026E DMKCSU028E DMKCSU035E DKKCSU042E DKKTCS240E DHKTCS241E QUERY DKKCFC026E DHKCQG020E DHKCQG022E DHKCQG021E DKKCQG040E DHKCQG042E DKKCQG045E DMKCQP003E DHKCQP006E DHKCQP020E DHKCQP021E DHKCQP022E DHKCQP040E DKKCQP045E DKKCQP4661 DKKCQR003E DHKCQR020E DKKCQR026E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID SPOOLID -spoolid OPERAND HISSING OF INVALID SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID DEVICE TYPE MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID SPOOLID -spoolid OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID DEVICE TYPE HISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST PRT cuu, FCB-FORKS MISHATCH, FILEID nnnn {HELDIPURGED} PRT cuu, INVALID LOAD MODULE •••• SPECIFIED, FILE nnnn {HELtIPURGED} OPERAND HISSING OR INVALID USERID HISSING OR INVALID VADDR HISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID HISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr USERID HISSING OR INVALID RADDR KISSING OR INVALID VAD1lR KISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON CTLR cuu IN BUFFER SLOWDOWN HODE INVALID OPTION - option USERID HISSING OR INVALID OPERAND HISSING OR INVALID Appendix A. Com.and-to-Hessage Cross-Reference 221 DMK QUERY (continued) DMKCQR028E CLASS MISSING OR INVALID DMKCQR045E userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKCQY020E USERID MISSING OR INVALID DMKCQY026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DMKCQY045E userid NOT LOGGED ON QVM DMKQVM020E DMKQVM800E DMKQVM801E DMKQVM802E DMKQVM803E DMKQVM806E DMKQVM807E DMKQVM809E USERID MISSING OR COMMAND REJECTED, FREE STORAGE PAGE COMMAND REJECTED, COMMAND REJECTED, COMMAND REJECTED, COMMAND REJECTED, COMMAND REJECTED, INVALID CTHER VIRTUAL MACHINES LOGGED ON IS NOT AVAILABLE DEVICES NOT DEDICATED SPOCL DEVICES NOT DRAINED VIRTUAL ADDRESS NOT EQUAL TO REAL ADDRESS VM/370 ATTACHED PROCESSOR MODE TRACE/ADSTOP IN EFFECT READY DMKCPB022E VADDR MISSING OR INVALID DMKCPB040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKCPV006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr REPEAT DKKCS0003E DKKCS0006E DMKCS0013E DMKCS0021E DMKCS0030E DMKCS0040E DMKCS0046E DMKCS0140E DMKCS0141E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr CONFLICTING OPERAND - operand RADDR KISSING OR INVALID COPIES MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST type raddr OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT ACTIVE RESET DMKCPB022E VADDR KISSING OR INVALID DKKCPB040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST REWIND DMKCPB006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr DKKCPB022E VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OMKCPB040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST SAVESYS DMKCFH026E DKKCFH044E DKKCFH170E DKKCFH171E DMKCFH172E DMKCFH173E D!KCFH179E DMKCFH300E DKKCFH435E DMKCFH436E OPERAND KISSING OR INVALID SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEM name EXCEEDS STORAGE SYSTEM name VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED SYSTEM naae DASD vaddr INCOMPATIBLE SYSRES SYSTEM naae REQUIRES DASD vaddr SYSTEM name VOLID volid NOT CP OWNED S~VE REQUEST BEYOND VIRTUAL MACHINE SIZE PAGING ERROR iRITING SAVED SYSTEM INTERRUPT PENDING. TO PROCEED, TYPE YES. TO END, TYPE NO. SET DMKCF0003E DMKCF0006E DMKCFOO13E DMKCF0020E DMKCF0021E DMKCF0026E DMKCF0040E DMKCF0041E DMKCF0045E DMKCF0046E DHKCF0140E DMKCF0143E DMKCF0175E DMKCF0184E DMKCF0186E DMKCF0188E DMKCF0250E DMKCF0255W 222 INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr CONFLICTING OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST LOGMSG nn DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON type raddr OFFLINE tvpe raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM {FAVOREDIRESERVE} ALREADY IN USE BY userid VM ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE {ON PROCESSOR proc addr} CP ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE 370E IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) 370E FEATURE NOW DISABLED IBH VM/370 System Messaqes DrtK SET (continued) DSKCFS003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKCFS006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr DMKCFS026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DMKCFS045E userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKCFS046E DEV type raddr OFFLINE DMKCFS052E ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY DMKCFS053E userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY DMKCFS140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DKKCFS183E VM ASSIST NOT ACTIVE DMKCFS184E VM ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE DMKCFS187E TIMER ASSIST HOT AVAILABLE DKKCFS188E SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE DKKCFS189E AFFINITY NOT SET; SYSTEK IN UNIPROCESSOR MODE DMKCFS190I NO AFFINITY SE~ IN THE DIRECTORY DMKCFS250E 370E IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) DKKCFS251E 370EIS NOT ACiIVE DKKCFV062E ECMODE NOT SET ON DKKCFV063E SHADOW TABLE BYPASS; NOT SET DMKCFV080E NO PREALLOCATED VMSAVE AREA DMKCFV082E MORE THAN ONE VMS AVE AREA ALLOCATED; MUST SPECIFY AREA NAME DMKMCH003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKKCH026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DMKMSG003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKVAT064E SHADOW TABLE BYPASS; RESET SHUTDOWN None. SLEEP DMKCFC002E INVALID OPERANt - operand SMSG DMKMSG002E USERlt KISSING OR INVALID DKKMSG045E userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKMSG057W userid NOT RECEIVING; {DISCONNECTEDISMSG OFFINOT AUTHORIZEDIWNG OFF} SPACE DMKCS0006E DMKCS0021E DMKCS0040E DMKCS0046E DMKCS0140E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST type raddr OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid D!KCS0141E type raddr NC! ACTIVE D!KSPS026E DMKSPS028E DMKSPS037E DMKSPS026E DMKSPS028E DMKSPS037E DMKSPS426E DMKSPS428E DHKSPT002E DMKSPT003E DMKSPT006E DMKSPT008E DHKSPT021E DMKSPT040E DMKSPT046E DMKSPT140E DHKSPT143E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID TAPE raddr INVALID FOR STORAGE COMMAND OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID TAPE raddr INVALID FOR STORAGE COMMAND {RDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL SPACE FULL; FILE PURGED {PRTIPUNIRDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE {HELDIPURGED} INVALID OPERANt - operand INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID SPOOLIt - spoolid RADDR KISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM SPl'IODE DHKSPM026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DHKSPM804E SINGLE PROCESSOR !CDE ON REJECTED DMKSPK805E SINGLE PROCESSOR !CDE OFF REJECTED IH!K-SP~s-QSI SINGLE -PROCES-5OR f!QDE ACTIVE Appendix A. Command-to-l'Iessaqe Cross-Reference 223 DMK SPOOL DMKCSP003E DHKCSP006E DHKCSP007E DHKCSP013E DHKCSP020E DMKCSP022E DMKCSP026E DMKCSP028E DMKCSP030E DMKCSP040E DHKCSP053E DMKCSP243E DMKCSP245E DMKCSP246E DMKCSP253E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID USERID - userid CONFLICTING OPERAND - operand USERlt MISSING OR INVALID VADDR HISSING OR INVALID OPERAND HISSING OR INVALID CLASS HISSING OR INVALID COPIES HISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY FLASH MISSING OR INVALID CHARS MISSING OR INVALID FCB HISSING OR INVALID MODIFY HISSING OR INVALID SPTAPE DMKSPSOlijE TAPE raddr DUHP TAPE CAPACITY EXCEEDED START DMKCS0003E DMKCS0006E DHKCS0013E DMKCS0021E DMKCS0028E DHKCS0040E DMKCS0046E DMKCS0140E DMKCS0243E DHKCS0245E DMKCS0246E DMKCS0253E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr CONFLICTING OPERAND - operand RADDR HISSING OR INVALID CLASS HISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST type raddr OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid FLASH HISSING OR INVALID CHARS HISSING OR INVALID FCB HISSING OR INVALID MODIFY MISSING OR INVALID STCP DHKCDS004S DHKCDS005E DHKCDS026E DMKCDS033E DMKCDS160E D!KCDS162E DMKCDS166E DHKVMA161E INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID HEXDATA - hexdata OPERAND HISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC HISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE INVALID EeR x - hexdata CHANGED SHAREt PAGE NOT WRITTEN TO AUXILIARY STORAGE SHARED PAGE hexloc ALTERED BY userid STORE DMKCDS004S DMKCDS005E DMKCDS010E DMKCDS012E DMKCDS026E DHKCDS033E DHKCDS160E DHKCDS162E DMKCDS163E DMKCDS164E DMKCDS166E DHKVMA181E INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID HEXDATA - hexdata INVALID REGISTER - register INVALID PSW - psw OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC HISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE INVALID ECR x - hexdata STORE EXCEEDS MAXIMUM REGISTER HEXLOC hexloc NON-ADDRESSABLE STORAGE CHANGED SHARED PAGE NOT WRITTEN TO AUXILIARY STORAGE SHARED SYSTEH name REPLACED WITH NON-SHARED COPY SYSTEM DHKCPB012E INVALID PSW - psw DHKCPB026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID TAG DMKCST003E DMKCST006E DHKCST022E DMKCST026E DMKCST027E DMKCST040E DMKCST042E DMKCST424E 224 INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND HISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID HISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST RDR FILE SPOOL ERROR; FILE UNCHANGED IBM VM/370 System Messages TERMINAL DMKCFT002E INVALID OPERAND - operand DMKCFT006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr DMKCFT026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID TRACE DHKTRA002E DMKTRA003E DMKTRA013E DMKTRA026E DMKTRA180E D~KVMA181E INVALID OPERANt - operand INVALID OPTION - option CONFLICTING OPERAND - operand OPERAND KISSING OR INVALID TRACE NOT IN EFFECT SHARED SYSTEM name BEPLACED WITH NON-SHARED COPY TRANSFER DMKCSU003E DMKCSU007E DMKCSU008E DMKCSU020E DMKCSU026E DMKCSU027E DMKCSU028E DMKCSU042E DMKCSU053E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID USERID - userid INVALID SPOOLID - spoolid USERID MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY UNLOCK DKKCPV004S DMKCPV009E DMKCPV020E DMKCPV033E DMKCPV045E DMKCPV160E DMKCPV1651 DMKCPV176E DKKCPV202E DMKCPV203E DMKCPV204E INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID RANGE - range USEFID MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE PAGE 'hexloc' NOT LOCKED; SHARED PAGE VIRTUAL = REAL AREA IN USE BY {USERIDISYSTEK} VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; INSUFFICIENT STORAGE V=R AREA REQUIRES IPL BY DEVICE ADDRESS INVALID PAGES(S) SPECIFIED r V=R AREA VARY DMKCPS003E DMKCPS021E DMKCPS026E DMKCPS040E DMKCPS049E DMKCPS123E DMKCPS124E DMKCPS140E DMKCPS142E DMKCPS143E DMKCPS192E DMKCPU021E DMKCPU191E DMKCPU192E DMKCPU1931 DMKCPU194I DKKCPU623I INVALID OPTION - option RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST type raddr IN USE DASD raddr CP OWNED DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS tvpe raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT DRAINED type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM VARY PROCESSOR CCEKAND FAILED RADDR MISSING OR INVALID PROCESSOR nn DOES NOT EXIST VARY PROCESSOR CCMMAND FAILED PROCESSOR nn ONLINE PROCESSOR nn OFFLINE CHANNEL SET CONNECTED TO PROCESSOR nn VMDUMP DMKVMD009E DMKVMDO 13E DMKVMD020E DMKVMD033E DMKVMD038E DKKVMD053E DMKVMD146I DKKVMD160E INVALID RANGE - range CONFLICTING OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID PARAMETER paremeter FOR option OPTION MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY DUMP FAILED; SPOOLING ERROR HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE iNG DMKMSG003E DMKMSG020E DMKMSG045E DMKMSG057i INVALID OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON userid NOT RECEIVING; {DISCONNECTEDIMSG OFFliNG OFF} Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 225 DHK * None. CP Spontaneous Messaqes D"KRNH4541 DEV rid DISABlED DMKRNH4621 CTLR 'raddr' UNIT CBECK; IPL REQUIRED DMKRNB4631 CTLR 'raddr' UNIT CBECK; RESTART IN PROGRESS DKKRNB4641 CTLR 'raddr' CC=3; DEPRESS 370X "LOAD" BUTTON DMKRNB4651 LINE TRACE TERMINATED DUE TO ERROR 226 IB" V"/370 system Messages DMS eMS Message Summary ACCESS DMSACC002E DMSACC003E DHSACC017E DMSACC048E DMSACC059E DMSACC060E DMSACC070E DMSACC109S DMSACCl12S DMSACCl13S DMSACC240S DMSACC230W DMSACC7231 DMSACC7241 DMSACC7251 DMSACC7261 FILE 'DMSROS TEXT' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS 'cuu' INVALID MODE 'mode' 'cuu' ALREADY ACCESSED AS READ/WRITE 'mode' DISK FILE(S) 'fn [ft [fm]]' NOT FOUND. DISK 'mode(cuu)' WILL NOT BE ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED 'mode (cuu) , DEVICE ERROR 'mode (cuu) , NOT ATTACHED ERROR LOADING READ OS ROUTINE 'DMSROS TEXT' os DISK-FIL!!t AND/OR OPTIONS SPECIFIED ARE IGNORED mode (cuu) {R/OI R/W} [-OS I-DOS] 'cuu 'REPLACES 'mode (cuu) , cuu ALSO = 'mode' [-OSI-DOS] DISK 'cuu mode [/ext]' RELEASED AMSERV DMSAMS001E DMSAMS002E DMSAMS003E DMSAMS006E DMSAMS007E DMSAMS065E DMSAMS066E DHSAMS070E DMSAMS109S DMSAMS113S DMSAMS136S DMSAMS228E DMSAMS367R DMSAMS722I DMSSTT062E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fnamel AHSEFV' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FOR 'fname2 LISTING' FILE 'fnamel AMSERV fm' NOT FIXED, 80-CHAR. RECORDS 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED {TAPINITAPOUT} (addr) NOT ATTACHED UNABLE TO LOAD 'IDCAMS' NO DDNAME ENTERED ENTER TAPE {INPUTIOUTPUT} DDNAMES: FILE 'fname2 LISTING fm' WILL HOLD AMSERV OUTPUT INVALID CHARACTER 'char' IN FILEID {'fnamel AMSERV' I Ifname2 LISTING'} ASM3705 DMSARN001E DMSARN002E DMSARN003E DMSARN004W DMSARN006E DMSARN007E DMSARN008W DMSARN012W DMSARN016W DMSARX001E DMSARX002E DHSARX003E DMSARX006E DMSARX007E DMSARX038E DMSARX052E DMSARX070E DMSARX074E DMSARX075E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' NOT FCUND INVALID OPTION 'option' WARNING MESSAGES ISSUED NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NCT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED SEVERE ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED TERMINAL ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ASM3705' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE 'fn ASM3705' IS NOT FIXED, 80-CHAR. RECORDS PILEID CONFLICT FCR DDNAME 'ASM3705' MORE THAN 100 CHARS. OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR SETTING/RESETTING AUXILIARY DIRECTORY DEVICE 'device' INVALID FOR INPUT ASSEMBLE DMSASH001E DMSASM002E DMSASM003E DMSASM006E DMSASH007E DMSASM038E DMSASM052E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED PILE 'fn ASSEMBLE' NOT POUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE 'fn ASSEMBLE' IS NOT FIXED, 80-CHAR. RECORDS FILEID CONFLICT POR DDNAME 'ASSEMBLE' MORE THAN 100 CHARS. OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED D~SAS1l070E INVALID PARAI'JETER 'paralleter' DMSASM074E ERROR [RE]SETTING AUXILIARY DIRECTORY DMSASM075E DEVICE 'device' INVALID FOR INPUT Appendix A. Command-to-Messaqe Cross-Reference 227 ASSGN DMSASN003E DMSASN027E DMSASN028E DMSASN029E DMSASN035E DMSASN050E DMSASN065E DMSASN066E DMSASN069E DMSASN070E DMSASN087E DMSASN090E DMSASN099E DMSASN113S INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID DEVICE 'device' NO LOGICAL UNIT SPECIFIED INVALID PARABETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INVALID TAPE MODE PARAMETER MISSING AFTER SYSxxx • option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE • option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER • parameter' INVALID ASSIGNBENT OF 'SYSxxx' TO DEVICE 'device' INVALID DEVICE CLASS 'device class' FOR 'device' CMS/DOS ENVIRONBENT NOT ACTIVE • {TAPnlmodeIREADERIPUNCHIPRINTER} (cuu)' NOT ATTACHED CMSBATCH DMSBTB100E DMSBTB101E DMSBTP105E DMSBTP106E DMSBTP107E DMSBTP108E DMSBTP109E NO BATCH PROCESSOR AVAILABLE BATCH NOT LOADED NO JOB CARD PROVIDED JOB CARD FORMAT INVALID CP/CBS COMMAND ·co •• and, (device)' NOT ALLOWED /SET CARD FORBAT INVALID {CPUIPRINTERIPUNCH} LIMIT EXCEEDED COMPARE DMSCMP002E FILE 'fn (ft [fm])' NCT FOUND DMSC~P003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSCMP005E NO 'option' COLUBN SPECIFIED DMSCftP009E COLUBN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH DMSCMF010E PREMATURE EOF ON FILE ('fn ft [fa']] DMSCMP011E CONFLICTING FILE FORBATS DMSCMP019E IDENTICAL FILEIDS DMSCMP029E INVALID PARAMETER • parameter' IN THE option 'COL' FIELD DMSCHP05QE INCOMPLETE FILEID ['fn fft]·] SPECIFIED DMSCMP062E INVALID * IN FILEID DBSCMP10QS ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK DMSCMP109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSCMP1791 COMPARING 'fn ft fm' WITH 'fn ft fa' DMSCMP209W FILES DO NOT CCMPARE D~SCMP211E COLU~N FIELDS OUT OF SEQUENCE COpy DMSCPY002E DMSCPY003E DMSCPY02QE DMSCPY029E DMSCPY030E DMSCPY037E DMSCPYOQ2E DMSCPY048E DMSCPY054E DMSCPY062E DMSCPY063E DMSCPY064E DMSCPY065E DMSCPY066E DMSCPY067E DMSCPY068E D~SCPY069E DMSCPY101S DMSCPY102S DMSCPY103S DMSCPY156E DMSCPY157E DMSCPY172E DMSCPY173E DMSCPY601R DMSCPY602R DMSCPY721I DMSCPY901T DMSCPY903T DMSCPY90QT 228 r INPUT I OVERLAY] FILE[ (S) ] [. fn [ft (fll]]'] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft fll' ALREADY EXISTS, SPECIFY 'REPLACE' INVALID PARAMETER • parameter' IN THE • option' OPTION FIELD FILE 'fn ft f.' ALREADY ACTIVE DISK • mode[ (cuu)]· IS .READ/ONLY NO FILEIDf (S) ] SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'lIode' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID CHAR '(=I*lchar]' IN FILEID '[fn ft fa]' NO f {TRANSLATIONISPECIFICATION11 LIST ENTERED INVALID [TRANSIATICN] SPECIFICATION AT OR NEAR •••••••••• 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS COMBINED INPUT FILES ILLEGAL iITH PACK OR UNPACK OPTIONS INPUT FILE 'fn ft fa' NOT IN PACKED FORMAT DISK MODE NOT ACCESSED SPECS TEMP STRING STORAGE EXHAUSTED AT ••••••••• TOO MANY FILlIDS NUMBER OF SPECS EXCEEDS MAX 20 'FROM nnn' NOi FOUND --FILE 'fn ft fm' HAS ONLY 'nnn' RECORDS LABEL 'label' NOT FOUND IN FILE 'fn ft f.' TOLABEL 'label' {EQUALSI IS AN INITIAL SUBSTRING OF} FRL1BEL 'label' NO RECORDS WERE COPIED TO OUTPUT FILE 'fn ft fm' ENTER SPECIFICATION LIST: ENTER TRANSLATION LIST: COpy 'fn ft fll' r {TOIAPPENDIOVLY} 'fn ft fm' {OLDINEW} FILE] UNEXPECTED FRROR AT 'addr': PLIST 'plist' AT 'addr', BASE 'addr', Re 'nn' IMPOSSIBLE PHASE CODE 'hh' UNEXPECTED UNPACK EPBOR AT 'addr', BASE 'addr' IBM VM/370 system Messaqes DMS CPEREP DMSIFC002E DMSIFC007E DMSIFC023E DMSIFC070E DMSIFC104S DMSIFC825E DMSIFC826E DMSIFC8281 DMSIFC829W DMSIFC831E DMSREA830E DMSIFC832S FILE 'fn ft [fm]' NCT FOUND FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK CLEAR IS VALID ONLY WHEN SPECIFIED BY ITSELF EREP TXTLIBS NOT FOUND CPEREP ZERO OR CLEAR BAS BEEN COMPLETED ATTEMPTED 'ZERO' WAS SUPPRESSED. REQUIRES PRIVILEDGE CLASS F MORE THAN 100 CHARS. OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED I/O ERROR READING A BLOCK OF RECORDS FROK THE ERROR RECORDING CYLINDERS SOFTWARE INCOMPATIBILITY AT THE CPEREP-EREP INTERFACE. CODE=nnn DEBUG DMSDBG113S PRINTER (cuu) NOT ATTACHED DMSDBG7281 DEBUG ENTERED (EXTERNAL INT I BREAKPOINT nn AT xxxxxx] DISK DMSDSK002E DMSDSK014E DMSDSK037E DMSDSK047E DMSDSK048E DMSDSK054E DMSDSK062E DMSDSK070E DMSDSK077E DMSDSK078E DMSDSK104S DMSDSK105S DMSDSK118S DMSDSK124S DMSDSK205W FILE[ (S) ] [' fn eft [fm]]'] NOT FOUND INVALID FUNCTION 'function' DISK 'mode[ (cuu)]' IS READ/ONLY NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FILEID [' fn ft fm'] INVALID PARAMETER 'pa~ameter' END CARD MISSING FROM INPUT DECK INVALID CARD IN INPUT DECK ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR PUNCHING FILE ERROR READING CARD FILE READER EMPTY OR NOT READY DLBL DMSDLB001E DMSDLB003E DMSDLB005E DMSDLB023E DMSDLB048E DMSDLB050E DMSDLB065E DMSDLB066E DMSDLB070E DMSDLB086E DMSDLB109S DMSDLB220R DMSDLB221E DMSDLB301E DMSDLB302E DMSDLB304E DMSDLB305E DMSDLB306E DMSDLB307E DMSDLB30BE DMSDLB320I DMSDLB321I DMSDLB322I DMSDLB323I DMSDLB3241 DMSDLB330R DMSDLB331R NO FILENAME SPECIFIED INVALID OPTION 'option' NO '{CATIBUFSP}' SPECIFIED NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'mode' PARAMETER MISSING AFTER DDNAKE 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' INVALID DDNAME 'ddname' VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ENTER DATA SET NAME: INVALID DATA SET NAME 'SYSxxx' NOT ASSIGNED FOR DISK Ifm' NO SYSXXX OPERAND SPECIFIED INVALID OPERAND VALUE 'value' INCOMPLETE EXTENT RANGE SYSxxx NOT ASSIGNED FOR 'IGNORE' CATALOG DDNAME 'ddname' NOT FOUND 'mode' DISK IN [NON-]CKS FORMAT: INVALID FOR (NON-]CMS DATASET lAXIMUM NUMBER OF DISK ENTRIES RECORDED !AXIMUK NUMBER OF EXTENTS RECORDED DDNAME 'ddname' NOT FOUND: NO CLEAR EXECUTED {KASTERIJOB} CATALOG DLBL CLEARED NO USER DEFINED DLEL's IN EFFECT ENTER 10LUME S1?ECIFICATIONS: ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: DOSLIB DMSDSL002E DMSDSio03E DKSDSL013W DKSDSL014E DMSDSL037E DKSDSL046E DMSDSL047E DMSDSL069E FILE 'fn DOSLIB' NOT FOUND INVALID 6PTION 'option' PHASE 'phase' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'fn DOSLIB fm' INVALID FUNCTION 'function' DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY NO LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED Appendix A. Command-to-Messaqe Cross-Reference 229 DMS DOSLIB (continued) DMSDSL070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSDSL098E NO PHASE NAME SPECIFIED DMSDSL104S ERROR Inn' REAtING FILE 'fn DOSLIB f.' FROM DISK DMSDSL10SS ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fll' ON DISK DMSDSL213W LIBRARY 'fn DCSLIB fll' NOT CREATED DOSLKED DMSDLK001E DMSDLK003E DMSDLK006E DMSDLK007E DMSDLK070E DMSDLK099E DMSDLK104S DMSDLK10SS DMSDLK210E nMsn1K245~ NO FILENAME SPECIFIED INVALID OPTION 'option' Ne READ/WRITE tISR ACCESSED FILE 'fn ft fll' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK LIBRARY 'fn ft' IS ON A READ-ONLY DISK ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER DSERV DMSDSV003E DMSDSV021W DMSDSV022W DMSDSV023W DMSDSV024W DMSDSV02SW DMSDSV026W DMSDSV027E DMSDSV027W DMSDSV028W DMSDSV047E DMSDSV06SE DMSDSV066E DMSDSV070E DMSDSV09SE DMSDSV099E DMSDSV10SS DMSDSV24SS INVALID OPTION 'option' NO TRANSIENT DIRECTORY NO CORE IMAGE [IRECTORY NO RELOCATABLE DIRECTORY NO PROCEDURE tIRECTORY NO SOURCE STATEMENT DIRECTORY 'phase' NOT IN LIERARY INVALID DEVICE Inn' NO PRIVATE CORE IMAGE LIBRARY NO {PRIVATEISYSTEM} TRANSIENT DIRECTORY ENTRIES NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' INVALID ADDRESS 'address' CMS/DOS RHVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR 'nnw WRITING FILE 'DSERV MAP AS' ON DISK ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER EDIT DMSEDI003E DMSEDI024E DMSEDI029E DMSEDI044E DMSEDIOS4E DMSEDI076E DMSEDI104S DMSEDI10SS DMSEDI117S DMSEDI132S DMSEDI143S DMSEDI144S INVALID OPTION !option! FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM INCOMPLETE FILEID ['fn [ftl'] SPECIFIED ACTUAL RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS THAT SPECIFIED ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft f.' ON DISK ERROR WRITING TO DISPLAY TERMINAL FILE 'fn ft fll' TOO LARGE UNABLE TO LOAD SAVED SYSTEM OR LOAD MODULE REQUESTED FILE IS IN ACTIVE STATUS ERASE DMSERS002E DMSERS003E DMSERS037E DMSERS048E DMSERS054E DMSERS069E DMSERS070E DMSERS071E DMSERS109T FILE(S)] ['fn (ft [fll]]'] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' DISK 'llode (cuu) , IS READ/ONLY INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILEID ['fn [ft]'] SPECIFIED DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'paralleter' ERASE * * [flll*] NOT ALLOWED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ESERV DMSERV001E DMSERV002E DMSERV006E DMSERV021E DMSERV037E DMSERV070E D~SERY099E 230 IBM NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ESERV' NOT FOUND NO READ/WRITE [ISR ACCESSED INVALID DEVICE 'device' FOR SYSxxx DISK '.ode' IS READ/ONLY INVALID ARGUMENT 'argument' C~S/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE V~/370 system Messages D!S EXEC D8SEXC001E NO FILENA8E SPECIFIED D8SEXT072E ERROR IN EXEC FILE fn, LINE nnn - aessage FETCH D8SFCH016E D8SFCH104S D8SFCH109S D8SFCHl13S D8SFCH115E D8SFCH411S D8SFCH777S D8SFET003E DftSFETOQqE D8SFET029E D8SFET070E D8SFET098E D8SFET099E D8SFET7101 D8SLI0055E D8SLI07401 NO PRIVATE CORE 18AGE LIBRARY FOUND ERROR 'nn' REAtING FILE 'fn ft fa' FRO! DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DISK (cuu) NO~ ATTACHED PHASE LOAD POINT LESS THAN 'address' INPUT ERROR CODE Inn' ON {SYSRESISYSCLB} DOS PARTITION TOO S8AIL TO ACC0880DATE FETCH REQUEST INVALID OPTION 'option' PHASE !phase! NOT FOUiD INVALID PARA8ETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'ORIGIN' FIELD INVALID PARAKETER 'parameter' NO PHASE NA8E SPECIFIED C8S/DOS ENVIRON8ENT NOT ACTIVE PHASE 'phase' ENTRY peINT AT LOCATION xxxxxx NO ENTRY POINT DEFINED EXECUTION BEGINS ••• FILEDEF DKSFLD003E D8SFLD023E DKSFLD027E D8SFLD029E D8SFLD035E DHSFLD050E D8SFLD065E D8SFLD066E D8SFLD069I D8SFLD070E DKSFLD220R D8SFLD221E D8SFLD224E D8SFLD420E DMSFLD704I D8SSTT228I D8SQRY324I INVALID OPTION 'option' NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED INVALID DEVICE 'device name' INVALID PARAKETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INVALID TAPE 80DE PARAMETER MISSING AFTER DDNA!E 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARA8ETER 'parameter' ENTER DATA SET NA8E: INVALID DATA SET NAKE 'data set name' FILEID AlREADY IN USE NSL EXIT FILENA8E 8ISSING OR INVALID INVALID CLEAR REQUEST USER LABELS BYPASSED ON DATA SET 'data set name' NO USER DEFINEt FILEDEF's IN EFFECT FORlUT D!SFOR003E D8SFOR005E D8SFOR017E DKSFOR028E D8SFOR037E D8SFOR048E D8SFOR069E D8SFOR070E DKSFOR113S D8SFOR114S D8SFOR125S DKSFOR114S D8SFOR126S D8SFOR214W DKSF0R216E D8SFOR603R DIISF0R605R D8SFOR705I D8SFOR732I D8SFOR732I D8SFOR733I GENDIRT DKSGND002i DKSGND021E DKSGND022E DKSGND070E INVALID OPTION !option! NO 'option' SPECIFIED INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS 'cuu' NO DEVICE SPECIFIED DISK 'mode[ (cuu)]' IS READ/ONlY INVALID 80DE 'mode' DISK {'mode'I'cuu'} NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARA8ETER 'parameter' {TAPn(eau)laode(euu)IREADERIPUNCHIPRINTER} NOT ATTACHED 'cau' IS AN UNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE PERMANENT UNIT CHECK ON DISK 'mode(euu), 'cau' IS AN UNSUPPORTED DEVICE, OR REQUESTED BLKSIZE IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR THE DEVICE ERROR {READIWRIT}ING LABEL ON DISK 'mode(euu)' CANNOT REC08PUTE WITHOUT LOSS OF DATA. NO CHANGE. INSUFFICIENT BLOCKS ON DISK TO SUPPORT CKS DISK STRUCTURE FORKAT WILL ERASE ALL FILES ON DISK 'mode(cau) '. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? (YESINO): ENTER DISK LABEL: DISK REKAINS UNCHANGED 'nnn' CYLINDERS FORMATTED ON DISK 'mode(cuu)' 'nnn' {CYLINDERSIFB-512 BLOCKS} FORMATTED ON DISK 'mode(eau)' FOR8ATTING DISK 'mode' FILE[ (S) ] [ ' fn [ft [fll ]]'] NOT FOUND ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND NO DIRECTORY NAME SPECIFIED INVALID PARA8ETER 'parameter' Appendix A. COlllland-to-Message Cross-Reference 231 DMS GENMOD DMSMOD003E DMSMOD005E DMSMOD021E DMSMOD032E DMSMOD037E DMSMOD040E DMSMOD070E DMSMOD084E DMSMOD105S DMSSTT048E DMSSTT069E INVALID OPTION 'option' NO '{FROHITO} ENTRY' SPECIFIED ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND INVALID FILETYPE 'ft' DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY NO FILES LOADED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' INVALID USE OF 'FRGM' AND 'TO' OPTIONS ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK INVALID HODE 'mode' DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED GEN3705 DMSGRN002E DMSGRN003E DMSGRN007E DMSGRN048E DMSGRN054E DMSGRN078E FILE 'fn ft [fm)' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID CARD IN INPUT FILE '80 character card image' GLOBAL DHSGLB002W DMSGLB014E DHSGLB047E DHSGLB108S FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND INVALID FUNCTION 'function' NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED MORE THAN 8 LIBRARIES SPECIFIED HELP DHSHLP002E DMSHLP003E DMSHLP104S DMSHLP109S DMSHLP250S DMSHLP251E DMSHLP252E DHSHLP907T INPUT FILE(S) 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft f.' FROM DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED I/O ERROR OR DEVICE ERROR HELP PROCESSING ERROR CODE nn - 'description' VALID OPTIONS ARE DESC FORM PARM ALL I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' INCLUDE DHSLGT0021 DMSLI0001E DHSLlOO02E DHSLI0003E DMSLI0005E DMSLI0021E DHSLI0029E DHSLlOO55E DMSLI0056E DMSLI0099E DMSLI0104S DMSLI0105S DHSLI0109S DHSLI0116S DMSLI0168S DHSLI0169S DMSLI0201W DHSLI0202W DMSLI0203W DMSLI0206W DMSLI07401 DMSLI0907T FILE 'fn TITLIB' NeT FOUND NO FILENAME SPlCTFTED FILE ['fn [ft [fm])'] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' SPECIFIED ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD NO ENTRY POINT DEFINED FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' REAtING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR 'nnw WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED LOADER TABLE OVERFLOW PSEUDO REGISTER TABLE OVERFLOW ESDlt TABLE OVERFleW THE FOLLOWING NAMES ARE UNDEFINED: DUPLICATE IDENTIFIER 'identifier' "SET LOCATION COUNTER" NAME 'name' UNDEFINED PSEUDO REGISTER ALIGNMENT ERROR EXECUTION BEGINS ••• I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' LABELDEF DMSLBD003E DMSLBD029E DMSLBD065E DMSLB0066E OHSLBD070E DMSLBD221E DMSLB0324I DMSLB0704I INVALID OPTION - option INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' and 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' INVALID DATA SET NAHE NO USER DEFINEr lABELDEF's IN EFFECT INVALID CLEAR REQUEST 232 IB~ = VM/370 System Messages OMS LISTDS DMSLDS002E DATA SET NOT FOUND DMSLDS003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSLDS048E INVALID MODE 'mode' D~SLDS069E DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED DMSLDS220R ENTER DATA SET NAME: DMSLDS221E INVALID DATA SET NAME DMSLDS222E I/O ERROR READING 'data set name' FROM {'fm'IOSIDOS} DISK DMSLDS223E NO FILEMODE SPECIFIED DMSLDS226E NO DATA SET NAME ALLOWED WITH FREE OPTION DMSLDS227W INVALID EXTENT FOUND FOB 'datasetname' ON {'fm'IOSIDOS} DISK DMSLDS2291 NO MEMBERS FOUND DMSLDS231E I/O ERROR READING VTOC FROM 'fm' DISK DMSLDS233I NO FREE SPACE AVAILABLE ON !fm! DISK LISTFILE DMSLST002E DMSLST003E DMSLST037E DMSLST048E DMSLST066E DMSLST069E DMSLST070E DMSLST105S FILE NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' DISK 'mode[ (cuu) J' IS READ/ONLY INVALID MODE 'mode' 'option' and 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DISK {'mode' I'euu'} NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK LISTIO DMSLLU003E DMSLLU006E DnSLLU070E DMSLLU099E DMSLLU105s DMSLLU303E INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE 'A' DISK ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR 'nne WRITING FILE '$LISTIO EXEC Al' ON DISK NO SYSXXX SATISFIES REQUEST LKED DMSLKD001E DMSLKD002E DMSLKD004W DMSLKD005E DMSLKD006E DMSLKD007E DMSLKD008W DMSLKD012W DMSLKD016W DMSLKD070E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' NeT FOUND WARNING MESSAGES ISSUED NO 'keyword' SPECIFIED NO READ/WRITE tISK ACCESSED FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT FIXED, 80-CHAR. RECORDS ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED SEVERE ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED TERMINAL ERROR ~ESSAGES ISSUED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' LOAD DMSLGT0021 DKSLI0001E DKSLI0002E DMSLI0003E DKSLI0005E DMSLI0021E DMSLI0029E DKSLI0055E DMSLI0056E DKSLI0099E DMSLI0104S DMSLI0105S DMSLI0109S DKSLIOl16S DHSLI0168S DMSLI0169S DKSLI0201W DMSLI0202W DMSLI0203W IH!SLI0206W DMSL10740I DMSLI0907T DMSSTT062E FILE Ifni TXTLIB NOT FOUND NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE[ (S)] [' fn [ft rfm]]'] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' SPECIFIED ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD NO ENTRY POINT DEFINED FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' READING FIIE'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED LOADER TABLE OVERFLOW PSEUDO REGISTER TABLE OVERFLOW ESDlt TABLE OVERFLOW THE FOLLOWING NAMES ARE UNDEFINED: DUPLICATE IDENTIFIER 'IDENTIFIER' "SET LOCATION COUNTER" NAME 'name' UNDEFINED PSEUDO REGISTER AIIGHMEBT ERROR EXECUTION BEGINS ••• I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' INVALID IN FILEID * Appendix A. Command-to-Messaqe Cross-Reference 233 D"S LOAD"OD D"S!OD001E D!S!OD002E D"SMOD032E D"SMOD070E DMSMOD104S DMSMOD109S DMSMOD114E DMSMOD116S D"SSLN002E D"SSLN104E DMSSTT048E NO FILENA"E SP!CIFIED FILE ['fn [ft]'] NOT FOUND INVALID FILETYPE 'ft' INVALID PARA!ETER 'parameter' ERROR 'nn' REAtING FILE 'fn ft fm' FRO" DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED 'fn ft fm' NOT LOADED; C"S/DOS ENVIRONMENT [NOT] ACTIVE LOADER TABLE OVERFLOW FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft f.' FROM DISK INVALID MODE 'mode' MACLIB DMSLB"001E D"SLBM002E DMSLBM002W D"SLBM003E D"SLBM013W D"SLB"014E D"SLBM037E DMSLBM046E DHSLBM047E DHSLBM056E DMSLB"069E D"SLBM070E DMSLB!104S D"SLBM105S 0!SLB"109S D"SLB"157S DHSLBM167S DMSLBM213W D"SLBM907T NO FILENA"E SPECIFIED FILE [' fn [ft]'] BCT FOUND FILE 'fn ft [fa]' NCT FOUND INVALID OPTIOB 'option' "EMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' INVALID FUNCTION 'function' DISK 'mode[ (cuu)]' IS READ/ONLY NO LIBRARY NA"! SPECIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft f.' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS DISK 'aode' NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'paraaeter' ERROR 'nn' REAtING FILE 'fn ft fa' FRO" DISK ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED !ACLIB LI"IT EXCEEDED [, LAST "E"BER NAME ADDED WAS 'meabernaae'] PREVIOUS "ACLIB FUBCTION NOT FINISHED LIBRARY 'fn ft fa' NOT CREATED I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' "ODMAP DMSMDP001E DMSMDP002E DMSMDP018E DMSMDP070E NO FILENAME SP!CIFIED FILE ['fn [ft [fa]]'] NOT FOUND NO LOAD MAP AVAILABLE INVALID PARAMETER 'paraaeter' MOVEFILE DMSMVE002E DMSMVE003E DMSMVE037E DMSMVE041E DMSMVE069E DHSMVE070E DMSMVE075E DMSMVE086E DMSMVE127S DMSHVE128S DMSMVE129S DMSMVE130S D"SMVE2251 DMSMVE2261 DMSMVE7061 DMSMVE7081 FILE( (S) ][ 'fn [ft [fa]]'] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' OUTPUT DISK 'aode' IS READ/ONLY INPUT AND OUTPUT FILES ARE THE SAME OUTPUT DISK 'aode' IS NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DEVICE 'device name' ILLEGAL FOR {INPUTIOUTPUT} INVALID DDNAME 'aaname' UNSUPPORTED DEVICE FOR 'ddnaae' I/O ERROR ON INPUT AFTER READING 'nnnn' RECORDS: INPUT ERROR CODE code ON ddname I/O ERROR ON OUTPUT WRITING RECORD NUMBER 'nnnn': OUTPUT ERROR code ON ddname BLOCKSIZE ON V FORMAT FILE 'ddnaae' IS LESS THAN 9 PDS MEMBER 'ae.bernaae' MOVED END OF PDS MOVE TERM INPUT -- TYPE NULL LINE FOR END OF DATA DISK FILE 'FILE ddname A1' ASSUMED FOR DDNAME 'ddna.e' OPTION DMSOPT070E INVALID PARAMETER 'paraaeter' DMSOPT099E CMS/DOS ENVIRON"EIT NOT ACTIVE PRELOAD DMSPRE001E DMSPRE002E DHSPRE109S DMSPRE183E DMSPRE234E DMSPBE235E DMSPRE236E DMSPRE237E DMSPRE238E 234 NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft fm' NCT FOUND VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED INVALID CONTROL FILE CONTROL CARD ERROR IN LOAD LIST FILE 'fn ft fm' rNO INPUT] ERROR 'n' IN INPUi TEXT FILE 'fn ft [fa]' UNRESOLVED EXTERNAL REFERENCE(S) ENCOUNTERED DUPLICATE EXTERNAL SYMBOL(S) ENCOUNTERED PRELOADER PROCESSING ERROR IBM V8/370 Systea MessagES D!S PRINT DMSPRT002E DMSPRT003E DMSPRT008E DMSPRT013E DMSPRT029E DMSPRT033E DKSPRT039E DMSPRT044E DMSPRT048E DMSPRTOS4E DMSPRT062E DMSPRT070E DMSPRT104S DMSPRTi23S FILE 'fn ft f.' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' DEVICE 'cuu' {INVALID OR NONEXISTENTIUNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD FILE 'fn ft f.' IS NOT A LIBRARY NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'fn ft f.' RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FltEID INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR Inn' REAtING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR inn' PRINTING FILE 'tn ft fm' PSERV DMSPRV003E DMSPRV004E DKSPRV006E DMSPRV037E DMSPRV070E DKSPRV097E DMSPRV098E DMSPRV099E DMSPRV10SS DMSPRV113S DMSPRV411S INVALID OPTION 'option' PROCEDURE 'procedure' NOT FOUND NO READ/WRITE 'A' DISK ACCESSED DISK 'A' IS READ/ONLY INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' NO 'SYSRES' V~LUME ACTIVE NO PROCEDURE NAME SPECIFIED CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' TO DISK DISK (cuu) NO~ ATTACHED INPUT ERROR COtE Inn' ON 'SYSRES' PUNCH DMSPUN002E DMSPUN003E DMSPUN008E DMSPUN013E DMSPUN033E DMSPUN039E DMSPUN044E DMSPUNOS4E DMSPUN062E DMSPUN104S DMSPUN118S DMSPUN12SS FILE Ifni NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' DEVICE 'cuu' {INVALID CR NONEXISTENTIUNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} KEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT A LIBRARY NO ENTRIES IN LIBRIRY 'fn ft fml RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FILEID ERROR Inn' REAtING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR PUNCHING FILE 'fn ft fm' ERROR Inn' PUNCHING FILE 'fn ft fm' QUERY DMSQRYOOSE DMSQRY014E DMSQRY026E DMSQRY047E DMSQRY070E DMSQRY099E NO 'option' SPECIFIED INVALID FUNCTION 'function' INVALID PARAMETER eparameter' FOR 'fUnction' FUNCTION NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE READCARD DMSRDC008E DMSRDC042E DMSRDCOS4E DMSRDC062E DMSRDC069E DMSRDC10SS DMSRDC124S DMSRDC20SW DMSRDC7011 DEVICE 'ccu' {INVALID OR NONEXISTENT I UNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} NO FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FILEID DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROE Inn' READING CARD FILE READER EMPTY CR NOT READY NULL FILE f)P!SROC7021 READ CONTP.Ol CARD IS ~ISSING. FOLLOWIllG ASSJMED: DMSRDC7021 :READ ffn ft fmlREADCARD CMSUT1 A1} DMSRDC7381 RECORD LENGTH IS 'nnn' BYTES RELEASE D1fSAREOT7E DMSARE028E DMSARE048E DMSARE069E DMSARE070E IlfV7fLID DEVICE AD:CBESS f ccu' NO DEVICE SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'mode' DISK {'mode'I'ccu'} NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' Appendix A. Command-to-Messaqe Cross-Reference 235 DMS RENAME DMSRNM002E DMSRNM003E DMSRNM019E DMSRNM024E DMSRNM030E DMSRNM037E DMSRNM048E DMSRNM051E DMSRNM054E DMSRNM062E FILE[ (S) ][ 'fn [ft [fm J]'] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' IDENTICAL FILEIDS FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS rSPECIFY 'REPLACE'] FILE 'fn ft fm' AlREADY ACTIVE DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY INVALID MODE 'mode' INVALID MODE CBANGE INCOMPLETE FIlEID ['fn[ft]'] SPECIFIED INVALID * IN OUTPUT FIlEID RSERV DMSRRV003EINVALID OPTION 'option' DMSRRV004E MODULE 'module' NCT FOUND DMSRRV006E NO READ/WRITE 'A' DISK ACCESSED DMSRRV070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSRRVC9:E NO 'SYSRES' VCIU~E !CTIVE DMSRRV098E NO MODULE NAME SPECIFIED DMSRRV099E eMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSRRV105S ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fill! ON DISK DMSRRVl13S DISK (cuu) NOT ATTACHED DMSRRV411S INPUT ERROR CODE Inn' ON '{SYSRESISYSRLB1' RUN DMSRUN001E DMSRUN002E DMSRUN04BE DMSRUN070E DMSRUN999E SAVENCP DMSNCP001E DMSNCP002E DMSNCP003E DMSNCP013E DMSNCP021E DMSNCP025E DMSNCP045E DMSNCP056E DMSNCPOY9W DMSNCP109S NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE ['fn [ft (fm]]'] NOT FOUND INVALID MODE 'mode' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' NO eft] PROCESSOR FCUND NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' ENTRY POINT 'symbol' NOT FOUND INVALID DATA IN 370X CONTROL PROGRAM UNSUPPORTED CeNTRCl PROGRAM TYPE FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS GENERATION PARAMETERS INCOMPATIBLE WITH Vft/370 VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED SET DMSLI0002I DMSSET014E DMSSET026E DMSSET031E DMSSET047E DMSSET048E DMSSET050E DMSSET061E DMSSET070E DMSSET098W DMSSET099E DMSSET100W DMSSET142S DMSSET333E DMSSET400S DMSSET401S DMSSET410S DMSSET444E FILE Ifni TITLIB NeT FOUND INVALID FUNCTION 'function' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' FOR 'function' FUNCTION LOADER TABLES CANNOT BE MODIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'mode' PARAMETER MISSING AFTER {DDNAMEISYSxxxlfunctionl NO TRANSLATION CHARACTER SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' CMS OS SIMULATION NOT AVAILABLE CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE SYSTEM NAME 'name' NOT AVAILABLE SAVED SYSTEM NAME 'name' INVALID nnnnnK PARTITION TOO LARGE FOR THIS VIRTUAL MACHINE SYSTEM 'sysname' DeES NOT EXIST VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'DMSDOS' START ADDRESS (address) CONTROL PROGRAM EFROR INDICATION 'retcode' VOLUME LABEL IS NOT A DOS SYSRES SETKEY DMSSSK070E DMSSSK362E DMSSSK363E DMSSSK364E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' INVALID STORAGE PRCTECT KEY 'key' INVALID STARTING ADDRESS 'startadr' VM STORAGE NOT LARGE ENOUGH TO CONTAIN SYSTEM LOADING AT startadr TO endadr D~SSSK365E SYSTEM NAME NeT SPECIFIED DMSSSK400S SYSTEM 'name' DOES NOT EXIST DMSSSK410S CO~ROL PROGRA~ EEBCR INDICATION 'nnn' 236 IBM VM/37Q System Messages D~S SORT DMSSRT002E DKSSRT009E DMSSRT019E DMSSRT034E DMSSRT037E DMSSRTOS3E DMSSRTOS4E DMSSRT062E DMSSRT063E DMSSRT070E DMSSRT104S DMSSRT10SS DMSSRT212E DMSSRT604R FILE ['fm [ft [fm]]'] NOT FOUND COLUMN 'colt EXCEEtS RECORD LENGTH IDENTICAL FILIIDS FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT FIXED LENGTH DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY INVALID SORT FIELD PAIR DEFINED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID {=I*ICHAR.'char'} IN FILEID ['fn ft fmt] NO LIST ENTERED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR 'nne READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK MAXIMUM NUMBER OF RECORDS EXCEEDED ENTER SORT FIELDS: SSERV DMSSRV003E DMSSRV004E DMSSRV006E DMSSRV070E DMSSRV097E DMSSRV098E DMSSRV099E DMSSRV10SS DKSSRV113S DHSSRV411S DMSSRV194S INVALID OPTION 'option' BOOK 'subl.book' NOT FOUND NO READ/WRITE 'A' DISK ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' NO 'SYSRES' VOLUME ACTIVE NO BOOK NAME SPECIFIED CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fme ON DISK DISK (cuu) NO! ATTACHED INPUT ERROR CODE 'nnw ON '{SYSRESISYSSLB}' BOOK 'subl.book' CONTAINS BAD RECORDS START DMSLI0021E ENTRY POINT 'name' NeT FOUND DMSLIOOSSE NO ENTRY POINT DEFINED DMSLI07401 EXECUTION BEGINS ••• STATE/STATEW DMSSTT002E DMSSTT048E DMSSTTOS4E DMSSTT062E DMSSTT069E DMSSTT070E DMSSTT227I DMSSTT228I DMSSTT229E !fn ft fm' NOT FOUND INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FIIEID SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FILEID 'fn ft' DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' PROCESSING VOLUME 'no' IN DATA SET 'data set name' USER LABELS BYPASSED ON DATA SET 'data set name' UNSUPPORTED OS DATA SET, ERROR 'code' SVCTRACE DMSOVR014E DMSOVR047E DMSOVR104S DMSOVR109S INVALID FUNCTION 'function' NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'DMSOVR MODULE' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED SYNONYM DMSSYN002E DMSSYN003E DMSSYN007E DMSSYN032E DMSSYNOS6E DMSSYN066E DMSSYN104S DMSSYN7111 DMSSYN712I FILE 'fn ft fml NOT FCUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft fml NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS INVALID FILETYPE 'ft' FILE 'fn ft fml CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS 'STD' and I NOSTD' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK NO SYSTEM SYNONYMS IN EFFECT NO SYNONYMS (DMSINA NOT IN NUCLEUS) TAPE DMSTPE002E FILE[ (S) ][ 'fn [ft [fm]]'] NOT FOUND DMSTPE003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSTPE010E PREMATURE EOF ON FILE ['fn ft [fm)') D~STPEOlqE INVALID FUNCTION • function' DMSTPE017E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS 'cuu' DMSTPE023E NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED DMSTPE027E INVALID DEVICE 'device name' DMSTPE029E INVALID PARAMETER 'paraaeter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD DMSTPE037E DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY DMSTPE042E NO FILEID[ (S) J SPECIFIED Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 237 Dl'tS TAPE (cont inued) DMSTPE043E 'TAPn (cuu) , IS FILE PROTECTED DMSTPE041E NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED DMSTPE048E INVALID "ODE 'mode' DMSTPE051E INVALID RECORD FaRHAT DMSTPE058E END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE DMSTPE070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSTPE096E FILE 'fn ft' DATA BLOCK COUNT INCORRECT DMSTPE104S ERROR Inn' REAtING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK DHSTPE105S ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK DMSTPEll0S ERROR READING 'TAPn (cuu)' DMSTPElllS ERROR WRITING 'TAPn (cuu) , DMSTPEl13S TAPn (cuu) NOT ATTACHED DMSTPE115S {CONVERSIONI {119)-TRACKI {80016250} BPIITRANSLATIONIDUAL DENSITn FEATURE NOT SUFPORTED ON DEVICE 'cuu' DMSTPE431E 'TAPn (cuu) , VOLl lABEL MISSING DMSTPE7011 NULL FILE TAPEMAC DMSTMA001E DMSTMA003E DMSTMA051E DMSTHA010E DMSTHA105S DMSTMA109S DMSTHA110S DMSTMA137S DMSTHA138S DMSTMA139S DMSTMA420E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID RECORD FORHAT INVALID PARAMETER • parameter' ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR READING 'TAPn' ERROR nn ON 'STATE' FOR fn ft ERROR nn ERASING fn ft BEFORE LOADING TAPE TAPE FILE EXCEEDS 9 CMS MACLIBS NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID TAPPDS DMS~PD003E DMSTPD058E DMSTPD105S DMSTPD109S DHSTPD110S DMSTPD420E DMSTPD7031 DMSTPD707I INVALID OPTION 'option' END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR READING 'TAPn' NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID FILE 'fn ft [fm]' COPIED TEN FILES COPIED TXTLIB DMSLBT001E DHSLBT002E DHSLBT002W DMSLBT003E DMSLBT013E DMSLBT014E DMSLBT031E DHSLBT046E DMSLBT047E DMSLBT056E DMSLBT056W DMSLBT069E DMSLBT104S DMSLBT105S DMSLBT106S DMSLBT213W NO FILENAME SFECIFIED FILE[ (S) ] [I fn [ft [fa]]'] NOT FOUND FILE[ (S}]['fn [ft [fa]]'] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' INVALID FUNCTION 'function' DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY NO LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED NO FUNCTION SFECIFIED FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS INVALID [NAMEIALIASIENTRYIESD] RECORD FORMATS FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS [{NAMEIALIASIENTRYIESD}] INVALID RECORD FORMATS DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED ERROR Inn' REAtING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK NUMBER OF MEMBER NAMES EXCEEDS MAX 'nnnn'. FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT ADDED LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' NOT CREATED TYPE DMSTYP002E DMSTYP003E DMSTYP005E DMSTYP009E DMSTYP013E DMSTYP029E DMSTYP033E DMSTYP039E DMSTYP049E DMSTYP054E DMSTYP062E DMSTYP069E DMSTYP104S FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FCUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' SPECIFIED COLUMN 'col' EXCEEtS RECORD LENGTH MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' [IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD] FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT A LIBRARY NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fa' INVALID LINE NUMBER 'line number' INCOMPLETE FIIEID SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FILEID DISK MODE NOT ACCESSED ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' PPOM DISK 238 IBM VM/310 System Messages DKS UPDATE D!!SOPD001E NO FILEN1!!E SP!C!F!ED DKSUPD002E FILE 'fn ft fa' NOT FOUND DMSUPD003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSUPD007E FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS D!SUPD010W PREMATURE EOF ON FILE 'fn ft fa' D!SUPD024E FILE 'UPDATE C!SUT1 fa' ALREADY EXISTS DftSUPD037E DISK 'A' IS READ/ONLY D!SUPD048E INVALID !ODE 'aode' D!SUPD065E • option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE D!SUPD066E • option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DMSUPD069E DISK 'A' NOT ACCESSED DftSUPD070E INVALID PARA!ETER 'paraaeter' DKSUPD104S ERROR 'nn' REAtING FILE 'fn ft fa' FROM DISK DMSUPD105S ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft f.' ON DISK DKSUPD174W SEQUENCE ERROR INTROIUCED IN OUTPUT FILE: •••••••••• TO •••••••••• DKSUPD176W SEQUENCING OVERFLOW FCLLOWING SEQ NUMBER· ••••••••• • DftSUPD1771 WARNING !ESSAGES ISSUED (SEVERITY = nn). ['REP' OPTION IGNORED] DMSUPD1781 UPDATING ['fn ft fa'] WITH 'fn ft fa' DftSUPD179E !ISSING OR DUPLICATE '!ACS' CIRD IN CONTROL FILE 'fn ft fa' DMSUPD180W MISSING PTF FILE 'fn ft f.' D!SUPD181E NO UPDATE FILES WERE FOUND DKSUPD182i SEQUENCE INCRE!EN~ IS ZERO DMSUPD183E INVALID {CONTROLIAUX} FILE CONTROL CARD D!SUPD184W './ S' NOT FIRST CARD IN UPDATE FILE--IGNORED D!SUPD185W INVALID CHAR IN SEQUENCE FIELD •••••••••• DKSUPD186W SEQUENCE NUftBER •••••••••• NOT FOUND D!SUPD187E OPTION 'STK' INVALID WITHOUT 'CTL' DMSUPD207. INVALID UPDATE FILE CCNTROL CARD DMSUPD210i INPUT FILE SEQUENCE ERROR I._ .. _~ __ ., TO , •••••••••• DKSUPD299EINSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO COMPLETE UPDATE DMSUPD300E INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO BEGIN UPDATE DKSUPD3041 UPDATE PROCESSING WILL BE DONE USING DISK 'lAP D!SZAP001E D!SZAP002E DMSZAP002i DMSZAP003E DKSZAP007E DKSZAP014E DMSZAP047E DKSZAP056E DMSZAP070E DKSZAP104S DMSZAP190W DHSZAP191W DMSZAP192W DMSZAP193W DMSZAP194W DMSZAP195W DMSZAP200W DMSZAP208E DMSZAP210E DMSZAP245S DHSZAP246W D!SZAP247W D!SZ'P248W DKSZAP7501 DMSZAP7511 NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' NOT FCUND FILE 'fn ft' NOT FCUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS INVALID FUNCTION • function' NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS INVALID PARA!ETER • parameter' ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft' FRO! DISK INVALID CONTROL RECORD OR NO GO SWITCH SET PATCH OVERLAPS-SFT NO GO SWITCH ERROR-ODD NUMBER OF DIGITS-SET NO GO SWITCH PRECEDING CONTBOL RECORD FLUSHED CSECT NOT FOUND IN {!EMBER ·aembername·,MODULE 'modulenaae'} SET NO GO SWITCH BASE VALUE INVALID-SET NO GO SWITCH VERIFY REJECT-SET 10 GO SWITCH FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT VARIABLE RECORD FORMAT FILE 'fn ft' IS ON A READ/ONLY D1SK ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER NO LOADER TABLE PRESENT FOR !ODULE 'fn ft'-SET NO GO SWITCH !EHBER 'name' NOT FCUND--SET NO GO SWITCH INVALID VER/REP DISP--SET NO GO SWITCH ZAP PROCESSING COMPLETE !EMBER FOUND IN LIBRARY 'fn' eMS INITIALIZATION ROUTINE D!SINS098W CKS OS SIMULA~ION NOT AVAILABLE DHSINS100W CMSSEG SYSTE! lil!E I name', NOT AVAILABLE Appendix A. Comaand-to-Kessage Cross-Reference 239 DMS CMS/DOS CLOSE DMSCLS043E DMSCLS058E DMSCLS088E DMSCLS089E DMSCLS113S DMSCLS140S DMKCLS4291 ROUTINE TAPn IS FILE PROTECTED END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE ON 'TAPn' UNSUPPORTED DTF TYPE 'dtftype' CLOSE ERROR CODE Inn' ON '{fnISYSxxxITAPn]' 'TAPn (cuu) , NOT ATTACHED SEOV/FEOV MACRC NOT SUPPORTED 'TAPn (cuu) , EOT ON OUTPUT CMS/DOS GENERATION PROCEDURE DMSGEN006E NO READ/WRITE A-DISK ACCESSED DHSGEN095E INVALID ADDRESS 'address' DMSGEN110E CORRECT FORM IS: DOSGEN LOCATION SEGNAME DMSGEN111E DOSGEN FAILED DUE TC LOAD ERRORS DMSGEN141S DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO SAVESYS ERRORS DMSGEN7151 DOSGEN COMPLETE CMS/DOS OPEN LIBRARY ROUTINE DMSOPL089E OPEN FREOR CODE '~n' ON SYSxxx DMSOPL158E NO CMS/DOS PROCEDURE lIBRARY SUPPORT CMS/DOS OPEN FOUTINE DMSBOP037E DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY DMSBOP043E TAPn IS FILE PROTECTED DMSBOP058E END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE ON 'TAPn' DMSBOP069E DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED DMSBOP086W DLBL 'ddname' DUMMY INVALID FOR VSAM DMSBOP088E UNSUPPORTED DTF TYPE 'dtftype' DMSBOP089E OPEN ERROR CODE Inn' ON {fnISYSxxxITAPN] DMSBOP113S {TAPnlmode (cuu)] NOT ATTACHED DMSBOP302E NO SYSxxx OPERAND SPECIFIED CMS/DOS OPEN ROUTINE (continued) DMSBOP308E 'mode' DISK IN CMS FORMAT; INVALID FOR NON-CMS DATASET DMSBOP400S SYSTEM 'sysname' DOES NOT EIIST DMSBOP401S VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EICEED 'DMSDOS' START ADDRESS (address) DMSBOP410S CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'retcode' DMSBOP413S STORAGE NOT INITIALIZED FOR VSAM PROCESSING DMSBOP995E UNABLE TO OBTAIN FREE STORAGE FOR DMSBOP PROCESSING. REDEFINE STORAGE SIZE DMSBOP996E NO LOGIC MODULE POINTER IN DTF FOR 'filename' CftS/DOS SVC HANDLER ROUTINE DMSDOS004E PHASE 'phase' NOT FCUND DMSDOS091E SAVEAREA ADDRESS IN PARTITION PIB NOT EQUIVALENT TO LTA SAVEAREA ADDRESS DMSDOS092E STIlT SAVEAREA ADDRESS INVALID DMSDOS093E MVCOM MACRO ATTEMPTING TO ALTER OTHER THAN POSITION 12-23 OF COMREG DMSDOS094E FROM ADDRESS ON MVCOM HACRO INVALID DMSDOS095E INVALID ADDRESS 'address' DMSDOS096S UNSUPPORTED FUNCTICN IN A LIOCS ROUTINE DSMDOS121S UNSUPPORTED SVC no. (HEI no.) CALLED FROM caller DMSDOS140S {FEOVDISEOVIFEOV] MACRO NOT SUPPORTED DMSDOS160S JOB CANCELED DUE TC PROGRAM REQUEST DMSDOS401S VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EICEED 'DMSDOS' START ADDRESS (address) DKSDOS413S STORAGE NOT INITIALIZED FOR VSAM PROCESSING CMSIGEN PROCEDURE DMSCMS006E NO READ/WRITE A-DISK ACCESSED DKSCMS095E INVALID ADDRESS 'address' DMSCMS110E CORRECT FORM IS: CMSXGEN LOCATION (SEGNAME) DMSCMS111E CMSXGEN FAILED DUE TO LOAD ERRORS DMSCMS141S CMSIGEN FAILED DUE TO SAVESYS ERRORS DMSCMS412S CMSIGEN FAlLEr DUE TO SETKEY ERROR DMSCMS7151 CMSXGEN COMPLETE DUMP/JDUMP/PDUMP ROUTINE DMSDMP020W INVALID PDUMP ADDRESS 'address' - NO DUMP OPERATION PERFORMED 240 IBM VM/370 System Messages DMS EXCP ROUTINE DMSXCP037E DMSXCP043E DMSXCP104S DMSXCP105S DMSXCPl13S DMSXCP411S DMSXCP161S OUTPUT DISK mode {cuu} IS READ/ONLY TAPE (cuu) IS FILE FRCTECTED ERROR Inn' REAtING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK 'device (cuu) , NOT ATTACHED {INPUTIOUTPUT} ERRCR CODE Inn' ON 'SYSxxx' UNEXPECTED FRROR CODE Inn' ON 'SYSxxx' OS OPEN AND CLOSE ROUTINE DMSSOP036W UPDATE REQUESTED FOR READ-ONLY DISK DMSSOP036E OPEN ERROR CODE Inn' ON 'ddname' DMSSOP109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED OS I/O ROUTINES DMSSEB4291 'TAPn (cuu) , EOT ON OUTPUT SAVED SYSTEM ROUTINES DHSVIB400S SYSTEM 'sysname l DCES NOT EXIST DMSVIB401S VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'sysname' START ADDRESS (address) DMSVIB410S CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'retcode' DMSVIB109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED TAPE LABEL PROCESSING ROUTINES DMSTLB027E INVALID DEVICE 'device name' DMSTLB043E 'TAPn (cuu) , IS FILE PROTECTED DMSTLB058E END-OF-FILE or END-OF-TAPE [ON TAPn] DMSTLBll0S ERROR READING 'TAPn [(cuu)'] DMSTLBlllS ERROR WRITING 'TAPn (cuu) , DMSTLB113S 'TAPn (cuu) , NOT ATTACHED DMSTLB421E 'TAPn (cuu) , HDRl LABEL MISSING FOR 'filename' DMSTLB422E 'TAPn (cuu) , POSITIONED WRONG FOR 'filename' DMSTLB4231 'TAPn (cuu) , POSITION PARAMETER IGNORED. OUTPUT FILE WILL BE WRITTEN IMMEDIATELY AFTER NEW VOLl LABEL DMSTLB424E 'TAPn (cuu) , NOT POSITIONED AT EOFl LABEL DMSTLB425R 'TAPn (cuu) , BLOCK COUNT ERROR FOR 'filename' ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'CANCEL' DMSTLB426R 'TAPn (cuu) , UNEXPIRED FILE ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'ERROR' DMSTLB4271 'TAPn (cuu) , EOVl LABEL READ DMSTLB4281 'TAPn (cuu) , EOVl LABEL WRITTEN DMSTLB430E 'TAPn (cuu) , LABELDEF INFORMATION MISSING FOR 'filename' DMSTLB431E 'TAPn (cuu) , VOLl LABEL MISSING DMSTLB432E 'TAPn (cuu) , VOLID volid DOES NOT MATCH LABELDEF VOLID FOR 'filename' DMSTLB433R ENTER 'WRITE (volid)' OR 'REJECT' DMSTLB434E 'TAPn (cuu) , INPUT LABEL CHECK ERROR FOR FIELD 'fieldname' FILE 'filename' DMSTLB435R ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'CANCEL' DMSTLB4361 'TAPn (cuu) , MISSING USER STANDARD LABEL FOR 'ddname' DMSTLB4371 'TAPn (cuu) , NSL ROUTINE RETURNED AN ERROR CODE 'nnnnnn' FOR 'filename' VSAMGEN EXEC PROCEDURE DMSVGN069E DISK 'A' NOT ACCESSED DMSVGN360E INVALID RESPONSE 'response' DMSVGN3601 CMS/VSAM TEXT FILES CREATED ON DISK 'A' DMSVGN360R ENTER EITHER 'INSTALL' OR 'UPDATE': DMSVGN361E DISK 'mode' IS NOT A {CMSIDOS} DISK DMSVGN3611 CREATING CMS TEXT FILES ••• DMSVGN361R ENTER EITHER 'DOS' OR 'OS': DMSVGN3621 LINK EDITING sysname DMSVGN362R ENTER MODE OF tOs SYSTEM RELOCATABLE LIBRARY DISK: DMSVGN3631 sysname DOSLIE CREATED ON DISK 'A' DMSVGN363R ENTER LOCATION WHERE sysname WILL BE LOADED AND SAVED: DMSVGN364I FETCHING sysname ••• DHSVGN364R ENTER 'CMSVSAM' OR 'CMSAMS' OR 'BOTH' FOR GENERATION OF NEW SYSTEM(S): DHSVGN3651 SYSTEM sysname SAVED DMSVGN365R ENTER MODULE NAME (8 CHARS OR LESS) OR 'END': DJISVGN366I STARTING TO READ PTF DECJ{S FROJ'!READEB••• DMSVGN366R ENTER NAME OF SYSTEM TO BE SAVED: DMSVGN3671 'modulename TEXT' WRITTEN ON DISK 'A' DMSVGN3681 count NEW PTF DECKS WILL BE APPLIED DMSVGN368R ERASE sysname DOSLIB? •• ENTER 'YES' OR 'NO': DMSVGN369E INVALID _ RELEASE 31 OR LATER REQUIRED DMSVGN369R ENTER RELEASE NUMBER OF DOS/VS STARTER SYSTEM: Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 2~1 DftS VSAftGEN EXEC PROCEDURE (continued) DftSVGN380R ENTER 'TAPE' OR 'CARDS' FOR PTF APPLICATION: DBSVGN381R ENTER 'SELECT' OR 'ALL' FOR TAPE PTF APPLICATION: DftSVGN382R ENTER NUftBER OF TAPE FILES TO BE PROCESSED: DftSVPD010E INVALID PARAftlTEF 'paraaeter' DftSVPD105S ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE Ifn CftSUT1 Al' ON DISK DKSVPD109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DKSVPDll0S ERROR READING TAP1 (181) DftSVPDl13S TAPl (181) NO~ ATTICHED DftSVPD3611 '.odulenaae TEXT' WRITTEN ON DISK 'I' DKSVPD3681 count NEV PTF tECRS WILL BE APPLIED DftSVPD383R APPLY 'fnl ? ••• ENTER 'NO' OR EOB: VSAB INTERFACE (OS USER) DKSVIP109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DKSVIP230E NO. OF VSAft EXIT ROUTINES HAS EXCEEDED BAX OF 128 - UNABLE TO CONTINUE 242 IBft VK/310 syste. Kessages DMT RSCS Message Summary DKTREXOOOI DMTCMX001I DMTREX0021 DKTCKX003I DKTNPT070E DKTSML070E DKTREX080E DKTREX090T DKTREX091T RSCS FREE LINK LINK (VER v, LEV 1, mm/dd/yy) READY STORAGE = nn PAGES linkid DEACTIVATED linkid EXECUTING: (command line text) 1/0 ERROR cuu SIOCC cc CSW csw SENSE sense CCW ccw 1/0 ERROR cUU SIOCC cc CSW csw SENSE sense CCW ccw PROGRAM CHECK -- LINK linkid DEACTIVATED PROGRAM CHECK IN SUPERVISOR -- RSCS SHUTDOWN INITIALIZATION FAILURE -- RSCS SHUTDOWN D~TAXS101I PILE spoolid ENQUEUED ON LINK linkid DMTAXS1021 FILE spoolid PENDING FOR LINK linkid DMTAXS103E DKTAXS1041 DKTAXS105I DKTAXS1061 DMTAXS1071 DMTAXS108E DMTNPT108E DMTSML108E DMTNPT141I DMTSKL141I FILE spoolid REJECTED -- INVALID DESTINATION ADDRESS FILE SPOOLED TO userid2 -- ORG locid1 (name1) mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss FILE spoolid PURGED FILE spoolid MISSING -- DEQUEUED FROM LINK linkid nn PENDING FILES FOR lINK linkid MISSING SYSTEM ERROR READING SPOOL FILE spoolid SYSTEM ERROR READING SPOOL FILE spoolid SYSTEM ERROR BEADING SPOOL FILE spoolid LINE vaddr READY FCR CONNECTION TO LINK linkid LINE vaddr READY FCR CONNECTION TO LINK linkid DMTNPT1421 DHTSHL142I DMTNPT1431 DMTSML1431 DKTNPT1441 DMTSML1441 DKTNPT145I DMTSML1451 DMTNPT1461 DKTSML1461 LINK linkid LINE vaddr CONNECTED LINK linkid LINE vaddr CONNECTED LINK linkid LINE vaddr DISCONNECTED LINK linkid LINE vaddr DISCONNECTED RECEIVING: FILE FROM locid1 (naae1) FOR locid2 (userid2) RECEIVING: FILE FROK locid1 (name1) FOR locid2 (userid2) RECEIVED: FILE FROM locid1 (name1) FOR locid2 (userid2) RECEIVED: FILE FROM locid1 (name1) FOR locid2 (userid2) SENDING: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid, REC nnnnnn SENDING: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid, REC nnnnnn DMTNPT1471 DMTSML1471 DMTNPT1491 DMTSML1491 DMTNPT160I DMTSML1601 DMTNPT170I DKTSML 1701 SENT: FILE spoolid eN LINK linkid SENT: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid LINK linkid LINE ACTIVITY: TOT= mmmi ERRS= nnni TROUTS= ppp LINK linkid LINE ACTIVITY: TOT= mmmi ERRS= nnni TROUTS= ppp LINE vaddr DISABLED FOR linkid LINE vaddr DISABLED FOR linkid FROM linkid: (KSG message text) FROM linkid: (MSG message text) DMTNPT190E DMTSML190E DMTNPT934E DKTSKL934E DMTSML935E DKTNPT936E DMTSML937E INVALID SPOOL ELOCK FORMAT ON FILE spoolid INVALID SPOOL ELOCK FORMAT ON FILE spoolid ID CARD MISSING ON LINK linkid -- INPUT FILE PURGED ID CARD MISSING ON LINK linkid -- INPUT FILE PURGED LINK linkid IN RJE KODE -- PRINT FILE spoolid PURGED NO REKOTE PUNCH AVAILABLE ON LINK lin kid -- FILE spoolid PURGED DECOMPRESSION ERRCR ON linkid -- LINK DEACTIVATED DKTCKX200I DKTCMX201E DMTCKX202E DMTCHX203E DKTCMX204E DMTCKX205E DKTCMX206E IHfT£MX20'1fl DKTCMX208E RSCS INVALID COKHANt command INVALID LIIK link id INVALID SPOOL FILE ID spoolid INVALID KEYWORD keyword CONFLICTING KEYWORD keyword INVALID OPTION keyword option CONFLIC~IlfG onION keyword aption INVALID USER ID userid D~TCMX3001 ACCEPTED BY TASK task D"TCMX301E REJECTED BY TASK task -- PREVIOUS CO~ftAND ACTIVE DKTC~X302E LINK linkid IS NOT DEFINED DMTCMX303E LINK linkid IS NOT ACTIVE DMTCMX304E REJECTED BY TASK task -- NOT RECEIVING Appendix A. C ommand-to-Messaqe Cross-Reference 243 DMT BACKSPAC DMTNPT510I DMTSML510I DMTNPT511E DMTSML511E FILE spoolid BACKSPACED FILE spoolid EACKSPACED NO FILE ACTIVE ON LINK linkid NO FILE ACTIVE ON LINK linkid CHANGE DMTAXS520I DMTAXS521I DMTAXS522I DMTAXS523I DMTAXs524E DMTAXS525E DMTAXS526E FILE FILE PILE LINK PILE PILE PILE spoolid CHANGED spoolid HELD POR LINK linkid spoolid RELEASED POR LINK linkid linkid QUEUE REORDERED spoolid ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN spoolid IS POR LINK linkid -- NO ACTION TAKEN spoolid NOT FOUND -- NO ACTION TAKEN CMD DMTSML530I COMMAND FORWARDED ON lINK linkid DEPI NE DMTCMX540I DMTCHX541I DMTCMX542E DMTCMX543E DMTCMX544E NEW LINK lin kid DEFINED LINK linkid REDEPINED LINK linkid ACTIVE -- NOT REDEFINED LINK linkid NOT DEFINED LINK LIMIT REACHED LINK linkid NOT DEFINED -- TYPE NOT SPECIPIED DELETE DKTCMX550I LINK linkid NOW DELETED DMTCMX551E LINK linkid ACTIVE -- NOT DELETED DMTCMX552E LINK linkid HAS A FILE QUEUE -- NOT DELETED DISCONN DMTCHX560I RSCS DISCONNECTING DKTCMX561E USERID userid NOT RECEIVING DRAIN DMTNPT570I DMTSML570I DKTNPT571E DKTSML571E LINK LINK LINK LINK linkid linkid linkid linkid NOW SET NOW SET ALREADY ALREADY TO DEACTIVATE TO DEACTIVATE SET TO DEACTIVATE SET TO DEACTIVATE DMTNPT580I DKTSML580I DHTNPT581E DMTSML581E FILE FILE PILE FILE spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid PROCESSING TERMINATED PROCESSING TER1HNATED NCT ACTIVE NOT ACTIVE FREE DMTNPT590I DMTSML590I DMTNPT591 E DMTSML5 91 E LINK LINK LINK LINK linkid linkid linkid linkid RESUMING FILE TRANSPER RESUMING FILE TRANSPER NOT IN HOLD STATUS NOT IN HOLD STATUS FWDSPACE DMTNPT511E DMTSML511E DMTNPT600I DMTSML6001 NO FILE ACTIVE ON LINK linkid NO PILE ACTIVE ON LINK linkid FILE spoolid FCRWARD SPACED PILE spoolid FORWARD SPACED FLUSH HOLD DMTNPT6101 LINK linkid TO SUSPEND PILE TRANSMISSION DMTSML610I LINK linkid TO SUSPEND PILE TRANSMISSION DMTNPT611I LINK linkid PILE TRANSMISSION SUSPENDED D~TSML611I LINK linkid FILE TRANSMISSION SUSPENDED DHTNPT612E LINK linkid ALREADY IN HOLD STATUS DMTSML612E LINK linkid ALREADY IN HOLD STATUS MSG No response. 244 IBM VM/370 System Messages DMT ORDER DMTAXS523I DMTAXS524E DMTAXS525E DMTAXs526E LINK FILE FILE FILE PURGE DMTAXS524E DMTAXS525E DHTAXS526E DHTAXS6401 FILE spoolid ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN FILE spoolid IS FOR linkid -- NO ACTION TAKEN FILE spoolid NeT FOUND -- NO ACTION TAKEN nn FILE(S) PURGED ON LINK linkid linkid QUEUE RECRDERED spoolid ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN spoolid IS FOR LINK linkid -- NO ACTION TAKEN spoolid NOT FOUND -- NO ACTION TAKEN QUERY linkid STAT DMTCMX6511 LINK linkid INACTIVE DMTCHX652I LINK linkid ACTIVE task type vaddr c {HOI NOH} {DRINOD} {TRAITREINOT} Q=m P=n QUERY linkid DEF DMTCMX6531 LINK linkid DEFAUlT task type vaddr c R=m QUERY linkid QUEUE DMTCMX6541 LINK linkid Q=m P=n DHTCMX6551 FILE spoolid locid userid CL a PR mm REC nnnnnn {All} QUERY FILE spoolid DMTCMX6601 FILE DHTCMX6611 FILE DMTCMX664E FILE STAT spoolid INACTIVE ON LINK linkid spoolid ACTIVE ON LINK linkid spoolid NCT FeUND QUERY FILE spoolid RSCS DMTCMX6621 FILE spoolid ORG locid1 userid1 mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss TO locid2 userid2 DHTCMX664E FILE spoolid NCT FOUND QUERY FILE spoolid VH DMTCMX6631 FILE spoolid PR mm CL a CO nn {HOI NOH} DI distcode, NA {fn ftldsname} DMTC~X664E FILE spoolid NCT FOUND QUERY SYSTEM DMTCMX6701 DMTCHX6711 DMTCMx6721 DMTCMX6731 LINK linkid ACTIVE -- LINE vaddr {HOI NOm LINK linkid INACTIVE NO LINK ACTIVE NO LINK DEFINED SIGNON DHTNPT902E NON-SIGNOI CARt READ ON LINK linkid DHTS~L902E NON-SIGNON CARI READ ON LINK linkid DHTNPT903E PASSWORD SUPPlIED ON LINK linkid IS INVALID DMTSML903E PASSWORD SUPPLIED CN LINK linkid IS INVALID DHTNPT904E SIGNON PARAMETEB=parameter INVALID DMTNPT905I SIGNON of LINKID linkid COMPLETE DMTSML9051 SIGNON of LIIKID linkid COMPLETE START DMTCMX7001 ACTIVATING LINK linkid task type vaddr c DMTCMX701E NO S.WITCHED LINE AVAILABLE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DMTCMX702E LINE vaddr IS IN USE BY LINK linkid1 -- LINK linkid2 NOT ACTIVATED DMTCMX703E DEV cuu IS NOT A LINE PORT -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DMTCMX704E LINE vaddr CC=3 NOT OPERATIONAL -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED IHITGM-I705EDR-IVERtyp€ N~TFCY-ND ON DISK vaMr - - lHJK 1inkid NOT ACTIVATED DMTCMX706E FATAL ERROR LOADING FROM vaddr -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DMTCHX707E DRIVER type FIlE FORMAT INVALID -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DHTCMX708E VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DMTCMX709E TASK NAME task ALREADY IN USE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DMTCHX710E MAX (nn) ACTIVE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 245 D!1T START (continued) DMTNPT750E LINK linkid DMTSML750E LINK linkid DMTCMX751I LINK linkid DMTNPT7521 LINK linkid DMTSML7521 LINK linkid DMTSML901E INVALID SML DMTSML906E INVALID SML ALREADY ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN ALREADY ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN ALREADY ACTIVE -- NEW CLASS(ES) SET AS REQUESTED STILL ACTIVE -- DRAIN STATUS RESET STILL ACTIVE -- DRAIN STATUS RESET MODE SPlCIFIED -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED BUFFER PARAMETER -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED TRACE DMTNPT801 I DMTSML801I DMTNPT8021 DMTSML8021 DMTNPT8031 DMTS ML803I DMTNPT8 i OE DMTS ML81 OE DMTNPT811 E DMTSML811E ERROR EEROR TRACE TRACE TRACE TRACE TBACE TRACE IBACE 'IRACE DMTINI402T DMTINI406R DMTINI407R DMTINI409R DMTINI410R DMTINI431S DMTINI479E DMTINI480E DMTINI481E DMTINI482E D~TINI483E 246 LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid TRACE STARTED TRACE STARTED STARTED STARTED ENDED ENDED ALREADY ACTIVE ALREADY ACTIVE NOT ACTIVE NOT ACTIVE IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR SYSTEM DISK ADDRESS = cuu REWRITE THE NUCLEUS? (YESINO) NUCLEUS CYL ADDRESS = nnn ALSO IPL CYLINDER 01 (YESINO) IPL DEVICE WRITE I/O ERROR INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS -- REENTER INVALID CYLINDER NUMBER -- REENTER INVALID REPLY -- ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" SYSTEM DISK ERROR -- REENTER NUCLEUS WILL OVERLAY CMS FILES -- RECOMPUTE IBM VM/370 system Messages DfIIM IPCS Message Summary DUMPSCAN DMMDSC500S DHMDSC7001 DMMDSC701R DMMDSC7191 DMMDSC7201 DMMDSC7211 DMMDSC7221 DMMDSC7231 DMMFED7021 DMKFED7031 DKMFEX7041 DMMGET100S DMKGET7081 DKMHEX7141 DMMIOB7121 DMMIOB7131 DMKLOC7151 DMKLOC7161 DKKLOC7161 DMMLOC7171 DMKMOD100S DMMMOD705E DKMMOD7061 DMMMOD7071 DMHMOD7181 DMMREG100S DMMREG7241 DMMREG7241 DHMSCR7091 DMMTRC7101 DMMVMB1111 ERROR 'nnn' WRITING TC VIRTUAL PRINTER TYPE HELP OR ENTER ENTER DUMP NUMEER AND MODE ERROR 'nnn' IN FSS~ATE 'filename filetype fm' LOAD MAP ALREADY PRESENT &NAME TABLE IS FUlL INVALID ENTRY INTO &NAME TABLE THE DUMP IS NOi ON THE A-DISK HON-HEX CHARACTER IN COUNT - RETRY NON-HEX CHARACTER IN ADDRESS - RETRY NON-HEX CHARACTER IN ADDRESS - RETRY ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' PAGE 'page' NOT FOUND IN DUMP NON-HEX CHARACTER IN INPUT - RETRY DEVICE 'cuu' NCT FOUND USER 'userid' VMBICK NOT FOUND NON-HEX CHARACTER IN STRING STRING 'string' NOT FOUND STRING 'string' NOT FOUND BEFORE END OF DUMP INVALID FORK OF LOCATE COKMAND ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR IN ITEM TABLE 'entry name' NOT FOUND IN THE LOAD MAP 'module' 'page' PAGE NOT VALID THIS DUMP HAS NO LOAD MAP - SEE MAP SUBCOMMAND ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'fileid' {AP} REGISTERS REQUESTED FOR UNIPROCESSOR DUMP {HP} REGISTERS REQUESTED FOR UNIPROCESSOR DUMP NO VALID SCROLl ADDRESS NON-NUMERIC COUNT CHARACTER - RETRY LOOP IN VBBLOK CHAIN PRB DMMSUM100S DMMSUM200S DMMSUM501S DMMSUM502S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' INVALID PARM 'badpara' PASSED TO SUMMARY UPDATE PROGRAM PROBLEM 'PRBnnnnn' NOT FOUND IN SYMPTOM SUMMARY PROB DMMPR0100S DMMPR0200S DMMPR0300S DMMSEA100S DMMSUH100S DMMSUM200S DKMSUH501S DMKSUH502S DKMWRT200S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' ON FSSTATE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR Innni READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' INVALID PARM 'badparm' PASSED TO SUMMARY UPDATE PROGRAM PROBLEM 'PRBnnnnn' NOT FOUND IN SYKPTOM SUMMARY ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' STAT DMMSTA100S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMSTA200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMSTA6011 OPERAND 'operand' NOT RECOGNIZED VMFDUMP DMMCPA8051 'nnn' ABEND CODE NOT RECOGNIZED BY DATA EXTRACTION DMMEDM8501 UNABLE TO REAr DUMP FROM READER DMMEDM8511 TEN DUMP FILES ALREADY EXIST DH~D!852I FATAL I/O ERROR WP.ITI~G DUMP DMMED~8531 NO DUMP FILES EXIST DMMEDM8601 FATAL I/O ERROR READING DUMP DMMEDM8611 DUMP FILE 'filename' NOT FOUND DMMEDM863E INVALID PARAMETER - parameter DHMEDPI8641 PAG-E REiERENCEDNOT AVAILABL-E WHILE EDITING XXXXXXXX DMMGRC100S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMGRC8091 REQUESTED ADDRESS NOT IN DUMP DMMINI100S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMKINI200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' Appendix A. C ommand-to-Kessage Cross-Reference 247 DMM VMFDUMP (continued) DMMINI300S ERROR 'nnn' ON FSSTATE 'filename filetype fm' DMMINI400S ERROR 'nnn' CLOSING 'filename filetype fm' DMMINI800S DATA EXTRACTION FAILURE DMMINI803S ERROR 'nnn' ATTEMPTING TO LOADMOD VMFDUMP2 DMMMAP200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMMAP8011 NUC MAP 'filename filetype fm' IS NOT VALID FOR THIS DUMP DMMMAP802I PROCEEDING •••• DMMMAP806R ENTER 'filename filetype fm' OF NUCLEUS LOAD MAP OR ENTER NULL DMMMAP807I UNABLE TO LOCATE 'filename filetype fm' DMMMAP808I NUCLEUS MAP INVALID 'filename filetype fm' DMMMAP810I ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMPRM200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMPRM8041 PROCESSING ERROR IN tATA EXTRACTION DMMSEA100S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMSUM100S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype f.' DMMSUM200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMSUMS01S INVALID PARM 'badparm' PASSED TO SUMMARY UPDATE PROGRAM DMMSUHS02S PROBLEM 'PRBnnnnn' NOT POUND IN SYMPTOM SUMMARY DMMWRT200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 248 IBM VM/370 System Messages Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier This appendix lists the messages issued by CP, CMS, RSCS, and IPCS. The lists are orqanized alphamerically, in order by module code, message number, and type. Note: Messages shown in this appendix are not gualified wIth program product identifiers, refer to the message section of this book to establish ownership. CP Message Summary DMKAC0425A PUN cuu ACCOUNTING DATA; FATAL I/O ERROR DMKAC0425E I/O ERROR DURING ACCOUNTING DMKALG059E AUTOLOG FAILED FOR userid-{IPL MISSINGIIPL FAILEDIACCOUNTING ERROR} DMKALG115E AUTOLOG INVALID; EXCESSIVE INCORRECT PASSWORDS DHKATS181E SHARED SYSTEM name REPLACED WITH NON-SHARED COpy DHKBLD200E VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; IN USE BY {useridISYSTEM} DHKBLD201E VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; DAMAGED PAGES DMKBLD202E VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; INSUFFICIENT STORAGE DHKBSC5001 DMKBSC501A DMKBSC5021 DMKBSC5031 DMKBSC5041 DMKBSC5051 DMKBSC5161 DMKBSC5171 DMKBSC5201 DMKBSC5271 DMKBSC5281 LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' CMD REJECT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' INT REQ BUSOUT CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' EQUIP CK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DATA CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='CSW' USERID='userid' OVERRUN CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BAD SENSE CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' NOT/KNOWN CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' CHAN ERRCR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' LOST tATA CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' TIMEOUT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKCCH6011 DMKCCH6021 DMKCCH603w DMKCCH6051 CHANNEL CONTROL CHECK DEV xxx; USER 'userid' INTERFACE CONTROL CHECK DEV xxx; USER 'userid' CHANNEL ERROR; RUN SEREP, RESTART SYSTEM CHANNEL CHECK RECORDING FAILURE DMKCDB003E DMKCDB004E DMKCDB009E DMKCDB010E DMKCDB026E DMKCDB160E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID RANGE - range INVALID REGISTER - register OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE DMKCDM003E DMKCDM004E DMKCDM009E DMKCDM033E DMKCDM060E DMKCDM061E DMKCDM160E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID RANGE - range HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID DUMP FAILED; VIRTUAL PRINTER UNAVAILABLE DUMP FAILED; VIRTUAL PRINTER ERROR HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE DMKCDS004E DMKCDS005E DMKCDS010E DMKCDS012E DMKCDS026E DMKCDS033E DMKCDS160E DMKCDS161E DMKCDS162E DMKCDS162W DMKCDS163E INVALID HEXLOC - operand INVALID HEXDATA - hexdata INVALID REGISTER - register INVALID PSW - psw OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEtS STORAGE SHARED PAGE hexloc ALTERED by userid INVALID ECR x - hexdata INVALID ECR x - hexdata STORE EXCEEDS MAXIMUM REGISTER Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 249 DKK DMKCDS164E HEXLOC hexloe NON-ADIRESSABLE STORAGE DHKCDS166E CHANGED SHARED PAGE NOT WRITTEN TO AUXILIARY STORAGE DMKCFC001E DHKCFC002E DMKCFC004E DMKCFC026E ?CP: command INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID HEXLOC - hexloe OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DMKCFD004E DMKCFD021E DMKCFD022E DMKCFD026E DKKCFD040E DHKCFD160E DMKCFD164E INVALID HEXLOC - hexloe RADDE HISSING OR INVALID VADDR KISSING OR INVALID OPERAND KISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST HEXLOC hexloe EXCEEDS STORAGE HEXLOC hexloe NON-ADDRESSABLE STORAGE DMKCFG002E DMKCFG003E DMKC¥G013E DMKCFG022E DMKCFG026E DKKCFG040E DKKCFG044E DKKCFG083E DHKCFG170E DMKCFG171E DKKCFG172E DMKCFG173E DMKCFG174E DMKCFG175E DKKCFG175E DMKCFG177E DMKCFG179E DKKCFG203E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option CONFlICTING OPTION - option VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND KISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEK name DOES NOT EXIST VKSAVE AREA DOES NOT CONTAIN A VALID SAVED SYSTEK SYSTEK name EXCEEDS STORAGE SYSTEK name VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED SYSTEM name DASD vaddr INCOMPATIBLE SYSRES SYSTEM name REQUIRES DASD vaddr PAGING I/O ERROR; IPL FAILED {FAVOREDIRESERVEINETWORK TRAC~ ALREADY IN USE BY userid {FAVOREDIRESERVEINETWORK TRACElname} ALREADY IN USE BY userid PARK EXCEEDS 64 CHARACTERS SYSTEK name VOLID volid NOT CP OWNED V=R AREA REQUIRES IPL BY DEVICE ADDRESS DMKCFH026E DKKCFH044E DHKCFH170E DMKCFH171E DKKCFH172E DMKCFH173E DKKCFH179E DKKCFH300E DKKCFH435E DHKCFH436E OPERAND KISSING OR INVALID SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEM name EXCEEDS STORAGE SYSTEM name VOLID volid NOT HOUNTED SYSTEM name DASD vaddr INCOMPATIBLE SYSRES SYSTEM name REQUIRES DASD vaddr SYSTEM name VOLID volid NOT CP OWNED SAVE REQUEST BEYOND VIRTUAL KACHINE SIZE PAGING ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM INTERRUPT PENDING TO PROCEED, TYPE YES. TO END, TYPE NO DMKCF0003E DMKCF0006E DKKCF0013E DMKCF0020E DMKCF0021E DMKCF0026E DMKCF0040E DMKCF0041E DMKCF0045E DKKCF0046E DKKCF0140E DMKCF0143E DMKCF0175E DKKCF0175E DMKCF0184E DMKCF0186E DKKCF0188E DHKCF0250E DKKCF0255w INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr CONFLICTING OPTION - option USERID KISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST LOGKSG nn DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON type raddr OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEK {FAVOREDIRESERVEINETWORK TRACE} ALREADY IN USE BY userid {FAVOREDIRESERVEINETWORK TRACElname} ALREADY IN USE BY userid VK ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE [ON PROCESSOR proe addrJ CP ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE 370E IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) 370E FEATURE NOW DISABLED DKKCFP046E DMKCFP164E DKKCFP179E DMKCFP435E type raddr OFFLINE HEXLOC hexloe NON-ADDRESSABLE STORAGE SYSTEK name VOLID volid NOT CP OWNED PAGING ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM DMKCFS003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKCFS006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr 250 IBM V8/370 System Kessages DMK DMKCFS026E DKKCFS044E DMKCFS045E DMKCFS046E DMKCFS052E DMKCFS05~E DKKCFS170E DKKCFS171E DKKCFS175E DMKCFS175E DMKCFS179E DKKCFS183E DMKCFS184E DKKCFS187E DMKCFSi88E DMKCFS1891 DKKCFS1901 DKKCFS250E DMKCFS251E OPERAND KISSING OR INVALID SYSTEK name DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON DEV type raddr OFFLINE ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY SYSTEK name EXCEErS STORAGE SYSTEM name VOLID volid NOT KOUNTED {FAVORED I RESERVE I NETWORK TRACE} ALREADY IN USE BY user id {FAVOREDIRESERVEINETWORK TRACElname} ALREADY IN USE BY userid SYSTEM name VOLID volid NOT CP OWNED VM ASSIST NOT ACTIVE VK ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE TIMER ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE AFFINITY NOT SET; SYSTEK IN UNIPROCESSOR MODE NO AFFINI'l'Y SPECIFIED IN THE DIRECTORY 370E IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) 370E IS NOT ACTIVE DMKCFT002E INVALID OPERAND - operand DMKCFT006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr DHKCFT026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DMKCFV062E DMKCFV063E DMKCFV080E DMKCFV082E ECMODE NOT SET ON SHADOW TABLE BYPASS; NOT SET NO PREALLOCATED VMSAVE AREA MORE THAN ONE VMS AVE AREA ALLOCATED; MUST SPECIFY AREA NAME DMKCKP900W DMKCKP901W DKKCKP902W DMKCKP910W DKKCKP911W DMKCKP922W DHKCKP9601 DHKCKP961 W SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; PROGRAK CHECK RECOVERY FAILURE; MACHINE CHECK, RUN SEREP RECOVERY FAILURE; FATAL I/O ERROR-{NUCL CYLIWARM CYL} RECOVERY FAILURE: INVALID WARM START CYLINDER SYSTE~ RECOVERY FAILURE: WARM START AREA FULL SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; INVALID SPOOLING DATA SYSTEM WARM STAR~ DATA SAVED SYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE DMKCKS4001 DKKCKS4011 DMKCKS903i DMKCKS912W DMKCKS915E DHKCKS9i6E DMKCKS917E DMKCKS917E SYSTEM CHECKPOINT AREA FULL SYSTEM CHECKPOINT AREA 90 PERCENT FULL SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOLID 'volid' ALLOCATION ERROR CYLINDER 'cylinder' SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOlID 'volid' NOT MOUNTED PERMANENT I/O ERROR eN CHECKPOINT CYLINDER ERROR ALLOCATING SPOOL FILE BUFFERS CHECKPOINT CYLINDER INVALID; CLEAR STORAGE AND COLD START CHECKPOINT CYLINDER INVALID; CLEAR STORAGE AND COLD START DMKCLK437E NO DASD SPACE AVAILABLE - IPL TERMINATED DMKCLK970W TOD CLOCK SYNC CHECK RECEIVED DMKCNS4541 DMKCNS4551 DMKCNS5001 DMKCNS5011 DMKCNS5021 DMKCNS5031 DKKCNS5041 DKKCNS5051 DKKCNS5271 DMKCNS5281 LINE lINE CONS CONS CONS CONS CONS CONS CONS CONS raddr DISABLED 'addr' CC=3 NOT OPERATIONAL 'addr' CMD REJECT CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID='userid' 'addr' INT BEQ 'addr' BUSOUT CK CKD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID=' userid, 'addr' EQUIP CK CKD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' 'addr' DATA CK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' 'addr' OVERRUN CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' 'addr' lOST DATA CKD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID=' userid, 'addr' TIMEOUT CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKCPB005E DMKCPB006E DHKCPB012E DMKCPB022E DMKCPB026E DMKCPB040E INVALID REXDAT! - hexdata INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID PSi - psw VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND HISSING OR INVALID DEV addrD()ES NOT EXIST DMKCPI131E DMKCPI185E DMKCPI913I DMKCPI950A DMKCPI951I INSUFFICIENT FBEE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR {ATTACHILOGON} REQUEST CP ASSIST LEVEL xx DOES NOT MATCH CP LEVEL 1Y CP OWNED VOlID xxxxxx INVALID FOR 3330V AUTO LOGON FAILEt; EXPLICIT LOGON REQUIRED CP VOLID volid NeT MCUNTED Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Hessage Identifier 251 DftK DMKCPI952I DMKCPI953I DMKCPI954E DMKCPI955W DMKCPI9571 DMKCPI9581 DMKCPI959W DMKCPI9601 DMKCPI961W nnnnnK SYSTEM STORAGE UNABLE TO ALLOCATE SYSTEM AUTO DUMP DASD raddr VOLID volid NCT MOUNTED; DUPLICATE OF DASD raddr INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FCR VM/370 STOR sssssK, NUC nnnK, DYN dddddK, TRA tttK, FREE ffffK, V=R vvvvvK ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT OPERATIONAL ATTACHED PROCESSOR NeT ONLINE SYSTEM WARM STAR~ DATA SAVED SYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE DMKCPS003E DftKCPS021E DMKCPS026E DMKCPS040E DMKCPS049E DMKCPS123E DMKCPS124E DMKCPS140E DMKCPS142E DHKCPS143E DMKCPS144W DMKCPS192E INVALID OPTION - option RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST LINE (addr) IN USE DASD raddr CP OWNED DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT DRAINED type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM type vaddr RESET BY userid VARY PROCESSOR COHMAND FAILED DMKCPU021E RADDR MISSING OR INVALID DMKCPU191E PROCESSOR nn DOES NOT EXIST DMKC~U192E VARY PROCESSOR COMMAND FAILED DftKCPU1931 PROCESSOR nn ONLINE DMKCPU194I PROCESSOR nn OFFLINE DMKCPV003E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc DMKCPV006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr DMKCPV007E INVALID USERID - userid DMKCPV009E INVALID RANGE - rangE D"KCPV020E USERID MISSING OR INVALID DMKCpv021E RADDR MISSING OR INVALID DMKCPV026E OPERAND HISSING OR INVALID DMKCPV033E HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID DMKCPV040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKCPV045E userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKCPVOQ6E type raddr OFFLINE DHKCPV140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKCPV160E HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE DHKCPV1651 PAGE hexloc NOT LCCKED; SHARED PAGE DMKCPV176E VIRT=REAL AREA IN USE BY userid oMKCPV202E VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; INSUFFICIENT STORAGE DMKCPV203E V=R AREA REQUIRES IPl BY DEVICE ADDRESS DHKCPV204E INVALID PAGE(S) SPECIFIED, V=R AREA D~KCPV004E DMKCQG020E DMKCQG022E DMKCQG027E DMKCQG028E DMKCQG040E DMKCQG042E DMKCQG045E USERID MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST SPOOLID nnnn DOES NO~ EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKCQP003E DHKCQP006E DMKCQP020E DMKCQP021E DMKCQP022E DMKCQP040E DMKCQP045E DMKCQP4661 INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr USERID HISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGEr ON CTLR cUU IN BUFFER SlOWDCWN HODE D~KCQR003E INVALID OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKCQR020E DMKCQR026E DMKCQR028E DMKCQR045E 252 IBM VM/370 System Messages DMK DMKCQY020E USERID MISSING OR INVALID DHKCQY026E OPERAND HISSING OB INVALID DHKCQY045E userid NOT LOGGED ON DHKCSB003E DHKCSB006E DHKCSB013E DMKCSB021E DHKCSB022E DHKCSB026E DMKCSB028E DMKCSB031E DHKCSB036E DHKCSB040E DMKCSB043E DHKCSB046E DHKCSB140E DHKCSB142E DHKCSB148E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr CONFLICTING OPTION - option RADDE HISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND HISSING OB INVALID CLASS HISSING OR INVALID BUFFER HISSING OR INVALID INDEX HISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST BUFFER name DOES NOT EXIST type raddr OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TC userid type raddr NOT DRAINED type raddr BUFFER LOAD name FAILED DMKCS0003E DHKCS0006E DHKCS0013E DHKCS0021E DHKCS0028E DHKCS0030E DHKCS0040E DMKCS0046E DMKCS0140E DHKCS0141E DMKCS0243E DMKCS0244E DHKCS0245E DHKCS0246E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr CONFLICTING OPTION - option RADDR MISSING OB INVALID CLASS HISSING OR INVALID COPIES MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST type raddr OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TC userid type raddr NOT ACTIVE FLASH HISSING OR INVALID IMAGE LIBRARY HISSING OR INVALID CHARS MISSING OR INVALID FCB HISSING OR INVALID DHKCSP003E DHKCSP006E DHKCSP007E DHKCSP013E DHKCSP020E DHKCSP022E DMKCSP026E DHKCSP028E DHKCSP029E DHKCSP030E DMKCSP032E DHKCSP040E DHKCSP053E DMKCSP243E DHKCSP245E DHKCSP246E DHKCSP253E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID USERID - userid CONFLICTING OPTION - option USERID HISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND HISSING OB INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID FNAME FTYPE HISSING eR INVALID COPIES HISSING OR INVALID DIST CODE HISSING OB INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIS~ userid NOT IN CP tIRECTORY FLASH HISSING OR INVALID CHARS HISSING OR INVALID FCB HISSING OR INVALID HODIFY HISSING OR INVALID DHKCST003E DHKCST006E DHKCST022E DHKCST026E DHKCST027E DHKCST040E DHKCST042E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr VADDR HISSING OR INVALID OPERAND HISSING OR INVALID SPOOIID HISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NO~ EXIST SPOOLID nnnn DOES NO~ EXIST DPrKCSUOO'3E DHKCSU006E DHKCSU007E DHKCSU008E DHKCSU013E DHKCS-U020E DMKCSU026E DHKCSU027E DHKCSU028E DHKCSU029E DHKCSU030E DHKCSU032E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE ·TYPE - addr INVALID USERID - userid INVALID SPOOLID -spoolid CONFLICTING OPTION - option USERID HISSING OR INVALID OPERAND HISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID HISSING OR INVALID CLASS HISSING OR INVALID FIAHE FTYPE HISSING eR INVALID COPIES HISSING OR INVALID DIST CODE MISSING OR INVALID Appendix B. Hessage Summary Alphamerically by Hessage Identifier 253 DMK DMKCSU035E DMKCSU042E DMKCSU053E DMKCSU243E DMKCSU245E DMKCSU246E DMKCSU253E DEVICE TYPE MISSING CR INVALID SPOOLID nnnn DOES NO~ EXIST userid NOT IN CP tIRECTORY FLASH MISSING OR INVALID CHARS MISSING OR INVALID FCB MISSING OR INVALID MODIFY MISSING OR INVALID DMKDAS5001 DMKDAS501A DMKDAS5021 DMKDAS5031 DMKDAS504D DMKDAS5041 DMKDAS505D DMKDAS505D DASD 'addr' CMD REJECT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DASD 'addr' INT REQ CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DASD 'addr' BUSOUT CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' DASD 'addr' EQUIF CK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DASD 'addr' DA~A CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchb' DASD 'addr' DATA CK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='CSW' USERID= 'userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' DASD 'addr' OVERRUN CK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' DASD 'addr' OVERRUN CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' r {BBCCHH=' bbcchh' I BLOCK=' nnnnnn'} 1 DASO 'add,' OVFRRUN CK CHD='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= 'userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' DASD 'addr' OVERRUN CK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= 'userid' r {BBCCHH='bbcchh' IBICCK='nnnnnn'} 1 DASD 'addr' TRKCOND CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' DASD 'addr' SEEK CK C!D='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' DASD 'addr' PERM ERRCR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID=' userid, DASD 'addr' TRKOVERUN CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' DASD 'addr' FILE PROT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DASD 'addr' FILE PROT CMD='clI' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' r {BBCCHH=' bbcchh' IBLOCK='nnnnnn'} ] DASD 'addr' ADDMRK CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' DASD 'addr' BAD SENSE CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID=·userid' DASD 'addr' BAt SENSE CMD='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [ {BBCCHH='bbcchh' IBLOCK='nnnnnn'}] DASD 'addr' NOT/KNOWN CHD='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' DASD 'addr' NOT/KNOWN CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' r {BBCCHH=' bbcchh' IBLOCK='nnnnnn'}] DASD 'addr' RECV ERRCR CMD='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DASD 'addr' RECV ERROR CMD=' CII' SNS=' sense' CSW= 'csw' USERID= 'llserid' r {BBCCHH=' bbcchh' I BICCK=' nnnnnn'} ] DASD 'addr' CHAN ERRCR CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DASD 'addr' CHAN ERROR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' r {BBCCHH=' bbcchh' I BLGCK=' nnnnnn'} ] DASD CUll VOLID volid NOT HOUNTED; NOi OFFLINE DMKD~S5Q51 DMKDAS5051 DHKDAS5061 DMKDAS507D DMKDAS5081 DMKDAS5091 DHKDAS5131 DMKDAS5131 DHKDAS514D DKKDAS5161 DKKDAS5161 DHKDAS517E DMKDAS517E DHKDAS5181 DMKDAS5181 DMKDAS5201 DHKDAS5201 DHKDAS956A DMKDAU5301 DASD 'addr' CHECK DATA CMD='clI' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' BLOCK='nnnnnn' DMKDAU5361 cUU REPORTS DISAELED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE=cccc; NOTIFY CE DMKDDR700E DMKDDR701E DMKDDR702E DMKDDR703E DMKDDR704E DMKDDR705E DMKDDR705E DMKDDR707E DMKDDR708E DMKDDR709E DHKDDR710A DMKDDR711R DMKDDR712E DHKDDR713E DMKDDR714E DMKDDR715E DMKDDR716R DHKDDR717R DMKDDR718E DMKDDR719E DMKDDR720E DMKDDR721E DMKDDR721E DMKDDR722E DMKDDR723E DMKDDR724E 254 INPUT UNIT IS NOT A CPVOL INVALID OPERAND - operand CONTROL STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR OPERAND MISSING DEV cuu NOT OPERATIONAL 10 ERROR cuu CSW csw SENSE sense INPUT bbcchh OUTPUT bbcchh CCW ccv 10 ERROR cuu CSW csw SENSE sense INPUT {bbcchhlnnnnnn} OUTPUT bbcchh CCW ccw MACHINE CHECK RUN SEFEP AND SAVE OUTPUT FOR CE INVALID INPUT OR OUTFUT DEFINITION WRONG INPUT TAPE MOUNTED DEV cUU INTERVENTION REQUIRED VOLID READ IS volid2 [NOT volid1] DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES NO OR REREAD: NUMBER OF EXTENTS EXCEEDS 20 OVERLAPPING OR INVALID EXTENTS RECORD bbcchh NOT FOUND ON TAPE LOCATION bbcchh IS A FLAGGED TRACK NO VOL1 LABEL FOUND [FOR volser] DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES OR NO OR REREAD: DATA DUMPED FROM volid1 TO BE RESTORED TO volid2. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES NO OR REREAD: OUTPUT UNIT IS FILE PROTECTED INVALID FILE NAME OR FILE NOT FOUND ERFOR IN routine RECORD cchhr NOT FOUND RECORD {cchhrlnnnnnn} NOT FOUND OUTPUT UNIT NOT PROPERLY FORMATTED FOR THE CP NUCLEUS NO VALID CP NUCLEUS ON THE INPUT UNIT INPUT TAPE CONTAINS A CP NUCLEUS DUKP IBM VM/370 System Messages DliK ORIGINAL INPUT DEVICE WiS (ISj LARGER THAN OUTPUT DEVICE. DO YOU WISH RESPOND YES OR NO: DlIKDDR726E 1I0VING DATA INTO THE ALTERNATE TRACK CYLINDER(S) IS PROHIBITED DlIKDDR727E FLAGGED TRK xxxxxxxxxx HAS NO PROPER ALTERNATE; SKIPPING THIS TRK DlIKDDR756E PROGRAli CHECK PSW = psw D~KDDR725R TO CONTINUE? DlIKDEF003E DlIKDEF022E DlIKDEF024E D!KDEF024E DlIKDEF025E D!KDEF026E D!KDEF040E INVALID OPTION - option VADDR lIISSING OR INVALID {CYLSIBLKSl !ISSING OR INVALID CYLS lIISSING OR INVALID STORAGE !ISSING CR INVALID OPERAND KISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST D~KDEF091E D!SD vaddr NOT DEFINED; TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE DlIKDEF094E STORAGE EXCEEDS ALLOWED lIAXIlIU! DlIKDEF095E DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE DlIKDEF136E DEV vaddrNOT DEFINED; CHAN x DEDICATED D!KDIA006E DlIKDIAOllE DlIKDIA020E DlIKDIA022E D!KDIA040E D!KDIA045E DlIKDIA047E D!KDIA055E DlIKDIA056E DlIKDIA098E DMKDIA206E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr USERID HISSING OR INVAIlP VADDR HISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON userid vaddr DOES NOT EXIST LINE(S} NOT AVAILABLE ON userid LINE vaddr BUSY ON userid DEV rid 1I0DE SWITCH NOT FOSSIBLE CANNOT CONNECT TO BOST VIRTUAL HiCBINE DlIKDIR751E DlIKDIR752E DlIKDIR753E DlIKDIR754E D!KDIR755E DlIKDIR756E DKKDIR757E DKKDIR758E DlIKDIR760E D!KDIR761E DlIKDIR762E DKKDIR763E DMKDIB764E INVALID OPERAND - xxxxxx STATEliENT SEQUENCE ERROR FOLLOWING USER user OPERAND !ISSING DEV cuu NOT OPERATIONAL 10 ERROR cuu CSW csv SENSE sense PROGRAK CHECK PSW = psv lIACHINE CHECK RUN SEREP AND SAVE OUTPUT FOR CE DUPLICATE UNIT DEFINITION NOT ENOUGH SPACE ALLOCATED FOR DIRECTORY VOLID READ IS volid1 NOT volid2 DIRECTORY STATE!ENT lIISSING INVALID FILENA!E OR FILE NOT FOUND ERROR IN routine DlIKDMP905i DMKD!P906i DlIKDlIP907W DlIKDMP9081 DlIKDlIP909W SYSTEM SYSTE! SISTEli SISTEK SISTEK DUliP FAILURE; PReGRA! CHECK DUlIP FAILURE; lIACHINE CHECK, RUN SEREP DUliP FAILURE; FATAL I/O ERROR FAILURE; CeDE - code DUliP DEVICE NCT-READY D!KDSB956A DASD cuu VOLID volid NCT 1I0UNTED; NOi OFFLINE DlIKDSP450W CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSi IpSV' DlIKDSP452W CP ENTERED; EXTERNAL INTERRUPT LOOP DlIKFlIT730E DlIKFlIT732E D!KF!T733E D!KFHT734E DHKFMT734E DKKF!T735E D8KF8T736E DlIKFlIT736E DMKFMT737E DlIKFKT738A D1IKFllT739E DKKFlIT740E DKKFMT756E DEV cUU NOT OPERATIONAL OR NOT READY KACHINE CHECK RUN SEREP AND SAVE OUTPUT FOR CE VOLID READ IS volid1 NOT volid2 TYPE OR CYL INVALID TIPE OR {CYLIPAG} INVALID FATAL DASD 10 ERROR 10 ERROR cuu CCHBR = cchhr SENSE = sense 10 ERROR cuu {CCHBR = cchhrlBLOCK = nnnnnn} SENSE = sense INVALID OPERAND DEV cuu INTERVENTION REQUIRED FLAGGED I>JU1!ABY ~BACK BAS- NO ALTERNATE ASSIGHED;IO ERROR FOLLOWS PACK MOUNTED IS 3340-35, NOT 3340-70. MOUNT ANOTHER OR RESPECIFI PROGRAK CHECK PSW = psv DKKGRF500I DlIKGRF5021 DlIKGRF503I DKKGRF504I GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF laddrl 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' CHD REJECT ClID='c.' SNS='sense' CSi='csv' BUSOUT CK C!D='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' EQUIP CK ClID='c.' SNS='sense' CSi='csv' DATA CK C~D=lc.' SNS='sense' CSW='csv i Appendix B. lIessage Summary Alphamerically by !essaqe Identifier 255 DMK DMKGRF5211 DMKGRF5251 DMKGRF5291 DMKGRF5301 DMKGRF5311 DMKGRF5321 GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' NO DEVICE CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' FORMA~ CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' PARITY CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' UNIT SPEC CMD='cm' SNS='sense' USERID='userid' CONTROL CHECK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' USERID='userid' OP CHECK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' USERID='userid' DMKIOF550E ERROR RECORDING AREA 90 PERCENT FULL; RUN CPEREP DMKIOG551E DMKIOG5521 DMKIOG5531 DMKIOG5581 ERROR RECORDING AREA FULL; RUN CPEREP. FORMATTING ERROR RECORDING AREA ERROR RECORDING AREA CLEARED; USER 'userid' FATAL I/O ERROR; ERIlOR RECORDING DISABLED DMKIOH559W DMKIOH560W DMKIOH560W DMKIOH561W SRF cuu NOT ACCESSIBLE; FRAMES NOT ON ERROR CYLINDERS ERRORS ON SRF cuu: FRAME NOT ON ERROR CYLINDERS ERRORS ON SRF cuu: FRAME NOT IN I/O ERROR AREA MORE THAN 50 MCH OR CCH FRAMES WERE READ FROM SRF cuu DMKJRL1451 USERID:userid AT term-raddr WITH INVALID {LINKILOGON} VIOLATED THE LIMIT OF yyy [,A=auserid] PASSWORD NO.xxx DMKLNK020E DHKLNK022E DMKLNK052E DHKLNKOS3E DHKLNK101W DMKLNK102W DHKLNK103w DMKLNK104E DMKLNK10SE DHKLNK106E DHKLNK107E DMKLNK108E DMKLNK109E DMKLNKll0E DMKLNK111E DMKLNK112E DMKLNK113E DMKLRK114E DMKLNK115E DHKLNKl16E DMKLNK117E DMKLNK118E DMKLNK119E DHKLNK137E DHKLNK139E DMKLNK2811 USERID MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID ERROR IN CP DIREC~ORY userid NOT IN CP CIRECTORY DASD vaddr FORCED R/C; R/O BY {nnn USERSluserid} DASD vaddr FORCED R/C; R/W BY {nnn USERSluserid} DASD vaddr FORCED R/O; R/W BY {nnn USERSluserid}; R/O BY {nnn USERSluserid} userid vaddr NOT LINKED; R/O BY {nnn USERSluserid} userid vaddr NOT LINKED; R/W BY {nnn USERSluserid} userid vaddr NOT LINKED; R/W BY nnn USERS; R/O BY {nnn USERSluseridJ userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NOT IN CP DIRECTORY userid vaddr NOT LINKED; VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED userid vaddr NOT LINKED; INVALID LINK DEVICE userid vaddr NOT LINKED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO READ PASSWORD userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO WRITE PASSWORD userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO MULT PASSWORD userid vaddr NOT LINKED; PASSWORD INCORRECT LINK INVALID; EXCESSIVE INCORRECT PASSWORDS USERID xxx NOT LINKED; CP DIRECTORY IN USE USERID userid NOT LINKED; VOLID volid CONFLICT userid vaddr NOT LINKED; COMMAND FORHAT NOT VALID USERID vaddr NOT LINKED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE DASD vaddr NOT LINKED; CHAN x DEDICATED DASD addr NOT LINKED; 3330V NOT ACCEPTED AS SYSTEM VOLUME MSS VOL $ NOT LINKED; DEMNT IN PROCESS, RETRY DMKLOG003E DMKLOG020E DMKLOG050E DMKLOGOS1E DMKLOG052E DMKLOG053E DMKLOGOS4E DMKLOG067E DMKLOG080E DMKLOG081W DMKLOG082E DMKLOG090E DMKLOG091E DMKLOG092E DMKLOG093E DMKLOG09SE DMKLOG131E DMKLOG188E DMKLOG189I DMKLOG206E DMKLOG250E DMKLOG251E INVALID OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID PASSWORD INCORRECT MAXIMUM USERS EXCEEDED ERROR IN CP DIFECTORY userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY ALREADY LOGGED ON {LINEIGRAF} raddr COMMAND FORMAT NOT VALID NO PREALLOCATED VMSAVE AREA VMSAVE AREA CONTAINS A SAVED SYSTEM, MUST USE SET COMMAND MORE THAN ONE VMSAVE AREA ALLOCATED, MUST SPECIFY AREA NAHE DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; DEV {raddrlvolser} NOT AVAILABLE DASD vaddr NOT DEFINEr; TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR {ATTACHILOGON} REQUEST SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE AFFINITY NOT SET; SYSTEM IN UNIPROCESSOR MODE CANNOT CONNECT TO HOST VIRTUAL MACHINE 370E IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) 370E IS NOT ACTIVE 256 IBM VM/370 System Messages (psvd) HAS DMK DMKMCC002E DMKMCC003E DMKMCC006E DMKMCC021E DMKMCC026E DMKMCC040E DMKMCC046E DMKMCC140E DMKMCC143E DMKMCC211E DMKMCC213E DMKHCC215E DMKMCC216E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST type raddr OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TC userid type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM MONITOR TAPE IS ALREADY ACTIVE MONITOR CPTRACE IS AlREADY ACTIVE MONITOR ACTIVE; DASTAP CANNOT BE ENABLED DYNAMICAllY SYSPROF CLASS REQUIRES SCHEDULE AND DASTAP DMK~CC217E MONITOR TAPE NOT STARTED, NO CLASS ENABLED DMKMCD002E DMKMCD021E DMKMCD026E DMKMCD040E DMKMCD212E DMKMCD214E DMKMCD218E DMKMCD222E DMKMCD223E DMKMCD224E DMKMCD226E DHKMCD227E DMKMCD228E INVALID OPERAND - operand RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST MONITOR TAPE IS NOT ACTIVE MONTIOR CPTRACE IS NOT ACTIVE MONITOR NOT STOPPED, OUTSTANDING TAPE I/O TIME PARAMETER SPECIFIES INVALID TIME START TIME MUST PRECEDE STOP TIME lIMIT MUST BE BETWEEN 10 and 50000 FOR VALUE MIDNIGHT - COMMAND INVALID FOR OPTION INVALID WITH AUTODISK OFF FOR OPTION INVALID WITH MONITOR ON DMKMCH003E DMKMCH026E DMKMCH610W DMKMCH611W DMKMCH612W DMKMCH613I DMKMCH6141 DMKMCH6151 DMKMCH6161 DMKMCH617I DMKMCH618I DMKMCH6191 DMKMCH622W DMKMCH6241 INVALID OPTION - option OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID MACHINE CHECK SUPERVISOR DAMAGE cpuid MACHINE CHECK SYSTEM INTEGRITY lOST cpuid MACHINE CHECK TIMING FACILITIES DAMAGE; RUN SEREP cpuid SOFT MACHINE CHECK RECORDING DISABLED cpuid MACHINE CHECK; DAMAGED PAGE NOW DELETED cpuid MACHINE CHECK RECORDING FAILURE cpuid MACHINE CHECK; USER user id TERMINATED cpuid MACHINE CHECK; BUFFER OR D1AT DAMAGE cpuid {INSTRUCTION RETRYIMAIN STORAGE} NOW IN {RECORDIQUIET} MODE cpuid MACHINE CHECK; OPERATION TERMINATED cpuid MACHINE CHECK; MULTIPLE CHANNEL ERRORS MACHINE CHECK; EXTERNAL DAMAGE cpuid DMKMCT610W DMKMCT611W DMKMCT612W DMKMCT616I DMKMCT619I DMKMCT620I DMKMCT621I DMKMCT6231 MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE CHANNEL CHECK; SUPERVISOR DAMAGE cpuid CHECK; SYSTEM INTEGRITY LOST cpuid CHECK; TIMING FACILITIES DAMAGE cpuid CHECK; USER userid TERMINATED cpuid CHECK; EXTERNAL DAMAGE CHECK; ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT BEING USED cpuid CHECK; AFFINITY SET OFF cpuid SET CONNECTED TO ATTACHED PROCESSOR DMKMIA229E MONITOR OUT OF DASD PAGES, IS SHUTTING OFF DMKMID310E DATE date INVALID; NOT CHANGED DMKMNI002E INVALID OPERAND - operand DMKMNI225E INVALID MONITOR USERID SPECIFIED, MON NOT STARTED DMKKON219I END OF MONITOR TAPE, MONITOR STOPPED BY SYSTEM DMKMON2201 ERROR ON MONITOR TAPE, MeNITOR STOPPED BY SYSTEK DMKMSG003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKMSG020E USERID MISSING OR INVALID DMKMSG~45E userid NOT LOGGEfrON DMKMSG057W userid NOT RECEIVING; {DISCOHNECTEDIMSG OFFISMSG OFFINOT AUTHORIZEDIWNG OFF} DHKNES002E DKKNES004E DKKNES006E DMKNES009E DMKNES021E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID HEX10C - bexloc INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID RANGE - range RADDR MISSING OR INVALID Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 257 DMK DMKNES026E DHKNES040E DHKNES046E DHKNES049E DHKNES09aE DHKNES140E DHKNES160E DHKNES115E DHKNES106E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST {DE V ridltype raddr} OFFLINE LINE addr IN USE DEV rid MODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE CTLR raddr ATTACHED TC userid HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE NETWORK TRACE ALREADY IN USE BY userid LINE addr NOT ENABLED DMKNET002E DHKNET003E DHKNET004E DHKNET006E DHKNET009E DMKNET021E DHKNET026E DMKNET033E DMKNET040E DHKNET046E DHKNET049E DHKNET09aE DHKNET140E DHKNET160E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID RANGE - range RADDR HISSING OR INVALID OPERAND HISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE LINE addr IN USE DEV rid HODE SWITCH NCT POSSIBLE type raddr ATTACHED TC userid HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE DHKNLD002E DHKNLD006E DHKNLD021E DMKNLD026E DMKNLD040E DHKNLD044E DHKNLD046E DHKNLD140E DMKNLD143E DMKNLD110E DHKNLD111E DMKNLD460E DMKNLD461R DMKNLD410E nMKNI.DU11F. INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND HISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST type raddr OFFLINE CTLR raddr ATTACHED TC userid CTLR raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM SYSTEM name EXCEEIS STORAGE SYSTE! name VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED CTLR raddr LOAD FAILED: PROGRAM CHECK CTLR raddr IPL NOT REQUIRED; ENTER 'YES' TO -CONTINUE CTLR raddr LOAD FAILED: PAGING I/O ERROR CTI,R raddr LOAD FilLED: UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR DHKNLE003E DHKNLE006E DMKNLE021E DMKNLE040E DMKNLE046E DMKNLE140E DHKNLE143E DHKNLE460E DMKNLE461R DHKNLE4641 DMKNLE469E DMKNLE410E DMKNLE471E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST type raddr OFFLINE CTLR raddr ATTACHED TC userid CTLR raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM CTLR raddr DUMP FAILED: PROGRAM CHECK CTLR raddr IPL NOT REQUIRED; ENTER "YES" TO CONTINUE CTLR raddr CC=3; rEPRESS 310x "LOAD" BOTTON CTLR raddr DUMP FAILED: TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE CTLR raddr DUMP FAILED: PAGING I/O ERROR CTLR raddr DUMP FAILED: UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR DMKNMT241I DMKNHT24aE DMKNMT249E DHKNHT254E DHKNHT256E DMKNHT257E 3800 NAMED SYSTEM iaag3800 CREATED SPECIFIED IMAGE imag NON-EXISTENT ERROR LOADING IMAG imag ERROR SAVING imag3800 - RC = (rc) INSUFFICIENT VIRTUAL STORAGE RESIDUAL BYTE COUNT = nnnnnnnn (HEX) DHKPAG415E CONTINUOUS PAGING ERRORS FROM DASD xxx DHKPGT4001 SYSTEH TEHP SPACE FOLL DMKPGT4011 SYSTEH TEHP SPACE 90 PERCENT FULL DHKPRG411W CP ENTERED; TRANSLATION EXCEPTION; WHILE IN NON-EC MODE DHKPRG453W CP ENTERED; PROGRAM INTERRUPT LOOP DMKPTR410W CP ENTERED; PAGING ERRCR 258 IBM V8/310 System Hessaqes D"K DMKQVM020E DMKQVMSOOE DMKQVMS01E DMKQVM802E DMKQVMS03E DMKQVMS06E DMKQVM807E DMKQVMS09E USERID MISSING OR COMMAND REJECTED, FREE STORAGE PAGE COMMAND REJECTED, COMMAND REJECTED, COMMAND REJECTED, COMMAND REJECTED, COMMAND REJECTED, INVALID OTHER VIRTUAL MACHINES LOGGED ON IS NOT AVAILABLE DEVICES NOT DEDICATED SPOOL DEVICES NOT DRAINED VIRTUAL ADDRESS NOT EQUAL TO REAL ADDRESS VM/370 ATTACHED PROCESSOR MODE TRACE/ADSTOP IN EFFECT DMKRGA4541 LINE addr DISABLED DMKRGA4551 LINE 'addr' CC=3 NOT OPERATIONAL DHKRGA705I I/O ERROR RESID=resource id STATUS=status LINE=addr DMKRNDS501 DMKRND8511 DMKRND8521 DMKRND8531 DMKRNDS60I DMKRNDS61E DMKRNDS63E UNABLE TO READ DUMP FRCM READER TEN DUMP FILES ALREADY EXIST FATAL I/O ERROR WRITING DUMP NO DUMP FILES EXIST FATAL I/O ERROR READING DUMP DUMP FILE filename NCT FCUND INVALID PARAMETER - parameter DMKRNH4541 DMKRNH4621 DMKRNH4631 DMKRNH4641 DMKRNH4651 DMKRNH4681 DEV rid DISABLED CTLR raddr UNIT CHECK; IPL REQUIRED CTLR 'raddr' UNIT CHECK; RESTART IN PROGRESS CTLR raddr CC=3; DEPRESS 370X "LOAD" BUTTON LINE TRACE TERMINATED DUE TO ERROR CTLR raddr COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER FAILURE DMKRSE240E DMKRSE241E DMKRSE242E DMKRSE2521 DMKRSE2551 DMKRSE5001 DMKRSE501A DMKRSE5011 DMKRSE5021 DMKRSE503A DMKRSE5031 DMKRSE504A DMKRSE504I DMKRSE505A DMKRSE50S1 DMKRSE520A DMKRSES201 DMKRSE5211 DMKRSE5241 DMKRSE5251 DMKRSE5291 PRT cuu, FCB-FORMS MISMATCH 6 FILEID nnnn {HELDIPURGED} PRT cuu, INVALID LOAD MODULE mmmm SPECIFIED, FILE nnnn {HELDIPURGEDl PRT cuu (3800) INiERVENTION RECQD, STATUS CODE cc PRT cuu, FILE nnnn REQUEUED AND HELD PRT cuu, PAGE BUFFER DESTROYED, BACKUP PAGE COUNT = nnnn {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' CHD REJECT CMD='cm' SNS='sense l CSW=ICSW' USERID='userid' {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' INT REQ {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' INT REQ CMD='cm' SNS='sense' {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addrl BUSOUT CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' EQUIP CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' EQUIP CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' {RDRIPRT} 'addr' DATA CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' DATA CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' RDR 'addrl OVERRUN CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense l {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addi' PERM ERROR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW=ICSW' USERID='userid' {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' PERM ERROR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' CHAN ERROR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' NO DEVICE CMD='cm' SNS='sense' {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr t LOAD CHECK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' FORMAT CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' PARITY CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' DMKRSP426E DMKRSP428E DMKRSP428E DMKRSP428E DMKRSP431A DMKRSP432A DMKRSP433A DMKRSP434A RDR PRT PUN RDR RDB RDR RDR RDR DMKSAV350W DMKSAV351W DMKSAV352W DMKSAV353W DASD raddr SYSBES VOIID NOT aaaaaa DASD raddr SYSRES NOT READY FAT1L DASD I/O EEROR SYSRES DEVICE TYPE INVALID DMKSNC044E DMKSNC171E DMKS-NC178E DMKSNC179E DMKSNC435E SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM PAGING raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr SPOOL SPACE FULL; FILE PURGED SPOOL EBROR; FILE HELD SPOOL EEROR; FltE HELD SPOOL EBROR; FILE PURGED ID CARD MISSING OR INVALID ID CARD; , userid' NOT IN CP DIRECTORY 10 CARD; INVALID DATA - 'data' FATAL I/O ERBOR; FILE PURGED name DOES NOT EXIST name VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED name EXCEEDS AVAILABLE DASD SPACE name VOlID volid NOT CP OWNED ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 259 DMK DMKSPH026E DHKSPH804E DHKSPM805E DMKSPK8081 OPERAND HISSING OR INVALID SINGLE PROCESSOR "ODE CN REJECTED SINGLE PROCESSOR MOD! OFF REJECTED SINGLE PROCESSOR MODE ACTIVE DMKSPS014E DMKSPS026E DMKSPS026E DMKSPS028E DKKSPS028E DMKSPS037E DMKSPS037E DMKSPS426E DMKSPS428E DMKSPS428E TAPE raddr DUMP TAPE CAPACITY EXCEEDED OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID !APE raddr INVALID FOR STORAGE COMMAND TAPE raddr INVALID FOR STORAGE COMMAND {RDRITAPE} raddr SPOCL SPACE FULL; FILE PURGED {PRTIPUNIRDR} raddr SFCOL ERROR; FILE {HELDIPURGED} {PRTIPUNIRDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE {HELDIPURGED} DKKSPT002E DMKSPT003E DMKSPT006E DKKSPT008E DMKSPT021E DMKSPT040E DMKSPT046E DMKSPT140E DMKSPT143E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID SPOOLID - spoolid RADDR KISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST {DE V ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TC userid type raddr IN US! BY SYSTEM DMKSSS071E DMKSSS072E DMKSSS075E DMKSSS0881 DMKSSS438E DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - MSS CANNOT BE ACCESSED DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - 'raddr' NOT PROPER TYPE DEVICE 'raddr' IS NOT AVAILABLE MSS MOUNT PROCEEDING FCR VOLUME 'volid' DEVICE IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR ATTACH DMKSST070E DMKSST072E DMKSST013E DMKSST018E shared-status MSS DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - 'raddr' NOT PROPER TYPE MSS DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - REASON CODE xx KSS ~OUNT PROCEEDING FCR VOLUME 'volid' DMKSSU074E MISSING INTERRUPT - tFVICE 'raddr' DMKTAPI)OO1 TAPE 'addr' CMD REJECT CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID=' userid' ut;I"'m" ,....1::'1\1, Ul'ln.LtlrJVI,a ~ addr' INT tl1:'n DMKTAP5021 TAPE 'addr' BUSOUT CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID= 'userid' DMKTAP5031 TAPE 'addr' EQUIP CK CMD='cm' S NS=' sense' CSW='csv' USERID= 'userid' DMKTAP504D 'lAPE ' addr' DATA CK CMD='cII' SNS=I sense' CSW=ICSV' OSERID= 'userid' DMKTAP505D TAPE I addr' OVERRUN CK CMD='clI' SNS=' sense' CSW='csv' OSERID=' userid ' DMKTAP51 01 TAPE 'addr' CONVERT CK CHD='cm' SNS=' sense' CSW='csv' OSERID='userid' DMKTAP511I TAPE ' addr' COKPAT CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' OSERID=' userid DMKTAP5121 TAPE ' addr' LOAD POINT CHD=' cm' SNS=' sense' CSW='csv' OSERID=' userid ' DMKTAP5131 TAPE 'addr' FILE PROT CHD='clI' SNS=' sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' DMKTA P5161 TAPE 'addr' BAD SENSE CHD=' cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv l OSERID='userid' DMKTAP517I TAPE 'addr' NOT/KNOWN CMD='cm' SNS=' sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' DMKTAP5181 TAPE ' addr' RECV ERRCR CMD='cII' SNS='sense' CSW=' csv' USERID= , user id ' DMKTAP5191 TAPE laddr' PE BURST CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW=' csv I OSERID='userid l DMKTAP5201 TAPE 'addr' CHAN ERRCR CHD=' cm' SNS=' sense' CSW='csw' OSERID= , user id ' DMKTAP521I TAPE 'addr' NO DEVICE CMD=I CII' SNS=' sensei CSW='csv' USERID= I user id ' DMKTAP5221 TAPE 'addr' ERASE CK CMD='cm' SNS=' sense' CSW='csw' OSERID=' user id' DMKTAPI)231 TAPE 'addr' CONTROL CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID= '.aserid ' DMKTAP5261 TAPE 'addr' DSE FAILEt CKD= I cm' SNS=' sense' CSW='csw' USERID=' userid ' ft'\1lnT:l T'\ .I.ftr.L:I .l.l.AJ"a:! DKKTCS240E PRT cuu, FCB-FORMS MISMATCH, FILEID nnnn {HELDIPURGED} DKKTCS241E PRT cuu, INVALID LOAD HODOLE mmmm SPECIFIED, FILE nnnn {HELDIPURGED} DMKTHI002E INVALID OPERAND - operand DMKTHI003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKTHI~26E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DKKTHI045E userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKTRA002E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option DMKTRA013E CONFLICTING OPTION - option DMKTRA026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DMKTRA180W TRACE NCT IN EFFECT DMKTFA182E (reserved for IBM use) DMKTR~003E 260 IBM V~/370 System ~essages DMK DMKUDR4751 FATAL 10 ERROR TRYING TO READ DIRECTORY DMKUS0003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKUS0020E USERID MISSING OR INVALID DMKUS0045E userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKVAT064E SHADOW TABLE BYPASS; RESET DMKVCH034E DMKVCH048E DMKVCH129E DMKVCH130E DMKVCH132E DMKVCH138E CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL D~KVDA003E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPF - addr USERID MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID raddr VADDR MISSING OR INVALID vaddr VOLID MISSING OR INVALID CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID DEi addr DOES NOT EXISi userid NOT LOGGED ON type raddr OFFLINE THE 'volid' PARAMETER IS INVALID INVALID REQUEST FOR tEVICE 'nnn' type raddr NOT ATTACHED; userid vaddr ALREADY DEFINED type raddr NOT ATTACHED TO userid type raddr ALREADY A~TACHED TO userid DASD raddr CP OWNED DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS DASD raddr VOLID volid ALREADY ATTACHED TO SYSTEM DASD raddr ERROR REAtING VOLID DASD raddr VOLID volid DOES NOT MATCH DASD raddr ERROR REAtING ALLOCATION RECORD INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR ATTACH REQUEST DASD raddr NOT READY TYPE vaddr NOT ATTACHED; CHAN x DEDICATED TYPE vaddr NOT DETACHED; CHAN x DEDICATED DASD raddr NOT ATTACHED; 3330V NOT ACCEPTED AS SYSTEM VOLUME type raddr ATTACHED TO userid PRT cuu NOT DRAINED type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DASD (addr) NOT ATTACHED, BUSY PERSISTS, IOBSTAT=xx, IOBCSW+4=yyyy DMKVDA006E DMKYDA020E DMKVDA021E DMKVDA022E DMKVDA023E DMKVDA034E DMKVDA040E DMKVDA045E DMKVDA046E DMKVDA076E DMKVDA077E DMKVDA120E DMKVDA121E DHKVDA122E DMKVDA123E DMKVDA124E DMKVDA125E DMKVDA126E DMKVDA127E DMKVDA128E DMKVDA131E DMKVDA133E DMKVDA134E DMKVDA135E DMKVDA139E DMKVDA140E DMKVDA142E DMKVDA143E DMKVDA151I DMKVDD006E DMKVDD020E DMKVDD021E DMKVDD022E DMKVDD040E DMKVDD045E DMKVDDO~E DMKVDD121E DMKVDD123E DMKVDD124E DMKVDn134E DMKVDD135E DMKVDD140E DMKVDD142E DMKVDD143E MISSING OR INVALID x DOES NOT EXIST x DEVICES IN USE x NOT ATTACHED TO userid x ALREAtY DEFINED BY userid x NOT ATTACHEt; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr USERID MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID raddr VADDR MISSING OR INVALID vaddr DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON type raddr OFFLINE type raddr NOT ATTACHED to userid DASD raddr CP OWNED DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID TYPE vaddr NOT DETACHED; CHAN x DEDICATED type raddr ATTACHED TC userid TYPE raddr NOT DRAINED TYPE raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DMKVDS465E CTLR raddr EMULATOR LINES IN USE BY SYSTEM DMKVER5751 I/O ERROR ADD=raddr, USERID= userid DftKV!tA161E SHARED PAGEhexloc AlTERED BY userid DMKVMA456w CP ENTERED; name SHABED PAGE hexloc ALTERED DMKVMD009E INVALID RANGE - range DMKVMD013E CONFLICTING OPTION - option DMKVMD020E USERID MISSING OR INVALID DMKVMD033E HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 261 DMK DMKVMD038E DMKVMD053E DMKVMD1ij61 DMKVMD160E PARAMETER paremeter FCR option OPTION MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT IN CP EIRECTORY DUMP FAILED; SPOOLING ERROR HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE DMKVMI022E DMKVMI230E DMKVMI231E DMKVMI232E DMKVM1233E DMKVMI23ijE VADDR MISSING OR INVALID IPL SID ERROR IPL TID ERROR IPL UNIT ERROR; CSW csw SNS sense 1PL OVERLAY ERROR 1PL SENSE ERROR DMKVSPij271 [CONIPRTIPUNJ vaddr SYSTEM SPQOL SPACE FULL: FILE CLOSED DMKVSPij291 [CONIPRT\PUNl vaddr SPCOL ERROR: FILE PURGED DMKVSPij291 RDR vaddr SPOOL EEROR; FILE HELD DMKWRM90ijW nHKWRM912W DMKWRM9201 OMKWRM921W 262 SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE: SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; NO WARM START DATA; CKPT SYSTEM BECOVERY FAILURE; IBM VM/370 System Messages INVALID WARM START DATA VOLID 'volid' NOT MOUNTED START FOR RETRY UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR D!!S eMS Message Summary DMSABN148T D!!SABN149T D!!SABN1S0W DKSABN1S2T D!!SABN1S3W DKSABN1SST SYSTEM ABEND xxx CALLED FRO!! 'addr' nnn (HEX xxx) DOUBLEWORDS OF SYSTEM STORAGE HAVE BEEN DESTROYED. RE-IPL CMS nnn (HEX xxx) DOUELEWCRDS OP SYSTEM STORAGE WERE NOT RECOVERED SYSTE!! ABEND xxx CALLED FROM addr WHILE 'UFDBUSY' = xx. RE-IPL CftS 'HX' DURING ABEND PROCESSING WAS IGNORED USER ABEND nnnn CALLED FRO!! addr D!!SACC002E DMSACC003E DMSACC017E DMSACC048E DKSACC060E DKSACC109S DKSACCl12S DKSACCl13S DKSACC230W DKSACC240S DMSACC7231 DMSACC724I DMSACC72S1 DMSACC7261 FILE 'DMSROS TEXT' NOi FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS 'cou' INVALID MODE 'mode' !cuu! ALREADY ACCESSED AS READ/iRITE imode; DISK PILE{S) 'fn (ft (fm]]' NCT FOUND. DISK 'aode(cuu)' WILL HOT BE ACCESSED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DISK 'mode (cuu), DEVICE ERROR mode (cuu) NOT ATTACHED OS DISK - FILEID AND/OR OPTIONS SPECIFIED ARE IGNORED ERROR LOADING FEAD OS ROUTINE 'DMSROS TEXT' mode (cuu) {R/OIR/W} (-OSI-DOS] cue REPLACES mode (ccu) cuu ALSO = 'mode' [-OS I-DOS] DISK 'cuu mode' RELEASED DMSAKS001E D!!SA!!S002E D!!SA!!S003E DKSAKS006E DMSAMS007E DKSAMS06SE DKSAMS066E DMSAMS070E DMSA8S109S D8SAMSl13S DMSAMS136S DMSAHS228E DKSAHS367R DMSAMS7221 NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fnamel AMSERV' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FOR 'fname2 LISTING' PILE 'fnamel AMSERV fa' NOT FIXED BO-CHAR. RECORDS 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID PARA8ETEB 'parameter' VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED {TAPINITAPOUT} (addr) NOT ATTACHED UNABLE TO LOAD 'IDCMAS'. NO DDNAME ENTERED ENTER TAPE {INPUTIOUTPUT} DDNAMES: PILE 'fname2 LISTING fm' WILL HOLD AMSERV OUTPUT DMSARE017E DKSARE02BE DMSARE048E DMSARE069E DMSARE070E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS 'euu' NO DEVICE SPECIFIED INVALID MODE !mode! DISK '{modelcuu}' NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DKSARN001E DMSARN002E DMSARN003E DMSARN004W DMSARN006E DMSARN007E DMSARNOOBW DMSARN012W DHSARN016w NO PILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' WARNING MESSAGES ISSUED NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE 'fn ft f.' IS NeT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED SEVERE ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED TERMINAL ERROR 8ESSAeES ISSUED D~SACC059E DMSARX001E DMSARX002E D!!SARX003E DMSARX006E DliSARXO·07E DMSARX038E D!!SARXOS2E DMSARX070E DMSARX074E NO PILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn AS8370S' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE 'fn ASft370S' IS lfOT FIXED .. SO-CHAR. RECORDS FILEID CONFLICT FOR DDNAME 'ASM370S' MORE THAN 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR SETTING/RESETTING AUXILIARY DIRECTORY D-MS-!Hi}-75-E DEVICE -f device" INVAlID FOR INPUT DKSASH001E DHSASM002E DMSASM003E DMSASM006E DMSASM007E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ASSEMBLE' NOi POUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE 'fn ASSEMBLE' IS NOT FIXED, BO-CHAR. RECORDS Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamericallv by Message Identifier 263· DMS DMSASM038E DMSASM052E DMSASM070E DMSASM074E DMSASK075E FILEID CONFLICT FCR DDNAME 'ASSEMBLE' MORE THAN 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR SETTING/RESETTING AUXILIARY DIRECTORY DEVICE 'device' INVALID FOR INPUT DMSASN003E DKSASN027E DMSASN028E DMSASN029E DMSASN035E DMSASN050E DMSASNQ65E DMSASN066E DMSASN069E DMSASN070E DMSASN087E DMSASN090E DMSASN099E DMSASN113S INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID DEVICE 'device' NO LOGICAL UNIT SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD. INVALID TAPE MODE PARAMETER MISSING AFTER SYSxxx 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' INVALID ASSIGNMENT OF 'SYSxxx' TO DEVICE 'device' INVALID DEVICE CLASS 'deviceclass' FOR 'device' CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE {TAPnlmodeIREADERIPUNCHIPRINTER} (cuu) NOT ATTACHED DMSBOP037E DMSBOP043E DMSBOP058E DMSBOP069E DMSBOP086W DMSBOP088E DMSBOP089E DMSBOP113S DMSBOP302E DMSBOP308E DMSBOP400S DMSBOP401S DMSBOP410S DMSBOP413S DMSBOP995E DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY TAPn IS FILE PROTECTED END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE ON 'TAPn' DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED DLBL 'ddname' DUMMY INVALID FOR VSAM UNSUPPORTED D~F TYPE 'dtftype' OPEN ERROR CODE 'nn' CN {fnISYSxxxITAPn} {TAPnlmode (cuu)} NO! A~TACHED NO SYSxxx OPERAND SPECIFIED 'mode' DISK IN CMS FORMAT; INVALID FOR NON-CMS DATASET SYSTEM 'sysname' DOES NOT EXIST VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'DMSDOS' START ADDRESS (address) CONTROL PROGRAM EEROR INDICATION 'retcode' STORAGE NOT INITIALIZED FOR VSAM PROCESSING UNABLE TO OBTAIN FREE STCRAGE FOR DMSBOP PROCESSING. REDEFINE STORAGE SIZE DMSBOP996E NO LOGIC MODULE POINTER IN DTF FOR 'filename' D~SBTB100E NO BATCH PROCESSOR AVAILABLE DMSBTB101E BATCH NOT LOADED DMSBTP105E DMSBTP106E DMSBTP107E DMSBTP108E DMSBTP109E NO JOB CARD PROVltED JOB CARD FORMAT INVALID CP/CMS COMMAND 'command, (device)' NOT ALLOWED /SET CARD FORMAT INVALID {CPUIPRINTERIPUNCB} lIMIT EXCEEDED DMSBWR107S DISK 'mode (cuu)' IS FULL DMSBiR109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSBWR170S DISK 'mode (cuu) , HAS MAXIMUM NUMBER OF FILES DMSCI0113S {READERIPUNCH} NOT ATTACHED DMSCI0145S INTERVENTION REQUIRED ON {PRINTERIPUNCH} DKSCIT171T PERMANENT CONSOLE ERROR, RE-IPL CMS. DMSCLS043E DMSCLS058E DMSCLS088E DMSCLS089E DMSCLS113S DMSCLS140S DMSCLS429r TAPn IS FILE PROTECTED END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE ON 'TAPn' UNSUPPORTED DTF TYPE 'dtftype' CLOSE ERBOR CODE 'nn' ON '{fnISYSxxxITAPn}' 'TAPn (CUU) , NOT ATTACHED 'FEOVISEOV' MACRO NOT SUPPORTED 'TAPn (CUU) , EOT ON CUT PUT DMSCMP002E DMSCMP003E DMSCMP005E DMSCMP009E DMSCMP010E DMSCMP011E DMSCMP019E DMSCMP029E FILE 'fn [ft [fm]]' NeT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO COLUMN SPECIFIED COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH PREMATURE EOF ON FILE ['fn ft [fm]'] CONFLICTING FILE FORMATS IDENTICAL FILEIDS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'COL' FIELD 264 IBM VM/370 system Messages D~S DMSCMP054E DMSCMP062E DMSCMP104S DMSCMP109S DMSCMP1791 DMSCMP209W DMSCMP211E INCOMPLETE FILEIt SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FltEID ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED COMPARING 'fn ft fm' WITH 'fn ft fm' FILES DO NOT COMPARE COLUMN FIELDS OUT OF SEQUENCE DMSCMS006E DMSCMS095E DMSCMS110E DMSCMS111E DMSCMS141S DMSCMS412S DHSCMS7151 NO READ/WRITE A-tISK ACCESSED INVALID ADDRESS 'address' CORRECT FORM IS: CMSXGEN LOCATION (SEGNAME) CMSXGEN FAILED DUE TC LOAD ERRORS CMSXGEN FAILED DUE TC SAVESYS ERRORS CMSIGEN FAILED DUE TO SETKEY ERROR CMSXGEN COMPLETE DMSCPY002E DMSCPY003E DMSCPY024E DMSCPY029E DMSCPY030E DMSCPY037E DHSCPY042E DMSCPY048E DMSCPY054E DMSCPY062E DMSCPY063E DMSCPY064E DMSCPY065E DMSCPY066E DMSCPY067E DMSCPY068E DMSCPY069E DMSCPY101S DMSCPY102S DMSCPY103S DMSCPY156E DMSCPY157E DMSCPY172E DMSCPY173E DMSCPY601R DMSCPY602R DMSCPY721I DHSCPY901T DMSCPY903T DMSCPY904T {INPUTIOVERLAY} FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS-- SPECIFY 'REPLACE' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY ACTIVE DISK 'mode' IS READ/CNLY NO FILEID(S) SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'fm' INCOMPLETE FILEIE SPECIFIED INVALID CHAR' {=I*lchar}' IN FILEID ('fn ft fm]' NO {TRANSLATIONISPECIFICATION} LIST ENTERED INVALID [TRANSLATE] SPECIFICATION AT OR NEAR , ••••••••• , 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option! ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS CO~BINED INPUT FILES ILLEGAL WITH PACK OR UNPACK OPTIONS INPUT FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT IN PACKED FORMAT DISK MODE NOT ACCESSED 'SPECS' TEMP STRING STCRAGE EXHAUSTED AT , •••••••• , TOO MANY FILEIDS NUMBER OF SPECS EXCEEDS MAX 20 'FROM nnn' NOT FOUND - FILE 'fn ft fm' HAS ONLY 'nnn' RECORDS LABEL 'label' NOT FOUND IN FILE 'fn ft fm' TO LABEL 'label' {EQUALS I IS AN INITIAL SUBSTRING OF} FRLABEL 'label' NO RECORDS WERE COPIED TO OUTPUT FILE 'fn ft fm' ENTER SPECIFICATION lIST: ENTER TRANSLATION LIST: COPY 'fn ft fm' [{T0IAPPENDIOVLY} 'fn ft fm' {OLDINEW} FILE] UNEXPECTED ERROR AT 'addr': FlrST 'plist' AT 'addr', BASE 'addr', n~ !nn! IMPOSSIBLE PHASE CODE 'xx' UNEXPECTED UNPACK ERROR AT 'addr', BASE 'addr' DMSCRD171T PERMANENT CONSOLE ERRCR. RE-IPL CMS. DMSCWR171T PERMANENT CONSOLE ERROR. RE-IPL CMS. DMSDBG113S PRINTER (cuu) NOT ATTACHED DMSDBG7281 DEBUG ENTERED [EXTERNAL INTIBREAKPOINT nn AT xxxxxx] DMSDI0905S WRITE-INHIBIT SWITCH SET ON DRIVE ••• NOTIFY OPERATOR DMSDLB001E DMSDLB003E DMSDLB005E DMSDLB023E DMSDLB048E DMSDLB050E DMSDLB065E DMSDLB066E DMSDLB070E DMSDLB086E DBsnLB109S DMSDLB220R DeSDLB221E DMSDLB301E DKSDLB302E DMSDLB304E DMSDLB305E NO FILENAME SPEC1FIED INVALID OPTION 'option' NO'{CATIBUFSP}' SPECIFIED NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'mode' PARAMETER MISSING AFTER DDNAME ·option' OPTION SEPCIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' INVALID DDNAME 'ddname' VIRTY-AL S'l'-ORAGE CAP-ACITY EXCEEDED ENTER DATA SET NAeE: INVALID DATA SET NAME 'SYSIII' NOT ASSIGNED FOR DISK 'fm' NO SYSXIX OPERAND ENTERED INVALID OPERAND VALUE 'value' INCOMPLETE EXTENT RANGE Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 255 DftS DMSDLB306E DMSDLB307E DMSDLB308E DMSDLB320I DMSDLB321I DMSDLB322I D8SDLB323I DHSDLB324I DMSDLB330R DHSDLB331R SYSxxx NOT ASSIGNED FCR 'IGNORE' CATALOG DDNAME 'ddname' NOT FOUND 'mode' DISK IN [NON-]CftS FORftAT: INVALID FOR [NON-]CftS D1TASET MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DISK ENTRIES RECORDED MAXIftUft NUMBER OF EXTENTS RECORDED 'ddname' NOT FOUND: NO CLEAR EXECUTED {MASTERIJOB} CATALOG DLBI CLEARED NO USER DEFINED DLEL's IN EFFECT EN~ER VOLUME SPECIFICATIONS: ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: DMSDLK001E DMSDLK003E DHSDLK006E DMSDLK007E DMSDLK070E DMSDLK099E DMSDLK104S DMSDLK105S DMSDLK210E DMSDLK245S NO FILENAME SPECIFIEE INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE 'fn ft f.' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS INVALID PARAftETER 'parameter' CMS/DOS ENVIRONftEN'I NOT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' READIN~ FILE 'fn ft fs' FROft DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK LIBRARY 'fn ft' IS ON A READ-ONLY DISK ERROR 'nnn'ON PRINTER DMSDMP020W INVALID PDUftP ADDRESS 'address' - NO DUftP OPERATION PERFORMED DMSDOS004E DMSDOS091E DHSDOS092E DMSDOS093E DMSDOS094E DftSDOS095E DMSDOS096S DMSDOS121S DHSDOS140S DMSDOS160S DMSDOS401S DMSDOS413S PHASE 'phase' NO'! FOUND SAVEAREA ADDRESS IN PARTITION PIB NOT EQUIVALENT TO LTl SAVEAREA ADDRESS STXIT SAVEAREA ADDRESS INVALID MVCOM ftACRO ATTEftPT TO ALTER OTHER THAN POSITION 12-23 OF COftREG FROM ADDRESS ON MVCOM MACRO INVALID INVALID ADDRESS 'address' UNSUPPORTED FUNCTION IN A LIOCS ROUTINE UNSUPPORTED SVC no. (HEX no.) CALLED FROft caller {FEOVDISEOVIFEOV} ftACRO NOT SUPPORTED JOB CANCELED DUE TO FROGRAft REQUEST VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'DMSDOS' START ADDRESS (address) STORAGE NOT INITIALIZED FOR VSAft PROCESSING DHSDSK002E DMSDSK009E DHSDSK014E D!SDSKQ37E DMSDSK047E DMSDSK048E DHSDSK054E DHSDSK062E DMSDSK070E DftSDSK077E DMSDSK078E DftSDSK104S DftSDSK105s DMSDSKl18S DMSDSK124S DftSDSK205w FILE 'fn ft fs' NeT FCUND 'col' EXC!EDS RECORD LENGTH INVALID FUNCTION 'function' DISK '~ode' IS READ/ONLY NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED INVALID ftODE '.ode' INCOMPLETE FILEIE SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FILlID ['fn ft f.'] INVALID PARAMETER 'paraseter' END CARD ftISSING FRO! INPUT DECK INVALID CARD IN INPUT DECK ERROR Inn' READIN~ FILE 'fn ft fs' FROft DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft f.' TO DISK ERROR PUNCHING FILE ERROR READING CARD FILE READER EftPTY OR NOT READY DMSDSL002E DMSDSL003E DMSDSL013W DMSDSL014E DMSDSL037E DHSDSL046E DMSDSL047E DHSDSL069E DHSDSL070E DMSDSL098E DHSDSL104S DHSDSL105S DHSDSL213W FILE 'fm doslib' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' PHASE 'phase' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'fn DOSLIB fm' INVALID FUNCTION 'function' DISK '.ode' IS.R!AD/ONLY NO LIBPARY NAHE SPECIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' NO PHASE NAHE SPECIFIED ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn DOSLIB f.' FROK DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fs' ON DISK LIBRARY 'fn DOSLIE fm' NeT CREATED. DMSDSV003E DMSDSV021W DHSDSV022w DMSDSV023W DMSDSV024W INVALID OPTION 'option' NO TRANSIENT DIRECTORY NO CORE IftAGE DIRECTORY NO RELOCATABLE DIRECTORY NO PROCEDURE DIRECTORY 266 COLU~N IBH VH/370 System Messages D~S DMSDSV02SW DMSDSV026W DMSDSV027E DMSDSV027W DMSDSV028W DMSDSV047E DMSDSV06SE DMSDSV066E DMSDSV070E DMSDSV09SE DMSDSV099E DMSDSV10SS DMSDSV24SS NO SOURCE STATEMENT DIRECTORY 'phase' NOT IN LIERARY INVALID DEVICE Inn' NO PRIVATE CORE IMAGE lIBRARY NO {PRIVATEISYSTEM} TRANSIENT DIRECTORY ENTRIES NO FUNCTION SPECIFIEE 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' INVALID ADDRESS 'address' CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NCT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'DSERV MAP IS' ON DISK ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER DMSEDI003E DMSEDI024E DMSEDI029E DMSEDI044E DMSEDIOS4E DMSEDI076E DMSEDI104S DMSEDI10SS DMSEDI117S DHSEDI132S DMSEDI143S DMSEDI144S INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'EDIT CMSUT1 fm' ALREADY EXISTS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'LRECL' FIELD RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS AllOWABLE MAXIMUM INCOMPLETE FILEIE SPECIFIED ACTUAL BECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS THAT SPECIFIED ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' TO DISK ERROR WRITING TO EISPLAY TERMINAL FILE 'fn ft fm' TOO LARGE UNABLE TO LOAD SAVED SYSTEM OR LOAD MODULE REQUESTED FILE IS IN ACTIVE STATUS DMSERR21ST NO VIRTUAL CONSOLE ATTACHED. RE-IPL CMS DMSERS002E DMSERS003E DMSERS037E DMSERS048E DMSERSOS4E DMSERS069E DMSERS070E DMSERS071E DMSERS109T FILE ['fn [ f t rfm]]'] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILEIE SPECIFIED DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERASE * * [fml*] NOT ALLOWED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSERV001E DMSERV002E DMSERV006E DMSERV027E DMSERV037E DMSERV070E DMSERV099E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ESERV' NOT FCUND NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED INVALID DEVICE 'device' FOR SYSxxx DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY INVALID ARGUMENT 'argument' CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSEXC001E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED DMSEXT072E ERROR IN EXEC FILE fn LINE nn - message DMSFCH016E DMSFCH104S DHSFCH109S DMSFCH113S DMSFCH11SE DMSFCH411S DMSFCH777S NO PRIVATE CORE IMAGE LIBRARY FOUND ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DISK (cuu) NOT ATTACHED PHASE LOAD POINT lESS THAN 'address' INPUT ERROR CODE Inn' CN '{SYSRESISYSCLB}' DOS PARTITION TOO SMAll TO ACCOMMODATE FETCH REQUEST DMSFET003E DMSFET004E DMSFET029E DMSFET070E DHSFET098E DMSFET099E DMSFET7101 INVALID OPTION 'option' PHASE 'phase' NOT FOUND INVALID PARAMETER 'paraaeter' IN THE OPTION 'ORIGIN' FIELD INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' NO PHASE NAME SPECIFIED CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE PHASE 'phase' ENTRY PCINT AT LOCATION XXXXXX DHSPLD003E DMSFLD023E DMSFLD027E DHSFLD029E DHSFLD03SE DHSFLDOSOE INVALID OPTION 'option! NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED INVALID DEVICE 'device name' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INVALID TAPE MODE PARAMETER ~ISSING AFTER DDNAME Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically bV Message Id9ntifier 267 DMS DMSFLD065E 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DMSFLD069I DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED DMSFLD070E INVAL~D PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSFLD220R ENTER DATA SET NAME: DMSFLD221E INVALID DATA SET NAME 'data set name' DMSFLD224E FILEID ALREADY IN USE DMSFLD420E NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID DMSFLD704I INVALID CLEAR REQUEST D~SFLD066E DMSFNS109T VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSFNS908T FILE SYSTEM ERROR DETECTED. VIRTUAL ADDR 'cuu'. REASON CODE 'nnw. DMSFNS909T PERM I/O ERROR ON 'cuu'. CSW cccccccc cccccccc SENSE ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss. ssssssss DMSFOR003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSFOR005E NO OPTION 'option' SPECIFIED ~MSFOR017E !NVAIID DEVICE ACCRESS 'cuu' DMSFOR028E NO DEVICE SPECIFIED DMSFOR037E DISK 'mode[ (cuu»)' IS READ/ONLY DMSFOR04SE INVALID MODE 'mode' DMSFOR069E DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED DMSFOR070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSFOR113S cuu NOT ATTACHED DMSFOR114S 'cuu' IS AN UNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE DMSFOR125S PERMANENT UNIT CHECK ON DISK 'aode(cuu)' DMSFOR126S ERROR {READIWRIT}ING LABEL ON DISK 'mode (cuu) , DMSFOR214W CANNOT RECOMPUTE WITHOUT LOSS OF DATA. NO CHANGE DMSFOR253E FILE fn ft fm CANNOT BE HANDLED WITH SUPPLIED PARAMETER LIST DMSFOR603R FORMAT WILL ERASE ALI FILES ON DISK 'mode(cuu)'. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? (YESINO): DMSFOR605R ENTER DISK LABEL: DMSFOR705I DISK REMAINS UNCHANGED DMSFOR732I 'nnn' CYLINDERS FORMATTED ON DISK '.ode(cu~' DMSFOR732I 'nnn' {CYLINDERSIFB-512 BLOCKS] FORMATTED ON DISK 'mode(cu~' DMSFOR733I FORMATTING DISK 'mode' DHSFRE159T DMSFRE160T DMSFRE161T DMSFRE162T DMSFRE163T DMSFRE164T DMSFRE165T DMSFRE166T DMSFRE167T INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE TO SATISFY DMSFREE REQUEST FROM addr INVALID DMSFREE CALL FRCM addr INVALID DHSFRET CALL FROM addr, ERROR NUMBER nn VITAL FREE STORAGE POINTERS DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn), RE-IPL CMS {LOWIHIGHj-CORE uSER CHAIN HAS BEE~ DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn). {LOWIHIGH}-CORE NUCLEUS STORAGE POINTERS DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR cODE nn). CHAIN HEADER AT addr: JXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX UNEXPECTED ERROR IN FREE STORAGE MANAGEMENT ROUTINE (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn). RE-IPL CMS FREE STORAGE MANAGEMENT ERROR, INTERNAL CODE ERROR nn DMSGEN006E DMSGEN095E DMSGEN110E DMSGEN111E DMSGEN141S DMSGEN7151 NO READ/WRITE A-CISK ACCESSED INVALID ADDRESS 'address' CORRECT FORM IS: tOSGEN LOCATION SEGNAME DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO LOAD ERRORS DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO SAVESYS ERRORS DOSGEN COMPLETE DMSGLB002W DMSGLB014E DMSGLB047E DMSGLB10SS FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND INVALID FUNCTION 'function' NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED MORE THAN 8 LIBRARIES SPECIFIED DMSGND002W DMSGND021E DMSGND022E DMSGND070E FILE 'fn ft fm' NCT FCUND ENTRY POINT 'name' NC! FOUND NO DIRECTORY NAME SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSGRN002E DMSGRN003E DMSGRN007E DHSGRNOqSE DMSGRN05QE DMSGRN078E FILE 'fn ft (fm]' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILEIt SPECIFIED INVALID CARD IN INPUT FILE '80 character card image' DMSHLP002E INPUT PILE(S) Ifn ft fro' NOT FOUND DMSHLP003E INVALID OPTION 'option' 268 IB~ VM/370 system Messaqes D11S DMSDSV02SW DMSDSV026W DMSDSV027E DMSDSV027W DMSDSV028W DMSDSV047E DMSDSV06SE DMSDSV066E DMSDSV070E DMSDSV09SE DMSDSV099E DMSDSV105S DMSDSV24SS NO SOURCE STATEMENT DIRECTORY 'phase' NOT IN LIERARY INVALID DEVICE Inn' NO PRIVATE CORE IMAGE LIBRARY NO {PRIVATEISYSTEM} TRANSIENT DIRECTORY ENTRIES NO FUNCTION SPECIFIEt 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' INVALID ADDRESS 'address' CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NeT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'DSERV MAP AS' ON DISK ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER DMSEDI003E INVALID OPTION ;option; DMSEDI024E DMSEDI029E DMSEDI044E DMSEDIOS4E DMSEDI076E DMSEDI104S DMSEDI10SS DMSEDI117S DMSEDI132S DMSEDI143S DMSEDI144S FILE 'EDIT CMSUT1 fm' ALREADY EXISTS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'LRECL' FIELD RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM INCOMPLETE FILElt SPECIFIED ACTUAL RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS THAT SPECIFIED ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' TO DISK ERROR WRITING TO tIS PLAY TERMINAL FILE 'fn ft fm' TCO LARGE UNABLE TO LOAD SAVED SYSTEM OR LOAD MODULE REQUESTED FILE IS IN ACTIVE STATUS DMSERR21ST NO VIRTUAL CONSOLE ATTACHED. RE-IPL CMS DMSERS002E DMSERS003E DMSERS037E DMSERS048E DMSERSOS4E DMSERS069E DMSERS070E DMSERS071E DMSERS109T FILE ['fn [ft (fmJ)'] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' DISK 'mode' IS READ/CNLY INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILElt SPECIFIED DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERASE * * [fml*] NOT ALLOWED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EICEEDED DMSERV001E DMSERV002E DMSERV006E DMSERV027E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ESERV' NCT FCUND NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED INVALID DEVICE 'device' FOR SYSxxx DMSERV037E DISK ~mode! IS READ/ONLY DMSERV070E INVALID ARGUMENT 'argument' DMSERV099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSEXC001E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED DMSEXT072E ERROR IN EXEC FILE fn LINE nn - message DMSFCH016E DMSFCH104S DMSFCH109S DMSFCH113s DMSFCH11SE DMSFCH411S DMSFCH777S NO PRIVATE CORE IMAGE LIBRARY FOUND ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DISK (cuu) NOT ATTACHED PHASE LOAD POINT LESS THAN 'address' INPUT ERROR CODE 'nnw eN '{SYSRESISYSCLB}' DOS PARTITION TOO SMAIL TO ACCOMMODATE FETCH REQUEST DMSFET003E DMSFET004E DMSFET029E DMSFET070E DHSFET098E DMSFET099E DMSFET7101 INVALID OPTION 'option' PHASE 'phase' NOT FOUND INVALID PARAMETFR 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'OP.:!:GIN' F:!:ELD INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' NO PHASE NAME SPECIFIED CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE PHASE 'phase' ENTRY PCINT AT LOCATION XXIIXI DMSFLD003E DMSFLD023E DMSFLD027E DMSFLD029E D!SFLD03SE DMSFLDOSOE INVALID OPTION 'option' NO FILETYPE SPECIFIEt INVALID DEVICE 'device name' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INVALID TAPE MODE PARAMETER ~ISSING AF~ER DDNAME Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Id9ntifier 267 DMS DMSFLD065E DMSFLD066E DMSFLD0691 DMSFLD070E DMSFLD220R DMSFLD221E DMSFLD224E DMSFLD420E DMSFLD704I 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED INVAL-ID PARAMETER 'parameter' ENTER DATA SET NAME: INVALID DATA SET NAME 'data set name' FILEID ALREADY IN USE NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID INVALID CLEAR PEQUEST DMSFNS109T VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSFNS908T FILE SYSTEM ERROR DETECTED. VIRTUAL ADDR 'cuu'. REASON CODE Inn'. DMSFNS909T PERM I/O ERROR ON 'cuu'. CSW cccccccc cccccccc SENSE ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss. ssssssss DMSFOR003E DMSFOR005E DMSFOR017E DMSFOR028E DMSFOR037E DMSFOR048E DMSFOR069E DMSFOR010E DMSFOR113S DMSFOR114S DMSFOR125S DMSFOR126S DMSFOR214W DMSFOR253E DMSFOR603R DMSFOR605R DMSFOR705I DMSFOR732I DMSFOR7321 DMSFOR733I INVALID OPTION 'option' NO OPTION 'option' SPECIFIED INVALID DEVICE ActRESS 'cuu' NO DEVICE SPECIFIED DISK 'lRode[ (cuu)]' IS READ/ONLY INVALID MODE 'mode' DISK 'lRode' NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' cUU NOT ATTACHED 'cuu' IS AN UNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE PERMANENT UNIT CHECK ON DISK 'IRode(cuu)' ERROR {READIWRIT}ING LABEL ON DISK 'mode (cuu) , CANNOT RECOMPUTE WITHOUT LOSS OF DATA. NO CHANGE FILE fn ft fm CANNOT BE HANDLED WITH SUPPLIED PARAMETER LIST FORfUT WILL ERASE ALI FILES ON DISK' lRode(cuu)'. DO YOU WISH TO CONTIMUE? (YES! NO): ENTER DISK LABEL: DISK REMnINS UNCHANGED 'nnn' CYLINDERS FORMATTED ON DISK 'lRode(cuu)' 'nnn' {CYLINDERSIFB-512 BLOCKS} FORMATTED ON DISK 'IRode(cuu)' FORMATTING DISK 'mode' DHSFRE159T DMSFRE160T DMSFRE161T DMSFRE162T INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE TO SATISFY DMSFREE REQUEST FROM addr INVALID DMSFREE CALL FRCM addr INVALID DMSFRET CALL FROM addr, ERROR NUMBER nn VITAL FREE STORAGE POINTERS DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn), RE-IPL CMS DHSPRE163T {LCgIHIGH)-CORE USER CHA!! HlS BEEN DESTROYED (!!TERM!L ERROR CODE nn)~ DMSFRE164T DMSFRE165T DMSFRE166T DMSFRE167T {LOW!HIGH}-CORE NUCLEUS STORAGE POINTERS DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn). CHAIN HEADER AT addr: xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx UNEXPECTED ERROR IN FREE STORAGE MANAGEMENT ROUTINE (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn). RE-IPL CMS FREE STORAGE MANAGEMENT ERROR, INTERNAL CODE ERROR nn DMSGEN006E DMSGEN095E DMSGENll0E DMSGEN111E DMSGEN141S DMSGEN115I NO READ/WRITE A-tISK ACCESSED INVALID ADDRESS 'address' CORRECT FORM IS: tOSGED LOCATION SEGNAME DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO LOAD ERRORS DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO SAVESYS ERRORS DOSGEN COMPLETE DMSGLB002W DMSGLB014E DMSGLB047E DMSGLB108S FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND INVALID FUNCTION 'fUnction' NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED MORE THAN 8 LIBRARIES SPECIFIED DMSGND002W DMSGND021E DMSGND022E DMSGND070E FILE 'fn ft fm' NeT FCUND ENTRY POINT 'name' NC! FOUND NO DIRECTORY NAME SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSGRN002E DMSGRN003E DMSGRN001E DMSGRN048E DMSGRN054E DMSGRN078E FILE 'fn ft (fm]' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILEIC SPECIFIED INVALID CARD IN INPUT FILE '80 character card image' DMSHLP002E INPUT FILE(S) 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND DMSRLP003E INVALID OPTION 'option' 268 IB~ VM/370 System Messages DMS DMSHLP104S DMSHLP109S DMSHLP250S DMSHLP251E DMSHLP252E DMSHLP907T ERROR nn READING FILE 'in ft fm' FROM DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED I/O ERROR OR DEVICE ERROR HELP PROCESSING ERROR, CODE nnn 'description' VALID OPTIONS ARE: DESC FORM PARM ALL I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSIFC002E FILE 'fn ft (fm]' NOT FOUND DMSIFC007E FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS DMSIFC023E NO FILE TYPE SPECIFIED D~SIFC070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSIFC104S ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK DMSIFC825E 'CLEAR' IS VALID ONLY WHEN SPECIFIED BY ITSELF DMSIFC826E EREP TXTLIBS NOT FOUND DMSIFC8281 CPEREP ZERO OR CLEAR HAS BEEN COMPLETED ~MSIFC829W ATTEMPTED 'ZERO' WAS SUPPRESSED. REQUIRES PRIVILEGE CLASS F DMSIFC831E MORE THAN 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED DMSIFC832S SOFTWARE INCOMPATIBILITY AT THE CPEREP-EREP INTERFACE. CODE=nnn DMSINI079E DMSINI080E DMSINI080E DMSINI081E DMSINI082E DMSINI083E DMSINI083E DMSINI131S DMSINI606R DMSINI607R DMSINI608R DMSINI609R DMSINI609R DMSINI610R DMSINI610R DMSINI611R DMSINI612R DMSINI615R DMSINI902T INVALID DEVICE ADtRESS - RE~NTER INVALID CYLINDER NUMEER - REENTER INVALID {CYLIBLK} NUMBER - REENTER INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" IPL DEVICE ERROR - REENTER NUCLEUS WILL OVERLAY CMS FILES - RECOMPUTE NUCLEUS {CYLtBLK} SPECIFICATION UNACCEPTABLE, ERROR 'X' IPL DEVICE WRITE I/O ERROR SYSTEM DISK ADDRESS = cuu REWRITE THE NUCLEUS? {YESINO} IPL DEVICE ADDRESS = cuu NUCLEUS CYL ADDRESS = nnn NUCLEUS {CYLIBLK} ADDRESS = nnn ALSO IPL CYLINDER 01 {YESINO} ALSO IPL {CYLIBLK} 01 {YEStNO} VERSION IDENTIFICATION = INSTALLATION HEAtING = Y - DISK ADDRESS = cuu IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR DMSINS098W CMS OS SIMULATION NOT AVAILABLE . DMSINS100W CMSSEG SYSTEM NAME 'name' NOT AVAILABLE DMSINT015E {UNKNOWN {CP/CMSICMSICP} IINVALID EXCEPTION EXCEPTION EXCEPTION EXCEPTION OCCURRED OCCURRED OCCURRED OCCURRED AT AT AT AT {CMSISUBSET}} COMMAND DMSITP141T DMSITP142T DMSITP1ij3T DMSITP144T exception exception exception exception addr addr addr addr IN IN in IN ROUTINE callee ROUTINE routine DURING 'SPIE' EXIT ROUTINE SYSTEM ROUTINE callee. ROUTINE callee WHILE 'UFDBUSY' = xx. DMSITS098S DMSITS122S DMSITS13ijS DMSITS135S DMSITS136T DMSITS137T DMSITS138T DMSITS139T DMSITS1ijOT DMSITS154T CMS OS SIMULATION NOT AVAILABLE ERROR IN CALL TO routine FROM addr, ERROR CODE nnn (HEX xxxxxxxx) UNSUPPORTED SVC 203 CODE nn CALLED FROM addr. MAXIMUM SVC DEPTH 20 HAS BEEN EXCEEDED WITH CALL AT addr SVC CALL FROM addr ILLEGALLY RE-ENTERS INTSVC. RE-IPL CftS CALL TO routine FROM addr DESTROYED SYSTEM SAVE AREA. RE-IPL CMS 'DMSKEY' CALL FRCM addr OVERFLOWS KEY STACK, WITH MAX DEPTH 1. 'DMSKEY RESET' FROM addr UNDERFLOWS KEY STACK routine ROUTINE CALLED FROM addr DID DMSKEY WITH NO RESET. SAVE AREA FOR SVC CAll FROM addr CANNOT BE ALLOCATED DMSLBD003E DMSLBD029E DMSLBD065E DMSLBD066E DMSLBD070E ])MSt_BD221E DMSIBD3241 DMSLBD7041 INVALID OPTION 'option' INVA~ID PARAMETER 'paramter f IN THE OPTION ioptionl FILEID 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID PARAHETEF 'parameter' INVALID DATASET HAllE NO USER DEFINED lABEIDEF's IN EFFECT INVALID CLEAR REQUEST DMSLBM001E DMSLBM002E DMSLBM002W DMSLBM003E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft fm' NCT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' Appendix B. Message Su.mary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 269 D~S D~SLBM013W DHSLBH014E DMSLBH037E DMSLBM046E DMSLBH047E DMSLBM056E DMSLBM070E DMSLBM104S DMSLBH105S DMSLBH109S DMSLBM157S DHSLBM167S DHSLBM213W DHSLBM907T MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' INVALID FUNCTION 'function' DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY NO LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FOFMATS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft f.' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft f.' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE eAPACITY EXCEEDED MACLIB LIMIT EXCEEDED [, LAST HEMBER ADDED WAS 'membername'] PREVIOUS MACLIB FUNCTION NOT FINISHED LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' NCT CREATED I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSLBT001E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED DMSLBT002E FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND DMSLBT002W FILE 'fn ft' NOT POUND DMSLBT003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSLBT013E MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' DHSLBT014E INVALID FUNCTION 'function' DMSLBT046E NO LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED DMSLBT047E NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED DMSLBT056E FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS INVALID rNAMEIALIASIENTRYIESD] RECORD FORMATS DMSLBT056W FILE 'fn ft fa' CONTAINS INVALID [NAHEIALIASIENTRYIESD] RECORD FORMATS DMSLBT104S ERFOR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK DMSLBT105S ERFOR Inn' WRITING FIlE 'fn ft fa' ON DISK DMSLBT106S NUMBER OF MEMBER NAMES EXCEEDS MAX 'nnnn'. FILE 'fn ft' NOT ADDED DMSLBT213W LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' NCT CREATED DHSLDS002E DMSLDS003E DMSLDS048E DMSLDS069E DMSLDS220R DMSLDS221E DMSLDS222E DHSLDS223E DMSLDS226E DMSLDS227W DMSLDS229I DHSLDS231E DMSLDS2331 DATA SET NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID MODE 'mode' DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED ENTER DATA SET NAME: INVALID DATA SET NAME I/O ERROR READING 'data set naae' FROM {'fa'IOSIDOS} DISK NO FILEMODE SPECIFIED NO DATA SET NAME ALLCWED WITH FREE OPTION INVALID EXTENT FOUND FOR 'datasetname' ON 'fa' DISK NO MEMBERS FOUND I/O ERROR READING VTCC FROM {'fm'IOSIDOS} DISK NO FREE SPACE AVAILABLE ON 'fm' DISK DMSLGT0021 FILE 'fn' TXTLIB NCT FCUND DMSLI0001E DMSLI0002E DMSLI0002I DMSLI0003E DMSLI0005E DMSLlOO21E DMSLI0029E DMSLI0055E DMSLI0056E DMSLI0099E DHSLI0104S DMSLI0105s DMSLI0109S DMSLI0116S DHSLI0168S DMSLI0169S DMSLI0201W DMSLI0202W DMSLI0203W DMSLI0206W DMSLI07401 DMSLI0907T NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND FILE 'fn' TXTLIB NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' SPECIFIED ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD NO ENTRY POINT DEFINED FILE 'fn ft' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NCT ACTIVE ERROR 'nne RElDING FILE 'fn ft fa' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fa' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED LOADER TABLE OVERFLOW PSEUDO REGISTEF TABLE OVERFLOW ESDID TABLE OVERFLOW THE FOLLOWING NAMES ABE UNDEFINED: DUPLICATE IDENTIFIER 'identifier' "SET LOCATION COUNTER" NAME 'name' UNDEFINED PSEUDO REGISTER AlIGNMENT ERROR EXECUTION BEGINS ••• I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSLKD001E DMSLKD002E DMSLKD004W DMSLKD005E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ASSEMBLE' NOT FOUND WARNING MESSAGES ISSUED NO 'option' SPECIFIED 270 IBM VM/370 system Messages D!S D!SLKD006E DKSLKD007E DMSLKD008W DMSLKD012W DMSLKD016W DMSLKD070E NO RElD/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED SEVERE ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED TERMINAL ERROR MESSAG!S ISSUED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSLLU003E DMSLLU006E DMSLLU070E DMSLLU099E DMSLLU10SS DMSLLU303E INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE 'A' DISK ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' CMSIDOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'SLISTIO EXEC A1' ON DISK NO SYSXXX SATISPIES REQUEST DMSLST002E DMSLST003E DMSLST037E DMSLST048E DMSLST066E DMSLST069E DMSLST070E DMSLST10SS FILE NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' DISK 'A' IS READ/ONLY INVALID MODE '.ode' 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK DMSMDP001E DMSMDP002E DMSMDP018E DMSMDP070E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' NOT POUND NO LOAD MAP AVAILABLE INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMS!OD001E DMSMOD002E DMSMOD003E DMSMODOOSE DMSMOD021E DMSMOD032E DMSKOD037E DMSMOD040E DMSMOD070E DMSMOD084E DMSMOD104S DMSMOD10SS DMSMOD109S DMSMOD114E DMSMODl16S NO FILERA"E SPECIFIEt FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO '{FROMITO} ENTRY' SPECIFIED ENTRY POINT 'name' NCT FOUND INVALID FILETYPE 'ft' DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY NO FILES LOADED INVALID PARAKETER 'parameter' INVALID USE OF 'PROM' AND 'TO' OPTIONS ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED 'fn ft fm' NOT LOADED; CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT [NOT] ACTIVE LOArER TABLE OVERFLOW DMSMVE002E DMSMVE003E DMSMVE037E DMSMYE041E DMSMVE048E DMSMVE069E DMSMVE070E DMSMVE073E DMSMVE07SE DMSMVE086E DMSMVE127S DMSMVE128S DMSMVE129S DMSMYE130S DMSMVE22S1 DMSMVE2261 DMSMVE7061 DMSMiE708I FILE 'fn ft fm' NCT FCUND INVALID OPTION 'option' OUTPUT DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY INPUT AND OUTPUT FILES ARE THE SAME INVALID MODE 'mode' OUTPUT DISK 'mode' IS NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' UNABLE TO OPEN FILE ddname DEVICE 'device name' ILLEGAL FOR {INPUTIOUTPUT} INVALID DDNAME 'ddname' UNSUPPORTED DEVICE PCR ddnaae I/O ERROR ON INPU~ AFTER READING nnn RECORDS: INPUT ERROR code ON ddname I/O ERROR ON OUTPUT WRITING RECORD NUMBER nnnn: OUTPUT ERROR code ON ddname BLOCKSIZE ON V FORMAT FILE ddnaae IS LESS THAN 9 PDS MEMBER 'membername' MOVED END OF PDS MOVE TERM INPUT -- TYPE NULL LINE FOR ENg OF DATA DISK FILE IFILE ddname A1' ASSOMED FOR DDNASE iddna.e' DMSNCP001E DMSNCP002E D1!SHCPOQ3E DMSNCP013E DMSNCP021E DMSNCP025E DMSNCP045E DMSNCP056E DMSNCP099W DMSNCP109S NO FILENAME SPECIFIEt FILE 'fn ASSEMBLE' NC~ FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' ENTRY POINT 'name' NCT FCUND INVALID DATA IN 370X CCNTROL PROGRAM UNSUPPORTED 370X CON~RCI PROGRAM TYPE FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS GENERATION PARAMETERS INCOMPATIBLE WITH VM/370 VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 271 DMS DMSOPL089E OPEN ERROR CODE Inn' ON SYSxxx DMSOPL158E NO CMS/DOS PROCEDURE lIBRARY SUPPORT DMSOPT070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSOPT099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSOVR014E DMSOVR047E DMSOVR104S DMSOVR109S INVALID FUNCTION 'function' NO FUNCTION SPECIFIEt ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'DMSOVR MODULE' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSPDP088E UNSUPPORTED DTF TYPE 'atftype' DMSPI0113S PRINTER NOT ATTACHED DMSPI0145S INTERVENTION REQUIRED ON PRINTER DMSPRE001E DMSPRE002E DMSPRE109S DMSPRE183E DMSPRE234E DMSPRE235E DHSPRE236E DMSPRE237E DMSPRE238E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fL ft fw' NCT ICUND VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED INVALID CONTROL FILE CCNTROL CARD ERROR IN LOAD LIST FILE 'fn ft fm' (NO INPUT] ERROR 'n' IN INPUT TEXT FILE 'fn ft (fa]' UNRESOLVED EXTERNAL REFERENCE(S) ENCOUNTERED DUPLICATE EXTERNAL SY~BOI(S) ENCOUNTERED PRELOADFR PROCESSING ERROR DMSPRT002E DMSPRT003E DMSPRTOO.8E DHSPRT013E DMSPRT029E DMSPRT033E DMSPRT039E DMSPRT044E DHSPRT048E DMSPRT054E DMSPRT062E FILE 'in ft fm' NCT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' DEVICE 'cuu' {INVALID CR NONEXISTENT I UNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT A LIBRARY NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'in ft fm' RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILElr SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FILEID DMSPR~070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSPRT104S ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK DMSPRT123S ERROR PRINTING FILE 'tn ft fm' DMSPRV003E DMSPRV004E DMSPRV006E DMSPRV037E DMSPRV070E DMSPRV097E DHSPRV098E DMSPRV099E DMSPRV105S DMSPRVl13S DMSPRV411S INVALID OPTION 'option' PROCEDURE 'procedure' NOT FOUND NO READ/WRITE 'A' DISK ACCESSED DISK 'A' IS READ/ONLY INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' NO 'SYSRES' VOLUME ACTIVE NO PROCEDURE NAME SPECIFIED CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' TO DISK DISK (cuu) NOT ATTACHED INPUT ERROR CODE Inn' ON 'SYSRES' DMSPUN002E DMSPUN003E DMSPUN008E DMSPUN013E DMSPUN033E DMSPUN039E DMSPUN044E DMSPUN054E DMSPUN062E DHSPUN104S DMSPUN118S DMSPUN123S FILE 'in i t fm' NeT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' DEVICE 'cuu' {INVALID CR NONEXISTENTIUNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NeT A LIBRARY NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM INCOMPLETE FILElt SPFCIFIED INVALID * IN FILEID ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROft DISK ERROR PUNCHING FILE 'fn tt fm' ERFOR Inn' PUNCHING 'fn ft fm' DMSQRY005E DMSQRY014E DMSQRY026E DHSQRY047E DMSQRY070E DMSQRY099E DMSQRY324I NO 'option' SPECIFIED INVALID FUNCTION 'function' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' FOR 'function' FUNCTION NO FUNCTION SPECIFIEt INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE NO USER DEFINED IABEIDEF's IN EFFCT 272 IBM VM/370 System Messages DMS DMSRDC008E DMSRDC037E DMSRDC042E DMSRDC054E DMSRDC062E DMSRDC069E DMSRDC105S DMSRDC124S DMSRDC205W DMSRDC7011 DMSRDC7021 DMSRDC7381 DEVICE 'cuu' {INVALID CR NONEXISTENTIUNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} DISK 'A' IS READ/ONLY NO FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FILEID DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR READING CARD FILE READER EMPTY OR NOT READY NULL FILE [READ CONTROL· CARD MISSING. FOLLOWING ASSUMED:] :READ {fn ft fmlREADCARD CMSUTl All RECORD LENGTH IS 'nnn' BYTES DMSREA830E I/O ERROR READING A RECORD FROM THE ERROR RECORDING CYLINDERS DMSRNM002E DMSRNM003E DMSRNM019E DMSRNM024E DMSRNM030E DMSRNM037E DMSRNM048E DMSRNM051E DMSRNM054E DMSRNM062E FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FCUND INVALID OPTION 'option' IDENTICAL FILEIDS FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY ACTIVE DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY INVALID MODE 'mode' INVALID MODE CHANGE INCOMPLETE FILEII SPECIFIED INVALID * IN OUTPUT FIIEID DMSRRV003E DMSRRV004E DMSRRV006E DMSRRV010E DMSRRV097E DMSRRV098E DMSRRV099E DMSRRV105S DMSRRVll3S DMSRRV4l1S INVALID OPTION 'option' MODULE 'module' NOT FCUND NO READ/WRITE 'A' DISK ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' NO 'SYSRES' VOLUME ACTIVE NO MODULE NAME SPECIFIED CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK DISK (cuu) NOT ATTACHED INPUT ERROR CODE Inn' eN '{SYSRESISYSRLB}' DMSRUN001E DMSRUN002E DMSRUN048E DMSRUN010E DMSRUN999E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft fm' NCT FOUND INVALID MODE 'mode' IN.VALID PARAMETER 'parameter' NO ft PROCESSOR FOUND DMSSBS120S OUTPUT ERROR 'code' ON 'ddname' DMSSCT120S {IN/OUT}PUT ERROR 'code' ON 'ddname' DMSSEB4291 'TAPn (cuu) , EOT ON OUTPUT DMSSET014E DMSSET026E DMSSET031E DMSSET047E DMSSET048E DMSSET050E DMSSET061E DMSSET070E DMSSET098W DMSSET099E DMSSET100W DMSSET142S DMSSET333E DMSSET400S DMSSET401S DMSSET410S DMS_SETJl44E INVALID FUNCTION 'function' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' FOR 'function' FUNCTION LOADER TABLES CANNOT BE MODIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'mode' PARAMETER MISSING AFTER {DDNAMEISYSxxxlfunction} NO TRANSLATION CHARACTER SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'Parameter' CMS OS SIMULATION NOT AVAILABLE CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NeT ACTIVE SYSTEM NAME 'name' NOT AVAILABLE SAVED SYSTEM NAME 'name' INVALID nnnnnK PARTITION TOO LARGE FOR THIS VIRTUAL MACHINE SYSTE~ 'sysname' DOES NOT EXIST VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'DMSDOS' START ADDRESS (address) CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'retcode' VOLUME 'label' IS NOT A nos SYSRES DMSSLN002E FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND DMSSLN104S ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK DMSSMN109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSSMN133S INVALID GETMAIN OR FREEMAIN SPECIFICATION Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 273 DRS DMSSOP036E OPEN ERROR CODE 'nn' CN 'ddna.e' DMSSOP036W UPDATE REQUESTED FOR READ-ONLY DISK DRSSOP109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DRSSRT002E DMSSRT009E DMSSRT019E DMSSRT034E DRSSRT037E DMSSRT053E DMSSRT054E DRSSRT062E DMSSRT063E DMSSRT070E DMSSRT104S DMSSRT105S DMSSRT212E DMSSRT604R FILE 'fn ft fm' NeT FOUND COLURN 'col' EXCEEDS EECORD LENGTH IDENTICAL FILEIDS FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT FIXED LENGTH DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY INVALID SORT FIELD PAIR DEFINED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID IN OUTPUT FILEID NO LIST ENTERED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fa' ON DISK MAXIMUM NURBER OF RECORDS EXCEEDED ENTER SORT FIELDS: DMSSRV003E DRSSRV004E DRSSRV006E DMSSRV070E DRSSRV097E DMSSRV098E DMSSRV099E DMSSRV105s DRSSRV113S DRSSRV194S DRSSRV411S INVALID OPTION 'option' BOOK 'subl.book' NCT FOUND NO READ/WRITE 'A' DISK ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETEE 'parameter' NO 'SYSRES' VOLUME ACTIVE' NO BOOK NAME SPECIFIED CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft f.' ON DISK DISK (cuu) NOT ATTACHED BOOK 'subl.book' CONTAINS BAD RECORDS INPUT ERROR CODE 'nn' eN {SYSRESISYSSLB} DMSSSK070E DMSSSK362E DRSSSK363E DRSSSK364E DRSSSK365E DRSSSK400S DMSSSK410S INVALID PARAMETEF 'parameter' INVALID S~ORAGE PROTECT KEY 'key' INVALID STARTING ADDRESS 'startadr' VR STORAGE NOT LARGE EROUGH TO CONTAIN SYSTEM LOADING AT startadr to endadr SYSTEM NJME NOT SPECIFIED SYSTER 'naae' DOES NCT EXIST CONTROL PROGRAM EEROR INDICATION 'nnn' * DMSSTG109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSSTG133S INVALID GETRAIN eR FREEMAIN SPECIFICATION DHSSTT002E DRSSTT048E DHSSTT054E DRSSTT062E DHSSTT069E DMSSTT070E DMSSTT2271 DMSSTT2281 D'SSTT229E FILE 'fn ft f.' NCT FCUND INVALID RODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID 'char' IN FIIEID 'fn ft' DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARARETER 'parameter' PROCESSING VOLURE 'no' IN DATA SET 'data set name' USER LABELS BYPASSED ON DATA SET 'data set name' UNSUPPORTED OS DATA SET, ERROR 'code' DRSSVT033E DHSSVT119S DHSSVT120S DMSSVT121S FILE 'fn ft UNSUPPORTED {INIOUTJPUT UNSUPPORTED DMSSYN002E DMSSYN003E DMSSYN007E DMSSYN032E DMSSYN056E DMSSYN066E DRSSYN104S DRSSYN711I DRSSYN712I FILE 'fn ft fa' NCT FCUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR RECORDS INVALID FILETYPE 'ft' FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS 'STD' AND 'NOSTD' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft f.' FROR DISK NO SYSTEM SYNONYRS IN EFFECT NO SYNONYMS. (DRSINA NOT IN NUCLEUS) DMSTLB027E DMSTLB043E DMSTLB058E DMSTLB110S DMSTLB111S DMSTLB113S INVALID DEVICE 'deviCE name' 'TAPn (cuu) , IS FILE FROTECTED END-OF-FILE or END-OF-TAPE (TAPn] ERROR READING' TAPn ( (cuu) ]I ERROR WRITING 'TAPn (cuu) , 'TAPn (cuu)' NOT ATTACHED 274 fm' IS NOT A LIBRARY FORM OF '.acro' MACRO ERROR 'code' ON 'ddnaae' SVC svc (HEX xx) CALLED FROM addr IBM VM/370 system Messages DMS DMSTLB421E 'TAPn (cuu) , HDRl LABEL MISSING FOR 'filename' DMSTLB422E 'TAPn (cuu) , POSITIONED WRONG FOR 'filename' DMSTLB4231 'TAPn (cuu) , POSITICNED PARAMETER IGNORED. OUTPUT FILE WILL BE WRITTEN AFTER NEW VOL1 LABEL DMSTLB424E 'TAPn (cuu) , NOT POSITIONED AT EOFl LABEL DMSTLB425R 'TAPn (cuu) , BLOCK CCUNT ERROR FOR 'filename' ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'CANCEL' DKSTLB426R 'TAPn (cuu) , UNEXPIRED FILE ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'ERROR' DMSTLB4271 'TAPn (cuu) , EOV1 LAB!l READ DHSTLB4281 'TAPn (cuu) , EOV1 LABEL WRITTEN DKSTLB430E 'TAPn (cuu) , LABELDEF INFORMATION MISSING FOR FILE 'filename' DKSTLB431E 'TAPn (cuu) , VOL1 LABEL HISSING DMSTLB432E !TAPn (cuu)! VOLID volld DOES NOT KATCH lABElDEF VOIID FOR ifilename: DMSTLB433R ENTER 'WRITE (volid)' CR 'REJECT' DKSTLB434E 'TAPn (cuu) , INPUT LABEL CHECK ERROR FOR FILE 'filename' DMSTLBij35R ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'CANCEL' DMSTLB4361 'TAPn (cuu) , MISSING USER STANDARD LABEL FOR 'ddname' DMSTLB4371 'TAPn (cuu) , NSl ROUTINE RETURNED AN ERROR CODE 'nnnnnn' FOR 'filename' DMSTMA001E DMSTMA003E DMSTMA057E DMSTMA070E DMSTMA105S DMSTMA109S DMSTMAll0S DMSTHA137S DMSTMA138S DMSTKA139S DMSTMA420E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID RECORD FORMAT INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR nn WRITING FILE fn ft ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR READING 'TAPn' ERROR nn ON STATE FOR fn ft ERROR nn ERASING fn ft BEFORE LOADING TAPE TAPE FILE EXCEEDS 9 CKS MACLIBS NSL EXIT FILENAM! MISSING OR INVALID DKSTPD003E DMSTPD058E DMSTPD105S DMSTPD109S DMSTPD1l0S DMSTPD420E DMSTPD7031 DMSTPD7071 INVALID OPTION 'option' END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR READING 'TAPn' NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID FILE 'fn ft [fm]' COPIED TEN FILES COPIED DMSTPE002E DMSTPE003E DMSTPE010E DMSTPE014E DMSTPE017E DMSTPE023E DMSTPE027E DMSTPE029E DMSTPE037E DMSTPE042E DMSTPE043E DMSTPE047E DMSTPE048E DMSTPE057E DMSTPE058E DHSTPE070E DMSTPE096E DHSTPE104S DMSTPE105S DMSTPE110S DMSTPE111S DMSTPE113S DMSTPE115S FILE 'fn ft fm' NeT FCUND INVALID OPTION 'option' PREMATURE EOF ON FILE 'fn ft fm' INVALID FUNCTION 'function' INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS 'cuu' NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED INVALID DEVICE 'device name' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter; IN THE OPTION ioption' FIELD DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY NO FILEID SPECIFIED 'TAPn(cuu)' IS FILE PROTECTED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'mode' INVALID RECORD FORMAT END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' FILE 'fn ft' DATA BLOCK COUNT INCORRECT ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR READING 'TAPn(cuu), ERROR WRITING 'TAPn(cuu)' TAPn(cuu) NOT ATTACHED [CONVEP.SIONI {7t9}-TRACKI {80016250} BPIITRANSLA7ICNIDuAL-nEN3~Tn ON DEVICE 'cuu' DMSTPE431E 'TAPn (cuu) , VOL1 LABEL MISSING DMSTPE7011 NULL FILE DHSTIF002E DMSTYP003E DMSTYP005E DMSTYP009E DMSTYP013E DMSTYP029E DMSTYP033E FEATuRE NC: IMMEDIATELY 3uPFua:~~ FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' SPECIFIED COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' [IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD] FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT A LIBRARY Appendix B. Message Summary Alpha.erically by Message Iaentifier 275 DMS DMSTYP039E DMSTYPOij9E DMSTYPOSijE DMSTYP062E DMSTYP069E DMSTYP10ijS NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' INVALID LINE NUMBER 'line number' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FILEID DISK MODE NOT ACCESSED ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK DMSUPD001E DMSUPD002E DMSUPD003E DMSUPD007E DMSUPD010W DMSUPD024E DMSUPD037E DMSUPDOijaE DMSUPD06SE DMSUPD066E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft fm' NCT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS PREMATURE EOF ON FILE 'fn ft f.' -- SEQ NUMBER , •••••••• , NOT FOUND FILE 'UPDATE CMSUTl fm' ALREADY EXISTS DISK 'A' IS READ/ONLY INVALID MODE 'mode' 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' and 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS 'A' NOT !CCFSSEr D~S~PD069E DIS~ DMSUPD070E DMSUPD10ijS DMSUPD10SS DMSUPD17ijW DMSUPD176W DHSUPD177I DMSUPD178I DHSUPD179E DHSUPD180W DHSUPD181E DMSUPD182W DHSUPD183E DMSUPD18ijW DHSUPD186W DHSUPD187E DMSUPD207W DMSUPD210W DMSUPD299E DMSUPD300E DMSUPD304I INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK SEQUENCE ERROR INTRODUCED IN OUTPUT FILE: ••••••••• , TO ••••••••• , SEQUENCING OVERFlCW FCLLOWING SEQ NUMBER , •••••••• , WAPNING MESSAGES ISSUED (SEVERITY = nn). ('REP' OPTION IGNORED.] UPDAtING ['fn ft fm'] WITH 'fn ft fm' HISSING OR DUPLICATE 'HACS' CARD IN CONTROL FILE 'fn ft f.' MISSING PTF FILE 'fn ft fm' NO UPDATE FILES WERE FCUND SEQUENCE INCREMENT IS ZERO INVALID {CONTROLIAUX} FILE CONTROL CARD ' . / S' NOT FIRST CARD IN UPDATE FILE -- IGNORED INVALID CHAR IN SEQUENC! FIELD •••••••••• SEQUENCE NUMBER ••••••••• , NOT FOUND OPTION 'STK' INVALID WITHOUT 'CTL' INVALID UPDATE FILE CCNTROL CARD INPUT FILE SEQUENCE ERROR: •••••••••• TO •••••••••• INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO COMPLETE UPDATE. INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TC BEGIN UPDATE. UPDATE PROCESSING WILL BE DONE USING DISK. DHSVGN069E DMSVGN360E DMSVGN360I DMSVGN360R DMSVGN361E DHSVGN361I DMSVGN361R DMSVGN362I DHSVGN362R DMSVGN363I DMSVGN363R DMSVGN36ijI DMSVGN36ijR DMSVGN36SI DMSVGN36SR DMSVGN366I DHSVGN366R DHSVGN367I DHSVGN368I DMSVGN368R DMSVGN369E DMSVGN369R DMSVGN380R DMSVGN381R DMSVGN382R DISK 'A' NOT ACC!SSED. INVALID RESPONSE ·response·. CMS/VSAM TEXT FILES CREATED ON DISK ·A'. ENTER EITHER 'INSTAll' OR 'UPDATE': DISK 'mode' IS NOT A {CHSIDOS} DISK. CREATING CMS TEXT FILES ••• ENTER EITHER 'DOS' OR 'OS': LINK EDITING sysname ENTER MODE OF DOS SYSTEM RELOCATABLE LIBRARY DISK: svsname DOSLIB CREATED ON DISK 'A'. ENTER LOCATION WHERE sysname WILL BE LOADED AND SAVED: FETCHING sysname ••• ENTER 'CMSVSAH' OR 'CMSAMS' OR 'BOTH' FOR GENERATION OF NEW SYSTEM(S): SYSTEM sysname SAVED ENTER MODULE NAME (8 CHARS OR LESS) OR 'END': STARTING TO READ PTF DECKS FROM READER ••• ENTER NAME OF SYSTEM TO BE SAVED: 'modulename TEXT' WRITTEN ON DISK 'A'. count NEW PTF DECKS WILL BE APPLIED. ERASE sysname DOSLIB? •• ENTER 'YES' OR 'NO': INVALID - RELEASE 31 OR LATER REQUIRED ENTER RELEASE NUMBER CF DOS/VS STARTER SYSTEM: ENTER 'TAPE' OR 'CARDS' FOR PTF APPLICATION: ENTER 'SELECT' OR 'ALL' FOR TAPE PTF APPLICATION ENTER NUMBER OF TAPE FILES TO BE PROCESSED: D~SUPD18SW D~SVIB109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSVIB400S SYSTEM Isysname' tOES NOT EXIST DMSVIB401S VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'sysname' START ADDRESS (address) DMSVIB410S CONTROL PROGRAM EEROE INCICATION 'retcode l DMSVIP109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSVIP230E NO. OF VSAM EXIt FOUTINES HAS EXCEEDED !AX OF 128 - UNABL! TO CONTINUE 276 IB~ V~/370 system Messages DMS DHSVHF006E DMSVMF035E DMSVMF047E DHSVMF058E DMSVMF070E DMSVKF104S DKSVMF105S DMSVKF109S DMSVMF110S DMSVKF113S DMSVKF117S DMSVKF383R NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED INVALID TAPE MODE NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE ON INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROK DISK ERROR 'nn I WRITING FII·E 'fn ft fm' TO DI SK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR READING 'TAPn [(cuu)]' TAPE 'TAPn{cuu)' NOT ATTACHED ERROR WRITING TO DISPLAY TERMINAL APPLY IfnI? ••• ENTER 'NC' OR EOB DKSVPD070E DHSVPD10SS DKSVPD109S DMSVPD110S DMSVPD113S DHSVPD3611 DHSVPD3681 DHSVPD383R INVALID PARAHETER 'parameter' ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn CMSUT1 A1' ON DISK. VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED. ERROR READING TAP1(181). TAP1 (181) NOT ATTACHED. 'modulename TEXT' WRITTEN ON DISK 'A' count NEW PTF DECKS WILL BE APPLIED APPLY Ifni? ••• ENTER 'NO' OR EOB: DKSXCP037E DMSXCP043E DMSXCP104S DKSXCP10SS DMSXCP113s DHSXCP161S DMSXCP411S OUTPUT DISK mode (cuu) IS READ/ONLY TAPE (cuu) IS FILE PRCTECTED ERROR inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK 'device (cuu) , NOT A!TACBED UNEXPECTED ERROR CODE Inn' ON 'SYSxxx' {INPUTIOUTPUT} ERROR CODE Inn' ON 'SYSxxx' DKSZAP001E DMSZAP002E DMSZAP002W DMSZAP003E DMSZAP007E DKSZAP014E DMSZAP047E DMSZAPOS6E DMSZAP070E DKSZAP104S DMSZAP190W DKSZAP191W DKSZAP192W DKSZAP193W DKSZAP194W DKSZAP19SW DHSZAP200W DMSZAP208E DMSZAP210E DMSZAP245S DKSZAP246W DMSZAP247W DMSZAP248W DMSZAP7S01 DMSZAP7511 NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS INVALID FUNCTION 'function' NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS INVALID PARIP.ETER 'parameter' ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK INVALID CONTROL RECORD OR NO GO SWITCH SET PATCH OVERLAPS - SET NO GO SWITCH ERROR - ODD NUKBER OF DIGITS - SET NO GO SWITCH PRECEDING CONTROL RECORD FLUSHED CSECT NOT FOUND IN {MEMBER 'membername' I MODULE 'modulename'} -SET NO GO SWITCH BASE VALUE INVALID - SET NO GO SWITCH VERIFY REJECT - SET NC GO SWITCH FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT VARIABLE RECORD FORMAT FILE 'fn ft' IS ON A READ/ONLY DISK ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER NO LOADER TABLE PRESENT FOR MODULE Ifni - SET NO GO SWITCH MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND - SET NO GO SWITCH INVALID VER/REP DISP - SET NO GO SWITCH ZAP PROCESSING COMPLETE MEMBER FOUND IN LIBRARY Ifni Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message raentifier 277 DMT RSCS Message Summary DMTAXS101I DMTAXs1021 DMTAXS103E DMTAXS10qI DMTAXS1051 DMTAXS1061 DKTAXS1071 DMTAXS108E DMTAXs5201 DMTAXS5211 DMTAXS5221 DMTAXS5231 DMTAXS52QE DMTAXS525E DHTAXS526E DMTAXS6401 FILE spoolid ENQUEUED eN LINK linkid FILE spoolid PENDING FCR LINK linkid FILE spoolid REJECTED -- INVALID DESTINATION ADDRESS FILE SPOOLED TO userid2 -- ORG locid1 (name1) mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss FILE spoolid PURGED FILE spoolid MISSING -- DEQUEUED FROM LINK linkid nn PENDING FILES FOR lINK linkid MISSING SYSTEM ERROR REArING SPOOL FILE spoolid FILE spoolid CHANGED FILE spoolid HELD FOR LINK linkid FILE spoolid RELEASED FOR LINK linkid LINK linkid QUEUE RECRDERED FILE spoolid ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN FILE spoolid IS FOR LINK linkid -- NO ACTION TAKEN FILE spoolid NOT POUND -- NO ACTION TAKEN nn FILE(S) PURGED ON LINK linkid DHTCMX0011 DMTCMX0031 DMTCMX2001 DMTCMX201E DMTCMX202E FREE STORAGE = nn PAGES LINK linkid EXECUTING: (command line text) RSCS INVALID COMMAND command INVALID LINK linkid INVALID SPOOL FILE ID spoolid INVALID KEYWORD keyword CONFLICTING KEYWORD keyword INVALID OPTION keyword option CONFLICTING OPTION keyword option INVALID USER ID userid ACCEPTED BY TASK task REJECTED BY TASK task -- PREVIOUS COMMAND ACTIVE LINK linkid IS NOT DEFINED LINK linkid IS NOT ACTIVE REJECTED BY TASK task -- NOT RECEIVING NEW LINK linkid DEFINED LINK linkid REDEFINED LINK linkid ACTIVE -- NOT REDEFINED LINK linkid NOT DEFINED -- LINK LIHIT REACHED D~TCHX203E DMTCMX20QE DMTCHX205E DMTCMX206E DMTCMX207E D~TCMX208E DMTCMX3001 DMTCMX301E DMTCHX302E DMTCMX303E DMTCMX304E DHTCHX5401 DMTCMX5411 DMTCMX542E DMTCMX543E DMTCMX54~E LINg linkid DMTCMX5501 DMTCMX551E DMTCMX552E DMTCMX5601 DHTCMX561E DMTCMX6511 DMTCMX6521 DHTCHX6531 DMTCMX6541 DMTCMX6551 DHTCMX6601 DHTCMX6611 DMTCMX662I DMTCMX6631 DHTCMX664E DMTCMX6701 DMTCHX6711 DMTCHX6721 DMTCMX6731 DMTCMX7001 DMTCMX701E DMTCHX702E DMTCMX703E DMTCHX704E DHTCMX705E DHTCMX706E DHTCMX707E DMTCMX708E DHTCHX709E DMTCMX710E DKTCMX750E DHTCMX7511 LINK linkid NOW DELETED LINK linkid ACTIVE -- NOT DELETED LINK linkid HAS A FILE QUEUE -- NOT DELETED RSCS DISCONNECTING USERID userid NOT RECEIVING LINK linkid INACTIVE LINK linkid ACTIVE task type vaddr c {HO I NOH} {DR I NOD} {TRA I TREI NOT} Q=m P=n LINK linkid DEFAULT task type vaddr c R=m LINK linkid Q=m P=n FILE spoolid locid userid CL a PR mm REC nnnnnn {All} FILE spoolid INACTIVE ON LINK lin kid FILE spoolid ACTIVE ON LINK linkid FILE spoolid ORG locid1 userid1 mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss TO loclid2 userid2 FILE spoolid PR mm CL a CO nn {HOINOH} DI distcode, NA {fn ftldsnaae} FILE spoolid NOT FOUND LINK linkid ACTIVE -- lINE vaddr {HOI NOH} LINK linkid INACTIVE NO LINK ACTIVE NO LINK DEFINED ACTIVATING LINK linkid task type vaddr c NO SWITCHED LINE AVAILABLE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED LINE vaddr IS IN USE BY lINK linkid1 -- LINK linkid2 NOT ACTIVATED DEV cuu IS NOT A LINE PORT -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED LINE vaddr CC=3 NOT OPERATIONAL -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DRIVER type NOT FOUND ON DISK vaddr -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED FATAL ERROR LOADING FROH vaddr -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DRIVER type FILE FORMAT INVALID -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED -- LINK lin kid NOT ACTIVATED TASK NAHE task ALREADY IN USE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED MAX (nn) ACTIVE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED LINK linkid ALRE~DY ACTIVE NO ACTION TAKEN LINK linkid ALREADY ACTIVE -- NEW CLASS(ES) SET AS REQUESTED 278 IBM VH/370 System Messages DMT DATC8X752I LINK linkid STILL ACTIVE -- DRill! STATUS DKTINI402T DMTINI406R DftTINI407R DKTINI409R DKTINI4l0R DKTINI431S DKTINI479E DKTINI480E DKTINI481E DKTINI482E DKTINI483E IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR SYSTEM DISK ADDRESS = cuo REWRITE THE NUCLEUS? [YESINO] NUCLEUS CYL ADDRESS = nnn ALSO IPL CYLINDER 01 [YESINOl IPL DEVICE WRITE I/O ERROR INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS - REENTER INVALID CYLINDER NUKEER - REENTER INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" SYSTEK DISK ERROR - REENTER NUCLEUS WILL OVERLAY CMS FILES - RECOMPUTE DMTNPT070E DKTNPT904E DKTNPT907E DKTNPT936E DKTNPT108E DKTNPT14l1 DKTNPT1421 DKTNPT1431 DHTNPT1441 DHTNPT14S1 DKTNPT1461 DHTNPT147I DHTNPT1491 DMTNPT1601 DKTNPT1701 DKTNPT190E DMTNPT5101 DMTNPT5l1E DKTNPT5301 DMTNPT5701 DHTNPT571E DKTNPT5801 DKTNPT581E DKTNPT5901 DKTNPT591E DMTNPT6001 DKTNPT6l01 DKTNPT6l11 DMTNPT6l2E DKTNPT8011 DKTNPT802I DKTNPT8031 DMTNPT810E DHTNPT8l1E DKTNPT902E DKTNPT903E DKTNPT90S1 DMTNPT934E I/O ERROR cuu SIOCC cc CSW csv SENSE sense CCW ccv SIGNON PARAKETER=paraaeter INVALID SIGNON TYPE PARASETER MISSING NO REKOTE PUNCH AVAILABLE ON LINK linkid -- FILE spoolid PURGED SYSTEK ERROR REAtING SPOOL FILE spoolid LINE vaddr READY FOR CONNECTION TO LINK linkid LINK linkid LINE vaddr CONNECTED LINK linkid LINE vaddr DISCONNECTED RECEIVING: FILE FROM locidl (namel) FOR locid2 (userid2) RECEIVED: FILE FROS locidl (namel) FOR locid2 (userid2) SENDING: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid, REC nnnnnn SENT: FILE spoolid ON lINK linkid LINK linkid lINE ACTIVITY: TOT= a.a; ERRS= nnn; THOUTS= ppp LINE vaddr DISABLED FOR lINK linkid FROM linkid~ (MSG message text) INVALID SPOOL BLOCK FORMAT ON FILE spoolid FILE spoolid BACKSPACED NO FILE ACTIVE ON LINK linkid COMKAND FORWARDEt ON lINK linkid LINK linkid NOW SET TO DEACTIVATE LINK linkid ALREADY SET TO DEACTIVATE FILE spoolid PROCESSING TERKINATED FILE spoolid NOT ACTIVE LINK linkid RESUKING FILE TRANSFER LINK linkid NOT IN HOLD STATUS FILE spoolid FORWARD SPACED LINK linkid TO SUSPENt FILE TRANSMISSION LINK linkid FILE TRANSMISSION SUSPENDED LINK linkid A1REAtY IN HOLD STATUS LINK linkid ERROR TRACE STARTED lINK linkid TRACE STARTED LINK linkid TRACE ENDED LINK linkid TRACE ALREADY ACTIVE LINK linkid TRACE NOT ACTIVE NON-SIGNON CARD READ OJ LINK linkid PASSWORD SUPPLIED ON LINK linkid IS INVALID SIGNON OF LINKID (linkid) COMPLETE ID CARD KISSING ON LINK linkid -- INPUT FILE PURGED DHTREXOOOI RSCS (VER v, LEV 1, mm/dd/yy) READY DKTREX0021 LINK linkid DEACTIVATED DKTREX091T INITIALIZATION FAILURE -- RSCS SHUTDOWN DKTSKL070E DMTSHL108E DKTSKL14l1 D5TSKL142I DMTSML143r DMTSML1441 DMTSM114S1 DKTSML1461 DMTSML147I DKTSM1149I DKTSKL1601 DMTSKL170I DKTSML190E DMTSKL5101 DMTSML511E DMTSML5701 I/O ERROR cuu SIOCC cc CSW csv SENSE sense CCW ccv SYSTEK ERROR READING SPOOL FILE spoolid LINE vaddr READY FOR CCNNECTION TO LINK linkid LINK linkid LINE ~addr CONNECTED LINK linkid LINE vaddr DISCONNECTED RECEIVING: FILE FROK locidl (naael) FOR locid2 (oserid2) RECEIVED: FILE FROM locidl (naael) FOR locid2 (userid2) SENDING: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid, REC nnnnnn SENT: FILE sPQQ_lid ON LINK linkid LINK linkid LINE ACTIVITY: TOT= ammo ERRS= nnn; TKOUTS= ppp LINE vaddr DISABLED FOR LINK linkid FROM linkid: (MSG message text) INVALID SPOOL BLOCK FORKAT ON FILE spoolid FILE spoolid BACKSPACED NO FILE ACTIVE ON lINK linkid LINK linkid NOW SET TO DEACTIVATE Appendix B. Kessage Summary Alphamerically by Hessage Identifier 279 DMT DMTSML571E DMTSML580I DMTSML581E DMTSML590I DMTSML591E DMTSML600I DMTSML610I DHTSML611I DMTSML612E DMTSML801I DMTSML802I DHTSHL803I DMTSML810E DMTSML811E DMTSML901E DMTSML902E DMTSML903E DMTSM19051 DMTSML906E DMTSML934E DMTSML935E DMTSML936E DMTSML937E 280 LINK linkid ALREAtY SET TO DEACTIVATE FILE spoolid PROCESSING TERMINATED FILE spoolid NOT ACTIVE LINK linkid RESUMING FILE TRANSFER LINK linkid NOT IN HOLD STATUS FILE spoolid FORWARD SPACED LINK linkid TO SUSPEND FILE TRANSMISSION LINK linkid FILE TRANSMISSION SUSPENDED LINK linkid ALREAtY IN HOLD STATUS LINK linkid ERROR TRACE STARTED LINK linkid TRACE STARTED LINK linkid TRACE ENDED LINK linkid TRACE ALRIADY ACTIVE LINK linkid TRACE NOT ACTIVE INVALID SML MODE SPECIFIED -- LINK (linkid) NOT ACTIVATED NON-SIGNON CARD READ ON LINK linkid PASSWORD SUPPLIED ON LINK linkid IS INVALID SIGNON OF LINKID linkid CO!PLETE INVALID SML BUFFER PARAMETER -- LINK (linkid) NOT ACTIVATED ID CARD MISSING ON LINK linkid -- INPUT FILE PURGED LINK (linkid) IN RJE ~CDE -- PRINT FILE (spoolid) PURGED NO REMOTE PUNCH AVAILABLE ON LINK linkid -- FILE spooled PURGED DECOMPRESSION ERROR ON linkid -- LINK DEACTIVATED IBM VM/370 System Messages DKfJ. IPCS rv'essage Summary DKMCPA8051 'nnn' ABEND CODE NOT RECOGNIZED BY DATA EXTRACTION DMMDSC500s DMMDSC7001 DHMDSC701R DMMDSC7191 DHMDSC7201 DMMDSC7211 DMMDSC7221 DHMDSC7231 ERROR 'nnn' WRITING TC VIRTUAL PRINTER TYPE 'HELP' OR ENTER ENTER DUMP NUMBER ANt MODE ERROR 'nnn' IN FSSTATE 'filename filetype fm' LOAD MAP ALREADY PRESENT &NAME TABLE IS FULL INVALID ENTRY INTO &NAME TABLE THE DUMP IS NOT ON THE A-DISK DMMEDM8501 DMMEDM8511 DHMEDM8521 DMMEDM853I DMMEDM860I DMMEDM861E DMMEDM863E DHMEDM8641 UNABLE TO READ DUMP FRCM READER TEN DUMP FILES ALREADY EXIST FATAL I/O ERROR WRITING DUMP NO DUMP FILES EXIST FATAL I/O ERROR READING DUMP DUMP FILE 'filename' NCT FOUND INVALID PARAMETER - parameter PAGE REFERENCED NOT AVAILABLE WHILE EDITING xxxxxxxx DMMFED7021 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN COUNT - RETRY DMMFED7031 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN ADDRESS - RETRY DMMFEX7041 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN ADDRESS - RETRY DMMGET100S ERBOR !nnn! READING FILE ! filename filetype fm! DHMGET7081 PAGE 'page' NOT FOUND IN DUMP DMMGRC100S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE ' filename filetype fm' DMMGRC8091 REQUESTED ADDRESS NOT IN DUMP DMHHEX7141 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN INPUT - RETRY DMMINI100S DMHINI200S DMMINI300S DHMINI400S DMHINI800S DMMINI803S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' ON FSSTATE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' CLOSING 'filename filetype fm' DATA EXTRACTION FAILURE ERROR 'nnn' ATTE~PTING TO LOADMOD VHFDUMP2 DMHIOB7121 DEVICE 'cuu' NOT FOUND DMHIOB7131 USER 'userid' VMBlOK NeT FOUND DMMLOC7151 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN STRING DHMLOC7161 STRING 'string'}NCT FCUNDINOT FOUND BEFORE END OF DUHP[ DHMLOC7171 INVALID FORM OF LOCATE COMMAND DMMKAP200S DMHHAP8011 DH!HA P802I DMMMAP806R DMMMAP8071 DHHMAP8081 DHMHAP8101 ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' NUC MAP 'filena.e filetype fm' IS NOT VALID FOR THIS DUMP. PROCEEDING •••• ENTER 'filename filetype f.' OF NUCLEUS LOAD MAP OR ENTER NULL UNABLE TO LOCATE 'filename filetype fm' NUCLEUS MAP INVALID 'filename filetype f.' ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'fileid' DHMMOD100S DMMMOD705E D!UlM.OD7061 DHMMOD707I DKMHOD7181 ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR IN ITEM TABLE 'entry name' NOT FOUND IN THE LOAD MAP 'module' 'page' PAGE NOT VALID THIS DUMP HAS NO LOAD MAP - SEE KAP SUBCOMMAND DHHPRM200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DKMPRK804I PROC-ESSING ERROR IN DATA EXTRA{;TION Appendix B. Message Summary Alpha.erically by Message Identifier 281 DMM DHMPR0100S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMHPR0200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DHHPR0300S ERROR 'nnn' ON FSSTATE 'filename filetype fa' DHHREG100S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fa' DMMREG72qI {AP} REGISTERS REQUESTED FOR UNIPROCESSOR DUMP DMHREG72qI {HP} REGISTERS REQUESTED FOR UNIPROCESSOR DUMP D8HSCR709I NO VALID SCROLL AtDRESS DMMSEA100S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fa' DMMSTA100S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fa' DMHSTA200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fa' DHMSTA601I OPERAND 'operand' NOT RECOGNIZED DKHSUH100S DMMSUM200S DKKSUK501S DHHSUM502S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filenaae filetype f.' ERReR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' INVALID PARM 'badpara' PASSED TO SUMMARY UPDATE PROGRAM PROBLEM 'PRBnnnnn' NeT FOUND IN SYHPTOH SUMMARY DKMTRC710I NON-NUMERIC COUNT CHARACTER - RETRY DHHVHB711I LOOP IN VKBLOK CHAIN DMMWRT200S ERROR 'nnn' 282 WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fa' IBH VM/370 System Hessages D!!K Appendix C. IVlessage-to-l'v1odule Cioss-Reference This appendix contains all the V!!/370 message identifiers, listed in numerical order vertically. Use this appendix when you want to find out which modules issue a given message. Find the message number within its component code group (CP, C!!S, RSCS, or 1PCS); all the message identifiers with the same number appear together. N01~: Messages shown in this appendix are not qualified with program product identifiers, refer to the message section of this book to establish ownership. CP Message Summary D!!KCFC001E DMKCFC002E DHKCFGOO2E DHKCFTOO2E DMK!!CCOO2E D!tKMCDOO2E DMKHIU002E DMKNES002E DMKHET002E DMKNLDOO2E DMKSPT002E DMKTH1002E DMKTRA002E DMKCDB003E DMKCDM003E DHKCFG003E DMKCFOO03E DHKCFSOO3E D!lKCPSOO3E DMKCPV003E DMKCQP003E DHKCQR003E DMKCSB003E DMKCSOOO3E DKKCSP003E DMKCST003E DKKCSU003E DMKDEF003E DMKLOG003E DMKHCC003E DMKHCH003E DMKMSG003E DHKNET003E D!KNLE003E DMKSPT003E DMKTB1003E DMKTRA003E DMKUSOOO3E DMKVDA003E DMKCDSOOSE DHKCPEOOSE DMKCSU013E DMKTRA013E DMKVMDO"13E D!!KCFCOO6E D!!KCFSOO6E DHKCFTOO6E DMKSPS014E D!KCPBOO6E DMKCPVOO6E D!KCQPOO6E DMKCSEOO6E D!KCSOOO6E D!KCSPOO6E DHKCSTOO6E D!!KCSUOO6E D!!KD1AOO6E D!!KMCCOO6E DMKNES006E DMKNET006E DHKNLD006E DMKNLEOO6E DMKSPTOO6E DMKVDA006E DMKVDD006E DMKCPV007E D!KCSP007E DMKCSU007E DMKCSU008E DMKSPT008E DMKCDB009E DMKCDM009E DMKCPVOO9E D!KNES009E D!KNET009E DMKV!D009E DMKCDB010E DMKCDS010E DMKD1A011E DMKCDB004E DMKCDMOO4~ DHKCDS004E DKKCFC004E DMKCFD004E DMKCPV004E DMKHES004E DMKHET004E DMKCDSOl2-E DMKCPE012E DMKCFG013E DMKCFC013E DMKCSB013E DKKCS 00 13E DMKCSP013E Dl!KCFOO20E DMKCPV020E DMKCQG020E DMKCQP020E D!!KCQR020E DMKCQY020E DMKCSP020E DMKCSU020E DMKD1A020E DMKLNK020E DMKLOG020E DMKMSG020E DMKQVM020E DMKUSOO20E D!KVDA020E DKKVDD020E DKKVMD020E DMKCFD021E DMKCF0021E DMKCPS021E DMKCPU021E DMKCPV021E DMKCQP021E DMKCSB021E DMKCS0021E DMKMCC021E DMKMCD021E DMKNES021E DMKNET021E DKKNLD021E DMKNLE021E DKKSPT021E DKKVDA021E DMKVDD021E D!KD1A022E DPIKLNK022E D!KVDA022E DMKVDD022E DPIKVKI022E DHKVDA023E DMKDEF024E DPIKDEF02SE DMKCDB026E DMKCDS026E D!KCFC026E D!KCFD026E DMKCFG026E D!KCFH026E DMKCF0026E DMKCFS026E DftKCFT026E DMKCPB026E DMKCPS026E D!lKCPV026E D!KCQR026E D!KCQY026E D!KCSB026E D!KCSP026E DMKCST026E D!KCSU026E DMKDEF026E DMKMCC026E DMKMCD026E DMKHCH026E Dl!KHES026E DMKNET026E DMKNLD026E DMKSPM026E DlIKSPS026E DKKTB1026E DMKTRA026E DMKCFD022E DKKCQG027E D8KCF~2-2E IH!KCST{}27E D!KCPB022E DKKCQG022E DMKCQP022E DMKCSB022E DMKCSP022E DMKCST022E DMKDEF022E D!KCSU027E DMKCQG028E DKKCQR028E DKKCSB028E DMKCS0028E DMKCSP028E Appendix C. Kessage-to-Module Cross-Reference 293 DMK DMKCQG045E DMKCQP045E DHKCQR045E DMKCQY045E DMKDIA045E DHKMSG045E DHKTHI045E DHKUSC045E DPlKVDA045E DMKVDD045E DMKSSS071E DMKCSU035E DMKCFC046E DHKCFS046E DMKCFP046E DHKCPV046E DMKCSB046E DHKCSC046E D£U:;MCC046:Z DHKNES046E DHKNET046E DMKNLD046E DMKNLE046E DMKSPT046E DHKVDA046E DMKVDD046E DMKCSB036E DHKSPS037E DMKSPS037E DMKVHD037E DMKCSU028E DMKS PS028E DHKCSP029E DMKCSU029E DMKCSOO30E DHKCSp030E DHKCSU030E DMKALG 115E DMKLNK115E DMKSSS072E DMKSST072E DMKLNK116E DMKSST073E D!KLNK117E DHKSSU07IJE D!KLNK118E DMKSSS075E DMKLNK119E DMKVDA076E DMKVDA120E D!KDEF077E DMKVDA121E D!KVDD121E DMKCSB031E DMKCSP032E DMKCSU032E DMKCDM033E DMKCDS033E DMKCPv033E DHKNET033E DMKVMD033E DMKVCH034E DHKVDA034E DMKCFD040E DPIKCFOO40E DMKCFG040E DMKCPB040E DMKCPS040E DKKCPV040E DMKCQG040E DMKCQP040E DMKCSB040E DHKCSOO40E DMKCSP040E DMKCST040E DMKDEF040E DMKDIA040E DMKHCC040E DMKMCD040E DMKNES040E DMKNET040E DMKNLD040E DMKNLE040E DMKSPT040E DMKVDA040E DMKVDD040E D!KSSS0781 D!KSST0781 DMKCFV080E DMKLOG080E DMKVDA122E D!KCPS123E DMKVDA 123E DMKVDD123E DMKLOG081W D!KCFV082E DPIKLOG082E DHKCPS124E DMKVDA124E DMKVDD124E DMKDIA047E DMKCFG083E DMKVDA125E DMKVCH048E DMKLOG090E DMKVDA126E DMKCPS049E DMKNES049E DMKNET049E D!KDEF091E DMKLOG091E DMKVDA127E DPIKVDA128E DMKLOG092E DMKLOG050E DMKVCH129E DMKLOG093E DMKLOG051E DMKVCH130E DKKDEF09IJE DHKCFS052E DMKLNK052E DHKLOG052E DMKCFS053E DPIKCSP053E DPIKCSU053E DMKLNK053E DMKLOG053E DffKVMD053E DPIK DEFO 95E DMKLOG095E DMKCPI 131 I DKKLOG131E DMKVDli3iE DPIKDIA098E D!KNES098E DMKNET098E DMKVCH132E DKKLNK101W DPIKVDA134E DHKVDD134E DMKVDA133E DHKLNK102W DMKLOG054E DHKLNK103W DMKVDA135E DMKVDD135E DHKLNK 1 04E DPIKDEF136E DHKLNK105E DPIKLNK137E DMKLNK106E DMKVCH138E DMKLNK107E DHKLNK139E DMKVDA139E DMKDIA055E tMKDIA056E DMKMSG057W DMKCFOO41E DMKALG059E DMKCQG042E DMKCST042E DMKCSU042E DMKCDPI060E DMKLNK108E DMKCDPI061E DHKCSB043E DMKLNK109E DMKCFV062E DMKCFG044E DMKCFH044E DMKNLD044E DMKCFS044E DMKS NC044E DMKLNK110E DMKCFV063E DHKLNK111E DMKVAT064E DHKLNK112E DPlKLOG067E DMKCFOO45E DMKCFS045E DMKCPV045E 284 DHKLNK113E DMKSST070E IBM '1:1/370 System Messaqes DMKLNK11 to!: DMKCF0140E DMKCPS140E DMKCPV140F DMKCSB140E DMKCS0140E DMKMCC 140E DMKNES140E DMKNET140E DMKNLD140E DMKNLE140E DMKSPT140E D~KVDA140E D~K DMKCFC175E DMKCFS175E DMKNES175E DMKMCC215E DMKRSE2521 DMKMCC216E DMKCSP253E DMKCSU253E DMKCPV176E DMKMCC217E DMKCFG177E DMKMCD218E DMKSNC178E DMKMON2191 DMKRSE2551 DMKCF0255W DMKCFG179E DMKKON2201 DKKNMT256F DMKCFP179E DMKCFS179E DMKSNC179E DKKKCD222E DMKNMT257E DMKMCD223E DMKLNK281t DMKTRA180W DMKMCD224E DMKCFH300E DMKCPS144W DMKATS181E DMKKNI225E DMKMID310E DMKJRL 145r DMKTRA182E DMKMCD226E DMKSAV350W DMKVMD1461 DMKCFS183& DMKMCD227E DMKSAV351W DMKCSB148E DMKCFC184E DMKCFS184E DMKMCD228& DMKSAV352i DMKMIA229E DMKSAV353w DMKVMI230E DKKCKS4001 DMKPGT4001 DMKVDD140E DMKCS0141E DMKCPS142E DMKCSB142E DMKVDA142E DMKVDD142E DMKCF0143E DMKCPS143E DMKMCC143E DMKNLD143E DMKNLE143E DIiKSPTi 43& DMKVDA143E DMKVDD143E DMKNMT254E D~KCFH179E DMKVDA 1511 DMKCPI185E DMKCDB160E DMKCDM160E DMKCDS160E DMKCFD160E DMKCPV160E DMKNES160E DMKNET160E DMKVMD160E DMKCF0188E DMKCFS188E DMKLOG188E DMKCDS161E DMKVMA161E DMKCFS1891 DMKLOG1891 DMKCDS162E DMKCDS162W DMKCFS1901 DMKCF0186E DMKVMI231E DMKCFS187E DMKCPU191E DMKVMI232E DMKCKS4011 DMKPGT4011 DMKVMI233E DMKPTR410W DMKVMI234E DMKPRG411W DKKRSE240E DKKTCS240E DMKPAG415E DKKRSE241E DMKTCS241E DMKCDSi 63& DMKCDS164E DMKCFD164E DMKCFP164E DMKCPS192E DMKCPU192E DMKCPU1931 DKKCPV1651 DMKCPU1941 DMKCDS166E DMKBLD200E DMKCFG170E DMKCFH170E DMKCFS170E DMKNLD170E DMKBLD201E DMKCFG171E DMKCFH171E DMKCFS171E DMKNLD171E DMKSNC171E DMKCFG172E DMKCFH172E DMKBLD202E DMKCPV202E DMKCFG203E DMKCPV203E DKKRSE242E DMKAC0425A DMKAC0425E DMKRSP426E DMKSPS426E DMKCS0243E DMKCSP243E DMKCSU243E DMKVSP427I DMKRSP428E DMKCS0244E DMKVSP4291 DMKCS0245E DMKCSP245E DMKCSU245E DMKRSP430A DMKRSP431A DMKCS0246E DMKCSP246E DMKCSU246E DMKRSP432A DKKNKT2471 DKKRSP434A DMKNMT248E DMKCFH435E DMKCFP435E DMKSNC435E DMKRSP433A DMKCPV20'*F DPlKDU206E DMKLOG206E DMnCC211E DMKCFG173E DMKCFH173E DMKMCD212E DMKCFG174E DMKMCC213E DMKCFG175E DMKMCD214E DKKNMT249E DHI(CF0250E DMKCFS250E DKKLOG250E DMKCFS251E DMKLOG251E DMKCFH436E DMKCLK437E DMKSSS438E DMKDSP450W Appendix C. Message-to-Module Cross-Reference 285 DMK DMKDSP452W DMKPRG453W DMKCNS4541 DMKRGA4541 DMKRNH454I DMKCNS455I DMKRGA455I DMKVMA456W DKKNLD460E DMKNLE460E DMKDAS504D D!!KTAP504D DMKBSC504I DMKCNS504I DMKDAS504I DftKGRF504I DftKRSE504I DftKRSE505A DftKDAS505D DMKTAP505D DMKBSC505I DMKCNS505I DMKDAS505I DMKCNS528I DKKKCH624I DKKGRF529I DKKRSE529I DftKDDR700E DftKDDR101E DKKDA05301 DKKGRF530I DKKDDR702E DMKGRF531I DKKDDR703E DKKGRF532I DftKDDR704E DKKDA0536I DftKDDR705E D1URGA705I DKKIOF550E DMKDAS506I DKKNLD461R DMKNLE461R DKKNES706E DKKIOG551E DMKDAS507D DMKDDR707E DKKIOG552I DKKRNH462I DMKDAS5081 DftKRSE5081 DftK1OG5531 DftKDAS5091 DftK1OG5581 DftKTAP5101 DKK1OH559W DftKTAP5111 DKK1OH560W DMKTAP5121 DftKIOH561W DMKDAS5131 DMKTAP5131 DftKVER5751 DftKDDR708E DftKRNH4631 DftKNLE4641 DftKRNH4641 DftKDDR709E DftKDDR710A DftKDDR711 R DMKRNHij651 DMKVDS465W DftKDDR712E DMKCQP466I DMKRNH4681 DMKDDR713E DftKDDR714E DftK CCH6 01 I D!!KNLE469E DMKDAS514D D!!KDDR715E DftKCCH602I DMKNLD470E DftKNLE470E DMKNLD471 E DftKNLE471E DMKUDR4751 DftKBSC5001 DftKCNS5001 DftKDAS5001 DftKGRF5001 D!!KRSE5001 DMKTAP5001 D!!KBSC501A DftKDAS501A DftKRSE501A DMKTAP501A DftKCNS501I DMKRSE501I DMKBSC5021 DMKCNS5021 DMKDAS5021 DftKGRF5021 DMKRSE5021 DMKTAP5021 DftKBSC5161 D~UmAS5161 DMKT~P5161 DftKDDR716 R DftKCCH603W DftKDDR717R DftKCCH6051 DMKDAS517E nl!1tBSCS17I DftKTAP5171 D!!K!!CH610W DftKftCT61OW DftKDDR119E DMKDAS5181 DMKTAP5181 DftKftCH611 W DftKftCT611W DftKDDR720E DftKTAP5191 DftKftCH612W D!!KKCT612W D!!KDDR722E DMKftCH6131 D!!KDDR723E DftKftCH611H DMKDDR724E DftKDDR718E DftKDDR721E DKKRSE520A DftKBSC5201 DftKDAS5201 D!!KRSE5201 DMKTAP5201 D!!K ftCH6151 DKKDDR725R DMKGRF5211 DMKRSE5211 DftKTAP5211 DKKftCH6161 DKK!!CT6161 DftKDDR726E DftKTAP5221 DKKMCH6171 DMKTAP5231 DMKMCH6181 DMKRSE5241 DMKMCH6191 DMKMCT6191 DftKFMT733E DftKDDR727E DMKFMT730E D!!KFMT732E DMKRSE503A DMKBSC5031 D!!KCNS5031 D!!KDAS5031 DMKGRF5031 DftKRSE5031 DMKTAP5031 DMKGRF5251 DMKRSE5251 DMKMCT6201 DMKFftT734E D!!KTAP5261 D!!K!!CT6211 DftKFMT735E DftKBSC5271 DMKCNS5271 DMKMCH622W D!!KFMT736! DMKVMD6231 DMKFKT737E DMKRSE504A DMKBSc52BI 286 I EM VM/370 System Messages D!lK D!!KF!!T738A D!!KQV!!800E D!!KCKP900W D!!KWR!!9201 D!!KF!!T739E D!!KQV!!801E DKKCKP901W D!!KWR!!921 W D!!KF!!T7IJOE D!!KQV!!802E D!!KCKP902W DPIKCKP922W D!!KDI R751E DKKQV!!803E D!!KCKS903W DfIIKCP1950A D!!KD1R752E D!!KSP!!804E D!!KWR!!904W D!!KCP1951I D!!KD1 R753E D!!KSP!!805E D!!KD!!P905W DKKCPI9521 DKKD1R754E DKKQV8806E D!!KD!!P906W D8KCP19531 "!3 D6KQV6607E DnKDnP907i D!!KCPI95IJE DPIKDDR756E D!!KD1R756E D8KF!!T756E D!!KSP!!808I D!!K D!!P9 081 D8KCPI955W D!!KQV!!809E DPIKDPIP909W DBKDAS956A D!!KDSB956A D!!KD1 R757E D8KRBD8501 DPIKCKP910W D!!KDIR758E D!!KRBD8511 DPIKCKP911i D8KD1R760E D!!KRBD8521 D!!KCKS912W D8KWRPI912W D!!KD1 B761E D8KRBD853I D8KD1B762E D8KRBD8601 D8KD1B763E D8KRBD861E n. U'IJ"'n. T n-"7 c:. r= UDnU.L.LlIJ:J.I:o D8KCP1957I D !!KCP1 9581 DKKCP1913I DPIKCP1959W DBKCKP9601 DKKCPI9601 DKKCKS915E DPIK CKS 91 6E D!!KDI B764E D8KCKP961W D!fKCPI961W D!!KRBD863E D!!KCKS917E D!!KCKS917E D!!KCLK970W Appendix C. Kessage-to-Kodule Cross-Reference 287 DMS eMS Message Summary DMSAMSOO1E DMSARNOO1E DHSARXOO1E DMSASKOO1E DHSDLB001 E DMSDLKOO1E D!lSERVOO1E DMSEXCOO1E DMSLBMOO1E DMSLBT001E DMSLIOOO1E DMSLKDOO1E DMSMDP001E DMSMOD001E DMSNCPOO1E DMSPREOO1E DMSRUN001E DMSTMA001E DMSUPD001 E DMSZ AP001E DMSACC002E DMSAMS002E DMSARNOO2E DMSARX002E DMSASMOO2E DMSCKP002E DHSCPYOO2E DHSDSK002E DMSDSLOO2E DMSERS002E DMSERVOO2E DMSGRN002E DHSHLP002E DMSIFCOO2E DMSLBMOO2E DHSLBTOO2E DMSLDSOO2E DMSLIOOO2E DMSLKDOO2E DHSLSTOO2E DMSMDPOO2E DMSMODOO2E DMSMVEOO2E DHSNCPOO2E DMSPREOO2E DMSPRTOO2E DMSPUNOO2E DMSRNMOO2E DMSRUNOO2E DMSSLNOO2E DMSSRTOO2E DMSSTTOO2E DHSSYNOO2E DMSTPEOO2E DMSTYPOO2E DMSUPD002E DMSZAP002E DMSLGT002I D8SLIOO02I DHSGLBOO2W DMSGNDOO2W DMSLBMOO2W DMSLBT002W DMSZAPOO2W DMSACC003E DMSAMSOO3E DKSA RNOO3E DKSA RXOO3E 288 DMSASMOO3E DMSASNOO3E DMSCMPOO3E DMSCPyOO3E DMSDLEOO3E DMSDLKOO3E DMSDSLOO3E DMSDSV003E DMSEDIOO3E DMSERSOO3E DMSFETOO3E DMSFLDOO3E DMSFOROO3E DMSGRNOO3E DMSHLPOO3E DMSLBDOO3E DMSLBMOO3E DMSLBTOO3E DMSLDSOO3E DMSLICOO3E DP.lSLLUOO3E DMSLSTOO3E DMSMOD003E DMSMVEOO3E DMSNCPOO3E DMSPRTOO3E DMSPRVOO3E DMSPUNOO3E D!lSRNMOO3E DMSRRVOO3E DMSSRV003E DMSAMSOO7E DMSARNOO7E DMSARXOO7E D!lSAS!lOO7E DMS DLKOO7E DMSGRNOO7E DKSIFCOO7E DMSLKDOO7E DMSSYN007E DMSUPDOO7E D!lSZAPOO7E DMSPRT008E DMSPUNOO8E DMSROCOO8E Dl'1SABNOOSW DMSLKDOO8W DMSCMPOO9E DMSDSKOO9E DMSSRTOO9E Dl'!STYP009E DMSCMP010E DMSTPE010E DMSUPD010W DMSDOSOO'JE DMSFETOO'JE DPlSPRVOO4E DMSRRVOO4E DMSSRVOO4E DP.lSlRN004W DMSLKDOO4W DMSCMPOO5E DP.lSDLEOO5E DMSFOROO5E DP.lSLICOO5E DMSLKDOO5E DMSMODOO5E DMSQRYOO5E DMSTYPOO5E DMSAMSOO6E DPlSARNOO6E DPlSARX006E DP.lSASPlOO6E DMSCMSOO6E DMSDLKOO6E DHSERVOO6E DMSGENOO6E DMSLKDOO6E DMSLLUOO6E DMSPRVOO6E DMSRRVOO6E DMSSRVOO6E DMSVMFOO6E IBM VM/?70 System Messages D!lSGND022E D!lSDSV022W DMSDLB023E DMSFLD023E DMSIFC023E DMSTPE023E DMSDSV023W DASCPY024E DMSEDI02'JE DMSRNM02'JE DMSUPD024E DMSDSV02'JW DMSNCP025E DMSDSV025W D!lSQRY026E DMSSET026E DMSDSV026W DMSCMP011E 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DMSCPY063E DMSSRT063E DI!!SCPY064E DMSAMS065E DMSASN065E DMSCPY065E DMSLST070E DMSMDP070E DHSI!!OD070E DMSMVE070E DI!!SOPT070E DMSPRT070E DI!!SPRV070E DI!!SQRY070E DI!!SRRV070E DMSRUN070E DHSSET070E DHSSRT070E DHSSRV070E DMSSSK070E DMSDLB065E 'I"'Io."r"~,"I'I'III'\..,n._ DMSDSV065E DMSFLD065E DMSLBD065E DMSUPD065E DMSTHA070E DMSTPE070E DMSUPD070E DMSVHF070E DHSVPD070E DHSZAP070E DHSAMS066E DMSASN066E DMSCPY066E DMSDLB066E DMSDSV066E DMSFLD066E DMSLBD066E DMSLST066E DKSSYN066E DMSUPD066E DMSCPY067E DMSCPY068E DHSARE069E DMSASN069E DMSBOP069E DMSCPY069E DMSDSL069E DKSERS069E DMSFOR069E DMSLDS069E lIn;:),;:n::4V' v~ Dl!SERS071 E DKSEXT072E DKSKVE073E DKSARX074E DKSASM074E DMSARX07SE DKSASM07SE DHSMVE07SE DMSEDI076E DHSDSK077E DMSDSK078E DMSGRN078E DMSINI079E Dr1SLST069E DMSLBHOS6E DMSLBTOS6E DP.lSLICOS6E DKSNCPOS6E DMSSYNOS6E DPISZAPOS6E DHSLBTOS6W DMSMVE069E DMSRDC069E DMSSTT069E DMSUPD069E DHSVGN069E DHSFLD0691 DHSTYP069E DKSTMAOS7E DKSTPEOS7E DMSAKS070E DMSARE070E DKSARX070E DHSASH070E DKSASN070E DMSDLB070E DMSDLK070E DHSDSK070E DMSDSL070E DKSDSV070E DHSERS070E DHSERV070E DMSFET070E DMSFLD070E DftS P0R-07{}EDMSGND010E DMSIFC070E DMSLBD010E DMSLBM070E DMSLKD010E DMSLLU070E DKSBOPOS8E DKSCLS058E DKSTLEOS8E DMSTPDOS8E DI!!STPEOS8E DMSVMFOS8E DMSACC059E DMSACC060E DKSSET0-6'lE DMSCMP062E DMSCPY062E DMSDSK062E DMSPRT062E DMSPUN062E DMSINI080E DMSINI080E DMSINI081E DHSINI082E DPISINI083E DKSINI083E DKSPIOD084E DKSDLB086E DKSKVE086E DHSBOP086W DMSASN087E DMSBOP088E DMSCLS088E DMSPDP088E D1!fSl30POa~R DMSCLS089E DMSOPL089E DHSASN090E DMSDOS091E Appendix C. Message-to-Module Cross-Reference 289 DMS DMSDOS092E DftSDOS093E DMSUPD104S DMSVftFl04S DMSICP104S DftSZAP104S DftSCftS 111 E DftSGENlll E DMSTLBll1S DftSTPEll1S DftSITS 134S DPlSBTP105E DftSDLK105S DMS!)SK105S DftSDSll05S DMSDSV105S DMSEDI105S DMSLBM105S DMSLBT105S DftSLIC105S DftSLLU105S D!SLST105S DftSMOD105S D!SPRV105S DftSBDC105S D!SRRV105S DMSSRT105S DMSSRV105S DMSTftAl05S DMSTPD105S DftSTPE105S DMSUPD105S DftSVftFl05S DftSVPD105S DftSICP105S DftSACC112S DftSITS135S DMSACC113S DftSAftS113S DftSASI113S DftSBOPl13S DftSCI0113S DftSCLSl13S DftSDBG113S DftSFCBl13S D1'!SFOR113S DftSPIOl13S DftSPRV113S Dl1SRRV113S DftSSRV113S DftSTLBl13S DftSTPEl13S DftSVftFl13S DftSVPD113S DftSICP113S DMSUIS136S DMSITS136T DPISDOS094E DMSCPIS095E DftSDOS095E DPISDSV095E DftSGEI095E DftSDOS096S DMSTPE096E Df!SPRV097E Df!SRRV097E DMSSRV097E DftSDSL098E DMSFET098E DftSPRV098E DftSRRV098E Df!SSRV098E DMSITS098S DftSIIS098W DMSSET098W DPISASN099E DMSDLK099E DMSDSV099E DPISERV099E DPISFET099E DPISLI0099E DMSLLU099E DPISOPT099E DPISPRV099E Df!SQRY099E Df!SRRV099E DMSSET099E DMSSRV099E D"SNCPOQQW DftSBTB100E DftSINS100W DftSSET100W DPlSBTB101E DMSCPll01S Df!SCPll02S DftSCPl103S DftSCf!Pl04S DftSDLKl 04S DMSDSK104S DftSDSL104S DMSEDI104S DftSFCB104S DMSBLP104S DftSIFC104S DftSLBf!l 04S D!SLBT104S DftSLI0104S DftSftOD104S DPlSOVB104S DftSPBT104S DPISPUN104S DftSSLN104S DftSS BTl 04 S DftSSYN104S DftSTPE104S D"STIP104S 290 DMSBTP106E DMSLBT106S Df!SBTP107E DMSBWR107S DftSBTP108E DftSGLB108S DftSBTP109E DMSACC109S DftSAftSl09S DMSBWB109S DftSCftPl09S DftSDLE109S DMSFCB109S DftSBLP109S DMSLBPJ109S DMSLIC109S DftSPJOD109S D!SNCP109S DftSOVR109S DftSSftNl09S DftSPRE109s DftSSOP109S DMSSTG109S DftSTftAl09S D!STPD109S DftSVIB109S DMSVIP109S DMSVftFl09S DftSVPD109S DMSERS109T DMSFNS109T DftSftODl14E DftS FOR 114S DftS FCB 11 5E DftSTPEl15S DMSLI0116S DftSftOD116S DftSEDIl17S DftSVftFl17S DftSSftN133S DftSSTG133S DftSTftA137S D1'!SITS137T DftSTftA 138 S D1'!SITS138T DftSTfU 139S DftSITS139T DftSCLS140S DftSDOS140S DMSITS140T DMSCftSl 4 1 S DftSGER141S DftSITP141 T DMSSET142S DftSITP142T DftSEDI143S DftSITP143T DftSEDI144S DftSITP144T DMSCI0145S DftSPI0145S DftS DSK 118S DMSPUI118S DftSABR 148T DftSSVT119S DftS1BR149T DftSSBS120S DftSSCT120S DftSSVT120S DftSABH150W DftSDOS121S DftSSVT121S DftSABR152T DMSABB153W DftSITS154T DftSITS122S DftSABN155T DftSPRT123S DftSPUI123S DftSCPI156E DftSDSK124S DftSRDC124S DftSCPI157E DftSLBft 157S DMSFOR125S DftSOPL158E DMSFOR126S DftSFRE159T DMSftVE127S D!SDOS160S DMSFRE160T DftSftVE128S DMSCftSll0E DftSGEN110E DftSTLB110s DMSTftAl10S DftSTPD110S DftSTPEll0S DMSVftFl10S DftSVPD110S IBft VK/370 system Messages DftSftVE129S DMSICP161S DMSFBE161T DftSMVE130S DftSFRE162T DftSIII131S DftSFRE163T DftSEDI132S DftSFRE164T DM~ D!!SFRE165T D!!SLI0206W D!!SFRE166T Dl'.ISOPD207W DHSLBH167S DHSZAP208E D!!SDSV245S DMSZAP245S DMSSSK363E D!SVGN3631 D!SVGN363R D!SZAP246W DKSZAP247W D!!SFRE167T DMSCMP209W DMSLI0168S D!!SL10169S DMSDLK210E D!!SZAP210E DMSOPD210W DMSBWR170S DMSCMP211E DKSSSK364E D!!SVGN36lJI D!SVGN36lJR DMSZAP248W DMSZAP2491 D!!SSSK365E D!!SVGN3651 D!!SVGN365R DMSHLP250S D!!SHLP251E DliSe!!i7i! DMSCRD171T DMSCWR171T DMSVGN3661 D!!SVGN366R DHSSRT212E DMSHLP252E DMSCpy172E DMSDS1213W DMSLBM213W Dl!SLBT213W D!!SCPY173E DMSFOB214W DMSUPD174W D8SERB215T DMSOPD176W DMSDLE220R DMSFLD220R DMSLDS220B DMSFOR253E DMSOPD299E DMSUPD300E DMSDLB301E D!!SVGN3671 D!!SVPD3671 D!!SUIS367R D!!SVGN3681 DMSVPD3681 DMSVGN368R DMSVGN369E DMSVGN369R DMSBOP302E DMSDLB302E DMSVGN380R D!!SLLU303E D!!ISVGN381R DMSUPD179E DMSCMP1791 DMSDLB221E DMSFLD221E DMSLBD221E DMSLDS221E DMSDLB30lJE DMSUPD3041 D!!SVGN382R DKSUPD180W Dl!SLDS222E DMSDLB305E DMSVKF383R DKSVPD383R DKSUPD181E DMSLDS223E DMSDLB306E DMSOPD182W DMSFLD224E DKSDLB307E DMSPRE183E DMSOPD183E Dl!SMVE2251 DMSBOP308E DMSDLB308E DMSUPD177I DMSUPD1781 DMSUPD184W DMSLDS226E DMSMVE2261 DMSUPD185w DMSSTT2271 D!SLDS227W DMSUPD186W DMSDLB3201 DMSDLB3221 DMSDLB3231 DMSSTT229E DHSLDS2291 DHSDLB3241 D!!ISLBD3241 DMSVIP230E DHSACC230W DMSQRY3241 DKSZAP192W D[I!SZAP193W DMSLDS231E DKSZAP190w DMSBOP401 S DKSDOS401S DKSSET401S DMSV1B401S DMSDLB3211 DMSAMS228E D!!SSTT2281 DKSUPD187E DMSBOP400S D!!ISSET400S DMSSSK400S DMSV1B400S Dl'.ISZAP191W DMSBOP410S DMSSET410S DMSSSK410S DKSVIB410S D!SFCH411S DKSPBV411S DMSRRV411 S DMSSRV411S Df!SICP411 S Df!SDLB330R DMSC!!IS412S DMSDLB331R DKSSRV194S Df!SZAP194W DMSLDS2331 DMSSET333E DMSBOP413S DMSDOS413S DMSVGN360E DltSVGN3601 DMSVGN360R DPlSF1D420E DI'lSTKA420E DMSTPD420E DMSVGN361E D!SVGNJ611 DMSVGN 361R DMSTLB421E DKSSSK362E DMSVGN3621 D(!I!SVGN362R DKSTLB4231 DMSPRE234E DMSZAP195W DMSPRE235E DMSZAP200W DMSPRE236E DMSL10201W D~SPRE237E DMSL10202W DMSTLBlJ22E DMSPRE238E DMSL10203W DKSACC240S Dl'.ISDSK205w DMSRDC205w DMSTLB424E DMSDLK245S Appendix C. Kessage-to-Kodule Cross-Reference 291 DMS DMSTLB425R DKSFOB605B DMSFET7101 DKSIFC825E DKSTLB426R DKSINI606R DftSSYN7111 DftSIFC826E DftSTLB4271 DKSINI607R DftSSYN7121 DKSIFC8281 DftSTLB4281 DKSINI608R DKSCftS7151 DKSGEN7151 DftSIFC829W DMSCLS4291 DMSSEB4291 DMSINI609B DKSINI609B DftSTLB430E DftSINI610B DftSINI610B DftSBEA830E DKSCPY7211 DftSIFC831 E DMST LB431 E DftSTPE431E DKSAftS722I DKSIFC832S DKSACC7231 DKSINI611R DftSCPY901T DftSACC724I DKSTLB432E DftSINI612R D!SINI902T DKSACC725I DKSTLB433R DMSINI615R DMSCPY903~ DKSACC726I DMSTLB434E DPJSCPY90QT DKSRDC7011 DftSTPE701I D!SDBG7281 DftSRDC7021 DKSFOR7321 DKSTPD7031 DKSFOR7331 Df!SFLD704I DMSLBD1041 DKSBDC1381 DPJSDI0905S DMSTLB435R DHSTLB436I DKSTLBq.37I DMSSETQq.q.E DftSHLP907T DKSLBPJ901T DftSLI0901T DPJSFNS908T Df!SLI01q.OI DKSCPY601R DMSFOB105I D!SFNS909T DKSZAP1501 DKSCPY602R D!SBOP995E D!SMVE1061 D8SZAP1511 D!SFOR603R D8STPD1011 DftSBOP996E DKSFCH711S DMSS RT604R 292 DKSPJVE108I IBM VM/370 System Messages DMSRUN999E DJI'IT RSCS Message Summary DMTREXOOO1 DMTCPlX205E DMTCMX544E DMTCPlX7001 DMTCMXOOlI DMTCMX206E DMTCPIX5501 DMTCMX701E DMTREX0021 DMTCMX207E DPITCMX551E DPITCPIX102E DMTCMX0031 DHTCPlX208E DMTCMX552E DMTCMX703E DilITREX09iT DMTCeI300I DMTCMX5601 DMTCMX704E DMTAXS101I DPlTCMX301E DMTCMX561E D"TClU705E DMTAxs1021 DPlTCMX302E DftTNPT5701 DftTSML5701 DftTCftX706E DMTAXS103E DftTCMX303E DMTCMX707E DMTAXS1041 DMTCMX304E DMTNPT571E DMTSML571E DMTAXS1051 DMTIN1402T DMTNPT5801 DMTSML5801 DMTAXS1061 DMTINI406R DMTAXS1011 DMT1NI407R D"TAXS10aE DMTNPT108E DMTS ML 1 08E DPlTINI409R DMTNPT141I DMTSPlL141I DMT1NI479E DMTCMX709E DMTCMX710E DMTNPT581E DMTSML581E DJI'ITClU750E DftTNPT5901 DftTSPlL5901 DMTCMX7511 DMTCMX7521 DMT1NI410R DMTINI431S DMTCMX708E DMTNPT591E DMTSM!.591E DMTNPT6001 DMTSML6001 DMTNPT1421 DMTSML 1421 DMTINI480E DMTNPT1431 DMTSPlL1431 DMTINI481E DMTNPT6101 DPlTSML6101 DMTINI482E DMTNPT6111 DJI'ITSML6111 DMTNPT801I DMTSIU8011 DMTNPT8021 DftTSML8021 DMTNPT8031 DPlTSML8031 DMTNPT810E DMTSPIL810E DPlTNPT1441 DMTSML1441 DMTIN1483E D!lTNPT1451 DMTSML 1451 DPlTNPT5101 DMTSMl5101 DMTNPT1461 DMTSML 1461 DMTNPT511E DHTS!U511E DMTCMX6511 DMTNPT147I DMTSHL147I DHTAXS5201 DMTCftX6521 DKTCMX6521 DMTSML902E DHTCHX6531 DftTNPT903E DHTS!lL903E DMTNPT612E DMTSML612E DPlTNPT811 E DJI'ITSML811E DMTAXS6401 DMTSMl901E DftTNPT902E DHTAXS521I DHTNPT1491 DMTS ML 1491 DMTAXS5221 DMTNPT1601 Dl'!TSP1L 1601 DMTAXS5231 DMTCMX6541 DJI'ITNPT904E D!TC!lX6601 DHTCMX6611 DMTNPT9051 DJI'ITSHL9051 DJI'ITCJI'IX6621 D!TS!L906E DMTCftX6631 DftTNPT907E DJI'ITCMX664E DMTNPT934E D!l1'S!U93-4E DHTAXS524E DMTNPT1701 DHTSHL 1701 DHTAIS525E DI!!TNP'!'190~ DHTAXS526E DHTS HL 190E DftTNPT5301 DMTCJI'IX2001 D-KTC8X201E DHTCHI5401 D!lTCftX6701 DMTSI!!L935E DMTCMX5411 DHTCHX202E D!TCMX203E DMTCMX204E DPlTCMX542E D!TCMX6711 DJI'IT CJI'I X6721 DHTNPT936E DHTCHX543E D!TCMX6731 D!TSML937E Appendix C. Message-to-Module Cross-Reference 293 DMM IPes Message Summary D!H!STA601I DPlPlHEX114I DPlPlPRPl804I D!UmSC1001 DPIMLOC1151 DPlMCPA8051 DMMDSc101R DMPlLOC116I DMPlPlAP806R DMMFED102I DKKLOC1111 DKKKAP801I DMMFED1031 DPlPlMOD1181 DMMKAP808I DHMINI200S DMHMAP200S DMMPRH200S DMMPR0200S DMMFEX1041 DMMDSC1191 D.lU!GRC809I D!UUW D1 0 5 E DPlPlDSC1201 DMPlftAP810I D~~STl200S D~!!MOD7061 DPlPlDSC121I DMMEDPl850I D MHSUH200S DHHWR'I'200S DPIMMOD1011 DMMDSC1221 DPJPJEDPJ851I DPlMGET1081 DMPlDSC1231 DPJPJEDM8521 DMMSCR1091 DPIMREG1241 DPlPlEDPJ8531 DMPlTRC1101 DPIMINI800S DMMEDM8601 DMMVMB1111 DMMMAP801 I DPJMEDM861E DfHHOB1121 DMMMAP8021 DMMEDPl863E DMMIOB1131 DPI.lHNI803S D.lU!EDM86ln DMMGET100S DPlPlG RCl OOS DMPlI NI 1 OOS DMMMOD100S DMMPR0100S DMMREG100S DMMSEA100S DMHSTA100S DMMSUH100S DPIMINI300S DMPlPR0300S DMMI NI400S DMMDSC500S D KMSUH501S DMMSUPlS02S 294 IBM VM/370 system Messages D!!K Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message This appendix contains the first lines of all the V8/370 messages, grouped by CP, CftS, RSCS, and IPCS and organized in alphamerical order by message text. Messages starting with a lowercase word such as nnnnnK, ~~, and ~id will have variable information inserted, such messages are listed prior to messages starting with uppercase letterse If you do not issue CP command SET EMSG ON, any messages that are displayed will appear without message Identifier Cross-Reference identifier, only text. Use this appendix to look up the text of the message and find its identifier, so that you can find the description of the message in the body of the book. Note: Messages shown in this appendix are not gualified with program product identifiers, refer to the message section of this book to establish ownership_ CP Message Summary DMKTRA182E (reserved for IBM use) DftKVSP4291 {CON I PRTI PUN} vaddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE PURGED D!!KVSP427I {CON I PRT I PITN} vaddr SYSTEPl SPOOL SPACE FULL; FILE CLOSED DftKDEF024E {CYLS I BLKS} ftISSING ridltype ridltype ridltvpe ridltype OR INVALID raddr} raddr} raddr} raddr} OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE DftKCFS046E DMKNES046E DftKNET046E DMKSPT046E {DEV {DEV fDEV {DEi DMKCFG175E DftKCF0175E DMKCFS175E DMKCFG175E DMKCF0175E DMKCFS175E {FAVORED I RESERVEI NETWORK {FAVORED I RESERVE I NETWORK {FAVOREDIRESERVEINETWORK {FAVOREDIRESERVEINETWORK {FAVOREDIRESERVEINETWORK {FAVOREDIRESERVEINETWORK TRACE} ALREADY IN USE BY userid TRACE} ALREADY IN USE BY userid TRACE} ALREADY IN USE BY userid TRACElname} ALREADY IN USE BY userid TRACElname} ALREADY IN USE BY userid TRACEIname} ALREADY IN USE BY userid DHKftCH5181 {INSTRUCTION RETRYlftAI! STORAGE} NOW IN {RECORDIQUIET} PlODE cpuid DMKRSP430A {PRTIPUN} raddr FATAL I/C ERROR; NOi OFFLINE FILE HELD DftKSPS428E {PRT I PUN I RDR} radar SPOOL ERROR; FILE {HELDI PURGED} DHKSPS428E {PRTIPUNIRDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE {HELDIPURGED} DftKRSE504A {RDRIPRT} 'addr' DATA CK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' DMKRSE5021 DMKRSE5201 DMKRSE5001 DMKRSE5041 DHKRSES03A DftKRSES031 DftKRSES2S1 DMKRSES01A DMKRSES011 DMKRSES241 DMKRSES211 DMKRSES291 DHKRSE5081 DMKRSE520A {RDRIPR~IPUN} {RDRIPR~IPUN} {RDRIPRTIPUN} {RDRIPRTIPUN} {RDRIPRTIPUN} {RDRIPRTIPUN} {RDRIPRTIPUN} {RDRIPRTIPUN} {RDRIPRTIPUN} {RDRIPRTIPUN} {RDRIPRTIPUN} {RDRIPRTIPUN} fRDRIPRTIPUN} (RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'adar' 'addr' radar' 'adar' 'adar' radar' 'adar' 'addr' 'adar' 'addr' BOSOOT CK CMD='c.' SNS='sense' CHAN ERROR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CHD REJECT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DATA CK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' EQUIP CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' EQUIP CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' FORMAT CK CPlD='cm' SNS='sense' INT REQ INT REQ CftD='c.' SNS='sense' LOAD CHECK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' NO DEVICE CMD='cm' SNS='sense' PARITY CK CPlD='cm' SNS='sense' PERM ERROR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID='userid' PERM ERROR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID='userid' DftKSPS426E fRDBITAPEl radar SPVOI SPACE PryLL: FILE PITFGED DftKCFC001E ?CP: command DMKCPI9521 nnnnnK SYSTEPl STORAGE DMKSST070E shared-status MSS DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE DMKVDA122E type raddr ALREADY A~TACHED TO userid Appendix D. Message Text-to-Messaqe Identifier Cross-Reference 295 DMK DMKCFOl qOE DMKCPSl qOE DMKCPVlqOE DMKCSBl qOE D8KCSOl qOE DMKMCCl qOE DMKNETl qOE DMKVDAlqOE D8KVDDl qOE type type type type type type type type type raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr ATTACHED ATTACHED ATTACHED ATTACHED ATTACHED ATTACHED ATTACHED ATTACHED ATTACHED TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid DMKCSBlq8E type raddr BUFFER LOAD name FAILED DMKCFOl q3E -DMKCPSl q3E DMKMCCl q3E DMKVDAlq3E type type type type raddr raddr raddr racldr IN IN IN IN USE USE USE USE BY BY BY BY SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM DMKCS01Q1E type raddr NOT ACTIVE DMKVDD121E type raddr NOT ATTACHED TO userid DMKVDA121E type raddr NOT ATTACHED TO userid DMKVDA120E type raddr NOT ATTACHED; userid vaddr ALREADY DEFINED DMKCPS142E type raddr NOT DRAINED DKKCSB142E type raddr NOT DRAINED DMKCFOOQ6E DMKCFP046E DKKCPVOQ6E DMKCSB046E DMKCSOO46E DMKMCCOQ6E DMKNLD046E DMKNLE046E DMKVDAOQ6E DMKVDD046E type type type type type type type type type type raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE DMKSPT140E type raddr ATTACHED Te userid DMKSPT1Q3E type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DKKCPS144W type vaddr RESET EY userid DKKDIAOQ7E DMKLNKll0E DMKLNK118E DMKLNK109E DMKLNK113E DMKLNK111E DMKLNKl12E DMKLNK107E DKKLNK114E DMKLNK104E DKKLNK105E DMKLNK106E DKKLNK108E userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid vaddr vaddr vaddr vaddr vaddr vaddr vaddr vaddr vaddr vaddr vaddr vaddr vaddr DMKCFS053E DMKCSp053E DKKCSU053E DMKLNK053E DMKLOG053E DMKVMD053E userid userid userid userid userid userid NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT IN IN IN IN IN IN DKKCFOOQ5E DMKCFSOQ5E DMKCPV045E DKKCQG045E DMKCQP045E DKKCQR045E DMKCQY045E DMKDIA045E DMKMSGO 45E DMKTHI045E DMK1JSOO45E userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT LOGGED LOGGED LOGGED LOGGED LOGGED LOGGED LOGGED LOGGED LOGGED LOGGED LOGGED 296 DOES NOT EXIST NOT LINKED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED NOT LINKED; COKKAND FORKAT NOT VALID NOT LINKED; INVALID LINK DEVICE NOT LINKED; NO MULT PASSWORD NOT LINKED; NO READ PASSWORD NOT LINKED; NO WRITE PASSWORD NOT LINKED; NOT IN CP DIRECTORY NOT LINKED; PASSWORD INCORRECT NOT LINKED; RIO BY {nnn USERSluserid} NOT LINKED; RIW BY {nnn USERSluserid} NOT LINKED; RIW BY nnn USERS; RIO BY {nnn USERSluserid} NOT LINKED; VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED CP CP CP CP CP CP DIRECTORY DIRECTORY I:IRECTORY DIRECTORY DIRECTORY IIRECTORY ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON IBM VM/370 system Kessaaes DMT< DMKVDA045E userid NOT LOGGED ON DHKiDD045E userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKMSG057W userid NOT RECEIVING; {DISCONNECTEDIMSG OFFISMSG OFFINOT AUTHORIZEDIWNG OFF} DMKCFS1891 AFFINITY NOT SET; SYSTEM IN UNIPROCESSOR MODE DMKLOG1891 AFFINITY NOT SET; SYSTEM IN UNIPROCESSOR MODE DMKLOG054E ALREADY LOGGED ON {LINEIGRAF} raddr DMKCPI959W ATTACHED PROCESSCR NOT ONLINE DMKCPI9581 ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT OPERATIONAL DMKCPI950A AUTO LOGON FAILED; EXPLICIT LOGON REQUIRED DMKALG059E AUTOLOG FAILED FOR userid-{IPL MISSINGIIPL FAILEDIAcc6UNTING ERROR} DMKALG115E AUTOLOG INVALID; EXCESSIVE INCORRECT PASSWORDS DMKCSB043E BUFFER name DOES NOT EXIST DMKCSB031E BUFFER MISSING OR INVALID DMKDIA206E CANNOT CONNECT TO HOST VIRTUAL MACHINE DMKLOG206E CANNOT CONNECT TO HOST VIRTUAL MACHINE DMKCDS166E CHANGED SHARED PAGE NOT WRITTEN TO AUXILIARY STORAGE DMKVCH132E DMKVCH129E DKKVCH048E DMKVCH130E DKKVCH138E CHANNEL CHAnIEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL x x x x x ALREADY DEFINED BY userid DEVICES IN USE DOES NOT EXIST NOT ATTACHED TO userid NOT ATTACHED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE DMKCCH6051 CHANNEL CHECK RECORDING FAILURE DKKCCH6011 CHANNEL CONTROL CHECK DEV xxx; USER 'userid' DKKCCH603W CHANNEL ERROR; RUN SEREP, RESTART SYSTEM DKKVCH034E DKKVDA034E DKKVDD134E DKKMCT6231 CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL KISSING OR INVALID KISSING OR INVALID MISSING OR INVALID SET CONNECTED TO PROCESSOR nn DKKCS0245E CHARS MISSING OR INVALID DKKCSP245E CHARS MISSING OR INVALID DMKCSU245E CHARS MISSING OR INVALID DKKCKS917E CHECKPOINT CYLINDER INVALID; CLEAR STORAGE AND COLD START DKKCQG028E DMKCQR028E DMKCSB028E DMKCSOO28E DKKCSP028E DKKCSU028E DKKSPS028E CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS DMKLOG067E DMKQVK800E DKKQVM802E DMKQVM803E DMKQVM806E DMKQVM807E DMKQVM809E COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMIIAND KISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING OR OR OR OR OR OR OR INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID FORMAT NOT VALID REJECTED, OTHER VIRTUAL MACHINES LOGGED ON REJECTED, DEVICES NOT DEDICATED REJECTED, SPOOL DEVICES NOT DRAINED REJECTED, VIRTUAL ADDRESS NOT EQUAL TO REAL ADDRESS REJECTED, VM/370 ATTACHED PROCESSOR MODE REJECTED, TRACE/ADSTOP IN EPFECT DMKCFG013E CONFLICTING OPTION DMKCFOO13E CONFLICTING OPTION DMKCSB013E CONFLICTING OPTION DIlKC-SOO 13E- CONFLI C-TIifG OM'lON DMKCSP013E CONFLICTING OPTION DKKCSUO 13E CONFLICTING OPTION DMKTRA013E CONFLICTING OPTION DMKVMD013E CONFLICTING OPTION - option option option option option option option option Appendix D. Message Text-to-ftessage Identifier Cross-Reference 297 DRK DHKCNS5021 DHKCNS5001 DMKCNS5041 DMKCNS5031 DRKCNS501I DKKCNS527I DRKCNS5281 DHKCNS5051 CONS CONS CONS CONS CONS 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' CONS 'addr' CONS 'addr' CONS 'addr' BUSOUT CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' CRD REJECT CRD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' DATA CK CftD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' EQUIP CK CRD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' INT REQ LOST DATA CMD='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' TIMEOUT CftD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' OVERRUN CK CRD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DHKPAG415E CONTINUOUS PAGING ERRORS FROH DASD xxx DHKDDR102E CONTROL STATEHENT SEQUENCE ERFOR DHKCS0030E COPIES HISSING OR INVALID DKKCSP030E COPIES HISSING OR INVALID DHKCSU030E COPIES HISSING OR INVALID CP ASSIST LEVEL Yy DOES NOT KATCH CP LEVEL yv DKKCF0186E CP ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE D~KCPI185E DHKVRA456W DKKDSP450W DMKDSP452W DKKPTR410W DKKPRG411W DKKPRG453W CP CP CP CP CP CP ENTERED; ENTERED; ENTERED; ENTERED; ENTERED; ENTERED; name SHARED PAGE hexloc ALTERED DISABLED WAIT PSW 'psw' EXTERNAL INTERRUPT LOOP PAGING ERROR TRANSlATION EXCEPTION; WHILE IN BOB-EC HODE PROGRAK INTERRUPT LOOP DHKCPI9131 CP OWNED VOLID xxxxxx INVALID FOR 3330V DRKCPI9511 CP VOLID volid NeT HCUNTED DMKRNH4631 CTLR 'raddr' UBIT CHECK; RESTART IB PROGRESS DMKCQP4661 CTLR cun IN BUFFER SlOWDCWN MODE DKKNES140E CTLR raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKNLD140E CTLR raddr ATTACHED TO userid DHKNLE140E CTLR raddr ATTACHED TC userid DJ!IIKNLE4641 CTLR raddr CC=3; CEPRESS 370x "LOAD" BUTTON DMKRNH4641 CTLR raddr CC=3; DEPRESS 310X "LOAD" BUTTON DftKRNH468I CTLR raddr COMMUNICATIONS SCAnnER FAILURE DHKNLE410E DftKNLE460E DftKNLE469E DRKNLE411E CTLR CTLR CTLR CTLR raddr raddr raddr raddr DUMP DUMP DUMP DURP FAILED: FAILED: FAILED: FAILED: PAGING I/O ERROR PROGRAft CHECK TEftP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE UHRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR DftKVDS465E DRKNLD143E DftKNLE143E DMKNLD461R DftKNLE461R CTLR CTLR CTLR CTLR CTLR raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr ERULATOR LINES IN USE BY SYSTER IN USE BY SYSTER IN USE BY SYSTEM IPL BOT REQUIRED; ENTER 'YES' TO CONTINUE IPL NOT REQUIRED; ENTER "YES" TO CONTINUE DRKNLD410E DHKNLD460E DMKNLD411E DHKRNH4621 CTLR CTLR CTLR CTLR raddr raddr raddr raddr LOAD LOAD LOAD UNIT FAILED: PAGING I/O ERROR FAILED: PROGRAM CHECK FAILED: UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR CHECK; IPL REQUIRED DMKDAS514D DASD 'addr' ADDHRR CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' DftKDAS5161 DASD 'addr' BAD SENSE CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' DHKDAS5161 DASD 'adar' BAD SENSE CPID='ca' SBS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userH' [ {BBCCHH=' bbcchh' ,BLOCK=' nnnnnn'} ] DKKDAS5021 DASD 'addr' BUSOUT CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' DMKDAS5201 DASD 'addr' CHAB ERROR CftD='cm' SBS='sense' CSi='csv' USERID='userid' DKKDAS5201 DASD 'addr' CHAN ERROR CJ!IID='cm' SBS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' ( {BBCCHH=' bbcchh' IBLOCK='nnnnnn'} ] DMKDAU5301 DASD 'addr' CHECR DATA CftD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BLOCK='nnnnnn' DMKDAS5001 DASD 'addr' CftD REJECT CKD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID=' userid, DKKDAS504D DASD 'addr' DATA CK CftD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' DMKDAS5041 DASD 'addr' DATA CK CHD='cm' SBS='sense' CSW='CSW' USERID= 'userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' DKKDAS5031 DASD 'addr' EQUIP CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense 1 CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKDAS5131 DASD 'addr' FILE PROT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csv' USERID='userid' 298 IBM VM/310 System Messages Df'lK DKKDAS5131 DASD 'addr' FILE PROT C~D='cm' SNS='sense! CSw=~csw; [ {BBCCHH='bbcchh' IBLOCK='nnnnnn'} ] DMKDAS501A DASD 'addr' INT REQ CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' USERID=iuserid' Df'lKVDA1511 DASD (addr) NOT AVAILABLE, BUSY PERSISTS, IOBSTAT=xx, IOBCSW+4=yyyy DMKDAS517E DASD 'addr' NOT/KNOWN CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' DMKDAS517E DASD 'addr' NOT/KNOWN CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [{BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'} ] DMKDAS505D DASD 'addr' OVERRUN CK CMD='cm' SNS=' sense' CSW='csw' USERID=' userid, BBCCHH='bbcchh' DHKDAS505D DASD 'addr' OVERRUN CK Cf'lD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' r {BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'}] DMKDAS5051 DASD 'addr' OVERRUN CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= 'userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh! DMKDAS5051 DASD 'addr' OVERRUN CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= 'userid' [ {BBCCHH=' bbcchh' I BLOCK=' nnnnnn'} ] DMKD1S5081 DMKD1S5181 DMKDAS5181 DMKD1S507D DMKDAS5061 DHKDAS509I D1SD D1SD D1SD D1SD D1SD DASD 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' PERM ERROR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csv' USERID='userid' RECV ERROR CMD='cm' SNS=' sense' CSi='csv' USERID=' userid, RECV ERROR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csv' USERID='userid' [{BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnOl'}] SEEK CK CMD='c.' SHS='sense' CSi='csv' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' TRKCOND CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csv' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' TRKOVERUN CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSi='csv' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' DMKLNK139E DASD addr NOT LINKED; 3330V NOT ACCEPTED AS SYSTEM VOLUME DMKDAS956A DASD cuu VOLID volid NeT MOUNTED; NOW OFFLINE DMKDSB956A DASD cuu VOLID volid NeT MOUNTED; NOW OFFLINE DMKCPS123E DASD raddr CP OWNED DMKVDA123E DASD raddr CP OWNED DMKVDD123E DASD raddr CP OWNED DMKVDA128E DASD raddr ERROR REAtING ALLOCATION RECORD DMKVDA126E DASD raddr ERROR REAtING VOLID DMKCPS124E DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS DMKVDA124E DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS DMKVDD124E DASD raddr IN USF BY nnn USERS DMKVDA139E DASD raddr NOT ATTACHED; 3330V NOT ACCEPTED AS SYSTEM VOLUME DMKVDA133E DASD raddr NOT READY DKKSAV351W DASD raddr SYSRES NOT READY DMKSAV350W DASD raddr SYSRES VOIID NOT aaaaaa DMKVDA125E DASD raddr VOLID volid ALREADY ATTACHED TO SYSTEM DMKVDA127E DASD raddr VOLID volid DOES NOT MATCH DKKCPI954E DASD raddr VOLID volid NCT MOUNTED; DUPLICATE OF DASD raddr Df'lKLNK101W DASD vaddr FORCED R/O; R/O BY {nnn USERSluserid} DMKLNK102W DASD vaddr FORCED R/O; R/W BY {nnn USERSluserid} DMKLNK103W DASD vaddr FORCED R/C; R/W BY {nnn USERSluserid}; R/O BY {nnn USERSluserid} DMKDEF091E DASD vaddr NOT DEFINED; TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE DMKLOG091E DASD vaddr NOT DEFINED; TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE DMKLNK137E DASD vaddr NOT LINKED; CHAN x DEDICATED DMKDDR717R DATA DUMPED FROM volid1 TO BE RESTORED TO NO OR REREAD: volid2.skDO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? FESPOND YES DMKMID310E DATE date INVALID; NOT CHANGED DMKCFD040E DMKCFG040E DMKCFOO40E DMKCPB040E DMKCPS040E DMKCPV040E DMKCQG040E DMKCQP040E DMKCSB040E DMKCSOO40E DMKCSP040E DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr DOES DOES DOES DOES DOES DOES DOES DOES DOES DOES DOES NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 299 DMK DMKCST040E DMKDEF040E DMKDIA040E DMKMCC040E DMKMCD040E DMKNES040E DMKNET040E DMKNLD040E DMKNLE040E DMKVDA040E DKKVDD040E DMKSPT040E DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr DOES DOES DOES DOES DOES DOES DOES DOES DOES DOES DOES DOES NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST DJ!lIKDDR710A DEV cuu INTERVENTION REQUIRED DMKFMT738A DEV cuu INTERVENTION REQUIRED DMKDDR70Q.E DEV cuu NOT OPERATIONAl NOO: CPERATIC!!!!. DMKFMT730E DEY cuu NOT OPERATIONAL OR NOT READY DMKDIR754E DEi CUll DMKRNH4541 DEV rid DISABLED DMKDIA098E DEY rid MODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE DMKNES098E DEV rid BODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE DBKNET098E DEY rid BODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE DKKLOG092E DMKDEF136E DMKLOG090E DMKLOG093E DMKDEF095E DMKLOG095E DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV vaddr vaddr vaddr vaddr vaddr vaddr NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT DEFINED; DEFINED; DEFINED; DEFINED; DEFINED; DEFINED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED CHAN x DEDICATED DEV {raddrlvolser} NOT AVAILABLE ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE DMKSSSQ.38E DEVICE IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR ATTACH DMKSSS075E DEVICE 'raddr' IS NOT AVAILABLE DMKSSS072E DEVICE NOT AVAILAELE - 'raddr' NOT PROPER TYPE DHKSST072E DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - 'raddr' NOT PROPER TYPE DMKSSS071E DEVICE NOT AVAILAELE - MSS CANNOT BE ACCESSED DBKCSU035E DEVICE TYPE MISSING OR INVALID DBKDIR762E DIRECTORY STATEMENT BISSING DMKCSP032E DIST CODE MISSING OR INVALID DMKCSU032E DIST CODE MISSING OR INVALID DMKCDM060E DUMP FAILED; VIRTUAL PRINTER UNAVAILABLE DMKCDM061E DUMP FAILED; VIRTUAL PRINTER ERROR DHKVMD146I DUMP FAILED; SPOOLING ERROR DMKRND861E DUMP FILE filename NOT FOUND DMKDIR758E DUPLICATE UNIT DEFINITION DHKCFV062E ECMODE NOT SET ON DMKMON2191 END OF MONITOR TAPE, MCNITOR STOPPED BY SYSTEM DKKCKS916E ERROR ALLOCATING SPOOL FILE BUFFERS DMKDDR720E ERROR IN routine DKKDIR764E ERROR IN routine DKKCFS052E ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY DKKLNK052E ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY DMKLOG052E ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY DMKNKT249E ERROR LOADING IMAG imag DMKMON2201 ERROR ON MONITOR TAPE, MONITOR STOPPED BY SYSTEM 300 IBM VJ!II/3 7 Q System Messages Dr!K DMKIOG5531 ERROR RECORDING AREA CLEARED; USER 'userid' DMKIOG551E ERROR RECORDING AREA FULL; RUN CPEREP. Dr!KIOF550E ERROR RECORDING AREA 90 PERCENT FULL; RUN CPEREP DHKNMT254E ERROR SAVING imag3800 - RC = (rc) DMKIOH560W ERRORS ON SRF cuu; FRAME NOT ON ERROR CYLINDERS DMKIOH560w ERRORS ON SRF cuu; FRAME NOT IN ERROR AREAS DMKSAV352W FATAL DASD I/O ERROR DHKFHT735E FATAL DASD 10 ERRCR D5KRND860I DMKRND8521 DKKIOG5581 DKKUDR475I FATAL FATAL FATAL FATAL I/O ERROR READING DU5P I/O ERROR WRITING DUHP I/O ERROR; ERROR RECORDING DISABLED 10 ERROR TRYING TO READ DIRECTORY DHKCS0246E FCB HISSING OR INVALID DMKCSP246E FCB MISSING OR INVALID DKKCSU246E FCB KISSING OR INVALID DHKFMT739E FLAGGED PRIHARY TRACK HAS NO ALTERNATE ASSIGNED;IO ERROR FOLLOWS DHKDDR727E FLAGGED TRK xxxxxxxxxx HAS NO PROPER ALTERNATE; SKIPPING THIS TRK DHKCS0243E FLASH MISSING OR INVALID DKKCSP243E FLASH HISSING OR INVALID DHKCSU243E FLASH KISSING OR INVALID DKKCSP029E FNAME FTYPE HISSING OR INVALID DHKCSU029E FNAKE FTYPE HISSING eR INVALID DHKMCD227E FOR OPTION INVALID WITH AUTODISK OFF DMKKCD228E FOR OPTION INVALID WITH MONITOR ON DKKKCD226E FOR VALUE KIDNIGHT - CCHHAND INVALID Dr!KIOG5521 FORHATTING ERROR RECORDING AREA DKKQVH801E FREE STORAGE PAGE IS NOT AVAILABLE DKKGRF5021 DKKGRF5001 DHKGRF5311 DHKGRF504I DHKGRF5031 DMKGRF5251 DHKGRF5211 DHKGRF5321 DHKGRF529I DMKGRF5301 GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAP GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAP 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' laddr' 'addr' DHKCDB160E DHKCDH160E DHKCDS160E DHKCFD160E DHKCPV160E DHKNES160E DHKNET160E DHKVHD160E HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC BUSOUT CK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' CHD REJECT CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' CONTROL CHECK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv'USERID='userid' DATA CK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' EQUIP CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' FORHAT CK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' NO DEVICE CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' OP CHECK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw'USERID='userid' PARITY CK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' UNIT SPEC CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv'USERID='userid' hexloc hexloc hexloc hexloc hexloc hexloc hexloc hexloc EXCEEDS EXCEEDS EXCEEDS EXCEEDS EXCEEDS EXCEEDS EXCEEtS EXCEEDS STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE DHKCDS164E HEXLOC hexloc NON-ADDRESSABLE STORAGE DHKCFD164E HEXLOC hexloc NON-ADDRESSABLE STORAGE DHKCFP164E HEXLOC hexloc NON-ADDRESSABLE STORAGE DKKCDH033E DHKCDS033E DHKCPV033E DHKNET033E IHfKVKDO 33E HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HISSING HISSING HISSING HISSING HEXtoC HISSING OR OR OR OR OR INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID IlfVll.ID DHKVER5751 I/O ERROR ADD=raddr, USERID= userid DHKRGA7051 I/O ERROR RESID=resource id STATUS=status LINE=addr D8KAC0425E I/O ERROR DURING ACCOUNTING D8KCS0244E IHAGE LIBRARY MISSING OR INVALID Appendix D. 8essage Text-to-r!essage Identifier Cross-Reference 3'1 DMK DMKCSB036E INDEX MISSING OR INVALID DMKDDR724E INPUT TAPE CONTAINS A CP NUCLEUS DUMP DMKDDR100E INPUT UNIT IS NOT A CPVOl DMKCPI131E DMKLOG131E DMKVDA131E DMKCPI955W DMKNMT256E INSUFFICIENT INSUFFICIENT INSUFFICIENT INSUFFICIENT INSUFFICIENT FREE STCRAGE FREE STCRAGE FREE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR ATTACH REQUEST STORAGE FCR VM/370 VIR~UAL STORAGE DMKCCH602I INTERFACE CONTROL CHECK DEV xxx; USER 'userid' DMKCFH436E INTERRUPT PENDING TO PROCEED, TYPE YES. TO END, TYPE NO DMKCF0006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DMKCFS006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE D~KCFT006E INVALID nEVICE TYPE DMKCPB006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DMKCPV006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DMKCQP006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DMKCSB006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DMKCS0006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DMKCSP006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DMKCST006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DMKCSU006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DHKDIA006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DMKMCC006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DHKNES006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DMKNET006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DMKNLD006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DMKNLE006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DMKSPT006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DMKVDA006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DHKVDD006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE DHKDIA011E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr userid vaddr DHKCDS162E INVALID ECR x - hexdata DMKCDS162W INVALID ECR x - hexdata DnKDDR;,9E INvALID FILE NaME OR FILE NOT FOUND DHKOIR763E INVALID FILENAME OR FILE NOT FOUND DHKCDS005E INVALID HEXDATA - hexdata DMKCPB005E INVALID BEXDATA - hexdata DMKCDB004E DMKCDM004E DHKCFC004E DHKCFD004E DMKCPV004E DMKNES004E DMKNET004E DMKCDS004E INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID BEXLOC BEXLOC BEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC - hexloc hexloc hexloc hexloc hexloc hexloc bexloc operand DHKDDR708E INVALID INPUT OR OUTPUT DEFINITION DHKMNI225E INVALID MONITOR USERID SPECIFIED, MON NOT STARTED DHKFMT737E DMKCFC002E DMKCFG002E DMKCFT002E DMKDDR701E DMKMCC002E DMKHCD002E DHKHNI002E DMKNES002E DMKNET002E DMKNLD002E DMKSPT002E DMKTHI002E DMKTRA002E DMKDIR751E 302 INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND - operand operand operand operand operand operand operand operand operand operand operand operand operand xxxxxx IBM VM/370 System Messages Dl!K DKKCDB003E DMKCDMOO3E DKKCFG003E DKKCFOO03E DKKCFS003E DHKCPS003E DKKCPV003E DKKCQP003E DKKCQROO3E DKKCSB003E DKKCSOOO3E DKKCSPOO3E DKKCSTOO3E DKKCSU003E DftKDEFOO3E DKKLOG003E DKKI'!CC003E DKKMCH003E DKKMSGOO 3E DKKNET003E DKKN LEO 0 3E DKKSPT003E DMKTHIOO3E DKKTRA003E DKKUSOO03E DKKVDA003E INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION - option option option option option option option option option option option option option option option optioh option option option option option option option option option option DKKCPV204E INVALID PAGE (S) SPECIFIED, V=R AREA DKKRND863E INVALID PARA!ETER - parameter DKKCDS012E INVALID PSi - psw DKKCPB012E INVALID PSW - psw DKKCDB009E DKKCDKOO9E DKKCPV009E DKKNESOO9E DKKNET009E DKKVMD009E INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID RANGE RANGE RANGE RANGE RANGE RANGE - range range range range range range DMKCDB010E INVALID REGISTER - register DMKCDS010E INVALID REGISTER - register DlfKVDA077E INVALID REQUEST FOR DEVICE 'nnn' DKKCSU008E INVALID SPOOLID - spoolid DMKSPT008E INVALID SPOOLID - spoolid DI'!KCPV007E INVALID USERID - userid DMKCSPOO7E INVALID USERID - userid DKKCSUOO7E INVALID USERID - userid Dl!KFKT736E DKKFMT736E DMKDDR705E DMKDDR105E DMKDIR755E 10 10 10 10 10 DKKVMI233E DMKVI'!I234E DMKVKI230E DI'!KVKI231E DMKVI'!I232E IPL IPL IPL 1PL IPL ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR cuu cuu cuu cuu cuu CCHHR = cchhr SENSE = sense {CCHHR = cchhrlBLOCK = nnnnnn} SENSE = sense CSW csw SENSE sense INPUT bbcchh OUTPUT bbcchh CCW CCW CSW csw SENSE sense INPUT {bbcchhlnnnnnn} OUTPUT bbcchh CCW ccw CSW CSW SENSE sense OVERLAY ERROR SENSE ERROR SIO ERROR TIO ERROR UNIT ERROR; CSW csw SNS sense DI'!KKCD224E LIKIT KUST BE BETWEEN 10 and 50000 D lH«: PS ()it ~E DMKBSC516I DKKBSC502I DMKCNS455I DMKRGA455I DI'!KBSC5201 Dl!KBSC500I LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE raddr) 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' IN USE BAD SENSE CMD='ca' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BUSOUT CK C~D='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID=' userid' CC=3 NOT OPERATIONAL CC=3 NOT OPERATIONAL CHAN ERFOR CKD=' cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID=' userid ' CKD REJECT CMD=' ca' SNS='sense' CSi='csw' tJSERID=' userid ' Appendix D. Kessage Text-to-Kessaqe Identifier Cross-Reference 303 DMI DMKBSC504I DMKBSC503I DMKBSC501A DMKBSC527I DKKBSC517I DKKBSC505I DMKBSC528I LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' DKKRGA454I DMKNES049E DMKNET049E DMKNES706E LINE LINE LINE LINE addr addr addr addr DATA CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='CSW' USERID='userid' EQUIP CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' INT REQ LOST DATA CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' NOT/KNOWN CKD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' OVERRUN CK CMD='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' TIKEOUT CMD='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DISABLED IN USE IN USE NOT ENABLED DMKCNS454I LINE raddr DISABLED DMKDIA056E LINE vaddr BUSY ON userid DMKRNH465I LINE TRACE TERMINATED DUE TO ERROR DMKDIA055£ LiNE(5) NOT AVArlAB1~ eN userid DMKLNK115E LINK INVALID; EXCESSIVE INCORRECT PASSWORDS DMKDDR715E LOCATION bbcchh IS A FLAGGED TRACK DMKCF0041E LOGMSG nn DOES NOT EXIST DMKMCH615I MACHINE CHECK RECORDING FAILURE cpuid DMKDDR707E MACHINE CHECK RUN SEREP AND SAVE OUTPUT FOR CE DMKDIR757E MACHINE CHECK RUN SEREP AND SAVE OUTPUT FOR CE DKKFKT732E MACHINE CHECK RUN SEREP AND SAVE OUTPUT FOR CE DMKMCH610W KACHINE CHECK SUPERVISOR DAMAGE cpuid DMKMCH611W MACHINE CHECK SYSTEM INTEGRITY LOST cpuid DKK3CH612W MACHINE CHECK TIMING FACILITIES DAMAGE; RUN SEREP cpuid DMKMCT621I DMKMCT620I DMKMCH617I DMKKCH6141 DMKKCT619I DMKKCH624I DMKMCH622W DMKMCH6191 DMKMCT610W DMKMCT611W DKKMCT612W DMKMCH6161 DMKKCT6161 MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE KACHINE MACHINE KACHINE MACHINE KACHINE MACHINE CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; AFFINITY SET OFF cpuid ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT BEING USED cpuid BUFFER OR DLAT DAMAGE cpuid DAMAGED PAGE NOW DELETED cpuid EXTERNAl DAMAGE EXTERNAL DAMAGE cpuid MUlTIPLE CHANNEL ERRORS OPERATION TERKINATED cpuid SUPERVISOR DAMAGE cpuid SYSTEM INTEGRITY LOST cpuid TIMING FACILITIES DAMAGE cpuid USER userid TERMINATED cpuid USER userid TERMINATED cpuid DMKLOG051E MAXIHUM USERS EXCEEDED DMKSSU074E MISSING INTERRUPT - DEVICE 'raddr' DMKCSP253E KODIFY KISSING OR INVALID DKKCSU253E MODIFY KISSING OR INVALID DHKMCC215E DMKHCc213E DHKMCD214E DMKMCD218E DMKKIA229E DMKMCC211E DMKKCD212E DKKMCC217E MONITOR MONITOR HONTIOR MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR ACTIVE; DASTAP CANNOT BE ENABLED DYNAMICALLY CPTRACE IS ALREADY ACTIVE CPTRACE IS NOT ACTIVE NOT STOPPED, OUTSTANDING TAPE I/O OUT OF DASD PAGES, IS SHUTTING OFF TAPE IS AlREADY ACTIVE TAPE IS NOT ACTIVE TAPE NOT STARTED, NO CLASS ENABLED DMKIOH561w KORE THAN 50 MCH CR CCH FRAKES WERE READ FROK THE SRF cuu DKKLOG082E MORE THAN ONE VMSAVE AREA ALLOCATED, KUST SPECIFY AREA NAME DKKCFV082E KORE THAN ONE VMS AVE AREA ALLOCATED; MUST SPECIFY AREA NAME DHKDDR726E MOVING DATA INTO THE ALTERNATE TRACK CYLINDER(S) IS PROHIBITED 304 IBM VM/370 System Messages DKK D8KCDBOO3E DHKCDft003E DftKCFG003E DHKCFOO03E DftKCFSOO3E DHKCPSOO3E D8KCPV003E D8KCQPOO3E D8KCQROO3E D8KCSB003E D8KCSOOO3E D~KCSPOO3E DHKCSTOO3E DHKCSUOO3E DHKDEF003E DHKLOGOO3E DHKftCC003E DftK8CR003E DMKMSG003E DftKNETOO3E DftKNLE003E DftKSPT003E DMKTRI003E DMKTRA003E DHKUSOO03E DMKVDA003E INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION - option option option option option option option option option option option option option option option option option option option option option option option option option option DMKCPV204E INVALID PAGE (S) SPECIFIED, V=R AREA DMKRND863E INVALID PARAMETER - paraaeter DKKCDS012E INVALID PSi - psw DMKCPB012E INVALID PSi - psw DMKCDB009E DMKCDMOO9E DHKCPV009E DMKNES009E DHKNET009E DftKVMD009E INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID RANGE RANGE RANGE RANGE RANGE RANGE - range range range range range range DMKCDB010E INVALID REGISTER - register DHKCDS010E INVALID REGISTER - register DMKVDA077E INVALID REQUEST FOR DEVICE 'nnn' DMKCSU008E INVALID SPOOLID - spoolid DHKSPTOO8E INVALID SPOOLID - spoolid DMKCPVOO7E INVALID USERID - userid DMKCSP007E INVALID USERID - userid DMKCSUOO7E INVALID U5ERID - userid DMKFHT736E DMKFftT736E DHKDDR705E DHKDDR705E DMKDIR755E 10 10 10 10 10 DMKVM1233E DMKVMI234E DMKVMI230E DHKVMI231E DMKVMI232E 1PL IPL IPL IFL IPL ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR cuu cuu cuu cuu cuu CCRHR = cchhr SENSE = sense {CCHHR = cchhrlBLOCK = nnnnnn} SENSE = sense CSi csw SENSE sense INPUT bbcchh OUTPUT bbcchh CCW ccw CSW csw SENSE sense INPUT {bbcchhlnnnnnn} OUTPUT bbcchh CCW ccw CSW csw SENSE sense OVERLAY ERROR SENSE ERROR SIO ERROR TIO ERROR UNIT ERROR; CSW csw SNS sense DMKMCD224E LIMIT MUST BE BETWEEN 10 and 50000 DKKCPS049E DKKBSC516I DMKBSC502I DMKCNS455I DKKRGA455I DMKBSC520I DKKBSC5001 LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE (addr) 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' ' addr' IN USE BAD SENSE CMD='clI' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BUSOUT CK CMD='ca' SNS=' sense' CSW='csw' USERID=' userid' CC=3 NOT OPERATIONAL CC=3 NOT OPERATIONAL CHAN ERFOR CMD=' cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID=' userid ' CKD REJECT CKD=' cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 303 DB! DMKBSCS041 DMKBSC5031 DMKBSC501A DMKBSC5271 DMKBSC5171 DMKBSC5051 DMKBSC5281 LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' DMKRGA4541 DMKNES049E DBKNET049E DMKNES706E LINE LINE LINE LINE addr addr addr addr DATA CK CBD='ca' SNS='sense' CSW='CSW' USERID='userid' EQUIP CK CMD='ca' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' INT REQ LOST DATA CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' NOT/KNOWN CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' OVERRUN CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' TIBEOUT CMD='cm' SNS=' sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DISABLED IN USE IN USE NOT ENABLED DMKCNS4541 LINE raddr DISABLED DMKDIA056E LINE vaddr BUSY ON userid DMKRNH4651 LINE TRACE TERBINATED DUE TO ERROR DMKDIA055E LINE(S} NOT AVAILABLE eN userid DMKLNK115E LINK INVALID; EXCESSIVE INCORRECT PASSWORDS DMKDDR715E LOCATION bbcchh IS A FLAGGED TRICK DMKCF0041E LOGMSG nn DOES NOT EXIST DMKMCH6151 MACHINE CHECK RECORDING F1ILURE cpuid DMKDDR707E MACHINE CHECK RUN SEREP AND SAVE OUTPUT FOR CE DMKDIR757E MACHINE CHECK RUN SEREP AND SlVE OUTPUT FOR CE DMKFMT732E MACHINE CHECK RUN SEREP AND SAVE OUTPUT FOR CE DMKMCH610W MACHINE CHECK SUPERVISOR DAR1GE cpuid DMKMCH611W MACHINE CHECK SYSTER INTEGRITY LOST cpuid DMKMCH612W MACHINE CHECK TIMING FACILITIES DAMAGE; RUN SEiEP cpuid DMKMCT6211 DMKMCT6201 DMKMCH6171 DMKMCH6141 DBKMCT6191 D~KMCH624I MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE DMKMCH622W DMKMCH6191 DMKMCT610W DMKMCT611W DMKMCT612W DMKMCH6161 DMKMCT6161 MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MAC~~NE CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; CHECK; AFFINITY SET OFF cpuid ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT BEING USED cpuid BUFFER OR DLAT DAMAGE cpuid DABAGED PAGE NOi DELETED cpuid EXTERNAl DABAGE EX~ERNAt DAKAGE cpuid MUlTIPLE CHANNEL ERRORS OPERATION TERMINATED cpuid SUPERVISOR DABAGE cpuid SYSTEM INTEGRITY LOST cpuid TIMING FACILITIES DAMAGE cpuid USER userid TERMINATED cpuid USER userid TERMINATED cpuid DMKLOG051E MAXIMUM USERS EXCEEDED DMKSSU074E MISSING INTERRUPT - DEVICE 'raddr' DMKCSP253E MODIFY MISSING OR INVALID DMKCSU253E MODIFY MISSING OR INVALID DMKMCC215E DMKMCC213E DMKMCD214E DMKMCD218E DMKMIA229E DMKMCC211E DMKMCD212E DMKMCC217E MONITOR MONITOR MONTIOR MONITOR MONITOR MONliOR MONITOR MONITOR ACTIVE; DASTAP CANNOT BE ENABLED DYNAMICALLY CPTRACE IS ALREADY ACTIVE CPTRACE IS NOT ACTIVE NOT STOPPED, OUTSTANDING TAPE I/O OUT OF DASD PAGES, IS SHUTTING OFF TAPE IS AlREADY ACTIVE TAPE IS NOT ACTIVE TAPE NOT STARTED, NO CLASS ENABLED DMKIOH561W MORE THAN 50 MCH CR CCH FRAMES WERE READ FROM THE SRF cuu DMKLOG082E MORE THAN ONE VBSAVE AREA ALLOCATED, MUST SPECIFY AREA NAME DMKCFV082E MORE THAN ONE VMSAVE AREA ALLOCATED; MUST SPECIFY AREA NABE DMKDDR726E MOVING DATA INTO THE ALTERNATE TRACK CYLINDER(S) IS PROHIBITED 304 IBM VM/370 System Messages MK DMKSST073E DMKSSS0781 DMKLNK2811 DMKSST0781 MSS MSS MSS MSS DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - REASON CODE xx MOUNT PROCEEDING FCR VOLUME 'volid' VOL $ NOT LINRED; DEMNT IN PROCESS, RETRY MOUNT PROCEEDING FCR VOLUME 'volid' DMKNES175E NETWORK TRACE ALREADY IN USE BY userid DMKCFS1901 DMKCLK437E DMKRND8531 DMKLOG080E DMKCFV080E DMKDDR723E DMKDDR716R DMKWRM9201 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO AFFINITY SPECIFIED IN THE DIRECTORY DASD SPACE AVAILABLE - IPL TERMINATED DUMP FILES EXIST PREALLOCATED VMSAVE AREA PREALLOCATED VMSAVE AREA VALID CP NUCLEUS ON THE INPUT UNIT VOL1 LABEL FOUND (FOR volser] DO yon WT~H TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES OR NO OR REREAD: WARM START DATA; CKPT START FOR RETRY DHKDIR760E NOT ENOUGH SPACE ALLOCATED FOR DIRECTORY DMKDDR712E NUMBER OF EXTENTS EXCEEDS 20 DMKDDR703E OPERAND HISSING DHKDIR753E OPERAND HISSING DHKCDB026E DMKCDS026E DMKCFC026E DMKCFD026E DMKCFG026E DHKCFH026E DMKCFOO26E DMKCFS026E DHKCFT026E DMKCPB026E DHKCPS026E DMKCPV026E DMKCQR026E DHKCQY026E DHKCSB026E DMKCSP026E DHKCST026E DMKCSU026E DMKDEF026E DHKMCC026E DMKMCD026E DHKHCH026E DHKNES026E DMKNET026E DHKNLD026E DHKSPM026E DHKSPS026E DHKSPS026E DMKTHI026E DMKTRA026E OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND MISSING HISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING HISSING HISSING HISSING HISSING MISSING HISSING MISSING HISSING MISSING MISSING HISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING HISSING MISSING MISSING HISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID DMKDDR725R ORIGINAL INPUT DEVICE WAS RESPOND YES OR NO: (IS) LARGER THAN OUTPUT DEVICE. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? DMKDDR718E OUTPUT UNIT IS FILE PROTECTED DMKDDR722E OUTPUT UNIT NOT PROPERLY FORMATTED FOR THE CP NUCLEUS DMKDDR713E OVERLAPPING OR INVALID EXTENTS DHKFHT740E PACK HOUNTED IS 3340-35, NOT 3340-70. HOUNT ANOTHER OR RESPECIFY DMKCPV1651 PAGE hexloc NOT LOCKED; SHARED PAGE DMKCFH435E DHKCFP435E DMKSNC435E DMKCFG174E DMKVHD038E PAGING ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM PAGING ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM PAGING ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM PAGING I/O ERROR; IPL FAILED PARAMETER parameter FOR option OPTION MISSING OR INVALID Appendix D. Messaqe Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 305 DMK DMKCFG177E PARM EXCEEDS 64 CHARACTERS DHKLOG050E PASSWORD INCORRECT DMKCKS915E PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON CHECKPOINT CYLINDER DHKCPU191E PROCESSOR nn DOES NOT EXIST DHKCPU1941 PROCESSOR nn OFFLINE DHKCPU1931 PROCESSOR nn ONLINE DHKDDR756E PROGRAH CHECK PSW DHKDIR756E PROGRAM CHECK PSW DMKFHT756E PROGRAM CHECK PSW psv = psv = psv DMKRSE242E PRT cuu (3800) INiERVENTION RECQD, STATUS CODE cc DMKVDA142E PRT cuu NOT DRAINED DMKRSE240E DHKTCS240E nSKRSE252I DMKRSE241E DHKTCS241E DHKRSE2551 PRT cuu, FCB-FORMS MISMATCH, FILEID nnnn {HELDIPURGED} PRT cuu, FCB-FORHS MISHATCH, FILEID nnnn {HELDIPURGED} rRT CUll, F!LE ~nnn REQUEUED !ND HELD PRT cuu, INVALID LOAD MODULE •••• SPECIFIED, FILE nnnn {HELDIPURGED} P~T cuu, INVALID LOAD HODULE •••• SPECIFIED, FILE nnnn {HELDIPURGED} PRT cuu, PAGE BUFFER DESTROYED, BACKUP PAGE COUNT = nnnn DMKRSP428E PRT raddr SPOOL EFROR; FILE HELD DHKAC0425A PUN cuu ACCOUNTING DATA; FATAL I/O ERROR DHKRSP428E PUN raddr SPOOL EEROR; FILE HELD DHKCFD021E DHKCFOO21E DHKCPS021E DHKCPU021E DHKCPv021E DHKCQP021E DHKCSB021E DHKCS0021E DHKHCC021E DHKHCD021E DHKNES021E DHKNET021E DHKNLD021E DHKNLE021E DHKSPT021E RADDP RADDR RADDR RADDR RADDR RADDR RADDR RADDF RADDR RADDR RADDR RADDR RADDR RADDR RADDR HISSING HISSING MISSING HISSING HISSING HISSING HISSING HISSING HISSING HISSING HISSING HISSING HISSING HISSING HISSING OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID DHKVDA021E RADDR HISSING OR INVALID raddr DHKVDD021E RADDR HISSING OR INVALID raddr DMKRSE505A RDR 'addr' OVERRUN CK CHD=·c.' SNS='sense' DHKRSP434A DHKRSP431A DHKRSP432A DHKRSP433A DHKRSP428E DHKRSP426E RDR RDR RDR RDR RDR RDR raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr FATAL I/O ERROR; FILE PURGED ID CARD HISSING OR INVALID ID CARD; 'userid' NOT IN CP DIRECTORY ID CARD; INVALID DATA - 'data' SPOOL ERROR; FILE PURGED SPOOL SPACE FULL; FILE PURGED DHKVSP429I RDR vaddr SPOOL EEROR; FILE HELD DHKDDR714E RECORD bbcchh NOT FOUND ON TAPE DHKDDR721E RECORD cchhr NOT FOUND DHKDDR721E RECORD {cchhrlnnnnnn} NOT FOUND DHKNHT257E RESIDUAL BYTE COUNT = nnnnnnnn (HEX) DHKCFH300E SAVE REQUEST BEYOND VIRTUAL HACHINE SIZE DHKCFV063E SHADOW TABLE BYPASS; NOT SET DHKVAT06ijE SHADOW TABLE BYPASS; RESET DHKCDS161E SHARED PAGE hexloc ALTERED by userid DHKVHA161E SHARED PAGE hexloc ALTERED BY userid DHKATS181E SHARED SYSTEM name REPLACED WITH NON-SHARED COpy 306 IBM VM/310 System Messages DMK DMKSPMS04E SINGLE PROCESSOR MODE ON REJECTED DMKSPMSOSE SINGLE PROCESSOR HODE eFF REJECTED DMKSPMSOSI SINGLE PROCESSOR HODE ACTIVE DKKMCH6131 SOFT KACHINE CHECK RECORDING DISABLED cpuid DHKNMT24SE SPECIFIED IMAGE imag NON-EXISTENT DMKCF01S8E SPECI~ED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE DMKCFS1SSE SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE DMKLOG1SSE SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE DMKCQG042E SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST DHKCST042E SP06tID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST DHKCSU042E SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST DHKCQG027E SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID DHKCST027E SPOOLID HISSING OR INVALID DMKCSU027E SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID DMKIOH559W SRF cuu NOT ACCESSIBLE; FRAMES NOT ON ERROR CYLINDERS DMKMCD223E START TIME MUST PRECEDE STOP TIME DMKDIR752E STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR FOLLOWING USER user DMKCPI9571 STOR sssssK, NUC nnnK, DYN dddddK, TRA tttK, FREE ffffK, V=R vvvvvK DMKDEF094E STORAGE EXCEEDS AlLOWED MAXIMUM DMKDEF02SE STORAGE HISSING OR INVALID nM~~DS163E STORE EXCEEDS MAXIMUM REGISTER DMKMCC216E SYSPROF CLASS REQUIRES SCHEDULE AND DASTAP DMKSAV353W SYSRES DEVICE TYPE INVALID DMKCFG172E SYSTEM name DASD vaddr INCOMPATIBLE SYSRES DMKCFH172E SYSTEM name DASD vaddr INCOMPATIBLE SYSRES DMKCFG044E DMKCFH044E DMKCFS044E DMKNLD044E DKKSNC044E SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEK name name name name name DOES DOES DOES DOES DOES NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST EXIST DMKSNC178E SYSTEM name EXCEEDS AVAILABLE DASD SPACE DMKCFG170E DMKCFH170E DMKCFS170E DMKNLD170E SYSTEK SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM name name name name EXCEEDS EXCEEDS EXCEEDS EXCEEDS STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE DMKCFG173E SYSTEM name REQUIRES [ASD vaddr DMKCFH173E SYSTEM name REQUIRES DASD vaddr DMKCFG179E DMKCFH179E DKKCFP179E DMKCFS179E DKKSNC179E SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEK SYSTEK SYSTEK name name name name name VOLID VOLID VOLID VOLID VOLID volid volid volid volid volid NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT CP CP CP CP CP DI!KCFG171E DKKCFH171E DMKCFS171E DMKNLD171E DMKSNC171E SYSTEM SYSTEK SYSTEK SYSTEK SYSTEM name name name name nalle VOLID VOLID VOLID VOLID VOLID volid volid volid volid volid NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT !!OUNTED MOUNTED MOUNTED MOUNTED KOUNTED OWNED OWNED OWNED OWNED OWNED DKKCKS4001 SYSTEM CHECKPOINT AREA FULL DKKCKS4011 SYSTEM CHECKPOINT AREA 90 PERCENT FULL Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 307 DMK DMKDMP909W DMKDMP907W DMKDMP906W DMKDMP90SW SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM DUMP DUMP DUMP DUMP DEVICE NOT-READY FAILURE; FATAL I/O ERROR FAILURE; MACHINE CHECK, RUN SEREP FAILURE; PROGRAM CHECK DHKDMP90BI SYSTEM FAILURE; CODE - code DMKCKP902W DMKCKP922W DMKWRM904W DMKCKP901W DMKCKP900W DMKWRM921W DMKCKS903W DMKCKS912w DMKWRM912W DMKCKP910W DMKCKP911W SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM RECOVERY RECOVERY RECOVERY RECOVERY RECOVERY RECOVERY RECOVERY RECOVERY RECOVERY RECOVERY RECOVERY FAILURE; FAILURE; FAILURE; FAILURE: FAILURE: FAILURE: FAILURE; FAILURE; FAILURE; FAILURE: FAILURE: FATAL I/O ERROR-{NUCL CYLIWARM CYL} INVALID SPOOLING DATA INVALID WARM START DATA HACHINE CHECK, RUN SEREP PROGRAM CHECK UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR VOLID 'volid' ALLOCATION ERROR CYLINDER 'cylinder' VOLID 'volid' NOT MOUNTED VOLID 'volid' NOT MOUNTED INVALID WARM START CYLINDER WARM START AREA FULL DMKCKP961W SYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE DMKCPI961W SYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE DMKPGT400I SYSTEM TEMP SPACE FULL DMKPGT4011 SYSTEM TEMP SPACE 90 PERCENT FULL DMKCKP9601 SYSTEM WARM START DATA SAVED DMKCPI960I SYSTEM WARM START DATA SAVED DMKTAPS161 DMKTAP5021 DMKTAP5201 DMKTAP5001 DMKTAP511I DMKTAPS231 DMKTAP510I DMKTAP5261 DHKTAPSOlJD DHKTAP503I DMKTAP522I DMK'l'AP513I TAPE TAPE TAPE TAPE TAPE TAPE TAPE TAPE TAPE TAPE TAPE TAPE 'addr' ' addr' ' addr' 'addr' ' addr' 'addr' ' addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' ' addr' 'addr' D!K'rAP5011 T!PE • addr' DKKTAP512I DKKTAP5211 DKKTAP517I DMKTAPS05D DKKTAP5191 DKKTAP51 BI TAPE TAPE TAPE TAPE TAPE TAPE 'addr' 'addr' ' addr' 'addr' 'addr' 'addr' BAD SENSE CKD='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' BUSOUT CK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID= 'userid' CHAN ERROR CKD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID=' userid, CKD REJECT CKD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' COMPAT CK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid CONTROL CK CHD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' CONVERT CK CHD='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' DSE FAILEt CKD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' DATA CK CMD='ca' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' EQUIP CK CHD='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= 'userid' ERAS! CK CHD='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' FILE PROT CKD='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' I!T R!Q LOAD POINT CKD='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID=' userid, NO DEVICE CKD='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID=' userid, NOT/KNOWN CHD='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' OVERRUN CK CHD='c.' SNS=' sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' PE BURST CKD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' RECV ERROR CMD='c.' SNS='sense' CSW='csv' USERID='userid' DMKSPS014E TAPE raddr DUMP TAPE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DKKSPS037E TAPE raddr INVALID FCR STORAGE COMMAND DMKSPS037E TAPE raddr INVALID FOR STORAGE COMHAND DHKRND851I TEN DUKP FILES ALREADY EXIST DMKVDA086E THE 'volid' PARAKETER IS INVALID DHKMCD222E TIME PARAMETER SPECIFIES INVALID TIKE DKKCFS187E TIMER ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE DKKVDA076E THE 'volid' PARAMETER IS INVALID DKKCLK970W TOD CLOCK SYNC CHECK RECEIVED DMKTRA180W TRACE NOT IN EFFECT DHKRSP430A TYPE raddr FATAL I/O ERROR; NOW OFFLINE, FILE HELD DMKVDD143E TYPE raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DKKVDD142E TYPE raddr NOT DRAINED 308 IBH VM/370 System Messaqes DI'IK DMKVDA134E TYPE vaddr NOT ATTACHED DMKVDA135E TYPE vaddr NOT DETACHED DMKVDD135E TYPE vaddr NOT DETACHED CHAN X DEDICATED CHAN X DEDICATED CHAN X DEDICATED DMKFMT734E TYPE OR CYL INVALID DHKFMT734E TYPE OR {CYLIPAGJ INVALID DHKCPI953I UNABLE TO ALLOCATE SYSTEH AUTO DUHP DMKRND850I UNABLE TO READ DUMP FROM READER DMKLNK117E USERID userid NOT LINKED; VOLID volid CONFLICT DMKL!K119E USER!D vaddr NOT lINKED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE DMKLNK116E USERID XXX NOT LINKED; CP DIRECTORY IN USE DHKCF0020E DMKCPV020E DKKCQG020E DMKCQP020E DMKCQR020E DHKCQY020E DMKCSP020E DKKCSU020E DMKDIA020E DMKLNK020E DMKLOG020E DMKHSG020E DMKQVH020E DMKUS0020E DMKVDA020E DKKVDD020E DHKVMD020E U~~tt~V USERID USERID USERID USERID USERID USERID USERID USERID USERID USERID USERID USERID USERID USERID USERID USERID HISSING KISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING KISSING KISSING HISSING HISSING HISSING KISSING HISSING MISSING HISSING MISSING MISSING HISSING OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID DKKJRL1451 USERID:userid AT term-raddr WITH INVALID {LINKILOGON} VIOLATED THE LIHIT OF yyy [A=auserid] PASSWORD NO.xxx (psvd) HAS Appendix D. Message Text-to-Messaqe Identifier Cross-Reference 309 DHKCFG203E V=R AREA REQUIRES IPL BY DEVICE ADDRESS DHKCPV203E V=R AREA REQUIRES IPI BY DEVICE ADDRESS DMKCFD022E DHKCFG022E D!KCPB022E DMKCQG022E DMKCQP022E DKKCSB022E DHKCSP022E DHKCST022E D!KDEF022E D!KDIA022E DMKLNK022E DMKVHI022E VADDR VADDR VADDR VADDR VADDR VADDR VADDR VADDR VADDR VADDR VADDR VADDR HISSING MISSING HISSING HISSING HISSING KISSING HISSING KISSING MISSING HISSING HISSING MISSING OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID DKKVDA022E VADDR KISSING OR INVALID vaddr DKKVDD022E VADDR MISSING OR INVALID vaddr DMKCPS192E VARY PROCESSOR COMMAND FAILED D!KCPU192E VARY PROCESSOR COHKAN[ FAILED DMKCPV176E VIRT=REAL AREA IN USE EY userid DMKBLD200E VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; IN USE BY {useridISYSTEM} DMKBLD201E VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; DAMAGED PAGES DMKBLD202E VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; INSUFFICIENT STORAGE D!KCPV202E VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; INSUFFICIENT STORAGE D!KCFS183E VM ASSIST NOT ACTIVE DMKCFSlaitE VftkSSIS-TNOT AVA-IL1:BLE DKKCF0184E VM ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE [ON PROCESSOR proc addr] DMKCFG083E VMSAVE AREA DOES NOT CONTAIN A VALID SAVED SYSTEM DMKLOG081W VMSAVE AREA CONTAINS A SAVED SYSTEM p MUST USE SET COMMAND D!!K D!!KVDA023E D!!KDIR161E DMKFMT133E DMKDDR111R VOLID VOLID VOLID VOLID MISSING READ IS F EAD IS BEAD IS OB INVALID volid1 NOT volid2 volidl NOT volid2 volid2 [NOT volid1] DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES NO OF BEBEAD: DMKDDB709E WRONG INPUT TAPE !!OUNTED DMKCF0255W 370E FEATURE NOW tISABIED DMKCFS251E 310E IS NOT ACT IV! DKKLOG251E 310E IS NOT ACTIV! DKKCF0250E 310E IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) DMKCFS250E 310E IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PBOC xx) DKKLOG250E 310E IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) DMKNMT241I 3800 NAMED SYSTEM imag3800 CBEATED 310 IBM V8/310 System Messages DMS eMS Message Summary DMSRDC702I [READ CONTROL CARD MISSING. FOLLOWING ASSUMED:] :READ {fn ft fmlREADCARD C"SUTl A1J DMSBTP108E /SET CARD FORHAT INVALID FEATURE NOT DftSTPE115S {CONVERSIONI {719}-TRACKI {80016250} BPIITRANSLATIONIDUAL-DENSIT~ ON DEVICE 'cuu' DMSBTP109E {CPUIPRINTERIPUNCB} LIMIT EXCEEDED DHSDOS140S {FEOVDISEOVIFEOV} ftACRO NOT SUPPORTED D~SSVT120S {IN;OUT}PUT ERROR !code' ON 'ddname; DftSSCT120S {IN/OUT}PUT ERROR 'code' ON 'ddna.e' DMSXCP411S {INFUTIOUTPUTJ ERROR CODE 'nn' ON 'SYSxxx' D~SCPY002E {INPUTIOVERLAY} FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND DMSFRE164T {LOWIBIGH}-CORE NUCLEUS STORAGE POINTERS DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn). DMSFRE163T {LOWIHIGHJ-CORE USER CHAIN HAS BEEN DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn). DMSDLB3231 {MASTERIJOB} CATALOG DLEI CLEARED DftSCIOl13S {READERIPUNCH} NOT ATTACHED DKSBOP113S {TAPnlmode (cuu)} NOT ATTACHED DMSASN113S {TAPnlmodeIREADERIPUNCBIPRINTERJ (cuu) NOT ATTACHED DKSAMS113S {TA PIN I 'rAPOUTJ (addr) NOT ATTACHED DKSINT015E {UNKNOWN {CP/CKSICKSICP} IINVALID {CHSISUBSET}} COMMAND SUPPORTED DMSUPD184W ' . / S' NOT FIRST CARD IN UPDATE FILE -- IGNORED DMSACC726I 'cuu mode' RELEASED DMSACC059E 'cun' ALREADY ACCESSED AS READ/WRITE 'mode' DISK DKSFOR114S 'cuu' IS AN UNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE DMSDLB322I 'ddname' NOT FOUNt: NO CLEAR EXECUTED DMSXCPl13S 'device (cuu) , NOT ATTACHED DMSKOD114E 'fn ft fa' NOT LOADED; CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT [NOT] ACTIVE DKSDLB308E 'mode' DISK IN [NON-]CMS FORMAT: INVALID FOR [NON-]CKS DATASET DMSBOP308E 'mode' DISK IN CMS FORMAT; INVALID FOR NON-CMS DATASET DKSVGN367I 'modulename TEXT' WRITTEN ON DISK 'A'. DMSVPD3671 '.odulename TEXT' WRITTEN ON DISK 'A' DKSFOR7321 'nnn' {CYLINDERS I FB-512 BLOCKS} FORMATTED ON DISK 'mode(cuu) , DKSFOR7321 'nnn' CYLINDERS FORMATTED ON DISK 'mode(cu~' DMSAMS066E DKSASN066E DKSCPY066E DKSDLB066E DKSDSV066E DMSFLD066E DKSLBD066E D!1SLST066E DMSUPD066E 'option' 'option' ' option' 'option' ' option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND DMSAMS065E DKSASN065E DMSCPY065E DKSDLB065E DMSDSV065E DMSFI.D065E DKSLBD065E DKSUPD065E ' option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' ' option' OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION 'option' 'option' ' option' I option; 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' ARE ARE ARE ARE ARE ARE ARE ARE ARE SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS TWICE TWICE TWICE TWICE TWICE TWICE TWICE TWICE DMSDSV026W 'phase' NOT IN lIERARY DKSIFC825E ' CLEAR' IS VALID ONLY WHEN SPECIFIED BY ITSELF DKSITS139T 'DKSKEY RESET' FROM addr UNDERFLOWS KEY STACK DKSITS138T t mrSKEY' CALL FRCM addr OVERFLOWS KEY ST ACK# WITH lUX DEPTH 7 ~ DKSCLS140S 'FEOVISEOV' KACRe NOT SUPPORTED DMSCPY156E 'FROM nnn' NOT FOUND - FILE 'fn ft fa' HAS ONLY 'nnn' RECORDS DKSABN153W 'HX' DURING ABEND PROCESSING WAS IGNORED Appendix D. Message Text-to-Kessage Identifier Cross-Reference 311 DMS DMSCPY101S 'SPECS' TEMP STRING STORAGE EXHAUSTED AT •••••••••• DMSSYN066E 'STD' AND 'NOSTD' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DMSDLB301E 'SYSIXX' NOT ASSIGNED FOR DISK 'fm' DMSTLB425R DMSCLS429I DMSSEB429I DMSTLB4271 DMSTLB4281 DMSTLB421E DMSTLB434E DMSTLB043E DMSTLB430E DMSTLB436I DMSCLSl13S DMSTLBl13S DMSTLB424E DMSTLB4371 DMSTLB423I DMSTLB422E DMSTLB426R DMSTLB432E DMSTLB431E DMSTPE431E DKSTPE043E 'TAPn (cuu) , BLOCK COUNT ERROR FOR 'filename' ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'CANCEL' 'TAPn (cuu)' EOT ON OUTPUT 'TAPn (cuu)' EOT ON CUTPUT 'TAPn (cuu) , EOVl LABEL FEAD 'TAPn (cuu)' EOVl LABEL WRITTEN 'TAPn (cuu)' HDRl LABEL HISSING FOR 'filename' 'TAPn (cuu)' INPUT LABEL CHECK ERROR FOR FILE 'filename' 'TAPn (cuu)' IS FILE PROTECTED 'TAPn (cuu)' LAB!LDEF INFORMATION MISSING FOR FILE 'filename' 'TAPn (cuu)' HISSING USER STANDARD LABEL FOR 'ddname' 'TAPn (cuu)' NOT ATTACHED 'TAPn (cuu)' NOT ATTACHED 'TAPn (cuu)' NOT POSITIONED AT EOFl LABEL 'TAPn (cuu) , NSL ROUTINE RE~URNED AN ERROR CODE 'nnnnnn' FOR 'filename' 'TAPn (cuu) , POSITIONED PARAMETER IGNORED. OUTPUT FILE WILL BE WRITTEN AFTER NEW VOLl LABEL 'TAPn (cuu)' POSITIONED WRONG FOR 'filename' 'TAPn (cuu)' UNEXPIRED FILE ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'ERROR' 'TAPn (cuu) , VOLID volid DOES NOT MATCH LABELDEF VOLID FOR • filename' 'TAPn (cuu)' VOLl LABEL KISSING 'TAPn (cuu)' VOLl LABEL MISSING 'TAPn(cUu)' IS FILE PROTECTED IMMEDIATELY DKSLI0203W "SET LOCATION COUNTER" NAME 'name' UNDEFINED DKSVGN3681 count NEW PTF DECKS WILL BE APPLIED. DKSVPD368I count NEW PTF DECKS WILL BE APPLIED DMSACC7251 cuu ALSO = 'mode' [-OSt-DOS] DISK DMSFORl13S cuu NOT ATTACHED DMSACC124I cuu FEPLACES mode (ceu) DMSITP141T DHSITP142T DMSITP143T DMSITP144T exception exception exception exception EXCEPTION EXCEPTION EXCEPTION EXCEPTION OCCURRED OCCURRED OCCURRED OCCURRED AT AT AT AT addr addr addr addr IN IN in IN ROUTINE callee ROUTINE routine DURING 'SPIE' EXIT ROUTINE SYSTEM ROUTINE callee. ROUTINE callee WHILE 'UFDBUSY' = xx. DMSACC723I mode (cuu) {R/OIR/W} [-OSI-DOS] DMSACCl13S mode (cuu) NOT ATTACHED DMSABN149T nnn (HEX xxx) DOUELEWORDS OF SYSTEM STORAGE HAVE BEEN DESTROYED. RE-IPL CMS DMSABN150W nnn (HEX xxx) DOUBlEWCRDS OF SYSTEM STORAGE WERE NOT RECOVERED DMSSET333E nnnnnK PARTITION TOO LARGE FOR THIS VIRTUAL MACHINE DMSITS140T routine ROUTINE CALLED FROM addr DID DMSKEY WITH NO RESET. DMSVGN363I sysname DOSLIB CREATED ON DISK 'A'. DMSEDI016E ACTUAL FECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS THAT SPECIFIED DMSINI610R ALSO IPL {CYLIBLK} O? {YESINO} DMSINI610R ALSO 1Pl CYLINDER 01 {YES!NO} DMSVMF383R APPLY 'fn'? ••• ENTER 'NO' OR EOB: DMSVPD383R APPLY 'fn'? ••• ENTER 'NO' OR EOB: DMSIFC829W ATTEMPTED 'ZERO' WAS SUPPRESSED. REQUIRES PRIVILEGE CLASS F DMSZAP195W BASE VALUE INVALID - SET NO GO SWITCH DMSBTB101E BATCH NOT LOADED DMSKVE130S BLOCKSIZE ON V FORMAT FILE ddname IS LESS THAN 9 DMSSRV194S BOOK 'subl.book' CONTAINS BAD RECORDS DMSS RV004E BOOK 'subl.-book' NOT FOUND 312 IBM VM/370 System Messages MS DMSITS137T DMSFOR214W DMSDLB307E DMSFRE165T DMSCLS089E CANNOT RECOMPUTE WITHOUT LOSS OF DATA. NO CHANGE CATALOG DDNAME 'ddname' NOT FOUND CHAIN HEADER AT addr: xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx CLOSE ERROR CODE Inn' ON '{fnISYSxxxITAPn}' DMSINS098W CMS OS SIMULATION NOT AVAILABLE DMSITS098S CMS OS SIMULATION NOT AVAILABLE DMSSET098W CMS OS SIMULATION NOT AVAILABLE DMSASN099E DMSDLK099E DMSDSV099E DMSERV099E DMSFET099E DMSLI0099E DMSLLU099E DMSOPT099E DMSPRV099E DMSQRY099E DMSRRV099E DMSSET099E DMSSRV099E CMS/DOS CMS/DOS CMS/DOS eMS/DOS CMS/DOS CMS/DOS CMS/DOS CMS/DOS CMS/DOS CMS/DOS CMS/DOS CMS/DOS CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRON!ENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT NOT NOT NOT NeT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE DMSVGN3601 CMS/VSAM TEXT FILES CREATED ON DISK 'AI. DMSINS100W CMSSEG SYSTEM NAME 'name' NOT AVAILABLE DMSCMS7151 DMSC!S111E DMSCMS141S DMSCMS412S CMSXGEN C!SXGEN CMSXGEN CMSXGEN DMSCHP009E DMSDSK009E DKSSRT009E DKSTYP009E DKSCMP211E COLUMN COLUMN COLUMN COLUMN COLUMN COMPLETE FAILED DUE TO LOAD ERRORS FAILED DUE TO SAVESYS ERRORS FAILED DUE TO SETKEY ERROR 'col' EXCEEDS 'col' EXCEEDS 'col' EXCEEDS 'col' EXCEEDS FIELDS OUT OF RECORD LENGTH RECORD LENGTH RECORD LENGTH RECORD LENGTH SEQUENCE DMSCPY067E COMBINED INPUT FILES ILLEGAL WITH PACK OR UNPACK OPTIONS DKSCMP1791 COMPARING 'fn ft fm' WITH 'fn ft fm' DMSCMP011E CONFLICTING FILE FORMATS DMSBOP410S DHSSET410S DMSSSK410S DMSVIB410S CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL PROGRA! PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM EBROR ERROR ERROR EEROR INDICATION INDICATION INDICATION INDICATION 'retcode' 'retcode' 'nnn' 'retcode' DMSCPY7211 COpy 'fn ft fm' [{TOIAPPENDIOVLY} 'fn ft fml {OLDINEW} FILE] DMSCMS110E CORRECT FORM IS: CMSXGEN LOCATION (SEGNAME) DMSGEN110E CORRECT FORM IS: DOSGEN LOCATION SEGNAKE DMSBTP107E DMSIFC8281 DMSVGN3611 DMSZAP194i CP/CMS COMMAND 'command, (device)' NOT ALLOWED CPEREP ZERO OR CLEAR HAS BEEN COMPLETED CREATING CMS TEXT FILES ••• CSECT NOT FOUND IN {MEMBER 'membername' I MODULE 'modulename'} -SET NO GO SWITCH DMSLDS002E DATA SET NOT FOUND DMSDBG7281 DEBUG ENTERED [EXTERNAL INTIBREAKPOINT nn AT xxxxxx] DMSPRT008E DEVICE 'cuu' {INVALID eR NONEXISTENTIUNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} DMSPUN008E DEVICE 'cuu' {INVALID OR NONEXISTENTIUNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} DMSRDC008E DEVICE 'cuu' {INVALID eR NONEXISTENTIUNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} DMSBV~75E DEVICE 'device name' ILLEGAL FOR {INPUTtOUTPUT} DMSARX075E DEVICE 'device' INVALID FOR INPUT DMSASM075E DEVICE 'device' INVALID FOR INPUT DMSFCH113S DMSPRV113S DMSRRV113S DMSSRV113S DISK DISK DISK DISK (cuu) (cuu) (cuu) (cuu) NOT NOT NOT NOT ATTACHED AiTACHED ATTACHED A!TACHED Appendix D. Message Text-to-Kessage Identifier Cross-Reference 313 DMS DMSARE069E DMSBWR170S DMSBWR107S DMSFOR037E DMSACc112S DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK • {modelcuu}, NOT ACCESSED 'mode (cuu)' HAS MAXIMUM NUMBER OF FILES 'mode (cuu) , IS PUll 'moder (cuu)]' IS READ/ONLY 'mode (cuu) , DEVICE ERFOR DMSVGN361E DISK 'mode' IS NOT A {CMSIDOS} DISK. DMSBOP037E DMSCPY037E DMSDSK037E DMSDSL037E DMSERS037E DMSERV037E DMSLBM037E DMSMOD037E DMSRNM037E DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS READ/ONLY READ/CNIY READ/ONLY READ/ONlY READ/ONLY READ/ONLY READ/ONlY READ/ONLY READ/ONlY DrtSSRT037E DISK 'moc.e' !S RElD/ONlY DMSTPE037E DISK 'mode' IS READ/CNLY DMSASN069E DMSBOP069E DMSCPY069E DMSDSL069E DMSERS069E DMSFLD0691 DMSFOR069E DMSLDS069E DMSLST069E DMSRDC069E DHSSTT069E DMSTYP069E DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK 'mode' '.ode' '.ode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' '.ode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' DMSLST037E DMSPRV037E DMSRDC037E DMSUPD037E DMSUPD069E DMSVGN069E DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK 'A' 'A' 'A' 'A' 'A' 'A' NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT ACCESSED ACCESSED ACCESSED ACCESSED ACCESSED ACCESSED ACCESSED ACCESSED ACCESSED ACCESSED ACCESSED ACCESSED IS READ/ONLY IS READ/ONLY IS READ/ONLY IS READ/ONLY NOT ACCESSED NOT ACCESSED DKSMVE708I DISK FILE 'FILE ddname A1' ASSUMED FOR DDNAME iddname i DMSFOR70S1 DISK REMAINS UNCHANGED DMSBOP086W DLBL 'ddname' DUMMY INVALID FOR VSAM DMSFCH777S DOS PARTITION TOO SMAIl TO ACCOMMODATE FETCH REQUEST DHSGEN71S1 DOSGEN COMPLETE DMSGEN111E DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO LOAD ERRORS DMSGEN141S DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO SAVESYS ERRORS DMSZAP2491 DUMMY LOG ENTRY IN FIlE 'fn ZAPLOG f.' DMSPRE237E DUPLICATE EXTERNAL SYMBOI(S) ENCOUNTERED DMSLI0202W DUPLICATE IDENTIFIER 'identifier' DMSDSK077E END CARD MISSING FROM INPUT DECK DMSMVE2261 END OF PDS MOVE DMSTLBOS8E DMSTPDOS8E DMSTPEOS8E DMSBOPOS8E DMSCLSOS8E DMSVMFOS8E END-OF-FILE END-OF-FILE END-OF-FILE END-OF-FILE END-OF-FILE END-OF-FILE DMSVGN364R DMSTLB435R DMSVGN381R DMSVGN380R DMSTLB433R ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER 314 or OR OR OR OR OR ENt-OF-TAPE END-OF-TAPE END-OF-TAPE END-OF-TAPE END-OF-TAPE END-OF-TAPE [ TAPn] ON ' TAPn' ON ' TAPn' ON 'CMSVSAM' OR 'CHSAMS' OR 'BOTH' FOR GENERATION OF NEW SYSTEM(S): 'IGNORE' OR 'CANCEL' 'SELECT' OR 'All' FOR TAPE PTF APPLICATION 'TAPE' OR 'CARDS' FOR PTF APPLICATION: 'WRITE (volid)' OR 'REJECT' IBM VM/370 System Messaqes OMS DKSDLB220R ENTER DATA SET NAME DMSFLD220R ENTER DATA SET NAME DHSLDS220R ENTER DATA SET NAME DMSFOR605R ENTER DISK LABEL: DMSVGN361R DMSVGN360R DMSDLB331R DMSVGN363R DMSVGN362R DMSVGN365R DMSVGN366R DMSVGN382R DMSVGN369R DMSSRT604R DMSCPI601R DMSAPIS361R DMSCPI602R DMSDLB330R ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER EITHER 'DOS' OR 'OS': EITHER 'INSTALL' OB 'UPDATE': EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: LOCATION WHEBE sysname WILL BE LOADED AND SAVED: MODE OF DOS SYSTEM RELOCATABLE LIBRARY DISK: MODULE NAME (8 CHARS OR LESS) OR 'END': NAME OF SYSTEM TO BE SAVED: NUMBER OF TAP! lILES TO BE PROCESSED: RELEASE NUMBER OF DOS/VS STARTER SYSTEM: SORT FIELDS: SPECIFICATION lIST: TAPE {INPU~IOUTPUTJ DDNAMES: TRANSLATION LIST: VOLUME SPECIFICATIONS: DMSGND021E DMSLlOO21E DMSPIOD021E DMSNCP021E ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY POINT POINT POINT POINT ' ' ' ' name' name' name' name' NOT NOT NeT NeT FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND DPISERS071E ERASE * * [fml*] NOT ALLOWED DMSVGN368R ERASE sysname DOSLIB? •• ENTER 'YES' OR 'NO': DMSIFC826E EREP TITLIBS NOT FOUND DMSZAP192W ERROR - ODD NUMBER OF DIGITS - SET NO GO SWITCH DMSFOR126S ERBOR (READIWBIT}ING LABEL ON DISK 'mode (cuu) , DMSPRE23sE ERROR In' IN INPUT TEXT FILE 'fn ft [fm]' DMSPUN123S ERROR Inn' PUNCHING 'fn ft fm' DMSCPIP104S DMSDLK104S DPISDSK104S DPISEDll04S DPISFCH104S DMSIFC104S DPISLBM1 04S DMSLBT104S DMSPRT104S DMSPUN104S DMSSLN104S DPISSRT104S DMSS INl 04S DPISTPE104S DPISTYP104S DPISUPD104S DMSVPIF104S DMSICP104S DPISZAP104S DPIS!. I 01 04S DMSPIOD104S DMSDSL104S DPISOVR104S ERBOR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR 'nn' Inn' 'nn' 'nn' Inn' Inn' 'nnl ' nnl t nn' Inn' Inn' Inn' Inn' Inn' Inn' Inn' Inn' Inn' • nn' Inn' 'nnl 'nnl Inn' READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING 'FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE READING FILE DMSLLU105S DMSDLK105S DMSDSK105S DMSDSL105S DKSEDtl05S DMSLBPI1 05S DPISLBT105S DMSLI01 OsS DMSLST10sS DMSMOD10sS DPISPRV105S ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERBOR 'nne Inn' Inn' Inn' In-il I nnt Innl ' nn' Inn' Innl 'nn' WRITING FILE I$LISTIO EXEC WRITING FILE 'fn ft fll' ON WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' TO W~ITI_NG FILE 'fn ft fll' OB WRITING FILE Ifn ft fml TO WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON WRITING FILE I fn ft fll' ON WRITING FILE 'fn ft fll' ON WRITING FILE 'fn ft f.' ON WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON WRITING FIlE 'fn ft fm' TO ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR 'fn ft fm' FROPI DISK 'fn ft fm' FROPI DISK ' fn ft fm' FROM DISK 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ' fn ft fll' FROM DISK ' fn ft fm' FROM DISK ' fn ft fm' FROM DISK 'fn ft fm' FROPI DISK 'fn ft fm' FROPI DISK 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK 'fn ft fm' FROPI DISK ' fn ft fm' FROM DISK 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK 'fn ft fm' FROPI DISK 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ' fn ft fml FROM DISK ' fn ft fm' FROM DISK ' fn ft fm' ON DISK ' fn ft fm' ON DISK 'fn DOSLIB fml FROM DISK 'DMSOVR PIODULE' ON DISK A11 ON DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 315 DMS DMSRDC105S DMSRRV105S DMSSRT105S DMSSRV105S DMSTPD105S DMSTPE105S DMSUPD105s DMSVMF105S DKSXCP105S DKSVPD105S DKSDSV105S ERROR ERBOR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR Inn' ' nnw Inn' ' nnw Inn' Inn' Inn' Inn' Inn' Inn' Inn' WRITING WRITING WRITING WRITING WRITING WRITING WRITING WRITING WRITING WRITING WRITING FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE ' fn ft fm' 'fn ft fm' 'fn ft f.' 'fn ft fa' 'fn ft fa' 'fn ft fa' 'fn ft fa' 'fn ft f.' 'fn ft fm' 'fn CMSUT1 'DSERV KAP ON DISK ON DISK ON DISK ON DISK ON DISK ON DISK ON DISK TO DISK ON DISK A1' ON DISK A5' ON DISK DKSDIK245S ERROR ' nnn' ON PRINTER DMSDSV245S ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER DKSZAP245s ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER DHSTMA138S ERBOR u i .. EnnOR DMSTKA131S ERROR DMSHLP104S ERBOR DMSTKA lOSS ERROR ,",U"T"'It')T.'~""T.'W .Jl:J." ..... ~.J""'t~ nn ERASING fn ft BEFORE LOADING TAPE J:!l lC!D!.!ST F!!! 'fn ft fm' [ NO INPl.!T) nn ON STATE FOR fn ft nn READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FRail DISK nn WRITING FILE fn ft ON DISK DMSITS122S ERROR IN CALL TO routine FROM addr, ERROR CODE nnn (HEX xxxxxxxx) DMSEXT072E ERROR IN EXEC FILE fn LINE nn - message DMSACC240S ERROR LOADING READ CS ROUTINE 'DIISROS TEXT' DHSARN008W ERROR KESSAGES ISSUED DMSLKD008W ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED DMSPRT123S ERROR PRINTING FILE ' fn ft fa' DKSDSK118S ERROR PUNCHING FILE DHSPUN118S ERROR PUNCHING FILE 'fn ft fa' DMSVMF110S DKSTLB110S DHSTPE110S DKSTKA 11 OS DHSTPD110S DMSDSK124S DMSRDC124S DHSVPD110S ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR READING READING READING READING READING READING READING READING ' TAPn [ (cuu) ]' 'TAPn [(cuu) ]' 'TAPn (cuu) , 'TAPn' 'TAPn' CARD FIl.E CARD FILE TAP1 (181). DKSARX074E ERROR SETTING/RESETTING AUXILIARY DIRECTORY Df!SASK07QE ERROR SETTING/RESETTING AUXILIARY DIRECTORY DKSTLB111S DMSTPE111S DMSEDIl17S DKSVKFl17S ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR WRITING WRITING WRITING WRITING ' TAPn (cuu) , 'TAPn (cuu) , TO DISPLAY TERMINAL TO DISPLAY TERKINAL DMSLI01695 ESDID TABLE OVERFLOW DKSLI07401 EXECUTION BEGINS DHSVGN3641 FETCHING sysname ••• ... DMSE R5002E FILE [ 'fn [ft [fm))'] NOT FOUND DKSDSL002E FILE 'fm doslib' NOT FCUND DMSCMP002E FILE 'fn [ft [fm]]' NeT FOUND DMSTPD7031 DKSGRN002E DMSIFCOO2E DHSPRE002E FILE FILE FILE FILE 'fn 'fn 'fn 'fn ft ft ft ft [ fm ]' COPIED [fm ]' NOT FOUND [fll ]' NOT FOUND f.' NCT FCUlID DKSCPY030E DM5RNK030E DKSCPY024E DKSRNM024E FILE FILE FILE FILE 'fn 'fn 'fn 'fn ft ft ft ft fm' f.' f.' fm' ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ACTIVE ACTIVE EXISTS-- SPECIFY 'REPLACE' EXISTS DMSLBH056E FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS DMSLBT056E FILE 'fn ft fra' CONTAINS INVALID [NAMEI ALIAS I ENTRYI ESD] RECORD FORMATS DMSLB'I056W FILE ffn ft fll' CONTAIllS INVALID [NAMEI ALIAS I ENTRY I ESD] RECORD FORMATS 316 IBM VM/370 System Messages DMS DMSLIOOS6E DHSNCPOS6E DMSSYNOS6E DPlSZAP056E FILE FILE FILE FILE Ifn Ifn Ifn Ifn ft ft ft ft fro' fml f.1 fa l CONTAINS CONTAINS CONTAINS CONTAINS DHSPRT033E DMSPUN033E DMSSVT033E DMSTYP033E DMSSRT034E DMSARN007E DnSDLKOO7E DHSIFC007E DHSLKD007E DMSUPD007E DMSSYNOO7E FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE Ifn Ifn 'fn 'fn 'fn 'fn sfn 'fn 'fn 'fn 'fn ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft fm' fml fm' fBI' fBI' fm' fmi fm' fBI' fm' fm' IS IS IS IS IS IS DMSDSKOO2E DMSGNDOO2i DHSLBMOO2i DHSHVEOO2E DMSPRTOO2E DHSPUN002E DMSRNMOO2E DHSRUNOO2E DHSSRT002E DHSSTT002E DMSSYNOO2E DMSTPE002E DHSTYP002E DHSUPDOO2E FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE Ifn 'fn 'fn 'fn Ifn Ifn 'fn 'fn 'fn Ifn 'fn 'fn 'fn 'fn ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft fm· fm' fBI' fm' fm' fm' f.' fBI' fm' fm' fm' fm' fm' fm' NOT NOT NOT NCT NOT NCT NCT NOT NOT NCT NCT NCT NCT NCT lS IS IS IS IS NCT NOT NOT NCT NOT NCT NOT NOT NCT NCT NOT INVALID RECORD FOR!HTS INVALID RECORD FORMATS INVALID RECORD FORMATS INVALID RECORD FORMATS A LIBRARY A LIBRARY A LIBRARY A LIBRARY FIlED LENGTH FIlED, ao CHAR. FIlED, 80 CHAR. FIlED, ao CHAR. FIlED, ao CHAR. FIlED, ao CHAR. FIlED, ao CHAR. RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS FCUND FCUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FCUND FCUND FOUND FCUND FOUND FOUND FCUND DMSEDI132S FILE 'fn ft fm' TOO lARGE DMSTPE096E FILE 'fn ft' DATA BLOCK COUNT INCORRECT DHSLIOOS6E FILE 'fn ft' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS DHSZAPOS6E FILE 'fn ft' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS Dl!SGRN007E FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT FIlED, ao CHAR. RECORDS DMSZAP007E FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT FIlED, ao CHAR. RECORDS DMSZAP20aE FILE Ifn ft l IS NOT VARIABLE RECORD FORftAT DMSZAP210E FILE 'fn ft' IS ON A READ/ONLY DISK DMSARNOO2E DMSGLB002i Dl!ISLBMOO2E DMSLBT002E DMSLBT002i Dl!ISLIOOO2E DHSMDP002E DftSMOD002E DMSSLN002E DMSZAP002E DHSZAP002i FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE 'fn Ifn 'fn Ifn 'fn 'fn 'fn 'fn 'fn 'fn 'fn ft l ft' ft' ftl ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND DMSARI007E FILE 'fn ASft370S' IS NOT FIlED, aO-CHAR. RECORDS DMSARI002E FILE 'fn ASM370S' NO! FOUND DMSASM007E D!SlSMOO2E Dl!SLKD002E DMSNCP002E FILE FILE FILE FILE 'fn ASSEMBLE' IS NOT FIlED, aO-CHAR. RECORDS 'fn ASSEMBLE' Ne'! FCUND 'fn ASSEMBLE' NCT FCUND 'fn ASSEMBLE' NOT FOUND Dl!SERV002E FILE 'fn ESERV' NCT FOJ)'ND DMSLGTOO21 FILE 'fn' TITLIB NOT FOUND DMSLIOO021 FILE Ifni TITLIE NOT FOUND DMSAMSOO7E FILE 'fnamel AMSERV fBI' NOT FIlED aO-CHAR. RECORDS DHSA MS002E FILE ' fnallle1 AMSERV' NCT FOUND DMSAMS7221 FILE I fname2 LISTING f!lll WILL HOLD !MSERV OUTPUT Appendix D. Message Text-to-Hessage Identifier Cross-Reference 317 DMS DMSACC002E DMSEDI024E DMSUPD024E DMSFOR2S3E DMSLST002E DMSFNS908T FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE 'DMSROS TEXT' NOT FOUND 'EDIT CMSUT1 fm' ALREADY EXISTS 'UPDATE CMSUT1 fm' ALREADY EXISTS fn ft fm CANNOT BE HANDLED WITH SUPPLIED PARAMETER LIST NOT FOUND SYSTEM ERROR DETECTED. VIRTUAL ADDR 'cuu'. REASON CODE 'nn·. DMSACC060E FILE(S) 'fn [ft [fm])' NOT FOUND. DISK 'mode(cu~' WILL NOT BE ACCESSED DHSFLD224E FILEID ALREADY IN USE DHSARX038E FILEID CONFLICT FOR DtNAME 'AS8370S' DMSASM038E FILEID CONFLICT FOR DtNAME • ASSEMBLE' DHSCHP209W FILES DO NOT COMPARE DMSFOR603R FORHAT WILL ERASE ALI FILES ON DISK 'mode(cuu)·. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? (YESI NO): D~SFOR733! DTSK 'mode' FOPM~TTTN~ DMSFRE167T FREE STORAGE MANAGEMENT ERROR, INTERNAL CODE ERROR nn DMSDOS094E FROM ADDRESS ON HVCO~ MACRO INVALID DMSNCP099W GENERATION PARAMETERS INCOMPATIBLE WITH VM/370 DMSHLP251E HELP PROCESSING EEROR, CODE nnn 'description' DHSHLP907T DMSLBM907T DMSLI0907T DMSMVE128S DMSMVE129S I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ON ON ON ON ON FILE 'fn ft fa' FILE 'fn ft fm' FILE 'fn ft fm' INPUT AFTER READING nnn RECORDS: INPUT ERROR code ON ddname OUTPUT WRITING RECORD NUMBER nnnn: OUTPUT ERROR code ON ddname DMSHLP2S0S I/O ERROR OR DEVICE ERROR DMSLDS222E I/O ERROR READING 'data set name' FROM ('fm'IOSIDOS) DISK DMSREA830E I/O ERROR READING A RECORD FROM THE ERROR RECORDING CYLINDERS DMSLDS231E I/O ERROR READING VTCC FROM {·f.' 10SIDOS} DISK DMSCMP019E IDENTICAL FILEIDS DMSRNM019E IDENTICAL FILEIDS DMSSRTOi9E IDENTICAL FILEIDS DMSCPY903T IMPOSSIBLE PHASE CODE 'xx' DMSDLB30SE INCOMPLETE EXTENT RANGE DMSCMPOS4E DMSCPYOS4E DMSDSK054E DMSEDI054E DMSERSOS4E DMSGRNOS4E DMSPRTOS4E DMSPUNOS4E DMSRDCOS4E DMSRNM054E DMSSRTOS4E DMSSTT054E DMSTYPOS4E INCO~PLETE INCOMPLETE INCOMPLETE INCOMPLETE INCOMPLETE INCOMPLETE INCOMPLETE INCOMPLETE INCOMPLETE INCOMPLETE INCOMPLETE INCOMPLETE INCOMPLETE FILElf FILElt FILElf FILEID FILEIt FILEIt FILEIt FILEIt FILEIt FILEID FILEID FILEID FILEID SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED DMSMVE041E INPUT AND OUTPUT FILES ARE THE SAME DMSSRV411S DMSFCH411S DMSRRV411S DMSPRV411S INPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR CODE CODE CODE CODE 'nn' 'nn' 'nn' 'nn' ON CN CN ON {SYSRESISYSSLB} • {SYSRESISYSCLB}' • {SYSRESISYSRLB}' 'SYSRES' DHSCPY068E INPUT FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT IN PACKED FORMAT DMSUPD210W INPUT FILE SEQUENCE ERROR: ••••••••• , TO , •••••••• DMSHLP002E INPUT FILE(S) 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND DMSINI612R INSTALLATION HEADING 318 IBM VM/370 system Messages DI!S DMSFRE159T INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE TO SATISFY DMSFREE REQUEST FROM addr DMSUPD300E INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TC BEGIN UPDATE. DMSUPD299E INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO COMPLETE UPDATE. DMSCI0145s INTERVENTION REQUIRED ON {PRINTERIPUNCH} DMSPI0145S INTERVENTION REQUIRED eN PRINTER DMSCPY064E INVALID [TRANSLATE] SPECIFICATION AT OR NEAR ••••••••••• * * DMSCMP062E DMSPRT062E DKSPUN062E DMSRDC062E DMSTYP062E INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID DMSDSK062E IHVALID DMSRNM062E INVALID DMSSRT062E INVALID * ** * * DMSVGN369E DMSUPD183E DMSIIiI080E DMSSTT062E INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID - RELEASE 31 OR LATER REQUIRED {COIiTROLIAUX} FILE CONTROL CARD {CYLIBLK} NUMBER - REENTER 'char' IN FILEID 'fn ft' DMSCHS095E DHSDOS095E DHSDSV095E DMSGEN095E INVALID INVALID IIiVALID INVALID ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS INVALID '" IN IN IN IN IIi IN IIi IIi FIL!ID FIL!ID FII.!ID FIIFID FIL!ID FILEID [ ':tn ft fll'] OUTPUT FILEID OUTPUT FILEID • address' 'address' 'address' 'address' DMSERV070E INVALID ARGUMENT • argument' DMSASN087E INVALID ASSIGNMENT OF 'SYSxxx' TO DEVICE 'device' DMSDSK078E INVALID CARD IN INPUT DECK DMSGRN078E IIiVALID CARD IN INPUT FILE '80 character card illage' DMSCPY062E INVALID CHAR • {= I * I char}' IN FILEID [' fn ft fm]' D1'1SUPD185W INVALID CHAR IN SEQUENCE FIELD • ........ DMSFLD704I INVALID CLEAR REQUEST D1'1SLBD704I INVALID CLEAR REQUEST DMSZAP190W INVALID CONTROL BECORD OR NO GO SWITCH SET DMSPRE183E INVALID CONTROL FILE CeNTROL CARD DMSIIiI080E INVALID CYLINDER IiUMBER - REENTER DMSNCP025E DMSDLB221E DMSLBD221E D!!SLDS221E DMSFLD221E INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA IN 370X CONTROL PROGRAM SET NAME SET NAH! SET NAME SET NAME • data set nalle' DMSDLB086E INVALID DDNAME • ddnallE' DMSMVE086E INVALID DDNAME • ddname' DMSFLD027E DHSTLB027E DMSTPE027E DMSASN027E DMSERV027E DMSB-SV027E DMSINI079E DMSACC017E DMSAREQ11E DMSFOR017E DMSTPE017E DMSASN090E INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE • device nalle' • device name' • device nalle' • device' • device' FOR SYSxxx 'nn' ADDRESS - REENTER ADDRESS 'cuu' ADDRESS 'cuu' ArTIRESS • cuu' AttRESS 'cuu' CLASS • deviceclass' FOR 'device' INVALID DHSFREE CALL FROH addr DMSFRE161T INVALID DMSFRET CALL FROH addr, ERROR NUMBER nn D~SFRE160T DMSLDS227W INVALID EXTENT FOUND FOR 'datasetnalle' ON 'fm' DISK DMSMOD032E INVALID FILETYPE 'ft' DMSSYN032E INVALID FILETYPE 'ft' Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 319 DHS DHSDSK014E DHSDSL014E DHSGLB014E DHSLBH014E DHSLBT014E DHSOVR014E DHSQRY014E DHSSET014E DMSTPE014E DHSZAP014E INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION 'function' 'function' 'function' 'function' 'function' 'function' 'function' 'function' 'function' 'function' DHSSMN133s INVALID GETMAIN OB FREE"AIN SPECIFICATION DMSSTG133S INVALID GETMAIN OR FREEHAIN SPECIFICATION DMSTYP049E INVALID LINE NUMEER 'line number' DHSCPY048E DHSACC048E DHSARE048E DHSDLB048E DHSDSK048E DHSERS048E DHSFOB048E DHSGRN048E DMSLDS048E DHSLST048E DHSHVE048E DHSPRT048E DHSRNH048E DHSRUN048E DHSSET048E DHSSTT048E DHSTPE048E DKSUPD048E INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID HODE HODE MODE HODE HODE HODE HODE HODE HODE HODE HODE HODE HODE HODE HODE HODE HODE HODE 'fm' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' 'mode' '.ode' DHSRNH051E INVALID HODE CHANGE DHSDLB304E INVALID OPERAND VALUE 'value' DHSACC003E D!SA!S003E DHSARN003E DHSARX003E DHSASH003E DHSASN003E DHSCHP003E DHSCPY003E DMSDLB003E DHSDLK003E DHSDSL003E DHSDSV003E DHSEDI003E DHSERS003E DMSFET003E DHSFLD003E DHSFOR003E DHSGRN003E DMSHLP003E DHSLBD003E DHSLBH003E DMSLBT003E DHSLDS003E DHSLI0003E DHSLLU003E DHSLST003E DHSHOD003E DHSHVE003E DHSNCP003E DHSPRT003E DHSPRV003E DHSPUN003E DHSRNM003E DMSRRV003E 320 INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' IBM VM/370 System Hessages D~S DMSS RVOO3E DMSSYNOO3E DMSTIUOO3E' DMSTPDOO3E DMSTPEOO3E DMSTYPOO3E DMSUPDOO3E DMSZAPOO3E INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION DMSAMS070E DMSARE070E DMSARX070E DMSASM070E DMSASN029E INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID PARAMETER PARAMETER PARA!!ETEP. PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETEP. PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETEIl PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETEF PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETEIl PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETFF PARAME'IER DriSASN070E DMSCMP029E DMSCPY029E DMSDLB070E DMSDLK070E DMSDSK070E DMSDSL070E DMSDSV070E DMSEDI029E DMSERS070E DMSFET029E DMSFET070E DMSFLD029E DMSFLD070E DMSFOR070E DMSGND070E DMSIFC070E DMSLBD070E DMSLBM070E DMSLIOO29E DMSLKD070E DMSLLU070E DMSLST070E DMSMDP070E DMSMOD070E DMSMVE070E DMSOPT070E DMSPRT029E DMSPRT070E DMSPBV070E DMSQRY026E DMSQRY070E DMSRRV070E DMSRUN070E DMSSET026E DMSSET070E DMSSRT070E DMSSRV070E DMSSSK070E DMSSTT070E DMSTMA070E DMSTPE029E UMSTPE070E DMSTYP029E DMSUPD070E DMSVMF070E DMSVPD070E DMSZAP070E DMSLBD029E ' option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' ' option' 'option' 'option' ' parameter' ' parameter' • parameter' ' parameter' 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD. : parameter i 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'COL' FIELD 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD ' parameter' ' parameter' 'parameter' 'parameter' ' parameter' ' parameter' IN THE OPTION I LRECL i FIELD ' parameter' 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'ORIGIN • FIELD 'parameter' 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD 'parameter' 'parameter' 'parameter' 'parameter' 'parameter' 'parameter' 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD 'parameter' ' parameter' 'parameter' 'parameter' 'parameter' 'parameter' ' parameter' ' parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD 'parameter' iparameter i 'parameter' FOR 'function' FUNCTION ' parameter' I parameter' ' parameter' 'parameter' FOR 'fu nct ion' FUNCTION 'parameter' ' parameter' 'parameter' 'parameter' 'parameter' 'parameter' 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD 'parameter' 'parameter' [IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD] 'parameter' 'parameter' ' parameter' ' parameter' ' paramter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FILEID DMSDMP020W INVALID PDUMP ADDRESS ' address' - NO DUMP OP ERATION PERFORMED DMs-TffA057E INVALID RECORD FaRMAT DMSTPE057E INVALID RECORD FORMAT Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 321 DMS DMSINI081E DMSVGN360E DMSSRT053E DMSSSK363E DMSSSK362E INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" RESPONSE 'response'. SORT FIELD PAIR DEFINED STARTING ADDRESS 'startadr' STORAGE PROTECT KEY 'key' DMSASN035E INVALID TAPE MODE DMSFLD035E INVALID TAPE MODE DHSVMF035E INVALID TAPE MODE DHSUPD207W INVALID UPDATE FIlE CCNTROL CARD DMSMOD084E INVALID USE OF 'FROft' AND 'TO' OPTIONS DHSZAP248W INVALID VER/REP tISP - SET NO GO SWITCH DHSINI608R DftSINI082E DftSINI902T DMSINI131S IPL DEVICE ADDRESS = CUU IPL DEVICE ERROR - REENTER IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR IPI DEvH"P, wRITE T/O ERROR DMSDOS160S JOB CANCELED DUE TO FROGRAM REQUEST DMSBTP106E JOB CARD FORMAT INVALID DHSCPY157E LABEL 'label' NOT FOUND IN FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSLBM213W DMSLBT213W DMSDLK210E DMSDSL213W LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY 'fn 'fn 'fn 'fn ft fa' ft fm' ft' IS DOSLIB NOT CREATED NCT CREATED ON A READ-ONLY DISK fa' NOT CREATED. DMSVGN362I LINK EDITING sysnaae DMSLI0116S LOADER TABLE OVERFLOW DKSMODl16S LOADER TABLE OVERFLOW DMSSET031E LOADER TABLES CANNOT BE MODIFIED DMSLBM157S MACLIB LIMIT EXCEEDED [, LAST KEMBER ADDED WAS 'ae.berna.e'] DMSDLB320I DHSDLB321I DHSSRT212E DHSITS135S MAXIMUM HAXIMUM HAXIHUM MAXIMUM DHSZAP247W DHSLBM013W DKSLBT013E DPlSNCP013E DMSPRT013E DKSPUN013E DKSTYP013E DMSZAP7511 MEMBER KEMBER MEKBER KEMBER KEKBER HEKBER MEMBER MElmER NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF SiC DEPTn DISK ENTRIES RECORDED EXTENTS RECORDED RECORDS EXCEEDED 20 nAS BEEB EXCEEDED WITH ' nalle' NOT FOUND ' nalle' NOT FOUND 'name' NOT FOUND 'name' NOT FOUND ' name' NOT FOUND ' name' NOT FOUND ' nalle' NOT FOUND FOUND IN LIBRARY AT addr - SET NO GO SWITCH IN LIBRARY , fn ft fm' IN LIBRARY , fn ft fa' IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fa' IN LIBRARY IN LIBRARY IN LIBRARY , fn' DMSUPD179E KISSING OR DUPLICATE 'HACS' CARD IN CONTROL FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSUPD180W MISSING PTF FILE 'fn ft fm' DHSRRV004E KODULE 'module' NCT FeUND DKSARX052E DKSASM052E DHSIFC831E DMSGLB108S MORE HORE MORE MORE THAN THAN THAN THAN 100 CHARS CF OPTIONS SPECIFIED 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED 8 LIBRARIES SPECIFIED DMSDOS093E HVCOH MACRO ATTEMPT TO ALTER OTHER THAN POSITION 12-23 OF COMREG DMSDSV028W NO {PRIVATEISYSTEM} TRANSIENT DIRECTORY ENTRIES DMSCPY063E NO {TRANSLATION I SPECIFICATION} LIST ENTERED DMSMOD005E NO '{FROMITO} ENTRY' SPECIFIED DHSLI0005E DMSLKD005E DMSQRY005E DHSTYP005E 322 NO NO NO NO 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED IBH V8/370 system Messages DMS DPISPRV097E NO ' SYSRES' VOLUME ACTIVE DMSRRV097E NO ' SYSRES' VOLU!!E ACTIVE D!!SSRV097E NO • SYSRES' VOLUEE ACTIVE D!!SRUN999E NO ft PROCESSOR FCUND DMSBTB100E NO BATCH PROCESSOR AVAILABLE DMSSRV098E NO BOOK NAME SPECIFIED DMSOPL 158E NO CMS/DOS PROCEDURE LIBRARY SUPPORT D!!SASN366E NO CMS/DOS SUPPORT FOR NATIVE 3350 DISK D!!SCMP005E NO COLUMN SPECIFIED DMSDSV022W NO CORE IMAGE DIRECTORY DPISLDS226E NO DATA SET NAME ALLOWED WITH FREE OPTION DMSAMS228E NO DDNAME ENTERED DMSARE028E NO DEVICE SPECIFIED DMSFOR028E NO DEVICE SPECIFIED DMSGND022E NO DIRECTORY NAME SPECIFIED DMSPRT039E NO ENTRIES IN LIERARY 'fn ft fm' DMSPUN039E NO ENTRIES IN LIERARY ffn ft fIR' DMSTYP039E NO ENTRIES IN LIERARY tfn ft f .. ' DPISLI0055E NO ENTRY POINT DEFINED DMSRDC042E NO FILEID SPECIFIED DMSTPE042E NO FILEID SPECIFIED DMSCPY042E NO FILEID (S) SPECIFIED D!!SLDS223E DMSAMS001E Df!SARN001E DMSARX001E DMSASPI001E DMSDLB001E Df!SDLK001E DMSERV001E DMSEXC001E DMSLBM001E NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO DMSLBTOO1E NO DMSLIOO01E DMSLKD001E Df!SMDP001E D!IISMOD001E DMSNCP001E Df!SPRE001E Df!SRUNOO1E Df!STMAOO1E DMSUPDOO1E DMSZAPOO1E NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO FILEMODE FILENAME FILENAf!E FILENAME FILENAME FILENAME FILENAME FILENA!!E FILENAME FILENU.lE FILENAPIE FILENAPIE FILENAME FILENAME FILENAME FILENAME FILENAME FILENAME FILENAME FILENAME FILENAME SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED DMSMOD040E NO FILES LOADED DMSDLB023E DMSFLD023E DMSIFC023E DMSTPE023E NO NO NO NO FILETYPE FILETYPE FILETYPE FILETYPE SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED DMSLDS233I NO FREE SPACE AVAILAELE ON 'fm' DISK DMSDSK047E DMSDSL047E DMSD SV01J7E DESGLB047E DMSLBM047E DMSLBT047E Dl'!SOVR047E DMSQRY047E DMSSET047E NO NO NONO NO NO NO NO NO FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION SPECIFIED SPECIFIED s-PECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIEt Appendix D. l'!essage Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 323 DMS DMSTPE047E NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED DMSVHF047E NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED DMSZAP047E NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED DMSBTP105E NO JOB CARD PROVIDED DMSDSL046E NO LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED DMSLBM046E NO LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED DMSLBT046E NO LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED DMSSRT063E DMSMDPO 18E DMSZAP246W DMSASN028E NO NO NO NO LIST ENTERED LOAD MAP AVAILABLE LOADER TABLE PRESENT FOR MODULE ' fn' - SET NO GO SWITCH LOGICAL UNIT SPECIFIED DMSBOP996E NO LOGIC MODULE POINTEB IN DTF FOR ' filename' D~S1DS229I NO MEMEERS FOUND DMSRRV098E NO MODULE NAME SPECIFIED DMSFOR005E NO OPTION 'option' SPECIFIED DMSDSL098E NO PHASE NAME SPECIFIED DMSFET098E NO PHASE NAME SPECIFIED DMSDSV027W NO PRIVATE CORE IMAGE LIBRARY DMSFCH016E NO PRIVATE CORE IMAGE LIBRARY FOUND DMSDSV024W NO PROCEDURE DIRECTORY DMSPRV098E NO PROCEDURE NAME SPECIFIED DMSCMS006E DMSGEN006E DMSLLU006E DMSPRV006E DMSRRV006E DMSSRV006E NO NO NO NO NO NO READ/WRITE READ/WRITE READ/WRITE READ/WRITE READ/WRITE READ/WRITE 'A' DISK ACCESSED 'A' DISK ACCESSED 'A' DISK ACCESSED 'A' DISK ACCESSED 'A' DISK ACCESSED 'A' DISK ACCESSED DMSARN006E DMSARX006E DMSASM006E DMSDLK006E DMSERV006E DMSLKD006E DMSVMF006E DMSAMS006E NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO READ/WRITE READ/WRITE HEAD/WRITE READ/WRITE READ/WRITE READ/WRITE READ/WRITE READ/WRITE DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK ACCESSED ACCESSED ACCESSED ACCESSED ACCESSED ACCESSED ACCESSED ACCESSED FOR 'fname2 LISTING' DMSCPY173E NO RECORDS WERE COPIED TO OUTPUT FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSDSV023W NO RELOCATABLE DIRECTORY DMSDSV025W NO SOURCE STATEMENT DIRECTORY DMSSYN7121 NO SYNONYMS. (DMS1NA NOT IN NUCLEUS) DMSBOP302E NO SYSXxx OPERANt SPECIFIED DMSDLB302E NO SYSxxx OPERAND ENTERED DMSLLU303E NO SYSxxx SATISFIES REQUEST DMSSYN7111 DMSDSV021W DMSSET061E DMSUPD181E NO NO NO NO SYSTEM SYNONYMS IN EFFECT TRANSIENT DIRECTORY TRANSLATION CHARACTER SPECIFIED UPDATE FILES WERE FeUND DMSDLB3241 NO USER DEFINED DIBL's IN EFFECT DMSLBD324I NO USER DEFINED lABElDEF's IN EFFECT DMSQRY3241 NO USER DEFINED lABElDEF's IN EFFCT DMSERR215T NO VIRTUAL CONSOLE ATTACHED. RE-IPL CMS DMSVIP230E NO. OF VSAM EXIT ROUTINES HAS EXCEEDED MAX OF 128 - UNABLE TO CONTINUE DMSDLB005E NO' {CATIBUFSP], SPECIFIED DMSFLD420E NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID DMSTMA420E NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID DMSTPD420E NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID 324 IBM VM/370 System Messages DftS DMSINI609R DMSINI083E DMSIHI609R DMSIHI083E NUCLEUS {CYLIBLK} ADDRESS = nnn NUCLEUS {CYLIBLK} SPECIFICATION UNACCEPTABLE, ERROR ;1; NUCLEUS CYL ADDRESS = nnn NUCLEUS WILL OVERLAY CMS FILES - RECOMPUTE DMSRDC7011 HULL FILE DMSTPE7011 HULL FILE DMSLBT106S HUMBER OF MEMBER NAMES EXCEEDS MAX 'nnnn'. FILE 'fn ft' NOT ADDED DMSCPyl03S NUMBER OF SPECS EXCEEDS MAX 20 DMSBOP089E OPEN ERROR CODE Inn' ON {fnISYSxxxITAPn} DMSSOP036E OPEN ERROR CODE Inn' eN 'ddnaae' DMSOPL089E OPEN ERROR CODE Inn' CN SYSxxx DMSUPD187E OPTION 'STK' INVALID WITHOUT 'CTL' DMSACC230W OS DISK - FILEID AND/CR OPTIONS SPECIFIED ARE IGNORED DHSMVE069E OUTPUT DISK 'mode' IS NOT ACCESSED DMSMVE037E OUTPUT DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY DMSXCP037E OUTPUT DISK mode (cuu) IS READ/ONLY DMSSETOSOE DMSDLBOSOE DMSPLDOSOE DHSASNOSOE PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER MISSING MISSING HISSING MISSING AFTER AFTER AFTER AFTER {DDNAHEISYSxxxlfunction} DDNAME DDNAME SYSxxx DMSZAP191W PATCH OVERLAPS - SET NO GO SWITCH DMSMVE22S1 PDS MEMBER 'membername' HOVED DHSPNS909T PERM I/O ERROR ON 'cuu·. ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss. DMSCRD171T DMSCiR171T DMSCIT171T DMSFOR12SS PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT DMSFET7101 DHSDOS004E DHSPET004E DMSDSL013W DMSFCH115E PHASE PHASE PHASE PHASE PHASE CSW cccccccc cccccccc SENSE ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss CONSOLE ERRCR. RE-IPl CMS. CONSOLE ERROR. RE-IPL CMS. CONSOLE ERROR, RE-IPL CMS. UNIT CHECK ON DISK 'mode(cuu)' 'phase' ENTRY POINT AT LOCATION XXXXXX 'phase' NOT FOUND 'phase' NOT FOUND 'phase' NOT POUND IN LIBRARY 'fn DOSLIB fa' LOAD POINT LESS THAN 'address' DMSZAP193W PRECEDING CONTROL RECORD PLUSHED DHSPRE238E PRELOADER PROCESSING ERROR DMSCMP010E PREMATURE EOF ON FILE ['fn ft [fa]'] DMSTPE010E PREMATURE EOF ON FILE 'fn ft f.' DMSUPD010W PREMATURE EOF ON FILE 'fn ft f.' -- SEQ NUMBER ••••••••• ' NOT POUND DMSLBM167S PREVIOUS MACLIB FUNCTION NOT PINISHED DMSDBG113S PRINTER (cuu) NOT ATTACHED DMSPIOl13S PRINTER NOT ATTACHED DMSPRV004E PROCEDURE 'procedure' NOT POUND DMSSTT2271 PROCESSING VOLUME 'no' IN DATA SET 'data set name' DMSLI0206W PSEUDO REGISTER ALIGNMENT ERROR DMSL101685 PSEUDO REGISTER TABLE CVERFLOW DHSDSK205W READER EMPTY OR NOT READY DMSRDC20SW READER EMPTY OR NOT READY DMSEDI044E DMSPRT044E DMSPUN044E DMSRDC7381 RECORD RECORD RECORD RECORD LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIftUft EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE ftAXIMUft EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM IS 'nnn' BYTES Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 325 DMS DMSEDI144S REQUESTED FILE IS IN ACTIVE STATUS DMSINI607R REWRITE THE NUCLEUS? {YESINO} DMSITS154T SAVE AREA FOR SVC CALL FROM addr CANNOT BE ALLOCATED DMSDOS091E SAVEAREA ADDRESS IN PARTITION PIB NOT EQUIVALENT TO LTA SAVEAREA ADDRESS DMSSET142S SAVED SYSTEM NAME 'name' INVALID DMSUPD174W DMSUPD182W DMSUPD186W DMSUPD176W SEQUENCE ERROR INTRODUCED IN OUTPUT FILE: ••••••••• , TO , •••••••• SEQUENCE INCREMENT IS ZERO SEQUENCE NUMBER , •••••••• , NOT FOUND SEQUENCING OVERFICW FOLLOWING SEQ NUMBER , •••••••• DMSARN012W SEVERE ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED DMSLKD012W SEVERE ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED DMSIFC832S SOFTWARE INCOMPATIBILITY AT THE CPEREP-EREP INTERFACE. CODE=nnn DMSVGN3661 STARTING TO READ PTF DECKS FROM READER ••• DMSBOP413S STORAGE NOT INITIALIZED FOR VSAM PROCESSING DMSDOS413S STORAGE NOT INITIALIZED FOR VSAM PROCESSING DMSDOS092E STXIT SAVEAREA ADDRESS INVALID DMSITS136T SVC CALL FROM addr ILLEGALLY RE-ENTERS INTSVC. BE-IPL CMS DMSDLB306E SYSxxx NOT ASSIGNED FCR 'IGNORE' DMSSSK400S DMSBOP400S DMSSET400S DMSVIB400S D"SVGN3651 SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTE" 'name' DOES NeT EXIST • sysname' DOES NOT EXIST • sysname' DOES NOT EXIST 'sysname' DOES NOT EXIST sysname SAVED DMSABN148T SYSTEK ABEND xxx CALLED FROM 'addr' DMSABN152T SYSTEM ABEND xxx CALLED FROM addr WHILE 'UFDBUSY' xx. RE-IPL CftS DMSI NI606R SYSTEM DISK ADDRESS = cuu DMSSET100W SYSTEM NAME Ina.e· NOT AVAILABLE DMSSSK365E SYSTEM NAME NOT SPECIFIED DMSBOP043E TlPn IS FILE PROTECTED DMSCLS043E TAPn IS FILE PROTECTED DMSTPEl13S TAPn(cuu) NOT ATTACHED DMSXCP043E TAPE (cuu) IS FILE PRCTECTED DMSVKF113S TAPE 'TAPn(cuu), NOT ATTACHED DMSTMA139S TAPE FILE EXCEEDS 9 CftS MACLIBS DMSVPD113S TAP1 (181) NOT· ATTACHED. DMSTPD7071 TEN FILES COPIED DMSMVE7061 TERM INPUT -- TYPE NULL LINE FOR END OF DATA DMSARN016W TERMINAL ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED DMSLKD016W TERMINAL ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED DMSLI0201W THE FOLLOWING NAMES ARE UNDEFINED: DMSCPY172E TO LABEL 'label' {EQUALS lIS AN INITIAL SUBSTRING OF} FRLABEL 'label' DMSCPY102S TOO MANY FILEIDS DHSAHS136S UNABLE TO LOAD 'IDCMAS'. DHSEDI143S UNABLE TO LOAD SAVED SYSTEM OR LOAD MODULE DMSBOP995E UNABLE TO OBTAIN FREE STORAGE FOR DMSBOP PROCESSING. REDEFINE STORAGE SIZE DMSMVE073E UNABLE TO OPEN FILE ddname DMSCPY901T DMSXCP161S DMSFRE166T DKSCPY904T 326 UNEXPECTED UNEXPECTED UNEXPECTED UNEXPECTED ERROR AT 'addr': PLIST 'plist' AT 'addr', BASE 'addr', RC Inn' ERROR CODE 'nn' ON 'SYSxxx' ERROR IN FREE STORAGE MANAGEMENT ROUTINE (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn). RE-IPL CMS UNPACK EREOR AT 'addr', BASE 'addr' IBK VM/370 System Messages D!!S DMSMVE127S D!!SBOP088E DMSCLS088E DMSPDP088E DMSSVTl19S DMSDOS096S DMSSTT229E DMSDOS121S DMSSVT121S DMSITS134S DMSNCP045E UNSUPPORTED UNSUPPORTED UNSUPPORTED UNSUPPORTED UNSUPPORTED UNSUPPORTED UNSUPPORTED UNSUPPORTED UNSUPPORTED UNSUPPORTED UNSUPPORTED DEVICE FOR ddname DTF TYPE 'dtftype ' DTF TYPE 'dtftype' DTF TYPE 'dtftype' FORM OF 'macro' !ACRO FUNCTION IN A LIOCS ROUTINE OS DATA SET, ERROR 'code' SVC no. (HEX no.) CALLED FRO! caller SVC svc (HEX xx) CALLED FROM addr SVC 203 CODE nn CALLED FROM addr. 370X CONTROL PROGRAM TYPE DKSUPD3041 UPDATE PROCESSING WIlL BE DONE USING DISK. DMSSOP036W UPDATE REQUESTED FOR READ-ONLY DISK DKSUPDi76I UPDATING Lifn ft fmi] WITH itn ft f.' DKSABN155T USER ABEND nnnn CALLED FRO!! addr DMSSTT2281 USER LABELS BYPASSED ON DATA SET 'data set name' DMSHLP252E VALID OPTIONS ARE: DESC FORK PARK ALL DKSZAP200W VERIFY REJECT - SET NO GO SWITCH D8SINI611R VERSION IDENTIFICATION = D8SACC109S DKSAKS109S D8SBWR109S DKSCKP109S D8SDLB109S DMSERS109T D!SFCH109S D8SFNS109T DKSHLP109S DKSLBK109S DMSLI0109S D8S80D109S DMSNCP109S D8S0VR109S DMSPRE109S D8SSMN109S DMSSOP109S DKSSTG109S DMSTMA109S DKSTPD109S DMSVIBi09S DMSVIP109S DMSVKF109S DKSVPD109S VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL iIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL VIRTUAL STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED EXCEEDED DKSFRE162T VITAL FREE STORAGE POINTERS DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn), RE-IPL C8S DKSBOP401S DKSDOS401S D8SSET401S DKSVIB401S VK VK VK VM SI?;E SIZE SIZE SIZE (size) (size) (size) (size) CANNOT CANNOT CANNOT CANNOT EXCEED EXCEED EXCEED EXCEED ' DKSDOS' START ADDRESS (address) ' DflSDOS' SrART ADDRESS (address) 'D:!SDOS' START ADDRESS (address) 'sysname l START ADDRESS ( address) DKSSSK364E VK STORAGE NOT LARGE ENOUGH TO CONTAIN SYSTEK LOADING AT startadr to endadr DKSSET444E VOLUKE 'label' IS NOT A DOS SYSRES DKSARN004W WARNING f1ESSAGES ISSUED DMSLKD004W WARNING 8ESSAGES ISSUED DKSUPD1711 wAFWIWG MESSAGES ISSUED (SEVEPITY ~ nn). ['PEP' OP~ION IGNORED.] D8SDI0905S WRITE-INHIBIT SWITCH SET ON DRIVE ••• NOTIFY OPERATOR D8SINI615R Y - DISK ADDRESS = cuo DKSZAP750I ZAP PROCESSING C08PLETE Appendix D. Message Text-to-8essaqe Identifier Cross-Reference 321 DMT RSCS Message Summary DMTAXS6401 nn pILE(S) PURGED ON LINK linkid DMTAXS1071 nn PENDING PILES FOR LINK linkid MISSING DMTCMX3001 ACCEPTED BY TASK task DMTCMX7001 ACTIVATING LINK linkid task type vaddr c DMTINI410R ALSO IPL CYLINDER 01 [YESIN01 DMTSML5301 DMTCMX205E DMTCKX207E DMTSML937E COMMAND FORWARDED ON LINK linkid CONFLICTING KEYWORD keyword CONFLICTING OPTION keyword option DECOMPRESSION ERROR CN linkid -- LINK DEACTIVATED DMTCMX703E DEV cuu IS NOT A LINE PORT -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DMTCMX707E DRIVER type FILE FORMAT INVALID -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DMTCMX705E DRIVER type NOT FOUND ON DISK vaddr -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DMTCMX706E FATAL ERROR LOADING FRCM vaddr -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DMTCMX6551 DMTAXS524E DMTCKX6611 DMTNPT5101 DMTSML5101 DMTAXS5201 DMTAXS1011 DMTNPT6001 DMTSML6001 DMTAXS5211 DMTCMX6601 DMTAXS525E D~TAXS1061 DMTNPT581E DMTSML581E DMTCMX664E DMTAXS526E DKTCMX662I DMTAIS1021 D~TC~!663I DMTNPT5801 DMTSML5801 DMTAIS1051 DMTAXS103E DMTAXS5221 FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE PILE FILE FILE PILE PILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE PILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid locid userid CL a PR am REC nnnnnn {All} ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN ACTIVE ON LINK linkid BACKSPACED BACKSPACED CHANGED ENQUEUEt ON LINK linkid FORWARD SPACED FORWARD SPACED HELD FOR LINK linkid INAC~IVE CN LINK linkid IS FCR LINK linkid -- NO ACTION TAKEN MISSING -- DEQUEUED pRO~ LINK linkid NOT ACTIVE NOT ACTIVE NOT FOUND NOT FOUND -- NO ACTION TAKEN ORG locid1 userid1 mm/dd/yy hh:am:ss TO loclid2 userid2 PENDING FOR LINK linkid PH mm CL a CO nn {HO!~OH} DI di~tcQde: Nl {fn ft!dsnaae} PROCESSING TERMINATED PROCESSING TERMINATED PURGED REJECTED -- INVALID DESTINATION ADDRESS RELEASED FOR LINK linkid DMTAIS1041 FILE SPOOLED TO userid2 -- ORG locid1 (name1) mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss DMTCMX0011 FREE STORAGE = nn PAGES DMTNPT1701 FROM linkid: (MSG message text) DMTSML1701 FROM linkid: (MSG message text) DMTNPT070E I/O ERROR cuo SIOCC cc CSW csw SENSE sense CCW ccw DMTSML070E I/O ERROR cuu SIOCC cc CSW csw SENSE sense CCW ccw DMTNPT934E ID CARD MISSING ON LINK linkid -- INPUT FILE PURGED DMTSML934E ID CARD MISSING ON LINK linkid -- INPUT FILE PURGED DMTREX09lT INITIALIZATION FAILURE -- RSCS SHUTDOWN DMTCMX201E DMTINI480E DMTINI479E DMTCMX204E DMTCMX202E DMTCMX206E DMTIN1481E DMTSML906E DMTSML901E DMTNPT190E DMTSML190E 328 INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID COMMAND command CYLINDER NUMBER - REENTER DEVICE ADtRESS - REENTER KEYWORD keyword LINK linkid OPTION keyword option REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" SML BUFFEfi PARAMETER -- LINK lin kid NOT ACTIVATED SML MODE SPECIFIED LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED SPOOL BLOCK FCRMAT ON FILE spoolid SPOOL BLOCK FORMAT ON FILE spoolid IBM VM/370 system Messages DMT DMTCMX203E INVALID SPOOL FILE ID spoolid D5TC5X208E INVALID USER ID userid DMTINI402T IPL DEVICE READ I/O EBROR DKTINI431S IPL DEVICE WRITE I/O ERROR D3TCKX704E DKTNPT160I DKTSKL160I DKTCKX702E DKTNPT141I DKTSML141I LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE DKTSKL935E LINK DMTC~X670I LINK DMTCKX551E LINK DMTCMX542E LINK DMTCKX652I LINK DMTCKX751I LINK DKTCKX750E LINK DKTNPT612E LINK DKTSML612E LINK DKTNPT571E LINK DKTSKL571E LINK DMTREX002I LINK DKTCMX653I LINK DMTNPT801I LINK DMTSKL801I LINK DMTCKX003I LINK DKTNPT611I LINK DMTSKL611I LINK DKTCMX552E LINK DKTCKX651I LINK DKTCMX671I LINK DKTCKX303E LINK DKTCKX302E LINK DMTNPT142I LINK DKTSKL142I LINK DHTNPT143I LINK DKTSKL143I LINK DKTNPT149I LINK DKTSHL149I LINK DKTCMX543E LINK DMTCMX544E LINK DKTNPT591E LINK DMTSKL591E LINK DKTCKX550I LINK DKTNPT570I LINK DKTSKL570I LINK DMTCMX654I LINK DMTAXS523I LINK DMTCKX541I LINK DKTNPT590I LINK DKTSML590I LINK DHTCMX752I LINK DKTNPT610I LINK DKTSML610I LINK DHTNPT810E LINK DKTSML810E LINK DKTNPT803I LINK DKTSKL803I LINK DKTNPT811E LINK DMTSHL811E LINK DKTNPT802I LINK DMTSML802I LINK vaddr vaddr vaddr vaddr vaddr vaddr CC=3 NOT OPERATIONAL -- LINK DISABLED FOR LINK linkid DISABLED FOR LINK linkid IS IN USE BY LINK linkid1 -READY FOR CCNNECTION TO LINK READY POF CONNECTION TO LINK linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid NOT ACTIVATED LINK linkid2 NOT ACTIVATED linkid linkid IN RJE KODE -- PRINT FILE (spoolid) PURGED ACTIVE == LINE vaddr {HOiNOHj ACTIVE -- NOT DELETED ACTIVE -- NOT REDEFINED ACTIVE task type vaddr c {HOINOH} {DR I NOD} (TRAITREINO~ ALREADY ACTIVE -- NEW CLASS(ES) SET AS REQUESTED ALREADY ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN ALREADY IN BOLD STATUS ALREADY IN BOLD STATUS ALREADY SET TO DEACTIVATE ALREADY SET TO DEACTIVATE DEACTIVATED DEFAULT task type vaddr c R=m ERROR TRACE STARTED ERROR TRACE STARTED EXECUTING: (command line text) FILE TRANSMISSION SUSPENDED FILE TRANSMISSION SUSPENDED HAS A FILE QUEUE -- NOT DELETED INACTIVE INACTIVE IS NOT ACTIVE IS NOT DEFINED LINE vaddr CONNECTED LINE vaddr CONNECTED LINE vaddr DISCONNECTED LINE vaddr DISCONNECTED LINE ACTIVITY: TOT= mmm; ERRS= nnn; TKOUTS= ppp LINE ACTIVITY: TOT= mmm; ERRS= nnn; TKOUTS= ppp NOT DEFINED -- LINK LIMIT REACHED NOT tEFINED ~= TYPE NOT SPECIFIED NOT IN HOLD STATUS NOT IN HOLD STATUS NOi DELETED NOW SET TO DEACTIVATE NOi SET TO DEACTIVATE Q=m P=n QUEUE REORDERED REDEFINED RESUMING FILE TRANSFER RESUMING FILE TRANSFER STILL ACTIVE -- DRAIN STATUS RESET TO SUSPEND FILE TRANSKISSION TO SUSPEND FILE TRANSMISSION TRACE ALREADY ACTIVE TRACE ALREADY ACTIVE TRACE ENDED TRACE ENDED TRACE NOT ACTIVE TRACE NOT ACTIVE TRACE STARTED TRACE STARTED Q~. P=n IHITCIIX11{}E MAX {nn) ACTIVE -- LID linkid NOT ACnVATED DMTCMX540I NEW LINK linkid DEFINED DKTNPT511E NO FILE ACTIVE ON LINK linkid DKTSML511E NO FILE ACTIVE ON LINK linkid DMTCHX672I NO LINK ACTIVE Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 329 DKT DMTCHX673I DHTNPT936E DMTCMX701E DMTNPT902E DHTSML902E NO LINK DEFINED NO REMOTE PUNCH AVAILABLE ON LINK linkid -- FILE spoolid PURGED NO SWITCHED LINE AVAIlABLE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED NON-SIGNON CARD RFAD ON lINK linkid NON-SIGNON CARD READ ON LINK linkid DMTINI409R NUCLEUS CYL ADDRESS = nnn DMTINI4S3E NUCLEUS WILL OVERlAY CKS FILES - RECOMPUTE DMTNPT903E PASSWORD SUPPLIE£ ON LINK linkid IS INVALID DMTSML903E PASSWORD SUPPLIED ON LINK linkid IS INVALID DMTNPT1451 DMTSHL1451 DMTNPT1441 DMTSML1441 RECEIVED: FILE FROM locidl (namel) RECEIVED: FILE FROM locidl (namel) RECEIVING: FILE FROM locidl (namel) RECEIVING: FILE FROM locidl (namel) FOR locid2 (userid2) FOR locid2 (userid2) FOR locid2 (userid2) FOR locid2 (userid2) D~TC~X'OUF. REJECTED BY TASK task -- NOT RECEIVING DMTCMX301E REJECTED BY TASK task -- PREVIOUS COMMAND ACTIVE DMTINI407R REWRITE THE NUCLEUS? (YESINO) DMTCMX2001 RSCS DMTREXOOOI RSCS (VEF v, LEV 1, mm/dd/yy) READY DHTCKX5601 RSCS DISCONNECTING DMTNPT1461 DMTSML1461 DMTNPT1471 DMTSML1471 SENDING: FILE spoolid SENDING: FILE spoolid SENT: FILE spoolid ON SENT: FILE spoolid ON DHTNPT9051 DMTSML905I DMTNPT904E DMTNPT907E SIGNON SIGNON SIGNON SIGNON ON LINK linkid, REC nnnnnn ON LINK linkid, REC nnnnnn LINK linkid LINK linkid OF LINKID linkid COMPLETE OF LINKID linkid COMPLETE PARAMETER="parameter" INVALID TYPE PARAMFTER KISSING DMTINI406R SYSTEM DISK ADDRESS = CUll DMTINI4S2E SYSTEM DISK ERROR -- REENTER DMTAXS10SE SYSTEM ERROR READING SPOOL FILE spoolid DKTNPTi08E SYSTEK ERROR REAtING ~r~v~ FILE spoolid DMTSML10SE SYSTEM ERROR REAtING SPOOL FILE spoolid DMTCMX709E TASK NAME task ALREAtY IN USE ,-- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DMTCKX561E USERID userid NOT RECEIVING DMTCMX70SE VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED 330 IBM VH/370 System Messages DMM IPCS Message Summary DMMCPA8051 xxxxxx ABEND CODE NOT DOCUMENTED DMMMOD7061 'entry name' NOT FOUND IN THE LOAD MAP DMMMOD7071 'module' 'page' PAGE NOT VALID DKMEXT800S DMMIOB7121 DMMEDM061E DMMEDM8611 DATA EXTRACTION FAILURE DEVICE 'cuu' NOT FOUND DUMP FILE 'filename' NCT FOUND DUMP FILE 'filename' NOT FOUND DMMDSC701R ENTER DUMP NUMBER ANI MODE DMMMAP806R ENTER FN FT FM OF NUCLEUS LOAD MAP OR ENTER NULL DM!INI300S ERROR 'nnn' ON FSSTATE 'filename filetype fm' DMMPR0300S ERROR 'nnn' ON FSSTATE 'filename filetype fm' DMMMAP8101 DMKGET100S DMMGRC100S DMMINl100S DMMMOD100S DMMPR0100S DMMREG100S DMMSEA100S DMMSTA100S DMMSUM100S ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR 'nnn' 'nnn' 'nnn' 'nnn' 'nnn' 'nnn' 'nnn' 'nnn' 'nnn' 'nnn' READING READING READING READING READING READING READING READING READING READING FILE FILE FILE F'IIE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE 'fileid' 'filename 'filename 'filename 'filename 'filename 'filename 'filename 'filename 'filename filetype filetype filetype filetype filetype filetype filetype filetype filetype fm' fm' fm' fm' fm' fm' fm' fm' fm' DMMINI200S DMMMAP200S DMMPRM200S DMMPR0200S DMMSTA200S DMMSUM200S DMMWRT200S ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR 'nnn' 'nnn' 'nnn' 'nnn' 'nnn' 'nnn' 'nnn' WRITING WRITING WRITING WRITING WRITING WRITING WRITING FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE FILE 'filename 'filename 'filename 'filename 'filename 'filename 'filename filetype filetype filetype filetype filetype filetype filetype fm' fm' fm' fm' fm' fm' fm' DMMMOD705E ERROR IN ITEM TABLE DMMEDM8601 FATAL I/O ERROR READING DUMP DMMEDM8521 FATAL I/O ERROR WRITING DUMP DMMEDM863E INVALID PARAMETER - parameter DMMSUM501S INVALID PARM 'badparm' PASSED TO SUMMARY UPDATE PROGRAM DMMLOC7171 INVALID FORM OF lOCATE COMMAND DMMMOD7181 LOAD MAP NOT IN tUMP DMMVMB7111 LOOP IN VMBLOK CHAIN DMMEDM8531 NO DUMP FILES EXIST DMMSCR7091 NO VALID SCROLL ADDRESS DMMFED7031 DMMFED7041 DMMFED7021 DMMFED7141 NON-HEX NON-HEX NON-HEX NON-HEX CHARACTER CHARACTER CHARACTER CHARACTER IN IN IN IN ADDRESS - RETRY ADDRESS - RETRY INPUT - RETRY STRING DMMTRC7101 NON-NUMERIC COUNT CHARACTER - RETRY DMMMAP8011 NUC MAP 'fileid' IS NOT VALID FOR THIS DUMP DMMMAP8081 NUCLEUS MAP INVALID 'fn ft fm' DMMSTA601I OPERAND 'operand' NOT RECOGNIZED DKMGET7081 PAGE 'paqe' NOT FOUND IN DUMP DMMEDM864I PAGE REFERENCED NOT AVAILABLE WHILE EDITING xxxxxxxx DMMMA P802I PROCEEDING ••• DMMPRM804I PROCESSING ERROR IN tATA EXTRACTION DMMSUM502S PROBLEM 'PRBnnn' NCT FOUND IN SYMPTOM SUMMARY Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 331 D!! D!!GRC809I BEQOESTED ADDRESS NOT IN DO!P D!!LOC116I STRING 'string' NOT FOOND D!!LOC716I STRING 'string' NOT FOOND BEFORE END OF DO!P D!!ED!851I TEN DO!P FILES ALREAtY EXIST D!!DSC700I TYPE 'HELP' OR ENTER D!!!AP807I ONABLE TO LOCAT! 'fileid' D!!ED!8501 ONABLE TO READ DO!P FRO! READER D!!IOB7131 OSER 'userid' V!BlOK NOT FOOND 332 IBM VM/370 System Messages Appendix E. VM/370 Restrictions A virtual machine created by VM/370 is capable of running an IBM System/360 or System/370 operating system as long as certain VM/370 restrictions are not violated. Virtual machine restrictions and certain execution characteristics are stated in this appendix. Dynamically Modified Channel Programs In general, virtual machines may not execute channel programs that are dynamically modified (that is, channel programs that are changed between the time the START I/O (510) is issued. and the time the input/output ends, either by the channel program itself or by the processor) • Exceptions (that is, dynamically special consideration by CP) are: modified channel programs Access Method given • Those generated by the Indexed Seguential runninq under OS/pCP, OS/MFT, and OS/MVT (ISAM) • Those generated by ISAM running in an OS/VS virtual=real partition • Those generated by the OS/VS Telecommunications Access Method (TCAM) Level 5, with the VM/370 option • Those containing polling seguences The self-modifying channel prograas that ISAft generates for some of its operations receive special handling if the virtual lIachine using ISAM has that option specified in its Vft/370 directory entry. There is no such restriction for DOS ISAM, or for ISAft if it is r~nning in an OS/VS virtual=virtual partition. If ISAft is to run 1n an OS/VS virtual=real partition, you must specify the ISAft option in the Vft/370 directory entry for the OS/VS virtual machine. Virtual machines using OS/VS TCAM (Level 5, generated or invoked with the VM/370 option) issue a tIAGNOSE instruction when the channel program is modified. This instruction causes cp to reflect the change in the virtual CCi string to the real CCW string being executed by the channel. CP is then able to execute the dynamically aodified channel program properly. When a virtual machine starts a channel program containing a pollinq seguence, the ccw translation sets a PCI bit in the real CCW string. Each time the real CCW string is executed, the resulting PCI interruption causes CP to examine the corresponding virtual CCW string for changes. Any changes to the virtual CCW string are also made to the real CCi string while it is executing. The restriction against dynamically modified channel programs does not apply if the virtual machine has the virtual=real performance option and the ROTRARS option has been set on. Minidisk Restrictions The following restrictions exist for ainidisks: 1. In the case 0'£ read ho.e address with tbeskip bit off, V1I/370 aodifies the home address data in user storage at the completion of the channel program because the addresses must be converted for minidisks; therefore, the data buffer area may not be dynamically modified during the input/output operation. Appendix E. Vft/370 Restrictions 333 (Basic System Extensions) - - 2. In the case of read device characteristics to an FB-512 device with the skip bit off, V"/370 modifies the data in user storage at completion of the channel program so the data reflects the true minidisk size and characteristics. Therefore, the data buffer area cannot be dynamically modified during the input/output operation. Note: The user should operation. not attempt to use this data during the I/O 3. On a minidisk, if a CCW string uses multitrack search on input/output operations, subsequent operations to that disk must have preceding seeks or continue to use multitrack operations. There is no restriction for dedicated disks. 4. OS/PCP, "FT, and MVT IS!" or OS/VS IS!! running virtual=real may be used with a minidisk only if the ~inidisk is located at the beginninq of the physical disk (that is, at cylinder 0). There is no such restriction for DOS IS!! or OS/VS IS!! running virtual=virtual. Note: Because the V51 system does no paging, any ISA! proqrams run under VS1 are treated by V!/370 as though they are running in an !DORSPC=RE!L partition. 5. VM/370 does not return an end-of-cylinder condition to machine that has a virtual 2311 mapped to the top half tracks 0 through 9) of 2314 or 2319 cylinders. a virtual (that is, 6. If the user's channel program for a count-key-data minidisk does not perform a seek operation, then to prevent accidental accessing, V"/370 inserts a positioning seek operation into the user's channel program. Thus, certain channel programs may generate a condition code (CC) of 0 on a 510 instead of an expected CC of 1, which is .reflected to the virtual machine. The final status is reflected to the virtual machine as an interrupt. 7. A OASO channel program dirEcted to a 3330, 3340, or 3350 device may give results on dedicated drives which differ from results on minidisks having non-zero relocation factors if the channel prograa includes multiple-track operations and depends on a search 10 high or a search 10 equal or high to terminate the program. This is because the record 0 count fields on the 3330, 3340, and 3350 must contain the real cylinder number of the track on which they reside. Therefore, a search 10 high, for example, based on a low virtual cylinder number may terminate prematurely if a real record 0 is encountered. 1. "inidisks with non-zero relocation factors on 3330, 3340, and 3350 devices are not usable under 05 and OS/VS systems. This is because the locate catalog management function employs a search 10 equal or high CCW to find the end of the VTOC. 2. This restriction also applies to minidisks with a VTOC of more than one track. 8. The IBCDA50I program cannot assign alternate 3340, or 3350 or FB-512 minidisk. 9. If the DASO channel programs directed to 3330/3340/3350 devices include a write record R(O), results differ depending on whether the 3330/3340/3350 is dedicated (this includes a minidisk defined as the entire device) or nondedicated. For a dedicated 3330/3340/3350, a write R(O) is allowed, but the user must be aware that the track descriptor record may not be valid from one 3330/3340/3350 to another. For a nondedicated 3330/3340/3350, a write record R(O) is replaced by a read record R(O) and the skip flag is set on. This could result in a command reject condition due to an invalid command sequence. 334 IBM VM/370 System Messages tracks for a 3330, 10. When performing DASD I/O, if the record field of a search ID argument is zero when a virtual start I/O is issued, but the search ID argument is dynamically read by the channel program before the search ID CCW is executed, then the real search ID uses the relocated search argument instead of the argument that was read dynamically. To avoid this problem, the record field of a search ID argument should not be set to binary zero if the search argument is to be dynamically read or if a search ID on record 0 is not intended. - - - (Basic System Extensions) 11. On FB-512 devices, the use of the CE area is different for dedicated devices and minidisks. Any user with a dedicated device can use the CE area. However, only class F users can use the CE area for minidisks. 12. FB-512 diagnostic commands are also handled differently for dedicated devices and minidisks. Any user with a dedicated device can issue diagnostic CCWs. For minidisks, however, only users with a minidisk egual to the size of the entire pack can issue a diagnostic control command. Because diagnostic sense com.ands must be chained from a diagnostic control command, this restriction indirectly applies to those commands also. Timing Dependencies Timing dependencies in input/output devices function consistently under V"/370: 1. or programming do not The following telecommunication access methods (or the designated option) violate the restriction on timing dependency by using program-controlled interrupt techniques and/or the restriction on dynamically modified channel programs: • os Basic Telecommunications dynamic buffering option. Access Method (BTA") • os Queued Telecommunications Access Method CQTAft). • DOS Queued Telecommunications Access "ethod (QTA"). • as Telecommunications Access Method (TCAft). • OS/VS Telecommunications Access ftethod (TCA") earlier, and Level 5 if TCA" is not generated or the VM/370 option. with the Level 4 or invoked with These access methods may run in a virtual=real machine with CCW translation suppressed ty the SET NOTRANS ON command. Even if SET NOTRANS ON is issued, ccw translation will take place if one of the following conditions is in effect: • The channel program is directed at a nondedicated device (such as a spooled unit record device, a virtual CTCA, a minidisk, or a console). • The channel proqram starts with a SENSE operation code. • The channel program is for a dialed terminal invoked by the DIAL command. • START I/O tracing is in effect. • The CAW is area. in page zero or beyond the end of the virtual=real Appendix E. V"/370 Restrictions 335 (OS BTAM can be qen erated without dynamic buffering, in which case no virtual machine execution violations occur. However, the BT1K reset poll macro will not execute under VM/370 if issued from third level storaqe. For example, a reset poll macro has a BOP effect if executed from a virtual=virtual storage under VS1 which is running under VM/370.) 2. programming that makes use of the PCI channel interrupt for channel program modification or processor signalling must be written so that processing can continue normally if the PCI is not recognized until I/O completion or if the modifications performed are not executed by the channel. 3. Devices that expect a response to an interrupt within a fixed period of time may not function correctly because of execution delays caused by normal VM/370 system processing. An example of such a device is the IBM 1419 Magnetic Character Reader. 4. The operation of a virtual block multiplexer channel is timinq For this reason, the channel appears available to the virtual machine operating system, and channel available interrupts are not observed. However, operations on virtual block-multiplexing devices should use the available features like Rotational position Sensing to enhance utilization of the real channels. a~pendent- - - 5. (Basic System Extensions) - - - Devices that experience extreme performance penalties if not reinstructed within a fixed interval may experience this penalty during every I/O operation. 1n example is the 8809 tape drive. Setting the mode to tlstreaming" may actually result in a slower data rate than running in nonstreaming mode. Execution delays, caused by normal VM/370 processing, prevent a timely reinstruct and the 8809 tape drive may sustain a 1.2 second delay on every I/O operation. The result is that the effective data rate may be less than runninq at 20 IPS. The user must decide (based mainly on the size of the I/O buffers) between running at 100 IPS with continous delays and running at 20 IPS; then set the mode accordingly. Processor Model-Dependent Functions On the System/370 Model 158 only, the virtual machine assist feature cannot operate concurrently with the 7070/7074 compatibility feature (17117) • Proqrams written for execute properly in the points should be noted: processor model-dependent functions may not virtual machine under VK/370. The following 1. Programs written to examine the machine logout area do not have meaningful data since VM/370 does not reflect the machine logout data to a virtual machine. 2. Programs written to obtain processor identification (via the Store CPUID instruction, STIDP) receiVe the real machine value. When the STIDP instruction is issued by a virtual machine, the version code contains the value 255 in hexadecimal (tlFFtI) to represent a virtual machine. 3. Bo simulation of other processor models is attempted by VM/370. 4. Since an operating system's channel error recovery procedures may be processor model- and channel model-dependent, operating systems that will run in a virtual machine may have to be generated for the same model of processor that VK/310 will be running on. 336 IBM VM/370 System Messages Channel Model-Dependent Functions Channel checks (channel data check; channel control check and interface control check) no longer cause the virtual machine to be reset. They are reflected to the virtual machine as other I/O errors are. This provides the operatinq system or other programs in the virtual machine with the opportunity to attempt recovery or close out its operation in an orderly manner. To take full advantage of this the virtual machine should comply with the following requirement: Each virtual channel should map to real channels of a single type. In other words, the virtual devices on a virtual channel should all map to real devices on real channels of a single type and model. These real channels should all be the same as each other, but not necessarily the same as the virtual channel. If the I/O configuration of a virtual machine does not meet the above requirement, no warning message is issued and the virtual machine will run successfully until a channel check occurs. In this case, when a channel check occurs, there is a possibility that the channel extended loqout data may be inconsistent with the data provided by the store channel id (STIDC) instruction. Note: Virtual machines running CMS do not need to comply with these requirements. Here, only unit record spooling and diagnose I/O are performed. For unit record spooling there are no channel checks and for diagnose I/O, CP attempts to perform the error recovery itself.' When the store channel id instruction (STIDC) is executed in a virtual machine~ it returns information from an arbitrary channel, one of several the specified virtual channel may map to. The type, -model, and logout length data returned by the STIDC are the same as the real channel except that when a real channel is a block multiplexer and the virtual channel is a selector, the type field returned by STIDC indicates a selector channel. Since the STIDC returns identifying data from channel model-dependent error recovery procedures identify the channel. the real channel, can use STIDC to Channel extended logouts are reflected to the virt~al machine in a manner that is processor modeland channel model-dependent and consistent with the data returned by STIDC (provided that the virtual-to-real channel mapping complies with the requirement stated previously) • A deviation in the handling of channel extended logouts occurs if the virtual machine uses the bit in control register 14 to mask out channel extended logouts. In a virtual machine, any channel extended logouts that are masked out by control register 14 are lost rather than kept pending, and the logout pending bit (bit 5) in the CSW is never set. However, channel extended logouts will not be lost when they are kept pending along with their associated I/O interrupts by the channel masks in control reqister 2 and the PSW. Regardless of whether or not the settinq of the virtual machine's control register 14 causes it to lose the channel extended logout, CP will still successfully record the logout in its own error recording cylinders. Virtual Machine Characteristics Other characteristics that exist for a as fo::'lolis: 1. virtual machine under VM/370 are If the virtual=real option is selected for a virt~al machine, input/output operations specifying data transfer into or out of the virtual machine's page zero, or into or out of storage locations whose addresses are greater than the storage allocated by the virtual=real option, must not occur. The storage-protect-key mechanism of the IBM System/370 processor and channels operates in these situations but is unable to provide predictable protection to other virtual machines. In addition, violation of this restriction may compromise the integrity of the system. The results are unpredictable~ Appendix E. VM/370 Restrictions 337 2. A two-channel switch can be used between the IBK System/370 running a virtual machine under VM/370 and another processor. 3. The DIAGNOSE instruction cannot be issued by the virtual machine for its normal function. VM/370 uses this instruction to allow the virtual machine to communicate system services requests. The Diaqnose interface requires the operand storage addresses passed to it to be real to the virtual machine issuing the DIAGBOSE instruction. For more information about the DIAGNOSE instruction in a virtual machine, see the VM/370 ~ystem programmer's Guide. 4. A control unit normally never appears busy to a virtual machine. An exception exists when a forward space file or backward space file command is executed for a tape drive. Subsequent I/O operations to the same virtual control unit result in a control unit busy condition until the forward space file or backward space file command completes. If the real tape control unit is shared by more than one virtual machine, a control unit busy condition is reflected only to the virtual machine executing the forward space file or backward spac€ file ~o~~~nd. ~hen a virtual machine attempts an I/O operation to a device for which its real control unit is busy, the virtual machine is placed in I/O wait (nondispatchable) until the real control unit is available. If the· virtual machine executed a SIOF instruction (rather than SIO) and was enabled for block-multiplexing, it is not placed in I/O wait for the above condition. 5. The CP IPL command cannot simulate self-modifying IPL sequences off dedicated unit record devices or certain self-modifying IPL sequences off tape devices. 6. The V"/370 spooling facilities do not support punch-feed-read, stacker selection, or column binary operations. Detection of carriaqe control channels is supported for a virtual 3211 only. 7. VK/370 does not support operator's console. 8. programs that use the integrated emulators function only if the real computing system has the appropriate compatibility feature. VH/370 does not attempt simulation. The DOS emulator running under OS or OS/vs is not supported under VK/370. 9. The READ DIRECT and WRITE DIRECT instructions are not supported for a virtual machine. 10. The System/370 SET CLOCK instruction cannot be simulated and, hence, is ignored if issued by a virtual machine. The System/370 STORE CLOCK instruction is a nonprivileged instruction and cannot be trapped by V8/370; it provides the true TOD clock value from the real processor. 11. The 1050/1052 Model 2 Data Communication System is supported only as a keyboard operator's console. Card reading, paper tape I/O, and other modes of operation are not recognized as unique, and hence may not work properly. This restriction applies only when the 1050 system is used as a virtual machine operator's console. It does not apply when the 1050 system is attached to a virtual machine via a virtual 2701, 2702, or 2703 line. 12. The pseudo-timer (usually device address OFF, device type TIMER) does not return an interrupt from a Start I/O; therefore, do not use EXCP to read this device. 13. A virtual machine device 1PL with the BOCLEIR option overlays one page of virtual machine storage. The IPL simulator uses one page of the Virtual machine to initiate the IPL function. The starting address of the overlaid page is either the result of the following formula: count control on the virtual virtual machine size starting address of the overlayed page 2 or the hexadecimal value 20000, whichever is smaller. 338 IBM VM/370 System Messages 1052 14. To maintain system integrity, data transfer seguences to and from a virtual system console are limited to a maximum of 2032 bytes. Channel programs con~a1n1ng data transfer sequences that violate this restriction are terminated with an interrupt whose CSW status indicates incorrect length and a channel program check. 1. A data transfer sequence is defined as one or more read or write CCWs connected via chain data. The introduction of command chaining defines the start of a new data transfer sequence. Data chain seek CCWs with counts of less than four are inconsistent with data security of V~/370 and therefore will qive an inconsitent errora 2; Data chained seek cess with counts of less than four are inconsistent with the data security of VM/370 and therefore will give an inconsistent error when attempting to use. 15. When an I/O error occurs on a device, the System/370 hardware maintains a contingent connection for that device until a SENSE channel command is executed and sense data is recorded. That is, no other I/O activity can occur on the device during this time. Under V~/370~ the contingent connection is maintained until the SENSE command is executed, but I/O activity from other virtual machines can begin on the device while the sense data is being reflected to the virtual machine. Therefore, the user should be aware that on a shared disk, the access mechanism may have moved during this time. 16. The mode settinq for 7-track tape devices is maintained by the control unit. Therefore, when a virtual macn1ne issues the SET MODE channel command to a 7-track tape device, it changes the mode settinq of all 7-track tape devices attached to that control unit. This has no effect on virtual machines (such as as or DOS) that issue SET HaDE each time a CCW string is to be executed. However, it can cause a problem if a virtual machine fails to issue a SET MODE with each CCW string executed. Another virtual machine may change the mode setting for another device on the same control unit, thereby changing the mode setting of all 7-track tape devices attached to that control unit. 17. OS/VS2 is supported in uniprocessor mode only. 18. ! 19. The DUHMY feature for VSA8 data sets is not supported and should not be used at program execution time. specifying this option on the DLBL command will cause an execution-time OPEN error 20. The 3066 is supported as a 3215. It is not supported as a graphics editor; therefore, it is recommended that the NODISP option of the EDIT command be used when editing in a 3066. 21. The program Controlled Interruption (PC!) FETCH option for module retrieval is not supported for OS/HFT or VS1. shared system or one that uses discontiquous saved segments cannot be loaded (via IPL) into a virtual machine running in the virtual=real area. load MSS Restrictions 1. There are two OS/VS system data sets associated with Mass Storage System: The mass storage volume inventory and the mass storage volume control journal. There is one copy of each data set per Has-s Stora~eSyst-em, nQt n~cessarily onep-er operatIng system. If more than one OS/VS system (running on either native mode or in a virtual machine) is connected to a common Mass Storage system, then the OS/VS systems must share a common inventory and journal. 2. When a real 3330V device is dedicated to a virtual machine as a virtual 3330V, the programming support in the virtual machine must recoqnize and access the virtual device as a 3330V. Appendix E. VM/370 Restrictions 339 3. The following must be compatible; the definition of 3330V addresses in the BCS tables; the DB~RIO module; and the IOGEN for any OS/VS system running in a virtual machine with a dedicated Bse port. The reason for this, and the way to ensure it, is explained in the .!11L37Q .2lltem proq~mer's ,g.!!.ig~. 4. Each active volume in the BSS must have a unique volume number. If you wish to have two or more user volumes having the same volume serial (such as different versions of an OS/VS2 system residence volume both having a volume serial of VS2037), then create two !5S volumes having different volume serials and allocate the user volumes as minidisks. 5. Bass storage System volumes may not be used paging, spoolinq, or temporary disk space. 6. You must not change the volume of a real 3330V volume (the volume serial as known bY the !Se) except by using the OS/VS access method services utilities. If, for example, cylinder 0 of a 3330V is dedicated to a virtual machine and that virtual machine alters the volume serial using DDR, then the volume cannot be mounted. for VB/370 residence, eMS Restrictions The following restrictions apply to efts, the conversational subsystem of V!!/370: 1. CBS executes only on a virtual IBB System/370 provided by V!/370. 2. The lIaximuII sizes (in cylinders or follows: Devi£g lY~ 2314/2319 3310 3330 3330 3333 3333 3348 3348 3350 3370 Bodel (.2) or 2 11 1 11 35 70 native 1I0de -- 3. blocks) of efts minidisks are as CPl5/VSlft 200 cyl 126,016 blk 404 cyl 808 cyl 404 cvl 808 cyl 349 cyl 698 cyl 555 cyl 558,000 blk efts 800-Byte Format 203 cyl not supported 246 cyl 246 cyl 246 cvl 246 cyl 349 cyl 682 cyl 115 cyl not supported efts 1K, 2K, or 4K Format 203 cyl 126,016 blk 404 cyl 808 cyl 1104 cyl 808 cyl 349 cyl 698 cyl 555 cyl 558,000 blk (Basic System Extensions) The maximum size in blocks of CBS minidisks are as follows: Devicg 1ng 3310 3370 ftodel(.2) CPJ.§/VSAft 126,016 blk 558,000 blk CBS 800-Byte Format not supported not supported CBS 1K, 2K, or 4K Format 126;016 blk 558,000 blk 4. CMS employs the spooling facilities of V!/370 to perform unit record I/O. However, a program running under CftS can issue its own SIOs to attached dedicated unit record devices. 5. only those os and DOS facilities that are simulated by CBS can be used to execute as and DOS programs produced by language processors under CftS. 6. Bany types of object programs produced by CBS (and OS) languages can be executed under CBS using C!!S's simulation of as supervisory functions. Although supported in as and DOS virtual machines under V"/370, the writing and updating of non-VSI!! OS data sets and DOS files are not supported under C!!S. 7. CMS can read sequential and partitioned OS data sets and sequential DOS files, by simulating certain as macros. 340 IBB V8/370 System Messages apply when CftS reads os The following restrictions reside on OS disks: data sets that • Read-password-protected data sets VSAM data sets. are not read unless • BDAM and ISAM data sets are not read. • Multivolume data sets are read as single-volume data sets. End-of-volume is treated as end-of-file and there is no end-of-volume switching. • Keys in data sets with read, except for VSAM. : User labels in user-labeled data sets are keys are ignored The following restrictions reside on DOS disks: apply when and only the they are data is hypassed~ CMS reads DOS files that • Only DOS seguential files can be read. eMS options and operands that do not apply to OS sequential data sets (such as the MEMBER and CONCAT options of FILEDEF and the PDS option of MOVEFILE) also do not apply to DOS sequential files. • The following types of DOS files cannot be read: --DOS DAM and ISAM files. --Files with the input security indicator on. --DOS files that contain more than 16 extents. (!Q!~: User labels occupy the first extent; therefore, the file can hold only 15 additional data extents.) • Multivolume files are End-of-volume is treated end-of-volume switching. • User labels in user-labeled files are bypassed. • Since DOS files do not contain BLKSIZE, RECFM, or LRECL parameters, these ~arameters must be specified via FILEDEF or DCB parameters; otherwise, defaults of BLKSIZE=32160 and RECFM=U are assigned. LEBeL is not used for RECFM=U files. - - - • 8. read as as single-volume end-of-file. There files. is no (Basic System Extensions) - - - CMS does not support the use of OS/VS DUMMY VSAM data sets at program execution time, since the CMS/DOS implementation of the DUMMY statement corresponds to the DOS/VSE implementation. Specifying the DUMMY option with the DLBL command will cause an execution-time error. Assembler program usage ~I~ is not supported. of VSAM and the ISAM Interface Program (Basic System Extensions) - - - 9. 10. CMS/DOS support is based on DOS/VSE product. with DOS/VSE, prior releases under CMS/DOS. and the VSE/VSAM program of VSAM are not supported System logical units (SYSIN, SYSRDR, SYSIPT, SYSLST, and SYSPCH), are not supported for DOS/VSE formatted FB-512 devices because the SYSFTL function {SVC 1(}~) ofOOS.tVSE is IlO-t sllpported under eMS/DOS. Appendix Ee VM/310 Restrictions 3~1 Miscellaneous Restrictions 1. If you intend to run VM/370 Release 1 and pre-PLC 9 Release 2 systems alternately, apply Release 1 PLC 14 or higher (APAR V1179) to your Release 1 system, to provide compatibility and to prevent loss of spool files in case of a warm start. Changes to the spool file format in PLC 9 of Release 2 require a cold start when switching between pre-Release 2 PLC 9 and post-Release 2 Ptc 9 systems. 2. The number of pages used for input/output must not exceed the total nUiber of user pages available in real storage. Violation of this restriction causes the real computing system to be put into an enabled wait state. 3. If you intend to define more than 64 virtual devices for a single virtual machine, be aware that any single request for free storage in excess of 512 doublewords (a full page) can cause an error mes~a~e ~~ be issued if stcrage CQ~not be obtai~e~. Tables for virtual devices for a virtual machine must reside in contiguous storage. Therefore, two contiguous pages of free storage must be av:ailable in order to log on a virtual machine with more than 64 vi;rtual devices, (three contiguous pages for a virtual machine with more than 128 virtual devices, etc.). Contiguous pages of free storage are sure to be available only illmedia tely after IPL, before o~her virtual machines have logged on. Therefore, a virtual m~c.hine with more than 64 devices should be the first to log on a$~r IPL. The larger the real machine size, the lesser the pdssibility of this occurring. 4. F~ remote sinchronous 5. If an I/O device (such as a disk or tape drive) drops ready status Wbile it is processing virtual I/O activity, any virtual machine users performing I/O on that device are unable to continue processing or to log off. Also, the LOGOFF and FORCE commands are not effective because they do not complete until all outstanding I/O is finished. The system operator should determine which 1/0 device is involved and make that device ready once more. 6. Anv modifications to local OPTIONS COPYFILE, unless specified in existing documentation, is not supported. 7. If an installation is using an IBM 3031, 3032, or 3033 processor, it must dedicate the service record file (SRF) device to V8/370. Thus, the channel on which the SRF is located cannot be dedicated to any virtual machine. 8. When using the SPOOL, DEDICATE, and SPECIAL directory control statements to define virtual devices, specify virtual addresses that do not conflict or content with the virtual control unit interface. This conflict or contention occurs because devices can require special I/O interface protocol from control units such as shared and nonshared subchannel operations. Putting devices that require different real control units on the same virtual control unit can result in a hung or busy condition. To avoid this problem, users must define (and separate) devices within their own control unit range. For example, if the directory entry specifies: 3270s, VM/370 supports a maximum of 16 binary -lines, minus the number of 3104/3105 Communications C~trollers in NCP mode minus one (if there are any 3104/3105 C~munications Controllers in emUlation mode). otherwise SPOOL 102 3211 SPECIAL 103 3270 The control unit 0 on channel 1 controls both a nonshared device (the 3211 printer) and a shared device (the 3270 display unit). Processing of channel programs involving these two devices can result in a hung or busy condition. 342 IBM VM/370 System Messages 9. If the number of virtual devices exceeds the formula (7FFF divided by VDEVBLOK size) incorrect results may occur. This is due to the design usage of the virtual control block structure. 10. When TERMINAL CONHODE 3270 is invoked, tracing should not be done at the same console; as unpredictable results will occur. 11. Tape drive type 8809 on CP command DETACH reguires the tape drive to have a tape mounted and the tape drive ready. This is to allow the tape drive mode to te returned to the default modes. Appendix E. VH/370 Restrictions 343 344 IBM VM/370 System Messages Index A abbreviations, messaqe 2 abend (§ee abnormal termination (abend) abnormal termination (abend) CKS action for 36-q9 codes 36-49 reason for 36-q9 recovery 35 collect information 13 CP codes 1q-34 dump 13 reason for 14-34 recovery 13 CP abend codes 14-34 in CIiiS 35 in CP 13 problem determination 13,35 recovery 13,35 unrecoverable error 13 C channel programs, dynamically modified 333 characteristics, virtual machine 337-339 CKS (Conversational Monitor System) abnormal termination (abend) action for 36-49 codes 36-q9 collect information 35 problem determination 35 reason for 36-49 recovery 35 command-to-message cross-reference 227-242 dump at abnormal termination 35 error messaqes 105-175 CMS Editor 176-180 CKS EXEC interpreter 180 DEBUG command 181-182 messaqes alphamerically by message identifier 263-277 command-to-message cross-reference 227-242 message text-to-message identifier cross-reference 311-327 message-to-module cross-reference 288-292 restrictions 340-341 return codes 5 CMS commands (§~~ CMS (Conversational Mon itor System» CMSEDIT5ubcom.m-and, messages 176-180 CMS Editor messages 176-180 CMS EXEC messages 180 codes abend CMS 36-49 CP 14-34 wait state CP 7-9 loader 10-11 RSCS 12 command-to-message cross-reference CMS 227-242 CP 213-226 IPCS 247-248 as CS 243-246 component code, description of 1 Control Program (~~CP (Control Program» Conversational Monitor System (~ CMS (Conversational Monitor System» CP (Control program) abnormal termination (abend) action for 14-34 codes 14-34 collect information 13 dump 13 reason for . 14-34 recovery 13 SET DUMP command 13 system programmer action 13 TAPE DUftP command 13 unrecoverable error 13 lMFDUMP command 13 command-to-message cross-reference 213-226 error message numbers 3-4 error messages 41-103 messages alphameric ally by message identifier 249-262 command-to-message cross-reference 213-226 message text-to-message identifier cross-reference 295-310 message-to-module cross-reference 283-287 problem determination 3-4 return codes 6 wait state codes 7-9 description of 7-9 CP commands (§~~ CP (Control Program» cross- ref ere nee command-to-message Cl'!S 227-2'+2 CP 213-226 IPCS 247-248 RSCS 243-246 mess_a9-e j;~_xj: ...._to- Iessage id entifier CftS 311-327 CP 295-310 IPCS 331-332 RSCS 328-330 Index 345 messaqe-to-module CKS 288-292 CP 283-287 IPCS 294 RSCS 293 D DDR command, return codes 6 DEBUG command, error messages debugging for c~s abtior~al 181-182 termiuation cat end} 36-49 for CP abnormal termination (abend) 3- 4, 13 , 1 4- 34 dependencies, timing 335-336 diagnostic messages, IBCDASDI 201-206 DIRECT command, return codes 6 displaying message identifier 1 displayinq messaqes at the terminal 2 default settinqs 2 E error messages CMS 105-175 CKS EXEC interpreter 180 CP 41-103 DEBUG command 181-182 IBCDASDI 201-206 IPCS 207-212 RSCS 183-199 errors action by general user 3-4 by system operator 3-4 F format of messages identifier text 1 functions channel, model-dependent 337 processor, model-dependent 336 G general user, action on CP errors 3-4 I IBCDASDI disk initialization program, messages 201-206 Interactive Problem Control System (~ IPCS (Interactive Problem Control System» 346 IPCS (Interactive Problem Control System) messages 207-212 alphamerically by message identifier 281-282 command-to-message cross-reference 247-248 message text-to-message identifier cross-reference 331-332 message-to-module cross-reference 294 return codes 6 IBM VK/370 System Kessages L loader wait conditions 10-11 wait state codes 10-11 K Kass Storage System (ftSS), restrictions 339-340 message format 1 identifier 1 message number, description of message summary alphamerically by message identifier CftS 263-277 CP 249-262 IPCS 281-282 RSCS 278-280 message syntax conventions 2 message text-to-message identifier cros s-reference CKS 311-327 CP 295-310 IPCS 331-332 RSCS 328-330 messages CftS EDIT subcommand 176-180 CftS EXEC interpreter 180 DEBUG command 181-182 default setting for displaying 2 diagnostic, IBCDASDI 201-206 displaying at the terminal 2 error CftS 105-175 CP 41-103 IBCDASDI 201-206 IPCS 207-212 RSCS 183-199 format 1 identifier component code message number module code 1 type code 1 special 2 syntax conventions 2 abbreviations 2 System Product Editor text 1 message-to-module cross-reference CKS 288-292 CP 283-287 IPCS 294 RSCS 293 ~NOTES 1 model-dependent functions channel 337 processor 336 module code, description of MSS restrictions 339-340 messages alphamerically by message identifier 278-280 command-to-message cross-reference 243-246 .essage text-to-message identifier cross-reference 328-330 message-to-module cross-reference "ln~ ~~.;;) wait state codes 12 RSCS commands (§~ RSCS (Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem» P page, for user notes 342-343 problem determination CP procedures 3-4 general user action 3-4 system operator action 3-4 R RC (~return codes) recovery from abnormal termination (abend) CMS 35 CP 13 Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (se~ RSCS (Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem) ) responses, unnumbered restrictions CKS 340-341 minidisk 333-335 miscellaneous 342-343 KSS 339-340 VK/370 333-343 return codes CKS DDR command 6 CP DIRECT command 6 example of 6 IPCS 6 RSCS (Remote Spooling coamunications Subsystem) error messages 183-199 S severity codes meanings 1 types 1 special message facility 2 subcommands DEBUG messages 181-182 EDIT messages 176-180 syntax conventions, messa-q-es- 2--system operator, action on CP errors 3-4 T terminals, displaying messages at terlRiJlation abnormal CKS abend codes 36-49 CP abend codes 14-34 type code, description of 2 , virtual machine characteristics 337-339 'irtual Machine Facility/370 ('"/370), restrictions 333-343 'K/370 (_ s_e_-e lirtual Kachine Facility/370 ('K/370» w wait state codes CP 7-9 loader 10-11 RSCS 12 Index 347 348 IBM VM/370 system Messages IBM Virtual M~chine Facility/370: System 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