GC20 1819 2_IBM_Virtual_Machine_Facility_370_CMS_Users_Guide_Rel_6_PLC_1_Mar79 2 IBM Virtual Machine Facility 370 CMS Users Guide Rel 6 PLC 1 Mar79
User Manual: GC20-1819-2_IBM_Virtual_Machine_Facility_370_CMS_Users_Guide_Rel_6_PLC_1_Mar79
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File No. S370-39 Order No. GC20-1819- 2 I BM Virtual Machine Facility /370: Systems eMS User's Guide Release 6 PLC 1 Contains general information and examples for using the Conversational Monitor System (CMS) component of I BM Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370). This publication is written for applications programmers who want to learn how to use CMS to create and modify data files (including VSAM data sets) and programs, and to compile, test, and debug OS or DOS programs under CMS. The CMS Editor and EXEC facilities are described with usage information and examples. Prerequisite Publications IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370: Terminal User's Guide, Order No. GC20-1810 IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370: Introduction, Order No. GC20-1800 --..---- -......----. _ -==-='='= - - -----~ ) ® / TlIis is a major revision of, and obsoletes, GC20-1819-1 with Technical Newsletter GN25-0411. This edition applies to Release 6 PtC 1 (Program Level Change) of IBM Virtual Machine Facility/37C, and to all sutsequent releases unless otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Technical changes and additions to text and illustrations are indicated ty a vertical bar to the left of the change~ Changes are periodically made to the information herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBft systems, consult the latest !~~ ~l§!~!LJl~ ~i~liQg£!Ehl, Order No. GC20-0001, for the editions that are aIplicable and current. Publications are not stocked at the address given below; requests for copies of IBft publications should be made to your IBft representative cr to the IBM tranch office serving your locality. A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this pablication. If .the form has been relloved, comments may be addressed to lEI! Corporaticn, Vft/370 Publications, Dept. D58, Bldg. 706-2, P.O. Box 390, poughkeepsie, New York 12602. IBI! may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation whatever. You may, of course, continue to use the informaticn you supply. © Copyright International 1979 Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1977, ( Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev Barch 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 Preface This publication is intended for the general CMS user. It contains information describing the interactive facilities of CMS, and includes examples shoving you how to use CftS. "Part 1. Understanding CMS" contains sections that describe, in general terms, the CftS facilities and the CMS and CP com.ands that you can use to control your virtual aachine. If you are an experienced programmer who has used interactive terminal systems before, you may be able to refer directly to the VM/JIQ: ~~~ COm!~~g ~D~ A§££g R~!~!~£~ publication to find specific details about CMS co.mands that are summarized in this part. Otherwise, you .ay need to refer to later sections of this publication to gain a broader background in using CMS. The topics discussed in Part 1 are: • What It Means Machine • VM/370-CMS Switching • • • What You Can Do with VM/370-CMS COllmands The CMS File System • • To Have a CMS Environllents Virtual Bode and procedures to use with discussed in Part 3 are: • • • • CBS. The topics Building EXEC Procedures Using EXECs with CBS Co.mands Refining Your EXEC Procedures Writing Edit Bacros "Part 4. Learning To Use the HELP Facility" contains descriptions and examples of the use of HELP facility format words in creating HELP description files. "Appendix A: Summary of CftS Co.mands" lists the commands available in the CftS co •• and environment. "Appendix B: Summary of CP Commands" lists the CP command privilege classes- and summarizes the co.mands available in the CP cOllmand environment. "Appendix C: Considerations for 3270 Display Terminal Users" discusses aspects of V!/370 and CftS that are different or unique when you use a 3270 display terminal. 1\ "Appendix D: Sample Terminal Sessions" shows sample terminal sessions for: • Using the CBS editor and CftS file system commands Introduction to the EXEC Processor • Using line-number editor Using Real and Tapes • creating, assembling, as program in CBS • Creating, assembling, and DOS program in CBS/DOS • Using access method services in CBS The CMS Editor Printers, Punches, Readers, "Part 2. Program Development Using CBS" is primarily for applications progra •• ers who want to use CMS to develop and test os and DOS programs under CMS. The topics discussed in Part 2 are: editing with the CftS and executing an executing a • Developing OS programs Under eMS • Developing DOS Programs Under CMS • Using Access Method Services and Under CMS and CMS/DOS VSAM Some of the following terms are used, for convenience, throughout this publication: • How VM/370 Progralls Your • • Using the CMS Batch Facility • programming for the eMS Environment Can Help You Debug The term "CBS/DOS" refers to the functions of CBS that become available when you issue the command set dos on "Part detailed 3. Learning information To Use EXEC" on creating gives EXEC CBS/DOS is a part of the normal CBS system, and is not a separate system. Users who do not use CBS/DOS are Preface iii Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 sometimes referred to as OS users, since I • they use the as simulation functions of I CMS. • For a glossary of The term "CMS files" refers exclusivelY to files that are in the fixed block format used by CMS file system commands. VSAM and as data sets and DOS files are not compatible with the CMS file format, and cannot be manipulated using CMS file system cemmands. The terms "disk" and "virtual disk" are used interchangeably to indicate disks that are in your CMS virtual machine configuration. Where necessary, a distinction is made between CMS-formatted disks and disks in as or DOS format. • "FB-512" refers to the IBM 3310 and 3310 Direct Access Storage Devices. "3270" refers to a series of display devices, namely, the IBM 3215, 3216 Controller Display Station, and 3211 and 3218 Display Stations. A specific device type is used only when a distinction is required between device types. Information about display terminal usage also applies to the IBM 3138, 3148, and 3158 Display Consoles when used in display mode, unless otherwise noted. Any inf~rmation pertaining to the IBM 3284 or 3286 Printer also pertains to the IBM 3287, 3288, and 3289 printers, unless otherwise noted. • "3330" refers to the IBM 3330 Disk Storage Models 1, 2, and 11, the IBM 3333 Disk Storage and Control Models 1 and 11, and the IBM 3350 Direct Access Storage in 3330 compatibility mode. • "2305" refers to the IBM 2305 Fixed Head Storage, Models 1 and 2. !!!~ Vi!:1Y~! 11~£!!in~ ~~~ ~~2!g£ I~gg!, VM/310 terms, see the !~£!li1Ul10: GI222~!:I GC20-1813. PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS If this is the first time you computer terminal, you should have used a consult the !~Ll1Q Ig£~i~~~ Q2g£~2 2~!g~, GC20-l8l0, for information on using your terminal. terminal is a 3161 Terminal, then !BM ~1~1 is a Q~!de, GA18-2000, If your Communications Q~g£at2£~2 prerequisite. The IEM Virtual Machine !~£!!i!IL~lQ: In troductlon;---GC2 0-1800;-- contains an overviev--of the V8/310 system and its components, and lists the programs and products that are supported in CMS. COREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS The IBM !!£!Y~! 11~ch!~~ £Qm!~n~ ~¥g 112££2 !~Cil!1YL31Q: ~MS S~!g£~ll£~, GC20-18l8, is a compan1on to this user's guide. It contains complete format descriptions of the CMS commands; EDIT subcommands; EXEC control statements, built-in functions, and special variables; DEBUG subcommands; and CMS assembler language macros that are discussed or used in examples in this book. IBM !!£!~! 11g£l!ine !gci!!!IL11Q: ~~!~! GC20-1808, contains the responses, error messages, and return codes issued by the CMS commands, and EDIT and DEBUG subcommands referenced in this publication, as well as a complete list of the error messages issued by the EXEC processor. A~22~g~§, • "3340" refers to the IBM 3340 Direct Access Storage Facility and the IBM 3344 Direct Access Storage. • "3350" refers to the IBM 3350 Direct Access Storage device when used in native mode. • Any information pertaining to the IBM 2141 terminal also applies to the IBM 3767 terminal, unless otherwise noted. • To use CMS, you should be familiar with the control program (CP) component of V8/310. The CP commands available to general users are described in !~11 !i£!Y~! 370x refers to the Communications Controllers. !1~£l!i~ !2£il!ilfllQ:~:g I I • "3310" refers to the Access Storage Device. IBM 3310 Direct I I • "3310" refers to the Access Storage Device. IBM 3310 Direct iv IBM VM/370: CMS User's Guide 3104/3105 fQ~ ~~!lg£2! Y2~£§' ~2n.mlg ~ef~£~!l£~ GC20-l820. If you are using CMS to develop programs to run under other operating systems, see !~A !!£1Y2! !1~£!!!!l~ !g£!l!!IfllQ: QE~!:~!!~g ~Ist~m§ in ~ !!£!Yg! !1ac!!!~~, GC20-1821. RELATED VM/370 PUBLICATIONS If you use the Bemote Coamunications sutsystea, see Additional descriptions of various CftS functions and commands that are normally used by system support personnel are described in l]~ !!!!Y~l ~g£h!~~ 19£ili~ILJ1~: ~l§!~~ ~!Bg!g~~~!~§ 2y!g~, Q]§!AtO!~§ GC20-1807 !!!~yg! ~E22!iDg ~~!!~ !!~!1!!IL37Q: £gmmYn!£~tiBD§ ~YRsys!~ ~§§!~2 QY!E~, IPCS CMS !!LJ1~: 1!~!! (RS~a) GC20-1816. Asseabler language programmers may find information atout the V!/370 asseabler in Q~L!~, !Q~!~, A!E !!LJIQ A§§embl~! ~gngygg~, GC33-4010, and ~~!§ !A~ !BL370 A§§~!~!~! ~!Bg!~Am~!~§ §y!g~, GC33-4021. Qy!g§, GC20-1806 BELATED PUBLICATIONS FOB METHOD SEBVICES USERS ll~ Spooling the lEB commands are described lnt§!g£~i!~ ~!B~!e~ VSA~ AND ACCESS in the £B~~!2! ~Ist§! (IP£E) ~§§!~§ Qyig~, GC20-1823, and not in this publication. Information describing the CMS coamand CPEREP, a command used to generate output reports from VM/370's error recording records, is contained in the: Details on the use of OS/VS EREP operands, required to aake use of CPEREP, are contained in: CMS support of access method services is based on DOS/VS access method services. The control statements that you can use are described in DO~L.!~ AC£!§.§ Be.!1!.2g ~!vi.E~.§ y§~!~§ ~yide, GC33-5382. Error .ess~ges produced by the access method serV1ces program, and return codes and reason codes, are listed in RQ~!~ ~§§§age§, GC33-5379. For a detailed description of DOS/VS VSAB macros and macro parameters, refer to the RQ~L!~ ~YE§!~iso! !nd lL~ ~!£!B'§, GC33-5373. For information on OS/VS VSAM macros, refer to ~~!a !irtu!l ~!.2!!~ j££~§§ ~~!hOE (VSAM) 1!.2~!!A~!~§ ~uig!, GC26-3818. BELATED PUBLICATIONS FOR CMS/DOS OSERS There are three publications available as ready reference material when you use VM/370 and CMS. They are: l]~ !!~~y~l ~g£h!~ 19£!!i!IL~l~: 2Y!£! Gu!g§ !B! ~§~!§, GX20-1926 ~B~~~~g§ (Q§~§!g! ~§~!), GX20-1961. The CftS !SERV command invokes the DOS/VS ES!BV program, and uses, as input, the control statements that you vould use in DOS/VS. These control statements are described in ~y!de to'!!§ ~CSL!~ A§§~~R!!!, GC33-4024. Linkage editor control statements, used when invoking the DOS/'S linka~e editor under CftS/DOS, are described 1n DO~!~ ~I§!~! ~Bn!!B! ~!!!~~ent§, GC33-5376. preface v \ ( vi IBK VK/310: eKS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev 8arch 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 RBLATED '8/370 PUBLICATIONS Additional descriptions of various C8S functions and co.mands that are norDally used by system support personnel are described in !!A Virtual SIS!!! A~£hiD! lA£il!!IL11Q: f!2g!~!!!!~§ Gu!g~, QE§Iator~ ~uide, GC20-1807 If you use the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem, see the !~~ Ii!!!!! ~~£hi~~ f~£!!!1IL37~: ]~~g1~ ~E~2li~g ~2mmy~ic~ti2~§ Y§~~~ ~~~g~, ~Y~§I§i~! GC20-1816. Assembler language programmers may find information about the V!/370 assembler in Q~L!~, QQ~L!~, !!lg !!Ll1Q !§§~!~!~! Lgllg~g~, GC33-4010, and £~L12 ~ll~ !~Ll1Q !§§~~~!!! f!QgI~~!~§ ~y!g~, GC33-4021. GC20-1806 RELATED PUBLICATIONS FOR 8ETHOD SERVICES USERS IPCS eftS .!nt§!A£!!~! (IP~~) ~§!~§ in the Con!!Q! GC20-1823, and VSA! AND ACCESS comaands are described 1M !U370: ~Iste. (~~£~) ~2~!~! ~uig~, not in this publication. Inforaation describing the CMS command CPEREP, a command used to generate output reports froa V8/370's error recording records, is contained in the: Details on the use of OS/'S EREP operands, required to aake use of CPEREP, are contained in: CMS support of access method services is based on DOS/VSE and VSE/VSAM. The control state.ents that you can use are described in Y2!llg !~~L!2!~ ~2~m~nd ~B~ ~~£!2§, SC24-5144. Error messages produced by the access method services program, and return codes and reason codes, are listed in QQ~!~! ~~~g!§, GC33-5379. For a detailed description of VSE/VSAM macros and macro parameters, refer to the QQ2L!SE ~~£!Q Y§~~ GuiQ~, GC24-5139. For inforDation on OS/VS VSA! macros, refer to Q~L!~ !!Iiyal ~iQr~~ !££!§§ ~~iAQ~ (!~!~) prQg~A!~~~ Qy!de, GC26-3818. RELATED PUBLICATIONS FOR CMS/DOS USERS For information on OS/VS tape label processing, discussed with "Label Processing in OS Simulation" in this publication, refer to: The CMS ESERV command invokes the DOS/VSE ESERV program, and uses, as input, the control statements that you would use in DOS/VSE. These control statements are described in §Y!Q! 1Q th! QQ2L!~~ !§§~Dble!, GC33-4024. Linkage editor control statements, used when inVOking the DOS/VSE linkage editor under CMS/DOS, are described in ~~~!§~ §I§!~ £~B!!~! Statements, GC33-5376. There are three publications available as ready reference material when you use V8/370 and C8S. They are: ill !irtual !1~£hine For information on DOS/VSE and CMS/DOS tape label processing, refer to the following publications: ~Q~!§! TaE~ Labels, GC33-5374 Fa£!!itIfllQ: ~OSL!~~ LI~~~, gYi£~ ~!g! CO.lAnds (~~!ra! ~2.!!ands (Qthy GX20-1995. !olum! ~, SY33-8560 fo! Y§!!§, GI20-1926 y§!!), G12o-1961. !A!!l Preface v March 30, 1919 vi IBK YK/310: eMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5148-118 Contents The entries in this Table of Contents are accumulative and reflect the VM/370 Basic System Extensions Program Product, Program Number 5748-118. Summary of Amendments. • • xiii PART 1. UNDERSTANDING CMS •• • .1 SECTION 1. WHAT IT MEANS TO HAVE A CMS VIRTUAL MACHINE • • • • • • _ • • • • • • 3 How You Communicate With VM/310. • .3 Getting Commands Into the System •• 5 Loading CMS in the Virtual Machine: The IPt Command • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 Logical Line Editing Symbols • • • • • • • 6 How VM/370 Responds to Your Commands •• 8 Getting Acquainted With CMS • • • • • • • 10 Virtual Disks and How They Are Defined. 11 Permanent Virtual Disks. • • • • 11 Defining Temporary Virtual Disks • • • 12 Formatting Virtual Disks • • • • • • • 12 Sharing Virtual Disks: Linking • • • • • 13 Identifying Your Disk To CMS: Accessing. 14 Releasing Virtual Disks • • • • • • • • 14 Releasing Virtual Disks (21~~=!!~) • 14.1 SECTION 2. VM/370 ENVIRONMENTS AND MODE SWITCHING • • • • • • • 17 • 11 The CP Environment • • • • • • • The CMS Environment • • • • • 18 • 19 EDIT, INPUT, and CMS Subset. DEBUG. _ • • • • • • • • • • • • 20 CMS/DOS. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 21 Interrupting Program Execution • • • 21 Virtual Machine Interruptions. • • 22 Control Program Interruptions. • • 23 Address Stops and Breakpoints. • • 23 4 • SECTION 3. WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH VM/370-CMS COMMANDS • • • • • 25 Command Defaults • • • • • • • 25 Commands to Control Terminal Communications. • • • • • • • 25 Establishing and Terminating Communications with VM/370~ • 25 Controlling Terminal Output •• • 26 Commands to Control How VM/370 Processes Input Lines • • • • • • 28 Commands to Control How VM/310 Processes Input Lines (5148-IX8). • 28.1 Controlling Keyboard-dependent-Com munica tions. • • • • • • • • • • • 30 Commands to Create, Modify, and Move Data Files and Programs • • • • • • 31 Commands that Create Files • • • • • • 31 Commands that Modify Disk Files. • 33 Commands to Move Files • • • • • • 33 Commands to Print and Punch Files •• • 34 Commands to Develop and Test OS and CMS Progr ams. • • • • • • • • • '. 35 Commands to Develop and Test DOS Programs. • • • • • • • • • • 36 addition of the Commands Used in Debugging Programs. • _ Commands to Request Information~ • • • • Commands to Request Information About Terminal Characteristics. • _ _ • • • Commands to Request Inforaation About Data Files • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Commands to Request Information About Your Virtual Disks. • • • • • • • • • Commands to Request Information About Your Virtual ftachine. • • • • • 37 38 38 39 40 40 SECTION 4. THE CftS FILE SYSTEM. _ • 43 CMS File Formats • • • • • • • • ~ _ 43 How CMS Files Get Their Names. • • • • _ 43 How CMS Files Get Their Names (~1!H!=1!!H· • • '. '. • • • • • • • • • ,. 44 Duplicating Filenames and Filetypes. • 44 What Are Reserved FiletYFes? • • _ 45 Filetypes for CftS Commands • • • • 46 Output Files: TEXT and LISTING • • 48 Filetypes for Temporary Files. • 50 Filetypes for Documentation. _ _ 50 Filemode Letters and Numbers • • • 51 When to Specify Filemode Letters: Reading Files • • • • • • • _ • • 52 When to Specify File.ode Letters: Writing Files • • • _ • • 54 How Filemode Numbers are Used. • • 54 Managing Your CftS Disks. 56 CMS File Directories • • • • • • • • • ,. 56 CMS Command Search Order • • •• 57 SECTION 5. THE CftS EDITOR. • • • '. 61 The EDIT Command • • • • • 61 Writing a File Onto Disk • 62 EDIT Subcommands • • • • • • • _ • 63 The Current Line Pointer • • • • • • 65 68 Verification and Search Columns. Changing, Deleting, and Adding Lines. '. 69 Describing Data File Characteristics • • 73 Record Length. • • • • • • 73 Record Format. • • • • • • • 75 Using Special Characters • • 76 Setting Truncation Limits. 18 Entering a Continuation Character in Column 72 • • • • • • 79 Serializing Records. • • • • • • • 80 Line-Number Editing • • • • • • • • • • 81 Renumbering Lines. • • • • _ _ • • 82 Controlling the Editor • • • • • • 84 Communicating with CMS and CP. • 84 Changing File Identifiers. • 85 Controlling the Editor's Displays~ • • 86 preserving and Restoring Editor Settings. • • • • • • • • • • _ • 86 preserving and Restoring Editor Settings (~1!~=1~~) . . 86.1 X. Y, =, ? Subcommands • • • • • • • • 87 Contents vii Pg. of GC20~1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp •. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 What To Do When You Run O~t of Space • 88 Summary of EDIT Subcommands. • • • • • • 91 SECTION 6. INTRODUCTION TO THE EXEC PROCESSOR • • • • • • • • • • 95 Creating EXEC Files. • • • 95 Invoking EXEC Files. • 96 PROFILE EXECs. • • • • • 97 Executing Your PROFILE EXEC. • • • • • 98 CMS EXECs and How To Use Them. • 98 Modifying CMS EXECs. • • • • • • 100 Summary of the EXEC Language Facilities.100 Arguments and Variables. • • • • .101 Assignment Sta temen ts. • • • • .102 Built-in Functions and Special Variables. • • • • • • • .103 Plow Control in an EXEC. • .103 Comparing Variable Symbols and constants • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 105 Doing I/O With an EXEC. • .106 Monitoring EXEC Procedures .107 Summary of EXEC Control Statements and Special Variables • • • • • • • • .109 SECTION 7. USING REAL PRINTERS, PUNCHES, READERS, A~D TAPES • .113 CMS Unit Record Device Support • • .113 Using the CP Spooling System • • .113 Altering Spool Files • • • • • .115 Using Your Card Punch and Card Reader ~n CMS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 116 Handling Tape Files in CMS • • • • • • • 118 Using the CMS TAPE Command • • • • • • 119 Tape Labels, in CMS • • • • • • • .121 Tape Labels in eMS (11~~-!!~). • •• 121 User Responsibilities (~1~§-!!§) • .122 Label Processing in OS Simulation (~I~§- !!!D. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 22 Label Processing in CMS/DOS • • 122.7 (~1~§- .!.!§J.. • • • • • • • • • CMS TAESL Macro (5748-XX8) • • 122.10 Tape Label ProcessIng by-CMS 122.10 Commands (~1!.H~.-.!.!§.) • • •• 122.12 LABELDEF Command (~1!§'-.!!§') •• End-of-Volume and End-of-Tape Processing (21!&-.!.!!!> • • • .'. • • 122. 13 Error Processing (~1!§'-.!.!§'). • 122.14 The MOVEFILE Command • • • • • • • • • 122 The MOVEFILE Command (~1.!!~-!!§) •• 122.14 Tapes Created by OS Utility Programs • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~122 Tapes Created by OS Utility Programs (~1!§-.!!§) • • • • • • • 122.15 Specifying Special Tape Handling Options • • • • • • • • • • • • .123 Using the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSeS) .123 PART 2. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT USING CMS • • 125 SECTION 8. DEVELOPING OS PROGRAMS UNDER CMS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .127 Using OS Data Sets in CMS • • • • • .129 Access Methods Supported by CMS. .130 Using the FILEDEF Command. .131 .131 Specifying the ddname • • • • • • Specifying the Device Type • • • .132 Entering File Identifications. .132 viii IBM VM/370: CMS User's Guide Specifying CMS Tape Label processing (5748-XX8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 specffyIng Options • • • • • • .• • • • 133 Creating CMS Files From CS Data sets • • 134 Creating CMS Files From OS Data Sets (5748-XX8). • • • • • ••• • 134. 1 usI~~-ci~-Libraries. • • • .• 136 'Ihe MACLIB Command • • • • • .• ,. '. • • 137 Using OS Macro Libraries • • .140 Using OS Macros Under CMS • • • • • .141 Assembling Programs in CMS • • .143 Executing programs • • • • • .144 Executing TEXT Files • • • • • 144 'TEXT LIERARIES (TXTLIBS) • • • • • • • 145 Resolving External References~ • .146 Controlling the CMS Loader • .147 Creating Program Modules • • • • .149 Using EXEC Procedures. • • • • • • • .149 SECTION 9. DEVELOPING DOS PROGRAMS UNDER CMS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 151 The CMS/DOS Environment • • • • • • • • • 151 DL/I in the CMS/DOS Environment. • .152 Using DOS Files on DOS Disks • • • • • • 154 Reading DOS Files • • • • • • • • • • • 154 Creating CMS Files from DOS Libraries. 155 Using the ASSGN Command • • • • • • • • • 156 Using the ASSGN Command (~1!§=.!!§') •• 156.1 Manipulating Device Assignments. .157 Virtual Machine Assignments. • • .158 Using the DLBL Command. • • • • • .159 Entering File Identifications • • • • • 159 Using DOS Libraries in CMS/DOS .160 The SSERV Command. • • • • • .161 The RSERV Command. • ••• _ .162 The PSERV Command. • .162 The ESERV Command. • • • • • .163 The DSERV Command. .163 Using DOS Core Image Libraries. .164 Using Macro Libraries. • • • • • • .164 eMS MACLIBs.. • • • • • .165 Creating a CMS MACLIB. • • .165 The MACLIB Command • • • • • • _ .166 DOS Assembler Language Macros Supported. 169 Assembling Source Programs • • • • • • • 171 Link-editing Programs in CMS/DOS • • • • 172 Linkage Editor Input • • • • • • • • • 173 Linkage Editor Output: CMS DOSLIEs • • 174 Executing programs in CMS/DOS. _ • • • • 175 Executina DOS Phases • • • • • • • • • 175 Search Oider for Executable Phases • • 176 Making I/O Device Assignments. • .177 Specifying a Virtual Partition Size • • 177 Setting the UPSI Byte. • • • • • .178 Debugging Programs in CMS/DOS • • _ • • 178 Using EXEC Procedures in eMS/DOS • • • 179 SECTION 10. USING ACCESS METHOD SERVICES AND VSAM UNDER CMS AND CMS/DOS • • • • • • • • • • • • • .181 Executing VSAM Programs Under CMS • • • 181 Using the AMSERV Command • • • • _ • • • 182 AMSERV Output Listings • • • • • • • • 183 Controlling AMSERV Command Listings • • 184 Manipulating OS and DOS Disks for Use with AMSERV • • • • • • • • • • _ • • • 185 Data and Mastercatalog Sharing. .185 Disk Compatibility • • • • • • • • • • 186 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by SUppa SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 Using VM/370 Minidisks • • .187 Using The LISTDS Command .187 Using Temporary Disks. • • • • • • 188 Defining DOS Input and Output Files • • • 190 Using VSAM Catalogs • • • • • • • • • • 190 Defining and Allocating Space for VSAM files • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 194 Using Tape Input and Output • • • • • • 196 Defining OS Input and Output Files • • • 197 Allocating Extents on OS Disks and Minidisks • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 198 Using VSAM Catalogs • • • • • • • • • • 199 Defining and Allocating Space for VSAM files. • • • • • • .202 Using Tape Input and Output • • • • • • 204 Using AMSERV Under CMS • • • • • • • • • 205 Using the DEFINE and DELETE Functions.205 Using the REPRO, IMPORT, and EXPORT (or EXPORTRA/IMPORTRA) functions • • • 207 Writing EXECs for AMSERV and VSAM • • • 209 SECTION 11. HOW VM/370 CAN HELP YOU .211 DEBUG YOUR PROGRAMS • .211 Preparing to Debug • • .211 When a Program Abends. Resuming Execution After a Program .212 Check • • • • • • • • • • Using DEBUG Subcommands to Monitor Program Execution. • • • • • • • .213 Using Symbols with DEBUG • • • • • • • 214 What To Do When Your Program Loops • • • 216 Tracing Program Activity • • • • • • • • 216 Using the CP TRACE Command • • .217 Using the SVCTRACE command. .219 Using CP Debugging Commands. • .219 Debugging with CP After a Program Check. • • • • • • • • • • .220 Program Dumps. • • • • • • • • • • • 221 Debugging Modules. • • • • • • • • .221 Comparison Of CP And CMS Facilities For Debugging. • • • • • • • • • • ~ .222 What Your Virtual Machine Storage Looks Like. • •• • • • • • • • • .223 Shared and Nonshared Systems • • • • • 223 SECTION 12. USING THE CMS BATCH .227 FACILITY • • • • • Submitting Jobs to the CMS Batch Facility. • • • • • • • • • • • • .227 Input to the Batch Machine • • • .227 How the Batch Facility Works. • .230 Preparing Jobs for Batch Execution • • • 231 Restrictions on CP and CMS Commands in Batch Jobs • • • • • • • • • • • • 232 Batch Facility output • • • • • • • • • 232 purging, Reordering, and Restarting Batch Jobs. • • • • • • • • 233 Using EXEC Files for Input to the Batch Facility • • _ • • • • • • • .234 Sample System Procedures for Batch Execution _ • • • • • • • 235 A Batch EXEC for a Non-CMS User • • • • 236 SECTION 13. PROGRAMMING FOR THE CMS ENVIRONMENT • • • • • Program Linkage. • • • Return Code Handling Parameter Lists. • • .239 • • 239 • • 240 .240 Calling a CMS Command from a Program • • 241 Execut ing Progr am Modu les _ • .242 The Transient program Area" • _ • • • 243 eMS Macro Instructions • • • • • • • ~ .243 Macros for Disk File Manipulation • • • 244 CMS Macros for Terminal .250 Communi cat ions. • • • • • CMS Macros for unit Record and Tape .250 I/O • • • • • • • • '. • • Interruption Handling Macros • • • 251 Updating Source Programs Using CMS • • • 251 .252 The UPDATE Philosophy • • • Update Files • • • • • • • • .252 • • • 254 sequencing Ontput Records. • .257 Multiple Updates • • • • • The VMFASM EXEC Procedure. .262 • _ 265 PART 3. LEARNING TO USE EXEC SECTION 14. BUILDING EXEC PROCEDURES _ .267 What is a Token? • • _ .267 Variables • • • • • • • • • _ • • • • • • 268 Arguments • • • • _ • ~ • • • • • • 272 Using the &INDEX Special Variable • • • 273 Checking Arguments. • • • • • • .274 Execution Paths in an EXEC • • 275 Labels in an EXEC Procedure. • • .275 Conditional Execution with the &IP Statement • • • •• • .276 Eranching with the &GOTO Statement • • 277 Eranching with the &SKIP Statement • • 279 Using Counters for Loop Control • • • • 280 Loop Control with the BLOOP Statement.280 Nesting EXEC Procedures • • • • • • • • 282 Exiting From EXEC Procedures • • • _ .283 Terminal Communications • • • • • • __ .284 Reading CMS Commands and EXEC Control statements from the Terminal. _ • _ .285 Displaying Data at a Terminal • • • _ .286 Reading from the Console Stack _ _ .289 Stacking CMS Commands. • • .291 Stacking Lines for EXEC to Read. .292 Clearing the Console Stack _ .293 File Manipulation with EXECs. • • • 294 Stacking EXEC Files. • • • • • • • • .294 SECTION 15. USING EXECS WITH CMS COMMANDS. • • • • • • • .299 Monitoring CMS Command Execution • • 299 Handling Error Returns Prom CMS Commands. • • • • • • • • • • • _ .300 Using the &ERROR Control Statement • • 300 Using the &RETCODE Special variable • • 301 Tailoring CMS Commands fer Your Own Use.302 Creating Your Own Default Filetypes • • 303 SECTION 16. REFINING YOUR EXEC PROCEDURES • • • • • • • • Annotating EXEC Procedures • • • • _ Error Situations • • • • • Writing Error Messages • Debugging EXEC Procedures. Using CMS Subset • • • • • • • • • Summary of EXEC Interpreter Logic. • • • • • • • .305 ,.305 .306 .306 .308 .308 .309 SECTION 17. WRITING EDIT MACROS. • .311 Creating Edit Macro Files • • • • ~ • • • 311 How Edit Macros Work • • • • • _ • • • • 311 Contents ix Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by SUppa SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 The Console Stack. • • • • • • • .313 Notes on Using EDIT Subcommands. • .314 The STACK Subcommand • • • • • • .317 An Annotated Edit Macro. • .318 User-Written Edit Macros • .320 SMACROS. • .320 SMARK. • • • .321 SPOINT • • .323 SCOL • • • .324 PART 4. LEARNING TO USE THE HELP FACILITY (21~~=!X8) • • • • .324.1 SECTION 18. HELP FILE NAMING CONVENTIONS AND CREATION (2148=!!~) • '. • .324.3 Naming Conventions (21~8-!!~) • • • • • 324.3 HELP File Creation (.21~8-!!~) • • • • • 324.4 Enclosing Text (.BX Format Word) (.21.L!!l=!!~). • • • • • • • • • • .• • 3 24 • 6 Placing Comments in HELP Files (.CM Format Word) (57~~=!X8) • • • • • .324.7 Conditional Display of Text (.CS Format Word) (21!!§'=!!~) • • • • • .324.8 Use of Format Mode (.FO Format Wor d) (.21.L!l!=!!l!). • • '. • • • • • • 324 .8 Indenting Text (.IN and .IL Format Words) (21.L!~=!X8) • • • • • • • • .324.8 Use of Offsets (.OF Format Word) (.21.L!!l=!!!!). • • • • • • • • • • • 324. 1 0 Spacing between Lines of Text (.SP Format Word) (57!!~=!X8) • • • • • 324.11 Translating Output Characters (.TR Format Word) (57.L!~=!!~) • • 324.13 APPENDIX B: SUMMARY OF CP COMMANDS • • • 333 APPENDIX C: CONSIDERATIONS FOR 3270 DISPLAY TERMINAL USERS • • • • • _ • • • 339 Entering Commands. • • • • • • • • • • .339 Setting Program Function Keys. • • .339 Controlling the Display Screen • • • 340 Console Output • • • • • .342 Signaling Interruptions. • • • • • • 343 Halting Screen Displays • • • • • • • • 344 Using the CMS Editor with a 3270 • • • • 344 Entering EDIT Subcommands • • • • • • • 344 Controlling the Display Screen • • • • 346 The Current Line Pointer • • • • • • • 347 Using Program Function Keys. • • .348 Using the Editor in Line Mode. • .348 Using Special Characters on a 3270 • • 349 Using APt with a 3270. • • • • • • • 350 Error Situations. _ • • • • • _ .351 Leaving the APL Environment. _ • .351 Using the 3277 Text Feature. • • • • 352 Error Situations • • _ • • • • • • 352 Leaving the Text Envircnment • • • 352 .325 APPENDIX D: SAMPLE TERMINAL SESSIONS • • 353 Sample Terminal Session Using the Editor and CMS File System Commands • • 354 Sample Terminal Session Using Line-Number Editing • • • • • • • • • • 362 Sample Terminal Session For OS Programmers. • • • • • • • • • • .365 Sample Terminal Session for DOS Programmmers. • • • • • • • • • • .369 Sample Terminal Session Using Access Method Services. • • • • 375 APPENDIX A: SUMMARY OF CMS COMMANDS • • • 327 INtEX • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 383 APPENDIXES • • • • • • x IBft Vft/370: CftS User's Guide Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure Figure 3. 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. VM/370 Environments and Mode sw itching •••••••••.•••••.••••.••• 24 Filetypes Used by CMS Figure 15. Co.mands •••••••••••••••••••••• 47 Figure 16. Filetypes Used in CMS/DOS ••••• 50 How CMS Searches for the Command to Execute~ ••• _ ••••••• 59 Positioning the Current Line Pointer •••••• _•••••••••••••••• 68 Bumber of Records Handled by the Editor •••••• ~ ••••••• _ •• ~ •• 75 Summary of EDIT Subcommands CHS •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 110 Figure 17. Figure 18. Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21. ftacros •••••••••••••••• ~.~ •••• 91 Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Su.mary of EXEC Built~In Functions •••••••••••••••••••• 103 Summary of EXEC Control State.ents •••••••••••• ~ •••••• 109 EXEC Special Variables ••••••• 112 OS Terms and CMS Equivalents.128 CMS Co •• ands That Recognize OS Data Sets and OS Disks •••• 129 creating CMS Files From OS Data Sets ••••• ~_ ••••••••••••• 136 OS Macros Simulated by CMS ••• 142 CMS/DOS Commands and CMS Commands with Special Operands for CMS/DOS •••••••• ~153 DOS/VS Macros Supported by Figure 22. Figure 23. Figure 24. Figure 25. Figure 26. Figure 27. Figure 28. Figure 29. Summary of DEBUG Subcoamands.215 Comparison of CP and CMS Facilities for Debugging ••••• 222 Siaplified CMS Storage Map ••• 22Q Sample C~S Assembler Program Entry and Exit Linkage ••••••• 240 A Sample Listing of a Program ~hat Uses CMS Macros.249 Updating Source Files with the UPDATE Command ••••••••••••••• 255 An Update with a Control File •••• ~ •••••••• ~ ••• _~._~._.261 CMS Command Summary ••• ~ •••••• 328 CMS Commands for system program.ers •••••••••••••••••• 332 CP privilege Class Descriptions ••••••••••••••• ~.333 CP Command Sumaary •••.•••••••• 334 3270 Screen Display •••••••••• 343 How the eMS Editor Formats a 3270 Screen •••••••••••••••• 345 ) Contents xi ( ~ ( xii IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Sum.ary of Amendments for GC20-1819-2 Vft/370 Release 6 PLC 1 SUPPRESSION LINE OF PASSWORDS ON THE COMMAND SPECIAL ftESSAGE FACILITY !~!: !§!: Program Feature V8/370 supports a system generation option that prevents passwords from being entered on the same line as LOGON, AUTOLOG, and LINK commands. . The passwords must be entered so that they are not displayed or are masked. This support is mentioned where there are examples showing the password being entered on the same line. program Feature The special message facility is a method of transferring messagEs from a user to a specially programmec receiving virtual machine for processing. Tbis support is reflected in "Section 3. What You Can Dc With Vft/370-CftS Commands." MISCELLANEOUS !~! ~B~ Cb~Bged: 3218 KODEL 2A DISPLAY STATION Documentation Technical and editorial changes have been made throughout tbis Fublication. !§!: Program Feature CP and CMS editor support the 3278 Kodel 2A Display Station. This is a 20-line display console. Support is reflected in "Appendix C. Considerations for 3270 Display Terminal Users." ) summary of Amendments xiii Su.mary of Amendments for ~C20-1819-1 as updated by TNL GN25-0411 V!/370 Release 5 PLe 1 DOS/VS RELEASE 34 SUPPORTED !~!: Program Feature CMS/DOS supports DOS/VS Release 34. This sup Fort includes a new operand of the SET ccmmand, DOSLBCNT, and a new operand of the QUERY command, DOSLBCBT. SET DOSLBCNT allows a user to establish the number of SYSLST lines per page. QUERY DOSLNCBT displays the current number of SYSLST lines per page established by the SET DOSLBCIT. This release also contains support for the 3330 !odel 11 and 3350 DASD devices as attached devices. DOS/VOS Release 34 information is contained in "Section 9. Developing DOS Programs under C!S." I \ ( xiv IB8 V8/370: CftS User's Guide Summary of Amendments for GC20-1819-1 V8/370 Release 4 PtC 1 NEW DEVICES SUPPORTED !~!: Programming and Documentation VM/370 supports the 3270 display devices. The "Preface" is updated to indicate that information about operating 3210 disflay terminals is applicable to the the 3215, 3216 Controller Display Station, 3211, and 3278 Display Stations. It is also applicable to 3138, 3148, and 3158 Display Ccnsoles when used in display mode. Any information pertaining to the IBM 3284 or 3286 Printer, also pertains to the 3281, 3288, and 3289 Printers. The "Preface" is also indicate that the Communications Controllers to as 310x. upda ted to 3704/3705 are referred ]n~!IQn~~ntal ~~!~! 1~!1!~, s~~ !!i~S~D~ . ~~£2!~!~g, (lRE~) R!~g!~m 12g!£, Order No. SY25-7101 In order to make use of the CPEREP command, both of the following publications are required. The first publication provides general information on the usage of the command and detailed information on ccmmand ~perands applicable only to VM/310. The second publication Frovides detailed information on the operands tbat are common to both VM/310 and OS/VS. DOCUMENTATION UPDATE ~~s~g~~: Documentation only "Section 8. Developing OS Programs Under CMS" now includes a description of the AUXPROC option that allows the FILEDEF command to use an auxiliary processing routine to receive control during I/O processing. "Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM" has been rewritten to include a description of Data and Master-catalog Sharing, Disk Compatibility, and VSAM Allocation. In addition, minor technical and editorial corrections have been made. Program logic information describing the interface between CMS and CS/VS EREP, and describing OS/VS EBEP, is contained in: The following areas in this publication reflect CPEREP documentation changes: Preface Appendix A 1M/370 SUPPORTS OS/VS EREP (IFCEREP1) ~hsD~~~: Program and Documentation The CPEREP command now uses all edit and format operands that are available to OS/VS EREP. Because of VI1/310s· compatibility with OS/VS EREP VM/310 relies cn existing OS/VS EREP documentation. Therefore, VM/310 no longer publishes the following: ) Summary of Amendments xv ( \ ( xvi IBM VM/3l0: eMS User's Guide Part 1. Understanding eMS Learning how to use CMS is not an end in itself: you have a specific task or tasks to do, and you need to use the computer to perform them. CMS has been designed to make these tasks easier, but if you are unfamiliar with CMS, then the tasks may seem more difficult. The informativn contained in Part 1 of the user's guide is organized to help you make tbe acquaintance of CMS quickly, so that it enhances, rather than impedes, the performance of your tasks. "Section 1. What It Means To Have a CMS Virtual Machine" introduces you to VM/310 and its,conversational component, CMS. It should help you to get a picture of how you, at a terminal, use and interact with the system. During a terminal session, commands and requests that you enter are processed by different parts of the system. How and when you can communicate with these different programs, is described in "Section 2. VM/310 Environments and Mode Switching." There are almost two hundred commands and subcommands comprising the VM/310 language. There are some that you may never need to use; there are others that you will use over and over again. "Section 3. What You Can bo With VM/310-CMS Commands" contains a sampling of commands in various functional areas, to give you a general idea of the kinds of things you can do. and the commands available to help you do them. Almost every CMS command that you enter results in some kind of activity with a direct access storage device (DASD), known in CMS simply as a disk, or minidisk. Data and programs a~e stored on disks in what are called "files." "Section 4. The eMS File System" introauces you to the creation and handling of CMS files. ~Section 5. The CMS Editor" contains all the basic information you need to create and write a disk file directly from your terminal, or to correct or modify an existing CMS file. Just as important as the CMS editor is another CMS facility, called the EXEC processor or interpreter. Using EXEC files, you can execute many commands and programs by entering a single command line from your terminal, or you can write your own eMS commands. "Section 6. Introduction to the EXEC Processor" presents a survey of the basic characteristics and functions of EXEC. "Section 1. Using Real Printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes" discusses how to use punched cards and tapes in CMS, and how to use your virtual printer and punch to get real output. » Part 1. Understanding CMS 1 I ~ 2 IBM VM/310 eMS User's Guide March 30, 1979 Section 1. What It Means To Have a eMS Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370) is a system control program that controls "virtual machines." A virtual machine is the functional equivalent of a real computer, but where the computer has 'lights, buttons, and switches on the real console to control it, you control your virtual machine from your terminal, using a command language of active verbs and nouns. There are actually three command languages, CP, CMS, and RSCS. The command languages correspond roughly to the four components of VM/370: the Control Program (CP), the Conversational Monitor System (CMS), the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS), and the Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS). CP controls the resources of the real machine; that is, the physical machine in your computer room; it also manages the communications among virtual machines, and between a virtual machine and the real system. CMS is the conversational operating system designed specifically to run under CP; it can simulate many of the functions of the OS and DOS operating systems, so that you can run many OS and DOS programs in a conversational environment. RSCS is a subsystem designed to supervise transmission of files across a teleprocessing network controlled by CP. IPCS provides system programmers and installation support personnel with problem reporting and analysis functions. Its commands execute in the CMS command environment. Although this publication is concerned primarily with using C8S, it also contains examples of CP commands that you, as a C8S user, should be familiar with. How You Communicate with VM/370 When you are running your virtual machine under V8/370, each command, or request for work, that you enter on your terminal is processed as it is entered; usually, you enter one command at a time and commands are processed in the order that you enter them. You can enter CP commands from either the CP or CMS environment; but you cannot enter CMS commands while in the CP environment. The concept of "environments" in VM/370 is discussed in "Section 2. VM/370 Environments and Mode switching." After you have typed or keyed in the line you wish to enter, you press the Return or Enter key on the keyboard. When you press this key, the line you have entered is passed to the command environment you want to have process it. If you press this key without entering any data, you have entered a "null line." Null lines sometimes have special meanings in VM/370. If you make a mistake entering a command line, V8/370 tells you what your mistake was, and you must re-enter the entire command line. The examples in this publication assume that the command lines are correctly entered. You can enter commands using any combination of uppercase and lowercase characters; VM/370 translates your input to ·uppercase. Examples in this publication show all user-entered input lines in lowercase characters and system responses in uppercase characters. Section 1. What it Means to Have a C8S Virtual Machine 3 March 30, 1979 You use CP commands to communicate with the control program. CP commands control the devices attached to your virtual machine and their characteristics. For example, if you want to allocate additional disk space ,for a work area or if you want to increase the virtual address space assigned to your virtual machine, use the CP com~and DEFINE. cp takes care of the space allocation for you and then allows your virtual machine to use ~t. Or if, for example, you are receiving printed output at your terminal and do not want to be interrupted by messages from other VM/370 users, yau can use the CP command SET MSG OFF to refuse messages, since it is CP that handles communication among virtual machines. Using CP commands, you can also send messages to the VM/370 system operator and to other users, modify the configuration of devices in your virtual machine, and use the virtual machine input/output devices. CP commands are available to all virtual machines using VM/370. You can invoke these commands when you are in the virtual machine environment using CMS (or some other operating system) in your virtual machine. The CP commands and command privilege classes are listed in "Appendix B: Summary of CP Commands". The CP Commands applicable to the average user are discussed in detail in the !!1Ld1.Q £1: £Q!!!!!!gl1£ !!~'!~~1!£~ .!.2!: §~~!:g1 !!§~!:§. The rest of the CP commands are discussed in !!1Ld1.Q QEgEg12E~§ Qy!gg. However, since many CP commands are used with CftS commands, some of the CP commands you will use most frequently are discussed in this publication, in the context of their usefulness for a CMSapplication. To aid you in distinguishing between CMS commands and CP commands, all CP commands used in examples in this publication are prefaced with "CPU. The CMS command language allows you to create, modify, and debug problem or application programs and, in general, to manipulate data files. Many as language processors can be executed onder CMS: the assembler, VS BASIC, OS FORTRAN IV, OS COBOL, and OS PL/I Optimizing and Checkout Compilers. In addition, the DOS/VS COBOL and DOS/VS PL/I Program Products are supported. You can find a comprehensive list of language processors that can be executed under CMS and relevant publications in the !HLdlQ !111!:QgUC!!Q~. CMS executes the assembler and the compilers when you invoke them with eMS commands. The ASSEMBLE command is used to present examples in this publication; the supported compiler commands are described in the appropriate 'DOS and OS program product documentation. The EDIT command invokes the CMS editor so that you can create and modify files. The EXEC facilities allow you to execute procedures consisting of CP and CMS commands; they also provide the conditional execution capability of a macro language. The DEBUG command gives you several program debugging subcommands. Other CMS commands allow you to read cards from a virtual card reader, punch cards to a virtual card punch, and print records on a virtual printer. Many commands are provided to help you manipulate your virtual disks and file·s. 4 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 You use the HELP command how to use CP commands and explanations of CP and CMS when a brief explanation sufficient, thereby avoiding to a manual. to display at your terminal information on CMS commands_ subcommands, and EXECs, and messages. You can issue the HELP command of syntax, a parameter, or function is interrupting your terminal session to refer Section 1. What it Means to Have a CMS Virtual Machine 4.1 March 30, 1979 4.2 IBM VM/370CMS User's Guide Since you can invoke CP commands from within the CMS virtual machine environment, the CP and CMS command languages are, for practical purposes, a single, integrated command language for CMS users. GETTING COMMANDS INTO THE SYSTEM Before you can use CP and CMS, you should know {1} how to operate your terminal and {2} your userid (user identification) and password. There are many types of terminals you can use as a V8/370 virtual console. Before you can conveniently use any of the commands and facilities described in this publication, you have to familiarize yourself with the terminal you are uS1ng. Generally, you can find information about the type of terminal you are using and how to use it with VM/370 in the !~L170 Ig£~ingl Q§g£~§ Qyigg. If your terminal is a 3767, you also need the I~~ 11£1 QEg!g!Q!~§ Qyig~· In this publication, examples and usage notes assume that you are using a typewriter-style terminal (such as a 2741). If you are using a display terminal (such as a 3270), consult "Appendix c: Considerations for 3270 Display Terminal Users" for a discussion of special techniques that you can use to communicate with VM/370. your userid is a symbol that identifies your virtual machine to VM/370 and allows you to gain access to the VM/37D system. Your password is a symbol that functions as a protective device ensuring that only those authorized to use your virtual machine can leg on. The userid and password are usually defined by the system programmer for your installation. To establish contact with VM/370, you switch the terminal device on and VM/370 responds with some form of the message vm/37'0 online to let you know that VM/370 is running and that you can use it. If you do not receive the "vm/370 online" message, see the !~L]lQ l~£~in~l Q§~E~§ Q~ig~ for specific directions. You can now press the Attention key (or equivalent) on your terminal and issue the LOGON command to identify yourself to the system: cp logon smith where SMITH represents a userid. The LOGON command is entered by pressing the Return (or Enter) key. If VM/370 accepts your userid, it responds by asking you for your password: ENTER PASSWORD: ) You then enter your password, terminal. which may be hidden, depending on your Section 1. What it Means to Have a CMS Virtual Machine 5 LOADING CMS IN THE VIRTUAL ~ACHINE:THE IPt COMMAND You load CMS in your virtual machine using the IPL command: cp ipl cms where "cms" is assumed to be the saved system name for your installation's CMS. You could also load CMS by referring to it using its virtual device address, such as 190: cp ipl 190 VM/370 responds by displaying a message such as: eMS VERSION v.3 - 02/28/76 12:02 to indicate that the IPL command executed successfully and loaded into your virtual machine. C~S that is Your userid may be set up for an automatic IPL, so that you receive this message, indicating that you are in the CMS command environment, without having to issue the IPL command. Now you operation. can enter a null line to begin !2te: If this is the first time you are assigned to you, you receive the message! your using a virtual machine new virtual disk DMSACC112S DISK'A(191)' DEVICE ERROR and you must "format" the disk, that is, prepare files. See "Formatting Virtual Disks" below. it for use with CMS Logical Line Editing Symbols To aid you in entering command or data lines from your terminal, VM/370 provides a set of logical line editing symbols, which you can use to correct mistakes as you enter lines. Each symbol has been assigned a default character value. These normally are: ~I.!!tQ2! Logical Logical Logical Logical character delete line end line delete escape Character --j-----I ¢ " The logical character delete symbol (~) allows you to delete one or more of the previous characters entered. The m deletes one character per a entered, including the ¢ and I logical editing characters. For example: ABC#WW results in AB ABCWD results in~ABD ¢WDEF results in DEF ABCmmm deletes the entire string 6 IBM VM/370 C~S User's Guide ) The logical line end symbol (I) allows you to key in more than one command on the same line, and thus minimizes the amount of time you have to wait between entering commands. You type the t at the end of each logical command line, and follow it with the next logical command line. VM/370 stacks the commands and executes them in sequence. For example, the entry: query bliplquery rdymsglquery search is executed in the same way as the entries: query blip query rdymsg query search The logical line end symbol also has special significance for the function. Beginning any physical line with #CP indicates that you entering a command that is to be processed by CP immediately. If have set a character other than I as your logical line end symbol, should use that character instead of a t. 1Qg1fs! ICP are you you ~!n~ ~~!~te The logical line delete symbol (¢) (or ( for Teletype 1 Model 33/35 terminals) deletes the entire previous physical line, or the last logical line back to (and including) the previous logical line end ('). You can use it to cancel a line containing many or serious errors. If a • immediately precedes the ¢ sign, only the I sign is deleted, since the I indicates the beginning of a new line, and the ¢ cancels the current line. For example: ) • Logical Line Delete: ABC#DEF¢ deletes the IDEF and results in ABC ABCI¢ results in ABC ABCIDEF¢iGHI results in ABCIGHI ABCIDEF¢GHI results in ABCGHI • Physical Line Delete: ABC¢ deletes the whole line Note that when you cancel a line by using the ¢ logical line delete symbol, you do not need to press a carriage return; you can continue entering data on the same line. The logical escape symbol (") causes VM/370 to consider the next character entered to be a data character, even if it is normally one of the logical line editing symbols (W, ¢, ", or #). For example: ABC"¢D results in ABC¢D ""ABC"" results in "ABC" ) lTrademark of the Teletype corporation, Skokie, Illinois. Section 1. What it Means to Have a CMS Virtual Machine 7 If you enter a single logical escape symbol (") as the last character on a line, or on a line by itself, it is ignored. When you enter logical escape characters in conjunction with other logical editing characters, the results may be difficult to predict. For example, the lines: AEC""mDEF AEC""m~DEF both result in the line: ABCDEF The logical line editing symbols are defined for each virtual machine during VM/370 system generation. If your terminal's keyboard lacks any of these special characters, your installation can define other special characters for logical line editing. You can find out what logical line editing symbols. are in effect for your virtual machine by entering the command: cp query terminal The response might be something like: LINEND t , LIHEDEL ¢ , CHARDEL m , ESCAPE " LINESIZE 130, MASK OFF, APL OFF, ATTN OFF, MODE VM You can use the CP TERMINAL command to change the logical line editing characters for your virtual machine. For example, if you enter: cp terminal linend / Then, the line: input t line / input / t would be interpreted: input # line input # The terminal characteristics listed in the response to the CP QUERY TERMINAL command are all controlled by operands of the CP TERMINAL command. HOW VM/370 RESPONDS TO YOUR COMMANDS CP and CMS respond differently to different types of requests. All CMS command responses (and all responses to CP commands that are entered from the CMS environment) are followed by the CMS ready message. The form of the ready message can vary, since it can be changed using the SET command. The long form of the ready message is: R; T=7.36/19.89 09:26:11 8 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-X18 If you have issued the command: set rdymsg smsg the ready message looks like: R; When you enter a command line incorrectly, you receive an error message, describing the error. The ready message contains a return code from the command; for example: R (00028) ; indicates that the return code from the command was 28. If you enter a CP or CMS command that requests inforaation about your virtual machine, the response should be the information requested. For example, if you issue the command: cp display g CP responds by showing you the general registers, for example: GPR 0 GPR 4 GPR 8 GPR 12 = = = = 00000003 00000848 00000008 00003238 00003340 C4404040 000132F8 FFFFFFFD contents 00000710 00000040 00002B10 50013386 of your virtual aachine's 00000003 00002DFO 00002230 00000000 Similarly, if you issue the CMS command: listfile * assemble c you might receive the following information: JUNK MYPROG ASSEMBLE C1 ASSEMBLE C1 If you enter a CP command to alter your virtual machine configuration or the status of your spool files, CP responds by telling you that the task is accomplished. The response to: cp purge reader all might be: 0004 ~ILES PURGED Some CP commands, those that alter some of the characteristics of your virtual machine, give you no response at all. If you enter: cp spool e class x hold you receive no response from CP. Certain CMS commands may issue prompting messages, to request you to enter more information. The SORT command, which sorts CMS disk files, is an example. If you enter: sort in file a1 out file a1 Section 1. What it Means to Have a CMS Virtual Machine 9 March 30, 1979 you are prompted with the message: DMSSRT604R ENTER SORT FIELDS: and you can then sorted on. specify which fields you wish the input records to be Getting Acquainted with eMS If you have just logged on for the first time, and you want to try a few eMS commands, enter: query disk a The response should tell you that 191; it also provides information disk and how much of it is used. that indicates the disk may not Disks." you have an A-disk at virtual address such as how much room there is on the Again, if you receive an error message be formatted, see "Formatting Virtual Your A-disk is the disk you use most often in eftS, to contain your eMS files. Files are collections of data, and may have many purposes. For this exercise, the data is meaningless. Enter: edit junk file You should receive the response: NEW FILE: EDIT: which indicates Enter: that this file does not already exist on your A-disk. input You should receive the response: INPUT: and you can start to create the file, that is, write input records that are eventually going to be written onto your A-disk. Enter 5 or 6 data lines, such as: hickory dickory dock the mouse ran up the clock the clock struck one and down he run dickory hickory dock Now, enter a message: null line (one with EDIT: Enter: file You should see the message: R; T=O.01/0.02 19:31:29 10 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide no data). You should receive the Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 You have just written a CMS file onto your A-disk. If you enter: type junk file a you should see the following: HICKORY DICKORY DOCK THE MOUSE RAN UP THE CLOCK THE CLOCK STRUCK ONE AND DOWN HE RUN DICKORY HICKORY DOCK The CMS command, TYPE, on your A-disk. requested a display of the disk file JUNK FILE, To erase the file, enter: erase junk file NOW, if you re-enter the TYPE command, you should receive the message: FILE NOT FOUND Most CMS commands create or reference disk files, and are as easy to use as the commands shown above. Your CMS disks are among the most important features in your VM/370 virtual machine. Virtual Disks and How They Are Defined Under VM/370, a real direct access storage device (DASD) unit (disk pack) or an FB-512 device can be divided into many small areas, called minidisks. Minidisks (also called virtual disks because they are not equivalent to an entire real disk) are defined in the VM/370 directory, as extents on real disks. For CMS applications, you never have to be concerned with the extents on your minidisks; when you use C~S-formatted minidisks, they are, for practical purposes, functionally the same as real disks. Minidisks can also be formatted for use with OS or DOS data sets or VSAM files. You can have both permanent and temporary disks attached to your machine during a terminal session. Permanent disks are defined in the VM/370 directory entry for your virtual machine. TemForary disks are those you define for your own virtual machine using the CP DEFINE command, or those attached to your virtual machine by the system operator. PERMANENT VIRTUAL DISKS The VM/370 directory entry for your userid defines your permanent virtual disks. Each disk has associated with it an access mode specifying whether you can read and write on the disk or only read from it (its read/write status). Virtual disk entries in the VM/370 directory may look like the following: MDISK MDISK MDISK MDISK MDISK MDISK 190 191 194 195 198 19E 2314 3330 3330 FB-512 3330 3330 000 010 010 1000 050 010 050 005 020 500 010 050 CMS190 BDISKE CMS001 FBDISK CMS192 CMS19E R W W W W R Section 1. What it Means to Have a CMS Virtual Machine 11 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp_ SD23-9024-1 for 5748-IX8 The first two fields describe the device, minidisk in this example, and the virtual address of the devic~. Virtual addresses (shown above as 190, 191, and so on), are the names by which you and VM/370 identify the disk. Each device in your virtual machine has an address which may or may not correspond to the actual location of the device on the VM/370 system. The third field specifies the device type of your virtual disk. For count-key-data devices, the fourth and fifth fields specify the starting real cylinder at which your virtual disk logically begins and the number of cylinders allocated to your virtual disk, respectively. For FB-512 devices, the fourth field specifies the starting real block numbers where your virtual disk begins, and the fifth field is the number of blocks allocated to your virtual disk. The sixth field is the label ef the real disk on which the virtual disk is defined and the seventh field is a letter specifying the read/write mode of the disk; "R" indicates that the disk is a read-only disk, and "W" indicates that you have read/write privileges. The MDISK control statement of the Directory Service Program is described in the !~LJIQ QE~~!Q£~§ §y!g~. DEFINING TEMPORARY VIRTUAL DISKS Using the CP DEFINE virtual machine for command allocates a assigns it a virtual command, you can attach a temporary disk to your the duration of a terminal session. The following 10-cylinder temporary disk from a 3330 device and address of 291: cp define t3330 as 291 cyl 10 When you define a minidisk, you can choose any valid address that is not already assigned to a device in your virtual machine. Valid addresses for minidisks range from 001 through 5FF, for a virtual machine in basic control mode. FORMATTING VIRTUAL DISKS Before you can use any new virtual disk, you must format it. This applies to new disks that have been assigned to you and to temporary disks that you have allocated with the CP DEFINE command. When yeu issue the FORMAT command you must use the virtual address you have defined for the disk and assign a CMS mode letter, for example: format 291 c eMS then prompts you with the following message: DMSFOR603R FORMAT WILL ERASE ALL FILES WISH TO CONTINUE? (YESINO): ON DISK 'C(291)'. DO YOU You respond: yes CMS then asks you to assign a label for the disk, which may be anything you choose. Labels can have a maximum of 6 characters. When the message: DMSFOR605R ENTER DISK LABEL: 12 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ?g. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 is issued, you respond by supplying a disk label. For is a temporary disk, you might enter: example, if this scrtch Section 1. What it Means to Have a eftS Virtual ftachine 12.1 March 30, 1979 12.2 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 CMS then erases all the files on that disk, if any existed, and formats the disk for your use. When you enter the label, CMS responds by telling you: FORMATTING DISK 'C' '10' CYLINDERS FORMATTED ON 'C(291)'. R; T=0.15/1.60 11:26:03 The FORMAT command should only be used to format CMS disks, that is, disks you are going to use to contain CMS files. If you want to format count-key-data disks for OS, DOS, or VSAM applications, the disks should be formatted using the IBCDASDI program. The FORMAT command allows a choice of physical disk block size as an option. See the !~LJ12 ~~~ £om!g~~ gn~ ~g££Q ~~!~£~n£~ for details. To format FB-512 disks for as, DOS, or VSAM applications, the disks can be formatted using the INTDK stand-alone utility program. See !~LJIQ Q~~g!Q£~ ~y!g~ for details. Sharing Virtual Disks: Linking Since only one user can own a virtual disk, and there are many occasions that require users to share data or programs, VM/370 allows you to share virtual disks, on either a permanent or temporary basis, by "linking." Permanent links can be established for you in your V8/370 directory entry. These disks are then a part of your virtual machine configuration every time you log on. You can also have another user's disk temporarily added to your configuration by using the CP LINK command. For eXample, if you have a program that uses data that resides on a disk identified in userid DATA's configuration as a 194, and you know that the password assigned to this disk is GO, you could issue the command: cp link to data 194 as 198 r pass= gol DATA's 194 disk is then added to your virtual virtual address 198. machine configuration at The "R" in the command line indicates the access mode; in this case, it tells CP that you wish only to read files from this disk. VM/370 will not allow you to write on it. If you try to issue this command when someone is logged on to the userid DATA, you will not be able to establish the link. If you want to link to DATA in any event, you can reissue the LINK command using the access mode RR: cp link data 194 198 rr gol The keywords TO, AS, and PASS= are theIR. optional; you do not have to specify You can also use the CP LINK command to link to your own disks. For example, if you log on and discover that another user has access to one of your disks, you may be given read-only access, even if it is a read/write disk. you can request the other user to detach your disk 1Note that the password cannot be entered on the command line password suppression facility was specified at sysgen. if the Section 1. What it Means to Have a CMS Virtual Machine 13 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev M,arcb 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-11,8 from his virtual the link: cp link * machine, and after he has. done so, you can establish 191 191 When you link to your own disks, you can specify the userid as do not need to specify the access mode or a password. * and you You can find more information about the CP LINK command and CP access modes in !~LJIQ ~f £2mmgDQ R~!~f~D£~ f2£ ~~D~£~! ~§~£§. Identifying Your Disk to eMS: Accessing LINK and DEFINE are CP commands: they tell CP to add DASD devices to your virtual machine configuration. CMS must also know about these disks, and you must use the ACCESS command to estatlish a filemode letter for them: access 194 b CMS uses filemode letters to manage your files during a session. By using the ACCESS command you can control: • Whether you can write on a disk status) • The library search machine • Which disks are to contain the new files that you create If you want to the command: order terminal or only read from it (its read/write for programs executing know which disks you currently have in your virtual access to, issue query search You might see the following display: PER191 DAT194 CMS190 CMS19E 191 198 190 19E A B S Y R/W R/O R/O R/O The first column indicates the label on the disk (assigned when the disk is formatted), and the second column shows the virtual address assigned to it. The third column contains thefilemode alphabet are valid file mode letters. letter. All letters of the The fourth column indicates the read/write status of the disk. The 190 and 19E disks in this example are read-only disks that contain the CMS nucleus and disk-resident commands for the CMS system. You will probably use your 191 (A) disk as your primary read/write work disk. 14 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 RELEASING VIRTUAL DISKS When you no longer need a disk during a terminal session, or if you want to assign a currently active filemode letter to another disk, use the CMS command RELEASE: release c Then, you can issue to another disk. the ACCESS command to assign the filemode letter C Section 1. What it Means to Have a CMS virtual Machine 14.1 March 30, 1919 14.2 IBM VM/310 eMS User's Guide When you no longer need disks in your virtual .achine configuration, use the CP command DETACH to disconnect them from your virtual machine: cp detach 194 cp detach 291 If you are going to release and detach the disk at the same time, you can use the DET option of the RELEASE command: release 194 (det For more information on controlling disks in CMS, see "section 4. The CMS File System." ) Section 1. What it Means to Have a CMS Virtual Machine 15 ( 16 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Section 2. VM/370 Environments and Mode Switching When you are using VM/370, your virtual machine can be in one of two possible "environments": the CP, or control program environment, or the virtual machine environment, which may be CMS. The CMS environment has several subenvironments, sometimes called "modes." Each environment or subenvironment accepts particular commands or subcommands, and each environment has its own entry and exit paths, responses and error messages. If you have a good understanding of how the VM/370 environments are related, you can learn to change environments quickly and use your virtual machine efficiently. This section introduces the CP and describes: • • CMS environments that you use and Entry and exit paths Command subsets that are valid as input Figure 1, at the end of this section, summarizes the VM/370 command environments and lists the commands and terminal paths that allow you to go from one environment to another. with the exception of input mode in the edit environment, you can always determine which environment your virtual machine is in by pressing the Return or Enter key on a null line. The responses you receive and the environments they indicate, are: ].§§EQ1!§.§ CP CMS CMS (DOS ON) EDIT: CMS SUBSET DEBUG ~1!'!!!:Q1!!~1!j: CP CMS CMS/DOS Edit CMS Subset Debug The CP Environment When you log on to VM/370, your virtual machine is in the CP environment. In this environment, you can enter any CP command that is valid for your privilege class. This publication assumes that you are a general, or class G, user. You can find information about the commands that you can use in the Y~L1IQ ~g ~2~~~1!g ~~!~~gy£~ !Q~ 2~1!~~~! Q§.§E§· Only CP commands are valid terminal input in the CP environment. You can, however, preface a CP command line with the characters "CPU or "tcP", followed by one or more blanks, although it is not necessary. These functions are described under "The CMS Environment." you can enter CP commands from other VM/370 environments. There may be times during your terminal session when you want to enter the CP environment to issue one or more CP commands. You can do this from any other environment by doing either of two things: 1. Issue the command: #cp ) Section 2. VM/370 Environments and Mode switching 17 2. Use your terminal's Attention key (or equivalent). On a 2141 terminal, you must normally press the Attention key twice, quickly, to enter the CP environment. The following message environment: indicates that your virtual machine is in the CP CP After entering whatever CP commands you need to use, you return your virtual machine to the environment or mode that it came from by using the CP command: cp begin which, literally, begins execution of your virtual machine. The eMS Environment You enter the CMS environment from CP by issuing the IPL command, which loads CMS into your virtual storage area. If you are planning to use CMS for your entire terminal session, you should not have to IPt again unless a program failure forces you into the'CP environment. When you issue the IPt command, you can specify either the named system CMS at your installation or you can load CMS by specifying the virtual address of the disk on which the CMS system resides. For example: cp ipl ems -- or -/ \ cp ipl 190 ''II When your virtual machine is in the CMS environment, you can issue any CMS command and any of the CP commands that are valid for your user privilege class. You can also execute many of your own as or DOS programs; the ways you can execute programs are discussed in "Section 8. Developing as Programs Under CMS" and "Section 9. Developing DOS Programs Under CMS." You can enter CP commands from CMS in any of the following ways: • • • Using the implied CP function of CMS (See With the CP command With the ICP function !21~.) !21~: For the m'ost part, you may enter any CP command directly from the CMS environment. This implied CP function is controlled by an operand of the CMS SET command, IMPCP. You can determine whether the implied CP function is in effect for your virtual machine by entering the command: query impcp If the response is: IMPCP = OPF you can change it by entering: set impcp on 18 IBM VM/310 CMS User's Guide ( ) When the implied CP function is set off, you must use either the CP command or the ICP function to enter CP commands from the CMS environment. CP commands that you execute in EXEC procedures must always be prefaced by the CP command, regardless of the implied CP setting. An example of using the CP command is: cp close punch When you issue CP commands from the CMS environment either implicitly or with the CP command, you receive, in addition to the CP response (if any), the CMS ready message. If you use the tcp function, discussed next, you do not receive the ready message. You can preface any CP command line with the characters "#CP", followed by one or more blanks. When you enter a CP command this way, the command is processed by CP immediately; it is as if your virtual machine were actually in the CP environment. EDIT, INPUT, AND CMS SUBSET The CMS editor is a VM/370 facility that allows you to create and modify data files that reside on CMS disks. The editor environment, more commonly called the edit environment, is entered when you issue the CMS command EDIT, specifying the identification of a data file you want to create or modify. edit myfile assemble ) is an example of how you would enter the edit environment to either create a file called MY FILE ASSEMBLE or to make changes to a disk file that already exists under that name. When you enter the edit environment your virtual machine is automatically in edit mode, where you can only issue EDIT subcommands or CP commands prefaced by "tcP." EDIT subcommands tell the editor what you wish to do with the data you have accessed. After you enter the EDIT subcommand: input data lines that you enter are considered input to return to edit mode, you must enter a null line. the file. To If you issue the EDIT subcommand: cms the editor responds: CMS SUBSET and your virtual machine is in CMS subset mode, where you can issue any valid CMS subset command, that is, a CMS command that is allow~1 in CMS subset mode. These include: ) ACCESS CP DISK ERASE EXEC HT LISTFILE PRINT PUNCH QUERY READCARD RT SET STATE STATEW TYPE Section 2. VM/370 Environments and Mode Switching 19 You can also issue CP commands. To return to edit mode, you use the special CMS subset command, RETURN. If you enter the Immediate command HX, your editing session is terminated abnormally and your virtual machine is returned to the CMS environment. When you are finished with an edit session, you retrirn to the CMS environment by issuing the FILE subcommand. which indicates that all modifications or data insertions that you have m.de should be written onto a CMS disk, or by issuing the subcommand QUIT, which tells the editor not to save any modifications or insertions made since the last time the file was written. More detailed information about EDIT subcommands and how to use the CMS editor is contained in this publication in "Section 5. The CMS Editor" and in the !~LJ.IQ £!12 £Q!!~!!g ~!!g 1!~££2 !!~f~!:~!!£~. DEBUG CMS DEBUG is a special CMS facility that provides subcommandsto help you debug programs at your terminal. Your virtual machine enters the debug environment when you issue the CMS command: debug You may want to enter this command after you have loaded a program into storage and before you begin executing it. At this time you can set "breakpoints," or address stops, where you wish to halt your program's execution so that you can examirieand change the contents of general registers and storage areas. When these breakpoints are encountered, your vir.tual machine is placed in the debug environment. You can also enter the debug environment by issuing the CP EXTERNAL command, which causes an external interrupt to your virtual machine. Valid DEBUG are: subcommands that BREAK CAW CSW DEFINE DUMP you can GO GPR HX ORIGIN PSW You can also use CP commands. enter in. this environment RETURN SET STORE X the ICP function in the debug environment to enter you leave the debug environment in any of the following ways: completes exe~ution, • If the program you are running to the CMS environment. you are returned • If your virtual machine entered the debug environment after a breakpoint was encountered, it" returns to CMS when you issue the DEBUG subcommand: hx To continue subcommand: the execution of your program, you use ~he DEBUG go ( 20 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5148-X18 • If your virtual machine is in the debug executing a program, the DEBUG subcommand: environment and is not return returns it to the CMS environment. CMS/DOS If you are a DOS/VSE user, the CMS/DOS environment provides you with all the CMS interactive functions and facilities, as well as special CMS/DOS commands which simulate DOS functions. The CMS/DOS environment becomes active when you issue the command: set dos on When your virtual machine is in the CMS/DOS environment you can issue any command line that would be valid in the CMS environment, including the facilities of EDIT, DEBUG, and EXEC, but excluding CMS commands or program modules that load and/or execute programs that use OS macros or functions. The following commands are provided in CMS/DOS to test DOS programs, and to provide access to DOS/VS libraries: ASSGN DLBL DOSLIB DOSLKED DOSPLI DSERV ESERV FETCH FCOBOL LISTIO Your virtual machine command: and develop OPTION PSERV RSERV SSERV leaves the CMS/DOS environment when you issue the set dos off If you reload CMS (with an IPL command) during a must also reissue the SET DOS ON command. terminal session, you Interrupting Program Execution When you are executing a program under CMS or executing a CMS command, your virtual machine is not available for you to enter commands. There are, however, ways in which you can interrupt a program and halt its execution, either temporarily, in which case you can resume its execution, or permanently, in which case your virtual machine returns to the eMS environment. In both cases, you interrupt execution by creating an "attention interruption," which may take two forms: • • An attention interruption to your virtual machine operating system An attention interruption to the control program These situaticns result in what are known as virtual machine (VM) or control program (CP) "reads" being presented tc your virtual console. On a typewriter terminal, the keyboard unlocks when a read occurs. section 2. VM/310 Environments and Mode Switching 21 March 30, 1979 Whether you have to press the Attention key once or twice depends on the terminal mode setting in effect for your virtual machine. This setting is controlled by the CP TERMINAL command: cp terminal mode vm The setting VM is the default for virtual machines; you do not need to specify it. The VM setting indicates that one depression of the Attention key sends an interruption to your virtual machine, and that two depressions results in an interruption to the control program (CP). The £P setting for terminal mode, which is the default for the system operator, indicates that one depression of the Attention key results in an interruption to the control program (CP)~ If you are using your virtual machine to run an operating system other than CMS, you might wish to use this setting. Issue the command: cp terminal mode cp VIRTUAL MACHINE INTERRUPTIONS While a command or program is executing, if you press the Attention key once on a 2741 (or the Enter key on a 3270), you have created a virtual machine interruption. The program halts execution, your terminal will accept an input line, and y~u may: • Terminate the execution of command to halt execution: the program by issuing an Immediate hx The HX command causes the program to abnormally terminate (abend). • Enter a eMS command. The command is stacked in a console buffer and is processed by CMS when your program is finished executing and the next virtual machine read occurs. For example: print abc listing After you enter this line, the program resumes execution. • If the program is directing output to your terminal and you wish only to halt the terminal display, use the Immediate command: ht The program resumes execution. Terminal output can also be suppressed immediately when you enter a command by placing tHT at the end of the command line. The logical line end character (I) allows the Immediate command HT to be accepted; program execution proceeds without typing. You can, if you want, cause another interruption and request that typing be resumed by entering the RT (resume typing) command: rt • 22 Enter a null line; your program continues execution. The null line is stacked in the console stack and read by CMS as a stacked command line. IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide HX, HT, and RT are three of the CMS Immediate commands. They are "immediate" because they are executed as soon as they are entered. Unlike other commands, they are not stacked in the console buffer. You can only enter an Immediate command following an attention interruption. CONTROL PROGRAM INTERRUPTIONS You can interrupt a program and enter the CP environment directly by pressing the Attention key twice quickly, on a 2741, or pressing the PAl key on a 3270. Then, you can enter any CP command. To resume the program's execution, issue the CP command: cp begin If your terminal is operating with the terminal mode set to CP, pressing the Attention key once places your virtual machine in the CP environment. ADDRESS STOPS AND BREAKPOINTS A program may also be interrupted by an instruction address stop, which For example, if you you specifically set by the CP command ADSTOP. issue the command: cp adstop 201ea an address stop is set at virtual storage location X'201EA'. When your program reaches this address during its execution, it is interrupted and your virtual machine is placed in the CP environment, where you can issue any CP command, including another ADSTOP command, before resumitig your program's execution with the CP command BEGIN. Breakpoints, similar to address stops, are set using the DEBUG subcommand BREAK, which you issue in the debug environment before executing a program. For example, if you issue: break 1 201ae Your program's execution is interrupted at this address and your virtual machine is placed in the debug environment. You can then enter any DEBUG subcommand. To resume program execution, use the DEBUG subcommand GO. If you want to halt execution of the program entirely, use the DEBUG subcommand HX, which returns your virtual machine to the C~S environment. You can find more information about setting address stops and breakpoints in "section 11. How VM/370 Can Help You Debug Your Programs." ) Section 2. VM/370 Environments and Mode Switching 23 Any "Class Any" CP Command EDIT Environment INPUT MODE Any CMS Command Any CMS/DOS Command Any CP Command Execute any DOS Program #CP Command Line Any Input Line Carrier retu rn on a null line #CP Command Line DEBUG EnvironmE!nt CMS Subset Any CMS Subset Command Any CP Command ~------~RETURN '"-------------1 HX #CP Command Line Notes: 1 The CP environment may be entered from any other environment either by using your terminal's Attention key or equivalent, or by entering the command #CP. Any CPcommand is any CP command that is valid for your user privilege class. Any time that a CP command can be entered, it may be prefaced with #CP. 3The BEGIN command returns your virtual machine to the environment it was in when CP was entered: 2 °If you were in edit or input mode, the current line pointer remains unchanged. °If you were executing a program, execution resumes at the instruction address indicated in the PSW. Figure 1. VM/310 Environments and Mode switching 24 IBM VM/310 eMS User's Guide ( \ Section 3. What You Can Do with VM/370-CMS Commands This section provides an overview of the CMS and CP command languages, and describes the various commands within functional areas, with examples. The commands are not presented in their entirety, nor is a complete selection of commands represented. When you finish reading this section you should have an understanding of the kinds of commands available to you, so that when you need to perform a particular task using CMS you may have an idea of whether it can be done, and know what command to reference for details. For complete lists of the CP and CMS commands available, see "Appendix A: Summary of CMS Commands" and "Appendix B: Summary of CP Commands." Command Defaults Many of the characteristics of your CMS virtual machine are already established when you log on, but there are commands available so you can change them. In the case of many CMS commands, there are implied values for operands, so that when you enter a command line without certain operands, values are assumed for them. In both of these instances, the values set or jmpliedare considered default values. As you learn CP and CMS commands, you also should become familiar with the default values or settings for each. Commands to Control Terminal Communications Using VM/370, you control your virtual machine directly from your of commands for terminal terminal. VM/370 provides a set cOllmunications. ESTABLISHING AND TERMINATING COMMUNICATIONS WITH VM/370 To initiate your communication with VM/370, use the CP LOGON command: cp logon sam optionally, you may enter your password on the same line 1 : cp logon sam 123456 When you are sure that your communication line is all right and you have difficulty logging on (for example, someone else has logged on under your userid), you can use the CP MESSAGE command: cp message sam ) this is sam ••• pls log off 1Note that the password cannot be entered on the command line password suppression facility was specified at sysgen. if the Section 3. What You Can Do With VM/370-CMS Commands 25 Another way DIAL: to access the VM/370 system is to use the CP command cp dial tsosys In this example, TSOSYS is the userid of a virtual machine running a TSO system. After this DIAL command is successful, you can use your terminal as if you were actually connected to a TSO system, and you can begin TSO logon procedures. To end your terminal session, use the CP command LOGOFF: cp logoff If you have used a VM/370 computer and enter: switched (or dial-up) communication path to you want the line to remain available, you the can cp logoff hold At times, you might be running a long program under one userid and wish to use your terminal for some other work. Then, you can disconnect your terminal: cp disconn -- or -cp disconn hold Your virtual machine continues to run, and is logged off the system when your program has finished executing. If you want to regain terminal control of your virtual machine after disconnecting, log on as you would to initiate your terminal session. Your virtual machine is placed in the CP environment, and to resume its execution, you use the CP command BEGIN. You should not disconnect your virtual machine if a program requires an operator response, since the console read request cannot be satisfied. CONTROLLING TERMINAL OUTPUT During the course of a terminal session, you can receive many kinds of messages from VM/370, from the system operator, from other users, or from your own programs. You can decide whether or not you want these messages to actually reach you. For example, if you use the command: cp set msg off no one will be able to send messages to you with the CP MESSAGE command; if another virtual machine user tries to send you a message, he receives the message: userid NOT RECEIVING, MSG OFF If your virtual machine handles special messages and you do not want to receive special messages at this time, you can issue: cp set smsg off 26 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide March 30, 1979 No one will be able to send special messages to you with the CP SMSG command; if another virtual machine user attempts to do so, he receives a message: userid NOT RECEIVING, SMSG OFF Similarly, you can use: cp set wng off to prevent warning messages (which usually come from the system operator) from coming to you. You would probably do this, however, only in cases where you were typing some output at your terminal and did not want the copy ruined. VM/370 issues error messages whenever you issue a command incorrectly or if a command or program fails. These messages have a long form, consisting of the error message code and number, followed by text describing the error. If you wish to receive only the text portion of messages with severity codes I, E, and W (for informational, error, and warning, respectively), you can issue the command: cp set emsg text If you want to receive only the message code and number (from which you can locate an explanation of the error in !~Ll1~ ~y§!~~ !~§§gg~§), you specify: cp set emsg code You can also cancel error messages completely: cp set emsg off To restore the EMSG enter: setting to its default, which is the message text, cp set emsg text Some CP commands issue informational messages telling you that CP has performed a particular function. You can prevent the reception of these messages with the command: cp set imsg off or restore the default by issuing: cp set imsg on The setting of EMSG applies to eMS commands as well as to CP commands. You can enter: also control the format of the CMS ready message. If you set rdymsg smsg you receive only the "R;" or shortened form of the ready message after the completion of CMS commands. If you are not receiving error messages (as described above) and an error occurs, the return code from the command still appears in parentheses following the "R". Section 3. What You Can Do With VM/370-CMS Commands 27 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 An additional feature exists for CMS. If you terminal with a two-color ribbon, you can s~ecify: have a typewriter set redtype on so that CMS error messages are typed in red. Some commands or messages result in displays of lines that are very long. If you want to limit the width of lines that are received at your terminal (for example, if you are using terminal paper that is only eight inches wide), you can specify: cp terminal linesize 80 so that all lines received at your an 80-character display. terminal are formatted to fit within You can also control two special characters in VM/370. One is the exclamation point (!) t~at types when the Attention key is pressed. If you do not want this character to type when you press the Attention key, use the command: cp terminal attn off CMS allows you to specify a "blip" character: this character is typed or displayed whenever two seconds of processor time are used by your virtual machine. If you enter: set blip * then, during program seconds of CPU time. execution, this character types can cancel the function: for every two Y~u set blip off or set it to nonprintable characters: set blip on When this command has been entered on a typewriter terminal, the Selectric type ball tilts and rotates whenever a blip character is received. Note: Issuance of the of~blips. STIMER macro for more than two seconds will mask On a display terminal, you can control the intensity of the redisplay of user input. If you enter: cp terminal hilight on the redisplay of user input is highlighted. If you enter: cp terminal hilight off the redisplay of default. 28 user input IBMVM/370 CMS User's Guide is at normal intensity. This is the Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 COMMANDS TO CONTROL HOW VM/370 PROCESSES INPUT LINES You can manipulate VM/370's logical line editing function to suit your own needs. In addition to using the CP TERMINAL command to change the default logical line editing symbols, you can issue: cp set linedit off Section 3. What You Can Do With VM/370~CMS Co •• ands 28.1 March 30, 28,.2 IBM VM/310 eftS US,er's Guide 1919 so that none of the symbols are your input lines~ recognized by VM/370 when it interprets When you are in the CMS environment, there are a number of commands that you can use to control how CMS validates a command line. The SET command functions IMPCP (implied CP) and IMPEX (implied EXEC) control the recognition of CP commands and CMS EXEC procedures. For example, if you issue: set impcp off • set impex off then, when you enter CP commands in CMS or try procedures, you must preface the name of the command CP (or tcP), or EXEC, respectively. to execute EXEC or procedure with By using the SYNONYM and the SET ABBREV commands, you can control what command names, synonyms, or truncations are valid in CMS. For example, you could set up a file named MYSYN SYNONYM which contains the following records: PRINT RELEASE ACCESS DOSLKED PRT LET GOOF GET LNKEDT 1 5 1 3 The first column specifies an existing CMS command, module, or EXEC name; the second column specifies the alternate name, or synonym, you want to use; and the. third column is a count field that indicates the minimum number of characters of the synonym that can be used to truncate the name. Using this file, after you enter the command: synonym mysyn ) you can use PRT, LETGOOF, GET, and LNKEDT in place of the corresponding CMS command names. Also, if the AEBREV function is in effect, (it is the default; you can make sure it is in effect by issuing the command SET ABBREV ON), you can truncate any of your synonyms to the minimum number of characters specified in the count field of the record (that is, you could enter "pH for PRINT, "letgo" for RELEASE, and so on) • You can set up EXEC files with the same names as CMS commands, that mayor may not perform the same function as the CMS names they duplicate. For example, if every time you used the GLOBAL command you used the same operands, you could have an EXEC file, named GLOBAL, that contained a single record: global maclib cmslib os macro Then, every time you entered the command name: global the command GLOBAL MACLIB CMSLIB OSMACRO would execute. As another example, suppose you had contained the following records: an EXEC file named 'T', that &CONTROL OFF CP QUERY TIME Then, whenever you entered: ) t Section 3. What You Can Do with VM/370-CMS Commands 29 you would receive the CP time-of-day message, and you could no longer use the truncation "T" for the CMS command TYPE. In order to see the contents of a CMS file displayed at your terminal you would have to enter at least "TY" as a truncation. CONTROLLING KEYBOARD-DEPENDENT COMMUNICATIONS You are dependent on your terminal for communication with VM/370: when your virtual machine is waiting for a read either from the control program or from your virtual machine operating system, you can not receive messages until you press the Return key to enter a command or a null line. If you are in a situation where you must wait for a message before continuing your work, for example, if you are waiting for a tape device to be attached to your virtual machine, you can use the CP command SLEEP to lock your keyboard: cp sleep You must then press the Attention key to get out of sleep and unlock the keyboard so you can enter a command. If your virtual machine is in the CP environment when you issue the SLEEP command, or if you issue the SLEEP command from the CMS environment using the tcp function, your virtual machine is in the CP environment after you press the Attention key. If your virtual machine is in the CMS environment when you enter the SLEEP command (or if you enter CP SLEEP), your virtual machine is in the CMS environment when you press the Attention key once. You can control the effect of pressing the Attention key terminal with the CP TERMINAL command. If you specify: on your cp terminal mode cp then, whenever environment. you press the Attention key, you are in the CP If you use the default terminal mode setting, which is VM, and then you press the Attention key once, you cause a read to your virtual machine; if you press the Attention key twice you cause a CP read, and you are in the CP environment. The effect of pressing the Attention key is also important when you are executing a program. At times, you may wish to enter some CP commands while your program executes, but you do-not want to interrupt the execution of the program. If, before you begin your program you issue the command: cp set run on and then use the Attention key to get to the CP environment While your program executes, the program continues executing While you communicate with CP. The default setting for the RUN operand of the SET command is off; usually, when you press the Attention key (twice) during program execution, your program is interrupted. SPECIAL CHARACTER SETS: If you are using a Frogramming language or enterIng data-that requires you to use characters that are not on your keyboard, you can select some characters that you do not use very often and establish a translate table with the SET command. For example, if your terminal does not have the special characters [and ] (which have 30 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( the hexadecimal commands: values AD and BD, respectively), you could issue the set input %ad set input $ bd Then, when you are entering data lines at your terminal, whenever you enter the characters "%" or "$", they are translated and written into your file as fI(fI and "]". When you display these lines, the character positions occupied by the special characters appear to be blanks, because they are not available on your keyboard. If you want these special characters to appear on your terminal in symbolic form, you should issue the commands: set output ad % set output bd $ so that when you are displaying lines that contain these characters, they will appear translated as % and $ on your terminal. If you are going to use the input and output functions together, you must set the output character first; if you set the input character first, then you are unable to set the output function. If you are an APL user and have the special APL type font or the APL 3270 feature and keyboard, you can tell VM/370 to use APL translation tables with the command: cp terminal apl on ) Commands to Create, Modify, and Move Data Files and Programs The CMS command language proviaes you with many different ways of manipulating files. A file, in eMS, is any collection of data; it is most often a disk file, but it may also be contained on cards or tape, or it may be a printed or punched output file. COMMANDS THAT CREATE FILES you create files in CMS by several methods; either specifically or by default. The EDIT command invokes the CMS editor to allow you to create a file directly at your terminal. You must specify a file identifier when you are creating a new file: edit mother goose In this example, the file has an identifier, or fileid, of MOTHER GOOSE. The EDIT subcommand INPUT allows you to begin inserting lines of data or source code into this file. When you issue the sUbcommands FILE or SAVE, the lines that you have entered are written into a CMS disk file. Files are created, and following types of commands: • ) sometimes named, by default, Commands that invoke programming language processors For example, if you issue the command: with the or compilers. assemble myfile Section 3. What You Can Do With VM/370-CMS Commands 31 the assembler assembles source statements from an existing CftS file named MYFILE ASSEMBLE and produces an output file containing object code, as well as a listing. The files that are created are named: MYFILE TEXT MYFILE LISTING • Commands that load CMS files onto a disk from cards or tapes. commands are READCARD, TAPE LOAD, and DISK LOAD. These • The LISTFILE and LISTIO commands with the EXEC option create files named CMS EXEC and $LISTIO EXEC which you can execute as EXEC procedures. • The TAPPDS and TAPEMAC commands create CMS disk files from OS data sets on tape. If the data set is a partitioned data set, the TAPPDS command creates individual CMS files from each of the members; the TAPEMAC command creates a CMS macro library, called a ftACLIB, from an OS macro library. . • The MOVEFILE and FILEDEF commands, used together, can copy OS or DOS data sets or files into CMS files; they can also copy files from cards or tapes. • CMS/DOS commands SSERV, ESERV, RSERV, and PSERV copy DOS files from source statement, relocatable, and procedure libraries into CftS files. • Some CMS commands produce maps, or lists of files, data sets, or program entry points. For example, if you issue the command: tape scan (disk a CMS disk file named TAPE MAP is created that contains a list of the CMS files that exist on a tape attached to your virtual machine at virtual address 181. Some commands create new files from files that already exist on your virtual disks. The creation may involve a simple copy operation, or it may be a combining of many files of one type into a larger file of the same or a different type: • The COPYFILE command, in its simplest virtual disk to another: form, copies a file from one copyfile yourprog assemble b myprog assemble a • The MACLIB and TXTLIB commands create files, or from TEXT (object) files. libraries from MACRO or COpy • The SORT command rearranges (in alphameric sequence) the records in a file and creates a new file to contain the result. You have to specify the name of the new file: sort nonseq recs a seq recs a • The GENMOD command creates nonrelocatable modules from object modules that you have loaded into your virtual storage area. For example, the commands: load test genmod payroll create a file named PAYROLL MODULE, which you can then user-written CMS command. 32 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide execute as a « • The DOSLKED command creates or adds members to DOSLIBs, libraries containing link-edited CMS/DOS program phases. which are • The UPDATE command creates an updated source file and special update files when you use it to apply updates to your source programs. COMMANDS THAT MODIFY DISK FILES You can use the CMS editor to modify existing files on your virtual disks. You issue the EDIT command, giving the file identifier: edit old file CMS editor subcommands allow you to make minor specific changes global changes, which can affect many lines in a file at one time. or The MACLIB and TXTLIB commands also allow you to modify CMS macro and text libraries. You can add, delete, or replace members in these libraries using these commands. The COPYFILE command has some options that allow you to change a file without creating a new output file. For example, if you enter the command: copyfile my file a (lowcase then all of the uppercase characters in to lowercase. You can change command: the file the file MY FILE are translated identifier of a file using the RENAME rename test file a1 good file a1 The ERASE command deletes files from your virtual disks: erase temporary file b1 For additional examples of CMS file Sample Terminal Sessions." system commands, see "Appendix D: COMMANDS TO MOVE FILES You can use CMS commands to transfer a data file from one device or medium to another device of the same or of a different type. The types of movement and the commands to use are described briefly here and in detail in "Section 1. Using Real printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes." If you need to trarisfer files between virtual machines, you can use the PUNCH or DISK DUMP commands to punch virtual card image records. These are then placed in the virtual card reader of the receiving virtual machine. Before you use either of these commands, you must indicate the output disposition of the files. You do this with the CP SPOOL command: ) cp spool OOd to mickey Section 3. What You Can Do ~ith VM/370-CMS Commands 33 Then, you can use the PUNCH command to punch virtual card images: punch acct records The file ACCT RECORDS is spooled to the userid MICKEY's virtual card reader. If the CMS file you are transferring does not have fixedlength, SO-character (card image) records, you can use the command: disk dump acct records The CMS TAPE command allows you to restorQ previously dumped files: dump CMS files onto tape, or to tape dump archive file tape load archive file . VM/370 also provides a special utility program, DASD Dump Restore, that allows you to dump the entire contents of your virtual disk onto a tape and then later restore it to a disk. You might use this program, invoked by the DDR command in CMS, to back up your data files before using them to test a new program. COMMANDS TO PRINT AND PUNCH FILES The commands that you use most often to print and punch the commands PRINT and PUNCH. For example: CMS files are print myprog listing prints the contents of the LISTING file on the system printer, and: punch myprog assemble punches the assembler language source statement file onto can also punch members of MACLIBs and TXTLIBs: cards. You punch cmslib maclib (member fscb Some CMS commands have a PRINT option, so that instead of having some kinds of output displayed at your terminal or placed in a disk file, you can request to have it printed on the real system printer. For example, if you want a list of the contents of a macro library to print, you could issue the command: maclib map mylib (print You can see the contents of a using the TYPE command: file displayed at your terminal by type week3 report You can specify, on the TYPE command, that you specific records in this file: type week3 report a 1 20 34 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide want to see only some March 30,1979 Commands to Deyelop and Test OS and CMS Programs Use CMS to prepare programs: you can create them with the CBS editor~ or write them cnto your CMS disks using any of the methods discussed above. You can also assemble or compile source programs directly from cards, tapes, or as data sets. If your source program is in a CMS disk file, then during the development process you can use the editor to make corrections and updates. To compile your programs, use the assembler or any of the language processors available at your installation. If your program uses macros that are contained in either system or private program libraries, you must make these libraries known to CMS by using the GLOBAL command: global maclib cmslib asmlib In this example, you are using two libraries: the CftS macro library, CMSLIB MACLIB, and a private library, named ASMLIB MACLIB. The output from the compilers, in relocatable object fora, is stored on a CMS disk as a file with the filetype of TEXT. To load TEXT files into virtual storage to execute them, use the LOAD comBand: load myprog The LOAD command performs the linkage editor function in CMS~ If MYPROG contains references to external routines, and these routines are the names of CMS TEXT files, those TEXT files are automatically included in the load. If you receive a message telling you that there is an undefined name (which might happen if you have a CSECT name or entry point that is not the same as the name of the TEXT file that contains it), you can then use the INCLUDE command to load this TEXT file: include scanrtn When you have loaded the object modules into storage, program execution with the START command: you can begin start If you want to begin execution at a specified entry point, enter: start scan1 where SCAN1 is the name of a control section, entry point, or procedure. If you are testing a program that either reads or writes files or data sets using as macros, you must use the FILEDEF command to supply a file definition to correspond to the ddname you specify in your program. The command: filedef indd reader indicates that the input file is to be reader. A disk file might be defined: read from your virtual card filedef outdd disk out file a1 The FILEDEF command in CMS definition (DD) card in as. performs the same function as The commands to load and execute as programs are "Section 8. Developing as Programs Under CMS." Section 3. What You Can Do With VM/370-C~S a data discussed in Commands 35 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 The RUN command, which is actually an EXEC procedure, combines many of these commands for you, so that if you want to compile, load, and execute a single source file, or load and execute a TEXT or MODULE file, you can use the RUN command instead of issuing a series of commands. See the discussion of the RUN command in Y~Ll1Q ~~~ £2mms~Q ~Q ~s£!~ ~~!~!~n£~ for a list of the as language processors available. Commands to Develop and Test DOS Programs CMS simulates many functions of DOS/VSE in the CMS/DOS environment. CMS/DOS is not a separate system, but is part of CMS. When you enter the command: set dos on you are in the CMS/DOS environment. If you want to use the libraries on the DOS/VSE system residence volume, you should access the disk on which it resides and specify the mode letter on the SET DOS ON command line: access 132 c set dos on c Using commands that are available only in the CMS/DOS environment, you can assign system and programmer logical units with the ASSGN command: assgn sys200 reader If the device is a disk device, you the DLBL command: assgn sys100 b dlbl infile b dsn myinput file can set up a data definition with (sys100 You can find out the current logical unit assignments and active file definitions with the LISTIO and QUERY DLBL commands, respectively: listio a query dlbl If you are an asseBbler language source file with the ASSEMBLE command: programmer, you can assemble a assemble myprog A CMS file with a filetype of DOSLIB simulates a DOS cor~ image library; you can link-edit TEXT files or relocatable modules from a Des relocatable library and place the link-edited phase in a DOSLIB using the DOSLKED command: doslked myprog new lib Then, use the GLOBAL command to identify the phase library and issue the FETCH command to bring the phase into virtual storage: global doslib newlib fetch myprog The START command begins program execution: start 36 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide During program development with CMS, you can use DOS/VS system or private libraries. You can use files on these libraries or you can copy them into CMS files. The DSERV command displays the directories of DOS/VS libraries. The command: dserv cd produces a copy of the directory for the core image library. To copy phases from relocatable libraries into CMS TEXT files, you could use the RSERV command: rserv oldprog The SSERV and ESERV commands are available for you to copy files from source statement libraries, or copy and de-edit macros from E sublibraries. Also, the PSERV command copies procedures from the procedure library. The CMS/DOS commands are described Developing DOS Programs Under CMS." in detail in "Section 9. Commands Used in Debugging Programs When you execute your programs under eMS, you can debug them as they execute, by forcing execution to halt at specific instruction addresses. You do this by entering the debug environment before you issue the START command. You enter the debug environment with the DEBUG command: debug To specify that execution be stopped at a particular virtual address, you can use the BREAK subcommand to set a breakpoint. For example: break 1 20adO Then, when this virtual address is encountered during the execution of the program, the debug environment is entered and you can examine registers or specific storage locations, or print a dump of your virtual storage. Subcommands that do these things might look like the following: gpr 0 15 x 20c12 8 dump 20000 * Instead of using the CMS DEBUG subcommands, you can use the CP ADSTOP command to set address stops. For example: cp adstop 20adO Then, in the CP environment, you can things. For example: use CP commands to do the same cp display g cp display 20c12.8 cp dump 20000 ) Both sets of commands shown in these examples result in displays of (1) the contents of your virtual machine's general purpose registers, (2) a display of eight bytes of storage beginning at lccation X'20C12' and (3) a dump of virtual storage from location X'20000' to the end. Section 3. What You Can Do With VM/370-CMS Commands 37 You can also use the CMS SVCTRACE command and the CP TRACE commands to see a record of interruption activity in your virtual machine. The DEBUG subcommands and the CMS and CP debugging described in more detail in "Section 11. How VM/370 Can Your Programs." facilities are Help You Debug Commands to Request Information All of the CP and CMS commands discussed in this section have required some action on your part: you set your terminal characteristics, manipulate disk files, develop, compile, and test programs, and control your virtual machine devices and spool files. During a terminal session you can change the status of many of your devices and virtual machine characteristics, modify the files on your disks and create spool files. VM/370 provides many commands to help you find out what is and what is not currently defined in your virtual machine. COMMANDS TO REQUEST INFORMATION ABOUT TERMINAL CHARACTERISTICS You can find out ~he status of your terminal characteristics by using the CP command QUERY with the TERMINAL or SET operands. If you issue the command: cp query terminal you can see the settings for all of the functions controlled by the CP TERMINAL command, including the current line size and line editing symbols. Similarly, the command: cp query set tells you the settings for the functions controlled by the CP command, such as error message display, and the MSG and WNG flags. SET For most of the functions controlled by the CMS SET command, there are corresponding CMS QUERY command operands; to find out a particular setting, you must specify the function in the QUERY command. For example: query input lists the current settings in effect for input Other functions that you can query this way are: BLIP IMPCP IMPEX 38 INPUT OUTPUT RDYMSG IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide REDTYPE SYNONYM character translation. COMMANDS TO REQUEST INFORMATION ABOUT DATA FILES Use the LISTFILE command to get information about CMS files. information you can obtain from the LISTFILE command includes: • The The names of all the files on your A-disk: listfile • The names of all the files on any other accessed disk: list file • ** b The names of all files that have the same filename: listfile myprog • The names of all files with the same filetype: listfile • * * assemble The record length and format, blocksize, creation date and disk label for a particular file: listfile records saved a2 (label Use the STATE command to find out whether a certain file exists: state sales list c If you want to know if the file is on a read/write disk, you can use the STATEW command. To find out what CMS libraries have the commands: query query query query been made available, you can use doslib maclib txt lib library To find out what members are contained library use the commands: in a particular macro or text maclib map mylib (term txt lib map proglib (term The MODMAP command displays a load map of a ftODULE file: modmap payroll To examine load command: maps created by the LOAD command, use the TYPE type load map as The TYPE command can also be used to display the contents of any CftS file. To examine large files, you can use the PRINT command to spool a copy to the high-speed printer. ) To compare the contents of two files use the COMPARE command: to see if they are identical, compare labor stat a1 labor stat b1 Section 3. What You CanDo With VM/370-CMS Commands 39 Any records terminal. in these files that do not match are displayed at your If you have OS or DOS disks attached to your virtual machine, you can display a list of OS data sets or DOS files by using the LISTDS command; for example: listds d displays a list of the data sets or files on the OS or DOS disk accessed as your D-disk. COMMANDS TO REQUEST INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR VIRTUAL DISKS Use the CP QUERY command to find out: • What virtual disks are currently part of your configuration: cp query virtual dasd • Whether a particular virtual disk address is in use: cp query virtual 291 • What users might be linked to one of your disks: cp query links 330 The CMS QUERY command can tell you about your accessed disks. enter: If you query disk a you can find out the number of files on your A-disk, the amount of space that is being used, and its percentage of the total disk space, and the read/write status. To get this information for all of your accessed disks, issue the command: query disk * To obtain information about the extents occupied disks, enter the command: listds * by files on OS and DOS (extent If you want to know the current order in which searched for data files or programs, issue the command: your disks are query search You could also use this command to find out what disks you have accessed, what filemode letters you have assigned to them, whether they are read/write or read-only, and whether they are CMS, OS, or DOS disks. COMMANDS TO REQUEST INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR VIRTUAL MACHINE If you issue the command: cp query virtual 40 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( you can find out the status of your virtual machine configuration. You can also request specific information; for example, the command: cp query storage gives you the amount of virtual storage you have available. To find out the current spooling punch, or reader, issue the commands: characteristics of your printer, cp query OOe cp query OOd cp query OOc To see information about all three at once, use: cp query ur For the commands: status of spool files on any of these devices, issue the cp query printer cp query punch cp query reader Using these commands, you can request the status of particular spool files by referring to the spoolid number; for example: cp query printer 4181 You can also request additional information about file identification and creation time: the files, including cp query reader all If you want to know the total number of spool your virtual machine, you can use the command: files associated with cp query files The response to this message is the same as the you have spool files when you log on. message you receive if ) Section 3. What You Can Do With VM/310-CMS Commands 41 ( ~ ( 42 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 Section 4. The eMS File System The file is the essential unit of data in the CMS system. CMS disk files are unique to the CMS system and cannot be read or written using other operating systems. When you create a file in eMS, you name it using a file identifier. The file identifier consists of three fields: • • • Filename (fn) Filetype (ft) Filemode (fm) When you use CMS commands and programs to modify, update, or reference files, you must identify the file by using these fields. Some CMS commands require you to enter only the filename, or the filename and filetype; others require you to enter the filemode field as well. This section contains information about the things you must consider when you give your CMS files their identifiers, notes on the file system commands that create and modify CMS files, and additional notes on using CMS disks. eMS File Formats The eMS file management routines write eMS files on disk in fixed physical blocks, regardless of whether they have fixedor variable-length records. For most of your eMS applications, you never need to specify either a logical record length and record format or block size when you create a CMS file. When you create a file with the CMS editor, the file has certain default characteristics, based on its filetype. The special filetypes recognized by the editor, and their applications, are discussed under "What are Reserved Filetypes?" VSAM files written by CMS are in the same format as VSAM files written by OS/VS or DOS/VS and are recognized by those operating systems. You cannot, however, use any CMS file system commands to read and write VSAM files, because VSAM file formats are unique to the virtual storage access method. For a minidisk formatted in 800-byte physical blocks, a single CMS file can contain up to 12,848,000 bytes of data grouped into as many as 65,533 logical records, all of which must be on the same minidisk. If the file is a source program, the file size limit may be smaller. The maximum number of files per real disk in the 800-byte physical block format is 3400 for a 3330, 3333, 3340, or 3350 disk, or 3500 for a 2314 or 2319. For a minidisk formatted in 1024-, 2048-, or 4096-byte logical blocks, a single CMS file can contain up to about (2 31 - 132,000) disk blocks of data, grouped into as many as 2 31 -1 logical records, all of which must be on the same minidisk. The approximate limits to the number of files per disk, expressed in thousands, are: ) Section 4. The CMSFile System 43 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748~XX8 DISK LOGICAL BLOCK SIZE ~.!n~!£~ !1~~ lQ~~=.Ql!~ ~Q~'§::Ql!~ 2314 3330-11 3340 3350 3310 3370 21 149 50 45 55 216 11 86 26 25 29 114 ~.Q.2'§=Ql!~ 5 44 11 13 15 59 How eMS Files Get Their Names When you create a eMS file, you can give it any filename and filetype you wish. The rules for forming filenames and filetypes are: • • The filename and filetype can each be from one to eight characters. The valid characters are A-Z, 0-9, and $, #, a. When you enter a command line into the VM/370 system, VM/370 always translates your input line into uppercase characters. So, when you specify a file identifier, you can enter it in lowercase. Remember that, by default, the t and ~ characters are line editing symbols in VM/370; when you use them to identify a file, you must precede them with the logical escape symbol ("). The third field in the file identifier, the filemode, indicates the mode letter (A-Z) currently assigned to the virtual disk on which you want the file to reside. When you use theCMS editor to create a file, and you do not specify this field, the file you create is written on your A-disk, and has a filemode letter of A. The filemode letter, for any file, can change during a terminal session. For example, when you log on, your virtual disk at address 191 is accessed as your A-disk, so a file on that disk named SPECIAL EVENTS has a file identifier of: SPECIAL EVENTS A If, however, you later access another disk as your A-disk, and access your 191 as your B-disk, then this file has a file identifier of: SPECIAL EVENTS B DUPLICATING FILENAMES AND FILETYPES You can give the same filename to as many files on a given disk as you want, as long as you assign them different filetypes. Oryoti can creite many files with the same filetype but different filenames. For the most part, filenames that you choose for your files have no special significance to CMS. If, however, you choose a name that is the same as the name of a eMS command, and the file that you assign this name to is an executable module or EXEC procedure, then you may encounter difficulty if you try to execute the CMS command whose name you duplicated. 44 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide ( Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 197~ by SUppa SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 For an explanation of how CMS identifies Command Search Order" later in this section. a command name, see "CMS Many CMS commands allow you to specify one or more of the fields in a file identifier as an asterisk (*) or equal sign (=), which identify files with similar fileids. Some CMS commands that manipulate disk files allow you to enter the filename and/or filetype fields as an asterisk (*), indicating that all files of the specified filename/filetype are to be modified. These commands are: COPY FILE ERASE RENAME TAPE DUMP For example, if you specify: erase * test a all files with a filetype of TEST on your A-disk are erased. section 4. TheCMS File System 4~.1 March 30, 1979 44.2 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide The LISTFILE command allows you to request similar lists. If you specify an asterisk for a filename or filetype, all of the files of that filename or filetype are listed. There is an additional feature that you can use with the LISTFILE command, to obtain a list of all the files that have a filename or filetype that begin with the same character string. For example: listfile t* assemble produces a list of all files on your A-disk whose the letter T. The command: filenames begin with listfile tr* a* produces a list of all files on your A-disk whose filenames begin with the letters TR and whose filetypes begin with the letter A. The COPIFILE, RENAME, and SORT commands allow you to enter output file identifiers as equal signs (=), to indicate that it is the same as the corresponding input file identifier. For example: copy file myprog assemble b = =a copies the file MIPROG ASSEMBLE from your B-disk to your A-disk, and uses the same filename and filetype as specified in the input fileid for those positions in the output fileid. Similarly, if you enter the command: rename temp * b perm - all files with a filename of TEMP are renamed to have filenames of PERM; the existing filetypes of the files remain unchanged. What Are Reserved Filetypes? For the purposes of most CMS commands, the filetype field is used merely as an identifier. Some filetypes, though, have special uses in CMS; these are known as "reserved filetypes." Nothing prevents you from assigning any of the reserved filetypes to files that are not being used for the specific CMS function normally associated with that filetype. Some reserved filetypes also have special significance to the CMS editor. When you use the EDIT command to create a file with a reserved filetype, the editor assumes various default characteristics for the file, such as record length and format, tab settings, translation to uppercase, truncation column, and so on. ) section 4. The CMS File System 45 FILETYPES FOR CMS COMMANDS Reserved filetypes sometimes indicate how the file is used in the CMS system: the filetype ASSEMBLE, for example, indicates that the file is to be used as input to the assembler; the filetype TEXT indicates that the file is in relocatable object form, and so on. Many CMS commands assume input files of particular filetypes, and require you to enter only tbe filename on the command line. For example, if you enter: synonym test CMS searches for a file with a filetype of SYNONYM and a filename of TEST. A file named TEST that has any other filetype is ignored. Some CMS commands create files of particular filetypes, using the filename you enter on the command line. The language processors do this as well; if you are recompiling a source file, but wish to save previous output files, you should rename them before executing the command. Figure 2 lists the filetypes used by CMS commands and describes how they are used. Figure 3 lists the file types used by CMS/DOS commands. In addition to these eMS filetypes, there are special filetypes reserved for use by the language processors, which are IBM program products. These filetypes, and the commands that use them, are: f!lg1IE~§ COBOL, SYMDMP, TESTCOB FORTRAN, FREEFORT, FTnn001, TESTFORT PLI, PLIOPT VSBASIC, VSBDATA £Q~m~llg§ COBOL, FeOBOL, TESTCOB FORTRAN, FORTGI, FORTH X GOFORT, TESTFORT DOSPLI, PLIC, PLleR, PLIOPT VSBASIC For details on how to use these filetypes, program product documentation. consult the appropriate { 46 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 Piletype Command Comments AMSERV AMSERV Contains VSAM access method services control statements to be executed with the AMSERV command. ASM3705 ASM3705 GEN 3705 Used by system programmers to generate the 3704/3705 control program. ASSEMBLE ASSEMBLE AUXxxxx UPDATE Points to files that contain UPDATE control statements for multiple updates. CNTRL UPDATE Lists files that either contain UPDATE control statements or point to additional files. COpy MAC LIB Can contain COpy control statements and macros or copy files to be added to MACLIBs. DIRECT DIRECT Contains entries for the VM/370 user directory file. The system operator controls this file. EXEC EXEC GEN3705 LISTFILE Can contain sequences of CMS or user-written commands, with execution control statements. HELPCMS HELPCP HELPDEBU HELPEDIT HELPMENU HELPMSG HELP Contains descriptive information for CP and CMS commands, messages, and menu lists. LISTING AMSERV ASSEMBLE ASM3705 Listings are produced by the assembler and the language processors as well as the AMSERV command. LKEDIT LKED Contains the listing created during the generation of the 3704/3705 control program. LOADLIB LKED Is a library of 3704/3705 control program load modules created during 3704/3705 control program generation. MACLIB GLOBAL MACLIB Library members contain macro definitions or copy files; the MACLIB command creates the library, and lists, adds, deletes, or replaces members. The GLOBAL command identifies which macro libraries should be searched during an assembly or compilation. MACRO MACLIB Contains macro definitions to be added to a CMS macro library (MACLIB). MAP INCLUDE LOAD MACLIB TAPE TXTLIB Maps created by the LOAD and INCLUDE commands indicate entry point locations; the MACLIB, TXTLIB, and TAPE commands produce MAP files. Contains source statements for assembler language programs. ~----------------.------.---------------------------------------------------~ Figure 2. Filetypes Used by CMS Commands (Part 1 of 2) Section 4. The CMS File System 47 March 30, 1979 Filetype COllmand Comments MODULE GEHMOn LOADKOD MODMAP MODULE files created by the GEHMOD command are nonrelocatable executable programs. The LOADMOD commands loads a MODULE file for execution; the MODMAP command displays a map of entry point locations. SYNONYM SYNONYM Contains a table of synonyms for CMS commands and user-written EXEC and MODULE files. SCRIPTl SCRIPT SCRIPT text processor input includes data and SCRIPT control words. TEXT ASSEMBLE INCLUDE LOAD TXTLIB TEXT files contain relocatable object code created by the assembler and compilers. The LOAD and INCLUDE commands load them into storage for execution. The TXTLIB command lIanipulates libraries of TEXT files. TXTLIB GLOBAL TXTLIB Library members contain relocatable object code. The TXTLIB command creates the library, and lists or deletes existing members. The GLOBAL command identifies TXTLIBs to search. UPDATE UPDATE Contains UPDATE control statements for single updates applied to source programs. UPDLOG UPDATE Contains a record of additions, deletions, or changes made with the UPDATE command. UPDTxxxx ZAP UPDATE ZAP Contains UPDATE control statements for multilevel updates. Contains control records for the ZAP command, which is used by system support personnel. 'SCRIPT is an IBM Installed User program (IUP). Figure 2. Piletypes Used by CMS Commands (Part 2 of 2) OUTPUT PILES: TEXT AND LISTING Output files from the assembler and the language processors are logically related to the source programs by their filenames. Some of these files are permanent and sOlie are temporary. For example, if you issue the command: assemble myfile CMS locates a file named MYPILE with a filetype of ASSEMBLE and the systea assembler assembles it. If the file is on your A-disk, then when the assembler completes execution, the permanent files you have are: MYPILE ASSEMBLE A1 MYPILE TEXT A1 MYPILE LISTING 11 48 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide r -------, Filetype Command Comments COpy MACLIB SSERV When the SSERV command copies books or macros from DOS source statement libraries, the output is written to CMS COpy files, which can be added to CMS macro libraries with the MACLIB command. DOSLIB DOSLIB DOSLNK FETCH GLOBAL DOS core image phases are placed in a DOS LIB by linkage editor, invoked with the DOSLNK command. The GLOBAL command identifies DOSLIBs to be searched when the FETCH command is executed. DOSLNK DOSLKED Contains linkage editor control statements for input to the CMS/DOS linkage editor. ESERV ESERV Contains input control statements for the ESERV utility program. EXEC LISTIO The LISTIO command with the EXEC option creates the $LISTIO EXEC that lists system and programmer logical unit assignments. LISTING ASSEMBLE ESERV Listings contain processor output from the ESERV command, and compiler output from the assembler and language processors. MACRO ESERV MACLIB Contains SYSPCH output from the ESERV program, suitable for addition to a CMS MACLIB file. MAP DOSLIB DOSLKED DSERV The DSERV command creates listings of the directories of DOS libraries. The DOSLIB command with the MAP option produces a list of DOSLIB members. The linkage editor map from the DOSLKED command is written into a MAP file. PROC PSERV The PSERV command copies procedures from DOS procedure libraries into CMS PROC files. TEXT ASSEMBLE DOSLKED RSERV Object decks created by the assembler or compilers are written into TEXT files. The RSERV command creates TEXT files from modules in DOS relocatable libraries. TEXT files can also be used as input to the linkage editor. Figure 3. Filetypes Used in CMS/DOS where the TEXT file contains the object code resulting from the assembly, and the LISTING file contains the program listing generated by the assembly. If any TEXT or LISTING file with the same name previously existed, it is erased. The source input file, MYFILE ASSEMBLE Al, is neither erased nor changed. The characteristics of the TEXT and LISTING files produced by the assembler are the same as those created by other processors and programs in CMS. Because these files are CMS files, you can use the CMS editor to examine or modify their contents. If you want a printed copy of a LISTING file, you can use the PRIN~ command to print it. If you want to examine a TEXT file, you can use the TYPE or PRINT command specifying the HEX option. Section 4. The CMS File System 49 Note that if a TEXT file contains control ~hanges for the terminal, the edit lines may not be displayed in their true form. Therefore, it is suggested you do not use the editor for TEXT files, because the results are unpredictable~ Instead, use the TYPE and/or PRINT commands with the HEX option to display TEXT decks. Put TEXT decks into a TXTLIB and ZAP the TXTLIB to modify the TEXT deck. FILETYPES FOR TEMPORARY FILES The filetypes of files created by the assembler and language processors for use as temporary workfiles are: SISUT1 SYSUT2 SISUT3 SYSUT4 SYS001 SYS002 SIS003 SYS004 5YS005 SYS006 CMS handles all SYSUTX and SYSOOx files as temporary files. The CMS AMSERV command, executing VSAM utility functions, work files that have filetypes of LDTFDl1 and LDTFDI2. uses two Disk space is allocated for temporary files on an as-needed basis. They are erased when processing is complete. If a program you are executing is terminated before completion, these workfiles may remain on your disk. you can erase them. The CMSUT1 filetype is used by CMS commands that create files on your CMS disks. The CMSUT1 file is used as a workfile and is erased when the file is created. When a command fails to complete execution properly, the CMSUT1 file may not be erased. The commands, and the filenames they assign to files they create, are listed below. ~2~~gBg COPYFILE DISK LOAD EDIT INCLUDE LOAD MACLIB READCARD TAPE LOAD UPDATE ~il~n!~~ COPYFILE DISK EDIT DMSLDR DMSLDR DMSLBM READCARD TAPE fn (the filename of the UPDATE file) FILETIPES FOR DOCUMENTATION There are two CMS reserved filetypes that accept uppercase and lowercase input data. These are MEMO and SCRIPT. Iou can use MEMO files to document program notes or to write reports. The SCRIPT filetype is used by the SCRIPT command, which invokes a text processor that is an IBM Installed User Program (IUP). ( 50 IBM VM/310 eMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5148-118 Filemode Letters and Numbers The filemode field of a CMS file identifier has two characters: the filemode letter and the filemode number. The filemode letter is established by the ACCESS command and specifies the virtual disk on which a file resides: A through Z. The filemode number is a number from o to 5, which you can assign to the file when you create it or rename it; if you do not specify it, the value defaults to 1. How you access your disks and what filemode letters you give them with the ACCESS command depends on how you want to use the files that are on them. For most of the reading and writing you do of files, you use your A-disk, which is also known as your primary disk. This is a read/write disk. You may access other disks in your configuration, or access linked-to disks, in read-only or read/write status, depending on whether you have a read-only or read/write link. When you load CMS (with the IPt command), your virtual disk at address 191 is accessed for you as your A-disk. Your virtual disk at address 190 (the system disk) is accessed as your S-disk; and the disk at 19E is accessed as an extension of your S-disk, with a mode letter of Y. In addition, if you have a disk defined at address 192, it is accessed for you as your D-disk. If the 192 disk has not been formatted, CMS will do it automatically and label the minidisk 'SCRTCH'. If ACCESS is the first command issued after an IPL of the CMS system, only the A-disk is not automatically defined. Another ACCESS command must be issued to define the A-disk. The actual letters you assign to any other disks (and you may reassign the letters A, D, and Y), is arbitrary; but it does determine the CMS search order, which is the order in which CMS searches your disks when it is looking for a file. The order of search (when all disks are being searched) is alphabetical: A through Z. If you have duplicate file identifiers on different disks, you should check your disk search order before issuing commands against that filename to be sure that you will get the file you want. You can find out the current search order for your virtual disks by issuing the command: query search You can also example: access disks as logical extensions of other disks, for access 235 b/a The "/A" indicates that the B-disk is to be a read-only extension of the A-disk, and the A-disk is considered the "parent" of the B-disk. A disk may have many extensions, but only one level of extension is allowed. If you have a disk accessed as an extension of another disk, the extension disk is automatically read-only, and you cannot write on it. You might access a disk as its own extension, therefore, to protect the files on it, so that you do not accidentally write on it. For example: access 235 bib Section 4. The CftS File Systea 51 March 30, 1979 Another use of extensions is to extend the CMS search order. issue a command requesting to read a file, for example: If you type alpha plan CMS searches your A-disk for the file named ALPHA PLAN and if it does not find it, searches any extensions that your A-disk may have. If you have a file named ALPHA PLAN on your B-disk but have not accessed it as an extension of your A-disk, CMS will not find the file, and you will have to reenter the command: type alpha plan b Additionally, if you issue a CMS command that reads and writes a file, and the file to be read is on an extension of a read/write disk, the output file is written to the parent read/write disk. The EDIT command is a 'good example of this type of command. If you have a file named FINAL LIST on a B-disk extension of a read/write A~disk, and if you invoke the editor to modify the file with the command: edit final list after you have made modifications to the file, the changed file written onto your A-disk. The file on the B-disk remains unchanged~ is When you access a disk as a read-only extension, it remains an extension of the parent disk as long as both disks are still accessed. If either disk is released, the relationship of parent disk/extension is terminated. If the parent disk is released, the extension remains accessed and you may still read files on it. If you access anothe~ disk at the mode letter of the original parent disk, the parent/extension relationship remains in effect. If you release a read~only extension and access another disk with the same mode letter, it is not an extension of the original parent disk unless you access it as such. For example, if you enter: access 198 cia release c access 199 c the C-disk at virtual address 199 is not an extension of your A-disk. WBEN TO SPECIFY FILEMODE LETTERS: READING FILES When you request CMS to access a file, you have to identify it so that CMS can locate it for you. The commands that expect files of particular filetypes (reserved filetypes) allow you to enter only the filename of the file when you issue the command. When you execute any of th~se commands or execute a MODULE or EXEC file, CMS searches all of your accessed disks (using the standard search order) to locate the file. The CMS commands that perform this type of search are: AMSERV ASSEMBLE DOSLIB EXEC 52 GLOBAL LOAD LOADMOD MACLIB IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide MODMAP RUN TXTLIB Some CMS commands require you to enter the filename and filetype to identify a file. You may specify the filemode letter; if you do not specify the filemode, CMS searches only your A-disk and its extensions when it looks for the file. If you do specify a filemode letter, the disk you specify and its extensions are searched for the file. The commands you use this way are: EDIT ERASE FILEDEF PRINT PUNCH STATE SYNONYM TAPE DUMP TYPE UPDATE There are two CMS commands that do when looking for files. They are: not search extensions of disks DISK DUMP LISTFILE You must explicitly enter the filemode if you want to use these commands to list or dump files that are on extensions. For some CMS commands, if you specify the file.ode of a file as an asterisk, it indicates that you either do not know or do not care what disk the file is on and you want CMS to locate it for you. For example, if you enter: listfile myfile test ) * the LISTFILE command responds by listing all files on your accessed disks named MYFILE TEST. When you specify an asterisk for the file.ode of the COPYFILE~ ERASE, or RENAME commands, CMS locates all copies of the specified file. For example: rename temp sort * good sort = renames all "files named TEMP SORT to GOOD SORT on all of your accessed read/write disks. An equal sign (=) is valid in output fileids for the RENAME and COPYFILE commands. For some commands, when you specify an asterisk for the filemode of a file, CMS stops searching as soon as it finds the first copy of the file. For example: type m1file assemble * If there are files named MYFILE ASSEMBLE on your A-disk and C-disk, then only the copy on your A-disk is displayed. The commands that perform this type of search are: COMPARE DISK DUMP EDIT FILEDEF PRINT PUNCH RUN SORT STATE SYNONYM TAPE DUMP TYPE For the COMPARE, COPYFILE, RENAME, and SORT commands, you must always specify afilemode letter, even if it is specified as an asterisk. ) Section 4. The CMS File System 53 WHEN TO SPECIFY FILEMODE LETTERS: WRITING FILES When you issue a CMS command that writes a file onto one of your virtual disks, and you specify the output filemode, CMS writes the file onto that disk. The commands that require you to specify the output filemode are: COPYFILE RENAME SORT The commands that allow you to not require it, are: FILEDEF GENMOD READCARD specify the output filemode, but do TAPE LOAD TAPPDS UPDATE When you do not specify the filemode on these commands, output files onto your A-disk. CMS writes the Some CMS commands that create files always write them onto your A-disk. The LOAD and INCLUDE commands write a file named LOAD MAP AS. The LISTFILE command creates a file named CMS EXEC, on your A-disk. The CMS/DOS commands DSERV, ESERV, SSERV, PSERV, and RSERV also write files onto your A-disk. Other commands that output files either: • • do not allow you to specify the filemode, write To the disk from which the input file was read, or To your A-disk, if the file was read from a read-only disk These commands are: AMSERV MACLIB TXTLIB UPDATE The SORT command also functions this filemode as an asterisk (*). way if you specify the output In addition, many of the language processors, when creating work files and permanent files, write onto the first read/write disk in your search order, if they cannot write on the source file's disk or its parent. HOW FILEMODE NUMBERS ARE USED Whenever you specify a file mode letter to reference a file, you can also specify a filemode number. Since a filemode number for most of your files is 1, you do not need to specify it. The filemode numbers 0, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are discussed below. Filemode numbers 6 through 9 are reserved for IBM use. !!le~2g~ 0: private. to your requests of 0 are 54 A filemode number of 0 assigned to a file makes that file No other user may access it unless they have read/write access disk. If someone links to your disk in read-only mode and a list of all the files on your disk, the files with a filemode not listed. IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( March 30, 1979 File.ode 2: Filemode 2 is essentially the same, for the purposes of readIng-and writing files, as filemode 1. Usually a file.ode of 2 is assigned to files that are shared by users who link to a common disk, like the system disk. Since you can access a disk and specify which files on that disk you want to access, files with a file.ode of 2 provide a convenient subset of all files on a disk. For exa~ple, if you issue the command: access 489 e/a ** you can only read files address 489. e2 with a filemode of 2 on the disk at virtual Filemode 3: Files with a filemode of 3 are erased after they are read. If-You-create a file with a filemode of 3 and then request that it be printed, the file is printed, and then erased. You can use this file.ode if you write a program or EXEC procedure that creates files that you do not want to maintain copies of on your virtual disks. You can create the file, print it, and not have to worry about erasing it later. The language processors and some CMS commands create give these work files a filemode of 3. work files and Note: A filemode of 3 should not be used with EXECs. Depending on what commands are issued within it, an EXEC with a filemode of 3 may be erased before it completes execution. !ile~2g~~: Files with a filemode of 4 are in OS simulated data set format. These files are created by OS macros in progr~.s running in CMS. You specify that a file created by a program 1S to have OS simulated data set format by specifying a filemode of 4 when you issue the FILEDEF command for the output file. If you do not specify a filemode of 4, the output file is created in CftS format. You can find more details about OS simulated data sets in "section 8. Developing OS Programs Under CMS." !~te: There are no filemode numbers reserved for DOS or VSAM data sets, since CMS does not simulate these file organizations. Filemode 5: This filemode number is the same, for purposes of reading ana-wrIting, as filemode 1. You can assign a filemode of 5 to files that you want to maintain as logical groups, so that you can manipulate thea in groups. For example, you can reserve the filemode of 5 for all files that you are retaining for a certain period of time; then, when you want to erase them, you could issue the command: erase * * as You can assign filemode numbers when you use the following commands: COPYFILE: You can assign a filemode number when you create a new file wIth-the COPYFILE command. To change only the filemode number of an existing file, you must use the REPLACE option. For exaaple: copyfile test module al changes the fil~m?de = = a2 (replace number of the file TEST MODULE A frOB 1 to 2. ) section 4. The CMS File system 55 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 ~~IT: You can assign a filemode number when you create a file with the CMS editor. To change thefilemode number of an existing file, use the RENAME or COPYFILE commands, or use the FMODE subcommand when you are in the edit environment. f!1!Q!f: When you assign file definitions to disk files for programs or CMS command functions, you can specify a filemode number. ~1~1, §~!~QQ: You can specify a filemode number on the GENMeD command line. To change the filemode number of an existing MODULE file, use the RENA~E or COPYFILE commands. READCARD: You can assign a filemode number ~hen you specify a IdentIfIer on the READCARD command line or on a READ control card. RENAME: Wh~n you specify the fileids on the RENAME command, specIfy the filemode numbers for the input and/or output files. ~QRT: You can specify filemode numbers fileids on the SORT command line. for the file you can input and/or output Managing Your CMS Disks The number of files you can write on a CMS disk depends on both the size of the disk and the size of the files that it contains. You can find out how much space is being used on a disk by using the QUERY DISK command. For example, to see how much space is on your A-disk, you would enter: query disk a The response maybe something like this: LABEL ~YDISK M 191 A CUll STAT eYL TYPE BLKSIZE R/W 5 3330 1024 FILES 171 ELKS USED-(%) ELKS LEFT 1221-92 107 ELK TOTAL 1328 When a disk is becoming full, you should erase whatever files you no longer need. Or dump to tape files that you need to keep but do not need to keep active on disk. When you are executing a command or program that writes a file to disk, and the disk becomes full in the process, you receive an error message, and you have to try to clear some space on the disk before you can attempt to execute the command or program again. To avoid the delays that such situations cause, you should try to maintain an awareness of the usage of your disks. If you cannot erase any more files from your disks, you should contact installation support personnel about obtaining additional read/write CMS disk space. CMS File Directories Each CMS disk has a master file directory that contains entries for each of the CMS files on the disk. When you access a disk, information frem the master file directory is brought into virtual storage and written into a user file directory. The user file directory has an entry for each file that you may access. If you have accessed a disk specifying only particular files, then the user file directory contains entries only for those files. 56 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5148-118 If you have read/write access to a disk, then each time you write the file onto disk the user file directory and master file directory are updated to reflect the current status of the disk. If you have read-only access to a disk, then you cannot update the master file directory or user file directory. If you access a read-only disk while another user is writing files onto it, you may need to periodically reissue the ACCESS command for the disk, to obtain a fresh copy of the master file directory. !Q~: You should another user. never attempt to write on a disk at the saae time as The user file directory remains in virtual storage until you issue the RELEASE command specifying the mode letter or virtual address of the disk. If you detach a virtual disk (with the CP DETACH command) without releasing it, CMS does not know that the disk is no longer part of your virtual machine. When you attempt to read or write a file on the disk CftS assumes that the disk is still active (because the user file directory is still in storage) and encounters an error when it tries to read or write the file. A similar situation occurs if you detach a disk and then add a new disk to your virtual machine using the same virtual address as the disk you detached. For example, if you enter the following sequence of commands: cp link user1 191 195 rr rpass l access 195 d cp detach 195 cp link user2 193 195 rr rpass2 1 1istfi1e * * d the LISTFILE command produces a list of the files on OSER1's 191 disk; if you attempt to read one of these files, you receive an error message. You must issue the ACCESS command to obtain a copy of the master file directory for USER2's 193 disk. The entries in the master file directory are sorted a1phamerica11y by filename and fi1etype, to facilitate the CftS search for particular files. When you are updating disk files, the entries in the user file directory and master file directory tend to become unsorted as files are created, updated, and erased. When you use the RELEASE co ••and to release a read/write disk, the entries are sorted and the master file directory is rewritten. If you or any other user subsequently access the disk, the file search may be aore efficient. CMS Command Search Order When you enter a command line in the CftS environment, CftS has to locate the command to execute. If you have EXEC or MODOLE files on any of your accessed disks, CMS treats them as commands; also, they are known as user-written commands. As soon as the command name is found. command is executed. The search order is: 1. EXEC file on any currently accessed search order (1 through Z.) the search disk. CftS uses stops and the the standard IBote that the password cannot be entered on the command line password suppression facility was specified at sysgen. if the Section 4. The CftS File Systea 51 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23~9024-1 for 5748-XX8 2. Valid abbreviation or truncation for an . EXEC file on any currently accessed disk, according to current SYNONYM file definitions in effect. . 3. A command that has already been loaded The transient area commands are: ACCESS ASSGN COMPARE DISK DLBL FILEDEF GENDIRT GLOBAL 4. HELP LISTFILE MODMAP OPTION PRINT PUNCH QUERY READCARD A nucleus-resident command. CP DEBUG ERASE FETCH into the transient area. RELEASE RENAME SET SVCTRACE SYNONYM TAPE TYPE The nucleus-resident CMS commands are: GENMOD INCLUDE LOAD LOADMOD START STATE STATEW 5. Command module on any currently accessed disk. (All the remaining CMS commands are disk resident and execute in the user area.) 6. Valid abbreviation or truncation area command module. 7. Valid abbreviation or truncation for disk-resident command. for nucleus-resident or transient For example, if you create a command module that has the same name as a CMS nucleus-resident command, your command module cannot be executed, since CMS locates the nucleus-resident command first, and executes it. When a user-written command has the same name as a CMS command module abbreviation, certain error messages may indicate the CMS command name, rather than the program name. Figure 4 shows more details of the command search order. 58 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide KEY IN A COMMAND NAME YES EXECUTE THE FILE AND RETURN CONTROL TO CMS. CMS EXEC SEARCH L YES YES EXPAND THE NAME TOTHE FULL REAL NAME, EXECUTE IT, AND RETURN CONTROL TO CMS. EXECUTE THE FILE AND RETURN CONTROL TO CMS. CMS MODULE SEARCH YES ) YES CP SEARCH b EXPAND THE NAME TO THE FULL REAL NAME, EXECUTE IT, AND RETURN CONTROL TO CMS. EXECUTE THE COMMAND AND RETURN CONTROL TO CMS. ISSUE AN ERROR MESSAGE Figure 4. How CMS Searches for the Command to Execute Section 4. The CMS File system 59 ( 60 IBM V!/370 eMS User's Guide Section 5. The eMS Editor In CMS usage, the term edit is used in a variety of ways, all of which refer, ultimately, to the functions of the CMS editor, which is invoked when you issue the EDIT command. To edit a file means to make changes, additions, or deletions to a CMS file that is on a disk, and to make these changes interactively: you instruct the editor to make a change, the editor does it, and then you request another change. You can edit a file that does not exist; when you the file online, and can modify it as you enter it. do so, you create To file a file means to write a file you are editing back onto a disk, incorporating any changes you made during the editing session. When you issue the FILE subcommand to write a file, you are no longer in the environment of the CMS editor, but are returned to the CMS environment. You can, however, write a file to disk and then continue editing it, by using the SAVE subcommand. An editing session is the period of time during which a file is in your virtual storage area, from the moment you issue the EDIT command and the editor responds EDIT: until you issue the FILE or QUIT subcommands to return to the CMS command environment. ) The EDIT Command When you issue the EDIT command you must specify filetype of the file you want to edit. If you issue: the filename and edit test file CMS searches your A-disk and its extensions for a file with the identification TEST FILE. If the file is not found, CMS assumes that you want to create the file and issues the message: NEW FILE: EDIT: to inform you that the file does not already exist. If the file exists on a disk other than your A-disk and its extensions, or if you want to create a file to write on a read/write disk other than your A-disk, you must specify the filemode of the file: edit test file b In this example, your B-disk file TEST FILE. and its extensions are searched for the After you issue the EDIT command, you are in edit mode, or the environment of the CMS editor. If you have specified the filename and filetype of a file that already exists, you can now use EDIT subcommands to make changes or corrections to lines in that file. If you want to Section 5. The CMS Editor 61 add records to the file, as you would issue the EDIT subcommand: if you are creating a new file, input to enter input mode. Every line that you enter is considered a data line to be written into the disk file. For most filetipes, the editor translates all of your input data to uppercase characte~s, regardless of how you enter it. For example, if you create a file and enter input mode as follows: . edit myfile test NEW FILE: EDIT: input INPUT: This is a file I am learning to create with the CMS editor~ the lines are written into the file as: THIS IS A FILE I AM LEARNING TO CREATE WITH THE CMS EDITOR. You can use the VM/370 logical lines as you enter them. line editing symbols to modify data To return to edit mode to modify a £ile or to terminate the edit session, you must press the Return key on a null line. If you have just entered a data line, for example, and your terminal's typing element or cursor is positioned at the last character you entered, you must press the Return key once to enter the data line, and a second time to enter a null line. You may also for example: use the logical line end symbol to enter a null line; last line of input. # Both of these lines cause you to return to edit mode from input mode. If you do not enter a null line, but enter an EDIT subcommand or CftS command, the command line is written into your file as input. The only exception to this is a line that begins with the characters tcP. These characters indicate that the command is to be passed immediately to CP for processing. WRITING A FILE ONTO DISK A file you create and the modifications that you make to it during an edit session are not automatically written to a disk file. To save the results, you can do the following: • Periodically issue the subcommand: save to write onto disk the contents of the file as it exists when you issue the subcommand. Periodically issuing this EDIT subcommand protects your data against a system failure; you can be sure that changes you make are not lost. 62 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( • At the beginning of the edit with a number: session, issue the AUTOSAVE subcommand, autosave 10 Then, for every tenth change or addition to the file, the editor issues an automatic save request, which writes the file onto disk. • At the end of the edit session, issue the subcommand: file This subcommand terminates the edit session, writes the file onto disk, replacing a previous file by that name (if one existed), and returns you to the CMS environment. You can return to the edit environment by issuing the EDIT command, specifying a different file or the same file. The editor decides which disk to write the file onto according to the following hierarchy: \ ) • If you specify a filemode on the FILE or SAVE subcommand file is written onto the specified disk. • If the current filemode of the file is the mode of a read/write disk, the file is written onto that disk. (If you have not specified a filemode letter, it defaults to your A-disk.) • If the filemode is the mode of a read-only extension of a read/write disk, the file is written onto the read/write parent disk. • If the filemode is the mode of a read-only disk that is not an extension of a read/write disk, the editor cannot write the file and issues an error message. See "Changing File Identifiers" for information on how the editor what disk to use when writing a file. line, the you can tell If you are editing a file and decide, after making several changes, that you do not wish to save the changes, you can use the subcommand: quit No changes that you made since you last used the SAVE subcommand (or the editor last issued an automatic save for you) are retained. If you have just begun an edit session, and have made no changes at all to a file, and for some reason you do not want to edit it at all (for example, you misspelled the name, or want to change a CMS setting before editing the file), you can use the QUIT subcommand instead of the FILE subcommand to terminate the edit session and return to CMS. A file must have at least one line of data in order to be written. EDIT SUBCOMMANDS While you are in the edit environment, you can issue any EDIT subcommand or macro. An edit macro is an EXEC file that contains a sequence of EDIT subcommands that execute as a unit. You can create your own EDIT subcommands with the CMS EXEC facility. EDIT subcommands provide a varietyaf functions. You can: . ) • position the current line pointer at a particular line, or record, in a file. Section 5. The CMS Editor 63 • Control which columns editing session. of a file are displayed or • Modify data lines. • Describe the characteristics will have. • Automatically records. • Edit files by line number. • Control the editing session. write and that a file and update sequence searched during an its individual records numbers for fixed-length Like CMS commands, EDIT subcommands have a subcommand name and some have operands. In most cases, a subcommand name (or its truncation) can be separated from its operands by one or more blanks, or no blanks. Por example, the subcommand lines: type 5 ty 5 tS are equivalent. Several subcommands also use delimiters, which enclose a character string that you want the editor to operate on. For example, the CHANGE subcommand can be entered: change/apple/pearl The dia10nal (/) delimits the character strings APPLE and PEAR. Por the subcommands CHANGE, LOCATE, and DSTRING, the first nonblank character following the subcommand name (or its truncation) is considered the delimiter. No blank is required following the subcommand name. In the subcommand: locate $vm/$ the dollar sign ($) is the delimiter. You cannot use a / in this case, since the diagonal is part of the character string you want to locate. When you enter for example: these subcommands, you may omit the final delimiter; dstring/csect You must enter the final delimiter, however, when you change with the CHANGE subcommand. specify a global Por the FIND and OVERLAY subcommands, additional blanks following the subcommand names are interpreted as arguments. The subcommand: find Pudding requests the editor to locate the line that has" Pudding" in columns 1 through 9. Initial blanks are considered part of the character string. 64 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( - Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-X18 An asterisk, when used with an EDIT subcommand, may mean "to the end of the file" or "to the record length." For example: delete* deletes all of the lines in a file, beginning with the current line. verify * indicates that the editor should display the entire length of records. When you make an error entering the message: ?EDIT: an EDIT subcommand, the editor displays line ••• where line ••• is the understand. line, as you entered it, that the editor does not The Current Line Pointer When you begin an editing session, a file is copied into virtual storage; in the case of a new file, virtual storage is acquired for the file you are creating. In either case, you can picture the file as a series of records, or· lines; these lines are available to you, one at a time, for you to modify or delete. You can also insert new lines or records following any line that is already in the file. The line that you are currently editing is pointed to by the current line pointer. On a display terminal, this line is highlighted. What you do during an editing session is: • position the edit. current line pointer to access the line you • Edit the line: change character strings new records following it. • position the line pointer at the next line you want to edit. in it, delete it want to or insert When you are editing a file and you issue an EDIT subcommand that either changes the position of the line pointer or that changes a line, the current line or the changed line (or lines) is displayed. You can also display the current line by using the TYPE subcommand: type If you want to examine more than one line in your file, you can use the TYPE subcommand with a numeric parameter. If you enter: type 10 the current line and the nine lines that follow it are displayed; the line pointer then stays positioned at the last line that was displayed. You can move the line pointer up or down in your file. "Up" indicates a location toward the beginning. of the file (the first record) ;."down" Section 5. The CMS Editor 65 ftarch 30, 1979 indicates a location toward the end of the file (the last record). You use the EDIT subcomaands UP and DOWN to move the line pointer up or down one or more lines. For example: up 5 moves the current line pointer beginning of the file, and: to a line five lines closer to the down moves the pointer to point at the next sequential record in the file. You can also request that the line beginning, or top of the file, or at the When you issue the subcommand: pointer be placed at the end, or bottom of the file. top you receive the message: TOF: and the line pointer is positioned at a null line that is always at the top of the file. This null line exists only during your editing session; it is not filed on disk when you end the editing session. When you issue the subcommand: bottom the current line pointer is positioned at the last record in the file. If you now enter input mode, all lines that you enter are appended to the end of the file. If the current line pointer is at the bottom of issue the DOWN subcommand, you receive the message: the file and you EOF: and the current- line pointer is positioned at the end of file, following the last record. When you are adding records to your file, the current line pointer is always pOinting at the line you last entered. When you delete a line from a file, the line pointer moves down to point to the next line down in the file. Going from edit mode to input mode does not change the current line pointer. If you are creating a new file and, every 30 lines or so, you move the current line pointer to make corrections to the lines th~t you have entered, you must issue the BOTTOft subcommand to begin entering more lines at the end of the file. The current line pointer is also moved as the result of the· LOCATE and FIND subcommands. You use the FIND subcommand to get to a line when you know the characters at the beginning of the line. For example, if you want to change the line: BAXTER J.F. 065941 ACCNTNT you could first locate it by using the subcommand: find baxter 66 IBft Vft/370 CftS User's Guide If you do not know the LOCATE subcommand: first characters on a line, you can issue the locate laccntntl Both of these subcommands work only in a top-to-bottom direction: you cannot use them to position the line pointer above the current line. If you use the FIND or LOCATE subcommands and the target (the character string you seek) is not found, the editor displays a message, and positions the line pointer at the end of the file. Subsequently, if you reissue the subcommand, the editor starts searching at the top of the file. In a situation like that above, or in a case where you are repetitively entering the same LOCATE or FIND subcommand (if, for example, there are many occurrences of the same character string, but you seek a particular occurrence) you can use the = (REUSE) subcommand. To use the example above, you are looking for a line that contains the string ONCE UPON A TIME, but you do not know that it is above the current line. When you issue the subcommand: locate lonce upon a time/ the editor does not locate the line, and responds: NOT FOUND EOF: If you enter: = ) the editor searches again for the same string, beginning this the top of the file, and locates the line: time at "ONCE UPON A TIME" IS A COMMON This may enter: still not be the line you are looking for. You can, again, = The LOCATE subcommand is executed again. locate the line: This time, the editor might A STORY THAT STARTED ONCE UPON A TIME Figure 5 illustrates a simple CMS file, and indicates how the current line pointer would be positioned following a sequence of EDIT subcommands. 11NE=!Q~~~~ ~~lI1NG: Some fixed-length files are suitable for editing by referencing line numbers instead of character strings. The EDIT subcommands that allow you to change the line pointer position by line number are discussed under "Line-Number Editing." Section 5. The CMS Editor 61 EDIT PPRINT EXEC CLP ---) o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 TOF: (null line) &CONTROL OFF &P = &IF .&1 EQ • &EXIT 100 &FN = &1 &IF &1 EQ ? &GOTO -TELL &NFB = &CONCAT $ &1 &IF .&2 EQ • &EXIT 200 &FT = &2 &FM = &3 &IF .&3 NE • &SKIP 2 &FM = A &SKIP 3 &IF &3 NE ( &SKIP 2 &FM = A &P = ( &CONTROL ALL COpy &FN &FT &FM &NFN &FT A ( UNPACK PRINT &HFN &FT A &P &4 &5 &6 &7 &8 &9 &10 &11 &12 &13 &14 ERASE &NFN &FT A &EXIT -TELL &TIPE THIS EXEC PRINTS A LISTING FROM PACKED FORMAT EOF: The line numbers represented are symbolic: they are not an actual part of the file, but are used below to indicate at which line the current line pointer is positioned after execution of the EDIT subcommand indicated. Subcommand DOWN 5 UP LOCATE JUNP/ TYPE 3 BOTTOM DOWN FIND TOP CHANGE /EQ/EQ/ 6 DELETE 2 INPUT * CLP position ---) 0 ---) 5 ---) 4 ---) 17 ---) 19 ---) 21 ---) EOF: ---) 21 ---) 0 ---) 5 ---) 7 (lines numbered 5 and 6 are deleted) ---) the line just entered (between 7 and 8) Figure 5. Positioning the Current Line Pointer Verification and Search Columns There are two EDIT subcommands you can use to control what you and the editor "see" in a file. The VERIFY subcommand controls what you see displayed; the ZONE subcommand controls what columns the editor searches. Normally, when you edit a file, every request that you make of the editor results in the display of one or more lines at your terminal. If you do not want to see the lines, you can specify: verify off 68 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( Alternatively, if you want to see only particular columns in a file, you can specify the columns you wish to have displayed: verify 1 30 Some filetypes have default values set for verification, which usually include those columns in the file that contain text or data, and exclude columns that contain sequence numbers. If a verification column is less than the record length, you can specify: verify * to indicate that you want to see all columns displayed. In conjunction with the VERIFY subcommand, you can use the ZONE subcommand to tell the editor within which columns it can search or modify data. When you issue the subcommand: zone 20 30 The editor ignores all text in columns 1-19 and 31 to the end of the record when it searches lines for LOCATE, CHANGE, ALTER, and FIND subcommands. You cannot unintentionally modify data outside of these fields; you must change the zones in order to operate on any other data. The zone setting also controls the truncation column for records when you are using the CHANGE subcommand; for more details, see "Setting Truncation Limits." Changing, Deleting, and Adding Lines ) You can change character strings in individual lines of data with the CHANGE subcommand. A character string may be any length, or it may be a null string. Any of the characters on your terminal keyboard, including blanks, are valid characters. The following example shows a simple data line and the cumulative effect of CHANGE subcommands. ABC ABC ABC is the initial data line. CHANGE IABC/XYZI changes the first string "XYZ". occurrence of the character string "ABC" to the XYZ ABC ABC CHANGE IABCI/ deletes the character string "ABC" on each side of it. XYZ and concatenates the characters ABC CHANGE IIABC/ inserts the string "ABC" at the beginning of the line. ABCXYZ ) ABC CHANGE /XYZ /XYZ/ deletes one blank character following "XYZ". ABCXYZ ABC Section 5. The CMS Editor 69 CHANGE /C/C / adds a blank following the first occurrence of the character "Cu. ABC XYZ ABC is the final line. THE ALTER SUBCOMMAND: You can use the ALTER subcommand to change a siiigle--character;--the ALTER subcommand allows you to specify a hexadecimal value so that you can include characters in your files for which there are no keyboard equivalents. Once in your file, these characters appear during editing as nonprintable blanks. For example, if you input the line: IF A = BTHEN in edit mode and then issue the subcommand: alter = 8e the line is displayed: IF A B THEN If you subsequently print the file containing this line on equipped to handle special characters, the line appears as: IF A ~ a printer B THEN since X'8C' is the hexadecimal value of the special character Either or both of the operands on the ALTER hexadecimal or character values. To change the character, for example <, you could issue either: ~. subcommand can be X'8C' to another alter 8c ae -- or alter 8c < !~~ Q!~~1!! ~Q~~OM~!!~: The OVERLAY subcommand allows you to replace characters in a line by spacing the terminal's typing element or cursor to a particular character position to make character-for-character replacements, or overlays. For example, given the line: ABCDEF the subcommand: overlay xyz results in the line: XYZDEF A blank entered on an OVERLAY line indicates that the corresponding character is not to be changed; to replace a character with a blank, use an underscore character (_). Given the above line, XYZDEF, the subcommand: overlay 3 results in: DE3 (The "D" is preceded by blanks in columns 1, 2, and 3.) 70 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( You can make global or repetitive changes with the CHANGE and ALTER subcommands. On these subcommand lines, you can include operands that indicate: • The number of lines to be searched for a character or character string. An asterisk (*) indicates that all lines, from the current line to the end of the file, are to be searched. • Whether only the first occurrence or all occurrences on each line are to be modified. An asterisk (*) indicates all occurrences. If you do not specify an asterisk, only the first occurrence on any line is changed. For example, if you are creating a file that uses the (.) special character (X'lF') and you do not want to use the ALTER subcommand each time you need to enter the., you could use the character ~ as a substitute each time you need to enter a e. When you are finished entering input, move the current line pointer to the top of the file, and issue the global ALTER subcommand: toplalter ~ af ** All occurrences of the character ~ are changed to X'AF'. line pointer is positioned at the end of the file. The current When you use a global CHANGE subcommand, you must be sure to use the final delimiter On the subcommand line. For examFle: change /hannible/hannibal/ 5 ) This subcommand changes the first occurrence of the string "HANNIBLE" on the current line and the four lines immediately following it. You can also make global changes with the OVERLAY subcommand, by issuing a REPEAT subcommand just prior to the OVERLAY subcommand. Use the REPEAT subcommand to indicate how many lines you want to be affected. For example, if you are editing a file containing the three lines: A B C with the current line pointer at line "A", issuing the subcommands: repeat 3 overlay results in: A B C The current line pointer is now the character "Cu. positioned at the line beginning with ) Section 5. The CMS Editor 71 ~ You delete lines from a file with the DELETE subcommand; to delete more than one line, specify the number of lines: delete 6 or, if you want to delete all the lines from the current line to the end of the file, use an asterisk (*): * delete If you want to delete an undetermined number of lines, up to particular character string, you can use the DSTRING subcommand: a dstring /weather/ When this subcommand is entered, all the lines from and including the current line down to and including the line just above the line containing the character string "WEATHER" are deleted. The current line pointer is positioned at the line that has "WEATHER" on it. If you want to replace a line REPLACE subcommand: replace with another line, you can use the ******* The current line is deleted and the line "*******" is inserted place. The current line pointer is not moved. To replace an existing line with many REPLACE subcommand with no new data line: new lines, you can in its issue the replace The editor deletes the current line and enters input mode. You can insert a single line of data between existing lines using the INPUT subcommand followed by the line of data you want inserted. For example: input * this subroutine is for testing only inserts a single line following the current line. If you want to insert many lines, you can issue the INPUT subcommand to enter input mode. You can also add new lines to a file by using the GETFILE subcommand. This allows you to copy lines from other files to include in the file you are editing or creating. For example: getfile single items c inserts all the lines in the file SINGLE ITEMS C immediately following the current line pointer. The line pointer is positioned at the last line that was read in. 72 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( You could also specify: getfile double items c 10 25 to copy 25 ITEMS C. lines, beginning with the tenth line, from the file DOUBLE The $MOVE and $DUP EDIT macros provide two additional ways of adding lines into a file in a particular position. The $MOVE macro moves lines from one place in a file to another, and deletes them from their former position. For example, if you want to move 10 lines, beginning with the current line, to follow a line 9 lines above the current line, you can enter: $move 10 ~p 8 The $OUP macro duplicates the current line a specified number of times, and inserts the new lines immediately following the current line. For example: $dup 3 creates 3 copies of the current line, and pointer positioned at the last copy. leaves the current line Describing Data File Characteristics When you issue the EDIT command to create a new file, the editor checks the filetype. If it is one of the reserved filetypes, the editor may assign particular attributes to it, which can simplify the editing process for you. The default attributes assigned to most filetypes are as follows: • Fixed-length, 80-character records • All alphabetic characters are translated how they are entered • Input lines are truncated in column 80 • Tab settings are in columns 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, ••• 51, 61, and so on, and the tab characters are expanded to blanks • Records are not serialized to uppercase, regardless of The filetypes for some CMS commands and for the language processors deviate from these default values. Some of the attributes assigned to files and how you can adjust them to suit your needs are discussed below. RECORD LENGTH You can specify the logical record length the EDIT command line: ) of a file you are creating on edit new file (lrecl 130 Section 5. The CMS Editor 13 If you do not specify following defaults: • • a record length, the editor assumes the For editing old files, the existing record length is used. For creating new files, the following default values are in effect: l!l~~YE~ EXEC FREEFORT LISTING SCRIPT VSBDATA All others R~£Q£g 1~ng~h SO Sl 121 132 132 SO characters characters characters characters characters Format VarIable Variable Variable Variable Variable Fixed If you edit a variable-length file and the existing record length is less than the default for the filetype, the record length is taken from the default value. When you use the LRECL option of the EDIT command you can override these default record lengths; you can also change the record lengths of existing files to make them larger, but not smaller. If you try to override the record length of an existing file and make it smaller, the editor displays an error message, and you must issue the EDIT command again with a larger record length. For example, suppose you have on your B-disk a file named MYFILE FREEFORT, which was created with the default record length of Sl. If you try to edit that file by issuing: edit myfile freefort b (lrecl 72 the editor displays the message: GIVE A LARGER RECORD LENGTH. You must then issue the EDIT command again and either of 81 or more, or allow it to default to the current the file. specify a length record length of You can use the COPYFILE command to increase or decrease the record length of a file before you edit it. For example, if you have fixed-length, 132-character records in a file, and you want to truncate all the records at column 80 and create a file with SO-character records, you could issue the command: copyfile extra funds a (lrecl 80 The largest record you can edit with the editor is 160 characters. A file with record length up to 160 bytes (for example, a listing file created by a DOS program) can be displayed and edited. The largest record you can create with the CMS editor, however, is 130 characters using a 3270 display terminal and 134 characters using a typewriter terminal such as. a 2741 or 1050. If you enter more than 130 characters on a 3270, the record is truncated to 130 characters when you press the Enter key. Note that as the line is truncated to 130 characters, the CMS editor will not know the actual line length entered, and will not issue the "TRUNCATED" messgae. If you type more than 134 characters on a line using a typewriter terminal,' CP generates an attention interruption to your virtual machine and the input line is lost when you press the Return key. 74 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( For most purposes, you will not need to create records longer than 130 characters. If it is necessary, however, you can expand a record that you have entered. You do this by issuing the CHANGE subcommand with operands, to add more characters to the record (for example, by changing a 1-character string to a 31-character string). You cannot create a record that the file. For example, if the file length of 80, or if you specified the editor truncates all records to is longer than the record length of you are editing has a default record LRECL 80 when you created the file~ 80 characters. There is a relationship between the record length of a file and the maximum number of records it can contain. Figure 6 shows the approximate number of records, rounded to the nearest hundred, that the editor can handle in a virtual machine with different amounts of virtual storage. ----, Virtual Machine Size Record Length ) 320K 512K 768K 11024K 80 Characters 1700 3800 6800 9800 120 Characters 1100 2600 4700 6800 132 Characters 1100 2400 4300 6200 160 Characters 900 2000 3600 5100 I I I I I I I I I I I ----J Figure 6. Number of Records Handled by the Editor RECORD FORMAT with the CMS editor, you can create either fixed- or variable-length files. Except for the filetypes EXEC, LISTING, FREEFORT, SCRIPT, and VSBDATA, all the files you create have fixed-length records, by default. You can change the format of a file at any time during an editing session by using the RECFM subcommand: recfm v This changes the record format to variable-length. This does not change the record length; in order to add new records with a greater length, you must write the file onto disk and then reissue the EDIT command using the LRECL option. The COPYFILE command also has an RECFM option, so that you can change the record format of a file without editing it. The command: copyfile * requests a1 (recfm v trunc ) changes the record formats of all the files with a filetype of REQUESTS on your A-disk to variable-length. The TRUNe option specifies that you want trailing blanks removed from each of the records. When you are editing a file with variable-length records, trailing blanks are truncated when you write the file onto disk with the FILE or SAVE subcommand. (In VSBDATA files, however, blanks are not truncated.) Section 5. The CMS Editor 75 USING SPECIAL CHARACTERS The IMAGE and CASE subcoamands control how data, once entered on an input line, is going to be represented in a file. The specific characters affected, and the subcommands that control their rep~esentation, are: • • • Alphabetic characters: CASE subcommand Tab characters (X'05'): IMAGE subcommand (ON and OFF operands) Backspaces (X'16'): IMAGE subcommand (CANON operand) If you are using a terminal that has only uppercase characters, you do not need to use the CASE sUbcommand; all of the alphabetic characters you enter are uppercase. On terminals equipped with both uppercase and lowercase letters, all lowercase alphabetic characters are converted to uppercase in your file, regardless of how you enter them. If you are creating a file and you want it to contain both uppercase and lowercase letters you can use the subcommand: case m The "M" stands for "mixed." This attribute is not stored with the file on disk. If you create a new file, and you issue the CASE M subcommand, all the lowercase characters you enter remain in lowercase. If you subsequently file the file and later edit it again, you must issue the CASE M subcommand again to locate or enter lowercase data. There are two reserved filetypes for which uppercase and lowercase is the default. These are SCRIPT and MEMO, both of which are text or document-oriented filetypes. For most programming applications, you do not need to use lowercase letters. Logical tab settings indicate the column positions where fields within a record begin. These logical tab settings do not necessarily correspond to the physical tab settings on a typewriter terminal. What happens when you press the Tab key on a typewriter terminal depends on whether the image setting is on or off. The default for all filetypes except SCRIPT is IMAGE ON. you can change the default by issuing the subcommand: image off If the image setting is on, when you press the Tab key the editor replaces the tab characters with blanks, starting at the co·lumn where you pressed the Tab key, and ending at the last column before the next logical tab setting. The next character entered after the tab becomes the first character of the next field. For example, if you enter: tabset 1 15 and then enter a line that begins with a tab character, the first data character following the tab is written into the file in column 15, regardless of the tah stop o~ your terminal. 76 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( If the image setting is off, the tab character, X'05', is inserted in the record, just as any other data character is inserted. No blanks are inserted. If you want to insert a tab character (X'05') into image setting is on, you can do one of the following: a record and the 1. Set IMAGE OFF before you enter or edit the record, and then use the Tab key as a character key. 2. Enter some other character at the appropriate place in the record, and then use the ALTER subcommand to alter that character to a X'05'. ~~TT!!§ !!~~: When you create a file, effect, so that you do not need to set language processors correspond to the If you want to change them, or if nonreserved filetype, you may want to subcommand, for example: . there are logical tab settings in them. The default values for the columns used by those processors. you are creating a file with a set thea yourself. Use the TABSET tabset 1 12 20 28 72 Then, regardless of what physical tab stops are in effect for your terminal, when you press the Tab key with image setting ON, the data you enter is spaced to the appropriate columns. The default tab settings used by the editor follow. ) !.!le!y~~ ~~!g~!t_!~Q_~~!!!Bg§ AMSERV 2, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 61, 71, 80 FORTRAN 1, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 80 FREEFORT 9, 15, 18, 23, 28, 33, 38, 81 BASIC, VSBASIC 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 80 PLIOPT, PLI 2, 4, 7, 10, 79, 80 COBOL 1, 8, 12, 20, 28, 36, 44, 68, 72, 80 All Others 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 91, 101, 111, 121, 131 ASSEMBLE, MACRO, 1, 10, 16, 31, 36, 41, 46, 69, 72, 80, UPDATE, UPDTxxxx, ASM3705 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 31, 37, 43, 49, 55, 36, 41, 46, 51, 61, 71, 81, !gl~: When you are specifying tab settings for files, the first ~ab setting you specify should be the column in which you want your data to begin. The editor will not allow you to place data in a column preceding this one. For example, if you issue: tabset 5 10 15 20 and then enter an input line: input This is a line Columns 1, 2, 3, and 4 contain blanks; text begins in· column 5. ) Section 5. The CMS Editor 77 For most of your applications, you do not need to underscore or overstrike characters or character strings. If you are using a typewriter terminal and are typing files that use backspaces and underscores, you should use either the IMAGE OFF or IMAGE CANON subcommands so that the editor handles the backspaces properly. IMAGE CANON is the default value for SCRIPT files. CANON means that regardless of how the characters are keyed in (characters, backspaces, underscores), the editor orders, or canonizes, the characters in the file as: character-backspace-underscore, character-backspace-underscore, and so on. If, for example, you want an input line to look like: You could enter it as: ABC, 3 backspaces, 3 underscores - or 3 underscores, 3 backspaces, ABC A typewriter types out the line in the following order: A backspace, underscore B backspace, underscore C backspace, underscore, which results in: !~£ If you need to modify a line that has backspaces, and you do not want to rekey all of the characters, backspaces, and overstrike characters in a CHANGE or REPLACE subcommand, you can use the ALTER subcommand to alter all of the backspaces to some other character and use a global CHANGE command. For example, the following sequences shows how to delete all of the backspace characters on a line: AAAAA alter 16 + 1 * +A_+A_+A_+A_+A change /_+// 1 * AAAAA This technique may also be useful on a display terminal. SETTING TRUNCATION LIMITS Every CMS file that you edit has a truncation column setting: this column represents the last character position in a record into which you can ~nter data. When you try to input a record that is longer than the truncation column, the record is truncated, and the editor sends you a message telling you that it has been truncated. You Gan change the truncation column setting with the TRUNC subcommand. For example, if you are creating a file with a record length of 80 and wish to insert some records that do not extend beyond column 20, you could issue the subcommand: trunc 20 78 IBM VM/310 CMS User's Guide ( Then, when you enter data lines, any line that is longer than 20 characters is truncated and the editor sends you a message. If you are entering data in input mode, your virtual machine remains in input mode. When you use the CHANGE subcommand to modify records, the column at which truncation occurs is determined by the current zone setting. If you change a character string in a line to a longer string, and the resultant line extends beyond the current end zone, you receive the message: TRUNCATED. If you need to create a line longer than the current end zone setting, use the ZONE subcommand to increase the setting. The subcommand: zone 1 * extends the zone to the record length of the file. If the end zone already equals the record length, you have to write the file onto disk and reissue the EDIT subcommand specifying a longer record length. For most filetypes, the truncation and end'zone columns are the same as the record length. For some filetypes, however, data is truncated short of the record length. The default truncation and end zone columns are: !il~lI.E~ Column ASSEMBLE, MACRO UPDATE, UPDTxxxx AMSERV, COBOL, DIRECT, FORTRAN PLI, PLIOPT --~r1-- 72 All other filetypes are truncated at their record length. You can, when creating files for your own uses, set truncation columns so that data does not extend beyond particular columns. ENTERING A CONTINUATION CHARACTER IN COLUMN 72 When you are using the editor to enter source records for an assembler language program and you need to enter a continuation character in column 72, or whenever you want to enter data outside a particular truncation setting, you can use the following technique. Note that this technique will not work if CANON is specified on the IMAGE subcommand. 1. Change the truncation setting to 72, truncate the continuation character: so that the editor does not trunc 72 2. Use the TABSET subcommand to set the left margin at column 72: ta-b-s-et 72 3. Use the OVERLlY subcommand to overlay an asterisk in column 72: overlay ) * Since the left margin is set at 72, the OVERLlY subcommand line results in the character * being placed in column 72. Section 5. The CMS Editor' 79 4. Restore the editor truncation and tab settings: trunc 71 tabset 1 10 16 31 36 41 51 61 71 81 Note: If you issue the PRESERVE subcommand before you change the truncation and tab settings, then after you enter the OVERLAY subcommand, you can restore them with the RESTORE subcommand. See "Preserving and Restoring Editor Settings." Use the $MARK Ig!~ ~g£E~: Another way to insert a continuation character Is-t6-use-the $MARK edit macro. You can find out if the $MARK edit macro is available on your system by entering, in the CMS or CMS subset environment: listfile $mark exec * If it is not available on your system, you can create the $MARK edit macro for your own use. See "Section 17. Writing Edit Macros" in "Part 3. Learriing to Use EXEC." If you have the $MARK macro, then when you need to enter a continuation character, you can enter a null line to get into edit mode, issue the command: $mark and then return to input mode to continue entering text. SERIALIZING RECORDS Some CMS files that you create are automatically serialized for you. This means that columns 73 to 80 of each record contain an identifier in the form: cccxxxxx where ccc are the first three characters of the filename and xxxxx is a sequence number. Sequence numbers begin at 00010 and are incremented by 10. The filetypes that are: ASSEMBLE DIRECT MACRO are automatically serialized in columns FORTRAN COBOL PLI 73 to 80 PLIOPT UPDATE UPDTxxxx You can serialize any file that has records by using the SERIAL subcom~and: fixed-length, 80-character serial on The SERIAL subccmmand can also be used to: • Assign a particular three-character identifier: serial abc ( 80 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide • Specify that all eight bytes of the sequence field be used to contain numbers: serial all • Specify a sequence increment other than 10: serial on 100 -- or -serial ccc 100 • Indicate that no being inserted: sequence numbers are to be assigned to new records serial off When you create a file or edit a file with sequence numbers, the sequence numbers are not written or updated until you issue a FILE or SAVE subcommand. Because the end verification columns for the filetypes that are automatically serialized are the same as their truncation columns, you do not see the serial numbers unless you specify: verify * -- or -verify 80 Although the serial numbers are not displayed while you they do appear on your output listings or printer files. edit the file, If you are editing files with the following filetypes: BASIC VSBASIC FREEFORT the sequence numbers are on the left. For BASIC and VSBASIC files, columns 1-5 are used; numbers are blank-padded to the left. For FREEFORT files, the sequence numbers use columns l-S, and are zero-padded to the left. To edit these files, you should use line-number editing, which is discussed next. LINE-NUMBER EDITING To edit a file by line numbers means that when you are adding new lines to a file or referencing lines that you wish to change, you refer to them by their line, or sequence numbers, rather than by character strings. You can use right line-number editing only on files with fixed-length, SO-character records. If you want to edit by line numbers, issue the subcommand: linemode right -- or -linemode left ) Section 5. The eMS Editor 81 where "right" indicates that the sequence numbers are on the right, in columns 76-80, and "left" indicates you want sequence numbers on the left in columns 1-5. LINEMODE LEFT is the default for BASIC, VSBASIC, and FREEFORT files. You do not have to specify it. You must· specify LINEMODE for files with other filetypes. If you specify LINEMODE RIGHT to use line-number editing on a typewriter terminal, the line numbers are displayed on the left, as a conve~ience, while you edit the file. When you are using line-number editing in input mode, you are prompted to enter lines; the line numbers are in increments of 10. For example,.when you are creating a new file, you are prompted for the first 11ne number as'follows: 10 On a typewriter terminal, you enter your input line following When you press the carriage return, you are prompted again: the 10. 20 and you continue line. entering lines in this Yo~ can change the prompting increment with the PROMPT subcommand: manner until you enter a null to a larger or smaller number prompt 100 When you are number: in edit mode you can locate a line by giving its line 7'00 This is the nnnnn subcommand. In line-number editing, you use it instead of the INPUT subcommand to insert a single line of t~xt. For example: 905 x = a * b inseris the text line "X = A * B" in the proper sequence in the file. If you use "nnnnn text" specifyin~ the number of a line that already exist~, that line is replaced; the current line pointer is mbved to point to it. The EDIT subcommands that you normally us~ for context editing, such as CHANGE, ALTER, LOCATE, UP, DOWN, and so forth, can also be used when you are line-number editing; their ope~ation does not change. RENUM~IRING LINES When you are using line-number editing, the editor uses the prompting increment set by the PROMPT subcommand. However, when you begin adding lines Of data between existing lines, the editor uses an algorithm to s~lect ~ line number between the current line number and the next line number. If a prompting number cannot be generated becaus~ the current line number and the next line number differ only by one, the editor displays the message: RENUMBER LINES and you must resequence the line numbers continue line-number editing. 82 I·Bli VM/370 CMS User's Guide in the file before you can ( You can resequence the line nu.bers in one of three ways: 1. If you are subcommand: a VSBASIC or FREEFORT user, you may references to use the RERUM renum This subcommand renumbered. 2. all resolves lines that are If you are using right-handed line-number editing, you must: a. Turn off line-number editing: linemode off b. If you want to change the three-character identifier or specify eight-character sequence numbers, issue the SERIAL subcommand, for example: serial all If you want to use the default serialization setting, you do not need to issue the SERIAL subcommand. c. Issue the SAVE subcommand: save d. Reissue the editing: ) LINE MODE subcommand and continue line-number linemode right 3. If you are using left-handed ~ine-number editing for a filetype other than VSBlSIC or FREEFORT, you must manually change individual line numbers using EDIT subcommands. In order to modify the line numbers, you must change the zone setting and the tab setting: * zone 1 tabset 1 6 so that you can place data in columns 1 through 6. When you are using right-handed line-number editing, and a FILE, SAVE, or automatic save request is issued, the editor does not resequence the serial numbers, but displays the message: RESERIALIZATION SUPPRESSED so that the lines numbers that are currently saved on disk match the line numbers in the file. You must cancel line-number editing (using the LINEMODE OFF subcommand) before you can issue a FILE or SAVE subcommand if you want to update the sequence numbers. ) Section 5. The CMS Editor 83 Controlling the Editor There; are a number of EDIT subcommands that you can use to maximize the use of the editor in CMS. A few techniques are suggested here; as you becomecmore familiar with VM/370 and C!S you will develop additional techniques for your own applications. COMMUNICATING WITH CMS AND CP Often during a terminal session, you may need to issue a CMS command or a CP command. You can issue certain CMS commands and most CP commands without terminating the edit session. The EDIT subcommand CMS places your virtual machine in the CMS subset mode of the editor, where you can issue CMS commands that do not modify your virtual storage. Remember that the editor is using your virtual storage; if you overlay it with any other command or program, you will not be able to finish your editing. One occasion when you may want to enter CMS subset is when you want to issue a GET FILE subcommand for a file on one of your virtual disks and you have not accessed the disk. You can enter: cms The editor responds: CMS SUBSET Then you can enter: access 193 b/a return get setup script b The special edit mode. CMS SUBSET command RETURN returns your virtual machine to You can enter CP commands from CMS subset, or you can issue them directly from edit mode or input mode with the ICP function. Fer example, if you are inputting lines into a file and another user sends yeu a me~sage, you can reply without leaving input mode: #cp m oph i will call you later If you enter message: tcp without specifying a command line, you receive the CP which indicates that your virtual machine is in the CP command enviranment, and you can issue CP cammands. You would nat, hawever, want to issue any CP command that would modify your virtual storage er alter the status of the disk on which you ~ant to. write the file. To return to edit or input mode from CP, use the CP cammand, BEGIN. If you are working at a display terminal and the screen image does net reappear, enter the TYPE command to. cause the editor to redisplay the screen:. ' c 84 l'BM VM/370 CMS User's Guide March 30, 1919 CHANGING FILE IDENTIFIERS There are several methods you can use to change a file identifier before writing the file onto disk. You can use the FNAHE and FMODE subcommands to change the filename or filemode, or you can issue a FILE or SAVE subcommand specifying a new file identifier~ For example, if you want to create several cOfies of a file while you are using the editor, you can issue a series of FNAME subcommands, followed by SAVE subcommands, as follows: edit test file EDIT: fn test11save fn test21save fn test3ifile Or, you could issue the SAVE and FILE subcommands as follows: edit test file save test1 save test2 file test3 In both of the preceding examples, when the FILE subcommand is executed, there are files named TEST FILE, TEST1 FILE, TESi2 FILE, and TEST3 FILE. The original TEST FILE is unchanged. To change the filemode letter of a disk, use the FMODE subcommand. You can do this in cases where you have begun editing a file that is on a read-only disk, and want to write it. Since you cannot write a file onto a read-only disk, you can issue the FMODE subcommand to change the mode before filing it: fmode a file Or, you can use the FILE (or SAVE) subcommand specifying a complete file identifier: file test file a You should remember, however, that when you write a file onto disk, it replaces any existing file that has the same identifier. The editor does not issue any warning or informational messages. If you are changing a file identifier while you are editing the file, you must be Section 5. The CMS Editor 85 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 careful that you do not unintentionally overlay verify the existence of a file, you can enter ces STATE or LISTFILE commands. existing files. To subset and issue the CONTROLLING THE EDITOR'S DISPLAYS When you are using a typewriter terminal, you may not always want to see the editor verify the results of each of your subcommands. Particularly when you are making global changes, you may not want to see each line displayed as it is changed. You can issue the VERIFY suhcommand with the OFF operand to instruct the editor not to display anything unless specifically requested. After you issue: verify off lines that are normally displayed as a result of a subcommand that moves the current line pointer (UP, DOWN, TOP, BOTTOM, and so forth), or that changes a line (CHANGE, ALTER, and so forth), are not displayed. If the current line pointer moves to the end of the file, however, the editor always displays the EOF: message. If you are editing with verification off, then you must be particularly careful to stay aware of the position of your current line pointer. You can display the current line at any time using the TYPE subcommand: type ~~Dg g~g ~h~~! ~~!g~ ~~§§ag~§: while you are using the editor, error message: When you enter an invalid subcommand the editor normally responds with the ?EDIT: line ••• displaying the line that it did not recognize. If you prefer, you can issue the SHORT subcommand so that instead of receiving the long form of the error, you receive the short form, which is: When you issue an invalid edit macro a $), you receive the message: request (any line that begins with To resume receiving the long form of subcommand: the error message, use the LONG long LONG and SHORT control the display of the error message regardless of whether you are editing with verification on or off~ On a display terminal, all EDIT messages that are displayed at the top of the screen, including error messages and '?EDIT:' messages, are highlighted. 86 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-IX8 PRESERVING AND RESTORING EDITOR SETTINGS The PRESERVE and RESTORE subcommands are used together; the PRESERVE subcommand saves the settings of the EDIT subcommands that control the file format, message and verification display, and file identifier. If you are editing a file and you want to temporarily change some of these settings, issue the PRESERVE subcommand to save their current status. When you have finished your temForary edit project, issue the RESTORE subcommand to restore the settings. Section 5. The eMS Editor 86.1 March 30, 1979 86.2 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide For example, if you are editing a SCRIPT file and want to change the image setting to create a particular format, you can enter: preserve image on tabset 1 15 40 60 72 zone 1 72 trunc 72 When you have finished entering data using these settings, you can issue the subcommand: restore to restore the default settings for SCRIPT filetypes. x, I, =, ? SUBCOMMANDS The X, I, =, and 1 subcomaands all perform very simple can help you to extend the language of the CMS editor. to manipulate, reuse, or interrogate EDIT subcommands. functions that They allow you If you have an editing project in which you have to execute the same subcommand a number of times, you can assign it to the X or Y subcommands, as follows: x locate /insert here/ y getfile insert file c Each time that you enter the X subcoamand: ) x the command line LOCATE IINSERT HERE/ enter the Y subcommand: is executed, and every time you y the GETFILE subcommand is executed. When you specify a number following an X or I subcommand, the subcommand assigned to X or Y is executed the specified number of times; for example: x locate x 10 laal the LOCATE subcommand line is another EDIT subcommand. = executed 10 times before you can enter Another method of re-executing a particular subcommand is to use the (REUSE) subcommand. For example, if you enter: locate lardl AARDVARK ======= the LOCATE subcommand is re-executed seven times. What the = (REUSE) subcommand actually does is to stack the subcommand in the console stack. Since CMS, and the editor, read from the console stack before reading from the terminal, the lines .in the Section 5. The CMS Editor 81 stack execute before a read request is presented to the terminal. When you enter multiple equal signs, the subcommand is stacked once for each equal sign you enter. You can also stack an additional EDIT subcommand following an equal sign. The subcommand line is also stacked, but it is stacked LIFO (last-in, first-out) so that it executes before the stacked subcommand. For example, if you enter: delete = next a DELETE subcommand is executed, then a DELETE subcommand is stacked, and a NEXT subcommand is stacked in front of it. Then the stacked lines are read in and executed. The above sequence has the same effect as if you enter: delete next delete In addition to stacking the last find out what it was, using the? enter: subcommand executed, you can also subcommand. For example, if you next 10 ? the editor displays: NEXT 10 since the subcommand line NEXT 10 was the last subcommand entered, if you enter an = subcommand, it is executed again. You cannot stack a ? subcommand. !Qte: The ? subcommand, on a display terminal, subcommand into the user input are~, where you re-entering it. copies the may modify last EDIT it before WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU RUN OUT OF SPACE There are two situations that may prevent you from continuing an edit session or from writing a file onto disk. You should be aware of these situations, know how to avoid them, and how to recover from them, should they occur. When you issue the EDIT command to edit a file, the editor copies the file into virtual storage. If it is a large file, or you have made many additions to it, the editor may run ont of storage space. If it does, it issues the message: AVAILABLE STORAGE IS NOW FULL When this happens, you cannot make any changes or additions to the file unless you first delete some lines. If you attempt to add a line, the editor issues the message: NO ROOM If you were entering data in input mode, your virtual machine returned to edit mode, and you may receive the message: 88 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide is ( STACKED LINES CLEARED which indicates that any a~ditional lines will not be processed. you entered are cleared and You should use the FILE subcommand to write the file onto disk. If you want to continue editing, you should see that the editor has more storage space to work with. To do this, you can find out how large your virtual machine is and then inctease its size. To find out the size, issue the CP QUERY command: cp query virtual storage If the response is: STORAGE = 256K You might want to redefine your storage DEFINE, as follows: to 512K. Use the CP command cp define storage 512k This command resets your virtual machine, and you must issue the CP IPL command to reload the CMS system before you can continue editing. If a file is very large, the editor may not have enough allow you to edit it using the EDIT command. The message: space to DMSEDI132S FILE 'fn ft £m' TOO LARGE ) indicates that you must obtain more storage space before you can edit the file. If this is the case, or if you are editing large files, you should" redefine your storage before beginning the terminal session. If this happens consistently, you should see your installation support personnel about having the directory entry for your userid updated so that you have a large storage size to begin with. If the file you are editing is too large, and the data it contains does not have to be in one file, you can split the file into smaller files, so that it is easier to work with. Two of the methods you can use to do this are described below. ~2~ 1h~ ~QR!~!1~ Command: You can use the COpy FILE command to copy portions of a file Into-s~parate files, and then delete the copied lines from the original file. For example, if you have a file named TEST FILE that has 1000 records, and you want to split it into four files, you could enter: copyfile copy file copyfile copy file test test test test file file file file a a a a test1 test2 test3 test4 file file file file a a a a (from (from (from (from 1 for 250 251 for 250 501 for 250 751 for 250 When these COPYFILE commands are complete, you have four files containing the information from the original TEST FILE, which you can erase: erase test file o Q2~ 1h~ Ed!12f: If you use the editor to create smaller files, you can edit them as you copy them, that is, if you have other changes that you Section 5. The CMS Editor 89 want to make to the data. To copy files with the editor, you use the GETFILE subcommand. Using the file TEST FILE as an example, you might enter: edit test1 file get file test file a 1 250 file edit test2 file ~~tfile test file a 251 250 Again, you could erase the original TEST your edit session. FILE when you are through with When you enter a FILE or SAVE subcommand or when an automatic save request is issued, the editor writes a copy of the file you are editing onto disk, and names it EDIT CMSUT1. If this causes the disk to become full, you receive the message: DMSBWR170S DISK 'mode (cuu) , IS FULL The edi'tor erases the workfile, and issues the message: SET NEW FILEMODE, OR ENTER CMS SUBSET AND CLEAR SOME SPACE The original file (as last written onto disk) remains unchanged. You can tis~ the CMS subcommand to enter CMS subset, and erase any files that you do not need. You can use the LISTFILE command to list the files on the disk, then the ERASE command to erase the unwanted files. If you cannot erase any of the files on the alternate recovery paths you can take: disk, there are several 1. If you have another read/write disk accessed, you can use the FMODE subcommand to change the filemode of the file, so that when you file it, it is written to the other disk. If you have a read/write disk that is not accessed, you can access it in CMS subset. After filing the file on the second disk, erase the original copy, and then use the COPYFILE command to transfer the file back to its original disk. 2. If you do not have any other read/write disk in your virtual machine, you may be able to transfer some of your files to another user, using the PUNCH or DISK DUMP commands in CMS subset. When the files have been read onto the other user's disk, you can erase them from your disk. Then, return to edit mode and issue the FILE subcommand. 3. In CMS subset, erase the original return to edit mode and file the should not use this method unless unexpected problems may result in and the copy. disk file (if it existed), then copy that you are editing. You absolutely necessary, since any the loss of both the disk file After you use the FILE subcommand to write the file onto should continue erasing any files you no longer need. 90 l~~ VM/370 CMS User's Guide disk, you ( Summary of EDIT Subcommands The EDIT subcommands, and their formats, are shown in Figure 7. Refer to the !!1L.lIQ ~!t~~g.!!1!!~!!g ~!!g ~~£!:.Q !!~!~!:!H!£~ for complete details. Function Subcommand Format r ALter char1 char2 L r , L .J , I n r , I I * I G I I I 1 I * I I .J L IAutomatically saves the file Ion disk after the indicated Inumber of lines have been I processed • AUTOsave In I IOFFI r , L .J IPoints the current line Ipointer to a line above the Iline currently pointed to. BAckward I nl I 11 I Bottom IMakes the last line of the Ifile the current line. r , L .J IIndicates whether translation Ito uppercase is to be done, or Idisplays the current status. I CASE 1 M I I U I ) Change r " I Changes string 1 to string2 for In IGII ]]]I!! records or to EOF, either Ifor the first occurrence in 11 1*11 L L .J.J I each line or for all I occurrences. r [/string~/string2[1 CMS IEnters CMS subset command Imode. r , DELete 1 n I 1 * I I 1 1 L r .J , DOwn I n 1 I 1 I L ) .J IScans the next n records of Ithe file, alterIng the speciIfied character, either once in leach line or for all occurIrences in the line. .J IDeletes n lines or to the end lof the file (*). I I 1 IPoints to the nth line from Ithe current line. I I DString I[string [I]] IDeletes all lines from the Icurrent line down to the line Icontaining the indicated Istring. FILE [fn [ft [fm]]] ISaves the file being edited on Idisk or changes its identiIfiers. Returns to CMS. Figure 7. Summary of EDIT Subcommands and Macros (Part 1 of 4) Section 5. The CMS Editor 91 --------------------------------------------------, Function I Subcommand Format ~--~~----------------------------------------------------------------------I Find I line] ISearches the file for the Igiven line. I I FMode [fm] IResets or displays the Ifilemode. I ----------------------1I IResets or displays the Ifilename. FName [fn] ISwitches the 3270 terminal Ibetween display mode and line Imode. (3270 only) r , L ~ IPoints to the nth line after Ithe current line. FOrward I n I I 1 I I I r r r r , , ,, L L L L ~ Getfile fn I ft I fm I m I n I I I I I I I 1 I -* I I I I , r I IInserts a line in the file or lenters input mode. Inpu,t [line] , LINEmode ILEFT I IRIGHTI IOPF I ~ L .J I I I .J r ~ IExpands text into line images lor displays current settings. IMAG'E ION I IOPF I ICANONI L ~ IInserts a portion or all of Ithe specified file after the Icurrent line. ISets or displays current Isetting of line-number lediting. I I [Locate]/[string [I]] IScans file from next line for Ifirst occurrence of 'string'. LONG IEnters long error message Imode. r IRoints to the nth line down Ifrom the current line. , Next I n I I 1 I L I I .J Over-lay [line] IReplaces all or part of the Icurrent line. PREserve ISaves current mode settings. r , PROMPT In I 11QI L Figure 7. .J ISets or displays line number lincrement. Initial setting is 110. I Summary of EDIT Subcommands and Macros (Part 2 of 4) ( 92 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide r Subcommand Format QUIT Function ITerminates edit session with Ino updates incorporated since Ilast save request. r , L .J ISets or displays record format Ifor subsequent files. RECfm I F I I V I I I r r L L RENum Istrtno I incrno "II 11Q 1§!f!!tQ II r .J.J * L I I Executes the following OVE:a. LAY Isubcommand n times. , REPEAT I n I I I IRecomputes line numbers for IVSBASIC and FREEFORT source Ifiles. I I I I 1 I .J Replace [line] IReplaces the current line or Ideletes the current line and lenters input mode. REStore ,Restores editor settings to Ivalues last preserved. RETURN IReturns to edit environment Ifrom CMS subset. .~ [ subcommand] ) IStacks (LIFO) the last EDIT Isubcommand that does not start Iwith REUSE or the question Imark (1) and then execute~ any Igiven EDIT subcommand. SAVE [fn eft [fm]]] r ISaves the file on disk and Istays in edit environment_ IDisplays a number of screens lof data above or below the Icurrent line (3270 only) • , SCroll } 1n I { S[ croll ]U[ p] 1* I 11 1 L SERial { OFF r , ON liner, ALL I 10 I seq L .J SHORT J ITurns serialization on or off lin columns 73 through 80. I I IEnters short error message Imode. r , STACK I n I I 1 I 101 Isubcommandl L ) I I .J Figure 7. .J IStacks data lines or EDIT Isubcommands in the console linput stack. I I I Summary of EDIT Subcommands and Macros (Part 3 of 4) Section 5. The CMS Edit3 PRINT PILE&X TEST SX = SX + 1 -ENDPRT In both of these examples, a loop is established to print the files FILE1 TEST, FILE2 TEST, and PILE3 TEST.. SX is initialized with a value of 1 and then incremented within the loop. The loop executes until the value of SX is greater than 3. As soon as this condition is met, control is passed to the label -ENDPRT. COMPARING VARIABLE SYMBOLS AND CONSTANTS In an EXEC, you can test whether a certain condition is true, and then perform some function based on the decision. Some examples have already appeared in this section, such as: ) SLOOP 3 SX EQ SY In this example, the value of the variable SX is tested for an equal comparison with the value of the variable SY. The loop is executed until the condition (SX equal to SY) is true. The logical comparisons you can make are: Condition equiI---not equal greater than less than greater than or equal to less than or equal to ~!l~!.Q!l!£ 2I!12~! GE >= LE <= EQ NE GT LT = ... = > < a When you are testing condition in an EXEC file, you can use either the mnemonic or the symbol to represent the condition: SIF SA LT SB SGOTO -NEXT is the same as: SIP &A < SB SGOTO -NEXT ) section 6. Introduction to the EXEC Processor 105 DOING I/O WITH AN EXEC You can communicate with your terminal using the STYPE and SREAD control statements. Use STYPE to display a line at your terminal: STYPE ASMBLNG Sl ASSEMBLE When this line is processed, if the the line is displayed as: variable Sl has a value of PROG1, ASMBLNG PROGl ASSEMBLE Use the SREAD control statement when you want to be able to enter data, variables, or control statements into your EXEC file while it is executing. If you use it with an STYPE statement, for exa~ple: STYPE DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE ? SREAD VARS SANS you could test the variable SANS in your EXEC to find out how processing is to continue. The SBEGTYPE control statement can be followed by a sequence of lines you want to be displayed at the terminal. For example, if you want to display ten lines of data, instead of using ten STYPE control statements, you could use: SBEGTYPE linel line2 linel0 SEND The SEND control state.ent indicates the end of the lines to be typed. You can also use the SBEGTYPE control statement when you want to type a line that contains a word with more than eight characters in it; for example: SBEGTYPE TODAY IS WEDNESDAY SEND The EXEC interpreter, however, does not perform entered this way_ The lines: substitutions on lines SA = DOG SBEGTYPE MY SA IS NAMED FIDDLEFADDLE SEND result in the display: MY SA IS NAMED FIDDLEFADDLE You must use the STYPE statement when you want to display variable data; you must use the SBEGTYPE control statement to display words with more than eight characters. To type null or blank lines at your terminal (to make output readable, for example), you can use the SSPACE control statement: SSPACE 5 106 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( You can punch lines of tokens into &PUNCH control statement: your virtual card punch with the &PUNCH &NAME &TOTAL When you want to punch more than one line of data, or a line that contains a word of more than eight characters in it, you should use the &EEGPUNCH control statement preceding the lines you want to punch, and follow them with an &END statement~ The EXEC processor does not interpret these lines, however, so any variable symbols you enter on these lines are not substituted. When you punch lines from an EXEC procedure what you are actually doing is creating a file in your virtual card punch. To release the file for processing, you must close the punch: cp close punch The destination of the file depends on how you have spooled your punch. If you have spooled it to yourself, the file is placed in your virtual card reader, and you can read it onto a virtual disk using the READCARD command. ) The EXEC control statements &STACK and &BEGSTACK allow you to stack lines in your terminal console, to be executed as soon as a read occurs in your virtual machine. Stacking is useful when you use commands that require responses, for example, the SORT command: &STACK 1 20 SORT INFILE FILE A OUTFILE FILE A - When the SORT command is executed, a prompting message is issued, the virtual machine read occurs, and the response that you have stacked is read. If you do not stack a response to this command, your EXEC does not continue processing until you enter the response from your terminal. In the above example of the SORT command, you can suppress the prompting message by issuing the &STACK HT command immediately before the SORT command. Restore normal terminal operations by placing an &STACK RT command after the SORT command. Stacking is useful EXEC procedures. in creating edit macros or in editing files from MONITORING EXEC PROCEDURES Two EXEC control statements, &CONTROL and &TIME, centrol how much information is displayed at your terminal while your EXEC file is executing. This display is called an execution summary. ) Since you do not usually receive a C8S ready message after the execution of each CMS command in an EXEC, you do not receive the timing Section 6. Introduction to the EXEC Processor 107 information that is provided with the ready message. If you timing information to appear, you can specify: want this STIME ON or you can type the CPU times at particular places by using: STIME TYPE The SCONTROL control statement allows you to specify whether certain lines or types of information are displayed during execution. By default, CP and CMS commands are displayed before they are executed. If you do not wish to see them displayed, you can sFecify: SCONTROL OFF You might find it useful, when you are debugging your EXECs, to use: SCONTROL ALL When you use this fora, all EXEC statements, as well as all CP and CMS commands, are displayed and you can see the variable substitutions being performed and the branches being taken in a procedure. ( 108 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Summary of EXEC Control Statements and Special Variables Figures 9 variables. and 10 summarize EXEC control Control Statement statements and special , Function I ~------------------------------------------------~--------------------I &variable IAssigns a value to the symbol I Ispecified by &variable; the I lequal sign must be preceded I land followed by a blank. xxxxxx) I ------------------------------------------~------------------~----I = ~i::::~oJ {X' &ARGS [arg1 [arg2 ••• [arg30]]] IRedefines the variable symbolsl 1&1, &2~ •• with the values of I l'arg1', 'arg2', ••• , and re- I Isets the variable &INDEX. I --------------------------------------------------------------------1 , SBEGEMSG [ALL] IDisplaysthe following lines I line1 line2 ) las CMS error messages, without Iscanning them. SEND I I I SBEGPUNCH [ ALL] line1 line2 IPunches the following lines lin the virtual card punch, Iwithout scanning them. SEND I I I &BEGSTACK line1 line2 r , L .J r , 111lQI IALLI .J ILIFOI L IStacks the following lines lin the console input buffer, Iwithout scanning them. SEND I I I I &BEGTYPE [ALL] line1 line2 IDisplays the following lines lat the console, without Iscanning them. &END I I I SCONTINUE Figure 9. IProvides a branch address for ISERROR, SGOTO, and other conIditional branching statements. Summary of EXEC Control Statements (Part 1 of 3) ) Section 6. Introduction to the EXEC Processor 109 r I Control Statement Punction I--~-------------------------------------------------------------------I &CONTROL ISets, until further notice, Ithe characteristics of the I r ,r ,r ,r , 10 PP 1 111~~ I I TIM E I I PA£! I IERRORI INOMSGI I!QI!11! 1 INOPACKI I £11~ IALL I I L .I L .I L L .. lexecution summary of the EXEC, Iwhich is displayed at the Iconsole. I I .I &EMSG mmmnnns [tok1 [ ••• tokn]] IDisplays a line of tokens las a CMS error message. &END ITerminates a series of lines Ifollowing an SEEGEMSG, 'SBEGPUNCB, &BEGSTACK, or ISBEGTYPE control statement. r , SERROR I executable-statement I I!£Q!!!!UE I L .I r , &EIIT I return-code I I ~ I .I L &GOTO {TOP } linenumber -label &HEI {ON} IExecutes the specified Istatement whenever a. CMS Icommand returns a nonzero Ireturn code. IExits fro. the EIEC file with Ithe given return code. I I ITransfers control to the top lof the EIEC file, to the given Iline, or to the line starting Iwith the given label. ITurns on or off hexadecimal I conversion. {OPI} tok2 } executable&$ statement { &* Executes the specified statement if the condition is satisfied. = < <= > >= &LOOP { n }{ m } -label condition ILoops through the following ~ Ilines, or down to (and includ-I ling) the line at label, for I 1m times, or until the I Icondition is satisfied. I --------------------------------------------------------------------1 &PUNCH [tok1 [ ••• tokn]] IPunches the specified tokens I Ito your virtual card punch. I J Figure 9. Summary of EIEC Control Statements (Part 2 of 3) ( 110 IBM YM/370 CMS User's Guide Control Statement Function , r &READ In I I 11 IARGS I IVARS [ &var1 ( ••• &var11])1 L &SKIP .J r , L .J r , L .J ITransfers control forward or Ibackward a specified number lof lines. I n I I 1 I I IDisplays blank lines at the Iterminal. &SPACE I n I I 1 I r I I , r &STACK II!IQI Itok1 ( ILIFOI IHT .J L IRT ... L r ) , , IStacks a line in the terminal linput stack. I I I IDisplays timing information Ifollowing the execution of ICMS commands. I I I .J &TYPE [ tok 1 ( ••• tokn ] ] Figure 9. , tokn] I I I .J &TII! ION IQII I ,RESETI ITYPE I L IReads lines from the terminal lor from the console stack. IARGS assigns the tokens read Ito the variables &1, &2 ••• IVARS assigns the tokens read Ito the specified variable Isymbols. IDisplays a line at the Iterminal. Su •• ary of EXEC Control Statements (Part 3 of 3) ) Section 6. Introduction to the EXEC Processor 111 Usage Variable Set By &n Arguments passed to an EXEC are assigned to the variables &1 through &30~ User &* &$ Test whether all (&*) or any (&$) of the arguments passed to EXEC have a particular value. EXEC &DISKx Indicates whether the disk access at mode 'x' is a CMS OS, or DOS disk, or not accessed (CMS, OS, DOS, or NA). User &DISK* Contains the mode letter of the first read/write disk in the CMS search order, or NONE if no read/write disk is accessed. User &DISK? Contains the mode letter of the read/write disk with the most available space or NONE, if no read/write disk is accessed. User &DOS Indicates whether or not the CMS/DOS environment is active (ON or OFF). User &EXEC Contains the filename of the EXEC file currently I being executed. EXEC &GLOBAL Bas a value ranging from 1 to 19, to indicate the recursion (nesting) level of the EXEC that is currently executing. EXEC &GLOBALn The variables &GLOBAL1 through &GLOBAL9 can contain integral numeric values, and can be passed among different recursion levels. If not explicitly set, the variable will have a value of 1,. User &INDEX Contains the number of arguments passed to the EXEC on the command line or the number of arguments entered as a result of an &ARGS or &READ ARGS control statement. EXEC &LINENUM Contains the current line number in the EXEC. EXEC &READFLAG Indicates whether (STACK) or not (CONSOLE) there are lines stacked in the terminal input buffer (console stack). EXEC &RETCODE Contains the return code from the most recently executed CMS command. CftS &TYPEFLAG Indicates whether (RT) or not (BT) output is being displayed at the console. EXEC Contains the name of the EXEC file. User I I &0 "1 1----------------------------------------------------------------------I!!U: IUser: Variables are assigned values by EXEC but you may modify them. IJ;XEC: You may not modify these variables. You may assign a value to this variable but it is reset at the I~MS: completion of each CMS command. I I Figure 10. EXEC 112 ~pecial Variables IBMVM/370 CMS User's Guide ( Section 7. Using Real Printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes eMS Unit Record Device Support CMS supports one virtual card reader at address OOC, one virtual card punch at address OOD, and one virtual printer at address OOE. When you invoke a CMS command or execute a program that uses one of these unit record devices, the device must be attached at the virtual address indicated. USING THE CP SPOOLING SYSTEM Any output that you direct to your virtual card Frinter or punch, or any output you receive through your card reader, is controlled by the spooling facilities of the control program (CP). Each output unit is known to CP as a spool file, and is queued for processing with the spool files of other users on the VM/370 system. Ultimately, a spooled printer file or a spooled punch file may be released to a real printer or card punch for printing or punching. The final disposition of a unit record spool file depends on the spooling characteristics of your virtual unit record devices, which you can alter with the CP command SPOOL. To find out the current characteristics of your unit record devices you can issue the command: cp query ur You might see, as a response to this, the display: RDR PUN PRT OOC OOD OOD OOE OOE CL A NOCONT CL A NOCONT FOR CMSGDE CL A CONT FOR CMSGDE NOHOLD EOF NOHOLD COpy 01 DIST 13SCRIPT HOLD COpy 01 DIST 13SCRIPT READY REAtY READY Some of these characteristics, and the ways you can modify them, are discussed below. When you use the SPOOL command to control a virtual unit record device, you do not change the status of spool files that already exist, but rather set the characteristics for subsequent output. For information on modifying existing spool files, see "Altering Spool Files," below. £1AS~ (CL): Spool files, in the CP spool file queue, are grouped according to class, and all files of a particular class may be processed together, or directed to the same real output device. The default values for your virtual machine are set in your VM/370 directory entry, and are probably the standard classe$ for your installation. You may need, however, to change the class of a device if you want a particular type of output, or some special handling for a spool file. For example, if you are printing an output file that requires special forms, and your installation expects that output to be spooled class Y, issue the command: cp spool printer class y ) Section 7. Using Real printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes 113 All subsequent printed output directed to yeur printer address OOE (all CMS output) is processed as class Y. at virtual If you place a HOLD on your printer or punch, any files that you print or punch are not released to the control program's spooling queue until you specifically alter the hold status. By placing your output spool files in a hold status, you can select which files you print or punch, and you can purge duplicate or unwanted files. To place printer ~nd punch output files in a hold status issue the commands: ~QLD: cp spool printer hold cp spool punch hold When you issue a SPOOL command for a unit record device, you can refer to it by its virtual address, as well as by its generic device typ~ (for example, CP SPOOL E HOLD)~ B~te: When you have placed a hold st~tus on printer or punch files and you produce an output file for one of these devices, CP sends you a message to remind you that you have placed the file in a hold: PRT PILE xxxx POR'userid COpy xx HOLD If, however, you have issued the command: cp set msg off then you do not receive the message. When you place a r.eader file in a hold status, then the file remains in the card reader until you remove the hold ,status and read it, or you purge it. COPY: If you want multiple copies of COpy operand of the SPOOL command: a spool file, you should use the cp spool printer copy 10 If you enter this command, then all subsequent printer files that you produce are each printed 10 times, until you cha~ge the COpy attribute of your printer. POR: You can spool printed or punched output 'under another userid's name Ei-using the POR operand of the SPOOL command. For example, if you enter: cp spool printer for charlie Then, all subsequent printer files that you produce have, on the output separator page, the userid CHARLIE and the distribution code for that user. The spool file is then under the control of that user, and you cannot alter it further. !Q~Q!I: You can print or punch many spool files, but have them print or punch as one continuous spool file if you use the CONT operand on the SPOOL command. Por example, if you issue the following sequence of commands: ~QNT, cp spool punch cont to brown punch asm1 assemble punch asm2 assemble punch asm3 assemble cp spool punch nocont cp close punch 114 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( Then, the three files ASK1 ASSEMBLE, ASM2 ASSEMELE, and ASM3 ASSEMBLE, are punched to user BROWN as a single spool file. When user BROWN reads this file onto a disk, however, CMS creates separate disk files. ~g: When you spool your printer or punch to another userid, all output from that device is transferred to the virtual card reader of the userid you specify. When you are punching a CMS disk file, as in the example above, you should use the TO operand of the SPOOL command to specify the destination of the punch file. You can also use this operand to place card reader by using the * operand: cp spool printer to outFut in your own virtual * After you enter this command, subsequent printed output is placed in your virtual card reader. You might use this technique as an alternative way of preventing a printer file from printing, or, if you choose to read the file onto disk from your reader, of creating a disk file fro. printer output. Similarly, if you are creating punched output in a program want to examine the output during testing, you could enter: cp spool punch to and you * so that you do not punch any real cards or transfer a virtual punch file to another user. ALTERING SPOOL FILES ) After you have requested that VM/310 print or punch a file, or after you have received a file in your virtual card reader and before the file is actually printed, punched, or read, you can alter some of its characteristics, change its destination, or delete it altogether. Every spool file in the VM/310 system has a unique four-digit number from 0 to 9900 assigned to it, called a spoolid. You can use the spoolid of a file to identify it when you want to do something to it. You can also change a group of files, by specifying that all files of a particular class be altered in some way, or you can manipulate all of your spool files for a certain device at the same time. The CP commands that allow you to manipulate spool files are CHANGE, ORDER, PURGE, and TRANSFER. In addition, you can use the CP QUERY command to list the status and characteristics of spool files associated with your userid. When you use .ny of these commands to reference spool files of a particular device, you have the choice of referring to the files by class or by spoolid. You can also specify ALL. For example, if you enter the command: cp query printer all you might see the display: ) ORIGINID FILE CLASS RECDS CPY HOLD DATE TIM! NAME SCARLET 0211 D PRT 000140 01 USER 01/09 10:25:23 TARA SCARLET 0245 A PRT 000026 01 NONE 01/09 10:25:41 CMSLIB TYPE DIST FILE BIN015 MACLTB BIN015 Section 1. Using Real Printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes 115 until any of these files are processed, or in the case of files in the hold status, until they are released, you can change the spool file name and spool file type (this information appears on the first page or first card of output), the distribution code, the number of copies, the class, or the hold status, using the CP CHANGE command. For example: cp change printer all nohold changes all printer files that are in a hold status to a nohold status. The CP CHANGE command can also change the spooling class, distribution code, and so on. If you d~cide that you do not w~nt to print a file, you can delete it with the CP PURGE command: particular printer cp purge printer 7615 After you have punched a file to some other user, you cannot change its characteristics or delete it unless you restore it to your own virtual reader. You can do this with the TRANSFER command: cp transfer all from usera This command returns to your virtual card reader all punch you spooled to USERA's virtual card reader. files that You can determine, for your reader or printer files, in they should be read or printed. If you issue the command: what order cp order printer 8195 6547 Then, the file with spoolid of 8195 spoo1id of 6547. is printed before the file with a The CP spooling system is very flexible, and can be a useful tool, if you understand and use it properly. The !~LJ1Q ~g ~Q!!g~g R~!g£~~£~ !Q£ ~~~~~g! Q2~~2 contains complete format and operand descriptions for the CP commands you can use to modify spool files. USING YOUR CARD PUNCH AND CARD READER IN CMS The CMS READCARD command reads cards from your virtual card reader at address OOC. Cards can be placed in the reader in 9ne of two ways: • By reading real punched cards into the system card reader. A card tells the CP spooling system which virtual card reader receive the card images. CP ID is to • By transferring a file from another virtual machine. Cards are transferred as a result of a virtual punch or printer being spooled with the TO operand, or as a result of the TRANSFER command. Virtual card images are created with the CMS PUNCH command, or from user programs or EXEC procedures. If you have a deck of punched cards that you want read into your virtual machine card reader, you should punch, preceding the deck, a CP ID card: ID HAPPY 116 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( If you plan to use the READCARD command to read this file onto a CMS disk, you can also punch a READ control card that specifies the filename and fi1etype you want to have assigned to the file: :READ PROG6 ASSEMBLE Then, to read this file onto your CMS A-disk, you can enter the command: readcard * If a file named PROG6 ASSEMBLE already exists, it is reF1aced. If you do not punch a READ control card, you and fi1etype on the READCARD command: can specify a filename readcard prog6 assemble If this spool file contained a BEAD control card, the card is not read, but remains in the file; if you edit the file, you can use the DELETE subcommand to delete it. If a file does not have a READ control card, and if you do not specify a filename and fi1etype-when you read the file, CMS names the file READCARD CMSUT1. If you are reading many files into the real system card reader, and you want to read the. in as separate spool files (or you want to spool them to different userids), you must separate the cards and read the decks onto disk individually. The CP system, after reading an ID card, continues reading until it reaches a physical end of file. When you use the CMS PUNCH command to punch a spool file, a READ control card is punched to precede the deck, so that it can be read with the READCARD command. If you do not wish to punch a READ control card (also referred to as a header card), you can use the MOHEADER option on the PUNCH command: punch prog8 assemble * ( noheader You should use the NOHEADER option whenever you punch a file that is not going to be read by the READCABD command. The PUNCH co •• and can only punch records of up to .80 characters in length. If you need to punch or to transfer to another user a file that has records greater than 80 characters in length, you can use the DISK DUMP command: disk dump prog9 data If your virtual card punch has been spooled to another can read this file using the DISK LOAD command: user, that user disk load Unlike the READCARD command, DISK LOAD does not allow you to specify a file identification for a file you are reading; the filename and fi1etype are always the same as those specified by the DISK DUMP command that created the spool file. A card file created by the DISK disk by the DISK LOAD command. DUMP co.mand Gan only be read onto Section 7. Using Real Printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes 117 You can use the MOVEFILE command, in command, to place a file in your virtual from your card reader to another device. conjunction with the FILEDEF card reader, or to copy a file For example: * cp spool punch to filedef punch punch filedef input disk coffee exec a1 movefile input punch the file COFFEE EXEC A1 is punched to your virtual card punch card-image format) and spooled to your own virtual reader. Apart from one or two using your punch one command to (in the procedures shown above, that transfer whole files with commands, there are other methods you can use to create files virtual card punch. From a program or an EXEC file, you can line at a time to your virtual punch. Then use the CLOSE close the spool file: cp close punch Depending on how the punch was spooled (the TO setting), the virtual punch file is either punched or transferred to a virtual card reader. UQ ~!~.ROS: If you write an OS, DOS, or ces program that produces punched card output, you should make an appropriate file definition. If you are an OS user, you should nse the FILEDEF command to define the punch as .an output data device; if you are a DOS user, you must use the AS5GN command. If you are using the CMS PUNCHC macro, the punch is assigned for you. The spooling characteristics of your virtual punch control the destination of the punched output,. R..QNC.!!l!~ ~!1!12~ ~INQ R..QNC.!!l!Q ~!1!12~ ~.RQ~ AI ~!!~: The EXEC facilities provide two control statements for punching cards: &PUNCH, which punches a single line to the virtual card punch, and &BEGPUNCH, which precedes a number of lines to be punched. You can also, in an EXEC, use the commands PUNCH and DI5K DUMP to punch CMS files. Handling Tape Files in eMS There are a variety of tape functions that you can perform in ces, and a number of commands that you can use to control tape operations or to read or write tape files. One of the advantages of placing files on tapes is portability: it is a convenient method of transferring data from one real computing system to another. In CMS, you can use tapes created under other operating systems. There are also two ces commands, TAPE and DDR, that create tape files in formats unique to CMS, that you can use to back up minidisks or to archive or transfer CMS files. Under VM/370, virtual addresses 181 through 184 are usually reserved for tape devices. In most cases, you can refer to these tapes in CMS by using the symbolic names TAP1 through TAP4. In any event, before you can use a tape, you must have it mounted and attached to your virtual 118 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( machine by the system operator. When the tape is attached, you receive a message. For example, if the operator attaches a tape to your virtual machine at virtual address 181, you receive the message: TAPE 181 ATTACHED The various types of tape files, can use to read or write them are: and the commands and programs you TAPE Command: The CMS TAPE command creates taFe files from CMS disk 1Iles:--They are in a special format, and should only be read by the CftS TAPE LOAD command. For examples of TAPE command operands and options, see "Using the CMS TAPE Command." TAPPDS Command: The TAPPDS command creates CKS disk files from OS or DOS sequentIal-tape files, or from OS partitioned data sets. TAPEMAC Command: The TAPEMAC com.and creates CMS KACLIB files from OS iaero-librarIes that were unloaded onto tape with the lEHKOVE utility program. MOVEFILE Command: The MOVEFlLE command can copy a sequential tape file onto-aIsk--or-i-disk file onto tape. or, it can move files from your card reader to tape or from tape to your card punch. y§~ g~Qg~g!§: You can write programs that read or write sequential tape files using OS, DOS, or CMS macros. !~~~§§ ~~!A~g ~~~vi£~§: Tapes created by the EXPORT function of access method services can be read only using the access method services IMPORT function. Both the IMPORT and EXPORT functions can be accomplished in CMS using the AMSERV command. The access method services REPRO funCtion can also be used to copy sequential tape files. ~~B PrQg~~!: The DDR program, invoked with the CMS command DDR, dumps the contents of a virtual disk onto tape, and should be used to restore such files to disk. USING THE CMS TAPE COMMAND The CMS TAPE command provides a variety of tape handling functions. It allows you to selectively dump or load CMS files to and from tapes, as well as to position, rewind, and scan the contents of tapes. You can use the TAPE command to save the contents of CMS disk files, or to ,transfer them from one VM/370 system to another. The following example shows how to create a CMS tape with three tape files on it, each containing one or more CMS files, and then shews how you, or another user, might use the tape at a later time. The example is in the form of a terminal session and shows, in the "Terminal Display" column, the commands and responses you might see. System messages and responses are in uppercase, and user-entered commands are in lowercase. The "Comments" column provides explanations of the commands and responses. ) Section 7. Using Real printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes 119 !~~!~~l ~!§Bl~Y TAPE 181 ATTACHED list file * assemble a (exec R; cms tape dump TAPE DUMP PROG1 ASSEMBLE A1 DUMPING ••••• PROG1 ASSEMBLE A1 TAPE DUMP PROG2 ASSEMBLE A1 DUMPING ••••• PROG2 ASSEMBLE A1 TAPE DUMP PROG3 ASSEMBLE A1 TAPE DUMP PROG9 ASSEMBLE A1 DUMPING ••••• PROG9 ASSEMBLE A1 R; tape wtm R; tape dump mylib maclib a DUMPING ••••• MYLIB MACLIB A1 R; tape dump clRslib maclib * DUMPING ••••• CMSLIB MACLIB S2 R; tape wtm R; tape dump mylib txtlib a DUMPING ••••• MYLIB TXTLIB A1 R; tape wtll 2 R; tape rew R; tape scan (eof 4 SCANNING •.••• PROG1 ASSEMBLE A1 PROG2 ASSEMBLE A1 PROG3 ASSEMBLE A1 PROG4 ASSEMBLE A1 PROGS ASSEMBLE A1 PROG6 ASSEMBLE A1 PROG7 ASSE!BLE A1 PROG8 ASSEMBLE A1 PROG9 ASSEMBLE A1 END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE MYLIB MACLIB A1 CMSLIB MACLIB S2 END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE MYLIB TXTLIB A1 END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE R; Icp det 181 TAPE 181 DETACHED COllments Message-indicates that the tape is attached,. Prepare to dump all ASSEMBLE files by using the LISTFILE command EXEC option; then execute the CMS EXEC using TAPE and DUMP as arguments~ The TAPE command responds' to each TAPE DUMP by printing the file identification of the file being dumped. The last file, PROG9 ASSEMBLE, is dumped. The TAPE command writes a tape mark to indicate an end of file. Two macro libraries are dUllped, by specifying the file identifiers. Another tape mark is written. A TEXT library is dumped. Two tape marks are written to indicate the end of the tape. The tape is rewound. The tape is scanned to verify that all of the files are on it. Tape mark indication. Two tape marks indicate the end of tbe tape .• The CP DETACH command rewinds and detaches the tape. ( March 30, 1979 * * The tape created above is going to be read. ********** TAPE 181 ATTACHED tape load prog4 assemble LOADING ••••• PROG4 ASSEMBLE A1 R; tape scan SCANNING •••• PROGS ASSEMBLE A1 PROG6 ASSEMBLE A1 PROG7 ASSEMBLE A1 PROG8 ASSEMBLE A1 END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE Message indicating the tape is attached. One file is to be read onto disk. The TAPE command displays the name of the file loaded. Any existing file with the same filename and fi1etype is erased. The remainder of the first tape file is scanned. Indication of end of first tape file. R; tape scan SCANNING •••• MILIB MACLIB A1 CMSLIB MACLIB S2 END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE The second tape file is scanned. R; tape bsf 2 R; tape fsf R; tape load (eof 2 LOADING ••••• MILIB MACLIB A1 CMSLIB MACLIB A2 END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE MILIB TITLIB 11 END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE The tape is backed up and postioned in front of the last tape file. The tape is forward spaced past the tape mark. The next two tape files are going to be read. R; Icp detach 181 TAPE 181 DETACHED The tape is detached. Tape Labels in eMS Support in the eMS component of includes the following features: VM/370 to process labelled tapes • Checks IBM standard labels on input • Writes IBM standard labels on output • Allows you to specify routines to process standard user labels during DOS and OS macro simulation under CMS • Allows you to specify exits for processing tapes with nonstandard labels during execution of CMS macro simulations and some CMS tape operation commands Section 7. Using Real Printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes 121 March 30, 1979 CMS processes all tape labels; CP does not process tape labels. CMS tape label processing does not include: • Label processing for tapes that are read backwards • processing of multivolume files on tapes • Support for ANSI tapes or ASCII labels • Label processing for any functions of the CMS TAPE command except the two functions DVOL1 and VVOLl that' process VOLl labels USER RESPONSIBILITIES You must initiate all your own tape label processing. To specify that you have a labelled tape, use the FILEDEF command for an OS simulaticn program, or a DOS DTFMT macro for a CMS/DOS program. You can also use the TAPESL macro to process standard HDRl and EOFl labels and the CMS TAPE co"mmand to write and display standard VOLl labels. You can provide IBM;,'standard label description details with the LABELDEF command for all t~pes of label processing. After label processing has been requested,/it occurs automatically and there is no interaction between you and cMs unless an error occurs. See the "Error processing" section later in this publication for a discussion of error processing. Jse LABEL PROCESSING IN OS SIMULATION If you are running an OS simulation program and using OPEN and CLOSE macros, you specify the type of label processing you want in a FILEDEF command for a g~ven file. Detailed information about the FILEDEF command is found in the !~JIQ ~~~ ~Q~~~g ~ng !~~£Q ~~!~£~~~~. You may specify that you want standard label processing (with SL) or nonstandard label processing (wi th NSL). If you choose 'nonstandard label processing, you must already have written a routine to process nonstandard labels. The name of this routine must be specified by the filename in the NSL parameter on FILEDEF. An example of nonstandard label processing is given in the section "NSL Processing". To be sure that the tape you are using contains no IBM labels, you may specify no label processing (NL) in the FILEDEF command. When NL is specified, C!S does not open files on a tape containing a VOLl label as its first record. You also can specify bypass tape label processing (BLP) on a FILEDEF command. BLP tells CMS to bypass tape label processing for a file, anc instead, to position the tape at a particular file before processing the data records in the file. If you specify LABOFF for a FILEDEF tape file, label processing is turned off and there is no tape positioning or label checking. LABOFF is the default, so you do not receive any processing or tape positioning for a tape file unless you specifically request it. If you specify BLP, NL, SL, or SUL processing but omit a positional parameter. the position defaults to 1 and the tape is positioned at the first file. Examples of NL, BLP, and LABOFF processing are given in the sections "No Label (NL) Processing", "Bypass Label (BL~ processing"~ and "Label Off (LABOFF) processing". 122 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5148-118 For IBM standard labels, you specify, SL or SUL, and optional positional and VOLID parameters. On a FILEDEF command, SUL means standard user labels. Everything you do for SL files, you must also do for SUL files. The positional parameter for standard label files works the same way it does in OS/VS. If you specify: filedef filex tap1 sl 2 the tape is spaced to what is physically the fourth file on the tape before processing begins. The reason for this spacing is that a standard labelled tape has one header file, one data file, and one trailer file for each data file. If you leave off the positional parameter: filedef filey tap3 suI you get the first file on the tape. The optional VaLID parameter on the FILEDEF command allows you to specify the volume serial number in the VaLl label of a tape in case you want only the VOL1 label checked on the tape. If you want to specify other fields in IBM standard labels, you must also provide a LABELDEF statement for the tape file. The LABELDEF statement allows you to assign values to all fields in a standard HERl or EOF1 label. A complete description of how the LABELDEF command works may be found in the "LABELDEF Command" section later in this publication. The followihg command defines filez as a standard labelled tape file on a tape with a VOL1 label and a volume serial number of DEPT78: filedef filez tap1 51 volid dept78 If you also wish to specify a data set identifier for filez, you must furnish a LABELDEF command for filez as well as the FILEDEF command. Data set name may not be specified on the FILEDEF command. The LABELDEF statement below assigns a data set name of payroll to filez. labeldef filez fid payroll You can also specify file sequence number, volume sequence number, expiration date and other fields on a LABELDEF command. However, if yeu are using as simulation macros (OPEN, CLOSE, READ, WRITE~ GET, PUT, etc.) to process your tape file, the only LABELDEF parameter that has meaning for input files is fid (data set identifier). This is the only field that is checked on input by as simulation. The other LABELDEF fields are used to specify values to be written in output labels. They are also used by other types of tape label processing (CMS/DOS and CMS) to check input labels. If no LABELDEF command has been supplied fer output files, default values are used to write out labels (see the section on the LABELDEF command for the default values). After you have set up your descriptive information for a standard labelled tape file in FILEDEF and LABELDEF statements, you run a regular as simulation program under CMS. During prog~am execution, HDRl and HDR2 labels are written or checked at OPEN time. EOF1 and EOF2 labels are written or checked at CLOSE time. To have EOP labels processed, yeu must issue a CLOSE macro. The VOL1 label on a tape is checked whenever a file on that tape is opened if the user has specified a VOLID parameter on his FILEDEF statement or LABELDEF statement for the file. If the volid is specified on both LABELDEF and FILEDEF, the more recent specification is used. If no valid is specified, it is not checked. After checking the volid, the tape is positioned and the HDR label is Section 7. Using Real printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes 122.1 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. St23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 processed. For processing multifile volumes, you may wish to use t.he LEAVE option on the FILEDEF command. This option prevents a tape from being rewound and positioned before each tape file is processed. The LEAVE option does not exist on an OS DD statement. For input files, HDR2 and EOF2 labels are skipped. There is no merge of information from a HDR2 label with information in the DCB as there is under an OS/VS operating system. Output HDR2/EOF2 records are written from information in the DCB and the CMSCB (FCBSEeT). Note that the tape density and TRTCH fields in HDR2/EOF2 records are taken from what the user specifies in his FILEDEF command for the tape file. They may not correspond to the actual density and TRTCH fields used to write the tape. TO process following: standard user labels in OS simulation, you must 1.. Specify the file as SUL in a FILEDEF command. 2. Provide a routine program. 3. Put the address of the DCB for the 4. to process the user standard labels in do the your the user label routine in the DCB EXIT list of file. See the IBM publication Q2L!~1 Q~l~ !g~gg~~~~l ~~!!£g§ 2y!£g or Q~L!~~ ~!~ ]~1~ ~~~~~~~~1 2~£!1£~§ Guide, for instructions on how to establish a DCB EXIT list, and the-exact linkage for communication between user label routines and the operating system. This exact linkage should be used under CMS with the following exceptions: a. There is no support for code x'06' EOV EXIT routine. b. For input labels, return codes 8 and 12 from the user routine are not supporteg. If an input return code is not 0, it is treated as if it were 4. Note that your standard user label routines do not perform any input/output. They set up an output label for writing, but the CMS tape label processing routines actually write out the label. For input, the CMS label processing routines read in your user standard label but then give control to your routine to check the label. You should specify NL in the FILEDEF command when you expect a tape does not contain any IBM standard tape labels~ eMS reads your tape at the time a file is opened and does not open the file if the tape contains a VOL1 label as its first record. If the tape does not contain a VOL1 label, a file is opened and the tape is positioned by using the position parameter (n). For example, if you specify: filedef fileg tap1 n1 2 fileg is not opened if the tape on tap1 (181) has a VOL1 label. If the tape does not have a VOLl label, fileg is opened and the tape is positioned at the second file. If you do not specify a position parameter, the tape is positioned at the first file, (that is, the load point). 122.2 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. 5D23-9024-1 for 5748-118 You should specify BLP in the FILEDEF command to bypass tape label processing. CMS does not check your tape for an IBM standard tape label. It uses the position parameter you specified to position the tape during open processing. If you do not specify a position parameter, the default is 1. For example: filedef fileabc tape1 blp 4 positions the tape at the fourth file when it opens fileabc. Because CMS does not know whether files on the tape are label files or data files, the tape is positioned at what is physically the fourth file, regardless of file content. Any label files on the tape are included in counting files. You should specify LABOFF in the FILEDEF command if you want no positioning or label processing to occur during open processing. The position parameter is not valid for LABOFF~ If you specify LABOFF, and your tape is positioned at record.6 in the third file before you issue an OPEN macro, the tape is positioned at exactly the same record after open processing (record 6 in the third file). The following FILED!F command does not move tape2 (182) before processing the data in fileb: filedef fileb tap2 lab off In order to process nonstandard labels, you must write your own routine to read, write, and check the labels. If you have such a routine as a CMS TEXT or MODULE file, you put the filename of the routine after the NSL keyword parameter in the FILEDEF command for the file. The filenaae must be the name of the first CSECT in the program. It is to this point that control is transferred when the NSL routine gets control. If you do not have a TEXT or MODULE file with the NSL filename you specify, you get an error message. The OPEN and CLOSE routines will load your module if it is not already in storage and will pass control to it at the tiae they are oFening or closing the file. Your routines will then be responsible for processing the tape labels. Nonstandard label routines must do the actual reading and writing of tape labels as well as checking and setting up the label. This is one of several ways nonstandard label processing is different from standard user label processing. Because the CMS label processing routines do not know the size or format of your nonstandard labels, they cannot read or write the labels. ) If you use a MODULE file for an NSL routine, it is important that you create the MODULE file so that it starts at an address that will not allow it to overlay the program or command you are executing at the time the NSL routine is invoked. The reason for this restriction is that the NSL routine is dynamically loaded while your program is executing. For the TAPEMAC and TAPPDS commands, starting the NSL routine at an address above X'21000' prevents such an overlay. If the NSL routine is invoked from your own program which is running in the user area, you must determine how big your program is and where the NSL MODULE file should be located to prevent overlay. Note that you do not have to specify a Section 7. Using Real Printers, Punches l Readers, and Tapes 122.3 GC20~1819-2Rev Pg. of March 30# 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 starting address for NSL routines that are TEXT files. The CMS loader loads such files for you at an address that does not cause an overlay. Although any user may write his own NSL routine, it is expected that a system programmer will usually write such routines and then other programmers in the installation will use them. Before writing an NSL routine, read the Introduction to CMS, Interrupt Handling, and CMS Functional Information sections in Part 3 of the !~Ll1~ ay§l~~ g!gg!~~ID~!§ ~yig~. In order to ensure proper communication with the CMS system routines, you must use the linkage described below when you write nonstandard label routines. When an NSL tape label processing routine gets control, register 1 points to a 16-byte parameter list with the following format: r byte 0 byte 4 I I I I 1 Type call Caller id Tape ModeSet Byte Reserved I TAPID I I -, ID parameter I byte I I FCBSECT address 8 I I byte 12 I I ~ I DCB address for TAPEMAC and I TAPPDS I I -J The Type call being done: x·OO' x'04 1 x'08' x'OC' x'10' field is a code is is is is is telling the type of label processing OPEN input OPEN output CLOSE input CLOSE output End of Tape output The Caller id is a one-byte code which is one of the following: x'80' x'20' Call byOS simulation Call by CMS TAPEMAC or TAPPDS commands Tape modeset byte is used to communicate with the CMS tape I/O routines. It is a one byte hexadecimal code that depends on the type of tape (7 or 9 track), tape density, etc. For further information on the Mode Set, see the TAPE command description in the !~Lll~ £~~ £g~~~~g ~BgA~fI2 Rg!gIgB£~. (You probably will pass this byte to the CMS tape controlling module to read and write your tape labels and will never need. to know what its codes mean.) FCBSECT address is the address of file you a~e· processing. DCB address processing. is the address of the CMSCB (FCBSECT) the DCB for the for tape file the tape you are Note that for the TAPEMAC and TAPPDS commands, the same interface is used, except that instead of the FCBSECT and ICB address fields, the eight character identifier specified in the ID=identifier field in the command is, pa~sed. This identifier enables you to identify which file you are precessing since the TAPEMAC and TAPPIS commatlds do not work with CMSCBs or DCBs. 122.4 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 Control is passed to your NSL routine by a BALR ·14,15 instruction so register 15 contains the address of your routine when you receive control. Register 14 contains the address you should return to when you are finished processing the nonstandard labels. You can return with a BR 14 instruction. When you receive control, register 13 points to a save area in which to store the callers register. The save area linkage is standard OS/VS linkage. You receive control with a PSi key of X'E' which allows you to modify only user storage. When you are finished processing, place a code in register 15 to the CMS label processing routine that called your routine. Place the value 0 (zero) in register 15 if there have been no errors and you want processing to continue normally and the data set to be opened. If you return a nonzero value in register 15, a message is issued to your terminal and the data set is not opened. If you write the following FILEDEF statement: filedef tapf1 tap1 nsl readlab and have a program called READLAB as a MODULE or TEXT file, your program will receive control when the data set called tapf1 is opened. When your program gets control, register 1 contains the address of the parameter list described above. Using the data in this parameter list, you are able to read or write your own tape header labels. When the same data set is closed, your program again receives control and you can read or write your qwn trailer labels. Your program can test whether it is getting control for OPEN or CLOSE by examining the type call byte in the parameter list passed to you. If the type call byte is x'10', your NSL routine is being invoked While you are writing an output data set and you have reached the reflective mark that indicates end of tape. You may wish to do special processing in this case. See the "End of Tape" and "End of Volume" section in this publication for further information on end of tape processing. There are a few minor differences in the way CMS os simulation processes tapes and the way OS/VS processes them. These differences are listed below. • If you are using as/vs and you do not specify any label parameter on your JCL statement, the default is SL or standard labels. When you use as simulation under CMS and do not specify any label information on a FILEDEF statement, the default is LABOFF.. LABOFF turns off label processing and nothing is done to position the tape or process labels. Thus, if you specify no label information on FILEDEF, the system will process your tape files exactly the same way they are processed on a CMS system that has no tape label processing facilities. • You must specify CLOSE to process all trailer labels. No automatic CLOSE occurs at end of data or after reading a tape mark. There is no EOV monitor to process labels before a data set is closed. If an input tape is positioned at an EOF1 or EOV1 record when CLOSE is issued, the label is processed. If a tape file is closed before all data records are read, the trailer label is not processed. Output tapes have EOF records written only at CLOSE time. • There is no deferred label processing under OS simulation in CMS. Section 7. Using Real printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes 122.5 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SB23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 • When the user has not specified a block count routine in his DCB EXIT list und~r OS/VS,the program abends when a block count error occurs. Under CMS, this condition produces a message that asks whether or not to abend the operation. • Certain fields in HDR1 and EOF1 labels default to values different from those under OS/VS. These values can always be specified in a LABELDEF command if the user does not like the default values. For example, the default for data set name in an output label under as simulation is DDNAME and not DSNAME. The default data set sequence number is always one even when the data set is not the first data set on the tape. The default volume sequence number is always one. Read the section on the L!BELDEF command ~n this manual to learn what the default values are under CMS. You can find what default values are in OS/VS by reading the IBM publication Q~!~ 1~~ 1s£~1§. Note that you can always get exactly what you want written on a tape label by explicitly specifying the field on a LABELDEP command. For example, you can specify DSNAME as FID on such a command and have it written in the label instead of DDNAME. • Default volids (when you do not specify a volid in a PILEDEF statement) in output HDR1 and EOF1 records under CMS001 and will not be the actual volume serial in the already cn the tape. It is recommended that you always volid in FILEDEP or LABELDEF to be sure the information correct. • Expiration date specification is always done in absolute form rather than by retention period. You must always use the form yyddd where lY is the year (0-9~ and ddd the day (0-366). CMS does not handle expiration dates specified by retention periods. • When CMS reads a HDR1 label and finds an unexpired file, it always issues a message allowing you to enter 'IGNORE' or 'ERROR'. 'ERROR' prevents opening the file but 'IGNORE' lets you ignore the error and write over the unexpired file. • The NSL routine linkage is quite d~ferent under CMS (See the section "NSL Processing" fdrI details.) • Volume serial number verification occurs every time a file on a tape is opened under OS simulation unless the PILEDEF LEAVE option is used for multifile tapes. • Existing VOL1 labels are not automatically incompatibility in CMS as they are in OS/VS. • HDR2 records are skipped for input under CMS for os simulation. They are not checked and information in them is not merged with DCB information. HDR2 records are written (with information obtained from the DCB) on output. • Blank tapes used for output in CMS cause the tape to run off the reel if you define the tape file as SL or NL. The tape label processing routines try to read an existing VOL1 or HDR1 label before writing on the tape. Therefore, you should always use the CMS TAPE command to write at least one tape mark (for NL tapes) or a VOL1 label (for SL or SUL tapes) before using the tape to write an output data set. • If you specify a position parameter that is too big (that is, there are not that many files on the tape), the tape will run off the reel in CMS. 122.6 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide LABELDEP or CMS will be VOL1 record specify the written is than in OS/VS. rewritten for density Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 • There are no user processing in CMS. exits for user standard labels for EOV label • CMS does not support user return codes of 8 and 12 for input user labels. If the return code from a user routine is after input label processing, CMS treats it as if the return 4. (See the IBM publication Q~L!~l ~~1~ ~~n~g~~~n1 ~~£~~£~2 Q~L!~~ H!~ Q~1~ ~~ngg~m~n1 ~~~!!£~2 Q~!£~ for details). standard not zero code was §Y1£~ or • No count is kept of user standard labels read or bypassed in more than eight such labels exist, the fact is not detected. CMS~ • User label processing routines do not receive control under CMS when an abend or a permanent I/O error occurs. • If a CMS output tape is not positioned at a HDR1 label or a tape mark when label processing begins, error message 422 is issued. Under OS/VS such conditions cause an abend. • TCLOSE with the REREAD option causes a tape to be rewound under CMS and then forward spaced one file if the tape has standard labels. Under OS/VS, the tape is backspaced four files and forward spaced ODe file. REREAD for unlabelled tapes in CMS always causes a rewind. If For further information on OS/VS tape label processing, refer to the following IBM publications: Q~L!~l Q~1~ ~gn~g~!~n1 ~~£!1£~2 §y!g~, Q~L!~l ~!~ Q~1~ H~ngg~m~n1 ~~!!i£~2 Q~iQ~, and Q~LVS I~E~ 1ab~1§. For details on end-of-tape/end-of-volume processing under CMS, see the "End-of-Volume" and "End-of-Tape Processing" section later in this publication. LABEL PROCESSING IN CMS/DOS You specify the type of label processing you want in CMS/DOS on a DTFMT macro in exactly the same way you specify it when you want to run your program under DOS/VSE. See the !~Ll1Q ~I§1~~ g£Qg£~~me£~2 §y1de for details on CMS support for the DTFMT macro. Labelled tapes are only supported if you use the DTFMT macro. There is no support for labelled tapes in , CMS/DOS for any other type. If yeu try to read labelled tapes with a DTFCP or DTFDI macro, input standard IBM header labels are skipped, but no other input labels are processed. Output tapes with standard labels have these labels overwritten with a tape mark. All tape work files are treated as output unlabelled files in CMS/DOS although they are defined by a DTFMT. Tapes used for such files have a tape mark written as the first record when the file is opened. You define an unlabelled tape with the DTFftT tape file is processed as having no labels. parameter FILABL=NO. The You define a nonstandard labelled tape with the DTFMT parameter FILABL=NSTD. You also must provide a routine to process your nonstandard labels in the LABADDR=parameter of the DTFMT. Tape processing in CMS for these files is the same as it is under DOS/VSE. Section 7. U$in9 Real Printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes 122.7 Pg. of GC20~1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 You define a standard label tape with the DTF~T parameter FILABL=STD. You also must supply a LABELDEF command to specify label descripticn information. This command replaces the DOS/VSE TLBL card and is required for standard label processing under eMS/DOS. The LABELDEF command is discussed in detail in the "LABELDEF Command" section later in this publication. In order to connect the LABELDEF command for a file with the DTFftT for the same file, you must use the same name to label your DTFMT as you use for a filename in your LABELDEF command. If you code a DTFMT macro in your program as: liT1 DTFMT ••• FILABL=STD you must then supply the following type of LABELtEF command: labeldef mtl fid yourfile fseq ••• You can put any description parameters you want on your LABELDEP command but the filename for it must be mt1 if you coded MT1 as the label on the DTFMT. After you have set up your DTFMT and LABELDEF, you execute your CMS/DOS program. HDR1 labels are checked or written when an OPEN macro is issued. EOFl labels are checked or written when a CLOSE macro is issued. A VOL1 label volume serial number is checked only if the tape is positioned at load point when the label processing hegins and if you have specified a VOLID parameter on a LABELDEF statement for the file. Note, if NOREWIND is not specified in the DTFftT macro for the file, the tape is rewound so it is positioned at load point for label processing. If you want to process user standard labels as well as standard labels in CMS/DOS, you specify FILAaL=STD and also supply a LABADER parameter in the DTFMT for the file~ Control is then transferred to your label processing routines after standard labels are processed. The linkage to user standard label routines is exactly the same as in DOS/VSE. There are minor differences in the way tapes are processed by CMS/DOS and the way they are processed by DOS/VSE. These differences are: I • I The tape error messages are CMS error messages and not DOS/VSE error aessages. In some cases DOS/VSE allows the system operator to reply NEWTAP to an error message. The system then waits for the operator to mount a new tape and continues processing with this new tape. Such a reply is never possible under CMS/DOS. In CMS/DOS I you usually can reply IGNORE to ignore a tape label error condition or CANCEL to cancel a job. NEWTAP is never allowed. In a few cases, CMS/DOS allows an IGNORE reply where DOS/VSE does not. • You must specify CLOSE to process all trailer labels. No automatic CLOSE occurs at end of data or after reading a tape mark. If an input tape is positioned at an EOF1 or EOV1 record when CLOSE is issued, the label is processed. If a tape file is closed before all data records are read, the trailer label is not processed. Output 122.8 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 tapes have EOF records written only at CLOSE time. For nonstandard labelled tapes, your own routines do not receive control on input when a tape mark is read. You must issue a CLOSE macro in your EOFADDR routine in order to have the trailer labels processed. • Certain fields in HDRl and EOF1 labels default to values different from those in DOS/VSE. For example, the default volume serial number written in a HDRl label is CMS001 and not the actual volume serial number (volid) in the VaLl label already on the tape. The default file sequence and volume sequence numbers are always one even when the file is not the first file on the tape. You should read the section on the LABELDEF command in this publication to learn what the default values are in CMS/DOS. You also can read the IBM publication QQEL!~~ !gR§ ~g~§l§ to find what the default values are for DOS/VSE. If you do not like the default values, you can always specify the exact values you want in label fields in a LAEELDEF command. • Expiration date specification is always done in absolute form rather than by retention period. You must always use the form yyddd where yy is the year (0-99) and the ddd the day (0-366). CMS does not handle expiration dates specified by retention periods. • VOL1 labels written in the wrong density automatically by CMS/DOS as they are by DOS/VSE. • Blank taFes should not be used for tape files specified as FILABL=STD in CMS/DOS; they will run off the reel. Use the CMS TAPE command to write a VOLl label or a tape mark on a blank tape before using it fer a STD file. I • I Not all tape movement and label checking that occurs in DOS/VSE occurs under CMS. For example, when opening an output file, a DOS/VSE system expects the tape to be positioned at a HDRl label or a tape mark. It then backspaces the tape to read the last EOFl label on the tape. If it does not find the label it expects, it issues an error message. This check is not performed by CMS/DOS. If the tape is not positioned at a HDR1 label or a tape mark when output open processing begins, error message 422 is issued. • After an EOVl label is written (see "End-of-Tape/End-of-Volume Processing" later in this publication), the tape is always rewound and unloaded under CMS/DOS. DOS/VSE lets a DTFMT parameter control whether or not the tape is rewound. • User label processing routines error occurs under CMS/DOS. • Control is not passed to user standard label routines in CMS/DOS when EOT has been sensed on output and an EOVl label has been written by the system routines. • Work -tapes are not checked for an expiration date when they contain standard labels under CMS/DOS. If a tape is to be opened as a work tape, CMS/DOS tests to see if it contains a VOLl label. If it does, a dummy HDRl label and a tape mark are immediately written on the tape after the VOLl label. If the tape does not contain a VOLl label, a tape mark is written at the beginning of the tape. DOS/VSE checks expiration dates on previously labelled tapes used as work tapes and gives the operator a chance to reject the tapes if the expiration date has not expired. do not receive are not rewritten control when Section 7. Using Real Printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes an I/O 122.9 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 For further information on DOS/VSE and CftS/DOS tape label processing, refer to the following IBM publications: DOS/VSE Tape Labels DOS/VSE Macro User's Guide DOS/VSE LIOCS Vol 2 CMS TAPESL MACRO The TAPESL macro is provided for use in CMS programs that do not use OS and DOS simulation features. You can use the CftS T1PESL macro to process IBM standard HDR1 and EOFl labels without using DOS or as OPEN and CLOSE macros. You will probably use TAPESL with the RDT1PE, WRTAPE, and TAPECTL macros. TAPESL processes only HDR1 and EOF1 labels. It does not perform any functions of opening a tape file other than label checking or writing. The TAPESL macro generates linkage to the CMS tape label processing routine that actually processes the label. The macro generates a block of data (32 bytes long) in order to communicate with the tape label processing routines. TAPESL is used both to check and to write tape labels. A LABELDEF command must be issued prior to running the program that contains this macro. The LABID parameter of the TAPESL macro is used to specify the name of the LABELDEF to be used. For example, if you use the macro: TAPESL HOUT,181,LABID=GOODLAB in your assembly language program, you for GOODLAB: must supply a LABELDEF command labedef goodlab fid file10 fseq 4 exdte 78235 The tape must be positioned correctly (at the label to be checked or at the place where the label is to be written), before you issue the macro. TAPECTL may be used to position the tape. TAPESL reads or writes only one tape record unless you specify SPACE=YES for input. Then it spaces the tape to beyond the tape mark that ends the label file. T1PESL reads and checks a tape VOL1 label provided the tape is positioned at load point and the user has specified a volid in his LABELDEF command. TAPE LABEL PROCESSING BY CMS COMMANDS There are three types of CMS commands processing. They are: • • • that do some type of tape label TAPEMAC and TAPPDS commands TAPE command MOVEFILE command TAPEMAC and TAPPDS have operands where you can indicate the type of label processing you want. The tape must be positioned properly (at the data file or label file you wan~ before you issue the command~ The TAPE command may be used for positioning. A separate LABELDEF command 122.10 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-l819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 is required for these commands if IBM standard latel checking is desired. If S1 label type is specified without a labdefid, standard header labels are displayed on the terminal but not checked by the CMS label processing routines. The command: tapemac macfile S1 (tap2 displays any standard series of commands: labels that exist on your terminal while the labeldef mac lab fid macro volseq 2 crdte 77102 tapemac macfile sl mac lab (tap2 invokes the CMS tape label processing routines. These routines check to see that your tape has a HDRl label that has a file identifier of macro, a volume sequence number 2, and a creation date of 77102. VOLl labels are not checked during' label processing by TAPEMAC and TAPPDS unless the tape is positioned at load point and you have specified a volid on your lABE1DEF command~ The DVOLl function of the TAPE command can be used for volume verification before positioning the tape if the user does not want to start at the first file. These commands process only HDRl labels; they skip HDR2, UHL, and all trailer labels without processing them. To process nonstandard tape labels with TAPE MAC and TAPPDS, you use the same interface described in the section "NSL Processing under OS Simulation." The only difference is that instead of putting the CMSCB and DCB addresses in the parameter list, the ID parameter you placed in the command line is passed to your NSl routine. tappds pdsfile cmsutl * nsl superck id XYZ12345 passes the EBCDIC identifier XYZ12345 to your nonstandard label checking routine called SUPERCK. This identifier may be up to eight characters long and is left justified in bytes 8-15 of the parameter list. You can use the identifier to inform your NSL routine of what file you are processing. Use the DVOll function of the CMSTAPE command to display the VOLl label of a tape on your terminal. You may use this command to ensure the system operator has mounted the correct tape before you begin processing the tape. If the tape does not have a VOLl label and you issue the CMSTAPE command, you are informed that the VOLl label is missing. Do not use TAPE DVOLl if you have a blank tape. If TAPE DVOLl is issued and a blank tape is used, CMS will search the entire tape to find the label record; since the tape is void of any records, the tape will run off the end of the reel. Use the WVOLl function on the TAPE command to write a VOLl label on a tape. You can specify a one- to six-character volume serial number (volid) through this command and also a one- to eight-character owner field_ You can use the MOVEFILE command to move labelled tape files if these files are defined as lahelled by the FILEDEF command. The MOVEFILE command supports only SL, NS1, B1P, NL, and LABOFF processing. SUL files are processed as S1 files and no user exits are taken. Section 7. Using Real Printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes 122.11 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 You can also use the MOVEFILE command to display tape labels on your terminal if you want to see what these l~bels leok like. The following sequence displays the VOL1 and first HDRl labels on tap4 if the tape bas standard labels: filedef in tap4 filedef out term tape rew (tap4 move in out LABELDEF COMMAND The LABELDEF command is used to specify the exact data you want written in certain fields of a HDR1 or EOFl tape label for output. It can also be used to specify fields in the same labels that you want checked en input. If you do not explicitly specify a field for output, a default value is used. If you do not explicitly specify a field for input, the field is not checked. For example: labe1def abc fid master vo1seq 1 exdte 77364 used for input tells CMS to check the file identifier volume sequence number and expiration date in an input HDR1 label. No other fields in the label are checked. The same specification used for output causes the HDR1 label to have MASTER written in the file identifier field, 1 written in the volume sequence number field and 77364 written in the expiration date field. Default values are written in the HDR1 fields that are not specified. Default values for HDR1 labels are as follows: FID for OS simulation, the DDNAME (Specified on FILEDEF) for CMS/DOS, the DTFMT symbolic name for CMS TAPESL macro, the LABELDEF id (LABID=labe1defid) parameter VOLID CMSOOl VOLSEQ 0001 FSEQ 0001 GENN blanks GENV blanks CRDTE current date that label is written EXDTE current date that label is written SEC o The filename on the LABELDEF command is used to connect your label definition to a file defined elsewhere. This is why you specify different data for file name depending on the type of tape label processing you are doing. Filename is DDNAME for OS simulation, DTFMT symbolic name for CMS/DOS and labeldefid for TAPESL. The LABELDEF for CMS/DOS. 122.12 I command takes the place IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guiqe of the DOS/VSE TLBL statement Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 END-OF-VOLUME AND END-OF-TAPE PROCESSING There is no true end-of-volume support available with CMS tape label processing. FEOV instructions are not supported under OS simulation and there is no automatic volume switching. Multivolume files are not supported. The follcwing features exist to aid the IBM standard label tape user when he reaches end-of-tape on output or an EOV label in input. These are the only ways in which CMS sUFPorts EOV processing. • Input - When a CLOSE macro is issued or when a TAPESL macro processes an input trailer label, a message is issued if the label read is an EOV1 label instead of an EOF1 label. The EOV1 label is then processed exactly as if it were an EOF1 label. You must request that the operator mount a new tape and reopen a file if you want to continue processing the data. • Output Under CMS/DOS and OS simulation processing only (that is, the processing does not occur for TAPESL or CMS commands), the following limited EOV processing occurs: a. If you specify that you have an IBM standard label tape file, a single tape mark is written to end your data. This occurs when end-of-tape is sensed on output while you are using regular access method macros to write the file. The tape mark is written immediately after the record that caused the EOT to be sensed. Following this tape mark, CMS writes an EOV1 label and a single tape mark. It then rewinds and unloads your tape. A message is issued telling you that an EOV1 label was written. If you specified nonstandard labels instead of writing the EOV1 label, an exit to the nonstandard label routine you specified for the file is taken after the end-of-data tape mark is written. For BLP or NL files, only the ending tape mark is written. b. CMS/DOS jobs are always canceled after an EOT condition is detected on output. In order to continue processing the tape, you must have a new tape mounted, run the same job over again or run a new job and reopen the file. c. OS simulation programs that use QSAM ar contain a BSAM CHECK macro cause an abend when EOT is detected, with code 001 after an error message. A BSAM program that does not use a CHECK macro has no way of detecting the EOT condition. Such a Frogram continues to try to write on the tape after it is rewound and unloaded. The program enters a wait state rather than continue running to a normal or abnormal completion. Therefore, you should always include a BSIM CHECK macro after the WRITE if you expect your program to reach end-of-tape. OS simulation users are also responsible for completing processing on a new tape with the same or a new job after an EOT is detected. d. If you are a CMS/DOS user you always get the automatic output end-of-tape processing described above. However, if you are an OS simulation user and do not want CMS to do any special end-of-tape processing, you can suppress it by using the NOEOV option on your FILEDEF command for the file. If you enter: fi1edef dd1 tap3 s1 (noeov no tape marks or EOV1 labels are written when EOT is sensed on output. Your tape is not rewound and unloaded. However, the program causes an abend if you use QS1M or include a BS1M CHECK macro after your WRITE macro. Without a CHECK macro, a BSAM program runs the tape off the reel when EOT is sensed and NOEO~ is specified. Section 7. Using Real Printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes 122.13 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 ERROR PROCESSING When the standard label processing routines find errors or discrepancies on tape labels, they send a message to the CMS terminal user who is processing the tape. After an error message is issued, the user can ask the system operator to mount a new tape, use the CMS TAPE command to position the tape at a different file, or respecify his label description information. If you are a terminal user and want another tape mounted, you send the system operator a message telling him what tape to mount. Some errors cause program termination and others do not. The effect of tape label processing errors depends on both the type of error and the type of program (that is, CMS/DOS, OS simulation, CMS command, etc.) that invokes the label processing. The following are general guidelines on error handling: • Messages identifying the error are always issued. • Under OS simulation, tape label errors result in open errors. These errors prevent a tape file from being opened. They do not necessarily end a job. Errors in trailer labels (except block count errors) have no effect on processing. • In CMS/DOS, the terminal user is generally given two choices: ignore the error or cancel the job. The new-tape option is not allowed. • The CMS commands TAPEMAC and TAPPDS terminates with a non-zero return code after a tape label error. • Certain error situations such as unexpired files and block count errors for OS simulation allow the user to ignore the error and do not cause open errors. In these cases, the user enters his decision at the terminal after he is notified of the error. • Errors that occur during the loading of an NSL routine cause an abend (code 155 or 15A). A block count abend gives an error code of 500. In all cases, after an error has been detected and diagnosed, you aust decide what to do. you may wish to have a new tape mounted and then re-execute the command or you may want to respecify your LABELDEF description if it was incorrect. You can also use the TAPE command to space the tape to a new file if it was positioned incorrectly. THE MOVEFILE COMMAND The MOVEFILE command can copy sequential tape files into disk files, or sequential disk files onto tape. It can be particularly useful when you need to copy a file from a tape and you do not know the format of the tape. To use the MOVEFILE command, you must first define the input and output files using the FILEDEF command. For example, to copy a file from a tape attached to your virtual machine at virtual address 181 to a CMS disk, you would enter: filedef input tapl filedef output disk tape file a movefile input output 122.14 IBM VM/310 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 This sequence of co •• ands creates a file naaed TAPE FILE Al. Then use CMS commands to aanipulate and examine the contents of the file. MOVEFILE can also be used to display tape labels and/or'.ove labelled tape files. See "Tape Labels in CMS" for details. TAPES CREATED BY OS UTILITY PROGRAMS The CMS command TAPPDS can read OS partitioned and sequential data sets from tapes created by the IEBPTPCH, IEBUPDT!, and IEHMOVE utility programs. When you use the TAPPDS command~ the OS data set is copied into a CMS disk file, or in the case of partitioned data sets, into .ultiple disk files. l~BP!f£~: Sequential or partitioned data sets created by IEBPTPCB must be unblocked for CMS to read them. If you have a tape created by this utility, each member (if the data set is partitioned) is preceded with a card that contains "MEMBER=membernaae". If you read this tape with the command: tappds * then, CMS creates a disk file fro. each member, using the aeabername for the filename and assigning a filetype of CMSUT1. If you want to assign a particular filetype, for example TEST, you could enter the coamand as follows: tappds * test If the file you are reading is a sequential data set, you should use the NOPDS option of the TAPPDS co •• and: tappds test file (nopds The above command reads a sequential data set and assigns it a file identifier of TEST FILE. If you do not specify a filename or filetype, the default file identifier is TAPPDS CftSUT1. l~BUf~!~: Tapes in control file format created by the IEBUPDTE utility program can be read by CMS. Data sets may be blocked or unblocked, and may be either sequential or partitioned. Since files created by IEBUPDTE contain ./ADD control cards to signal the addition of me.bers to partitioned data sets, you must use the COL1 option of the TAPPDS command. Also, you must indicate to CftS that the tape was created by IEBUPDTE. For example, to read a partitioned data set, you vould enter the command: tappds * test (update co11 Section 1. Using Real Printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes 122.15 March 30, 1979 122.16 IBM 'M/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-X18 The CMS disk files created are always in unblocked, 80-character format. IEHMOVE: OS unloaded partitioned data sets on tapes created by the llHMOii utility program can be read either by the TAPPDS command or by the TAPEMAC command. The TAPPDS command creates an individual CMS file from each member of the PDS. If the PDS is a macro library, you can use the TAPEMAC command to copy it into a CMS MACLIB. A MACLIB, a CMS macro library, has a special format and can usually be created only by using the CMS MACLIB command. If you use the TAPPDS command, you have to use the MACLIB command to create the macro library fro. individual files containing macro definitions. SPECIFYING SPECIAL TAPE HANDLING OPTIONS For most of the tape handling that you do in CMS, you do not have to be concerned with the density or recording format of the magnetic tapes that you use. There are, however, some instances when it may be important and there are command options that you can use with the TAPE command MODESET operand and with ASSGN and FILEDEF command options. The specific listed below. situations and the command options you should use are • If you are reading or writing a 7-track tape and the density of the tape is either 200 or 556 bpi, you must specify DEN 200 or DEN 556. • If you are reading or writing a bpi, you must specify 1TRACK. 7-track tape with a density of 800 • If you are reading or writing a 7-track tape without convert feature, you must use the TRTCH option. using the data • If you are writing a with the 9TRACK option (on an 800/1600 drive) specify DEN 800 or DEN I • I I I tape using a 9-track dual density tape drive specified, and you want the density to be 800 or 6250 (on a 1600/6250 drive), then you must 6250. I If you are writing a tape, the default tape block size is 4096 bytes plus a 5-byte header. This format is not compatible with previous VM/310 systems. Therefore, if you want to write a tape compatible with previous VM/370 systems, you must use the 'BLK 800' option of the TAPE command. The TAPE command is described in detail in !~Ll1Q I ~~~ ~g~~~~B g~B ~g£!g R~f~£~~£~· Using the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) If your VM/370 installation is on a Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) network, you can send printer, punch, or reader spool files to users at remote locations. To send a spool file, you must know the userid of the virtual machine at your location that is running RSCS and the location identification (locid) of the remote location. If you are sending a spool file to a particular user at the remote location, you should also know that userid of the user. The CP commands that you can use to transmit files across the network are TAG and SPOOL. The TAG command allows you to specify the locid and userid that are to receive a spool file, or, in the case of tagging a Section 1. Using Real Printers, Punches, Readers, and Tapes 123 March 30, 1979 printer or punch, of any spool files produced by that device. With the SPOOL command, you spool your virtual device to the RSCS virtual machine. You can also use the TRANSFER command to transfer files frcm your own virtual card reader. The CP commands TAG, SPOOL, and TRANSFER are discussed in detail in the publication !~JIQ ~f ~Qmm!ng RgtgE~n£g tQE §~ngE!! Y§gE§· 124 IB" VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev ftarch 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 Part 2. Program Development Using eMS You can use CMS to write, develop, update, and test: • as programs to execute either in the simulation) or in an as virtual machine CftS environment (using os • DOS programs to execute in either the CftS/DOS environment or in a DOS virtual machine • CftS programs to execute in the CftS environment The as and DOS simulation capabilities of CftS allow you to develop OS and DOS programs interactively in a time-sharing environment. When your programs are thoroughly tested, you can execute them in an as or Des virtual machine under the control of V8/370. "Section 8. Developing as Programs Under CftS" is for programmers who use as. It describes procedures and techniques for using CftS co.mands that simulate as functions. "Section 9. Developing DOS Programs Under CftS" is for programmers who use DOS. It describes procedures and techniques for using CftS/DO~ co.mands to simulate DOS/VSE functions. If you use VSAft and access method services in either a DOS or an OS environment, "Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSlft in CBS and CftS/DOS" provides usage information for you. It describes how to use CftS to manipulate VSAft disks and data sets. You can use the interactive facilities of CP and CftS to test and debug programs directly at your terminal. "Section 11. How Vft/370 Can Help You Debug Your Programs" shows examples of commands and debugging techniques. The CftS batch facility is a CftS to another machine for execution. to a CftS batch virtual machine is CftS Batch Facility." feature that allows you to send jobs How to prepare and send job streaas described in "Section 12. Using the As you learn to use CftS, you may want to write programs for CBS applications. "Section 13. Programming for the CftS Environment" contains information for assembler language programmers: linkage conventions, programming notes, and macro instructions you can use in CftS programs. Part 2. Program Development Using CftS 125 March 30, 1979 126 IBM VM/370 CMSUser's Guide March 30, 1919 Section 8. Developing OS Programs under eMS CMS simulates many of the functions of the Operating System (OS), allowing you to compile, execute and debug OS programs interactively. For the most part, you do not need to be concerned with the eMS OS simulation routines~ they are built into the CMS system. Before you can compile and execute as programs in CMS, however, you must be acquainted with the following: • • • • • • • as macros that CMS can simulate Using as data sets in CMS How to use the FILEDEF command creating CMS files from as data sets Using CMS and as macro libraries Assembling programs in CMS Executing Frograms These topics are discussed below. Additional information for as VSAE users is in "Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM Under C~S and CMS/DOS." For a practice terminal session using the commands and techniques presented in Section 8, see "Appendix D: Sample Terminal Sessions." The CMS system uses many as terms, but there are a number of as functions that CMS performs somewhat differently. To help you become familiar with the some of the CMS equivalents (where they do exist) for as terms and functions, see Figure 11. It lists some commonly-used os terms and discusses how CMS handles the functions they imply. section 8. Developing as programs Under CMS 121 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 574S-XXS CMS Equivalent OS Tera/Function Cataloged procedure EXEC files can execute command sequences similar to cataloged procedures, and provide for conditional execution based on return codes from previous steps. Data set Data sets are called files in CMS; CMS files are always sequential but CMS simulates OS partitioned data sets. CftS reads and writes VSAft data sets. Data Definition (DD) card The FILEDEF commandallcws you to perform the functions of the DD statement to specify device types and output file dispositions. Data Set Control Block (DSCB) Information about a CMS disk file is contained in a file status table (FST). EXEC card To execute a program in CMS you specify only the name of the progiam if it is an EXEC, ftODULE file, or CMS command. To execute TEXT files, use the LOAD and START commands. Job Control Language (JCL) CMS and user-written commands perform the functions of JCL. Link-editing The CMS LOAD command loads object decks (TEXT files) into virtual storage, and resolves external references; the GENMOn command creates absolute nonrelocatable modules. Load .odule CMS ftODULE files (resulting from the LOAD and GENMOD commands) are nonrelocatable. Object module Language compiler output is placed in CftS files with a filetype of TEXT. Partitioned data set CMS ftACLIBs and TXTLIBs are the only CMS files that resemble partitioned data sets. STEPCAT,JOBCAT 'SAM catalogs can be assigned for jobs or job steps in CMS by using the special ddnames IJSYSCT and IJSYSUC when identifying catalogs. STEPLIB, JOBLIB The GLOBAL command establishes macro and text libraries; you can indirectly provide job libraries by accessing and releasing CMS disks that contain the files and programs you need. Utility program Functions similar to those performed by the OS utility programs are provided by CMS commands. Volume Table of Contents (VTOC) The list of files on a eMS disk is contained in a file directory for SOO-byte format CMS disks, or in the file directory for CMS disks with a 1024-, 2048-, or 4096-byte block format Figure 11. OS Terms and CMS Equivalents 128 IBM 'M/370 CMS User's Guide Using OS Data Sets In eMS You can have as disks defined in your virtual machine configuration; they may be either entire disks or minidisks: their size and extent depends on their VM/370 directory entries. You can use partitioned and sequential data sets on as disks in CMS. If you want, you can create CMS files from your os data sets. If you have data sets on os disks, you can read them from programs you execute in CMS, but you cannot update them. The CMS commands that recognize os data sets on os disks are listed in Figure 12. Command ) operation ACCESS Makes the os disk containing the data set available to your eMS virtual machine. ASSEMBLE Assembles an DDR Copies an entire DLBL Defines as data sets for use with access method services and VSAM files for program input/output. FILEDEF Defines the OS data set for use under CMS by associating an as ddname with an OS data set name. Once defined, the data set can be used by an as program running under CMS and can be manipulated by the other commands that support as functions. GLOBAL Makes macro libraries available to the assembler. You can prepare an as macro library for reference by the GLOBAL command by issuing a FILEDEF command for the data set and giving the data set a filetype of MACLIB. LISTDS as source program under CMS. as disk to tape. Lists information describing disks. as as data sets residing on MOVEFILE Moves data records from one device to another device. Each device is specified by a ddname, which must have been defined via FILEDEF. You can use the MOVEFILE command to create CMS files from as data sets. QUERY Lists (1) the files that have been defined with the FILEDEF and DLBL commands (QUERY FILFDEF, QUERY DLBL), or (2) the status of as disks attached to your virtual machinel (QUERY DISK, QUERY SEARCH). I I Releases an OS disk you have accessed (via ACCESS) from I your CMS virtual machine. I I verifies the existence of an as data set on a disk. I Before 'STATE can verify the existence of the data set, I you must have defined it (via FILEDEF). I RELEASE STATE Figure 12. CMS Commands That Recognize as Data Sets and as Disks ) Section 8. Developing as Programs Under eftS 129 ACCESS METHODS SUPPORTED BY CMS as access methods are supported, to varying extents, by CMS. Under eMS, you can execute programs that use the as data management macros that are supplied for the access methods listed below. Access Method BDAM BPAM BSAM QSAM VSAM eMS Support for OS Simulated Data Sets on eMS Disks Yes Yes Yes Yes No eMS Support for Real as Data Sets on as Disks No Yes (read only) Yes (read only) Yes (read only) Yes L----------------------------------------------------------------------J ~~AM, ~2A~, g~£ QSA~: You can execute programs in eMS that read records from as data sets using the BPAM, BSAM, or QSAM access methods,. You cannot, however, write or update as data sets that reside on as disks. BDAM: CMS can neither read nor write as access method. BDAM data sets on as disks using the VSAM Files: eMS can read and write VSAM files on as disks. For Information on using VSAM under eMS, see "section 10. Using ,Access Method Services and VSAM Under eMS and eMS/DOS." If you want to test programs in eMS that create or modify as data sets, you can write "aS simulated data sets." These are eMS files that are maintained on eMS disks, but in as format rather than in CMS for.at. Since they are eMS files, you can edit, rename, copy, or manipulate them just as you would any other eMS file. Since they are in OS-simulated format, files with variable-blocked records may contain block and record descriptor words so that the access methods can manipulate them properly. The files that you create from as programs do not necessarily have to be as simulated data sets. You can create eMS files. The format of an output file depends on how you specify the filemode number when you issue the FILEDEF command to identify the file to eMS. If you specify the filemode number as 4, CMS creates a file that is in as simulated data set format on a eMS disk. eMS can read and write as simulated data sets using BSAM, and QSAM access methods. the BDAM, BPAe, When an input or output error occurs, do not depend on as sense bytes. An error code is supplied by eMS in the EeB in place of the sense bytes. These error codes differ for various types of devices and their meaning can be found in the !~~ !ALJIQ 2I§!g~ ~~§22g~2' under DMS message 120S. 130 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide March 30, 1979 The following restrictions apply disks under CMS: when you read as data sets from os • Read-password-protected data sets are not read. • BDAM and ISAM data sets are not read. • Multivolume data sets are read as single-volume data sets. End-of-volume is treated as end-of-file and there is no end-of-volume switching. • Keys in data sets with keys are ignored; only the data is read. • User labels in user-labeled data sets are bypassed (except for user standard labels on tapes). See "Tape Labels in CMS" for details. • Results may be unpredictable if two DCBs the same time. access the same data set at Using the FILEDEF Command Whenever you execute an as program under CMS that has output files, or you need to read an as data set onto a must first identify the files to CMS with the PILEDEF FILEDEF command in CMS performs the same functions definition (DD) card in os job control language (JCL): it input and output files. input and/or CMS disk, you command. The as the data describes the When you enter the PILEDEF command, you specify: • The ddname • The device type • A file identification, if the device type is DISK • Type of label on specified • Options (if necessary) your tape file, if taFe label processing is Some guidelines for entering these specifications follow. SPECIPYING THE DDNAME If the FILEDEP command is issued for a then the ddname must be the same as the for the file in the source program. For language source program that contains the INFILE DCB program input or output file, ddna.e or file na.e specified example, you have an assembler line: DDNAME=INPUTDD,MACRF=GL,DSORG=PS,RECPft=P,LRECL=80 Par a particular execution of this program, you want to use as your input file a CMS file on your A-disk that is named MYINPUT FILE, then, you must issue a FILEDEF for this file before executing the prograa: Section 8. Developing as programs Under CftS 131 ~ March 30, 1979 filedef inputdd disk myinput file a1 If the input file you want to use is on an OS disk accessed as your C-disk, and it has a data set name of PAYROLL. RECORDS. AUGUST, then your FILEDEF command might be: filedef inputdd c1 dsn payroll records august SPECIFYING THE DEVICE TYPE For input files, the device type you enter on the FILEDEF command indicates the device from which you want records read. It can be DISK, TERMINAL, READER (for input from real cards or virtual cards), or TAPn (for tape). Using the above example, if your input file is to be read from four virtual card reader, the FILEDEF command might be as follows: filedef inputdd reader or, if you were reading from a virtual address 181 (TAP1): tape attached to your virtual machine at filedef inputdd tap1 For output files, the device you specify can be DISK, PRINTER, PUNCH, TAPn (tape), or TERMINAL. If you do not want any real I/O performed during the execution of a program for a disk input or output file, you can specify the device type as DUMMY: filedef inputdd dummy ENTERING FILE IDENTIFICATIONS If you are using a CMS disk file for your input or output, you specify: filedef ddname disk filename filetype filemode * Note that if is used for the filemode of an output file, unpredictable results may occur. The filemode field is optional; if you do not specify it, your A-disk is assumed. If you want an output file to be constructed in OS simulated data set format, you must specify the filemode number as 4. For example, a program contains a DCB for an output file with a ddname of OUTPUTDD, and you are using it to create a CMS file named DAILY OUTPUT on your B-disk: filedef outputdd disk daily output b4 If your input file is an OS data it in several ways: • If the data HEALTH~RECORDS, set on an OS disk, you can identify set name has only you can specify: two filedef inputdd disk health records b1 132 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide qualifiers, for example Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev ftarch 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-902Q-1 for 57Qa-IJa • If it has .ore enter: than two qualifiers, you can use the DSI keyword and filedef inputdd b1 dsn health records august 197Q Or you can request a proapt for a coaplete data set naae: filedef inputdd b1 dsn ? ENTER DATA SET NAftE: health.records.august.1974 Section 8. Developing OS prograas Under CBS 132.1 March 30, 1979 132.2 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide March 30, 1979 !2!~: When you enter a data set name using the DSN keyword, either with or without a request for prompting, you should omit the device type specification of DISK, unless you want to assign a CftS file identifier, as in the example below. • You can also relate an as data set name to a CMS file identifier: filedef inputdd disk ossim file c1 dsn monthly records Then you can refer to the OS data set MONTHLY.RECORDS by CMS file identifier, OSSIM FILE: using the state ossim file c When you do not issue a FILEDEF command for a program input or output file, or if you enter only the ddname and device type on the FILEDEF coamand, such as: filedef oscar disk then CMS issues a default file definition, as follows: FILEDEF ddname DISK FILE ddname A1 where ddname is the ddname you assigned in the DDNAftE operand of the DCB macro in your program or on the FILEDEF command. For example, if you assign a ddname of OSCAR to an output file and do not issue a FILEDEF command before you execute the program, then the CftS file FILE OSCAR A1 is created when you execute the program. SPECIFYING CftS TAPE LABEL PROCESSING You can use the label operands on the FILEDEF command to indicate that CMS tape label processing is not desired (this is the default). If CftS tape label processing is desired you can use the label operands on the FILEDEF command to indicate the types of labels on your tape. See "Tape Labels in CMS" for a description of CMS tape label processing. SPECIFYING OPTIONS The FILEDEF command has many options; those mentioned below are a sampling only. For complete descriptions of all the options of the FILEDEF command, see the !~L1IQ ~~~ ~Q!!g~£ g~£ ~g££Q ~~fe£~~£~. ~1Q£!, ~Hj~1, HjCF~, ~~Q~Q: If you are using the FILEDEF command to relate a data control block (DCB) in a program to an input or output file, you may need to supply some of the file format information, such as the record length and block size, on the FILEDEF command line. For example, if you have coded a DCB macro for an output file as follows: OUTFILE DCB DDNAME=OUT,MACRF=PM,DSORG=PS then, when you are issuing a FILEDEF for this ddname, you must specify the format of the file. To create an output file on disk, blocked in OS simulated data set format, you could issue: filedef out disk my output file a4 (recfm fb lrecl 80 block 1600 Section 8. Developing OS programs Under CMS 133 March 30, 1979 To punch the output file onto cards, you would issue: filedef out punch (lrecl 80 recfm f You must supply file format information on the FILEDEF command line whenever it is not supplied on the DCB macro, except for existing disk files. f]B~: Usually, when you execute one of the language processors, all existing file definitions are cleared. If the development of a program requires you to recompile and re-execute it frequently, you might want to use the PERM option when you issue file definitions for your input and output files. For example: cp spool punch to * filedef indd disk test file a1 (lrecl 80 perm filedef outdd punch (lrecl 80 perm In this example, since you spooled your virtual punch to your own virtual card reader, output files are placed in your virtual reader. You can either read or delete them. All file definitions issued with the PERM option stay in effect until you log off, specifically clear those definitions, or redefine them: filedef indd clear filedef outdd tap1 (lrecl 80 In the above example, the redefined as a tape file. definition for INDD is cleared; OUTDD is When you issue the command: filedef * clear all file definitions option. are cleared, except those you enter with the PERM When a program abends, or when you issue the HX Immediate command, all file definitions are cleared, including those entered with the PERM option. 121SP J!QJ2: When you issue a FILEDEF command for an output file and assign it a CMS file identifier that is identical to that of an existing CMS file, then when anything is written to that ddname the existing file is replaced by the new output file. If you want, instead, to have new records added to the bottom of the existing file, you can use the DISP MOD option: filedef outdd disk; new update a1 (disp mod If the file you want to read is a member of an as partitioned data set (or a CMS MACLIB or TXTLIB), you can use the MEMBER option to specify the membername; for example: 1!]MB]~: filedef test c dsn sys1 maclib (member test defines the member TEST from the as macro library SYS1.MACLIB. !!!U~Q~: This option allows an auxiliary processing routine to receive control during I/O operating. It is valid only when FILEDEF is executed by an internal program call and cannot be entered on a terminal command. For details on how to use this option of the FILEDEF command, see the !1!LJIQ 134 ~Y§!~! f!2g!~!!~!~§ ~~!g~. IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-X18 Creating CMS Files From as Data Sets If you have data sets on as disks, or on tapes or cards, you can copy thea into CMS files so that you can edit, modify, or manipulate them with CMS commands. The CMS MOVEFILE command copies as (or eMS) files from one device to another. You can move data sets from any valid input device to any valid output device. Section 8. Developing as Programs Under eMS 134.1 March 30, 1919 134.2 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Before using the MOVEFILE command, you must define the input and output data sets or files and assign them ddnames using the FILEDEF command. If you use the ddnames INMOVE and OUTMOVE, then you do not need to specify the ddnames when you issue the MOVEFILE co.mand. For example, the following sequence of commands copies a CMS disk file into your virtual card punch: filedef inmove disk disk in file a1 filedef outmove punch movefile The result of these issued the com.and: punch diskin file commands is effectively the same as if you had (noheader The example does, however, illustrate the basic relationship between the FILEDEF and MOVEFILE commands. In addition to the MOVEFILE command, if the OS input data set is on tape or cards, you can use the TAPPDS or READCARD command to create CMS files. These are also discussed below. ~QR!l!~ ~]2Y]!1!A1 DATA SETS FROM DISK: The MOVEFILE command copies a sequential OS disk data set-froi-a--read-only os disk into an integral CMS file on a CMS read/write disk. You use FILEDEF commands to identify the input file disk mode and data set name: filedef inmove c1 dsn sales manual the CMS output file's disk location and fileid: filedef outmove disk sales manual a1 and then you issue the MOVEFILE command: ) movefile ~QR!!!~ ~Ai1!I!Q!ED Q!!A ~!!~ I~Q~ QI~~: The MOVEFILE command can copy partitioned data sets (PDS) into CMS disk files, and create separate CMS files for each member of the data set. You can have the entire data set copied, or you can copy only a selected member. For example, if you have a partitioned data set named ASSEMBLE. SOURCE whose members are individual assembler language source files, your input file definition might be: filedef inmove c1 dsn assemble source To create individual CMS ASSEMBLE files, you would issue the output file definition as: filedef outmove disk qprint assemble a1 Then use the PDS option of the MOVEFILE command: movefile (pds When the eMS files are created, the filetype on the output definition is used for the filetype and the member names are instead of the CMS filename you specified. If you want to copy only a option of the FILEDEF command: ) single member, you filedef inmove disk assemble source c can use file used the MEMBER (member qprint Section 8. Developing OS programs Under CMS 135 and omit the PDS option on the MOVEFILE command: movefile Figure 13 summarizes from OS data sets. Input File: the various ways that you can create CMS files An OS seguential data set named: COMPUTE. TEST. RECORDS CMS Output File Source CMS Command Examples OS RIO C-disk filedef outdd disk compute records a1 movefile indd outdd -------------------------------------------------------------------,COMPUTE RECORDS A1 filedef indd c1 dsn compute test records Disk: TEST RECORDS A1 filedef inmove tap1 (lrecl 80 filedef outmove disk test records a1 movefile Tape: 181 Cards tappds newtest compute (nopds NEWTEST COMPUTE A1 filedef cardin reader filedef diskout disk compute cards a1 lIIovefile cardin diskout COMPUTE CARDS 11 readcard compute test COMPUTE TEST 11 Input file: OS partitioned data set named: TES~.CISES Members named: SIMPLE, COMPLEX, MIXED Source Disk: OS R/O C-disk Tape: 182 CMS Command Examples CMS Output File(s) filedef infile disk test cases c1 filedef out file disk new testcase a1 movefile infile outfile (pds SIMPLE TESTCISE 11 COMPLEX TESTCISE 11 MIXED TESTCISE filedef in c1 dsn test cases (member simple filedef run disk lDovefile in run FILE RUN 11 tappds * testrun SIMPLE TESTRUN 11 COMPLEX TESTRUN A1 MIXED TESTRUN 11 (tap2 Figure 13. Creating CMS Files From OS Data Sets Using eMS Libraries CMS provides two types of libraries to aid in OS program development: • Macro litraries contain macro definitions and/or copy files • Text, or program (compiler output) libraries contain relocatable object programs These CMS libraries are like OS partitioned data sets; each has a directory and members. Since they are not like other CMS files, you create, update, and use them differently than you do other CMS files. Although these library files are similar in function to OS partitioned data sets, OS macros should not be used to update them. Macro libraries are discussed below; text libraries are discussed under "TEXT Libraries (TXTLIBs)" later in this section. A CMS macro library has a filetype of MACLIB. You can create a MACLIB from files with filetypes of MACRO or COPY. A MACRO file may contain macro definitions; COpy files contain predefined source statements. ( 136 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide When you want to assemble or compile a source program that uses macro or copy definitions, you must ensure that the library containing the code is identified before you invoke the compiler. Otherwise, the library is not searched. You identify libraries to be searched using the GLOBAL command. For example, if you have two MACLIBs that contain your private macros and copy files whose names are TESTMIC MACLIB and TESTCOPY MACLIB, you would issue the command: global maclib test mac testcopy The libraries you specify on a GLOBAL command line are searched in the order you specify them. A GLOBAL command remains in effect for the remainder of your terminal session, until you issue another GLOBAL MACLIB command or re-IPL CMS. To find out what macro libraries are currently available for searching, issue the command: query maclib You can reset the libraries or the command. search order by reissuing the GLOBAL THE MACLIB COMMAND The MACLIB command performs a variety of functions. You use it to: • • • • Create the MACLIB (GEN function) Add, delete, or replace members (ADD, DEL, and REP functions) Compress the MACLIB (COMP function) List the contents of the MAC LIB (MAP function) Eescriptions of these MACLIB command functions follow. XYD£1i2D: The GEN (generate) function creates a CMS macro library from input files specified on the command line. The input files must have filetypes of either MACRO or COPY. For example: ~~B maclib gen osmac access time put regequ creates a macro library with the file identifier OSMAC MACLIB macros existing in the files with the file identifiers: A1 from ACCESS { MACRO}, TIME { MACRO}, PUT { MACRO}, and REGEQU {MACRO} COpy COpy COpy COpy If a file named OSMAC MACLIB A1 already exists, it is erased. Assume that the files ACCESS MACRO, TIME COPY, PUT MACRO, and REGEQO COpy exist and contain macros in the following form: ACCESS MACRO -----------GET PUT TIME COPY --------*COPY TTIMER POT MACRO --------PUT TTIMER *COPY STIMER STIMER REGEQO COpy ----------XREG YREG ) Section 8. Developing as Programs Onder CMS 137 The resulting file, OSMAC MACLIB Al, contains the members: GET PUT TTIMER STIMER PUT REGEQU The PUT macro, which appears twice in the input to the command, also appears twice in the output~ The MACLIB command does not check for duplicate macro names. If, at a later time, the PUT macro is requested from OSMAC MACLIB, the first PUT macro encountered in the directory is used. When COpy files are added to MACLIBs, the name of the library member is taken from the name of the COpy file, or from the *COPY statement, as in the file TIME COpy, above. Note that although the file REGEQU COpy contained two macros, they were both included in the MACLIB with the name REGEQU. When the input file is a MACRO file, the member name(s) are taken from macro prototype statements in the MACRO file. 1YD£!!QD: The ADD function appends new members to an existing macro library. For example, assume that OSMAC MACLIB 11 exists as created in the example in the explanation of the GEN function and the file DCB COpy exists as follows: A~~ *COPY DCB DCB macro definition *COPY DCBD DCBD macro definition If you issue the command: maclib add osmac dcb the resulting OSMAC MACLIB Al contains the members: GET PUT TTIMER STIMER PUT REGEQU DCB DCBD 1YD£!!QD: The REP (replace) function deletes the directory entry for the macro definition in the files specified. It then appends new macro definitions to the macro library and creates new directory entries. For example, assume that a macro library MYMAC MICLIE contains the members A, B, and C, and that the following command is entered: ~~E maclib rep mymac a c The files represented by file identifiers A MACRO and C MACRO each have one macro definition. After execution of the command, MYMAC MACLIB contains members with the same names as before, but the contents of 1 and C are different. 1YD£!!QD: The DEL (delete) function removes the specified macro name from the macro library directory and compresses the directory so there are no unused entries. The macro definition still occupies space in the library, but since no directory entry exists it cannot be accessed or retrieved. If you attempt to delete a macro for which two macro definitions exist in the macro library, only the first one encountered is deleted. For example: ~~1 maclib del osmac get put ttimer dcb ( 138 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide March 30, 1979 deletes macro names GET, PUT, TTIMER, and DCB from the directory of the macro library named OSMAC MACLIB. Assume that OSMAC exists as in the ADD function example. After the above command, OSMAC MACLIB contains the following members: STIMER PUT REGEQU DCBD COMP Function: Execution of a MACLIB command with the DEL or REP functionS--can leave unused space within a macro library. The COMP (compress) function removes any macros that do not have directory entries. This function uses a temporary file named MACLIB CMSUT1. For example, the command: maclib camp mymac compresses the library MYMAC MACLIB. MAP Function: The MAP function creates a list containing the name of each-macro--in the directory, the size of the macro, and its position within the macro library. If you want to display a list of the members of a MACLIB at the terminal, enter the command: maclib map mylib (term The default option, DISK, creates a file on your A-disk, which has a filetype of MAP and a filename corresponding to the filename of the MACLIB. If you specify the PRINT option, the list is spooled to your virtual printer. !~te: TERM and PRINT options will erase the old MAP file. The following CMS commands have MEMBER reference individual members of a MACLIB: • • • • options, which allow you to PRINT (to print a member) PUNCH (to punch a member) TYPE (to display a member) FILEDEF (to establish a file definition for a member) You can use the CMS editor to create MACRO and COpy files and then use the MACLIB command to place the files in a library. Once they are in a library, you can erase the original files. To extract a member from a macro library, you can use either the PUNCH or the MOVEFILE command. If you use the PUNCH command you can spool your virtual card punch to your own virtual reader: cp spool punch to * Then punch the member: punch testmac maclib (member get noheader and read it back onto disk: readcard get macro Section 8. Developing OS Programs Under CMS 139 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. S1::23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 In the above example, the member was punched with the NOHEADER option of the PUNCH coamand,so that a name could be assigned on the READCARD co •• and line. If a header card had been created for the file, i t wou1d have indicated the filename and filetype as GET MEMBER. If you use the MOVEFILE command, you must issue a file definition fer the input member name and the output macro or copy name before entering the MOVEFILE command: filedef inmove disk testcopy maclib (member enter filedef outmove disk enter copy a movefile This example copies the member ENTER from MACLIB into a CMS file named ENTER COpy~ the macro library TESTCOPY When you use the PUNCH or MOVEFILE commands to extract members froa CMS MACLIBs, each member is followed by a II record, which is a MACLIB delimiter. You can edit the file and use the DELETE subcommand to delete the II record. If you wish to COpy FILE command. move th~ coaplete MACLIB to another file, use the The macro libraries that are on the .system disk contain CMS and assembler language macros that you may want to use in your programs: • I • OS CMSLIB MACLIB contains the CMS macros. DMSB20 MACLIB contains the CMS macros Extensions (Program No. 5748-XX8). for VM/370 Basic System • OSMACRO MACLIB contains the OS macros or those that require no CMS support. that CMS supports or simulates • OSMACR01 MACLIB contains" the macros CMS does not support or simulate. (You can assemble programs in CMS that contain these macros, but you must execute them in an OS virtual machine.) • TSOMAC MACLIB contains TSO macros. • DOSMACRO MACLIB contains macros used in CMS/DOS. To obtain a list of the macros in any of these libraries, use the MAP function of the MACLIB command. USING OS MACRO LIBRARIES If you want to assemble source programs that contain macro statements that are defined in macro libraries on your OS disks, you can use the FILEDEF command to identify them to CMS so that you can name them when you issue the GLOBAL command. For example, the commands: filedef cmslib disk temp maclib c dsn test asm macros global maclib temp allow you to access the accessed as your C-disk. 140 macro library IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide" TEST.ASM.~ACROS on the OS disk Assembling Programs in eMS To assemble assembler language source programs into object module for.at, you can use the ASSEMBLE command, and sFecify assembler options on the command line; for example: assemble .myfile (print assembles a source program named MIFILE ASSEMBLE and directs the output listing to the printer. All of the ASSEMBLE command options are listed in the !~LJ1Q £~~ £Q!~~~~ ~~~ ~~£EQ ~~f~E~!£~· When you invoke the ASSEMBLE command specifying a file with the filetype of ASSEMBLE, CMS searches all of your accessed disks, using the standard search order, until it locates the sFecified file. When the assembler creates its output listing and text deck, it creates files with filetypes of LISTING and TEXT, and writes them onto disk according to the following priorities: 1. If the source file is on a read/write disk, the TEXT files are written onto that disk. 2. If the source file is on a read-only extension of a read/write disk, the TEXT and LISTING files are written onto the parent disk. 3. If the source file is on any other read-only disk, the LISTING files are written onto the A-disk. In all of the above cases, the TEXT and LISTING files that is the same as the input ASSEMBLE file. ) and LISTING TEXT and have a filename The input and output files used by the assembler are assigned by FILEDEF commands that CMS issues internally when the assembler is invoked. If you issue a FILEDEF command using one of the assembler ddna.es before you issue the ASSEMBLE command, you can override the default file definitions. The ddname enter: for the source input file (SISIN) is ASSEMBLE. If you filedef assemble reader assemble sample then the assembler reads your input file from your card reader, and assigns the filename SAMPLE to the output TEXT and LISTING files. Iou could entering: assemble a source file directly from an as disk by filedef assemble disk myfile assemble b4 dsn os source file assemble myfile In this example, the CMS file identifier MIFILE ASSEMBLE is assigned to the data set as. SOURCE. FILE and then assembled. LISTING and TEXT are the ddnames assigned to the SYSPRINT and SISLIN output of the assembler. Iou might assign file definitions to override these defaults as follows: filedef listing disk assemble listfile a filedef text disk assemble textfile a assemble source In this example, output from the assembly of the file, SOURCE ASSEMBLE, is written to the files, ASSEMBLE LISTFILE and ASSEMBLE TEXTFILE. Section 8. Developing as Programs Under CMS 143 The ddnames PUNCH and CMSLIB are used for SYSPUNCH and SYSLIB data sets. PUNCH output is produced when you use the DECK option of the ASSEMBLE command. The default file definition for CMSLIB is the macro library CMSLIB MACLIB, but you must still issue the GLOBAL command if you want to use it. Executing Programs After you have assembled or compiled a source program you can execute the TEXT files that were produced by the assembly or compilation. You may not, however, be able to execute all your OS programs directly in CHS. There are a number of execution-time restrictions placed on your virtual machine by VM/370. You cannot execute a program that uses: • • • • Multitasking More than one partition Teleprocessing ISAM macros to read or write files The above is only a partial list, representing those restrictions with which you might be concerned. For a complete list of restrictions, see the !~LJ1Q El~n~i~g ~ng ~I§!~! Q~n~!g!!Qn Qy!g~. EXECUTING TEXT FILES TEXT files, in CMS, are relocatable, and can be executed simply by loading them into virtual storage with the LOAD command and using the START command to begin execution. For example, if you have assembled a source program named CREATE, you have a file named CREATE TEXT. You can issue the command: load create which loads the relocatable object file into storage, execute it, you can issue the START command: and then, to start In the case of a simple program, as in the above example, you can load and begin execution with a single command line, using the START option of the LOAD command: load create (start When you issue the START command or LOAD command with the START option, control is passed to the first entry point in your program. If you have more than one' entry point and you want to begin execution at an entry point other than the first, you can specify the alternate entry point or CSECT name on the START command: start create2 When you issue the LOAD command specifying the filename of a TEXT file, CMS searches all of your accessed disks for the specified file. If your pro~ram expects a parameter list to be passed (via register 1), you can specify the arguments on the START command line. If. you en~er arguments, then you must specify the entry point: start 144 * name1 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( When you specify the entry point as an asterisk (*) it you want to use the default entry point~ indicates that You can issue the FILEDEF command to define input and output files any time before you begin program execution. You can issue all your file definitions before loading any TEIT files, or issue them during the loading process. You can find out what file definitions are currently in effect by issuing the FILEDEF command with no operands: filedef You can also use the FILEDEF operand of the QUERY command. TEIT LIBRARIES (TITLIBS) You may want to keep your TEIT files in text libraries, that have a filetype of TITLIB. Like MACLIBs, TITLIBs have a directory and members. TITLIBs are created and modified by the TITLIB command, which has functions similar to the MACLIB command: • • • • The The The The GEN ADD DEL MAP function function function function creates the TITLIB. adds members to the TITLIB. deletes members and compresses the TITLIB. lists members. There is no REP function; you must use a DEL followed by an ADD to replace an existing member. The CMS commands that recognize MACLIBs as special filetypes also recognize TITLIBs, and allow you to display, print, or punch,TITLIB members. The TITLIB command reads the object files as it writes them into the library, and creates a directory entry for each entry point or CSECT name. If you have a TEIT file named MYPROG, which has a single routine named BEGIN, and create the TITLIB named TESTLIB as follows: txt lib gen test lib myprog TESTLIB contains no entry for the name MYPROG; membername,BEGIN to reference this TITLIB member. you must specify the When you want to load members of TITLIBs into storage to execute them (just as you execute TEIT files), you must issue the GLOBAL command to identify the TITLIB: global txt lib test lib load begin (start 'When you specify more than one TITLIB on the GLOBAL command line, the order of search is established for the TITLIBs. However, if the AUTO option is in effect (it is the default), CMS searches for TEIT files before searching active TITLIBs. ) When the TITLIB command processes a TEIT file, it writes an LDT (loader terminate) card at the end of the TEIT file, so that when a load request is issued for a TITLIB member, loading terminates at the end of the member. If you add OS linkage editor control statements to the TEIT file (using the CMS editor) before you issue the TITLIB command to add the file to a TITLIB, the control statements are processed as follows: section 8. Developing OS programs Under CMS 145 !!~: A NAME statement causes the TXTLIB command to create the directory entry for the member using the specified name. Thereafter, when you want to load that member into storage or delete it from the TXTLIB you must refer to it by the name specified on the NAME statement. If you use an ENTRY statement, the entry point you specify is validated and checked for a duplicate. If the entry point name is valid and there are no duplicates in the TEXT file, the entry name is written in the LDT card. otherwise, an error message' is issued. When this member is loaded, execution begins at the entry point specified. (See the following "Determining Program Entry Points.") ~!TR!: !1I!~: An entry is created in the directory for the ALIAS name you specify. A maximum of 16 alias names can be used in a single text deck. You may load the single member and execute it by referring to the alias name, but you cannot use the alias name as the object of v-type address constant (VCON), because the address of the member cannot be resolved. ~~TS~J: Information you specify on the SETSSI card is 26 through 33 of the LDT card. written in bytes All other OS linkage editor control statements are ignored by the TXTLIB command and written into the TXTLIB member. When you attempt to load the member, the CMS loader flags these cards as invalid. RESOLVING EXTERNAL REFERENCES There is no real linkage editor in CMS; the link-edit function, that of locating external references and loading additional object modules into storage, is performed by the CMS loader. The CMS loader loads files into storage as a result of a LOAD or INCLUDE command, or when you issue a dynamic load request from a program (using the OS macros LOAD, LINK, or XCTL). When a file is loaded, the loader checks for unresolved references; if there are any, the loader searches your disks for TEXT files with filenames that match the external entry name. When it finds a match, it loads the TEXT file into storage. If a TEXT file is not found, the loader searches any available TXTLIBs for members that match; if a match is found, it loads the member. If there are still unresolved references, for example, if you load a program that calls routines PRINT and ANALYZE but the loader cannot locate them, you receive the message: THE FOLLOWING NAMES ARE UNDEFINED: PRINT ANALYZE You can issue the INCLUDE command to load additional TEXT files or TXTLIB members into storage so the loader can resolve any remaining references. For eXample, if you did not identify the TXTLIB that contains the routines you want to call, you may enter the GLOBAL command followed by the INCLUDE command: global txt lib newlib include print analyze (start This situation might also occur if you have TEXT files with filenames that are different from the CSECT names; you must explicitly issue LOAD and INCLUDE commands for these files. 146 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( At execution time, if there are still any unresolved references, their addresses are all set to 0 by the loader, so any attempt to address them in a program may result in a program check. The INCLUDE command has the same format and option list (with one exception) as the LOAD command. The main difference is that when you issue the INCLUDE command the loader tables are not reset; if you issue two LOAD commands in succession, the second LeAD command cancels the effect of the first, and the pointers to the files loaded are lost. Conversely, the INCLUDE command, which you must issue when you want to load additional files into storage, should not be used unless you have just issued a LOAD command. You may sFecify as many INCLUDE commands as necessary following a LOAD command to load files into storage. CONTROLLING THE CMS LOADER The LOAD and INCLUDE commands allow you You can: to specify a number of options. • Change the entry point to which execution begins (RESET option). control is to be passed when • Specify the location in virtual storage at Which you to be loaded (ORIGIN option). • Control how CMS resolves references and handles duplicate CSECT names (AUTO, LIB, and DUP options). • Clear storage to binary zeros before loading files (CLEAR option). want the files When the LOAD and INCLUDE commands execute, they produce a load map, indicating the entry points loaded and their virtual storage locations. You may find this load map useful in debugging your programs. If you do not specify the NOMAP option, the load map is written onto your A-disk, in a file named LOAD MAP AS. Each time you issue the LOAD command, the old file LOAD MAP is erased and the new load map replaces it. If you do not want to produce a load map, specify the NOMAP option. You can find details discussion of the LOAD ~~fe!~~£~. about these, and other options command in !~L11~ ~~~ £Qmmg~g under gDg the Ag£!Q In addition to the options provided with the LOAD and INCLUDE commands that assist you in controlling the execution of TEXT files, you can also use loader control statements. These can be inserted in TEXT files, using the CMS editor. The loader control statements allow you to: ) • Set the location counter to specify the TEXT file is to be loaded (SLC statement). addres~ at which the next Section 8. Developing OS Programs Under CMS 147 TEXT file, and change modifications (Replace the and • Modify instructions and constants in a length of the TEXT file to accomodate Include Control Section statements) • • Change the entry point (ENTRY statement). • Nullify an external reference so that it dces not receive control when it is called, and you do not receive an error message when it is encountered (LIBRARY statement). These statements are also described under the LOAD command in VML37.Q £.QU.§!!,g ,g1!,g !1.§£!:.Q !!~!~!:~.n£~,. ~11~ When you load a single TEXT file or a TXTLIB membe~ into storage for execution, the default entry point is the first CSECT name in the object file loaded. You can specify a different entry point at which to start execution either on the LOAD (or INCLUDE) command line with the RESET option: load myprog (reset beta where BETA is the alternate entry point of your specify the entry point on the START command line: program, or you can start beta When you load multiple TEXT files (either explicitly or implicitly, by allowing the loader to resolve external references), you also have the option of specifying the entry point on the LOAD, INCLUDE, or START command lines. If you do not specifically name an entry point, the loader determines the entry point for you, according to the following hierarchy: 1. An entry point specified on the START command 2. Th~ last entry specified with the RESET option on a LOAD or INCLUDE command 3. The name on the last ENTRY statement that was read 4. The name on the last that was read 5. The name on the first assembler- or compiler-produced END statement that was read 6. The first byte of the first control section loaded LDT statement that contained an entry name For example, if you load a series of TEXT files that contain no control statements, and do not specify an entry point on the LOAD, INCLUDE, or START commands, execution begins with the first file that you loaded. If you want to control the execution of program subroutines, you should be aware of this hierarchy when you lead programs or when you place them in TXTLIBs. ( 148 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide An area of particular concern is when you issue a dynamic load (with the OS LINK, LOAD, or ICTL macros) from a program, and you call members of CMS TITLIBs. The CMS loader determines the entry point of the called program and returns the entry point to your program. If a TITLIB member that you load has a VCON to another TITLIB member, the LDT card from the second member may be the last LDT card read by the loader. If this LDT card specifies the name of the second member, then CMS may return that entry point address to your program, rather than the address of the first member. CREATING PROGRAM MODULES When your programs are debugged and tested, you can use the LOAD and INCLUDE commands, in conjunction with the GENMOD command, to create program modules. A module is a nonrelocatable file whose external references have been resolved. In CMS, these files must have a filetype of MODULE. To create a program module, load the TEIT files or into storage and issue the GENMOD command: TITLIB members load create analyze print genmod process In this example, PROCESS is the filename you are assigning the module; it will have a filetype of MODULE. You could use any name; if you use the name of an existing MODULE file, the old one is replaced. To execute the program composed of and PRINT, enter: the source files CREATE, ANALYZE, process If PROCESS requires input and/or output files, you will have to define these files before PROCESS can execute properly; if PROCESS expects arguments passed to it, you can enter them following the MODULE name; for example: process test1 For more information on creating program modules, see Programming for the CMS Environment." "Section 13. USING EIEC PROCEDURES During your program development and testing cycle, you may want to create EIEC procedures to contain sequen~es of CftS commands that you execute frequently. For example, if you need a number of MACLIBs, TITLIBs, and file definitions to execute a particular program, you might have an EIEC procedure as follows: ) Section 8. Developing OS programs Under CMS 149 &CONTROL ERROR TIME &ERROR SEXIT &RETCODE GLOBAL MACLIB TESTLIB OSMACRO OSMACR01 ASSEMBLE TESTA PRINT TESTA LISTING GLOBAL TXTLIB TESTLIB PROGLIB ACCESS 200 E &BEGSTACK OS.TEST3.STREAM.BETA &END FILEDEF INDD1 E DSN ? FILEDEF INDD2 READER FILEDEF OUTFILE DISK TEST DATA A1 LOAD TESTA (START &IF &RETCODE = 100 &GOTO -RET100 &IF &RETCODE = 200 &GOTO -RET200 &EXIT &RETCODE -RET100 &CONTINUE -RET200 &CONTINUE The &CONTROL and &ERROR control statements in the EXEC procedure ensure that if an error occurs during any part of the EXEC, the remainder of the EXEC does not execute, and the execution summary of the EXEC indicates the command that caused the error. Note that for the FILEDEF command entered with the DSN ? operand, you must stack the response before issuing the FILEDEF command. In this example, since the OS data set name has more than eight characters, you must use the &BEGSTACK control statement to stack it. If you use the &STACK control statement, the EXEC processor truncates all words to eight characters. When your program is finished executing, the EXEC special variable &RETCODE indicates the contents of general register 15 at the time the program exited. You can use this value to perform additional steps in your EXEC procedure. Additional steps are indicated in the preceding example by ellipses. For detailed information on creating Learning to Use EXEC." EXEC procedures, see "Part 3. c 150 IBM VM/310 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 Section 9. Developing DOS Programs underCMS You can use CMS to create, compile, execute and debug DOS programs written in assembler, COBOL, or PL/I programming languages. CMS simulates many functions of the Disk Operating System '(DOS/VSE) so that you can use the interactive facilities of VM/370 to develop your programs, and then execute the~ in a DOS virtual machine. It This section tells you how to use the CMS/DOS environment. describes the CMS commands you can use to manipulate DOS disks and DOS files and CMS/DOS commands you can use to simulate the functions of DOS/VSE: • • • • • • • • • • The CMS/DOS environment Using DOS files on DOS disks Using the ASSGN command Using the DLBL command Using DOS libraries in CMS/DOS Using macro libraries DOS assembler languag~ macros sUFPorted Assembling source programs Link-editing programs in CMS/DOS Executing programs in CMS/DOS For a practice terminal session using the commands and techniques presented in this section, see "Appendix D: Sample Terminal Sessions." eMS/DOS is neither CMS nor is it DOS; it is a composite, and its vocabulary contains both CMS and DOS terms. CMS/DOS performs many of the same functions as DOS, but where, under DOS, a function is initiated by a control card, in eMS it is initiated by a command. Many CMS/DOS commands, therefore, have the same names as the DOS control statement that '~erforms the same function. In' those cases where the control statement you would use in DOS and the command you use in eMS are different, the differences are explained. For the most part, whenever a term that is familiar to you as a DOS ter~ is used, it has the same meaning to CMS/DOS, unless otherwise indicated. The eMS/DOS Environment After you have loaded CMS into your CMS/DOS environment by issuing: virtual machine you can enter the set dos on If you want to access a DOS system residence volume during your eMS/DOS terminal session, you should link to and access the disk that contains the DOS SYSRES before you issue the SET command. For example, if you share the system residence volume with other users and it is in your directory at virtual address 390, you .ould issue the command: access 390 g and then issue the SET command as follows: Section 9. Developing DOS Programs Under eMS 151 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev ftarch 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 set dos on g to indicate that the SYSRES is located on your G-disk. If you are going to use the CftS/DOS librarian facilities to access any of the libraries on the system residence volume, you must enter the CftS/DOS environment this way. If you are usingCftS exclusively for DOS applications, you .could put the ACCESS and SET DOS ON commands in your PROPILE EXEC. If you are going to use access method services functions in CftS/DOS, or execute functions that read or write VSAM data sets, you must use the YSAft option of the SET DOS ON command: set dos on g (vsam When you are using CftS/DOS, you can use your virtual machine just as you would if you were in the eMS environment; but you cannot execute any CftS commands or program modules that load and/or use OS macros. The SCRIPT command, for example, uses OS macros, and is therefore invalid in the CftS/DOS environment. You have, however, in addition to the CP and CftS commands available, a series of commands that simulate DOS/VSE functions. Except for the DLBL and DOSLIB commands, these commands or oFerands should only be issued in the CftSjDOS environment. The CMS/DOS commands are summarized in Figure 15. DL/I in the eMS/DOS Environment in the CMS/DOS Batch DL/I programs can be written and tested environment. This includes all programs written in COBOL, PL/I, and Assembler language. Data base description generation and program specification block generation can also be executed. However, the aFplication control block generation must be submitted to a DOS/VSE virtual machine for execution. The data tase recovery and reorganization utilities must also be executed in a DOS/VSE virtual machine. This support provides the ability to: • Interactively code DL/I control blocks contain imbedded DL/I calls. and application programs that • Store and maintain macros used to generate DL/I control blocks, and programs created under CMS, in the CMS library. Production libraries are thus isolated from the test environment. • Modify and compile EXEC facilities. • Link-edit and execute batch DL/I programs either interactively or in CMSBATCH. Online DL/I application programs requiring access to CICS/YS must be submitted to a DOS/VSE virtual machine fer link-editing, cataloging, and execution. programs using the CMS/DOS text manipulation and The following restrictions apply: • 152 All the existing guidelines and restrictions that apply to VSAft data set creation, maintenance, and aFplication program use apply to DL/I data sets. IBM VM/370 CftS User's Guide March 30, 1979 Command Function ASSGB Relates system and programmer logical units to physical devices. DLBL Relates a program ddname (filename) to a real disk file so you can perform input/output operations on it. DOSLIB Lists or deletes phases from a eftS/DOS phase library, or compresses the library. DOSLKED Link-edits CMS TEXT files or DOS phases from system or private relocatable libraries. DSERV Displays the directories of DOS libraries. DOSPLI An EXEC procedure that invokes the DOS/VS PL/I compiler. ESERV An EXEC procedure that invokes the ESERV utility functions on edited assembler language macros. FCOBOL An EXEC procedure that invokes the DOS/VS COBOL co.piler. FETCH Loads executable phases from a DOSLIE or DOS library into storage for execution, and optionally starts execution. GLOBAL When you want DOSLIBs searched for executable phases or macro libraries searched for macro definitions, you must identify them with the GLOBAL command. LISTIO Displays the current assignments of system and programmer logical units, and optionally creates an EXEC file to contain the information. OPTION Sets or changes the options in effect for the DOS/VS COBOL compiler. QUERY Use QUERY command operands to list current DLBL defintions (QUERY DLBL), to determine whether or not you are in the CMS/DOS environment (QUERY DOS), the setting of the UPSI byte (QUERY UPSI), the DOSLIBs identified by GLOBAL commands (QUERY DOSLIB or QUERY LIBRARY), the current number of lines per page (QUERY DOSLNCNT), which options are in effect for the COBOL compiler (QUERY OPTION). or to find out whether you have set a virtual partition size (QUERY DOSPART). PSERV Creates CMS files with a filetype of PROC from the DOS/VS procedure library, or displays, prints or punches procedures. RSERV Copies a relocatable module from a DOS library and places it in a CMS file with a filetype of TEXT, or displays, prints, or punches modules. SET The SET command has operands that allow you to enter or leave the CMS/DOS environment (SET DOS ON or SET DOS OFF), to set the number of SYSLST lines per page (SET DOSLBCNT). to set the UPSI byte (SET UPSI). and to set a virtual partition size (SET DOSPART) • SSERV Creates CMS COPY files from books on DOS source statement libraries. Figure 15. CMS/DOS Commands and CMS/DOS CMS Commands with Special Operands for Section 9. Developing DOS Programs Under CMS 153 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 bySupp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 • The CMS/DOS restriction on SHSAM and HSAM. writing to sequential files applies to • To assemble a DBD or PSB under CMS/DOS, you must first copy the DBDGEN and PSBGEN macros from the DOS/VSE source statement library to a CMS MACLIB. For more information about using DL/I in the eMS/DOS environment, see ~1Ll ~Q~L!~ §~~~£g1!g~ Infg£~g!!g~· Using DOS Files on DOS Disks You can have DOS disks attached to your virtual machine by a directory entry or you can link to a DOS disk with the LINK command. You can use the ACCESS command to assign a mode letter to the disk: access 155 b and the RELEASE command to release it: release b Except for VSAM disks, you cannot write on DOS disks, or update DOS files on them. You can, however, execute programs and CMS/DOS commands that read-from these files, and you can use the LISTDS command to display the file-ids of files on a DOS disk; for example: listds b You can also verify the existence of a particular file. the file-id is NEW.TEST.DATA you can enter: For example, if listds new test data b You can use this form only if the file-id has one- to eight-character qualifiers separated by periods. If the file-id of the DOS file you want to verify contains embedded blanks, for example NEW.TEST DATA, then you have to enter the LISTDS commands with a question mark: listds ? b CMS responds: ENTER DATA SET NAME: and you can enter the exact file-id: new.test data If the data set exists, you receive a response: FM DATA SET NAME B NEW. TEST DATA READING DOS FILES Under CMS/DOS, you can execute programs that read DOS sequential (SAM) files; you can also execute programs that read and write VSAM files. You cannot, however, execute programs to read direct (DAM) or ihdexed sequential (ISAM) DOS files. 154 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide March 30, 1979 Complete information on using CMS to access and manipulate VSAM files is described in "Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM In CMS and CMS/DOS." The discussion below lists the restrictions placed on reading SAM files. CMS cannot read DOS files that: • Have the input security indicator on. • Contain more than 16 user labels and/or data extents. (If the file has user labels, they occupy the first extent; therefore the file must contain no more than 15 data extents.) • Multivolume files are read as single-volume Are multivolume files. There is no files. End of volume is treated as end of file. end-of-volume switching. • Have user labels. User labels in user-labeled files are bypassed. CMS does net support duplicate volume labels; you cannot access more than one volume with the same six-character label while you are using CMS/DOS. CREATING CMS FILES FROM DOS LIBRARIES You can create CMS files from existing DOS files on DOS disks. C~S simulates the DOS librarian functions DSERV, RSERV, SSERV, ESERV, and PSERV with commands of the same names; you can use these CMS/DOS commands to create CMS files from relocatable, source statement, or procedure libraries located either on the DOS system residence volume or in private libraries. The functions are fully described later in this section. If you want to create CMS files from DOS files that are not cataloged in libraries or from DOS files on tape, you can use the MOVEFILE command. The MOVEFILE command allows you to copy a file from one device to another device of the same or a different type. Before issuing the MOVEFILE command, the input and the output files must be described to CMS with the FILEDEF command. The MOVEFILE and FILEDEF commands are described and examples are given of how to use thea in "Section 8. Developing OS Program Under CMS." The procedures are the same for copying DOS files as for OS data sets. You must, however, keep the following in mind: • Since DOS files on DOS disks do not contain ELKSIZE, RECFM, or LRECL options, these options must be specified via the FILEDEF command; otherwise, defaults of BLOCKSIZE=32760 and RECFM=U are assigned. LREeL is not used for RECFM=U files. • If a DOS file-id does not follow OS naming conventions (that is, oneto eight-byte qualifiers with each qualifier separated by a period; Section 9. Developing DOS Programs Under CMS 155 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 up to 44 characters including periods), operand of FILEDEF and the 1 operand of , file-ide you must use the DSN 1 LISTDS to enter the Des You can create individual CMS files for DOS modules from a DOS library distribution tape or DOS SYSIN tape. Use the VMFDOS command. The VMFDOS command can create a CMS file for each DOS module that exists, and the CMS filename corresponds to the DOS module name. You can restore individual modules, groups of modules, or the entire module set. For DOS library distribution tapes, the 1MFDOS command restores modules from either system or private (relocatable and/or source statement) libraries. The created CMS files have a filetype of 'TEXT' if they are from a relocatable library. They have a filetype of 'MACRO' if they are from a source statement library. For DOS SYSIN tapes, modules containing a period as the second character (for example, 'A.') of a DOS 'CATALx' control statement have a filetype of 'MACRO'. All other files have a filetype of 'TEXT'. The VMFDOS command is described in the !~LJ1~ g!~nning 2~~~~g!i~D ~Yide. gng ~y§!~~ If you have DOS files or source programs on cards, you can create eMS files directly by having these cards read into the real system card reader. You direct the cards to your virtual machine by punching a CP ID card in this format: ID HARMONY and placing this card in front of your card deck. When the cards appear in your virtual card reader, you can read them onto your eMS A-disk with the READCARD command: readcard dataproc assemble You can use the editor to remove included in the deck. any DOS control cards that may be See "Tape Labels in eMS" for a description of eMS tape labe~ processing for CMS/DOS tape files. The sup~ort for tape labels is only for files defined by a DTFMT macro. If you do not use this macro, eMS bypasses IBM standard labels on input tapes and writes a tape mark over any existing labels on an output tape. The eMS LABELDEF command is equivalent in eMS/DOS to the DOS/VM TLBL control statement when standard tape label processing is used. 156 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev ftarch 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5148-118 Using the ASSGN Command The 15SGN and DLBL commands perform the same functions for CftS/DOS as the 155GN and DLBL control statements in D05/VSE. You use the 155GB command to designate an I/O device for a system or programmer logical unit (5YSxxx) and, if the device is a disk device, you can use the DLBL command to establish a real file identification for a symbolic filename in a program. The DLBL command is described under nusing the DLBL Command." In addition to using the 155GN command to relate real I/O devices with symbolic units, you must use it in CftS/DOS to: • 1ssign SY5IN or 5Y5IPT for the input source file compiler when you use the D05PLI or FCOBOL com.ands. for a • Identify the disk, by mode letter, on which a private re1ocatab1e, or source statement library resides. language core image, 5ection 9. Developing 005 Programs Under Cft5 156.1 March 30, 1979 156.2 IBM VM/370 CMSpser's Guide • Assign SYSIN or SYSIPT to the CMS disk on which an ESERV containing control statements .for the ESERV program, resides. When you enter the ASSGN command, and the device; for example: you must supply the file, logical unit assgn sys100 printer assigns the logical unit SYS100 to the printer. When you want to make an assignment to a disk device, you must specify the mode letter at which the disk is accessed. The command: assgn sys010 b assigns the logical unit SyS010 to your B-disk. The system logical units you can assign and the valid you can assign to them in CMS/DOS follow. device types ~!SIfI, ~!~~Q~, ~!~I!: These units can be assigned to disk (mode), TAPE, or READER. If you make an assignment to SYSIN, both SYSRDR and SYSIPT are also assigned the same device. ~!SL~I: The system logical unit (mode), PRINTER, or TAPE. for listings can be assigned to disk ~!~1Q~: Terminal or operator output or messages can be assigned to PRINTER or TERMINAL •. eMS/DOS always assigns SYSLOG to TERMINAL by default, so you never have to make this assignment except when you want to alter it. ~!SPf~: Punched output, for example PUNCH, disk (mode), or TAPE. text decks, can be assigned to ~!SC1~, ~!~~1~, SY~~1~: The system logical· units SYSCLB, SYSRLB, and SYSSLB can be assigned to private core image, relocatable, and source statement libraries, respectively. The only valid assignments for these units is to disk (mode). If you want to reference private libraries with the DSERV, ESERV, FETCH, SSERV, or RSERV commands, you must assign SYSCLB, SYSRLB, or SYSSLB to the disks on which the libraries reside. You can assign programmer logical units SYSOOO through SYS241 with the ASSGN command. This deviates from DOS/VS, where the number of programmer logical uni~s varies according to the number of partitions. MANIPULATING DEVICE ASSIGNMENTS Besides assigning I/O previous assignment: devices, the ASSGN command can also negate a assgn syspch ua or specify that, for a given device, no real I/O performed during the execution of a program: ) operation is to be assgn sys009 ign Section 9. Developing DOS Programs Under CMS 157 When you release a disk from to that disk are unassigned. your virtual machine, any assignments made You can find. out the current assignments for system and programmer logical units with the LISTIO command, which lists all the system or programmer logical units, even those that are unassigned: listio To list only currently assigned units, enter: listio a To find out the current SYS100, enter: assignment of one specific unit, for example listio sys100 With the EXEC option of the LISTIO command, you can create a disk file containing the list of assignments. The $LISTIO EXEC that is created contains two EXEC numeric variables, &1 and &2, for each unit listed. For example, if you entered the command: listio sys081 (exec then the file $LISTIO EXEC may contain the record: &1 &2 SYS081 PRINTER When you use the STAT option, LISTIO lists, for disk devices, whether the disk is read-only or read/write; for example: listio sys100 SYS100 B R/i indicates that SYS100 disk. is assigned to the B-disk, which You can cancel all current assignments environment and then re-entering it: by is a read/write leaving the CMS/DOS set dos off set dos on VIRTUAL MACHINE ASSIGNMENTS When you assign a physical device type to a system or programmer logical unit, CMS relates the device to your virtual machine configuration; you receive an (error message if you try to assign a logical unit to a device not in your configuration. For example, if you are using the ASSGN command to assign a logical unit to a disk file, you must specify the access mode letter of the disk. If the disk is not accessed, the ASSGN command fails. For another example, if you issue: assgn syspch punch the punch specified is your own virtual machine card punch. The. actual destination of punched output then depends on the spooling characteristics of the punch; if it is spooled to another user or to *, then no real cards are punched, but virtual card images are placed in 158 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( the virtual reader of the destination virtual machine or your own. userid, which may be another eMS supports only one reader, one punch, and one printer; you cannot make any assignments for multiple output devices in CftS/DOS. When you make an assignment for a logical unit that has already been assigned, it replaces the current assignment. Using the DLBL Command Use the DLBL command to supply eMS/DOS with specific file identification information for a disk file that is going to be used for input or output. For any DLBL command you issue, you must previously have issued an 1SSGN command for the disk, specifying a system or programmer logical unit. The basic relationship is: assgn SYSxxx mode dlbl filename mode DSN 1 (SYSxxx Both the SYSxxx and the mode values must match on the 1SSGN and DLBL commands; the disk on which the file resides must be accessed at mode. The filename on the DLBL command line, called a ddname in CMS/DOS, corresponds to the symbolic name for a file in a program. If you want to reference a private DOS library, you must use one of the following ddnames: 2.Y§l~! ~2g.!.£g! !!.!!.!1 SYSCLB SYSRLB SYSSLB ~i.!~.!!~!g IJSYSCL IJSYSRL IJSYSSL ENTERING FILE IDENTIFICATIONS When you issue the DLBL command you must identify the file, by file-id (for a DOS file) or by file identifier (for a eMS file). The keywords DSN and eftS indicate whether it is a DOS file or a eMS file, respectively. If the file is a DOS file residing on a DOS disk, you can enter the DLBL command in one of two ways. For examFle, for a file named TEST.INPUT you could enter either: assgn·sys101 d dlbl infile d dsn test input (sys101 -- or assgn sys101 d dlbl infile d dsn 1 (sys101 ENTER DATA SET NAME: test. input ) For any DOS file with a file-id that hyphens, you must use the "DSN 1" form. contains embedded blanks or Section 9. Developing DOS Programs Under CMS 159 When you issue a DLBL command for a CMS file, you enter the filename and filetype following the keyword CMS: assgn sys102 a dlbl outfile a cms new output (sys102 In this example, if SYS102 is defined as an output file for a program, the output is written to your CMS A-disk in a file named NEW OUTPUT. You can, for convenience, use a enter: ' CMS defauit file identifier. If you dlbl out file a cms (sys102 then the output filetype defaults to that of the ddname and the filename to FILE. So, this output file is named FILE OUTFILE. You can clear a DLBL definition for a file by using the CLEAR operand of the DLBL command: dlbl out file clear To clear all existing definitions# except 'option, you can enter: dlbl * those entered wit~ the PEBK clear This co~mand is issued by the assembler and the language processors when they complete execution. Definitions entered with the PERM option must be individually cleared. Whenever you use the HI Immediate command to halt the execution of a program, the DLBL definitions in' effect are cleared, including those entered with the PERM option. You can find out what definitions the DLBL command with no operands: are currently in effect by issuing dlbl or, you can use the QUERY command with the DLBL operand. Using DOS Libraries in eMS/DOS CMS/DOS provides you with the capability of using various types of files from DOS system or private libraries. You can copy, punch, display at the terminal, or print: • Books from system or SSERV command • Relocatable modules from using the RSERV command • Procedures from the system procedure library using the PSERV command 160 pri va te sour,ce system' or IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide statement libraries using the private relocatable libraries ( ftarch 30, 1979 You can also: • Copy and de-edit macros from system the ESERV command and private E sublibraries using • Access the directories of system or private libraries using the DSERV command • Link-edit relocatable modules from libraries with the DOSLKED command • Read core image phases from system or private core image libraries into storage for execution using the FETCH command system or private relocatable THE SSERV COMMAND If you have cataloged source programs or copy files on the system source statement library and you want to use CMS to modify and test them, you can copy them into CftS files using the SSERV command. For example, suppose you want to copy a book named PROCESS from the A sublibrary on the system residence volume. The DOS system residence is in your virtual machine configuration at virtual address 350, and you have accessed it as your F-disk. First, to indicate to CftS/DOS that the system residence is on your F-disk, you enter: set dos on f then you can enter the SSERV identification and the book name: command, specifying the sublibrary sserv a process This creates, from the A sublibrary, a file named PROCESS COpy and places it on your A-disk. If the book contained assembler language source statements you would want the filetype to be ASSEftBLE, so you may enter: sserv a process assemble If you want to copy a book from a private source statement library, you must first use the ASSGN and DLBL commands to make the library known to CftS/DOS. For example, to obtain a copy file from a private library on a DOS disk accessed as your D-disk, enter: assgn sysslb d dlbl ijsyssl d dsn 1 (sysslb ENTER DATA SET NAME: program. test library NOV, when you enter the SSERV command: sserv t setup copy the book named SETUP in the T sublibrary of PROGRAft.TEST LIBRARY is copied into a CMS file named SETUP COPY. If SETUP is not found in the private library, then CMS searches the system library, if it is available. Section 9. Developing DOS Programs Under CftS 161 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp,. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 THE R5ERV COMMAND In CMS/DOS, to manipulate relocatable modules that have been cataloged either on the system or a private relocatable library you must first copy them into CMS files with the RSERV command. You can link-edit .odules directly from DOS relocatable libraries, but if you ~ant to add or modify linkage editor control statements for a module, you must place the control statements ina CMS file. If you are copying a relocatable module from the system relocatable library, then you should make sure that you have indicated the system residence disk when you entered the CMS/DOS environment: set dos on f then you can issue the RSERV command relocatable module you want to copy: specifying the name of the rserv rtna The ~xecution of this command results in named RTNA TEXT on your A-disk. the creation If you want to copy a relocatable module from library, you must first use the AS5GN and DLBL private library known to CMS/DOS: of a CMS file a private relocatable commands to make the assgn sysrlb d dlbl ijsysrl d dsn reloc lib (sysrlb Then, issue the RSERV command for a specific module in that library: rserv testrtna to create the CMS file TESTRTNA TEXT from the module named TESTRTNA. If the module TESTRTNA is not found in RELOC.LIB, eMS searches the system library, if it is available. THE PSERV COMMAND If you want to copy DOS cataloged procedures intoCMS files to use. for example, in preparing job streams for a DOS/VS virtual machine, you can use the PSERV command: pserv prep job This command creates a CMS file on your A-disk; the file is named PREPJOB PROC. To copy a procedure from the procedure library you must have entered the CMS/DOS environment specifying a disk mode for the system residence volume. You cannot execute DOS/VSprocedures directly from the eMS/DOS However, if you modify a procedure, you can punch it to a virtual machine that is running a DOS/VSE system. and execute" it there. environment~ 162 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by SUppa SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 THE ESERV COMMAND The CMS/DOS ESERV command is actually an EXEC procedure that calls the DOS/VSE ESERV utility program. To use the ESERV program, you first must use the CMS Editor to create a file with a filetype of ESERV that contains the ESERV control statements you want to execute. For example, if you want to write a de-edited copy of the macro DTFCD onto your A-disk, you might create a file named DTFCD ESERV, with the record: PUNCH E.DTFCD As when you submit ESERV jobs in DOS/VSE, column 1 must be blank. Then, you must assign SYSIN to the device on which file resides, usually your A-disk: the ESERV source assgn sysin a Then you can enter ESERV file: the ESERV command specifying the filename of the eserv dtfcd No other ASSGN commands are required; the CMS/DOS default assignments for SYSPCH and SYSLST to disk. ESERV EXEC makes To copy and de-edit macros from a private E sublibrary, issue the ASSGN and DLBL commands to identify the library. For example, to identify a source statement library named TEST.MACROS on the DOS disk accessed as the C-disk, enter: assgn sysslb c dlbl ijsyssl c dsn test macros (sysslb The SYSLST output is contained in a CMS file with the same filename as the ESERV file and a filetype of LISTING; you must examine the LISTING file to see if the ESERV program executed successfully. You can either edit it (using the CMS editor), or display its contents with the TYPE command: type dtfcd listing The SYSPCH output is contained in a file with the same name as the ESERV file and a filetype of MACRO. If you want to punch ESERV output to your virtual card punch, make an assignment of SYSPCH to PUNCH. When you use the PUNCH or DSPCH ESERV control statements, CATAL.S, END, or /* records may be inserted in the output file. When you use the MACLIB command to add the MACRO file to a CMS macro library, these statements are ignored. See "Using Macro Libraries" manipulating CMS macro libraries. for information on creating and THE DSERV COMMAND You can use the DSERV command to examine the contents of system or private libraries. If you do not specify any options with it, the DSERV co •• and creates a disk file, named DSERV MAP, on your A-disk. You can use the PRINT or TERM options to specify that the directory list is either to be printed on your spooled printer or displayed at your terminal. You can also use the SORT option to create a list in collating sequence. Section 9. Developing DOS Programs Under eMS 163 Pg,. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30.,1919 by Supp. SD23-9024.-1 for 5148-118 In order to examine a system directory, you must have CMS/DOS environment specifying the ~ode letter of the residence: entered the DOS system set dos on f If you want to examine the directory of a private source statement, core image, or relocatable library you must issue the ASSGN and DLEL commands establishing SYSSLB, SYSCLB, or SYSRLB before using the DSEBV cOJllmand. For example, to display at your terminal an alphameric list of procedures cataloged on the system procedure library, you would issue: dserv pd (sort term If the directory you are exam1n1ng is for a core image library, you can specify a particular phase name to ascertain the existence of the phase: dserv cd phase $$bopen (term To list the directory of a private source would first issue the ASSGN and DLBL commands: statement library, you assgn sysslb b dlbl ijsyssl b dsn test source (sysslb then enter the DSERV command: dserv sd The CMS file, DSEBV MAP A, that is created in this example contains the directory of the private source statement library TEST.SOURCE. USING DOS CORE IMAGE LIBRARIES You can load core image phases from DOS core image libraries into virtual storage and execute them under CMS/DOS. Since CMS cannot write directly to DOS disks, linkage editor output under CMS/DOS is placed in a special CMS file called a DOSLIB. When you execute the FETCH command in CMS/DOS you can load phases from either system or private DOS core image libraries as well as from CMS DOSLIBs. More information on using the FETCH command is contained under "Executing programs in CMS/DOS~" Using Macros Libraries DOS/VS macro libraries cannot be accessed directly by the VM/310 assembler. If you want to assemble DOS programs in CMS/DOS that use DOS macro or copy files that are on the system or a private macro library you must first create a eMS macro library (MACLIE) containing the macros you wish to use. Since the process of creating a CMS MACLIB from the DOS system source statement library (E sublibrary) can be very time-consuming, you should check with your installation's system programmer to see if it has already been done, and to verify the filename of the m~cro library, so that you can use it in CMS/DOS. !gte: The DOS/VSE PL/I and DOS/VSE COBOL compilers executing in CMS/DOS cannot read macro or cOFY files from CMS MACLIBs. 164/ IBM VM/310 CMS User's Guide If you want to extract DOS system macros te modify them for your private use, or if you want to use macros from a private library in CftS, you must use the procedure outlined below to create the MACLIB files. CMS MACLIBS A CMS macro library has a filetype of MACLIB. You can create a MACLIB from files with filetypes of MACRO or COPY. A MACRO file may contain macro definitions; COpy files contain predefined source statements. When you want to assemble a source program that uses macro or copy definitions, you must ensure that the library containing the code is identified before you invoke the assembler. Otherwise, the library is not searched. You identify libraries to be searched using the GLOBAL command. For example, if you have two MACLIBs that contain your private macros and copy files whose names are TESTMAC ftACLIB and TESTCOPY MACLIB, you would issue the command: global maclib test mac testcopy The libraries you specify on a GLOBAL command line are searched in order you specify them. A GLOBAL command remains in effect for remainder of your terminal session, or until you IPL CMS. To find what macro libraries are currently available fer searching, issue command: the the out the' query maclib ) You can reset the libraries or the command. search order by reissuing the GLOBAL CREATING A CMS MACLIB To create a CMS macro library, each macro or copy file you want included in the MACLIB must first be contained in a eftS file with a filetype of COpy or MACRO. If you are creating a CMS MACLIB file from a DOS library you must use the SSERV command to copy a file from any source statement library other than an E sublibrary, or use the ESERV command to copy and de-edie-a macro from an E sublibrary. The SSERV command uses a default filetype of COPY; the ESERV command uses a default filetype of MACRO. The f~llowing example shows how to copy macros and shows how to create and use the CMS ftACLIB macros. 1. Enter the CMS/DOS environment with the disk accessed as mode C: from various sources that contains these DOS system residence on a set dos on c 2. ) Copy the macro book named source statement library: ~PEN from the A sublibrary of the system sserv a open Section 9. Developing DOS Programs Under CMS 165 3. Establish a private source statement library: access 351 d assgn sysslb d dlbl ijsyssl d dsn ? (sysslb test source. lib 4. Issue the SSERV command for SOURCE.LIB: sserv 5. II a macro in the M sublibrary of TEST releas create an ESERV file to copy from the E sublibrary: edit contrl eserv NEW FILE EDIT: input punch contrl file 6. Execute the ESERV command: assgn sysin a eserv contrl create a CMS macro library named MYDOSMAC fro~ the files just created, which are named OPEN COpy, RELEAS COPY, and CONTRL MACRO: 7. maclib gen mydosmac open releas contrl To use these macros in an assembler language program, you must indicate that this MACLIB is accessible before assembling a source file: 8. global maclib mydosmac THE MACLIB COMMAND The MACLIB command performs a variety of functions. You use it to: • • • • Create the MACLIB (GEN function) Add, delete, or replace members (ADD, DEL, and REP functions) Compress the MACLIB (CaMP function) List the contents of the MAC LIB (MAP function) Descriptions of these MACLIB command func~ions follow. §~! !Y~£l!Q~: The GEN (generate) function creates a CMS macro library from input files specified on the command line. The input files must have filetypes of either MACRO or COPY. For example: maclib gen mymac get pdump put regequ creates a macro library with the file identifier MYMAC MACLIB macros existing in the files with the file identifiers: A1 from GET { MACRO },PDUMP, {MACRO}, PUT { MACRO },and REGEQU { I1ACRO} COpy COpy COpy . COpy If a file named MYMAC MACLIB A1 already exists, it is erased. 166 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( Assume that the files GET MACRO, PDUMP COPY, PUT MACRO, COPY exist and contain macros in the following form: GET MACRO --------GET WAIT PDUMP COpy ---------- *COpy PDUMP PDUMP *COPY WAIT WAIT The resulting file, MYMAC MACLIB GET . WAIT PDUMP PUT MACRO --------PUT and REGEQU REGEQU COpy ----------XREG YREG A1, contains the members: WAIT PUT REGEQU The WAIT macro, which appears twice in the duplicate macro names. from MYMAC MACLIB, the used. appears twice in the input to the command, also output. The MACLIB command does not cbeck for If, at a later time, the WAIT macro is requested first WAIT macro encountered in the directory is When COpy files are added to MACLIBs, the name of the library member is taken from the name of the COpy file, or from the *COPY statement, as in the file PDUMP COPY, above. Note that although the file REGEQU COpy contained two macros, they were both included in the MACLIB with the naae REGEQU. When the input file is a MACRO fil~, the member name is taken fro. the macro prototype statement in the MACRO file. A~~ IYA£~i2A: The ADD function appends new members to an existing macro library. For example, assume that MYMAC MACLIB A1 exists as created in the example in the explanation of the GEN function and the file DTFDI COpy exists as follows: ) *COPY DTFDI DTFDI macro definition *COPY DIMOD DIMOD macro definition If you issue the command: aaclib add mymac dtfdi the resulting MYMAC MAC LIB A1 contains the members: GET WAIT PDUMP WAIT PUT REGEQU DTFDI DIMOD ~]~ IYA£~i2~: The REP (replace) function deletes the directory entry for the macro definition in the files specified. It then appends new macro definitions to the macro library and creates new directory entries. For example, assume that a macro library TESTKAC MACLIB contains the members A, B, and C, and that the following command is entered: maclib rep testaac a c The files represented by file identifiers A MACRO and C MACRO each have one macro definition. After execution of the command, TEST MAC MACLIB contains members with the same names as before, but the content~ of A and C are different. ) Section 9. Developing DOS Programs Under CMS· 167 J2~1 l.!Ul£:tiQ!!: The DEL (delete) function removes the specified macro name from the macro library d~rectory and compresses the directory so there are no unused entries. The macro definition still occupies space in the library, but since no directory entry exists, it cannot be accessed or retrieved. If you attempt to delete a macro for which two macro definitions exist in the macro library, only the first one encountered is deleted. For example: maclib del mymac get put wait dtfdi deletes macro names GET, PUT, WAIT, and DTFDI from the directory of the macro library named MYMAC MACLIB. Assume that MYMIC exists as in the IDD function example. After the above command, MYMIC MICtIB contains the following members: PDUMP WAIT REGEQU DIMOD COMP Function: Execution of a MICLIB command with the DEL or REP functions--can leave unused space within a macro library. The CaMP (compress) function removes any macros that do not have directory entries. This function uses a temporary file named MICLIB CMSUT1. For example, the command: maclib comp mymac compresses the library MIMAC MACLIB. MAP Function: The MIP function creates a list containing the name of each-iacro--in the directory, the size of the macro, and its position within the macro library. If you want to display a list of the members of a MAeLIB at the terminal, enter the command: i \~ maclib map mymac (term The default option, DISK, creates a file on your A-disk which has a filetype of MAP and a filename equal to the filename of the MACLIB. If you specify the PRINT option, then a copy of the map file is spooled to your virtual printer as well as being written onto disk. The following CMS commands supply a MEMBER option, which reference individual members of a MACtIB: • • • • allows you to PRINT (to print a member) PUNCH (to punch a member) TYPE (to display a member) FILEDEF (to establish a file definition for a member) Iou can use the CMS editor to create the MACRO and COpy files and then use the MACLIB command to place them in a library. Once they are in a library, you can erase the original files. ToWextract a member from a macro library, you can use either the PUNCH or the MOVBFILE command. If you use the PUNCH command you can spool your virtual card punch to your own virtual reader: cp spool punch to 168 IB~ * VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( Pg~ of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5148-118 Then punch the member: punch test mac maclib (member get noheader and read it back onto disk: readcard get macro In the above example, the member was punched with the NOHEADER option of the PUNCH command, so that a name could be assigned on the RE1DCABD command line. If a header had been created for the file, it would have indicated the filename and filetype as GET MEMBER. If you use the MOVEFILE command, you must issue a file definition for the input member name and the output macro or copy file before entering the MOVEFILE command: filedef inmove disk testcopy maclib (member enter filedef outmove disk enter copy a movefile This example copies the member ENTER from MACLIB A into a CMS file named ENTER COPY. the macro library TESTCOPY When you use the PUNCH or MOVEFILE commands to extract members fro. CMS MACLIBs, each member is followed by a II record, which is a MAetIB delimiter. You can edit the file and use the DELETE subcommand to delete the II record. If you wish to COPYFILE command. move the complete MACtIB to another file, use the The macro libraries that are on the systea disk contain CMS, DOS, and OS assembler language macros. The MACLIBs are: • I • CKSLIB MACLIB, which contains the CMS macros. DKSB20 MACLIB contains the CMS macros Extensions (Program No. 5148-118). for VM/310 contains DOS/VS macros that Basic Syste. • DOS MACRO MACLIB, which use. CMS/DOS routines • OSMACRO MACLIB, OSMACR01 MACLIB, and TSOMAC MACtIB, which are used by as programmers. DOS Assembler Language Macros Supported Figure 16 lists the DOS/VSE assembler language macros supported by CMS/DOS. You can assemble source programs that contain these macros under CMS/DOS, provided that you have the macros available in either your own or a shared CMS macro library,. The macros whose functions are described in the "Function" column with the term "no-op" are supported for assembly only; when you execute programs that contain these m~cros, the DOS/VSE functions are not performed~ To accomFlish the ·macro function you must execute the program in a DOS/VSE virtual machine. Section 9. Developing DOS Programs Under CMS 169 Pg.;. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 Ma£!:Q CALL CANCEL CDLOAD CHECK CLOSEt CLOSER CNTRL COMRG ~!£ DEO DEOB DTFxXl DUMP ENQ ENOB EOJ ERET EXCP EXIT PC EXIT AB FCEPGOUT FETCH 41 FREEVIS GENL GET GETVIS GETIME JDUMP LOAD !!VCOM NOTE OPEN/ OPENR PAGE IN PDUMP PFIX PFREE POINTR POINTS POINTi POST PRTOV PUT PUTR READ RELEASE RELPAG RELSE RETURN RUNMODE SECTVAL SEiZE SETIME' SETPFA 06 65 33 9 42 2 14 00 17 95 86 01 02 62 61 34 04 05 Function Pass-control to another program Terminate processing Load a VSAM phase Verify completion of a read or write operation Deactivate a data file Control a physical device Return address of background partition communication region no-op Release a resource Establish file definitions Dump storage and registers and terminate processing no-op Protect a resource Terminate processing normally Provide an error routine Execute a channel program Return from program check routine Return from abnormal termination routine no-op Load and pass control to a phase Load and pass control to a logical transient Release user free storage Generate a phase directory list Access a sequential file Obtain user free storage Get the time of day Dump storage and registers and terminate processing Read a phase into storage Modify bytes in the partition communication region Manage data set access Activate a data file 87 no-op Dump storage and registers and continue processing 67 no-op 68 no-op Position a file for reading Reposition a file to its beginning Position a file for writing 40 Post the event control block Control printer overflow Write to a ~equential file Communicate with the system operator Access a sequential file 64 Release a system resource 85 no-op Skip to begin reading next blcck Return control to calling program Check if program is running real or virtual 66 Obtain a sector number 75 22 no-op 10/24 no-op 71 no-op tThe declarative macros supported are: DTFCN, DTFCD, DTFPR, DTFDI, DTFMT, DTFSD, DTFCP, and DTFSL Figure 16. DOS/VSE Macros Supported by CMS (Part 1 of 2) 170 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide· Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30,1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XI8 !t~££2 STIlT AB PC IT OC TRACK FREE TRACK HOLD TRUNC TTIMER USE WAIT WRITE xxMODl ~!~ 37 16 20 18 36 35 52 63 07 Function ProvIde-or terminate linkage to abnormal ending routine no-op no-op no-op no-op Skip to begin writing next block Return a 0 in Register 0 (effectively a noop) Reserve a systen resource Wait for the completion of I/C Write to a sequential file Create Logical IOCS routine inline lThe DOS logic modules supported are: CDMOD, PRMOD, DIMOD, MTMOD, SDMODxx, and CPMOD Figure 16. DOS/VSE Macros Supported by CMS (Part 2 of 2) Assembling Source Programs If you are a DOSjVSE assembler language programmer using CMS/DOS, you should be aware that the assembler used is the VM/370 assembler, not the DOS/VSE assembler. The major difference is that the VM/370 assembler, invoked by the ASSEMBLE command, is designed for interactive use, so that when you assemble a program, error messages are displayed at your terminal when compilation is comFleted, and you do not have to wait for a printed listing to see the results. You can correct your Source file and reassemble it immediately. When your program assembles without errors, you can print the listing. To specify options to be used during the assembly, you enter them on the ASSEMBLE command line. So, for example, if you do not want the output LISTING file placed on disk, you can direct it to the printer: assemble myfile (print All of the ASSEMBLE command options are listed in Y~L37Q £~~ £om~£ ~~g ~!!g~ !!.~!~£~1l£~. When you invoke the ASSEMBLE command specifying a file with a filetype of ASSEMBLE, CMS' searches all of your accessed disks, using the standard search order, until it locates the file. When the assembler creates the output LISTING and TEXT files, it writes them onto disk according to the following priorities: 1. If the source file is on a read/write disk,' the TEXT files are written onto the same disk. and LISTING 2~ If the source file is on a read-only disk that is an extension of a read/write disk, the TEXT and LISTING files are written onto the parent disk. 3. If the source is on any other read-only disk, the TEXT and LISTING files are written onto the A-disk. In all of the above cases, the filenames assigned to the LISTING files are the same as the filename of the input file. The output files used by the assembler are defined via commands issued by CMS when it calls the assembler. If you TEXT and FILEDEF issue a Section 9. Developing DOS programs Under CMS 111 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-IX8 FILEDEF command using one of the assembler ddnames before you issue the ASSEMBLE command, you can override the default file definitions. The ddname for the source input file is ASSEM~LE. If you enter: filedef assemble reader assemble sample then the asiembler reads your input file from your card reader, and assigns the filename SAMPLE to the output TEXT and LISTING files~ You can use this method to assemble programs directly from DOS sequential files on DOS disks. For example, to assemble a source file named DOSPROG from a DOS disk accessed as a C-disk, you could enter: filedef assemble c dsn dosprog (recfm f lrecl 80 assemble dosprog Again, the name you assign on the ASSEMBLE command may be anything; the assembler uses this name to assign filenames to the TEXT and LISTING output files. LISTING and TEXT are the ddnames assigned to the SYSLST and SYSPCH output of the assembler. You might issue file definitions to override these defaults as follows: filedef listing disk assemble listfile a filedef text disk assemble textfile a assemble source When these commands are executed, the output from the assembly. of the file SOURCE ASSEMBLE is written to the disk files ASSEMBLE LISTFILE and ASSEMBLE TEXTFILE. Link-editing Programs In eMS/DOS When the assembler or one of the language compilers executes, the object module produced is written to a CMS disk in a file with a filetype of TEXT. The filename is always the same as that of the input source file. These TEXT files (sometimes referred to as decks, although they are not real card decks) can be used as input to the linkage editor or can be the target of an INCLUDE linkage editor control statement. You can invoke for example: the CMS/DOS linkage editor with the DOSLKED command, doslked test testlib where TEST is the filename of either a DOSLNK or TEXT file (that is, a file with a filetype of either DOSLNK or TEXT) or the name of a relocatable module in a system or private relocatable,library. TESTLIB indicates the name of the output file which, in CMS/DOS, is a phase library with a filetype of DOSLIB. When you issue the DOSLKED command, CMS first searches for. a file with the specified name and a filetype of DOSLNK. If none are found, it searches the private relocatablelibrary, if you have assigned one (you must issue an ASSGN command for SYSRLB and use the ddname IJSSYRL in a DLBL state,ent). If the module is still not found, CMS searches all of your accessed disks for a file with the specified name and a fil~type of TEXT~ Last, eMS searches the system relocatable library, if it is available (you must enter the CMS/DOS environment specifying the mode letter of the DOS/VSE system residence if you want to acces·s the system libraries) '. 172 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide LINKAGE EDITOR INPUT You can place the linkage editor control statements ACTION, PHASE, INCLUDE, and ENTRY in a CMS file with a filetype of DOSLNK. When you use the INCLUDE statement, you may specify the filename of a CMS TEXT file or the name of a module in a DOS relocatable library: INCLUDE XYZ or you may use the INCLUDE. control statement to indicate that the object code follows: INCLUDE (CMS TEXT file) A typical following: DOSLNK file, named CONTROL DOSLNK, might contain the ACTION REL PHASE PROGMAIN,S INCLUDE SUBA PHASE PROGA,* INCLUDE SUBB When you issue the command: doslked control the linkage editor searches the following SUBB: • for the object files SUBA and A DOS private relocatable library, provided you have issued the ASSGN and DLBL commands to identify it: assgn sysrlb d dlbl ijsysrl d dsn ? (sysrlb • Your CMS disks for files with filenames of TEXT SUBA and SUBB and a filetype • The system relocatable library located volume (if it is available) on the DOS system residence When you want to link-edit individual CMS TEXT files, you can insert linkage editor control statements in the file using the CMS editor and then issue the DOSLKED command: edit rtnb text EDIT: input include rtnc file doslked rtnb mydoslib When the above DOSLKED command is executed, the CMS file RTNB TEXT is used as linkage editor input, as long as there is no file named RTNB DOSLNK. The ACTION statement, however, is not recognized in TEXT files. ) You can also link-ed1t relocatable modules directly from a DOS system or private relocatable library, provided that you have identified the library. If you do this, however, you cannot provide control statements for the linkage editor. Section 9. Developing DOS programs Under CMS lJ3 To link-edit a relocatable module from a DOS private library and add linkage editor control statements to it, you could use this procedure: 1. Identify the library and use the RSERV command to copy relocatable module into a CMS TEXT file. In this example, -module RTNC is to be copied from the library OBJ.MODS: the the assgn sysrlb e dlbl ijsysrl e dsn obj mods (sysrlb rserv rtnc 2. create a DOSLNK file, insert the linkage editor control statements, and copy the TEXT file created in step 1 into it using the GBTPILE subcommand: edit rtnc doslnk input action reI get file rtnc text a file 3. Invoke the linkage editor with the DOSLKED command: doslked rtnc mydoslib Alternatively, records: you could create a DOSLNK file with the following ACTION REL INCLUDE RTNC and link-edit the module directly from the relocatable library. If you do not need a copy of the module on a CMS disk, you might want to ~se this method to conserve disk space. When the linkage editor is reading modules, it may encounter a blank card at the end of a file, or a * (comment) card at the beginning of a file. In either case, it issues a warning message indicating an invalid card, but continues to complete the link-edit. LINKAGE EDITOR OUTPUT: CMS DOSLIBS The CMS/DOS linkage editor always places the link-edited executable phase in a CMS library with a filetype of DOSLIB. You should specify the filename of the DOS LIB when you enter the DOSLKED command: doslked progO templib where PROGO is the relocatable module you are is the filename of the DOSLIB. link-editing and TEMPLIB If you do not specify the name of a nOSLIB, the output is placed in a DOSLIB that has the same name as the DOSLNK or TEXT file being link-edited. In the above example, a CMS DOSLIB is created named TEMPLIB nOSLIB, or, if the file TEMPLIB DOSLIB already exists, the phas~ PROGO is added to it. nOSLIBs can contain relocatable core image phases suitable for execution in CMS/DOS. Before you can access phases in it, you must identify ~t to CMS with the GLOBAL command: global doslib templibpermlib 174, IBM VM/310 CMS User's Guide When CMS is searching for executable phases, it searches all nOSLlBs specified on the last GLOBAL nOSLIB command line. If you have named a number of DOSLIBs, or if any particular DOSLIB is very large, the time required for CMS to fetch and execute the phase increases. You should use separate DOSLIBs for executable phases, whenever possible, and then specify only the DOSLlBs you need on the GLOBAL command. When you link-edit a module into a DOSLIB that already contains a phase with the same name, the directory entry is updated to point to the new phase. However, the space that was occupied by the old phase is not reclaimed. You should periodically issue the command: doslib comp lib name where libname is the filename of the delete unused space. DOSLIB, to compress the nOSLIB and The DOSLKED command also produces a linkage editor map, which it writes into a CMS file with a filename that is that of the name specified on the DOSLKED command line and a filetype of MAP. The filemode is always A5. If you do not want a linkage editor map, use the NOMAP option on the ACTION statement in a DOSLNK file. Executing Programs in eMS/DOS After you have assembled or compiled a source program and link-edited the TEXT files, you can execute the phases in yeur CMS virtual machine. You may not, 'however~ be able to execute all your DOS programs directly in CMS. There are a number of execution-time restrictions placed on your virtual machine by VM/370. you cannot execute a Frogram that uses: • • • • I • Multitasking More than one partition Teleprocessing ISAM macros to read or write files CMS module files created by DOS programs The above is only a partial list, representing those restrictions with which you might be concerned. For a complete list of restrictions, see the !~Ll1Q E!g~~i»g g~g ~I2!~! §~~~!g!!Q~ §y!g~. EXECUTING DOS PHASES You can load executable phases into your CMS virtual machine using the FETCH command. Phases must be link-edited before you load them; they must have been link-edited with ACTION REL. When you issue the FETCH command, you specify the name of the phase to be loaded: fetch myprog Then you can begin executing the program by issuing the START command: ) start Section 9j Developing DOS Programs Under C~S 175 orr you line: can fetch a phase and begin executing it on a single command fetch prog2 (start When you use the FETCH command without the START option, CMS issues a .essage telling you at what virtual storage address the phase is loaded: PHASE PROG2 ENTRY POINT AT LOCATION 020000 Location X'20000' is the starting address of the user program area for CMS; relocatable phases are always loaded starting at this address unless you specify a different address using the ORIGIN option of the FETCH command: . fetch prog3 (origin 22000 start The program PROG3 program area. executes beginning at location 22000 in the CMS user SEARCH ORDER FOR EXECUTABLE PHASES When you execute the FETCH command, CMS specify in the following places: 1. In a DOS/VS private core image library on a DOS disk. If you have a private library you want searched for phases, you must identify it using the ASSGN and DLBL commands, using the logical unit SYSCLB: assgn sysclb d dlbl ijsyscl d dsn ? 2. searches for the phase name you / \ (sysclb In CMS DOSLIBs on CMS disks. If you want phases, you must use the GLOBAL command CMS/DOS: DOSLIBs searched for to identify them to global doslib templib mylib You can specify up to eight DOSLIBs on the GLOBAL command line. 3. On the DOS system residence core image library. If you want the system core image library searched you must have entered the CMS/DOS environment specifying the mode letter of the system residence: set dos on z When you want to fetch a core image phase that has copies in both the core image library and a DOSLIB, and you want to fetch the copy from the CMS DOSLIB, you can bypass the core image library by entering the command: assgn sysclb ua When you need to use the core image library, enter: assgn sysclb c where C is the mode letter of the system residence volume. need to reissue the DLBL command to identify the library. 116 IBM VM/370 CMS ·User's Guide You do. not « Pg~ of GC20-1819-2 Rev ~AKING I/O DEVICE ~arch 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5148-XX8 ASSIGN~ENTS If you are executing a program that performs I/C, you can use the ASSGN coamand to relate a system or programmer logical unit to a real I/O device. As in DOS/VSE, device type assignment in CMS/DOS is dependent on device specifications in the program~ assgn syslst printer assgn sys052 reader In this example, your program is going to read input data from your virtual card. reader; the output print file is directed to your virtual printer. If you want to reassign these units to different devices, you must be sure that the files have been defined as device independent. If you assign a logical unit to a disk, you should identify the file by using the DLBL command. On the DLBL command, you must always relate the DLBL to the system or programmer logical unit previously specified in an ASSGN command: assgn sys015 b dlbl myf1le b dsn ? (sys015 When you enter tpe DLBL command with the? operand enter the DOS file-ide you are prompted to You must issue all of the ASSGN and DLBL commands necessary for your program's I/O before you issue the FETCH command to load the program phase and begin executing. SPECIFYING A VIRTUAL PARTITION SIZE For most of the programs that you execute in CMS, you do not need to specify how large a partition you want those Frograms to execute in. When you issue the START command or use the START option on the FETCH command, CMS calculates how much storage is available in your virtual machine and sets a partition size. eMS calculates how much storage is available in the following manner: FREELOWE - (MAINHIGH + (4096 * FRERESPG) where: FREELOWE equals the low extent of allocated storage obtained from the top of virtual storage downwards via the DMSFREE system request. MAINHIGH equals the high extent of allocated storage obtained from the .low virtual storage .upwards via the GETMAIN user reque~t for storage. FRERESPG equals the amount of storage to system requests, in pages. be reserved for subsequent In some inst~nces, you may want to control the partition size: • For performance considerations • Because the default may not leave enough free storage to satisfy the GET VIS commands issued by the DOS program or the access methed services function being executed. Section 9. Developing DOS Programs Under CMS ~11 March 30, 1979 You can set the, partition size with the DOSPART operand of command. For example, after you enter the command: the SET set dospart 300k all programs that you subsequently execute during execute in a 300K partition~ In this way you can: this session will • Set a smaller partition size for partitions. programs that run better in smaller • S~t a smaller partition size to leave more free storage. If the reduction of the DOS partition does not free enough storage for the GETVIScommands, a larger virtual machine must be defined. If you enter: set dospart off the CMS calculates a partition size when you execute a prograa. the default setting. This is Bote that the eMS partition, unlike the DOS partition, is used only for the loading and executing of programs invoked by the FETCH or LOAD commands. Areas allocated by GETVIS will be assigned addresses outside the partition but within the user's virtual machine~ SETTING THE UPSI BYTE If your program uses the user program switch indicator (UPSIl byte, you can set it by using the UPSI operand of the CMS SET command~ The UPSI byte is initially binary zeros~ To set it to 1s, enter set upsi 11111111 To reset it to zeros, enter: set upsi off Any value you set remains in effect for the duration of your terminal session, unless you reload CMS (with the IPL command) '. DEBUGGIHG PROG~AMS IN CMS/DOS You can debug your DOS programs in CMS/DOS using the facilities of CP and C~S. By executing'your programs interactively, you can more quickly determine the cause of an error or program abend, correct it, and attempt to execute a program again~ The CP and eMS debugging facilities are described in "Section 11. Bow VM/370 Can Help You Debug Your Programs~" Additional information for assembl,er language programmers is in "Section 13. Programlling for the CMS Environment." 178 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide USING EXEC PROCEDURES IN CMS/DOS During your program development and testing cycle, you may want to create EXEC procedures to contain sequences of CMS commands that you execute frequently. For example, if you need a number of MACLlBs, DOSLlBs, and DLBL definitions to execute a particular program, you might have an EXEC procedure as follows: SCONT~OL ERROR TIME SERRO$ SEXIT SRETCODE GLOBAL MACLIB TESTLIB DOSMAC ASSEMBLE TESTA PRINT TESTA LISTING DOSLKED TESTA TESTLIB GLOBAL DOSLIB TESTLIB PROGLIB ACCESS 200 E ASSGN SYS010 E SBEGSTACK DOS.TEST3.STREAM.BETA SEND DLBL DISK1 E DSN ? (SYS010 ASSGN SYS011 PUNCH CP SPOOL PUNCH TO ASSGN SYS012 A DLBL OUTFILE A CMS TEST DATA (SYS012 FETCH TESTA (START SIF SRETCODE = 100 &GOTO -RET100 SIF SRETCODE = 200 &GOTO -RET200 SEXIT SRETCODE -RET100 &CONTlNUE * -RET200 &CONTINUE The SCONTROL and SERROR control statements in the EXEC procedure ensure that if an error occurs during any Fart of the EXEC, the remainder of the EXEC does not execute, and the execution summary of the EXEC indicates the command that caused the error. Note that for the DLBL command entered with the DSN ? operand, you must stack the response before issuing the DLBL command. In this example, since the DOS file-id has more than eight characters, you must use the SBEGSTACK control statement to stack it. If you use the SSTACK control statement, the EXEC processor truncates all words to eight characters. When your program is finished executing, the EXEC special variable &RETCODE indicates the contents of general register 15 at the time your program exited. You can use this value to perform additional steps in your EXEC procedure. Additional steps are indicated in the preceding example by ellipses. For detailed information on creating Learning To Use EXEC." EXEC procedures, see "Part 3. ) Section 9. Developing DOS Programs Under CMS 179 ( '~ ( 180 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM under CMS and CMS/DOS This section describes how you can use CftS to create and manipulate VSA! catalogs, data spaces, and files on as and DOS disks using access method services. The CftS support is based on DOS/VSE and VSE/VSAM; this .eans that if you are an as VSAft user and plan to use CftS to manipulate VSAM files you are restricted to those functions of access method services that are available under the access method services portion of VSE/VSA!. The control statements you can use are descrited in the publication Q§ing !~Al!~!~ £~~~g~g§ g~g ~g£!~§. You can use CftS to: • Execute the access method services utility programs for VSll! and 51! data sets on as and DOS disks and minidisks. CI!S can both read and write VSAft files using access method services. • Compile and execute programs that read and write VSAI! files from DOS programs written in the COBOL or PL/I programming languages. • Compile and execute programs that read and write VSAI! files fro. OS programs written in the vs BASIC, COBOL, or PL/I programming languages. • Assemble assembler language source programs under CBS that use VSAI! macros. You must create your own macro library from as or DOS macro libraries. VSAM files written under CMS are wholly compatible for reading and writing under as and DOS systems. None of the CMS commands normally used to manipulate CMS files are applicable to VSAM files, however. This includes such commands as PRINT, TYPE, EDIT, COPYFILE, and so on. This section provides information on using the CftS A!SEDV command with which you can execute access method services. The discussion is divided as follows: • "Using the AftSERV command" contains general information. • "Manipulating as and DOS Disks for Use with AftSERV" describes how to use CMS commands with as and DOS disks. • "Defining DOS Input and output Files" is for CMS/DOS users only. • "Defining as Input and output Files" is for • "Using AMSEDV Under CMS" includes notes and examples showing how to perform various access method services functions in Cfts. as users only. EXECUTING VSAM PROGRAMS UNDER eMS The commands that are used to define input and output data sets for access method services (DLBL) and for CftS/DOS users (ASSGN) are also used to identify YSAft input qnd output files for program execution. Information on executing programs under eMS that manipulate VSAft files is contained in the program product documentation for the language processors. These publications are listed in the !AL~l~ !n~!QgY£!iQ~. Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM 181 March 30, 1979 Restrictions on the use of access method services and VSA" under CMS for as and DOS users are listed inY~LJ1Q ~~~ ~Q!!gn~ gn~ ~~£!~ Reference, which also contains complete CMS and eMS/DOS command formats, operand-descriptions, and responses for each of the commands described here. When you are going to execute VSAM programs in eMS or C"S/DOS, you should remember to issue the DLBL command to id€ntify the master catalog, as well as any other program input or output file you need to define. Using the AMSERV Command In CMS, A~SERV you execute access method services command, which has the basic format: utility programs with the amserv filename "filename" is the name of a CMS file statements for access method services. that contains the control !Qte: Throughout the remainder of this section the term "AMSERV" is used to refer to both the CMS A"SERV command and the OS/VS or DOS/VS access method services, except where a distinction is being made between CMS and access method services. You create an AMSERV file with the CMS editor using a A"SERV and any filename you want; for example: filetype of edit mastcat amserv NEW FILE: EDIT: input The editor recognizes the filetype of AMSERV and so automatically sets the margins for your input lines at columns 2 and 72. The sample AMSEBV file being created in the example above, MASTCAT AMSEBV, might contain the following control statements: DEFINE MASTERCATALOG (NAME (MYCAT) VOLUME (123456) CYL(2) FILE (IJSYSCT) ) Note that the syntax of the control statements must conform to the rules for access method services, including continuation characters and parentheses. The only difference is that th~ A"SERV fiie does not contain a "/*" for a termination indicator. Before you can execute the DEFINE control statement in this AMSEBV example, you must define the output file, using the ddname IJSYSCT. You can do this using the DLBL command~ Since the exact form required in the DLBL command varies according to whether you are an as or a DOS user, separate discussions of the DLBL command are provided later in this section. All of the following examples assume that any disk data set or file that you are referencing with an AMSEBV command will have been aefined by a DLBL command. When you execute the AMSERV command" the AMSERV control statement file can be on any accessed CMS disk; you do not need to specify the filemode and, if you are aDOS user~ you do not need to assign SYSIPT. The task of locating the file and passing it to access method services is performed by C~S. 182 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide AMSERV OUTPUT LISTINGS When the AMSERV command is finished processing, you receive the CMS ready message, and if there was an error, the return code (from register 15) is displayed following the "R". For example: R (00008) ; or, if you are receiving the long form of the ready message, it appears: R(00008); T=0.01/0.11 10:50:23 If you receive a ready message with an error return code, you should examine the output listing from AMSERV to determine the cause of the error. AMSERV output listings are written in CMS files with a filetype of LISTING; by default, the filename is the same as that of the input AMSERV file. For example, if you have executed: amserv mastcat and the CMS ready message indicates an examine the file MASTCAT LISTING: error return code, you should edit mastcat listing EDIT: locate /idc/I= Issuing the LOCATE subcommand twice to find will position you in the LISTING file at services message. the character string IDC the first access method The publication ~Q2L!~ ~~22Sg~2 lists and explains all of messages generated by access method services together with associated reason codes. the the Instead of editing the file, you could also use the TYPE command to display the contents of the entire file, so that you would be able to examine the input control statements as well as any error messages: type mastcat listing If you need to make changes to control statements before executing the AMSERV command again, use the CMS editor to modify the AMSERV input file. If you execute the same AMSERV file a number of times, each execution results in a new LISTING file, which replaces any previous listing file with the same filename. When you use AMSERV to print a VSAM file, or to list catalog or recovery area contents using the PRINT, LISTCAT, or LISTCRA control statements, the output is written in a listing file on a CMS read/write disk, and not spooled to the printer unless you use the PRINT option of the AMSERV command: ) amserv listcat (print Sectio~ 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM 183 If you want to save the output, you should issue the AftSERV command without the PRINT option and then use the CftS PRINT command to print the LISTING file. CONTROLLING AftSBRV COMBAND LISTINGS The final disposition of the listing, as a printer or disk file, depends on how you enter the AMSERV command. If you enter the AMSERV command with no options, you get a CMS file with a filetype of LISTING and a filename equal to that of the AMSERV input file. This LISTING file is usually written on your A-disk, but if your A-disk is full or not accessed, it is written on any other read/write CMS disk you have accessed. If there is not enough room on your A-disk or any other disk, the AMSBRV command issues . an error message saying that it cannot write the LISTING file. If this happens, the LISTING file created may be incomplete and you may not be able to tell whether or not access method services actually completed successfully. In this case, after you have cleared some space on a read/write disk, you may have to execute an AMSERV PRINT or LISTCAT function to verify the completion of the prior job. LISTING files take up considerable disk them as soon as you no longer need them. space, so you If you do not want AMSERV to create a disk file from can execute the AMSERV command with the PRINT option: should erase the listing, you amserv myfile (print The listing is spooled to your virtual printer, and no disk file is created. You might want to use this option if you are executing a PRINT or LISTCAT control statement and expect a very large output listing that you know cannot be contained on any of your disks. You can also control the filename of the output specifying a second name on the AMSERV command line: listing file by amserv listcat listcat1 In this example, the input file is LISTCAT AMSERV and the output listing is placed in a file named LISTCAT1 LISTING. A subsequent execution of this same AMSERV file: amserv listcat,listcat2 creates a second listing file, LISTCAT2 LISTING, created from the first execution is not erased. 184 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide so that the listing March 30, 1979 Manipulating OS and DOS Disks for Use with AMSERV To use CMS VSAM and AMSERV, you can have OS or DOS disks in your virtual machine configuration. They can be assigned in your directory entry, or you can link to them using the CP LINK command. You must have read/write access to them in order to execute any AMSERV function or VSAM program that requires opening the file for output or update. Before you can use an OS or DOS ACCESS command: disk you must access it with the CMS access 200 d The response from the ACCESS command indicates that the disk is in OS or DOS format: D(200) R/W - OS -- or -D(200) R/W - DOS You can write on these disks only through AMSERV or through the execution of a program writing VSAM data sets. Once an OS disk is used with AMSERV or VSAM, CMS considers it a DOS disk, so regardless of whether you are an OS user, when you access or request information about a VSAM disk, CMS indicates that it is a DOS disk. You can still use the disk in an OS or DOS system for VSAM data set processing. Although the format is not changed, the "disk is still subject to any incompatibilities that can currently exist between OS and DOS disks. DATA AND MASTERCATALOG SHARING There are two meanings of "sharing" that must be defined clearly with respect to the CMS support of VSAM. The first is that of the SHAREOPTION parameter found in the DEFINE (and ALTER) command for access method services. The SHAREOPTION keyword enables the VSAM user to define bow a component will be shared across pattitions (users). Since CMS is a single-partition, single-user system and there is no data set sbaring capability in the control program (CP), the built-in data sharing in VSAM is of no value under CMS. However. if the VSAM user specifies SHAREOPTION three fewer lines of code will be executed and. therefore. that option is recommended. The ar.a of sharing mos~ familar to CMS users is that of disk (minidisk) read-sharing provided by CP. For the VSAM user under eMS, it is still possible to share disks in read-o~ly mode in order to read-share VSAM components. However, there 1S a restriction with respect to the VSAM master catalog. That is, only one virtual machine may have the disk containing the master catalog in write status. This is necessary even if only read functions are being performed during the session. This is due to the master catalog updating read statistics'at close time and, when necessary, writing a new control record in the catalog at open time. Under the OS/VS and DOS/VS systems (rea1) this is not a consideration because the master catalog is always on a system pack and, therefore, always in write status by that system and by the VSAM routines. The virtual machines (OS or DOS) cannot share the VSAM cat.log since each thinks it is a "real" system and has control of the VSAM master catalog. Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM 185 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 Under CMS, it is possible to have the master catalog disk read-only. A bit in the ACB indicates to VSE/VSAM that it is running under CMS. If. this bit is on, VSAM will not write to the master catalog for either of the two cases described above. This allows one or more CftS virtual machines to share the~SAM maste~ catalog. This assume~ either no other virtua1 machine has the master catalog disk in write status or only one virtual machine (DOS, OS, or CMS) has it. Multiple CMS users may have the VSAM master catalog disk in read-only status but only one virtual machine may have the same in write status. with respect to dataset sharing, there is only read-sharing for the CftS user. DISK COMPATIBILITY Since the CMS VSAM support writes VSAM datasets to DOS disks, the question of disk compatibility is not one between CMS and DOS nor between CMS or OS but rather between DOS and as disks. In other words, because CMS actually uses VSE/VSAM for processing VSAM datasets, all disks used by CMS VSAM are DOS disks. For this reason, we need only discuss how DOS and as disks are compatible and, because they are compatible, we can conclude, that CMS and as are also compatible. In the format-4 DSCB"there is a bit in the VTOC Indicators (byte 59, bit 0) defined by OS/VS to indicate (when OFF) that a.£ormat-5 label is included in the VTOC. This bit is always On under DOS/VSE because Des does not maintain the format-5 label. This technique allows OS/VS to realize when the format-5 is invalid and that it must recompute free space and rewrite the format-5 so that device integrity is maintained. Thus, if a disk originally was used (allocated) under OS/VS and, subsequently, with DOS/VSE, further allocation could occur under DOS/VSE but with the format-5 ignored and, therefore, no longer valid. If the disk was then used under OS/VS and still further allocation performed, OS/VS would recognize the fact that the format-5 was not valid (contamination bit turned ON by DOS/VSE) and would rewrite the format-5, turning the bit OFF. This shows that DOS and as disks are compatible in that they are the two systems, but one of the systems (OS/VS) must perform some extra processing (rewriting format-5) prior to using the disk if it intends to reallocate using the,format-5. portabl~between DOS and OS disks containing VSAM datasets are no exception to this. OS and DOS disks containing VSAM datasets that are used (~llocated) under CMS are portable among all three systems. Since CMS uses VSE/VSAM code, all disks used under CMS to process VSAM datasets become DOS/VSE disks in that the contamination bit is turned ON as it is when using DOS/VSE. The term "minidisk" may be interchanged with ihe word "disk" in the above explanation if we ,a~e dealing with "virtual" DgS/VSE an~ OS/VS systems. ~owever, real systems are not aware of, and do not support, minidisks. , It is necessary to distinguish between two types of allocation under VSAM. The first refers to actual space allocation on the disk, and the second is that within the dataset itself. Space for VSAM componepts must be allocated cn the DASD device using the DEFINE commands. The only component for which the user is able to 186 IBMVM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev Karch 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-902Q-1 for 5748-118 allocate space is for the .aster catalog, a data space, and a UBIQUE cluster. In defining the actual DASD space for components, there are parameters for the DEFINE SPACE command which allows the user to include a "secondary allocation" specification. These parameters (CYLIBDERS, RECORDS, TRACKS) have this secondary facility only as a syntactic compatibility with the OS/VS access method services commands. That is, DOS/VSE (and, therefore, CKS) does not perform secondary space allocation on a DASD. The facility does exist under DOS/VSE (and CftS) to extend data or index components through already allocated data space, catalog extents, or UNIQUE cluster extents. Thus, the CYLINDERS, TRACKS, and RECORDS parameters of the DEFINE commands for alternate indexes, clusters, and catalogs do not dynamically allocate DASD space but only extend a component through existing space. USING V8/370 MINIDISKS If you have a VM/370 minidisk in your virtual machine configuration, you can use it to contain VSAM files. Before you can use it, it aust be formatted with the IBCDASDI program or other appropriate· operating system utility program. When you request that a disk be added to your virtual machine configuration for use with VSAM files under CMS, you should indicate that it be formatted for use with as or DOS. Or you can format it yourself using the IBCDASDI program. A brief example of how to do this is given under the following "Using Temporary Disks." The IECDASDI control statements are fully described in the !~L11~ ~~~at2~~§ §~id~. If you are an as user, you should be careful about allocating space for VSAM on minidisks. Once you have used CMS AMSERV to allocate VSAM data space on a minidisk, you should not attempt to allocate additional space on that minidisk using an OS/VS system. as does not recognize minidisks, and would attempt to format the entire disk pack and thus erase any data on it. To allocate additional space for VSAM, you should use CMS again. If you use the IBCDASDI program to format the disk, and use the CYLNO parameter, the entire disk is flagged as full, so that as cannot allocate additional space. Kinidisk space allocation is fully described in the !!Ll1Q f!g~~i~g ~~g ~I§!~ §~~~~!io~ §~!g~. l!21~: USING THE LISTDS COMMAND For as or DOS disks or minidisks, you can use the LISTDS command to determine the extents of free space available for use by VSAft. You can also determine what space is already in use. You can use this information to supply the extent information when you define VSAM files. The options used with VSAM disks are: • • EXTENT, to find out what extents are in use, and FREE, to find out what extents are available. For example, if you have an as disk accessed as a G-disk, and you enter: listds g (extent Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM 187 March 30, 1979 The response might look like: EXT"ENT INFORMATION FOR 'VTOe' ON 'G' DISK: SEQ TYPE CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) OOO.VTOC 09900 1881 0991S 1899 TRACKS 19 i EXTENT:INFORMATION FOR 'PRIVAT.CORE.IMAGE.LIE' ON 'G' DISK: SEQ TYPE CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) TRACKS 000 DATA 000 01 1 049 18 949 949 EXTENT INFORMATION FOR 'SYSTEM.WORK.FILE~NO.6' ON 'G' SEQ TYPE CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) TRACKS 000 DATA 050 00 950 051 18 987 38 DISK~ You could also determine the extent for a particular data set: listds ? * (extent DMSLDS220R ENTER DATA SET NAME: system recorder file EXTENT INFORMATION FOR 'SYSTEM RECORDER FILI' ON 'F' DISK: SEQ TYPE CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) TRACKS 000 DATA 102 00 1938 102 18 1956 19 002 DATA 010 06 206 010 08 208 3 LISTDS searches all minidisks accessed until it locates the specified data set. In this example, the data set occupies two separate extents on disk F. If the data set 1S a multivolume data set, extents on all accessed volumes are located and displayed. If you want to find the free extents on a particular disk, enter: listds g (free FREESPACE EXTENTS CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO 052 00 988 054 02 1028 08101 1540 FOR 'G' DISK: CYL-HD (RELTRK) 052 01 989 080 00 1520 098 18 1880 TRACKS 2 493 341 You can use this information when you allocate space for VSAM files. you enter: listds * If (free CMS lists all the free space available on all of your accessed disks. USING TEMPORARY DISKS When you need extra space on a temporary basis for use with CMS VSAM and AMSERV, you can use the CP DEFINE command to define a temporary minidisk and then use the IBCDASDI program to format it. Once formatted and accessed, it is available to your virtual >machine for the duration of your terminal session or until you detach it using the CP DETACH command. Remember that anything placed on a temporary disk is lost, so that you should copy output that you want to keep onto permanent disks hefore you log off. f88 IBM VM/310 CMS User's- Guide March 30, 1979 The example below shows a control statement file and an EXEC procedure that, together, can be used to format a minidisk with the IBCDASDI program. For a complete description of the control statements used, refer to the !~L~70 Q~~!g!2~~§ ~y!~g. The input control statements for the IBCDASDI programs should be placed in a CMS file, so that they can be punched to your virtual card reader. For this example, suppose the statements are in a CMS file named TEMP IBCDASDI: DASD198 JOB MSG DADEF VLD VTOCD END TODEV=1052,TOADDR=009 TODEV=3330,TOADDR=198,VOLID=SCRATCH,CYLNO=10 NEiVOLID=123456 STRTADR=185,EXTENT=5 Now consider the CMS file named TEMPDISK EXEC: &ERROR &EXIT 100 CP DEFINE T3330 198 10 CP CLOSE C CP PURGE READER ALL ACC 190 Z/Z IPL CP SPOOL PUNCH CONT TO PUNCH IPL IBCDASDI Z (NOH) PUNCH TEMP IBCDASDI (NOB) CP SPOOL PUNCH NOCONT CP CLOSE PUNCH CP IPL OOC * * * You execute this procedure by entering the filename of the EXEC: tempdisk When the final line of this EXEC is executed, the IBCDASDI program is in control. You must then signal an attention interruption using the Attention or Enter key, and you receive the message: IBC105A DEFINE INPUT DEVICE You should enter: input=2540,OOc to indicate that the control statements should be read from your card reader, which is a virtual 2540 device at virtual address OCC. When the IBCDASDI program is finished, your virtual machine is in the CP environment and must reload CMS (with the IPL command) to b~~in virtual machine execution. You can then access the temporary disk: acc 198 c and CMS responds: C(198) R/i - OS Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM 189 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748~XX8 Defining DOS Input and Output Files Note: lhis information is for VSE/VSAM users. OS/VS VSAM refer to the section "Defining OS Input and Outpu't Files." ~sers should You must use the DLBL command to define VSAM inp~t and output files for both the AMSERV command and for program execution. The operands required on the DLBL command are: dlbl ddname fi1emode DSN datasetname (options SYSxxx where "ddname" corresponds to the FILE parametei in the AMSERV file and "datasetname" corresponds to the entry name or filename of the VSA~ file. There are several options you can use when issuing to define VSAM input and output files. These are: • the DLBL command VSAM, which you must use to indicate that the file is a VSAM file. Note: You do not have to use the VSAM option to identify a file as a file if you are using any of the other options listed here, In addition, the since they imply that the file is a VSAM file. ddnames (filenames) IJSYSCT and IJSYSUC also indicate that the,file being defined is a VSAM file. VSAM • EXTENT, which you must use when you are defining a catalog or a VSAM data space; you are prompted to enter the volume information. This option effectively provides the function of the EXTENT card in DOS/VS. • MULT, which you must use in order to access a multivolume VSAM file; you are prompted to enter the extent information. • CAT, which you can use to identify a catalog which contains the entry for the VSAM file you are defining. • BUFSP, which you can use to specify should use during program execution. the size of the Options are entered following the open parenthesis on line, with the SYSxxx: buffers VSAM the DLBL command assgn sys003 e d1bl file1 b1 dsn workfile (extent cat cat2 sys003 Additional examples using some of these options are shown below. USING VSAM CATALOGS While you are developing and testing your VSAM Frograms in CMS, you may find it convenient to create and use your own master catalog, which may be on a CMS minidisk. VSAM catalogs, like any other c1uster# can be shared read-only among several users. You name the VSAM master catalog for your terminal session using the logical unit SYSCAT in the ASSGN command and the ddname IJSYSCT for the CLBL command. For example, if your VSAM master catalog is located on a COS disk you have accessed as a C-disk, you would enter: 190 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide assgn syscat c dlbl ijsysct c dsn mastcat (syscat Note: When you use the ddname IJSYSCT you do iSAM option on the DLBL command. not need to specify the You must identify the master catalog at the start of every terminal session. If you are always using the same master catalog, you might include the ASSGN and DLBL commands in an EXEC procedure or in your PROFILE EXEC. You could also include the commands necessary to access the DOS system residence volume and enter the CMSIDOS environment: ACCESS 350 Z SET DOS ON Z (VSAM ACCESS 555 C ASSGN SYSCAT C DLBL IJSYSCT C DSN MASTCAT (SYSCAT PERM you should use the PERM option so that you do not have to reset the master catalog assignment after clearing previous DLBL definitions. You must use the VSAM option on the SET DOS ON command line if you want to use any access method services function or access VSAM files. The sample ASSGN and DLBL commands used in the above EXEC are almost identical with those you issue to define a master catalog using AMSERV. The only difference is that you must enter the EXTENT option so that you can list the data spaces that this master catalog is to control. ) As an example, suppose that you have a 30-cylinder 3330 minidisk assigned to you to use for testing your VSAM programs under CMS. Assuming that the minidisk is in your directory at address 333, you should first acce~s it: access 333 d D(333) RIW - OS If you formatted the minidisk yourself, you know what its label is. not, you can find out what the label is by using the CMS command: If query search The response might be: USR191 DOS333 SYS190 SYS19E Use the file: 191 333 190 19E A C S liS label DOS333 RIW R/i - as RIO RIO in the VOLUMES parameter in the MASTC1T AMSERV DEFINE MASTERCATALOG (NAME (MASTCAT) ~ VOLUME (DOS333) CYL (4) FILE (IJS1SCT) ) NOW, to find out what extents on the minidisk you can allocate for VSAM, use the LISTDS command with the EXTENT option: Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM 191 listds d (free The response from LISTDS might look like this: FREESPACE INFORMATION FOR ID' DISK: CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) TRACKS 000 01 1 000 09 9 9 000 11 11 029 18 569 560 From this response, you can see that the volume table of contents (VTOC) is located on the first cylinder, so you can allocate cylinders 1 through 29 for VSAM: assgn syscat c dlbl ijsysct c dsn mastcat (syscat perm extent DMSDLB331R ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: 19 551 (null line) After entering the extents, in tracks, g1v1ng the relative track number of the first track to be allocated followed by the number of tracks, you must enter a null line to complete the command. A null line is required because, when you enter multiple extents, entries may be placed on more than one line. If you do not enter a null line, the next line you enter causes an error, and you must re-enter all of the extent information. Note that, as in DOS/VS, the extents must be on cylinder boundaries, and you cannot allocate cylinder O. Now you can issue the AMSERV command: amserv mastcat A ready message with no return code indicates that the master catalog is defined. You do not need to reissue the ASSGN and DLEL commands in order to use the master catalog for additional AMSERV functions. You can use the AMSERV command to define private catalogs and spaces for them, also. The procedures for determining what space you can allocate are the same as those outlined in the example of defining a master catalog. For a user catalog, you may use ddname: any programmer logical unit, and any access 199 e listds e (free assgn sys001 e dlbl cat1 e dsn private cat1 (sys001 extent perm amserv usercat ( 192 IEM VM/370 CMS User's Guide The file USERCAT AMSERV might contain the following: DEFINE USERCATALOG (NAME (PRIVATE.CAT1) FILE (IJSYSUC)CYL (4) VOLUME (DOSVS2) CATALOG (MASTCAT) After this AMSERV command has completed successfully you can use the catalog PRIVATE.CAT1. When you issue a DLBL command to identify a cluster or data set cataloged in this catalog, you must identify the catalog using the CAT option on the DLBL command for the file: assgn sys100 c dlbl file2 e dsn 1 (sys100 cat cat1 Or, you can define this catalog as a job catalog. If you want to set up a user catalog as a job catalog so that it will be searched during all subsequent jobs, you can define the catalog using the special ddname IJSYSUC. For example: assgn sys101 c dlbl ijsysuc c dsn private cat1 (sys101 perm If you defined a user catalog (IJSYSUC) for a terminal session and you use the AMSERV command to access a VSAM file, the user catalog takes precedence over the master catalog. This means that for files that already exist, only the user catalog is searched. When you define a cluster, it is cataloged in the user catalog, rather than in the master catalog, unless you use the CAT option to override it. If you want to use additional catalogs during a terminal session, you first define them just as you would any other VSAM file: assgn sys010 f dlbl mycat2 f dsn private cat2 (sys010 vsam Then, when you enter the DLBL command for the VSAM file that is cataloged in PRIVATE.CAT2 use the CAT option to refer to the ddname of the catalog: assgn sys011 f dlbl input f dsn input file (sys011 cat mycat2 If you want to stop using a job catalog defined as IJSYSUC, you can clear it using the CLEAR option of the DLBL command: dlbl ijsysuc clear Then, the master catalog becomes the job catalog for with the CAT option. files not defined ) Section 10. using Access Method S~rvices and VSAM 193 When you define passwords for VSAM catalogs in CftS, or when you use CMS to access VSAM catalogs that have passwords associated with them, you must supply the password from your terminal when the AMSERV command executes. The message that you receive to prompt you for the password is the same message you receive when you execute access method services: 4221A ATTEMPT 1 OF 2. ENTER PASSWORD FOR JOE AMSERV FILE catalog When you enter the proper password, AMSERV continues execution. DEFINING AND ALLOCATING SPACE FOR VSAM FILES You can use CMS use the DEFINE catalog that is volumes on which AMSERV to allocate additional data spaces for VSAM. To SPACE control statement, you must have defined the to control the space, and you must have the volume or the space is to be allocated mounted and accessed. For example, suppose you have a DOS-formatted 3330 disk attached to your virtual machine at virtual address 255. After accessing the disk and determining the free space on it, you could create a file named SPACE AMSERV: DEFINE SPACE (FILE (FILE1) TRACKS (1900) VOLUME (123456) CATALOG (PRIVATE~CAT2 CAT2) ) To execute this AMSERY file, define PRIYATE.CAT2 as a user catalog using the ddname CAT2, and then define the ddname for the FILE parameter: access 255 c assgn sysOl0 c dlbl cat2 c dsn private cat2 (sysOl0 vsam assgn sysOl1 c dlbl file1 c (extent sysOl1 cat cat2 Note that you do not need to enter a data set name to define the space. When CMS prompts you for the extents of the space you can enter the extent specifications: DMSDLB331R ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: 190 1900 When you define space for VSAM, you should be sure that the VOLUMES parameter and the space allocation parameter (whether CYLINDER, TRACKS, or RECORDS) in the AMSERV file agrees with the information you provide in the DLBL command. All data extents must begin and end on cylinder boundaries. Any additional space you provide in the extent information that is beyond what you specified in the AMSERV file is claimed by VSAM. 194 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide March 30, 1979 When you are specifying extents for a master catalog, data space, or unique file, you can specify up to 16 extents on a volume for a particular space. When prompted by CMS to enter the extents, you aust separate different extents by commas or place them on different lines. To specify a range of extents in the above example, you can enter: dlbl file1 c (extent sys011 190 190, 570 190, 1900 1520 (null line) or -dlbl file1 c (extent sys011 190 190 570 190 1900 1520 (null line) Again, the first number entered for each extent represents the relative track for the beginning of the extent and the second number indicates the number of tracks. You can define spaces that span up to nine volumes for VSAM files; all of the volumes must be accessed and assigned when you issue the DLBL command to define or identify the data space. You should remember, though, that if you are using AMSEBV and you do not use the PBINT option, you must have a read/write CMS disk so that AMSERV can write the output LISTING file. If you are defining a new multivolume data space or unique cluster, you must specify the extents on each volume that the data is to. occupy (starting track and number of tracks), followed by the disk mode letter at which the disk is accessed and the programmer logical unit to which the disk is assigned: access 135 b access 136 c access 137 d assgn sys001 b assgn sys002 c assgn sys003 d dlbl newfile b (extent sys001 DMSDLB331R ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: 100 60 b sys001, 400 80 b sys001, 60 40 d sys003 2000 100 c sys002 (null line) If you specify more than one extent on the same line, the extents must be separated by commas; if you enter a comma at the ena of a line, it is ignored. Different extents for the same volume must be entered consecutively. Note that in the preceding example, the extent informationi~ for 2314 disks; and that these extents are also on cylinder boundaries. When you example: enter multivolume extents you can use a default Section 10. Using Access Method Se~vices m~de. For and VSAM. 195 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-IX8 dlbl newfile b (extent sys001 DMSDLB331R ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: 100 60, 400 80, 60 40 d sys003, 2000 100 c sys002 (null line) Any extents you enter without specifying a mode letter and SYSxxx value default to the mode and SYSxxx on the DLBL command line, in this case, the B-disk, SYS001. If you make any errors issuing the DLEL command information, you must re-enter the entire command sequence. IDENTIFYING EXISTING IdentIfy-an existing or extent !g~~!!Q~gA~ ~!~~~: When you issue a DLBL command to multivolume VSAM file, you must use the MULT option of the DLBL command: dlbl old b1 dsn ? (sys002 mult DMSDLB220R ENTER DATA SET BAME: dostest.file DMSDLB330R ENTER VOLUME SPECIFICATIONS: c sys004, d sys003 e sys007 (null line) When you enter the DLBL command you should specify the mode letter and logical unit for the first volume on the command line. When you enter the MULT option you are prompted to enter additional specifications for the remaining extents. In the preceding example, the data set has extents on disks accessed as B~, C-, D-, and E-disks. USING TAPE INPUT AND OUTPUT If you are using AMSERV for a function that requires tape input and/or output, you must have the tape(s) attached to your virtual machine. The valid addresses for tapes are 181, 182, 183, and 184. When referring to tapes, you can also refer to them using their CMS symtolic names TAP1, TAP2, TAP3, and TAP4. For AMSERV functions that use tape input/output, the TLBL control statement is simulated by building a dummy DLBL containing a user-supplied ddname (filename). CMS does not read tape labels and does not recognize tape data set names. When you invoke the AMSERV command, you must use the TAPIN or TAPOUT option to specify the tape device being used: amserv export (tapout 181 In this example, the output from the AMSERV control statements in a file riamed EXPORT goes to a tape at virtual address 181. CMS prompts you to enter the ddname: DMSAMS367R ENTER TAPE OUTPUT DDNAMES: After you enter the ddname specified on the FILE parameter in the AMSERV file and press the carriage return, the AMSERV command executes. AMSERV opens all tape files as standard labe~led tapes (FILAB=STD on the DTFMT .acro). Therefore, tou need a LABELDEF command for any tape file used for input or output with AMSERV. The LABELDEF command is the CMS/DOS equivalent of the DOS/VSE TLB control stat'ement. The LABELDEF command is used to specify information in VOLl and RDR1 labels on the 196 IBM VM/370 CffS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5148-118 tape. See the description of the LABELDEF command in section 1 for more information on this command. You should use the same name for the filename on your LABELDEP command as you do for the ddname you enter in reply to message DMSAMS361R (the ddname specified on the FILE ~arameter in the AMSEBV file). However, the LABELDEF command must be issued tefore the AMSEBV command. The following sequence of commands might be used when you have tape output: assgn sys005 tap1 tape rew (181 assgn syscat e assgn sys006 e labeldef catout fid catfile volid amserv dlbl ijsysct e dsn mastcat (syscat vsam dlbl catin e dsn file (sys006 vsam amserv repro (tapout 181 DMSAMS361R ENTER TAPE OUTPUT DDNAMES catout Note that if you do not care what is written in a tape output label or do not want input labels checked, you can specify a LABELDEF with no parameters other than filename. The command: labeldef intape used for an input tape with ddname INTAPE causes the standard labels cn the tape to be skipped without any checking. A similar statement for output writes tape labels with default values (see the description of the LABELDEP command in section 1). If you try to use a tape that does not already contain for an AMSERV tape file, you will receive an error message. is used for output, this message is followed by another informs you that you have a choice of continuing by writing on the previously unlabelled tape or rejecting this tape. files must already contain standard VOL1 and HDR1 labels to by AMSERV. a VOLl label If the tape message that a VOL1 label Input tape be processed Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM 196.1 March 30, 1979 196.2 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-l8l9-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 When you create a tape in CMS using AMSERV, CMS writes a tape mark preceding each output file that it writes. When this same tape is read using AMSERV under CMS, HDR1 and VaLl labels are checked using the LABELDEFcommand you provide~ If you read this tape in a real DOS/VS system, you should use a TLBL card instead of the LABELDEF command. Similarly, when you create a tape under a DOS/VS system using access method services, if the tape is created with sta~dard labels, CMS AMSERV has no difficulty reading it. The only time you should worry about positioning a tape created by AMSERV is when you want to read the tape using a method other than AMSERV, for example, the MOVEFILE command. Then, you must forward space the tape past the label, using the CMS TAPE command before you can read it. Defining OS Input and Output Files !!gte: This information is for OS/VS .VSAM users only. VSE/VSAM users should r~fer to "Defining DOS Input and output Files" for information on defining files for use with VSAM. If you. are going ,to use access method services to manipulate VSAM or SAM files or you are going .to e~ecute VSAM programs under eMS, you must use the DLBL command to define the input and output files. The basic format of the DLBL command is: DLBL ddname file mode DSN datasetname (options where ddname corresponds to the FILE parameter in the AMSERV file and datasetname corresponds to the entry name of the VSAM file, that is, the name specified in the NAME parameter of an access method services control statement. If you are using a CMS file for AMSERV input or operand and enter CMS file identifiers as follows: dlbl mine a cms out file1 output, use the CMS (vsam The maximum length allowed for ddnames under CMS VSAM is seven characters. This means that if you have assigned eight-character ddnames (or filename$) to files in your programs, only the first seven characters of each ddname are used. So, ~f a program refers· to the ddname OUTPUTDD, you should issue the DLBL command for a ddname of OUTPUTD. Since you can encounter problems with a program that contains ddnames with the same first seven characters, you should recompile those programs using seven-character ddnames. There are several options you can use when iSSUing to define VSAM input and output files. These are: • the DLBL command VSAM, which you must use to indicate that the file is a VSAM file. Note: you do not have to use the VSAM option to identify a file as a file if you are using any of the other options listed here, si~ce~hey imply that the file is a VSAM file. In ~ddition, the ddnames (filenames) IJSYSCT and IJSYSUC also indicate that the file being defined is a VSAM file. VSAM Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM 197 March 30, 1979 VS~ft • EXTENT, which you must use when you are defining a catalog or a data space; you are prompted to enter the volume information. • MULT, which you must use in order to access amultivolu.e VSAM file; you are prompted to enter the extent information. • CAT, which you can use to identify a catalog which contains the entry for the VSAft file you are defining. • BUFSP, which you can use to specify should use during program execution. ALLOCATING EXTENTS ON as the size of the buffers VSAM DISKS AND ftINIDISKS When you use access method services to manipulate VSAM files under as, you do not have to worry about allocating the real cylinders and tracks to contain the files. When you use CMS AftSERV, however, you are responsible for indicating which cylinders and tracks should contain particular VSAM spaces when you use the DEFINE control state merit to define space. Extents for VSAM data spaces can be defined, in AMSERV files, in terms of cylinders, tracks, or records. Extent information you supply to CftS when executing AMSERV must always be in terms of tracks. When you define data spaces or unique clusters, the extent information (number of cylinders, tracks, or records) in the AMSERV file must match the extents you supply when you issue the DLBL command to define the file. When you supply extent information for the master catalog, any extents you enter in excess of those required for the catalog are claimed by the catalog and used as data space. CMS does not make secondary space allocation for VSA8 data spaces. If you execute an AMSERV file that specifies a secondary space allocation, CMS ignores the parameter. When you use the DLBL command to define VSAM data space, you must use the EXTENT option, which indicates to CMS that you are going to enter data extents. For example, if you enter: dlbl space b (extent CMS prompts you to enter the extents: DMSDLB331R ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: When you enter the extents, you specify the relative track number of the first track of the extent, followed by the number of tracks. For example, if you are allocating an entire 2314 disk, you would enter: 20 3980 (null line) You can never write on cylinder 0, track 0; and, since VSA~ data spaces must be allocated on cylinder boundaries, you should never allocate cylinder O. Cylinder 0 is often used for the volume table of contents (VTOC) as well, so it is always best to begin defining space with cylinder 1. The list below shows the DASD devices supported by CMS VSAM~ the number of cylinders on each that can be allocated for VSAM space, and the number of tracks per cylinder: 198 IBM tM/370 CMS User's ~uide ; Disk 2314/2319 3330 Model 3330 Model 3340 Model 3340 Model 3350 ~I!!~g~!§ 1 11 35 70 200 404 808 348 696 555 I!~£!§L£I!iBg~! 20 19 19 12 12 30 You can determine which disk extents on an as disk or minidisk are available for allocation by using the LISTDS command with the FREE option, which also indicates the relative track numbers, as well as actual cylinder and head numbers. USING VSAM CATALOGS While you are developing and testing your VSAM programs in CMS, you may find it convenient to create and use your own master catalog, which may be on a CMS minidisk. VSAM catalogs, like any other cluster, can be shared read-only among several users. You name the VSAM master catalog for your terminal session using the ddname IJSYSCT for the DLBL command. For example, if your VSAM master catalog is located on an OS disk you have accessed as a C-disk, you would enter: dlbl ijsysct c dsn master catalog (perm ) You must define the master catalog at the start of every terminal session. If you are always using the same master catalog, you might include the DLBL command you need to define it in your PROFILE EXEC: ACCESS 555 C DLBL IJSYSCT C DSN MASTCAT (PERM You should use the PERM option so that you do not have to reset the master catalog assignment after clearing previous DLBL definitions. The command: dlbl * clear clears all file definitions except those entered with the PERM option. The sample DLBL command used in the preceding example is almost identical with the one you would issue to define a master catalog using AMSERV. The only difference is that you must enter the EXTENT option so that you can list the data spaces that this master catalog is to control. As an example, suppose that you have a 30-cylinder 3330 minidisk assigned to you to use for testing your VSAM programs under CMS. Assuming that the minidisk is in your directory at address 333, you should first access it: access 333 d D(333) R/W - OS Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM 199 If you formatted the minidisk yourself, you know what label you assigned it; if not, you can find out the label assigned to the disk by issuing the CMS command: query search The response might be: USR191 VSAM03 SYS109 SYS19E 191 333 190 19E A C S Y/S RIll RIll - OS RIO RIO Use the volume label VSAM03 in the MASTCAT AMSERV file: DEFINE MASTERCATALOG (NAME (MASTCAT)VOLUME (VSAM03) CYL (4) FILE (IJSYSCT) To find out what extents on this minidisk you can allocate for VSAM, use the LISTDS command with the FREE option: listds d (free The response from LISTDS might look like this: FREESPACE INFORMATION FOR 'D' DISK: CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) TRACKS 000 01 1 000 09 9 9 000 11 11 029 18 569 560 From this response, you can see that the VTOC is located on the first cylinder, so you can allocate cylinders 1 through 29 for 'SAM: dlbl ijsysct c dsn mastcat (perm extent DMSDLB331R ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: 19 551 (null line) After entering the extents, in tracks, g1v1ng the of the first track to be allocated followed by the must enter a null line to complete the command. (A because, when you enter multiple extents, entries than one line.) relative track number number of tracks, you null line is required may te placed on more Now you can issue the AMSER' command: amserv mastcat A Ready message with no return code indicates that the master catalog is defined. You do not need to reissue the DLBL command in order to identify the master ?atalog for additional AMSERV functions. You can use the AMSERV command to define private catalogs and spaces for them. The procedures for determining what space you can allocate are the same as those outlined in the example of defining a master catalog. To define a user catalog, you can assign any ddname you want: 200 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( access 199 e listds e (free dlbl cat1 e dsn private cat1 (extent amserv usercat The file USERCAT AMSERV might contain the following: DEFINt USERCATALOG (NAME (PRIVATE.CAT1) FILE (CAT1)CYL (4) VOLUME (OSVSAM) CATALOG (MASTCAT) After this AMSERV command has completed successfully you can use the catalog PRIVATE.CAT1. When you define a file cataloged in it, you identify it using the CAT option on the DLBL command: dlbl file2 c dsn ? (cat cat1 or, you can define it as a job catalog. During a terminal session, you may be catalog many times. If this is the case, by using the ddname IJSYSUC. Then, that subsequent jobs, unless you override it use the DLBL command to define a file. referencing the same private you can identify a job catalog catalog is searched during all using the CAT option when you If you defined a user catalog (IJSYSUC) for a terminal session and you use the AMSERV command to access a VSAM file, the user catalog takes precedence over the master catalog. This means that for files that already exist, the job catalog is searched. When you define a cluster, it is cataloged in the job catalog, rather than in the master catalog, unless you use the CAT option to override it. CMS never searches more than one VSAM catalog. You should use the CAT option to name a catalog when the AMSERV file you are executing references, with the CATALOG parameter, a catalog that is not defined either as the master catalog or as a user catalog. If you want to use additional catalogs during a terminal session, you first define them just as you would any other VSAM file: dlbl mycat2 f dsn private cat2 (vsam Then, when you enter the DLBL command for the VSAM file that is cataloged in PRIVATE.CAT2 use the CAT option to refer to the ddname of the catalog: dlbl input f dsn input file (cat mycat2 ) If you want to stop using a job catalog defined with the ddname IJSYSUC, you can clear it using the CLEAR option of the DLBL command: Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM 201 dlbl ijsysuc clear or, you can assign the ddname IJSYSUC to some other catalog. clear the ddname for IJSYSUC, then the master catalog becomes catalog. If you the job When you define passwords for VSAM catalogs in CMS, or when you use CMS to access VSAM catalogs that have passwords associated with them, you must supply the password from your terminal when the AMSERV command executes. The message that you receive to prompt you for the password is the same message you receive when you execute access method services: 4221A ATTEMPT 1 OF 2. ENTER PASSWORD FOR JOE AMSERV FILE catalog When you enter the proper password, AMSERV continues execution. DEFINING AND ALLOCATING SPACE FOR VSAM FILES You can use CMS AMSERV to allocate additional data spaces for VSAM. To use the DEFINE SPACE control statement, you must have defined either the master catalog or a user catalog which will control the space, and you must have the volume or volumes on which the space is to be allocated mounted and accessed. For example, suppose you have an OS 3330 disk attached to your virtual machine at virtual address 255. After accessing the disk and determining the free space on it, you could create a file named SPACE AMSERV: DEFINE SPACE (FILE (FILE1) TRACKS (1900) VOLUME (123456) CATALOG (PRIVATE.CAT2 CAT2) ) To execute this AMSERV file, you must define PRIVATE.CAT2 using ddname CAT2, and then define the ddname for the file: the access 255 c dlbl cat2 c dsn private cat2 (vsam dlbl file1 c (extent cat cat2 You do not need to enter a data set name to define the space. When CMS prompts you for the extents of the space, you can enter the extent specifications: DMSDLB331R ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: 190 1900 When you define space for VSAM, you should be sure that the VOLUMES parameter and the space allocation parameter (whether CYLINDER, TRACKS, or RECORDS) in the AMSERV file agree with the track information you provide in the DLBL command. 202 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide March 30, 1979 When you are specifying extents for a master catalog, data space, or unique file, you can specify up to 16 extents on a volume for a particular space. When prompted by eMS for the extents, you must separate the different extents by com.as, or place them on different lines. To specify a range of extents in the'above example, you could enter: dlbl file1 c (extent 190 190, 510 190, 1900 1520 (null line) or -dlbl file1 c (extent 190 190 510 190 1900 1520 (null line) Again, the first number entered for each extent represents the relative track for the beginning of the extent and the second number indicates the number of tracks. You can define spaces that span up to nine volumes for VSAM files; all of the volumes must be accessed and assigned when you issue the DLBL command to define or identify the data ,space. You should remember, though, that if you are using AMSERV and you do not use the PRINT option, you must have a read/write CMS disk so that AMSERV can write the output LISTING file. If you are defining a new multivolume data space or unique cluster, you must specify the extents on each volume that the data is to occupy {starting track and number of tracks), followed by the disk mode letter at which the disk is assigned: access 135 b access 136 c access 131 d dlbl newfile b (extent DMSDLB331R~NTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: 100 60 b, 400 80 b, 60 40 d , 2000 100 c (null line) If you enter more than one extent on the same line, the extents must be separated by commas; if you enter a comma at the end of a line, it is ignored. Different extents for the same volume must be entered consecutively. Note that in this example, the extent information is for 2314 disks and that these extents are also on cylinder toundaries. When you enter multi90lume extents, you do not have to enter a mode letter for those extents on the disk identified in the DLBL com~and. For the extents on disk B in the abov~ eXample, you could enter: Section 10. Using Access Methoa Services and VSAM 203 March 30, 1919 dlbl new file b (extent DMSDLB331R ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: 100 400 80, 60, 60 40 d 2000 100c (null line) If you make any errors iss~ing the DLBL command information, you must re--enter the entire cpmmand sequence. or extent IDENTIFYING EXISTING MULTIVOLUME lI~~2: When you issue a DLBL command to IdentIfy-an exIsting mUltIvolume VSAM file, you must use the MULT option of the DLBL command sequence: dlbl old bl dsn ? (mult DMSDLB220R ENTER DATASET NAME: vsamtest.file DMSDLB330R ENTER VOLUME SPECIFICATIONS: c, d e (null line) When you enter the DLBL command you should specify the mode letter for the first disk volume on the command line. When you enter the MULT option you are prompted to enter additional specifications for the remaining extents. In the above example, the data set has extents on disks accessed as B-, C-, D-, and E-disks. USING TAPE INPUT AND OUTPUT If you are using AMSERV for a function that requires tape input and/or output, you must have the tape(s) attached to your virtual machine. The valid addresses for tapes are 181, 182, 183, and 184. When referring to tapes, you can also refer to them using their CES symtolic names TAP1, TAP2, TAP3, and TAP4. When you use AMSERV to create or read a tape, you supply the ddname for the tape device interactively, after you issue the AMSERV command. You must also supply a LABELDEF command for tape label checking before you issue the AMSERV command. To indicate to AMSERV that you are using tape for input or output, you must use the TAPIN or TAPOUT option to specify the tape device being used: labeldef tapedd fid filename ••• amserv export (tapout 181 In this example, the output from an EXPORT function is to a virtual address 181. CMS prompts you to enter the ddname: tape at DMSAMS361R ENTER TAPE OUTPUT DDNAMES: After you enter the ddname (TAPEDD in this example) for AMSERV begins execution. the tape file, AMSERV in CMS. treats all, tape files as having standard labels. The LABELDEF. command is required because the CMS/DOS routine that performs the tape open needs la,bel information for standard labelled tapes. See the description of the LABELDEF command in Section 1 for further information. The filename you specify~n the LABELDEF command should be the same one you use to reply to the access method service message that requested you to supply the tape's ddnames.. However, the LABELDEF command must be issued before the AMSERV command. If you only want the tape labels skipped, but not checked, enter a LABELDEF with no parameters other than filename. 204 IBM VM/310 eMS ~User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for S74S-XXS Tapes used for input aust always EOP1 labels or they are rejected by need to contain VOL1 labels because volume serial number and have the However, blank tapes should not be routine tries to read the tape. contain standard VOL1, DDR1, and CftS A!SERV. Output tapes do not the user is proapted to enter a VOL1 label written if he wants. used for output because the open When you create a tape file using AMSERV under CftS, CMS writes a label file preceding each output data file. When CftS AMSERV is used to read this same file, it checks the HDR1 and VOL1 labels using the LABELDEF coaaand you provide before it reads the data file. If you want to read the tape on a real OS/VS system, however, you must use the LABEL=SL as a paraaeter on the data definition (DD) card for the tape. Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAft 204.1 March 30, 1979 204.2 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide March 30, 1979 If you are creating a tape under OS/VS access method services to be read by CMS AMSERV, you must be sure to create the tape using standard labels so that CMS can read it properly. CMS will not be able to read a tape created with LABEL=(,NL) on the DD card. For CMS to read this tape for any other purpose (for example, to use the MOVEFILE command to copy it), you must remember to forward space the file past the label file before beginning to read it. Using AMSERV under eMS This section provides examples of AMSERV functions executed under CMS. The examples are applicable to both the CMS (OS) and CMS/DOS environments. You should be familiar with the material presented in either "Defining DOS Input and output Files" or "Defining OS Input and Output Files," depending on whether you are a DOS or an OS user, respectively. For the examples shown below, command lines and options that are required only for CMS/DOS users are shaded. OS users should ignore these shaded entries. A CMS format variable file cannot be used directly as input to AMSERV functions as a variable (V) or variable blocked (VB) file because the standard variable CMS record does not contain the BL and RL headers needed by the variable record modules. If these headers are not included in the record, errors will result. All files placed on the CMS disk by AMSERV viII show a RECFM of V, even if the true format is fixed (F), fixed blocked (FB), undefined (U), variable or variable blocked. The programmer must know the true format of the file he is trying to use with the AMSERV command and access it properly or errors will result. A CMS standard variable-format file can be accessed as RECFM=U to use the file as follows: AMSERV AMREPUV The file AMREPUS AMSERV contains the following 2 cards: REPRO INFILE (INPUT ENV(RECFM(U),BLKSZ(800),PDEV(3330») OUTFILE (OUTPUT ENV(RECFM(V),BLKSZ(800),RECSZ(84),PDEV(3330») The input file can be any CMS file with LRBCL 800 or less. The output file will be a true variable file that can be used with AMSERV. USING THE.DEFINE AND DELETE FUNCTIONS When you use the DEFINE and DELETE control statements of AMSERV, you do not need to specify the DSN parameter on the DLBL command: If the above commands are ~xecuted prior to an AMSERV command to define a master catalog, the DEFINE will be successful as long as you have assigned a data set name using the NAME parameter in the AMSERV file. The same is true when you define clusters, or vhen you use the DELETE function to delete a cluster, space, or catalog. Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM 205 March 30, 1979 When you do not specify a data set name, AaSHRV obtains the name fro. the AMSERV file. In the case of defining or deleting space. no data set name is needed; the FILE parameter corresponding to the ddname is all that is necessary, and AMSERV assigns a default data se~ name to the space. When you define. space on a minidisk using AaSHRV, CI!S does not check the extents you specify to see whether they are greater than the number of cylinders available. As long as the starting cylinder is a valid cylinder number and the extents you specify are on cylinder boundaries, the DEFINE function completes successfully. However, you receive an error message when you use an AMSERV function that tries to use this space. To define a cluster for VSAM space that has already been allocated, you n~ed (1) an AMSERV file containing the control statements necessary for defining the cluster, and (2) the master catalog (and, perhaps, user catalog) volume, which will point to the cluster. The volume on Which the cluster is to reside does not have to be online when you define a suballocated cluster. For example, the file CLUSTER A"SERV .contains the following: DEFINE CLUSTER ( NAME (BOOK. LIST) VOLUMES (123456) TRACKS (40) F.ILE (BOOK) KEYS (14,0) RECORDSIZE (120,132) DATA (NAME (BOOK.LIST.DATA) ) INDEX (NAME (BOOK. LIST. INDEX) ) )- you would need to enter the following command To execute this file, sequence (assuming that the master catalog, on volume 123456, is in your virtual machine at address 310): access 310 b "1;.'II[[~~Jm,:tm.l~ dlbl ijsysct b (perm III• • amserv cluster Note that to define a suballocated cluster, you do not need to provide a DLBL command to define it to AMSERV. For a unique cluster (one defined with the UNIQUE attribute), you must define the space for the cluster at the same time you define its na.e and attributes; thus" the volume or volulles on which the cluster is to reside must be mounted and accessed when you execute the AMSERV command. You must supply extent information for the cluster's data and index portions separately. T.o execute an AMS"ERV file named UNIQUEwhic.h contains the following (the ellipses indicate that the AMSERV file, is not complete): 206 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide DEFINE CLUSTER (NAME (PAYROLL) ) DATA ( FILE (UDATA) UNIQUE VOLUMES (567890) CYLINDERS (40) .~. ) - INDEX ( FILE (UINDEX) ) UNIQUE VOLUMES (567890) CYLINDERS (10) - ... ) the command sequence should be: access 350 c dlbl udata c (extent DMSDLB331R ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: 800 800 c dlbl uind tent 600 200 c amserv unique ) When you use AMSERV to delete a VSAM cluster, the volume containing the cluster does not have to be accessed unless the volume also contains the catalog in which the cluster is defined. In the case of data spaces and user catalogs or the .aster catalog, however, the volume(s) must be mounted and accessed in order to delete the space. When you delete a cluster or a catalog, you do not need to use the DLBL command, except to define the master catalog; AMSBRV can obtain the necessary file information from the AMSERV file. In the case of data spaces, you must supply a ddna.e (filename) with the DLBL command, but you do not need to use the DSN parameter. You should be particularly careful when you are using temporary disks with AMSERV, that you have not cataloged a temporary data space or cluster in a permanent catalog. You will not be able to delete the space or cluster from the catalog. USING THE REPRO, IMPORT, AND EXPORT (OR EXPORTRA/IMPORTRA) FUNCTIONS You can manipulate VSAM files in CMS with the REPRO, IMPORT, and EXPORT functions of AMSERV. You can create VSAM files from sequential tape or disk files (on OS, DOS, or CMS disks) using the REPRO function. Using REPRO, you can also copy VSAM files into CMS disk files or onto tapes. For the IMPORT/EXPORT process, you have the option (for smaller files) of exporting VSAM files to CMS disks, as well as to tapes. You cannot, however, use the EXPORT function to write files onto OS or DOS disks. Nor can you use the REPRO function to copy ISAM (indexed sequential) files into VSAM data sets, since CMS cannot read ISAM files. ) When creating a VSAM file from a non~VSAM disk file, the device track size must be the maximumBLOCKSIZE in the INFILE statement. AMSERV expects a DOS or OS file as input and will not open a disk f~le when the Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM 207 BLOCKSIZE specified is device being used. greater than the track capacity of the disk You cannot use the ERASE or PURGE options of the EXPORT command if you are exporting a VSAM file from a read-only disk. The export operation succeeds, but the listing indicates an error code 184, meaning that the erase function could not be performed. You should not use an EXPORT DISCONNECT function from a CMS minidisk and try to perform an IMPORT CONNECT function for that data set onto an OS system~ OS incorrectly rebuilds the data set control block (DSCB) that indicates how much space is available. The AMSERV file below gives an example of using the REPRO function to copy a eMS sequential file into a VSAM file. The CMS input file must be sorted in alphameric sequence before it can be copied into the VSAM file, which is a keyed sequential data set (KStS). The VSAM cluster, NAME.LIST, is defined in an AMSERV file named PAYROLL: DEFINE CLUSTER ( NAME (NAME.LIST ) VOLUMES (CMSDEV) TRACKS (20) FILE (BOOK) KEYS (14,0) RECORDSIZE (120,132) ) DATA (NAME (NAME.LIST.DATA) ) INDEX (NAME (NAME.LIST.INDEX ) ) To sort the ~MS file, create the cluster use the following commands: and copy the eMS file into it, sort name list a name sort a DMSSRT604R ENTER SORT FIELDS: 1 14 access 135 c (perm name sort name list vsam The file REPRO AMSERV contains: REPRO INFILE ( SORT ENV (RECORDFORMAT (F) BLOCKSIZE (80) PDEV (3330) ) ) OUTFILE (NAME) When you use the REPRO, IMPORT, or EXPORT functions with tape files, you must remember to use the TAPIN and TAPOUT options of the AMSERV command. These options perform two functions: they allow you to specify the device address of the tape, and they notify AMSERV to prompt you to enter a ddname. In the example below, a VSAM file is being exported file, TEXPORT AMSERV, contains: EXPORT The NAME.~IST INlILE (NAME) ~UTFILE (TAPE ENV (PDEV (2400) ) ) 208 to a tape. IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( March 30, 1979 To execute this AMSERV, you enter the commands as follows: vsam labeldef tape f~d tapf volid dept10 exdte 79040 amserv texport (tapout 181 DMSAMS367R ENTER TAPE OUTPUT DDNAMES: tape The fid, volid, and exdte parameters on LAB!LDEF are only examples; you can substitute any value you want for them on your tape label. WRITING EXECS FOR AMSERV AND VSAM You may find it convenient to use EXEC procedures for most of your AMSERV functions, as well as setting up input and output files for program execution, and executing your VSAM programs. If, for exaaple, a particular AMSERV function requires several disks and a nuaber of DLEL statements, you can place all of the required commands in an EXEC file. For example, if the file below is named SETUP EXEC: ACCESS ACCESS ACCESS ACCESS 135 136 137 300 B C D G l'''llil••_~if.. DLBL IJSYSCT G (PERM f. . . .111Ial.~4. 111111 DLBL FILE1 B DSN FIRST FILE (VSAMjllllllll~ D11.;••_ t l r DLBL FILE2 C DSN SECOND FILE (VSAMIIIIII DLBL FILE D DSN THIRD FILE (V SAM AMSERV MULTFILE to invoke this sequence of the EXEC: ;lllllil,: of commands, all you have to enter is the name setup If you place, statement: at the beginning of the EXEC file, the EXEC control &ERROR &EXIT &RETCODE then, you can be sure that the AMSERV command does not all of the prior commands completed successfully. execute unless For those AMSERV functions that issue response messages, you can use the &STACK EXEC control statement. For example: &ERROR &EXIT &RETCODE ACCESS 305 D BL TPUT D (VSAM LABELDEF TAPE FID FILE1 &ERROR &CONTINUE &STACK TAPE AMSERV TIMPORT (TAPIN 181 &IF &RETCODE NE 0 TYPE TIMPORT LISTING TAPE REW &EXIT 0 Section 10. Using Access Method Services and VSAM 209 March 30, 1979 When the AMSERV command in the EXEC is executed~ the request for the tape ddname is satisfied immediately, by the response stacked with the &STACK statement. If you are executjng a command that accepts multiple response lines, you have to stack a null line as follows: &STACK C . &STACK . DLBL M.ULTFILE B D l!Qte: You can use the&BEGSTACK control statement to stack a series of responses in an EXEC, but you must use &STACK to stack a null line. 210 IBM VM/370 eMS user'.~Guide Section 11. How VM/370 Can Help You Debug Your Programs Debugging is a critical part of the program development process. When you encounter problems executing application programs or when you want to test new lines of code, you can use a variety of CP and CftS debugging commands and techniques to examine your program while it is executing. You can interrupt the execution of a program to examine and change your general registers, storage areas, or control words such as the program status word (PSW), and then continue execution. Also, you can trace the execution of a program closely, so you can see where branches are being taken and when supervisor calls or I/O interruptions occur. In many cases, you identify a problem. may never need to look at a dump of a program to Preparing to Debug ) Before beginning to debug a program, you should have a current program listing for reference. When you use VM/370 to debug a program, you can monitor program execution, instruction by instruction, so you must have an accurate list of instruction addresses and addresses of program storage areas. You can obtain a listing of your program by using the PRINT command to print the LISTING file created by the assembler or compiler. To determine the virtual storage locations of program entry points, use the LOAD MAP file created by the LOAD and INCLUDE commands. If you are a CftS/DOS user, use the linkage editor map produced by the DOSLKED command. If the program that you are debugging creates printed or punched output and you will be executing the program repeatedly, you may not wish all of the output printed or punched. You should place your printer or punch in a hold status, so that any files spooled to these devices are not released until you specifically request it: cp spool printer hold cp spool punch hold When you are finished debugging you can use the CP QUERY command to see what files are being held and then you can select which files you may want to purge or release. When a Program Abends The most common problem you might encounter is an abnormal termination resulting from a program interruption. When a program running in a CftS virtual machine abnormally terminates (abends), you receive, at your terminal, the message: DMSITP141T exception EXCEPTION OCCURRED AT address IN ROUTINE name ) and your virtual machine is returned to the CftS environment. Prom the message you can determine the type of exception (program check, operation, specification, and so on), and, often, the instruction address in your program at which the error occurred. Section 11. How VM/370 Can Help You bebug Your Programs 211 sometimes this is enough information for you to correct the error in your source program, recompile it and attempt to execute it again. ihen this information does not immediately identify the problem in your program, you can begin debugging procedures using V!/370. To access your program's storage areas and registers you can enter the command: debug immediately after rece~v~ng the abend message. virtual machine in the debug environment. To check the contents of general DEBUG subcommand: This command places your registers 0 through 15, issue the gpr 0 15 If you want to look at only one register, enter: gpr 3 You might also wish to check the program status word (PSi). subcommand: Use the PSi psw You can examine storage areas in your program using the X sUbcommand: X 201AC 20 In this example, the sUbcommand requests a display of 20 bytes, beginning at location 201AC in your program. User programs executed in CMS are always loaded beginning at location X'20000' unless you specify a different address on the LOAD or FETCH com.and. To identify the virtual address of any instruction in a program, you only need to add 20000 to the hexadecimal instruction address. RESUMING EXECUTION AFTER A PROGRAM CHECK On occasion, you will be able to determine the cause of a program check and continue the execution of your program. There are DEBUG subcommands you can use to alter your program while it is in storage and resume execution. If, for example, the error occurred because you had forgotten to initialize a register to contain a zero, you could use the DEBUG subcommand SET to place a zero in the register, and then resume execution with the GO subcommand. You can use the GO subcommand to specify the instruction address at which you want execution to begin: set gpr 11 0000 go 200BO An alternate method of specifying a starting address at which execution is to resume is by using the SET subcommand to change the last word of the PSi: set psw go 212 0 000200BO IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide { If your program executes successfully, you can then make the necessary changes to your source file, recompile, and continue testing. Using DEBUG Subcommands to Monitor Program Execution The preceding examples did not represent a wide range of the possibilities for DEBUG subcommands. Nor do they represent the only way to approach program debugging. Some additional DEBUG subcommands are illustrated below. For complete details in using these subcommands, refer to the !~L170 ~~~ ~Q~~~Bg gBg ~~££2 ~~!~f~Bf~· When you prepare to debug a program with known problems, or when you are beginning to debug a program for the first time, you might want to stop program execution at various instructions and examine the registers, constants, buffers, and so on. To temporarily stop program execution, use the BREAK subcommand to set breakpoints. You should set breakpoints after you load the program into storage, but before you begin executing it. You can set up to 16 breakpoints at one time. For each breakpoint, you assign a value (id), and an instruction address: load myprog debug break 0 20BCO break 1 20C10 break 2 20DOO Then, you can return to CMS and begin execution: return start When the first breakpoint in this the messages: example is encountered, you receive DEBUG ENTERED. BREAKPOINT 0 AT 20BCO Then, in the debug environment, use the subcommands GPR, CSW, CAW, PSi, and X to display registers, control words, or storage locations. you can resume program execution with the GO subcommand: go If, at any time, you decide that you do not want to finish executing your program, but want to return to the CMS environment immediately, you must use the HX subcommand: hx ,There are three environment: ) subcommands you can use to exit from the debug 1. RETURN, to return to the CMS environment when DEBUG is entered with the DEBUG command 2. GO, to resume breakpoint 3. HX, to halt environment program execution when it has been program execution entirely and interrupted by a return to the Section 11. How VM/370 Can Help You Debug Your Programs CMS 213 If you try to leave the debug receive the message: environment with t~e wrong subcommand you INCORRECT DEBUG EXIT and you have to enter the proper subcommand~ USING SYMBOLS WITH DEBUG To simplify the process of debugging in theCMS debug environment, you can use the ORIGIN and DEFINE subcommands. The ORIGIN command allows you to set an instruction location to serve as the base for all the addresses you specify. For exa.~le, if you specify: origin 20000 then, to refer to your virtual storage enter: location 201BC, you only need to x lbc By setting the DEBUG origin at your program's base address, you can refer to locations in your program by the virtual storage numbers in the listing, rather than having to compute the actual virtual storage address each time. The current DEBUG origin stays in effect until you set it to a different value or until you reload CMS (with the IPL command). You can use the DEFINE subcommand to assign symbolic names to storage locations so that you can reference those locations by symbol, rather than by storage address. For example, suppose that during a DEBUG session you will repeatedly be examining three particular storage locations labeled in your program NAME1, NAftE2, and NAME3. They ar~ at locations 20EFO, 20EFA, and 20F04. Enter: load nameprog debug origin 20000 define namel EFO define name2 EFA define name3 F04 break 1 a04 return start 10 10 10 When the specified breakpoint is storage areas by entering: encountered, you can examine these x name1 x name2 x name3 You can also refer subcommand: to these symbols by name when you use the STORE store name2 c4c5c3c5c1e4e5d6c9d9 The names you specify do not have to be the same as the program; you can define any name up to eight characters. Figure 17 summarizes the DEBUG subcommands. 214 IBM Vft/370 CMS User's Guide labels in the ( Subcommand Format Function BReak id {SY.bOI} hexloc IStops prograa execution at the Ispecified breakpoint. CAW IDisplays the contents of the Ichannel address word. CSW IDisplays the contents of the Ichannel status word. r IAssigns a symbolic name to the Ivirtual storage address. , DEFine symbol hexloc Ibytecountl I ~ I L I I ..J r r , , IDumps the contents of specified DUap Isymbol1 Isyabol21 [ident] I Ivirtual storage locations to the Ihexloc1 Ihexloc21 I Ivirtual spooled printer. I .Q I * I I I L 1l..J L r ) ..J I GPR reg1 [reg2] IDisplays the contents of the Ispecified general registers. HI IHalts execution and returns to Ithe CftS command environment. r ISpecifies the base address to be ladded to locations specified in lother DEBUG subcommands. , ORigin Isymboll Ihexlocl I .Q I L I I ..J PSi IDisplays. the contents of the old Iprogram status word. RETurn IExits from debug environment to Ithe CftS command environment. SET {CAi bexinfo } CSi hexinfo [hexinfo] PSi hex info [hexinfo] GPR reg hexinfo [hexinfo] IChanges the contents of specified Icontrol words or registers. I STore {symbol} hexinfo [hexinfo] {hexloc} Istores up to 12 bytes of informaItion starting at the specified Ivirtual storage location. r I symbol , I n I 1!~1!g!l!1 L ..J r hexloc I Figure 17. , I n I L ) I IReturns control to your program land starts execution at the Ispecified location. , GO Isymboll Ihexlocl L ..J ~ I ..J I IExamines virtual storage Ilocations. I I I I I I Summary of DEBUG Subcommands Section 11. How Vft/370 Can Help You Debug Your Programs 215 What To Do When Your Program Loops If, when your program is executing, it seems to be in a loop, you should first verify that it is looping, and then interrupt its execution and either (1) halt it entirely and return to the CftS environment or (2) resume its execution at an address outside of the loop. The first indication of a program loop may be either what seems to be an unreasonably long processing time, or, if you have a blip character defined, an inordinately large number of blips. You can verify a loop by checking the PSi frequently. If the last word repeatedly contains the same address, it is a fairly good indication that your program is in a loop. You can check the PSW by using the Attention key to enter the CP environment. You are notified by the message: CP that your virtual machine is in the CP environment. the CP command DISPLAY to examine the PSW: You can then use cp display psw and then enter the command BEGIN to resume program execution: cp begin If you are checking for a loop, you might same line using the logical line end: enter both commands on the cp d plb When you have determined that your program is in a loop, you can halt execution using the CMS Immediate command HI. To enter this command, you must press the Attention key once to interrupt program execution, then enter: hx If you want your program to continue executing at an address past the loop, you can use the CP command BEGIN to specify the address at which you want to continue execution: cp begin 20cdO Or, you could use the CP command STORE to change the instruction address in the PSW before entering the BEGIN command: cp store psw 0 20cdOIbegin Tracing Program Activity When your program is in a loop, or when you have a program that takes an unexpected branch, you might need to trace the execution closely to determine at what instruction the program goes astray. There are two commands you can use to do this. The SVCTRACE command is a CMS command which traces all SVCs (supervisor calls) in your program. The TRACE command is a CP command which allows you to trace different kinds of information, including supervisor call instructions. 216 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( USING THE CP TRACE COKKAND You can trace the following kinds of TRACE command: • • • • activity in a program using the CP Instructions Branches Interrupts (including program, external, I/O and SVC interrupts) I/O and channel activity When the TRACE command executes, it traces all your virtual machine's activity; when your program issues a supervisor call, or calls any CftS routine, the TRACE continues. You can make most efficient use of the TRACE command by starting the trace at a specific instruction location. You should set an address stop for the location. For example, if you are going to execute a program and you want to trace all of the branches made, you would enter the following sequence of commands to begin executing the program and start the trace: load progress cp adstop 20004 start ADSTOP AT 20004 cp trace branch cp begin NOW, whenever your program executes a branch instruction, information at the terminal that might look like this: ) 02001E BALR 05E6 ==) you receive 020092 This line indicates that the instruction at address 2001E resulted in a branch to the address 020092. When this information is displayed, your virtual machine is placed in the CP environment, and you must use the BEGIN command to continue execution: cp begin When you locate the branch that caused the problem in your program, you should terminate tracing activity by entering: cp trace end and then you can use CP commands to continue debugging or you can use the EXTERNAL command to cause an external interruption that places your virtual machine in the debug environment: cp external You receive the message: DEBUG ENTERED. EXTERNAL INTERRUPT And you can use the DEBUG subcommands program. to investigate the status of your ) Section 11. How Vft/370 Can Help You Debug Your Programs 217 There are several things you can do to control the amount of information you receive when you are using the TRACE command, and how it is received. For example, if you do not want program execution to halt every time a trace output message is issued, you can use the RUN option: cp trace svc run Then, you can halt execution by pressing the Attention key when the interruption you are waiting for occurs. You should use this option if you do not want to halt execution at all, but merely want to watch what is happening in your program. Similarly, if you do not require your trace output immediately, you can specify that it be directed to the printer, so that your terminal does not receive any information at all: cp trace inst printer When you direct trace output to a printer, the trace output is mixed in with any printed program output. If you want trace output separated from other printed output, use the CP DEFINE command to define a second printer at a virtual address lower than that of your printer at OOE. For example: cp define printer 006 Then, trace output will be in a separate spool file. always goes to the printer at address OOE. When you finish tracing, virtual printer file: use the CP CLOSE C8S printed output command to close the cp close e -- or -cp close 006 If you want trace output at the printer and at the terminal, you can use the BOTH option: cp trace all both If you are debugging a program many SVCs, and you are tracing wish to have tracing in effect control. When you notice that program, you can enter: that does a lot of I/O, or that issues instructions or branches, you might not when the supervisor or I/O routine has addresses being traced are not in your cp trace end and then set an address stop at the location in your program receives control when the supervisor or I/O routine has completed: cp adstop 20688 begin 218 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide that 4( Then, when command. this address is encountered, you can re-enter the CP TBACE USING THE SVCTBACB COftMAND If your program issues many SVCs, you may not get all of the information you need using the CP TBACE command. The SVCTBACE command is a CBS command, which provides more detailed information about all SVCs in your program, including register contents before and after the SVC, the name of the called routine, and the location from which it was called, and the contents of the parameter list passed to the SVC. The SVCTBACB command has only two operands, ON and OFF, to begin and end tracing. SVCTRACB information can be directed only to the printer, so you do not receive trace information at the terainal. Since the SVCTRACB command can only be entered frail the CBS environment, you must use the I.mediate commands SO (suspend tracing) or HO (halt tracing) if you want tracing to stop while a prograa is executing. Use the Immediate command RO to resume tracing. Since the CMS system is "SVC-driven", this debugging technique can be useful, especially, when you are debugging eftS programs. For more inforaation on writing programs to execute in CftS, see "Section 13. Programming for the CMS Environment." Using CP Debugging Commands In addition to the CftS debugging facilities, there are CP commands that you can use to debug your programs. These commands are: • DISPLAY, which you can use to control words, like the PSW examine virtual storage, registers, or • ADSTOP, which you can use to set program • STORB, which you can use to change location, register, or control word an instruction the a~dress contents of stop in your a storage When you use the display command, you can request an EECDIC translation of the display by prefacing the location you want displayed with a "T": cp display t20000.10 This command requests a display of X'10' (16) bytes beginning at location X'20000'. The display is formatted four words to a line, with EECDIC translation at the left, much as you would see it in a dump. You can also use the DISPLAY command registers. For example, the commands: to examine the general cp display g cp display gl cp display g2-5 ) result in displays of all the general registers, of general register 1, and of a range of registers 2 through 5. Section 11. How VM/370 Can Help You Debug Your programs 219 The DISPLAY command also displays the PSi, CAW, and CSW: cp display psw cp display caw cp display csw With the STORE command, storage areas, or the PSW. you can change the contents of registers, As you can see, the CMS DEBUG subcommands and the CP commands ADSTOP, DISPLAY, and STORE, have many duplicate functions. The environment you choose to work in, CP or debug, is a matter of personal preference. The differences are summarized in Figure 18. What you should be aware of, however, is that you should never attempt to use a combination of CP commands and DEBUG subcommands when you are debugging a program. Since DEBUG itself is a program, when it is running (that is, when you are in the debug environment), the registers that CP recognizes as your virtual machine's registers are actually the registers being used by DEBUG. DEBUG saves your program's registers and PSW and keeps them in a special save area. Therefore, if you enter the DEBUG and CP commands to display registers, you will see that the register contents are different: gpr 0 15 tcp d g DEBUGGING WITH CP AFTER A PROGRAM CHECK When a program that is executing under CMS abends because of a program check, the DEBUG routine is in control and saves your program's registers, so that if you want to begin debugging, you must use the DEBUG command to enter the debug environment. I ~ You can prevent DEBUG from gaining control when a interruption occurs by turning on the wait bit in the program (location X'68' in low storage): program new PSW ,\ cp store 68 00020000 You should do this before you begin executing your program. Then, if a program check occurs during execution, when CP tries to load the progra. new PSW, the wait bit forces CP into a disabled wait state and you receive the message: DMKDSP450W CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSW All of your program's registers and storage areas remain exactly as they were when program interruption occurred. The PSW that was in effect when your program was interrupted is in the program old PSW, at location X'28'. Use the DISPLAY command to examine its contents: cp display 28.8 The program new PSW, or the PSW you see if you enter the command DISPLAY PSW, contains the address of the DEBUG routine. If, after using CP to examine your registers and storage areas, you can recover from the problem, you must use the STORE command to restore the PSW, specifying the address of the instruction just before the one indicated at location X'28',. For example, if the instruction address in your program is X'566' enter: 220 IBM VM/310 CMS User's Guide ( cp store psw 0 20566 cp begin In this example, setting the first word of the PSi to bit off, so that execution can resume. 0 turns the wait Program Dumps When a program you execute under eMS abnormally terminates, you do not automatically receive a program dump. If, after attempting to use CMS and CP to debug interactively, you still have not discovered the problem, you may want to obtain a dump. You might also want to obtain a dump if you find that you are displaying large amounts of information, which is not practical on a terminal. Depending on whether you are using CMS DEBUG or CP to do your debugging, you can use the DUMP command to specify storage locations you want printed. The formats of the DUMP command (CP) and the DUMP subcommand (DEBUG) are a little different. See !~Ll1~ £~~ £2!~~~g ~~g Macro Reference for a discussion of the DEBUG subcommand, DUMP; see !~LJ1~-~g ~giii~g R~!~~~~£~ !~ Q~~~~~1 Q2~§ for a discussion of the CP DUMP command. In either event, you can selectively dump portions of your virtual storage, your entire virtual storage area, or portions of real storage. For example, in the debug environment, to dump the virtual storage space that contains your program, you would enter: dump 20000 20810 The second value depends upon the size of your program. From the CP environment, enter: cp dump t20000-20810 The CP DUMP command allows you to request EBCDIC translation hexadecimal dump. The dump produced by the DEfUG subcommand provide EBCDIC translation. with the does not Debugging Modules You can debug nonrelocatable MODULE files (created with the GENMOD command) in the same way you can debug object modules (TEXT files). To load the MODULE into storage, use the LOADMOD command: loadmod mymod cp adstop 201CO start If you make any changes to the module while it is in your virtual storage area and then issue the GENMOD command, the changes are a permanent part of the executable module: loadmod mymod cp store 201CO 0002 genmod mymod ) To debug MODULE files in this manner, you must have a listing program as it existed when the module was created. Section ~1. How VM/310 Can Help You Debug Your Programs of. the 221 Comparison of CP and CMS Facilities for Debugging If you are debugging problems while running CftS, you can choose the CP or CMS debugging tools. R~fer to Figure 18 for a comparison of the CP and C!S debugging tools. Function ces CP , I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Setting Can set only one address stop at a time. Can set up to 16 address stoFsl address stops. at a time. contents I with EBCDIC translation. The storage adof storagel dress of the first byte of each line is to the I identified at the left. Frinter. I I decimal format. The storage 1 address of the first byte of I each line is identified at the left. The contents of general and floating-po~nt registers are printed at the beginning of the dump. I I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 rumping The dump is printed in hexadecimal format The dump is Frinted in hexa- 1 , I Displaying' the con- , tents of I storage , and , control I registers I at the , terminal. , The display is typed in hexadecimal format with EBCDIC translation. The CP command I disFlays storage keys, floating-point regi-I sters and control registers. I Storing information. The amount of information stored by the CP command is limited only by the length of the input line. The information can be full word aligned when stored. CP stores data in floating-point and control registers, as well as in general registers. CP stores data in the PSW, but not in the CAW cr CSW. However, data can be stored in the CSW or CAW by specifying the hardware address in the STORE command. The CMS command stores up to 12 bytes of informatien. CftS stores data in the general registers tut net in the floating-point er control registers~ CftS stores data in the PSi, CAi, and CSW. Tracing information. CP traces: • All interruptions, instructions, and branches • SVC interruptions • I/O interruptions • program interruptions • External interruptions • privileged instructions • All user I/O operations • Virtual and real CCi's • All instructions CMS traces all SVC interruFtions. CMS displays the contents of general and floating-point registers before and after a routine is called. The parameter list is recorded before a routine is called. The display is tYFed in hexadecimal format. Tbe C!S commands do ~! display storage keys, floating-Foint registers I or control registers as the CP I command does. , I I The CP trace is interactive. You can stop it and display other fields. 'Figu~e 18. Comparison of CP and CMS Facilities for Debugging ( 222 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide March 30, 1979 What Your Virtual Machine Storage Looks Like Figure 19 illustrates a simplified CMS storage map. The portion of storage that is of most concern to you is the user program area, since that is where your programs are loaded and executed. 1he user program area and some of the other areas of storage shown in the figure are discussed below in general terms. When you issue a LOAD command (for OS or CMS programs) or a FETCH command (for DOS programs), and you do not specify the ORIGIN option, the first, or only, program you load is loaded at location X'20000', the beginning of the user program area. The upper limit, or maximum size, of the user program area is determined by the storage size of your virtual machine. You can find out how large your virtual machine is by using the CP QUERY command: cp query virtual storage If you need to increase the size of your virtual machine, must use the CP command DEFINE. For example: then you cp define storage 1024k increases the size of your virtual machine to 1024K bytes. If you are in the CMS environment when you enter this command, you receive a message like: STORAGE = 01024K DMKDSP450W CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSi '00020000 00000000' and you must reload CMS with the IPL command before you can continue. You might need to redefine your virtual machine to a larger size if you execute a program that issues many requests for free storage, with the OS GETMAIN or DOS/iS GETVIS macros. CMS allocates this storage fro. the user program area. At the top of the user program area are the loader tables, that are used by the CMS loader to point to programs that have have been loaded. You can increase the size of this area with the CMS SET LDRTBLS command. If you use the SET LDRTBLS command, you should issue it immediately after you IPL CMS. The transient program area is used for loading and executing disk-resident CMS MODULE files that have been created using the ORIGIN TRANS option of the LOAD command, followed by the GENMOD cOllmand. For aore information on CMS MODULE files and the transient area, see "Executing Program Modules" in "Section 13. Programming for the C!S Environment." ~HARED AND NONSHARED SYSTEMS The areas in storage labeled in Figure 19 as the C!S nucleus and the ncss are system programs that are loaded by various types of requests. When you enter the command: cp ipl ems ~I Section ~1. How iM/370 Can Help You Debug Your Programs 223 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 ~-------------------, I I I I I I I DCSS I I I I I I I "1 Loader Tables X'n' (where n = your virtual machine storage size) User Program Area X'20000' CMS Nucleus X'10000' Transient program Area X'EOOO' Free storage used by CMS routines X'8000' Low-storage CMS routines X'40CO' System Control Blocks, Pointers, Flags X'O' Figure 19~ Simplified CMS Storage Map the area shown as the CMS nucleus is loaded with the CMS system, which is known to CP by its saved name, CMS~ This saved system is a copy of the CMS system that is available for many users to share. When you are using CMS, you share it with other users who have also issued the IPL command to load the saved CMS system. By having many userS share the same system, CP can manage system resources more efficiently. Under some circumstances, you may need to lead the eMS system into your virtual machine by entering the IPL command as follo~s: cp ipl 190 This IPL command loads the CMS system bj r~ferring to its virtu~l address, which in most installations is 190. The copy of CMS you load this way is ncnshared; it is your own copy, but it is the same system, functionally, as the sa ved system CMS. . Some of the CP and CMS debugging commands do not allow you to trace or store information that is contained in shared areas of your virtual machine. For example, if you have entered the command: cp trace inst 224 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide to trace instructions in your virtual machine, some of the instructions may be located in the CMS nucleus. If you have ~ shared copy of CMS, you receive a message like: REPLACED WI!E NONSEARED COpy DMKATS181E SHARED SYSTEM CMS and CP users. loads a copy of CMS for ]i§f~~!igy~y§ §~!~g 2~g!~~!§ you that you. do not share with other (~~~~) Some CMS routines and programs are stored on disks and loaded into storage as needed. These segments include the CMS editor, EXEC processor, and OS simulation routines; CMS/DOS; VSAM; and access method services. Beyond the end of your virtual machine address space is an area of storage into which these segments are loaded when you need them. Since this area is not contiguous with your virtual storage, the segments that are loaded in this area are called discontiguous saved segments. These segments are loaded only when you need them, and are released fro. the end of your virtual machine when you are through using them. Like the CMS system, they are saved systems and can be shared by many users. For example, whenever you issue the lIlT com~and' the segment named CMSSEG is loaded; when you enter the EtIT subcommands FILE or QUIT, the saved system CMSSEG is released. The other segments are named CMSDOS (forCMS/DOS), CMSVSAM (for VSAM interfaces), and CMSAMS (fer access method services interfaces). These names are the defaults; they can be changed by the installation. You can specifically request a nonshared copy of a segment ty loading the named sy~tem by volume rather than by name. If you do not do this before altering a shared segment (unless with the AISTOP, TRACE, or STORE CP commands), CP issues the message DMKVMA456W and places you in console function mode. In addition, for the CMSSEG segment only, you can indicate an alternate segment to be loaded on the IPL command. The format of the IPL command to support this is: IPL { cuu } PARM SEG=segmentname systemname SEG=segmentname indicates the name of the saved segment to be loaded whenever the CMS editor, EXEC processor, or OS simulation routines are needed. Eight characters must be entered for segmentname; either assign an eight-character segment name when you code the NAMESYS macro fer your installation, or be sure that the operator enters trailing blanks if segmentname is less than eight characters long. The CMS batch facility loads whatever segment is specified first IPL command issued for the batch virtual machine. Thus, first IPL command for a CMS batch facility machine is: on the if the IPL CMS PARM SEG=CMSSEG02 all subsequent IPL commands issued by the specify the same segment name (CMSSEG02). ) eMS batch facility will For additional information on saved systems, discontiguous saved segments, and CMS virtual storage, see the !~L~lQ §I§!~! E~gg!g~~~~~§ .§yid~. Section 11. How VM/370 Can Help You £ebug Your programs 225 ( 226 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Section 12. Using the eMS Batch Facility The CMS batch facility provides a way of submitting jobs for processing in CMS. You can use the CMS batch facility when: batch • You have a job (like an assembly or execution) that takes a lot of time, and you want to be able to use your terminal for other work while the time-consuming job is being run. • You do not have access to a terminal. The CMS batch facility is really a virtual machine, generated and controlled by the system operator, who logs on VM/370 using the batch userid and invoking the CMSBATCH command. All jobs sutmitted for batch processing are spooled to the userid of this virtual machine, which executes the jobs sequentially. To use the CMS batch facility at your location, you must ask the syste. operator what the userid of the batch virtual machine is. Submitting Jobs to the eMS Batch Facility Under a real os or DOS system, jobs submitted in batch mode are controlled by JCL specifications. Batch jobs submitted to the CMS batch facility are controlled by the control cards /JOB, /SET, and /*, and by CMS commands. ) Any application or development program written in a language supported by VM/370 may be executed on the batch facility virtual machine. However, there ~re restrictions on programs using certain CP and CMS commands, as described later in this section. INPUT TO THE BATCH MACHINE Input records must be in card-image format, and may be punched on real cards, placed in a CMS file with fixed-length, SO-character records, or punched to your virtual card punch. These jobs are sent to the batch virtual machine in one of two w~ys: • By reading the real punched card input into the system card reader • By spooling your virtual batch virtual machine card punch to the virtual reader of the When you submit a real card deck to the batch machine, the first card in the deck must be a CP ID card. The ID card takes the form: r lID ) userid where ID must begin in card column one and be separated from userid (the batch facility virtual machine userid) by one or more blanks. Section 12. Using the eMS Batch Facility 227 For example, if your installation's batch userid of BATCH1, you punch the card: virtual machine has a ID BATCH1 and place it in front of your deck. When you are going to submit a job using your virtual card punch, you must first be sure that your punch is spooled to the virtual reader of the batch virtual machine: cp spool punch to batch1 Virtual card input can be spooled to the batch machine in several ways. You may create a CMS file that contains the input control cards and use the CMS PUNCH command to punch the virtual cards: punch batch jcl (noheader When you punch a file this way, you must use the NOHEADER option of the PUNCH command, since the CMS batch facility cannot interpret the header card that is usually produced by the PUNCH command. As it does with cards in an invalid format, the batch virtual machine would flush the header card. You can use an EXEC procedure to submit input to the batch machine. From an EXEC, you can punch one line at a time into your virtual punch, uS1ng the &PUNCH and &BEGPUNCH EXEC control statements. When you do this, you must remember to use the CP CLOSE comm~nd to release the spool punch file when you are finished: CP CLOSE PUNCH If you are using the EXEC to punch individual lines and entire CMS files to be read by the batch virtual machine as one continuous job stream, you must remember to spool your punch accordingly: CP SPOOL PUNCH CONT &PUNCH /JOB BOSWELL 999888 PUNCH BATCH JCL (NOHEADER CP SPOOL PUNCH NOCONT CP CLOSE PUNCH * A /JOB card must precede each job to be executed under the batch facility. It identifies your userid to the batch virtual machine and provides accounting information for the system. It takes the form: /JOB userid accntnum [jobname] [comments] ( 228 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide is your user identification, or the userid under which you want the job submitted. This parameter controls: (1) The userid charged by the CP accounting routines for the system resources used during a job. (2) The name and distribution code that appear on any spooled printer or punch output. (3) The userid to whom status messages are sent while the batch machine is executing the job. userid Note that items 1 and 2 are correct only if the directory for the userid involved contains the accounting option. accntnum is your account number. This account number appears in the accounting data generated at the end of your job. It overrides the account number in the CP directory entry for the userid specified for this job. jobname is an optional parameter that specifies the name of the job being run. If you specify a jobname, it appears as the CP spool file identification in the filetype field. The filename field always contains CMSBATCH. See "Batch Facility Output" below. comments may be any additional information you want to provide. The 1* card indicates the takes the form: end of a job to the batch facility. It 1* J ) The batch facility treats all 1* cards after the first as null cards. Therefore, if you want to ensure against the previous job not having a 1* end-of-job indicator, you should precede your IJOB card with a 1* card. The 1* card is also treated as an end-of-file indicator when a file is being read from the input stream. This is a special technique used in submitting source or data files through the card reader and is discussed under "A Batch EXEC for Non-CMS Users." The ISET card sets limits on a system's time, printing, and punching resources during the execution of a job. It takes the form: ISET ) [TIME seconds] [PRINT lines] [PUNCH cards] seconds is a decimal value that specifies the maximum seconds of virtual CPU time a job can use. lines is a decimal value that specifies a job can print. number of the maximum number of lines Section 12. Using the eMS Batch Facility 229 cards is a decimal number that specifies the maximum number of cards a job can punch. The default values for the batch facility are set at 32,767 seconds, printed lines, and punched cards per job. Any new limits defined using the /SET card must be less than these maximum settings. The system resources can be set at lesser values than the default values by an installation's system programmer; be sure you know the maximum installation values for batch resource limits before you use the /SET card. A /SET card can appear anywhere in the job following the /JOB card. The new limits defined by the /SET card apply only to the part of the job that follows the /SET card. A job can contain up to three /SET cards (one for each operand); a /SET card cannot be entered more than once for the same operand. Only use /SET cards for the operands whose values you want to change from the default; the default values are reset between jobs. A/SET card for an operand overrides its default but does not reset the other operands. HOW THE BATCH FACILITY WORKS The CMS batch facility, once initialized, runs continuously. When it begins executing a job, it sends a message to the userid of the user submitting the job. If you are logged on when the batch machine begins executing a job that you sent it, you receive the message: MSG FROM BATCHID: JOB 'yourjob' STARTED When the batch machine finishes processing a job, it sends the message: MSG FROM BATCHID: JOB 'yourjob' ENDED where yourjob is the jobname you specified on the /JOB card. Before it reads the next job from its card reader, the batch virtual machine: • • • • • Closes all spooling devices and releases spool files Resets any spooling devices identified by the CP TAG command Detaches any disk devices that were accessed Punches accounting information to the system Reloads CMS All of this "housekeeping" is done by the CMS batch facility each job that is executed is unaffected by any previous jobs. If a job that you sent to the batch virtual machine abnormally (abends), the batch machine sends you a message: MSG FROM BATCHID: so that terminates JOB 'yourjob' ABEND and spools a CP storage dump of your The remainder of your job is flushed. virtual machine to Whenever the batch virtual machine has read and executed jobs in its card reader, it waits for more input. the printer. all of the ( 230 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Preparing Jobs for Batch Execution When you want to submit a job to the CMS batch facility for execution, you should provide the same CMS and CP commands you would use to prepare to execute the same job in your own virtual machine. You must provide the batch virtual machine with read access to any disk input files that are required for the job. You do this by supplying the LINK and ACCESS command lines necessary. The batch virtual machine has an A-disk (195), so you can enter commands to access your disks as read-only extensions. For example, if you wanted the batch machine to execute a program module named LONDON on your 291 disk, your input file might contain the following: IJOB FISH 012345 CP LINK BOSWELL 291 291 RR SECRET ACCESS 291 BIA LONDON Similarly, if you are using the batch virtual machine to program using input and output files, you must supply definitions: ) execute a the file CP LINK ARDEN 391 391 RR FOREST ACCESS 391 BIA FILEDEF INFILE DISK VITAL STAT B FILEDEF OUTFILE PUNCH CP SPOOL PUNCH TO BOSWELL LONDON If you expect printed or punched output from your job, you may need to include the spooling commands necessary to control the output. In the above example, the batch machine's punch is spooled to userid BOSWELL's virtual reader. Any output printer files produced by your job are spooled by the batch virtual machine to the printer. These files are spooled under your userid and with the distribution code associated with your userid, provided the userid's directory has the accounting option set. You can change the characteristics of these output files with the CP SPOOL command: CP SPOOL E CLASS T If you want output to appear under a name other than your userid, use the FOR operand of the SPOOL command: CP SPOOL E FOR JONSON ) Output punch files are spooled, by default, to the real system card punch (under your userid), unless you issue a SPOOL command in the batch job to control the virtual card punch of the batch virtual machine. Section 12. Using the eMS Batch Facility 231 RESTRICTIONS ON CP AND CMS COMMANDS IN BATCH JOBS The batch facility permits the The following CP commands can machine: CHANGEl CLOSEl DETACH2 DUMP DISPLAY LINK3 use of many CP and most CMS commands. be used to control the batch virtual MSG QUERY REWIND SMSG SPOOLl STORE TAG Notes: -l-.--These commands may not be used to affect the virtual card reader. 2. You can not use this command to system or 1PL disks. detach any spooling devices or the 3. The LINK command must be entered on one line in the format: CP LINK userid vaddr vaddr mode password None of the LINK command keywords (AS, PASS, TO) are accepted. If the disk has no password associated with it, you must enter the password as ALL. A maximum of ten links may be in effect at any one time. All CP commands command. in a batch job must be prefaced with the "CP" Since the batch virtual machine reads input from its card reader, you cannot use the following commands or operands that affect the card reader: ASSGN SYSxxx READER (CMS/DOS only) DISK LOAD FILEDEF READER READCARD The RDCARD machine. macro cannot be used by jobs that run under the CMS batch Invalid SET command operands are: BLIP EMSG IMPCP INPUT OUTPUT REDTYPE RELPAGE PROTECT All the other operands of the SET command can be used in a job executing in the batch virtual machine. BATCH FACILITY OUTPUT Any files that you request to have printed during your job's execution are spooled to the real system printer under your userid, unless you have spooled it otherwise. Once released for processing, these output files are under the control of the CP spooling facilities; if you are logged on, you can control the disposition of these files before they 232 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( are printed with the CLOSE, PURGE, ORDER, and CHANGE commands. See the following section "Purging, Reordering, and Restarting Batch Jobs." Output files produced by the batch virtual machine are identifiable by the filename CMSBATCH in the CP spool file name field. The spool file type field contains the filetype JOB, unless you specified a jobname on the /JOB card. This applies to both printer and Funch output files. In addition to your regular printed output, the CMS batch facility spools a console sheet that contains a record of all the lines read in, and the responses, error messages, and return codes that resulted from command or program execution. This file is identified by a spool file name of BATCH and a spool file type of CONSOLE. PURGING, REORDERING, AND RESTARTING BATCH JOBS When required, you can control the execution of batch virtual machine jobs by purging, reordering, and restarting them; by the same token, because all the closed printer files are queued for system output under the submitting userid, you can change, purge, or reorder these files prior to processing on the system printer. To purge a job procedure below: executing under the batch monitor, follow 1. Signal attention and enter the virtual machine environment. 2. Enter the HX (halt execution) Immediate command. 3. Disconnect the virtual machine using the CP DISCONN command. the The HX command causes the batch facility to abnormally terminate. This provides the user with an error message and a CP dump of the batch facility virtual machine. The batch monitor then loads itself again and starts the next job (if any). To purge an individual input spool issue the CP PURGE command: file that is not yet executing, PURGE READER spoolid In the format above, spoolid is the spool file number of the job to be purged from the batch virtual machine's job queue. For example, the statement: PURGE READER 123 would purge 123 from the batch virtual machine's job queue. To reorder individual spool files in use the CP ORDER ~ommand: the batch facility's job queue, ORDER READER spoolid 1 spoolid2 .••• In this format, spoolid1 and spoolid2 are identifications of the jobs to be reordered. You can determine which command: ) the jobs are in the queue by assigned spool file using the CP QUERY QUERY READER ALL section 12. Using the CMS Batch Facility 233 This QUERY command lists the filenames and filetypes of all the jobs in the batch virtual machine's job queue. You can then reorder them, using the ORDER command. Using EXEC Files for Input to the Batch Facility There are a variety of ways that EXEC procedures can help facilitate the submission of jobs to the CMS batch facility. You can prepare an EXEC file that contains all of the CMS commands you want to execute, and then pass the name of the EXEC to the batch virtual machine. For example, consider the files COpy JCL and COPYF EXEC: COpy JCL: /JOB CARBON 999999 EXEC COPYF /* COPYF EXEC: COPYFILE FIRST FILE A SECOND = = COPYFILE THIRD FILE A FOURTH = = Then, if you enter the commands: cp spool punch to cmsbatch punch copy jcl (noheader * the commands in the EXEC file are executed by the batch virtual machine. You could also use an EXEC to punch input to the batch virtual machine. Using the same commands as in the example above, you might have an EXEC named BATCOPY: CP SPOOL PUNCH TO BATCH3 &PUNCH /JOB CARBON 999999 &PUNCH COPYFILE FIRST FILE A SECOND = = &PUNCH COPYFILE THIRD FILE A FOURTH = = &PUNCH /* CP CLOSE PUNCH Then, when you enter the EXEC name: batcopy the input lines are punched to the batch virtual machine. The examples above are very simple; you probably would not go to the trouble of sending such a job to the batch virtual machine for processing. The examples do, however, illustrate the two basic ways that you can use EXEC procedures with the batch facility: 1. Invoking an EXEC procedure from a batch virtual machine 2. Using an EXEC procedure virtual machine to create a job stream for the batch In either case, the EXECs that you use may be very simple or very complicated. In the first instance, an EXEC might contain many steps, with control statements to conditionally control execution, errcr routines, and so on. In the second instance, you might have an EXEC that is versatile so that it can be invoked with different arguments so as to satisfy more than one situation. For example, if you want to create a simple EXEC to 234 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( send jobs to ccntain: the batch virtual machine to te assembled, it migbt CP SPOOL PUNCH TO BATCH3 CONT &PUNCH /JOB ARIEL 888888 &PUNCH CP LINK ARIEL 191 391 RR LINKPASS &PUNCH ACCESS 391 B/A &PUNCH ASSEMBLE &1 (PRINT &PUNCH CP SPOOL PUNCH TO ARIEL &PUNCH PUNCH &1 TEXT A (NOHEADER &PUNCH /* CP.SPOOL PUNCH NOCONT CLOSE If this file were named BATCHASM EXEC, then whenever you wanted the C!S tatch facility to assemble a source file for you, you would enter: batchasm filename and the batch virtual machine would assemble the source file, print tbe listing, and send you a copy of the resulting TEXT file. SAMPLE SYSTEM PROCEDURES FOR BATCH EXECUTION ) To extend the abcve examFle a little further, suppose you wanted to process source files in languages other than the assembler language. Yeu want, also, fcr any user to be able to use this EXEC. You might have a separate EXEC file for each language, and an EXEC to control the submission of the job. This example shows the controlling EXEC file EATCH and the ASSEMBLE EXEC. ~!~£] ~!~£: * ** * * THIS EXEC SUBMITS ASSEMBLIES/COMPILATIONS TO CMS EATCH - PUNCH BATCH JOB CARD; CALL APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE EXEC (&3) TO PUNCH &CONTROL ERROR &IF &INDEX GT 2 &SKIP 2 &TYPE CORRECT FORM IS: BATCH USERID FNAME &EXIT 100 &ERROR &GOTO -ERR1 CP SPOOL D CONT TO BATCHCMS &PUNCH /JOB &1 1111 &2 &PUNCH CP LINK &1 191 291 RR SECRET &PUNCH ACCESS 291 B/A EXEC &3 &2 &1 &PUNCH /* CP SPOOL D IOCONT CP CLOSE D CP SPOOL DOFF &EIIT -ERR1 &EXIT 100 F~YPE ~XECUTABLE COMMANDS (LANGUAGE) Secticn 12. Using the CMS Batch Facility 235 !~~!;!!1!1!; !;!!;~: * CORRECT FORM IS: ASSEMBLE FNAME USERID ** * PUNCH COMMANDS TO: INVOKE CMS ASSEMBLER - RETURN TEXT DECK TO CALLER - * * &CONTROL ERROR &ERROR &GOTO -ERR2 &PUNCH GLOBAL MACLIB UPLIB CMSLIB OS MACRO &PUNCH CP MSG &2 ASMBLING ' &1 ' &PUNCH ASSEMBLE &1 (PRINT NOTERM) &PUNCH CP MSG &2 ASSEMBLY DONE &PUNCH CP SPOOL D TO &2 NOCONT &PUNCH PUNCH &1 TEXT A1 (NOHEADER) &BEGPUNCH CP CLOSE D CP SPOOL DOFF RELEASE 291 CP DETACH 291 &END &EXrT -ERR2 &EXIT 102 If the above EXEC procedure is invoked with the line: batch fay payroll assemble the BATCHCMS virtual machine's card reader should contain the following statements (in the same general form as a FIFO console stack): /JOB FAY 1111 PAYROLL CP LINK FAY 191 291 RR SECRET ACCESS 291 B/B GLOBAL MACLIB UPLIB CMSLIB OS MACRO CP MSG FAY ASMBLING ' PAYROLL ' ASSEMBLE PAYROLL (PRINT NOTERM) CP MSG FAY ASSEMBLY DONE CP SPOOL D TO FAY NOCONT PUNCH PAYROLL TEXT A1 (NOHEADER) CP CLOSE D CP SPOOL DOFF RELEASE 291 CP DETACH 291 /* When the batch facility executes this job, the commands are executed as you see them: if you are logged on, you receive, in addition to the normal messages that the batch facility issues, those messages that are included in the EXEC. A BATCH EXEC FOR A NON-CMS USER Many installations run the CMS batch facility for non-CMS users to submit particular types of jobs. Usually, a series of EXEC files are stored on the system disk so that each user only needs include a card to 236 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( invoke the EXEC, which executes the correct CMS commands to process data included with the job stream. For example, if a non-CMS user wanted to compile FORTRAN source files, the following BATFORT EXEC file could be stored on the system disk: &CONTROL OFF FILEDEF INMOVE TERM (RECFM F BLOCK 80 LRECL 80 FILEDEF OUTMOVE DISK &1 FORTRAN A1 (RECFM F LRECL 80 BLOCK 80 MOVEFILE IN OUT GLOBAL TXTLIB FORTRAN FORTGI &1 (PRINT) &FORTRET = &RETCODE &IF &RETCODE NE 0 &GOTO -EXIT PUNCH &1 TEXT A1 (NOHEADER) -EXIT &EXIT &FORTRET To use this EXEC, a non-CMS user deck in the system card reader: might place the following real card ID CMSBATCH JOEUSER 1234 JOB10 BATFORT JOEFORT IJOB source file 1* (end-of-file indicator) 1* (end-of-job indicator) When the batch virtual machine executes this job, it begins reading the EXEC procedure from disk, and executes one line at a time. When it encounters the MOVEFILE command, it begins reading the source file from its card reader (the batch facility interprets a terminal read as a request to read from the card reader). It continues reading until it reaches the end-of-file indicator (the 1* card), and then resumes processing the EXEC on the next line following the MOVE FILE command line. Additional functions may be added to this EXEC procedure, or others may be written and stored on the system disk to provide, for example, a compile, load, and execute facility. These EXEC procedures would allcw an installation to accommodate the non-CMS users and maintain common user procedures. ) Section 12. Using the CMS Batch Facility 237 c 238 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Section 13. Programming for the eMS Environment This section contains information for assembler language programmers who may occasionally need to write programs to be used in the CMS environment. The conventions described here apply only to CMS virtual machines; you can not execute these programs under any other operating systems. Program Linkage Program linkages, in CMS, are generally made by means of a supervisor call instruction, SVC 202. The SVC handling routine takes care of program linkage for you. The registers used and their contents are discussed in the following paragraphs. 1: Points to a parameter list of successive doublewords. The first entry in the list is the name of the called routine or program, and any successive doublewords may contain arguments passed to the program. Parameter lists are discussed under "Parameter Lists." ~~g!§!~£ lJ: Contains the address of a 24-fullword save area, which you can use to save your caller's registers. This save area is provided to satisfy standard OS and DOS linkage conventions; you do not need to use it in CMS, since the SVC routines save the registers. ~~g!§!~£ ~~g!§!~£ 1~: Contains the return address of the SVC handling routines. You must return control to this address when you exit from your program. ) The CMS routines that get control by way of register 14 close files, update your disk file directory, and calculate and type the time used in program execution. These values appear in the CMS ready message, which is displayed at your terminal when your program finishes execution: R;T=n.nn/x.xx hh:mm:ss where n.nn is the CMS CPU time (in seconds) and x.xx is the combined CP and CMS CPU time. hh:mm:ss is the time of day in hours, minutes, and seconds. ~~g!§!~£ 1~: Contains your program's entry point address. You can use this address to establish immediate addressability in your program. You should not use it as a base address, however, since all CMS SVCs use it for communication with your programs. Figure 20 shows a sample CMS assembler language program entry and exit. ) Section 13. programming for the CMS Environment 239 PROGRAM CSECT USING PROGRAM,12 LR 12,15 ST 14,SAVRET 14,SAVRET 15,0 14 L SAVRET LA BR DS F ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY SAVE RETURN AnrRESS IN R14 LOAD RETURN ADDRESS SET RETURN CODE IN R15 GO SAVE AREA Figure 20. Sample eMS Assembler program Entry and Exit Linkage RETURN CODE HANDLING Register 15, in addition to its role in entry linkage, is also used in CMS as a r~turn code register. All of the CMS internal routines pass a completion code by way of register 15, and the SVC routines that receive control when any program completes execution examine register 15. If register 15 contains a nonzero value, CMS readj message, following the "R": this value is placed in the a(nnnnn);T=n.nn/x.xx hh:mm:ss When you are executing programs in CMS, it is good practice, if your programs do not use register 15 as a return code register, to place a zero in it before transferring control back to CMS. Otherwise, the ready message may display meaningless data. PARAMETER LISTS When you execute a program from your terminal, a CMS scan routine sets up a parameter list based on your command input line. The parameter list is dophleword-aligned, with parameters occupying successive doublewords. The scan routine recognizes blanks and parentheses as argument delimiters; parentheses are placed, in the parameter list, in separate doublewords. For ~xample, if you have a CMS call it with the command line: MODULE file named TESTPROG, and you testprog(file2) The scan routine sets up the parameter list: CMNDLIST DS DC DC DC DC pC OD CL8'TESTPROG' CL8' (' CL8'FILE2' CL8 .) , 8X'FF' The last doubleword is made up of all 1s, to act as a delimiter. If you enter any argument longer than .eight characters, it is truncated and only the first eight characters appear in the list. However, no error condition results. 240 laM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( The scan routine that sets up this parameter list places the address of the list in register 1 and then calls the SVc handling routine. The SVC routine gives control to the program named in the first doubleword of the parameter 1ist. When your program receives control, it can examine the parameter list passed to it by way of register 1. You can programs. use this technique, also, to call CMS commands When you use the LOAD and RUN commands to execute you can pass an argument list to the p~ogralB on the example, if you enter: from your a program in CMS, command line~ Por load myprog start * runl proga the arguments *, RUN1, and PROGA are placed in a parameter list of doublewords and register 1 contains the address of this list when your program receives control. If you want to use the RUN command to perform the load and start functions, you could enter: run myprog (run1 proga The parenthesis indicates the beginning of the argument list. To detect the absence of a parameter list that occurs when the LOAD command START option is used, your program may test the doubleword pointed to by register 1 for a delimiter made up of l's in all of the bit positions. Calling a CMS Command from a Program You can call a CMS command from a program by setting up a parameter list, like that shown above, and then issuing an SVC 202. The parameter list you set up must have doublewords that contain the parameters or arguments you would enter if you were entering the command from the terminal. Por example: PUNCHER DS DC DC DC DC DC DC DC OD CLS'PUNCH' CLS'NAME' CLS'TYPE' CLS'*' CLS' (. CLS'NOH' SX'FP' In your program, when you want to execute this command, you should load the address of the list into register 1, and issue the supervisor call instruction (SVC) as follows: LA 1,PUNCHER SVC 202 DC AL4 (ERROR) ) Section 13. Programming for the CMS Environment 241 When you issue an SVC 202, you must supply an error return address in the four bytes immediately after the SVC instruction. If the return code (register 15) contains a nonzero value after returning from the SVC call, control passes to the address specified. In the above example, control would go to the instruction at the label ERROR. If you want to ignore errors, you can use the sequence: LA 1,PUNCHER SVC 202 DC AL4 (*+4) If you do not specify an error address, control is returned to the next instruction after a normal return, but if there was an error executing the CMS command, your program terminates execution. If you want to execute a CP command or an EXEC procedure program, you must use the CP and EXEC commands; for example: SPOOL DS DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC EXEC from a OD CL8'CP' CL8'SPOOL' CL8'PRINTER' CL8'CLASS' CL8'S' 8X'FF' CL8'EXEC' CL8'PFSET' 8X'FF' It is not possible to characters this way. enter a parameter that is longer than eight As an alternative, you can use the CMS LINEDIT macro to call a CP command from a program. Specify DISP=CPCOMM on the macro instruction; for example: , / LINEDIT TEXT='SPOOL E CLASS S',DISP=CPCOMM,DOT=HO On return from the execution of the LIHEDIT macro instruction, register 15 contains the return code from the CP command. The LINEDIT macro is described in !~Ll1Q ~~~ £Q~~s~Q s~~ ~~£!~ ~~fe!~~£~. Another way DIAGNOSE x'08' to execute a CP command from a program is to use the instruction. For additional information on this, see !~Ll1Q ~I§!~~ E!Qgf~!!~!~§ §y!g~. Executing Program Modules MODULE files, in CMS, are nonrelocatable programs. Using the GEHMOD command, you can create a module from any program that uses OS or CMS macros. When you create a module, it is generated at the virtual storage address at which it is loaded, for example: load myprog genmod testit The CMS disk file, TESTIT MODULE A, that is created as a result of this GEHMOD command, always begins execution at location X'20000', the beginning of the user program area. 242 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( March 30, 1979 If you want to call your own program modu~es using SVC 202 instructions, you must be careful not to execute a module that uses the saae area of storage that your program occupies. If you want to call a module that executes at location X'20000'. you can load the calling program at a higher location; for example: load myprog (origin 30000 As long as the MODULE file called by MYPROG is bytes, it will not overlay your program. no longer than X'10000' Many CMS disk-resident command modules also execute in the user program area; if you call these commands from a program, you should load your program at a higher location. THE TRANSIENT PROGRAM AREA To avoid overlaying programs executing in the user program area, you can generate program modules to run in the CftS transient area, which is a two-page area of storage that is reserved for the execution of prograas that are called for execution frequently. ftany CMS co •• ands run in this area, which is located at X'EOOO'. programs that execute in this area run disabled. To generate a module to run in the transient area; use the ORIGIN TRANS option when you load the TEXT file into storage, then issue the GENMOD command: load myprog (origin trans genmod setup (str !Qte: If a program running in the user area calls a transient routine in which a module was generated using the GENMOD command with the STR option, the user area storage pointers will be reset. This reset condition could cause errors upon return to the original program (for example, when OS GETMAIN/FREEMAIN macros are issued in the user program). The two restrictions transient area are: placed on command modules executing in the 1. They may have a maximum size of 8192 bytes. since that is the size of the transient area. This size includes any free storage acquired by GETMAIN macros. 2. They ~ust be serially reusable. When a program is called by an SVC 202, if it has already been loaded into the transient area. it is not reloaded. The CMS 'commands that execute in the transient area are: ACCESS, ASSGB, COMPARE, DISK, DLBL, FILEDEF, GENDIRT. GLOBAL, LISTFILE. MODMAP. OPTioN, PRINT, PUNCH, QUERY, READCARD, RELEASE, RENAME, SET, SVCTRACE. SYNONYM, TAPE, and TYPE. eMS Macro Instructions There are a number of assembler language macros distributed with the CMS system that you can use when you are writing programs to execute in the CMS environment. They are in the macro library CMSLIB MACLIB, which is Section 13. Programming for the CMS En.ironment 243 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23~9024-1 for 5748-118 normally located on the system disk. To allow for proper macro expansion in a system supporting VM/370 Basic System Extensions (program NO. 5748-118), DMSB20 MACLIB must be used in addition to CMSLIB MACtIE. There are macros to manipulate CMS disk files, to handle terminal communications, to manipulate unit record and tape input/output, and to trap interruptions. These macros are discussed in general terms here; for complete format descriptions, see !~L170 ~~~ ~Qmm~~g ~n~ ~~£!Q !l~fe!~1!£~. MACROS FOR DISK FILE MANIPULATION Disk files are described in CMS by means of a file system control block (FSCB). The CMS macro instructions that manipulate disk files use FSCBs to identify and describe the files. When you want to manipulate aCeS file, you can refer to the file either by its file identifier, specifying 'filename filetype filemode' in quotation marks, or you can refer to the FSCB for the file, specifying FSCB=fscb,.where fscb is the label on an FSCB macro. To establish an FSCB for a file, you can use instruction specifying a file identifier; for example: INFILE FSCB the FSCB macro 'INPUT TEST All You can also provide, on the FSCB macro instruction, descriptive information to be used by the input and output macros. If you do not code an FSCB macro instruction for a file, an FSCB is created inline (following the macro instruction) when you code an FSREAD, FSWRITE, or FSOPEN macro instruction. The format of an each of the fields. 1912~1 FSCBCOMM FSCBFN FSCBFT FSCBFM FSCBITNO FSCBBUFF FSCBSIZE FSCBFV FSCBFLG FSCBNOIT FSCBNORD FSCBAITN FSCBANIT FSCBWPTR FSCBRPTR DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC EQU DC DC DC DC DC DC FSCB is listed below, followed by CL8' CL8' CL8' CL2' , , , , H'O' A'O' P'O' CL2'P' PSCBFV+l H'l' AL4 (0) AL4 (0) AL4 (1) AL4 (0) AL4 (0) a description of Q~§£!:!.E!!Q1! File system cqmmand Filename Filetype Filemode Relative record number (RECNO) Address of buffer (BUFPER) Number of bytes to read or write (BSIZE) Record format - F or V (RECFM) Flag byte Number of records to read or write (NOREe) Number of bytes actually read Extended FSCB relative record .. number Extended FSCB relative number of records Extended FSCB relative write pointer Extended FSCB re1ative read pointer The fields FSCBAITN, FSCBANIT, FSCBWPTR, and FSCERPTR are only generated in the FSCB when the extended format FSCB is requested (FORM=E is coded on the FSCB macro instruction). In this case, the fields .FSCBITNO and FSCBNOIT are reserved fields. Extended format FSCB~ must be used to manipulate files larger than· 65, 533 items. The labels shown above are not generated by the FSCB macro; to reference fields within the FSCB by thes~ labels, you must use the FSCBD macro instruction to generate a DSECT. 244 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 X~~~~Q!~: When the FSCBFN, FSCBFT, and FSCBFM fields are filled in, yeu can fill in the FSCBCOMM field with the name of a CMS command and use the FSCB as a parameter list for an SVC 202 instruction. (You must place a delimiter to mark the end of the command line.) X~~~l!, l~£~l!, FS~~I~: The filename, filetype and filemode fields identify the CMS file to be read or written. You can code the fileid cn a macro line in the format 'filename filetype filemode' or you can use register notation. If you use register notation, the register that you specify must point to an 18-byte field in the format: FILEID DC DC DC CLS'filename' CLS'filetype' CL2'fm' Section 13. Programming for the CMS Environment 244.1 March 30, 1979 2qq.2 lBft Yft/370 CftS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5148-118 The fileid must be specified either in the FSCE for a file or on the lSREAD, lSWRITE, PSOPEN, or PSERASE macro instruction you use that references the file. PSCBITNO: For anPSCB without the POBM=E option, the record or ite. Dimber-Indicates the relative record number of the next record to be read or written; it can be changed with the RECNO option. The default value for this field is O. When you are reading files, a 0 indicates that records are to be read sequentially, beginning with the first record in the file~ When you are writing files, a 0 indicates that records are to be written sequentially, beginning at the first record following the end of the file, if the file already ex~sts, or with record 1, if it is a new file. lor an lSCB generated with the contains the record or item number. PORM=E option, the PSCBAITN field The PSCBITNO field is reserved. Whenever you read discontiguous files in CMS (that is, files with missing records), the input buffer will be filled with the appropriate number of bytes. Be aware that the flag byte in the PSCB may not reflect whether the input buffer contains generated data items fro~ RDBUl. lSCBBUlP: The buffer address, specified in the fUFlER option, indicates the-Yabel of the buffer from which the record is to be written or into which the record is to be read. You should always supply a buffer large enough to accommodate the longest record you expect to read or write. This field must be specified, either in the lSCB, or on the PSREAD or lSWRITE macro instruction. lSCBSlZE: This field indicates the number of bytes that are read or wrItteii-with each read or write operation. The default value is o. If the buffer that you use represents the full length of the records you are going to be reading or writing, you can use the BSIZE option to set this field equal to your buffer length; when you are writing variable-length records, use the BSlZE operand to indicate the length of each record you write. This field must be specified. FSCBFV: This two-character field indicates the-iIle. The default value is F (fixed). the record format (RECFM) of 1:.§CB1:1Q: The flag byte is X'20' indicating an extended FSCB generated when the FORM=E option is coded on the FSCB macro instruction. 1:~~~!Q1I: For an FSCB without the FORM=E option, this field contains the number of whole records that are to be read or written in each read or write operation. You can use the NOREC option with the BSIZE option to block and deblock records. The default value is 1. For an PSCB generated with the PORM=E option, the FSCBANIT field contains the number of whole records to be read or written. The FSCBNOlT field is reserved. 1:~~~!Q!Q: Following a read operation, this field contains the number of bytes that were actually read, so that if you are reading a variable-length file, you can determine the size of the last record read. The FSREAD macro instruction places the information from this field into register O. FSCBAlTN: The alternate record or item number indicates the relative record-iiumber of the next record to be read or written in an extended lSCB format. See "the description of the FSCBITNO field for the usage of this field. Section 13. Programming for the CMS Environment 245 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev'March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-,1 for 5148-118 F,SCBANIT: This field contains the alternate number of whole records in ineitended FSCB forllat. See the description of the FSCBNOIT~ field for the usage of this field. F.5CBWPTR: The FSPOINT macro instruction uses this field to conta"in the alternate write pointer for an extended FSCB during a POINT operation. FSCBRPT:R: The FSPOIIT macro instruction uses this field to contain the alternate read pointer for anextended"FSCBd'uringa POINT operation. !!§ing !.h~ I~~~ The following example shOWS how you lIight code an FSCB macro instruction to define various file and buffer charaQteristics, and then use the sa.e FSCB to refer to different files: FSREAD 'INPUT FILE A1',FSCB=COMMON,FOR!~E FSWRITE 'OUTPUT FILE A1',~SCB=CO!MON,FOBM=E COMMON SHARE FSCB DS BUFFER=SHARE,RECFM=V,BSIZE=200,FOR!=E CL200 In the above example, the fi1eid specifications on the FSREID and FSWRITE macro instructions modify the FSCB at the label COMMON each tiae a r~ad or write operation is performed. You can also modify an FSCB directly by referring to fields by a displacement off the beginning of the FSCB; for example: MVC FSCB+S,=CLS'NEWNAME' moves the nalle NEWNAME into the filename FSCBFN. field of the FSCB at the label As an alternative, you can use the FSCBD 'macro instruction to generate a DSECT and refer to the labels in the DSECT to modify the FSCB1 for example: LA R5,INFSCB USING FSCBD,R5 MVC INFSCB NEWNAME FSCBFN,NEWNAME FSCB 'INPUT TEST DC CLS'OUTPUT' FSCBD Al'~FOR!=E In the above example, the MVC instruction places the filename OUTPUT into the FSCBFN (filename) field of the FSCB.The next time this FSC! is referenced~ the file OUTPUT TEST is the file that is manipulated. CMSdisk files are sequential files; when you use CMS macros to read and write these files, yoti can access them sequentially with the FSREID and FSWRITE macros. However, you may also refer to records in a CMS file by their relative record numbers, so you can, in effect, access records using a direct access method. 246 IBM VM/310'CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-X18 If you know which record you want to read or write, you can specify the RECNO option on the FSCB macro instruction, or on the FSOPEB, FSREAD, or FSWRITE macro instructions. When you use the RECNO option on the FSCB macro instruction, you must specify it as a self-defining term; for the FSOPEN, FSREAD, or FSWRITE macro instructions, you may specify either a self-defining term, as: WRITE FSWRITE FSCB=WFSCB,RECNO=10,FORM=E or using register notation, as follows: WRITE FSWRITE FSCB=WFSCB,RECNO=(5) ,FORM=! where register 5 contains the record number of the record to be read. When you want to access files sequentially, the FSCBITNO field of the FSCB must be 0 for an FSCB without the FORK=E option; for an extended FSCB, the FSCBAITN field must be O. This is the default value. When you are reading files with the FSREAD macro instruction, reading begins with record number 1. When you are writing records to an eXisting file with the FSWRITE macro, writing begins following the last record in the file. To begin reading or writing files sequentially beginning at a specific record number, you must specify the RECNO option twice: once to specify the relative record number at which you want to begin reading, and a second time to specify RECNO=O so that reading or writing will continue sequentially beginning after the record just read or written. Section 13. programming for the CMS Environment 246.1 March 30, 1919 246.2 IBM 'M/310 eMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5148-118 You can specify the RECNO option on the PSREAD or PSWRITE .acro instruction, or you may change the FSCBITNO or PSCBAITN field in the FSCB for the file, as necessary for the FSCB for •• For example, to read the first record and then the file, you could code the following: READ1 READ50 RFSCB WFSCB COMMON 50th record of a FSREAD FSCB=RFSCB,FORM=E FSWRITE PSCB=WPSCB,FORM=E LA 5,RFSCB USING FSCBD,5 MYC FSCBAITN,=F'50' FSREAD FSCB=RFSCB,FORM=E FSWRITE FSCB=WFSCB,FORM=E FSCB 'IHPUT FILE A1',BUFFER=COMKOH,BSIZE=120,FORft=E FSCB 'OUTPUT FILE A1',BUFFER=COftMOR,BSIZE=120,FORK=E DS CL120 FSCBD In this example, the statements at the label READ1 write record 1 fro. the file INPUT FILE A1 to the file OUTPUT FIL! A1. Then, using the DSECT generated by the FSCBD macro, the FSCEAlTH field is changed because an extended FSCB is being used and record 50 is read fro. the input file and written into the output file. jl!~l!~ !!~ !BI!I!2 !!!!!~~E-~1!2!B !l~Q~~: When you read or write variable-length records, you must specify RECF!=Y either in the PSCB for the file or on the FSWRITE or FSREAD macro instruction. The read/write buffer should be large enough to acco •• odate the largest record you are going to read or write. To write variable-length records, use the BSIZE= option on the FSWRITE macro instruction to indicate the record length for each record you write. When you read variable-length records, register 0 contains, on return fro. PSREAD, the length of the record read. The following example variable-length file: READ shows how you could read and write a FSREAD 'DATA CHECK A1',BUFPER=SHAR!,BSlZE=130,ERBOB=OUT, FORM=E FSWRITE 'COpy DATA A1',BUFFER=SHAR!,BSIZE=(O),POB!=E B READ You can specify the ERROR= operand with the FSBEAD or FSWBlTE .acro instruction, so that an error handling routine receives control in case of an error. In CMS, when an end of file occurs during a read request, it is treated as an error condition. The return code is always 12. If you specify an error handling routine on the FSREAD mac~o instruction, then the first thing this routine can do is check for a 12 in register 15. Your error handling routine may also check for other types of errors. See the .acro description in YMLJ1~ ~A~ £2!!~B~ ~n~ !~~£2 !ef~~B~~ for details on the possible errors and the associated return codes. Section 13. progra •• ing for the CBS Environ.ent 241 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. sn23-9024-1 for 5748-118 Usually, CMS opens a file whenever an FSHEAD or FSWRITE macro instruction is issued for the file. When control returns to CMS from a calling program, all open files are closed by CMS, so you do not have to close files at the end of a program. For a minidisk in 1K-, 2K-, or 4K-byte block format, a file may be open for concurrent read and write operations, and an FSCLOSE need not te issued when switching from reading to w~iting, or vice versa. For example: READ LA 3,2 FSREAD FSCB=UPDATE,RECNO=(3},ERROH=READERR,FOHM=E FSWRITE FSCB=UPDATE,RECNO=(3},ERROR=WRITERR,FORM=E LA 3, 1 (3) BREAD UPDATE FSCB 'UPDATE FILE A1',BUFFER=BUF1,BSIZE=80,FORM=E However, if you want to read and write records from the same file on an 800-byte block format minidisk, you must issue an FSCLOSE macro instruction to close the file whenever you switch from reading to writing. For example: READ LA 3,2 FSREAD FSCB=UPDATE,RECNO=(3},ERROR=READERR FSCLOSE FSCB=UPDATE FSWRITE FSCB=UPDATE,RECNO=(3),ERROB=WRITERR FSCLOSE FSCB=UPDATE LA 3,1 (3) B READ UPDATE FSCB 'UPDATE FILE A1',BUFFER=BUF1,BSIZE=80 To execute a loop to read, update, and rewrite records, you must read a record, close the file, write a record, close the file, and so on. Since closing a file repositions the read pointer to the beginning of the file and the write pointer at the end of the file, you must specify the relative record number (RECNO) for each read and write operation. In the above example, register 3 is used to contain the relative record number. It is initialized to begin reading with the second record in the file and is increased by one following each write operation. When you use an EIEC to execute a program to read or write a file, the file is not closed by CMS until the EXEC completes execution. Therefore, if you read or wiite the same file more than once during the EXEC procedure, you must use an FSCLOSE macro instruction to close the file after using it in each program, or use the FSOPENmacro instruction to open it before each use. Otherwise, the read or write pointer is positioned as it was when the previous program completed execution. 248 IBMVM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-X18 ~!]AI!!~ !~! X!1~~: When you want to begin writing a new file using C!S data management macros, there are two ways to ensure that the file you want to create does not already exist. One way is to issue the FSST1TE macro instruction to verify the existence of the file. A second way to ensure that a file does not already exist is to issue an FSERASE macro instruction to erase the file. If the file does not exist, register 15 returns with a code of 28. If the file does exist, it is erased. Figure macros. 21 illustrates a samIle program using CMS data management Section 13. Programming for the CMS Environment 248.1 ftarch 30, 1979 248.2 lBft 'ft/370 efts User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5148-XX8 LINE SOURCE STATE!ENT BEGII * ** RD CSECT 1 PRIIT 10GEI USIIG *,12 ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY LR 12,15 ST 14,SAYE LA 2,8(,1) R2=ADDR OF INPUT FILEID II PLIST LA 3,32(,1) R3=ADDR OF OUTPUT FILElt II PLIST DETER!INE IF INPUT F~LE EXISTS FSST1TE (2),EBBOR=ERR1,FOR!=E 2 READ A RECORD FRO! INPUT FILE AND WRITE ON OUTPUT FILE FSREAD (2),EBBOR=EOF,BUFFER=BUFF1,BSIZE=80,FOR!=E FSWRITE (3),ERROR=EBR2,BUFFER=BUFF1,BSIZE=80,FOB!=E B RD LOOP BACK FOR NEXT RECOBD 3 *• COME HERE IF ERROR BEADING INPUT FILE EOF C 15,=F'12' EID OF FILE ? 4 BNE ERR3 ERBOR IF NOT 15,0 ALL O.K. - ZERO OUT R15 LA EXIT GO EXIT B FILE DOES lOT EXIST •EBR1 IF INPUTWRTER! 'FILE NOT FOUID',EDIT=YES EXIT B •• IF ERROR WRITIIG FILE ERR2 LB 10,15 SAVE BET CODE II REG 10 5 LINEDIT TEXT='EBROR CODE •••• IN WBITING FILE',SUB=(DEC, (10)) B EXIT • IF READING ERROR WAS NOT NOR!AL END OF FILE ERB3 LR 10,15 SAVE RET CODE IN REG 10 5 LINEDIT TEXT='ERBOR CODE •••• IN BEADING FILE',SUB=(DEC, (10)l •EXIT 14,SAVE 14 L BR *BUFF1 SlYE DS DS END LOAD RETURN ADDRESS RETURN TO CALLER CL80 F Notes: -'1'-The prograll might be invoked with a parameter list in the format prognaae INPUT FILE A1 OUTPUT FILE A1. This line is placed in a parameter list by C!S routines and addressed by register 1 (see ~ote 2). 2 The parameter list is a series of doublewords, each containing one of the words entered on the command line. Thus, 8 bytes past register 1 is the beginning of the input fileid; 24 bytes beyond that is the beginning of the secondfileid. 3 The FSBEAD and FSWRITE macros cause the files to be opened; no open macro is necessary. C!S routines close all open files when a program completes execution. 4 The return code in register 15 is tested for the value 12. which indicates an end-of-file condition. If it is the end of the file, the prograll exits; otherwise, it writes an error message. 5 The dots in the LINEDIT lIacro are substituted, during execution, with the decillal value in register 10. figure 21. A Sa.pIe Listing of a Program that Uses CMS ~acros Section 13. Programming for the C!S Environment 249 March 30, 1979 CMS MACROS FOR TERMINAL COMMUNICATIONS Tbere are four CMS macros you can use to write 'interactive, terminal-oriented programs. They are RDTERM, WRT!RM~: LINEDIT, and WAITT. RDTERM and WRTERM only require' a read/write buffer for sending and rece1v1ng lines from the terminal. The third, LINEDIT, has a substitution and translation c a p a b i l i t y . ' . When you use the WRTERM macio ~b write'~line to your terminal yeu can specify the actual text line in the macro in'structicn, for· example : DISPLAY WRTERM 'GOOD MORNING' You can also specify contains the message. the meSsage text by referrin~ to a bhffer that The RDTERM macro accepts a line from the terminal and reads it into a buffer you specify. You could use the RDTERM andWRTERM macros together, as follows: WRITE READ REWRITE WRTERM 'ENTER LINE' RDTERM BUFFER LR 3,0 WRTERM BUFFER, (3) BUFFER DS CL130 In this example, the WRTERM macro results in a prompting message. Then the RDTERM macro accepts a line from the terminal and places it in the buffer BUFFER. The length of the line read, co~tained in register 0 cn return from the RDTERM macro, is saved in register 3. When you specify a buffer address on the WRTERM macro instruction, you must specify the length of the line to be written. Here, register notation is used to indicate that the length is contained in register 3. The LINEDIT macro converts decimal and hexadecimal data into EBCDIC, and places the converted value into a specified field in an output line. There are list and execute forms of the macro instruction, which you can use in writing reentrant code. Another option allows you tb write-lines to the offline printer. The LINEDIT macro is described, withexa~ples, in !~L1IQ £~.§ £.Q!.!~1!g ~1!g ~~£!:.Q !!~t~!:~1!£~. Figure 21 shows how you might use the LINEDIT macro to conVert and display CffS return codes~ The WAITT (wait terminal) macro instruction can hel'p you to synchronize input and output to the terminal. If~ you are executing a program that reads and writes to the terminal frequerrtly,' you may want to issue a WAITTmacrb instruction to halt e~ecution of the program until all terminal I/O has completed. CMS MACROS FOR UNIT RECORD AN~ TAPE I/b CMS provides macros to simplify reading and punching cards (RDCARD and PUNCHC), ana creating printer files (PRrNTL). ~hen you use either the PUNCHC or PRINTL macros to write or punch output'files while a program is e%ecuting, you should remember to issue a CLOSE command for y"our virtual prin~ter or punch when' you are finished. You Can do this either after your program returns control to CMS, by entering: 250 IBM VM/370 CMS Userts Guide cp close e -- or -cp close d or, you can set up a parameter list CP CLOSE D and issue an SVC 202. with the command line CP CLOSE E or The tape control macros, RDTAPE, WRTAPE and TAPECTL, can read and write CMS files from tape, or control the positioning of a tape. INTERRUPTION HANDLING MACROS You can set up routines in your programs to handle interruptions caused by I/O devices, by SVCs, or by external interruptions using the BNDINT, BNDSVC, or HNDEXT macro instructions. with the HNDINT macro instruction, you can specify addresses that are to receive control when an interruption occurs for a specified device. If the WAIT option is used for a device specified in the BNDINT macro instruction, then the interruption handling routine specified for the device does not receive control until after the WAITD macro instruction is issued for the device. You can use the BNDSVC macro instruction to trap supervisor call instructions of particular numbers, if, for example, you want to perform some additional function before passing c~ntrol or you do not want any SVCs of the specified number to be executed. ) The CP EXTERNAL command simulates external interruptions in your virtual machine; if you want to be able to pass control to a particular internal routine in the event of an external interruption, you can use the BNDEXT macro instruction. Updating Source Programs Using eMS As you test and modify programs, you may want to keep backup copies of the source programs. Then you can always return to a certain level of a program in case you have an error. CMS provides several approaches to the problem of program backup: the method you choose depends on the complexity of your project, the changes you want to make, and the size of your programs. The simplest method is to .ake a copy of the current source file under a new name. You can do this using either the COPYFILE command or the CMS editor. If you use the COPYFILE command, your command line might be: copy file account assemble a oldacct assemble a Then, you can use the editor to modify ACCOUNT ASSEMBLE; the OLDACCT ASSEMBLE contains your original source file. You can make a copy of your source directly. For example, if you issue: ) file using the CMS file editor edit account assemble EDIT: fname newacct Section 13. Programming for the CMS Environment 251 then any subsequent changes you make to the file ACCOUNT written into the file NEWACCT ASSEMBLE. When you issue a subcommand, your source file remains intact. After your changes to the source program replace the source file with your new copy. ASSEMBLE are FILE or SAVE have been tested you can THE UPDATE PHILOSOPHY While the procedures outlined above for modifying programs are suitable for many applications, they may not be adequate in a situation where several programmers are applying changes to the same source code. These procedures also have the draWback of not providing you with a record of what has been changed. After using the editor, you do not have a record of the lines that have been deleted, added, replaced, and so on, unless you manually add comments to the code, insert special characters in the serialization column, or use some technique that records program activity. The UPDATE command provides a way for you to modify a source program without affecting the original, and it produces an update log, indicating the changes that have been made. Moreover, it also has the capability of combining multiple updates at one time, so that changes made by different programmers or changes made at different times can be combined into a single output file. The UPDATE command is a basic element of the entire V8/370 updating scheme and is used by system programmers who maintain VM/370 at your installation. Although the input filetypes used by the UPDATE command default to ASSEMBLE file characteristics, the UPDATE command is not limited to assembler language programs, nor is it limited to system programming applications. You can use it to modify and update any fixed-length, SO-character file that does not have data in columns 72 through 80. UPDATE FILES A simple update involves two input files: • The source file, which is the program you want to update • An update file, containing changes you want to make control statements that describe the The control statement file usually has a filetype of UPDATE. For convenience, you can give it the same filename as your source file. For example, if you want to update the file SAMPLE ASSEMBLE, you would create a file named SAMPLE UPDATE. To apply the changes in the update file, you issue the command: update sample The default values used by the UPDATE command are filetypes of ASSEMBLE and UPDATE for the source and update files, respectively. If you are updating a COBOL source program named READY COEOL with an update file named UPDATE READY, you would issue the command: update ready cobol a update ready a 252 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( After an UPDATE command completes processing, the input files are not changed; two new files are created. One of them contains the updated source file, with a filename that is the same as the original source file but preceded by a dollar sign ($). Another file, containing a record of updates is also created; it has a filename that is the same as the source file and a filetype of UPDLOG. For example: ~2Y~£~ !!!~§ SAMPLE ASSEMBLE SAMPLE UPDATE QytEY! !!!~§ $SAMPLE ASSEMBLE SAMPLE UPDLOG READY COBOL UPDATE READY $READY COBOL READY UPDLOG NoW, you can assemble UPDATE command. or compile the new source file created by the The control statements used by the UPDATE command are similar to those used by the OS IEBUPDTE utility program or the DOS MAINT program UPDATE function. Each UPDATE statement must have the characters./ in columns one and two, followed by' one or more blanks. The statements are described below, with examples. ~~2Q~!£~ Stgt~~~~t: This statement tells the UPDATE command that you want to number or renumber the records in a file. Sequence numbers are written in columns 73 through 80. For example, the statement: ) ./ S 1000 indicates that you want sequence numbering to be done, in increments of 1000, with the first statement numbered 1000. The SEQUENCE statement is convenient if you want to apply updates to a file that does not already have sequence numbers. In this case, you may want to use the REP (replace) option of the UPDATE command, so that instead of creating a new file ($filename), the original source file is replaced: update sample (rep INSERT Statement: This statement precedes new records that you want to ada-to -a-source file. The INSERT statement tells the UPDATE command where to add the new records. For example, the lines: ./ I TEST2 1600 TM BNO HOLIDAY,X'02' VACATION HOLIDAY? NOPE ••• VACATION result in the two lines of code being inserted into the output file following the statement numbered 00001600. The inserted lines are flagged with asterisks in columns 73 through 80. The INSERT statement also allows you to request that new statements be sequenced; see "Sequencing Output Records." DELETE Statement: This statement tells the UPDATE command which records yoU-want-to-delete from the source file. If your UPDATE file contains: ) ./ D 2500 Section 13. Programming for the CMS Environment 253 then only the record 00002500 is deleted. ./ D 2500 If the file contains 2aOO then all the statements source file. from 2500 through 2aOO are deleted from the REPLACE Statement: The REPLACE statement allows you to replace one or iore-records-In-the source file. It precedes the new records you want to add. It is a combination of the DELETE and INSERT statements. Por example, the lines . / R 3aOOO 3a500 PLIST DS OD DC CLa'TYPE' DC CLa" DC CLa'PILE' DC CLa'A1' DC ax'pp' replace existing statements numbered 3aOOO through 3a500 with the new lines of code. As with the INSERT statement, new lines are not automatically resequenced. ~gftft~!I ~~~!~~~~!: Use this statement when you want to place comments in the update log file. For example, the line: ./ * Changes by John J. Programmer is not processed by the UPDATE command when it creates the file, but it is written into the update log file. new source SEQUENCING OUTPUT RECORDS ~ (~ The UPDATE command expects source files to have sequence numbers in columns 73 through ?O. If you use the SERIAL subcommand of the CftS editor to sequence your files, the sequence numbers are usually written in columns 76 through ao; columns 73 through 75 contain a three-character identifier which is usually the first three characters of the filename. If you want an eight-character sequence number, you must use the subcommand: serial all prior to issuing a PILE or SAVE subcommand when you are editing the file. Or, you can create an UPDATE file with the single record: ./ S and issue the UPDATE command to sequence the file. If you use the UPDATE command with a file that has been sequenced using the CMS editor's default values, you must use the NosEQa option. Otherwise, the UPDATE command cannot process your input file. The command: update sample (noseqa tells UPDATE to use sequence numbers. only columns 76 through ao Figure 22 shows the four files involved in contents. 254 IBft VM/370 CftS User's Guide ~ when it looks for simple update, and their ( The Source File, SA"PLE ASSE"BLE CSECT 00000100 00000200 USING SAMPLE,R12 LR R12,R15 00000300 00000400 ST R14,SAVRET LINEDIT TEXT='PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME' 00000500 00000600 RDTERM NA"E LINEDIT TEXT='PLEASE ENTER YOUR AGE' 00000700 RDTERM AGE 00000800 LINEDIT TEXT='HI, •••••••••• , YOU JUST TOLD "E YOU ARE ••••• ',x00000900 00001000 SUB=(CHAR1,Nl"E,CHARA,AGE} ,RENT=NO R14,SAVRET L 00001100 00001200 BR R14 00001300 EJECT DC CL 130' , 00001400 NAME DC CL 130' , AGE 00001500 SAVRET 00001600 DC F'O' REGEQU 00001700 END 00001800 L - - - - -___________________________________________________________________________________ SA"PLE ~ The Update File, SAMPLE UPDATE ) . j * REVISION BY DLC . j R 500 LINEDIT TEXT='WHAT"S YOUR NAME?',DOT=NO . j R 700 1000 LINEDIT TEXT='HI, •••••••••• , ENTER THE DOCNIME', SUB=(CHARA,NAME} RDTERM NAME MVC DOCFN,NAME LA 1,PLIST SVC 202 DC AL4 (ERROR) RETURN EQU * . j I 1200 ERROR EQU * WRTERM 'FILE NOT FOUND' B RETURN . j D 1500 . j I 1600 PLIST DS OD DC CL8'TYPE' CL8' , DOCFN DC DC CL8'FILE' DC CL8' Al' DC 8X'FF' Figure 22. SI"00010 SA"00020 SI"00030 51"00040 xSl"00050 SI"00060 S1M00070 SI"00080 S1M00090 SI"00100 SA"00110 SA"00120 SA"00130 SA"00140 51"00150 SAM00160 5AM00170 51M00180 S1M00190 SAM00200 S1M00210 SAM00220 S1M00230 S1M00240 Updating Source Files with the UPDATE Command (Part 1 of 2) ) Section 13. Programming for the CftS Environment 255 The Update Log File, SAMPLE UPDLOG , UPDATING 'SAMPLE ASSEMBLE A1' WITH 'SAMPLE UPDATE Al' UPDATE LOG -- PAGE 11 ./ * REVISION BY DLC I ./ R 500 1 DELETING ••• LINEDIT TEIT='PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME' 000005001 INSERTING ••• LINEDIT TEIT='WHAT"S YOUR NAME?',DOT=NO ********1 ./ R 700 1000 I DELETING ••• LINEDIT TEIT='PLEASE ENTER YOUR AGE' 000007001 RDTERM AGE OOOOOSOOI LINEDIT TEIT='HI, ~ ••••••••• , YOU JUST TOLD ME YOU ARE ••••• ',x000009001 SUB=(CHARA,NAME,CHARA,AGE),RENT=NO 000010001 INSERTING ••• LINEDIT TEIT='HI, •••••••••• , ENTER THE DOCNAME', x********1 SUB=(CHARA,NAME) ****.**** 1 RDTERM NAME ********1 MVC DOCFN,NAME ********1 LA 1,PLIST ********1 SVC 202 ********1 DC AL4 (ERROR) ********1 RETURN EQU * ********1 ./ I 1200 1 INSERTING... ERROR EQU * ********1 WRTERM 'FILE NOT FOUND' ******** B RETURN ******** ./ D 1500 CL 130' , DELETING... AGE DC 00001500 ./ I 1600 INSERTING... PLIST DS OD ******** DC CLS'TYPE' ******** CLS' , DOCFN DC ******** DC CLS'FILE' ******** DC CLS' Al' ******** DC SX'FF' ******** The Updated Output File, SSAMPLE ASSEMBLE r-- SAMPLE CSECT USING SAMPLE,R12 R12,R15 LR R14,SAVRET ST LINEDIT TEIT='WHAT"S YOUR NAHE?',DOT=NO RDTERM NAME ENTER THE DOCNAME', LINEDIT TEXT='HI, ' SUB=(CHARA,NAME) RDTERM NAME HVC DOCFN,NAME 1,PLIST LA SVC 202 DC AL4 (ERROR) EQU * R14,SAVRET L R14 BR EQU * WRTERM 'FILE NOT FOUND' RETURN B EJECT DC CL130' , DC F'O' DS OD DC CLS'TYPE' DC CLS' , DC CLS'FILE' DC CLS'A1' DC SX'FF' REGEQU END ......... RETURN ERROR NAME SAVRET PLIST DOCFN Figure 22. .. 00000100 00000200 00000300 00000400 ******** 00000600 x******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** 00001100 00001200 ******** ******** ******** 00001300 00001400 00001600 ******** ********1 ********1 ********1 ********1 ********1 000017001 00001S001 r1 ~ Updating Source Files with the UPDATE Command (Part 2 of 2) ( 256 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide The INSERT and REPLACE statements allow you to control the numbering increment of records that you add to a source file. Notice, in Figure 22, that inserted records have the character string '********' in columns 73 through 80. If you want sequence numbers on the inserted records, you must do two things: 1. Use the INC option on the UPDATE command line. If you use the CTL option, you do not have to specify the INC option. The CTL option is described below, under "Multiple Updates." 2. Include a dollar sign ($) on the INSERT or REPLACE statement, optionally followed by operands indicating how the records should be sequenced. For example, to sequence the statements would appear as: ./ ./ ./ ./ R R I I records added in Figure 22, the control 500 $ 700 1000 $ 1200 $ 1600 $ and you would issue the UPDATE command: update sample (inc The upDATE command sequences inserted records by increments of 10. If you want to control the numbering, for eXample, if you need to insert more than 10 statements between two existing statements, you can specify an alternate sequencing scheme: ./ I 1800 $ 1805 5 ) Records introduced following this INSERT statement are numbered 00001805, 00001810, 00001815, and so on. (If the NOSEQ8 option is in effect, then the records would be XIX01805, XXX01810, and so on, where XXX is the three-character identifier used in columns 73 through 75.) MULTIPLE UPDATES If you have several UPDATE files to apply to the same source, you may apply them in a series of UPDAtE commands. For example, if you have updates named FICA UPDTUP1, FICA UPDTUP2, and FICA UPDTUP3 to apply to the source file FICA PLIOPT, you could do the {allowing: 1. Update the source file with TEST1 UPDATE: update fica pliopt a fica updtupl 2. Update the source file produced by the above command with the TEST2 UPDATE: update $fica pliopt a fica updtup2 3. ) Update the new source file with TEST3: update $$fica pliopt a fica updtup3 section 13. Programming for the CMS Environment 257 This final UPDATE command produces the file $$$FICA PLIOPT, which is now the fully updated source file. This method is cumbersome, however, particularly if you have many updates to apply and they must be applied in a particular order. Therefore, the UPDATE command provides a multilevel update scheme, which you can use to apply many updates at one time, in a specified order. To apply multilevel updates, you must have-a control file, which by convention has a filetype of CNTRL and a filename that is the same as the source input file. Therefore, to apply the three update files to FICA PLIOPT, you should create a file named FICA CNTRL. A control file is actually a list: it does not contain any actual update control statements (INSERT, DELETE, and so on), but rather it indicates what update files should be applied, and in what order. In the case of a multilevel update, all the update files must have the same filename as the source file. Therefore, only the t!lg!~£g§ need be specified in the control file to uniquely identify the update file. In fact, if all your update files have filetypes beginning with the characters UPDT, you need only specify the unique part of the filetype. The control file for FICA PLIOPT, named FICA CNTRL, may typically look like the following: TEXT MACS PLILIB FICA3 UP3 FICA2 UP2 FICAl UPl The first record in the control file must be a MACS record. The second field in this record must be "MACS," and it may be followed by up to eight macro library names. Every record in the control file must have an "update level identifier;" in this example, the update level identifiers are TEXT on the MACS record, FICAl for the UPl record, and so on. The update level identifier may have a maximum of five characters. The UPDATE command only uses the MACS record and the update level These ar~ described later, identifier under special circumstances. under "VMFASM EXEC Procedure." For now, you only need to know that these things must be in a control file in order for the UPDATE command to execute properly.To update follows: FICA PLIOPT, then, you would issue the UPDATE command as update fica pliopt (ctl When you use the CTL option, and you do not specify the name of a control file, the UPDATE command looks for a control file with the filetype of CNTRL and a filename that is the same as the source file. From the control file, it reads the filetypes of the updates to be applied. In this example, it searches for the file FICA UPDTUP1 and if found, applies the updates; then UPDATE searches for FICA UPDTUP2, and applies those updates, if any. Last it searches for FICA UPDTUP3, and applies those updates. Notice that the updates are applied from the bottom of the control file, toward the top. This becomes important when an update is dependent on a previous update. For example, if you add some lines to a file in FICA UPDTUP1,then modify one of those lines in FICA UPDTUP2, it is important that UPDTUP1 was applied first. 258 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide ( l1TEj!1!~ !!!§ Q! ~f~£!!!!!~ ~Q1I!1~!~& Qf~lI~ !1~~~: The example above, showing FICA CNTRL and UPDTxxxx files, illustrates a naming scheme using the UPDATE command defaults. You can override the default filetypes for the control file's filename and filetype, as well as filetypes for the update files. If you name a control file GROUPA CNTRL, for example, you can specify the name of the control file on the UPDATE command line: update fica pliopt a groupa cntrl (ctl Similarly, if your update files have unique filetypes, you must specify the entire filetype in the control file. If your updates to FICA PLIOPT are named FICA TEST1, FICA TEST2, and FICA TEST3, your control file may look like the following: TEXT MACS PLILIB "FICA3 TEST3 FICA2 TEST2 FICA1 TEST1 Regardless of the filetypes you choose, however, the filenames always be the same as the filename of the input source file. must The two levels of update processing shown so far may be adequate fer your applications. There is, however, an additional level, or step, in the update structure that the VM/370 procedures use and which you may want to use also. These techniques may be useful when you have more than one set of updates to apply to a source program. For example, you may have two groups of programmers who are working on different sets of cbanges for the same source file. Each group may create several update files, and have a unique control file. When you combine these changes, you could create one control file, or yOu can use what are known as auxiliary control files. The updating structure for auxiliary control files is based on conventions for assigning filenames and filety~es. If a control file contains an entry that begins with the characters 'AUX', the UPDATE command assumes that the file 'fn AUXnnnn' contains a list of filetypes, not UPDATE control statements. For example, if,the file SAMPLE ASSEMBLE is being updated with a control file that contains the record: TEST1 AUXLIST then SAMPLE AUXLIST does not contain UPDATE control statements; it contains entries indicating the fi!~1I£~§ of the update files, all ef which must have the same filename, SAMPLE. Let's expand the example to see how this structure works. We have the source file, SAMPLE ASSEMBLE. The file SAMPLE CNTRL contains the entries: , TEXT MACS 3676 AUXLIST Section 13. Programming for the CMS Environment 259 The file, SAMPLE AUXLIST may look like the following: TEST1 FIXLOOP BYPASS The files: SAMPLE TESTl SAMPLE FIXLOOP SAMPLE BYPASS all contain UPDATE control statements (INSERT, DELETE, and so on) that are to be applied to the file SAMPLE ASSEMBLE. As with control file processing, the updates are applied from the bottom of the AUX file, so that the updates in SAMPLE BYPASS are applied first, then the updates in SAMPLE FIXLOOP, and so on. For an illustration of a set of update files, see Figure 23. Since the updating scheme uses only filetypes to uniquely identify update files, it is possible to use the same control file to update different source input files. For example, using the control file REPORT CNTRL shown in Figure 23, you issue the command: update fica pliopt a report cntrl (ctl The UPDATE command begins searching for updates to apply to FICA PLIOPT, based on the entries in REPORT CNTRL: it searches for FICA AUXLIST, which may contain entries pointing to update files; then it searches for FICA UPDTREP1, and so on. As long as all updates and auxiliary files associated with a source file have the same filename as the source file, the updates are uniquely identifiable, so the same control file can be used to update various source files. VM/370 takes advantage of this capability in its own updating procedures. By maintaining strict naming conventions, updates to various CP and CMS modules are easily controlled and identified. A control file may point to many AUX files in addition to many UPDT files. You can modify a control file when you want to control which updates are applied to a program, or you may have several control files, and specify the name of the control file you want to use on the UPDATE command line. There is a lot of flexibility in the UPDATE command processing; you can implement procedures and conventions for your individual applications. PREFERRED LEVEL UPDATING: There may exist more than one version of an update;-each-ipplIcable--to different versions of the same module. For example, you may need one version of an update for an unmodified base source module, and another version of that update if that module has been mOdified by a program product. The AUX file that will be used to update a particular mOdule must then be selected based on whether or not a program product modifies that module. The AUX files listing the updates applicable to modules modified by a program product are called "preferred AUX files" because they must be used if they exist rather than the mutually exclusive updates applicable to unmodified modules. Using this preferred AUX file concept, every module in a component can be assembled using the one CNTRL file applicable to a user's configuration. A single AUX file entry in a CNTRL file can specify more than one filetype. The first filetype indicates a file that UPDATE uses only on one condition: the files that the second and subsequent filetypes indicate do not exist. If they do exist, this AUX file entry is ignored and no updating is done. The files that the second and subsequent 260 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( filetypes indicate are perferred because, if they exist, UPDATE does net use the file that the first filetype indicates. Usually, the preferred files appear later in the CNTRL file in a format that causes them to be used for updating. UPDATE scans each CNTRL file entry until a preferred filetype is found, until there are no more filetypes on the entry, or until a comment is found. (A character string that is less than four or more than eight characters is assumed to be a comment.) REPORT CNTRL TEXT UP2 LIST UPl TEXT REPORT UPDTPROC MACS UPDTPROC AUXLlST UPDTREPl AUXFIX REPORT AUXFIX REPORT AUXLlST REPORT FIXIN REPORT FIXOUT REPORT RTNA REPORT RTNB update report assemble a (etl UPDATING 'REPORT ASSEMBLE Al' WITH 'REPORT RTNA Al'. UPDATING WITH 'REPORT RTNB Al'. UPDATING WITH 'REPORT UPDTREPl Al'. UPDATING WITH 'REPORT FIXOUT Al'. UPDATING WITH 'REPORT FIXIN Al'. UPDATING WITH 'REPORT UPDTPROC Al'. R; Figure 23. An Update with a Control File ) Section 13. Programming for the CMS Environment 261 THE VMFASM EXEC PROCEDURE If you are an assembler language programmer and you are using the UPDATE command to update source programs you may want to use the VftFASM EXEC procedure. VftFASM is a Vft/310 update procedure; it invokes the UPDATE command and then uses the ASSEftBLE command to assemble the updated source file. If you are not an assembler language programmer, you may wish to create an EXEC similar to VftFASM that, instead of calling the assembler, calls one of the language compilers to compile an updated source file. When you use VMFASft, you specify the source filename, the filename of the control file, and optionally, parameters for the assembler. (The control file for VftFASM must have a filetype of eNTRL). For example, if you use the file GENERAL eNTRL to update SAMPLE ASSEMBLE, you enter the command line: vmfasm sample general The VMFASft EXEC uses the MACS card and the update level in the control file. It reads the ftACS card to determine libraries (ftACLIBs) should be searched by the assembler. issues the GLOBAL MACLIB command specifying the ftACLIBs you MACS card. identifiers which macro Then VMFASM name on the The update level identifier is used by VMFASM to name the output text file produced by the assembly. If the update level identifier of the most recent update file (the last one located and applied) is anything other than TEXT, the update level identifier is prefixed with the characters TXT to form the filetype. For example, if the file GENERAL CNTRL contains the records: TEXT MACS CMSLIB MILIB OSMACRO UP2 FIX2 UPl FIXl TEXT AUXLIST and it is used to update the file SAMPLE ASSEMBLE, then: • If the file SAMPLE UPDTFIX2 is found and the updates applied, VftFASM names the output text deck SAMPLE TXTUP2. • If the file SAMPLE UPDTFIXl is found and the updates applied but no SAMPLE UPDTFIX2 is found, the text deck is named SAMPLE TXTUP1. • If the file SAMPLE AUXLIST is found but no SAMPLE UPDTFIXl or SAMPLE UPDTFIX2 files are found, the text deck is named SAMPLE TEXT. • If no files are found, the update level identifier on is used and the text deck is named SAMPLE TEXT. the MACS card Since the UPDATE command works from the bottom of a control file toward the top, it is logical that the text filename be taken from the identifier of the last update applied. The VMFASft EXEC does not produce an updated source file, but leaves the original source intact. VMFASft produces two output files: a printed output listing that shows update activity; and the text file, which contains the update log as well as the actual object code. If you use the CftS LOAD command to load a text file produced by VftFASft, records from the update log are flagged as invalid, but the LOAD operation is not impaired. 262 IBft VM/310 CftS User's Guide ( !~~ ~!! OP!lQB: If you are interested in writing your own EXEC procedure to invoke the UPDATE command, you may wish to use the STK option. The STK (stack) option is valid only with the CTL option, and is meaningful only when the UPDATE co.mand is invoked within an EXEC procedure. When the STK option is specified, lines in the console stack: first line: second line: * * UPDATE stacks the following data update level identifier library list from MACS record The update level identifier is the that was found and applied. identifier of the most recent update Por example, an EXEC file that invokes the UPDATE command the ASSEMBLE command may contain the lines: * and then * UPDATE &1 ASSEMBLE &2 CNTRL (STK CTL &READ VARS &STAR &TX &READ VARS &STAR &LIB1 &LIB2 &LIB3 &LIB4 &LIB5 &LIB6 &LIB7 &LIB8 GLOBAL MACLIB &LIB1 &LIB2 &LIB3 &LIB4 &LIES &LIB6 &LIB7 &LIB8 &IF &TX NE TEXT PILEDEP TEXT DISK &1 TXT&TX 11 ASSEMBLE &1 &3 &4 &5 &6 &7 &8 &9 ERASE $&1 ASSEMBLE If this EXEC is named UPASM EXEC and is invoked with the line: upasm fica fica (print noxref and the file PICA CNTRL contains: ) MAC MACS CMSLIB OSMACRO MYTEST PIX1 UPDTFIX LIST AUXLIST then the EXEC' executes the following commands: * * UPDATE FICA ASSEMBLE FICA CNTRL (STK CTL GLOBAL MACLIB CMSLIE OSMACRO MYTEST FILEDEF TEXT DISK FICA TXTFIX1 A1 ASSEMBLE FICA (PRINT BOX REF ERASE $FICA ASSEMBLE The above example assumes that the and applied. update file FICA UPDTFIX was found Section 13. programming for the CMS Environment 263 ( 264 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Part 3. Learning to Use EXEC In previous sections, the CMS EXEC facilities were described in general terms to acquaint you with the expressions used in EXEC files and the basic way that EXECs function. Also, examples of EXEC procedures have appeared throughout this publication. You should be familiar at least with the material in "Introduction to the EXEC Processor" before you attempt to use the information in Part 3. "Section 14. Building EXEC Procedures" describes the EXEC facilities in detail, with examples of techniques you may find useful as you learn about EXEC and develop your own EXEC procedures. Special considerations for using CMS commands in EXECs and modifying CMS command functions using EXEC procedures are described in "section 15. Using EXECs With CMS Commands." "Section 16. Refining Your EXEC Procedures" lists several techniques you can use to make your EXEC files easier to use and provides some hints on debugging EXEC procedures. If you are a frequent user of the CMS editor, then you may be interested in "Section 17. writing Edit Macros," which describes how to create your own EDIT subcommands using EXEC procedures. ) Part 3. Learning to Use EXEC 265 ( 266 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Section 14. Building EXEC Procedures This section discusses various techniques that you can use when you write EXEC procedures. The examFles are intended only as suggestions: you should not feel that they represent either the only way or the best way to achieve a particular result. Many combinations and variations of control statements are possible; in most cases, there are many ways to do the same thing. This section is called "Building EXEC procedures" because you will often find that once you have created an EXEC procedure and begun to use it, you continually think of new applications or new uses for it. Using the CMS editor, you may quickly build the additions and make the necessary changes. You are encouraged to develop EXEC procedures to help you in all the phases of your CMS work. What Is a Token? An executable statement is any line in an EXEC file that is processed by the EXEC interpreter, including: • • • • ). CMS command lines EXEC control statements Assignment statements Null lines Executable statements may appear by themselves on a line or as the object of another executable statement, for example in an &IF or &LOOP control statement. If you want to execute CP commands or other EXEC procedures in an EXEC, you mu~t use the CP and EXEC commands, respectively. CP commands are passed directly to CP for processing. All executable statements in an EXEC are scan~ed by the CMS scan routine. This routine converts each word (words are delimited by blanks and parentheses) into an eight-character quantity called a token. If a word contains more than eight characters, it is truncated on the right. If it contains fewer than eight characters, it is padded with blanks. When a parenthesis appears on the line, it is treated both as a delimiter and as a token. For example, the line: &TYPE WHAT IS YOUR PREFERENCE (REDIBLUE)? scans as follows: &TYPE WHAT IS YOUR PREFEREN ( REDIBLUE) ? After a line has been scanned, each token is scanned for ampersands and substitutions are performed on any variable symbols in the tokens before the statement is executed. After elimination of any null variables, the statement may contain a maximum of 32 tokens. Nonexecutable statements are lines that are not processed by the EXEC interpreter, that is, comment lines (those that begin with an *), and data lines following an &BEGEMSG, &BEGPUNCH, &BEGSTACK, or &BEGTYPE control statement. Since these lines are not scanned, words are not truncated, and tokens are neither formed nor substituted. ) Since all executable statements in an EXEC are scanned, and the data items are treated as tokens, the term "token" is used throughout this Section 14. Building EXEC Procedures 267 section to describe data items before and after scanning. The VftLl1.Q CMS Command and Macro !~!~~~~£~, which contains the formats and descrIptIons of--the-iiic control statements, uses this convention as well. Therefore, as you create your EXEC procedures, you may think of the items that you enter on an EXEC statement as tokens, since that is how they are used by the EXEC interpreter. Variables To make the best use of the CMS EXEC facilities, you should have an understanding of how the EXEC interpreter performs substitutions on variable symbols contained in tokens. Some examples follow. For each example, the input lines are shown as they would appear in an EXEC file and as they would appear after being interpreted and executed by EXEC. Notes concerning substitution follow each example. ~lMP1! ~Q~~~!~Q~!Q!: Most of the EXEC examples in this publication contain variable symbols that result in one-far-one substitution. Most of your variables, too, will have a similar relationship. Lines &i-;-123 &TIPE &X !!!~~ ~YQ~!i!Y!i2~ &X = 123 &TIPE 123 The EXEC interpreter accepts the variable symbol &X and assigns it the value 123. In the second statement, &X is substituted with this value, and the control statement &TIPE is recognized and executed. Lines SY-;-456 &z = &y After Substitution Sy-;-456---------&Z = 456 The symbol &1 is assigned a value of 456. In the second statement, the symbol &1 is substituted with this value, and this value is assigned to &z. SUBSCRIPTS FOR VARIABLES: Since each token is scanned more than once for ampersands,-you-can-sIiulate subscripts by using two variable values in the same token. Lines S1'-;-ALPHA &2 = BETA &INDEX1 = 1 &TIPE &&INDEI1 &INDEI1 = 2 &TIPE &&INDEI1 After Substitution S'-;-ALPHi-------&2 = BETA &INDEI1 = 1 &TIPE ALPHA &INDEI1 = 2 &TIPE BETA In the statement &TIPE &&INDEI1, the token &INDEI1 is scanned the first time, and the value &INDEI1 is substituted with the value 1. The token now contains &1, which is substituted with the value ALPHA on a second scan. When the value of &INDEI1 is changed to 2, the value of &&INDEI1 also changes. 1i!!~§ &1 = &1&1 &1 = &1&1 &1 = 268 !t!~~ ~YQ§!i!yti~!! 2 = 5 1 = 2 &1&1 + &X&I&I &1 = 2 &X2 = 5 &1 = 1 &11 = 2 &1 = 2 + 5 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide In the statement &1&1 = 5, analysis of the first token results in the substitution of the symbol &1 with the value of 2. The symbol &12 is assigned a value of 5. The value value of 2. of &1 is changed to 1, and the symbol &X1 is assigned a In the last statement, &1 = &1&1 + &1&1&1, the value of &1 in the token &1&1 is replaced with 1, then the symbol &X1 is substituted with its value, which is 2. The token &1&1&1 is substituted after each of three scans: &1 is replaced with the value 1, to yield the token &1&X1. The symbol &11 has the value of 2, so the token is reduced to &X2, which has a value of 5. COMPOUND VARIABLE character-strIngs. 2I~~Q12: 1i1!~ &X = BEE &TYPE HONEY&I &TYPE ABUMBLE&X Variable symbols may also be combined with !!!~! 2Y~2!i!ytiQ1! &1 = BEE &TYPE HONEYBEE &TYPE ABUMBLE In the above example, the first symbol encountered in the scan of HONEY&I is &X, which is substituted with the value &BEE. In the second &TYPE statement, the I is truncated when the line is scanned; the symbol & is an undefined symbol and is therefore set to blanks. 1J:J!~2 &1 = HONEY &Y = BEE &TYPE &I&Y !!!~! 2Y~2!itytiQ1! &1 = HONEY &Y = BEE &TYPE In the above example, after the symbol &Y is substituted with the value BEE, the token contains the symbol &IBEE, which is an undefined symbol, so the symbol is discarded. Lines &123= ABCDE &1 = 12345678 &TYPE ABLE&&I After Substitution &123-=-iBCDE-----&1 = 12345678 &TYPE ABLEABCD In this example, the substitution of &X in the token ABLE&&X results in the character string ABLE&12345678, which is truncated to eight characters, or ABLE&123. The scan continues, and &123 is substituted with the appropriate value, to result in !BCDE. The token is again truncated to eight characters. SUBSTITUTING 1II~RA1 !!1Q~2: You might want an ampersand to appear in a token:---Yoll can use the &LITERAL built-in function to suppress the substitution of variable symbols in a token. 1i1!~2 &9 = HELLO &A = &LITERAL &9 STYPE SA After Substitution &9-;-HELLO-------&A = &LITERAL &9 STYPE &9 Because the value of SA was defined performed. 1J:1!~2 &TYPE = QUERY &TYPE BLIP ) as a literal &9, no substitution is !!!~! 2Y~2!i!ytiQ1! STYPE = QUERY QUERY BLIP In the above example, even though &TYPE is an EIEC keyword, it assigned the value of QUERY, and substitution is performed when Section 14. Building EIEC Procedures is it 269 appears on an input line. In this example, when it is substituted with its value, the result is a command line which is passed to CMS for processing. li~ SCONTROL = FIRST SLITERAL SCONTROL ALL !!!~! 2YR§!i!Y!i~D SCONTROL = FIRST SCONTROL ALL In this example, SCONTROL is assigned a value as a variable symbol, but when it is preceded by the built-in function SLITERAL, the substitution is not performed, so EXEC processes it as a control statement. ~~!!~~£!~!1 !!~ ~I£!!!~ ~Q!!!B2!QB~: Iou can perform hexadecimal to decimal and decimal to hexadecimal conversions in an EXEC if you use the control statement SHEX ON. To convert hexadecimal to decimal, you must use an assignment statement, prefacing the hexadecimal value you want to convert with the characters X' and assigning the value to a variable sy.bol. When 'HEX ON' is in effect, the following additional rules restrictions apply to tokens on EXEC control statements: 1. and Any token, variable argument, or combination which results in a token with the string X' as the first two characters (this will be referrred to as an X' token) must also result in the next six characters being either: (a) A valid decimal number, if the token is part of an EXEC control which is not an assignment statement, or a valid hexadcimal number, if the token is part of an EXEC control statement which is an assignment statement. (b) The numbers mentioned in item 1a may be positive (no sign), or negative, (prefixed with a minus sign (-220 or -FE». The negative hexadecimal number is the absolute hexadecimal number prefixed with a minus sign (-F is a hexadecimal minus F, not a / \1 minus~ (c) These numbers may be explicit (in the orginal token), or substituted from a variable or an argument (for example, X'SX). (d) The rules for token length apply with 'SHEX ON'. (e) The range of decimal numbers that may be contained in an X' token is -99999 to 999999. The range of hexadecimal numbers that may be contained in an X' token is -FFFFF to FFFFFF. The ahove range of numbers may be extended by placing the number to be converted in a variable or an argument and substituting at conversion time. If this is done, the conversion is accomplished using the variable or the argument as the number source. The range for decimal numbers is -9999999 to 99999999, the range for hexadecimal numbers is 5F5EOFF to -98967F. These examples illustrate this feature: SI = X'FFFFFF STIPE X'SI SI = 5F5EOFF SX = X'SI (f) SI = 16777215 STIPE FFFFFF SI = SF5EOFF SX = 99999999 The notation X'-SX should not be used, because this will cause unwanted truncations and conversion errors. ( 270 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide If these restrictions are violated, inconsistant conversion will result. a conversion error or These statements are not valid if "HEX ON' is in effect: SHEX ON SX = X'50 CAUSES CONVERSION ERROR - See Item 1a above This sequence results in a conversion error contain a decimal number after the X', so violates item 1a above. SHEX ON SX = SLITERAL X'ABC SI = SX STIPE SX because SX does not the STIPE statement SX = X'ABC LEGAL STATEMENT XI = 2748 LEGAL STATEMENT CAU~ES CONVERSION ERROR 2. An X' token cannot appear on an EXEC statement assignment statement (for example, STIPE,SIF). 3. If an X' token appears on an assignment decimal converS10n 1S performed before statement E1 in the HEX EXEC Example. 4. The largest hexadecimal value that will be converted to decimal is 5F5EOFF, if the number is in a variable or an argument. If explicitly defined, only the leftmost six digits will be used. See statement E2 of HEX EXEC Example. 5. A decimal number contained in a variable or an argument and referenced as such on an X' token (for example, X'SX) will not be truncated before it is converted to a hexadecimal number. Decimal numbers 0 through 99999999 may be converted to hexadecimal if they are first placed in a variable or an argument. ) other than an statement, hexadecimal to the token is used. See Note that the hexadecimal number typed is seven digits long. Example: SHEX ON SX = 99999999 STIPE X'SX SX = 99999999 STIPE 5F5EOFF The following illustrates conversions with 'SHEX ON' in effect: ~!~£ £gD!~gl ~!g!~!~D!§ -E1 -E2 -E3 -E4 ) SCONTROL ALL SHEI ON SNUM = X'FFFFFF STIPE HEX'SNUM = DEC SNUM SIF 1'16777215 = X'SNUM SGOTO -E3 &TIPE SLITERAL X'16777215 NE SLITERAL X'SNUM &TIPE X'16777215 NE I'&NUM &NUM = X'10 &1 = SNUM + X'B &TIPE SI X'SI SI = X'NUM SZ = SCONCAT SLITERAL X'1 X'SNUM SHEX OFF &TIPE SI SZ SHEX ON &TIPE SI SZ &NUM = 16777215 &TIPE HEX FFFFFF = DEC 16777215 &IF 28F5C = FFFFFF SGOTO -E3 &TIPE 1'167772 NE X'SNUM STIPE 28F5C BE FFFFFF SlUM = 16 &Y = 16 + 11 STIPE 27 1B SI = 22 SZ = SCONCAT 1'1 22 SHEX OFF STIPE 22 X'122 SHEX ON &TIPE 22 7A Section 14. Building EXEC Procedures 211 To suppress hexadecimal conversion during an EXEC procedure having used it, you can use the EXEC control statement: after &HEX OFF so you can use tokens containing the characters processor converting them to hexadecimal. X' without the EXEC Arguments An argument in an EXEC procedure is one of the special variable symbols &1 through &30 that are assigned values when the EXEC is invoked. For example, if the EXEC named LINKS is invoked with the line: links viola ariel oberon the tokens VIOLA~ ARIEL, and OBERON are arguments and are the variable symbols &1, &2, and &3, respectively. assigned to You can pass as many as 30 arguments to an EXEC procedure; thus the variable symbols you can set range from &1 to &30. These variables are collectively referred to as the special variable &n. Once these symbols are d~fined, they can be used and manipulated in the same manner as any other variable in an EXEC. They can be tested, displayed, changed, and, if they contain numeric quantities, used arithmetically. &IF &2 EO PRINT &GOTO -PR &TIPE &1 IS AN INVALID ARGUMENT &1 = 2 &CT = &1 + 100 The above exa.ples illustrate some explicit methods of manipulating the &n variables. They can also be implicitly defined or redefined by two EXEC control statements: &ARGS and &READ ARGS. An &ARGS control statement redefines all of the special &n variables. The statement: &ARGS ABC assigns the value of A, B, and C to the variables &1, &2, and sets the remaining variables, &4 through &30, to blanks. &3 and Iou can also redefine arguments interactively by using the &READ ARGS control statement. When EXEC processes this statement, a read request is presented to your terminal, and the tokens you enter are assigned to the &n variables. for example, the lines: STIPE ENTER FILE NAME AND TYPE: &READ ARGS STATE &1 &2 * request you to enter two tokens, and then treat these tokens as the arguments &1 and &2. The remaining variables &3 through &30 are set to blanks. If you want to redefine specific &n variables, and leave the values of others intact, you can either redefine the individual variables in separate assignment statements, or use the variable symbol in the &ARGS or &R~AD ARGS statement. For example, the statement: . &ARGS CONT &2 &3 RETURN &5 &6 &7 &8 &9 &10 272 IBM V8/370 CMS User's Guide ( assigns new values to the variables Sl and &4, but does not change the existing values for the remaining symbols through S10. If you need to set an argument or &n special variable to blanks, either on an EXEC command line or in an SARGS or &READ ARGS control statement, you can use a percent sign (I) in its place. Por example, the lines: SARGS SET QUERY 1 TYPE STYPE Sl S2 S3 S4 result in the display: SET QUERY TYPE The symbol S3 has from the line. a value of blanks, and as a null token, is discarded USING THE SINDEX SPECIAL VARIABLE The EXEC special variable, SINDEX, initially contains a numeric value corresponding to the number of arguments defined when the EXEC was invoked. The value of SIND EX is reset whenever an SARGS or &READ IRGS control statement is executed. SINDEX can be useful in many circumstances. If you create an EXEC that may expect any number of arguments, and you are going to perform the same operation for each, you might set a counter and use the value of &INDEX to test it. Por example, an EXEC named PRINTX accepts arguments that are the filenames of ASSEMBLE files: SCT = SLOOP PRINT SCT = 1 2 SCT > SIND EX SSCT ASSEMBLE SCT + 1 In the preceding example, the token SCT is substituted with Sl, S2, and so on until all of the arguments entered on the PRINTX line are used. You can also use SINDEX to test the number of arguments entered. If you design an EXEC to expect at least two arguments, the procedure might contain the statements: SIP SINDEX LT 2 SGOTO -ERRl -ERRl STYPE INVALID COMMAND LINE SEXIT 1 In this example, if the EXEC is invoked with one or no arguments, an error message is displayed and the EXEC terminates processing with a return code of 1. ) As another example, suppose you wanted to supply an EXEC with default arguments, which might or might not be overridden. If the EXEC is invoked with no arguments, the default values are in effect; if it is invoked with arguments, the arguments replace the default values: Section 14. Building EXEC procedures 273 &DISP = PRINT &COUNT = 2 &IF &INDEX GT 2 &EXIT 1 &IF &INDEX EQ 0 &GOTO -GO &COUNT = &1 &IF &INDEX = 2 &DISP = &2 -GO Default values are supplied for the variables·&DISP and &COUNT. Then, &INDEX is tested, and the variables are reset if any arguments were entered. CHECKING ARGUMENTS There are a number of tests that you can perform on arguments passed to an EXEC. In some cases, you may want to test for the length of a specific argument or to test whether an argument is character data or numeric data. To perform these tests, you can use the EXEC built-in functions &LENGTH and &DATATYPE. To use either &LENGTH or &DATATYPE, you must first assign a variable to receive the result of the function, and then test the variable. For example, to test whether an entered argument is five characters long, you could use the statements: &LIMIT = &LENGTH &1 &IF &LIMIT GT 5 &EXIT &LIMIT When these statements are executed, if the first argument (&1) is greater than five characters, the exit is taken, and the return code indicates the length of &1. If you wish to check whether a use the &DATATYPE function: number was entered for an argument, &STRING = &DATATYPE &2 &IF &STRING ~= NUM &GOTO -ERR4 In this example, the second argument expected by the EXEC must be a numeric quantity. If it is not, a branch is taken to an error exit routine. Often, you may create an EXEC that tests for specific arguments and then takes various paths, depending on the argument. For example: &IF &2 &IF &2 &IF &2 &EXIT = PRINT &GOTO -PR = TYPE &GOTO -TY = ERASE &GOTO -ER In this EXEC, if the value of &2 is not PRINT, TYPE, or not entered, the EXEC terminates processing. ERASE, or was There are two special EXEC keywords that you may use to test arguments passed in an EXEC. They are &* and &$, which can be used only in an &IF or an &LOOP control statement. They test the entire range of numeric variables &1 through &30~ as follows: 274 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( ~!: The special token &$ is interpreted as "any of the variables &1, &2, ••• , &30." That is, if the value of anyone of the numeric variables satisfies the established condition, then the &IF statement is considered to be true. The statement is false only when none of the variables fulfills the specified requirements. As an example, suppose you want to make sure that value is passed to the EXEC. You can check to see arguments satisfy this condition, as follows: some particular if any of the &IF &$ EQ PRINT &SKIP 2 &TYPE PARM LIST MUST INCLUDE PRINT &EXIT In this example, the path to the &TYPE state.ent is taken only when none of the arguments passed to the EXEC procedure equal the character string PRINT. §!: The special token &* is interpreted as "all of the variables &1, &2, ••• , &30." That is, if the value of each of the numeric variables satisfies the established condition, then the &IF statement is considered to be true. The statement is false when at least one of the variables fails to meet the specified requirements. Use &* to test for the absence of an argument as follows: &IF &* NE ASSEMBLE &EXIT 3 In this example, if an EXEC is invoked, and none of the arguments equals ASSEMBLE, the EXEC terminates with a return code of 3. ) The tokens &* and &$ are set by arguments entered when an EXEC is invoked and reset when you issue an &ARGS or &READ ARGS control statement. If either &* or &$ is null because no arguments are entered, the &IF statement is considered a null statement, and no error occurs. Execution Paths in an EXEC You have already seen examples of the &IF, &GOTO, &SKIP, and &LOOP control statements. A more detailed discussion on each of these statements and additional techniques for controlling execution paths in an EXEC procedure follow. LABELS IN AN EXEC PROCEDURE In many instances, an execution control statement in an EXEC procedure causes a branch to a particular statement that is identified by a label. The rules and conventions for creating syntactically correct EXEC labels are: • A label must begin with a hyphen (dash) and must have additional character following the hyphen. • Up to seven additional alphameric characters may follow (with no intervening blanks). However, the sequence: at least one the hyphen &GOTO -PROBABLY ) -PROBABLY Section 14. Building EXEC Procedures 275 executes successfully, because when each statement is scanned, the token -PROBABLY is truncated to the same eight-character token, -PROBABL. • A label name may statement. be the object of an &GOTO or &LOOP control • A label that is branched to must be the first token on a line. It may stand by itself, with no other tokens on the line, or it may precede an executable CMS command or EXEC control statement. The following are examples of the correct use of labels: &GOTO -LAB1 -LAB1 -LAB2 &CONTINUE -CHECK &IF &INDEX EQ 0 SGOTO -EXIT &IF SINDEX LT 5 &SKIP -EXIT SEXIT 4 &TYPE &LITERAL SINDEX VALUE IS SINDEX CONDITIONAL EXECUTION WITH THE &IF STATEMENT The main tool available an EXEC procedure is statement provides the conditional branches in to you for controlling conditional execution in the &IF control statement. The SIF control decision-making ability that you need to set up your EXEC procedure. One approach to decision-making with the SIF control statement is to compare two tokens, and perform some action based on the result of the comparison. When the comparison specified is equal (or true), the executable statement is executed. When the comparison is unequal (or false), control passes to the next sequential statement in the EXEC procedure. An example of a simple &IF statement is: &IF &1 EQ &2 STYPE MATCH FOUND If the comparand values are not equal, the statement &TYPE MITCH FOUND is not executed, and control passes to the next statement in the EXEC procedure. If the co.parand values are equal, the statement &TYPE MATCH FOUND is executed before control passes to the next statement. SIF statements can also be used to establish a comparison between a variable and a constant. For example, if a terminal user could properly enter a YES or NO response to a prompting message, you could set up &IF statements to check the response as follows: &READ ARGS &IF &1 EQ YES &GOTO -YESANS &IF &1 EQ NO &GOTO -NOANS &TYPE &1 IS NOT A VALID RESPONSE (MUST BE YES OR NO) &EXIT -YESANS -NOANS In this example, the branch to -YESANS is taken if the entered argument is YES; otherwise, control passes to the next SIF statement. 216 IBM VM/310 CMS User's Guide ( The branch to -NOANS is taken if the argument is NO; otherwisE~, control passes to the STYPE statement, which displays the entered argument in an error message and exits. The test performed in an SIF statement need not be a simple test of equality between two tokens; other types of comparisons can be tested, and more than two variables can be involved. The tests that can be performed and the symbols you can use to represent them are: ~Y~~~l = ~= < <= > )= ~~~~~~i£ EO NE LT LE GT GE ~~!~!Bg A A A A A A equals B does not equal B is less than B is less than or equal to B (not greater than) is greater than B is greater than or equal to B (not less than) You can place multiple SIF control statements on one line, to test a variable for aore than one condition. For example, the statement: SIF SNOM GT 5 SIF SNOM LT 10 STYPE O.K. checks the variable symbol SNOM for a value greater than 5 and less than 10. If both of these conditions are satisfied, the &IF statement is true, and the STYPE statement is executed. If either condition is false, then the STYPE statement is not executed. The number of SIF statements that may be nested is limited restrictions placed on the record length of the EXEC file. only by BRANCHING WITH THE SGOTO STATEMENT The SGOTO control EXEC procedure: • statement allows you to transfer control within your To a specified EXEC label somewhere in the EXEC file: SGOTO -TEST where -TEST is the label to which control is passed. • To a particular line within the EXEC file. For example: SGOTO 15 results in control being passed to statement 15 in the EXEC file. • Directly to the top of the EXEC file. For example: SGOTO TOP ) passes control to the beginning of the EXEC procedure. Section 14. Building EXEC Procedures 277 The &GOTO control statement can be coded wherever an executable statement is permitted in an ~XEC procedure. One of its common uses is in conjunction with the &IF control statement. For example, in the statement: &IF &INDEX EO 0 &GOTO -ERROR the branch to the statement labeled -ERROR is taken when the value of the &INDEX special variable is zero. otherwise, control passes to the next sequential statement in the EXEC proceduie. An &GOTO statement can also stand alone as an EXEC control statement. When coded as such, it forces an unconditional branch to the specified location. For example, you might create an EXEC that has several execution paths, each of which terminates with an SGOTO state.ent leading to a common exit routine: -PATHl &CONTINUE &GOTO -EXIT -PATH2 &CONTINUE &GOTO -EXIT &PATH3 &CONTINUE -EXIT &CONTINUE You can example: use the &GOTO control statement to establish a loop. For &GLOBAL1 = &GLOBALl + 1 &TYPE ENTER NUMBER: &READ VARS &NEXT &IF .&NEXT = .&GOTO -FINIS &IF &GLOBALl = 2 &TOTAL = 0 STOTAL = &TOTAL • &NEXT &GOTO TOP -FINIS &TIPE TOTAL IS &TOTAL In this EXEC example, all of the statements, through the &GOTO TOP statement, are executed repeatedly until a null line is entered in response to the prompting message. Then, the branch is taken to the label -FINIS and the total is typed. Note the use of the special variable &GLOBALl in the preceding example. The &GLOBALn special variables are self-initializing and have an initial value of 1. When an EXEC procedure processes an &GOTO statement, and searches for a given label or line number, the scan begins on the line following the &GOTO statement, proceeds to the bottom of the file, then wraps around to the top of the file and continues to the line immediately preceding 278 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( the SGOTO state.ent. If there are duplicate labels in an EXEC file, the first label encountered during the search is the one that is branched to. If the label or line number is not found during terminates processing and displays the message: the scan, EXEC ERROR IN EXEC PILE filename, LINE n - SSKIP or SGOTO ERROR If the label or line nuaber is found, control is passed to that location and execution continues. BRANCHING WITH THE SSKIP STATEMENT The SSKIP control statement provides you with a second aethod of passing control to various points in an EXEC procedure. Instead of branching to a naaed or numbered location in an EXEC procedure, SSKIP passes control a specified nuaber of lines forward or backward in the file. Iou pass control forward in an EXEC by specifying how many lines to skip. Por exa.ple, to handle a conditional exit fro. an EXEC procedure, you could code the following: SIP SRETCODE EO 0 SSKIP SEXIT SRETCODE ) where the SEXIT statement is skipped whenever the value of SRETCODE equals zero. If the value of SRETCODE does not equal zero, control passes out of the current EXEC procedure with a return code that is the nonzero value in SRETCODE. NQte that when no SSKIP operand is specified, a value of 1 is assu.ed. A succession of SSKIP statements can be used to perform multiple tests on a variable. Por example, suppose an argu.ent should contain a value from 5 to 10 inclusive: SIP S1 LT 5 SSKIP SIF S1 LE 10 SSKIP STIPE S1 IS NOT WITHIN RANGE 5-10 If the value of S1 is less than 5, control passes to the STYPE control statement, which displays the erroneous value and an explanatory message. If the value of S1 is greater than or equal to 5, the next statement checks to see if it is less than or equal to 10. If this is true, then the value is between 5 and 10 inclusive, and execution continues following the STIPE statement. When you want to pass control to a statement that precedes the current line, deter.ine how many lines backward you want to go, and code SSKIP with the desired negative value: SVAL = 1 STIPE SVAL &VAL = &VAL + 1 &IP SVAL NE 10 SSKIP -2 In this EXEC, the STIPE statement is executed repeatedly until the value of SVAL is 10, and then execution continues with the statement following the SIP statement. ) Section 14. Building EXEC Procedures 279 USING COUNTERS FOR LOOP CONTROL A primary consideration in designing a portion of an EXEC procedure that is to be executed many tiaes is how to control the number of executions. One way to dontrol the execution of a sequence of instructions is to create a loop that tests and changes the value of a counter. Before entering the loop, the counter is initialized to a value. Each time through the looPr the counter is adjusted (increased or decreased) toward a li.it value. When the limit value is reached (the counter value is the same as the limit value), control passes out of the loop and it is not executed again. For example, the following EXEC initializes a counter based on the argument &1: &IF &INDEX EO 0 &EXIT 12 &TYPE COUNT IS &1 &1 = &1 - 1 &IF &1 GT 0 &SKIP -2 When this EXEC procedure is invoked, it checks that at least one argument was passed to it. If an argument is passed, it is assumed to be a number that indicates how many times the loop is to execute. Each time it passes through the loop, the value of &1 is decreased by 1. When the value of &1 reaches zero, control passes from the loop to the next sequential statement. There are several ways of setting, adjusting, Some ways to set counters are by: • and testing counters. Reading arguments fro. a terminal, such as: &READ VARS &COUNT1 &COUNT2 • Assigning an arbitrary value, such as: &COUNTER • = 43 Assigning a variable value or expression, such as: &COUNTS = &INDEX - 1 Counter values can be increased or decreased by decrement that meets your purposes. For example: any increment or &COUNTEM = &COUNTEM - &RETCODE &COUNT1 = &COUNT + 100 LOOP CONTROL WITH THE &LOOP STATEMENT A convenient way- to control execution of a sequence of EXEC statements is with the &LOOP control statement. An &LOOP statement can be set up in four ways: • To execute a particular number of statements a specified times. For example, the statement: number of &LOOP 3 2 indicates that the three statements following the &LOOP statement are to be executed twice. 280 IBM VM/310 CMS User's Guide ( • To execute a particular number of condition is satisfied. For example: statements until a specified &LOOP 4 &X = 0 The four statements value of &X is O. • following this statement are executed until the To execute the statements down to (and including) the statement identified by a label for a specified number of times. For example: &LOOP -ENDLOOP 6 The statements between this &LOOP are executed six times. • statement and the label -ENDLOOP To execute the statements down to (and including) the state.ent identified by a label until a specified condition is satisfied. In the following example: &LOOP -ENDLOOP &X = 0 the statements are executed repeatedly until the value of &X is O. The numbers specified for the number of lines to execute and the number of times through the loop must be positive integers. You can use a variable symbol to . represent the integer. If a label is used to define the limit of the loop, it must follow the &LOOP statement (it cannot precede the &LOOP statement). In a conditional &LOOP statement, any conditional phrase are substituted each time example, the statements: variable symbols in the loop is executed. the For &X = 0 &LOOP -END &1 EQ 2 &X = &1 + 1 -END &TYPE &X are interpreted and executed as follows: 1. The variable &1 is assigned a value of 2. The &LOOP statement is interpreted as a conditional form; that is, to loop to -END until the value of &X equals 2. Since the value of &X is not 2, the loop is entered. 3. The variable &X is increased by 1 and is then displayed. 4. Control returns to the beginning of the loop, where &X is tested to see if it equals 2. Since it does not, the loop is executed'again and 2 is displayed. The next time through the loop~ when &X equals 2, control is passed to the EIEC statement immediately following the label -END. When this displayed: EXEC procedure is executed, ~. the following lines are 1 2 ) at which time the value of &1 equals 2; the loop is not executed again. Section 14. Building EXEC procedures 281 Another example of a conditional loop is: SY = SLITERAL ASB SLOOP 2 .SX EQ SLITERAL .S SX = SSUBSTB SY 2 1 STYPE SX These statements are interpreted and executed as follows: 1. The variable SY is set to the literal value ASB. 2. The two statements following the SLOOP statement are to be executed until the value of SX is S. 3. The SSUBSTR built-in function is used to set the variable SX to the value of the second character in the variable SY, which is a literal ampersand (S). 4. The ampersand is typed once, and the loop does not execute again because the condition that the value of SX be a literal ampersand is met. NESTING EXEC PROCEDURES If you want to use an EXEC procedure within another EXEC, you must use the EXEC command to execute it. Por example, if you have the statement: EXEC TEST in an EXEC procedure, it invokes the EXEC procedure TEST. The procedure TEST EXEC executes independently of the other EXEC; the variables S1, S2 and so on are assigned values and the default settings for control statements such as SCONTROL and SHEX are reset. When TEST EXEC completes execution, control returns to the next line in the calling EXEC, where the values for variable symbols and EXEC settings are the same as when the TEST EXEC was invoked. Variables in an EXEC file have meaning only within the particular procedure in which they are defined. There are two methods you can use to pass variable information to nested EXECs. One way is to pass arguments on the EXEC command line. Por examFle, if the CHECK EXEC contains the line: EXEC COUNTEM SITEMCT SHUM then the current values of SITEMCT and SHU! are assigned to the variable symbols S1 and S2 in COURTEM EXEC. (The values of S1 and &2 in CHECK EXEC do not change.) You can also use the ten special variables &GLOBALO through &GLOB1L9. These variables can only contain integral numeric values; you cannot assign them character-string values. These variables can be used to set up arguments to pass to nested procedures, or to communicate between EXEC files at different recursion levels. 282 IBM VM/370 CftS User's Guide ( Thus, if CHECK EXEC contains: &GLOBAL1 = 100 EXEC COUNTEM The variable &GLOBAL1 has a value of 100 in COUNTEM EXEC, which may also test and modify it. The EXEC interpreter can handle up to 19 levels of recursion at one time, that is, up to 19 EXECs may be active, one nested within another. An EXEC may also call itself. Iou can test the &GLOBAL special variable to see if an EXEC is executing within another procedure and if so, at what level of recursion it is executing. For example, if the file RECOMP EXEC contained the lines: &IP &GLOBAL EQ 2 &GOTO -2NDPASS EXEC RECOMP -2NDPASS &TIPE SECOND PASS BEGINS then when the line "EXEC RECOMP" is executed, control passes beginning of the EXEC; the value of &GLOBAL changes from 1 to control is passed to the &TIPE statement at the label 2NDPASS. to the 2; and EXITING FROM EXEC PROCEDURES Execution in an EXEC procedure proceeds sequentially through a file, line by line. When a statement causes control to be passed to another statement, execution continues at the second statement, and again proceeds sequentially through the file. When the end of the file is reached, the EXEC terminates processing. Frequently, however, you may not want processing to continue to the end of the file. You can use the &EXIT statement to cause an immediate exit from EXEC processing and a return to the CMS environment. If the EXEC has been invoked from another EXEC, control is returned to the calling EXEC file. For exaaple, the statement: &IF &RETCODE ~= 0 &EXIT would cause an immediate exit from the last issued CMS command was not zero. ) EXEC if the return code from the You can use the &EXIT statement to terminate each of a execution paths in an EXEC. For example, using the statements, series of following Section 14. Building EXEC Procedures 283 &IF &1 EQ PRINT &GOTO -PRINT &IF &1 EQ TYPE &GOTO -TYPE -PRINT &EXIT -TYPE &EXIT you ensure that once the path through the -PRINT routin~ has been taken, the .EXEC does not continue processing with the -TYPE routine. The &EXIT control statement also provides a special function that allows you to pass a return code to CMS or to the program or EXEC that called this EXEC. You specify the return code value on the &EIIT control statement as follows: &EXIT 4 Execution of this line results in a return to CMS with a ready message: R (00004) ; If you have a variety of exits in an EXEC, you can use a different value following each &EIIT statement, to indicate which path had been taken in the EXEC. You can also use return code: a variable symbol as the value to be passed as the &EXIT &VAL Another common use of the &EXIT statement is to cause an exit to be taken following an error in a CMS command, and using the return code from the CMS command in the &EIIT statement: &IF &RETCODE NE 0 &EIIT &RETCODE Terminal Communications You can design EXECs to be used interactively, so that their execution depends on information entered directly from the terminal during the execution. With the &TYPE statement, you can display a line at the terminal, and with the &READ statement, you can read one or more lines from the terminal or console stack. Used together, these statements can provide a prompting function in an EXEC: ( 284 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide STYPE STYPE SREAD SGOTO -STOP WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO NOW? ENTER (STOP CONTINUE REPEAT): VARS SLABEL -SLABEL -CONTINUE -REPEAT In this example, the SREAD control statement is used with the VARS operand, which accepts the words entered at the terminal as values to be assigned to variable symbols. If the word STOP is entered in response to the &READ VARS statement in this example, the variable symbol SLABEL is assigned the value STOP. Then, in the SGOTO statement, the symbol is substituted with the value STOP# so the branch is taken to the label -STOP. You can specify up to 17 variable .names on an &READ VARS control statement. If you enter fewer words than are expected, the remaining variables are set to blanks. If you enter a null line, any variable sy.bols on the SREAD line are set to blanks. If the execution of your EXEC depends on a value entered as a result of an SREAD VARS, you might want to include a test for a null line immediately following the statement; for example: SREAD VARS STITLE &SUBJ SIF .STITLE = . SEXIT 100 If no tokens are entered in response to the terminal read request, the variable STITLE is null, and the EXEC terminates with a return code of 100. If you are writing an EXEC that may receive a number of tokens from the terminal, you may find it more convenient to use the SREAD ARGS form of the SREAD control statement. When the SREAD ARGS statement reads a line from the terminal, the tokens entered are assigned to the &n special variables (S1, S2, and so on). READING CMS COMMANDS AND EXEC CONTROL STATEMENTS FROM THE TERMINAL When you use the &READ control statement with no operands, or with a numeric value, EXEC reads one line or the specified number of lines from the terminal. These lines are treated, by EXEC, as if they were in the EXEC file all along. For example, if you have an EXEC named COMMAND that looks like the following: STYPE ENTER NEXT COMMAND: SREAD 1 SSKIP -2 ) all the commands you enter during the terminal session are processed by the EXEC. Each time the SREAD statement is executed, you enter a CMS command. When the command finishes, control returns to EXEC, which prompts you to enter the next command. Since the CMS commands are all Section 14. Building EXEC procedu~es 285 being executed from within the EXEC, you do not receive the message at the completion of each command. CMS ready You could also enter EXEC control statements or assignment statements. To terminate the EXEC and return to the CMS environment, you must enter the EXEC control statement SEXIT from the terminal: Sexit DISPLAYING DATA AT A TERMINAL You can use the STYPE and SBEGTYPE control statements from your EXEC at the terminal. In addition, you can command to display the contents of CMS files. to display lines use the CMS TYPE When you use the STYPE control statement, you can display variable symbols as well as data. Variable symbols on an STYPE control statement are substituted before they are displayed. For example, the lines: SNAME = ARCHER STYPE SNAME result in the display: ARCHER You can use the STYPE statement to display prompting messages, error or information messages, or lines of data. In an EXEC file with fixed-length records, only the first 72 characters of each line are processed by the EXEC interpreter. Therefore, if you want to use the STYPE control statement to display a line longer than 72 characters, you must convert the file into variable-length records. All of the words in an STYPE control statement are scanned into 8-character tokens. If you need to display a word that has aore than 8 characters, you must use the SBEGTYPE control statement. The SBEGTYPE control statement precedes one or more data lines that you want to display; for example: SBEGTYPE THIS EXEC PERFORMS THE FOLLOWING FUNCTIONS: 1. IT ACCESSES DISKS 193, 194, and 195 AS B, C, AND D EXTENSIONS OF THE A-DISK. 2. IT DEFINES, FORMATS, AND ACCESSES A TEMPORARY 195 DISK (E). SEND The SEND statement must be used to terminate a series of lines introduced with the SBEGTYPE statement. "SEND" must begin in column 1 of the EXEC file. The lines following an SBEGTYPE statement, up to the SEND statement, are not scanned by the EXEC interpreter. Therefore, no substitution is performed on the variable symbols on these data lines. If you need to display a symbol, you must use the STYPE control statement. To display a 286 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( combination of scanned and unscanned lines, you might need the &TYPE and &BEGTYPE control statements: to use both &BEGTYPE EVALUATION BEGINS ••• &END &TYPE &VAL1 IS &IUM1. &TYPE &VAL2 IS &IUM2. &BEGTYPE EVALUATIOI COMPLETE. &END If you use the &BEGTYPE control statement in an fixed-length records, and you want to display lines characters, you must use the ALL operand. For example: EXEC file with longer than 72 &BEGTYPE ALL ••• data line of 103 characters ••• data line of 98 characters ••• data line of 50 characters &END You can display lines of up to 130 characters in this way. When you enter lines that are longer than the record length in an EXEC file, the records are truncated by the editor. You must increase the record length of the file by using the LRECL option of the EDIT command, for example: edit old exec a ) (lrecl 130 In a variable-length EXEC file, you do not need to specify ALL to display long lines. If you originally created the file with a record length of 130 characters, you do not need to increase the size later to accomodate longer records. You can use the TYPE command in an EXEC file to display data files, or portions of data files. For example, you might have a number of files with the same filetype; the files contain various kinds of data. You could create an EXEC that invokes the TYPE comnand to display a particular file as follows: &IF &lNDEX EQ 2 &IF &2 EQ ? &GOTO -TYPE -TYPE ACCESS 198 B TYPE &1 MEMO B The filetype MEMO is a reserved filetype, which accepts data uppercase and lowercase; you can use it for documentation files programming notes. ) in or The two CMS Immediate commands that control terminal display are HT (halt typing) and RT (resume typing). When data is being displayed at Section 14. Building EXEC Procedures 287 your terminal, you can suppress the interruption and entering: display by signaling an attention ht This command affects output that is being displayed: • As a response to a CMS command, including prompting messages, error messages, or normal display responses (as from the TIPE command) • From a program • In response to an STIPE or SBEGTYPE request in an EXEC Once display has been suppressed, and before the command, program, or EXEC completes execution, you can request that display be resumed by signaling another interruption and entering: rt In an EXEC file, if you want to halt or resume display, you must use the SSTACK control statement to enter the RT or HT commands. For example, the ACCESS command issues a message when a disk is accessed: D(198) R/O If you are going to issue the ACCESS command within an EXEC and you do not wish this message displayed, you could enter the lines: &STACK HT ACCESS 198 D Once you have stacked an HT command, all displaying the remainder of the EXEC file's execution, unless command is processed, either following an attention described above) or within the EXEC. To execute command in an EXEC, use the statement: is suppressed for the RT Immediate interruption (as the RT Immediate &STACK RT A physical read to the terminal, for example the result control statement, also resets the display setting to RT. of an &READ !~~ ~!!g~f1!~ ~~~i~l !g~igRl~: You can test the current value of the display controlling an EXEC with the STIPEFLAG special variable. The value of STIPEFLAG can only be one of the literal values HT or RT. For example: SIF &$ EQ ROTYPE SSTACK HT SIF &TIPEFLAG EQ HT SSKIP 3 &TIPE LINE1 STIPE LINE2 &TIPE LINE3 SCONTINUE In this example, if ROTYPE is entered as an argument when the EXEC is invoked, an HT command is stacked, so that no displaying is done at the terminal. Within the EXEC, the variable &TIPEFLAG is tested, and, if it is BT, then a series of &TIPE statements is skipped. Since EXEC does not have to process these lines, you can save time and system resources by not processing them. 288 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( Reading from the Console Stack When you are in the CMS environment executing programs or CMS commands, you can stack commands, either by entering multiple command lines separated by the logical line end symbol, as follows: print myfile listingtcp query printer or by signaling as follows: an attention interruption and entering a command line, print myfile listing ! cp query printer In both of the preceding examples, the second command line is saved in a terminal input buffer, called the console stack. Whenever a read occurs in your virtual machine, CMS reads lines from the console stack, if there are any lines in it. If there are no lines in the stack, the read results in a physical read to your terminal (on a typewriter terminal, the keyboard unlocks) • A virtual machine read occurs whenever a command or subcommand finishes execution, or when an EXEC or a program issues a read request. Many CMS commands also issue read requests, for example, SORT and COPYFILE. If you want to execute one of these commands in an EXEC, you may want to stack, in the console stack, the response to the read request so that when it is issued it is immediately satisfied. For example: ) &STACK 42-121 1 COPYFILE &NAME LISTING A = ASSEMBLE = (SPECS When the COPYFILE command is issued with the SPECS option, a prompting message for a specification list is issued, followed by a read request. In this EXEC, the request is satisfied with the line stacked with the &STACK control statement. If the response was not stacked, you would have to enter the appropriate information from the terminal during the execution of the EXEC that contained this COPYFILE command line. In addition to stacking predefined responses to commands and programs, you can use the console stack to stack CMS commands and EDIT subcommands, as well as data lines to be read within the EXEC. The number of lines that you can place in the console stack at any one time varies according to the amount of storage available in your virtual machine for stacking. You may want to stack one or two lines at a time, or you may wish to stack many lines. There are several features available in EXEC that can help you manipulate the stack. ) Just as the &TYPE control statement has an &BEGTYPE counterpart, the &STACK control statement has an &BEGSTACK counterpart. You can stack multiple data lines following an &BEGSTACK statement. Lines stacked in this way are not scanned by the EXEC processor, and no substitution is performed on variable symbols. For example, the lines: Section 14. Building EXEC Procedures 289 SBEGSTACK .~.line of data ••• line of data ••• line of data SEND stack three data lines in the stack. The stacked lines must be followed by an SEND control statement, which must be entered in the EXEC file beginning in column 1. If you have an EXEC with fixed-length records, and you want to stack data lines longer than 12 characters, you must use the ALL operand of the SBEGSTACK control statement: SBEGSTACK ALL ••• line of 103 characters ••• line of 98 characters ••• line of 60 characters SEND The ALL operand is not necessary for variable-length EXEC files. When you are stacking multiple lines in an EXEC, you may choose to reverse the sequence in which lines are read in from the stack. The default sequence is FIFO (first-in, first-out), but you may specify LIFO (last-in, first-out) when you enter the SSTACK or SBEGSTACK control statement. For example, execution of the lines: SSTACK SSTACK SSTACK SSTACK SSTACK STYPE A STYPE B LIFO STYPE C LIFO STYPE D STYPE E results in the display: D C A B E The EXEC special variable SREADFLAG always contains one of two values, STACK or CONSOLi. When it contains the value STACK, it indicates that there are lines in the stack. When it contains the value CONSOLE, it indicates that the stack is empty and that the next read request results in a physical read to the terminal (console). You can test this value in an EXEC, for example: SIF SREADFLAG EQ STACK &SKIP 2 STYPE STACK EMPTY SEXIT SCONTINUE 290 IBM VM/310 CMS User's Guide ( You might use a similar test in an EXEC that processes a nu.ber of lines from the stack, and loops through a series of steps until the stack is empty. STACKING CftS COftftANDS Whenever you place a command in the console stack, it remains there until a read request is presented to the terminal. If the request is the result of an SREAD control statement, then the line is read from the stack. For example, the lines: SSTACK CP QUERY TIftE SREAD result in the command line being stacked, read in, and then executed. If there are no read requests in an EXEC file, then any commands that are stacked are executed after the EXEC-has finished and has returned control to the CftS environment. For example, consider the lines: TYPE S1 LISTING A ACCESS 198 A TYPE S1 LISTING A If this EXEC is located en your 191 A-disk, then when the ACCESS command accesses a new A-disk, CftS cannot continue reading the EXEC file and issues an error message. However, if the EXEC was written as follows: TYPE S1 LISTING A SSTACK ACCESS 198 A SSTACK TYPE S1 LISTING A then, after the TYPE command, the next command lines are stacked, the EXEC finishes executing and returns cdntrol to CftS, which reads the next command lines from·the console stack. When you stack CftS commands with the SSTACK control statement in an EXEC procedure, you cannot place multiple command lines in one statement separated by the logical line end symbol (for example, print ate listinglprint xyz listing). CP does not translate the logical line end symbol (#) to a value of x'15' because a line is being read from the EXEC file cn disk and not from the terminal. However, you can place multiple command lines in one statement if separated by the value x'15'. The ALTER subcommand of EDIT can be used to insert the x'15' value. C~S does recognize the x'15' character. ~!~!i~~ ~Yl~ ~Y~fg!!!~g§ If you want to issue the EDIT command from within an EXEC, you might want to stack EDIT subcommands to be read by the CftS editor. You should stack these subcommands, either with SSTACK statements, or with the SEEGSTACK statement, just before issuing the EDIT command. For example: ) SBEGSTACK CASE M GET SETUP FILE A 1 20 TOP LOCATE /XX/ SEND SSTACK REPLACE EDIT &1 DATA (LRECL 120 Section 14. Euilding EXEC Procedures 291 If this EXEC is named E,DEX, and you invoke it with: edex fr01 the EDIT subcommands are stacked in the order they appear in the EXEC. The EDIT command is invoked to edit the file FR01 DATA, and the EDIT subcommands are read from the stack and executed~ When the stack is empty, your virtual machine is in the edit environment in input mode, and the first line you enter replaces the existing line that contains the character string xx. Note that all of the EDIT subcommands in the example, except for the REPLACE subcommand, are stacked within an SBEGSTACK stack, and that the REPLACE subcommand is stacked with &STACK. If you are creating EXEC files with fixed-length records, you must use SSTACK to stack the INPUT and REPLACE subcommands. If you use SBEGSTACK, then the INPUT and REPLACE subcommands are treated as if they contain text data, and so insert or replace one line in the file (a line of bl.nks). This is not true, however, for variable-length EXEC files. Similarly, if you want to stack a null line, to change from input mode to edit mode in an EXEC, you must use the SSTACK statement with no other data on the line (in both fixed- and variable-length EXEC files), for example: SSTACK INPUT SBEGSTACK ••• data line ••• data line ••• data line SEND SSTACK SSTACK FILE EDIT &1 S2 SEXtT When this EXEC is invoked with a filename and filetype as arguments, the INPUT subcommand, data lines, null line, and FILE subcommand are placed in the stack before the EDIT command is issued. The data lines are placed in the specified file and the file is written onto disk before the EXEC- returns control to CMS. STACKING LINES FOR EXEC TO READ Lines in the console stack can be read by the SREAD control statement; for example: -SETUP SLOOP 3 SlUM = 50 SSTACK SNUM SCHAR SNUM = SNUM + 1 SCHAR = SCONCAT SSTRNG SNUM -READ SLOOP -FINIS SREADFLAG EQ COISOLE SHEAD AHGS -FINIS 292 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide EXEC interpreter with an In this EXEC procedure, the statements following the label -SETUP stack a number of lines. The variables SNUM and SCHAR are substituted before they are stacked. At the label -READ, the lines are read in from the stack and processed. The values stacked are read in as the variable symbols S1 and S2. Control passes out of the loop when the stack is eapty. CLEARING THE CONSOLE STACK If you use the console stack in an EXEC procedure, you should be sure that it is empty before you begin stacking lines in it. Also, you should be sure that it is empty before exiting from the EXEC (unless you have purposely stacked CMS commands for execution). One way to clear a line from the stack without affecting the execution of your EXEC is to use the SREAD VARS or SREAD ARGS control statement. You can use SREAD VARS without specifying any variable sy.bols so that the line read is read in and effectively ignored. For example: SLOOP 1 SREADFLAG EO STACK SREAD ARGS If these lines occur at the beginning of an EXEC file, they ensure that any stacked lines are cleared. If the EXEC is named EXEC1 and is invoked with the line: exec1.type help memo'type print memo ) then the lines TYPE HELP MEMO and TYPE PRINT MEMO stack and are not executed. are cleared from the You could use the same technique to clear the stack in case of an error encountered in your EXEC, so that the stack is cleared before returning to CMS. You would especially want to do this if you stacked data lines or EXEC control statements that have no meaning to CMS. Another way to clear the DESBUF. For example: console stack is with the CMS function &IF &READFLAG EO STACK DESBUF When you use the DESBUF function to clear the console input stack, the output stack is also cleared. The output stack contains lines that are waiting to be displayed or typed at the terminal. Frequently, when an EXEC is processing, output lines are stacked, and are not displayed immediately following the execution of an STYPE statement. If you want to display all pending output lines before clearing the console input stack, you should use the CONWAIT function, as follows: CONWAIT SIF SREADFLAG EO STACK DESBUF The CONWAIT (console wait) function causes a suspension of program execution until the console output stack is empty. If there are no lines waiting to be displayed, CONWAIT has no effect. ) Clearing the stack is important when you write edit macros, since all subcommands issued in an edit macro must be first stacked. See "Section 11. Writing Edit Macros" for additional information on using the console stack. Section 14. Building EXEC Procedures 293 File Manipulation with EXECs You can, to a limited degree, read and write CMS disk files using EXECs. You can stack files with a filetype of EXEC in the console stack and then read them, one record at a time, with SREAD control statements. All data items are truncated to eight characters. You can write a file, one record at a time, with the SPUNCH control statement, and then you can read the spool punch file onto disk. Examples of these techniques follow. STACKING EXEC FILES There are two methods to stack EXEC files in the console stack. One is illustrated us~ng a CMS EXEC file, as shown in the following PREFIX EXEC: * SLNAME = SCONCAT Sl LISTFILE SLNAME SCRIPT (EXEC EXEC CMS SSTACK SLOOP -END SREADFLAG EQ CONSOLE SREAD VARS SHAME STYPE SMOD SSUFFIX = SSUBSTR SHAME 3 6 SHEWNAM = SCONCAT S2 SSUFFIX RENAME SNAME &TYPE SMOD SNEWNAM &TYPE &MOD &IF SRETCODE EQ 0 SSKIP STYPE FILE SNAME &TYPE NOT RENAMED -END * This EXEC procedure is invoked with two arguments, each two characters in length, which indicate old and new prefixes for filenames. The EXEC renames files with a filetype of SCRIPT that have the first prefix, changing only the prefix in the filename. The LISTFILE command, invoked EXEC file in the format: with the EXEC option, creates aces Sl S2 filename SCRIPT mode When the EXEC is invoked with the line: EXEC Cl-1S SSTACK the argument &STACK is substituted for the variable symbol S l i n each line in the CMS EXEC. The execution of the CMS EXEC effectively stacks, in the console stack, the complete file identifications of the files listed: SSTACK filename SCRIPT mode SSTACK filename SCRIPT mode These stacked lines are read back into the EXEC, one at a time, and the tokens "filename", "SCRIPT", and "mode" are substituted for the variable symbols &NAME, STYPE, and SMOD. Using the &SUBSTR and SCONCAT built-in functions, the new name for each file is constructed, and the RENAME command is issued to rename the files. 294 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( For example, if you invoke the EXEC procedure with the line: prefix ab xy all SCRIPT files that have filenames beginning with the characters AE are renamed so that the first two characters of the filename are XY. A sample execution summary of this EXEC is illustrated under "Debugging EXEC Procedures" in "Section 16. Refining Your EXEC Procedures." You can create a data file, containing fixed-length records, using a fi1etype of EXEC. TO stack these data lines in the console stack, you can enter them following an &EEGSTACK (or &EEGSTACK ALL) contre1 statement. For example, the file DATA EXEC is as follows: &EEGSTACK HARRY 10/12/48 PATTI 1/18/49 DAVID 5/20/70 KATHY 8/6/43 !ARVIN 2/28/50 The file EDAY EXEC contains: ) &CONTROL ERROR EXEC DATA &IF &READFLAG EQ CONSOLE &GOTO -NO &READ VARS &NAME &DATE &IF &NA!E NE &1 &SKIP -2 -FOUND &IF .&1 EQ • &EIIT &TYPE &1 'S BIRTHDAY IS &DATE CONWAIT DESBUF &EXIT -NO &TYPE &1 NOT IN LIST &EXIT When the BDAY EXEC is invoked, it expects an argument that is a first naae. The function of the EXEC is to display the birthday of the specified person. A sample execution of this EXEC might be: bday kathy KATHY'S BIRTHDAY IS 8/6/43 R; BDAY EXEC first executes the DATA EXEC, which stacks names and dates in the console stack. Then, BDAY EXEC reads one line at a time from the stack, assigning the variable names &NAKE and &DATE to the tokens on each line. It compares &NAME with the argument read as &1. When it finds a match, it displays the message indicating the date, and clears the console stack after waiting for terminal output to finish. Note that the file DATA EXEC begins with an &BEGSTACK control statement, but contains no &END statement. The stack is terminated by the end of the EXEC file. "Writing Data Files" describes a technique you might use to add new names and birth dates to the DATA EXEC file. ) Section 14. Building EXEC Procedures 295 You can build a CMS file in your virtual card punch using the SPUNCH and SBEGPUNCH control statements. Depending on the spooling characteristics of your virtual punch, the file that you build may be sent to another user's card reader, or to your own virtual card reader. When you read the file with the CMS READCARD command, the spool reader file becomes a CMS disk file. The following example illustrates how you might use your card punch and reader to update a CMS file by adding records to the end of it. The file being updated is the DATA EXEC, which is the input file for the BDAY EXEC, shown in the exaaple in "Stacking Data Files." You could create a separate EXEC to perform the update, but this example shows how you might modify the BDAY EXEC to perform the addition function (ellipses indicate the body of the EXEC, which is unchanged): SCONTROL ERROR &IF &1 EQ ADD &GOTO -ADDNAME &EXIT -ADDNAME &TYPE ENTER FIRST NAME AND DATE IN FORM MM/DD/YY &READ VARS &NAME &DATE SIF .&NAME = . SSKIP 3 &PUNCH &NAME &DATE &TYPE ENTER NEXT NAME OR NULL LINE: &SKIP -4 CP SPOOL PUNCH TO CP CLOSE PUNCH READCARD NEW NAMES COPYFILE NEW NAMES A DATA EXEC A (APPEND &IF &RETCODE = 0 &SKIP 2 &TYPE ERROR CREATING FILE &EIIT &RETCODE ERASE NEW NAMES * When BDAY EXEC is invoked with the keyword AtD, you are prompted to enter lines to be added to the data file. Each line that you enter is punched to the card punch. When you enter a null line, indicating that you have finished entering lines, the CP commands SPOOL and CLOSE direct the spool file to your card reader and close the punch. The file is read in as the file NEW NAMES, which is appended to the file DATA EXEC using the COPYFILE co.mand with the APPEND option. The file NEW NAMES is erased and the EXEC terminates processing. When you punch lines in your virtual punch, the lines are not released as a CP spool file until the punch is closed. Since the EXEC processor does not close the virtual punch when it terminates processing, you must issue the CLOSE command to release the file. You can do this in the EXEC with the command line: CP CLOSE PUNCH or from the CMS environment after the EXEC has finished. If you use the CLOSE command in the EXEC, you must preface it with CP. 296 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( The CMS PUNCH command, which you can use in an EXEC to punch an entire CMS file, does close the punch after punching a file. Therefore, if you want to create a punch file using a combination of SPUNCH control statements and PUNCH commands, you must spool your punch using the CONT option, so that a close request does not affect the file: CP SPOOL PUNCH TO * CONT SPUNCH FIRST FILE SPUNCH PUNCH FILE1 TEST ( NOH EADER SPUNCH SECOND FILE SPUNCH PUNCH FILE2 TEST ( NOH EADER CP SPOOL PUNCH CLOSE NOCONT The preceding example punches title lines introducing the files punched with the CMS PUNCH command. The null SPUNCH statements punch blank lines. The PUNCH command is issued with the NOBEADER option, so that a read control card is not punched. You can also use an EXEC procedure to punch a job to send to the CMS batch facility for processing. The batch facility, and an example of using an EXEC to punch a job to it, are described in "Section 12. Using the CMS Batch Facility." All lines punched to the virtual card punch are fixed-length, 80-character records. When you use the SPUNCH control statement in a fixed-length EXEC file, EXEC scans only the first 72 columns of the EXEC. If you want to punch a word that contains more than eight characters, you must use the SBEGPUNCH control statement, which also, in fixed-length files, causes EXEC to punch data in columns 1 through 80. ) Section 14. Building EXEC Procedures 297 c 298 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Section 15. Using EXECs with CMS Commands Whenever you create an EXEC file you are, for all practical purposes, creating a new CMS command. When you enter a command line in the CBS environment, CMS searches for an. EXEC file with the specified fi1ena.e before searching for a MODULE file or CMS command. You can place the names of your EXEC files in a synonym table and assign minimu. truncation values for the synonyms, just as you can for CMS command names. While many of your EXEC procedures may be very simple, others may be very long and complicated, and perform many of the housekeeping functions perfor.ed by CMS co •• ands, such as syntax checking, error message generation, and so on. Monitoring CMS Command Execution Many, or most, of your EXEC procedures may contain sequences of CMS commands that you want to execute. If your EXEC procedure contains no EXEC control statements, each command line is displayed and then the command is executed. If an error occurred, the CMS error message is displayed, followed by a return code in the format: +++ R(nnnnn) •• + where nnnnn is the nonzero return code from the CMS command. If the command is not a valid CMS command, or the command function for SET or QUERY is invalid and the implicit CP function is in effect, the return code is a -3: +++ R(-0003) +++ You may also receive this error return when you use a CP command without prefacing it with the CP command. If you enter an unknown CP command following "CPU, you receive a return code of 1. If a command completes successfully, no ret~rn code is displayed. If you do not want to see the command lines displayed before execution, nor return codes following execution, you can use the EXEC control statement: SCOBTROL OFF Or, if you want to see only the command lines that produced errors, and the resultant return codes, you can specify: SCONTROL ERROR Regardless of these settings of the SCORTROL statement, CMS error messages are displayed, as long as the value of SREADFLAG is RT, and the terminal is displaying output. If you issue the LISTFILE, STATE, ERASE, or RENAME commands in an EXEC procedure, and you do not want to see the error message FILE NOT FOUND displayed, you can use the statement: ) SCONTROL NOMSG to suppress the display of these particular messages. Section 15. Using EXECs with CMS Commands 299 You can request that particular timing inforaation be during an EXEC's execution. If you want to display the time which each com.and executes, you can specify: displayed of day at &CONTROL TIME Then, as each com.and for example: line is displayed, it is prefaced with the time; SCONTROL CMS TIME QUERY BLIP executes as follows: 10:34:16 QUERY BLIP BLIP = * If you wish to see, following the execution of each CMS command, specific CPU timing information, such as the long form of the ready message, you can use the &TIME control statement. For example: &TIKE ON QUERY BLIP QUERY FILEDEF might execute as: QUERY BLIP BLIP = OFF T=0.01/0.04 10:44:21 QUERY FILEDEF NO USER DEFINED FILEDEF'S IN EFFECT T=0.01/0.04 10:45:26 Handling Error Returns from CMSCommands In many cases, you want to execute a com.and only if previous commands were su'ccessful. For example, you would not want to execute a PRINT command to print a file if you had been unable to access the disk on which the file resided. There are two methods, using EXEC procedures, that allOW you to monitor and control what happens following the execution of CKS commands. One method uses the EXEC control statement &ERROR to transfer control when an error occurs; the other tests the special variable &RETCODE upon co.pletion of a CMS command to determine whether that particular command completed successfully. USING THE SERROR CONTROL STATEKENT When a CMS command is executed within an EXEC, a return code is passed to the EXEC interpreter, indicating whether or not the command completed successfully. If the return code is nonzero, EXEC then activates the SERROR control statement currently in effect. For example, if the following statement is included at the beginning of an EXEC file: SERROR SEXIT then, whenever a eMS command (or user program) completes with a nonzero return code, the &EXIT statement in the &ERROR statement is executed, and the EXEC terminates processing. You might use a similar statement 300 IBM VK/370 CMS User's Guide ( in your EXECs to ensure that they in the event of an error. do not attempt to continue processing An &ERROR control statement can specify any executable statement. It may transfer control to another portion of the EXEC, or it many be a single statement that executes before control is returned to the next statement in the EXEC. For exaaFle: &ERROR &GOTO -EXIT transfers control statement: to the label -EXIT, in case of any CMS error. The &ERROR &TYPE CMS ERROR results in the display of the message "CBS ERROR" before returning control to the statement following the command that caused the error. If you do not have an &ERROR control statement in an EXEC, or if you specify &ERROR with no operands, EXEC takes no special action when·a CMS command returns with an error return code. Specifying &ERROR with no operands is the same as specifying: &ERROR &CONTINUE Since an &ERROR control statement remains in effect for the remainder of the EXEC execution, or until another &ERROR control statement is encountered, you may use &ERROR &CONTINUE to restore default processing. USING THE &RETCODE SPECIAL VARIABLE An error return from a CMS command, in addition to calling an &ERRCR control statement, also places the return code value in the EXEC special variable &RETCODE. Following the execution of any CMS command in an EXEC procedure, you can test whether or not the command completed without error. For example: TYPE ALPHA FILE A &IF &RETCODE ~= 0 &EXIT TYPE BETA FILE A &IF &RETCODE ~= 0 &EXIT Note that the value of &RETCODE is CMS command. modified after the execution of each The value of &RETCODE is affected by your own programs. If you execute a program in your EXEC using the LOAD and START (or FETCH and START) commands, or if you execute a MODULE file, then the &RETCODE special variable contains Whatever value was in general register 15 when the program exited. If you are nesting EXEC procedures, then &RETCODE contains the value passed from the &EXIT statement of the nested EXEC. ) You can use the value of the return code, ,as well, to analyze the extent or the cause of the error and to set up an error analysis routine accordingly. For example, suppose you want to set up an analysis routine to identify return codes 1 through 11 and to exit from the EXEC when the return code is greater than 11. When a return code is identified, control is passed to a corresponding routine that attempts to correct the error. You could set up such an analysis routine as follows: Section 15. Using EXECs with CMS Commands 301 -ERRANAL SCNT = 0 &LOOP 2 SCNT EO 12 SIF &RETCODE EO SCNT SGOTO -FIXSCNT . SCNT = SCNT + 1 -FIXO SGOTO -ALLOK -FIX1 SGOTO -ALLOK -FIX2 SGOTO -ALLOK -FIX11 -ALLOK When the value of the SCNT variable equals the return code value in SRETCODE, the branch to the corresponding -FIX routine is taken. Each corrective routine performs different actions, depending on its code, and finishes at the routine labeled-ALLOK. You can, in some cases, determine the cause of a CMS command error and attempt to correct it in your EXEC. To do this, you must know the return codes issued by VM/370 commands. See !~Ll1~ ~I§!~. ~~§§gg~§ for a discussion of the return codes for Vft/370 commands. In addition, the error messages and corresponding return codes are listed under the command descriptions for each CMS command in the !~Ll1~ ~1I~ £.Q.I!!g.n~ g.n~ 11~£f:.Q .R~!~f:.!Hl£~ • As an example, all CMS commands that search for files issue a return code of 28 .when a file is not found. If you want to test for a file-nat-found condition in your EXEC, you might use statements similar to the following: SCONTROL OFF NOMSG TYPE HELP MEMO A SIF &RETCODE 28 &GOTO -NOFILE = Tailoring eMS Comma.nds for Your Own Use You can create EXEC procedures that simplify or extend the use of a particular CMS command. Depending on your applications, you can modify the CMS command language to suit your needs. You can create EXEC files that have the same names as CMS commands, and, since CftS locates EXEC files before MODULE files, the EXEC is found first. For example, the COPYFILE command, when used to copy CftS disk files, requires six operands. If you change only the filename when you copy files, you could create a COPY EXEC as follows: 302 IBM VM/370 CftS User's Guide c ; &CONTROL OFF &IF &INDEX ~= 3 &SKIP 2 COPYFILE &1 &2 = &3 &2 = &EXIT COPYFILE &1 &2 &3 &4 &5 &6 &7 &8 &9 &10 &11 &12 &13 &14 &15 If you always invoke the COPYFILE command using the truncation COPY, EXEC processes the command line for you, and if you have entered the three arguments, EXEC formats the COPYFILE command for you. If any other number of arguments is entered, the COPY FILE command is invoked with all the arguments as entered. CREATING YOUR OWN DEFAULT FILETYPES If you use special filetypes for particular aPFlications and they are not among those that the CMS editor supplies default settings for, but do require special editor settings, you can create an EXEC to invoke the editor. The EXEC can check for particular filetypes, and if it finds thea, stack the appropriate EDIT subcommands. If you name this EXEC procedure E EXEC, then you can bypass it by using a longer form of the EDIT command. The following is a sample E EXEC: ) ) &CONTROL OFF &IF &INDEX GT 1 &SKIP 2 EDIT &1 SCRIPT &EXIT &IF &2 EQ TABLE &GOTO -TABLE &IF &2 EQ CHART &GOTO -CHART &IF &2 EQ EXEC &GOTO -EX &IF &2 EQ SYSIN &GOTO -SYSIN -NORM EDIT &1 &2 &3 &4 &5 &6 &EIIT -TABLE &BEGSTACK IMAGE ON TABS 1 10 20 CASE M &END EDIT &1 &2 &3 (LRECL 20 &EXIT -CHART &BEGSTACK CASE M IMAGE ON &END EDIT &1 &2 &3 &EXIT -EX EDIT &1 &2 &3 (LRECL 130 &EXIT -SYSIN &BEGSTACK TABS 1 10 16 31 36 41 46 69 72 80 SERIAL ON TRUNC 71 VERIFY 72 &END EDIT &1 &2 &3 &EXIT This EXEC defines special characteristics for filetypes CHART, TABLE, and SYSIN, and defaults an EXEC file to 130-character records. If only one argument is entered, it is assumed to be the filename of a SCRIPT file. Since the editor is invoked from within the EXEC, control returns to EXEC after you use the FILE or QUIT subcommands during the edit session. You must use the &EXIT control statement so that the EXEC does not continue processing, and execute the next EDIT command in the file. Section 15. Using EXECs with CMS Commands 303 ( 304 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide Section 16. Refining Your EXEC Procedures This section provides supplemen,:tary information for writing complex EXEC procedures. Although the EXEC interpreter resembles, in some aspects, a high-level programming language, you do not need to be a programmer to write EXECs. Some of the techniques suggested here, for example, on annotating and writing error messages, are common programming practices, which help make programs self-documenting and easier to read and to use. Annotating EXEC Procedures Lines in an EXEC file that begin with an asterisk (*) are commentary and are treated as comments by the EXEC interpreter. You can use statements to annotate your EXECs. If you write EXECs frequently, you may find it convenient to include a standard comment at the beginning of each EXEC, indicating its function and the date it was written, for example: * * * * EXEC TO HELP CONVERT LISTING FILES INTO SCRIPT FILES J. BEAN 10/18/75 You can also use single asterisks or null lines to provide spacing between lines in an EXEC file to make examining the file easier. In an EXEC, you cannot place comments on the same line with an executable statement. If you want to annotate a particular statement or group of statements, you must place the comments either above or below the lines you are annotating. A good practice to use, when writing EXECs, is to set them up to respond to a ? (question mark) entered as the sole argument. For example, an EXEC named FSORT might contain: SCONTROL OFF SIF SINDEX = 1 SIF S1 =? SGOTO -TELL -TELL SBEGTYPE CORRECT FORM IS ' FSORT USERID ' PRINTS AN ALPHABETIC LISTING OF ALL FILES ON THE SPECIFIED USER'S DISK. IF A VIRTUAL ADDRESS (VAtDR) IS NOT SPECIFIED, THE USER'S 191 IS THE DEFAULT. SEND You may also wish to anticipate the situation -in which a user might enter an EXEC name with no arguments for an EXEC that requires arguments: ) Section 16. Refining Your EXEC Procedures 305 SIF SINDEX = 0 SGOTO -HELP SlF SINDEX 1 SIF Sl ? SGOTO -TELL = = SEXIT -HELP SBEGTYPE CORRECT FORM IS • COPY OLDFN OLDFT NEWFN ' TYPE • COpy ? ' FOR MORE INFO SEND SEXIT -TELL SBEGTYPE CORRECT FORM IS ' COpy OLDFN OLDFT NEWFN ' USES COPYFILE COMMAND TO CHANGE ONLY THE FILENAME SEND SEXIT This type of annotating is especi~lly useful your EXECs with other users. if you share your disks or Error Situations It is good practice, when writing EXECs, to anticipate error situations and to provide meaningful error or information messages to describe the error when it occurs. The following error situations, and suggestions for handling them, have already been discussed: • Errors in invoking the EXEC~ either arguments, or with invalid arguments. 14. Building EXEC procedures.") • Errors in CMS command processing that can be detected with an SERROR control statement or with the SRETCODE special variable. (See "Handling Error Returns from CMS Commands" in "Section 15. Using EXECs With CMS Commands.") with an improper number of (See "Arguments" in "Section Many different kinds of errors may also occur, in the processing of your EXEC control statements. EXEC process1ng errors, such as an attempt to branch to a nonexistent label or an invalid syntax, are "unrecoverable" errors. These errors always terminate EXEC processing and return your virtual machine to the CMS environment or to the calling EXEC procedure or program. The error messages produced by EXEC, and the associated return codes, are described in the !~L11~ ~I21~! ~~§§!g~. WRITING ERROR MESSAGES One way to make your EXECs more readable, especially if they are long EXECs, is to group all of your error messages in one place, probably at the end of the EXEC file. You may also wish to number your messages and associate the message numbe~ with a label number and a return code. For example: ( 306 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide &IF &CT &IF &CT > < 100 &GOTO -ERR100 0 &GOTO -ERR200 &IF &RETCODE EQ 28 &GOTO -ERR300 -ERR100 &TIPE COUNT TOO HIGH &EIIT 100 -ERR200 &TIPE COUNT TOO LOW &EIIT 200 -ERR300 &TIPE &1 &2 BOT ON DISK &EIIT 300 'ct. There is a facility, available in the EIEC processor, which allows you to write error messages that use the standard VM/370 message format, with an identification code and message number, as well as message text. When you use the &EMSG or &BEGEMSG control statement, the EXEC interpreter scans the first token and checks to see if the seventh (and last character) is an I, E, or W, representing information, error, or warning messages, respectively. If so, then the message is displayed according to the CP EMSG setting (ON, OFF, CODE, or TEXT). For example, if you have the statement: &EMSG ERROR1E BAD ARGUMENT ' &f ' the ERROR1E is considered the code portion of the message and ARGUMENT is the text. If you have issued the CP command: BiD cp set emsg text when this &EMSG statement is executed it may display: BAD ARGUMENT ' PRNIT ' where PRNIT is the argument that is invalid. When you use &EMSG (or &BEGEMSG, which allows you to display error messages of unscanned data), the code portion of the message is prefixed with the characters DMS, when displayed. For example: &BEGEMSG ERROR2E INCOMPATIBLE ARGUMENTS &END displays when the EMSG setting is ON: DMSERROR2E INCOMPATIBLE ARGUMENTS ) You should use the &BEGEMSG control statement when you want to display lines that have tokens longer than eight characters; however, no variable substitution is performed. Section 16. Refining Your EIEC Procedures 307 Debugging EXEC Procedures If you have difficulty getting an EXEC procedure to execute properly, or if you are modifying an existing EXEC and wish to test it, there are a couple of simple techniques that you can use that may save you time. One is to place the &CONTROL ALL control statement at the top of your EXEC file. When &CONTROL ALL is in effect, all the EXEC control statements are displayed before they execute, as well as the CftS command lines. One of the advantages of usihg this method is that the line is displayed after it is scanned, so that you can see the results of symbol and variable substitution. "Stacking EXEC Files" in "Section 14. Building EXEC procedures" described a PREFIX EXEC, which chang.s the prefixes of groups of files. If the EXEC had an &CONTROL ALL statement, it might execute as follows: prefix pt ag &CONTROL ALL &LNAME = &CONCAT PT LISTFILE PT* SCRIPT EXEC EXEC CMS SSTACK &LOOP -END &READFLA EO CONSOLE LOOP UNTIL: STAC K EQ &READ VARS SNAME &TIPE &MOD &SUFFIX = &SUBSTR PTA 3 6 &NEWNAM = SCONCAT AG A RENAME PTA SCRIPT A1 AGA SCRIP~ SIF 0 EQ 0 SSKIP &SKIP LOOP UNTIL: STAC K EQ SREAD VARS SNAME &TIPE &MOD &SUFFIX = SSUBSTR PTB 3 6 SNEWNAM = SCONCAT AG B RENAME PTB SCRIPT A1 AGB SCRIPT &IF 0 EQ 0 SSKIP SSKIP LOOP UNTIL: CONS OLE EQ * * ( CONS A1 CONS A1 CONS R; lou can see from this execution summary that the files named PTA SCRIPT and PTB SCRIPT are renamed to AGA SCRIPT and AGB SCRIPT. Notice that the &LOOP statement results in a special LOOP UNTIL statement in the execution summary, which indicates the condition under which the loop executes. USING CMS SUBSET When you are using the CMS editor to create or modify an EXEC procedure, you can test the EXEC in the eMS subset environment, as long as the EXEC does not issue any CMS commands that are invalid in CMS subset. Before entering CMS subset with the CMS subcommand, you must issue the SAVE subcommand to write the current version of the EXEC onto disk; then, in CMS subset, execute the EXEC. For exaaple: 308 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide \ edit new exec NEW FILE: EDIT: input INPUT: Sa = Sl + S2 + S3 Stype answer is Sa EDIT: save EDIT: cms CMS SUBSET new 34 56 899 ANSWER IS 989 R; return EDIT: quit R; If the EXEC does not execute properly, you can return to the edit environment using the RETURN command, modify the EXEC, reissue the SAVE and CMS subcomaands, and attempt to execute the EXEC again. SUMMARY OF EXEC INTERPRETER LOGIC The following information is provided for those who have an interest in how the EXEC interpreter works. It may help you in debugging your EXEC procedures if you have some idea of how processing is done by EXEC. When an EXEC file is invoked for execution, the EXEC interpreter examines each statement and analyzes it, according to the following sequence: ) If the first nonblank character of the counted and ignored. 2. Null lines, except as a counted and ignored. 3. The line is tokens. 4. All EXEC special variables, and then all user variables, except for those that appear as the target of an assignment statement, are substituted. 6. All blank tokens (resulting from symbols) are discarded. 7. If the first nonblank character is a hyphen (-), indicating label, the next token is considered the first token. 8. If the first logical token does not begin with an ampersand (S), the line is passed to CMS for execution. The return code from CMS is placed in the special variable SRETCODE. 9. If the first logical token begins interprets the statement. 10. reponse to line is an *, 1. the line is an SREAD statement, scanned, and nonblank character strings the are placed in substitution of with an are also undefined ampersand (S) a EXEC If a statement is syntactically invalid and can be made valid by adding a token of blanks at the end, EXEC adds blanks, for example: Section 16. Refining Your EXEC Procedures 309 &BLANK = &TIPE &LOOP 3 &X NE All of the above are valid EXEC control statements. 11. EXEC executes the statement. If no error is encountered, control passes to the next logical statement. If an error is encountered, EXEC terminates processing. \ 310 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Section 17. Writing Edit Macros If you have a good knowledge of the CMS EXEC facilities and an understanding of the CMS editor, you may wish to write edit macros. An edit macro is simply an EXEC file that contains a sequence of EDIT subcommands. Edit macros can only be invoked frem the edit environment. An edit macro may contain a simple sequence of EDIT subcommands, or its execution may be dependent on arguments you enter when you invoke it. This section provides information on creating edit macros, suggestions on how to manipulate the console stack, and some examples of macros that you can create and use. Creating Edit Macro Files An edit macro aust have a filename beginning with a dollar sign ($) and a filetype of EXEC. Rules for file format, scanning and token substitution are the same as for all other EXEC files. A macro file may contain: • • • ) EDIT subcommands EXEC control statements CMS commands that are valid in CMS subset When you create an edit macro that accepts arguments, you should be sure to check the validity of the arguments, and issue appropriate error messages. If you are writing an edit macro to expect arguments, you must keep in mind that the macro command line is scanned, and that any data items you enter are padded or truncated into eight-character tokens. Tokens are always translated to uppercase letters. You should annotate all of your macro files, and provide a response to a question mark (1) entered as the sole argument (as described under "Annotating EXEC Procedures" in "Section 16. Refining Your EXEC Procedures"). How Edit Macros Work Since an edit macro is an EXEC file,_ it is actually executed by the EXEC interpreter, and not by the editor. The EXEC interpreter can only execute EXEC control statements and CMS commands. The only way to issue an EDIT subcommand from an EXEC file is to stack the subcommand in the console stack, so that when the editor is invoked, or receives control, it reads the subcommand(s) from the console stack before accepting input lines from the terminal. For example: &STACK CASE M &STACK RECFM V EDIT &1 CHART A1 When the EDIT command is invoked from this EXEC, the editor subcommands from the stack and executes them. ) reads the To execute these same subcommands from an edit macro file, you must use the same technique; that is, you must place the subcommands.in the console stack, for example: section 17. Writing Edit Macros 311 &BEGSTACK CASE M RECFM V &END &EXIT If this were an EXEC file named $VARY, you edit environment as follows: might execute it from the edit test file NEW FILE. EDIT: $vary Stacked subco.mands are executed only when the EXEC completes its execution, either by reaching the end of the file, or by processing an &EXIT statement. When you stack EDIT subcommands, you can use the &STACK and &BEGSTACK control statements. If you are stacking a subcommand that uses a variable expression, you must use the SSTACK control statement, rather than the &BEGSTACK control statement. The following EXEC, naaed $T, displays a variable number of lines and then restores the current line pointer to the position it was in when the EXEC was invoked: SCONTROL OFF &IF &INDEX EO 0 &GOTO -ERR &CHECK = &DATATYPE &1 &IF &CHECK HE NUK &GOTO -ERR &STACK TYPE Sl SUP = &1 - 1 &STACK UP SUP &EXIT -ERR STYPE CORRECT FORK IS < $T H &EXIT 1 > This edit macro uses the built-in function numeric operand is entered. SDATATYPE to check that a CKS commands in an edit macro are executed as they are read by the EXEC interpreter, just as they would if the EXEC were invoked in the CftS environment. You could create a $TYPE edit macro, for example, that would allow you to display a file from the edit environment: &CONTROL OFF TYPE S1 &2 &3 &4 &5 &6 &7 Or you might create a another file: $STATE EXEC that would verify the existence of SCONTROL OFF STATE &1 &2 &3 In both of these examples, the macro file invokes the CKS command. Macros like these can eliminate having to enter CftS subset environment to execute one or two simple CMS commands. You must be careful, though, not to execute any CMS co.mand that uses the storage occupied by the editor. Only commands that are valid in CftS subset are valid in an edit macro. ( 312 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide THE CONSOLE STACK When you write an edit macro, you want to be sure that there are no EDIT subcommands in the stack that could interfere with the execution of the subcommands stacked by the macro file. Your macro should check whether there are any lines in the stack, and if there are, it should clear thea from the stack. For example, you might use the lines: &IF &READFLAG EQ CONSOLE &SKIP 2 DESBUF &TYPE STACKED LINES CLEARED BY &0 The message "STACKED LINES CLEARED BY macro name" is issued by the edit macros distributed with the VM/310 system~ You may also want to use this convention in your macros, to alert a user that the console stack has been cleared. When an edit macro is invoked and the current line pointer is positioned at the top of the file or at the end of the file, the editor stacks a token in the console stack. If the line pointer is at the top of the file, the token stacked is "TOF"; if the line pointer is at the end of the file the token stacked is "EOF". If you write an edit macro that does not check the status of the console stack, and the .acro is invoked from the top or the end of the file, you receive the message: 1EDIT: TOF or: 1EDIT: EOF The editor does not recognize these tokens as valid subcommands. You may want to use these tokens to test whether the EXEC is invoked from the top or end of the file. If you want to clear these tokens in case the macro has been invoked from the top or end of the file, you might use the statement: &IF &READFLAG EQ STACK &READ ARGS which clears the token from the stack. If you do not want to clear the console stack when you execute an edit macro, you can stack all of the subcoamands using the LIFO (last-in first-out) operand of the &STACK and &BEGSTACK control statements. For example, suppose $FORMAT is the name of the following edit macro: &BEGSTACK LIFO TABSET 3 10 11 TRUNC 11 PRESERVE SEND ) Section 11. Writing Edit Macros 313 When this edit macro is executed, the subcommands are placed in the console stack in front of any eXisting lines •. For example, if this macro were invoked: !format#input the subcommands would execute in the following order: PRESERVE, TRUNC, TABSET, INPUT. If the subcommands were stacked FIFO (first-in first-out), the default, the INPUT subcomman~ would be the first to execute (since it is the first command in the stack) and the remaining subcommands would be read into the file as input lines. If an EXEC processing error occurs during the execution of an edit macro, the editor clears the console stack and issues the "STACKED LINES CLEARED" message. An EXEC processing error is one that causes the error message DMSEXT072E: ERROR IN EXEC FILE filename, LINE nnnn - description These errors cause the EXEC interpreter to terminate processing. Any stacked subcommands are cleared before the editor regains control, so that none of the subcommands are executed, and the file remains unchanged. You should also ensure that any error handling routines in your edit macros clear the stack if an error occurs. Otherwise, the editor may begin reading invalid data lines from the stack and attempt to execute them as EDIT subcommands. You should not interrupt the execution of an edit macro by using the Attention or Enter key, and then entering a command or data line. Results are unpredictable, and you may inadvertently place unwanted lines in the stack. If your edit macro contains a CMS command that is invalid in the CftS subset environment, you receive a return code of -2. The varies at the editor maximum number of lines that you can stack in an edit macro according to the amount of free storage that is available to CftS time of the stacking request. If you stack too many lines, the terminates abnormally. Notes on Using EDIT Subcommands You can use any EDIT subcommand in a macro file, and there is one special subcommand whose use only has meaning in a macro: the STACK subcommand. For the most part, there is not any difference between executing an EDIT subcomaandfrom the edit environment, or from an EXEC edit macro. You do have to remember, however, that if you want a variable symbol on a subcommand line, you . must stack that subcommand using the SSTACK control statement rather than following an SBEGSTACK control statement. Listed below are some notes on using various EDIT subcommands in your macro files. You may find these notes useful when you design your own macros. ( 314 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide !1!I!!, !!~ R~a!Q!~: Often, you may want to create an edit macro that alters the characteristics of a file (format, tab settings, and so on). To ensure that the original characteristics are retained when the macro has finished executing, you can stack the PRESERVE subcommand as the first subcommand in the stack, and the RESTORE subcoamand as the last subcommand in the stack: gjESlj!~, SBEGSTACK PRESERVE CASE M I A lowercase line RESTORE SEND The PRESERVE and RESTORE subcommands save and reinitialize the settings for the CASE, FMODE, FNAME, IMAGE, LINEMODE, LONG, RECFM, SERIAL, SHORT, TABSET, TRUNC, VERIFY, and ZONE subcommands. In an edit macro that issues many subcommands that display lines in response to CHANGE or LOCATE subcommands, you may want to turn the verification setting to OFF to suppress displays during the execution of the edit macro: SBEGSTACK PRESERVE VERIFY OFF RESTORE SEND You would particularly want to turn verification off for a macro that executes in a loop or that issues a global request. If you want a line or series of lines displayed, you can use the TYPE subcommand. If you have verification set off in an edit macro, then when you execute it you ~ay not receive any indication that the edit macro completed execution. The keyboard unlocks to accept your next EDIT subcommand from the terminal. To indicate that the macro is finished, you can stack, as the last subcommand in the procedure, a TYPE subcommand, to display the current line. Or, if you write an edit macro that terminates when an end-of-file condition occurs the EOF: message issued by the editor may indicate the completion of the macro. !!PU£, R!f~!£~: To change from edit mode to input mode in an edit macro, you can use the INPUT and REPLACE subcommands. In a fixed-length EXEC file, you must stack these subcommands using the SSTACK control statement: SSTACK INPUT -- or -SSTACK REPLACE If you use either of these subcommands following an &BEGSTACK control statement, the subcommand line is padded with blanks to the line length and the result is a line of blanks inserted into the file. , In a variable-length EXEC file, lines are not padded with blanks, so the INPUT and REPLACE subcommands with no data line execute the same following an SBEGSTACK control statement as they do when stacked with the SSTACK control statement. Section 17. Writing Edit Macros 315 ~Qing I£Q~ l~Eut HQgg!Q Edit Mode: To stack a null line in an edit macro, to cause the editor to-Ieave- input mode, you must use the SSTACK control statement with no other tokens, as follows: SSTACK Q~~Bll~, ~Q~!~!: If you want to use the CHANGE, DSTRING, or LOCATE subcommands in an EXEC, you must take into account that when you stack any of these subcommands using the SSTACK control statement, all of the character strings on the line are truncated or padded to eight characters. Also, if you want to use a variable value for a character string, you are limited to eight characters, all uppercase. ~]AN~~, For example, if a macro is used to locate a character string and delete the line on which it appears, the LOCATE subcommand has a variable symbol: SSTACK LOCATE /Sl SSTACK DEL IMAGE, TABSET, OVERLAY: The TABSET and OVERLAY subcommands allow you to stops for records in a file and to overlay character strings in particular positions. For example, the following macro places a vertical bar in columns 1, 15, 40, and 60 for all records in the file from the current line to the end of the file: se~-margIns-and--column SBEGSTACK PRESERVE IMAGE ON TABSET 1 15 40 60 REPEAT * o 1->1->1->1 RESTORE SEND In the above example, the "->" symbol represents a tab character (X'OS'). To create this EXEC, you can either issue the EDIT subcommand: image off and use the Tab key (or equivalent) on your terminal vhen you enter the line, or jou can enter some other character and use the ALTER subcommand to alter that character to a X'OS'. If you want to overlay only one character string in a particular position in a file, you can use the TABSET subcommand to set that column position as the left margin, and then use the OVERLAY subcommand, as follows: SCONTROL OFF &BEGSTACK PRESERVE VERIFY OFF TRUNC * TABS 72 &END &STACK REPEAT &1 SBEGSTACK OVERLAY C RESTORE SEND 316 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide If you name this file $CONT EXEC, and if you invoke it with the line: $cont 3 then the OVERLAY subcoamand is executed on three successive place the continuation character "C" in column 72. lines, to THE STACK SUBCOMMAND The STACK subcommand allows you to stack up to 25 lines from a file in the console stack. The lines are not deleted from the file, but the line pointer is moved to point to the last line stacked. You can also use the STACK subcommand to stack EDIT subcommands. You might do this if there were subcommands that you wanted to place in the stack to execute after all the subcommands stacked by the EXEC had executed. These techniques are used in the two edit macros that are distributed with the VM/370 system: $MOVE and $DUP. If you want to examine these files for examples of how to use the STACK subcommand, you can display the files by entering, from the CMS environment: type $aove exec type $dup exec An additional use Edit Macro." * * of the STACK subcommand is shown in "An Annotated ) Section 17. Writing Edit Macros 317 An Annotated Edit Macro The edit macro shown below, $DOUBLE, can be used to double ~pace a CftS file. Regardless of where the current line pointer is, a blank line is inserted in the file following every existing line. The statements in the edit macro are separated into groups; the number to the left of a statement or group of statements indicates an explanatory note. The numbers are not part of the EIEC file. 1 &CONTROL OFF 2 &IF &INDEI = 1 &IF &1 = 1 &GOTO -TELL 3 &IF &INDEI = 1 &IF &1 = TWO &GOTO -LOOP 4 &IF &INDEX NE o 5 &IF &READFLAG EO STACK &READ VARS &GARB 6 &STACK &STACK PRESERVE &STACK VERIFY OFF 7 &STACK BOTTOM &STACK I IXXXXXXI SSTACK TOP &GOTO -TELL Notes: -l---The &CONTROL statement suppresses the display of CMS commands, in this case, the DESBUF command. The first SIF checks that there is only one operand passed in the 2 $DOUBLE command. The second SIF checks whether $DOUBLE has been invoked with a question mark (1). If both SIFs are true, control is passed to the statement at the label -TELL. STYPE control statements at -TELL explains what the macro does. The second SIF statement checks whether $DOUBLE has been invoked 3 with the argument TWO, which indicates that the macro has executed itself, so the subcommands that initialize the file are stacked only once. There are three ways to properly invoke this edit macro: with a 1, 4 with the argument TWO, or with no arguments. The third SIF statement checks for the (no arguments) condition; if the macro is invoked any other way, control is passed to the label -TELL, which explains the macro usage. 5 The SREADFLAG special variable is checked. If $DOUBLE is executed at the top or at the end of the file, the token TOF or EOF is in the stack, and should be read out. A null line is placed in the console stack for loop control (see 6 Note 9.) The PRESERVE and VERIFY subcommands are stacked so that the editor does not display each line in the file as it executes the stacked subcommands. 7 The BOTTOM, INPUT, and TOP subcommands initialize the file by placing a marker at the bottom of the file, and then positioning the current line pointer at the top of th~ file. 318 IBM VM/310 CMS User's Guide 8 -LOOP &BEGSTACK NEXT STACK 1 INPUT &END 9 &READ ARGS &IF .&1 = • &SKIP &IF &1 EQ XXXXXXXX &SKIP 2 10 -ENDLOOP &STACK $DOUBLE TWO 11 &EXIT 12 DESBUF &BEGSTACK UP 2 DEL 3 TYPE RESTORE &END &EXIT 13 -TELL &IF &READFLAG EQ STACK &READ VARS &BEGTYPE CORRECT FORM IS: $DOUBLE THIS EXEC DOUBLE SPACES A FILE BY INSERTING A BLANK LINE FOLLOWING EVERY LINE IN THE FILE EXCEPT THE LAST. &END 8 9 10 11 12 13 The NEXT, STACK, and INPUT subcommands are going to be repeated for each line in the file~ The INPUT subcommand with no data line stacks a null line. Note that in order for $DOUBLE to execute this subcommand properly, $DOUBLE EXEC must have fixed-length records. Each line is stacked, with the STACK subcommand; this stacked line is Checked in the read loop (Note 9). When the stacked line is equal to the marker, XXXXXXXX, it indicates that the end of the file has been reached. These lines check for an end of file, which occurs when the line containing the marker is read. The first time this loop is executed, the stack contains the null line (statement/6), so the check for the marker is skipped. The last subcommand stacked is $DOUBLE TWO, which re-invokes $DOUBLE, but causes it to skip the first sequence of subcommands. The &EXIT statement causes an exit from $IOUBLE, so that all the EDIT subcommand stacked thus far are executed. When the marker is read in, the EXEC clears the stack, moves the current line pointer to point to the null line added above the marker, and deletes that line, the marker, and the null line that was inserted following the marker. The RESTORE subcommand restores editor settings. This edit macro is self-documenting. If $DOUBLE is invoked with a question mark, or invoked with an argument, information regarding its proper use is displayed. ) section 17. Writing Edit Macros 319 User-Written Edit Macros You can create the edit macros shown below, for your own use in CMS. You may want to refer to them as examples when you are learning to write your own macros. The macros have not been formally tested by IBM; they are presented for your convenience only. $MACROS The $MACROS edit macro verifies the existence of and describes the usage of edit macros. If you enter: $macros it lists the filenames of all the If you enter: edit macros on your accessed disks. $macros name1 name2 it displays, for each valid macro name entered, the macro format and usage. (This macro assumes that all macros have been designed to respond to a 1 request.) The format of the $M1CROS edit macro instruction is: $MACROS filename [filenamel [filename2 [filenamen]]] is the filename(s) of macro files whose usage is to be displayed. If filename is omitted, the filenames of all available macro files are listed. To create $MACROS, enter: edit $macros exec and in input mode, enter the following: ( 320 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide &CONTROL OFF &IF &INDEX EQ 1 &IF &1 EQ ? &GOTO -TELL &IF &INDEX GT 0 &GOTO -PARTIC *&BEGTYPE ALL EXEC FILES STARTING WITH A DOLLAR-SIGN ARE AS FOLLOWS. FOR INFORMATION ON ONE OR MORE OF THEM, TYPE: SMACROS FILENAME1 &END LISTF S* EXEC * (NOHEADER FNAME) &EXIT * -PARTIC &TRIP = 0 &INDEXl = 0 *&LOOP -ENDLOOP &INDEX &INDEX1 &INDEX1 + 1 &SUB = &SUBSTR &&INDEXl 1 1 &IF &SUB EQ S &GOTO -STATIT &TYPE &&INDEXl IS INVALID &TRIP = 1 &GOTO -ENDLOOP -STATIT STATE &&INDEX1 EXEC * &IF &RETCODE EQ 0 &GOTO -CALLIT &TYPE &&INDEX1 NOT FOUND &TRIP = 1 &GOTO -ENDLOOP -CALLIT EXEC &&INDEX1 ? -ENDLOOP *&EXIT * -TELL = &TRIP &BEGTYPE 'SMACROS' HANDLES THE 'SMACROS' REQUEST. TYPE 'SMACROS' ALONE FOR MORE INFORMATION. &END &EXIT SMARK The $MARK edit macro inserts from one to six characters, starting with the current line and in the column specified, for a specified nURber of records. If there is data already in the columns specified, it is overlayed. If you enter: $mark the macro places an you enter: asterisk (*) in column 72 of the current line. If $mark 10 30 abc the macro places the string ABC beginning in column 30 in each of ten records, beginning with the current record. The format of the $MARK edit macro instruction is: r-----.------------------------------------------------.-------------------,I $MARK ) r r r ", L L L .J.J.J I n I col I char III I 1 I 1~ I * III I I I J section 17. Writing Edit Macros 321 n indicates the number of consecutive lines, starting with the record currently being pointed to, that will be marked. If n is not specified, 1 is assumed, and the other default values are also assumed. col indicates the starting column in each record where the character string is to be inserted. The default is coluan 72. char indicates from one to six characters to be record. The default is an asterisk (*). inserted in each To create $MARK, enter: edit $mark exec and in input mode, enter the following: &CONTROL OFF &IF &INDEX EQ 1 &IF &1 EQ ? &GOTO -TELL &IF &INDEX GT 3 &GOTO -BADPARM &INDEXl = 1 &IP &INDEX GT 0 &INDEX1 = &1 &IF &INDEXl LT 0 &GOTO -BADPARM &INDEX2 = 72 &IF &INDEX GT 1 &INDEX2 = &2 &IF &INDEX2 LT 0 &GOTO -BADPARM &IF &INDEX2 GT 133 &GOTO -BADPARM &CHAR = * &IF &INDEX EQ 3 &CHAR = &3 &LEN3 = &LENGTH &CHAR &IF &LEN3 GT 6 &GOTO -BADPARM &STACK LIFO RESTORE &STACK LIFO OVERLAY &CHAR &STACK LIFO REPEAT &INDEX1 &STACK LIFO TABS &INDEX2 &BEGSTACK LIFO IMAGE ON TRUNC * VERIFY OFF LONG PRESERVE &END &EXIT * -BADPARM &BEGTYPE INVALID $MARK OPERANDS &END &EXIT 1 * -TELL &BEGTYPE CORRECT FORM IS: $MARK PUTS A 1-6 CHARACTER STRING IN COLUMN 'COL' OF 'N' LINES, STARTING WITH THE CURRENT LINE. THE NEW CURRENT LINE IS THE LAST LINE MARKED. DEFAULTS ARE: N=1; COL=72; CHAR=*. &END &EXIT ( 322 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide $POINT The $POINT edit macro positions the current line pointer at the specified line number. The line numbers must be in columns 13 through 80 and padded with zeros. For exaaple, if you enter: $point 800 the current line pointer is positioned at the line that has the serial nu.ber 00000800 in columns 13 through 80. The format of the $POINT macro instruction is: $POINT key 1 key I is a one- to eight-character line number. If the specified key is less than eight characters long, it is padded with leading zeros. To create $POINT, enter: edit $point exec and in input mode, enter the following: SCONTROL OFF SIF SINDEX EQ 0 SGOTO -TELL SIF SINDEX EQ 1 SIF &1 EQ 1 SGOTO -TELL &IF SINDEX GT 1 &GOTO -BADPARM &KEYL = &LENGTH &1 SINDEX1 = 8 - &KEYL &Z = &SUBSTR 00000000 1 &INDEll &1 = SCONCAT SZ S1 SSTACK LIFO RESTORE SSTACK LIFO FIND S1 SBEGSTACK LIFO TOP TABS 13 IMAGE ON LONG PRESERVE &END SEXIT * -BADPARM SBEGTYPE ALL INVALID $POINT OPERANDS SEND SEXIT 1 * -TELL SBEGTYPE ALL CORRECT FORM IS: SPOINT KEY IF 'KEY' CONTAINS LESS THAN 8 CHARACTERS, IT IS PADDED WITH LEADIBG ZEROS. THE FILE IS THEN SEARCHED FROM THE TOP FOR 'KEY' IN COLUMNS 73-80. SEND SEXIT ) Section 17. Writing Edit Macros 323 $COL The $COL edit macro inserts, after the current record in the file, a line containing column numbers (that is, 1, 6, 11, ••• , 76). The format of the $COL macro instruction is: , ,I $COL No operands are used with $COL. usage is explained. If any arguments are entered, the macro To create $COL, enter: edit $co1 exec and in input mode, enter the following: SCONTROL OFF SIF SIND EX NE 0 SGOTO -TELL SSTACK LIFO RESTORE SSTACK LIFO &BEGSTACK LIFO ALL 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 &END SSTACK LIFO INPUT SBEGSTACK LIFO TRUNC VERIFY OFF LONG PRESERVE SEND &EXIT 41 46 51 56 61 66 * * -TELL &BEGTYPE CORRECT FORM IS: $COL INSERTS A LINE INTO THE FILE SHOWING COLUMN NUMBERS. &END &EXIT 324 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide 71 76 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 Part 4. Learning to Use the HELP Facility The CMS HELP facility enables the user to interactively display co.mand and message information on a terminal. The command and message information is contained in files either supplied by IBM or created by the user. "Section 18. HELP File Naaing Conventions and Creation" describes the naming conventions for HELP facility files and techniques that the HELP facility provides for creating user HELP description files. Part 4. Learning to Use the HELP Facility 324.1 March 30, 1919 324.2 IBM VM/310 eMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 Section 18. HELP File Naming Conventions and Creation The HELP facility enables the user to: I. I Extend the command and message description files IBM additional description files of the user's choice I • I Produce a formatted terminal display by using the when creating the HELP description file provides with HELP format words Naming Conventions When you extend the HELP text files IBM provides, you following naming conventions for the HELP files: must use the I • I The filename for components, commands, subcommands, or EXECs aust be the exact full name of the component, command, subcommand, or EXEC. I • The filename for messages has the form xxxnnnt where: xxx is the component code messages). See !~Ll1Q component code prefixes. prefix (for §y£!~~ example, DMS for for a list of ~~~£gg~£ CMS the nnn is the message number. t is the message type code (for example, E for error messages in CMS). For example, the filename for the CMS message "NO FILENAME SPECIFIED" would be DMS001E. I • I I I The filetype for components, commands, or EXECs is 'HELPxxxx' where xxxx identifies the system associated with this component, command, or EXEC. For example, the filetype for a CMS command would be 'HELPCMS' • I. I I The filetype for subcommands is 'HELPxxxx' where xxxx identifies the command name associated with this subcommand; for example, DEBU for the DEBUG command. I • The filetype for messages is 'HELPMSG'. I • I The filetype for a list function is 'HELPMENU'. of all supported The following examples illustrate the interface with the HELP command. ACCESS E~IT CHANGE DMS186W CMS HELPCMS HELPCMS HELPEDIT HELPMSG HELPMENU commands for a given naming conventions required to A CMS command description A CMS command description An EDIT subcommand description A CMS message description A list of the CMS command and/or EXEC names supported by the HELP facility Section 18. HELP File Naming Conventions and Creation 324.3 Pg.' qf .GC20-1819~2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 HELP File Creation Users creating additional files for the HELP facility own file or use the format words the HELP facility format ~ords do the following: can format their supports. These I • Draw boxes to enclose tables, illustrations or text I • Place comments within a file I • I Indicate that certain input lines are to be included in the formatted output only under certain conditions I. I Cause concatenation of input lines of output I • Indent only the next input line the specified number of spaces I • Indent a series of input lines the specified number of spaces I. I Indent the specifie~ number of series of input lines I. Insert blank lines between output lines I. Change the final output representation of any input character and left- and right-justification spaces all but The HELP format words are su.marized in Figure and examples of their use follow. 324.4 IBK VM/310 CMS User's·Guide the first line 23.1. in a Descriptions Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for S748-XX8 Format WOI:d • BX (BOX) Operand Format V1 V2 ••• Vn OFF Function I Break I Draws horizontal and vertical lines around subsequent output text, in blank columns. Yes Default Value Draws a horizontal line. • CM (COMMENT) Comments Places comments in a file for future reference. No • CS (CONDITIONAL SECTION) nON/OFF Allows conditional inclusion of input in the formatted output. No • FO (FORMAT -MODE) ON/OFF Causes concatenation of input lines, and left and right justification of output. Yes On .IL (INDENT LINES) nl+nl-n Indents only the next line the specified number of spaces. Yes o • IN (INDENT) n\+nl-n Specifies the numbeI: of spaces subsequent text is to be indented. Yes o • OF (OFFSET) nl+nl-n Provides a technique for indenting all but the first line of a section. Yes o .SP (SP ACE) n specifies the numbeI: of blank lines to be inserted befoI:e the next output line. Yes • TR (TRANSLATE) s t specifies the final output representation of any input character. No Figure 23.1. HELP Format Word Summary Section 18. HELP File Naming Conventions and Creation 324.5 Pg. of GC2o-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 ENCLOSING TEXT (.~X FORMAT WORD) The HELP facility can insert vertical and horizontal lines in the formatted output to enclose text, illustrations, or tables. You use the .BI format word to specify when you want the horizontal lines to appear and in which coluans the vertical lines should appear. The .BX text: format word is used in three steps to completely enclose The first time you issue the .BX format word, specify the columns in which you want the vertical lines to appear~ For example: 1. .bx 1 10 20 30 results in the following output: , Note that this first occurrence of the .EI format word causes a horizontal line to appear between the first and last column you specified. 2. After the first issuance of .BX, begin entering the text that is to be enclosed. As HELP formats these lines, vertical lines are placed in the columns that you specified on .EX. However, if a column already has a data character in it, it is not overlaid with the vertical line. Note that whenever you want just a horizontal line to appear (for example, to separate lines in a table), enter the .BX format work without operands. For example: .bx results in the following output: 3. When you issue: have finished entering the text that is to be enclosed, .bx off to cause another horizontal line to appear and to prevent any more vertical lines from appearing. This output is: L--------I The following example illustrates this technique of enclosing text • • fo off .bx 1 10 50 .in 2 .of 8 Ite. 1 Put Item1 text here. The second line can be written here • • bx .of 8 Item 2 Then put Item2 text here • • bx off 324.6 IB~ V8/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-X18 When these input lines are processed, the result is: , I I I Item1 I • I Item2 IPut Item1 text here. IThe second line can be written her«. I IThen put Item2 text here. L , I , I I This example shows how you can change the vertical structure several times i~ succession. The control words: .bx .sp .bx .sp .bx .sp .bx .sp .bx .sp .hx 10 20 5 25 10 20 5 25 10 20 off result in: r I L--~-- __________ ~ ,I PLACING COMMENTS IN HELP FILES (.CM FORMAT WORD) In addition to text and format words, HELP files Comments are useful for: can contain comments. I • I I Tracking files. You can include comments that give your name, the date and reason you created a file, and a future date at which the file may be erased. I • I I Documenting formats. If you use a special format in a HELP file that may be accessed by other peoFle, you may want to place notes within the file explaining how to update the file. I • I Place-holders. If a file is incomplete, you may want to put comments in the file where information should be added later. You can place comments in a HELP file with the .CM format word: .cm Created 12/21/75 .cm Updated 3/3/76 HELP ignores all .CM format words when processing. Section 18. HELP File Naming Conventions and Creation 324.7 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by,Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 CONDITIONAL DISPLAY OF TEXT (.CS FORMAT WORD) You can indicate to HELP that certain sections ot the file are to be displayed as output only if the appropriate HELP command options are specified. These options are PARM, FORM, DESC, and ALL. (See VML11~ CMS Command and Macro Reference for information on the use of these options:)-- --- ----- --------- In order for HELP command processing to display the appropriate information, you must use the .CS format word in the following manner: .cs 1 on (text for DESC option) .cs 1 off .cs 2 on (text for FORM option) .cs 2 off .cs 3 on (text for PARM option) .cs 3 off USE OF FORMAT MODE (.FO FORMAT WORD) Format-mode processing means that the HELP facility displays the output lines without breaks, unless specifically requested, and right-justified. You may not want this type of formatting in all cases; you may want certain output to appear exactly as it appears in the HELP file. For this, use the .FO format word to turn off for.at-mode processing as follows: .fo off When you want to resume format-mode processing, enter: .fo on Format-mode processing is the default. INDENTING TEXT (.IN AND .IL FORMAT WORDS) When you are creating documents, you may want to set off paragraphs or portions of text by indenting them. This often improves the readability by emphasizing certain text. You can cause paragraphs to be indented using the .IN format word. For eXample, the lines: This line is not indented. ~in 5 This line is indented. result in: This line is not indented. This line is indented. The .IN format word causes a break so that text accu.ulated before the .IN format word is processed and displayed, then the next text is processed. 324.8 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg~ of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. 'SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 The .IN format word effectively sets a new left margin for output text so that when you want text indented you do not have to enter blanks in front of the input lines (as you would for normal typing). HELP continues to concatenate and justify input text lines that begin to column 1, but displays the output indented the number of space's you specify. Here's another example: These few lines of text are formatted with enough words .in 5 so that you can see how HELP's formatting process .in +3 continues and may '. in -6 even be reversed, by using a negative value. These lines may result in: These few lines of text are formatted with enough words so that you can see how HELP's formatting process continues and may even be reversed, by using a negative value. In this example, the first' • IN format word shifts output to the right five spaces so that text begins in column 6. The second .IN format vord requests that the current indentation incr~ase by three spaces sotbe left margin is now in column 9. When you supply a negative value with the. IN format wor,d, the margin is shifted to the left. To cancel an indentation that is in value, or you can use the format word: effect, you can use a negative .in 0 Because 0 is the default value, you need not specify it when you want to restore the left margin to column 1. You can specify simply: .in When you want to indent only a single line of text (that is, the next output line), use the .IL format word. For exam~le: This line begins in column 1 • • in 5 This line begins in column 6, which is now the left margin • • il -3 This line is shifted 3 spaces to the left of the current margin. Section 18. HELP File Naming Conventions, and Creation 324.9 Pg. of GC20-1819-2Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 .il 3 This line is shifted 3 spaces to the right of the curr~nt margin. Help processes these lines as follows: This line begins in column 1. This line begins in column 6, which is now the left margin. This line is shifted 3 spaces to the left of the current margin. This line is shifted 3 spaces to the right of the current margin. Because the .IL format word causes a break in text, you may find it useful to indicate the beginning of a new paragraph. For example: .il 3 This line begins a paragraph • • il 3 This line begins another. These lines result in: This line begins a paragraph. This line begins another. USE OF OFFSETS (.OF FORMAT WORD) In HELP formatting, an offset differs from an indentation in that offsets do not affect the first line immediately following the format word; the second and subsequent input lines are indented the specified number of characters. This is useful, for example, when formatting numbered lists where text is blocked to the right of the number. When a .OF format word is processed, the next text line is printed at the current left margin and subsequent lines (until the next .OF or .IN format word) are offset the specified number of characters. For example, the lines: .of 5 -----This line begins a 5-character offset • • of 5 -----This is another line offset 5 characters • • sp .in 5 An indent changes the left. margin and cancels the offset • • of 3 ---This paragraph begins at the new left margin • • of 3 ---Here's one.ore line. 324~10 I~B'V~/370 CBS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 result in: -----This line begins a 5-character offset. -----This is another line offset 5 characters. An indent changes the left aargin and cancels the offset. ---This paragraph begins at the new left margin. ---Here's one more line. An offset can be canceled with the format word • • of 0 This format word causes a break; subsequent text is printed at the current left margin, that is, whatever the indention is (0, if no .IN format word is in effect). A~y INDENT format word cancels a current offset and resets the left aarg1n. If you specify a positive or negative increment with the INDEIT format word and an offset is in effect, the offset is canceled and the new left margin is computed from the current indent value. The .IL (INDENT-LINE) format word uses the current margin (the indent value plus the offset value) when computing the margin for the next line. To achieve a format that has sever~l levels of offsetting, combine the .IN and .OF format words. you can When you use blank space following the item indicator (for exaaple, the number in a numbered list), HELP may add extra blanks when it justifies the line; if so, the first line may not be aligned with the remainder of the offset item. SPACING BETWEEN LINES OF TEXT (.SP FORMAT WORD) If you do not want an input line to be concatenated with the line above it, you must cause a break. To cause a break in a HELP file, begin a line with one or more blank characters (by using the space bar on your terminal keyboard). When HELP reads an input line that begins with a blank character, the formatting process is interrupted; all of the text that has" accumulated for the current line is displayed as is, even if more words would have fit on the line; the next input line begins a new output line. To create paragraphs in text, then, all you have to do is to enter spaces at the beginning of each line that is to begin a new paragraph. For example, the input lines: The quick brown fox came over to greet the lazy poodle. But the poodle was frightened and ran away. Section 18. HELP File Naming Conventions and creation 324.11 Pg. of GC20-1819:-2 Rev ftarch 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-902lt-1 for 57lt8-XX8 may be displayed by HELP as: The quick brown came over to greet lazy poodle. But the poodle frightened and away. fox the was ran If you want to place blank lines between lines of text, you can press the space bar at least once on a line that has no other text, then press the Return or Enter key. Instead of entering Thus the input lines: a blank line, you can use the .SP format word. The quick brown fox came over to greet the lazy poodle • • sp But the poodle Was frightened and ran away. are formatted as follows by HELP: The quick brown fox came over to greet the lazy poodle. poodle But the frightened and away. The .SP format indicating how many example: was ran word allows you to enter a numeric parameter spaces you want to leave on the text output. For .sp 5 indicates that you want to leave five lines of space in the text output. You can use multiple spaces when you want a heading or a title to stand out, for example the lines: A Love Story .sp 3 The quick brown fox was eager to meet the pretty poodle. will result in: A Love Story The quick brown fox was eager to meet the pretty poodle. 324.12 IBft Vft/370 CftS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. 5D23-9024-1 for 5148-X18 TRANSLATING OUTPUT CHARACTERS (.TR FORMAT WORD) After HELP has formatted an output line but before it displays that line, HELP may translate any of the characters in that line to a different character representation. You use the .TR format word to request that this translation be done. For example, to request that all blanks (x'40') in the file be displayed as question marks, enter: .tr 40 1 To stop the translation of the question mark as a blank, enter: ~tr 1 1 Note that when the .TR format word is translation of all characters is stopped. used without operands, Section 18. HELP File Naming Conventions and Creation the 324.13 !arch.30, 1919 324.14 IB! V!/370 C!S User's Guide Appendixes This publication contains the following appendixes: A. Summary of CMS Commands B. Sumaary of CP Commands C. Considerations for 3270 Display Terminal Users D. Sample TerminaL Sessions ) Appendixes 325 ( ~ ( 326 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide "arch 30, 1919 Appendix A: Summary of CMS Commands ligures 24 and 25 contain alphabetical lists of the CMS commands and the functions performed by each. Figure 24 list's' those commands that -are available for general use; Figure 25 lists the commands used by syste. programmers and system support personn~l whd' are responsible for generating, aaintaining, and updating V"/310. Unless otherwise noted, C"S commands are described in '!ftLl1Q ~ft~ £21!!~ng ~ng ~~£!:2 !!~!~!:~!!£~. ~2de l1!g.!!i.!!.9 Indicates that this command invokes a available froll IB! for a lic~nse f~e. EREP Indicates that this command is described in .!!L31.Q .Q1I SE,R g.!!.9 I!!Q! i!£2!ging ~~ig~. Further details on the operands used by this command are contained in Q~L!'§ In!i!QnJ!!~!s! !H~.£2!gin.9 l.9i!i.D.9 g.!!g f!i.D!ing (I!!f)' f!.Qg!~!·' ' IPCS Indicates that this command is a part of the Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) and is described in !AL~10 !R~~ !!§!!~§ Guig!· DOS PP Op Gd Indicates that this command is DOS Program described in prcduct, the .!~L~l.Q Q]~!§!2~§ ~~ig~· OS PP Indicates that this command invokes an available fro. IB! for a license fee. SCRIPT Indicates that this command invokes a text processor that is an IB" Installed User Program, available from IBM for a license fee. SPG Indicates that this command is f!2g!g!I!!~§ ~Yig~· SYSGEN Indicates that this command flg.!!.!!illg §ng ~§!~! Q~n~!§!!Q!! OS program product, described in the !J1L31.Q ~I§!~! is VftLl1Q described in the ~uig!. In addition to the commands listed in Figure 24 and 25, there are seven commands called Immediate commands that are handled in a different manner from the others. They may be entered while another command is executing by pressing the Attention key (or its equivalent) and are executed i.mediately. The Immediate commands are: • • • • • • • HB HO HT HI RO RT SO - Halt batch execution Halt tracing Halt typing Halt execution Resume tracing Resume typing Suspend tracing Appendix A: Summary of C"SCo •• ands 321 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 bySupp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 I . :;,;' Code ICo.mand I I ACCESS I I I· Il~SERV I I IIdentify direct access space to a CMS virtual 1 machine, create extensions and relate the disk I space to a logical directory. 1 I I I lI I· "1 , c . : ' As'semb~e:assemb~.~r ianguage so~'r'ce code. IASSEMBLE· I I IASSGN I I· ICMSBATCH I COBOL COMPARE CONVERT I I I Assign or unassign a CMS/DOS system or programmer logical unit for a virtual I/O device. ,I Invoke the eMS batch fac~l.i ty. I I Compile QS ANS Version 4 or OS/VS COBOL source code. I.OS PP . T I ICompare records in CMS di~k files. I OSPP I Convert fr.ee form FORTRAN statements to fixed form.; I COPYFILE ICopy CMS disk files according to specifications. I CP IEnter CP commands from the CMS environment. CPEREP I EREP IFormats and edits system error records for output. I I Perform bac:'kup, rest()re, and copy operations for I disks. DDR ", DEJ3UG I ' ., , tEnter DISK , D~BUG I Perform flubcommand environ~ent, debug mode. disk-to-card and card-to-disk operations ·1 for CMS files. I DLBL IDefine a DOS filename or VSAM ddname and relate J that name to a disk file. I " ' DOSLIB DOSPLI I· " .. Link-e'dit CMS text decks or object modules from a DOS/VS relocatable library and place them in executable form in\ a CMS/DOS phase l i b r a r y . , DOS PP 1DSERV I I • Figure 24. ...' I Delete, compact, 'or list inf'ormation about the I phases of a CMS/DOS phase library. DOSLKED 328 '. ' or f I,., .,': I I n,vok,e :.&ccess method services utili tyfuDctions to Icrea te.,'al t~r,: list, copy, delete, 'import, l'expo'rt .~VS~M 'cfl:talogsand' da tasets.; . . ,I Display information contained in the DOS/VSE core image, relocatable, source, procedure, and transient directories. , , , CMS Command Summary (Part 1 of 4) IBM V,,/370 CMS I Compile DOS PL/I source code under CMS/DOS. User's~uide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 Command ICode Usage EDIT 'Invoke the CMS editor to create or .odif! a disk file. ERASE Delete CMS disk files. ESERV Display, punch or print an edited (co.pressed) macro from a DOS/VSE source statement library (E sublibrary). EXEC Execute special procedures made up of frequently used sequences of commands. FCOBOL DOS PP Compile DOS/VS COBOL source code under CftS/DOS. FETCH Fetch a CMS/DOS or DOS/VSE executable phase. FILEDEF Define an OS ddnaae and relate that ddname to any device supported by CftS. FORMAT Prepare disks in block £ormat. 800~, 1024-, 2048-, or 4096-byte . FORTGI OS PP Compile FORTRAN source code using the G1 coapiler. FORTHX OS PP Compile FORTRAN source code using the compiler. GENDIRT Fill in auxiliary module directories. 'GENMOD Generate nonrelocatable CMS files (!ODULE files). GLOBAL GOFORT B-extended Identify specific CMS libraries to be searched for macros, copy files, missing subroutines, or DOS executable phases. OS PP Compile FORTRAN source code and execute the program using the FORTRAN Code and Go compiler. HELP Display information regarding CP, C!S, or usersupplied commands and messages. INCLUDE Bring additional TEXT files into storage and establish linkages. LABELDEF specify standard BDR1 and EOF1 tape label description information for CMS, C!S/DOS, and as simulation. LISTDS List information about data sets and space allocation on OS, DOS, and VSAM disks. LISTFILE List information about CMS disk files. LISTIO Display information concerning CMS/DOS system and programmer logical units. LOAD Bring TEXT files into storage for execution. LOADMOD MACLIB Bring a single MODULE file into storage. create or modify CMS macro libraries. Figure 24. CMS Command Summary (Part 2 of 4) Appendix A: Summary of C!S Commands 329 Pg~ of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp::- SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 t I Command ICode Usage I -------------------------------------~--------~~------------~----I I I Move data from one device to another device of the I same or a different type. I I Change the DOS COBOL compiler (FCOBOL) o.ptions that.1 are in effect. for the current. terminal session. I MODMAP Display the load map of a KODULE file. MOVEFILE OPTION PLIC as PP Compile and execute PL/~ s6urce code using the PL/I Checkout Compile~. PLICR as PP Execute the PL/I object code generated by the OS PL/I Checkout Compiler~ PLIOPT OS PP Compile PL/I source code using the OS PL/I Optimizing Compiler. PRINT Spool a specified CMS ,file tcthe virtual printer. PSERV Copy a procedure from the DOS/VSE procedure library onto a CMS disk, displa¥ the procedure at the I terminal, or spool the procedure to the virtual I punch or printer. I I Spool a copy of a CMS file to ,the virtual punch. I I Request information about a CMS virtual machine. I I Read data from spooled card input device. I I Make a disk and its directory inaccessible to a CMSI virtual machine. I PUNCH QUERY READCARD RELEASE RENAME Change the name of a CMS -file or files. RSERV Copy a DOS/VSE relocatable module onto a CMS disk, display it at the terminal, or spool a copy to the virtual punch or printer. I I IRUN I I ISCRIPT I I ISET I IInitiate series ,of functions to be performed on a I source, MODULE, TEXT, or EXEC file. I SCRIPT IFormat and print documen~s according to embedded I SCRIPT control words in the document file. I IEstablish, set, or reset CMS virtual machine I characteristics. Figure 24. CMS Command Summary (Part 3 of 4) t J 330 IBM YM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev Karch 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 Co •• and ICode Usage SORT Arrange a specified file in ascending order according to sort fields in the data records. SSERV Copy a DOS/VS! source statement book onto a CftS disk, display it at the terminal, or spool a copy to the virtual punch or printer. START Begin execution of programs ~reviously loaded (aS and CftS) or fetched (CMS/DOS). STATE Verify the existence of a CftS disk file. STATEW Verify a file on a read/write CftS disk. SYCTRACE Record information about supervisor calls. SYNONYK Invoke a table containing synonyms you have created for CftS and user-written co.mands. TAPE Pe~for. TAPEKAC create CKS KACLIB libraries directly from an IEHMOVE-created partitioned data set on tape. TAPPDS Load as partitioned data set (PDS) files or card image files from tape to disk. tape-to-disk and disk-to-tape operations for CftS files, position tapes, ana display or write VOL1 labels. TESTCOB OS PP Invoke the as COBOL Interactive Debug Progra •• TESTFORT as PP Invoke the FORTRAN Interactive Debug program. TXTLIB Generate and modify text libraries. TYPE Display all or part of a CftS file at the terminal. UPDATE Kake changes in a program source file as defined by control cards in a control file. YSAPL as PP Invoke VS APL interface in CMS. YSBASIC as PP Compile and execute VS BASIC progra.s under Cfts. VSBUTIL as PP Convert BASIC 1.2 data files to VS BASIC for.at. Figure 24. CMS Command summary (Part 4 of 4) Appendix A: Summary of CMS Co •• anas 331 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp'. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 Command I Code Usage ASM3705 SYSGEN , Assemble 370x source code. ASMGEND SYSGEN Regenerate the VM/370 assembler command modules. CMSGEND SYSGEN Generate a new CMS disk-res:ident module from updated TEXT files. CMSXGEN SYSGEN Generate the CMSSEG discontiguous saved segment. CPEREP EREP Formats and edits system error records for output. DIRECT Op Gd Set up VM/370 directory entries. DOSGEN SYSGEN Load and save the CMSDOS shared segment. DUMPS CAN IPCS Provide interactive analysis of CP abend dumps. GEN3705 SYSGEN Generate an EXEC file that assembles and link-edits the 370x control program. GENERATE SYSGEN Update VM/370 or the VM/370 directory, or generate a new standalone copy of a service program. LKED SYSGEN Link-edit the 370x control program. NCPDUMP OP Gd, SPG Process CP spool reader files created by 370x dumping operations. PRB IPCS Update IPCS problem status. PROB IPCS Enter a problem report in IPCS. SAVENCP SYSGEN, Read 370x control program load into virtual SPG storage and save an image on a CP-owned disk. SETKEY SPG Assign storage protect keys to storage assigned to named systems. STAT IPCS Display the status of reported system problems. VMFBLD SYSGEN Generate and/or update VM/370 using the PLC tape. VMFDOS SYSGEN Create CMS files for DOS modules from DOS library distribution tape or SISIN tape. VMFDUMP Op Gd, IPCS Format and print system abend dumps; under IPCS, create a problem report. VMFLOAD SYSGEN Generate a new CP, CMS or RSCS module. VSAMPP SYSGEN Load and save the CMSVSAM, CMSAMS, and CMSBAM segments. ZAP Op Gd, SPG Modify or dump LOADLIB, TXTLIB, or MODULE files. Figure 25. 332 CMS Commands for System programmers IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide March 30, 1979 Appendix B: Summary of CP Commands Figure 26 describes the CP command privilege classes. User and Function Class f~~!g!I ~I§1~! QE~!g1Q!: The class A user controls the VM/370 system. Class A is assigned to the user at the V!/370 system console during IPL. The primary system operator is resFonsible for the availability of the VK/370 system and its communication lines and resources. In addition, the class A user controls system accounting, broadcast messages, virtual machine performance options and other command operands that affect the overall performance of VM/370. H~1~: The class A system operator who is automatically logged on during CP initialization is designated as the primary system operator. Bl ~I§1~! Re§QY!£~ QE~!§1Q~: Cl ~I§1~! f~Qg!~!!~!: The class C user updates certain The class B user controls all the real resources of the VM/370 system, except those controlled by the primary system operator and spooling operator. functions of the VM/370 system. Dl ~EQgl~~g QE~!~1Q!: El ~y§!~! Fl ~~£!~£~ R~E£~§~~1~1!!~: G2 General User: The class G user controls functions associated iIth-the-execution of his virtual machine. Any2 The Any classification is given to certain CP commands that are available to any user. These are Frimarily for the purpose of gaining and relinquishing access to the V!/370 system. H Reserved for IBM The class D user controls spool data files and specific functions of the system's unit record equipment. An§lI§!: The class E user examines and saves certain data in the VM/370 storage area. The class F user obtains, and examines, in detail, certain data about input and output devices connected to the VM/370 system. lDescribed in the 2Described in the Figure 26. use~ !~Ll1Q QE~£$1Q£~§ !!1Ll1Q Guide. ~f ~Q!!§~g R~!~£~~£~ !g~ ~~~~~gl .!!2~rs. CP Privilege Class Descriptions Appendix B: Summary of CP Commands 333 March 30, 1979 Figure 27 contains an alphabetical list of the privilege classes which may execute the command, and about the use of each command. Command IPrivilegel 1 Class I -----------11 any * CP commands, the a brief statement Usage 1-------------------------------------------------IAnnotate the console sheet. 'CP 1 1 any 1 ACNT A ADSTOP G Halt execution at a specific virtual machine instruction address. B B B Attach a real device to a virtual machine. Attach a DASD device for CP control. Dedicate all devices on a particular channel to a virtual machine. ATTN G Make an attention interruFtion pending for the virtual machine console. AUTOLOG A,B Automatically log on a virtual machine and have it operate in disccnnect mode. BACKSPAC D Restart or reposition the output of a unit record spooling device. BEGIN G Continue or resume execution of the virtual machine at either a specific storage location or at the address in the current PSi. CHANGE D,G Alter one or more attributes of a closed spool file. CLOSE G Terminate spooling operations on a virtual card reader, punch, printer, or console. COUPLE G Connect channel-to-channel adapters. CP any Execute a CP command while remaining in the CMS virtual machine environment. DCP C,E Display real storage at terminal. DEFINE G Reconfigure your virtual machine. Redefine the usage of SYSVIRT and VIRTUAL 3330V devices. ATTACH B Figure 334 27~ I IExecute a CP command while remaining in the I virtual machine environment. I ICreate accountiqg records for logged on users, I reset accounting data, and close the spool I file that is accumulating accounting records. CP Co.mand Summary (Part 1 of 4) IBM Y8/370 CMS User's Guide March 30, 1979 Command DETACH privilege Class B B B G G Usage Disconnect a real device from a virtual machine. Detach a DASD device from CP. Detach a channel from a specific user. Detach a virtual device from a virtual machine. Detach a channel from your virtual machine. DIAL any Connect a terminal or display device to the virtual machine's virtual communication line. DISABLE A,B Disable 2701/2702/2703, 370X in EP and 3270 local communication lines. D1SCONN any Disconnect your terminal from your virtual machine. DISPLAY G Display virtual storage on your terminal. DMCP C,E Dump the specified real storage location on your virtual printer. DRAIN D Halt operations of specified spool devices upon completion of current operation. DUMP G Print the following on the virtual printer: virtual PSi, general registers, floating-point registers, storage keys, and contents of specified virtual storage locations. ECHO G Test terminal hardware by redisplaying data entered at the terminal. ENABLE A,B Enable communication lines. EXTERNAL G Simulate an external interruption for a virtual machine and return control to that machine. I FLUSH D Cancel the current file being printed or punched on a specific real unit record device. FORCE A Cause logoff of a specific user. FREE D Remove spool HOLD status. HALT A Terminate the active channel program on specified real device. HOLD D Defer real spooled output of a particular user. INDICATE A,E,G Indicate resource utilization and contention. IPL G Simulate 1PL for a virtual machine. LINK G Provide access to a specific DASD by a virtual machine. LOADBUF D Load real UCS/UCSB or FCB printer buffers. Figure 27. mode, CP Command Summary (Part 2 of 4) Appendix B: Summary of CP Commands 335 March 30, 1979 Command Privilege Class Usage LOADVFCB G Load virtual forms control buffer for a virtual 3203 or 3211 printer. LOCATE C,E Find CP control blocks. LOCK A Bring virtual pages into real storage and lock them; thus, excluding them from future paging. LOGOFF any Disable access to CP. LOGON any Provide access to CP. MESSAGE A,B,any Transmit messages to other users. MONITOR A,E Trace events of the real machine and record system performance data. MSGNOH B Send a specified message, without the standard message header, from one virtual machine to another. NETWORK A,B,F Load, dump, trace, and control the operation of the 370X control program. Control the operation of 3270 remote devices. NOTREADY G Simulate "not ready" for a device to a virtual machine. ORDER D,G Rearrange closed spool files in a specific order. PURGE D,G Remove closed spool file from system. QUERY A,B,C,D, Request information about machine configuration E,F,G and system status. READY G Simulate device end interruption for a virtual device. REPEAT D Repeat (a specified number of times) printing or punching of a specific real spool output file. REQUEST G Make an attention interruption pending for the virtual machine console. RESET G Clear and reset all pending interruptions for a specified virtual device and reset all error conditions. REWIND G Rewind (to load point) a tape and ready a tape unit. SAVESYS E Save virtual machine storage contents, registers, and PSi. SET A,B,E,F, Operator--establish system parameters. G User--control various functions within the virtual machine. Figure 27. 336 CP Command Summary (Part 3 of 4) IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide March 30, 1979 Command IPrivilegel I Class I Usage SHUTDOWN A Terminate all VM/370 functions and checkpoint CF system for warm start. SLEEP any Place virtual machine in dormant state. SMSG G Send special message to aFFropriate virtual machine. SPACE D Force single spacing on printer. SPOOL G Alter spooling control options; direct a file to another virtual machine or to a remote location via the RSCS virtual machine. SPTAPE D Dump output spool files cn tape spool files from tape. START D Start spooling device after draining or changing output classes. STCP C Change the contents of real storage. STORE G Alter specified virtual storage locations and registers. SYSTEM G Simulate RESET, CLEAR STORAGE, and RESTART buttons on a real system console. TAG G Specify variable information to be associated with a spool file or output unit record device. Interrogate the current TAG text setting of a given sFool file or output unit record device. TERMINAL G Define or redefine the input and attention handling characteristics of your virtual console. TRACE G Trace specified virtual machine activity at your terminal, spooled printer, or both. TRANSFER D,G Transfer input files to or reclaim input files from a specified user's virtual card reader. UNLOCK A Unlock previously locked page frames. VARY B Mark a device unavailable or available. WARNING A,B Transmit a high priority message to a specified user or to all users. Figure 27. or load output CP Command Summary (Part 4 of 4) Appendix B: Summary of CP Commands 337 March 30, 1979 338 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide March 30, 1919 Appendix C: Considerations for 3270 Display Terminal Users The IBM 3210 display terminal, co •• only referred to as a 3210, functions somewhat differently from a typewriter-style terminal when you use it as a virtual machine console under VB/310. Apart from the obvious difference in the way output is displayed, there are special techni~ues you can use with a 3210 that you cannot use on a 2141 or other typewriter terminal. This appendix describes how. to use a 3210 and provides additional notes to supplement discussions in the first part of this publication. Entering Commands Since the keyboard on a 3210 is never locked during the execution of a co •• and or program, you can enter successive com.and lines without waiting for the completion of the previous comaand. This stacking function can be combined with the other methods of stacking lines, such as using the logical line end syabol (I) to stack several command lines. If you try to enter aore lines than the terainal buffer can accoa.odate, however, you receive the status message BOT ACCEPTED and you aust wait until the bQffer is cleared before you can enter the line. You will find, as you becoae accustomed to using a 3210, that the ICP function is very useful. The ICP function, reaember, is a function that allows you to pass a command line to the control program im.ediately, bypassing any processing by the virtual aachine (CBS). The ICP function can be used in any VM/310 environment, and you can enter it even when a program is executing. You do not have to interrupt a prograa's execution to enter a command line such as: Icp display psw to display the current PSW, or: Icp spool printer class s to spool your virtual printer. If there are CP and CMS commands that you use frequently, you can set the program function (PF) keys on your terminal to execute thea. Soae examples of commands you might wish to catalog on PF keys are: ICP DISPLAY PSW ICP QUERY PRINTER ALL QUERY SEARCH To set functions keys 1, 2, and 3 to perfora these co.mand functions, enter: cp set pf1 i.med "Icp display psw cp set pf2 iamed "Icp query printer all cp set pf3 im.ed query search Appendix C: Considerations for 3210 Display Ter.inal Users 339 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 Wben you want to exe.cute a ,tcp functioDwi th a PF key,· or you,want a PF key to execute a series of commands, you must use the logical escape symbol (tI) when you enter the SET command. For exampl'e: cp set pfS immed edit test filetltbo"#input line"tfile sets the PF5 key as: EDIT TEST FILEtBOIINPUT LINEIFILE You cannot set lowercase characters in a PF key. The above examples use the IMMED operand of the SET command, which specifies that the function is performed as soon as you press the PF key. You can al~o set a key so that it is delayed; that is, the command or data line is placed in the user input area. Then, you must press the Enter key to execute the command. You may modify the line before you enter it. This is the default setting (DELAY) for program function keys. For example, you might set a key as: QUERY DISK XQ) When you press this PF key, the command line is placed in th~ user input area, with tbe cursor positioned following the "~" logical character delete symbol; you can enter the mode letter of the disk you are querying before yau press the Enter key to execute the command. If you enter 'A', the resulting command as seen by CMS is 'QUERY DISK A'. You can set all of your program function keys in your PROFILE EXEC, so they are set each time you load CMS. You can change a PF key setting any time during a terminal session, according to your needs. If, for example, you discover that you are repeating several procedures a number of ti.es, and the ptocedure does not lend itself to being written into an ErEC, yatt could use your program function keys. All the lines in an EXEC procedure are scanned, and strings are truncated to eight characters, so if you command line, insert spaces where possible: all character enter a long CP SET PFS IMMED EDIT TEST FILE 'BOt INPUT To change PF settings within the edit environment, give the EXEC a filename that begins with a dollar sign ($), so it functions as an edit macro. For more details .§y!,g~. on setting PF keys, see the !~L11~ £~£mi~! ~2~£~2 Controlling the Display Screen During a C~ or ~MS session (other than an EDIT session) messages and warnings from the system operator or other users are highlighted. This distinguishes these messages from other output and lessens the possibility of important messages being lost or ignored. A major feature of a 3270 display screen is the screen status area, which iridicates, at all times that you are ~ogged on, the current operating condition your virtual machine is 1n. Understanding the status conditions can help you use CMS on a 3270 more effectively. The screen status area indicates one of six conditions: 340 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1919 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-X18 ~~ !~!~: After you log on, this is the first status message you see; it indicates that the terminal is waiting for a line to be read by the control program. You can enter only CP commands when the screen status area indicates a CP READ. Appendix C: Considerations for 3210 Display Terminal Users 340.1 !!arch 30, 1979 340.2 IBB 'B/370 CBS User's Guide !! READ: This status indicates tha~ your terminal is waiting for a line to be-Issued to your virtual machine; you may be in the CMS environment, in the edit or debug environments, or you may be executing a program or an EXEC that has issued a read to the console. !Y!!l!§: This status means that your virtual machine is operating. Once you have loaded CMS and are using the CMS environment, this status is almost continually in effect, even when you are not currently executing a command or program. You can alter the way this works by using the AUTOREAD function of the SET com.and. When the AUTOREAD setting is OFF, (the default for display terminals), your terminal displays a RUNNING status after the execution of each CMS command. If you want the terminal to be in a VM READ status following each command, issue: set autoread on The ON setting is the default for typewriter terminals, since a read on a typewriter terminal must be accompanied by the unlocking of the keyboard. The advantage of keeping your virtual machine in a running status even when it is not actually executing a program is that it makes your terminal ready to receive messages. If your terminal is waiting for a read, either from CP or from the virtual machine, and if a user or a program sends a message to your virtual console, then the message is not displayed until you use the Enter key to enter a command or null line. When your machine is in a running status, the terminal console is always ready to accept messages. If your virtual machine is in the CP environment, and you want your terminal to be in a running status, you can use the command: cp sleep To return to the CP READ status, you must press the PA1 key or the Enter key. MORE ••• : This status indicates that your display screen is full, but that-there is more data to be displayed. This message, in addition to indicating that there is more data, gives you a chance to freeze your screen's current display so you can continue to examine it, if necessary. When you see the screen is in a MORE ••• status, you can either press the Clear, Cancel, or PA2 keys to clear the screen and see next screen, or (2) press the Enter key to hold the screen in present status. If you do not do either, then after 60 seconds, screen is cleared and the next screen is displayed. (1) the its the ~gLD1!~: This indicates that you have pressed the Enter key to freeze the screen. You must use the Cancel, Clear, or PA2 keys to erase this screen and go on to the next display. A holding status also results if you have received a message that appeared on this screen. When the screen becomes full, it does not automatically pass to the next display after 60 seconds, but waits until you specifically clear the screen. (This feature ensures that any important messages you receive are not lost.) ) !gI A££~g!!~: Indicates that you are trying to enter a command line but the terminal buffer is full and cannot accept it. This message is also issued when you attempt to use the 3270 COpy function and a printer is either not available or not ready. Appendix C: Considerations for 3270 Display Terminal Users 341 CONSOLE OUTPUT When you use a 3210 terminal as your virtual machine console, you do not ordinarily retain a console log, as you do on typewriter terminal. There may be many circumstances in which you need a printed record of your console output, whether it be to obtain a copy of program-generated output, or to retain a record of CP and/or CMS commands that resulted in an error condition. There are two techniques you can use in VM/310 to obtain hardcopy representations of display terminal sessions: spooling console output and the 3210 copy function. The CP SPOOL command provides the CONSOLE operand, which begin and end console spooling. You enter: allows you to cp spool console start when you want to begin recording your terminal session, and: cp spool console stop when you have finished. In between, you can periodically close the console file to release for printing whatever has been spooled thus far: cp spool console close other operands that you can enter are the same as you might specify for any printer file, such as CLASS, COPY, CONT, and HOLD. An alternate technique reader: cp spool console start is to spool your console to * your own virtual class a Then, when you close the console file, instead of being released to the CP printer spool file queue, it is routed to your virtual card reader, and you can load it onto your A-disk as a CMS disk file: readcard console file You can then use the editor to examine it (or to delete sections you don't need) and use the PRINT command to spool it to the printer. If you are using a 3210 display terminal, and you have available 3286, 3281, 3288, or 3289 printer, you can copy the full screen currently appearing on the screen. TO copy the screen, you assign the copying function to a program function key, with command: a 3284, display have to the SET cp set pf9 copy Then, whenever you want to copy a screen display, you can press the PF9 key (or whichever key you set). The display is printed on any 3210 display printer that is attached t~ the same remote control unit as the display terminal. If, when you press the PF key, the screen status area 342 IBM VM/310 CMS User's Guide March 30, 1979 indicates NOT ACCEPTED, it means that the printer is either not ready or not available. When you press the PF key and receive no response, it means that the screen has been copied. There is a print matrix available to the 3274 and 3276 user that allows control of the display to printer operations. In addition, a local print key is provided on the 3274 that can be used for copy operations. Figure 28 is an example of a 3270 screen display that could be copied on the printer. When you use the copy function to copy a screen, all 24 lines of the display screen are copied; the screen status area (indicated as RUNNING in Figure 28) is blank if the 3270 is locally attached. If the 3270 is remotely attached, the entire screen including the screen status area, is copied. You can use the user input area of your screen to key in comments, or your name or userid, if several users are spooling copy files. DEFINE STORAGE 16384K STORAGE = 16384K IPL 190 CMS VERSION 3.0 02/28/76 10:32 testl ••• t. jones RUNNING Figure 28. 3270 Screen Display Signaling Interruptions The two keys on your 3270 keyboard that signal interruptions are the PAl key -- REQ key on a 3278 Model 2A -- and the Enter key. Throughout this publication, interruption signaling has been described in terms of the Attention key, which is the interruption signaling key on a 2741. On a typewriter terminal, the Attention key, pressed once, causes a virtual machine interruption (if the terminal mode is set to VM); you must use it when you want to enter an Immediate command, such as HT or HX. On a display terminal, you can enter these commands whenever Jour virtual machine is in a running status, without having to signal an interruption before you enter the command. Sometimes, however, if your terminal is displaying output very rapidly, you must wait until the screen is full and the screen status area indicates a MORE ••• status before you attempt to enter the HT or HX command. The Enter key can also be used as an interruption signaling key. If you press it once when your virtual machine is running, you will place your virtual machine in the VM READ status, so you can enter a command line. If you press the Enter key twice, quickly, you enter the CP environment, with your console in a CP READ status. Appendix C: Considerations for 3270 Display Terminal Users 343 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 An easier way to enter the CP environment is ty pressing the PAl key. Whenever you press this key, your virtual machine is placed in a CP READ status, and you can enter any CP command. From t~e CP environment, you must use the CP command BEGIN to resume execution of your virtual machine. HALTING SCREEN DISPLAYS When your terminal is displaying successive screens of output from a program or a CMS command, you can use the HT or HX Immediate commands to halt the display or the execution of the command, respectively. If your terminal is writing the information ~t a very rapid rate, you may have difficulty entering the HT or HX command. In these circumstances, you can use the PA1 key -- REQ key on a 3278 Model 2A -- or press the Enter key twice to force your terminal to a CP READ status. Then, you can use the CP command ATTN or REQUEST to signal a virtual machine read~ When the screen status area indicates VM READ, you can enter HX or HT. Using the eMS Editor with a 3270 The CMS editor has a special format and operation, called display mode, that makes editing CMS disk files with a 3270 more convenient than on a typewriter terminal. It uses most of the display screen, and, depending on the terminal type and model, displays, depending upon the terminal type end model, up to 38 lines of a file at once. In addition to displaying data lines of the file, the editor also indicates, on the topmost line of the screen, the filename, filetype, record format, and logical record length of the file being edited, as well as showing your current mode: input or edit. The format of the screen is shown in Figure 29. The screen lines that you are most concerned with while editing are the current line, the user input area (the bottom two lines), and the editor's message line (the second line from the top) in which the editor's responses and error messages are displayed. The current line and the editor's message line are highlighted. When you first invoke the editor to edit a file, whatever is currently on the screen (including your EDIT command line) is erased and the full screen is controlled by the editor. The current line pointer is positioned at the top of the file, the top part of the display screen appears blank. The editor displays the characters "TOF:" and "EOP:" to indicate the top and end of the file, respectively. ENTERING EDIT SUBCOMMANDS When you enter an EDIT subcommand into the user input area and press the Enter key the subcommand is not displayed on the screen, but the change (or line pointer movement) is reflected in the screen display. If you enter a subcommand that moves the current line pointer, all of the lines on the screen are shifted up or down, according to the action taken by the subcommand. If you use the INPUT subcommand to enter input lines, the edit status field indicates INPUT; all of the lines that you enter are placed in the file and appear on the screen as the current line. (Entering input lines from a remote 3270 is someWhat different. The following "Editing on a Remote 3270" discusses the differences.) 344 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide March 30, 1979 EDIT »»> 1 1 DISPLAY SCREEN 80. A12 F 80 3 TOF: 5 THIS IS THE FIRST LINE OF THE FILE. (CURRENT LINE). THIS IS THE SECOND LINE OF THE FILE. THIS IS THE THIRD LINE OF THE FILE. EOF: c 6 VM READ Notes: --i-Edit session status. This indicates EDIT, INPUT, or NEW FILE. The NEW FILE message appears when you edit a new file; it is replaced with INPUT when you enter input mode and thereafter is EDIT or INPUT. 2 The filename, filetype, and filemode of the file. 3 Record format and logical record length. 4 Editor reponse area. The response shown may be the response to a VERIFY subcommand entered with no operands. 5 The symbols TOF: and EOF: indicate top of file and end of file, respectively. 6 The current line is located in the approximate center of the output area of the screen. Figure 29. How the CMS Editor Formats a 3270 Screen If you enter an invalid EDIT subcommand, or if you enter a subcommand that requests information, the edit response appears in the message field of the screen. For example, if you enter: trunc the editor responds by displaying might be: »»> the current truncation setting, which 81 If you enter: copy file myfile edit (trunc the editor would respond: »»> ?EDIT: copyfile myfile edit (trunc to indicate that it does not recognize the entered line (COPYFILE is not an EDIT subcommand). When you use line-number editing, the prompting message appears in this area; after you enter text in the user input area, the text line is written in the output display area, at the current line position. Appendix C: Considerations for 3270 Display Terminal Users 345 March 30, 1979 Two EDIT subcommands, CHANGE and 1, result in lines being copied in the user input area. In the case of the CHANGE subcommand, the line that is displayed is the current line. Once in the user input area, you can modify it and re-enter it,. While you are changing it, the original line appears unchanged in the output display area. If you decide that you do not want changes entered, you must press the Erase Input key and then press the Enter key before you enter any other EDIT subcommands. You can use the 1 subcommand to request that the last EDIT subcommand you entered be displayed in the user input area. If, for example, you enter a CHANGE or LOCATE subcommand that results in a NOT FOUND condition, or some other error, you can enter: 1 and modify the subcommand line and re-enter it, if you want; otherwise, use the Erase Input key to delete it. CONTROLLING THE DISPLAY SCREEN Usually the editor controls the entire screen display during an edit session. Occasionally, the screen goes into a MORE... status, and you must use the Cancel key or PA2 key to clear the screen. There are two other situations in which the screen must be cleared, either by the editor, or by you. When you use the CMS subcommand to enter CftS subset to enter CMS commands, the screen is cleared and the message CMS SUBSET is displayed at the top of the screen. When you issue the subcommand RETURN to return to edit mode, the screen disFlay is restored to its original appearance. The situation is slightly different, however, whenever you communicate with the control program (CP), or receive messages from other users during an edit session. Any CP message or command response causes your screen to go into a MORE ••• status; you must use the PA2 (Cancel) key to see the response. To restore your screen to its edit display, you should use the EDIT subcommand TYPE. If you use the PA1 key to place your virtual machine in the CP environment, and the screen status area indicates CP READ, use the CP command BEGIN to restore edit mode. Then enter the TYPE subcommand. If you enter a subcommand other than TYPE, the entire screen is not restored, and the top two lines (the editor's data and response fields) may contain lines of the CP response. If your virtual machine was in input mode when you entered the CP command, you may continue entering lines of input; the third through the ninth lines of the screen are restored after you enter the next line. If you enter a CP command that there is no change to the screen. does not produce a response, then The VERIFY subcommand allows you to alter the verification columns when you are editing a file or to cancel verification altogether. If, for example, you are editing a file with records longer than 80 characters, each line is displayed on two lines of the display screen. Sometimes, you may be editing only specific columns in a file, and do not need to see the lines displayed in their entirety. To see only the first 80 columns, you could enter: 346 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide March 30, 1919 verify 1 80 Or, if you wanted to see the last 120-character records, you could enter: 80 columns of a file with verify 41 120 If you cancel verification entirely by entering: verify off then modifications that you make to the file (including movement of the current line pointer) are not reflected on the display screen until you use the TYPE subcommand. THE CURRENT LINE POINTER There is one aspect of the CMS Editor on a 3210 that is much the saae as on a typewriter terminal: you must still be concerned with the positioning of the current line pointer, and you can only add or modify data on the current line, even though you see many lines being displayed. The current line, on the screen, appears near the aiddle of the output area of the screen (see Figure 29). To move the current line pointer, you can use the subcommands OP and DOWN: UP indicates movement toward the top of the file and DOWN indicates movement toward the bottom of the file. When you issue either of these subcommands, the entire display of the file shifts down the screen (if you use the UP subcommand) or up the screen (if you use the DOWN subcommand). If you have never used the CMS editor on a typewriter terminal, you may find the UP and DOWN subcommands confusing to use, so you can use instead the BACKWARD (UP) and FORWARD or NEXT (DOWN) subcommands to shift the display backward (toward the top of the file) and forward (toward the bottom of the file). You can also use the EDIT subcommand SCROLL, which allows you to display successive screen displays, and to examine an entire file quickly. For instance, on a 3210 Model 2 display terminal, you enter the SCROLL subcommand with no operands, it is the equivalent of entering the subcommand DOWN (FORWARD) 20, which results in the screen changing to display the 20 lines following the lines currently being displayed. If you enter: scroll 10 The SCROLL subcommand executes 10 times, placing the screen in a 80BE ••• state at the end of each display. If the file you are editing has verification column settings greater than 80 characters (so each line takes up tvo display lines), then the SCROLL subcommand moves the screen 10 lines at once instead of 20. The UP (or BACKWARD) counterpart of abbreviated so. SCROLL is SCROLLUP, which can be Appendix C: Considerations for 3210 Display Terminal Users 347 March 30, 1979 USING PROGRAM FUNCTION KEYS You can enhance the use of the CMS editor on a 3270 by setting the program function (PF) keys on your terminal to correspond to some of the more frequently used EDIT subcommands, such as UP, DOWN, SCROLL, FILE, SAVE, and so on. You can also set a program function key to contain a line of data, so that if you are creating a file that has many duplicate lines in it, you can use the PF key instead of having to key in the entire line each time. PF keys cannot, however, contain lowercase character strings. You can set a program function key while you are in edit mode either by using the PA1 key -- REQ key on a 3278 Model 21 to enter the CP environment or by using the ICP function. USING THE EDITOR IN LINE MODE The editor's display mode is the most common format of operation on a 3270. There are, however, instanc~s when it is not possible or not desirable to use the editor in display mode. Fer these instances, you should use the line mode of operation, which is the equivalent to using a typewriter terminal. When you use line mode, each EDIT subcommand you enter, and the response (if you have verification on), is displayed, a line at a time, on the screen in the output display area. There is no full screen display of the file. You need only be concerned with using line mode if you are connected to VM/370 by a remote 3270 line, or if you are editing a file from within an EXEC and you want to control the screen display. Although it is possrble to use the editor in line mode on a local 3270, it is rarely necessary for normal editing purposes. When you invoke the editor from a remote 3270, you are placed in line mode by the editor. The advantage of using the 3270 in line mode (particularly on a remote editor) is that the editor can respond more quickly to display requests. When you use display mode, the editor has to write out the entire output display area when you move the current line pointer; in line mode, it has only to write a single line. If you want to use display mode, you enter the EDIT subcommand: format display The editor hegins operating in display mode, and you can use the special editing" functions available in display mode. However, when you are using a remote 3270 in display mode, and you enter the INPUT subcommand to begin entering input lines, the screen is cleared, and your input lines are displayed as if you were in line mode, beginning at the top of the screen. When you enter a null line to return to edit mode, the editor returns to a full screen display. You can resume editing in line mode by using the subcommand: format line 3~8 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide March 30, 1979 If you invoke the editor from an EXEC, but you do not want the screen cleared when the editor gets control, you can specify the NQDISP option on the EDIT command line: edit test file (nodisp This places the 3270 in line mode, screen are not erased. so that the lines already on the The 3270 remains in line mode for the remainder of the edit session, and you cannot use the FORMAT subcommand to place it in display mode. USING SPECIAL CHARACTERS ON A 3270 There are two special characters available on a typewriter terminal whose functions have no meaning on a display terminal. They are the tab character (X'OS') and the backspace character (X'16'). For most file creation and editing purposes, you will probably not need to use the backspace, but many CMS filetypes use tab settings to set up the proper column alignment in files. There are two methods you can use to enter any special character on a 3270 (including tabs), and an additional method of using tabs, which involves setting a program function key. In addition, the tab character can also be set via the CP command TERMINAL !!BC~!~. -------To enter any special character (a you can either: 1. backspace is used in this example) Enter another character at the appropriate place in the record, and then use the ALTER subcommand to alter that character to the hexadecimal value of the character you want to represent (a backspace character is a X'16'). For example: input ABC»> alter> 16 1-*~ When you enter backspaces and overstrike characters on a 3270, however, the characters and backspaces each occupy character positions, so that a single compound character occupies three character positions on the screen. If the image setting is CANON, and you want to use the backspace to enter compound characters, you must not enter the backspace character first. 2. Before you begin to create the file, use the CMS SET define some other character as the backspace character: command to set input> 16 CMS then translates all occurrences of the character> to X'16'. If you need to correct a line that contains backspaces, you can reverse the above sequence; alter the X'16' characters to asterisks and enter the CHANGE subcommand. ]~!i~i~g ~ ll1Q gfQg!g~ ~Y~£i1g~ ~gy f2! !~Q ~gii1~g§ You can set up a program function key to operate like a tab key typewriter terminal. You must use the CP SET command as follows: on a SET PFnn TAB nl n2 • • • nn Appendix C: Considerations for 3270 Display Terminal Users 349 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 PFnn is any valid function key from PF1 to PF24. n1 n2 • • • nn are the logical tab settings desired, expressed· as decimal numbers. Invalid tab settings are ignored. You can specify the setting values in any order, but they are normally specified in ascending order. You can define different PF keys with different tab settings for different filetypes. Whenever you press the PF key you have set for a tab, the cursor moves to the corresponding position in the user input area, in much the same way that a typing element on a typewriter would move to the next tab stop. If you press the PF tab key to a position that already contains a data character, the data remains intact. If there is no data in that position, a tab character is entered in the file. The effect of the tab in the file depends, as in normal usage, on the image setting of the editor. If the image setting is set to on (the default), the tab expands to an appropriate number of blanks, to correspond to the settings in effect for the TABSET subcommand. When the TAESET settings match the tab settings of the PF key, then any lines you enter in the user input area appear exactly as they will appear in the output display area. If you tab beyond the last defined tab position, repositioned at the beginning of the user input area. the cursor is When you edit a file on a 3270 terminal in display mode, you should not copy a line containing tabs or backspaces into the user input area. The tabs or backspaces are converted to blanks (X'40'). Similarly, if the line contains VM/370 logical line editing symbols that have been entered as data characters, the symbols are reinterpreted when you enter the line. If you use the SET OUTPUT function to display non printable characters in CMS, the character translations do not appear when the editor is in display mode. They are, however, displayed when the editor is in line mode. Using APL with a 3270 If you have a 3277 or 3278 display station equipped with an APL keyboard, you can use APL on a 3270 terminal in CMS. You invoke the APL virtual machine by issuing the command specified in the VSAPt Program Product documentation. This command invokes the VSAPt-CMS interface program. You are then prompted to press the APL On/Off key which is cn your terminal; pressing this key changes the keyboard to APt character input mode. You are then prompted to press the Enter key to continue. EBCDIC or APL characters can always be displayed; the APt On/Off key does not change this. The VSAPL-CMS interface program issues the TERMINAL APL ON command for you and selects the appropriate translation tables. The TERMINAL APL ON command automatically forces a TERMINAL TEXT OFF condition. The interface program then invokes the VSAPL program. When the VSAPL ready message appears on the screen, you can use APL. 350 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5148-XX8 You can send a copy of your display screen to a locally or remotely attached printer. Be sure that the printer you send your output to has the APL feature installed; if it does not, the APL characters are not printed. Most system printers do not have an APt print chain; therefore you may need to use the copy function to direct your screen output displays to a 3284, 3286, or 3281 printer. ERROR SITUATIONS If you do not have the APL 3278 but you invoke APL: hardware feature installed on your 3271 or • The VSAPL program issued. • You cannot communicate with the VSAPL program. • Any APL characters that are written to the screen appear as blanks. is invoked and the TERMINAL APt ON command is If you have the APL feature installed on your terminal, but invoke APL manually without issui»g the TERMINAL APt ON command or issue TERMINAL APL OFF at sometime during APL processing: • • • The VSAPL program is activated. You cannot communicate with the VSAPL program. Any APL characters written to the screen appear as blanks. If you attempt to use· the APL 0/5 (overstrike) key when the APt hardware key is set off, it acts as a backtab key and reFositions the cursor to the beginning of the user input area. LEAVING THE APL ENVIR0NMENT Issue the APL command: } OFF to log off VM/370. Issue the APL command: } OFF HOLD to return to CMS. program, which: • • • This APL command invokes the VSAPL-CMS interface Issues the TERMINAL APL OFF command Prompts you to press the APL hardware key Returns to CMS !gte: The APL hardware feature is a key, not a switch. Each time you press the APL key you reverse its on/off setting. To determine whether APL is on or off, press a key that represents a special APL character. If the character displayed is an APL character, the hardware APL feature is set on. If the character displayed is a non-APt character, you must press the APL key once to set the APL feature on. Appendix C: Considerations for 3270 D:.sp1ay Terminal Users 351 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 Using the 3277 Text Feature If you have a 3271 or 3278 display station equipped with the Data Analysis Text keyboard, you can key in, as well as display, all of the special text characters. For a description of these characters, see the !~LJIQ I~£~!Dg! Q§g£~§ ~y!g~. These characters are in addition to those available with standard EBCDIC 3270 terminals. If you have a suitably equipped printer attached to your 3270, you can use the SET PFnn COpy function to obtain a printed copy of the screen. When you want to activate characters, enter the command: the text feature, and use the special cp terminal text on The TERMINAL TEXT ON command automatically forces the TERMINAL APL OFF command. NOw, you can use any of the special characters when you enter, change, or locate text lines in a file. ERROR SITUATIONS If you do not have the appropriate text hardware feature on your 3270, but attempt to display a file that contains the characters, the characters appear as blanks on a 3277, and as hyphens on a 3276 and a 3278. If you inadvertently issue the TERMINAL TEXT ON command while using a terminal that does not have the text capability, you must do the following to return to normal operating procedures: 1. Press the PAl key to enter the CP environment. 2. Key in, in uppercase letters only, the command line: TERMINAL TEXT OFF LEAVING THE TEXT ENVIRONMENT You leave the special text environment by entering the command: cp terminal text off 1. The 3210 text hardware feature is activated by a key, not a switch. Each time you press the TEXT On/Off key, you reverse its setting. When the red light on the text keyboard is illuminated, the text feature is on. 2. Compound characters, such as a character/backspace/character combination, are still entered and displayed as three characters. The screen position occupied by the backspace character appears as a blank because the character (X'16') is nondisplayable. 352 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 Appendix D: Sample Terminal Sessions This appendix provides sa.ple terminal sessions showing you how to use: • The CMS editor (using context editing), and the RENAME, and ERASE commands • The CMS editor (using line-number editing) • CMS as simulation to create, asse.ble, and execute a program using OS macros in the CMS environment I • I • CMS COPYFILE, SORT, CMS DOS/VSE simulation to create, assemble, and execute using DOS/VSE macros in the CMS/DOS environment Access method services under CMS, to create VSAM catalogs spaces, and to use the define and repro functions of AMSERV a program and data Appendix D: Sample Terminal Sessions 353 March 30, 1919 Sample Terminal Session Using the Editor and CMS File System Commands This terminal session shows you how to create a CMS fil~ and make changes to it using the CMS editor, and then manipulate it using the CftS file system commands, COPYFILE, ERASE, RENAME, and SORT. Bgte: Throughout this terminal session whenever a TYPE subcommand or command is issued that results in a display of the entire file, the complete display is not shown; o.itted lines are indicated by vertical ellipses ( ••• ). When you enter the TYPE command or subcommand, you should see the entire display. 1 2 3 4 edit command data NEW FILE: EDIT: image ON tabs 1 12 80 trunc 12 input INPUT: copyfile copy cms files sort sort cms files in alphameric order by specific columns edit create a cms file edit modify a cms file rename change the name of a cms file punch punch a copy of a cms file on cards print print a cms file erase erase a cms file listfile list information on a cms file state verify the existence of a cms file statew verify the existence of a cms file on a read/write disk readcard read a cms file from your card reader onto disk disk dump punch a cms file in cms disk dump format into your virtual card punch for TRUNCATED DISK DUMP PUNCH A CMS FILE IN CMS DISK DUMP FORMAT INTO YOUR VIRTUAL CA disk load read a disk dump file onto disk compare compare the contents of cms disk files tape dump dump cms files onto tape tape load read ems files onto disk from tape 5 EDIT: 1 2 3 4 5 354 Use the EDIT command to invoke the CMS editor to create a file with a filename of COMMAND and a filetype of DATA. Since the file does not exist, the editor issues the message NEW FILE. Check that the image setting is ON. This is the default for all filetypes except SCRIPT. Then, set the logical tab stops for this file at 1, 12, and 80, and set a truncation limit of 12. Enter the subcommand INPUT to enter input mode and begin entering lines in the file. For these input files, you should press the Tab key (or equivalent) on your terminal following each CMS command name. If there is a physical tab step on your terminal in column 12, the input data appears aligned. The message, TRUNCATED, indicates that the line you just entered exceeded the truncation limit you set for the file (column 12). The editor displays the line, so you can see how much of the line was accepted. Your virtual machine is still in input mode, so continue entering input lines. To get out of input mode, enter a null line (press the Return or Enter key without entering any data). The editor responds with the message EDIT:. IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide 6 7 8 9 top TOF: type * TOF: COPYFILE COpy CMS FILES TAPE LOAD READ CMS FILES ONTO DISK FRO! TAPE EOF: locate /disk dump DISK DU!P PUNCH A CMS FILE IN CMS DISK DU!P FOR!AT INTO YOUR VIRTUAL CA replace disk dump punch a cas file onto cards input INPUT: type display the contents of a cms file at your terminal rename alter the name of a cms file sort resequence the records in a cms file copyfile reformat a file, by columns comprae verify that two files are identical 10 11 EDIT: change /rae/are/ COMPARE VERIFY THAT TWO FILES ARE IDENTICAL bo TAPE LOAD READ CMS FILES ONTO DISK FRO! TAPE input INPUT: 12 13 EDIT: file R; 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ) 13 Us~ the TOP subcommand to position the current line pointer at the top of the file. The editor responds TOF:. Use the TYPE subcommand to display the entire file. Note that all of your input lines are translated to uppercase characters, and that the tab characters you entered have been expanded, so that the first word following each command name begins in column 12. The message EOF: indicates that the end of the file is reached. You can issue the LOCATE subcommand to locate a line. Since you are at the bottom of the file, the editor begins searching from the top of the file. Notice that you can enter the character string you want to locate in lowercase characters; the editor translates it to uppercase to locate the line. The editor displays the line. Use the REPLACE subcommand to replace this line, in a shortened form so that it is not truncated. Remember to enter a tab character after the command name; when you enter the line, the tab stop does not have to be in column 12. Then, use the INPUT subcommand again to resume entering input. The lines that you enter next are written into the file following the DISK DU!P line. When you make a spelling error or other mistake, you may want to correct it immediately. Enter a null line to return to edit mode, and use the CHANGE subcommand to correct the error. In this example, the string RAE is changed to ARE. The editor displays the line as changed. Use the BOTTO! subcommand to move the current line pointer to point to the last line in the file. Enter input mode with the INPUT subcommand. If you enter input mode and decide that you do not want to enter input lines, all you have to do to return to edit mode is enter a null line. To write the file onto disk, use the FILE subcommand. This writes it onto disk using the name with which you invoked the editor, CO!!AND DATA. The CBS ready message indicates that you are in the CBS command environment. Sample Terminal Session Using the CBS Editor and CBS File system Commands 355 14 type command data COPYFILE SORT COpy CftS FILES SORT CftS FILES IN ALPHAftERIC ORDER BY SPECIFIC COLUMNS TAPE LOAD READ CftS FILES ONTO DISK FROM TAPE R; 15 edit command data EDIT: 16 17 save EDIT: fname comm2 file R; 18 copyfile comm2 data a (lowcase R; 19 copyfile command data a com.2 data a DMSCPY601R ENTER SPECIFICATION LIST: 1-12 1 20 type comm2 data 21 COpy FILE SORT EDIT EDIT RENAME PUNCH PRINT ERASE LISTFILE ht (ovly specs R; Copy cms files Sort cms files in alphameric order by specific columns Create a cms file Modify a cms file Change the name of a cms file Punch a copy of a cms file on cards Print a cms file Erase a cms file List information on a cms file R; 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 356 To display the entire file at your terminal, use the CMS TYPE command. Note any errors that you made that you might want to correct. Use the EDIT command to edit the file COftMAND DATA again. This time, since the file exists, the editor does not issue the message, NEW FILE: While you are in edit mode, make any changes that you need to; then issue the SAVE subcommand to save these changes, and replace the existing copy of the file onto disk. Use the FNAftE subcommand to ch~nge the filename of the file to COMM2 (the filetype remains unchanged). When you 1ssue the FILE subcommand this time, the file is written onto disk with the name COMM2 DATA. You can rewrite the entire file, COMM2 DATA in lowercase characters, using the COpy FILE command with the LOWCASE option. The file COftft2 DATA is now all lowercase characters (you can display the file with the TYPE command if you want to verify it). However, the command names, and the first character of the description should be uppercase characters. You can use the COPYFILE command again, to overlay the original uppercase characters of COMMAND DATA in columns 1 through 12 over the lowercase characters in columns 1 through 12 of COMft2 DATA. Use the TYPE command to verify that the COPYFILE command did, in fact, overlay only the columns that you wanted. The HT Immediate command suppresses the display of the remainder of the file; you can see from the first few lines that the format of the file is correct. IBM VM/370 eftS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 22 listfile * data COMMAND DATA COMM2 DATA A1 A1 R; 23 sort comm2 data a command sort a DMSSRT604R ENTER SORT FIELDS: 1 9 24 type command sort R; COMPARE COMPARE Verify that two files are identical Compare the contents of cms disk files TYPE Display the contents of a cms file at your terminal R; 25 copyfile comm2 data a function data a ( specs DMSCPY601R ENTER SPECIFICATION LIST: 12-72 1 1-9 70 R; 26 type function data Copy cms files Sort ems files in alphameric order by specific columns COpy FILE SORT Read ems files onto disk from tape TAPE LOAD R; 27 sort function data a function sort a DMSSRT604R ENTER SORT FIELDS: 1 70 R; type function sort Alter the name of a cms file Change the name of a cms file RENAME RENAME Verify the existence of a ems file on a read/write disk STATEW R; 22 23 24 25 26 27 The LISTFILE command lists your two files with the filetype of DATA. (If you previously had files with these filetypes, they are also listed.) To sort the file COMM2 DATA into alphabetic order, by command, issue the SORT command. When you are promFted for the sort fields, enter the columns that contain the command names, 1 through 9. The output file from the SORT command is named COMMAND SORT. You can use the TYPE command to verify that the records are now sorted alphabetically by command. To create another copy of the file, this time with the command names on the right and the functional description on the left~ use the COPYFILE command with the SPECS option again. To create a file this way, you must know the columns in your input file (COMM2 DATA) and how you want them arranged in your output file (FUNCTION DATA). Columns 1 through 9 contain the command names; columns 12 through 12 contain the descriptions. The specif~cation list entered after the prompting message indicates that columns 12 through 72 should be copied and placed beginning in column 1, and that columns 1 through 9 should be copied beginning in column 70. Verify the COPYFILE operation with the TYPE command. Sort the file FUNCTION DATA so that the functional descriptions appear in alphabetic order. You may also want to display the output file, FUNCTION SOBT. Sample Terminal Session Using the CMS Editor and CMS File System Commands 357 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 28 29 30 listfile COMMAND DATA COMM2 DATA COMMAND SORT FUNCTION DATA FUNCTION SORT R; erase command data R; rename comm2 data a R-, listfile FILENAME FUNCTION COMMAND COMMAND FUNCTION * * A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 command data a a ( label FILETYPE FM SORT A1 DATA A1 SORT A1 DATA A1 FORMAT F F F F LRECL 80 80 80 80 RECS ELOCKS DATE 22 3 10/13/75 22 3 10/13/75 3 10/13/75 22 22 3 10/13/75 TIME 7:52:03 7:48:52 7:48:15 7:51:37 LABEL ABC191 ABC191 ABC191 ABC191 R; 31 32 33 34 35 edit function sort EDIT: zone 1 80 zone 60 change / // * Alter the name of a cms file Change the name of a cms file Verify the existence of a cms file on a read/write disk EOF: top TOF: find List NOT FOUND EOF: case RENAME RENAME STATEW U case m find List List information on a cms file 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 358 LISTFILE If these are the only files on your A-disk, the LISTFILE command entered with no operands produces a list of the files created so far. The file COMM2 was created for a workfile, in case any errors might have happened. Since you no longer need the original file, COMMAND DATA, you can erase it. Use the RENAME command to rename the workfile COMM2 DATA to have the name COMMAND DATA. The LISTFILE command verifies the change. To begin altering the file FUNCTION SORT, invoke the editor again. The ZONE command requests a display of the current zone settings, which are columns 1 and 80. When you issue the command ZONE 60, it changes the sett~ngs to columns 60 and 80, so that you cannot modify data in columns 1 through 59. The CHANGE subcommand requests that the first appearance of five consecutive blanks on each line in the file be compressed. The editor displays the results of this CHANGE r~quest by displaying each line changed (which is each line in the file). The net effect is· to shift. th.e command. column 5 spaces to the left. position the ~urrent 1ine pointer at the top of the file, and then issue a FIND subcommand to ~ove the line pointer to the line that begins with "List". The editor indicates that the line is not found. Checking the current setting for the CASE subcommand, you can see that it is U, or uppercase, which indicates that the editor is translating your input data to uppercase. You can issue the CASE M subcommand to chang~ this setting, then reissue the FIND subcommand~ IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ) 44 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ) change Ion a cas/about a CMS NOT FOUND = zone 1 * List information about a CMS file top TOF: change /cms/CMS/ * Alter the name of a CMS file Change the name of a CMS file Verify the existence of a CMS file on a read/write disk EOF: save EDIT: top TOF: next Alter the name of a CMS file $dup Alter the name of a CMS file change /name/filetype/ Alter the filetype of a CMS file next Change the name of a CMS file change /name/filename/ Change the filename of a CMS file next Compare the contents of CMS disk files next copy CMS files find M Modify a CMS file up List information about a CMS file i Make a copy of a CMS disk file top TOF: LISTFILE RENAME RENAME STATEW RENAME RENAME RENAME RENAME RENAME COMPARE COPYFILE EDIT LISTFILE COPYFILE The editor locates the line and displays it. You want to change the character string "on a cms" to "about a CMS". The editor does not find the string you specify because the zone setting for columns 60 through 80 is still in effect. You can enter the ZONE subcommand, and reissue the CHANGE subcommand, or you can enter the = (REUSE) subcommand to stack the CHANGE subcommand, and enter the ZONE subcommand to execute first. The ZONE subcommand is executed, then the CHANGE subcommand. The editor displays the changed line. At the top of the file, enter another global change request, to change lowercase occurrences of the string cms to uppercase. The editor displays each line changed. When the EOF: message indicates that the end of the file is reached, you can save the changes made during this edit session with the SAVE subcommand before continuing. Move the current line pointer to point to the first line in the file. You want to add an entry that is similar; use the $DUP edit macro to duplicate the line, then change the copy that you made of the line. You can change the word name to filename in the next line also. You can scan a file, a line at a time, by issuing successive NEXT subcommands. To insert a line beginning with the character M, and to maintain alphabetic sequencing, use the FIND subcommand to find the first line beginning with an M. The line to be inserted begins with the characters 8A, so you want to move the line pointer up. You can insert a single line into a file with the INPUT subcommand. Bere, the INPUT subcommand is truncated to I, so that when you space over to write the co.mand name in the right column, you can align it (you only have to allow for the two character spaces use by "i ". . Sample Terminal Session Using the CMS Editor and CMS File System Commands 359 45 /COPYFILE Copy CMS files 46 n COPYFILE EDIT Create a CMS file n TYPE Display the contents of a CMS file at your terminal n TAPE DUMP Dump CMS files onto tape n 47 ERASE Erase a CMS file up 3 Create a CMS file i Delete a file from a CMS disk file EDIT ERASE R; 48 type function sort a Alter the name of a CMS file Alter the filetype of a CMS file Change the filename of a CMS file RENAME RENAME RENAME Verify the existence of a CMS file on a read/write disk STATEW R; 49 50 45 46 47 48 49 50 360 edit function sort zone 58 change I II * * Alter the name of a CMS file Alter the filetype of a CMS file Change the filename of a CMS file RENAME RENAME RENAME Verify the existence of a CMS file on a read/write disk EOF: top TOF: change 1/1 I * Alter the name of a CMS file Alter the filetype of a CMS file Change the filename of a CMS file STATEW Verify the existence of a CMS file on a read/write disk EOF: I STATEW RENAME RENAME RENAME Move the line pointer to the top of the file and begin scanning again. A diagonal e/) is interpreted as a LOCATE subcommand. The NEXT subcommand can be truncated to "N". In front of the line beginning "Display", insert a line beginnirig with "Delete". If you want to make any other modifications, do so. Otherwise, write this file onto disk with the FILE subcommand. Verify your changes. Edit the file again. To compress unnecessary spaces in right hand columns, change the zone setting. This time, issue a CHANGE subcommand that will delete all blank spaces occuring after column 58. Since some changes you made to the file might have spoiled the alignment in the command column, this CHANGE subcommand should realign all of the columns. Return the current line pOinter to the top of the file. Change a null string to the string "I " for all lines in the file; since the left zone is still column 58, the characters are inserted in columns 58 and 59. IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( 51 zone 1 * top TOF: c //1 / * Alter the name of a CMS file Alter the filetype of a CMS file Change the filename of a CMS file . 52 53 54 55 verify the existence of a CMS file on a read/write disk EOF: top TOF: next Alter the name of a CMS file tabset 72 repeat * overlay I Alter the name of a CMS file Alter the filetype of a CMS file Change the filename of a CMS file Compare the contents of CMS disk files I STATEW Verify the existence of a CMS file on a read/write disk EOF: bottom Verify the existence of a CMS file on a read/write disk input zone 1 72 c / /-/ 1 * STATEW top TOF: input c / 56 RENAME RENAME RENAME /-/ 1 I RENAME RENAME RENAME RENAME COMPARE I STATEW * file R; print function sort R; 51 52 53 54 ) 55 56 Change the left zone setting to column 1 and let the right zone be equal to the record length; issue the CHANGE subcommand to insert the "I" in columns 1 and 2. CHANGE can be abbreviated as "C". At the top of the file, change the TABSET subcommand setting to 72. This makes column 12 the left margin. The REPEAT * subcommand, followed by the OVERLAY subcommand, indicates that all the lines in the file are to be overlaid with a I in the leftmost column (column 72). When you enter this INPUT subcommand, enter a number of blank spaces following it; this places a blank line in the file. Reset the ZONE setting to columns 1 and 72. The CHANGE subcommand indicates that all blanks on this line should be changed to hyphens (-). Only the blanks within the specified zone are changed. Insert another blank line at the top of the file and change it to hyphens. Write the file onto disk and use the CMS PRINT command to spool a copy to the offline printer. Sample Terminal Session Using the CMS Editor and CMS File System Commands 361 Sample Terminal Session Using Line-Number Editing This terminal session shows how a terminal session using right-handed line-number editing might appear on a typewriter terminal. The commands function the same way on a display terminal, but the display is somewhat different. When you enter these input lines, you should have physical tab stops set at your terminal at positions 16 and 22 (for assembler columns 10 and 16; the difference compensates for the line numbers, as you will see). On a display terminal, tab settings have no significance; once the line is in the output display area, it has the proper number of spaces. 1 2 3 edit test assemble NEW FILE: EDIT: linemode right input INPUT: 00010 * sample of linemode right 00020 test csect 00030 balr 12,0 00040 using *,12 00050 st 14,sav14 00060 wrtera testing ••• 00070 I 14,sav14 br 14 00080 00090 end 00100 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 362 EDIT: 60 00060 WRTERM c /testing ••• /·testing ••• • WRTERM 00060 80 BR 14 00080 input INPUT: TESTING ••• ·TESTING ••• • Use the EDIT command to invoke the CMS editor. Since this is a new file, the editor issues the NEW FILE message. Issue the LINEMODE subcommand to indicate that you want to begin line-number editing .• For ASSEMBLE files, you cannot have line numbers on the left, because the assembler expects data in columns 1 through 7. As soon as you issue the INPUT subcommand, the editor begins prompting you to enter input lines. For convenience in entering lines, the line numbers appear on the left, as they would if you were using left-handed line-number editing. In your ASSEMBLE file, however, the line numbers are actually on the right. When you are have finished entering these input lines, enter a null line to return to edit mode from input mode. To locate lines when you are using line-number ~diting, you can enter the line number of the line. In this case, enter 60 to position the current line pOinter at the line numbered 00060 •. The editor displays the line. Issue the CHANGE subcommand to place quotation marks around the text line for the WRTERM macro. The editor redisplays the line, with the change. Issue the nnnnn subcommand, specifying line number 80, and use the INPUT subcommand so you can begin entering more input lines. IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ) 16 00083 sav14 00085 wkarea 00081 flag 00088 runon 00089 runoff RENUftBER LINES EDIT: linemode off serial on abc save EDIT: linellode right type 00030 RUNOFF verify 1 * type 00030 RUNOFF 135 50 00050 input INPUT: 00053 00055 00051 ds ds ds equ equ BQU f 3d x x'80' x'40' X'40' EQU X'40' runaix equ x'20' ST 14,SAV14 tm bcr flag,runon 1,14 EDIT: top TOF: next * SlftPLE OF LINEftODE RIGHT restore IBC00130 IBCOO050 ABCOO010 When you begin entering input lines between two existing lines, the editor uses an algorithm to assign line nuabers. The editor ran out of line numbers, since the next line in the file is already numbered 90. You must renumber the lines. Before you can renumber the lines, you must turn line-number editing off. Before issuing the SlVE subcollmand, which writes the file and its new line numbers onto disk, you can issue the SERIIL subcommand. SERIAL ABC indicates that you want the characters ABC to appear as the first three characters of each serial number. The EDIT message indicates that the SlVE request has completed. Issue the LINEftODE subcommand to restore line-number editing. Use the TYPE subcommand to verify the position of the current line pointer. If you want to see the serial numbers in columns 12 through 80, issue the VERIFY subcommand, specifying *, or the record length. Normally, the editor does not display the columns containing serial numbers While you are editing. . You can use the nnnnn subcommand to insert individual lines of text. This subcommand inserts a line that you want numbered 135, and places it in its proper position in the file. Note that although, in this example, the current line pOinter is positioned at line 130, it does not need to be at the proper place in the file. When the subcomaand is complete, however, the current line pointer is positioned following the line just inserted. position the line pointer at the line numbered 50, and again begin entering the input lines indicated. Enter a null line to return to edit mode, move the current line pointer to the top of the file, and display the first line. The RESTORE subcommand restores the default settings of the editor, and the the verification columns are restored to 1 and 12, so that line numbers are not displayed in columns 12 through 80. Sample Terminal Session Using Line-Number Editing 363 17 18 19 type * * SAftPLE OF LINEftODE RIGHT TEST CSECT BALR 12,0 USING *,12 ST 14,SAV14 Tft FLAG,RUNON 1,14 BCR WRTERft L 14,SAV14 14 BR SAV14 DS F DS 3D WKAREA FLAG DS X RUNON EQU X' 80' RUNOFF EQU X'40' EQU RUNMIX X'20' END EOF: file RESERIALIZATION SUPPRESSED R; type test assemble * SAftPLE OF LINEftODE RIGHT TEST START X'20000' BALR 12,0 USING *,12 14,SAV14 ST FLAG,RUNON TM 1,14 BCR TYPE 'TESTING.~.' 14,SAV14 L 14 BR SAV14 DS F WKAREA DS 3D FLAG DS X EQU RUNON X' 80' RUNOFF EQU X'40' RUNMIX EQU X'20' END 17 18 19 364 'TESTING ••• , ABCOO010 ABCOO020 ABCOO030 ABCOO040 ABCOO050 00053 00055 ABCOO060 ABCOO070 ABCOO080 ABCOO090 IBC00100 IBC00110 ABCOO120 IBCOO130 00135 IBCOO140 Use the TYPE subcommand to display the file. When you issue the FILE subcomm"and to write the file onto disk, the editor issues the message RESERIALIZATION SUPPRESSED to indicate that it is not going to update the line numbers, so that the current line numbers match the line numbers as they existed when the SAVE subcommand was issued. If you want to see how the file exists on disk, use the CftS TYPE command to display the file. Note that the lines inserted after the SAVE subcommand do not have the initial ABC characters, and that they retain the line nu.bers they had when they were inserted. IBM VM/370 CftS User's Guide I (~ Sample Terminal Session for OS Programmers The following terminal session shows how you might create an assembler language program in CMS, assemble it, correct assembler errors, and execute it. All the lines that appear in lowercase are lines that you should enter at the terminal. Uppercase data represents the system response that you should receive when you enter the command. The input data lines in the example are aligned in the proper columns for the assembler; if you are using a typewriter terminal, you should set your terminal's tab stops at columns 10, 16, 31, 36, 41, and 46, and use the Tab key when you want to enter text in these columns. If you are using a display terminal, when you use a PF key defined as a tab, or some input character, the line image is expanded as it is placed in the screen output area. There are some errors in errors in CMS. ) the terminal session, so that you can see how to correct 1 edit ostest assemble NEW FILE: EDIT: input INPUT: dataproc csect print nogen space rO equ 0 r1 equ 1 r2 equ 2 r10 equ 10 r12 equ 12 r13 equ 13 r14 equ 14 r15 equ 15 space stm r14 ,r12, 12 (r13) save caller's regs balr r12,0 establish using *,r12 addressability st r13,savearea+4 store addr of caller's savearea la r15,savearea get the address of my savearea st r15,8(r13) store addr in caller's savearea lr r13,r15 save addr of my savearea space *open files and check that they opened okay space r3,0 initially set return code la open (indata,outdata,(output» open files using ihadcb,r10 get dsect to check files la r10,indata prepare to check output file dcboflgs,x'10' everything ok? tm bnz checkout .~.continue la r3,100 set return code exit ••• exit b checkout la r10,outdata check output file tm dcboflgs,x'10' is it okay? process bnz la r3,200 set return code exit b 1 The EDIT command is issued to create a file named OSTEST ASSEMBLE. Since the file does not exist, the editor indicates that it is a new file and you can use the INPUT subcommand to enter input mode and begin entering the input lines. Sample Terminal Session for OS Programmers 365 space equ get lr put b space equ exit close 1 lr 1 1m br space savearea dc indata dcb process * indata r2,rl outdata,(2) process read a record from input file save address of record move it to output continue until end-of-file *(indata"outdata) r13,savearea+4 r15,r3 r14,12(r13) rO,r12,20(r13) r14 close files addr of caller's save area load return code get return address restore regs bye ••• 18f'0' ddname=indd,macrf=gl,dsorg=ps,recfm=f,lrecl=80, 2 3 EDIT: $mark savelinput EDIT: INPUT: outdata eodad=exit dcb ddname=outdd,macrf=pm,dsorg=ps dcbd space end 4 EDIT: file R; 5 global mac lib osmacro R; 6 assemble ostest * * * * * ** 2 3 4 5 6 366 Since the DCB macro statement takes up more than one line, you have to enter a continuation character in column 12. To do this, you can enter a null line to return to edit mode and execute the $ftARK edit macro, which places an asterisk in column 12. If the $ftARK edit macro is not on your system, you will have to enter a continuation character some other way. (See "Entering a continuation Character in Column 12" in "Section 5. The CftS Editor.") Before continuing to enter input lines, the EDIT subcommand SAVE is issued to write what has already been written onto disk. The CP logical line end symbol (I) separates the SAVE and INPUT subcommands. A null line returns you to edit mode. You may wish, at this point, to proofread your input file before issuing the FILE subcommand to write the ASSEftBLE file onto disk. Since this assembler program uses OS macros, you must issue the GLOBAL command to identify the CftS macro library, OS8ACRO 8ACLIB, before you can invoke the assembler. The ASSEBBLE command invokes the V8/310 assembler to assemble the source file; the asterisks (*) indicate the CftS blip character, which you mayor may not have made active for your virtual machine. IB8 V8/310 CftS User's Guide March 30, 1979 7 8 ASSEMBLER DONE OST00230 23 LA R3,0 INITIALLY SET RETURN CODE IF0188 R3 IS AN UNDEFINED SYMBOL OST00240 24 OPEN (INDATA,OUTDATA,(CUTPUT» OPEN FILES 4000000 27+ 12,*** IHB002 INVALIt OPTION OPERAND SPECIFIED-OUTDATA IF0197 *** MNOTE *** OST00290 32 LA R3,100 SET RETURN CODE IF0188 R3 IS AN UNDEFINED SYMBOL OST00340 37 LA R3,200 SET RETURN CODE IF0188 R3 IS AN UNDEFINED SYMBOL OST00460 63 LR R15,R3 LOAD RETURN CODE IF0188 R3 IS AN UNDEFINED SYMBOL NUMBER OF STATEMENTS FLAGGED IN THIS ASSEMELY = 5 R (00012) i edit ostest assemble locate Ir2 R2 EQU 2 i r3 equ 3 lopen OPEN (INDATA,OUTDATA,(OUTPUT» OPEN (INDATA"OUTDATA, (OUTPUT» OPEN FILES c 1,1,,1 9 OPEN FILES file Ri assemble ostest * * * * * * 10 ASSEMBLER DONE NO STATEMENTS FLAGGED IN THIS ASSEMBLY Ri 11 filedef indd disk test data a Ri 12 filedef outdd punch R; 13 #cp spool punch to * 7 The assembler displays errors encountered during ass~mbly. Depending on how accurately you copied the program in this sample session, you mayor may not receive some of these messages; you may also have received additional messages. You must edit the file OS TEST ASSEMBLE and correct any errors in it. The errors placed in the example included a missing comma on the OPEN macro, and the omission of an EQU statement for a general register. These changes are made as shown. The CMS editor accepts a diagonal (I) as a LOCATE subcommand. After all the changes have been made to the ASSEMBLE file, you can issue the FILE subcommand to replace .the existing copy on disk, and then reassemble it. This time, the assembler completes without encountering any errors. If your ASSEMBLE file still has errors, you should use the editor to correct them. The FILEDEF command is used to define the input and output files used in this program. The ddnames INDD and OUTDD, defined in the DCBs in the program, must have a file definition in CMS. To execute this program, you should have a file on your A-disk name TEST DATA, which must have fixed-length, 80-charaqter records. If you have no such file, you can make a copy of your ASSEMBLE file as follows: 8 9 10 11 copy file ostest assemble a test data a 12 13 The output file is defined as a punch file, so that it will be written to your virtual card punch. The CP SPOOL command is issued, using the #CP function, to spool your virtual punch to your virtual card reader. When you use the iCP function, you do not receive a Ready message. Sample Teiminal Session for OS Programmers 367 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 ,for 14 5748~XX8 load ostest R; 15 16 start DMSLI07401 EXECUTION BEGINS ••• DMSSOP036E OPEN ERROR CODE '04' ON 'OUTDD ' R(00200); filedef INDD DISK TEST DATA A1 OUTDD PUNCH R; 17 filedef outdd punch (lrecl 80 recfm f R; 18 19 20 #cp query reader all NO RDR FILES load ostest (start DMSLI07401 EXECUTION BEGINS ••• PUN FILE 6198 TO BILBO COpy 01 NOHOLD R; 21 fi indd reader R; fi outdd disk new osfile a4 (recfm fb block 1600 lrecl 80 R; 22 23 listfile new osfile a4 (label DMSLST002E FILE NOT FOUND. R(00028); run ostest EXECUTION BEGINS ••• *R; 24 listfile new osfile a4 (label FILENAME FILETYPE FM FORMAT NEW OSFILE A4 F LRECL 1600 RECS fLOCKS 5 10 DATE 9/30/75 TIME 8:26:14 LABEL PAT198 R; 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 368 The LOAD command loads the TEXT file produced by the assembly into virtual storage. The START command begins program execution. An open error is encountered during program execution. The CMS ready message indicates a return code ot 200, which is the value placed in it by your program. The FILEDEF command, with no operands, results in a display of the current file definitions in effect. Error code 4 on an open request means that no RECFM or LRECL information is available. An examinat~on of the program listing would reveal that the DCB for OUTDD does not contain any information about the file format; you must supply it on the FILEDEF command. Re-enter the FILEDEF command. You can use the CPQUERY bommandto determine whether there are any files in your card reader. It should be empty; if not, determine whether they might be files you need, and if ~o, read them into your virtual machine; otherwise, Furge them. Use the LOAD command to execute the program again; this time, use the START option of the LOAD command to begin the program execution. The PUN FILE message indicates that a file has been transferred to your virtual card ,reader. The ready message indicates that your program executed successfully. For the next execution of this program, you are going to read the file back out of your card reader and create a new CMS disk file, in OS simulated data set format. FI is an acceptable system truncation for the command name, FILEDEF. The LISTFILE command is issued to check that the file NEW OSFILE does not exist. The RUN command (which is an EXEC procedure) is used instead of the LOAD and START commands, to load and execute the program. The ready message indicates that the 'program completed execution. The LISTFILE command is issued again, and the file NEW OSFILE is ,listed. (If you issue another CP QUERY READER command, you will also see that the file is no longer in your card reader.) IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30. 1979 by Supp_ SD23-9024-1 for 5148-118 Sample Terminal Session for DOS Programmers The following terminal session shows how you might create an assembler language program in CMS. assemble it, correct assembler errors. and execute it. All the lines that appear in lowercase are lines that you should enter at the terminal. Uppercase data represents the system response that you should receive when you enter the command. The input data lines in the example are aligned in the proper columns for the assembler; if you are using a typewriter terminal. you should set your terminal's tab stops at columns 10, 16. 31, 36. 41, and 46 and use the Tab key when you want to enter text in these columns. If you are using a display terminal. when you use a PF key or an input character defined as a tab. the line image is expanded as it is placed in the screen output area. Note: The assembler, in CMS. cannot read macros from DOS/VSE libraries. This sample terminal session shows how to copy macros from DOS/VSE libraries and create CMS MACLIB files. Ordinarily, the macros you need should already be available in a system MACLIB file. You do not have to create a MACLIB each time you want to assemble a program. There are some errors in errors in CMS. 1 the terminal session. so that you can see how to correct cp link dosres 130 130 rr linkdos DASD 130 LINKED R/O R; 2 access 130 z Z (130) R/O - DOS R; set dos on z R; 3 edit dostest assemble NEW FILE: EDIT: input INPUT: begpgm csect balr 12,0 using *,12 la 13,savearea open infile,outfile loop get infile put outfile b loop eodad equ * close infile,outfile eoj eject buffer dc CL80' , infile dtfdi modname=shrmod.ioarea1=buffer.devaddr=sysipt. 1 Use the CP LINK command to link to the DOS system residence volume and the ACCESS command to access it. In this example, the system residence is at virtual address 130 and is accessed as the Z-disk. Enter the CMS/DOS environment. specifying the mode letter at which the DOS/VSE system residence is accessed. Use the EDIT command to create a file named DOSTEST ASSEMBLE. Since the file does not exist, the editor indicates that it is a new file and you can use the INPUT subcommand to enter input mode and begin entering the input lines. 2 3 Sample Terminal Session for DOS Programmers 369 March 30, 1979 4 5 EDIT: $mark save#input EDIT: INPUT: outfile eofaddr=eodad,recsize=80 dtfdi modname=shrmod,ioarea1=buffer,devaddr=syspch, 6 EDIT: $mark save.input EDIT: INPUT: shrmod endpgm recsize=81 dimod typefle=output equ * end 7 EDIT: file R; 8 9 edit getmacs eserv NEW FILE: EDIT: tabs 2 72 input INPUT: punch open,close,get,put,dimod,dtfdi EDIT: file R; 10 assgn sysipt a R; eserv getmacs R; 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 370 Since the DTFDI macro statement takes up more than one line, you have to enter a continuation character in column 72. To do this, you can enter a null line to return to edit mode and execute the $MARK edit macro, which places an asterisk in column 72. If the $MARK edit macro is not on your system, you will have to enter a continuation character some other way. (See "Entering a Continuation Character in Column 72" in "Section 5. The CMS Editor.") Before continuing to enter input lines, the EDIT subcommand SAVE is issued to write what has already been written onto disk. The CP logical line end symbol (#) separates the SAVE and INPUT subcommands. Another continuation character is needed. A null line returns you to edit mode. You may want, at this point, to proofread your input file before issuing the FILE subcommand to write the ASSEMBLE file on disk. To obtain the macros you need to assemble this file, use the editor to create an ESERV file. By setting the logical tabs at columns 2 and 72, you can protect yourself from entering data in column 1. PUNCH is an ESERV program control statement that copies and de-edits macros from source statement libraries; in this case, the system source statement library. The output is directed to the SYSPCH device, which the CMS/DOS ESEBV EXEC assigns by default to your A-disk. You must assign the logical unit SYSIPT before you invoke the ESEBV co.mand. GETMACS is the filename of the ESERV file containing the ESERV control statements. IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 11 listfile GETMACS GETMACS GETMACS getmacs ESERV MACRO LISTING * A1 A1 A1 R; 12 maclib gen dosmac getmacs R; erase getmacs R; 13 * global maclib dosmac R; 14 assemble dostest * * 15 16 17 ASSEMBLER DONE DOS00040 4 LA 13,SAVEAREA IF0188 SAVEAREA IS AN UNDEFINED SYMBOL DOS00110 35 EOJ IF0078 UNDEFINED OP CODE NUMBER OF STATEMENTS FLAGGED IN THIS ASSEMELY R (00008) ; edit dotest assemble EDIT: locate /buffer/ BUFFER DC CL80" input savearea ds 9d file R; edit eoj eserv NEW FILE: EDIT: i punch eoj file 2 R; 18 listio sysipt SYSIPT DISK A R; eserv eoj R; 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 After the ESERV EIEC completes execution, you have three files. You may want to examine the LISTING file to check the ESERV program listing. The MACRO file contains the punch (SYSPCH) output. The MACLIB command creates a macro library named DOSMAC MACLIB. Since the MACLIE command completed successfully, you can erase the files GETMACS ESERV. GETMACS LISTING, and GETMACS MACRO; an asterisk in the filetype field of the ERASE command indicates that all files with the filename ef GETMACS should be erased. Before you can invoke the assembler, you have to identify the macro library that contains the macros; use the GLOBAL command, specifying DOSMIC MICLIE. The ASSEMBLE command invokes the VM/370 assembler to assemble the source file; the .asterisks (*) indicate the CMS blip character, which you may o~ may not have made active fer your virtual machine. The assembler displays errors encountered during assembly. Depending on how accurately you copied the program in this sample session, you mayor may not receive some of these messages; you may also have received additional messages. To correct the first error, which was the omission of a DS statement for SAVEAREI, edit the file DOSTEST ASSEMBLE and insert the missing line. The second error indicates that the macro EOJ is not available, since it was not copied from the source statement library. Create another ESERV file to punch this macro. Use the LISTIO co.m~nd to check that SYSIPT is still assigned to your A-disk, so that you do not have to issue the ASSGN command again. Then issue the ESERV command again, this time specifying the filename EOJ. Sample Terminal Session for DOS Programmers 371 March 30, 1979 19 maclib add dosmac eoj Ro, maclib map dosmac (term MACRO INDEX SIZE 2 43 OPEN CLOSE 46 43 GET 90 56 147 93 PUT 241 DIMOD 647 889 284 DTFDI 1174 6 EOJ R; 20 erase eoj R; * assemble dostest * * * 21 ASSEMBLER DONE NO STATEMENTS FLAGGED IN THIS ASSEMBLY R; 22 listfile DOSTEST DOSTEST DOSTEST dostest * ASSEMBLE A1 LISTING A1 TEXT A1 R; print dostest listing R; 23 doslked dostest R; 24 listfile DOSTEST DOSTEST DOSTEST DOSTEST DOS TEST dostest * ASSEMBLE A1 DOSLIB A1 TEXT A1 LISTING A1 MAP AS R; 19 20 21 22 23 24 372 Use the ADD function of the MACLIB command to add the macro EOJ to DOSMAC MACLIE. Then, issue the MACLIB command again, using the MAP function and the TERM option to display a list of the macros in the library. Erase the EOJ files. You should always remember to erase files that you do not need any longer. Reassemble the program. This time, the assembler . completes without encountering any errors. If your ASSEMBLE file still has errors, you should use the editor to correct them. Use the LISTFILE command to check for DOSTEST files. The assembler created the files, DOSTEST LISTING and DOSTEST TEXT. The TEXT file contains the object module. You can print the program listing, if you want a printed copy. Then, you may want to erase it. Use the DOSLKED command to link-edit the TEXT file into an executable phase and write it into a DOSLIB. Since this program has no external references, you do not need to add any linkage editor control statements. NOw, you have a DOSTEST DOSLIB, containing the link-edited phase, and a MAP file, containing the linkage editor map. You can display the linkage editor map with the TYPE command, or use the PRINT command if you want a printed copy. rBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev "arch 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5148-118 25 Icp spool punch to * punch test data a PUN FILE 0100 TO BILBO COpy 01 NOHOLD R; 26 #cp query reader all ORIGINID FILE CLASS RECDS CPY HOLD DATE TIME NAME PATTI 5840 A PUN 000097 01 NONE 09/29 15:00:39 TEST assgn sysipt reader TYFE DATA DIST BIN211 R; assgn syspch a R; 21 dlbl outfile a cms punch output (syspch R; 28 state punch output a DMSSTT002E FILE NOT FOUND. R (00028) ; global doslib dostest R; fetch dostest DMSFET710I PHASE 'DOSTEST' ENTRY POINT AT LOCATION 020000. R; 29 start DMSLI07401 EXECUTION BEGINS ••• R; listfile punch output a (label FILENAME FILETYPE FM FORMAT LRECL PUNCH OUTPUT A1 F 80 RECS ELOCKS 97 10 DATE TIME 9/29/75 14:50:55 LABEL BBB191 R; #cp query reader all NO RDR FILES 25 To execttte this program in CMS/DOS, punch a file that has fixed-length 80-character records into your virtual card punch. If you do not have any files that have fixed-length, aO-character records, you can create a file named TEST DATA with the CMS editor, or by copying your ASSEMBLE source file with the CCPYFILE command, as follows: copy file dostest assemble a test data a 26 21 28 29 Use the CP SPOOL command to spool the punch to your own virtual machine, then use the PUNCH command to punch the file. The PUN FILE message indicates that the file is in your card reader. Use the CP QUERY command to check that it is the first, or only file in your reader. Use the ASSGN command to assign SYSIPT to your card reader and SYSPCH to your A-disk. When you assign a logical unit to a disk mode, you must issue the DLBL command to identify the disk file to CMS. For this program execution, you are creating a CMS file named PUNCH OUTPUT. The STATE command ensures that the file does not already exist. If it does exist, rename it, or else use another filename or filetype on the DLBL command. Use the GLOBAL command to identify the tOSLIB, DOSTEST, you ~ant to search for executable phases, then issue the FETCH command specifying the phase name. The FETCH command loads the executable phase into storage. When the FETCH ccmmand is executed without the START option, a message is displayed indicating the entry point location of the program loaded. The START command begins program execution. The CMS ready message indicates that your program completed successfully. YOl) can check the input and output activity by using the LISTFILE command to list the file PUNCH OUTPUT. If you use the CP QUERY command, you can see that the file is no longer in your virtual card reader. Sample Terminal Session for DOS Programmers 373 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 30 assgn sysipt a R; dlbl infile a cms punch output (sysipt R; assgn syspch punch R; 31 32 fetch dostest (start DMSLI07401 EXECUTION BEGINS ••• PUN FILE 5829 TO BILBO COpy 01 NOHOLD R; read punch2 output R; listfile punch2 output a (label FILENAME FILETYPE FM FORMAT LRECL PUNCH2 OUTPUT A1 F 80 RECS fLOCKS 97 10 DATE TIME 9/29/75 14:50:59 LABEL BBB191 R; 30 31 32 374 If you want to execute this program again, you can assign SYSIPT and SYSPCH to different devices; in this example, the input disk file PUNCH OUTPUT is written to the virtual punch. You do not need to reissue the GLOBAL DOSLIB command; it remains in effect until you reissue it or IPL CMS again. This time, the program execution starts immediately, because the START option is specified on the FETCH command line. Again, the PUN FILE message indicates that a file has been received in your virtual card reader. You can use the CMS command READCARD to read it onto disk and assign it a filename and filetype, in this example, PUNCH2 OUTPUT. IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide Sample Terminal Session Using Access Method Services This sample terminal session shows you how to use access method services under CMS. You should have an understanding of VSAM and access method services before you use this terminal session. The terminal session uses a number of CMS files, which you may create during the course of the terminal session; or, you may prefer to create all of the files that you need beforehand. Within the sample terminal session, the file that you should create is displayed prior to the commands that use it. This terminal session is for both programmers; all the ASSGN commands and environment is active are shaded. If you enter the shaded entries; if not, you must CMS OS VSAft programmers and CftS/DOS VSAft SYSxxx operands that apply when the CftS/DOS have issued the command SET DOS ON, you must omit the shaded entries. !!gte§: 1. This terminal session assumes that you have, to begin with, a read/write CMS A-disk. This is the only disk required. Additional disks used in this exercise are temporary disks, formatted with the IBCDASDI disk initialization program under CMS. If you have OS or DOS disks available, you should use them, and remember to supply the proper volume and virtual device address information, where appropriate. The number of cylinders available to users for temporary disk space varies among installations; if you cannot acquire ample disk space, see your system support personnel for assistance. 2. Output listings created by AMSERV take up disk space, so if your A-disk does not have a lot of space on it, you may want to erase the LISTING files created after each AMSERV step •. 3. If any of the ABSERV commands that you execute during issue a nonzero return code; for example: this sample terminal session R(00012); You should edit the LISTING file to examine the access method services error messages. The publication QQ~!§ !~§§§g~§ contains the return codes and reason codes issued by access method services. You should determine the cause of the error, examine the DLBL commands and ABSERV files you used, correct any errors, and retry the command. ), 1 Icp define t3330 DASD 200 DEFINED Icp define t3330 DASD 300 DEFINED #cp define t3330 DASD 400 DEFINED 1 These commands 400. 200 010 300 010 400 010 10 CYL 10 CYL 10 CYL define temporary 3330 mindisks at virtual addresses 200, 300, and Sample Terminal Session Using Access Method Services 315 2 File: PUNCH IBCDASDI 222222 333333 444444 3 JOB ftSG TODEV=1052,TOADDR=009 DADEF TODEV=3330,TOADDR=200,VOLID=SCRATCH,CYLNO=10 VLD NEWVOLID=222222 VTOCD STRTADR=10,EXTENT=5 END JOB ftSG TODEV=1052,TOADDR=009 DADEF TODEV=3330,TOADDR=300,VOLID=SCRATCH,CYLNO=10 VLD NEWVOLID=333333 VTOCD STRTADR=10,EXTENT=5 END JOB ftSG TODEV=1052,TOADDR=009 DADEF TODEV=3330,TOADDR=400,VOLID=SCRATCH,CYLNO=10 VLD NEWVOLID=444444 VTOCD STRTADR=10,EXTENT=5 END File: IBCDASDI EXEC &CONTROL OFF CP CLOSE C CP PURGE RDR ALL ACC 190 Z/Z IPL * CP SPOOL D CONT * PUNCH IPL IBCDASDI Z ( NOH PUNCH PUNCH IBCDASDI * ( NOH CP SPOOL PUNCH NOCONT CP CLOSE PUNCH CP IPL OOC 4 5 2 3 4 5 376 ibcdasdi NO FILES PURGED DftSACC7231 Z (190) R/O DftSACC7231 190 ALSO = S-DISK PUN FILE 1492 TO BILBO COpy 01 NOHOLD IBC105A DEFINE INPUT DEVICE. DASDI 7.77 input=2540,00c This file contains control statements for the IBCDASDI program, which formats and initializes disks for OS and DOS. These disks are labelled 222222, 333333, and 444444. Any messages produced by the IBCDASDI program are sent to your terminal. This file contains the commands necessary to use the IBCDASDI program under CftS. You must punch a copy of the IBCDASDI program, followed by the file containing your control statements, to your virtual card reader, and then load the IBCDASDI program. This is all done in the file IBCDASDI EXEC. Execute the IBCDASDI EXEC. The last command in the EXEC is the IPL command, which passes control to the IBCDASDI program. The message IBC105A prompts you to enter the address of the control statements. Since the control statements are in your card punch, you indicate the device type (2540) and the address (OOC) on the INPUT= statement. IBft Vft/370 CftS User's Guide ( Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp. SD23-9024-1 for 5748-118 6 DASDI 7.77 JOB MSG TODEV=1052,TOADDR=009 DADEF TODEV=3330,TOADDR=200,VOLID=SCRATCH,CYLNO=10 VLD NEWVOLID=222222 VTOCD STRTADR=10,EXTENT=5 END IBC163A END OF JOB. DASDI 7.77 333333 JOB MSG TODEV=1052,TOADDR=009 DADEF TODEV=3330,TOADDR=300,VOLID=SCRATCH,CYLNO=10 VLD NEWVOLID=333333 VTOCD STRTADR=10,EXTENT=5 END IBC163A END OF JOB. DASDI 7.77 444444 JOB MSG TODEV=1052,TOADDR=009 DADEF TODEV=3330,TOADDR=400,VOLID=SCRATCH,CYLNO=10 VLD NEiVOLID=444444 VTOCD STRTADR=10,EXTENT=5 END IBC163A END OF JOB. DMKDSP450W CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSi 'OC060000 OOOOEEEE' ipl cms CMS ••• VERSION 3.0 02/28/76 222222 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 a DMSACC7231 B Ro, access 300 c DMSACC7231 C R; access 400 d DMSACC7231 D R; query search 191 BBB191 222222 200 333333 300 444444 400 CMS190 190 (200) R/Ttl - OS (300) R/i - OS (400) R/ll - OS A B C D S R/i R/W - OS R/W - OS R/ll - OS These messages are issued by the IBCDASDI program, which displays the statements executed and indicates the end of each job. When the last IBCDASDI job 1S complete, your virtual machine is in the CP environment and you must reload the CMS system before you can continue. If you are a CMS/DOS user, you must reaccess the DCS/VSE system residence volume and issue the SET DOS ON command line, specifying the VSAM option. If you have not previously linked to the system residence, you must use the CP LINK command before you issue the ACCESS command. Access the three newly formatted disks as your B-, C-, and D-disks. You can issue the QUERY SEARCH command to verify the status of all disks you currently have accessed. Sample Terminal Session Using Access Method Services 377 March 30, 1979 11 File: MASTCAT AMSERV DEFINE MASTERCATALOG (MASTCAT) ( NAME VOLUME (222222) CYL (4) UPDATEPW (GAZELLE) FILE IJSYSCT) ) 12 (IIIIII! sysct dsn mastcat perm extent DMSDLB331R ENTER EXTENT SPEC:t'Flc'Jfi"IONS: 19 171 13 R; 14 amserv mastcat R; 15 File: CLUSTER AMSERV DEFINE CLUSTER ( NAME (BOOK. LIST ) VOLUMES (222222) TRACKS (20) FILE (BOOK) KEYS (14,0) RECORDSIZE (120,132) ) DATA (NAME (BOOK.LIST.DATA) ) INDEX (NAME (BOOK.LIST.INDEX ) ) 16 amserv cluster 4221A ATTEMPT 1 OF 2. ENTER PASSWORD FOR JOE AMSERV gazelle FILE MASTCAT R; 17 File: REPRO AMSERV REPRO INFILE (BFILE ENV ( RECORDFORHAT(F) BLOCKSIZE(120) PDEV (3330) ) ) OUTFILE (BOOK) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 378 The file MASTCAT AMSERV defines the VSAM master catalog that you are going to use. Identify the master catalog volume, and use the EXTENT option on the DLBL command so that you can enter the extents. For this extent, specify 171 tracks (9 cylinders) for the master catalog. Since 4 cylinders are specified in the AHSERV file, the remaining 5 cylinders will be used for suballocation by VSAM. You must enter a null line to indicate that you have finished entering extent information. Issue the AMSERV command, specifying the MASTCAT file. The ready message indicates that the master catalog is created. Define a suballocated cluster. T·his cluster is for a key-sequenced data set, named BOOK.LIST. No DLBL command is necessary when you define a suballocated cluster. Note that since the password was not provided in the AMSERV file, access method services prompts you to enter the password of the catalog, which is defined as GAZELLE. Use the access method services REPRO command to copy a CMS data file into the cluster that you just defined. IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide 18 data a (recfm f lrecl 120 R; sort test data a book file a DMSSRT604R ENTER SORT FIELDS: 1 14 R; dlbl bfile a cms book file 19 book list {vsam R; amserv repro R; 20 File: SPACE AMSERV DEFINE SPACE ( FILE (SPACE) TRACKS (57) VOLUME (333333) ) 21 SPECIFICATIONS: 22 19 20 21 ) 22 R; amserv space 4221A ATTEMPT 1 OF 2. ENTER PASSWORD FOR JOE AKSERV gazelle R; FILE KASTCAT You must identify the dnames for the input and output files for the REPRO function. BFILE is a CMS file, which must be a fixed-length, 120-character file, and it must be sorted alphamerically in columns 1 through 14. The COPYFILE command can copy any existing file that you have to the proper record format; the SORT command sorts the records on the proper fields. The output file is the VSAM cluster, so you must use the VSAM option on this DLBL command. Create an AMSERV file to define additional space for the master catalog on the volume labelled 333333. Again, use the EXTENT option on the DLBL command so that you can enter extent information, and a null line to indicate that you have finished entering extents. Issue the AMSERV command. Again, you are prompted to enter the password of the master catalog. Sample Terminal Session Using Access Method Services 379 23 File: UNIQUE AMSERV DEFINE CLUSTER( NAME (UNIQUE. FILE) UNIQUE ) DATA ( CIL (3) FILE (KDATA) RECORDSIZE (100 132) KEIS(12,0) VOLUMES (333333 ) } INDEX (CIL (1)FILE (KINDEX) VOL UMES (333333) 24 111111 dlbl kdata c (extent DMSDLB331R ENTER EXTENT SPECIfICATIONS: 76 57 R; dlbl kindex c ( e x t e n t _ DMSDLB331R ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: 133 19 R; amserv unique 4221A ATTEMPT 1 OF 2. ENTER PASSWORD FOR JOE AMSERV gazelle FILE MASTCAT R; 25 File: USERCAT AMSERV DEFINE USERCATALOG ( CIL (4) FILE (IJSISUC) NAME (PRIVATE. CATALOG) VOLUME (444444) UPDATEPW (UNICORN) ATTEMPTS (2) ) DATA (CIL (3) )INDEX ( CIL (1) ) CATALOG (MASTCAT/GAZELLE 26 dlbl ijsysuc d dsn private catalog (extent DMSDLB331R ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: 19 152 peril Ri amserv usercat *R; 23 24 25 26 380 This AMSERV file defines a unique cluster, with data and index components. Iou must enter DLBL commands and extent information for both the data and index components of the unique cluster. Next, define a private (user) catalog for the volume 444444. This catalog is -named PRIVATE.CATALOG and has a password of UNICORN. When you define a user catalog that you are going to use as the job catalog for a terminal session, you should use the ddname IJSYSUC. IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide ( 27 28 TAPE 181 ATTACHED File: EXPORT AMSERV EXPORT BOOK.LIST INFILE (BOOK) OUTFILE (TEMP ENV (PDEV (2400) 29 30 31 dlbl IJSYSCT DISK FILE IJSYSCT B1 DISK BOOK FILE A1 BFILE DISK FILE B1 BOOK BOOK SPACE FILE SPACE C1 DISK C1 KDATA DISK FILE KDATA C1 FILE KINDEX DISK KINDEX IJSYSUC DISK FILE IJSYSUC D1 Ri dlbl book b dsn book list (cat ijsysct Ri amserv texport (tapout 181 DMSAMS361R ENTER TAPE OUTPUT DDNAMES: temp » MASTCAT BOOK.LIST PRIVATE. CATALOG 111111 R; 32 File: IMPORT AMSERV IMPORT CATALOG (PRIVATE. CATALOG/UNICORN) INFILE (TEMP ENV (PDEV (2400») OUTFILE (BOOK2) 33 tape rew R; dlbl book2 d dsn book list (vsam 111111"\ Ri amserv timport (tapin 181 DMSAMS361R ENTER TAPE INPUT DDNAMES: temp R; 27 28 29 30 31 ) 32 33 You may want to try an EXPORT/IMPORT function, if you can obtain a scratch tape from the operator. When the tape is attached to your virtual machine, you receive this message. The file that is being exported is the cluster BOOK.LIST created above. If you do not have access to a tape, you can export the file to your CMS A-disk. Remember to change the PDEV parameter to reflect the aPFropriate device type. Before issuing the AMSERV command to perform the export function, you may want to check the DLBL definitions in effect. Issue the DLBL command with no operands to obtain a list of current DLBL definitions. You must reissue the DLBL for BOOK.LIST, because there is a job catalog in effect, and the file is cataloged in the master catalog. Use the CAT option to override the job catalog. There is no default tape value when you are using tapes with the AMSERV command. You must specify the TAPIN or TAPOUT option and indicate the virtual address of the tape. You are prompted to enter the ddname, which for this file is TEMP. The last AMSERV file imports the cluster BOOK.LIST to the user catalog, PRIVATE. CATALOG. You should rewind the tape before reading it as input. Sample Terminal Session Using Access Method Services 381 c 382 IBft Vft/370 efts User's Guide Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 Index The entries in this Index are accumulative and reflect the addition System Extensions Program Product, Program Number 5748-XX8. ¢ logical line delete symbol .BX .CM .CS .FO .IL .IN .OF .SP .TR format format format format format format format format format word (57~~=!!~) word (57~~=!!~) word (57~~=!!~) word (~1!~=!!~) word (~1~~=!!~) word (~1~~=!!~) word (57~~=!!~) word (5748-XX8) word (~1!~=!!~) 7 324.6 324.7 324.8 324.8 324.8 324.8 324.10 324.11 324.13 &$ special variable resetting 275 using to test arguments 275 &* special variable resetting 275 using to test for absence of arguments 275 &ARGS control statement, changing &n special variables with 272 &BEGEMSG control statement, when to use 307 &BEGPUNCH control statement, when to use 297 &BEGSTACK control statement, when to use 289 &EEGTYPE control statement examples 106 when to use 286 &CONTINUE centrol statement following label 104 used with &ERROR control statement 301 &CONTROL control statement controlling execution summary of EXEC procedure 299 examples 108 &DATATYPE built-in function, using to test arguments 274 &EMSG control statement, examples 307 &ERROR control statement examples 104 provide error exit for CMS commands 301 &EXIT control statement examples 104 passing return code to CMS 284 &GLOBAL special variable, testing recursion level of EXEC 283 &GLOBALn special variable example 278 passing arguments to nested procedures 283 &GOTO control statement examples 103 transferring control in EXEC procedure 277 of the VM/370 Basic &HEX control statement, examples 271 &IF control statement maximum number allowed in nest 277 testing variable symbols 276 &INDEX special variable 101 testing 273 using to establish loop 273 &LENGTH built-in function, using to test arguments 274 &LITERAL tuilt-in functicn examples 280 examples of substitution 269 &LCOP control statement example 105 execution summary when &CONTROL ALL is in effect 308 preparing loops in EXEC procedure 280 &n special variable, manipulating 272 &PUNCH control statement punching jobs to CMS hatch facility 234 using to create file 296 &READ control statement ARGS operand 101 changing &n special variables 272 examples 106 reading CMS commands 285 &READFLAG special variable determining if console stack needs to be cleared 293 using to test console stack 290 &RETCODE special variable example 104 testing after CMS command execution 301 using with &EXIT control statement 283 &SKIP control statement examples 104 transferring control in EXEC procedure 279 &SPACE control statement, example 106 &STACK control statement stacking EXEC files with 294 using in edit macros 311 using to stack null line 292 when to use, in edit macros 315 &SUBSTR built-in function, examples 280,294 &TIME control statement, example 108 &TYPE control statement" displaying prompting messages in EXEC procedure 284 examples 106 when to use 286 &TYPEFLAG special variable, testing whether EXEC is displaying data 288 &1 through &30, special variables 101 Index 383 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 ! (exclamation point), controlling whether it is displayed 28 $, used as first character of filename for edit macros 311 $COL edit macro 324 $CONT EXEC 316 $DUP edit macro, example 73 $LISTIO EXEC file 158 $MACROS edit macro 320 $MARK edit macro 321 used to enter continuation character 80 $MOVE edit macro, how to use 73 $POINT edit macro 323 * (asterisk) in EDIT subcommands 65 in fileids on command lines 44 in fileids on command lines (~1~~=!!~) 44.1 in filemode field 53 used to write comments in EXEC procedure 305 *COpy statement examples 138 in CMS/DOS 166 I logical line end symbol 7 restriction on stacking in EXEC procedure 291 using to enter null line in input mode 62 using when setting program function keys 340 #CF function' 7,19 using in edit or input mode 84 using on display terminals 339 a logical character delete symbol 6 using when setting prcgram function keys 340 (equal sign) entered in fileids on command lines entered in filemode field 53 subcommand (§~~ REUSE subcommand) 45 " logical escape symbol 8 used when setting program function keys 340 A /* CMS batch acility control card, used to signal end of job 229 end-of-file indicator in AMSERV file 182 in batch job 237 // record, used as delimiter in MACLIBs 140,169 / (diagonal), as delimiter on EDIT subcommands 64 /JOB control card, description 228 /SET control card, description 229 % (percent symbol), setting EXEC arguments to blanks 273 subcommand usage 88 usage, on display terminal 346 usage as argument for EXEC procedure 305 ?EDIT message 65 384 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide abnormal termination (abend), effect on DLBL definitions 160 ACCESS command accessing CMS disks 14 response when you access VSAM disks 185 used with OS disks 129 access method services control statements, executing 182 DOS/VS, using in CMS/DOS 181 DOS/VSE, using in CMS/DOS (~1~~=!!~) 181 executing in CMS, examples 205 functions DEFINE CLUSTER 206 DEFINE MASTERCATALCG 191,199 DEFINE USERCATALOG 193,200 DELETE 207 EXPORT 208 IMPCRT 208 REPRO 208 OS/VS, restriction on using in CMS 181 return codes 183 sample terminal session 375 using in CMS 181 using tape input/output 204 in CMS/DOS 196 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev ftarch 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 access methods DOS, supported in CMS 154 OS, supported in CftS 130 accessing directories of DOS/VS libraries 163 directories of DOS/VSE libraries (.21!!!!=XX!!) 1 63 disks 14 as read-only extensions 51 in CftS batch virtual machine 231 DOS disks 154 DOS/VS system residence volume 151 DOS/VSE system residence volume (.21!! 8- XX!!) 1 51 file directories for CMS disks 57 files of a particular mode number 55 multiple access systems with DIAL command 26 OS disks 129 ACTION DOS/VS linkage editor control statement 173 DOS/VSE linkage editor control statement (.21!! 8- XX!!) 173 ADD operand of MACLIB command usage 138 usage in CMS/DOS 167 adding members to macro library example 138 example in CMS/DOS 167 address stops setting 217 to enter CP environment 23 virtual calculating for instructions in program 212 definition 12 for unit record devices 113 A-disk 51 ADSTOP command, how to set address stops 217 ALIAS, OS linkage editor control statement, supported by TXTLIB command 146 ALL operand of &BEGSTACK control statement, when to use 290 of &BEGTYPE control statement, when to use 287 of &CONTROL control statement, using to debug EXECs 308 allocating space for VSAM files 186,188,202 in CMS/DOS 194 VSAM extents on OS disks and minidisks 198 ALTER subcommand global changes 71 how to use 70 altering characteristics of spool files 115 characters in CftS file, with ALTER subcommand 70 multiple occurrences cf character in file 71 AftSERV command executing in EXEC Irocedure 209 how to use 182 files examples 182,378 filetype 182 usage in CftS 47 functions under CftS (5748~XX8) 205 using to read tapes (~1!~=!X8) 204 annotated, edit macro 318 annotating, EXEC procedure 305 APL, using on display terminal 350 appending, data to existing files, during program execution 134 arguments in EXEC procedure 95,101,272 checking 274 passing to nested JXECs 283 testing with &$ and &* 274 on RUN command, passing parameter list 241 on START command, parameter list 241 ASM3705 filetype, usage in CMS 47 ASSEMBLE command assembling OS programs 143 in CftS/DOS 171 filetype usage in CftS 47 used as input to assembler 143 assembling OS programs in CMS 143 programs sample terminal session 366 using CMS batch facility 235 programs in CftS/DOS 171 sample terminal session 371 source files, from OS disks 143 VSAM programs in CftS 181 ASSGN command entering before program execution 177 using to assign logical units 156 Index 385 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 assigning file mode letters to disks 51 logical units in CMS/DOS before program execution 177 for VSAM catalogs 193 to disk devices 158 to virtual devices 158 values to variable symbols, in EXEC procedure 102 assignment statement, examples 102 attention interruption causing 21 effect of mode setting 30 automatic IPL 6 save function of CMS editor 63 AUTOREAD operand of CMS SET command, display terminals 341 auxiliary control files 259 preferred 260 auxiliary processing routine, receiving control during I/O operation 134 AUXPROC option, of FILEDEF command 134 AUXxxxx filetype auxiliary control files 259 usage in CMS 47 B backspace characters changing in file being edited 78 deleted in user input area 350 effect of image setting 78 entering on display terminal 349 batch facility (§~~ CMS batch facility) jobs for CMS batch facility 227 non-CMS users 236 processing, in CMS 227 batch jobs purging 233 reordering 233 restarting 233 BDAM, access method, CMS support 130 BEGIN command, to return to virtual machine environment 18 beginning tracing 217 virtual machine execution 18 386 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide blanks as delimiters, on EDIT subcommands 64 in character strings changed with CHANGE subcommand 69 used on OVERLAY subcommand 70 blip, characters, setting 28 BLeCK option, of FILEDEF command 133 BLP (§~~ bypass label processing) (Jl~H~=~~l! ) books from DOS/VS source statement libraries, copying 161 from DOS/VSE source statement libraries, copying (Jl~~=~X8) 161 BOTTOM subcommand, moving current line pcinter to end of file 66 BPAM access method, CMS support 130 branching in EXEC procedure &GOTO control statement 277 &SKIP control statement 279 based on &IF control statement 276 BREAK subcommand 4 setting program breakpoints 213 breakpoints, setting 213 BSAM access method, CMS support 130 buffers, used by FSCB 245 BUFSP option of DLBL command 198 in CMS/DOS 190 bypass latel processing (Jl~~=~X8) 122 C calculating storage available in your virtual machine 177 canceling changes made during edit session 63 DLBL definitions 160 FILEDEF definitions 134 verification of changes made by editor 69 card punch used to send jobs to eMS batch facility 228 using in EXEC procedure 296 card reader restriction on use in job for CMS batch facility 232 spooling punch or printer files to 115 cards used as input to CMS batch facility 228,237 /* as end-of-file indicator 229 CASE subcommand, usage 76 CAT option of DLBL command 198 identifying catalogs 201 in CMS/DOS 190,193 Pg~ of GC2~1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 cataloged procedures, OS, equivalent in CMS 128 causing breaks in text (~1!8-~!~) 324.11 CAW (channel address word), displaying, with DISPLAY command 220 CHANGE command, changing hold status on spool files 116 subcommand global changes 71 how to use 69 using in edit macros 316 using on display terminal 346 changing characteristics of spool files 115 characteristics of unit record devices 113 file identifier, on SAVE subcommand 85 filemode numbers 55 file mode of file, FMODE subcommand 85 lines in file being edited 69 that contain backspace characters 78 multiple occurrences of character string in file 71 changing output representation of a character (~1!8-XX~) 324.13 channel address word (see CAW (channel address word» --channel status word (see CSW (channel status word» character, strings, changing 69 characters altering with ALTER subcommand 70 with CHANGE subcommand 69 deleting from line 6 special defining translate table for entering 30 displaying on display terminal 350 entering on display terminal 349 translated to uppercase, in edit macros 311 valid in CMS file identifiers 43 valid in CMS file identifiers (~74~=XX~) 44 CLASS, operand of SPOOL command 113 classes CP command privilege 333 of CP spool files 113 clearing console stack at top or end of file 313 for edit macro execution 313 in EXEC procedure 293 issuing message after 313 DLBL definitions 160 FILEDEF definitions 134 job catalogs ,201 job catalogs in CMS/DOS 193 closing CMS files, after reading or writing 248 virtual card punch l after using &PUNCH control statement 296 virtual unit record devices 250 clusters, VSAM, defining and deleting 206 CMS operand of DLBL command 160 saved system name 223 CMS (Conversational Monitor system) basic description 3 commands (~~~ CMS commands) DOS/VS simulation 151 DOS/VS! simulation (~1!8-XX8) 151 file system 43 file system commands, samples 354 files (~files, CMS) loading into your virtual machine 6 OS simulation 127 CMS batch facility control cards 227 /* 229 /JOE 228 /SET 229 controlling spool files 231 description 227 housekeeping done after executing job 230 how jobs are processed 230 jobs for non-CMS users 236 using EXEC procedure to submit jobs 234 CMS commands executing from programs 241 in edit macros 312 in !XEC procedure 299 for tape handling 119 general information 4 nucleus-resident 58 stacking in EXEC procedure 291 summary 328 that execute in transient area 58 used in CMS/DOS (~~~ CMS/DOS co.mands) used with OS data sets 129 using EXEC procedure to modify 302 valid in edit macros 312 Index 387 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 CMS editor environment 19 format of 3270 display screen 345 how to use 61 invoking 61 in EXEC procedure 291 line mode on display terminal 348 sample terminal session 354 using on display terminal 344 CMS environment 18 CMS EXEC file 98 format 98 modifying 100 sorting 99 CMS files (§~~ files) CMS macro instructions examples 249 usage 243 CMS subset environment 19,84 using 90 using to test EXEC procedure 308 CMSAMS, saved system name 225 CMS/DOS commands ASSGN 156 ASSGN (~1!§=!!§) 156.1 DOSLIB 175 DOSLKED 172 DSERV 163 entering 21 ESERV 163 FETCH 175 LISTIO 158 PSERV 162 RSERV 162 sample terminal session 369 SSERV 161 summary 154 environment 21 entering 151 program development using 151 relationship to CMS and to DOS/VS 151 relationship to CMS and to DOS/VSE (~1!!!=!!!! ) 1 51 restrictions on e~ecuting OS programs 152 CMSDOS, saved system name 225 CMSLIB, ddname used to identify OS macro libraries 141 CMSLIB MACLIB 140,169,243 CMSSEG, saved system name 225 CMSUT1 file~ CMS commands that create 50 CMSVSAM, saved system name 225 388 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide CNTRL filetype control files 258 usage in CMS 47 command defaults 25 environments 17 how to enter 3 language 3 CMS 4 CP 3 lines, how scanned in CMS 240 comments in EXEC procedure 305 in HELP text files (21!§=!!§) 324.7 communicating with CMS and CP during editing session 84 with VM/370 3 COMP operand of MACLIB command usage 139 usage in CMS/DOS 168 COMPARE command, comparing contents of CMS files 39 comparing, variable symbols in EXEC procedure 105,276 compilers, supported in CMS 4 components, of VM/370 3 compressing DOSLIB files 175 MACLIBs 139 in CMS/DOS 168 CONCAT option, of FILEDEF command, example 141 conditional execution. &LOOP control statement 280 conditionally displaying text (21!§=!!§) 324.8 console log creating disk file from 342 printing 342 produced by CMS batch facility 233 output, spooling for display terminal 342 stack cleared in case of error during edit macro execution 314 clearing 293 clearing for edit macro execution 313 using in EXEC procedure 289 using to write edit macros 311 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 CONT operand of SPOOL command 114 using to spool virtual punch in EXEC procedure 297 continuation character, how to enter in column 72 79 continuous spooling 114 control cards, for CMS batch facility (§~~ CMS batch facility control cards) controlling CMS loader 147 execution of EXEC Brocedure, summary of control statements 103 intensity of the redisplay of user input (.21!!8-!!!!l 28 converting decimal values to hexadecimal, in EXEC procedure 270 fixed-length files to variable-length format 75 hexadecimal values to decimal, in EXEC procedure 270 CONWAIT function example 295 using to clear console stack 293 COpy files adding to MACLIB 138 adding to MACLIB, in CMS/DOS 166 filetype usage in CMS 47 usage in CMS/DOS 49 function, on display terminals 342 operand of SPOOL command 114 COPYFILE command changing filemode numbers 55 changing record format of file 75 copying files from one virtual disk to another 32 creating small files from large one 89 copying books from DOS/VS source statement libraries 161 books from DOS/VSE source statement libraries (.21!!§=!!§) 161 contents of display screen 342 DOS files into CMS files 155 files from one device to another 118 from tape to disk 122 lines in CMS file 73 macros from DOS/VS libraries to add to CMS MACLIB 165 macros from DOS/VSE libraries to add to CMS MACLIB (.21!!§=!!§) 165 members of MACLIBs 139,168 modules from DOS/VS relocatable libraries 162 modules from DOS/VSE relocatable libraries (.21!!~=!X8) 162 OS data sets into CMS files 135 parts of CMS file, with GETFILE subcommand 73 spool files 114 VSAM data sets 208 into CMS files 208 copying modules from DOS library or SYSIN tapes (.21!!~=!!§) 156 core image libraries CMS (§~~ DOSLIB files) DOS/VS, using in CMS/DOS 164 DOS/VSE, using in CMS/DOS (~1!!~=!!~) 164 correcting, lines as you enter them 6 counters, using in EXEC procedure 280 CP (control program) basic description 3 commands, general information 3 privilege classes 333 spooling facilities 113 CP commands 19 executing from programs 242 summary 334 used for debugging 220 compared with DEBUG subcommands 222 using in EXEC procedure 267 using in job for CMS batch facility 232 CP environment, entering 17 CP READ status, on display screen 340 creating CMS EXEC file 98 CMS files 31 from DOS disks and tapes 156 from DOS libraries 155 from OS data sets 134,136 in EXEC procedure 296 CMS macro libraries example 137 example in CMS/DOS 165 from DOS macro libraries 165 DOSLIB files 174 file system control block (FSCB) 244 files with CMS editor 61 HELP text files (~1.!l§=!!~) 324 .• 4 modules from DOS library or SYSIN tapes (~1!!§=!X8) 156 one spool file from many files being printed or punched 114 program modules 149 programs, sample terminal session 365 reserved filetypes 303 user-written commands 149 user-written edit macros 311 CSW (channel status word), displaying, with DISPLAY command 220 current line pointer. displaying when verification is off 86 how to use 65 position on display terminal screen 344 positioning 68 subcommands for display terminals 347 Index 389 Pg. of GC20-1819~2 Rev ftarch 30~ 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 cylinders extents entering in CftS/DOS 192 specifying for OS disks 198 on 2314/2319 disk 199 on 3330 disk 199 on 3340 ftodel 35 disk 199 on 3340 Model 70 disk 199 D data control block (DCB), relationship to FILEDEF command 131 data sets, OS, using in CftS 129 ddna.es in OS VSAft programs, restricted to 7 characters in CftS 197 specifying with FILEDEF command, 131 used by assembler 143 used with assembler 172 DDR command, used with OS data sets 129 DEBUG cOllmand 20 to enter debug environment 212 sub commands compared with CP debugging commands 222 entering 20 monitoring program execution 213 relationship to CP commands for debugging 220 summary 215 debug environment 20 debugging commands and subcommands used in relationship 220 summary of differences 222 EXEC procedure 308 nonrelocatable ftODULE files 221 programs 211 summary of commands 37 using CP commands 219 decimal, and hexadecimal conversion in EXEC procedure 270 de-editing DOS/VS macros 163 DOS/VSE macros (~l.9.!!=!!~J \ 163 default command 25 DLBL definition 160 FILEDEF definition 133 for filetypes for CftS editor, establishing in EXEC procedure 303 logical line editing symbols 6 setting up in EXEC procedure 273 390 IBft Vft/370 CftS User's Guide DEFINE access method services function 206 command defining temporary disk 12 defining virtual storage 223 to increase virtual storage size 89 subcommand, defining symbols for debugging session 214 defining logical line editing symbols 8 program input and outFut files in CftS 145 space for VSAft files 186,202 in eMS/DOS 194 temporary disks 12 translate tables 30 virtual printer for trace information 218 virtual storage 223 VSAft files for AftSERV 197 for AftSERV, in CftS/DOS 190 VSAft master catalog 199 CftS/DOS 191 DEL operand of MACLIB command 138 of MACLIB command, in CftS/DOS 168 DELETE access method services function 207 subcommand, how to use 72 deleting lines in file being edited 72 to a particular line 72 members of ftACLIB exallple 138 exallple in CftS/DOS 168 VSAft clusters and catalogs 207 delimiters, on EDIT subcommand lines 64 density of tapes, when to specify 123 DESBUF function example 295 using to clear console stack 293 DETACH, command, after R!LEASE command 15 detaching disks 15 without releasing them 57 device types assignments in eftS/DOS 156 assignments in eMS/DOS (574~=!X8) 156.1 specifying with FILED!F command 132 devices, disks, cylinders and tracks 199 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 DIAGNOSE instruction, executing CP commands 242 DIAL command 26 DIRECT, filetype, usage in CMS 47 DISCONN, command 26 disconnecting, your terminal from your virtual machine 26 discontiguous, saved systems 223 DISK command LOAD operand, restriction in job for CMS batch facility 232 using 117 disk determination default for reading files commands for which you must specify file mode 53 commands that search all accessed disks 52 commands that search only A-disk 53 commands that search only A-disk and its extensions 53 default for writing files commands for which you must specify file mode 54 . commands that write files onto your A-disk 54 commands that write output files to read/write disk 54 filemode selection by editor 63 disks defined in VM/370 directory entry 11 defining temporary disks for terminal session 12 definition 11 DOS, accessing 154 full, during editing session 90 linking 13 listing information about 40 master file directory 56 OS determining extents for VSAM 198 using in CMS 129 OS and DOS compatibility 186 formatting with IBCDASDI program 189 used with VSAM data sets 185 providing for CMS batch virtual machine 231 querying status of 56 read-only, exporting VSAM files from 208 search order 14,51 sharing 13 VSAM, accessing 185 writing files on, how editor selects disk 63 DISP MOD option, of FILEDEF command 134 DISPLAY command, displaying storage and registers while debugging 219 display screen, status ccnditions 340 display terminals changing editor verification setting 346 controlling screen, during edit session 346 display mode 348 entering backspace characters 349 entering commands 339 example of display screen 343 how editor formats screen 345 line mode 348 signaling interruptions 343 text feature 352 using CMS editor 344 using tab characters 349 displaying eMS files 34 in EXEC procedure 287 column numbers in file being edited, using $COL edit macro 324 command information (5748-XX8) 324.1 data lines at terminal------in EXEC procedure 286 WRTERM macro 250 directories of DOS/VS libraries 163 directories of DOS/VSE libraries (21~~=!!~) 163 DLBL definitions 160 FILEDEF definitions 145 general registers, in debug environment 212 lines at terminal, in EXEC procedure 106 listings from access method services 183 particular columns of file, during edit session 69 prompting messages in EXEC procedure 284 PSW (program status word), during program execution 216 screensful of data 347 short form of editor error message 86 special characters on display terminal 350 Index 391 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 timing information in EXEC procedure 108 trace information on terminal 218 virtual storage during program execution 219 disposition, of spool files 113 DLBL command assigning filemode numbers 56 default file definition 160 defining OS data sets 129 entering before program execution 177 EXTENT option, examples 204 how to use in CMS/DOS 159 identifying VSAM data sets 197 identifying VSAM data sets in CMS/DOS 190 relationship to ASSGN command 159 specifying extents 203 specifying extents in CMS/DOS 195 DL/I programs in CMS/DOS 152 DMS, prefixing error messages in EXEC procedure 307 documenting, EXEC procedure 305 DOS, disks, compatibility with OS disks 186 DOS (Disk Operating System) files identifying in DLBL command 159 restrictions on reading in CMS 155 using in CMS 154 macros supported in CMS 170 program development, summary of commands 36 simulation in CMS 151 DOSLIB command, compressing DOSLIBs 175 files 174 executing phases from 176 size considerations 175 filetype, usage in CMS/DOS 49 DOSLKED command, link-editing programs in CMS/DOS 172 DOSLNK files, using in CMS/DOS 173 filetype usage in CMS/DOS 49 used by DOSLKED command 172 DOSMACRO MACLIB 140,169 DOSPART operand, of CMS SET command, example 178 392 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide DOS/VS system residence volume, using in CMS/DOS 151 DOS/VSE system residence volume, using in CMS/DOS (21~~=!X8) 151 drawing boxes (21~8-!!~) 324.6 DSERV command, examples 163 DSN operand of DLBL command 159 DSORG option, of FILEDEF command, when to specify 133 DSTRING subcommand example 72 using in edit macros 316 dummy data set, specifying with FILEDEF command 132 DUMP command, example 221 subcommand, example 221 dumping, virtual storage 221 duplicating filenames or filetypes 44 lines in CMS file 73 dynamic loading of TXTLIE members 148 E E EXEC 302 EDIT command creating CMS files 31 entering edit environment 19 executing in EXEC procedure 291 invoking CMS editor 61 edit environment 19 edit macros $COL 324 $CONT 316 $DOUBLE 318 $DUP 73 $MACROS 320 $MARK 321 entering continuation character in column 72 80 $MOVE 73 $POINT 323 CMS commands valid in 312 distributed with CMS 317 effect of IMPEX setting 29 examples 312 executing 311 how to write 311 sample 318 using variable-length EXEC files 315 edit mode, returning from input mode 62 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 EDIT subcommands delimiters 64 entering on display terminals 344 executing in edit macros 314 stacking in console stack 291 summary 91 editing CMS files 61 lines as you enter them from terminal 6 on display terminal 344 in EXEC procedure 349 session 61 end of file executing edit macros 313 indicating for input stream to batch virtual machine 237 indicating on jobs sent to batch virtual machine 229 indication in file being edited 66 end-of-tape processing (21~~=!!~) 122 end-of-volume processing (21~~=!!~) 122 entering APL characters on display terminal 350 CMS commands, in CMS subset environment 19 CMS environment 18 CMS/DOS environment 21,151 commands 3 more than one command on line 7 on display terminals 339 using synonyms 29 while command or program is executing 22 continuation character in column 72 79 CP commands from CMS command environment 18 from edit environment 84 CP environment after program check 220 during program execution 23 from CMS environment 17 from edit mode 84 debug environment after program abend 212 via breakpoint 20,213 via DEBUG command 20 via EXTERNAL command 20 via external interruption 217 DEBUG subcommands 20 DLBL definitions, in EXEC procedure 179 edit environment 19 EDIT subcommands 64 on display terminal 344 extent information when defining VSAM master catalog 199 file identifications on DLBL command 159 on FILEDEF command 132 on LISTDS command 154 FILEDEF definitions, in EXEC procedure 150 Immediate commands 22 on display terminal 343 lines at terminal, during program execution 250 logical line editing symbols as data 8 multivolume VSAM extents 204 in CMS/DOS 195 null lines 3 special characters using ALTER subcommand 70 using translate tatle 30 tab characters on disFlay terminal 349 VSAM extent information, in CMS/DOS 191 entry, linkage, for assembler language programs in CMS 240 ENTRY, OS linkage editor control statement, supported by TXTLIB command 146 entry pOint displayed following FETCH command 176 for program execution, determining 148 specifying, using OS ENTRY statement 146 specifying for program execution 144 environments VM/370 17 summary 24 EOF, token stacked when edit macro executed at end of file 313 EOF: message 66 ERASE, command 33 erasing CMS files 33 after reading them 55 to clear disk space during editing session 90 error messages controlling whether you receive them 27 displayed by CMS editor 65 short form 86 displaying in red 27 in EXEC procedure 306 errors during CMS commands, handling in EXEC procedure 300 Index 393 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30. 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 during EXEC processing 306 during standard label processing (~l!!~=!!!D 122 handling in EXEC procedure 301 in edit macros 314 ESERV command, examples 163 filetype 163 usage in CMS/DOS 49 examining, output listings from access method services 183 EXEC built-in functions, summary 103 command using in EXEC procedure 267 when to use 96 control statements, summary 109 files changing record format 96 differences between fixed-length and variable-length 287,292 record format 96 stacking 294 filetype for edit macros 311 usage ~n CMS 47 usage 1n CMS/DOS 49 interpreter, how lines are processed 309 procedures 95 building 267 debugging 308 executable statements 267 executing from programs 242 nesting 282 opening and closing CMS files 248 setting program function keys 340 submitting jobs to CMS batch facility 234 testing in CMS subset 308 to execute DOS programs 179 to execute IBCDASDI disk initialization program 189,375 to execute OS programs 149 used by non-CMS users to submit batch jobs 236 using to submit jobs to CMS batch facility 228 with same names as CMS commands 29 processing errors 306 special variables, summary 112 executable statements, in EXEC procedure 267 394 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide executing access method services, in EXEC procedure 209 CMS commands from programs 241 in edit macros 312 in EXEC procedure 299 CMS EXECs 99 commands, using program function keys 339 CP commands from programs 242 in EXEC procedure 267 DOS programs sample terminal session 373 setting UPSI byte 178 specifying virtual partition size 178 using EXEC procedure 179 DOS/VS procedures 162 DOS/VSE procedures (~1!!~=!!§) 162 edit macros 311 verifying completion 315 EDIT subcommands in EXEC procedure 292 using program function keys 340 EXEC procedure 58,95,96 from programs 242 in jobs for CMS hatch facility 234 executable statements in EXEC procedure 267 Immediate commands, in EXEC procedure 287 MODULE files 58.149 from programs 242 OS programs 144 restrictions 144 using EXEC procedure 149 PROFILE EXEC 98 programs in CMS/DOS 175 sample terminal session 368 TEXT files 144 VSAM programs 181 execution conditional, using &IF control statement 276 paths in EXEC procedure 275 execution summary of EXEC procedure description 107 example when 8CONTROL ALL is in effect 308 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 exit linkage, for assembler language programs in CMS 240 exiting from EXEC procedure 104,283 based on &RETCODE special variable 301 EXPORT, access method services function 208 exporting, VSAM data sets 208 extensions, read-only, using 51 EXTENT option of DLBL command 198 in CMS/DOS 190 extents determining for VSAM functions 188 for VSAM files entering in CMS/DOS 191 multiple 203 multiple in CMS/DOS 195 EXTERNAL, command, interrupting program execution 217 external references, how CMS loader resolves 147 extracting, members of MACLIBs 139,168 F FETCH command, executing programs in CMS/DOS 175 fetching, core image phases for execution in CMS/DOS 175 FIFO, first-in first-out stacking, in EXEC procedure 290 file definitions, making with FILEDEF command 131 directories, CMS 56 format, specifying on FILEDEF command 133 identifier assigned by FILEDEF command 132 changing with SAVE sUbcommand 85 CMS, rules for assigning 43 CMS, rules for assigning (~1!8-!!~) 44 coded as asterisk (*) 44 coded as asterisk (*) (~1~~=!!~) 44,.1 coded as equal sign (=) 45 default assigned by DLBL command 160 specifying for FSCB 244 used in FSCB 244 size, relationship to record length 75 system 43 macro instructions 244 FILE subcommand, writing file onto disk 63 FILED!F command assigning filemode nu.bers 56 default definition 132 guidelines for entering 131 how to use 131 used to identify OS macro libraries 140 used with OS data sets 129 commands, issued by asse.bler, overriding 172 file.ode in file identifier 43 letters 44 assigning 51 when to specify, reading files 52 when to specify, writing files 54 nUBbers descriptions 54 when to specify 55 4 130 filename 43 for edit macros 311 for HELP text files (~1~8-XX8) 324.3 files (§~~ ~!§Q DOS files, OS data sets) CMS erasing 33 format 43 identifiers 43 identifying on DLBL command 160 maximum number of records 43 renaming 33 too large to edit, what to do 89 manipulating with CftS macro instructions 244 that are erased after they are read 55 filetype created by assembler and language processors 48 for HELP text files (~1!8-XX8) 324.3 for workfiles 50 in file identifiers 43 reserved 45 establishing your own 303 used by CMS commands 46 used by language prccessors 46 FIND, subcommand, how to use 66 first-in first-out stacking, in EXEC procedure 290 fixed-length, EXEC files, difference between &STACK and &BEGST1CK 292 fixed-length files, converting to variable-length 75 Index 395 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 FMODE subcommand examples 85 used to change filemode numbers 56 FOR, operand of SPOOL command, usage 114 FORMAT command, formatting CMS disk 12 format of disk files, specifying on FILEDEF command 133 format words .BX (~1!§=!!§) 324.6 .CM (~1~§=!!§) 324.7 .CS (~1!§=!!§) 324.8 .FO (~1~§=!!§) 324.8 • IL (~l!§=!!§J 324.8 .IN (~1~§=!!§) 324.8 .OF (~1~§=!!§) 324.10 • SP (~l!§=!!§J 324. 11 • TR (~1~§=!!§) 324. 13 functions (~1~8-!!§) 324.4 summary (~1~§=!!§) 324.5 format-mode processing (~1~§=!!§) 324.8 formatting CMS disks, example 12 FB-512 disks (~1~§=!!§) 13 numbered lists (~1~§=!!§) 324.11 OS and DOS disks, example 189 forming, tokens of words in EXEC procedure 267 free space on OS and DOS disks, determining for use with VSAM 188 FREELOWE 177 FRERESPG 177 FSCB, macro, usage 244 FSCB (file system control block) creating 244 fields defined 244 modifying for read/write operations 245 usage 244 using with I/O macros 245 FSCBD macro, generating DSECT for FSCB 246 FSCLOSE macro, example 248 FSERASE macro, usage 248 FSREAD macro, examples 245 FSWRITE macro, examples 245 full disk 56 during editing session 90 G GEN operand of MACLIB command usage 137 usage in CMS/DOS 165 general registers conventions used in CMS 239 displaying in debug environment 212 displaying with DISPLAY command 219 modifying during program execution 212 GENMOD command creating user-written CMS command 149 regenerating existing MODULEs 221 GETFILE subcommand how to use 73 used to create small files from large one '89 global changes, using EDIT subcommands 71 396 IBM. VM/370 CMS User's Guide GLOBAL command used to identify nOSLIEs 174 used to identify macrc libraries 137 in CMS/DOS 164 , used to identify OS macro libraries 129,140 used to identify TXTLIBs 145 GO subcommand, to resume program execution 213 H halting program execution 22 screen displays 344 terminal displays 22 in EXEC procedure 287 HELP command, usage (~1!§=!!§) 5 HELP facility file naming conventions (21~§=!!§) 324.3 format words (21!§=!!§) 324.4 HELPCMS filetype, usage in CMS (~1!8-!!§) 47 HELPCP filetype, usage in CMS (~1!§=!!§) 47 HELPDEBU filetype, usage in CMS (~1!§=!X8) 47 HELPEDIT filetype, usage in CMS (2148=!!§) 47 HELPMENU filetype, usage in CMS (21!§=!!§) 47 HELPMSG filetype, usage in CMS (21~§=!!§) 47 hexadecimal, conversion in EXEC procedure 270 highlighting of messages on display terminal (21~§=!!~) 340 highlighting the redisplay of user input (11!!§=!!§) 28 HILIGHT operand of CP TERMINAL command (11~§=!!§) 28 HOLD, operand of SPOOL command 114 hold status, placing virtual output devices in during debugging 211 holding display on display terminal 341 spool files to keep them from being processed 114 HOLDING status, on display screen 341 HT Immediate command 22 executing in EXEC procedure 287 HX DEBUG subcommand 213 Immediate command 22 effect in CMS subset 20 effect on DLBL definitions 160 effect on FILEDEF definitions 134 I IBCDASDI disk initialization program formatting temporary disks example 189,375 ID card, to submit jobs to CMS batch facility 228 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 identifying macro libraries to search 137 in CMS/DOS 164 multivolume VSAM files 204 in CMS/DOS 196 VSAM master catalog 199 VSAM master catalog in CMS/DOS 191 IEBPTPCH utility program, creating CMS files from tapes created by 122 IEBUPDTE utility program, creating CMS files from tapes created by 122 IEHMOVE utility program, creating CMS files from tapes created by 123 IJSYSCL, defining in CMS/DOS 159 IJSYSCT defining 199 defining in CMS/DOS 190 IJSYSRL, defining in CMS/DOS 159 IJSYSSL, defining in CMS/DOS 159 IJSYSUC defining 201 defining in CMS/DOS 193 image setting, effect on tab characters 76 IMAGE subcommand, using in edit macros 316 Immediate commands entering, on display terminal 343 summary 327 IMPCP operand, of CMS SET command, setting 18 implied CP function 18 controlling 29 EXEC function 97 . controlling 29 IMPORT, access method services function 208 importing, VSAM data sets 208 INCLUDE command, entering after LOAD command 147 DOS/VS linkage editor control statement, specifying in DOSLNK file 173 DOS/VSE linkage editor control statement, specifying in DOSLNK file (~1~8-!!!!) 173 increasing, virtual machine storage 89 indenting text (~1~!!=!!~) 324.8 INPUT operand, of CMS SET command, defining input translate table 30 subcommand inserting single line into file 72 stacking in EXEC procedure 292 using in edit macros 315 input and output files, VSAM, defining 197 input data left margin while using editor 77 right margin while using editor 79 translated to uppercase by editor 62 input mode 19,62 entered after REPLACE subcommand 72 on display terminal 344 on display terminal in line mode 348 returning to edit mode, in edit macros 316 input stack, clearing 293 inserting lines in file being edited 72 using line-number editing 82 instructions calculating virtual storage address 212 tracing 217 INTDK utility program (~1~!!=!!~) 13 intensity, highlighted on display terminal (~148=11~) 340 Interactive Problem Control System (§~~ IPCS (Interactive Problem Control System» interrupting execution of edit macros 314 program execution 21 with breakpoint 213 interruptions CMS macros for handling 251 external 217 signaling on display terminal 343 invoking access method services 182 Cl!S editor 61 EXEC procedure 96 VSAPL en display terminal 350 I/O device assignments in Cl!S/DOS 156 manipulating 157 device assignments in CMS/DOS (~74~=!!!!) 156.1 macros used in CMS programs 244 IPCS (Interactive Problem Centrol System) 3 IPL command entering CMS environment 6,18 loading alternate saved segment IS AM access method CMS restriction 131 CMS/DOS restriction 154 225 J jot catalog using 201 using in CMS/DOS 193 jot control language, equivalent in CMS 128 JOECAT, Cl!S equivalent 128 jobname for jot sent to CMS batch facility specifying 228 used to identify spool files 233 jots, for CMS batch facility, submitting 227 Index 397 Pg_ of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 L label off processing (~1!~=!!~) 122 LABELDEF command, use in tape label processing (~1!~=!!~) 122 labels DOS 'SAM disks, determining for AMSER' 191 in EXEC procedure 103 how &GOTO searches for 278 rules for forming 275 terminating loop 280 OS 'SA~ disks, determining for AMSER' 199 tape 121 using 'SAM tapes 204 using 'SAM tapes in CMS/DOS 197 writing on CMS disks 12 LABOFF (§~~ label off processing) (~1!~=!!~) large files, splitting into smaller files 89 LDRTBLS operand, of CMS SET command, usage 223 leaving CMS subset environment 20 CMS/DOS environment 21 debug environment 20,213 edit environment 20,63 input mode 62 length, of lines displayed at your terminal, controlling 28 libraries CMS (§~~ 2!§~ DOSLIB, MACLIB, TXTLIB) CMS 136 distributed with CMS system 140,169 macro libraries (§~~ macro libraries, CMS) TEXT libraries 145 DOS/'S identifying in CMS/DOS 159 using directories 163 using in CMS/DOS 160 DOS/'S core image, executing phases from 176 DOS/'S procedure, copying procedures 162 DOS/'S relocatable copying modules from 162 link-editing modules from 174 DOS/'S source statement, using in CMS 161 DOS/'SE identifying in CMS/DOS (~1!~=!!~) 159 using directories (~1!~=!!~) 163 using in CMS/DOS (~1!~=!!~) 160 DOS/'SE core image, executing phases from (~1!~=!!~) 116 DOS/'SE procedure, copying procedures (~1!!~=!!~) 162 DOS/'SE relocatable copying modules from (~1!~=!!~) 162 link-editing modules from (~1!~=!!~) 114 DOS/'SE source statement, using in CMS (~1!!~=!!~) 161 OS, using in CMS 140 398 IBM 'M/370 CMS User's Guide LIFO last-in first-out stacking in edit macros 313 in EXEC procedure 290 line mode, of CMS editor 348 pointer (§~~ current line pointer) LINEDIT macro, executing CP commands 242 LINEMODE subcommand, beginning line-number editing 81 line-number editing 81 sample terminal sessicn 362 lines, deleting at terminal before entering 7 LINK command format in job for CMS batch facility 232 linking to other user's disks 13 linkage conventions, for ~rograms executing in CMS 240 linkage editor DOS/'S invoking in CMS/DOS 112 specifying control statements 113 DOS/'SE invoking in CMS/DOS (~1!~=!!~) 172 specifying control statements (~1.!! 8- !!~ ) 113 maps~ using when debugging 211 OS, control statements supported by TXTLIE command \ 145 link-editing modules from DOS/'S relocatable libraries 114 modules from DOS/'SE relocatable libraries (~1!~=!X8) 174 programs in CMS/DOS 112 specifying linkage editor control statements 173 TEXT files and TXTLIB members 146 TEXT files in CMS/DOS 172 examples 173 linking to other users' disks 13 to your own disks 13 LISTCAT, access method s€rvices function, output 183 LISTCRA, access method services function, output 183 LISTDS command listing DOS files 154 listing extents occupied by 'SAM files 187 listing free space extents 187 used with OS data sets 129 LISTING, assembler ddname, overriding default definition 143 listing edit macros, with $MACROS edit .acro 320 information about CMS files 39,99 about disks 40 about DOS files 154 about MAeLIB members 139,168 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30. 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 about OS and DOS disks 187 about OS' and DOS files 40 about your terminal 38 about your virtual machine 40 logical unit assignments in CMS/DOS 158 listing files created by AMSERV command changing filename 184 printing 184 created by assembler, output filemode 143 created by assembler and language processors 48 created by ESERV command 163 LISTING filetype created by AMSERV command 183 usage in CMS 47 usage in CMS/DOS 49 LISTIO command, listing device assignments 158 literal values, using in EXEC 269 LKEDIT filetype, usage in CMS 47 LOAD, command, loading and executing TEXT files 144 load map produced by LOAD and INCLUDE commands 147 using when debugging 211 LOAD MAP file, created by CMS loader 147 loader CMS description 146 entry point determination 148 control statements, summary 147 tables effect of LOAD and INCLUDE commands 147 usage 223 loader terminate (LDT) loader control statement, usage 145 loading alternate saved segment on IPL command 225 CMS into your virtual machine 6 specifying virtual device address 224 core image phases into storage for execution 175 programs into storage, specifying storage locations 243 TEXT files into storage 144 TXTLlB members dynamically 148 into storage 145 LOADLlB filetype, usage in CMS 47 LOADMOD command, to debug MODULE file 221 LOCATE subcommand how to use 67 using in edit macros 316 locating lines in file being edited 67 using line-number editing 82 location, starting, for loading link-edited phases 176 locking r terminal keyboard to wait for communication 30 logging off VM/370 26 logging on to VM/370 5,25 logical character delete symbol 6 escape symbol 8 line delete symbol 7 line editing symbols 6 defining 8 overriding 28 overriding (~1!~=!!~) 28.1 used with editor 62 line end symbol (§~~ ~1§~ # logical line end symbol) line end symbol 7 operators, used for ccmparisons in EXEC procedure 105 record length of CMSfile. overriding editor defaults 74 units assigning in CMS/DOS 156 assigning in CMS/DOS (~1!~=!!~) 156.1 LOGOFF command 26 LOGON command 25 contacting VM/370 5 LONG, subcommand. when to use 86 loop during program execution, debugging 216 in EXEC procedure 105 based on number of arguments passed 273 using &LOOP control statement 279 using counters 280 lowercase letters suppressing translation to uppercase 76 translated to uppercase by editor 62 LRECL option of COPYFILE command, truncating records in file 74 of EDIT command, when to use 74 of FILEDEF command, when to specify 133 Index 399 Pg_ of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD2.3-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 M MACLIB 'command usage 137 usage in CMS/DOS 164 files adding MACRO files created by ESERV program 163 moving to other files 140,169 querying 137 querying, in eMS/DOS 164 filetype, usage in CMS 47 MACRO files adding to MACLIB 138 adding to MACLIB in CMS/DOS 167 created by ESERV command 163 filetype usage in CMS 47 usage in CMS/DOS 49 macro libraries CMS 136 adding to 138 creating 137 deleting members of 138 displaying information about members in 139 distributed with CMS system 140,169 replacing members of 138 using in CMS/DOS 164 DOS/VS assembler language, restriction on using in CMS/DOS 164 DOS/VSE assembler language, restriction on using in CMS/DOS (~1~~=!!~) 164 OS, identifying for use in CMS 140 macros DOS/VS assembler language creating CMS MACLIB 372 supported in CMS 170 DOS/VSE assembler language creating CMS MACLIB (~1~~=!!~) 372 supported in CMS (~1~~=!!~) 170 OS, supported in CMS 142 MAINHIGH 177 MAP filetype created by DOSLKED command 175 created by DSERV command 163 created by MACLIB command 139,168 usage in CMS 47 usage in CMS/DOS 49 written to A-disk 54 operand of MACLIB command 139,168 option of DOS/VS ACTION control statement, effect in CMS/DOS 175 option of DOS/VSE ACTION control statement, effect in CMS/DOS (~1~~=!!~) 175 400 IBM VM/370 CMS User's, Guide maps created by DOS/VS linkage editor 175 created by DOS/VSE linkage editor (.21~~=!!~) 175 of eMS virtual storage 224 margins setting left margin for input with editor 77 setting right margin for input with editor 79 master catalogs VSAM defining 199 defining in CMS/DOS 191 sharing 185 master file directory 56 maximum, number of records in CMS file 43 MEMBER option CMS commands that have MEMBER aptian 168 of FILEDEF command 134 to copy member of OS partitioned data set 135 MEMO filetype 50 MESSAGE command, using before logging on 25 messages controlling whether you receive them 26 from CMS batch facility 230 from CP during edit session, effect on display screen 346 from editor, on display terminal 344 to other virtual machine users 25 minidisks (§!!~ s!§.Q disks) definition 11 transporting to as system after using with CMS VSAM 187 using with VSAM data sets 187 EXPORT/IMPORT restriction 208 mode edit and input 62 setting for your terminal 22,30 switching 17 summary 24 modifying CMS EXECs 100 CMS files, examples of commands 33 FSCB 245 groups of CMS files 53 registers during program execution 212 MODULE files creating 149 debugging 221 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 executing from programs 242 generating, to execute in transient area 243 modifying 221 filetype, usage in CMS 48 modules DOS/VS relocatable, copying into CMS files 162 DOS/VSE relocatable, copying into CMS files (21~!!=!X8) 162 MORE ••• status, on display screen 341 MOVEFILE command copying os data sets 134 copying tape files 122 copying tape files (~1~§=!!§) 122 extracting member of MACLIB 140,169 moving labelled tapes (~1~§=!!§) 122 reading files from virtual card reader 118 used with os data sets 129 moving CMS files, examples of commands 33 current line pointer 65 lines in file being edited 73 MULT option of DLBL command 198 in CMS/DOS 190 multiple extents for VSAM files specifying 203 specifying in CMS/DOS 195 output devices, restriction in CMS/DOS 159 updates 257 variable symbols in token, examples 269 multivolume VSAM extents specifying 204 specifying in CMS/DOS 195 N NAME, OS linkage editor control statement, supported by TXTLIB command 146 naming CMS files 43 CMS files (~1~§=!!§) 44 user commands 58 naming conventions for HELP text files (21~§=!!§) 324.3 nesting &IF statements in EXEC procedure 277 EXEC procedure 282 return code passed 302 NL (see no label processing) (~1~§=!!§) nnnnn-subcommand, examples 82 no label processing (~1~§=!!§) 122 NODISP option of EDIT command, using in EXEC procedure 349 nonrelocatable modules, creating 149 nonshared copy of CMS 224 of saved system, obtaining during debugging 224 nonstandard label processing (~1~~=!!§) 122 NOPROF option, of ACCESS command, suppressing execution of PROFILE EXEC 98 NO! ACCEPTED status, on display screen 341 NSL (§~~ nonstandard label processing) (]1~~=!!!l ) nucleus-resident CMS commands 58 null line after IPL 6 at top of file 66 entering to determine environment 17 how to enter 3 in EXEC procedure 267 stacking in EXEC procedure 210,292 testing for in EXEC procedure 285 to resume program execution after attention interruption 22 to return to edit mode from input mode 62 variables in EXEC procedure 102 o object files created by assembler and language processors 48 loading into storage 144 offsetting text (~1~8-1!~) 324.10 opening, CMS files 248 options, for FILEDEF command 133 OREER command, selecting files for processing 116 origin, for debug environment, setting 214 ORIGIN, subcommand, how to use 214 OS access methods supported in CMS 130 data sets copying into CMS files 134 restrictions on reading in CMS 131 using in CMS 129 disks compatibility with DOS disks 186 using in CMS 129 linkage editor control statements, read by TXTLIB command 145 macros supported in CMS 142 partitioned data sets (§~~ partitioned data sets) program development sample terminal session 365 summary of commands 35 simulated data sets 130 simulation in CMS 127 utility programs, creating CMS files from tapes created by 122 Index 401 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 OSMACRO MACLIB 140 r 169 OSMACR01 MACLIB 140 r 169 output files, produced by ASSEMBLE command 172 from CMS batch facility 233 from virtual console r spooling 342 OUTPUT, operand r of CMS SET command, defining output translate table 30 output stack r clearing 293 OVERLAY subcommand how to use 70 overlay more than one line 71 using in edit macros 316 overlaying character strings 70 with $MARK edit macro 321 virtual storage r during program execution 243 overriding, logical record length of file being edited 74 p parameter lists detecting absence of 241 passing with START command 144 r 241 setting up to execute CMS command 241 used by CMS routines 240 using FSCB 244 parent disk r of read-only extension 52 parentheses r scanned by EXEC interpreter 267 partition sizer specifying for program execution r in CMS/DOS 178 partitioned data sets copying into CMS files 135 specifying member names with FILEDEF command 134 passing arguments to EXEC procedure 272 to nested EXEC procedure 283 control in EXEC procedure 277,279 password suppression on command line 13 r 25,57 passwords entering on LOGON command line 25 for VSAM catalogs 202 in CMS/DOS 194 for your virtual machine 5 supplying on LINK command line 13 402 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide PAl key, to enter CP environment 344 PDS option, of MOVEFILE command, to copy OS partitioned data sets 135 periods, used to concatenate EXEC variable symbols 103 PERM option, of FILEDEF command r when to specify 134 PF keys (2~ program function keys) phases r CMS/DOS core image, writing into DOSLIBs 174 positioning current line pointer 65,68 using $POINT edit macro 323 tapes, examples 120 preferred auxiliary files 260 preferred level updating 260 preparing r jobs for CMS batch facility 231 PRESERVE subcommand saving EDIT subcommand settings 86 using in edit macros 315 preserving. editor settings 86 PRINT access method services function, output 183 command, printing CMS files 34 printer files produced by job running in batch virtual machine 231 querying status of 115 printing access method services listings 184 CMS files 34 multiple copies 114 trace information on virtual printer 218 PRINTL macro, usage 250 privilege classes, for CP commands 333 PROC filetype 162 usage in CMS/DOS 49 procedures DOS/VS, copying into CMS files 162 DOS/VSE, copying into CMS files (.21~~=!!~) 162 PROFILE EXEC sample 97 for CMS/DOS VSAM user 191 for OS VSAM user 199 program abend, message 211 check, using CP to debug 220 debugging 211 dumps, obtaining 221 March 30, 1919 execution entry point determination 148 interrupting 21 resuming with BEGIN command 221 tracing 216 input and output files, identifying 131 interruptions address stops 23 break{:oints 23 libraries 145 linkage, in CMS .239 listings, using when debugging 211 loops, debugging 216 program development DOS programs 151 sample terminal session 369 summary of commands 36 OS programs 121 sample terminal session 365 summary of commands 35 using CMS 125 program function keys setting 339 COpy function 342 for EDIT subcommands 348 in EXEC procedure 340 logical tab stops 349 using 339 program status word (§gg PSi (program status word» programmer logical units, assigning in CMS/DOS 157 prompting for line numbers while line-number editing 82 .essages in EXEC procedure 284 protecting, files from being accessed 54 PSERV command, examples 162 PSi, operand of DISPLAY command 216 PSi (program status word) displaying in debug environment 212 while program loops 216 with DISPLAY command 220 modifying wait bit 220 PUNCH command example 111 punching jobs to batch virtual machine 228 using with &PUNCH control statement punch files, produced by job running in batch virtual machine 231 PUNCHC macro, usage 250 punching CMS files 34 files to your virtual card punch 117 jobs to batch virtual machine 228 in EXEC procedure 234 lines in EXEC procedure 101 lines to virtual card punch 118 members of MACLIBs 139,169 PURGE, command, purging spool files 116 purging batch jobs 233 Q QSAM access method, C!S support 130 QUERY command (CMS), used with OS data sets 129 command (CP), displaying status of spool files 115 QUIT subcommand, terminating edit session 63 R RDlER! macro, examples 250 read, to virtual console, definition 21 READ control card, punching 111 READCARD command examples 111 restriction in CMS batch facility 232 used to assign file mode numbers 56 using with &PUNCH control statement 296 READER operand of ASSGN command, restriction in job for CftS batch facility 232 of FILEDEF command, restriction in job for CftS batch facility 232 reading arguments from terminal during EXEC processing 216 cards from your virtual card reader 116 CftS commands from console stack 291 from terminal during EXEC processing 285 291 ESERV control statement, executing in CMS/DOS 163 Index 403 March 30, 1979 CMS files from console stack 294 from EXEC procedure 294 with FSREAD macro 246 DOS files in CMS 154 files from tapes 119 from terminal in EXEC proceaure 106 RDTERM macro 250 lines from console stack, in EXEC procedure 289 real card decks into your virtual machine 117 specific records in CMS file 246 variable symbols from terminal during EXEC processing 285 read-only, extensions, using 51 read/write pointer, positioning 248 status of disks displaying 14 in VM/370 directory entry 11 ready message 8 controlling how it is displayed 27 CPU times displayed 239 displaying return code from EXEC procedure 284 not displayed after #CP function used in CMS environment 19 RECFM, option, of FILEDEF command, when to specify 133 record format describing for file being edited 73 of CMS file, changing 75 specifying for DOS files 155 specifying for program input and output files 133 record length creating long records with editor 74 of CMS file changing 74 default values set by editor 74 relationship to file size 75 records, in CMS file, maximu~ number 43 recursion level of EXEC, testing with &GLOBAL special variable 283 red type, displaying error messages in 28 re-executing, EDIT subcommands 87 register 15 checking contents after program execution 150 in CMS/DOS 179 contents after CMS command execution 240 testing contents in EXEC procedure 301 404 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide registers (§~~ general registers) relative record number, specified in FSCB 245 RELEASE command 14 updating master file directory 57 used with OS disks 129 releasing disks 14,57 read-only extensions 52 relocatable modules, link-editing in CMS/DOS 174 object files" loadirig into storage for execution 146 Remote Spooling Communications subsystem (§~~ RSCS (Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem)} remote terminals, using CMS editor 348 RENAME command, renaming CMS files 33 renaming, CMS files 33 RENUM subcommand, usage 82 renumbering, records in file, while line-number editing 82 reordering batch jobs 233 REP operand of MACLIB command 138 of MACLIB command in CMS/DOS 167 REPEAT sutcommand, used with OVERLAY subcommand 71 REPLACE option of COPYFILE command, used to change filemode letters 55 subcommand how to use 72 using in edit macros 315 replacing lines in file being edited 72 using line-number editing 82 members in macro library, example in CMS/DOS 167 REPRO, access method services function 208 resolving, unresolved references 147 responding to CMS commands in EXEC procedure 107 to prompting messages from AMSERV, in EXEC procedure 209 responses from CMS commands 9 suppressing display in EXEC procedure 287 from CP commands 9 from VM/370 8 to CMS commands, stacking in EXEC procedure 289 restarting batch jobs 233 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev Karch 30, 1919 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5148-XX8 RESTORE subcommand usage 81 using in edit macros 315 restoring editor settings 81 screen display during edit session, using TYPE subcommand 346 restrictions on commands used in CMS batch facility 232 on ddnames in OS VSAM programs 191 on executing DL/I programs in CMS/DOS 152 on executing DOS programs in CMS/DOS 115 on executing OS programs in eMS 144 on executing OS programs in eMS/DOS 152 on number of files per disk (21~~=!!~) 43 on number of lines that can be stacked in edit macro 314 on programs executing in transient area 243 on reading DOS files in CMS 155 on reading OS data sets in CMS 131 on using DOS/VS macro libraries in CMS/DOS 164 on using DOS/VSE macro libraries in CMS/DOS (5148-XX8) 164 on using miniaisks with VSAM data sets 181 resume program execution after attention interruption 22 after program check 212 terminal displays 22 in EXEC procedure 288 RETURN CMS subset command, to leave CMS subset 20 DEBUG subcommand, before starting program execution 213 return codes displayed in ready message 240 from access method services 183 from eMS commands displaying during EXEC processing 299 specifying error address following SVC 202 242 from EXEC procedure 284 in CMS ready message 9 passed by register 15 240 1 299 -2 314 -3 299 REUSE subcommand after LOCATE or FIND subcommand 61 usage 81 RSCS (Remote Spooling Communications subsystem) 3 general information 123 RSERV command, examples 162 RT Immediate command 22 executing in ~XEC procedure 288 RUN, command~ specify~ng arguments 241 RUNNING status, on display screen 341 S SAM files (§~~ sequential access method (SAM) files) sample, terminal sessions 353 SAVE subcommand changing file identifier 85 writing file onto disk 62 scanning CMS command lines 240 lines in EXEC procedure 261,309 tokens in EXEC procedure 100 screen example of 3210 screen display 343 format used by CMS editor 345 status CP READ 340 CP READ (~1~~=]]~) 340.1 HOLDING 341 MORE... 341 NOT ACCEPTED 341 RUNNING 341 VM READ 341 SCRIPT command, restriction cn executing in CMS/DOS 152 files 50 using backspaces 18 filetype, usage in CMS 48 SCROLL subcommand, how to use 341 search order for CMS commands considerations when naming EXEC procedure 302 summary 59 for CMS disks 51 displaying 14 for executable phases in CMS/DOS 116 used by DOSLKED command 112 searching disks for CMS files (see disk determination) for label in EXEC procedure 218 for line in file being edited 61 Index 405 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 only particular columns of file being edited 69 read-only extensions 52 segment alternate, loading on IPL command 225 shared system loaded into 224 sending messages, to other virtual machine users 25 sequence numbers specifying identifier 80 updating 254 sequential access meth6d (SAM) files, reading in CMS/DOS 154 serial numbers changing verification setting to display 81 in file being edited 80 SERIAL subcommand, examples 80 serializing records in file 80 while line-number editing 82 SET command (CftS) controlling message displays 27 operands invalid in job for CMS batch facility 232 setting implied CP and EXEC functions 29 SET command (CP), controlling message displays 26 SETSSI, OS linkage editor control statement, supported by TXTLIB command 146 setting entry point for program execution 148 limits on system resources during batch jobs 229 program function keys 339 in edit macros 340 sharing CftS system 223 data and master catalog, in CftS VSAM 185 virtual disks 13 SHORT subcommand, when to use 86 simulated data sets filemode number of 4 55 format 130 size of CftS file maximum 43 relationship to record length 75 of virtual storage in your virtual machine 223 406 IBft VM/370 CftS User's Guide skipping, lines in EXEC Frocedure 279 SLEEP command locking terminal keybcard 30 using on display terminals 341 SMSG command (CP) 27 sorting CftS EXEC 99 directories of DOS/VS libraries 163 directories of DOS/VSE libraries (5748-XX8) 163 spaCing-between lines of text (21!~=!!§) 324.11 special characters eMS editor handling 76 on 3270 terminals 349 3270 Text feature 352 special messages, controlling whether you receive them 26 special variahles, EXEC (§~~ EXEC special variables) specifying device type for FILEDEF command 132 filemode numbers, on tLEL and FILEDEF command 56 which records to read or write 246 splitting, CMS files intc smaller files 89 SPOOL command changing characteristics of unit record devices 113 spooling console output 342 spool files 113 controlling in job for CftS batch facility 231 determining status of 41,115 produced by CMS hatch facility, controlling 233 spooling hasic description 113 console output 342 multiple copies 114 SSERV command, examples 161 STACK, sutcommand, using in edit macros 317 stacking eftS commands, in EXEC procedure 291 command lines, after attenticn interruption 22 commands lines, with # (logical line end symhol) 7 EDIT subcommands 291 in edit macros 311 with REUSE subcommand 88 EXEC files in console stack 294 Immediate commands in EXEC procedure 287 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 last-in first-out in EXEC procedure 290 lines in console stack, in EXEC procedure 289 lines in EXEC procedure 107 limitations 289,314 null lines after attention interruption 22 in EXEC procedure 210,292 responses in EXEC procedure 289 AMSERV command 209 DLBL command 179 FILEDEF command 150 to CMS commands 107 START command after LOAD command 144 used with FETCH command 175 option of FETCH command 176 of LOAD command 144 starting, program execution in CMS 144 STATE command, used with OS data sets 129 STEPCAT, CMS equivalent 128 storage available in your virtual machine, calculated by CMS 177 STORE CP command, using to change program status word (PSi) 216 subcommand, changing storage locations 214 suballocated VSAM cluster, defining 206 submitting jobs to CMS batch facility 227 non-CMS users 236 substituting, variable symbols in EXEC procedure 268 summary of CMS commands 328 of CMS/DOS commands 154 of CP command privilege classes 333 of CP commands 334 of DEBUG subcommands 215 of EDIT subcommands 91 of EXEC built-in functions 103 of EXEC control statements 109 of EXEC special variables 112 of Immediate commands 327 suppressing long form of editor ?EDIT message 86 verification of changes made by editor 86 suppression of passwords on the command line 13,25,57 SVC instructions tracing with CP TRACE command 218 tracing with SVCTRACE command 219 SVC 202, used to call CMS command 241 SVCTRACE command, usage 219 symbolic addresses for tapes 118 symbols debug defining 214 using with DEBUG subcommands 214 logical line editing 6 used for comparisons in EXEC procedure 105 variable, in EXEC procedure (see variatle symbols) SYNONYM command, invoking syncnym tables 29 filetype, usage in CMS 48 synonyms, for CMS and user-written commands, defining 29 SYSCAT, assigning in CMS/DOS 190 SYSCLB assigning in CMS/DOS 157 unassigning 176 SYSIN assignin~ in CMS/DOS 157 input for ESERV command 163 SYSIPT, assigning in CMS/DOS 157 SYSLIB, ddname used to identify OS macro libraries 141 SYSLOG, assigning in CMS/DOS 157 SYSLST assigning in CMS/DOS 157 output from ESERV program 163 SYSPCH assigning in CMS/DOS 157 output from ESERV program 163 SYSRDR, assigning in CMS/DOS 157 SYSRLB, assigning in CMS/DOS 157 SYSSLB, assigning in eMS/DOS 157 system disk, files available 54 system logical units 157 SYSUT1 filetype 50 SYSUT2 filetype 50 SYSUT3 filetype 50 SYSUT4 filetype 50 SYSxxx option of DLBL command 159 programmer logical units assigning 156 assigning (~1~'§=]]'§) 156.1 Index 407 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 SISOOl filety~e SY5002 filetype 5YS003 filety~e SY5004 filety~e 5YS005 filety~e SY5006 filety~e 50 50 50 50 50 50 T tab characters deleted in user input area 350 entering in file being edited 76 using in edit macros 316 using on display terminals 349 settings, used by editor 77 TABSET subcommand, using in edit macros 316 TAPE command, examples 120 TAPEMAC command, use in tape label processing (2I~~=!!~) 122 tapes considerations for CMS/DOS users 156 controlling 118 density of, when to specify 123 for AMSERV, example 208 labels 121 end-of-tape processing (21~~=!!~) 122 end-of-volume processing (21~~=!!~) 122 error processing (21~~=!!~) 122 processing in CMS 156 processing in CMS (21~~=!!~) 121,133 processing in CMS/DOS (21~~=!!~) 122 processing in OS simulation (21~~=!!~) 122 reading 204 reading in CMS/DOS 197 used for AMSERV input and output 204 in CMS/DOS 196 TAPESL macro, use in tape label processing (21~~=!!~) 122 TAPn, symbolic addresses for tapes 118 TAPPDS command copying files from tapes 122 copying files from tapes (21~~=!!~) 122 use in tape label processing (21~~=!!~) 122 temporary disks, using for VSAM data sets 188 TERMINAL, command, setting logical line editing symbols 8 terminals characteristics, setting 28 commands te centrol communications 25 communication in EXEC procedure 284 disconnecting 26 display (§gg display terminals) input buffer (§g~ console stack) macros for communication 248 mode setting 22,30 display terminals 341 sample sessions 353 terms, OS, equivalents in CMS 128 408 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide testing arguments passed to EXEC procedure 274 EXEC procedure, using CMS subset 308 for null line entered in EXEC procedure 285 return codes from CMS commands 283 in EXEC procedure 284 variables symbols, using &IF control statement 276 TEXT assembler output ddname, overriding default definition 143 files created by assembler and language processors 48 link-editing in CMS/DeS 172 loading into storage 145 filetype usage in CMS 48 usage in CMS/DOS 49 text feature, for 3270 terminals 352 time information, displaying during EXEC processing 300 TO, operand of SPOOL command 115 TOF, token stacked when edit macro executed at top of file 313 TOF: message 66 tokens 100 with multiple variable symbols 269 TOP, subcommand, moving current line pointer to top of file 66 top of file executing edit macros 313 indication in file being edited 66 TRACE, command, usage 217 tracing output, printing 218 program execution 216 controlling trace 218 tracks entering extent information in terms of 198 number per cylinder on disk devices 199 TRANSFER command, moving reader files 116 transferring control in EXEC procedure &ERROR control statement 301 using &GOTO control statement 277 transient area CMS commands that execute in 58 creating modules to execute in 243 location in virtual storage 223 restrictions on modules executing in 243 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 translate tables defining input and output characters for 30 using on display terminals 349 translating, virtual storage to EBCDIC 219 translating output characters (~1!~=!!~) 324.13 transporting, VSAM data sets 208 TRUNC option of COPYFILE command, used to convert record formats 75 subcommand, setting right margin for input with editor 79 truncating data while changing lines with editor 79 input data while using editor 78 trailing blanks from fixed-length records 75 words in EXEC procedure 267 truncation, settings used by editor 79 TSOMAC MACLIB 140,169 TXTLIB command os linkage editor control statements supported 145 usage 145 files assigning entry point names 145 manipulating 145 filetype, usage in CMS 48 .embers, assigning names for 146 TYPE command, displaying CMS files 34 subcommand effect on current line pointer 65 using to restore screen display 346 U unassigning logical unit assignments in CMS/DOS 158 underscore characters in file being edited 78 using on OVERLAY subcommand 70 unique clusters, defining 206 unit record, devices 113 unresolved references, how CMS loader resolves 147 UPDATE control statement usage 253 filetype creating update files 252 usage in CMS 48 updating CMS file directories 57 source files 251 examples 255,256 UPtLOG filetype, usage in eMS 48 UPDTxxxx filetype, usage in CMS 48 UPSI byte, setting in CMS/DOS 178 operand, of CMS SET command, example 178 user catalog VSAM 200 in CMS/DOS 193 user file directory 56 user program area 223 executing programs and CMS commands 243 userid for your virtual machine 5 of eMS batch virtual machine 228 specifying for output spool files 114 user-written commands, creating 149 edit macros 320 v variable symbols compound 269 examples of substitution 268 how scanned 268 in EXEC procedure 101 comparing 105 using as counters 280 reading values from terminal 285 stacking in edit macrcs 312 variable-length EXEC files, considerations for writing edit macros 315 VARS operand of SREAD control statement 285 verification setting changing in edit macros 315 changing on display terminal 346 columns used by editor 69 VERIFY subcommand canceling editor displays 86 how to use 69 using in edit macros 315 verifying, execution of edit macros 315 Index 409 Pg. of GC20-1819-2 Rev March 30, 1979 by Supp SD23-9024-1 for 5748-XX8 virtual addresses for disks 12 for tapes 118 for unit record devic~s 113 storage (§~~ virtual storage) virtual disks (§~~ ~!§Q disks) definition 11 virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370) basic description 3 command summaries 328 components 3 environments 17 virtual machines definiticn 3 size 223 virtual storage addresses, calculating 212 CMS utilization 224 displaying 219 examining in debug environment 212 how CMS uses 223 increasing size 89 overlaying during program execution 243 specifying locations for program execution 243 used by editor, what to do when it is full 88 VM READ status, on display screen 341 VMFASM EXEC procedure 262 VMFDOS command (~1~!!=!!!!) 156 VM/370 (§~~ Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/37 0) ) vm/370 online 5 VSAM access method, CMS support 130 catalogs deleting 207 passwords 202 passwords in CMS/DOS 194 using in CMS/DOS 190 clusters defining 206 deleting 207 unique 206 data sets, manipulating with AMSERV command 181 files allocating space for 186 identifying multivolume 204 identifying multivolume in CMS/DOS 196 relationship to CMS files 43 410 IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide input and output files defining 197 defining in CMS/DOS 190 master catalog defining 199 defining in CMS/DOS 191 . identifying 199 identifying before executing programs 182 identifying in CMS/DOS 191 sharing 1 a5 multivolume extents specifying 204 specifying in CMS/DOS 195 option of DLBL command 197 of DLBL command, in CMS/DOS 190 programs, compiling and executing in CMS 181 user catalogs defining 200 defining in CMS/DOS 192 using in CMS 181 VSAPL program, invoking on display terminal 350 W wait bit, in program new PSW, modifying 220 WAITT macro, usage 250 warning messages, controlling whether you receive them 27 writing CMS files in EXEC procedure 296 with FSWRITE macro 246 CMS files onto disk disk determination 54 how editor selects disk 63 edit macros 311 error messages in EXEC procedure 306 labels on CMS disks 12 lines to terminal 250 specific records in CMS file 246 tape marks, examples 120 WRTERM macro, examples 250 ftarch 30, 1919 x DEBUG sUbco.mand, example 214 EDIT subcom.and, usage 81 ZONE subcommand setting truncation columns for CHANGE subcommand 19 specifying columns for editor to search 69 y Y subcommand, usage 81 Z ZAP filetype, usage in CMS 48 zone setting columns used by editor 69 increasing 19 1 19E virtual Y-disk 51 190 virtual accessed using to 191 virtual A-disk 51 192 virtual D-disk 51 disk address, accessed as disk address as S-disk 51 IPL CftS 6 disk address, accessed as disk address, accessed as 3 3210 terminals (§~~ disFlay terminals) Index 411 March 30, 412 IBM VM/370 eMS User's Guide 1979 READER'S COMMENT FORM Title: IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370: CMS User's Guide Order No. GC20·1819- 2 Please check or fill in the items; adding explanations/comments in the space provided. 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